Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One_Piec Система питания1


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One Piece: Система питания

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Краткое содержание

Джейсон, студент колледжа, которому наскучила повседневная

жизнь и который ищет перемен, наконец получает то, что хочет.

После того, как Джейсон возвращается домой после колледжа, на его

ноутбуке появляется странный опрос, и он с любопытством отвечает

на вопросы, которые навсегда изменят его жизнь!

Родители получили серьезное предупреждение

Undying Will!

Rein walked through the streets swiftly, but he didn't know the location

of the Rosefett residents. All he could do was ask a few people around

him. Most would keep their distance when they saw him walking down

the street. Rein sighed and saw a middle-aged man outside next to his

food stand.

"Yo, old man, Could you tell me the location of the Rosefett Residence? I

can slide you a few belies if you can tell me." Rein didn't want to ask the

bartender about the Rosefett family. He felt like he asked him enough, so

he decided to take his chances with someone on the street.

"I'm only 32, how in the hell am I old!?" The man was suddenly angered

after being called old.

"Oh, well anyway, could you tell me or not?"

"Damn! Of course, if you can slide me a few belies like you said then I

would be more than happy to tell you." The man shook his head looking

at Rein who completely ignored his question. Rein gave the man a few

belies and he began to speak.

Apparently, it was a huge mansion in the city near the C-gate, while the

Malone residence was near the D-gate. So, the RoseFett family residence

was located near the C-gate, the man gave him great detail of the


"Hmm, Why do you want to know the location so badly, are you a

business partner with them of something?" The man felt like this was the

only reason anyone would look for them. I mean, who would dare to

start trouble with them.

"Yes, we are business partners, thanks for the help!" Rein walked off after

saying his last bit of words.

"Jeez, people these days are getting weirder and weirder." The middle-

aged man shook his head and put the belies into a big bag of money, it

looked like he was saving up.

This city was pretty big, so it would take Rein about twenty to thirty

minutes to reach the C gate. While he was walking, he spotted two

familiar figures coming out of a shop. This was obviously Kuina and

Nojiko who were in the middle of shopping.

Rein called out to them and they both turned to him right after. "Oh,

Rein, did you finish up on what you were doing?" Nojiko asked and said.

"No, there is still a part two to what I need to do. A buddy of mine was

captured because of the last job we did. Now he is being framed by some

noble and some corrupted marines."

"What? Wait, are you going to go look for them for trouble to get this

guy?" Kuina's eyes grew wide, there was excitement in them, she was

clearly looking for trouble herself.

"Haha, that's right, it's a good thing I spotted you guys on my way there.

It's best you get what you need fast because things are about to get really

bad." Rein was about to cause a ruckus, it wasn't going to be good for

them if they stayed on this island.

"Oh, yeah! This is my kinda fight, let's go together!" Kuina smiled and

gripped her sword that was sheathed to her side.

"For sure, but Nojiko might need you, so?"

"It's okay, I will be going to two more stores then I'll head back to the

ship immediately." Nojiko didn't have the strength to protect herself yet

so she would easily become a simple target for anyone.

At that moment, marines could be seen running down the street, they ran

right pass everyone. They were heading toward the A-gate, it was

obvious what they were going there to do. "Nojiko, here are some extra

belies, go buy some Denden Mushis, we'll need two of them!" Rein

handed some more money to Nojiko to buy some DenDen Mushi, they

were quite expensive.

"Okay, I'll hop right on it!" Nojiko left right after and all that remained

was Kuina and Rein. Rein had no problem taking Kuina, she needed the

experience and she was apart of his crew now. She was going to face this

situation sooner or later, so why not sooner?

"Let's go!" Rein could only hope Erica was on her guard when those

marines attacked. He was confident in her ability so there was no need to

worry for her, but Nami was a different story.

Rein and Kuina rushed off to the C-block near the C-gate.

Back on the sea where the destroyed and burning ships were, several men

appeared on the surface of the water. "Damn, our ships were completely

wiped out by that fireball, what the hell was that!?" This man was Kled

who commanded the last attack on Rein's ship.

"Ah, sir, you're alive, what a relief!" Another man swam over to Kled, this

was Richard the one who warned him about attacking them. He wanted

to call Neegan for help but Kled didn't listen.

"Of course, I'm alive, let's get to shore and warn the rest, I sent out a

message to the marines before the DenDen Mushi died." They both

nodded and began to swim back to shore with some other marines that

had survived Rein and Erica's attack.

However, at this time there was something else going on.

Rosefett Residence



"Pfft!" Vindicate, who just received a punch in the stomach and slap to

the face, spat out blood. He had suffered being beaten for nearly twenty

hours, it was surprising that he was still alive at this point, but he

wouldn't bend no matter what!

"Tell us what you did with the magical fruit or we'll give you another

beating!" The Two muscular men lavished beating this fool. They were

true sadists that love this type of job the most, it had been a while since

they had done this and they savored every bit of it.

"Hehe, piss off, I don't know what you're talking about and if I did, I

wouldn't tell you two clowns anything, dance for me clown boys,

hahaha!" Vindicate laughed with a pitful face filled with blood.

"Son of a bitch!" Vindicate hit their soft spots as they were both named

Dōkeshi and Kuronī which meant Clownman and clowny in Japanese.

This really pissed them off badly. Coldness flashed in their eyes and so

did killing intent!

Author Note: Dōkeshi = Clownman Kuronī = Clowny

"Hold it right there guys!" At that time a man dressed in a Burgundy suit

with a flower sticking out came in. He had black hair and black eyes, he

had a cold grin on his face, he may look handsome but he was a pretty

evil and corrupted fellow.

This was Marth Rosefett!

"Mister.. what was it? Vindicate? Whatever, I suggest you talk, what do

you say?" Marth smiled awaiting Vindicate's answer.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I don't know anything about a

Fruit! All we did was take down some pirates and nothing more, are you

crazy!?" Vindicate was annoyed with this guy's smug smile, he really

wished to punch this spoiled brat with all his remaining strength.

"Crazy!?" Marth almost lost his sanity hearing Vindicate speak to him like

that, but if you ask me, I think that had long been lost!

"Hahaha! Since you won't talk, then I got something that'll jog that

memory of yours!" Marth's face turned sinister and he clapped his hands.

Once he did that, a man came in with seven children who were shivering

in fear.

"Looks like the real fun's about to begin!" Dōkeshi laughed with joy, he

couldn't wait to see Vindicate's reaction, yes, that would make him feel

really good~~!

"What are you doing!? Don't go too far Marth, you spoiled piece of shit!"

Vindicate cursed Marth in a vile manner with no restraint.

"How dare you speak to me like that, do you want to DIE!?" Marth almost

vomited blood, he couldn't take being insulted. Who actually dared to

ever talk to him like that? Not even his dad spoke to him like nor did he

even hit him once, but some lowly commoner was talking down to him!


"If after this you don't talk, I'll chop you into a thousand pieces, then I'll

hunt your friends down!" Marth gritted his teeth and looked at the little


"Bring the little girl over in the dirty white worn-out dress!" The man

who brought them in nodded and dragged her over.

"No! Please, I wanna go home, where is my mommy?" The little girl had

tears in her eyes, she and the rest of the kids here were the remaining

survivors of that village. Vindicate went to investigate.

"Come here you little shit!" Marth forcefully pulled the girl's arm which

caused her pain.


"Now, listen to me, one last time, tell me or else!" Marth pulled out a

pistol and aimed it at the kid's head while looking at Vindicate with the

widest smile ever!

"You've really gone off the deep end!" Vindicate was startled seeing what

this guy's means of getting information.

"I really don't know man, please, don't do this!" Vindicate started to beg

but this made Dōkeshi and Kuronī so happy that they almost came in

their pants, they simply loved this look the most!

"Yes, beg more, hahaha!" Kuronī couldn't hold it in and drooled, he felt a

wave of delight running through his body.

"You don't know, huh?" Marth sighed then smiled after.


Marth shot his gun but not at the girl in his grip but at a random boy

standing with the other kids!



"No, Peter!"

The other kids screamed out in total fear, the little boy dropped dead

instantly, he didn't even know that he died!

"You're Crazy!" Vindicate's eyes turned bloodshot seeing the dead kid

lying on the floor, this guy was completely evil, without the hope of


"Crazy!? Didn't I tell you not to call me that!"


Another shot was fired and another kid dropped dead, it was a little girl

this time. The barrel bullet went right through her head, she died



Vindicate coughed up blood from anger!

Some of the kids lost consciousness from the bloody scene while some

peed themselves in dread.

They couldn't even cry tears anymore.

"Now, it's this little girl's turn!" Marth smiled sinisterly and cocked the

pistol, ready to fire.

Suddenly, the door of the room was kicked open!

"What the hell is going here!?" This was Rein and Kuina who had just

arrived. They fought their way through the mansion of guards. Rein

looked at the dead kids on the floor in shock, Kuina was even more

shocked, her eyes lost their light for an instant before they came back.

Rein looked over at the Vindicate who wasn't even looking at him. No, he

was staring at Marth and the little girl he had as a hostage with

bloodshot eyes and a beaten face.

"Who the fuck are you!? Trash these days have the nerve to break into

other people's houses!?" Kuronī looked at Rein and Erica like they were

dead people, no, he would torture them first and slowly killed them!

"Who did that to those kids?" Kuina drew her sword, she was outraged at

the moment, she wanted to kill for some reason now.

"You peasants, you actually broke into my noble home! Are you sick of

living!?" Marth pointed his gun at Kuina and shot!


However, the bullet was blocked by Kuina, and she then rushed Marth to

take him out.

"Oh, don't do that, remember, I still have this little kid here so you better

not move or else, hehe!" Kuina stopped in her tracks, when suddenly she

was attacked from behind but she easily deflected it.

"Not a bad woman, I'll enjoy capturing you for a good torture session!

Oh, how I love women the most when it comes to that, their screams are

the best!" Kuronī licked his sword and spoke with a lecherous smile.

"Ew, garbage like you shouldn't be qualified to live in this world!" Kuina

spoke no more and engaged the man in a sword fight.

At this time, Dōkeshi looked at Rein who was staring at the little dead

kids. "Fool! Don't be distracted, go die you dumbass!" Dōkeshi grabbed an

axe that was on the wall nearby. This was a weapon they used for torture

by cutting people's limbs off slowly.

However, Rein shot a fireblast at Dōkeshi who wasn't expecting

something like this. Dōkeshi jumped out of the way with a satisfied smile

and looked toward Rein. Sadly, Rein wasn't standing there anymore.

"What!?" Suddenly, the man pierced through the chest!

"AH!" He was lifted off the ground from the piercing weapon, it was

Rein's bone wings that pierced him. Dōkeshi's body was set ablaze, he

screamed hysterically until his voice was no more.

⭑Congratulations Rein, you've killed Dōkeshi the Torturer, you've

received: 10,000 System Points!

Kuronī turned around after hearing his brother scream.


He wanted to turn to help but he was kicked in the face and sent flying

upside down through the wall. Kuronī fainted from the powerful impact

and wasn't waking up anytime soon. "Always keep your eye on the

opponent or you'll be killed before you know it!"

Vindicate came out of his daze and looked at the Rein's figure. He didn't

say anything, he was feeling really down right now. He couldn't

recognize Rein anyway with the outfit he was wearing.

Suddenly more bodyguards stormed the room, it was about twenty of

them. They were carrying weapons such as sword, pistol, and spears.

They cut off all means of escape and were ready to attack upon the young

master's orders.

"You pieces of shit actually attack my dogs and even killed one of them,

I'll kill you all by starting with this little girl! HAHAHA!"

Rein face changed and so did Kuina's!

"No! Don't" Vindicate hollered.

Marth smiled coldly and cocked his pistol back! Rein was about to make

his move but suddenly!


A strange phenomenon took place, the environment changed color as the

wind was kicked up out of nowhere. The sound of buzzing could be heard

throughout the room. Then, people started fainted one at a time!

Rein was shocked!

Kuina grabbed her head, she felt a headache. All the men in the room

and in the mansion fainted on the spot. The little girl being held hostage

also fainted, including the kids that were still awake.

Conqueror Haki!

Vindicate had released and awakened Conquerors Haki!

Marth looked at all the fainted people with a stunned expression, he was

still awake which indicated that he had a strong will. Rein didn't need to

think and made his move to attack Marth. Rein kneed Marth in the

stomach which almost made him shit his pants.

Marth slammed hard into the wall and screamed. He began to roll around

in pain, Rein didn't use much force, but if he did, he would have broken

all of his bones.

"Y-You DaRE!" Kuina stood up while holding her head and cut Vindicate

loose. Vindicate picked up an axe from the ground and walked towards

Rein and Marth.

"This trash can't be allowed to live!" Rein didn't stop him.

"Do you know who I am, I am the Rosefett families young ma.." He didn't

get to finish when his head was decapitated from his body. Kuina backed

away with a grossed-out expression on her face and went over to the

fainted kids.

"I don't know who you are, but thanks." Vindicate was breathing roughly

and sat down.

"We know each other, take a look for yourself." Rein removed his helmet

to reveal his face.

"Gasp! It's you!" Vindicate's eyes grew as wide as they could since they

were swollen.

"Yup, now do you understand the corruption of the marines and nobles?

They set you up and was going to kill you and even killed these innocent

children." Vindicate couldn't say anything, he would be deemed a

criminal now, he didn't hesitate to kill this noble for his actions.

"We're both wanted people, so all we can be now is pirates, do you want

to join my crew?" This man had just unlocked Conqueror Haki, this guy

was a golden member for his crew, he had to have him.

"A pirates, this..." Vindicate couldn't believe it, he would really have to be

a pirate. What choice did he have, he had also worked with Rein and

Erica before so all he could do was agree, there were no more options.

"Haha, welcome to the crew, Vindicate!" Rein stuck his hand out toward

Vindicate and helped him up.

"What are we going to do about those kids?" Vindicate was worried about

the kids the most right now.

"We'll have that bartender take care of them, I'm sure he would do it."

Rein said. He couldn't take kids with him, he wasn't a baby sitter. He was

going to kill the noble himself if he didn't, Rein was too late to save the

kids, how sad.

"We better leave, the marines are probably attacking my ship by now,

let's get out of here and take these kids to the bar." Everyone nodded and

Rein grabbed the dead kids and living ones and put them inside his


The Marine's Assault!

The three immediately left the room, Kuina had to hold Vindicate up a

bit since he was limping and slow. They were in the basement of the

mansion, so they had to go up quite a lot of steps to get out of here. They

soon made it to the main hall, reaching a huge door where the stairs to

the upstairs part of the mansion were and the entrance of the mansion.

Rein had to beat up some guard to make him tell him the location where

they held the prisoner or he was going to cut his D*** off! He was

instantly shaken and told them where they could find the prisoners

before he was knocked out.

Once they were in the main entrance room, they saw several knocked out

people. "Wow, you guys knocked out all these people?" Vindicate asked

in surprise. Rein looked a vindicate for a second and thought 'I think that

might have been you!'

"Of course, with my skills who could go against me, I mean us, hehe!"

Kuina cunningly said.

"With just you, I really doubt you could have such skills, have you seen

that Erina chick?" Vindicate flamed Kuina on the spot.

"Why you! Do you want me to drop you off here!?" Kuina's mouth

twitched after hearing Vindicate talk about her skills.

"A joke! Relax woman." Vindicate hurriedly spoke. Kuina laughed and the

group left the mansion with no problems. However, they were being

watched from afar by a shadowy figure but as the Author, I can say that

this guy was the battle butler from before.

He had seen everything that had taken place, he knew that Marth was

dead which was going to be a big problem soon. The battle butler didn't

attack, he knew his limits, he wasn't sure if he could beat these three by


The battle butler pulled out DenDen Mushi and started chatting. "Neegan,

the targets are heading through the city, don't let these guys escape,

they've killed the young master!"

"He's dead!?" Neegan face wasn't so well, this was going to be too

troublesome later on. "Damn criminals, I'll capture them if it is the last

thing I do!" Neegan's facial expression could be seen from the change in

the DenDen Mushi's face.

"Good! Make sure you capture them and if you can't, just kill them!" The

butler spoke no more and hung up.

"Fuck! How am I going to explain this to the family hierarchy when they

come back?" The butler expressed his worries with shaky hands.

At this time, Rein and company continued through the city. Rein gave

Vindicate his old mask to hide his face since he was wanted. Vindicate

was very weak right now, with the fact that he was beaten so badly and

he had vomited quite the amount of blood.

Things were looking up for them, this could be an easy run back to their

ship, but..!

"Tekkai Sai!"

Suddenly a silhouette appeared out of the air and smashed toward Rein.

Rein couldn't move or Vindicate, and Kuina who was helping Vindicate

would suffer some losses. He could only block the attack, he used his

forearm to connect with the silhouette fist!


The ground underneath Rein's feet collapsed and formed a crater. The

people screamed in shock and moved away as fast as they could. Kuina

didn't need to think and jumped back with Vindicate. Rein looked at the

figure, he was a marine from what Rein could tell.

Rein pushed the man back and countered with a kick. The man blocked it

with his other arm but his arm was nearly broken from just blocking.

"Ugh!" The man jumped back and looked at Rein cautiously.

"Amazing, you were able to block my attack with raw strength alone,

congratulations!" He rubbed his arm after the kick, how could a kick be

that strong with brute strength alone? The man before him was only

about 5,8 or 5,9 in height, while he himself was 6,5!

"Interesting, you're not a simple pirate, if you turn yourself in I can lower

your punishment a bit. But if you don't, then don't even think about

leaving here!" The man was Commander Neegan who captured and

helped frame Vindicate.

"Haha! Yeah, that ain't gonna happen, buddy!" Rein shook his head, what

idiot would surrender like this?

"What a pity, then I'll have to bring you in as a corpse, maybe a

promotion would be within my grasp."

"Soru!" Neegan sped up and rushed Rein, he was targeting Rein's head, he

planned to crush it on the spot. Too bad he was against Rein and such

tricks wouldn't work on him, he was easily perceived.


Neegan's punch was blocked!

"What!? Impossible! You can still see me while I'm moving that fast!?"

Neegan was shocked, wasn't this just some beginner pirates? How could

he block his move and perceive him?

"This level of Soru is too low, you're just a turtle in my eyes." Rein began

to put force on Neegan's hand, crushing it slowly!

"Arg! Let me go you evil thing!" Rein did as he asked and let go, but

Neegan was hit with a palm in the chest and sent flying.

"AH!" Neegan screamed as he crashed through a building.

"Oh my god, he just knocked Commander Neegan away like a broken

wooden puppet!" Some teenage boys looked on in awe, they quite

enjoyed the show, they were kids so. The adult didn't like this one bit


"Even the Commander was not his match, this is going to get back really


"This fight is so amazing, I couldn't see Neegan at all but that guy with

the red eyes caught him out of the void like it was nothing!" Many people

ranted on and on but Rein couldn't be bothered to listen to them, he

needed to leave quickly!

"Vindicate and Kuina, get going to the ship!" Kuina nodded and carried

Vindicate's arm over her neck as they walked on. However, Neegan burst

out of the rubble, he was coughing up blood from Rain's last attack.

Suddenly, more marines appeared on the scene due to the huge ruckus,

they were armed with rifles and swords, these guys weren't joking as they

didn't carry pistols anymore. "Hold it right there, surrender and no one

gets hurt!" The man leading was Richard, Kled was busy fighting near the

docks against Erica which was rough on them.

Rein would be okay against these weapons but Vindicate and Kuina

couldn't escape this barrage of bullets raining down on them. And the

minutes he made a move that was out of place, they would fire.

Neegan came out, he was still holding his chest. His clothes had blood on

them, he was sure he had broken rib or something. "You son of a bitch,

you broke one of my ribs, you piece of shit!" Neegan's face distorted from


"Haha! That is a lot of profanity, you should get your mouth checked out

later and not just that rib of yours!" Many people around wanted to laugh

but held their laugher, they feared that Neegan may get even madder.

However, Neegan's face was getting Darker and Darker, he had lost all

face in front of everyone and his men.

"Kill these damn bastards! Shoot them!" Neegan was sure he couldn't beat

Rein, he wanted him dead instead. Richard sighed and all the marines

took aim!

"Infinite Shadows!" Suddenly Shadows rushed out of Rein's body and

covered everywhere, blocking out the light.

The whole area turned into darkness!

"AH! I can't see!"

"How did it get dark so suddenly!?"

No one could see anything but Rein could, it was his technique after all.

Wings sprouted from his back and he grabbed Vindicate and Kuina and

flew off. Carrying people was a pain, so he didn't do it since they would

weigh him down.

After a while, Rein was out of the zone and arrived near Gate A! There

was a shoot out and the sound of scorching fire shooting out. "This chick

is a witch for sure, she is using black fire, several of our men were burned

to death already!" A marine soldier complained to Kled who was standing


"Stop your complaining, we've just called for back up but for some

reason, we got no response! What in the hell are they doing!?" Kled had

long since asked for assistance but no picked up and no more forces

came, this was not something he could handle.

Suddenly, they saw a shadow cast over them in the sky, they looked up

only to see someone with wings on their back carrying two people.

"W-What t-the hell!" Shock was written on everyone's face, it was the east

blue so devil fruits weren't that known here.

Rein landed on his ship and dropped everyone off. His wings were quite

tired from carrying two people, he didn't carry heavy things when he

took flight but they were heavy on his wings. "How is everything so far,

is there any bad damage?

"Phew, you're back and no, there is no heavy damage, Erica has staved

off these guys for a while" Nami sighed in relief when Rein returned, her

sister Nojiko returned just on time. Erica came over after launching a

fireball toward the area the marines were coming from.

"Good, then this means we can leave now?" Erica looked over at

Vindicate "Gasp, it's you, you look like someone beat the hell out of you!"

Vindicate didn't say anything, he clearly got the living sh** beat out of


"Help him, you guys loop around the island near the D gate, I'll meet you

guys there!" Rein said no more and flew off.

"Wait, what?" Erica tried to say something but Rein flew off in a hurry.

"Okay, let's head around to the D-gate!" Nami immediately began to steer

the ship away.

At this time, Rein was heading to a familiar place, it was the bounty

guild. Ten minutes later, he landed in front of the place, shocking

everyone around.

"Shit, did that guy just come from the sky?"

"Oh my god, he's a fallen angel, he had black wings on his back!"

"A Demon, a Demon Ninja!"

Many people moved away from the Bounty Guild when they saw Rein

enter the place. Once Rein entered, all eyes were on him again but

everyone nodded with respect instead. They already knew what he had

done that fast!

"You're back so soon?" The bartender was a little stunned.

"We need to talk for a bit." The bartender and Rein went to the back.

Rein wasted no time and took out the fainted and dead kids.

"Oh my goodness!" The bartender was shocked, who were these kids and

where did they come from? They're frigging dead kids, man!

"These kids were the kids from that village, the noble used them as

hostages to lure in Vindicate. He killed these two, so I want you to raise

them or find a good home for them."

"Take these kids and get them a burial, it is all we can do for them." Rein

sighed and said.

"I don't know about this, this isn't something anyone can do, taking care

of kids and this many at that. I have a job to do here, so I can't watch

kids all day, you know?" The bartender shook his head, how could he

watch kids at this time?

"Here, I don't have time, so take this money and watch over them! Have

them work for you or something, find a home for them or something, do

something!" Rein handed him the money and turned in Nitrogen and

exited the room. He knew how it felt to be parentless so he understood

how these kids were going to feel.

The bartender sighed and whispered "sure thing." He thought Rein was

some sort of ninja so he didn't question his ability to disappear. At this

time, Rein appeared on a building, he could see several marines running

through the city. They had this city on lockdown, no one in and no one


Rein continued towards the D-gate, he couldn't get any information on

Myriad Island but it was okay, he gained a new crewmate and found out

about a conspiracy. After some time, he arrived at the D-gate, it was

heavily guarded by Marines but Rein could fly so what was there to

worry about?

He flew off into the forest and near the dock, waiting for his crew to

come. Sure enough, they could be seen coming around the corner of the

island and towards him. Rein didn't wait for them to get close and flew

towards them and landed on the ship.

"Nice, now we can leave this place, right?" Erica asked

"Yup, our next destination is an island called Myriad Island!" Nami

scratched her head, she had never heard of such a place before. Rein

understood her confusion and pulled out a map and handed it to her.

"Here, the island is located at the edge of the calm belt, do you see it?"

Nami looked at the map closely.

"Nice, I can add this to my map creation of the east blue, this is great!"

Nami smiled and continued to look at the map. She knew the location of

this place after inspecting it. She turned the map over and saw another

map with X's in certain places.

"Could this mean what I think this means?" Nami eyes grew wide and

sparkly then she looked at Rein.

"Hehe, oh yeah, it is exactly what you're thinking!" Rein face showed a

greedy grin and so did Nami!

"You two, can you not just think about money all the time, jeez!" Nojiko

had the urge to punch both of them. Birds of a feather flock together!

"Ouch, be careful Nomiko, goodness!" At this time, Nojiko was applying

some medicine to Vindicate's face to heal his wound but it hurt and

burned a bit.

"It's Nojiko, Not Nomiko!" Nojiko put pressure on his face, he called her

the wrong name 3 times already, was he doing it on purpose?

"Ahhh! My mistake!" Vindicate jumped in pain, it hurt so much.

"I need some serious sleep, I'm too tired!" Vindicate was exhausted, he

had taken a beating for a long time so this made sense.

"Take him to his room Kuina, you carried him here so it's only nice to

take him to his new room." Nojiko grinned and looked at Kuina who was

wiping her sword with a cloth

"Yeah sure, let's go Vin!" Vindicate said nothing and followed her.

"So, this Myriad island, is it as good as you say it is?" Nojiko asked

"Oh yeah, it has a lot of treasure that we'll need to have." Nami cut in

before Rein could speak. "It doesn't matter, we need to go there no matter

what!" Nami looked like she wanted to dance while steering the ship.

Erica just sat at a table on the deck eating a chocolate sundae, she had

become pretty addicted to them. Rein could only imagine when he made

his island and knowing some parts were made out of desserts, would he

see her again after that?

"We'll know when we get there, but I'm sure there are some pretty good

riches there, so off we go!" He was sure there was something good there

with the fact that he had a mission to do there. The system wouldn't lead

him on a wild goose chase.

"Myriad Island, here we come!"


Happy Reading and Enjoy! :D

Bounty Established!

Rein's crew continued to set sail towards Myriad Island, at this time, a

day and a half had already passed. Everyone woke up, ate breakfast and

did the usual morning routine. The ships sat in place during the night

while everyone was asleep.

Rein was in the Mess Hall eating and talking to Vindicate alone. "I have a

few questions for you that never asked you about, like how old you are

for starters?" They were both eating lunch so Rein found that this was the

perfect time to ask a few things.

"I'm nineteen right now, I just turned nineteen a month ago. What about

yourself, how old are you right now?" Vindicate asked

"Sixteen, I'll be seventeen next year." Vindicate nodded but he was a little

surprised about Rein age because of how strong he was for it.

"Back at the mansion, do you realize what you did back there?" This was

one of the main reasons he wanted to talk to Vindicate.

"Uh, not really, but he had to die, I had to do it." Vindicate thought he

was talking about him killing Marth.

"Not that, the phenomenon where people started fainting all of a sudden,

you must have noticed it at that time." Vindicate started to recall the

incident from yesterday, he did notice the people suddenly fainting

around him but was too stressed to care or think much of it.

"Yes, I do remember, what about it, I mean, how did they suddenly faint

out of nowhere?" Now that it was brought to his attention, he wanted to


"Hehe, before that, let me explain something to you. There are three

main techniques that people need to know to survive in this world of

strong people. This is mainly for those very powerful places in the world

which we'll be heading to in the future." Vindicate nodded and listened

closely as he ate his sandwich.

Rein started to relay Haki to Vindicate and its capabilities. He told him

about the rarest Haki that most never unlocked. Of course, Rein told him

that he unlocked the one that most never unlocked in their lives.

"So it was like that, huh? I never would have thought that I had

awakened something so good." Vindicate put his hand on his chin in a

thoughtful manner. "Well, it is best if I learn to use it as freely as possible

but I don't know how I did it." Rein understood this much, he was

unaware of it himself but he was sure he would figure it out later.

"This makes sense, but until then, you may want to start training some

other time then." Rein remembered something and said "Speaking of

which, what is your full name to begin with, it must be more to it than


"My full name? Hehe, my dad always told me that it wasn't safe to tell

people my full name." Vindicate had never spoken his full name to

anyone, so no one knew it.

"We're crewmates now, so it's okay to tell us a few things about each

other, don't worry, I won't tell anyone unless you want me to."

Vindicate nodded "My full name is Rigor D. Vindicate" Rein's mouth

opened slightly for a second before he smiled. He really hit the jackpot

with this guy!

"Okay, cool! Let's finish eating, we'll talk about training at a much later

time."Vindicate noticed the change in Rein face for second but didn't

think much about it and continued to eat.

Ship Deck.

"This pirate flag has to be the one, it looks amazing!" Kuina held the flag

up and showed everyone her work.

"Wow, it's so intimidating, this will make anyone who sees run on the

spot, the flag is a must!" Nami liked the flag a lot and couldn't agree more

to it become their jolly roger.

"Wow, it is good, I think we should use it as our jolly roger, just make

sure to show Rein before then." Erica nodded in satisfaction.

"Yeah, just wait until he is done eating, then we'll work something out."

Nojiko was doing some workouts like Erica had instructed her to do. She

had started her training session by punching and kicking 200 times a day.

"So, Nojiko, you said you didn't like weapons, right?" Erica asked for


"No weapons, but if I were to use a weapon, it would have to be

gauntlets. I would prefer to punch rather than using "cough cough"

toothpicks." Kuina turned around and frowned at Nojiko.

"Hmph! Just so you know, gloves are no match for powerful swords, what

can glove fists do? Haha!" Kuina believed in the sword and that it was the

ultimate weapon for combat, nothing could match it, definitely not a fist


"Once I get stronger, I'll show you what they can do if I get my hands-on

two." Nojiko smiled, she was confident that if she trained long and hard

enough, then she could get stronger just like how her cooking improved

over the years.

"Ha! We'll see!" Kuina smiled and lifted the flag up for all to see. She took

great pride in her artistic skills she had learned from her dad. The Flag

was all black with an eclipsed sun on it. The moon that eclipsed the sun

had a skull on it with a red light beaming behind it from the eclipse light.

Author Note: The Jolly Roger is the cover of this novel. :D

"Nami, how long until we reach this Myriad island?" Erica was wearing a

black sundress this time around like she was on a vacation.

"We should reach there within an hour's time, I can't wait, all that

treasure is calling our names!" Beli Dollar signs appeared in Nami's eyes

which caused Nojiko to sigh a bit but she still smiled, she was used to


Marine Base In The East Blue.

A man sat at his desk working, he would sigh every now and then.

"Finally done, it's a good thing that nothing big has happened in the East

blue so far." This was a Rear admiral by the name Axor. He was stationed

here with another Rear admiral since there were two Rear admirals

station in each sea.

Just when he was about to stand and stretch, a marine rushed in.

"Reporting sir!"

The man bowed and put a 5 to 10 page report on Axor's desk. Axor

looked on the with surprise, he saw a number of pages and he frowned

deeply. "What is this, why in the world is there so many pages of it, did

some bad happen?

"Yes, the report will tell you about everything that has been going on."

Rear Admirals, even though they were stationed here, never made a

move, and would usually send others to do the job. Things had been

looking up since Smoker was stationed in Logue Town, so no pirates

could pass and would always get caught by him.

Axor skimmed through the report and his face scrunched. This was

definitely when he saw the assassination of a noble. Yes, most of this

report was on Rein, who had caused problems for the marines. Nezumi's

report was inputted in here as well, he finally managed to get free and

contact other marines.

"What in the hell is going on here!? He was a pirate hunter at first, then

came in contact with Nezumi who said he terrorized a village on this

island. He also killed many marines and even killed a noble!" Axor was

close to smashing the desk into pieces seeing this report. There was so

much stuff in here that it could barely fit on the pages!

"Do we have a picture of this guy?" Axor was clearly angered to the


"A-ah yes, sir, it at the back of the report!" The marine was very nervous

and spoke quickly. Axor checked the back and saw the picture of the guy

who caused so much trouble.

"What is this, is this man from Wano?" Axor whispered to himself. "Put

up a bounty for him, according to this report, the name people gave him

was Rain Man!" Axor saw three other pictures as well. On every one of

the pictures was a report about each of the individuals.

"Goodness! What the fuck is happening in the East Blue!?" Axor couldn't

hold it in no more and smashed his desk!

"Ah!" The marine soldier backed away in fear and shock!

Axor was pissed to the extreme, it was a woman who could shoot black

flames from her hands! They described that bullet and swords didn't work

on her. For axor, this brought back some terrible memories two years ago

about another certain person who had a similar ability!

"A Damn Devil Fruit User! Do these damn fruit spawn like cabbage in the

East Blue!?" Why did the pirates of all people have to be so fortunate to

get such power? "She is no infernal fist or anything, she is a witch, put

her down as an Infernal Witch!"

"Y-yes!" The marine soldier said nervously

Axor looked at the other reports, it was Vindicate's and Kuina's. Not

much was known about Kuina, so he didn't put a bounty on her head, she

was just seen with Rein so there wasn't much to go on. However,

Vindicate slaughtered a whole village and killed quite the amount of

marines. He was also part of the assassination of the nobleman. The

Bulter surprisingly didn't report Kuina who was also present at that time

to the marines.

"These pirates cannot stay, we'll have to capture them at some point! Tell

Captain Smoker to keep an extra lookout for these pirates, they'll be

heading to the grand line at some point!" Axer said, "Also, bring me a

new desk, I'm sure we have plenty of backups." This wasn't the first time

he destroyed his desk, he did so many times when Ace was active in the

east blue.

"Yes!" The marine soldier wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded.

"You're dismissed!" Axor waved his hand and the soldier left. "Damn

pirates, all of you won't survive and will be hunted for the rest of your


Thus their bounties were set!

Rein= ฿50,000,000 =Wanted Poster-Rain Man

Erica= ฿25,000,000 = Wanted Poster-Inferno Witch Erica

Vindicate= ฿32,000,000 = Wanted Poster-Vindicate The Merciless

Rein's ship.

Rein was just getting finished with his evaluation of the new jolly roger

flag. He approved of it almost immediately, it was now time to think of a

name. "I think we should name the crew the Black Sun pirates!" Kuina

folded her arms and nodded seriously.

"No, that doesn't sound right, it is an eclipse, so should it be related to

something like that?" Nami who was maneuvering the ship turned and

chimed in. Why would anyone name something that was completely

unrelated to the logo it represented?

"That does sound right, I think we should be called the Eclipse pirates or

something like that." Erica agreed with Nami on this one, it made sense

to name it as so.

"Hmm, I guess you guys are right." Kuina shrugged, it did make sense.

"Okay, we'll be called The Eclipse Pirates, I like it!" Rein answer had

decided the matter right away, they were now officially pirates!

Suddenly, a notification went off in Rein's head.

[Ding! Pirates Crew established!]

[Ding! Congratulations, your crew has been created, Receiving Reward:

25,000 System Points!

[Would you like to view your crew's strength level? Yes/No]

Rein hit yes, and their names all popped up on a screen. Rein decided to

test it out and clicked Nojiko's name.


Affiliation: Eclipse Pirates

Will: ★★✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰

Combat Strength: ★✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰

Luck: ★★★★★★★★✰✰

Overall Rating: 5.6 ★'s

"Wow, this is an amazing device to have, I can monitor their

capabilities!" Rein also noticed Nojiko's Luck, which was insanely high!

Rein also recalled that there was an eye ability that would allow him to

check out an individual status like this.

[Ding! Bounty has been established!]

⋆Congratulations, you're a wanted man, you've received: Silver Lottery


⋆Congratulations, you're a wanted man, you've received: (Silver) Devil

Fruit Token!

"Oh, so I have a bounty now, I wonder how much that put on me?" Rein

grinned and looked at his rewards. Before he could say anything,

everyone spoke in awe.

"Amazing! This island must be at least five times bigger than Castleford

Island!" Erica was elated seeing the beautiful terrain of the island and

judging from the map, it had several different types. One could see the

huge volcano on the island and places where huge snow-covered

mountains were.

Everyone started to talk enthusiastically about the island, even Vindicate

was amazed, he had spent all his life on Shipford Island so this was new

to him. "I can't tell which part of the island this is but once we land on it,

this map should give me a clue." Nami looked at the map to try and

figure out what part they were heading to by looking back and forth at

the map and island.

"Haha, don't give yourself a headache, let's just dock the ship and figure

things out from there." Nojiko saw Nami constantly moving her head up

and down at the map and the island.

"Ah, I guess we'll just have to dock then." Nami agreed, she was starting

to feel a bit dizzy from moving her so much.

"It appears to be a desert terrain, I can see several of cactuses on the

island where we'll be docking." Rein was sure that one of the X's was

located in desert terrain so this made him a bit happy.

"This must be the West part of the island if I had to make a guess." Nami

had looked at the map for some time on her way here to study it, she

basically knew everything about it. She couldn't see too far but once Rein

said that it was a desert terrain, she was sure it was the west part of the


Within ten minutes, they docked the ship and walked off. "Nami, what

can you get from this, is there anything familiar on the map that you're

getting from this?" Rein scanned the desert, people like him weren't fazed

by the heat, nor was Erica, but everyone else would have some trouble

without water.

"The X is actually pretty close!" Nami jumped in excitement. "It's close but

yet far, this is going to be a tiring walk but for the treasure, hehe, it's

worth it." Nami grinned and pointed in the direction they should walk.

"Alright, let's go!" Vindicate nodded while Rein put the ship into his


"Say what now!?" Vindicate was stunned seeing the ship disappear.

"Yeah, I was just like that when he did that, I think it's one of his

abilities, don't mind it." Kuina laughed and shook her head.

However, they didn't know that they were being watched from afar by a


"Tsk, more pirates, pirates are arriving on this island a lot, we've already

caught two crews, looks like this will be our 3rd!" Said the marine soldier

with the spyglass. They had a little set up here with some tents around.

"We'll watch them for now, let's see what they want to do."

"Yes, Captain Copper!" The marines saluted and the group watched Rein's

group closely as they advanced through the desert.

Picture Puzzles!

Rein and his crew continued to walk through the desert with thirst taking

them over. Fortunately, Nojiko had bought freshwater from Bulwark City,

so she was able to distribute some water to everyone. Rein and Erica took

some water despite not really craving it.

"Phew, that is refreshing, goodness! I'm not used to any of these

conditions." Vindicate gulped the water down almost instantly.

"Don't speak for yourself, my village maybe a nice sunny place but this

part of the island is truly harsh." Nami was sweating bullets, which made

the bra she was wearing under her shirt visible for all to see.

"Yeah, I can also see your pink bra, not bad." Vindicate said casually, he

nodded with his hand on his chin thoughtfully.

"Y-You! Don't look!" Nami tried to cover herself but there was no point in

trying, she would eventually have to drop those arms soon.

"Wow, I can't believe Nami would wear such a sexy bra, my gosh!" Kuina

cut in and teased, she eyeballed her on purpose wanting to make her feel

more embarrassed.

Rein looked over and tossed Nami a towel to cover her chest area. "You

can wipe your sweat with that and cover yourself afterward." It was too

bad he didn't have the weather fruit, because if he did he would have

made it rain for sure.

"Ah, thanks!" Nami smiled and wiped herself and covered up.

"Darn, Rein, you're no fun!" Kuina wanted to mess with her more but

Rein rained all over that.

"Hehe, I got to enjoy an eyeful too, so it's all good!" Rein chuckled and

kept walking. Nami's mouth twitched after hearing Rein's comment.

Kuina also chuckled and looked at Nami who had a weird smile on her

face. Nami wanted to bonk Rein over the head but he was moving faster

away from her on purpose!

"Run while you can!" Nami whispered under her breath.

"Erica, you're not sweating one bit, neither are you Rein, what is that all

about?" Nojiko looked at Erica and Rein who were speed walking like

these conditions were nothing.

"It's because of our Devil fruit abilities that we don't sweat in the type of

weather, in fact, this weather doesn't faze us one bit." Erica didn't hide

anything and told why they were doing so well. Everyone was confused,

what was a Devil Fruit?

"Oh, haha, I'll tell you more about Devil fruits later, I forgot you guys

don't know much about those things." Erica scratched her head and

turned around.

"This Devil fruit sounds evil." Vindicate whispered to himself, but his

voice didn't go unnoticed by Rein and Erica who only smiled and

continued walking. It seemed they had a lot of explaining to do when

they had the time.

After about twenty more minutes of walking, they saw huge silhouettes

in the distance. With Rein's eyesight, he was easily able to see what they

were. They were huge pyramids, to be exact, there were a total of three

of them.

"Goodness, they must be about 150 feet tall, they're massive!" Rein was

astonished, were the pyramids in his world even that big, he thinks not.

Hearing what Rein said, they all looked at him seeking an explanation.

"What do you see, I can only see a small dot in the distance." Erica

squinted her eyes and tried her best to see further but couldn't see

anything. Rein's Zoan type devil fruit had really improved his eyesight by

many folds.

"Pyramids, like really huge pyramids!" Everyone gasped and felt

delighted, this was especially so for Nami. Pyramids meant treasure for

sure, it was in all sorts of books she had read in the past. Everyone else

had heard of Pyramids but had never seen them. Everyone was eager to

check it out as soon as possible.

"Hmm, do you ever get that feeling that you're being watched?" Vindicate

was having a terrible feeling he had felt for a while now but didn't think

much about it. But now, it felt stronger than ever, were they being

watched from somewhere?

"Watch?" Kuina looked around cautiously.

"Don't look around to alert them that we know about their presence.

Besides, it's only a feeling, I'm not sure if we're being watched or not!"

Vindicate said quickly, he was always sensitive to stares or when he was

being watched.

"Damn, remind me to knock out a few horses and take them away next

time, jeez!" Vindicate complained, he'd never walk so much in his life. He

changed the subject unknowingly quick!

"Pfft! Relax, we're almost there anyway, so there is no need to worry." If

Nojiko could take it then Vindicate could, was she tougher than him?

Vindicate stopped talking, he didn't want to be defeated in perseverance

against a person with virtual no fighting power.

Over time, they eventually made it to the pyramids, they looked at the

towering pyramids in awe. Rein thought about what Vindicate said about

being watched so he was very cautious, he shot out his Observation Haki

but saw nothing. The people were either extremely far away or there was

no one at all.

"Look, there is a stairway that leads into each pyramid. Do we split up or

go into one pyramid at a time together?" Kuina didn't think it would be a

good idea to split up at this point or they'd get lost for sure.

"We won't split for this one, it's best we go together for now." Rein said.

Everyone had no problem with this and agreed to start with the middle

pyramid. The group began to ascend the stairs, it was a good thing it

wasn't so high as compared to the actual size of the pyramid.

Once they were at the top, they were met with stone entrance doors. Rein

pushed against the door and they slowly started to open up. Once they

were open, it revealed complete darkness inside, no one could see

anything inside.

Rein formed fire on his hand, thus lighting the hallway up. "Look, there

are torches on each wall, we can light them up to brighten our path."

Nami spotted the torches on handls on each wall immediately when the

room was lit.

Erica hopped right on it and started lighting up the torches with her fire.

"This power is just too strange, black fire doesn't make sense at all."

Vindicate shook his head, what kind of force was this, it was something

not of this world to him.

Nami grabbed one of the torches and followed closely behind Erica, who

was lighting the torches on the wall as she advanced. They kept walking

down the long and wide hall that almost seemed endless. "I wonder how

many calories I burned on this walk, this hallway almost seems like it

will last for eternity!" Vindicate touched his stomach, how much weight

did he lose?

"Hahaha! Just keep walking!" Rein could only laugh, but he was right,

this hall was long as he**! Just when Erica was about to complain as

well, they came across a large room that was completely dark.

"Light it up!" Rein and Erica didn't hesitate and shot fire in the darkroom.

The room was lit up like the 4th of July and all was revealed.

Suddenly, the room strangely lit up with light by itself right after what

they did. The fire they had used was extinguished by some unknown

means but the room was bright now so it didn't matter how it happened.

"What is that?" Nojiko pointed to a wall nearby.

"It appears to be some strange symbols!" Erica made a guess.

"Hmm, it looks like a puzzle to me, maybe we have to solve it?" Kuina

had seen something like this before in some scroll her dad had.

"It really does look like a puzzle, but how do we solve it?" Right after

Rein said that, the platform near the puzzle began to glow blue. On the

platform, a number appeared, which was number two.

"Uh! What does this all mean?" Vindicate, like everyone else was just

staring at the blue platform with surprise.

"I don't know, but I'll go check it out." Erica volunteered to go first.

"Wait, it might be dangerous!" Rein stopped her, he didn't know what this

meant. This was something that wasn't in the series so he was clueless at

the moment.

"Rein, it's okay, I won't be taken down so easily, I've been with you all

these years and have learned a lot." Erica was very touched and spoke

gently to persuade him. Rein played with his eyebrows and looked at the

Platform again.

"Sigh, okay, but the minute it looks dangerous, get out of there." Erica

nodded softly with a smile and walked up to the platform. Once she

stepped on the platform, the number turned into the number one.

"Oh, the number change beneath her, it must mean the number of people

that stepped on the platform."

"Does anyone else want to head up there with her?" Rein asked, just

when he was about to step forward, Nojiko volunteered to go up. Rein

allowed Nojiko to go and the number two disappeared the minute she

stepped on the platform.

Suddenly, the platform flashed with a brighter blue light and a barrier

appeared around the platform! "What the... we can't leave the platform!"

Right as Erica said that, some sort of small pillar came from the ground.

On the small machine was some sort of puzzle, it appeared that they

would have to solve it to be freed. As soon as the puzzle appeared, a

timer appeared as well, they were apparently being timed on this!


Rein formed a flaming sword and slammed hard on the barrier but

nothing happened. No matter what Rein and Vindicate did, they couldn't

break the barrier. Nojiko and Erica focused on the puzzle they had to

solve or else, who knows what would happen?

But once they looked at the puzzle, they almost fell to the ground. "What

is this, it's a frigging picture puzzle!" The picture was a picture of some

sort of Blue cat with green eyes. Wasn't this easy to solve? However,

Erica was too slow, so Nokjiko took over to put it together. There was

one piece of the puzzle off to the side to be put in after all the other

pieces were put in place.

After six minutes, Nojiko put the picture puzzle together after Erica

wasted 2 minutes failing. The timer only gave them ten minutes to

complete the puzzle. Suddenly, the barrier flashed green and some words

appeared on the ceiling in big green letters.

Congratulations, you've completed the puzzle successfully!

Transferring to Spring Valley!

"What!?" Everyone looked at the words in surprise, who was getting

transferred? The barrier began to blink green and suddenly, Nojiko and

Erica were warped away!

"What is going on?" Nami's eyes dilated.

Rein calmed down. "I think they were transferred to a special place in the

pyramids, perhaps. Maybe solving the puzzle has something to do with it.

The place was called spring valley which sounds pretty good." Rein was

only speculating, he wasn't sure at all.

Afterward, the platform turned blue again and the number 2 popped up

on the platform again. "Do we send someone else again? Maybe if we

solve it, we'll be able to transfer to where Nami and Erica are." Vindicate

suggestion seemed more realistic, so everyone agreed with this.

Vindicate walked up to the platform and so did Nami. Rein had noticed

that Vindicate had a terrible sense of direction just like Zoro so it was

best for Nami to be with him. The picture that appeared next was much


"Is this for real, why is it so much more of a challenge than Erica and

Nojiko's puzzle?" Vindicate protested, he didn't even know what kind of

animal it was. The animal was actually a Chimera, but who would know

of such a creature?

Beads of sweat appeared on Nami's forehead. "What is this animal, I've

never seen anything like it!" Nami punched the puzzle in anger, she felt

cheated. Rein looked at the puzzle and knew exactly what it was.

"It's a mythical creature known as a chimera, it's understandable that you

don't know about it. The goat part goes on the back, while it has a lion

head with a tail of a snake." Nami and Vindicate listen, what an

intimidating creature, its whole body was a weapon, not to mention how

fierce it looked.

Both Nami and Vinidcate tried to put the puzzle together as best as they

could. Rein could only sigh looking at the two struggle. Maybe Nojiko's

luck played a big role in her getting something so easy to solve.

Time ran out and the puzzle wasn't solved! They had failed!

The barrier began to glow a Red color which signified their failure. Like

last time, more words appeared on the ceiling of the room. The barrier

began to blink red quickly.

Too bad! You've failed to form the puzzle!

Transferring to Dread Forest!


"Oh no!"

Nami gasped in horror while Vindicate smiled bitterly, then suddenly,


Kuina was silent as she watched everyone disappear through this

platform, she was a bit worried getting on this thing. The platform

returned to its previous color, which was blue, and the number two

appeared again.

"A-Are we going to head up there as well?" Kuina was a little afraid of the

unknown, she wasn't so sure about this platform.

"We have to, this could lead us to somewhere important." Rein had no

choice at this point, once Erica and Nojiko warped away, his choices

were taken away. Kuina scratched her head while looking at the

platform. After a bit of time, they both ascended the platform.

Like usual, a barrier formed around the platform and a puzzle came up.

Rein was easily able to understand what type of animal it was, it was a

lion's head. "I got this, there's no need to worry about anything at all."

Rein started to move the piece around to solve it while Kuina only

watched intensively.

And just like that, Rein solved it.

Congratulations, you've completed the puzzle successfully!

Transferring to the Jungle of Infestation!

"Infestation!" Rein face changed a bit, what did this mean? Kuina didn't

like the word infestation at all, it reminded her of bugs which she hated!

With a green light, both ported away in an instant.

Dread Forest.

At this time, Nami and Vindicate are walking through a gloomy and

slightly foggy forest. "Damn, this place is giving me the creeps!" Vindicate

looked around but couldn't figure out where they were.

"Stay close, don't run off, who knows what could be in this forest!" Nami

was very scared right now, it was no telling what was here and how they

could get out. As they were walking, they came across a field of


"Ah, pumpkins, this place is definitely haunted or something." Nami's

eyes were wide, her expression looked grave seeing the field of


"Dang, will we be forced to eat pumpkins for the rest of our lives!"

Vindicate picked up a pumpkin, this particular pumpkin, like some that

were present, was carved like the typical Halloween pumpkin.

Nami knocked the pumpkin out of Vindicate's hands and said "Don't pick

it up, you might get cursed or something! Those things aren't supposed to

be carved, someone carved them!" Nami looked around cautiously but

saw nothing but fog and eerie dead trees.

"If anything shows itself, I'll just have to shoot it down, that's all."

Vindicate also looked around but saw the same thing. Looking around, he

noticed another pumpkin but this pumpkin was black with a strange

stem, it had some swirls on it as well. This was no ordinary pumpkin

from what he could see.

"W-where are you going?" Nami asked as she followed behind him.

Vindicate stopped and picked up the black pumpkin.

"This pumpkin, doesn't it look weird, why is it this color with these

strange designs on it?" Vindicate analyzed the pumpkin. He also noticed

that the stem was completely different from the average pumpkin.

Nami looked at the pumpkin and said, "Hmm, it does look strange, the

color is unnatural, it may have rotten over time or something." This was a

good assumption that anyone would conclude, but to the trained eye and

the experienced people of the world, they would know that this was a

Devil Fruit!

"Hmm, I'll hold onto it for now, it would have a terrible smell if it was

rotten." Vindicate put it into a bag that was strapped to his side along

with his pistol.

"Sigh, Okay, let's search for a way out of here, fast!" Nami was anxious to

leave this dreadful forest, it truly lived up to its name. However, they

soon heard screeches of horror approaching them from afar.

"Ah! What was that!?" Nami was shocked and hid behind Vindicate. He

pulled out his pistols and took aim at the place he heard the screeches.

A fight was bound to break out.

Trial of Power Part 1!

Spring Valley.

At this time both Erica and Nojiko are walking through a windy, grassy

valley. This place was so calm that someone would just want to lay on

the ground and relax and sleep. There has been no strange activity so far,

but this place was strange since it was devoid of life.

"So this is spring valley. It's a pretty nice place, I wouldn't even living

here if there were signs of life around here." Nojiko loved peace but in a

world of criminals, crooked marines, and pirates, stuff like this didn't


"It does seem peaceful but we were transferred here by that platform,

don't let your guard down." Erica wasn't buying it one bit, this place may

seem peaceful but it must be more to it than just silence.

"Right!" Nojiko nodded, this place was still a transfer place. "Where is the

way out, we can't stay here forever? They could only see endless plains

and nothing more, there weren't even any trees to be seen around here.

"I don't know." Erica said, "If my guess is correct, then this place might be

a trial of some sort." Honestly, Erica couldn't be any more correct, this

was indeed a trial they had to pass in order to win a prize.

"A trial? To get what exactly?" Nojiko somewhat believed what Erica

said. The room sent them to a random place that wasn't on Myriad Island,

so where was this?

"Hehe, I don't know that either?" Erica wasn't that informed on the map

that Rein had but Nami and Rein somewhat knew what they needed.

Suddenly, they heard a voice.

[The battle will commence in 30 seconds!]

[Wave 1! First Wave out of Five!]

"Huh!" Erica's face changed a bit, a wave! Nojiko didn't like the sound of

a wave, a wave of what?

"Nojiko, do you still think it's peaceful now?" Erica looked around


"Not Even!" Nojiko put up her guard, she had a little bit of training but it

was not nearly enough.

[Wave 1 commencing!]

Suddenly, the ground around them shook, and the earth exploded open

sending rocks and pebbles everywhere. Multiple grey figures emerged

from the ground. They were slightly taller than the average human.

[50/50 Clay Golems!]

"Golems! What are Golems?" Nojiko looked at the army of grey figures,

she was stunned seeing their appearance. The Golems were around 6,0 in

height each. They had one glowing red eye on their heads like a cyclops.

Their figures were plain grey humanoids with no notable feature besides

their one bright red eye that beamed a red glow.

"I don't know either, I've never heard of a Golem before." Erica clenched

her fist. These things were clearly hostile. Suddenly, they began to rush

Erica and Nojiko by forming a sharp piercing weapon on their hands for


"Nojiko, I know you don't like weapons like pistol, swords, and spear but

you're going to need to use one at least this once!" Erica reached into her

storage ring and tossed Nojiko a spear and a 1700's looking barrel pistol.

Nojiko caught the pistol, she had no choice at this point, she wasn't much

of a combatant.

"Neppa~!" Erica punched as fire shot out and consumed the group of

rushing Golems! The area was set ablaze. Most of the Golems were

reduced to nothing by the attack.

[23 out of 50 Clay Golems Remaining!]

The announcement suddenly said. At that moment, several Clay Golems

rushed out of the flames, many had died from the last attack but there

were still more.



Nojiko shot her Gun at the approaching Golems, but they would only

heal from her attacks.

"What!? Gunfire isn't working on them at all!" Nojiko started to feel a

headache seeing the Golem regenerate. A golem was soon upon her with

its speed.

"Watch Out!" Erica yelled out! The Golem swung its sharp spear-like arm

towards Nojiko. Nojiko tumbled over to dodge the attack, then she shot

another bullet at the Golem. She knew this would be useless, but she did

so anyway, however, this time she shot one at its big red eye!


It sounded like glass breaking as the eye on the Golem was destroyed.

Afterward, it melted like icecream and turned into regular Clay.

"Gasp! The eyes are its weak point, it was so frigging obvious!" Nojiko

smacked her forehead, how could she have been so oblivious to that

obvious fact? Erica laughed and began to blast the rest of the Golems into


[Congrats, you've completed the First Wave!]

[Next Wave starts in one minute!]

"Wow, that's no time at all to recuperate, but it's okay, we defeated them

so fast with no effort." Nojiko gloated but all the work was done by Erica!

"How fun, what will the next things be?" Erica smiled with anticipation.

Dread Forest.

Before the creature could appear before Nami and Vindicate, they heard

an announcement.

[The battle will commence in 15 seconds!]

[Wave 1! First Wave out of Five!]

"What the..." Vindicate was speechless, was this some sort of test?

"A wave!? A wave of what?" Nami clenched her teeth, she didn't like

where this was going!

[Wave 1 commencing!]

As soon as that was said, a terrible smell permeating the air, it smelled

rotten! Nami held her mouth to prevent herself from vomiting, she also

held her nose. Vindicate scrunched his face from the smell and backed


[100/100 Flesh-Eating Zombies!]

Hearing the last announcement being made, Nami almost fainted in

terror. Vindicate face turned a bit unsightly, who didn't know about the

tales of undead creatures like these in books or stories? The Zombies

came from the forest with their deformed and rotten appearances,

eyeballs hanging from their socket and exposed rib cages!

Nami's teeth could be heard chattering and suddenly, her knees felt weak,

she had never been this scared before in her life! "What are you doing!? If

you sit there like that, they're going to rip you apart and feast on your

flesh!" Vindicate turned to see Nami in shock as she looked at the slowly

approaching Zombies.

"I-I c-can't stand." She was too stricken with fear to move. Vindicate

grabbed her arm and helped her up.

"They're slow, so we have the advantage. Aim for the head and we should

be able to take them out with ease." Vindicate handed one of his pistols

to Nami along with some ammo. "See, this is why you need to be strong

like Rein said or things like this would occur where you can't fight back,

at least believe you cant." Vindicate said no more and began to shoot the

Zombies that were approaching in their heads.

Nami aimed with shaky hands and steeled herself.



Several shots could be heard from her and Vindicate. Vindicate's aim was

really good, so every shot was a headshot that took them down with

every blow. Nami, however, wasn't so good and would hit them on the

body, this did nothing to them.

"We'll soon run out of bullets, I don't want to waste anymore." Vindicate

wanted to save his bullets for some other time so he opted for close


"Soru!" Vindicate used Soru which would surprise Rein but there was a

reason he knew this combat style. His father was an Ex-Marine and he

taught Vindicate many things to defend himself before he died a while

back. It was safe to say that he wasn't new to any of the Rokushiki styles

at all, he knew 3 out of the 6!

"Tekkai Zangai!" Vindicate crushed many Zombies with his fist, they were

way to slow to catch him. Nami had a decent amount of ammo, but they

were closing in on her!

"EEk!" Nami shot many of them in a panic, she missed her shot a lot.

"UHHHhh!" The Zombies Groaned as they closed in on Nami.

"Give them the runaround, they can't catch you!" Vindicate hurriedly to

speak to Nami. She snapped out her stupor and ran farther away to load

and take aim. She focused this time and manage to actually kill one with

a headshot.

"I-I Did it!" Nami was quite happy but that was just one, there were about

60 left to kill!

"Nice! But there's still an army left of them to kill, don't celebrate just

yet!" Vindicate said as he smashed one of the Zombie's skulls.

This continued for the next thirty minutes. Nami would just run around

them and kill as much as she could. She was extremely relieved after

knowing how dumb and slow they were. Eventually, the Zombies were

no more, the smell got worse for some reason after they were defeated.

[Congrats, you've completed the First Wave!]

[Next Wave starts in three minutes!]

"Damn, they don't even give you time to really rest!" Vindicate and Nami

were tired, this was especially the case for Nami. Vindicate could go on

for much longer but killing zombies would soon weigh on him. It was

obvious that the rounds or waves were going to get harder over time.

"I need more bullets. I'm almost out." Nami spent most of her time trying

to avoid the zombies rather than killing them. She left them to Vindicate

to deal with after she had distracted them until he was done killing the

ones he was fighting.

Vindicate gave her a few more bullets to use, she just put them in the

pouch on her waist her sister gave her. Nojiko got this pouch bag from

Bulwark city when she was there, Nojiko was a quick shopper.

After 3 minutes of relaxation, they heard another announcement.

[Wave 2! Two out of Five Waves!]

"What will it be this time?" Vindicate looked around cautiously. Nami's

forehead was filled with sweat, she knew that the creatures should be

stronger than the last ones.

[75/75 Skeleton Soldiers!]

Suddenly, they heard the sound of bones clanking together through the

Forest. What emerged was Skeleton soldiers with different weapons in

their hands. Some had a sword, spear, Bow and arrow, and axes. Their

eyes exuded a cold red glow devoid of life and emotion, they were only

here to kill!

"B-b-bone soldiers!" Nami looked at the intimidating soldiers in surprise.

Their speed was much faster than the zombies, they were speed walking

to get to Nami and Vindicate.


Suddenly, an arrow came flying pass Nami!

"Ah!" Nami's heart jumped, it was so close to piercing her in the face. She

was fortunate that this skeleton wasn't so good or she would have

dropped dead with that arrow to the face.

"Careful! Those archers are sitting back in the forest. I'll kill them first!"

Vindicate rushed passed the close combatant skeletons to kill the archer

skeletons that were sitting in the forest attacking from afar.

Nami started to shoot the skeletons in the head as she did with the

Zombies but it took two hits to the head to take them down. "Darn, they

don't die instantly like the zombies and they're much faster, how

annoying!" The skeletons were also armed, so you would be killed in a

single blow if you were hit in your vitals by them.

Vindicate was taking down the archers as fast as he could, there were

only ten of them but five spearmen were guarding them, were they

intelligent?! Vindicate didn't engage them in a close fight and only shot

the five to death before they could attack him.

"Yeah, die again, and I dare you to come back!" After finishing them, he

easily defeated the annoying archer skeleton who could fight from long

range. Vindicate then looked towards Nami who was being sieged by

Skeleton swordsman and axemen, there were a few spearmen as well.

Nami couldn't fight this many so she stopped shooting and made run for

it. "Forget this, I'll definitely die if I sit here! Where did he go, how could

he just leave me here? Why didn't he just take me with him?" Nami was

just talking out of fear, she knew what Vindicate really went to do but

was too scared to think positive right now.

The skeletons had infinite stamina, they could play this cat and mouse

game all day. They were also speed walking so the target would

eventually get tired and after that, it was death! Vindicate slammed down

into the horde of skeletons and blew them in different directions.

Nami turned around after hearing the booming sound and found that

many skeletons had been scattered about. Nami loaded the gun in her

hands and ran over after she had noticed that Vindicate had returned.

Vindicate quickly destroyed several skeletons by aiming for the head, he

kicked and punched while Nami shot them from afar.

Vindicate just tossed Nami his other pistol. He preferred to shoot rather

than fight up close but at this moment, he didn't have much ammo to

spare with so many enemies. It took them thirty-five minutes to

completely wipe out the skeletons. Vindicate was almost tagged by a

Spearman skeleton with its long-range but he dodged and put it down.

"Jeez, I'm starting to get a bit tired now but I should be able to take on

another round or so." Vindicate was breathing quickly from exhaustion.

They had finally managed to defeat the skeleton army.

[Congrats, you've completed the Second Wave!]

[Next Wave starts in Five minutes!]

Vindicate sat down where he stood, he needed all the energy he could

spare. Nami walked over, bones were scattered everywhere along with

several weapons from the skeletons. "Not much ammo left, what will we

do? There are three more rounds left before we can leave this place."

Nami sighed seeing Vindicate tiring position, this wasn't looking so good

so far.

"Damn, I swear we better get a good prize for this or else, I'll have to find

the one responsible for this trial and there will be some hell to spend!"

They were risking their lives doing these crazy wave games, if they didn't

get anything for success then that would make anyone made.

Nami nodded and sat down as well. "They better give us some treasure or

something worth a lot for this crazy fiesta." The two stayed silent for the

next five minutes to even save their breath.

[Wave 3! Three out of Five Waves!]

Nami clenched the gun and looked around, then...

[25/25 Ghouls!]

"Ghouls!" VIndicate was surprised. Ghouls were more vicious, smarter,

and faster than the low ranking version of themselves, the Zombie.

"Oh, this isn't going to be good!" At those words, many figures appeared

out of the forest. They looked at Vindicate and Nami with drooling

mouths, and they all grinned evilly seeing fresh prey! Nami felt many

chills run down her back seeing their sinister appearances and ugly

smiles, they were definitely intelligent!

"Prepare, we may have run to cover to fight these guys!" Vindicates face

turned grave.


Sorry, maybe some grammar issues here.

Trial of Power Part 2!

Spring Valley.

Erica and Nojiko were just getting done defeating a horde of Mud golems.

They were bigger and much wider than the Clay Golems. They also had

one eye, but it exuded a green glow instead of red. Nojiko would target

the eyes but the mud golem had the ability to move its eye around so it

was hard to target.

Fortunately, she had Erica who could just burned them into nothingness.

It took a bit more effort to burn these guys since it seemed they could

absorb damage similar to the devil fruit Erica once had. Erica had

instantly thought about her old ability when fighting these things and

knew that they could absorb damage to a certain degree. Nevertheless,

she still managed to wipe them out, all twenty-five of them!

[The battle will commence in three minutes!]

Erica sat down, it was clear that she was tired. She burned stamina when

using her power, there was freelo when you had great power. What was

fortunate was that Erica had a storage ring that had things she could take

to restore her energy. If Vindicate found out about this item he would

definitely want one ASAP.

"Three minutes, it should be enough to restore me to full, I wonder what

the next Golem type will be?" Erica noticed that these Golem things were

related to elements of the earth, the quality of there defense would

become greater and stronger.

"Goodness! Don't hope for crazy things, let's just hope they get weaker so

we can get out of here!" Nojiko thought Erica was some sort of battle

maniac or something, she always seemed eager to fight when she could.

"Don't you know? Through fighting do I gain power, this is why it must

be done!" Erica smiled and drunk some liquid that restored her energy.

Nojiko sighed and also drunk the liquid to restore her energy for the next


[Wave 3! Third Wave out of Five!]

Time was up and the announcement was made public.

[10/10 Stone Golems!]

"Stone!" Nojiko frowned, stone was not easy to get through. The defense

compared to mud and clay was completely different.

"Looks like it's getting tougher for real now." Erica grinned and stood up,

she punched her hands as black flames emerged from them.

Suddenly, the ground shook again, and a huge sand brownstone arm

came out of the ground. It pulled itself up and emerged on the surface. It

was followed by nine other figures of the same species.


The Golems let off a loud humming sound that was deafening. Erica and

Nojiko covered their ears, their hums shook the land around them.

"My ears!!" Nojiko felt like her ears were going to burst. Erica shot some

fire at the Golems to shut them up and it worked! They looked at the

puny figures before them, it was just a target for them to destroy in their

little minds.

The Golems all took a step towards Erica and Nojiko, and the earth shook

with each first step. Keep in mind that these things are around forty to

forty-five feet tall each. They all had one Yellow eyeball crystal on their

heads, it was much sturdier than the previous Golems.

The good thing was that they were slow compared to the previous

Golems. That was their only flaw compared to the previous Golems. Erica

tried her old trick and used a fire attack on one of them but it only

flinched for a bit before continuing.

"Ineffective?" Erica was a bit surprised but it was made out rock so it

wasn't going to be easy to take down. But she looked again and noticed

that it had indeed taken damage and was melted in the place she aimed

at. Erica's flames were hotter than the average flame so these Golem

would have trouble against her. The only reason it kept going was

because it didn't feel pain but it could have its moments impaired when


Erica saw the big yellow eye of the Golem and decided that this was

going to be her target from now on. She would aim for the heads to

destroy the strange eyeball crystal thing on their faces. Erica used Geppo

to walk through air towards one of the Golem head.

The Golem swung its towering arm but Erica hurriedly to dodge as a

huge gust of wind blew her hair into the wind from the swing. She didn't

need to dodge because of her being a logia but Rein had told her to

always keep dodging in mind since she would be doing a lot of that in

the future.

"Burn!" Erica shot a huge flamethrower at he Golem face, it stopped in

place as its head began to melt. The yellow crystal on its face went dim,

and it began to fall over hitting one of the other golems on it fall. The

other Golem was knocked over along with 2 other Golem standing

nearby, it looked like dominos.

Erica hurriedly to attack the eyes of the fallen Golems that had fell, she

attacked the yellow eyes with maximum focus of attack. Erica wasn't

suffering from body fatigue but mental fatigue, she was fighting some

pretty strong beings.

With four Golems down, there were only 6 left. The Stone Golems

seemed to understand something and their eyes flashed Brighter yellow

that was almost blinding. They all stomp on the ground at once, causing

a terrible earthquake and earth shock waves to kick up like nautilus from

league of legends.

"Take cover!" Erica was shocked. Nojiko's face changed and she ran off,

but what cover was there? It was nothing but grassy plains here! Nothing

could be done and Nojiko was sent packing like a foreigner with an

expired passport!

Author Note: Lol not offense to anyone who was kicked out of

somewhere due to this. xD

"Ahhhh!" Nojiko was sent flying far away, Erica wanted to save her but it

was too late! Nojiko slammed into the grassy ground and fainted on the


"No!" Erica's eyes dilated, it was unknown to her if Nojiko was alive or

not. Erica glared at the Golems menacingly.

"You've forced me to use my Ultimate attack!" Erica swiped her hand

through the air and the ground beneath her turned in black flames. The

fire spread far then she absorbed it into her body and it came through her

hands afterward.

This was just like Ace's final attack against Blackbeard.

"Honō no jotei!" Erica launched her attack causing terrible shockwave

and the temperature to rise sky-high around this particular area. A big

black sphere could be seen covering the area with an unknown height.

Two words could describe the Golem's situation, it was Total Elimination!

It was a good thing Nojiko was quite far away or she would have been

caught up in this explosion. The attack finally settled down and Erica was

gasping from using such an attack, it consumed a lot of stamina using

attack like that.

[Congrats, you've completed the Third Wave!]

[Next Wave starts in Thirty minutes!]

Erica heard the announcement and ran over to the Nojiko to check her


Dread Forest.

Vindicate and Nami are currently on the run right now. Unlike the rest of

the Creatures from the last wave, these things were quite fast and agile.

Nami was just too slow, this forced Vindicate to grab her and run off with

her in tow. Vindicate manage to kill three of them before he ran away

but he had to cater to Nami or she was going to be ripped apart.



Nami shot at the creature as she was being carried away but she couldn't

land a single shot, she was far off. Vindicate continued to run through the

foggy forest with a grave expression on, he could fight these things but

Nami was in the way.

"I need to put you in a safe place in order for me to fight these things off."

Fortune seemed to be on their side as a cave appeared in the distance.

Vindicate didn't need to think and ran straight for it with no hesitation.

This seemed like a bad idea but it was his best bet at the moment.

Vindicate told her to hide inside while he dealt with the rest.

Nami was Reluctant to leave, but he insisted, they were crewmates after

all and would be together for a very long time to come. "Be careful, I'll

peek out everyone now and then to shoot one if I can." Vindicate didn't

get to reply before a Ghoul was upon them. Vindicate took one of Nami's

pistols and turned to shoot the Ghoul that pounced at him.


Even with the shot to the head, it kept coming, it didn't die! Seeing this,

Vindicate tightened his hand muscles and shot a palm at the Ghouls face.

The ghoul's face was run through by Vindicate strike, and it died,

however, it managed to claw Vindicate's arm.

"Ah! Are you okay!?" Nami wanted to pull out some bandages but there

was time for that.

"Go! Head into the cave, I'll finish the rest here!" Vindicate didn't turn

around as he shot several shots at the approaching Ghouls. He had some

sort of quickdraw technique where he could load fast after running out of


Nami clenched her fist, she was now ever so determined to become

stronger! Afterward, she ran into the cave to avoid the ghouls. While she

was in the cave, she could hear many shots being fired and screeches

from the Ghouls.

Nami walked deeper into the cave slowly with her head down, she was

biting her lower lips. Bellemare died because she was too young and

weak, her village was bully because she was too weak, was she going to

stay like this until there was nothing left!?

Suddenly, she saw a white light, Nami looked up and saw a fountain of

crystal clear water. "What is this water, it's so sparkly and clear." Nami

felt a sense of calmness next to this water, it sort of gave off this feeling

of peace.

Nami reached her hands into the water and played with it, she really

wanted to take a bath after being around these nasty creatures. Suddenly,

she heard a screech behind her, what else could it be other than a Ghoul.

It smirked with green drool running down its lips when it spotted Nami,

it had discovered easy prey! The thing had discovered her running into

the cave and knew she was an easy picking. Nami's face changed

dramatically seeing the Ghoul, it didn't waste any time and rushed Nami.

It jumped through the air towards Nami ready to kill.

"Ah~~!" Nami fell over into the fountain and the water splashed

everywhere, the ghoul was also hit with water when she fell into the



A sizzling sound could be heard coming from the Ghoul and it screeched,

it rolled over on the ground in pain. Nami stood up and saw that steam

was coming from the ghoul's body. "Could it be the water's effects, what

kind of water is this?" She didn't worry about it too much and got more

water from the fountain and threw in on the Ghoul.

"AhrgGGGg!" The Ghoul gave it last scream before it melted into

nothingness. Nami smiled deeply, it was so wide that it looked like it was

reaching her ears. After thinking a bit, she dipped her Gun into the water

and ran towards the cave entrance.

Vindicate was engaging the laster 12 Ghouls but he had several cuts and

gashes on him. Nami focused and shot at one of the Ghouls, it landed on

the side of the ghoul which was technically not a weak point at all for

this creature. However, just like the Ghoul in the cave, it dropped to the

floor and slowly withered away.

"What? How?" Vindicate was stunned seeing the Ghoul get one-shotted.

Nami shot two more, it didn't have to be a headshot, all she needed to do

was hit them and they were done for. The Ghouls all recognized the

threat of Nami and rushed her. Nami shot more bullets but they dodged

them so she turned and ran into the cave.

Vindicate ran after them, as Nami was running away, she loaded her last

six bullets in the revolver like pistol. These didn't have the effects of that

special water, so she needed to add the effects. The Ghouls were right

behind her so Nami dived into the fountain before she was clawed by a



The water shot out everywhere and the Ghouls that were close screamed

in horror from the water touching their skin. The ones hit with the water

screamed and screamed until they were no more, there were now only

four Ghouls left. The last four seemed to understand what was going on

and turned to run away, but they were met with Vindicate.

Nami flexed her pistol and shot off two shots towards each ghoul, hitting

them in the back directly. Her aim was strangely good, it must be the

adrenaline in the heat of the moment like most humans have at some


There were two left and Vindicate was more than enough to finish them


[Congrats, you've completed the Third Wave!]

[Next Wave starts in Thirty minutes!]

"We did it, and we have more time than usual, like much more time!"

Vindicate was too tired of talking anymore and sat down with complete


"Hahaha! That was crazy, but we did it, of course, you did the most!"

Nami smiled and said.

"Hehe, so does that mean I get the biggest cut of the treasure!" Vindicate

grinned and said.

"D-Don't go too far now!" Nami's mouth twitched, but Vindicate knew she

would say something along these lines. He already had her calling card,

she and Rein were some of the greediest people, he only smiled and

shake his head, staying silent.

Nami breathed a sigh and said. "This water, have you noticed what it

does, it was burning them and killed them on the spot!" This may be

good against the other creepy creatures soon to come and she had to let

it be known.

"This water was the cause of you one-shotting those Ghouls?" Vindicate

looked over at the Fountain that Nami was standing next to, he wanted to

ask sooner about it but was too tired to ask. Nami nodded excitedly and

walked over to him to bandage him up.

"I think we can use it on the other creatures once they spawn. This must

be related to purifying them of some sort." Nami speculated.

"So, this water is like some sort of Holy Water or something?" Vindicate

was dead on, this was indeed Holy Water but he wasn't sure, he was just


"I believe so, we have time to prepare for the next round. How many

bullets do you have?"

"I have.." Vindicate pulled out a pouch and counted his bullets. "I have a

total of 25 bullets left, I left the rest on the ship because I didn't think I

would need that much with me believe that this was only a treasure hunt

and all." This was completely out of his expectation, so how could he

know about being put into some crazy wave trial.

After patching him up, Vindicate relaxed for 20 minutes without doing

anything while Nami prepared. She loaded the guns and filled her empty

water bottle up with this Purification water. Vindicate stood up at the 29-

minute mark and stretched a bit, readying up for the next wave.

Another announcement went off.

[Wave 4! Fourth Wave out of Five!]

"What will it be this time?" Nami gripped the gun tightly while Vindicate

silently listened.

[Wave 4 commencing!]

[3/3 Evil Wraiths!]

Trial Of Power Part 3!

Nami and Vindicate fought off the Wraiths, this wasn't so easy. They

manage to take two of them down with the Purification water, killing one

instantly and weakening one severely. Bullets, swords, and any normal

weapons were useless against them. Of course, if you had Haki then

hitting them wouldn't be a problem but none of them knew this


The crippled Wraith was slowed from its injuries which allowed Nami to

finish it off as Vindicate fought the 3rd Wraith. This Wraith wasn't stupid,

it saw how its teammates were killed and did things more cautiously.

Its eyes flashed red and a laser shot out of them!


"Not good!" Vindicate moved away to dodge, but he was too slow, and he

was lasered in his low side! He was still quite exhausted, he would need

to do more training in the future. Vindicate could be deemed as one of

the strongest in the four seas for sure, but exhaustion and damage from

the Ghouls were wearing on him!

"Ahgg!" Vindicate's eyes went wide from shock, he fell to the ground

holding his lower side.

"Halalala!" The Wraith seemed to be laughing at Vindicate's defeat, its

black-hole eyes returned to black holes after the laser was shot. It grinned

evilly, it recognized Vindicate's power but not Nami who it saw as weak.

Nami bit her teeth and shot at the wraith who was still caught up in

victory, but he noticed and it missed. Vindicate seemed to have fainted

from the trauma, he wasn't looking so good! It was similar to how

Hawkins was lasered by Kizaru at Sabaody Archipelago.

"No!" Nami was a bit panicked seeing the current situation but knew she

had to plan something. The Wraith shot another laser but Nami ran

around to dodge them.

"Halalala!" The wraith laughed seeing the ant run for its life. Nami's

pistols fell as she ran, she looked surprised when she dropped it as she

moved away from the fountain. The wraith saw an opportunity to kill

this person outright and rushed her.

Nami was pinned at a dead end with no way out, it looked hopeless! The

Wraith brandished it blade-like claw and drew in for the kill. It stabbed

towards Nami, its target was her heart, it was going for the sure kill.

Blood splashed about when she was impaled and wraith laughed loudly.

It claws even went through the rock behind her!

However, once it looked at Nami, it noticed that she was still alive. The

Wraith was stunned, how could she live from being stabbed in the heart?

It checked a saw that the place it stabbed was her upper shoulder, she

had moved just on time.

"Haha, just as planned!" Nami threw the bottle of Purification water on

the wraith. That's right, she drew it in on purpose. She dropped her gun

on purpose, she acted scare on purpose, well, she really was scared. Nami

knew it would continue to shoot lasers if she didn't drop her gun or move

away from the fountain, so she took the risk.


"HOOOOAAA!" The Wraith howl an unworldly screech, it had been

fooled by an ant with no strength! The Wraith began to melt away, with

complete grievance, trick by some lowly weakly, how pitiful!

[Congrats, you've completed the Fourth Wave!]

[Next Wave starts in an hour!]

*pant pant* Nami was breathing roughly, that was to close for comfort!

Her shoulder was bleeding pretty badly, she didn't have many bandages

left. Nami got up and ran over to Vindicate who had a hole in his side,

his condition was much worse.

"The rewards better be worth it!" Nami was quite angry, she used her last

bandages on him since his condition was way worse and she was a caring

person like that. She applied antibiotics and many other things to better

his condition.

She couldn't carry him, so she could only drag him deeper into the cave.

The next round was the last, she was worried about the final creature. "I

better fill up my water bottle with some more of that water, it's my best

bet." Nami laid Vindicate in a secluded part of the cave, she was about to

walk away but she came back and grabbed Vindicate's empty bottle as

well to fill.

Nami could only hope he didn't die from his wounds, she also hoped that

he wasn't in a coma.

Spring Valley.

Erica was currently engaged in battle against two Golems, she had killed

one out of the three. The type of Golems she was fighting now were steel

Golems. They could remind anyone of a giant Registeel of some sort.

They were surprisingly quick for their size and hard to take down, Erica

led them far away from Nojiko who was fainted in a safe place.

These Golem had one eye as well, but it was green, it could also fire a

cannon laser. It took time to charge but once it was let loose it would be

terrifying. As she was running away from the Golems who were around

35 feet tall, she saw something in the distance.

"What is that?" Erica said to herself, she didn't think much and ran to it.

What she was greeted with was a platform that was on the grass. In the

middle was a strange weapon, it looked like some high tech from the


Erica grabbed the gun, it was red and light gray. The features were just

like that of the incinerator from Halo 4! The Golem moved in quick!

Erica clicked the button on the side of the launcher and the number two

popped up. She instantly believed that this was the ammunition, like the

common sense she had, she took aim and pulled the trigger.

The scenery in the area changed in bright red as the red laser was shot

from the launcher. It was a red Laser similar to Cero from bleach.


The area shook as shockwave rippled out, the Golem next to the Golem

that was hit stumbled a bit. Winds kicked up causing Erica to cover her

face from them.

"HMMMM!" The Golem gave a cry once it was hit by the beam, it went

crashing down instantly! There was now only one Golem left, these trials

had things like this to help them defeat really hard opponents but they

were very limited use only. The purification water required you to

actually hit the target with it to do anything while this weapon only gave

you two shots and you would have to hit it.

"Yeah!" Erica jumped up in triumph but it wasn't over yet, the other

Golem began to charge up a laser to destroy the platform and Erica. She

couldn't one-shot a steel Golem like she did a Stone, Mud, and Clay

Golems. The durability of a steel Golem was much beyond all others

before it.

"Oh, Shit!" Erica could only move away as fast as she could. She wouldn't

be hurt by the laser, but the weapon would surely be destroyed, it still

had one shot left on it.


With that, a yellow cannon was fired by the Steel Golem, the light was

brighter than the sun according to Erica. A deafening explosion could be

seen, Erica was blown away by these terrible shockwaves as so was the

weapon in her hand. What was left was a huge crater where the platform

once was, these golems were much smarter than the once before it.

Once everything calmed down, all there was left was dust from dirt and

many rock and pebbles. The Golem stood in place waiting to see the

results of everything and if it killed its initial target. The golem couldn't

fire any more lasers since it had to charge up more energy to use another


Erica emerged from the rubble and looked at the Golem secretly through

the dust clouds. She intended to save the last shot of the cannon for the

last creature. Erica sighed, she may have to work on her stamina, or she

might face some problems in the future.

"Okay, I'll charge up one last attack to take it down, it took a little

damage from the cannon when I hit the other Golem." Erica put her hand

together and formed a triangle shape with her hands like a Tri-beam.

"Secular Fire!" This attack was also similar to Portgas D. Ace's Crossfire

attack where he would form his index finger into a cross. Erica spoke in a

low voice but the scorching sound was noticeable, the Golem put up its

arm to guard its head from the triangular attack.

The land was set ablaze at this point, the land will probably never be the

same again after today's fight. Erica moved toward the Golem using

Geppo, she aimed for its Eye since it was their weakness of all places.

The Golem was blindsided by the black fire that it was guarding against.

The Golem had some good resistance to fire, this was also because the

temperatures on Erica's flames had weakened due to her loss in stamina.

Erica landed on the Golems head, she turned into fire and rammed

directly into the golem's eye at full force! The Golem's head was covered

in fire, that turned from black to blue, the eyeglass cracked, and then it

exploded. Erica silhouette passed through the Golem's head as she

slammed in the ground in a messy meteor-like fashion.

The Golem fell soon after, the battle with the Golem had finally ended.

[Congrats, you've completed the Fourth Wave!]

[Next Wave starts in an hour!]

*Pant Pant*

"Great, this is good!" Erica laid on the ground in a star-shaped way

panting with a smile on her face. Once she lost all her stamina she could

no longer retain her intangibility from basic attacks.

Honestly, she just wanted to fall asleep right now, a bed was all she could

think of. Erica even started hallucinating about sheep jumping over a

fence. She steeled her will and sat up, she needed to find that cannon to

use on the last creature in the last wave.

Erica searched but couldn't find it in the rubble anywhere, she was

currently not in her logia form. She couldn't even go into it, she was

drained of energy with no more medicines to help her recover.

"Where is it, I know it was around here somewhere, why can't I find it?"

Erica started to worry, she knows for sure that the weapon wasn't

destroyed. Suddenly, a limping figure slowly made its way over, it could

be no one else other than Nojiko.

"We have one more round left, then we can leave this place." Nojiko had

a weird smile on her face as she walked over.

"Yes, I'm so exhausted right now that I don't even think I can conjure a

fire the size of a nail." Erica smiled bitterly, she had nothing left.

"T-then how are we going to beat the last wave?" Nojiko's forehead

suddenly filled with beads of sweat, this wasn't good news at all.

"There is a weapon around here that can be used on the final creature to

put it down but I can't find it through this rubble." Nojiko's spirit rose,

there was hope, all she had to do was find this weapon and everything

was settled.

They both did the best they could to find the weapon. Time passed as

they both searched through the rocks in search of it. "This is bad, we

have only three minutes left before the next wave starts!" Nojiko heard

the announcement and stated her worries.

"Damn! It'll be pretty messed up if it appeared after we died! Hahaha!"

Erica laughed at the crazy thought of that, that would indeed be pretty

fu**ed up!

"D-don't s-say crazy things, Erica!" Erica's words scared Nojiko, why was

she talking like it was hopeless!?

"Hehe, Sorry, let's keep looking until the very end." Erica didn't want to

scare anyone, she hadn't given up yet, she was still breathing. Three

minutes was nothing and passed really fast and then...

[Wave 5 Final Wave! Fifth out of Five Waves!]

Nojiko gulped and listened while Erica paused and went silent.

[1/1 Diamond Golem!]

Dread Forest.

Time had passed for Nami and Vindicate to, she had managed to help

him get a bit better. Vindicate was at least was breathing normally now,

but she and he were not in a good position. She left the cave and left him

inside to not cause the creature to aggro him.


[Wave 5! Final Wave! Fifth out of Five Waves!]

Nami gripped her pistol and looked around listening.

[1/1 Elemental Lich!]


Double Upload! Happy Reading! :)

Final Battle and Rewards!

Spring Valley.

Suddenly the ground shook and a sparkly fist Diamond fist came from the

ground! The creature easily with no effort pulled itself up. The stature

was shorter than most of the previous Golems, it was exactly 20 feet tall.

The Golem had a full Diamond body with one Purple eye on its face. The

Golem may be shorter than the rest, but it was faster, smarter and


"I-It shorter than most of the others but.." Nojiko knew that the size didn't

matter, it was made out of diamond and smaller so it surely faster.

"This isn't going to be good, I'll distract it while you continue to look for

the cannon!" Nojiko didn't say anything and started searching more

frantically. The Golem scanned the area and noticed Erica and Nojiko

and its eye shined brightly.

Erica could use a few Rokushiki Techniques to fight, but she wouldn't last

long as she was now. Erica ran away in a different direction while yelling

to get its attention. The Golem did what she was hoping for and focused

its attention on her, then it started running towards her.

"Gasp!" Erica a bit surprised, it could move that fast!? Now she was

worried if they were to find the cannon, could they even hit this thing?

Before she knew it, the Golem was already upon her and struck out at


"Hmph!" Erica wasn't a herbivore and clashed with the Golem fist.

However, Erica was knocked back, she was no longer intangible, so she

was just a regular person. Her strength was good, but she was way too

exhausted to fight anymore. Her fire would be completely ineffective

against diamond anyway, it may even render her fire body ineffective.

We're talking about a jewel that sat in fire and magma to get to its state

along with pressure, so this would make sense. Erica only knew four

Rokushiki Techniques which were Kami-E, Soru, Shigan, and Geppo, she

didn't know any of the other techniques yet. Rein didn't tell her about

Tekkai, but he told her that there six Rokushiki Techniques in total.

The Golem didn't stop there and pounced toward Erica again for another

punch. Erica used Kami-E to dodge, she then pressed the Golems hand

downward, sending a pistol finger at it face. The Golem was fast and put

its hand over it face to guard. The Golem was pushed back slightly but it

recovered very quickly.

"Damnit!" Erica was frustrated. The Golem kicked off the ground for

maximum speed raring to attack again. Erica used Kami-E to dodge, she

kept dodging the Golems assault, but she was eventually punched in the

stomach and sent flying!

"Urg!" Erica shot into the air like a torpedo and landed ground with a

thud. Erica struggled to get up but before she could get up, she was

kicked in the side and sent flying again! Nojiko stopped to see what was

going on and it wasn't looking so good!

"Damnit! Where the hell is this weapon!?" In a rage, Nojiko kicked a rock.

"Ah! Damn that hurts!" Nojiko rubbed her foot, but then she saw red

gleam next to the rock she kicked away. Nojiko's eye grew wide from joy,

and she quickly moved the rock away to reveal what she had been

looking for this whole time.

"So, this is the weapon, it a little flashy isn't it?" Nojiko noticed the one

on the weapon. "Must be the ammunition, this is what she meant by one

shot, one kill!" Nojiko held the launcher up over her shoulder. She looked

at the Erica and the Diamond Golem's fight which was causing a stir.

Suddenly, the Golem was kicked away and slammed into the ground.

After two seconds it sat up and stood up like some sort of robot. For Erica

to kick a Diamond Golem away of this size was a pretty good feat, but

she had nothing left now.

"A-Am I actually going to die?" Erica refused to believe it, was this the

end after she had come so far with him? "No, it isn't over yet, I'm not

dead yet!" Suddenly, she could see Nojiko waving in the distance, she

easily spotted the weapon over her shoulders.

"She found it!" Erica was relieved right away and a plan formulated in

her mind soon after. She sent sign language to Nojiko hoping she would

understand but Nojiko looked confused, she obviously didn't understand.

"I'll run to you while you charge it up, I'll lure the golem in!" Nojiko

nodded with a grinned. At this time, the Golem was already in the air

jumping toward Erica. Erica ran as the Golem slammed into her recent

position, then began to chase her, she soon started running toward

Nojiko. You could already guess what the plan was, it was just that


The Golem was gaining on Erica as Nojiko had her hand on the trigger.

Soon, they were right in front of Nojiko!

"NOW!" Erica jumped out of the way and Nojiko fired the weapon.


With a flash of red light, the golem was hit at point-blank while Nojiko

was blown back a few feet. The laser flew off into the air and exploded

causing Nojiko and Erica to hold their ears. Their hair was blown into the

wind at that.

Once all had settled, they looked up at the Golem who was standing still,

it had taken a step! "No! It isn't dead yet!?" Erica's face turned grave,

but… It stopped and started falling apart until it was reduced to diamond


[Congratulations, you've completed the Trial Of Power!]

Erica was still a bit shocked at the Golem defeat and the announcement.

Nojiko had tears of joy, she thought Erica was going to die. Erica's face

was swollen in many places, she had a lot of damage to her side as well.

Suddenly, a platform rose from the ground with three doors on it. They

literally had the number one to three on them to pick from. The rooms

also said the prize room on them, it was the way out!

Nojiko looked over at Erica but...

*Snore Snore*

"She fell asleep!"

Dread Forest.

Nami was currently running through the forest panting as a thunderbolt

struck where she was before she ran out of the spot. What was trailing

her was a black-robed Skeleton with a crown on its head, it had golden

bright pupil lights coming from its eyes.

It was the Elemental Lich!

The lich was intelligent and used many means to catch her, it created an

ice wall to block her off, but she would hurry to go around it before it

completely formed. The Lich could use Fire, Ice, and Lightning!

Nami knew that it would require a bit more purification water to take it

down. The minutes she saw the Lich spawn she made a run for it. This

wasn't something she could get close to with ease. Nami had an idea, but

she wasn't sure it would work.

As she was running, she picked up some rocks and threw them at the

Lich. The Lich didn't budge and let the rocks hit him as they did nothing.

"You dumb bag of bones, you aren't nothing to me, you can't even beat

little old me!" Nami smiled and scorned, but she was scared talking trash

to something so powerful, was she really that eager to die?

The Lich's eyes flashed, it clearly understood what she was saying and

shot a big fireball towards Nami.

"EEK!" Nami ducked and dodged and kept running. She changed her

purification bullet out with regular non-purified bullets.

"Take this you bone head!"



Nami shot at the lich, her target was its body but once the bullet hit it,

they had no effect at all. The Lich eyes showed contempt and it stomped

the ground, freezing it over. Nami ran off the minute she shot, but she

slipped on the ice and hit her head on it.

"AH!" Nami forehead hit the ground directly. Blood was clearly visible on

her forehead from the fall, she couldn't stay laying here or else.

"HAHAHAHA!" An eerie laugh came over which gave here the chills, she

didn't look behind her and kept running. Nami dodged behind a tree

before a fireball could set her ablaze, too close! She then switched her

Bullet back out to the purified one to use. Yes, her goal was to make the

Lich believe that all her attacks were useless.

Nami popped out, she focused and shot at the Lich, it allowed her to

focus and shoot at it believing that was in vain. It wanted to let this

human know what true despair was before it died. With the Lich allowing

her so much time to focus, her shot was quite accurate, the target was its


The bullet nailed its target, the Lich didn't expect much from this attack

but it was effective!


The Lich roared it pain, it held its head in shock! It was able to hurt me,

it thought!? But the attacks before didn't work on him, how was it

possible now? Nami took this time to shoot it again and this time, it was

in the chest.

The Lich Roared again and a cold chill shot out of it, freezing everything

around it. Nami turned to run but was Frozen Solid! The lich's eye turned

from Gold to red which displayed its anger, it knew what she had done

now. It figured out that this was only a trick to lower its guard, it wanted

this lowly being dead!

"HEheeheh!" The lich was wounded but chuckled victoriously, it began to

charge of a powerful fireball in one hand and Lightning in the other. Just

when all looked lost for Nami, a Silhouette fired three quick shots into

the back of the Lich!


With that, the Lightning and fire in its hand went out of control and shot

off into different directions. This was clearly Vindicate's doing, he didn't

stop there and moved towards the Lich and slammed a glass jar of

Purification water over its head.

Sadly, he attacked as the Lich was releasing its electrical charge and was

electrocuted. Vindicate was blown away by the blast into the forest

somewhere. The lich wasn't so fortunate itself as it began to screech and

melt slowly away. It had no clue that there was another one hiding in the

shadows, it would have known if there was another if this woman had

died. Some strange force would have alerted it that there was another.

[Congratulations, you've completed the Trial Of Power!]

The Lich had finally melted away, leaving only a Key behind. Upon its

death a huge gate appeared out of nowhere, it just stood there waiting to

be walked through. Vindicate limped out of the forest holding his side as

the ice on Nami began to melt. This was because of the purification water

she had on her, the ice that was used by the Lich wasn't so pure at all.

After the Ice thawed, Nami dropped to the ground shaking from the ice-


"It's over, the creature has been defeated!" Vindicate breathed a long sigh

of relief, this was the hardest battle he had ever experienced. Nami sat up

slowly, she was pale from the cold and could only shiver, she couldn't

even talk.

Vindicate walked over and assisted her up, he looked at the door that

appeared. Vindicate saw a gleam coming from the ground where the lich

died. "What is that and when did that get there?" Vindicate helped Nami

as they walked over to the key that was on the ground. Nami found the

strength in herself and picked it up.

"Let's go through this door, but I don't see any keyholes on it?" Vindicate

looked confused so he and Nami walked over to it and pushed the door

and it opened! It was just darkness inside, so they were reluctant to go

inside of it. However, they would rather be anywhere than in this crazy

forest anymore. However, Vindicate strangely like this type of forest the

most, its eerieness wasn't so bad to him.

After they walked through the door, the scenery change completely, it

had turned into a land filled with Gold coins, treasure, jewels and some

chest that had yet to be opened, what a reward!, Nami somehow returned

to full energy as she gasped in shock!

"OH MY GOSH!!" Nami was elated as her eyes turned to belies, she didn't

know where to start, she was sad that she couldn't take it all. Nami could

only take what she could carry, they saw another door up ahead that said

exit on it. The door they had come through before had disappeared


"I'll go collect some treasure, you should do the same!" Nami ran off

before Vindicate could reply, he had expected this so he wasn't surprised.

Looking at the land of treasure, he saw many treasure chests that caught

his attention.

"Let's open them up and see what really inside, it must be good if it's in a

chest." Vindicate tried to pry it open. Meanwhile, Nami had found a cart

somewhere and was throwing all types of jewels and treasure into it, she

had the biggest smile on her face, this was a paradise to her.

"Haha, the reward was surely worth it!" It was all worth it to her. With

this, they could get a bigger ship which was something she wanted her

crew to have. The ship wasn't the biggest or the sturdiest and she knew it

even needed repairs. Nami was completely unaware that Rein had

enough money for a new ship but the more the merrier, I guess.

This was also okay because it could be used as an investment when Rein

made a new island. This money could be dumped into the economy.

However, as she was walking, something caught her attention, it was a

golden chest.

Nami stopped next to it and tried to open it, well, it was easy to open

since it wasn't locked.

When she opened it, it revealed a Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and Purple

Staff! It had rainbow features to it, it had a luxurious look to it that

earned Nami love instantly.

There were five empty slots at the top of the staff. "It's so beautiful, I

wonder what it can do?" Nami picked it up, and a voice could be heard in

her head.

[Do you wish to contract this Elemental Staff?]

"Huh?" Nami looked around in surprise but saw no one but Vindicate

some ways away.

"Yes, I would!" Nami answered and suddenly, the Staff glowed a Rainbow

brilliance that was blinding. Vindicate was easily able to notice the

rainbow light but when he looked over he had to cover his eyes.

The light died down and Vindicate ran over, he never managed to open

that chest! "What is going on, what happened?" Vindicate asked.

Information began to flood into her mind, and she instantly knew what

was needed to use this marvelous staff.

Element Stones!

The Exit!

Time was different in these trial so no one knew how much time truly

passed while they were inside. After Nami and Vindicate filled two carts

up full of treasure, they decided to leave. Nami was very reluctant but

they both were getting hungry. Vindicate kept a few chests to open later,

it was no way he could leave them here.

Vindicate pushed one cart while Nami pushed the other. They walked to

the exit door, and Vindicate opened it as they walked through it. Once

they walked through, everything changed again. They were now in a

square room with no doors to be seen in it. They wanted to turn around

but the door they came through had disappeared.

"Where is this, why aren't there any more ways out?" Nami looked

around, then she looked up and noticed that there was a door up above.

The room was like a long rectangle with the door just sitting on a wall

that was too high for them to reach unless they could fly.

"The door is so high, how can we possibly reach that?" Vindicate was

annoyed, there were just too many doors. However, this was the last door

and truly the way out if they made it through it.

*Gumble Gumble*

"I'm so hungry, are we actually going to starve to death with all this

treasure on us? And my...I mean our treasure!" Nami was so depressed

right now. If they manage to make it up to the door, was it even possible

to take all this treasure with them?

If Vindicate had Geppo then he could make it out but he wasn't even

aware of Geppo. He was taught Soru, Tekkai, and Kami-e by his father.

This was for balance, one for speed, one for defense/offense, and one for

dodging. This is why his dad had taught him these moves, while he didn't

teach or tell him about the other three.

"Sigh, we need to get out of here somehow, or we'll starve to death. Let

me tell you, that is one of the worse ways to go out!" They had to come

up with something or else. "Maybe we can use the gold belies to help us

get up and leave all else behind?"

"Absolutely not!" Nami immediately decline, she risked her life for these

treasures! There was no way she was leaving this all here after so much

effort, it would have been all for nothing. Vindicate expected this so he

didn't even know why he suggested it.

"What about that black fruit on you, maybe we can eat some of that to

hold us up for a bit. I just hope... that it isn't rotten." Nami just recalled

the fruit he had in the big pouch strapped to his side.

"Oh, yeah!" Vindicate opened the pouch and took the fruit out. He

honestly found this fruit unique and wanted to hold onto it but they were

a desperate spot now. The Black Pumpkin fruit was revealed, it gave off a

black and red aura for a second.

"This fruit seems a bit creepy, doesn't it?" Nami looked at the fruit's

features and knew that this fruit was strange.

"Okay, I'll eat it first to test the waters, then you can take some afterward

once I confirm." Vindicate looked at Nami to see if she would agree.

Nami didn't seem to have a problem with that and nodded.

"Also, take care of that arm of yours, it's still bleeding from your early

battle." Vindicate noticed Nami's bloody arm which she seemed to have

forgotten about herself.

"Ah, right!" Nami was driven by greed and forgot that she was wounded,

if she didn't treat it soon then it would get infected. Vindicate took a

piece of the fruit which was surprisingly easy to rip through compared to

the usual hard pumpkins.

"I hope this thing ain't rotten!" Vindicate put it into his mouth and

swallowed it instantly. One would think you could avoid the taste of

something if you flat out swallowed it but that wasn't the case for this


"Blargg! This fruit taste like complete trash, is that drywall I taste!?"

Vindicate was making gag reflexes, this was the worst fruit he had ever

tasted and he loved pumpkin pie. "That doesn't taste like any pumpkin

I've ever had, not even rotten ones taste like that!" Vindicate tossed the

fruit aside to the ground but some change occurred that Nami saw


"Vindicate! Your hands!"

"My hands!" VIndicate looked at his hands in shock!

Trial Treasury Erica and Nojiko

Nojiko had to carry Erica through one of the doors out of the three. Like

Vindicate and Nami, they came across a treasury, but it wasn't nearly that

much compared to Nami and Vindicate's encounter. Nojiko was stunned

in place, while Erica was still asleep from before. Nojiko could only

imagine if her sister had seen this place and how her reaction would be.

Nojiko laid Erica down for her to continue sleeping while she took Erica

storage ring to fill it up. The storage ring had a limit on it as well, so she

couldn't take everything like she hoped to. She noticed may chest in the

room but couldn't open them.

Nojiko tired to open another chest and it opened with ease. "Huh? They

looked nice, but I don't like weapons like these." When she opened the

chest, it revealed two gold-black pistols, they had strange design on.

"Where's the trigger on them, how can anyone use them without that?"

Nojiko saw that there was no trigger when she picked them up. They

looked like Lucian's pistols from league of legends but black and gold


"Hmm, maybe Vindicate will like them, I'll just save them for him

instead." Nojiko put them back into the chest and threw the chest into the

storage ring. Sadly, Vindicate and Nami were the only ones in the crew

that weren't aware of the storage ring.

Time went by and Erica finally woke up after sleeping for nearly two

hours. She was still tired but she woke up because of the danger she had

faced earlier, so she was still in cautious mode. "Where is this, oh my

gosh, what is this place!?" Erica stood up in surprise seeing the land of

gold and treasure.

"This place is where our reward is, we can take any treasure we want.

After we're done we can go through that door over there." Nojiko pointed

to the exit door up ahead and said.

"Nice! All our effort wasn't for naught, let clean up!" Erica looked at her

finger and found that her storage ring wasn't there.

"I have it, I've loaded it up to the limit already, so we should probably

leave." Nojiko walked around this place as if she was shopping, she

picked up many things and put them into the storage. She was also

waiting for Erica to wake in order to leave.

"Oh, okay." Erica shrugged, she wasn't a greedy person anyway and was

only going to take as much as she could for Rein, who she knows, would

want them. The two approached the exit and opened it up to leave. They

were greeted by the same room just like Nami and Vindicate.

"I am having some serious back problem right now, I think my back in

swollen from that fight with that Golem!" Erica complained as she felt

her back, she looked around the room and saw no doors. However,

Nojiko saw a door up above them in the same fashion that Nami had

discovered it.

"What a strange place to put a door, do they want normal people to be

trapped in this place?" Nojiko wondered which idiot made this room, it

was clearly here to trap people that wanted to leave with the prize gold.

"They can try, but that will all fail in the end!" Erica grabbed Nojiko out

of nowhere which startled her. She simply used Geppo to reach the door

and pass through it. Once they walked through the door, they spawned

on a platform in some room.

"Let's go through that hallway, that seemed to be the way out!" Nojiko

pointed to the pathway and immediately both ran to it to leave. The hall

was already lit for some reason, so they didn't need to do anything.

They walked for about ten minutes until they came to another room that

was completely lit up. They saw a long stairway in the room that led

upward. Erica took the spyglass out from her storage ring and looked at

the top of the flight of stairs.

Once she looked, she saw two figures at the top of the stairs.

Rein and Kuina!

"Gasp! Kuina and Rein are at the top of the stairs, let's go meet with

them!" Erica said excitedly.

"Really? Where is Vindicate and Nami?" They were the first to pass

through the platform but Rein and Kuina were the first to pass the trials

and make it here. So where were Vindicate and Nami, did something bad

happen, Nojiko was starting to get worried.

"I don't...know." Erica said slowly "Vindicate is a capable guy, maybe

they're safe." Erica hoped they were. If the trial was just as hard as hers

then she wasn't so sure. They could be...

"Let's go talk to Rein and Kuina about it to see what we can do about

them." Nojiko agreed, there was no other way at this point. There must

be at least 100 stairs to climb in order to reach the top of this platform.

"Fuck! Who made this trial and place, I want to beat them so badly!"

Nojiko was annoyed with the idiots who made this trial, why were they

making things so difficult!? Rein had already discovered Erica and Nojiko

the minute they appeared in this room.

Once they made it to the top, they were greeted by Rein. "Nice! You guys

made it through the trials...alive!" Rein looked Erica who didn't look so

good and tossed her some medicine.

"Thanks, it was some serious hell, we found some creatures called

Golems." Rein knew of Golems from video games.

"Golems in this place, now that pretty interesting." Rein said, "They could

be from the Void century so that would make sense." Rein speculated that

this was the case, there was no way it could be anything else.

"Void Century? What is that?" Kuina walked over, she had some strange

goo on her shirt that Nojiko caught sight of right when she walked over.

"I'll explain that some other time, you might want to get that bug Goo or

blood off your shirt." Rein chuckled from the memories of their trial.

"I told you, It won't come off, Hmph!" Kuina was mad that she couldn't

get it off, but Rein made sure to rub it in.

B-Bug Goo and blood?" Nojiko's face changed a bit and so did Erica's.

Rein began to relay his trial. They had to fight swarms of bugs in the

thousands at first while some were deadly poisonous. They had to fight a

big Red firebug that could shoot fire and was totally fire resistant. Kuina

had to run most of the time from the swarms that would appear, Rein

and Kuina had to fight ten waves!

He told them about the slimy tentacle bug monster that caught Kuina

which made him laugh. Just when he wanted to say more, he was nearly

slashed by Kuina who had a cherry red face.

"Shut up, Rein! Don't say anymore or I'll chop you into ten thousand

pieces!" Nojiko and Erica seemed to understand that something

embarrassing happened and chuckled a bit but didn't pry about it.

"Hehe, Well, I ran into a big treasury, I wanted to take the whole thing

but once I took to much, we were booted out!" Rein recalled the scene of

himself sucking the place clean but was warped out by some strange


Nojiko's mouth twitched, greedy to the point where the treasury couldn't

tolerate him, how sad! Erica laughed and was glad that the storage ring

had a limit or she probably would have been kicked to the curb just like


"We're worried about Vindicate and Nami." Erica said

"No worries, they're alive, take a look over there. " Rein pointed to the

wall that showed everyone pictures on it. Erica and Nojiko were

dumbfounded seeing the pictures, they could see a green light under

everyone's picture. This indicated that they were alive and well, so all

was well.

Nojiko sighed in relief.

"Oh Yeah, once I got up here I obtained this." Rein took out an emblem of

some sort that had Lion's head on it just like the one on the map.

"What is it for?" Erica looked at it and Rein handed it over to her to see.

At that moment, Rein sensed two more people enter the room.

Nami and Vindicate!

"Well, Nami and Vindicate are here, they just have to climb the stairs."

Rein said casually.

"They're here, do we go meet them?" Erica wanted to greet them but was

stopped by Rein as he said they can come up here with no problem. After

twenty minutes of waiting, both Nami and Vindicate made it up the


"Which dumbass made these damn stairs!?" Vindicate stomped his foot

and said in annoyance. Once they made up the stairs, they looked ahead

and saw their crew waiting for them and felt relieved.

"Nami!" Nojiko ran over and Hugged Nami.

"Ouch!" Nami felt the pain from her arm when she was hugged.

"Oh, sorry! Nojiko backed away and saw the wound on her arm. "We

need a medic or something for both of them." Vindicate didn't look so

back, he was healing pretty fast for some reason, maybe it was because of

that Devil Fruit he ate.

Rein came over and applied some special medicine to her wounds and

bandaged her up. Vindicate said he was okay and didn't need any

medical attention. The exit was right ahead, the trial had been finished

but before that, they heard a voice around them.

"Finally, everyone is here, this great deity had been waiting for everyone

to group together!" This person's voice appeared out of nowhere, it had

feminine vibe to it so Rein deducted that it was a female.

"Show yourself and stop hiding!" Vindicate looked around cautiously.

"Calm down, this god will show itself, hmph!" A silhouette jumped out

and appeared in from of everyone.

"What the heck!" Rein said

"Oh, I worried for a little bit but it was just some overgrown furball,

haha!' Vindicate laughed with tears in his eyes, it called itself a god!

What a Joke!

"You dare! You lowly mortals!" What appeared was familiar to Erica and


"Guys, it's the Cat from the picture Puzzle!" That's right, it was the cat

from the picture puzzle. It had blue fur and green eyes, it also had black

stripes on its back.

What did this mean?

Jokes & Laughs

The Strange Cat grinned after hearing what Nojiko said, its face was

already stuck smiling so it was even more creepier. The cat had been

watching everyone's trial from start to finish, it was watching them

before it begun. The cat's grin was very wide to the point where it

seemed that its lower face could be opened up, it revealed sharp

triangular teeth. It looked at both Nojiko and Erica with interest, they

were the ones that solved its face on a puzzle, after all, but it was more to

it than just that.

Rein couldn't help but recall what type of creature it was, it was a

legendary creature. "Oh my goodness, it's a Cheshire Cat, how is this

possible!?" Rein had seen this type of creature from Alice and

wonderland but it had appeared here in the one-piece world. The cat was

about the size of a hippo for some reason.

"You two, you two are worthy to be chosen as one of my masters!" The

Cheshire Cat looked deeply Erica and Nojiko, it was mainly looking at

Nojiko with interest.

"W-What? The two of us?" Erica was a bit surprised, she did recall the

puzzle but what did that stand for. Nojiko was just as surprised but

remained silent.

"Ah! It's such a cute fluffy cat, how about you come serve me, we can

make travel the world together!" Nami looked at the cat and blushed

from its cuteness.

"You? Nah, you're too greedy for my taste! The Ninja is too secluded and

ambitious for power, the Gunman is confused about which path is right,

the swordswoman has to much doubt in her heart, which leaves these

two amazing people here." The cat smiled deeply again as it stared at

Nojiko and Erica.

"What!?" Everyone except Erica and Nojiko yelled out in surprise, did this

thing just tell us our flaws.

"C-Confused? W-who the hell is confused?" Blacklines appeared on

Vindicate forehead, who did this cat thing think it was to tell him his


"Checheche!" The cat laughed but didn't say anything.

"I-I do have some doubts." Kuina felt dispirited hearing those words

because they were so true, she had many doubts about her improvement

but still tried. Rein didn't say anything and only listen to what the cat

was saying, was he really like that?

"Why are we qualified to be your master or something like that?" Nojiko

asked curiously.

"Erica does what she does selflessly, she is truly a good-hearted person

who fights for a certain someone." The cat looked at Rein from the side of

its eye then it looked at Nojiko. "You are also the same but you also have

very good luck, the highest I've seen in thousands of years."

Nojiko didn't say anything, she didn't know what her fortunate was or

what it meant. "Then what do we have to do to win this match to be your

master?" Erica asked bluntly, she actually liked this cat unique look.

"Hehe, simple, all you need to do is tell me a funny joke! I haven't had a

good laugh in so long that it's killer just living in this pyramid doing


'What the hell? Did this cat have some type of King Kai vibe to it?' Rein

had many thoughts looking at the cat, it was a good thing to have as a

servant, he had to say. Why it was looking for a master, he didn't bother

to ask.

"A joke? So if one of them tells a joke, you'll end up joining our crew?"

Vindicate sneered looking at this annoying cat.

Dared to call him confused!

"Checheche! Not only are you confused about your path, you're literally

confused about your path!" Ouch! The cat was now talking about his

sense of direction, what a burn! Nami covered her mouth as her eye

bulged out of her face, she tried to stop herself from laughing out loud!

"You little shit!" Vindicate pulled out his gun and fired at the cat, he only

shot at the ground to scare him.

"AH!" The cat jumped away in fright and went invisible when it leaped


"Guhaha! Did you see that? The poor excuse for a deity ran away, wait,

how did it go invisible like that?" Vindicate stopped laughing but was

soon tripped off his feet by the invisible Cheshire Cat.


"Hmph! Now, where was I again, yes, talking to my beautiful sisters over

here!" The Cat's huge figure teleported back to where it was and began to

talk like nothing had happened.

"That little...!" It was clear that if this cat did join the crew, it wouldn't

have such a good relationship with Vindicate. Oh, how funny this

journey was going be! Rein didn't mind the cat joining one bit, he always

was fascinated by the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland.

"Stop it, let's see what happens for now." Nami helped Vindicate up and

said in a low voice. Vindicate looked at Rein and he gave him the green

light that it was okay.

"Just you wait you little kitten!" Vindicate whispered to himself. Kuina

chuckled softly seeing Vin's irritated face.

"Why would you want any of us as your master, it doesn't make any

sense." Nojiko had to a conclusive answer from this cat, why would it

need a master?

"Checheche! It boring sitting in the pyramid, it can make one a little

crazy. In fact, all of us are a little crazy on this Island, even myself."

Nojiko and Erica, along with everyone else were speechless.

"With a mouth like yours, I would go crazy too!" Vindicate said under his

breath. The cat had good hearing but ignored Vindicate. It had plenty of

time to play pranks on him later for revenge.

"Ah, okay then, let's start, you both get two jokes each!" The Cat said


Nojiko and Erica talked for a bit and soon agreed to let Erica go first.

Erica: Ahem! Here I go!

Erica: Why do cats always get their way?

Cheshire Cat: Hmm, I don't know, why?

Erica: Because they're purr-suasive!

"Pfft! Hahahaha!" Nami and Kuina broke out into wild laughter while

Rein and Vindicate were struck silent. Rein didn't know she could tell

jokes, where did she learn to tell jokes?

Cheshire Cat: Haha, that was a good one but not enough to really purr-

suade me!

The Cat countered back, which made Rein smirk a bit, this cat really

liked jokes, huh?

Erica: Okay, I got another one!

Erica: What do cats love to do in the morning? "Giggle giggle"

Erica started to crack giggles from here own questioned joke.

Cheshire Cat: Uh, I don't know, what do they do?

Erica had tears in her eyes and said in a cracking voice.

Erica: They like to read the mewspaper!

"Pfft!" Everyone including Rein started laughing wildly, that was a good

one. The cat even started to laugh hearing the joke!

"Haha, that's a good one!" Vindicate laughed heartily.

"When were you so good at telling jokes, Bahaha!" Rein shook his and

stopped his laughter.

Cheshire Cat: Very good, great, you're next!

The Cheshire Cat looked at Nojiko, she walked forward while Erica walk

back, wiping her eyes.

Nojiko: What do you call a cat that tells jokes?

Cheshire Cat: Don't know, what do they call them?

Nojiko: Just kitten!

Cheshire Cat: What!? Checheche!

Nami and Kuina were holding their stomachs at this point, if this kept up,

they might have a heart attack! "When have I laughed so hard at jokes

before, these two are pretty good at entertainment, Guhahaha!" Vindicate

wiped his eyes in a fit of laughter.

Cheshire Cat: Phew, Okay, the next one! These cat jokes are killing me,

why do you guys have to do me like that?

Nojiko: Miss cat, you like games, don't you?

Cheshire Cat: Yes, I do!

Nojiko: Then here this one out. Why can't cats play poker in the jungle?

Cheshire Cat: Oh, and why can't they, there's plenty of jungle on this


Nojiko: Because.... There are too many cheetahs, hahaha!

Rein eyes grew watery from surprise, he couldn't hold this one in and

started laughing from her joke. This included everyone and the Cheshire

Cat, it was too good, the timing and all.

Cheshire Cat: I-I... s-sorry Erica, but this woman is the one, she is the

one! Checheche!

The cat had watery Green eyes, it had laughed too much from Nojiko

jokes, from both to be exact. The Cat shrunk in size to the size of a

normal cat and pulled out a book. The cat floated in air as it ran through

the book before it pulled a sheet of paper out of the book.

Rein looked closely at the book, the title on it said "The Book of Eternity."

The book was green-blue so it stuck out like a sore thumb amongst most

books. The Cheshire Cat sat on the book as he floated over toward


"Here is the contract, be sure to check it out." Nojiko took the sheet of

paper and read through it. She showed everyone else the contract, mainly

Rein to see if there were no tricks or exploits involved.

The crew whispered amongst themselves.

"It checks out well, all should be well."

"I have no problem with it"

"Yeah, Looks good to me."

With that, Nojiko signed and a light shot into her head once she was

done sighing it.

"Well, it looks like we'll be together to the end, Checheche!"

Vindicate sneered "Yeah, you can be our crew's mascot, this seems more

suitable for you, Guhahaha!" Suddenly, a dirty smelly sock shot into

Vindicate's mouth.

"Pfft! Blargg! Whose dirty sock is this!?" Vindicate looked angrily at the

Cat but it still retained its same grinning face, which was stuck this way.

The cat didn't say anything and turned into a fluffy purple scarf the same

color as Nojiko's hair, and wrapped around Nojiko's neck.

"Wah, so warm, I love it!" Nojiko's mind was also filled with some

information that the Cheshire cat had given here, she knew what the cat

was just from that. Suddenly, the Area twisted around them and everyone

was warped out of the Pyramid.

They all appeared in front of the pyramid before they had walked up the

stairs. Nojiko had gained a contracted beast, so she gained a lot here.

Rein had innate strengthening just like Luffy and most of the will of D


His stat would go up by themselves through battle and learning from

their fights. This was the case for Rein, so he also gained a lot here. Luffy

also gained strength through fighting, Luffy's technique wasn't as good as

Lucci but his stats were pretty decent, mainly his will which played a big

role in Lucci's defeat.

Like all trials, each one had one devil Fruit in it and Rein had one. It was

a Paramecia Class Devil fruit that allowed one to control swarms of bugs.

You could also have the bugs spy one someone or even attack them with

poison, you could also heighten the potency of your bug's poison but you

would need some poison for that to enhance them.

It was the ability to control and manipulate bugs, which Rein didn't want

to sell. This fruit was too good to pass up. "I'll save it for someone else in

the future, I can't sell something like this to the system." Nojiko was no

different, she found a strange fruit in the treasury as well and just tossed

it into the storage ring, it was unknown what type of fruit it was.

At this time, the crew sat near the pyramid with large umbrellas over

them to block the intense sun. Nami was looking at the map while Kuina

was sanitizing her wounded arm, which needed to be treated fast.

"What do got so far, Nami?" Rein asked

"We're very fortunate, a forest is nearby and the heat shouldn't be so bad

there. It just this lion on the map pyramid, I still don't know what it

means." Erica took out the emblem and showed Nami and told Nami all

about it.

"So it was like that. Does that mean we'll have to go through more trials

to get the other pendants?" Nami would rather not do that again if she

could avoid it, that place was a nightmare that was made into a reality

and too close to death!

"No, it won't be any trial you guys will have to go through. The lion

Pendant is the hardest to get. That's why it has been there since who

knows when. Oh, and it's an insignia, not an emblem or pendant!" The

Cheshire Cat spoke up to inform them, it still stayed in its scarf form

around Nojiko's neck.

"Oh, so there will be no more trial then, sounds good to me. If this is the

case, we should head to the North to get the Goat insignia then the south

has a Snake insignia I'm guessing from this map." Rein had decided. But

what they didn't know was that the Snake insignia was already taken by

the Flagstar pirates who fled to the North.

"This could work, a little snow to cool us down from the scorching hot

desert, so it's good to me." Kuina nodded as she just got done patching

Nami up.

"Oh, right, I got a little gift for you Vindicate, check it out! Erica, could

you give him the chest I showed you earlier to him." Erica smiled and

nodded, she looked through the storage ring and pulled out the chest.

"Hoho, I love gifts!" Vindicate was curious.

"Checheche! What a loser!" Vindicate glared at the scarfed shaped cat, his

eye glinted for second but he decided to ignore the cat. Erica opened the

chest for all to see, it was the pair of guns she found in the treasury.

"What the hell!?" Rein was shocked seeing the familiar pistol, he knew

good a well what these pistols looked like! "This can't be a coincidence,

this is just crazy now!" How was this possible, it didn't even have a

trigger like Lucian's Guns.

"Wow, these look amazing, but where is the trigger?" Vindicate took the

Chest with a smile and scanned the weapons and saw no trigger.

"Checheche! A confused person like you who doesn't know his true path

could never shoot these relic pistols!" The Cheshire Cat cut in, it seemed

that one would need to meet certain qualifications to shoot these guns.

Rein shook his head, these were indeed just like Lucian's pistols, you

would require faith and belief to shoot these, a confused and unsure

person couldn't do it.

"What does a creepy cat like you know?" Vindicate glared at the cat who

had taken form, it sat on Nojiko's head in a kitten form. Nojiko didn't feel

it since it could control its weight, its weight was nonexistent on her


"He's right, you would need to believe and have a clear mind when

shooting these things!" Rein spoke up and assured the Cat was right. He

knew all but too well about these weapons, but how did they end up in

the one-piece world?

"A-A clear mind." Vindicate seemed to be thinking, he understood what it

meant and he didn't have a clear mind, yet.

"Checheche! The ninja leader may be ambitious and secluded, but he

understands most things here!" The Cheshire Cat nodded and closed its


"Sigh, I see! I still have things to work on! Thank you, Nojiko!" Vindicate

took the big guns and strapped them to his waist with the other two


"Hehe, No problem!" Nojiko smiled and said.

"Hmph, Loser!" The Cheshire cat was indeed female as everyone expected

but it loved making fun of Vindicate. Vindicate's mouth twitched, but he

decided to ignore the cat's words.

"Okay, you guys apparently got a lot of treasure, so we'll sort that out

later but for now, let's head north!" Rein pointed in the northern

direction until...

"That's east!" Nami chimed in with a chuckle.

"Uh, I knew that, I was just testing you guys out." Rein nodded seriously

and said. Of course, they knew he was lying.

"Yeah, sure!" Everyone got up and followed Nami.

Marine Campsite

"Reporting Sir! The pirates came out of the pyramid after a week!" The

man was pretty shocked by his own words.

"What? They came out alive, every pirate that went into that pyramid

never came out!" Captain Copper was just as surprised, he wasn't sure

what was in there but any pirate or marine that set foot in there never

came out!

"I want you to gather information on those pirates. I want to see what

kind of pirates they are!" Captain copper turned back around and started


"Yes, Sir, will do!" The marines left the large tent in a hurry.

"So, pirates that can survive that hellish pyramid? I wonder who they

might be?" Captain Copper shook his head and continued to eat.

Surprise Attack and


Myriad Island Frost Moutain.


A Cold wind came from the Giant Yeti's mouth, anyone close by were

either blown away or frozen on the spot! "Damn, this thing isn't showing

any signs of fatigue, we've sent people here every day for the past month

to weaken it!" Captain Red bull couldn't understand why it was still

fighting so well, it had a wound on its legs so it resorted to using its

abilities rather than fighting up close.

"When is Miguel going to show up with that poison he said he had?"

RedBull and Captain Miguel decided to use underhanded means to take

this thing down, its ice abilities were too overbearing in this weather

condition. Red bull could take the cold when in his Zoan form but this

weather would heighten the effects of its ice ability, so he would end

frozen solid.

Suddenly the ground shook, the Yeti stomped the ground which made

some people lose their footing.

"Oh, shit! Sir, we need to run, that yeti just caused an avalanche!"

Everything was silent for a bit then they suddenly heard some rumbling

coming from Mt. Frost!


"Run for your life!"

Red face changed and he turned to run away from the sea of snow!

"Yehahaha!" The Yeti gave a joyous laugh seeing everyone run in fear,

but the question is, could they outrun an avalanche?


"Someone help me!"

"Save me!"

Many people screamed but the avalanche sounded like thunder coming

down on everyone, their screams could barely be heard. Red Bull couldn't

escape either, he had no choice but to change into his RedBull Form to

survive this.

The wind was all that could be heard once the avalanche had stopped.

There was no one left, but one guy who burst out of the snow.

Captain RedBull.

"Damn, another failure but with an Avalanche!!" Hot Steam came out of

his nose, he was currently a huge Red Bull. Red Bull Grounded his teeth

and left to report what had happened here.

Eclipse Pirates.

Rein and his crew had finally left the desert to a Jungle nearby, they had

to stop and take a water break every so often for Nami, Kuina, and

Nojiko. "Phew, we're finally out of that harsh desert, I don't want to go

back into a desert for a long time." Nojiko wasn't too fond of the desert

but what would she think if she knew that Rein wanted to go to Alabasta,

which was all desert.

Everyone nodded silently to that as they continued to walk. "Speaking of

this place, are there any native of this island? I haven't seen a single

animal or person since we've been on this island except this freaky cat."

Vindicate looked at the cat that was laying on Nojiko's head knowingly.

The Cat opened one of its eyes and peaked at Vindicate but didn't say


"Every island once had native living on it, the question is, where did they

go?" Kuina seemed to know a bit and spoke her thoughts.

"I guess we'll soon find out, but let's get to the North." Rein honestly

didn't care about any natives, he just wanted to collect those insignias on

the map display. Nami looked over at Vindicate and gave him a nod.

Vindicate hesitated and stopped. "I have something to quickly announce!"

Everyone stopped and turned to Vindicate. "What is it, did you forget

something?" Nojiko asked.

"No, me and Nami found a strange fruit in the trial we went into. Once

we finished the trial, we were stuck in some strange box room with the

door far above us. So, there was no way out and we were starving at that

point, so I consumed the strange black pumpkin we found." Vindicate

took a deep breath and said.

"Oh! So did this fruit have strange swirls on it?" Rein asked seriously

Vindicate slowly nodded "It also tasted like drywall, it didn't taste like

any pumpkin I've ever had but it was special, you know?"

"Hahaha! You found a Devil Fruit so you should have its power now,

show us!" Erica looked excited to see what his new ability was. Nami had

already seen it but everyone else just watched him with expectation.

"Here I go!" With those words, he began to transform, right away Rein

could tell it was a Zoan of some sort. Vindicate's clothes began to change

into a Shadowy cloaked Robe, his head had changed as well to a

Pumpkin that exuded Bright orange light from its Halloween carved face!

"Oh my Gosh!" Everyone was shocked! Rein stared in amazement, this

was definitely a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit!

"It's so scary, what were your trials like!?" Kuina couldn't keep her eyes

off Vindicate figure before her.

"I can also do this." As soon as Vindicate words dropped he turned into a

swarm of Shadowy Crows and flew around the group!

"Amazing!" Erica's eyes turned into sparkles, he clearly had the ability to

fly which was something she wanted most. She didn't like to rely on

Geppo just to fly and wanted to fly without exuding so much effort to do


The crows gathered together and formed Vindicate. "The Devil Fruit

should have given you information on the fruit, so what is it called?"

Rein asked, but he had an idea about what the fruit was called.

"It's called the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Jack O' Lantern!" Rein

nodded, it was just as he thought but he didn't know what more

capabilities it could do. Vindicate would find out more about the fruit as

he train it.

"Nice! You really hit the "Jack" pot this time, hehe, get it?" Kuina looked

around but no one laughed, all they could hear were crickets.

"Okay then, just me." Kuina shrugged and left it at that.

"Speaking of which, I found a fruit in the treasury as.." Before Nojiko

could finish, Rein interrupted.

"Take cover!" Everyone looked confused and couldn't react on time. Erica

already had her Logia Body activated. Suddenly, a swarmed of arrows

came raining down on them out of the Jungle! Erica put a firewall

around Nami and Kuina to block the arrows. The arrows had no effect on

Vindicate and Rein, Vindicate could just heal himself swiftly if he got

hurt while in his Zoan form.

"Nojiko!" However, an arrow struck out at her but a barrier was formed

around her, it was the Cheshire Cat! In no time, the hail of arrow came to

a halt, and multiple figures walked out of the forest.

"Look, Captain! The demon is there before us, we need to purge this evil,

it and its Followers!" The women that appeared had a short bob cut with

black hair. The woman had makeup on her face with a black dress and

umbrella that had a symbol of a heart being pierced by a heart tipped


"My heavens, what is he!?" Other women began to appear and looked at

Vindicate in horror, they thought he was a demon.

"We may be pirates but we have morals, this evil creature can't be

allowed to live amongst the living, we have to kill it!" Suddenly, another

woman walked out of the jungle, she had black stockings on with pink

hearts all over them.

This woman also wore a black dress, but it had several heart symbols on

it. The woman had long pink and violet hair mixed together with a

church tea party hat on, she also had one pink eye and one purple eye,

she had tan skin and was quite the beauty!

"Who are you people and why did you just attack us so randomly!?" Nami

pointed to the woman who was flaunting her exotic features and was

enraged immediately.

"Hmph! Shouldn't you introduce yourselves first, it common curiosity."

The woman folded her arms and said.

"Ah yes, my name.." Before Nami could finish, she was interrupted by the


"My name is Hera, the Captain of the HeartSeeker Pirates!"

Nami shook, she felt the urge to run up to this woman and beat her!

Didn't she want me to introduce myself first!? "Hold it there Nami, calm

down or you'll end up popping a vain in your head or something." Kuina

held Nami back who was clearly pushed to the edge by this woman's


"What do you want, he isn't demon you morons!" Nami pointed to Hera

who was exuding arrogance with her head looking upward as if she was

looking down and everyone here!

"What is with his appearance then, can't you explain that?" The bob cut

woman looked at Nami with disdain, she felt like this woman was trying

cover for the pumpkin head demon.

"It's a devil Fruit ability and not a demon, have you heard of fruits that

grant people abilities?" Rein was silent at first and wanted to see where

this would amount to.

"Devil Fruit, it's pretty much a demon, isn't it?" Hera looked at Rein and

questioned. These people were clearly not very knowledgable about devil

fruits which made sense.

Rein sighed and looked around. "Listen, everyone, I'm going to explain to

you about the Devil fruit abilities and classes." Hera was interested in

these devil fruits he was talking about and ordered her crew which was

nothing but women to stand down. Nami and the rest of his crew were

also interested.

"First, there is Paramecia Class, these type of devil fruits either give the

user the ability to Manipulated the environment, affect their bodies, or/

and allows you to produce substance from it. So this ability doesn't give

you the ability to turn into an animal or become a natural element. Some

are capable of different transformations but not to animals or creatures,

like my buddy here. Some are capable of producing substances, like

poison for example. Paramecia is the most common Class fruit amongst

the three types, including the subclasses." Rein looked around at

everyone and could see that everyone was listening closely.

"Second, There is the Logia Class that allows the user to control,

manipulate and become the naturally occurring element, for example, Ice

or Fire as you seen with Erica here. However, her fire is a bit special

compared to regular fire." Rein began to relay that the Logia is the

strongest type and rarest type beside the subclasses he mentioned earlier

that went under the Zoan class.

Of course, he explained everything about the Zoan Class and the

subclasses such as the ancient and Mythical types. Rein also clarified that

Vindicate had the rarest type of Devil Fruit, the mythical type which was

insanely hard to find. Logia class fruits were hard to find as well while

the powerful force of nature types was the hardest. Smoke was a force of

nature but not on the high scale like Magma or lightning.

Rein had seen it on his system, it was a Devil Fruit called the Drip-Drip

fruit which was the sound of water dripping. It was Logia water type

Devil fruit which he was surprised to see on the system. After his

explanation, some people were shocked while some were in deep

thought, what power!

"So, he was a human this whole time?" Hera looked at Vindicate who had

yet to turn back into his human form.

"Of course! Vindicate, you can turn back to your normal self now." With

that, Vindicate reverted back to himself.

"Aw! I liked him better when he was a pumpkin head!" The Cheshire Cat

booed seeing Vindicate returned to himself.

"Gasp!" Seeing Vindicate turn back to himself, everyone from the

Heatseeker pirates nodded as to understand. However, Hera gasped as

her eyes turned into heart seeing Vindicate, she was in love!

"Ah! He's so cool and Handsome looking!" Hera rush over to Vindicate

and held his hands. "I think we should get married here and now!" Rein

and his crew were dumbfounded seeing her change in personality, she

seemed so serious not too long ago.

"Ugh! This woman's taste worries me!" The Cheshire Cat laughed silently.

"Wow, lady, I ain't marrying no one right now, I have so much to do in

this life before settling!" Vindicate took his hands back and took a step


"You heard him, scram out!" Nami took this time to make this annoying

woman feel bad.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I can wait then our love will come in fruition!

Just be careful of ugly girls like that short-haired orange head over there,

it's a pitiful sight! uh-hahaha!" Hera turned and looked at Nami and gave

a smug laughter, she looked at Nami with contempt!

Y-you bi.." She didn't get to finish!

"Language! Don't say it Nami!" Nojiko interrupted her before she could

spew profanity. Nami really wished she could beat this woman now, she

was rude and even called her ugly, she was nearly angered half to death.

"Okay, Okay, since everything has been cleared up, we'll continue on our

journey to the north." Rein shook his head, there were too many weirdos

in this world for him.

"No! She should pay us some belies for attacking us with a swarm of

arrows, our lives were hanging in the balance!" Nami wanted

compensation from this lady, she wasn't going to let this annoying

woman off so easily!

"Hmm, I guess that makes sense. Lara, come give this poor woman some

belies, judging from her style, she must be a poor miserable thing, please

help her!" Hearing her Captain orders, Lara took out 30,000 Belies and

gave them to Nami.

Nami almost vomited blood hearing Hera's speech about being a poor


"Lady, if you're going to talk like that then I'll have to ask you to leave.

This isn't the way you talk to people after you've attacked them." Rein

didn't like disrespectful people like this, she attacked them first out of the

blue, so it would make sense for her compensate them something. Back in

his world, he would surely sue this woman for that attack.

Hearing what Rein said, Hera looked at Vindicate and saw that he was

glaring at her. "Ah! A joke, I was kidding, can't you guys take a joke in

your lives." Hera laughed and smiled faintly and decided to give Nami

fifty thousand belies as compensation.

"Hmph!" Nami took the money and walked away gritting her teeth.

"Well, thank you, we'll be leaving now!" Once Rein said that everyone

started to walk off towards the north.

"Wait, you said the north, right? Me and my crew and are heading there

so we'll join you!" Hera ran over and walked next to Vindicate who had

an indifferent expression on his face.

"What? No way!" Nami was against the idea. Rein thought about it for

and bit and looked at Vindicate, Rein grinned under his helmet and

agreed to let her and her crew join in.

"What!? Are you serious!?" Nami looked at Rein then Hera who had a

smug smile on her face.

"Nami, it isn't a big deal so let it be." Nojiko didn't see a problem with it

nor did anyone else in the crew. Honestly, they were no threat to Rein

and the rest of his crew, Okay maybe Nojiko and Nami but what does

that stand for.

"Alright, let's go, my love, and my crew, to the north we go!" Hera said

excitedly as she grabbed Vidnciate's arm!

"Ugh!" Vindicate groaned as Kuina and Nojiko chuckled. Nami just didn't

like her and that was it while Erica only shook her head with a smile.

Rein clearly did this on purpose for Vindicate who was too serious,

maybe he'll find love in this.

Frost Mountain!

Rein, his crew, and the HeartSeeker pirates rested for the night until

morning. Before leaving they ate breakfast thanks to the chefs of their

respective crews working together to make everyone something to eat.

While Nojiko and their chef who was named lily was making food,

everyone talked to each other. The HeartSeeker Pirates went on to tell

them that they're originally from the West Blue and came here two weeks

ago for treasure hunting. Rein was a bit surprised and wondered how

they got from the West Blue to the East Blue, but didn't bother to ask.

Strangely, this crew had two snipers on it, they were both twins. They

were named Rose and Daisy, Rein could see what their parents did when

they named them as such.

Rose and had Scarlet red short hair while her sister was a blonde, they

carried long crossbows on their backs at all times. Judging from how the

crossbows looked, they could shoot three to five arrows at a time if they

wanted to.

They were all from the West Blue like Rein's Crew was all from here, the

East Blue. Their crew also had a navigator who was named Sasha. The

girl was only fifteen but became a pirate at such a young age, Rein was

only 16 which and was a year apart from her so he didn't judge her for

her decision.

For Rein, he was bound to turn into a pirate because of Luffy and Ace. If

he by chance became a marine, he would ensure that Ace wasn't caught

in the first place to prevent this war. But as of now, he had to let it

happen, he had to let Luffy know that his strength wouldn't be enough,

he had to let Ace know that a short temper and terrible impulses could

land him in the grave.

Yes, Ace would understand after the war that his terrible decision caused

so many to die and that he himself wasn't strong enough. Rein couldn't

knock them, he wasn't that powerful either, he spend most of his years

training his devil fruit and some of his stats, rather than his techniques.

But other than that, he slept a lot for the most part.

However, Luffy and Ace were much stronger than the show before

leaving the island. Rein didn't go easy on Luffy and showed him Soru but

didn't teach him it. Luffy was able to Unlocked Gear 2nd at the age of

fifteen. The reason Rein did this was because he would defeat some of the

bosses Luffy would fight on his journey in order for him to reach and

learn such a state of power. Thus, taking away some of Luffy's battle and

learning experiences.

Rein would ignore places like Thriller Bark for Luffy so he could fight

Moria and get brook as his crew member. He didn't want to interfere in

his brother's progress to such a degree, he wouldn't goto drum island as

well. There were several islands on the grand line that he wanted to

check out anyway. Rein would soon have to fight CP9, Crocodile, and

some more people, maybe even an Admiral but hopefully not!

Rein had also contemplated many times about other things, he wanted to

change his Nitrogen Fruit out for a more Destructive Logia Devil Fruit.

What came to mind was the Rumble Fruit, he would have to make a trip

to Skypiea and rob Enel of his ability once he reached near Water 7.

Of course, he wouldn't be able to fuse them without a Fusion card so it

would cost him Skill Points to Eat the fruit which would be 25 Skill

points as of now. Rein probably would have eaten the weather fruit by

then, so it would 50 Skill Points.

Nojiko and Lily brought the food over for everyone to eat while Hera

talked to Vindicate with a smile. "Sigh, this is the first time I've seen her

talk to a guy so happily, I just don't understand what so different about

this guy?" Lily sat the food down on the table along with Nojiko and

questioned her captain.

"Chechche! You and me both, sister!" The Cheshire Cat chuckled and

began to eat at the table, it had take a humanoid form but still looked

like a cat.

The Legendary Furry!

"Wow, this Cat is so cute, how much are you selling it for?" Lily's eyes

sparkled seeing the cat, she wanted it so bad. Rose and Daisy were no

different, in fact, they had been staring at it for a while now.

"Sorry, not for sale, it's my partner." Nojiko shook her head, she wasn't

giving this Cat up to anyone, forget that.

"Aw!" Rose, Daisy, and Lily felt sad but what could they do? Everyone ate

happily, this food came from Erica's storage ring where she stored all of

their food. The Storage ring was quite handy that Nami and Nojiko

wanted one. Rein told them that they'll have to wait another time, he

didn't want to spend any more System points for now.

Rein also planned to buy Erica Marco's Devil Fruit, so he could fuse her

Power with that Pheonix ability. She would have a huge spike in power

once that happened but who knew when he would be able to purchase it.

But then a thought suddenly came to Rein, he would need to meet Luffy

in the Future before Luffy Breached impel down. Rein wanted to give

him a special summoning device that would allow Luffy to summon him

to his location once he broke in. Once he was in, he could kill some impel

down prisoners and even steal a few of their Devil fruit, mainly


"Oh yeah, it's wise to plan ahead, I just hope my plans all come into

place." Rein whispered to himself, he didn't eat anything because he

wasn't hungry, surprisingly. The HeartSeeker Pirates wanted to see his

face when he started eating but he never took his helmet off.

Once everyone was done eating, it was time to go. They had covered a lot

of ground yesterday and could already see the snowy tundra up ahead.

They got here pretty quick but didn't enter the North because they were

tired from their trials yesterday.

Erica pulled out some Furry warm coats for Kuina, Nami, and Nojiko to

wear, she wasn't sure if Vindicate needed one but gave him one anyway.

The HeartSeeker pirate already had coats ready for use, so they didn't

need any.

"Let's go!" Rein signaled his crew and the HeartSeekers to follow. After

thirty minutes of walking, they were officially in the Northern part of the

island. It wasn't snowing yet but it was bound to happen soon, it snowed

here often. The snow was thick so seeing leftover foot track wouldn't be a

problem if you wanted to track who they belong to.

"Good, this makes my job easier with no snow pouring down on us."

Nami sighed in relief seeing that it wasn't snowing. This would allow her

to see the map much better then if it was snowing.

"Hmm, I suggest you get the best out of it, this weather is strange. It

snows for two hours and stops for an hour, and in some cases, it's a

blizzard!" Sasha spoke up to let her know that it was best to memorize

the map because a blizzard may be brewing soon. She knew this because

they had been here before, they came here then decided to head to the

south to search for a certain someone.

However, they heard that they were hiding somewhere around the

northern area with no ship to escape. Yes, the were looking from the

Flagstar pirates who took the Snake Insignia from the south ruin. Nami

nodded and looked over the map several times to remember it. After the

group walked for about forty minutes or so, they came across a huge


"This mountain is huge, and the amount of snow covering it is insane!"

Kuina looked up at the tall mountain that seemed to have no end to its


"This is it, Rein! This is the Mountain known as Frost Mountain, this

should be where the other thing is!" Nami didn't say the name, she didn't

want to reveal it to the HeartSeeker Pirates.

"Perfect! Let's go up and retrieve it!" Rein said "Erica, can you carry Nami

up while I take Kuina up? As for the rest of you, you guys stay at the foot

of the mountain."

"Wait a minute, we want to go up as well!" Hera walked over, she wanted

to head up the mountain too.

"Oh, and how do you plan to get up there?" Rein said bluntly

"Damnit, forget it!" Hera shook her head, she couldn't get up unless she

climbed, did she want to do that when a snowstorm was brewing? She'd

be looking to die at that point or just suiciding at that point.

"Alrighty then, it's settled, let's go!" Vindicate heart was bleeding, he

wanted to follow but Rein wanted him to stay here.

Erica thought for a moment and put her fist on the mountain. She used

her fire to create a cave for them to take cover from the incoming storm.

"You guys can take cover in here, for now, we'll be back in no time!" Rein

had long since flown up the mountain, Erica grabbed Nami and used

Geppo up the mountain.

"Damn, I really need to learn that move!" Vindicate smiled bitterly as

Erica's figure disappeared from all their sights.

"Captain, did you see that!? That ninja guy sprouted wings on his back

and flew up the mountain!" Hera's mouth twitched when little Sasha

mentioned that, yes, she had seen it and was already dumbfounded by it!

"Did you see that black-haired girl!? She blew a damn hole in the

mountain and Kicked off-air like she was skating!" Hera wanted to bonk

each of them on the head, she had damn eyes, she could see it!

Frost Mountain!


Rein and Company made it up the mountain, then a Blizzard suddenly

started. At that moment, Rein and everyone else heard an explosion

going off. "What was that? It sounded like a bomb of some sort!" Nami

was startled when she heard the explosion.

"It's coming from over there, look, I can see some smoke from the

explosion!" Kuina pointed in the direction where she could see the smoke.

Nami could barely see anything through this blizzard, she also had

goggles on with an N-Ferno over her head.

Rein was a bit curious so he and his crew went to check it out. The storm

was harsh but Rein's vision wasn't affected in the least. "Hmm, there

appears to be a fight going on over there between one guy and several

men that appear to be wearing white suits." Despite the snowy storm

being white, he could still tell what type of clothes they were wearing.

"Do you see who they're up against?" Erica asked

"They're fighting some guy....." Rein paused and looked closer "This guy

has White hair, they're all armed with weapons, like guns and swords."

"These people are crazy, why fight in this type of weather?" Nami shook

her head, it was too cold for that type of crap, but they had the nerve to

fight here of all places. "The Cave is just a little further up the mountain,

so we should reach it soon." Nami was referring to the Yeti Cave but they

didn't know something like that was dwelling there.

Suddenly Rein saw something that shocked him. One of the men in white

began to change into a Giant Ship out of nowhere and more men in white

suits began to rush out of it! "What the fuck is that!? That guy turned into

a Giant ship and more men in suits came swarming out of him!" Rein

couldn't keep his eyes off the fight.

"A Ship?" Erica was surprised and tried to see through the storm but


"Rein, are you okay, how can someone turn into a ship?" Kuina looked at

Rein with concern, it sounded crazy to her.

"Forget it, let's head further up the mountain, we can't be bothered with

other people's fights anyhow." Rein turned and walked off as everyone

else followed. They continued to walk up the mountain as Nami tried to

remember the map from earlier.

Nami didn't know the exact location of the cave but it was at the top of

the mountain. "Is it me or is getting colder up here?" Kuina felt like the

temperatures were dropping faster the higher they went which was most

definitely true.

"Reminds me of Mt. Everest!" Rein said

"Where is that at?" Erica asked curiously.

"Somewhere in another place far far away." Rein shook his head and sped


"AH! Oh my gosh, it's a frozen body!" Kuina was shocked, she could see

someone's arm coming out of the snow. Rein looked around and saw

some people's feet sticking out of the snow as well. Rein shot out his

Observation Haki and confirmed that these people had passed, they froze

to death!

"They all Froze to death, how unfortunate." Rein sighed but continued

forwards. Nami and Kuina were freaked out seeing so many dead people.

Erica felt bad for these unfortunate people but what could she do, she

couldn't feel bad forever, she could only keep moving on.


Suddenly the ground shook, as loud roaring sound could be heard from

the cave they spotted up ahead. A giant creature appeared out of the

mouth of the Cave, it had big blue eyes and a body covered in white fur.

From what Rein could see, it looked like some sort of quasi monkey but

not exactly so.

"What is that? Is that a bigfoot of some sort?" Rein analyzed the creature

but couldn't figure it out.


The Yeti sucked in air and blew cold wind toward Rein and everyone


"Oh, shoot! Brace yourselves!" Rein could see the beast sucking in air as it

blew it towards them.

Prelude to Battle!

The wind came in hard and threatened to freeze Nami and Kuina solid.

Rein hurriedly to create an Ice Wall to block the terrible Icy-cold wind.

"Well, it looks like we know that this beast isn't friendly in the least!"

Erica covered her eyes from the wind, she wouldn't be frozen from this

icy gust with her ability.

The Yeti stopped blowing wind and looked in the direction of the people

it had blown at. It believed it was just another group of idiots who came

to seek death. "Watch over these two, let me handle this thing!" Rein step

out from behind the Ice wall.

"I'm gonna have to hurt you a bit, so hang in there big guy!" Rein pulled

the Two Big Shuriken off his back and infused them with a little bit of



Though no one could see it, veins appeared on both of Rein's arms then

he threw the Shuriken towards the Yeti. The Shurikens turned in a black

blurs as they ripped through the snowstorm, the yeti was alarmed but

couldn't see the shurikens.



The two Shuriken ripped into the Yeti's leg and one of its arm, it roared

in pain and fell on its knees. Rein moved quickly behind the Yeti and

kicked downward on its head, its body fell as it lost consciousness.

[Congratulations, you've defeated the Giant Frost Yeti, you've received:

11,000 System Points!

"Okay, maybe I hurt you a little too much but you'll survive!" Rein

scratched his head then put the Yeti into his storage to heal it up later.

Erica was watching the whole time, she was surprised because she didn't

know Rein could use shurikens! Rein didn't know how, all he did was aim

and throw them, that was all to it. Rein didn't use too much force or he

would have decapitated its arm and leg.

Erica and rest came over, Nami looked at the Cave with excitement but

Kuina wondered where the Giant Beast disappeared to. Strangely, she

didn't ask where it went, Rein and Erica were people that were too

unbelievable to her when it came to ability.

"This Cave, it's the place, let's go and get our Insignia!" Nami was all

smiles under N-Ferno around her head and mouth.

"Okay, let's go!" Rein and rest entered the cave and noticed that it looked

like a frozen tavern of some sort. Icicle hung from the cave ceiling while

some parts of the cave floor were frozen, so they had to be careful not the


"Look, there are some stairs here that lead downward!" Kuina Spotted

some stairs near two icy pillars. The size of the stair pathway had let

everyone know the Yeti wouldn't be able to fit down the stair path. Once

someone had made it this far, it wouldn't be able to pursue them any


Before walkings down the stairway, everyone had spotted the Yeti's nest.

There was nothing valuable here, just a simple bedding area made out of

branches and straw. After finding that there wasn't anything useful here,

they proceeded down the stair path.

Erica and Nami carried torches this time around so the path was lit and

easy to get through. The downward stair path was quite long, everyone

wondered if it would lead out of the mountain. That would be

troublesome if it did, then all this would have been for nothing.

They were eventually at the end of the stairs and came to a hallway. At

the end of the hall was an entry path, but there lights inside of it. Rein

found that to be strange so he used Observation Haki and sure enough,

there were people here already.

"Careful, there are people who beat us down here somehow!" Nami and

every else face turned serious, they slowly approached and could hear


"Yes, all we have to do now is climb those long stair and the Goat

insignia will be ours, haha!" The man with several missing teeth laugh in


"Phew, I bet everyone is looking for us since we have the Snake insignia!

They almost cornered us last time but thanks to your Dig-Dig Fruit

ability, we got away, haha!" The man had a ridiculously long top hat

with several stars on it. The colors he wore were red, white and blue,

similar to Uncle sam from his last world.

He was a middle-aged man with short black hair and a long nose like

Usopp. He was with six other men who wore similar color for clothes.

One of the men carried a black flag and waved it around often, it had

nothing but white stars on it.

When Rein heard about the Snake and Goat Insignia all being here and

once, he was overjoyed. "We managed to dig our way into this mountain

and avoid everyone's pursuit. That damn Dege Malone almost caught us

but it's a good thing we instigated a battle between him and that White-

haired man!"


Suddenly, Everyone felt a chill against their bodies. "Brrr! Where is that

chill coming from, we're out of the blizzard, so why?"

"Gasp! Sir, we can't move, Our feet have been frozen over!" The flag

holder looked down in shock, how could the ground freeze so quickly?

Was this the storm outside causing all of this?

"Everyone freeze and put your hands up, this is a robbery, hand me all

your shit and no one gets hurt!" Rein walked out and spoke in a

nonchalant manner, he was smiling widely under his helmet like never

before, he always wanted to say that.

"Who the hell are you and how did you get in here!?" One of the men

yelled and pointed a Rein face in a disrespectful manner.

"Who gives a damn about who he is, let just blast him and get out of this

Ice!" The man reached for his pistol on his waist after he was done


"I said, Freeze!" Suddenly the Ice on the man's foot went up his body and

instantly covered him in ice, he was now a statue with his hand over his


"W-what the h-hell!?" Did this man just control ice to freeze one of their

comrades? They knew what this meant, he had a Devi fruit power! These

group of pirates were aware of Devil fruits and had quite the amount of

knowledge about them.

"Okay, please take our treasure! Rudy, hand the treasure over to this guy

or we'll be killed!" The Captain commanded one of his subordinates.

"But Captain..." He couldn't finish as he was interrupted.

"Hand it over or he'll freeze you to death!" Captain Laflaga didn't want to

be frozen to death, he could find more treasure at a later date if he didn't


"O-okay!" The man was carrying a bag of treasure and tossed it Rein's

feet. Suddenly, a shadow came over and grabbed the bag before Rein


"Ah, yes, this treasure is perfect, what nice people to give us these

rewards!' It was Nami, she moved pretty quickly that Rein was even

taken a bit off guard. Greedy to the core is what Rein would describe


Nice Reward my ass!

This is damned robbery!

Shit! This chick is greedier than this guy!

The Flagstar Pirates all cursed silently, they didn't dare to say it out loud!

"Is what we looking for inside the bag or not?" Erica and Kuina walked

over as Rein asked his question. Nami skimmed through all the treasures

but didn't find the Snake Insignia anywhere amongst it.

"Hehe, trying to get one on me, I know you guys have that Snake

insignia, hand it over or I'll turn you all into ice sculptures!" Rein's eye

flashed red but this was only the helmet's special effects so it looked like

his actual eyes.

"Damnit!" Captain Laflaga gritted his teeth and took the insignia out of

his coat. He tossed it Rein and he caught it with ease. Rein scanned the

insignia and found that it was indeed the real thing. The lion insignia was

Gold, while the Snake Insignia was Bronze.

Erica looked over and saw a similar stairway just like the one they saw in

the trial pyramid. She wasn't the only one to discover it, everyone had

spotted it. "Erica, go grabbed the Insignia for me, I'll watch these clowns

until you get back." Rein stretched and took a seat on a Frozen rock


"Geppo!" Erica shoot into the air, you could literally hear sounds from

here movements. She zig-zagged up and down through the air until she

reached the top in a flash. She could have done this in the last trail but

she was too exhausted back then, so she walked up the stairs instead.

Rein waited but she didn't come back until ten minutes later. "I can't get

the Insignia, it seems to be encased in some strange ice that I can't even

melt." Erica had a strange expression on her face, her ability couldn't melt


"Something that even you can't melt? I'll go check it out, you three stay

here, I'll figure something out." Rein disappeared from where he stood

which surprised Laflage, he was now certain that he was dealing with

people he couldn't hope to match.

Once Rein arrived at the top, he saw a huge Ice Ball wrapped around the

Goat insignia. The ice was very Blue compared to the clear ice and

slightly light blue ice. This ice was Dark Blue, it was something he had

never seen before.

Rein could visibly see scorch marks on the ground, it was the doing of

Erica who attempted to breach the ice but failed. Rein used the same

method but like Erica, it had failed. He punched and kicked it but there

was still nothing, no even a crack.

"What kind of Ice is this?" Rein face changed, was it was indestructible

ice? For Laflaga to get the Snake Bronze Insignia, it must have been easy

but as they got more Insignias, it got harder like this one.

"System, Can you scan this Ice and tell me about it?" He hoped the system

would listen to him this time around because it usually ignored him over

the years.

[Affirmitive! Scanning....]

"Phew, thank goodness!" Rein sighed in relief.

[Ding! Scan complete!]

[This Ice is called Never-Melt-Ice!]

"What?" Rein immediately thought of pokemon, wasn't that a held item

that boosted Ice attacks in pokemon or something?

"How do I breach it? Could you please tell me?"

[Ding! Use a strong Ice ability to infiltrate it to get what is inside!]

"Ah! This will do!" Rein nodded and turned his hands into liquid Nitrogen

but suddenly, the room shook!

"What the heck was that?" Rein turned around and walked over to looked

to where Erica and the rest were. Erica was engaged in a fight with some

guy with white hair and blue eyes. From what Rein could see, no one

could hurt each other for some reason.

"This guy, he had a Devil Fruit ability, is it mist of something?" Rein

looked at the man, he was able to manipulate mist of some sort. Rein

didn't know that it was actually the ability to manipulate Clouds. None of

them could use Haki so it was a pointless fight against two logia types, if

Erica knew Haki then this guy would be toast!

"I'll finish up here then go help with that problem." Rein ran over to the

Ice Ball and used his ability to infiltrate the never melt ice. The process

was slow, but he manage to get it done with patience. With that, Rein

stored the Silver Goat Insignia into his storage where it was the safest.

"Not bad, you have a pretty powerful ability and you're a beauty! How

about you three ditch your captain and come join my crew? I know how

to treat the ladies, we'll drink and party all day long, just us." This man

was Captain Cloud of the White Cloud Pirates, he was a so-called ladies

type of guy.

"Ew! Who would join a stinky crew like yours!?" Kuina was disgusted

with this man and cursed at him. Erica didn't reply, she didn't need to

answer what she believed to be a stupid question. Nami didn't even look

at him, she was calculating the treasure she just received from Laflaga.

"Aw, you beautiful young ladies are missing out, how unfortunate for you

guys." Cloud sighed and looked at Laflaga who was stuck in place. "You're

really good at playing tricks Laflaga, but did you really think you could

hold onto those important items?" Cloud sneered

"....." Laflaga was silent

"Hehe, okay, young miss, it's time for round two, let's see what you can

do!" Cloud readied himself but suddenly, the wall was blown open behind


"Miahahah! No one invited me to the party, I'm so sad!" Multiple figures

appeared, it was a total of three people.

"You weren't invited, so why are you even here?" Cloud snorted and

looked at the man in disdain.

"You little asshole, you robbed me last time but I'll be sure to crush you

this time!" That's right, this was the Captain of the Berserker pirates,


"Robbed? I don't know what you're talking about, don't say things when

you have no proof!" Cloud denied it and shrugged slightly.

"You shameless sack of shit!" Baron wasn't that dumb, he knew how this

guy was! Baron looked over at Erica and the rest. "Are you hitting on

more girls but still got rejected in the end, how pathetic are you, haha!"

Cloud ignored his taunt and glared at Erica, her abilities were good but

their fight would only end in a draw.... unless!

However, he had the Cloud-Cloud fruit so he could do many things to

fight erica while she couldn't fight back. Suddenly, clouds began to form

in the room, they were filling up with water, then it started to rain.


Erica was surprised, she now knew what type of fruit it was, it wasn't

mist, it was clouds! However, before anything could happen, Rein came

down and landed near Erica.

"Huh?" Cloud looked at Rein and said "So this is your Captain, why is he

dressed like some ancient ninja, is this a joke? Hahaha!"

Baron was just watching at first but he sensed something different about

this guy.

"This guy is strong, I have to fight him!" Baron said, "Hey you, I want to

fight you, let's do this right now!" It seemed that Baron was a straight

forward and blunt guy. The co-captain of the berserker pirates noticed

that Kuina was a swordsman like himself and felt a spark of fighting

spirit in him rising.

Kuina looked back at him and grinned with a spark of determination,

things were about to get hectic!

Baron Vs Rein!

Baron glared at Rein as his eye pupils flashed red. Rein stare back at him,

he had never seen someone so eager to fight except Ace and Luffy, not

even Sabo was like this. "Hold it right there, Baron! Weren't you fighting

Captain Red Bull not too long ago?"

Cloud had been secretly watching the fight when they clashed, afterward,

he left and was suddenly met with the Flagstar pirates. He chased them

but they were running from the Malone Family, he ran into them and a

conflicted started on who would capture and receive the Insignia.

"Ha! A low tier Bull like him can't match the legendary bull, it was so

weak that it only took one hit for me to bring him down!" Baron sneered

at Cloud then looked back at Rein who just stood in place saying nothing.

"By the way, can you stop it from raining in here, it already damn cold

enough!" Laflaga complained seeing the clouds in the air still pouring out

rain. It was too cold to have water on them, was he insane?

"Deal with it, you slippery squirrel!" Cloud chuckled and looked back at

Rein and his crew. "You guys took down Laflaga and his crew, so I'll

assume that you guys are in possession of the insignia?"

Cloud speculated

"Insignia? What is that, never heard of it." Rein looked around

confusingly and Feigned Ignorance.

Cloud's mouth twitched as he whispered.


"I have no time for this, I just want to head to the grand line after this!

Erica, you deal with this Cloud guy, make sure to turn up the heat a bit

because it's going to get colder." Erica nodded and looked seriously at


"Little girl, do you think you have what it takes, after I beat you, your

Captain is next!" Cloud's body turned into clouds then he flew toward

Erica as she did the same. The two clashed, with Erica turning up the

heat, Cloud was no match, but Erica made sure to stay away from the

rain, she knew what it could do.

"Now, it you and me, Hisagi, you stand back! I'm going to see what this

guy is made of." Baron grinned and stepped forward. Baron then rushed

quickly to Rein, baring his fist, they crushed towards Rein.

Rein didn't dodge and challenged him as their fist collide, this shook the

area and cracked the ice!

"What!? Impossible, he was able to challenge the Captain's raw strength

head-on!" The two members of his crew were surprised. Cloud looked

back for a moment a was surprised himself, he himself and Baron were

from the South Blue so he knew Baron's strength.

"It's just as I thought, I really do have some good judgment!" Baron

smiled in excitement and began to exude force to push Rein back.



The ground underneath them began to crack even more with two of them

going at it.

"Tekkai Ken!"

Rein took his arm back and swiftly punched Baron in the stomach,

sending him flying much to everyone's surprise. Baron slammed into the

ice wall and it collapsed on him.

"No way, just Impossible!" Hisagi the swordsman of his crew was at a

loss, he had never seen his Captain knocked away before!

Suddenly, Baron burst out of the rubble, he looked at Rein and grinned.

"Good, you're stronger than I thought, this is really good!" Baron had

some strange red aura around his body as his eye pupil turned deep red!

"Uh Oh, this isn't good!" The two crewmen backed away seeing baron's

berserker state. Baron pulled out his Axe and charged toward Rein in a


Rein sensed something strange and move away quickly on to an ice

Pillar. Baron Axe slammed in the last position Rein was in and crushed

the ground. "What is that feeling, he can't be using what I think he's


Baron jumped and attack the pillar Rein was on but he had already

moved away from it. "Stop dodging and let me hit you!" Baron couldn't

catch Rein for the life of himself.

"I gotcha!" With that, baron swung his Axe at Rein. Suddenly, Rein's body

splashed and turned into clear water-like liquid. Rein's body materialized

around and on Baron's body, giving off below zero temperatures.

"Ice Coffin!"

Baron's Body was instantly Frozen to the point where no one could see

his facial expressions! Everyone's face changed greatly due to the drop in

temperatures, Nami and Kuina had already made a run to the exit before

this could happen.

Sadly, Captain Laflaga and his crew were turned into statues, it was

already cold outside and with the fact that Cloud made it rain in here

didn't make it better. Now Rein used Nitrogen to this extent and made

things even more colder.

"H-he can use Ice!? No wonder Laflaga and his crew members from

before were turned in ice sculptures!" Cloud understood right away, this

crew had some dangerous abilities, one that could use strange Black Fire

and one that could use a liquid cold substance. The scary part for Cloud

was that they were both Logia type, which was rare in itself.

Rein stood in place before Baron who had been frozen solid, he was in

his liquid state, he looked like water but he was actually Nitrogen.


Suddenly, two missile homed in on Rein, he looked up then...


The area around Rein exploded and was sent into flames, the cave shook

from the explosion. "I got him, he's dead for sure with those two missile

hitting him at point-blank, haha! Dare to freeze our Captain, he was

looking to die!" The markmen of the Berserker Pirates shot two missiles

at Rein, he had a rifle but decided to use the Missile launcher on his




Nami and Kuina looked on in Shock, he was directly hit by missiles, they

thought he was seriously wounded or worse, Dead! However, Rein

walked out of the fire with half the side of his body gone, but he began to

regenerate as he walked out!

"What!? He came out unfazed, he even healed his missing side!" The

Sniper was stunned seeing Rein come out unscathed. Cloud shook his

head, of course he would come out unscathed, he had that type of ability.

"Attacking people in the middle of combat, that pretty disrespectful!"

Rein sneered under his helmet.

"Let me show you what happens to people who sneak attack me!" Before

he could initiate an attack, the ice began to crack around Baron, the ice

showed a red luster coming from it.



Rein back moved back a bit to see what was up.

*Pant Pant*

Baron broke out of the Ice panting, his body was all red as steam was

exuding from it. This reminded Rein of WhiteBeard in his final battle

against Blackbeard. "I didn't know you had an ability like that, It looks

like I'll have to get serious!"

At that moment, Baron's vein began to bulge and pulsate. Erica and

Cloud had completely stopped their fight to watch the interesting fight

between Rein and Baron. Steam formed around Baron, he was giving off

a lot of heat and melted the ice around him.

Suddenly, both his arms expanded outward and so did his upper body, it

looked just like how Frieza looked when he first started to transform.

Baron's body grew bigger, his chest popped the armor he was wearing to

reveal his bare chest.

Judging from his transformation, Rein could tell he was a Devil Fruit

user. He had a humanoid bare chest, with feet has hooves, out of

nowhere a large Axe appeared in his hands. The Axe seemed to have

been created from Red Energy of some sort. His face showed that of a

bull's face, his face exuded red rage stricken eyes.

"Its a Zoan type!" Erica said unconsciously.

"Not just any Zoan type! This is the Mythical type, a Minotaur!" Rein was

pretty surprised about seeing someone with Mythical type devil fruit in

this place of all places.

"Oh, you can tell what type of power it is, most just think I'm regular

bull, haha!" Baron's voice was much deeper this time around. "It seems

that you're that annoying type of ability user just like that Cloud guy's

type of power, it looks like I'll have use that to beat you then!"

With those words, baron move quicker much than before and smash his

Axe towards Rein! Rein could feel it, this was definitely Haki, but how?

Rein dodged and appeared on pillar but Baron was already ready to

attack him again.

This was a mythical type, it was completely different from the rest, it was

faster, stronger, and much more durable. Eating this type would change

someone's power completely, it was very well earned to be in Baron's


Rein dodge again a sent a kick toward his chest, pushing Baron back

slightly! "Haha, you're too slippery, and you have some good strength in

that little body of yours, but I can do this all day!"

Suddenly, Baron shot a flamethrower out of his mouth! Cloud moved

away, he knew about Baron's strange force to attack people like him.

Cloud was unaware of Haki as of now, so he didn't know what this force



The area was set ablaze, but most of the ice that Rein let out didn't melt.

It was only the ice that had been there before. "Hehe, I know you're still

there somewhere, come on out buddy, this isn't over!" Rein walked out of

the fire slowly, Erica remained in her same position, she didn't need to

fear this fire.

"Hmm, I guess I'll get a little serious, you're not bad, not bad at all." Rein

could see that if this guy had proper training then he could become a

decent rival in the future. Though his decision-making skills didn't seem

to be the smartest, he nevertheless had good strength.

"Not bad, huh? Then show me what you got!" Baron glared at Rein with


Rein nodded and took off his helmet, he didn't want it to get damaged for

what he was about to do. He could use an even more power Ice attack

like that Chill Fire but his crewmates were around. They would most

certainly be caught in that attack, it was just too cold.

Suddenly, wing sprouted from Rein body, they looked shadowy mist

wings, claws sprouted from his hands as horns came out of his head. One

of Rein eyes turn Aqua blue while the other turned orange, his whole

face was covered by shadowy mist that had long since engulfed it, only

reveal two blue and Orange gleaming eyes.

"What is that transformation!?" Cloud was shocked! What kind of a freak

was this? Why did people like this have to appear, he hated it so much,

just why!?

Even Erica was surprised, she had never seen Rein transform before, what

would she think if she knew that this was only a half transformation?

Nami and Kuina's eyes were glued to Rein, they were lost for words, they

couldn't say anything!

Baron's eyes went wide, he himself went straight for the full-body

transformation instead of a half body. He was a serious person, so he

didn't play around with his foes like most people did in some cases. But

this was the first time he felt pressure, it didn't make sense to him, it was

like something was telling him that he was no match for this guy before


"No! I refuse to believe that, I must fight to improve, I don't chicken out!"

Baron refused to believe he was inferior and slammed his Axe onto

ground with battle intent. He steeled his will, he was no quitter, he

burned with fighting intent!

"Here I go!" Rein voice was slightly distorted, it sound unworldly and

devilish! With a quick leap, he appeared in front of Baron at Extreme

speed. Baron was still looking at where Rein recently was, he just to fast

for him, thus he was kicked in the face and sent flying through the wall.

Baron didn't have Observation Haki, he couldn't see or predicted

anything of this magnitude.

The mountain shook and threatened to collapse on them at this point, it

was just too much rambling going on in this mountain. Cloud's heart fell,

he couldn't process any of Rein's movements, no one could!

Rein wouldn't go full body of this form until he could better control his

instincts in it. Carnivorous Zoans bring out the savagery in people due to

the fruit. This was even worse with Ancient types like the Spinosaurus

and so forth. So one could imagine a Mythical type that was carnivore, it


be hard to contain it.

Baron never came out of that hole, the mountain shook again as rock

began to fall from the ceiling. Cloud concluded that baron was defeat in

one hit! Rein didn't need to be here anymore for any reason, so he and

his crew made a run for it, out of this place.

Treasure Tomb!

Rein and his crew ran up the stairs they came from in hurry, the

mountain shook ever so often. Nami was too slow, so she was picked up

by Erica like the first time they met. Far behind them was Cloud, he was

flying up the stairs as fast as he could. It wasn't like anyone who was a

Logia type user would die from a collapsing mountain.

After running up the stairs for an unknown amount of time, they reached

the Yeti Cave. Rein remembered the Yeti they had beaten and let it out of

his storage. He injected the creature with something and put it near its

nest in the cave.

Afterward, they left the cave and headed down the mountain, they had

gotten all three Insignia without much effort. It was unknown if the cave

they just left had collapsed or not but no one cared really.

Once they were down the mountain, they went to the cave and saw that

everyone was drinking hot chocolate around a campfire in the cave Erica

made. "Oh, you guys are back, we were about to leave due to some

tremor we felt earlier." Nojiko walked over after seeing that everyone

was back.

"Yeah, an incident took place while we were up on the mountain, it's a

lot to explain." Kuina gladly took the time to explain what had happened,

she didn't mind if the HeartSeeker Pirates heard it or not.

"So there were crazy and battle-hungry people here as well!" Hearing

what had happened, she couldn't wait to get stronger. Through fighting

does one gain power, you can't just train all day, you have to experience

the fight.

"This Cloud guy sounds way too arrogant, I bet he's all talk and no show."

Vindicate shook his head, there were still people who like the trash talk

while fighting?

"Ha! That guy couldn't handle Erica, he was hitting on us and everything,

but I understand, just looked at me, haha!" Nami put her hand on her

hips and laughed towards the sky.

"I'm looking, but I don't see much, hehe!" Hera took this time to defame

Nami's stuck up moment.

"Coming from someone who can only hide and shoot arrows, what a

coward!" Nami snorted and turned around and rubbed her shoulder like

she was wiping off dirty.


"Okay, we're leaving and heading off, you guys are free to do what you

need to do here in the North." Rein interrupted before it got worse, the

two tigers wouldn't give in to one another.

"Huh? Where are you guys going?" Hera looked Vindicate then at Rein

and asked.

"We're leaving the island, you should explore the island more, you may

find some treasure." Rein said. Hera looked at Vindicate again, she

seemed reluctant to part with him. "We'll meet again as long as you make

it to the grand line, stop with that strange looks." Rein laughed to

himself, just how old was this woman?

"Okay, I'll head around the mountain for a bit more to find someone that

we're looking for, and if we can't find him, we'll leave as well." Hera

stood up and looked Vindicate one last time.

"We'll meet again my love, our love will never truly draw us apart!" Hera

smiled widely and signaled her crew that it was time to go. Vindicate

didn't say anything, he already told this woman that he wasn't getting

into any relationship. She seemed to have turned a deaf ear to what he

was saying.

With that, Hera's crew bowed and left to follow their captain.

"Sigh, she doesn't understand the words that are coming out of my

mouth." Vindicate sighed.

"Haha, that's the power of love I guess, it's ignorant to everything, it

doesn't want to hear things it doesn't." Nojiko was here the whole time,

so she knew what had happened.

"Rein, what do you mean, we're leaving this Island?" Nami finally asked.

"That was a lie, it was to get her to leave, we don't want her to follow us

to the real tomb of possible treasure." Everyone was enlightened from

what he said, it made perfect sense. If he didn't say that then she would

have tagged along.

"Okay, let's go! The Blizzard is only getting worse, it might be a bigger

storm coming." Kuina looked outside and couldn't see anything due to the


"Yeah, I also want to talk to you about Devil Fruits, I want a power as

well." Kuina had wanted to ask this for a while but held back.

"Do you think those Fruits can be found like cabbages?" Nojiko frowned,

it wasn't easy to get these powerful fruits, she believed that Kuina was

asking too much.

"Hehe, it's okay, we'll find something that suits her perfectly, but for now,

we have a job to do. One last job on this island then we'll head off this

Island." Nojiko prepared hot chocolate for everyone personally for them

to drink for the snowstorm.

Everyone traveled through the storm as fast as they could. The storm

didn't affect Rein and Erica obviously, but everyone else felt it. Nami and

Kuina complained about the storm but Rein simply replied saying 'now

do you think the desert is so bad?'

After taking a hot chocolate break, they continued on until they were

eventually out of the Snowstorm north. "This Island has terrible weather,

I can't take this place for much longer, we need a vacation." Kuina and

Nami were relieved to be out of that snowstorm after so many breaks.

"There is still a chill around here and frost on some trees, we aren't far

away enough." Vindicate could visibly see frost on trees that came from

the storm. Nami pulled out the map as they walked through the forest.

They had one more place to head to, it was the main place that required

the Insignias.

"Hehe, this place is bound to have some treasure!" Nami looked excited as

she stared at the map, she was ahead of everyone and leading the way.

"Nami, you've gotten plenty of treasure from that trial, stop being so

greedy, we don't need money so much anymore." Nojiko said.

"It not so bad to have a 'Little bit more', is it?" Nami tried to sound

justified. Nojiko mouth twitched but she said nothing more. The tomb

was located in the middle of the island, it took them three hours to reach

this place! They took a food break because everyone was feeling hungry

from all the walking.

"Goodness, we're finally here!" Vindicate was tired of walking, he would

have rather flown here but Rein felt like that would catch someone's

attention. However, on their way out of this place, they'll surely fly out.

Once they were close to the tomb, they entered. Inside the tomb was

ancient pictures and text written on the walls that no one could read.

Rein immediately spotted the platform where he needed to insert the

insignia into.

Rein walked up to the Giant Double door and inserted the insignia inside

of it.



The Insignias form a familiar creature known as the Chimera, he could

also hear a click sound. "The doors have been unlocked, let go!" Rein

pushed the doors opened and it revealed a huge beautiful forest with

rivers and waterfalls. They all walked through the door and it shut

behind them and locked itself!

They had no idea that the door had locked itself because they were

mesmerized by the paradise looking scenery. The trees were so big, they

were too wide and tall, they had never seen trees this big before

"Goodness, does a Giant live here or something, just look at the size of

those trees!" Vindicate looked up and was amazed at the height of them,

they towered over everything. However, Rein felt like he had seen these

types of trees before.

"System, can you tell me what type of tree these are?" Rein asked silently.

[Adam Wood!]

"Just as thought! Guys, this is the legendary wood trees known as Adam

Wood, we need it for a new and durable ship!" Rein was finally excited,

this meant that he didn't need to buy it.

"Adam Wood? What is that?" Everyone looked confused, of course, they

had never heard of it.

"Sigh, it doesn't matter, we need to cut some of these trees down and take

them with us!" Rein said hurriedly "Vindicate, you cut some down while

we search this place a bit more." Vindicate didn't have a problem with

that, he wanted to test his new ability out.

Kuina decided to stay behind to help him cut down some trees, it wasn't

going to be easy cutting Adams wood, it would take some time for that.

The rest roamed the forest and Nojiko finally spoke about the devil fruit

she found within the trial.

"Oh, let me have a look at it." Rein said. Erica searched through the

storage and found it. "It looks like an overgrown lime with scales on it."

Rein looked at the fruit and gave his evaluation.

"System, scan this fruit!"


Ryu Ryu No Mi, Model: Tyrannosaurus Rex

"Wow, this is an amazing find!" Rein was surprised, he decided to keep

this Fruit!

This was better than the Insect-Insect Fruit he found in his trial. The bugs

wouldn't even be able to bite through the thick scales and skin of the T-


"Is it? What type of power does it have?" Nojiko asked curiously.

"It's an ancient type that'll turn you into a fierce dinosaur." Rein said


"Oh, I don't want to become a dinosaur, I like cat types better if had to

choose an animal." Nojiko looked at the silent Cheshire cat on her head

that had its eye closed this whole time.

"Over here, guys! Look at this thing, it friggin huge!" Nami called

everyone over in a hurry. Once everyone came over, they saw a huge

blue block with ancient writing on it.

"Poneglyph!" Rein was shocked seeing something like this here of all

places. Judging from the coloration, he concluded that is was merely a

historical type.

"System, can you translate this Poneglyph for me?" After three seconds,

the system said nothing.

Rein saw this coming so he wasn't disappointed.

"Poneglyph? What is that?" Rein felt like he'd been hearing that same

question a little too much!

"Something important that I'll explain some other time. I need to load this

sucker up and take it with us!" Rein couldn't read the Poneglyph

obviously but he knew someone that could. With that, Rein didn't wait

around and immediately put the Poneglyph into his storage.

"Dang, I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Nojiko had a weird smile

on her face.

"Let's continue to look around, there may be some more good treasures

around here ready to be taken!" Rein smiled, these treasures were good

so far, he wasn't disappointed with this hunt at all.

They broke up into groups, Rein went with Nami and Nojiko went with

Erica. Rein walked through the forest then stopped, he needed to see how

big this place was so he flew in the air. He told Nami to wait for a bit

while he checked it out.

Rein looked into the distance and spotted something out of the ordinary

right away. It was a golden light coming from the ground some ways

away, if you played call of duty Zombies then you would know how this

light looked.

Rein went back to the ground where Nami was. "I spotted a glowing

pillar of light some ways away, I'll carry you over so we can check it out."

Nami nodded and he grabbed her and put her into a princess carry to fly

over to the light.

Once they got there, they spotted a big chest that was taller than Rein,

and Vindicate who was the tallest on the ship! "It's so bright, we should

open it asap to see what is inside, there's obviously treasure inside!" Nami

excitedly said with a smile.

Rein didn't say anything and approached the chest, he opened it with

ease since it wasn't locked. There were several items in here that looked

amazing, he saw something that got his attention the minute he opened

the chest.

"Hmm, what is the Purple Ball, it looks important." It looked like a crystal

ball, but it was purple instead.

The Final Treasure!

Nami stood and watched as Rein went through the chest, she was to short

to join him and couldn't fly to get up. He looked at the Crystal ball and

put it into his storage to check later. Rein also saw two small stones, one

was red while the other was yellow. The chest was pretty big but it didn't

have much in it, he spotted a Burgundy carpet with gold design going

through it.

"This chest it big but it doesn't have much to offer besides the Orb, the

carpet, and these two colorful stone." Rein shrugged, he didn't care much,

he felt like he had gained a lot from this place already.

"Huh? Colorful stones? Let me see them!" Nami grew restless after

hearing about some stones. Rein grabbed the stone and tossed them to

her and she caught them.

"Yes, these are what I need!" Nami had always carried that staff on her

back which Rein never bother to ask about. She took the staff off her

back and insert them into their respective colors on the staff.

The staff flashed Red and Yellow once the insertion was complete.

"Let's give it a try!"

"Wait, hold up, you can do that some other time, don't do whatever

you're going to do now!" Rein hurriedly and spoke, he had a bad feeling

about what she was trying to do. Nami halted and chuckled, she was

feeling excited to try this new staff.

With that, he simply tossed the strange carpet into his storage without

looking at it anymore. He was going to properly investigate these items

once they were back on the ship. "Hmm, that carpet, can you bring it

back out, I want to see it." Nami took an interest in the carpet Rein stored


"Uh, sure!" He took it back out and handed it to Nami to inspect. She

unrolled it and blew it out into the air to get rid of dust if there was any.

Nami scratched her head and laid the carpet on the ground and sat on it.

Suddenly, the carpet began to float into the air with Nami on it!

"What the...." Rein scrunched his face.

"It a flying Carpet!" Nami had read fairytales about this but wasn't sure,

she thought it wouldn't work, she was expecting to look very stupid for

what she was doing. Nami was so surprised that her ridiculous theory

was right!

Rein had a dumbfounded smile on his face that seemed stiff, he had seen

some crazy things in one-piece world, but a flying carpet? "It's one piece,

I don't think it isn't possible, who knows what the one piece really is?"

Nami seemed to be able to control it, she was surprisingly not scared like

he was expecting.

"Hehe, hop on, we can use this to fly around instead, it's more

convenient!" Rein hoped on, and thought, what could be next, Genies in


Nami flew the Carpet like she had done it all her life, she seemed to

understand how to move the carpet like her body. Rein wouldn't ask if no

one volunteered to tell, so he didn't ask like he usually never did.

"This carpet is amazing!" Nami said excitedly, she was a year younger

than what she was in the series, so she was liberated from Arlong a bit

early, thus she was a bit more cheerful.

Her hair was blowing into the wind with how fast she was moving the

carpet. Rein had grown used to these types of movements because he

could fly, so he didn't feel sick or scared of heights like he used to be.

Time passed and they continued to fly around in this closed-off place.

This place was big but had its limit, it also had a fake sky which may

have been painted on, who knows for sure? Rein and Nami had even

passed Erica and Nojiko a few times but still found nothing.

Nojiko appeared to have wanted to say something but Nami kept flying

carpet without stopping to see what she wanted. Anger could visibly be

seen on Nojiko face from this, at least Rein could see it. Rein wanted to

laugh but held back, what if she saw him doing that, then she would

think he was in on it.

"Is there anything else in this place? Haven't we checked everywhere only

to find nothing else!" Nami felt like there had to be more to it than just

some trees, a block of Ancient text on it, and a treasure chest. Rein

couldn't agree more, his mission was still ongoing so there had to be

more here.

This time when they passed by, they saw Nojiko waving her hands to get

their attention. Nami planned to pass her again but he told her land

down there to see what she wanted. Nami pouted because she felt like

Nojiko might take her new flying carpet, she already had a cool cat.

Once they landed, Nojiko glared at Nami who was whistling and looking



Nojiko fisted Nami over the head!

"Ouch! What was that for?" Nami rubbed her head with tears in her eyes.

"You clearly saw me earlier but you ignored me!" Nojiko then looked at


"I didn't see anything, she must have ignored you but I wouldn't ignore

my great friend!" Rein said in a hurry.

"He's right, we didn't see you!" Nami followed up and said.

"Yawn, they're lying, they both saw you but you were mainly ignored by

Nami! Checheche!" The Cheshire Cat suddenly spoke and ratted them


At that moment, it was deadly silent, only the wind could be heard. Rein

looked at the cat who was peeking at him. "Don't be mad great captain, I

just don't want my master to not be fooled, you know?"

The Cat defended itself.

"Sigh, forget it! My cat buddy here discovered a cave nearby. Erica is

already exploring it, she told me to get your attention so you guys can

join us." With that, she led them to the cave and the Cheshire cat was

able to sense.

They were eventually at the cave and walked into it. Nami asked Nojiko

if she could borrow her cat sometime, she clearly wanted it for treasure


"No Way!" Nojiko said right away.

"Checheche!" The cat only laughed seeing Nami's desperate face.

"Come on, just a little!" Nami put her hands together in a praying manner

and asked.

"Maybe, we'll have to see," Nojiko said.


Suddenly, they came into a big cave room, there they saw Erica looking

at something that was on a table in the cave. "Oh, you guys finally came

after you ignored us when we were calling you so much!"

Erica said after seeing the two.

"Nami was just enjoying herself so much that she couldn't land the

carpet." Rein blamed Nami and said.

"Damnit, Rein, you were enjoying yourself too!" Nami looked at Rein and


"Well, it's over, what did you find?" Rein changed the subject and said.

"This, take a look at it. I've never seen anything like this before" Rein

looked at the large table and saw what appeared to be a toy city in a

glass. There was actual water surround the city within the glass display,

it looked so real!

[Explore the Mysteries Of Myriad Island!] [Completed!]

[Handing out Rewards!]

⭑ Congratulations Rein, you've received: 10 Attribute points

⭑ Congratulations Rein, you've received: 15 Skill Points

⭑ Congratulations Rein, you've received: 50,000 System Points

⭑ Congratulations Rein, you've received: System Update Version 1

"Say what now!?" Rein was surprised to see the notification, he had

completed the mission! Just what was this city in a glass for it to

complete his mission?

Rein looked around a saw several flags hanging up with a chimera on

them with the letters MK on them. The Kingdom seemed to view the

Chimera as some sort of special symbol.

Rein walked over to the City in the glass display and picked it up, it

required to hands to pick up or you would end up dropping it or breaking

it on one side due to the uneven weight on one side.

"System, scan this item for me, tell me what it is." Rein said in his head.


"Yes, it's actually scanning it!"

[Ding! Myriad Kingdom In a display! Ancient Artifact!]

"What!? Can you tell me more?" Rein was shocked, was this a kingdom

from long ago that had been stored?

[Would you like to update the system? y/n]

"Yes, please update it!" The system seemed to require an update to gain

more info. Suddenly, he heard another notification.

[Update! 4%]

[The previous owner of this Artifact has died, would you like to become

the owner?]

"Gasp! Yes!" Rein answered without thinking.

[Ding! Newly registered owner, Rein!]

Owner: Monkey D. Rein

Inhabitant Count: None

"Can I put people in the display to live in?" If this was really the case then

he truly found a treasure like no other! Not only that, but he could find

people, then he could put them in here to stay until he made his Island in

the New world!

Rein smiled and put the display in his storage for later. Everyone just

watched him, Rein had been standing there smiling and making all types

of faces. "Are you alright, you aren't going crazy on us, are you?" Nami

suddenly said.

"Nope! It's just that we found something good!" Everyone wanted to ask

more but they'll do that once they were back on the sea. Rein looked over

and saw a little treasure chest in a dark corner, it was very hard to notice

in this cave with barely any light.

He casually walked over to the dark corner to get the chest. Rein picked

it up and found that the chest wasn't locked. So, like most people, he

opened it to check it out. Erica and company walked over with torches in

their hands.

Once he opened it, it revealed a Devil Fruit that looked like a pineapple

with blue, red and yellow over it. Rein scanned the fruit and found that it

was the Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Chimera, it was a myth Type.

"I guess I should have seen this coming, but I'm not a fan of the Chimera."

Honestly, he didn't like the Chimera looks, well, he didn't like the goat on

its back. Thus, he decided to sell the fruit without much thought. The

Fruit sold for 1.5 Million system points, so he gained a lot from the sale.

Everyone was silent, they thought he stored whatever was in the chest,

they didn't see what was in it.

"Okay, let's get out of here! We have nothing left to do on this island."

Rein was satisfied with this hunt and was ready to leave this Island. He

had a total of 2,289,150 System Points, this made him feel even better.

"Okay, we can count our earning on the ship, hehe! By the way, where

are we heading next?" Nami asked.


An hour later or so, they arrived near the exit. There were several cut

down trees in the area as dirt clouds were in the air. This was apparently

from their fall when they were cut down by Vindicate and Kuina.

Once everyone arrived, they shocked and scared from what they were

seeing. They saw a huge Jack O' Lantern with a scythe in its hands

cutting down trees. However, its appearance was different from

Vindicate's appearance back in the forest. The thing looked much more

sinister and creepy, it had black smog around it leaking everywhere.

"I-is it Vindicate?" Nojiko tried to calm down looking to very eerie


"No!" Rein plainly said.

"WHAT!? Then who is it?" Nami back away in fear, she had her fair share

of creepy things on this Island.

"It was Vindicate who summoned it, he is also controlling it to do his

bidding for him." He knew this wasn't Vindicate but something he

created, this ability was similar to Basil Hawkins ability to control a

Giant Scarecrow. However, it didn't have the drawbacks like Basil's

straw-straw fruit, that if you were to take damage, the summoner or the

one who formed it would suffer damage in the place it was wounded.

Basil used others to take damage instead of himself so he was able to

avoid it most of the time. However, Vindicate's power was a Mythical

Zoan so he wouldn't take damage if his summoned or formed creature got


"That thing is so creepy, maybe we should make a rule that he can't

summon or form that thing, ever!" Nojiko and Nami both agreed when

Nojiko suggested it, but how could Rein agree to that?

Rein and company walked over and Kuina and Vindicate were sparring,

Kuina was using a sword and Vindcate was using a Scythe he formed.

Rein's mouth twitched seeing the two fighting instead of cutting trees.

Once they saw Rein they stopped their spar and came over.

"Nice, you're back, we collected some tree and enough wood, I think!"

Vindicate said with a smile.

Then the Giant Jack O' Lantern stopped and flew over towards them.


"No! Don't call it over!"

Nojiko and Nami were horrified, definitely Nami!

"Don't worry, he won't attack you." Vindicate said, "Oh, did you guys find

anything good out there?"

"Yeah, we found a good amount of things, we can leave now!" Rein didn't

bother to ask them anything, the job of cutting down trees was done.

Erica was already on the case and started putting the tree into her storage

ring, it was almost at its limit and this was a mid-grade ring!

"The door locked itself but we found a platform that'll teleport us out of

here for good!" Kuina sheathed her sword and spoke.

"Oh, where will it teleport us to?" Rein asked.

"There is a map on the Platform so we can choose where to teleport to on

the island," Kuina confirmed.

"Phew, convenient right, now we won't have to do all that walking!"

Vindicate was happy when they discover this place, they found it when

his Iron Maiden was cutting down trees.

"Can you get rid of this thing now, I think it's staring at me!" Nami was

feeling paranoid with this thing hovering around them.

"I think it wants to play with you, how about it?" Vindicate grinned and

called the creature closer! He knew about her experience in the trial and

knew she was slightly traumatized by those monsters.

"AHH! Don't go too far Vindicate!!" Nami hollered.

Moments later, they were at the platform ready to take leave.

"Set it near the shore, so we can just get on our ship and book it!" Rein

wanted to leave as soon as possible, he didn't want to run into some more

conflictive people like that Cloud and Baron guy again.

"Alright, setting it near the shores in the desert area we came from!"

Nami targeted the desert on the map and pushed the button.

Suddenly, the space twisted and everyone on the platform warped away!

Sorting The Treasure!

Frost Mountain.

At this time, Baron and his crew had escaped the collapse of the bottom

cave of Mountain Frost. Surprisingly, they grabbed the Flagstar crew

members and took them out, thus saving them from the collapse.

"They're frozen solid, so we can't get any information out of them,

captain!" The Sniper said. Baron didn't say anything and just heated up

the ice, unthawing them from it.

"Brr! It's cold, I'm gonna freeze to death for sure!" Flagstar and his crew


"Shut up you useless clown, you'll tell me where the main tomb is for the

insignias or I'll be sure to warm you up nice and good!" Baron was

already pissed from his fight with Rein, so he needed to vent in some


"We can tell you, just relax!" Just when he was about to talk, he was

interrupted by a group of men in white.

"Oh, lookie here, why don't hand him over to me, we've been searching

for him for some time now!" A man with a cigar in his mouth walked out

the snowstorm in a white suit, he was accompanied by two other men.

"Dege, this isn't any of your business, so get lost!" Baron was on edge and

looked at him coldly.

"Hahaha! You seem mad, is it because you got spanked in Mount Frost?"

Dege smiled and said, "Yeah, I heard about it from Cloud not too long

ago, he even said you cried like a wimp!" Dege looked at Baron with


Baron slammed his Axe into the snow and charged at Dege, a fight was

bound to break out!

Rein's Ship.

"Yes, look at all the treasure we've collected, we'll be rich for generation

to come!" Nami was mesmerized by the gold.

"You won't live for a generation, you'll be dead by then!" Kuina said


"Hey, hey, don't pour all the gold out on the ship, it might give way, this

ship isn't that strong or big!" Rein hurriedly to speak, this ship wouldn't

be able to hold to much gold. Vindicate could carry things in his body

with his new ability, he was a walking storage, but he couldn't carry

crazy big things.

Erica was just about to pour her gold out as well, but after hearing what

Rein said, she stopped. "Well, I guess we better open some of these chests

then. We're gonna need a bigger boat, but those trees we found should do

the trick." Vindicate began to open some of the chests that he found but

they were hard to open.

"Tsk! These think are hard to open, they don't even come with a key!"

Nojiko struggled but couldn't open the chest no matter what she did.

"Vindicate, get this gold up you left on the ship, do you want to sink us?"

Kuina saw a pile of gold near Vindicate, he seemed to be ignoring it.

"Yeah, after I open up this chest." Vindicate didn't even look at her and

continued to try and pry the chest open.

"Damn! Will I have to capture Mr. 3 to open these damn things?" Rein

scratched his eyebrows and contemplated.

"Fuck it! I'll just chop this thing up to open it!" Vindicate couldn't take it

anymore and formed a scythe.

"Wow, wait a minute, that won't work, what if you destroy the goods

inside!" Nami face changed seeing Vindicate lose his patience.

"Sigh, then how can we get them open, we have no keys, and these chests

are made out of some strong material." Vindicate sighed and put his

scythe away.

"I know somebody, but he is someways away, we'll have to capture him

once we see him." Rein had no choice, he would need to capture Mr. 3

and make him open these chests with wax ability.

"See, there we go, he knows someone that can open these chests, so there

is nothing to worry about." Erica smiled, she was worried herself but

since Rein knew someone that could open them, they could just capture

him later.

"Nami, how long will it take us to get to this Logue town?" Kuina sat in a

chair as she wiped her sword with a cloth.

"Hmm, maybe a day and a half, we should be there after that but for

now, let's sort this treasure out." Nami wasn't worried about how long it

would take to get anywhere, she felt like she was in a little paradise right


Kuina eyebrows knitted but she didn't say anything.

"Yeah, let's sort the treasure out. Erica, you hold the gold and..." Rein

paused for a bit but before he could say anything, Nami spoke.

"What? Why can't I hold the gold, I have good managing skills, no offense

Erica! I'm just saying I have the skills to hold money well!" The ship

became deadly silent, even the Cheshire Cat looked at her like an idiot.

"Hahaha! If we let you hold the money, we might go bankrupt the next

day!" Vindicate laughed with tears in his eyes, what a joke?

"Vindicate, what do you know, my skills in mapping and managing are

amazing!" Nami snorted, but Rein didn't want her to hold the money,

forget that! He agreed with Vindicate somewhat, but she was the

manager of the straw hats so she wasn't that bad but that'll have to wait!

[Update Complete! 100%]

Suddenly, the Update to the system was complete, so Rein checked it out.

While he was at it, he viewed his Status as well.


Title: Sword Menace,

Name: Monkey D. Rein

Age: 16

|Strength: 215 |Agility: 175 |Will: 95 |Stamina: 146 |Body Fitness: 117


|Observation Haki: D |Armament Haki: EE |Conqueror Haki: (Locked)


|Soru: C |Geppo: DD |Shigan: C |Kami-E: D-Rank |Tekkai: DD |Rankyaku:


|Doriki: 3,500

Combat Arts:

|Swordsmanship: E

Passive Abilities:

|Cold Resistance: C |Heat Resistance: C

Devil Fruit: Demon-Demon Fruit, Model: Balrog (FrigidFire)

|Attribute Points: 13 |Skill Points: 23 |System Points: 2,289,150

Author Note: I'll add the power levels of the one-piece world so you can

understand where Rein stands in power. It will be hard to do because the

warlord can range from very weak to very strong, so it's hard to measure.

He could see that his Armament Haki had broken through thanks to his

fight recently with that Baron guy. Other than that, the only thing that

improved was his stats, but they would continue to improve if he fought

strong opponents and only strong opponents.

Observation Haki had seen some improvement since he used it often.

It had been decided that Erica would hold the money, while the treasure

chest would remain on the ships. Rein looked at the description of the

Display Model he had gotten from the cave.

[True Kingdom Model: The owner can transport living being into and out

of this Model. In a ditch effort to save his Kingdom, he stored it away for

future generations.]

After the money situation was handled, Rein went to his room and pulled

out the True Kingdom Model. He touched it and his body disappeared

and reappeared into the Model Kingdom. This place was surprisingly

sunny inside but no one could see outside once they were in here. The

glass must be special to act as a sky of sorts.

The place looked amazing but obviously vacant of people, the only thing

was the water moving about. "This place is surprisingly beautiful, I can

tell it was a great place to live in the past." That was long ago, but now it

was his to control.

"I will need people to guard my island when I'm away and I will need

citizens, so I guess later I'll have to find some people." This was all he

could do, he needed people then he would dump money into the

economy and make his island a rich place.

Luffy even had a Grand Fleet backing him, so why wouldn't Rein have

one. Every Emperor had a huge force, he would surely need to have one

for his island. If he didn't then it would be raided by pirates or worse, the

other emperors! Rein would probably just ally himself with Ace and Luffy

later anyway, along with Sabo.

"Hehe, I'll have to snag Sugar, she will turn any invading pirates into

toys!" He had a way of dealing with that 'little girl' once he got his hand

on her. Rein continued to explore the huge city, he learned that this place

had a day and night to it.

And there, he saw a huge castle as he flew around, it had tall walls

around it. Rein flew toward the castle and into it. It was just as he

thought, the Kingdom really looked up to the Chimera. There were

several statues of the creature within the castle and even the same type of

flag he saw in the cave.

Rein walked into the throne room and it was, well, a throne sitting high

up. "This place must have been emptied out, my Observation Haki isn't

picking anything up." The place was cleaned out beforehand, so there

was nothing left.

Rein spotted a huge vault that was opened already and saw that there

was nothing inside of it. "Haha, yup, this place was cleaned out by

someone before it was reduced to this state." Rein shook his head and left

the Model Kingdom and appeared back in his room.

Rein walked out of his room and was greeted by Erica. "The ring is at its

limit, I can't fit anything else in here, so I might need another, perhaps."

Erica found it hard to ask this but she needed more room.

Before he could say anything, Nami and Nojiko came over as well. "Yeah,

we would like a ring, no, if it comes in the form of a necklace, that would

be better," Nami said with stars in her eyes.

"I want mine to be a bracelet storage thingy, this is more convenient!"

Nojiko liked bracelet better, apparently.

"Yeah, I'll be sure to give you guys that before we reach Logue town, so

wait until then, peeps! As for Erica, she needs an upgrade now." Erica

was holding most of the gold, well, at least all of the gold they collected

and not his, hehe!

"Perfect! This is not a problem, I can wait!" Nami and Nojiko nodded and

walked back up to the ship's deck.

"Goodness, when you head back to the deck, be sure to let them know

not to recklessly tell anyone about the storage devices." He had to be

sure, he didn't want any stupid trouble because he had high tech space

objects like these. However, these items would surely sell for a lot if

anyone found out about them, but he didn't want that, at least not for a


"Of course, I'll be sure to let them know, we don't need unnecessary

trouble but we're pirates, trouble would come anyway." Erica smiled and

nodded as to understand, she knew Rein was somewhat of a lazy person.

"Give me your ring." Rein said bluntly. Erica handed her ring to him and

he turned to walk in his room.

"Wait here!"

It was easier and cheaper to upgrade a storage device rather than just

buying a new one. It only cost 3000 System Points to do it. Rein had

plenty of points from selling that Chimera Fruit so he was in a decent

spot. Devil fruits on the system just cost too much and the only reason he

was able to buy Rokushiki and Haki so cheap back then was because they

were on sale.

He had just opened the system around that time and a lot of things were

on sale. But now, they were at their full price and cost a lot. With a flash

of light, the ring had upgraded to a high-grade storage ring. He walked

out and handed to Erica, she looked at it, she could sense that there was

far more room in it now from touching it.

"This is the same ring, how did you do it?" Erica asked

"I have a superpower called.... Super upgrade technique!" Rein stuttered

and said. Erica's face twitched then she laughed, she knew he was clearly

lying but didn't bother to ask further.

"Well, I'm coming to the deck with you so I guess I'll just tell Nami and

Nojiko, better to hear it from the horse's mouth." With that, both Erica

and Rein walked to the deck.

Vindicate was playing cards with Kuina, while Nami was counting the

golden coins and jewels. That was going to be impossible to do but she

seemed really good and counting and keeping up with the money count.

Nojiko was standing, the Cheshire cat was hovering in front of her and

talking to her. Nojiko was would punch out under the cat's instruction,

she would show her something from her book every now and then.

Rein was intrigued and walked over to see what was going on.

"Oh, Rein, you came back the deck, I thought you were going to sleep or

something." Nojiko looked over and said. The Cheshire Cat just sat on her

book hovering in the air with that same wide smile on its face.

"Yeah, just wanted to tell you and Nami something, but what are you two

doing over here? What was she showing you from her book?" Rein didn't

sugar coat what he wanted to ask and asked flatly, he usually never asked

anything but that book the Cat had was strange.

"Oh, I asked her if she could show me some strong fist techniques and she

show me something from her book!" Nojiko said happily.

"Oh, and what are they called?" Rein asked right away.

"Hmm, the name is kinda strange but it's called Hasshoken!" Nojiko

smirked and nodded slowly.

"..........." Rein was speechless!

Logue Town!

A day had already passed and everyone rested well. First thing in the

morning, Kuina went to the deck to do her daily training routine with her

sword. Yesterday Rein had talked to her about devil fruits, but she told

him that she had thought about it and decided to not consume one.

Rein was actually relieved to hear this, she could become the strongest

without a fruit. He was going to buy back that Aura fruit he stole a while

back and give it to her, but she said she didn't need a Devil fruit ability.

The ship was now closing in on Logue Town. Rein had already given

Nami and Nojiko the spatial items they wanted. Soon, everyone woke up,

everyone sat around the table and ate breakfast as they talked about


Rein told them that they would go shopping there before leaving the

place. Logue town had a lot of nice things that were shipped from the

other 3 blues. In the anime, this was where Nami got all her exotic

clothes from. She had more money this time and a storage item, so she

was going to go on a shopping spree once she got there.

Everyone wanted some new clothes and essentials for the ship. Rein

would have to make it into the grand line before he could have a new

ship made. Once everyone was done with breakfast, some of them went

to shower, while others went to the deck as usual.

Over time, everyone came to the deck and relaxed as usual. Nami used

the spyglass and saw that Logue Town was up ahead. "I need some new

clothes for our long trip, we girls all need new clothes!" Nojiko and the

rest talked enthusiastically until they reached the Island.

Nami parked the ship near the island, they weren't going to stay here too

long. "You guys go get what you need, I may or may not leave this ship."

Rein said, "Also be careful, the marines here are known for stopping

pirates from entering the grand line." Hearing Rein's warning, everyone

nodded and got off the ship.

"Erica, you keep a close lookout, there is a captain here that may give

you and Vindicate trouble." With their bounties being quite high within

the East Blue, how could they miss Erica and Vindicate?

They both understood, he had told them already about their bounties

being posted some time ago. With that, everyone left the ship except Rein

who wanted to relax a bit. For one, he had learned something good about

the system.

With the system update, he learned after running through the system that

he could even sell smile devil fruits to it now. So, if he could capture

Ceaser clown or learn how to make these artificial fruits himself, then he

could make some serious money on the system.

Devil fruits were his favorite thing to look at on the system. New Devils

had appeared on the system, they were the highest costing fruit he had

seen beside the Hobby fruit. Fishman Karate never appeared and he

didn't expect it to, it was a race exclusive fighting style.

"Well, I may as well open the Silver tokens I got a while ago." Rein

wanted to wait until he was alone to do this, he could just do it in his

room but with the ship to himself, it was more fun that way."

Rein decided to open the Devil Fruit Token first, he wanted to see what

he'd get.

Note Below:

• The Devil Fruits will be given out randomly so the user may not choose


• Due to the Mid-level Silver Token, the Devil Fruit you'll receive will be

fruits that are not being used.

• The higher-grade the token, the higher the chance of getting something

rarer. The percentage ratio of certain classes of Devil fruit is as follows.

• Paramecia 70%

• Zoan 55 %

• Ancient Zoan 40%

• Logia 35%

• Mythical Zoan 15%

Note: This is not out of 100 percent, they're just odds! It can never be 100

percent for any of them.

It basically told him what he read when he first opened a token but that

was a bronze token at that time. The coin appeared in his hand, he tossed

in the air to flip to see what number it would land on from 1 to 3. If it

landed on either of the said numbers then that was the number of fruit he

could get.

If they were useless to him then he would sell them, he wanted to get

Nojiko a Devil fruit but he was going to buy his weather fruit first. The

coin landed and the number appeared on the coin in red as it landed on

the table.

The number two!

"Not bad, the number is pretty good!" Rein couldn't wait to hear what

they would be.

[Ding! Would you like to receive your 2 Devil Fruits?]

[Yes / Later]

It was the same question as last time, but Rein just clicked Yes!

⭑ Congratulations Rein, you've received: Ryu-Ryu No Mi, Model:

Triceratops (Ancient Zoan)

⭑ Congratulations Rein, you've received: Ryu-Ryu No Mi, Model:

Giganotosaurus (Ancient Zoan)

Rein squinted seeing the devil fruits, they weren't any fruits he was going

to give his crew, but they were still quite powerful! "Three Ancient Zoan

type fruits in three days, this is just too good! The Giganotosaurus is

bigger and stronger than the T-Rex!" Even though they weren't what he

wanted, they were still worth keeping.

He recalled that Kaido had quite a lot of people in his crew that had Zoan

type but they were smile fruits. The three all-stars of his crew all had

Ancient type Zoan abilities, this included X-drake and Page One who had

the Spinosaurus fruit.

"My whole island will be protected by my pirate crew, it will be my main

base of operation! I will need some sort of division commanders or

something like that." This group would be separate from his crew and

would spend all of their time on the island instead. Rein could become

one of the 4 emperors like his brother would in the future, maybe Ace

would as well once he took control over Whitebeard's crew.

"The first to go will be Blackbeard or Kaido, but that guy's body is

virtually indestructible." Rein had no clue how he was going to take

something like that down. There had to be some way to beat him, he did

recall the sword from Wano that could hurt him but that was it.

"That's far off into the future, I can think about that later, I guess." Rein

sipped his tea, then proceeded to open his next Token. Rein couldn't take

Robin into his crew since his ultimate goal wasn't to become a pirate

king. If it did take her, it would only be temporary before he introduced

her to Luffy.

Marine Base.

A man sat behind a desk with two cigars in his mouth, his face looked

serious as he filled out some reports. "Is it really that hard to fill out a

few papers of the pirates you've caught recently?" The man was obviously

smoker, he had caught several pirates at this point.

"It is, every time I catch a pirate, I think about the annoying reports I'll

have to fill out afterward! I can't figure out the point of these things!"

Tashigi was the one who asked the question after seeing his serious and

grave face.

"Well, the east blue is pretty peaceful compared to the other blues, so

there's something to be grateful about." Tashigi chuckled, she was just a

mere sergeant, she didn't have to do any of this annoying work.

Just when Captain Smoker was about to reply, a marine ran into the


"Sir, reporting, there are some sighting of another pirate crew entering

Logue town!" The marine said in a hurry.

"Sigh, more pirates! What is the pirate crew called?" Smoker asked


"We don't know the names, but we spotted this person in the group!" The

marine handed the bounty poster to Smoker!

Smoker's face changed a bit, but only for second before reverting back.

Smoker squeezed the bounty poster in his hand. "So, they've finally

shown up! Everyone gather! This won't be easy to handle, we need to

lock this place down!"

Smoker stood up immediately after confirming the poster!

"Captain! Who is on the poster that we would need everyone?" Tashigi

was surprised, it usually only took him alone to take down any pirate

that passed by here.

Smoker tossed her the bounty poster. "Take a look for yourself, I think

you'll understand why we'll be needing everyone here." Smoker took a

big puff of his 2 cigars and said.

Tashigi uncrumpled the poster to look at it.

"Gasp!" Tashigi looked at the bounty and gasped deeply, it was Inferno

Witch Erica!

"Sir, it isn't just him, we also spotted Vindicate the merciless!"

"Tsk! It looks like we have a full house of trouble today, it won't be easy!

Now, do you understand why we need everyone?" Smoker shook his head

and began to make preparations.

Tashigi nodded rapidly and continued to look at the bounty poster of

Erica! The marine didn't forget to give the poster of Vindicate to them as

well before being dismissed. "They call her inferno witch, why is it that

they call her that?" Tashigi questioned as she straightened her glasses.

"From what I've heard, she can use strange flames, she is also classified as

a Logia user which makes her an even bigger problem!" Smoker said as

he began to put on his coat.

"Strange flames? What could be so strange about fire? The only thing I

see here that is a problem is the fact that she is a Logia devil fruit user."

Tashigi knew she couldn't match an ability user like this at all, she was

completely outdone.

"The Flames are oddly black, they say that they may even be hotter, but

no one's confirmed that! I'll engage her in battle, you'll have to hold

Vindicate back if you can. If you can't, then just run away and don't

fight." Smoker said nothing more and walked out of his office.

Tashigi sighed, she was just too weak. She then followed after smoker

after looking at Erica's poster for a bit more.

Logue Town.

The crew had broken up into groups, Kuina went with Nojiko, Vindicate

went by himself to check out some clothing stores. Erica went with Nami

to also check out some clothing stores, she and Nami liked to dress up.

The first store they went to didn't have what they wanted. The man tried

to sell them some clothing but Nami found that it would be too hard to

move in any of them. Nami dumped the clothes on the counter and

walked out with Erica, leaving the man stunned in place.

They went to the next store and nearly shopped until they dropped, this

was the kind of place they were looking for. The man in this store was

delighted with their very big purchase, he checked them out with a

strange and wide smile plastered to his face. It took some time to check

out all of their clothes, they nearly bought half the store!

Nojiko and Kuina went to many weapons stores. Nojiko wanted a

gauntlet of some sort but they didn't sell any from what she could see.

They only sold spears, bow and arrows, guns, and swords much to her


Kuina didn't see any good swords, so they just opted to buy clothes for

themselves. Kuina didn't spot the sword that Zoro would later find here.

She was oblivious because the sword she had was already so good.

Rein had told them that they could go clothes shopping or whatever, he

didn't need new clothes. They were already good in the food department

but everyone needed basic things like clothes, underwear, and shoes.

However, as Erica and Nami were heading to the next store, they had

been spotted by Smoker! Smoker knew she was a devil fruit user, so he

pulled out his SeaStone tipped jitte to attack her!

Conflicts In Logue Town!

[Congratulations Rein, you've won: Ship Coating!]

[Congratulations Rein, you've won: (Bronze) Training Card!]

[Congratulations Rein, you've won: Plant-Plant Fruit! (Paramecia)]

Rein rubbed his forehead, the items didn't seem bad but there wasn't

much that came out of the Silver Token. "At least I have a system, this is

cheating in itself, so I shouldn't complain about what I get."

The Ship coating would form a bubble-like membrane over the ship for

diving purposes, it would protect the ship from the high pressure of the

depth of the sea. "No need to dive anywhere, I'll just take the normal way

to reach the Grandline." He currently had 7 Devil fruits but he noticed

that missions weren't popping up as often as before.

He was thinking of either heading to the North blue to recruit Law or to

find his own doctor on the way. After thinking about it for a bit, it would

be better to leave Law alone, he would serve to help his brother a lot in

the future. With Law being with him, it wouldn't be so, he'll let some

event happen while he'll change some as well.

Author Note: Lol! I just want to make my own doctor. I already have

characters from the show, so I want to get my own. Sorry if some of you

are disappointed with me not getting Law. It's much more fun to make

people instead. xD

Rein looked at the system store, he had enough to buy the weather fruit

but not enough Skill points.

At this time, it would make sense for Monkey D. Dragon to show up to

make sure Rein made it safely to the grand line. Sadly, he couldn't keep

up with Rein unlike Luffy who was out there and easy to find and track.

Rein even covered up his face, he didn't even know if Rein became a

pirate or not, so how could he show up here in Logue Town?

Rein stretched and started playing solitaire, it was a solo card game like

most know of. Suddenly, he stood up and looked into the distance, he

saw a grey white and black cloud colliding with one another.

"What the.. black and grey clouds?" Rein scratched his eyebrows and

concluded it to be so, he didn't pay any mind to it and continued his

game of solitaire.

Logue Town.

Vindicate bought himself a nice long Black coat with fur around the

collar, it had light armor in it as well.

"I think these boot would look amazing on you, I think you should buy

them." The old man made his suggestion to Vindicate.

"These boots don't look bad, I'll take them!" Vindicate agreed with the old

man's choice. The old man smiled and checked Vindicate's items out.

He was done with this place and decided to head back to the ship.


Suddenly, a sword stabbed towards him.


Vindicate jumped out of the way and drew his pistols! "What idiot attacks

people in the middle of the damn street?" Vindicate looked at the woman

that attacked him, it was Tashigi!

Vindicate looked closely at Tashigi, as images of Kuina and Tashigi

rapidly flashed through his mind.

"What in the world? Are you Kuina's crazy twin sister or something?"

Vindicate was stunned due to their similarity, they looked almost alike.

"What? Y-you pirate, I don't have a sister! I'm from the marines and I've

come to take you down! Surrender now and your sentence will be a bit

light, if you don't then expect no mercy!" Tashigi held her sword tightly,

she knew what this guy had done and it wasn't something light.

"Surrender? Sorry, but I don't know what that means, but whatever it

means, I don't think I would like it." Vindicate said

"Then prepare to be taken down!" Out of nowhere, marines began to

surround the area to catch Vindicate.

"Oh, so you've prepared for me, but it won't be good enough my clone

friend! Think Fast!" At that moment, Vindicate guns were coated in

darkness. He fired at the upcoming marines, but what came out was

black lasers that looked like cero! Vindicate was clearly using his devil

fruit for this since his hands looked strange.


Several Marines were blown away by the explosion, he didn't use much

power as to not kill anyone. Orange energy surrounded the dark beams of

light as it blew up near the town square!

"What the hell was that?"

"Run for your life, someone set off a bomb!"

"Those Marines were sent flying when they were trying to surround that


Many people panicked and made a run for it, they had seen many pirates

come here before. They usually caused a ruckus but not of this


Vindicate looked at Tashigi who was covering her eyes from the wind. He

smiled and jumped on the roof of some building to run away. "You! Don't

run, get back here you asshole, you killed so many people in that village

and you think you can run!?" Tashigi hollered and began to pursue


"Lady! I don't know what they told you but I didn't kill anyone! I was set

up by some trash noble who thought he could do anything he wanted!"

Vindicate yelled back as he ran.

"You liar, then why are you running!?" Tashigi continued the chase him


"Because you're crazy and you have a sword! You want to catch me, then

you must be dreaming, you nerdy swordsman!" Vindicate looked back

and sneered.

"You! Who are you calling nerdy!? I'll hit you in that dirty mouth of

yours first, then I'll capture you!" Tashigi was angered, he dared to call

her nerdy, she seemed to have not heard the crazy part.

Vindicate didn't say anything and shot at the ground she was running on.

The attack hit the ground and caused dust to shoot up from the ground

and it to shake! Tashigi was stunned and tried to jump over the ditch but

fell into it and into the dirty rubble!

"You Shameless asshole!" Vindicate could hear her screams in the

distance but only smirked as he continued to run away.

Meanwhile, Kuina and Nojiko were done with their shopping. They were

the first to arrive back on the ship. Kuina bought herself a Japanese fox

mask that she took an instant liking to when she saw it.

She wore it and trained with it while Rein continued to play Solitaire.

Back in Logue Town.

However, another fight was brewing in the town. The location? It was

where the execution of Roger took place.

Erica and Smoker had clashed already but found that their abilities just

canceled each other out.

"Turn yourself in Witch Erica, it'll be easier and no one has to get hurt,

not you, me, and most importantly, these people!"

"Turn myself in? How stupid, no one's turning anything in, you can forget

it! Why do you even bother, you can just ignore me and be on your way."

She didn't think the marines would be on her case to this degree, nor did

she expect a devil fruit user who could use smoke, Rein didn't mention


"I have to capture because you're a pirate!"

"What ridiculous reason!" Erica spoke no more and attacked, she moved

quickly by using Soru. Smoker was surprised, he easily recognized the

technique but didn't care too much. He put up his Jitte to block her kick.

Sadly, she was quite strong so Smoker was blown back by the attack, he,

however, turned into smoke so his recovery was instant. Erica knew he

would recover fast so she kept up her assault and elbowed him in the


They both canceled each other's abilities out so they could also hit each

other without Haki.

"Ugh!" Smoker was blown into a building this time under the forceful

elbow. Erica had already told Nami to run after she cleared the Marines

out for her. Fortunately, Smoker had tagged her with the Jitte tip when

she came in for the elbow!

After a little bit, Smoker came out of the rubble in his smoke form.

"Goodness, the Marine Captain is fighting some woman and she knocked

him into a building!"

"Did you see that fire, it was black, that ain't natural!"

"Just stay back or you'll be roasted alive, that stuff is seriously hot!"

"Damn, she's fast, did you see how fast she ran off!?" One old man was


Many people stay away and watched from afar but still couldn't help but

gossip seeing this fight. Smoker had always caught anyone he persued so

this was news to them. Smoker nearly bit his cigars off his mouth hearing

the citizen chatter.

Seeing Smoker's fierce gaze on them, they all covered their mouths. Erica

had already run off to the ship, she didn't wait around to continue


"Damn Pirate!" Smoker ran off as well to catch her, he couldn't let her get


Moments later, Vindicate spotted Nami running in the same direction as

himself. She weaved through the streets toward the docking area with a

panicked expression. Vindicate went over to her and jumped down in

front of her.

"Ah!" Nami stopped in fright seeing the silhouette come down in front of

her, he was, after all, wearing different clothes.

"Relax, it's just me, Nami!" Vindicate looked up and said quickly as to

prevent her from yelling more.

"Oh!" Nami sighed in relief.

"We have to get Rein and the rest, Erica is fighting some Marine guy who

can turn into smoke!" Nami was a bit scared for Erica, but she knew Erica

could hold her own from the fight she had with Cloud.

"Turn into smoke? How many of these people are we going to

encounter?" Vindicate shook his head.

"Sigh, okay, I'll go back to help her, do you have that Log pose thing Rein

told you to buy on our way here?" Vindicate asked, he recalled that Rein

couldn't stress the importance of it for the grand line.

"Ah, yeah, I forgot." Nami scratched the back of her with a weird smile.

"Well, quickly go buy it from one of these stores. I'll go back to help Erica

with this smoke man you're talking about." He knew from the sound of

this ability, that it must be that Logia class power that Rein had

explained about.

"Okay, I'll meet you on the ship afterward, I hope!" Nami said nervously!

There were plenty of stores that sold Log Pose in this town, it was the

main thing that people needed when they came here.

Nami ran off in the other direction while Vindicate turned back to find


However, at this time, Smoker was riding his motorcycle as he raced

down the streets of Logue Town. Erica was pretty fast, so she could even

outrun a Motorcycle in hot pursuit.

"White Blow!"

Smoker shot a Giant white grayish smoke fist from his bike towards the

fleeing Erica. She was pretty fast, so he had to slow her down in some


"Hmph!" Erica turned around and punched the giant fist, her hand was

coated in fire!


This time, an explosion took place as a giant sphere of Black fire and

White gray smoke collided! This sent shockwaves throughout the area!

Sadly, many people were caught in this attack, thus Smoker was feeling

very regretful.

Vindicate, who was searching for Erica now knew where she was, it was

so obvious at this point. Many buildings were destroyed and many people

had sadly died from this exchange. Erica sighed but kept running, she

had to defend herself, she couldn't be soft right now.

Rein looked up and was easily able to spot the destruction from afar. He

stood up from his seat and took to the sky to get a better look.

"So, a fight has broken out, and it looks like Erica may be apart of it!"

Rein was expecting this so he wasn't surprised in the least. Erica could

handle herself, she would be wise to run, though. Her abilities were too

dangerous to be used in a town like this.

Rein shook his head, she probably had no choice but to fight back.

Smoker was a persistent person and would continue to chase you until

you were caught.

"Did you find out what those strange winds came form?" Nojiko yelled

from the ship, Rein was pretty high up but soon came back down.

"Yeah, it looks like a fight has broken out, I'll be back, you guys stay here

and wait until then." Kuina wanted to go, so he took her along with him.

With that, they flew into the town, to be exact, the area where the smoke

was coming from.

Once they arrived, they were met with scorched earth and even some

bodies that were charred black.

"Goodness, she definitely went overboard!" Rein frowned, so many dead!

"You! You're also someone on the bounty list, to be exact, it pretty high

up there! But I shouldn't call you a you, or should call you Rain Man!"

Suddenly, Smoker came out of a building holding some citizens of the

town. He had actually given up on trying to capture Erica to save these


"Oh, what good guy you are to save the good people of this town." Rein


"Completely opposite to what a pirate like you would ever do!" Smoker's

face turned much more serious instantly.

"Well, I was just passing by, but have you seen a girl with really dark

blue hair? Rein paused "Oh, and she uses Blackfire!"

"So, you're in cahoots with that witch, I guess that makes you an even

greater danger!" He didn't get to fully read the report about Erica but if

he did, it clearly said she was in cahoots with him originally.

Smoker was confident, he knew Rein's bounty was the highest in the east

blue but believed he could take him down like the rest. Smoker rushed

Rein and bared his Jitte to attack him, he was going for a crippling strike.

Rein dodged to the side with ease and chopped down on the Jitte and

crushed it into two pieces. He was still weak to Seastone so it was best to

not get touched and definitely hit by it.

"Huh?" Smoker back away and looked at his smashed Jitte with a bit of


"Crushing someone else's stuff isn't a good feat, I guess I'll have to take

you down the old fashion way!"

"White Spark!"

Smoker's body turned into smoke as he sent himself flying towards Rein

with the means to force him into submission!

"Oh! You're gonna need about 3 more years before you can truly put up a

good fight, you're just not ready now." Rein reached his hand out and

grabbed Smoker's physical body, he then slammed him into the ground.

"What!?" Tashigi came over and was shocked! Someone was able to touch


Smoker immediately got up and back away. He stared at Rein with

surprise, then suddenly blood came from his lips and forehead.

Smoker was aware of Haki to some degree and he knew that these were

the only people that could hurt him. Besides the ones that canceled his

Devil fruit out like Erica or Ace, who he had yet to meet, this was the

only case.

Kuina was with him but she was wearing that Japanese Fox mask she

bought from this town. Tashigi ran over beside Smoker with thoughts of

helping him.

"So, it appears that you can use 'that ability' to actually hurt me!" Smoker

wasn't happy about this, there shouldn't be anyone in the East blue with

this type of training.

"I'm just passing by, believe it or not, this was all those nobles fault! Look

closely at who you're working for before you judge others." Rein said "I'm

in a rush, so I can't stay to fight, I got a whole adventure ahead of me!"

"See ya!"

"Wait, don't try to ru.." Before Smoker could finish, the whole area was

shrouded in Darkness!

Once it cleared, Rein and Kuina were already gone!

"Get more marines, we need to lock this island down, no one in or out!"

Smoker's facial expression turned grave!


What do you think about the rest of his crew just being created

characters that he'll meet on his journey? Happy reading as always! If

you don't understand something, then be sure to ask in the comment

section. :D

Leaving Logue Town!

At this time, Vindicate was running with Erica, who he met after the

explosion. She had been hit by the Seastone tip of Smoker's Jitte but she

still persevered and ran off. She sparred a lot with Ace, Luffy, and Rein

back in the day so her endurance for pain was fairly good.

"Did everyone make it to the ship?" Erica asked as they both ran.

"Not sure, but Nami went back to buy a Log pose, she will head back to

the ship afterward!"

"Dang it! Rein should have seen that explosion, he would easily be able to

spot that kind of stuff, I hope he did!" She could only hope he noticed, it

wouldn't be good if their crewmates were still here.

"Once we get back to the ship, we can come back, we have to group first

before we can do anything." Vindicate sighed, he also hoped Kuina and

Nojiko were not still in the town so they could just leave here.

With that, they continued to run towards the ship.

Meanwhile, Rein was carrying Kuina, he shot out his observation Haki to

see what he could see. "I don't see anyone so far" Rein paused "Wait, isn't

that Nami? Huh! She's in a shop buying a log pose, is she not aware of

what's going on?" Rein felt a need to laugh, this just seemed so funny to


Well, Rein couldn't really perceive her face but he could sense that she

was there. He wasn't at that level of Observation Haki yet. Rein could

also see many people in white and blue, this was obviously more


The island was the focal point into the grand line, it was sort of like a

line of defense to stop pirates. Thus, there were many more marines here

than anywhere else in the East Blue.

Rein laughed a bit and looked closely, he didn't see any citizens around.

With that, he swept his hands through the air as a clear liquid shot down

towards the unsuspecting Marines.

Once the liquid came into contact, it began to freeze over on them.

"Ah! What is this cold rain, it's freezi.." He couldn't finish and was frozen


"Take cover! We're under attack!" Some warrant officer hurriedly and

commanded the marines. To bad though, most were frozen while some

were hit with a serious chill. Just like that, he ended the flood of marines

from sieging the area.

"Jeez! That looks cold!" Kuina shook her head looking at the frozen

Marines. Rein landed as soon as Nami walked out of the store.

"Ah!" Name yelped seeing the two shadows appear in front of her.

"Relax, it just me and Kuina, no need to be so edgy." Rein looked at Nami

with a smile under his helmet, but he really wanted to laugh.

"You and Vindicate need to stop coming out of the sky and in front of

people like that!" Nami forehead had a vein on it that seemed to twitch.

Rein ignored her annoyance and said "Where is Vindicate and Erica, have

you seen them anywhere? Nojiko has already made it to the ship." Rein

wanted to leave just as much as anyone else, this Smoker was surely

trying to lock the town down.

"He went to look for Erica, there was an explosion sometime ago, he must

have met her there." Nami also felt the shockwaves from the mini scuffle

that Smoker and Erica had.

"With that explosion, it is likely that he found her.... I hope!"

"You! Don't just hope!" Nami said loudly. Rein yawned and stretched.

"Let's head back to the ship before they try to block our ship's routes out

of here." Rein said bluntly, he knew if Vindicate went to search for her,

he could easily find her with that explosion recently. The two could beat

anyone here, but Vindicate would have some trouble with Smoker with

no Haki.

"Whaaa~! Aren't we going to look for Erica and Vindicate?" Nami eyes


"Calm down, they should be on the ship by now, they aren't as weak and

as fragile as you may think. If they aren't there, then we can just go look

for them, it shouldn't be too hard." Nami was silent and nodded.

"Kuina, what is up with that mask, you look strange, haha!" Nami

suddenly changed to topic to Kuina.

"I'm a foxy swordsman, what else, hehe!" Kuina put her hands on her hips

and spun around like some princess!

"Pfft! Don't do that!" Nami suddenly broke out into laughter. Rein was

silent, wasn't she just worried about Vindicate and Erica?

Moments later, he was carrying Kuina while Kuina held onto Nami. This

scene looked a little weird, and if anyone saw it they would believe they

were seeing things.

"Damn! Did you two put on weight while we were on the ship, it feels

like I'm carrying two elephants!" Rein teased and said

"Rein! Don't make me chop you! Don't talk nonsense!" Kuina glared at


"I haven't gained any weight, if anything, I lost too much of it!" Nami

wanted to punch Rein but was afraid she would fall!

"Mhm, Sure, I guess I can believe you two!" Rein chuckled

"Rein!" Both hollered at the same time

Moments later, they arrived back at the dock where their ship sat afloat

on the sea. Rein looked at the ship and saw that everyone was there!

"Thank the good lord! Everyone is on the ship, so we won't have to

search for them, thus we can leave now!" Rein said happily

Nami and Kuina were happy to hear this as well and felt relieved.

Rein landed on the ship with the two safely.

"Ah, yes, we're home free, let's get out of this place crawling with

marines!" Nami immediately went to the ship's steering wheel to set out.

"We ran into that Smoker guy, so all we could do was run to not cause so

much damage." Erica was the first to speak.

"Understandable, but you sure killed a lot of people back there, huh?"

Rein questioned and said.

"I-I uh..." Erica didn't know what to say, she wasn't trying to kill anyone

but she had no choice but to use more power to stave off Smoker.

"It's okay, but please control it a bit more, we don't want people to get

caught up in dangerous attacks like that. You know how the marines are,

they'll use anything they can to make anyone out to be the bad guy." Rein

shrugged, she had to defend herself but he would love for her to control

the ability a bit better.

"Yes! I will do so next time!" Erica nodded like a chicken pecking grain.

"Oh my, I see you looking smooth with that new outfit, Vindicate!" Rein

noticed the new clothes he was sporting and complemented.

"You know I have to keep it fresh while defeating opponents!" Vindicate

wiped his shoulders and grinned. With that, they set off, it may not have

seemed like it, but they were here for about 2 to 3 hours.

So both Nami and Erica had gone to other stores other than just shopping

for clothes.

Rein sat down and talked to Erica for a bit about a few things before she

got up to handle other things. He thought about Nami's future ability, it

should be related to wind more than anything else.

The first that came to mind was the Wind-Wind Fruit, but he wanted to

give that to Sabo as a Gift when they meet again. Sabo won't be getting

the Flare-Flare fruit this time around, so he would need another ability to

spike his strength.

Rein didn't just spend his time on the ship unlocking his tokens and

playing nothing but solitaire on the ship alone. He also learned more

about the system and his skills. Sadly for him, there was a limit to what

he could invest in skills, the limit was S-Rank then he would be on his


Once it reached the limit of S-Rank, he couldn't use anymore Skill Points

on the S-Rank ability after that. Cp-0 were around high A to Low S in

Rokushiki, so they were quite the threat in that department, at least in

technique. Rein wasn't sure about their stats but they couldn't be weak,

that's for sure.

The only reason Rein wanted the weather fruit was simple, he just

wanted it because of his island he was going to create. Rein wanted to

put a storm around his island sort of like Skull island king kong, so no

one could come to his island for some time.

Many other new things appeared on the system like a weather machine

that could control that type of stuff, so there was no need for it now. He

also discovered why the weather fruit was so cheap, he looked over and

discovered that there was a 75% discount on the fruit!

The sale was ending in three days, it had been going on for a while now.

Rein didn't hesitate any more and bought the fruit right away for

500,000 System Points. He didn't need it, but maybe Nami would like

this type of ability?

"The next place judging from this map should be reverse mountain."

Nami looked at the map, they weren't away from Logue town just yet.

"Yeah, this is our way into the grand line, so this is naturally so." Rein

spoke as he looked ahead, he sensed that something was wrong.

"Hmm, this isn't good, we have trouble!" Vindicate took the spyglass and

could see several marines ship ahead of them. Of course, Rein noticed

this when he looked ahead and was going to warn them, but Vindicate

spoke first.

"Is it Smoker? Who do you see on the ships?" Nami asked.

"Is this Smoker guy smoking two big cigars with white grayish hair, and a

white jacket that exposes his chest?" Vindicate looked through the

spyglass and asked.

"Dang it, he's so annoying!" Erica knew how annoying this guy was, she

could never forget this persistent guy.

"Judging from your words, I'll assume that's him!" Vindicate shook his

head with a smirk on his face. He did this because he spotted that nerdy

Swordsman by his side, she looked even more determined when he first

met her.

"Kuina's crazy twin sister is ahead of us, we better watch out!" Vindicate

laughed and jumped down.

"What are you saying, I don't have a sister, I was the only child!" Kuina

looked over and found it ridiculous, she had to adjust this fox mask

because she could barely see out of it. This was the main reason why she

was so silent when she wore it.

"Take off that mask and you'll see. Once you see this woman, all of you

will agree with what I said." Vindicate didn't say anything more, he

couldn't wait to see everyone's reaction.

What would they think if they knew Rein had a twin brother?

"Prepare for battle, they won't let us off so easily!" Of course, Rein knew

what Vindicate was talking about, but didn't comment on it.

"Alright, let's battle!" Nami looked and said seriously. Nojiko completely

agreed with that.

Rein looked at Nami closely, she raised her arm into the air while

steering the ship's wheel. Once he looked at her, he was surprised

because when the wind blew by her clothes, he saw a tattoo on her upper

arm, it was the letter R!

Erica was the same, she had tattoo letters on her arm that had the name

LARS on it. This meant Victorious life or just Victorious in Scandinavian,

but also stood for Rein, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo!

However, the letter S was X'ed out just like how Ace's tattoo was.

This is what Erica talked to Rein about, she never mentioned Nami's

tattoo, but Rein spotted it himself.

"Just, Wow!" Rein was speechless just thinking about it.


Enjoy and be sure to comment about something you don't understand.

Happy Reading as always! :D

Battle On The Ice! Part 1

Seeing smoker from afar, everyone readied the cannon on the ship, at

least the one and only cannon they had. Rein looked into the distance, he

could freeze the sea but that would affect his advances, at least slowing

him down. At that time, more marines would have more time to show up.

Then there was fire he could use, but Smoker would probably counter to

cancel it out with his ability.

"I guess I should have just beaten him back in Logue town to make this

journey smooth sailing." It was too late to regret now, all he could do was

prepare for battle.

"These pistols I have can't last with my new ability when I use them to

shoot lasers. I wish I could use these new pistols!" Vindicate's pistols were

just to low in level. If he could use those New guns he got from Nojiko,

then the attack power would be bigger and they could handle the Dark

energy he used.

"How many shots do you have before your pistol can't handle it

anymore?" Rein asked immediately, his ship wasn't well equipped to

handle battles on the sea.

"I have about 7 shots before these old pistols collapse under the dark

light." It was similar to Fijitora's devil fruit, he used his sword to amplify

the use of his ability and Vindicate was doing the same here. Of course, if

he went full Jack O' lantern then he wouldn't need anything to amplify

the power of his attacks.

"Can't you just fire attacks without using... " Before Nojiko could finish

asking her question, they heard many whistles around them.



Several cannon balls rained out of the sky on their position!

"Forget it!" Rein didn't care and jumped into the water, it quickly began

to freeze over! Tashigi had a spyglass and could see the water freezing

quickly as it approached them.

"AH! The water is freezing, Captain!" Tashigi was startled.

"That's impossible, it's a sunny day out today, no one can freeze water

that fast except him!" Right as he finished speaking, the water around the

9 marine ships was halted by the ice.

"A Devil fruit power that can freeze!" Smoker began to frown now, was it

a Paramecia like the cold-cold fruit? It couldn't be a logia type, it was

already taken by an Admiral. With that, he concluded that Rein had a

Paramecia Cold devil fruit ability, it made sense to think this.

"Looks like he's taking this battle to us! Prepare to leave the ships,

everyone, it's about to be a fight on the ice!" Smoker spoke over the Den

Den Mushi next to him and looked through the spyglass. He could see 4

people approaching them swiftly, it was Vindicate, Rein, Kuina, and


An uncountable amount of marine looked reluctant to get on the ice.

Once they jumped onto it, they found that the ice was very durable for

battle. They weren't reluctant any more and all leaped onto the ice, ready

to fight!

When was the last time they had seen some serious action like this? They

had heard how dangerous this group of pirates were, this made their

blood boil for battle!

"Charge! Take these pirates down, don't let one go!" A Junior Lt. Ranked

Marines spoke to boost everyone morales which seemed to have worked.

Suddenly, a black laser shot out, it changed the color of the surrounding

for a brief moment before slamming into a ship!


This ship was hit with a frontal attack which caused many marines to fall

off the ship yelling.

"It's him!" Tashigi glared at where the laser came from and saw Vindicate

from earlier! Vindicate looked back at her and winked, he didn't look

long a continued to the next ship.

Tashigi ran over to Vindicate, he was charging at a ship alone.

"Tashigi, be careful, that guy has a strange gun, retreat if it's too

dangerous!" Smoker warned and looked away. Tashigi turned and did a

quick bow before racing off!

"Shoot them! Aim the cannons, Fire!"



Several cannon threatened Rein's ship! Suddenly, a barrier formed

around the ship, this was the doing of the Cheshire Cat. It had taken a

humanoid form as it stretched and yawned, it just watched the battle.

"A shield? What kind of technology is that?" The marines were surprised.

Meanwhile, several marines were firing at Rein and Erica but they

dodged and sent kick and punches towards many of them, knocking them

away and out. Suddenly, Smoker came down, he slammed toward Erica

with his fist.

Erica blocked it with her forearm then send a kick toward Smoker, but he

hurriedly and turned into Smoke to maneuver around it. That two did a

backflips and back off one another with glaring eyes.

"I hope you understand that I can't let dangerous pirates like you guys go,

this is how justice works!"

Smoker took out a lighter and lit his two cigars back up.

"Justice, you're an idiot, I don't see any justice! Erica, you go forth, I'll

handl..." He couldn't finish when he was interrupted.

"Rein! Can I please fight this guy, this guy really gets on my nerves, so

please let me handle this one!" Rein was surprised and looked over at

Erica who looked serious expression at the moment.

"Hahaha! Sure, you take it from here, be careful not to melt the ice too

much, that's dangerous for the three of us!" Erica nodded and Rein moved

towards another group of marines, he didn't want to use his abilities too

much here as to not show too much.

"Oh? I get on your nerves because you hate people who do the right

thing, while you want to commit crimes?" Smoker's eyes showed

contempt for a moment.

"This is understandable, you think you can kill, rob, and do much more

as you please, but people like me exist so that won't happen!" At that

moment an explosion could be heard again, it was Vindicate blowing

away marines!

"There is no point in explaining anything to you, you're just an Idiot!"

Erica didn't bother to explain anything, he had already made up his mind

about them. They clashed as Black, white, and Gray began to cause

fluctuations in their area.

Meanwhile, Vindicate was destroying a ship, he used his pistols fused

with the black energy to do so. Rein was mainly taking out marines by

freezing them in their tracks. Ice wasn't a destructive ability like fire, but

he wanted to convince them that he could only use ice.

"Damn it, shoot him!" Suddenly, Multiple marines fire at Vindicate with a

flurry of bullets. Vindicate quickly formed a scythe and began to rotate

the scythe quickly to block all the bullets!

"What!?" The Marines were stuck in a dilemma but soon began to load

their pistols and rifles as quickly as they could.

"Rocket! Get the damn Rockets! Blow him up" Suddenly, two tall men

walked out of the ship with rockets in their hands this time, it was just

for Vindicate.

The two tall marines quickly shot the rockets at Vindicate, he wasn't

sticking around to be hit with rockets and used Soru to get out.



The deck of the ship was hit as the marines around were caught in the

attack. Flames sparked, destroying half the deck!

"Ahhh! Help, it burns!" Many marines screamed as they were hit, they

were blown away by this attack. Some were set ablaze while some were

blown into pieces, killing them!

"You idiot, aim for the pirate, not our damn allies!" The Lt. Junior

hollered seeing many marines getting killed by these two idiots.

"But, sir, it's a rocket, how can we not hit any allies when they're this

close?" The man questioned

"Shut up and just kill the pirate!" The Lt. Junior didn't like to be

questioned and ordered his men to find and kill the pirate on the ship.

"Kill me? I think not!" Suddenly, the Lt. Junior was stunned and looked

behind him, he saw Vindicate grinning down at him. The man didn't say

anything but his face was full of sweat, he hurriedly and pulled out his

pistol but was immediately kicked flying off the ship!

"AHHHH!!!" The Lt. Junior screamed hysterically as he was directly

kicked in the face, and sent flying spiraling through the air. His mouth

was bloodied as not only was he sent flying, but his teeth were as well!

"Lieutenant!" Everyone on the ship yelled out seeing their Commanding

officer sent flying like a ragdoll. Suddenly, Vindicate's head turned into a

pumpkin then he crossed his arms over his head!

"His head turned into a pumpkin, what the fuck is he!?"

"What is that orange light?"

"This doesn't look good, retreat!"

The ones with common sense had already begun to flee while the curious

ones questioned! At that moment, Vindicate shot an orange laser out of

his pumpkin smiley mouth, he was done charging it!

All the marines could see was blinding light, it covered the whole area

and even made Smoker and Erica look back to see. Tashigi stopped, she

was originally looking to intercepted Vindicate, the glasses blindsided her

as the light hitting her eyes was much worse because of her glasses. She

had to stop and cover her eyes because of it!

With that, A pillar of orange light engulfed the ship, it was completely no

more! Winds kicked up as some marines were blown away by that alone.

The Ice in this area where the ship once was had now turned into water,

the beam had penetrated through the thick ice!

"What in the world was the orange light?"

"I don't know but the ship was destroyed by it, the ship is completely


Many marines who were fighting Rein turned in surprise but were

instantly turned into statues because of it. "Nice! I see he's getting the

hang of that Devil Fruit power already, but he must be getting exhausted

from using it so much." This was also a test to see how well Kuina and

Vindicate could cope, so he didn't do too much.

Rein knew Vindicate wasn't so experienced with his new abilities yet, so

he would probably tire faster when he used it. Vindicate landed on the

ice near a group of marines and began to gun them down right away, but



"Huh?" Vindicate quickly formed a scythe and blocked the incoming


"Nice reflexes, but I got you this time!" Tashigi had formed a sneak

attack, but it failed!

"Nerd girl, do you love me or something, I'm flatter, but you have to get

in line." Vindicate teased and grinned at Tashigi.

"Who would love you, you damn pervert and I'm not a nerd!" Tashigi Said

"Prepare to be taken in and judged for your crimes!" Tashigi swung her

sword with great speed, but Vindicate kept smiling as he parried her


Vindicate back away to get some distance.

"I'm not a swordsman or anything, but you're kind of slow, my nerdy

friend." Vindicate smirked and continued "But I know someone who can

teach you a thing or two!" At that moment, a silhouette jumped over

Vindicate as a glint of light was shown.

Tashigi was surprised and quickly put up her guard to block the attack!



Sparks flew from their clash of Katana's, it was Kuina!

Kuina moved her blade quickly and managed to cut Tashigi on the arm!

"Ugh!" Tashigi eyes went wide, but she continued to persevere through

the rapid strikes before she was able to back off and get a breather.

"It's you, you're the one from that time!' Tashigi remembered the fox

masked woman that was by Rein's side in Logue town.

"Gasp! You really do look like m...." Kuina stopped her words and held up

her Katana! She was currently wearing a fox mask, so no one couldn't

really see how she looked.

"That sword, it's a good sword! I'm surprised that something so good

could appear here in the East Blue!" Tashigi could recognize a good

sword when she saw it, and this pink Katana was pretty good.

"Well, I'll be off to destroy some marines and marine ships, see ya!"

"You! Are you running away!?" Tashigi yelled at Vindicate.

Vindicate turned around and said bluntly.

"Sure is!" Then he ran off! Kuina wanted to laugh, this guy didn't care

about his image at all.

"Shameless asshole!" Tashigi was angry and stunned, did he know no


"It's just you and me now, marine!" Kuina held up her Katana, she

preferred two swords since this was her style, but she was picky with the

weapons she wanted to use. Zoro had taken her Katana, this spoke for

itself on how picky she was.

Kuina preferred quality over quantity.

"Then, let's spar a bit!" Tashigi didn't let up either and grew serious, she

hated to be looked down on.

It was the battle of the clones!


Lol! I almost forgot to release this! Happy Reading!

Battle On The Ice! Part 2 Final!

Everyone had a job in this battle as Rein had explained everyone's goal in

this fight. Kuina was to lay low for a bit because Rein wasn't sure if she

could dodge bullets so easily, so she wasn't as active.

Vindicate's job was to sink some ships to obviously stop the Marines from

persuing them once this was over. Erica's job was originally to sink ships

with Vindicate, but she ended up in a fight with Smoker.

Rein was to freeze and occupy many marines that attacked which he was

doing perfectly. Nojiko just needed to have her little Cat friend use its

barriers to protect the ship from attacks. However, with Erica occupied

with Smoker and Kuina fighting Tashigi, he needed to take some ships

down himself.

Nami was shooting the cannon from the ship every now and then, so this

was a good thing too.

Rein moved through the marines quickly, he would freeze anyone he

passed. To speed things up, he had brought some ships down as well. It

was obvious that reinforcements would arrive to help them soon.

"Rankyaku!" Rein jumped up and kicked outward. Rein released a blue

slash from his leg, then he moved his other leg and flung out more

Rankyakus. The ship was cut into several wooden blocks as it collapsed.

"Gasp! Our ship, they're targeting our ships! Defend our ship, they want

to escape!" These marines weren't the smartest but it obvious what Rein's

crew was plotting.

"Aim for their ship, they want to destroy ours then we'll destroy theirs

first!" This time, another Lt Junior came over, he had seen what

happened to his buddy earlier! The other Lt. Junior was still knocked on

the ice somewhere, it was actually unknown if he was alive or not.

"What scheming pirates, they won't escape, none shall escape! We are

Justice!" The Lt. Junior roared to the crowd of marines. They were all

fired up from his little speech of motivation and readied their weapons.

"To all ship, targets the enemies ship ahead, leave no stone unbroken!"

The Lt. Junior grabbed the DenDen Mushi and commanded all the ships

to attack Rein's ship! They didn't remotely question him and began to

bring several cannons to the deck.

"Damn! Vindicate, take out as many of these ships as you can! Try to stop

them from firing as much as you can!" Rein spoke urgently! Vindicate

face turned serious and he nodded, quickly moving to the next ship!

There were a total of 7 ships left they needed to take down. Rein put his

hands together and slowly formed an Ice Sword. It was thick and baby

blue in color, it was exuding water vapors from it.

"Ready... aim, Fire!" The Junior Lieutenant Pointed towards Rein ship

with his sword as he spoke over the DenDen Mushi. Everyone fired on his

commanded while some ships still weren't prepared to shoot.




Vindicate didn't need to do much, he targeted the cannonballs mid-flight.

He had pretty good accuracy as he shot several Cannonballs down. Rein

moved through the air fast using Geppo, all you could see were little

clouds and the sound of him breaking the sound barrier like Blueno when

he fought Luffy!

All the cannonballs were easily dismissed by Rein and Vindicate efforts,

mainly Rein. "Very smart, but to bad, this primitive attack isn't good

enough!" Rein suddenly sucked in a lot of air and blew it outward

towards the ships.

The marines were surprised originally that their Cannonballs had been

blocked all at once, it was something they had never seen before. Seeing

Rein suddenly speak and blowing air, they were a little confused.

"Why is he blowing air?"

"I hope he doesn't think he take us down like that!"

"What is he plotting, it must be something, we can't underestima..." He

couldn't finish what he wanted to say, he fainted on the spot! Many

marines began to faint simultaneously out of the blue, what was going


"What have you done you evil Pirate!?" The Lt. Junior screamed and

threw his sword to the side, then he picked up a launcher that was next

to him with a hateful expression. If you haven't guessed it already, then

yes, he used Nitrogen to faint the majority of the marines!

"Die you evil thing!" The Lt. Junior face was ugly from anger!

"Not so fast, Sherlock!" The Lt. junior fired his launcher but just as he did,

it was blown up in his face! Vindicate had shot the rocket with a barrel

bullet that bombed the rocket on the spot! Sadly, the Lt. Junior didn't

even get to scream as he was blown to nothingness!

"Yikes! You know he's dead!" Rein rubbed his helmet and said. Rein was

receiving many points for defeating marines, but not as much per defeat,

but it all added up to something decent.

"It was self-defense, it had to be done, he targeted us with the intent to

kill! It was all I could give!" Vindicate wouldn't be merciful to anyone

trying to kill him, this was the same with Rein in many cases, but it

depended for him to some degree.

For instance, he knew how crocodile and Doflamingo were, he originally

liked these characters so he wouldn't kill them, but beat them instead.

As for people like Blackbeard, he would kill him and rob his Devil fruit to

give to someone. Taking extra damage wasn't something he wanted, but

the fruit could be sold to the system for a lot, and I mean a lot!

With that, Rein and Vindicate proceeded to take down many ships with


"Hmm, this isn't going as expected, what a pain!" Smoker already took

notice of the terrible situation, this was totally unexpected. He didn't

expect so many marines to be defeated by 2 people, like what?

"Hmph! Looks like your blind justice has only gotten you in trouble!"

Erica kicked out as a fire wave came upon Smoker. Smoker attacked as

well and the attack just canceled each other out, he had taken many hits

from Erica already.

Erica was pretty strong without a devil fruit, she could use Rokushiki

pretty well and could hit hard. This was definitely so with her kicks as

her legs seemed to be the strongest part of her body.

"Kid, being a pirate was your ultimate downfall, now you have to know

your mistake!" Smoker shot a smoke bomb at Erica while she shot a

Firebomb back!



The attacks collided in the air, they both made sure to launch attacks

away from the ice as much as they could. They were both Devil Fruit

users so falling into the water wasn't something good.

Smoker used this as a diversion to sneak up on Erica but she was also

thinking the same thing! They both Clashed again, but Smoker was

knocked back, just as he was about to slam into the ice, he quickly


"I don't know how you got this stong or how you came across such

power, but this only makes me want to take you in even more!" Smoker

wished he had his jitte right about now, this would surely make things a

bit different.

"Then try it!" Erica couldn't bother to answer his questions and attacked

him again.




"So aggressive, it would have been good for someone like you to be a

marine, but you've chosen the dark path!" Tashigi couldn't hold up

against Kuina's onslaught of attacks, she was fast and aggressive.

"I've already chosen that this is the path to true power, it has to be so

with no regrets!" Kuina did a spinning slash that caught Tashigi off guard

as it slashed her clothes and stomach!

"Ugh! Damn it!" Tashigi backed away to recover, but she was met with

another flurry of swift attacks by Kuina. Kuina almost looked like after

images to Tashigi, she understood that she was no match for this woman!

Tashigi blocked as much as she could but this was Kuina!

Ace died to serve to motivate and let Luffy understand that he was weak.

Whitebeard was killed off because he was just too Op, no one was going

to beat him, at least not for a while!

As for Kuina, she died from stairs, damn stairs! She had a lot of potential

that was never found out, it was not telling what she would have

achieved if she had lived. Zoro couldn't match her, so how could Tashigi

stand where she is in talent and skill?

However, Tashigi managed to get a lucky hit in, it was on Kuina fox

mask! With that, the mask was knocked off and revealed her face! Tashigi

fell to the ground holding her stomach where she was slashed, she looked

up after seeing the mask drop to the ice.

"Whaaa~! W-who are you?" Tashigi's eyes dilated, her expression looked

like the world was ending.

"Who am I? Who are you?" Kuina found that question funny, "This match

is over, you should sit there after being defeated, so stay down and

away!" To Kuina, that was her line! How do you have a face nearly

identical to mine?

Kuina picked up the fox mask and put it back on, she ran off elsewhere

while Tashigi stayed where she was in deep thought.

Meanwhile, Vindicate and Rein were wrecking house on the marine

ships. One of the marines soldiers got on the Den Den Mushi to call for

back up but was knocked out soon after. "Damn! That bastard called for

back up, we need to leave, I can use a nap right about now." Vindicate

was feeling exhausted as Rein knew he would.

"This is just about wrapped up, all we need to do now melt the ice and be

on our way." The main goal was the ships in their way, then they could

advance with no problem. Rein sighed, he needed to upgrade his ship

quick, or else!

After destroying the last ship, they heard some screams not too far off!

"Ah! My legs!"

"My arms, I don't think I can hold another gun again!"

"Y-you crazy bitch, you won't get aw..."


The man was knocked over the head and fainted on the spot, he was hit

over the head by the hilt of Kuina's sword! "Goodness, you're crippling

people and stuff, this is too sinister, Kuina!" Vindicate looked at Kuina

with Convictions.

"Don't be a hypocrite, I saw what you did earlier to that man with the

launcher!" Kuina harrumphed and looked at Vindicate with ridicule!

"....." Vindicate was silent.

"Okay, let's wrapped this up and be one our way out of here before more

marines arrive!" It wasn't the time for this, they had to go!

Rein looked over at Erica and Smoker's heated battle, they were

exchanging blows but Erica was faster, she was also better at Technique.

Smoker didn't really stand a chance, and if this battle went on much

longer, he would surely lose.

Vindicate grinned and shot one off at Smoker while he was distracted!

Smoker notice a light from his backside, he turned around but his face

remained unchanged as he was hit directly by the beam.


A mini bomb of light shot out as some ice was destroyed in the process!

"Shameless Asshole!!!" Someone hollered from afar, but once they looked

over they could see that it was Tashigi. She was on the ice glaring at

Vindicate like she wanted to chop him up!

"Ah, no! Sorry, my hand slipped!" Vindicate innocently said with a

delightful yet believable smile, it looked like there sparkles were around

him to prove that was telling the truth.

"You damn liar!" Tashigi roared with the injustice of that sneak attack.

"I was standing right here lady, his hand clearly slipped as I am his

witness." Rein nodded with his hand on his chin and agreed that

Vindicate's hand had indeed slipped. Kuina's mouth twitched then it

turned into a smile, she shook her head and chuckled afterward.

"Y-you!" Tashigi pointed at the group, she was speechless with anger, she

was lost for words!

Smoker appeared out of the attack and looked toward Rein and

Company, but suddenly, he was frozen on the spot. He hit the ice as a

popsicle with the same expression on his face, he clearly didn't see this

attack coming.

"Rein! You have to be careful, you just made a mistake and froze that

guy!" Vindicate pointed to Smoker in shock, he was clearly acting shock!

"My bad, I didn't mean to do it, I'll pray for forgiveness for my terrible

mistake!" Rein put his hand on his face and started making sniffling

sound as if he was crying. Tashigi almost fainted from seeing their

obvious fake performance!

"Everyone, let's go, I'll repent later after I'm done being pirate!" Rein

suddenly changed back to normal as they all ran to the ship. There were

so many marines knocked out on the ice.

"That was one crazy battle!" Nami and Nojiko were watching the battle

the whole time, it was like watching a show.

"Yeah, a battle that I wish had never happened." Vindicate was tired and

walked off to his room

"It goes to show you that not even numbers can win a battle in this world

in some cases." Rein said, "Erica, melt the ice now, let's go!" Erica grinned

and looked at Smoker, she then shot fire at the ice all around. With that,

it began to melt at crazy speeds visible to the eye!

Nami shift the wheel of the ship and drifted the ship away. Many marines

began to wake up once they were exposed to the water. Tashigi quickly

went over to Smoker despite her wounds to save him from drowning.

After five minutes, more Marines ships arrived as back up, but Rein and

his crew were already gone.


xD Forgot about Friday, so here you go! Happy Reading as always!

Reaching The Grand Line!

Rein and company continued safely without being pursued by any

marines. The battle was pretty good and got their blood running fast.

This battle would be similar to the upcoming future battle, the

paramount war, but on a far greater scale.

Rein had gotten around 30 to 40 thousand system Points from that battle,

he had also received a notification after the battle was over.

[Secret Mission!] Declaration as a Pirate! [Completed!}

[Ding! Handing out mission Rewards!]

⭑Congratulations Rein, you've received: 10 Attribute Points!

⭑Congratulations Rein, you've received: 5000 System Points!

⭑Congratulations Rein, you've received: Body Strengthening Pill (Full

body) (x3)

⭑Congratulations Rein, you've received: Bronze Token

The thing he noticed was the Body pills, he had received 3 of them!

"Nice! they're full-body pills which aren't even sold on the system." This

would strengthen the body much faster and it'll help one learn techniques

much quicker.

As of now, they were really close to the Calm Belt, he made sure to tell

Nami to stay away from it. Nami seemed to fear the calm belt very much,

she already knew what lurked in the calm belt and felt dread just

thinking about it.

Vindicate walked back onto the deck with an angry expression.

"Someone took a dump on my bed, it was a huge load on my pillow!"

Vindicate instinctively glared at the Cheshire cat on Nojiko's head.

"Gasp! Shara, did you use the bathroom on Vindicate's pillow?" Nojiko

was stunned, she actually held her laughter in and looked seriously at the


"Ah! Sorry, I thought it was a place where I could use the bathroom!" The

Cheshire cat looked surprised as it opened its mouth wide. But if you

looked closely, you could tell that the cat's eyes were laughing like no


"That's it! I'm going to strangle this cat!"

"Wait! Calm down, I'll have her clean it up!" Nojiko hurridly to speak

before things went too far.

"Sigh, okay, just keep a hold on that annoying thing." Vindicate could

only sigh. Nojiko made the Cheshire Cat clean up the mess soon after.

"Hahaha!! You actually named it Shara, I just can't!" Kuina broke out into

wild laughter with tears in her eyes, she started to beat on the table with

her fist in laughter.

"Hmph! That's the best name for her, what would you name her?" Before

Kuina could answer her question, Rein immediately cut in.

"Okay, you three, I have something to give you guys that I'm sure you'll

need!" With those words, they froze their conversation and looked

towards Rein. He was sitting at the table drinking some juice of some


"What do you have for us?" Three of them said at the same time.

"Well, it is for later, so I can't give it to you now, but it's coming soon."

Rein wanted to give them the body strengthening pills, but the time

wasn't right. Once they found an island to settle down a bit at, then it

would be the right time.

"Aw, that's so lame!" Nojiko pouted and went back into the ship.

"Nojiko! Make sure that cat cleans all that poop off my bed!" Vindicate

ran after Nojiko to make sure the cat did what she ordered it to do.

"Kuina, do you only want to use one Sword? I thought you were a

double-bladed swordswoman?"

"Originally I'm a single-bladed swordsman but I can use two swords as

well if I can find another good one like this." Rein was surprised, he

originally thought she was duo bladed swordsman!

"Something I didn't catch onto while watching one piece, I see!"

"Huh? What was that?"

"Oh, nothing, just talking to myself!" Rein shook his head and began to

drink his pineapple juice. He looked at the surroundings and found them


"This is the spot where that Island will rise next year, that dragon island

of some sort." Rein remembered about some reincarnation of those

dragons from the show. It was where the fat marines by the name of

Nelson Royale would cause trouble for some girl and Luffy's crew to some


"Luffy will have to go against that guy before coming into the grand line."

Rein nodded and said no more. So far, there were no marines around this

place like it was in the show, but within a year, they will appear here.

Time passed and they spotted another island up ahead, it was Warship


"Do we make a stop here on this island or keep going?" Nami asked. Rein

had good eyesight and could see some of the natives, they had grave

expressions on their faces from seeing this pirate ship.

"No, we'll head to the grand line, ignore this island." Rein didn't need

anything from this island so what was the point in stopping here?

Nami did just that and ignored the island. Time passed slowly, she didn't

need to always steer the ship but set it for a direction. Nami went to sit

with Erica, they talked about many things and their past experiences.

Nami talked about Bellemere with Erica, she actually opened up about


Rein decided to look over the system a bit, he saw that he could buy a

gravity machine and even become a blacksmith. If he became a

blacksmith, then the proficiency of his sword creation card would


Sadly, the Gravity machine was just too pricey to buy right now. "When I

do buy it, I'll add it to my island later." Rein also knew that if you entered

the New world, you would be stuck in a dilemma.

You either joined the Yonko or were against them, they controlled that

place with an iron fist. This was another reason why many pirates like

Kid, Hawkins, and other Super Novas formed an alliance to take them


The night was setting in soon but they arrived at Reverse mountain. At

this time, everyone was on the deck for this moment. "What a strange

current, it goes straight upward, that doesn't make any sense!" Kuina

looked at the current with a puzzled expression.

"The current should lead us straight into the Grand Line, this is the way

in without going over the Calm belt!" Nami didn't want to be anywhere

near the calm belt, this was the same for Rein.

"This current looks a little too fast, doesn't it?" Vindicate was a bit

worried about the fast current.

"It's okay, if you fall in, I'll save you but you better hold on tight, this

current is fast!" Rein was feeling excited, his adventure was truly about to


"....." Vindicate was speechless

With that, the ship approached the current and was caught in it almost

immediately. The upstream had several ring gates around it that led


Erica: Whoa! This is so fun~!

Nojiko: This is amazing!

Vindicate: Crap! I think I'm going to be sick!

Rein: Just like a rollercoaster, this is both scary and fun!

Nami: Yahooo~!

Kuina: I've never enjoyed such a ride like this before!

Rein and Company had no problem getting up the stream, they didn't

have to look out from crashing like Luffy did in the original. Luffy had to

use his body to block them from crashing into the side of the upstream


Rein had 1 extra Crew member than Luffy upon entering the Grand line.

Rein planned to recruit the rest of his crew in the grand line when he

found some good ones.

"Oh, It's the clouds, this is so fun, I would love to enjoy rides like this

more!" Erica had jumped onto the lookout of the ship and exclaimed


"When will it be over!?" Vindicate expression turned green, he was

feeling sickly.

"Not for a bit, so you have to persevere through a bit more!" Rein made

sure to stay away from Vindicate if he threw up or something.

"Are those clouds? We're so high up!" Suddenly, the group broke through

some clouds and flew into the air.

They were now heading downstream and into the grand line!

"Never again, we can never do this again!" Vindicate was on the verge.

"What are you talking about, this is amazing, I would love to do this

again!" Kuina spoke louder than usual, it was raining with dark clouds in

the sky.

"Whoaaaa`~! I second that!" Nojiko said.

"We're so close, it really happening!" Rein smiled and said.

Suddenly, the group broke through another layer of clouds, but they were

far thicker than the last, it was hard to see ahead at this point.


"Huh? What was that sound just now?" Erica looked into the distance, she

could have sworn she heard something.

"I didn't hear anything," Nojiko said as she looked ahead.

"Oh, shoot!" Rein had just remembered that it was a huge whale waiting


"Prepare to stop the ship as best we're able, it's a giant whale up ahead!"

Rein hurriedly and said. It would be a disaster if he crashed into such a

big thing!

"A whale?" Erica frowned hearing this, was it the terrifying sea king Nami

was talking about?


Another loud sound resounded the area, everyone could hear it clearly

now as they got closer. At that moment, it had appeared before them.


"Crap, the brakes, help me with the brakes!" Nami was scared out of her

wits, everyone rushed over to help except Vindicate and Rein. Vindicate

was feeling too sickly while Rein was waiting to use his power of ice to

avoid the whale.

"Ah! Harder!" The four girls worked hard and pulled onto the brakes,

while Rein quickly created a little slideway that went around the whale.

Rein looked up at Laboon in awe, he was way bigger than a Blue whale

back in his world. He could only imagine that huge elephant that carried

that island of furries on its back!

However, they safely manage to avoid hitting Laboon and causing the

destruction of their ship.

"'Pant Pant' That was close, I thought we were dead!" Nami heaved a sigh

of relief with tears in her eyes. Everyone else was panting and feeling

relieved as well, this whale was super massive!

[Ding! Mission Unlocked!]

Rein wanted to look at the mission, but suddenly!


Laboon roared and began to shift its body, its whole body started to

reveal itself. Originally he had his head sticking out of the water only,

but now Laboon started to float on the water.

"Fuck! Steer the ship away from him!" Rein was shocked, he was so close

to it that he might get rammed, it was something he feared most right

now. Suddenly, a bubble popped up around the ship, but it was still hit

by Laboon and knocked away.


"Hold on!"

"Crap, this is horrible!"

They were sent sailing some ways away, but they were safely away from

Laboon Kill Zone! Fortunately, the Cheshire cat put up a bouncy bubble

to protect the ship from damage.

"Pant, is it over?" Erica looked up and said.

"Yeah, we're away from him, so we should be good for now." Rein sighed

in relief, they were at risk of possibly being swallowed, and that was

something he wanted to avoid.

"What in the world, what am I seeing!?" Vindicate stood up and looked at

Laboon. A door was suddenly opened on Laboon's backside and a boat

came out of it!

"There's a door on a whale!? Goodness, I've truly seen it all today!"

Nojiko couldn't believe what she was seeing, how was something like that

even possible?

Rein scratched his eyebrows and looked closely, he could see the person

opening the door, but now he was closing it.


This person came to mind immediately. The door had finally closed, so

he looked towards the boat that came out of Laboon's backside.

What he saw surprised him, but it made him smile happily. There were

two people tied up on the boat, it was Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday! "The

people on that boat, we'll hold those two has hostages, so capture them!"

"Hostages?" Kuina looked confused, since when had they taken hostages.

"Don't worry, we need them for our first big event in the Grand Line, we

won't hurt them, of course!" Rein grinned and looked back at the system.

Nami thought they could potentially be people she could rob so she was

up for it.

[Mission Unlocked!]

[Corrupted Light: Survive 30 minutes in a battle against ???!]

[Mission Rewards!]

⭑ Glint-Glint Fruit, Model: White Light (Variant Logia)

⭑ ???

⭑ Devil Fruit Token (Gold)

"What? Who? Why does it not show the individual's name!?" Rein was

irritated looking at the mission! This mission didn't tell him who he had

to survive a confrontation with, was it playing with him!?

The moment he entered the Grand Line he received a mission, what did

this mean?



Suddenly, the two tied up people were brought on board and thrown to

the floor by Vindicate.

"Ouch! Can you be a bit more easy on this prince!?" Mr.9 groaned from

the fall and said. Rein looked over, it was the real Vivi, the actual thing

from the show!

Vivi was younger this time around with the age of 15, she was a year

younger than Luffy and Rein. As of now, she had her hair in the same

manner as the show, it was a ponytail.

"Oh, sorry!" Vindicate shrugged and stepped back.

"Hehe, I have some questions for you guys, for the people who keep

trying to kill a whale!" Rein stretched, he knew this was the reason they

were here to begin with.

Variant Types!

"....." Mr9 turned away with a harumph

"A prince? You're no prince, you look like some homeless wannabe

prince!" Kuina looked at Mr.9 in contempt, he looked like some failed

prince of trash!

"H-how could dare to disrespect this great prince of all?" Mr.9 seemed to

struggle with is words, he wasn't in a good position to trash talk.

"Yeah, I'll ignore you for now." Kuina turned away to wipe her sword.

They looked at Miss Wednesday and saw that she was knocked out this

whole time.

Rein walked over to Mr.9 slowly and chopped him on the neck with his

hand, knocking him out. Soon after, they were both taken to the captain

room on the deck until they were to wake up. Nojiko kept an eye on

them for the meantime, she made sure they were alright while she was at


The ship didn't have an anchor, so to stop them from moving, Rein froze

around the ship to stop its advances. Both Erica and Kuina were training

at the back of the ship, Erica was working on Haki while Kuina was

working on Soru.

Vindicate was trying to get those Pistols that Nojiko gave him to work.

Nami sat at a table with a map, she was drawing new parts on it. Rein

walked over and could see that she was drawing reverse mountain and

the islands they had passed.

Rein told her the names of some of the islands. It could be said that she

had already drawn out the whole east blue at this point. Nami did many

jobs in the east blue when she was working for Arlong, so she explored a

lot of places there.

Rein thought for a moment and bought a Virtual map from the system.

This map was empty and cheap to buy, it could be drawn on to create a

nice 3D image of the places she explored. "Here, take this, it will help

you much better than drawing on paper, this is the high tech stuff."

The item was a device that looked like a circular pad. Once you pushed

the button on top of it, it would reveal an empty map that you would

have to fill out! Nami had a storage device so she could carry many

things with her anywhere.

"T-This.. Where did you get something like this from?" Nami was

surprised to see something so high in tech, but Doflamingo had some

pretty good stuff too.

"I've had it for a while now, it was given to me long ago, but now it's

yours. Use it to create a map of the places you've explored, it much easier

and convenient to use." Rein said. She could easily incorporate the places

she had drawn onto the Virtual Map.

"Thanks, this will help much better than just drawing it!" Nami smiled

and began to migrate her maps to the Virtual Device right away.

With that, Rein decided to check the mission he received, he had seen the

strange Devil Fruit. The fruit was a Variant type like Erica's black Flare-

Flare Fruit. The missions now gave him a choice, he could decline to do

them or accept them. But why would he decline a mission like this?

"Alright, let's check and see what that Variant Glint Fruit can do, it

should be better, I hope!" Rein looked at the 3D project to watch its

capabilities. Needless to say, Rein was quite impressed and happy with

the result of its abilities. The fruit was indeed better than the Yellow light

Glint-Glint Fruit!

This fruit could do everything the Glint-Glint fruit could do, but it didn't

require one to bounce off things to get to a location in a hurry. The Fruit

was sort of like Holy Light, it could heal people's wounds, but not their

sicknesses, they would need to train and practice more with the fruit for


The fruit could also purify things like polluted water or any corrosive

things like poison or rust. Magellan and Ceaser clown would be instantly

countered by this fruit. It could do more in its awakened form but that

was when it was awakened.

"This fruit is a must, it's way too good to pass up!" He'd be really stupid to

just decline this mission, he wasn't sure who he had to fight but it was

clearly someone he couldn't beat! Rein speculated who it could be and he

didn't like it at all!

"Oh, goodness, I hope it isn't him!" Rein frowned just thinking about it.

Suddenly, Nojiko came downstairs from the captain's room.

"The woman has woken up, she is also trash-talking me about letting her

go." Nojiko looked annoyed when saying this. Rein followed her back to

the room and saw that she had indeed awoken.

"Where is that old man, he won't stop us from doing what we have to do!"

Vivi or in this case, Miss Wednesday smiled smugly.

"Yeah, you were probably knock out by him and thrown out like this fake

prince here." Rein took a seat and sat down.

"I am the princess and he is the prince, do you know who we are because

if he did, hehe!" Vivi was acting arrogant but he knew this was an act to

blend in, she was a spy that wanted to infiltrate Mr.0's organization.

"Oh, and who are you? If you're someone so important, I'll be scared and

let you go." Rein sat back with his hands behind his head.

"Hmph! I'm Miss Wednesday and if you don't let me go, it'll only spell

disaster for you pirates!" Miss Wednesday spoke arrogantly again which

made Nojiko smack her over the head.

"Ouch! Y-You!" Miss Wednesday glared at Nojiko and Nojiko glared back,

causing Miss Wednesday to look down and away.

"You must have forgotten who's in control here, maybe we should throw

you to the sharks for a midnight snack!" Nojiko looked at Rein and

winked for him to go along with it.

"Oh, Yes, I saw a few massive sharps swimming around our ship, they

looked hungry." Rein grinned "No one will ever know that you guys were

eaten, they'll never trace it back to us, you'll die without a grave, and in

the worse way!"

"Ah! w-wait, don't kill us! We only wanted to kill the whale to feed the

people on our home island! If you take us back safely, you'll be rewarded

generously!" Miss Wednesday was now scared silly that she nearly

exposed what their organization was.

"Oh, really? Okay, take us to your home island you're talking about, I

love rewards." Rein nodded and untied the two. Mr.9 fell to the ground

and hit his head on the wooden floor and woke up instantly.

"Ah! what's going on? My neck, oh, my neck hurts so much!" Mr.9 woke

up talking nonsense while holding his neck, but he managed to stand up.

Miss Wednesday stood up and began to search her clothes, but found that

what she was looking for wasn't there. "No, My Log pose is missing,

where did it go? We're doomed, we'll never find our way back, it's over!"

Miss Wednesday began to panic seeing that her log pose was missing.

"Oh, are you looking for this?" Rein had taken the log pose from her body

when they were knocked out.

"Gasp! Please, help us get back home!" Both Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday

got on their knees and begged.

"Yes, yes, she is right, we beg you and we'll even give you many gifts

when we get back!" Mr.9 hurriedly and said.

"Of course, we'll help you guys get back, be sure to reward us as you said

or else." Rein said with a smile.

"Huh? Hmm, I guess since they're giving out rewards then it shouldn't be

too bad." Nojiko said thoughtfully.

"Hehe, yes, I expect the rewards to be very generous!" But suddenly,

Nami walked in. Rein looked at her with concern, they were technically

rich as heck right now, what more do you want!?

"Yes, yes, they'll be really generous!" Mr.9 looked up and spoke quickly,

his forehead was very sweaty at this point.

Moments later, they began to set sail to Whisky Peak.


Logue Town Marine Base.

Smoker sat behind his desk, he was recently unthawed from the Icy sneak

attack of Rein. His face remained unchanged but his eyes were serious

and full of annoyance. It was clear that Smoker wasn't a very happy

camper right now, everyone present remained quiet in the room seeing


The media took pictures of the fight he had with Erica in the town and

the battle on the ice, which was surely going to become headline news!

Smoker found Rein's report, but just when Smoker was about to read it,

the Den Den Mushi went off!

"Hello! Rear Admiral Axor!" Smoker hurriedly and saluted.

"What happened out there, you had one job and you couldn't stop these

pirates from advancing to the grand line!" Axor wasn't happy about this

but Smoker was sort of a special Captain that he really couldn't


"Sir, I didn't get to read his report because of the sudden flow of pirates

in the past month. It was stated that his crew went missing for about a

week." Smoker couldn't properly check anything, there were just too

many pirates coming to this place all of sudden.

"I was going to tell you that he appeared on Myriad Island, it was

reported by Captain Copper sometime ago. But nope, you appeared to

have already met him and lost to him!" The East Blue was the weakest

sea and the most peaceful, how could this have happened?

"I may have underestimated them a bit, I was... Frozen solid by the

enemy pirate! This pirate is more dangerous than I thought, he has the

ability to freeze things, it is suspected that he has a Paramecia freezing

ability." Smoker said sighing.

"You really didn't read the report, it was reported that he could fly and

could use some sort of Darkness ability! I'm not too sure about the

details, but this came in from Castleford Island!"

Axor had read the report many times and thought he was seeing things,

what type of devil fruit could do all of this? "Ah, I'll be sure to read it

thoroughly, in fact, I was just about to read until you called." Smoker

mumbled with the Cigars in his mouth.

"What was the fatality rate during that battle on the ice?" Axor ignored

Smoker's comment and countered with a question.

"The number isn't good, we have two very injured Lt. Juniors and.... "

Smoker paused and sighed "One dead Lt. junior from the battle, he was

blown away without a body to be found."

"As for the rest, I'll send you the written report on the battle later." It was

too much to explain right now, he would rather write it instead.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for it, but until then, keep taking down any pirate

that stops by Logue Town." Just when Axor was about to hang up,

Smoker stopped him.

"Wait! I have a request!" Smoker said quickly.

"What is it, Captain?" Axor was already mad at this point, this didn't look

good on the marine's part. Smoker's defeat had lost them quite a bit of

face, they wanted to stop the news from spreading but the newspapers

were already released by some unknown source.

"I request to pursue Rain Man and his crew of pirates!" Smoker spoke

firmly about this request, he wanted to take down Rein, Erica and,

Vindicate. Their abilities were far too dangerous, he couldn't allow them

to grow any further.

"Hahaha! I knew you would ask this, but you can't leave Logue town for

now. You are to be station there until next year, that's when you can

leave Logue town as you please!" Axor felt good about himself due to his

prediction, he knew this question was coming.

"..." Smoker remained silent.

"Well, do you understand?" Axor asked laughing.

"I...I understand!" Smoker didn't care too much, it wasn't like he could

beat Rein anyway, he had made a great and sad self discover of that.

"Alright, see you then!" With that, Axor hung the Den Den Mushi up.

"Jeez! That guy is so annoying, I understand that you're upset Captain!"

Tashigi was listening the whole time, this guy seemed a bit too full of


"It's okay, there are stronger Marines in the grand line and it's ruled by

the World Government. We'll see how far they can go before they're

caught or killed by the big shots in the marines." Smoker lit his two

cigars, he wasn't really bothered by Axor's attitude, he had seen many

high ranked marines like this before.

Rein's ship.

"What is this, the weather keeps changing!" Suddenly, it started to rain,

then eventually it started to snow, it didn't stop there as it became windy!

"What kind of place is this!? This is madness!" Vindicate was stunned.

"The Log pose keeps changing to East then west, it can't make up its

mind!" Nami looked at the Log pose on her risk with shock.

"Oh, shoot! lookout, it a Glacier!" Nojiko pointed to the glacier in shock.

Nami quickly steered the ship around the Glacier before they could crash

into it.

"Haha, you guys must be noobies of the grand line, it fortunate that you

guys are with us!" Miss Wednesday sneered.

Nojiko glared at Miss Wednesday and she quickly looked away.

Suddenly, the island known as Whisky Peak came into view.

"Gasp! We're home!

"ByeBye, Baby!" Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday jumped into the water and

waved. They then swam away towards the island. Rein had already seen

this coming so he wasn't surprised in the least.

"Hey, you owe us some rewards! Stop them from escaping!" Nami's

greedy self was the first to speak.

"Relax, we're heading to the island anyway, they can't escape, we won't

let them." Rein continued to drink his pineapple juice with no worries.

"Mhm! Let's head to the island right away." Erica wanted to see some of

the islands in the grand line, so she was a bit excited. Everyone nodded

as they continued to Whisky Peak!

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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