Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One Piece — Только в мире, я знаю9


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One Piece — Только в мире, я

знаю СЮЖЕТ!

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(89 оценок)

Краткое содержание

Рифан, выбранный Копийным Пространством «Реинкарнатором»

Земли, отправляется в приключение, чтобы стать сильнее в мире,

сюжет которого знает только он.

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Chapter 376: The Influence Of

Rifan Becoming Shichibukai!

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Damn, how could this happen, I don't believe it,

I don't believe that Rifan can become Shichibukai!]

['Panda' Leigh: Humph, even if you don't believe it, there is no way to

change this fact. ]

['Camel' Huuli: Leigh is right, even if you don't want to, you can't change

the relevant facts. Keep an eye on Newsbird so you can know if the news

is true or not. ]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi : Bastard Rifan, why is that guy able to do this

to such an extent! By the way, it must be the destiny crew that he got

from me, it must be like this. Bastard Rifan, you give me back my crew!"

['Camel' Nasser: This bastard stepped on us to upgrade to the present

level! Rifan, I will never forgive you. "

['Camel' Huuli: Hmph, impotent and furious, although I'm also quite

upset that Rifan became Shichibukai, but as a loser, isn't it normal to be a

stepping stone to a winner, Nasser, Otoshi!]

['Green Pheasant' Mai Shiranui: Rifan's ability to reach the current height

should not only rely on the destiny crew members he got from you. And

when he invites your destiny crew, none of them are master.

And Rifan can make some destiny crew members who have been taken

from you upgrade to the master level, which is also related to his own

ability. ]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: You bitch, where the f@ck did you come from

to talk to me like that! Mai Shiranui? A person who is not even in the top

100 of the list, who has never dared to leave a message in the

reincarnator exchange group, dares to talk to me like this?!]

['Camel' Nasser: Huuli, you actually helped Rifan speak, you bitch! And

you call yourself a Camel native!]

['Green Pheasant' Mai Shiranui: It is true that I was not able to land on

the list when the top 100 reincarnation list came out, but this does not

mean that I must be weaker than you now, Otoshi.

Also, as a reincarnator of the same country, I just want to remind you if

you don't recognize Rifan's strength.

When confronting him, you may not be able to make an accurate

judgment on him. In that case, your probability of failure will be 90%

higher. ]

['Camel' Huuli: Hehe, I said earlier that I didn't take the CamelCountry as

my home. I just happened to be in Camel Country when Copy Space

came along, and Copy Space just happened to give me a Camel prefix.

For me, stateless may be more appropriate, ha ha ha. ]

['Panda' Hitomi: This statement really fits your personality, Huuli. ]

['Camel' Huuli: Hitomi, you have also come to this space. It seems that

the news of Rifan becoming Shichibukai is really hot enough to make

many people who have been silent before come out to leave a message.

Having said that, do you want to come here to arrest me like Jamie

White, hahaha. ]

['Panda' Hitomi: You should first think about how to defeat Shichibukai

Rifan, who has been recognized by the Marine and World Government,

isn't there a gambling agreement between you and him? ]

Hitomi, as half chinese-half japanese fighter and inspector.

For a violent person like Huuli, she naturally wanted to catch her


However, now the whole world is under the threat of monsters from the


Compared with dealing with violent elements like Huuli who at most

caused small damage.

Hitomi wanted to spend more energy on fighting against the abyssal

monsters that might destroy the world.

If the power of a violent person like Huuli is needed to fight against the

abyss monster, Hitomi doesn't mind ignoring her.

And now, Huuli took the initiative to set up a bet against Rifan.

As long as she loses, maybe she has to sign a slavery contract with Rifan.

At that time, Huuli will be he under one person and should be more


If Rifan is willing, Huuli will also have to become a force to help Kyushu

deal with the monsters of the abyss.

That being the case, Hitomi naturally wanted Huuli to complete the bet

with Rifan.

As for winning or losing, even if Hitomi has never met Rifan, she doesn't

think Rifan will lose in the battle with Huuli.

['Camel' Huuli: I don't need you to remind me, I will definitely beat that

guy. ]

[''Eagle' Tina: Rifan, since he has been recognized as a Shichibukai by the

Marine and World Government, why hasn't he been able to trigger the

relevant initial achievements. Or becoming a Shichibukai does not trigger

related achievements?]

['Eagle' Albert Wesker: Impossible, even Ethan's captain becomes a

Shichibukai, he triggers an achievement like 'the first reincarnation to

help the captain become a Shichibukai'. It is impossible for Rifan to

become Shichibukai himself without triggering related achievements. ]

['Elephant' Akua: Could it be because Ethan has already triggered similar

achievements, so Rifan can't trigger related achievements this time?]

['Green Pheasant' Makoto Itou: It would be great if it was the case. Ethan,

are you looking at the chat group, do you think Rifan can trigger related

achievements. I remember that the reward you got that time was quite

rich. ]

[''Eagle' Tina: Except for Rifan, this guy is one of the few reincarnators

who can take more than one Devil Fruit. Tsk, lucky this guy, relying on

Blackbeard to achieve excellent results. If only I could have a native

world captain like this. ]

['Kangaroo' Helena: In my opinion, Blackbeard is not a good home. He

and Rifan are enemies, and there are many enemies, and his exit may

become the fate of Blackbeard Teach.

Also, I don't think Rifan can trigger related achievements just because of

being Shichibukai. Perhaps, it's just that the news of him becoming a

Shichibukai hasn't fully spread yet, so the associated achievement hasn't

triggered yet. 〕

[''Eagle' Ethan: Do you think I'm dumb if I don't speak? That's not good,

Miss Helena. In addition, although the news has not spread to the whole

world, it should have spread to a considerable extent.

Up to now, Rifan has not triggered the relevant achievements, maybe he

really can't trigger the achievements, hehe. ]

['Panda' Ada Wong: Ethan, you are just worried that after Rifan triggers

the achievement, it will be even more impossible for you to defeat him,

haha. ]

['Panda' Leigh: Rifan will definitely be able to trigger the related

achievements of becoming Shichibukai, as long as someone from the

Marine or World Government issues Shichibukai's appointment letter to

Rifan, he will definitely be able to trigger the achievement and get more

bigger rewards than you, Ethan!

At that time, I hope you still have the guts to challenge Rifan. ]

[''Eagle' Ethan:"…"]

['Panda' Hitomi: Has Ethan remained silent? It seems that he can't refute

Leigh.Leigh, how did you make sure to become a Shichibukai, and there

will be relevant documents?]

['Panda' Leigh: Well.....I'm not afraid to tell you that my captain is

actually the current Seven Warlords of the Sea. Therefore, I will know

this. ]

['Panda' Hitomi: So that's how it is. This way, I feel at ease. ]

['Green Pheasant' Mai Shiranui: Rifan will become stronger and stronger.

I really don't know how high he can reach. ]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: I want to know what Master Rifan is

doing now? I haven't seen Master Rifan appear in the reincarnator

exchange group for such a long time! Master Rifan, are you there, Koharu

want to talk to you.

By the way, Honoka-chan and Marie-chan, you are still with Rifan, can

you telling us what Master Rifan is doing?]

['Kangaroo' Marie Rose: Hump, what he does is none of our business!]

['Green Pheasant' Honoka: That...that, I don't want to reveal Master Rifan


['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: It's such a pity!]

At this moment, Rifan naturally didn't have time to watch the

reincarnation community.

After all, in front of his eyes, there is something more attractive than the

reincarnator communication group.

Nami, who has gained the power of the future, has developed in all

aspects; Carina, who is not inferior to Nami in all aspects after using the

growth ointment, and Bonney, who is equally well-off in all aspects.

With such three beautiful girls showing their charm at present, how

could Rifan be attracted by the so-called reincarnators exchange group?

Not to mention, all three are now in a state of new mother experience

due to the special ointments they use.

For several hours in a row, Rifan had no interest in following the

reincarnator exchange group.

"Finally, it's back to normal."

"My shoulders are really sore."

"It seems that being a mother is also a hard thing."

Carina rested the weight in front of her body, and said with a slight sigh.

"Indeed! But if Captain Rifan can support me for the rest of my life and

give me endless Berry."

"It's not that I can't experience it again."

After Nami put the large bottle with her own label in her hand into the

refrigerator, she gave Rifan an "ok" gesture with a smile on her face.

"Is this to let Captain Rifan take care of you for the rest of your life,


"In this case, you might as well give it to him."

Carina covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and said to Nami.

"Marry Captain Rifan?"

"Well...it's not impossible to consider…"

"But the price of marrying Captain Rifan, I have to think carefully about


Nami rested her chin on one hand, and muttered in a low voice with a

thoughtful look.

From time to time, she also looked at Rifan who was still in the state of

being turned into a child by Bonney Devil Fruit.

"Captain Rifan has already paid you with his life as a price."

"There should be nothing more precious than this."

"Otherwise, I will turn Rifan into an adult right now.

"Then you can do it on the spot?"

"It's just right, I also want to watch a big show."

Bonney got up from Rifan, put the bottle with her own label behind the

refrigerator, and said to Nami with a smile on her face.

The so-called big drama is not just because she wants to see Rifan and

Nami fight in practice.

She also want to see if there is further communication between Nami and


What kind of sparks will be wiped out between Nami, Nojiko and Rifan.

Just thinking about such a scene made Bonney excited.

At this point, Bonney should be thankful that Rifan doesn't have

Observation Haki, which can read minds.

If Rifan has such an Observation Haki and successfully reads Bonney's


Rifan might have to figure out a way to train Bonney properly.

"That's enough, Bonney."

Rifan shook his head and jumped off the sofa.

Then he used Haki's power to undo Bonney Devil Fruit's power, and

turned back into his original form.

"There has been enough delay here."

"Now that you've all returned to normal.

"Next, it's time to go to the training room to train."

"Nami, Carina, and Bonney, you three have to be prepared."

"Next, I will train you well."

While talking, Rifan tidied up his clothes.

Then he walked to the side of the three girls standing side by side, raised

his hand and used the Bubble Fruit to clean up the traces left on their


After finishing everything, Rifan nodded with a smile on his face:

"That's enough, change your clothes, and then go to inform others to go

to the training room."

"I'll go there first to make some preparations."

Hearing this, Nami, Carina, and Bonney naturally had no objection.

The three now have an unprecedented surge in their willingness to gain

great power and help Rifan become the One Piece.

Therefore, the three of them naturally have a high enthusiasm for train.

Soon, the three changed their clothes again, opened the door of the

captain's room and went out.

Chapter 377: Nojiko Wants To

Help Nami Deliver The Baby? !

"Hey, Nojiko, can you tell me when you started storing your milk in

Captain Rifan's refrigerator?"

In the aisle of the Black Pearl, Nami, who was behind the other crew

members of the Black Pearl, asked in a low voice next to Nojiko's ear.

"Fridge? Stuff?"

After hearing Nami's words, Nojiko immediately realized what she was

talking about, and couldn't help being surprised.

Having said that, Nami knew what was going on between her and Rifan,

given that she had already internally rehearsed how to deal with it.

Therefore, Nojiko quickly calmed down.

"Well, I'm the ship's nurse after all.

"And I spent a long time with Captain Rifan."

"I have also tried that medicine."

Nojiko smiled at Nami and said.

"Really?" Nami frowned slightly.

"That's right, after all, I don't want to reject Captain Rifan either."

Nojiko smiled and said to Nami.

"Indeed, after all, Captain Rifan spent his lifespan to help us to become


"It's normal that you won't be able to refuse him."

"Speaking of which, Nojiko, there shouldn't be a deeper communication

between you and Captain Rifan right?"

Nami squinted her eyes and looked at Nojiko with a gleam in her eyes.

"Nami, you're asking me this, isn't it because you want to have some

unforgettable exchanges with Captain Rifan?"

"If that's the case, as a nurse, I can consider helping you deliver your


Nojiko covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and said to Nami.


"Really, that's still too early."

Although Nami is usually carefree, she is still a little shy when faced with

children-related problems.

And in her mind, some images of her having a baby and Nojiko helping

to deliver the baby unexpectedly popped up for no reason.

For a moment, Nami's face looked even more rosy.

At the same time, she also forgot to keep asking Nojiko.

Seeing this, Nojiko also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone, come in."

At this time, Rifan's voice came over, drawing the attention of Nojiko and


The two looked up, and it turned out that they had followed the footsteps

of the other crew members of the Black Pearl to the training room.

In the training room, Rifan was standing in the very center, looking at his

partners in front of him with a smile on his face.

Hearing Rifan's words, the crew of the Black Pearl Pirates all walked into

the training room.

Perhaps because they just joined, Moria and Perona naturally stood in

different positions from Nojiko, Nami, Kalifa and others.

Rifan didn't pay much attention to this either.

"Everyone, for the next few days."

"We'll wait here for the Marines to come."

"And since were idle, plus the war between Marine and Whitebeard

Pirates is about to break out, and I will also participate in this war."

"At that time, maybe your strength will be used."

"So taking advantage of this time, I want to test whether you can master

some of my abilities through this training."

As Rifan spoke, his eyes glanced at Mikita, Robin, Carina, Moria, Nami,

Perona, Bonney and others.

These are the few people he wants to focus on training now.

Mikita has mastered Marine Six Styles, but this is not enough for Rifan.

Now that Rifan has mastered the Life Return, he thinks that Mikita can

also try to train the Life Return.

Robin practiced Fishman Karate and Dragon Claw Fist, but maybe it was

because she practiced both kinds of boxing method at the same time.

Therefore, she has not yet perfected even one of them.

Now that the Summit War is about to start, Rifan intends to let Robin

master one or two technique she have.

For the others, Rifan also has corresponding arrangements and


After explaining to a certain extent, Rifan began to train everyone.

Of course, in order to speed up the training, Rifan deliberately used the

ability of Flower-Flower Fruit to create clones to help himself to help

everyone on the scene to train faster.

As time goes by, some people gradually have the training results that

Rifan wants to see.

Which happens to include Moria and Perona who just joined.

They also showed signs of what Rifan wanted to see.

Moria and Perona were equally amazed by the progress of their practice.

However, what surprised them even more.

It is the power displayed by Rifan's partners during their training.

"Moria-sama, Rifan's partners, aren't they a bit too strong?"

"Or, is it because I'm too weak that I feel this way?"

Perona took advantage of the rest time, stood in the corner of the

training room and asked Moria, who was also wiping sweat beside her.

Hearing this, Moria was silent for a while, and then said quietly:

"It's not that you're too weak, Perona."

"It's Rifan's partner... really too strong."

After Moria finished speaking, his eyes flicked over Mikita, Nami, and


Then, he looked at Robin, Nojiko, Kalifa and others.

The bounties offered by Nami, Mikita, and Chopper are all over 100


Although Moria was shocked by the strength displayed by the three, she

was still able to accept it.

Robin and Nojiko both offered a reward of 80 million.

But the two showed strength that shocked Moria too.

As for Kalifa, the bounty amount is zero, but her power also puts the

current Moria to shame.

Apart from these people, the rest of the crew of the Black Pearl Pirates

were not weak.

At this moment, Moria even felt that his previous pirates group were not

as strong as Rifan's Black Pearl Pirates at their peak.

"Perona, we really joined a pirate group made up of monsters."

"Fortunately, now it seems that Rifan treats us sincerely."

"In this way, I feel relieved for you to stay with Rifan."

"I won't be by your side in the future, remember to take good care of

your body."

"If Rifan continues to help you strengthen, then follow up."

"Of course, those who should repay their kindness should still repay their


Moria sat cross-legged on the ground, put his hand on Perona's shoulder

and spoke.

Perona nodded naturally when she heard Moriah's words.

Although Rifan convinced the two of them by force at first.

But Rifan gave enough generous promises, and it really made the two of

them stronger.

Moria has a good impression of Rifan who can help him become stronger.

Now, after seeing the strength of Rifan's partners and experiencing the

effect of the G virus strengthening potion.

He realized in his heart that Rifan's pirate group did have the potential to

bring down the Four Emperors Kaido, and it did have the strength to

become the new Pirate King!

Therefore, Moria's affection for Rifan is even stronger.

The most direct evidence of this is Moria's rising loyalty.

And Perona, after fighting with Rifan, also realized the importance of


Now, Rifan has given her power in an extremely quick and not so painful


In this regard, Perona's loyalty to Rifan will naturally increase


But at this time, Perona has not used the G virus strengthening agent.

She still doesn't know that there is still a very painful strengthening

experience waiting for her.

It wasn't just Perona and Moria who were amazed by the strength of the

crew of the Black Pearl Pirates.

In the real world, those who were watching Rifan's live broadcast room

were also surprised.

Especially those fighters who have considerable experience in fighting.

It's no wonder they were surprised, because when Rifan helped his

partners train in the past, most of them were in the women's swimming


At that time, the live broadcast room will be in a state of black screen.

So this is the first time that Rifan started training with his partners in the

training room, and invited many of his partners and guide them together.

The audience in Rifan's live broadcast room will naturally be very

surprised when they see it.





"That's right, Mikita, it seems that you haven't missed the further training

of Marine Six Styles during this period of time."

"Otherwise, even with the influence of my power, you wouldn't be able to

grasp the Life Return so quickly.

"Kalifa, you too."

"Congratulations on successfully mastering the Six King Gun and the

power of life return."

In the training room, Rifan looked at Kalifa and Mikita, who were

wearing exercise clothes and dripping sweat on their foreheads, and

smiled in relief.

"It's all because of what you warned me, Captain Rifan."

"Basic mastery of Marine Six Styles is definitely not the end."

"As long as I continue to train, I will be able to develop stronger moves

based on the six moves."

Mikita's eyes were serious, she looked at Rifan in front of her with

respect and worry.

Chapter 379: Moria’s Weight Loss


Although within a few hours, she initially mastered life's return.

But thinking that Rifan once spent his life on her body, Mikita felt a

heavy responsibility.

As for why Rifan asked Mikita to continue train the Marine Six Styles.

This is entirely because Rifan knew that Kaku, Rob Lucci and others two

years later in the original book used more powerful Marine Six Styles


Just like Rob Lucci, he advanced the 'Finger Pistol' used with one finger

and developed a 'Hand Gun' with five fingers that is more powerful, and

can even defeat Sentomaru Armament Haki's tricks and body defense in

an instant.

Just like Kaku, he developed the ordinary 'Tempest Kick' into a 'Tempest

Kick Dragon Cut' that can even rival the great swordsman's slash,

"Marine Six Styles is, after all, a technique that I have practiced for many


"Since Mikita can use Captain Rifan's power to quickly grasp the power of

life return."

"Then I can naturally master it."

"However, I didn't expect you to generate so many powerful moves from

Marine Six Styles…"

"It seems that I have to continue to work hard to perfect my techniques."

Kalifa pushed her glasses.

With emotion as she glanced at Mikita at the side.

Although she now also masters the advanced version of Marine Six


But that's because she gained the power of the future, so she knew

straight away how to use the advanced version of Marine Six Styles.

But Mikita is different.

Her advanced version of Marine Six Styles.

By relying on her own strength and with training,

Although this also has the help of Rifan.

But it still made Kalifa admire Mikita.

"Anyway, I'm looking forward to the two of you mastering that


"If the Black Pearl Pirates want to experience high-end rounds of battle in

the future."

"It may be necessary for you to hold back the advanced combat power on

the other side."

Rifan put his hands on the shoulders of the two and said with a smile on

his face.

Hearing this.

Mikita naturally nodded immediately.

The same goes for Kalifa.

"Ah, did Captain Rifan forget about me?"

"Obviously I have also worked hard with my training."

Robin walked over with a smile on her slender legs.

"There's me, me, I've made progress, too."

Nami's voice came next.

"Hee hee, although I haven't mastered it yet."

"But I will fully grasp it as soon as possible so that I can help you,

Captain Rifan."

While talking, Carina stepped forward.

Rifan followed the sound and turned his head to look, and it turned out

that it was the three girl who were practicing with his clone.

From Rifan's perspective, the personal panels of the three of them have

changed at this moment.

First up is Robin.

In the column of [Martial Arts Skills], although 'Dragon Claw Fist' still

has a reminder of 'unfinished'.

But in terms of 'Fishman Karate', Robin has already mastered it


Presumably, Robin will be able to develop her own Fishman Karate by

combining the current version of Fishman Karate with the ability of her

Devil Fruit.

As for Nami, in the [Martial Arts column], there is an extra word "Dragon

Claw Fist (unfinished)".

Carina, in [Martial arts column], there is an extra word of black foot

kicking (unfinished).

"How could I forget the three of you, I will need your help in the future,

Robin, Nami, Carina."

"Also, congratulations Robin, you have been able to use Fishman Karate


"I really want to see the picture of you pouring seawater on Aokiji and

Akainu with Fishman Karate~"

"And Carina, I really didn't expect you to have a talent for kicking."

"Alright, this way you will be able to make some progress in martial arts."

"Just right, the black foot kicking skills should match the Germa 66

exoskeleton very well."

"After you have developed the black foot kicking skills to a sufficient


"I think your strength should have reached a very sturdy level."

Rifan smiled at Robin and Carina, then turned to look at Nami:

"Nami, you have the power of Thunder Fruit, you can use the power of

Thunder and Lightning together with Dragon Claw Fist.

"As it happens, you still have the Armament Haki that can be released."

"These powers are added together, and then combined with your magic

weather stick."

"Surely you can handle more and more diverse battles."

Sabo combined the power of Mera-mera Fruit to develop his own Flame

Dragon Claw Fist.

Since Sabo can use the dragon claw fist that produces flames.

Rifan felt that Nami would naturally be able to use the dragon claw fist

combined with the power of thunder and lightning.

"Don't worry, Captain Rifan."

"I will make good use of this power!"

Nami nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"I trust you, Nami."

"Then, the three of you continue to talk."

"I'm going to talk to someone else."

Rifan smiled at the three beauties in front of him, and looked at Bonney

who was practicing Newkama Kenpo with his clone not far away, then

turned and walked towards Moria and Perona who were resting in the

rest area .

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 3)]

[Name: Gekko Moria]

[Age: 48 years old]

[Crew number: 13]

[Position: Affiliated Captain]

[Physical: 47056]

[Physical level: A level]

[Devil Fruit: Shadow Fruit]

[Martial Arts Skill: None]

[Kendo Skill: Fox Fire Style (Unfinished)]

[Other skills: Germa 66 exoskeleton]

[Special Ability: Primary Conqueror Haki]

[props: none]

[Loyalty: 48 (friendly contacts)]

[Bounty: 320 million Berry]

'Sure enough, as long as Moria starts his training seriously, his physical

fitness will improve rapidly.

'Looking at it this way, it may not take long. "

'He can rely on his own strength to push the physical level to S level.'

Rifan glanced at Moria's personal attributes, and sighed in his heart.

Vaguely, Rifan even felt that Moria seemed to have lost a little bit of his

fat body through training.

Chapter 380: Perona’s Road To



When everyone in the restaurant saw Rifan, they all stood up.

For Rifan.

Even if some people in the restaurant don't like him, they still have to

treat him with caution.

"That's it, Perona."

"No matter how hard you struggle, there is no way to change the


"If you continue to struggle like this."

"I'm going to punish you."

Rifan showed a big smile to Perona, stretched out his hand and squeezed

Perona's lovely face.

When Perona heard this, the scene where Rifan used Munch-Munch Fruit

to lock her in the piranha bubble appeared in her mind for no reason.

All of a sudden.

Perona also shook her body and covered her mouth in panic.

Although taking the G virus booster may cause pain, this ten points scare


But this is nothing compared to the feeling of being locked in a piranha

bubble for her.

Because the memory of being locked in the piranha bubble was too deep.

Now as long as she thinks of the piranha bubble, the psychological

shadow of that time will reappear in her heart.

"Good girl."

Rifan saw that Perona finally became quieter, and smiled with


Immediately, he looked at the people in the restaurant.

"Rifan, what are you guys doing?"

"Why is there no one on your Black Pearl on the huge Black Pearl?"

Gion asked curiously.

With Rifan here, of course she went straight to the point and asked Rifan

to answer the doubts in her heart.

"Don't worry, we didn't make any bad plans."

"I'm simply training my crew."

Rifan smiled at Gion, and turned to look at Hina:

"Hina, you have to start your training too."

"After all, I promised Sengoku to help you become stronger."

That being said, Rifan also wants to make Hina stronger in his heart.

He brought Perona to the restaurant, also to find Hina.

"Hina understands."

Hearing Rifan's words, Hina nodded very naturally.

She had known for a long time that Rifan came back to find her for


Also know that Rifan will let her and the members of the Black Pearl

Pirates train in different rooms.

However, Hina is not only not unhappy about this.

On the contrary, she was a little happy in her heart.

After all, in this way, she can get along with Rifan alone.

At that time, when she is resting after her training, she will be able to

fully satisfy her desires.

Now that she was about to leave the Black Pearl, she wanted to take

advantage of this time to fully indulge herself.

If Rifan knew what was going on in her heart, I'm afraid he would be

even more impressed by the cause of Hina's desire.

"Rifan, is she coming with us too?"

After Hina walked up to Rifan and Perona, Hina frowned slightly and

glanced at Perona.

If possible, she would prefer to have her own space with Rifan.

"Her? It's not necessary."

"I originally wanted to strengthen her."

"But she was afraid of pain, so she ran away."

"After her strengthening, I will let her go back to where the other crew

members are."

As Rifan said that, he glanced helplessly at Perona who was being held in

his hand.


Hina felt relieved when she heard this.

She didn't have any doubts about what Rifan said.

After all, when she experienced Rifan's first wave of strengthening before,

she also felt the strengthening that could bring pain.

Of course, because at that time she was in a state of intimate contact with


So her attention is mostly on that pleasure.

"Come on, Hina."

Rifan nodded slightly to Hina, then turned to look at Gion, Marie Rose

and others:

"Then, I won't disturb your meal."

"The next few days, because I have to be busy helping Hina, and also

helping my mates train."

"Therefore, neither I nor my partners may meet with you more often and

less time."

"But don't worry, if you have any questions, you can go to Kasumi over


"Although she is not yet a member of the Black Pearl Pirates."

"But she's still my friend."

"And she also understands the rules on this ship."

"Kasumi, I will trouble you."

When Kasumi heard what Rifan said, she naturally nodded in agreement.

"Of course, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me, Kasumi."

"And you Marines, don't think that you can do whatever you want if I'm

not in your sight."

"My Observation Haki is strong and has great coverage."

"If you do something bad, ans I find out, the result may be quite bad."

Rifan said with a smile on his face.

"Wait, your using your observation haki!?"

"Rifan, don't tell me you also use your Observation Haki to spy on us

while sleeping and taking a shower?!"

Marie Rose clapped her hands on the table, frowning and asked Rifan.

"W-wereyou also watching with your Observation Haki even when we're

in the t-toilet?"

Ain stood up, looked at Rifan nervously and asked.

"Well, who knows."

Rifan shrugged, and didn't mean to answer the two girl questions


After finishing speaking, he planned to lead Hina and Perona to leave.

"Wait, Rifan."

"Since you're only going to train Hina.

"Can I also take a look at it for a while?"

Gion suddenly put her hand on Rifan's shoulder and asked with a smile

on her face.

Hearing this and Rifan didn't answer, Hina was a little nervous.

If possible, she doesn't want Gion to disturb her alone time with Rifan.

Even though she knew Gion was a Marine just like her.

"Oh, do you want to watch it too?"

Rifan raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Gion with interest.

"I am also a woman, I think no matter what kind of training method, I

will not be without the inconvenience of watching."

Gion smiled.

"That's true."

Rifan nodded and glanced at the slightly nervous Hina.

"So, you agree?"

Gion asked happily.

"It's okay."

"But it's like buying a ticket to watch a movie."

"If you want to watch me guiding others to train."

"Even if I train Hina, a Marine like you."

"You have to buy a ticket to watch it, too."

The corners of Rifan's mouth raised slightly, showing a wicked smile at


"Then, can you tell me what the fare specifically refers to?"

Rifan's evil smile made Gion a little uneasy.

But thinking that she have already paid a lot of price to Rifan, and Rifan

will not really take it to the last step.

After much deliberation, Gion still wants to observe the process of Rifan

guiding Hina.

Although after Hina finished her training, she would also report it to the


But if possible, she still wants to see it with her own eyes.

"The price, let me think about it."

Rifan rested his chin on one hand, and after thinking for a while, he

approached Gion's ear and continued to whisper:

"How about this, Gion Vice Admiral."

"You know quite a few beautiful, young, beautiful women Marines."

"How about you help me get to know them."

"And make them do something like you did to me."

"What do you think of such a price?"

When Gion heard this, her expression immediately changed.

If she had to pay a certain price herself, she could still accept it.

But asking her to invite other female Marines to do what she did to Rifan,

Gion felt rather embarrassed.

You know, what she did to Rifan was not just a simple massage.

Among the Marines, it is almost impossible to find any female Marine

who can be as calm as her.

"Judging from your expression, it must be very difficult."

"In that case, forget it.

Rifan smiled, raised his hand and patted Gion's shoulder, and led Hina

and Perona out of the restaurant without waiting for Gion's reply.

Seeing this, Gion could only shake her head and sigh softly.

She is a smart person.

As for why Rifan didn't want to take her with him, she could guess a

general idea.

On the one hand, Rifan may really not want others to watch him train


On the other hand, it may be that Rifan and Hina want to do something

beyond normal friendship…

'Hina said that the conditions for Rifan to launch the sharing of fruits are

trust and body.'

'Take Rifan and Hina's current concerns.'

'The so-called 'body' should be more than just simple contact.'

'Perhaps, they will really do some intimate actions during her training.'

'It's really not convenient for me to watch these pictures…'

Gion shook her head and thought in her heart.

Black Pearl.

Women's Gym, change lanes.

"Rifan, are we going to train here?"

Hina looked around and asked Rifan curiously.

Also, she had one more question she didn't ask.

That's why their training is not done in the women's swimming pool.

Rifan seemed to hear Hina's inner voice, and said with a light smile:

"...I have been training my female crew in the swimming pool or

something, no matter how beautiful it is, I will get tired of it"

"Sometimes, you have to change to a different style."

"Hina, you have to understand that sometimes the equipment in the gym

can not only be used as a tool for fitness."

"Sometimes, they can also provide some mood."

Hearing this, some R-18 images combined with fitness equipment

immediately appeared in Hina's mind.

All of a sudden, Hina's face flushed a little, and her heart became a little


On the side, Perona tilted her head in confusion.

She always felt that what Rifan said earlier was a bit strange.

But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't think of the


"Plus, although swimsuits are nice."

"But that doesn't mean workout clothes can't look good."

"Look, Hina."

"Considering that we may have to sweat a lot later."

"You can choose several sets of clothes for fitness and exercise."

"Of course, if you really want to wear a swimsuit."

"It's still there."

"After all, wearing them also doesn't worry much about sweating. "

Rifan walked to the side cabinet and said.

As he raised his hand to open the cabinet, it was full, and all kinds of

clothes that were convenient for fitness and exercise appeared in front of

Hina and Perona.

Hina stepped forward and searched in the closet in a blink of an eye.

Soon, a piece of gym clothes with few fabrics was locked.

"This one is pretty good."

Hina smiled, and didn't care that Perona and Rifan were by her side.

In front of the two of them, she stripped off all her original equipment,

and then changed into the fitness clothes she had chosen.

"You, why did you change your clothes like this?!"

Perona on the side was stunned.

She never thought that Hina would be such a bold woman.

At this time, she still doesn't know that Hina, a Marine, is already having

an affair with Rifan.

"Don't worry about it so much."

"Compared to this, you go lie down on the recliner over there first."

Rifan patted Perona on the back, half pushed her to lie down on the

recliner, and then turned to look at Hina:

"Hina, you go in first, I will come to you later."

Hearing this, Hina nodded slightly, and after chuckling at Rifan, she

turned her head and walked into the gym, leaving the locker room for

Rifan and Perona.

"Well, let's get started now, Perona."

Rifan took out the G virus strengthening potion from the medical pocket

he carried with him, and came to Perona's side with a smile on his face.

And Perona looked at the needle in Rifan's hand, and immediately

swallowed nervously.

"Don't worry, the pain is only temporary."

"If you're really uncomfortable, I can also give you a massage."

"Although there is no way to completely offset the pain caused by the G-

virus strengthening agent."

"But at least it can help you relieve it."

"Also, I need to tell you, you also understand that you can't tell Hina


Rifan laughed.

Perona opened her mouth, just about to say something.

Rifan had already taken advantage of her distraction to speak, and the

needle in the syringe pierced into Perona's arm.

With the push of the syringe, the powerful medicine immediately entered

Perona's body.

"Hiss...that hurts!"

Chapter 381: Perona's Voyeurism


Until now, Hina didn't know the existence of the G virus strengthening


She only thought that Rifan used his ability to strengthen her.

It's just that because it is the first time to receive Rifan enhancement, she

will feel some special pain.

So in order to prevent Perona from leaking it in front of Hina.

Naturally, Rifan wanted to remind Perona well.

And in view of the sound insulation effect of each room of the Black


Rifan is not worried that Hina will hear Perona voice.

As for Observation Haki, Hina does not currently have Observation Haki.

So Rifan felt more at ease using the G virus strengthening potion on

Perona next door to Hina.

"Hiss...that hurts!"

"How can it be so painful!"

"Ahhh, I can't take it anymore!"

The enhanced effect of the G virus medicine came quickly.

But after a short time, Perona tossed and turned on the recliner in


If it weren't for Rifan pressing Perona's shoulder with both hands.

At this moment, Perona may have fallen to the ground and rolled.

"Hold on for a while, and you'll be fine in a short time."

"Trust me, wait until you gain power."

"You'll be thankful for the pain this time."

Rifan smiled at Perona and said.

"But, it really hurts…"

"Captain Rifan, how long will this pain last?"

Perona grabbed Rifan's hand tightly with both hands, and asked Rifan

while sweating.

"Well, after everyone uses the G virus strengthening potion, the time of

pain is not fixed."

"Based on your current physique, maybe half an hour, maybe ten hours."

After thinking for a while, Rifan said to Perona.

"What... what?!"

"At least half an hour?"

"No, I can't take it anymore!"

"Captain Rifan, don't you have a way to relieve the pain?!"

"Help me!"

The veins on Perona's painful forehead bulged, and she almost said these

words to Rifan with her teeth gritted.

"The effect of the G virus strengthening agent has just begun, and you

can't already stand it?"

"The other crew members of the Black Pearl performed much better than


Rifan shook his head, deeply moved.

Having said that, Rifan can also understand Perona's situation.

After all, Perona has the power of ghost fruit, and she does not need to

use her own body to fight in person.

When encountering an enemy, she only needs to release her ghost body

to deal with the enemy.

With the protection of Moria and the zombies, she doesn't need to use her


Injured from fighting?

Perhaps Perona has never had such a feeling.

So she didn't experience much pain.

It is reasonable to show such an expression this time because of the G

virus strengthening potion.

'Although it is reasonable. '

'However, if you are too afraid of pain, it will not be of any benefit to the


'Sure enough, after this, I still need to conduct some training on Perona's

weakness in this area. '

Rifan thought in his heart.

As an ability user of Dark Fruit, Rifan feels twice as much pain as other


In previous battles, Rifan also felt quite distressed.

Therefore, he trained in peacetime.

So Rifan has been trained in pain tolerance.

Although it is not possible to say that he can completely endure the pain.

But at least, the probability of being distracted by fighting during the

battle will be much smaller.

Because he has been trained to fight pain, Rifan saw Perona's fear of pain.

It is inevitable that he will also want to help her reduce her own

weaknesses through training.

"However, let me help you now, Perona."

"By the way, do you mind if I take your coat off?"

"Although I can do it through your clothes, but if you take off your coat,

it will be more convenient for me to massage you."

"At the same time, I can also apply ointment for you."

"I believe it will make you feel less pain."

As Rifan said, he took out the growth ointment from his pocket.

Since she wanted a massage, Rifan naturally wanted to take this

opportunity to help the current Perona become the Perona two years

from now.

In that case, Perona's charm will be even greater~

In daily life, Rifan would feel happier just by looking at her.

"Whatever, let this damn pain lessen quickly."

Perona pursed her lips and said while sweating.

At this time, she has already shed a lot of sweat because of the G virus

strengthening potion.

T-shirts, skirts and other tight clothing have long been wet from sweat.

In Perona's own opinion, taking off her coat is a good thing.

"as you wish."

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a light smile.

Since Perona wants him to help her alleviate the suffering caused by the

G virus strengthening potion.

Rifan naturally wants to think about his partners.

Naturally, he had no idea of ​​being polite.

After leveling the recliner on which Perona was lying, Rifan officially

started his work.

And with Rifan operating with using pain relief techniques he learned

from from Nojiko and Robin,

Perona felt that the pain caused by the side effect of the G virus

strengthening drug on her body was much reduced.

Even though the pain caused by the enhancement of the potion was still

very strong, the expression on Perona's face was a little more relaxed.

"Unexpectedly, Captain Rifan, you still have such abilities."

At this time, Perona was particularly impressed.

In her eyes, someone as powerful as Rifan should not be able to master

such life skills.

However, in fact, Rifan has not only mastered it, but also mastered it to a

high level.

Gradually, Perona couldn't help but relax.

"When I'm idle, I will naturally learn all kinds of skills."

"Besides, I also have an Excellent teacher~"

Rifan said with a light smile.

The teacher he mentioned is naturally Robin and Nojiko who shared the

Flower-Flower Fruit ability with him.

Once upon a time, he obtained Nightin Kampo Kempo method through

copy space, which also laid a solid foundation for his life skills.

"So that's how it is."

Perona muttered to herself, and had a new understanding of Rifan in her


Time passed slowly.

The effect of the G virus strengthening potion in Perona's body gradually

weakened until it dissipated.

At the same time, Rifan watched Perona's changes in amazement.

Now, Perona's body has completely changed into the state of Perona in

his impression two years later.

But in Rifan's impression, the effect of growth ointment is not so fast.

"Could it be because of the G virus strengthening agent?"

'When the G virus strengthening potion is effective, the effect of the

growth ointment will be more significant and faster?

Rifan thought in his heart, contacted the copy space in his heart, and

opened Perona's personal attribute panel.

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 3)]

[Name: Perona]

[Age: 23 years old]

[Crew number: 14]

[Position: Patrolman]

[Physical: 18890]

[Physical level: B level]

[Devil Fruit: Ghost Fruit]

[Martial Arts Skill: None]

[Kendo skill: ghostly one-sword style (unfinished)]

[Other skills: Germa 66 exoskeleton]

[Special Ability: Primary Observation Haki]

[Props: Oto(one of Shiki sword)]

[Loyalty: 51 (friendly contacts)]

[Bounty: 0]

'Physical points have increased by 3000 points.

'It seems that the effect of the G virus strengthening agent has been fully


Rifan thought of this, raised his hand and patted Perona's stomach.

"Okay, it's almost time to open your eyes."

"Your body doesn't hurt anymore."

"The recuperation is almost over."

"After a short break, you can go back to the place where everyone is


"There, my avatar will help you continue to train your skill."

"As for now, I have to help Hina train."

Rifan said.

"Ah! Is this over already?"

Perona pouted, and opened her eyes unwillingly to look at Rifan.

"Why, do you still want to continue with the pain?"

Rifan glanced at Perona and said.

"It's not pain, but Captain Rifan's massage."

"It's obviously quite comfortable."

Perona supported the bed board with her hands, got up and said to Rifan.

During the period when the G-virus strengthening potion took effect,

Perona did feel quite painful.

But in the later stage, "the pleasure" brought by Rifan's hands-on kung fu

overwhelmed the pain brought by the G virus fishy potion.

And in the end, the effect of the G virus strengthening potion


All that's left is the comfort of Rifan's technique.

Rifan's massage skills, if you want copy space to give a skill evaluation,

even if it is not at the maater level, it is at the expert level.

So it's normal that Perona will enjoy it.

Sometimes, Rifan also sighs.

If he waits until later to invite a partner with the position of 'massage' to

board the ship.

He can give his skills to the other party for better evaluation from the

copy space.

Of course, with Rifan's character, the masseuse must be a female crew


"Although I also want to serve you for a while."

"But Hina has been waiting for a long time after all."

"Also, is it really okay for you to be like this?"

As Rifan said, he pointed to Perona's chest, and then pointed to her lower


Perona blinked and looked in the direction of Rifan's finger.

two seconds.

three seconds.

After a few seconds of silence, Perona's face suddenly turned red.

Then, there was a burst of screams.


Perona let out a scream that seemed to be able to penetrate the entire

Black Pearl, and then looked at Rifan with an aggrieved expression.

"Don't look at me with such an aggrieved expression."

"Before, it was you who asked me to remove all your clothes step by step.

"In some places, you even unloaded it on your own initiative~"

"You don't remember it?"

Rifan smiled, walked aside and found a suit of clothes for Perona that fit

her temperament and threw them on her body.

While Perona picked up the clothes to cover her body, she quickly

recalled them.

Soon she realized that Rifan was right.

From the very beginning, it was indeed her initiative.

Although this is also caused by Rifan's G virus strengthening agent.

"Okay, you can slowly feel the extra strength in your body."

"Plus, your body has probably grown for two years."

"So there's going to be a change in terms of size, and maybe you'll have to

get used to your new body as well~"

Rifan waved to Perona, and immediately opened the door of the gym and

walked in.

In the locker room, Perona was the only one left.

Perona was stunned for a few seconds, but after realizing that Rifan had

left, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking that she would take the initiative to let go of her guard because

of Rifan's medicine and massage, she involuntarily raised her hand and

knocked herself on the head.

Because of the excessive strength, Perona's head was knocked out of a

small bag by herself.

"it hurts!"

While suffering from pain, Perona squinted her eyes and rubbed her


"Strange, why does it feel like my strength has grown so much?"

"Could it be that this is the effect of the previous potion?"

Perona muttered, trying to punch the air.

A piercing sound appeared immediately.

Such a scene also made Perona's eyes widen in surprise.

"Sure enough, Rifan is right."

"Pain can still be exchanged for reward."

Perona murmured, and suddenly felt that the previous pain didn't seem

so serious anymore.

"Wait, how did my body become like this?"

"Is this still my body?"

"By the way, Rifan said earlier that my body has grown for two years.....is

that what he meant?"

At this time, Perona finally noticed the condition of her body.

She jumped off the deck chair and took a good look at her new image in

the floor-to-ceiling mirror not far away.

"It seems, not bad!"

After a while, a little smile appeared on the corner of Perona's mouth.

Now she is undoubtedly a super beauty who is both cute and sexy.

After all, Perona is a woman, and naturally has a considerable longing for


Otherwise, the first thing she does every morning is to dress herself up.

The current image is better than before, and Perona is of course happy.

"Now I seem to be able to change into some more beautiful clothes."

Perona muttered something in a low voice, and her eyes fell on the

clothes that Rifan had given her earlier.

Soon, she changed into clothes and admired her own appearance in the

mirror again.

The result also satisfied her very much.

"Sure enough, I'm quite cute."

"If I go back, Moria-sama should be shocked to see my new appearance."

"Hee hee, let's go now."

Perona was sure, so she planned to leave the dressing room attached to

the gym and go to the place where Moria, Nami and other members of

the Black Pearl Pirates train together.

However, just as she took a step, she suddenly stopped.

Immediately, she turned her head and looked curiously at the gym with

the door closed.

"That man Rifan, I don't know what he will teach that Marine."

"Should I take a peek…"

Perona raised her eyebrows. Driven by curiosity, she immediately made a

decision and tiptoed to the gate of the gym very quietly.

"Look quietly, Captain Rifan probably won't mind."

Perona whispered, took a deep breath to cheer herself up, and then

gently opened the door that was not locked by Rifan.

As the door was opened a thin crack, a series of scream full of pleasure

that made people blush and heartbeat came out just by listening to it.

"What is this sound, why does it make my heart beat faster?"

Perona frowned, and became more and more curious about how Rifan

was training Hina.

She fixed her eyes on the crack in the door.

The next moment, the picture of Hina riding Rifan moving up and down

with vigor appeared in front of Perona.

In an instant, Perona's face turned red, and blue smoke came out of her


"This... what are these two people doing!"

Perona leaned against the door with one hand and covered her mouth

with the other, trying her best not to make a sound.

Chapter 382: The Possibility Of

Hina Leaving Marine!

Although Perona is an inexperienced girl.

But she is an adult after all.

In addition, there is an invisible pervert like Absalom around her.

What she should know, she still knows after all.

What Rifan is currently doing with Hina is exactly what Absalom wants

to do most.

Be sane, let Perona just want to close the door and get out of here.

However, looking at the slightly exciting picture in front of her at this

time, Perona, who only has written knowledge of related matters, feels a

little unable to control her body.

Her legs seemed to be rooted in the ground, unable to move.

'Rifan, what the hell is he doing?!'

'This is the so-called t-training!?'

'And Isn't that woman a Marine, how could he have an affair with a


Perona exclaimed in her heart, expressing her surprise at the behavior of

Rifan and Hina.

She didn't understand how Rifan and Hina would get to this point.

A pirate and a marine, even if the two sides cooperate, they won't be able

to reach this point.

'Wait, cooperation?!'

'Captain Rifan's fruit ability can be activated by trusting him and body


'Could it be that Captain Rifan and this Marine are actually training in

this way?!'

'It should be right! It's impossible for this female Marine to trust Captain

Rifan so much.'

'The two of them must have reached an agreement, and they will

complete the agreement of becoming stronger in this way!'

'Tsk, this female Marine is clearly acting so cold.'

'But now she sacrificed herself to do such a thing in order to experience

Captain Rifan's ability and become stronger.'

'What a shameless woman indeed. '

Perona thought in her heart, and felt more and more disdain for Hina

who is a Marine, even though she is still half a partner now.

Similarly, Perona felt even more disdain for the entire Marine Group in

her heart.

Having said that, when watching Rifan and Hina change their movements

and continue their posture, Perona can't move her toes more and more.

Between her articulate words, her lips also gradually became dry.

At this time, Perona doesn't know yet.

When she pushed the door open a gap, Rifan had already sensed her

breath with Observation Haki.

Some time passed.

Rifan looked at Hina who was slumped on the yoga mat, and said with a

light smile:

"Are you satisfied now, can we start with your training?"

Hearing this, Hina licked the corner of her mouth, smiled and nodded to


"Wait a minute, Rifan."

"Hina needs to recover some of her energy first."

"You know, you are much stronger than me."

Hearing this, Rifan was noncommittal, and at the same time, he recalled

the scene when he just entered the gym earlier in his mind.

At that time, he planned to start training Hina directly.

However, Hina took the initiative to rush forward.

What followed was naturally a struggle between the two.

"You, sometimes you have to be patient with your own desires."

"Otherwise, what will you do when you leave the Black Pearl and return

to Naval Headquarters?"

Rifan folded his arms, shook his head and said.

"Precisely because after returning to Naval Headquarters, the time Hina

get close to Rifan will be gone."

"That's why Hina can't wait to get closer and closer to you."

After hearing Rifan's words, Hina immediately got up and put her hands

around Rifan's neck, looking at Rifan seriously.

Perhaps because of the imminent parting, Hina didn't care to hide her

thoughts about Rifan at this time.

"You are really bold."

Rifan looked at Hina with a serious face in front of him, and sighed in his


"If we speak according to the common language, we are already an old

married couple."

"It doesn't matter if Hina is bold."

Hina glanced at Rifan emotionally, hesitated for a while, and then said to


"Hey, Rifan, if possible."

"Can you stop being a pirate?"

"After becoming a Shichibukai, your bounty will also be withdrawn.

"The bounties of your partners will also be withdrawn."

"Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity and quit being a


"If that's the case, then I'll stay with you forever."

This outpouring of true feelings made Rifan feel a little emotional.

However, as a reincarnator, he has his own mission.

It is also impossible for him to give up the identity of the pirate that the

copy space bestows on all reincarnators for Hina.

"To be honest, Hina, I'm a little moved by your feelings."

"However, since you are so reluctant to part with me."

"Why not just leave the Marine and become a member of my ship?"

Rifan shook his head, not only did not promise Hina to give up becoming

a pirate, but also offered her his golden rod of becoming a pirate of the

Black Pearl Pirates.

"Rifan, you want Hina to leave Marine?"

Hina frowned beautifully, and looked at Rifan tangled.

She really couldn't do without Rifan, but she also didn't want to leave the


"Hina, why did you become a Marine?" Rifan asked.

"Naturally, it's for justice!" Hina replied without hesitation.

"Sure enough, that's the answer, if that's the case, then I have to talk to


"Talk? Rifan, what do you want to say?"

"Hina, do you think Marine's actions are really just?"

"Of course it is justice. It is precisely because of the existence of Marine

that many common people in the sea can be saved from being persecuted

by pirates!"

"Maybe it's true, but why do you think there are so many pirates in the


"This is naturally because of the words of the Pirate King Roger before his

death. It is precisely because of his words that so many pirates go after

the so-called One Piece! Even Rifan, you become a pirate because of

Roger's word right?"

"You're wrong, Hina, the reason I went to sea was not because of the

words of the Pirate King Roger."

Rifan shook his head, denying Hina's answer.

If you really want to talk about the reason why he went to sea, it was to

gain the strength to fight against the monsters of the abyss.

Because of the rules of copy space, he can only become a pirate, become

Shichibukai, become Four Emperors, become Pirate King, find one piece,

so as to continuously obtain the achievements of copy space, and

constantly make himself stronger.

"Hina, on the surface, there are so many pirates in the sea, it is indeed

because of the words of Roger before his death."

"But, you have been in the Marine for so many years, you should have

seen a lot."

"Don't you think that there are so many pirates in the sea, and it has

something to do with the world's highest noble, the Celestial Dragons?"

Rifan looked at Hina seriously, and said meaningfully.

"Is it related to Celestial Dragons? How could it be..."

Hina frowned, trying to deny Rifan.

However, in the middle of her denial, she was a little speechless.

"Look, even you won't deny the role of Celestial Dragons in promoting

the piracy."

"Hina, as a Marine, you should know the actions of Celestial Dragons."

"Because they collect huge amounts of heavenly gold, people in many

countries have no way to survive."

"In order to get a bite to eat, they chose to go to sea and become pirates."

"In addition, there are many people who became slaves of the Celestial

Dragons and became pirates in order to take revenge on the world."

"Although there are indeed many pirates who become pirates in order to

pursue their dreams and find one piece."

"But more pirates should be just to fill their stomach, and they are forced

by reality to become a pirate."

"Not to mention...forget it, there are some things you'd better not


Rifan wanted to talk to Hina about the once huge kingdom, the

disappearing centuries of history, the establishment of the World

Government and so on.

You know, there are so many pirates in the sea now.

It can be said that it was facilitated by the World Government.

If the once huge kingdom still existed, perhaps this world would have

long been a world full of laughter and peace.

Pirates and the like will naturally exist.

But at least, the number of pirates will be much less.

After all, if that huge kingdom exists, one piece does not exist.

Naturally, there will not be so many big shots who will become pirates

and pursue one piece.

There will be no such words as Roger said before his death, and the age

of piracy will not appear.

Although Rifan wants to tell Hina these things and reduce her belief in

Marine in order to let him join her.

But thinking about Hina's current position, if he told her these things.

It may be very embarrassing, and it may even cause the World

Government to investigate it and put Hina in crisis.

And Rifan himself may be targeted because he knows these secrets that

the World Government absolutely does not want the outside world to


Although with Rifan's current strength, he is not very worried that his

group will be targeted by the World Government for this reason.

But in doing so, his plan to become a Shichibukai would be in jeopardy.

So, whether it is for the sake of Hina's safety, or for him to get more

rewards and achievements from the copy space.

He couldn't tell these secret and dangerous things.

"Rifan, Hina doesn't quite understand what you want to say."

Seeing Rifan hesitated to speak, Hina raised her brows, and immediately

asked out her doubts curiously.

"Hina, there are some things that you better not know."

Rifan shook his head, and continued:

"Let's move on to the Celestial Dragons."

"Celestial Dragons, openly enslaving the common people as slaves."

"Anyone they look up to, even if that person is a kind and qualified


"They can also do whatever they want with them."

"There are many more behaviors like this."

"And you, Marine, are maintaining their actions."

"Marine's behavior has nothing to do with justice no matter how you

think about it."

Hearing this, Hina frowned even tighter.

"This… But Marine also do this to maintain the peace of most people."

Hina denied.

"Perhaps, but this kind of sacrifice based on a small number of people

can't be called justice.

"Those common people who are being persecuted don't want to thank

you Marine for this kind of justice."

"Not to mention, this sacrifice.

"The sacrifice is not so small, but very huge."

"Except for the chaos at the Sabaody Archipelago."

"Many countries still make people miserable because they have to pay the

so-called Heavenly Tribute, right?"

"Marine exists to protect the interests of the Celestial Dragons, no matter

how you think about it, it has nothing to do with justice.

"After all, Marines are protecting the interests of villains, isn't it?"

"And the existence of Celestial Dragons has spawned more pirates."

"These pirates have attacked many originally peaceful villages and


"Leading this sea to be even more unpeaceful."

"Even so, do you think Marine's 'justice' is worth it?"

Rifan said.

Originally, he didn't want to talk about this with Hina.

But looking at Hina's extremely attached to him, Rifan had to say


"Celestial Dragons... Their existence is indeed somewhat complicated."

"But even so, at least Marines can't be called evil."

"Hina still believe in Marines in her heart."

After a little hesitation, Hina spoke to Rifan.

"In that case, let's talk about another issue."

"Marine Captain Nezumi, you remember that guy?"

Rifan ask.

Hina frowned when she heard the name.

This Captain Marine of East Blue has helped the Arlong Pirates rule an

island for more than ten years.

He and justice are completely out of touch.

If anything, Nezumi is a bigger evil than pirates.

"Among Marines, there should be more than one person like that trash."

"When I was in East Blue, I also met a man who wanted to capture the

common people because of the Millennium Dragon."

"General Nelson Royale who threatened the personal safety of the

Common people."

"Besides these people, there should be many evil Marines among the


"That jelly candy user must have been a member of the Marines before he

became a pirate."

Rifan said.

Chapter 383: Perona Was Caught


"...Among the Marines, there are indeed some unqualified Marines."

"But Hina believes that most of them are good."

"Moreover, those unqualified Marines will inevitably be liquidated in the


Although Hina's words were still firm, her tone was lowered.

She knew it in her heart.

Her own words are somewhat untenable here.

"It's a very difficult thing to liquidate the evil Marine."

"Also, even if Marines can settle their internal problems, is it possible to

liquidate those people at the top?"

"If the World Government asks Marine to do something that violates

justice and is unreasonable, can Marine also liquidate the World


"Hina, I know that if I tell you this now, you may instinctively want to

veto it."

"I can understand that too."

"If one day you feel that the Marine does not conform to the justice in

your heart."

"You can come to me, the Black Pearl Pirates door will be opened to you."

Rifan sighed slightly and said to Hina.

at the same time.

Rifan also became more and more determined to let Hina see the

injustice in the Marine and World Government, so as to increase the

possibility of Hina leaving Marine.

In the future, Zephyr will quit Marine and form his own new Marine

because Whitebeard II becomes Shichibukai.

At that time, many people from the Marine guerrillas who originally

belonged to Marine followed Zephyr and joined the new Marine.

Rifan felt that if Hina could stay by Zephyr's side for a long time, she

might also feel deeply about Zephyr departure from Marine.

At that time, she might simply leave Marine with Zephyr.

"...Thank you, Rifan. When you say that, Hina is also very happy."

"But Hina still wants to stay in the Marine."

"If Marine really moves closer to the direction of injustice."

"Hina will work hard to climb up."

"As long as Hina climbs to a higher position."

"Hina should be able to contribute to Marine's walk in the direction of


After a little silence, Hina said to Rifan.

"Hina, you are so naive."

"No matter how high your position in Marine is, you are only the

gatekeeper of the world government."

"Even Marine Admiral Sengoku is nothing more than a tool man for the

world government."

"After all, doesn't even a Marine Admiral have to run around for the

Celestial Dragons?"

"If someone is against Celestial Dragons, Marine's highest combat power

will have to catch up."

"Obviously the Celestial Dragons are just some trash."

Rifan shook his head and said.

"Rifan, about the Celestial Dragons, you can just talk about it in front of


"But don't say these things in front of the Celestial Dragons."

Hina nervously raised her hand to cover Rifan's mouth.

"Are you concerned about my safety?"

"Or, are you worried that I'll attack the Celestial Dragons?"

Rifan stretched out his hand to stop Hina's slender waist, and said with a

light smile.

"...Hina don't want you to have an accident. "

Being embraced by Rifan, Hina raised her head, looked at Rifan seriously

and said.

"No accident will happen to me."

"I'm quite confident in my ability."

"Also, you control your desires a little bit, Hina."

"Next, it should be time for practice.

"If you can't master a certain skill quickly."

"I'd feel awkward too."

"After all, if you can't succeed, I won't be able to explain it to the Marine._

Rifan said.

Hearing Rifan's words, Hina nodded knowingly, let go of Rifan's hand

and took a few steps back.

"Let's get started, Rifan, Hina is ready!"

Hina collected herself and spoke.

"Very good! But before we start your training, I still have some things to

deal with."

After Rifan finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the

slightly open gap at the entrance of the gym.

His Observation Haki told him, even after such a long time.

Perona still hasn't left.

What happened between him and Hina, Perona saw the whole thing.


A blue and white brilliance flashed.

They saw Rifan's body turning into a dazzling lightning flashing past


In the next moment, Rifan came to Perona's back through the crack of the



Perona's eyes widened, and she looked at Hina who was still standing in

the gym in surprise.

Because of the distance, she saw almost all the process of Rifan and

Hina's movement.

But did not hear the conversation between Rifan and Hina.

Therefore, she did not guess that Rifan came to trouble her.


A hand suddenly reached out and rested on the door against which

Perona was leaning.

After a muffled sound, the door was tightly closed.

Seeing the situation in front of her, Perona froze on the spot for an


After a while, her body turned slowly like a machine.

When she saw Rifan standing behind her with a smile on his face as she


She immediately showed an extremely awkward and mechanical


"Well, that, if I say I happened to be passing by, do you believe it,

Captain Rifan?"

After Perona took a few deep breaths, she tremblingly said to Rifan.

She was afraid that Rifan would punish her for her rude behavior.

It's no wonder, after all, she is still in a situation where she is afraid of


Rifan shook his head, and said to Perona helplessly:

"Have you seen what happened inside?"

Hearing this, Perona shook her head first, but after seeing Rifan's serious

expression, she nodded nervously.

"Really, I told you to go back early."

"Do you know that too much curiosity is not a good thing?"

Rifan sighed and said.

When Perona heard this, her expression became more and more tense.

"C-Captain Rifan, you don't blame me for being here, do you?"

"I really just passed by accidentally."

"Please, forgive me, forgive me, all right."

Perona clasped her hands in front of her, looked at Rifan nervously and


"Punish you? Let's forget it."

"For Moria's sake and you're new to the crew."

"You don't know much about the rules of this ship, so I don't blame you."

"But you have to remember, don't do this next time."

"Otherwise, it's very dangerous for you..."

Rifan showed a meaningful smile to Perona, and with a wave of his hand,

he picked up a suit of clothes not far away and put them on.

Seeing this, Perona couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Perona, I don't blame you for voyeurism."

"However, you have to promise me not to disclose what you saw to other


"Whether it's everyone on board or the other Marines on board."

Having said that, Rifan's expression became extremely serious.

It might be okay to let Nami, Carina and others know about Hina.

After all, these are his own people.

Although it may get him into some nagging, Rifan doesn't care too much.

The problem is the Marine.

Rifan didn't want Momonga, Shuzo and other marines to look at Hina

with strange eyes.


"Aren't you and that female Marine trying to improve the progress of

your practice in that way?"

"After all, it's impossible for that female Marine to have much trust in


"If Marine knows your ability, she should also know what Hina will do

with you."

"As for everyone on the ship, let alone, there should be no need to hide it

from everyone... I understand, you are worried that the female crew

members on the ship will ignore you if they find out?"

"Horo Horo Horo! Captain Rifan, since you don't want everyone to know,

how about meeting one of my conditions?"

Perona raised her eyebrows and looked at Rifan with interest.

"Oh, what conditions do you want me to satisfy you?"

Rifan raised his eyebrows, seeing Perona's expression, he was also

interested in it.

"Horohorohoro, I want to see Captain Rifan's negative appearance."

Perona smiled softly, and there were two more negative ghosts around


"Hehe, I think you want to be swallowed by me again, and filled with

piranha bubbles

Rifan raised his hand and tapped Perona's forehead, and said angrily.

This is not enough, after Rifan tapped Perona on the forehead.

He even raised his hands to lift Perona up, and the thumbs of both hands

kept drilling on Perona's temples.

In Rifan's hand at the Grandmaster acupuncture point, Perona

immediately cried out in pain.

"Wrong, wrong, I was wrong, Captain Rifan."

"I won't talk anymore, I won't tell everyone about you and that marine."

Under the pain, Perona no longer had the previous arrogance in her face,

and pleaded with Rifan again and again.

"Hmph, it's good to know you're wrong."

"If you dare to threaten me next time."

"I'll let you know how horrible my punishment is."

Rifan let go of Perona, folded his hands, and looked at her with a teasing


Of course, he was just trying to scare Perona, and he didn't really mean

to punish her.


Perona put her hands on her temples, pouted and looked at Rifan.

"But you should really keep it a secret, Perona."

"Not just to everyone on board, but to the Marine."

"The things between Hina and me are not known by many Marines as you

might imagine."

"I think Marines will also keep Hina's matter to a certain degree of


"After all, it's not easy to make such a thing public."

"Besides, I don't want too many Marines to look at Hina in a colored


"After all, she is considered half a partner now."

"In the future, she will definitely become a member of the Black Pearl


Rifan said meaningfully.

After that, he patted Perona on her head, took a deep look at her, and

then looked at the water stains on the ground.

He opened the door with a smile on his face and walked into the gym.

Perona saw the closed door, looked at the empty space around her, and

quickly took off her dirty clothes and put on new ones.

Then, she busily began to clean up the traces on the ground.

"Damn, how could I be seen by that man in such an unbearable side. "

"How should I face him from now on?"

Perona pursed her lips, her voice full of blank feelings about the future.

Having said that, she turned and left instinctively, walking towards the

place where the members of the Black Pearl Pirates gathered.




During training, time always passes quickly.

A few days passed in a flash.

Black Pearl.


Rifan looked at Hina, who was wearing tight gym clothes and half

kneeling on the ground panting, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

within his field of view.

On Hina's personal panel, in the skill column that was originally vacant.

Skills such as 'Marine Six Styles', 'Six King Spear', and 'Life Return' have

been added.

Even World Government agents and Naval Headquarters executives can

hardly say they have fully grasped such abilities.

But Hina was able to master it in just a few days.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a miracle.

Even Hina herself, although she had a premonition, was quite surprised

when she actually mastered these abilities.

She can imagine that when the Marine learns about her growth, they will

definitely pay more attention to Rifan's ability.

Maybe, the Marine and World Government will send more women to

Rifan's side for Rifan's ability, in order to gain corresponding power.

Thinking of this, Hina felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not that she wants to monopolize Rifan, it's just that as a woman, she

instinctively hopes that there will be fewer competitors around Rifan.

That's right, after a few days of getting along, her loyalty to Rifan has

finally reached a very high level.

Obviously, as a marine, Hina's loyalty to Rifan has reached 79 points,

which is only 1 point away from the level of "intimate".

According to Rifan's words, this is probably a love for a long time.

If it weren't for Hina's belief in Marine in her heart, Rifan feels that now

Hina will follow him if he says a word.

Chapter 384: The Benefits Of

Making Hina Stronger!

"Congratulations, Hina."

"Being able to master these skills in just a few days."

"Among Marines, you are the only one who can do it."

Rifan was wearing a pure white training suit, crossed his hands, and

smiled at Hina, who was wearing a magenta bodysuit that matched her

hair color very well.

Although the gym clothes Hina is wearing at the moment can be said to

wrap every inch of her skin in the clothes.

But it also showed off her curvy figure.

Plus Hina's little bit of sweat shed on her forehead due to exercise and

spiritual practice.

A different kind of charm emanated from her.

If it wasn't for these few days that he have fully tasted the taste of Hina,

In addition, there will be business later.

At this time, Rifan may already want to chat with Hina about the major

events in life and discuss the future of life.

"All of this, without Rifan's help."

"Hina won't get it either."

Hina took a deep breath, raised her hands on her knees, and looked at

Rifan seriously with her eyes.

She doesn't think she can achieve what she has achieved without Rifan's


"Even if I want to help, you have to work hard on your own."

"Also, you need to have the talent of Marine Six Styles and other


"Without these two conditions, no matter how much I try to help you,

there is no way."

Rifan shook his head and said with a light smile.

"Even so, Hina has not been able to master what you call Armament

Haki, Rifan."

Hina sighed and said.

Hearing this, Rifan was also a little helpless.

During this period of time, he naturally tried to let Hina master

Armament Haki in a more natural way through training.

You know, he once also obtained Armament Haki's power in a more

natural way.

If Hina can also master Armament Haki in a more natural way.

Rifan is also able to save a "Primary Armament Haki Awakening Scroll."

But now it seems that this belt shaft cannot be saved.

"It's okay, even though you didn't succeed in awakening Armament Haki."

"However, it can be regarded as accumulating a certain foundation."

"Next, as long as I help you strengthen your body, you can easily master

Armament Haki."

Rifan smiled at Hina, reached out and pulled her up.

And he held the skin on Hina's arm with the tattoo of the Black Pearl


[Rifan, you use the 'Primary Armament Haki Awakening Scroll' on Hina.


[Starting to strengthen her.....The strengthening has been completed, and

the personal attribute of 'Hunter' Hina has been refreshed, please check it

yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 3)]

[Name: Hina]

[Age: 32 years old]

[Crew number: 12]

[Position: Hunter (Skilled)]

[Physical: 20050]

[Physical level: B level]

[Devil Fruit: Cage-Cage Fruit]

[Martial Arts Skill: None]

[Kendo Skill: None]

[Other skills: Germa 66 exoskeleton]

[Special Ability: Primary Armament Haki]

[props: none]

[Loyalty: 80 (Intimate)]

[Bounty: 0]

[Your personal talent 'Strengthen the crew, equal returns' has been

activated, starting to strengthen you. ]

[It is detected that you already have advanced Armament Haki, this

enhancement is specially converted to 500 physical points. ]

[Your personal attribute has been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 3)]

[Name: Rifan]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Position: Captain]

[Talent: Strengthen the crew, equal returns]

[Integral: 6000 points]

[Physical: 116601 points]

[Physical level: SS level]

[Devil Fruit: Dark Fruit]

'Oh! Hina's loyalty has reached 80 points, reaching the level of intimacy!'

'This is really... It seems that helping her become stronger is quite

beneficial. '

'Loyalty has reached the level of intimacy, so the possibility of her

betraying me is quite small. "

'In other words, the possibility of me pulling her out of Marine will be

greater. '

Rifan glanced at Hina's personal attributes, and couldn't help but feel a

burst of emotion in his heart.

Then, his eyes fell on his personal attribute panel.

'Inviting partners on board is really an excellent way to earn points. "

'In the blink of an eye, the total accumulated points are 6000 points.'

'If I turn these 6000 points into physical points, can it make my physique

reach SSS level? '

'Hmm... I have to find a crew member to use these 6,000 points.'

Rifan thought of this, and raised his eyes to look at Hina in front of him.

After thinking for a while, Rifan shook his head inwardly.

Although Hina's loyalty has come to the point of intimacy.

But after all, she has no way to stay on the Black Pearl now, nor can she

contribute her power to the Black Pearl Pirates.

But now, even in the Summit War, Hina's strength has reached the level

of being able to protect herself.

That being the case, Rifan thinks it is more precious to spend the points

on other decent crew members of the Black Pearl Pirates.

Among other things, using it on Perona is an option.

After all, judging from the current situation.

Helping Perona increase her strength can further increase her loyalty.

Although he has been with Hina for a while.

But through the perspective of his clone, Rifan can still see the training of

Moria, Perona and his other partners.

And he can also open the personal attribute panels of Perona, Moria and

others at any time even if he is with Hina's side to confirm their loyalty

and strength.

"Is this the power of the Armament Haki?"

Hina raised her left hand, gathered Armament Haki on her palm, and said

in surprise.

"Yes, this is Armament Haki."

"With this power, you are a threat to Logia devil fruit users.

"And with your current system and Marine Six Styles."

"I believe that many Logia devil fruit powers can be restrained by you."

"For example, Smoker Smoke devil fruit in your Marine."

"Speaking of which, this Smoker should be a Marine at the same time as


"Is there a special relationship between you and him?"

Rifan raised his eyebrows and asked Hina curiously.

"Really, Rifan."

"We two have such a relationship now."

"How could Hina have anything to do with Smoker?"

"Hina and him are nothing more than Marine colleagues.

Hina shook her head and said without hesitation.

"Really? Then I'm relieved."

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a light smile.

In the original book, although Hina and Smoker are not disclosed as


But the two actually got a little closer.

Now seeing Hina's different attitude towards himself and Smoker, Rifan

can only apologize to Smoker in his heart.

Of course, this apology only stayed in Rifan's heart for a moment.

If he goes back to the past, he will still choose Hina.

"Okay, you just got Armament Haki."

"You have to experiment with its power."

"Hina, it's almost time for our training to end."

"Next, let me, your Instructor, give you a final assessment."

After Rifan finished speaking, without waiting for Hina's response, he

directly attacked Hina's plump chest with a palm.

Hina noticed Rifan's movements, the corners of his mouth twitched, and

she raised her chest and bumped into Rifan palm without avoiding it.


After a crisp sound, Hina's body fell back two meters.

"Hey, can you be more serious, Hina, now is the assessment."

Rifan rubbed his palm and said to Hina meaningfully.

"The one that is not serious is you, Rifan." Hina smiled, "But you're right,

now it's really time to try what Hina can do now."

Having said that, Hina's expression became serious.

The next moment, her body turned into an afterimage, and whip kicked

towards Rifan's arm.


"Tempest Kick!"

When Rifan heard this, a smile flashed across his mouth, and after

dodging Hina's attack, he said with a smile:

"Well done, let me see how far you can go."

After the words fell, Rifan lifted his spirits, and also used Marine Six

Styles to attack Hina.

Because Rifan is suppressing his power.

Therefore, even the current Hina can play with Rifan.

For a moment, the entire gym was filled with afterimages of him and


It was already difficult for the Blue Star audience to observe the speed of

the two with the naked eye.

Except for those special groups of people who really have considerable


Because both Rifan and Hina are wearing clothes at the moment, the

scene of their contest can naturally be seen by the audience in the live

broadcast room.

Of course, because of Rifan's intention.

When Rifan explained the skills and essence of Marine Six Styles and

other abilities to Hina, he avoided the Blue Star audience.

What they can see is only some unimportant scenes, as well as some

pictures of Rifan and Hina's actual combat training.

"Okay, Hina."

"You have been able to use the six styles and Armament Haki very


"Our training can also come to an end temporarily."

After taking another blow from Hina, Rifan patted Hina on the shoulder

and said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Rifan's words, Hina exhaled, and nodded to Rifan with a smile.

"Rifan, since the practice is over.

"So can we do something else?"

Saying that, Hina showed a meaningful smile to Rifan.

Seeing this, of course Rifan understood what Hina meant.

"Well, let's treat it as entertainment after the practice is over."

Rifan smiled and was about to nod when a den-den mushi rang suddenly.

Rifan turned his head and found that it was the den-den mushi that

belonged to Gion that he had put in the corner of the gym ringing.

"Gion's phone number, so it should be Marine's call."

"Hina, it seems that we have no way to continue for the time being."

Rifan smiled at Hina, then walked towards the den-den mushi under

Hina's slightly resentful eyes, and connected the call.

Soon, a voice that was extremely familiar to both Rifan and Hina


"This is Zephyr!"

"Rifan, you finally answered!"

Blank Chapter

Your asking why there is an empty chapters? There's actually no empty

chapters but because the whole chapter is full of trash talk from blue star

audiences, I deleted them.

Panda Audiences: Blablabla

Green Pheasant Audiences: Shine Blablabla!

The rest of the Audience: Blablabla!


Not something you want to read right? I delete them for you.

Don't worry, there's nothing you miss since I read it before deleting them.

So now if there is a blank chapter for this story, you know the reason


Chapter 386: The Mini Devil Fruit

User Appeared!

"Teacher Zephyr!"

When Hina heard Zephyr's voice in the den-den mushi, she immediately


"Hina, is that you?"

Zephyr wanted to question Rifan, but when he heard Hina's voice, he was

also a little stunned.

But soon, he reacted.

"Hina, are you okay over there?"

"How did Rifan and the Black Pearl Pirates treat you?"

"Ain, Binz, Shuzo, and Momonga and Gion, are they all right?"

"Especially you, Rifan really didn't do anything excessive to you, did he?"

Zephyr knows that one of the conditions for the cooperation between

Rifan and Marine is to make Hina stronger.

Although Zephyr also hopes to see his students become stronger, he can

endure a pirate to make his students stronger.

But he was worried that Rifan's way of making his students stronger

would hurt Hina.

After all, one of the ways in which Rifan's magical ability to strengthen

others is through physical touch.

Among all the female Marines, Hina can be regarded as one of the most


In Zephyr's eyes, Rifan is also a person who likes beauty.

So Zephyr is worried that Rifan will really disown Hina.

In addition, among the information about Rifan, Rifan may use his

lifespan to quickly strengthen others.

Zephyr felt that since strengthening will consume Rifan's lifespan, it is

impossible to guarantee that it will also consume the lifespan of the

strengthened person, that is, Hina.

When Hina heard Zephyr's slightly anxious words, she quickly replied:

"Teacher Zephyr, please rest assured."

"They didn't do anything to us."

"Rifan, abide by the agreement.

"As for Hina, Hina is fine."

After Hina finished speaking, she smiled and glanced at Rifan.

As someone who has a deep bond with Rifan, she can be said to be the

person who most hopes to see Rifan and Marine coexist peacefully.

Naturally, Rifan has been kind to Ain, Binz and others until now, which

will make Hina happy.

"Hey Zephyr, from your tone, it seems youdon't believe me?"

"I think I've done a good job of keeping my words you know~"

"Compared to your old friend Sengoku, my personality is much better."

Rifan shook his head, and said.

"You boy..."

Zephyr wanted to reprimand Rifan, but thinking that Sengoku and Rifan

were indeed different in terms of keeping the agreement.

For a while, he couldn't find the words to get Sengoku back.

"Forget it, let's meet and talk about it."

"My ship has come to the outskirts of the Devil's Triangle."

"If you have nothing to do, come and find me at my coordinates."

"It's too easy to get lost in the Devil's Triangle sea area."

"I'm worried that if I get inside, I won't find you so easily."

Zephyr said.

"Hehe, it seems that our Former Admiral Zephyr is not that good at

Observation Haki."

"Forget it, since that's the case, then you can give me a coordinate."

"I'll see you later."

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile on his face.

At this moment, he had already seen the relevant rewards after defeating

Zephyr, the legendary veteran, Marine guerrilla captain, and Marine

Chief Instructor, waving to him.

Seeing that Rifan agreed, Zephyr ignored the other party's words and

quickly told Rifan his coordinates.

"Come on, Hina, let's go meet your teacher."

Rifan smiled at Hina and said.

"Wait Rifan!"

"Anything else?"

"Rifan, after meeting Teacher Zephyr, Hina must leave with him."

"Of course, after all, you can't stay with me forever, and your return to

Marine is also one of the agreements between me and Marine."

"Then, before leaving, can you give Hina a kiss? After all, after leaving

this room, it may not be convenient for Hina to kiss you again."

As Hina said, she raised her finger and pointed to her red lips.

When it came to the end, Hina's voice was inaudible.

Even people watching the live broadcast can only see Hina's lips

squirming, but cannot know what she is talking about.

Rifan raised his eyebrows, and looked down at Hina who was looking up

at him with her head up slightly.

'A beauty invited me, do I have a reason to refuse?'

Thinking in his heart, Rifan raised the corner of his mouth, cupped Hina's

face with both hands, and suddenly brought his head close to Hina's lips.

After a few minutes, Rifan pulled himself away under Hina's rosy


"Don't worry, Hina, I'm sure we'll meet again soon."

Rifan patted Hina on the head and said with a smile on his face.

"Mmm, Hina firmly believes in that."

Hina nodded heavily.

"Hina, can I give you a suggestion?"

Rifan said suddenly.


Hina tilted her head, looking a little puzzled.

"That's right!" Rifan nodded, and continued:

"Your strength is definitely not the standard of the Naval Headquarters

colonel level now."

"In my opinion, your strength is comparable to that of the Naval

Headquarters Commodore."

"Even comparable to some Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral."

"But even so, your strength is still immature."

"In terms of Haki, you just mastered Armament Haki on the first level."

"In terms of Marine Six Styles, you're only proficient, and have not

derived the ability of the Six King Gun."

"If you want to become stronger in the future, you need to devote

yourself to higher-level battles."

"So, I suggest you go to Zephyr's side."

"Didn't he have a Marine Guerrilla?"

"With him, you can train your ability better."

Hina tilted her head and muttered:

"Teacher Zephyr?"

"Hina understands."

"Since its Rifan proposal."

"Hina will comply."

"After the war ended, Hina will filed an application to the Marshal in

order to join the Marine guerrillas and engage in higher-level battles."

Rifan smiled when he heard this:

"Okay, let's get ready first."

"In a little while, you'll meet Zephyr."

After speaking, Rifan packed his clothes and walked towards the door.

'If this world really develops like the original book. '

Zephyr will leave Marine shortly after the Summit War as Whitebeard II

becomes Shichibukai. "

'Hopefully, Zephyr will be able to defect Marine with Hina by then."

Rifan thought in his heart.

Immediately, he opened Hina's personal attribute panel.

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 3)]

[Name: Hina]

[Age: 32 years old]

[Crew number: 12]

[Position: Hunter (Skilled)]

[Physical: 20050]

[Physical level: B level]

[Devil Fruit: Cage-Cage Fruit]

[Budo Skill: Marine Six Styles]

[Kendo Skill: None]

[Other skills: Germa 66 exoskeleton]

[Special Ability: Primary Armament Haki]

[props: none]

[Loyalty: 83 (intimate)]

[Bounty: 0]

With such attributes, as long as she doesn't enter the high-end rounds in

Summit War, there should be no problem in surviving.

'And with the Germa 66 exoskeleton, not many people should be able to

break through Hina's defense. '

Rifan thought of the scene in the original story, where the awakened

exoskeleton stood still, even without Armament Haki being attacked by

the pacifist Jinbei, and couldn't help but think in his heart

Although the defense of Sanji's exoskeleton is related to his own strong

strength, so Hina's current exoskeleton will not be as powerful as Sanji in

the original book.

But Hina's opponent is also unlikely to be as strong as Sanji in the middle

and late stages of the original book.

Therefore, regarding Hina's safety, Rifan is quite at ease.

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace again, wanting to tell other

people on the Black Pearl the news of Zephyr's arrival.




The edge of the Devil's Triangle sea area.

A huge Marine warship is standing steadily on the sea.

At the bow of the ship, a strong Marine with a huge mechanical arm

stood firmly.

Behind him, Guerilla Marine also carefully inspected the surroundings.

They are all waiting for the arrival of Rifan and his party.

Besides them, on the deck of the warship, there was a male Giant Bound

by a huge chain and guarded by a female Giant Marine Vice Admiral.

"Damn it, let me go, you are a Giant, why are you arresting me?!"

The male Giant struggled hard while trying to get rid of the chains on his


However, he was defeated by the female Giant Vice Admiral Louise (OC)

and Zephyr before, and now he has no possibility of breaking free from

the chain.

"What else do you say, why did you suddenly attack us?"

"Don't you know it's an injustice?"

The female Giant Vice Admiral Louise put her hand on the shoulder of

the male Giant name Panz Pry, and said angrily.

"I just want to snatch food and cook for those hungry pirates!"

Panz gritted his teeth and spoke.

"You!! In order to cook for the pirates, you want to steal Marine's food?!"

When the female Giant Louise heard this, her heart was even more


Originally, both she and Zephyr were waiting for Rifan's arrival.

Unexpectedly, Rifan hadn't arrived yet, but a fellow clansman was

waiting for them.

It's just that this Giant, like many Giant Warriors, prefers pirates to


Just when Louise wanted to reprimand Panz, there was a loud discussion

from Zephyr's direction.

Louise listened carefully, and immediately heard words related to "Rifan"

and "Black Pearl".

She understood that this was the arrival of the crew of the Black Pearl

Pirates led by Rifan.

"Forget it, you'd better just stay here."

"I still have business to do here, and I will talk to you later."

Louise glared at Panz, got up and walked towards the bow.

What she didn't notice was that after she left, a girl who was only a few

centimeters tall and looked like a small toy jumped up from the corner

and came to Panz's body.

"Lily, what are you doing here?"

Panz noticed the figure jumping on him, immediately widened his eyes

and became nervous.

It's no wonder that he is nervous, the person in front of him is his beloved

daughter, Lily Enstomach.

She is also a Giant, but because she ate miniature devil fruit, her body

can become the size of a doll or even smaller.

"Dad, keep your voice down, I'm here to save you."

Lily made a silence gesture to her father, and said in a low voice.

Chapter 387: Suitable For

Bodyguard Position!

Lily, a warrior of the Giant family, a person with miniature devil fruit


Although Lily is a Giant, her body is quite tall.

But because she ate the miniature devil fruit, her body can become

extremely small.

Based on her current situation, she can make herself from 5 millimeters

to the size of Giant size respectively, and besides that, when she is in her

normal Giant state.

The miniature devil fruit makes Lily's body and weight smaller.

But it doesn't make Lily's speed and strength--smaller.

It can be said.

When Lily uses the miniature fruit ability to shrink, she can reduce the

range she will be attacked while ensuring her strength and speed.

And because her body can become an extremely tiny state like that in



It is also difficult for the enemy to detect Lily's presence.

It is no exaggeration to say that the miniature devil fruit is the power

that Rifan really wants to have.

Even more so after he now has the bloodline skill titanization.

And Lily is also a partner that Rifan really wants to invite.

After all, he was very greedy for the Giant Warriors. When he was in

Little Garden, he told the Giant Warriors Dorry and Brogy that he wanted

them to introduce some Giant Warriors to his ship.

And on Rifan's ship, a room that can accommodate the likes of the Giant

Warriors was specially left.

Lily has the blood of the Giant Race and has the ability of miniature devil

fruits, which makes Rifan want to invite her on board even more.

If he now knew that Lily was on Zephyr's ship, he would be quite happy.

But Panz, who is Lily's father, is the complete opposite of Rifan.

Seeing Lily coming to him, he only had worries about Lily in his heart.

After all, the combat power of the warship under his feet is simply too


If he knows that the Marine Warrior guarding a Marine warship has

Zephyr and Giant Marine Vice Admiral Louise before attacking this

Marine warship.

He will definitely not come to attack this Marine warship.

"Lily, don't come."

"The combat power of this Marine warship is terrible!"

"If you act recklessly, not only me, but even you will be caught!"

Panz stopped Lily from moving, and said anxiously in a low voice.

"Father, I will definitely save you!"

Lily continued with firm eyes:

"Don't worry, I heard it just now."

"This ship is here to welcome Rifan, who has recently risen to fame."

"And Rifan is coming here soon."

"After he came, the Marine's attention must be on him.

"At that time, I will have a chance to help you leave."

Having said that, Lily showed a confident smile.

"Nonsense, leave me alone, you'd better leave first, and hide in a safe


Panz spoke in a low voice.

He's not Lily, he doesn't have the power of a miniature fruit.

Even if Rifan's arrival can attract the attention of all the Marines, but

with his size, he has no way to take this opportunity to escape.

Besides, Rifan was recognized as Shichibukai by the Marines.

In other words, Rifan is now on the Marine side.

If Rifan really comes, he will definitely not conflict with the Marines.

With Rifan's powerful strength, Panz felt that his daughter would also be


"No, it's impossible for me to leave."

Lily shook her head and said firmly.

Seeing this, Panz wanted to continue persuading his daughter, when

suddenly a loud voice in front caught his attention.

Lily looked over with the same curiosity.

"Wow...what a big ship, it looks the same size as some Giant Pirate


"Could it be some Giant Pirates are coming?"

Lily widened her eyes slightly, and muttered curiously.

"Stupid daughter, the flag is the flag of the Black Pearl!"

"That's the Black Pearl Pirates led by Rifan!"

"Hide quickly, don't be found!"

Panz said nervously.

Lily was overjoyed when she heard this.

It was originally intended to take advantage of Marine's attention, and

Rifan's arrival was just in line with her wishes.

Of course, she didn't take action immediately.

Instead, she hid and waited for the opportunity to come.

"They're finally here, it really made me wait for a long time."

"I would like to see if humans can really use the techniques of Elbaf!"

Louise stood the huge spear on the deck, watching the approach of the

Black Pearl with a smile on her face.

"Louis, that Rifan is very powerful."

"At this juncture, it is better for us not to conflict with them."

Zephyr raised his head and solemnly reminded the female Giant.

Although he doesn't like Rifan who has captured his student, he also

understands that it is completely irrational to have a conflict with Rifan

and others at this time.

"Relax, Zephyr."

"I just want to see if that Rifan and that girl Nojiko can really use Elbaf's


"But that doesn't mean I'm going to fight them."

"I just have to talk to them and let them show me."

Louise waved her hand and said boldly.

Hearing this, Zephyr helplessly shook his head.

According to the information about Rifan obtained before, it is indeed

possible for Rifan to show his abilities in front of Louise.

But it's also possible that Rifan will ask for something in return before

showing off.

Maybe, Louise next to him will be teased by Rifan.

While he was thinking, several joyful voices interrupted Zephyr's


Ain: "Zephyr-sensei!"

Binz: "Great, Zephyr-sensei, you're here to pick us up!"

Hearing the voices of the two students he cares most about now, Zephyr

raised his head and looked at Ain and Binz who were standing at the

front of the Black Pearl and waving at him.

Zephyr nodded to the two of them, and his eyes glanced at Rifan who

was standing at the bow of the ship not far from Ain and Binz.

Then he looked at the other people on the Black Pearl.

Shuzo, Momonga, Hina, Gion, etc., but also Nico Robin, Nami, and

Nojiko. When his eyes fell on Moria, a doubtful light flickered in his eyes.

"Ah? Is that guy... Moria?"

"Why does he feel a little different from the last time I saw him?"

"It seems that he have lost a lot of weight."

Louise asked suspiciously.

Apparently, she was just as confused about Moria's situation as Zephyr


"That Moria, he's become the same as when he first became a


"To be precise, his size has become the same as when he fought Kaido."

"It seems that Rifan strengthened him to a certain extent after accepting

him as his partner."

Zephyr frowned and said in a low voice.

The previous Moria was a character who could roam freely in the New


If Moria really becomes what he was back then, it's definitely not what

the marines want to see.

"Strengthen?! Rifan, this guy is really outrageous."

"Isn't he afraid of Moria's betrayal?"

Louise shook her head, her heart full of puzzlement about Rifan behavior.

Unbeknownst to Louise and Zephyr, Rifan did use some power-ups to

make Moria stronger.

But he is now as thin as he was when he was young, which is inseparable

from his own hard training.

Perhaps because of the bonus effect of practicing beside Rifan, Moria's

current strength is gradually developing towards his peak period.

The most intuitive result is that Moria just practiced with Rifan for a few

days and he has already fully mastered the foxfire style swordsmanship,

and in terms of physique, he has also broken through from A-level to S-


This also made Rifan more sure of his decision to accept Moria.

"Hello, Zephyr, I've heard of you for a long time."

"It was a pleasure meeting you."

Rifan jumped from the bow of the Black Pearl and landed in front of

Zephyr on the Marine warship.

After looking at the female Giant Louise and the bound Giant Panz, he

said to Zephyr with a smile on his face.

"It's me who has admired your name for a long time, Rifan."

"Is my student all right?"

Zephyr frowned and asked.

"Of course they're all right, you saw it too."

"They're so lively."

Rifan smiled, turned around and waved to Ain, Marine and his partners

behind him.

Soon, Ain, Binz and others also came to the Marine warship.

"I'm sorry, Zephyr-san, I didn't take good care of Ain and Binz, we ended

up like this…"

Shuzo walked up to Zephyr, put his head on his head and said.

"Don't blame yourself Shuzo, it's not your fault. It's that traitor's fault. If

not for him we…"

Momonga looked at Zephyr and also apologized like Shuzo.

"Vice Admiral Momonga, it's not good to just say half the words."

"If it wasn't for Captain Rifan."

"Miss Ain and Mr. Binz has already been killed by your Marine traitor."

Nojiko stopped beside Rifan, and said to Momonga with a smile on her


Hearing this, Momonga couldn't help being silent for a while.

After all, what Nojiko said was true.

Although Rifan did limit their freedom for a few days.

But it did save Ain and Binz from being killed by the Marine traitor.

The Marine traitor killed many Marines when he defected, so he also

believes that he has the absolute possibility of killing Ain and Binz.

"You must be Nojiko."

"I hear you can use the Gungnir of Giant."

"Can you let me see it?"

At this time, Louise suddenly squatted down and looked at Nojiko with

great interest.

Then she looked at Rifan with a smile on her face:

"Of course, I also want to make sure, Rifan, that you can use Elbaf's gun."

Louise came here this time, it was originally in order to determine the

abilities of Rifan and Nojiko.

Now that Gion, Hina, Momonga and others have all safely returned to the

Marine warship, she can't wait to satisfy her curiosity.

"The Gungnir!?"

"You said those two humans can use the Gungnir that only Giant Race

can use!?"

"How can this be?!"

Panz was just watching quietly behind everyone.

Now that he suddenly heard that Rifan and Nojiko were able to use

'Gungnir', which only elites could use even among the Giant, he couldn't

help but speak anymore.

Not only was Panz curious, but his daughter Lily was also quite curious.

"Shut up, you don't have a place to talk here!"

The female Giant Vice Admiral Louise turned her head and yelled at Panz


Zephyr also looked back at Panz first, but when his eyes passed by Panz

'body, a doubt flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, Zephyr launched the Observation Haki, on the other


"Rifan, have you arranged for this little one to come to my boat?"

With red light in Zephyr's eyes, he stared straight behind Panz, and asked


"No, the people I brought are all in front of your eyes and on the Black


Rifan shrugged, and looked at Panz with the same interest.

He knew what Zephyr was looking at, and his Observation Haki, also

captured Lily's body, reduced to 5mm.

'This girl should be the girl with the miniature devil fruit ability. "

'Interesting, I actually met these two father and daughter here.'

'It seems that the 'personal guard' position can also be fill in~'

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, and he had already thought of the

picture of Lily becoming his partner.

Chapter 388: Zephyr Makes An


"Not yours? That's interesting."

Zephyr nodded:

"Rifan, wait a moment, I will talk to you after I deal with her."

As soon as his words fell, Zephyr's body immediately turned into an

afterimage, and rushed towards Lily.

Female Giant Louise, Ain, Shuzo and others looked at Zephyr's

movements with some doubts.

Soon, however, they understood why Zephyr had acted.

"Run away, Lily!"

Seeing Zephyr rushing towards him, Panz knew that his daughter had

been spotted.

With him bound by the chains, he struggled towards Zephyr.

He wants to use his own body to build a wall for his daughter that can

help her escape.

However, Panz is no match for Zephyr even at full strength.

What's more, he is still bound by huge chains.

Zephyr's eyes were fixed, and Marine Six Styles "shaved" instantly


In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived above Lily, whose body was

in a miniature state.

Lily stared wide-eyed at Zephyr's waving mechanical arm.

Instinctively, she jumped backwards forcefully.

At the same time, her body turned into a Giant State in an instant, and

the fork in her hand swept towards Zephyr's body.

Originally in a miniature state, Lily weapon, which could not be touched,

became so large that it could attack Zephyr after she returned to her

original size

It's just facing this powerful blow from the Giant race.

Zephyr didn't choose to dodge, but directly swung his mechanical arm at

Lily's fork.


A loud bang sounded.

Even though Lily is a Giant, his strength is still much weaker than that of


When the two collided, Lily's body staggered, and she retreated

backwards with unsteady steps.

However, Lily's nightmare is not over yet.

Zephyr's Observation Haki captures Lily's weakness.

He jumped vigorously, stepped on the Moonwalk to the height of Lily's

shoulders, and pointed his mechanical arm at Lily.

"Smash Buster!"

Zephyr pounded all over, and immediately fired a laser-like strong

bombardment from the palm of his mechanical arm 'Smasher'.

Lily's eyes widened, and she instinctively placed her weapon in front of


But even so, she was sent flying heavily, falling towards the female Giant


"Damn it!"

Seeing her palm grabbed by the female Giant, Lily gritted her teeth and

raised her spirits to use her devil fruit.

Turn herself back into a state of 5mm.

And slipped through the fingers of the female Giant Vice Admiral.

Seeing this, Momonga also planned to make a move.

Now that it's time to hand over Momonga, Ain and others, Rifan has no

intention of continuing to limit their strength.

So now Momonga and others have recovered to a complete state under

the care of Chopper.

It was quite easy for him to deal with Lily.

However, just when he was about to draw his sword to attack Lily.

Rifan stepped forward and stretched out his hand, and pushed

Momonga's sword back into its sheath.


Momonga frowned, looking at the man beside him.

But Rifan smiled at him, and casually stretched out his other hand to

catch Lily's petite body falling to this side.

All these actions happened in an instant.




"Amazing, it's a laser!"

"Did you see that, Franky?!"

Chopper looked at Zephyr excitedly, raised his head and said to Franky.

"Yes, that arm seems to have a nice design."

"I really want to take it apart and study it."

Franky grinned, looking at Zephyr with interest.

To be precise, it is looking at his mechanical arm.

For Chopper and Franky.

Zephyr's previous performance just hit the point of interest of the two.

And the girls on the Black Pearl, such as Robin, Carina, Nojiko and

others, all focused on Rifan who was holding Lily.

"Oh, your light despite being a giant."

"However, the strength of the struggle is quite strong."

After Rifan caught Lily, he looked at her struggling in his hand with

interest as he mumbles.

Although it is known that the miniature devil fruit changes only a

person's height and weight.

For strength it has not changed.

But after feeling the strength from Lily struggling in his palm.

Rifan still couldn't help sighing.

"Damn it, let me go."

Lily thought that Rifan was going to hand her to the Marine, so she

raised her hands and tried to push Rifan's fingers away.

"Relax, little one."

"I have no ill intentions towards you."

"That Giant over there should be important to you."

"I can get him out of the Marine for you."

Rifan said with a light smile.

"Huh? Can you save my father?"

When Lily heard Rifan's words, she froze on the spot.

Rifan smiled and nodded.

"Rifan, what do you mean?"

"Are you trying to interfere with our work?"

"Or, you lied just now, and this little one is actually related to you?"

At this time, Zephyr frowned tightly and questioned.

"I'm not lying to you, Zephyr."

"I really had nothing to do with this little one before."

"But it doesn't mean that I will have nothing to do with her in the future."

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a light smile.

Zephyr frowned even more when he heard Rifan's words, thinking about

the meaning of Rifan's words.

"Hey, I'm not called a little one!"

"I have a name, my name is Lily!"

Lily stood in the palm of Rifan, pouted and said angrily.

"Hehe, you're quite cute."

Seeing Lily's appearance, Rifan couldn't help stretching out his index

finger and rubbing Lily's face.

Once upon a time, he was the one who looked up to the Warrior of the

Giants when facing them due to their heights.

Now being able to look at Lily from a titan-like perspective is also a

special experience for Rifan.

"Bastard, take your hand away!"

Lily gritted her teeth, and punched Rifan's index finger angrily.

Immediately, a bang caused a wave of air around Rifan.

Such a blow is enough to show how powerful Lily is.

Of course, Rifan's physical fitness saved him from being knocked into the

air by Lily very naturally.

And he didn't feel any malice towards Lily's blow, but he felt that she was

even cuter.

Of course, he was able to maintain a calm mood, but as Lily's old father,

Panz couldn't calm down.

"Lili, don't mess around!"

Seeing Lily's movements, Panz wanted to stand up in horror.

Just kidding, Rifan is a big pirate with a bounty of more than 1 billion


Behind him are many powerful partners with extremely high bounties.

Panz didn't want to see Lily being killed by Rifan after provoking him.

Getting caught by the Marine is fine, it just gets them sent to Impel


But if Rifan is a vicious pirate.

Then Lily will lose her life.

That's why Panz wanted Lily to stop doing something that might irritate


Chapter 389: Can Humans And

Giants have S*x?

"Your father is right."

"You better don't mess around."

"I really have no malice against you."

"On the contrary, like I just said."

"I can ask the Marine to let you go, and let your father go."

Rifan raised his hand, looked at the small Lily in his palm and said.

"You, can you really ask the Marine to let me and my father go?"

Lily frowned, looked at Panz not far away, and then at Rifan.

"Of course."

"In this matter, I will not deceive you."

Rifan shrugged and said affirmatively.


Gion, Louise, Momonga and other Marines frowned when they saw

Rifan's actions.


They didn't step forward to stop Rifan, but chose to watch quietly from

the sidelines.

Lily also noticed this.


She gradually relaxed her struggle.

And Rifan also let go of his hand completely, letting Lily stand in the

palm of his hand.

"Why help me?"

"What do you want from me?"

Lily raised her head and asked with a frown.

"Yes, what do you want, Rifan?"

After Lily finished speaking, Zephyr also stepped forward impatiently.

"You said earlier that she has nothing to do with you."

"And you said that she will have something to do with you in the future."

"Don't tell me you fell in love with her, right?"

Zephyr asked.

"Eh? Me?"

Lily's eyes widened, and she looked at Rifan in disbelief.

"No, no, I am a Giant."

"You're human, it's impossible for the two of us."

"So you'd better not look at me like that!"

After Lily was stunned for two seconds, she suddenly waved her hands

quickly and said to Rifan.

seeing this,

Rifan smiled even more.

"Lily. I call you that."

"As this marine Zephyr put it."

"I do have a crush on you."

"But it's not what you understand."

"It's just that I think you are very good and want to invite you to be my


Rifan laughed.

Lily: "Partner?"

Zephyr: "Partner?!"

Penz: "Making my daughter part of the Black Pearl Pirates?!"

Moria: "Hehehe, Rifan, are you going to expand the number of your crew


Gion: "That's really... you've been inviting people to board your ship


After Rifan's voice fell, the people on the Black Pearl and the Marine

warship were all surprised.

The same for Honoka, Marie Rose, Kasumi and others who are

reincarnators also looked at Lily with more concern.

Unlike Gion, Zephyr et al.

Honoka, Marie Rose, and Kasumi force them to better understand what it

means for Rifan to invite a crew member aboard.

As long as Rifan can invite the types of partners that other reincarnators

have not invited, Rifan can trigger the first achievement.

And if this partner is excellent enough, the rewards Rifan can get will be

even more Excellent.

At that time, Rifan will get a lot of points and power-up props.

At that time, Rifan and Rifan's Black Pearl Pirates will become even


Chapter 390: Shocking the


"No, this girl is my target."

"You can't invite her to be your partner."

Zephyr frowned, and said to Rifan with a bad expression.

The current Zephyr, although he has not become blackened as when he

leaves the Marine in the future.

But his temper is also a lot more irritable.

His treatment towards pirates is not as kind as before.

Naturally, he didn't want to see Rifan take Lily away.

"Zephyr, it seems you have a misunderstanding?"

"Now that she is in my hands, I should be the one who decides her fate."

Rifan smiled at Zephyr, and looked down at Lily.

"How about it, are you interested in becoming my partner?"

"With me, you don't have to worry about finding a place for your huge

body to live."

"On my ship, a room where the Giants can also rest has already been


Hearing this, Lily raised her eyebrows involuntarily, and asked curiously:

"Why did you invite me, isn't it just the first time we've met?"

Lily also knew that Rifan was a big pirate with a bounty of more than

one billion Berry.

His power, which she had experienced a little earlier, was a powerful

force that she absolutely could not resist.

Lily is not a person who can't think at all, and she will naturally be wary

of Rifan's sudden invitation.

"I once met Dorry and Brogy, the two former captains of the Giant Pirates

of the Giant Race."

"At that time, I yearned for the power of the Giant Warrior, and wanted

to have a Giant Warrior as my crew."

"Now I just met you, and you are a person with the ability to grow and


"This is more suitable, so I want you to be my partner."

Rifan said as a matter of course.

"More than that, it should be added that Miss Lily is a beautiful girl, right


Gion, who was standing not far away, and can see through his face,

suddenly added.

Hearing this, Ain, Hina and others nodded again and again.

"That's an unnecessary remark, Gion."

Rifan glanced at Gion and said angrily.

Regarding this, Gion only smiled, and was not scared. Instead, she

lowered her head and said meaningfully:

"It's just that the physical gap between the Giants and humans is too


"Unless that lady from the Giant Family can become your size."

"Otherwise, you have no way to 'touch' her."

The corners of Gion's mouth were the same, especially when he

emphasized the word "touch".

At the same time, Gion began to evaluate Rifan's acceptance of a Giant

Warrior partner.

Moria's growth was recent, and it was visible to the naked eye.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of Rifan's Black Pearl Pirates

has risen to a new level because of Moria's joining.

This made Gion pay more attention to Rifan's invitation of partners.

But this time, although Rifan invited not some well-known figures in the


But she is also a Warrior of the Giant race, one of the most powerful

races in the world.

How can Gion not care about this?

If possible, she really doesn't want Rifan to have a GiantWarrior as his


After all, the strength of the Giants themselves combined with Rifan's

ability to quickly strengthen his partners at a price. Gion can't predict

how strong Lily will be under Rifan's training in the future.

However, she knew that even if she didn't want Rifan to take Lily.

They can't stop Rifan.

Not only her, Zephyr, Louise and others who are present now also cannot

stop Rifan.

This is why Zephyr and Louise frowned, but it was only Zephyr who

stopped Rifan once before, and never stepped forward again, but just

looked at Rifan and Lily from the sidelines.

"Gion, you are wrong about this. "

Rifan smiled mysteriously at Gion, then looked down at Lily in his hand,

and said with a smile:

"You said earlier that there is no possibility of union between me as a

human and you as a titan, right?

"Actually, you are wrong, Lily."

"Even if you can't become my size."

"I can also become about the same size as you."

Hearing Rifan's words, Lily tilted her head in doubt.

Gion, Zephyr and the others frowned tightly.

They don't think Rifan is talking casually.

Soon, they understood why Rifan said that in their astonishment.

"This...what's happening?!"

"Gion, Hina, do you know he has the ability to make his body gigantic?"

Zephyr raised his head and backed away, while asking the two.

"No, I didn't know he had such power."

Gion frowned and said.

"Hina doesn't know either."

Hina opened her eyes wide and looked at Rifan with the same


"What the hell is going on here?"

Lily was stunned for a few seconds before she came back to her senses.

She looked in shock at Rifan whose body suddenly swelled to the size of

a titan, and asked her question.

"With this figure, do you still think I'm not worthy of you, Lily?"

Rifan ignored other astonishment, the corner of his mouth was raised, as

he looked at Lily, who was getting smaller and smaller in the palm of his

hand, and said instead of answering her questions.

Chapter 391: Rifan Giant Form!

In the eyes of the blue star audience, in the eyes of Rifan, Gion, Nami and

others are getting far away.

Rifan's height has grown and grown.

30 meters!

50 meters!

100 meters!

Rifan's height and weight continue to expand.

The Marine warship began to sink towards Rifan.

Seeing this, Rifan directly used the power of float devil fruit to levitate


After reaching a certain height, he stepped on the air with both feet.



A thunderous sound exploded above the Marine warship and the Black


Rifan's body also kept flying towards higher places.

Although he can use the power of Float Devil Fruit to make himself fly, in

order to avoid being discovered by Zephyr and Gion he still chose to use

the Moonwalk method to levitate himself more safely.

As for Mikita's Kilo Fruit.

Rifan found that when his weight reached a certain level, using the Kilo

Fruit to make him float required more energy than using the Moonwalk.

Therefore, he naturally chose to use Moonwalk.

"This, what is this, isn't Rifan a human being, how did he become bigger

than me?!"

"Wait, my daughter, please don't hurt my daughter!" Panz looked up at

Rifan's huge figure and shouted in panic.

"Could it be that Rifan is not human?"

"Is he actually a titan?"

"So, Nojiko is also a titan!?"

"However, why was Rifan always in a small state before?"

"Is this some kind of Devil Fruit power too?"

"However, isn't this a duplicate of that girl's ability?"

The female Giant Vice Admiral Louise tilted her head, looked puzzled,

and excitedly looked at the increasingly huge Rifan in the sky.

"200 meters, 300 meters, 500 meters, 800 meters, 1000 meters, he is still


"How high is this Rifan going to be?"

"Gion, Hina, this information is not in your report."

Zephyr frowned, and turned to look at Hina, Gion and the others.

While Rifan's body is getting bigger, Rifan is also stepping on air.

And as Rifan's body became bigger and bigger, the noise made when

using Moonwalk became more and more intense.

Just listening to the sound, many Marine soldiers could no longer hold

on, and squatted down with their hands covering their ears.

Under such circumstances, Zephyr would not think that he was


Rifan, he is really turning into a huge Giant that is bigger than the Giant


But such intelligence has never appeared in Marine's intelligence


It's no wonder that Zephyr asked Hina and Gion who were investigating

Rifan suspiciously.

"Teacher Zephyr, Hina really didn't know that Rifan had this ability."

Hina shook her head and said quickly.

"Hina's right."

"Zephyr-sensei, this is the first time we've seen Rifan use his ability."

"We are also quite puzzled."

Gion pursed her lips and looked at the sky with deep eyes.

"Perhaps, Rifan's partners will know something?"

Momonga frowned and turned to look at Nami, Moria and the others.

But soon, Momonga began to doubt his own judgment.

Because, except for Robin and Kalifa, the two extremely calm people, the

rest of the members of the Black Pearl Pirates showed extremely

surprised expressions

Especially Moria.

Although Rifan has persuaded Moria not to hope to gain power by

creating powerful zombies.

But now, Moria still yearns for a strong body.

And the current Rifan undoubtedly has such a strong body.

"1000, not 2000, no, it's already reached 3000?"

"Although not as good as the devil Oz."

"But this body is already quite powerful."

"Rifan, you really hide it deeply."

"To have such power, why didn't you say it earlier…"

At this moment, Moria, who has successfully lost weight, opened his

hands with a huge long sword on hia back, looked at Rifan in the sky

with great excitement and said.

" T-T-T-This is too big!"

At this moment, Perona was so surprised that the teddy bear in her hand

fell off without even noticing.

Carina: "Captain Rifan is amazing."

Nami: "Yeah, I don't know how many secrets Captain Rifan still has that

we don't know."

Bonney: "Don't worry, that guy still has a lot of secrets, Nami. However,

the appearance of this ability is really shocking."

Chopper: "Amazing! Amazing! Captain Rifan is now more of a monster

than me being a monster!

Franky: "As expected of Captain Rifan, he can always refresh my

knowledge. I don't know what kind of guns and shells to build to match

the current height of Captain Rifan."

Nojiko: "It's really...huge."

Brook: "Yohoho, the current appearance of Captain Rifan, I don't know if

he is as big as the current Laboon.

Mikita: "Captain Rifan, you're amazing! Robin, have you seen Captain

Rifan's current appearance before?

Robin: "That, it's impossible not to notice it."

Vivi: "Captain Rifan, you actually have a power that I don't know about!"

Kalifa: "As expected of you…"

Hina: "Rifan..."

At this moment, Rifan's height is so huge that it can block the sky.

If measured carefully, Rifan's height has reached 67 meters, which

happens to be the same height as the Devil Oars!

It flew in the sky, even covering the sun.

The Black Pearl and Zephyr's Marine warships are all shrouded in the

huge shadow of Rifan.

The sound he made when he used Moonwalk was even louder than


Bursts of invisible sound waves spread in all directions with Rifan using


Even the sea water began to be affected, and the waves spread in all

directions centered on the Black Pearl and the Marine warship.

At this time, Lily had already lifted the effect of her devil fruit.

Her height has also reached a height of about 20 meters.

But even so, she still looks little in Rifan's hands at this moment.

No, compared to when Rifan didn't use titanization and Lili didn't release

her Devil Fruit's ability, she is more like a little girl!

Chapter 392: Female Titan's

Invitation Task!

The impact of Rifan's Gigantification using bloodline skills is too great.

The people of Panda were extremely excited by that huge figure.

But it also troubles those who hate Rifan and the officials of some


After all, Rifan's current posture is really too terrifying.

They have no doubt that the current Rifan has the power to easily

destroy a town.

How much they hope that someone can kill Rifan.

Of course, Rifan can't see these people's worries now.

Even if he knows it, he will just laugh it off.

"You, what the hell are you?!"

"Aren't you a human being, are you a special race in the Giant Race - A

Super Gigant Giant Race?"

Lily opened her mouth wide, looked up at Rifan's face hidden by the

clouds and questioned loudly.

"That's a good question, but I won't tell you for now. After you become

my partner, I'll tell you."

"So now, can you give me your answer now, Lily?"

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, and he lowered his voice and said to



Lily was speechless for a while.

She is still amazed by Rifan's change, and has completely forgotten that

Rifan invited her to be his partner before.

After being reminded by Rifan, she suddenly realized that Rifan turned

into a Giant just to prove that he has the right to be with her.

As for Rifan's current appearance, although he has become bigger, he has

also reached a level that Lily could not have dreamed of.

"Well, first of all, thank you for inviting me."

"But with your appearance, I don't think we can be together."

"You're just too...too big."

Lily stood up straight and said to Rifan solemnly.

However, her voice just fell.

Rifan's body began to shrink rapidly again, returning to the previous state

of about twenty meters.

"Then how about this, it should be fine like this."

Rifan said with a smile on his face.

Although he only wanted to invite Lily to be a member of his pirate

group at first.

It didn't occur to him to make Lily his own woman.

But seeing Lily's misunderstanding of this matter, he also wanted to take

advantage of the situation to tease her.

"You and I..."

Lily's eyes widened, she looked at Rifan in surprise and blushing.

Because Rifan's body shrinks rapidly, it is naturally impossible for her to

stand in air.

Therefore, after Rifan regained his height of more than 20 meters.

He held Lily in his arms in the form of a princess carry.

And when did Lily go through such a scene?

A princess hug or something, even when she was a child, her father never

did that to her.

Therefore, Rifan doing it to her suddenly, even though she had a big

personality, she couldn't help being a little shy, and avoided Rifan's sight

and looked towards the sea.

But her shy expression didn't last long as Lily saw the pea-sized Marine

warship on the sea as she returned to a serious state.

She thought of her old father, Panz, tied to the Marine.

"That, Rifan."

"If I agree to your terms."

"You will really save my father, right?"

Lily raised her head and asked Rifan solemnly.

The Giant race worships power.

Since Rifan has great power.

And his body can become the same size as her.

In addition, Rifan's appearance is online.

In order to save her father, Lily was naturally willing to be with Rifan.

"Of course, I keep my word."

"As long as you are willing to be my partner and a member of the Black

Pearl Pirates."

"Of course I'll let the Marines release your father."

Rifan said seriously.

He thought that Lily was talking about becoming a partner, but he didn't

think she was talking about men and women, so his expression turned


"Well, I agree to your terms, Rifan."

"However, how are you going to save my father?"

"Those Marines just now seemed reluctant to let my father go."

Lily looked at the Marine warship on the sea again, and asked Rifan.

"It's a very simple thing."

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a light smile:

"If you read the latest newspaper."

"It should be understood that I have become one of the Seven Shichibukai

of the Sea recognized by the Marine and World Government.

"So, on top of some small things, the Marine and World Government also

have to give me some respect.

"Although you are a pirate, you don't seem to have a bounty."

"So, your risk level should not be high."

"Marine was able to agree with me to have Moria as my partner."

"Naturally, they won't have any objections if I ask them to release your

father because I want to accept you as my crew member."

"It just so happens that your father didn't seem to have committed any

serious crimes."

"So, it's not hard for me to ask the Marine to let your father go."

Hearing this, Lily thought for a while, frowned and said:

"But, the Marine with the mechanical arm."

"It seems that he have a lot of opinions on pirates."

"If he wants to stop it, what should we do?"

Hearing this, Rifan smiled and said:

"If he wants to stop me, then I'll beat him up first."

Lily looked at Rifan, a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

"Aren't you afraid that after you fight him, the Marine will revoke your

Shichibukai status?"

"Hehe, they won't, especially at this time."

"So, what's your answer, Lily?"

"Okay! Now that you've said that, for my father, I agree to your request!"

Since Rifan has already said this.

Lily didn't have any worries in her heart.

She also understood that at this moment, if she wanted to fish her father

out of Marine's grasp.

She can only do it by relying on Rifan.

And as Lily's voice fell.

A prompt that only he could hear appeared in Rifan's mind.

[Rifan, you have triggered the invitation task of "Lily

Enstomach"————Save her Father Panz. ]

[After completing the task, you will receive corresponding rewards. ]

'It's done!'

Rifan was overjoyed and said with a light smile:

"The contract has been fulfilled, so next, I'll save your father."

"Before that, do you want to use your ability to shrink first?"

"It's almost time for me to return to normal human size."

Chapter 393: Is Rifan A Hybrid Of

Human And Giant??

Using the 'Bloodline' skill --- Gigantification is a very energy-consuming


Especially after Rifan turned into a state of more than 20 meters before,

and then continued to grow to 67 meters.

After experimenting, Rifan found that after using the Gigantification

bloodline skills, his normal state is more than 20 meters tall.

That he can continue to increase his height.

As long as he continues to stimulate the bloodline skills in his body, it

will be enough.

However, as his height continued to grow, Rifan found that although his

strength had increased.

But the physical energy consumed is also increasing at a very

exaggerated ratio.

This also means that when his body gets bigger, the durability of the

battle will decrease even more.

If only that's the case.

Rifan also found that his body was about 20 meters away from the

normal state.

If it continues to increase, his control over his body will also begin to

decline crazily.

In the most exaggerated state, after his height reaches about 67 meters,

although his strength has increased, his speed has dropped terribly.

Rifan felt strenuous when he moved a little.

In that state, he was completely an easy target.

And it's still a state that will eat up his physical energy crazily.

In addition, Rifan also felt that he could not use some of the body

techniques he had mastered.

It can be said that his tall body deprived him of his skills.

Of course, what is even more exaggerated is that it was just a moment


Rifan found that his physical fitness had dropped to a rather exaggerated


If he wants to describe it, it's as if he has just experienced a half a day

battle in a few seconds!

Although he doesn't look different on the surface now.

But his body is already in a state of fatigue.

'After using the bloodline skill to become a titan, it's enough to become a

normal state of more than 20 meters.'

Rifan secretly made a decision in his heart.

"Oh fine."

After Lily heard Rifan's words, she used her abilities obediently to make

herself a height of about 30 centimeters.

Seeing this, Rifan took advantage of the situation and returned to his

original height.

"Hey, Rifan, are you really a Giant?"

"Why can your body get bigger, and how big can it be?"

"Or, what is your devil fruit power that can make your body bigger?"

After Rifan put Lily on his shoulder, Lily made a big gesture and asked


After being surprised, Lily thought about her own ability, and began to

speculate whether Rifan had eaten some kind of ability that was

completely opposite to her devil fruit.

"My Giant form..." Rifan raised his lips, "You can think that I have the

blood of a Giant in my body."

nothing wrong saying this!

Although "Gigantification" is a skill.

But since it is a skill that has something to do with bloodlines.

It is reasonable for Rifan to say that he has the blood of the Giant Race!

"You really have the blood of a Giant!?"

"Could it be that you are a hybrid of humans and giants?"

At this moment, Lily's small eyes were full of curiosity.

Although there is a huge difference in size between humans and giants.

However, among the Giant family, it is difficult to guarantee that some

relatively short giants will not appear.

And among humans, it is hard to guarantee that some tall humans will

not appear.

So it is not impossible for giants And human beings to come together.

For Lily's question, Rifan just smiled mysteriously and did not give too

much explanation.

Subsequently, Rifan stopped using moonwalk.

Let his body free fall towards the sea surface.

However, although Rifan didn't say anything,

But Lily had secretly made up her mind.

Rifan is a person with Giant Blood.

It's just that Rifan didn't inspire this Giant Blood in normal times.

That's why he have the height of common humans.

And once Rifan stimulates the Giant Blood in his body, he will be able to

keep his body taller and taller!

Chapter 394: Blank Chapter!

[pic] Cammie White Pic

Chapter 395: Cammie White!

One Piece World.

In the air.

Rifan is taking Lily in a free fall towards the Black Pearl and Zephyr's

Marine warship.

Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the sea in the side direction, and

a sharp red light flashed in his eyes, representing the light of observation


'The image of that woman...could it be Cammy White who appeared in a

fighting game?!"

That's right, she is within Rifan range of perception at this moment.

A woman wearing a blue crop top, deep blue tight trousers, gloves on

both hands, and slender gold hair is standing on the deck of a pirate ship.

That highly recognizable image immediately reminded Rifan of Cammie

in Street Fighter.

After all, this woman also talked in the reincarnator exchange group.

At this moment, I saw this character who was similar to Cammie White in

the fighting game that Rifan remembered.

Rifan naturally connected the two together.

'Forget it, it's still important to finish my business with the marines. '

Rifan shook his head, retracted his gaze, and looked at the Black Pearl

and the Marine Warship below.

Although he was somewhat interested in Cammie in the fighting game he

liked before, he wanted to see what kind of character she was in the real


But in the final analysis, she is a reincarnator of another country.

And now Rifan has serious business to do.

Therefore, there is no need for him to meet Cammie right now.

Besides, Cammie on the opposite side may not necessarily welcome him

to come over.

"What are you looking at, Rifan?"

"Is there an ambush over there?"

Seeing Rifan's deep eyes looking into the distance, Lily couldn't help

asking in doubt.

"It's no big deal."

"It's not an ambush over there."

"It's just that there's an acquaintance out there who's from the same place

as me."

Rifan withdrew his gaze and said to Lily with a smile on his face.

"Is that so..."

Lily nodded thoughtfully when she heard this.

Soon, she turned her attention to the Marine warship on the sea below.

There, but there is still her father who needs to be rescued.

Chapter 396: Rifan's

Gigantification Is Too Terrifying!

[Panda Audience B: Sure enough, the reincarnator Cammie White is

nearby. ]

[Panda Audience A: Hiss, and according to what Rifan said earlier, he has

already discovered her!]

[Panda Audience C: It seems this woman is in danger~]

[Panda Audience D: Maybe Rifan will go to her after dealing with

Zephyr's affairs. ]

[Camel Audience C: Make sense, if Rifan is going to chase Cammie White.

There is no way for her to escape. ]

[Chollima Audience B: Don't, don't let such a thing happen!]

[Eagle Audience A: Even if you pray, it's useless, just give up. More than

Cammie White, I wonder if Rifan will run into Ethan. ]

[Panda Audience A: What, you still want to let Ethan and Blackbeard

work together to arrest Rifan after seeing his power?]

[Eagle Audience A: .…]

[Panda Audience B: This guy stopped talking, I think he is hoping that

Ethan will not run into Rifan. ]

[Panda Audience C: I think so too. Now Ethan and Blackbeard are still

rushing towards the Devil's Triangle sea area, I think it's because Rifan

hasn't defeated Zephyr to get the reward. If Rifan defeated Zephyr and

got a lot of rewards, this Ethan might be scared away. ]

[Panda Audience A: From this point of view, it would be best if Ethan

and Blackbeard arrived just when Rifan defeated Zephyr. At that time,

Ethan couldn't persuade Blackbeard to leave, hahaha. ]

[Eagle Audience b: Hmph, if Rifan fights Zephyr, even if he gets the

reward, he will consume a lot of energy. When Ethan brings Blackbeard

and others over, your Rifan's team is absolutely no match for our Ethan's

team. ]

[Panda A: You think too much, I think they don't need Rifan to defeat

Zephyr at all. Mikita, Robin, Nami and the others can just join forces and

press Zephyr to the ground and defeat him. ]

[Panda Audience B: Moria can join too, haha. ]

Seeing Panda Audience's message, the Eagle officials and the public

couldn't help but clenched their fists, feeling their teeth itching with


Although they don't want to admit it, they all understand that the people

of Panda are right.

Rifan does have the possibility of defeating Zephyr without his own shot

but with his partner's shot.

Thinking of this, their mood immediately became tense.

Some people began to pray that Ethan would not encounter Rifan.

After all, it seems that Rifan's power is not something that Ethan and

Blackbeard can handle.

Even if Ethan and Blackbeard beat Rifan.

Rifan also has the resurrection ability of resurrection devil fruit.

And after Rifan is resurrected, maybe he will try his best to take revenge

on Ethan in the dark.




"That, what is that!?"

"Aneki head, I saw a gigantic Giant appearing in the sky earlier!"

"And then suddenly disappeared?"

Bartolomeo, the barrier devil fruit ability user, raised his head and asked

the woman beside him in horror.

"That figure, could it be that person!"

The person whom Bartolomeo calls Big Sister is none other than Cammie


At the same time, she is also the captain of Bartolomeo.

Although at this moment Rifan has withdrawn from the super giant state.

But after he became gigantic, the figure hidden in the clouds is similar to

the photo Rifan left on the reward order.

Thinking of Rifan acquiring bloodlines --- Gigantification, and seeing

Rifan's indistinct appearance after becoming supergiant, Cammie

connected that huge figure with Rifan.

'However, that bloodline skill. '

'Is it really possible to make Rifan so big?'

'Or, is it because that man is so strong that it can make him that big?!'

thought Cammy White.

At this moment, Cammie thought of asking Rifan through the

reincarnator exchange group.

But thinking that this might draw Rifan's attention to her, and whether

Rifan treats her friendly is a mystery.

Therefore, Cammie quickly dismissed the idea of ​​asking about the


She even made up her mind to leave here immediately, so as not to be

approached by Rifan.

At this moment, she didn't know that Rifan had actually noticed her.

"Bartolomeo, let's go."

"Let's get out of here."

Cammie said seriously to Bartolomeo, then turned and walked towards

the rudder of the pirate ship.

She will personally operate the rudder and lead everyone away from this

sea area.

Compared with other people on the ship, she who has soldier experience

is more at ease in controlling the pirate ship.

"Understood, Aneki!"

Bartolomeo nodded heavily.

After he saw the giant mysterious thing in the sky, he was quite scared,

and also very much wanted to leave this place.

Even if the barrier fruit has a strong defense, he doesn't think that relying

on his own barrier fruit can fight against the huge creatures that block

the sky and block the sun.

If that huge creature landed him a single punch, even if there was a

barrier blocking it, the pirate ship under their feet would sink.

And once the pirate ship sinks, as a devil fruit user, he will have no

chance of surviving.

Chapter 397: Female Giant Vice

Admiral's Doubts About Rifan's


"Captain, I didn't expect you to be giant!"

"And you're even as tall as the Devil Oars!"

"Why didn't you say something like this earlier!?"

Rifan has just free-falled Lily onto the Marine warship.

Moria couldn't wait to go forward to ask Rifan.

It's no wonder, in Moria's heart.

The devil Oars tall body has a very special meaning.

Otherwise, he would not want to obtain the shadow of the strong man in

order to activate the huge body of the Devil Oars buried in the Thriller


It's just a pity that until now, he has not obtained the shadow of a strong

man to activate the body of the devil Oars.

"There's nothing for me to say."

"A huge body does not necessarily make a person stronger."

Rifan glanced at Moria and said.

After using the bloodline skill to become a giant, Rifan fully realized this.

On the side, Gion couldn't help but a sharp light flashed in her eyes when

she heard Rifan's words.

As smart as she is, she doesn't think Rifan's words are just casual talk.

If what Rifan said earlier is true. '

'That is to say, becoming a Giant doesn't necessarily increase his


'However, judging from the current situation.'

' Rifan is indeed not an ordinary human being.'

'He has blood from other races. '

The life span of the giants is more than three times that of humans.

If Rifan has the blood of the Giant race, his lifespan must be enough to

support his lifespan to strengthen other people. '

Gion rested her chin with one hand and thought in her heart.

At the same time, other people also have their own ideas in their hearts.

In the minds of the members of the Black Pearl Pirates, Rifan is someone

who has the blood of the Giant Race.

They also expected the same. After all, if Rifan is a giant, it further

proves what Rifan said earlier that he has a long lifespan was true.

Of course, they also understand that Rifan is definitely not just an

ordinary giant race.

After all, if this is the case, Rifan would not have shared the 100-year

lifespan with the members of the Black Pearl Pirates before.

"Hey, Rifan, are you really a giant?"

At this time, the female Giant Vice Admiral Louise squatted down, staring

straight at Rifan with a pair of big eyes.

"Hehe, guess what."

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled mysteriously at the

female giant.

"Really, I'm not a child…"

The female Giant frowned when she heard Rifan's words.

Regarding this, Rifan just shrugged and didn't say much.

What he wants to show is how the Marine can't see through him.

As for whether he is a giant, let them guess to their heart's content.

If everything was said, he would have no sense of mystery.

And the Marine, even the World Government would not treat him like

this now.

"Although I don't know why you can become a giant."

"But at least, that's the reason you can use the Elbaf techniques."

"What about her, she can also use Elbaf Gungnir, and should be able to

become a Giant like you."

"After all, human beings use the moves of the Giant family, and it really

is due to abnormalities."

Seeing that Rifan didn't want to give an answer, the female Giant

transferred her doubts to Nojiko.

"Whether Nojiko can become a Giant will not be said."

"However, you said that humans cannot use Giant moves, I am skeptical."

Rifan smiled mysteriously.

Louise frowned even more when she saw Rifan like this.

"Forget it, no matter what, I want to confirm with my own eyes whether

you can use the moves of the giants."

"Rifan, Nojiko, can you show it to me?"

The female Giant got up and stood up straight, and asked Rifan seriously.

She came here just to witness Rifan and Nojiko using the Giant Gungnir.

Although it was beyond her expectation that Rifan became a Giant


But that didn't make her change her mind.

Hearing this, Nojiko turned to look at Rifan.

Asking Rifan to make a decision.

"You want us to show you the giant technique?"

"It's not possible! But everything is about give and take."

"Since you want something from me."

"You probably don't mind if I get something from you."

"By the way, what's your name, female Giant Vice Admiral?"

Rifan raised his head and asked Louise with great interest.

"Just call me Louise."

"Rifan, don't you want to take advantage of me?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you and Nojiko can satisfy my curiosity."

"It's not impossible for me to accompany you for a while."

After finishing speaking, Louise showed an indifferent smile on her face.

When the people around heard this, they all looked at her in surprise.

Whether it's Marine or Pirate.

Rifan, too…

Chapter 398: Rifan Privilege!

"No, did I hear wrong earlier?! Louise Vice Admiral allowed Rifan to take

advantage of her?!"

"Are you kidding me? The size gap between them is too big. Can this be

an advantage?"

"You forgot, Rifan can turn into a giant."

"That's true! But is this kind of thing allowed? Rifan is a Shichibukai, but

he's still a pirate, and Louise Vice Admiral is a Marine!"

"This... is a little awkward."

"Is this the Giant family? There are really wild ones!"

On the Marine warship, all the seamen started talking.

Hearing these voices, Zephyr's already ugly face became more serious.

"Louise, be serious."

"The other side is a pirate!"

"And you are a Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters."

Zephyr raised his head and said to Louise with a serious face.

"Zephyr Instructor, what does it matter?"

"Anyway, this man won't really do anything to me."

"And what he said makes sense, since I want to gain something."

"Something has to be paid."

Louise waved her hand and said indifferently.

Seeing this, Zephyr was angry, but also helpless.

Among Marines, some Vice Admirals especially respect him.

But GiantVice Admiral is not among them.

After all, the Giant Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters has not received

his training and teaching.

It's normal for Louise to disobey his orders.

"Hehe, as expected of a female giant~"

"You're quite wild."

"But I think you're mistaken."

"By giving I don't mean taking advantage of you."

"It's something else."

After Rifan was surprised, he shook his head and said to Louise.

Of course, since taking advantage is mentioned.

Rifan also subconsciously detailed the appearance and body of the female


He has to say that the woman in front of him, Giant Vice Admiral Louise,

is also a beauty.

Although she is very tall, her body proportions are excellent.

Plus a good face.

This endows her with quite a bit of charisma.

Seeing Louise like this, Rifan also wanted to try to bounce on Louise like

Luffy bounced on Princess Shirahoshi's chest in the original book.

'Wait, with the body of a female giant, If I use the New Mother

Experience Ointment, it should be able to produce drinks that fill my


'By the way, is there a big difference between the mothers of the Giant

Race and human mothers?'

Rifan stroked his chin, his eyes resting on Louise's chest.

At this moment, he not only began to guess the difference between

human beings and female giants.

At the same time, he also began to guess the differences between human

mothers and mothers of various races.

In front of Rifan, Louise looked at Rifan's appearance, and became more

and more sure that Rifan wanted to take advantage of her.

She raised the corner of her mouth and laughed loudly:

"I thought you, as a great pirate, were a straightforward man."

"It turned out to be a man who was unwilling to admit his desires."

"Rifan, what you said earlier that you want is not what I said."

"Then what do you want?"

Having said that, Louise showed a mocking smile on her face.

She wanted to see what excuse Rifan would find.

Rifan smiled and looked at Zephyr beside him:

"Remember what I said earlier..."

"This Lily on my shoulder, I've taken a fancy to her."

"She will be my partner."

"So, I want you Marines to look out for my sake and let Lily go, and her

father at the same time."

As soon as his voice fell, Louise showed a stunned expression.

It seems that she did not expect that Rifan would suddenly jump into the

aspect of letting Marine go.

But after thinking about it, Louise could understand.

"Impossible, Rifan, I don't need to give you such face."

Zephyr frowned, and said to Rifan unhappily.

He didn't want the pirate he caught earlier to be let go like this.

"Zephyr, don't forget, I am now the Shichibukai recognized by your


"As a Shichibukai, I have certain authority."

"It shouldn't be difficult for you Marines to let you let go of my partner's


"Or, do you want me to contact Sengoku, or contact the World

Government, so they can release him?"

Rifan laughed.

He does remember, when Jinbei became Shichibukai.

Marine once released Arlong and his party who had been captured and

was sent to Impel down.

Since Marine was able to let Arlong and the others go because of Jinbei,

why not ask Marine to let Lily father go.

Sure enough, Zephyr frowned immediately after hearing Rifan's words.

He is also an old Marine, so he naturally knows that Rifan is right.

Rifan don't even need to call the world government.

As long as Rifan gets in touch with Sengoku, Sengoku will persuade him

to let Panz Fry go.

After all, this guy didn't do anything outrageous after all.

Chapter 399: Beat Me First!

The female Giant Louise looked at Zephyr. In her heart, she actually

didn't want Panz, a compatriot, to have an accident.

But she also understands that the highest officer here is Zephyr.

In terms of releasing people, she still has to listen to Zephyr.

At this time, Gion came to Zephyr, and whispered next to him:

"Zephyr-sensei, I understand you don't want to let the pirates go."

"But as Rifan said."

"If this matter gets to Marshal Sengoku or the Five Elders."

"It will end up having to let the Giant go too."

"With the strength of Rifan and the Black Pearl Pirates, it is very difficult

for us to forcibly take that pirate away."

"Didn't Louise Vice Admiral want to see Rifan and Nojiko's use elbaf

techniques with her own eyes?"

"We can also learn from Louise Vice Admiral and get more information

about the Black Pearl Pirates on the grounds of letting the Giant pirate


"Aside from other things, don't you also want to know about Moria's

current strength?"

After finishing speaking, Gion took a special look at Moria who had

successfully lost weight and became obviously much stronger.

Zephyr frowned, following Gion's gaze.

After thinking for a while, Zephyr breathed a sigh, and said to Rifan


"Okay, I agree to let the pirate go."

"But before that, you have to beat me first, Rifan."

"Or, let your group beat me!"

Chapter 400: Blank Chapter

Chapter 400: Blank Chapter

Chapter 401: Hokaku +

Conqueror Infusion!

When Rifan heard Zephyr's declaration, a smile appeared on his face.

He has been watching Zephyr.

And although Gion's voice is low, it cannot escape his Observation Haki.

Therefore, he naturally knew that they wanted to know Moria's strength

through this fight.

Even, if possible, they also want to know the strength of more members

of the Black Pearl Pirates besides Moria.

"Hehe, you just want to see how strong Moria is now, right?"

"Okay, I allow Moria to fight you."

"But, Zephyr, you are the former Admiral of Naval Headquarters after


"Although I believe in Moria's strength."

"But I don't want to waste too much time here."

"So I'll just give you ten minutes to fight Moria alone."

"After ten minutes have passed, I will let my other partners join the battle

to defeat you."

"And isn't this Ms. Louise wants to confirm whether or not Nojiko can

really use Elbaf's techniques?"

"When Nojiko join the fight later, you can confirm it with your own


Rifan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a chuckle.

"Wait, I want to experience it with my own hands!"

Louise raised her hand and said.

"It's the same, with such a close distance, since you are a Giant, you can

tell if the move is Elbaf technique or not."

"You can also feel how powerful Nojiko is when she uses this move."

"Besides, since you can confirm it with the naked eye, why do you have

to risk yourself to experience it by hurting yourself?"

Rifan waved his hand at Louise, directly rejecting her proposal.

"What about you, aren't you going to make a move?"

"I'm here this time, to also ​​ see you use it yourself."

Louise asked.

"I have shown the power to become a giant Giant~."

"Do you still think I can't use the elbaf techniques?"

Rifan raised his eyebrows, raised his head and asked Louise.

"Come here, if you can't see it."

"Even if I go back, I won't be able to sleep."

The corner of Louise's mouth raised, and she said it as a matter of course.

"I see, it seems that you won't be satisfied until you see me using it…"

Rifan sighed, looked at Lily on his shoulders, then at her father, and

finally at Zephyr who obviously wanted to fight with him.

A little helpless, he said:

"Well, since that's the case."

"Then I'll make a move.

"Zephyr, you can be saved."

As Rifan said, he took out his famous sword from his personal storage.

Originally, because of the previous use of oversized Giantization.

Rifan didn't want to waste his energy fight.

But in order to be able to safely let the Marine hand over Lily's father.

In order to see if he can let Giant Louise leave something to drink in his

refrigerator later.

Rifan can only choose to show his skill.

"Should we land on an island, Rifan?"

Gion asked.

"No need, it's a waste of time.

"It's not a serious fight anyway."

"As long as you don't intervene, it won't be long before it's over."

Rifan shook his head and said.

"Heh, you are really confident, Rifan."

"It seems that this old man is completely underestimated."

Zephyr snorted coldly and said.

"I'm not underestimating you, Zephyr."

"It's just that you've lived in seclusion for so long after all."

"Even if you were a Marine Admiral."

"But in terms of strength, it should have degraded a lot."

"Plus I'm fighting with my buddies."

"I don't think you have much advantage."

"Besides, my partners Moria and Nojiko are not weak~"

Rifan said confidently with the same corner of his mouth.

There was one more thing he didn't say.

That is if Zephyr still has the powers of his former days as Marine


His arm would not be cut off by the retarted looking Whitebeard II.

Speaking of the current Zephyr, his strength may not be as strong as

when he fought Luffy in the original book.

At that time, Zephyr faced countless and more brutal battles again

because he quit the Marine.

His strength may be restored to some extent as a result.

Now, though, Zephyr also presides over Marine Guerrilla.

But the battle he is facing now is bound to be inferior to the battle in the

future time period when he has withdrawn from Marine.

Even the current Zephyr is about two years younger.

But Rifan still feels that the strength of the current Zephyr may not be

comparable to the future version of Zephyr.

After finishing speaking, Rifan raised the sharp sword in his hand, and

the conqueror aura overflowed from it.

In an instant, it seemed that the entire space was trembling.

The common sailor who was closer to Rifan fell to the ground on the


"Haki of Conquerors!"

A light flashed in Louise's eyes, and she looked at Rifan in amazement.

Even as the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, she marveled at the

strength of Rifan's Conqueror's.

It's no wonder, Rifan's Conqueror's Haki has now reached Advanced.

Even if he doesn't fully utilize the deterrence of his Conqueror's Haki.

It's enough to keep Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral on the line.

As for those weak Marines, one after another, they started falling like a


Zephyr originally wanted to reply to Rifan.

But after feeling Rifan's powerful aura, he immediately became serious.

"Everyone, stay away from here."

"Those who can act leave with those who cannot."

Zephyr bent his legs, with his mechanical arms lying in front of him,

ready to face Rifan.

The Marines, who can still move, heard Zephyr's words and immediately


Soon, there was a large space around Rifan and Zephyr.

"I don't need to tell you about the Giant techniques, Zephyr, you should

also understand it yourself."

"This time, I'm going to wrap Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki to

use this move."

"So, don't blame me for not reminding you, Zephyr."

"If you don't deal with it seriously, you may not be able to test Moria's

strength in a while."

After Rifan said that, the Armament Haki and Conqueror's energy energy

on his body began to wrap around the sharp blade in his hand.

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