Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Инвентарь двадцати королей навигации, стартовая предыстория Ван Луффи3


Адреса змісту:https://www.fansmtl.org/novel/inventory-of-twenty-


On the eve of the war, a mysterious projection descends on the pirate


Twenty king-level titles were publicly selected, and the starting point was

[Background King] Luffy.

Grandpa is a naval hero, father is the leader of the revolutionary army,

leader Yonko Red Hair, master Pluto Rayleigh…

As Luffy’s background was revealed, the other Supernovas became numb.

We are going to sea to be pirates, but you are completely experiencing

life as a rich second generation!

When king-level titles are revealed one after another, the world of pirates

is shaken violently!

Bucky: King of Luck? As expected of me!

Shanks: Face-saving? Haha, this inventory really gives me some face~

Kaido: Wait, who am I, the King of One Hundred Revelation? !

Kizaru: You actually said that I am the king of paddling? slander! This is

absolutely slander!

Luffy: The background king, the jail king, the harem king, the sit-up

king…are these all talking about me?

Sig: With a wine bottle in his hand and smashing the Yonko, and with his

feet stepping on the future Pirate King, who is the strongest in sailing? I

am the Thief King of Sig!


Chapter 141

inside the projection screen.

The dense barrage army is still passing by –

Warnima! This operation of Kebi is really disgusting!

He didn’t dare to stop any of the pirates from the Whitebeard Pirates, but

then he dared to do it when he came to Luffy? ! ! !

Who gave him the courage? Liang Jingru?

Haha, the reason why he dared to stand up and stop Luffy was because

he knew that Luffy would not kill him like other pirates?

If he stopped Luffy, the most he would do was get beaten up by Luffy,

but if he stopped other pirates, he would probably lose his life directly.

Mudd! But I won’t say anything if Coby dared to stand up and fight any

pirate from the Whitebeard Pirates before. The key is that he was so

scared and ran away before!

Fortunately, Kebi is not very strong and Luffy can kill him with just one

punch. Otherwise, if he had stepped forward this time, he would have

caused Luffy much trouble!

Co-author This is how Kirby treats his savior, right? !

And he has always regarded Luffy as his idol. Is this how you treat your

idol? ! ! !

Look at Bartolomeo next door, he is a real true love fan!

That is! I think Bartolomeo can even sacrifice himself without hesitation

to help Luffy, unlike Kobe, who just doesn’t help and only adds to the


I declare that Bartolomeo is the president of Luffy’s fan club!


【Bartolomeo: Huh? ! Did these barrages actually mention me? ! They

actually said that I am the president of the Luffy-senpai fan club. I was so

touched! ! !】

【Rocks D Jiback: Tsk, tsk, tsk~ This navy guy named Kirby is really a

white-eyed wolf.~】

【John: Isn’t it? Straw Hat saved him in the first place, but now he is

repaying him with kindness? !】

【Silver Ax: You said that if you were a coward, you could just keep

hiding in the back and not stand out. But he actually dared to come out

and stop the Straw Hat Kid? !】

【Wang Zhi: In order to save his elder brother, the straw hat boy risked

his life on this battlefield regardless of everything. In the end, the one

named Kebi was better…….He actually came over to stop him!】

【Shiki: If I were Straw Hat, I would definitely regret saving this guy and

then punch him to death on the spot!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ This time, I suddenly feel a little distressed. Why is

the boy with the straw hat coming?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, isn’t this the real-life version of the

farmer and the snake? How ironic~】

【Edward Newgate: What this little guy named Kerby did was indeed a

bit immoral.。】

【Shanks: Indeed, no matter what, he should never stand up to stop Luffy

who is desperately trying to save Ace.。】

【Gol D. Roger: Garp, the apprentice you brought out seems a little


【Monkey D. Cap:……】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

facing Kerby who suddenly stands up to block the way.

Luffy, who was anxious to save Ace, yelled at him several times.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of getting out of the way.

So he punched Kebi directly in the face.

Knocked him unconscious.

I don’t know how long it took.

Kebi finally woke up and turned around under Belumeb’s anxious call.

And not long after he woke up.

The navy has achieved absolute advantage in this top battle.

Firefist Ace and Whitebeard Edward Newgate died in battle.

The Whitebeard Pirates began to flee in panic.

The navy is taking advantage of the victory to pursue it.

There is a strong momentum to annihilate all the remaining members of

the Whitebeard Pirates.

That’s why.

The bloodshed and sacrifices on the battlefield did not decrease because

of the naval superiority.

Instead, it became more serious.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates were defeated and fled.

But their counterattack before death should not be underestimated.

More and more naval soldiers and pirates fell into a pool of blood.

Everyone seems to have become red-eyed.

The sounds of killing and screams were endless.

Lives are disappearing one by one.

Kirby looked at the scene in front of him.

Looking at the falling figures one after another.

I just feel like I’m in hell at the moment.

He couldn’t help but cover his head in pain.

And as time continues to pass.

Kebi suddenly felt many voices appearing in his ears.

It was the painful scream of the soldiers as they fell.

It is the desperate cry of those who are about to die.

It is the prayer from the heart of those who no longer want to fight……

Countless voices echoed in Kebi’s ears.

Kebi couldn’t help but cover his head tighter.

At the same time, big tears kept falling from the corners of his eyes.

He felt very painful at this moment.

He tried hard to block out the sounds.

But it can’t be done no matter what.

Bellumeb anxiously asked about Kerby’s situation.

But he had no time to care.

that’s all.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The Navy continues to pursue the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Akainu pursued Luffy, who had already passed out.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates stepped forward to stop Akainu.

He vowed to protect Ace’s brother to escape safely.

After a fierce battle.

Kuriel, the captain of the 10th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, fell at

Akainu’s feet.

And just as Akainu was preparing to pursue the victory.

The time to take Kuriel’s life completely.

Kebi suddenly rushed forward.

He opened his arms and stood in front of Akainu regardless of his own


At the same time he shouted hysterically:

“That’s it! ”

Kerby’s shouts immediately attracted the attention of countless people on

the field.

Akainu’s giant magma fist that was about to fall paused for a moment.

He looked at the young marine standing in front of him with a displeased

look. The soldier

was silent.

But Kirby continued to shout with tears streaming down his face:

“Stop fighting!”

“You are wasting your lives! ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel


“Every soldier has a family waiting for them to come home!”

“Our goal has obviously been achieved……”

“Why are you still chasing after the desperate pirates? !”

“Why cont

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] inue this

battle that can already be over? !”

“Why do we still ignore the deaths of those soldiers who can be saved

and continue to increase the number of victims? !”

“In this case……”

“Those soldiers who have fallen……”

“Aren’t you just like a fool? ! ! ! ”

Keby’s hysterical shouts echoed throughout the battlefield. At

this moment, he had already turned into a tearful person.

His body was still shaking due to fear.

But he still opened his arms to block Akainu. .

Protecting Kuriel behind him.

The scene freezes. The dense army of

barrages passes by again——


?????? What?! It would be understandable if he said this from the

perspective of other forces, but he is a fucking navy! His comrades and

other navy soldiers are all in A bloody charge, but he actually ran out at

this time and asked everyone to stop fighting?!!! Don’t fight anymore ! If

you want to fight, go to the dance studio to fight! (Dog head) Damn it!

The guy upstairs went to the wrong set Right?! (Dog Head) Kebi’s

shouting seems quite reasonable at first glance, but if you look carefully,

you will find that it is as outrageous as you want! Come on! What the

hell are you ? What a navy! Isn’t it natural for the navy to kill pirates?

What does it mean to pursue the pirates who are at the end of their rope?

Although I also sympathize with the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates,

but standing in the navy From the standpoint of the Navy, it is only

natural that the Navy pursues them! Isn’t the Navy’s duty to eliminate

pirates and maintain the peace of the sea? This is the remnant of the

Yonko Pirates, and they are all extremely vicious. If they are let go, who

knows how many troubles will happen? Good guy! Co-author Kirby is

just like a holy mother, right? I feel that the remnants of the Whitebeard

Pirates are so pitiful. He couldn’t bear to kill them all? Then has he ever

thought about how many innocent civilians would suffer and die in the

hands of these pirates if he let these pirates run away?! The life of a

pirate is life. The lives of those innocent civilians are not life, right?!

Civilian: Thank you so much for my riding on the horse! Isn’t Kebi’s

operation a proper holy bitch!? After this war, Kebi It can be said that it

has not helped the navy at all, but now it has started to fight against the

navy?! I can only say that it is really yours, deserter Wang Kebi! This

behavior is really the same as when he stood up to stop Luffy just now ,

exactly the same! Even if you take a step back, Kirby stood up to stop

Akainu this time because he didn’t want to see the naval soldiers who

had fallen and could have received treatment died in vain, but had he

ever thought about it?

……If the navy stops now and lets the remnants of the Whitebeard

Pirates run away, wouldn’t the deaths of those navy soldiers who have

been sacrificed before be in vain? !

Sometimes I really don’t understand what is going on in Kerby’s mind!

Does such a thing deserve to be called a soldier or a soldier? !

If this thing had been left until now, he could have been executed on the

spot just for his previous behavior as a deserter!

What’s more, his current behavior is not just as simple as being a

deserter, he is now blatantly disturbing the morale of the army on the

battlefield and disrupting the morale of his own soldiers!

Such behavior, even if it makes him die dozens of times, is not an


It’s okay for you to be a deserter because you are timid and cowardly, but

you still disturb the morale of the army. It’s really amazing!

For this reason, Kebi is definitely the deserter king! ! !

on the screen.

Thick barrages kept passing by.

Even across the 407 screen.

Everyone can also clearly feel the anger of those who posted the


【Kirby:? ? ? Damn it! I actually……Did something like this happen? ! !


【Monkey D. Cap: Ah this……Kebi, you are confused! ! !】

【Warring States: I seem to finally understand why the Tiandao

Inventory System gave the title “Desert King” to a new naval soldier.。】

【Crane: This behavior is indeed a bit bad…….】

【Porusalino: Well, this little guy……So awesome……】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ I really don’t understand this operation.~】

【Sakaski: Humph! Kirby, right? ! I remember you! After the Tiandao

inventory is over, I will marry you in person right away! If a guy like you

continues to stay in the navy, it will undoubtedly be a disaster!】

【Kirby:? ? ? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hello! Akainu, wait! No matter how much Kebi in the

video goes too far, it is just what happened in the future in the Tiandao

inventory video. Kebi in the real world has not done anything yet!】

【Sakaski: Haha, is this important? The important thing is that it has

been proven that he is such a deserter. Even if these videos are broadcast

in advance, he may not do it again when the war comes, but at some

point in the future, he will definitely still The true form of the deserter

king will be revealed and he will continue to do the same or even more

outrageous things as in the video!】

【Sakaski: So for a guy like this, it’s better to eradicate it in advance to

prevent him from causing catastrophe again in the future and causing

many negative effects on our navy!】

【Rocks Djibek: Ha���Ha ha! This time, I really agree with Akainu!】

【John: No matter which force would like a guy like this who always

helps the enemy deal with his own people, right?】

【Silver Ax: It would be fine if you were just a coward, but you ended up

being very tough when you helped the enemy deal with your own

people. I really don’t understand it!】

【Wang Zhi: I really can’t understand this guy’s operation, and I’m very


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ It’s no wonder that an ordinary rookie naval

soldier was selected as the “King of Deserters” by the Tiandao Inventory


【Kaido: Uh-huh~ I used to feel a little weird about this, but now it’s not

weird at all.~】

【Charlotte Lingling: This navy named Kerby really made me fully

understand the true meaning of the Virgin Bitch.~】


Chapter 142

Watching everyone in the Tiandao chat group criticizing him verbally.

Kebi’s mood at the moment can be described as quite complicated.

to be honest.

In fact, after watching the video just now, the barrage and everyone’s

comments about himself,

even Kebi himself felt that…

What he did in the video on top of the war……

Really stupid! ! !

How could you do such a stupid thing? ! Isn’t it my long-cherished dream

to become a navy who upholds justice and catches pirates ? But what did

he do during the battle on top in the video ? ! Wanted to be a deserter

because he was afraid of fighting. If it weren’t for the fact that he

happened to encounter General Akainu executing two other deserters on

the spot, I might have become one of them. I don’t know where to hide

anymore. And after returning to the battlefield. He himself was too timid

to charge into battle. He continued to choose to hide at the very back of

the battlefield. Did nothing. I just felt scared and shivering. Just the

above actions. Kerby felt that he was worthy of being a naval soldier.

This is completely contrary to the navy that I dream of becoming! And

it’s not just that. What’s even more outrageous is


He didn’t have the courage to fight the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But he actually dared to stand up and stop Luffy from rescuing his elder

brother Ace.

If Luffy hadn’t saved him in the first place.

He might still be working as a handyman for that fat old woman Arrita.

He is living a life in dire straits where life is worse than death!

As a result, during the war,

he actually stood up and tried to stop Luffy who was fighting desperately!

Is this really inappropriate thing about me just repaying kindness with

hatred? ! ! !

But fortunately, his strength is relatively weak,

so standing up this time did not have any impact on Luffy.

This may be considered a blessing in misfortune…….


What next? !

I actually did another stupid thing!

After all the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters fought desperately and

bloody battles, they

finally gained a hard-won advantage in this war.

He actually got out of his mind and

stood up to persuade his comrades to stop fighting? !

Stop chasing after those pirates who are at the end of their rope? !

That was an opportunity that countless navy soldiers had sacrificed their

lives for!

An opportunity to completely eradicate the Whitebeard Pirates, one of

the Yonko Pirates!

What does it mean to be a Yonko Pirates?

Kebi actually knew this very well.

If we can really eradicate all the Whitebeard Pirates in the top war.

It is definitely a great thing for ordinary civilians on this sea.

if that is the case.

No matter how much sacrifice the Navy makes, it is actually worth it!


It was because of the pain I felt on this battlefield,

because I couldn’t bear the painful wails and screams, and

because I couldn’t bear to see the lives passing away like this.

So he made such a stupid move!

to be honest.

Even Kirby felt that he was a little unreasonable in the video.


How could you be so stupid? ! ! !

What those barrages and the people in the Tiandao chat group were

saying were absolutely correct.

The title Tiandao Inventory System gave him was right.

He is indeed a deserter king!

this moment.

Kebi also cursed himself countless times in his heart.

I feel very guilty and ashamed.

At the same time, he also had some worries and fears in his heart. I

wonder what the Navy Headquarters will do with me

after this Tiandao inventory video is over ? General Akainu had just

angrily threatened to execute himself. Although Lieutenant General Garp

came forward to stop it. But thinking about it, I must be punished.

Whether I can continue to be a navy in the future is a question.


Think of this.

Kebi couldn’t help but feel a little heavier.

inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

after Kerby’s near-hysterical cries are heard.

The battlefield of Malinfando suddenly became surprisingly quiet.

Many navy soldiers seemed to have shaken looks on their faces.

The faces of the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates also showed a bit of


Obviously they didn’t expect it……

A naval soldier actually stood up and interceded on their behalf.

Akainu in front of Kebi was silent.

He looked seriously at the young naval soldier who stopped him.

After being silent for a long time, he finally spoke in a deep voice.:

“Who are you?.?”

“Another few seconds of my time wasted!”

“There is no need for a guy like you with bad views in the Navy! ”

There was a clear anger in Akainu’s voice.

And after he finished speaking,

he directly aimed his magma fist at Kebi without hesitation.


even deserters would be executed on the spot. Akainu

will never let go of the guy in front of him who confuses the people and

disturbs the morale of the army on the battlefield. The

terrifying magma fist, carrying a scalding heat wave,

is constantly attacking Kebi.

Kebi is at this moment. My heart was also filled with fear and despair.

I was about to die under General Akainu’s magma fist…….


next moment.

The scene suddenly freezes.

The cold mechanical sound sounded again. (To read exciting novels, go

to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Random question 2: Who saved Kirby from Akainu? ”

The cold mechanical sound fell.

Everyone in the Tiandao chat group immediately started discussing


【Monkey D. Luffy: Phew—it turns out someone rescued Kirby, okay,

okay! Just now I almost thought that Kebi was going to be killed directly

like this!】

【Rocks D. Jibek: Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Straw hat boy, you are such a heartless

fool. That navy soldier has repaid you with kindness and revenge, and yet

you are still worried about his safety!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yeah……it does not matter! Although Kebi is indeed

a bit timid, he is actually quite good.~】

【Kirby: Luffy-san……】

【Sakaski: Ha! Good guy? ! I think he is a good person to you pirates,

right? ! To countless Marines and civilians alike, what this guy did……He

can already be called a sinner!】


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] rusalino:

Well, Sakaski is really angry.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ After all, what that little guy named Kerby did in the

video happened to be all the behaviors that Sakaski hated the most.~】

【Sakaski: Humph! I feel a bit pity now. It seems that I in the video did

not execute the deserter king on the spot, but let him be saved by


【Bell Mabel: The man who can save Kirby from General Akainu……

Could it be Lieutenant General Garp? !】

【Sengoku: This really seems like something that old guy Garp can


【Crane: If Garp had taken action, he would have been able to stop

Akainu, but……】

【Monkey D. Karp: Huh? ! Crane, what are you doing here? Could it be

that you think I don’t have the ability to save Kerby from Sakaski? !】

【Crane: No, I mean……���When Ace was killed by Sakaski, and

when the Straw Hat boy was chased by Sakaski, you didn’t take any

action, so it stands to reason that even when Kirby was attacked by

Sakaski, you I won’t interfere.。】

【Monkey D. Cap:……It seems to be true!】

【Monkey D. Karp: But if not me, who can save Kerby from Sakaski? !】

【Rocks D. Jiback: Haha, I think it was the old guy Garp who did it. This

old guy is famous for being a calf protector. When Fire Fist Ace and

Straw Hat Boy were chased by Akainu, he was probably too late. Rescue,

but this time it might be different。】

【John: Hiss! This time I actually felt that what the old captain said

seemed to make sense!】

【Silver Ax: Indeed, after all, on that battlefield at that time, Garp

seemed to be the only one who had the strength to stop Akainu and was

willing to rescue the deserter king!】

【Wang Zhi: Apart from Garp, I really can’t think of any other possible


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ If that’s the case, wouldn’t the answer to this

question already come out? It’s definitely Garp!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ So, doesn’t this question become a scoring question


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, it’s good to give you points. This

time it’s my turn to get a point!】

【Rocks D Jibek: Haha, Lingling, you are thinking shit! This point

definitely belongs to me!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~Old captain, you are setting a flag

like this again that will get you slapped in the face~]

A group of people were talking about it.

The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, so be prepared!”






“The quizzes officially begin! ”

The mechanical sound fell.

A group of people immediately began to rush to answer the question.。

【Charlotte Lingling: Monkey D. Garp! (answer question)】

【Rocks D Jiback: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】

【Warring States Period: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】

【Shiki: Monkey D. Garp! (answer question)】

【Gol D. Roger: Monkey D. Garp! (answer question)】


【Shanks: Shanks! (answer question)】


Thousands of questions and answers messages continued to float through

the Tiandao chat group.

And almost 99% of the answers are “~Monkey D Garp”.

There is no other reason.

After everyone’s previous random analysis.

Most people have determined that the answer to this question is Karp。

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, Captain, I saw it very clearly just

now. I was the first one to answer successfully, and you were the second

one, behind me.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? grass! Why? ! I should obviously be the first! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Just based on the flag you just set

for yourself, old captain, don’t you deserve to be slapped in the face?~】

【Rocks D Jiback: Blanch! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Now that the matter has come to

this, then the points for this question……I will accept it without any

courtesy! 】


The prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again.。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”






“The quiz is over!”

“Congratulations to Shanks for answering correctly and earning 1


【Shanks: Hey, I got the answer right? This is really lucky~】

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? Mudd! What the hell is going on? ! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Lingling, what you just said has also come

true in your own body.~】

【John: Hiss! This slap in the face really came so unexpectedly.~】(Nuo

Le Zhao)

【Silver Ax: Sure enough, this Tiandao inventory system will slap

everyone who sets the flag arrogantly.~】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! Unexpectedly, it was Lingling’s turn to feel pain

in the face this time.~】

【Shiki: Wrong! Big mistake! Why does Lingling’s face hurt? Don’t forget,

Lingling was born with a steel balloon. She has rough skin and thick

flesh, and her face is not afraid of pain at all.~】

【Kaido: Ugh~ Shiki, what you said is really damaging.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ You old golden retriever is indeed as

eccentric as ever.~】

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? grass! Golden Lion, I want to kill you! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ Look, Lingling is in a hurry.~】

【Monkey D. Karp: Huh? so……In the video, the person who saved Kirby

from Akainu was actually not the old man, but the red-haired guy?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? ! Was it Shanks who saved Kirby? !】

【Kirby: I was actually……Red-haired Shanks was saved? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Good guy, Shanks, it turns out you saved this deserter

king! thing】

【Shanks: Haha, Captain Roger, to be honest, I didn’t expect that it was

really me. I just watched everyone answer Lieutenant General Garp, and I

didn’t have the chance to answer them at all, and it happened to be I

thought that I would appear in Marineland later, so I randomly guessed

my name. I didn’t expect that I actually guessed it correctly!】

【Shanks: I can only say……This Tiandao inventory system still gives me

a lot of face! Ha ha ha ha~】

【Gol D Roger: Haha, you can be fooled by this. You are indeed a bit

lucky, but……】

【Gol D. Roger: But you actually took action to save this deserter king,

you are really confused! 】.

Chapter 143

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

just when Akainu’s giant magma fist is about to hit Kirby and end his life.


A figure appeared in front of Kebi.

Holding a Western sword.

The blade of the sword moved horizontally.

Just blocked Akainu’s attack.

That body was wearing a black cloak.

A head full of red hair.

Except for the right hand holding the sword.

The sleeve on the other side was actually empty.

Apparently one-armed.

no doubt.

This suddenly appears and

saves Kirby from Akainu.

It is one of the famous Four Emperors –

Red-haired Shanks!

Shanks’ appearance

instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

The whole audience was astonished.

On the one hand, he was surprised by the arrival of the Yonko’s red hair.

On the other hand, it is also because

they did not expect…

As a pirate, Shanks actually rescued a navy soldier.

Just like they didn’t expect that

Kebi, a marine, would actually stand up and stop Akainu from killing the


Shanks stood in front of Kirby.

Turn your back to the other person.

He said in a deep voice:

“Well done, young navy man.。”

“Those few seconds of courage you risked your life for, no matter

whether it’s good or bad for the future……”

“But now, it has greatly changed the fate of this world! ”

The screen freezes.

The barrage army passes by –

Damn it! Shanks, you are confused!

I really don’t understand, why did Shanks save this deserter king?!!!

Yes, you said Shanks It’s not good to save anyone, but he saved a virgin

bitch and a deserter king!

Shanks also said that Kirby’s actions greatly changed the fate of the

world, and changed the hammer!

Yes, Kirby did change the fate of the world. , after all, if it weren’t for his

stupid operation, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates might have

been wiped out! Because of Kirby’s move, all the

pirates who could have been wiped out survived, making The frightened

civilians who could have been less burdened have to continue to be on

tenterhooks. Doesn’t this greatly change the fate of the world? Haha, I


you may not understand Shank 237’s true intention of saving Kirby~

Huh? Lou? How do you say this?

Hehe, you don’t understand this~

In fact, the real reason why Shanks saved Kirby was to cover Luffy’s

escape! (Dog Head) Shanks

said that Kirby has greatly changed the world The fate of Luffy actually

refers to the fact that he changed Luffy’s fate. If

you think about it carefully, when Kebi stepped forward just now, was it

just when Kizaru was about to attack Luffy again?

And Kebi suddenly made a fuss The movement caused Kizaru to cancel

the attack he had been charging for a long time, giving Luffy a chance to

escape. Although we all know that

Uncle Kizaru is actually one of our own, even without Kebi’s appearance ,

Kizaru would not really attack Luffy, but Shanks and the others didn’t

know that!

And because Shanks arrived late, he didn’t see the scene where Kirby

stood up to stop Luffy.

Therefore, in Shanks’ view, Kobe’s act of risking his life is actually buying

time for Luffy to escape, which means he is one of his own. And in this

case, as

Luffy’s leader, Shanks Of course, we have to save Kirby who helped Luffy.

Damn it! Is that so?!!!

I asked how Shanks would save Kirby for no reason, and they don’t know

each other.

And I I thought before that Shanks was exaggerating when he said that

Kirby changed the fate of the world. After all, the

few seconds Kirby fought for actually saved Kuriel of the Whitebeard

Pirates. Apart from that, it seemed to have no other effect.

But after the explanation upstairs, I realized that it turned out that what

Shanks said changed the fate of the world was because Kirby’s actions

paved the way for Luffy’s escape. It bought time!

And Luffy was someone Shanks had high hopes for. Changing Luffy’s fate,

in Shanks’ opinion, didn’t he change the fate of the world? Damn it! This

is really a word

. Awakening the dreamer!

So, if explained in this way, Shanks’s behavior of saving Kirby and the

words he said are not surprising! Indeed,

but I still feel……Shanks has no need to save Kerby (afcb) at all!

How great it would be if Kirby was killed by Akainu’s punch directly!

Alas, I am really disappointed that Kirby was not directly executed by

Akainu on the spot!

【Kirby:? ? ? ? ?】

【Shanks: Oh my goodness, that’s what I thought in the video!】

【Gol D. Roger: I’ll just say it! Shanks, how could you do such a stupid

thing as saving that deserter king? If it was because of a

misunderstanding and the Straw Hat boy, it wouldn’t be surprising,


【Edward Newgate: Although the deserter character of that little naval

guy is a bit unpleasant, I still have to thank him for saving Cooliel, gula

la la~】

【Sakaski: Humph! Damn red hair, you actually stopped me from

executing that deserter on the spot, what a nosy! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

with the appearance of Shanks and the red-haired pirates.

Under the influence of Shanks’ Face Fruit ability.

The war on top finally came to an end.

The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the fugitives from Impel

Down quickly left Marinevando.

The Navy Headquarters launched rescue and treatment for the injured.

Kirby got punched by Luffy before.

Therefore, he was treated as a casualty.

And during treatment.

Kebi suddenly found that he still seemed to be able to hear all kinds of


Just like before on the battlefield.

Regardless of the sounds in the ward.

Or the voice in Marinevando Square.

Or maybe it’s a sound from a farther location.

Kirby could hear it very clearly.

This made him feel very strange.

Even a little worried.

Until after some explanations from others.

Only then did he know……

It turns out that I accidentally awakened the Haki of knowledge and

knowledge among the three colors of Haki!

The scene is frozen here.

The barrage army passed by again—

damn it! The domineering power of seeing and hearing was actually

awakened by this boy Kebi!

This kid is really lucky, a blessing in disguise!

He obviously went all out to cau

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] se trouble

after the war, but in the end he got such a big benefit!

Mudd! You must know that Luffy has not yet awakened the Haki of

seeing and hearing color at this time, or he only learned it after Rayleigh

taught him. Why should he be better than him? !

How do I feel about Kerby’s protagonist aura?……Bigger than Luffy? ! ! !

is not that right? Luffy had been practicing under Garp’s demon training

for so many years when he was a child, and it took a lot of effort to

achieve the strength he has now. However, after only a few months of

training with Garp, Kebi had already transformed from a weak little boy

to a Became the current possessor of the domineering power of

knowledge and color!

Moreover, in just a few months, he has grown almost one meter taller,

which is outrageous! Those who didn’t know better thought he was a

giant! ! !

This treatment comparison……If Luffy is Oda’s biological son, then I

doubt that Kobi is Oda’s illegitimate son! ! !

【Monkey D Dragon: Huh? ! etc! Who is Oda? ! Why do these barrages

say that Luffy is his biological son? ! ! !】

【Monkey D Dragon: If Luffy is the biological son of this so-and-so Oda,

then who am I? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Karp: My dear, how come these barrages are floating, and

my grandson is lost in them? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? ! ! ! Could it be that I am not actually my

father’s biological child? ! Grandpa is not my biological grandfather

either? ! ! !】

【Monkey D Dragon: Luffy, what are you talking nonsense about? Don’t I

know if you are my biological child?】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! It’s really impossible to say for sure. After all,

you didn’t give birth to the child. You were just responsible for sowing

the seeds. But who can guarantee that the seeds will definitely be yours?


【John: Hahahaha! really! Only a woman can be 100% sure whether the

child is her biological child, but men are really not sure.~】

【Silver Axe: Maybe this Oda that the barrage mentioned was cheating

on you without you knowing it.~】

【Wang Zhi: Huh! I seemed to see a huge green grassland on the dragon’s


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ Is this thing so exciting? It’s so exciting!】

【Monkey D Dragon:? ? ? ? ? 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

with the war on top officially over.

The screen also started to switch quickly.

Kerby did not receive any punishment for his outrageous actions during

the War on the Top.

Continue to practice and train with Garp.

The strength is getting stronger and stronger. (To read exciting novels, go

to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not only that.

Kerby after the war can even be described as a meteoric rise.

Military ranks continue to rise.

In just two years.

He has been promoted from an ordinary Cao Commander

to a Colonel.

Equivalent to the status of a naval captain.

Not only that.

Kirby also joined the Navy’s special secret force SWORD.

became one of them.

Later during the Rocky Harbor Incident.

Kirby was also responsible for protecting a large number of civilians.

Earned the title of “Hero”.

Fame soared.

The camera keeps switching.

Time soon came after the World Government announced the abolition of

the Shichibukai system.

The navy sent a large number of troops.

The troops were divided into several groups to encircle and suppress

several deposed King Shichibukai at the same time.

Kerby is responsible for leading one of the teams.

Head to Nine Snake Island.

Encircle and suppress “Pirate Queen” Boya Hancock!

The picture freezes.

The dense army of barrages passed by again—

fuck! How dare Kebi touch the Porcelain Empress? ! ! !

With the strength of the empress, wasn’t Kebi looking for abuse in the

past? !

When I saw that Kebi was leading the team to encircle and suppress the

Empress, I felt relieved. After all, there was no threat.

If Kebi really captures the Empress, then Luffy can’t teach him how to be

a good person?

Luffy: How dare you touch my woman? !

Luffy: You guys are really capable!

Not to mention Luffy, if Garp knew that the person Kebi was going to

capture was actually his granddaughter-in-law, he would probably blow

off Kebi’s head.

Having said that, after the war at the top of Kebi, not only was he not

punished, but his military rank was promoted very quickly. I really didn’t

expect this!

Who says otherwise? In just two years, Kebi actually reached the rank of

colonel. This is the same military rank as when Smoker was in Rogge


Two years of co-writing Kirby is worth what Smoker has done for

decades? ! ! !

Although Smoker was promoted so slowly because he was too aggressive

and often disobeyed orders from his superiors, Kebi’s promotion speed

was still quite exaggerated!

That’s right, if Smoker’s level is slow because he stabs his head, then Tina

who was at the same time as him doesn’t have his head stabbed, right?

Wasn’t he just a colonel when he first appeared on the scene?

Therefore, Kebi’s promotion speed is as fast as cheating!

And he actually won the title of a hero, and this title was for Garp!

How can Kebi, the deserter king, be called a hero? !

Although he did save many civilians during the Rocky Port incident,

what about his actions in the War on Top can be called a hero? !

This is indeed quite incredible!

False Protagonist: Luffy.

The real protagonist: Kirby.

Vomited! Vomited!

The video continues to play –

a big battle begins on Nine Snakes Island.

Hancock is one of the veteran King Shichibukai.

Quite powerful.

The strength of the female warriors on Nine Snake Island is not weak


So the battle was extremely fierce.

Even the Navy also dispatched two Seraphs.

There is still nothing he can do about Hancock.

Kirby kept shouting at Hancock.

I hope the other party can give up resistance.


This is obviously impossible.

And just when the two sides were fighting fiercely.

On the sea not far from Nine Snake Island.

Suddenly a pirate ship appeared.

It is rapidly approaching Nine Snake Island.

The picture freezes.

The cold mechanical sound sounded again。

“Random question 3: Which pirate group is coming to Nine Snakes Island

at this moment? ”.

Chapter 144

“Random question 3: Which pirate group is coming to Nine Snakes Island

at this moment? ”

The mechanical prompt tone fell.

Everyone immediately started a discussion in the Tiandao chat group


【Poya Sundar Sonia: What? ! There are actually other pirate groups

coming to Kuja Island while the navy is at war with us? Are you trying to

take advantage of the situation? ! ! !】

【Boya Marigrud: Damn it! Which pirate group wants to take advantage

of our Nine Snakes Island? ! Sister, after we know the answer later, we

will definitely not be able to spare them! ! !】

【Boya Hancock: Sanda Sonia, Mary Grudd, you two don’t get excited, in

case anyone in the video comes to Nine Snakes Island……It’s Luffy and

his pirate group.~】

【Boya Hancock: Maybe Luffy learned that the navy was going to attack

me, so he came all the way to save me.~】

【Poya Sundar Sonia: Yeah…….What one sister said makes sense!】

【Boya Marigrud: The people who came to Nine Snakes Island in the

video are not necessarily the enemies taking advantage of the situation.

They could also be Luffy and others~。】

【Boya Hancock: Well, that must be the case – right!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Ah, is that pirate group that appears in the video us?

It doesn’t seem impossible. After all, Hancock has helped me a lot. If she

is in trouble, I will definitely help her!】

【Boya Hancock: Ah~ Luffy said he would definitely come to save me! Is

this the legendary……Confession? ! ! !】

【Boya Hancock: With Luffy’s words, I am so happy that I can die

without regrets! ! !】

【Granny New: Oh, She Ji’s love brain is really terrible…….】

【Porusalino: So this is the legendary love brain? Finally got to see it~】

【Kuzan: Alala~ But Boya Hancock’s guess is not impossible. The pirate

group that appeared in the video is indeed very likely to be the Straw


【Sengoku: Well, so the answer to this question is probably the Straw Hat


【Crane: Of course, we still can’t rule out the possibility that there are

other pirate groups who want to take advantage of the situation and rob

Kuji Island.。】

【Flying Squirrel: But those who dared to intervene in the battle between

the Navy and Kuji Island, and were able to safely cross the windless zone

to Kuji Island, must be at least a Shichibukai-level pirate group, right?】

【Jiaji: Indeed, if they don’t have this strength, then they will simply die

if they come to take advantage of the situation.。】

【Dauberman: If this is the case, then there are actually not many

answers to choose from. After all, there are not many pirate groups with

strength above the level of the Shichibukai.。】

【Ghost Spider: Not only that, in fact, those King Shichibukai can be

excluded. After all, like Boya Hancock, they are currently being encircled

and suppressed by the navy, and they have no time to take advantage of

the situation.。】

【Huo Shaoshan: Indeed, those Shichibukai have too much time to take

care of themselves, and there is no way they would come to Nine Snakes

Island at this time.。】

【John: That is to say……The answer to this question, besides possibly

being the Straw Hat Pirates, can it only be the Yonko Pirates?】

【Silver Ax: Well, that’s really the only possibility.。】

【Wang Zhi: Unless there is really something unimaginable, the Pirates of

the Rotten Fish and Shrimps dare to come to Nine Snakes Island to die at

this time, otherwise this analysis is absolutely correct.。】

【Rocks Djibek: Good! ! ! Since there are only a few possible options,

wouldn’t it be that the possibility of me scoring has been greatly

increased! ?】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~Old captain, you are thinking about shit


【Kaido: Uh-huh~ But the old captain has made some progress this time,

and he didn’t talk so full of words.~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Didn’t even the old captain set a 100% flag for

himself? Then I have to restrain myself this time and answer it


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Lingling, are you afraid of being slapped

in the face last time? 】

Amidst the heated discussions among a group of people.

The prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system soon sounded again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, please be prepared。”






“The quizzes officially begin! ”

As the Tiandao prompt tone fell,

everyone rushed to answer the question in the Tiandao chat group.。

【Boya Hancock: Luffy! ! ! (answer question)】

【Rocks D. Gibek: The Straw Hat Pirates! (answer question)】

【Sengoku: Straw Hat Pirates! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Beast Pirates! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Lingling: Big Mom Pirates! (answer question)】

【Marshall D. Teach: The Blackbeard Pirates! (answer question)】

【Shanks: The red-haired pirates! (answer question)】

【Bucky: Bucky Pirates! (answer question)】

【Shanks: Huh? Bucky? Are you here to join in the fun?~】

【Bucky: What? ! Shanks, what are you talking about? ! Why do you

mean I’m here to join in the fun? ! Don’t forget, I will also be one of the

Four Emperors in the future! ! !】

【Bucky: Didn’t you just say it yourself? Apart from the Straw Hats, the

answer to this question can only be the Yonko Pirates, so my pirate group

is naturally one of the possible answers!】

【Shanks: Haha, what you said does make sense, but don’t forget……At

this time in the video, you have not yet become the Yonko, but

are the King of the Shichibukai just like Boya and Hancock.~】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ Not only that, this red-nosed kid seemed to be

being chased by Crocodile at that time to collect debts, right?】

【John: Hahahaha! That’s right, and he was even beaten up by


【Silver Ax: So even though he will be one of the Four Emperors in the

future, the answer to this question cannot be him.。】

【Bucky:? ? ? Damn it! Careless! I actually forgot about this! If I had

known this was the case, I might as well have tried answering the Straw

Hat Pirates’ question!】

【Rocks D Jibek: Haha, kid, stop dreaming! The first person to answer

the question about the Straw Hat Pirates is me. There is absolutely no

way you can beat me!】

【Boya Hancock: Nonsense! The first one is obviously my concubine!】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Would you like to stop looking at what your

answer is? This question was about which pirat

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] e group, but

you only answered “Luffy”. In your eyes, Straw Hat is the only one in the

Straw Hat Pirates, right?】

【Boya Hancock: Huh? Is not it?】

【Poya Sundar Sonia:……】

【Boya Marigrud:……】

【Granny New:……It’s over! Wasted! She Ji’s love brain is too serious!】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Speaking of which, I have to thank her for

her love brain, otherwise I might not be the first to answer the question

“Straw Hat Pirates”, hahahahaha~】

【John: It’s over. The old captain seems to be getting carried away


【Silver Ax: Old Captain, why are you so happy so early? The answer to

this question is not necessarily the Straw Hat Pirates.。】

【Wang Zhi: Originally, I thought the answer to this question was more

likely to be the Straw Hat Pirates, but for some reason, as soon as I saw

the old ship getting carried away, I felt that the answer to this question

was definitely not the Straw Hat Pirates. Group together。】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Maybe the answer is actually my Beasts Pirates?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ It’s not impossible for me to have

the Auntie Pirates~】

【Shanks: Yeah……I actually think it’s unlikely that our red-haired

pirates will be around~]


The Tiandao reminder sounds again。

“There are only five seconds left to answer the question. Those who have

not yet answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible.。”






“The quiz is over!”

“Congratulations to Marshall D. Teach for the correct answer and a


【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kaido:? ? ? ? ?】

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? ? ?】

【Boya Hancock:? ? ? ? ?】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! I was wrong again? ! ! ! Damn it, when will I get

the answer right for once? ! !】

【Kaido: My dear, the answer to this question is actually the Blackbeard

Pirates? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: This answer is really beyond my expectation…….】

【Edward Newgate: It’s this bastard Teach? !】

【Boya Hancock: What? ! In the video, it’s not Luffy who comes to Nine

Snakes Island, but this disgusting Blackbeard? ! ! !】

【Boya Sandsonia: Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach is a guy who can

ruthlessly kill even his former comrades in the Whitebeard Pirates. He

must be up to no good when he comes to Nine Snakes Island!】

【Boya Marigrud: You don’t need to think about it to know that the

Blackbeard Pirates are definitely here to take advantage of the


【Marshall D. Teach: Hahahaha~ I think what you said makes sense.~】

【Boya Hancock: Humph! What a disgusting man, actually trying to

invade Nine Snakes Island? Do you really think that I am the kind of soft

persimmon who can be manipulated by others? !】

【Granny New: If it were normal, we on Nine Snake Island might not be

afraid of the Blackbeard Pirates, but the situation in the video……We still

have to fight against the navy’s massive combat power. If the Blackbeard

Pirates are added to the mix, the situation may not be optimistic…….】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera zooms in.

The appearance of the pirate ship off the coast of Nine Snake Island

clearly appeared in the picture.

The pirate flag hanging on it.

It is undoubtedly the symbol of the Blackbeard Pirates!

Blackbeard led several cadres including Katrin Dieme and Basque Choate

to land on Nine Snake Island.

As soon as they started, they eliminated many naval soldiers gathered

around Nine Snakes Island. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel



Blackbeard looked up to the sky and laughed:

“Thief hahahaha!”

“What a great opportunity!”

“One Piece Queen’s Devil Fruit Ability……”

“I accepted it! ! !”

“Thief hahahaha~”

Blackbeard laughed.

He led a few cadres towards the depths of Nine Snakes Island.

The scene was frozen here.

A dense barrage army passed by –

Damn it! Blackbeard actually killed the hunter Have all the targets of

Devil Fruit abilities been set on the Empress?! He

actually wants the Empress’s Devil Fruit abilities. Blackbeard’s ambition

is really big! Luffy

, your wife is in danger, come back quickly and rescue her!

Empress: Lu Fly, the family is in danger, come back soon!

But to be honest, I am actually quite curious. Even if Blackbeard takes

away the Empress’ Devil Fruit ability, who will use it? Yes, although the

Empress’ Sweet Fruit ability is powerful, but That’s also because it is

paired with the empress’s stunning beauty!

If the sweet fruit is placed on an ordinary-looking person, its power will

definitely be greatly reduced.

Not to mention those in the Blackbeard Pirates Cadres, all of them look

crooked and angry, and Tiantian’s fruit ability is simply not suitable for


Indeed, there is really no good-looking person in the Blackbeard Pirates.

This Tiantian Even if the fruit ability is given to them, no one can exert

its true power! Could it be that

Blackbeard wants to keep the sweet fruit ability for himself?!

Damn it! Blackbeard uses the sweet fruit ability himself ?! Isn’t that so

fucking explosive?!

It’s hard to imagine what Blackbeard would look like if he used his sweet

fruit ability?! Just

imagine, Blackbeard is wearing a cute and sexy outfit wearing a pink

miniskirt, standing there in a pretty girlish pose, showing you my heart

with both hands, winking at you, and then shouting to you with a

smile…….Mero Mero Mero~ (dog head)

vomited –


Mudd! Are you the devil upstairs? ! ! !

You actually described it in such detail, I can’t help but have pictures in

my mind!

I can’t help but feel sick when I think of that scene!

The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it!

Just thinking about it makes my eyes irritate!

Blackbeard: Surrender to my beauty! Mero Mero Mero~ (dog head)

Blackbeard: No matter what I do, I will be forgiven, because I……

beautiful as godness! (dog head)

Ouch! ! !

vomit! ! !

“vomit! ! !”

【Kaido: Ugh! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Ugh! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Ugh! ! !】

【Shanks: Ugh! ! !】

【Marshall D. Teach:? ? ? ? ? 】

PS: Recommend a friend’s new pirate inventory book

《The dead nicknames of the Pirate Club are exposed, the three seafood

generals! 》

He is also a veteran at writing inventory articles

. Interested readers can check it out.

Chapter 145

this moment.

Whether it’s the barrage floating across the projection screen.

Or in the Tiandao chat group.

All of them heard the sound of “vomit”.

no doubt.

The “beautiful” scenes shown in the previous barrage.

Success disgusted everyone present.

Including Blackbeard himself.

Don’t talk about other people.

Even he himself is the same.

Just think of the scene described in the previous barrage.

Wearing a pink short skirt, she

made various enchanting expressions and postures,

and shouted “Mello, Mero, Mero” coquettishly.”…

The thought of this.

Blackbeard couldn’t help but feel sick in his heart!

inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

the camera returns to Kebi and the Empress.

Kirby still kept persuading Hancock.

You want the other party to give up resistance and actively surrender.

Naturally, Hancock would not agree.

A large number of naval soldiers came up again.

She directly activated the Sweet Sweet Wind.

For a moment.

Navy soldiers present.

Everyone except Kirby was petrified!

Not only that.

The officers of the Blackbeard Pirates who happened to come from afar

were also unfortunate enough to fall prey to the Empress’s sweet wind.

All petrified on the spot.


Blackbeard, however, used his Darkness Fruit ability to hide away.

Not only that.

He also took advantage of Hancock not paying attention.

Use your own dark fruit ability.

Quietly, he approached “563” and approached the other party.

Then suddenly it exploded.

One hand directly grabbed Hancock’s neck.

The ability of the Dark Fruit has a natural restraint effect on Devil Fruit


So when Blackbeard grabbed his neck.

Hancock lost his ability to resist.

He could only let the other party grab his neck and lift him up.

At this moment, Kebi was sitting helplessly in front of the two of them.

He seemed a little surprised.

I didn’t expect the Blackbeard Pirates to arrive.

Blackbeard takes control of Hancock.

He also laughed and turned around to say hello to Kebi.

If it weren’t for his help in the first place.

He would not have captured Beehive Island so smoothly.

Turned Beehive Island into the headquarters of the Blackbeard Pirates。

【Wang Zhi:? ? ? Damn it! what’s the situation? ! Isn’t that Beehive

Island my territory? ! Why did it suddenly become that Blackbeard’s

headquarters? ! ! !】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Wang Zhi! I found that you are really thick-

skinned. Why do you mean that Beehive Island is your territory? ! That’s

obviously my territory, right? ! ! !】

【Marshall D. Teach: Hahahaha~ I don’t think you have any need to

fight over this, because it won’t be long before it belongs to me! Thief


【Wang Zhi:? ? ? ? ?】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ?】

【Wang Zhi: Fuck! This black beard is really arrogant!】

【Rocks D Gibek: I feel the same way! I really want to fuck him hard!】

【John:? ? ? ? ?】

【Silver Ax:? ? ? ? ?】

【Shiki: Good guy! Old Captain, what kind of nonsense are you talking

about? ! ! !】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ The old captain must have been excited after reading

the barrage description of Blackbeard’s ability to use the sweet fruit,

right? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ I didn’t expect that this is what

the old captain was good at! No wonder he would say such arrogant


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Old captain, your taste is really

good……So chic~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ? 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after a few brief greetings with Kerby.

Blackbeard started talking to Hancock again.

The content of the conversation was nothing more than Blackbeard’s

triumphant ridicule.

Then he said he had a headache now.

Originally, he wanted to take away Hancock’s abilities.

But now even several of his subordinates have been petrified by the other


Only Hancock himself can unravel these petrifications.


even if Blackbeard takes away the opponent’s ability,

he will be powerless.

So for a while.

The scene seemed to be somewhat stagnant.

Kirby was also anxiously trying to stop Blackbeard from attacking


Because there were hundreds of petrified naval soldiers behind him.

They need to wait for Hancock to help them unpetrify.

Facing Kirby’s persuasion.

Blackbeard said that

if he let Hancock go now.

The other party will definitely not obey and do as he is told.

Instead, it will become a big trouble.

I’m not that stupid yet。


“Let’s just kill her! ”

Blackbeard pinched Hancock’s neck with one hand.

A hideous smile appeared on his face.

As soon as he said this,

Marigrud, Sanda Sonia, Kebi and others couldn’t help but become


And just then At this time,

the picture freezes again.

The cold sound of Heavenly Dao sounds.。

“Random question 4: Who saved Hancock and forced Blackbeard back? ”

The words fell.

Everyone also began to discuss in the Tiandao chat group。

【Poya Sundar Sonia: Was my sister rescued? Very good! Just now I

almost thought my sister was really going to be killed by that black


【Boya Marigrud: Yeah! My heart was almost in my throat just now!

Fortunately, it was just a near miss!】

【Granny New: But……Who will save the snake girl?】

【Edward Newgate: If he could save Boya Hancock and force Blackbeard

back under such circumstances, that person would definitely not be


【Boya Hancock: Luffy! It must be Luffy who comes to save me! ! !


【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Is it me? ! It seems possible……】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! Is the possible answer to this question another

Straw Hat guy? Why don’t I believe it? I suffered from this kid in the last


【Kaido: Well, actually, I think the answer to this question is unlikely to

be Straw Hat. With his strength, he shouldn’t be able to do this!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, I think so to

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] o!】

【Gol D. Roger: But besides Straw Hat, is there anyone else who will

come to save Boya Hancock?】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Boya Hancock has always been a

loner. Except for the people of her country, she hardly seems to have

good relations with anyone else.。】

【Moonlight Moria: Having said that, I really can’t think of anyone who

would be willing to go to Nine Snake Island to rescue her at this


【Shiki: If that’s the case, then it seems that the only reliable answer to

this question is the Straw Hat Kid…….】

【Monkey D. Karp: Nonsense! Don’t you think it’s very possible for me?

After all, Boya Hancock is now the granddaughter-in-law of our old

Monkey family! As a grandfather, it seems reasonable for me to save my

granddaughter-in-law, right?】

【Warring States: Hey! Garp, you still have the nerve to say this? ! Now

the navy is encircling Boya Hancock. As a navy, you actually want to

rescue her? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Humph! It is only right for grandpa to save his

grandson’s wife!】

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! yes! How could I forget this? !】

【Kaido: Yes, indeed……Although Straw Hat doesn’t have this strength,

his grandfather Garp definitely does.。】

【Charlotte Lingling: In comparison, I think Garp’s answer is more

reliable than Straw Hat! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel


【Boya Hancock: No way! I believe it must be Luffy who comes to save

me! ! !】

【Granny New: Oh……She Ji’s love brain is really hopeless…….】

After some discussion.

The prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system soon sounded again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, please be prepared。”






“The quizzes officially begin!”

【Boya Hancock: Monkey D. Luffy! (answer question)】

【Warring States Period: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】

【Rocks D Jiback: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】

【Gol D. Roger: Monkey D. Garp! (answer question)】

【Monkey D Luffy: Monkey D Luffy! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】


【Silbazraeli: Silbazraeli! (answer question)】

【Shaki: Silbarz Raeli! (answer question)】


【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! I just seemed to see……That old dog from the

Warring States Period answered the question faster than me? ! ! !】

【Shiki: Fuck! The old dog of the Warring States Period, while

condemning Garp’s behavior, answered faster than anyone else. What a

dog! ! !】

【Monkey D. Karp: Indeed, Warring States, as a person involved, I

strongly condemn you!】

【Warring States Period:……】

【Gol D. Roger: Hey~ I suddenly discovered……Lei Li and Xia Qi, your

answers seem to be different from others?】

【Silbarz Reilly: Haha, Roger, I just came to join in the fun.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Huh? its not right! Damn it! I suddenly remembered,

wasn’t Xia Qi the king of Amazon Lily before? ! She is also from Nine

Snake Island!】

【Xia Qi: Haha, Roger, you have a really good memory.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hiss! In other words, with Xia Qi’s relationship, if he

learns that Nine Snakes Island is in trouble, there’s no way that old guy

like you, Rayleigh, can sit idly by and do nothing!】

【Silbarz Reilly: Haha, Roger, you are right, you are indeed my good old


【Jabba Scribbar: Warnemar! It really is! Why did you forget about this

old guy Rayleigh? ! He is also one of the likely candidates for the answer

to this question!】

【Silbarz Reilly: Hahahaha, there’s no need for you to be so excited,

right? The answer may not necessarily be me~】

【Boya Hancock: Humph! The answer to this question must be Luffy, I

have no doubt about it! 】

Soon 0……..

The cold Tiandao reminder sounded again。

“There are only five seconds left to answer the question. Those who have

not yet answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible.。”






“The quiz is over!”

“Congratulations to Silbarzraeli for answering correctly and earning one


【Silbarz Reilly: Hahahaha! I didn’t expect it was really me. What a

coincidence. It really wasn’t me.~】

【Warring States: Fuck! How could the answer to this question be that

guy Rayleigh? ! Shouldn’t it be Garp? ! ! !】

【Boya Hancock: What? ! The person who came to save me was not

Luffy, but Rayleigh? ? ?】

【Silbarz Reilly: Haha, Hancock, I am the one who came to save you. I

seem to be very disappointed with you~2.9】

【Boya Hancock: As long as the person who comes is not Luffy, I will be

disappointed! ! !】

【Warring States: Damn it! I am very disappointed now too! Why is the

answer to this question not Karp? ! The points for this question should

belong to me! ! !】

【Rocks D Jibek: Haha, who made you, an old dog, such a dog? This is

all your retribution, hahahaha~】

【Warring States Period:……】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

just as Blackbeard threatens to kill Hancock.


A powerful domineering force suddenly invaded from the side!

There were even a few flashes of black lightning faintly flashing through

the air.

That’s the sign of the overlord’s domineering entanglement!

came along with it.

There is also an old but energetic voice。

“The naval siege was expected.。”

“I just didn’t expect it……”

“Even the island was deformed…….”

Along with this voice came.

Everyone on the field turned their attention to the direction from which

the sound came.

I saw it not far away in that direction.

An old man with silver hair and a gray-white cloak

was holding a half-unsheathed long sword and

walking slowly towards this side with a serious expression.

on its entire body.

The overbearing and domineering black thunder keeps wandering


The breath is extremely powerful!

He is the former vice-captain of the Roger Pirates and the right arm of

the Pirate King.——

“Pluto” Rayleigh!!!.

Chapter 146

in the screen.

With Rayleigh’s shining debut.

The expressions of everyone on the field suddenly changed.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Reilly glanced at Hancock with a smile.

Wen Wen said:

“Sorry, I’m late, Hancock. ”

And then,

the expression on the right wrist of the Pirate King suddenly became

serious again.

His whole body was filled with powerful aura and coercion.

He turned to look at Blackbeard. He

said in a deep voice:

“Hello! The trainee brat from Whitebeard!”

“Although it’s a bit childish to say this……”

“But I really don’t like you that much! ”

While saying this,

Rayleigh slowly pulled out another section of the sword in his hand.

Opposite him,

Blackbeard had a look of horror on his face.

A drop of cold sweat slowly dripped from his forehead. Falling down.


Blackbeard is still quite afraid of Rayleigh.

On the side,

Kebi looked at Rayleigh blankly.

His face was also full of surprise.

The field seemed to become a little silent for a while.

There was a short pause. Afterwards,

Rayleigh looked at Hancock again.

He slowly said:

“Hancock, please unpetrify them.。”

“I am here to be a witness, no one can do anything small!”

“Get off this island! ! ! ”

This last sentence.

Rayleigh’s tone can be said to be quite serious.

And his words

were obviously meant for Blackbeard, Kirby and others.

The picture freezes.

A dense barrage army passes by –

holy shit! Rayleigh is so handsome!

Awesome! The way Rayleigh appears is so awesome!

He really deserves to be the right arm of the Pirate King, Rayleigh the

King of Hades!

So handsome! How can an old man like Rayleigh be so handsome?!

Ah! I’m already I’m obsessed with the old man at the door!

When Rayleigh appeared this time, his clothes were not as wet as 08. It

seems that he didn’t swim from the sea this time~ (dog head) I have to

say that

although Rayleigh’s teaching ability is not very good, he is still playing In

terms of handsomeness and pretentiousness, he is definitely the top one!

That’s right! Ever since Rayleigh first appeared at the auction of the

Chambord Islands, every time he appeared and made a move, he was full

of talent!

So, Rayleigh Although Li is a mediocre teacher, he is indeed a forced


【Silbarz Reilly: I don’t know why, although these barrages are

complimenting me, I still seem to feel offended…….】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Rayleigh, I’m afraid you’ll never be able to

get around the fact that you misled your disciples in this life~]

Inside the projection screen.

Video continues –

See Reilly speak.

Blackbeard, who had some scruples about it, had no choice but to

honestly agree to this condition.

Reluctantly, Hancock was let go.

Hancock de-petrified everyone in the Navy and the Blackbeard Pirates.

Originally arrived here.

The navy and the Blackbeard Pirates should leave Kuja Island as agreed.

But at this moment.

Blackbeard suddenly rose up again.

But this time his target is not Hancock.

But the hundreds of naval soldiers in the Navy.

Blackbeard and his men

easily captured a total of eight hundred naval soldiers.

I want to use this as a threat

to get the world government to recognize Beehive Island as a legitimate


Faced with such a situation.

Kirby stood up.

He expressed to Blackbeard that

he was willing to be exchanged as a hostage,

hoping that Blackbeard could release the 800 naval soldiers.

Hearing what Kebi said.

Blackbeard also thought about it.

I feel that Kebi’s current military rank is not low.

And he still wears the title of “hero”.

His status in the navy must be higher than that of the eight hundred

naval soldiers.

If he is used as a hostage,

the world government will be more likely to compromise.


After some thinking like this.

Blackbeard also readily agreed to Kebi’s proposal.

Release all 800 naval soldiers.

Only one person, Kirby, was captured。

【Monkey D. Luffy: Nani? ! Kebi was actually captured by that

Blackbeard guy in the future? ! ! !】

【Belumeb: It’s over! Will Kebi be okay? ! ! !】

【Warring States: Blackbeard wants to use Kirby as a hostage to threaten

the world government to recognize the legitimacy of Hive Island? Then

this is his wishful thinking.。】

【Crane: Yes, the SWORD force that Kirby will join in the future, because

of its very special nature, can be said to be an existence abandoned by

the world government.。】

【Polusalino: Hmm~ So, even if Blackbeard takes that Kirby back as a

hostage, it will have no effect at all.~】

【Kuzan: Alala~ It seems like this little guy may be in trouble.~】

【Monkey D. Garp: Humph! Kebi is my disciple. Even if the world

government doesn’t care about his life or death, there is absolutely no

way I can ignore him! It’s time for the Blackbeard Pirates to taste the

power of my Iron Fist!】

【Rocks D. Jiback: Tsk tsk tsk tsk~ So Garp, what you are saying is that

you are going to Beehive Island to rescue the deserter king?】

【John: Beehive Island is the base camp of pirates. Even if you go to

Garp, you may not be able to rescue him, right?】

【Silver Ax: If the person is not rescued, Garp, you are still stuck there,

that would be interesting, hahahaha~】

【Wang Zhi: Haha, indeed, let me tell you, that deserter king is not

worthy of being rescued at all. Garp, you better not bother.~】

【Monkey D. Garp: Humph! When did it become your turn to give me

advice on what I do? !】

【Belumeb: I support Lieutenant General Garp! We must rescue Kebi! !


【Skylark: That’s right! Kebi was voluntarily captured by Blackbeard in

order to save the eight hundred naval soldiers. He must be rescued! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Haha! This is true. Although this soldier named Kerby

did a lot of stupid things during the war, his willingness to step forward

and take the initiative to be a hostage in order to save the 800 naval

soldiers shows his courage. Quite admirable。】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Sure enough, no matter who he is, there

will still be something shining in him or her, of course…….Except for the

old captain~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Wa

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] rnima! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ Whitebeard, I didn’t expect you to be so harmful

to others.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I’m just stating a fact.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:%*!!!】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

that’s it.

Kerby was brought back to Beehive Island by Blackbeard and others.

And was imprisoned in a cell.

Originally, Kebi thought he had no hope of escaping.

After all, he knew it too. It is impossible for the World Government to

allow Blackbeard to recognize Beehive Island as a legal country

just because he is a member of the SWORD force . Therefore, Kebi did

not expect to regain his freedom. However, the scene in the video was

quickly frozen again. The cold mechanical sound of the Tiandao

inventory system sounded again

“Random question 5: Who rescued Kerby from the cell?”

【Kirby: Huh? ! Do I actually have a chance to be rescued? !】

【Belumeb: Great! It seems that there is nothing serious about your

future, Kebi!】

【Skylark: It must be Lieutenant General Garp! It was he who went to

Beehive Island to save Kerby! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

【Princegruss: Indeed! If you want to rescue Kirby from the base camp of

the Blackbeard Pirates, only Lieutenant General Garp can do it!】

【Sengoku: It’s not that only Garp can do it, but among the strong men

who can do it, Garp is probably the only one who is willing to save


【Crane: Well, the answer to this question doesn’t seem to be much


【Rocks D. Gibek: No suspense? In other words, this question is another

question for giving points? !】

【John: Hahahaha! I feel like the old captain became excited again after

hearing this.~】

【Silver Ax: The weather has cleared up and the rain has stopped, and

the old captain feels he can do it again~】

【Wang Zhi: It seems that the answer to this question will be a very

fierce hand speed competition.~】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ I’m ready and ready to go!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ I can’t wait to answer the


【Warring States: Hum! You pirates can’t even think of overtaking our


【Gol D. Roger: Haha! I don’t know if I can hope to get the first place this


With everyone waiting anxiously.

The Tiandao prompt sounded again soon。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, please be prepared。”






“The quizzes officially begin!”

【Kaido: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】

【Warring States Period: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】

【Rocks D Jiback: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Lingling: Monkey D. Garp! (answer question)】

【Monkey D Garp: Monkey D Garp! (answer question)】

【Gol D. Roger: Monkey D. Garp! (answer question)】


The moment the Tiandao prompt announced the start of answering


Countless messages popped up in the Tiandao chat group instantly.

All the answers are “Monkey D Garp”。

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! Isn’t this answer so scary that it’s so popular?


【Charlotte Lingling: I didn’t even see clearly who was the first to answer


【Kaido: I didn’t see it clearly either, the answers were all written up in

an instant!】

【Monkey D. Karp: Haha! I didn’t expect that I would be so popular.~】

【Warring States:? ? ? Garp, your old guy’s understanding is really


【Gol D. Roger: Since we haven’t seen who was the first to answer

successfully, we can only wait for the Tiandao Inventory System to

announce the results later.。】

【Rocks Djibek: Humph! I have a hunch that the points for this question

must belong to me!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~Old captain, I’m tired of hearing your big


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I can automatically block and ignore

these big words said by the old captain~]

After some discussion.

The cold mechanical prompt sounded in the ears of everyone in 990


“There are only five seconds left to answer the question. Those who have

not yet answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible.。”






“The quiz is over!”

“Unfortunately, no audience member answered this question


【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kaido:? ? ? ? ?】

【Warring States:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? ? ? 】

The moment the answer results were announced.

Everyone who was still looking forward to it was suddenly stunned.

they thought……

The answer to this question is definitely Garp.

And because I didn’t see clearly who was the first to answer successfully.

So everyone has some expectations in their hearts.

Are you looking forward to that lucky person being you?

But the result was unexpected……

No one answered this question correctly? ? ?

no doubt.

This far exceeded everyone’s expectations。

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! How is this going? ! Didn’t you say that the

answer to this question is definitely Karp’s? ! ! !】

【Kaido: I just spent a long time analyzing it, and the answer I came up

with in the end is simply the wrong answer!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Fortunately, I believed it was true, but it turned out

to be wrong!】

【Sengoku: So it wasn’t actually Garp who rescued Kirby from the cell?

Garp, what’s the matter with you old guy? !】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? You ask me, who should I ask? ! ! !】

【Belumeb: Not Lieutenant General Garp? Then who else has this

strength and is willing to save Kebi? !】

【Skylark: This is really confusing…….】

Amidst everyone’s doubts and confusion.

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera switches.

After Kerby was imprisoned for several days.

A figure suddenly appeared outside his cell.

It was a beautiful silhouette of a girl.

Has long pink curly hair.

Wearing a black gothic dress.

He held a black round umbrella in his hand.

There was also a rag doll in her arms.

And her figure.

At this moment, it is actually floating in mid-air like a ghost!

no doubt.

This girl suddenly appeared outside Kebi’s cell.

It’s none other than the ghost fruit user—


【Perona:? ? ? Eh? ! Why am I there? ! ! ! 】.

Chapter 147

【Perona: Huh? ! Why am I in this video? ! ! !】

【Shanks: Hey~ Isn’t this the little girl who took care of Roronoa Zoro on

Hawkeye’s island in the previous video?】

【Moonlight Moria: Perona? ! Why did you end up on Blackbeard’s

island? ! ! !】

【Kirby: Nani? ! Could it be that the person who rescued me from the

cell……is her? !】

【Edward Newgate: Isn’t this little girl supposed to be at Hawkeye’s?

Why did you end up on Beehive Island?】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ This situation seems a bit complicated.~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Before this video came out, who would have

thought that the answer was actually this ghost little girl?】

【Gol D. Roger: Haha! I originally thought this was a question for giving

points, but I didn’t expect that it was actually a question for giving


Inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

Perona appears in front of Kerby’s cell.

He informed the other party of the purpose of his visit.

He wanted to rescue Moonlight Moria who fell into the hands of the

Blackbeard Pirates.

After some conversation.

Perona made a deal with Kirby.

Let the other person out of the cell yourself.

And Kebi wants to help him rescue Moonlight Moria.

Kebi thought for a while.

He just nodded and agreed to Perona’s conditions.

that’s all.

He was successfully released from his cell.

And in order to fulfill her promise to help Perona rescue Moria.

Kebi even released all the prisoners.

It directly caused a huge commotion on Beehive Island.。

【Moonlight Moria: What? ! I actually fell into the hands of Blackbeard? !

Did Perona go to Beehive Island to save me? ! ! !】

【Perona: Lord Moria will be captured by Blackbeard in the future? ! Will

he be okay? ! ! !】

【Absalom: Damn it! That black beard……How dare you attack Lord

Moria! ! !】

【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~Looking at it like this, it seems that even

Moonlight Moria’s Devil Fruit ability will be mine in the future.~】

【Edward Newgate: Teach! You guys are getting more and more


【Shanks: Whitebeard, I’ve warned you a long time ago, be careful of

that Blackbeard guy.。】

【Kirby: So……Will my future self be successfully rescued in this way?


【Bellumeb: But, Kirby, although you successfully escaped from the cell,

how can you leave the Beehive Island safely? !】

【Skylark: Yes! That will be the base camp of the Blackbeard Pirates in

the future. There must be many powerful members of the Blackbeard

Pirates stationed there. Can you really leave there safely?】

【Kirby:……This is indeed a problem……】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

as Kerby releases the prisoners.

Beehive Island also began to fall into chaos.

Such chaos

undoubtedly quickly attracted the attention of the officers of the

Blackbeard Pirates stationed on the island.

As a result,

the Blackbeard Pirates immediately launched a hunt for the fugitives and

Kirby on the island.

Kirby kept hiding around the island.

To avoid the pursuit of the Blackbeard Pirates.

It has not been discovered yet.

But Kebi also understood.

Continuing like this is not an option.

If you can’t escape from this hive island.

Sooner or later, he will be discovered by the Blackbeard Pirates.

as expected.

It wasn’t long after that.

He was surrounded by the men of the Blackbeard Pirates.

But that’s about it.

Peacock, Skylark, and Prince Gruss, who are also SWORD troops like

Kerby, suddenly appear.

Defeated the attacking pirates.

See this scene.

Kirby knew it too.

His teammates come to his rescue!


Things are far from over.

next moment……


A naval warship actually appeared in the sky above Beehive Island!

That’s right!

It’s a navy warship!

The warship seemed to have flown directly over from the sea far away

from Honeycomb Island.

At this moment, we arrived directly above Beehive Island.

And on the bow of the warship.

At this moment, a figure was standing,

and the man laughed twice.

Then he jumped directly from the warship.

Falling rapidly towards the Beehive Island below!

The camera zooms in.

The appearance of that figure gradually became clearer.

It was an old man with short silver hair.

But his figure is quite strong.

The whole person is full of energy and blood.

He doesn’t look old at all.

It is the famous naval hero-

Monkey D. Garp!

in the screen.

I saw Garp falling from the sky.

In mid-air above the Beehive Island.

Directly and without hesitation, he punched the Honeycomb Island


“Fist bone impact! ”

With the roar of the naval hero,

a strong shock wave burst out directly from his waving fist!

And around the shock wave……

There were even streaks of black lightning wrapped around it!

That’s the sign of the overlord’s domineering entanglement!

Garp’s “fist and bone impact” strike

came down with a mighty and terrifying force.

In an instant,

a huge deep pit was blasted out of the Honeycomb Island below!

Wherever the fist hit,

all the houses and buildings were destroyed!

The power is quite scary!

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by again—

fuck! Garp is awesome! ! !

This seems to be the first time I’ve seen Garp actually take action!

Chicken Sauce really doesn’t matter if you don’t take action, but once you

take action it will shock the world and make ghosts and gods cry!

Seeing the power of this punch, I seem to have begun to understand a

little bit……Why was Roger chased all over the world by Garp in the first


Wasn’t Rocks defeated by such a fist back then? (To read Baoshuang

novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He is indeed a legendary naval hero! Awesome! ! !

Damn it! Is Garp’s punch so powerful? !

I finally know why when we were fighting the war, Brother Ma got

punched by Garp and then had to wear a bandage for so long!

Ha ha ha ha! At that time, I thought it was because Xiao Ma was too

fragile, but I didn’t expect that Xiao Ma’s defense was already very


After receiving such a punch from Garp, he only wore a bandage.

Ponyboy’s defense is so terrifying!

Brother Ma: Otherwise, why do you think I called Phoenix?

Brother Ma: Do you know what the gold content of the phoenix is? ! (Dog


Little Ma: I was punched and bandaged, but you laughed at me for so

long. Now I can finally prove my innocence!

Brother Ma: To

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] uched! It was

so touching! Woo woo woo~ (dog head)

It’s hard to imagine……How did Ryuken Luffy survive Garp’s fist and still

manage to grow to such a big size?

It can only be said that the bloodline of the Monqi family is indeed

somewhat powerful.

We still don’t know what happened to the dragon, but what is certain is

that……It is precisely because he has been baptized by Garp’s iron fist

since he was a child that Luffy is so resistant to beatings now! (dog head)

Haha! really! I think the reason why Luffy is so durable is at least half of

Garp’s credit! (Dog head)

Luffy can become the king of sit-ups, and Chicken-chan is indispensable!

(Dog Head)

Now that Garp personally brought people to Beehive Island to rescue

Kebi, it seems that he is going to take action!

Once the chicken sauce is released, you’ll know if it’s there!

“With Garp taking action, I feel like the matter of rescuing Kebi has been

secured! ”

Who says it’s not the case? Moreover, Blackbeard, the Four Emperors, is

not on Beehive Island yet, and there are only a few cadres left behind.

How can we possibly get Garp?

Garp has to directly give up the Blackbeard Pirates’ lair this time. Did he

just pick it up?!

Just wait for Garp to show off his power and reappear his true colors as a

naval hero!

Look forward to it!

Look forward to +1!

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! It seems that these comments all admire

me~ It’s really good! Have a vision!】

【Gol D. Roger: Garp, in the video, the punch of this old guy still has the

same demeanor as before. It seems that the sword is still young!】

【Monkey D. Karp: That’s right! Don’t you see who I am? !】

【Gol D. Roger: Oh, you said you’re fat and you’re still breathing,


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ But I have to admit that the old guy

Garp’s iron fist is indeed very strong, and we learned a lot about it back


【Qingjiao: Speaking of that old bastard Garp’s Iron Fist, I have to

mention my sad past…….】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! What does the barrage above mean? ! What does it

mean that I was defeated by an iron fist like Garp back then? ! If this old

guy hadn’t teamed up with Roger to plot against me, how could I have

been defeated? ! ! !】

【Marshall D. Teach: Navy hero Garp? It’s really strong! I wonder if my

Blackbeard Pirates, who will stay on Honeycomb Island in the future, can

withstand it? !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hum! There is absolutely no way you can be

Grandpa’s opponent! Grandpa’s fists are quite terrifying and intimidating!

! !】

【Monkey D Dragon: It seems that I haven’t seen the old man take action

as seriously as in the video for a long time…….】

【Sengoku: Now that old guy Garp has become serious, there should be

nothing to worry about.。】

【Crane: I don’t know why, I always feel like something unexpected will


【Monkey D. Garp: Hey! He, please don’t curse me, okay? ! How could

something happen to me? ! Just wait and see how I deal with the

Blackbeard Pirates on Beehive Island in a matter of minutes, and then

rescue that little guy Kobe! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

as Garp’s “.Fist Bone Impact” turns large areas of buildings on Hive Island

into ruins.

All the pirates in that area were stunned instantly.

Just one punch.

The effect of clearing the place has been achieved!

After doing this.

Garp’s figure landed steadily.

The huge dog-headed naval warship also landed together.

Falling behind Garp.

Kerby has also been rescued by Skylark, Peacock, Prince Grus and others.

Arriving not far in front of Garp.

However, just as Kebi and others were slowly approaching Garp.

The scene suddenly freezes again.

The cold mechanical sound also suddenly sounded。

“Random question 6: Who is the first member of the Blackbeard Pirates

to come to fight Garp? ”

The cold mechanical sound fell.

The Tiandao chat group became lively again.。

【Monkey D. Garp: Oh~ Someone actually dares to take the initiative to

challenge me? It seems that the leaders of the Blackbeard Pirates still

have some courage.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ But which cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates will it be?

Mr. Garp’s strength is not something that the current cadres of the

Blackbeard Pirates can resist.】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Could it be that guy named Badgers? I think he

seems to be quite reckless.~】

【Sengoku: That guy? With that guy’s strength, he probably wouldn’t be

able to withstand Garp’s fist…….】

【Crane: Judging from the current lineup of Blackbeard Pirates members,

it seems that no one has the strength to face Garp (Laode Zhao), right?】

【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~ Although I really don’t want to admit it, I

have to say it……You are right. The few cadres I currently have are not

enough to stand up to “Navy Hero” Garp.。】

【Gizzards: Humph! This is just for now! Just because I don’t have the

strength to fight Garp now doesn’t mean I won’t have the strength in two

years, right? !】

【Fanoka: Badgers, confidence is a good thing, but you can no longer call

it confidence…….】

【Lafitte: Badgers, don’t forget that in the previous video, you were

easily knocked down two years later by Sabo, the brother of the Straw

Hat Boys and the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army. You can’t

even defeat him, let alone the naval hero Garp.。】

【Gizzards Badges:? ? ? OK! You guys, if you increase the ambition of

others, you will destroy your own prestige, right? ! ! !】

【Poison: Haha, but in fact, it is not impossible for Badgers. After all, this

question only asks who is the first cadre to fight, and it does not say that

the cadre to fight must be able to fight the hero Garp.。】

【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~ That’s true! If that’s the case, all of you

are actually possible answers, as well as Katrin Dieme and Basque

Choate, who have been confirmed in the previous video to be the new

leaders of our pirate group.。】

【Van Oka: That’s true, but as for whether there will be other cadres of

our Blackbeard Pirates in the future, that is currently unknown.。】

【Lafitte: In that case, we can only guess among the few of us~]

After some discussion.

The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, please be prepared。”






“The quizzes officially begin! ”.

Chapter 148

“The quizzes officially begin! ”

As the Tiandao prompt tone fell,

everyone in the Tiandao chat group also began to answer questions.。

【Porusalino: Gizzards! (answer question)】

【Gizzards Barges: Gizzards Barges (answer)】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Lafayette! (answer question)】

【Lafitte: Lafitte! (answer question)】

【Moonlight Moria: Van Oka! (answer question)】

【Marco: Poison! (answer question)】

【Warring States Period: Katrin is so beautiful! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Basque Choate! (answer question)】


Countless answer records popped up in the Tiandao chat group.

This time.

The answers given by everyone were not consistent.

However, I basically guessed all the people who could be the cadres of

the Blackbeard Pirates.

No one knows the correct answer to this question.

Therefore, no one came forward to set up any flag this time.

After answering the questions.

The scene actually seemed a little deserted.

Everyone was silently waiting for the answer to this question to be


At the same time, I also have some expectations in my heart.

Hope they can be the lucky one to guess the correct answer.

that’s all.

Another moment passed.

The cold Tiandao notification sounded again。

“There are only five seconds left to answer the question. Those who have

not yet answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible.。”






“The quiz is over!”

“Unfortunately, no audience member answered this question


【Gizzards Badges:? ? ? ? ?】

【Lafitte:? ? ? ? ?】

【Fanoka:? ? ? ? ?】

【poison:? ? ? ? ?】

【Rocks Djibek: What the hell? ! No one can answer this question

correctly? !】

【Shiki: Good guy! Co-authoring is another gift proposition? !】

【Warring States: It’s a pity that no one can answer this question


【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~ Isn’t the answer to this question a known

cadre under my command? It’s normal. The Blackbeard Pirates will

definitely recruit more powerful leaders in the future.~】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hum! I want to see which guy from 710 is so brave

that he dares to fight me!】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Actually, I am also quite curious. I don’t know how

many attacks the leader of the Blackbeard Pirates can withstand under

Mr. Garp’s hands? 】

Under everyone’s curiosity and doubts.

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

just as Peacock, Skylark and others rescue Kerby.

Just as he was running towards Garp’s location with great joy.


Skylark, who was walking at the back, paused.

next moment.

An icy chill enveloped her body.

A moment’s work.

The skylark turned into an ice sculpture!

This sudden change shocked Kebi and others.

They all turned around.

Then he saw a location not far behind them.

I don’t know when a figure has appeared!

The man wore a blue-gray round hat.

He suppressed most of his afro.

There is also a pair of round sunglasses on his face.

There was a cold aura all over his body.

Like a piece of ice that has never melted for thousands of years.

For this person who suddenly appeared.

Everyone in the navy on the field is no stranger to it.

Because he is……

Former Navy Admiral Aokiji!

He is also the current captain of the 10th ship of the Blackbeard Pirates –


【Warring States:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? ? ?】

【crane:? ? ? ? ?】

【Zefa:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kuzan:? ? ? ? ?】

【Flying Squirrel: What? ! The answer to this question is actually……

General Qing Pheasant? ! ! !】

【Dauberman: But wasn’t this question just about the officers of the

Blackbeard Pirates? Could it be that……】

【Ghost Spider: Will General Aokiji become a leader of the Blackbeard

Pirates in the future? ! How can this be? ! ! !】

【Dauberman: Yeah! Admiral becomes a pirate? This is simply a


【Porusalino: Hmm~ Kuzan, I didn’t expect that your kid would actually

become a pirate in the future.~】

【Kuzan: I really want to know what will happen in the future…….】

【Sakaski: Humph! Is there anything else to say about this? ! There is no

doubt that you in the future betrayed the Navy! This kind of behavior is

enough for me to kill you on the spot to avoid future troubles! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Stimulate! I didn’t expect that such a big

melon would pop out!】

【John: Tsk tsk tsk tsk~ The current navy admiral actually became a

pirate in the future? This is no small matter~】

【Silver Ax: And with the strength of the admiral, he should be able to

establish his own company. It is not impossible to even create a force

comparable to the Yonko Pirates, but…….】

【Wang Zhi: But why would a general-level warrior like Aokiji choose to

join the Blackbeard Pirates as just a cadre? !】

【Shiki: Good guy! How powerful will the Blackbeard Pirates be in the

future to make a naval admiral willing to become a cadre under their

command? !】

【Rocks D Jibek: Why do you feel like this Blackbeard Pirates are a bit

like the Rocks Pirates that I was talking about? !】

【Kaido: Ugh~ The admiral became a pirate. This is a great shame for

the navy!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ I think Aokiji’s nature seems to be

more serious than that of Piccolo’s Deserter King.~】

【Edward Newgate: Such a dramatic reversal is indeed a bit


【Shanks: That guy with Blackbeard……Did he even recruit General Qing

Pheasant? !】

【Sengoku: Kuzan! Do you know what you are doing? ! ! !】

【Kuzan: Marshal, I also want to know…….】

【Crane: I think there must be some major changes in the future.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for Kuzan to join the pirates

with his character.。】

【Zefa: Kuzan, you are my favorite student, please don’t let me


【Monkey D. Garp: What a guy! Co-author It turns out that this brat

Kuzan is here to challenge me! Haha, that’s fine. It’s been a long time

since I had a serious fight with Kuzan. I don’t know how far this

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] kid’s strength

has grown! ?】

【Warring States:? ? ? Cap! Is now the time to say that? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Karp: Otherwise, what else could we do? The future in the

video will not change just because you are angry. Could it be possible

that you can drag Kuzan from the future into the present and beat him


【Warring States Period:……】

【Porusalino: Well, to be honest, I’m actually quite curious. If Kuzan and

Mr. Garp fight, who will win in the end?】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hum! Nonsense, of course it’s me! This kid Kuzan

was brought out by me. Do you think he can really beat me? !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Garp, I advise you not to be too proud. Don’t

you know that there is a saying that a person is better than a person who

is good at it?】

【Monkey D. Karp: This sentence does not apply to me. I am always

getting stronger!】

【Kirby: Are General Kuzan and Lieutenant General Garp going to fight?

all of these……It’s all because of me……】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

with the appearance of the blue pheasant.

The atmosphere on the court suddenly became a little serious.

Kebi protected Skylark, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, in his arms.

Looking at the blue pheasant in front of him.

Somewhat anxiously shouted:

“Mr. Kuzan? !”

“What are you doing? !”

“Quickly restore Skylark to its original state! ”

Qingzhi stood there.

He looked at Kebi through his sunglasses.

He slowly said:

“Kirby, what if you ran away while Teach wasn’t around?……”(To read

exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Then I’ll have a headache……”

Hear this.

Garp couldn’t help shouting at him:

“Hello! Kuzan!”

“Quickly turn Skylark back!”

“Funk than go!”

“Come back to the Navy! ”

Hearing Garp’s series of requests,

wisps of cold air gradually emerged from Qingzhi’s body.

He put on a fighting posture.

Looking at Garp, he responded in a deep voice:

“You are really the same old person……”

“I can say whatever I want to say.。”

“It’s a pity that no matter which one is possible, it is impossible to


“Mr. Karp!”

“I like this about you very much……”

“So now I have to live according to my own ideas! ”

As he said that,

Qingzhi suddenly stretched out his palm and

pointed it in the direction of Garp.

The next moment,

the cold air quickly invaded Garp,

covering Garp’s whole body instantly.

In the blink of an eye,

a huge ice ball appeared around Garp,

freezing him tightly inside it.。

“puck! ”

Looking at the frozen Garp,

Kuzan spoke again:

“Mr. Karp。”

“Can you save your beloved disciple?……”

“And kill the former number one disciple? ! ”

After Qing Pheasant asked this question,

Garp’s voice also came from the ice ball.。


“Don’t tie yourself up!”

“I should have taught you to live in the present, right? ! ”

As Garp’s voice came out,

the huge ice ball around him suddenly began to tremble violently.

In the blink of an eye, it was all shattered.

Garp escaped easily.

Aokiji’s move had no effect on him at all.

After shattering the ice ball, Garp

‘s figure suddenly rushed towards Aokiji.

In an instant, he was in front of the opponent.

At the same time,

a big black hand wrapped with armed domineering force,

even more He pinched Qingzhi’s face directly,

making it impossible for the other party to resist.。

“Listen up, Kuzan. ”

Garp pinched Aoki’s face with one hand.

At the same time, he said with great seriousness:

“People who are confused……”

“So fragile! ! ! ”

After saying this,

in the eyes of everyone below who were extremely shocked and


Garp directly grabbed the head of Qing Pheasant,

swung its whole body, and

smashed it hard towards the ground below. Go down!

“Falling under the sea! ”

Facing Garp’s blow,

Aokiji, a former navy admiral, had no ability to resist at all! He

could only let his body be slammed downward by Garp!

“boom! ! !”

“boom! ! ! ”

The moment the Blue Pheasant landed,

all of a sudden!

Dust was flying!

The entire Beehive Island seemed to shake violently at this moment!

And when the camera turned to the direction where the Blue Pheasant


it was on the originally flat ground.

It was actually smashed out of a huge pit!

And Qingzhi had already fallen into the pit.

For a while, there seemed to be no sign of climbing out.

The scene was frozen.

A dense army of barrages. Crossed it again –

Damn! It’s too strong!!!

Jijiang is so powerful!!!

This move fell to the bottom of the sea, and it actually hit Aokiji without

the ability to fight back! That was a

former navy admiral!

A naval admiral was unable to fight back and directly smashed the

opponent into the ground!

Garp’s strength……It’s so terrifying!

So scary! So scary!

Can you believe that this is an old man who is almost eighty years old? !

He truly deserves to be a naval hero, so fierce!

The navy admiral was pushed to the ground and beaten, and the row of

noodles was filled to the brim! ! !

No wonder Garp dared not listen to the Tianlong people. If I had this

strength, I could just walk sideways in the Holy Land Mary Qiaoya!

I would like to call Garp – Navy King! ! !

I feel that with Garp’s attitude, it would be no problem to take on the

entire Beehive Island by himself!

Not to mention that Blackbeard is not here right now, even if Blackbeard

is here, I think Garp can take down the Blackbeard Pirates by himself!

Damn it! Those of you upstairs, are you exaggerating a bit too much?

Indeed, this is a bit too harsh.

Cap is strong again, but not as strong as you said, right?

You are bragging so harshly now, what if there is some reversal later?

Yes, I always feel that Garp’s trip to Beehive Island cannot be so smooth,

and there may be some surprises later.

If something really happens, those brothers who boasted so harshly will

be slapped in the face…….

Chapter 149

【Monkey D. Karp: Huh? ! What’s going on with these barrages? ! Why

do you feel like you are cursing me? ! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Garp, isn’t the meaning of these barrages

obvious enough? They think you, an old guy, might capsize in the gutter


【Monkey D. Garp: Haha, the boat capsized in the gutter? I have never

capsized a boat in my life! A small group of Blackbeard pirates just want

to capsize my boat? It’s simply a fantasy!】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Mr. Garp is so scary. He actually knocked Kuzan to

the ground with one punch.】

【Kuzan: Sure enough, my strength is still far behind Mr. Garp-ah……】

【Sakaski: Humph! I think Lieutenant General Garp is too gentle with

you, a traitor. If it were me, I would definitely burn you to death in a

flash of lava!】

【Kuzan: Alas~ Sakaski, you don’t have the strength of Lieutenant

General Garp, so don’t say such big words here, right?】

【Sakaski: Haha, wouldn’t you know if I have this strength by trying it

yourself? Just in time I want to teach you, the future traitor to the navy,

a lesson!】

【Warring States: Enough! If you two want to quarrel, go quarrel in

private! Don’t you think our navy has been embarrassed enough? !】

【Sakaski: Humph! What’s embarrassing is that Kuzan guy, it’s none of

my business!】

【Crane: Having said that, I don’t know why, but I also have a vague

premonition just like those previous barrages…….】

【Warring States: Could it be that something happened to that old guy

Garp? !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Bah, bah, bah! You two are actually cursing me here?

! ! !】

【Kirby: Vice Admiral Garp is a legendary naval hero, he will be fine! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after driving the blue pheasant into the ground.

Garp began to lead Kirby and others in a fierce battle with the

Blackbeard Pirates’ army.

Although this is the base camp of the Blackbeard Pirates.

The pirates are numerous.

But there is Garp, the legendary naval hero.

The pirates didn’t find any opportunity at all.

There is absolutely nothing that can be done to the other party.

Garp’s strength once again shocked and surprised all the members of the

Blackbeard Pirates.

After a fierce battle.

Qing Pheasant appeared in front of everyone again.

Garp has no intention of fighting.

When even ordered Kebi and others to evacuate towards the coast.

He was preparing to stop Qing Pheasant’s pursuit.

Kebi and others immediately followed the instructions.

Take action immediately.

Start running towards the coast.

However, just as Kebi was evacuating.

A scream suddenly came from not far away.

It was a woman crying for help.

And behind her.

There were two pirates holding big swords chasing him.

Seeing this scene, Kebi immediately stopped evacuating.

Looking in the direction of the woman calling for help.

A look of anxiety appeared on his face。


“There were also captured people who didn’t have time to escape!”

“You wait!”

“I’ll go rescue you right away! ”

Keby yelled at the woman who called for help.

Then he ran quickly in the direction of the other party.

Prince Grus, who was not far away, saw Keby’s move.

He suddenly said to himself Not good.

He shouted at the other party extremely anxiously:

“Hello! etc!”

“Kirby, don’t go there!”

“That’s obviously a trap! ! ! ”

Prinsgrus’s cry came.

However, it was still a step late. At

this moment, Kerby had already arrived in front of the woman calling for


And the moment he approached the other party.

The woman who originally looked frightened,

His face suddenly switched to a sinister expression.

It looked like the trick had succeeded.。

“Hehe, you were fooled!”

“Damn you stupid navy! ! ! ”

The woman sneered.

Then, together with the two pirates who “chased” her before,

they suddenly launched an attack on Kebi.

Kebi responded hurriedly.

The attacks of these three ordinary pirates did not have much impact on

him. threat.


at this time!

Kebi’s domineering power can be clearly felt……

There was an extremely fierce murderous aura,

coming quickly from behind! However, at this moment, there is

obviously no one

behind him ! No enemy figures can be seen. However, the perception of

the domineering power of seeing and hearing is unmistakable. Kirby

knew it. There is an extremely dangerous person attacking him from

behind. It’s too late to escape at this moment

“not good! ”

Kebi secretly thought something bad.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to escape this invisible


But at this moment,

a figure suddenly came from a distance and quickly arrived.

In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at Kebi. Behind Bi.

Standing between him and the invisible attack.

The next moment!


The sound of a sword piercing flesh was heard.

Blood splattered.

Kirby’s eyes widened.

Looking at the figure blocking him.

His face was full of horror!

It’s Lieutenant General Garp!

The other party is trying to protect themselves.

At the critical moment just now,

he rushed over to block the attack for himself.


A long sword pierced Garp’s abdomen.

Blood continued to pour from the wound.

This legendary naval hero,

from the time he landed on Beehive Island to the present……

Finally got hurt for the first time!

And in front of Garp.

The end of the long sword pierced his abdomen.

A figure also slowly revealed its figure.

It was none other than the former warden of the Deep Sea Prison Impel

Down—Hiryuu Ame!

The picture freezes.

The dense army of barrages passed by again—

fuck! Garp was actually injured? ! ! !

One second he was killing everyone, showing his might as a naval hero,

but the next second he was injured by a sneak attack? ! ! !

It’s not all about protecting that idiot Madonna of Kebi!

yes! It was so obvious that he was trapped, yet he stupidly jumped in!

Even if he was stupid, he even got Garp injured trying to protect him!

Garp was injured, and now the battle situation on Beehive Island has

become more serious!

Is Mr. Garp really going to die here today? !

Mudd! Speaking of this, I just want to scold Kebi a few more times!

Now I finally understand why it is said that the Virgin must be killed first

in the last days!

Let alone the end of the world, even if it is just in a war or battle, the

Holy Mother will never be able to stay!

really! A disgusting thing like the Holy Mother will only get in the way if

you keep it!

Originally, this trip to Beehive Island was extremely dangerous, but now

Garp is injured trying to protect Kerby. His strength will definitely be

affected, and the future may be even more dangerous!

If something really happened to Garp, then Luffy and Ryu wouldn’t be

able to sacrifice Kobi! ?

Mr. Garp, please don’t let anything happen to you! ! !

【Monkey D Luffy: Chicken sauce! ! !】

【Monkey D Dragon: Old man! ! !】

【Sengoku: Garp! ! !】

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Crane:


【Kirby: Lieutenant General Garp! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Damn it! Garp, are you really going to fall into trouble

this time? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Karp: Ahem, calm down, wasn’t it just a stabbing? How big

a deal is this? Even if I get stabbed, I can still kill the brats of the

Blackbeard Pirates!】

【Magellan: Who is the man who sneak-attacked Lieutenant General

Garp in the video?……Xiliu? ! ! !】

【Hannibal: Huh? ! It’s actually the warden of Xiliu? ! Could it be that he

will also join the Blackbeard Pirates in the future? ! ! !】

【Shiliu: Haha, will my future self join the Blackbeard Pirates? That’s

fine, I’m tired of staying in Impel Down anyway.~】

【Donquixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu ~ A naval admiral and a warden of

Impel Down City, both of them actually joined the Blackbeard Pirates in

the future. This is really interesting.~】

【Shiki: Good guy! What kind of magic power does the Blackbeard

Pirates have that can actually poach so many strong men from the navy?

! ! !】

【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~ It seems that my Blackbeard Pirates will

be quite powerful in the future.~】

【Joz: Damn it! How could Teach, a traitor, do so well in the future? ! !


【Belumebo: Lieutenant General Garp in the video was stabbed by

Warden Shiliu. It looked like he was seriously injured!】

【Skylark: Lieutenant General Garp……It’s not like what those barrage

said, something is going to happen, right? ! ! !】

【Kirby: Damn it! It’s all my fault! It’s all because of me that Lieutenant

General Garp was injured!】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! I didn’t expect that old guy Garp would fall

into the hands of this deserter king. It’s really satisfying.~】

【John: I can only say that the King of Deserters is indeed the King of

Deserters. This is very lethal to his own people!】

【Silver Ax: If I hadn’t saved him, Garp wouldn’t have been injured so


【Wang Zhi: Yes, although Shiliu of the Rain in the video seems to have

the ability to become invisible, this kind of attack would not be the

slightest threat to a strong man like Garp if it were normal.。】

【Moonlight Moria: Huh? ! etc! The ability to become invisible? ! Isn’t

that Absalom’s invisibility fruit ability? ! ! !】

【Absalom: Yes! How did my ability end up in that guy’s body? ! ! ! 】

Requesting flowers 0

【Vinsmoke Sanji: It seems that even the ability of the transparent fruit

was hunted by that guy Blackbeard…….How abominable! If I were a

member of the Blackbeard Pirates, would I have a chance to obtain the

transparent fruit ability that I dream of! ! !】

【Nami:? ? ? ? ?】

【Usopp:? ? ? ? ? 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Tony Tony Chopper:? ? ? ? ?】

【Franky: Hey, Sanji, your idea is very dangerous.~】

【Brooke: Although I also want to have the power of transparent fruits, I

can’t say such things lightly, Sanji-san.~】

【Roronoa Zoro: Oh~ Curly eyebrows, do you mean you want to betray

me by saying this? Then I will chop you down without any ceremony!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Ahem~ I was just joking. I don’t want to join the

Blackbeard Pirates, who are all crooked and don’t even have a beautiful

girl in the team!】

【Marshall D. Teach:? ? ? I feel offended! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

Garp, who was stabbed by Shiliu in a sneak attack, did not fall down.

Instead, he punched Xiliu directly and knocked her to the ground.

Although the injury was not serious.

But this naval hero will not lose his combat ability immediately.

The battle continues.

But the next moment.

The island beneath everyone’s feet suddenly trembled violently.

this moment.

It was as if the entire island suddenly came to life!

Immediately afterwards.

A huge hand transformed from mountain rocks fell from the sky!

He took a fierce photo of the naval warship docked on the sea not far

from Beehive Island!

It’s Avaro Pizarro, the “Evil Government King” who ate the power of the

Island Fruit, who takes action!

He directly merged with the entire Beehive Island.

He controlled the huge palm and shot it towards the navy warship.

The last resort to completely destroy Garp and others.

Facing the huge palm falling from the sky like a mountain.

Everyone on the warship was completely powerless.

There is no way to avoid it.

Can’t resist either.

It seems that the only fate is to be pushed into the bottom of the sea by

his slap.

See this scene.

Kebi and others who were still on Beehive Island were also extremely

anxious and worried.

Don’t know what to do at all.

At this time.

Garp suddenly spoke to them in a deep voice.

Tell them not to panic.

And told them that

as long as a few of them unite,

they will be able to stop the huge���palm attack.

Karp’s words undoubtedly gave Kerby, Bellumber, Prince Grus and others

a shot in the arm.

They finally calmed down.

Start thinking seriously about countermeasures.

After some quick thinking and discussion.

Several people decided on the plan.

It’s up to Kirby to smash the evil king’s huge palm.

Bellumber and Prince Grus are responsible for covering it.

The discussion is over.

The three of them quickly took action.

And Garp, who was already looking a little weak, suddenly started to

move at this moment.

I saw him suddenly burst out!

At an incredibly exaggerated speed,

he rushed towards the huge skull castle in the center of Beehive Island.

His figure seemed to have turned into a bolt of lightning!

It’s so fast that everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates can’t react at all!

in a blink.

Garp came from the edge of Beehive Island

to the huge skull castle in the center of the island.

Then he aimed at it and punched it suddenly!

This is the center where the Evil King used the power of the Island Fruit

to merge with the Beehive Island.

He was hit hard by Garp’s punch.

Suddenly the sky was filled with gravel and dust.

Above Honeycomb Island,

the giant palm that shot towards the navy warship also suddenly stopped.

Kebi seized this opportunity,

mustered up all his courage and belief,

and successfully shattered the huge palm with one blow.

The crisis on the navy warships has been resolved.


Kerby, Belumeb and others successfully retreated and returned to the


But the scene changed.

But when they saw

Garp falling to the ground on the Beehive Island.

And around him.

It was surrounded by the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates, including

Aokiji and Shiliu.

Garp fell to the ground.

His body was covered with white frost.

There is even a sharp ice thorn stuck in the chest.

But he was still laughing.

At the same time, through the phone bug,

he ordered Kebi and others to leave him alone and

set sail to retreat immediately.

It means that they are the future of the navy.

The scene is frozen here.


Dense barrage once again poured out from the frozen screen…..seven..

Chapter 150

inside the projection screen.

The army of barrages began to float by continuously –

holy shit! Cap was caught? ! ! !

The chicken sauce actually fell down like that? ! ! !

Is this Zun Du or Fake Du? ! ! !

No! ! !

O-chicken-sauce! ! !

Mudd! It was in order to save Keby that Garp went deep into the enemy

camp and was in danger. It was also in order to save Keby that he was

stabbed by Shiliu in a sneak attack. The result was better now. Kerby was

rescued, but Garp fell into the Blackbeard Sea. In the hands of the

thieves? ! ! !

That’s the naval hero Garp, exchanging his life for the life of a deserter

king? ! I don’t understand! ! !

How is Kirby matched? ! ! !

How many grams does it take to compare with the value of a Garp to the

navy? !

This wave is simply a loss of blood! ! !

The chicken sauce won’t just go offline, right? ! ! !

I can understand the hero’s twilight years, but you can’t force plot killing

like this!

yes! Jijiang was so awesome when he first landed on Beehive Island. He

was so invincible, but he suddenly lost for no reason? ! ! !

This plot killing is a bit too forceful!

It would be outrageous if Garp really went offline like this! ! !

No, the chicken sauce will definitely not go offline!

That’s right, Garp and Oda share a life card, so nothing will happen to

them! (Dog Head)

Don’t worry too much, I believe Aokiji will definitely not kill Garp.

Didn’t you see that Mr. Garp was frozen? Do you think that was Aoki’s

attack on Garp? wrong! That’s actually Qing Pheasant helping Mr. Ka

“140” Pu stop the bleeding~ (dog head)

That’s right! Although Aokiji has now joined the Blackbeard Pirates, how

could he really kill his mentor?

Zefa: Really? I do not believe! (Dog Head)

Zefa: If you have the ability, can you say it again? (dog head)

Hahahaha! Zefa was an exception, and the one who really killed Zefa was

Kizaru, and it was Akainu who gave the order. At most, Aokiji just built a

grave for Zefa~ (dog head) Hahahaha

! This is so funny! These three disciples of Zefa really know how to

respect their masters and respect their teachings better than the other~


are so filial to me.~

【Zefa:? ? ? etc! What does this barrage mean? ! What do I mean by

Akainu’s order, Kizaru’s deadly attack on me, and Aokiji’s tomb? ! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Hiss! Is it so exciting? ! ! !】

【John: Damn it! This news is quite exciting!】

【Silver Ax: Good guy! Did Zefa actually end up in such a miserable state

in the future? !】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! I’m really curious about what will happen in the


【Porusalino: Well~ Teacher Zefa, although I don’t know what will

happen in the future, you also saw that the barrage said that the order

was given by Sakaski, and I am just an innocent thug. This is for sure Not

my intention~】

【Sakaski: Humph! It must be because Mr. Zefa did something in the

future to betray the navy and endanger the safety of the people. Perhaps

he joined the pirate camp like Kuzan, that bastard, so I gave such an


【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Is the future the grave I built for Teacher Zefa? Then

I have fulfilled my responsibility as a student, right?~】

【Zefa:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Garp: Kuzan, stop there, kid. If you help the guys from the

Blackbeard Pirates deal with me in the future, I haven’t settled the score

with you yet!】

【Kuzan: Mr. Karp, this is not what I want to see. I don’t know what will

happen in the future…….】

【Sengoku: Judging from the video, Garp’s situation seems to be quite


【Crane: In that situation, there should be no possibility for Garp to

escape safely…….】

【Monkey D Dragon: Old Man……】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Not good! Chicken sauce is dangerous! I have to save

him! ! !】

【Nami: Hey, wait, Luffy, calm down. Those in the video are things that

have not happened yet. Your grandpa is still fine now. There is no need

to be so excited!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yes! That is something that will happen in the future.

Jijiang has nothing to do with him now!】

【Kirby: Even though that is something that will happen in the future, no

matter what, it was because of me…….It was me who harmed Lieutenant

General Garp……】

【Monkey D. Karp: That’s enough, that little brat, this thing hasn’t really

happened yet. You are just saying these pretentious words here, making

it look like I am dead now. I can’t listen to this!】

【Kirby: Lieutenant General Garp……】

【Locks D Jibek: Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Garp, you actually comforted this deserter

king in turn. I’m really going to laugh to death. If it were me, I would

have gotten rid of this deserter king as soon as possible to eliminate the

enemy. Forget about the trouble!】

【John: Well, the old captain and I rarely agree on this matter.。】

【Silver Ax: That’s right, this kind of deserter king is a scourge, why keep


【Wang Zhi: Even if the situation in the video could be avoided because

he saw the future in advance, the deserter king’s behavior will sooner or

later cause other troubles, big and small!】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ This old guy Garp is still a little too kind.~】

【Sakaski: Humph! Don’t worry, even if the other navy won’t do

anything to this deserter king Kebi, after this Heavenly Way inventory

video is over, I will personally take action and execute this deserter king!

Such people……They are simply the scum of the Navy! ! !】

【Belumeb: It’s over, it’s over! Kebi is really going to die now! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hello! Akainu, Kirby is my friend, and I will never

allow you to hurt my friend! ! !】

【Sakaski: Haha, Straw Hat boy, you still have time to care about others.

You are also a big disaster yourself. Whether it is you or the deserter

king, I will not let anyone go!】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Sakaski is really full of energy~]

Just when everyone was talking about it in the Tiandao chat group.

The picture on the projection screen suddenly gradually darkened.

There was no follow-up to the Battle of Beehive Island.

And this means……

This round of review videos about [King of Deserters] Kebi has ended


As the picture went completely dark.

A cold mechanical sound also sounded again.。

“This round of [King of Deserters] Kebi’s inventory has ended.。”

“Next comes the reward distribution phase!”

“The results of this round of questions are being tallied……”

【Kirby: Huh?

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ! Is my

inventory video over so soon? ! ! !】

【Sakaski: Humph! how? Do you think you haven’t embarrassed enough

people, haven’t caused enough trouble, and you still have unfinished

business? !】

【Kirby: No……I didn’t mean that, I was just thinking……It would be

nice to at least be able to see the final result of the battle on Beehive

Island! I want to know if Lieutenant General Garp is okay! ! !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Okay, okay, Kebi, why are you so serious? No matter

what happened to me in the video, nothing happened to me in real life,

so good! Don’t worry about whether these are available or not!】

【Belle Mabel: Yes, Kirby, Lieutenant General Garp is doing well now. I

think instead of worrying about Lieutenant General Garp, it would be

better to worry about yourself…….】

【Kirby: Me?】

【Belumebo: Yes, don’t forget, General Akainu has said harsh words

many times, saying that after all the Tiandao inventory videos are played,

he will deal with you severely! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)



The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“The results of this round of answering questions are summarized!”

“There are six random questions in this round, and a total of four correct


“A total of 4 winners: None。”

“Those who have accumulated 3 points: None。”

“Those who have accumulated 2 points: None。”

“Those who have accumulated 1 point: Kerby, Shanks, Marshall D. Teach,

Silbarz Reilly。”

“Congratulations to Kerby, Shanks, Marshall D. Teach, and Silbarz Reilly

for ranking first in this round of answering questions, and each will get a

chance to be randomly drawn!”

“Rewards are randomly selected by the Tiandao inventory system and are

absolutely fair and just.。”

“The random draw will begin next……”

As the Tiandao inventory system prompts continued to sound.

Inside the originally dark projection screen.

A golden lottery wheel slowly emerged again.。

“The first lottery winner: Kerby…”

The cold mechanical sound fell.

The turntable began to spin slowly.

After some acceleration and deceleration.

The pointer finally stopped on a certain area of the turntable.

The golden question mark in this area also slowly dissipated.

Rewards are revealed.

It was a book with a cover in three colors: red, black, and white.

Three-color domineering experience book (medium): After use, it can

increase 1000 points of armed color, knowledge color and overlord color

domineering experience at the same time. It can also be used by those

with no basis in domineering.。

【Monkey D. Garp: Oh~ it’s the three-color domineering experience

book, Kirby. This thing is quite useful for you. It can help you master the

three-color domineering in a short time and improve your strength a


【Kirby: A three-color domineering experience book? With this reward, I

should be able to become stronger than my future self, right? When faced

with something like that in the future, will I be able to help Lieutenant

General Garp instead of holding him back?】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Come on! Do you think that you are holding

back in the video because of your lack of strength?】

【John: Haha, yes, the real reason why you are holding back is because

of your cowardice and Holy Mother.~】

【Silver Ax: This thing has nothing to do with strength.~】

【Wang Zhi: So no matter how strong you are, as long as you can’t get

rid of the title of “Desert King”, you will always be a bad person and a


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ What you guys said is really quite harsh, mean

and true.~】


“Next winner: Shanks。”

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Is it me again? I have already drawn a bottle of life

potion before, which can help me recover my broken arm. I wonder what

reward I will draw this time? I hope this Tiandao inventory system can

give me some face and let me draw some good things.~】

【Kaido: Haha, red hair, do you think your face is so valuable? You also

want the Tiandao Inventory System to give you some face, you really

dare to think about it!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ If the Tiandao Inventory System

gives you face, then just let the Tiandao Inventory System give you a

king-level title and call you the King of Face!】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Auntie, I think your proposal is quite good~]

In the discussion of several people.

The lottery wheel has completed the entire process from spinning to


The rewards belonging to Shanks also slowly appeared.

It was a gem as black as ink.

The surface also has a crystal clear luster.

At first glance, it is not extraordinary.

Shadow clone gem: The user can use this shadow clone gem to create a

dark 0.5 shadow clone with the same strength as himself. The clone is

absolutely loyal to the main body, and can usually sneak in the shadow

of the main body. When necessary, the clone can be directly removed

from the shadow of the main body. Just summon it from the shadow。

【Shanks: Hiss! ! ! ! !】

【Kaido:? ? ? ? ?】

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? ? ?】

【Edward Newgate:? ? ? ? ?】

【Warring States:? ? ? ? ?】

【Gol D. Roger: Damn it! Shanks! Your reward……Isn’t it too

outrageous? ! ! !】

【Shiki: Wo Ni Ma! Isn’t this the same as directly obtaining a Deadpool

thug who has the same strength as the red hair and is completely loyal to

him? ! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ A shadow clone with the same strength as the red

hair, how scary it is.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Now the strength of the red-haired pirates is going to

become even stronger.~】

【Sengoku: The strength of the red-haired guy is already unfathomable,

and there is also Ben Beckman in the red-haired pirate group who is not

inferior to the four emperors in strength. Now there is a shadow clone

who has the same strength as the red-haired pirates…….】

【Zefa: Doesn’t this mean……The current red-haired pirates have at least

three Yonko-level combat capabilities? ! ! !】

【Crane: With the receipt of this reward, the overall strength of the red-

haired pirates……I’m afraid I’m going to firmly occupy the top spot

among the Yonko Pirates…….】

【Kaido:? ? ? The red-haired guy……Is this really cheating? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Co-authoring the Tiandao Inventory System actually

gave him face? ! ! !】

【Shanks: Hahahaha~lucky~lucky~】。

Chapter 151

“Next winner: Marshall D. Teach. ”


The cold beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again.

The lottery wheel also started to rotate again.

After a while,

the wheel stopped.

The lottery reward also slowly appeared.

It was a sea blue. Crystal gems.

Everyone is no stranger to this reward.

Devil Fruit Curse Release Crystal: It has the magical effect of helping

Devil Fruit power users to lift the Devil Fruit curse. After using it, Devil

Fruit power users will no longer be afraid of sea water and sea water.

Floor stone!

【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~ Can the devil fruit curse be lifted by the

crystal? This thing is a good thing for me. Although it’s not as good as the

red-haired shadow clone gem, it’s not bad either.~】

【Shiki: Devil Fruit Curse Lifting Crystal, this is the reward that all Devil

Fruit power users dream of!】

【Joz: Damn it! He actually let Teach, the traitor, get something good!】

【Bista: It feels really uncomfortable to watch this bastard Tikki receive a


【Namuir: It is indeed quite infuriating!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ My silly sons, there is no need to get

angry over this trivial matter. I believe that our Whitebeard Pirates will

definitely be able to get better rewards than that guy Teach in the


【Marco: Well, dad is right. Instead of getting angry in vain, it is better to

prepare for the answers later and strive to get more and better rewards

later! 】

After a while.

The cold mechanical sound came again。

“Next winner: Silbarz Raeli。”

【Gol D. Roger: Oh~ is it finally Rayleigh’s turn? My old man, let me see

what you can draw~】

【Jabba Skorba: Haha, Rayleigh, Shanks has drawn the extremely

precious Shadow Clone Gem. If the reward you draw later cannot

compare with him, it means that your “Pluto” Rayleigh is not as good as

Shank. 13 Si Da ah~】

【Silbarz Reilly: Haha~ I’m an old man, so I don’t have any dignity, and

I’m not very interested in getting good rewards. But if I can get a

resurrection crystal, I can give Roger this guy If you come back to life,

that would be great in my opinion.。】

【Gol D. Roger: Okay! You are indeed my good friend! Rayleigh, if you

really draw the resurrection crystal and revive me, I will definitely

resurrect you in the future…….Treat him like his own son! ! !】

【Silbarzraeli:? ? ? Roger, if you say that, if I really draw the resurrection

crystal later, I would rather give it to Rocks than to you!】

【Rocks Djibek:! ! ! That’s great! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hehe~ Rayleigh, don’t be so serious. I was just joking

with you casually.~】

【Silbarzraeli: Well, I was just kidding you too.。】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? No, what do you two mean by this? If you really

draw the resurrection crystal later, Raleigh, who will you use it for? !】

【John: Hahahaha! Old Captain, I’m very curious, how on earth can you

ask such a childish question?】

【Silver Ax: What is the relationship between Rayleigh and Roger? What

does it have to do with you?】

【Wang Zhi: Old Captain, can’t you see that two good friends, Rayleigh

and Roger, are joking? You actually take it seriously?~】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~Old captain, let me tell you, you should just stay

somewhere cool.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……】

While everyone was talking about it.

The lottery wheel in the projection screen also started spinning again.

Then it slowly stopped soon.

The rewards in the corresponding area will also appear accordingly.

It was a crystal very similar to the Devil Fruit Curse Release Crystal.

However, the color of its surface is not ocean blue like the Devil Fruit

Curse Release Crystal.

Rather, it is almost transparent and colorless.

for this crystal.

Everyone is already familiar with it.

It’s the resurrection crystal!

Resurrection Crystal: After use, you can resurrect an undead at will. The

resurrected person will directly return to his peak state and eliminate all

original injuries.。

【Silbarz Reilly: Hey, you really get whatever you want.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hiss! It’s actually a resurrection crystal!】

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! ! ! Why? ! ! !】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Mr. Reilly, it seems that you have a lot of respect.

Just after you finished talking about wanting to draw the resurrection

crystal, the Heavenly Inventory System arranged it for you.~】

【Silbarzraeli: Haha, it’s just good luck.~】

【Bucky: Mr. Reilly actually drew the resurrection crystal? ! So that


【Jabba Scribbar: Roger, you can finally be resurrected!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! good! OK! After waiting for so long, I finally

have the opportunity to be resurrected, so that when the time comes, I

can take Malinvando to save Ace. Rayleigh, thank you!】

【Silbarzraeli: Go, go, go! Go aside! You are so old and you still say such

disgusting things like thank you. Who are you so disgusting with? !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha~】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! I am so envious! How come Roger, this bitch, can

be resurrected before me? ! ! !】

【John: Haha~ Why? Of course it’s because I have a good partner like


【Silver Ax: Yes, Roger has someone to help him resurrect, but old

captain, you are just a lonely person.~】

【Wang Zhi: Well, I feel very sad to see the old captain in such a pitiful

state…….So relieved and happy, hahahaha~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? grass! What a bunch of bastards! ! !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Good guy, will you be able to resurrect Roger


【Warring States Period: The former Pirate King Gol D. Roger is

resurrected……This is not good news for our navy!】

【Crane: It seems that our navy will face another powerful enemy in the

summit war…….】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ The resurrected Pirate King is really scary.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ This is not something that ordinary people can


【Sakaski: Humph! A bunch of cowards! What’s there to be afraid of? !

Isn’t it just Roger who was resurrected? As long as he dares to come to

Marinefando when the time comes, I won’t mind letting him, who has

just been resurrected, die again! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! good! Akainu, remember what you are saying

now, I w

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ill see how

you can make me die again!】

【Sakaski: Haha, just wait and see! 】

With the announcement of the results of the Rayleigh lottery.

The golden lottery wheel in the projection screen also slowly



The projection screen went dark again.

And after everyone had a chat.

The cold Tiandao reminder finally sounded in everyone’s ears again.。

“Video of the twenty kings of the nautical world, continue now!”

“Sixth place – Ship King!”

“Random questions for this round have been generated!”

“Random question 1: Who is the boat king in this round of selection? ”

The question fell.

Everyone immediately started a heated discussion again in the Tiandao

chat group。

【Locks D. Gibek: Huh? By Ship King? What kind of weird king-level title

is this? !】

【Kaido: By the Ship King? I don’t know why, but this name sounds like a


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ This Tiandao inventory system

really always selects some weird king-level titles, but it doesn’t comment

on any serious king-level titles!】

【Gol D. Roger: Judging from the characteristics of the Tendo Inventory

System, I’m afraid the Twenty One Piece Kings won’t be ranked as my

One Piece King, but it’s okay…….Now that I can be resurrected, I have

no regrets, hahahaha~】

【Rocks Djibek: Damn it! Seeing Roger moaning here makes me feel even

worse than eating shit! ! !】

【John: Huh? Old Captain, how do you know that what you feel now is

worse than eating shit? !】

【Silver Ax: If you don’t experience this thing yourself, there’s no way to

compare it.~】

【Wang Zhi: That is to say……Old Captain, have you secretly eaten shit

behind our backs? ! ! !】

【Shiki: Damn it! Old captain, you really have a strong taste! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Although I have known that the old

captain is a ruthless man, I never thought that the old captain could be so


【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Wo Ni Ma! What I just said was just a metaphor.

What the hell are you talking about here? ! ! !】

【John: Tsk tsk tsk tsk~Old captain, please stop explaining.~】

【Silver Ax: Yes, as the saying goes, explanation is cover-up~】

【Wang Zhi: And to cover it up is to confirm it!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ It’s good now. Everyone in the whole sea knows

that old captain, you secretly ate shit before.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ?%*!!!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Let’s have fun, let’s make trouble, come to

think of it, who will be the “Ship King” selected in this round?】

【Shanks: The meaning of this title is a bit hard to figure out, thanks to

Ship King……Does it mean that this person is particularly good at

leaning on boats? !】

【Ben Beckman: If we understand it this way, then the ship-reliant king

mentioned in this question should be a navigator or helmsman.。】

【Marco: But does the word “ship king” really mean this?】

【Warring States Period: This weird title really makes people confused.

It’s really a bit confusing.。】

【Crane: From the current point of view, it seems that we can only think

of it as a navigator or helmsman. After all, there are no other reliable


【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu ~ But if you are a navigator or

helmsman, then there are too many options to choose from. After all,

generally speaking, the level of navigators and helmsmen is very low.

Only one of them knows, and there is no way to compare them with each


【Moonlight Moria: It seems that this question is another hellishly

difficult question. I can only decide blindly and rely on luck.。】

【Monkey D. Luffy: If the answer to this question is a navigator or a

helmsman, then I think the answer is probably Nami. Nami is the best

navigator in the world! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel


【Vinsmoke 543 Sanji: Luffy is right this time, Nami-chan is definitely

the best navigator in the world~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: I agree too! ! !】

【Nami: You guys, I feel a little embarrassed for your praise.~】

【Nami: Although what you said is true, I always feel that the answer to

this question cannot be me. After all, it depends on the king-level title of

Ship King…….It’s a bit too unpleasant to listen to! It doesn’t suit my

pretty girl temperament at all!】

【John: Good guy, this little girl is really not modest at all!】

【Silver Ax: If I remember correctly, she seemed to have just said that

she was a little embarrassed?】

【Wang Zhi: From what point can we tell that she is a little embarrassed?

I think she is very embarrassed! 】

After some dialogue.

The cold mechanical beep sounded again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, so be prepared!”






“The quizzes officially begin! ”

As the question answering officially began,

everyone also began to rush to answer the questions in the Tiandao chat


But this time, the answers given by everyone were all kinds of.

Everyone basically put the names of their navigators and helmsmen.


Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates also answered Nami’s name without


This time the answer popped up in the Tiandao chat group.

There must be at least hundreds of various names.

No one I don’t know which one is the real correct answer.

Or maybe the correct answer is not any of them at all.

The direction of their analysis may be completely wrong.


the cold mechanical sound sounded again。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”




【Jack: Damn it! There seems to be no name that I can answer, so forget

it and just guess myself. Otherwise, wouldn’t this opportunity to answer

the question be wasted? !】

【Jack: Jack! (Answer)]

In the last few seconds before the answer is about to end.

“Drought” Jack of the Beasts Pirates also casually gave an answer.




“The quiz is over!”

“Congratulations to Jack for answering correctly and earning one


【Jack:? ? ? ? ?】

【Quinn:? ? ? ? ?】

【ember:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kaido:? ? ? ? ? 】.

Chapter 152

【Jack: Damn it! You were actually fooled by me? ! Hahahahaha! ! !】

【Quinn: Hiss! real or fake? ! Jack, this guy, got really lucky this time? ! !


【Jhin: This result is indeed a bit surprising…….】

【Kaido: What a guy! I haven’t even taken stock of my king-level titles

yet, but Jack, you are the one who claims the title of king before me? ! !


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Kaido, it seems that your

subordinate wants to replace you.~】

【Jack:? ? ? Boss Kaido, I definitely don’t mean this! I was just blindly

fooling around with this question. Who would have thought that I would

actually get it right?】

【Kaido: Okay, okay, I still don’t know about your virtue. Why are you


【Rocks Djibek: Warnema! What the hell is this? ! Even Kaido’s

subordinates have been awarded the title of king, but I haven’t received

the title of king yet? ! ! !】

【John: Were all our guesses wrong?】

【Silver Ax: In other words, this so-called ship-reliant king is not a

navigator or helmsman at all.。】

【Wang Zhi: So what exactly does “King of Ships” mean? Why is it

Kaido’s subordinate?】

【Shi Ji: The idea of this Tiandao inventory system is really


【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Although the king-level title in this round of counting

is still not me, at least I am still a member of the Beasts Pirates. The

possibility of our Beasts Pirates getting points and rewards in this round

is, It will also be greatly improved, hahahaha~】

【Jack: Boss Kaido is right! The target of this round of inventory is me. I

will definitely work hard to answer the questions and try to win more

rewards for our Beasts Pirates!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Damn it, this guy Kaido has been given the

advantage this round. It really makes me feel a little unhappy!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Compared to this, I am more curious,

why on earth did Jack, Kaido’s subordinate, be selected as the king of


【Gol D. Roger: Yes, I’m also curious, what does “ship king” mean? 】

Amidst the discussion and confusion among everyone.

The mechanically cold Tiandao prompt finally sounded again.。

“He is one of the three main posters of the Beasts Pirates。”

“He is the famous drought, which represents a disaster that makes people

fear and despair.。”

“He is a rare animal-type elephant fruit ancient species with the ability to

form a mammoth.。”

“His bounty is as high as one billion beli, and one ivory is worth 990


“However, none of this matters!”

“The important thing is that he is the most stubborn man in this sea!”

“No matter what kind of enemy he faces ahead, he dares to say that

without hesitation – move the ship over!”

“Welcome to this issue’s review of the Twenty Kings of Navigation——

【Relying on the ship king】Jack! ”

As the Tiandao prompts continued to sound and fall,

a photo slowly appeared again on the originally dark projection screen.


the photo was an extremely tall and strong figure.

He had long golden hair

. It became a ponytail and two braids.

The ponytail hung down on the back of his head,

and the braids spread to both sides of his body.

He wore a pair of silver metal jaw guards on his mouth.

The metal jaw guard had two strands. There are often white ivory tusks.

They look like mammoth teeth.

He also has a pair of tusks on his shoulders.

And he is much bigger.

He is wearing a fur coat.

He is tied with a pair of metal rivets. belt.

The whole person looks particularly ferocious and powerful.

But at the same time, he also reveals a sense of iron and innocence.

There is no doubt that

the person in the photo

is one of the three major posters of the Beasts Pirates.——

“Drought~disaster” Jack!

【Jack: Hahahaha! The photo of me looks really tall and mighty!】

【Quinn: Damn it, I want this kid Jack to take the limelight. It feels

really unpleasant!】

【Jhin: But why do I feel that the Tiandao Inventory System’s

introduction to Jack sounds a bit strange?】

【Kaido: I think so too, but I can’t tell what’s wrong…….】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Kaido, this Tiandao inventory system is scolding

this Jack Tiger under you, can’t you hear it?】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Although the introduction of Jack by

the Tiandao Inventory System just sounded like it was praising him at

first, it was actually more of a tease and a mockery.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! No matter what kind of enemy he faces, he

dares to pull the ship over. Is this what the King of Ships means?】

【Shiki: Good guy! It turns out that he is such a boat king. Who the hell

could have imagined this? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ But this makes me even more

curious. What kind of strong man did Jack lean the ship to before the

Tiandao Inventory System gave him the title of “Ship King”?。】

【Rocks D Jibek: Yes, when it comes to this kind of boating, I don’t

believe that this guy named Jack can compare to me back then. What

kind of strong man was not backed by me back then? Why did the title of

Ship King fall on this guy? !】

【John: This is true. Think about what kind of ship our Rocks Pirates

never passed. No matter what happens, it won’t be this guy’s turn,


【Silver Ax: Hey, based on what you said, I’m starting to get curious


【Wang Zhi: +1 for curiosity。】

【Jack: Hahahaha! It seems that you all can’t wait to appreciate my


【John: Uh…….That’s not what we meant。】

【Silver Ax: You are really a bit sentimental…….】

【Wang Zhi: How do you have the nerve to say such things?】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ Kaido, your subordinates seem to have thicker

skin than you.~】



As the Tiandao Inventory System’s introduction to Jack finished playing.

Jack’s photo on the projection screen also slowly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards.

The video officially starts playing –

the beginning of the picture.

It is on a rough sea.

A pirate ship flying the flag of the Beasts Pirates is sailing forward on the


And on the sea not far in front of this pirate ship.

There are also several warships flying navy flags.

It is driving towards the distance.

At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds and it was pouring

with rain

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] .

From time to time there was thunder and lightning.

The atmosphere was very depressing and gloomy.

And Jack just stood on the deck of the pirate ship.

A pair of eyes stared fixedly at the naval fleet ahead.

His eyes were filled with fierce anger.

He murmured to himself:

“Boss Kaido has entrusted me with this rescue mission, and I will

definitely not let him down!”

“No matter who is responsible for escorting the fleet, I must rescue them!

Jack looked at the naval fleet in the wind and rain in the distance.

He muttered to himself viciously.

Then the picture suddenly froze.

The Tiandao prompt sounded again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to

Feilu Novel Network!)

“Random question 2: Which one of the Shichibukai is the person Jack is

going to save?”

【Porusalino: Well, this round of random questions came so fast. The

video just started to play, and then the second random question


【Kuzan: Ah la la~ So, the navy fleet in the video was escorting a King


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ It’s really a rare thing that King Shichibukai

would be arrested and escorted by the navy.~】

【Moonlight Moria: Hee hee hee~ In the past, this kind of thing would

have been rare, but it is no longer the case these days. Don’t forget,

Crocodile and Jinbe are both imprisoned in Impel Down.~】

【Shakrokdar: Moria, no one will think you are mute if you don’t



【Edward Newgate: However, neither Crocodile nor Jinbe seem to have

much anxiety with the Beast Pirates. In the video, the King Shichibukai

whom Kaido asked Jack to rescue should not be the two of them.。】

【Marco: Dad is right. If there is anyone in the Shichibukai who has close

ties with the Beast Pirates and Kaido, it must be Doflamingo.。】

【Ben Beckman: Indeed, it was mentioned in Luffy’s video before that

Doflamingo’s Don Quixote family has been secretly providing a steady

stream of supplies to Kaido’s Beasts Pirates. artificial devil fruit。】

【Shanks: So, there is a direct relationship of interest between

Doflamingo and Kaido. Kaido can also be said to be Doflamingo’s


【Gol D. Roger: It has also been played in the Straw Hat Boy’s video

before. Two years later, Doflamingo will be defeated by the Straw Hat

Boy. After that, he will most likely be arrested by the Navy.。】

【Sengoku: In other words, the King Shichibukai whom the Beasts Pirates

are trying to rescue in the video is very likely to be Doflamingo!】

【Crane: This is indeed the most likely conjecture. After all, the other

kings, the Shichibukai, do not have close contacts with Kaido. There is

absolutely no reason for the Beast Pirates to send anyone to rescue


【Rocks Djibek: Good! Great analysis! In other words, this question is my

favorite score-giving question again!】

【John: Haha, old captain, stop shouting about giving away points. There

are so many free points, and I have never seen you successfully grab

them once.~】

【Silver Ax: Although it is a question for free, it is not that difficult to get

this point from so many people competing fiercely…….】

【Wang Zhi: I don’t know which lucky person will get the points for this


【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Stop talking nonsense, I’m ready to answer!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, well, children, please cheer me up

and try to get the points for this question in the hands of our Auntie


【Charlotte Perospero: Yes! Mother!】

【Charlotte Crackler: Yes! Mother!】

【Charlotte Smoothie: Yes! Mother!】



The Tiandao prompt sounds again。

“.~The quiz will officially start in five seconds, please be prepared。”






“The quizzes officially begin!”

【Shiki: Don Quixote Doflamingo! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Donquixote Doflamingo! (answer question)】

【Sengoku: Donquixote Doflamingo! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Lingling: Don Quixote and Doflamingo! (answer question)】

【Rocks D. Gibek: Don Quixote Doflamingo! (answer question)】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Don Quixote Doflamingo! (answer



The moment the Tiandao reminder sounded.

Countless messages suddenly passed through the Tiandao chat group.

And these answer messages,

without exception, are all “Don Quixote Doflamingo””。

“There are only five seconds left to answer the question. Those who have

not yet answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible.。”






“The quiz is over! “(Qian Li’s)” Congratulations to Shi Ji for answering

correctly and earning one point.。”

【Shiki:! ! ! Jie hahahaha! Is it finally my turn to get some points? So

cool! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! Did Shi Ji even get a point? ! Why not me? ! ! !】

【Kaido: Damn it! The points for this question were actually taken away

by Shi Ji, an old golden retriever!】

【Charlotte Lingling: This guy Shiji���What a piece of shit luck!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ cool! This feels so good! ! !】

【Torrepol: So the answer to this question……Is he really the young

master? Is the young master really captured by the navy in the future? ! !


【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ I didn’t expect that one day I

would end up like this.~】

【Monet: How could this happen? Little Lord……】

【Serka: Don’t worry, hasn’t Kaido already sent someone to save the

young master? Young Master, he will be fine!】

【Diamanti: That’s right! Jack is one of the three most powerful figures

in the Beast Pirates. No matter who is the navy responsible for escorting

the young master, he will definitely be able to rescue the young


【Jack: Humph! Isn’t this nonsense? Who do you think I am? ! It’s just a

naval fleet. If I take action, wouldn’t it be easy for me to capture it?

Destroy them to the point of leaving nothing behind! ! ! 】

Just when Jack was talking nonsense in the Tiandao chat group.

Before the video on the projection screen continues to play.

The cold prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system came again.。

“Random question 3: How many admiral-level combatants are there in

the navy responsible for escorting Donquixote and Doflamingo?”

【Sirka:? ? ? ? ?】

【Diamanti:? ? ? ? ?】

【Jack:? ? ? ? ? 】.

Chapter 153

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! How is this going? ! The last question has just

been asked, and the video hasn’t started playing yet. Why is there

another question right away? ! ! !】

【John: Indeed, this has never happened before…….】

【Silver Ax: But the amount of information contained in this question

seems a bit large…….】

【Wang Zhi: It asked how many of the navy responsible for escorting

Doflamingo had combat capabilities above the level of general. In other

words,……The naval fleet in the video has a general-level combat force

on board, and there is probably more than one!】

【Shiki: Oh my god, Doflamingo actually has to dispatch several general-

level combat forces to escort him?】

【Gol D. Roger: I don’t think so. It just asks how many people have

general-level combat power. Does it say that there must be general-level

combat power? The answer is probably 0, right?】

【Shanks: Well, I think what Captain Roger said makes sense.。】

【Sengoku: It stands to reason that even if the prisoner being escorted is

a figure of King Shichibukai’s level, there is generally no need to dispatch

admiral-level combat forces. For example, when Crocodile and Jinbe

were escorted into Impel Down, the navy did not dispatch admiral-level

combat forces. combat power。】

【Crane: However, Doflamingo’s identity is somewhat special, and it

seems reasonable to dispatch a general-level combat power, but the

combat power of a general-level should be the limit.。】

【Kaido: So the most likely answer to this question is probably 0 or 1,


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Is it possible that the answer is 2

or 3?】

【Ben Beckman: Although the possibility is very small, it is not


【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~ Anyway, even if all the admiral-level

combat capabilities of the Navy are included, there will only be a few at

most. There are not many possible answers to this question, so just guess

one by one.~】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ That’s right. There are so many people in my Beast

Pirates, and there are only a few possible answers to this question. I don’t

believe it and I can’t guess the correct answer!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, let’s put it this way, kids, you

failed to help me get points in the last round, so you must not miss again

this round!】

【Charlotte Perospero: 850 yes! Mother!】

【Charlotte Crackler: Yes! Mother!】

【Charlotte Smoothie: Yes! Mother!】



After a while of discussion among everyone.

The beep of the Tiandao inventory system finally sounded again.。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, please be prepared。”






“The quizzes officially begin!”

【Rocks Djibek: 1! (answer question)】

【Warring States: 1! (answer question)】

【Kaido: 1! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Lingling: 0! (answer question)】

【Gol D. Roger: 2! (answer question)】

【Edward Newgate: 3! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Crackers: 4 (Answer)】


【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! This time I saw it! This time, I was definitely

the first one to successfully answer the question, and I also answered the

most likely answer “1”. The points for this question must go to me! Ha ha

ha ha~】

【John: Huh? Old Captain, you really don’t know how to teach me a

lesson. How dare you set up such a flag after you’ve been like this?】

【Silver Ax: Old Captain, aren’t you afraid of being slapped in the face


【Wang Zhi: Still say……Could it be that, old captain, you are actually a

masochist and you just like the feeling of being slapped in the face?】

【Shiki: Hiss! Is the old captain so perverted? What an eye-opener!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ What’s so weird about this? Didn’t the old captain

secretly eat shit before? Compared with this, the masochist is simply


【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? When the hell did I eat shit? ! Kaido, you bastard,

do you believe that I will kill you after my resurrection? ! ! !】

【Kaido: Ugh~Old captain, how many times have you said this, but it’s

been so long and I haven’t seen you come back to life.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……grass! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, the old captain seems to have

broken through the defense again.~】

【John: But to be honest, I actually think it is quite possible that the old

captain can get points in this round (bfbd)。】

【Silver Ax: Yes, it’s just to escort Doflamingo. In my opinion, the combat

power of a general is completely enough. The answer to this question is

probably “1”。】

【Wang Zhi: It’s just……The old captain insisted on setting up a flag,

which made me a little suspicious again.。】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ Actually, I think so too. Why do you think the

old captain had to do this to die?~】

【Rocks Djibek: Humph! I don’t believe in flags for a long time. When I

didn’t set the flag before, I successfully got points without even seeing


【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Rocks, what you say seems to make sense,

but have you ever thought of a possibility?……In fact, these have

nothing to do with whether you set a flag or not. You just simply cannot

get points.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Roger, fuck you! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahahaha~]

As everyone continues to argue.

Time also passed little by little.


The Tiandao reminder sounds again。

“There are only five seconds left to answer the question. Those who have

not yet answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible.。”






“The quiz is over!”

“Congratulations to Edward Newgate for answering correctly and get one


【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ?】

【John: Hahahaha! I knew it!】

【Silver Ax: The moment the old captain set the flag, he was destined to

miss out on points in this round again.。】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! As expected, the old captain was slapped in the

face again and again.~】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ But having said that, I didn’t expect Whitebeard

to get this question right.。】

【Kaido: There was so much news about the question I just answered, I

didn’t even see clearly what the answer was to Whitebeard.。】

【Charlotte Lingling: Yeah, Whitebeard, what’s your answer? Tell us, let’s

see, how many general-level combat forces are guarding the fleet in the


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I originally wanted to answer “1”, but in

less than a second, you have already changed “0””、“1”、“The answer to

“2” was already finished, so I had to guess “3” casually. I didn’t

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] expect it to

be right.~】

【Rocks D. Gibek: What? ! The answer is actually 3? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hiss! Good guy! It’s just to escort Doflamingo. Is it

necessary to dispatch three general-level combat forces? !】

【Warring States: Damn it! real or fake? ! Although Doflamingo’s identity

is indeed somewhat special, it doesn’t allow our navy to dispatch three

general-level combat forces, right? ! ! !】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Is this an answer that would shock even the Navy’s

own marshal?~】

【Crane: This answer is indeed quite surprising…….】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ With the combat power of three generals, could it

be that I, Kuzan, and Sakaski were dispatched together?】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ I think it’s unlikely. After all, I seem to have joined

the Blackbeard Pirates in the future.~】

【Sakaski: Humph! You guy actually has the nerve to mention this!】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Will I be escorted by three

general-level combatants in the future? I really have quite a lot of


【Torrebol: Young Master……】

【Serka: The navy responsible for escorting the young master actually

has three general-level combat capabilities. In this case……】

【Diamanti: Even if “Drought” Jack of the Beast Pirates takes action, I’m

afraid there’s no way to save the young master, right? !】

【Warring States: Haha, you guys are just thinking about it! Three

general-level combat forces are stationed here, let alone “Drought” Jack.

Even if his boss “Hundred Beasts” Kaido comes, it is absolutely

impossible to rescue Doflamingo from the navy!】

【Kaido: Although I really don’t want to admit it, what the Warring

States Old Dog said this time is indeed the truth. Facing the combat

power of three generals at the same time, I don’t think anyone in this sea

can defeat the enemy alone. rescue people。】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Kaido, I guess your men will be

frightened and run away in despair after knowing that the fleet in the

video actually has three general-level combat capabilities~]( To read

exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~ Faced with the combat power of three

generals, you still want to save a person with a hammer. You should first

think about how to save your own life.~】

【Gol D. Roger: I’m really curious, which three general-level warriors

had nothing to do, and actually three of them escorted Doflamingo

together. Even when I was arrested, the Navy didn’t show any concern.

Have you ever had such a battle?】

【Monkey D. Karp: Indeed, but let me tell you something, Roger, if I

want to escort you, I alone will be enough.~】

【Gol D. Roger: hetui! Garp, you old guy is really shameless. You have to

show off at this time, right? !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahahaha~]

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera switches. The scene switched

from the Beast Pirates’ pirate ship to the navy ship in front responsible

for escorting Doflamingo. now. In the cabin of that navy warship. There

are three figures sitting together. Two men and one woman. One of the

men and one woman looked very old. The hair is all blooming white.

Apparently an old man and an old woman. The other person is slightly

younger in comparison. Short black hair. But he looked about fifty years

old. It is worth mentioning that. The man’s eyes were kept tightly closed.

He appears to be a blind man. If I had to use one word to describe my

first impression when I saw these three people. There is no doubt that

they are the “old, weak, sick and disabled”. But as long as they know the

three figures in the picture. Obviously it is absolutely impossible to use

this word to describe them. If anyone really thinks that the three people

in the picture are a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people. Then

other people will definitely think that the person who thinks so is crazy!

the reason is simple. because


The three people in the picture at this moment

are the three general-level combat powers mentioned in the Tiandao

inventory system!

Former Marshal of the Navy Headquarters——Sengoku!

Chief of Staff of the Navy Headquarters—Crane!

One of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters—Fujitora!

The three of them

are the luxurious lineup responsible for escorting Doflamingo this time!

In this.

Sengoku and Fujitora are both undoubtedly general-level combatants.

Crane is a comrade who has always fought alongside Sengoku and Garp.

At the same time, it is also an existence that Doflamingo, who is not

afraid of anything, has always been extremely afraid of.

Of course, he also has general-level combat power.。

【Sengoku: Good guy! It turns out that the ones responsible for escorting

Doflamingo are me, Tsuru, and Fujitora, one of the new admirals in the


【Crane: This is indeed the combat power of three generals…….】

【Yixiao: Is there still a role for you? What a surprise。】

【Moonlight Moria: Hiss! This is truly the combat power of three


【Torrebol: It’s over. With the three of them here, the young master will

definitely not be able to be rescued!】

【Sirka: I guess after Jack saw a lineup like the Navy, he would be so

frightened that he would turn around and run away, right?】

【Diamanti: With such an escort lineup, if Jack still dares to rush in to

save people, he is simply looking for death!】

【Jack: Humph! You guys really underestimate me! There is nothing in

this world that I dare not do! 】

When Jack sent this message in the Tiandao chat group.

at the same time.

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the scene returns to the pirate ship of the Beasts Pirates.

Jack was still standing on the deck of the pirate ship.

His eyes passed through the rough waves and pouring rain, and

fell firmly on the naval fleet in front.

And just then.

A member of the Beasts Pirates ran up in a panic.

Explained the situation to Jack.

It is said that the other side’s warship is currently guarded by Sengoku,

Tsuru and Fujitora.

The subordinate looked at Jack with some trepidation and asked:

“The opponent is so strong……”

“us……Do you want to retreat first? ”


After hearing this question from this subordinate,

Jack suddenly widened his eyes.

With an extremely angry expression on his face,

he responded angrily and loudly:

“Who do you think I am? !”

“Pull the boat over! ! ! ”.

Chapter 154

“Who do you think I am? !”

“Pull the boat over! ! ! ”

Jack’s words continued to echo.

There was an arrogance in his tone that was fearless.

And a domineering attitude that did not allow others to refuse or


And after he finished speaking these words,

the picture on the projection screen also froze again.

It was densely packed . The army of barrages began to float across the

screen –


Coming, coming! The scene of approaching the boat~The king’s name is


Who do you think I am? Pull the boat over!

Jack’s words It’s so domineering – ah!

I thought Wang Lufei was already incomparable. Whose general is this, so


Oh, it turns out it’s Jack the Ship King, then it’s okay~


It is indeed one of the three major posters of the Beasts Pirates, the

famous Drought Jack!

If I didn’t know who was on the navy fleet in front, I might have praised

Jack for his bravery when I heard these words.

But On the fleet at the moment, Sengoku, Tsuru and Fujitora are sitting


Sengoku and Fujitora needless to say, they are definitely capable general-

level combat forces.

Although the specific strength of Tsuru is unknown, as a follower Pu and

Sengoku have been fighting side by side for decades, so their strength is

definitely not weak. In addition,

Tsuru is the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters. In terms of

layout and strategy, he is at least on par with Sengoku, who is known as

a wise general. Didn’t you see

? Even Doflamingo, who is fearless, has always been quite afraid of Crane

from the past until now?

So, Crane must be quite powerful. Even if he does not reach the level of a

general, he is definitely at the level of a lieutenant general. The top level

is not much different from that of a general.

In other words, at this moment, this naval fleet is equivalent to having

three general-level combat forces guarding it!

Under such circumstances, Jack actually dared to say that Pulling the

boat over, this can be explained by more than just bravery!

Where is this bravery? This guy is obviously a tough guy!

Even Wang Lufei, who has always been a tough guy, under such

circumstances It is absolutely impossible to be as reckless as Jack!

Did Jack have any misunderstanding about his own strength? Or did he

have some misunderstanding about the strength of Sengoku and the


In this case, let alone him drought Jack, even if Kaido came He also had

to hit a few big sinuses and then return in vain!

How on earth did Jack dare to order his men to pull the ship over?!

Who gave him the courage? Liang Jingru?

All I can say is, I respect Jack What a man!

Just this sentence of pulling the boat over is enough for Jack to secure

the title of the strongest man on the sea!

Jack: Aren’t there an old man, an old lady, and a blind man on the

opposite side? What’s there to be afraid of?! Pull the boat over to me!

(Dog Head)

Jack: In my eyes, marshals, generals, and staff officers are just a bunch of

old, weak, sick, and disabled people, nothing to be afraid of! Pull the

boat over to me! Go over! (Dog Head)

Jack: Not to mention that there are only three general-level combat

forces on the opposite side. Even if the Five Old Stars come, I must rescue

Doflamingo today! Get the boat over for me! ( Dog-Headed)

Jack: Who do you think I am? I am Drought Jack, who has a bounty of

one billion Baileys! Get the boat over for me! (Dog-Headed)

Jack: Before the beasts, then the sky, Drought Jack is the god! Bring the

boat over for me! (Dog Head)

Jack: In my dictionary, there are no words like fear and retreat! Bring the

boat over for me! (Dog Head)

Ship King Jack is worthy of his name!

By boat King Jack, yyds! ! !

Thick barrages kept drifting across the screen.

At this moment, in the Tiandao chat group.

It was also because of Jack’s words “Pull the boat over” that the situation


【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! Kaido, your subordinate has something. He

dares to order the ship to approach with this lineup? ! ! !】

【John: Hahahaha! I finally know why the Tiandao Inventory System

gave this Jack the title of “Ship King”~】

【Silver Ax: Let me tell you something. When he shouted out the phrase

“Pull the boat over” in the video, I really didn’t hold back, hahahaha~】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! Who says it’s not? This is the first time I have

seen such a reckless guy!】

【Shiki: Jie hahahaha~ Kaido, why do I feel that this guy named Jack

under your command is more courageous than you? Why don’t you just

become his subordinate from now on?~】


【Jhin: Jack has always been so reckless, but I really didn’t expect

it…….How could he be so reckless?。】

【Quinn: I feel that this can no longer be described as reckless. Jack, you

are a complete fool! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Kaido, you really have so many

talents, I am ashamed of myself for this.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ He is such a king of sailing. He dared to

sail his ship against the strength of three generals. I am ashamed of this


【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! With this unique courage, this guy named

Jack deserves the title of Ship King!】

【Shanks: Indeed, such reckless generals are rare even in this sea.~】

【Jack: Huh? Are these guys complimenting me? Haha, I feel a little

embarrassed by the praise.~】

【Kaido:? ? ? Sorry, you are such a hammer! Jack, you are such a fool.

Are you really not able to tell or are you pretending not to be able to tell?

They are all laughing at you! ! !】

【Jack: Huh? Are you laughing at me? I’m obviously so brave in the

video, why are they laughing at me? !】




【Porusalino: Hmm~ Jack, does this guy have any misunderstanding

about the word “brave and mighty”?】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ This is the first time I’ve seen someone describe

stupidity and recklessness as brave and mighty.~】

【Sakaski: Humph! For a pirate like this who has no brains and only

knows how to be reckless, I can burn a large area directly to death if I go

down the volcano!】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! God is so brave and mighty, this guy really

gave this word a brand new definition.~】

【John: If he can really beat his opponent, it doesn’t matter to say he is

brave a

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] nd mighty,

but the key is……】

【Silver Ax: The key is the opponent’s lineup. If you look at it, you will

only get beaten! What kind of good person can rush in and get beaten

and call him brave? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! No more! I was really about to die laughing,

Kaido’s men are so weird.~】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ Kaido, I really envy you for having such a good

subordinate. This wave has really earned you a lot of face in front of



inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

as Jack’s order to dock is given.

Although the men of the Beast Pirates were very reluctant.

But still, we can only do as we are told.

Move the pirate ship towards the navy warship in front.


The war is about to break out.

A battle with huge disparity in strength started on this windy and rainy


And the result is naturally beyond doubt.

Doflamingo was not successfully rescued.

The Beast Pirates led by Jack suffered a tragic defeat.

On the Navy’s side, two warships were sunk.

Jack was defeated and sank into the deep sea.

News of his death appeared in the next day’s newspapers.

But in fact Jack did not die. ,

even though he is a devil fruit user.

But he is also a fishman. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel


Therefore, after sinking to the bottom of the sea,

despite being cursed by the sea on those with devil fruit abilities,

their whole body lost strength.

Couldn’t move at all.

However, the racial talent of the fishmen allows him to still breathe


So there is no life-threatening danger.

He just needs to wait for the people from the Beast Pirates to fish him up

from the bottom of the sea.

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by again –

Oh, poor Jack, he was really taught a hard lesson~

This is what happens when the boat comes close~

A battle with no suspense at all~

You said, the two sides in the video When the fight started, what was

Doflamingo thinking when he was imprisoned in the cell below the

cabin? (dog head)

Hahahaha! I guess Brother Ming must have been surprised when he heard

the commotion outside.

Brother Ming: With Sengoku, Fujitora and Tsuru here, how dare the Beast

Pirates come to rescue me? Kaido must have taken action himself! (Dog


Brother Ming: I didn’t expect Kaido to actually come out to save me. It

seems that my status in his heart is indeed extraordinary~ (Dog head)

Brother Ming: Fufufufu~ Kaido really does have me in his heart. ~(dog


Pfft hahahaha! Those of you upstairs, do you want to laugh me to death?

Ha ha ha ha! Anyway, it was absolutely impossible for Brother Ming to

imagine that Kaido actually sent only one Jack to save him~

I think Brother Ming must have thought of this, but it was absolutely

impossible for him to imagine that Jack actually dared to go with

Sengoku and the others alone. Let the war begin! Hahahaha~

Brother Ming: Facing a lineup like the Navy, he dared to charge forward.

Does Jack want to save me or accompany me?

But there is one thing to say, Jack was actually quite powerful when he

was able to sink two navy warships under such circumstances.

Yes, it is indeed quite fierce. No wonder Jack is so stupid that he can

become one of the three major poster boards of the Beasts Pirates.

But in fact, I still have some doubts. Did the Warring States Period and

others not make any effort at all, and were they not fighting seriously at


Yes, otherwise, with the combat power of three generals, I feel that as

long as they take action seriously, they can defeat Jack and the others in

seconds. How can they give the other side a chance to sink two navy


Ha ha ha ha! What kind of truth are you talking about with this


Hahahaha! After all, Sengoku has retired, Tsuru is a kind old woman, and

Fujitora is also a blind man who doesn’t like fighting. How much help do

you expect them to do~ This wave can be regarded as Jack’s fate, and he

happened to encounter these

three If you encounter a more ferocious navy such as Akainu or Green

Bull, your ashes may have been raised.

Jack: Thank you to the three bosses for not killing me! (Dog Head)

Translucent barrages kept floating across the screen.

And as these barrages continued to pass by.

The picture on the projection screen also began to gradually darken.

Finally it was pitch black.

The barrage army also disappeared accordingly.

And this means……

This round of review videos about [Ship King] Jack is over.

To this.

Everyone in the Tiandao chat group couldn’t help but be a little


【Jack: Huh? ! what’s the situation? ! Did my inventory video end so

quickly? ! ! !】

【Rocks D. Gibek: Yes, this video ended a little too quickly, right? !】

【Gol D. Roger: Why does it feel like this video just started and ended

after just one incident? !】

【Warring States Period: The ending is really a bit unexpected…….】

【Shanks: Haha, this round ended a little too quickly, but I think this

incident in the video alone is enough to confirm Jack’s title of “Ship


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ There is indeed nothing wrong with

what the red-haired kid said.~】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Different from other people’s inventory

videos, this Jack’s video is not about how long the event is, but how

precise it is!】

【Porusalino: Well, I think Jack’s words in the video, “Pull the boat

over,” are enough to be recorded in history and passed down through the


【Kuzan: Ah la la~ It’s hard to disagree. This sentence is so classic that

people can’t even forget it.~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ If you put it this way, it’s

understandable that this round of videos ended so quickly.~】

【Kaido: Mad! A video like this that embarrasses me should end as soon

as possible! ! !】

【Jhin: Indeed, otherwise, if the broadcast continues, I don’t know what

other stupid things Jack will do.。】

【Quinn: We, the Beast Pirates, can’t afford to lose face like Jack…….】


that’s all.

After everyone chatted and discussed.

The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“This round of inventory on [Ship King] Jack has ended。”

“The lottery draw is about to begin……Yes”.

Chapter 155

“This round of [Ship King] Jack’s inventory has ended。”

“Next comes the reward distribution phase!”

“The results of this round of questions are being tallied……”

【Jack: Damn it! Did my inventory session really end so quickly? ! I

haven’t even had enough of it yet! ! !】

【Kaido:? ? ? Do you still want to watch it? ! You don’t think it’s

embarrassing, but I still think it’s embarrassing! ! !】

【Jhin: I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel that being one of the three

major poster boards of the Beast Pirates like Jack is so


【Quinn: I feel the same way. I really can’t stand this tough guy


【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! To be honest, I haven’t seen enough yet. I

haven’t seen such fun in a long time. It’s a pity that it ended so soon.~】

【John: Haha, old captain, what you said is wrong. What do you mean I

haven’t seen such fun in a long time? We’ve obviously been watching

your fun.~】

【Silver Ax: Hahahaha~ Although it is indeed fun to rely on Jack the

Ship King, but compared to him, the old captain is not much


【Wang Zhi: More importantly, old captain, your fun didn’t end all at

once, but came in waves.~】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ So, although the fun of relying on the ship king

Jack is gone, we still have the old captain to enjoy the fun, and we don’t

feel it is a pity at all.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? grass! ! ! 】


The “Two Nine Seven” prompt of the Tiandao inventory system sounded


“The results of this round of answering questions are summarized!”

“There are three random questions in this round, and there are three

correct answers.。”

“Those who have accumulated 3 points: None。”

“Those who have accumulated 2 points: None。”

“Those who have accumulated 1 point: Jack, Shiki, Edward Newgate。”

“Congratulations to Jack, Shiki, and Edward Newgate for ranking first in

this round of answering questions, and each will get a chance to be

randomly drawn!”

“Rewards are randomly selected by the Tiandao inventory system and are

absolutely fair and just.。”

“The random draw will begin next……”

“The first lottery winner: Jack. ”

As the Tiandao prompt tone fell, a golden lottery wheel slowly appeared


in the originally dark projection screen. The wheel immediately began to

rotate. After a short period of rotation, it gradually began to rotate again.

Stop. Finally, the pointer stopped at a certain area of the turntable. The

reward hidden in this area was also revealed. It was a small golden card.

There was a pattern on it that looked like a play button. Inventory video

Additional card: This card is only effective for objects that have been

previously counted by the Tiandao inventory system. After use, you can

additionally play a video inventory content that has not been played

before. When an introduction to this reward appears on the projection

screen At that time, the cold Tiandao prompt sounded suddenly again.

“The inventory video add-on card can be used on the spot, and it will

take effect immediately after use, and an additional inventory video can

be played.。”

“Are you using it now? ”

As soon as these words came out,

everyone in the Tiandao chat group couldn’t help but be a little


【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! This reward can actually be used

immediately? ! Those previous rewards were not like this!】

【Moonlight Moria: Good guy, can this thing be made special? ! ! !】

【Warring States: It should be because the nature of this reward is

different from the previous rewards. The previous rewards basically

affected the winners themselves. At this moment, the real world has been

completely stopped by the Tiandao inventory system. So naturally those

rewards cannot be used immediately.。】

【Gol D. Roger: But this reward is different. The effect of this reward is

to play an additional video. Even if the real world is stopped, it will not

affect the effectiveness of this reward at all.。】

【Shanks: Hahahaha~ But in this case, the rewards for the other people

will have to wait until this additional video is played before they can

continue to draw.~】

【Shiki: Fuck! How could it still be like this? ! It’s obvious that I’m the

next winner of the lottery, but now you actually have to wait for a while

longer? ! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I’m not in a hurry. Anyway, the reward

is there and it won’t fly away out of thin air. It’s just a matter of doing it

sooner or later.~】

【Jack: Huh? This means that……Can I watch one more inventory video

about myself right now? ! That’s great! It just so happens that I haven’t

seen enough of it before!】

【Jack: But unfortunately, this inventory video additional card can only

be effective for people who have already been inventoried. Otherwise, I

can use this reward on Boss Kaido and let the Tiandao inventory system

play some videos about Boss Kaido.。】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Jack, you do have some conscience, but I’m not at the

point where I’m going to snatch the rewards from my subordinates, and

as my identity, there will definitely be a special inventory video for me

later, so you can rest assured Use this thing on yourself。】

【Jhin: I just hope that the video added after the inventory video

additional card takes effect can play some more positive content about


【Quinn: Yes, if there is another scene like the one where the ship king

was famous just now, then our Beast Pirates will be embarrassed


【Jack: Hahahaha! You can rest assured! The previous video was just an

accident, I am usually quite witty and powerful! The video that will be

played later will definitely open your eyes and make everyone admire me

“Drought” Jack and our Beasts Pirates!】

【Kaido:? ? ? Wo Ni Ma! Jack, you idiot, shut up! These flags you set up

make me panic! ! !】

【Jhin: I suddenly had a very bad feeling……】

【Quinn: Me too……】

【Jack: Hahahaha! Boss Kaido, Brother Jhin, Brot

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] her Quinn,

you are really a bit too sensitive, just wait and see!】

【Jack: Use the inventory video to add cards now! ! ! 】

Following Jack’s response.

The golden little card that was originally floating in the projection screen

immediately disappeared.

The lottery wheel also slowly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards.

inside the projection screen.

The screen appears again.

The video started playing again –

the same as before.

This time the scene is still above the sea.

But it’s daytime.

The sky is blue and cloudless.

It’s completely opposite to the previous scene with the name of the ship


And above the sea at this moment.

There are still several pirate ships flying the flag of the Beasts Pirates.

Jack was standing on the deck of the leading pirate ship.

behind him. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They are the younger brothers of the Beasts Pirates。


“boom! !”

“boom! ! ! ”

In the picture at this moment,

violent rumbling noises are being heard continuously.

It sounds like these pirate ships are attacking���Fire wildly at a

certain target.

Camera movement.

The screen came to the front of the Beast Pirates’ fleet.

Everyone could clearly see that four very thick and huge blue-gray pillars

were standing

on the sea not far away in that direction . The bottoms of these four

pillars seem to be inserted deeply into the seabed. The top of the pillar

reaches straight into the sky. There seems to be no end in sight. At this

moment, the Beast Pirates were frantically bombarding one of the pillars.

And with the continuous bombardment of artillery shells. The huge pillar

seemed to start to shake slightly.

【Kaido: Huh? Jack, what are they attacking? A pillar? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: What are these four pillars? How could it be so

stable when it was inserted on the sea surface, and only slightly swayed

twice when so many shells hit it?】

【Gol D. Roger: Hey~ these four pillars look like……Why does it look


【Silbarzraeli: Yeah, it does look familiar. I feel like I’ve seen it

somewhere before…….】

【Shanks: What a coincidence, Captain Roger, Mr. Rayleigh, I happen to

feel the same way….】

【Bucky: Huh? Strange, why do I think these four pillars look familiar?】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ It seems that your Roger Pirates have

been to this place before.~】

【Inuarashi: Huh? ! etc! This scene in the video……】

【Cat Viper: The four pillars……Aren’t they just the four legs of the

Elephant Lord? ! ! !】

【Inuarashi: Yes! You can’t go wrong! Those four pillars are the four legs

of the Elephant Lord!】

【Cat Viper: So those guys from the Beast Pirates are bombarding the

target? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Damn it! Was it the elephant owner who was being

bombarded? ! I just said why it looks so familiar!】

【Silbarzraeli: That’s it. No wonder I always feel like I’ve seen those four

pillars somewhere before.。】

【Shanks: I also remembered that when I went to Zou with Captain Roger

and the others, I met the Elephant Master.。】

【Bucky: Is that the giant elephant that carries the entire Furry

Principality on its back? I remembered it too! That guy is quite big!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Nani? ! A giant elephant that carries an entire

country on its back? ! So how big does it have to be? Si Guoyi! ! !】

【Usopp: It’s incredible. Are there such huge creatures in this sea? !】

【Tony Tony Chopper: So……Are the Beast Pirates in the video attacking

that giant elephant? With such a fierce bombardment, will that giant

elephant be okay? ! ! !】

【Warring States: The legendary Elephant Lord? I didn’t expect that one

day I would be able to see its true face. This is really an incredible big


【Inuarashi: Damn it! How dare the Beast Pirates attack Elephant

Master? Is this an idea that all comes to us, Zuowu? !】

【Cat Viper: These damn guys are simply bullying people too much! Old

cats, I must teach them a lesson!】

【Rocks D Jibek: The legendary creature Elephant Lord, right? I’ve also

heard about this guy. He’s really a big guy.。】

【John: It can even build a country on its back. Just based on its head, it

should be regarded as the largest creature in the sea, right?】

【Silver Ax: I don’t know if the size of those giant sea kings in the deep

sea can be comparable to them?】

【Wang Zhi: Against such a huge creature, is the bombardment of the

Beast Pirates really useful? I’m a little doubtful about this~】

【Shi Ji: Jie Hahahaha~ Maybe for that elephant owner, those

bombardments from the Beast Pirates were just like tickling it.】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! The Beast Pirates used cannons to bombard

Elephant Master, which was like ants shaking a tree. There was no threat

at all.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ It is said that this elephant owner has

lived for thousands of years and has been walking on the sea. If such a

terrifying creature can be eliminated with a few cannonballs, That’s the

real joke~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, well~ Kaido, your Jack actually

ordered the target owner to be bombarded. Isn’t he a bit out of his


【Kaido:……Mudd! I knew Jack’s additional inventory video would

never show anything good.���!】

【Jhin: This guy Jack……As expected, some suffocation operations were

performed again…….】

【Quinn: It’s over. I feel like our Beasts Pirates are going to be

embarrassed again…….】

【Jack: Huh? Boss Kaido, Brother Jhin, Brother Quinn, why are you so

pessimistic? ! Maybe that elephant owner will really be beaten by me





【Polusalino: Hmm~ Ship King’s tone is so loud. It’s really scary.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ I can only say that he really deserves to be the king

of ships. I dare to even think about this.~】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Want to beat up that elephant owner?

emmm……It’s hard to comment. I wish you success.~】。

Chapter 156

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the Beast Pirates are still continuing their crazy bombardment of one of

their master’s legs.

And under such constant bombardment.

The giant leg of the elephant owner also began to shake slightly.

Seeing this scene,

everyone in the Beast Pirates couldn’t help but feel a surge in morale.

There were proud smiles on their faces。

“Wa hahaha!”

“It’s starting to work!”

“The elephant owner was actually shaken by the blast! ”

Everyone in the Beast Pirates raised their arms and shouted.

When they heard the shouts from their men,

Jack, who was standing at the front of the deck, had a confident


He stared at the Elephant Master in front of him. He

spoke in a deep voice . road:

“That’s natural!”

“An ordinary elephant would be very upset if he was stung by a bee.。”

“If this guy really lived for more than a thousand years……”

“That skin must have rotted away too!”

“Living legend?”

“Haha, no!”

“He’s just an old immortal!”

“Hit me hard!”

“Keep hitting, and once its legs can no longer hold up and it falls to its

knees, you can attack its head!”

“It will definitely be settled by then!”

“Goug out its eyes!”

“Cut off its tongue!”

“You can even break open its belly from inside its body! ! ! ”

Jack said to himself.

The more he spoke, the more energetic he became.

His tone became more and more ferocious.

His eyes and expressions became more and more cruel.

It was as if he was completely sure of victory!

The picture was fixed on Jack’s confident expression.

And then .

The dense barrage army began to float across the screen –

hahahaha! Jack really made me laugh to death!

Where did he get the confidence to think that those bombardments can

be effective on the target?!

Just because After being bombarded, did the Elephant Master’s leg shake


I just want to say, wouldn’t you subconsciously move a few times after

being bitten by a mosquito?

For such a huge 21 For the Elephant Master, wouldn’t the cannonballs

from the Beast Pirates hitting its legs be the same as a normal person

being bitten twice by mosquitoes? Jack actually imagined that he could

use this method to

kill the Elephant Master. Knock him down?! This is nothing more than a


Hahahahaha! Jack actually said that the Elephant Master is just an old

immortal. How dare he?!!!

Even if Kaido came, he wouldn’t dare to do it in front of him! To say this

in front of the elephant owner, I can only say that Jack is really brave~

It is a pity that the elephant made a mistake in ancient times and was

ordered to walk on the sea non-stop. Before getting the order, He can’t do

anything else at all.

Yes, otherwise, how could Jack be so arrogant now? A random

counterattack by the Elephant Master is enough to make Jack doubt his


In my opinion, Jack’s attack on the Elephant Master is His actions were

even more powerful than when he attacked the navy warship guarded by

Sengoku, Fujitora and Tsuru! Hahahaha! Who says otherwise! Are you

saying that


was killed by Sengoku and the others last time? Fortunately, he survived.

Not only was he not hit, but he became even more floating?! It

can only be said that Jack is truly worthy of the title of Ship King!

Jack: He is just a elephant owner, what do you have to be afraid of! Who

do you think I am? Move the boat over!!! (Dog Head)

Jack: Isn’t it just an old immortal who has lived for thousands of years

and is big enough to carry a country? What is there to be afraid of! Who

do you think I am? ? Pull the boat over!!! (Dog Head)

Jack: Isn’t he the giant elephant that was once Joey Boy’s partner, and

could trigger a terrifying tsunami just by flicking his nose? What’s there

to be afraid of! Who do you think I am? Pull the boat over Go over!!!

(dog head)

Pfft hahahaha! Those guys upstairs, you guys want to laugh me to death

so you can inherit my ant flower!

Hahahaha! Don’t say anything, just pull the boat over and that’s it. !

Still the same sentence, first there are beasts and then there is heaven,

drought Jack and sun gods!

Rely on Jack the Ship King, yyds!!!

After a large wave of barrages passed by.

In the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

in the sea of beasts After the thieves launched another fierce

bombardment on the elephant owner,

the look on Jack’s face became more and more proud.

He seemed to be able to see the scene where the elephant owner was

knocked down by the shells.

He was constantly imagining,

After the Elephant Master falls,

how should I end the other party properly?

However ,…

next moment!

The camera suddenly zooms out.

For the first time, the entire image of the elephant owner is completely

shown in the picture.

This giant elephant, which has lived for thousands of years,

just stands quietly on the sea.

Its size is

so huge that it cannot be described in words!

Its four legs are firmly inserted into the deep sea.

And its head and back

are even above the clouds and mist!

Looking at it this way,

it actually gives people a feeling of being upright!

And those ships of the Beast Pirates, which were already huge ships,

are now floating on the sea in front of Elephant Master,

and they are like a few tiny bugs compared to them!

It’s insignificant!

Seeing this scene in front of everyone, there is no doubt.

Just a slight lift of Elephant Master’s foot

is enough to crush all the ships of the Beast Pirates!

And immediately after.

It is in this scene……

The elephant owner, who was just standing quietly on the sea,

suddenly started to move!

I saw its huge trunk that had been hanging in the sea

suddenly began to swing slowly.

This movement is not large.

The speed seems to be very slow.

But it just moved its trunk slowly.

The originally calm sea surface

suddenly began to stir up turbulent waves!

The pirate ships of the Beast Pirates immediately began to shake


And as the elephant owner’s trunk movements became larger and larger.

The waves on the sea also became more and more turbulent!

The huge waves that were stirred up

even had the potential to swallow up all the ships of the Beast Pirates!

Faced with this sudden change.

Everyone in the Beast Pirates inst

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] antly

panicked. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He started shouting in panic.

And Jack’s expression darkened instantly.

There was an ominous premonition in my heart.

He stood on the deck.

Look up.

Then the whole person suddenly froze on the spot.

A pair of eyes widened.

Staring straight ahead.


A huge shadow was falling from above Jack’s head.

In an instant, it enveloped him and even all the ships of the Beast Pirates.

In Jack’s horrified sight.

The trunk of the elephant owner fell from the sky.

toward its location……

Throw it down hard!

“boom! ! !”

“boom! ! ! ”

The next moment.

Along with bursts of loud noises,

the Elephant Lord’s trunk successfully hit all the ships of the Beast


In an instant,

those huge and extremely hard pirate ships

were completely gone. Any moment of suspense was shattered!

The wreckage of the ship was violently shot into the air.

Then it fell heavily to the sea and

sank to the bottom of the sea.

And Jack directly withstood the blow from the elephant owner’s nose.

When The moment the elephant owner swung his trunk towards him,

Jack felt that his brain suddenly shut down.

His body could not move at all.

He could only watch the huge nose swung towards him.


“boom! ! ! ”

With a loud noise,

Jack was immediately knocked away.

The metal jaw guard he had been wearing on his mouth

was instantly shattered without any suspense.

The ferocious beast originally covered by the metal jaw guard was

exposed. Big

mouthfuls of blood kept spitting out from Jack’s mouth.

One of the three major posters of the Beast Pirates, the

famous Drought Jack, was seriously injured and on the verge of death

under the Elephant Master’s casual blow.


Completely lost consciousness!

Then, he slowly sank into the deep sea

along with the shipwrecks of the Beasts Pirates.


The picture freezes.

The dense barrage army passed by again –

No! J—! ! !

Jack, danger! ! !

Damn it! The elephant owner is awesome! ! !

The power of this nose is too powerful, right? ! ! !

With a casual flick of the nose, he easily sank a fleet of the Beasts Pirates,

and even beat Drought Jack, one of the three major signs of the Beasts

Pirates, into that state!

Is this the strength of the Elephant Master? ! He is truly a living legend!

Isn’t the elephant master’s attack power too terrifying? ! ! !

After all, with the size of the Elephant Master, any attack would be


If the elephant owner knew how to be armed and domineering, wouldn’t

he be directly invincible? !

yes! With such a huge body, if it is wrapped with armed domineering

energy, it may not be able to crush the Red Earth Continent with just one

nose! ?

Seeing this, I just want to say that Kaido’s title of the strongest creature is

just Tu Yile. The real strongest creature depends on me, the Elephant


I don’t know if Jack regretted his attack on the elephant owner at the

moment he was attacked by the elephant owner?

It is estimated that at that moment he should be able to truly realize how

absurd and childish his previous idea of wanting to fuck the Elephant

Master was~

Hahahaha! He actually wants to fuck the Elephant Master, it’s simply a


The elephant owner stood still and let Jack and the others fight for so

long, which was the greatest kindness to them~

Elephant owner: You guys, you didn’t expect me to fight back, right? !

(Dog Head)

Elephant Master: Jack, right? Is it because you want to fuck me? Then

why not try one of my big pussy first! (Dog head)

Elephant owner: As long as you can withstand my nose, I will give you a

chance to fuck me~ (Dog head)

Elephant owner: You can’t even resist my nose, you are such a loser~

(Dog head)

Elephant Master: I haven’t exerted my strength yet, and you fall down

now? Are you so embarrassed to threaten to fuck me? ! (Dog Head)

Elephant Owner 743: Don’t think that just because you have the ability to

grow mammoths in ancient times, you can be related to me~ (Dog Head)


Owner: You are just a person with ancient devil fruit abilities, and I am

The real ancient ancestor! How dare you kid? ! (Dog-headed)

Elephant Master: My name is Elephant Master. You, a little mammoth,

want to challenge me? ! (Dog head)

Elephant owner: You are really brave to roar~ (Dog head)

Pfft hahahaha! No more! My family is really laughing so hard!

Jack is literally making me laugh!

Jack: I sat up in shock when I was dying. The clown was actually me? !

The boat king Jack is really awesome! ! !


【Kaido: I knew it, Jack is such a fool! ! !】

【Jhin: This result is really not surprising at all…….】

【Quinn: The face of our Beasts Pirates was thrown to grandma’s house

by Jack this time…….】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! happy! It’s such a joy! ! !】

【John: I think this additional video is even more exciting than the

previous video!】

【Silver Ax: If the first video just made Jack secure his throne as the Ship

King, then this video will directly make him a god! Ha ha ha ha~】

【Wang Zhi: How dare you challenge the elephant owner who has lived

for thousands of years? This guy is really tired of living! There is no one

left, hahahaha! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ The key is that he was so confident in front of

him, thinking that he would definitely be able to bring down the

elephant owner, and he said so many harsh words, it was almost


【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! After saying so many cruel words, the

elephant owner taught him how to be a human being with just one blow

of his nose.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I guess even I wouldn’t dare to touch

the elephant’s nose in the video. Kaido’s Jack is really brave.~】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Jack said, do you think I don’t want to hide? I can’t

hide from you! Ha ha ha ha~】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Want to fuck the elephant master? I really

haven’t seen such an idiot for a long time. He is simply asking for


【Warring States: Indeed, I really didn’t expect that a person could be so


【Kuzan: Ah la la~ It’s indeed a ship king. It’s really terrifying.~】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ It’s really a miracle that such a person can survive

to this day.~】


Chapter 157

Everyone in the Tiandao chat group was ridiculing Jack.

The picture on the projection screen also gradually dimmed.

Finally it was pitch black.


This means that the videos added by Jack using the inventory video add


have all been played at this moment.。

【Jack: Huh? ! etc! Why did this video end so quickly? ! Put more in it! !


【Kaido:? ? ? Why the hell do you actually want to put in more? ! Is it

because you think you haven’t embarrassed yourself enough? ! ! !】

【Quinn: You are not afraid of embarrassment, but we, the Beast Pirates,

are afraid of embarrassment!】

【Jhin: If I had known this would happen, I should have stopped that

inventory video additional card and not let Jack, a fool, use it.。】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ This is really the first time I have

seen someone get a reward, but they did not get any benefits.~】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Not only did he not get any benefits, this guy

named Jack not only didn’t get any benefits at all,���But he also

humiliated someone severely once more. He is simply a pure and

innocent bastard.~】

【John: This is really a waste of a lucky draw opportunity. What a waste

of money.~】

【Silver Ax: Hahahaha! I think this situation is even more uncomfortable

than if he didn’t get the reward in the first place.~】

【Wang Zhi: Yes, if it were me, I would rather not receive the reward at

all in the first place. After all, I can’t afford to lose this person,




Inside the pitch-black projection screen.

The lottery wheel that had been hidden before

slowly appeared again and again.。

“Now, the draw continues!”

“Next winner: Shiji. ”

The cold Tiandao prompt sounded in everyone’s ears.

The lottery wheel in the projection screen also started to rotate slowly.。

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ After waiting for so long, it’s finally time for my

lucky draw!】

【Rocks Djibek: Humph! Shiki, don’t get too happy too early. It would be

interesting if you were like that Jack and got a basically useless


【Shiki: Good fellow, old captain, where are you putting this curse on

me? I think you just can’t eat the grapes and say they are sour? Jie


【John: Haha, indeed, I feel that the old captain now wishes that all the

award-winners would be like that Jack, without benefiting from


【Silver Ax: Hahahaha! After all, our old captain has worked hard for so

long, but until now he has not even got a chance to win the lottery.~】

【Wang Zhi: Since he can’t get any benefits, the old captain must hope

that everyone else will get no benefits like him.~】

【Rocks Djibek: Humph! That’s right! That’s what I think! 】

In the midst of everyone’s conversation.

The lottery carousel in the projection screen has slowly stopped.

The area where the pointer stops.

A golden question mark gradually dissipated.

The reward belonging to Golden Lion Shiji finally appeared.

It was a bottle of emerald green potion.

In fact, everyone is not unfamiliar with it.

Life Potion: A miracle potion that contains rich life essence. After

drinking it, it can greatly improve the user’s physical condition, heal all

injuries and illnesses in the user’s body, and even restore the disabled

body to health!

【Shiki: Damn it! Life potion? ! What a good thing! ! !】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Damn it! This guy Shi Ji actually got something


【John: Hahahaha! Old captain, it seems your expectations have been


【Silver Ax: Old Captain, how about you try to lower your head to the

person who is about to draw the lottery next time? Maybe it will work?】

【Wang Zhi: I think, with the old captain’s unrivaled flag-setting ability,

just set a reverse flag for the opponent.~】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ This does make some sense. Just now the old captain

cursed Shiji for not being able to draw good things, but Shiji turned

around and drew a life potion.~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, then next time the old captain

doesn’t want others to get good things, wouldn’t it be nice to just set a

flag and say that others will definitely get good things?】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Good guy! This flag is really understood by

you guys.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I feel like the old captain is going to be

ruined by you guys.~】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Did you have a bad time? What kind of tiger-wolf

talk is this?】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Are your chat contents so exciting now?】

【Rocks D Gibek:……】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ If you put it this way, I have to thank the old

captain for setting the flag for me, allowing me to successfully draw a

reward that is particularly suitable for me~] The golden lion is very

happy at the moment

. Because the reward of life potion is quite useful and suitable

for him ! To know. Back then, the Golden Lion cut off his own legs in

order to escape from Impel Down City . From then on. He became a

disabled person. He could only use his two original sabers inserted into

his legs as prosthetic limbs. This will definitely cause the Golden Lion,

who was originally a great swordsman of the double-sword style, to

decline in strength. and. the most important is

In the Emmawater naval battle that broke out between the Sky Pirates

and the Roger Pirates.

The Golden Lion, which had already had a great advantage,

encountered a sudden storm.

This storm directly reversed the situation of the war.

The Roger Pirates successfully escaped.

The Sky Pirates suffered heavy casualties in this storm.

Even the Golden Lion himself

was unfortunate enough to have a rudder driven into his head.

The position where the rudder is inserted is quite deep.

A little carelessness may endanger the life of the golden lion.

No matter how skilled the doctor is, he cannot remove it from the golden

lion’s head.

So in the decades since.

The rudder was stuck deeply into the golden lion’s head.

And this is also the main reason why the strength of the Golden Lion,

which was originally on par with Roger and Whitebeard,

has dropped significantly.

If it weren’t for this,

the Golden Lion wouldn’t have been defeated by Luffy who hadn’t even

mastered Haki some time ago.

And this has always been the most troublesome thing for the Golden



[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] still can’t

find a solution.

There is simply no way to heal his injuries and

return his strength to its peak.

It is precisely because of this.

The Golden Lion had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and

focus its development on the I experiment to study mutated ferocious



Since the arrival of the Tiandao inventory system.

The Golden Lion saw a hope in the previous lottery draw! (To read cool

novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That is……

Potion of life!

This magical potion can instantly heal all injuries after drinking it.

Even a disabled body can be restored to full health in an instant!

And it can also enhance the physical fitness of the user to a certain


Such effect……

Isn’t it exactly what I have always wanted! ! !


When the health potion first appeared in the prize pool.

The Golden Lion has already set its target on it.

He was extremely eager

to get a bottle of life potion.

And now……

This wish actually came true! ! !

“With this life potion, I can return to the top, or even surpass it~!”

“This Tiandao inventory system is really a good thing!”

“Jie hahahaha~”

The golden lion was thinking so excitedly in his heart at this moment.

And soon,

the cold prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“Next winner: Edward Newgate。”

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Is it finally my turn?】

【Marco: It’s finally Dad’s turn to draw the lottery! I don’t know what

good stuff dad can get?】

【Joz: It would be great if daddy could draw the same life potion as the

golden lion. In that case, daddy could also return to the top!】

【Bista: Yes, if dad can return to the top, we won’t be afraid of the war at

the top!】

【Rocks Djibek: Humph! I think you guys are just thinking about shit? ! I

bet that guy in Newgate couldn’t draw anything good! ! !】

【John: Huh? Is the old captain starting to help Newgate raise the flag


【Silver Ax: It seems that the old captain has not accepted the lesson just


【Wang Zhi: Old captain, have you forgotten? With your physique, you

must be slapped in the face if you set a flag. If you really don’t want

Newgate to get a good reward, you should say the opposite.~】

【Kaido: Gu la la la~ Yes, old captain, the more you say that Whitebeard

can’t draw good things now, the more good things he will be able to

draw later.。】

【Charlotte Lingling: And if you turn it around and say that Whitebeard

will definitely be able to draw good things now, then he might not be

able to draw anything good later, well, well, well, well,~】

【Rocks D. Jibek: Damn it! That makes sense! Newgate……I curse that

you will definitely get a good reward later! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~Old captain, then I will lend you some

good words~] While

everyone was talking.

The lottery carousel in the projection screen has slowly stopped.

Rewards are revealed.

It was a crystal clear crystal.

The moment you see this reward appear.

Rocks almost exploded on the spot!

Just because this crystal

is the resurrection crystal that he has been crazy about!

Resurrection Crystal: After use, you can resurrect an undead at will. The

resurrected person will directly return to his peak state and be

eliminated.���All of Ben’s injuries。

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Damn it! Warnima! It’s actually a resurrection

crystal? ! Newgate guy……Actually drew the resurrection crystal? ! ! !】

【John: Oh, why does it feel like the old captain’s physique of being

slapped in the face if he flagged a flag suddenly failed?】

【Silver Ax: It’s broken, and Newgate really got something good.~】

【Wang Zhi: Although what they drew was not the life potion that the

Whitebeard Pirates expected, the resurrection crystal is undoubtedly a

good thing!】

【Shiki: If Whitebeard obtains the resurrection crystal, doesn’t it mean

that he directly has a second life?】

【Kaido: Good guy, the old captain’s flag actually came true. It’s


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ The most important thing is that

what Whitebeard drew was the resurrection crystal that the old captain

wanted most. This is quite interesting.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! I guess Rocks wants to die right now.~】

【Monkey D. Garp: Maybe Rocks is slapping himself in the mouth like

crazy right now, hahahaha~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Old captain, thank you so much for

allowing me to draw a resurrection crystal directly.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……grass! ! !】

【Marco: This resurrection crystal is indeed a good thing.。】

【Jozi: It’s a pity that it’s not the life potion we want (is it


【Bista: I originally thought that if I drew the life potion, my father

would be able to return to the top…….】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Silly boys, I want this resurrection

crystal more than the life potion. After all, with it, Sachi can be


【Joz:! ! ! yes! With this resurrection crystal, we can resurrect Sachi who

was killed by Teach!】

【Bista: Hiss! Why didn’t I think of this just now! Sachi died inexplicably,

and now he finally has a chance to be resurrected! ! !】

【Sage: Dad……Everyone……】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Saatchi, just wait with peace of mind.

After this heavenly inventory video is over, I will use the resurrection

crystal to resurrect you. Then we will take you to seek revenge on that

bastard Teach. !】

【Sage: Okay! ! !】

【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~ Will Sachi, who I killed, be resurrected?

Are you still going to cause trouble for me? That’s really interesting,


【Marco: Humph! Teach, don’t be too arrogant. After resurrecting Thatch

and rescuing Ace, we will definitely go to you to settle the score!】

【Marshall D. Teach: Then I will wait for you to come to me, thief


With Whitebeard, he obtained the resurrection crystal.

This round of lottery is also over.

After a while, I fell back.

The cold mechanical sound of the Tiandao inventory system sounded


“.Video of the twenty kings of the nautical world, continue now!”

“No. 7 – The King of Cost-Effectiveness!”

“Random questions for this round have been generated!”

“Random question 1: Who is the best value for money in this round of

selection? ”.

Chapter 158

“Random question 1: Who is the [King of Cost-Effectiveness] in this

round of selection? ”

The Tiandao notification tone fell.

Everyone began to discuss in the Tiandao chat group again.。

【Warring States: Huh? The king of value for money? What kind of weird

king-level title is this?】

【Gol D. Roger: Indeed, every time the king-level title selected by this

Tiandao inventory system is something I would never have thought


【Monkey D Dragon: The perspective of the Tiandao Inventory System in

selecting king-level titles is indeed quite tricky…….】

【Rocks D Jibek: So what does this king of cost-effectiveness mean? ! I

don’t even have a clue!】

【Kaido: Yes, the king of cost-effectiveness. This thing doesn’t sound like

it’s used to describe people at all, right?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, why do I think that the word “king

of cost-effectiveness” is more appropriate to describe the product?】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Indeed, it seems that we usually only

use the word cost-effectiveness when buying things, right?】

【Monkey D. Cap: Yeah……Then this is a bit strange. Could it be that the

king-level title selected by the Tiandao inventory system in this round

was given to a product?】

【Crane: Probably not. I think no matter how outrageous the Tiandao

inventory system is, it should not be so outrageous as to give a king-level

title to a product.。】

【Warring States: No, actually it’s not impossible!】

【Crane: Huh? Warring States Period, have you thought of something?】

【Warring States: Yes, the word cost-effectiveness is generally used to

describe products. Logically speaking, it would not be used for people,

but there is an exception…….】

【Crane: Unless……That person is a commodity in his own right! 】

As the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters.

At the same time, he is an old comrade who has fought side by side with

the Warring States Period for decades.

Heya quickly guessed what the other party meant from Sengoku’s


【Warring States: That’s right! If a person is a commodity, then the word

cost-effectiveness can also be used for this person.。】

【Porusalino: Well, people themselves are commodities? Could it be that

he was referring to the slaves who were auctioned?】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ If interpreted from this perspective, the king of cost-

effectiveness means that the transaction price of this slave is very low,

but his own value is far higher than the price at which it was auctioned.


【Sakaski: Humph! In fact, I think that pirates who are clearly priced

with a bounty can be regarded as a commodity in a sense!】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Damn it! Little Red Dog, you are so arrogant! How

dare you say that we pirates are also commodities? ! ! !】

【John: Akainu’s words are indeed a bit arrogant, it feels like he is firing

a map cannon!】

【Silver Ax: But then again, what he said actually makes sense…….】

【Wang Zhi: From the perspective of the answer to this question, we

pirates who have been clearly marked with a bounty are indeed possible

candidate answers.。】

【Shi Ji: If that’s the case, when this value for money is used on our

pirates, doesn’t it mean that the value of the pirate itself far exceeds the

amount of the bounty on his head?】

【Kaido: Yeah……It seems to be the case。】

【Charlotte Lingling: In that case, we big pirates with already high

bounties have no chance of being the kings of cost-effectiveness?】

【Bucky: Hahahaha! It seems that the answer to this question……It’s

none other than me! ! !】

【Shanks: Huh? Bucky? Why are you so sure?】

【Bucky: Huh! Shanks, don’t forget, I will reach the top and become one

of the new four emperors in the future, and my current bounty is only 25

million Baileys. Isn’t this considered cost-effective? King?】

【Shanks: Haha! That’s true. What you said seems to make sense.~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: No! I think it’s definitely not Bucky! If Bucky thinks

so, then I still want to be the Pirate King’s man! The bounty in the future

will definitely be much higher than it is now. I should be the king of cost-


【Bucky: Straw Hat, you bastard! You already have the two king-level

titles of Background King and Harem King, and you actually want to

compete with me for the title of King of Cost-Effectiveness? !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Then don’t you already have the title of King of


【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! These two little brats who got a good deal and

behaved well have already been checked out and yet they are still

fighting here! I haven’t even been selected for a king-level title!】

【Kaido: Yes, I really want to kill these two smug brats!】

【Charlotte Lingling: If the king of cost-effectiveness in this round is

really one of them, I will doubt my life, well, well, well~】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Anyway, the answer to this

question is to guess who the slave or the pirate is?】

【Moonlight Moria: But there are so many slaves and pirates in this sea,

it’s not easy to guess the right answer!】

【Marshall D. Teach: Hahaha~ It seems that this question depends on

luck again.~】

【Usopp: I wonder if there will be a lucky guy who can really guess the

correct answer to this question?】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Yes, if you want to guess the answer to this

question correctly, you must be very lucky…….】

After some discussion among everyone.

The cold prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system soon sounded


“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, please be prepared。”






“The quizzes officially begin!”

【Bucky: Bucky! (answer question)】

【Monkey D Luffy: Monkey D Luffy! (answer question)】

【Rocks D Gibbek: Rocks D Gibbek! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Kaido! (answer question)】

【Sengoku: Bucky! (answer question)】

【Crane: Monkey D. Luffy! (answer question)】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Don Quixote Doflami

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ngo! (answer


【Moonlight Moria: Moonlight Moria! (answer question)】

【Eustace Kidd: Eustace Kidd! (answer question)】

【Joe Allie Bonney: Joe Allie Bonney! (answer question)】


【Nami: Nami! (answer question)】

【Usopp: Usopp! (answer question)】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Tony Tony Chopper! (answer question)】


As the question answering officially begins.

Everyone is also rushing to answer questions in the Tiandao chat group.

And when there is basically no clue about the answer to this question.

Most of the answers given by the pirates were their own names.

As for the navy,

they all answered with the names of various pirates.

Very few answered the slave’s name. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

After all, most people have never understood or paid attention to the

names of slaves.

Therefore, although in the previous analysis,

everyone agreed that the king of cost-effectiveness mentioned in this

round may also refer to a certain slave. (caae) But the vast majority of

people answered���The names of the pirates.

As the messages of answers continued to float from the Tiandao chat


Another moment passed.

The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“There are only five seconds left to answer the question. Those who have

not yet answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible.。”






“The quiz is over!”

“Congratulations to Tony Tony Chopper for answering correctly and

earning one point。”

【Tony Tony Chopper: Huh? ! ! !】

【Usopp: Huh? ! ! !】

【Brooke: Huh? ! ! !】

【Nami: Huh? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? ! ! !】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Me……Did I hear it wrong? ! What the Tiandao

Inventory System just said is……Did I answer correctly? ! ! !】

【Usopp: Chopper, this seems to be true, you heard it right!】

【Nami: In other words……The king of cost performance selected by the

Tiandao Inventory System in this round is actually Chopper? ! ! !】

【Brooke: Yo ho ho ho~ Chopper, congratulations, you have also won

the title of king.】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Sri Lanka! Chopper, I didn’t expect that you would be

the king of cost-effectiveness. You’re so awesome! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: In this way, Chopper will become the third crew

member in our regiment to hold the title of king.。】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Damn it! When will my king-level title come? !】

【Franky: Is Chopper the king of value for money? It’s really super


【Nico Robin: Ah la~ Chopper, you are great~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Hehe, even if you praise me like this, I won’t be

happy! asshole~】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! This round of king-level titles actually come from

the Straw Hat Pirates again? ! ! !】

【John: Good guy! This small Straw Hat Pirates group has now produced

three guys with king-level titles!】

【Silver Ax: The other truly strong men still don’t have a king-level title,

but they actually already have so many? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: This makes it hard for me not to wonder, did these guys

from the Straw Hat Pirates use the back door? ! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Could it be that……Even this Tiandao inventory system is

actually one of the backgrounds of Straw Hat, the king of backgrounds? !

Otherwise, it is really difficult to explain why the Straw Hat Pirates, a

small group, have occupied so many king-level titles on their own!】

【Kaido: How disgusting! I haven’t even received the title of king yet, but

the Straw Hats have actually won so many titles one after another!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Damn it! I feel really unhappy! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ It seems that the Straw Hat guys are not


【Shanks: Haha! Luffy and his friends seem to be quite capable.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Such a special Straw Hat crew, I really want

to meet them after I’m resurrected.~】

【Siruluk: Huh? ! Does this round of cost-effectiveness actually refer to

Chopper? ! Very good! In this way, I will have the opportunity to use this

Tiandao inventory video to see how Chopper has been doing over the


【Kureha: Humph! I didn’t expect that our little reindeer could actually

win the title of king. He is really promising.~】

【Siruluk: Haha! Start playing the video now! I’m already looking

forward to Chopper’s performance!】

【Kuleha: I’m also curious about why Chopper is called the king of cost-


【Tony Tony Chopper: My inventory video……I am also looking forward

to it! 】

Amidst the heated discussions among everyone.

It didn’t take a while.

The cold prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system soon sounded


“on this sea……”

“Humanoid Fruit Fantasy Beast Species Nika Form。”

“Human-human fruit, phantom beast, giant Buddha form。”

“Human being fruit phantom beast species grand entrance form。”

“But he is the only one who is in the form of a common man.。”

“As a reindeer, he ate the most common Renren fruit。”

“As a result, he became a heretic in the eyes of his peers and a monster in

the eyes of mankind.。”

“But fortunately, he met many warm and kind people。”

“Those people were like the cherry blossoms blooming on Dongdao,

making his world become colorful and gorgeous.。”

“He is the mascot and backup food of the Straw Hat Pirates, but he is also

an indispensable and reliable ship’s doctor.。”

“He is timid by nature, but is willing to fight to the death to protect his


“He hates being called a monster, but is willing to become a real monster

in order to help the captain.。”

“He was carrying a bounty of fifty or one hundred beli, but he was

fighting for hundreds of millions or even billions!”

“His value is far beyond what his bounty can measure!”

“Its price/performance ratio is definitely unique in this ocean!”

“Welcome to this issue’s review of the Twenty Kings of Navigation——

【The king of value for money] Tony Tony Chopper! ”.

Chapter 159

“Welcome to this issue’s review of the Twenty Kings of Navigation——

【The king of value for money] Tony Tony Chopper! ”

As the sound of the Heavenly Dao prompt fell, a photo slowly emerged

from the originally dark projection screen. The photo showed a small

reindeer standing on two feet. He had fluffy brown hair. The lower body

was wearing A pair of shorts. He wears a pink hat on his head. And his

nose is a rare blue. It is very different from ordinary reindeer. But this

does not affect the cute atmosphere exuding all over his body. Look . It

looks quite cute. There is no doubt about it. The cute reindeer in the

photo is none other than the Straw Hat Pirates’ ship’s doctor— Tony

Tony Chopper!

【Siruluk: Hahahaha! It’s a photo of Chopper! I haven’t seen Chopper for

a long time. I really miss him.~】

【Kuleha: Haha, I haven’t seen Chopper for several months, but I did see

his photo on Chopper’s wanted poster.~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Sri Lanka! Chopper, your picture really appears on


【Usopp: Yes! Chopper is really going to be famous this time!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Huh? ! famous? me? Hehe~ I want to be


【Nami: But why?……I always feel that the Tiandao Inventory System’s

introduction to Chopper just now is a bit weird?】

【Franky: Yes, what does it mean for everyone to be in common people’s

form? Does this refer to Chopper?】

【Brooke: Compared with other people with human fruit phantom beast

ability, Chopper’s human fruit is just the most common devil fruit. It can

indeed be regarded as a common people’s form, yohohohoho~】

【Roronoa Zoro: Fortunately, Chopper himself is not human. Eating this

Human Fruit will have some effect on him.。】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: If a normal human being eats this Everyone Fruit, it

will really be useless at all, and it will even be cursed by the sea for no


【Nico Robin: Oh, actually, compared to these, there is something in the

introduction just now that interests me more.。】

【Nami: Oh? Robin, did you notice anything interesting?】

【Nico Robin: That’s right, I know all the Human Fruit Phantasmal Beasts

mentioned at the beginning of the introduction, the Human Fruit

Phantasmal Beasts Great Buddha Form, and the Human Fruit Phantasmal

Beasts Great Enlightenment Form, but that one I have never heard of the

Nika form of the Renren Fruit, a fantasy beast species.。】

【Shiki: Hiss! Indeed! What is the form of this human fruit fantasy beast

Nika? ! I’ve never heard of it? !】

【John: The human fruit phantom beast Nika form? Is there such a

strange species of phantom beast?】

【Silver Ax: What on earth is this Nikka? It’s simply unheard of……】

【Wang Zhi: I have heard of the Great Buddha form and the Great

Entrance form of the Renren Fruit Phantom Beast, but when did the Nika

form pop up again?】

【Kaido: Humph! No matter what weird phantom beast form it is, there

is absolutely no way it can compare to my phantom beast green dragon

form! My green dragon form is the strongest phantom beast species!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Kaido, at this point, you are

really as arrogant as the old captain.~】

【Kaido: Haha, I don’t call this arrogance, but absolute confidence in

myself! Don’t think I’m as stupid as the old captain!】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Damn it! Kaido, okay, why are you scolding me

for no reason? ! Believe it or not, I will kill you, this little loach! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ What a little loach, I have to say that

the old captain is quite talented sometimes.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! But having said that, I do know something

about the Nika form of the Renren Fruit Phantom Beast.~】

【Shanks: Haha! What a coincidence, old captain, I happen to know

something about this.~】

【Topman Wauchuli St:! ! ! ! !】

【Shepard Ten Peter Saint: Roger! Red hair! Shut up you two! ! !】

【Makas Mazi Saint: You should know what to say and what not to say

about this kind of thing! ! !】

【Jaygo Lucia Satan: Roger, redhead, I advise you not to say unnecessary

words! ! !】

【Izanbalon V Nasshou Langsheng: I think you should be very clear about

the consequences if this matter is spoken out! ! !】

【Shiki: Oops! Isn’t this the Five Old Stars? All of them were blown up at

once? ! ! !】

【John: Good guy! All the five old stars exploded instantly? This is a rare

and big scene.~】

【Silver Ax: What exactly is the Nika form of the human fruit phantom

beast species? How could he actually make the Five Old Stars care so


【Wang Zhi: And judging from the conversation just now, the Five Old

Stars obviously don’t want this secret to be made public…….】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~~ I didn’t expect that the mighty

five old stars would be so excited. It seems that there is something hidden

in the so-called Renren Fruit Phantom Beast Nika form. What’s the


【Gol D Roger: Hahahaha~ Hey, it’s the Five Old Stars. It’s been a long

time since we last saw each other.~】

【Shanks: Haha! Captain Roger and I just mentioned it casually. There is

no need for you five to be so excited.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Haha! That’s right, we just said that we know something

about the Nika form of the human fruit fantasy beast species, and we

didn’t say that we would announce what we know. Why are you five old

guys so excited?~】

【Shanks: If you are so excited, doesn’t it make it seem like there’s

something fishy going on here? There is simply no three hundred taels of

silver here, hahahaha~】

【Topman Wauchuli St:……】

【Shepard Ten Peter Saint:……】

【Makas Maz Saint:……】

【Jaigolusiasathan Saint:……】

【Izanbalon V Nasshou Langsheng:……】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Unexpectedly, Roger and Red Hair

actually silenced the Five Old Stars. This reaction of the Five Old Stars

was too funny, hahahaha~】

【Warring States: Hey! Garp, watch your stance! Wulaoxing is our

immediate boss, why are you so happy here? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Karp: Oh, yes! I almost forgot about this, sorry, sorry~

Then I withdraw what I just said, and you can just pretend you didn’t

hear it.~】

【Warring States Period:……】



When everyone was chatti

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ng happily in

the Tiandao chat group.

inside the projection screen.

The photo of Chopper was slowly disappearing.

Immediately afterwards.

Dots of light began to light up inside the projection screen.

This round of videos has also officially begun to play –

the video begins with a brief introduction to Chopper’s life experience: 1.

Chopper is a reindeer born in the Drum Kingdom of Winter Island on the

Grand Line.

On this island.

There is a herd of reindeer living together. But Chopper was regarded as

a freak by his peers

because of his innate blue nose . All the reindeer are alienated and

disgusted with it. Not even its biological parents were surprised. And

later by chance

��Tomoe ate a fruit that looked very strange and tasted quite


He found out later.

That is the human fruit of the animal system.

After eating the Human Fruit, Chopper gained the ability to transform

into a human form.

But this also made Chopper’s kindred completely regard him as an out-

and-out monster!

These reindeer began to attack and drive Chopper frantically.

Without any choice.

Chopper could only escape from the reindeer group in embarrassment.

He was completely and ruthlessly abandoned by his own kind and


After leaving the reindeer herd. Chopper originally thought that he might

be able to integrate into the human group by

relying on the transformation ability of his Renren Fruit . However, when

he appeared in front of a group of humans in a transformed human form,

he braved the wind and snow. The appearance of his body covered with

brown hair made the group of humans mistake him for a snow monster.

In panic. The group of humans yelled and expelled Chopper frantically.

Some hunters even took out their shotguns. Aiming at Chopper, he fired

fiercely. Chopper ran away with his head in fear and panic. But in the

end, unfortunately, he was shot in the body by a few stray bullets.

Amidst the piercing gunshots and the snowy sky, Chopper dragged his

scarred body and ran away desperately on the snow with tears streaming

down his face. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Every time he takes a step, a dazzling scarlet footprint will be left on the

snow behind him. The wound hit by the bullet was constantly bleeding

out! If the bleeding is not stopped in time, Chopper’s life may be in

danger. that’s all. After running an unknown distance. Exhausted,

Chopper finally fell onto the snow. He was already dying at this moment.

Even his vision couldn’t help but begin to blur. but. Just when he was

about to lose consciousness. A figure suddenly appeared in his blurred

vision. It was a middle-aged man wearing a black windbreaker, a tall

black hat, and holding a medical kit in his hand. He looked a little

haggard and scruffy. At the same time, there was a trace of panic on his

face. It seemed that he, like Chopper, was being chased by someone not

long ago. It was Dr. Siruluk who had just escaped from the pursuit of the

Royal Guards of the Drum Kingdom! Shiruluk came from the wind and

snow in the distance. When he saw Chopper lying on the snow, covered

in blood. A worried look suddenly appeared on his face. Then the pace

quickened a bit. He hurriedly came to Chopper’s side to check his

physical condition.

“Have you been shot?”

“If you don’t stop the bleeding quickly, you will die! ”

After a brief inspection,

Dr. Siruluk said to Chopper extremely anxiously.

Chopper, who heard this,

had not yet recovered from the fear and anger of being shot and chased

by humans just now. He recovered.

He opened his bloodshot eyes fiercely and

stared at Hiruluk.

He tried to use such eyes to force the opponent back.

But Hiriluk was so concerned about Chopper. His eyes seemed to turn a

blind eye.

He squatted down next to Chopper. At the

same time, he opened the medical kit he carried with him

and prepared to treat Chopper.。

“It’s okay, I’ll save you。”

“Speaking of which, you are really lucky.。”

“I just developed a medicine that can even cure fractures three days ago!”

“What kind of creature are you?”

“He doesn’t look very human.~”

“By the way, I heard that there seems to be a legendary snow man


Hiruluk kept talking to himself while preparing the equipment to treat

Chopper .

And when he mentioned Yukio,

he happened to take out a tranquilizer gun from his medical kit.

Prepare to use this to anesthetize Chopper,

and then start treating him.


When Chopper saw the tranquilizer gun that Hiruluk took out.

For a moment, I thought of the shotguns that humans used to shoot


next moment.

Chopper climbed up from the snow like crazy.

Completely ignoring his injured body,

he punched Siruluk hard in the face!

Siruluk, who had no defense at all,

was knocked to the ground by the punch on the spot. Chopper, on the

other hand, turned around and ran away without hesitation

after throwing this punch . but. He had just run out a few steps. A roaring

voice came from behind him



“Do not make jokes!”

“Who do you think I am? ! ”

After hearing this, Chopper couldn’t help but pause.

He turned around and looked back with some hesitation.

Then he saw……

At this moment, Siruluk had actually taken off all his clothes.

He was standing naked in the midst of the freezing ice and snow.

He opened his arms forcefully toward Chopper.

The expression on his face

was extremely sincere and firm.

With this attitude, Siruluk

continued to shout loudly towards Chopper:

“trust me!”

“I will never shoot you!”

“My name is Dr. Siruluk!”

“is a……Doctor! ! ! ”

Hilulluk’s shouts echoed in the snowy sky.

Even though he was naked and shivering from the cold, he

still maintained this posture,

showing his greatest sincerity and goodwill to Chopper!

Seeing this scene, Chopper

couldn’t help but be moved by the other party in a certain part of his


He finally let down his guard against Siruluk.

Then his whole vision went dark.

His body went limp.

He completely fainted. On this piece of snow…

Chapter 160

inside the projection screen.

The scene was frozen in the scene where Chopper passed out.

Immediately afterwards.

An army of translucent barrages began to float across the screen –

holy crap! Dr. Siruluk actually took off all his clothes. Is it so exciting? ! !


Being naked in such a world of ice and snow, Siruluk is really a ruthless


However, the reason why he did such a crazy move was actually because

he wanted to give Chopper a sufficient sense of security and gain the

other party’s trust.

Yes, Chopper had just been shot by a human with a gun not long ago,

and he was naturally very resistant to humans. In addition, the anesthesia

gun that Dr. Siruluk just took out was very similar in appearance to the

previous shotguns. I thought, it was inevitable that Chopper would


Dr. Siruluk was punched by the frightened Chopper. Not only was he not

angry, but he also wanted to use this move to make Chopper trust him.

He really……I cried to death!

Yes, and after other humans saw Chopper’s appearance, they all regarded

him as a monster. They were either frightened and fled in panic, or they

took out weapons to attack Chopper and drive him away…….

Only Dr. Siruluk did not feel scared by Chopper’s appearance after seeing

him. Instead, he was worried about his injuries and treated him without


Dr. Siruluk is so kind and gentle!

Maybe this is the so-called benevolence of doctors!

A gentle person like Siruluk is a real doctor!

Chopper has been ostracized by his own kind and humans since he was a

child. Fortunately, he met Dr. Siruluk. This can be considered a kind of

luck for Chopper! “447”

Yes! I can’t imagine what Chopper’s life would be like if he hadn’t met

Dr. Hiriluk?

If he hadn’t met Dr. Hiriluk, maybe Chopper would have ended up like

this Darkening, he really turned into a cruel monster!

If that were the case, Chopper wouldn’t be cute anymore, hahahaha~

haha! That’s not possible! If that was the case, how could Chopper still be

a member of the Straw Hat Pirates? Mascot?! (Dog head)

That’s right! If that’s the case, how can Chopper make a large food

reserve for the Straw Hat Pirates?! (Dog head)

Chopper: I am the king of cost-effectiveness, but I will never end up like

that! (dog head)

【Marco: This doctor named Siruluk is indeed a very kind doctor!】

【Kurokas: He used his actions to explain what the true benevolence of a

healer means!】

【Zefa: As an ordinary person, when he saw the monster-like appearance

of the little civet cat, he didn’t have any fear. He only wanted to treat the

other party. A doctor like him is now convinced How rare!】

【Siruluk: Haha! After all, in the eyes of a doctor, there is only the

difference between patients and non-patients, and there is no difference

between monsters and non-monsters. As long as you need treatment, it

doesn’t matter who you are, what you look like, or what you have done.

The important thing is that at this time, you have only one identity in my

eyes, and that is a patient, a patient who needs me to treat you!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Okay! What Dr. Siruluk said is so good! but……

I’m a reindeer, not a civet cat! ! !】

【Kuleha: Haha, Siruluk, I didn’t expect that a quack like you could say

such a profound sentence.~】

【Siruluk: Humph! Of course!】

【Kuleha: Yoyoyoyo~ You are said to be fat and you are still


【Siruluk: Hahahaha! Otherwise~】

【Kuleha: So shameless, it’s a good thing Chopper didn’t learn this from

you, otherwise he wouldn’t be cute!】

【Nami: Yes, I feel the same way!】

【Nico Robin: I feel the same way +1!】


【Tony Tony Chopper:……】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

when the comatose Chopper wakes up again.

He has been taken back to his home by Shilluk.

Careful treatment and bandaging were performed.

Chopper, who had just woken up, was still somewhat wary of Siruluk.

But in the end, he was moved by the other party’s kindness and


Gradually, he let down his guard against Siruluk.

Successfully accepted the other party.

Siruluk also gave Chopper a pink hat as a gift.

And this hat is also regarded as a treasure by Chopper.

Incomparable love for it.

that’s all.

Chopper has been staying at Hiruluk’s home to recover from his injuries.

Lived with each other.

Every day, Shilluk was conducting his own medical experiments at home.

Chopper would stay nearby and watch obediently.

From time to time, I would also ask each other some questions.

Siruluk would also answer very patiently.

The days passed peacefully like this.


Siruluk was conducting experiments in front of his experimental table as


While he was tinkering with his instruments and potions, he

said to Chopper next to him:

“Life is not easy for you and I. We are both unpopular people…….”

“But, Chopper……”

“Don’t hate humans~”

“This country is sick now。”

“The hearts of the people and the king are sick。”

“Although people say that a sick country cannot be cured……”

“But this is not the case!”

“As long as my invention can be completed, this country can be saved! ! !

While saying this,

Hiruluk suddenly turned around excitedly.

He proudly shook a reagent bottle in his hand towards Chopper.。

【Warring States: Huh? What is the reagent in that bottle?】

【Crane: Could it be that that bottle of reagent is what Dr. Siruluk said

was the invention that can save an already sick country?】

【Monkey D Dragon: An invention that can cure a sick country? ! in this

world……Does such a thing really exist? !】

【Sabo: If this invention is really useful, then our revolutionary army

needs it so much!】

【Ambrio Ivankov: Yeah! After all, the job of our revolutionary army is

to cure those countries that are already sick and decadent!】

【Bellobetti: Does such a thing reall

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] y exist in the


【Crow: If this is true, then it is very necessary for our revolutionary

army to win over this invention!】

【Morrie: Yes, with it, our revolutionary army will have the opportunity

to liberate more countries! ! !】

【Lindbergh: I’m starting to get a little curious about what this invention

Dr. Shilluk is talking about!】

【Vegapunk: Even I can’t develop the so-called invention that can save

the sick country. If what this Dr. Siruluk said is true, then maybe his

ingenuity……And above me! ! !】

【Siruluk: Don’t! do not do that! You are Vegapunk, the world’s number

one scientist! How can I compare to you in virtue, and my so-called

invention……In fact, it is not a highly difficult scientific product…….】

【Vegapunk: Oh? It is not a difficult scientific product, but it can save a

sick country? When you said that, I became even more curious!】

【Monkey D Dragon: I am also becoming more and more curious about

this so-called invention!】

【Siruluk: Hahahaha~ Come on, don’t have too high expectations for my

invention. I just hope that when you see what my invention is later, you

won’t laugh at me for it ~] Inside the projection screen


The video continues to play –

Hiluluk shows Chopper the reagent bottle in his hand.

While continuing to say very enthusiastically:

“Once upon a time……”

“In a country far away in the west, there is a gangster。”

“He has a serious heart condition。”

“He sought treatment from famous doctors all over the country, but no

one could cure him.。”

“The man who was pronounced dead felt very depressed and


“But just then!”

“He passed a high mountain!”

“There he saw a beautiful sight that he had never seen in his life……”

“That’s cherry blossoms! ! !”

“He saw cherry blossoms blooming all over the mountains and plains! ”

(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Then when he went to see the doctor again, he was shocked……”

“Because his body has become no different from that of a normal person!

! !”

“His illness is cured!”

“This is simply a miracle! ! !”

“You think so too, right? ! ”

Speaking of this…0

Hiruluk couldn’t help but asked Chopper excitedly.

Chopper was a little stunned when he heard it.

He didn’t give any answer.

And Hiruluk didn’t care either.

He continued alone. There he said cheerfully:

“But this is actually a great medical skill!”

“Because he was moved, some wonderful changes occurred in that

person’s body!”

“That is to say……”

“There is no incurable disease in this world! ! !”

“No matter what others say about me, I will save this country as a


“I will use this skeleton to cure all diseases for everyone! ! ! ”

Siruluk said.

Suddenly he slapped a flag on the wall hard.

In the center of the black flag,

there was a skull pattern.

And around the skull,

there were several flower-like flowers. It was the falling pink cherry

blossom petals.

Listening to what Siruluk just said,

Chopper glanced at the cherry blossom skull logo again.

With doubts in his eyes,

he slowly said:

“Skeleton? ”

Hilulluk was smiling.

He seemed a little excited.

He continued to explain to Chopper:

“This skeleton……”

“But a symbol of faith that makes the impossible possible!”

“I want to save this country as a doctor!”

“I will hold this flag high and fight like a pirate! ! ! ”

Hearing this,

Chopper, who had no understanding of the outside world at all, was

confused again.

He looked at Siruluk with confusion and asked:

“Doctor, what are pirates? ”

Shiruluk replied without hesitation:

“Pirates are very powerful people who sail the sea!”

“They have bodies that have been tempered over time, and eyes that look

just like mine!”

“Their voices are like thunder from heaven! ”

As if talking in the house wasn’t enough.

Hiruluk actually pulled Chopper out of the door.

He took him to a coast.

Hiruluk looked at the blue sea in the distance.

He continued to talk to Chopper said in a deep voice:

“Chopper, you should also go to sea in the future!”

“That way you can understand how insignificant your troubles are!”

“The island you grew up on is only so small compared to the world~”

As he said that, Hiruluk specially stretched out his finger to give Chopper

a rough gesture.

Chopper looked at what Hiruluk said . gestures.

He asked with some surprise:

“Eh? !”


“Is it really only that small? ! Siruluk

shook his head and said:

“No, it should be smaller!”

“It should be like this in 4.1……”


Siruluk made another smaller gesture than before.

The two just stood on the beach and talked a lot.

From time to time there was laughter and laughter.

Chopper and Siriluk both had happy smiles on their faces.

Such a picture

looks quite beautiful and warm.

The picture on the projection screen was also frozen in such a warm


Then the barrage army passed by again –

so good! This scene is so heartwarming!

This is probably the first time Chopper has felt what true happiness is!

To Chopper, Hiriluk is almost like a father to him!

It is no exaggeration to say that the hat that Siruluk gave to Chopper has

no less weight in his heart than the straw hat that Shanks gave to Luffy!

That’s right! For Chopper, this hat is undoubtedly his most precious


Siruluk: Chopper, I will keep this hat with you for safekeeping. Please

return it to me when you become the panacea! (Dog head)

Hahahaha! The people upstairs are literally laughing me to death!

The originally warm atmosphere was suddenly shattered by the

unexpected event upstairs!

Ha ha ha ha! Sure enough, he is worthy of being a sand sculpture

netizen, no matter what kind of scene he is, he can make it work!

Chopper: I am the reindeer who wants to be the panacea! ! ! (Dog Head)

Chopper: I’m sure of the panacea! ! ! (dog head)

Chapter 161

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! I thought this invention that Dr. Siruluk said could

cure a sick country was something very awesome! Unexpectedly, it

turned out to be just a cherry blossom? ! ! !】

【John: It’s just a cherry blossom. What’s so surprising about it? It’s

actually said to be able to save a sick country? ! ! !】

【Silver Ax: Is this doctor named Siruluk not very well-informed? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: Moreover, Cigu Island is a winter island. It snows all year

round. There is no season other than winter. Where can I go to see cherry

blossoms? ! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ This guy named Siruluk gives me the feeling

that he is just talking nonsense.~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Doctor, he is not talking nonsense! The doctor

really made the cherry blossoms bloom on Drum Island, and the cherry

blossoms can really save a sick country! ! !】

【Siruluk: Chopper……】

【Monkey D Dragon: Sakura……Can it really save a sick country? I’m

curious how this is done?】

【Sabo: Yeah, I’m also curious about how Sakura is going to save a sick


【Ambrio Ivankov: If this thing is really useful, wouldn’t those countries

with cherry blossoms in full bloom not get sick? !】

【Bellobetti: But obviously that’s not the case…….】

【Lindbergh: Could it be that Shiluluk’s invention is not as simple as he

said on the surface?】

【Siruluk: Haha~ Then you have misunderstood me. My invention is

really that simple. I just want to let the cherry blossoms bloom on Winter

Island, so that the people in the Drum Kingdom can also see the beauty I

saw first. It’s just a situation。】

【Vegapunk: Huh? Is there really only simplicity? ! But if it’s really that

simple, why have you been tinkering with that invention for so long?

Couldn’t this simple invention be completed in less than an hour?】

【Shiruluk:……I feel like my IQ has been crushed!】

【Kureha: Hahahaha! After all, the person who said this is Vegapunk, the

world’s number one genius scientist. With your quack’s IQ, isn’t it normal

for you to be crushed?】

【Siruluk: Yeah…….Too! It makes me feel better when you say that!】

【Sakaski: Humph! I originally thought that Siruluk was some kind of

noble doctor, but I didn’t expect that he actually used the pirate flag as a

symbol of his faith, and he also showed great respect and yearning for

pirates. It was simply ridiculous! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Hey, hey! Red Dog, I don’t like hearing what you say.

People are willing to worship pirates like us. If they are happy, it’s none

of your business? ! ! !】

【John: Haha! that is! Is there anything wrong with the Doctor

worshiping pirates? !】

【Silver Ax: Who said doctors can’t use the pirate flag as a symbol of

their faith? !】

【Wang Zhi: If you say so, wouldn’t it mean that all the ship’s doctors of

the pirate group are the extremely ridiculous guys in your mouth? !】

【Sakaski: Humph! That’s what I mean! And not only the ship’s doctors

of these pirate groups, but all pirates are extremely ridiculous existences,

and they are sins that need to be completely eradicated from this world! !


【Kaido: Oh, come on, Akainu, I don’t know how many times I’ve heard

your words since the Heaven’s Inventory System came to this day, my

ears are going to feel calluses!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, you want to wipe out all of us

pirates? It’s better to wait until you really have the ability to say such big


Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

in the blink of an eye.

A full year has passed since Siriluk brought Chopper home.

In this past year.

Chopper and Hiriluk get along day and night.

The feelings between each other also became stronger and stronger.

For Chopper.

Siruluk has become the most important role in his life.

And Hiriluk already regarded Chopper as his own son.

The two cuddled up to each other and kept each other company.

They seem to have become an integral part of each other’s lives.

And as this year goes by.

Chopper’s original injury was finally completely healed under Siruluk’s

careful treatment.

Hiriluk personally removed all the bandages on Chopper’s body.

But there was no trace of joy on his face.

in the screen.

Siruluk looked at Chopper with a solemn expression, and

said in a deep voice:

“It took a whole year。”

“Chopper, all your injuries are finally healed。”


“Take care of yourself! ”

These inexplicable words confused Chopper.

He never thought that

after his injury was completely healed,

what Siruluk said to him immediately……

That’s what he said!

Chopper was stunned on the spot.

The happy smile on his face that was originally raised due to the

recovery of his injury instantly solidified.

He stared blankly at Siruluk in front of him.

With an extremely doubtful tone, he slowly spit out a word from his


“Eh? ! ! ! ”

The picture freezes here.

The semi-transparent barrage army floats across the screen—

fuck! This sudden turn of events really catches people off guard!

What did Siruluk do? I originally thought He wanted to celebrate

Chopper’s recovery from his injury, but unexpectedly, he issued an

expulsion order directly to Chopper! It

took a year for Chopper’s injury to finally recover, but he didn’t expect

that he would be kicked out by Hiruluk when he turned around. Drive


Hiruluk’s words directly confused Chopper!

Looking at Chopper’s expression and reaction in the picture, it is obvious

that he is doubting life.

I guess Chopper at this moment Tomoe even doubted his own ears,

wondering if he heard wrongly. I

really like Chopper’s words – Huh??? (dog head)

Nonsense, what Chopper just said was obviously – Eh?! !! (Dog Head)

Although I know that Siruluk must have his own reasons for doing this, it

is indeed a bit too cruel for Chopper.

Yes, Chopper had a hard time treating Siruluk He opened his heart and

regarded Hiruluk as his family, but who would have thought that he

would be kicked out as soon as he turned his head.

Chopper is only a child, how much damage should this cause to his

young heart

? Woohoo~ Chopper is such a pitiful little raccoon cat~ (dog head)

Hahahaha! Guys upstairs, are you polite? Chopper is obviously a raccoon,

not a raccoon cat! (dog head)

Nonsense! Chopper is obviously a raccoon It’s a Tibetan antelope, right!?

(Dog head)

Pfft! The more you talk

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] about it, the

more outrageous it becomes! There’s no such thing as a Tibetan antelope,

and Chopper is just a common man who has eaten the fruits of the

common people! (Dog head) Well,

Lou There’s nothing wrong with that, I agree! (Gotou)

Indeed! There’s nothing wrong with it! (Gotou)

I also agree, Chopper is just an ordinary citizen! (Gotou)

Hahahahaha! You guys are really damaging Na! I like it!

【Tony Tony Chopper:? ? ? ? ? ]

Having said that, did you notice another important point in the video just


Um? What’s the point?

The point is……It actually took Chopper a full year to fully recover from

his injury! ! !

Damn it! yes! I wouldn’t even notice it if you didn’t tell me!

The injuries Chopper received weren’t serious at first, so why did it take

so long to heal? !

No matter what, Chopper is still an animal-type Devil Fruit user. Why

does it still take so long to heal from such a minor injury? ! ! !

Isn’t this a bit too exaggerated? !

Yes, Chopper’s recovery speed from his injury is simply ridiculously slow!

Such a small injury, if it were placed on monsters like Luffy and Zoro, it

would probably be completely healed in just a few sleeps.

Even if Chopper is not as good as monsters like Luffy and Zoro, such an

injury should be healed within a month at most, right?

The most important thing is that the speed of recovery this year was only

achieved under the careful care of the doctor Siruluk!

This is even more outrageous, right? !

Do you think it’s possible that Chopper’s recovery is so slow because of

Shilluk’s treatment? (dog head)

Hiss! It’s not impossible! ! !

Damn it! I seem to know some terrible secret!

Otherwise, there is really no way to explain what is going on!

That being said,……Siruluk’s medical skills are indeed a bit


Ha ha ha ha! So Hiruluk’s treatment of Chopper not only did not help,

but actually did a disservice, making it take him a full year to recover? !

Ha ha ha ha! I seem to know why Dr. Kuleha called Siruluk a quack.

At first, I thought it was just Kureha teasing Siruluk, but I didn’t expect

that he was really a quack! (dog head)

Hahahaha! You guys really are……You have taken all the bamboo shoots

on the mountain!

But in fact, it doesn’t necessarily mean that Siruluk’s medical skills are

not good. Maybe Siruluk did it on purpose?

Yes, maybe Hiruluk deliberately delayed Chopper’s recovery in order to

keep Chopper by his side for a while?

Chopper: Whenever I feel like I’m about to recover, Dr. Siruluk will come

and treat me carefully. After the treatment, my previous illusion that I

was about to recover is gone in an instant. The doctor’s medical skills

How brilliant! (Dog head)

Hahahaha! No more! I’m about to die laughing!

【Siruluk:? ? ? ? ?】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Huh? ! Doctor, are these barrages true? ! ! !】

【Siruluk: Slander! These barrages are slander! ! Chi Guoguo’s slander! !


【Kuleha: Haha, I think these barrages are right. You are indeed a



inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after receiving Shilluk’s eviction order.

Chopper panicked instantly.

He begged the other party bitterly not to drive him away.

As long as I can stay here.

Let him do anything.

Apart from here, (to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

he has nowhere else to go.


Faced with Chopper’s pleading.

Siruluk still drove Chopper out with great cruelty.

He also said that he took Chopper in because he was a patient.

Now Chopper has recovered.

There is no reason for him to continue to take care of the other person.

Having said this.

Siruluk drove Chopper out ruthlessly.

And closed the door heavily.

outside the door.

Chopper still kept crying.

Hopefully Siruluk will open the door.

But Siruluk seemed not to hear.

Totally ignored.

Seeing this situation,

Chopper, who was extremely sad, suddenly stood up.

It came to a big tree at the door of Shilluk’s house.

He started banging his head against the thick trunk of the big tree like




“boom! ”

A series of heavy impact sounds continued to sound.

With the impact again and again, Chopper’s head

soon became bruised and bleeding.

But he had no intention of stopping at all. He

continued. It hit the ground.

Until the trunk of the big tree, which was thick enough for several adults

to hug each other, was completely broken. It

fell to the ground with a loud “bang”.

Only then did Chopper finally stop his movements.

And such a huge tree Hibiki finally caught Siruluk’s attention.

He opened the door and looked outside.

Then he saw Chopper with a bloody head standing in front of the fallen


covering his forehead with one hand.

He showed a sad smile to Siruluk, and slowly

spoke with a trembling voice:

“Look, doctor……”

“I’m injured。”

“Look, I’m hurt……”

Chopper looked at Siriluk with hopeful eyes.

I hope that the other party can take in myself as a patient again.


Faced with Chopper’s behavior.

Siruluk suddenly turned around and rushed back into the house.

Then he rushed out quickly.

When he came out again,

he had a shotgun in his hand.

This time it wasn’t the tranquilizer gun that scared Chopper before.

But a real lethal shotgun!

next moment。

“boom! ”

A gunshot rang out.

Hiruluk shot at Chopper without hesitation!

The bullet scratched Chopper’s cheek,

leaving a small wound on it.

Blood flowed from the wound.

This moment……

Chopper was completely frightened!


“doctor? Chopper

asked in a trembling voice.

The look he looked at Hiruluk no longer contained hope.

Instead, there was a trace of deep fear and despair…….

Siruluk did not answer immediately.

Instead, he fired two shots at Chopper again.

The bullet landed on the snow at Chopper’s feet.

Siruluk’s roar also came at the same time.。

“Get out!”

“No matter you go to the sea or wherever you go, you are not allowed to

come back here again! ! ! ”

Hearing Hiriluk’s roar.

This time Chopper did not continue to beg for anything.

Instead, he turned around in despair.

He ran away with tears streaming down his face.

The picture was frozen here.

A cold mechanical sound followed. Ring。

“Random question 2: Why did Siruluk drive away Chopper? ”.

Chapter 162

“Random question 2: Why did Siruluk drive away Chopper? ”

As the Tiandao prompt sound fell,

everyone immediately began to discuss again in the Tiandao chat


【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! This question seems to be another scoring

question, and my opportunity has come again! ! !】

【John:? ? ? ? ?】

【Silver Ax:? ? ? ? ?】

【Wang Zhi:? ? ? ? ?】

【Shiki: Damn it! Old Captain, which one of your eyes can tell that this

question is for free? ! ! !】

【Locks D. Gibek: Huh? Are you out of your mind? In the video just now,

didn’t Dr. Shiluluk already tell you the reason for driving away the civet


【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Old captain, what do you mean?……Because the civet

cat has now recovered and is no longer a patient, the doctor named

Siruluk felt that he no longer had the need to continue to take care of

him, so why did he drive him away?】

【Rocks Djibek: That’s right! That’s the reason! This was said by the guy

in the video himself. I really don’t understand why you asked such stupid

questions and didn’t even watch the video properly? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~Old Captain, you should be the

stupid one, but anyone with a little bit of brains can clearly see that Dr.

Siruluk is lying.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ The so-called little raccoon cat is no

longer a patient, and there is no need for me to continue to take care of

him. It is obviously a lie made up by Dr. Siruluk. The real reason must be

another person. There is something hidden~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! You didn’t even see such an obvious point,

Rocks, you still have the nerve to call other people stupid, it really made

me laugh to death.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Damn it! real or fake? ! Are you guys working

together to deceive me so that I can’t get the points for this free question?

! ! !】

【John: Pfft hahaha! Old captain, you really want to make me laugh to


【Silver Ax: Why does it feel like the old captain has reached a new level

of stupidity?】

【Wang Zhi: Old Captain, have you been slapped in the face so many

times by the Tiandao inventory system that your brain has been

damaged? !】

【Shiji: Jie hahaha~Old captain, let me ask you, if the reason why Dr.

Siruluk drove away the little civet cat is that the injury has healed as he

said, then the little civet cat Later, he injured himself again. Why didn’t

Dr. Siruluk continue to treat it?】

【Rocks Djibek: Hiss! Damn it! It’s true! This is indeed a bit suspicious,

and completely contradicts what he said before!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Old captain, do you actually need our reminder to

realize such an obvious problem?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ It seems that the old captain was

indeed slapped in the face by the Tiandao inventory system and was


【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah~ The old captain actually thought we

were working together to deceive him. This IQ is really worrying.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……】

【Gol D. Roger: But having said that, since the reason why Dr. Siruluk

drove away the little raccoon cat was not because its injury had healed,

what would be the answer to this question?】

【Warring States: It is estimated that only the parties involved are aware

of this hidden secret.。】

【Crane: Well, even if we can make some guesses, the answer will

definitely not be as accurate as the answer 1 given by the client.。】

【Polusalino: Hmm~ In other words, this question is just to give points

to Dr. Siruluk and that little raccoon cat.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ It seems that we have no chance of getting points for

this question.~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Hello! etc! I have tolerated you for a long time! !


【Gol D. Roger: Huh? What’s wrong with you, little tanuki?】

【Shiki: Why did this little tanuki suddenly get angry? ? ?】

【Sengoku: Something about what you pirates said just now must have

angered this little tanuki!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: I’ll say it again! I’m not some little tanuki! ! I am

a reindeer! ! !】

【Gol D Roger:……】

【Shi Ji:……】

【Warring States Period:……】

【Siruluk: Hahahaha! You have indeed made Chopper angry. Chopper

hates being called a tanuki~]

After some conversation.

The cold Tiandao reminder soon sounded again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, please be prepared.”






“The quizzes officially begin! ”

This time.

As the Tiandao prompt tone fell,

everyone in the Tiandao chat group did not rush to answer.

Because they all knew in their hearts.

It was absolutely impossible for them to beat Chopper and Hiluru for this

question. The two parties involved。

【Siruluk: Hey~ No one has answered this question? Then Chopper, you

can score this point without any pressure!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Huh? I? Doctor, won’t you answer? You obviously

know the answer too……】

【Siruluk: Hahahaha! I’m already a dead person, what do I need the

points from the Tiandao inventory system for? I can’t use it~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: But, doctor…….】

【Siruluk: Okay, Chopper, you don’t want to be here anymore. You’d

better answer the question quickly. Don’t wait until the time for

answering the question has passed. If you haven’t answered yet, then you

will have wasted this point.。】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! These two guys are so damn annoying! Even

though you know the answer, you are still pushing it around here. If you

don’t want the points for this question, just tell me the answer and let me

answer it!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ The old captain is thinking about shit



The cold tiandao inventory prompt sounded again 1.

“There are only five seconds left to answer the question. Those who have

not yet answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible.。”




【Siruluk: Hey! Chopper, answer the question quickly! Time is really

passing! ! !】

【Tony Tony Chopper:……All right!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Because the doctor has a terminal illness and has

a short time to live. The doctor is afraid that I will be sad, so he drove me

away! (answer question)】



“The quiz is over!”

“Congratulations to Tony Tony Chopper for answering correctly and

earning a point. ”

As Chopper successfully completed the answer in the Tiandao chat group

at the last second,

the prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system also sounded


Chopper succes

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] sfully picked

up the points for this question.


the projection screen Inside.

The video continues to play –

Chopper, who was driven away by Hiruluk with a gun, was heartbroken.

But in fact, he still didn’t want to believe that Dr. Hiruluk really wanted

to drive him away.

Over the past year Spending time together day and night

made Chopper believe that Siruluk was definitely not such a person.

He believed that the reason why Siriluk did this

must be because of the other party’s own difficulties.

And in order to know the answer to all this,

Chopper secretly turned back again.

He returned to the area where Siruluk lived.

When he came here,

he happened to meet Siruluk who was about to go out.


Chopper secretly followed Siruluk, and

finally followed The other party came outside a tree house. This was the

residence of

Siruluk’s only friend, Dr. Kuleha. Seeing Siruluk walking into the tree

house, Chopper also quietly hid outside the house. Eavesdropping The

conversation between Siruluk and Kuleha came up. And through the

conversation between the two, Chopper finally learned

It turns out that Siruluk was already terminally ill.

Now I only have about ten days left to live…….

It was precisely because of this that

Siruluk suddenly and desperately drove Chopper away.

Just to prevent Chopper from knowing the news.

After Chopper, who was hiding outside the tree house, heard the truth,


was extremely sad and at the same time

silently made up his mind.

He has to rely on his own strength……

No choice but Dr. Siruluk! ! !

After making this determination.

Chopper sneaked back to Siruluk’s residence.

He began to look through the medical books collected by Siruluk

anxiously. He wanted to find a way to cure Siruluk

from these medical books ! finally


After reading countless medical books. Chopper finally saw a mushroom

with a skull logo next to it

in a book that recorded various medicinal materials ! This mushroom is

called Ami mushroom. Chopper

���I clearly remember that

Dr. Siruluk once told me before, (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

The skull is a symbol of faith that turns the impossible into possible!


After seeing the skull mark next to the Ami mushroom.

Chopper was extremely certain that

this Ami mushroom was the medicine that could cure Dr. Siruluk’s

terminal illness!

Think of this.

He immediately took this book with him without hesitation and

embarked on a journey to find the Ami mushroom.

He traveled all the way across mountains and rivers,

passing through forests, rivers, and snow-capped mountains…….

We also encountered a herd of reindeer on the way.

It was the same group of reindeer that had driven Chopper out of the

group. These reindeer immediately showed strong hostility

after seeing Chopper . And he attacked Chopper very unreasonably. If it

were in the past, Chopper would definitely turn around and run away on

the spot. But this time


He didn’t escape!

In order to find the Ami mushroom as soon as possible and

to rush back to treat Dr. Siruluk as soon as possible,

Chopper overcame his inner fear and cowardice.

Bravely fought against those reindeer!

In the end,

he succeeded in defeating these similar creatures.

Drive them all away.

But he was also seriously injured.

A broken antler.

One leg was also broken.

But even so,

Chopper still didn’t stop.


after going through all kinds of hardships,

he finally succeeded in picking the Ami mushroom.

He happily returned to Siruluk’s residence with the mushroom.

When the bruised Chopper opened the door and

appeared in front of Hiruluk again.

Siruluk was stunned for a moment.

Chopper, on the other hand, dragged his body covered with bruises,

lowered his head and whispered to Siruluk:

“Doctor, I’m sorry……”

“I lost that important book……”

His tone was full of guilt and apology.

He looked just like a guilty child who had done something wrong.

And Hiruluk didn’t blame Chopper for this.

Instead, he looked at the other party with a look of surprise and worry,


asked anxiously:

“Chopper, what’s wrong with you? ! ! ! ”

Hearing this,

Chopper did not answer.

Instead, he tremblingly raised the Ami mushroom in his hand and

showed it to Siruluk proudly.。



Siruluk looked at the mushroom in Chopper’s hand.

Face full of disbelief。

“That is……”

“Ami black mushroom? ! ! !”

“Did you pick this for me? ! ”

Chopper nodded.

He smiled and said to Siruluk:

“live on……”

“Stay alive, doctor!”

“I also want to be a doctor!”

“Please teach me how to be a doctor!”

“I want to fight too……”

“Just like a pirate! ! ! ”

Chopper’s voice was childish and clear.

At the same time, it was also full of an unquestionable determination!

And Siruluk, who was opposite him , was already stunned

after hearing what Chopper said.

In place.

There was a look of shock that was difficult to conceal in his expression

and eyes.

At the same time, he was also full of emotion.

The picture was frozen here.

A dense army of barrages began to float across the screen –

Wuwuwuwu! Chopper! Really are……I cried to death!

In order to save the terminally ill Dr. Siruluk, Chopper successfully

defeated his cowardice and fear, and went through all kinds of hardships

to pick this Ami mushroom.

Chopper really wants to cure Siriluk and let him live!

Unfortunately……That Ami mushroom is a poisonous mushroom!

The skull in the medical book is not a symbol of pirates, but a symbol of


This is really a big mistake!

Although this cannot be blamed on Chopper, but……This is so fucking

outrageous! ! !

Treating highly poisonous mushrooms as life-saving medicine is really

funny and sad at the same time! Dian:

Look at Dr. Siruluk’s shocked expression. He must have been fooled by

Chopper’s operation.

Siruluk: Why did Chopper pick a poisonous mushroom for me? (Shocked


Siruluk: Could it be that it has a grudge against me because I drove it

away, so it wants to use this poisonous mushroom to poison me? ! ! !

(Dog Head)

Chopper: Doctor, I picked Ami mushrooms for you, are you touched?

Siruluk: Don’t dare to move! I don’t dare to move at all! (dog head)

Chapter 163

Countless viewers couldn’t help laughing when they saw the large

number of barrages floating on the paused screen on the projection

screen in front of them.

Especially when they saw the barrage marked in red saying that what

Chopper collected was a poisonous mushroom, everyone laughed even


【Kaido: Ugh~ Sure enough, this little tanuki is not only the weakest

animal type, but also stupid! He even gave Dr. Siruluk poisonous

mushrooms to eat!】

【Warring States Period: Poisonous mushrooms… If you eat these,

something big will happen!】

【Rocks D. Jibek: So that’s why Dr. Siruluk died! As expected, the little

raccoon cat not only looks stupid, but the things he does are even

stupider! If I had known that little point just now, you should have given

it to me!】

【Charlotte 627 Te Lingling: Well, well, well~ Old captain, after all is

said and done, you actually just want points, but this depends on your

ability and luck!】

【Silver Ax: The old captain has had no luck since the beginning of the

Tiandao Inventory. As for myself, hehe……】

【Wang Zhi: The old captain’s fighting skills are quite good, but his

ability to answer questions is not that great.。】

【Nami: Although we are all partners, and partners should trust each

other, but Chopper…did you really collect poisonous mushrooms?】

【Roronoa Zoro: Sure enough, you are only suitable for emergency food

(cabe)… Chopper。】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hey, Chopper, do these mushrooms taste good? It

looks like it should be delicious!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: As long as it is handled properly, there is no

ingredient that cannot be made into a dish. I think the taste of the

mushrooms should not be much different.。】


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] D. Luffy:

Sanji, even you said so, I really want to taste it!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: But after tasting the delicious food, you may die。】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha, a bunch of idiots! It was clearly said to be

poisonous mushrooms, how could it still be eaten! Little raccoon cat, that

Dr. Siruluk, actually did not die of a terminal illness, but was killed by

you, right?】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la la la~ So is this really the truth? Who is

lying? Little raccoon cat? Dr. Siruluk? Or… the way of heaven?】

【Gol D. Roger: Whitebeard, what do you mean? Could it be said that

Heaven will also deliberately favor a certain party and give them points?

Even so, there was no reason for him to give the points to that little

raccoon cat! ! We have so many strong people here, no one is more

suitable than the little civet cat!】

【Silbarz Reilly: Things seem to be getting interesting, so what’s the

truth? Did Heaven help conceal the truth about Dr. Siruluk’s death and

deliberately let the little reindeer gain points?……】

【Warring States: I’m afraid we’ll have to guess again.。】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ If that’s the case, I can give it a try this time as my

points are too old.~】

【Sakaski: Why don’t you start yet? I can’t wait! 】(To read exciting

novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Kuzan: Alala… the points should be mine. 】

While everyone was making various mockery of Chopper based on the

barrage news, they were also speculating on the real cause of Dr.

Siruluk’s death.

Some people even began to doubt the fairness of Tiandao’s questions.

The voice of heaven also sounded again。

“Random question 3: What happened to Dr. Siruluk after he ate the Ami

wild rice? ”.

Chapter 164

“Random question 3: What happened to Dr. Siruluk after he ate the Ami

wild rice? ”

Tiandao’s voice sounded again.

And this questioning voice made all the audience stunned for a moment.

It took several seconds before anyone came back to their senses.。

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Are there really people so stupid? That kind of

mushroom has been clearly said to be poisonous, but there are still

people who actually eat it? ?】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha, so old captain, many people guessed it right just

now. I am afraid that Dr. Siruluk really died after eating poisonous


【John: Old Captain, I’m afraid you finally guessed it right for once.。】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la la, I’m afraid things are not that simple

after all! Siruluk is a doctor himself, so he must know that the Ami

mushroom is a poisonous mushroom. If you still choose to eat it under

that situation, there are two endings:……】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ That’s right! Dr. Siruluk ate

poisonous mushrooms and would either die violently or recover! In other

words, everyone has a chance to answer this question correctly!】

【Kaido: Ugh! So, did Tiandao ask such a simple question because we

just questioned his fairness? Then I will definitely win this question!】

【Gol D. Roger: Kaido, don’t talk too much. With so many people

competing with you, how can you be sure that the winner will be you?】

【Crane: Haven’t you noticed that this question seems to be giving away


【Shanks: Do you want to give me points… So, the next step is to

determine the accurate result, which is what happened to Dr. Siruluk a

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] fter eating

poisonous mushrooms, and then we will rush to answer the question.。】

【Monkey D. Karp: This question seems to be giving points to everyone,

but in fact it is still giving points to Siruluk or Chopper!】

【Kuzan: What Mr. Karp said makes sense, because after eating the

poisonous mushroom, only the little reindeer and Dr. Siruluk are the

most certain of the answer.。】

【Warring States: So, does Tiandao also have a shady secret? Is this a

deliberate attempt to bring benefits to the Straw Hats and the others?】

【Porusalino: Hmm… Mr. Sengoku means that one of the backgrounds of

the Straw Hat Pirates is Heaven? 】

0 Request for flowers

【Sakaski: God’s way, everything is good! In short, the points this time

must be mine! In addition, criminal pirates will be punished sooner or

later! No matter who your background is, I will kill you all with my own


【Fujitora: Doctor Siruluk, if you don’t want to get points this time,

please tell me the answer secretly.。】

【Wang Zhi: That’s right, Doctor Siruluk, you can also tell me the

answer. Maybe I can revive you if you get something good by then!】

【Rocks D Jibek: Wang Zhi, after you get something good, you don’t

want to resurrect me first, right?】

【John: The old captain looks angry. Let’s do this, Dr. Siruluk, tell me the

answer. After I get the reward, I will resurrect our old captain.。】


Just when everyone was talking about it, the voice of Tiandao sounded


“The question answering will start in 5 seconds, so all viewers are asked

to be ready to answer questions!”




Chapter 165

As Tiandao’s prompt sounded, everyone immediately became serious.

Everyone is ready, waiting for the moment when the countdown ends.。





“The quizzes officially begin! ”

The ethereal voice echoed in everyone’s mind.

At the moment when Tian Dao’s voice rang out for the last time,

countless viewers spoke “Zero Four Three” to answer.。

【Shanks: Dr. Siruluk will die after eating poisonous mushrooms! (answer


【Warring States Period: Doctor Siruluk will die immediately if he eats

poisonous mushrooms! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, if you eat Amisu, Dr. Siruluk will

die on the spot! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Old woman, that’s called Ami Usagi!】

【Kaido: If you eat Ami, Dr. Siruluk will die! (answer question)】

【Rocks D. Jibek: Dr. Siruluk will die immediately if he eats the Ami

mushroom! (answer question)】

【Gol D. Roger: After eating Ami, Dr. Siruluk will die after a while! Die

in agony! (answer question)】


Countless answers are refreshing.

Almost everyone gave the same answer, guessing that Dr. Siruluk would

die immediately after eating poisonous mushrooms.

Looking at these answers, Hiruluk and Chopper were speechless and


【Nami: Chopper, answer the question quickly! Otherwise time has

passed again! !】

【Nico Robin: This question is also prepared for you two, Chopper, Dr.

Siruluk, please answer it quickly.。】

【Roronoa Zoro: By the way, we actually know the answer, right? Why

can’t we participate in answering questions?】

【Nami: Shut up! do not speak!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Doctor, let’s answer the question this time.……】

【Siruluk: No, Chopper, I am very happy to see that you are living so

well now and have met a group of friends w

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ho are

willing to accept you. It is up to you to get the points!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Well…okay. 】

Chopper just nodded in agreement, and at this time Tiandao’s voice also


“The question answering will end in 5 seconds. Those who have not yet

answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible!”




【Tony Tony Chopper: Dr. Siruluk did not die after eating Ami sage!

(answer question)】


“The quiz is over!”

“Congratulations to Tony Tony Chopper for getting the correct answer

and a point! ”

Hearing Tiandao’s voice, as expected, there was a burst of boos all


The first thing is that the answer was unexpected.

It was obviously a poisonous mushroom, so why did he eat it without

killing anyone?

Everyone has begun to question, Tiandao specially selected all the

mushrooms. It’s Chopper and Hiriluk who ask questions that they know

the answer to.

This is simply giving them points for desperately trying. (To read

Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Other viewers don’t understand them either. In the past, how could the

answer be correct?

Questioning loudly, or even protesting the unfairness of the way of

heaven, giving Chopper, Siluluk, and even the Straw Hat Pirates a group

of people, the voices of 2.2 were rampant. However, it seems that the

way of heaven does not exist at all

. He didn’t care about their emotions.

When the mechanical voice fell coldly, the picture continued to play on

the projection screen.

After Chopper said that he asked Dr. Siruluk to teach him medical skills

and hoped to fight like a pirate.

He suddenly He lowered his head again and whispered with tears in his

eyes: “Reindeer can’t be doctors, can they?”……”。

Chapter 166

Hearing Chopper’s expectant words, Dr. Siruluk couldn’t bear it any

longer. He was moved to tears, rushed up to hug Chopper and said,


“Of course it is possible!”

“Because you are so kind! Chopper! You stupid!”

“Doctor, you hug me too tightly……”

Chopper reminded with a gentle smile.

At this time, the scene switched to a majestic voice outside a snow-

covered palace.。

“Jess! Crow 20 Marymount!”

“Did the doctor hunt go well? ”

The person who spoke was a man whose chin seemed to be inlaid with an

iron pot.

The two men who were shouted at by him immediately replied

respectfully: “Yes, most of the doctors have been exiled, but……”

“most? ”

The majestic man with the iron pot embedded in his chin suddenly

looked dissatisfied.

His subordinates quickly explained: “There are still two doctors who have

not been caught, and one of them is Dr. Kuleha! And that quack doctor


“What! ! ”

The man suddenly became furious.

But soon, he showed a sly smile.。

“By the way, let’s do this. All the doctors who announced Doctor 20 to

the outside world have also collapsed due to illness!”

“Do it quickly! ”

At this point, the camera switched to other scenes.

At this time, the little reindeer Chopper, wrapped in bandages and

holding a cane with one eye open, came to Dr. Siruluk’s bed with an

expectant smile on his face. In front.

Chopper looked at Siruluk who was drinking the Amiwu wild rice soup in

big gulps, and asked: “Is the soup made with Amiwu wild rice delicious?”

“Hahaha, it tastes terrible.。”

“It doesn’t feel like it’s for living people at all! Dr. Siruluk

laughed and answered.

This answer st

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] artled

Chopper, who looked at Siruluk in astonishment, with confusion written

all over his cute little face.

Dr. Siruluk, on the other hand , He laughed and comforted: “Don’t be so

depressed, don’t they say good medicine is bitter?”

“This shows that it is indeed very effective! It is very helpful in curing my


“Thank you very much, Chopper. ”

Hearing Dr. Siruluk say this, Chopper finally showed a happy smile on

his face.

But at this moment, Dr. Siruluk suddenly stared at a container with

purple smoke in front of him, dumbfounded. .

Chopper was startled again, thinking something had happened.

Noticing Dr. Siruluk’s gaze, he subconsciously looked back。

“Hahaha! That’s the reaction! ! You can’t go wrong!”

“I have been waiting for thirty years, and finally it happened. I knew that

I was absolutely right, and I would definitely succeed this time!”

“Great Chopper, my experiment 623 finally succeeded! ”

Dr. Siruluk clenched his fists excitedly, turned around and shouted to


Then, he rushed directly to the door of the room, opened the door and let

the cold and biting wind and snow blow in, and Dr. Siruluk He stood at

the door of the room, shouting to the ice and snow outside, extremely


Seeing such a scene, although Chopper didn’t quite understand what was

going on, he was still happy for Dr. Siruluk.

He followed Hiruluk’s cheers and smiled with joy.

The picture played on the projection screen was frozen again here.

On the big screen was Chopper’s happy and lovely smile. (To read

Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novels Net!)

And then, barrage quickly passed by.

Chapter 167

As the picture freezes, countless barrages once again float across the


Chopper is really so gentle and cute!

Dr. Siruluk is also very gentle. Even though he knew it was a poisonous

mushroom, he still wanted to eat it. He really… made me cry to death!

It’s so great. Doctor Siruluk doesn’t want to hurt Chopper’s heart or

disappoint Chopper!

Why do you suddenly feel that this weird uncle with a slovenly

appearance and kind eyes is very charming?

Upstairs, you are not alone!

Chopper would definitely cry to death if he knew the truth… Hug

Chopper, baby!

Dr. Siruluk is great. He used the last time of his life to convey a great

spirit to Chopper.

Hug Chopper, hug Dr. Siruluk!

Oh my god, the tears can’t stop flowing…

Dr. Siruluk is going to die soon. Alas… Qiao Bao, give me a hug!

I really hope that Ami Wushen can be effective, wuwuwu… I cried to


Please, please let Dr. Siruluk live!

He is gentle and kind, and he can heal diseases and save people. He is so

cute! Great value for money!

Upstairs, Chopper is using poison to harm people, right?……


Barrage after barrage passed before my eyes.

But what he said was very confusing.

Obviously, when Chopper answered Tiandao’s question just now, he had

already said that Siriluk did not die after eating poisonous mushrooms.

But now in the barrage, the audience from another world are feeling

distressed and sorry for Siruluk and Chopper.

Judging from the content of the barrages they posted, it seemed as if

Siruluk was about to die. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to

Feilu Novel Network!)

This makes the viewers who are watching these barra

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ges all


【Gol D. Roger:? ? what’s the situation? Didn’t he say that Dr. Siruluk

wouldn’t die after eating Ami sorghum? Why are the comments in the

barrage so strange?】

【Rocks D. Jibek: Sure enough, God’s way is just for the Straw Hat

Pirates and his gang! Look! I’ve known this for a long time! Damn

bastard! Don’t let me find you! !】

【John: Old Captain, save your energy. Since this heavenly law can affect

the entire world, it can even affect other worlds and connect all the

worlds together. Obviously, with our strength, we simply cannot compete

with him.……】

【Wang Zhi: Yes, old captain, although I also recognize the fact that you

are very powerful, compared with the way of heaven, we are


【Kaido: Ugh! So what you’re saying is that we can only watch helplessly

as this thief Tiandao works for the Straw Hats? But there’s nothing you

can do about him? I just don’t believe in this evil! right】

【Silver Ax: Kaido, don’t just talk with your mouth, why don’t you move

and show us? You can’t move at all now, can you? Although I am already

a dead person, we should all be the same and have been controlled by

heaven, so don’t brag.。】

(Damn it) [Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, what on earth is going


【Edward Newgate: Although Tiandao is indeed suspected of giving

trouble to the Straw Hats, it is too early to draw conclusions now.。】

【Edward Newgate: I think this matter is not that simple. There should

be something else happening next.……】

Countless people once again expressed doubts about the way of heaven.

Some express their dissatisfaction directly, while others are very tactful. .

Chapter 168

Seeing the adults discussing it heatedly, time passed by.

But God, no response was given.。

【Warring States: So are you ready for the Q&A session again?】

【Crane: It’s the point-giving part, right?……】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Xiaohe, don’t speak too directly. You

want to save some face for Tiandao. Be careful not to reward us!】

【Sakaski: Damn you guy! Sure enough, this Tiandao is also in the same

group as the damn pirates? Is this done on purpose to irritate us? In

short, no matter what, I will definitely let you accept the punishment

with my own hands! !】

【Shepard Ten Peter Saint: A mere little reindeer, no matter how

powerful it is, is still just a reindeer! So what if I got a reward for it? Why

are you panicking? 】

Because the content mentioned in the barrage is different from the

answer provided by Qiao953ba when he answered the question just now.

As a result, everyone began to speculate and misunderstandings


Even the speculation that Tiandao deliberately gave trouble to Chopper

and even the Straw Hats broke out again.

Even the heroes of the sea, such as Rocks and Roger, expressed

dissatisfaction with Tiandao’s behavior.

But Tiandao still didn’t have any meaning to explain.

At this time, the cold sound of machinery sounded again。

“Random Question 4 How will Dr. Siruluk leave this world? ”

Hearing such a question, everyone immediately frowned.

And some of the audience became directly annoyed.。

【Eustaskid: Damn it! As expected, Tiandao deliberately set things off for

the Straw Hats! They deliberately ask questions that they know the

answers to! But it doesn’t matter, no matter how many backgrounds you

have, I will stil

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] l become the

king of this world!】

?【Roronoa Zoro: We can’t answer the questions, right? Well, Chopper,

I’d better leave it to you. I’ll take a nap first.。】

?【Gol D. Roger: Tiandao, it would be meaningless if you play like this.

We don’t know the answer, but the Straw Hat Pirates and the others

know the answer very well. Aren’t you obviously giving them points?】

【Rocks D Jiback: Hum, are you also disappointed and angry about this?

Then be a little more angry! Roger! Maybe the two of us (caee) can work

together to deal with that guy!】?

?【Shiji: Stop joking, old captain, why don’t you give up? Even if

Tiandao obviously gives small things to certain groups and gives them

points, there is nothing we can do about them.。】

【Kaido: I am not convinced! ! Why can this little raccoon cat get so

many reward points? ?】

?【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Kaido, the opportunity to answer

questions is fair, we will always encounter questions that we are good


?【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah, we have no way of knowing the

past of the Straw Hats, but if God mentions our affairs, they brats won’t

know either! Then it’s a good opportunity for us to earn points!】

?【Warring States: It seems that there will be another fierce


?【Porusalino: Well, it’s really not easy to get points.~】

?【Shanks: If you put it this way, everyone will feel much better. They

have a past that we don’t understand, and we also have things that others

don’t know. After this calculation, in fact, everyone has equal


【Shanks: Heaven does not favor anyone。】?

?Just when everyone was still discussing, Tiandao’s voice sounded again.


Chapter 169

Tiandao’s voice sounded again, immediately attracting the attention of

the entire audience.

The audience who were still complaining just now became quiet at this

moment, and everyone was waiting for Tiandao to continue speaking.。

“The quiz will start in 5 seconds, all viewers are asked to be ready for the







“The quizzes officially begin! ”

It’s another round of answering questions.

Because of their previous preconceived judgments, everyone thinks that

this is God’s deliberate attempt to make trouble for Siruluk or Chopper,

or even the entire Straw Hat Pirates. So now,

actually No one spoke to answer the questions.

Everyone was watching and waiting.

Some people even gave up answering the questions and instead started

talking among themselves.。

【Bucky: Sure enough, some people with connections can really do

whatever they want… Straw hat boy, if you didn’t have these

backgrounds, I would have pushed you to the ground and rubbed you a

hundred times!】

【Kaido: Straw Hat Pirates, please answer the questions quickly! Your

uncle’s! Isn’t God favoring you? You should hurry up and get points!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well…if you don’t want the points, you can

give them to me. I don’t mind accepting them for you!】

【Rocks D. Jibek: Hurry up, kiddos! Stop whining! Hurry up and end this

damn round of inventory! Next time it’s Tiandao’s turn to take stock of

me, right? After all, I was the overlord of the sea that made the Navy

Headquarters and the World Government tremble! !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha… Locks, do you want to listen to what you

are saying? When did the Navy tremble at you?】

【Warring States: He h

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] as been

sleeping for too long, so he has such confidence. Have you forgotten who

was terminated in the Valley of Gods? Your dreams have been buried

with you, Rocks, don’t talk to yourself anymore! Everyone here can hear


【Rocks D Jibek: Warring States, Garp, you two, please stop talking and

wait until I am resurrected to have a fight! This time you two will

definitely be beaten to the ground by me! I said it! ! 】(To read exciting

novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【John: Old Captain, this time we decided to stand on your side! 】

0 Request for flowers

【Wang Zhi: That’s right, old captain, if you can really be resurrected,

don’t forget us! We are willing to follow you to conquer the world

together again!】

【Silver Ax: I have actually been waiting for this day, waiting for you,

old captain, to lead us to greater glory again.……】

【Edward Newgate: Goo-la-la-la-la~ Rocks, your era has ended long ago!

Roger is gone too! Even if you are resurrected, you will no longer have

the final say in this world! Otherwise, where are you going to put me?】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! White beard! There was no difference

between you and me back then. If I can really be resurrected, then I will

definitely have a good fight with you again! As for heroes of the sea and

so on, I will not participate in the competition for this false reputation,


【Gol D. Roger: After all, I have become the Pirate King! Are you right,


【Silbarz Reilly: Hahaha, Roger, you are making a fuss! Rocks wanted to

be the king of this world his whole life, but he couldn’t do it until his

death. Aren’t you just adding salt to his wounds? Hahaha…for a long


Chapter 170

Most of the audience actually gave up answering questions, and some

were even teasing each other, arguing with each other, and even getting

angry with each other.

This is something that others never expected。

【Nami: Chopper, it seems they have given up competing with you. In

that case, answer the questions quickly!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yes, Chopper, hehe… answer the questions quickly,

it seems they won’t compete with you for points!】

【“”Seven Seventy” Roronoa Zoro: So Doctor Siruluk will definitely not

compete with you, right?……】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: It’s so boring. You can actually spray each other from

the air here. If all these guys were resurrected, the world would be


【Nico Robin: It’s going to be chaos, right?……】

【Sakaski: You damn pirates, you damn scumbags, you are pretending

that I don’t exist at all!】

【Kuzan: Alala~ Anyone can be resurrected, except Rocks, but are you

sure you really don’t answer the question? In that case, let me answer the

question first!】

【Kuzan: The answer is death by poisoning. (answer question)】

【Sengoku: That’s right. While these pirates are fighting each other, seize

the opportunity to answer the question. Everyone in the Navy will

quickly participate. Maybe you will be the one who answers correctly!】

【Warring States: Dr. Siruluk died due to other reasons! (answer


【Tsuru: Although I also guessed that this might be the result, the

specific cause of death should be explained, right? Sengoku……】

【Crane: Dr. Siruluk ate the highly poisonous Ami wild rice. The poison

accelerated the onset of his terminal illness, so he died of the terminal

illness. (answer question)】

【Polusalino: Well~Grandma Crane is really keen!】

【Polusalino: Dr. Siruluk ate the highly poisonous

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Ami

mushroom. The poison accelerated the onset of his terminal illness, so he

died of a terminal illness. (answer question)】

【Sakaski: Dr. Siruluk died of a terminal illness because the poison

accelerated his symptoms. (answer question)】


While the pirates were fighting with each other, everyone at the Navy

Headquarters, from the Warring States Marshal to the most ordinary

naval soldiers, took the opportunity to answer questions.

Seeing these thieves, the navy actually started to answer questions

secretly, trying to grab points. The rest of the ordinary viewers also

participated one after another…0 Around the world, all the

viewers were following Lieutenant General Fenghe’s answer. . (If you

want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even the world government is no exception.。

【Cyborg Kong: Dr. Siruluk ate the highly poisonous Ami mushroom. The

poison accelerated the onset of his terminal illness, so he died of the

terminal illness. (answer question)】

【Shepard 10 Peter St.: Dr. Siruluk ate the highly poisonous Ami wild

rice. The poison accelerated the onset of his terminal illness, so he died of

a terminal illness. (answer question)】


The commander-in-chief of the entire army, Gang Gu Kong, as well as

Wulaoxing and others, all followed suit and answered questions.

At this moment, after the sound gradually quieted down, a slightly

ethereal voice suddenly sounded on 5.2。

【Im: Dr. Siruluk ate the highly poisonous Ami sage. The poison

accelerated the onset of his terminal illness, so he died of a terminal

illness. (Answer the question)]

I saw that even this big shot appeared and answered the question in


In an instant, the pirates who were arguing fell silent. .

Chapter 171

When the pirates saw others answering questions, they all came to their


While cursing the cunning navy, they started to answer the questions.

Everyone’s answers were almost exactly the same as those given by

Lieutenant General He at the beginning.

After another burst of noise, finally, everyone had basically finished

answering the questions.

At this time, the voice of Heaven also sounded closely.。

“There is a 5-second countdown to the answer. Those who have not yet

answered the question are asked to answer as soon as possible!”





“The quiz is over!”

“If no one answers the questions correctly in this round, points will be

automatically accumulated to the next round of questions. Those who

accurately answer the random questions in the next round will get double

points. ”

20 Tiandao’s voice made everyone stunned.

No one expected that this round of answering questions would have such

a result.

Unexpectedly, no one answered correctly??

【Kaido: Uh-huh…what the hell is going on? Little raccoon cat? Didn’t

you answer the question? Straw Hat boys, have you given up your chance


【Warring States: Points will be accumulated automatically if no one

answers. In other words, whoever answers correctly in the next round of

questions can take away all the accumulated points. This rule is pretty

good. Everyone has the opportunity to get rich overnight.……】

【Monkey D. Karp: Get rich overnight? Hahahaha, Warring States, these

words should not come out of your mouth!】

【Gol D. Roger: Speaking of getting rich overnight, would any of you be

interested in knowing about my treasure? Hahahaha… If you get it, you

will really become rich overnight!】

【Douglas Barrett: Roger, now is not the time to talk about this. Everyone

is obviously answering the qu

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] estions


【Porusalino: Ugh! So, did the Straw Hats really not answer the question

just now? It seems that Dr. Siruluk also abstained from voting.……】

【Marco: So, what’s going on? How did Dr. Siruluk die? 】(To read

exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la la la… It seems that it must be an

unpleasant past event. I’m afraid it’s the reason why people are sad.。】

【Makasmas Saint: What a bunch of boring guys! Let’s quickly move on

to the next step!】

【Donquixote Doflamingo:


among them… It seems that some people have lost their composure and

can’t wait to get a reward of points!】

【Jorah Kormihawk: The previous question asked how Dr. Siruluk died.

No one could answer it correctly, so the next question may still be about

Dr. Siruluk… that is Say, start watching carefully from now on, maybe

the answer is hidden in the content that is about to be played. ]

Hawkeye Mihawk’s words immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

After everyone heard his reminder, they immediately and subconsciously

became quiet.

657 is a matter of interests after all.

Sure enough, just after everyone calmed down, the projection screen in

everyone’s mind, which had stopped playing, started playing again.

In the picture, Chopper’s smile was still so gentle and happy.

But at this moment the screen suddenly started to switch.

I saw Chopper lying on the hospital bed, and Dr. Siruluk was carrying his

medical kit and preparing to go out.。

“Then, just have a good rest at home, Chopper.。”

“I am going out! ”

After that, Siruluk closed the door.

Chopper sat on the bed and covered his mouth happily: “Doctor Siruluk

looks very happy! ”.

Chapter 172

Chopper covered his mouth happily.

I am happy for Dr. Siruluk, and at the same time I am happy about the

achievements of what I have done.。

“The doctor looks happier and more motivated than ever……”

“I cured other people’s illnesses. ”

Thinking that he had helped Dr. Siruluk and cured his terminal illness.

Chopper was so happy that he covered his mouth and laughed again.

All the viewers were watching this seemingly heartwarming scene.

Everyone was afraid of themselves Missing an important detail made it

impossible to answer the next question correctly.

At this time, in the screen, Dr. Siruluk suddenly opened the door again,

and said to Chopper who was sitting on the bed, covering his mouth and

snickering: “You You will definitely become a very good doctor,


“I promise! ”

After saying that, Dr. Siruluk closed the door again.

After hearing this, Chopper was stunned for a few seconds, and then he

laughed happily again.

He still doesn’t know that he has committed a crime. Big mistake.

This mistake cannot be made up for in a lifetime.

Chopper is still immersed in the joy brought by his sense of

accomplishment in successfully “curing diseases and saving lives.”

At this time, the scene switches again.

This time it is in a cabin in the forest. .There

was a snowstorm outside, and Dr. Siruluk’s voice came from inside the

wooden house.。

“You must have heard of it too, right? Something serious has happened in

this country……”

Immediately afterwards, a slightly older woman’s voice sounded.

The camera lens also moves accordingly。

“Are you talking about the incident where 20 doctors fell ill collectively?

It’s really ridiculous! ”

A white-haired, slender old woman appeared in the

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] camera.

She was holding a bag and playing with something.

Dr. Siruluk stood aside.。

“By the way, why did you come to see me today?”

“It can’t be just to say this, right? ”

The old woman spoke with full force.

She even had a strong flavor.。

“I came today because I have something to ask of you.。”

“I reject! ”

The old woman refused Dr. Siruluk before he could finish what he said.。

“I haven’t said anything yet……”

“It’s just because you didn’t say it that I refused。”

“But… what is this soil? ”

The camera showed a close-up, and some purple-red soil poured out of

the old woman’s hand.

Dr. Siruluk said excitedly: “That is my medical achievement that took me

thirty years to complete. !”

“It’s a panacea that can cure this country’s ills! ”

The old woman obviously didn’t agree with these words.

She put the purple-red dust back into the bag casually, then raised her

eyes and looked at Dr. Siruluk: “It’s so hard, you have wasted thirty years

of your time.。”

“But why give this to me? ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel


“The amount of dust is not enough, and I have no time, so I would like to

ask you to help me make the cherry blossoms bloom in this country! ”

Dr. Siruluk quickly replied.。

“What are you driving for fun (Noli’s))……”

“One more thing! Please teach Chopper the medical skills!”

“He wants to be a doctor!”

“Just stop it, why should I help you?……”

“Although he is a reindeer and a monster in the eyes of humans, he is a

good reindeer with a kind heart!”

“He can really become an excellent doctor! ”

Dr. Siruluk didn’t wait for the old woman to reject him, he immediately

knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to her and sincerely requested…

Chapter 173

Seeing this, viewers all over the world have already guessed what is

going to happen next.

They knew Dr. Siruluk was definitely going to die.

But no one spoke, and no one dared to get distracted.

Because they have to concentrate so as not to miss any detail.

This may play a crucial role in whether they can answer the questions

and get two points.。

【Dr. Kuleha: Really, this idiot……】

【Siruluk: Hahaha… I really want to thank you for training Chopper to

become such an outstanding doctor, Medical Mother Kuleha. 】

The two had a simple conversation.

At this time, the screen on the projection screen continued to play what

happened between Dr. Siruluk and the old woman whom everyone didn’t

know much about.

He looked at Dr. Siruluk who was kneeling on the ground, talking to

himself, and making requests to himself 723.

The old woman was very angry and said angrily: “How can there be such

a shameless person like you in this world!”

“Why should I help you? Dr.

Siruluk trembled all over and said excitedly: “He is really a kind-hearted

person, and he risked his life to collect medicine for me, so please, let

him become a doctor!”

The old woman was not moved at all, and still said angrily: “You want

me to continue your stupid research, and also continue to take care of

that strange pet! “”

“Even if your end is approaching, I will not sympathize with you (cacj)!”

“Get out of here immediately! ! ”

After saying that, the old woman didn’t know where the strength came

from, and she actually kicked Dr. Siruluk out.

At the same time, she threw Dr. Siruluk’s medicine box out and closed

the door hard.

Xi Dr. Ruluke fell to the ground

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] , but showed

a happy smile。

“Ah, after all, we have known each other for such a long time. I know

how you are as a person.……”

“Then please! ”

After Dr. Siruluk finished speaking, the scene switched again.

This time, the camera switched to Dr. Siruluk’s home.

The door was violently pushed open, and the tall old woman broke in

and faced Qiao directly. Ba asked, “Where is Hiruluk? ”

When Chopper saw a stranger coming in with a ferocious look, he was

immediately frightened and ran around.。

“take it easy! I won’t hurt you!”

“I know everything about you! ”

The old woman shouted to Chopper.

Seeing that Chopper was still running around and hiding, the old woman

became a little impatient and shouted again: “I ask you, where did that

quack doctor go! ”

After Chopper heard her words clearly, he stopped, hid behind a pillar,

and replied: “The doctor’s illness has been cured. He went to the town.


Hearing this, the old woman walked in strangely with her hands on her

hips, and said to herself: “Is the disease cured?” (To read Baoshuang

novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“His disease is terminal, how can he be cured?……”

“With the current medical level, it is impossible to cure his disease. ”

After Chopper heard this, he quickly explained: “That’s not the case!”

“Look at this!”

“This is the medicine I spent a lot of effort to collect for the doctor!”

“After he drank the soup made from this medicine, he was fine! ”

Chopa confidently and happily took out the half-remained Amiwujiang

from his arms.

When he saw the Amiwujiao in his hand, the old woman’s face suddenly


“So, that’s… Ami Wushen? ? ”.

Chapter 174

The old woman’s pupils immediately became suspicious and flickered

after seeing the Amiwuji that Chopper took out.

And shrank hard a few times。

“You, you let that quack eat this? ? ”

Qiaoba immediately nodded vigorously and said happily: “Because this is

a panacea and can treat all diseases.。”

“After the doctor took these medicines, he felt energetic all over his


“I will also learn from doctors in the future and become an excellent


However, as Chopper was talking, he suddenly received a hard punch in

the face.

He was knocked to the ground on the spot, and he was so painful that his

eyes were filled with stars.。

“What are you doing! ”

Chopa, who was suddenly beaten, was shocked. He jumped up to look at

the old woman and questioned

him. As soon as he finished speaking, he was beaten again. He was

also pressed hard against the wall by the old woman and could not


“You stupid… stupid reindeer! !”

“That kind of mushroom… is highly poisonous! ! ”

Hearing the old woman’s words, the struggling Chopper suddenly

stopped talking.

He turned his head and looked at the old woman with a surprised face.

At this time, the audience at the scene felt a little heavy for no reason.

Of course, those who were very nervous Except the guys。

【Chopper: I’m sorry, doctor, I, I didn’t know at first that that kind of

mushroom was… highly poisonous。】

【Dr. Siruluk: Hahahaha, Chopper, it’s okay, don’t blame yourself like

this! You are really kind! 】

On the screen, things about Chopper’s encounter with one of the noble

people in his life were still playing.

At this time, the old woman pressed Chopper against the wall fiercely,

but she was already in tears.

Because she finally knew why Siruluk said he didn’t have much time.

At the same time, I finally understood why Siruluk would come to his ho

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] me

specifically at that time, asking him to help continue the research and

help continue to take care of the reindeer in front of him.……

“Fool! This extremely poisonous mushroom will make you unable to live

for even half a day if you take just one bite! ”

The old woman continued to explain to Chopper.

But when Chopper heard this, his expression completely changed.

He looked at the old woman with tears in front of him in disbelief,

thinking that she was joking with him.。

“no, I can not!”

“I specifically checked the book… Although I don’t know where the book

was lost, I can’t be mistaken! ”

Chopa was frantically trying to find the medical book he had read before.

(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

0 Asking for flowers

“The doctor once said that he would cure all diseases with skulls, and in

the medical book at that time, there were skulls drawn next to the


“The doctor himself said that his health was much better after eating


“He will never die!”

“You are lying to me! ! ”

Chopa was a little angry and said loudly to the old woman.

However, the old woman did not explode because of his rudeness this

time. She just said calmly: “He didn’t want to let you down, so he said


“The skull pattern itself is a symbol of poison. If you eat it, you will turn

into a pile of bones when you die.。”

“you’re lying!”

“I did not lie to you! !”

“Remember it for me! There is absolutely no medicine that can cure all

diseases in this world。”

“That’s why doctors are needed。”

“Only kindness cannot save people, only superb medical skills and

erudite knowledge can save people! ! ”

The old woman still spoke calmly as she explained to Chopper.

After hearing these words, Chopper still didn’t want to believe it all.

But as he listened, he started to cry sadly.

Chapter 175

Chopper burst into tears, crying heartbreakingly, and everyone in the

audience was moved, especially the members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Everyone wanted to comfort Chopper.

If not, they would be physically unable to move at this moment.

In the screen, the plot is still playing.

The old woman who had beaten Chopper so hard just now was bursting

into tears along with Chopper.

After a while, she stood up silently and whispered: “He will never come

back to this home again.”。”

“Siruluk, he probably planned to use the castle as his tomb. ”

As she spoke, the old woman grabbed a bottle of wine and slowly

uncorked it.

The scene was frozen with her hand holding the wine bottle.

At this time, a large number of barrages also flew up.

Baby Chopper is really so kind. It’s so cute, oh my god, I really want to

hug it! He

cried so sadly after knowing that he had done something wrong. Chopper

is so kind…

Come on, Chopper! I believe you will become a good doctor! I hope you

will become a good doctor

! Dr. Ruluk is your guide, Chopper, come on!

He is watching you in the sky!

Poor Chopper… I cried to death!

Ooooh, I cried to death!


As the screen freezes, the barrage continues to float by.

At this time, most of the audience at the scene also fell into silence.

But there are always some maverick people who are extremely indifferent

to this kind of thing.

They just think it’s funny when they see others sad.

Even, he can’t help but cynicize those who are sad.。

【Rocks D. Gibek: That’s so ridiculous! To actually cry over such a

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] stupid thing!

Now that you’ve done it, just reflect on it. It’s useless to cry, you little

civet! But the doctor named Siruluk is indeed admirable!】

【John: It’s rare for an old captain to feel recognized by others… It’s

been a long time since this happened!】

【Wang Zhi: It’s a pity that Dr. Siruluk is already dead. Otherwise, our

old captain might have invited him on board, right?】

【Silver Ax: Don’t forget that we are dead too, and so is the old


【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! The dead can also be resurrected, as long as

you get the resurrection crystal! So, Dr. Shilluk, are you also listening to

us? If you can be resurrected, please come to our ship!】

【Gol D. Roger: Our Roger Pirates welcome you!】

【Silbarz Reilly: Captain Roger, I heard that this is a quack. Are you

really going to invite him on board?】

【Kaido: Uh-huh…Roger, you’ve been dead for so many years and you’re

already confused! You actually plan to invite a quack doctor to your ship.

If the crew members get sick at sea, all of you will die on the ship! No,

no, no, no, no……】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, well, Roger, your time has passed

as expected. Inviting such people to your ship will only make the overall

strength of your Roger Pirates even worse!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la la la… It seems that I am the only one in

the audience who can understand your thoughts, Roger!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha, Edward, I really want to meet you again and

have a great drink together! 】.

Chapter 176

Except for those who were speaking, the rest of the audience remained

silent at this time.

Their idea is simple.

According to the previous routine, Tiandao should ask again soon.

Everyone can clearly see all the plot details in the picture just now.

Next we have to see what question Tiandao asked.

In this way, everyone can quickly get answers based on what they just

saw and then rush to answer.

But what is surprising is that everyone has been waiting for a long time

and still has not waited for Tiandao’s question.

At this time, someone finally became impatient and couldn’t help but ask.

20 [Valpo: Moohahahaha~ Why don’t you ask a question? It should be

time for random questions again soon, right?】

【Valpo: Moohahahahaha… I can’t wait to get the points! Ask questions

quickly, God! 】

Hearing this guy’s confident voice, the rest of the audience also came

back to their senses.

Everyone began to listen attentively, waiting for Tiandao to speak.

However, there was no reaction from Tiandao.

On the contrary, at this moment, the scene that had been paused started

to play again.

On the projection screen, the camera gave a close-up of Chopper.

At this moment, Qiaoba’s nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and

he was also in tears.

And the lens of the picture changed again.

At this time, in Feng’s snow-filled world, a magnificent castle loomed.

Inside the castle, the guards hurriedly reported to the fat and ugly man

with a chin sitting on the throne: “Lord Valpo, Siruluk is coming towards

this castle!”

“oh? Was he really fooled? Moohahahaha! Moohahahaha……”

“It’s really great!”

“Sure enough, this quack doctor is really a complete idiot! ”

The camera showed

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] another

close-up of a man.

This man was one of the guards of Valpo, a fat man with a chin.

His expression was very solemn, and his eyes flashed with uncertainty.

It seemed that he was incompatible with Valpo’s arrogance and

domineering attitude. , getting carried away is completely different.

Even in his heart, he didn’t seem to want Siruluk to come to this castle.

And it was at this time that the scene changed again.

This time it was a close-up of Dr. Siruluk.

This time At that time, Dr. Siruluk was standing in the wind and snow.

In front of him, there were rows of guards. (To read Baoshuang novels,

go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Take me to the patient, I’m here to save the doctor20! ”

Hiluluk said loudly and seriously to the guards blocking his way.

However, at this time, the guards stepped aside one after another.

A large group of doctors wearing surgical suits and masks appeared in

Hiluluk. In front of Ke.

Seeing these doctors, Siruluk’s face suddenly changed slightly, and his

eyes became very stunned.

At this time, Valpo’s unique laughter also sounded again. 123

“Moohahahaha! What a fool! Don’t you understand yet?”

“This is actually a trap!”

“The doctors are all alive and well, don’t you see that everyone is

jumping up and down? ”

Surrounded by the guards, Valpo strode over, still laughing arrogantly.。

“You are risking your own death by coming here, Dr. Siruluk!”

“Moohahaha! All guards ready! ”

Valpo gave the order, and all the soldiers immediately raised their

muskets and pointed them at Siruluk.

After Siruluk knew that he had been deceived, instead of being angry, he

cried with joy and knelt down in excitement. In the snow…

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

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