Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One Piece — Только в мире, я знаю10


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One Piece — Только в мире, я

знаю СЮЖЕТ!

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(89 оценок)

Краткое содержание

Рифан, выбранный Копийным Пространством «Реинкарнатором»

Земли, отправляется в приключение, чтобы стать сильнее в мире,

сюжет которого знает только он.

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Chapter 402: Blank Chapter

Chapter 402: Blank Chapter

Chapter 403: Moria Takes The

Initiative To Fight!

After all, Zephyr is Zephyr, and Rifan never thought that he could defeat

Zephyr with such a non-full version of Hakoku.

But if Zephyr is really careless, Rifan believes that Zephyr will still be


Hearing this, Zephyr also quickly mobilized Armament Haki on his body,

and took a strong step towards Rifan.

Obviously, he didn't want to let Rifan finish.

'Are you going to take the initiative? It's a wise choice.'

Rifan nodded secretly in his heart.

It's just a pity that Rifan has already finished his preparations so far.


A low groan.

Rifan quickly swung the sharp blade forward.


When the sharp blade swung, there was a loud noise like thunder falling


Then, accompanied by black and red lightning flashes out.

A swirling wave of violent air blasted Zephyr with a flow of black and

red Haki.

Its speed is completely beyond Zephyr's expectations.

However, Zephyr is a veteran after all, he reacted quickly, raised his hard

mechanical arm, and blocked the vortex where the air wave must pass.

At the same time, Zephyr's other hand condenses the mighty Armament


It seems to want to attack Rifan after blocking Rifan's tricks.

However, it is a pity that Rifan's attack is not simple.


Accompanied by a huge roar.

Zephyr's strong body, which was originally rushing forward, flew

backwards at a faster speed than when it came, as if hit by a sea train.

What's even more frightening is that there are extra cracks in his

originally sturdy mechanical arm.

Masses of mechs casually began peeling off his arms.

"Damn it!"

Zephyr saw that he had been carried by the strong air wave and smashed

the side of the Marine warship, and was taken out hundreds of meters

away from the Marine warship.

He quickly adjusted his body, gritted his teeth and used Moonwalk to

adjust the direction, keeping himself out of the fluctuation range of


But even so, he was already a thousand meters away from the Marine


Zephyr took a deep breath and turned his head to look behind him.

Then he was shocked to find out.

Wherever Rifan's "Hakoku" passed by, the waves automatically separated

to the two sides, spreading towards the sea, and could not be together for

a long time.

"What a monster."

Zephyr frowned, feeling heavy in his heart.

With just one move, Zephyr knew that he would not be Rifan's opponent.

After all, even the mechanical arm in his hand couldn't bear Rifan's blow

and broke.

However, Rifan has not yet exerted his full strength.

If the two really fight, Zephyr feels that he will be defeated by Rifan

within an hour.

"Hopefully, this man can serve as Shichibukai honestly."

"Or the finally calm sea will become chaotic again…"

Zephyr took a deep breath, adjusted his direction and flew back towards

the Marine warship.


"This is the strongest Hakoku I have ever seen!"

"Is this the power Hakoku with the Conqueror's entanglement in it can


On the Marine warship.

Zephyr just came back.

He saw the female Giant Louise Vice Admiral looking at Rifan with bright


That face is like a fan seeing a star.

This made Zephyr a little speechless.

The opponent is a pirate, and he just knocked the Marine Instructor into

the air, but you, a Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, look at Rifan like a

star, is this appropriate?

Of course, complaints belong to complaints...

Zephyr didn't speak his mind after all.

"That's the power of Conqueror's infusion."

"Even Common technique combined with Conqueror's infusion can exert

extremely perverted power."

"Not to mention, 'Hakoku' is a pretty strong move."

"Even if I don't turn into a Giant, the power of "Hakoku" is still very


Rifan smiled at Louise, and turned to look at Zephyr and said jokingly,

"Welcome back, Zephyr."

"I'm relieved to see you're fine."

Hearing this, Zephyr's face immediately revealed an expression of


"Are you worried about me, Rifan?"

"Naturally, if something happens to you, my position as a Shichibukai

will be in danger."

"Really, it seems that I have to thank the Marine and World Government

for allowing you to become Shichibukai."

"No need, but I should thank you for sending Shichibukai's documents."

Rifan said this very sincerely.

After all, once Zephyr came, it was equivalent to sending a reward for the

first achievement.

"Kishishishishi, Captain, how about we stop chatting here?"

"Should it be my turn next?"

At this time, Moria took the initiative to walk to Rifan's side, and looked

at Rifan with a smirk.

Although now he has joined the Black Pearl Pirates and has become

Rifan's partner.

But he still has the anger of losing to Rifan in his heart.

Now it's hard to find someone who can be beaten.

Moria naturally wanted to come out and fight Zephyr.

And in this way, he can also make good use of what he has learned from


Chapter 404: A Swordsman

Moria? Zephyr Is Stunned!

"Okay, then I leave it to you."

"Don't embarrass me, Moria."

Rifan shrugged, and walked towards Panz Fry with Lily.

Seeing this, Zephyr wants to stop him, however, at this time, Moria had

already raised the big sword in his hand and slashed at him.

"Foxfire Style, Flame Cutter!"

Moria snarled, and the long sword in his hand immediately came to

Zephyr, wrapped in raging flames.

Zephyr instinctively raised the broken mechanical arm in his hand to

block Moria's fiery blade.

However, although he blocked Moria's blade, but the raging flame on the

sharp blade bypassed Zephyr's mechanical arm and came to him.

Zephyr's eyes widened, and he stepped back hastily.

"Kishishishishi, what's wrong Zephyr?"

"You backed away so easily?"

"Or, were you severely injured by Captain Rifan earlier?"

Moria held the sword on his shoulder and said to Zephyr with a mocking


"Moria, you know swordplay?!"

Zephyr frowned, looking at Moria seriously.

He originally thought that the sword on Moria's body was just an


As a result, Moria was able to use a sword, and the previous move was

obviously a sword move of a certain school of kendo.

How could this not surprise Zephyr?

Soon, he seemed to think of something and looked at Rifan's back.

He understands that Rifan is the only one who can turn Moria who don't

use a sword into a Moria who can use a sword to fight.

"Where are you looking, Zephyr!"

Moria's voice reached Zephyr again.

What followed was another scorching breath.

Zephyr understood that it was Moria's attack, and immediately waved his

mechanical arm to block.


There was another crisp sound.

The weapons of the two blocked each other.

"Captain Rifan gave me ten minutes."

"So let's not waste time."

"Come and let me have fun!"

The corners of Moria's mouth were bent into a crescent shape, and he

glanced at Nojiko who was eager to try, and then began to put more

pressure on Zephyr.

That's where the fight begins.

Moria wields the power of his Devil Fruit while using the foxfire style


For a while, even Zephyr felt overwhelmed.

Gion, Momonga, Shuzo and others were naturally surprised when they

saw Moria's fighting style.

"The way of the sword wrapped in flames, this guy Moria can actually

use a sword."

Momonga Vice Admiral put his hand on the handle of his sword at his

waist, and frowned tightly.

Although worried about Zephyr's safety, he couldn't step forward.

After all, if they stepped forward, Rifan's friends would also step forward.

"That man Rifan really made Moria a lot stronger."

Gion shook her head and sighed.

"Zephyr-sensei will definitely be fine!"

Ain pursed her lips, her face full of concern for Zephyr.

"Don't worry, Ain."

"Since it's a contest, Rifan won't play hard."

"Probably, it's just enough for Zephyr-sensei to admit defeat."

Gion thought of the last time she fought against Rifan with her sister

Tsuru in the capital of water 7, and said.

Having said that, Gion is still a little worried.

After all, because Tsuru admitted her defeat to Rifan, she ended the

contest with Rifan without any injuries.

But Zephyr is different, the other party hates pirates to his bones.

Even Gion wasn't sure Zephyr would be in time to admit defeat.

At this time, Gion was ready to step forward and end the battle at the

right time.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Yo, hello, Lily's father."

Rifan walked up to Panz Frye, stretched out his hand and greeted the

other party with a smile on his face.


Panz Frye nodded solemnly.

The person in front of him is a benefactor who can help him out of

trouble, and a warrior who can wield the mighty Spear of Elbaf.

Panz Frye naturally understood that he could not neglect.

"Are you really going to invite my daughter to be your partner?"

"The crew on your ship seem to be very strong."

"Should there be no need to invite my daughter on board?"

Panz Fry asked.

"It's only natural that I really want to invite Lilyto be my partner.

Rifan nodded, and after hearing the footsteps behind him, then he turned

his head to look at the female Giant Vice Admiral Louise who was

following him:

"Miss Louise, could I trouble you to use the key to unlock Lily's father's


"I don't want to talk to my partner's father like this."

Chapter 405: New Cook?

"However, the battle is not over yet.

Louise looked at Moria and Zephyr who were fighting fiercely behind

her, with hesitation written all over her face.

As soon as her words fell, Lily on Rifan's shoulders took the initiative to


Leaping up from Rifan's shoulder, she took the key from Louise when her

attention was on Rifan.

"Give it back!"

Louise reaches out to grab Lily.

But Rifan jumped up, patted Louise's hand away from Lily, and landed on

her shoulder.

"It's a matter of time before Lily's father is released."

"You might as well give me a favor and let him be free for a while


Rifan sat on Louise's shoulder and said with a light smile.

Louise frowned immediately when she heard this.

And in just a short while, Lily had untied her father and let him return to


"Sigh, so be it."

At this time, Louise could only shake her head helplessly.

"Thanks, Rifan."

After Panz got up.

The first thing he did was to express his gratitude to Rifan.

"You're welcome, since you are Lily's father.

"Then you're my friend."

"So no need for thanks."

Rifan waved his hand and said.

Upon hearing it, Penz nodded.

However, he soon seemed to have thought of something, and asked Rifan


"Rifan, you said earlier that you fell in love with Lily and wanted her to

be your person or something."

"Shouldn't it just mean making her your partner?"

this moment.

Panz's eyes were full of excitement, and the eyes he looked at Rifan were

like the eyes of a father-in-law looking at his son-in-law.


Like Lily, he misunderstood Rifan's words in another way.

It's no wonder that Panz looked at Rifan as if he was looking at his son-


The Hakoku cast by Rifan on Zephyr before has fully highlighted the

power of Rifan.

As the symbol of the Giants, Elbaf's Spear is the move that all the Giants

yearn for.

Now Rifan not only casts it, but also casts such a powerful attack.

This is enough to make Panz full of respect for Rifan.

And Rifan can turn his body into the size of a Giant.

Under such circumstances, whether Rifan is a Giant or not, it doesn't

matter to Panz.

If Rifan is interested, and Lily is also interested, Panz fully agrees to the


After Panz's voice fell, Louise also showed a curious look.

"Father, what are you talking about?"

Lily stood on Panz's shoulder and said angrily.

Her father actually took the initiative to lead the topic in this direction.

This made Lily blush.

"Hehe, well, it depends on the fate between me and Lili."

"Better than that, let's talk about your business."

Rifan said with a smile.

He saw Lily's embarrassment, so he didn't want to embarrass Lili.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Lily let out a long sigh of relief,

and cast a grateful look at Rifan.

"Lily father, what are your plans for the future?"

"Do you want to stay at sea and continue to be a pirate?"

"Or go back to Elbaf?"

Rifan asked.

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet."

Panz scratched the back of his head and frowned.

"If you plan to continue being a pirate, you can come on my ship."

"On my side, you can find a position that suits you."

"Of course, if you're going back to Elbaf."

"I'll take care of the Marine so they don't stop you."

"And after you go back, you can also say hello to Dorry and Brogy for


Rifan extended an invitation to Panz with a smile.

Rifan, who knows the plot of the original book, knows that Panz is a

master chef.

And now, in the Black Pearl Pirates he still works as a chef.

If Panz is willing to be his partner, he can relax a lot.

After Lily heard Rifan's words, she also looked expectantly at her father.

Obviously, she also hopes that her father can be with her.

"Wait, you know Dorry and Brogy?"

But instead of answering, Panz opened his eyes wide and asked Rifan in



Chapter 406: The Future Belongs

To Young People!

"It's natural."

Rifan nodded slightly, and then told about how he met Dorry and Brogy

in Little Garden, and how he had learned Elbaf's technique through them.

"You really meet them!"

"And you'vealso brought to an end the years-long feud between Dorry

and Brogy."

"And let them go back to Elbaf."

"And, and you actually learned Hakoku from them."

"The fate between people is really ingenious."

After listening to Rifan's explanation, Panz sighed again and again.

Rifan smiled and didn't say much.

His Hakoku is learned through skill scrolls.

Not only that, but it is also obtained by achieving the achievement of

'Ending the Hundred Years' War on Giant'.

So, to a certain extent, Rifan's 'Hakoku' is indeed learned through Dorry

and Brogy.

"Now that Dorry and Brogy are back."

"Then I'll have to go back to Elbaf."

"Rifan, I'm sorry, but I can't be your crew member."

Panz shook his head, and said to Rifan apologetically.

"Is that so... Anyway, since you are old friends of Dorry and Brogy, it's

normal to want to meet them."

"The chef of the Black Pearl Pirates, I will find another way."

Rifan nodded and said.

"I'm old, the future belongs to your new generation."

"Rifan, I will trouble you to take care of my daughter."

"If you still want to invite the Giant aboard your ship."

"When I return to Elbaf, I will also help you find a Giant crew member

who is willing to join you."

"Although I don't know your specific situation, since you can become a

Giant, you can still become a Giant as tall as the devil Oars.

"Additionally, having mastered Elbaf's most powerful technique, Hakoku,

which I've ever witnessed, I plan to share this knowledge with the Giants

upon my return home.."

"There must be many young people willing to be part of your pirate


Pan looked at Rifan and sighed.

On the side, the female Giant Vice Admiral Louise frowned immediately

after hearing this.

As a Giant, she knew that Panz was not lying.

With the character of the Giant family that advocates strength, there may

really be many Giants who are willing to make friends with Rifan and

become Rifan's crew.

Thinking of Rifan and the Black Pearl Pirates who might have more Giant

power, Louise's evaluation of the Black Pearl Pirates began to increase.

In fact, Panz still had something to say.

In his heart, he vaguely hoped that Rifan could be a pure Giant.

In this way, with the power of Rifan, it might be possible to unite Elbaf,

who is not so united internally, and many Giants will be willing to follow


And by that time, Elbaf will truly become the strongest country in the


It's a pity that even if Panz believes that Rifan has Giant blood, his Giant

blood will definitely not be pure.

Many Giants in Elbaf might disagree with Rifan because of this.

"Hehe, then I'm counting on you, Panz."

"After the matter here is over, I will negotiate with those guys."

"Let the Marines not prevent you from returning home."

Rifan smiled and looked back towards the direction where Zephyr and

Moria were fighting.

At this moment, Zephyr and Moria have been fighting for more than a

few minutes.

For a while, neither of them could do anything to each other.

Of course, compared to Moria's relaxed and cheerful form.

Zephyr felt rather shocked.

"You bastard, is your skin made of iron?"

"Why is it so hard?!"

Zephyr managed to block one of Moria's attacks with his mechanical arm,

and hit Moria's face heavily with his other hand.

Yet Moria only twisted his neck slightly, and he didn't even take a step


"Kishishishishi, do you think I'll tell you, a marine?"

Moria laughed loudly, and manipulated his own shadow into flying bats

to attack Zephyr, and at the same time swung his long sword wrapped in

flames at him again.

Seeing this, Zephyr gritted his teeth, and quickly swung his fists towards

Moria regardless of his own injury.

But this time, Moria actually put aside part of his defense, and swung his

long sword quickly in the hope of being hit by Zephyr.

bang bang bang!

The sound of violent collisions echoed continuously on the Marine


After a while, Zephyr took a few steps back, and there were several stab

wounds on his chest.

It was Moria fighting to be hit by Zephyr's fist as he slashed him with his


And Moria himself, although he also suffered several attacks from


But at the moment, he didn't seem to be injured at all, and instead looked

at Zephyr with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong Zephyr? As an Ex-Marine Admiral, is this only your


"If that's the case, then I'm really going to be disappointed."

Moria said with a playful laugh.

"You bastard!"

Zephyr frowned, took a deep look at Moria, and then at his fist.

At this moment, he couldn't help but begin to wonder if he was really


Chapter 407: People Who Want To

Study Exoskeleton!

Obviously Moria's Armament Haki is not very strong.

Why was he able to defend against his own attack?!

Zephyr would never have imagined that Moria's defense was more than

just Armament Haki.

But with a Germa 66 exoskeleton with amazing defense.

Moria glanced at Zephyr who was stunned, and didn't give him much

time to think.

Moria snarled and swung his sword around Zephyr again.

this time.

Zephyr didn't dare to risk his injury to exchange for Moria.

Instead, start fighting in a steady manner.

The Blue Star audience in the real world couldn't help sighing when they

saw this scene.



Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye.

The battle between Moria and Zephyr has been close to ten minutes.

On the way, Zephyr intends to rely on the power of the seastone to deal

with Moria, or wants to push Moria off the warship into the sea to deal

with him.

But Moria can always use the shadow fruit to escape in time.

This also made it impossible for Zephyr to take down Moria in a short

period of time.

In fact, what Zephyr doesn't know is that Moria uses the fruit ability to

avoid being affected by seastone and sea water, which is completely a


Now he will not be affected by seastone and sea water.

It's just because Rifan reminded Moria not to expose this for the time

being, so Moria will do this.

"Almost, it's about time."

Nojiko clasped her hands together and looked at Perona who had been

staring at the battlefield.

"That's right, it's almost time, it's your turn, Nojiko."

Perona nodded repeatedly and said.

As Moria's partner, Perona is naturally very concerned about Moria's


So she keeps counting the time.

If it wasn't for Rifan not telling her to make a move before.

She couldn't help but want to use the ghost fruit to deal with Zephyr.

"Don't worry, Moria will be fine.

Nojiko naturally saw Perona's worry, smiled and patted her on the



Nojiko began to twist her arms, making warm-up preparations.

Chapter 408: Nojiko Hits High!

"That Rifan, what kind of power did he help Moria gain?"

"Why didn't Zephyr-sensei's fist penetrate his defense?"

Shuzo clenched his fists and watched the fight between Moria and Zephyr

with wide eyes.

"It is indeed a bit strange, although some Zephyr-sensei attacks hit

Moria's body, which he defended with armament haki."

"But there are times when Zephyr-sensei's fist hits Moria when didn't

have time to use Armament Haki."

"But these attacks actually didn't have the desired effect? What's going


Momonga frowned, looking very puzzled.

"Has Moria ever had such a strong physical defense?"

"No, he should not have such ability."

"Strange, I always feel that this force seems a little familiar."

Gion rested her chin on one hand, and fixed her eyes on Zephyr and


"Sister Hina, you have been trained by Rifan."

"Do you know what happened to Moria?"

Ain tugged at Hina's sleeve and asked suspiciously.

With Ain asking, Gion, Momonga and Shuzo all looked at Hina.

"Hina, have you also mastered a strong defense?"

After thinking for a while, Gion asked.

"Hina does have a stronger defense than before."

"However, this should be directly related to the strengthening of Hina's


Hina nodded and replied.

During Rifan's training, Hina naturally felt her strong defense.

But she only thought it was because of her own physical enhancement,

and didn't think of other special circumstances.

No wonder, after all, Rifan did not tell Hina that her physical

enhancement was due to the Germa 66 exoskeleton.

"Hina, do you mind if I run a test?"

Gion took Hina's hand and thought of asking.

"It doesn't matter."

Hina nodded in reply.

Gion got Hina's response, and she didn't talk nonsense. With her right

hand pointing like a knife, she gathered Armament Haki and quickly

slashed across Hina's palm.


As a sharp sound fell, Gion's hand had already passed Hina's palm.

"This is?!"

Momonga also looked at the situation of Hina and Gion. Seeing Hina's

unwounded palm, his eyes widened immediately.

Gion's previous action was even many times more powerful than a sharp

dagger slashing across his palm.

And Hina did not make a defensive posture.

Under such circumstances, Hina's palm is actually unscratched, which

naturally makes him quite surprised.

"Even if your system becomes stronger, the skin is hit by a sharp


"There should be scars too."

"Gion Vice Admiral, I don't know why, but I think the power of Hina and

Moria looks familiar.

"But I can't tell where it looks familiar."

Momonga frowned and said.

"Germa 66."

Gion narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a low voice.

"What?!" Momonga was taken aback, "Germa 66... 's technology?!"

"Yes, there are indeed some similarities."

"Hina, did Rifan biologically modify you?"

Momonga looked at Hina in shock and asked.

"There is no such thing."

"Hina doesn't remember that Rifan has used the power of technology to

transform Hina."

Hina shook her head and said.

"Is that so? Am I guessing wrong?"

Momonga frowned.

"Perhaps, it could just be that Hina's powers are similar to those wielded

by those cadres at Germa 66.

"Of course, it's also possible that Rifan modified her when Hina didn't


"If you have a chance, ask someone from Germa 66 to make a


Gion let go of Hina's hand, squinted her eyes and looked at Nojiko who

was doing warm-up preparations.

She wants to see if Nojiko has the same high defense as Moria and Hina.

Gion knows more about Hina than Momonga.

She understands that Rifan and Hina have a deeper communication


If one day Hina fell asleep because she was too tired after the exchange.

Rifan has the opportunity to transform Hina.

So Gion has not completely dispelled the idea that Hina and Moria hold

the power held by the Germa 66 cadres.

Of course, this is just Gion speculation.

To confirm this idea, the senior management of Germa 66 needs to

confirm it.

'So I hope Zephyr-sensei can prove whether Nojiko also has the same

defensive power as Moria.'

Gion thought to herself.

However, although Gion had a good idea, in the ensuing battle, Nojiko

did not have the desire to play around.

With her Observation Haki with the future-seeing.

Plus the cooperation of Moria.

Nojiko didn't need to use her body to resist Zephyr's fist at all.

"Well, let's get started."

Nojiko bounced twice on the plateau, and suddenly, her body

disappeared in place.

And when she appeared again, she had already come to Zephyr's side.


Nojiko's eyes flashed red, and she carried the powerful Armament Haki in

her right hand, rolling up a strong wave and hitting Zephyr's mechanical


With the cooperation of Observation Haki, who can predict the future,

Nojiko found an excellent opportunity to enter the battlefield.

Although Zephyr discovered the arrival of Nojiko.

But under Moria's restraint, he couldn't find a chance to avoid Nojiko's

attack at all.

He only had time to slightly raise his mechanical arm to block Nojiko's

attacking direction, before he was sent flying by Elbaf technique again.


Zephyr flew out of the warship again.

More cracks appeared in the hard mechanical arm in an instant.

Chapter 409: Rifan Has A Giant

Smell On Him? !


"She can really use Hakoku with that small human body?!"

"Rifan, she is a Giant, right? She must be able to become a Giant like


Louise took Rifan off her shoulders excitedly, clasped Rifan's body with

both hands, and put Rifan in front of her face.

However, in the face of Louise's question.

Rifan just kept a mysterious smile, and had no intention of answering

Louise's question at all.

On the contrary, Panz, after seeing the expression of Nojiko's eyes,

couldn't help but said:

"She…she shouldn't be a Giant, that little girl is really a human."

"Because I can't smell the Giants on her."

Hearing this, Louise frowned, and looked at Panz:

"Smell? You can tell if she is a Giant just by smell?"

Panz nodded, staring at Nojiko, and said:

"Maybe you don't believe it, but as a cook, I have a very sensitive nose."

"You can think of this as my talent."

"Different races such as Giants, humans, and Fishman all have their own

special smell."

"What I smelled on that little girl was clearly the smell of Common


Hearing this, Rifan also raised his eyebrows, feeling amused by Panz's


Not only Rifan, but not far away Gion, Momonga and other Marines,

Nami, Robin and other members of the Black Pearl Pirates all looked at

Panz curiously.

Among the members of the Black Pearl Pirates, only Moria and Nojiko

did not pay attention to Panz's words because they were dealing with

Zephyr who came back with Moonwalk.

"What about him, do you think Rifan is a Giant?"

Louise asked quickly.

"Rifan smells like humans and Giants."

"Maybe, he is a hybrid of human and Giant... Wait, why should I tell you

this as a Marine."

"Sorry Rifan, I shouldn't have said those words."

Panz reacted, quickly interrupted his answer to Louise, and looked at

Rifan apologetically.

"I don't mind it."

"But, can you really smell the Giants on me?"

Rifan asked curiously.

You know, his Giant ability comes from "bloodline skills——


If Panz really has a nose that can smell the scents of different races, and

he smells the scent of the Giants from his body.

That may mean that the so-called "bloodline skill" is not just a skill.

But it really gave Rifan the characteristics of the Giant family from the

physiological structure.

If this is the case, the characteristics of this Giant family may be passed

onto future generations.

Thinking of this, Rifan's eyes could not help but sparkle.

At the same time, many viewers who followed Rifan's live broadcast also

thought of this.

At this moment, they instinctively chose to concentrate and hold their

breath, waiting for Panz's answer.

"It's true, Rifan."

"I really smell the Giants on you."

Panz nodded.

Since it was Rifan's question, he naturally did not hesitate to answer it.


Panz's words resounded like a thunder in the minds of many Blue Star


There was a flash of excitement, worry, or jealousy in their eyes.

Rifan's Gigantification ability is likely to be passed on to future


This idea took root in the hearts of many Blue Star viewers.

Panz's words caused great commotion in the real world.

Many people who originally doubted that Rifan's Gigantification ability

could be inherited have quietly changed their attitudes.

Even the officials began to discuss the plan of selecting enough excellent

women to seduce Rifan.

All of a sudden, all the celebrities from all over the world who passed the

checkpoint of appearance began to receive notices to go for interviews.

Only Panda County, because Rifan himself is from Panda, did not take

similar actions as other countries.

However, for the attention of various countries, Panda is still doing it.

Of course, it's not just people in the real world who think about this.

Rifan and the people around him who heard Panz's words also thought of


'Interesting, if I have children with humans in the future. "

'Could it also allow him or her to have the power of Gigantification?

Rifan thought in his heart.

Chapter 410: Multiple Identities

Bring Huge Rewards!

Of course, what Rifan thought of was not only that.

If he has the unique smell of the Giant family because of the

Gigantification of bloodline skills.

Then it also means that when he acquires other bloodline skills.

He may also have a corresponding smell on his body.

In this way, wait until he acquires enough bloodline skills.

His offspring may have a variety of powerful bloodlines.

Thinking of this, Rifan couldn't help feeling relieved.

After all, in this way, the safety of his descendants can be guaranteed to a

certain extent.

Even if he has no idea of ​​creating an heir yet.

At this moment, the more Panz looked at Rifan, the more pleasing he is

to his eyes.

He suddenly felt that if his daughter could really get together with Rifan,

it would be a great thing.

Rifan is powerful and has a Giant bloodline, so he is an ideal husband-in-

law candidate.

Not only Panz, but even Lily herself began to think so.

After all, in her heart, Rifan invited her to join the Black Pearl Pirates not

just because he wanted to make her a member of the Black Pearl Pirates.

Rifan invited her because she is a woman.

In addition, Louise's eyes looking at Rifan became brighter and brighter.

If it wasn't for her position, she even had the idea to combine with Rifan.

Their thoughts, if Rifan knows.

Probably, he can only sigh in his heart and say as expected of Giants,

they are much more open than ordinary people.

Suddenly, a coquettish voice caught everyone's attention.

Louise, Panz and the others turned their heads to look.

They saw that Nojiko had already drawn out her long sword, and once

again used Elbaf's technique on Zephyr.

Compared to the "Hakoku" she wields with her fists.

This time, the Hakoku used by the Nojiko utilization weapon combines

the characteristics of the weapon, and its power is further improved.

Zephyr is under the control of Moria, and under the perception of

Observation Haki, a high-level foreseeing future.

He couldn't dodge Hakoku's blow from Nojiko at all, so he could only

choose to use the mechanical arm with his Armament Haki in full defense

to block.

With a bang, Zephyr was sent flying again.

But this time, the mechanical arm in his hand had reached its limit, and

it turned into pieces and fell off Zephyr's arm.

When Ain, Binz, Momonga and others saw this scene, they immediately

showed worried expressions.

And involuntarily made preparations to make a move.

Seeing this, Rifan patted Louise Vice Admiral's arm away and fell from

her body.

Then he walked into the battlefield with a smile on his face and said:

"It should be almost the same, this battle is over.

"What do you guys think?"

After Rifan finished speaking, he first looked at Hina, Momonga and

others, and then looked in the direction of Zephyr.

At this moment, he is clutching his chest and stepping on Moonwalk

towards the direction of the warship.

Although Rifan's voice was not loud, it was quite clear on the silent

Marine deck, even Zephyr could hear it.

When he returned to the deck of the Marine warship again, looking at his

shattered mechanical arm, the expression on his face was quite


It seems to be angry, it seems to be aggrieved.

But in the end, it could only be his long sigh.

Originally, he wanted to use his own power to learn more about Rifan's

partners and even Rifan's power.

In the end, just one Moria and Nojiko beat him to no avail.

Even now he still has the power to fight, but according to the current


Even if the fight goes on, Moria and Nojiko cannot be defeated.

Even though he took Rifan's move first, it still made Zephyr feel quite


"You win, Rifan."

"Marine will agree to your terms."

"That little girl, we will treat her as your partner.

"As for her father, we can also let him go."

Zephyr took a deep breath and said to Rifan quietly.

Following Zephyr's voice fell.

Rifan's mind immediately echoed the reminder of the copy space.

[Panda Rifan, you have successfully completed the invitation task of Lily

Enstomach, and you will be rewarded with 500 points. ]

[You can now engrave the seal of your fleet to Lily Enstomach, so that

she can truly become your partner.]

'Finally finished. '

'Now the matter of the bodyguard is settled. '

Rifan turned to Lily and smiled naturally.

Lily was also infected when she saw Rifan's smile.

Soon, she laughed cheerfully at her father, Panz.

At this moment, another reminder sounded in Rifan's mind.

At the same time, many reincarnated people and all Blue Star viewers

who watched the live broadcast immediately got corresponding



[Rifan defeated the 'Legendary Veteran' Zephyr, and rewarded the

Advanced Observation Haki Awakening Scroll. ]

[Using this scroll, you will get the Observation Haki of the foreseeable

future level. ]

[Remarks: You need to awaken Intermediate Observation Haki before

you can use the 'Advanced Observation Haki Awakening Scroll'. ]


[Rifan achieved the achievement, the first person to defeat the "Marine

Guerrilla Captain", the special reward "Advanced Armament Haki

Awakening Scroll". ]

[Using this scroll, Armament Haki of the inner destruction level will be

awakened. ]

[Remarks: You need to awaken Intermediate Armament Haki before you

can use the Advanced Armament Haki Awakening Scroll.]

Chapter 411: A Super Ability That

Can Directly Improve The


[Panda Audience: Haha, it's here, it's here, he's back with rewards! ]

[Camel Audience: Advanced Observation Haki and Advanced Armament

Haki Awakening Scrolls, hiss... The strength of Rifan's Black Pearl Pirates

has risen to another level. ]

[Collima Audience: It's Haki's power again. I'm a little envious. It would

be great if Rifan could bring these scrolls back. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Even if he brings these two scrolls back, you

can't use them until you have awakened the Intermediate Observation

Haki and Intermediate Armament Haki. ]

[Zebra Audience: Why are there only two 'announcements'? Does it mean

that Zephyr's status as 'Marine Chief Instructor' cannot allow Rifan to

obtain the first achievement?]

[Panda Audience: That's right, even 'Marine Guerrilla Captain' has related

achievements, so there's no reason why 'Marine Chief Instructor' doesn't

have the first achievement!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Aren't two achievements enough? Don't be

too greedy!]

[Eagle Audience: Maybe, Zephyr's chief Instructor status is no longer

recognized by the copy space, hehe. ]

Not only the watchers were puzzled, but Rifan himself was also puzzled.

You know, he has been thinking about the achievement of being the first

to defeat a Marine's chief instructor for a long time.

But at this moment, a new reminder sounded in his mind.


[Panda Rifan achieved the achievement, 'The first reincarnation to defeat

the Marine Chief Instructor. "

[Specially endowed with a new talent 'Elite Trainer'!]

[Elite Trainer: When the reincarnator is a crew member, possessing this

talent can quickly help partners become stronger through practice.

When the reincarnator is the captain, those who have this talent can

directly give the body bonus to the tattooed partner who is engraved.

The higher the physical level of the reincarnator, the higher the bonus to

the partner. ]

[Remarks: When the captain dies, the physical bonus gained by the crew

will disappear automatically; in addition, when the captain dies, the

talent will disappear automatically, even if the reincarnated captain

revives, it still disappear.]

As the reminder fell, Rifan's body was immediately shrouded in a halo.

Then Nami, Mikita, Robin, Hina, Carina, and even Ada Wong, Leigh and

others who were far away in the sky were also shrouded in the same halo

as Rifan.

This made the people who originally wanted to have a conversation with

Rifan frozen in place, looking at the shining Rifan, Nami and others with

some doubts.



Real-world viewers know that Ethan is looking for Rifan.

His purpose is to defeat Rifan while Rifan is not yet fully developed, to

obtain Rifan's Devil Fruit ability and Rifan's expert-level partner.

However, many people are not optimistic about Ethan.

Now that Rifan has won a very powerful reward again, everyone is even

less optimistic about Ethan.

Sure enough, everyone entered the live broadcast room where Ethan was.

They saw his slightly flustered face.

Apparently, the reminder that Rifan was rewarded made him quite


'He was even able to obtain a 'talent' from Zephyr?!How could such a

thing happen, how could this be possible?!'

'Damn it, why didn't we meet him first!'

'If I can meet him, by the power of Blackbeard.'

'I can definitely get these rewards!'

Ethan thought with jealousy in his heart.

At this moment, Ethan has completely fallen into a state of jealousy

because of the reward Rifan received.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought he'd be able to convince Blackbeard

to attack Zephyr.

For the sake of Shichibukai's position, it is impossible for Blackbeard to

have further conflicts with Marine at this stage.

At the same time, not far from the sea area where Ethan is located.

Cammie White, also showed a shocked expression.

"Has that man become stronger again?"

Cammie White muttered to herself and looked behind her.

Where the route of Rifan's Black Pearl Pirates.

After a while, Cammie White opened the reincarnator exchange group.

Sure enough, she saw that the reincarnation exchange group was already

noisy because of the rewards Rifan received.

['Panda' Pichan: As expected of Mr. Rifan, he became stronger again.]

['Panda' Chuuli: Although I have long thought that Rifan will get the

achievement by defeating Zephyr, but I didn't expect that it would be

such a reward. ]

['Kangaroo' Helena: Advanced Observation Haki Awakening Scroll,

Advanced Armament Haki Awakening Scroll, these two rewards alone are

already excellent enough, let alone the last reward. ]

['Eagle' Albert Wesker: To actually confer talent directly, Rifan is a man

who keeps updating my evaluation of him. ]

['Camel' Yuza: Indeed, if it weren't for Rifan, we wouldn't even know that

copy space can provide bloodline skills and talent skills. ]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: So, is the talent of our reincarnators

expected to be corrected in the future? ]

['Green Pheasant' Ayane: Even though the copy space will provide talent

skills, until now only one reincarnator has triggered the corresponding

rewards, which shows how difficult it is to get talent skills.]

['Green Pheasant' Momiji: But once you get it, the help it brings must be

huge. Although the dungeon space didn't give any specific hints, but with

the Rifanss level physique, the members of the Black Pearl Pirates will

get a considerable improvement. ]

['Green Pheasant' Mai Shiranui: Speaking of which, can Rifan's talent of

'Elite Trainer' work on his 'slaves'? Can Leigh and Ada Wong also be


After Mai Shiranui's message appeared in the exchange group, many

reincarnators looked at the exchange group expectantly.

They expected Ada and Leigh to answer their questions.

If the two can really get a lot of promotion.

Perhaps some reincarnators who once disdained signing a slavery

contract with Rifan will gradually change their minds.

However, what Mai Shiranui and the others didn't know was that the

current Ada Wing and Leigh were accepting promotion from the dungeon


Both of them were in a state of surprise, and naturally they didn't see the

information in the reincarnator community

Chapter 412: Ethan Is Scared!

['Green Pheasant' Makoto Itou: Are you kidding me, why can Rifan get

talent-related skills? It's just defeating an old man, why does the copy

space give such a reward!?]

['Elephant' Akua: What Itou said is correct, it is just an old man, why

should Rifan?! This Zephyr is just an ex-Marine Admiral, his strength is

not strong at all, Rifan should not get such great reward!?]

['Eagle' Ethan: That's right, the Advanced Observation Haki Awakening

Scroll and the Advanced Armament Haki Awakening Scroll he obtained

earlier are already excellent rewards, and the subsequent reward for

'defeating the Marine Chief Instructor' should also be this level!]

['Green Pheasant' Makoto Itou: Kasumi, Honoka, you are by Rifan's side,

right? You have seen what Rifan is doing, right? Then Zephyr's power

should not be strong, right!?]

['Kangaroo' Mary Rose: You really have a thick skin, Itou, do you think

we will answer your question?]

['Green Pheasant' Honoka: There is a certain reason why Master Rifan can

get such a reward. ]

['Eagle' Cammie White: Does it make sense... Could it be because this

Zephyr has taught many Marine elites, so his status is special, so he

rewards Rifan with talent skills!?]

['Panda' Chuuli: It's not impossible. A character who can teach Marine

Three Admirals and many Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, even if his

own strength is not so strong, his value is still huge. ]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Damn it, I still don't want to believe it! 'Elite

Trainer', how much growth can this talent bring to his partners!]

['Eagle' Albert Wesker: Ada, would you mind sharing a little bit of your

growing joy?]

['Panda' Ada Wong: Hehe, I was in a strengthened state before, and I

didn't see your message. I don't want to talk about the specifics, but what

I can tell you is that I have indeed grown, and I have grown a lot. ]

['Panda' Leigh: Sister Ada is right, Sir Rifan has helped us achieve great

growth, after seeing Sir Rifan, we must thank him very much. ]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: Is there really a reward? Sigh, it

would be great if Master Rifan could accept me. ]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Woman, are you still talking like this? Don't let

me meet you, or I will definitely kill you! ]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: You'd better think about how to get

to the New World first. I believe that at this time, there are quite a few

people, like me, who are looking forward to becoming slaves who signed

a slave contract with Master Rifan. Right, Honoka, Ayane, Kasumi, Mary

Rose. ]

['Green Pheasant' Honoka: I, I don't know what your talking about!]

['Kangaroo' Mary Rose: Not at all, I don't want to be that guy's slave. ]

['Camel' Yuza: Well, I was also a little bit moved. After all, after signing

the slave contract with Rifan, not only can I get this bonus, but I can also

get the Germa 66 that Rifan got earlier.

Speaking of which, if you lose the match with Rifan later, it won't be too

bad a loss. Right, Huuli. ]

['Camel' Huuli: Hmph, I don't think I will lose. Even if that guy is stronger

now, I will try my best to catch up. ]

['Camel' Yuza: Hehe, you're really persistent, so I'm here to bless you,

please do your best. ]

['Camel' Huuli: I don't need your congratulations, woman. ]

At this moment, Huuli was standing on the bow of her pirate ship, her

eyes were extremely deep.

Obviously, Huuli's mood has become quite uneasy.

It's no wonder, no matter how confident she is in herself.

But seeing Rifan keep achieving his first successes while she didn't

achieve them herself would be a shock to anyone.

Even Huuli is no exception.

Looking at Huuli's message, Cammie White couldn't help narrowing her

eyes slightly.

Unlike Huuli who doesn't know where Rifan is now.

But she herself is very close to where Rifan is now.

If she wanted to, she could turn around and look for Rifan now.

Of course, the idea of ​​entering into a slavery contract with Rifan only

lingered in Cammie White's mind for a moment before being thrown out

of her mind.

As a fighter, she didn't want to take the initiative to become someone's

slave when nothing happened.

['Green Pheasant' Makoto Itou: The copy space also said that the talent of

'Elite Trainer' will disappear as long as the reincarnator dies once, which

means that as long as Rifan is killed, the enhancements on Leigh and Ada

will be restored disappear!]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: That's right, as long as Rifan can be killed once,

even if he can be resurrected, the growth brought about by 'Elite Trainer'

will disappear. Those trash who want to become slaves of Rifan, are you

still planning to do so now?]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: How ridiculous, do you think you

have the strength to kill Master Rifan?]

['Panda' Hitomi: It's hard to imagine that there are reincarnators who can

defeat Rifan. ]

['Eagle' Tina: Speaking of which, does the resurrection mentioned by the

copy space include the resurrection by using the devil fruit of the

underworld, or does the copy space mean the resurrection by using the

resurrection coin will the talents disappear?]

['Kangaroo' Helena: Perhaps, resurrection using the fruit of the

underworld is not included. ]

['Eagle' Ethan: In other words, is Rifan's talent permanent? ]

Ethan just thought of this, and the only hope in his heart that could limit

Rifan was also shattered.

All of a sudden, his whole body began to tremble with fear.

This is no wonder, you must know that their current location is not far

from the Devil's Triangle sea area.

It can be said that it is possible to meet Rifan at any time.

Thinking of facing the current Rifan and the Black Pearl Pirates behind


Ethan's psychological defense finally collapsed, no matter how much he

tried to build his mind.

He no longer felt that he and Blackbeard had the power to bring Rifan


"Ethan, what's wrong with you?"

Blackbeard noticed Ethan's condition, and couldn't help asking with some


"Captain, I have a very bad premonition in my heart."

"How about we retreat?"

Ethan turned his head and showed an extremely tangled expression to


Blackbeard felt even more strange when he heard Ethan's words.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

"Didn't you support us to find Rifan before?"

"Don't you want to get Rifan's Devil Fruit?"

Blackbeard raised an eyebrow and asked with a frown.

Chapter 413: Ethan And Cammie

White Meet!

"No, no more."

"Captain, I suddenly feel that the Devil Fruit we got earlier is not bad."

"I'll just find one of those fruits."

"Trust me, Captain, I do have a bad feeling."

"My hunches are always accurate, and this time I won't be wrong."

"If we meet Rifan now, something very bad may happen."

Ethan shook his head again and again, and said to Blackbeard.

Because he couldn't tell about the copy space, he can only use his hunch

as excuse.

Blackbeard frowned, if possible, he naturally didn't want to give up


After all, Rifan really has what he needs.

Not to mention, Blackbeard cannot tolerate the existence of two Dark

Fruit devil fruit users.

Blackbeard shook his head, just when he wanted to persuade Ethan.

In the sea of ​​the Blackbeard pirates, the voice of Van Augur, who is a

sniper, came over.

"Captain, there's a ship over there._

"Need to go and have a look?"

Hearing this, Ethan immediately stood up nervously.

"What?! Is it the Black Pearl?!"

Ethan's eyes widened, he took out the binoculars and looked in the

direction of Augur's finger.

Now he is really afraid of encountering Rifan.

Fortunately, the opposite ship was not the Black Pearl.

"Huh, what, it's not the Black Pearl.

"Wait, that woman is Cammie White!?"

Ethan narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered.

"Zehahahaha, let's go, little one!'

"Since it is blocking our way, we have to take action."

"Maybe, the opposite also has the Devil Fruit we need."

Blackbeard laughed and patted Ethan on the shoulder, and continued:

"Also, there seems to be some acquaintances of yours there, right?"

"Maybe if you meet someone you know."

"Your intuition will change."

Hearing this, Ethan couldn't help but fell silent.

How could his excuse be changed, unless the rewards Rifan received

would be taken away by the copy space which is impossible.

Having said that,

He also made no objection to Blackbeard sailing to Cammy White.

As long as the opponent is not Rifan, he is fearless.


the other side.

Where Rifan is.

'Elite Trainer? This is really interesting.

'It actually give my crew members 10,000 points on their physique.'

'This is equivalent to gaining the physical bonus brought by the Germa 66

exoskeleton again.'

'And this is when my physique is in SS.'

'I don't know if my physique reaches the SSS level, will it be able to

increase the physical points of the crew members again?'

After Rifan glanced at the growth of the physical points of each crew

member of the Black Pearl.

He can't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

He never thought that defeating a Zephyr would bring so many rewards.

Compared to the previous Tsuru, Zephyr is even more of a treasure.

For a moment, Rifan looked at Zephyr with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Captain Rifan!"

At this moment, Mikita suddenly rushed over and hugged Rifan's

shoulder with a bang.

Her pretty face was full of worries about Rifan.

"Captain Rifan, are you okay?"

"Should we send these guys away?"

"Then you take a good rest?"

Mikita naturally felt her own strengthening.

And she also saw the halos on all Black Pear Pirates crews.

Since she can become so much stronger in an instant, it is very likely that

other members of the Black Pearl Pirates are also the same.

Thinking of the life force that Rifan might consume in strengthening his

partner this time, Mikita is naturally very worried about Rifan.

Chapter 414: Please Be My


"What happened, what happened before?"

"Why does Rifan and all members of the Black Pearl Pirates have that

light on them?"

Shuzo frowned, full of doubts in his heart.

"Hina, you also had halos on your body earlier."

"Do you know something?"

Gion turned her head, looked at Hina who was looking at Rifan with a

complicated expression and asked.

As soon as the words came out.

Zephyr, Ain and others looked over curiously, wanting to get an answer

from Hina.

After all, now, Rifan is surrounded by members of the Black Pearl Pirates.

They couldn't get into the conversation at all.

"Hina's strength has risen a lot again."

"Rifan may have used his ability to help us directly improve our ability."

Hina pursed her lips and said.


"Is that man dying?"

"Didn't he say that using this ability will consume lifespan?"

Shuzo opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief.

"Yeah, even if he does have the blood of the Giant race."

"How much life can he consume like this?"

"And this time, why did he use his ability to strengthen his partner?"

Momonga frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Perhaps, it was the previous fight between Moria and Nojiko against

Zephyr-sensei that made Rifan decide to do this.

Gion clasped her arms and speculated.

"Why, does he feel that Nojiko and Moria's previous performances were

not strong enough, not good enough?"

Zephyr walked to Gion, Momonga and others, and said angrily.

"Maybe, it didn't meet Rifan's expectations."

"But I didn't expect that he would even strengthen you, Hina."

"It seems that he is really satisfied with you."

Gion said to Hina meaningfully.

Hina's eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at Rifan very confused.

At this moment, she wants to also come to Rifan side like his crew, to

express her concern for Rifan.

However, Zephyr, Momonga, Shuzo and others are all watching.

She couldn't move forward at all.

"Calm down, I know my situation myself."

"Mikita, Robin, Nami, don't worry."

"My lifespan is quite long."

"See how I turned into a thousand-meter Giant earlier?"

"My lifespan can correspond to my height."

"So don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Compared to this, everyone should think about how to get familiar with

their own power later. "

Rifan patted Mikita on the shoulder, scanned the people around him

again, and said with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they felt a little calmer.

On the contrary, Nojiko was not so happy.

"If only I had defeated Zephyr faster with Moria earlier."

"Perhaps Captain Rifan, you won't use your abilities to strengthen us."

"In this way, you can spend less lifespan on us."

Nojiko raised her head high, pursed her lips and said to Rifan.

That's right, just as Gion guessed.

Rifan did use Nojiko and Moria's battle with Zephyr to explain his

strengthening of everyone.

Rifan said that he did this because he felt that Moria and Nojiko had a

little difficulty in dealing with Zephyr.

"Don't take it too seriously."

"Look, Moria didn't say anything either."

Rifan patted Nojiko on the shoulder and said with a light smile.

When Nojiko heard this, she immediately turned her head and glared at


For this, Moria could only scratch the back of his head innocently.

After all, it is Rifan's choice to strengthen them, and it is not something

he can stop.

Of course, he is happy that he has become stronger again.

He even felt in his heart that if he fights Zephyr again now.

It must be much easier than before.


Louise Vice Admiral stood on a high place, looking enviously at Rifan's

partners, especially Nojiko.

Now she suddenly understood why Nojiko was able to master Elbaf


Rifan's ability can magically make everyone stronger suddenly.

Then it might not be difficult for a human being like Nojiko to master


Although Nojiko Hakoku that Rifan let her learn through a special


But Nojiko is a human being after all, which makes Louise envy Nojiko

and at the same time want to learn Hakoku more and more.

After all, a human being can learn Hakoku, if she, a Giant, can't learn it,

it would be too embarrassing.

"Ahem, excuse me."

"That Rifan, can you teach me how to use Hakoku?"

Louise bent down and asked Rifan curiously.

Chapter 415: The Supernova In

Sabaody Is Still Waiting For Me!

The longing for power hidden in the instinct of the Giants finally made

Louise break the rules of Marine and ask Rifan who is a pirate on her

own initiative.

When Rifan heard Louise's voice, he looked back at her with interest.

"You want to learn."


"Then can you afford the tuition?"

"Still paying tuition?"

"Of course, you don't think there are free things in this world, do you?"

"But didn't you also learn Hakoku from Dorry and Brogy for free?"

"That's my talent."


Louise looked at Rifan's proud face, and was speechless for a while.

Just when Louise was struggling, Nojiko suddenly flew up, raised her

small hand and patted Louise's face lightly.

Seeing this scene, Gion and Hina could not help but twitch their mouths.

Considering what Rifan had done, they immediately thought of Nojiko's

appearance as Louise and Rifan's intimate appearance.

Although Rifan is only human sized now, but he can become giant ok?

"What did you do?"

Louise raised her eyebrows and looked at Nojiko suspiciously.

"Used my devil fruit to record your body data."

"Then I'll be able to take your form when I use Hokaku."

"In a way, it's like you've learned Hokaku."

Nojiko smiled at Louise and said.

"How can it be regarded as learning?"

"You know it's not good to record other people's physical data without

their consent."

Louise said angrily.

"We are pirates, so it should be a matter of course."

Nojiko laughed.

When Louise heard this, she couldn't find anything to refute Nuo for a


At this moment, Rifan jumped onto Louise's shoulder.

Under Louise's curious eyes, Rifan chuckled close to Louise's ear and said:

"It's not impossible for you to learn Hakoku."

"Although I will not use my power to let you quickly learn this move."

"However, I can tell you about my understanding of this move, so as to

help you train it."

"However, you have to promise me one condition.

"That is…"

Rifan has not forgotten the previous thought of adding Louise brand

drinks to his refrigerator to see the difference between Giant mothers and

human mothers.

According to Rifan's observation, Giant is quite unrestrained.

Therefore, he was not as tactful as he was with Gion and Ain.

Instead, he directly told Louise what he thought in his heart.

"Hey, do you still have that magical thing?"

After listening to Rifan's words, Louise was first surprised by the special

ointment developed by Rifan.

As for being shy, what is that?

"Indeed there are."

"But if you want to use it on your body."

"It may consume quite a few servings."

Rifan smiled and continued:

"But I'm telling you this first. Although I'll give you the plan of practicing

the Hakoku."

"It doesn't mean you can learn it 100%. There's a chance you can't learn


"So you have to think about it before answering."

After Rifan finished speaking, he looked at Louise with interest.

However, he thought Louise would refuse a little.

Who knew that Louise nodded without hesitation.


"Just right, I'm also quite curious about the stuff you researched."

Louise laughed.

"Haha~ That's why I like you Giants."

Rifan laugh happily.


"Rifan, what are your plans for the future?"

"Now that you're a Shichibukai, how about going to Naval Headquarters

right away?"

At this time, Zephyr stepped forward, looked up at Rifan and asked.

"So urgent?"

"Zephyr, from the war between Marine and Whitebeard Pirates."

"It should be a while."

"Isn't it too early for me to go there?"

Sitting cross-legged on Louise's shoulder, Rifan said while resting his chin

with one hand.

"Then what is your plan?"

"It's nothing, I just think that since I'm here, I might as well go to

Sabaody Archipelago first.

"Sabaody Archipelago..."

"That's right. I heard it's quite special, and it should be beautiful. And it's

not far from Naval Headquarters. If I start from there, I won't be late."

As he spoke, a faint smile appeared on Rifan's face.

He knew that during this time period, those supernova pirates would

land on Sabaody Archipelago.

Among them, there are Kid and Law, two characters who can get a

reward of 3 billion Berry in the future, and fight against Four Emperors'

red-haired Shanks and Four Emperors Blackbeard respectively although

they were beaten to the ground by the two.

But these two have great potential, and their Devil Fruit ability is quite


Even if he can't turn them into his own, Rifan wants to try to get their

Devil Fruit ability!

Chapter 416: The Option For

Personal Guards!

Under such circumstances, how could Rifan go to Naval Headquarters


Not to mention, if arriving at Naval Headquarters too early.

Who knows if those Marines will break the contract and do something to


For him to have no accident, it is better to be in the presence of other


After all, at that time, Marine would also be scruples about other

Shichibukai and would not dare to do anything to Rifan.

If they really do it, the other Shichibukai will have to consider whether

the agreement between themselves and the Marine is safe.

"Sabaody Archipelago...."

Zephyr frowned.

Sabaody Archipelago has Celestial Dragons.

He was worried that Rifan would cause some unnecessary troubles…

But after much deliberation, he couldn't think of a reason to stop Rifan.

'Forget it, since this guy has become a Shichibukai.'

'He shouldn't do anything to Celestial Dragons…'

Zephyr thought to himself.

At this time, he didn't know that even if Rifan didn't look for Celestial

Dragons, Celestial Dragons would look for him.

Under Spandine's arrangement, two Celestial Dragons have already set

their sights on Rifan.

They are waiting for Rifan to arrive at the Sabaody Archipelago.

If Zephyr knew at this time that Rifan would run into Celestial Dragons

after arriving in Sabaody Archipelago, he would definitely stop Rifan.

In this way, he will not have the troubles surrounding Rifan and Celestial


Of course, this is something for later.

"Rifan, I will take Gion and Hina back to Naval Headquarters next."

"Since you are going to Sabaody Archipelago."

"Then our journey overlaps for a while."

"You don't mind if we sail together for a while right?"

Zephyr spoke.

He also heard that Louise wanted to practice with Rifan earlier.

Naturally, he doesn't mind creating some conditions for Louise.

Besides, Zephyr also wants to confirm what kind of person Rifan is

through his own eyes.

Therefore, he himself does not plan to leave in a hurry.


Rifan smiled and nodded upon hearing this.

After a while, the Black Pearl and the Marine warship set off again.

Heading towards Sabaody Archipelago.

Before that, Rifan also told Moria to return to his Thriller Barque.

After all, he is the subordinate captain, above the Thriller barque, with

his two companions.

And Rifan himself is also looking forward to what Moria will develop in a

place that he can't see.

In addition, Panz also leave.

Under the instructions of Lily, he took the survival boat provided by the

Marine and set off for Elbaf.

"Hey, Rifan, can you tell me about your practice on how to use Hakoku


Louise came to the deck of the Black Pearl, sat cross-legged in front of

Rifan, and asked expectantly.

"I want to listen, I want to listen."

"Captain Rifan, you will also let me learn Hakoku!"

Lily came to Rifan and said impatiently.

After that, she gave Louise a bad look.

Apparently, Lily didn't like the Giant Vice Admiral who had captured her

father earlier.

But she also knew that she could not interfere with the deal between

Rifan and Louise.

Therefore, she did not say anything to drive Louise away.

"Lily, you are my partner, of course I will guide you."

"Since you are a Giant, as long as you have my seal, I believe you should

be able to master Hakoku in a short time."

Rifan nodded and said to Lily.

"Faster than her?"

Facing Rifan, Lily raised her finger and pointed to Louise who was on the

side and asked.

"It's natural."

"After becoming my partner, there will be a training bonus."

"But before doing it again, I have to engrave you with the seal of my

pirate group."

"Tell me, where do you plan to engrave the seal of the pirates?"

Rifan raised the seal of the Pirates in his hand, and said to Lily with a

smile on his face.

"Do it here, by the way I want it Black."

Lily pointed to her exposed belly and said with a light smile.

Rifan nodded slightly, and without talking nonsense, he raised his hand

and engraved the seal on Lily's lower abdomen.

Afterwards, the reminder of the copy space immediately sounded in

Rifan's mind.

[Panda Rifan, you have successfully engraved the seal of the Pirates

onLily Enstomach. ]

[The suitable positions have been listed for you, please choose by

yourself. ]

Rifan looked up, and sure enough, he found the option of bodyguard

among the partner positions listed in the copy space.

Chapter 417: Personal Guard!

"Lily, I will trouble you to become my 'personal bodyguard' from now


Rifan chuckled twice, and said to Lily.

"Personal bodyguard? Why?"

"By the way, with your ability, do you still need me as a bodyguard?"

Lily tilts her head.

And ask a little ignorantly.

"Because of your fruit ability."

"You can get bigger and smaller."

"It's also convenient to stay by my side."

"As for protecting me... Well, I can't handle everyone by myself."

"Sometimes, I still have to trouble you."

Rifan said with a smile on his face.

"Well, since you said so."

"Then I'll take the job."

"Don't worry Rifan, you helped me and my father."

"I will protect you well!"

Lily patted her chest, and smiled at Rifan with a confident face.

Rifan nodded slightly, immersed in the copy space, and fixed Lily's

position in the column of personal guards.

[Rifan, congratulations on your new partner bodyguard, Lily Enstomach.]

[It is detected that Lily's position level is Excellent, and you will be

rewarded with 1000 points. ]

[DING! Rifan achieved the achievement————'The first reincarnator

with a personal guard', and will be rewarded with the Primary Armament

Haki Awakening Scroll'. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 3)]

[Name: Lily Enstomach]

[Age: 26 years old]

[Crew number: 15]

[Position: Bodyguard (Excellent)]

[Physical: 38890]

[Physical level: A level]

[Devil Fruit: Mini Fruit]

[Martial Arts Skill: None]

[Other skills: Germa 66 exoskeleton]

[Special Ability: None]

[Loyalty: 80 (Intimate)]

[Bounty: 0]

"With the addition of the Germa 66 exoskeleton and my talent 'Elite

Trainer'. '

'Did Lily's attribute points directly reach 38890 points? '

'It's really good, so she should be able to beat Louise.'

'However, should I say as expected of the Giant race?'

'Even Lily, who is still young, has 18890 physical points at the beginning.'

Rifan stroked his chin, looked at Lily and Louise with great interest, and


At this moment, Lily did not turn herself into a miniature state.

Therefore, looking up from Rifan's perspective, one can clearly see Lily's

extremely powerful weapon.

There is no doubt that if she uses his special ointment, she must be able

to feed many human children…

Chapter 418: You Bought This



"Is this the light that appeared on everyone just now?"

"It's actually possible to become stronger in such a way!"

Lily rubbed the tattoo in her stomach and said in shock.

This is no wonder, in terms of physical points.

The current Lily directly has more than half of her physical points than

before she became Rifan's partner.

Under such circumstances, her growth is the most intuitive.

Zephyr, Gion and others in the distance were originally asking about

Hina's growth.

But the sudden rise of strength from Lily immediately attracted their


Thinking of the previous performance of Nami, Nojiko and others.

Zephyr and the others immediately knew that Rifan was enhancing Lily.

"This guy, how many times can he use this enhancement?"

"Could it be that if no partner joins him, he has to strengthen them first?"

Zephyr frowned, and asked the team members to help him repair the

mechanical arm while muttering.

At the same time, the same whisper sounded in Louise's heart.

Because she is the closest to Lily, she can more intuitively feel the growth

of her strength than others.

To her incomparable surprise, she had a faint feeling that she had no way

to defeat Lily.

Suddenly, Lily turned around and punched Louise.

Louise felt the fist curling her hair, and reflexively raised her hands in

front of her.


There was a loud bang.

Louise was thrown back more than one meter by Lily's fist.

You know, this is still the case that Louise is a Giant and has enough


If they were Common humans, they would probably be sent flying a

thousand meters away by Lily's punch.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

After Louise stood firm, she yelled at Lily angrily.

"Sorry, I subconsciously want to find someone to try my current


"What does it mean to find someone to try your strength, why do you

want to find me?"

"Because you stood by my side."

"What kind of reason is that, I stand by your side and you have to use me

as a test subject?"

"That's right!"

"You little girl, I have to teach you a lesson!"

"Come, who is afraid of you!"

Lily pulled up her sleeves, thinking of going to the end with Louise.

"Okay, you two, don't you want to listen to me teach you the tricks of

learning Hakoku?"

"I'm going to start so can you be quiet?"

Rifan rested his forehead with one hand and said with a headache.

"Since it's Captain Rifan's order, I'll let you go, Marine."

Lily hugged her hands and snorted coldly at Louise.

She used her Devil Fruit's ability to turn herself back into a 30cm state,

and jumped onto Rifan's shoulder.

Then, as if she had thought of something, she jumped off Rifan's shoulder


Along the collar, she got into Rifan's clothes.

Only two hands and a head were left hanging from his clothes.

"Since I'm your bodyguard, it's qualified like this."

Lily muttered.

When Louise saw Lily's behavior, she became anxious again.

She wants to teach Lily a lesson.

But now Lily is in Rifan's arms, if she really wants to attack Lily, she must

attack Rifan.

In desperation, she could only sit in front of Rifan with a vicious look.

"Okay, I'll continue talking about Hakoku."

Rifan stretched out his index finger to touch Lily's little head, and said:

"Whether it's Hakoku or the Gungnir, they need extremely strong strength

to support them."

"So, this trick is generally only mastered by Warriors of the Giant race."

"I'm not going to talk about the technique, I'll ask you guys first."

"Do you guys use Armament Haki?"

This sentence, Rifan looked at Louise and asked.

Lily's personal attributes Rifan has already seen.

He knew that Lily could not use Armament Haki.

However, he is already prepared, and when he is free later, he will use

the 'Primary Armament Haki Awakening Scroll' on Lily.

To lay the groundwork for Lily to learn Elbaf Techniques.


Lily raised her hand and said.

"I do not know either."

It was Louise's answer that surprised Lily.

"No way, you, a Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, don't know how to use

Armament Haki?"

"Did you buy your Vice Admiral position?"

Lily's eyes widened, and she said to Louise with an extremely surprised


However, if you look at it with confidence, you can see Lily's mocking


Chapter 419: It Is Impossible For

Rifan To Be So Lucky All The


"Damn it, what do you mean by that!?"

"Can't I be Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral without Armament Haki?"

"The Giants themselves are much stronger than humans."

"Although I can't use Armament Haki, I can beat Naval Headquarters Vice

Admiral with Armament Haki.

"At least compared to Vice Admiral Momonga over there, I'm stronger!"

Louise lowered her head and yelled at Lily angrily, while not forgetting

to point her finger at Momonga in the distance.

Hearing this, Momonga twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely.

Please, as a Giant, you are stronger than me, but my sword is sharper

than you.

Of course, if this is the case, Momonga is just thinking about it in his


He didn't mean to say it.

"Hmp, if we're talking about strength, didn't I also knock you into the air


"With your strength, you can become Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral."

"Then I can also be the Vice Admiral!"

Lily raised her head and proudly said to Louise.

"Damn it, you don't know Armament Haki, why are you so proud!?"

"And your strength, isn't it because of Rifan helping you!?"

Louise growled angrily.

"It's my choice to have a good captain."

"If you are not convinced, you should also find a good captain."

Lily waved her hand to Louise, and the word disgust was almost written

on her face.

"You bastard!"

"Rifan, release her!"

"I will beat her!"

Louise looked at Rifan with blue veins on her forehead and said.

"Let me finish first, Lily, Louise Vice Admiral."

Rifan shook his head and continued:

"Armament Haki is the basis for learning Hakoku."

"If you want to learn Hakoku or learn Gungnir."

"At least let Armament Haki be able to release and attack the enemy."

"Otherwise, you will have no way of mastering the Hakoku."

"Louis Vice Admiral, I don't mind sharing with you the techniques for

learning the Hakoku."

"But as for Armament Haki, I think you should find a way to awaken it


Hearing this, Louise only felt that her head was hit by lightning.

"Still... have to learn Armament Haki?"

"Rifan, can't I use Haki?"

Louise gritted her teeth and asked Rifan hesitantly.

If Louise felt that Armament Haki was really so easy to awaken.

She has already awakened.

At this time, let her think of a way to awaken the armament haki, but she

can't do it.

"This won't work, learning Hakoku is a hard condition."

"If you can't do it, I advise you to give up."

Rifan shook his head, suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he


"By the way, even if you want to give up."

"Our previous agreement cannot be voided."

"I want to see what a newborn mother of the Giant race looks like."

When Louise heard this, she twitched her mouth again.

"What about her, she doesn't know how to use Armament Haki herself."

"You don't intend to teach her to train Hakoku, do you?"

Louise pointed to Lily and asked.

"Lily is my partner, I have plenty of ways to help her awaken her Haki."

"I believe it won't take long for her to awaken her Armament Haki."

Rifan said confidently.

When Lily heard this, her worried mood immediately calmed down, and

she looked at Louise proudly again.


Louise clenched her right fist, and she became extremely unwilling.

For a moment, Louise couldn't help being a little envious of Lily's ability

to increase her strength through Rifan.

As for her, she clearly saw the opportunity to learn Hakoku, but she

couldn't learn it.

How could she be content with this?

Seeing Louise's appearance, Lily mocked Louise even more.

Soon, the two started arguing in front of Rifan.

Rifan shook his head helplessly.

He also turned his attention to the reincarnation exchange group. And

wanted to see if any major events happened to the other reincarnators.

['Panda' Pichan: Rifan seems to be very busy, and has not appeared in the

communication group. ]

['Panda' Ray: Sir Rifan has Marine Zephyr, Marine Vice Admiral Gion and

others there, so he must be very busy. ]

['Panda' Pichan: That's right! However, as for personal guards, Rifan

would actually get a partner with such a position. It's hard to imagine

that with his strength, he would need personal guards. ]

['Eagle' Tina: Could it be that Rifan's partner is a very strong guy?]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: How is it possible, no matter how good a

person's luck is, there should be a limit, how could he have just obtained

so many rewards, and then obtained a powerful partner!? The level of a

bodyguard must be linked to strength. According to my opinion, this

bodyguard should not be very strong, so her position level will not be too

high. In other words, Rifan will not get too many bonus points for

inviting a bodyguard!]

Chapter 420: The Benefits Of

Becoming Associated With Rifan!

['Panda' Ada Wong: You are very clear about it, could it be that this

bodyguard is actually your Destiny crew member?]

['Panda' Leigh: Yes, yes, if it is really your destiny crew, you can rest

assured that we will not laugh at you. ]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Shut up bitvhes, didn't I say it, that bodyguard

is not my destiny crew!]

['Panda' Rifan: Are you making Otoshi cry again?]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Who the... Wait, you are Rifan? You bastard

finally appeared!]

['Panda' Rifan: What, what do you want from me?]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Damn it, explain to them quickly that your

bodyguards are not my destiny crew members!]

['Panda' Rifan: Heh, if you ask me to explain, I will explain? Who do you

think you are?]

The corner of Rifan's mouth turned upwards, and he didn't intend to pay

any attention to the request of Otoshi.

The relationship between the two is not good.

Rifan took Otoshi's Destiny Crew many times.

If Rifan is to say it, the two of them are likely to reach the point where

one of them will die if they meet each other.

Now that Otoshi is unhappy because of being misunderstood, Rifan

naturally wants to keep him unhappy.

['Panda' Ada Wong: Rifan, are you done with your work? There shouldn't

be any difficulties, right?]

['Panda' Rifan: This is natural, but there are a little too many things, so I

didn't have time to watch the exchange group. By the way, how are you

doing, Ada?]

['Panda' Ada Wong: My condition is naturally very good, but the next

time you use power to help me become stronger, can you remind me

first. If I'm not in my room, maybe I'll have to find an excuse to explain

to the people around me]

['Panda' Rifan: My bad, the reward came a bit suddenly, and I didn't

expect to get such a reward for defeating Zephyr. ]

['Panda' Ada Wong: No matter what, I still want to congratulate you,

maybe the next time we meet, you will already be a strong person at the

Four Emperors level. ]

['Green Pheasant' Makoto Itou: Four Emperors? Just him, how is it


['Panda' Leigh: A defeated dog, you'd better keep quiet. ]

['Green Pheasant Audience:' Makoto Itou: You bitvh...]

['Panda' Rifan: Leigh, how is your side? Did it cause you any trouble

because of the enhanced halo on your body?]

['Panda' Leigh: This...Actually, I was chatting with those three sisters

earlier, and the sudden strengthening made them all very concerned. No,

it should be said that they are very envious. ]

Leigh thought Hancock knew that she was strengthened by Rifan's power,

and after experiencing Leigh's new power, Hancock's envious expression

made her body tremble.

It's no wonder that Hancock's previous eyes were too oppressive.

Leigh feels that the current Hancock may have completely regarded her

as her rival in love.

The reason why she is still very polite to her now is entirely for Rifan's


Thinking of Hancock who is very rebellious towards everyone, but very

peaceful when he treats her, Leigh is sure that Hancock has a deep

affection for Rifan.

Otherwise, Hancock would never be able to do that.

['Panda' Rifan: It seems that there seems to be a little commotion on your

side. Sorry, the way of rewarding is not up to me. For the copy space, it

directly distributes the rewards.]

['Panda' Leigh: I understand, Rifan. In addition, thank you this time too,

the strengthening this time actually saved me a lot of my points...]

['Eagle' Tina: Damn it, don't talk about half of it, how many points you

have saved, you should explain clearly. ]

['Panda' Leigh: Sorry, this may reveal the strength of Rifan and the Black

Pearl Pirates, so I won't reveal it. ]

['Panda' Rifan: Tina, If you want to know so much, why don't you come

and sign a slavery contract with me, after the signing, you will know. ]

['Eagle' Tina: Hmp, wait until you find me at sea. ]

['Camel' Yuza: Rifan, do you really think so? If both Leigh and Ada have

obtained considerable physical bonuses because of you, once you say it,

many beautiful ladies may be willing to become your slaves~]

Rifan couldn't help chuckling when he saw Yuza's message.

He believed it.

The bonus brought by Germa 66 exoskeleton and Elite Trainer talent is


This has a fatal attraction for many reincarnators who are hovering on

the verge of death.

Let me ask, do they still care about being another person's slave when

their own lives are almost lost?

Some people may not be willing, but Rifan also believes that there must

be many people who are willing.

Not only the women in Yuza's mouth, even some male reincarnators must

be willing to submit to Rifan.

However, even if Rifan doesn't mind taking slaves.

But it doesn't mean that anyone can be his slave.

Although these slaves have no way to hurt him.

But they can also do some things that Rifan doesn't like, such as attacking

some people who Rifan thinks are innocent.

Under such circumstances, Rifan had to go through certain investigations

before he could accept slaves.

At least, their personality better suits his taste.

Chapter 421: Chun Li And

Cammy's Seeking Help!

['Panda' Rifan: Yuza, I believe what you say, so are you willing to sign a

slavery contract with me?]

['Camel' Yuza: Haha, I am quite willing, but the sea is vast, and we don't

know when we will meet again. ]

['Camel' Huuli: Hmph, flirtatious woman! Rifan, don't tell me you really

believe what that woman says?]

['Panda' Rifan: Hehe, I don't know until I meet her, but I still believe in a

woman like you, Huuli. I believe you will be willing to abide by the

agreement with me. ]

['Camel' Huuli: It's natural, but I won't give up so easily, Rifan!]

['Panda' Rifan: By the way, I haven't seen Ethan yet. Ethan, what are you

up to, come out and chat, can you tell me where you are now, so that I

can go to meet you? You said earlier you will come to trouble me. Did

you decided to back off because you saw the achievement reward I got


['Camel' Huuli: If my guess is correct, that guy really doesn't intend to

come to you, after all, he has only one life. ]

['Panda' Rifan: Really, that's really a pity. ]

['Chollima' Cammy White: If your looking for Ethan's, he is 5 degrees to

the east of your ship.]

'Cammy White? That cool blond woman I saw earlier?'

"Could it be that she ran into Ethan?"

Rifan couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw Cammy White's


Ethan had previously said that he would come to trouble him, and Rifan

met this woman, Cammy White, not long ago.

If Cammy White knew where Ethan was.

That naturally proved that Ethan was nearby.

Thinking of this, Rifan immediately had an idea. While stopping the

quarrel between Lily and Louise, he asked Zephyr, Nami and others to

divert the course of the Marine warship and the Black Pearl to Cammy

White's location.

Now that Cammy White mentioned it, he naturally wanted to take a look.

['Chollima' Cammy White: Rifan, if you help me take revenge on my

partner killer, I can promise you to serve you!]

['Panda' Chun Li: Revenge? Cammy, what happened to you, what


['Chollima' Cammy White: I encountered the Blackbeard Pirates, and the

Blackbeard Pirates killed my partner and took away my partner's Devil

Fruit ability. ]

['Panda' Chun Li: How could this happen!]

['Camel' Huuli: Interesting, really interesting, I didn't expect you to be

caught by Ethan. And even asked Rifan for help, are you going to sign a

slavery contract with him? You really have no spine. ]

['Camel' Yuza: Don't you also plan to sign a slave contract with Rifan

after losing to Rifan?]

['Camel' Huuli: Hmph, the situation between me and that woman,

Cammy White, is different. Rifan and I are betting against each other,

and she asked Rifan for help in exchange to her body.]

['Camel' Yuza: There is no difference, maybe the two of you will become

sisters in the future, it is not certain, haha. ]

['Camel' Huuli: One day, I will tear your mouth apart, Yuza!]

['Eagle' Crimson Viper: Cammy White, don't die, your life is mine.]

['Chollima' Cammy White: Viper, I don't have time for you right now.

Rifan, you are watching right, I am waiting for your reply.]

['Panda' Chun Li: Rifan, I also ask you, Cammy is my friend, can you help

Cammy on my behalf?]

['Panda' Rifan: Well, since it is Miss Chun Li's request, I will help. I hope

that guy Ethan didn't stare at the chat group. ]

['Panda' Chun Li: Thank you!]

Rifan closed the reincarnator exchange group, a red light flashed in his

eyes, and Observation Haki quickly shot into the distance.

After a while, he successfully locked onto the Blackbeard Pirates, Cammy

White and others.

'It really is Ethan, you really let me find you~'

Rifan sneered in his heart, then turned to look at Nami and the others:

"Mikita, Robin, everyone, prepare to fight."

"The Blackbeard Pirates are over there."

"I'll go and have a look first."

After all, Rifan's figure turned into a thunderbolt and rushed towards

Cammy White.

"Blackbeard? Wait Rifan, what are you doing, Blackbeard is a Shichibukai

like you!"

Zephyr roared in the direction where Rifan disappeared.

However, Rifan would not pay attention to Zephyr's roar.

Now Cammy White and his crew are in danger.

In order to better fulfill Chun Li's request, he can only use his fastest


It's a pity that when he became a Colossal Giant, it consumed a lot of his

physical strength.

As a result, even if he uses Thunder Fruit to hurry, his speed is still slow

compared to his peak strength.

"Damn it, what is this guy going to do!"

"Shuzo, take someone to watch over here, and I'll follow that guy."

Zephyr clenched his fists.

Seeing the faster and faster Black Pearl, he decisively chose to jump up

from the deck of the warship and landed on the deck of the Black Pearl.

Subsequently, Gion, Hina, Momonga and others did the same.

And after they landed on the deck of the Black Pearl.

The tail of the Black Pearl immediately sprayed out a large amount of

possible converted energy.

Driven by this energy, the speed of the Black Pearl went up to a higher

level again.

Soon, there was a considerable distance from the Marine warship.

Chapter 422: The Grievances

Between Rifan And Blackbeard?

That's The Grudge Between Rifan

And Ethan!

"You can't be impulsive!"

"Rifan and Blackbeard are both Shichibukai."

"Now we are still facing the problem of fighting the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Although I don't know what kind of grievances there are between your

pirate group and Teach."

"But no matter what, now is not the time for you to fight."

"If you insist on violating the rules, the position of Rifan's Shichibukai

will be reclaimed immediately!"

Zephyr walked quickly to Mikita and Robin, with a very serious tone.

"Huh? Are you talking to me?"

Mikita turned her head and gave Zephyr a cold look:

"Heh, if you want to say this, go talk to my captain."

"It is impossible for me to disobey the captain's orders."

Zephyr frowned when he heard Mikita's blunt words.

Then, he looked at Robin again, and said:

"Nico Robin, you're a smart woman."

"You should know the consequences of Rifan's conflict with Blackbeard


"You also don't want the peace you got so hard to lose because Rifan lost

his Shichibukai's position right?"

Hearing this, Robin drew a nice smile on her face:

"Marine, my peace is not because the Marine and World Government

have temporarily canceled their bounty on me."

"It's because of Rifan that I have my peace."

"In addition, people from the Marine and World Government can

temporarily cancel the rewards for me in order to let Captain Rifan

become Shichibukai.

"I have reason to believe that even if there is a conflict between Captain

Rifan and Teach, they will not cancel Captain Rifan's Shichibukai."

"After all, up to now, Teach should have no effect on you."

After speaking, Robin turned her head to look in the direction Rifan left.

And her words also silenced Zephyr for a while.

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, he has to agree.

The Five Elders of the World Government can not pursue the terrible

things that Rifan has done for Blackbeard who is indeed of little use to

the Marine now.

If there is really an irreconcilable conflict between Rifan and Blackbeard.

It is indeed possible that the higher ups from the World Government are

going to choose Rifan over Blackbeard.


"I don't understand, what happened between you and the Blackbeard


"Why is Rifan acting so excited?"

"Is it because Rifan can use the ability of Teach?"

"If this is the case, Rifan should be the beneficiary."

At this time, Gion also came over.

"Looking for Teach is probably just incidental."

"The one Captain Rifan really wants to get rid of is probably the one who

follows Teach."

Robin thought of some news she got from the conversation with Rifan,

and explained it to Gion with a smile.

"The one next to Teach?"

"Could it be his Vice Captain Ethan?!"

Zephyr said in surprise.

Robin nodded slightly, and then used Observation Haki to perceive that

Rifan had arrived at the location of the Blackbeard pirates.

She ignored Zephyr, Gion and others, and continued to pay attention to

Rifan's situation silently, and was ready to help Rifan at any time.

As for Mikita, after explaining to Robin, she directly used her Kilo Devil

Fruit ability to cooperate with her steps to quickly drive towards the

direction where Rifan is.

Chapter 423: It Is Not Easy For

Marine To Stop The Captain!

Blackbeard applies to Marine to become a Shichibukai.

Marine will naturally make some investigations on the Blackbeard


It was also for this reason that Ethan came into Marine's sight.

It has to be said that among the Blackbeard pirates, apart from

Blackbeard Teach, Ethan's performance is the most conspicuous.

Although at first, Ethan didn't attract Marine's attention.

After all, he belongs to the kind of inconspicuous existence among the

members of the entire Blackbeard pirate group.

But after investigating for a while.

Marine was surprised to find that since Ethan joined the Blackbeard


The speed of his progress can be described as rapid progress.

It seems that it didn't take long for Ethan to become the second-in-

command of the Blackbeard pirates.

Similarly, Ethan's wildness in the battle also caught Marine's attention,

and the place where he joined the Blackbeard pirates was the same place

where Rifan first appeared in the sea, which also caught Marine's


Of course, the Marine didn't connect Ethan and Rifan at first.

Until now, after seeing the performance of Rifan and Mikita and others.

Zephyr finally realized the grievance between Rifan and Ethan.

"That Ethan, what happened between him and Rifan to make Rifan care

so much about him?"

Zephyr frowned and muttered.

"Ethan's recent performance in the sea is amazing."

"But he's just a little guy after all."

"Even if Rifan kills him, it's no big deal."

"The key point is still on Blackbeard."

Gion walked up to Zephyr seriously, and said in a low voice.

"If Ethan's death made Blackbeard go a little too far."

"We'd better tell Rifan not to kill Ethan."

Gion said.

"Although we can do that, none of us present can stop Rifan."

Zephyr shook his head, looking helpless.

Although unwilling to admit it, but the previous duel with Rifan.

Let Zephyr fully realize the gap between him and Rifan. He has really

become older…

Not only Rifan, even Rifan's partner, he may not be able to fight well.

Such a result makes the man who is as strong as Garp and Sengoku in

their era to lament the power of time.

"Yeah, none of us here can stop Rifan."

"But even so, there are some things we all have to do."

Gion shook her head and said.

"You're right, we really need to do our best to stop it."

Zephyr nodded, and continued:

"Gion, you deliberately said that Rifan would use Teach's ability earlier.

"You want to test whether Rifan has really mastered Teach's fruit ability?"

Gion nodded slightly:

"Among the information revealed by Rifan, there is the fact that he can

copy Devil Fruit."

"Based on this, we have investigated where his abilities seem to share

similarities with Blackbeard's.

"It's just that it's not certain after all."

"So, I'm going to see if I can determine that from Robin and the others."

Zephyr touched his chin, looked at the figure of Nico Robin opposite, and


"Then have you determined whether Rifan and Blackbeard possess the

same ability?"

Hearing Zephyr's words, Gion was silent for a moment, and then said:

"If it's normal, I think Rifan really has the ability of Blackbeard Teach.

"But Nico Robin is not a normal woman, but an extremely smart woman."

"She didn't deny my statement just now, maybe she just misled me…"

After speaking, Gion took a deep look at Robin.

During her time onboard the black pearl ship, she had a deep

understanding of Nico Robin's intelligence.

There were many times when she wanted to use her abilities to find out

everything about Rifan.

But it is often blocked by Robin.

This also made Gion feel helpless and powerless.

"That being said, we still have to look at the performance of Rifan and

Blackbeard to determine whether the two of them have the same ability."

Zephyr sighed and said.

"If Rifan really copied the ability from Blackbeard Teach.

"Maybe the conflict between the two of them will be quite big."

"I only hope that when the time comes, we can avoid the two of them

really fighting to the death here."

"In that case, the war against the Whitebeard Pirates will follow."

"Maybe it will be greatly affected."

Gion sighed.

Zephyr nodded slightly, looked at the pirate ship of the Blackbeard

Pirates that was already visible to the naked eye, and said:

"Let's go, let's go too."

"Do your best to prevent Rifan and Teach from really fighting to the


After speaking, Zephyr stepped on Moonwalk and flew towards the air.

Gion, Momonga and others followed closely behind.

"It's really lively."

"However, just relying on you, there is no way to interfere with the

captain's decision.

"Unless you can come up with enough things to make the captain's heart


"Miss Ain, what do you think will make my captain's heart flutter?"

"Why don't I take a guess…"

Robin glanced at the figure of Gion and others leaving, then looked back

at Ain and asked with a smile.

Ain: u2060(_→u2060_u2060→)

Chapter 424: The Destroyed

Cammy Pirates!

Ain has been on Rifan's ship for such a long time, how could it be

impossible for her not to know what Rifan is interested in.

He is interested in nothing more than beautiful women.

in other words.

Rifan is quite interested in Ain herself.


She can afford to use herself in exchange for some benefits from Rifan.

Rifan may indeed be willing to give a little something.


Ain asked herself, and she would never be able to fight for Rifan's

information like Gion did.

And in the final analysis,she didn't want to completely go all out.

She just wants to give Rifan some superficial benefits.

"Hehe, think about it, Miss Ain."

"Sometimes, if the opportunity is missed, it will never come again."

"Sometimes, your decision can save the life of your respected teacher."

Robin looked at Ain's expression and showed a mysterious smile.

"Huh? Wait, are you planning to do something to Zephyry!?"

When Ain heard what Robin said, she immediately showed a very

surprised and alert expression.

"How come, Captain Rifan is Shichibukai now."

"And he said he has a lot of appreciation for your teacher."

"So, he's not going to shoot Zephyr.

"The most common thing is to try a little bit like just now."

Robin laughed.

"Then what do you mean?"

Ain frowned tightly and asked.

"Well, you will know later."

"At that point, you may still be able to trade yourself for Zephyr's safety

from Captain Rifan."

"It's just that the price you pay may be much higher when the time


Robin showed a mysterious smile again, walked to Ain's side and

whispered in her ear with a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"I hope that by then, you will be able to truly dedicate yourself."

"After all, only in this way, Captain Rifan will allow you to climb into his


"As long as you can successfully become his person and satisfy his desire."

"Many things, he will be willing to satisfy you."

When Ain heard Robin's words who is like a devil, a series of red-hot

images immediately appeared in her mind.

In an instant, Ain's face turned rosy involuntarily.

But even so, she was more puzzled by what Robin said and worried about

her Teacher.

"Robin, what the hell do you mean?"

Ain asked.

"I told you, and you will know later."

Robin shook her head and turned to look in the direction Rifan left.

No matter how Ain asked, she didn't continue to answer.

It never occurred to Ain that Robin asked about why Rifan became a

Shichibukai when she was in Rifan's bed.

At that time, Rifan vaguely revealed that Zephyr would leave Marine

because of Shichibukai system, and eventually die at Marine's hands.

If this matter were replaced by others, they would never believe it.

After all, Zephyr has deep credentials in Marine.

Many Marines have great respect for Zephyr.

Under such circumstances, how could he die in the Marine's hands?

However, Robin knows that Rifan has the ability to predict the future and

guess the past.

It's as if Rifan can accurately tell what Roger's pirates have experienced

in the past and guess where some historical poneglyph will appear in the

future and lead her to find them.

"This woman!"

Ain gritted her teeth, her eyes fixed on Robin.

She wanted to read something from Robin's expression.

However, with her ability, how could she beat the cunning Robin?

After a while, Ain could only declare defeat.

"Damn it, what kind of mind does this woman have!?"

Ain pursed her lips, clenched her fists and muttered.

the other side.

The place where Ethan and Cammy White are located.

At this point, the battle between the two sides is over.

Not surprisingly, the victory fell in Ethan's direction.

Many viewers who followed this battle were either happy or regretful

watching Ethan or Cammy because they knew something better was

about to unfold!

Chapter 425: The Barrier Fruit

Snatched By Blackbeard!

"You bastard! How dare you kill my partners!"

Cammy White looked at her dead companions, and looked fiercely at

Ethan who was standing directly opposite her.

At the moment, Cammy White has many scars all over her body.

Especially the slender thighs under the black hot pants had many bullet


Obviously in the battle just now, she suffered multiple gunshot wounds.

If it weren't for her tenacious perseverance, she would have been unable

to stand up at this moment.

"Hehe, if I don't kill them."

"How is it possible for you to realize the difference between us, Cammy?"

"Besides, if I don't kill this barrier devil fruit user, how can I obtain his


The corner of Ethan's mouth raised, and he tossed the barrier fruit that he

just took from Blackbeard.

At this moment, he deliberately showed the barrier fruit in front of

Cammy White as if to show off.

Seeing it, Cammy White's eyes became more fierce.

If eyes can kill, it is no surprise that Ethan may have died countless


It's a pity that even if Cammy White wants to kill Ethan, she can't change

the strength gap between her pirate group and Ethan's pirate group.

"Ethan, are you sure you want to eat this barrier fruit?"

"It's not that it's bad, its defense is indeed top-notch."

"But you really don't plan to wait a while, and then eat the abilities like

Thunder Fruit from Rifan's team?"

Blackbeard stood beside Ethan and asked curiously.

"No, although Rifan's abilities are pretty good."

"But I'm quite satisfied with this barrier fruit."

"I believe that with this Devil Fruit, my strength can be raised to a

terrifying level."

Ethan shook his head and said.

"Well, since this is your choice, I have nothing to say."

"Let's leave Rifan's Devil Fruit ability to other people to use."

Blackbeard nodded and spoke.

Hearing this, Ethan twitched the corner of his mouth immediately.

The reason why he decided to eat the barrier fruit was not only because

the power of the barrier fruit was strong enough.

What's more, Ethan didn't want to face Rifan.

The reward Rifan received after defeating Zephyr made Ethan feel

strongly uneasy.

This anxiety prompted him to stay away from Rifan.

It's just that he didn't think of it,

Even if he intends to eat the barrier fruit, Blackbeard Teach has no

intention of leaving now to trouble Rifan.

"What you said is a lie. It's because you are afraid of Rifan!"

Cammy looked at Ethan who was holding the barrier fruit in place,

sneered and mocked.

"Asshole, are you trying to piss me off?"

"Alright, since you don't want to be sincere, you can die here."

"It's a pity, this pair of slender thighs will be scarred again.

Ethan gave Cammy a cold look, and after taking a bite of the barrier fruit

in his hand, he raised his sniper rifle and pointed it at Cammy White's


Apparently, the gunshot wound on Cammy White's leg was caused by

Ethan's previous sniper rifle.

When Cammy saw this scene, her body tensed subconsciously.

But this also caused the wound on the leg to suffer.

For a moment, Cammy's movements froze for a moment.

Just then, two gunshots rang out.

Cammy's eyes widened, and her keen perception made her realize that

Ethan's shot was aimed at her leg.

And the other shot came directly towards her heart.


A fast afterimage passed by.

Just when Ethan's bullet was about to hit Cammy's heart.

Afterimages gathered in front of her and formed a human form.

And those two bullets happened to be stopped in front of Cammy White's

legs and heart by the afterimage.


Ethan stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in front of him in horror.

At the same time, Teach and other members of the Blackbeard Pirates

looked over.

The alert look flashed in everyone's eyes!

Because they didn't notice the comer at all!

Chapter 426: We Meet Again,


"Phew, it seems I'm not late."

Cammy saw the face of the person in front of her clearly, and heaved a

sigh of relief.

Because of Rifan's appearance, Cammy was relieved and could no longer

maintain a standing posture.

As soon as her legs went limp, her body fell backwards involuntarily.

Seeing this, Rifan quickly stretched out his hand to support Cammy's

slender but muscular waist.

"Since the agreement has been made, I will naturally come."

"Unfortunately, I can't save your partner."

Rifan supported Cammy, and after watching the tragic situation of the

Cammy pirate ship, he said regretfully.

Cammy shook her head and didn't say much.

"Rifan, why are you here?!"

At this time, Ethan finally came to his senses, raised his gun and pointed

it at Rifan, and said with a wary face.

"Zehahahaha, this is also the question I want to ask."

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Rifan."

"But no matter what, it's a good thing to meet you."

Blackbeard said with a laugh and spread his hands.

If it is not someone who is not familiar with the situation of Blackbeard

and Rifan, just looking at Blackbeard's appearance, they would think that

his relationship with Rifan is so good.

Chapter 427: There Is No Regret

Medicine In This World!

"Long time no see, Teach."

"I didn't expect you to be a Shichibukai now."

"It seems that you are doing well."

Rifan ignored Ethan, but smiled and said to Teach.

"Zehahahaha, if you say I'm doing well, you're not bad either-."

"I read the newspapers, but I didn't expect you to also become a


Teach laughed.

"Isn't this normal?"

"If we're talking about my position, the position of your Shichibukai

should belong to me from the beginning."

"It's just that it seems that your partner helped you take the place of

Shichibukai that should belong to me."

"It took me a while to get the Shichibukai position from the Marine and

World Government after the first try."

"To tell you the truth, it really took a lot of effort out of me."

Rifan said.

After Rifan finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Laffitte

behind Teach.

Noticing Rifan's gaze, Laffitte gave a gentleman's salute with a smile on

his face, as if he had no malice towards Rifan at all.

In this regard, Rifan did not believe it at all.

Laffitte is arguably the smartest person in the Blackbeard Pirates.

Perhaps his strength is not the strongest, but his ability to organize action

plans is the strongest.

If it wasn't for him, it would not be that simple for Teach to become a


And this one, in the future, will even encourage Teach to take away the

Devil Fruit ability of the former Marine Admiral Aokiji who happened to

meet and has left Marine.

Rifan has no doubt that this Laffitte will also want to take away his and

his partner's Devil Fruit ability.

Although Rifan himself does not actually have the Devil Fruit that can be

taken away.

After all, whether it is the power of his Dark Fruit, or the Shiki Devil

Fruit, Robin Flower-Flower Fruit, and Nami Thunder Fruit he can use,

they are all powers obtained through the authority of the copy space.

Even Blackbeard's Dark Fruit could never take any Devil Fruit's power

from Rifan's body.

"Zehahahaha, it's all in the past, anyway, don't you also become


"Speaking of which, how about it, do you want to join my crew, Rifan?"

"If we join forces, the world will be ours."

Blackbeard laughed and extended the invitation again.

When Ethan heard this, his face immediately turned dark.

"Stop joking, Teach."

"You know I won't join your team."

"The Marine and World Government will not allow two Shichibukai to

become in the same pirate group."

Rifan shook his head and said.

This is not a post-Shichibukai world where the Marine and World

Government have abandoned Shichibukai.

At that time, there were Seraphim pacifists developed by Vegapunk, and

the original Shichibukai would naturally form alliances with each other.


But if the two Shichibukai form an alliance now, it is still in the sensitive

period when the Summit War is about to break out.

Rifan can imagine how sensitive Marine's Marshal Sengoku and Five

Elders would react.

"Captain Teach, please stop talking nonsense with this guy."

"This man is just delaying time. Before his partners come over, let's kill

him first!"

After Ethan finished speaking, he stared at Rifan viciously.

While Rifan was chatting with Blackbeard Teach.

Ethan has already seen the chat records of the reincarnator group chat.

Naturally, he also noticed Cammy's request for help from Rifan, Chun Li's

request, and the fact that Cammy told them where they were.

If possible, Ethan wants to travel back and kill Cammy before she reveals

his location to Rifan.

It's just a pity that in this world, there is no medicine for regret after all.

Chapter 428: Dark Fruit Vs. Dark

Fruit, Blackbeard Is Jealous!

"No need to kill him. But indeed, after we take you down first, let's have

a good conversation, Rifan."

Blackbeard nodded slightly, agreeing with Ethan.

Blackbeard Teach has learned about Rifan's strength and the strength of

Rifan's partners through their own news channels.

Although he thought he was stronger than Rifan.

But he didn't dare to underestimate Rifan.

To be on the safe side, after speaking, he decisively chose to attack Rifan.

He raised his hand and stretched it forward, and a large amount of black

mist swept towards Rifan.

Obviously, he intends to use "Dark Cave" to pull Rifan into the dark space

and crush him with dark energy.

However, this trick may work for others.

But for Rifan alone, it is very difficult to work.

"Dark cave? Unfortunately, I can also do this trick."

Rifan raised his lip and raised his hand to use the same ability on


In an instant, a large amount of black mist flew out of Rifan's hand, and

mingled with Blackbeard's black mist.

Both are dark energies, and both have the history of swallowing others.

Now two identical forces are pulling each other in two directions.

Immediately caused a shock of the hull under the feet of several people.

"This guy can really use Captain Teach's ability!"

Self proclaimed champion Burgess stared wide-eyed, watching the scene

in front of him in disbelief.

"The rumors are indeed true, this man really possesses the power of Dark


Laffitte frowned, looking at Rifan with extreme vigilance.

As the think tank of the Blackbeard Pirates, many plans related to the rise

of the Blackbeard Pirates have him at the top.

The key is Blackbeard's Dark Fruit.

But now, if there are other people who own Dark Fruit, then their plan is

very likely to be disrupted.

After all, Rifan is very likely to be able to take away other people's Devil

Fruit through that dark ability.

In this way, Rifan may be able to take powerful Devil Fruit ability from


Even Whitebeard's Devil Fruit can also be taken away!

"This guy becomes a Shichibukai and participates in the war against the

Whitebeard Pirates."

"Does he also want to obtain the power of Whitebeard's Devil Fruit?"

Laffitte frowned, muttering to himself.

"Zehahahaha, thief, Rifan, the power of Dark Fruit is very useful right!?"

Seeing Rifan's ability, Teach smiled angrily and said to Rifan.

"Ah, it really is."

"Speaking of which, relying on the power of this Dark Fruit."

"I even obtain the strongest LogiaDevil fruit~"

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, and he said with a mocking tone.

Since Blackbeard is Dark Fruit's ability user.

There is no need for him not to reveal the true characteristics of Dark

Fruit like he did with Marine.

"Thunder Fruit, it really is."

"Then, since you fought the Golden Lion Shiki and cooperated with a

Marine to kill him."

"Then his Devil Fruit should also be in your hands?"

Blackbeard said while continuing to output black mist.

"What do you think, Teach?"

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, and he looked up at the sky behind


There, the new user of Floating Devil Fruit's ability gallops quickly.

Chapter 429: Mikita Vs Ethan!

"Zehaha, sure enough, Rifan, you should die here."

"Everyone, give me your hands."

Seeing that his Dark Fruit ability was not effective against Rifan, Teach

immediately gave orders to the members of his pirates group beside him.

Ethan reacted the fastest, and he was prepared, he immediately pulled

out his sniper rifle and pulled the trigger on Rifan.

Then came another sniper of the Blackbeard Pirates, Van Augur.

The bullets of the two surpassed the speed of sound and came to Rifan's

eyes at an extremely fast speed.

That's right, the two cooperated with each other and aimed the bullets at

Rifan's eyes respectively.

Rifan raised his mouth and quickly closed his eyes.

ding ding!

With two crisp sounds, the two bullets destined to pierce the boulder

were easily bounced away by Rifan's eyelids.

"Huh? Did he use Armament haki?"

Van Augur frowned tightly, muttering with some doubts.

"That bastard defense is very strong, don't treat him like some weak


Ethan gave a warning, and the gun shifted slightly, aiming at Cammy

who was protected by Rifan.

He knew that Rifan had the power of an exoskeleton.

Therefore, it was not expected that a single bullet could injure Rifan and

kill him.

What he has to do now is to let Rifan show his flaws through Cammy.

And further let Teach successfully attack Rifan.

As the Vice Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Ethan is quite clear that among the entire pirate group, only the powerful

Blackbeard has the possibility to defeat Rifan.


There was another shot.

The bullet flew out quickly and shot directly at Cammy's forehead.

Rifan frowned, waved his hand and grabbed in the direction of Cammy,

and caught the bullet in his hand.

It wasn't until this time that Cammy realized that she had been rescued

by Rifan again.

"Thank you."

Cammy said.

"Save your thanks for later."

"Wait until I teach these guys a lesson."

Rifan's eyes were fixed, and he saw Ethan, Van Augur who continued to

pull the trigger, and Teach, Laffitte, Burgess rushing towards him.

He waved his right hand forward, quickly formed a lightning beast with

the power of Thunder Fruit, and rushed towards Blackbeard and others.

Seeing this, Blackbeard hastily used the power of Dark Fruit again to trap

the Thunder Beast.

But at this moment, Mikita, who had already been waiting in the air,

quickly rushed down and came to Ethan's back.

Ethan only felt his hairs protruding, and instinctively turned around to

use the power of the barrier fruit he obtained just now.

However, before he could use his ability, he felt that someone had

grabbed his neck and taken him to a high altitude.

Even so, the strong sense of survival made Ethan plan to use the barrier


It's just that before he could pose his fingers for using the barrier fruit, he

felt severe pain coming from his arm.

He looked down, and suddenly found that his hands and arms had been


A large amount of blood poured down from his severed arm.

"AHHH!!! My hand, my hand!"

Ethan roared in pain, and looked angrily at the woman who was clasping

his neck.

"That's noisy, you bastard."

Mikita snorted coldly, and instantly increased the strength of holding

Ethan's neck.

Suddenly, a strong sense of suffocation flooded Ethan's heart.

At the same time, Ethan's cry was forced to stop.

Ethan's cry also successfully reached the ears of everyone in the

Blackbeard Pirates.

They looked at the sky in surprise, and found that Ethan had been taken

by Mikita to fly into the sky.

"Asshole, what did you do to Ethan?!"

Blackbeard yelled at Mikita angrily.

However, just when he was about to attack Mikita.

A huge thunderbolt fell from the sky, striking down on everyone in the

Blackbeard Pirates.

And the one who controls this lightning bolt is naturally Nami who came

here one step later with Mikita.

Chapter 430: Zephyr Arrives To

Prevent Rifan From Fighting


"What a powerful force..."

"Mortals can actually control thunder and lightning of this caliber."

Looking at the scene of being ravaged by lightning, Cammy sighed and

looked at Nami who was constantly summoning powerful lightning

strikes in the direction of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Lightning strikes are nothing to Blackbeard though.

But in order to protect the members of his Pirates group, he had to stay

in place and use the power of Dark Fruit to protect his crew.

Naturally, he also lost the ability to prevent Rifan from leaving the deck

with Cammy in his arms.

"That's the magic of this world."

"If you can eat a Logia Devil Fruit in the future.

"Perhaps you can also master such power."

Rifan said while holding Cammy and flying towards Nami and Mikita.

"Logia Devil Fruit, I don't think I will be so lucky to get Logia's Devil


"If I had that kind of Devil Fruit, I would have been deprived of my

ability by Blackbeard just like my partner."

Cammy shook her head and said with a soft sigh.

Having said that, a trace of regret flashed in Cammy's eyes.

Obviously, she still couldn't let go of the fact that her crew was

massacred just like ants.

No wonder, even if Cammy wasn't aloof.

But after all, those partners were the ones she worked so hard to recruit,

and they also helped her.

How could she let go of her hatred easily?

"At least, Ethan can pay for it."

When Rifan spoke, he was already beside Nami and Mikita.

"That's enough, Nami."

"Save some energy."

"The power of thunder and lightning can't have much effect on

Blackbeard anyway."

Rifan spoke to Nami.

"No problem, Captain Rifan."

Nami raised the corner of her mouth and revealed a sweet smile.

Rifan turned his head to look at Ethan, and saw that Ethan was staring at

him and Cammy angrily.

But because Mikita pinched his neck.

At this moment, he couldn't say a word.

"Bastard Rifan, put Ethan back!"

Teach raised his head, looked angrily at the three who were suspended in

mid-air and said.

"Hehe, we caught him with our strength."

"Why should I give him back to you?"

"Besides, Teach, you attack me first."

"You think I'm not allowed to take action against your partner?"

"There is no such good thing in the world."

Rifan shrugged and said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Blackbeard gritted his teeth and looked at Rifan viciously.

Beside him, Van Augur raised his sniper rifle and pointed it at Rifan.

However, what happened to Ethan made him afraid to shoot.

After all, he doesn't know what will happen next if he shoots now.

Will Rifan or Rifan's partners directly attack him after?

At this time, Zephyr, Gion and Rifan crew team had already rushed over

on Moonwalk.

"Stop it all."

"Rifan, Teach, you are all Shichibukai."

"After war is about to happen, we need you to work together."

"At this time, you are not allowed to fight without authorization."

Zephyr said to everyone with a serious face while using Moonwalk to

hover himself in mid-air.

Chapter 431: The Marine Hero

Garp Arrives!

"Rifan, stop fighting."

"This is not the time for Shichibukai to be at odds."

"If you are willing to cease fighting, I can give you something you want


Only Gion stood still in front of Rifan, and said seriously.

As for what Rifan wanted, she knew it very well.

At this time, she was ready to sacrifice herself again.

However, this time Gion was about to miscalculate.

In Rifan's heart, he will never let Ethan go.

"Zehahahaha, they are right."

"Rifan, return Ethan back!"

"The matter between us can be discussed later."

"Big deal, we can write it off."

Blackbeard stood at the bow of his ship and said with a big laugh.

But Rifan shook his head and said:

"A write-off? Are you kidding me?"

"Teach, do you think I'm such a nice guy?"

With that said, Rifan turned his head to look at Gion, Zephyr and others:

"It was Teach who attacked me first."

"That guy in Mikita's hand, wants to kill me."

"In this situation, you still plan to let me let him go?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not that nice to those who want to harm me or my


After Rifan finished speaking, he stepped on the Moonwalk and

teleported to Mikita without giving Gion and Zephyr time to react.

A burst of black mist quickly rose from Rifan's body and surrounded


Soon, Ethan disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"Bastard Rifan, how dare you treat my partner like this?!"

Seeing Ethan disappear in front of his eyes, Blackbeard immediately

yelled angrily.

In an instant, a large amount of black mist rose from his body, and

spread to the height where Rifan, Nami and others were located in a

blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Gion, Zephyr and the others immediately frowned.

By now, they all knew that they might not be able to stop the battle

between Teach and Rifan.

Regardless of Blackbeard anger, Rifan's strength lies there.

To stop Rifan and his partners, they can't do it now.

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly appeared in the sky above them.

Followed by, there is a wild laughter.

"Bwahahaha, it looks like I'm not late."

Hearing this voice, Zephyr and Gion were overjoyed.

But Teach frowned instantly.

"Marine Hero, Garp!"

Teach gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of the voice.

In mid-air, a man with white hair and an incomparably strong body was

standing there.

"That's enough, Teach. Rifan."

"If you want to keep going."

"This old man doesn't mind joining in the fun."

"And Teach, you should get lost from my sight."

"I really want to kill you now."

Garp stopped laughing, first looked at Rifan, and finally looked at Teach

with a serious face.

Teach gave Garp a deep look.

How could he not know that Garp wanted to kill him?

After all, he personally captured Ace and handed him over to Marine, so

that Marine would publicly execute him.

As Ace's grandfather, Garp didn't directly attack him now, it can be

considered that Garp's holding back.

Chapter 432: Garp Attacks!

Garp looked at Teach with burning eyes.

If Teach acts too abruptly, it is really possible that he will shoot directly.

This point is also quite clear in Teach's heart.

"Zehahahaha, I didn't expect to see you here, Vice Admiral Garp."

"Of course I don't have to."

"But Rifan arrested my partner, so it's impossible for me to do nothing


"If you ask Rifan to return my partner to me, I can leave now."

The corners of Blackbeard's mouth parted in a smile.

Although the interest is slim, Blackbeard still wants to try to get Garp to

get Ethan back from Rifan.

Ethan's performance in the Blackbeard Pirates satisfied Blackbeard


He is also the strongest in the entire Blackbeard pirate group except


Of course, this is not what Blackbeard Teach likes most about Ethan.

What pleased Blackbeard most about Ethan was the speed at which Ethan


Although Ethan hasn't grown up yet, he will definitely become a top

powerhouse if he continues to grow stronger.

But from Blackbeard's point of view, Ethan may only become a

powerhouse at the emperor's deputy level.

So for such an underling, Blackbeard didn't want to give up.

After Blackbeard finished speaking, Garp frowned and looked at Rifan.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Since that guy is in my hands, I won't hand him over."

"Or, are you going to have me hand over the man who helped Blackbeard

catch Ace?"

Rifan smiled, and looked at Fahe Gion again:

"You say it's inconvenient to do anything between Shichibukai now."

"But as I said just now, it was Teach who made the first move.

"So, I caught his crewmate, which is my legitimate counterattack, right?"

"So how about we end it here?"

Although Rifan also wanted to kill Teach.

But he also understands that it is not convenient to kill Teach now.

And not just because Garp was watching.

Similarly, Rifan also expects Blackbeard to disrupt Summit War and

Impel Down.

In this way, he can benefit from it.

In Impel down, there are still many excellent devil fruit devil fruit users.

Rifan wanted to dig the Devil Fruit out of them.

It was not convenient for him to go to Impel Down abruptly.

But if he helps Marine on the grounds of stopping Blackbeard when

Blackbeard goes to Impel Down to make trouble, then Marine can't say

anything to him.

Even, they have to thank him.

Of course, because the timing of Blackbeard's invasion of Impel Down

and Summit War highly overlap.

Rifan had to plan carefully for this troublesome matter for Blackbeard in

Impel down.

Gion and Zephyr looked at each other, and they couldn't think of what

Rifan said.

After Garp heard Rifan's words, he no longer had the idea of ​​helping

Blackbeard get Ethan back.

He clicked his ears, looked at Blackbeard and said:

"What Ethan? I didn't see Rifan arresting anyone."

"Get out of here, you bastard."

"Otherwise, I will kill you right here right now."

Teach frowned and said angrily:

"Garp, I'm a Shichibukai now, you…"

Before he finished speaking, Blackbeard's pupils shrank suddenly.

His body is even more tense.

In his line of sight, an extremely powerful aura suddenly overflowed from

Garp in the air.

"Oh, are you planning to make a move?"

Rifan raised his eyebrows and looked at the scene in front of him with


He knows this person's strength.

Although he is getting older and was defeated by Kuzan two years later

in the island of Hachinosu.

The current Garp can still single out the current Blackbeard and his crew.

"Garp, calm down."

Zephyr hurriedly dissuaded Garp, for fear that he would really kill Teach

at this juncture.

"Zephyr, I'm calm."

"I just want to stop Rifan from fighting Blackbeard."

Garp opened his mouth and lifted his already clenched fist.

On that fist, black and red lightning bolts were surging violently.

The next moment, Garp threw a punch below.


There was a sound like the roar of thunder and lightning.

Then, a majestic wind flew out of Garp's fist and landed on the sea beside

the Blackbeard pirates.


The sea collapsed in an instant.

A large area of ​​the sea became restless.


Chapter 433: Garp: I'm Calm.

"Tsk, tsk, as expected of Garp."

Looking at the extremely shocking scene in front of him, Rifan couldn't

help sighing.

At this time, Robin, Kalifa and others have already controlled Rifan's

pirate ship, the Black Pearl, and came close.

Rifan also returned to his ship with Nami, Cammy, and Mikita.

On the other hand, Gion, Momonga, and Zephyr continued to use

Moonwalk, and looked at the situation in front of them worriedly.

After a while, the sea was calm again.

A group of Blackbeard pirates who were extremely embarrassed below

were exposed.

Although Garp didn't shoot directly at Teach.

But the deterrence carried by the powerful attack left an indelible

impression on Teach's heart.

"Zehaha, as expected of Garp."

"This power is the same as when you fought with Oyaji many years ago."

"But is that really all right, Garp?"

"I'm Shichibukai, Marshal Sengoku should have told you that you can't

shoot me."

Standing on the somewhat damaged pirate ship, Blackbeard laughed and

said to Garp in the sky.

Although he was smiling, anyone with discerning eyes could see his

anger and fear of Garp from hus eyes.

"Hmph, in your present condition, can you still call Whitebeard father,


"No, I should call you Blackbeard now. "

Garp snorted coldly, and continued:

"Of course I know you're Shichibukai."

"If it weren't for your identity and what Sengoku told me."

"Do you think my previous punch would miss?"

"Teach, stop trying to irritate me."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll lose my mind and attack you. You think I won't

do it? Try me you bastard."

When he said this, Garp's fists and the veins on his forehead burst open.

Even his body was bursting faintly.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates had no doubt that

Garp might really do what he said.

For a moment, Laffitte, Van Augur and the others all looked at the back

of Teach standing in front of them.

At this time, even the aloof Van Augur did not dare to shoot Garp


Because he is afraid that Garp will be directly angered, and Garp will

sink them into the sea!

Chapter 434: Blackbeard Escapes

In Embarrassment!

"Garp, calm down."

"Now is not the time to do this."

"No matter what, Teach is Shichibukai."

Zephyr came close to Garp with a step and said to Garp.

at the same time.

He was also ready to stop Garp at any moment.

Having said that,

If Garp does make a move, Zephyr finds it difficult to stop Garp.

After all, the current him is no longer at his peak period.

Even in his prime, he might not be able to stop Garp.

Not to mention, he is still in the state where he has lost a lot of physical

strength in the battle with Rifan.

"That depends on whether the bastard below can leave."

"If they stay here, I might not be able to bear it."

Garp looked straight at Teach and his group, and said.

Blackbeard frowned, took a deep look at Garp, and then looked at Rifan

and his partner standing behind Rifan.

At this time, Blackbeard knew that he had no chance to use his strength

to get Ethan back from Rifan.

Although he had only a brief contact with Rifan before.

But he also fully realized that it was impossible for him to win Rifan in a

short time.

And when Rifan still has powerful partners such as Mikita, Nico Robin,

and Nami behind him.

It was even more impossible for him to use violence to take Ethan back

from Rifan.

If the two sides really want to fight, maybe the one that will cease to

exist will be their Blackbeard Pirates.

And now, adding the Marine, which was supposed to be an intermediate

force, is also clearly leaning towards Rifan and his party.

Such a situation made the probability of Ethan returning to the

Blackbeard Pirates even smaller.

'Sure enough, I have to find a strong partner as soon as possible. '

While thinking in his heart, Blackbeard firmly decided to go to Impel

Down to recruit powerful partners.

After a while, Blackbeard took a deep breath and said to Garp:

"Garp, I will complain to Sengoku for blocking me."

Garp snorted coldly and said:

"Hmph, do you think I will care about this?"

Teach ignored Garp, but turned his head to look at Rifan:

"Rifan, you'd better not do anything to Ethan."

"Otherwise, I will make you regret it."

"And if you're willing to let Ethan go, I think we might be able to work


"You and I have the same abilities, if we can act together.

"The future must belong to both of us."

Upon hearing this, Rifan waved to Teach and said:

"Will make me regret it? I'm so scared~"

"Come on, Teach, you still want me to work with you based on your

previous record of betraying Whitebeard?"

"Only when I lose my mind will I make such a decision."

"Also, I think you should thank Garp for coming."

"You have to be clear, I just saved my friend named Cammy."

"Then, you were the one who attacked me first."

"Because of emotion and reason, I can fight back."

"If it wasn't for Garp's arrival, I would have killed you right now."

"If I were you, I should run far away now with my tail between my legs."

"Otherwise, maybe after Garp and the others leave."

"I have to chase you down."

While speaking, a powerful Conqueror's Haki emanated faintly from

Rifan's body, targeting Blackbeard and his party.

Blackbeard frowned.

Although Rifan did not fully show his Conqueror's Haki.

But the perceptive Blackbeard was a little clearer.

Rifan's Conqueror's Haki is definitely not weaker than Whitebeard at his


At least, without using the special power of Conqueror's Infusion.

"It's really a domineering aura.

"With such an aura, it's no wonder you don't want to accept my


"But I still have to say, I hope you can think about it."

"I hope you've released Ethan before we meet again."

After Blackbeard finished speaking, he gestured to the remaining

members of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Although the people of the Blackbeard Pirates are unwilling.

But at this time, they also knew that it was not the time to have a conflict

with Rifan, or a conflict with Marine.

Laffitte, Burgess and others took action one after another controlling

their own pirate ship.

Not long after, under the watchful eyes of Rifan and Garp.

The pirate ship of the Blackbeard Pirates started to move.

Gradually, the pirate ship of Blackbeard and his party got farther and

farther away, slowly disappearing in front of everyone's eyes.

Chapter 435: Mikita: Captain, I'm

Worried That Garp Will Attack


"We meet again, kid."

After Garp followed Zephyr and his party to Rifan's Black Pearl, he said

to Rifan with a serious expression.

"Yes, we meet again, Garp Vice Admiral."

"It's really unexpected that you will appear here."

Rifan looked at Garp with emotion.

To be honest, even he who has a full understanding of the intelligence of

this world.

Nor could he have guessed that Garp would be here.

On the one hand, Zephyr has already brought people to pick up Ain and

others so there should be no need for Garp to come here again.

"Captain Rifan, please be careful."

Mikita stood between Rifan and Garp, looking at Garp warily.

Her right hand holds the end of the umbrella, which is the handle of the

famous sword hidden in the umbrella.

Similarly, Robin, Nami and others also stood on both sides of Rifan.

They are all crew members who experienced Garp capturing the Black

Pearl Pirates in Logue town.

They didn't like Garp very much.

And after seeing the power of Garp's punch before.

They are naturally more wary of Garp.

If it wasn't for Rifan's lack of expression.

Maybe they've started attacking Garp.

"It seems that your partner doesn't like me very much, Rifan."

Garp squinted at Mikita, Robin, Nami and the other crew members of the

Black Pearl Pirates, and said.

Especially when looking at Mikita, Robin, and some of the crew members

he had met before.

His gaze stayed on them for a moment.

Because he could see how much stronger they've become than when he

met them last time.

Of course, it was Rifan who surprised Garp the most.

Even after hearing the report of Kuzan et al.

But when he really met Rifan and Rifan's partners in person.

Garp was still surprised by the growth of Rifan and his party.

'As expected, Rifan really has a special training method.'

Garp sighed in his heart.

Vaguely, he even planned to ask Rifan for training methods.

This way, hewas able to apply these training methods to his grandson


Of course, that's assuming Luffy doesn't go out to sea to become a pirate.

"After all, we had an unpleasant experience between us. "

Rifan smiled and looked at Mikita, Robin and others:

"Don't worry, everyone."

"I'll be fine."

Mikita couldn't help worrying when she heard the words and said:

"But this old guy is so strong, and you will go to that war in the future,

and that Ace is his grandson!"

"What should I do if he makes a sudden attack? I don't want to see

Captain Rifan get hurt."

Chapter 436: Gion, It's Time For

You To Know Naval


No wonder Mikita was so worried.

After all, Garp's performance is too shocking.

And Rifan is not in a perfect state now.

Previously, with Zephyr, and Blackbeard, Rifan has been fighting left and


A lot of physical strength must have been consumed during this period.

"Relax, Mikita."

"Ace was caught by Blackbeard."

"And Sengoku wants to send me to the upcoming war."

"So I figured Garp wouldn't arrest me."

"If he really wanted to make a move, Blackbeard couldn't leave just now."

"Besides, even if Vice Admiral Garp really attack me."

"Big deal, I just let my ship disappear again."

"But in that case, I think our deal with Marine and the World

Government, will be shattered.

As Rifan said that, he raised his head and looked at Garp with a smile on

his face.

Upon hearing this, Garp frowned immediately.

He thought of when he was in Logue town, obviously he was going to

catch him.

As a result, Rifan's boat suddenly turned into a white light, taking Rifan

and his party away.

Even he couldn't clearly see the disappearance track of Rifan's boat.

"Your ship has become much bigger."

"Does it also have the ability to turn into light and disappear?"

Garp asked curiously.

"What do you think?"

Rifan did not answer directly.

The previous words were regarded as conspiracy.

He wasn't worried that Garp would attack him when he found out about


Although he consumes physical energy, he has the speed given by

Thunder Fruit and the perception ability given by his Observation Haki.

He didn't think Garp would be able to knock him down before he used

the teleport pointer.

"Hmph, you kid is really full of secrets."

Garp snorted coldly and continued:

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

"After all, I'm only here to prevent you from actually going to war with


"If you want to add a purpose, it is to assist Zephyr and the others to

bring Hina and Gion back."

"By the way, what about the Ethan that Blackbeard mentioned, where is


Rifan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"What, Vice Admiral Garp is interested in that guy?"

Garp nodded:

"Give him to me, and I'll handle it.

For Garp, Ethan was also part of the team that captured Ace.

He didn't have any affection for Ethan.

The audience of Eagle Country felt more and more desperate when they

saw that Garp wanted to take Ethan.

However, Rifan shook his head:

"It won't work like that, if he is handed over to you, your identity is not

convenient to deal with him."

"As for Gion, Ain, and Momonga, you can take them away at any time."

Just kidding, he hasn't gotten Devil Fruit from Ethan yet.

In any case, Ethan cannot be handed over to Garp now.

And, Ethan took out Cammy's crew.

In order to let Cammy his, Rifan also planned to ask Cammy to kill Ethan


That's right, Rifan intends to make Cammy his own person like Ada and


Now that Ada has gone to the Big Mom pirate group to work as a spy.

Rifan felt that he could also develop another reincarnator to be a spy for

Red Hair Pirates or Beasts Pirates.

And the most ideal candidate at the moment is naturally Cammy.

Although she was a reincarnator captain at the beginning.

But with the death of her partner, her captaincy was naturally lost.

With Cammy's astuteness, Rifan felt that she would definitely be a good


After all, this one originally had considerable spy skills.

To some extent, she has the same ability as Ada.

Of course, compared with Ada, Cammy's spy ability is naturally not as


However, in terms of basic combat experience, Cammy is better than


As long as Cammy can join Rifan and sign a slavery contract with him.

Rifan is confident that Cammy's strength will catch up with Ada.

As for the Whitebeard Pirates, Rifan felt that the Whitebeard Pirates were

going to perish, so naturally there was no need to send spies there.

Garp frowned when he heard Rifan's words.

Zephyr on the side pulled Garp to the side and whispered something in a

low voice.

After that, when Garp came to Rifan again, he nodded slightly:

"Okay, Ethan, I'll leave it to you to handle it yourself."

Then, he looked at Gion, Momonga and others, and said:

"Gion, Momonga, come back with me."

"Especially you, Gion, it's time for you to go back to Naval Headquarters

after being away for so long."

"Although Tsuru doesn't mention this matter much, she is still quite

worried about you.

Gion nodded slightly to show that she understood.

Although she was still very curious about Rifan.

But she also understands what she should and should not do now.

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