Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One_Piec Система питания


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One Piece: Система питания

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Краткое содержание

Джейсон, студент колледжа, которому наскучила повседневная

жизнь и который ищет перемен, наконец получает то, что хочет.

После того, как Джейсон возвращается домой после колледжа, на его

ноутбуке появляется странный опрос, и он с любопытством отвечает

на вопросы, которые навсегда изменят его жизнь!

Родители получили серьезное предупреждение

Assassination and Robbery!

Author Note: I just wanted to put it out there that I got Hydrogen and

Nitrogen Mixed up. What I meant to put was Nitrogen with is naturally

cold. Hydrogen needs to be frozen at certain temperatures to get its

chilling temperatures. I will go back and changed that, so don't be

confused. He also fused the Balrog fruit and "Nitrogen" Fruit, not the

black flame fruit which he still has.

Rein sat in his hotel and ordered his food, which were many dishes that

required two waiters to bring in. They used a cart to bring in his food, so

it wasn't a problem for them. The waiter bowed and left soon after the

delivery. Rein took off his mask and began to chow down with no

restraint, the food the best he'd tasted in this world!

After eating all the dishes with a satisfied feeling, he buried and put his

mask back on to call the waiters. Once they arrived, they were

dumbfounded seeing the empty plates and platters, they looked at Rein

again who was rubbing his stomach. They didn't want to stay too long

with the starring they were doing, so they immediately left with the carts

of empty plates and platters. This man was a noble in their eyes, if they

stared too much then it would bring unwanted trouble.

He only booked this hotel room for one day, so after, he would be on his

way. Rein was only waiting for the auction and night to fall, he wouldn't

be present for the auction during its event. Since he was waiting, he

decided to check the system for a couple of things.

☆ Shop ☆

★ Haki & Rokushiki Training

★ Devil Fruits

★ Medicinal & Strengthening Pills

★ Weapons & Armor

★ Miscellaneous Items

Rein brought up the system store and immediately clicked the

Miscellaneous Category.

⋆ Offense

⋆ Defense

⋆ Sacred Relics & Consumables

⋆ ....

⋆ .....

Rein just clicked the Defense category and many-body defensive abilities

popped up. They cost quite the amount. Rein had managed to gain the

ability Cold Resistance because of the devil fruit he had consumed, the

Nitrogen-Nitrogen Fruit! He had also gained Heat resistance but these

abilities still had to be leveled up like all of his. He only had 299,850

System points, he wanted to save up for holy water which would liberate

him from the Devil Fruit's Curse of the sea.

"The Holy Water is the main thing I need, Seastone could prove to be

troublesome for me if it is used against me." Rein wasn't worried about

falling into the water since he could simply freeze it over, but this didn't

apply for Sea Stone, as it would still instantly weaken him.

Rein had too many things he wanted from the system but couldn't afford

them yet. He closed the system store and went to lay on his bed for a

nap. He had gotten up early for Ace's departure so he was still quite tired.

Perfect Auction House!

The man in Red was just walking out of his office with a somewhat

depressed face. He had been completely ripped off by Rein not too long


"Raul, get over here this instant!" The man in red roared and a short man

in a black suit came over, his features were hard to look at. He had acne

all over his face with droopy eyes and a bald head. The man had pus

coming out of his baldhead, due to the huge pimple he just popped!

"Yes, sir, what can I do for you?" The man in black asked

"The man from earlier, I want you to check his family background!" The

man's eyes glinted fiercely: "Ask around about the man in the white suit

and mask. Make sure you get this done by today and before the auction

ends, do you understand!? No slip-ups!

The man in black bowed slightly: "I will get the job done, can I take some

people to ask around with me on this assignment?" The man in black

asked his boss, and the man in red agreed that it would be much faster if

he had assistance. The man in black left in a hurry after his boss agreed

with his request, he was on a time table, so he had to work fast.

"Boy, if I find out that your family isn't worth much, HAHAHA!" The man

in Red laughed crazily as he walked back into his office.

Time went by as hours passed. Luffy and Erica were wondering where

Rein could have gone and decided to eat without him. Night soon came,

at this time, Rein was getting out of his bed. He went downstairs to check

out of this place once and for good.

Once he left the luxurious hotel after he paid for his stay and what he

had eaten, he walked to a secluded dark alleyway. Rein looked around

and used Observation Haki to find that no one was in the area. He took

to the sky straight upward, his destination, Sabo's old home where Stelly

should be. Sabo had told him how his house looked and even how to get

there when they were robbing during that time, so he knew.

The darkness acted as his veil, he had completely changed his clothes in

the alleyway as well. He wore an all-black cloak that hid his body and

most of his face. Rein flapped his wings and eventually came across the

building Sabo described. He also recognized the insignia of Sabo's family

from the anime.

Rein silently landed on the mansion-like building, he had to concentrate

hard for this. His observation Haki was good but not on such an amazing

level. He had to find Stelly first before he could execute him. Rein

remembered that Sabo's room was close to a tree from the anime, this

room should be owned by Stelly since he took Sabo's place.

Rein saw the tree with ease, the tree sabo used to jump down from to

escape his room. He flew towards it silently and opened the window.

Someone was indeed in this room, it was one person at this time who

appeared to be asleep. Once Rein got closer, he confirmed that it was

indeed the Stelly from the show.

Rein grinned with this discovery! Rein was now at the bedside looking at


"Pss! Stelly~~~!" Rein's eerie voice came over Stelly, he felt a chill run

down his spine. Stelly turned around and opened his eye to see Rein next

to his bed.

"Gasp!" Stelly was about to scream but Rein put his hands over his mouth

to silence him. Stelly looked at Rein in horror, he was naturally a scared

person anyway.

"You've doomed Sabo to be destroyed by the celestial, if you had shut

your mouth, none of this would have happened." Rein wanted Stelly to

understand why he was here. Stelly's eyes dilated as his mouth started to

freeze slowly.

"Shhh! It'll be over quick, there will be another king of this Kingdom and

you're not it, bye-bye." Soon, Stelly was frozen solid, not just him, the

whole room turned into an icebox!

Ding! Congratulations Rein, you've Killed future King of Goa Kingdom

Stelly, you've received: 2 Skill Points

After that was done, Rein immediately left the mansion through the

window he came from. At this time, the auction was taking place and he

was heading there. Rein wasn't going there to participate in it, but to rob

it. He needed every bit of money he could get, he needed to buy Adams

wood and needed to pay to have the ship built. You could only imagine

how much that would cost for him later, so he wanted to prepare now.

Rein arrived at the auction and snuck in from the top. The Perfect

Auction House had sent news that there was a special item being

auctioned tonight. Rein cloaked himself in the shadows with his devil

fruit ability as he went unnoticed in the darkness. This ability was limited

so it wouldn't work on decently strong people. If he could awaken his

devil fruit then he would be able to hide in another person's shadow

which would be amazing for assassinations and sneak attacks.

Rein made his way deeper into the auction house, he soon came to a

vault that was being loaded with money from the auction. It already had

many valuables in it, this seemed to be where they stored all their


This vault was usually locked down so no one could get into it, there

were several strong-looking men around it. They were watching the

people who were loading the money and valuables into the vault closely,

they had threatening expressions on their faces that seemed to be saying,

'I dare you to steal!

Rein could hear a conversation between two of the big men that seemed

to be the leaders of the other strong-looking men. "The boss is amazing,

he is selling a power fruit at the auction today. The nobles won't be able

to resist when they see it and that'll spend a lot of money just to get it!"

The man laughed as saliva splashed everywhere.

"Yeah, the man who gave it to him for auction hasn't appeared yet, but

for his sake, I hope he doesn't haha! Oh, wait, I hope he does, haha!"

The man gave a knowing laugh.

"Huh! Why is that? Did something happen?" The saliva boss watcher

asked confusingly.

"You didn't hear, Raul couldn't find anything on that guy, no noble family

knows such a man, he was more than likely a fraud!" The man suddenly

put on a cold expression.

"Haha, what an idiot, he basically gave us a power fruit for free!" The

man couldn't stop laughing and spitting! "I heard they give you abilities,

what can this fruit do?" The spitting leader stopped laughing suddenly

and asked.

"Hmm, from what I heard, this fruit gives you the ability to change into

an animal. The animal from what I heard was a Komodo Dragon, it was

dark green and scaley fruit from what I could see." The man had seen the

fruit but only a glimpse of it but that was enough.

"Damn, how come you know so much? I don't know any of this and we

have the same ranks!" The man was spitting like a water hose which

caused the man to back away quickly.

"Connections!" That's all he said before turning away.

Rein sighed, he had been found out less than a day, these people didn't

play about their money. His choice to rob this place was a good one

indeed. After waiting in the shadows for about an hour, he heard the


"The Power Fruit was just sold, it was sold for 305 Million Berries! Put

the money into the vault, immediately! The boss wants to set a trap for

that man in white when he comes back tomorrow so have your weapons

ready first thing tomorrow!" The man that walked in looked far more

intimidating than the two leaders before.

The two fearfully replied and called the workers over to load the money

up. The man from before left soon after to handle other business. "That

man from today is a dead man for sure, how dare he trick us by acting

like a noble!?" Two other men were furious, these were the two

bodyguards from earlier that stopped Rein at the door.

They really wish to crush Rein into bone powder right about now, they

couldn't wait to get their hands on him when the time came. They were

working for the two leaders, the spitter and the know it all.

"What the...A..H!" The man leader tried to scream but was suddenly

turned into an ice sculpture!

"We're under atta~~!" Within 10 seconds, everyone was turned into a

block of ice. Rein didn't use any crazy ice force on them, so no one died.

Some might end up losing an limb or so but not the workers, he used

really weak stuff on them.

Rein rushed the vault and started to rob it clean, Diamond, Pearls, Gold

bars, you name it, it was all here! Rein eyes turned into dollar signs and

stuffed everything into his storage before leaving. "Hahaha, I might be

able to buy a small island with this fortune!" Rein couldn't stop laughing

as he left the auction house. It was time to immediately leave this city, he

assassinated Stelly and robbed an auction clean,

"The marines might come to investigate with a dead noble on their

hands." This would definitely be so with the way Stelly was killed. It

could also trace back to the auction house since they were also frozen by

the same force.

"It was worth it, haha!" Rein laughed as he flew away back to Mt. Corvo.

Setting Sail!

Rein landed in the mountains unnoticed and quietly made his way back

to the Bandits house. Rein wouldn't be surprised if everyone was asleep

at the moment since it was kinda late. Just in case, Rein snuck into the

house quietly, his ability to sneak had improved over the years. Ace had

a couple of tricks that he had shown him, though Ace preferred to beat

people then steal their treasures instead of outright robbing people.

Once Rein was in, he looked into the storage room that had no one in it,

they were gone. Rein silently left again and went to his treehouse. And

there they were, they had both fallen asleep in the treehouse they had

made years ago. Rein switched his clothes out for pajamas Makino had

made for him and went to sleep soon after changing.

The very next day, Erica was the first to wake up. When she saw Rein

across the room inside his quilt fast asleep, she smiled. She got up and

began to make breakfast for the two pigs, she had to make much more

since Luffy ate the most of the two!

Eventually, Rein was next to wake up, he had caught the scent of food

being made. When he looked over in the small area, Erica was making

something with vegetables in it. Luffy was still asleep and snoring at that,

so Rein threw his quilt over his face.

Rein walked over to the table and took a seat where Erica was cooking.

Rein had to say, her cooking had improved a lot but he didn't want her as

the chef of his crew. That would go to someone else he already had in


"Ah, you're up, where were you yesterday? Me and Luffy waited for you

for about 2 hours before we started to eat without you." Erica turned

back, she thought Luffy was the one who woke up but saw that it was

Rein. The big difference between the two was that Luffy had a scar

underneath his left eye. He had done this to prove that he was tough in

front of Shanks that day.

"Just an important run to earn some money, it was nothing special but it

will benefit us in the future." Rein said casually: "Say, would you like to

change your Devil Fruit ability to something much stronger and even

better for cooking?" Rein stretched his arms then used his hand to hold

his head on the table.

"A stronger power?" Erica was stunned a bit and looked at Rein. "A power

greater than the one I have, it does sound good but I heard that you can't

consume any more Devil fruits or else." Erica somehow found out about

some Devil Fruit facts from reading some book.

"This is true but I have a way to extract your Devil Fruit and to give you

a much better one. The attack power on this Devil fruit is devastating.

Your Devil Fruit is good for utility and Defense, basically a defense type."

Rein smiled and sat up.

"This... Hmm, Okay, I'll do it, the more power the better if I can be of use

and help you and my friends in need." Erica agreed seriously until she

saw black smoke coming from the cooking stove!

"Ah! No!" The food had burned because she was distracted talking with


"Oh, shoot, my bad!" Erica shook her head and threw the meat out to

replace it with a new fresh one.

"What about you? Don't you want a power as well?' Erica seasoned the

meat and asked.

"I already have one but don't tell Luffy, he'll find out later." Rein wanted

to see Luffy's surprise when they met again. Ace had surprisingly gotten

his power on his adventure, he wanted to be mysterious to, LOL!

"What? You have a power! When did you get one?" Erica was now

shocked, did he get a power last night when he was out. If so, then it

made perfect sense that he was out so late.

Hehe, well.." Rein smiled with a twitchy mouth, she would be blown

away if she knew he had powers since 7 years ago!

"I had them for 7 years!"

"For fuck sake!" Erica Cursed then put her hand over her mouth after

spitting profanity. Erica looked at Rein deeply, he had a power all this

time and she didn't know it! "Rein, why so secretive, you know you can

tell me anything and I won't turn against you." Erica stared into Rein's

eyes which caused him to look away.

"I was going to tell you but I forgot, but you know now and you're the

first person I've told, hehe!" Erica thought about it and nodded with a

smile, it was like she had forgotten all about it. Soon, Luffy woke up and

rushed over yelling meat.

"Luffy, you slept for a while, huh?" Rein patted Luffy's back as he spoke.

"I ate so much yesterday and I sparred with Erica a few times."

"Wow, how did that g.." Before he could finish....

"I lost!" Luffy immediately said after, this was a sure thing with her being

intangible and all.

"Understandable, but don't worry, you'll soon be able to hit people like

her in the future." The food was finally done and served to everyone.

They all ate like pigs, including Erica, who had grown used to Ace, Rein

and Luffy's way of eating.

Once they were done, Luffy went outside but Rein halted Erica, she had

something else to do! Rein stopped her and called her to a secluded spot.

He then took out the Devil Fruit extraction incubator, it looked like a

pokemon go egg incubator but with a vacuum hose attached to it that

went around someone's chest like a doctor Octavius claw.

"Attach this to your chest, this will suck your devil fruit out, it will take 2

hours to complete. Once it is done, the devil fruit will appear in the

incubator." Rein said, "Make sure you take out all the storage you have in

your body, I will later give you something for storage later." Erica stood

in place staring at the device with a strange look on her face but

nevertheless, she complied.

"Here, take this, Once your previous devil is out of you, eat this Devil

Fruit!" Rein pulled out the Black Flare-Flare Fruit that he had put in mini

treasure chess as Shanks did with the Gomu-Gomu Fruit. Shanks had

robbed that fruit from what he said to be his "enemy" before coming to

the east blue.

Erica stared at the fruit that glowed black for a second before reverting to

a normal black fruit. The fruit had fiery black color to it with black flame

designs just like the Regular Flare-Flare Fruit, she was mesmerized by its


"I-I understand!" Erica was secretly excited, she didn't know what power

she would gain but she had a clue that it might be related to fire in some

way, which she couldn't be any more right about. Rein nodded and left

the house to catch up with Luffy who was actually waiting outside.

Luffy and Rein went to Mikino's house, he told her that he was going to

set out at sixteen. Makino wasn't surprised to hear this but she felt sad

just like how she felt when Ace left. All these years, they all had grown

on her. Makino told Rein Luffy and Erica who wasn't present to come by

for dinner.

Rein told everyone in town, so they would know when the time came, he

also dropped by Gyaru's shop to tell him to build him a sturdy boat for

that year. Of course, he made sure to tell them to keep it a secret from

Garp, that would be a pain if he found out!

Rein made his way to the sea area where he first caught his first fish with

Luffy. They both went fishing and surprisingly caught a huge crab! Rein

killed it and put it into his storage for later at Makino's dinner. They

eventually caught more fish for later feeding, time passed and they both

left their fishing spot to head to the bandit's house. Rein had lived like

this for all of his life on this island, how could Luffy stand being on this

island all alone with no company?

Rein gave the bandits some fish by dumping them into the place, only to

leave soon after. This caused Dadan to yell at Rein, but he had already

left with Luffy before he could hear her. A fish had tail whipped her in

the face so she couldn't talk in time.

At this point in time, three hours had already passed so Rein and Luffy

headed back to the treehouse to check in on Erica. Since so much time

had already passed, Rein was sure she had already eaten the Devil Fruit.

Once Luffy and Rein walked in, they saw Erica sitting alone with an

incubator beside her. Inside the incubator was a Brown Devil Fruit with

Cloud-like swirls on it. This was clearly the Devil fruit he had given her

in their younger days!

The Swamp-Swamp Fruit!

Erica looked up and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, her eyes were

pitch black!

"Uh, did you consume it already?" Rein walked over and picked the

incubator up that was clearly holding Devil Fruit in it.

"Yes, this fruit is so amazing!"

Erica suddenly smiled when he asked his question. The Devil fruit was

way better than the one she previously had, it had so much potential

compared to the one she had before. Luffy looked confused and looked at

the fruit in the incubator.

"Eh! That's a Devil Fruit isn't it!?" Luffy pointed at the incubator in Rein's

hand but he was really pointing at the fruit.

"Oh, yeah, it is, she found it but I'll be taking it for myself, haha!" Rein

wasted no time and put the fruit into his storage for later. Luffy wasn't an

idiot, he knew he couldn't eat another Devil Fruit or he would suffer for

it. Rein didn't have a Devil Fruit ability so he thought Rein would

consume it for himself later.

"Erica, let's go outside to test your Devil fruit ability!"

Erica nodded fast like a chicken pecking at some grain and stood up. She

was the fastest to arrive outside, she was also the most excited,

obviously! Luffy looked confused, test her devil fruit ability, what is there

to know?

Once they were outside, Rein and Luffy stood some way away to avoid

what was to come. Suddenly, a black flame shot toward the lake, it hit

the water and caused it to burst upward into the sky. Luffy's mouth hung

wide open and his eyes bulged out of his skull like eggs, how could her

fruit develop fire, wasn't it mud!?

"Goodness, the power of this fruit is crazy, she could make her own crew

with such power!" Rein shook his head, this power was highly life-

threatening if anyone were to be hit by it. Luffy was stupified for a long

time, before coming to himself.

The group decided to just spend their time at Makino's house to wait for

dinner. Time passed and they eventually enjoyed their dinner with

Makino. Rein was sure to pull out some fish and the big crab he and

Luffy caught.

Rein mostly relaxed for these years gone by, before he knew it, 2 years

had come to past. Today was the day that he and Erica left on their

journey out into the world of one piece! The boat Gyaru prepared was

ready to go, they had thrown a party 2 days before Rein's day of leave.

Rein wasn't sure if he would have been able to wake up from the


Author Note: LOL so sudden xD

Erica was the first to jump into the boat, Rein Hugged Makino, he wanted

to hug Dadan but she wasn't here. Funny thing is, she did the same thing

to Ace but when she heard Ace's final message to her, saying "thank you

for taking care of me" she broke down and started crying immediately.

Rein looked at the short bandit and gave him the gift to give to Dadan.

He also said to tell Dadan the same thing as Ace told her before he left.

Dadan always had dreams of being beautiful and slim, so as a gift he

gave her the Slip-Slip Fruit. We already know what this fruit would do to

someone if they consumed it. This fruit wouldn't block Alvida from

getting hers in the future since this came from the system.

Rein gave Luffy the last handshake and a brotherly hug before jumping

into the boat with Erica.

"See ya, everyone, we'll meet again Luffy!" Rein continued to wave at

everyone onshore, as did Erica until they could see them no more.

It had finally begun!


Happy Reading! It has finally begun, let do this! :D

CastleFord Island!

Rein and Erica sat on the boat that was slightly bigger than the average

boat. Rein was starting to feel a slight stomachache, he was clearly

seasick. Erica had a map in her hand that Rein had been looking at a

week prior to this day.

Rein looked over at her, she was standing up on the boat and looking at

the map seriously. Reing noticed something and laughed. "Erica, the map

is upside down, can you actually read it like that? You're amazing.

Hahaha!" Rein was feeling bored on this boat but found amusement in

her serious face while reading a map upside down!

"Huh! AH!" Erica blushed after noticing that she was looking at the map

upside down. She immediately turned it the right way and began to read


"Hehe, what have you found so far? Any islands close by?" They had

already been on this boat for about an hour and a half, it was pretty

boring at this point.

"Hmm, my navigation skills aren't so good but we should be close to an

island." Erica looked closely at the map and nodded. "Yep, we're close to

an island, we should be able to see it in thirty minutes or so." Erica was

finally able to pinpoint their position and found that they were close to

another island.

"Oh, really, and what is the name of this island?" Rein stretched and

yawned while asking.

"The island is called Castle-Ford Island, there seemed to be a big city

there. I don't know too much about the city but there should be several

villages on the island just like our home." After Erica's explanation, he

understood a little something. Rein had never heard of an island called

Castle-Ford Island, ever!

"It's whatever, it was never an island explored in the series, it's best to

check it out, hehe!" Rein wasn't worried about anyone in the East Blue.

Devil Fruit users were the ultimate in this place, but it was one of the

calm seas that the Pirates wouldn't stay long in.

"Haha, full speed ahead!" Rein stood up and pointed into the distance like

he was a captain of his own ship.

"Uh, w-we have no paddles for that or a ship." Erica hated the destroy

Rein's epic moment but what she said was right, they could only go

where the wind took them.

"Sigh" Rein sat back down, he could only wait.

However, at this moment, someways away, Rein and Erica were being

watched by some unknown ship far into the distance.

"Captain, there is a boat quite some way away, what do we do? Do we

ignore it or blow it out of the water?" Suddenly, the man was bonked

over the head.

"You fool, we may be pirates but we don't just blow boats and ships out

of the water!" This man was captain of this ship. He looked young, he

had white hair and blue eyes, he was known as Captain Cloud of the

White Cloud Pirates!

"Give me the spyglass, let's see what we got here." The subordinate pirate

gave his captain the spyglass for him to have a look.

"Hmm, there seemed to be two of them, one is a woman, wow, not bad!"

Captain Cloud smiled, he had only been a pirate for a year, but he had all

dudes in his crew. This woman looked quite good, but with his looks, it

shouldn't be hard to get a woman.

"Hoho, I would stop them to have a little chat but we're in a rush to

Myriad Island. We already got information that the Red River Pirate

Alliance and Malone Family are working together on that island for

something important!" Captain Cloud's eyes flickered with expectation as

he told his men to ignore Rein and Erica.

The White Cloud Pirates steered their ship further away from Rein and

Erica, their destination, Myriad Island! Meanwhile, back at the boat

where Rein and Erica were, Rein was just going over his status. He had

seen some improvement over the years but not enough with no

opponents to truly train and fight against.


Title: Sword Menace,

Name: Monkey D. Rein

Age: 16

|Strength: 100 |Agility: 80 |Will: 52 |Stamina Enhancements: 87 |Body

Fitness: 79


|Observation Haki: D |Armament Haki: E |Conqueror Haki: (Locked)


|Soru: C |Geppo: [DD-Rank |Shigan: C |Kami-e: D |Tekkai: DD

Combat Arts:

|Swordsmanship: FF

Devil Fruit: Demon-Demon Fruit, Model: (Balrog / FrigidFire)

|Attribute Points: 20 |Skill Points: 15 |System Points: 309,750

"Hmm, still not good enough!"

After looking over the system all these years, Rein had understood quite a

lot about how these Techniques and weapon ranks worked. Rein's

strength was quite good in the east blue, it was even good on the 1st part

of the grand line with the fact that he already knew Haki. However, if he

entered the new world as he was now, he would get folded in a second

unless he went all out, then there might be hope. But the chances were

too low, he wouldn't dare to enter such a place as he was now.

As for ranking, if someone were to enter the realm of A-Rank then they

could be considered a Master of their perspective stat or ability. For

example, if someone were an A-Rank of Observation Haki, they would

have minor and I say very minor future sight but it would be very low

and weak. You would start to really touch on future sight once you were

in the high A-Rank area and most definitely the S-Ranking.

Once Luffy came out of his training from the 2-year time skip, his

observation Haki was around BBB-Rank. It wasn't until his battle with

Katakuri that he broke through to A-Rank. Rayleigh had told Luffy to

fight strong opponents and fight without using any of gears, if done, he

would be able to train his observation Haki allowing it to reach a higher

level. This was mainly why he fought Katakuri in base form without

turning into bounce man right away or using any gears for that matter.

Katakuri was a top-class Observation Haki user, so fighting this type of

opponent would surely boost his Observation Haki. Once Luffy was

enlightened on Observation Haki, he got serious and turned into

BouceMan, Technically Luffy was no match for Katakuri in all truth.

Luffy was mainly a heavy armament Haki user, he was an A to AA-Rank

at that time. However, he fought a truly powerful Armament Haki user,

Kaido! He was clobbered in one hit without the chance of resisting. Kaido

was definitely an SS or SSS-Class Armament Haki User! Shanks was a

heavy Conquerors Haki user, everyone had their strong suit of Haki they

were good at.

Rein was good at Observation Haki but boosted his strength a lot, he also

trained Soru a bit more to make up for the speed loss. After about thirty

minutes or so, the island known as Castleford came into sight. It was easy

to spot due to how big it was, it was technically bigger than Goa


Rein was tempted to just fly over there but that would surely garner a lot

of attention which he was trying to avoid for now. Rein thought for a

moment and decided to put a mask over his face, he didn't want his face

being exposed just yet. He also looked like Luffy in the face but had

sharper and much more serious features. He was also muscular compared

to Luffy in body physique. Once he became a pirate he would just remove

the mask or just show his crew members his face.

Time went by and they landed on the island with no problem. Once they

landed, they saw no one, so Rein flew upwards to get a better look. Rein

didn't use his wings, half his body, his legs had turned into some clear

gas that he used for flight.

"Gasp!" Erica gasped in surprise, he could fly!? The ability to fly was very

useful in the one-piece world, this was especially so for a world mostly

made of water. Once Rein was high enough, he had spotted a huge city

not too far away.


Rein swooped down after he was done scouting.

"There's a city not too far from here, we will head there for a bit." Rein

looked to Erica who stared at him silently before nodding. She honestly

wanted to fly just like that, but she didn't complain about it, she already

had such a strong ability, what more do you want beside flying?

Rein put the boat into his storage before proceeding through the forest,

as they were walking they saw a walkway. "Good, at least this place has

some class to create a walkway for people to walk on instead of walking

through this forest!" Rein was elated to see the walkway, he had walked

through mountains and forests too much during his stay in this world.

While walking on the walkway, there were several intersections, they

both spotted vendors of people on their way. They were selling fruits and

other types of food, even some clothes every now and then. Rein and

Erica easily made their way to the gate of the city with no problem, it

wasn't being guarded or anything so they just entered.

The city was quite beautiful, it had tall buildings in some places and

many shops all around. In the middle of the city was a large statue and a

water fountain. The city was packed with people going in and out of the

stores, it was lively with people which made Rein feel good being here.

Rein asked some people where he could find the bounty hunter guild.

They told him the directions and Rein thanked them and went on his

way. Under the direction of the people not too long ago, Rein and Erica

found their way to the Bounty hunter guild or pirate hunter guild. The

guild was right next door to a marine building where they would take the

criminals in you brought to them or showed them proof of their death.

Rein and Erica walked into the Guild casually. The guild was nice and

clean, there was a stage inside that had instruments on it but no one was

up there playing. The people in the building all stopped what they were

doing and looked at Rein and Erica. After seeing nothing interesting they

turned away to continue what they were recently doing.

Both of them walked to the counter where the bartender was, he just got

done serving a drink to some stranger.

Rein and Erica sat down on the stools near the bar.

"What can I get for ya?" The bartender asked bluntly and plainly

"Two orange juices, please!" Rein said with a smile.

The bartender looked at Rein like he was an idiot! "Orange juice? What

the hell, we don't serve kid drinks!"

"Oh, uh, hook us up with some water then, hehe!" Rein's eyebrows

twitched, this was a damn bar!?

The bartender shook his head and went to get Rein and Erica some water.

The man gave them their water and was about to walk away. "Hold up, I

also want to know some information, can you answer my questions?

The bartender paused and turned to Rein with a smile.

"What do you wish to know?"

"Could you give me a list of the local pirates in the area? I also want to

know the big shots in this city, can you tell me that much?" Rein would

hunt people in the other blue seas as well but that would require him to

cross the calm belt, which was not a good idea right now!

The bartender grinned and used his index finger to tap the counter. This

indicated that this information wouldn't be free. Rein sighed and slid the

bartender one thousand berries.

"Good, now you're speaking my language!" The bartender took the berries

into his pocket: "I'll grab a list of local pirates on this island, it's quite a

bit of them! As for the big shots, I'll tell you that afterward." The

bartender turned to walk towards the back but before that, Rein spoke


"I also want the pirates wanted in the east blue in general, mark the local

pirates with a pen or marker." Rein sipped his water under his mask as

the bartender nodded and disappeared into the back.

"Are we going to hunt them all?" Erica was stunned and wondered why

he needed so many wanted posters.

"No way, I just want the best pirates to hunt, knowledge is the best thing

to have in this world." A moment later, the bartender came out with a

stack of bounty posters. The bartender handed Rein the stack of wanted

posters and Rein handed it to Erica.

"As for the big shots on this island, they're..." Before he could finish, the

door to the Bounty Guild was pushed open. Everyone in the guild looked

over to see who it was as they usually do.

The man wore all white, he had a pistol on each side of his waist with a

serious expression on. The man had brown skin, if anything, this would

be classified as a black man back in his world. Rein looked closely and

the guy, he looked just like a character he used to use in League of

legends, Lucian!

No way!

Rein hollered to himself, did Lucian come to this world!?

Author Note: Not the real Lucian, just a look-alike.

The man walked straight to the bounty boards, his eyes glared over

everyone! He looked at the board and grabbed the poster of the person

he wanted to hunt! After that he looked at a group sitting at a table, he

began to walk over slowly.

"W-what? W-What do you want?" The group of men started to panic but

the gunslinger didn't reply and kept walking closer.

"I-I got money, d-do you want that?" The man pulled out some berries.

But there was no reply from him again, he soon stopped at the table full

of men. The air was heavy, everyone was looking to see what was going

to happen, including Rein and Erica.

Suddenly he spoke. "Are you going to finish that sandwich?

"Pfft~~!" Some people at the next table spit out their water, the people

he approached had snot coming out of their noses in shock!

Rein began to choke on his water, why the hell did he look so serious

about a damn sandwich!? Erica started to laugh, she had tears in her

eyes, this was so weird, who was this guy?

"N-No, here you can have it, in fact, take this money, you can buy

plenty!" The man shoved five thousand berries into his hand and they got

up and left in a hurry!

"Wait, I didn't want your money, I just asked if..." He stopped talking, the

people had already run away.

The man sighed and walked out of the Bounty Guild.

"W-what in the world was that!?" The man at the next table was

stupefied. Everyone began to chatter after seeing the wimpy behavior of

the bounty that ran away.

Rein was curious: "Bartender, do you know who that was?" Rein asked

The man sighed "Yes, his name is Vindicate, he is a gunslinger who

became a bounty hunter a year or so ago." The bartender said with a

sigh: "His village was raided by pirates when he was a kid and his parents

were killed by them, he had to fend for himself and decided to become a

pirate hunter to bring peace to the east blue again, but we know that's

impossible. This is the great age of pirates and only more will spawn over

time." The bartender shook his head.

"Ah, it was like that, huh!" Rein had seen pirate raids from the show of

one-piece, they mostly bleeped out the bad things that really went on

with those raids and would make it a bit censored. Rein could only

imagine what really went on.

The people around continued to talk "Tsk, that guy wasn't so scary, if he

came back I would defeat him with a fist!" One man gloated as he flexed

his muscles.

Suddenly the door was pushed open again, he was back!

"Ah!" The man yelped when he saw vindicate return again as beads of

sweat formed on his forehead. Vindicate looked towards the man and

everyone else, he looked mad serious this time, this didn't look good!

"W-What do you want?" The trash-talking man unconsciously asked, he

thought Vindicate had heard what he said earlier.

Vindicate's eyes glared at the man, everyone gasped, Vindicate was

reaching for his pistol!

"N-No wait, I was kidding, please d-don't hurt me!" Suddenly..


Vindicate pulled a wanted poster "Can anyone help me find where this

guy is, I'm lost!"

"Pfft!" They once again spit out their water and many people fell to the

ground in shock. Why does this man always have such a serious damn

face!? Rein face was twitching, is this the legendary misunderstood

person with a terrible sense of direction?

The trash talker spoke, "I-I'll show, just don't kill me, please!" The man

kowtowed and slammed his head on the ground!

"Huh! Kill you, I wasn't going to kill anyone." Vindicate scratched his

head in confusion, he just asked for help, how was killing someone.

"Follow me! I'll show you, just don't shoot or break my legs and arms!"

The man got up and walked out of the bar, Vindicate still looked

confused but followed afterward.

What the actual hell!

Rein looked at the bartender to ask about the big shots once again but he

was still stunned while Erica was still laughing.

Author Note: Rein Learned Swordsmanship Naturally, so he can learn

stuff naturally so relax. Lol!


Happy Reading and Enjoy! I usually don't upload on Weekends but I

will do it this time for this chapter because this is a new Volume. :D

First Hunt!

Author Note: Check Chapter Zero for information on his devil fruit.

At the moment, Rein and Erica are inside a hotel. They both decided to

spend their time here on this island to take down some pirates for a bit.

Rein had learned some things from the bartender before leaving the


The Island's powerhouse was a Mafia family known as the Malone

Family. Rein had never heard of it before, but it sounded so close to the

Capone Family from the West Blue. He had asked the bartender about the

Capone family and the man confirmed that the Capone family is an arch-

rival of the Malone Family. The Capone Mafia or family wore black suits

as their main way of dressing. This was different for the Malone family

who wore white suits instead.

"Hmm!" Rein looked through the bounty poster while Erica laid on the

sofa resting her eyes. Rein wanted to hunt some pirates today, he and

Erica could hunt pirates solo for faster efficiency. After looking through

the stack for a while, he finally found his first target.

"Hmm, Death Vice McGee!" The man had a bulky figure with a devilish

grin on his face, he had a bald head with tattoos on it.

"The stereotypical look of a pirate, just wow!" Rein shook his head:

"Erica, are you going to choose the pirate you want to hunt?" Hearing

what Rein said, she opened her eyes and sat up.

"Of course, let me see who's going to be my target." Erica began to skim

through the stack of wanted posters. Rein did the same, he was looking

for a second target to hunt, he was sure he could get the job done in a

week or so if they were on this island. Maybe he would get it done in a

day, which he believed he could do.

Erica soon found her target, his name was Jack the Shanker! The man

and his crew usually target women and would torture and R*** them

before killing them gruesomely. Erica's expression turned shockingly cold

knowing someone like this was on the same island as her, will this Jack

the Shanker live through her hunt!?

She only wanted to hunt one target for now, as for Rein, he wanted two

for now. Death Vice Mcgee's bounty was 20 Million Berries while Jack

the shankers Bounty was 25 Million Berries, it was quite a high bounty if

Rein had to say so himself.

"I'll take my leave now, I must purge this evil existence before he finds

more victims!" Erica had a bit of killing intent coming from her which

stunned Rein, when did she develop such intent, maybe killing animals?

Erica didn't wait for Rein to reply and shut the door behind her with the

sound of her footstep disappearing as she grew further away.

Rein shook his head, this was the pirate world and most became pirates

for freedom to do what they wanted. Rein continued to search for his

next target to hunt before setting out, the Bartender did Rein and Erica a

better favor by attaching a note to each poster. This note would tell Rein

and Erica the location of the pirates they wanted to hunt.

"He may be a bartender but he sure does know a lot about the locations

of the pirates on this island." Rein skimmed through the poster and

finally found his second target.

Rex the fierce, from the Fierce Pirates!

"A total of 14 million berries, not so bad, it'll do for now!" Rein organized

the stack of wanted posters and sat them next to the wanted poster of the

pirates that were not on this island but just in the east blue.

Rein left his hotel room and locked it behind him. His first target was

going to be Rex. Rein walked through the lively city, his destination was

a gate out of the city. Rein had come to know that the city was called

Bulwark City. The city had a total of four city gates from A to D that

were located in different parts of the city.

Rein had come in through the B Gate last time but now he was heading

to the D Gate which was outside of the city. Pirates always built their

bases outside of the city and fought for territory close to the city. Most

didn't have the nerve to enter this city or they would be attacked by a

bunch of Marines and Pirates hunters. If they wanted to come in they

would have to do it undercover.

Rein took about thirty minutes on foot to reach the D gate which was too

long! Rein passed the gate and continued to walk on the walkway that

was present before. Over time, the walkway disappeared, it seemed he

was heading in the pirate territory now.

Suddenly, it started to rain and pour heavily as he advanced through the

forest. Rein began to sneak close to the coordinates the bartender had

given him on paper. What he saw was a cave, at the mouth of the cave

were five men armed with swords.

They seemed to be talking enthusiastically about something but Rein

couldn't hear them with the sudden downpour. Judging by the tattoo on

one of the men's chests who had an open coat on, he confirmed that this

was the fierce Pirates.

Rein moved swiftly and quickly knocked them out before tying them up.

[Congratulations Rein, you've defeated five fierce pirates, you've

received: 2 Attribute Points!

"What a small amount!" Rein shook his head and proceeded deeper into

the cave. Before going deeper, Rein waved his hand as clear cold gas

appeared at the entrance of the cave. The gas floated by the entrance

while the men he defeated were tied up and placed in a bush outside in

the rain.

As he crept, he saw a group of men indulging themselves in wine."Man,

this wine is the good stuff, we need to rob more marine ships next week

or so!" The man downed a cup of wine and laughed gruesomely.

"No worries, our captain will be sure to do that, those marines are

nothing good so we can just rob them and be on our way, maybe kill

some while we're at it, hahaha!" The man laughed and downed his

wooden cup of wine.

"I'll tell you what we need, we need some bitches in here if you know

what I mean!" One of the men was already drunk and displayed a lustful

expression. His face was red with joy in his thoughts.

"No problem, tomorrow we'll kidnap a couple of women to enjoy, it

should be good, haha!" A short bald man who barely had teeth laughed

with a face uglier than a cry!

Suddenly, Rein moved to attack, he appeared behind the most

intoxicated man and chopped towards his neck with his hand!


The screamed but fell unconscious soon after. The men spit out their

wine and looked at Rein with surprise but soon their face turned uglier!

"I never could have imagined that idiot would have the guts to invade

our base!" One of the men stood up and drew his sword, no, all of them

drew their swords while some pulled out their guns and took aim.

"KILL HIM!" All the men with guns fire a barrage of bullets at Rein



The cave was full of dust and sparks.

"Hold your fire!" The man who appeared to be their superior spoke up.

The men stopped upon hearing the command and looked at the place

they bombarded with bullets.

"HA! Just another idiot who got himself killed for daring to hunt us!"

Another man sneered in disdain. "He died with no grave, he's just another

pirate hunter we'll be feeding to the fish, HAHAHA!" Soon, everyone

started to laugh.

"Yeah, that guy was an idiot, give me a high five for our success!"

"Sure, haha!" The man gave him a high five but he suddenly felt his hand

go numb!

"Huh!" The man looked at his hand in shock, it had been frozen!

"It's you, you should be dead!"

"Oh, a high five ain't good enough, then a hug would be better than!"

Rein hugged the man and he was slowly turned into a block of ice!

"Shoot him, aim for his head this time!" Seeing his comrade turned into

ice, he felt shivers! The guys wanted to take aim but Rein formed an

orange blazing whip and slapped their guns out of their hands.

"AH!" Most of them were burned by the whip as he did it.

Rein sent his whip out again and slapped three men away as they

slammed into the cave walls, falling unconscious. "Fuck, stab him, don't

let up guys, we can kill him as a team!" As soon as he said that, he was

sent flying with a whip to the chest. The man couldn't even scream and

fainted with scorch marks on his chest.

Before the others could retaliate, Rein used Soru and kicked and punched

them until their arms and legs were disabled. Suddenly, a roar of

madness could be heard from deep in the cave.

"Which dumb pirate hunter has the McNuggets to attack my crew!?" The

man was about 6'4 in height. He had a head full of brown hair and a long

beard sort of like brown beard, his eyes were sharp with rage.

"You, Huh! Remember fellow, you were seeking death! A masked fool

like you can go to hell!" Out of nowhere, the man took out a cannon and

fired it towards Rein, where the hell did that cannon come from!?


The cave shook, the captain apparently didn't care about his cremates

because some of them were caught in the explosion and died! The cave

was pretty sturdy and didn't show any remote signs of collapsing.

"They'll know not to mess with Captain Wade Fierce of the Fierce Pirates!

HAHA!~" Fierce laughed victoriously, he was only concerned with

victory and didn't even think about his crewmates.

"C-captain, s-save me!" One of his men who was hit with a whip by Rein

crawled over with a pleading expression seeking help.

"You useless shit, you guys were defeated by one man, go to death!"

Fierce pulled out a pistol and shot the man in the head, he died instantly.

Suddenly, a blazing rod came out of the smoke and dust and hit Captain

Fierce in the shoulder!

"AHHHHH!" He screamed hysterically when the attack pierced his flesh.

He tried to take it out of his shoulder but it was too hot to touch.

"Impossible! I blew you up with my launcher, there is no way!" Fierce

looked at Rein in shocked, then fear took him over, it was an immortal


"Goodness, Captain has been impaled and defeated, we need to run or

we're next!" They soon found out that they couldn't hurt Rein no matter

what they did and made a run for it.

Rein gave Fierce one last punch to the stomach as he fainted from the


[Congratulations Rein, you've unlocked the Bounty System!

[Congratulations Rein, you've defeated the Fierce Pirates, you've earned:

4 Skill points!

"Hmm, not bad but it could be better." Rein shook his head and tied

Captain fierce up. He carried Fierce to the mouth of the cave where he

saw every person that ran some time ago, they had been frozen!

"Nice, that gas I left at the entrance earlier is really good for trapping

people and stopping them from escaping." This ability was similar to

Magellan's Venom-Venom Fruit. In this aspect, it was good at trapping

and snaring people who wanted to run away. The group of pirates ran

into the Nitrogen cloud of gas and were frozen soon after. The sad part is,

they didn't even see it coming, it was clear gas.

Since they were unconscious while some died, Rein put them into his

storage, which would keep them in a coma-like state. Rein went to his

next destination to hunt Death Vice McGee. Rein took him and his crew

down before nightfall.

Once he was done, he swiftly made his way back to the city to receive his

reward for his hunt. The marines were dumbfounded seeing the group of

pirates Rein had caught, they were frozen solid while some suffered bad

burns, what happened!?

Rein was paid a total of 42 million berries, he had received a bonus for

catching their crew as well. Although most of them didn't even have

bounties, they were still apart of the pirate's crew of the captains he had


The sun was setting but Erica wasn't back yet, Rein had time so he went

to the jewelry shop to sell the things he robbed from the auction in Goa 2

years ago. Rein was able to sell most of the stuff but he had too many

valuables which would make the store run out of money to give. He

could only sell half of his earnings from Goa, which gave a total of 605

million berries altogether.

Rein went back to his hotel after all was done, he wanted to hunt more

pirates on this island tomorrow. After that, he wanted to get some

information on where he could buy some Adams wood. Rein went into

his bedroom and fell asleep instantly the minute he laid down!


Happy reading! I've written the story ahead of time by like 4 chapters!

Things are going to get better from here. :D

The Mighty Pirates!

Rein and Erica both sat in the living room eating breakfast. At this point,

a week had already passed since they've been here. Rein hunted pirates

every day but wasn't done, once he was done hunting some more on this

island, he wanted to hunt other pirates off-island.

Rein and Erica had made a name for themselves from the hunts they did

on a daily basis. Strangely, the weather would always end up rainy when

Rein hunted pirates, thus people started calling him RainMan! Rein didn't

like this name but he could do nothing to change it, as for Erica, they

called her Infernal Fist Erica!

Rein was a bit upset that he didn't get an amazing nickname like Erica

but what could he do about it? He was given his nickname because of the

coincidental weather and his name, how ridiculous! Erica went to hunt

the Shanker pirates on her first go.

Erica walked into their hideout to see many women from the city had

been kidnapped by them. There were some who had been tortured while

some were played with by the pirates. They didn't kill them and would

only torture them close to death before stopping.

For the first time, Erica was enraged and burned all of the pirates into

ashes! She beat Jack the Shanker and wasted him soon after. Erica later

brought him back to the marine building to be turned in. She freed the

women kidnapped and has been called a hero by all the women in the

city since then! Her fame is higher than anyone else in this city as of

now, she even gets free stuff from the shops in the city every now and


Rein noticed that he wasn't getting any more rewards from hunting

pirates with berries of 20 million or lower at this point. "I'll have to hunt

a more dangerous target on this island, then we can get some information

on where I can purchase Adams wood." Rein started to look through the

pile of wanted posters soon after.

"I think we should hunt the next target together, I believe we should have

enough money at this point, so why not?" Erica made a suggestion, they

had hunted pirates separately for this past week and she felt like they

should hunt together.

"Sure!" Rein didn't look up and continue to skim through the posters.

Erica got up and stretched with some tea in her hand, taking a sip every

now and then.

"Found our next target, his name Kalibak The Almighty!" The pirates had

a bounty of 22 million berries! The marines in this city even feared to go

against him. The World government didn't send high ranking soldiers to

the east blue or any of the blues for that matter. To them, their attention

was more focused on the new world and some parts of the grand line.

"No much information on this guy's combat power but he shouldn't be a

problem." Rein stood and stretched "Erica, you ready to head the Bounty

Hunter Guild?" Erica downed her tea swiftly.

"Refreshing! Yes, let's go!" Rein and Erica left their hotel back to the

bounty guild. As they were walking down the street they caught the

attention of most people on the street. This was mainly so for Erica who

had grown quite famous in just one week.

"Look, it's Infernal Fist Erica, she's so beautiful!" A man looked over and

was loved struck instantly.

"She is the hero and idol of all women, you men can back off right now!"

Some women ridiculed in disdain.

"Fuck! Look who she is with, isn't that the Demon Rain Man!" A fat man

pointed and said, "I heard that he's crazy and kills for the fun of it!" The

man looked at Rein and shivered seeing the masked figure. Many people

backed away after they noticed Rein, he had taken down some notorious

pirates in this one week and many deemed him as a demon!

"I haven't even become a pirate yet and my reputation is already

trashed!" Rein whispered to himself, wasn't he doing the right thing by

taking down pirates? How did he become a demon!? Well, it was bound

to happen anyway, so he didn't think about it afterward.

Eventually, they made it back to the Bounty Guild. As soon as they

walked in, all eyes were on them. Many of the bounty hunters began to

whisper to each other as Rein and Erica took a seat at the bar counter.

The bartender walked over with a smile on his face, Rein usually came

here for information and he would get paid for saying what he knew.

"Rein, what will it be today?" Before Rein could speak, the bounty hunter

guild door was opened. The man from a week ago had returned, it was

Vindicate, he walked up to the bar and took a seat two seats over from

Rein and Erica.

"What can I get for you, Vin?"

"I'll take the apple-flavored wine for today." Vindicate casually said. The

bartender quickly gave him his wine and went back to Rein to speak.

"As I was asking, what did you want again?"

"Just some information on this pirate known as Kalibak The Almighty."

Rein didn't know where this guy was located on this island since it wasn't

written on the notes that the bartender usually gave him.

"I didn't give you any notes for him because he moves from time to time,

so it's hard to pinpoint him." This particular pirate liked to smuggle the

most, such as weapons, slaves, poisonous drugs and more.

"Well, could you tell me the route he usually takes to do his little

business?" Rein asked. The bartender pulled out a map and circled the

routes the pirates usually appeared for business transactions.

"Take the C gate, this is where their routes are located, you should be

able to catch them around there." The bartender said and continued "Be

careful, he has a lot of men at his disposal which is one of the reasons he

is so hard to take down. Don't let his bounty fool you one bit," The

Bartender warned

Rein slid him some berries and looked over at Vindicate. "You hear that,

are you game to join us or do you want to drink here all day?" Vindicate

finished his cup of wine and looked over at Rein and Erica with a grin.

"Naturally, I'll be joining you, I'm all about that action, so I can't miss

out!" Rein had invited him to do a bounty mission with him 3 days ago

and he completed it much faster. Erica nodded and stood up to shake

Vindicate's hand since this was the first time she met him.

"Welcome aboard Vindicate!" Erica smiled and said

"Nice to meet you too, Erina!" Vindicate nodded

"It's Erica!" Erica said with a smile

"Oh, okay, my bad!" The group left the Guild to head towards the C gate.

Once they were out of the city, Rein examined the island map that was

given to him.

"Hmm, Erica, you take it, you're way better with maps than I am." Erica

took the map to examine it, she immediately pointed in the direction

they need to go to. Just like any other time they left the city, the

walkway would disappear, they eventually made it to a beach shore.

"I don't see anything, are you sure this is the right place the map

described?" Vindicate saw the empty shore and wondered if Erica made a

mistake or something. The beach was kind of foggy and hard to see

through, this could be from it raining so much these days.

"Trust me, this is the place for sure." Erica was certain, it even showed

the beach area on the map, this had to be it. Right as she said that, three

pirate ships began to draw closer to the beach area. The jolly roger of the

ships had a skull with two fists behind it. The symbol was similar to the

prestige 6 from black ops 1.

The group hid in the bush, waiting to see what was going to happen. The

three ships soon docked near the shore. Many pirates got off the ship

carrying crates of who knows what to the shore.

"The buyer should show up in 1 hour, we'll have to wait here until then,

hehe!" The men sat the crate down as another duo of men brought

another crate over. This process continued for some time before they

stopped. The men on these ships were quite many but Rein had no fear of

their numbers.

"Jeez, there are so many of them, can we take them down?" Vindicate

was surprised to see so many pirates, the bartender was right, this pirate

crew had too many people and was not to be underestimated!

"Oh, are you scared Vindicate?" Rein looked at Vindicate with a grin that

mocked a bit.

"I fear no evil!" Vindicate drew his guns, he looked ready to fight.

"Okay, here is the plan, we'll have to make one of these ships ours, the

biggest one in the middle will be it. Don't destroy the other ships, they

may have some treasure on it we can sell." Erica and Vindicate agreed to

this but this was not all to the plan.

"Vindicate, you stay here and snipe people from this position, me and

Erica can handle the rest" Vindicate didn't see anything wrong with this

plan, this would allow him to sharpen his marksmen skill from certain


"Let's go!"

"Infernal Fist!"

A scorching sound effect could be heard and suddenly the pirates were

blown away.

"AH! We're under attack!" The men pulled out their pistol to take aim but

were frozen on the spot.

"Erica, you head towards the ship, I'll clean up here!" Several men began

to pour out of the ship like ants in an anthill!

"Geppo!" Erica Geppo'ed over to the ship off the right and started to

attack people on the ship. All one could see was black flames exploding

on the deck and screams of dread.

Ten men jumped off the middle ship with axes and swords in their hands.

They were visibly angry and ready to kill.



Several Gunshots sprang out and 4 men drop dead on the spot!

"SNIPER!" One of the pirates hollered to warn his allies of the threat in

the shadows.

"Kill that man and fire the cannon towards the forest, I'll like to see how

this bastard can hide then!" Suddenly, a man in a black typical pirate

outfit appeared from the middle ship which was the largest. His

expression was fierce with anger, how dare these fools ruin his business!?



The men began to bring the cannon over but both of the men were shot

dead by the sniper!

"Fuck! Someone kill that son of uh b****!" Suddenly an explosion

occurred as men from the neighboring ship were blown overboard and

into the water screaming. This was Erica, she had basically beaten

everyone on the ship by now and was trying to avoid destroying the ship.

Suddenly a shadow appeared over Captain Kalibak, he immediately

pulled out his sword and clashed with the person wanting to sneak attack

him. What he was met with was Rein's sword and his sword clashing. He

felt his bone shake from the clash and was shocked!

"Who are you!?" Kalibak was nervous now, his men were being

suppressed by someone with fire on one of his ships while anyone

onshore was being sniped like it was target practice!

"Ah, just a regular bounty hunter, and you're the big target today!" Rein

began to push Kalibak back with a smile on his face, he soon ignited his

sword which cut right through Kalibak's sword and onto his shoulder!


"AH!" Kaliback screamed as he caught on fire, he struggled and soon fell

off the ship into the water. At this time, everyone on the shore was killed

on the spot by Vindicate. He showed no mercy for pirates and killed them

without a shred of decency. These were the type of people that raided his

village long ago, so he had no grace for them.

Erica had already power jumped to the next ship to clear it of the pirates.

None stood a chance, guns and swords were useless if they managed to

hit Erica or Rein. The pirates were soon defeated in a matter of ten


Captain Kaliback had terrible 2nd-degree burns, it was questionable if he

would survive or not. Rein simply put him into his storage since he was

knocked out. Once he returned to the city, he would simply dump him

and collect the bounty. He would split it with Vindicate and be on his


[Congratulations Rein, you've defeated The Mighty Pirates, you've

received: 2 Attribute Points!

[Congratulations Rein, you've defeated The Mighty Pirates, you've

received: 12,000 System Points!

The group met up on the ship, Erica had caused a decent amount of

burns to appear on the two other ships. "You two are some serious freaks,

and what is that black fire I saw you using earlier?" Vindicate was sure he

saw some black fire on Erica's body, this was so when she jumped so high

towards the next ship, he was truly shocked!

"Hehe, I'll tell you later but for now, let's get our job done!" Erica didn't

give it away, she wanted to keep it on the low, so she dodged the

question. Vindicate shrugged helplessly as the group entered separate

ships, Rein entered the middle and biggest ship while they entered the

two off to each side.

"Hmm, what's in this treasure chest?" Rein saw a treasure chest at the

bottom of the ship when he went downstairs. "This thing isn't easy to

open, he was probably delivering this as well but too bad, it failed." Rein

forcefully pried it open and it revealed what Rein was to use to seeing.

Devil Fruit!

Trouble On the Sea!!

Rein picked up the Devil Fruit and got a good look at it. The fruit had the

typical swirls on it and had a stem that looked like a T but was bent in a

way of ^. The fruit was very colorful, with the colors being faded red,

blue and yellow on it.

"System, scan this Devil Fruit for me!" The system began to scan the fruit

and within 5 seconds, it was done.

[Ding! Aura-Aura Fruit! (Paramecia)]

"Wow, it seems like a treasure, what can it do?" The Aura-Aura fruit was

a fruit that could form and allow the user to create Aura. This Aura

would allow someone to create an Aura shield over their bodies, create

weapons of any sort. It would also increase all the physical capabilities of

the user in close combat.

The ability to manipulate and form Aura was pretty good. If one was

especially capable, they may be able to form wings. Rein sucked up the

rest of the treasures and went to the other ships to do the same. He gave

a lot of treasure to Vindicate for his help and with the fact that he

himself was already rolling in dough at this point.

"Erica, Burn down those other two ships!" After Rein drained the

resources from the ships, he ordered the destruction of the two extra

ships. He also took this time to burn the jolly roger on this ship to keep it

as his for the time being.

"Geppo!" Erica jumped into the air and started to climb it like stairs,


"Flame Fist!"

Black Flames shot out from each of her hands towards both ships. With

an ear-shattering explosion, the ships were set ablaze and began to sink.

"Gasp!" Vindicate gasped, what kind of power was this, how was she

kicking off-air like that!? Once that was done, she landed back on the

deck of the ship. Vindicate didn't have to think about it, he took control

of the ship and started to steer it away from shore.

They were taking the ship to dock it elsewhere, the ship now officially

belonged to Rein without him spending a dime. Rein sat on the deck and

looked at his status, he had a decent amount of system points and skill

points he wanted to use.

System Points: 389,850

Skill Points: 40

Attribute Points: 31

Once he was on the System Menu, he decided to buy Rankyaku for

70,000 System Points! In terms of stats and Rokushiki, he was weaker

than Rob Lucci. Rein's Devil Fruit completely made up for this weakness,

this was definitely so if he went all out in full form. Rein nearly passed

the guy after training by himself for 9 years but Lucci as a 28-year-old

trained since he was young by masters. Rein nearly surpassed him

already. Rein was confident that by the time he met Lucci, he wouldn't be

a problem for him.

Luffy could be said to have won from his sheer will alone, but Rein

wouldn't win by the skin of his teeth like his brother. With his Haki and

other techniques, he should be able to force Lucci to use his Devil Fruit

right away, Rein wouldn't be a joke to Lucci if they met by then.

Rein started to put his Skill Points in Rankyaku.





Rein was now an E-Rank Rankyaku user, he then started to dump his skill

points into Swordsmanship afterward. He used 15 Skill Points to reach E-

Rank for Swordsmanship. It was now time to level up his attributes, he

had quite a lot of them saved up.

Rein had to put points into his stat fast before leveling up anymore, he

was at a cap because his stats were too low. He immediately put 20

points into agility, he found that his Soru was too high but his agility was

too low to keep up with it. This was why a weak pirate like Kalibak was

able to see and block Rein, Rein had stumbled mid-attack during his

quick movements.

Rein inserted the last of his points into Stamina with him ending up with

a total of 0 Points. Rein found early on that he couldn't level his will up

and it was one of those stats that leveled itself as time went on.

"I'll level my Armament Haki up later but for now, I'll just level my

Rokushiki." Rein didn't feel a need to level it up for now since he would

barely run into Haki user for now, but the next he would surely do it. He

just needed to make sure he had all the Rokushiki techniques before

working on other things.

Time passed and Vindicate steered the ship to the shore near Bulwark

City. There were other ships here so they weren't suspicious at all. "With

this ship, I can hunt pirates off this island." Sadly, Rein had received

information that they didn't sell any Adams Wood here, so he would have

to look elsewhere.

After docking, they left the ship towards the A gate, which was the main

gate of this city and closes to the docking station. Rein wanted to ask if

Vindicate was interested in joining his pirate's crew but stopped after

remembering his story with them, it was a dead end.

Once they made it through the gate, they went directly to the marine

building to drop off the pirates they caught, including Kalibak himself.

The marines said to themselves that they were done being surprised by

Rein but it was too hard for them not to be!

They soon left the building, Rein asked Vindicate if he wanted to hunt

more pirates. Vindicate said he was done for today and wanted to rest up

at home. With that they parted ways, Rein and Erica quickly made their

way back to their Hotel. He only wanted to grab the bounty poster and

head back to his new ship.

Sometime later, they were back on the ship. Much to Rein's surprise, the

ship was actually clean and tidy. Rein split the reward with Vindicate

and took the rest for himself. This included the ship and the Devil Fruit

he told no one about.

Rein and Erica began to tidy up the ship more to their liking before

handling any further business. It took them two hours to create things in

their own image. Once he was done, he sat down and began to look at

more bounties, this time it was bounties off-island.

Rein sat down on top of the ship since it was a nice sunny day today,

unlike the usual rainy weather that seemed to be common on the

outskirts of this islands. Erica took a seat in front of him on the chair

across from him with a freshly made tea, was she addicted to the stuff?

Rein skimmed through the bounties, these bounties all had notes

attached to them, so Rein knew where to find them. Excuse me, Erica

knew where to find them, haha! Rein saw some familiar people on some

bounty posters, he even saw certain clown man as well.

After skimming through the bounties for about 3 minutes, he stopped a

very familiar person. "Well, well, who would have thought that I would

get my hands on your bounty poster?" Rein smirked slightly and picked

up the poster.

"This will be our next target, let's go capture him immediately!" Erica

looked at the poster, to her, the bounty was too low to hunt such a pirate.

"A bounty of 20 million isn't bad but still too low for our standards,

right?" Erica felt that it was strange for Rein to want to hunt such a weak


"This one is not without cause since we may get a crew member out of

it." If you haven't guessed it, the target was Arlong, a Fishman who

tormented and terrorized the people of Cocoyasi Village. Arlong

originally had the highest bounty in the east blue but Rein and Erica had

already defeated the most wanted in the east blue. Now, Arlong, who had

the highest bounty from the series, was back on the map as the highest.

This was a year before the original series, so many things could have

changed since then.

"The location says he is located on the island known as Conomi Islands,

this island is about 5 hours away." Erica sipped her tea and said, it was a

good thing that they had a ship instead of a boat or that could be

troublesome and boring.

"Okay, let's head out!" Rein smiled and stood up and so did Erica. She

was going to have to navigate as best as he could. She had a map, so she

shouldn't have any problem finding the island or getting lost.

Back at the docking area where the Rein and Kailbak's fight had recently

taken place, an elegant white and red ferry ship appeared. "Sir Marth,

there appears to be reminisce of a battle that took place here not too long

ago. I think the Mighty Pirates had a mishap." The man dressed in a

battle butler outfit said.

"What!? Are you telling I won't be getting my contraband from the

mighty Pirates!?" This man was a nobleman of Rosefett Family, this was

one of the noble families of Bulwark City!

"Sir, I'm afraid that is the case. It seems the ships were burned to nothing

and all that remains are floating wooden planks and smoke." The butler

explained calmly

"Damn it, those useless low life pirates, you can't count on peasants for

anything! You give them a chance and they still can't do anything right,

truly imperfect low borns!" Marth didn't care about the pirate's

destruction, he had an important item he wanted on that ship but now it

was destroyed!

"Malek, I want you to find out who is responsible for the destruction of

the Mighty Pirates! No one meddles in my business, we'll see who dare

goes against me!" Marth's eyes turned sinister, he had many ways to get

rid of anyone who offended him.

"Sir, where do I start?" The bowed and asked

"You moron, you obviously would start in the Bulwark City, ask around

for information about their defeat and the people who did it!" Marth was

growing impatient and wanted to know who the culprits were asap.

"Ah, yes, right away, sir! I'll instruct some men to find out who is

responsible, I'll even ask around myself!" The Bulter hurriedly left Marth's

presence as to not anger him any further.

As soon as he left, Marth gripped his chair. "Dare to steal my miraculous

fruit from me, really seeking death!" Marth's eyes were cold and cruel but

he already had a scheme concocted as he grinned to himself.

Back on the ship, Rein was in a quiet room training to himself while

Erica was on the deck navigating the ship. Erica also learned Rokushiki,

the only thing she wasn't aware of was Haki which Rein had yet to tell

her about.

She knew Shigan, Soru and her favorite, Geppo. This was mainly because

she could take to the air, Rein wondered if he should have given her a

Zoan instead of a Logia type Devil Fruit. "Maybe there is a way to fuse

the Phoenix Devil Fruit with her Devil Fruit." Rein looked at the system

for information, he didn't own such a devil fruit since it cost so much but

maybe in the future.

Reading through the system, he found that it was indeed possible but he

needed a certain tool to make it happen. "I better stop window shopping

and earn more points so I can actually purchase them later when I can

afford them." Rein smiled bitterly and continued his exercises.

At this point, they had already been on the sea for three hours or so but

suddenly, Rein heard cannon going off!


The ship was hit by a cannon!

"What the hell! We're under attack by someone?" Rein stopped what he

was doing and immediately rushed to the deck.

"What is going on, who's attacking us?" Rein looked toward the sea and

saw two pirate ships firing cannon from afar.

"These pirates just came out of nowhere and started attacking us for no

reason!" Erica looked towards the ship with some anger but calmed down

shortly after.

"Do pirates really need a reason to do anything, they're pirates so they're

always looking for trouble if they can find it!" Rein looked at the ship,

the jolly roger was a skeleton with knives at the throat of the skull. Rein

was running through the bounties earlier and recognized these pirates.

The Cutthroat Pirates!

"Haha, prepare for battle, Erica!" Rein jumped into the sea and it started

to freeze over, he didn't have cannons on this ship so he could only get

close and in person. The cannons from before had fallen into the water

and sunk into the ocean. Rein could just fly over to the ship but he

wanted to hold the ships together in place.

The frozen sea spread like wildfire, and the ships were frozen on the ice

with no ability to move. Erica laughed in amazement and jumped onto

the ice and dashed to the two ships.

"Impossible! How can the sea freeze like that!?" Captain Cutthroat was

dumbfounded, then saw Erica and Rein rushing them. "Shoot them dead,

we'll loot their ships clean and kill any survivors!"

Everyone on the ship came out of their daze after the surprise of the

frozen sea and took out their pistol to shoot the incoming threat!



Bullets rained like water toward Erica and Rein but they dodged them for

kicks. "Erica, don't destroy the ship, we can loot this sucker clean!"

Hearing Rein, Erica grinned and jumped into the air, she then Soru and

disappeared and reappeared on the ship.

"What the shit! Kill her!" The men pulled out their sword since they had

to load their weapons.

Suddenly an orange firebolt impaled several figures on the ship!


"AH!!" They screamed and tried to take the fire-like spear out but it was

too hot to even touch! Erica kicked the men off the ship toward the ice

where they all fell unconscious!

"Unbelievable! This is a dream, no one can do wild shit like that!"

Captain Cutthroat was shocked to the extreme, he had spent most of his

career in the east blue causing trouble but he'd never seen anything like


"Pfft! Haha! Let me show you that you aren't dreaming!" Erica shaped her

hands like pistols, just like Ace did in his fight with Blackbeard and

started shooting people with small firebullets off the ship.

"Oh my god, she's a magician, she can shoot actual fire from her hands!

Why is it black!?" One man was going insane from fear, was this a

human, they can't shoot fire!


"Save me!!"

"Hot Hot!!"

Screams of horror could be heard with each shot she took. Most people

died from one shot while others suffered 3rd-degree burns.


Cutthroat turned to run, he jumped off his ship but was caught by Rein as

his feet were frozen over. What was he going to do, swim for it!?

"Wait! Don't kill me! I got money, weapons, food, you name it, I even

know a place where the sexiest chicks ar.." He didn't get to finish and was

kicked in the stomach by Rein. He fell to his knees and began to vomit

his recent meal.


"This is a bad day for you, you actually attacked my ship, you wanted to

get caught that badly?" Rein laughed and looked at Cutthroat like he was

an idiot. If they had been a regular crew, they would have surely been

wiped out but he was unfortunate to have met Rein.

"Wait, I was just heading to the rumored island for some great treasure,

please, don't kill me!" Cutthroat put his hand up in surrender. Rein

eyebrow rose with interest, a place with some treasure, why not?

"Oh, and what place is this?" Rein asked with a smile

Cutthroat shook and said "An island, have you heard of Myriad Island, it

is home to many treasures. I heard a lot of infamous pirates are going

there to seek some treasure!" Rein was silent, he made it seem like he

didn't believe Cutthroat.

Cutthroat forehead began to sweat "Look, I have a map to the island, it's

the truth!" Cutthroat took a map out of his coat and raised it for Rein to

see. Rein simply snatched it and confirmed that what he was saying was


"Ah, good, I usually don't kill people, so you're fortunate today!" Hearing

what Rein said, he looked over at his crisp and cooked well-done

companions with a questioning look.

"That wasn't me, so I can't be blamed. It was her, she still needs a little

bit more control of her power!" Rein said, "Oh, look, it's a treasure island

over there, my gosh!" Cutthroat's eyes sparkled and looked behind him,

only to receive a neck chop which knocked him out.

"What an idiot, hahaha!" Erica was watching from the ship and burst into

laughter seeing what Rein did.

"Well, it looked like we found a new place to explore, hehe!" Rein was all

smiles looking at the map, then suddenly!

Ding! Mission unlocked!

Wrong Turn!

Ding! Mission Unlocked!

[Explore the Mysteries Of Myriad Island!]


⭑10 Attribute points

⭑15 Skill Points

⭑50,000 System Points

⭑System Update Version 1

"Oh, System Update, so there is a higher version than this." Rein noticed

the zero in the corner but didn't think much of it as he believed that was

just something natural and unchangeable. "So it was the version of the

system the whole time, how high can the system go?" Rein whispered to

himself, he didn't think too hard about something he couldn't figure out

and turned to leave.

Rein robbed the ship again before leaving, the pirates were quite poor

and his bounty was only 10 million berries, that wasn't even higher than

Blue Jam's Bounty!

"What poor ghost, the guy could barely afford a pair of shoes!" Rein

sighed in pity just thinking about Cutthroat's pitiful expression before he

knocked him out but it was still funny. He remembered the biscuits that

Cutthroat was wearing, Rein didn't kill him because he was a sad

existence, maybe killing him would put him out of his sad and pitiful life.

Rein and Erica returned to the ship. There was minor damage on the side

of the ship. It was nothing serious but it made this ship look a little

unpleasant to the eyes. "Erica, melt the ice so we can get out of here, we

have many places to go, hehe!" Rein was eager, he had just thought of

something. Maybe he would have to start to gather his crew early to set

out after he takes care of somethings.

Rein went back to his room as Erica destroyed and melted the ice to

continue their journey. They were about an hour away from Conomi

Islands so he analyzed the system a bit. Rein had noticed that he had

Rokushiki martial on the system but Martial Arts like Hasshoken were

not on the system no matter how many times he searched for it.

"The doesn't have everything, maybe this feature will be added when the

update comes." Rein speculated, there was no fish-man Karate here, there

was nothing of this sort but there was boxing, the style Foxy and Franky

used often for combat.

Rein yawn "For now, I'll focus on Rokushiki and Haki, as for

swordsmanship, this will be leveled up in time." Rein was going to get a

swordsman for his crew anyway, why exude so much effort to level it up

at this time? Rein mainly used his Rokushiki techniques in combat

anyway and had yet to make himself a sword.

"I'll make myself a sword when I actually start using my sword, that

would make more sense." For him, there was no point in creating

something he wasn't going to use unless he was really trying to deal a

killing blow to someone. He leveled up his swordsmanship last time

because he usually formed swords from fire to use, so his decision to

level it up last time wasn't wrong.

Rein laid on the bed to rest his eyes a bit until he actually dozed off.

Time quickly passed, and eventually, he heard a knock at his door. Rein

got up to open the door, it was obviously Erica at the door.

"I guess we've made it to the island, right?" Rein stepped outside to ask

"Yes, we've made it to the Island, we've actually docked near some shore.

I went to check it out, and I saw a huge valley with a village below it."

Erica had decided to venture out to check the surroundings before

waking Rein up.

"Oh, it was like that." Rein stretched and yawned "Okay, let me put my

shoes and socks on, and I'll be right there." Erica nodded and went back

to the deck of the ship. Rein got ready shortly after and arrived at the

deck of the ship.

"This is a nice island, let's go to where you were talking about." Rein and

Erica jumped off the ship but the minute they did that, they saw an old

monk emerging from the forest. He wore orange with black shoes, he had

a bald head with a slightly wrinkled face.

"Travelers from the sea, you've come from afar to be here, welcome!" The

old man greeted them with a smile. "Where might you travelers be

heading to at this time?" The monk questioned, maybe he could help

them to their destination.

"Yes, thanks old man, we're just heading to Cocoyashi village!" Rein was

sure that the village Erica had spotted wasn't Cocoyashi village, this was

a big island so the chances of just finding it on the first try was too low.

"Cocoyashi village? Hmm, there is no such village on this island, not that

I've heard of." The monk shook his head, he'd lived here all his life, so he

would know.

"I thought Conomi Island would have Cocoyashi village, did something

go wrong?" Rein was stunned and found himself in a dilemma.

"Conami Island? This is Seiiki Island, Conomi Island is further west!" The

man scratched his head in confusion, were these people lost?

"What? So this is the wrong island?" Rein looked over at Erica who

started to sweat beads, she pulled out the map.

"Impossible, I read the map perfectly, how could it be wrong?" Rein

looked at the map Erica was holding and his face twitched excessively.

"Erica, you're holding the map upside down again!" Rein frowned, what

kind of bad habits was this!? They had gone in the complete opposite

direction of where they were supposed to go!

"AH!" Erica's body shook

"I-I" She couldn't even finish her sentence and put her head down.

"Forget it, Old man, what is the village called down the valley, could you

tell us this much?" Rein shook his head, they needed a navigator bad, if

this keeps up, they may get lost so bad that they may end up in the Fairy

Tail world!

"Ah, yes, that village, it is called Shimotsuki Village! It's a really quiet

and easy-going place, I can take you there if you need some help." The

man spoke kindly with a warm smile on his face.

Rein felt like he heard that name before.

Shimotsuki Village

"Ah, now I remember, it's the village where Zoro trained as a swordsman

with Kuina in her father's dojo!" At this point, Zoro was already a bounty

hunter, he wanted to come back to this place to live but with his terrible

sense of direction, he never found his way back. With that, he decided to

become a pirate hunter to sharpen his skills.

"Thanks, old man, please guide us to the village." Rein agreed, he had

some questions anyway. Erica seemed to still be saddened about her

mistake, she looked like she was in deep thought.

Author Note: The Island of the Zoro's training school was never

confirmed in the anime or manga, so I'll call it Seiiki Island for now. This

means Sanctuary in Japanese, so Sanctuary Island.

"Don't worry about it, we all make mistakes from time to time, it isn't a

big deal. I'll just have to get a navigator when the time comes." Rein was

thinking of having Laffitte as his navigator who was apart of the

Blackbeard Pirates.

Erica took a deep breath and apologized for her mistake but Rein told her

that it wasn't a big deal. The old man guided them to a pathway made of

refined flat stone. They walked the pathway silently for a while until

Rein asked

"Do you mind taking me to The Isshin Dojo in the village?"

"Oh, you want to train in swordsmanship, I heard they're the best school

around when it comes to that." The monk agreed with Rein's decision to

train at such a school, it would improve his strength greatly.

"Not to train but to talk with the dojo's owner about a couple of things."

"Oh okay, this is okay as well, the master of the dojo is a very open

person but kinda depressed at the same time." The monk sighed, he knew

what events had occurred those years ago. Rein understood instantly why

the dojo master would be so depressed.

After walking on the path for about thirty minutes or so, they arrived at

Shimotsuki Village. "This way, I'll guide you both to the Dojo in the

village." The monk waved his hand and continued to walk. The houses

were just like the houses in old Japanese history. There were also shrines

and large fields where they grew their food.

Many people didn't pay attention to Erica and Rein since they didn't look

out of place to anyone. However, the monk was approached and greeted

a lot on the way, he seemed to have made a name for himself in this

village. Apparently, the monk's name was Yoji Fujin, as they called him

Old Monk Fujin. Rein wasn't too educated on the cultures of the world

and wondered if the Japanese had anything to do with monks, wasn't

that more of the Chinese culture?

Soon, they arrived at a bridge where they could see a gate and walled off

residential area. This was the Isshin Dojo that Rein was talking about

going to. The group crossed the little bridge and the monk knocked on

the huge door.

After some time, the door was slowly opened and what appeared were

two men wearing Grey Hitatare clothing. One of the men was skinny

while the other was fat, it made for a strange scene when they appeared.

"Oh, Old Monk Yoji, what brings you here of all times?" The man's voice

sounded really deep like he needed some night quill.

"These two young lads would like to meet the headmaster of the school,

Koushirou." Yoji said plainly.

"Huh!" Both men looked at Rein and Erica and nodded "Younglings

wanting to join our Dojo, this is the best time to train." The Fatman gave

an approving smile.

"Yes, it'll be nice to have some beauties in our Dojo as well, a sight for

the eyes, hehe!" The skinny tall man looked at Erica deeply, he scanned

all the parts of her body and gave a thumbs up.

"Ah!" Erica backed away and covered herself. Her face was filled with

disgust looking at the skinny man.

"Can you take us to the headmaster already?" Rein smiled seeing Erica's

funny reaction, he had never seen her act like that before. The skinny

man didn't seem to mind Erica's disgust and smiled, which showed a row

of yellow stinky teeth.

"Right this way!" The Fatman shook his head and waved his hand

towards the two to follow him. As they were walking away, the skinny

man was checking Erica out from behind.

"Wow, nice and plump, it's way better than any of the women in this

village!" The Skinny Man's face turned red as he licked his lips. Erica

didn't hear the man or see what he was doing but she felt a chill run

down her back out of nowhere.

They quickly made it to a residence, everyone took off their shoes before

entering. It was just Rein, Erica and the Fatman at this point. They were

eventually upon a door that could be slid open, the fat man got on his

knees and spoke.

"Master Koushirou, we have guess that would like to meet you."

"Oh, are they people signing up to join the school? If they are, then we'll

have them take the test to see if they're worthy!" Koushirou spoke behind

the door

"You guys may come in, let me see our new recruits." The Fatman stood

up and looked at Erica and Rein, he nodded and opened the door. And

there he was, the father of Kuina from the show, he looked like he aged

quite a bit from the stress levels.

"Hmm, not bad, your ages are the best time to start swordsmanship, how

fortunate you are." Koushirou smiled and signaled the Fatman to leave,

he bowed and departed just like that.

"We usually don't have people come to join our school out of nowhere so

this could be considered a special occasion," Koushirou had his hands

cuffed as he looked at the two with approval.

"Uh, I'm not here to join the school, I'm here to talk." Rein bluntly said

"What? You're not here to join the school?" Koushirou said, "What a pity,

I feel like you have so much potential." He didn't put Erica in his eyes but

fawned over Rein, he believed her ability would be limited in the future

since she was a woman.

Koushirou sighed "So what do you want to talk about?" Koushirou stood

up and walked to the corner to grab some tea.

"Well, it's about your daughter Kuina, I would like to see her grave."

Koushirou froze when he heard his daughter's name.

"Why would an outsider want to see my daughter? You don't even know

her!" Koushirou face changed a bit but he still tried to retain his smile.

"Simple, I want her to join my future pirate crew, she'll be the swordman

of my crew." Rein yawned and said. Koushirou's face finally couldn't keep

its smile, and his face turned cold.

"Boy! This isn't the time to be talking nonsense, do you know where you

are? You know nothing!?" Koushirou started to feel rage hearing this kid's

crazy talk, was he trying to make a joke out of his dead daughter to mess

with him!?

"Mr. Koushirou, I can tell you that I know quite a lot. I know that you

supplied the Revolutionary Army with supplies some years ago, you gave

them food and medicine for the people in Gray Terminal, right?" Rein

looked at Koushirou indifferently and said.

"W-What!? How could you know that, are you a spy for the

government!?" Koushirou frowned and his eyes turned sharp, it looked

like he wanted to attack Rein. Erica clenched her fist. The minute this

man got out of hand, she would go on the offensive.

"Wow there buddy, I told you that I'm a pirate, stop making stuff up and

listen." Rein said, "Right now I'm just posing as a bounty hunter but I'm

secretly building my crew." Rein shrugged and pointed to the tea in

Koushirou's hand signaling him to pour him some.

Koushirou Poured Rein and Erica a cup of tea and spoke "Sorry to rain on

your parade but my daughter is dead." Koushirou downed his tea after he


"What if I told you have I have a god-like medicine that can bring her

back, what do you say to that?" Rein whispered and said.

"I would say you're bullshitting me!" Koushirou couldn't believe it, a

medicine that could bring a person back from the dead? Impossible!

"Take me to her grave and we'll see." Koushirou looked at Rein for a bit

and nodded soon after, he had nothing to lose, so why not? Moments

later, they appeared by her grave where she had been buried.

"Erica, let's dig it up!" Rein tossed her a shovel he bought when he was a

kid and they both started to dig the grave up.

"What the fuck are you two doing!?" Koushirou was shocked!

"Calm down, this is the way to bring her back!" Rein didn't look back and

kept digging. Soon, a corpse was revealed, it was Kuina's body.

"Watch and learn!" Rein pulled out the Water of Life!

[Water Of Life]

[Rank: Demi-God]

[The Water Of Life is an extremely Powerful Liquid capable of bringing

those who have died back to life.

[Water Of Life Rules]

• It can only bring a person back from the dead that has been dead for 15

Years or less.

• This water will revert someone back to the age they were meant to be

before they died. This means that they'll be an older version of

themselves once they come back.

• To change to the second rule, you may spend some system points in

order for them to remain as they were when they died.

Rein didn't want Kuina to be a young girl when she came back, so he

chose to let her be an older version of herself. Rein poured the pure clear

and sparkly water on Kuina's body, almost instantly, her flesh started to

reappear swiftly growing back!

"HAHAHA!" Rein laughed seeing such a miracle.


Author Note: The Crew will have 5 women and 5 men, this includes

Rein! All must be even

Erica and Rein just watched the process but Erica couldn't hide her shock,

her mouth was wide open and so was her eyes! Koushirou was some way

away so he couldn't see what was going on, all he could see was a white

light engulfing the grave where his daughter was buried.

Kuina's flesh was not fully intact, she started to age until she stopped at

the age of how she would look if she was twenty. Kuina clenched her fist

and slowly opened her eyes, only to see two people staring down at her.

One had a smile while the other one looked shocked.

Kuina looked cautiously at the two and noticed that she was laying in the

dirt. She sat up and looked at Rein and Erica with a frown but soon

noticed her dad all the way behind them. Koushirou was shaking from

shock, he thought he was dreaming when he saw his daughter who had

aged somehow rising from her grave. He took off his glasses and rub his

eyes and his glasses to confirm that he wasn't seeing a ghost or


But it was all too real and not a bit of it was fake!

"Dad! Why do you look so old and why am I sleeping in the dirt?" Kuina

looked at dad who had aged over the years and asked. She was confused

as to why she was laying in the dirt the most, and who were these weird

people staring at her while she was asleep?

"No! A Dream!" Koushirou fell to his knees and started to cry like never

before, how was this possible!? She was his daughter for sure, even if she

turned into an old lady he would recognize her.

Kuina stood up and ran to her father's side. "Dad! What happened, why

are you crying so much, and who are these people?" Koushirou didn't

answer her and pulled her in for a hug.

"Dad, you're acting weird, when was the last time you've ever hugged

me?" Kuina knew her dad was the serious type who hid his affection the

most, so why was he doing this now?

"Kuina, just let me hug you for a bit, we'll talk in a bit!" Koushirou

sniffled, he didn't want to cry, but he couldn't hold it in, this was a godly

miracle. Kuina rather liked the strange attention her dad was giving her

and didn't say anything. She noticed something else different during their

hug, it was her chest!

Rein didn't disturb them, all will be revealed soon! Erica started to get

emotional seeing the father and daughter reunion, she had tears in her

eyes as she watched. She wished her mom and dad were like this, but

nope, she has kicked the curb. The two hugged for about five minutes

before Koushirou stood up, he took Kuina's's hand and helped her up as


"Dad, this... my body has grown overnight!" Kuina touched her chest and

analyzed her height compared to her dad's, she was nearly as tall as him.

Koushirou took a deep breath: "We need to talk inside, all of us!"

Koushirou looked over at Rein and gave him a knowing look. Rein could

see that it was filled with gratitude for what he had done, it was like a

big weight had been lifted off his heart. Rein nodded as they all

proceeded back into the house.

Castleford Island

Back at the Bulwark city, another event was taking place on the island.

At this time, Vindicate had accepted a mission from a strange butler to

get rid of some bandits terrorizing a nearby village known as RiverCross

Village! The pay was quite good, he was going to be paid 30 million

berries if he got the job done.

As of now, he's already drawing close to the village.

"Taking out a few bandits, it shouldn't be a problem at all." Vindicate

soon came to the village gate, but the village was strangely quiet. "Where

is everyone, I don't see anyone here, how strange!" Vindicate walked

further into the village to see what was going on.

Vindicate looked around and saw something horrible, there were dead

people laying on the ground in the middle of the village. They had been

killed by being stabbed or shot to death, it was a horrible sight to behold.

Suddenly, Vindicate heard footsteps approaching him, it was at least

fifteen people coming his way. But once he saw who it was, he calmed

down. The people who were approaching were the marines from Bulwark


"Goodness, you evil thing! You've slaughtered the whole village!" The

Commander looked at Vindicate with a smile and pointed towards him.

"Turn yourself in and we won't hurt you... much!" The Commander began

laughing and looked at Vindicate.

"There must be some sort of mistake here, when I got here they were

already dead." Vindicate was confused thinking about why the marines

would appear here of all times, something wasn't right.

"The meaning of your name won't get you out of your crimes, don't resist

and come with us! We are here to bring these innocent people justice,

and you to trial!" The Commander stood upright and pointed to Vindicate

with a look of dignity and justice. The marines around him praised him

for his heroic look and bravery.

"I already told you, these people were dead when I got here! How can

you come here so suddenly right when I walked into this village, what

are you guys playing at!?" Vindicate finally understood what was going

on, this was a conspiracy, but why?

The Commander's face turned ugly after hearing Vindicate talk back to

him "Don't play innocent, we have eyewitnesses who saw you killing

people in cold blood, you can't escape!" The Commander grinned

sinisterly and pulled out his pistol!

"What a joke, there isn't even anyone alive around here you damn

morons, if you're going to frame somebody then be smart about!"

Vindicate ridiculed and flexed his pistols as well!

"You Dare! Capture this fool and break his legs before bringing him! How

dare he go against the marines of Justice!" The Commander was nearly

going crazy being called a moron by some lowly Pirates hunter!

The soldiers took out their pistols and fired at Vindicate! Vindicate

quickly dashed behind a fence nearby. Before he jumped behind the

fence he shot one-off and nailed one of the marines in the shoulder.

"AH!" The marine fell to the ground holding his shoulder in pain. He was

rolling back and forth, it looked pretty funny if you could imagine it.

"The bastard actually shot at us!" The Commander's eyes were cold and

suddenly Vindicate popped out again and shot another marine before

running away. Veins were visibly coming out of the Commander's head

from rage!


Commander gave his final order in a rage.

"Yes, Commander Neeman!" The soldiers gave chase while Neeman stood

back awaiting the news. As soon as the soldiers went to chase after

Vindicate, a man in a Battle Butler outfit appeared.

"Commander, the plan was to bring him back alive and not to kill him!" If

you didn't know by now, this was Marth's Butler from before.

"The guy fired on us, how can we just sit there and take that?" Neegan

calmed down and spoke.

"The young master of the RoseFett Family wants them alive, this includes

the other two that were with him." The butler smiled with no worries, he

was confident that lowly bounty hunters couldn't escape their grasp.

"Simple, put a bounty on the three he colluded with. Just say they

slaughter this village and many bounty hunters will go after them!" The

butler smiled sinisterly and the Commander smiled right back.

These three were finished!

At this time, Rein had explained everything to Kuina about her current

situation. She was stunned and surprised by what she was hearing. "Are

you saying you used some godlike medicine to bring me back from the

dead!?" It only felt like she was sleeping for a day and nothing more, how

could this be?

"Try to recall what you last saw before you fell "asleep!" Rein couldn't

emphasize those last word anymore strongly.

Kuina began to think hard and was suddenly enlightened: "I was coming

out of my room and I ran downstairs then I tripped, then.... darkness."

Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead, did she fall to her death?

"Sigh, what you're thinking is right, you fell down the stairs and died."

Koushirou shook his head, it was a pitiful way to go out.

Kuina was speechless, she died from falling down the stairs! How can she

be the strongest swordsman in the world if she can die from the stairs?

Then a thought ensued, she remembered the determined boy who had

always trained hard every day.

"Zoro, where is he? He should be grown by now, right?" Kuina stood up

and looked at her father.

"Sigh, he left and I gave him your sword. He improved so much, you

should have seen it, it was a sight to behold." Koushirou shook his head,

he was basically telling her that he had already surpassed you, left you in

the dust!

Kuina clenched her fist and wondered if she had the face to show herself

to him after dying so stupidly! "It ain't over yet, he is still out there

training to become the best and he will surely become much stronger.

But if you follow me, you can surpass him and go far and beyond and

reach new heights of strength." Rein spoke every word smoothly and


"By being a pirate? This is impossible, I don't want to be a criminal!"

Kuina frowned, she didn't want to participate in acts of robbery and


"That makes sense, pirates are indeed criminals and it would be stupid to

say they stand for justice." Rein nodded, she was right about that much.

"But, some pirates have bottom lines, this is me, I do like to rob people

but this wouldn't be from poor normal people from villages. I would

indeed rob Marines, Pirates, and Bounty hunters, so there is that." Rein

put his hands out and shrugged.

"How can I trust what you're saying is true?" Kuina questioned

"Oh, so you want to stay here a rot away? I think you secretly heard what

your father said about you at that time." Rein looked over at Koushirou

and continued "I hate to say this but Zoro will become a pirate in the

future as well and join a strong man. This guy will also have bottom lines

like me but his would be much lower than mine." Rein felt a need to let

this out, it was no point in hiding it.

Koushirou's mouth twitched, how could he know this, how could he

know that he was shit talking his daughter that night!?

"Z-Zoro, becoming a pirate?" Kuina was stunned a bit hearing about Zoro

and how he knew she heard what her father spoke about her. "What is he

now if he isn't a pirate?" Kuina asked again, she was quite mature for her

mental age.

"Well, he is a pirate hunter now." Rein sipped his tea and said casually

"Why would he become a pirate if he hunts them?" It didn't make sense to

her, why would he hunt them then join them, like what?

"Well, he tried to save an innocent little girl from being attacked by a

marine and was tied to a cross pole for a month for trying to save her.

Well, he sort of agreed to that type of punishment." Rein sat back and

stretched, he didn't mind explaining himself.

"H-how could you know this, can you see into the future!?" Kuina felt like

what Rein was saying was true. For one, he answered her questions right

away without having to think about it and he never stumbled on any


"That is a secret." Rein smiled and looked Kuina in the eye. Kuina sat

back down and looked down in thought, it was not telling what she was


"That Zoro, why would he leave this island to become a bounty hunter?"

Kuina wasn't asking Rein for the answer but she was talking to herself.

"Well, he went to search for the strongest swordsman in the world and...."

Rein paused and Kuina looked up at him seeing him stop his sentence.

"W-what happened, tell me!" Kuina's face turned serious, was he severely

injured by the strongest sword to the point of no return?

Rein face was serious as well, the room grew silent. Rein downed his tea

and held it at his mouth for a while. Kuina, Koushirou and even Erica's

face twitched seeing him holding out on them.

"TELL US ALREADY!" Kuina felt like punching Rein but Koushirou held

her back in a sort of gag manner.

"Wait, what were we talking about?" Rein looked confused and asked

"How about I bonk you over the head so you can remember!" Kuina

yelled. Rein noticed that he was suffering from his family's Drowzzy and

memory problems, he really couldn't remember! Sometimes he would

doze off while in mid-conversation as he was eating like Ace would, he

didn't understand it himself.

Erica knew about this problem since she had seen it over the years with

Luffy and Ace who also had this problem. "Rein, it was about this Zoro

guy and why he left this island in the first place." Erica smiled and said.

"Oh, yeah!" Rein face turned serious again as he looked Kuina.

"Stop making a serious face and tell me!" Kuina wanted to rush Rein and

bonk him over the head again.

"He got lost!"

"Pfft!" Koushirou spat out his tea, he could understand this, he had to

have his students go out to find Zoro because he would get lost if he

ventured out. Koushirou was stunned and smiled soon after.

"HAHAHA!" Koushirou couldn't help but laugh hearing this revelation, it

all made sense!

"That idiot still can't find his way anywhere I see." Kuina smiled and

shook her head. "But, if you want me to join you, you have to defeat me

first! I will not join a crew filled with weaklings, hmph!" Kuina felt much

better after hearing what he had told her, she could now continue to live

and reach her goal as the strongest swordsman but she was too weak


"So you'll join if I beat you, huh?" Rein asked

She felt like she owed Rein anyway. After hearing his explanation she felt

like joining right away but she wanted to test his strength as well. "Yes, it

is a promise that I won't go back on." Kuina nodded and said.

"Dad, where is my Wado ichimonji so I can use it for this fight?" Kuina

was so excited that she forgot that her dad already told her that it was

gone earlier.

"Zoro has it, he took it with him," Koushirou said bluntly as he carried his

tea in his hand.

"W-what!?" It was Kuina's favorite sword and it was now gone.

"Hehe, take this, you can keep it when you join the crew!" Rein took out

the Pink Lotus Katana and tossed it to Kuina who caught it right away.

Kuina looked at the sword's sheath and designs and took a liking to it

right away.

She unsheathed the sword and swung it a few times.

"Good sword!" Kuina smiled, she was completely satisfied now. Kuina

peered at Rein and said "Are you ready? Where is your sword?" Kuina felt

it may not be fair if he had no weapon.

"I don't need a sword to beat you!"

"Hmph!" Kuina didn't say anything and stood up.

"This way you two, not in my residence!" Koushirou spoke hurriedly.

"Remember what you said, you promised, don't break your promise like

you did with Zoro, you're known for that, haha!" Rein spoke and smiled


"Y-You!" Kuina bit her teeth and a feeling of determination flared up in

her. Erica shook her head, Rein could annoy anyone with his mouth. The

group made it to the dojo sparring area that was next door to his

residence. This was a private place that only Koushirou could invite

people to as the Master of this Dojo.

"Ready up!"


Enjoy the Read! Happy Reading always! :)

Myriad Island Activities!

"Ready up!"

Kuina held the Katana in her, the dazzling gleam from the sword was

blinding. She stared at Rein who was acting nonchalant and her will

grew stronger. "Remember, you were the one who chose not to use a

sword but rather your hands!" Kuina tightened her grip on the Katana.

Rein didn't say anything and just stared her in the eye as to analyze her.


Upon hearing her dad give the go for battle, she rushed Rein with her

katana and stabbed forward, her aim, his shoulder. She was surprisingly

fast but not nearly as fast as Rein, he simply dodged her attack. Kuina

didn't give up and started jabbing her sword faster but they were still

dodged every time.

Kuina backed away while taking heavy breaths. "You're able to dodge

pretty well, but don't think it's over!" Kuina closed her eyes, it seemed

like she was focusing as a strange blue glow appeared on her sword.

"Dodge this! Whirling Slash!" Two blue slashes shot out from her sword,

this was apparently her ultimate attack.

The blue slashes slammed towards Rein! Erica was stunned seeing Kuina

attack, she didn't know swordsmen could develop to such a degree.

However, right before the slashes could hit Rein, they were both grabbed

by him. Koushirou and Erica backed away due to the wind getting in

their eyes and the blue blinding light.

"What!? No way!" Kuina attack shattered like glass under Rein's grip as it

was completely dispersed. Kuina was visibly exhausted after the attack

and couldn't fight anymore, Rein had won by playing defense.

After the battle Kuina felt dispirited, she knew that her attack would burn

her stamina but she was counting on it to at least stun Rein. "Your

stamina doesn't fit well with your body but since you're part of my crew

now, I'll show you the path." Rein patted her shoulders, he always felt

that Kuina was never explored enough and deserved so much more.

Kuina sighed and looked at Rein "Okay, if I can get stronger and become

the strongest swordsman to face Zoro one day then I'm up for it." Kuina

stood up and put her long hair into a ponytail as Rein looked over at


"I think it's about time for you as well, I've been having you train in

Rokushiki but now you need to learn Haki!" Rein pulled out an

Armament Haki manual from his system, he didn't have an observation

Haki manual so he would get one at a later date.

Erica took the manual, she had been given many other manuals before by

Rein. Over the years she had trained in some Rokushiki techniques so she

was willing to know more about fighting styles since she favorited it the


"This Haki, is it better than the Rokushiki ones you gave me?" Erica

wondered if there could be anything better than Rokushiki because she

found these techniques to be so convenient.

"Oh, it's much better, trust me, you're going to need to learn this or you

won't survive in this world!" Erica was surprised and so was Kuina who

was off to the side, what was so good about this Haki?

"Mr. Koushirou, I hope you don't mind us staying for about a week or so.

I want you to catch up with your daughter before we leave. She also

needs to learn a couple of things before we leave this place." Hearing

what Rein said, Koushirou sighed lightly but saw no problem with it, his

daughter would leave but he knew she was going to get stronger. Rein

had this confident vibe about him that Koushirou had faith in.

"This is naturally not a problem, if she can get stronger I'm sure that it

wouldn't pose a hassle at all. I'll take you to the residence next door to

my residence for you guys to stay. We have many students but all of

them are grown men." Koushirou signaled Erica Rein, and Kuina to

follow him.

As they were walking, Rein spoke to Erica "Give Kuina the Soru manual

to learn, you can hold on to the Haki Manual to learn for yourself for the

time being." Kuina wasn't even strong enough to learn Haki yet, he would

have to buy a few things from the system to improve her faster.

"Okay, I'll give it to her afterward." Rein gave Kuina his mask to hide her

face for many reasons. Once they were outside they caught the attention

of anyone who was nearby. Rein was content with building his crew from

the ground up, so it didn't matter to him.

"Hmm, wasn't there two in the Master's residence, why is there another

woman?" One man watching from the distance asked.

"I don't know, it none of our business, maybe we didn't see her come

when we went somewhere else at that time." Another man didn't think

too much about it

Kuina looked around and found a few changes over the years during the

time she had been away. The residence was right next door so they made

it there in a flash. "There are four bedrooms in this place, you can choose

which room you would like to sleep in." Koushirou looked at Kuina, this

meant her as well.

"Kuina, come talk to me later or tomorrow, I want to spend some time

with you for a bit." Koushirou's face seemed to have grown a bit younger

as he smiled brightly.

"Of course, father, though it seemed like a night's sleep to me, I will come

to see you." Kuina bowed to her father before he left. Once they were

done, they chose their rooms and Rein called Kuina and Erica to the

room not chosen by anyone.

"Erica, hand it over to her." Erica said nothing and handed the Soru

Manual to Kuina who took it without hesitation. "This will increase your

speed in bursts or for a longer duration, you need to work on your arms,

legs and body for this weeks time. I have a way to speed your training

up, so you don't have to worry about missing out, hehe!" Rein took out

the weight suit and the last three Energy Pills.

Rein thought about it for a bit and decided to sell the Aura-Aura Fruit

which sold for 350,000 System Points! "First things first, you're going to

wear this weight suit and swing your sword 500 to 1000 times a day. You

will also work on your legs which Erica here will help instruct you on."

Rein gave Erica the Weight Crystals for the suit and also a bit of body

strengthening pills for her arms and legs.

Rein was still sleepy from the time Erica woke him up so he decided to

go to sleep.

Myriad Island

This huge island was at the edge of the calm belt where many sea kings

dwelled. At this time, a fight broke out between some pirate groups. This

happened all over the island but there were special pirates who were

stronger than the norm. "Well, well, if it isn't Captain Cloud, you've come

to the wrong side of this island, my crew will be controlling this territory

for the time being!" The man by the name of Baron glared at Cloud and

spoke with authority.

Baron wore Black Armor with a huge Battle-Axe on his back, he had

black eyes and hair. Baron stood around 6'11 to 7'0 in height.

"Haha, Captain Baron of the Berserker Pirates! I don't see your name

anywhere on this island! It's best if you let us pass or things are gonna get

worse for you and your crew!" Cloud's words were pretty threatening as

he said the word worse as if Baron meeting him here was bad enough.

"Ha! Just as arrogant as always, remember, you said it and not me!"

Baron moved swiftly to attack Cloud by punching toward Cloud. For his

size, he was pretty fast on his feet!


His fist connected and smashed the ground as it collapsed. Baron

punched hard and many people nearby moved away as to not get caught

in the feud of their captains.

"Not bad, but it isn't enough!" Cloud was completely unharmed from the


"Oh, yeah, you're a Devil Fruit user, the Cloud-Cloud Fruit!" Baron was

annoyed and continued "I hate these ability users the most, always

thinking that they're top dog!" Baron backed off but Cloud only smiled.

"But, I know how to take down ability users like you!" Just when Baron

was about to attack again, Cloud interrupted him.

"Fog Stream!" Fog shot out of Cloud's body instantaneously and covered

the area around him. Baron still smashed his fist towards Cloud but

connected with nothing. The wind alone from his punch blew most of the

fog away.

"Sadly, I don't have time to play with you Baron, so I'll be taking my

leave for now!" Cloud sneered and disappeared with his men in a flash!

"That cowardly bastard! He talked all that trash only to run away!" Baron

ridiculed but what he heard next angered him nearly to death.

"Sir, someone has stolen the treasure we've collected from that ruin we

explored yesterday! I think it was the White Cloud pirates, they were

playing us along only to steal from us!" The man who was one of Baron's

crewmates hurriedly and spoke when he noticed that the treasure bags

had been taken somehow.

"FUCK! Cloud that bastard, I'll break him if it's the last thing I do!"

Baron's eyes turned bright red as some strange red Aura began to flow

over his body.

"Sir, calm down, we'll get them later!" The swordsman of the crew by the

name Saiga spoke after seeing his captain nearly going berserk. This was

also because he had a Devil Fruit that could allow him to go berserk like


Baron breathed deeply and calmed soon afterward. "Let's find those

thieves, I'll beat that girly-boy black and blue when I catch him!" Baron

gritted his teeth and commanded his crew members. His crew members

fanned out to begin their search.

Meanwhile, Cloud and his crew appeared near a mountain. "That

meathead only thinks with his muscles, I wonder if he even has a brain?

Ahaha!" This was the sniper of Cloud's crew by the name of Neal laughed

in delight, they had fooled this guy before so this was nothing new to


"Don't underestimate him! He may be an idiot to some degree but in an

all-out fight, I'm not confident in my victory." Cloud felt like he was no

match for Baron, he had raw strength and could use some ability to hurt

him even though he was intangible.

Everyone grew silent hearing Cloud's statement, they knew the raw

power of Baron but only could talk about his intelligence. "We're only

here to find the gold mine that was supposedly on this island, I hear that

there are even Devil Fruits that may be in that secret ruin but the

location is unknown." Cloud touched his chin as he spoke to himself.

"I've heard some news recently that the Flagstar Pirates have found some

strange insignia that appears to be part of some puzzle." One of the men

decided to speak during the brief silence.

Cloud turned around and looked at his crew member who was the chef of

the crew. "Oh, tell me more, what did it look like?" Cloud immediately

took an interest and asked. They have been on this island for about 5

days now so they weren't up to date on anything.

"Well, it must be important if the Malone family and Red River Pirate

Alliance are hunting him. The insignia had a snake on it, that is all I

know." The chef squeezed out the bit of words he honestly didn't want to

tell his captain.

"What!? It must be for some puzzle for sure, maybe to a secret Ruin or

something!" Cloud smiled and said "Hoho, we'll have to hunt the Flagstar

pirates down first, where were they last seen?" Cloud smiled deeply, he

wouldn't miss a chance to annoy the Red River Pirate Alliance! They

were working for someone who hid in the dark, thus they were here on

his order.

Cloud didn't know who their leader was but he never showed his face or

showed off to anyone, he was really secretive. He never appeared but he

had someone manage the Alliance to get what he wanted. His main focus

is currently Devil Fruits!

"We're in the South but he was last seen in the North part of this Island

and we know what creature hides there." This is why the chef didn't want

to tell his captain anything because his captain loved trouble the most

and would jump to start corruption if he found and saw an opportunity.

"Hmm, If I remember correctly, there was huge Yeti in the north part of

this Island, it is mostly snowing there." The Island had four terrains in

each part of it. The North is where it snowed all year round and as for

the south where they're currently at, it was grassy and full of mountains.

"Alright, let's head to the North, we'll rain on their parade and take the

insignia for ourselves!" Cloud smiled and touched his chin thoughtfully.

Some of his crew members sighed but didn't disagree with their captain's


Somewhere in the west part of Myriad Island, there was a base near the


In this base was a man in a burgundy and black suit, he had a full clean

beard and long black hair. His features could be called handsome if

anyone were to lay their eyes on him.

The man had red pupils, he had a glass of wine in his hand at the

moment as he was speaking to the man in front of him with a frown. "Are

you telling me you lost the Flagstar pirates!? Didn't news just recently say

that you guys had cornered them!?" Rage could be visibly seen in his eyes

as cracks appeared on his glass of wine.

"Boss Vladimir, we had cornered them but something had happened, they

suddenly disappeared when we arrived at their cornered position!" The

man hurriedly and explained in fear that he would be slaughtered on the


Vladimir glared at the man but smiled soon after. "Is there anything good

you can tell me? How is the battle in the north against that Giant Yeti,

has Red Bull taken it down yet?" Vlad took a sip of his wine and asked.

"Well, this Yeti is stronger than we thought, it can even regenerate its

wounds, it won't be easy to take down." The man started to sweat, "But

we know for a fact that it is guarding something special within the cave it

dwells in!" The man wiped the sweat off his forehead with a rag as he

spoke, he was extremely nervous.

"So you came to report to me with nothing good but only bad things?"

Vladimir stood up slowly with a smile that wasn't a smile. The man was

horrified seeing Vlad standing up and stood up himself.

"Can you tell me anything good about what has been going on with our

current situation? You know my boss is expecting some results and want

me to return some goods to him before the end of the month!" Vladimir's

expression changed from a smile to a cold grin.

"Uh?" The man was in a dilemma, he had nothing good to report, this

was why he didn't want to report in the first place but he was forced to

do this by a certain someone.

"I.." Before he could finish, he was stabbed in the heart, his eyes dilated

as they turned dark, he died! The man was stabbed by a red weapon that

was dark red in color. It was a weapon that Vlad had formed.

"Well, he died with no good news, what a shame!" Out of nowhere, a man

appeared out of the shadows, he was around 5,8 and was very slim, on

his back were two bat-like wings. "But I suppose the ability to control

blood is pretty strong and hard to resist, even if it's only a Paramecia

Class!" The man grinned and nodded thoughtfully.

"Miguel, you and your Nightgale pirates need to assist the Red Bull

pirates up north," Vladimir said,

"Also, send more people to search the north, the Flagstar pirates couldn't

have gone far, we've destroyed their ship so there is nowhere for them to

run." Vlad smoothly spoke his intentions, he knew that the Flagstar

pirates couldn't run with so many people hunting them and with the fact

that they had no means of escape, it was only a matter of time! Sadly,

Vladimir didn't have time to burn, so he needed them found fast.

"Hehe, got it, boss!" Miguel replied in a sarcastic manner. "What about

your Blood Incursion Pirates? Will they help in this assault?" Miguel

knew that Vladimir's position was higher in the boss' eyes and wondered

if he would send his crew to assist.

"My crew will stay here at this base until further orders from the boss, so

go help RedBull!" Vladimir was always annoyed by Miguel's questions all

the time, he just wanted him to shut up and follow orders!

"Tsk!" Miguel did answer and began to walk off.

"Oh, and tell someone to come in here to clean up this mess!" Vladimir

took his seat and started going through some papers.

"Damn bastard!" Miguel whispered to himself as he left. Soon after, two

men came in to take the dead body away, they did it fast and quietly as

to not anger Vladimir!

Moments later, the DenDen Mushi began to go off! The features of the

Denden Mushi changed into someone wearing sharp sunglasses and a

feathery pink coat on its back! Vladimir picked up the DenDen Mushi

with a nervous expression

"Ah! Mr. Joker, boss!"

Author Note: The Red River Pirate Alliance is pretty much 3 pirates crew.

The Nightgale Pirates, The RedBull Pirates, and the Blood Incursion

pirates. I Just wanted to let you guys know that if you haven't caught on



Happy reading! :D


With the chaos converging on Myriad Island, Rein was in his room

peacefully thinking to himself. At this point in time, a week had already

passed quickly. Kuina was trained every day by Erica who would watch

and guide her for a period of time before doing her own training in Haki.

Kuina had seen great improvement but she couldn't fully use Soru, she

could only do a quick burst of the technique before she couldn't do it

anymore. Erica left her to herself to train on her own after knowing that

she knew the basics on how to train the technique. In time, Kuina would

get much better at the technique with no hassle. Kuina looked over the

booklet about Soru countless times and would practice alone after she

was trained by Erica.

Rein had much time to think to himself during these weeks that passed.

What he wanted to do now was to gather a pirate crew as fast as possible

to head to the grand line. But before leaving for the grand line, he

needed to head to the north blue. Rein wanted to recruit a certain doctor

there to be in his crew before doing anything else.

Rein most definitely needed a navigator in his crew and all he could

think about was Nami or Laffitte. Navigators weren't something you

could easily find on a whim, but Rein knew two that he could choose


"Hehe, sorry, Luffy but it looks like I'll have to snag your navigator!" Rein

didn't regret this decision but Nami was quite the talent he wouldn't

mind in his crew. As he was thinking to himself, a knock could be heard

at the door.

"Come in!" Rein said

Erica walked in with a new set of clothes. She wore a black and gold

Chinese dress but she had pants underneath the dress like chi-chi from

Dragonball Z as she wore boots as well. "Wow, not bad, you have a better

style sense than I thought." Rein scanned Erica's new clothes and

approved. She had bought these clothes back in Bulwark City.

Erica blushed hearing Rein compliment, it was something he rarely said

"We are ready to leave now, Kuina is currently talking to her father. She

doesn't have any clothes she can fit so we may have to buy some back in

Bulwark City when we return." Rein nodded and stood up to leave.

Moments later, they were in front of Koushirou's residence, they opened

the door and just walked in. Rein and Erica could see both Kourshiro and

Kuina talking to each other in the hallway. Kuina would wear the mask

she got from Rein when she was outside, so no one could recognize her.

What would people think if they saw Kuina who was supposed to be

dead, actually alive?

Koushirou and Kuina easily notice the two coming through the door.

"Rein, it looks like you guys are ready to go already. Please take good

care of my daughter, I hope that one day she would stand tall as the best

swordsman in the world." Koushirou patted Kuina's shoulder and smiled,

he was smiling more these days with his daughter being revived.

"Of course, she will be the greatest before you know it, just keep an eye

on those newspapers, hehe!" Rein smiled knowingly, sooner or later she

would have a bounty and would surely appear in the newspaper.

"Oh, I'll be sure to keep a lookout for anything new." Koushirou nodded

with a smirk and pushed Kuina forward. "Go now, you'll have to live up

to your promise to Zoro, you've missed out but it's time for you to make

up for it." Kuina looked at her father again and hugged him before going

over to Rein and Erica.

"Father, just you wait and see, I'll be the best there is!" Erica grabbed

Kuina's hand and walked out of the door. Rein gave a respectful bow to

Koushirou and walked out of the residence.

"Sigh, the best swordsman, huh? I hope you really fulfill your dream one

day, I sure hope so." Koushiro sighed and walked back into his room.

Rein and company had already left the gate at this point and were

heading back to their docking place. Rein had to fly back during the

week's time to store his ship back into his system and fly back to the


Rein didn't plan to give Kuina any Devil Fruit power as that would defeat

the purpose of her being the greatest swordsman. Rein didn't mind

having a crew filled with Devil Fruit users but he wanted to at least have

two Non-Devil Fruit users in his crew, maybe even three.

If a swordsman wanted to become a devil fruit user then a Zoan type

would be the best option for them. After walking on the path for a while,

they came across the shore they initially came from. It wasn't the exact

spot but it was close enough.

Rein materialized his ship and it slammed into the sea upon its


"What the..." Kuina was speechless, a ship just appeared out of nowhere!

"Pfft, haha, I'll explain a little bit about that later to you." Erica patted

Kuina's shoulder while laughing at Kuina's strange facial expression. The

group boarded the ship and sailed off into the distance.

"Erica, make sure you read the map right this time, I don't want to end up

somewhere else again!" Rein stared at Erica who was scratching her head

with a weird smile on her face. It was okay for Rein since it landed him a

new crew member but still...

"This time, be sure to take us to Conomi Islands and not somewhere

crazy, I wanna say, a marine base." Rein looked at Erica and held his

laughter in seeing her embarrassed expression.

"What? Erica can't read maps!" Kuina looked at Erica and patted her

back. "Don't worry sis, I'll be sure to help you understand a bit." Kuina

smiled and they both walked to the front of the ship holding the map.

They sailed off and left the front of the ship earlier since she wanted to

look at her home one last time.

Rein sat on the deck of the ship at a table and took out a map he had

stolen from Cutthroat. Rein noticed that this map was special, not only

did it show him the location of the island, it showed a map of the island.

This map was on the back of the map, it was marked in several places.

Rein believed this was some sort of treasure map that Cutthroat

fortunately got his hands on.

"Hmm, these are ruins on the island, there are strange icons on this thing,

it must be something in these locations." Rein saw a Goat, Snake, and

Lion icon in each of these positions. He saw a special place that had been

marked on the island with an X.

"This must be where all the treasure is located, looked like I hit a gold

mine from robbing Cutthroat!" Rein never knew that robbing idiots

would benefit him so much. Rein turned the map back over and noticed

where the island was located.

"Really now, it's located near the calm belt, it's a good thing it isn't on the

calm belt or else." The calm belt had sea Kings and a sea that didn't

move. This was the calm belt that ships couldn't get through unless they

wanted to fight some Sea kings. They would also need propellers to make

it through since the sea and wind didn't flow here.

Once Rein was done checking out the map, he put it away. Afterward, he

pulled out some more bounty posters. It wasn't like he was going to hunt

anyone here. Rein just liked looking at the poster because he found it

interesting looking at different pirates he never saw in the series.

Many things changed due to the time crystal he used those years ago, it

had warped a lot of things. Technically, Arlong had the highest bounty in

the east blue but there were people with higher bounties than him. Erica

had hunted a pirate who had higher bounty than Arlong back in Shipford

City, so Rein knew that a lot had changed.

"There may be a few unexpected events that may occur that shouldn't be

in the canon at all." Rein noticed that he found Devil Fruits a bit easier

than the usual percentage ratio they would be found in the east blue or

maybe the other seas as well.

Rein continued to skim through the bounty poster until he stopped at one

of the posters and smiled. "Well, it looks like you haven't either fought

Whitebeard yet or he caught you and you have yet to officially join him."

That's right, the bounty poster he was looking at was Portgas D. Ace's.

However, after looking at his Beli count, Rein already confirmed that he

made a name for himself in Whitebeard's crew as a Division Commander.

So what he thought before was invalid and wrong.

550,000,000 Million Beli!

"Aye Erica, come look at this, you'll be amazed!" Rein called out to Erica

who was happily talking to Kuina at the front of the ship. Erica turned

around after hearing Rein calls, he was waving his hand toward her.

"Huh! What is it, did something happen?" Erica walked over and asked.

She noticed that Rein had a habit of looking through bounty posters. He

had a lot of them, there were even stacks from all the blues including

pirates from Paradise.

"Hehe, take a look at this, you'll be amazed!" Rein handed the poster to

Erica. She looked at the berries and the photo with complete shock!

"It's Ace! His bounty is so high, they call him by his full name as well!"

Erica was elated seeing Ace reach such a level in the pirate world. "Hmm,

what is that fire on his back in his photo, is he alright?" Erica noticed

that Ace had some fire on his arm inside of his bounty poster and


"No worries, that his Devil Fruit ability, it is similar to yours being logia

type devil fruit." Erica smiled and clenched the poster.

"That's great, he has such a good ability, he was already so strong

without proper training when we were kids. If he was to train he would

surely get really powerful but now that he has such a good ability it is

even more so." Erica was glad to see that Ace had improved and how

fortunate he was to get such a powerful devil fruit.

Rein recalled how Ace got his ability, he would end up shipwrecked on

an island called sixes where he would meet a man named masked juice.

Both were starving but Ace found the Flare-Flare, they didn't know it was

a Devil Fruit. Ace took a piece of the fruit first while masked juice took a

piece second. Since Ace was the first to eat it, he obtained the power of

the fruit.

They escaped the island with Ace's boat known as the striker. He would

later create his pirate crew known as the Spade Pirates. "Yes, it is good, if

he got anything bad, I would be sure to help him with that." Rein nodded

but soon, Kuina came over.

"Guys, we have company, there is a Marine ship approaching our ship!"

Kuina ran over and said in a hurry. Rein and Erica walked to the front of

the ship and there it was, it was a marine ship. Rein had pretty good

eyesight and saw that it was a typical marine ship with not real

threatening figures on board.

"Ignore them, they shouldn't mess with us since we aren't officially a

pirate group yet." Rein wasn't worried even if the marine wanted to

attack, he would simply wreck them. He wanted to have a crew of 5

members before officially starting his crew.

Kuina and Erica did just that and the marine ship passed them by without

making a fuss. Kuina breathed a sigh of relief and took a seat at a nearby

table. These tables were actually nailed to the ship so they couldn't be

casually moved.

"Full speed ahead to Conomi Islands, let's go!" Rein pointed out to the sea

and said.

"We're going to Conomi Islands? What are we going to do there?" Kuina


"Well, as you know we're acting as bounty hunters for the time being

until I get two more crewmates. So, we're going to Conomi Islands to

hunt the pirates who have been terrorizing the people there." Rein took a

seat across from her.

"I see, this means I'll get to test my swordsmanship on them!" Kuina

looked spirited, her face looked serious.

Hearing swordsmanship, Rein thought about that ability, his family

usually used their fist to fight so why was he using a sword to do his

work for him? "Hmm, I could just get a refund on swordsmanship and

upgrade my other abilities." Rein wondered if he should. He could just

use the sword creation to make another sword for Kuina who used a

double sword style anyway.

"We'll wait and see." Rein also had enough system points to buy the other

Devil Fruit he wanted but wanted to wait until he had more system

points to purchase it. What if he needed to use his system points if an

unforeseen event occurred that was dangerous for him?

Kuina stood back up. "Erica, can you put that weight outfit on me, I want

to train some more here on the deck!" Kuina sought power and wanted to

train again after hearing about the pirates on Conomi Islands.

"Of course, I'll give it to you now." Erica had been given a storage ring

the time she changed her devil fruit to the flare-flare fruit. She put all of

the stuff that she initially had in her body into the ring. She took out the

equipment and proceeded to help Kuina put it on. She liked her

determination to get strong the most.

Erica had been training Haki but hadn't been able to get it down at all,

she had no success so far. This made sense, Haki took more time to learn

and even master. If one was especially talented then it would take 6

months tops. However, Rein had a system so he could speed their

teaching up much faster. This was why he had no problem with building

his crew from the ground up. He could help them learn it faster, but it

was up to them to train it.

"Okay, I'm going to my room to exercise a bit, make sure you look at the

map correctly. Kuina, keep an eye on her, she has a strange habit of

reading the map upside down." Kuina held her laugh in and looked Erica

who had puffed out her cheeks.

Rein then returned to his room silently.

Conomi Islands!

The group continued their journey through the sea unbothered by all

forces, it wasn't that they were scared, it was just that they didn't run into

anyone which was good for them. Conomi Islands could be seen in the

distance. At this point, Kuina had gone to take a nap after her intense

training on the deck.

Rein was in his room meditating, he was using observation Haki most of

the time to hold his perception. Rein wanted to train this ability more

because he knew that he would become a heavy armament Haki user in

the future. This was especially so because of the fruit he was eventually

going to steal for himself. He already had two fruits that were fused, he

wanted to get one that could control the weather as well, all weather!

The other Devil Fruit he wanted was just as powerful, it was another

environmental changing fruit. Anyway, Rein was alarmed about their

approach to the island. "Rein, I see someone on the sea in a boat alone, I

can't really see the person but I bet you could." Erica opened the door

without knocking and hurriedly spoke to Rein.

Rein nodded quickly and left the room towards the deck with Erica. Once

they were on the deck, Erica pointed in the direction of the boat. With

Rein's good eyesight, he honed in on the boat fast.

"Ha! Take our ship towards that direction, it's who we're looking for

anyway." Erica took the helm and steered it towards what was to her, an

unknown person. Rein could visibly see the damage to the ship from the

attack of cutthroat pirates that was still present.

"Gonna really need to get some Adams wood, maybe Logue Town has

some." This ship was probably not all that durable, it would probably be

a problem when he went to enter Reverse Mountain. Before they knew it,

they had drawn close to the person on the boat.

This was obviously Nami who was looking at a map of some sort. She

was really concentrating, so she didn't notice the ship closing in on her at

first. Nami turned around and saw the ship upon her. She was shocked

and fell on her butt in the boat.

"Ah!" Nami screamed in panic seeing the ship nearly slam into her boat.

"Oh, we didn't see you there, is this Conomi Islands?" Rein suddenly

looked over and down towards Nami. It was the real thing from the

show, he was secretly surprised.

Nami's glared at Rein then smiled "Yes, this is Conomi Islands, what

would you be coming here for?" Hearing what Nami said, Rein knew she

was a little thief and was probably plotting on stealing his ship and his


"Oh, I'm a bounty hunter, we came here to hunt Arlong and his

crewmembers! My success rate is a one hundred percent catch rate, he's

doomed today." Nami's eyes grew wide from hearing Rein's

straightforward statement.

"Y-You want to catch Arlong? Impossible!" Nami didn't know if she

should be happy or scared for these guys, were they trying to die? She

was also wondering how could a bounty hunter know about this, wasn't

this information covered up?

"Impossible? I've caught people tougher than Arlong, he isn't anything

special. Take me to your village and we can talk this over or would you

rather talk about it up here. I know that you're a thief so don't try to steal


"Uh.." Nami stood up and looked toward Rein and back at her island.


"Ah!" Hearing what she said, Erica jumped on to the boat and picked

Nami up in a princess carry and leaped back onto the ship. Nami yelled

in fear of being picked up so suddenly, and it was by some woman with

ridiculous strength!

"W-What?" Erica put Nami down with a grin, Nami was still shocked with

Erica's strength, maybe they could... No, Impossible!

"Erica, steer the ship near the shore, let's board this island!" Rein said,

"Nami, you can have a seat you Scaredy cat, no one's going to hurt you,

hahaha!" Rein looked Nami and laughed in a somewhat ridiculing matter.

"S-Scaredy cat, who's the Scaredy cat, did you see her unbelievable

strength!?" Nami pointed to Rein then Erica. She was a bit surprised he

knew her name but she had a bounty on her head as well so it made


"Yeah, she benches trees to get that strong, you should have seen it! That

is why she is on my squad and also why she and I will become pirates

soon!" After listening to Rein's last bit of words, her face changed greatly.

"P-Pirates! Pirates are all no good, why would you want to become a

pirate?" Nami looked at Rein like he was dumb, a pirate, she robbed

pirates every chance she got.

"Oh, I guess it depends on the pirates I guess. Only weak trash pirates

with no real dreams would torment weak villagers who mind their


"That's crazy, pirates all do so many vile things that it's disgusting!" Nami

didn't believe any of it.

"Really, then why have the marines been so unaware of the condition of

this place? Do you think a pirate like that could just run amuck without

being discovered? You know it yourself, stop hiding what you know and

say it."

"...." Nami was silent.

"Yes, there should be a corrupted marine stationed here. He is colluding

with Arlong, and all the money you earn is going to him to keep silent

about what is going on here. Arlong will never free you, you'll be a slave

for him forever and ever!"

Nami actually slammed her fist onto the table when Rein was done

speaking and stood up. She had her head down so no one could see her

expression but you could hear her low whimpers. How could he know all

of this when the government and even nobles didn't know, how?

"Okay, relax, I just had to say the truth, it even seems like you want to

cover up the truth yourself." Right as he was done, the ship stopped near

the shore of the island. Rein looked over at Erica and she nodded

indicating that they were here.

"I don't want to but what can I do, I have to listen or he'll..." She didn't

want to finish but Rein already knew what would happen. He would get

this over with fast, so he could leave to the Loguetown and towards the

North Blue. He still needed to head to Myriad Island but he had to go

back to Castleford Island before that.

"Okay, Nami, lead the way to your village, I'm starving!" Rein was pretty

hungry right now so he was in a rush to eat something.

"I-I don't know, this doesn't seem to be a good idea." Nami wasn't feeling

good about this, if she were to betray Arlong and his pirate crew, she and

her village would be done!

"You've been scared for so long that you've become a puppet on a string,

it's a good thing you met me, so take me over." Rein said nonchalantly,

Nami looked deeply at Rein then shook her head and just led the way.

Castleford Island

"You guys still haven't caught this guy yet!? Are the Marines so

incompetent that they can't catch one guy!?" Marth hollered in rage, he

didn't expect the marines would have so much trouble catching a lowly

bounty hunter.

"Y-Young Master Marth, this bounty hunter is different, he has already

shot six marines dead already! They thought he was only good at

shooting, so they decided to engage him in close combat and were still

defeated!" The Battle Butler tried to explain that this guy wasn't so simple

to catch but Marth didn't care.

"Tell those damn marines to step their game up or else! We put a bounty

on his head and he even has his own wanted poster now, why isn't

anyone hunting him!?" Marth found that the bounty hunters in town

didn't go looking for Vindicate for trouble and actually did everything

they could to stay away.

"Hehe, well, he sort of has a reputation there and most don't want to go

looking for him." The butler wiped the sweat off his forehead and said.

Marth sneered "He is a criminal now, his bounty is 12 Million belies, he

won't escape with that much!" Marth said coldly, "Where is my dad, why

hasn't he come home yet?"

"He has found a business partner and they met in Logue Town so he

won't be back for some time."

"Hmm, what about the two who were working with this Vindicate guy,

where are they at this time?" No one heard any news on Rein or Erica for

a while now, he was starting to worry. At this time and place, he had a

special fruit that could grant powers being delivered to him but it was

gone. They couldn't put a bounty on them until they got a good picture of


"We don't know but they should turn back up because they still have a

hotel booked here. I heard they went out to sea to catch pirates before

coming back here." The butler assured Marth that they may be back.

"Good! Tell them to up their manpower to catch this Vindicate guy, he's

slippery but he can't keep slipping away for long! hehuehue!"

"Well, we heard that his village was attacked by pirates, thus he became

a pirate hunter because of it." The butler spoke on the spur of the

moment but suddenly, Marth had a plan.

"Really now, some of the kids in that village that we massacred survived,

right? If this is the case, let's lure him in with that, he seems like a caring

person, we should be able to lure him in by torturing those little kids we

acquired from that village!" Marth sat up and smiled, this was another

perfect plan he came up with.

"Young master is wise, we'll do just that!" The butler knew what had to

be done and left in a hurry.

"Hehuehue!" Marth laughed to himself believing himself to be the

greatest genius on this planet.

Cocoyasi Village

Rein and Erica are currently inside Nami's house. Nojiko is over the

kitchen stove making something to eat, it is chicken, rice, and vegetables.

"Oh man, that smells good, I can't wait to see how it taste!" Rein's eyes

were locked onto the food Nojiko was making, it smelled so good. "Damn,

maybe I should skip Karmen and get Nojiko as my chef!" Rein

contemplated but he had to test the food first.

Nami's eyes twitched seeing Rein's intoxicated expression, his eyes were

full of stars as his focus was on where Nojiko was. Rein's appetite had

increased when he came to this world for unknown reasons, he usually

ate lightly such as hot pockets which were enough for him. But when he

got here it all changed.

"Erica was it, is this guy always like this?" Nami couldn't help but ask.

Erica smiled and nodded towards her question. Nami could only think to

herself: Can this guy really fight and defeat Arlong, it seems to be


The food was finally done and Nojiko brought the food over. "I hope our

guests can enjoy the food I've prepared!" Rein nodded and grabbed a

chicken leg and started eating right away.

Nojiko also took a seat at the table to eat with everyone as well. "So, Rein

was it, can you really beat Arlong like you said, this village has been

under his control for so long now." Yes, she remembered when he first

came, it was like hell was descending onto her village.

"Oh my god! This chicken is amazing and well seasoned!" Rein took

Nojiko's hands "Goddess of cooking Nojiko, please join my crew!" Rein

bluntly said happily

"W-What?" Nojiko was stunned

"Don't just ask people to join you on a whim!" Nami screamed and

wanted to Bonk Rein over the head.

"Oh, yeah, that's true, I better think about this first." Rein said, "I thought

about it, she should join!"

"Screw off!"

Everyone continued to eat, Rein demonstrated his power by summoning

a fireball in his hand and freezing the floor. Nami and Nojiko were

shocked, how can people have power like this, was he a magician?

"So, now do you believe that Alrlong is done for?" Rein smiled with

grease around his mouth. Nojiko chuckled while Nami's forehead had

black lines forming on it. Erica grabbed a napkin and wiped Rein's mouth

with a smile.

"Well, it does seem like you can do it but..." She still had some doubts, to

her, Arlong was like an unsurmountable mountain that couldn't be

defeated. Nami looked up at Rein and he wasn't there anymore.

"Huh! Where did he go?" Nami and Nojiko looked around, he was in their


"No many soft drinks in here to drink." Rein looked through the fridge for

something to wash down the chicken and rice.

"Don't just go through someone else's fridges!"

Moments later, Rein had a bump on his head. "Wow, so aggressive, calm

down why Dontcha, I've had enough beatings in my day." Rein had

always been bonked over the head by Garp so this didn't hurt him. He

was not in his Logia form when he was nailed over the head.

Nami sighed and took a seat, Nojiko had a strange smile on her face,

while Erica just continued to eat silently. She knew Rein was setting the

mood for something else but was unsure as to what it was.

"Well, how about you introduce me to Arlong, so I can get this over with!

I'll probably have to handle Nezumi as well." Rein didn't care at this

point, it looked like he would become a pirate sooner than he thought,

which he should have expected.

"T-This.." Nami took a deep breath, "Okay, but you might die if you fight

Arlong, are you sure you want to do this?" Nami questioned Rein in

hopes that he would give up and not risk his life over this bounty job.

"Time is money and money is time, I think you know a thing or two

about that. Where there is money there is me to take it, hahaha!" Rein

couldn't wait to rob Alrong's park, there had to be some treasure in there.

Nojiko looked at Nami "Hmm, he sounds just like you, you two are a

greedy bunch!" Hearing Nojiko fire shots at her, Nami was a bit upset.

"Hmph! I don't like money all that much!" Nami said. Rein looked at her

and pulled out 10 million berries.

"Ah! All that Money!!!" Nami's eyes were filled with greed seeing some

many golden coins and money notes. Rein absorbed the money back into

his storage and looked at Nami with disdain!

"Pfft!" Nojiko broke out into laughter and pointed at Nami's face. Her

facial expression was changing into many colorations: green, white, red,

and blue!

"Alrighty then, let's go, I hope you're really as strong as you seem or else."

Nami had been tricked so she was a little mad but she didn't care, she

liked money and she would shamelessly admit that to anyone.

They left the house but before that, Rein turned to Nojiko. "Think it over,

your skills are amazing and I would love to have a chef like you on the

team." Nojiko was speechless and didn't answer nor did Rein wait for her

answer, he just left.


Nojiko might be the cook instead of Karmen. Sorry peeps Happy

Reading as always! :D

Game Of Survival!

Nami, Erica, and Rein began to walk through Cocoyasi village. Rein had

to admit that this village was the most beautiful village he had ever seen

before since coming to the one-piece world. Rein remembered his

appearance, it was likely that after this, he would garner attention. He

didn't have a mask on and needed a cover quickly. Kuina was still back

on the ship and had his mask with her.

"Hey, hold up for just a sec, you guys wait here, I'll be back." Rein didn't

give them time to ask and disappeared with Soru.

"Gasp!" Nami gasped and looked around for him but he was nowhere to

be found.

"He'll be back, don't worry!" Erica didn't think much of it and just gave

Nami reassurance. In some unknown place, Rein looked at his system for

some good clothing to wear. He mainly wanted something that could

hide his face and his whole body.

"Hmm, let's see, clothes of all sorts are cheap so it shouldn't be a

problem." Rein clicked the Miscellaneous title, he clicked the clothing

title and several clothing lines from many games popped up.

⭑League of Legend

⭑Gears Of War


⭑Apex Legends

⭑Dota 2


⭑Mortal Kombat

Author note: You cant get their abilities but their clothes, so relax, it's

still OnePiece

"What clothes should I wear?" Rein thought for a second and clicked

League of Legend. "This best clothes to hide my face, what champion's

clothing scheme do I want?" After looking for a bit, he decided to buy

Zed's outfit, it was the Master of Shadow! There was even yu-gi-oh

monsters you could dress up as, like Dark Magician and BlackLuster

soldier as well, just wow!

They didn't cost much, they only cost him 500 System Points to purchase.

Once he bought them, he put them on right away. "Good, this is actually

really comfortable and cozy, this will do for now."

Moments later, Rein appeared back where Nami and Erica were waiting.

Once they saw Rein, both of them were surprised. Erica stared for a long

time, it was a cool ninja outfit, she had heard legends about ninjas but

have never actually seen them.

"Why do you need to wear such an extreme outfit?" Nami wondered why

he would change his clothing so suddenly.

"For reasons, you'll find out later." Rein didn't find a need to tell her

anything about Luffy but Erica already knew his reason for wearing these

types of clothes. If he showed his face in public as a pirate it could cause

trouble for Luffy. Garp would catch on quick and rush to their home

island where Luffy was, he may even prevent him from setting sail a year

later and Rein couldn't have that.

"Sigh, whatever, let's get going, remember I warned you." Nami shook her

head and led the way for the two.

Arlong park was some way away like it was pretty far away from their

actual village. Arlong Park was located off the coast of the island. There

were steel gates to the park that blocked any trespasser from getting in.

Once they were there, Rein had an idea. If things got bad for Arlong's

crew, then they would just jump into the water and run away. "Okay,

Nami and Erica, you both stand back, let me handle this for a bit." Nami

and Erica didn't see anything wrong with that, if Rein remembered

correctly, Nami would backstab them if things went south like she did


Rein walked up to Erica and told her to keep her Logia form on just in

case. Nami would do anything to protect her village, even if she had to

stab someone. Once Rein was close enough, he jumped onto the building

at the very top.

He could hear a conversation going on inside. "Checheche! How much

money did we make this month chew?" One of the Fishman laughed with


"Haha, I don't know yet, we have yet to count the earnings, I hope

everyone paid up or else!" Chew long lips spewed spit everywhere.

"Shahahaha! It should be nearly 3 million berries, if she is even missing

one beli, I'll double it up!" At that moment Arlong spoke up, he was

sitting in his indoor swimming pool with a relaxed expression.

Rein poured and flooded the room with Nitrogen, it was a clear gas that

no one could see. Those with a decent level of observation Haki would

catch on to this trick but these fishmen could clearly not. Everyone in the

room started to faint, no one would notice that they were under attack by

this gas, it was like a silent killer.

Soon, everyone fainted from the unforeseen gas. Rein gathered all the

fishmen up and took them outside. Nami was stricken with shock like

never before, he had defeated the Arlong pirates without lifting a finger!

Nami was dumbfounded throughout the entire process. Erica put the

pirates together outside the park. Rein moved near the water and

released some clear liquid from his body into the water that began to

freeze it over. In a flash, the whole area of the sea and Arlong park itself

was covered in ice from the liquid nitrogen he released. He could heat

the nitrogen up or bring it down to freezing temperatures.

Nami couldn't say anything looking at Arlong park, her eyes stayed wide,

she was too speechless to talk but she was secretly so happy that she was

shaking slightly but she tried to hide it. "Put them on the ice for me, you

don't need to tie them up." Rein said casually

"W-What? If you don't tie them up, they may attack you!" Nami finally

came out of her stupor after hearing Rein's words. Erica did just that and

put them on the ice near Arlong park.

"Nami, watch and learn." Erica shot a fireball into the sky that exploded

like fireworks! The fishmen were startled and began to wake up after the

booming sound went off.

"What the hell, why is my ass so cold?" Kuroobi looked around with a

confused expression.

"Shit, I was in my pool not too long ago, why am I on Ice!?" Arlong was

angry and stood up quick, this included everyone else. Who dares to play

tricks on them? They all looked around and noticed that they were

outside. They also noticed some humans standing nearby, they were on

land while they were sitting on ice.

"Humans from the village? Was this your doing!?" Arlong looked at Rein

and Erica but he soon noticed Nami behind them and he smiled

sinisterly. "Nami, what is going on here, you better explain or else, hehe!"

"I-I.." Before she could finish, she was interrupted by Rein.

"We are going to play a little game! It called Race For Survival! The first

rule, if you leave the ice and go onto land, you die! The second rule, you

must walk or run on the ice to the water without tripping, if you fall you

die! The third and most important rule, if you attack either of us, you


"What an arrogant human! I'll have to put you in your place you inferior

thing!" Kaneshiro couldn't believe what he was hearing, this human was

committing suicide! He attacked in a flash, he rushed towards Rein with

the clear intent to kill.

Rein flicked his thumb and Suddenly, Kaneshiro was consumed by fire!

"AHHH!" He screamed like a madman and fell to the ground and started

rolling in stop drop style. Sadly, it wasn't enough, too bad the water was

frozen then maybe he could have survived but nope.

"Kaneshiro!" Hatchan called out in grief but Kaneshiro was already fried

fish! Arlong and the rest of his crew facial expression changed

dramatically, Arlong recognized that this was a Devil Fruit ability to

control fire, then who froze the water? It must be the other one!

"Now then, what do you say, do you want to break the rules again and

die? Just let me know, I can punish you right now." Nami looked at the

dead Kaneshiro in silence, he was killed in a single hit, she couldn't

understand how a human could shoot fire.

"Pisaro and Take, get him!" Arlong ordered, and they attacked together

without question, they moved fast on their assault but this was way too

slow for Rein. Take punched toward Rein, it was toward his head!

Rein reached out and grabbed Take's hand and crushed it!


"Pssh!" Blood and bones flew everywhere from his hand, however, Rein

was being attacked from the side by Pisaro. To slow, he was kicked in the

face by the full force of Rein, as nasty as this sounds. His head was

removed from his shoulders in a messy scene that would scare anyone!

Erica flinched and held her mouth, they had just got done eating and

they were witnessing this!

Nami wasn't so lucky though and stepped back, then.... "Blarg!!"

She vomited the food she had just eaten some time ago. Rein had never

resorted to killing an enemy unless he had to, but this was one of those


"GASP!!" Arlong and his crew were shocked and took several steps back.

Take was on his knees holding his crushed hand. He had tears in his eyes

from the pain.

"W-wait don't kill m.." Before he could finish, his head was removed from

his shoulders by a weapon Rein had formed, dead to the point where he

couldn't die anymore!

"Does anyone else want to break the rules, step up now." Nami was

breathing hard from the bloody scene but felt joy for some reason, yes,

she was quite happy with this result!

"........" No one

"Alrighty then, if you look into the distance you'll see the sea, you'll go

one at a time to make it to the sea. Remember, if you fall, hehe, it's game

over for good!" Rein grinned coldly and said, "Aw, don't look at me like

that, don't you guys like to play games, it'll be fun!"

"Okay, the first up is the pink guy with squiggly lines on his forehead,

what was your name, hmm, ah yes, it was Shioyaki!" Rein pointed out

the most scared-looking fishman to go first. Erica pulled out some chairs

from her storage ring and sat them down for Nami and Rein to watch the


Nami had beads of sweat on her forehead, where did these chairs come


"Damn bastard, he's using us as entertainment!" Chew whispered under

his breath, he was furious and so was Arlong. His crew was nearly wiped

out by some random human asshole who wore ninja armor!

Shioyaki braced himself and began to walk on the ice slowly. He had

some ways to go before reaching the water. If he fell then he would die

without a proper burial from Rein. "Yawn, move it or I'll break your legs

and throw you to the wolves I saw in the forest. I'm sure they would love

fresh salmon, haha!" Shioyaki was actually a type of salmon fishman and

would surely be tasty for the wolves.

"AH!!" Shioyaki almost slipped from the frightening words of Rein.

Arlong had the urge to kill someone right now, he was so mad that he

was tightening his fist until blood was drawn. He looked over towards

Rein's table where they were eating sundaes! Arlong glared harshly at

Nami who put her head down to avoid looking him in the eye.

Shioyaki continued to walk slowly, he was almost close, he suddenly felt

a wave of happiness wash over him, suddenly...

"Oh, no, I slipped, arg!" Rein stood up and felt to the ground. He used

Armament Haki and shook the area with his fall.

"AH!" Shioyak slipped and fell! Everyone looked at Rein in complete

shock, how much did he weigh, how could he shake the ground!? Even

Erica was stunned, how could he have so much weight in his fall?

"Oh, no, Shioyaki, it looked like you fell! Sniff sniff, I am sorry but I

didn't want to do this but.... DIE!" Suddenly, the area around Shioyaki

changed, no one could see the change but Rein knew what was going on.

The air around him disappeared, Rein had set up a cloud of nitrogen in

the sky of this area and it would crash down upon his authority. Fish

needed oxygen as well, so he couldn't hold it in and fainted on the spot.

"Next is Kuroobi and the big lips guy!" Rein was referring to chew who

had lips that looked like they were good sucking... Anyway, he was next!

"W-What, I thought you said one at a time?" Chew had a panic

expression, he knew Rein's power and couldn't challenge it. he was

ashamed that he couldn't beat some lowly human, how pitiful.

"Two is faster, get to Steppin or I'll get to Killin!" Rein wanted to eat ice

cream but had a helmet on, he would eat some later.

"EH!" Kuroobi and chew looked at each other and started walking on the

ice. They could see Shioyaki up ahead who had a pale expression on his

face, he was a corpse at this point. All the oxygen around him was

stripped away and he suffocated! Of course, they didn't know that was

the case so they were scared that they could be killed out of nowhere.

Rein stood up and walked onto the ice, they all looked and stopped in

place, what was he planning? "Don't look at me, you better continue to

reach the water and not slip. I just want to see from a different

perspective, that's all."

Different perspective my ass!

This asshole is scheming something!

They cursed silently seeing Rein walk onto the ice.

Hatchi was scared as well, he stayed silent the whole time after

witnessing one of his being killed off for the first time.

Going forward, they walked onward. Rein's outfit automatically made his

eyes look like they were glowing red all the time, which gave off an

intimidating image of him. Chew and Kuroobi were slowly but surely

drawing to the open water. Arlong stood in place grinding his teeth in

hate, he really wished he could kill Rein in one hit, no, torture him then

make him wish he was dead!

Chew and Kuroobi finally made it to Shioyaki, they looked at his sunken

expression and felt chills. He was super dead at this point. They could

only look forward as they walked towards the sea. Suddenly, the ice

moved upward and stumbled Kuroobi and Chew movements. They

slipped after being tripped by some ice that moved somehow!

"N-Noo!" Rein didn't make a move but Erica did, she jumped into the air.

"Honō no Hashira!" With a yell, a black flame with white light around it

shot out from Erica's palm. The temperature shot up and most of the ice

melted. The two fishmen didn't stand a chance, completely dead! Not a

bit of them was left, the worse death here! A huge pillar of black flame

caused a shockwave that blew the table, Nami, Arlong, and Hatchi away!

Author Note: Honō no Hashira = Pillar Of Flames

Arlong was scared out of his wits, this chick seemed worse than him!

Once the flames dyed down, he froze the ice over again.

"The last two contestants remaining." Rein said bluntly, he walked up to

Hatchan and grabbed him. He threw him far off into the distance as you

could hear a splash sound.

Erica pulled out another table and called Nami over who actually had a

rope around a tree to prevent herself from being blown away. This was

premeditated to happen. Nami couldn't count the number of times she

had experienced shock today, it was too much for her.

"Sorry, one contestant left, hehe! Actually I have a special event for you!"

Rein called Nami over and froze Arlong's body over except his head.

"Uhg, what are you doing to me? You bastard!" Arlong yelled in rage, his

body was frozen with no hope of escape.

"Nami, this has been a long time coming." Rein pulled out a pistol from

his storage and handed it to Nami. "You choose his fate, if you want him

to live or die, you have to choose, not me." Nami took the pistol with

shaky hands, her eyes were wide from surprise, she looked at Rein with a

stunned expression. She was in a dilemma, should she kill him?

"What will it be?"

Angry Mob!

Nami pointed the barrel pistol at Arlong with shaky hands, she had never

killed anyone so she was quite scared. She remembered what this guy

had done to her mom and her Village, she hated him so much for that.

"Haha, are you going to shoot me Nami, do you have to guts to do that!?"

Arlong growled in anger but he was secretly scared and praying that she

didn't shoot him. Rein looked Nami and thought that this might be a little

too much for her. Rein slowly reached over and grabbed the pistol and

pushed it downward, taking it away. Even with all that, she was still

Nami and couldn't go through with it, so he wouldn't force her.

However, at that moment, five marine soldiers suddenly appeared on the

scene. The Marine leading the group had a hoodie over his head with

mouse ears sticking out of it. The man sported the typical marine wear

with whisker coming out of his face.


"What is going on here? Why are you attacking these fishmen out of

nowhere like this, this is a crime!" Nezumi pointed towards Nami and

Rein that were standing next to Arlong who was encased in ice. Nezumi

was the corrupted marine that was behind the scenes covering everything

up that was going on here.

"Ew, it's a corrupted marine who is working with these fishmen to

interrogate the citizen of this village! How could the marines have such

trash, this is an insult to the marines!" Rein spat poisonous words towards

the group of marines the minutes he saw their smug expressions.

"How dare you speak to the marines like that!?" Nezumi was pissed but

calmed down and said "What are you talking about, we just got here

since we heard that some criminal was attacking innocent fishmen for no

reason. We are the marines, we uphold justice for those who can't protect

themselves, hehe!" There was no proof of what he was doing so he wasn't

worried about what this random guy was saying.

"Yes, that's right, they attacked and killed my friends who tried to start a

life here, they're cruel and evil!" Arlong took the time to speak after

hearing what Nezumi said, he felt like he could turn this situation


"Oh, I have proof, I can even show the marines when the time comes."

Rein could watch episodes of one piece from the system for free and

could transfer them over for others to see. He could easily show the

marines what was going on here. When Rein was a kid, he had started to

tell his grandpa Garp to check this island out and to get rid of the pirates

here but held back on that.

"Who do you think you are!? You criminals will die here, proof my ass!"

Right as he finished, the sound of footsteps could be heard. Erica stood

up from her seat and looked behind Nezumi and so did everyone else


"Who? You guys!?" Nezumi looked back and was shocked, it was the

whole Cocoyasi Village! They were being led by Nojiko who had a stiff

frown on her face. Nezumi was speechless, he had come here to get paid

but as he was walking he heard talking and began to sneak over with his

men. He was shocked to see that Arlong Park was frozen and that Arlong

himself had been encased in ice.

"Don't play dumb, we know you're lying fake pieces of sh**! I never could

have imagined that my theory was right all along." Nojiko wasn't stupid,

the villager at some point wondered always why marines never came to

help them.

They hoped every day that they would show up but they never did.

Something strange was going on with that, they weren't stupid. Someone

had caught a glimpse of Nezumi making transactions with Arlong's men

and knew what was going on immediately.

"Little girl! Don't make false accusations, we just came here to..." Nezumi

paused, why was he really here, huh?

"Hoho, you see everyone, look at him, he is a guilty bastard! He is

colluding with Arlong and is probably here to get a piece of the money

we give Arlong every month!" Nojiko riled up the crowd of people and

pointed at Nezumi and his group.

"Motherfucker, give me back my money!"

"You mouse bastard, you corrupted piece of sh**!"

"Let's beat these marines and teach them a lesson and get our money

back, I'm done being a slave for these fuckers!"

The crowd of people was enraged, the force they believed in so much was

actually against them and was helping the enemy extort them! "You fool,

don't go overboard now, I am a marine, you better stop!" The people

were too mad to even listen to his little voice, his voice was drowned out

by the angry voices of the crowd.

Nezumi looked at Rein and Nami with hate, this was especially so for

Rein. He was definitely someone that wasn't from this village. They

ruined his money flow, Rein only waved at Nezumi, then he was

suddenly punched in the face!

"Ah!" He and his men were jumped! They were on the ground being

kicked and punched alike. Suddenly, an old lady came over and kicked

Nezumi in his crotch.

"AHHH!" Nezumi held his McNuggets but kept receiving a beating until

he had two black eyes and missing teeth! Arlong was in awe, he would

stand no chance against this many people alone, was he next to receive a


Eventually, Nezumi and his group of men fainted from the beating and

the crowd stopped their assault.

"Hey, let's go into Arlong Park and take our money back, our days of

suffering will end today!"

Everyone cheered and looked at Rein with gratitude, they all bowed and

rushed to the park by walking on the ice. The old lady was shockingly

the fastest of the group! Erica laughed seeing the granny run so fast, was

she that greedy?

Nojiko was the only one left amongst the people while they all ran

towards the park. They gave Arlong plenty of glares of hate before

rushing to the park. Nojiko slowly walked over to Rein and Nami, who

was spectating the whole time.

"Is it really over, have we been liberated from this evil demon that has

plagued us for nearly a decade?" Nojiko eyes were strangely cold looking

at Arlong, he had caused her sister to suffer and even killed their mother

Bellemere. Looking at her, Rein could tell that if he gave the pistol to her,

she probably wouldn't hesitate to kill the guy.

"It is done, but all we have left is him." Rein didn't look back at Alrong

and just used his thumb to point over his shoulder towards him.

"Nami, I saw you with that pistol earlier, you did the right thing. You

don't have to be.... like him." She was referring to Arlong but Rein was

actually glad she didn't kill Arlong. She was really a good person and

would kill if her village was in danger, which it wasn't anymore, she

knew Arlong was finished.

"I want the bounty for this guy, so I'll turn him in on this island where a

base should be located." Rein Said "Also, tie those corrupted marines up

until the transaction is complete, I don't want any trouble from them

when trying to get my money." Rein knew that once Nezumi got back to

base around here, he would make up some bullshit lie and Rein would

have a bounty on his head. He wanted his money first, then he would let

these sorry marines go.

"You!" Arlong could only grind his teeth in anger. "If you let me go, I can

give you more treasure, I got plenty of it!" Arlong wasn't afraid of the

marines but once he was caught he would be locked up for good without

the ability to escape. He had heard of Impel down and knew it was the

legendary place that no criminal could escape from.

Suddenly, an invisible cloud came over Arlong's head like a bubble and

he fainted after three seconds. "What? What happened to him? He just

fainted out of nowhere!" Nojiko and Nami wanted to give him some

hateful words but he fainted before they could.

"Must be the ice, it's pretty cold so he could have fainted from that." Rein

put up his hand and shrugged. Erica knew very well what had happened

and only smiled.

"Erica, take this guy to the nearby Marine base and get our twenty

million Beli rewards." Erica just got done eating her sundae and walked

over without saying anything. She knew the location of the base so it

wasn't a problem for her. Rein was concerned about his money, he

couldn't let his hunt go to waste.

"Oh, wait, take these guys as well." Suddenly, the cutthroat pirates

appeared out of nowhere, they were tied up with rope. Nami and Nojiko

stepped back in surprise, where did these people come from?

Before they could say anything, or before anyone else could talk,

someone else appeared. "So this is where you guys were, I was walking

all over this place trying to find you guys until some old lady gave me


Kuina, who appeared out of the forest, had her cheeks puffed out in

annoyance. She had been walking around since they were eating at the

Nami and Nojiko's house, now that was quite the amount of time.

"Oh, you're just on time, come and help Erica carry these pirates to the

ship to be turned in for money." Rein waved at Kuina like she was a

savior, Kuina looked at the pirates on the ground who had been tied up

and her lips twitched. She was walking around for what she considered a

long time now. It wasn't like she had a bad sense of direction but she just

couldn't find them until she got directions.


Kuina's stomach began to growl, yes, she was hungry for the longest time

now. "Did you guys just hear a monster just now, are we under attack!?"

Rein teased and yelled out in fake surprise.

"Damnit, Rein, you wanna get beat!?" Kuina blushed and glared at Rein.

"Oh, my, my beautiful sister, let me cook you up something good," Nojiko

smiled and insisted on cooking something for her.

"Really, we have no one who can cook on the ship except Erica but she

barely does it." Kuina was elated to hear Nojiko's request.

"Yeah, after you help Erica with these pirates. I'll even give you some ice

cream, tasty ice cream!" Tasty ice cream? Was there even bad icecream?

Rein hoped that one day he could receive an island creation card so he

could make some parts of his island made out of food like big mom's


That was the dream for sure!

"Damn you, Rein, Humph, whatever." Kuina didn't think about it much

and began to help Erica with the pirates. Erica carried the cutthroat

pirates in stacks, it wasn't hard for her with the strength she had. Kuina

carried Arlong, this was all she could carry. They unthawed the ice and

handcuffed Arlong in some steel handcuffs.

Once they were gone, Nami seemed to have thought of something. "So,

your name is Rein, right?"

"Yep, it is." Rein nodded and said

Nami walked up to Rein and posed in a sexy posture and said. "So, how

about we split those berries, we did work together, you know." Nami's

way of acting had suddenly changed, this was definitely when she heard

20 million berries! She wasn't even aware that Arlong was worth so

much! She was also feeling very relieved that Arlong was no more.

"Uh!" Rein was speechless. Suddenly, Nami was bonked over the head by


"Ouch!" Nami held her head in pain.

"Don't just make advances on people because you hear about money!"

Nojiko scolded. Nami stuck out her tongue in a cute and playful fashion

with a smile. "You two are too greedy, it may cause you both to self-

destruct one day, sigh!" Nojiko could only sigh.

"Well, I'll be leaving soon, and I have a question for both of you. Allow

me to explain, so hear me out."

Rein was making his move!

Plot Armor's Existence!

Both Nami and Nojiko stopped what they were doing and looked at Rein.

"What is it that you want to ask us?" Nami curiously asked.

"Hmm, this isn't the right place to ask, let's head back to your house. We

should celebrate your freedom from that tyrant Arlong." Nami and Nojiko

thought that was a good idea. The group began to walk back, but the

villagers were still raiding the park, one could even see windows being

smashed out. Rein made sure to toss Nezumi and his group into his

storage before leaving to be released at a later time.

Eventually, the group made it back to their home or Nami and Nokijo's

house. None of them were hungry but Nojiko began to cook something

up for Kuina who would be coming back later. "I guess we should

celebrate a bit when everyone is in the village."

"So, Rein, what was it that you want to ask us earlier?" Nami asked again,

she was always curious so she wouldn't forget to ask again.

"Well, first is Nojiko, I was wondering if you would join my pirate crew?"

Rein said, "Hear me out for a bit, I know you want to look over your

mom's tangerine business but if you follow me you can make an even

bigger business."

Nojiko turned around with a bit of surprise, she thought Rein was joking

earlier today when he first asked her that question. Rein knew she was

bent on continuing her mother's business since she died.

"Someone like me being a pirate, I don't know if I can be such a thing.

Would I have to rob people and... kill people to be accepted into the

pirate community?" Nojiko thought that being a pirate was all about

robbing, stealing and many other crazy acts and she was right. But in the

one-piece world, it was more to it than just that, like way more.

"Being a pirate in this world doesn't mean stealing, killing, rape, etc. It's

all about the adventure, you like to cook, don't you Nokijo? Well, have

you heard of the all blue, it's a place where all types of underwater

creatures go, they say it is the source of all tasty aquatic creatures."

Before she could speak, Rein spoke again.

"In the future, you'll have people working for you at your business

instead of having to be present. You can name your shop after your mom

or whatever, do you get what I'm saying? Your cooking is good, so I want

you as my chef, you will also get stronger in time." Rein ranted on and on

to get his point across. Nojiko was stunned hearing his endless rant, it

was very tempting.

"Hmm, then what about my sister, Nami? I'll join but I'm worried about

my sister, what will happen to her?" Nokijo looked at Nami and said with

a worried tone.

"Hehe, there is a different fate for her." Rein looked at Nami "Nami, let's

talk over there for a bit." Nami was just listening at this point and

nodded. Instead, they went outside to talk in front of the house.

"If you're going to ask me to join your crew then I will happily join, I

want to make a map of the whole world!" Nami excitedly said.

"No, that isn't it." Rein shook his head and said.

"What? Why? Do you think I'm not good enough or something?" Nami

didn't look happy, she thought Rein was ditching her.

"Oh, do you want to join me?" Rein was going to leave her for his brother

but honestly, Luffy wouldn't have a reason to come here. In fact, he

wouldn't be able to find this island. The only reason he came here was

Because Nami stole his ship, so Luffy would have never found his way


"Okay, just give me a second." Rein turned around "System, is there a

such thing as plot armor in this world?" The System never helped him by

giving tips about anything or any warning about anything. But it would

answer some of his questions while it ignored most.

[Yes, there is!]

"So it really does exist! So can you tell me some people who have plot

armor?" Some people like Porgas D. Ace had plot armor for a while but

that wore off when he was caught by the marines.

[Luffy, Akainu, Monkey D. Dragon, and anyone who joins Luffy's crew!]

"Damn, do I have some plot armor?" Rein wondered, he was a migrant so

he should have some plot armor, right?


"Haha, nice to know that Luffy is still somewhat the main damn

character, it's whatever though!" He had to be much more careful when

in certain situations or else, he would really die. Rein wondered how

long would Akainu's plot armor last, he would surely have to kill that guy


"How long does Akainu's plot armor last for?"

[It will wear off once he becomes the Fleet Admiral!]

Rein was relieved, so that meant that Luffy would find another navigator

if he takes Nami. He wasn't sure where to find another navigator unless

he went for Laffitte. Rein needed a Doctor and he was thinking about

Law, who seemed to be the best choice.

Nami had her hands on her waist waiting for Rein who was silently

thinking to himself while turned the other way. "I have no problem with

that but you're still a part of Arlong's pirate crew, just look at your arm."

Rein pointed towards the dark blue shark on her arm.

Nami's eyes dilated and she looked deeply and hatefully at the tattoo on

her arm. She clenched her teeth and put her hand over the tattoo. Of

course, Rein was just messing with her, he had some special remover that

he could buy for cheap on the system that could remove the mark.

Suddenly, Nami pulled out a knife and started stabbing her arm with

fierce and tearful eyes.

"What The Heck!? HEY!" Rein grabbed Nami's hand and discarded the

knife. Nami was breathing deeply with bloodshot eyes. It was almost like

a thought from the past had come upon, she forgot about the shark for a

bit but was shocked that she had to live with this thing on her arm.

"Okay, relax, it was just a joke, I can remove the tattoo for you!" Rein

was hoping that she wouldn't repeat what she did in the anime but did so

anyway. Her mood changed so fast, it was completely unexpected, he

was going to say just kidding, I can remove it but....

"I hate pirates, I hate Arlong, I hate them all but," Nami paused with a

sobbing voice. "I saw your crewmates and can tell that they're good

people, I don't mind joining the crew if you would let me," Nami said

with a roughly breathing voice.

"Of course, we'll be like family, all of us can become friends, we have a

long journey ahead of us!" Rein had a system so he might be able to go to

the moon as well or crazy places no one has ever been to, who knows.

"Thanks, me and my sister will do what we can for this new family and

new friends." Rein nodded and gave her some medicine that could heal

her wounds. It would take 2 days to fully heal her wounds so it wouldn't

be instantly.

"We'll set sail tomorrow, so I and my crew will sleep on our ship."

Afterward, they both walked back into the house. Rein was going to

reject her at first but knew she would never join Luffy at this point so he

may as well take her, he came here for her anyway. He didn't expect to

get a chef out of this, this was why he felt he could reject Nami, he had

gained something.

Two hours later, Erica and Kuina came back with ฿35 Million in tow.

They showed the money to Rein to confirm, Nami was shocked seeing so

much money. She wanted to sneak a few Belis into her pocket but was

halted by her sister.

Kuina ate like a beast, she was so hungry from the training and the run

she had to do to the marines' base. Rein held onto Nezumi and his men

until he was ready to go. Nojiko packed herself some clothes and many

other accessories for the next day.

Erica talked to Nojiko about learning martial arts, which she was more

than happy to learn. Nami wasn't so outgoing about learning the ability

to fight. Rein already knew she wasn't a fighter and more of a trickster in

grand theft.

Sadly, Nojiko was simply too weak to learn any Rokushiki and was

definitely not qualified to learn Haki. Rein laughed just thinking we have

some ways to go but all will be well with him around. Rein also made a

great discovery.

He saw that the Water of Life could be sold to the system for 4 million

system points! Rein had thought of using it on Bellemare but that would

be a waste, sad to say. Honestly, it wouldn't benefit him and would

probably hurt him since the two would probably want to stay home with


Erica and Kuina stayed at Nojiko and Nami's house to get to know one

another. Nojiko wanted to know why Rein was wearing a ninja outfit but

didn't ask since it might be related to some secret ninja clan. But she

found out that he wasn't a real ninja at all. However, Rein could use

shadows and become shadows if he wanted to. He could use something

like the infinite Darkness Jutsu from Naruto that would cover a whole

area in darkness.

This move wasn't for attacking but for blinding people since everything

would become dark around them. The user, however, would not be

blinded by the darkness released so they could sneak attack someone in

the darkness or escape, their call.

Erica didn't delve into anything to private about Rein but she said they

grew up together and were like brother and sister.

At this time, Rein was debating whether to sell the Water of Life or not. If

he sold it, Four Million System Points will be in his possession just like

that. With that many points, he could buy any Devil Fruit he wanted

from the system. Even the Rumble-Rumble fruit that cost 3.5 million

could be purchased.

"I'll have to think carefully about this one, this water of life is so

important." What if he failed to save Ace when the time came, then how

could he bring him back? Rein had a lot of thinking to do but he knew

how it would go down so he could easily prevent it when Ace turned to

fight Akainu or just watch Luffy's back when he fell.

"So much has changed, should I risk it and buy it?" Rein thought for a

while and decided to not sell it. Afterward, he fell asleep after checking

out the system for anything new or something he may have missed about


The next day rolled around and Rein got up to stretch, he didn't know the

time but the sun rising gave him an idea of what it could be. Rein was

hungry, so he got off the ship and booked it to Nojiko's house. He

knocked and it was answered by Kuina, once he walked in, everyone was

around the table while Nojiko was cooking something.

Erica and Nami seemed to have become quite close over the night when

they talked. Erica was used to being around nothing but boys so for her

to talk and be surrounded by girls was a good experience for her.

"Jeez, I gotta get some bros in this crew quick!" Rein thought about Law,

he would have to head to that sea later but before that, he needed to

head back to Castleford Island to get some info. Rein went to wash his

hand then took a seat at the table with everyone else. He had his head

down since he was thinking a lot.

Nojiko was making eggs, rice, and some beef. In his last world, the only

thing that could be thought of as breakfast here was eggs. The group

didn't question anything and began to dig in the minute she set the food

on the table. Nojiko put the food in a pile, eggs here, rice there, and beef

over there.

They would have to grab their own and add it to their plates. Everyone

ate and chatted happily, especially Erica. Once everyone was done

eating, Erica and Kuina took Nami to the ship while Nojiko prepared a

few more things.

Nojiko liked make-up, if one were to remember, she wore it a lot in the

show and this time it wasn't an exception. She had a lot to carry so Rein

just put her stuff into his storage ring, she kept the important clothes she

didn't want Rein to see, if you know what I mean, hehe!

Nojiko had a friend take care of everything while she was gone. She told

him that she would grow the business and come back here to turn this

place into a business district in the east blue. Nojiko was probably going

to put it near the coast where Arlong Park was before it was burned


"Once they were on board, Nami took out a compass and map of the east

blue. "Since we are pirates, don't we need to have a name and a jolly

roger?" Nami looked at Rein and asked.

"True, but before that.." Rein jumped off the ship before they could set

sail. He took out Nezumi and his men who were still fainted from their

beating yesterday. They had swollen faces with sausage lips and missing

teeth. Rein smacked Nuzumi but he didn't wake up, so he smacked him

several more times and he finally woke up.

"Ah! Fuck, who hit me!?" Nezumi woke up and hollered, then he recalled

the angry mob of people. But when he looked up, he saw a familiar ninja

bastard he wanted to beat with all his might!

"Do you know what you've gotten yourself into doing this to me?" Rein

didn't say anything and took out a knife which startled Nezumi.

"W-Wa-ait, don't kill me!" Rein threw the knife and it landed on the sand

near Nezumi.

"Cut yourself free, you better hurry, I hear that there are wolves around

here and you guys would make the perfect meal." Rein shook his head

and turned around to leave. Nezumi wanted to curse Rein but he heard

wolves far off in the distance and panicked.

Rein got on the ship and they set sail, their destination was Castleford

city! They didn't know that trouble was already waiting for them.


Happy Reading!! :D

Rising Sun!

Erica told Nami the coordinates to Castleford Island which Nami easily

picked up on. Nami simply steered the ship in the right direction. At this

time, Nojiko and Kuina were debating on how the Jolly roger flag should

look and what they should be called as pirates.

"I think we should be called Sword God pirates!" Kuina nodded and gave

her suggestion.

"We all don't use swords here so a name like that is impossible." Nojiko

wasn't fond of swords, she wasn't fond of weapons in general.

"I think we should make the jolly Roger first and give ourselves a name

afterward." Rein cut in and said.

"Well, how do you think the flag should look then?" Kuina was good at

drawing and so was Nami.

"Hmm.." Rein began to think, how should he make his flag look? "Make

the flag itself black, then give it a cold and hot vibe for a description."

Rein wasn't sure how it should look so he could only give them this much

of what he knew.

"Cold and Hot? Hmm, I think I have an idea on how the flag should

look!" Nojiko's eyes flashed as a smile appeared on her face. "You can

draw, right, Kuina? If so, let's draw it out first, then make the flag, and

eventually the name of the crew." Kuina nodded, this was a good idea.

The two left to a quiet place to begin their work while Erica stood with

Nami. Erica remembered her terrible use of the map and just watched

Nami at work. Rein just sat at the table looking at more bounty pictures,

he wasn't planning on hunting any more people. He just liked looking

through the bounties.

"Nami, you're pretty good with that compass, I'm guessing you're more of

a navigator than anything?" Erica said

Nami nodded "Yes, this is one of the reasons I was recruited by him, he

took a liking to my ability. I did many jobs on the sea like robbing

people, well crimes, that's all I did." Nami sighed, what else could she do,

but she did like money anyway.

"Well, from what I heard there are bigger places to go to and not just this

small east blue. Hehe, we'll still be able to rob pirates and marines if they

have any valuables on them but for now, we'll wait until we become


"Now that sounds like fun, I can't wait." Nami couldn't agree more,

robbing pirates wasn't bad at all, they more than likely stole it in the first

place. Nami and Erica continued to talk about many subjects including

martial arts.

Rein recalled that she used some sort of wand back in the original

continuity. "Maybe I'll just give her a better one if it's on the system or

something." Rein wasn't certain but he'll check it just to be sure, she

needed something to defend herself if no one else could.

"I noticed the damage to the side of the ship, what happened for it to end

up like that?" Nami had noticed this a while back but didn't ask. She had

to know so she asked after holding it in for so long.

"Simple pirate attack, it was the pirate group we turned in back on the

island. You saw them already when they appeared out of nowhere." Erica

jogged Nami's memory about yesterday when those pirates suddenly

appeared in front of them.

"Ah, it was them, so I'm guessing they attacked first, right?"

"Yup," Nami wanted to have it repaired, it was too ugly to look at.

Time passed and they were still talking to each other, but they were

closing in on Castleford Island. The group could finally see the island in

the distance, it was the same as always but there was one change.

"Huh! Why are there marine ships around the island?" Erica used a

spyglass to get a better visual and discovered marine ships.

"Marines?" Rein stood up and walked over to Nami and Erica. Nami

couldn't see anything from afar, she could barely see the island, it looked

like a dot to her.

"Why are there so many of them, did something happen? Marines don't

usually do this type of thing unless it is something big." Rein was a bit

suspicious but didn't mind it since he wasn't an official pirate yet. Also,

Nezumi can't return to base for a bit until he untied himself and got a

new ship since it was destroyed by Erica yesterday.

"Just ignore them and dock near the island, it shouldn't be a problem."

Rein went back to his seat after giving his orders.

Nami kept steering the ship in the same direction, she was eventually

able to see the Marines and the island fully. However, the Marines ship

started to close in on them from ahead. There were a total of three ships

approaching them.

"Sir, that ship, it fits the description we're looking for but the damage to

the size isn't part of the description." A marine soldier used his spyglass

and confirmed that this was the ship they were looking for.

"You idiot, of course the damage wasn't in the description, it must have

just happened on their way here. They're pirate hunters, after all, but

they massacre a whole village which makes them criminals!" Lieutenant

Commander Kled hated pirates the most, if he could get rid of or capture

them, he may get a promotion.

"Lieutenant Commander Kled, Maybe we should call Commander Neegan,

these people aren't something we can deal with." Lieutenant Junior

Richard had heard of the reputation of these bounty hunters. Infernal Fist

Erica and Rain Man, this wasn't a group they could just beat with ease.

"Junior, stop being a wimp, we have the number advantage and we have

tons of weapons, we'll blast them into submission!" Kled Grinned and

picked up a DenDen Mushi and ordered the ships to fire at Rein's ship.



Several cannons were fired at Rein's ship. Nami and Erica were startled

by the bombardment.

"What the heck, are they shooting at us?" Rein looked up in surprise,

what was going on?

"They are sho.."


Nami didn't get to finish when a cannonball hit the side of their ship!

"Ah!" Nami covered her head and moved away swiftly.

"What in the world, we don't even have pirates flag up and they're

attacking us!" Erica didn't understand, they didn't have a flag up, so why?

"Erica, let's blow them out of the water!" Erica nodded after hearing

Rein's blunt statement.

Suddenly they both moved to the very front of the ship. Rein and Erica

raised their hands up into the sky and fire appeared in both their hands,

they were fusing them together.

"Nami, you may wanna step back, hehe!" Nami said right and moved

away quickly.

Black and Orange flames combined to look like a death ball from DBZ!

"Sir, what the hell is that, do you see what I'm seeing!?" Richard was

shocked to the extreme, did they have some sort of hyper cannon on

board? He wasn't using his spyglass so he couldn't see that there were

actually two people making this.

Kled grabbed his Denden Mushi and screamed for his troops to spread

out and retreat. He was sweating bullets, he had never seen a weapon

like this before, it looked to dangerous to be in anyone's hands.


Just like that, the destructive death ball was released! Winds kicked up as

the light from the death ball was blinding. Nami had her mouth open in

awe, her eyes dilated as she remained silent.

"Sweet God, what is that ball of destruction, is it the sun!?"

"Fuck, Abandon Ship!"

Kled wasn't about to take this attack head-on, he wasn't stupid, if that hit

his ship they were toast, literally! The ball of death had already drawn

close at this point.


With a deaf shrieking explosion, the ball hit the middle ship that led the

group of marine ships. The nearby ships were incinerated on the spot,

and those who didn't jump into the water on time were doomed to death.

Nami held on the ship railing, she was going to be blown away by the

wind and shockwaves if she didn't. All that could be seen was a huge

orange and black ball of fire sinking into the ocean. The fireball

detonated and a pillar of fire shot out of the sea. The ships were no more,

there had been people watching from the shore with complete shock.

Their hearts were racing, they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"D-Did you see that!? It was a huge ball of hellfire!"

"Dead! Friggin Dead!" That was all this one guy could say, nothing could

survive that attack according to him.

"The marines were wiped out like they were trash, could it be that they

were waiting for that ship this whole time?" Some middle man sighed,

the marines were up against a powerful foe this time, how could they


"These pirates are getting stronger and stronger by the years, the world is

ending for sure!" A middle-aged woman was sweating profusely as she

spoke. In fact, everyone present was sweating, they could easily feel

several heatwaves from the huge fireball.

Back on the sea, Nami immediately steered the ship towards the dock.

Kuina and Nojiko ran out of their seclusion with strange expressions.

"What in the actual hell was those explosion and shock waves, I hit my

head twice!" Kuina held her head in pain, she was trying to draw the

pirate flag until the ship and the area shook around her and Nojiko.

Nojiko was fortunate and landed on a soft couch but Kuina wasn't so

lucky, her head slammed right through two walls.

Erica began to relay what happened while Rein walked up to Nami. "Did

you see that? People can use powerful abilities like that, I think it would

be wise to learn to be that strong, what do you think?" Rein wanted Nami

to train and be different from how she originally turned out to be.

Change was good but only Nojiko showed great interest in martial arts.

"That was crazy? Is it even possible for me to ever do anything like that?"

Nami was speechless and didn't ask them about what they had just done.

She realized that there were forces that she couldn't cope with if she

didn't get strong.

"Yes, I want to train now if I can get power like what you just showed

me!" Nami agreed instantly. When she was with Luffy she didn't know

much about these things until much later. But at that point, it was

already too late to train, there was no time for it as they continued their


She was the navigator and had to be at work all the time, this was

definitely so for Luffy and the crew's terrible sense of direction. When

could she find the time to train? She just left it to Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy

to do the fighting for her.

"Haha Perfect! You won't regret your decision." Rein patted her on the

back and laughed. Soon, they were docked at the shore. Rein wasn't

worried about a superior threat in the east blue but they could still

destroy his ship if he left it around.

"Erica, you stay here and guard the ship. Kuina, you come with me, we

need to get some information on the island known as Myriad Island and

why is it that there are so many marines around." No one would

recognize him with this armor on, but he liked it like that. Rein was

cautious, what if the marines were really after him when they attacked.

They would recognize Erica if she came with him, but in his new suit,

they wouldn't know anything.

"Okay, cool, me and Nami will play a game of cards, hehe!" Erica


"Hoho, do you think you have the ability to beat me, we'll see if you can

handle me!" Nami smiled and they both went to take a seat. Just when

Rein and Kuina were about to leave, Nojiko spoke up.

"Wait, we need many things for the ship, we need cooking pots, cooking

pan, new stove, we need.." Rein interrupted her, she was about to run

down a list for days.

"Okay, I understand, we're poor as shit. I'll give you some belies to buy

everything we need, this includes food from the city." Rein understood

that the stove on the ship was an old thing that was dirty and starting to

fall apart.

"Erica, can you give Nojiko your storage ring so she can go shopping in

bulwark city?" Erica nodded and tossed her ring to Nojiko who caught it

with ease.

"Good looking out!"

"I gotcha, bro!" Erica said with a smile.

Nojiko, Rein, and Kuina followed the walkway to Bulwark City. They

soon arrived at the A Gate, they didn't hesitate to walk through it. Rein

received many strange stares, his dress code wasn't of the norm at all for

anyone here.

The suit he was wearing could also alter his voice to sound like a

completely different person, it made his voice deep. Rein made his way

to the Bounty Hunter Guild while Nojiko left elsewhere to buy things.

She was accompanied by Kuina who would protect her just in encase.

Rein gave Nojiko ฿7 Million to go shopping with, it was more than


Rein slowly walked in the bounty guild and like always, they all looked

his way. However, everyone had strange expressions on, his wardrobe

wasn't exactly something anyone could take their eyes off of. Rein walked

up the bartender counter and the same man known as the bartender was


"What can I get for ya?" The bartender's voice sounded strange, it didn't

sound too happy at all.

"I'm not here for a drink, I'm here for information!" Rein took out some

Belis and slid them to the bartender like he used to do.

The bartender smiled and said "My kinda guy, what would you like to


"Well first, I want to know why there are so many marines around the

island, did something happen?" This was a strange phenomenon, the

marines didn't even do this to the pirates on the island, even though they

were clearly aware of them.

The bartender's face changed, he seemed to be in a dilemma. The

bartender looked around and signaled Rein to follow him. Rein followed

him to a secluded area and he began to speak.

"This is some really crazy information so I'll tell you a little unless you

offer me more money." The bartender said.

Rein nodded and said nothing. "It's about a bounty hunter named

Vindicate, they say he slaughtered a whole village in cold blood and now

the marines wanted to catch him but they're waiting for someone else."

The Bartender was breathing roughly but Rein was shocked!

"Tell me more!" Rein hurriedly said.

"Between you and me, I don't believe a single bit of it! Vindicate was

approached by a butler who wanted him to get rid of some bandits and

pirates around a village but he was somehow later deemed as a mass

murderer." Rein was silent, this didn't sound right, what was going on


"What else." Rein said bluntly, but the bartender put up his finger

signaling Rein to pay up for extra information. He gave the man some

more belies for him to speak.

"I heard that the butler was going around with some other men to figure

out who took down the mighty pirates. One of the men saw the crest on

him and confirmed that he was from a noble family called the RoseFett


The bartender's breathing became rougher, he clearly knew that

Vindicate was being framed and so did everyone else in the bar,

surprisingly. Though they were scared of Vindicate, they weren't stupid,

they had commons sense and this didn't make sense at all.

"Motherfucker!" Rein face turned cold under his helmet! It made sense to

him right away, the mighty pirates were doing business with that noble

and he rained on their parade by ruining it. The guy must have wanted

that Devil Fruit that Rein stole that day.

The bartender was startled hearing Rein's sudden cold voice and change

in behavior.

"Anything else!" Rein asked

"We heard that... he was caught yesterday by the marines and handed

over to the noble." The bartender could barely get those words out.

"Hahaha! Thank you!" Rein laughed and slid the bartender some more

belies before leaving. The bartender was stunned, what was that just

now!? But Rein's voice changed to his original voice with those last

words. The bartender felt like he heard that voice before and soon his

face changed greatly once he realized who it was.

Rein walked outside. "Little nobles, you're playing with fire!" Rein smiled

and walked off.


Asahi=Rising Sun

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

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