Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Инвентарь двадцати королей навигации, стартовая предыстория Ван Луффи2


Адреса змісту:https://www.fansmtl.org/novel/inventory-of-twenty-


On the eve of the war, a mysterious projection descends on the pirate


Twenty king-level titles were publicly selected, and the starting point was

[Background King] Luffy.

Grandpa is a naval hero, father is the leader of the revolutionary army,

leader Yonko Red Hair, master Pluto Rayleigh…

As Luffy’s background was revealed, the other Supernovas became numb.

We are going to sea to be pirates, but you are completely experiencing

life as a rich second generation!

When king-level titles are revealed one after another, the world of pirates

is shaken violently!

Bucky: King of Luck? As expected of me!

Shanks: Face-saving? Haha, this inventory really gives me some face~

Kaido: Wait, who am I, the King of One Hundred Revelation? !

Kizaru: You actually said that I am the king of paddling? slander! This is

absolutely slander!

Luffy: The background king, the jail king, the harem king, the sit-up

king…are these all talking about me?

Sig: With a wine bottle in his hand and smashing the Yonko, and with his

feet stepping on the future Pirate King, who is the strongest in sailing? I

am the Thief King of Sig!


Chapter 111

inside the projection screen.

The picture freezes.

The dense barrage army passed by again –

hahahahahaha! ! !

No way, I’m going to laugh to death~

Damn it! Lord Baki has become the Yonko, awesome! ! !

Lord Bucky is so lucky!

From the initial debt to Lao Sha, to the debt-for-equity swap, to now

directly seeking power and usurping the throne to become the boss of the

Cross Guild, Master Bucky is so awesome! ! !

Regarding the fact that I borrowed money to buy shares and suddenly

became the chairman~

Luffy had been fighting and killing in Wano Country for so long, and

finally managed to bring down Kaido and Big Mom, and managed to get

into the position of one of the four emperors. Master Ji has become a

Yonko without doing anything here!

All I can say is that sometimes luck is more important than strength!

Even if you, Wang Luffy, have an incredible background and cheats, I,

Master Bucky, can still easily catch up with you! (Dog Head)

Wang Lufei is just having fun, the real protagonist has to look at me,

Bucky! (Dog Head)

There are many people who have reached the position of Yonko through

strength, but I am the only one who has reached this point through luck,

Lord Baki! ! !

Bucky the great yyds! ! !

The well-deserved king of luck! ! !

Hahahahaha~ Lao Sha and Hawkeye were probably confused. Why did

they become Bucky’s little brother inexplicably? ? ?

Hahahahaha! This wave of Lao Sha really suffered a loss. Not only did he

not get his debt back, but the president of the Cross Guild he worked so

hard to create became Bucky. After giving the money

to the guild, he also gave himself to Bucky. As a subordinate, Lao Sha is

such a good person! (Dog head)

Lao Sha is definitely a well-deserved philanthropist!

Angel investor Crocodile! ! ! (dog head)

【Shakrokdal:? ? ? ? ?】

【Jorah Kormihawk:……】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Bucky, I really have you! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Crocodile, how are you? Now you’ve been

slapped hard in the face, right?~】

【Moonlight Moria: Hee hee hee~ Who just swore that he would never

become Bucky the Clown’s subordinate?】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ This Tiandao inventory system is

indeed a professional slap in the face. This slap in the face is accurate

every time.~】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ Crocodile, your face has been severely beaten and


【Shakrok Dal:……Mudd! Who would have thought that that clown

Bucky would ascend to the top of the Four Emperors in this way and turn

the Cross Guild founded by me into his? ! ! ! I really want to kill this

bastard! ! !】

【John: Hahahaha! I have to say, I am really impressed with Bucky the

Clown’s luck!】

【Silver Ax: From a debtor to a company owner, and even a Yonko, who

could have imagined this!】

【Wang Zhi: The key is that Bucky’s identity change really didn’t rely on

any strength at all, it all relied on luck!】

【Porusalino: It’s really unbelievable that someone can actually climb to

the top of the Yonko in such a bizarre way.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Bucky the Clown’s luck is really enviable.~】

【Sakaski: Humph! No matter how lucky he is, after the Tiandao

inventory is over, I will go directly to Impel City to execute him, so that

his luck will not be of any use at all! ! !】


【Warring States: What concerns me more than this is……Hawkeye

actually cooperates with Crocodile, he is not a good person!】

【Zefa: Yes, before becoming the King of the Seven Warlords, Hawkeye

was known as the “Navy Hunter”! It is a huge threat to our navy!】

【Crane: In the future, he will be revoked from the title of King

Shichibukai, and maybe he will resume his identity as a naval hunter


【Shanks: Hahahaha! Hawkeye, I didn’t expect that you would become

Bucky’s subordinate in the future. If that’s the case, you might as well

come to my ship.~】

【Jorah Kormihawk:……】

【Kaido: Wait! Why does a barrage above say that I and Lingling were

pulled down by that Straw Hat guy? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: That barrage is definitely a fart! How could I be

pulled down by a group of rookie pirates when I teamed up with Kaido? !

! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Kaido, Lingling, aren’t these all things

that can be inferred from the previous videos? What’s all the fuss about?


【Marco: Yes, this kind of thing has been said many times before, but

Kaido and Big Mom are unwilling to accept it.。】

【Qiaozi: If the barrage above appears, it can be considered as a

confirmation of this matter, right?~】

【Bista: Now, Kaido and Big Mom can’t continue to quibble and deny it,


【Jack: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! ! There is absolutely no way

that Boss Kaido will lose to Straw Hat! ! !】

【Charlotte Perospero: And mom too! There is absolutely no way she will

be pulled down by a bunch of brats! ! !】

【Charlotte Crackler: That’s right! The comment above is absolutely

nonsense! ! !】

【Ben Beckman: Haha~ It seems that the guys from the Beast Pirates and

the Big Mom Pirates still can’t accept this fact.~】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Before seeing the actual video, I guess it’s

impossible for these guys to give in.~】

【Usopp: Huh? ! ! ! Luffy, there is a barrage saying that you will become

one of the Four Emperors in the future! ! !】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Really! Luffy, you are so awesome! ! !】

【Nami: Then won’t we be members of the Yonko Pirates from now on?

Just listening to it is quite majestic! hey-hey~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hehehehe~ Will I become one of the Four Emperors

in the future? That’s natural! After all, my goal is to become the man of

One Piece. The Yonko is just a process. I will eventually become

it…….It’s the Pirate King! ! !】

【Kaido: Humph! What a naive kid, do you really believe what the

barrage says? ! If you want to replace me and become the new four

emperors, let me tell you……Absolutely impossible! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: That’s right! You brat who talks shamelessly, and

no matter what the future is like in the Tiandao inventory video, I will

never give you, this brat, any chance this time! ! !】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Straw hat boy, after the results of this Tiandao

inventory video are over, you must be going to Marine Headquarters

Marine Vando to save Fire Fist Ace, right?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Of course! Why do you ask this?】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Okay, if that’s the case, then I will go to Marinevando

and I will personally twist off the head of this little bastard like you! I see

how you will challenge me in the future? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, I’m still considered an old lady! I

also want to give this little brat a good lesson! ! !】

【Monkey D Dragon:? ? ? Kaido, aunt, you called my son a little brat, I

can’t pretend I didn’t hear it!】

【Monkey D. Karp: How dare you call my grandson a little brat in front

of me and threaten to join the navy���Are you going to teach my

grandson a lesson? ! Kaido, Auntie, you two guys are really brave. If you

dare to come, it’s not sure who will teach whom! Even your Rocks was

taught like a grandson by me back then, but you two little guys are not

qualified to cha

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] llenge me!】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Garp, okay, why are you mentioning me? !

and……What does it mean that I was taught like a grandson by you? !

You are just farting! ! !】

【Bucky: Huh? etc! Isn’t the protagonist of this video my uncle? ! Why is

it that while you were chatting, the focus of the conversation turned to

that bastard Straw Hat Boy? ! ! ! ]

Bucky was a little confused.

Originally, I saw my future self becoming the Four Emperors in the video.

He was still quite smug.

Although Bucky also knew that his position as the Four Emperors was

completely empty.

It just happened by chance.

There is no comparison with the gold content of the other four emperors.

But no matter what…

After all, he is also a Yonko!

That is the emperor of the sea who dominates the new world!

There are only a few people in the entire ocean who can win this great


And my future self

will be one of those few people!

How awesome! ! !

Originally Bucky thought……

The release of this blockbuster news

will definitely make everyone in the Tiandao chat group focus on him!

They all lamented their greatness and awesomeness!


The fact is that

after everyone briefly lamented their luck,

they inexplicably shifted the topic to the Straw Hat guy!

Obviously, the previous two rounds of inventory videos were all about

that kid, and

all the topics in the front were about that bastard Straw Hat!

Shouldn’t the conversation that needs to be talked about have already

been finished? !

How did you get here?……

Everyone was talking about the Straw Hat boy? ! ! !

Although Bucky didn’t particularly want everyone to talk about him.

After all, if he talks too much about himself,

I’m afraid Crocodile’s anger at him will only get deeper and deeper.

After the Tiandao inventory video is over, it is absolutely impossible for

the other party to let him go!


Then you can’t talk about that bastard Straw Hat Boy during my review

session! ! !

After all, I am also one of the twenty kings of navigation, the King of


After all, he is also one of the new four emperors in the future!

If you do this……

Where can I put my face? ! ! !

Looking at the messages that people in the Tiandao chat group are

constantly sending.

Bucky complained crazily in his heart。

……(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Inside the projection screen.

Video continues –

camera switch.

The scene once again came to the private office in the Bucky Express



inside the room.

Baki, who had just climbed to the top of the Yonko,

looked like he had been beaten to the point of being bruised and swollen!

It looks very miserable!

He doesn’t look like a Yonko at all!

On the sofa in front of him,

there were two menacing figures sitting.


And Hawkeye Mihawk!


These two people came to ask Baji to accuse him.

Bucky, who had been beaten by Crocodile with a bruised nose and face,

was begging for mercy.

At the same time, he kept explaining to the two of them that this

situation was a complete accident.

However, Crocodile was obviously still angry.

He didn’t listen to any of Bucky’s explanations at all.

There is a posture of wanting to cut the opponent into pieces with a

thousand knives.


at this time.

Hawkeye, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.。

“However, if you think about it differently……”

“Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give this guy a little more credit.。”

“At least I don’t want to be a Yonko, I just want to live a peaceful


Crocodile glanced at Hawkeye and asked:

“Are you serious? ”

Hawkeye nodded.。

“To put it simply, push him to the front。”

“Anyway, you can kill this guy anytime you want. ”

Hearing what Hawkeye said,

Crocodile thought for a moment.

Then he nodded and said:

“indeed. ”

That’s it.

Crocodile and Hawkeye temporarily let Bucky go,

and officially pushed each other to the forefront. They

became the presidents of the Cross Guild.

And Hawkeye and Crocodile became the presidents of the Cross Guild.

Two cadres!

Baki was thus completely confirmed as the president of the Cross Guild

and the Four Emperors!!!

The scene froze.

The barrage army passed by again –

Master Baki was really lucky. He took it. Laosha and Hawkeye’s limelight

actually didn’t cause any problems at all!

Not only did it not happen at all, but they also solidified their titles as the

president of the Cross Guild and the Four Emperors. Lord Bucky’s luck is

simply invincible! Hahahaha!

Although sitting there On the surface, he is very majestic in this position,

but in fact, Lord Bucky is very panicked in his heart.

Laosha and Hawkeye can come and take his life at any time.

Lord Bucky is becoming a puppet emperor, hahahaha~

What Hawkeye said just now really shocked me. He actually said that he

doesn’t want to be a Yonko, but just wants to live a peaceful life?!!! He

has the terrifying strength of the world’s greatest swordsman, but he just

wants to be defeated?!! !

Hahahaha! Hawkeye is also amazing!

I, the world’s greatest swordsman, just want to lie down~ (Dog Head)

I, Hawkeye Mihawk, just want to live a peaceful life! (Dog Head)

What kind of Kira quote is this? ?! (Dog head)

Kira Yoshihawk, right?! (Dog head)

Japanese man Hawkeye! Hahahahaha~

Don’t forget that Hawkeye once had the title of Navy Hunter. Do you

think he really just wants to be honest? Do you want to live a stable life?

Navy: Hawkeye, I believe you, you are such a bad old man!!!

Navy: You call hunting our navy all day long a stable life, right?!!!

Navy: Hawkeye, Are you so polite?!!!

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Hawkeye, I didn’t expect you to say that you just

want to live a peaceful life.~】

【Marco: It’s really hard to imagine……This sentence actually came from

the mouth of the world’s greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, Hawkeye, do you want to live a peaceful life?

Then I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t let you get what you want. I will

challenge you in the future and defeat you to become the new world’s

greatest swordsman! Before I defeat you, I’m afraid you won’t be able to

live a stable life!】

【Jorah Kormihawk:……】

【Porusalino: Well, my thoughts are very similar to those of Hawkeye. I

also just want to live a peaceful life, clock in and out every day, and

happily paddle around and fish.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ It’s hard to disagree~】

【Sakaski: Humph! You two lazy guys, if the navy were full of soldiers

who think like you, then the navy would be completely doomed! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Having said that, if the navy is full of guys

with your personality like Akainu, it will also be a very scary thing for

the people on this sea~] Everyone was talking about it


The picture on the projection screen has gradually dimmed.


The picture turned completely black.

The cold Tiandao prompt sounded again.。

“This round of [Lucky King] Bucky’s inventory has all ended。”

“Next comes the reward distribution phase! ”.

Chapter 112

“The results of this round of questions are being tallied……”

“The results of this round of answering questions are summarized!”

“There are five random questions in this round, and a total of four correct


“A total of 4 winners: None。”

“Those who have accumulated 3 points: None。”

“The person who got 2 points in total: Bucky。”

“Scorer with 1 cumulative point: Marshall D. Teach, Porusalino。”

“Congratulations to Bucky for winning first place in this round of

answering questions, and you will get two chances to be randomly


“Congratulations to Marshall D. Teach and Porusalino for ranking second

in this round of answering questions. Each will get a chance to be

randomly drawn!”

“Rewards are randomly selected by the Tiandao inventory system and are

absolutely fair and just.。”

“The random draw will begin next……”

As the Tiandao prompts continued to sound.

In the projection screen that had dimmed into darkness,

a lottery wheel slowly appeared.。

“The first lottery winner: Bucky. ”

The prompt tone fell.

The turntable began to rotate slowly.

After a wave of acceleration and deceleration,

��The disc pointer finally slowly stopped on one of the areas of the


Immediately afterwards.

The golden question mark on that area disappeared.

The rewards are also revealed.

Super advanced destructive magic – Crash is a powerful magic from the

world of Fairy Tail. It can instantly shatter the connections between the

atoms of matter it comes into contact with. This effect also works on

living creatures, and can instantly split the opponent it touches into

countless parts!

After optimization of Miracle Space, the energy source of this magic has

been modified from the magic power of the Fairy Tail world to the

physical strength of the current world.。

【Warring States: Huh? magic? ! Is there really such a thing as magic in

the world? !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Magic? It seems that there are many

interesting worlds outside our world.~】

【Shanks: The super-advanced destructive magic “Crash” can smash all

the objects it touches? The effect of this magic goes well with Bucky’s

ability to split fruits!】

【Silbarz Reilly: Yes, this thing sounds a bit like the ability possessed by

the Fragmented Fruit after its awakening.。】

【Jabba Skorba: Now that Bucky has obtained this magic, his strength

should be able to take a huge leap forward!】

【Bucky: Huh? A giant leap? ! If that’s the case, wouldn’t this uncle be

invincible? ?】

【Kaido: Ugh~ What a naive kid. Didn’t you see in the reward

description just now that it requires stamina to activate this magic?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, the physical strength required to

activate such a powerful magic is definitely quite amazing. For a novice

like you, I am afraid that just by activating the magic once, all the

physical strength in your body will be required. It will be drained!】

【Shiji: It is true that this is a very powerful magic, but in order to exert

its true power, it must be paired with a strong person!】

【Rocks D. Jiback: Even though a novice like Bucky the Clown has such

powerful magic, he can’t really exert its power!】

【John: Sigh, this reward is really a waste of money.~】

【Silver Ax: As long as this reward is given to other strong men, they will

definitely be able to exert its terrifying power!】

【Wang Zhi: Unless Bucky the Clown suddenly possesses super strength,

or simply has super physical strength, then he will be able to exert the

true power of this reward.。】

【Rocks D Jiback: But with Bucky the Clown looking like a noob, this is

obviously impossible, hahahahaha~】

【Bucky:? ? ? A bunch of hateful guys! How dare you look down on me! !

! 】

While a group of people were talking about it.

The cold mechanical beep of the Tiandao inventory system continues to


“The next winner of the lottery: Bucky~’. ”

Since Bucky alone had the opportunity to win two draws,

he was still the one to draw the next one.


the turntable started spinning again.

When the pointer of the turntable slowly stopped,

the second reward Bucky received was also Then it appeared.

Constitution Potion: After taking it, it can greatly improve the user’s

physical fitness and provide the user with a steady stream of physical

strength. The

moment they saw this reward,

those who were still mocking Bucky were stunned.。

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kaido:? ? ? ? ?】

【Shiji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? ? ?】

【John: Damn it! real or fake? ! ! !】

【Silver Ax: A potion that can provide a steady stream of physical

strength? ! What the hell are you really thinking about? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: Damn it! Bucky the Clown is really lucky! ! !】

【Shiki: Fuck! I almost forgot that this guy is the King of Luck appointed

by the Tiandao Inventory System!】

【Kaido: We just said one second that his physical strength is not enough

to exert the power of that super-advanced destructive magic, but the next

second he has received a reward that can improve his physical fitness and

physical strength? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: This is great, all of us were slapped hard in the


【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! What kind of bullshit luck is this! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Bucky, congratulations, with the super-

advanced destructive magic Crash, the constitution potion, your strength

will really make a qualitative

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] leap!】

【Silbarz Raeli: Yeah, Bucky, you really took off right away.】

【Shanks: Constitution potion? It is somewhat similar to the life potion I

got in the last round, except that this constitution potion does not have

the healing effect of the life potion, but I think the improvement in

physical fitness and physical strength must be much stronger than my life


【Ben Beckman: Haha, Shanks, you got the life potion, and Bucky got the

constitution potion. You two good friends really match up well.~】

【Bucky: Hahahahaha! Very good! My luck is truly invincible! You guys

who looked down on me just now are now being slapped in the face,

right? ! ]

Bucky was very excited at the moment.

Not just for slapping the faces of those who had just laughed at him.

And because he finally found a way to save himself!

Bucky had been worried before, worried about how he would escape

Impel Down

after the Tiandao inventory video ended ?


After all, the secret of being a Devil Fruit user has been exposed.

And because of the Tiandao inventory video,

he has been paid attention to by Warden Magellan and even Admiral

Akainu! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These two people had already let it go before.

As soon as the Tiandao inventory video ends, trouble will come for you!

With my original strength of a three-legged cat,

it is absolutely impossible to escape from the hands of these two bosses!

Once the Tiandao inventory video ends…

it can be said that I will definitely die!


it’s different now!

I have obtained a super powerful magic,

and I have also obtained a constitution potion that is enough to support

me in using this magic!

Your own strength will surely undergo a huge improvement!

Faced with the dilemma after the Tiandao inventory video ended,

he finally had a glimmer of hope!

Thinking of this,

Bucky couldn’t help but feel a little excited。


“It seems that Lady Luck is indeed on my side!”


Just when Bucky was feeling proud.

The cold prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“Next winner: Marshall D. Teach。”

【Marshall D. Teach: Thief hahahaha! Is it finally my turn to draw? I

don’t know what kind of reward I can get! 】


The lottery wheel starts spinning.


and the reward will be revealed.

Three-color domineering experience book (medium): After use, it can

increase 1000 points of armed color, knowledge color and overlord color

domineering experience at the same time. It can also be used by those

with no basis in domineering.。

【Monkey D. Karp: Huh? It’s actually the same reward as I got in the last


【Donquixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ The reward appearance rate of this

three-color domineering experience book is really high.~】

【Marshall D. Teach: Is there a reward that can enhance the three-color

domineering power? It’s quite suitable for me. After all, three-color

domineering is my weakness. It’s the best thing to be able to make up for

it now, hahahaha~】

【Joz: Damn Tikki! I really can’t stand his arrogance!】

【Bista: Who says it’s not! Now that he has obtained the three-color

domineering experience book, his strength has been further improved. It

will be even more difficult for us to teach him to avenge Thatch and


【Marco: Calm down, calm down~ The Tiandao inventory video is about

counting the twenty kings. We have just finished counting the three king-

level titles. We will have more opportunities to get rewards later.。】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Marco is right. The rewards of the

Heavenly Dao Inventory System are not only available to that bastard

Teach, we also have opportunities! And even if I don’t get any rewards,

your dad and I can still teach Teach, the traitor, a lesson! 】


The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“The next winner of the lottery: Porusalino. ”

The turntable rotates and stops. (Good, good) reward appears.

It is a sea-blue crystal that everyone is very familiar with.

Devil Fruit Curse Release Crystal: It has the magical effect of helping

people with Devil Fruit abilities remove the Devil Fruit Curse. After using

Devil Fruit abilities, users will no longer be afraid of sea water and


【Porusalino: Hmm~ It’s another reward with a very high appearance

rate, but it does have a great effect on me.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Porusalino, you also got this Devil Fruit Curse Lift

Crystal. Now both of us no longer have to be afraid of sea water and sea

tower stones. Only Sakaski is left. Alone there~】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ That’s great. Let’s go swimming together next time.

We won’t take Sakaski to play, and let him watch helplessly on the


【Kuzan: Oh~ Porusalino, your proposal is really great. I couldn’t agree


【Sakaski: …Haha, childish! 】

As Kizaru’s draw is completed.

This round of lottery is also completely over.

The lottery wheel on the projection screen slowly disappeared.

The scene returned to darkness again.

And after a moment’s pause.

The cold mechanical prompt of the Tiandao inventory system came


“Video of the twenty kings of the nautical world, continue now!”

“The fourth place – the king of poetry reading!”

“This round of random questions has generated punishment!”

“Random question 1: Who is the poetry king in this round of selection? ”.

Chapter 113

“Random question 1: Who is the poetry king in this round of selection? ”

The cold mechanical sound fell.

Everyone in the Tiandao chat group was immediately aroused again.。

【Charlotte Lingling: Reading Poetry King? What kind of weird king-level

title is this? !】

【Kaido: Damn it! Can’t the Tiandao inventory system do some normal

inventory of king-level titles? !】

【Rocks D. Jibek: At first, I was still thinking about what kind of

awesome characters the Twenty Kings of One Piece were, but now it

seems that they are all weird king-level titles, and none of them are

serious. !】

【Shi Ji: If this continues, it seems that none of the truly strong people

like us will be able to make the list…….】

【John: But then again, who is this Poetry King?】

【Silver Ax: If you take it literally, it means that this guy likes to read

poetry very much?】

【Wang Zhi: Reading poetry? Who among us pirates would like to do

such formal things? It doesn’t take much thinking to know that the

answer to this question is definitely not a pirate!】

【Warring States Period: Do you read poetry? I do have this kind of

pleasure occasionally, but I am too busy as a naval marshal, and I rarely

have time to do this kind of thing.。】

【Sakaski: Haha, reading poetry? Dogs don’t even think about it! The

duty of our navy is to eliminate pirates and maintain the peace of the sea.

How can we have time to do such boring things? !】

【Warring States:? ? ? 407 Sakaski, I suspect you are scolding me! ! !】

【Porusalino: Well~ Marshal of the Warring States Period, there is no

need to doubt that Sakaski is definitely scolding you.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Marshal of the Warring States Period, Sakaski, this is

too much. I am not a troublemaker, but if this matter is put on my head, I

will never tolerate it.~】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Kuzan, Porusalino, you two guys really

don’t mind watching the excitement! I can only say one thing about

this……Well done! ! !】

【Warring States Period:……】


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Are the Navy’s own people fighting

again? It’s really nice to hear it~】

【Gol D. Roger: Haha! It’s indeed interesting, but having said that, who

will be the king of poetry reading in this round?】

【Silbarzraeli: Anyway, it can’t be just a bunch of uneducated

roughnecks like us.~】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! There are indeed not many literate among us


【Monkey D. Luffy: I feel like the answer to this question is probably

Robin! After all, Robin reads every day!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: That’s right! If you want to say who is the most

educated among pirates, then the answer must be Robin-chan, the

archaeologist of our Straw Hat Pirates.~~~】

【Usopp: It’s really reasonable (afaf)!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Does that mean……The answer to this question is

Robin? !】

【Nico Robin: Huh? me? But I usually read books about archeology, and

very few about poetry. I can’t be the king of poetry, right?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Robin-chan, don’t be humble. What you say you don’t

see enough is already too much for other people, so the title of King of

Poetry is definitely not yours. No one else is qualified for this title except

you. This title cannot belong to a guy like Green Algae Head, right?】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? You’re such a perverted cook, so you have to step

on me, right? ! Believe it or not, I will kill you right now? ! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Haha, I’m just stating a fact, what? You’re a big boss

who only thinks about knives and wine. Why do you want to be the king

of poetry? !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Hey! If you want to say that, I won’t be convinced. Even

if I can’t be the king of poetry, there is absolutely no way that the king of

poetry is you, a perverted kappa with only women on your mind and

only pornographic publications on your bookshelf!】

【Vinsmoke San

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ji: I don’t like

hearing what you say! What do you mean it’s absolutely impossible to be

me? ! In terms of cultural level, no matter what, I am much better than

you, a green algae head, right? !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, that’s not necessarily the case!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: If you don’t believe it, then we will both answer our

names later and see which of our two answers is correct!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Just answer, you thought I was afraid of you!】


【Tony Tony Chopper:……】

【Nami:……These two idiots, I really can’t stand them! Didn’t they think

of the possibility that both of their answers were wrong? I really don’t

know how this compares!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hahahaha! Zoro and Sanji are having sex again, it’s

so fun! So interesting~]

A group of people kept discussing.

The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, so be prepared!”






“The quizzes officially begin!”

【Roronoa Zoro: Roronoa Zoro! (answer question)】

【Nami: Nico Robin! (answer question)】

【Warring States: Warring States! (answer question)】

【Monkey D Dragon: Nico Robin! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Nico Robin! (answer question)】

【Kuzan: Nico Robin! (answer question)】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Vinsmoke Sanji! (answer question)】


As the question answering officially begins.

Everyone answered their guesses in the Tiandao chat group.

The answer most people gave was “Nicole Robin.”

Because indeed, as mentioned above,

Nico Robin is definitely a well-read intellectual. (If you want to read cool

novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if the other person says that he rarely reads books about poetry.

Then her reading volume in this area is definitely far beyond ordinary


Coupled with the guidance of the Straw Hat Crew’s previous chat


everyone who originally had no clue about the answer to this question

began to gradually feel that the answer to this question might really be

Nico Robin.


Except for a few idiots who are fighting with each other。

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Humph! Green algae head, watch out, when the

results of the answering questions are announced, I will definitely slap

you in the face!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, I don’t care about this now. I only know that

when I answered the question just now, I was the first to answer, and you

were the seventh.。】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? Damn it! You were able to count so many answers

that you just crossed out in an instant? ! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Of course, after all, I am number one, and you are only

number seven.~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Fuck! Don’t be too proud, you brat. It’s just a sequence

of answering questions. What does this mean? ! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, No. 7, please don’t yell in front of me, No. 1.。】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ?%*!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Huh? What did Sanji say? Why are all the weird

symbols that pop up that I can’t understand?】

【Usopp: Haha, Chopper, don’t worry, you just need to know that what

Sanji just scolded was very dirty. You must not learn from it, or you will

be led astray!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Oh, I got it…….】

Another moment passed.

The countdown sound for random questions sounds.。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”




【Vinsmoke Sanji: Humph! Green algae head, don’t get too proud too

soon, the results will be announced soon, just wait for me to slap you in

the face!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right, No. 7。】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:! ! !%*!】



“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Roronoa Zoro for answering correctly and earning 1


【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ? 】.

Chapter 114

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Damn! ! ! what happened? ! Did I hear wrongly? !

That guy with the green algae head… actually got the answer right? ! !


【Usopp: Huh? ! Zoro actually answered correctly? ! ! ! So that


【Tony Tony Chopper: The poetry king in this round of counting is

actually Zoro? ! ! !】

【Nami: It’s really unimaginable. The title of Poetry King doesn’t seem to

match Zoro.……】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! ! ! How could the

title of Poetry King be attributed to the big boss of Green Algae Head? ! I

must be dreaming! ! ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Sanji, you are not dreaming, this is real!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:……】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, was that overestimating pervert just now saying

he wanted to slap me in the face?】

【Brooke: Sanji-san, it seems like you were slapped hard in the face by

Zoro-san, ~yohohohoho~】

【Franky: This reversal is really incredible! Sanji’s face was almost

swollen into Dibalu from being beaten.~-】

【Dibalu:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Kaido: What the hell? ! Besides Straw Hat, there are other people in

their group who have also won the title of king? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Damn it! I haven’t even obtained the title of King

yet, but the Straw Hat Pirates have already taken up three spots for the

title of King! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ It seems that the Straw Hat Pirates are

really extraordinary.~】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Has the title of king this time gone to Luffy and his

fellow pirates again? How amazing!】

【Jorah Kormihawk: Roronoa Zoro, the Poet King? It’s an interesting

title. I don’t know what it means.……】

【Shiki: Good guy! The title of King of Poetry was actually given to a big

and rough pirate? !】

【John: I really can’t think of it. How can a pirate be worthy of the title

of Poetry King?】

【Silver Axe: Could it be that you want to read poetry while fighting?

That would be a bit too embarrassing and pretentious, right?】

【Wang Zhi: Reading poetry while fighting? Those who don’t know think

this is chanting some kind of spell. Isn’t it a bit too funny?】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! Why are the only people counted in the Tiandao

inventory system this time are little devils? ! Can’t you come and take

stock of me? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Rocks, don’t think about it. There is no king-

level title that you can deserve. Unless there is some title like the king of

gang beatings in the future, maybe it will be your turn.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Roger, are you looking for death? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Sorry, I died a long time ago~】

【Brooke: Huh? Why do I always feel like my exclusive jokes are being



After everyone discussed for a while.

The cold mechanical prompt of the Tiandao inventory system suddenly


“In this sea, there are two kinds of swordsmen。”

“One type likes to pronounce move names, and the other type has no

move names and is all flat-a.。”

“And he is the third type. He not only likes to recite the names of moves,

but also likes to recite poems!”

“What is it like to focus all your wayfinding skills on naming and reciting


“Maybe he can tell you the answer!”

“He is a man determined to become the world’s greatest swordsman!”

“He is also a rare three-sword swordsman!”

“but more importantly……”

“He is an out-and-out name-naming fruit power user and poetry king!”

“Welcome to this issue’s review of the Twenty Kings of Navigation——

【The King of Poems] Roronoa Zoro!”

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! This is really a unique introduction!】

【John: Fuck! It turns out that some people really like to recite poetry

during fights? !】

【Silver Ax: It’s hard to imagine what that scene looks like……】

【Wang Zhi: It’s okay to recite the names of moves during a fight. Isn’t it

really embarrassing to recite poems?】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ Then it depends on the specific situation. If you

think of it well, it means showing off, if you don’t think of it well, it’s

purely embarrassing. It is probably to make the enemy die of


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Ahhhh! no! I still can’t accept it. How could that guy

with the green algae head get the title of king before me? ! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, you No. 7, don’t always think about comparing

yourself to No. 1 like me. You are completely overestimating your


【Usopp: Having said that, the introduction of Zoro by the Tiandao

Inventory System is really interesting.。】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Yes, especially that sentence where Zoro focused

all his way-finding skills on naming and reciting poems!】

【Nami: Isn’t this just calling Zoro a road idiot? Ha ha ha ha~】

【Nico Robin: Ah~ This is similar to how Luffy focused all his IQ on

flirting with girls.~】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D Luffy: (Oo)??】


Just when everyone was talking about it. A picture of a character began

to slowly appear

on the originally dark projection screen . A short green hair. There is a

bit of ferocity like a beast in his handsome appearance. There is a scar

over the left eye. Wearing a dark green robe. There is a burgundy belt

tied around the waist. There are also three famous knives pinned to the

belt on the right side. This is exactly how Zoro looked when he first

appeared two years later. The photo stayed briefly on the projection

screen. Then gradually dissipated. And immediately after. This round of

inventory video also officially started to play – Zoro is actually a

descendant of the Shigetsuki family in Wano. The famous “Dragon-

Slaying Warrior” of Wano, Ryoma Shigetsuki, is actually Zoro’s ancestor!

The Suzuki Daimyo of Wano Country, Shigezuki Usumaru, is Zoro’s great-

uncle. Zoro’s grandmother is Shigezuki Gyumaru’s sister, Shigezuki

Shakiko. About fifty years ago or so. Shigezuki Osamuko and Shigetsuki

Kozaburo left the country of Wano together. Arriving at an island in the

East China Sea. A village called Frost Moon Village was created here.

Later, Shuoyue Zhenzi married a man named Roronoa Ichibo in the

village. This Roronoa is naturally Zoro’s grandfather. The two gave birth

to a son, named Roronoalan. And Rorono Arashi married a woman

named Temple. Roronoa Zoro was born! But when Zoro was very young,

his father Roronoa Arashi died in a battle with pirates. And his mother

Temple also died of illness. So Sauron became an orphan since he was a


【Roronoa Zoro: Huh? ! etc! Is this my life experience? Even I don’t


【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? ! If you put it this way… Zoro is actually of the

samurai bloodline of Wano Country? ! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Good guy! The life experience of this guy with Green

Algae Head is not simple!】

【Skullachimanap: Needless to say the background of Straw Hat Kid,

Blackfoot Sanji is the prince of the Kingdom of Germa, Nico Robin is the

orphan of O’Hara, and now there is Rorono. Yasuo is actually the

descendant of the dragon-slaying warrior Frost Moon Ryoma? ! ! !】

【Urki: Damn it! Co-author: All the members of the Straw Hat Pirates are

rich second generation, right? ! !

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] !】

【Caponebeki: So… the Straw Hat Pirates are entirely composed of a

bunch of rich second generations? ! ! !】

【Basil Hawkins: As far as the background is concerned, all our other

Supernova Pirates combined are not enough to compare with the Straw

Hat Pirates!】

【X Drake: This is really infuriating!】

【Kozuki Oden: Huh? ! Is this Roronoa Zoro of the Straw Hat Pirates

actually the blood of our country, Wano? His ancestor is actually Ryoma-

senpai, that’s really amazing!】

【Brooke: So when Zoro-san fought against Ryoma’s zombies on the

terrifying barque, wouldn’t it be tantamount to deceiving his master and

destroying his ancestors? Although Sauron-san was actually hitting my

shadow at that time, yo hoo hoo hoo~】

【Roronoa Zoro:……】

【Roronoa Zoro: Ryoma is actually my ancestor? Then it is a kind of fate

that his autumn water fell into my hands.。】


inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

young Zoro came to the dojo in Frost Moon Village to play.

The owner of this dojo is Koushiro Shigetsuki, the son of Kozaburo


In a sense,

he can be regarded as Zoro’s uncle.

As soon as Zoro entered the dojo,

he shouted to everyone training in the dojo:

“I’m here to play!”

“Quickly call the most powerful guy here to challenge me! ”

Hearing Zoro’s words,

Koushiro looked at him with a smile and said:

“You actually came here to play in the gym.。”

“It’s really rare……”

The young Zoro

responded with a tug on his face:

“snort! Don’t look down on me because I’m a child!”

“I am already unbeatable in the next village! ”

Koshiro still had a smiling expression. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to

Feilu Novel Network!)

He did not ignore Zoro because he was young.

Instead, he readily agreed to his request to kick out the gym. .

Sauron continued:

“If I win, let me take away the sign of your dojo! Koushiro

asked with a smile:

“What if you lose? ”

Young Sauron responded confidently:

“If you lose……”

“Then I will join your dojo! ”

The screen freezes.

The barrage army passes by –

hahahaha! This is the first time I have heard of such a condition!

As far as this condition is concerned, Suo Da will not lose whether he

wins or loses! If he wins, he will

get Follow the signs of the dojo. If you lose, you will join the dojo. You

will be in charge of food, housing and teaching!

Tsk tsk~ I didn’t expect Suo to be such a thief when he was a kid!

This Bosuo seems to be going to kick the gym, but in fact I think he is. I

want to join the dojo to practice!

It’s just that Suo Da has been strong since he was a child, and he can’t

lose face, so he started kicking the gym like this! (Gotou)

Hahahaha! This is definitely the case!

Suo Da’s kicking the gym is definitely a lie Suspected of eating and

drinking~ (dog head)

Koushiro must have seen Soda’s little thoughts, but he didn’t expose

him~ After all,

in a sense, Koushiro can be regarded as Soda’s uncle!

At this time, Koushiro I’m probably thinking, my little nephew is really

naughty. Forget it, let’s just play with him for a while~ (dog head)

Hahahaha! Koushiro, just pamper him! (dog head)


【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hahahaha! Green algae head, you used to be such a

thief when you were a kid. It really made me laugh! ! !】

【Usopp: Hahaha! Zoro, I’m afraid you’re just a drunkard and don’t care

about drinking.~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: I learned it. It turns out that you can also use this

method to enter the dojo to cheat on food and drink!】

【Nami: Tsk~ Zoro, I didn’t expect that a guy with thick eyebrows and

big eyes like you would play such a trick.~】

【Shigezuki Kuina: Zoro, it turns out that your intentions when you came

to play in the gym were not pure.~】

【Shigetsuki Koushiro: Hahahaha! Zoro was really cute when he was


【Roronoa Zoro:……】

Seeing the barrages floating on the projection screen

and the unscrupulous teasing of everyone in the Tiandao chat group,

even Zoro couldn’t help but blush.

Suddenly I experienced the feeling of social death.

To be honest,

when he went to Shuangyue Dojo to play in the gym,

he was really careful.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to put forward such conditions.

At that time, he thought he was very smart.

No matter whether you win or lose, you will never lose.

So I was a little complacent at that time.

But now it seems that…

my little thoughts may have been seen through by Master Koushiro!

The other party was just cooperating with his acting.

This is really an indescribable feeling of shame!


The video continues –

facing Sauron’s request to kick the gym.

Koushiro agreed readily.

And sent his daughter Kuina to challenge.

The battle between Zoro and Kuina

undoubtedly ended in Zoro’s disastrous defeat. Kuina easily defeated

Zoro at that time

with just one move . This made young Zoro instantly doubt his life. He

never thought that he would be defeated at the hands of a girl! And he

was defeated so easily! that’s all. Zoro successfully joined the dojo. Start

training in the dojo. And he also frantically challenged Guina. I want to

be able to defeat the opponent one day. However… Zoro challenged

Kuina to a full two thousand rounds! In the end, they all ended with

Sauron’s defeat! In two thousand duels, Sauron has never won once! but.

Zoro was not discouraged. Instead, he trained harder and harder. When

he challenged Kuina for the 2001st time, he also ended in defeat. Zoro

finally cried unwillingly. Under the moonlight at night. Zoro just lay on

the grass covering his face and crying. But Guina stood in front of him,

but there was no trace of the joy of a winner on her face. Instead, he had

a sad expression just like Zoro. She whispered to Sauron:

“Actually, it’s me who should be unwilling to give in.……”

“My father said that girls cannot become the strongest swordsmen.。”

“When girls grow up, they will no longer be the rivals of boys.……”

“So you will soon catch up with me and defeat me。”

“Zoro, I really envy you for being a boy!”

“Obviously I also want to be number one in the world! ”

While talking,

Kuina suddenly started crying.

There was a lot of unwillingness in her tone.

After hearing this, Zoro retorted with some annoyance:

“Even after I won, I still said such things!”

“So despicable!”

“You are my target! ! !”

“What man or woman are you talking about? Even if I beat you one day,

it won’t be based on strength. !”

“Don’t say that again!”

“Otherwise, wouldn’t I look like a fool if I train hard every day just to

catch up with you? ! ”

Hearing Zoro’s words,

Kuina was slightly startled.

Zoro continued:

“Let’s make a pact!”

“One day, you or I will become the best swordsman in the world!”

“Let’s compete and see…who can become the best in the world! ”

Zoron’s words made Kuina burst into laughter.。

“Idiot, you are obviously the loser of mine……”

She muttered something to herself.

Then he looked at Zoro in front of him,

nodded heavily and smiled:

“I promise you five! ”.

Chapter 115

inside the projection screen.

The scene was frozen in the scene where Zoro and Kuina shook hands

and swore an oath.

Immediately afterwards.

Translucent barrages kept drifting across the screen.

sweet! It’s sweet! ! !

Brothers, I’ll take a bite first as a sign of respect!

Sure enough, childhood sweethearts are the best to eat!

Huh? etc! This is not a review video of the Harem King. Did the brothers

upstairs go to the wrong set? !

Never mind it! Just take it and that’s it!

that is! Just take it and that’s it! If you don’t take it now, you won’t be

able to take it later!

The big step is coming soon, why don’t you take advantage of the

moment and eat more? !

But having said that, Kuina is actually quite pitiful. She works so hard

and is so strong, but her father’s words about girls not being the strongest

dampen her confidence.

Aunt: Huh? Who said girls can’t be the strongest? If you have the guts,

say it again in front of my mother! (dog head)

Hahahaha! Isn’t it a bit illegal to use the aunt upstairs as an example?

Auntie, that’s not a girl, she’s obviously a female tank!

Aunt: Are you polite? ! ! !

Ha ha ha ha! The man upstairs dares to say so, is he risking his life? !

Be careful, Auntie will suck away your soul and lifespan! (Dog Head)

To be honest, although aunt is just an example, I still disagree with the

saying that girls cannot be the strongest.

Yes, although physically speaking, adult women are indeed slightly

weaker than adult men, but this is not irreparable.

That’s right, this physical shortcoming can be completely compensated

for by an animal devil fruit, and it won’t have much impact.

So what Koushiro said to Kuina is still a bit biased!

Koushiro may be a good teacher, but at this point, he has not fulfilled his

responsibilities as a father to Kuina. How could any father hit his own

daughter like this? !

Being able to defeat Zoro for 2001 games as a child shows that Kuina is

definitely talented in swordsmanship, and her talent is very strong. If she

can grow up smoothly, she will definitely become an amazing beautiful


Um? Beautiful swordsman? Element detection! (Dog Head)

The beautiful swordsman is here with meat! (dog head)

Damn! DNA! Ha ha ha ha~


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Miss Kuina? What a lovely lady! Seeing the green

algae head crazily deflated in her hands when I was a child, I felt very

happy! Hahahahaha! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro:……】

【Usopp: This girl named Kuina is so amazing. She actually defeated Zoro

in 2001 games and never lost!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Zoro is already so strong now, so how strong will

Kuina, who defeated Zoro 2001, become? !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: This is similar to when I was a kid. I never beat Sabo

or Ace when I was a kid, hehehehe~】

【Nami: But judging from the comments above, it seems that the girl

named Kuina has… It’s really a pity.……】

【Jora Kormihawk: Did he win a full 2001 games against Roronoa Zoro

as a child? This little girl named Kuina indeed has the talent and

potential to become a great swordsman.。】

【Gion: But her father actually told her that girls can’t be the strongest.

This really hurts people’s self-confidence!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Humph! What do you mean that girls can’t be the

strongest? ! It’s just farting! Just look at me and you will know. There are

probably not many men in this sea who can beat me, right? !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ Lingling, as the barrage above has said, you can

no longer be called a girl, but an out-and-out female tank.~】

【John: I think the titles of female beast and female orangutan are quite

suitable for Lingling.~】

【Silver Ax: Hahahaha! You guys are really cruel~】

【Wang Zhi: However, using Lingling as a comparison has absolutely no

reference value.。】

【Gol D. Roger: Having said that, as a father, it’s really inappropriate for

Koushiro to undermine his daughter’s confidence in this way.。】

【Rocks D. Jiback: Haha, Roger, you are a complete mess as a father.

Your own son still doesn’t recognize you. How can you have the nerve to

comment on whether other people’s fatherhood is up to standard? !】

【Gol D Roger:……】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! This time I have to agree with what Rocks

said. This round of confrontation with Roger was great! Ha ha ha ha~】

【Sengoku: Garp! Do you still have the nerve to laugh? ! Do you think

you can be much better than Roger at being a father? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Karp: At least my son still recognizes me as his father,

right? (picking nose)】

【Warring States Period:……】

【Gol D Roger:……】

【Dasqi: How come this girl named Guina… looks so similar to me? ! No

wonder Roronoa reacted like that when he saw me in Rogge Town.


【Shigetsuki Koushiro: Koina, I’m sorry, I really shouldn’t have hurt your

confidence in kendo like that.……】

【Shigezuki Koina: It doesn’t matter, father, what you said is indeed the

truth, and with Zoro’s encouragement at that time, my self-confidence

has not been affected at all.~】

【Roronoa Zoro: Kuina……】


On the projection screen, the video continued –

the day after Zoro and Kuina agreed to become stronger together and

compete for the position of the world’s greatest swordsman.

Sauron didn’t even have time to challenge Kuina for the 2002nd time.

A piece of bad news suddenly came.

Guina is dead!

The cause of death was falling down the stairs at home…

Guina’s death was sudden.

When the bad news came,

Zoro was still training hard in the dojo holding a wooden sword.

The moment I heard the bad news.

Zoro was stunned for a moment!

After a while.

He held two wooden swords and rushed into Guina’s mourning hall like


Looking at Kuina’s cold body.

Sauron yelled crazily:


“You just promised me yesterday!”

“I won’t allow you to die like this! ! ! ”


He can never wait for Guina’s reply….

Inside the mourning hall.

Young Zoro knelt in front of Kuina’s body.

cry bitterly……

After a while.

He suddenly looked up.

Although there are still tears flowing in his eyes.

But his eyes became extremely firm at this moment.

It was as if some kind of determination had been made.

Zoro looked at Koushiro who was also looking sad not far away in front

of him, and

said in a deep voice with a trembling voice:


“Give me Kuina’s knife!”

“I will become stronger along with her share!”

“As strong as my name……Ring throughout heaven! ! !”

“I must become the strongest swordsman in the world!”

“This is what I made an appointment with her! ! ! ”

The boy’s firm words echoed in the mourning hall.

The words were full of the most powerful belief in the world!

Hearing Zoro’s words,

Koushiro nodded silently.

At this moment, he already understood…….

In this world,

there is no one more suitable to inherit the sword from his daughter than



that’s all.

Wado Ichimonji, one of the twenty-one skills of the Great Knife, was

handed over to Zoro.

It became the saber that has acc

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ompanied

Sauron for the longest time.

And ever since.

Zoro also began to practice the three-sword style.

Biting Hedao Yizi tightly in his mouth.

Became a very rare three-sword swordsman!

The picture freezes.

An army of barrages passed by – (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

Woo woo woo hoo~ This paragraph made me cry again!

I will become stronger along with her share, until my name resounds

throughout the heaven!

The oath Sauron made……It’s so touching! ! !

Oh shit! Crocodile is in my eyes again!

Crocodile, get out of my eyes! ! !

It was precisely because he wanted to become stronger with Kuina’s

share that Zoro became a three-sword style. Before that, he had always

been a two-sword style.

After Kuina’s death, the word “Hedao” became Sauron’s most precious

thing, no one!

No matter how Zoro changed his sword from then on, Wado Yimonji

never changed it!

Moreover, Hedao Yiwen will always be the one that Zoro bites in his


Speaking of this, I guess there is already a deep tooth mark on the handle

of Dao Yiwenji’s knife, right? (Dog head)

Hahahahaha! grass! I was still immersed in the atmosphere of sadness

and emotion just now, but your teeth mark made me break through in a


But it’s true, Hedao Yiwen has been bitten by Sauron for more than ten

years, and there is a deep tooth mark left on it! (Dog Head)

No one who sees this thing can even say – The young man has such a bad

mouth! (Dog Head)

Kuina: Co-author Zoro, this is how you ruined my saber, right? ! (Dog


But having said that, I think Kuina’s way of death is really outrageous!

More than outrageous! That’s simply outrageous. Opening the door to

outrageousness – so outrageous!

This is the first time in the world of One Piece that I have seen someone

fall down the stairs and die!

With the physiques of those people in this world, even Usopp could fall

from the top of the building on Judiciary Island and still be unharmed.

How come Kuina fell to her death after just a few steps? !

Do not ask! Asking is the terrifying lethality of the supreme step! (Dog


I think Kuina’s fall to death is enough to be called the most outrageous

accident in the history of One Piece, along with Shanks’ arm being bitten

off by the King of the Sea!

And Pedro was killed by a bomb too!

Back in Alabasta, Bell survived being blown up by such a huge bomb.

However, in All Nations, Pedro was actually killed by a ring of bombs

tied to his body. It was really outrageous!

yes! This is simply outrageous to fly – outrageous to the sky!

It can only be said that plot killing is the most powerful lethal weapon in

the world, even the three ancient weapons are far behind!

【Frost Moon Guyina:……】



【Vinsmoke Sanji: Oh, it’s such a pity that such a lovely lady could be

thrown to death…….If only it was the guy with the green algae head

who was thrown to death!】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Franky: Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh happening! It’s

so touching! The oath Zoro made in front of his childhood sweetheart’s

grave made me, a grown man, burst into tears!】

【Brooke: Yeah! This is so touching!】

【Jorah Kormihawk: Becoming stronger together as a close friend……

Roronoa Zoro, is this your belief and motivation to surpass me and

become the world’s greatest swordsman? How amazing! Maybe one day

you can really surpass me!】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Mihawk, I didn’t expect to hear such comments

from your mouth. It’s really rare!】

【Bista: Hiss! Hawkeye thinks so highly of Roronoa Zoro? !】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu ~ I heard that Hawkeye once went

to the East China Sea some time ago, and was challenged by a new

swordsman. I think the new swordsman was this Luo Luo Noah Zoro?】

【Moonlight Moria: But since that guy challenged Hawkeye, why is he

still alive today? ! With Hawkeye’s strength, he should be able to easily

kill Roronoa Zoro with one blow, right? !】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Then I don’t know, maybe

Hawkeye is jealous of that guy~]

Inside the projection screen 0……..

The video continues –

after Kuina’s death.

Zoro began to practice and train harder.

He hardly interacts with other friends in the dojo.

Focus on the sword.

Nearly ten years have passed in a flash.

Sauron, who had accomplished his studies, left Shuangyue Village.

He embarked on a journey to find the world’s greatest swordsman,

Hawkeye Mihawk.

In order to make money during this period.

Zoro captured many pirates with bounties on them and brought them to

the naval base in exchange for the bounties.

He is very powerful.

There are few pirates in the East China Sea who can rival him.

As long as they encounter Zoro’s pirates,

there is no chance of escaping.

Because of this, Sauron was gradually dubbed the “Pirate Hunter” by


During a certain voyage.

Zoro came to a small town called Shieldstown.

He rescued the little girl Lijia who was bullied by Belumeb, the son of

Navy Captain Monka.

He also killed the wolf that Belumeber had raised.

Such a move completely pissed off Beru 5.3 Meber.

In order to prevent herself from leaving,

the little girl Lijia suffered revenge from Belumeb.

Zoro made a bet with Belumeb.

He was voluntarily captured by the other party

and tied up in the open space of the execution ground of the naval base.

The two made a bet that as long as Zoro could survive without eating or

drinking for a month

under such circumstances , Belumeb would let Zoro go and vow not to

retaliate against the little girl Liga. that’s all. Zoro was tied to the cross at

the execution ground at the Shieldstown Naval Base. He didn’t eat or

drink and even gritted his teeth without saying a word! Time passes day

by day. Zoro also became weaker and weaker as a result. But he never

begged Belumeb for mercy. There is no intention of retreating or giving

up! The picture freezes. The barrage army passed by again – Suo Da is a

real man! ! ! Soda is so cool for being willing to suffer in order to save

the little girl! ! ! But I think

……Suo Da’s behavior is a bit stupid.

Yes, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is definitely impossible

for Belumeber to abide by the agreement!

Wouldn’t it be enough to just chop down Belumeber with a knife? Why

go to all this trouble?

After all, Suo Da has been hanging out in the East China Sea for so long,

so why did he suddenly become wise?

Speaking of which, I have to complain. Suo Da has not left the East China

Sea after so long, and is still wandering around Shields Town. How

serious is this road obsession? !

Hahahahaha! Daqingsuo Da has been going to sea for so long, but he has

been traveling in circles in the East China Sea, right? !

It’s really hopeless to be such a crazy person! (Gotou)

If Suo Da can only rely on himself, I’m afraid he won’t even be able to see

Hawkeye’s face in this life~ (Gotou).

Chapter 116

on the projection screen.

The translucent barrages are still floating by –

Suo Da has not eaten or drank for more than a week, but he is still able

to persevere. This perseverance is really strong!

Isn’t it said that people can only last for a week at most without eating or

drinking? Suo Da, this has exceeded the limit of the human body, right? !

As we all know, people’s physiques cannot be generalized!

Guina fell down the stairs and died immediately. She was exposed to

strong wind and sun for more than a week without eating or drinking,

and she still didn’t feel any problem. (Dog Head)

It turns out that this is the true meaning of what Koushiro said to Kuina!

(Dog Head)

If you look at it this way, Guina’s physique is incomparable to Soda! (Dog


Sanji: It’s only just over a week without food or water. I lasted for a full

48 days! (dog head)

Hahahaha! Even if you don’t tell me, I haven’t noticed that Soda and

Sanji have had such a similar experience~ (dog head)

Hiss! I understand! It turns out that the reason why Soda suddenly made

such a mental reduction operation was actually because he was paying

tribute to Sanji, a good friend! (dog head)

Damn it! I see! ! !

Is this the legendary good friend? !

He really is! I cried to death! ! !

Hold high the Suoshan flag! ! !

grass! You guys, can you even do this? ! ! !

And the person who drank it was really a man? ! ! !

Eating anything will only harm you! ! !

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Rocks D Jiback: Tsk tsk tsk tsk~ I originally thought this little guy

named Roronoa Zoro was so powerful, but it turned out he was also a


【John: You are really stupid to be able to do something as stupid as in

the video!】

【Silver Ax: Could it be that he really thought that the guy named

Belumeber would abide by the agreement and let him go as long as he

survived for a month? !】

【Wang Zhi: I believe that anyone with some brains can see that there is

no way that Belumeber will let him go, right?】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ I can only say that he is worthy of being a subordinate

of the Straw Hat boy. He is also a stupid guy who is extremely naive and


【Monkey D. Luffy: You’re talking nonsense! Zoro is not my subordinate!

He is my partner! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? Wait, Luffy, is this the point of what you just said? !

Shouldn’t the point be to refute him for saying I’m stupid? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ It seems that even your captain

has admitted the fact that you are stupid, Roronoa Zoro~】

【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah~ I think that Straw Hat kid didn’t

even think about this aspect.~】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! That’s right! Luffy’s brain is similar to that of

Roronoa Zoro, not much better.~】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Luffy:? ? ? ? ? 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

Sauron was tied to the cross for the ninth day without eating or drinking.

Luffy and Kirby arrived at Shields Town.

And found Zoro who was tied to the execution ground at the naval base.

And at the same time.

The little girl Lijia who was rescued by Sauron also sneaked into the

execution ground.

Came to Sauron.

She brought rice balls made by herself.

However, just when Liga was about to feed Zoro these rice balls to

replenish some energy.

However, Belumeb came in from outside the execution ground with

several navy men.

He dodged the rice ball in Lijia’s hand.

Take a taste.

Then he vomited it out with great disgust.

Throw the rice ball on the ground.

He stepped hard several times.

Because Lijia mixed up the salt and sugar when making rice balls.

As a result, the taste of this rice ball is very difficult to describe in


After trampling on the rice balls.

Belumeber ordered his men to throw Lijia out of the wall of the execution

ground again.

Fortunately, Luffy caught the opponent in time.

There was nothing serious about Li Jia.

Wait until Belumeb leaves.

Luffy came to Zoro.

He looked at Sauron who was tied to the cross and said:

“I heard that you are a bad person~”

Zoro raised his head slightly, glanced at Luffy, and said in a deep voice:

“It turns out you haven’t left yet……”

Luffy tilted his head。

“He was actually tied up here and put on public display.。”

“Are you really strong? Zoro

couldn’t help but replied:

“There’s no need for you to meddle in other people’s business! ”

Luffy didn’t show any disgust because of Zoro’s bad attitude.

Instead, he took a few steps forward again.

He smiled and said:

“But you are indeed quite powerful.。”

“If it were me……”

“I’m probably going to starve to death in three days! ”

Hearing this,

Zoro suddenly laughed.

He looked at Luffy,

his eyes full of perseverance.。

“My perseverance is different from yours!”

“I will definitely live to show you!”

“absolute! ”

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passes by again –

can this thing be sustained by just perseverance?! Ah! Sure enough,

Suo Da is also a stubborn person!

Just by relying on perseverance, he can persist without eating for a

month. Don’t drink?!

This reminds me of the time in Wano. After Luffy withstood Kaido’s

flames, he also said that he relied on perseverance!

Hahahaha~hahahaha! God relies on perseverance!


! The brain circuits of Luffy and Zoro are very similar!

They are indeed the first two veterans of the Straw Hat Pirates, and their

brain circuits are amazing! Looking

back now, I suddenly realize that Luffy and Zoro’s brain circuits are very

similar. The first meeting was really funny~

Luffy actually questioned and mocked Zoro when he first met. No wonder

Zoro always wanted to kill the captain later, hahahaha~ I didn’t expect

Zoro to hold a grudge! Haha Ha ha~

【Roronoa Zoro:……】

The video continues –

after a few brief conversations.

Zoro suddenly spoke and

asked Luffy to pick up the rice ball on the ground that had been stepped

on by Belumeber and give it to him.

Luffy didn’t refuse.

He directly grabbed the rice ball on the ground and fed it to Zoro’s


Even though this rice ball is filled with sugar instead of salt.

The taste is quite indescribable.

But Zoro still ate with gusto.

Luffy looked at Zoro in front of him.

After thinking for a moment, he spoke again:

“I’ll help you untie the rope, will you be my partner? ”

Hearing this,

Zoro refused without thinking.。

“I reject!”

“I have no interest in sinking to become a pirate. ”

Luffy tilted his head again and said in confusion:

“What’s wrong with being a pirate? Sauron

replied without hesitation:

“Pirates are a crooked person, who wants to be one? ! ”

Luffy continued:


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ut aren’t you

also an evil bounty hunter yourself?”

“what differences are there? Sauron

‘s eyes suddenly froze.

He responded in a low but firm tone:

“I’ve never done anything I regretted!”

“No matter what others think of me, I will definitely survive and

accomplish what I want to do! ”

Luffy deeply agreed with this.

He nodded and said:


“But I have already made up my mind……”

“I want you to be my partner! ! ! Sauron

became angry and said:

“Hello! Don’t help others make decisions without permission! ! !”

���Face freeze.

The barrage army passed by –

hahahaha! This conversation is so funny!

Zoro actually tried to reason with Luffy? Hahahaha~

I can only say that Zoro has just met Luffy at this time and doesn’t know

him well yet~

The moment you try to reason with Luffy, you have already lost!


Zoro: I don’t want to be a pirate!

Luffy: But I want you to be a pirate! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

Luffy: I don’t want what you think, I just want what I think!

(Domineering CEO face)

I just discovered now that Suo Da was quite resistant to becoming a

pirate at the beginning, and even said that becoming a pirate was self-

destruction and a crooked way~

Hahahaha! When Suo Da said this at the time, he never thought that he

would become a self-destructive pirate in a while~

and would go further and further down the crooked path of pirates~

Sure enough, everything would escape But the law of true fragrance! Ha

ha ha ha~

【Roronoa Zoro: Why do these videos and comments make me feel

inexplicably ashamed?……Isn’t this too social? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hahahaha! Zoro, what you said was really


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hahahaha! Was this guy Green Algae Head so stupid

back then? Another dark history that will make me laugh at him for a

long time.~】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? You pervert Kappa, don’t get too proud too soon! If

there is an inventory video about you later, look at how I will laugh at

you! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Haha, I won’t give you this chance~】

【Roronoa Zoro: Don’t you give me this chance? Haha, then I can laugh

at you even more. I have already been on the list, but you are not on the

list of One Piece Twenty Kings. How embarrassing must you be?~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? grass! It seems that this is really true! no! I have

to be on the list too! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, give up, you don’t have this chance~]

Inside the projection screen.

The video continued to play –

after another conversation with Zoro.

In the end, Luffy completely ignored Zoro’s wishes.

He directly insisted that

as long as he helped the other party get the sword back

and rescued the other party from here,

then Zoro must be his partner!


Luffy didn’t even care about Zoro’s protests.

He just ran out in one direction, minding his own business.

Seeing this scene, Sauron couldn’t help but shouted speechlessly:


“The naval base is on the other side!”

“You’re going the wrong way! ! ! ”

Hearing this,

Luffy’s steps suddenly paused.

Then he ran out again in the direction Zoro pointed with some guilt.

The scene froze.

The barrage passed by –

Fuck! It’s fierce! See Zoro Showing the way to Luffy!

Hahahahaha! Zoro himself is an out-and-out road idiot, but he can

actually show the way to others?!

Although Luffy’s ability to recognize roads is not much better than Zoro’s,

But I still can’t help but laugh when I see this scene~

The key is……This time Zoro pointed the right way! ! !

yes! Suo Da actually pointed the way to the right place, this is really a

long time coming! ! !

I think……This is definitely one of the few brightest moments in Soda!

Maybe it was this experience of pointing the way to the right place that

gave Soda blind confidence, and he even dared to show the way to the

Celestial Dragons and Fujitora later on, right? (dog head)

Hahahaha! I want to laugh when I think of Soda giving directions to

Fujitora! They really dare to ask and point out! (Dog Head)

The video continues –

shortly after Luffy walks away.

Kebi also sneaked into the execution ground.

Arriving in front of Sauron.

I want to unbind the other party 013.

But at this moment.

Colonel Mengka discovered something unusual here.

He took people directly to the execution ground.

And prepared to shoot Zoro and Kebi directly.

Following Colonel Mengka’s order.

The navy soldiers behind him aimed at Zoro and Kebi and pulled the

triggers in their hands.

More than a dozen bullets immediately hit Zoro and Kebi quickly!

See this scene.

Even Zoro couldn’t help but feel a little frightened.

After all, he was still tied up at this time.

There is no ability to resist at all!

If you were shot by a bullet like this……

Will die!

“Could it be that……”

“Do I really have to confess here? ! ”

At this moment.

Looking at the bullets coming towards him,

Sauron couldn’t help but think like this in his heart.


next moment!

A figure suddenly fell from the sky!

He stood directly in front of Zoro.

Use your body to block all those bullets!

no doubt.

The person coming is none other than Luffy!

And just when Zoro was worried about Luffy being hit by so many


Luffy just bounced all the bullets back.

Zoro couldn’t help but be surprised by the rubber man’s physique.


Luffy returned the three swords he had taken to Zoro.

Sword in hand.

Zoro immediately cut off the shackles of the rope easily.

Be free again.

When the group of marines under Mengka swarmed forward with swords

in hand.

When preparing to attack Luffy.

Zoro easily blocked these attacks for Luffy using his three-sword style.

in the screen.

Under the scorching sun.

In that empty execution ground.

Zoro easily blocked the attacking navy.

While looking at Luffy in front of him.

He said in a deep voice:

“I promised you!”

“Since I am destined to have a battle with the navy, then I can

legitimately become a pirate!”


“The words come first……”

“I also have ambitions that I must carry out to the end!”

“I must become the best swordsman in the world!”

“If you prevent me from realizing this ambition……”

“Just be prepared to commit seppuku to apologize to me! ”

Hearing Zoro’s words,

Luffy nodded matter-of-factly and said:

“The world’s greatest swordsman?”

“not bad!”

“The Pirate King’s companions must at least be like this! ”

Hearing this,

Sauron smiled.。

“You really dare to say it!”

“No matter it’s notoriety or anything else, I must be famous all over the


“In this case……”

“Let me be your number one partner! ”.

Chapter 117

inside the projection screen.

The scene freezes on Zoro agreeing to become Luffy’s partner.

Immediately afterwards.

Dense barrage drifted past –

Grass Mud Horse! I’m on fire again! ! !

Congratulations to Suo Da for successfully joining the Straw Hat Crew!

Congratulations to Soda for becoming a veteran of the Straw Hats!

Ding! Dear Monkey D Luffy, your newbie gift pack has arrived, please

check it! (dog head)

Hahahaha! What a gift package for newbies!

Co-author Suo Da was actually given as a novice gift pack, right? ! (Dog


But looking back now, it is true that Soda’s boarding process was the

simplest and roughest~

And although Soda’s boarding process was very simple and rough, the

bond between him and Luffy was quite strong. Deep, it basically means

that the bond value is already 100% as soon as you get on the ship!

grass! Listening to what you said, Suo Da is more like a gift package for


Ha ha ha ha! Really hammered!

Suo Da:? ? ? Are you polite? ! ! !

Luffy: Yeah! The first partner, get-daze!

grass! This sentence “get-daze” made me think what kind of Pokémon

Soda was! (Gotou)

Sure enough, all the friends in the barrage area are talented and their

speech is nice~

Oh~ Really? Suo Da may not think so~ Hahahaha!


【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Usopp: It turns out that this is how Zoro was kidnapped by Luffy.

Because Zoro was the first one to board the ship, it seems that we really

don’t know Zoro’s experience on the ship!】

【Nami: Well, Usopp, I think you used the word “kidnapping” very


【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? I didn’t kidnap Zoro! Zoro obviously

volunteered to be my partner in the first place!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ What a volunteer!】

【John: 6666~Does the Straw Hat guy have some misunderstanding

about volunteering? !】

【Silver Ax: Do you think you don’t listen to others at all and just make

decisions for others without permission, and call them voluntary? !】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! Straw Hat, do you want to laugh me to death?


【Monkey D Luffy: (Oo)??】


inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

that’s it.

Zoro successfully became Luffy’s partner.

The two easily defeated Colonel Monka.

Rescued Shieldstown from the other party’s brutal rule.


The two left Shieldstown together.

The journey of the Straw Hat Pirates begins.

The screen began to switch and flicker rapidly.

The battle with the Bucky Pirates.

The battle with Baiji Locke.

The addition of Usopp and Nami…

scenes quickly flashed across the projection screen.


The Straw Hats arrived at Barati, a restaurant on the sea.

it’s here.

The Straw Hats happened to run into the “East China Sea Overlord” Crick

who came to cause trouble.

But the conflict between the Klik Pirates and the Sea Restaurant Barati

has not yet completely erupted.

The huge pirate ship of the Creek Pirates

was cut in half by a sudden slash!

The scene is frozen here.

The cold prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system suddenly


“Random question 2: Who is the person who split the pirate ship in half

in the video? ”

The prompt tone fell.

A heated discussion immediately started in the Tiandao chat group.。

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fu Fu Fu Fu ~ This question seems to be

another question to give points.~】

【Moonlight Moria: Hehehehe~ That’s true!】

【Gion: A strong man who can cut such a large pirate ship in half with

one sword definitely cannot be a swordsman from the East China Sea!】

【Smoker: I remember that it seemed that it was at this time that I

received a tip from the Navy that Hawkeye Mihawk came to the East

China Sea from the Grand Line!】

【Dasqi: Yes, at that time we were a little worried about whether

Hawkeye would make any big noise in the East China Sea, but it seemed

that he only stayed in the East China Sea for a short period of time and

left soon.。】

【Crane: According to the Navy’s information, when we were in the East

China Sea, a rookie swordsman once challenged Hawkeye, and that

rookie swordsman… was none other than Roronoa Zoro of the Straw Hat


【Warring States: In that case, the answer to this question is already


【Shiki: There is no doubt that the guy who split open the pirate ship in

the video is Hawkeye Mihawk!】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! Is it another score question? I like!】

【John: Haha, old captain, giving you points doesn’t mean you can get


【Silver Ax: Yes, old captain, haven’t you learned enough from the

previous lessons?】

【Wang Zhi: If nothing else happens, I guess the old captain will set up a

flag for himself again soon.~】

【Locks D. Gibek: Huh? how do you know? That’s right! I just want to

establish FLAG! The points for this question must belong to me! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Rocks, I feel relieved when I see you setting

up FLAG. This way I have one less competitor for this question.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Roger, what the hell do you mean? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: That’s what you understand.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Give me the points. It seems that this

question is going to go through a fierce competition again.~】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ This time I have to use all my strength and hand

speed to answer!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, after so many rounds, it’s finally

my turn to be rewarded by the Tiandao Inventory System, right? !】

【Shiki: I can’t wait to start answering! ! ! 】

Under the anxious waiting and eagerness of a group of people.

The prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system soon sounded again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, please be ready!”






“The quizzes officially begin! ”

The prompt tone fell.

Everyone immediately went crazy and rushed to answer questions in the

Tiandao chat group.。

【Jorah Kormihawk: Jorah Kormihawk! (answer question)】

【Rocks D. Gibek: Jorah Kormihawk! (answer question)】

【Gol D. Roger: Jorah Kormihawk! (answer question)】

【Sengoku: Jora Kormihawk! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Jora Kormihawk! (answer question)】

【Donquixote Doflamingo: Jorah Kormihawk! (answer question)】

【Roronoa Zoro: Jorah Kormihawk! (answer question)】


It only takes a moment for the official start of answering questions.

The window of the Tiandao chat group was immediately flooded with

“Jorah Kormihawk” messages.

No one even had time to see who was the first to answer successfully.。

【Rocks D. Gibek: I saw it! My answer is definitely at the top! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Haha, Locks, what are you trying to do?】

【Rocks D Jibek: I want to eat your sister’s shit! I definitely see it clearly

this time, my answer is either the first or the second! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~Old captain, then I think you should be the

second one~】

【John: Indeed, I don’t believe that the old captain is so lucky.~】

【Silver Ax: Since the old captain said he was either the first or the

second, then he must be the second!】

【Wang Zhi: Woohoo~ The

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] old captain’s

points have been ruined again.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? You bastards! Do you just hope that I won’t get

points? ! ! !】

【Shiki: Yes。】

【John: Right。】

【Silver Ax: Of course。】

【Wang Zhi: Absolutely correct~】

【Rocks D Gibek:%*!!!】


The Tiandao reminder sounds again。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”






“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Jorah Kormihok for answering correctly and earning

1 point.。”

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ?】

【John: Hahahaha! Old captain, what did you just say?】

【Silver Ax: Hahahaha! Sure enough, it’s the same ending again.~】

【Wang Zhi: The old captain really never disappoints us.~】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ I feel relieved after seeing this result.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Rocks, I told you not to set up a FLAG.~】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! I just saw that my answer was at the top, why

couldn’t I get the first place? ! ! ! Shady! This is absolutely shady! ! !】

【Kaido: Ugh~ My dear, is the old captain so angry that he begins to

doubt the authority of the Tiandao inventory system?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ I feel that if this continues, the

old captain will not be far from going crazy.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Lingling, look at what you said, isn’t the

old captain always going crazy?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well… indeed!】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ?】


inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play – (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel


After the Klick Pirates’ ship was split open with a knife.

Hawkeye also made a domineering appearance in his little boat.

Hawkeye’s boat looked like a black coffin.

There is also a huge cross stuck on it as the mast of the sailboat.

Several candles were lit around the ship.

It was burning green fire faintly.

And Hawkeye was sitting in the middle of the boat.

Carrying a large cross sword on his back.

Cross your legs.

Looks indifferent.

He looks extremely cold and pretentious.

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by –

hiss! As expected of Hawkeye, the way he appears is just pretentious!

But tell me, what does Hawkeye’s boat usually rely on as power to sail on

the sea?

Yes, I have been curious about this question too!

Hawkeye’s boat doesn’t seem to have any power device, does it? !

I think… Hawkeye must be rowing secretly at night with his black knife

when no one else is around! (dog head)

Hahahaha! It’s not unreasonable!

Damn it! Maybe this is really possible!

Use the supremely sharp knife as a paddle, right? ! (Dog Head)

He is indeed the world’s greatest swordsman, he is so arrogant! (Dog


So to put it this way, the reason why Hawkeye chased the Creek Pirates

from the Grand Line to the East China Sea might be because they saw the

scene of Hawkeye rowing at night with a black sword!

Hahahahaha! Hawkeye is going to kill people and silence them!

Well, this reason is indeed very convincing!

Isn’t this reason more reliable than that Crick disturbed Hawkeye’s sleep?

! (dog head)

【Jorah Kormihawk:……】

The video continues –

after seeing Hawkeye appear.

An incredible expression suddenly appeared on Zoro’s face.

He didn’t expect to meet the legendary world’s greatest swordsman in the

East China Sea!


Except incredible.

Zoro was even more excited!

He stood up and challenged Hawkeye without hesitation!

in the screen.

Zoro stood on the deck of the pirate ship that was split in half by


Standing face to face with the world’s greatest swordsman.

There was no trace of nervousness or cowardice on his face!

Zoro just stared straight at Hawkeye.

Then he said in a deep voice:

“`I went to sea just to see you! ”

Eagle Eye asked with a normal expression:


“What is the goal? Sauron

‘s eyes narrowed and

he responded in an extremely firm tone:

“The strongest! ”

As he said that,

he took off the dark green scarf tied to his left arm and

tied it on his head!


he slowly pulled out the three knives from his waist and bit Wado

Yimonji in his mouth.

All over his body A strong fighting spirit burst out!

Seeing Sauron’s posture,

Hawkeye still just said coldly:

“If you dare to challenge me, do you have courage, or do you have

ignorance? Sauron bit the word ”

Hedao” and responded:

“It’s because of my ambition!”


“A promise with a best friend! ”

Hearing Sauron’s words,

Hawkeye nodded slightly. He

accepted the opponent’s challenge.

But he did not pull out the black sword that was behind his back.

Instead, he took off the one hanging around his neck. A small cross


A very small pocket knife was pulled out from it.。

“what do you mean? ! Zoro

asked with a slight frown.

Hawkeye responded in an understatement:

“I’m different from the stupid beast who has to use all his strength to

hunt rabbits。”

“Even though you are a famous swordsman, this is only the East China

Sea, which is the weakest among the four sea areas.。”

“Sorry, I don’t have a smaller knife than this. ”

As he said that,

there was even a look of disdain on Hawkeye’s face.

Obviously he didn’t take Sauron seriously.

The scene froze.

The dense army of barrages passed by again-

fuck! Hawkeye’s words You are so fucking pretentious!

This sentence is not very harmful, but it is extremely insulting!

Hawkeye is really good at pretending. From the time he appeared until

now, it feels like he has been pretending all the time!

I I think it’s totally possible to give Hawkeye the title of Force King!

That’s right! After all, he is the world’s number one swordsman!

Even Shanks can’t compare to Hawkeye in terms of swordsmanship!

So, Hawkeye is indeed He has the qualifications to show off.

Although Hawkeye’s words are suspected of showing off and looking

down on Sauron, there is no way, everything he said is indeed the


At that time, Zoro, Hawkeye really only needed to use this A small knife

can completely torture him.

I even think I can use a smaller knife! (Dog Head) Come here

! Give Hawkeye my supreme nail clipper! (Dog Head)

Don’t say anything . !Don’t say that! Even if it’s just a nail clipper, I think

Hawkeye can still completely torture Suo Da at that time~ (dog head)

Hahahaha! Brother upstairs, are you too rude?

If Suo Da Are you going to be pissed to death after hearing what you

said?! Hahahaha~

Although, I actually think so too! (Dog Head)

Hahahaha! What are you guys talking about and telling the truth?!

At least leave some for us. Do you want to save face?! (Dog Head)

Zoro: Don’t I want to lose face?!!!

Hahahaha! The brothers upstairs, you are really doing a lot of damage!

You guys will take away all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!

The giant pandas will starve to death because of you!


【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ? 】.

Chapter 118

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

Zoro is clearly irritated by Hawkeye’s disdainful attitude.

Dang even rushed towards the opponent.

Launched a violent attack. However, Hawkeye really easily blocked all of

Sauron’s attacks

with just a small knife ! It doesn’t look like any effort at all. This made

Zoro feel even more frustrated. He stepped back. He opened a small

distance from Hawkeye. Then he put on a posture of accumulating


“Three-sword style tiger hunting! ”

The next moment,

Sauron’s figure seemed to have transformed into a tiger. He

rushed towards Hawkeye again with great ferocity!

And the three knives in his hands and mouth

seemed to have transformed into the tiger’s claws. Ordinary!

He aimed at Hawkeye and swung it at him mercilessly!

Faced with such a sharp blow,

Hawkeye still showed no emotion at all.

He just stood there calmly.

He pointed the knife in his hand at the target very lightly. It

was such a seemingly simple action.

It defeated all of Sauron’s attacks in an instant!

And the knife

stabbed straight into Sauron’s chest. !

Zoro’s figure suddenly froze in place.

Blood continued to flow out from the wound where the knife was


Soon it dyed Zoro’s clothes red.

For a moment,

it seemed that even the air was frozen!

The camera switched to another place. On one side.

On the deck of the sea restaurant Barati.

After seeing this scene, Sauron’s two younger brothers Johnny and


couldn’t sit still.

Even if they wanted to rush forward to help Sauron deal with Hawkeye.

But just when they were about to rush out,

Luffy held the two of them down from behind!

Stopping their actions.

The scene froze.

The barrage army passed by –

Phew! I was scared to death!

Still Good thing Luffy took action in time, otherwise Hawkeye would

have been in danger!

Who said otherwise! Those were Sword God Johnny and Sword Master


If they two took action, Hawkeye, the world’s number one The great

swordsman may have to confess to being in the East China Sea today!

Johnny, Joseph: Luffy, just hold us down like this, otherwise……We can’t

help but kill that guy Hawkeye!

Hawkeye: Thank you Luffy for saving your life! 110

Hawkeye: Thank you to Sword God Johnny and Sword Master Joseph for

not killing me!

【Joseph:? ? ? ? ?】

【Johnny:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? ! Sword God Joseph and Sword Master

Johnny? ! Are you two so strong? ! ! !】

【Usopp: Real or fake? ! If you two had taken action, would Hawkeye

really have died in the East China Sea? ! ! !】

【Jorah Kormihawk: Sword God Joseph? Juggernaut Johnny? When did

there actually be two strong men like this on this sea? !】

【Shiki: Damn it! real or fake? ! Are there still such two figures in the

East China Sea? ! Why have I never heard of it before? ! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro:……These barrages are a joke at first glance, right? If

Joseph and Johnny really had this kind of strength, wouldn’t they have

already been fighting each other long ago? !】

【Joseph: Hahahaha! Boss Sauron, you still know us best!】

【Johnny: I have to say, these barrages just now almost made us believe

it ourselves!】

【Roronoa Zoro: If you really believe it, you are really stupid…….】

inside the projection screen.

The video continued to play –

Hawkeye looked at Sauron in front of him and asked coldly:

“Do you want to be stabbed straight through the heart?”

“Why not retreat? ”

He knew very well.

The blow he just made was actually not that fast.

If Zoro had given up the momentum of the attack and

chose to retreat the moment he took action,

he would not have been stabbed by his own knife.

There was room for Hawkeye’s attack.

After all, his opponent was just a newcomer. He

had no grudge against himself.

There was no need to kill him.

Hawkeye left Sauron a way out.

But Sauron did not retreat!

Hawkeye was slightly surprised by the other party’s behavior.

Facing Hawkeye’s question,

Zoro looked very calm and replied:

“I have no idea……”

“I can’t even explain why.。”

“I just feel……”

“If I really take even one step back here……”

“All those important oaths and agreements so far will disappear!”

“I can never come back here……”

Hear Sauron’s response.

Hawkeye nodded in affirmation.。

“That’s right!”

“This is called defeat! ”

Zoro smiled.。

“Then I can’t even retreat!”

“Will you not retreat even if you die?”

“Better to be dead! ”

Zauron gave such a reply in a tone of death.

Hearing this,

Hawkeye slowly retracted the cross knife.

At the same time, he took a few steps back.

The world’s number one swordsman finally put it away at this moment.

The contempt and disdain in his eyes.

For the first time, he really looked at the young swordsman in front of


“Boy, tell me your name!”

“Roronoa Zoro! ! !”

“very good!”

“I will remember it, the long-lost strong man, then……”

Hawkeye said.

While slowly pulling out the black knife Ye from behind!

“To show the etiquette of a swordsman。”

“I will use this world’s strongest black knife to kill you in the sea! ”

Hearing this,

Zoro didn’t have any fear on his face.

Instead, he laughed happily.。

“That’s so grateful! ”

After saying that,

Zoro also clenched the hilt of the knife in his hand again.

He assumed a posture of going all out to fight.。

“Three Thousand Worlds of Three Sword Style Secrets! ”

The next moment,

Zoro’s figure rushed out again!

He attacked Hawkeye in front with his strongest blow.

And Hawkeye raised the black sword in his hand high.

There were no fancy skill names.

That’s it. He simply swung his knife.

In the lightning flash,

the two figures passed each other.

Then they stopped there back to back.

Immediately afterwards……

The two knives in Sauron’s hands suddenly broke!

Only the word “Wado” in the mouth is still intact.

One blow.

The outcome is already clear.

Facing the world’s number one swordsman.

The f

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ledgling Zoro

obviously has no power to resist at all!

He lost!

It was a complete defeat!

“Is this defeat?……”

Zoro smiled bitterly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel


Then he took out the biting word “Hedao”.

Resheath the knife.

Hold it tightly in your hand.

He turned slowly.

He opened his arms facing Hawkeye.

Saw Sauron’s move.

Eagle Eye asked with some confusion:

“do what? ”

The picture freezes.

The barrage army suddenly appears –

what are you doing? Suo Da has already opened his arms. Isn’t this

intention obvious? (Gotou)

That’s it! Suo Da is definitely asking for a hug! (Gotou) )

Hahahahaha! Damn! You actually want to hug me! The repeated words

are so disgusting!

Suo Da: Hold back your words! Hug me! (Dog head)

Hahahahaha! You guys are really poisonous!

It was originally a very passionate scene, but it turned out to be… You

can do it……Suddenly I am full of gay feelings!

Oh shit! I may never be able to face this episode again!

Ha (ajfc) hahaha! Now that the atmosphere has reached this point, I

think Soda and Hawkeye should hug each other!

really! It’s really unreasonable not to hold one! (dog head)

together! Together!

Damn it! Did you get hooked on Soda and Hawkeye’s CP out of nowhere?


yes! Must eat! If you can be like me, then I think this matter is really……

Thai pants are hot! ! !

grass! Such a good trick! Don’t you all want your life? !

In this case……Then let me take one too!

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Jorah Kormihawk:……】

Video continues –

Confronted by Hawkeye’s inquiry.

Zoro smiled calmly.

Determination to die was written all over his face.

He responded firmly and solemnly:

“The scars on the back are a swordsman’s shame! ”

As soon as these words came out,

Hawkeye couldn’t help but laugh.

There was no ridicule or disdain in the smile.

There was only relief and affirmation.。

“amazing! ”

While speaking,

Hawkeye once again raised the black sword in his hand high.

He aimed it at Sauron’s chest and slashed it hard!

In an instant,

blood spattered!

A huge and terrifying wound was opened on Sauron’s chest. .

His figure also fell backwards. He

fell into the sea water.

The surrounding sea water dyed a large area red.

The picture was frozen.

The barrage passed by –

No!!! Suo – Big – !!!

The scar on the back is the shame of a swordsman! What Suo Da said is

so handsome!!!

Yes! Suo Da is so handsome!!!

Suo Da is a real man!!!

Sometimes I often think, How on earth did Suo Da come up with so many

dirty words?!

Yes! It is already very difficult for other people to come up with a golden

sentence, but Suo Da can always come up with it!

Like the scars on his back are Suo Da has a lot to say about the shame of

the swordsman!

How about saying that Suo Da is the king of poetry?! This level of

education is absolutely outstanding!

Are you envious? I got it in exchange for the road recognition skill

points~ (Dog head)

Hahahaha! Suo Da really put his skill points in some weird places.~

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? I don’t know why, but I suddenly want to kill all

the guys who posted these barrages…….】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hahahaha! Green Algae Head, I think these barrages

are calling you a roadie, saying that you have broken your defense.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Are the scars on the back a swordsman’s shame? This is a

good saying! With these words and this realization, Roronoa Zoro will

definitely become a great swordsman in the future!��

【Silbarzraeli: Yes, as a swordsman, the most taboo thing is to have the

intention of shrinking. Once there is hesitation and the thought of

shrinking in his heart, the sword in his hand will no longer be sharp. !】

【Shi Ji: Only by firm belief in moving forward can the sword in your

hand be able to do anything!】

【Bista: No wonder Hawkeye would recognize Roronoa Zoro, who was

still weak at the time. This is not unreasonable! 】

Video continues –

But fortunately.

Hawkeye’s knife was not fatal.

Although Zoro was seriously injured.

But it’s not life-threatening.

Joseph and Johnny jumped into the sea and fished him out.

Helped to a small boat.

Hawkeye looked at Zoro lying on the deck of the boat.

He said in a deep voice:

“Young man, don’t be in a hurry to die.。”

“See yourself clearly, see the world clearly, and then become stronger!”

“I’m Joracormihawk!”

“No matter how many years pass, I will always be waiting for you in this

strongest position!”

“Beyond this sword!”

“Go beyond me!”

“Roronoa Zoro! ! ! ”

Hawkeye’s voice echoed on the sea.

This is the sympathy between swordsmen and swordsmen!

This is Hawkeye’s recognition of Sauron’s heart in swordsmanship!

It is also the world’s greatest swordsman’s recognition of this junior.


On the deck of the boat.

After hearing this, Zoro did not respond to Hawkeye.

Instead, he lifted Wado Ichimonji with some difficulty.

He coughed violently several times and

kept gasping for breath.

Okay. After a while, he calmed down a little.

Then he slowly said:

“can you hear me? Luffy! ”

Luffy, who was not far away,

nodded and said yes.

Then Zoro continued:

“Does it worry you?”

“If I can’t become the strongest swordsman in the world, you will be very

upset, right?”

“I……I won’t lose again! ”

Speaking of this,

Zoro actually hid his face and cried.

But his voice became more and more determined!

“After defeating him and becoming a great swordsman, I will never lose

again! ! !”

“Do you have an opinion?”

“One Piece! ! ! ”

The firm cry echoed on the sea for a long time.

This is the firm determination that has not wavered after seeing oneself

and the world clearly,

and realizing the huge gap between oneself and the strongest in the

world ! It is also the As a crew member, Takashi swore an oath to his

captain!!! Luffy immediately smiled brightly when he heard this. He

responded in a matter-of-fact tone:

“of course not! ”.

Chapter 119

inside the projection screen.

The scene freezes on Zoro swearing an oath to Luffy.

Immediately afterwards.

Dense translucent barrages float across the screen~——

woo woo woo woo! Touching! It’s really touching!

I burst into tears as soon as I stepped on the horse! ! !

What Zoro said to Luffy was so exciting and tear-jerking!

You will never lose again until you defeat Hawkeye! Suo Da really did


yes! From then on, Suo Da never lost to any swordsman!

This is really a rare moment of tears!

It seems that since this time, I have never seen Suo Da cry again!

This defeat can actually be regarded as a new life for Soda!

Suo Da is really so handsome!

Again, Suo Da is a real man! ! !

The bond between Soda and Luffy is really enviable!

Yes, when Zoro asked Luffy, the last person he shouted was One Piece!

This means that Zoro has no doubt that Luffy will become the Pirate

King, just like he firmly believes that he will become the world’s number

one swordsman!

This trust between partners really touches me!

Mudd! You made me cry again!

Damn it! That bastard Crocodile got into my eyes again!

Crocodile, get out of my eyes! ! !

【Shakrokdal:? ? ? Damn, these barrages really bring me up every time I

cry! I really want to kill them all! ! !】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Sand Crocodile, who made you a

user with the power of the Sand Fruit?】

【Moonlight Moria: Hee hee hee~ Yes, Crocodile, as a user with the

ability of the Shasha Fruit, aren’t you destined to be played with this kind

of joke? You can’t hide~】

【Shakrok Dal:……grass! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! The bond between Roronoa Zoro and Straw

Hat is really good! I couldn’t help but think back to my past with


【Silbarz Raeli: Haha, come on Roger, I don’t want to recall the past

when you burned my house down and forced me to go to sea with you!】

【Gol D. Roger: Huh? Have I ever done this? Why don’t I remember?

Rayleigh, you must be old and have remembered it wrong.~】

【Silbazraeli: Haha, you old boy is as shameless as ever.~】

【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah~ But one thing to say, I still admire

this little guy Roronoa Zoro.~】

【Shanks: Yes, it seems that the first partner Luffy found is quite good!】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! He is worthy of being my grandson! This

way of looking for a partner is just as good as looking for a


【Monkey D Dragon: Yeah……Having said that, old man, why do your

words always sound weird to me?】

【Sengoku: Garp! What are you so proud of there? ! Aren’t all the

partners your grandson is looking for a group of pirates? ! What the hell

are you so proud of? ! ! ! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after Zoro and Luffy swore.

Hawkeye is also becoming more and more satisfied with the Straw Hats.

He did not continue to trouble Crick.

Instead, he just turned around and left.


The screen continued to switch and flicker rapidly.

The camera turned.

We arrived at the last stop in the East China Sea – Rogge Town!

Due to the previous duel with Hawkeye,

both of Zoro’s sabers were scrapped.

So he came to the weapons store in Rogge Town and

wanted to buy two new sabers.

Not long after entering the weapon shop.

Sauron just fell in love with the legendary demon sword.

The third generation of Ghost Tetsu!

He wanted to buy the knife.

But the owner of the weapon shop said that he was unwilling to sell it to


The reason is that the third generation ghost Tetsuno is the legendary

cursed demon sword.

It will bring misfortune to every owner it possesses!

The owner of the weapons store

wanted to persuade Sauron to give up this idea for the sake of Sauron.

However, after listening to the weapons store owner,…

Zoro, however, became more determined to use the third generation of

Kitetsu as his sword.

He smiled confidently and said:

“In this case……”

“Then let’s compare!”

“Let’s see which one is more powerful, my luck or its curse? !”

“If I lose, it means I am also a proverb……”

“how? ! ”


Zoro threw the third generation ghost Tetsu into the air without


Then he raised his left arm and stretched it out.

He just put it directly on the third generation ghost Tetsu. On the way!

The sharp third-generation ghost kept spinning in the air.

At the same time, it slowly fell downwards.

It seemed that it was about to cut off Zoro’s arm!

When the weapon shop owner saw this,

he hurriedly shouted in a panic. shouted:

“Hello! etc!”

“Don’t do anything stupid! !”

“Your hand will be gone! ! !”

“Its sharpness is no joke! ”

Facing the dissuasion from the owner of the weapons store,

Zoro had no intention of backing down.

He raised his arms in the air without even moving at all.

Dasqi on the side couldn’t help but cover his mouth when he saw this.

His face was

full of dissuasion . An expression of horror and surprise.


Just when everyone thought Zoro’s arm would be cut off by the fallen

Third Generation Ghost. The falling Third Generation Ghost just passed

around Sauron’s arm

in a strange arc ! that arc


If he makes just the slightest mistake,

Sauron’s arm will definitely be cut off!

Under everyone’s horrified gaze,

the Third Generation Ghost just happened to wrap around Zoro’s arm,

and then penetrated deeply into the floor of the weapon shop!

Zoro, who noticed all this, smiled slightly, with

a trace of extremely proud and confident expression on his face.。


“I will accept this knife! ”

After seeing Sauron’s courage to conquer the demon sword,

the owner of the weapons store was also deeply impressed by him.

When Sauron planned to continue to choose another sword,

the owner of the weapon store directly dedicated it to his own store. The

treasure of the store.

Yukizag, one of the fifty good swordsmen!

And he wanted to give it to Zoro for free.

This move was blocked by the wife of the weapons store.

But this henpecked weapons store owner But he still insisted on his own


He insisted on giving Xue Zhi to Zoro.

And he said with great determination:

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] “What’s

wrong with men entrusting their dreams to men! ! ! ”

So. That

‘s it.

Zoro successfully got two new sabers for free.

He left the weapon shop with satisfaction.

The scene froze.

The barrage army passed by again –

Damn it! Suo Da is so handsome!

With the demon sword Compared with luck, this is so cool!!!

If there had been just a little accident, Soda might have become the next

Shanks~ (Dog Head) Yes

! That scene just now made me scared!

Haha, what’s the point?! I think when I still had my arm, I played more

games than Zoro 6! (Gotou) (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel

Network!) 6666~ The buddy upstairs,

still You are stronger!

Speaking of which, Soda is really confident. Is he really not afraid that he

will change from a three-sword style to a two-sword style? (Dog head)

Third generation

Kitetsu: Should I cut off an arm, or should I follow this man and become

the number one in the world? I can still understand the pros and cons of

this, right?! (Gotou)

Third generation Kitetsu: I am a demon sword, not a stupid sword!


Suo Da is so lucky!

Are you envious? You got it with your road recognition skills. ~(Dog


Soda’s lifelong ability to recognize directions is all based on this time

gambling with the third generation of ghosts~

Hahahahaha! It seems to be true, it seems that it does start from here,

Zoro will go further and further on the lost road. ~

Eagle Eye: Roronoa Zoro, where is your arm?

Zoro: I bet it on the new era! (Dog Head)

Hahahahaha! What kind of devilish dialogue is this!

Shanks called him an expert after seeing it !Ha ha ha ha~

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? no! I really can’t bear it anymore! I really want to

kill all these guys sending barrages with a knife!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hahahaha! Look, look, look! This guy with the green

algae head is starting to become incompetent and furious. It’s so cool.~】

【Nami: Huh? Wait, Zoro, it turns out you didn’t even spend a pele on

those two knives you bought in Rogge Town. Then why didn’t you pay

me back the money I lent you? ! 】

0 Request for flowers

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? I’ll return the money to you when I get back from

the weapon shop, okay? ! ! !】

【Nami: Nonsense! You obviously only paid back half of the money!】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? Please! What does it mean to only pay back half of

the money? ! Obviously you have to charge me twice the interest! But I

didn’t spend the money at all, so I will return it to you intact after a


【Nami: I don’t care! Anyway, as long as you borrow money from me, no

matter you spend it or not, no matter how long you borrow it, even if it

is just for a second, you must pay me back twice the interest!】

【Roronoa Zoro:……】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! My granddaughter-in-law is really

domineering and profiteer. I like her very much.~】

【Duffield (King of Loan Sharks): Good guy! This little thieving cat Nami

is simply more ruthless in lending money than I, the king of loan sharks!

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

after leaving Rogue Town.

Before entering the Grand Line.

Zoro, Luffy and others were

on the deck of the Merry,

facing the storm, and

shouted their respective dream vows.


Everyone successfully climbed Upside Down Mountain.

Entered the great route!

The first stop on the Grand Line – Whiskey Peak.

Zoro easily saw through the disguises and conspiracies of the members of

the Baroque Working Society.

When Luffy, Sanji, Usopp and others were all drunk,

they single-handedly eliminated all the bounty hunters gathered at

Whiskey Peak!

Successfully resolved a crisis for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Then in the small garden of the Ancient Island.

When Zoro, Nami, Weiwei and others were immobilized

by Mr. 3, a senior cadre of Baroque Works, using the power of the Candle

Fruit, they were unable to escape. Zoro even planned to cut off his own

legs to save himself. And he has really slashed with the knife!

Fortunately, Luffy arrived in time in the end. This prevented the tragedy

of Zoro actually cutting off his own feet! But that’s the case. for a long

time afterwards. Zoro has two very obvious scars on his ankles! The

barrage passed by – hiss! I have to say that Suo Da was really cruel to

him! Last time I bet on my arms, this time I bet on my feet. Could it be

that Suo Da has some tendency to self-mutilate? ! ! ! If Luffy hadn’t

arrived in time, Zoro might have turned into the second Golden Lion this

time! Last time Shanks was second, this time Golden Lion was second.

Co-author Suo Da is playing coslpay? ! (Dog head) Hahahaha! God,

coslpay, the cost of coslpay is a bit too high, right? A broken hand and a

broken foot~ The video continues – after leaving the small garden. Pass

through the Drum Kingdom. The Straw Hats finally arrived in Alabasta.

it’s here. Zoro fights against Mr. 1 Dazponis, a senior official of Baroque

Works! Mr.1 is a superhuman person with the ability to cut the fruit

quickly. The whole body is as hard as steel! Zoro faced off against the

opponent at first. Attacks can’t even break through the opponent’s

defense. Was once at a disadvantage. Being suppressed to death.

Fortunately, at the last minute. Sauron successfully understood the secret

of cutting steel! He successfully defeated Mr. 1 with one move, “One

Sword Ryuu Iiho Song Ge” ! Won this battle. And with this, he became

one of the real swordsmen! Camera switch. The screen soon came to the

sky island located 10,000 meters above the ground. In the primeval forest

of “Apayado”, the Island of Gods, Sauron met Braham, the warrior of

Sandia. The opponent relied on the cloud shells and wind shells unique to

Sky Island, as well as two flash pistols, to continuously attack and harass

Zoro from a distance. Don’t give him any chance to attack at close range!

This battle situation seems to be very unfavorable to Sauron. And just

then. Several barrages suddenly floated across the screen – coming,

coming! Another famous scene of Suo Da’s show-off is coming! ! Liu

Suolong, the king of poetry reading, is finally going to start reading

poetry! ! ! factory.

Chapter 120

Inside the projection screen –

Zoro stood on the ground of the primeval forest of “Apayado” on the

Island of Gods.

Braham, on the other hand, stood on the cloud road created by Yunbei,

looking down at Zoro.

There is a long distance between him and Zoro.

at such a distance.

Sauron’s slashes had no way of hitting Braham.

But Braham can use his flash gun to continuously attack Sauron from a


Faced with such a situation.

Zoro only felt a slight headache at first.

But soon.

He just stood there.

And put two of the original three knives back into their sheaths.

Only one hand was left.

Zoro’s knees were slightly bent.

Raise the saber high in your hand.

He made a gesture of accumulating strength.

At the same time, he looked at Braham in the distance and

suddenly said in a deep voice:

“Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind……”

“The six human faculties are divided into good, evil and neutral!”

“In addition, each has its own purity and defilement!”

“People have thirty-six kinds of troubles! ”

Hearing these words that Sauron kept saying,

Braham couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

He didn’t know what the other party wanted to do.

Sauron continued to talk to himself:

“Now I have the cannon pointed at you!”

“You are the pistol and I am the cannon!”

“Regardless of power or distance, my weapon has the upper hand!”

“You’ve done your best, now go die in peace……”

Hear this.

Braham was completely impatient.

He was seen using Yun Bei at his feet to follow the “970” Bei, and

his body moved quickly again.

It’s constantly moving in the distance around Zoro!


“Are you crazy? !”

“Where is that weapon? ! Braham

said sarcastically.

However, in the face of such sarcasm,

Sauron just smiled. There

was even a bit of ferocity in the smile!

He stared closely at Braham’s fast-moving body. Figure.

He smiled and said coldly:

“have you seen……”

“A flying slash? ! Braham

responded subconsciously with disdain:

“joke! ”

The next moment!

Sauron suddenly waved the long knife in his hand.。

“One sword flow and thirty-six troubles! ! ! ”

As the words fell,

a sword strike suddenly flew out from Sauron’s blade!

In Braham’s unbelievable eyes,

he flew towards him at an extremely fast speed!

Then at The opponent was completely defeated in a flash of lightning!

The scene was frozen.

The barrage army soon passed by again –

Damn! So handsome! So handsome!!!

Suo Da’s pretense is really amazing!

Hahahaha! Suo Da This wave of reciting poems completely confused


Braham was probably still thinking at the time, this man was so

blabbering, there must be something wrong with his brain, right? (Dog


While reading While Shi activated his skills, he asked, is there a second

person like this who can pretend?!

Who else?!!!

Let’s talk about Suo Da. Even though the names of his sword moves are

all fancy, he is now launching You actually have to recite poems before

using skills?!

Suo Da has really carried out the spirit of pretentiousness to the extreme!

Are you envious? As long as you sacrifice all your ability to recognize the

way, you can do it~ (dog head)

Hahahaha! That’s still the case Forget it~

It’s not necessary~

In fact, this pussy doesn’t have to be fake.~

【Roronoa Zoro:……】

【Shiki: Fuck! This guy is so pretentious! I’m not as good at pretending as

he is!】

【John: Yeah! The names of his sword moves and skills were already so

fancy that I couldn’t even remember them, but now he even resorted to

reciting poems!】

【Silver Ax: Tsk, tsk, tsk! Today’s little guy is really good at showing


【Wang Zhi: Fighting and reciting poetry at the same time. I have never

heard of such an operation, and I have never seen it before!】

【Rocks D Jibek: But I have to say that this thing can indeed have a very

good show-off effect! This guy was indeed tricked by that guy!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Really? I think it’s a bit embarrassing to show off like


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ In the time it took for him to

recite poems, I would have already killed hundreds of thousands of


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ But then again, this little guy’s literary

talent is really good. Unlike us big guys, we can’t say such things even if

we want to show off.~】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Although Luffy’s partner is a swordsman like

Hawkeye, and he still aims to surpass Hawkeye, their fighting styles are

really completely different…….】

【Jorah Kormihawk: Huh? Shanks, what do you say?】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Hawkeye, think about it, every sword move skill

name of this Roronoa Zoro is quite cool and complicated, and sometimes

he even reads some poetry or something, but your sword move doesn’t

even have a name. No, he never even made a sound during the fight!】

【Gol D. Roger: Oh? Is there such a thing? Then they are indeed two

extremes! Ha ha ha ha~】

【Silbarz Reilly: Maybe in the future, the extreme of Roronoa Zoro will

surpass the other extreme of Hawkeye~]

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera switches.

Zoro’s battle after the empty island also flashed by quickly.

The scene soon came to the battle on Judiciary Island.

in the screen.

In a room in the Judiciary Island Building.

Zoro is fighting Kaku, one of the members of CP9.

At the same time, he also has to deal with another CP9 member Gabra.

And his teammate is Usopp disguised as the Sniper King.

Because of an accident.

Zoro and Usopp’s wrists were locked together by seastone handcuffs.

As a result, the two could not be separated at all.

This greatly affects Sauron’s battles and actions.

Without any choice.

Zoro could only think of one move.

Let Usopp hug his sword tightly.

Zoro directly picked up his entire body.

Treat Usopp like a sword and continue fighting.

that scene……

It can be said that it is as funny as possible!

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by –


Look! The famous sword Bilan is online! ! !

This trick Suo Da came up with really made me laugh to death!

Usopp never dreamed that one day he would be used as a sword by Zoro!

Could it be tha

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] t……Is this

the legendary fusion of man and sword? !

Ha ha ha ha! God and man merge into one sword! ! !

If that’s the case, wouldn’t Usopp be the legendary swordsman? ! (dog


Hahahaha! What a swordsman!

Usopp must have greeted Zoro in his heart countless times at this


One thing to say, Zoro’s move is indeed a bit too damaging, hahahaha~

It doesn’t matter, the evil Zoro has done now will be dealt with later in

Wano Country. It’s time to return ~ (Goutou) (To read Baoshuang novels,

go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hahahaha! The one upstairs mentioned the famous sword Green Algae

Head, right~

No! Just thinking about that scene makes me want to laugh!


Suoda never thought that the moment he used the famous sword Bilan,

he was already destined to suffer retribution in Wano Country~ (Dog


【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? What does this barrage mean? ! What does it mean

that I will receive retribution in the land of peace? ! What the hell is the

famous sword Green Algae Head? ! ! !】

【Usopp: Huh? ! I’m inexplicably looking forward to the plot of Wano

Country. What’s going on?~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hahahaha! I’m also looking forward to it! I just love to

see this guy with Green Algae Head get his comeuppance! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hey~ are these barrages wrong? The guy in the

video is obviously the Sniper King, so why are the barrage saying he is

Usopp? !】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Yeah! These barrages must be from mistaken

identity, right? Although Sniper King and Usopp do look a bit alike, they

are two completely different people!】


【Nicole Robin:……】


Video continues –

after a hard fight.

As Nami, Sanji and others arrived.

The seastone handcuffs on Zoro and Usopp’s hands were finally released.

Gabra was also left to Sanji to deal with.

Zoro could finally face off with Kaku wholeheartedly.

However, due to some injuries sustained in the previous hard battle…

and Kaku’s new ability to form the animal-type Niu Niu Fruit Giraffe.

The combat effectiveness has been greatly improved and increased.

Therefore, Zoro was still at a slight disadvantage

against Kaku at the beginning. Under Kaku’s fierce attack. There were

more and more wounds on Zoro’s body. Blood kept pouring from the

wound. This made his condition become weaker and weaker. Sauron

fought hard. He was still forced to retreat by Kaku. Kaku, on the other

hand, took advantage of the situation and continued to attack. At the

same time, he kept saying provocative words to Zoro. It even included

mocking Robin and so on. After Sauron heard these words. An extremely

ferocious anger suddenly burst out from his body! I saw him violently

waving the long knife in his hand. It actually deflected Kaku’s attack at

once! Subsequently. The tip of the knife was pointed directly at Kaku in

front of him. The ferocious aura on his body also became a bit stronger!

This ferocious momentum made Kaku suddenly startled. The originally

fierce offensive also stopped. this moment. In Kaku’s eyes. Zoro seemed

to transform into a vicious ghost for a moment! Kaku felt that this must

be his illusion. He quickly shook his head vigorously. He forcibly calmed

his mind. Immediately afterwards. He decided to use his strongest Lan Jia

to completely eliminate the enemy in front of him with one blow! And

Zoro also put on a posture of going all out. Holding the third generation

Kitetsu and Yuki Kakeru tightly with both hands. Biting the word

“Hedao” tightly in his mouth! this moment. Ling murderous aura and

ferocious ghost energy continuously burst out from Sauron’s body. It kept

gathering around him. In a split second. It was condensed and

transformed into two heads and four arms! There are also swords on

these two heads and four arms ! At this moment, Zoro seemed to have

transformed into a ghost with three heads and six arms! It looks

absolutely terrifying! He controlled nine swords and suddenly attacked

Kaku in front of him! At the same time, he was still murmuring in a low


“To endure all kinds of suffering without getting tired of it is the way of


“Ghostly Nine Sword Style!”

“Ashura Yiwuyin! ”

The moment the words fell,

Zoro had already arrived in front of Kaku.

The strongest attack launched by Kaku, Lan Jia,

was directly resolved into mist by Zoro’s attack!

And Kaku himself did not do anything. Unexpectedly, he was defeated by

Sauron with a single blow!

In the picture,

the figure with three heads and six arms became more and more


The picture was frozen.

The dense barrage floated by again –

holy crap! 1.0 is awesome!!!

Ghostly Nine Sword Style Asura Igiri! This move is so cool!!!

It’s the way of Shura to endure all kinds of suffering without getting tired

of it!

Suo Dake is really good at reciting poems!!!

I’m so excited about this sentence ! Take it as a motto!!!

To be honest, I think it’s worth it for Suo Da to focus all his way-finding

skills on naming and reciting poems!!!

As soon as Suo Da starts chanting, the enemy will definitely not end well!

(Dog Head) )

These three heads and six arms seem to be an illusion condensed due to

the strong murderous aura, right?

Co-author Suo Da Fight not only has cool move names and domineering

poems, but now it also comes with cool special effects?!

Funding Laman! Suo Da is a real financial warrior!

Who can not love Suo Da with three heads and six arms?! I

have three times the happiness in one fell swoop! I’m fine~

Damn it! You upstairs Something seems wrong?!

With three heads and six arms, the Nezha next door calls him an expert!

(Dog head)

Nezha: This old man, is your body also made of lotus roots? (Dog head)

Nezha: This old brother, since you You can also have three heads and six

arms, so can you stretch dragon tendons and peel off dragon scales? (Dog


Zoro: If necessary, I can~ (Dog head)

Kaido: ???Don’t come here!!! (Dog head)

Haha Haha! You guys upstairs are so damn talented, you can actually

connect all these things!

After seeing this barrage, Kaido had to run away with a bucket

overnight? (Dog Head)

【Kaido:? ? ? ? ? 】.

Chapter 121

【Kaido:? ? ? What do these barrages mean? ! What does it mean that I

watched a meeting and ran away with a bucket all night? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Kaido, doesn’t this mean simply?

Isn’t this barrage saying that you are afraid of that Roronoa Zoro?~】

【Kaido: Are you kidding me? ! ! ! Would I be afraid of that kind of brat?

! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ This is not what we said, but what the barrage


【Rocks D Jibek: Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Kaido, Kaido, I didn’t expect you to be so

good at it now. Can even a brat like this scare you?】

【Kaido: Fart! ! ! How could I be afraid of a brat like that? ! Not to

mention him, even his captain, the Straw Hat Boy, I can kill more than

180 of them with just one thunderous gossip!】

【John: Hahahaha, Kaido, are you just talking about the current Straw

Hat boy?】

【Silver Ax: Don’t forget, in the future you will be defeated by Straw Hat

and be pulled down from the position of four emperors.~】

【Wang Zhi: Yes, Kaido, you can only let go of such big talk now.~】

【Kaido: Fuck! You guys, the Tiandao inventory system has not actually

broadcast the result of the battle between me and the Straw Hat boy. Is it

too early to say that I was defeated now? ! Aren’t you afraid of being

slapped in the face later? ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie Hahahaha~ If the old captain said this, he might really get

slapped in the face, but it is absolutely impossible for us to get slapped in

the face. After all, this is a done deal.。】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? How the hell are you able to take advantage of

me? ! ! ! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after Zoro defeats Kaku with a “Ghost Energy Nine Swordsman Asura

Igiri Gin”.

The battle scenes on Judiciary Island also began to flash quickly.

During the last 12 evacuation battles on Judiciary Island.

Zoro’s Yukizai was corroded and damaged by a Rust Fruit ability user in

the Navy.

This good sword, which was entrusted with the dream of the owner of

the weapons shop in Rogge Town and followed Sauron all the way from

the East China Sea to the present, finally left the scene with regret.

The picture freezes.

The cold mechanical sound sounded again。

“Random question 3: Who gave Zoro his next new knife? ”

The words fell.

Everyone immediately started discussing again in the Tiandao chat


【The owner of the weapon shop in Rogge Town: Let him go……Is this

the end?】

【Roronoa Zoro: I’m sorry, I failed to protect Yukizai. As a swordsman, I

failed to protect my sword. This is my dereliction of duty.。】

【Owner of the Weapon Shop in Rogge Town: No, I don’t blame you. It’s

Xue Zhao’s luck to be able to accompany you through so many exciting

battles. Now his mission has been completed. You are destined to become

the world’s best sword. You’re a brave man, Xue Zai, who is a good

swordsman, really can’t keep up with your growth.。】

【Shigetsuki Kozaburo: As a swordsmith, it is really rare to have such an

awareness. The owner of this Rogge Town weapons store is really


【Rocks D Jibek: Hey, these don’t seem to be the main point, right?

Shouldn’t the focus now be on discussing who gave Roronoa Zoro’s next

sword? !】

【Warring States: Indeed, it seems that there are no specific clues or clues

about the answer to this question yet…….】

【Brooke: Yo ho ho ho~ I seem to know the answer to this question, but

I will not compete with Mr. Zoro for points in this question.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? grass! Do you guys actually know the answer to

this question? ! ! ! Then tell me the answer quickly! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Old Captain, the content of this question

is what happened to Straw Hat and his gang. Of course they know the


【Shanks: Hahahaha, Rocks, but I think it’s absolutely impossible for

Luffy and his friends to tell you the answer. You’d better stop


【Rocks D Gibek:……】


The cold prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, so be prepared!”






“The quizzes officially begin!”

【Roronoa Zoro: Frost Moon Ryoma! (Answer)]

As the Tiandao prompt tone falls.

Zoro immediately answered the question.

Apart from him,

there was no one else in the Tiandao chat group to answer the question.

After all, except for a few insiders such as Sauron and Brooke, no

one else had any clues or clues about the answer to this question.

And this round of inventory belongs to Sauron.

The question asked was also about Zoro.

Naturally, the few insiders other than Sauron would not compete with

him for points on this question.

Therefore, the current situation has arisen。

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! Except for that kid, no one else answered this

question? ! no! I can’t let go of such a good opportunity. Even if I’m

confused, I still have to find an answer!】

【John: Old Captain, let’s not waste our efforts.~】

【Silver Ax: Yes, the person involved has already come forward to

answer, and this is something that has happened in the past. It is obvious

that the answer he gave is the correct answer.。】

【Wang Zhi: Old Captain, if you try to get an answer now, it will be like

wearing a straw hat and holding an umbrella – it’s superfluous.~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? straw hat? ! Did someone call me just now?】

【Rocks Djibek: Humph! Who said that the boy’s answer must be the

correct answer? ! Don’t you think that boy’s answer is outrageous?】

【Kaido: Frost Moon Ryoma? The dragon-slaying samurai from Wano

Country hundreds of years ago? This answer is really outrageous。】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, indeed, how could a person who

has been dead for hundreds of years give Roronoa Zoro a new sword?

Could he still be able to fake the corpse? !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ Although Ryoma seems to be the ancestor of this

little guy, this is really a bit too farfetched.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ nonsense? I don’t think it’s


【Shanks: If I remember correctly, there were clips about Roronoa Zoro

in Luffy’s previous videos,

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] and among

those clips, one of Roronoa Zoro’s swords was Frost Moon. Ryoma’s

famous sword, Shu Shui。】

【Gol D. Roger: If you look at it this way, the answer is not impossible.

Maybe Frost Moon Dragon Horse really faked the corpse? Hahahaha~]

Just when a group of people were talking about it.

The cold prompt sound of the Tiandao inventory system came again。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”






“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Roronoa Zoro for answering correctly and earning 1


【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? grass! Is it really the new saber given to that little

guy by Shigetsuki Ryoma, who has been dead for hundreds of years? ! !


【Shi Ji: What is going on? Is it possible that Shuangyue Ryoma really

faked the corpse? ! ! !】

【Kozuki Yujo: Could it be that Ryoma-senpai has come back from the

dead? ! ! !】

【Kozuki Sukiyaki: Ryoma-senpai is the hero of our Wano Country. If he

is really resurrected, it will be a great joy for our Wano Country! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro:……Then the next video may disappoint you. 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera switches.

The scene came to the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

Zoro is fighting against the zombie Frost Moon Ryoma who has been

planted with Brook’s shadow.

The battle between the two was fierce.

The fight went back and forth for at least dozens of rounds. (To read

exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the end. Zoro finally succeeded in defeating the opponent

with one move, “One Sword Style Flying Dragon Flame” . in the screen.

After Sauron finished his attack, it was his turn to be on the ground

below the castle. The zombie Frost Moon Ryoma is also standing on the

roof. His whole body was burning with blue flames. That was the fire

attached to Sauron’s attack. It’s even enough to directly purify zombies

that are supposed to be immortal! The zombie Frost Moon Ryoma, whose

body was burning with blue flames, stood on the roof. Looking at Zoro

below, he suddenly let out a long sigh.


While sighing.

Ryoma put the famous sword Qiu Shui back into its scabbard.

Then he took the entire knife directly from his waist and held it in my


This dragon-slaying warrior from Wano Country hundreds of years ago

looked at Zoro and continued to speak in a low voice:

“This famous sword, Shu Shui, once worn on the waist of the legendary


“If you were its master……”

“It can be regarded as my long-cherished wish for this knife…….”


Shuoyue Ryoma suddenly released his grip on Qiu Shui.

Let this famous sword, one of the twenty-one skills of the Great Knife, fall

straight down.

Finally, it fell firmly into Sauron’s hands.

Immediately afterwards.

Ryoma’s figure began to sway.

The voice also became a little weak。

“It’s so sad to let my samurai body taste failure…….”


Zoro held the famous sword Qiu Shui tightly and

responded in a deep voice:

“It’s enough to feel the shame。”

“A swordsman is one who is strong both physically and mentally。”

“I really hope I can meet you when you are alive…….”

Hearing Sauron’s words.

Ryoma on the roof suddenly laughed.

The smile was very gratifying.

Immediately afterwards.

A shadow suddenly flew out of his mouth.

And Ryoma’s body quickly turned into ashes under the burning of the

blue flame!

Zoro’s hand holding the famous sword Qiushui tightened again.

He spoke in a deep voice as if talking to himself: 960:

“I accepted the sword。”

“If you compete……”

“Just pretend it hasn’t been compared. ”

The picture freezes.

The dense barrage army floats past again –

Congratulations to Suo Da for nominating Dao Qiu Shui!

Suo Da’s ancestor Long Ma has sent equipment to Suo Da.

Thank you to Long Ma’s ancestor for sending equipment!

Mo Liashin that year After working so hard to steal Ryoma’s body and

the famous sword Shusui from Wano Country, I didn’t expect that in the

end, Suo Da was fulfilled~Hahahahaha! In

that case, Moria is really a good person~

This plot is so exciting It was once proved by facts that if you have a

background, you can do whatever you want!

Yes, Zoro just lost Yukizai on Judiciary Island, and Ryoma on the other

hand sent him an even more awesome Qiushui on the Terrifying Barque!

That’s a

legend The sword of Ryoma, the dragon-slaying samurai, is the national

treasure of Wano. Soda is so lucky this time!

No way, Ryoma is the ancestor of Soda. In a sense, this Qiu Shui is the

Soda family. It’s passed down from our ancestors~

Speaking of which, how did Soda defeat Ryoma? I’ve always been curious

about this.

Yes, it stands to reason that the zombies created by Moria using the

Shadow Fruit cannot only be destroyed by sea water and sea salt. ?!

But Suo Da only used one move of Flying Dragon Flame and didn’t use

anything else at all. Why did Brooke’s shadow come out inexplicably

from the zombie Ryoma’s body? You don’t understand

this, right? This is obviously the ancestor of Ryoma Are you putting

things off this descendant of Suo Da! (Tou head)

Seriously……Could it be that Suo Da’s flying dragon flame has other

special effects?

Good guy! Suo Da’s slashing and flames also have a transcendence effect,

right? ! (Dog head)

Sexy cords are big and can be saved online! (dog head)

But……Where did this flying dragon flame come from? It’s obvious that

Suo Da doesn’t have any fire skills, right? !

Yes, Luffy’s Fire Fist Gun two years later can still be understood as the

flames produced by friction in the drama of Armed Haki. But Soda two

years ago didn’t know how to use Armed Haki at all. How did he do it?


And how do you feel……Is Soda’s flying dragon flame more powerful

than Ace’s fruit-burning flame?

Again, burn the fruit……The dogs won’t eat it! (dog head)

That’s right! Even the dogs won’t eat the Shaoshao fruit! ! !

【Portcas D. Ace:? ? ? ? ? 】.

Chapter 122

【Portcas D. Ace:? ? ? What does this barrage mean? ! What is shao shao

fruit and dogs won’t eat it? ! I feel like I’ve been insulted!】

【Sabo: Ace, it’s not just you, I feel like I was also scolded by these


【Monkey D. Luffy: Yes, Sabo also ate the Shasuo Fruit in the future, and

these barrages said that dogs don’t eat the Shasuo Fruit, so don’t they

mean that Ace and Sabo are the two of you? Not as good as a dog? !】

【Portcas D. Ace:? ? ? ? ?】

【Sabo:? ? ? ? ?】

【Portcas D Ace: Luffy! Why did your idiot’s mind suddenly become

bright at this moment? ! ! !】

【Sabo: Um… Luffy, I don’t think you need to use your IQ to solve these


【Monkey D Luffy:(OO)?】

【Ashura Doji: It’s incredible! Our dragon-slaying samurai from Wano,

Lord Shigetsuki Ryoma…….To be defeated by this Roronoa Zoro? !】

【Kawamatsu: And Lord Shigetsuki Ryoma, he actually gave the national

treasure of Wano, the famous sword Shusui, to this Roronoa Zoro? ! ! !】

【Denjiro: However, from the video, it seems that Lord Shigetsuki Ryoma

is in a very wrong state, and it seems that he is not really coming back

from the dead.。】

【Kaido: What a guy! It turns out that guy Moria actually stole the corpse

of Shuoyue Ryoma and the famous sword Qiushui under my nose!】

【Moonlight Moria: Hee hee hee~ Kaido, when I was defeated and

beaten so badly by you, I have to take some consolation gifts from Wano

Country, right? And these things are of little use to you~】

【Kaido: That’s true, but you stealing Wano’s things under my nose really

makes me feel very unhappy! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: So, the Frost Moon Ryoma in the video is not

actually the real dragon-slaying warrior Ryoma, but just the corpse of

Frost Moon Ryoma. Moria randomly stuffed the shadow of a swordsman

into it, thus making it Zombies?】

【Brooke: Just put a shadow in there? This is a bit too hurtful to say,

right? It chilled me to hear that, even though I am just a skeleton without

a heart, yo ho ho ho ho~】

【Kozuki Oden: So that’s what happened! I just said that senior

Shigetsuki Ryoma is so strong, how could he lose to Roronoa Zoro? !

Although Roronoa Zoro is indeed a very good swordsman, at that time it

was obvious that he was not strong enough to defeat the real Ryoma-


【Kozuki Sukiyaki: But then again, from this video, it seems that the

zombie-form Ryoma-senpai still has some self-awareness of his


【Gol D. Roger: Yes, the part where he gives the sword at the end is

obviously a manifestation of Frost Moon Ryoma’s self-awareness.。】

【Silbarz Reilly: Even though he has been dead for hundreds of years,

and his body is filled with the shadows of other people, that body is still

his own, and there must still be some consciousness that belongs to


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ In other words, the famous sword

Qiushui, one of the twenty-one skills of the sharp sword, was indeed

given to Roronoa Zoro voluntarily by Shigeyue Ryoma.~】

【Shanks: After all, strictly speaking, Roronoa Zoro himself is a

descendant of Frost Moon Ryoma. As an ancestor, Frost Moon Ryoma had

no problem in giving his sword to the other party.。】

【Shiki: Jie hahahaha~ I just want to know, when Roronoa Zoro arrives

in Wano Country, will the samurai of Wano Country say that Autumn

Water is a national treasure of their country, and then clamor to remove

Autumn Water from it? Roronoa was snatched back from Zoro’s hand~】

【Kozuki Oden:? ? ? Golden lion! Who do you think our samurai from

Wano country are? ! We would never do such a thing!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ I hope what you said is true, Oden~]

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after defeating the zombie Ryoma and

obtaining the new sword Qiushui.

Zoro and the Straw Hat crew once again joined

forces to fight against the zombie Oz who had been stuffed with Luffy’s


After a hard fight.

Oz and Moriah were both defeated.


This disaster did not end there.

Just when everyone thought they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

A new uninvited guest appeared in front of the Straw Hats!

It is none other than the “tyrant” Bartholomew Bear, one of the Seven

Martial Arts under the King!

As soon as Xiong appeared on the scene, he showed a terrifying strength

that was enough to make everyone despair.

But Zoro still rushed forward without hesitation.

Said he wanted to challenge Bartholomew Bear in a duel.

And let no one else interfere.

Saw Sauron’s move.

Everyone spoke out to dissuade him.

However, Zoro only smiled slightly.

He said in a deep voice:

“Disasters come one after another, which is the normal state of the


“If you keep complaining, no one will help you!”

“If I die in battle……”

“That means I am only a man of this level! ” There was no hint of fear or


in Zoro’s tone ! The scene froze. The barrage army passed by again –

handsome!!! So handsome!!! Famous scene check-in! This guy Suo Da can

handle it, if something happens He was really good! He had just

experienced a big battle and he was already at the end of his strength,

but facing a powerful enemy like Xiong, Suo Da still had no fear at all!

Moreover, Suo Da said that he would challenge Xiong in a one-on-one

fight. In fact, it is to protect other partners and prevent bears from

attacking others! Although Soda usually seems cold and ruthless, he is

actually a very gentle person! He is really

……I cried to death! ! !

Disasters come one after another, which is the norm in the world! ! !

Suo Da has one more famous line!

As expected of Suo Da, he started reciting poems as soon as he disagreed

with me!

This sentence is also quite compelling!

I declare that this sentence will be my motto from now on!

Blessings never come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone. This is

the truth in the world!

Suo Dazhen deserves to be the king of poetry. Every sentence he says is

so philosophical!

Envy? Replaced by the ability to recognize directions! (Dog head)

Hahahaha! I knew this sentence would definitely come out at a time like


Spending a lifetime of wanderlust in exchange for pretentious quotes that

can be pic

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ked up at

your fingertips anytime, anywhere, it’s worth it!

Although Suo Dalu is funny when he is crazy, he is so handsome when he

is reciting poems and pretending to be cool! ! !

Where are we now? The more handsome one is yet to come!

That’s right! More handsome famous scenes are coming soon!

What a thrill!


The video continues –


Sauron started a battle with the bear.

However, his attack

had no effect at all against the bear’s meat ball fruit ability.

All attacks were deflected!

There was nothing Sarlon could do about the bear.

Even though other people later joined the battle,

the Straw Hats, who had just experienced a big battle, had no power to

fight back in front of the bear

, even if they were together . Luffy, on the other hand, had already fallen

asleep after defeating Moria. Not aware of everything happening in the

outside world. Bear told the Straw Hats that as long as they were willing

to hand over Luffy’s head, he could let the others go. Naturally, such a

proposal was rejected by the Straw Hats without hesitation.

Subsequently. Big Bear used Bear Impact, knocking out everyone present.

In the midst of the messy ruins, the Shichibukai King slowly walked up to

the unconscious Luffy, preparing to grab the other person’s body with

one hand. However! at this time!

“A knife wanders around and the lion sings! ”

Accompanied by a sharp shout. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

An extremely sharp and cold cold light also struck the bear.


even this move is enough to kill The steel-breaking slash

was still unable to cause any damage to the bear.

It only tore a hole in the bear’s coat,

revealing the mechanical body covered by the opponent’s clothes.

Seeing this,

Zoro couldn’t help but feel a little surprised

. The feeling of powerlessness and despair became a little bit more


The bear’s movements paused due to Sauron’s attack.

He turned around,

aimed at Sauron and fired a laser from his mouth.

At this time, Sauron Long was already at the end of his strength.

He could only dodge the blow with great difficulty.

But he was still knocked to the ground by the shock wave caused by the


His physical condition became worse and worse.。

“With a body like that, is he still a person with abilities?”

“I feel like my hope is getting slimmer…….”

“Even my body has started to lose control…….”

Zoro sat up with difficulty.

My whole body couldn’t help but tremble a little.

There was a hint of despair in his tone that had never appeared before.

He looked at the bear in front of him.

He asked in a deep voice:

“Does Luffy’s head have to be taken anyway? ”

The bear nodded.。

“This is the biggest concession. ”

Hearing this,

Zoro took a deep breath

and closed his eyes slightly.

When he opened them again,

there seemed to be a look of determination in his eyes.

It was obvious that he had made some kind of decision.


Only Seeing Zoro bending his body in the direction of the bear and

supporting his hands on the ground,

he continued to say in a deep voice:

I understand…….

“.Take it!”


“Please let me take his place!”

“Take my head!”

“Although I’m not famous yet……”

“But sooner or later I will become the world’s best swordsman!”

“There shouldn’t be anything wrong with using my head in exchange. ”

Hearing Sauron’s words,

Bartholomew Bear was silent for a moment.

Then he looked at Sauron and asked:

“Since you have such great ambitions, how could you be willing to die

for him? Zoro

gasped and replied:

“Apart from that, there is no other way to save our friends now…….”


Zoro suddenly smiled.

There is calmness and determination in the smile。

“If you can’t even protect the captain, what’s the point of talking about

your own ambitions? !”

“luffy him……But the man who wants to become the Pirate King! ! ! ”

There was unshakable firmness and determination

in Zoro’s voice . These words were not loud, but they were extremely

deafening!!! The scene was frozen. The barrage army passed by –

wuwuwuwu! Suo Dazhen

……I cried so much! ! !

Suo Da is a real man! ! !

He is willing to sacrifice his life to protect Luffy. He is indeed Luffy’s first


Although in fact, every one of Luffy’s partners must be willing to sacrifice

themselves to protect Luffy, Soda’s move is still touching!

yes! So far, this is the first time Suo Da has bowed to the enemy!

This time (the good king’s) is really an unprecedented desperate situation

for Suo Da!

Xiong, an uncle, really doesn’t have martial ethics. In order to test Luffy,

the eldest nephew’s friends, he actually did something like this!

But it’s not the bear’s fault. If you don’t get desperate, you won’t be able

to truly see the determination of Luffy’s friends.

Although we think this is not necessary from a God’s perspective, after

all, the bear didn’t know Luffy’s friends before, and he did it for the

benefit of his nephew.

But fortunately, the Shichibukai sent by the World Government are bears.

If it were anyone else, Luffy and Soda might really be wiped out this


Again, it’s nice to have a background!

For others, this may be a desperate situation, but for Luffy and the others,

this is actually just a simple fake match~ (Dog Head) If you have the

background, you can do whatever you want!

But none of this affects Suo Da’s bravery!

The way Suo Da stands up is so handsome! ! !

There is also the sentence “If you can’t even protect the captain, why talk

about your own ambitions?” I really burst into tears! ! !

The following sentence about Luffy being the man who wants to become

the Pirate King is also quite touching! ! !

This is the bond between Zoro and Luffy! ! !

Tears! Tears fiercely!

Damn it, that bastard Crocodile got into my eyes again!

【Shakrokdal: Yes, I knew it……Normally at times like this I would

definitely make a friendly cameo in the barrage, isn’t this happening


【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Sand Crocodile, have you given

up resistance completely?】

【Shakrokdal: I’m tired, destroy it! 】.

Chapter 123

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

just when Zoro expresses his determination to sacrifice in Luffy’s place.

A figure suddenly limped over not far away.

It’s Zoro’s good friend Sanji.

Sanji interrupted the conversation between Zoro and Bear.。

“Hello! Wait a minute, you idiot!”

“if you die……”

“What about your ambition? !”

“fool! ! ! ”

While speaking,

Sanji had already arrived in front of Zoro.

He was between him and the bear.

Sanji looked up at the bear in front of him.

He continued:

“Hey, big man……”

“Ignore this green algae-headed swordsman!”

“If you want to kill, just kill me!”

“Although the navy still doesn’t know my worth yet……”

“But in the near future, the most troublesome character among this group

of people will definitely be me.——”

“Blackfoot Sanji! ! ! ”

Sanji said as

he put his hands into his pockets.

He stood up a little straighter again.

Like Zoro, his face

was full of determination to sacrifice his life for righteousness!

“Come on, take it!”

“Not that green algae head, but take my life!”

“I have long been prepared to die for them at any time.。”

“Just let me die gloriously here! ”

After saying this,

Sanji’s voice suddenly became lower.

He did not look back.

But the next words were obviously meant for Zoro behind him.。

“Hey, tell everyone for me……”

“Tell them to take care of themselves。”

“I’m so sorry, you have to find another chef…….”


Sanji hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Zoro, however, stood up at some point.

Came behind Sanji.

He directly used the handle of the knife to strike hard at Sanji’s waist!


Sanji’s figure began to sway.

After barely holding on for a few seconds.

Finally fell down again.

Completely fainted.

The picture freezes.

The translucent barrage floated across the screen again –

Woohoo! Sanji is also quite gentle!

Soda and Sanji both rushed to die in Luffy’s place. What a touching


Luffy really has a group of good friends who are willing to sacrifice for


140 After all, these companions were basically obtained by Luffy at the

cost of his life!

Indeed, this is what is called sincerity for sincerity!

Soda and Sanji are really a pair of good friends who love and kill each


That’s right, although these two people can usually quarrel without

saying a few words, they are always thinking about each other at critical


Ha ha ha ha! Two guys who don’t agree with each other~ (Dog Head)

But having said that, Soda was really cruel to Sanji!

Who says it’s not! It was such a heavy blow directly to Sanji’s waist!

There are obviously so many ways to knock someone unconscious, but

Suo Da chose the most ruthless one! (Gotou)

This Bosuo is obviously seeking revenge~ (Gotou)

With this blow, Sanji’s happiness in the rest of his life will probably be

wiped out! (dog head)

Hahahaha! I seemed to suddenly understand why the bear sent Sanji

flying to the Transvestite Island!

Um? Why?

Because the bear witnessed Zoro attacking Sanji’s waist! (Dog head)

This wave of kidney blows that Soda gave Sanji directly ruined Sanji’s

happiness for the rest of his life. He is probably not far away from

turning into a transvestite ~ (Dog head)

Hiss! Is that why Bear will send Sanji to the Demon Island for further

training later? It does make sense!

Ha ha ha ha! So that’s it!

The culprit who caused Sanji to be filmed and flown to the Transvestite

Island to suffer was finally found!

It turns out that all this is due to Suo Da! (Dog Head)

Suo Da is indeed a good friend of Sanji, he always thinks about Sanji!

(Dog Head)

Just because Soda gave Sanji such a blow on the waist, I would like to

call him – the Kidney Killer!

Ha ha ha ha! God damn the kidney guest! Absolutely amazing!

Sanji: Listen to me, thank you. Because of you, the four seasons are

warm~ (dog head)

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Wait! What do these barrages mean? ! What does it

mean that I will be photographed by this Bartholomew Bear and flew to

the Transvestite Island to further my studies? ! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Are you an idiot? You can’t even understand such a

simple literal meaning?】

【Nami: In the original future, we should have been shot away by Luffy’s

uncle Bartholomew Bear in the Shampoo Islands.。】

【Nico Robin (bfbi): From the previous video, we can know that Nami

was filmed flying to Visalia, a small sky island, while I was filmed flying

to the Bridge Kingdom in the East China Sea. Now it seems, The location

where Sanji was photographed flying can also be determined.。】

【Franky: The kingdom of transvestites? It sounds like a super interesting


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Interesting? ! What an interesting hammer! This place

sounds scary, right? ! ! !】

【Ambrio Ivankov: Hey, kid, what you say seems to indicate some

prejudice against my human-monster kingdom? I advise you to

reorganize your language!】

【Funkley: Yes, Sanji, the Monster Kingdom is a country founded by the

Queen of Monsters, Ivankov. It is full of all kinds of monsters. It is simply

a paradise. It is not as scary as you said.~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Are they all different kinds of shemales? ? ? After

listening to what you said, this human-monster kingdom has obviously

become more terrifying, okay? ! ! !】

【Usopp: It’s really hard for Sanji, who is obsessed with women, to spend

two years in a shemale kingdom full of shemales…….】

【Tony Tony Chopper: I seem to be able to guess Sanji’s painful

expression when the time comes。】

【Brooke: Yo ho ho ho~ Sanji-san, it seems that you are going to suffer

in the future. I really feel sorry for you~ Although I am just a skeleton

and have no heart, and I will not feel sorry for you. Yo ho ho ho.~~~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: No! Can’t! ! I don’t accept this fact! ! ! Even if I die, I

will never go to that monster kingdom! ! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Luffy, isn’t that bear one of your father’s men? ! Please

tell him for me and ask him not to send me to the Demon Kingdom!

Apart from here, you can fly me anywhere you want! Of course, it would

be best to fly me to an island with many beauties.~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Sanji, you have so many requests, I can’t even

remember them!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, Curly Eyebrows, I advise you to give up on this

idea and just be obedient and get ready to enjoy the happiness in the

Demon Kingdom.~】


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Sanji:

Enjoying happiness? What a blessing! Do you want this blessing for you?

! ! ! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

after knocking Sanji unconscious.

After doing all this, Zoro looked at Bartholomew Bear again.

He took off Wado Ichimonji, Shusui and Sandai Kitetsu from his waist.

Throw it on the ground in front of you.

Then he looked at Xiong and said in a deep voice:

“This is my last request. ”

Seeing this,

Xiong was silent for a while.

Then he suddenly sighed.。

“It seems that if I don’t let Straw Hat go,……”

“The one who deserves to be shamed is me. Zoro

breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Because he knew that

Xiong had obviously agreed to his request.

He thanked him and said:

“Grateful! ”

The bear once again grabbed the unconscious Luffy on the ground and


“I won’t break my promise, just trust me on this.。”

“However, corresponding……”

“I’ll show you……”

“What is hell! ”

The bear said while

raising his palm.

Using the ability of the Meat Ball Fruit,

a huge bear paw-shaped energy ball popped out of Luffy’s body. (To read

Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

“What is being ejected from his body now is pain and fatigue。”

“All the pain accumulated during the battle with Moria just now is


“Since you volunteered to be the scapegoat, then you should taste the


“But you’re already dying, so it’s impossible for you to bear it.。”

“That is to say……”

“You will die! ”

The bear patiently explained to Zoro.

And Zoro just listened quietly.

Without saying a word.

There was no fear or flinch in the expression on his face.

Extremely determined!

The bear will Luffy’s The body was put back on the ground.

Then a small ball was separated from the huge ball of bear paw energy.

It slowly floated towards Sauron.。

“Let’s feel it a little bit first……”

“The agony of death! ”

The words fell.

The small energy ball, which was less than one percent of the size of the

giant bear’s paw, penetrated into Sauron’s body.

In an instant!

An indescribable pain swept through Sauron’s body in an instant!

This kind of energy ball penetrated into Sauron’s body. pain……

Deep into the bone marrow!

It’s as if all the cells in the body have been crushed!

Under the attack of this terrifying pain,

even Sauron, who has extremely strong willpower,

couldn’t help but scream in pain!

It only takes a moment.

Zoro had already fallen to the ground.

The whole person’s aura is much weaker than before!

The bear looked at Sauron who fell to the ground and asked:

“How about it? ”

Suo Da gasped twice.

Then he responded in a hoarse voice:

“I only hope……Can I change my place?……”

Faced with Sauron’s request.

The bear did not refuse.

Moved the huge bear paw and Sauron to an uninhabited ruins.

in the screen.

Zoro stood in front of the huge bear paw.

The figure seems a bit small.

The huge bear paw energy ball in front of him

was like a ghost gate to Sauron at this moment.

Zoro took a deep breath.

Then his eyes narrowed.

Without any hesitation.

Grit your teeth!

The whole person rushed directly into the huge bear paw energy ball!

all of a sudden……

Blood splatters!

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by –

No! ! ! Suo——big——! ! !

grass! I can feel the pain just looking at this scene!

It’s really not easy to suede. He is obviously at the end of his strength,

but he still has to bear all the pain that pops out of Luffy’s body!

Luffy is a user with the rubber fruit ability, and the upper limit of pain he

can endure is much higher than that of ordinary people. Even if these

pains are placed on an ordinary person in good condition, they are

already fatal enough!

yes! What’s more, Suo Da himself is already in a state of residual health,

and having to resist so much damage is simply life-threatening!

But it’s okay……Everyone in the protagonist group has health locks, so

it’s not a big problem! (dog head)

Hahahaha! Indeed, as long as there is blood lock hanging on, it will be

fine. At most, it will only be a major injury. The injury will be healed if it

takes a few more days~ (Dog Head)

Suo Da: Humph! It’s just a fatal injury, but it can’t kill me! (dog head)

Hahahaha! You guys are simply poisonous. Such a tragic and desolate

atmosphere is gone all of a sudden!

All joking aside, Suo Da’s wave is definitely manly enough! ! !

That’s right! Again, Suo Da is a real man! ! !

After experiencing the pain that was worse than death, Suo Da still didn’t

flinch at all!

And his only request is that he hopes the bear can take him to a different


Suo Da doesn’t want his friends to see his miserable condition when they

wake up!

Woohoo! This sentence really touched me!

Oh shit! That haunting guy from Crocodile came into my eyes again!

Video continues –

camera switch.

I don’t know how long it took.

The Straw Hats finally woke up from their coma one after another.

The first thing Sanji found after waking up

was that Zoro was missing.

He got up in a hurry and looked around.

Finally, I saw Sauron’s upright figure in a ruins clearing.

The mountain ran over.

Looking at Sauron’s figure, he shouted:

“finally found you!”

“You bastard, you dared to hit me just now!”

“By the way, where is that Shichibukai bastard? ”

Sanji kept mumbling.

However, when he got closer and

saw Zoro’s appearance clearly,……

But he suddenly stopped!

At this moment, Zoro was holding his hands across his chest,

standing upright on top of the ruins.

And his

whole body was covered in scarlet blood!

Even the ruins and clearings around his feet

were all stained red with blood!

This picture looks quite terrifying.

The impact is huge!

Zoro’s breath at this moment can be said to be dying.

But he still stood upright.

Like a silent mountain!

His eyes were covered with a layer of blood mist.

But it never closed!

Seeing this scene, Sanji had a look of deep worry on his face.

He quickly ran to Zoro and

asked extremely anxiously:

“What’s going on with this amount of bleeding? !”

“Hello! Are you still alive? !”

“Where did that guy go? !”

“What is going on here? ! ! ! ”

Facing Sanji’s inquiry,

Zoro’s expression did not change at all.

He just spoke slowly in a low but extremely determined voice:

“no matter what……Did not happen! ! ! ”.

Chapter 124

inside the projection screen.

The scene was frozen in the scene where Sauron was covered in blood,

with his hands folded across his chest, and although he was dying, he still

stood proudly.

His words “Nothing happened”

echoed in everyone’s ears for a long time!

Immediately afterwards.

The picture freezes.

Thick barrages floated across the screen –

coming, coming! The famous scene of Suoda Zhenmen is here! ! !

This is definitely the most heroic scene in Soda!

Suo Da’s misfortune is really miserable, but he is also really handsome! !


yes! Suo Da is so handsome! ! !

Although he was seriously injured and dying, he still stood there proudly

and did not fall down!

This scene is really cool to me!

And the sentence about nothing happening is so cool! ! !

Oh my God! Family members, who knows? ! The charm of this man is so


Ahhhhh! Mom, I seem to be in love!

I have fallen hopelessly in love with this man! ! !

Soda, I want to give birth to a monkey for you! ! !

Hey hey! etc…….Those of you upstairs, it seems like all of you are men,

right? ! ! !

Damn it! Brothers, run, there is a gay man! ! !

snort! What happened to the man? Can’t men like Suo Da? ! (dog head)

That’s it! Isn’t it just to welcome men? What’s this! (Dog Head)

A real man like Suo Da attracts not only women, but also other men~

(Dog Head)

Hiss! So scary!

Seeing this, I suddenly feel a little distressed. What’s going on?

But in fact, Soda is pretty good, at least it just attracts the attention of

gay men, unlike Sanji……The person behind him is a shemale~ (dog


Pfft hahahaha! Dude upstairs, are you a devil? !

After hearing what you said, I suddenly no longer feel sorry for Suo Da~

I should just feel sorry for Sanji~ (Gotou)

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: It turns out that Zoro was injured so badly because

he was trying to save me! Sauron……Thank you! 】

Although in the previous video reviewing Luffy’s background.

When taking stock of the clips about Bartholomew Bear,

I also mentioned the plot about the terrifying barque.

But no specific details were released at that time.

Just took it roughly.

The clips about Sauron were not specifically shown.

So until now.

Luffy finally knew what happened at that time. I know what happened

during the time when I was unconscious . Seeing how much Zoro had

sacrificed to save himself. Naturally, he was extremely moved. At this

moment, Luffy finally understood why his body felt so relaxed

inexplicably after he woke up from the coma . It was as if all the pain

and fatigue after a big battle had disappeared. turn out to be

It was Sauron who bore all this for himself!

【Roronoa Zoro: Come on, Luffy, stop saying such disgusting things. I

can’t stand hearing this.。】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hehe~ But fortunately, the King Shichibukai who

came at that time was Uncle Bear, otherwise we might really have been


【Sakaski: Made! Speaking of this makes people angry! How do those

guys at Wulaoxing choose their people? ! He actually chose Bartholomew

Bear to deal with the Straw Hats! ! !】

【Topman Wauchuli St:? ? ? Sakaski! Pay attention to the manner in

which you speak!】

【Makas Mazi: Sakaski, you are just a mere admiral. How dare you

accuse us, the Five Old Stars? !】

【Shepard Ten Peter Saint: Don’t think that just because you are an

admiral, you can do whatever you want!】

【Izan Balon V Nasshou Langsheng: We, the Five Old Stars, have the

right to revoke your positions at any time!】

【Jaigolusiasatan Saint: Not to mention a small naval admiral like you,

even a naval marshal like Sengoku, once he annoys us, we can make him

step down immediately!】


【Warring States:? ? ? Do I think I suffered a wave of unreasonable

disasters for no reason? ! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ The Five Old Stars are really overbearing and


【Kuzan: Ah la la~ This guy Sakaski is really unimaginable. He actually

dares to accuse Wulao Xing on such an occasion.~】

【Monkey D. Karp: Although I think there is nothing wrong with blaming

the old guys from Wulaoxing on this occasion, Sakaski, a bastard, always

wants my grandson to die. This attitude is really annoying to me. So


【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! But having said that, Garp, your grandson

really has a group of very good friends!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Yes, whether it is Roronoa Zoro,

Blackfoot Sanji, or the other partners of Straw Hat Kid, they are all loyal

to Straw Hat Kid, the captain, even I’m willing to use my own life to

protect him.~】

【Shi Ji: I have to say, this kind of partnership is really something that

people can’t help but envy!】

【Rocks Djibek: Damn it! I can’t help but feel a little envious! Look at all

of Straw Hat’s subordinates, each of them can do this for him, and then

look at all of my subordinates back then…….All of them just know how

to stab me in the back! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: I told you, Zoro, Sanji and Nami are not my

subordinates, they are my partners! They are willing to risk their lives for

me, and I am equally willing to risk my life for them! This is called a

partner! ! !】

【John: Tsk tsk tsk tsk~Old captain, listen to what the straw hat boy


【Silver Ax: Yes, after listening to what Straw Hat said and looking at

what you just said, old captain, I think you should have understood the


【Wang Zhi: Old Captain, don’t blame us who only think about

backstabbing you all day long. It’s because you never thought of treating

us as partners in the first place.~】

【Kaido: Ugh~ We originally gathered in the Rocks Pirates for our own

interests. There is no concept of partners or not, let alone betrayal or


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Yes, old captain, the relationship

between us is just a transaction. Betrayal and backstabbing are normal

things. Don’t think about it. Straw Hat Boy’s hot-blooded and dumb-

headed youth are compared to each other.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……grass! You bastards! ! ! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera switches.

After the Terror Barque.

The Straw Hats arrive at the Chambord Islands.

Zoro did not listen to the dissuasion of Usopp, Sanji and others.

I insist on going for a walk on the island alone.


Zoro, who was drinking and wandering around, happened to meet the

Celestial Dragons traveling.

Sauron, who has no respect for the Celestial Dragons,

naturally does not know the rules of bowing

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] to the

Celestial Dragons when he sees them.

He was just blocking the middle of the road.

Blocking the way for the Tianlong people to travel.

When Saint Charlos, the dragon man, glared at Sauron,

Sauron even asked indifferently:

“What’s wrong?”

“Do you want to ask for directions? ”

The screen freezes.

The barrage flashes across –


No! This scene makes me laugh to death!

Suo Da is so confident!

Even if Saint Charlos is a pig, he will not find Suo Da Why don’t you ask

for directions!

Ask Zoro for directions. How crazy do you have to be to do such a thing?!

Only a

fool would ask Zoro, a road idiot, for directions! Hahahahaha~

Fujitora:?? ? I feel offended.

Oh yes! I almost forgot that Fujitora actually asked Soda for directions!

Hahahahaha! Then Fujitora was really a little confused.~

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ? 】(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel


The video continues –

after seeing Sauron’s rude attitude.

Saint Charles immediately fired at the opponent with great anger.

And Zoro’s momentum suddenly changed at this moment.

He immediately pulled out the saber from his waist and

rushed towards Saint Charles!

Prepare to chop this Tianlong man directly.

However, he was stopped in time by Bonnie, who was also a supernova.

This prevented the serious incident that attacked the Tianlong people

from happening.

Everyone eating melons around them couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of


The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by again-

hahahaha! Now looking at the relieved expressions of the melon-eating

people around me, I find it inexplicably funny~

Yes, although Soda’s attack on Saint Charlos was indeed resolved in time

by Bonnie, but……

But these melon-eating people would never have thought that Saint

Charles would soon be beaten by Luffy at the population auction~

hahahahahaha! This is the so-called monk who can run away but cannot

run away from the temple.

This wave of Saint Charlos is really able to escape the first year of junior

high school but not the fifteenth year.

Although he escaped Soda’s attack here, there is still Luffy behind him.

Waiting for him, hahahaha~

Anyway, St. Charles is going to take this beating, and he can’t hide even

if he wants to~

There is no way, who knows that he really deserves a beating~

Not only him, but also those who are arrogant and pretentious Nine out

of ten Tianlong people deserve to be beaten!

It would be great if I could beat up all these Celestial Dragons!

no! Just giving him a beating is not enough to relieve his anger! They

should all be killed! ! !

That’s right! This group of Celestial Dragons are simply the worms of the

world. There is no benefit in staying here. They will only do evil


It would be great if we could just snap our fingers and wipe out all the

Celestial Dragons!

Pfft hahahaha! Dude upstairs, are you Thanos?

But this suggestion is really good!

Let’s destroy all the Celestial Dragons!

【Charles St.:? ? ? ? ?】

【Tianlongren:? ? ? ? ? ? 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play—


The Tianlong people were beaten and the incident broke out.

There was chaos on the Chambord Islands.

Luffy and the others were also besieged and hunted by the navy.

On the way to escape.

Pacifists and general Kizaru appear one after another.

The Straw Hats also fell into a desperate situation.

Immediately afterwards.

Bartholomew Bear appears.

Using the meat ball fruit ability, all the Straw Hats were shot away.

Sauron is naturally no exception.

The scene is frozen here.

A cold mechanical sound suddenly sounded。

“Random question 4: Which island did Zoro fly to after being

photographed by Bartholomew Bear? ”

The mechanical sound fell.

Everyone immediately started a discussion in the Tiandao chat group。

【Rocks Djibek: Hello! That kid named Roronoa Zoro, tell me quickly,

which island were you photographed flying to? !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~Old captain, are you afraid you haven’t woken

up yet?】

【John: This little guy was shot away by Bartholomew Bear. That

happened in the future, but he hasn’t been shot away yet.。】

【Silver Ax: So now even Roronoa Zoro himself doesn’t know where he

will be shot. How do you want him to answer you?】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! I think the old captain is going crazy because he

wants to get points for answering questions. Now he’s basically out of his

mind to ask questions.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……】

【Sengoku: Asking Roronoa Zoro this question may not yield any results,

but asking another person can!】

【Crane: Bartholomew Bear, bear, tell us, which island will you send

Roronoa Zoro to next?】

【Bartholomew Bear:……】

【Warring States: Bear! We are asking you a question!】

【Bartholomew Bear:……】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ It seems that the bear refuses to answer our


【Kuzan: Ah la la~ This is actually not surprising. After all, Bartholomew

Bear’s identity as an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army has

been exposed. There is no need for him to answer our questions now.。】

【Sakaski: Humph! If the King’s Qibukai cannot be used by us, we should

destroy him directly! ! !】

【Monkey D Dragon: Bear, do you know the answer to this question?】

【Bartholomew Bear: Yes, I know. I have already made a decision in my

mind as to where to shoot the Straw Hats away.。】

【Monkey D Dragon: Okay! That’s it! Don’t tell anyone the answer. Just

keep it to yourself. Maybe you can get some nice rewards later!】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Damn it! Does anyone really know the answer to

this question? ! It seems that the points for this question are going to be

booked by the guy named Xiong! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: How’s it going? Old captain, are you envious?】

【Kaido: Not to mention the old captain, even I can’t help but feel a little


【Charlotte Lingling: There are so many islands in this sea, countless!

Without any clues, it is impossible to guess the answer to this question by

random guessing, so the points for this question must go to that guy

Bartholomew Bear!】

【Gol D. Roger: That’s great. I’m also a little envious. I haven’t gotten

any points for answering questions yet. 】


The Tiandao reminder sounds again。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, so be prepared!”






“The quizzes officially begin!”

【Bartholomew Bear: Kraikana Island! (answer question)】

【Jorah Kormihawk: Huh? krajana island……Isn’t that my territory?


Chapter 125


The Tiandao reminder sounds again

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”






“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Bartholomew Bear for answering correctly and

earning 1 point.。”

【Sakaski: Krajana Island? Hawkeye’s territory? How could Bartholomew

Bear send Roronoa Zoro flying to that place? !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ The bear slapped Roronoa Zoro and flew him to

Hawkeye’s territory. Didn’t that mean he was going to die?】

【John: Yes, when Roronoa Zoro challenged Hawkeye in the East China

Sea, he was lucky enough to save his life, but this time it may not be a


【Silver Ax: But judging from other videos, Roronoa Zoro will still be

alive and well in the future.。】

【Wang Zhi: In other words… Could it be that Hawkeye has betrayed

Roronoa Zoro again this time? !】

【Shiki: There is no way. After all, Roronoa Zoro is the partner of the

background king Straw Hat. Wherever he goes, people make fun of him.

In fact, it is a normal thing.。】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! If you have a background, you can really do

whatever you want!】

【Sengoku: Actually, I don’t think it’s necessarily Hawkeye who betrayed

Roronoa Zoro.。】

【Kaido: Huh? Warring States, what? Don’t you still have any hope for

those guys from the Seven Seas under the King? No, no, no, no, no~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, that’s right, those guys from the

Shichibukai have never really considered themselves to be members of

the World Government or the Navy Headquarters. Isn’t it normal for

them to betray them?】

【Sengoku: No, I mean… maybe Roronoa Zoro didn’t meet Hawkeye at

all on Kraikana Island!】

【Crane: Well, it is indeed possible. After all, according to the timeline,

Hawkeye at that time should have left Kraikana Island by “110” and

came to Malinfando in response to the call of the World Government.。】

【Sengoku: That’s right, so when Roronoa Zoro was photographed flying

to Kraikana Island, Hawkeye wasn’t there at all, and when Hawkeye

returned from Marineland, maybe Roronoa Zoro Already left。】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hahahaha! I disagree with this view~】

【Warring States: Huh? Blackfoot Sanji, what do you mean? !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Not to mention the way the green algae head was

injured in the video, I’m afraid it would be difficult to even move after

being shot flying, even if he landed on the Kraika in a good condition On

that island, with his wanderlust attributes, it would be absolutely

impossible for him to get out of that island within a year and a half.~】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? You curly eyebrows! What the hell do you mean? !

! ! Believe it or not, I will kill you now! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Green Algae Head, I know you are in a hurry, but

don’t worry. I am just stating a fact. It is absolutely impossible for a road

fool like you to get out on your own. of an island, unless you have

someone else to help you~】

【Roronoa Zoro: Humph! How dare you, a perverted kappa, be so

arrogant? Aren’t you afraid that the video content that will be played

later will slap you in the face? !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Come on, don’t I understand how crazy you are?

Rather than believing that you can leave the island on your own, it is

better to believe that there will be a beautiful girl waiting for you and

serving you on the island after you land!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Of course, beautiful girls and such are definitely

impossible for you! Hum hum~】


inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

after being swatted away by a bear.

After three days and three nights of flying.

Zoro finally landed on the island of Kraikana.

On this island.

There is a ruins called the Kingdom of Hizkaal.

Sauron just fell into the ruins of this kingdom.

And his whole person is still in a state of severe injury and coma.

The sound of Zoro landing

attracted “Princess Mononoke” Perona who was also flown here by the


After Perona saw that the missing person turned out to be a member of

the Straw Hats, her former enemy.

The first reaction is to leave the other party alone.

Let Sauron fend for himself here.


she flew out for a while.

But he turned back again.

It seemed that he reluctantly brought the unconscious Sauron back to the

castle at the ruins of the kingdom.

And he also bandaged Sauron’s wounds very considerately.。

【Perona:? ? ? ? ?】

【Moonlight Moria:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Perona: Is there any mistake? Why would I save that guy from the

Straw Hats? ! ! !】

【Moonlight Moria: Is there any mistake? Perona, that guy is our enemy,

what are you doing to save him? ! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Is there any mistake? ! Why is there really a beautiful

girl on that island? ! And she is actually serving that bastard with the

green algae head? ! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, how about it, curly eyebrows, you got slapped in

the face in the end, right?~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: No! I can not accept! Why did things become like this?

! Why does that guy with the green algae head enjoy such treatment? ! !


【Feng Clay: Xiao Sanji, your treatment is actually not bad. Didn’t you

get photographed and flew to the Demon Kingdom? That’s the place I

want to go to in my dreams! There is actually no need for you to envy

little Sauron.~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ? Thank you, Xiao Feng, after hearing what you

said… I felt even worse! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Damn it! Luffy was photographed flying to the

daughter country with the most beautiful pirate empress in the world,

Green Algae Head was photographed flying to an island with a cute and

beautiful girl, and what about me? ! And me? ! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Why was it that I was photographed flying to the

Demon Kingdom while riding a horse? ! Want to be with a bunch of

disgusting shemales? ! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: That’s not fair! I can not accept! ! Absolutely

unacceptable! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Ah! ! ! ! !】

【Tony Tony Chopper: It’s over, Sanji… seems to be crazy?】

【Usopp: It’s okay Chopper, don’t worry about him, he just suffered some

irritation, he will be fine later。】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Oh.~】

【Vegapunk: Ahem, if I remember correctly, Blackfoot Sanji of the Straw

Hats seems to be the son of that guy Gaji, right? If this is the case, then

the bear’s behavior may indeed be more or less vindictive.~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? Um? ! What does it mean? ! ! !】

【Bega Punk: Haha, I can’t explain the specific reason to you. Anyway,

there was some grudge and hatred between Xiong and Gaji back then, so

when Xiong slapped you away, he might have considered that you were

Gaji’s son. identity, so I made a little prank on you~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? Damn it! I’m not the son of that bastard Gaji! I

had already severed the father-son relationship with him, but I didn’t

expect that he would suffer such an unreasonable disaster. I was really

angry! ! !】


inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

under Perona’s treatment and care.

Zoro finally woke up from his coma.

But his current state

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] is extremely


The serious injuries suffered on the body cannot be healed in a short


But Zoro is still extremely persistent in wanting to leave here.

Rush back to the Shampoo Islands to meet up with Luffy and others.

After blocking the opponent several times, Perona

finally gave up the idea of keeping Sauron.

He was allowed to leave the castle.


we were not far away from the castle.

Zoro was blocked by a huge baboon.

Immediately afterwards.

Hawkeye, who has returned from Marine Headquarters Marinevando,


He told Zoro everything about what happened to Luffy at the Marine


When he learned that Ace died in front of Luffy.

Zoro suddenly became more eager to meet Luffy!

at his request.

Hawkeye lent his boat to the other party.


Zoro just dragged the boat towards the seaside.

However, not long after,

he was blocked by a group of baboons.

These baboons have strong imitation and learning abilities.

Very strong.

Sauron, who was seriously injured, was unable to break through their


Even the boat that was finally borrowed was destroyed.

And Zoro himself fell into a coma again.

I don’t know how long it took.


A crisp cry woke him up from his coma。

“Hello! Get up!”


“How many times do you have to be knocked down before you give up?


“I am the one who bandages your wounds!”

“At least you should consider it for me, right? ! ”

Perona stood beside Zoro. She put

her hands on her hips and

complained with some dissatisfaction.

Faced with Perona’s nagging,

Zoro tilted his head slightly and

said in a deep voice:

“have a finger in the pie. ”

Hearing this,

Perona smiled slyly.

Then she raised the newspaper in her hand.。


“Fortunately, I even got the latest newspaper from the newspaper

delivery guy.。”

“It contains the latest news about your captain~”

After finishing his words,

Zoro, who had been ignoring Perona,

suddenly sat up from the ground.

Regardless of his injuries, he

took a handful from Perona’s hand. I grabbed the newspaper and

started to read it very seriously.

The picture froze.

The barrage army passed by –

hahahaha! Perona is really a cute little loli with an upright mouth~

Yes, even though she said No matter how old Suo Da was, she helped Suo

Da bandage his wounds time and time again!

Not only that, she also specially brought newspapers with news about

Luffy for Suo Da. She was such a nice person! Although

Perona seemed a little bit She is arrogant and has a bad temper, but she

is still very kind at heart! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel

Network!) That’s right!

After all, Perona is a little loli who loves dolls so much, and she can be so

bad no matter how bad she is. Where to go~

I have to say that Perona is indeed a good person! It’s a pity that she is

with a guy like Moria…

Looking at the content in the video, I feel that Soda and Perona are a bit

compatible. Why is it?

I I think so too! To be honest, the interaction between these two people is

really good! The

steely straight man and the tsundere little loli really have a sense of CP!

Benkeijia is online again!

I’m so excited呑呑呑!!!

Kuina, Dusky, and Sanji, I’m sorry, please allow me to stand for a second

at this moment, Sope CP!


【Perona:? ? ? ? ?】

【Guina:? ? ? ? ?】

【Dasqi:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Wait! Why would I get involved? ! What the hell does

this barrage mean? ! ! ! 】

Inside the projection screen…….

The video continues to play –

after reading the newspaper for a long time. Zoro finally understood the

true meaning of Luffy’s

message from the news report about the Straw Hat Boy’s return to

Marinefando ! Immediately afterwards. Camera switch. The scene came

to Hawkeye’s castle. At this moment, Zoro was kneeling in front of

Hawkeye and lowered his head in the direction of Hawkeye. His forehead

hit the floor hard!


“Please teach me sword skills! ”

Zoron’s voice was extremely low and firm.

But after Hawkeye saw this move of the other party,

there was an expression of disappointment and disdain on his face.。

“I really misjudged the wrong person, Roronoa Zoro!”

“You actually bow your head to the enemy and ask for advice……”

“How shameless!”

“Get out!”

“I’m not interested in useless men。”

“I seem to have overestimated you…….”


Facing Hawkeye’s scolding and expulsion.

Zoro, however, still knelt on the spot motionless.

No intention of leaving at all.

See this.

Hawkeye couldn’t help but frown again.

He asked in a deep voice:

“What are you doing?”

“Stop being embarrassed! Sauron

responded without hesitation:

“I want to become stronger! ! ! ”

Eagle Eye said disdainfully:

“Defeated by a baboon and unable to leave the sea……”

“Come back shamelessly。”

“I have nothing to teach such a man! Zoro

did not raise his head.

He just responded in a low voice:

“baboon words……”

“I’ve killed them all!”


“All that’s left is your head! ”

When Zoro said these words,

the bandages wrapped around his body

were constantly seeping red blood!

There is no doubt that……

He had another hard fight before coming back here.

The injuries on his body have worsened a lot again!

But even so.

His expression and eyes remained unwavering!

Hear the words.

Hawkeye was slightly startled.

I couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

To know……

Obviously not long ago,

Zoro had nothing to do with the baboons outside 5.3!

How long has it been since?

The other party actually knocked down all those baboons? !

And still with such a seriously injured body? !

This made Hawkeye’s view of Sauron change a lot in an instant.

And while he was thinking about it.

Sauron continued to say in a slow and deep voice:

“After that it’s your head!”

“But now I’m not stupid enough to think I can defeat you……”

Eagle Eye asked with some confusion:

“I really don’t understand……”

“Since you still regard me as your enemy, why do you have to bow your

head and ask me for advice?”

“What is it for? ”

It wasn’t until this moment that

Sauron raised his head.

He looked directly into Eagle Eyes and replied:

“To surpass you! ! ! ”

Hearing this answer,

Hawkeye suddenly laughed.。


“Do you want me to personally train a swordsman who will take my head

in the future? !”

“What a strange guy~”

“Haha, my stupid and childish behavior hasn’t changed at all.。”

“But it looks like……”

“You have found something more important than your own ambitions. ”

Speaking of this,

Hawkeye paused.

Then he turned his head slightly and

said to Perona beside him:

“Hey, little ghost girl。”

“Help this guy take care of his wounds。”

“After the injury is healed, start training! ”

Hearing Hawkeye’s words,

Sauron’s face suddenly showed a smile of joy.

And the corner of Hawkeye’s mouth also raised a smile of relief.

He thought to himself:

“What a clumsy guy……”

“When a man like you is willing to throw away his pride…….”

“It must be for someone! ”.

Chapter 126

The picture freezes.

Dense barrage floated by –

Suo Da is really great, I cried to death!

In order to become stronger and to be able to help Luffy, Soda was even

willing to bow his head and kneel down to Hawkeye for advice!

Able to bend and stretch, this is a real man! ! !

Suo Da is simply a model of a perfect man in my mind!

Oh~ Really? It turns out that the perfect man in my heart is a road fool~

(dog head)

Hahahaha! Brother upstairs, how presumptuous you are~ (dog head)

Hahahaha! This sentence of “luchi” makes me laugh to death! (Dog


Zoro:? ? ? Are you polite? ! ! !

But then again, Hawkeye is really a good guy!

Yes, listen to what Soda said just now. He said that he asked Hawkeye for

swordsmanship in order to be able to remove Hawkeye’s head later. This

is not the attitude of a normal person asking for help! Hahahaha~

The key is that Hawkeye actually agreed to such an explosive request to

become a disciple!

So say……The eagle-eyed people are pretty good~

hahahaha! Hawkeye is about to start his journey of raising a baby~ (dog


and he has a son and a daughter, both children! (dog head)

No wonder Hawkeye smiles so happily in the video~ (dog head)

【Jorah Kormihawk:……】

【Warring States:? ? ? what’s the situation? ! That guy Hawkeye actually

became Roronoa Zoro’s teacher in the future? ! ! !】

【Crane: This is really great news…….】

【Porusalino: This news is even more shocking than Pluto Rayleigh

becoming Straw Hat’s teacher.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la ~ Next, unless it is confirmed that Kaido is the teacher

of Straw Hat, I think there may be no other news that can be as shocking

as this, right?】

【Kaido:? ? ? Qingzhi, what the hell are you talking about? ! What does

it mean that I am the teacher of Straw Hat Boy? ! I would be merciful if I

didn’t tear the Straw Hat Boy into pieces! Teacher? It’s better not to say

such groundless words in the future!】

【Charlotte Lingling 17: Well, well, well~ Kaido, your reaction to this is

really huge.~】

【Kaido: Nonsense! If people kept saying that you were the teacher of

that bastard kid from Straw Hat, wouldn’t you react much? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, that’s true, and I get angry when I talk

about it! I didn’t expect that Katakuri guy to become Straw Hat’s teacher.

I’m really pissed off!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ I suddenly realized how come these little guys in

the Straw Hats have so many teachers?】

【John: Yes, let’s not talk about the background king of Straw Hat Boy.

Unexpectedly, Roronoa Zoro also became a disciple, and the teacher was

actually the world’s greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk!】

【Silver Ax: Roronoa Zoro, this little guy, is already a swordsman with

great potential. If he is taught by Hawkeye, the world’s greatest

swordsman, I really don’t know how far he can grow in the future!】

【Wang Zhi: But to be honest, if I had been another swordsman, I’m

afraid there would be no chance that I would be able to accept Hawkeye

as my master even if I spent my whole life struggling. I can only say

that……He is truly worthy of being a partner of the Background King!】

【Rocks D. Gibek: Words……In this case, can the Hawkeye guy also be

regarded as the background of Straw Hat? After all, he is now considered

the teacher of Straw Hat’s friends.。】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ In a sense, it is indeed true.。】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Eagle Eye, Eagle Eye, I didn’t expect that even a

solitary guy like you would become an apprentice. It’s really


【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Is this the charm of Background King Straw

Hat and his friends? 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after taking Hawkeye as his mentor.

Zoro’s training soon began.

His initial training target

was the baboon leader on the island.

The baboon imitated and learned Hawkeye’s sword skills.

Extremely powerful!

Zoro was not even a match for the opponent at first.

But it is precisely because there is such a powerful sparring partner.

His strength also began to grow and improve at an extremely fast speed!

Time flies.

Two full years have passed!

In the past two years.

Sauron has been staying on the island of Kraikana to practice with Eagle


And Perona also stayed here.

Two years later.

The time the Straw Hats agreed to reunite is approaching.

With the help and guidance of Perona, Sauron

successfully arrived at the Shampoo Islands.

And when Sauron came to Xia Qi’s rip-off bar,

he found that he was the first to arrive in the group.

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by –

Oh my God! Good luck! ! !

Soda was actually the first among the Straw Hats to arrive at the

Chambord Islands? ! ! !

A road-crazy person actually became the first one to reach his

destination. This is simply unbelievable!

All this is thanks to Perona!

Yes, if Perona hadn’t shown the way to Suo Da again and again, Suo Da

might not have been able to reach the Grand Route in his life! (Tou Tou)

Being the first to arrive at the Shampoo Islands, I feel like Suo Da can

brag about it for the rest of his life!

Guys upstairs, be more confident and remove the words “I feel”!

This incident alone is enough to make Soda’s tail go up to the sky~

I suspect that when Soda dies, his epitaph will read like this – the first of

the Straw Hats to arrive at the Chambord Islands member! (Dog Head)

Luffy: Zoro, the weather is really nice today!

Zoro: How do you know I was the first to arrive at the Shampoo Islands?

(Dog Head)

Usopp: Zoro, let’s go fishing together!

Zoro: How do you know I was the first to arrive at the Shampoo Islands?


Chopper: Zoro……

Zoro: How do you know I was the first to arrive at the Shampoo Islands?

(Dog head)

Hahahahaha! Upstairs is so real~

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Nami:? ? ? ? ?】

【Usopp:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? ! ! ! real or fake? ! Sauron was actually the first

among us to reach the Chambord Islands? How incredible!】

【Roronoa Zoro: It’s just gay, nothing to be surprised about~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: I knew it! As soon as this news comes out, this guy

Green Algae Head will definitely be in trouble!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, do you have any objections? If you have any

opinions, please leave them to me! Who told me to be the first to reach

the Sh

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ampoo


【Perona: Hum, what a childish man, shouldn’t you thank me? If the lady

in the video hadn’t worked so hard to guide you, how could you have

arrived at the shampoo group first? 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

after arriving first at the Shampoo Islands.

Zoro, who was getting bored waiting for the others, planned to rent a

small boat and go fishing.

It turned out that I was on the wrong boat.

He ran to a pirate ship next door that was heading to Fish-Man Island.

When the pirate ship dived underwater.

Only then did Zoro realize that he had boarded the wrong ship.

So he immediately drew his sword and

split the pirate ship in half!

The wrecked ship resurfaced.

Sauron sat on the boat pole and slowly put away his sword.


A group of pirates roared at him in despair:

“You bastard!”

“He actually gave us our ship……”

“You ruined our dream of going to the New World! ! ! ”

Listening to the roars of those pirates,

Sauron slowly put the sword back into its sheath.

He said in a deep voice without changing his expression: (To read

Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Everything has its own destiny。”

“If you want to blame, just blame you for getting on the same boat as the

God of Plague.。”


“Wrong ship! ”

The screen freezes.

The barrage army passes by again –


How did Suo Da say this so confidently?!

It was obvious that he got on the wrong ship, but the result seemed to be

the fault of those pirates , Hahahaha~

What a group of innocent and pitiful pirates~

They suffered such an unreasonable disaster and were ridiculed by Suo

Da. How miserable, hahahaha~

Said with the most handsome posture and the most domineering tone

The funniest thing~

Is it okay for Suo Da to call himself the God of Plague? 23333~

Look at the way Suo Da split the pirate ship in half, does it look like the

posture of Hawkeye when he debuted in the East China Sea?

Hehe ! Don’t tell me, it’s really like that!

Suo Da is indeed Hawkeye’s apprentice now. Even the way he appears is

exactly the same as Hawkeye’s back then!

It’s true that like a teacher, like a disciple~

Eagle Eye smiled with relief~

In the past two years of co-writing, Hawkeye has taught Suo Da to hack

boats, right? Hahahaha~

Video continued��——

The screen started to flash by quickly.

On the Chambord Islands.

After two years of training, Sauron killed the pacifist with a single blow.

In the deep sea. Zoro easily cut off one of the octopus legs of the deep sea

giant monster Kuraken

with one move, “Three Sword Styles and Six Paths of Tsuji” . Inside the

Fishman Island. When the war breaks out between the Straw Hats and

the New Fish-Man Pirates. Zoro first used the move “Three Sword Style

Black Rope Great Tornado” and killed countless members of the new fish-

man pirate group in an instant! Then he used the “Three-Sword Style

Purgatory Demon Slash” to easily kill the strongest swordsman of the

New Fish-Man Pirates, Hozozo, instantly! Immediately afterwards. In

Punk Hassad on Icefire Island. Zoro even used a move “One-Sword Style

Shock” without using his armed Haki, and directly killed Monet, the

natural snow fruit ability user, in an instant! Just by relying on his fierce

aura, he scared Monet, a natural ability user, to the point where he could

not recover! The camera turns again. The scene came to Dressrosa. in the

screen. Zoro, dressed in a black suit, was rushing forward in mid-air at an

extremely fast speed. And not far in front of him. There is an extremely

tall rock giant that looks like a mountain! He is one of the cadres of the

Don Quixote family, Serka, who possesses the superhuman power of the

stone fruit! It can assimilate 380% of the rocks it comes into contact

with, and absorb the appearance, hardness and other properties of the

rocks as its own power. The rock giant in front of him was obviously a

masterpiece of his opponent’s Devil Fruit ability. Faced with such a

behemoth. Zoro’s expression did not waver at all. His figure continued to

rush towards the opponent. The dark armed domineering energy

instantly wrapped around the three sabers. As we get closer and closer to

Sirka. Sauron’s momentum also became stronger and stronger! at the

same time. He also said in a slow and deep voice:

“Nine mountains and eight seas, one world。”

“Thousands of worlds gather together to form a small thousand


“This world is multiplied by three, and there is no self-continuous one!”

“The secret of the three-sword style is one of the three thousand worlds! !

! ”

As Sauron’s voice fell,

his figure also came to Serka at this moment.

The next moment!

An icy cold light suddenly appeared!

An extremely sharp and piercing slash struck

towards Serka . That huge mountain-like body attacked!

It only took an instant……

Serka’s hard and huge rock body was cut in half!

Immediately afterwards.

Zoro continued to launch fierce attacks.

He forced Serka’s body out of the rock body,

and then easily killed him with one knife!

that’s all.

Apart from Doflamingo, this person,

the strongest member of the Don Quixote family,

was completely defeated by Zoro in a crushing manner!

The picture freezes.

Thick barrages floated by again—

fuck! handsome! So handsome! ! !

Liu Suolong, the king of poetry reading, started reading poetry again!

The poetry I read this time seems to be of a higher quality!

Nine mountains and eight seas, there is no self in the world! ! !

This man is so handsome! ! !

Since Suo Da returned from two years of training, his fights are basically

instant kills!

Who says it’s not! This is too damn strong! ?

Compared to two years ago, Soda has changed so much!

Yes, in every battle Soda fought two years ago, although he was able to

defeat his opponent in the end, he was also seriously injured.

The injuries Suo Da suffered two years ago and the blood he shed are

really too numerous to count!

On the other hand, two years later, Suo Da basically didn’t get hurt when

fighting with his enemies. They were all ruthlessly crushed and killed

instantly with one knife!

To describe it in one sentence, it is……Suo Da didn’t have full health two

years ago, and he didn’t lose health two years later! ! !

Chapter 127

on the projection screen.

The dense barrages are still passing by –

I have to say that the progress Suo Da has made in his two years of

practice is really huge!

yes! I even think……Soda’s growth in two years of training is greater

than Luffy’s growth in two years of training!

Two years later, Luffy’s fights with his enemies were still a 50-50 split.

No matter what the strength of the enemy, he fought back and forth until

he was able to win with difficulty in the end.

And two years later, Suo Da basically beat everyone he saw, without even

losing any blood himself!

Looking at it this way, Soda’s growth does seem to be larger than that of


There is no way, who made Luffy meet Rayleigh, a mediocre teacher~

(dog head)

In comparison, it seems that Hawkeye is a more competent teacher~

(dog head)

Hahahaha! If you put it this way, the reputation of Lao Leili, who

misleads people, is probably going to be punished~ (dog head)

【Silbarzraeli:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Sri Lanka! Zoro, you will be so strong two years

later! ! !】

【Usopp: Is this the result of two years of training under the tutelage of

the world’s greatest swordsman? How amazing!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Zoro, you are really awesome in the future!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Humph! What does this mean? ! In two years, I will

definitely be stronger than Green Algae Head, and I can easily defeat that


【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, you kid is really good at talking nonsense. After

staying in the human-monster kingdom for two full years, you are

thankful that you didn’t become a human-monster too. Do you still want

to surpass me? I want to eat shit!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? You green algae head, I’m warning you, don’t

mention the Demon Kingdom to me again! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, I just mentioned, what’s wrong? Kick me if you

can, you perverted kappa living in the shemale kingdom~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Damn it! ! ! It is unbearable! Damn green algae head, I

will kick you into a pulp! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: If that’s the case, then I’ll chop you into sashimi as a last

show of respect for you as a cook.~】

【Nami:……I really can’t stand these two guys. As their partner, I don’t

know why I suddenly feel very embarrassed…….】

【Nico Robin: I feel the same way…….】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! What a group of interesting little guys!

Having said that, the improvement in strength of this little guy Roronoa

Zoro is indeed quite amazing. He was able to grow to this point in just

two years!】

【Shiki: Judging from the video, Roronoa Zoro two years later has begun

to look like a great swordsman!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ On the one hand, this is due to the

talent and hard work of the little guy, and on the other hand, it is also

due to having the world’s greatest swordsman like Hawkeye as his


【Shanks: Tsk, tsk, tsk, Hawkeye, I didn’t expect that! I didn’t expect you

to be quite competent as a teacher. You actually taught better than Mr.


【Silbarzraeli:? ? ? Shanks, has your skin become itchy because you

haven’t been educated for too long? You actually dare to tease me now,

right? ! !】

【Shanks: Hehe~ Mr. Rayleigh, I just made a little joke following the

previous barrage, and……Mr. Reilly, I’m afraid you can’t beat me now.

You can’t educate me like you did before.~】

【Silbarzraeli:? ? ? Good boy! OK! You are successful now! You are

awesome! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Rayleigh, I never thought you would be

punished by Shanks one day~ Hahahaha! ! !】

【Silbarz Raeli:……】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera turns.

The screen came to the island where the Pirate Expo was held.

At this moment, Barrett has used the ability of the Fusion Fruit to create

a huge monster.

It is raging continuously on the island.

Zoro and the rest of the Straw Hats arrive at the shore of the island.

Be ready to help Luffy leave here at any time.

On the sea not far from the island,

there are more than ten naval warships approaching!


A figure holding a staff sword quickly attacked from one of the warships!

Zoro sensed the other party’s presence.

When he drew out three sabers to face the enemy.

It collided with the sword wielded by the opponent!

The person who came……

He is one of the new generals of the Navy Headquarters.


Zoro fought with the opponent for several rounds.

In a short period of time, he was not at a disadvantage.

But after Fujitora fought for a while.

He suddenly stopped and left.

Before leaving.

Fujitora used his staff sword to draw a purple circle on top of his head.

He said in a deep voice:

“Let this be my farewell gift to you. ”

After saying that,

Fujitora turned and left.

And within the purple circle area he drew,

an extremely powerful suction force suddenly burst out!

The next moment……

A huge shadow descended from above everyone’s heads!

It shrouded everyone’s figure!

Zoro looked up.

Then the pupils suddenly shrank!

he saw……

High in the sky,

a huge burning meteorite was falling rapidly!

It was about to bury them all!

See this situation.

Everyone around was panicked.

He quickly began to flee in all directions.

However, even so,

it is absolutely impossible to escape the scope of the huge meteorite in a

short period of time!

Just as everyone was running away.

Sauron rushed towards the huge falling meteorite.

At the same time, he began to murmur again:

“Nine mountains and eight seas, one world。”

“Thousands of worlds gather together to form a small thousand


“This world is multiplied by three, and there is no self-continuous one!”

“The secret of the three-sword style is one of the three thousand worlds! !

! ”

The words fell.

Sauron’s figure had already rushed to the huge meteorite.

The sharp slash directly split the meteorite in half! The

terrifying momentum of the fall was also buffered a lot. However


Just when everyone was a little relieved.

The huge meteorite that was cut in half continued to fall towards one

side. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you let it fall.

The situation is actually not much better than before.


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expression also condensed when he saw this.。

“Can you catch up? ! ”

He was muttering to himself.

At the same time, he was preparing to attack again.

But at this moment!


A crisp clang of swords sounded.


A slash struck from not far away.

Hit the meteorite that had been split into two halves by Sauron。

“boom! ! ! ”

Accompanied by a loud noise.

The huge meteorite was chopped into countless small pieces in an

instant! The

violent impact of the collision made Sauron’s figure in mid-air shake

uncontrollably. Get up.

He stabilized his body and fell back to the ground.

He took out the Wadou Ichimonji bit in his mouth.

Then he looked in the direction where the previous slash came.

On the bank in that direction.

At this moment, there was a man holding a hand. The man with the huge

cross black sword

is none other than the world’s greatest swordsman – Hawkeye!

And the previous slash that shattered the meteorite in an instant

was obviously made by the other man!

Hawkeye looked deeply at Zoro One glance.

Then he put Heidaoye back behind him again,

turned around and left.

Sauron looked at the direction the other party left.


The picture was frozen here.

Then the barrage army passed by again –

hahahahaha ! It made me laugh!

Suo Da seemed a little suspicious of life~

Suo Da worked hard for a long time to recite the poem, and there was

also a fancy move name, but the result was just cutting the meteorite in


On the other hand , Hawkeye didn’t have any chants, no complicated

move names, and didn’t even have a pre-cast move. With such a simple

flat A, he actually chopped the meteorite into countless small pieces!

This After a series of comparisons, the verdict is clear~

Hawkeye’s move is more or less insulting!

With Hawkeye like this, how can we pretend to be cool in front of

everyone in the future?! ( Dog Head)

Sauron: Don’t I want to lose face?! (Dog Head)

Hahahaha! I can only say that your master will always be your master~

It seems that there is still a long way to go before Suo Dali becomes the

world’s number one swordsman. ~

What if this Bo Suo Da is so attacked by Hawkeye that he doubts his life?

If that is the case, he is no longer Suo Da!

After watching this scene, Suo Da will only become more and more eager

to become stronger and strive to catch up as soon as possible. Even

surpassing Eagle Eye!

I think this should be the purpose of Eagle Eye’s sudden attack. This is a

good intention as a teacher!

Eagle Eye: Watch and learn hard, I will only teach once! (Dog Head)

Eagle Eye : Isn’t it just a small meteorite? Can’t it be done with a simple

flat A? Is it necessary to recite such a long and fancy thing? (Dog head)

Eagle Eye: With all due respect,

apprentice…….You still have to practice! (Dog Head)

Eagle Eye: At your current level, there are still hundreds of millions of

difficulties to surpass being a teacher~ (Dog Head)

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hahahaha! Green algae head, I asked you to put on so

many pussy just now, now you are finally deflated, right? ! Compared

with Hawkeye, you are really inferior! Hahahahaha~】

【Roronoa Zoro:……】

【Gion: Is it possible that just a simple flat-A slash can cut such a large

meteorite into countless small pieces? !】

【Bista: He is indeed the world’s greatest swordsman! This

swordsmanship……I can’t wait to catch up!】

【Dasqi: Is Hawkeye even so strong? ! So if he used sword skills, how

terrifying would the power be? !】

【Gol D Roger: Just level A has this kind of power, so how powerful is

his sword skill?……It must be above my divine avoidance!】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! It seems you were all deceived by that guy


【Gol D. Roger: Huh? Shanks, what do you mean?】

【Shanks: Captain Roger, you don’t know something. I have fought with

that guy Mihawk for so many years, and I have never seen him perform

any sword skills!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hiss! What’s the meaning? ! Could it be that……Even

you can’t force that Hawkeye to use his sword skills? ! his sword

skills……Is it already so terrifying? ! ! !】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Of course not, Captain Roger, the real situation is

actually……That kid Hawkeye has no sword skills at all! In other words,

that kid never calls out the name of a move!】

【Gol D. Roger: Huh? ! Don’t call out the name of the move when

making a move, that is to say……Even if he displays his sword skills, in

the eyes of others (the king’s good friend), there is actually no difference

between him and Ping A? !】

【Shanks: That’s right! That’s why everyone thought Mihawk had been

attacking with flat A!】

【Shiki: Damn it! How can you still play like this? ! ! !】

【Bista: Hiss! this……What a scheming idea! In this case, wouldn’t it

mean that the eagle’s eyes were magnified and we all thought he was just

leveling? ! ! !】

【Gion: Is that so? This operation is really confusing…….】

【John: As long as I don’t shout the name of the move, then every move I

make will be flat? !】

【Silver Ax: Fuck! Is this still possible? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: 6666~I learned another trick to show off.~】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ How about he being the number one swordsman in

the world? His way of showing off is just different from other


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ I didn’t expect that Hawkeye, a

seemingly taciturn guy, would actually���Such a careful mind~】

【Rocks D Jiback: Let others mistakenly think that no matter how

powerful his moves are, they are just average? Damn it! There’s

something to this pretense! If I had known I would have done the same

thing! ! !】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ This is indeed a unique way of showing

off, and it is exactly the opposite of Roronoa Zoro’s way of showing off!】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ One is an extremely chatty person when attacking,

and even reads a poem before launching a move. The other is extremely

silent when attacking, and does not even bother to shout out the name of

the move. How can these two guys be able to It’s incredible to become a

master and apprentice.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Maybe this is what is called opposites attract~ Li】

【Jorah Kormihawk:……】

【Roronoa Zoro:……】。

Chapter 128

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera switches.

The scene came to the country of Wano.

Zoro, Usopp, Robin, Franky and others

entered the country of Wano ahead of Luffy and Nami.

According to Kinemon’s reminder,

in order not to attract the attention of Kaido and the Beast Pirates,

to avoid alerting the enemy.

Zoro and others all disguised themselves, changed their names, and

scattered and hid throughout the country of Wano.

Zoro pretends to be a ronin.

The pseudonym is “Zoro Juro”.


He had just stayed in Wano Country in this capacity for a short time.

Just one night, I accidentally wandered near the murder scene of the

“Knife Test Murderer”.

And he just happened to pass by the masked knife-tester murderer who

was fleeing.


Zoro was regarded as a murderer by the officers and soldiers of Wano


In order not to cause riots.

He allowed the group of officers and soldiers to arrest him.

Immediately afterwards.

Zoro was taken to a shrine.

The three sabers were also handed over by the officers and soldiers.

The priest of the shrine ordered Zoro to be executed.

And gave him a knife.

He wanted Zoro to commit seppuku.

in the screen.

I saw Zoro slowly picking up the knife.

Lift it up in front of you.

It really looked like he was going to commit seppuku.


next moment!

Zoro’s expression suddenly condensed!

The dark armed domineering energy instantly wrapped around the knife.


Zoro’s figure flashed.

A dark, cold light flashed from the shrine.


A long knife edge was cut out of the chest of the Master Fengxing!

Blood gushes out like a spring.

Soon there was no sound.

And the shrine hut behind the worshipper

was also cut in half!

not far away.

Sauron turned his back to the already dead Zeng Xing who could no

longer die.

Holding the jet black knife surrounded by armed domineering.

He put on a pretty cool and cool move.

The expression is extremely cold!


It was the first time I saw this Master Zhixing in front of 223.

Zoro had already recognized that

the other person was the knife-wielding murderer he met yesterday!

That’s why.

Only then would he suddenly become violent and

kill without hesitation!

The projected image was fixed on Zoro’s posture holding a knife.

Immediately afterwards.

A dense army of barrages passed by –

ahhhhhh! ! !

handsome! So handsome! ! So handsome! ! !

It really scared me to death just now. I thought Suo Da was really going

to commit seppuku!

The so-called seppuku in the author’s book turns out to be cutting

someone’s belly in half~ (Dog Head)

It’s not just seppuku, it’s actually cutting the person in half! (Dog Head)

He cut the person and the shrine in half with just a seppuku knife. This is

too strong! ! !

Suo Da’s knife is a bit like Hawkeye’s style of challenging him with a


Two years later, when he returned to Shampoo, he cut someone else’s

pirate ship in half with a single knife. Now he only uses a knife to show

off. Isn’t this exactly the same as Hawkeye’s back then? (dog head)

Hahahaha! Suo Da has really learned all of Hawkeye’s pretentious skills~

Or maybe Suo Da is Hawkeye’s apprentice! (Dog Head)

On this day, Suo Da finally realized how satisfying it was to torture

someone with a knife!

Question Hawkeye, understand Hawkeye, become Hawkeye! (Dog Head)

Zoro: I’m sorry, I don’t have a smaller knife than this! (Dog Head)

The world’s greatest swordsman—Joracor Zoro, enter! ! ! (dog head)

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after killing the shrine master.

Zoro also attracted the attention of the Beast Pirates.

He was wanted throughout the country of Wano.

The camera turned.

The scene came to the wilderness on the outskirts of Wano Country.

Here Zoro met Ahe who was robbed by members of the Beast Pirates.

He boldly defeated the two members of the Beast Pirates.

Saved Ahe.

Immediately afterwards.

Luffy and Ayu also happened to pass by here.

Saw Sauron’s figure.

Luffy immediately rushed forward with great excitement.

The two were very happy to meet again after a long separation.

And not long after Luffy and Zoro reunited.

Supernova pirate Basil Hawkins, who was also from the Evil Generation

like them,

led a group of men from the Beast Pirates to catch up.

Now Hawkins has joined the Beast Pirates.

Became Kaido’s subordinate.

Hawkins led a group of Beast Pirates and

launched an attack on Luffy, Zoro and others.

Zoro stepped up to fight.

Luffy is responsible for protecting Ayu and Ahe.

in the screen.

I saw Hawkins activate the superhuman straw fruit ability and

summon a huge straw demon.

The ten fingers of the straw demon were all covered with extremely

sharp spikes.

Launched a fierce attack on Sauron.

Zoro, on the other hand, held the Third Generation Kitetsu and Qiushui

to attack.

It was very easy to block all the attacks of the straw demon.

Not only that. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He also launched a fierce counterattack against Hawkins.

Every slash fell on the giant straw demon.

They will all fall down with the scream of a member of the Beasts Pirates

behind Hawkins!

Immediately afterwards.

Zoro even used a move “Two Swordsman Style II to Cut the Sand Pattern

on the Tower”

to directly cut Hawkins’ straw demon in half!

See this situation.

With few scarecrows left, Hawkins finally gave up chasing Sauron and


Let them ride away on Komachiyo。

【Skullachimanap: It’s really scary. Why do you feel that even though

they are both supernovas, two years later Hawkins is no longer a match

for Roronoa Zoro? !】

【X Drake: Two years later, Hawkins could only be beaten passively in

front of Roronoa Zoro…….】

【Caponebeki: The Supernova Pirates are both from the Evil Generation.

Is the gap already so big two years later? !】

【Joe Allipone: Nonsense, why don’t you look at who Roronoa Zoro

trained with during those two years? ! how? Is your master also called

Hawkeye? There’s no way to compare!】

【Eustace Kidd: Hehehe, but then again, Hawkins, you are really

embarrassed. As a supernova pirate, you actually went to work for Kaido

as a subordinate. You have no backbone at all!】

【Basil Hawkins: It’s

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] all fate。】

【Kira: Fa Fa Fa Fa ~ Bullshit destiny! You, a guy who only knows

fortune telling all day long, are just a coward!】

【Trafalgar D. Vatierro: Not to mention anything else, in fact, from the

moment Hawkins surrendered to Kaido, it was already destined that he

would not be the opponent of the Roronoa family.。】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ You guys who don’t know the heights of heaven and

earth, isn’t it a shame to be my subordinate? As the saying goes, those

who know the current affairs are heroes! Brats like you have only two

choices in front of me, either surrender or……die!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: You’re talking nonsense! There is obviously a third

option! That is……Beat you up! ! !】

【Kaido:? ? ? Straw Hat Boy (caai), you are seeking death! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! He really deserves to be a Straw Hat boy, he

just knows how to talk, hahahahaha~]

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

the camera rolls again.

The scene came to a bridge behind Rei of Wano Country.

Here Zoro met Ushikimaru, a monk soldier who specialized in seizing


Gyukimaru recognized the famous sword Shusui on Zoro’s waist.

That’s Wano’s national treasure!


Ushikimaru started a battle with Zoro.

I want to snatch back the autumn water.

Zoro fights.

But the two of them were fighting each other.

Suddenly there was a woman’s shouting from a distance.

Immediately afterwards.

A woman in a gorgeous kimono ran over from a distance carrying a little

girl on her back.

That beautiful face was full of panic.

It seems that he is being hunted.

This woman is none other than the oiran of Wano Country—Xiao Zi!

After seeing Sauron, Xiao Zi

immediately asked him for help.

Immediately afterwards.

A strange man holding two huge scythes and his face covered with

bandages chased him from behind.

The man brandished the huge scythe in his hand.

He slashed towards Xiao Zi with extremely fierce momentum!

At this critical moment.

Zoro took action to block the bandage man’s attack.

And started a battle with the opponent.

However, during the battle between the two.

However, Ushikimaru frequently attacked Zoro from the side.

I want to take the opportunity to take back the famous sword Qiu Shui.

This gave Zoro a headache.

It also allowed the bandaged man to seize the opportunity.

Swinging a huge scythe, it pierced Sauron’s right shoulder!

The injured Zoro was completely angry.

A ferocious smile appeared on his face.

Then he launched a move “Three-Sword Style Purgatory Ghost Slash” and

instantly killed the bandaged man with an unstoppable attitude!

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by –

another instant kill! handsome! ! !

Now not only Hawkins, but also Kira, the supernova, was instantly killed

by Soda!

And this was an instant kill under the interference of that guy


If that guy Ushikimaru hadn’t been harassing Soda all the time, Soda

wouldn’t have even been hurt when he beat Kira!

To be honest, that Ushikimaru is indeed a bit annoying!

Although it is known that he is actually a fox who has eaten the Renren

Fruit, a fantasy beast species that has entered the Taoist form, and is also

a fox from the Shuangyue Family. He wants to take back Qiu Shui

because of his loyalty to the Shuangyue Family, but his operations in the

video are to some extent It’s a bit off-putting.

If Gyukimaru knew that Zoro was actually a descendant of the Shigetsuki

family, and that the autumn water was given to Zoro by Ryoma himself, I

wonder what he would think~ Hahahaha

! If he knew this, he would definitely not be so shameless about grabbing

Qiushui anymore, and he might even rely on Suo Da~

This wave…….This wave really flooded the Dragon King Temple, and the

whole family no longer knew each other!

It’s a pity that Qiu Shui has been with Suo Da for so long, only to be

taken back by these guys from Wano Country after a disagreement!

Fortunately, Xiao Zi later gave Yan Mo to Suo Da as compensation.

Otherwise, let alone Suo Da, even I would not be happy!

【Eustace Kidd: Huh? ! etc! Those comments just now said……Is the

bandaged man in the video Kira? ! ! ! No wonder I thought the bandage

man’s laughter sounded familiar to me just now!】

【Kira: The bandage man in the video looks……It’s really me! But why

did I become Kaido’s subordinate? ! ! !】

【Basil Hawkins: Haha, who was there just now mocking me for being

spineless? As a result, isn’t it the same now?】

【Eustace Kidd: Impossible! Hawkins, Kira is different from you. He is

definitely not the kind of person who would compromise with Kaido,

even if it means death! So there must be something hidden here!】

【Basil Hawkins: Haha, whatever you say, the facts are already there.】

【X Drake: After Hawkins, was Kira also instantly killed by Roronoa

Zoro? This guy’s strength is really terrifying!】

【Kapenbeki: It feels like we supernovas are no longer on the same level

as him two years later…….】

【Skulach Manap: Alas, there is no way, who can let me have a good


【Ulki: It turns out that not only the background of Straw Hat Boy is

extremely powerful, but also the background of Roronoa Zoro cannot be

underestimated! We grassroots supernovas are incomparable to rich

second generations like them! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Damn it! The guy named Ushikimaru in the video

actually took away my sex? ! ! ! But what kind of sword is Yama? Those

barrage said that this sword will replace Qiu Shui and become my new

sword? !】

【Hiyori Kozuki: Enma? ! Isn’t that the knife my father left me? ! But

judging from the video, it was this swordsman who saved me. It seemed

reasonable and reasonable that I would use Yama as a thank you and

exchange for the national treasure of Wano, Shusui.。】

【Kozuki Oden: Yama……That is one of my two favorite knives! Like

Ryoma-senpai’s famous sword Shusui, it ranks among the twenty-first

skills of the Great Knife. My friend Zoro, Hiyori exchanged Yama for

Shusui with you. In fact, you didn’t lose anything, hahahahaha.~】

【Kozuki Oden: Oh! correct! Let me tell you secretly, I used this Yama to

leave a wound on Kaido’s chest. I hope you can keep up your efforts and

use this knife to hit Kaido two more times until he screams!】

【Kaido:? ? ? ? ? 】.

Chapter 129

【Kaido:? ? ? Oden, what the hell are you thinking about? ! It didn’t

matter that you were able to break through my defense back then. Do

you think that with that brat’s strength, you can still break through my

defense like you? ! It’s simply a fantasy! ! !】

【Kozuki Oden: Haha, that’s not necessarily the case, Kaido. This

Roronoa kid studied under the world’s greatest swordsman, Hawkeye,

and now he has Enma, one of the two swords I used to defeat you.

,nothing is impossible~】

【Kaido: Humph! I think you should stop talking nonsense here! I will

put my words here today. If that Roronoa Zoro can break through my

defenses, I will stand on the spot…….Show off ten barrels of spirits! ! !】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? Eh? ! That’s not right, Kaido, the flag you set

seems wrong, right? Shouldn’t it be that if Roronoa Zoro can break your

defense, you will eat ten pounds of Xiang on the spot? ! ! !~】

【Kaido: Ugh~Old captain, do you think I would be as stupid as you to

set up such a stupid flag that is harmful to myself? Although I was 100%

confident that that kid would never be able to defeat me, but setting this

flag would not do me any good. Why would I do such a stupid thing?~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……】

【John: Hahahaha! Kaido’s moves this time are quite impressive.~】

【Silver Ax: At this moment, the old captain felt as if his IQ had been

crushed, hahahaha~】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! Only the old captain would be stupid enough to

always set a flag that is easy to get slapped in the face and is very cruel

to himself.~】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Kaido, you really taught the old captain a lesson

this time.~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, Tianxiu!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I can even imagine the old captain’s

livid expression at this moment.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ?%*!!!】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera starts to switch rapidly.

The unconscious Zoro was taken back to Reihou’s wooden house by

Hiyori for treatment.

And he also gave Yama to Sauron as compensation.

To replace the autumn water that was taken away by Ushikimaru.

While the samurai warriors of Wano are preparing for a general attack on

the Beast Pirates.

Zoro also began to adapt to this new sword.

Although Yan Mo has the same character as Qiu Shui and He Dao,

they are both one of the twenty-one skills of the Great Knife.

But it is more difficult to control than Qiushui and Hedao Yiwen.

It will even actively absorb the user’s domineering energy.

If one is not careful,

the user may even be sucked dry by it! Therefore, it has become

somewhat difficult

to completely conquer and control Yama . The camera turns again. The

scene came to the evening of the Fire Festival. The Straw Hat Pirates and

the samurai of Wano Country attack Onigashima. Launched an all-out

war against the Beast Pirates! Zoro also came to Onigashima Castle with

everyone. The battle against the Beast Pirates begins. One of the three

major signboards of the Beast Pirates,

“”Epidemic” Quinn launched a virus weapon called “Ice Ghost” in the


Many people on the field, including the Beast Pirates, were infected with

the Ice Ghost virus.

Thick condensation formed all over their bodies. Thick frost.

This virus will make the poisoned person go crazy and

start attacking regardless of friend or foe.

It will also consume a lot of their physical strength and vitality. If they

go crazy, they will die of exhaustion in a short time!

Not only that,

this virus also has Extremely contagious.

As long as you are touched, you will be infected.


A terrifying ice ghost virus crisis is raging in the venue of Onigashima

Castle without distinguishing between friend and foe!

The antibody potion that can unlock the ice ghost virus

was given by Quinn to Skurachi Manap, who was also a supernova like

Zoro and others,

but was now a subordinate of the Beast Pirates.

Apu carried the antibody drug and

fought with Drake in the venue.

However, the two are equally powerful.

For a while, Drake was unable to snatch the antibody potion away from


And just then.

Zoro suddenly saw an arm falling from the hole in the ceiling.

He recognized it immediately. That was one of the Nine Red Scabbards

fighting Kaido

on the rooftop of Onigashima Castle.


Aju’s arm!

Zoro suddenly fell silent when he saw this scene.

His face also turned gloomy.

he knows……

I can’t waste any more time here!


next moment……

Zoro held Enma and Sandaiki Tetsu in hand and

slowly walked towards Apu’s location.

He walked very slowly.

Along the way,

many members of the Beast Pirates attacked.

But they were all killed instantly by Sauron silently with a sword swing.

Immediately afterwards.

He came to Apu and Drake who were fighting.

Drake saw Sauron arriving.

He quickly said:

“come yet?”

“quick! Help me!”

“Let’s defeat him together and grab the antibodies to the ice ghost virus!


Sauron remained silent after hearing Drake’s words. He

didn’t seem to agree to the other party’s proposal.

Apu couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

He was still worried at first. .

If Sauron really joins forces with Drake to deal with him,

then he may really not be able to hold on.

But if he fights alone,

Apu feels that he will not be able to fight either Sauron or Drake. No



Just when Apu just breathed a sigh of relief.

Zoro moved!

I saw him slowly putting Yama and the Third Generation Ghost back into

their scabbards.

Then he took out a small section of the word “和道”.

Hold the hilt of the sword with one hand.

Holding the scabbard with one hand.

Bow down slightly!

next moment!

Zoro’s figure rushed towards Apu’s position!

Accompanied by a flash of icy cold light.

Zoro has arrived behind Apu.

Hedao Yiwen has all been withdrawn into its sheath.

On the other side,

Apu let out a scream.

There was a horrific wound on the chest!

all of a sudden……

Blood splatters!

Apu rolled his eyes.

The whole person fainted directly.

The body fell backward.

The bottle of ice ghost virus antibody in his hand was thrown away.

He w

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] as caught

firmly by Zoro.

The picture freezes.

The translucent barrage army passed by again –

cool! ! !

Awesome! ! !

so cool! ! !

If you don’t agree with each other, you will immediately kill him. Suo Da

is so handsome!

This is already the third Supernova Pirate to be killed instantly by Soda!

I think I can even give Suo Da the title of Supernova Killer! (To read

Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Two years ago, these supernova pirates kept pace with Suo Da, but now

they have completely become Suo Da’s background!

Soda defeated three Supernova Pirates in a row in Wano Country, and the

queue was filled to the brim! ! !

Sauron: I got up, and I was dead in a matter of seconds. What is there to

say? (Dog Head)

It seems that Suo Da is really angry. Not only did Miaoren stop reading

the poem this time, he didn’t even shout out the name of the move!

Yes, this is really a rare scene where Suo Da didn’t call out the name of a


Facts have proved that Suo Da is not only reciting poems and shouting

famous moves, he is also quite capable in instantly making people look

like they are without saying a word!

I feel like after this episode, Soda and Hawkeye look a lot alike again!

It’s over, Hawkeye’s little trick of showing off without shouting out the

name of a move was also learned by Suo Da! (Gotou)

Oh, if this continues, Hawkeye will really be wiped out by Suo Da~


【Skulachmanap: Damn it! Was even me defeated by Roronoa Zoro? !

The gap between me and him two years later……Is it really that big? ! !


【Eustace Kidd: Haha, isn’t it normal for you cowards who have lost your

temper and will only succumb to others’ will to be separated?】

【Skulachmanap: Hey, hey! Kidd, I’m not happy to hear what you’re

saying. Don’t forget, wasn’t your Kira killed by Roronoa Zoro just like us?


【Kira: Mine is different. There must be some special reason why I

became Kaido’s subordinate. Moreover, the weapon I used in that video

was not my own weapon “Punisher’s Scythe”, so it didn’t play its role at

all. Show your true strength! 】

Ask for flowers

【Basil Hawkins: Haha, you guys from the Kidd Pirates really have

enough excuses~]

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after defeating Apu.

Zoro gave the Ice Ghost virus antibodies to Chopper.

With Marco’s help, he

successfully reached the roof of Onigashima Castle.

When Zoro arrived on the roof.

Kidd, Kira and Luo were already there.

Not long after Zoro arrived,

Luffy also caught up from behind.

And the other side.

Kaido and Big Mom, the two four emperors, have been waiting on the

rooftop of Onigashima for a long time.


The battle between the five Supernova Pirates and the two Yonko has


When Big Mom held the Sun Homitz Prometheus and

launched “Fire from the Sky” towards Luffy who had just finished

fighting Kaido.

Zoro quickly rushed behind Luffy and easily cut Big Mom’s Sun Homitz

Prometheus in half

with a move he stole from Kin’emon, the “Foxfire Flame Splitting Slash” !

Immediately afterwards. Zoro and Kira launched an attack on Kaido


“Beheading whirlwind!”

“Three-sword style purgatory ghost slaying! ”

The sharp slashes fell on Kaido at the same time.


facing Kaido, who is known as the “strongest creature”.

The two blows did not seem to cause any harm to Kaido.

The battle continued.

When Kaido, who transformed into a blue dragon,

hovered in the sky and breathed out a terrifying heat breath at Gear 4

Luffy who was also flying in the air.

Zoro attacked again.

With the help of Law’s surgical fruit ability,

he reached a higher place than the two of them. position.

From top to bottom, he once again used the “Fox Fire Flame Slash”

to kill all the hot breath breathed out by Kaido!

But Zoro’s attack did not stop there.

He was falling rapidly. Suddenly shouted:


“Terra Man! ”

Down below.

After hearing Sauron’s cry,

Luo raised his finger with an unhappy look on his face.

He activated the power of the surgical fruit again

and moved Sauron to a higher position.

In the picture,

only Sauron was seen . Takashi looked down at Qinglong Kaido directly


He grasped the newly acquired famous sword Enma with both hands.

On the blade,

jet-black armed domineering energy continued to surge like a tide.

This famous sword was constantly flowing. The ground absorbs Sauron’s

domineering energy.


the armed domineering energy gushes out from the blade.

It condenses into a giant flame dragon on the top of Zoro’s head!

The condensed flame dragon

emits The sense of oppression

is actually comparable to that of Kaido in the form of a blue dragon


It’s extremely terrifying!

“A sword flowing with flying dragon flames! ”

With Sauron’s roar,

the huge flaming flying dragon swooped down!

This blow that had defeated the dragon-slaying warrior Frost Moon

Ryoma hundreds of years ago on the terrifying three-masted ship was

now heading towards The strongest creature, Blue Dragon Kaido, quickly


Facing this blow,

Kaido’s expression suddenly condensed.

A sense of crisis arose in his heart!

On the side,

the aunt also opened her eyes wide and

shouted anxiously towards Kaido. road:

“Kaido, get out of the way!”

“That’s no ordinary knife! ”

Auntie shouted.

Kaido also made the same judgment.

The emperor of the sea, who has dominated the sea for many years ,

finally chose to dodge

when faced with the attack launched by Sauron ! I saw the dragon in the

form of a blue dragon. Kaido suddenly twisted his body and barely

managed to dodge the blow when the flying dragon flames came in front

of him. But even so! The sharp slash attached to the flying dragon flames

still left traces on Kaido’s face. There was a long wound! Blood gushed

out from the wound. A bloody red! Not only that. The flying dragon

flame did not dissipate after breaking Kaido’s defense . Instead, it rushed

directly into the distance and swept the ghost island. A corner of the

huge skull was cut off! The power of Sauron’s attack was terrifying.


Everyone present was shocked! ! Of! .

Chapter 130

The picture freezes.

The dense barrage army passed by –

hiss! ! ! ! !

Kaido’s defense was actually broken by Soda! ! !

Kaido, known as the strongest creature, was actually injured by Soda? ! !


Damn it! So awesome! ! !

Suo Da’s sword frightened both Kaido and Big Mom!

After such a long time, I finally saw Ambassador Suo use the Flying

Dragon Flame move again!

The power of this move that defeated Ryoma was indeed extraordinary!

Is Suo Da actually already so strong? It’s so terrifying! ! !

Kaido had never dodged any attacks when fighting Luffy and the others

before, but when faced with Soda’s move, he chose to dodge it!

The row of noodles in Soda was full instantly!

This move of flying dragon flame not only successfully broke through

Kaido’s defense, but also flattened one of the horns of the giant skull on


Skull: You are amazing and noble. If you want to fight Kaido, fight Kaido.

Why are you cutting my horn? !

Skull: In the end, I took on all this……(dog head)

【Kaido:? ? ? What’s going on with this special girl? ! I actually got my

defense broken by that brat? ! ! !】

【Kozuki Oden: Hehe, Kaido, what did I just say? That Roronoa boy took

my Yama and combined it with his own strength to break your defense.

Isn’t it a matter of course?~】

【John: Hahahaha! Kaido, luckily you weren’t as stupid as the old

captain just now, setting a flag for flying.~】

【Silver Ax: Yes, if it had been the old captain in this wave just now, he

would probably have to eat Xiang “Two-Fifty” now.~】

【Wang Zhi: You are so clever. You changed the content of the flag to

drink ten barrels of spirits if the defense is breached. Then wouldn’t that

be an advantage for you?】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? grass! You bastards have started to mock me

again, haven’t you? ! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, well, Kaido, you are really

embarrassed this time. Your defense was actually broken by such a little

guy. It is simply a great shame and humiliation.~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Sri Lanka! Zoro, you are so awesome! Two years

later, you are really strong! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Damn it! He was actually tricked by this guy Green

Algae Head! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: I am a man who wants to surpass the world’s greatest

swordsman. Isn’t it normal to do such a thing? What’s all the fuss about?


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Fuck! This green algae guy said he was fat and he

even got breathless! ! !】

【Kaido: Humph! Kid, don’t be too proud. Even if you manage to break

through my defense once, it will be because of Oden’s sword. With your

little ability, I can still easily crush you to death!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Kaido, I think you said this a little too

early. Don’t underestimate today’s young people.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! I’m quite optimistic about little guys like

Straw Hat and Roronoa Zoro. They are the real new era!】

【Shanks: Indeed, we are all already strong men from the old era. If we

underestimate the new era, we may be accidentally shot to death on the

beach by the new era!】

【Eustace Kidd: So…….Is this why you gave me a divine refuge as soon

as you came up? Red hair? ! ! ! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera switches.

in the screen.

On the rooftop of Onigashima.

Zoro was carrying Luffy, who was in Gear 4 sequelae, and running away.

Avoiding attacks from Kaido and Big Mom.


Kaido, hovering high in the sky, started to move!

I saw him struggling to twist his huge green dragon body.

The whole body is constantly rotating like a spiral.

Immediately afterwards……

The wind howls!

The strong winds condensed into huge tornadoes around Kaido.

Then it swept away in all directions with extremely fierce power!

Kaido at this moment……

It’s like a natural disaster!

Countless tornadoes came raging.

Luffy, who was originally carried on Zoro’s shoulders, was blown into the


Then Kaido, who had been waiting for a long time, swallowed it into his


See this situation.

Zoro below suddenly became anxious.

He pulled out the three sabers at his waist.

Looking at the sky where Kaido was,

he shouted angrily:


“You bastard!”

“Don’t try to eat our captain! ! ! ”


Zoro bit Wado Ichimonji in his mouth.

He held Yama and the third generation of ghosts tightly with both hands.

The dark armed domineering energy continued to pour out from Yama’s

blade again.

On top of Zoro’s head The top once again condensed into the shape of a

giant dragon.

This giant dragon looked at Kaido in the form of a blue dragon through

the air.

His momentum was not lost at all!

The next moment!

Zoro suddenly waved the sword in his hand!

“Three-sword style black rope tornado! ”

With Zoro’s sharp shout, the giant black dragon began to twist its huge

body quickly

like Kaido just now ! Then, a black tornado took shape. It moved towards

Kaido at an extremely fast speed. Kaido swept away. The next moment,

the opponent was enveloped in it! Within the black tornado, countless

piercing wind blades bombarded Kaido’s body. It actually destroyed his

blue dragon body covered with hard dragon scales. Huge wounds were

opened! Blood spurted out from the wounds! Kaido screamed in pain. His

mouth opened uncontrollably. And Luffy, who had been swallowed by

him before, was able to escape! The scene was frozen. The barrage army

passed by again – hiss! Soda is so fierce! I didn’t expect that Soda’s three-

sword style black rope tornado can actually break Kaido’s defense! It can

be seen from the video that now Soda’s The attacks seem to be led by

Yama! Although Oden is a terrible person, there is a saying that his

sword is indeed a bit awesome! I feel that if it were Qiushui, Soda is

really not good at the moment. We must be able to do this! In this battle,

Suo Dai really worried about saving Luffy~ Hahahahaha! Who can say

otherwise? In this battle, Suo Dai even gave me a pawn. It feels like a

nanny! Nonsense! The nanny is obviously Luo, right?! (Gotou) That’s

right! No one can take away Luo’s role as na

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] nny! (Gotou)

Luo is the real best nanny! (Gotou) I would like to call him Luo

……Nanny King! (dog head)

【Trafalgar D. Vatierro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Rocks D Jiback: Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Kaido, can you do it? He was actually

broken twice by that little guy?】

【John: Yes, Kaido, can you do it?】

【Silver Ax: Pass it on, Kaido is dying~】

【Wang Zhi: Pass it on, Kaido is not good at that.~】

【Shiki: Pass on, Kaido is not good at that, and even the child is not his

own~] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Kaido:? ? ? ? ? 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera switches again.

in the screen.

Kaido and Big Mom stood side by side.

And across from them.

Luffy, Zoro and other five supernovas were also lined up side by side.

The battle continues till now.

Both sides seemed to be a little impatient.


The aunt smiled evilly and said:

“Well, well, well~”

“Kaido, come and have a hard time!”

“Let’s see how many of those five brats can survive~”

Hearing this,

Kaido laughed knowingly. He

agreed to Auntie’s proposal.

The screen froze.

The barrage flashed across –

Huh?! Wait! What did Auntie just say? Coming?!!!

Did I hear you right?! Come and have a good time? What kind of talk is


Damn! Car! Such a fast car!!!

Could the aunt want to be here ? in broad daylight……(dog head)

Crazy! It’s simply heartbreaking!

Disgraceful to gentlemen! It is really insulting to gentlemen!

I didn’t expect that Big Mom and Kaido’s relationship would be so good,

and they would do whatever they say! (dog head)

I think the next scene will definitely be quite exciting~ (dog head)

【Kaido:? ? ? ? ?】

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? ? ?】

【John: Hiss! Kaido, Lingling, are you two too open-minded? ! ! !】

【Silver Ax: Do you want to have sex just because you disagree? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: You two really dare to think and do this!】

【Charlotte Lingling: You guys, shut up! What are you doing there? ! The

words I said in the video are obviously not what the barrage

misinterpreted! ! !】

【Kaido: That’s right! Lingling’s intention is obviously to let me join her

in firing “Hai Hai” on those brats. What kind of ghosts are these barrage

talking about? ! ! !】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ Ling, Kaido, I don’t think you two should explain.

Explanation is concealing, and concealing means it’s true.~】

【Rocks D. Jibek: I know that Kaido and Lingling had a very good

relationship in the past, but I really didn’t expect them to be so good! Tsk

tsk tsk tsk~】


【Charlotte Lingling:……】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ To be serious, it seems that Kaido and

Lingling in the video are indeed joining forces to use “Hai Domination”


【Gol D. Roger: If I remember correctly, this move seems to have been

improved by the two of them from the giant’s combined attack move

“Hegemony”. It’s quite astonishingly powerful…….】

【Shanks: If Kaido and Big Mom really want to join forces to use “Hai

Hai”, I can’t help but be a little worried…….Can Luffy and the others

withstand this blow?。】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, don’t be delusional. Even you guys

wouldn’t dare to fight head-on with the “Hai Hai” that Kaido and I jointly

used, let alone those little guys like them.~】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ If they don’t dodge this move, I think it’s not

impossible that all five brats will be wiped out.~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Nani? ! Is the next move so powerful? !】

【Eustace Kidd: Did even the red-haired guy think so highly of this

move? I’m afraid that power cannot be underestimated…….】

【Trafalgar D. Vatierro: We definitely can’t take this move head on. I just

don’t know if we in the video can dodge it in time?】

【Kira: Fa Fa Fa Fa~ Trafalgar, wasn’t there you, the nanny king, in the

video? With your ability, you should be able to easily move us out of the

attack range, right?】

【Trafalgar D. Vatierro:……It’s not as simple as you think. It takes time

to activate my ability! 】

Video continues –

in the screen.

Kaido and Big Mom were seen clenching the weapons in their hands in

perfect agreement.

He swung the mace Hachijie and the emperor’s sword Napoleon

forcefully behind his back.

Two powerful auras are bursting out from the two four emperors.

And it is quickly condensing into a ball!

Kaido laughed and said:

“Your legs and feet haven’t deteriorated yet, right? Old woman! ”

The aunt responded:

“Who do you owe it to? Boy! ”

The words fell. 3.8

The two of them moved in the direction of Sauron and others at the same


fiercely swinging the weapons in their hands forward!

The next moment!

An extremely terrifying shock wave shot out.

It was almost enough to destroy the world. The earth-like terrifying


attacked Luffy, Zoro and others with an indomitable attitude!

“Dominate the sea! ! ! ”

Wherever the attack passed,

all obstacles were instantly blown to pieces!

Faced with such an attack,

the five Supernova Pirates’ expressions were extremely serious.

As the attack got closer and closer,

they could all Clearly feel the aura of destruction contained on it!

Invincible! Unable

to resist!

This is what everyone is thinking.

At this moment, they

are not arrogant enough to think that they can block this move head-on.

What they think They are all trying to avoid it.

However, Bahai is already close at hand.

The coverage area of the attack is also quite large.

No matter how fast they are,

they cannot avoid it in such a short period of time.

Luo’s surgical fruit ability has also been Too late to start.

It seems……

It’s too late!

If they were hit by this move,

the five of them would definitely be seriously injured or not dead!

Facing the two Yonkos, Kaido and Big Mom, they will never be able to

compete again!

For a while.

The situation is extremely critical!

And just when a few people were at a loss what to do,……


A figure suddenly rushed out from among them!

Standing between them and Ba Hai!

And that person……

It’s Sauron! ! ! .

Chapter 131

【John: Hiss! Is this kid crazy? ! ! !】

【Silver Ax: Look at this stance in the video……Could it be that this guy

wants to block Kaido and Lingling’s dominance by himself? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: I admit that this little guy does have some strength, but this

time he is overestimating his abilities!】

【Shiki: It seems that Roronoa Zoro is starting to get a little distracted

because he broke Kaido’s defense twice in a row before.~】

【Rocks D Jibek: Looking at the power of this move of dominating the

sea performed by Lingling and Kaido in the video, even I couldn’t force it

intact. This kid is simply looking for death!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ What a brat who overestimates

his own abilities.~】

【Kaido: Ugh~ Do you really think that because you were lucky enough

to hurt me twice before, you will be invincible? ! Roronoa Zoro, what

you are doing in the video is no different from committing suicide! Uh-

huh~] After

seeing the scene in the video where Zoro stepped forward and

rushed towards Bahai.

Everyone in the Tiandao chat group suddenly burst into ridicule.

In their view.

Zoro’s actions were completely overestimating his abilities.

There is no difference from sending one to death!

In their eyes,

Sauron might be swallowed by the sea in the next moment!

Death without a burial place!

And just under everyone’s expectations.

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

in the frame.

Zoro stepped forward and rushed out.

The three sabers of Enma, Sandaike Tetsu and Wado Ichimonji were

pulled out of their scabbards at the same time.

next moment.

The tyrant sea with the aura of destruction has already arrived in front of


Zoro swung the sword with all his strength.

Collided with the oncoming sea of tyrants!

And such a collision…

It actually caused Ba Hai’s forward momentum to pause slightly!

Although it was only for a moment.

But that was indeed blocked!

While blocking Ba Hai,

Sauron shouted to the people behind him without looking back:

“You run away!”

“If this continues, the group will be wiped out! ”

Hearing Sauron’s words,

Luo 23 in the rear did not hesitate at all.

When he seized the gap created by Sauron and

activated the power of the surgical fruit,

all five of them were moved to a safe place!

After being After Luo moved out of Bahai’s range,

Sauron fell to the ground with a bang. At

this moment, he was covered in blood.

Almost all the bones in his body were shattered at the moment he

resisted Bahai! The

injuries Extremely serious!

And Luffy and others were

all safe because of Zoro’s resistance just now. They

successfully escaped from the tyrant sea jointly launched by Kaido and

Big Mom without any injuries.

The scene was frozen.

The dense barrage started again. Crossed –

no!!! Suo – Da -!!!

Damn it! Suo Da is so fierce! He dares to go up and catch it hard!

He is indeed Suo Da, he is so handsome!!!

Suo Da is a real man!! !

If Suo Dai hadn’t stepped forward in this wave, Luffy and the others

might have been completely wiped out!

Yes, the power of Kaido and Big Mom’s joint move to dominate the sea

looked too terrifying

! How dare you to resist such an attack alone? How awesome!

This man is so handsome!

First he broke through Kaido’s defense twice in a row, and now he fights

against Hai Hai alone!

This fight on the rooftop of the ghost island There are so many highlight

moments for Soda during the battle!

I was a little confused for a moment, who is the real protagonist?! (Dog


Wano Country is Soda’s hometown, so of course this is his home court!

Suo Da is so handsome!!!

Suo Da will always be awesome!!!

It’s a pity that after this wave, Suo Da was seriously injured…….

With such an injury, wouldn’t Suo Da miss the next battle?

Don’t panic, think about it two years ago, which battle in Soda didn’t

start with residual health? (dog head)

Damn it! That’s right!

hiss! How could I forget this? !

Suo Da’s battle two years ago was never full of health!

The main reason is that Suo Da has basically not lost any blood since he

returned from two years of practice until now, which makes me a little


Almost forgot……Residual blood is Suo Da’s peak state! (Dog Head)

Anyway, Suo Da is the protagonist of the group, and he has a blood lock

attached to him. He only has residual health, so there is nothing to be

afraid of! (Dog Head)

As soon as the health bar drops, Suo Da’s performance has just begun!

(dog head)

【John: Damn it! This kid actually blocked Kaido and Lingling’s


【Silver Ax: Although it only blocked for a moment, it was indeed

surprising enough!】

【Wang Zhi: It seems that we underestimated Roronoa Zoro before!】

【Shiki: Good guy! There is something!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Not dead? It’s a pity……】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ But that guy is already so injured that all the bones in

his body are basically broken. Let’s see how he can still jump around


【Monkey D. Luffy: Zoro! ! ! Oh no! Zoro is seriously injured! Chopper,

treat Zoro quickly! ! !】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Ouch! ! ! Zoro, you must hold on! I will treat you

right away! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro:……Hey, I said you two idiots, it was me in the video

who was seriously injured, not me now, what are you two yelling at


【Monkey D Luffy:……】

【Tony Tony Chopper:……】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yes! The one who was injured was Zoro in the video,

not the real Zoro. I was really shocked! I just thought you were going to

die, Zoro, hahahahaha~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Phew…….It turned out to be a false alarm…….】

【Nami: Luffy, Chopper, your two IQs……It’s better not to come out and

embarrass us! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after escaping the overlord launched by Kaido and Big Mom.

The battle between the five Supernova Pirates and the two Yonko


Kidd, Law and others realized the terror of Kaido and Big Mom joining


Understand that if the two Yonko are not separated,

then they will have no chance of winning!


Everyone began to study a strategy to separate Kaido and Big Mom.

Luffy rushed forward to continue his fierce battle with Kaido.

Luo used his surgery fruit ability

to transfer Big Mom’s Thundercloud Homiz Zeus into the iro

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] n box made

by Kidd using his magnetic fruit ability.

Although Zoro was seriously injured,

he still managed to stand up, and

together with Kira, chopped into pieces the Sun Homitz Prometheus that

Big Mom was stepping on!

Sauron continued to pursue Prometheus, who was torn apart.

to prevent its recovery.

Kira keeps attacking Big Mom’s weapon Homiz Napoleon.

This way.

All three of Big Mom’s Homies were restricted in their movements.

I can no longer support Auntie.

And Auntie herself can no longer float in the air.

Falling back to the ground.


Kidd and Luo joined forces and

launched a ferocious attack on Big Mom.

The Yonko was directly blown away from the rooftop of Onigashima!

It quickly fell towards the sea below!

Although Prometheus and Napoleon finally succeeded in catching up

and caught Auntie who was about to fall into the sea.

However, Kidd and others’ goal has been achieved.

They successfully separated Big Mom from the battlefield on the rooftop

of Onigashima. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kidd and Kira also left here.

To stop Big Mom from returning to the roof.

Law and Zoro stayed behind to deal with Kaido with Luffy.


At this time, Luffy had been knocked unconscious again by Kaido’s

“Subjugation III Seduction Naraku” move.

He lay on the ground with his eyes rolled wide open.

like a statue.

Kaido held the mace Hachisai,

looked at Luffy lying on the ground in front of him, and

couldn’t help laughing loudly:

“No, no, no, no, no~”

“Look at Straw Hat’s face……”

“It was the same last time!”

“Even if this kid faints……”

“He still continues to stare at me!”

“How about I take off his eyes?”

“Or should we smash his head or heart first? ”

Kaido kept talking there as if talking to himself.

There was also a bloody arc at the corner of his mouth.

After seeing this situation, Zoro, who was not far away,

forced his seriously injured body to push forward again. All three sabers

were drawn out.

At the same time, he turned to look at Luo aside and said:

“Hey, Terra Man!”

“I’ll make a move later……”

“Will be my limit! ”

Hearing this,

Luo said hesitantly:

“Head of Sauron……”

Zoro understood what the other party meant.

Before Luo finished speaking, he interrupted:

“If you don’t fight with all your strength, you are just wasting your

energy in vain…….”

“If it really doesn’t work, the only option is to die.。”

“next thing……It’s up to you! ”

After saying that,

Sauron suddenly bowed down slightly.

An extremely terrifying evil spirit and ghostly energy burst out from his


The next moment……

Sauron once again transformed into a ghost with three heads and six


He shouted angrily at Kaido, who was about to attack Luffy:

“Hello! Kaido!”

“That guy is our captain!”

“If you want to attack him……”

“You have to take my head off first! ”

Zoron’s words made Kaido stop what he was doing.

He turned around and looked at Zoro.

When he saw Zoro, who was like a ghost with three heads and six arms,

Kaido couldn’t help but froze.


in his In sight, Zoro,

with three heads and six arms, started to move!

He seemed to be dancing gracefully,

waving nine black swords

while his figure kept spinning and approaching Kaido!

Ghostly, evil, and domineering……

All come together at this moment!

This kind of momentum can even make people feel scared!

The sword light kept flashing.

Zoro’s figure is getting closer and closer to Kaido.

A sharp shout sounded from his mouth。

“Ghostly! Nine sword style!”

“Asura! Draw your sword!”

“Play of the dead! ! ! ”

The moment the words fell,

Zoro’s figure was like a bolt of lightning, and he

was behind Kaido in the blink of an eye.

His attack had already fallen.

The sharp slash left a deep cut on 633 Kaido’s chest. Deep knife marks!

In an instant!

Blood splashed out from Kaido’s chest!

A painful scream came from the mouth of this strongest creature! This is

Zoro’s third time

since the Onigashima War started.

Breaking Kaido’s defense!

This is also the most serious injury to Kaido!

The scene freezes.

The dense army of barrages passes by again –



So handsome!!!

Suo Da again Kaido has once again broken his defense!

Moreover, the damage Suo Da caused to Kaido this time was obviously

more serious than the previous two times!

Suo Da is awesome!!!

Idiot! I’m on fire again! !!

It’s the ghost energy nine-sword style! I haven’t seen Suo Da use this

move for a long time!

That’s right! Since returning from two years of training, Suo Da has never

used the nine-sword style!

This is Sauron’s real power Move! It

wasn’t until this moment that Soda truly showed his full strength!

He was able to leave such a long and deep wound on Kaido’s chest. The

power of Soda’s blow was too powerful!!!

Moreover, Suo Da is seriously injured at this moment, and all the bones

in his body have been broken!

This reminds me of what Suo Da said when he used the ghost energy nine

sword style for the first time – he has suffered a lot. Never getting tired of

suffering, this is the way of Shura!

All the way up to now, what Suo Da has practiced is indeed the way of

Shura! I

can’t imagine how powerful it would be if Suo Da used this move at its

peak. How terrifying it must be!

To protect Luffy with all his strength, Soda is really……I cried to death!

This is the bond between Soda and Luffy!

As expected of the first companion on board! ! !

too strong! Suo Da is really too strong!

Ask for big yyds! ! !

Soda’s ability to name moves is also pretty awesome!

Ghostly Nine Sword Style Asura draws his sword and dies in a scene! ! !

This name is so cool! Full of style!

You can always trust Soda’s ability to recite poems and name names!

Are the nicknames of the King of Poetry and those with the ability to

name fruits in vain? ! (Dog head)

Three heads, six arms and nine swords kill Blue Dragon Kaido in anger!

After this wave, Suo Dali is getting closer and closer to becoming Nezha~

(dog head)

Hahahaha! What a god Nezha!

Sure enough, three heads and six arms are the real dragon nemesis~

(Dog Head)

If you say that, wouldn’t Robin also be able to become the dragon

nemesis? (dog head)

Hahahaha! Nothing wrong!

Chapter 132

【Shiki: Hiss! Roronoa Zoro’s move just now actually hurt Kaido like this

from the front. It was indeed a bit fierce!】

【John: It’s really fierce, but the name of this move is also really long!】

【Silver Ax: Ghostly Nine Swordsman Asura Draws His Sword Dead Man

Scene? How on earth did this kid come up with such a long and

complicated name? ! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: How about saying that he is the king of poetry? This great

literary talent seems to have been acquired in exchange for a lifetime of

ability to recognize directions~ Hahahaha~】

【Bista: Roronoa Zoro’s speed of improvement in strength is really

terrifying. Judging from this blow in the video, his attainments in

swordsmanship may have even surpassed mine!】

【Joz: Hiss! real or fake? ! Bista, you are the strongest swordsman in our

Whitebeard Pirates group besides dad!】

【Marco: Haha! Sure enough, we cannot underestimate today’s young

people. I feel that if we are not careful, they can surpass us and leave us

far behind!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Marco is right, isn’t Kaido in the video a

lesson? He has always looked down on the Straw Hat Boy and Roronoa

Zoro, but so far, Roronoa Zoro has cut his defense three times, and the

injury this time seems to be quite serious. Woolen cloth~】

【Kaido:? ? ? Whitebeard, please stop judging me by your old and sick

body, okay? ! I am the strongest creature in the world! It’s just such a

small injury, and it’s not enough for me to scratch it! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Who just screamed in the video? I can only

say that he is indeed the strongest creature. His mouth is much tougher

than that of ordinary people.~】

【Shanks: Haha! Hawkeye, your disciple taught you really well. That

move just now, “Asura Draws His Sword to the Dead”, was really a very

powerful sword move!】

【Silbarz Reilly: I don’t know why, Shanks, I always feel that when you

say this, you might turn around and tease me the next second…….】

【Shanks: Haha~ Where are you talking? ! Mr. Rayleigh, although those

comments say that you are a mediocre teacher and that your teaching of

Luffy is not as good as Lingling’s son Katakuri and that teacher Kai, I still

think that Mr. Rayleigh, you are the best. What a great teacher!】

【Silbarz Raeli:……You boy! Isn’t that ironic? ! And you said you didn’t

want to make fun of me? ! ! !】

【Jabba Scribbar: Hahahaha! Lei Li, just admit it. After all, you misled

your disciples, but those barrages set the pace first.~】

【Silbazraeli: Convex)!!!】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after Zoro used the “Ghost Energy Nine Sword Style Asura Draws the

Sword of the Dead” to break Kaido’s defense again.

As he said to Luo before, he himself

has reached his limit!

He fell to the ground limply.

Can’t get up anymore.

Lost all fighting ability.

Kaido was also a little shocked by Zoro’s blow just now.

On top of the opponent’s blow just now……

It also contains a hint of domineering aura!

But it seems that even Sauron himself is unaware of this.

Kaido, who was slashed again, looked slightly angry.

He used a thunderous bagua,

knocking both Zoro and Luo to the ground.

And just when he was about to end this battle completely……

Luffy, who had been unconscious, stood up again!

took over the battle again.

He asked Law to take the seriously injured Zoro to the underside of the

roof of Onigashima.

Prepare for a one-on-one duel with Kaido.

Luo did not refuse this.

It was directly using the ability of the surgery fruit

to transfer Zoro who was seriously injured and unable to move.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared on the rooftop of Onigashima.

The picture freezes.

The cold Tiandao prompt sounded suddenly。

“Random question 5: Who bandaged Roronoa Zoro after leaving the

rooftop of Onigashima? ”

The words fell.

Everyone immediately started discussing in the Tiandao chat group。

【Warring States: The answer to this question seems to be obvious. It is

probably another question to give points.。】

【Crane: Yes, judging from the situation in the video, Trafalgar Law is

definitely the best candidate to answer this question!】

【Moonlight Moria: Hee hee hee~ If I remember correctly, Trafalgar Law

seems to have the name “Surgeon of Death”, right?】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ This guy Luo himself is with

Roronoa Zoro, coupled with his medical skills and the ability to operate

the fruit, it can be said that……The answer to this question is 99.9%

likely to be him!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ As for the remaining 0.1% possibility, it

should be Marco or the raccoon cat ship doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates,


【Marco: Logically speaking, this is indeed true. After all, although I was

also in Onigashima Castle at the time, I was probably busy fighting those

big signs of the Beast Pirates. The answer is my possibility Not big。】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Judging from the time in the video, I was

probably busy developing an antidote to the ice ghost virus, right? Maybe

he won’t be able to find time to bandage Zoro, it’s not very

likely…….Um? ! etc! I am a reindeer! Not some civet cat ship


【Rocks Djibek: Good! ! ! Is it another score question? ! I just like giving

out points like this! ! !】

【John: Although this question is indeed likely to be a sub-question,

there seems to be a more difficult question now…….】

【Silver Ax: Huh? what is the problem?】

【John: The question is, have you noticed that the kid with the power of

surgical fruits?……The name is really long! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: Fuck! really! There seems to be a long list of his real names,

and it’s hard just to read them out!】

【Shi Ji: It’s not easy to answer such a long list of names…….】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! It really is! Who on earth gave him such a long

name? ! ! !】

【Trafalgar D. Vatierro:……】

After some discussion.

The Tiandao prompt sounded again soon.。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, so be prepared!”






“The quizzes officially begin!”

【Warring States: Trafalgar D. Vatierro! (answer question)】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Trafalgar D. Vatierro! (answer question)】

【Rocks D. Jiback: Trafalgar D. Vatierro! (answer question)】

【Kaido: Trafalgar D. Vatierro! (answer question)】

【Crane: Trafalgar D. Vatierro! (answer question)】

【Edward Newgate: Trafalgar D. Vatierro! (answer question)】


【Marco: Marco! (answer question)】

【Jack: Marco! (answer question)】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Tony Tony Chopper! (answer question)】

【Jesus Boo: Tony Tony Chopper! (answer q

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] uestion)】

【Charlotte Smoothie: Tony Tony Chopper! (answer question)】


【Nami: Nami! (answer question)】

【Usopp: Usopp! (answer question)】

【Nico Robin: Nico Robin! (answer question)】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Vinsmoke Sanji! (answer question)】


As the question answering officially begins.

The Tiandao chat group was flooded with all kinds of answers in an


The answer that gets the most answers is naturally Luo.

There were also some answers from the two doctors Marco and Chopper.


The Straw Hats also answered their names.

The reason why they do this.

Just because it was discussed earlier.

Nami mentioned that

although the answer to this question is Luo, the most likely answer is.

But it’s not impossible for those of them who are Sauron’s companions.

After all, no matter who they were if they encountered Zoro who was

seriously injured like that,

they would definitely bandage him as soon as possible without hesitation.

Although the possibility is small.

But Nami thought she should give it a try.

After all, it’s hard to get the first place when competing with so many

people for an answer.

Therefore, they cannot let go of these small possibilities.

What if they were really fooled? (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel


Then this wave is really profitable!


under Nami’s encouragement,

the Straw Hats all answered with their names.


Except for Luffy who is fighting Kaido on the rooftop of Onigashima.。

【Warring States: Hahahaha! This time it was finally my turn to take first

place! It seems that the points for this question belong to me! ! !】

【��Chris D. Gibek: Damn it! It’s really unpleasant to be beaten to the

first place by this old thief from the Warring States Period! ! !】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Am I the second to answer? I almost got

points, which is a pity…….】

【Marco: I seem to be the first to answer my own name, right? I don’t

know if the points for this question will luckily fall on me?】

【Tony Tony Chopper: I am also the first to answer my own name. It

would be great if the points for this question could go to me!】

【Nami: Although the probability is very small, I still hope that the god

of luck can come to me again! 】

In the hope of everyone.

Another moment passed.

The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”






“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Vinsmoke Sanji for answering correctly and earning 1


【Warring States:? ? ? ? ?】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Warring States: What? ! I finally managed to get the first answer, but I

still didn’t get it right? ! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Hahahaha! OK! OK! As long as that old thief from the

Warring States Period doesn’t get any points, I’ll feel a lot more


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Huh? The answer to this question is actually me? !

Was it me who bandaged the guy with the green algae head? ! ! !】

【Usopp: This answer is really unexpected!】

【Nico Robin: Fortunately, Nami asked us to answer all our answers in

advance, otherwise we would have missed out on the points for this


【Nami: Hehe! This victory belongs to our group again. We are so


【Monkey D. Luffy: Sri Lanka! Nami, you are so smart! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: What? ! It was actually that perverted cook who

bandaged me? ! I feel a little disgusted for no reason…….】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? Green algae head, you have the nerve to dislike

me? ! I don’t dislike you, and I bandaged you up with good intentions.

I’ve already done my best to be benevolent, right? ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: You! ! ! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the camera turns.

The scene came to the interior of Onigashima Castle.

On a corridor.

The figures of Luo and Zoro suddenly appeared in mid-air.

Then it fell straight towards the ground.

Just in time.

Sanji happened to be passing by here.

After seeing this scene.

He quickly ran forward and caught Luo and Zoro.

Law briefly explained Zoro’s injuries to Sanji.

Ask the other party to bandage Zoro.

Then he ran away in a hurry.

He had to rush to stop Big Mom as soon as possible.

To prevent Big Mom from re-boarding to the rooftop of Onigashima to

join Kaido.

that’s all.

Law threw the seriously injured Zoro to Sanji.

He left here soon.

Sanji, on the other hand, cursed and bandaged Zoro very reluctantly.

It’s just that the method of bandaging……

Quite hard to describe!

After Sanji’s hard work,

Zoro was covered with bandages all over his body.

Even the head is not spared.

Only (Zhao’s) eyes, nose and mouth were exposed.

This makes the whole person look……

It’s like a cross wrapped tightly in a bandage!


Sanji directly carried Zoro like a cross and

continued on his way inside Onigashima Castle.

The picture freezes.

The barrage army passed by –

hahahahaha! ! !

no! I’m going to die laughing!

Luo actually left the seriously injured Zoro to Sanji without caring~

To tell a joke, the doctor left the injured to the cook and went to fight by

himself~ (dog head)

Hahahaha! How could Luo safely hand over Soda to Sanji for treatment?

Isn’t he afraid that Sanji will kill Soda accidentally? (dog head)

What are you afraid of? A cook who doesn’t want to be a doctor is not a

lecher! (dog head)

But I have to say……Sanji’s bandaging technique is really simple and

crude! Hahahaha~

He directly wrapped Suo Da into a cross, it was so awesome!

Look at Suo Da’s current appearance, does it look a bit like Hawkeye’s

black knife Ye? ! (dog head)

Hahahaha! Don’t say it! Don’t tell me! It is indeed a bit similar!

There was the famous sword Bilan before, but now there is another

famous sword Green Alga Head! (Dog head)

Hahahaha! God’s famous sword, Green Algae Head! It’s absolutely


Usopp silently gave a thumbs up! (Dog Head)

Usopp: Zoro, Zoro, when you did that to me on Judiciary Island, did you

ever think that this day would happen? ! (Dog Head)

Usopp: Things are changing! Zoro, it’s finally your turn to become a

swordsman this time! (Dog head)

Hahahahaha! It’s so funny! Research on

one of the twelve skills of the supreme sharp sword, the famous sword –

the green algae head damaged in the battle, please refer to it! ! ! (dog


【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ? 】.

Chapter 133

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! The doctor left the wounded man to the cook

and went to fight on his own! These little guys are so interesting,


【Edward Newgate: The bandaging technique of Blackfoot Sanji is really

hard to describe. He directly wrapped Roronoa Zoro into a cross


【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ Whitebeard, please stop talking nonsense! What

is a cross mummy? Didn’t I just mention it in the barrage? It’s obviously

one of the twelve skills of the Supreme Great Knife, the famous sword

Battle Damage Green Algae Head.~】

【Jorah Kormihawk: I don’t know why, but when I see Roronoa Zoro

wrapped up like this, I always feel that he……looks useful….

【Shanks: Hahahaha! God damn it looks useful! Hawkeye, I didn’t expect

that even you would say such harsh words!】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Jorah Kormihawk: Don’t get me wrong, I just said that Roronoa Zoro’s

appearance looks very similar to my Black Blade Night. If he is a sword,

he should be very easy to use.。】

【Usopp: Woohoo! Seeing this, I suddenly felt like a great revenge had

been avenged! When I was on Judiciary Island, I suffered the pain and

humiliation of being the “Famous Sword Bilan”. Now it was finally

Sauron’s turn to experience it for myself! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? ! But……Usopp, wasn’t he the Sniper King who

was used by Zoro as the “Famous Sword Bilan” on Judiciary Island?】

【Tony Tony Chopper: That’s right, Usopp, shouldn’t it be the Sniper

King who feels like he’s being avenged? Why do you feel this way too?】

【Usopp: Ahem! This is it……You also know that Sniper King and I are

good friends and brothers! So the pain and humiliation suffered by the

Sniper King is my pain and humiliation! The sniper king’s great revenge

is avenged, which means that my great revenge must be avenged!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: That’s right! Usopp, your relationship with the

Sniper King is really good!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Is that so? Just now I almost thought that the Sniper

King was actually Usopp pretending to be you, hehehehe~】


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hahahaha! Green algae head, the look in your video is

really bad.~】

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? How dare you say that? ! Isn’t it all the way you, a

piece of shit, tied me up like this? ! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: You can’t blame me~ If you want to blame it, blame

Terra Man. It was him, the doctor, who insisted on giving you, the

wounded, to me, the cook. I usually only wrap hams, but I don’t know

how to bandage others. Whatnot, it’s already the utmost kindness to be

able to wrap you up like this.~】

【Terra 897 Falga D. Vatierro:……】

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after wrapping Sauron into a cross mummy.

Sanji took him to the main venue of Onigashima Castle.


The samurai army is still fighting fiercely with the Beast Pirates here.

Chopper and others were among them.

Sanji handed the seriously injured Zoro to Chopper and Zou’s goat doctor

for treatment.

He was going to face “Pandemic” Quinn, one of the three major poster

boards of the Beasts Pirates.

And “Fire Calamity” Jhin, who is the leader of the three major boards of

the Beast Pirates,

is being held back by Marco at this moment.

At first.

The scene seems evenly matched.


Marco consumed a lot of energy because he used his phoenix flame to

prevent the ice ghost virus from spreading on the field .

And he had gone through several battles before that.

He even had a brief confrontation with Big Mom and Perospero.

And he also once stopped Jhin and Quinn alone.

So now that the battle is going on,

Marco’s physical strength is actually running low.

After a while of entanglement.

Marco finally collapsed among the ruins due to exhaustion.

Unchecked, Jhin joined the battle between Quinn and Sanji.

for a while……

Sanji, who was still able to compete with Quinn, gradually fell into a


If it continues like this.

Sanji will be defeated soon.

Saw this situation.

Zoro, who was receiving treatment at the rear, was also very anxious.

He really wanted to participate in this battle.

But the injury was too serious.

My physical condition simply doesn’t allow it.

I can only worry here.


The goat doctor from Zou seemed to have thought of something.

He said to Zoro and Chopper who were facing him:

“Zou has a magical special medicine that can achieve super-speed

recovery in a short period of time and cure Mr. Sauron’s injuries!”


“This special medicine also has serious side effects!”

“Once the effects of the medicine wear off……”

“He will suffer several times more pain than he does now! ”

The Goat Doctor said seriously.

After listening to his words,

Chopper couldn’t help but frown and

fell into deep thought.

He was hesitating whether to use this special medicine on Sauron. ( cfaj)

But Zoro, who was lying on the ground tightly wrapped in bandages, did

not hesitate at all.

He directly said in a deep voice:

“No time to think too much!”

“Give me that medicine quickly!”

“But what will happen to your body afterwards?……”

“If you don’t fight now, everything will be meaningless! ”

As he said that,

a firm light flashed in Zoro’s one eye.

Under his words,

Chopper also nodded.

He took the syringe containing Zou’s special medicine from the goat


. The medicine was injected into Sauron’s body.

Immediately afterwards,

Sauron’s expression suddenly became a little painful!

This is the special medicine at work.

It is healing his injuries at an unimaginable speed.

But because of Sauron’s Long’s injuries were too serious,

so it would still take a short period of time to fully heal.。

【Kuleha: Can you heal injuries quickly in a short time? I didn’t expect

Zuowu to have such a magical special medicine.~】

【Kurokas: However, the side effects of this special medicine are quite

terrible. Roronoa Zoro’s injury is already very serious. If the side effects

of this special medicine are added to it, after the effect of the medicine

wears off,……It’s really hard to imagine what kind of pain he would


【Gol D. Roger: I have to say, this little guy really fully explains what it

means to be a real man! Really amazing!】

【Polusalino: Hmm~ Originally I thought that there would be no role for

Roronoa Zoro in this Onigashima battle, but now it seems that it may not

be that simple.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Judging from this momentum, after Roronoa Zoro

recovers, he should be fighting against the “Fire Calamity” Jhin of the

Beast Pirates, right?】

【Bista: Jhin is the strongest person in the Beast Pirates besides Kaido. I

wonder if Roronoa Zoro has any hope of defeating him?】

【Jack: Haha! You’re thinking shit! Is Brother Jin’s strength comparable

to that of a half-assed brat? ! Let alone Brother Jhin, even if I take action,

I can easily crush this Roronoa Zoro to death in minutes!】

【Jesus Bu: Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Jack, it wouldn’t be a big problem if Kaido said


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] h big words,

but you……It’s not even close. At most, you can only resist beatings a

little better than others.~】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ Jhin, is it going to be your turn to fight that three-

sword-style brat soon? Then you have to teach him a lesson!】

【Jhin: Don’t worry, Boss Kaido, I will kill him personally!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Want to kill me? Haha, I’m afraid you’re not that

capable yet!】

【Jhin: I don’t like to waste my time arguing about this kind of thing.

Let’s just wait and see. 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

Chopper and Doctor Goat are anxiously waiting for Zoro’s injury to heal.

And they also need to keep moving each other

to avoid attacks from the minions of the Beast Pirates.

Time passed little by little.

Sauron’s injuries are also recovering rapidly.


He hasn’t fully recovered yet!

A tall, dark figure appeared in front of Zoro, Chopper and the others!

There was a blazing flame behind that figure.

It is the first of the three major signs of the Beast Pirates——

“”Fire Calamity” Jhin!

Jhin obviously noticed the movement on Sauron’s side.

He knew that the other party had used a special medicine that could heal

quickly. He was ready to completely eliminate

Sauron before he fully recovered . Cut the grass and roots! In the picture .

I saw that Jhin didn’t say any nonsense. He punched Zoro who could not

move without hesitation. The dark fist was also wrapped in blazing


“Emperor Yan! “(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The hot breath hit Sauron along with the whistling fist wind.

The expressions of Doctor Goat and others changed drastically.

Their expressions were extremely frightened.

It was impossible to escape at this time. It’s too late!

Jhin’s flaming giant fist

can destroy Sauron and them all in the next moment!

And at this moment!

A loud and high-pitched bird song sounded.

A figure wrapped in green flames came from a distance He galloped

towards Sauron.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Sauron!

The pair of wings burning with green flames came together in front of


turning into a huge blue flame shield!

“Immortal thistle! ”

Marco shouted angrily.

He blocked all Jhin’s attacks.

It did not affect Zoro and the others behind him at all.

After the collision,

Jhin retracted his fist.

He looked at Marco who blocked him again with an indifferent

expression. , said coldly:

“Marco, do you want to continue fighting with me? ”

While speaking,

Quinn also came to Jhin’s side.

The two large signboards of the Beasts Pirates stood side by side.

It gave people a strong sense of oppression!

Even the surrounding air seemed to be suddenly filled with pressure.

There was a pause.

Facing the vicious Jhin and Quinn,

Marco slowly exited the phantom beast phoenix form.

The blue flames on his body were all extinguished.

He suddenly raised his hands

in a gesture of surrender . .

Then he chuckled nonchalantly:

“no no no~”

“I’ve fought enough, I surrender~”

“I’ll stop here。”


“It’s the superstar’s turn! ”

Marco said as he

raised his hand and stroked the frame on the bridge of his nose.

A cold white light appeared on the frame.

And the moment he finished speaking……

Sauron behind him suddenly roared.


His body, tightly wrapped in bandages, began to swell.

A moment’s work.

All the bandages were ripped apart!

Zoro’s strong and strong muscles were exposed.

My whole body was once again filled with a surging sense of power!

He stood up.

Pull out all three sabers from your waist.

A fierce momentum also burst out!

There are no words.

next moment.

Zoro’s figure rushed directly towards Jin in front!

The three sabers were also entwined with dark armed domineering


Swing out quickly!

at the same time.

There was also a figure running quickly from a distance.

There seemed to be flames burning on the legs!

Without hesitation, he kicked Quinn on the other side!

“Three-sword style purgatory ghost slaying! ! !”

“Devil’s Wind Kick Sheep’s Head Kick! ! ! ”

Two sharp shouts sounded at the same time.

They overlapped very harmoniously.

When the words fell,

the attacks of the two people had also arrived!

The sharp slash and the fierce kick fell on Jhin and Quinn respectively.

On his body.

He directly knocked the two big signboards of the Beast Pirates to the


The two huge bodies dragged behind them for a long time on the

ground.���The distance just stopped.

And after Zoro and Sanji did all this.

They all fell back to the ground.

The two of them spoke slowly and in a deep voice with a tacit


“Hey, curl your eyebrows, wait to win this battle……”

“Well, you should be able to see it, right?……”

“Luffy becomes the Pirate King! ! ! ”

This last sentence.

The two of them shouted it out in unison.

There was undoubted firmness and determination in their tone!

The picture was frozen on the resolute faces of Zoro and Sanji when they

said this.


The dense army of barrages kept passing by –

Damn it! Everyone stand up!!!


Awesome!!! It’s

so fucking awesome!!!

Idiot! I’m on fire again!!! There’s

a loud sound in the sky Sound, the wings of the king appear!!!

Where is the war song?! Give me a war song!!!

Thump thump thump! Thump thump thump!!!

Madd! This scene made my blood boil!

It made me want to fight two and a half sets on the spot. Kunquan!!

I saw smoke rising from the top of my head, and I was about to

spontaneously combust as I stepped on my horse!!!

After my vegetative roommate saw this scene, he ejected from the bed!

Hiss! Medical miracle! Medical miracle!

Congratulations to Suo Da Resurrected with full health, fighting side by

side with Sanji again!

If Roger’s right-hand men are Rayleigh and Jabba, then Luffy’s right-hand

men are definitely Zoro and Sanji! The

conversation between Zoro and Sanji just now is really It was so


Yes, the conversation between the two of them gave me goosebumps!

After winning this battle, I can see Luffy becoming the Pirate King!!!

Sure enough ! Zoro and Sanji both have unconditional trust in Luffy!

Luffy challenges Kaido, and Zoro and Sanji challenge Jhin and Quinn. It’s

the classic king versus king and general stage again!

The Wings of the King! Zoro and Sanji are definitely worthy of the Wings

of the King!!!

Haha, although this scene is indeed very irritating, I have different views

on the candidates for the Wings of the King,

huh? What do you mean upstairs?!

In my opinion, Zoro and Sanji are just false wings of the king. The real

wings of the king are nothing more…….It should be Kidd and Luo! (Dog


Hahahaha! There’s nothing wrong with saying that!

really! Kidd and Luo are the real wings of the king! (dog head)

【Roronoa Zoro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Eustace Kidd:? ? ? ? ?】

【Trafalgar D. Vatierro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D Luffy:(OO)?】。

Chapter 134

【Eustace Kidd: What does this barrage mean? ! You actually said that

Trafalgar and I are the real wings of the Straw Hat guy? ! ! !】

【Trafalgar D. Vatierro: This barrage is indeed a bit outrageous……】

【Skulachmanap: Hahahaha! Kidd, Luo, maybe you two will actually

become Straw Hat’s subordinates in the future.~】

【Ulki: Yes, the Straw Hat Boy is recognized as the background king by

the Tiandao Inventory System. The two of you follow him and hug his

thighs. You will definitely have a much better future than working


【Basil Hawkins: It’s hard to disagree。】

【Eustace Kidd:? ? ? fart! ! ! I am not a spineless coward like you who is

willing to be inferior to others! Even if I die, I will never surrender to

anyone! ! !】

【Kapenbeki: So is this why you in the future were instantly killed by the



【Shanks: Hahahaha! You little guys are really bad. Please don’t mention

this matter again. It will easily affect my tall image in other people’s


【Sakaski: Haha! Redhead, you’re a pirate and you still want an image?

Are you afraid of making people laugh when you say this?-!】

【Shanks: Haha! I was just joking casually, Akainu, you are really

serious~ If you are so rigid, it will be easy for you not to make


【Porusalino: Hmm~ That’s so right. What the red hair said is so


【Kuzan: Ah la la~ I also agree 100% with this~】


【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Shanks, you are still as skinny as ever, you

made Akainu speechless.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ But having said that, the scene in the

video just now was indeed igniting. It made me, an old guy like me, a

little excited.~】

【Silbarz Reilly: Yes, when I saw Roronoa Zoro and Blackfoot Sanji in the

video, I couldn’t help but think of myself and Jabba back then…….】

【Jabba Scribbar: Haha! I am very optimistic about these little guys!

What a pity……We are already old~】

【Jack: Humph! I say you old guys, don’t praise those two brats too

much. Do you really think they can beat Brother Jhin and Brother Quinn?


【Quinn: I don’t know if Jhin will lose. Anyway, if my opponent is that

kid from the Vinsmoke family, I will definitely not lose.~】

【Jhin: Haha, I will end this battle faster than you!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hey, Green Algae Head, we two seem to be looked

down upon.。】

【Roronoa Zoro: Then let us compete and see who of us can defeat the

enemy in the video first!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Humph! That’s exactly what I meant! Don’t worry, I’m

sure I can take care of that big fat Brachiosaurus with just two feet!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, really? Then one strike from me is enough!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ What a bunch of ignorant brats. Do you really think

the big sign under me is vegetarian? ! Jhin, Quinn, give them a good look

and teach them how to behave!】

【Jhin: Yes!】

【Quinn: Don’t worry, Boss Kaido, Gaji’s son will definitely die if he falls

into my hands! 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

as Zoro temporarily heals from his injuries.

A new battle has officially begun.

Sanji versus Quinn.

And Zoro’s opponent is naturally Jhin.

Jhin seems to be a swordsman as well.

Uses a huge jet black katana as a weapon.

It’s just that his knife is a little special.

A dense serration can pop out from its blade.

The gap between the saw teeth is just enough to jam Zoro’s knife!

Zoro suffered from this weapon at first.

As a result, the three generations of Guiteru and Yama who were wielded

were tightly restrained.

Then he was pulled back hard by Jhin.

Both sabers came out of his hands.

At the same time that the Third Generation Kitetsu and Yama took


Jhin immediately punched Zoro in the head without hesitation!

Such an attack method made Sauron somewhat unexpected.

Fortunately, he used the word “Wado” in his mouth to resist in time.

Only then was he not hurt by Jhin’s punch.

And after this fight.

Zoro also somewhat understood Jhin’s fighting style.

At the beginning, when I saw the opponent using a huge samurai sword

as a weapon.

Zoro thought that the other party was also a swordsman like himself.

But now he understands that he was wrong.

To Jhin, that huge katana was just a weapon for fighting and killing.

Just to help it deal with enemies better.

The opponent’s attack method is not limited to the katana at all.

Such a person is not a swordsman.

It’s just a pure fighting and killing machine! Naturally, you need to be

more careful and cautious

when fighting this kind of person ! After figuring this out, Zoro’s eyes

narrowed slightly. He once again held the three generations of Ghost

Tetsu and Yama who had taken action in his hands. The battle between

the two also started again. This time. Because I got to know Jhin’s

serrated katana and fighting style. Zoro was obviously much more

comfortable fighting the opponent. The battle situation also became more

and more intense. The two of them kept attacking and colliding with

each other. The intensity of the battle was extremely terrifying. Ling Lie’s

slashes were constantly being bounced around. The battlefield where the

two of them were was turned into a devastated scene. And in such a

fierce battle. Sudden. Zoro’s slash hit the black mask on Jhin’s face.

Instantly cut off a small piece at the corner of the pitch-black mask. Thin

cracks also appeared on the mask. A trace of Jhin’s true appearance

hidden by Jhin’s mask was revealed. Because the damaged area is not

large. So only a small patch of brown skin is visible. And a lock of white

hair. Logically speaking. This situation is normal in such a fierce battle.



This is such a normal situation.

But it made Jhin, who had always been very cold, instantly furious!

A terrifying aura mixed with anger burst out of his body.

He stared at Sauron with his eyes.

next moment.

I saw that his hands suddenly turned into a pair of huge black wings

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] !

It seems……

It looks like the wings of a pterosaur!

The form of the ancient species Pteranodon from the animal type Dragon

Dragon Fruit!

This is the Devil Fruit ability that Jhin possesses.

Jhin flapped his wings angrily.

Slap it hard towards Zoro!

Zoro crossed his sword in front of him to resist.

But the huge force that came after the collision

actually blew his body away!

They were blown away all the way from the main venue of Onijima

Castle to the interior of Onijima Castle.

He just happened to be caught and stopped by Frankie who was passing


The two didn’t have time to communicate much.

An angry Jhin was already chasing after him.

Sauron asked Franky to leave first.

He himself fought with Jhin again. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

The battle is getting more intense!

【Roronoa Zoro: What’s going on? That guy seemed to have suddenly

changed into a different person? The attacks became much more

ferocious than before……】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hey, Green Algae Head, are you okay? ! Didn’t you

just say that you can kill the opponent with one strike? Why do you feel

like you are being beaten passively all the time in the video? While you

were being beaten, I estimated that I had already taken care of that


【Jack: Humph! That Roronoa Zoro actually dared to break Brother

Jhin’s mask, he is dead! Brother Jin never allows others to touch his


【Quinn: When Jhin gets angry, even I have to get out of the way. This

Roronoa Zoro is completely dead.~】

【Kaido: Ugh~ I haven’t seen Jhin looking so angry in a long time.~】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? How is this going? Why is the guy so angry

after breaking his mask? Could it be that……His mask is just like my

straw hat. Isn’t it a treasure that no one else should touch?】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Has my original straw hat become a treasure?

But I think the reason should not be this, but the true identity of the guy

named Jhin.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Roger, it seems you have also noticed

the special thing about Jhin.~】

【Gol D. Roger: The flame behind him is so conspicuous, it’s hard not to

notice, hahahaha~]

inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after another fierce battle.

Sauron was once again blown away by Jhin’s move “Dan Bow Emperor”!

And this time……

He was even blasted directly out of Onigashima Castle.

It even flew beyond the land range of Onigashima.

At this moment, Onigashima is floating high in the sky, supported by

Kaido’s flame cloud.

Zoro, who was blasted out of Ghost Island, had no landing place.

The body began to fall rapidly towards the bottom of Onigashima.

And below that……

It’s a rough sea!


“It’s going to fall! ”

Zoro secretly thought something was wrong.

When he was in the air, he forcibly twisted his body and

faced downwards.

Then he pointed the third generation of ghosts and Yama in his hands

downwards and swung them hard!

“Two swords and empty raccoon guns! ”

With Zoro’s roar,

two leaping slashes burst out from the blade.

They hit a falling boulder further down.

With the help of this,���With a sudden reaction force,

Zoro successfully stopped his falling figure and

returned to the land range of Ghost Island.

He fell back to the ground.

There was also a bit of anger on his face.

He gave Jin a hard look as he came over and said angrily:

“You should let me die by the sword anyway!”

“You actually want to deal with me in this way, which is unforgivable! ”

Obviously for Sauron.

If the winner is not decided in a head-on battle,

but by knocking himself down into the sea to win in this way…….

So no matter what the result is,

it will be an insult to yourself!

It’s also an insult to this battle!

This is Sauron’s persistence and bottom line as a swordsman.

He hopes to be able to decide the outcome in an upright battle.

Rather than relying on some opportunistic methods to end the battle.

This was exactly why he was angry at the moment.

The picture freezes.

The translucent barrage army passed by again –

okay, Suo Da is also angry now~

It’s good to be angry, only when you are angry can you exert stronger

combat effectiveness~ (Dog Head) You

can tell by looking at Jhin earlier, because Zoro damaged a little of his

mask, and he immediately became angry, and his combat power instantly

soared, so fierce that it was unbelievable!

Yes, having sent Suo Da flying such a long distance twice in a row, Jhin’s

strength should not be underestimated!

He truly deserves to be the strongest person in the Beast Pirates besides

Kaido, and his strength is truly incredible!

It is precisely because Jhin is so strong that Sauron is angry that his

opponent actually wants to win by knocking him down into the sea.

That’s right, as a swordsman, facing such a powerful opponent, Suo Da

would definitely want to have an upright and enjoyable battle before

deciding the winner.

The result is good……Just now, Jin almost won through a trick. Do you

think Suo Da can not be angry?

Zoro: Are you just bullying me for not being able to fly? ! (Tou Tou)

Fortunately, Suo Da reacted quickly, and he actually had unexpected

tricks like the Two Blades and the Raccoon Spear. Otherwise, he would

definitely have fallen into the sea.

If he is really defeated by Jhin in this way, I guess Suo Da will be

depressed for the rest of his life, right? Hahahaha~

I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt a little sorry for Auntie~

Yes, wasn’t Auntie defeated in such an aggrieved way later on? It’s so

miserable, hahahaha~

Looking at it this way, Kidd and Luo are actually defeated!

Although Suo Da successfully avoided defeat in such a frustrating way,

Auntie ended up here. It’s really pitiful. I feel sorry for

Auntie for a second!

【Trafalgar D. Vatierro:? ? ? ? ?】

【Eustace Kidd:? ? ? ? ?】

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? ? ? seven】.

Chapter 135

【Charlotte Lingling:? ? ? what’s the situation? ! This barrage actually

said that I was defeated at the hands of these two brats, Eustace Kidd and

Trafalgar Law? ! How can this be? ! It’s just nonsense! ! !】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ Before, it was Kaido who was defeated by the

Straw Hat Boy. Now it’s Lingling’s turn. Is it your turn to be defeated by

the other two brats? It’s really interesting~】

【Kaido:? ? ? Golden Lion, can you please stop talking nonsense when

you are riding a horse? ! What does it mean that I will be defeated by the

Straw Hat Boy? ! That’s just nonsense from the barrage, plus you guys’

own random understanding, right? !】

【Charlotte Lingling: That’s right! These comments are obviously

nonsense! How could I and Kaido lose to these brats? Even if it’s a joke,

there has to be a limit, right? ! ! !】

【John: Hahahaha! Look, Kaido and Lingling are in a hurry.~】

【Silver Ax: Haha, this is normal. They have been the Yonko for so many

years, but now the barrage suddenly said that they will be defeated by a

few newcomers. This is indeed a bit unacceptable.~】

【Wang Zhi: But I don’t know why, but I always feel that these barrages

may not be a joke, they may be true.~】

【Rocks D Jibek: Hehehe~ If what these barrages say are true and Kaido

and Lingling are really defeated by such a few brats, it would be really


【Kaido: Impossible! ! !】

【Charlotte Lingling: Absolutely impossible! ! !】

【Kaido: With the strength of those brats, they are still far from defeating

me and Lingling!】

【Charlotte Lingling: That’s right! If I could be defeated so easily, I

wouldn’t have been able to sit on the throne of the Four Emperors for so

many years!】

【Kaido: Not to mention defeating me, with their gang of brats, it is

impossible to defeat Jhin under me! Just wait and see, that Roronoa

Zoro will definitely be taught a lesson by Jhin!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: It’s not like what you said! Zoro will definitely be

able to defeat that dark guy, and I will definitely beat Kaido away, you

bastard! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Why do I feel like I have seen this conversation


【Kuzan: Isn’t that right? They both have been arguing about this matter

for countless times.~】

【Sakaski: Humph! Let me tell you, no matter Kaido or Straw Hat, both

of them are heinous pirates. The best result is that they both lose and die

together, which can be regarded as two less scourges in the world!】

【Porusalino: Well, Sakaski, you are more ruthless.~】


inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

the battle between Zoro and Jhin continues.

And during the fierce battle between the two.

But there was a sudden ringing sound from Zoro’s waist.

This made Zoro a little confused.

Because he didn’t remember that he had the phone bug on him.

After the phone call was answered.

Sanji’s voice came from the other end.。

“I stuffed it in your belt because I was afraid you would die outside and

no one would collect your body.……”

Zoro frowned slightly。

“Idiot cook!”

“Don’t bother me! ”

There seemed to be a bit of displeasure in his voice.

But Sanji rarely quarreled with Zoro.

Instead, he said in a very serious voice:

“Just a few words, listen to me……”

“We are about to…defeat the Beast Pirates. Sauron

responded without hesitation:

“Yeah, isn’t that nonsense? ! ”

Sanji continued:

“However, after joining the tiebreaker……”

“I’m not normal anymore……”

“Just kill me. ”

Sanji’s tone was quite calm when he said this.

There was no emotional fluctuation.

But it didn’t sound like he was joking.

After hearing the other party’s request,

Zoro did not ask any more questions.

Instead, he directly He nodded and said:

“OK, I understand。”

“I will be responsible for killing you properly!”

“Although I don’t know what your situation is……”

“But now I have fun after the decisive battle. ”

As he said that,

Sauron’s voice suddenly became darker.

He continued with an extremely serious expression:

“So you kid……”

“Don’t die before then! ”

Hearing Zoro’s answer,

Sanji’s voice came again from the other side of the phone.。

“Thanks. ”

The voice was still very calm.

There was no emotional ups and downs.

The next moment,

the call was hung up.

The screen also froze.

The barrage army passed by again –

wuwuwu! Another day of crying for the wings of the king!

Tsk ! Tsk tsk! Is this the legendary socialist brotherhood?! (Dog Head)

I’m sorry everyone, I’d like to express my respect for Zoro and Sanji!

Although these two people usually don’t deal with each other, they often

We were arguing, but the critical moment was really… I cried to death!!!

Sanji put his life in Zoro’s hands!

Why did he feel a little romantic for no reason? (fujoshi face)

Sanji: Is it romantic? Take my life in exchange for it. (Dog head)

Hahahaha! I suspect that after hearing Sanji’s request, Soda would be

very happy at the first moment ~

Yes! Soda must be thinking in his heart, actually still Such a good thing?!

(Dog Head)

Zoro: This kid actually asked me to kill him? I have never heard such an

outrageous request in my life! (Dog Head)

Brothers, come and chop me down! (Dog Head)

Sanji: If I become abnormal after this battle, you will kill me! (serious


Zoro: What words? What kind of words are these?! Can’t I kill you if you

are normal? ( Dog Head)

Zoro: Even if you are normal, I still want to kill you~ (Dog Head)

Hahahaha! By the way, when did Sanji become normal? Hasn’t he always

been abnormal? (Dog Head)

Hey! Yes! That’s it! If so… wouldn’t Soda be able to just kill Sanji

directly? (Dog head)

I can feel it! Soda’s sword is already thirsty!!! (Dog head)

Zoro: Curl your eyebrows, prepare to die! !!(grin)


【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Roronoa Zoro: Hey, Curly Eyebrow, what are you crazy about? You

want me to kill you? Is there such a good thing?~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: I don’t know what’s going on in the video! Why can’t I

think of making such a request to you? ! Could it be that… I’m really

crazy? ! ! !】

【Nico Robin: Ah, this content in the video is really concerning. What on

earth did Sanji mean by becoming abnormal?】

【Usopp: Could it be that there is actually an evil dark personality living

in Sanji’s body, and the Sanji in the video will soon be replaced by that

dark personality? ! ! !】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Nani? ! ! ! Is it so terrible? ! ! !】

【Nami: …Usopp, do you dare to guess any more outrageously?

Obviously it can’t be the reason for being so good, right? !】

【Franky: Is it possible that Sanji is going to become a super pervert like


【Brooke: If you look at it based on Sanji-san’s two years in the Demon

Kingdom, Franky’s guess is not impossible~ yo���Hoho~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? Hey hey! Don’t make blind guesses here, okay? !

Although I also want to know what is going on, obviously the Tiandao

Inventory System does not intend to tell me the answer so soon.……】


inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

ending the call with Sanji.

Zoro continued to fight fiercely with Jhin.

The fighting was quite fierce.

in the screen.

Jhin, who transformed into the form of a pteranodon, suddenly stretched

out his pitch-b

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] lack claws.

He grabbed the sharp corner above his head.

He pulled back hard.

The pitch-black sharp corner was like rubber, and

the old man was instantly pulled by it!

And Jhin’s face also became a little funny and ferocious because of such


This scene made Zoro a little stunned.

And the next moment!

Jhin suddenly released his claws holding on to the pitch-black horn.

Immediately afterwards.

Jhin’s head actually seemed to be launched!

Stretched suddenly.

It blasted towards the location of Zoro below!

“Diao is the emperor! ”

This scene left Sauron dumbfounded.

He never thought that Jhin could have such an attack method.

Although this move seemed a bit funny and funny,

its power should not be underestimated!

Sauron also felt the power of it. The accompanying terrifying impact was

quickly avoided.

Jhin was hovering high in the sky.

While fluttering his wings and soaring, he explained in a serious and cold


“As far back as ancient times, this is how pterosaurs hunted! ”

The screen freezes.

The barrage army passes by again –

hahahahaha! No

way! This attack method of Jhin really makes me laugh to death!

Did Jhin use his head as a cannonball to launch it?!

It’s really a weird attack method!

And Jhin’s serious explanation is too funny!

Is this how pterosaurs hunted in ancient times? Who are you fooling?


Sauron: Bully me You haven’t read a book, have you?! (Dog Head)

Zoro: I believe you! You bad old man is very bad! (To read Baoshuang

novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Pterodactyl: Ah, yes, yes, yes! This is how we hunted before! (Dog Head)

Pterodactyl: I’m not, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense!

Pterodactyl: Jhin’s personal behavior, please don’t escalate it to the entire

pterodactyl group, thank you.

Pterodactyl: Listen to me, thank you, Because of you, the four seasons are

warm~ (Dog Head)

Pterodactyl: Jhin, please don’t get involved! (Dog Head)

As soon as I heard this, I knew that Jhin said this just to save some face!

What a serious nonsense. It made me laugh so hard, hahahaha~

Originally, I thought Jhin was the only aloof character among the three

main boards of the Beasts Pirates, but I didn’t expect that he turned out

to be a funny character too! Hahahaha! Co-authored the

complete Beasts Pirates The members are so funny, right? The

members of the Beasts Pirates are really better than the others~ Animal


? Hahahaha~ The funny man Jin is online!!!


The video continues to play –

the battle between Zoro and Jhin continues…0

Jhin flies extremely fast in Pteranodon form.

He has been hovering high in the sky.

With the advantage of being able to fly,

he constantly used long-range attacks to harass Sauron.

This gave Zoro a headache.

Although he also used long-range attack moves such as “Annoying Wind”

and “Black Rope Tornado” to fight back.

But for some reason…

Zoro’s attack clearly landed on Jhin.

But it did not cause any substantial harm to the other party.

Zoro was very puzzled by this.

I don’t know where exactly the problem lies.

After another anxious fight.

Zoro was severely slashed by Jhin, who had returned to his human form,

and flew out.

He fell heavily to the ground.

And when he was breathing heavily,

he was about to get up and continue fighting.


A burst of music playing shamisen came from the Onigashima Castle.

And when the sound of music came.

The Yama in Sauron’s right hand suddenly lost control!

It began to absorb the domineering energy from Zoro’s body completely


Zoro’s right arm was sucked dry in an instant.

Fortunately, he reacted in time.

He immediately forcibly controlled Yama.

Take the absorbed domineering energy back into your body.

Only then did the withered right arm return to its original shape.

Immediately afterwards.

Jhin took advantage of the situation and launched several waves of fierce

attacks on Sauron.

Zoro barely managed.

It was very difficult.

And just when Jhin launched the previous move “Dark Self-Esteemed

Emperor” again,

Zoro, who had just prepared to attack,

lost control of the Yama in his hand again!

He began to crazily absorb the domineering energy in his body.

This sudden change made Zoro move suddenly.

There was no time to resist Jhin’s attack.

The violent explosion impact directly blew Zoro away.

All three of his sabers were blown away.

Among them,

the third-generation ghost fell directly towards the bottom of the ghost


Faced with such a situation.

Zoro didn’t hesitate and

jumped directly off the ghost island.

He held the Third Generation Ghost tightly in his hands again.

And at the same time.

His mind couldn’t help but flash back to the scene when he got this third-

generation ghost weapon in the weapons shop in Rogge Town!

Seeing that Zoro was about to fall off the ghost island with the third

generation of ghosts.

Jhin suddenly flew below him and

kicked the opponent back up again.

At the same time, he said with some confusion:

“This is the first time I have seen a swordsman who is burdened by his


“Are you willing to risk your life to save the knife? ”

Zoro, who fell back to the ground of Onigashima, did not answer Jhin’s


Instead, he climbed up with some difficulty.

He came to the scattered Wado Yimonji and

held it tightly in his hand again. 2.9 His mind was also filled with

random thoughts. The scene flashed back

to the scene when he asked Koushiro to hand over Koina’s sword to him

in Frost Moon Village . Then


Zoro came to Yama again and

grasped the sword in Wano Country again. He just got a new sword.

But this time…

the figure of an old man suddenly appeared in his mind! It was an old

man he had seen on the coast of Shuangyue Village

when he was young.


It wasn’t until later that Zoro knew that

this old man was actually Kuina’s grandfather.

The father of Koushiro Shigetsuki.

He was also the famous swordsmith who escaped from Wano Country

with his grandmother – Kozaburo Shigetsuki!

Ranked among the greatest swordsmen The Twenty-One Works of Wadao

Ichimonji and Yama…

were all written by him!

At this moment, Zoro’s mind

kept echoing some of the words Kozaburo Shigetsuki said to him on the



He With a glimmer of understanding,

he looked at the Yama in his hand again

and said to himself:

“king of hell……”


“Coming, right?”

“You have chosen me and are here to test me.……”

this moment.

Zoro understood in his heart and had no more doubts.

He held Yama tightly in his hand.

The dark armed domineering energy instantly covered it and kept

pouring out.。

“The sword is upright and has no malice.。”

“If that’s the case, then it means I don’t have enough strength!”

“Was Oden able to fight easily even though he had so much Haki taken

away from him?”

“Right, Yama? ”

Muttering to himself.

A domineering energy that was completely different from the armed

domineering power suddenly surged out of Sauron’s body!

The aura was extremely powerful! It

was like the king of hell came to the world!

That was…

the domineering power of an overlord!!!.

Chapter 136

inside the projection screen.

When that powerful overlord-colored domineering energy burst out from

Zoro’s body.

Just behind, in Onigashima Castle,

a group of Beast Pirates’ men were swarming out.

They held weapons and

continued to gather towards Sauron’s location from behind.

At the same time, he kept shouting:

“Look! It’s the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro!”

“Lord Jhin is fighting him!”

“Walk! Let’s go and help Master Jin too!”

“Lord Jhin, leave that guy’s head to us! ”

These men of the Beasts Pirates shouted while

running over quickly and menacingly.

However ,…

When they got close to a certain distance from Sauron.


A terrifying momentum enveloped them all!

In just a moment,

the minions of the Beasts Pirates were all foaming at the mouth.

Fainted to the ground!

The venue instantly fell silent.

Jhin looked slightly startled.

The eyes he looked at Sauron were a little more dignified.。

“I see……”

“What are your plans……”

“Do you want to become a [King]? ”

Hearing Jhin’s question,

Zoro felt a little confused at first.

But then he reacted.

Two pictures suddenly appeared in his mind.

One of them was the young him kneeling in Guina’s mourning hall.


holding the word “Hedao” and crying bitterly, he swore:

“I will become stronger along with her share!”

“As strong as my name……Ring throughout heaven! ! ! ”

The other scene

is when Zoro first met Luffy in Shields Town.

When he told Luffy his ambition to become the world’s greatest


Luffy smiled brightly. responded:

“The world’s greatest swordsman?”

“This is great!”

“One Piece’s Partner……You have to be so good! ”

Two pictures flashed through his mind quickly.


a confident smile appeared on Zoro’s face.

He looked at Jhin in front of him and

responded in a deep voice:


“After all, the captain and my best friend and I……”

“It’s all agreed upon! ! ! ”

As the words drifted,

Sauron’s whole aura became stronger.

Above the three sabers,

there were all dark and cold domineering energy floating out!

Under the reflection of these domineering forces,

Sauron looked even more powerful. It’s like the king who reigns over


The scene freezes.

Thick barrages keep passing by –


Damn !!!

Wo Ni Ma!!!

Is Suo Da awakening his overlord color and domineering power?!!!

Bullshit Awesome! Does Suo Da have the qualifications to become a


This is the kind of overlord and domineering power that only one person

in a million can possess!

Suo Da is awesome!!!

Suo Da is so powerful!!!

So handsome!!!

Haha, you are really making such a fuss, I just want to say this……Suo

Da is truly worthy of being my husband! ! !

Good guy, the people upstairs actually have the nerve to tell us that we

are making a fuss, but you are already barking like a groundhog~

Hahahaha! But it’s understandable, after all, who can resist such a

handsome Suo Da~

Indeed! Even a grown man like me can’t stand it!

Suo Da definitely kills both men and women!

But to be honest……In fact, I’m not surprised at all that Soda was able to

awaken the domineering power of Overlord Color.

Yes, Suo Da is a man who will become the world’s greatest swordsman in

the future, and it is inevitable to have a domineering and domineering


If the Straw Hat Pirates were to compete against the Roger Pirates, Luffy

would undoubtedly be competing against Roger, while Solo would be

competing against Rayleigh.

Since Rayleigh possesses domineering domineering power, Suo Da must

also have it. This is a matter of time.

Also, it was expected that Suo Da would awaken his domineering power.

But even so, when I actually saw the scene of Suo Da awakening his

overlord color and domineering energy, I still thought he was so

handsome! ! !

Suo Da’s last sentence in response to Jhin was also quite handsome and


Grass mud horse! I’m on fire again and again! ! !

Hey, isn’t this brother spontaneously burning upstairs? You haven’t been

burned to ashes yet? (Dog head)

Hahahaha! God is so spontaneous! I’m laughing so hard!

As expected, everyone in the barrage is talented, and they speak nicely~

(dog head)

【Shiki: Hiss! Has this kid also awakened his domineering aura? ! ! !】

【Gol D. Roger: He looks so domineering and domineering……It’s really

something! amazing!】

【Shanks: In this way, Luffy’s pirate team already has two owners of

overlord-colored Haki.。】

【Silbarz Reilly: In a pirate group, it is already rare to have one strong

man with overlord-like haki, and two of them are even more rare!】

【Jabba Sparks: Predictable……The future achievements of Straw Hat

Boy and the Straw Hat Pirates are absolutely limitless!】

【Warring States: Damn it! Has another young pirate with domineering

haki appeared? Now, the Straw Hat Pirates have become even more


【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! They really deserve to be my grandson’s

pirate group, they are awesome!】

【Sengoku: Garp! You old guy still have the nerve to laugh? ! ! !】

【Sakaski: Humph! Let me tell you, since the Straw Hat Pirates will be

more troublesome in the future, it is even more important to eradicate

them completely before they have grown up!】

【Rocks D Jibek: Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Isn’t it just the awakening of a

domineering domineering spirit? Look what all the fuss is about you~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Indeed, although looking at the

entire sea, there are not many people with overlord-colored domineering,

but if it is just in the new world, the owners of overlord-colored

domineering are actually like too many. Just like the crucian carp in the

river, there is nothing surprising at all!】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ That’s right! It’s just a sudden awakening of

Overlord’s domineering energy. It can’t even be entangled with

Overlord’s color. It has no impact at all on the battle between truly strong


【Jack: Humph! Boss Kaido is right. You all saw it just now. Roronoa

Zoro has been suppressed and beaten by Brother Jhin, and he doesn’t

even have the strength to resist. Even if he suddenly awakens the

overlord’s Haki, this time There will be no change in the outcome of the

battle. Brother Jin will definitely win!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, don’t say something too early。】

【Jack: Humph! how? Could it be that you really thought you might win

Brother Jhin? ! I will leave my words here today. In the name of

“Drought” Jack, one of the three major poster boards of the Beast Pirates,

I am sure that you will never win Brother Jhin! If you really win, I will

take off my own head and that of Brother Jin and play it as a ball for

you! ! !】

【ember:? ? ? Jack, if you want to raise the flag, please do so. Can you

please take me with you? ! ! !】

【Jack: Ahem……Sorry,

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Brother Jin, I

accidentally spoke too fast just now. Let me change it. If that Roronoa

Zoro can really win you, then I will take off Zi Huan Kuida’s head and let

him play it as a ball. ! ! !】

【Quinn:? ? ? Jack, you are such a fool! Don’t bother bringing me with

you! If you like to kick people’s heads like balls, just use your own head!

! !】

【Jack: Ahem……Okay, then just take my own head…….】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yeah……Why do I always feel like this guy named

Jack is a little bit not very smart?】

【Nami: Be more confident, Luffy, and get rid of the feeling and the


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Hahahaha! If it can make Luffy feel that he is not very

smart, then it means that this Jack is really stupid.~】

【Jack:? ? ? ? ? 】

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after awakening the domineering power of the Overlord.

Zoro also finally succeeded in controlling the newly acquired Yama.

The battle continues.

Zoro and Jhin continued to fight fiercely.

And in the process of such a fight.

Zoro also gradually discovered some rules about Jhin’s fighting style.

He found……

When the fire behind Jhin burned brightly.

The opponent’s defense seems to be particularly strong.

No matter how hard he attacks,

he can never cause any substantial damage to it.

But when the flame behind Jhin goes out, (to read Baoshuang novels, go

to Feilu Novel Network!) the

opponent’s speed will suddenly increase a lot!

Extremely fast.

But in contrast,

Jhin’s defense will be reduced!

If you attack it at this time.

It is completely possible to hurt the other party!

After figuring out this pattern,

Zoro finally gradually found the method and rhythm of fighting Jhin.

The situation of the war began to gradually turn around.

in his constant���Under the attack,

many scars appeared on Jhin’s body.

And in a fierce fight.

Sauron even chopped off the mask on Jhin’s face completely with one


The other party’s true face, which had been hidden by the mask, was

completely revealed.

What an extremely handsome face!

Brown skin.

Silver hair.

Looks extremely handsome!


Jhin looked unhappy with such a handsome face.

Instead, that handsome face was full of anger!

Several members of the Beast Pirates who saw his true appearance

were directly and ruthlessly killed by Jhin!

The picture freezes.

The barrage army floated by again—

fuck! So handsome!

hiss! Is Jhin’s true appearance so handsome? ! ! !

Digging! Such good looks! Another male god!

I didn’t expect that there would be such a handsome person among the

Beast Pirates! ! !

Birds eat crickets! Such good looks……They are comparable to me at my

peak! (dog head)

hetui~! The upstairs is really stinky and shameless!

Who has yellow urine? Come and help me wake up the guy upstairs!

You say……Jin is obviously so handsome, why does he have to wear a

black mask all day long? Is it just because he doesn’t want others to know

his Lunaria identity?

But even if he covers his mask, isn’t the fire behind him still obvious?

Anyone who knows something about the Lunaria clan doesn’t need to

look at his appearance at all. They only need to look at the fire to

recognize his identity.

People who don’t know the Lunaria tribe, they won’t recognize Jhin even

if he shows his face.

Yes, that’s why I feel that Jhin’s disguise is completely unnecessary.

Hehe, don’t you understand this? Concealing his identity is just an

excuse. The real reason why Jin wears a mask is actually……In order to

preserve a bit of image for myself when using [Diao Self-Respecting


Pfft hahahahaha! ! ! !

Awesome! This explanation is awesome! ! !

hiss! This explanation makes sense!

Think about it, if Jhin uses [Diao Zhi Huang] with such a handsome face,

the scene will be even more explosive and funny than before. Who the

hell can stand such a huge contrast? ! 863

As for performing [Diao Zhi Huang] while wearing a mask, although it is

still funny, it is ultimately better than performing it with a handsome


Ha ha ha ha! The case is solved! The case is solved!

It turned out that Jin was wearing a mask together because he had idol

baggage and was afraid of being embarrassed~

How brave! How dare you tease our Jin like this? ! Warning from the

Diao Zizhuang Emperor! (dog head)


inside the projection screen.

The video continues –

after this small episode where Jhin reveals his true face.

The two continued to fight fiercely together.

The fighting became more and more intense.

Zoro understood Jhin’s physical characteristics more and more clearly.

It is becoming more and more comfortable to take on challenges.

From being at a disadvantage,

to gradually becoming evenly matched,

and now it seems that they have gradually gained some advantages.

Faced with such a situation.

Jin knew that he could not drag it out any longer.

The battle must end as soon as possible!

Zoro also had the same idea in his heart.

Because the special Zou medicine he used before is almost up!

If the battle is not ended as soon as possible.

The situation behind is definitely quite bad!


in the screen.

Zoro and Jhin looked at each other from afar.

Each is preparing to give the other the final blow!

Jhin’s figure was seen floating high in the sky.

The flame behind him began to burn brightly.

A huge flame burst out.

It transformed into a flaming dragon and

lunged towards Sauron below with all its fangs and claws!

“Guard the Fire Dragon Emperor! ”

Facing such an attack,

Zoro clenched the sword in his hand and

rushed forward to face the giant flame dragon.

He suddenly jumped into the air.

The two famous swords in his hands were the Third Generation Kitetsu

and the Yama was lifted high above his head,

and he aimed at the dragon’s head and slashed it down!

At the same time,

Wadou Yijiji, who was tightly bitten by Zoro in his mouth, also burst out

with a sharp slash.。

“The King of Hell has three swords, a dragon, and a hundred three

emotions, and the flying dragon serves as the ultimate servant! ”

With the sound of Sauron’s angry roar,

in an instant!

The giant flame dragon was easily split open!

And with it, Jhin’s body was also hit


Jhin’s chest was directly hit. A deep and terrifying wound was cut!

Blood immediately spattered out!

Even Jhin’s right wing

was cut off directly by Zoro’s move!

In Sauron’s blow, “Three Kings of Hell” Under “The One Hundred Three

Emotions of the Sword Dragon and the Flying Dragon’s Attendant”,

Jhin passed out in an instant.

He completely lost consciousness!

His body fell from the sky.

The Onigashima Battle。

“Pirate Hunter” Zoro VS “Fire Calamity” Jhin.


Roronoa Zoro! ! ! .

Chapter 137

inside the projection screen.

Sauron’s figure stayed in mid-air.

His three sabers

were followed by dark domineering energy!

And wrapped around it,

there seems to be a fierce and fierce evil spirit and murderous aura!

It’s like coming from hell.

It’s chilling! There were even black thunders exploding inexplicably

around his body ! Under the electric light, Sauron’s figure really looked

like a ghost from hell! And behind Sauron. Jhin, who had been slashed

and unconscious, was falling from high altitude. Falling towards the

endless sea below. this battle

The outcome is decided! ! !

At this moment of victory.

There was not much joy in Zoro’s heart.

But he couldn’t help but have a picture appear in his mind again.

That was outside the Donghai Barati restaurant.

After he challenges Hawkeye and loses miserably.

Seriously injured, he lay on the small boat and

raised the Wadao Yiji in his hand high.

One hand covered his eyes that kept weeping.

He swore loudly to Luffy who was not far away:

“Before defeating him and becoming the world’s greatest


“I won’t lose again! ! !”

“Do you have an opinion?”

“One Piece! ! ! ”

Luffy’s smile at that time is still very clear in my memory.

And the other party’s response without hesitation, “No objection.”……

This moment was constantly echoing in Sauron’s mind.

Think of these.

A smile suddenly appeared on Zoro’s face.

He closed his eyes slightly.

Then he said to himself in the most determined tone:

“The King of Hell……”

“I’ll show it to you! ! ! ”

The picture freezes here.

Immediately afterwards,

a dense army of barrages began to pass by continuously –

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!

So handsome, so handsome, so handsome!!!

Help! How can this man be so handsome!!!

Why do I feel like crying all of a sudden?!

Made! At such a burning time, you actually gave me such a touching

memory. Who can withstand this?!

Looking back, Suo Da’s journey has been really great. It’s not easy!

But Suo Dai really fulfilled his promise to Luffy, and he has never lost to

another swordsman since then!

Now even Jhin has been defeated by Suo Dai. The next step should be to

point the sword at the throne of the world’s greatest swordsman, right?!

I’m afraid it won’t be long before Suo Da and Hawkeye are about to face

a battle where master and disciple fall in love and kill each other~

Hawkeye! Danger!!! ( Dog Head)

A swordsman with fancy move names and often reciting poems, versus a

swordsman with no move names and all his big moves are like A-levels. I

always feel that this scene will be very interesting! I am already looking

forward to that day

. It’s here!

Looking forward to +1!

Speaking of which, Suo Da once again mentioned the titles of [King of

Hell] and [King of Hell]!

Indeed, this means that Suo Da has completely controlled the Yama. The

strength of this unique famous sword has been greatly improved again!

Speaking of which, Suo Da seems to have followed the evil fighting style

of Shura and Hell from the beginning to the present. Therefore, these two

titles are different from Suo Da. Suo Da is a perfect match, without any

sense of disobedience!

After this wave, Suo Da is even more able to compete with Rayleigh, a

king of hell, a king of Hades!

Suo Da’s last words are also quite domineering, just a mere King of Hell, I

will show it to you!

Yes! This sentence made my skin crawl all over my body!!

Handsome! So handsome!!!

People can really repeat themselves at different times. I’m in love with

Suo Da!

Congratulations to Suo Da on becoming the King of Hell!!!

The dense barrage almost filled the entire projection screen.

Even the picture below can’t be seen clearly.

At the same time.

In the Tiandao chat group Everyone also had a heated discussion about


【Monkey D. Luffy: Sri Lanka! ! ! Zoro, you are so strong in the future! !


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Damn it! This guy, Green Algae Head, actually did it


【Usopp: I have to say, Zoro in the video is really handsome!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: That aura looks a bit scary, like a real ghost or

god, but fortunately Zoro is one of our own.~】

【Franky: Zoro is really super handsome! Super man!】

【Brooke: Mr. Zoro will really become an extremely powerful swordsman

in the future. I admire him so much when I see it. My heart can’t help but

beat wildly, even though I’m just a human. Skeletons don’t have a heart

that can beat wildly, yo hoo hoo hoo~】

【Jack: What? ! ! ! Brother Jin actually lost to that Roronoa Zoro? ! How

can this be? ! ! !】

【Joz: Haha, if I remember correctly, someone seemed to have said not

long ago that if Roronoa Zoro really defeated Jhin, then he would take

off his own head and let the opponent kick it as a ball.~】

【Bista: Joz, you remembered wrongly. Not only was it his head, he also

said that he would take off Jhin and Quinn’s heads as well.~】

【Quinn: Don’t! This idiot Jack said this alone, but I have never promised


【Jhin: What that idiot Jack said has nothing to do with me.。】


【Kaido: Damn it! Did even Jhin actually lose to that Roronoa Zoro? ! !


【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ Kaido, you are a bit embarrassed

by this.~】

【Kaido: Humph! Lingling, you old woman have the nerve to laugh at

me? ! Your son Katakuri was defeated by that Straw Hat guy earlier than


【Charlotte Lingling:……grass! It seems so! Why am I here to gloat over

misfortune? !】

【Shiji: Jie hahahaha~ Kaido, Lingling, it’s really interesting to see you

two hurting each other here.~】

【Kaido: Humph! If Jin loses, then he loses. In fact, it’s not a big deal. As

long as I take off the head of the Straw Hat guy, then they still have no

chance of winning this war!】

【Charlotte Lingling: That’s right! In the Onigashima battle in the video,

as long as I and Kaido are still there, even if all the people below are

dead, the Straw Hats have absolutely no hope of winning in this war!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Lingling, you

are so swearing here, but don’t forget……The previous barrage already

mentioned the defeat between you and Kaido.~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Haha, before seeing the real video, I will never

believe the nonsense of those bullet screens!】

【Kaido: That’s right! The winner of this ghost island battle must still be

me and Lingling!】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Kaido and Big Mom really perfectly explained what

it means to not shed tears without seeing the coffin~]

Inside the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

after defeating Jhin.

Zoro also fell weakly to the ground at the edge of Onigashima.

The effect of Zou’s special medicine has worn off.

Now he has returned to a state of serious injury.

And the injuries were even more serious than before!

The pain it suffered,

as the goat doctor said,

was several times the previous pain!

Zoro fell to the ground helplessly.

The consciousness gradually began to become blurred.

Under the attack of this intense pain. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu

Novel Network!)

He vaguely understood……

It seems that he saw a shadow of the God of Death holding a huge scythe,

slowly walking towards him step by step!

The camera turned.

The shadow of Death holding a scythe has disappeared.

But Zoro’s figure had already rolled to the edge of the ghost island.

It’s about to fall!

At this time, he was already unconscious.

If he just fell off the ghost island like this.

It must be a place of death without burial!


At the critical moment when Sauron was about to fall!

Franky arrived just in time.

Pulled Zoro up.

Then he was taken to Chopper and others for treatment.

The camera turns again.

The time has come after the Onigashima War.

There was no video playing on the screen.

Just put a reward notice on it.

In the photo of the reward order,

it is Sauron who looks like the King of Hell!

Under the photo,

there are two lines of small words.

Corresponding to the name of the person offering the reward and the

amount of the reward.

Bounty: Roronoa Zoro.

Bounty: 1.111 billion Baileys! ! !

The picture finally settled on this reward order.

The barrage army passed by again –

hiss! So awesome! ! !

Suo Da’s bounty has exceeded 1 billion!

fierce! So fierce! ! !

The bounty exceeds 1 billion, which means that Suo Da has officially

entered the ranks of the great pirates!

This bounty of 1.111 billion Baileys is well deserved! ! !

As expected of our [Poetry King], he is so impressive!

applaud! ! !

Throw flowers! ! !

So awesome! ! !

As the barrages continued to pass by.

The picture on the projection screen gradually faded into darkness.

Immediately afterwards.

A cold mechanical prompt sounded suddenly。

“This round of [Poetry King] Roronoa Zoro’s inventory has ended~`。”

“Next comes the reward distribution phase!”

“The results of this round of questions are being tallied……”

【Roronoa Zoro: Is this the end of my inventory video?】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Huh? What do you mean it’s over? ! In this round of

videos, your boy has pretended to have so many pussy, are you still not

satisfied? ! You green algae head really got the advantage and behaved

well! ! !】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! This round of inventory videos is finally coming to

an end! Can you please hurry up to my inventory section in the next

video? I am the overlord of the sea, don’t I deserve to have a king-level

title? !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Rocks, if I follow your logic, then no matter

what, you should first play the inventory video of me, the real Pirate

King. How can I get your turn?~】

【Rocks D Jiback: Haha, bullshit Pirate King! If I were still alive, how

could it be your turn to be the Pirate King? !】

【Gol D. Roger: Hehe, no matter what you say, won’t you still die in the

end? This is an undoubted fact~】

【Rocks D Gibek:……grass! ! !】

【John: Hahahaha! Old Captain, how come you can never beat Roger

with your talk? So pitiful~】

【Silver Ax: I feel that every time the old captain quarrels with others, he

is humiliating himself.~】

【Wang Zhi: Alas~ I didn’t expect that the former overlord of the sea

(Zhao Hao) would be reduced to this. It’s really sad and lamentable.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ?%*!!!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! The old captain was so angry that he cursed a

bunch of forbidden words again. It really made me laugh to death! When

it comes to yin and yang, it really still depends on you three guys.~】

【Porusalino: Well~it’s time for another exciting lottery draw.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ If I remember correctly, Roronoa Zoro seems to have

answered two questions correctly by himself. He is probably the same as

Bucky in the previous round, and he can monopolize two lottery

opportunities by himself. Yeah, it’s really enviable~】

【Roronoa Zoro: I wonder if the rewards I received this round can help

me improve my strength? I can’t help but feel a little excited! 】

That’s it.

Under the waiting and expectation of everyone.

The prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system soon sounded again。

“The results of this round of answering questions are summarized!”

“There are five random questions in this round, and there are five correct

answers in total.。”

“Those who have accumulated 5 points: None。”

“A total of 4 winners: None。”

“Those who have accumulated 3 points: None。”

“The person who got 2 points in total: Roronoa Zoro。”

“Those who have accumulated 1 point: Jora Kormihawk, Bartholomew

Bear, Vinsmoke Sanji。”

“Congratulations to Roronoa Zoro for winning first place in this round of

answering questions, and you will get two random lottery opportunities!”

“Congratulations to Jora Kormihawk, Bartholomew Bear, and Vinsmoke

Sanji for tying for second place in this round of answering questions, and

each will get a chance to be randomly drawn!”

“Rewards are randomly selected by the Tiandao inventory system and are

absolutely fair and just.。”

“The random draw will begin next……”。

Chapter 138

“The random draw will begin next……”

With the cold sound of the Tiandao inventory system falling.

The originally dark projection screen also lit up again.

A round lottery wheel slowly emerged on it。

“The first lottery winner: Roronoa Zoro. ”

The Tiandao prompt sounded again.

The next moment,

the lottery wheel in the projection screen began to rotate slowly.

After a wave of acceleration and then deceleration,

the wheel pointer finally stopped on a certain area.

The golden question mark in that area The symbol then dissipated like


It was replaced by a bottle of emerald green potion.

Life Potion: A miracle potion containing rich life essence. After drinking,

it can greatly improve the user’s physical condition and heal all the

diseases in the user’s body. Injuries and even make the disabled body

regain its health! The

first reward Zoro drew.

It was the life potion that Shanks had received before!

【Shanks: Oh~ It’s the same reward as before. It seems that Luffy’s

partner is also destined to me, hahahaha~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Is there a life potion that can instantly cure all

injuries and even restore a disabled body to full health? It just so happens

that Sauron has not recovered from the injury he suffered on the Terror

Barque. This reward is just right for him!】

【Franky: Not only that, this life potion seems to be able to improve the

user’s physique to a certain extent. Although the effect is not as good as

the previous physique potion obtained by Bucky, it will definitely

improve Sauron’s strength. of!】

【Brooke: Yo ho ho ho~ Just this reward alone, I feel like Mr. Zoro has

already earned it.~】

【Usopp: If Zoro’s next reward can also draw some good things, then it

will be a real big profit!】

【Rocks Djibek: Damn it! It’s torture to watch these guys get rewards

while I get nothing! ! !】

【John: Indeed, I was really jealous when I saw that each of them got a

chance to win the lottery, but I didn’t get anything.。】

【Silver Ax: But we are definitely better than the old captain. After all,

we are not as obsessed with resurrection and getting rewards as the old


【Wang Zhi: Haha, anyway, I don’t have much thought about these

rewards. After all, I am now the self-proclaimed king on Beehive Island,

and I still have so many treasures left by the old captain. I feel very free

and at ease.~】

【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? grass! Wang Zhi, you piece of shit, when I come

back to life, I will definitely go to Beehive Island to chop you up and feed

you to the dogs! ! !】

【Wang Zhi: Haha, old captain, let’s wait until you are truly resurrected

to say these words~]

Very soon.

The beep of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“Next winner: Roronoa Zoro. ”

The words fell.

The lottery wheel started spinning again and stopped….

This round of lottery rewards also slowly appeared.

Crescent Moon Chong: A powerful sword move from the world of death.

It condenses its own spiritual pressure on the tip of the sword and

releases it, forming a crescent-shaped slash to attack the enemy. It has

extremely powerful destructive power.

Note: After the improvement and optimization of the Tiandao Inventory

System, the energy source used to release Getsuga Tenchou has been

adjusted from the spiritual pressure of the original Death God world to

the domineering power of the current Pirate World.。

【Jorah Kormihawk: Crescent Moon Opposition……A powerful sword

move from another world? interesting! Roronoa Zoro, you have to

practice this move well. In the future, let me see how powerful this sword

move from another world is!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! I’m also very curious about Crescent Moon

Celestial Opposition. I wonder which one is stronger and which one is

weaker compared to my “Divine Avoidance”?】

【Silbarz Reilly: However, this sword move seems to require Haki to

activate and release. Roronoa Zoro has not yet mastered how to use


【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Having said that, with the talent of this

little guy, and the fact that he has seen his future self attack with

domineering many times in the previous inventory video, I want to wait

for this fate. After the inventory video ends, it won’t be long before he

can really master it.。】

【Monkey D. Luffy: That’s great! Sauron, in this way, your strength will

become stronger!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Yes, with these rewards, I am one step closer to my goal

of becoming the world’s greatest swordsman!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: I didn’t expect this damn green algae head to be so

lucky. The two rewards he drew were of great help to him. I don’t know

what reward I can draw later? 】

After some discussion.

The tiandao inventory system prompt sounds again。

“Next up for the draw: Jorah Kormihawk. ”

The prompt tone fell.

The lottery wheel rotated again and stopped…….

Rewards appear.

Wu Kong Technique: A flying skill from the Dragon Ball world. It can use

the energy in the body to float in the air and achieve fast flight.

Note: After the improvement and optimization of the Tiandao Inventory

System, the energy source for performing Wu Kong Jutsu has been

adjusted from the Qi of the original Dragon Ball world to the

domineering Qi of the current One Piece world.。

【Shiki: Damn it! ! ! What the hell? ! Wu Kongjutsu? ! ! ! Doesn’t that

mean that I have the ability to Piao Piao Fruit? ! ! !】

【John: Hahahaha! Look at how excited this golden-haired old lion Shi Ji


【Silver Ax: Shi Ji is afraid that his Piao Piao Fruit ability will be


【Wang Zhi: However, judging from the description, this Wu Kong

Technique should be inferior to Shi Ji’s Piao Piao Fruit ability. After all,

Shi Ji’s Piao Piao Fruit ability can also control other objects to rise into

the air, while Wu Kong Technique can only make objects fly into the air.

The user flies by himself。】

【Shiki: That’s right! My Piao Piao Fruit ability cannot be replaced by

any random thing!】

【Shanks: Hiss! This air dance technique is a good thing for Hawkeye, it

directly makes up for his shortcoming of not being able to fly!】

【Bista: For a swordsman who cannot fly, no matter how powerful he is

with long-range attack swordsmanship, he will definitely not be as

powerful in an air battle as he is in a battle with enemies on land.。】

【Gion: And the acquisition of the flying skill of Maikujutsu directly

makes Hawkeye’s anti-air combat capability no longer have any


【Warring States: Indeed, although this dance technique did not directly

improve Hawkeye’s strength, it undoubtedly made him more terrifying

and powerful!】

【Roronoa Zoro: Is that so? It seems that it is much more difficult for me

to surpass Hawkeye!】

【Roronoa Zoro: But that’s okay. I received so many rewards before. In a

sense, it was a kind of cheating and shortcut to fulfill my dream. Now it

is more difficult to surpass Hawkeye. Just what I wanted! It would be too

boring to surpass him so easily

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] !】

【Jorah Kormihawk: Well, Roronoa Zoro, I will always be waiting for

you to challenge me on this most powerful throne.。】

【Roronoa Zoro: Don’t worry, I won’t keep you waiting for too long!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! He is indeed an ambitious little guy, I like

him very much! 】

After another discussion.

The Tiandao reminder sounds again。

“Next winner: Bartholomew Bear. ”

The turntable starts to rotate.

Speed up.

Slow down.


Finally the pointer landed on a certain area.

The rewards hidden within gradually emerged.

It was a sea-blue transparent crystal.

It can be said that everyone is no stranger to this reward.

Devil Fruit Curse Release Crystal: It has the magical effect of helping

Devil Fruit power users to lift the Devil Fruit curse. After using it, Devil

Fruit power users will no longer be afraid of sea water and seastones!

【Polusalino: Hmm~ It’s this Devil Fruit Curse Release Crystal again~]

(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Why does it feel like this thing will appear once in

every round of the lottery?】

【Sengoku: Maybe it’s because there are too many Devil Fruit users in

our world? Therefore, rewards such as Devil Fruit Curse Release Crystals

are actually widely applicable, and naturally the winning rate is higher

than other rewards.。】

【Monkey D Dragon: Great! Bear, this Devil Fruit Curse Release Crystal is

also a very suitable reward for you. Coupled with the “Mechanical Heart”

I obtained before, your strength will definitely be greatly improved!】

【Bartholomew Bear: No, Dragon, This Devil Fruit Curse Lifting

Crystal……I plan to use it for you. This reward will also be useful to


【Monkey D Dragon: How about that? ! This is a reward you got

yourself. Of course you should use it to improve your own strength!】

【Bartholomew Bear: Dragon, according to what you said, shouldn’t you

use the “Mechanical Heart” yourself? Just think of this Devil Fruit Curse

Release Crystal as the one I gave you in exchange for the Machine


【Monkey D Dragon: Bear! you……Fine! If I refuse again, it will seem a

little bit like we two brothers are a little bit different!】

【Rocks Djibek: Fuck! What a hell! This is really the first time I see

someone pushing each other back and forth here without wanting a

reward! If you don’t want those rewards, just give them all to me, I won’t

refuse anyone who comes!】

【Monkey D Dragon: Locks, what do you want to eat?】

【Bartholomew Bear: Could the mighty former maritime overlord also be


【Locks D. Gibek:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Locks, I didn’t expect that you would be

criticized by my son. It’s so inexplicably refreshing.~】

【Ambrio Ivankov: Hiss! This guy Xiong usually looks gentle and polite,

but he can be quite ruthless when he fights people!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ Sure enough, just one person can make the old

captain speechless.~】

【Rocks D Gibek:%*!!!】

After a while.

The cold mechanical beep sounded again。

“Next winner: Vinsmoke Sanji。”

【Vinsmoke Sanji: It’s finally my turn! Green Algae Head just got a lot of

good things, so the rewards I get can’t be worse than him, right? !

Tiandao Inventory System, hurry up and arrange a reward for me to kill

the green algae head! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, I think your curly eyebrows are thinking too

much! 】

The lottery begins.

The turntable rotates slowly.

The speed first gets faster and faster.

After reaching the peak, the speed gradually slows down.

Finally, it stopped on a certain area of the turntable.

Immediately afterwards.

The golden question marks in that area slowly dissipated.

Then slowly emerged……

It turned out to be a pink miniskirt!

There is also a circle of white lace at the hem of the skirt.

There is a heart pattern on the chest of the skirt.

It seems…..

Very pink and cute!

Pink love dress: The pink love dress specially produced by Tiandao

Inventory System is novel in style, cute in style, made of solid materials,

soft and skin-friendly, warm in winter and cool in summer. It is especially

suitable for adult men with thick leg hair. After wearing it, you will be

greatly affected by it. The love of shemales~

【Vinsmoke Sanji:? ? ? ? ?】

【Roronoa Zoro: Hahahaha! ! !】

【Usopp: Hahahaha! ! !】

【Franky: Hahahaha! ! !】

【Nami: Hahahaha! ! !】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Fuck! What the hell does this reward mean? ! It’s okay

if you don’t give me a reward that’s better than the green algae head.

What’s the point of giving me a skirt? ! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: No, no, no, perverted cook, I have to admit it……Your

reward is much more awesome than my previous two rewards


【Usopp: The description of this skirt in the Tiandao Inventory System is

really amazing…….Especially the last two sentences, it seems that Sanji

will never get along with a she-mon in his life.~】

【Franky: Hahahaha! Sanji, I feel sorry for you for a second.~】

【Nami: I can’t even imagine how explosive the scene would be if Sanji

put on this skirt!】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: How disgusting! How could this Tiandao inventory

system treat me like this? ! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Blackfoot Sanji, it’s really a bit miserable.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ This is really the first time I’ve seen someone draw

such an explosive reward.~】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ It’s so pitiful. I wasted a chance to win a


【Vinsmoke Sanji: Why? ! Why is this happening? ! ! I hate it! ! !】

【Brooke: Mr. Sanji, don’t get excited. You didn’t draw anything good.

Maybe it’s because this round is not your inventory. I believe that when

it comes to your personal inventory later, you will definitely be able to

draw. Get good rewards。】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: That’s right! Brooke, I think you are right! It must be

because it’s still time for me to take stock! When it comes to my personal

inventory later, I will definitely be able to lift up this round of green

algae heads and beat them! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Haha, I’m not sure if there will be a personal inventory

session for you, a perverted cook, later. Don’t get too happy too soon.~】

【Vinsmoke Sanji: Humph! Since you, an idiot swordsman, even have a

personal inventory, why shouldn’t I? ! Green algae head, just wait and

see! ! ! ]

Sanji was not too discouraged because he had received such an explosive


I quickly adjusted my mentality again.

And while everyone was talking about it.

This round of lottery is finally over.

The lottery wheel on the projection screen slowly disappeared.

The scene returned to darkness again.

Immediately afterwards.

It didn’t take long.

The cold Tiandao prompt sounded in everyone’s ears again。

“Video of the twenty kings of the nautical world, continue now!”

“The fifth place – the deserter king!”

“Random questions for this round have been generated!”

“Random question 1: Who is the deserter king in this round of selection?


Chapter 139

“Random question 1: Who is the deserter king in this round of selection?

As the Tiandao prompt tone fell,

everyone in the Tiandao chat group immediately started a heated

discussion again.。

【Rocks Djibek: What the hell? ! What the hell? ! Deserter King? ! !

Nowadays, can even a deserter be crowned king? ! ! !】

【Kaido: I can’t stand the weird king-level titles in front of me. This

deserter king is indeed a bit too outrageous!】

【Charlotte Lingling: If even a deserter can be king, then what else can’t

be king? Why don’t everyone on this sea have a king-level title? Why are

there twenty bullshit kings? !-!!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ The Deserter King? This thing is indeed

too unreasonable.~】

【Shanks: Deserters should be despised no matter where they are placed,

right? The Tiandao Inventory System actually created a king-level title

for it? It’s really confusing to people.~】

��Gol D. Roger: A sudden feeling……If my One Piece and this deserter

king are both one of the twenty kings, this does not seem to be a

compliment to me, but rather a kind of irony and humiliation…….】

【Polusalino: Hmm~ It seems that everyone’s attitude towards this

deserter king is surprisingly consistent.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ The deserter thing is really annoying. Could it be that

the Tiandao inventory system specially created a round of deserter kings

just to humiliate the person who will be counted later?】

【Sakaski: Humph! humiliation? I think the humiliation is an

understatement! If this deserter king is from our navy, I can’t wait to

execute him on the spot and send him to the west! What I hate most in

my life are pirates and deserters! ! !】

【Warring States: Sakaski, please calm down. Our navy is a brave and

good soldier with good fighting style. How could this deserter king be in

our navy?】

【Sakaski: Haha, brave and good at fighting, with good style? I don’t

think so. Among the three generals of the Navy, there are two scum who

fight in the water and even deliberately release water for the enemy. The

upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, let alone the

navy soldiers below. Well, who knows what they look like? !】

【Sengoku: Sakaski! ! ! After all, you are also a naval admiral. How can

you talk about and discredit your own people like this? ! ! !】

【Sakaski: Humph! Discredit? ! Do I still need to discredit this thing? !

Have you forgotten what was played in the background review video of

Straw Hat Kid? !】

【Sengoku: Sakaski, you……well! ! !】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Kuzan, I feel like Sakaski is scolding both of us.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Porusalino, be more confident and remove the word


【Porusalino: Well~ Sakaski is really ruthless.~】

【Rocks Djibek: Hey, hey! Wait, you guys, are the topics getting more

and more crooked? ! Shouldn’t we first discuss who the answer to this

question is? ! ! !】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ The old captain can still say a few useful words


【John: But the answer to this question doesn’t seem easy to


【Silver Ax: Indeed, the Deserter King thing……I really don’t know much

about it。】

【Wang Zhi: Generally speaking, those who become deserters are

definitely not famous people. After all, big people cannot do such things

as deserters. And if they are not famous people,……Who really knows

who the answer to this question is? !】

【Gol D. Roger: Yeah…….Anyway, this deserter king is definitely not

someone I know. Among the people I know, there seems to have never

been that coward who deserted.~】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ I will definitely not have such a person

in my Whitebeard Pirates.~】

【Shanks: Haha! Then my red-haired pirate group is even more


【Kaido: Even my Beast Pirates are impossible!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, my children will never become


【Shiki: Oops! Good guy, are everyone so sure that the Deserter King will

not come from his own power?】

【Polusalino: Hmm~Then the question is, which force is this deserter

king from?】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ These pirates are so sure, so is it possible that this

deserter king is actually from our navy?】

【Sakaski: Humph! I think judging from the current personnel style of

our navy, this is not impossible!】

【Sengoku: Sakaski! I’ve told you not to say things like this that will

inflate other people’s ambitions and destroy your own prestige! ! !】

【Sakaski: I’m just stating a fact. If you ask me, the best way for us to

score points on this question is to ask all the soldiers in the Navy to

answer their names!】

【Warring States:? ? ? Sakaski, are you crazy? ! Is that the deserter king?

! You want us to guess that you are the king of deserters? Wouldn’t that

make other people laugh? ! ! !】

【Sakaski: Haha, is face more important or getting points for this

question is more important? !】

【Warring States Period:……】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ I somehow feel that what Sakaski said makes


【Kuzan: Ah la la~ The method mentioned by Sakaski does seem to be


【Crane: Indeed……In fact, even if what Sakaski said before is biased,

there is no problem with this answer plan. After all, no one has any clue

about the answer to this question and can only rely on guessing, and the

population base of our navy is naturally The population base is much

larger than any other force, so the possibility of guessing the right answer

is also much greater.。】

【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Warring States Period, it seems that your

old guy’s words won’t work this time.~】

【Warring States: Alas……never mind! In this case, just do what Sakaski

said just now. After the quiz begins, all the soldiers in the navy will

answer their names! I hope I can score this point…..

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] .】

【Flying Squirrel: Got it!】

【Huoshaoshan: Got it!】

【Ghost Spider: Got it!】


【Kaido: Ugh~ In that case, it seems that our Beast Pirates can only

answer the names of each of us, although I am very sure that this

deserter king cannot be here!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ I am the same! But at present, it

seems that there is no other better way~]

During the discussion among everyone.

The beep for the Tiandao inventory also sounded again soon.。

“The quiz will officially start in five seconds, so be prepared!”






“The quizzes officially begin! ”

As the Tiandao prompt tone fell,

everyone rushed to start answering questions in the Tiandao chat


【Sakaski: Porusalino! (answer question)】

【Huo Shaoshan: Huo Shao Shan! (answer question)】

【Ghost Spider: Ghost Spider! (answer question)】

【Jack: Jack! (answer question)】

【Peggy Wan: Peggy Wan! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Daifuku: Charlotte Daifuku! (answer question)】

【Charlotte Flampe: Charlotte Flampe! (answer question)】


【Dasqi: Dasqi! (answer question)】

【Belumeb: Belumeb! (answer question)】

【Kirby: Kirby! (answer question)】


【Porusalino: Huh? Wait, Sakaski, didn’t you say that everyone in the

Navy should answer their names? Why did you answer my name?】

【Sakaski: Humph! Do you think I’m going to be a deserter? ! Wouldn’t it

be a waste of opportunity to answer the question if I put my own name

on it? ! I do think that you, a sluggish guy like you, may very well end up

deserting the army!】

【Porusalino:? ? ? Hmm~ Sakaski, you are really going too far~] (To

read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Sakaski, your behavior is really immoral. I hereby

strongly condemn you!】

【Porusalino: Well, Kuzan, good brother, it’s a good thing that you can

speak for me.~】

【Cuzan: Porusalino! (Answer)]

0Requesting flowers

【Porusalino:? ? ? Kuzan, what do you mean?】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Sorry, Porusalino, I think what Sakaski said is

actually not unreasonable.~】

【Polusalino: Okay~ You all treat me like this, I’m about to get jade


【Monkey D. Garp: Hahahaha! Polusalino, do you, a heartless guy like

you who just wants to paddle and fish, have jade syndrome? This is really

the funniest joke I have ever heard in a while. You are so funny.~】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ Lieutenant General Garp, you are really going too

far, can’t you let me perform a little bit?】

【Warring States Period:……You guys are really all out of shape! 】

After another conversation.

The cold prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system sounded again。

“There are only five seconds left in the answering time. Those who have

not answered the question yet please do so as soon as possible!”




【Kaido: Uh-huh~ The answer to this question is finally announced. I

wonder who this deserter king will be?】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, such a shameful title, no matter

who it falls on, will be ridiculed for life, and even the force he belongs to

will be humiliated by it.~】

【Edward Newgate: Blah blah blah~ I really don’t want our pirate team

to score points for this question for the first time.~】

【Shanks: Hahahaha! Who says it’s not!】

【Gol D. Roger: A thing like the Deserter King will undoubtedly be

despised by thousands of people!】

【Warring States: My mood is really complicated right now. On the one

hand, I hope that our navy can win this point, but on the other hand, I

am afraid that this deserter king really appears in our navy. If that is the

case, this will be really terrible. What a great disgrace to our navy!】

【Sakaski: Humph! If I find out that the deserter king is really a member

of our navy, I will definitely execute him on the spot as soon as possible

after the results of Tiandao’s video inventory are completed! We must not

allow such scum to remain in our navy and corrupt the morale!】

【Porusalino: Hmm~ What Sakaski said is really scary.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ Porusalino, how are you? Did you suddenly feel a

chill in your chrysanthemum? After all, you are the deserter king that

Sakaski guessed.~】

【Polusalino: Well, let’s play, let’s make trouble, don’t make fun of the

deserters! Although I usually paddle and fish, I can’t do such a thing as a

deserter…….With my strength, I’m afraid no scene can scare me into a

deserter, right?】

【Kuzan: Well, that’s true. What you said makes sense.~】

【Rocks Djibek: Haha! Killing deserters is my favorite thing to do. Back

then, I killed countless deserters from the Rocks Pirates. It was so

refreshing and refreshing!】

【John: Hahahaha! Old Captain, why do you feel so proud?】

【Silver Ax: There are so many deserters in your pirate group. Is it

something to be proud of?】

【Wang Zhi: Hahahaha! Just say that with the brains of the old captain,

it’s no wonder that he couldn’t manage the Rocks Pirates under his

command back then.~】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha~ You three guys are really going to murder the

old captain.~】

【Rocks D Gibek���???%*!!!】

【Zefa: Deserter……If this thing had happened among the students I had

taught, I would probably be quite angry and furious. Although I would

not execute him on the spot like Sakaski did, I would definitely teach him

a lesson. pause!】

【Monkey D. Karp: That’s right! Although I am usually very tolerant to

my students, being a deserter is something that……Even I will never let

him go easily! This is going to be nailed to the pillar of shame!】



“It’s time to answer questions!”

“Congratulations to Kebi for answering correctly and earning 1 point.。”

【Kirby:? ? ? ? ?】

【Warring States:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? ? ?】

【Monkey D. Luffy:? ? ? ? ? indivual】.

Chapter 140

【Belumeb:? ? ? Eh? ! what happened? ! Did I hear it wrong? ! The

person who answered this question correctly is actually……Kirby? ! ! !】

【Sengoku: Kebi? ! That rookie marine under Garp? ! Wo Ni Ma! This

“King of Deserters” is actually in our navy? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Garp: Damn it! Kirby? ! How could it be your boy? ! ! !】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Nani? ! Kebi is actually the king of deserters? real or

fake? ! ! !】

【Roronoa Zoro: Kirby? It’s really surprising……】

【Kirby: Huh? ! ! ! Did I get the answer right? ! ! Doesn’t that mean……

The “King of Deserters” in this issue’s review is actually me? ! ! !】

【Porusalino: Well, this is really a man sitting up in a dying illness. The

deserter is actually me.~】

【Kuzan: Ah la la~ I didn’t expect that the deserter king is actually a

member of our navy.~】

【Sakaski: Humph! Kirby, right? Whose subordinate are you? You dare to

be the king of deserters, I will execute you and your immediate boss! !


【Monkey D. Cap:? ? ? Sakaski, I advise you to think clearly before

speaking, Kerby’s immediate boss…….But I am!】

【Sakaski: Haha, is that so? It’s not surprising at all. How can an old man

who can’t even teach his son and grandson be able to lead his soldiers


【Monkey D. Garp: Damn it! ? Sakaski, what the hell do you mean? ! Do

you believe that I used an iron fist to teach you how to be a good person?

! ! !】

【Sakaski: Haha, I’m just stating a fact.。】

【Monkey D. Garp: You! ! !】

【Warring States: Enough! Karp, Sakaski, the focus now is not in this

“690”, shouldn’t the focus be……What on earth did that navy man

named Kebi do to be called the King of Deserters by the Tiandao

Inventory System? !】

【Crane: Yes, he is such a young naval soldier and has probably never

been on the battlefield a few times. How come he was selected as the

King of Deserters by the Tiandao Inventory System?】

【Rocks D Jiback: Tsk tsk tsk tsk~ That’s great! Wonderful! I didn’t

expect that the Deserter King would actually appear among the navy like

you, who are so full of justice. This is really an ironic thing.~】

【Kaido: Uh-huh~ The navy’s face is probably going to be completely

embarrassed now.~】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well, the deserter king? That will be

severely nailed to the pillar of shame.~】

【Gol D. Roger: Good guy, listening to the conversation just now, it

seems that this deserter king is still a soldier brought out by Garp’s men?

This is really unbelievable!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Garp actually brought out a deserter

king. This is indeed a bit unbelievable.~】

【Shanks: I’m starting to get a little curious. Did this little guy do

something that is outrageous to both humans and gods to be rated as a

deserter by the Tiandao Inventory System?。】

【Kirby: Why?……Why am I the deserter king? I……What exactly was

done? ! ! ! 】

Amidst everyone’s ridicule and curiosity.

The cold prompt tone of the Tiandao inventory system soon sounded


“He was once a poor handyman who was bullied by pirates。”

“He was also the first boy that Wang Lufei admired after going


“He has a dream to become an admiral in the navy。”

“Practice hard under the command of the naval hero Garp。”

“He is a typical example of diaosi’s counterattack。”

“It is also synonymous with the Virgin Bitch。”

“Welcome to this issue’s review of the Twenty Kings of Navigation——

【Deserter King] Kebi! ”

As the Tiandao prompt tone fell,

a photo also appeared on the projection screen.

The photo was of a young man with pink hair.

He had a green handkerchief tied on his head.

There was also a blue pair pinned to the handkerchief. He wears colorful

round glasses.

He is wearing a standard navy blue jacket.

There is also a navy justice cape on his back.

This is exactly what Kirby will look like two years later.。

【Monkey D. Luffy: Oh! ! ! Is this the Kirby of the future? It looks

stronger than when I saw it on Judiciary Island before! It also looks more


【Roronoa Zoro: It does seem more reliable than before, but isn’t this

even weirder? Since Kebi has become stronger, why did he become the

deserter king?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yes, why did Kirby become the Deserter King? Is he

still as timid as before? It shouldn’t be, he actually dared to call Arrita a

fat old woman in front of her.~】

【Arrita:? ? ? ? ? 】

Inside the projection screen.

Kirby’s photo gradually faded away.

The video also officially started playing –

the time is 1520 in the Haiyuan calendar.

When Luffy just went to sea.

At that time, Kerby was still a short and chubby little boy.

Looks cowardly.

In fact, it is indeed cowardly.

He accidentally got on the wrong boat while going fishing.

By coincidence, I ended up on the ship of Arrita, a notorious female

pirate in the East China Sea.

Therefore, he was captured by the other party and became a handyman

on a pirate ship.

Arrita also often threatens Kerby with her mace.

Ask the other person who is the most beautiful woman in the sea.

Kebi was forced by Alita’s power.

Therefore, every time I can only give a false answer without conscience.

Days like this lasted for a while.

until one day…

Two pirates under Arrita salvaged a wooden wine barrel.

Just when the two were about to open the barrel and have a good taste.

A young man wearing a straw hat suddenly jumped out.

no doubt.

It was none other than the famous Wang Lufei.

As soon as Luffy appeared, he knocked out the two pirates.

In Kebi’s eyes, it was like a god coming.


Luffy followed the aroma of food to the pirate ship’s warehouse.

Kirby followed him.

it’s here.

Luffy told Kirby about his dream of becoming the Pirate King.

He also said that he would not hesitate to lose his life for this.

Kebi was deeply moved by the other party’s courage.

So I mustered up the courage to say that I wanted to become a navy.

And just then.

Arrita chased after him aggressively.

And asked Kebi again with great ferocity:

“Who is the most beautiful woman in this sea? ”

This time.

Kebi did not give the unconscionable answer as usual.

Instead, he mustered up the courage and

shouted that Arrita is an old and ugly fat woman!

Such an answer made Arrita angry. I couldn’t stop laughing.

I wanted to smash Kebi to pieces on the spot.

But after hearing Kebi’s answer, Luffy

couldn’t help laughing.

Then he knocked Arrita away with a direct blow. Go out.

Immediately afterwards,

Kebi came to Shie

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] lds Town

with Luffy.

Here he witnessed with his own eyes the whole process of Luffy rescuing

Zoro and Zoro becoming Luffy’s first partner.

After Luffy and Zoro left At that time,

Kirby decided to stay in Shields Town

and wanted to join the local naval base.

However, when the temporary director of the naval base asked Kirby

about his relationship with the pirate Luffy,

Kirby was a little confused. He hesitated.

He didn’t know how to answer for a long time.

And at this moment,

Luffy actually revealed the fact that Kobi was once a handyman on the

Alita Pirates’ ship. He was

afraid that he would be affected by this . Kebi was a little angry when he

couldn’t join the navy.

He wanted to stop Luffy from continuing.

But Luffy didn’t stop there.

Instead, he got more serious.

He even called Kebi a coward.

This made Kebi feel even more. Angry.

He couldn’t help but fight Luffy.

Luffy also fought back unceremoniously.

After a fight,

the navy believed that Kirby had nothing to do with the pirates and

agreed to join the navy base.

And Only then did Kebi react belatedly…….

It turns out that Luffy’s abnormal actions just now

were actually to help him distance himself from the pirates.

This made Kebi very moved.

But at this time, Luffy and Zoro had already left.

The picture freezes.

An army of barrages passed by –

Luffy really has a high emotional intelligence, I love it!

really! Luffy’s emotional intelligence is really nothing to say, it’s so


In order to help Kebi distance himself from the pirates like him, he

deliberately said those words to provoke Kebi into fighting him. He

really……I cried to death!

Even though Luffy is usually dull, he is very witty at critical moments!

Luffy: They all say I’m a fool, but I’m not a fool at all. Most of the time,

I’m very witty! (Dog head)

Hahahaha! With Luffy, this is Sister Boa’s upper body, right? ! (Dog


Luffy and Sister Baoer, isn’t that Lubao? ! (dog head)

lobo yyds! ! !

But then again, this kid Kebi can’t get along with him. Luffy was a life-

saver to him. He actually got provoked twice and started to fight against

his savior!

Who says it’s not? Co-author: This is how Kirby treats his savior, right?

It can only be said that this little thing is enough to see the shadow of

Kebi’s future deserter king!

0 in the projection screen.

The video continues to play –

that’s it.

Kirby successfully joined the Navy.

Worked as a low-level handyman.

Worked as an odd job at the naval base with Monka’s son Belumeb. (To

read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It didn’t take long.

Garp came to escort Mengka to Impel Down.

But the naval hero actually fell asleep as soon as he came up.

This gave Mengka the opportunity.

He was actually able to break free of the chains.

And an ax opened a wound on Garp’s chest.

Later, Mengka even took his son Belumeb as a hostage.

He grabbed a boat and tried to escape.

Faced with such a situation.

The navy was preparing to bombard Mengka’s small boat.

But Kerby stood up and stopped the navy’s action.

Because Belumeb was also on that ship.

He didn’t want Belumeb to die under gunfire.


Kebi jumped into the sea desperately and

caught up with Mengka’s boat by swimming.

And successfully rescued Belumeb.

Garp also looked at Kirby differently because of his actions.

So Kebi and Belumeb were brought back to the Navy Headquarters.

After another observation and test by Garp.

Kebi and Belumeb became the focus of his training.

And Kirby felt that he lacked combat experience.

So I took the initiative to increase the amount of training for myself.

Very hard.

His training volume is dozens or even hundreds of times that of others!

To become stronger.

He also followed Garp’s example of using battleships as sandbags for


Under such high-intensity training.

Kebi’s strength also began to improve by leaps and bounds.

Time soon came after the incident on Judiciary Island.

Kebi followed Garp to the Seven Capitals of Water.

Here I saw Luffy and Zoro reunited after a long separation.

Kirby and Luffy had a brief fight.

The result was that he was easily crushed by the opponent.


Kirby and Luffy had a reminiscence.

And in front of the other party,

he told his dream of becoming a naval admiral.

As soon as this dream was spoken,

Kebi felt a little ashamed.

I feel like I’m inflated.

But Luffy affirmed his dream.

And also gave encouragement.

This made Kebi couldn’t help but become more determined.


Kirby said goodbye to Luffy.

Time has come again during the Ding Shang War.

Kebi, like all the soldiers from the navy headquarters,

were all arranged to go to the battlefield.

Participated in the battle between the Navy Headquarters and the

Whitebeard Pirates.

However, in such a battlefield, 2.6

Kebi was too frightened to move.

He didn’t dare to go forward and fight the pirates.

Planning to escape from this war���。

But just when he was about to escape,

he happened to see Akainu executing two deserters.

The thoughts in my mind just gave up.

But after returning to the battlefield again, he still did not dare to rush

forward to fight.

He just huddled at the back of the battlefield with Bell Mabel.

Until Luffy showed up.

Kirby looked at Luffy who was charging towards the execution platform

regardless of his own safety.

Finally got up the courage.

stood up.


Standing in front of Luffy!

The scene is frozen here.

A dense barrage of barrages floated past——

? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

Good guy, this Kebi is really amazing!

Facing the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, he didn’t even dare to let

out a fart. He kept hiding behind and even wanted to be a deserter.

But when faced with Luffy, who was desperately trying to save Ace, he

mustered up the courage to stop him? ! ! !

Kebi, is there something wrong with you? ! ! !

Luffy is your savior!

Even if you don’t help Luffy, you actually want to stop him? ! ! !

And when you didn’t dare to take action against other pirates, you ended

up choosing to take action against Luffy? ! ! !

It’s a shame that Luffy was so kind to you back then, it was all in vain! ! !

Good guy! I stepped on the horse and called him “good guy!” ! !

Is this the legendary saying that I am submissive to outsiders but strike

hard at my own people? !

Deserter King Kebi, you are really punished! ! !

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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