Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One Piece I Am Psychopath1Ван Пис Я Психопат


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One Piece: I Am Psychopath


Anime & Comics

182 Chapters




(31 ratings)


[Mature Content Present]


The sun was setting, the only source of light would soon go past the sea


Black smoke filled the sky which mixed together with the white clouds

turning them darker in shade.

The sea of flames which burned the houses spread like wildfire not

leaving a single house standing firm.

Hundreds of pirates roared as they killed the men and old ones in the

village while capturing the women as well as looting all the goods before

the fire could completely destroy them.

The men cried, screamed and begged to be spared while the women lost

their hopes as the pirates killed all men with no mercy.

The tens of ships docked near the village, all were soon fully loaded with

goods and women.

A man about 3 meters tall, wearing a black suit stood before the ruined

village. His eyes which were glowing in multi-color scanned the area.

On his face there was not a hint of emotion, remorse wasn't even a word

for him.

"This is just the beginning, very soon the entire world will know who I

am. This village, it is the future which this world will suffer."


[Author Talk---]

This is my first fan fiction from my own imagination and I will try to

keep the characters as real as possible.

Many characters are from the anime 'One Piece' and I don't own them as

well as the world 'One Piece' itself.

Also, it's an AU (Alternate Universe) One Piece. Please expect some


The cover is from my phone. The owner is of course me... If I see

someone using this cover!! I will Report!!!!!

Please support...

If anyone wants to contact me,

Insta- @birkang_bty

I also have a discord,

Discord- https://discord.gg/CrJgswEfRa

I have more fan-fiction novels, do try them out. Who knows, you might

like one.

-The Monster: Trainer Kota [Ongoing]

-Attack On Titan: Devil's Presence [Paused]

Parental Guidance Suggested

(Spoilers) Important Characters

(Vol 1)

Note: Only the important ones will be mentioned instead of every single


(For the images I used, all credit goes to the respective creators)

These are the important characters in the first volume, and the images

will be on the side.

(OC) Main Character-

[Wholeheart Akuma] young (Image)

(OC) Female Characters besides Akuma-

[Christy] (Image)

[Yuki Toka] (Image)

(OC) Male Character besides Akuma-

[Maba Toka] (No image for him)

(OC) Crew of the main ship-

[Jessica] (Image)

[Rony] (Image)

[Trick] (Image)

[Crick] (Image)

[Laurens] (No image for him)

[Gerry] (No image for him)

(OC) Devil's Pirate Division Captains-

[First Division Captain, Leo] (Image)

[Second Division Captain, Trebo] (Image)

(OC) Navy Fleet Admiral-

[Ryujin Sasate] old (Image)

[Monkey D. Bell] new (Image)

(OC) Navy Admirals-

[Sawa Yoru] (Image)

[Mia Tatsuri] (Image)

[Shimotsuki Nakamura] (Image)

(OC) The Big Three Pirates-

[Queen Merry] (No image for her)

[Berick D. Man] (No image for him)

[Barbaric D. Daifuk] (No image for him)

(Spoilers) Important Characters

(Vol 2)

Note: Only the important ones will be mentioned instead of every single


(For the images I used, all credit goes to the respective creators)

These are the important characters in the second volume, and the images

will be on the side.

(OC) Main Character-

[Wholeheart Akuma] old (No image for him)

(OC) Male Character besides Akuma-

[Maba Toka] (No image for him)

(OC) Maba's children-

[Cerberus] (Image)

[Nemean Lion] (Image)

[Sphinx] (Image)

(OC) Akuma's children-

[Mint] (Image)

[Wick] (No image for him)

[Bella] (Image)

[Hancock] new (No image for her)

[Jimmy] (Image)

(OC) Devil's Pirate New Division Captains-

[First Division, Rocky] (Image)

[Second Division, Borg] (Image)

[Third Division, Brook] (No image for him)

[Fourth Division, Brick] (Image)

[Fifth Division, Joker] (Image)

[Sixth Division, Beauty] (Image)

[Seventh Division, Lancelot] (Image)

[Eight Division, Irish] (Image)

(OC) Air Strike force-

[Karen Kiro] (Image)

Marine Fleet Admiral-

[Kong] old (No image for him)

[Sengoku] new (No image for him)

Marine Admirals-

[Dram] dead (Image)

[Kuzan] (No image for him)

[Sakazuki] (No imagine for him)

[Borsalino] (No image for him)

The Four Emperors of New World-

[Red-Hair Shanks] (No image for him)

[Charlotte Linlin] (No image for her)

[Kaido] (No image for him)

[Edward Newgate] (No imagine for him)

Warning Note:

Before reading the following chapters, I would like you all to keep in

mind that everything happening in this fan fiction is just an imagination.

Meaning it's all fiction and nothing related to real life. Also this fan

fiction is going based on the Anime series instead of manga.

If there are any readers below 16 of age, I would like you to not

comment or share your thoughts about the mature things.

That's because it's a 18+ novel and there are many chapters were you

read many adult scene.

And for the chapter 2 in First volume, it's hard to believe but please bare

with me.

I wrote it completely in a over showing way.

In the novel, haki is meant to be visible with naked eyes making it easier

for you and me to understand.

Also, the story is dark so many characters from "One Piece" might have

some different personality or little change in them.

You can now start reading!

CHAPTER - 1 { Coloured Eyes }

Looking at the mirror, a handsome face was revealed. But his irises were

multi-colored on his reflection.

It was like seeing a rainbow but as a whole in the eyes. His black hair

that reached till his tip of the nose, his face that can make you


His height being 300 centimetres, his body slim and with perfect muscle.

He was naked in front of the mirror.

On his right was a naked black haired woman in her 20s, standing beside

him while wiping his wet body with a towel.

Below, between his thighs. A naked blonde woman in her 30s but still as

beautiful as the other one, kept moving her head back and forth.

"Hurry up. I don't have all day for you, slave," said the man in his deep

voice. The blonde woman quickened her pace, and after a few more times

was the man able to release his load inside her.

The blonde woman swallowed all the cum and licked clean his dick. The

black hair woman dried him up and stood waiting for his next move.

The man then walked out from the bathroom, and sat on the bed as both

the women followed him.

The black hair woman came forward and sat on his lap while she raised

her big breast towards him.

The man moved his right hand on her left breast while his mouth had her

right breast. His left hand touched her waist.

"Aaa…," moaned the woman as the mouth that had her breast started

sucking it. The man also rubbed the other breast as he continued to suck.

Her right hand on his shoulder to support while her left hand on her own

pussy. Inserting her fingers in it.

"Mmmm… Aaa!".

A few seconds later, milk started to flow from the black hair woman'

nipples. The right hand pinched her breast nipple and stopped the milk

from leaking.

As the man sucked harder and drank the milk, the woman was also in her

own pleasure while being played with her nipples.

From time to time the man would bite her erect nipple and pull it.

"Aaa… M-Master, I am g-going to cum. Ohh...".

The blonde woman looked at the two while having her own pussy wet.

Her chest ups and downs.

"Maasteer! Coomiiinng!!," said the woman as she cummed and the man's

right hand that pinched her nipple was also released resulting in lots of

milk spraying.

* * *

Walking down the stairs, the man had blue coloured irises. No, it seems

to change into red a little but would turn back to blue.

As he reached the living room, a fat middle aged man ran up to him and

stood straight while keeping a smile on his face.

"Master, the navy has arrived on the island and are coming towards the

town," informed the middle aged man named as Maba to the young man.

"Go do your work, slave," said the man in his deep voice while not even

glancing at him.


Maba bowed and stepped towards the door leading outside. The man

moved towards the balcony as the villa was located on higher ground.

From the balcony, the full view of the town was visible. He placed his

hands on the railing and looked at the navy ship that was docked in the


"Let's learn haki…," said the man with a crazy smile on his face while his

irises turned completely red.

* * *

"Captain Tukusis! There are a few pirates on the streets, should we

capture them!," asked the navy vice captain Lionard. He glanced at the

pirates that were fleeing.

"Just leave them, they are not our time," replied captain Tukusis, waving

his hand. Lionard nodded and walked behind his captain.

The rest of the navy also followed, except only the ones to guard the ship

and to refill supplies.

As Tukusis walked on the streets with various shops and people, the

pirates evaded his field of vision.

Little did they know that Tukusis had all of them in his range. But he

didn't do anything because they were just small fries with a few

thousands of bounty on them.

Suddenly the people in front of the navy started to make way. A group of

middle aged men walked to them and gave them greetings.

"I am the mayor of this Town, Maba Toka".

Tukusis also greeted them back.

"I am Captain Tukusis and this is Vice Captain Leonard," as he said, he

also pointed towards Leonard who came forward to greet.

"Since sir captain has stepped on my Town. How can I let him go without

seeing a magic show," Maba said as he gave a big smile while leading

them towards a certain direction.

* * *

The group of navy with Maba came to a small park with a stage on it.

There was a table in between and a chair behind.

At the back was a huge mirror that was enough for the navy to see their

reflection. Maba walked and brought two chairs.

"Please sit".

Tukusis and Leonard nodded and both sat on the chairs facing the stage.

Then Maba shouted.

"Start the show!".

A figure walked towards the stage from the back of the mirror. He was

300 centimetres tall with a black suit on.

"Welcome to the town of happiness!," said the man while extending both

his arms in the air towards the navy.

"My name is Akuma, Wholeheart Akuma!".

Everyone in the navy was surprised by his name, never have they heard

this kind of name.

Tukusis raised his eyebrows while looking forward towards what kind of

magic the man would show.

There was not a thing on the table but out of nowhere, the man brought

a deck of cards, a glass full of water and an empty vessel.

'Space type devil fruit?' thought Tukusis as he was using his observation

haki to see if he was hiding it somewhere but couldn't see it.

"What would happen if I lift this glass full of water and flip it?," asked

Akuma while showing it. As the glass of water was flipped, everyone

thought that the water would not fall and it didn't.

"Ok… Please show something better," said Leonard. Akuma scratched his

head and laughed.

"Ok guest!. let's start with the main course".

Came a black stick with a white coloured end on his right hand.

[Ability: Mirror Way]

"Please guest, look at the mirror behind me and try to see yourself!," said

Akuma while swinging the stick in his hand. His irises started to change

and stopped at being multi-colored.

The navy who was seeing themselves in the mirror felt their body losing

energy and their eyes started to turn completely white.

Above their heads, a loading bar appeared. And It kept filling up.

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]


I wanted to read a fanfic of one piece with a crazy MC but none was

there or to my satisfaction so I plan to create my own. I had to stop my

other novel for this. The novel is my own imagination so please forgive

me if you are not satisfied.

CHAPTER - 2 { I am a Devil of my

own }

[Author Talk--- I don't want to make the novel concentrate on the mc in

his world so I will only add the main events]


My name is Birkangwra Basumatary

(author's name)

I am 32 years old and a Psychiatrist in US

(not his real age)

I started my work at the age of 20, now I am a well known psychiatrist in

the world.


I recently started to hear voices inside my head.

[Let me Out! Help!] [You Crazy!]

Have I gone crazy myself?

I consulted my friend who was also a psychiatrist and he recommended

me to take a break from work.

And then everything went wrong, as I tried to listen to those voices.

I returned back to being… Psychopath.

Yes, a Psychopath from a Psychiatrist.

* * *

Inside a bank in US, it was not that crowded but also not free of space.

Everyone was doing their work, suddenly.


A loud gunshot was fired, everyone panicked and it was a mess.

Birkangwra walked in with a shotgun while an armed group followed.

No mask (Please wear mask), everyone's face was revealed. They had a

big smile on their faces as they looked at the messy people who lowered


"Surrender and die!... Sorry, I mean resist and die!," shouted Birkangwra

while viewing the people. He showed his teeth and smiled.

"We surrender! We surrender! Please don't kill!," said the bank manager

while having cold sweats flowing over his forehead.


His head was blasted and the blood splashed around, his body fell on the

floor cold as fuck.

None of the people could process what just happened. The lady who was

the nearest looked at the dead body and touched her face.

Red Warm Blood…

"Aaaa!," screamed the lady, which was then followed by another period

of panic.


* * *

After the gunshots were over, everything was silent. Not because all the

people were dead but because they were scared to make noise due to the


"I never said anyone of you could surrender," said Birkangwra as he

walked on the floor coloured with red.

"We don't need money! We need your lives!," declared Birkangwra. All

the people had black lines as they heard him.

"D-Demon!," muttered a boy in a low voice but it was heard by

Birkangwra. The boy's father quickly closed his mouth and hugged him


Birkangwra looked at the frightened father and child, he turned and

walked away.

A few steps and stopped, he turned back as he faced the people.

Spreading his arms, he said.

"I am not a Demon…

I am a Devil of my own!".


Once again, the gunshots were heard in the bank but this time it was

mixed with loud cries and screams.

A few minutes later, the cops came but they were late because the bank

was empty.

No living humans were left but only dead bodies.

"Check the CCTV cameras," said the senior inspector to the officers. Soon

they found the people responsible for the act.

* * *

20 years later___

Inside a huge building, officials from various countries gathered together.

On the screen that was facing the officials, a wanted person's picture was


Not just anyone, it was Birkangwra's picture.

In these 20 years he has been massacring various countries and killed

almost a billion people.

The World's most dangerous person.

A Bounty of 250 billion dollars on his head.

But he was missing for 2 years or should we say that he has been dead

for 2 years.

* * *

Before 2 years___

"I achieved everything I wanted," sighed Birkangwra as he sat on his

luxurious chair while the room was filled with multiple women.

All the women were naked and they were in their own world because of

the stimulates. I glanced at them as a smoke escaped my mouth.

"Money in billions, Power in Money, Fame in Power and Goal in Fame.

Everything is reached".

He took a smoke from the cigar. His eyes were dull while there was no

smile on his face. He lost the feeling of craziness and his mind had

started to become more calm.

"Looks like it's the end of me".

He stood up and walked out of the room. On the way, his left hand

picked up the gun on the table before the door.

Still smoking, he walked around the garden and sat on the bench there.

The place he stayed was actually the White House in the US. Now it's his


"Well, let's go to hell," said in a low voice as he lifted his left hand with

gun and pointed at his head.


My eyes turned black. In the next moments, I remembered all my past


Only a single regret...

* * *

Where am I? Was I not dead yet?

"Yes, you are".

Who are you?

"I? I am Demon Lord or should I say I am the exact opposite of what you

call a God".

So where the fuck am I?

"This is my Realm 'Helheim' also known as hell"

But why can't I see anything?

"Because you are only a soul that I pulled from Valhalla"

Ok, so why did you bring me?

"Because you are definitely worthy of being a Devil! A real Devil! Both in

name and power!"

By the way, why was I sent to Valhalla and not here?

"Because you are dangerous! Even for this realm so the Gods United and

called you there to finish you completely"

"But I used my powers to pull you here and now I will give you a task.

Complete it and come back to hell as you will be granted of being a real


Wait before sending me! I want a system!

"System? Ok! What a devil needs is to manipulate so I will give you a

Hypnosis System! Spread your name and Reach your limits!".

"Come back and serve me!".

Then that was How I became a Nightmare!


I don't know about your thoughts so I didn't give any emotions to the

chapter because it was actually not needed. Please advise...

CHAPTER - 3 { Planning }

I opened my eyes as the darkness vanished.

What he saw was a closed room made from wood. It was like a basement

but also like a prison.

"System?," questioned Birkangwra, and a floating screen appeared in

front of him. It was fire red in colour with rainbow words.


Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 16

Weight: 82 kg

Height: 198 cm

Race: Human

World: One Piece

Profession: None


Level: 1 [0/100]

STR- 15

AGI- 20

DUR- 12

INT- 18

(Adult Human state are between 8 to 10)

Stat Points: 5

Money: None

Ability: [Hypnosis]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using


Items: None

"What the fuck! Isn't he a bit too tall and strong for a 16 years kid,"

muttered Birkangwra as he kept looking at the screen.

"Wholeheart Akuma? My name? One piece!".

Why was it like this? Questioned Birkangwra. Did the Demon Lord name


"First let's get out of here and see where I am," said Akuma and surveyed

the room. He found only a door and various equipment inside the room.

While he was walking towards the door, it opened from the other side. A

man holding a metal rod and a woman behind his back holding a lantern

came into view.

"W-Who the h-hell are youu?," stuttered the man. Behind him, the woman

was clearly frightened.

"Ability… Hypnosis?," muttered Akuma. Suddenly his irises seemed to

turn multi-coloured like a rainbow.

[Ability: Hypnosis]

Both the man and woman looked at Akuma's eyes, they started to feel

their energy lose their body.

I could see the two of them in light red colors but as a loading bar

appeared above their heads and started to fill up, they slowly turned to


[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

Their eyes turned white.

'Did it work?'

"Bark like a dog," commanded Akuma to the two. The man dropped the

rod while the woman placed the lantern to the side and both stood on

their four.

"Waff! Waff!," barked the two letting their tongues out like a dog. Akuma

was delighted.

"Little too much…," said Akuma to himself while looking at the two dogs.

He ordered the two to explain where he was.

"Master is inside the basement in our house that is in the Town of

Happiness, located in the new world at Grandline between the four seas,"

explained the man in a single breath.

"What year is 'now'?," asked Akuma while walking out of the basement

room and heading towards the stairs leading upwards.

"Year 692, October 4, time- 11:51," answered the woman as she stepped

forward. Akuma nodded while giving a glance at her big breasts.

"Too early before the main story of 'One Piece' if I am not wrong,"

muttered Akuma as he walked out of the dark and reached the living


Due to the forming of the World Government, a new calendar was

created for the people. When Luffy set out for his journey, the World

Government was already there was almost 800 years.

I actually watched 'One Piece', while I was at it to free myself from

boredom. But I couldn't finish it.

"Prepare some food for me, dog," ordered Akuma while stepping on the

stairs leading to the next floor.

"Yes! Master!".

* * *

"The plot should start from 16 Century while I am at 14 Century ending.

More than a hundred years… Let's forget the plot and just be myself".

Akuma changed his clothes and wore the man's. It was not much

different, just a little tight.

"Master! Dinner is ready!," called the woman from the room's door as she

stood there waiting for next instructions.

"Hmm… Undress and stay ready on the bed," said Akuma while walking

out of the bedroom. The woman nodded and started to undress herself.

Sitting on the chair, eating bread with curry. Akuma was lost in thoughts,

the man stood beside him and waited for the next order.

"First take control of the town, then the island. Second, train," said

Akuma while eating. Now he needed some rest.

After finishing his dinner, he washed his hands and sat on the couch for

30 minutes to digest.

"Don't disturb me," said Akuma, he stood up and headed towards the


As he opened the door, he could see the woman naked lay on the bed.

Her breasts were pulled because of the gravity.

Her pussy with shaved hair was visible. She seemed to wait in

anticipation of her master's entry.

I could feel a burning sensation in me seeing the naked woman in her

30s. Why was it? Ohh! Because I am a teenager with no experience.

"I will fuck you up tonight, dog".

As the door was closed, his irises turned fire red from calm blue and he

had a crazy smile on his face.

Yes… I am a Psychopath!

* * *

""I am the mayor of this Town, Maba Toka".

"I am Akuma, Wholeheart Akuma," answered Akuma while shaking his

hands with the mayor.

It was easy to meet the mayor, he introduced himself as a magician in

front of the people and started showing magic.

Magic was just him taking things in his system as items and bringing it

back in front of the crowd.

They thought of him as a 'Devil Fruit User' but he showed them as he

swam in the sea. Later it attracted the attention of the mayor.

It took a few days for that to happen but it was enough for him to

hypnotize one-fourth of the people in the Town.

"Please sit and watch the show," said Akuma while he passed a chair to

the mayor.

He stepped back and stood upright in front of the crowd, most of them

were already his slaves except a few and the mayor.

Rising his hands up and showing it to the mayor.

"I have none on my hand! But!".

He crossed his arms and from his palm started flowing sand on the


The crowd clapped their hands as the show continued and it was time for

the main event.

"Now look in my eyes and see yourself!," said Akuma while waving his

hands. His irises started to change and stopped at being multi-colored.

[Ability: Hypnosis]

The Mayor and the few people in the crowd started to feel heavy as their

eyes turned white.

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]


I hope you will like the timeline because it won't disturb the story for

now but not sure of the future. R-18 coming soon on the chapter after


CHAPTER - 4 { Growth }

Inside a villa situated on the higher level of ground from the town,

Akuma sat on the couch in the living room.

He looked at the three figures standing in front of him. He pulled a gun

from the side which he got from the mayor.

"Your kid?," asked Akuma as he stared at the 3 years old kid behind his

mother, holding her leg.

"Yes, master!," agreed the woman who had blonde hair till her shoulder

level. Her name was Yuki Toka, a 29 years old housewife and a mother.

"What would you do if I ordered you to kill your own child, slave?," said

Akuma with his irises still calm blue but his voice deeper.

"I would do anything master orders! I will kill anyone! Myself! My Child!

My Husband!," answered Yuki excitedly, who moved forward as her hand

clenched into a fist on her chest.

"Mom?," asked the 3 years old kid while holding back tears at her mother

who behaved unusually.

"Take this and kill him," commanded Akuma as he passed the gun to Yuki

who took it with a energetic smile.

She turned back and extended her left hand towards the boy but he ran

to his father.

"Dad! What is mom doing!," said the boy as he started crying while

holding his father's leg. But to this, Maba kicked his child to Yuki.

"Aa!," cried the boy as he was sent flying to the floor and a cold hand

held his hair tight.

Yuki held to her child and pulled him. She aimed the gun at his head

while the boy resisted and cried loud.


A gunshot was sounded in the room as blood came out of the hole in the

boy's head. His body, still warm on the floor as it twitched for little.

While all these happened, Akuma had a crazy smile on his face and his

irises were long red in colour.

He looked at the woman and man, started laughing at the sight of them

killing their own blood.

As the laughter stopped, his irises also turned to blue. He took in a deep

and long breath, he looked at Yuki.

"How many times did you have sex?," asked Akuma rising his eyebrows

at her in curiosity. Yuki looked like a caring housewife.

"Three times after marriage before getting pregnant and then we stopped,

master!," answered Yuki with a bright smile on her face. There was blood

on her face that splashed from the boy's wound.

"Pretty clean pussy you got there, slave. Wait until I make it dirty," said

Akuma as he looked at the pretty face with a poker mood.

* * *

On the balcony, a tall figure stepped and placed his hands on the railing.

While he used his ability to hypnotize, he gained a new ability.

[Ability: See Through False]

His vision seemed to have changed and his eyes turned multi-colored. He

could see…

Everyone in the Town, no object could interfere between his vision and

the people.

Two colours visible, red and green. Red for those that he didn't hypnotize

and green for those that are under his hands.

"I should have a show," muttered Akuma while he kept calculating the

number of slaves he gained.

It was daytime, the sun was up and the forest was noisy. Akuma punched

a tree and broke it, but that was the limit of his fist.


Level: 6 [1,020/10,000,000]

STR- 17 (+2)

AGI- 21 (+1)

DUR- 13 (+1)

INT- 19 (+1)

State Points: 510

Money: 20 million berries (Belly, Berri, Berry? Whatever)

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using


Items: None

I used the 5 state points that I began with and didn't use the new points

after leveling up.

Per person would gain me a total of 10 exp regardless of size, shape or

race. Except insects, few animals and newborns.

I got 10 state points after leveling to 2, 50 on lvl 3, 100 on lvl 4, 150 on

lvl 5 and 200 on lvl 6.

I almost have a 100 thousand people under me but it's still only a fourth

of the town. I can just take money from them and it's no problem.

It's my first time training since I came to this world, but first let's use the

state points.

STR- 117 (+100)

AGI- 121 (+100)

DUR- 113 (+100)

INT- 119 (+100)

State Points: 110

Akuma felt a sudden change in him, pure pain took over and his body

started to grow.

He lay on the grass, gasping for breath. His clothes were almost torn and

it was wet from the flowing sweat.

His irises dark black because of anger, he took some air in and calmed

down as his irises turned blue back.

"Fuck you… Profile?," called out Akuma who learnt a few things about

his system. He could see the profile and Status separately.


Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 16

Weight: 96 kg

Height: 223 cm

Race: Human (Changing)

World: One Piece

Profession: [Magician] (changeable)

"I grew? It's good that I wore loose clothes today," thanked himself. As for

the Race that appeared to be changing, it happened after I started my


"I could feel it, the power!," said Akuma as he looked at a nearby tree. He

dashed towards it and gave a beautiful left front kick.


The tree broke from the kick and fell towards him, he stepped aside and

dodged it.

'Shouldn't it fall to the other side like animes?,' thought Akuma as he

looked at the fallen tree.

The next moment, he sensed a breath not far away. Tilting his head

towards his right side, his instincts reacted.

He jumped on his right side and escaped a wild punch from a giant ape.

Almost like a silverback.

Both of them stared at each other, the poor creature was played by


[Ability: Hypnosis]

They moved in a circle to check the other while the giant ape started to

feel his eyes heavy. He almost lost all his energy.

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

The ape's eyes turned white as he came to a sudden stop. Akuma looked

at it with calm blue eyes.

"Fucking animal".


I hope I don't disappoint you all in next chapter. By the way I seem to

have some affection for lactation woman, am I weird?

CHAPTER - 5 { The Beginning }

Returning to the villa after using the giant ape as a punching and kicking

bag, it was killed.

Akuma has now fully adapted to his new size and powers. As he stepped

in there stood Yuki near the couch waiting for her master's return.

"Bath me, slave," said Akuma while walking towards the bedroom. Yuki

happily followed behind her master.

As they reached the bathroom, both of them undressed and got inside.

* * *

In the bathroom, two figures stood facing each other. One at a height of

223 while the other at 180, it was a big difference but could be managed.

Yuki stared at her master, his dick that was almost as thick as her wrist.

It was a little too big for someone like her but she had her body feel fire.

Akuma looked at the blonde woman, her face was definitely a beauty

while her body was a boom.

Her breasts that were almost equal to his head, her busty round ass. She

had fair skin and shaved pussy that leaked juices because of seeing his


Akuma felt that again, the thing that he feels when he wants to do

something crazy. His irises started to change colour to red.

He stepped forward and pulled her close as he used his hands on her slim


She could only reach his lower chest and his dick touched her stomach.

Akuma grabbed her left breast and started massaging.

"Mmm… Aaa…," moaned Yuki as her nipples became hard. She could

feel it, her motherly milk flowing inside her breasts.

His dick started to rise on her stomach, his grip on her breast became


"Aahh… Maasteer! My brea- Aaahhhh!," she couldn't finish her sentence

as warm white liquid sprayed from her erect nipples.

Not just her milk, also her cum flowing from her body. Her pussy

twitched as she orgasmed herself from pleasure.

"Kneel, slave," commanded Akuma as he stared at the blonde woman.

Hearing the command, Yuki kneeled down on the cold bathroom floor.

"Suck," said Akuma as his rock hard dick came towards her mouth. Yuki

held out her hands and looked at the monster.

First she started licking with her tongue, her hands moving back and fro

on the dick. She swallowed it with her wide mouth.

Somehow she managed to take it in but with great difficulty. He looked

down on the head that was giving him a blowjob.

Suddenly, Akuma as if heard the same voices from his past...

He is coming, he felt.

The same happened and he tried to listen to those voices. Red veins were

becoming visible in his eyes.

He moved his left hand and held Yuki's head by her hair. He then

thrusted his dick deep in her mouth as it reached her throat.

Yuki couldn't even make a noise while her eyes rolled. Her right hand,

placed on his left hand while her left hand was on his thigh.

Everytime, Akuma thrusted his dick in her mouth she could feel her jaw

almost separating.

Her body would also jerk as he thrusted, both her breasts bounced wildly

as milk would be sprayed out from her dark nipples.

Seeing Yuki almost out of air, he stopped for a second. Getting a chance,

she gasped for breath.

"Ha… Haah!".

He then pulled her up with her hair. Yuki could only stand with the

force, she had tears but did not seem to want to stop.

Akuma pushed her to the wall, her hands stopped her from crashing to

the wall.


He pushed her head to the wall, Yuki's right cheek came in contact with

the cold surface.

His free left hand spanked her butt, a red print was visible as he used

some of his strength. Yuki bit her lower lips to the spank.

He then thrusted his hard dick in her wet pussy, a warm feeling

welcomed him. But for Yuki, she was in pain and felt like her vagina was

almost ripped.


He grabbed her meaty butt and also slapped it, as his dick fucked her up

from inside. At first it was pain but afterwards it was like a completely

different level of pleasure for Yuki.

"Mmm...Ohhh!," moaned Yuki, her tongue out wild. Akuma rested his

head on her back and took in some breath.

"M-Massterr...I-I," before finishing her sentence, she got her mouth shut

by Akuma's hand.

"Shut Up, Slave!," ordered Akuma while he kept thrusting his dick in her

pussy that touched the end of her womb.

"Aahh!," breathing out, he released his load of cum in her womb. Taking

out his dick from her fucked up pussy he separated from her.

Yuki fell on the floor with no strength, her body twitched and the cum

that flooded in her came out from the pussy.

She couldn't speak a thing as she had almost no energy. But as her eyes

fell on her master, she knew she wouldn't be able to rest.

"Oi! Who told you to rest, slave," said Akuma in his deep voice while his

irises were dark red or bloody.

* * *

As time passed, a month was out___

On the balcony, Akuma stood and watched the rising sun with a happy

green coloured irises.

On the upper floor in the bedroom, Yuki lay while her chest was ups and


One hand stopped all the cum from flowing out of her pussy that her

master gave her.

While the other hand was on her left nipple, which was her master's

favourite spot.

Her master would always drink her milk after having sex. Never in her

life, never was she this happy.

Today, Akuma will finally hypnotize every single person in the Town. He

planned this a month ago, as the stage was building.

After eating his breakfast, he took a shower and put on a black suit.

Everything needed was stored in his items while he also wanted to level

up as soon as possible.

The stage was ready, people in the Town were waiting for the show to

start as the sun was up.

Everyone looked at the huge glass screen up on the stage that is built

below the villa.

Many live video snails were placed on the streets to broadcast.

A figure came up on the stage. It was too small to see but suddenly

everyone could hear him speak in a deep voice.

It reached into their souls.

"My name is Akuma, Wholeheart Akuma!".


It's really hard to express your thoughts in sentences, the same for

lemon scenes... Please Support!!!!!

CHAPTER - 6 { Devil Fruit? }

"My name is Akuma, Wholeheart Akuma!".

As the name was heard, for an unknown reason everyone had their heart

skip a beat.

Even the pirates were now starting to get a feeling of fear. Some took

their leave while many stayed behind to watch the show.

Akuma could see every single person as he activated his ability to 'see'.

"Can you see it? Me?," asked Akuma while giving a dazzling smile. He

looked around them and nodded, everyone had settled down at one


"Just wanted to see if the snails were working," said Akuma as he walked

a little forward.

Moving his hands, a stick appeared out of nowhere with white coloured

ending. Waving it he said-

"Look into any mirror near you and try to see yourself!," said Akuma

while his irises started to change into multi-colored.

[Ability: Mirror Way]

Everyone present that were not already hypnotized, felt their energy

decrease all of a sudden and their eyes started to turn white.

Above their heads, a loading bar appeared. And It kept filling up.

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

After sometime, everything was almost down and only one thing was left.

Akuma brought out a glass full of water and showed it to the public. He

then turned it upside down as the water fell.

But it did not reach the ground and vanished in thin air. Akuma Bowed

and waited.

"Wow! How did the master do that!".

"I can't believe it!".

"Please glance at me, master!".

The people started cheering and shouting master. A broader smile

appeared on his face. His irises turned green, he achieved his first goal in

this world.

As the day went on, the show also did. Akuma showed some baby tricks

and the people exclaimed at him in excitement and joy.

* * *

A few days later___

"Fuu..," smoked Akuma as he looked at the dance performed by a few

naked women in their 20s and 30s.

He reached out to take the glass of wine and took a sip of it while

viewing his Status.


Level: 6 [3,500,100/10,000,000]

STR- 117

AGI- 121

DUR- 113

INT- 119

State Points: 110

Money: 117 million berries (Belly, Berri, Berry? Whatever)

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using


Items: [Stick] [Black Suit] [Gun] [Ammo] [Hat] [Jacket] [Deck of Cards]

[Sand] [Pack of Cigar]

'I never once looked at the Creation Shop' thought Akuma as he clicked

on it.

[Creation Shop]

Item Name:

Type: (ring, fruit,bag,etc.)

Abilities: (In details)

About the item: (origin, invention, etc.)


As I looked up at the information, I was quite amazed at the system.

'What should I create?,' thought Akuma when suddenly he had an idea.

Item Name: Umi-Hebi Devil Fruit

Type- Sea Blue Apple

Ability: After eating, can transform any living being into a Leviathan at

will and change back without any weakness. 12 kilometres long, 30

meters wide and can breathe beams.

About the item: Devil Fruits are mysterious, distinctive fruits scattered

throughout the world. This particular devil fruit was founded in Atlantis,

long back.


[Being similar to the items in this world, System creates while adapting


[Item Created]

Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan, Dragon Series, Umi-Hebi no Mi

Description: A special devil fruit with no weakness towards sea stones.

The user can also swim without drowning.

Price: 11 billion berries

"... ," no word came out. Akuma just stared at the first item he ever

created and it's price.

* * *

Sitting on a bed after spending some time with some naked women. He

came straight to the forest for training.

"Money…," spoke Akuma as he aimed his gun towards a bird sitting on a

tree branch.


"Aaaa!," not the bird that got hit but a woman's voice. Akuma ran

towards the voice while smoking his cigar.

Near ashore, a pirate ship was docked. The pirates captured some women

and were taking them on the ship.

A woman seemed to struggle and escaped from the group of pirates as

she ran towards the forest.


A shot was fired and hit her calf, a scream came out from her as she fell

on the ground. She looked at the laughing pirates that came towards her.

She knew she had to fight but with her fear was more than her courage.

Tears came out from eyes as she tried to stand and walk.

But she fell once again.

"Leave this bitch to me, I will teach her a lesson," licking on the blade,

said a pirate.

"Shut up! She is mine!," shouted the pirate on his left while cracking fist.

Both of them started to fight.

"If she is given to any of you, it will be boken in a night. I will take her

and make a meat toilet out of her. Hahhaha!," laughed the captain of the

pirate ship as he came close to her.

'I have to fight or' saying so, Christy gained courage and looked at the

pirate group. There were a total of 6 in it and the rest were near the ship.

There was some distance between the ship and them, those trees also

blocked the view.

If she could kill them here in a short time before the rest of the pirates

came. She might be able to escape.

But the thing was that, she never killed anyone before. And she was also

scared of herself because she ate a devil fruit.

Yes, she was a devil fruit user. That gained her an ability to control trees

and plants but it was also the reason for her to get kicked out from her


Even the town stopped her from entering. From then onwards Christy

stopped using her abilities.

She couldn't swim out of the island so she sneaked into a merchant ship.

Later on, it reached the destination.

She looked at the town in front of her. Yes it was very clean, beautiful

and blooming, just like the name.

The Town of Happiness

But just as she stepped in the Town, she got captured by a group of

pirates and brought ashore towards their ship with few more women.

Now it was a do or die situation, no it should be worse then death.

* * *

On a tree not far from them, two eyes gazed from shadows. Suddenly the

irises turned red, while a crazy smile appeared beneath them.

It looked at the black haired woman that controlled some tree branches

to pierce through the hearts of the pirates.

"I need her"


[Author Talk---]

Readers, this novel has a protagonist with no love interest and harem (If

what I know about harem is) so don't start to develop feelings for certain


Thank you!

CHAPTER - 7 { First Origin in

History }

"Ha!... Hah!," breathing heavily, Christy looked at the dead pirates. It

took her some time to kill all of them and her left hand got a cut on it.

Not wanting to waste any more seconds, she held a branch and broke it

to use as support while walking.

Reaching a safe distance, she sat on the ground and tore her sleeves to

bandage her cut and calf.

"Where am I?," muttered Christy, glancing around her but all she could

see was trees and trees.

"Oi," a deep voice came from above her. Trembling, she raised her head

to see a guy in black suit sitting on the tree branch.

He had a gun pointed at her, his irises were blue in colour and he looked

really tall. But the atmosphere was cold like ice.

"W-what do y-you want?," asked Christy in a low voice but Akuma could

hear her. He jumped down from the branch and looked at her.

* * *

Christy saw the man jump from the tree and stand in front of her. His

gun seemed to vanish in thin air but he himself looked dangerous.

"You are really a cold person. You killed all the pirates while not even

feeling sad but looked happy".

She then heard him speak. As the words came out, it hit her in the heart.

"NO! I was not happy! If I didn't do anything, I would have died or even

worse! What could I do!," tears started falling from her eyes to her lap, as

she looked down while speaking.

"But I could feel it! Your happiness that came from killing them! Should I

say you used anger on them which didn't came from being kidnapped but

something else!," came a whisper in her right ear. Her body seemed to

react at what he said by trembling.

"Anger?," said Christy as she remembered her family, her town. Yes, it

should be that.

Christy looked at the man who held out his hand and placed some of her

hair at the back of her ear.

He bends down and looks straight at me while smiling.

"Look into my eyes if you want to be free from all those memories, those

anger, sadness, hatred, happiness, loneliness! Everything!".

I saw it! Those eyes that looked like a creature who was swallowing me. I

felt my body lose energy while my eyes were really heavy.

* * *

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

"Now slave! Forget your memories of that family you had. Forget

everyone you know except me, your owner!".

Christy was in a dazed state. Snapping out of it, she nodded to her master

as she remembered nothing except him.

One could see love in her eyes as even the pain was taken over by belief.

Akuma lifted her in a princess carry, and went towards the town.

Standing on the roof of the villa, Akuma looked at the endless sea. If you

are in 'One Piece' how could you not want to be a free pirate.

"Ship, Crew, Flag and Territory," muttered Akuma as he jumped on the

ground near the villa entrance.

As he stepped in, two figures came into view. Yuki and Christy, bowing

their heads and welcoming him.

"Master!," said both of them together while giving deep love from their


"Prepare food," ordered Akuma, he walked towards the dining room and

sat on the chair. He then had a refreshing lunch in his villa.

* * *

Stepping in the town, Akuma looked around it while the people were

behaving as usual as his orders.

He entered the shop for building ships, in there he saw many shipwrights

working on some ship parts.

The main shipwright noticed his master and came forward with a bow.


"I want a large pirate ship, best materials, a devil's head on the front with

two curved horns," said Akuma with a plain voice. The shipwrights

nodded and immediately stopped their work.

Now what they were focused, is the ship for their master.

Later he met Maba and ordered him to gather all the pirate Captains in

the town. Sitting on the couch, he waited for them to come.

After two hours___

Eight pirates came walking behind the mayor, they entered the villa and

saw a guy sitting on the couch.

"It better be worth it or I will kill everyone here!," said a pirate while

grunting at the sight of the other pirates.

"Wanna fight, bastard!," exclaimed a pirate next to him and raised his

hand to punch but he stopped as the guy on the couch spoke.

"Listen here, pirates".

Akuma looked at the pirates in front of him, they had arrogance all over

their faces while some also had mischievousness.

[Ability: Hypnosis]

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

"Now, slaves. I want you all to gather more pirates in the 'new world' in

my banner. Start with small pirates that you can handle," said Akuma as

he took out a cigar and lit it. Smoking he remembered another thing.

"Also try to gather devil fruit users in your crews and bring me some

devil fruits if you get any on the way".

"Now take these and leave," ordered Akuma while he threw some flags at

the pirates who caught it.

* * *

Near the shipyard, multiple pirate ships were ready to set sail. One thing

was common amongst them, that was their pirate flags.

On the black coloured flags, a white human skull was visible but it had

two red horns on it. The two cross bones behind the skull had blood on


1393, April 17, the navy started to get news about a new pirate group

being formed.

The Devil's Pirate

At first it was not much of trouble and a simple bounty on the pirates was

enough but then it grew to a total of 21 large pirate ships with more than

5000 pirates.

But the thing that frustrates the navy is that they don't know who the

leader or captain of those pirates is.


Thanks for the stones and support!!!!

CHAPTER - 8 { Time Skipped }

After making the 8 pirate captains sail in his banner, Akuma started

training. He tried to learn haki for months but it was a failure.

But in the meantime, he conducted many magic shows for new people

who appeared in the town.

So, he leveled up one more time and reached lvl 7. Earning him 250 state

points which with the ones he already had, came out to be 360 points.

His Status without using state points also increased because of training

intensely in the past months.

As he used the state points, he was undoubtedly as strong as a Navy

Headquarter Vice Admiral.


Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 16

Weight: 160 kg

Height: 312 cm

Race: Half-Human Half-Devil (Stopped)

World: One Piece

Profession: [Devil's Pirate Captain] (changeable)


Level: 7 [530,280/100,000,000]

STR- 312(+100)

AGI- 202(+50)

DUR- 194(+50)

INT- 223(+100)

State Points: 60

Money: 4.7 billion berries (Belly, Berri, Berry? Whatever)

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using


Items: [Stick] [Black Suit] [Gun] [Ammu] [Hat] [Jacket] [Deck of Cards]

[Pack of Cigar] [Lighter]

* * *

Town of Happiness, Mayor's Villa___

Sitting on the couch in the living room, Akuma stared at the 5 devil fruits

that are delivered today by the 8 pirate captains.

For the first time, the pirates delivered 2 normal Zoan devil fruits. Akuma

just said to eat the fruits, two of the 8 pirate captains took priority.

He divided the 8 into different divisions. First division, Second division

and so one. The first two captions got the chance to eat the devil fruits.

First division, Leo

Zoan devil fruit, Animal series, Neko Neko no Mi: Lion Form

Second division, Trebo

Zoan devil fruit, Animal series, Tori Tori no Mi: Eagle Form

Back to the present, Akuma picked up the book from his side. It was a

Devil Fruit Encyclopedia.

"Numa Numa no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi, Kuron Kuron no Mi(can create

clones), Neko Neko no Mi(leopard form) and the best of all Baku Baku no

Mi," said Akuma as he learned about the devil fruits.

He looked at the 6 captains as for the 2 they already are devil fruit users.

"Four of you come forward in ranks," commanded Akuma while passing

the weird fruits to them, leaving Baku Baku no Mi on the table.

The 4 pirates took the devil fruits and ate them, the taste was not

something to want to try.

Third division, Reek

Logia devil fruit, Numa Numa no Mi: Swamp Human

Fourth division, Erik

Paramecia devil fruit, Bomu Bomu no Mi: Bomb Human

Fifth division, Hanma

Paramecia devil fruit, Kuron Kuron no Mi: Cloning Human

Sixth division, Richi

Zoan devil fruit, Animal series, Neko Neko no Mi: Leopard Form

"Now get going, pirates," ordered Akuma as he kept the only devil fruit

left and walked towards his bedroom.

* * *

Christy was asleep on Yuki's lap, while she dreamt about her master as

Yuki stroked her hair.


The door opened and Akuma walked in, he saw the two and felt

something inside but it didn't last long.

Seeing her master, Yuki woke Christy as she stood up and bowed in front

of him. Christy also snapped out of her sleep, also bowed.

"Eat this, slave," said as he handed the Baku Baku no Mi to Yuki. Without

wasting any second, Yuki ate down the devil fruit.

There was a warm feeling after eating the devil fruit, she touched her

stomach that made some noise then settled down.

"That's Baku Baku no Mi, practice on how to use it and reach the limits,"

said Akuma as he walked inside the bathroom to take a shower. Both the

women followed.

The next day, Akuma with Maba behind came to the shipyard and looked

at the large pirate ship that was docked.

On the front was a scary red Devil's head with his mouth open. The teeth

sharp as blades, two horns growing from his head to the bow of the ship.

On the sides of the head were two hands with long fingers and nails,

ready to pray on anyone.

50 meters wide, 160 meters long and 80 meters tall is the ship. The

outside is covered with black paint while the deck is dark brown.

The ship had four floors, the first for captain, second for crew staying,

third for the storage and cannons, the last was for the motor and paddles.

"Master, the ships are ready!," said the main shipwright. This ship was

not the only one, but it might be the biggest amongst all.

A total of 5 ships were built excluding the large one, all of them were the

miniature version of the big ship.

Even so, they were bigger than normal. Big enough to carry giants on it.

Akuma called the captains and selected the 5 devil fruit users.

"Each one of you will be responsible for the ships. Remember to gather

more pirates," ordered Akuma as he walked back towards the town.

"I need to learn haki fast, but how? None of the pirates know it and they

can't capture the ones who know," muttered Akuma while looking around

and saw a poster of the navy. They seemed to start recruiting new


"For now, let's do these," said Akuma as his irises turned red while a

wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Navy…hahaha!," on the streets a laugh was heard but nobody paid any

attention to it as if they couldn't hear anything.

* * *

Marine Headquarter___

In the Fleet Admiral's office, four people were seated. One was Fleet

Admiral himself while the three are the Highest combat forces of the

Navy, the Admirals.

"I heard there is a new pirate group forming and already has more than a

thousand pirates," said Fleet Admiral to the three. One of the Admirals

nodded and pushed a newspaper.

"I will let you handle them, Shinigami," said the Fleet Admiral in full

authority. The Admiral with the code name 'Shinigami' nodded, the

meeting was then dismissed.

Stepping out, Shinigami used Den Den Mushi to contact a Vice Admiral

to his office.

In this era, not many big pirates are out on the sea. Even the highest

bounty is 2 billion, because the admirals handles them.


[Author Talk---]

I hope you are enjoying the chapters, I am trying my best to write my

dreams on Webnovel.

Once again, Thank you for the stones and support!!!

CHAPTER - 9 { Ope Ope no Mi }

[Author Talk---]

The following chapter contains some author made story, please don't take

it to your heart Content.

Thank you for Supporting!!


Kingdom of Fairies, later known as Dressrosa. Is actually the main home

of the Celestial Dragon Family named Donquixote.

Walking on the streets, you could see that the people who live in it were

not scared of pirates.

Walking around, many shops were open. In one of the shops, on the


A small female human with two little wings flew around in boredom. The

reason was simple, the shop was for fairies and not for big humans.

And in the kingdom of Fairies, there are actually not many fairies left.

The tiny ones you see are dwarves, mutated fairies with no wings.

Now the population of dwarves is increasing and fairies are decreasing.

The Dwarves Leader is uniting all the dwarves to build their own

kingdom outside the Kingdom of Fairies.

On the ashore, three pirate ships with the flag of a flower docked. A bald

head, big body and stupid look.

Flower Pirates, Captain Gozan

A 50 million bounty pirate, walking towards the kingdom. His crew also

followed as they entered the edge of the kingdom.

But they didn't know that this is the last place they will visit in their

lives. Roaming around the kingdom, Gozan was very arrogant.

The pirates were in the dark as a mighty figure was amongst the crowd.

"Hey! It's my!," then a shouting was heard in the crowd. Two people were

fighting over a weird fruit that looked like a red heart.

Noticing that it was actually a devil fruit, Gozan took the lead and

punched both of them in their faces.

"With this I will be the king of all pirates!," shouted Gozan as his crew

were also cheering for him while shouting.

"I can't even have a vacation because Admiral called me to a new mission

and now these fucking pirates!," muttered Fury, the strongest Vice

Admiral in the Navy, while looking at the Flower Pirates.

"One Sword Style: Target Slash!," saying so, an invisible slash came out

from his blade and passed through the crowd landing on the pirate


All of the pirates were cut into two parts, the crowd looked horrified at

the scene and panicked.

The devil fruit fell from Gozan's dead hands and vanished in the crowd.

Not paying attention to the crowd, Fury kept working on his own


To search who the leader of Devil's Pirate is.


A guy accidentally hit him on his side, but the man immediately

apologized and went his ways.

'Was he hiding something?,' thought Fury but didn't concentrate on it

much as he walked his way towards a shop to have lunch.

* * *

The other side of the kingdom from the shipyard, two pirate ships were

docked. A human skull with red horns was on the flags of the ships.

On the deck of the big ship with a devil's head at the front, the pirates

were talking.

"Very good!," smiled Richi, he took the devil fruit from a pirate and threw

in a bag of money to him.

"Thank you very much, Captain!," saluted the pirate and checked the bag

that contained money and smiled.

"Let's go! To Master!," walked Richi as he shouted. The rest of the pirates

also followed their captain and shouted.

Soon the two pirate ships sailed to their destination, the Town of


Few minutes Later___

Inside the shop, out of nowhere a scream was heard. Fury smashed his

head on the table and pulled his hair.

"How could I forget that devil fruit!," shouted Fury, his eyes bloodshot

while he looked for water.

The shop owner and customers were scared to death because of the

scream. Fury after drinking a glass of water calmed down.

"I still have time!".

Then he searched the whole kingdom but couldn't find the devil fruit or

the suspicious guy.

Fishing his hand in his pocket, he took out a Den Den Mushi and dialled

to the 'Shinigami' Admiral.

"Sir! I need to report about an urgent matter!," reported Fury while he

started to sweat thinking of different excuses.

"Report, Vice Admiral Fury!," a voice came from the other side which was

with no emotions.

"I saw the devil fruit 'Ope Ope no Mi' in the Kingdom of Fairies! Sir!".

"You saw? What happened to the devil fruit?".

The voice turned serious, I knew I can't back down now. I cleared my


"I lost the devil fruit, Sir!".

"You know right what you're saying," the voice from the other side was

cold as ice. Little bit of anger was also viable.

"Yes, Sir! I know What I am saying!," Fury answered back without any


"Can you find 'It'?," asked the voice in a low voice turning back to no


"No, Sir! I can't find 'It'!".

"Then wait for the punishment, Vice Admiral Fury".


The den den mushi closed its eyes indicating that the call had ended. I

had pain in my eyes.

* * *

"Fleet Admiral!," saluted Shinigami, Fleet Admiral waved his hands and

said to take a seat on the chair.

"Ope Ope no Mi was found in the Kingdom of Fairies!," reported

Shinigami. There was a surprised reaction on the Fleet Admiral's face.

"Did you get it!," he asked in a serious voice, but to his question he got a

head shaking from the Admiral.

"Vice Admiral Fury lost it and couldn't find it later on," said Shinigami as

he tightened his fist.

"Suspend him for a year without pay. Now it's not just the matter of devil

fruit but his title as a Navy Vice Admiral," said the Fleet Admiral as he

wrote a few lines on a blank page and passed it to Shinigami.

"Leave," waved Fleet Admiral to Shinigami after giving him the page.

After Shinigami left, he closed his eyes and massaged his templates.

"Special Paramecia Devil Fruit with the ability to grant 'Immortality' to

anyone at the cost of his/her life. That's if it's Awakened but still…," he

sighed and opened his eyes. Stroking his beard he walked to the balcony

in his office.

"The sea is changing, I don't know how long before a new big pirate will

be born".

"But I will have to take down the current big three before that happens".


I will share some fun facts about the novel in future before Chapter


CHAPTER - 10 { First Crew }

"Aaa...Mmm," moaned Yuki while getting fucked in her asshole as Akuma

fingered Christy.

"M-masssterrr! Coomiiinng!," jerked Yuki as she reached her orgasm.

Panting heavily, Yuki moved her ass and took out Akuma's still hard dick.

"Your turn," said Akuma, he pulled Christy towards him. Facing her, he

put his dick in her pussy as it was already wet from fingering.

"Ohhh…," moaned Christy as Akuma's dick entered her pussy, it touched

her womb and reached the end.

One hand on her juggling breast, the other on her slim waist. He moved

his head and bit her pink nipple.

"Aaa!...," exclaimed Christy as her nipple was bitten, she raised her chest

to let her master do as pleased.

On the side, Yuki stared at the pair. From the moment Christy came,

Akuma would concentrate more on her.

As she watched them having sex, seed of jealousy was planted on her

heart. She had to do something or she would be thrown out, she thought.

Before anyone knew, Akuma's fate was already written on the sheet of

paper by the Demon Lord.

* * *

After cumming inside Christy's womb, he stood up and went to take a

shower with both the women.

Sitting on the bed, Akuma took a cigar in his mouth and lit it. Christy

came forward and kneeled down in front of him.

"Master, I-I… Am p-pregnant," with hesitation, said Christy in a low

voice. Akuma took a smoke and glanced at her.

"I hate children," that's what he said and walked out of the room. Both

the women in the room were surprised and immediately stood up and

wore their dress.

Next stop, to the doctor…

Akuma called Maba and told him to find some talented individuals who

could work in the Navy as undercovers.

"I will do as the master says," bowed Maba, he then headed towards the


* * *

Few days Later____

Akuma stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, his irises were multi-


"You will feel no fear and pain!," said Akuma to the reflection as his eyes

turned white then it returned back to calm blue.

Taking a knife, he stabbed himself on his stomach. His face remained the

same, nodding his head and taking the knife out.

"Good," saying so he bandaged himself. Wearing his black suit, he walked

towards the stage and started his show.

In 'New World', a new event was circulating. The Magician's show in

Town of Happiness.

More and more people started to come, as Akuma's also increased his

shows. It was even in the newspapers.


Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 17

Weight: 163 kg

Height: 315 cm

Race: Half-Human Half-Devil (Stopped)

World: One Piece

Profession: [Devil's Pirate Captain] (changeable)


Level: 7 [40,180,500/100,000,000]

STR- 341

AGI- 256

DUR- 221

INT- 267

State Points: 60

Money: 9.3 billion berries (Belly, Berri, Berry? Whatever)

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way] [Memory Feel]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using


Items: [Stick] [Black Suit] [Gun] [Ammu] [Hat] [Jacket] [Deck of Cards]

[Pack of Cigar] [Lighter]

* * *

[Memory Feel] - Feel and read someone else's memories. On the case of

killing the person who has his memory used.

This was his explanation for the new ability he gained.

It is really a good ability. Akuma planned when he would use this ability.

While the days were going on as usual, the captains returned back from

the sea.

Inside the villa___

On the couch, Akuma sat in the middle while both women sat on his

sides. At the table, 6 devil fruits were placed.

Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Ope Ope no Mi, Inu Inu no Mi(Dire Wolf), Pasa Pasa

no Mi, Mini Mini no Mi, and Tori Tori no Mi(Thunderbird)

Reading about the devil fruits, Akuma couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He had tears in his eyes as he held himself back from kissing the pirates.

Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, can be used to lift up islands from the sea in the sky.

Ope Ope no Mi, best for doctors. Can be used in multiple ways.

Inu Inu no Mi, an ancient Zoan devil fruit in the form of an extinct Dire

wolf. Very good.

Pasa Pasa no Mi, a logia devil fruit that makes you a paper human with

the ability to control, create and be a paper.

Mini Mini no Mi, can help you to become smaller in size without

reducing your strength.

Tori Tori no Mi, a Mythical Zoan devil fruit in the form of a Thunderbird.

It's like having thunder powers in the form of a giant bird.

"This time you all did a very nice job, pirates," praised Akuma as he

picked up two devil fruits and threw them to the last two captains.

"It's yours!".

"Thank you Master!," said the two captions.

Seventh division, Larry

Logia devil fruit, Pasa Pasa no Mi: Paper Human

Eighth division, Crugo

Paramecia devil fruit, Mini Mini no Mi: Miniature Human

All of the pirates then left the villa with a happy smile.

"I plan on building my own World! Heaven! Hell! I will make them

happen!," said Akuma as he looked at the remaining devil fruits with a


* * *

Two months later, in the forest behind the villa.

"Master, these are best of best," said Maba as he bowed in front of

Akuma. Four people stood behind Maba and they were curious of what

the work was.

"Rony, one of the best doctors in the world. He is recognised as an Evil

Person by the World Government and has a Bounty of 116 million


Crick and Trick, giant brothers best known for fighting. Now considered

the best fighters in Grandline by the Government and both of them have

150 million berries.

Jessica, a special martial arts master known for killing all her opponents.

Described as a dangerous person by the World Government and has a

Bounty of 200 million berries," introduced Maba as he stepped aside.

Looking at the four, Akuma cleared his throat and his eyes turned red.

"Be my Main ship's crew!," said Akuma as he offered his hands.

"On agreement, I will give each a devil fruit and help you get even more



Not long before he learns haki... Thank you for stones and support!!

CHAPTER - 11 { Story Starts }

"If you can defeat me, then I will join without a word," said Jessica while

taking off her coat. What is visible were her strong muscles and abs.

"Hmm," nodded Akuma as he took a fighting stand. The rest backed out

for now to the sidelines.

Jessica leaped forward and threw a punch at Akuma, who moved to his

side to dodge it. He tried to catch her punch but she used her observation

haki to avoid him.

"You're fast but, looks like you don't know haki," said Jessica as he

stepped back and looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"Well I know haki but I can't use it right now," said Akuma as his irises

suddenly turned blue and he disappeared in front of their eyes.

No, should we say that he is just too fast to see. Using her observation,

Jessica dodged his kicks and punches but she can't do it for long.

"He is fast and strong, yet why can't he use haki," asked Rony as he

observed the fight. Both Crick and Trick nodded and we're also curious.

"Master is stuck, he can destroy giant boulders and trees with his kicks

and punches but can't harden his fist and kicks.

Same with his observation haki, Master can read even the slightest

movements but can't see it before they move," replied Maba to the three,

he was also curious on why this happened.

"Bastard! Fight me head on!," shouted Jessica as her fist turned dark

black and she punched in the air or at the fast Akuma.

Her fist collided with Akuma's right front kick. They stood there for a

while before Akuma had to back down.

'I need to learn haki fast,' thought as he moved again but this time he

took out a glass of water from the items and threw it to her.

"Devil fruit?," muttered Jessica as she slipped down and dodged the glass

while a punch landed on her abdomen.

"Shit!," pained Jessica, watching her steps she stood back again and used

her observation to fullest.

"Got you!," she said, dashing left and giving a solid punch. But to her

shock, it was actually an afterimage of Akuma.

"No it ca-," before she finished, Akuma slashed at her neck and knocked

her out on the ground.

STR- 341

AGI- 317(60)

DUR- 221

INT- 267

State Points: None

'No state points left," thought Akuma. She could have won if I didn't use

all my points on agility.

"So captain, how did you do it?," asked Rony as he was sure that Akuma

was not as fast as he was now.

"Secrets," said Akuma, looking at the three he nodded and took out four

devil fruits.

Maba woke up Jessica who was angry that she couldn't use her special

moves but accepted her fate because of underestimating her opponent.

"Lucky, I never fought against a non haki user so I underestimated you,"

said Jessica as she took Fuwa Fuwa no Mi from Akuma.

Akuma explained the abilities of the devil fruits, and he told them to

practice before going to the sea.

The four had their jaws dropped as they heard the powers of the devil

fruits, they eagerly ate but the taste was horrible.

* * *

The next day, the four left the town to practice on their own. They took

Den Den Mushi with them so they could contact each other.

At the Harbour, Akuma looked at the giant ship. He informed Maba to

change the place so the navy couldn't find it.

"Have you called the navy?," asked Akuma, Maba nodded and told what

the navy replied.

Yesterday, he said to Maba to call the navy with someone who knew haki

because a new pirate with logia devil fruit power came.

But Maba directly didn't call the navy himself, he told somebody else to.

Now what was left is only for the navy to come.

Akuma then returned to the villa as he started having sex with both the

women only to find Christy lactating.

He enjoyed being bathed in breast milk from both the women. Three

days passed in waiting and one the fourth day.

"Master, the navy has arrived on the island and are coming towards the

town," informed Maba, he had to look upwards because he was just small

in front of his master.

"Go do your work, slave," said Akuma with a plain look but he was

excited inside. His irises were the proof as they started to turn red.

He went to his bedroom, Yuki and Christy helped him wear his black

suit. One last check on himself then he headed towards the park.

* * *

"Start the show!," a voice was heard and that was the signal for him.

A figure walked towards the stage from the back of the mirror. He was

300 centimeters tall with a black suit on.

"Welcome to the town of happiness!," said the man while extending both

his arms in the air towards the navy.

"My name is Akuma, Wholeheart Akuma!".

Everyone in the navy was surprised by his name, never have they heard

this kind of name.

Tukusis raised his eyebrows while looking forward towards what kind of

magic the man would show.

There was not a thing on the table but out of nowhere, the man brought

a deck of cards, a glass full of water and an empty vessel.

'Space type devil fruit?' thought Tukusis as he was using his observation

haki to see if he was hiding it somewhere but couldn't see it.

"What would happen if I lift this glass full of water and flip it?," asked

Akuma while showing it. As the glass of water was flipped, everyone

thought that the water would not fall and it didn't.

"Ok… Please show something better," said Leonard. Akuma scratched his

head and laughed.

"Ok guest, the. let's start with the main course".

Came a black stick with a while coloured end on his right hand.

[Ability: Mirror Way]

"Please guest, look at the mirror behind me and try to see yourself!," said

Akuma while swinging the stick in his hand. His irises started to change

and stopped at being multi-colored.

The navy who was seeing themselves in the mirror felt their body losing

energy and their eyes started to turn completely white.

Above their heads, a loading bar appeared. And It kept filling up.

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

CHAPTER - 12 { Haki }

In the villa___

"Bend down," said Akuma to Tukusis who followed the orders. He then

placed his hand on Tukusis's forehead.

[Ability: Memory Feel]

Different memories started to invade Akuma's head but he held back

from screaming. Tukusis fell on the floor without a life.

Akuma accepted only the ones he needed and left the others which then

vanished in his head.

"So this is why I couldn't use haki," said in a surprised tone. He now knew

how to use haki as he felt like he used it before in his memories.

His body was already perfect for haki so within a single try his fist turned

into a much darker black.

'The will to do' was the answer,' thought Akuma as he smiled at his fist.

He could feel every single person on the island with his awakened

observation haki.

"I need to practice and learn advanced versions of these two haki. As for

the Conqueror Haki, I am not confident of awakening it," muttered

Akuma, while he walked towards his bedroom.

* * *

Rear Admiral Ruka, she got a call from the town of happiness saying that

a new logia devil fruit user pirate was found.

Ruka ordered a well known Captain, who has the same strength as a Rear

Admiral but is opposed to being promoted.

Now all she needs to do is wait for the good news.

But what came was that he got himself killed, and his body thrown in the

sea. Half of his crew also died.

Controlling her anger, she informed the matter to marine headquarters

and they placed a Bounty on the pirate.

* * *

Reading the newspaper, Akuma laughed inside his bedroom while

playing with the two women. Then he spent days while training and

having magic shows.

Now, in the forest___

On a log, Yuki with no bra and panties. Only a small black mini skirt

with her pussy visible and a small white smocked tube top.

Next to her, Christy with no bra. A plain white shirt and only black

panties, from her thighs she wore white transparent slacks.

Akuma was in front of them, he had his eyes closed and was in deep

meditation while listening to everything in the forest.

He was practicing his observation haki to extremes. He could hear some

very small thoughts of the animals for now.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, he heard various voices from all over him.

The women-

'I wish I could live forever with master'

'I will kill this bitch if she looks too much at my master!'


'I will kill that snake someday!'

'I am hungry! Need food!'

'What the hell is that monkey doing in the middle of the forest'

Akuma then took a deep breath, his irises calm blue while his heart

slowed. He got up and went in the middle of the two women.

The two women sat on his thighs and looked up at him while their eyes

had love. Yuki slid her top down and Christy unbuttoned her shirt.

They raised their breasts to him, Akuma bent down and took one breast

from each as he started sucking milk.

* * *

Walking around a town, Akuma looked at the wanted posters on the wall.

He had a smile while looking at it.

[Wanted Poster]

[500,000,000 million berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]

Was it that no-one expected him to walk around the streets like a civilian

so no one suspected him.

Reaching the harbour, a huge ship was docked there that towered other

ships. A devil in the front while a flag with a human skull with red horns.

"Four years," muttered Akuma, then jumped on the deck and ordered to

start sailing. Standing on the ship's bow, he looked at the endless sea and

put on a crazy smile.

"Where to, Captain?," asked Jessica who landed on the deck from the sky,

Akuma looked at her and started thinking.

"Sky Island," answered Akuma as he pointed toward a certain direction.

Jessica nodded and the large ship started to lift up.

The people in the city looked up at the flying ship only to be scared to

death. Numerous ships were already up in the sky floating.

Was it because of the clouds or their unawareness that they failed to

notice such an event.

* * *

Marine Headquarters___

"Sir! Devil's Pirate were spotted on furniture island, now they started

heading towards first half of Grandline!," reported an officer to the Fleet


"Bastard! Are you coming here!," grunted Fleet Admiral as he waved to

the officer. He then stood up from his chair and walked towards the


"I will catch you and imprison you for your entire life, Devil!," said Fleet

Admiral, he clenched his fist and cooled down.

"I will be waiting for you. Just come!".

* * *

"Did you hear it! That devil is coming our way," said a pirate while

visibly trembling.

"But he seems to head towards the first half of Grandline?," asked the

pirate on his side.

"Idiot! We are on the way from furniture island to the first half!," said the

pirate while punching the other pirate on his face.

"Useless! Our Captain is the 'World's Strongest Man' who are you scared

of?," told a pirate who watched the two fighting.


[Author Talk---]

The second part is actually future scenes that are displayed, you will

understand it after reading the next chapter. Massive time skip.

And thanks for your support.

And also help me by correcting my mistakes through paragraph

comments or just comments.

Sorry, once more, Thank You all for the stones which are not useful now.

Maybe in the future? Who knows?

CHAPTER - 13 { Four Years }

One year later___

Seven to Eight sea kings were rounding on an Island, The island was

small, only tens of metres.

In the middle of the island, a half naked man sat crossed legged

meditating. He seems to radiate an unknown aura that attracts the sea


Akuam could feel and hear the sea kings around the island. He released a

warm breath and stood up.

Walking near shore, a sea king lowered his head and Akuma climbed on

its head. Then the group started swimming towards a forest island.

* * *

Two years___


A loud painful roar was heard in the forest island, the huge T-rex that

doubled its kind was killed.

Akuma looked at his hand that glowed dark rays, he was successful in

performing Advanced Armament.

There was a clean hole in the T-rex's chest that looked like a fist. He

suddenly looked back, his Advanced Observation haki sensed a breath


Akuma vanished in an instant and reappeared in front of a huge shadow.

He turned left and gave an Armament kick, the creature flew back like a


It was a giant land lizard, it seemed to come and prey on the dead T-rex.

Akuma then walked ashore where tens of sea kings roamed.

"Next stop, Town of Happiness," muttered Akuma as his irises turned

green and he jumped from time to time.

* * *

In the villa___

Yuki happily stood at the entrance while Christy checked the villa

properly once more.

"Master is coming back!," said Yuki excitedly, while Christy also nodded.

Then the entrance door opened and the man came in.

Stepping inside, Akuma looked at the two women standing. The two

bowed and welcomed him, he nodded and walked towards his bedroom.

After the two women served him, they bathed him and helped him wear

his black suit. They sat on the couch in the living room.

"How much money do we have, slave?," asked Akuma. He looked at the

devil fruits on the table which were collected in his absences.

"22 billion berries, Master!," replied Christy, she showed him a report of

past years.

"Ryu Ryu no Mi(Therizinosaurus), Samui Samui no Mi(Cold Human) and

Tetsu Tetsu no Mi(Metal Human), these are the only useful ones. Divide

the rest amongst the captains," said Akuma to Yuki who nodded and

started her work by calling the captains.

"Give me the money".

Christy and Akuma walked out of the villa and arrived in a storage

warehouse where all the money was stored.

A few minutes later___


Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 20

Weight: 212 kg

Height: 437 cm

Race: Half-Human Half-Devil (Stopped)

World: One Piece

Profession: [Devil's Pirate Captain] (changeable)


Level: 7 [63,850,240/100,000,000]

STR- 451

AGI- 389

DUR- 346

INT- 362

State Points: None

Money: 36 billion berries (Belly, Berri, Berry? Whatever)

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way] [Memory Feel]

[Soul Extract]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using


Items: [Stick] [Black Suit] [Gun] [Ammu] [Hat] [Jacket] [Deck of Cards]

[Pack of Cigar] [Lighter]

It's not that I didn't try to create modern equipment, guns and blueprints

but the system restricted it.

"Demon… Lord," muttered Akuma in a low voice as he tapped on the

[Creation Shop]. A Pending list was shown on the floating screen.

[Creation Shop]

Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan, Dragon Series, Umi-Hebi no Mi

Description: A special devil fruit with no weakness towards sea stones.

The user can also swim without drowning.

Price: 11 billion berries


Purple Poneglyph

Description: This particular Poneglyph tells about the history of the devil

and the three realms. As well as the information about the two special

devil fruits, Umi-Hebi no Mi and Funka Funka no Mi.

Price: 2 billion berries


Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan, Hybrid series, Funka Funka no Mi(author


Description: A special devil fruit with no weakness towards sea stones.

The user can also swim without drowning.

Price: 8 billion berries

* * *

Sitting on the couch, Akuma looked at the two devil fruits and the giant

purple Poneglyph with various information on its sides.

He picked up the blue coloured apple with weird designs on it. Eating, he

wanted to throw up the fruit.

"Fuck!," cursed Akuma as he finished eating. Then a warm feeling

appeared on his stomach and it also disappeared.

"I can feel it," he muttered. Standing up, he walked out from the villa and

started running towards the sea.


His body started to grow and his limbs mixed up into his body. His face

began to resemble a dragon with wide gills.

Growing… Growing, 6 kilometres long, 30 meters wide even though it

has yet to reach its awakened limits.

All the sea kings screamed looking at the new creature. Akuma raised his

head from the water and looked up at the sky.


A blue coloured beam exploded from his mouth and went on a straight

path through the sky clearing the clouds in the way.

In the town, everyone was terrified seeing this leaving only Maba, Yuki

and Christy. They were very pleased with their master.

Akuma then turned back into his human body, his clothes seemed to

transform with him.

Looking at him, he also became more durable and grew up a little in size,

all because of the devil fruit. Then, Akuma started laughing himself in

the forest.

* * *

One year later___

In a dark room, there is experimenting equipment. An old man with

white hair played with a knife on the table.

A human body was laid on the table while his heart was still beating.

Suddenly the den den mushi his pocket started ringing.

"Yes, Captain! I will reach there in a month," replied the old man as he

took off his gloves and mask.

[Wanted Poster]

[116,000,000 million berries]

[Evil Doc. Rony]

* * *

Two giants were fighting on an inhabitant island when the den den

mushi on a stone started ringing.

"Yes, Captain! We will start sailing now!," replied the bigger one amongst

the two.

[Wanted Poster]

[150,000,000 million berries]

[Right Brother, Crick]

"Let's go!," said the other giant with a smile on his face.

[Wanted Poster]

[150,000,000 million berries]

[Left Brother, Trick]

* * *

On a beach, a black haired beauty was sunbathing. Many men were

lusting on her body but none of them seemed to look at her face


Her breasts started to vibrate in front of the men as she dived her right

hand in her cleavage and took out a den den mushi.

"Ya Ya… Captain," replied the beauty as she stood up and her breasts

bounced. The men felt their pants torn because of it.

But when they looked at her face, their body tensed up. What was in

front of them? Her!

[Wanted Poster]

[200,000,000 million berries]

[Silent Killer, Jessica]


This chapter was a little long but don't expect the others will also be,

because i am lazy.... Thank you!!

CHAPTER - 14 { Attack! Part-1 }

Special mention for the guy whose comment I accidentally deleted...

thank You...


The Town of Happiness___

Mayor's villa was rebuilt from scratch. It was now more luxurious and

big, now it should be called a King's Castle.

Main room, on the back was a huge purple Poneglyph. Four steps front

was a golden throne and multiple chairs on the sides before it.

And at the end was a wide open balcony, with which you could see the

full town.

Sitting on it, Akuma looked at everyone. Maba, Yuki, Christy, Rony, Crick

and Trick, Jessica and the first 8 pirate captains.

"Jessica, I want you to float all the pirate ships we have in the sky," said

Akuma while tapping his index finger on the armrest. Jessica nodded.

"After that we will attack the nearest Marine Base," informed Akuma, he

stopped his finger and looked at the people around.

"Yes, Captain/Master," answered the people without any hesitation. No, it

looked like they were smiling.

"Prepare, in one week we will set off," said Akuma as he stood up and

walked out of the room to his bedroom followed by the two women.

* * *

In his bedroom, Akuma sat on the king sized bed. Yuki and Christy stood

on his side.

In front of Akuma, near the wall was a huge circular object made of

glass. It was supported with four metal legs.

Souls Collection

After extracting the souls, it will appear inside it. Currently it is empty

but soon it will start to fill.

"First start with hell, then go for heaven," muttered Akuma as he picked

the den den mushi and called Maba.


Entering the room, Maba bowed. Akuma said to raise his head and threw

a weird brown devil fruit.

"Eat it, slave. From now on, you are the manager of 'Hell Realm'. Tell

Jessica to move the volcano island here and the rest is yours," said

Akuma as he waved his hands and Maba went out.

Akuma pulled Christy and Yuki to the bed as he stood up and took out

two pet collars from items.

"Wear it, slaves," ordered Akuma, he gave the collars to both of them.

Yuki and Christy picked the one with their names on it and wore it.

Removing their and his clothes, Akuma fingered both their pussies. Then

Yuki and Christy started sucking and licking his dick and balls.

Akuma laid down on the bed as Yuki sat on his thighs and Christy came

to his face.

Pulling his dick towards her pussy, Yuki was breathing hard and heavy.

Christy brought her pussy to his mouth.

Akuma felt his dick enter a warm, slippery and tight hole while he looked

at the wet pussy in front of his face.

Holding her tight, Akuma pulled Christy's pussy closer and started licking

and sucking it. Christy's hands were on Akuma's chest.

Yuki also started moving her hips, her hands held her breasts and

massaged them tightly while riding his dick.

Moans filled the bedroom, Yuki was in extreme pleasure as she lactated

while fucking Akuma's dick.

Few more minutes later, the three of them cummed together but it was

not over as Akuma started fucking Christy while sucking Yuki's breast


* * *

A week later___

At the port, A huge ship with a devil's head was docked. Pirates were

loading cannon balls one after another.

"Master, everything is ready!," informed Maba while looking at his master

who stood at a height of more than 4 meters.

"Where's the crew?," asked Akuma while looking around the harbour.

Maba told him that they were already at the deck.

"Handle while I am away, Mayor," said Akuma while smiling at Maba

who had tears in his eyes. Maba nodded immediately and rubbed his


Stepping on the deck, Yuki, Christy, Rony, Crick and Trick, Jessica and

some elite pirates were present.

"Today is our first day as a whole! Devil's Pirate shall Rule!," said Akuma

with a grin on his face. Shouts erupted from the deck.

"Hail the Devil! Hail the Devil!".

* * *

New World, G-12 Marine Base___

Vice Admiral office, Mayamura sat on his seat and looked through the

new reports.

"Devil's Pirate went missing? No ship was found! What the hell is this

report!," shouted Mayamura, he stood up from seat and went towards the

management office.

Walking in the corridor, he suddenly sensed something with his

observation haki.


Loud noises were heard, the base was attacked with cannons. Mayamura

hurried and went out of the main building to see destruction.

The base was on fire, multiple buildings were destroyed while many

soldiers were killed in an instant.

"Who is it!," shouted Mayamura again but this time it was filled with

anger and hatred. He sensed it, Mayamura looked up and was stunned.

Tens of pirate ships floated up in the sky, they threw cannon balls from

up. And it was just too high even for him to reach with Geppo.

"I will kill you!," screamed Mayamura but he calmed down and headed

back inside the main building.

"Have you informed the Headquarters about the pirate attack?," asked

Mayamura to the officers in the control room.

"Yes! Admiral 'Angel' is on her way!," reported the officer while checking

on the base status.

"The attacks stopped?," said Mayamura as the noises were silent. He ran

out to see the ships coming down on the base.

A very tall man in black suit jumped from the largest ship. He carried a

big round bat almost the same height as Mayamura.

Akuma looked at the destroyed base, a smile appeared on his face.

Placing his bat on the ground, he turned to Mayamura and raised his

right hand.

He challenged Mayamura to come towards him and start the fight.

Mayamura was infuriated, he jumped at the fallen concrete and dashed

towards Akuma.

"I will kill you bastard!," shouted Mayamura, he punched forward while

his fist turned black in colour.

Akuma still with a smile, also punched but his fist was glowing with dark

armament. As their fists collided, Mayamura was thrown back because of

the force.

"Come if you can!," replied Akuma as he lifted his baseball bat and placed

it on his shoulder.


Next chapter filled with action!!!

CHAPTER - 15 { Attack! Part-2 }

"Come if you can!," replied Akuma as he lifted his baseball bat and placed

it on his shoulder.

Mayamura grinding his teeth, stood up and looked at the tall figure. His

eyes had red veins visible because of anger.

"Aaa!," shouted Mayamura as he sprinted over to Akuma who raised his

bat towards him with dark armament.

His fist and Akuma's bat clashed, they stood at the same place for a while

before the bat took over as Mayamura's fist got smashed.

He crashed back and vomited blood. But soon stood up once again with

blood covered on his clothes.

"Haa! Haa!," breathed Mayamura who held his right hand with the other.

His eyes looked at the still standing figure.

'I need to buy time for Admiral 'Angel',' thought Mayamura who stepped

forward towards Akuma with his strength.

"Still want to go on! Come! Vice Admiral!," shouted Akuma with

excitement as he leaped forward with his baseball bat which was covered

in black.

"Eh!," grinded Mayamura as he punched with his left fist but the result

was the same.

He was smacked at the main building which collapsed on him. Akuma

waited for him to get up but he couldn't.

"That's all?," questioned Akuma but as he was heading towards

Mayamura, he felt a strong breath approaching.

"Admiral?," muttered Akuma. A golden human with white wings flew

towards him.

Akuma raised his bat and hit at the incoming figure. As they collided, the

place was filled with flying dust and dirt.

When the dust got cleared, Akuma saw an Angel. That was his answer as

the female really resembled an Angel.

Blond hair, fair skin, tall height, shining armour, two white wings, a

glowing sword and golden irises. A perfect human, Admiral Mia Tatsuri,

code name 'Angel'.

"Why did you attack a marine base?," asked Mia, she increased her

strength on the sword.

"Because I want to!," replied Akuma with a smile but inside he knew that

he couldn't win against her.

"Bastard!," grinded Mia as she backed and looked around the base. All

she saw was blood and wounds on the soldiers while the buildings were


"You will pay!," screamed Mia as he charged forward towards Akuma

who replied with his baseball bat.

Akuma felt his hands start to go numb, he grinned his teeth and kicked

with his left leg covered in armament.

Blocked the kick, Mia looked back and dodged a hit on her face from the

bat. Mia punched with armament, Akuma also punched at her fist.


The collision seems to crack the concrete block under them and the air

was filled with radiation from the armament.

Dark lighting is produced because of the clashing fists. But in Armament,

Akuma got the upper hand and pushed her back.


Mia flew back and crashed on a broken wall. She got up and looked at

the soldiers that fought against the pirates.

Most of them were killed by the cannon balls and the rest were fighting

for their life.

"STOP!," shouted Mia as she erupted with an intense aura that looked

holy. The pirates instantly lost their combat abilities.

"Conqueror Haki?," muttered Akuma as he looked around to find most of

the pirates unconscious.

"I will arrest you for your sins!," said Mia as she darted towards Akuma

with her glowing sword.

Akuma once again clashed with her. But as they fought against each

other, Akuma felt his energy losing.

"Jessica!," shouted Akuma as he released his bat and a punch landed on

Mia's face sending her to the edge of the base.

Jessica waved her hands and the ships started floating up. Rony raised

his left hand and a small chakram appeared on his palm.

"Room!," said Rony and an invisible vortex spread throughout the marine

base and the ships.

"Shambles!," all the pirates on the base, conscious or unconscious

appeared on their ships.

Akuma looked at the figure who stood up from the edge. Mia was really

angry, she was about to fly towards Akuma when she saw him point


She raised her head and looked up to see a small island falling towards

the marine base. Her eyes were wide open.

Coming back from her daze, she grinded her teeth and flew in the middle

of the base.

"Lend me the power to protect! O God! Holy Shield!," shouted Mia as she

started glowing in golden rays.

It covered the entire marine base, when the light subsided. A golden half

circle protected the entire marine base.

"I will catch you, bastard!," said Mia as she concentrated her focus on the

falling island.


With the collision, the sea was vibrating and huge tides were formed near

the shield.

There was not a stretch on the golden shield, Mia sighed in relief. She

looked around and was sad that she was late even though she was in New


She then heard a voice under a collapsed floor as she hurried and lifted

the whole floor.

"Vice Admiral Mayamura!," shouted Mia, seeing Mayamura inside

seriously injured.

After some time, all the people inside the collapsed buildings were

rescued and the wounded were treated.

"Fleet Admiral! This is a serious matter! I will report it personally face to

face!," informed Mia in the den den mushi. The other side only nodded

and ended the call.

* * *

Meeting Admiral 'Angel' and hearing her reports, Fleet Admiral was not

in a good mood.

"First, place a Bounty on his head that should be atleast, 500 million

berries," said Fleet Admiral as he looked at the photo on his table.

"But this much!," voiced Admiral 'Wild' but was silenced by Fleet

Admiral's glare.

"He fought against an Admiral and even beat her at haki! What do you

want then? 100 berries bounty!," said Fleet Admiral in an irritated voice,

he waved his hands and the two Admirals went out of the room.


Admiral 'Wild' looked at Admiral Mia. He then grunted his way towards

his office.

Mia looked at her colleague who was dissatisfied at her. She clenched her

fist and closed her eyes.

"I will become even stronger and protect everyone!," vowed Mia as she

continued walking towards the bounty office.

* * *

Three days later___

"Master! You have a Bounty on your head!," said Christy as she passed a

newspaper to Akuma who was smoking his cigar.

Akuma held the newspaper and read it as a wide grin appeared on his

face. He then held his wanted poster.

[Wanted Poster]

[500,000,000 million berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]


Next chapter have to wait a day because I am currently writing an

essay for College. Sorry.... See you all the day after tomorrow!

CHAPTER - 16 { The Three Realms


A few months have passed since the attack on G-12 which was

completely destroyed.

The worst was that the Marine couldn't rebuild it because of the Devil's

Pirate. They would attack anyone who comes near the base.

Two choices were left, start a war on Devil's Pirate or abandon the base.

The first was almost impossible because of the Floating Fruit.

So, First time in the history after the World Government was founded,

marines backed down because of a pirate group.

* * *

Year, 1397

October, 4___

In the sky, 300 pirate ships were floating as they headed towards the

Town of Happiness.

One the deck of the leading ship, Akuma looked at the people around

while putting on a very happy smile.

"Today is my birthday! I am now a 21 years old Bastard! So today! we are

gonna have a party after reaching our home!," said Akuma as he raised

his glass of rum.

"Wuuu! Yaaaa!," shouts erupted from all the pirate ships as he channelled

his words through den den mushi to all ships.

"Come on! Sing me a song!," shouted Akuma while standing up on the

deck and starting to show his dance moves.

*Clap!* *Clap!*

"Thud!* *Thud!*



"Come on!," everyone one started having dance performance on the decks

of their ships. In the evening they reached their destination.

Looking down from the bow of the ship, Akuma saw three islands. One

above the other.

On the sea, island one. The 'Hell Realm', three active volcanoes and lava

all over the island with no living creatures.

Above it, The 'Earth Realm', as the one piece world is actually called 'One'

by everyone. The Town of Happiness is located in it.

And at the highest, The 'Heaven Realm', it is now in construction. A huge

glass Castle is being built on it while trees are planted.

"I can't wait to be the first Devil to live in Heaven!," said Akuma with

excitement in his voice. Soon their ship docked at the middle Island.

Sitting on his throne, Akuma looked at people sitting on their chairs.

Raising his glass of wine, followed by the rest.

"Today, I, Wholeheart Akuma, Shall be the official Devil in this World!,"

drinking his wine, followed by others. Akuma stood up and took a refill.

While the Castle was not noisy, the town was different. Citizens, Pirates

and even some wild animals were having loud parties.

"Maba, I want you to find Neji Neji no Mi(distortion) as soon as possible.

And I heard that someone got the Arashi Arashi no Mi?(Storm Human),"

spoke Akuma as he looked at the standing Maba on his side.

"Yes, master! A boy in our town accidentally ate the devil fruit! As for the

Neji Neji no Mi, I will get in the work right away," said Maba as he

walked out of the room and headed towards the town.

* * *

Marine Headquarters___

In Admiral Shinigami's office, an officer came with a report. Handing the

report, he walked out.

On the chair, a black haired man sat. He had brown eyes, sharp nose,

lean body, and a height of 378 centimetres.

Admiral Sawa Yoru, code name 'Shinigami'

Devil Fruit, Special Paramecia, Shi Shi no Mi: Death Human (Awakened)

He can create a Scythe out of nowhere. The ability to fly, pass through

any object and see good/bad souls of any living creature.

And the ability to temporarily absorb souls and increase strength for a

certain period.

Sitting on his chair, Yoru looked at the newly arrived report from New

World. Reading, he smashed his table and kicked it flying at the wall.

In the report, an image of three islands where one was above the other

was pictured. The report says that it is now Devil's Pirate's territory.

"Wait until I get orders from above, I will deal with you personally," said

Yoru as he stood up from his chair and walked out of the office.

* * *

A month later___

Furniture island, in the Town were many pirates and mercenaries while a

certain man was walking around.

His height was very tall but because the people in 'One' seemed to have

different sizes so nobody paid attention to him.

Akuma looked around as he noticed a Wanted Poster. Looking at it, he

had a big smile.

[Wanted Poster]

[500,000,000 million berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]

Was it that no-one expected him to walk around the streets like a civilian

so no one suspected him.

Reaching the harbour, a huge ship was docked there that towered other

ships. A devil in the front while a flag with a human skull with red horns.

"Four years," muttered Akuma, then jumped on the deck and ordered to

start sailing. Standing on the ship's bow, he looked at the endless sea and

put on a crazy smile.

"Where to, Captain?," asked Jessica who landed on the deck from the sky,

Akuma looked at her and started thinking.

"Sky Island," answered Akuma as he pointed toward a certain direction.

Jessica nodded and the large ship started to lift up.

The people in the city looked up at the flying ship only to be scared to

death. Numerous ships were already up in the sky floating.

Was it because of the clouds or their unawareness that they failed to

notice such an event.

"Ar-Are those D-Devil's Pirates!," said a carpenter who stopped his work

and looked at the hundreds of ships up in the sky.

"Somebody Call the Navy!," shouted a woman who was visibly scared to

see those ships floating above the island.

* * *

Marine Headquarters___

"Sir! Devil's Pirate were spotted on furniture island, now they started

heading towards first half of Grandline!," reported an officer to the Fleet


"Bastard! Are you coming here!," grunted Fleet Admiral as he waved to

the officer. He then stood up from his chair and walked towards the


"I will catch you and imprison you for your entire life, Devil!," said Fleet

Admiral, he clenched his fist and cooled down.

"I will be waiting for you. Just come!".

* * *

"Did you hear it! That devil is coming our way," said a pirate while

visibly trembling.

"But he seems to head towards the first half of Grandline?," asked the

pirate on his side.

"Idiot! We are on the way from furniture island to the first half!," said the

pirate while punching the other pirate on his face.

"Useless! Our Captain is the 'World's Strongest Man' who are you scared

of?," told a pirate who watched the two fighting.


Hello onces again...

CHAPTER - 17 { Just use more

Hostages }

Up in the sky, Hundreds of ships were floating forward. In the front was a

huge ship with a devil's head and two clawed hands.

On the deck, Akuma looked at the blue sea. Occasionally few islands

would appear.

"Either you die as a Hero or live long enough to be the Villain yourself,"

said Akuma while he sat on the ship's bow but suddenly he noticed thirty

to forty pirate ships on an inhabitant island.

"That flag," muttered Akuma as he waved his hands towards Jessica who

stopped all the ships from moving forward.

"Let's meet one of the big three," said Akuma with a grin on his face.

Jessica lowered the hundreds of pirate ships towards the island.

* * *

On the island___

"Captain!," shouted a pirate as he ran towards a black bearded man with

one eye patch.

"What is it?," questioned the man, but he soon noticed the ships in the

sky and stood up.

"What do you want?," asked the bearded man while drinking his rum and

looking back. Akuma stood there while staring at him.

"1.1 billion berries, Void Void no Mi user, Captain of Void Pirates, Berick

D. Man," said Akuma as a wanted poster appeared in his hands.

"I want to have a friendly fight with you," replied Akuma to his question.

As he vanished in front of all the Void Pirates.

"Where is he!," stunned by the move, a pirate asked in worry. Not just

him but many other pirates also started to feel afraid.

"Where is the Captain!," then suddenly a pirate looked towards his

captain to find him missing.

"He is going to have a friendly fight as the Devil said," informed the vice

captain of the Void Pirates as he pointed towards the sea.

But he was worried because rumours say that the Captain of Devil's

Pirate is a crazy guy.

* * *

"Ice devil fruit?," asked Berick while looking at the ten years or so boy

who frozed the sea around them with his palm.

'No, it's not ice but cold,' thought Berick as he could feel the temperature

decrease all of a sudden to extremes.

"Enough," said Akuma while looking at Berick who was staring at the boy

beside him.

"Yes, Captain!," said Gerry, he then looked up at Jessica. She waved her

hand and Gerry floated towards her.

"Good job, kid," praised Jessica as she hugged the little boy in her arms.

Gerry flushed red as his face was buried in Jessica's soft breasts.

"Let me see the power of the big three," said Akuma while taking out his

baseball bat made of seastones.

"Rookie, don't get ahead of yourself," said Berick while taking out his

sword from his waist. He locked his eyes on Akuam.


Both of them vanished from their spots and reappeared before each

other. Their weapons collided and created dark lighting.

"You're strong, kid! But, are you Determined!," said Berick as his sword

turned black and he erupted in Conqueror Haki.

"King's aptitude?".

Akuma was pushed behind, the ice around them cracked and water shot

up. Berick jumped back to avoid the sea water.

"Are you not a devil fruit user?," questioned Berick as he saw Akuma

stand still in sea water.

"Why do care," said Akuma as he leaped forward with his baseball bat in

dark armament while Berick did the same.

Shockwaves came as they clashed in Armament Haki. But this time,

Akuma took the lead while pushing Berick back.

Giving a left punch which was blocked by Akuma, Berick stepped on the

edge of the ice and raised his hands.

Black light covered his palms as a huge void formed that swallowed the

entire ice on it.

"Void! Empty Space!".

"Let me see how you survive the emptiness," said Berick as he increased

the power in his palms and the void started to fly upwards.

Jumping from the ice, Berick landed on the island where his crewmates

were present.

Looking up, Berick suddenly opened his palms and did a blocking sign

towards the void. The space in front of him, collapsed.


A blue beam exploded from the void and headed towards Berick. As the

beam and dark space came in contact, a loud explosion was heard.

The entire island and the sea near it shook violently, only two people

were conscious on the island after the explosion.

As the black smoke cleared, Berick looked at the island to find almost all

the trees uprooted.

Most of the pirates flew from the wind to the sea and many died. Only a

few were left on the island.

And the pirate ships were already missing, most likely destroyed.

But only he and Vitor, the vice captain, were left standing. Looking back,

he saw a huge snake like creature coming out of the void.

Due to the shock, Berick couldn't control the flying void and it vanished

in the sky.

The huge dark blue snake with wide gills looked at him with

anticipation. Berick didn't understand how could a devil fruit user, not be

affected by sea water.

Grinding his teeth, Berick formed a black space around the island. The

island shook and started flying up.

"Where do you want to go!," said Akuma but all it heard was a long roar

from the huge sea serpent.


Releasing multiple beams, he shot the island but it was absorbed in the

empty void.

"I will come back! And that time you will pay! Devil!," vowed Berick as

he took the entire island up in the sky that even Jessica couldn't take.

"Let's go!," said Akuma as he landed on the ship's deck. Jessica nodded

and floated the ships forwards.

He knew he would have lost it if he didn't use the crewmates as Hostages

on Berick, who is known as the big brother in the sea.

* * *

Year, 1398

January, 02___

Devil's Pirate Captain and Void Pirates Captain clashed on an island in

the New World, ended as Void Pirates had to flee.

New bounty was placed on Akuma's head because of this event that even

the marines considered.

[Wanted Poster]

[912,000,000 million berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]

Many people already started to take Akuma as the next person on The

Big Three, after defeating Void Pirates.

In a dark room, A woman sat on her chair while reading the newspaper.

Her eyes narrowed while a grin appeared on her face.

"I will be waiting for you!," said the woman as she stood up and walked

out of the dark room.

As the door opened, light came in and landed on the wall as the side.

Few wanted posters were pinned.

In the middle was the very woman's poster in her red dress which

outlined her perfect body shape.

[Wanted Poster]

[2,605,000,000 billion berries]

[Queen Merry]

Gura Gura no Mi user, 'The Strongest Man' in the world that even the

marines don't want to fight.

Actually is a woman with a man's ambition.


New characters coming soon... Thanks for the support!!

CHAPTER - 18 { World

Government }

"Captain! We will now pass through Queen Merry's Territory. Should we

attack them?," asked Jessica, who was playing cards with Gerry, Crick

and Trick.

"A single punch from her can destroy all our ships, a few hours of fight

can kill me," said Akuma as he glanced at the islands with Queen's pirate


He had to admit that the woman was the world's strongest. But why a

man? and not a woman as the title?

"I hope the kid will not disappoint me," muttered Akuma. He walked

towards his bedroom followed by the two women.

* * *

On an island, owned by Akuma. A kid swung his hands and black clouds

appeared on his palms.

He then increased his concentration and the black clouds became larger

up in the air. Increasing, it almost covered the entire island.

"Very good!," praised Maba, as he walked over and patted the kids


"Now, try to control the clouds and create thunderstorms," said Maba, the

kid named Laurens nodded and looked at the black clouds.

"Thunderclouds!," muttered Laurans, white lightning appeared in the

clouds and it created lots of noises.

"Now, try to create a Storm barrier around the island!," shouted Maba, he

stood a little far from the kid to give him enough space.

"Okay!," Laurens nodded and he closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he

suddenly opened his eyes that glowed white.

"Listen to me! Lend me the power to storm through my problems!,"

shouted Laurens, his feet slowly raised from the ground and he started


The black clouds moved and spread around the island and covered it.

Wind, Rain, Thunder, and Hail fell from the black clouds.

"Yes! Master will be very happy!," said Maba with stars in his eyes. The

kid came down and gasped, Maba carried him to the house for some rest.

* * *

Red Line, Mary Geoise___

In a room, five elderly people were sitting and looking at the reports

delivered by the CP0 chief.

"Call the Fleet Admiral and tell him to search the where abouts of the

Devil's Pirate," said the oldest man with a very long goatee while closing

his eyes.

"Yes, we need to send a CP9 agent in their group," spoke the youngest

looking elder with blond hair.

"Now let's talk about 'Midnight'," said a red haired elder as he pushed the

report to the side and placed a wanted poster on the table.

[Wanted Poster]

[1,000,000,000 billion berries]


"Do you want to execute him in public or kill him inside his cell?," asked

the blond hair elder. To him, the green haired elderly woman stood up

and walked to the window.

"Public Execution," said the woman while crossing her hands over her

chest and nodding herself.

"Well then, shall we inform the Marines?," asked the only elder who had

yet to speak in between.

"I will leave that to Gukuran," said the oldest elder as he started sleeping

right on the couch.

The red haired elder named Gukuran, walked out of the room with elders

only leaving the oldest to his state.

* * *

Marine Headquarters___

Fleet Admiral ended the call from the elder, he massaged his templates

while looking at Admiral 'Wild'.

"So, a public Execution?," asked Admiral 'Wild', Fleet Admiral nodded and

sighed. He picked up the other den den mushi and called Admiral Mia.

"Where are you?," asked, Fleet Admiral. After talking about the matter,

Fleet Admiral called Mia back to the Headquarters.

"Inform the 'World Economic Newspaper' about the public Execution of

Midnight," said Fleet Admiral in a low voice. Admiral 'Wild' nodded and

stepped out of the office.

"I want the securities to be handled by you," said Fleet Admiral to the den

den mushi. Admiral Yoru on the other side nodded.

"What about the Dark Pirates?," asked Admira Yoru, Fleet Admiral

stopped for a second to think.

"They will come. Be ready for war anytime," replied Fleet Admiral to

Admiral Yoru. Ending the last call, Fleet Admiral walked to the balcony.

"Will you fall, Dark Pirates?," muttered Fleet Admiral.

* * *

The next day on the newspaper headlines, the execution of 'Midnight' was


This alone scared most of the pirates while the civilians were very happy.

The reason…

Midnight, or real name Barbaric D Noman. The Vice Captain of Dark


The biological son of Barbaric D Daifuk, the Captain of Dark Pirates. One

of the Big Three in the sea.

Noman, known for massacring civilians as he wished, was captured by

Admiral 'Wild' while Daifuk was out somewhere else.

After two months, no actions were found from Dark Pirates. Then the

World Government decided to publicly Execute him.

The civilians were happy because another one of those scary pirates was

being executed.

While the pirates were scared because they will have to face the anger of

the Dark Pirates Captain.

* * *

"Call every single pirate in our territory, if they refuse then kill them,"

said a man with blackbeard while looking at the newspaper.

"Yes, Captain!," saluted the pirate as he made his way to the ship's deck.

"Marine, I was busy doing some business as you captured my son. I tried

to stay quiet for some time to calm down but you had to execute my son,"

said Daifuk.

"That also, Publicly?," spoke Daifuk as he raised his right hand and

looked at it with sad emotion.

Dark liquids like things covered the fist, that emerged as he slammed the

table in front of him. His veins were visible on his forehead.

[Wanted Poster]

[2,400,000,000 billion berries]

[Barbaric D. Daifuk]

The current user of Yami Yami no Mi, the most dangerous Devil Fruit

stated by the World Government.


[Author Talk---]

We are going have sports in our college so I wouldn't be able to write

more chapters for now. I also be tired right.

A week at most, really sorry...

CHAPTER - 19 { Celestial Dragon }

Floating were hundreds of ships up in the sky, down was the deep blue

sea with some small lands.

Actually being large Islands, many inhabitants and many not. But one

thing was common, pirates.

On the bow of the ship, Akuma sucked his cigar and smoked out white


A storm was approaching in front of them. Black clouds and white

thunder escaped from it.

"Let me see your strength, kid," said Akuma as he turned back to look at a

13 years kid named Laurens.

"Y-yes!," replied Laurans while shaking, he could feel the emptiness in the


Looking at the approaching storm, Laurens released his breath and took


His eyes started to glow white as he flew up from the ship's bow and

made his way towards the black clouds.

Jessica stopped all the ships and stood beside Gerry who was scared.

Crick, he jumped from the ship's deck and turned into a giant blue bird.

The huge Thunderbird was double the size of the largest ship. Blue

lighting emerged from him, and also vanished into him like he was made

of thunder.

He flew up in the sky and looked down at the kid, ready to stop any

thunder from hitting him.

A huge eagle also came near Crick, it looked like a baby in front of the

giant thunderbird. Even though it was as big as a T-Rex.

"Listen to me! I shall be the storm!," muttered Laurans as he waved his

hands and the storm started to turn into a spear-like thing.

It's tip pointed towards Laurens's palms. Approaching, the storm entered

inside Laurens while he was grinding his teeth.

Each second he had sweats forming on his forehead, but he still


After a long, the whole storm was absorbed by Laurans as he stepped

back on the ship's deck.

"Good job, kid," said Akuma, he patted Laurens's shoulder. Trick carried

Laurans to Rony's office for treatments.

"I heard there is a very big public execution at Marine Headquarters?,"

asked Akuma to Yuki who nodded and took out a wanted poster of


"Master, while you were training the Marine Admiral 'Wild' fought

against Midnight and caught him in the first half of Grandline," replied

Yuki, Akuma just listened to her and kept his normal poker face on.

"I want to see it… The Fleet Admiral," said Akuma in a low voice but it

was heard by all on the deck as they had a smile appearing on their faces.

"But before that, I want to kidnap some Celestial Dragon as slaves," said

Akuma. He turned back and entered the bath as Yuki and Christy

followed behind him.

* * *

Few days later___

Sabaody Archipelago

Sabaody Archipelago is the final island in Paradise, close to the Red Line.

Though it is called an archipelago, it is actually a massive mangrove

forest growing out from the middle of the ocean with each tree of the

forest serving as an "island" on which people live.

Since it is just a group of trees and not an island like those found in the

Grand Line, it has no magnetic pull for which to affect a Log Pose.

Each tree is marked by different numbers from 1 to 79 for all the 79

trees. And these 79 trees are divided into various sections.

Tree number 70-79, town area. Inside a hotel, Akuma sat near the

window while smoking his cigar and drinking wine.

"Master, I heard that there are four dragon people coming tomorrow for

the auction in tree 1 area, " Informed Larry from seventh division. Akuma

waved his hand and closed his eyes.

"I really wanted to play with some dogs, " Muttered Akuma while slowly

opening his eyes. Standing up, he walked towards the counter.

* * *

Number 1 tree___

The streets were messy with different pirates and civilians. This

particular area is a lawless zone where marines can't control it.

What's more is that many marines themselves are involved in the black

markets and other activities in this zone.

But what is to be learned is, not to raise or to voice against the celestial

dragon people.

Walking on the street on the edge of tree number 1, four people are on

top of four giant beasts.

Each of the four wore a space suit like clothes with a big bubble on the

head. On their faces were arrogance and pride.

"Hurry you piece of trash! Do you want to make me late?!, " Shouted one

of the individuals amongst the four, he had blonde hair and a long neck.

Hitting the beast with a thin stick made of plastic. Even so the wounded

beast didn't protest and also increased the speed at which it was walking.

Watching from the sides, lowering their glances, the people on the streets

were annoyed, afraid, scared and angry.

As the four dragon people neared, everyone kneeled down. Happy at the

site, the four dragon people laughed.

* * *

"Captain, the monkeys are here, " Said Rony, Akuma nodded and stood

up from the chair.

"Let's go, " Said Akuma. Outside, walking on the streets were various

people. Pirates, Civilians, Slave Traders and Merchants.

As he walked, in his sight came four dragon people with white space-suit-

like clothes. They were riding four big beasts while 20 guards were on

the side.

"Hate it, " muttered Akuma, he took a smoke of the cigar before throwing

it and standing in front of them.

"Oi! Kneel before I make you myself!," Akuma spoke with a deep voice.

Today it was not very scary but a little like death.

Did I really remember it?


[Author Talk---]

Readers, I am back with new chapters. But some things are going to

change, that is, I won't be able to write everyday.

Really sorry, but I will finish it. I don't care how long it takes.

By the way, I couldn't win a single game and also injured my left wrist.

I am… Psychopath!!


Me is back!!

CHAPTER - 20 { Lost }

Let's welcome a 100k views with this chapter!!!


The street was silent, the people were dumbfounded and the dragon

people were confused about what happened.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY!, " shouted the blonde with rage in his

face. The other three also looked very angry.

"I hope you don't die, " Said Akuma as he moved his hands back and a

black coloured baseball bat appeared.

Swinging his bat, he took a big step forward and hit the blonde at his

face. All it took was not even a second.

*Boom! *

As the blonde and Akuma's bat made contact, the blonde flew back and

his blood splashed all over.

The female amongst the four touched her face and saw red coloured

fluid. Instantly, her face lost the anger as fear took over.

"Y-You! Call the Marine! Call the Admiral!, " Shouted the youngest of the

four who seemed to be the child of the only female.

"Catch him!, " Shouted the chief of the soldiers as he pointed his sword at

Akuma while the beast on the blonde ran away.

Lowering his bat, Akuma looked at the 20 soldiers who tried to capture

him with an amused face.

"Clean these, " Said Akuma. Four shadows appeared behind the 20


First division, Leo

Zoan devil fruit, Animal series, Neko Neko no Mi: Lion Form (Awakened)

Second division, Trebo

Zoan devil fruit, Animal series, Tori Tori no Mi: Eagle Form (Awakened)

Fourth division, Erik

Paramecia devil fruit, Bomu Bomu no Mi: Bomb Human (Awakened)

Sixth division, Richi

Zoan devil fruit, Animal series, Neko Neko no Mi: Leopard Form


Leo, turning into a lion and human hybrid, reached a height of 6 meters.

Trebo, into an eagle and human hybrid, and height of 5 meters.

Erik, his surroundings slowly smelled like gunpowder. Richi, a leopard

and human hybrid, is only a little smaller than Leo at a height of 5.7


Just looking at Akuma who stood at a height of more than 4 meters, the

soldiers were afraid to attack but now.

Not one of them could move even an inch in front of the four giants.

Akuma walked past them and looked down at the three dragon people.

"Two seconds, " Said Akuma as he heard multiple screams from behind

him. A leg flew by his side and landed on the ground.

"Zero, " As the time was over. He saw the three already kneeling in front

of him. The three beasts almost wet themselves in fear.

"Better, now slaves. I want you to follow them, " Ordered Akuma as he

pointed his finger towards the four Captains.

"How the Fuck is she so fast?, " Muttered Akuma while his observation

haki sensed a very strong and familiar breath.

* * *

Flying in the air was a woman in golden armor and angel wings on her


Blond hair that reaches her chest level, fair skin that makes you think as

if she was born with a golden spoon.

Height 325 centimeters and weight 148 kilograms.

With that having golden irises and a shining double sided sword. A truly

beautiful human amongst humans

Admiral Mia Tatsuri, code name 'Angel'

Devil Fruit, Mythical Zoan, Human series, Tenshi Tenshi no Mi: Angel


"It's you!, " Surprised at the familiar figure, she exclaimed but calmed

herself back.

"Bastard! I searched for you, so long! Now I shall capture you!, " shouted

Mia, flying at her maximum speed.

"Hello! Admiral Mia!, " Answered Akuma, he lifted his bat and swung it

at her who did the same with her sword that appeared from light.


Strong wind and dark lighting came from the collision of the two. Each

second was enough to destroy one shop.

"I will not let you do as pleased!, " Grinded her teeth, Mia created a

golden barrier around her and Akuma.

'Am I still weak? ' questioned Akuma in his thoughts as he felt lost in the

collision. Why? How?

"Why am I stuck!, " Shouted Akuma with rage as his irises turned dark

black and veins visible all over his body.


A sudden aura erupted from Akuma. Mia widened her eyes as she felt the

new energy from Akuma.

'Conqueror Haki!, ' exclaimed Mia, goosebumps appeared on her body

and she had to increase her strength.

"It's still early to be feared!, " Said Mia. She pushed Akuma back while

she released her Conqueror Haki on him.


Two different Conqueror Haki clashed together and created an

unimaginable energy. A golden and A Dark.

Like the sun and eclipse. Should we talk about the people, they were

already unconscious or dead because of the Haki.

"Lend me the power to protect! O God! Holy Sword!, " Shouted Mia as the

sword in her hand shined even more with new energy from within.

"Like I will!, " Same with Akuma, his bat started glowing in dark black.

Both Advanced Armament and Conqueror Haki combined.

"Aku no Gyakusatsu".

As the Black Bat and Shiny Sword came in touch, the barrier couldn't

hold the energy any longer as it exploded into fragments.

The ground underneath them broke, the shops and houses were blasted

away while the people turned to ashes due to the heat.

Half of the town was destroyed and almost 100 thousand people were


After the dust cleared, two figures were visible in the town. Both of them

are still standing.

"Ha!... Haa!, " Breathed Mia heavily while trying hard to stand straight.

She returned back to her original human form.

Her blond hair turned black as well as her irises. The armor and sword

also vanished with the form.

Blood was flowing from her mouth and her left arm bone was broken

while her right arm was fractured.

On the other hand, Akuma was in a more serious state. Both his arms

were missing, a big cut on his face.

A small hole on his chest on the side of his heart while one of the lungs

was completely destroyed.

"I lost… A good fight, " said Akuma, his figure slowly rising up in the air.

Mia tried but her body didn't move.

"W-Wait! I have to arrest you! Wait!, " Shouted Mia but got silence as her

answer. Looking around, she was heart broken.

"Why do you pirates hurt innocent people?, " Muttered Mia while

kneeling down on her knees.

"I will kill you! ".


Another and might be the last chapter today!

Fun Facts 1

It was actually Mia who should be in Dressrosa but was changed with the

vice admiral because I was getting confused on how to introduce her.

The Fleet admiral was planned to be a teenager but then I thought that it

would be just too much.

Mia is actually an Indian with international looks. That's how I wanted to

create her and again I messed up.

Yuki was supposed to be the younger than Christy but again I changed it.

Akuma might be the more emotional psychopath that I have ever seen.

Fairies should be another race but changed to the ancestors of dwarfs...

Thanks for the read and please give me power stones so I get motivated

to write more chapters!!!!!

CHAPTER - 21 { War! Part-1 }

Red Line, Mary Geoise___

Two couches were opposite each other, one double the size of the other.

Sitting on the one near the window were the five elders.


"What do you mean you let him escape!, " Shouted the youngest of them

named Markak, the blond haired one.

"Useless Admiral!, " Muttered the oldest of the five elders named Gwyufa,

the one with the long goatee.

"What we want is for you to rescue the celestial dragons immediately!, "

Ordered the green haired elderly woman named Rudesia.

"Oi, just shut up!, " A low voice came that made the room silent and filled

with intense aura. All the elders felt a chill in their old bones.

"And you, Gwyufa. Next time you say a word about my Admirals, I will

make sure to cut that tongue of yours, " Said the Fleet Admiral in a cold

voice while looking at the old man.

* * *

In the room you could see six people sitting as five opposed to the one

who was alone. Yet, none could speak back after the one spoke.

On the side of the five elders were the- (from left) Gukuran, the red

haired elder; Rudesia, the only woman; Gwyufa, the oldest of five;

Markak, the youngest and at last was the blacked haired man, Polaru.

And on the side of the single but the scariest one, the Fleet Admiral.

Height more than 4 meters, a very big body full of muscles like a beast.

White hair as well as beard, the left ear missing.

But the thing to note was none of that, it was his age that crossed 100

years. But he looked like he was in his 60s.

Fleet Admiral Ryujin Sasate, forgotten code 'King'

Devil Fruit, Mythical Zoan, Dragon series, Ryu Ryu no Mi: Winged

Dragon Form

A silver scaled winged dragon, big as a mountain, having an ability to

fire white beams that is enough to destroy an island.

When he was in his prime, Fleet Admiral fought against 1 million pirates

all alone and destroyed them completely at the cost of a few injuries.

The only person who can defeat the strongest man in the world in pure


Yet, why was he not the strongest? Reason, his body couldn't handle his

own strength. Which caused him to get weaker faster.

* * *

"For now, Marine will focus on the execution of Midnight. After it's over,

we will let all the three Admirals search for the celestials, " Said Ryujin,

he stood up and walked out of the room.


The table in between the two couches was smashed into two. Markak had

veins viable on his forehead.

"Calm down, It's still early for you to get angry, " Said Gwyufa lazily.

Rudesia sighed and also stood up with Polaru.

"Not much long before he dies, " Muttered Gwyufa. He was the only one

left in the room as the others went to their work.

"Hahaha! Big Brother! Let me see how long you live!, " Laughed Gwyufa

crazily. His eyes were bloodshot and his hands trembling from


Not many know that the Fleet Admiral is a celestial dragon himself but

because of his own will he left that title.

What's more is that the oldest elder at the top of the world is actually the

younger brother of the Marine Fleet Admiral.

Gwyufa Sasate, the oldest elder.

* * *

Two days later___

On his bed, Akuma looked at the wooden roof and closed his eyes.

"System…, " A floating screen appeared before him in fire red colors

while the words were multi coloured.


Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 21

Weight: 250 kg

Height: 488 cm

Race: Half-Human Half-Devil (Stopped)

World: One Piece

Profession: [Devil's Pirate Captain] (changeable)


Level: 8 [142,890,760/1,000,000,000]

STR- 592

AGI- 524

DUR- 706 (devil fruit effect)

INT- 478

State Points: 300

Money: 71 billion berries (Belly, Berri, Berry? Whatever)

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way] [Memory Feel]

[Soul Extract] [Fear Consumption]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using


Items: [Stick] [Black Suit] [Gun] [Ammu] [Hat] [Deck of Cards] [Pack of

Cigar] [Lighter]

[Ability: Fear Consumption]

Increase in strength after absorbing fears from people around you. Range

up to 200 meters. If the people are not afraid of you then the opposite

effect will take place.

"Are my hands usable now?, " Questioned Akuma, at his side was Rony

who used his ability to reattach his hands.

"One second… and it's done!, " Said Rony as he cleaned his forehead with

a handkerchief and stood up.

Rising from his bed, Akuma moved his hands and didn't feel weird or


"I want to be alone, " Ordered Akuma. Everyone in the room steeped out.

Taking the last cigar from his items, he lit it.

"Fuu…, " Smoking, Akuma stood up and walked towards the window.

Looking out, all he saw was blue sea and white clouds.

'All in durability, ' thought Akuma and used all his state points on

durability making it a 1,000+.

STR- 592

AGI- 524

DUR- 1,006 (+300)

INT- 478

"Now let me see, who can cut me, " Muttered Akuma and smoked the


* * *

Execution day___

Marine Headquarters was filled with an intense atmosphere. Not one was

happy about today.

"Do you think we will survive this war?, " Asked a marine soldier in the

row and the others who listened to him gulped.

"Don't worry! We have the three Admirals with ourselves and even more

is our Fleet Admiral who fought against a million pirates!, " Cheered

another soldier next to the one who asked.

"But that was more than 50 years ago! Now do you think he can fight like

before even after he aged?, " Asked the same soldier at first to the one

who replied to him.

"That…, " As the question appeared on their minds, everyone was


"Shut up! This is no time to talk about useless matters?, " Shouted a Vice

Admiral while he looked at the soldiers.

"Yes!, " Replied the soldiers and saluted the Vice Admiral. Next, none

talked about the Fleet Admiral.

"Can he… , " Muttered the Vice admiral as he looked up at the stage on

which the execution would take place.

Currently standing alone on the stage was the Fleet Admiral. Below the

stage were three big chairs, each with different colors.

Golden chair, Black chair and Dark Green chair.

* * *

[Author Talk---]

Time is tight, elections are taking place in our college for the Union


Really troublesome…

Thank You for the support and please give some power stones for


CHAPTER - 22 { War! Part-2 }

Marine Headquarter___

200 thousand soldiers were stationed here, 24 Vice Admirals were

leading their teams and the 3 Admirals were yet to come.

"Where are they?, " Asked Ryujin, coming next to him a soldier informed

about the Admirals.

"Admiral Mia is flying over here after her treatment, Admiral Yoru is

doing a last check about the video connection. About Admiral Wild… He

seems to be missing, " Reported the Soldier but as he came to Admiral

Wild, he was a little scared.

"Leave, " Commanded Ryujin. After the soldier left, he looked at the

soldiers below in thousands.

* * *

Marine Experimental Island___

Inside the laboratory, sitting on the chair was a young looking man. Sea

blue eyes, white coloured hair, but his arms…

They were replaced with mechanical arms made of sea stones. Looking

closely, one could see blood on his fingertips.

"Next time, don't make me late, " Said the man as he stood up and pulled

a white coat from the table next to the chair.

Putting on his coat, he walked out of the room. On his back was the

symbol of Marines…


Inside the room, only five scientists were left alive and the rest were all

killed. Each body had a small hole on their forehead, the size same as a


* * *

High in the sky, after the clouds, flying were ships in hundreds. Led by a

big ship with a devils head, on the bow was a man sleeping.

"Captain, we are just at the right spot, " Said Jessica, all the ships stopped

floating forward.

"How much time is left before the execution?, " Asked Akuma while

opening his eyes and gazing at the white clouds below.

"Four hours, " Answered Jessica. She was really bored and wanted to play

some games with Gerry and Laurens.

"I want my first soul to be a big pirate, " Muttered Akuma. Standing up

from the bow, he jumped on the top of the Main-mast.

Looking, he saw 6 hundreds of pirate ships with the flags of a human

skull with red horns and two bones behind.

"Laurens, create the atmosphere, " Said Akuma, to him a boy on the deck

nodded and started using his devil fruit powers to create a storm around


* * *

Flying in the sky, Mia saw the outline of the Marine Headquarters. But in

the sky, she saw dark clouds forming.

"Looks like a storm is going to appear, " Muttered Mia, increasing her

flying speed and almost bursting in air.

"What's that?, " Asked a soldier in the row, following his gaze the others

looked as well. A small golden figure was flying towards them.

"That's Admiral Mia, code name 'Angel', " Answered the Vice Admiral

who was the incharge of the team while looking at the flying Admiral.


Landing in front of the golden coloured chair, Mia glances at the sides to

see the missing Admirals.

'Still late, " Thought Mia, she took her coat off and placed it behind the

chair. Sitting, she could see the entire army of marine soldiers.

"On time?, " A voice came from below, Mia not surprised. She looked at

the dark shadow that passed through the concrete floor.

The dark shadow changed into a blacked haired man with a very tall

height. He then did the same with his coat as Mia.

"It's quiet, " Said Yoru as he sat on the chair in between and observed the


"The calm before the storm, " Replied Mia with a worried expression. She

used her observation haki to look closer.

'How many will really survive this war?, ' thought Mia as she saw the

scared soldiers who didn't want to fight but had to participate.

"Who knows, " Said Yoru, Mia raised her eyebrows and looked at Admiral

Yoru who was leaning on the chair.

"Please don't read my thoughts, it's weird, " Said Mia, she crossed her

hands over her chest and leaned on the chair like Yoru.

"Just instincts, " Replied Yoru, he closed his eyes and went in a

meditating mode. Mia just kept observing the army.

* * *

"Looks like he won't come unless he get some profitt, " Said Ryujin while

looking at the only Admiral chair that was empty.

'Really like you, ' though Ryujin, he looked at the dark clouds that were

offering in the sky.

"Everyone! Attention! We will now start the execution!, " Said Ryujin in a

very loud voice that was clear to everyone present.

All the streaming den den mushies were streaming the war live to the

audience which were the people all around the world.

"Bring the prisoner Midnight!, " Ordered Ryujin, following his orders, two

men in gray uniform came with a man in chains.

The man was at least 2 meters tall and looked weak, mainly because of

how he was kept in the prison.

On his right cheek was a black circle with a human skull in the middle.

He wore a blacked striped shirt and pants in white.

"Marine, you will pay! And 'Wild! I will fucking kill you!, " Shouted

Midnight. But as he looked at the empty Admiral chair, he was almost

out of control.

"Bastard! Where are you!, " Shouting again, Midnight tried to struggle but

was punched on his stomach by a powerful fist.

"Stay quiet, it's your goodbye hours, " Said Ryujin, he pulled him in the

middle of the stage and cleared his throat.

"Midnight is what most of you call him but even I don't know why! His

real name is Barbaric D Noman. The Vice Captain of the Dark Pirates!, "

Said Ryujin with a calm voice but enough for every single one to hear


"There is st-, " Before Ryujin could finish his sentence, a loud explosion

was heard in Marine Headquarter.

Amongst the soldiers, five to six soldiers exploded and took dozens of

soldiers with them.

"Kekekeke! My son! Daddy is here!, " The area that was blasted turned

into a dark shadow and many pirates emerged from within it.

In the middle was a man in his 50s, long black messy hair, black beard

and black irises. He was 187 centimeters tall.

"Dad! Get me out of here!, " Shouted Midnight, but suddenly his vision

turned blank.

Midnight, an extremely dangerous pirate that scared the entire world.

Having a billion bounty on his head.

Was killed, his head crushed by a powerful dragon palm. His body

dropped down on the stage cold.

Everything happened so suddenly that no one had time to adjust their

mind with the situation.

"My son?, " Said Daifuk, he was in a daze as he saw his son's headless

body fall on the stage without moving.

"D-Did you, j-just kill my son? O-Old man?, " Asked Daifuk while he had

tears in his eyes. Rubbing, he looked at the large man standing on the


"I will kill and make sure nobody leaves this place alive".


New Chapter!!

CHAPTER - 23 { War! Part-3 }

"D-Did you, j-just kill my son? O-Old man?, " Asked Daifuk while he had

tears in his eyes. Rubbing, he looked at the large man standing on the


'Annoyed like me?, ' thought Yoru as he looked at the bloody fist of Fleet


"I will kill and make sure nobody leaves this place alive".

"I will fight!, " Said Mia, she jumped from her chair without forgetting to

put on her justice coat.

"Do as you like, " Replied Yoru, he looked at the charging Mia with

unchanged expressions.

* * *

The headquarters was in an intense war, 200 thousands of marine

soldiers and almost the same number of pirates fighting.

In the middle were two figures, those two were left alone because none

wanted to die while they interfered.

"Get out of my way, bitch!, " Shouted Daifuk while he punched, his fist

covered in black liquid like matter.

"I will stop you here!, " Said Mia, her right fist started glowing with white

light and she punched at Daifuk.


As the sun and moon collided, it was like an eclipse around them. Dark

but is visible by normal eyes.

"Die!, " Increasing his strength in his fist, Daifuk took a step forward.

Pushing Mia a step back while she is grinding her teeth.

"Aaa!, " Giving her best, she finally got her legs stationed on the ground.

"I shall not lose again!, " Said Mia, the sun glowed even more and took

over the moon.


Punching Daifuk backwards, he was blasted on the ground. Mia took a

quick breath, looking she saw him stand again.

"Let me show you what real power is!, " Said Daifuk as he rubbed his

mouth that was covered with his blood.

Suddenly, his body started expanding and a black coloured tail appeared

behind him.

Looking up, Mia widened her eyes. She was totally not expecting him to

show another devil fruit ability.

"How is it possible!, " Muttered Mia. Not only her but everyone except

Akuma was surprised by Daifuk.

* * *

"Inhumane body, " Muttered Akuma, looking at the screen. Were it not

for Blackbeard in future, he would be surprised too.

"Yami Yami no Mi, let's try".

* * *

"Impossible!, " Shouted Admiral Yoru, he personally knew how dangerous

it was to eat two devil fruits.

Long time back, his own brother became greedy and tried to eat a second

devil fruit but it resulted in him being dead.

"Just how!, " If only he knew how Daifuk ate a second devil fruit, he

could have saved his brother or tried it himself.

"Hurry and capture him!, " A voice brought back everyone to the present.

It was Fleet Admiral Ryujin on the stage.

He was surprised as well but due to his very long experience in multiple

wars, he learned to never blank out in a war.

"Die! All of you!, " The huge wingless dragon flying in the sky spoke with

his loud voice.

A dark energy ball formed in front of his open mouth and was released

towards the Marine Headquarter.

"Lend me the power to protect! O God! Holy Shield!, " Muttered Mia, a

golden shield appeared around the entire base and protected it from the

energy beam.

Even if their captain tried to kill them with the marines, the pirates didn't

miss their chances to attack Mia.

But before they could reach her, their visions blackened. A big Scythe

sliced them into two parts.

"Don't disturb her if you want to live. Not that I will, " Said Admiral Yoru.

He stood next to Mia and watched around for pirate attacks.

"Thanks!, " Muttered Mia. Because of Yoru, she was able to concentrate

on the shield and protect the base.

"Welcome, " Replied Yoru. Looking up, he saw that the beam didn't seem

to weaken at all.

"Let me help, " Said Yoru. He took a stand and waved his Scythe towards

the flying black Asura Dragon.

A powerful energy slash came out from his Scythe and headed towards

Daifuk. Everyone thought that it would crash into the shield but it didn't.

The black coloured slash covered in some Conqueror Haki went through

the shield like it wasn't even there.

"Ehh!, " Feeling the powerful slash cutting him, Daifuk groaned in pain.

Balancing himself in the air, he blasted another energy beam.

'Too high, ' thought both the Admirals and the Fleet Admiral. Ryujin

knew that he had to participate or it would not end well.

"Stop him for a moment and let me!, " Shouted Fleet Admiral Ryujin as

he leaped from the stage.

Knowing what he meant, Yoru released multiple slashes towards Daifuk

while Mia removed the holy shield.

"It's been long!, " His voice changed from deep to a mighty. His body

expanded in the air and two wings appeared on his back.

Silver metal like scales emerged all around his body and he turned into a

mountain sized silver winged dragon.

He was triple the size of Daifuk. When he used his wings to fly, the wind

produced was strong enough to uproot an entire building.

His eyes were totally white in color, sharp horns formed around his head

to protect the neck.

"Old man!, " Shouting, Daifuk flared in rage and charged towards Ryujin

at great speed.

* * *

In the sky were two dragons. One strangled the other with his long body.

The other tried to keep them in the air.

Multiple claw marks were visible on the silver dragon as he kept

struggling to unwrap the black asura dragon.


Angry at his situation, Ryujin caught the entire body of Daifuk with his

claw and pulled him.


White beam exploded on Daifuk as he was wounded heavily on his back.

Flying away from Ryujin, they were at a kilometers distance from each


At the same time, both of them opened their mouths and two energy

balls formed before them.

One was white in color while the other was black in color. Both were

enough to remove an island from existence.


Two beams shot towards each other and collided. A very big explosion

was produced because of it.

The air between them was engulfed in flames. A huge wave was formed

because of the explosion.

As the black clouds cleared, everyone could see that the two dragons

were still at a distance without any injury from the explosion.

But this time, another creature appeared between the two dragons. It was

on the seafloor, swimming.

A huge dark green sea serpent was looking at the two dragons. His eyes

were blood red and he opened his mouth.

A dark green energy ball appeared in front of his mouth and fired at the

two dragons.

Wholeheart Akuma, Devil's Pirate's Captain

Devil Fruit, Mythical Zoan, Dragon Series, Umi-Hebi no Mi: Leviathan

form (Awakened)


Our team won the election in college!!! Yeeyyy!!!!

CHAPTER - 24 { War! Part-4 }

Marine Headquarter

Everyone looked at the new entry, not one was pleased with it.

"Why is that?, " Exclaimed Mia, in her entire life it was the first time to

see this kind of sea king.

Suddenly the huge sea king opened his mouth and a dark green energy

ball formed which then was shot.

"Not good! Prepare!, " Shouted Yoru, he completely slashed multiple

swings towards the sea king.

* * *


The dark green beam was shot towards the wingless dragon while a slash

reached him on his neck.

The slash didn't even scratch him. The wind blew and multiple waves

appeared near him.

"Roar!, " A loud roar escaped from the asura dragon while the silver one

was flying towards him with its fangs.

"You too!, " Moving his head sideways, the beam went in a line towards

the silver dragon.

Before the dark green energy beam reached him, the silver dragon fired

his white beam which collided together.


Another explosion occurred near marine headquarters, and all the people

around the world were scared.

As the explosion finished, the three huge entities were facing each other

with hostility.

"Die!, " Roared the asura dragon, he opened his mouth and a dark energy

ball formed in front of his mouth.

But the other two were not ideal, they both formed white and dark green

energy balls.


The three shot together and the energy beam of different colors clashed

with each other.


This time the explosion was four times bigger than before and engulfed

all the three entities in it.

* * *

Millions and millions of people, whether they be pirates, civilians,

merchants, etc, were all watching the war in marine headquarters.

"Is this the end of the world?, " Who was it? No one knew but that was

enough for everyone to be frightened.

What if the marine lost? Will they be doomed because of the pirates after

the marines lose?

"Look!, " Shouted a voice from somewhere and everyone looked at the


* * *

"I don't have much strength left, " Informed Mia, she was panting and

sweating a lot. Yoru looked at her with worried eyes but what could he


The one who could protect the headquarters was Admiral Mia and none.

All he could do was kill the pirates as fast as he could.

"Just hold on a little longer, Fleet Admiral will do something, " Said Yoru,

but both of them knew that it was impossible to guess the future.

"I will clear the pirates first, " Muttered Admiral Yoru, he vanished and

appeared in front of a big pirate group.

Using his Scythe, he cut all of them in pieces. Repeating the same action,

he killed a 100 pirates all alone.

* * *

As the black smoke started clearing, the three entities were still on stand.

But each of them were injured.

The silver dragon lost an arm, his wings were burned and it glowed red

due to the heat.

The asura dragon was the worst, his long tail was bit off by the sea

serpent. And both his arms were broken.

The sea serpent had it a little easy because he was the furthest of the

explosion and he used the smoke to attack the asura dragon.

He was burned a little on his side, blood dropped from his mouth and

that's all. He looked at the two dragons with cautious eyes.

"Roar!, " His fangs were the biggest of the three, the asura dragon had the


"Come out!, " Roared the sea serpent, then suddenly the space behind him

cracked and a void was formed.

"I am back! Haahaha!, " A laughter was heard inside the void. Then a

huge ship came out of it and floated on the sea surface.

Behind, hundreds of ships followed the larger one. It was the void pirates

that made a wild card entry in the war.

"Bastard!, " Roared the silver dragon, he had never felt lost as he does

now. He didn't know why today was the worst.

Fighting the Dark Pirates was already bad, then Daifuk showed his

second devil fruit which was a fucking asura dragon.

Then a dark green sea serpent appeared out of nowhere and joined the

war. It was already out of his hands.

And now, the Void Pirates. What could be worse? Death? Maybe.

* * *

Marine Headquarter

Admiral Mia was protecting the base from the fight against the three


Admiral Yoru was killing the pirates as fast as he could to support Mia.

Vice Admiral Fury, he came a little late because he was signed to the

Impel Down. But after he arrived, he was shocked at what was


Everyone in the base, pirates or marine soldiers, were shocked at another

new entry. The Void Pirates, one of the big three.

"Why?, " Said Admiral Mia, she looked at the large ship with her

observation haki and found Berick D Man standing on the bow.

"Will I fail to protect the innocents again?, " Said Mia, her only rule was

to never harm the innocent and protect them from bad.

* * *

'Another one, ' thought Akuma, he looked at the almost dead asura

dragon and the injured silver dragon.

"An all out war, " Muttered Akuma, he raised his head up in the sky and

fired a dark green energy beam.

It cleared the clouds in the way and made a hole in the sky. The two

dragons were confused about what he did.

"What did he do?, " Questioned Berick, he looked up in the sky and his

eyes widened at what he saw.

Multiple ships started floating towards them from the storm that was far

away. The number was double of his.

"What!, " Everyone was surprised by the ships that were floating in the

sky. They knew whose ships they were.

"That means!, " Everyone moved their gaze towards the huge dark green

sea serpent. They didn't know that it was on the side of Devil's Pirate.

"Now… It's the real war!, " Listening to the huge sea serpent, everyone

was sure that it was a devil fruit user.

But how can a devil fruit user be in the sea without losing his/her devil

fruit powers.

For the first time in history, a man wielded two devil fruit powers and

another person swam in the sea without losing his strength


[Author Talk---]

Next chapter will be published tomorrow, we are having classes so I need

to study.

How was today's chapter? Surprised?

Answer in comments!!!


By the way, the dragons and admiral were really tied up in the fight

that they didn't concentrate much on Akuma's talking. The biggest

mistake in a war... Never lose the sight of your enemy.

CHAPTER - 25 { War! Part-5 }

I know, I was expecting to stop today but what could I do if my hands

were etching to publish another chapter today!

No chapter tomorrow. Thank you!


"What do we do now?, " Asked Mia, she grinded her teeth at the site of

the Devil's Pirates.

"Either we fight or we die. Release the shield and get ready to fight!, "

Said Yoru, wielding his Scythe and stood straight.

"Bu-, " Before Mia could speak, Yoru vanished from his spot and flew

towards the Devil's Pirates.

"Damn it!, " Cursed Mia, the golden shield was removed and she flew up

with her angel wings.

"Do you really think you can defeat us?, " Questioned Jessica, she looked

towards Laurens and he nodded to her.

"Face it!, " Shouted Laurens, black clouds appeared in the sky and

multiple lightnings shot towards Mia and Yoru.

"Like this will stop me!, " Said Yoru, he slashed his way through the

lightning and headed towards the main ship.

"Maybe not that, but this will!, " A bird's voice came from the storm. The

blue bird flew from the storm and came towards Yoru.

"Take this!, " Said Crick, a white light shone at Yoru which was a huge

lightning in the shape of a white dragon.

"Let me see!, " Said Yoru, the lighting passed through him and headed

towards Mia who came from behind.

"You!, " A shield appeared and protected her from the lightning. She was

really angry at Yoru who let his troubles onto her.

"Tch! Troublesome ability, " Muttered Jessica, she jumped from the ship

and floated towards Yoru.

"I will be your opponent!, " Said Jessica, she made a fist in advanced

armament and punched Yoru.

As the Scythe disappeared, Yoru also made a fist and punched with his

advanced armament haki to match her.


Both punches were only a few centimeters apart and dark lightning

escaped from between.

While they were at it, Crick and Mia found each other as opponents.

Using his claws, he kicked at Mia who dodged him.

"Afraid?, " Mocked Crick, he made a round and returned back to use his

lighting again at her.

"Cough!, " Mia tried to create another shield to protect her but instead,

ended up coughing blood.

"Aaah!, " The lightning hit her and almost fried her alive, it was her

tough body that saved her now.

'I am at my limit!, ' thought Mia, her angel wings vanished and she had to

use geppo to stay in the air.

Seeing his chance, Crick shot towards her with lighting speed and kicked

at her stomach with armament haki.

"Ahhg!, " Groaned Mia, she was shot towards the sea with full force. Her

eyes were starting to dim out of light.

* * *

20 years ago___

On the top of a hill, one man and a girl stood facing the setting sun.

"Brother! Why did you become a marine?, " Questioned a 12 years old

Mia. In front of her was a 20 years old pink haired man in a justice coat.

"Because I want to change the marine! And protect the innocents from

their future that they should be afraid!, " Was what her brother said.

"I also want to be like you!, " Said Mia, she looked up to him and saw a

smile on his bright face.

"But for that… You need to be strong enough!, " Said her brother and

messed up her tied hair. He then started running away.

"Nooo!, " Screamed Mia and held her hair. She started catching up to him

and beat him up. With her tiny fist.

* * *

"I was not strong enough to protect you… but I won't be weak enough to

lose my will!, " Said Mia as she was falling at a really fast speed towards

the blue sea.

"Lend me the power to protect! My Brother!, " Muttered Mia, her figure

started shining in golden light.

"What the?, " Questioned Crick, he made sure to use his full power in the

kick but she seemed to stop before hitting the sea.

The armor that went away with the form, appeared on her again. The

wings that disappeared, formed again.

A holy sword floated in front of Mia who had her eyes closed. Golden

light shone and a white ribbon tied her golden hair.

A crown formed and sat on her head. As her eyes opened, an aura

erupted and everyone noticed the change.

* * *

"Fruit awakening!, " Said Akuma, he was fighting against the Void Pirates

while Ryujin had himself with Daifuk.

He knew how hard it was to awaken a devil fruit, unless you drink some

kind of supernatural serum which cannot be created.

On top of that, it was a Mythical Zoan that she awakened which is easily

the hardest ones to awaken.

Some in their entire life couldn't use half the powers of their devil fruit.

And only a few could use the full amount of power.

Out of those, only 1 or 2 can awaken their devil fruit powers. Being the

case himself, Akuma was worried a little.

Two awakened Mythical Zoan, it's really a tough fight. He had to finish it

as fast as he can or he will have to pay.

* * *


"You did it!, " Said Merry, a drop of tear fell from her eyes but she rubbed

it away. Closing and opening her eyes, she calmed down.

"I thought I will wait and let you come to me, but it seems I have to take

the initiative, " Muttered Merry, she stood up and walked out of her


"Children, let us go!, " Shouted Merry, all the pirates heard what their

captain or what they call her 'Mother' said.

"Yes!, " Shouted together, multiple ships started their sails at a very fast

speed and vanished in front of the sight.

* * *

"Ah come on!, " Said Crick, he was truly disappointed by his luck. Why


On the other hand, Yoru was surprised by the sudden development. He

didn't look any more because he knew what Mia is capable of now.

"Thank you brother!, " Said Mia with a smile, she held out her hand

towards the sword which reacted to her will.

"The strong my will! The strong you!, " Muttered Mia, the sword shined

even brighter than before.

But to her, it was like any sword. No light or anything, for enemy it was a

sun itself.

"Holy Judgment!".


Just joking... (laughs evil) And ya, I did an ugly mistake. Mia was not

awaken before today. So correct that!! Really sorry

CHAPTER - 26 { War! Part-6 }

"Holy Judgement!".

The black clouds that covered the sky were disappearing and sunlight

came from the gaps.

"No! No no no, why can't I control the storm!?, " Said Laurens, he tried

but couldn't control the weather any more.

"So that's the power of a Mythical Zoan, " Muttered Rony, he came out of

the ship and looked at the sky.

"Magnificent!, " Said Rony, he pushed his spectacle and turned his gaze to

Mia while a smile appeared on his face.

"I want to see what's inside her, " Muttered Rony, he then returned back

to the ship while trembling in excitement.

"Brother is in trouble, " Said Trick, clenching his fist and looking solemn.

Christy and Yuki were the only ones to not feel anything.

"Master is gorgeous!, " Said Yuki, resting her hands on the ship's side

railing. Christy nodded and stood beside her

"Laurens! Come down!, " Shouted Gerry, he was also watching the scene

with worried eyes. Laurens nodded and came down.

* * *

"How did you do it!, " Shouted Crick, he flared towards her with his

lighting. Mia raised her sword and suddenly vanished.

"What!, " Crick was surprised, he looked around but failed to fnd her but

a voice came that made him look up.

"This is Holy Judgement!, " Said Mia, hundreds of thousand swords

appeared in the sky. Each shined bright that made eyes so numb.

"Why you!, " Said Crick, all the swords joined together and fell down

towards Crick.

He wanted to dodge or escape the attack but his body was fixed in the

sky by some unknown energy.

"Then let me die with pride!, " Said Crick, his figure started changing

form and turned into a hybrid form.

Two thunder wings, both his legs were that of a birds and his body had

some blue tattoos all over.

"Shōmei tero!".

His body exploded with electric energy and formed a huge thunder spear

that headed towards the sword.

* * *

Everyone saw a huge blue spear clashing with a golden sword.

As the contact between the two happened, a loud and big explosion

formed there.

It was so loud that the people watching through the stream had their ears


Admiral Yoru and Jessica had to stop their fight because of the explosion

or else they would be engulfed too.

Far, Akuma looked at the explosion and narrowed his pupils. As the

expected happened.

* * *

After the smoke cleared, only one person was in the air flying. Mia

clenched her sword handle tightly.

"Let the soul rest in peace, " Said Mia, she then turned her face towards

the ships that floated in the sky.

"This will be your end, " Mia flew towards the large ship in the front with

her fastest speed.

"Shit!, " Cursed Gerry, Laurens and Gerry hugged each other in fear.

Christy, Yuki and Trick were ready to fight.

"Let me!, " A voice came from the door that opened, Rony stretched his

neck and jumped from the ship.

"Room!, " said Rony and an invisible vortex spread throughout the sky

and the ships.

He floated in the air and looked towards Mia who entered his room. He

smiled at her.

"Shambles!, " Said Rony and Mia returned back to her position where she

entered the vortex.


Swinging her sword, a golden slash came out and went towards Rony

who send it back to her.

"Ahhe!, " Groaned Mia, a cut appeared on her chest that went through

her stomach.

"I am the surgeon in my room!, " Said Rony, he looked at the groaning

Mia in excitement.

* * *


A dark energy beam blasted Ryujin towards a big island. Falling, the

whole island trembled due to the crash.

"Roar!, " Feeling the pain, Ryujin roared towards Daifuk in anger. He

fired his energy beam at Daifuk.

Dodging the beam, Daifuk flew towards Ryujin and bit him on his neck.

Ryujin tried to separate from Daifuk.

"Roarrrr!, " With his single hand, Ryujin caught Daifuk by his neck and

pulled him off.

Throwing him on the mountains, Ryujin blasted another energy beam at

Daifuk who couldn't escape it.

A hole was visible on Daifuk's stomach, he was at death's door. With a

little strength, he raised his head to see a dark green beam hit Ryujin.

Akuma pushed Ryujin away and looked at the dying Daifuk. He quickly

changed and returned back to his human form.

"You can't run!, " Shouted Berick, he created a void in his fist and leaped

towards Akuma.

"I will erase your existence from the whole world!, " Said Daifuk, he

punched Akuma who dodged it.

As the punch landed on a tree, it was engulfed by the void fist and

vanished without any traces. Even the roots deep down were gone.

"Awakened powers?, " Exclaimed Akuam, it was the first time he saw

Berick use his awakened devil fruit.

"I can do the opposite!, " Said Akuma, he waved his hands towards Berick

and threw some sand at him.

"My eyes!, " Overconfident in himself, Berick failed to dodge the harmless

sand and lost his sight.

"Where are you!, " Cleaning his eyes, he looked to find Akuma missing in

front of him. He used observation haki to find him far away.

* * *

Daifuk couldn't maintain his dragon form and returned back to his

original human form.

"Aaa!, " Screamed Daifuk, a large hole was on his stomach. Both his

hands were broken and he didn't have any strength left.

"Must be painful?, " A voice woke him up from the pain, he looked at the

tall figure.

"Let me help you!, " Said the man, a metal bat appeared in his hands and

he swung it at Daifuk.

Barbaric D Daifuk, the most dangerous man after joy boy himself had his

last breath.

His head was smacked by a metal baseball bat. Akuma lifted his body

and it vanished in the air.

Items: [Stick] [Black Suit] [Gun] [Ammu] [Hat] [Deck of Cards] [Pack of

Cigar] [Lighter] [Dead Body]

"My work is over!, " Said Akuma, he wanted to get out of here but he felt

danger from behind.


Swinging his bat with armament and conqueror haki, it hit a white

energy beam after which an explosion appeared.

Akuma was engulfed in the explosion, Ryujin in his hybrid form reached

where the explosion occurred.

"Damn it!, " Cursed Ryujin, he saw a huge crater but not Akuma. Even his

observation haki failed to locate him.


There might be another chapter today...

CHAPTER - 27 { War! Ended! }

"Fuck!, " Cursed Akuma, he was injured on his chest due to the piece of

metal that came off from his bat at the impact.

The metal piece hit his left eye and almost turned him half blind. He was

currently swimming inside the water.

With each of his flaps, a wave would be formed on the sea surface. He is

heading towards his pirate group to retreat back from the war.

* * *

"Bastard!, " Shouted Jessica, each of her punches were blocked and a kick

would land on her.

"Do you think you can fight an Admiral? If that is, then it's a dream, "

Said Yoru, he swung his Scythe and a slash went out.

In armament, Jessica blocked the slash and punched towards Yoru with

an invisible force in the shape of a fist.

"Let me show you the real power of an Admiral!, " Said Yoru, he suddenly

turned into a black shadow holding his Scythe in the air.

"Full Form: Death Human!, " Muttered Yoru, his eyes were shining red in

the dark while his hands were dried like.

"Damn!, " Using her devil fruit, she pulled multiple small islands near the

base towards her.

She already made contact with them before joining the war so to be extra


"You can't land a finger on me, " Said Yoru, he watched the islands

crashing towards him at a fast speed.


Multiple islands collided together on the spot where Admiral Yoru was

flying. But as the islands were separated, Yoru didn't even have a scratch

on him.

"Told you, " Said Yoru, he rushed towards Jessica with his Scythe. But a

danger came from behind him.

He blocked a claw which targeted his back, it was a giant eagle. He

pushed the eagle away but a punch towards his cheek.

"Two at a time!, " Muttered Yoru, he turned to his side and dodged the

fist. Flying back, he looked at the two.

"Now who the hell is coming again?, " Said Yoru in an annoyed tone

looking towards the horizon far away.

Following his gaze, both Jessica and Trebo looked at the horizon to see

some small objects sailing towards the base.

* * *

"It's her!, " Said Berick, his observation haki catching a very strong breath

far away. It was stronger than him, and he knew who it was.

"Why are you here?, " Said Berick, he calmed his anger and walked back

to the edge of the island where his ships were.

Seeing Berick retreat back, Ryujin was a little happy but because of the

new incoming. His mood was even worse.

"Why did the big three gather today?, " Said Ryujin, holding his shoulder

from which his entire arm was missing.

Using geppo, he flew towards the marine headquarters.

* * *

"Let's stop here today, " Said Rony, he threw Mia out of his room and

floated back to the main ship.

Grinding her teeth Mia looked at the floating ships but even with her

urge to fight, she had to stop for now.

She flew back towards the marine headquarters together with Yoru who

came towards her in an annoyed expression.

"Unlucky day, " Said Yoru while flying for some time, both reached the

marine headquarters and were greeted by an almost unconscious Fleet


* * *

"Who might it be?, " Said Akuma. He was now standing on his ship and

looking at the ships sailing towards marine headquarters.

"But it's many times stronger than me, " Muttered Akuma. He went to

Rony and got medical aid.

"Show me the live footage!, " He ordered and Yuki came with a snail on

her hand. She placed it on the table facing the wall.

* * *

"What's going on? Why did the fight stop!, " Asked a bearded man in the

crowd, but like him the others were confused.

"Look! There are ships coming towards marine headquarters!, " Shouted a

kid amongst the children in the crowd.

Everyone turned towards the approaching ships and were gasped out of


The one who is coming towards the marine headquarters was none other


'The Strongest Man in the World'

[Wanted Poster]

[2,605,000,000 billion berries]

[Queen Merry]

There were almost a hundred ships. Each was large enough to hold 300

pirates in it.

On the front was a ship that looked like a white panda with black spots

on it. Even the flags had panda heads painted on it.

* * *

Looking at the dead bodies of pirates and marine soldiers, Merry was

really sad at the site.

"Mom… Mom!, " A voice woke her from the flash of the past that she

saw. It was her first ship commandant.

"I am fine, Josh, " Said Merry, she then turned her eyes towards the three

figures in the front.

"I am here to stop this war!, " Said Merry, her voice was loud enough for

everyone to hear what she said.

"Who the hell are you to stop this war!, " Said Yoru, he didn't want to

hide his anger towards Merry.

Seeing Yoru's anger, Merry was heartbroken but calmed herself back. She

stood upright and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I am the Queen!, " Declared Merry, all the queen pirates cheered for her

in loud shouts.

"Sister! Please go back!, " Said Mia, who held Ryujin over her shoulder.

Merry met with her eyes and smiled.

"I want to but I can't, my dear, " Said Merry, she raised her hand and

pointed towards the surroundings.

"Not with how it is".

Most of the soldiers were injured gravely, half of the army were already

dead and only a little were safe.

It was the same with the Dark Pirates, but the dead were more and no

one was safe.

"And not until they leave!, " Said Merry, she then turned her gaze

towards the floating ships and the sailing ones.

"Whoever wants to continue! I will be your opponent! Come!, " Taking

her Staff from Josh, she hit it on the floor and clenched her fist.

* * *

"Let's go!, " Said Berick, he didn't want to fight a duel where death was


All his ships entered a huge void mirror that turned them invisible to

normal eyes.

* * *

"I got what I wanted! Go!, " Ordered Akuma, Jessica nodded and floated

all the ships away from the marine headquarters.

"Won't be long when I will kill you as well, " Muttered Akuma, he looked

at the figure that stood upright at the marine headquarters.

"Not long!".


[Author Talk---]

Here I am back!

I want to know your thoughts about the whole war and this particular


Please comment below and motivated me to write more chapters!!!!


Here I am back!

CHAPTER - 28 { New Character }

East Blue___

Logue Town is an island located near the Reverse Mountain compared to

any other islands.

On the street, a samurai man with long black hair walked. He had

spectacles on, getas with two teeth and his height was at least 3 meters.

His clothes were all black in color except his body. He was a very fair guy

with a handsome face.


Slowing looking around, he saw multiple pirates. Each doing the pirate


On one alley, three big pirates blocked the path of a small girl who was

holding a small bag in her tiny hands.

"I don't have any money! Please! I have to give my father medicine!, "

Said the little girl desperately. But the three pirates just laughed at her.

"How much will she sell for?, " Asked the bearded pirate, he licked the

blade in his hands while looking at the girl.

"At least 50,000 berries!, " Said the middle one as he lifted a big jute bag

with a rope on his shoulder.

"No! Let me go!, " Screamed the little girl as the last pirate caught her by

hand and pulled towards the jute mouth.

"Wel well, I hope you could release the little girl!, " A voice came from

behind the three pirates.

Both the pirates and the little girl were scared of the man with at least 3

meters height standing in front.

"Y-You! Go A-Away!, " Said the bearded pirate, he was visibly shaking.

The tall man adjusted his spectacles and stared at the three little pirates.

Suddenly, the three pirates fell down on the floor with their eyes white.

They were knocked unconscious.

"Little girl, " Said the man as he kneeled down towards the girl who had

her body trembling in fear.

"Cute ones like you shouldn't roam in alleys without parents. Next time

be careful if you do so, " Smiling, the man stood up and walked on his

path again.

"T-Thank y-you!, " Said the little girl, she was surprised that the huge

uncle didn't do anything to her.

She knew what would happen if she got caught by someone, she would

be sold or killed.

* * *

Near the edge of the island, the harbor was filled with multiple pirate

ships, each of different size and shape.

"After many years, I have completed my training. Now I am free!, " Said

the man as he looked at the blue sea with wet eyes.

"I will make sure to let the heavens know my name, " Vowed the man as

his left hand slid to his long Katana.

"Hey you! You are a swordsman! Let's fight!, " A pirate who had two

double sided swords on his waist came towards him.

"Very well!, " Said the man, he faced the pirate with his right foot in front

and right palm on his katana handle.

"Omara Tajaba!, " Said the pirate, he unsheathed both his swords and

looked at the samurai who took his stand.

"Shimotsuki Nakamura, " Said the man, he pulled his katana off the

sheath and closed his eyes.

"Fuu!, " Breathing out, he opened his eyes. The pirate leaped towards the

man with his swords.

"Two Swords Style: Cat Claw!, " Said the pirate, his swords moved fast

and headed towards the man in a claw like style.

"Naming like a little kid, " Muttered the man, he vanished from the spot

and reappeared behind the pirate.

"What!, " The pirate was shocked, his eyes couldn't catch the speed in

which the man moved.

Both stopped, the man waves his katana and puts it back into its sheath

slowly. As it makes a sound, the head of the pirate separates from its


"Easy win, " Said the man, then headed towards the bar for a drink. His

aim was to return back to his homeland.

* * *

Shimotsuki Nakamura

32 years old, male, single

A samurai from the Shimotsuki Clan in Wano. At the age of 8, he was

abducted and sold somewhere in east blue.

Later on, he killed the entire pirate group who bought him with a kitchen

knife at night when he was 10.

Escaping, he only had a sword with him on an island with no other

human beings.

For his entire 20 years, he trained on the island. He didn't even know

that he had awakened all the three haki at first.

After learning and practising, he was now proficient in all the three types

of haki. Armament, Observation and Conqueror.

Even their advanced versions. Living as the only human on an island, he

was suffering from loneliness.

* * *

Soon, a name spread around East Blue. A samurai roamed and accepted

every duel but the loser had to die.

The marines tried to invite him to join them but were rejected openly.

Then an incident occurred because of it.

The entire marine base in the East Blue was cut into two by Nakamura.


The marine captain responsible for inviting him didn't accept his refusal

and tried to solve him by killing.

But no one was killed, only injured. Some were badly hurt while many

only had light injuries on them.

[Wanted Poster]

[20,000,000 million berries]

[Black Samurai]

* * *

"So this is the so-called Grandline. The first half of Grandline, Pirate's

Paradise, " Said Nakamura, he looked at the approaching storm with a


"One Sword Style: Total Cut".

A black coloured slash came out his katana and cut the storm in half.

Even the sea was cut from between.

As the storm split, it went to separate paths while Nakamura headed from

between them.

"By the way… Where is Wano?, " Said Nakamura, he then scratched his

head. Looking around, only the blue sea was visible.

"Damn! Let's just go straight!, " Shouted Nakamura, he then fastened the

small boat he was in.

But he didn't know that Grandline played with him, he was circling again

and again.

* * *

"It's been a week! When the hell will I reach land!, " Screamed Nakamura.

His eyes looked dead but his body already died of boredom.

"When!, " Shouted Nakamura, he looked at the light blue sky with his

eyes full of tears. He really wanted to touch soil.

'How long has it been?, ' questioned Nakamura in his thoughts, he didn't

move even a little this entire time.


The boat hit something, Nakamura was so dead that he didn't even use

his observation haki.

'What the? LAND!, ' thought Nakamura, he stood up and saw a green

forest in front of him.

He was so happy that he leaped from the boat and kissed the land with

deep affection.

"I will never travel by sea again!, " Said Nakamura, he started crying with

soil all over his face.

Both the glasses of his spectacles cracked because of the hit on the soil.

"Ahem!*, " Suddenly a fake cough came from his side. He knew that

someone was here but just didn't care about him or her.

"Yo!, " Said the voice as Nakamura looked up to her with a dirty face.


I am sleepy!!!

CHAPTER - 29 { Neji Neji no Mi }

"What do you want?, " Asked Nakamura, looking up at the woman.

"Just looking, " Replied the woman, she seemed to be in her 20s and had

dark purple hair.

"*Cough*, " Standing up, Nakamura cleaned himself and took off his

spectacles which were broken.

"I am busy, " Said Nakamura. He then walked inside the forest without

giving a look to the woman.

"Suspicious, " Muttered the woman, she turned and saw the boat floating.

Jumping, she checked it but found nothing.

"Even more".

* * *


Sitting in front of the fire, Nakamura stared at the burning flames. Many

thoughts appeared in his mind.

"Can I really find Wano?, " Said Nakamura, he knew that Wano Kingdom

was closed to the outside world.

And even more was that it can't be found unless you have even been

there before.

But he was just too small and never left Wano before to remember the


"What do you want now?, " Asked Nakamura, he clearly knew that the

previous woman had arrived near him.

'A devil fruit user? Light?, ' thought Nakamura as his observation haki

caught the movement behind him.

"What are you doing? Lighting a fire in the forest that is filled with

monsters, " Said the woman, she arrived near him and the fire died down.

"Even I don't have the courage to make a fire at night, " She looked at

Nakamura. Not understanding, Nakamura stood up and looked down at

the woman.

The woman was under 2 meters so she was like a child in front of


"What do you mean?, " Asked Nakamura, he didn't feel any breath on the

island except for himself and the woman.

"Your observation haki is useless if you can't hear them, " Said the

woman, she then turned her head towards one direction.

"It's hunting time. Get out of here!, " Saying so, she turned into light

particles and vanished in the air.

"When!, " Exclaimed Nakamura, not to the woman but to the sudden

movement next to a tree where she looked.

Jumping towards a tree top, Nakamura ran from one branch to the other.

He was heading towards the tallest tree.

"What was that thing?, " All he could observe was the killing intent and

nothing else.

* * *

Night had it all, the moon illustrated the entire Island in silver light.

On the highest mountain, at the tallest tree. A samurai crossed his arms

over his chest while looking at the forest below.

Above him on another branch, a white light glowed and formed a human

being sitting on it.

"That thing is called Nightcrawler. They hunt at night and sleep during

the day, " Said the woman, resting her cheek on her fist.

"What do they hunt?, " Asked Nakamura. With his advanced observation,

he saw the thing's figure.

"Themselves, " Replied the woman. She then once again vanished and

reached high in the air.

"Bright Light!".

As if the sun came, she turned into a ball of light and shone the entire


Only then could Nakamura actually see how the thing looked.


Its head only had a hard skull, two legs which also worked like its hands

and a very long tail to balance itself.

* * *

"So that's how it looks, " Muttered Nakamura, the woman then came back

to the tree branch.

"Let me tell you, every single one of them has mastered the two haki.

Observation and Armament.

There are currently two of those things which can use the Conqueror

Haki, " Informed the woman, she took a deep breath and stood up.

"Better for you to get out of here, " Saying so, she disappeared in light


"So, I need to get out of this island?, " Said Nakamura to himself. He

leaped from the tree and started heading towards his boat.

Reaching, he looked at the empty sea. Then did he realise his mistake.

"Shit! I forgot to tie the boat!, " Cursed Nakamura, he massaged his


Suddenly, he felt a very strong breath behind him. Slowly turning,

Nakamura saw a set of teeth wide open.

The long tongue sticks forward and licks him on his face. It smelled like

hell, he saw the insides of the creature from the mouth.

"Da-, " Before he could finish his word, half of his body was bitten by the


Struggling, he managed to open its mouth. His palms on the upper jaw

while his foot on the lower jaw.

"You will pay!, " Screamed Nakamura, the Nightcrawler then headed

inside the forest with him.

* * *

[Ability: Soul Extract]

A white light glowed from the body of Daifuk, it then escaped from the

body reaching Akuma's palm.

Steadily, it formed a small ghost-like object. A tiny body with two hands

and a head with two big eyes.

Then, the ghost vanished from his palm. Looking at the screen, Akuma

saw the ghost transferred to the Glass Ball.

Souls Collection

"One, soon I will fill it!, " Said Akuma, he then stood up. Walking out, he

met Rony and told him that the body was his to do.

"I just want to know how he can have multiple devil fruit powers, "

Ordered Akuma, he stared at him which made Rony have cold sweat.

"Yes, Captain! I shall find out the mystery behind this person!, " Replied

Rony, then entered the room.

Taking a cigar, he lit it and started smoking.

The next destination was Mock Town.

"They have wings, like angels. I can farm them in Heaven, " Muttered

Akuma, he came to the deck and saw the three kids playing cards.

"Jessica, go low, " Said Akuma. Nodding her head, Jessica lowered all the

ships and returned back to the game.

"Master! There is news!, " Yuki came from behind and called out to

Akuma. What news?

"What is it?, " Asked Akuma, he turned to look at Yuki who came with a

picture in her hands.

"Maba found Neji Neji no Mi! Master!, " Informed Yuki, she handed the

picture of a devil fruit to Akuma.

"Tell him to wait till I return, " Said Akuma. He walked to the bow of the

ship and sat there.

'My own 'World', ' Thought Akuma, all his eyes saw was the future of his


"I must find the answer".


[Author Talk---]

Sorry guys, I was fully busy at College and had to work extra because of

the College event called Freshers Day.

It was one hell of Fun! And I even became Mr. Freshers in this event.

Thanks for the wait!

CHAPTER - 30 { Floating World }

Mock Town___

This town is a port town of Jaya. It is inhabited mostly by pirates, despite

it looking like a resort.

Every single second a fight breaks out here. It is run with the money

which the pirates pay or no service for them.

Inside a bar, multiple pirates were having a party. Standing on a table

was the captain of the pirate group.

"I have a new bounty on my head! Hahah! 10 million! Fucking! 10

million!, " Shouted Raka, he jumped and kicked the table.

"Wooo!, " Shouted the pirates. Everyone was having fun when a man

came walking inside the bar.

"Who has the highest bounty in this town?, " Asked the man in a deep

voice which made the entire bar quiet.

"Hey! Keep it low!, " From the counter, the bartender said in a low voice

but was clearly heard by everyone.

"You! Do you know me?, " Said Raka, he stepped forward and sat

opposite to the man.

"Well I am from another place so I don't know anyone yet. That's the

reason I asked that guy, " Said the man as he pointed towards the


'Where did I keep the dirty clothes?, ' thought the bartender as he knew

that the man was dead for sure.

"I have a 10 million bounty on my head!, " Said Raka, he placed his

hands on the table and looked at the man.

'Why do I feel like I have seen him somewhere?, ' Looking from close,

Raka felt some similarities with the man.

'Where was it?, ' questioned Raka. Suddenly, a pirate from nearby

immediately ran out of the bar.

"What th-, " Before he could finish, almost the entire bar was empty. Only

him, the bartender and some pirates were left.

"What's going on?, " Asked the bartender, he walked out of the counter

and looked out of the window.

"My God!, " Muttered the bartender, the entire town was in the shadows

from hundreds of ships up in the sky.

Mock town was invaded by the Devil's pirates.

His sight then fell on the nearby posters, he saw a man almost identical

to the one inside.

"130 million!, " Exclaimed the bartender, he had a chill down his spine.

When he looked towards the captain and the man.

No, there was no one left except the man who stood up from his seat and

his fingers were dripping with blood.

Not exactly fingers, but actually a claw!

[Wanted Poster]

[120,000,000 million berries]

[Frontier Lion]

"Useless, " Said Leo, who then turned towards the bartender. His eyes

stared at him like a beast.

"Bobu King, 23 million berries!, " Replied the bartender in cold sweat.

Suddenly, a figure came crushing the roof.

"Our work is done, " Said Trebo, his back had two bird wings while his

eyes were that of an eagle's.

"Hm, " Leo stepped out of the bar and looked at the town. Black smoke

and blood with destruction was all left.

"The bill for everything, " Saying so, Trebo tossed a coin towards the

bartender and flew up from the same way as he came.

"The owner will kill me… if he is still alive, " Muttered the bartender. He

started his work by cleaning the glasses.

* * *

In the middle of the town, Akuma took a chair and sat down. Soon, the

division captains brought what was asked.

"So you all are the ones, " Said Akuma in a deep voice, as he looked at

the three pirates who lowered themselves.

"Yes, Captain!, " Nodded the three pirates. One of them was the big boss

of the town but not today.

"Good, now stand up, " Ordered Akuma, he stood up and gazed at the

broken town in silence.

"How long till the Navy comes?, " Asked Akuma. He moved forward

towards a shop which was smashed by the cannonballs.

"6 hours!, " Replied Christy, Yuki flinched as she was about to be the one

to answer her master.

"None of you have devil fruit powers right?, " Asked Akuma. To him, the

three nodded and were confused.

"Here, take one!, " Said Akuma, suddenly he had a smile on his face but

his eyes were shining dark red.

Stepping forward, each of the three took fruits and ate them. Soon, they

started feeling the explosive strength in their body.

Bobu King, his body erupted with pain and increased in size.

Taking the shape of an Ancient Dinosaur.

Zoan devil fruit, Dragon series, Ryu Ryu no Mi: Therizinosaurus Form

Zakar, a new rookie pirate as well as the most famous in the first half of


Had his body turned into a hard as well as liquid sliver metal. He could

control his body as how he wanted.

Special Paramecium devil fruit, Tetsu Tetsu no Mi: Metal Human

Angelina, the vice captain of Bobu King's pirate ship also his sister.

A tail of the same length of her body grew behind her. She then became a

monkey which also increased her flexibility.

Zoan devil fruit, Animal series, Saru Saru no Mi: Monkey Form

* * *

"Leave before the Navy arrives, " Commanded Akuma, he with the rest of

the crew started floating towards the main ship.

After a few hours, the Navy arrived and saw the town filled with


"We were late, " Said Fury, he along with the Navy Captain departed as

soon as they were informed of the invasion.

"Damn you, Devil, " Cursed the Navy Captain, he grinded his teeth and

was infuriated by how the town had became.

Even if it was ruled by the pirates, the town was never destroyed like this

from the time it was built.

"We need to do something about them or I can't say what will the world

became, " Said Fury, he took out a den den mushi and dialed the

Admiral's number.

* * *

Floating, were hundreds of ships. Each one had multiple pirates who

were ready to kill at any moment.

In the front of all the ships, a very large bird or exactly an eagle flew.

Flying, its eyes caught a moment nearby. When it neared, what it saw

was a very big cloud above a storm.

The rest of the ships followed it and came to the long forgotten land.


The island on cloud!

One of it's area was once the half part of the Jaya island where the Mock

Town was located.


[Author Talk---]

I don't want to explain everything about Skypiea. Please go watch 'One

Piece' if you want to find more information.

Thanks for the wait, currently a little tight because of work.

CHAPTER - 31 { Blood War! Part-1


[Author Talk---]

Let me welcome 200k views by this chapter!

That means, no chapter until 200k is completed

Thanks for the support!


On the white clouds, a huge wide open gate with a single person sitting

on the counter was located.

Heaven's Gate, the entry path towards the island. Everyone who visits has

to pay a certain amount of money.

Bata Bari, the young man who is assigned to the position of gatekeeper.

It's only been a year since he became the gatekeeper but he knew that it's

a free meal job.

Mainly because it has never been visited from the time when Ubau was

the last king of Skypiea.

It was also him who started the war between all the people in Skypiea.

Birkans, Shandians and Skypiens.

"Boring!, " Muttered Bata Bari, he extended his legs on the counter and

laid back on his chair.

"Huu!, " Releasing a deep breath, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in that


Soon, a black dot came flying towards the gate and behind were

numerous black shadows.

A very large eagle flew at the counter, its eyes locked at the deeply

sleeping Bari. Tilting its head, it flew inside the gate.

Following one by one, hundreds of pirate ships floated inside the gate

taking their time.

* * *

'Was I dreaming about a very large eagle looking at me?, ' thought Bari,

he then flipped the thoughts.

"It should be a dream!, " Muttered Bari, he took a cap and placed it over

his face while falling asleep again.

* * *

Angel Island

It is the Skypiea's main residential district, composed entirely of Island


Bisected by the famous Lovely Street, it contains a wharf, houses, and

many shops, and is usually patrolled by the White Berets.

On the edge, angel beach. A young girl was playing with her small


Suddenly, she saw a giant eagle flying towards them. Panicking, she

picked her little brother no older than 5 years and ran towards her house.

"A real angel, " Said Trebo, he looked at the small white wings on their

back with amusement.

Landing on the roof of the lighthouse near the beach, he changed back to

human form.

The ships floated above the Angel District, it created the image of

invasion on the Skypieans.

"Run! Pirates!, " Screamed an old man as he tried to run but fell on his

front as he stumbled on the street.

"No! Aaaa!, " Shouting, the old man was stabbed to death by a crazy

pirate. Blood ran across the street, not just the old man but many others

as well.

"Why, God! Why!, " Said a woman, she carried a child in her hands and

ran away from a group of pirates chasing her.

"Leave me, please! I Beg! No!, " Screamed a young lady as she was caught

by three pirates who stripped her off clothes.

"Haha!, " Laughed the pirates as they raped the young lady without any

mercy. Later, she was pulled by her hair towards the gathering spot.

* * *


The alive residents were gathered together on the main street in the

Angel District.

"Kill the ones who are useless, " Said Akuma, the pirates nodded and

started choosing the ones who were crippled.

"No! Brother!, " Said the girl from before as her brother, who was a

handicap. Was picked by a female pirate.

"Shut up!, " Kicked the female pirate, the girl fell on the ground with a

heavy blow on her shoulder.

"Sister! Please don't do anything to her!, " Begged the little boy, he caught

the female pirate's right leg as he sobbed.

"Leave… Him!, " Muttered the young girl with her injured shoulder. Not

just her, but everyone was facing a similar situation.

Someone's father, mother, sister, brother, wife, child and many more.

"I will kill you!, " Screamed the lady who was raped as she dashed

towards Akuma with a small dagger.

"That's it! I want this kind of person!, " Said Akuma, who caught the

sharp dagger with his fingers.

Tilting his head, he looked at the completely naked lady who had some

white dripping from her private area.

It looked like a play, a very large man and a newborn fighting.

"Look into my eyes!".

[Ability: Hypnosis]

Akuma could see the lady in light red colors but as a loading bar

appeared above her head and started to fill up, she slowly turned to


[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

Her eyes turned white, she released her grip over the dagger and bowed

in front of Akuma.


It was not the first time the pirates saw this scene, even so they were

amazed by what Akuma could do.

The residents were shocked by the display, they didn't know what the

giant man did.

"Now all you! Look at me!, " Said Akuma, his irises still multi-coloured.

He gazed at the crowd gathered.

* * *

"Something is going on!, " Said an old man, he looked towards the man

beside him with a solemn face.

"I will check, " Said the man, he then jumped on a water scooter and

accelerated towards the Angel District.

The old man looked at the white clouds that covered the entire sky.

"When will the sunlight come, " Muttered the old man, who started

walking back inside the forest with his wooden stick.

* * *

When the man reached the District, his eyes widened beyond belief. All

of the area was destroyed completely.

And the half was only a little better. As he walked in, not an alive soul

was visible but dead bodies were clear.

"What happened here!, " Said the man, he flipped a dead body and saw

how brutally the person was killed.

Numerous stabs and cuts, at last the person was choked to death by his

own necklace.

"I need to inform the priest immediately!, " Exclaimed the man, he was in

a daze because of the site that he forgot the main work he came for.

He ran back to his water scooter headed back towards the forest where

the priests were doing a ceremony for God.

* * *

But he was late, because the priests didn't encounter God. Instead, they

met the real Devil!

It started, and a new 'War' which was never expected happened.

Will it be the Fall of the long forgotten land or the Fall of the Devil?

To be Continued!

CHAPTER - 32 { Blood War! Part-2


Marine Headquarters

I walked around the corridor. As I neared a certain office, I saw the sign

above the door.

'Fleet Admiral'


"Vice Admiral Fury Reporting!, " Saluted Fury, he saw the four figures

having a serious meeting.

"Sit down, " Said Fleet Admiral as he pointed at a nearby chair around

the table with the three Admirals.

"Where were we? Ya! So, Admiral Mia. You fought against him two

times, what do you have to say about him, " Asked Fleet Admiral while

he looked at Mia with anticipation.

"About that… , " There was some hesitation in Mia's mind before she

reached a conclusion.

"I think what I want to say is that, the answer is 'Empty', " Said Admiral

Mia, to her the rest of the people were confused.

"What are you saying?, " Asked Admiral Yoru, he stared at Mia with a

question mark.

"Empty meaning… It felt like I fought not someone but something, "

Finished Mia. Now the office was somewhat conflicted.

"You mean that he is just a shell?, " Came the voice of Admiral Wild, he

closed his eyes and thought of many things.

"No! It's not! I fought him, and also not, " Said Mia, she didn't exactly

know how to express her feelings.

While the four went on with their conversation, Admiral Wild was still in

his thoughts.

Then, his thoughts came to a result. He opened his eyes and his aura

stopped the four of them.

"What is it?, " Asked Fleet Admiral, he felt the Conqueror Haki of Admiral


"He is a… ".

* * *


Upper Yard forest, it's the forest that covers the entire island.

In the forest, a huge altar made of large stones was located around a lake.

The Sacrificial Altar is a place located in the northeast portion of the

Upper Yard. People who commit a Class-2 Crime are sent there to be


It was also at this place, 300 years ago, that Mousse was about to be

sacrificed to appease "God".

Here, 51 people were present. 20 of whom were priests and the rest were

soldiers of Shandia except the one.

All of them had small wings which were the symbol of being from the

Sky Island.

"Priest Uva, let us start the prayer, " Said one of the 20 priests. To him,

Uva the priest nodded and walked to the top of the altar.

Lying on the top of the altar was a woman in her 20s, she could be said

to be the most beautiful woman in the entire island.

* * *

"To the Almighty God! Let we, the people of Shandia! Pray with our

hearts to you!".

"She! Goun Shandia! Be offered to you for watching after us and helping

from the sky!".

"I, Uva Shandia! A priest! Be the way to the offer!".

Taking a knife, Uva put it on Goun's neck. A teardrop was visible on her

eye as she was also a being, scared of death.

"All for Shandia!, " Said the woman as the knife cut her neck and warm

blood splashed on the altar.

"All for Shandia!, " Muttered Uva, he was the father of Goun. Soon

enough, he regretted his actions and fell on his knees.

"Priest Uva, this is for the future!, " Said Juku, the priest. He supported

Uva as both of them walked down the altar.


At the top of the altar, something or someone landed from the sky.

"I-Is it G-God!, " Muttered Uva, he then saw the shadow of a man in black

suit and a metal bat over his shoulder.

"You are not God! Who are you!, " Shouted Uva with rage. The soldiers

surrounded the 20 priests.

"I don't want to be a God! I am… a Devil!, " Said the man as he jumped

from the top towards the soldiers.

"Hm?, " But before he could reach them, a wooden stick stopped his

metal bat in the mid air.

"Why so hurry?, " Said the old man to whom the stick belonged. Akuma

was surprised at the old man's strength.

"Hey!, " The old man was stunned at how the man attacked him with his

bat after he stopped the man.

"Die!, " Said Akuma, he swung his bat at the old man with all his might.

"I am still young to die!, " Replied the old man as he jumped and dodged

the incoming bat.

Turning, Akuma swung towards the old man who was in the air. When

the bat and the stick made contact, the atmosphere was pressured.

"Chief!, " Called out Juku, the old man was the Chief of Shandia village

and also the main hunting captain.

'Why can't I see his future? Why am I feeling strange?, ' thought the old

man as he exchanged strikes with Akuma.

The old man, Suzuran, is also the strongest Mantra user in the sky. But he

couldn't see it, the man's future when fighting.

Suddenly, the speed at which Akuma swung his bat increased. The old

man with his weak body couldn't adjust fast enough.

"Aahhhgg!, " Blood filled his mouth as the bat hit his left side with

incredible force.

Only now did Suzuran know the strength behind the swing which even

made the air turn.

"No! Chief!, " Shouted Uva and the rest in union. The soldiers leaped

towards Akuma to attack him.

"Stand back!, " But his voice was useless as the soldiers were smashed by

the bat one after another.

"Damn!, " Cursed Suzuran, he clenched his stick and dashed forward at

Akuma who was busy with the soldiers.

"Bastard!, " The wooden stick was covered with armament haki as he

aimed at Akuma's head.

Akuma's head was hit by the stick and he was thrown in the lake.

"Go! Run!, " Said Suzuran, he held his side and looked at the remaining


"But Chief!, " Voiced Uva but he was glared at by Suzuran. Grinding his

teeth, he hurriedly stepped on the boat with others.

But, the water behind the boat started popping bubbles and a vortex was


Then a creature's head came out of the water. It was like a dragon's head

with wide gills.

Soon, it increased in size and covered the entire lake with just it's


"I am back!".


Thank you!!

CHAPTER - 33 { Blood War! Part-3


[Author Talk---]

One of the readers wanted me to upload images for reference of the OC

characters. Even I wanted but felt no need.

Then I changed my mind. Please go back and either re-read the chapters

or just go to the part where the characters were introduced.

Some are still left, like Maba and the marine so wait.

Thank you!


"I am back!".

Suzuran was stunned for a second but controlled his emotions again. He

jumped and tried to punch at Akuma's face.

Seeing the old man, Akuma moved his tail and swung it at Suzuran with

great force.


The old man was smacked by the tail and he crashed into the big trees.

Many of his bones were broken.

Few internal organs were damaged, still he gritted his teeth and stood up.

"Chief! Please stop! Run Away!, " Cried Uva and the rest of the priest.

They were too weak to fight against the giant serpent.

"Damn!, " Cursed Suzuran, his stick was lost when he crashed and his left

hand couldn't be used anymore.

"Is it the end?, " Muttered Suzuran, somehow he stood straight and

looked at the monster with calmness.

A dark green energy ball was formed in front of Akuma's open mouth

which was locked on the old man.

"At least I fought like a warrior, " Said Suzuran, he knew he couldn't

dodge that beam with his almost dying body.


The energy beam was fired, the air around the beam was turned.

Suzuran, because of his Advanced Observation or Mantra, saw it coming

at slow speed.

Each second was a year long for him. He even raised his right hand

towards it to welcome 'Death'.


Suddenly, a huge thunder strike was sounded and it blocked the

incoming energy beam before it could reach Suzuran.

"Not yet!, " Said the man who was surrounded by lighting. Two small

wings pointed upwards was visible, a sign of being Shandia.

"Paul! But you can't use that powers!, " Said Suzuran, he already knew

about Paul's devil fruit.

"So when should I use it? After you die?," Replied Paul, he then turned

towards the giant serpent.

"It's even bigger than the 'Master of the Sky', " Muttered Paul. Taking a

stand, his body turned into pure thunder and charged towards Akuma.

'Goro Goro no Mi?, ' thought Akuma, he shot another beam but it was



A thunder landed on his body. Because he is a sea serpent, the electricity

doubled but still no harm on Akuma.

"Weak!, " Moving his body, he went on the forest and swung tail at the

glowing lighting.

As it happened the boat at which the priest were, was turned up side

down because of the water waves.

A few were crushed by Akuma's body only four-five were alive amongst

which, Uva and Juku were counted.

"Take this!, " Shouted Paul as he punched at the tail with lighting fist. On

the contact, not the tail but he was thrown back.

"What kind of skin is it?, " Exclaimed Paul, there was not even a mark on

the scales of the serpent.

'How do you catch electricity?, ' thought Akuma, he knew he couldn't

defeat the opponent having the invincible devil fruit unless he can catch


Akuma was fast, but definitely not enough fast to match Paul's speed of


Even with haki, it won't matter if Akuma couldn't touch him if Paul

wanted to escape unless Paul fought with him to death.

*Eagle Cries* (No idea on how to make eagle sound by using keyboard)

With Armament claws, a very large eagle came flying towards the

lighting Paul and grabbed him by shoulders.

Not knowing Mantra, Pual was caught by Trebo who flew downwards at

a very high speed.

"Good!, " Said Akuma, he turned back to his human form while looking at

Trebo and Pual.

"Bastard!, " Cursed Pual, he tried to use lighting on the eagle but it didn't

show any sign of stopping.


Just before landing, Trebo released Paul and stopped in the air letting

Paul fall on the ground.

It was not long since Paul got the devil fruit, he couldn't escape the fall.

Akuma was unaware of this fact.

"Aaagg!, " Holding his stomach, Paul stood up but again the claws

grabbed him by shoulders and flew.

* * *

"Ha!… Ha!, " Breathing heavily, Paul didn't know how many times he

was repeatedly getting thrown on the ground.

There were multiple craters around the area created by his falls. He was

exhausted and injured.

This time after his fall, he couldn't stand back. His eyes we're closed and

his breath was weakened.

"You are not allowed to die yet!, " Said Trebo as he became a hybrid and

picked Paul by his hand claws.

"What to do, Master?, " Asked Trebo as he bowed in front of Akuma who

sat at the altar and looked at Paul.

"He can be a good battery, " Replied Akuma, beside him was Guan's dead


"They escaped, " Muttered Akuma while he used his Observation Haki to

find the old man and the remaining priest.

"Let's go! I need to check on the progress!, " Vanishing, Akuma headed

towards the upper ruins where his pirates were.

* * *


Known to many as the Master of the Sky,[2] is a giant snake who lives in

Upper Yard in Skypiea.

Having lived for over four centuries, the snake was once the companion

of Kalgara and Mont Blanc Noland back when Upper Yard was still part

of Jaya.

It is the grandchild of the snake Kashigami, whom the Shandia once

worshiped as a god.

Currently, it was still to become the 200 meters long snake but yet it was

very big.

Upper Ruins, the place were once the Ancient Shandia lived but now all

it is are ruins and nothing.

When Akuma reached the Main Ruins of Shandora which comes before

Upper Ruins, he was stunned for a while.

Exactly a fallen golden city of Shandora. Looking around, Akuma finally

came across the Shandorian Poneglyph Chamber.

The huge golden building was covered by some clouds which made it a

little time consuming to search for.

Inside, Akuma found the Poneglyph. But as he tried to remember, he

knew that it could contain information about the 'Golden Bell'.

* * *

Trebo and Leo with Trick, surrounded the giant snake named Nola. Each

took a side to border it.

"I want the tail!, " Said Trick, his body slowly expanded and he became a

bloodthirsty Direwolf.

"I shall take the head!, " Said Trebo, his figure changed into an eagle

while his arms remained but with claws. (Not hybrid)

"But I will take the lead!, " Saying so, Leo turned into a giant lion with

majestic fur and leaped towards Nola.

CHAPTER - 34 { Blood War! Part-4


Upper Ruins

When Akuma reached the upper ruins, he saw thousands of pirates

setting camps and the ships were resting on the white clouds.

The Skypieans also helped. Walking, all the pirates bowed to him and

made a path towards the biggest camp.

It was large enough for him to enter, and a golden throne was placed in

the middle for him.

Christy and Yuki were organizing things in the camp. As they saw their

master enter, both welcomed Akuma.

"Master!, " Bowed Yuki and Christy, both deeply dedicated to him.

Akuma glanced and sat on the throne.

"How long till everything is done?, " Asked Akuma, his eyes closed and

his arms crossed over his chest.

"Not much long, Master!, " Answered Yuki in a race before Christy could


'I need to do something about her, ' thought Christy while she fixed her

sight at Yuki with hostility, it was the same for Yuki.

Opening his eyes, Akuma stared down at the two. He clearly heard them


"Leave me alone, " Said Akuma, he rested his back on the throne and

once again closed his eyes.

"Yes, Master!, " Said both the women as they made their way out of the

camp. Left alone, Akuma relaxed himself.

His both eyes slowly turned white without any pupils, it was his change

in emotion.

Or, the change to nothing. His real self!

"Janvi…, " A tear dropped from the corner of his left eye. Yet, no emotion

was visible on his face.

His broad shoulders loosen, his straight back curved in and head lowered.

* * *

Few hours later___

Akuma walked out of the camp and looked at all the pirates that were

ready for war anytime.

"I want this entire island! Kill anyone found here. I give you two days'

time. If not, I will kill all of you myself, " Said Akuma in a deep voice that

echoed around the camp and made the pirates shiver.

"Now go!, " Said Akuma. The pirates started heading towards the forest to

search for anyone left on the island.

"Jessica, can you lift this island?, " Asked Akuma as he looked down at

her, wanting the answer.

"I would need Rony's serum for that, " Replied Jessica, Akuma nodded

and walked back to the camp.

* * *

Giant Jack is a giant beanstalk in the center of the Upper Yard. Going

through the center of the once-great city of Shandora, Giant Jack towers

over all of Skypiea

On the top

"Is it the bell?, " Asked Gerry, he looked at the huge golden bell. It was

covered by tree roots and mosses.

"Is there any more golden bell bigger than this?, " Said Lurens, sighed at

Gerry's lack of brain.

"Shut up you two little brats!, " Ordered Rony as he punched at both

Gerry and Lurens.

"Aagg!, " Groaned both the kids as they held their heads. Rony touched

the bell and smiled.

"Room!," said Ron, an invisible vortex spread around the golden bell and


"Shambles!," The bell was replaced by a leaf in the air thrown by Rony. It

floated inside the room, and he then increased the room size.

"Get ready!, " Said Rony, Gerry and Lurens held each other praying for



The three with the golden bell vanished and appeared in the pirate camp.

"So this is the bell, " Muttered Akuma, he inspected the golden bell and

didn't do anything.

"Take it to the ship, " Obeying the order, Rony took the golden bell to the

main ship and placed it on the deck.

* * *

One day later___

Multiple pirates gathered around the main camp where Akuma sat on his


"If they want war! Then give it to them, " Grunted Akuma, as he looked

at the injured pirates with rage.

It was reported that the two remaining of the Skypiea people, Shandians

and Birkans, attacked the pirates.

"And you all! Dare to show your defeated faces!, " Infuriated, Akuma held

his baseball bat and swung it at the pirates.

"Die!, " All the pirates gathered around were smacked by the metal bat all


Seeing this, the pirates who were not part of the defeated ones were

scared shitless.

"HURRY! Better to kill those damn sky people instead of getting killed by

'Leader', " Voiced the pirate captains, they took their weapons and headed

towards the fight.

* * *

The war between Shandia, Birkans and the Devil's Pirates took three days

to come to an end.

Having the advantage of multiple devil fruits, the Devil's Pirates had it

easy in the 'Blood War'.

Half the entire forest was destroyed, not because of the war but because

of the 'Division Captains'.

The entire war, Akuma just sat on his chair and waited. Meanwhile, the

Skypieans collected the gold that can be carried.

All the gold was loaded in the ship's storage; it can be used in many


Sitting, Akuma smoked his cigar and looked at the reports presented by

Leo about the war in Upper Yard.

After he finished the reports, Akuma stared at the system screen.


Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 21

Weight: 300 kg

Height: 493 cm

Race: Half-Human Half-Devil (Stopped)

World: One Piece

Profession: [Devil's Pirate Captain] (changeable)


Level: 9 [1520/10,000,000,000]

STR- 718

AGI- 612

DUR- 1,151

INT- 564

State Points: 350

Money: 123 billion berries

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way]

[Memory Feel] [Soul Extract] [Fear Consumption]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using


Items: [Black Suit] [Ammu] [Pack of Cigar] [Lighter] [Pfeifer Zeliska


"I need to create more guns, " Said Akuma, currently he created one giant

revolver for himself that cost 10 million berries.

"State points…, " Thinking, Akuma pressed on the screen multiple times.

STR- 818 (+100)

AGI- 712 (+100)

DUR- 1,251 (+100)

INT- 614 (+50)

State Points: None

* * *

"Let's take this home, " Said Akuma, looking at Jessica who held a gray

serum on her palm.

"I hope this doesn't kills me, " Muttered Jessica, she drank the serum.

Soon, the serum started its work on her.

Her body started floating above, her hairs danced in the air while she

held back from screaming aloud due to the pain in her head.

"Ha…Ha…, " After sometime, Jessica gasped for breath. She came down

but just floated above the white cloud.

"I c-can't touch t-the ground!, " Said Jessica, she tried but just couldn't

completely land.

"A side effect due to forceful awakening, " Informed Rony, this was not

the only time it happened.

"Leave it at that! Now do your work!, " Not caring, Akuma said with

calmness. Nodding, Jessica floated towards the forest from upper ruins.

From her tries, she learned that she could still touch things. It was only

that she couldn't land on the ground.

Reaching the forest, Jessica touched the soil and floated upwards.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated on moving the entire island towards

their home.


The entire island shook, but it then settled down back like before. It

started floating towards the front.

"But why did Captain not want the solid cloud?, " Thought Jessica. She

asked Akuma if he wanted the entire cloud but he replied to take only

the island.


[Author Talk---]

I skipped the entire fight between the Shandia, Birkans and Devil's Pirates

because for that I would have to create more OCs who will only face


Thanks for the support! Many Secrets have surfaced and are waiting to

completely come up!

CHAPTER - 35 { Akuma's

Preparation }

Half year later___

Heaven Realm, there is a white crystal castle at the top of the only

mountain. It reflected the sunlight around the whole island.

There were large trees, a huge lake and multiple small houses made of

wood on the island.

The white crystal castle or 'White House', was surrounded by Thorn

forest. Each spike was equal to an average man's wrist.

There were only two ways in, a 'Crystal Gate' at the beginning of the

mountain and through the sky.

The island is now the home of Skypieans, and the Upper Yard is just

below the Heaven Realm.

Both are connected by the Giant Jack. Only the main crew, division

captains, Maba, Christy and Yuki are allowed to be on Heaven Realm.

* * *

Earth Realm, the town of Happiness is currently blooming with people of

different races.

From the underworld, many contacted Maba and asked for a house to

buy. It was settling here, because it is surrounded by a huge storm.

The Gold brought back was used to develop the town into a very large

world of its own.

Many laws were formed to maintain discipline between pirates, civilians

as well as different races.

* * *

Hell Realm, this is the largest island amongst all the other Realms. There

are three active volcanoes situated here, facing each other.

In between is an Altar, bordered by multiple stone pillars of the same


In the middle was a small pole made of sea stone that went inside the


Around the shores, there were many metal buildings for living in.

It was for the survivors, the ones thrown here were all Marines, Pirates

and Test Failures.

On the other side of the shelter, there was a very big Laboratory. Here,

Rony was experimenting with living beings.

Be it a human, fishman, animal or any other creature. All he saw was test

subjects in them.


Akuma walked in an open room. It was filled with many different lab

instructions, the room smelled acidic.

He saw the body of Daifuk on the table in the middle of the room. It was

thoroughly opened up and studied.

Beside the table was Rony, who was waiting for his arrival as he sat on

his chair. Seeing Akuma, he stood up and smiled at him.

"I did it! I found the secret about this body! How it can have multiple

devil fruits!, " Said Rony in an excited manner. He rubbed his palms and

anticipated the praise.

"Tell me, what's the secret?, " Asked Akuma while he kept his sight at the

opened up body of Daifuk.

Scratching his head, Rony was a little upset but slapped himself to not

forget his ultimate discovery.

"His heart! It's different from normal! It multiple times thicker than

normal and also beats many times faster!, " Said Rony, he walked to his

side and brought a glass container carrying the heart.

"So?, " Replied Akuma, what's the big deal about it?

"Devil fruit power affects the heart! A normal heart can only handle one

devil fruit but here this kind of heart can handle three devil fruits at

least!, " Explained Rony in a very scientific way to Akuma who took it

slowly but completely.

"Can you do it! Put that in me?, " Asked Akuma, suddenly the room

became heavy. Rony thought for a while and answered the question.

"Yes, but it will take almost a year to completely replace this heart with

yours, " Said Rony, he checked Akuma's reaction only to find him


"Prepare everything needed. After that inform me, " Walking out, Akuma

said his final words.

* * *

Inside the White House___

From the inside, it was totally empty. Only a giant Throne made of gold.

It was very big even for Akuma himself.

There were eight thorny trees on the sides, each at some distance from

the other. On one of the trees were the celestial dragons tied up by

collars and chains.

Except the female one, she was handed to Yuki for her own use. Only the

two men were left.

"Try to get logia and paramecia devil fruits from the World Government,

" Ordered Akuma. Maba nodded and took away the two celestial dragons.

Sitting alone, Akuma was the most comfortable. Closing his eyes, he went

into a deep slumber.

* * *

King's Castle___

Inside the bedroom, Yuki sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the

woman who was messed up badly.

It was the female celestial dragon, she was in her 40s yet looked like 20s.

All because of being the richest people in the world.

She was completely naked, many cut marks on her body and one of her

nipples were bit off. White liquid flowed from her pussy while her back

turned red.

"How does it feel? You all are quite experts at it, right? Being a slave,

how is it?, " Asked Yuki while smiling at the woman with pitiful looks.

She moved her hands and patted the big dogs beside her. The dog on the

right was breathing fast, it just finished its intercourse with the woman.

"P-Please s-ave m-me, " Said the woman, her entire body pained and she

couldn't move.

"Ohh! Looks like you still have some energy left in you! You see, Johnny

just fucked you so he is still resting.

But Yosaku here has completely recovered! Let's start the course 6," Said

Yuki, she stood up and pulled the chain that connected the collar on the

woman's neck.

"But before that, heal up, " Yuki applied some medicine on the woman's

body before kicking her on the butt.

"Your skin is so soft! I can't get enough!, " She touched the woman's

shoulder, then pinched it hard leaving a mark.

"Here boy!," Yuki held the woman by her hair and called Yosaku near.

She raised one of the woman's leg and let the pussy free towards Yosaku.

"Don't you like it? My boys are pretty good right!, " Said Yuki, she looked

at the woman's reaction when Yosaku thrusted his dick on her pussy.

"Aaahh!, " Moaned the woman, she couldn't contain the amount of


"I hope master brings more celestial dragons! It's fun to see them suffer!, "

Laughing, Yuki sat back on the bed and watched the show.

CHAPTER - 36 { Deep Sleep }

Next day___

Akuma woke up and walked out of the White House, he reached the gate.


The gate opened as Akuma stepped out of the Castle compound. Looking

around, he saw the green forest.

Roaming around, he came across the big clear Lake from which you

could see everything inside.

Akuma stood on the edge of the lake and saw his reflection in the water.

"Hahahah!, " Laughter was heard behind him and suddenly, someone ran

into his leg.

Turning around, he saw a small Skypiea girl, she rubbed her head with

her tiny hands.

"You alright, Nana!, " Said a boy who ran after the girl. Both of them

seemed to be around the same age which should be around 8 years.

"I am fine!, " Replied the little girl, she stood up and beat her chest to

show her strength to the boy.

[Ability: See Through False]

His vision seemed to have changed and his eyes turned multi-coloured.

He could see…

"These two are red! Looks like they didn't look at my eyes, " Muttered

Akuma as he saw the two children looking at him with fright.

"Please leave her, she didn't do it on purpose, " Said the boy trying to

shield the little girl and stared at Akuma.

Akuma bent down, and looked at the two kids carefully.

"Go!, " Said Akuma in a deep voice which almost scared the shits out of

the boy.

Taking a run, both of them vanished in the woods but the little girl

bowed to Akuma before following the boy.

"Kids, " Said Akuma, he then headed back towards the White House for


Coming inside, Akuma sat on his throne while closing his eyes.

Not knowing when, but he fell asleep.

* * *

"Hey! Wake up!, " Suddenly a voice came which woke Birkang from his


He saw a light green ceiling and a fan in the middle. Rising his body, he

saw a young teen girl looking at him with big eyes.

"Where am I?, " Asked Birkang, he held his head and was totally

confused. Just a moment ago, he sat on his throne and now.

Suddenly, his body seems to freeze. Slowly turning his head, he once

again looked at the girl who was still looking at him.

"Wake up, smartass, " Said the girl while a smile still remained on her


"How are you alive?, " Said Birkang as he stared at the girl with some


"I said wake up!, " This time, the girl repeated but all he heard was a


Holding his head in pain, Birkang groaned on the bed. He had bloody

eyes even then, his sight never left the girl.

"Janvi!, " Was the last thing he said before the world collapsed in front of

his eyes.

* * *

"Haa… haa, " Panting, Akuma kneeled down on the cold floor. Warm

sweats formed on his forehead.

"A dream?, " Whispered Akuma, he stepped one foot and then got up

from the floor.

"I never had dreams, " Said Akuma, he glanced around the entire Hall

before walking out of the White House.

Sprinting, Akuma reached the edge of the island and looked down to see

three more.

Leaping, he fell from the height of 10,000 meters in the sky.

His whole body turned black in Armament Haki.

The people in the town saw him fall and were amazed by his act. It was

not the first time he did it.


The whole Hell Realm shook, there was a huge crater on the ground. But

looking, it was not the only one here.


"Someday I'm gonna die because of this, " Said Rony while he put the

small knife away from his face.

Due to the shock, the knife kept on the shelf fell down on his head.

In the room, a huge glass cylinder connected by many wires was placed

in the middle.

Was currently empty inside.

"Is everything ready?, " Asked Akuma as he entered the room and looked


"Yes, the only thing left is… For me to replace your heart and keep you

inside this for a very long time, " Said Rony as he patted the glass

cylinder with his hand.

"Then hurry and start everything, " Commanded Akuma, he walked near

the operation table and laid his body.

"Okay, " Rony brought all the tools needed for the operation and placed it

near the table.

"Injecting Propofol! Hope you have a sweet dream, Captain!, " Said Rony,

which was also the last thing Akuma heard before falling asleep.

"Tuturu Tuturu Tutututuuutuuuu, " The operation went on smoothly as

Rony was successful in replacing the heart.

"Now how do I move him in?, " Muttered Rony as he looked at the giant

body of Akuma and the glass cylinder which was at some distance.

"I guess a few young female nurses won't do trouble, " Said Rony to

himself as he stretched his body before transporting Akuma inside the


Inside the cylinder, Akuma's body floated in the blue liquid created by

Rony which would help Akuma to keep his body healthy.

All the nutrients and energy will be directly delivered in his body by the

metal pipe connected to Akuma's back.

"Done!, " Exclaimed Rony as he wiped his forehead full of sweat. And a

little stretching for better function.

"Now let's go back to work, " Muttered Rony, he returned back to his

study table and started doing his work.

* * *

While Akuma was in his slumber, the Devil's Pirates had already spread

around the whole world.

All the four blue seas were now in their eyes. One island in each blue sea

was selected for the settlement.

New bounties were placed on the Devil's Pirates. As the Main Captain,

Akuma had the highest rise in his bounty.

[Wanted Poster]

[1,850,000,000 billion berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]


[Author Talk---]

Hey readers, I am writing another fan fiction why don't you go and read


I don't know why, but 'Reality: Summertime Saga' can't be changed to fan

fiction and it's now on the novel section.

Try it out and also comment your thoughts.

Thank you!!

CHAPTER - 37 { Another Monster


Marine Headquarter___

In the Fleet Admiral office, Ryujin was sitting on his chair massaging his

templates. He was missing the right arm from his shoulder.

Due to the Devil's Pirates invading all four seas, the Navy and Marines

had to increase their defense.

Many reports have been made that the Devil's Pirates have looted the

towns and many merchant ships.


The den den moshi on the table rang and Fleet Admiral had an ugly face.

This particular den den moshi belonged to the World Government. On

top of that, he couldn't even find the Celestial Dragons.

Reason was very simple. The entire Tree area where the kidnapping

happened, the people were all killed.

"Hello, " Answered Ryujin, from the other side. What he got was silence.

"Were you able to find the Celestial Dragons?, " The voice of Rudesia, it

was cold without any emotions.

"I made Admiral Yoru search for them, it won't take much long, " Replied

Ryujin while trying to calm himself from shouting.

"This is the same thing you said half a year ago, " Said Rudesia, on the

other side of the call.

"Hey, you know what. The Devil's Pirate called us and said that they have

two of the Celestial Dragons, " Another voice came which belonged to the

youngest of the five elders, Markak.

"What!, " Totally surprised, Fleet Admiral woke up from his sluggish pose

and became serious.

"And, they are asking for 5 devil fruits in exchange for the two of them, "

Said Rudesia, this time she didn't sound so cold.

"Bastards! I will go and catch them!, " Said Ryujin, he was still enraged

by what happened on the execution day.

"That's what I wanted to say. You will be in charge of the trade and when

you get the chance. Catch them alive, " Informed Rudesia, Ryujin nodded

but another thought came to his mind.

"But I don't think the Devil will come himself, " Said Ryujin, remembering

that the Devil only came to fight and nothing else.

"No he won't. But two of his main crew and the manager of the Devil's

Pirate will, " Said Rudesia, this was the demand they asked from the

Devil's Pirate.

"Just tell me the time and place, " Said Ryujin, then he was given the

exact date, time and place of the trade.

* * *

A month later___

A nameless island near the Kingdom of Fairies, this was the place chosen

for the trade.

Evening, two ships docked at the shores opposite to each other.

One side was the Navy with the Fleet Admiral Ryujin while the other was

the Devil's Pirates with Maba.

"Have you brought the goods?, " Asked Ryujin while he held two bags in

both his hands.

"Goods? Looks like the rumors were true. The great Fleet Admiral doesn't

have much liking to the Celestial Dragons, " Smiled Maba, beside him

were the two dragon people with collars and chains.

"Where are the other two?, " Asked Ryujin, he didn't think that the Devil's

Pirates had fished those celestials from the sea.

'It must be them who kidnapped the celestial, ' thought Ryujin as his grip

on the bags increased.

"One of them was killed by the master while the female celestial was

handed over to Yuki, " Answered Maba while shaking his head and

walking towards Ryujin.

"Now let us exchange the goods, " Grinned Maba, he pulled the two

celestial dragons and looked at Ryujin.

"Here, " Throwing the bags at Maba, Ryujin caught the chains of the

celestial dragons and released them.

"Now, " Said Ryujin, a black smoke emerged from the ground and pulled

the two dragon people.

It was Admiral Yoru, he was already waiting for the right moment to pull

them out of the battle.

Expanding, Ryujin turned into a giant silver dragon. Even though he is

missing an arm, he still is powerful enough to destroy a mountain.

"Then I shall also reveal my strength, " Said Maba, red lines appearing

around his body. Six bat wings came out of his back.

His fingers extended into multiple fire breathing serpents while his lower

half was connected to the group.

Lava formed below him and his body grew bone armor. His face seemed

to grow old with white beard.

Devil Fruit, Mythical Zoan, Hybrid series, Funka Funka no Mi: Typhon


"Volcanic Eruption!".

The lava around started to form waves and erupted towards Ryujin.

Maba threw the bags in the air and with a flash, an eagle flew and caught


"Roarrr!, " Flying, Ryujin roared and created a white energy ball which

was aimed at Maba.


The white energy beam went straight towards Maba but it was blocked

by him or exactly the wind barrier he created.

'Another Monster!, ' thought Ryujin as he flew in the air and looked down

at the rooted Maba.

Then, Maba's eyes glowed deep red and he fired red laser beams at the

flying sliver dragon.

"Aahhge!, " Even though he dodged the first round of laser beams, Maba

fired multiple and a few were successful.

"You're growing weaker! Last time with master you were much stronger!,

" Said Maba, he created 10 lava balls in his hands and threw at Ryujin.

"It's enough to crush worms like you!, " Flared Ryujin, he flew straight

towards Maba and clawed him.

"Counting death already!, " Maba laughed while holding the giant claws

with his serpent fingers.

"Aaaaaa!, " Giving his best yet, Ryujin was unable to lift Maba from the


Swinging, Maba threw Ryujin towards the sea but somehow Ryujin

managed to fly in the air.

The serpent fingers opened their mouth and flames were released at


The battle lasted for 2 days until Admiral Mia arrived and drived out

Maba and the pirate group.

This was the second incident after the public execution where the Fleet

Admiral was unable to bring good news.

This resulted in the voting of a new Fleet Admiral and a new Admiral


The Navy and Marines were having tough times while the Devil's Pirates

had been celebrating for their victory.


Currently working on my second fanfic more.

CHAPTER - 38 { A Cycle }

[Author Talk---]

Readers, if you reached till here then I am very thankful to you all.

It might get a bit confusing for few chapters, but as you read till chapter

41, everything will be clear.

So don't drop or you can actually skip these chapters to read the real war

from chapter 42.



Year- 1887___

In a dark street, none was visible. But then a man walked out of a bar in

the street.

"Damn it!, " Cursed the man, he held his head and walked alone. But an

uneasy feeling emerged inside him.

"It must be the alcohol, " Muttered the man, and then a figure blocked the

site of the moon for the man.

Looking up, on the building roof. The man saw a creature with two black


"Wh-, " Just before he could finish his sentence, the creature disappeared

and came right next to him.

Cold sweat flowed down his forehead, his body trembling as he turned

his head to see the creature.

Since the creature was looking down at him from the rooftop, the man

couldn't see it but it was a different matter now.

Its whole body was blood red in color, two curved horns growing from its

forehead. Long nails both hands and toes.

It's height was double the man's height. As to say, the man was 187 cm


There was not a piece of clothing on it even though it didn't need any to

begin with.

"Tell me, human. Do you want to die? Or live?, " Asked the creature with

its creepy voice that made the man have chills down his spine.

"P-Please! I have a d-daughter and a-a wife! L-Let me l-live!, " Joining his

hands, the man fell on the creature's leg.

Slowing, a hand landed on the man's head. It held the hair and pulled the

man up.

"Lie! You sold your daughter the day you raped her! Your wife is just a

means for you to earn!, " Said the creature intimidating the man with his

black eyes.

"No! No!, " Screamed the man as his head was bitten off by the creature.

The dead man's body fell on the street cold.

"Humans… Same, " Leaping up to a building, the creature flew in the sky,

becoming blurry to any eyes.

* * *

A month later___

In a room of a house near the edge of the town. Leaving the children to

play, the parents went shopping.

Making a circle, the small boy were talking about the recent incidents.

"Hey, have you heard? That there is a creature that kills any human that

lies, " Said a boy trying to act like a spokesman, beside him were other

boys listening.

"I think it's just a made up story by the adults to scare us into not lying, "

Voiced another boy in the group pushing his spectacles.

"Ya, why would a creature only kill when you're lying. Shouldn't it just

kill you anyway?, " Said the boy in a red t-shirt sitting next to the

spokesman boy.

"Well that's because I hate liars, " A creepy voice sounded in the room,

making the room silent.

"T-The, stop playing!, " Said the boy with spectacles, the other boys

nodded but it was weird.

"B-By the w-way, w-who was t-that just know?, " Asked the boy in the red

t-shirt, trembling a little.

The boys looked at each other and they were even more scared.

"Come on! S-Say who was i-it! J-Jake? H-Helm? F-Frank?, " Asked the

spokesman boy, he looked at the three most notorious boys in their


"N-Not me! Tell him!, " Said Jake, holding Helm's hand. Nodding his

head, Helm then looked at Frank.

"I didn't do t-that!, " Said Frank, he himself was scared shitless yet tried to

maintain his cool mode.

"I guess it was me?, " A boy close to Frank, the others looked to find the

boy was someone they didn't know.

Raising his head, the boy's eyes we're black with no pupils. His teeth

while smiling showed how sharp they were.

"I hate kids".

* * *

Walking alone in the forest, the creature wiped his hands of blood.

"But they sure taste good, " Said the creature. He started laughing and

jumped around tree to tree.


An explosion erupted on the place where the creature was resting, which

was a tree branch.

"You came again, Angel!, " Said the creature glaring at the new arrival. It

was a woman in white with two wings.

"How many times have I told you! Unless they reach their end, you are

not allowed to take their life!, " Said the Angel, she held a sword and

stared at the creature with hatred.

"Haha! Sure sure! But the rules say you should not go that far to save

someone eaten by me!, " The finger nails of the creature extended as he

locked his gaze at the flying Angel.

"The newborns are marked by the Angels while the dying are eyed by the


That was the law! But you broke it! You Devil!, " Said the woman, she

slashed at the creature with her shining sword.

"Hahha! Come on! Servants of Gods!, " Laughed the creature while

blocking the sword with his nails or claw.

"The Gods should have killed every single one of you evil beings!, "

Shouted the woman, she kicked the creature on his stomach and crashed

it into the trees.

"Uge!, " A groan escaped from the creature, he dodged another slash from

the Angel.

"Hah… Do you seriously think the Gods can kill Demon Lords? If that is

then you should go back to your Gods and ask for a dick inside you!


"Y-You!, " Infuriated, the Angel dashed forward with her sword and cut a

deep wound on the creatures chest.

"It's no use flying!, " Grabbing the leg of the creature who wanted to fly,

the woman threw it on the ground.


A crater was formed by the impact, blood dripped out of the creature's


"Hahaha! Angel! I can't die, neither can you! What's the use of it?

Why don't we join hands and kill the Gods and the Demon Lord. With

that, we could rule all the realms!". Said the creature, blood was sprouted

by his trying to speak his way out.

"You evil being, it's a futile try to convince me. It might have been useful

if it were the innocent humans, " Said the Angel, she gripped her sword

and brought it near the creature's chest.

"You shall die here and be reborn as a pure soul!

In the name of my Gods! I, Rose Kalós, Am ending the evil deeds of you!

Wholeheart Akuma!, " Said Rose, she stabbed Akuma's heart while a

white light shined from the sword.

"Then I will take you with me!, " One of Akuma's hands extended and

pierced through her heart as well.

"Eh!, " Even if it pained and she was going to die, Rose didn't let go of the


Soon, the light went away, the place where they fought was just like it

was a few minutes ago.

No damage, nothing.

The two of them, an Angel and a Devil perished away without any traces.

CHAPTER - 39 { Past }

[Author Talk---]

Before reading the chapter, a very important message.

The location and language used in this chapter is a specific one. You can

search for it on Google.

I am from this specific place and I am also Bodo.

Also, this chapter will be a little short compared to others.

Thank you


Date- 04/10/1970

Location- India, Assam

Exact Spot- Kokrajhar District, Civil Hospital


Inside a room, a new born baby cried while doing what would be normal.

"It's a girl!, " Said the doctor while holding the newborn and cleaning her.

"She will be very pretty!, " Said a nurse next to the mother while wiping

away the sweat on her forehead.

"Thank you so much!, " Said the mother, tears were visible on her red

eyes while her hands trembled.

* * *

Right next in another room, the same thing happened. A baby was born

but something was off about the situation.

"He is not crying?, " Asked the nurse beside the doctor. Nodding his head,

the doctor thought.

"He is breathing, and is fine but isn't crying?, " Said the doctor, he

cleaned the baby and then took him to his mother.

"Doctor!, " The mother was tired and had red eyes, she just went through

a rough delivery.

"It's a boy, " Informed the doctor as he handed the baby to the mother

while smiling.

"Why isn't he crying?, " Asked the mother while breastfeeding the baby.

Wasn't it true that babies cry when they are born?

"Well, I didn't encounter any cases like him so I can't exactly say the

reason. But he is different and special, " Said the doctor as he looked at

the quiet baby with amazement.

* * *

A year later___

In a big house, many people gathered and celebrated.

Two childhood best friends, Pushpa and Bidiyana. Both of them gave

birth to their child on the same date, time and place.

A miracle amongst miracles.

A boy and a girl. Another thing to note, both of the children had a

birthmark on their chest.

"They are destined to be together, " Said Somnath, father of the boy.

Nodded Swrang, father of the girl.

Today is the day for their name to be given by their parents. It will be

done in a very different way.

"Here are the pieces of paper, write your liking names and then the

mothers of the children will pick one each, " Said the village chief, who

was a well respected person in the village.

Everyone took a paper and wrote the names, be it the father, mother or

the chief.

Two bowls were placed each in front of the boy and girl. Pushpa and

Bidiyana came forward and picked one each.

"So let us reveal the names!, " Shouted Pushpa in joy while picking up the

boy and kissing him.

"His name will be… Birkangwra Basumatary!".

The boy still did not know, he just stared at the surroundings and then

stopped at the girl.

It was not the first time he saw and played together with her but every

time it felt weird to him.

It was the same for the girl, she also felt weird around the boy but the

energetic personality didn't care.

"And her name is… Janvi Basumatary!".

The girl laughed when her name was said which made everyone except

Birkang laugh. (Short name for Birkangwra is Birkang)

"But why is her name so different from our 'Bodo' language?, " Asked

Swrang, he didn't like the name because it sounded a little more Hindi

then Bodo.

"Well, I like it! Get lost!, " Said Bidiyana, she put Janvi beside the sitting

Birkang and started dancing with Pushpa.

While the celebration went on, the two babies were looking at each other

in curiosity.

Janvi moved her tiny fingers and touched Birkang while Birkang held her

finger and put it in his mouth.

"Ba?, " Making Sound which was not heard by anyone except Birkang,

Janvi shoved another finger in Birkang's mouth.

* * *

Both Birkang and Janvi attended the school together and their

personalities were now becoming clear.

Janvi, an energetic and emotional girl with a very kind heart.

Birkang, a quiet and emotionless boy with a blank heart.

They soons became popular in the entire District because of their


It's been 15 years since their birth.

On The river side, a teenage boy and girl were naked sitting on the


Birkang looked at the running water while Janvi looked at him.

It was normal for them to bathe together because it was already decided

that they would get married.

"What happened?, " Asked Janvi, she placed her chin on Birkang's


"Because we were born on the same day, same time and same hospital.

Because of these marks on our body, we are trapped, " Said Birkang as he

rubbed his chest while Janvi became sad.

The birth mark on their chest was like a stabbed wound that later became

a scar.

"It's not it, I love you! Even if you are empty!, " Said Janvi, living with

Birkang she came to know many secrets about him.

One of them was, he couldn't feel emotions which was the opposite to


"Hey! We will catch a cold if we stay like this!, " Said Janvi, she got up

and jumped in the river which was till her waist.

"Hurry! Or I will tell dad that you tried to do naughty things to me!, "

Said Janvi while moving her hands on her breast, which were not small

in any case.

"It should be the opposite, " Muttered Birkang, he got up and walked

slowly in the river but Janvi leaped on him.

CHAPTER - 40 { Both Stupid }

[Author Talk---]

Lots of information within the chapter is created by me for some

important works.

It's fictional and does not relate to any in the real world.

Please understand it and not search it on Google and make your mind go


Thank you



Assam being a forest and backward state, was not invaded by the British.

Mainly because of the dense forest that surrounds it which makes it

impossible for anyone to come here.

One such forest in Kokrajhar District, Assam is called the Tiger Forest.

As the name says, it's a forest with multiple tigers in it. Ready to kill and

maintain rule in the forest any time.

In the forest___

Two silhouettes were visible, a boy and girl walking around with bags on

their back.

"Janvi, I think we should return, " Said Birkang seriously while looking at

the big trees.

"No! I said it! This way we can find out if we are meant to be together, "

Replied Janvi with determination in her voice.

Few days ago, the date of their marriage was fixed to be their birthday.

4th October, which is exactly today.

Since Birkang didn't really like or dislike Janvi, the marriage was not an

important matter to him.

But to Janvi, it was her life. Meaning, getting married to someone was

equivalent to giving her life to someone.

Seeing his childhood friend, also who is going to be her husband. Not

sure about the marriage, it created a feeling of emptiness in her heart.

Yet, she looked forward to it but just a day before the marriage. Janvi

had a sudden thought.

If it's going to be like it, then why not see if they are meant to be together

or will fall apart.

"We will sneak into the Tiger Forest and live for a week and see if we

survive together, " Was what she said while Birkang was dumbfounded.

"So you are taking us to get killed and become animal food?, " Replied

Birkang indicating his disapproval about the adventure.

"Why not just break the marriage off? If you want, let me do it, "

Suggested Birkang but it was Janvi who disapproved this time.

"If I am going to marry someone it has to be you or I am dying single!".

And that's how it came to what's happening on 4th October.

" Please, Janvi! Let's go back and just let me handle it, " Requested

Birkang while following behind Janvi who kept quiet.

After a few hours of walking, the sun had started to fall from its highest


"Let's make a camp on this tree, " Said Janvi while climbing on a big

Banyan plant.

"Damn it, " Cursed Birkang, he tried but she wouldn't just listen to him

about the marriage or about returning back.

"I hope we don't end up becoming raw meat, " Mattering, Birkang made a

plank using the branches of the banyan plant.

"It's cold, " Said Janvi while rubbing her palms and looking at Birkang

with expectations.

"What?, " Asked Birkang raising his brows and staring at Janvi with


"Come on! It's the time when a man should come close to the woman and

hug each other!, " Said Janvi while doing a facepalm and a bitter smile.

"Yaya, bring to the forest you. Make the camp me, light fire and cook the

food me, and then it's also me who is used as a heater, " Muttered

Birkang in a low voice as two hands went deep inside his t-shirt.

"It's warm!, " Said Janvi while touching Birkang with her hands and also

hugging him.

* * *


A roof also made by the banyan plant branches and banana leaves

collected from nearby.

Two people slept together hugging to keep each other to keep warm.

"Hey, Birkang. I know you are awake, " Said Janvi while looking up at

Birkang' face in a soft voice.

"What?, " Asked Birkang as he opened his eyes and stared blankly at the


"Who do you think gave us our marks? And why?, " Asked Janvi while

thinking about their birthmarks.

"Who knows, but why exactly were it us?

I don't know. Is it really because we are destined to be together or is it

the sign of something entirely else.

For that, I have to be alive, " Replied Birkang with a plain voice like his

usual but something about it made Janvi nervous.

"Now sleep or I am going to leave you here alone in the night, " Said

Birkang while a smile appeared on his face.

Nodding her head furiously, Janvi knew what that smile was actually

intended to.

It means he will really do that!

* * *

It's been 5 days since Birkang and Janvi left, their parents were already


"Was it because I forced them that they planned to run away from the

marriage?, " Asked Pushpa in a sad tone while facing the ground.

"It's not all your fault! It was also us who agreed to it, " Said Bidiyana

while holding her head and trying hard not to burst into a cry.

"I just hope they are safe and sound, " Said Somnath while patting Pushpa

on her back.

"Yes, just pray they return back safely, " Voiced Swrang, walking through

the door and sitting beside Bidiyana.

"Any news?, " Asked Somnath while looking at Swrang in anticipation.

"No, no one saw them leaving the town from the streets or roads. The

only way left in the forest but they shouldn't be stupid to take that way, "

Said Swrang while massaging his templates.


[Author Talk---]


Today it's a special day so I will publish two new chapters for 'Reality:

Summertime Saga'

Please be prepared to see something new which I hope you all will like

and ask for more.

Can anyone guess what bike will Dev get?

Thank you and enjoy Christmas!!

CHAPTER - 41 { Regret }

Tiger Forest___

At the riverside, Janvi was storing some water in her bottle while Birkang

stood next to her.

"Don't talk!, " Suddenly, Birkang held Janvi by the mouth to keep her


Slowly raising his hand, Birkang pointed towards a certain direction.

It was a bush below a tree.

Following his gaze, Janvi looked over to see something moving behind it.

Orange body with black stripes, Janvi widened her eyes as a sense of

danger came within.


And it seemed to be here long before they came, just that both sides

didn't notice each other.

For the tiger, it should have been sleeping.

"Slowly, move back, " Whispered Birkang in her ears, while also

retreating back.

* * *

"Hurry, get your things and we are leaving this forest, " Said Birkang, as

he picked up the bags and belongings.

"B-But we still have a day t-, " A slap landed on her right cheek, turning it

light red.

"Listen here! You have your life, you can come back here anything! Got


Or do you want us to die because if your stupid wish!, " Said Birkang

with a serious voice and staring at Janvi.

Nodding her head, Janvi held her bag from Birkang and came down.

Walking, Birkang took the lead and Janvi followed behind obediently.

"Move!, " Shouted Birkang, he pushed Janvi away while he crashed into a


"Birkang!, " Rushing forward, Janvi held him and looked at the wild

animal in fear.

"Run! I will try to delay it!, " Said Birkang, wiping off the blood on his


"No! You go! It's my fault you are in danger!, " Replied Janvi standing in

front of Birkang and the huge tiger.

"*Growl*, " The tiger showed his long and sharp fangs at Janvi and


"Damn it!, " Cursed Birkang as he stood up with the support of the tree.

"I have already broken many bones! Get out of here, Idiot!, " Said

Birkang, he pulled Janvi behind him and stared at the tiger with not

many thoughts.

"B-But-, " Wanting to complain, Janvi was stopped by the shout of


"Shut Up! I am tired of you! It's because of you that I have been feeling

empty all my life!

Because of these damn marks! Get lost from my site or I will kill you

myself!, " Shoutes Birkang as he pushed Janvi and jumped at the tiger.

With a slap of the tiger paw, Birkang already felt his head exploding.

"Ahge!, " Coughing out blood, Birkang looked at the place where Janvi

stood a few moments ago.

'Looks like it worked!, ' thought Birkang, he then turned back at the tiger.

It was staring down at the injured Birkang with pity and mockery.

'Fucking animal!, ' But as his vision was about to go black, something

crashed into the tiger.

"Why you!, " Seeing Janvi with a knife, Birkang was stunned as he didn't

expect that.

"Why did you come back!, " Shouted Birkang, Janvi retreated back and

held the knife in front of her.

She was looking at the tiger who had a cut on his face that went from the

forehead till the mouth.

"I already said it! If I am gonna give my life to someone then it's only

you! Aaaa!, " Sprinting towards the tiger, Janvi leaped on a tree truck

and stabbed it.

Dodging, the tiger raised his claws at her and attacked.


But instead of getting the female human with a weapon, it was slammed

to the ground.

Dashing forward, Birkang crashed into the tiger

Birkang held the tiger by its neck and tried to choke it using a neck lock.

But well, how could he match the strength of a tiger. Birkang was thrown

forward with a swing of its body.

"Roar!, " A sharp pain came from its left. Looking it saw the female

human stab her knife.

With the back of its left claw, it hit Janvi on her face.


"Ahh!, " Holding her face, Janvi looked at the wounded tiger and a

thought emerged.

"Birkang! Run towards the cliff!, " Shouted Janvi, she stood up and

started running towards her left.

"Ahge, " Grinding his teeth, Birkang ran for his life while the tiger was

trying to take the knife off.

Seeing them run, the tiger forgot about the knife and rushed behind the


* * *

It was the time of evening, the sun was about to set under the mountains.

On a cliff, surrounded by forest. Three figures stood, a tiger and two


"I will distract it, while you go behind and push it off the cliff, " Said

Birkang as he wiped his sweat off his forehead and stared at the savage


"Okay!, " Replied Janvi, Birkang swung his hands and attracted the

attention of the tiger.

Swiftly, Janvi dashed behind the tiger while Birkang kept shouting at it.

"Roar!, " The tiger raised his claws and swung towards Birkang, who

lowered himself to dodge it.

From behind, Janvi kicked the tiger which ended it down from the cliff.

"Ha.. Ha.. Ha, " Panting, Birkang looked at Janvi. But as if the heavens

have decided.

The ground they were on, slid.

But at the right moment, Janvi held Birkang by his back and threw him

on the forest side.

In the air, Birkang looked at the smiling face of Janvi.

But he wished the places were switched. He should have been the one to

die and not her.

'I now know the answer to your question, Birkang, ' thought Janvi as the

smile on her face widened but with bitterness.

"We were destined to be together and also apart!, " Muttered Janvi while

her vision blackened and silence followed behind.

* * *

On the edge, Birkang looked down the cliff.

For the first time he regretted not feeling emotions.

He wanted to cry, he wanted to be enraged at himself, he wanted to shed

tears for her.

He wanted…





The glass cylinder broke open as a giant man came out of it.

His eyes black with deep red irises, every single muscle in his body

screamed power.

"He wanted to live, " Said Akuma, slowly looking down and clenching his


This was a part of the story…

Where the Devil wanted to live and the Angel wanted to die.

CHAPTER - 42 { The Ending Part-1


Year- 1400

Month- June

Day- 13

Akuma looked at the report presented by Yuki. It's been 2 years since he

went to sleep.

And in front of him, on the table. 23 different devil fruits were placed.

Each has different shapes and design.

But he could only eat two more devil fruits as his body had already

adjusted to withstand three.

Out of all, he selected the two of the best. Paramecia and logia devil


Paramecia devil fruit, Horo Horo no Mi: Spirit Human

Logia devil fruit, Gasu Gasu no Mi: Gas Human

And his,

Mythical Zoan devil fruit, Dragon series, Umi-Hebi no Mi: Leviathan

Form (Awakened)

With these three, Akuma could already be considered the strongest being

in the world.

* * *

But not until a day went by after he ate the two devil fruits that the news


The World Government, The Marine, The Navy, The Queen Pirates and

The Void Pirates.

Five of the biggest forces joined hands to launch an attack on the Devil's


"Damn it!, " Cursed Akuma, he looked at the newspaper. They didn't even

want to hide it.

"If you want war! I will give you one!, " Said Akuma, he got up from the

throne in the King's Castle and came out.

"Get each and every pirate ready! We will Strike at them, not the other

way!, " Akuma's voice echoed the three entire realms.

"Wuuu!! Aaaa!, " Screamed the pirates with energy, everyone got to


* * *

Wonder Island___

On the edge were multiple ships docked but not a single civilian was

scared of the pirate ships or the pirates.

Because it belonged to their own Queen.

The people from the city were crowded on the edge because the Queen

Pirates were about to go to war.

"Take care! And don't die!, " Said the City Chief, wiping off his tears and

looking at the tall woman.

"I will take care of myself and my children, grandpa, " Said Merry while

smiling at the old man and patting him on the shoulder.

"Big sister!, " A voice came which surprised Merry as he looked down to

see a young man.

"What happened, Masha?, " Asked Merry, bending a bit to match the

young man.

"When I get married and have children! I want my daughter's name to be

Merry like yours!, " Said Masha with a bright smile on his face.

"Oh! And what will be your son's name?, " Asked Merry as she grinned at

the man.

"Well, I didn't think about that yet, " Replied Masha scratching his head

in embarrassment.

"Why don't you name him Edward, that's my late husband's name, " Said

Merry while laughing like she usually did.

"Edward, Edward Newgate!, " Said the young man as he found something

very precious.

"Now let's depart!, " Said Merry, jumping on white panda ship with black

spots on it.

'Sorry, Chief. Even, I don't know whether I would return, ' Looking at the

smiling faces of the people, Merry thought.

* * *

Few days later___

Thousands of ships floated in the sky, and shadowed the sea wherever

they went.

On the bow of the largest ship, Akuma looked down with his black eyes.

Beside him floated multiple white ghosts with tiny bodies and big heads.

Each of them had sad faces.

On the boat, the only one didn't join as Akuma left Maba to stay back in

the hell realm.

"Will we win?, " Asked Gerry while looking at Laurens. Not having any

answer, Laurens stayed quiet.

"Don't worry, I will protect you little ones, " Said Jessica, smiling and

hugging the two scared boys.

"Even if I die, I must die like my brother! A true Warrior!, " Said Trick as

he gripped his weapon and clenched his other fist.

"I want some more test subjects!, " Said Rony while going back to his


"Master! I don't know if I will survive this war! So, please! Tell me who

do you like more! Is it me, or that bitch!, " Said Yuki while coming near

Akuma and staring at him with love shaped eyes.

"It's obviously me! How can, master like a slut like you!, " Mocked Christy

as she faced Akuma and bowed.

"Slaves! I never liked you and never will!, " Grunted Akuma as he jumped

from the ships and fell towards the sea near an island.

'That's harsh, ' Thought Jessica, looking at the two disheartened women

with pity.

* * *

On the sea, multiple thousands of ships were visible sailing towards a

certain direction.

They were mixed with Pirates, Navy, Marine and the World Government.

"Why do we have to join sides with those damn pirates!, " Said a marine

soldier to his fellow comrade.

"Keep it a secret, the Fleet Admiral admits himself that the Navy can't

handle Devil's Pirates alone, " Replied the fellow comrade.

"Really!, " Shocked, the marine soldier exclaimed.

On the other side,

"Fucking Navy and Marine, " Cursed a pirate, he looked at the giant

warship beside their tiny ship.

"Don't worry! Captain said that he will let the Devil's Pirate and others

fight while we backstab at the end, " Said another pirate and they started


Not everyone was feeling happy about this cooperation between Pirates,

Navy, Marine and World Government.

"It's going to rain, " Said a samurai man with long black hair on the Navy

Main ship.

He had spectacles on, getas with two teeth and his height was at least 3


His clothes were all black in color except his body. He was a very fair guy

with a handsome face.

He was Shimotsuki Nakamura, now an Admiral.

He was acknowledged by the Fleet Admiral and was assigned to this


At first, Nakamura wanted to reject it but later learned that even the

Wano Kingdom was invaded by the Devil's Pirates.

Many died, he even hears that some of his family members like his own

father died fighting as well.

Revenge was his path now.

"Ya, but I really hate fighting in the rain".

Beside him was a woman with dark purple hair, her name was Shenuka


A Vice Admiral rank.


[Author Talk---]

Dear readers, the first volume is not much far from ending.

This war will be the last.

Thank you all for reading till today and also hope that you all continue.

CHAPTER - 43 { The Ending Part-2


A very big island near Dressrosa, Akuma stood on the edge of the island.

His eyes fixed a certain horizon, soon many black shadows were visible.

"They seem to have more than 500 hundred thousand on their side, "

Informed Trebo as he flew next to Akuma and bowed.

"Not long, " Said Akuma, he jumped in the water and his body expanded

into a huge sea creature.

Moving his body, Akuma headed towards the Alliance.

With each of his thrust in the water, waves would form on the sea


* * *

"It's not right, Devil is missing!, " Shouted Mia, she then glowed into

golden light.

Two white wings stretched out of her back as a shining sword appeared

in front of her.

Grabbing the sword and flying up, Mia looked towards the island and the

small waves on the water.

"Damn it!, " Turning back in her full speed, she reached the middle of the

ships and started chanting her mantra.

Then, a golden shield was formed around the alliance as there was some

movement in the water.

Just after the shield finished surrounding, a dark green energy beam

exploded from the sea and came with an impact.


On the front, an explosion occurred. Standing on the bow of the first

warship was Nakamura.

His eyes locked on a creature inside the water which gazed at them with

piqued eyes.

"You see him too, right? That's the one you need to kill no matter what, "

A voice came from behind Nakamura, looking back he saw Yoru with a


"But won't he just run away if he can swim underwater?, " Asked

Nakamura, he was a little unsure whether they could really kill him.

"He won't. No, more like he can't… He has to fight until one side falls, "

Said Yoru, he stepped forward and jumped from the ship.

In the air, suddenly turned into a black shadow holding his Scythe in the


"Full Form: Death Human!, " Muttered Yoru, his eyes were shining red in

the dark while his hands were dried like.


Going through the shield, Yoru slashed towards Akuma in the water.


The water was cut in, but as Akuma went deeper the slash couldn't reach


"Do you think you can run!, " Taking a deep breath, Yoru jumped in the


But what Akuma expected didn't happen, of course an Admiral was not

stupid enough to commit suicide in front of the enemy right.

Due to him being in 'Soul Form' the water didn't actually touch but

passed through him.


Releasing multiple slashes, Yoru was successful in giving Akuma some

small cuts on his scales.

But that's all. After the devil fruit awakening and now him with two more

devil fruit powers.

His defense would not lose to the future Kaido as well as future Big Mom.

'How hard is his skin!, ' Returning back to the surface for air, thought


"Come on! Do it already!, " Shouted Mia, she removed the shield and flew

towards the island.

Hearing her, a pirate jumped from his ship. But just before his body

could touch the sea water.

The sea was immediately frozen into a block of ice. Covering the entire

sea where the island and Alliance are located.

"Fuu, it seems I completed my work, " Said the pirate, even the air he

exhaled was cold even to freeze ice cream.

"Captain!, " Shouted his crewmates, nodding his head the pirate jumped

on his ship.

* * *

On the nameless island___

Gerry touched the ice and was amazed.

"So this is the power of Hie Hie no Mi, " Muttered Gerry, walking to his

side was Laurens with a serious face.

"I really don't want to die, " Said Laurens, Gerry looked at him and


"Let's go, " Crick leaped on the ice and changed his form into a prehistoric


Its size, if measured, would be ten times the normal even without the


"AaUuuu!, " With his howl, the war had now started as both sides came

on the ice to fight.

Flying up was a giant eagle, Trebo spread some seeds on the battlefield

made of ice.

"I shall defeat you!".

But he was stopped by Mia, both of them fixed their eyes on each other.

On the ice, Leo walked and came in front of the old Fleet Admiral Ryujin.

"So, I guess you are my opponent, " Said Leo, taking a battle stand while

Ryujin laughed.

"It's good to be young, " Muttered Ryujin, with his single hand. He made

a fist and dashed towards Leo.

Rony looked at the purple haired woman with curiosity.

"So you are the famous Vice Admiral, Miss Light?, " Asked Rony while he

created a vortex which gulped both of them in.

"I would prefer if you called me Shenuka, instead of my nickname, "

Replied Shenuka as she turned into light particles.

"Not again!, " Said Jessica as she looked at the figure in front of her.

"Miss me?, " Asked Yoru, he had a fake smile on his face while looking at

her with pity.

"You will die here".

* * *

"Go my boys!, " Commanded Yuki, two dogs rushed forward and attacked

the Navy soldiers.

"Let the mother nature show her anger!, " The seeds that Trebo spread on

the ice glowed with green light.

Immediately, they grew into large plants that wrapped the enemy in their

conspicuous trunks.

"Take this!, " A left forward kick on the jaw of an enemy pirate, sent him


"Just because your devil fruit allows you to control small plants doesn't

mean you are stronger than me, " Said Yuki as she mocked Christy for her

weakness physically.

"Go away!, " Pushing the pirates and soldiers away with wind, Laurens

stood beside Gerry to protect him.

"It's scary!, " Cried Gerry, he got himself almost killed right after he

entered the battlefield.

"Don't worry! You just stay beside me and I will protect you!, " Said

Laurens as he shot black clouds in the sky.

"Thunder Bolt!".

Multiple lightning struck the Navy and Marine soldiers.

"Aaa!, " Screams were heard whenever Crick passed through and blood

was also spilt across.

The war entered the beginning pace and many weak somes already

suffered death.

CHAPTER - 44 { The Ending Part-3


On the other side of the battlefield, Akuma looked at his three opponents.

In the middle, Nakamura unsheathed his Katana and pointed it towards


Left, Merry held her staff with right hand and her other was clenched in a


Right, Berick laughed at Akuma while his both fists were covered in


"It's a bit unfair to go three against one?, " Said Akuma as he gripped the

baseball handle.

'I won't survive this, ' Thought Akuma, he never underestimated his

opponents and here was the matter of three.

'But wait, remember their personalities!, " A sudden idea popped in his

mind as a grin appeared on his face.

'Queen won't play unfair while the Admiral will do anything to kill me, '

Dashing towards Berick, Akuma swung his metal bat covered with

advanced armament.

'Fight Berick and make the Admiral kill the stepping stone between me

and him, ' With the sound of thunder, the metal bat and void fist collided.

There, the ice cracked and sea water splashed around the two.

"I feel like I have got into a situation similar to this before, " Said Berick,

he retreated back and looked at Akuma.

"Wait!, " As if shocked, Akuma widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Why didn't I think of this yet, " Said Akuma, he swung his bat on the ice

making it break into countless pieces.

Hitting the water that came out gushing, he made the water drops splash


Turning, Akuma almost vanished from his position as he ran with a great

speed not visible to normal eyes.

"Why is he running?, " Said Nakamura, he also started following while

there was a frown on Merry's face.

"Is he backing off his fight?, " Muttered Merry, but then shook her head

from what she knew.

"No, he must be up to something, " Making a dash, both Merry and Berick

advanced towards Akuma.

* * *

In the battlefield, Akuma searched for a particular person who is best for

the thing he wanted.

Then, his eyes caught that person killing multiple soldiers from Navy and


Not a single person could stop Akuma, a bat that smacked and a fist that

smashed was what they got.

Running, just as he was about to pass the person. Akuma said something

in the person's ear.

"Yes, Master!, " Said Erik, as he made his way to the middle of the


Then, Akuma searched for the second person. After finding him, all that

was left was the finishing touch.

"Slave! Inform everyone to leave the battlefield!, " Said Akuma as he

swung his bat and smacked multiple energy pirates.

"Yes, Master!, " Replied Larry, closing his eyes. From his body came out

papers like rain that covered the entire battlefield.

Each turning into a Larry but with a little weaker strength and no devil

fruit powers.

"Jessica! Lift the island!, " Shouted Akuma, hearing him from afar. Jessica

retreated and did as told.

The huge island, trapped by the ice on the sea, levitated and broke the

ice surrounding it.

* * *

Standing on the island, Akuma looked down to see Nakamura still

chasing him.

"Now, " Thousands of small ghosts formed around his body and headed

towards the ice field.

In the middle there, Erik looked around and found his master already in a

safe place.

"Hail the… Devil!".

Devil Fruit Awakening: Self Detonate


* * *

Because of the small negative ghosts released by Akuma, the people on

the battlefield couldn't escape the blast.

It even included Christy, Yuki and Crick. Who were not able to survive.

Yet, there were some survivors left.

But that was not it, because of his actions. Laurens, Gerry, Rony and

Jessica, who had arrived at the island, had that same thought.

'Won't he kill me as well when the work is done?'

* * *

"It seems my decision of not joining them was right, " Said the young

man sailing a small boat towards the place where the explosion


"Devil… You shall fall".

On that small boat, a young looking man. Sea blue eyes, white coloured

hair, but his arms…

They were replaced with modern mechanical arms made of sea stones.

His height which reached 362 centimeters and his face which could be

said to be the most handsome.

On his back was the symbol of Marines…


He is…

Fleet Admiral Monkey D. Bell, code name 'Wild'

* * *

"Ahhe!, " Holding his sides, Nakamura looked at the sea filled with blood,

bodies, broken ships and many more.

Not much far from him, Merry climbed on the large wooden piece which

supported her.

"Haa… Ha.., " Panting, Merry turned her head to see numerous deaths

and many belonging from her children.

"No!, " There was sadness, grief, regret and anger in her voice. Her eyes

red, clenched a fist and slowly hit the wooden piece.

Many memories flashed in her mind. But not one was good.

"Devil!, " That was the person responsible for all of these and she had to

kill him.

"I fucking survived!, " Sighed Berick as he came out of the void he created

just in time.

* * *

Yoru flew down and found Mia on a broken ship's main mast. Burn

marks, cuts and many more wounds.

"Mia! Wake up! Mia!, " Shouted Yoru, shaking her head but nothing


"Damn it!, " Cursed Yoru, she tore her shirt and placed his palms on her


Performing the Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique that's

useful in many emergencies, such as a heart attack or near drowning, in

which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped.

The American Heart Association recommends starting CPR with hard and

fast chest compressions.

"*Cough* Ha! Ha!, " Water gushed out of her mouth and she breathed in

the air.

"Thank god!, " There was a drop of tear on Yoru's eyes. Mia smiled at

Yoru as she tried to stand up.

Grabbing Yoru's shirt, Mia wore it and watched the site of the ice field

which was now a mess.

"Admiral Yoru… The Devil must not die!, " Said Mia as she grinded her

teeth and clenched fists.

"He must be imprisoned forever! He must be starved and face death every



[Author Talk---]

Hey readers! it's the great author here!

This will be the last chapter until the novel hits 300k views!

Thank You! Please continue to Support!

CHAPTER - 45 { The Ending Part-4


[Author Talk---]

Ohh come on, how slow.

I got bored to wait for 300 k views so a new chapter published.

Let's welcome the 300 hundred thousand Readers!


"Make it fall, " Said Akuma as he pointed to Yoru and Mia while his eyes

were cold.

"Yes, " With her powers, Jessica made the entire island stop floating right

above the two Admirals.

As the huge island fell from the sky, the air in its path seemed to form

lines around the island edges.

The solid ground below, lit up and red flames.

"Shit!, " Cursed Yoru, he slashed towards it but when he looked closer.

It looked black in color and covered in hard metal.

"Why wasn't I informed that they had more devil fruit users!, " Grabbing

Mia, Yoru tried to flee away from the destructive site.

But because the island was too big, even if they went on. They couldn't

escape the range.


With a great jump, Merry came in front of the falling island and punched

the air next to her in the direction of the island.

Both the island and Merry stopped in mid air as the island shook

violently and broke into countless small lands.

And, from behind came multiple black void balls that gulped the small

lands inside them.

"Haha, I won't stand back!, " Laughed Berick, his hands covered in void

while his eyes glowed in pride.

* * *

"Tch, " Clicking his tongue, Akuma joined his palms together and

thousands of explosive ghosts formed.

Then his body started dematerializing and changed to tiny gas particles.

As he was out of their sight, Akuma moved his gas body down to hunt his


The thousands of ghosts went inside the sea while Akuma locked on his

first target.

"Berick D. Man, I won't miss you, " Invisible gas surrounded Berick while

he felt weird.

"Something is not right!, " Noticing, Berick jumped from the piece of

broken ship only to see the face of Akuma.

Yes, Berick saw Akuma's head in the air but not his body. It made him

stunned for a second which was enough to end his life.

A hand grabbed his head while an explosion took place within him.


Everyone looked at the place where the explosion occurred.

To their surprise, Berick had a small hole in his chest while his eyes lost

the light of life.

"Bastard! He can also use more than one devil fruit!, " Shouted Yoru, Mia

had recovered some energy to change form and fly on her own.

"We are at disadvantage! He can use multiple devil fruit powers and is

unaffected by sea water!, " Said Nakamura, as he shot some slashes

towards the white gas.

But as expected, they were just useless as none hit Akuma.

* * *

The sea was frozen once again but this time it was not the work of ice but


"There are only four enemies left! Kill them!, " Shouted Trebo, he flew

towards Mia at extreme speed.

"I will be your opponent!, " Come in front of Trebo was not Mia but Yoru

with his Scythe.

"Caaa!, " With a bird cry, Trebo clad his sharp claws with armament and

attacked Yoru.

As the Scythe and the Claw made contact, black sparks erupted and

enveloped the two.

"Aaaa!, " With full strength, Yoru pushed Trebo and took a full swing of

his Scythe towards the giant eagle.


A bird leg flew in front of Trebo's vision while red blood splashed around.

"Dark Slash!".

Everything turned into black and white, as the Scythe cut Trebo from



From the vertical cut, Trebo knew he was dying each second so he had to

do something for his master.

Both his eyes glowed deep red, with the only remaining claw. He struck

at Yoru's heart.

But, due to his body being separated. Trebo didn't get the right amount of

force to pierce Yoru's heart completely.

"Admiral Yoru!, " Screamed Mia she flew towards the falling Yoru and

caught him mid air.

Four holes were clearly visible on his chest which overflowed with red

warm blood.

"I-I won't s-survive! *Cough*, " Yoru already felt that death was not far

away. He clenched his fist and landed on a wooden piece with Mia.

"No! You will! Stay here! I will fight the Devil and defeat him! Then we

can go back together!, " Tears came from her eyes while Mia didn't want

to accept Yoru's sayings.

Closing her eyes, Mia stood up and then opened to look at Nakamura

who fought against Akuma.

"Devil!, " Leaping, Mia flew towards Akuma with all her strength.

"Another Admiral!, " Blocking the sword from Nakamura, Akuma dodged

Mia's sword attack.

"Rony!, " Shouted Akuma, he swung his bat at the two Admirals and

retreated back in the air.

"Rony?, " Looking up at a small piece of land, at the four of his last

crewmates. Surprised came to Akuma.

"Sorry, Captain!, " Shouted Rony, he smiled bitterly at Akuma while

standing beside Jessica, Gerry and Laurens.

"We are quitting from your Pirate Crew, " Said Jessica, she held the two

boys next to her and looked at Akuma seriously.

"I should have hypnotized you, " Muttered Akuma, but instead of showing

his regret and any emotion.

A wide smile appeared on his face. His eyes changed from being calm

blue to fire red.

Now I know what this system really is doing.

It's not only helping me to hypnotize people but also providing me with

some amount of feelings.

I can feel a certain level of happiness because of them.


Four explosive ghosts came out of the land they were standing on.

Even if they felt it, the danger. It was already over when they showed

their true feelings to Akuma.

Each of them had their hearts blown off by the explosion.

"That's what you get for betraying me, " Said Akuma as his face returned

back to the original mood.

"I will do it myself".

CHAPTER - 46 { The Ending Part-5


"Hhaa!, " The sea surface was cut in between by Nakamura as he slash at


'It's really bad! I need to do something, ' Thought Akuma, he completely

turned into gas and dispersed around the two.

Backing each other, Mia and Nakamura held their swords tight.

Their eyes fixed on any movement around them. Each millisecond was

counted by the two.


From above them, Akuma tried to grab the two by their head and pull

them in the sea but his hands got cut.

Not completely, but still a cut that reached his arm bone. A kick on his

abdomen sending him back.

"Tch, " A good chance was missed because of the opponents experience in

multiple battles.


A white light passed through his stomach, leaving a very small hole but

what if it was his heart.

"When!, " Turning into gas, Akuma saw a woman in light particles.

"Miss Light!, " Akuma, already knowing the abilities of Pika Pika no Mi,

was a little tense.

"Now this is a problem, " Said Akuma, he dodged a light beam and

another slash from Nakamura.


The air broke like a glass, the sea trembled with shock.

A large wave that can be considered a Tsunami. Raced towards where

Akuma was fighting for his life.

"What the hell are you doing!, " Shouted Nakamura as he was lifted by

Mia and they avoided the wave.

Turning into light, Shenuka flew out of the waves range but not Akuma

as it was totally ineffective.

"No! Sister has gone insane!, " Said Mia seeing Merry do sky walk

towards Akuma with her clenched fist.

"Let her be! She is also a pirate!, " Said Shenuka, coming next to them

and turning back.

"I can't! She is the only person left for me as a family!, " Shouted Mia as

he put Nakamura on a piece of land and flew towards Merry.

* * *

"Devil! I will kill you to avenge my children!, " With white light glowing

on her fists, Merry shot multiple punches at Akuam.

Because Akuma had turned back to solid, each punch landed on him that

made his cells tremble.


A punch hit him on his left cheek and almost broke his lower jaw.

'Stupid!, " Suddenly, thousands of ghosts came out of the sea and


"Ahhge!, " A scream was heard from the explosion center while Mia

entered inside the explosion to save Merry.

As the black smoke went away, Mia held Merry in her arms.

Merry lost her life, half of her face burned. One of her arms was

completely carbonized.

All her clothes were stuck onto her skin, not a place was left clean.

"No, sis!, " Cried Mia, shedding tears, her eyes red and the sadness

already made her lose mind.

Yes, she was also in the explosion. With the already burned wounds, and

the new ones.

She didn't seem that good anymore.

"Why!, " Screamed Mia, looking up at the sky, but the sun had set. Night

was coming along with stars and the moon.

"Because you are weak!".

Akuma swung his bat at the still Mia, sending her flying at some distance.

Then dodging a light beam and slash from the front while diving in the


Crashing on a block of ice, Mia was losing consciousness as her body

descended in the water.

Turning into a huge sea serpent, Akuma swam forward.

With his observation, Akuma caught Mia and formed a dark green energy

ball in front of his open mouth.

As the energy beam made his way towards Mia, something blocked it.

Looking, Akuma saw a very handsome young man holding Mia in his

arms and glaring at him.

"Who is he?, " Said Akuam, multiple energy beams were fired but each

one was blocked by the young man.

His arm glowed deep red with advanced armament.

Not spending much time, the young man got Mia out of the water.

"Haaaa!, " Breathing, Bell threw Mia on ice as he got up as well.

"Wake up!, " Holding her stomach, Bell used force to make her throw up

the water she swallowed.

"*Cough*, " Opening her eyes, Mia saw a blurry figure holding her. It was

a familiar person that she knew personally.

"Fleet Admiral?, " Muttered Mia, she tried to stand up but her legs didn't


"Catch!, " Throwing Mia towards Shenuka, Bell jumped in the air doing


The ice they were on was blasted by Akuma's energy beam.

Taking his head out of the water, Akuma opened his mouth wide and a

dark green energy ball formed.

"Oh? I would love to clash!, " Falling from the sky, Bell smiled at the sea



As the beam was shot and Bell punched, an explosion occurred because

of the two.

Akuma left his face got hit by something as his entire front was sent back

in the water.


Diving in the sea, Bell saw Akuma still stunned by the punch. Taking a

chance, he did a water kick and accelerated towards Akuma.

Spinning, his right leg glowed red and flames erupted even in the water.

As the kick hit on the stomach of the sea serpent. The water surface

above them was blasted off by the impact.

Nearing, Bell caught Akuma by his tail and swung him inside the water

that created a vortex.

Grinding his teeth, Bell threw the huge serpent out of the sea water.

It looked totally impossible, a very big sea serpent that length up to 12

kilometers was going up in the sky.

Nakamura and Shenuka were dumbstruck seeing the event happen in

front of their eyes.

While Mia was a little angry not at Akuma for killing her family and


Not at Bell for fighting Akuma instead of her.

But at herself.

She was weak, and she admitted that.

Yet, even after she trained and trained. Why was she still weak?

It's like she was incomplete, from within. Which is why she couldn't

reach her limits.

'What is it?'

CHAPTER - 47 { The End! }

Akuma saw everything in a blurry way, his vision was giving up on him.

'That blow from Queen, ' Thought Akuma, the punches did almost take

his entire body.

'I don't think I can escape, ' With that thought, the huge dark green

serpent fell from the sky.


From the sea water, Bell did a kick and flew towards Akuma at full speed.

"Hope you don't die!, " Shouted Bell, pulling his right fist behind which

was covered in a red glow.

He punched Akuma's back, the impact sent the serpent's body backwards.

In the air, the huge serpent trembled and returned back to the bodied


Then, in the sky. Bell held Akuma by his neck and smiled at his victory.

"Tactics are always useful, " Laughed Bell, throwing Akuma down on a

large piece of ice.


As Akuma shot on the ice, multiple cracks formed but the ice didn't


"Devil!, " Said Nakamura, beside him standing were Mia and Shenuka

with light breathing.

"Mia, you lost more than I did. His fate is in your hands, " Turning his

face, Nakamura put his Katana back into its sheath.

"Hm, " Nodding her head, Mia walked and placed her left foot on

Akuma's chest.

"Yes… Stab me with your sword!, " Smiled Akuma, he stared at Mia with

a single thought.

'The moment you raise your sword to kill me, I will pierce your heart

with my own hands'

'I will take you with me!'.

As a sword appeared in her hands, a dark light flashed through Akuma's


But the next thing was that his vision blackened, he left consciousness.

With a right foot kick, Mia knocked Akuma.

"I won't repeat the same mistake I did".

* * *

Town of Happiness___

Maba looked at the multiple pieces of paper, each one burned to nothing

leaving only one.

But even that piece started burning so slowly that it didn't look so.

Because of the force awakening, both Jessica and Laurens suffered from

side effects.

Jessica was unable to land, and there was another effect. The things that

she levitates will remain floating until she makes them fall back.

Even after her death, the things shall be floating until the new user of

Fuwa Fuwa no Mi touches the thing and takes the ownership.

Laurens, when he creates a storm, will remain until it is cleared by force

or he himself clears it. Staying after his death as well.

"Bruno, the war has been lost! Start plan B!, " Said Maba, he looked at the

man sitting beside him.

With his hair behind, Bruno looked at Maba while a light smile appeared

on his face.

"Looks like we will have to wait for Captain to come back, " Muttered

Bruno, he got up and walked out of the King's Castle.

When he came to the edge of the island, Bruno raised his hands and put

out his palms in the air.

"Haa… Distort!".

The sea shook violently while the air current was divided.

The hell realm, it started going down. Not, the sea was going down and

stopped after many kilometers.

The Hell Realm, now surrounded by a wall of sea while the sunlight was

blocked by the Earth Realm.

The Storm around the three realms formed a barricade for the outer


As it is now, The three realms will be called the Devil's Home.

"This power is good!, " Laughed Bruno while curving a rock into a ball


Paramecia devil fruit, Neji Neji no Mi: Distortion (Forced Awakened)

* * *

As the news of Akuma's capture and the defeat of the Devil's Pirates

spread around the world.

Celebrations took place, and a few days of holiday were also given to all

the government officers.

A year later after the final war, the peace that they got was worth it to


The Devil's Pirate bases located in all four seas were completely


Fleet Admiral office___

"Can you get their location?, " Asked Fleet Admiral Bell sitting on his

chair and looking at Admiral Mia.

"No, it looks like they have vanished in thin air, " Shaking her head, Mia

looked a little worried.

"And about that storm, in the New World. Any news?, " Asked Fleet

Admiral Bell, he hit the table softly as his new habit.

"No news, the ships can't pass through the storm while there are sea kings

that also block the way, " Replied Admiral Mia, she put a document on

the table.

"The construction of floor Level- 7 in Impel Down is complete, " Reported

Mia pointing towards the letters written in big shape.

"I can see it myself, " Not laughing, Fleet Admiral Bell checked it once

and pushed back to Mia.

"I will put you in charge of the transportation of Devil from Level-6 to


* * *

Impel Down___

Level-6, Eternal Hell was the lowest level of Impel Down. It is where

prisoners who are insanely powerful, have caused crimes extremely

atrocious, and/or whose mere existences have become a major threat to

the World Government itself are kept.

At the end, inside a cell. A very big man sat crossed legged while his eyes

were closed.

Even his heartbeat was dropped to one beat per day, making him almost

a non living thing.

Multiple chains tied to him, each one thicker than a man's wrist.


Footsteps were heard in eternal hell for the first time in two months.

Every four months, food would be distributed to keep the prisoners alive

but not to help them recover strength.

As for Akuma, the last time he ate food was a year ago on his island.

That's also the reason for the wounds on his body to be still clear and


"Move him, " Said Mia, she looked at Akuma with caution even if he was

at his weakest state.

"This will be the last time you get to eat, " A prison guard threw a large

piece of animal's leg to Akuma.

Just when Akuma moved his hand to catch the meat, he stopped mid


"Continue, " Said Mia, she held her sword and pointed the tip at Akuma's


"*Chew*Glup*, " They didn't even provide water for him to drink with

the raw animal leg.

"I forgot the water, here!, " A pouch containing water was thrown at

Akuma's lap by the guard.

Then, Akuma was taken by a hidden path towards the new and lowest

floor specially designed for Akuma.

There was only a single cell, but the things to notice was the number of

chains connected to the walls.

They were in hundreds, every wall was filled with chains. This time, the

chains were way thicker than before.

In the middle, Akuma was placed in his crossed legged position.

All the chains, tied down Akuma.

"I wish you good luck, survive as long as you can, " With her last words,

Mia left with the guards and the door was closed permanently.

"I will, and longer than you".


Next is Author's Thoughts

[Author Talk---]

What's up readers, it the Author here!

I was quite shocked at myself. I was really going to publish the chapter

47 of 'One Piece: I am Psychopath' on my other fan fiction novel 'Reality:

Summertime Saga'

I really laughed hard at myself!

Okay, so readers. That was the last chapter for our first volume.

I want your thoughts on this Novel. Also, it would be good if you could

write a review about this novel.

Because it's not rated, it has to be searched particularly or scrolling

through all the way until you find it!

Please support if you want the other volume to be published fast!!!!!

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 1 { Roger

Pirates }

Year- 1491

Devil's Home___


The sea waves were going wild, the roars of the black clouds turned to


Each wave became bigger and higher as the big pirate ship went through.

The figurehead of the ship appears to be a pair of mermaids alongside a

forward facing cannon.

The ship had three masts, with red sails and a jolly roger on the foremast.

The sails also have a vertical stripe design. In the center of the ship is a

large polka-dotted egg.

If seen by any others, it would appear that the ship belonged to a mighty


Oro Jackson, as the name of the ship. This ship's Captain was Gol D.

Roger, or the future Pirate King.

Roger was a tall and very muscular man. His most prominent physical

features were his curved black mustache, a fierce grin he almost always

wore, and his intense eyes. He also had thick black hair and a short, thick


Like many other high ranking pirates, he wore a long red captain's coat.

Beneath his coat, he wore a blue shirt and had a yellow sash around his


He wore a white cravat around his neck, dark blue pants, and what

appeared to be black sea boots.

Roger stood at the bow of the ships and stared at the storm with his

never ending grin.

A flash of red light passed in his eyes as he held his sword 'Ace' and

unsheathe it.

"Rayleigh, you feel it too?, " Asked Roger as he took a fighting stand,

getting ready to battle.

"Yes, it's like they are guarding something passed this storm!, " Said

Rayleigh as he looked at the whirlpools that appeared on the sea surface.


As if the ship hit something, it stopped sailing any further even when the

winds were strong.

"We are going to dieee! I don't wanna die!!, " Screamed Buggy while

running around on the deck holding his head.

"Stop it, Buggy! Captain will not let us die!, " Said Shanks as he climbed

on the bow beside Roger and laughed.

"Haha! Scared as usual, Buggy?, " Asked Gaban as he held Buggy by his

collar and lifted him up.

"W-Who is scared! I, the great Buggy? Haha!, " Laughed Buggy trying to

hide his fear and averting his eyes of Gaban.

"By the way, whose idea was to pick these two kids?, " Asked Crocus as

he stared at Buggy and then looked at Rayleigh.

"Captain's, " Replies Rayleigh as he pointed his sword tip at Roger's butt.

"Haha! Aren't these two very funny!, " Said Roger, he took his straw hat

off and put it on Shanks hat.

"Get ready, they are here, " On the sea surface, with the large waves and

thundering storm.

The whirlpools enlarged and something came out of each. Different

shapes and sizes, the creatures were in varieties.

"Sea Kings!, " Shouted Rayleigh, everyone on the ship was a little


Because it's a sea king, each one was ten times larger than their ship.

"Let us pass!, " Shouted Roger, an aura burst from within him and

engulfed the entire storm.

The sea kings were stunned one after another, each one had different


Roger looked at the sea king on the front, his eyes narrowed when he


"They want us to prove ourselves and defeat them so we don't die out

there, " Said Roger, this time his grin was low but not gone completely.

"What do you think is out there after this storm?, " Asked Gaban as he

put the little Buggy down.

Buggy had already curled up in a ball, closing his eyes and ears.

"Whatever or whoever is out there after this storm, is many times

stronger than these sea kings, " Replied Roger, who now stood with a

serious face.

"What do you say, Captain. We retreat back?, " Asked Rayleigh while

looking at Roger's expression.

Almost everyone on the deck stared at Roger while Shanks lowered the

straw hat with a smile.

"Of course not! We are here to adventure! If we retreat now, it's over!, "

Said Roger with a mighty voice as his grin returned back to his face.

"Hahah!, " Instantly, everyone started laughing. And then, the Roger

Pirates had a battle with the sea kings which lasted a day.

* * *

Hail, Rain, Thunder, Snow and Strong Wind, everything was included in

the storm.

After a week of fighting against this storm, the Oro Jackson finally saw


"Hey! I can see light! The storm is over, ahead!, " Shouted Shanks while

looking forward with his spyglass.

"Wooo Huuuu!, " Rejoiced everyone, then with their last strength. They

sailed to the end of this storm which was not conquered till now.

As the end of the storm neared, Buggy and Shanks stood on the bow

looking completely shocked beyond belief.

A very large island was floating in the sky, and it was not the only one.

Above it, there were two more islands. But they were smaller compared

to the former.

Huge mountains, rivers that flowed out of the island, green forest and a

city are visible.

"Wow!, " Both Buggy and Shanks had their mouths wide open because of

the amazement.

"A floating island? Is it Shiki? No, I don't think it's him, " Muttered Roger,

he was surprised as well.

'It's definitely not Shiki, we were the first ones to win as the sea kings

told us. So is it really an actual floating island like the sky island?, '

Thought Roger, he nodded and then looked ahead.

It was not just him that noticed what was in front, Rayleigh was a few

seconds faster.

"Don't want to take your eyes off the island but we are in a little trouble,

" Said Rayleigh, he pointed at the front and everyone followed.

All the sea water was going towards the waterfall that was in a very large

circle that was a hundred times wider than the floating island.

"Aaa! Heelllp! We are all going to dieee!, " This time screamed, both

Shanks and Buggy as they held each other due to fear of death.

"Prepare for the fall!, " Shouted Rayleigh, everyone clenched onto


The Oro Jackson fell from the waterfall, there wasn't any options to begin



[Author Talk---]

I need a little help, can I get the date of Roger's execution and at what

year was Ohara incident took place.

And a what year Luffy set sail.

It's really hard to find the year date in one piece.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 2 { Maba }


The huge ship fell from the height of hundreds of meters.

"Where are we?, " Said Roger, he looked and saw an island with three

active volcanoes.

The lava flowed out from the top of the three volcanoes.

There were a few trees as well, it's like a new kind of tree with black

trunk and leaves.

Docking the ship ashore, they stepped on the island.

"What the hell? I have never seen such kinds of trees before, " Said

Crocus. He was the ship's doctor and knew about many trees but this one.

"It's dried but still alive! How is it even possible!, " Exclaimed Crocus as

he touched the tree truck and checked it.

"This place is really mysterious, " Said Rayleigh as he watched out for the

hot lava flowing on the ground.

"There!, " Said Buggy while he pointed towards a direction where small

houses were present.

"Let's go, " Roger took the lead and headed towards the small shelter.

* * *

"It's, I think we should get out of here, " Said Crocus, what he saw made

him want to run.

The people in the shelter were looking at them with hunger while some

already took out their weapons.

Each one looked like a dead body, thin and weak but their eyes showed

that they wanted to live.

"I think so too, " Said Shanks, behind him was buggy ready to make a run

at any time.

"Hey, we can give you some food to eat if you tell us about this place!, "

Said Roger as he showed them a piece of bread.

Seeing the bread, all the people in the shelter jumped at Roger.

"Run!, " Screamed Rayleigh, everyone followed even the fearless Roger

did so.

"What's with them?, " Said Roger in a low voice as if annoyed with their


"You! Captain, they are dead hungry and you showed them food. What

do you expect in this kind of situation, " Replied Rayleigh as he sighed at

the naive Roger.


The volcanoes erupted with lava splashing around the mountains, black

volcanic smoke and small rocks came together.

"No! Run!, " With a shout, the shelter people started retreating back.

"What?, " The eruption was very far; it didn't seem too big enough to

reach them.

"Why did they run back?, " Asked Shanks, he looked at the disappearing

figures of the people.

"Don't know, " Replied Rayleigh, he scratched his head in confusion but

then he caught a movement not far from them.

"Stand back!, " Said Roger as he leaped and slash in front to block a pair

of laser beams.

"Who is it!, " Shouted Roger while blocking another pair of laser beams.

As the dust cleared, he saw who it was.

It was a huge creature that reached a height of 12 meters. Six wings that

connected from its back.

Its lower half was a snake's body made of red hot lava and black rocks.

White hair and beard, an old human face with wrinkles. His fingers being

small fire breathing serpents.

It was the first time Roger and the crew saw a creature like it, they have

never heard of such a type.

"What's that!, " Exclaimed Buggy as he clenched on Crocus's leg while

Shanks took on a serious face.

"That Conqueror Haki a week ago belonged to you?, " Asked the creature

as his red eyes stared at Roger with expectations.

"Yes… So what?, " Replied Roger, still with his fighting stand.

"Defeat me and you will know everything!, " Flared the creature, lava

flowed from his lower half.

The area was completely turned into a pool of lava as Roger and the crew

had to retreat back to safe land.

"Rayleigh, Gaban, I need your help!, " Requested Roger, nodding their

heads, the two came forward.

"It's a fight with an unknown talking creature! We must win!, " Said

Roger as a grin appeared on his face while the other two shook their

heads in helplessness.

Ten flames came making a path towards them while the other of the

Roger Pirate escaped to safe distance.

Cutting the fire in half, Roger blasted off a black color slash at the


But it was blocked by a pair of laser beams. The lava took the shape of a

huge serpent and came down at Roger.

"Not so early!, " Swinging his sword, Rayleigh cut the Lava serpent into

two halves from between.

"Thanks!, " Jumping up in the air, Roger roared and cut down with his

sword coated with advanced armament and conqueror haki.

On the left was Gaban with a pair of axes as his main weapon, covered in

advanced armament.

On the right, Rayleigh dashed and swung his sword with full force. As as

Roger, his sword covered in advanced armament and conqueror haki.

Three slashes were aimed at the creature, making a mess of the

surrounding areas.

* * *

Three days later___

One side of the island was completely destroyed.

Lying on the river of lava, the creature looked at Roger with defeated


Roger, Rayleigh and Gaban stood on pieces of large broken rocks.

"Tell me, why are you here?, " Asked the creature as he tried to get up

but his body wouldn't move.

"We are here just for adventure and nothing else. I am a pirate captain

and these are my cremates, " Said Roger as he pointed towards the

direction of his crew.

Seeing that they didn't look so dangerous, Maba kept quiet but not

completely believed.

Who knows when your opponent will fool you.

"What exactly are you?, " Asked Gaban, he held his left hand which was


He had burned marks and many more injuries.

"I… My name is Maba, I am a servant of my Master, " Replied Maba, he

used the lava to help himself.

"Master?, " Hearing this, the three were worried because of the strength

that master will possess.

"Who is your Master?, " Asked Rayleigh, he put his sword back to the

sheath while looking at Maba.

"My master, he is the Great Devil! Akuma, Wholeheart Akuma!".

Others might have not heard of this name but not the Roger Pirates.

They go around the world to explore and to know more about the past.

And this name was definitely the most scary one out there.

A Pirate that ruled the sea in the end of 13s.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 3 { Three

Children }

Hell Realm___

Between the three active volcanoes, a big house made of black lava rock.

"Roger is it? I have heard of that name before, " Said Maba as he looked

down at the man sitting on a chair.

"Have you heard of my name already?, " Asked Roger as his grin widened


"Woo! Captain's name is even famous here!, " Rejoiced Shanks as he

patted Roger on his back.

"How is it even possible? No one should have come here before right?, "

Asked Rayleigh as he gazed at the huge monster figure of Maba.

"You all are the first to come here yourself but that doesn't mean I don't

get any news from outside, " Replied Maba as he moved aside and

showed a small den den mushi.

Golden Den Den Mushi

The Golden Den Den Mushi is an extremely rare breed whose only ability

is to send a signal to its Silver counterpart; as a result, it's only

"accessory" is a single button at the apex of its shell, which immediately

transmits the signal when pressed.

It is about the size of a Baby Den Den Mushi, apparently made of solid

gold, and completely immobile.

"A golden den den mushi!, " Said Buggy as he came forward and bent

down checking out the snail.

"It's really made of gold, " Said Gaban as he inspected the 'den den mushi'


"It's not the only one we have. This island is called Hell Realm, and is the

shelter place of all criminals, " Said Maba, he placed a map on the table.

"The one above is called Earth Realm, it's where the civilians stay.

And the island above Earth Realm is called High Park or ones known as

Upper Yard.

The Island floating at the highest is called Heaven Realm, it was the place

where my master stayed

All together, it's called the Devil's Home".

With a full explanation, Maba shared the basic details about the three

Realms and the Devil's Home.

"About that, why are you still in a monster form or are you really one?, "

Asked Shanks as he came next to Maba and compared his height.

"After I awakened my devil fruit, I can't change anymore as this form has

become me.

And due to the awakening, I got a longer life and also a special ability, "

Said Maba as he waved his hand in the air and called something.


Footsteps were heard outside the house.

"You are lucky that I was the one who found you before my children, "

Said Maba with a plain voice and no expression.

Walking out, the Roger Pirates saw two creatures that were very big and


From in the lava, a three headed, some scales on the back made of lava


A red and orange lava dripping body, a very big size that went up to 8

meters in height.

Cerberus, The Hell Guardian

Other side, from a wide cave. Light visibly came forward. A beast with

fire fur, a body comparable to the former.

Nemean Lion

* * *

Looking at the two giant monsters, Buggy and Shanks were stiff for a


"No way! These monsters should have been just stories!, " Shouted Roger

as he ran and came in front of the two.

"Is it really fire?, " Roger extended his fingers on the fur of Nemean Lion,

only to get his fingers burned.

"Yes they were, but one of our people created them with my blood. His

name was Rony, he conducted experiments and the end results are these

monsters, " Informed Maba as he moved next to the two and patted them.


A chrill came from the sky, a huge creature flew towards Maba with its

wings wide open in the air.


As it landed, the wind seemed to get a little cooler than before.

Shanks and Roger had their eyes sparkling seeing this new monster


The size, as it stood behind Maba. It towered everyone here, it's almost

three times higher than Maba.

Wingspan that could cover one of the entire mountain, a lion's body with

a female human's face.

A crown made of gold, diamond and special blue bird feathers.

Sphinx, The Protector of King's Castle

"Wow! It's really beautiful, " Said Rayleigh as he lifted his head up to

completely see the monster.

"It's not just beautiful, it's also powerful, " Said Maba as he waved his

hand to Sphinx.

Nodding her head and with a smile, Sphinx flew back to her altar.

Each flap of her wings were enough to push Roger back two steps even if

he used strength to grip the ground.

"So, we are lucky we didn't get to fight them?, " Asked Gaban as he

smiled a little awkwardly.

"Ya, these two have the same strength as me and the big one is stronger

than me, " Replied Maba without any shyness to Gaban.

"Really!, " Exclaimed Shanks, he looked up at Cerberus and was a little


"So, how do you go up to that island?, " Asked Roger as he pointed

towards Earth Realm.

"I fly, " With a swing of his hand, Maba formed a wind barrier around


As the barrier went up, Maba and the Roger Pirates were lifted up in the


"Woo! How can you do this? What exactly is that devil fruit you ate?, "

Asked Buggy with his excited voice while staring at Maba.

"Some things are better not to know, " Said Maba as he looked down at

Buggy with his red eyes.

Buggy immediately stood behind Rayleigh and hugged his leg.

"Haha, he is still a kid! Let's forget him!, " Laughed Roger as he tried to

get the attention of Maba from the little buggy.

"I told you! You should not ask personal things, " Whispered Shanks in

Buggy's ear while his arms were behind his head.

A few seconds later, the group came up to Earth Realm.

The Town of Happiness…

The start of everything and who knows, might also be the end.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 4 { Devil can't

die! }

Earth Realm___

Walking on the footpath next to the road, the Roger Pirates were

staggered by the scenes.

The houses were made of rich stones, the roads were made up of

beautiful tree trunks.

There are poles at every hundred meters beside the roads that are

connected with wires having electricity.

Bicycles that didn't need for you to petal and move on their own.

The people in the town were all pretty and good looking unlike the world


"Are there even pirates here?, " Asked Rayleigh as he looked in a

restaurant through the wide glass window.

Inside, many people were eating their food with manners.

The waiters roamed around the tables to take any further orders or


"Yes, but all of them are ours, " Replied Maba, the people who saw him

bowed and made way for them to walk.

"You seem like a very respected person, " Said Roger as he stared at the

people towards Maba with respect.

"You will, if you have lived for more than a hundred years, " Said Maba

as he bent down his body to avoid the wires.

"Haha…, " The situation was a little awkward between the laughing

Roger and expressionless Maba.

The group headed towards the big castle on the higher level of ground

from the town.

* * *

King's Castle___

At the entrance gate, Shanks and Buggy looked at the huge altar.

On it was the Majestic Sphinx, sitting there and looking down at the


She still had a smile on her face while moving right hand towards the

gate to open it.

"Does it stay here always?, " Asked Crocus as he tried to read the

behavior of the creature.

"Yes, and it's a she, " Replied Maba without turning his head and going


While they were walking in the Castle, Buggy looked back towards the

Sphinx only to be alarmed.

The Sphinx who just a moment ago had a smile on her face, now was

looking at them with hostility.

"Buggy! Come on! Or we are leaving you behind!, " The voice of Shanks

woke Buggy from his stiff state.

"D-Don't leave me behind!, " Said Buggy as he sprinted past Shanks and

headed inside.

"What's wrong with him?, " Muttered Shanks, he looked up at the smiling

Sphinx and waved his hand.

* * *

King's Throne, which was now taken up in the White House.

Roger looked at the huge Purple Poneglyph, his eyes were almost locked

on it.

"I can hear! There are screams!, " Stunned Roger hurriedly walked

towards the poneglyph and touched it.

"This is the history of 'Devil', the two devil fruits he created and the three

realms!, " Exclaimed Roger, he couldn't close his mouth because of shock.

"He created devil fruits! Impossible!, " Even if his voice of low, everyone

heard Crocus speak.

"Master did, I am a living example, " Said Maba as he moved to the open

balcony opposite the poneglyph.

The Roger Pirates took time to digest the information they got.

"So, why are you letting us see his history?, " Asked Roger as he came

near Maba and stood.

It's normal, someone let you see his family even though he didn't know if

you might use it against him.

"Because… Master is alive and I must not let him die, " Said Maba as he

gazed his eyes on the town just like Akuma did.

"He is alive?, " Many questions did arise but no one asked about that.

* * *

"They will help you leave, " Said Maba pointing towards the giant sea


Nodding their head, the Roger pirates got on their ship which was lifted

up by Maba and brought back to the sea surface.

"Bye!, " Waving their hands, The Roger Pirates with the help of the sea

kings left the place.

"Why did you really let them come and go?, " Asked a young boy next to

Maba while looking at the disappearing figure of Oro Jackson.

"To create rumors with a pirate crew that travels around the world and

who knew many mysteries.

Won't people start talking about the real 'Devil' after some information is

out of this place?, " Replied Maba as a smile formed on his face.

"But what are you doing here, Wick? Didn't I tell you to train your devil

fruit?, " Asked Maba, he bent down to look at the young boy.

"Ya ya, " Kicking the small pebble, the young boy's body slid inside the

soil as if water.

* * *

Impel Down___

Level-7, the special cell was created just to keep the most dangerous

living person in the world.

The cell was dark, with ones normal eyes it could be described as only


Sitting on the cold floor, a huge man with extremely long hair and beard

was seeable.

Tied to him, the sea stone chains were in hundreds.

His skin, completely dried like a dead tree.

His eyes, one couldn't see the glimpse of light.

His body, it was very big but so thin that it would be claimed to be only


Yet, even after all of this sufferings. The man is not dead and still

breathes one time in a month.

His breathing so light, that the top observation haki users will be shocked

that they can't catch it.

Before the man, a red coloured floating screen could be seen.

Written on it was…

[System Restricted for use]

This was the same thing the man saw when he lost that war for which he

was imprisoned.

For the first time, he was confused but as the time went on. He

understand what actually caused it.

His lost, the Demon Lord should have restricted the use of the system.

What can you expect from a evil being?

Good will?

Of course not, it's all sadness…

But he didn't take his defeat as a mistake, he took it as his fate.

He is waiting, for the right moment that will arrive when he will be free

once again.

Yes, he must not die and continue to wait.

And after he is free, recovered. He will take revenge and let the world


What a real Devil is…

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 5 { The Pirate

that made an Era }


It is a city on the Polestar Island in East Blue, covering nearly the entire

island it is on, save for a few steep hills.

Almost all East Blue ships, especially pirate ships, pass through to stock

up on supplies for the Grand Line, since Loguetown is in a convenient

location very close to Reverse Mountain, just out of sight of the Red Line.

Loguetown is situated just north of the Calm Belt and east by north-east

of Reverse Mountain's entrance.

Therefore, many East Blue pirates stop there to gather supplies, before

entering the Grand Line.

In the middle of the town, the crowd was almost insane as the Great

Pirate, crowned The Pirate King.

Gol D. Roger!

Is going to be executed today in front of the whole world by the World


Under the blazing heat of the sun, Roger with his long hair and mustache

stepped up on the stairs.

One thing to notice was that the man had that grin on his face which

could be described as stunning.

How? Because he is being executed, yet he smiled with his thoughts of no


Inherited Will,

The destiny of Age,

The Dreams of its people.

Every step the man took, made everyone present had their hearts beat


Fear, Excitement, Pride, Happiness, Sorrow, Gratitude, Respect, Relief…

All these emotions could be seen on the faces of different people.

At the top, the two executors were facing the most pressure because of

this world shaking event.

Sweats flowed from their forehead, they even gulped their saliva multiple


As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom,

These things will never cease!

Going up, Roger reached the top of the platform as he faced the two


"Have you any last words?, " Asked the executor on the left to the man

with an expressionless face.

Slowly turning, Roger looked at the executor. Surprise was visible on the

executor' face seeing the man smile.

"Can you take this off? It's chafing me, " Said Roger as he extended his

hands that were cuffed with a wooden board.

"I cannot do that!, " Replied the executor as he took his eyes from the

man and clenched his right fist.

"Why would I run away?, " Said Roger while he smiled towards the

executor bitterly.

"Hmm. That's a little saddening…, " Said Roger in a dejected tone as he

walked behind the two executors.

Turning, the man sat down with his legs crossed and looked at the crowd.

"Well, go ahead and finish it, " Voiced Roger as he closed his eyes and

accepted his end.

The executors swung their pole weapons with a short double side blade

and crossed it in front of the man.

The Great Pirate is going to be expected now, that was what the world

thought but…

"Hey! Pirate King!".

A shout was heard from the crowd. Roger opened his eyes and looked

towards the exact person.

A man with brown hair, a little bit of muscle and only a blue jacket with

many pockets.

With his hands around his mouth, the shout came from the person.

"What did you do with your treasure?

It's somewhere on the Grand Line, isn't it?

You have it, don't you?

The greatest treasure in the world!, " Asked the man as he shouted from

the crowd.

"Insolent! Hold your tongue!, " Shouted back, the same executor as he

glared at the man with frustration.

"Your one special treasure!, " Yet, the man didn't care about the executor

as he continued to ask.

"One Piece!".

"He he he he he, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, " Laughed Roger with his low voice

but as if magic it was heard by everyone.

"My treasure?, " Said Roger with his mighty voice while the two

executors got a little confused on what to do.

"All right! That's enough!, " Said the other executor while both of them

held their weapons tightly.

"If you want it, I'll let you have it!, " Said Roger unaffected by the two

executors beside him.

"Go look for it!

I left all of it at that place!, " Said Roger with a smile and his eyes full of


"EXECUTE!, " Said the executor as he and the other one pulled the blades

and aimed at Roger.


The two blades stabbed at Roger's chest piercing through it and coming

out from behind.

The whole execution place and the whole world that saw Roger being

executed was quiet.

All of them had their mouths wide opened, their eyes staring at the figure

of dead Roger.

But with one cheer, the entire crowd started rejoicing with excitement

and happiness.

The executor saw this and was shocked. Turning his head back to Roger,

his eyes widened in disbelief.

A smile, Roger died with a smile.

He was the one, his words were the one.

That started a catastrophe for the Navy, Marine and the World



* * *

Impel Down,

Level-6, inside a cell. A man sat on the cold floor with his defeated mood.

"Hey!, " A guard came to the cell and called the sitting man.

"Roger is dead, he was executed by the World Government in Loguetown,

" Informed the guard after which he walked away from the cell.

"R-Roger was executed!, " Stuttering, the man was infuriated by this


"The World Government did it?, " The man was a little affected because

he was once a rival with Roger.

He was a Great Pirate with Roger and Whitebeard!

He was known as the Flying Pirate!

He is Shiki the Golden Lion!

"I will take revenge for you, Roger!, " Said Shiki as his eyes fixed with


"Once I am free! I will destroy the World Government!".


[Author Talk---]

So my dear readers, how was this chapter?

Any thoughts you want to express?

The comment section is all for that!

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 6 { The Devil is

Back! }

Year- 1501

Impel Down___

Sirens could be heard inside the building. It was not the first time a

prisoner managed to come out of their cell.

Multiple warships were docked at Impel Down, one of which was an


"Golden Lion Shiki has escaped!".

"What happened to his sea stone shackles? Did they came loose?, " Asked

the Admiral as he looked at the Magellan.

Magellan is a large man, about three times the height of a normal human.

He has a face that resembles a mandrill, with very sharp teeth and a thick

beard. His fingers closely resemble those of the Blue Gorillas.

He wears bat wings and horn-like ornaments on his head, the latter of

which he can pull out and use as weapons.

Underneath those horns, he has short black twintail-styled hair. Overall,

Magellan resembles a devil.

Magellan wears a black-colored suit with a red shirt underneath. His suit

features more buttons than those of his subordinates.

Draped over his right shoulder is a piece of rope. He wears what appears

to be the standard cap of Impel Down workers.

"No, they are still locked!, " Informed Magellan, he stood straight while

giving a salute to the Admiral.

"He severed off his own legs!, " Magellan was already sweating heavily

while saying.

* * *

"We cannot let someone like him escape!, " Said a high ranking officer

from the Navy.

Multiple soldiers ran inside Impel Down to search for Shiki but none

could find him.


A pool of blood was formed on the floor next to Hannyabal who was

scared stiff.

"Jiha ha ha ha haha, " A laughter was heard from above, sitting on a

wooden board tied by chains was Shiki.

"You don't know of my two swords?, " Asked Shiki as he stared at the

frightened Hannyabal.

"They are both named blades: Outou and Kogarashi, " Said Shiki as he

looked around the floor to check on the soldiers.

"I-I want a promotion!, " Replied Hannyabal mustering his courage to


"It's too bad for you, but I am leaving now, " Said Shiki as he rested his

cheek on his palm.

Some white smoke was coming as Shiki smoked his cigar comfortably.

"I don't need my legs. You can keep 'em, " Said Shiki as he grinned at


"Assistant Warden Magellan! I found Shiki! Please help me!, " Shouted

Hannyabal as he looked left and right for some support.

But Hannyabal was attacked by Shiki and left unconscious on the ground.

* * *

"So this is it?, " Muttered Shiki as he saw a secret door hidden at the end

of Level-6 floor.

"This leads to the Level-7 floor where the greatest weapon that could be

compared to the three Ancient weapons is kept!, " Said Shiki as he pulled

the door open with pure strength.

Taking a fire stick from the wall, Shiki entered.

The passageway was dark, floating down the stairs Shiki used his

Observation Haki beforehand.

'There's no one, ' Thought Shiki as he continued on his way only to find a

very big cell.

"Where's the weapon?, " Said Shiki as he was angry but then saw

something which made him a little surprised.

Inside the cell, a man with long black hair and long beard sat with his

legs crossed.

Tied to him were sea stone chains in hundreds, each connected to the

walls from all sides.

'Who could it be?, ' Thought Shiki, as he came forward and looked inside

more carefully.

Shiki inspected the cell bars to find out that they were made of sea stones


"What was he?, " Said Shiki, but then he was disappointed to find that the

man was not breathing.

He came here because he heard from the other prisoners that a secret

weapon was kept here.

But all he saw was a dead man and nothing.

"Damn it! I wasted some precious time, " Cursed Shiki, just as he was

about to go back.


The sound of chains was heard from behind him. Shiki didn't waste a

second to understand what's going on.


Turning, Shiki wanted to dodge but failed and got caught by a large


"Y-You are alive!, " Said Shiki as he stared at the man with his eyes wide



With all his strength, Akuma crushed Shiki and killed him on the spot.

One of the greatest pirates with Gol D. Roger and Edward Newgate.

Was killed…

"Fuu, " Releasing some breath, Akuma brought Shiki near his mouth and

chewed him down.

Due to hunger, Akuma had to eat something before going out of this cell.

"It's time, " Said Akuma, his body turned to white gas and started going

out through the stairs.

* * *

When he reached the end of the passageway, Akuma returned back to his

human form.

"This way, " Going near the wall, Akum touched it and his fingers sank in


With his paramecia devil fruit, his body turned to a spirit form that could

pass through any surface.

Maybe because he forgot, or because of his old age. Akuma didn't know

that he went directly into the sea.

Even though he was not affected by sea or sea stones. He had to breathe

to stay alive.

Holding his breath, Akuma looked around to see only water.

Slowly, his body returned back to its normal body and started expanding

in size.

His hands and legs merged in the body and his head turned to dragon-

like with wide gills.

Dark green scales, black eyes with no pupils and sharp teeth.

'Food!, ' That was the only thought Akuma had in his mind because of

being imprisoned for 100 years.

Only he knew how he survived, his body went in a complete change.

He became it, a human had to turn into an animal to survive at the face

of death.

He went through a process of slowing his metabolism in first few years in

the cell.

His muscles had to be sacrificed for his life, half his blood is gone

because the more blood cells, the more energy required.

He is alive after all of this!

The Devil is Back!

Every living being in his path was eaten, be it a small fish or even the

biggest sea king.

Not one was spared by Akuma.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 7 { Amazon

Lily }


Inside the Fleet Admiral' office, five people sat on their respective chairs.

Fleet Admiral Kong looked at the piece of torn clothing tanned with


"So, tell me. What exactly happened?, " Asked Fleet Admiral Kong while

he shifted his eyes to Admiral Sengoku.

"Shiki is dead and Vice Admiral Tsuru can confirm that, " Replied

Admiral Sengoku while showing a worried expression.

"How?, " Asked Fleet Admiral Kong, his face became even more serious

than before.

Another thing he worries about is that the troublesome devil fruit Fuwa

Fuwa no Mi must have already scattered somewhere.

"He was eaten by someone or something inside that cell, " Said Vice

Admiral Tsuru, she put some pictures on the table before Fleet Admiral


In the pictures, a prison cell could be seen. Connected to the walls were

sea stone chains in hundreds.

But those were now broken off, the sea stone bars were rooted from the


"Why was I not told about this Level-7 before?, " Said Fleet Admiral Kong

while he took the special den den mushi from the table.


"What is it? Fleet Admiral Kong?, " A voice was heard from the other end

of the call.

"Shiki is dead and I want to know why was I not informed about this

extra floor in Impel Down?, " Said Fleet Admiral Kong with a slightly

angry tone as he spoke.

"What!? Shiki died? Tell me everything!, " The other end of the call

sounded surprised as he should be.

With the explanation of Vice Admiral Tsuru, the voice on the call

understood the situation.

"Don't let the news of Shiki's dead be public now, " Said the voice with a

bit of authority.

"And, as for the floor Level-7. It was specially designed for keeping a

dangerous pirate.

But he should have died long ago as it's been more than a hundred years

of imprisonment, " Informed the voice while Fleet Admiral Kong was


"Hundred years of imprisonment! Then how the hell is he still alive! It's

impossible!, " Muttered Fleet Admiral Kong while he massaged his


On his side, Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Tsuru were also stunned

by the news they got.

Next to Admiral Sengoku, another Admiral sat up with a serious face.

Admiral Dram, code name 'Eyes'

The code name comes from his, having the strongest Observation Haki

and it's Advanced version.

The ability to see the future for 5 seconds and the ability to see extremely

far objects clearly.

But there was also a person in the office who didn't seem to care about

the situation.


A rice cracker sound came, everyone in the office turned their faces to

look at the source.

Except for this particular person, everyone was sitting on the chair.

On a sofa, half asleep a tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular man laid

himself peacefully.

He has a beard and a scar over his left eye. Some white hair on his sides

and a grin on his face while eating rice crackers.

Monkey D. Garp or also known as the Hero of the Marines.

"Garp! When did you get in!, " Shouted Admiral Sengoku as he stood up

from his chair and walked to Garp.

"And leave this!, " Snatching the rice cracker pack, Sengoku punched

Garp's face.

"W-What! Who is attacking Marineford!, " Immediately getting into a

fighting stand, Garp looked at Sengoku with one of his eyes black.

"Oh Garp!, " Facepalmed Vice Admiral Tsuru as she got up and held Garp

by his sleeve.

"You go out for a second, " Pushing Garp out of the Fleet Admiral office,

Vice Admiral Tsuru sat back on her chair with Admiral Sengoku.

"Let's talk, what do we have to know about that pirate?, " Asked Fleet

Admiral Kong to the person on the call.

"Many things, " Replied the voice and then started giving information to

Fleet Admiral Kong.

* * *

Calm Belt___

Inside the water, Akuma swam with his gigantic body and created small

waves on the surface.

By now, Akuma had already finished satisfying his hunger and was

heading to his destination.

After a few more hours, Akuma finally reached the island he wanted to

go to.

Amazon Lily is an empire located on the Island of Women, Maiden Island

is an island located in the Calm Belt adjacent to Paradise.

The island is inhabited by a tribe of Kuja.The empire is named after the

real life flower Amazon Lily.

Amazon Lily is a jungle island located within the Calm Belt. Due to the

island's location, there is no wind or storm ever on Amazon Lily.

The focal point of the island is a large mountain situated in the center.

It is carved with gigantic curved snake statues and the name of the native

tribe of the island, Kuja, engraved in Kanji.

Within the center of the mountain is a deep valley where the Kuja tribe

village is located.

The architecture and decor of the village resemble that of ancient China.

Ashore, Akuma already returned back to his human form and came out of

the water.

As he came out of the water, Akuma sensed multiple humans on the tree



An arrow was shot at Akuma's chest from the tree branches.

Not doing anything, Akuma gazed at the tree branch where a female

stood with a bow and arrows.

The arrow head hit his chest but it broke and fell on the ground not

affecting Akuma.

Continuing, many more arrows were shot at the standing Akuma.

But not one could leave a scratch on his skin. It was like paper hitting a

metal wall.

'How! Why can't the arrows do anything to him?, ' thought the female on

the tree branch who shot the first arrow.

"Who are you?, " Asked the female as she looked at Akuma with a

worried face.

"You are not allowed to come here! Leave now and we won't do anything

to you!, " Shouted the female trying to sound intimidating towards


"I don't have time for this, " Replied Akuma, who then took his steps

towards the city in Amazon Lily.

"Stop! Or you will be killed!, " Warned the female as he jumped down

from the tree branch and came on the ground.

With the sword on her waist, the female leaped towards Akuma and tried

to cut him.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 8 { Unkillable


[Author Talk---]

Hey readers, I know you want chapters faster like before but it is going to


Because the Story has reached the part where I would need to make sure

not change the information of 'One Piece'

That's the locations and people with their character, I will have to look

after that as well which takes time.

One chapter a day will be the pace of publishing but sometimes I will do


Also expect some days where I won't upload any chapter because my

exams is only two months away.

I re-read the chapters from before and found mistakes which I corrected.

I might have missed some, please help.

Thank you...


"Stop! Or you will be killed!, " Warned the female as he jumped down

from the tree branch and came on the ground.

With the sword on her waist, the female leaped towards Akuma and tried

to cut him.

Walking, Akuma felt like something hit him, turning back he saw the

female trying to stab him on his back.

'It's been long since my last fight, ' Thought Akuma, he faced in front and

continued to move back on his path.

"HOLD HIM!, " Shouted the female, multiple ropes were thrown on

Akuma tying him.

But with his strength, Akuma pulled every single one of them with him

by the ropes.

With each step, Akuma would be near his destination but for the other


They lose strength on every step Akuma took as they tried to pull him

back to no avail.

Someone caught a tree, someone grabbed a giant boulder and someone

used her sword on the ground as support.

Everything was tried but the results were completely in acceptance of


* * *

"What's going on? Why are there noises?, " Asked Gloriosa while sitting

on her empress chair.

Namely that the alternate casual top of the Kuja, which appears to be

evening wear, that she wears is blue instead of the pink-bordered


Additionally, her Snake Weapon is colored purple. It acts as her staff and

the upper body of the snake is curled up.

She is remarkably diminutive in height, with very thick lips, and is

wrinkled from old age.

She also wears some kind of sea-green bubble belt apparently meant to

hold up the spotted-print short skirt that all Kuja wear.

Also like most Kuja, she wears a cape. Her hair is black with some white

on the back and she wears a pink flower on the left side of her head.

"Empress! Someone has invaded Amazon Lily!, " Informed a woman

younger than Gloriosa coming inside the room.

"What! Let me see who that person is!, " With her snake staff, Gloriosa

hurried towards the location of Akuma.

Jumping from the roof of the buildings, she finally saw a huge man

walking towards them.

He was pulling tens of other Kuja women like they didn't even matter to


Long beard and hair, muscles that defined him as extremely powerful.

Height of a monster and clothes he wore described him as a prisoner that

escaped a prison.

'Impossible!, ' There was only a single prison in the entire world that was

located in the calm belt.

Impel Down!

"Who are you and why did you come here, man?, " Asked Gloriosa while

she stood a few meters away from Akuma.

"Man! A real man!, " Almost every Kuja woman that surrounded Akuma

was surprised.

"Move!, " Not caring, Akuma didn't answer or look at the tiny woman.

"If you don't explain yourself! We will be forced to kill you!, " Warned

Gloriosa, she glanced at the other members and nodded her head.

Swords, Arrows, Spears and more of different kinds of weapons were

brought by the Kuja tribe.

All pointed towards Akuma without any hesitation.

"Now!, " Shouting, Gloriosa ordered them to attack Akuma with full


"That won't be useful!, " A shout was heard from behind Akuma but she

was late.

The arrows hit Akuma leaving no marks, the swords cut Akuma without


Widening her eyes in disbelief, Gloriosa backed and stared at the fallen

arrows and spears.

"His skin is extremely tough!, " Informed the female that attacked Akuma


"Is it? Then use haki!, " Said Gloriosa, hearing her say. Many women

understood and held their weapons tightly.

With black armament haki, the women leaped at Akuma with hostility.

Yet, the results were the same. They couldn't hurt Akuma even with their


"Aaaa!, " Bursting with energy, Akuma raised his foot and slammed on

the ground.

A crater was formed and cracks appeared around the area, scaring all the

Kuja women.

"Don't engage!, " Shouted Gloriosa, she had not expected such a situation

to arise.

* * *

Just before the Empress Building, a small stone structure was built.

Standing in front of it was Akuma. Surrounded by hundreds of Kuja Tribe


"That's the Godfather's stone! We must stop him!, " Said a woman next to

Gloriosa while clenching her fist.

"What can we do? Even our weapons coated with haki is useless, do you

think my toothpick can harm him?, " Said Gloriosa with worries in her

tone and a bit of anger as well.


The upper part of the stone was crushed by Akuma as something golden

was visible inside.

Golden Den Den Mushi

"Is that a snail?, " Asked another woman while clutching her spear.

Akuma pressed the only button on the snail and it rang for a few seconds.

* * *

Hell Realm___

Sitting on the ground near his house, Maba was looking blankly in the


It had become his habit to do while spending his day alone with not

much work.

Suddenly, he heard something from his house.

Standing up, Maba went inside his house and his mood was instantly



A sound was of a snail which could be said to have never used before till


Rushing, Maba opened the chest around a corner and Inside were many


Amongst them was a snail in silver color.

The Silver Den Den Mushi is a breed that serves as the receiving line for

its Golden counterpart, generating a loud vibrating alarm sound upon

receiving the signal.

It is about the size of a standard specimen, and apparently possesses a

solid silver shell.

"M-Master?, " Maba's voice was shaking a little because of the shock he


He expected his master to return back but didn't know when.

He waited and waited, and was still waiting.

"Maba… Are you still alive?, " Asked Akuma from the other side of the

call with his deep voice.

"Y-Yes! Master, I have been waiting for you to return and sit on your

throne like before!, " Said Maba with his eyes tearing with excitement

and happiness.

"Pick me up from here, " That was the last thing Akuma said before

hanging up the call.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 9 { A thing in

the Past }

[Author Talk---]

I hope you don't find this chapter cringe, I tried my best to write it in a

very simple way.

Sorry for the bad taste beforehand...


Hanging the call, Akuma felt as if something was wrong.

Turning back, Akuma saw that the Kuja tribe who wanted to kill him just

now were all bowing.

"Looks like you get it now, " Said Akuma while pushing his hair behind

his head.

"Godfather!, " Said Gloriosa as she bent on her knees and looked at

Akuma with respect.


Not just her, the entire tribe did so. It all started after the Blood War in


That time, Jessica took all the ships through the calm belt towards Devil's


In between, Akuma's eyes landed on a certain ship sailing in the calm


It had two large snake structures around the sides of the ships.

Seeing it, Akuma jumped down from his ship and dived in the water

changing his form.

As he thought, the ship belonged to the Kuja Empress.

She was surveying the area only to encounter Akuma and provoke him to

a battle

As the fight between them ended, the defeated side was of course the

Kuja Empress.

After the defeat by a man, the Kuja Empress couldn't help but ask for

Akuma's child.

As even she knew that she had to give birth to a baby for keeping her

bloodline going.

There was the rule that the Empress has to have a partner stronger than


And Akuma was just the right person.

At first, Akuma just let her have his child without hypnotizing her.

But later on, that night. Akuma thought of making the Kuja Tribe one of

his army.

And then, Akuma used his system to hypnotize almost the entire Tribe

leaving on the little kids.

Some den den mushi was given to them to connect with Maba at Devil's


One of which was this golden den den mushi which was a secret and is

also the snail Akuma, Maba and the Empress knew.

* * *

Sitting in the bath, Akuma looked at the boiling water that vaporized on

the surface.

He cut his hair till his chin and kept a small beard on his face.

He became old, his looks were that of a early 50s with less wrinkles. Not

to say but he actually looked good with this face.

After a fresh bath, Akuma dried himself and sat on the Empress bed with

a bath towel.


"Come in, " Replied Akuma as he looked at the door and saw four figures.

It was daytime, not much of clouds and also the perfect time to rest.

Akuma really wanted to sleep himself out. Sitting on a cold floor for an

entire hundred years was not easy.

"Godfather, my daughters, " Said Gloriosa as she pushed three girls


"Godfather!, " Bowed the three little girls, they were a little stiff because

they were facing an entity they only dreamed of.

"She is Handcock. And these two Sandersonia and Marigold, " Introduced

Gloriosa as she smiled at Hancock and the sisters.

"Hmm, " Akuma nodded and wanted to have them leave but then looked

at the little girl in the middle.

'Boa Hancock?, ' Thought Akuma, his black eyes didn't shift from

Hancock making her a little tense.

"You all can leave, " Said Akuma as he came out of his thoughts.

"Yes!, " Replied the four before leaving Akuma alone in the bedroom.

"My memories of my past life are fading, " Said Akuma, he couldn't recall

Boa Hancock in his memory.

Even though he knew that she must be an important character in this


He just couldn't remember anything about her. Now all he could do was

to keep her close and see what the future had in store for him.

Positioning himself comfortably on the bed, Akuma closed his eyes to


Everything stooped for Akuma as he went into a deep sleep for days.

* * *

"Sphinx, bring back master, " Said Mana as he patted her on the head.

Nodding her head, a smile appeared on her face as she looked up in the


The sky between the storms was clear, one of the ways to come in and go

out was through up.


With her wings expanded, Sphinx flapped them and flew up in the sky.


With her shrill, Sphinx flew out of the sight of Maba and headed towards

the direction of Amazon Lily.

Going inside the King's Castle, Maba picked up a golden den den mushi

and pressed the button.

Standing on the balcony of the Castle, Maba waited for the call to be


"Hello, " From the other side of the call, a man's voice came.

"You must have already known that my master is free?, " Asked Maba

with a serious tone, not showing any emotion on his face.

"Yes, I was busy because of that case and couldn't report back to you

boss, " Replied the man with full respect and even some fear was visible

in the voice.

"Next time if you fail to report me, I will come there myself and kill you,

" Said Maba with a plain voice but it was a threat to the man.

"Y-Yes!, " With that, the call was needed.

* * *


Admiral Eyes' office, he sat on his chair with some sweat on his forehead.

He, Dram Sine, Navy Admiral, was a living spy from the Devil's Home.

His entire life, he dedicated to the Navy to obtain the Admiral rank only

for Maba to know top secret information.

Even though from another's view, he looked forced to do this job.

Dram was the one to have made this choice of being a spy.

"Hope he really doesn't come to kill me, " Muttered Admiral Dram while

wiping his sweat off with a handkerchief.

"Master is free, that means my job is almost finished, " Said Admiral

Dram as he took out a small notebook from the drawer.

"But for now, I am a very strict Navy Admiral who is busy finding out

how Akuma survived for a hundred years, " Said Admiral Dram as he

gave himself a slap on the cheek and started his work.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 10 { The Last

of the Three Legends }

Four days later___

Near the edge of the island, on a plain site. Akuma, and the Kuja women

were waiting for something.


A small black dot was seen in the horizon of the sky which continued to

became bigger.


When it reached near Akuma, it flapped it's wings and landed on the


Akuma looked at the creature in front of him with a little amazement in

his eyes.

It was the once small monster he had seen in the lab of Rony.

Now, it's height is something even Akuma had to look up with eyes.

"Sphinx, was it the name?, " Muttered Akuma as he saw that the creature

smiled at him.

"Wow! What is this monster?, " Said Hancock as she stepped forward and

looked up at Sphinx.

"I will be going, " Said Akuma, while climbing on the back of Sphinx and

staring at the women of Kuja Tribe.

"Godfather! Please be safe!, " Said the women in union while bowing at

Akuma with respect.

"I wish I could ride on it one day!, " Said Hancock in a low voice while

staring at Sphinx with her sparkling eyes.

"If you became strong in the future, you will get that chance, " Looking at

the tiny girl, Akuma said with his voice but a little soft.

"Really! I will do my best, Godfather!, " Replied Hancock with her excited


"Let's go, " Flapping her wings, Sphinx flew in the sky like a jet and

vanished in the horizon.

"Become stronger!, " Muttered Hancock as she stood there and clenched

her fist.

* * *

Flying in the sky, Akuma looked around and felt himself fresh again.

It's been long since he travelled by air, last time it was in the middle of

the war.

"But what will I do now?, " Said Akuma while his mood changed and his

face became gloomy.

The Demon Lord restricted the use of System, that means Akuma failed

his goal.

He never wanted to rule the world, he never wanted to become the


All he wanted was for the world to know who he was.

Be it of fear, pride, or anything.

Just the people should know that he existed in this world like anybody.

'I guess living quietly is also a good choice, ' Thought Akuma while

closing his eyes and feeling the wind on his face.

* * *

A week later___

Walking in the forest, Akuma saw the green trees. Chirping birds and

insects on the branches.

Few minutes of walking led Akuma to a huge gate made of crystal.

Behind the gate was a straight path ending in front of a extremely big

white crystal castle situated on the only mountain.

Which was surrounded by thorn forest, the gate and by sky was the only

way to get in.

Because of not being used for years, the gate was jammed with the thorn

and thick vines.


Holding the handle of the gate, Akuma pulled it forcefully and opened it.

As he stepped in, many memories flashed in his eyes but most of which

was blurred.


When the entrance door of Castle was opened and Akuma went in.

All he saw was darkness, but then immediately the place was visible.

His eyes adjusted so quickly that he couldn't even differentiate if he was

just daydreaming.

On the sides, eight thorny trees were present. The entire floor was

covered by their vines and spikes.

At the end, a Golden Throne covered with dust and plants was


The Castle, didn't have any windows or any floors.

It was very spacious inside like a hall, made of white crystal.


Akuma walked forward towards the throne and stared at it remembering

the past.

Pulling the vines, plants and cleaning the dust. He sat down with his

right leg crossed over the other.

His right arm on the armrest, Akuma supported his face on the right hand


While his left arm on the other armrest.

"Haaaa, " Taking in the air and breathing out, Akuma's lips curled up in a

small smile.

"It feels good".

* * *

The news of Shiki's death eventually came out and created a boiling

sensation in the world.

It happened because of the new person getting the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi and

showing off.

The World Government made it as Shiki tried to escape but one of the

Admiral accidentally killed him.

Currently, the person with Fuwa Fuwa no Mi is asked to report to the

Navy or the World Government.

Or there will be a bounty placed on his head for disobeying the order.

Somewhere in New World, GrandLine.

A very large ship, the figurehead of a whale in white color sailed in the


Behind it, two more ships followed having the same appearance but on

the sides were paddles.

On the bow of the first ship, stood a man holding the latest newspaper in

his hand.

He wore a white and yellow pirate hat with his jolly roger on it over a

black bandana with black and red, both worn over long and blond

flowing hair.

And adorned himself with a white captain's coat, which hung loosely

from his broad shoulders and bore his Jolly Roger symbol.

Edward Newgate

Or commonly known as 'Whitebeard' because of his prominent crescent-

shaped mustache.

After Roger's death, he was said to be the 'Man closest to One Piece'

His title didn't end here as he is also called 'Strongest Man in the World'.

"Looks like I am the only one left out of the three, " Said Whitebeard as

he fold the newspaper.

"Pops! What's up?, " Then, a young man's voice was heard from behind


"Gurararara! Just speaking to myself, Marco, " Said Whitebeard as he

turned around to see a young man.

Marco is a tall, lean, muscular, blond-haired man with a rather sleepy

look on his face and some stubble around his chin.

He wears an open purple jacket and a light blue sash adorned with an

elaborate golden-yellow belt around his waist.

He has dark gray knee-long pants and black sandals, and on his left leg

he wears what appears to be some sort of straw decoration.

While his chest was bare in his initial appearance, in his subsequent

appearances he has the cross and crescent moon mustache symbol that

resembles a black silhouette of Whitebeard's Jolly Roger tattooed on it.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 11 { Brook }

Devil's Home___

A small boat was sailing in the storm, even though it looked like a

miracle to have survived so long.

With the larger waves, the small boat was violated from everywhere.

"Hope it's true, the rumors, " A voice was heard from the boat where

someone sat in the middle.

It couldn't be called someone, instead something would sound better.

Brook is an extremely tall skeleton dressed in formal attire complete with

top hat and cane.

Standing at 266 cm in height. Despite having no skin, he still has an afro

which he says is because his hair has very strong roots.

Brook's style is that of a gentleman consisting of a coat, top hat, trousers

and afro, which were black, while the inner linings of his coat were


The cravat that was tied in between his coat and around his neck was


The outer covering of Brook's cane sword which he carries was purple.

Also, due to his many years of seclusion his clothes were somewhat


He looked at the black clouds, his boney mouth sucked the weed in his


"Fuuu, it's really the best weather, " Muttered the skeleton while

clenching his fist, ready to sing.

"Yo-hohohoho, " Laughed the skeleton as he stood up and held his cane

while spinning it round.

"Ahem!, " Clearing his throat which didn't even exist, the skeleton then

did what he was best at.

Yohohoho, Yohohoho,

Yohohoho, Yohohoho,

Yohohoho, Yohohoho,

Yohohoho, Yohohoho

Binksu no sake o, todokeni yuku yo

Umikaze kimakase namimakase

Shio no mukou de, yuuhi mo sawagu

Sora nya wao kaku, tori no uta

Sayonara minato, tsumugi ni sata yo

Don to ichou utao, funade no uta

Kinpa-ginpa mo shibuki ni kaete

Oretacha yuku so, umi no kagiri

Binksu no sake o, todokeni yuku yo

Warera kaizoku, umi wateku

Nami wo makura ni, negura wa fune yo

Ho ni hata ni ketateru wa dokuro

Arashi ga kita so, senri no sora ni

Nami ga odoru yo, doramu narase

Okubyou kaze ni fukakerya saigo

Asu no asahi ga nai ja nashi

Yohohoho, Yohohoho,

Yohohoho, Yohohoho,

Yohohoho, Yohohoho,

Yohohoho, Yohohoho

Binksu no sake o, todokeni yuku yo

Kyouka asu ka toyoi no yume

Te wo furu kage ni, mou aenai yo

Nani wo kuyo kuyo, asu mo tsukuyo

Binksu no sake o, todokeni yuku yo

Don to ichou utao, unaba no uta

Douse dare demo itsuka wa hone yo

Hate nashi, ate nashi, waraiba nashi

Yohohoho, Yohohoho,

Yohohoho, Yohohoho,

Yohohoho, Yohohoho,

Yohohoho, Yohohoho

As the song was sung, the weather became beautiful instead of being


This particular song, once was the life of many pirates.

A special song made for the pirates and their adventures.

* * *

The storm consisted of thunder, rain, hail, snow and strong winds.

Large whirlpools appeared on the sea surface, each one was big enough

to gulp the small boat.

Then, from the whirlpools. Heads came out, each one was of different

shape and features.

"Yo-hohohoho, sea kings, " Looking at the 13 large creatures, said Brook

in his signature laughter.

One foot on the front, Brook slowly lowered his hat and held his guitar


"Let me warn you, I cut only to kill. Yo-hohohoho!".

The skeleton jumped from the small boat and leaped at the first sea king.

The sea king opened his jaw wide to bite at Brook but was dodged.

Brook held his sword and reached the top of the sea king's head.

"Kasuriuta: Fubuki Giri!".


A deep cut appeared on the sea king's stomach which was out of the


The cut then, like freezing, was slowly starting to get covered in cold ice.

"Gaaaa!, " The sea king cried with pain for the last time before falling in

the sea and dying.


The roar of the thunder with the screams of the sea, a storm that could

make anyone frightened.

Jumping in the air, Brook saw that the other sea kings were attacking


"So it's like this, then I shall show no mercy!".

Just before Brook landed on the sea surface, he touched his sword on it.

Freezing, a small area where he stood was turned to a block of ice.

From every direction, sea kings swam towards Brook and were ready to

bite him to death.

"Yo-hohohoho!, " Dashing from one sea king to the other, Brook slashed

multiple cuts on them.

Then, at the last one. He cut vertically from the head to the body of the

sea king and leaped in the air.

"Three-Verse Humming… Arrow Notch Slash!".

"GAAA!, " With the cries of the sea king and the thunder from the storm.

Brook safely landed back on his small boat unharmed, he looked at the

blood filled sea with a sigh.

But, it was not the end…

On the sea, thousands of more whirlpools formed from which came out

varieties of sea king.

This time, they were double the size and many times the number.

Seeing this, Brook sat on the boat with his face looking down.

"It seems I am in trouble! Yo-hohohoho!".

* * *

A week later___

At the end of the storm, light passed through and fell on a skeleton.

"I survived?, " Said Brook as he touched his skull and felt it.

He was lying on a piece of wood from the small boat he left with.

For the entire week, he was used as a biting object by the sea kings.

When they got bored, they spit him in the sea where he found support on

the wooden piece.

"Aahhh! Sunlight! Yo-hohohoho! Finally!, " Rejoiced Brook as he smiled

at the bright sun after the dark clouds.

He then saw the scene of a floating island with large mountains, green

forest and a town.

"Wow! It's real! The Devil's Home!, " Said Brook as he stood on the wood

and stared at the island.

Suddenly, he felt like he was flying in the air.

"Hah?, " Looking down, his wooden piece was already gone.

It was a waterfall. He arrived at the end and was falling down the water.

"Yo-hohohoho!, " With his laughter used like a scream, Brook continued

his fall.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 12 { Brook's

Encounter }

Hours later___

"Where am I?, " Muttered Brook as he looked at the surroundings.

Dry land, hot temperature and the darkness was eating up the whole


Brook nodded his head as he came to a conclusion that he was lost.

"Let's get up, " Said Brook, but then he found that his body was actually

separated from the head.

In front of him, a skeleton of a human stood up without having the skull

at the top.

"Yo-hohohoho! It's my body!, " Controlling his body to move towards

him, Brook finally fixed his structure.

Wiping his clothes off the soil and dust, Brook walked towards the three

active volcanoes in the middle.

He himself didn't want to go there but not a single soul was seen here.

Even after he looked around, either the volcanoes or the other side.

Well, the volcanoes would obviously be better than going around them.

One reason, he was already dead so he couldn't die because of the gas

produced by the volcanoes.

Second, his bones will not melt unless he falls on the lava.

He found that he was on an island surrounded by the downward flowing

water wall.

"It's really scary here! I am having goosebumps, even though I don't have

skin! Yo-hohohoho, " Joking around, Brook reached the foot of a volcano.

On the way, he found that the island had hot red lava flowing


There were even trees with black trunks and black leaves rooted here.

He also saw some small bugs and birds with red color as the main

appearance of these creatures.

"I guess I should turn and find other things here, " Then Brook turned

towards his left and started going in that direction.


As he walked a few meters, a sound of something falling on solid ground

was heard.

As he looked back at the source of the sound, all he could see was black


Slowly, the dust cleared and Brook was very astounded by the huge


It had a very big body in a deep orange-brown color, orange-red fur

around the head continuously burning in hot flames.

Four strong legs supported it's huge body, each having a deadly claw

enough to leave deep cuts in steel plated walls.

A tail with flames on the end. Its eyes black, its sharp razor-like teeth and

a scary face.

Its height should be at least 8 meters, the length might cross 10 meters.

A true beast!

"Hello! Can you tell me about this place?, " Asked Brook as he moved the

hat on top of his head and gave a respective bow.

"Roar!, " Sprinting, Nemean Lion charged at Brook without holding back

in full speed.

"You don't have to be so serious!, " Brook blocked the claw of the Nemean

Lion with his cane.

Even though he was successful in stopping the blow, he still suffered the

force in his bones.

He retreated backwards creating a 20 meters gap between Brook and

Nemean Lion.

"This shouldn't be its strongest attack, right?, " Said Brook as he looked at

his left hand. Multiple cracks were visible on the wrist bone.

Then, Brook saw the Nemean Lion look at him while narrowing his


Actually, its eyes are not at Brook but behind him.

Brook followed the gaze of the creature and looked behind, still

maintaining his stand.

What if the creature was fooling him into turning back and secretly

attacking him from behind?

Brook's empty sockets moved and then widened as if they were in


Behind him, another creature with the same size as the first one


A completely red and orange lava dripping body, with three heads and

four legs.

The three heads, all of dogs showing aggressive facial behavior.

Its back consisting of black scales made of lava rocks and spin having

multiple sharp pointed fins like things was visible.

On the necks were metal collars with spikes, on the front legs' elbows it

had long black spike.

The claws were thick and black in color while red lava flowed down


It's eyes different from the Nemean Lion, they were completely red.

"Yo-hohohoho! Am I in trouble again?, " Muttered Brook as he looked at

his boths sides with worries.

One side is a lion and the other side is a dog.

From both side he could feel hostility pouring out of their eyes.

* * *

Hell Realm___

Maba was sitting on his chair made of sea stone inside the house near the

altar between the three active volcanoes.

He already felt someone approach near, so he let his children take care.

But something told him that he should head there and see for himself.

"It must be someone strong if it managed to come through the storm, "

Getting up, Maba stepped out of his house.

"Hope it doesn't dies until I reach, " Muttered Maba, his snake lower half

slowly crawled on the ground.

It was because of him that the Roger Pirates survived coming near the

active volcanoes.

He extracted the poisonous gas from the atmosphere for the Roger


But will this person be able to live long enough?

Crawling, Maba reached the place were the noises of the fight came from.

He saw his two children battle against a person in gentlemen suit.

Only thing to note was that the suit was tattered and the person didn't

look human at all.

No, it was definitely a human…

Accurately a skeleton of a human.

"What the? How is that skeleton still moving?, " Turning his head in

different direction, Maba searched and observed.

'There no one here, that mean it's not a puppet, ' Thought Maba, even his

advanced observation haki failed to find someone except the shelter


Which he knew that it's not them, the strength those people had were

already little to survive for themselves.

How could they control another body. It's impossible even if that did

have such devil fruit to do so.

"So, the question comes… What kind of devil fruit did that skeleton eat, "

Muttered Maba while slowing approaching them from the side.

Things eating devil fruit or things fused with the devil fruits.

Maba had learned this from Rony and the other famous researchers in the

ends of 13th century.


[Author Talk---]

The last sentence of the chapter is only for the readers that is, 'Maba

doesn't knows it's 13th century'.

All he knows is that it was the time spend with Rony and the researchers

in the laboratory.

Thanks for reading!!!

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 13 { Devil's

Pirates Return }

[Author Talk---]

Some character backstory is created by the author and his own


Please note that and read the chapter

Thank you!!


Heaven Realm___

Brook followed behind Maba into the forest that leads towards the huge

white crystal castle.

In his way, he saw multiple small houses and the people who live there.

Angel would be better as they really have white bird wings that almost

double their own body.

"It's really magnificent, " Said Brook as he looked at the giant crystal gate

surrounded by thorn forest.

That was not the only thing to be amazed of, the Town of Happiness was

also mind blowing.

The town was very prosperous and still developing which surprised him.

Huge buildings which he never saw before, vehicles that need sunlight to

charge them.

It must be because the place is isolated and the pirates can't come in

without defeating the sea kings.

No, they won't be able to pass the storm itself.

The different range of people living in it, giants, fishmen, humans,

Dwarves/Tontatta tribes, Fairies, Longarm Tribe, Long Leg tribes, Snake

Neck tribes, Three-Eye Tribe, Mink Tribe and Merfolk.

Seeing this, Brook was astonished. In his entire life, it was the first time

he ever saw these many of them together.

It's like he came to the future, a modern world that has yet to come.

* * *

Facing the huge door to the castle, Brook was feeling extremely nervous.

'Is he really alive… the Devil?, ' Thought Brook as he saw Maba push the

door open.

With the door opened, light came into the dark hall.

Not much was still visible, on the sides were large thorn trees and on the

ground were vines with spikes.

At the end of the hall, it was dark so Brook couldn't see the person sitting

on the big throne.

"What is it?, " A voice came from the darkness, so deep that it created a

scary image of the person.

"Master, I found a really interesting person, " Said Maba while bowing

towards the end of the hall.

"Hello! My name is Brook and I am here to meet the legendary Devil!, "

Introduced Brook as he did a gentleman bow with his hat down.

"You want to meet… Me?, " Asked the voice sounding a little confused as

well as surprised.

"Ahem, if it's really the legendary Devil! Wholeheart Akuma, then yes! I

am here to thank you!, " Said Brook, still maintaining his position with


"Tell me your story, Skeleton. What is the reason for you to thank me?, "

Asked the voice, this time it had some curious tone in it.

"I am from West Blue, Karakura island. The city was a peaceful place but

then it started getting attacked by pirates.

Once in a month, the pirates looted the people living there. The people

called the Navy, and a base was built there.

But what they didn't expect was the Navy Officials to be corrupted to

their core.

In the name of protection, they asked for money and many other


They started taking the young girls to their base and harassed them.

The people tried to contact the Navy Headquarters but were stopped by

those Navy Officials.

But then, they came… The Devil's Pirates!

They destroyed the Navy base and built a pirate camp there.

What was unexpected, is that the pirates were much better than those

Navy Officials.

They protected the city from other pirates, they didn't even rule the


The only thing they ever asked for was the people's obedience. I come on

behalf of the people to thank the leader of the Devil's Pirates.

Brook thanks the Devil for the people, and gives his life to work for him!,

" Said Brook getting on his knees and putting his head on the floor.

"They did that? Your people must be lucky to meet such pirates.

Because I personally know how my pirates were, " Replied the voice

slowly turning loud.

As Brook raised his head, he saw the person coming out of the shadows.

The height which crossed 6 meters, a body with the right proportion of


He wore an old black suit that was tattered on the edges of the sleeves

and those black shoes.

Long black hairs with on white in them to show his old age, short beards

to make the face look good.

Few wrinkles unlike what others expect from old age, and the black eyes

with no pupils.

The deep voice is perfect for him, a true person worthy of the title 'The

Devil of the Sea'.

Akuma stepped forward and neared Brook, lowering his head to see him.

'A real talking skeleton, ' Thought Akuma, he then looked at Maba with a

plain face.

"Bring them back… My Pirates, " Commanded Akuam as he turned back

towards the shadows and sat on his throne.

"Yes, Master!, " Said Mana with an excited tone, he then took Brook with



The door shut back, everything returned to how it was before inside the


Akuma closed his eyes, he tried to remember but couldn't.

All those memories from his past life were fully blurred out in white.

"He must be an important character like that little girl, " Muttered Akuma

as he thought of the skeleton just now.

'All I know is that this world is an anime world created in my past life by

someone, ' Akuma had already lined this in his heart.

'But what was anime again?, ' Thought Akuma as he opened his eyes and

pondered about it.

"I really got old, " Said Akuma with a bit of sarcasm to himself.

"What a life! It's so complicated!".

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 14 { New Eight

Division Captains }

Hell Realm___

Inside the laboratory, Maba looked at the researchers and scientists.

Here, in this room were multiple test tubes. Each one was big enough for

a human to fit in.

"Any progress?, " Asked Maba as he stared at the test tubes containing

some weird creatures.

"It's taking time but the results will be out soon, " Replied a scientist

while wiping his blood painted fingers.

On the table was another scary weird creature but completely opened up.

It had big wings, a long tail, thick horns and black plates on the back.

The scientist smiled at Maba while slowly touching the test tube in line.

To describe him, he was a Modern Cyborg wearing a white suit.

Eisece Hamburg

He had only his heart, lungs, mouth, kidney and half of his brain left as

the sign of being a human once.

The rest of the parts were all machines installed in him, or he was

installed in a machine.

Also, he is a devil fruit user from the time when he was a full human


The incident that took his body away was three years after the final war

between Akuma and the Alliance.

As being one of the mad scientists like Rony, studying biology and

wanting to go further with it.

He and the others were driven out of their labs, each one was to be


Yet, he survived.

He blasted the whole place and killed everyone except him. As a backup,

he had prepared something.

An advanced robot that searched and found him dying every second.

Later, he survived because of that robot.

Reaching to Maba, he discussed and then became part of the laboratory


Each year, he would update the machines and now this was what he


* * *

After some time, the creature on the table was stitched back.

"So, how strong will it be?, " Asked Maba as he crawled next to the table

and looked at the creature.

It was small compared to Maba's huge body but actually pretty big.

A height of 4 meters, strong legs with long claws. The hands had claws as

well but smaller than the leg ones.

It looked extremely scary, like those demons from hell in the sci-fi


"As strong as Cerberus or even more!, " Said Humburg while tapping on

the table with his metal fingers.

"Hope it doesn't disappoint master, like that snake, " Replied Maba with a

bit of anger in his voice.

The snake was another of the experimented creatures by the blood of

Maba and Nola, a huge snake from Upper Yard.

Its strength was many times weaker than Nemean Lion who was the last

of Maba's children.

Considering its body size that reached 600 meters in length and 15

meters in diameter.

The reason for that was its personality. The snake was kind, which

shouldn't be its characteristics.

It was named Failed 13

Being the first out of the 13 failed experiments to have survived.

Now it lives in the forest of Earth Realm, mostly sleeping.

* * *

A month later___

King's Castle, Akuma stood in front of the Purple Poneglyph facing the

eight new Division Captains of Devil's Pirates.

One of whom was Brook, he proved himself worthy of being a Division


First Division, Rocky

A strong man wearing a black hat, a deep blue suit and a trance coat.

Always with a cigar, a gun and some bullets hanging around his waist.

Second Division, Borg

An artificial human controlled by experts from the laboratory, carrying

multiple modern arms. Fully covered with armor and heat sensors.

Third Division, Brook

With his new gentlemen suit, a better cane sword and some weeds on


Fourth Division, Brick

A short man with an extremely ugly face, thick clothes and no special


Fifth Division, Joker

A loner, a crazy man with no sympathy for anyone except Maba.

He wears a black hooded jacket, some face makeup and his red eyes.

Sixth Division, Beauty

A super hot lady with a modern first aid kit resting on her hips. She wore

white doctor coat over her t-shirt, short tight pants and lastly a military


Seventh Division, Lancelot

A strong swordsman with a manly face and perfect muscle proportions.

A very famous person in the New World.

Eight Division, Irish

Long brown hair, beautiful face with amazing body. She is truly a living


Not only that, she also got herself a devil fruit.

* * *

"All of you, prepare to die anytime, " Said Akuma, moving his eyes from

one person to another.

As his eyes stopped on the Second Division Captain Borg, he brought out

a small smile.

'This thing looks killer, ' Thought Akuma, he then continued to examine

the rest.

"Your job will be to handle your own Division Pirates, that will be further

explained by Maba, " Said Akuma as he walked forward towards them.

It gave those captains heavy pressure, even if they were extremely strong.

"And I expect good results from you all! One or two mistakes can be

unseen but the third…

You won't be able to see the sun next day, " Slowly he came to the open

balcony and gazed at the town.

"Now leave!, " All the Captains left, leaving only Maba and Akuma alone.

"Master, I got news!, " Said Maba while coming near Akuma and giving a


"This… Give them their first mission, " Ordered Akuma while passing

back the report to Maba.

Who then with his report, left the King's Castle.

Akuma was still standing on the balcony alone.

He remembered the time he stood on the balcony of the villa and

watched the old town.

"Times are changing".

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 15 { Nico Olvia

and Jaguar D. Saul }

[Author Talk---]

There will be many changes in the events of One Piece

because of the existence of Akuma.

This will not be mentioned in any chapter again...

Please keep it in mind and read the following chapters

Thank you!!


West Blue___

Ohara is an island located in West Blue. The island consisted primarily of


Ohara is notable for the Tree of Knowledge, a 5,000 year-old gigantic

library tree surrounded by houses. Other than that, Ohara is too small to

have any other locations.

Currently, an unknown group of pirates were terrorizing this place.

Tens of large pirate ships were docked ashore, multiple pirates were

transporting bundles of books.

Inside the gigantic tree library, A group of archeologists were arguing.

"What do you mean? The Navy is sending warships!, " Exclaimed an old

man with weird shaped hair on him.

Clover is an elderly man with a shaved top, with his green hair adjusted

jutting on the sides and the back top, combined with a large beard, all in

the shape of leaves.

This overall was a reminiscence of an upside down three-leaf clover. He

wore a red-and-white striped shirt with a large belt at his waist, pants

and a blue-and-black jacket with a tiger face in the back.

Clover is also the director of the Ohara Library, and a leading authority

on archeology.

He is a professor and scholar who studied poneglyphs with his fellow

colleagues in the Tree of Knowledge.

"Yes, so I hope you could come with us! You can study poneglyph there

as much as you want!, " Said Irish with a smile trying to convince Clover.

"But this is our home! We can't just leave because someone forced us!

It's our right to know about the past!, " Voiced another archeologist as he

glared at Irish.

"So, you're not gonna come with us?, " Asked Irish again but some

sadness was visible.

"Yes! And leave those books here! It's our life's study!, " Going, the others

also started saying their answers.

"Then why are you still here?, " Said Irish, staring at Clover's eyes with

her smiling face.

The archeologists suddenly saw Clover's body producing black smoke.

"Aaaa!, " With a scream, Clover's body turned into black powder and fell

on the ground.

Even the clothes he wore had suffered from the same situation.

"W-What did you do!, " Shouted an archeologist pointing towards Irish

who held her right hand forward.

"Ohh! Me? I just rot him to dust, " Replied Irish blinking her eyes, while

touching her lips with her index finger.

"Kill them, " Ordered Irish, turning her head and looking out of the


"No! Ahge!, " All the archeologists inside the library were stabbed to

death by pirates.


"We got what we came for, why did you have to kill them?, " Asked

Lancelot as he walked in the library and saw the dead bodies of the


"Because it's fun to play with someone's life, " Replied Irish, spinning her

stylish cane in a circular motion.

The pirates carried the dead bodies out of the library one after another.

After some time, Irish and Lancelot were the only ones left in the library.

"Do you think Borg and Rocky can handle the Navy warships?, " Asked

Irish, she turned to look at Lancelot.

"They should be. But where is that talking skeleton?, " Asked Lancelot

while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Were you talking about me? Yo-hohohoho!, " Laughters heard from the


Looking towards the door, Irish and Lancelot saw Brook coming in with a

little girl.

"Who is she?, " Asked Irish, moving her eyes to the little girl.

"What was your name again?, " Asked Brook, crouching down and staring

at the girl.

"R-Robin, " Answered the little girl, her body became stiff because of fear.

"Don't be afraid Little Robin, we are here just to borrow some books, "

Said Irish, moving near Robin and stroking her hair.

"T-These?, " Asked Robin while raising her finger towards the blood

painted floor.

"It's just some blood! Don't worry, " Said Irish, clapping her hands and

smiling at Robin.

"Then, did you see Professor Clover? I was looking for him, " Asked

Robin, looking up at Irish with some courage.

"Clover? I think he just left the library. Why don't you go and continue

searching for him?, " Replied Irish, still maintaining her beautiful smile.

"Hm, " Nodding her head, Robin went out of the library to search for the

dead Clover.

"Why did you lie?, " Asked Brook standing up but not facing Irish, instead

looking at the disappearing figure of Robin.

"Oh come on!, " Sighed Irish, she shook her head and walked out of the

library leaving Brook and Lancelot alone.

"Completely different from what she looks like, " Said Lancelot as he

patted Brook on his shoulder and left.

"Looks like our city was really lucky, " Muttered Brook, he walked to the

window and looked out.

The island was in a mess, people were not allowed to leave their houses

for the time.

All Brook saw were some alive archeologists and their pirates

transporting the library books.

* * *

Nico Olvia

The mother of Nico Robin and an archeologist from Ohara who studied

the Poneglyphs with some other archeologists.

Later, was caught by the Marines and was directly ordered by the World

Government to be executed.

But with the help of Jaguar D. Saul, a giant and a Vice Admiral of

Marine. She managed to escape her death.

As a giant, Saul is many times larger than a human. He has long, orange

hair and a big beard that seemed to connect around his entire face, which

somewhat resembled a lion's mane.

Sailing was a big boat, but only two figures were on it. One small and the

other extremely big.

"We are here!, " Said Olvia, she gazed at the large green tree having tens

of floors in it.

"We must warn them about the Navy Warships!, " A look of tension raised

on Saul's face.

"What's going on! Why are there pirates here!, " Said Saul as he saw some

large pirate ships docked on the edge of the island.

He could even see many pirates working together to carry bundles of


"Are they looting the island!, " Exclaimed Olvia while covering her mouth

and her eyes widened.

"I need to do something!, " Said Saul, with his big hands he rowed the big

boat faster towards the shore.

Not far from the island, a special ship was sailing. On it were many

government agents in white suits.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 16 { Buster

Call }


Arriving on the island, Olvia and Saul parted their ways.

Olvia headed towards the gigantic tree library while Saul went towards

the pirates.

"Hey! What are you doing!, " Shouted Saul as he came in front of the


Saul stood in the middle blocking the pirate's way and looked at them.

"Get out, " A voice was heard from the side not far from Saul.

Turning his head, Saul saw the owner of the voice. It was a tall and

strong man in a trance coat.

He had a burning cigar in his mouth, his looks described him as the

Captain of the pirates.

"Where are you taking these books!, " Asked Saul as he stared at the man

with some anger.

"I won't repeat, " Said Rocky again, this time he lifted his pistol and

aimed at Saul's shoulder.

"Why are you doing this!, " Saul had his heart beat faster and he was also


Looking at the man, his instincts screamed to run away immediately.


A gunshot was heard, following which was a small blast that tore away

the shoulder flesh.

"Ahhge!, " Cried Saul holding his half blown shoulder. Blood flowed like a

river with his shoulder bone visible.

His right arm couldn't be used anymore unless his shoulder was healed.

The wound won't heal back nationally unless artificially fixed with more

flesh from his own body or someone else's.

Another way would be to use a mechanic arm, but that is if Saul survived

the pursuit of the man.

"A marine soldier?, " Looking at the marine cap that fell on the ground,

Rocky muttered.

"Fuu, did you like the result of not listening to my order, " Asked Rocky

as he blew out white smoke from his mouth.

"But, I don't want to hear it, " Said Rocky as he pointed the gun barrel at

Saul's head.

As the trigger was pulled, a clicking sound was made by the pistol.


A bullet pierce through Saul's forehead, then the awaited explosion


Parts of the head flew all around, red blood splashed on Rocky's face.

Wiping the blood, Rocky spit the cigar and took out a new one from his


The pirates stood there looking at Rocky in amazement, fear, praise and

many more emotions.

"What are you looking at? Do your work!, " Said Rocky while turning his

eyes towards the pirates.

"Yes!, " Everyone shouted in union and continued to do their work as if

nothing happened.

* * *

Passing the houses, Olvia saw that none of the civilians came out of their


"When did those pirates come here, " Running, Olvia managed to hide

from the pirates and arrive in the library.

The library was the place where Clover would stay almost any time

around the day.

But, just as she entered the library, Olvia saw the red floor most likely

due to blood.

"Professor Clover!, " Called Olvia but no answer was heard, she searched

but couldn't find him.

Not just him, none of the archeologists could be found.

Suddenly, Olvia felt her vision going black. She fell on the floor


Behind was a tall shadow, with the little light that passed through the


Only black shining metal armor was visible on the shadow. Two red

lights flashed on the flat face of the shadow.

Picking up Olvia, the Shadow almost instantly vanished from its place.

* * *


A ship docked, from there walked down five individuals.

"Reporting, we have arrived at Ohara, " Reported the man in middle

holding the den den mushi near him.

Spandine has a square jaw, with a slight beard on it. His hair was combed

neatly, but with the back flowing.

He is wearing a black suit with a peach hued shirt underneath, and a

striped coat over it.

"Unknown pirates also found in Ohara, " Continuing, the man hid behind

a tree and looked at the pirates.

His eyes went to the ships on the edge of the island, out of which eight

were very big.

"The pirate flag has a skull with two red horns on it and behind are two

bones with some blood, " Said Spandine as he focused more on the big


"There are 36 pirate ships in total, out of which 5 are extremely big.

Equal to the Navy warship.

It's in black color, and in the front is a devil's head with two horns. And

beside it are two hands with long claws, " Finishing his report, Spandine

cut the call. His face took a more serious look.

"I must not let them escape, " Said Spandine, who then brought out

another den den mushi'.

Golden Den Den Mushi


"Let's get out of here, " Said Spandine, he started going towards the ship

they came with.

But just before they could reach the ship, a loud explosion was heard.

The location was exactly where they docked their ship.

"Who did it!, " Shouted Spandine while turning his eyes to the


The ship was burning in red flames, it should be blasted with explosives.

[Target Locked]


Multiple bullets shot at Spandine who dodged them using his observation


The four agents came forward and blocked Spandine.

"There!, " Shouted Laskey, he swiftly moved his body to not get hit by the


Laskey is a tall man standing around a foot and a half shorter than

Spandine who himself is 9 feet.

He has flowing gray hair with an antenna jutting out the front, and a

small goatee of the same color.

He has a serious and sharp looking face, wears thin-rimmed red

sunglasses and blue earrings.

He also wears a black suit, like all other World Government agents, a

light blue shirt underneath with a matching handkerchief and black


The place that Laskey pointed at, there formed a visible glitch like object.

Not wanting to hide anymore, the person revealed itself in front of the


Not a human, but a complete robot with an advanced artificial

intelligence (A.I.)

On its thighs were a pair of latest modern guns, on the back was a long

sniper rifle.

"Who are you!, " Asked Spandine but the answers he got was a round of

bullet fire.

[Targets Locked]


(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 17 { Borg:

Second Division Captain }



The bullet came out of the gun barrel producing light, noise and a small

burst of air.

"Damn it!, " Cursed Spandine as a bullet tore through his abdomen skin.

Blood dripped, a frown appeared on his face.

It's been a minute since they met this thing that looked like a person

wearing advanced armor.

"Do something!, " Shouted Spandine looking at the four agents with him.

The four agents suddenly stopped and almost vanished from their


Normal person would have thought that they became invisible but that's

not it.


One of the six techniques of "Rokushiki" that allows superhuman speed.

The Soru allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to

avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater


It was revealed that the principle of this move was to kick off the ground

at least ten times in the blink of an eye.

Borg caught the movement with his super motion detectors, slanting his

body towards the back.

He dodged two punches on the level of his face, then with a twist.

Borg dodged two kicks on his sides, all these happened within a second.

Spandine with his observation haki also saw how Borge dodged the


"Impossible!, " His eyes had widened in disbelief, never had he seen

something like this before.

He knows that Admiral Kizaru is the fastest man in the world with his

devil fruit.

Pika Pika no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create,

control, and transform into light at will, turning the user into a Light


It enables the user to move at the speed of light and transport themself

by means of reflection.

But even with that, Admiral Kizaru wouldn't have dodged that.

"What the hell are you!, " Shouted Spandine, he dashed towards Borg

with his fist in armament haki.

Two red lights appeared on the face of Borg like a pair of eyes.

Putting back the empty gun on his thighs, Borg took his fighting stand

like a boxer.

A tilt on the left, a fist passed from Borg's right. It was one of the agents

behind him that attacked.

Crossing his hands in front, Borg blocked the punch of Spandine with



Raising his left foot behind, Brog kicked an agent on his face sending him

flying onto a tree truck.

That kick was heavy, breaking the nose of the agent as well as creating

some cracks on the skull.

Being not completely ready and also taking a full on hit, the agent died


"Take This!, " Giving a left punch, Spandine's eyes for almost a

millisecond looked behind Borg.

It was on Laskey, indicating him for attacking Borg.

Catching the fist mid air, Borg spun Spandine in the air like a windmill.


A punch successfully landed on the right side of Borg's face, sending him

meters back.

Laskey supported Spandine in standing up.

"Bastard!, " Holding his head, Spandine felt his entire brain spinning

round and round.

The two agents hurried towards Borg who laid on the ground and was

about to get up.

From the left, one of the two agents leaped and punched towards Borg.

From the right, the agent kicked at Borg. Both of the two used armament

haki to coat their fist and foot.

Pushing his body with his hands, Borg retreated backwards and avoided

the two agents.

* * *

The fight between the two agents and Borg continued while on the other


"You stay and buy me time! I am getting out of here!, " Ordered

Spandine, staring at Laskey while panting for breath.

"Yes, sir!, " Replied Laskey while saluting, he turned around and faced the

direction towards Borg.

"Good!, " Holding his abdomen, Spandine rushed towards the edge of the


'I must warn the World Government about that thing, ' Thought Spandine

as he ran and also searched the den den mushi on him.

But he couldn't find it, not the normal or the golden one.

'Did it fall when I was fighting, ' Gasping, Spandine reached the shore.

"I can do it!, " Said Spandine before taking a deep breath and diving in

the sea with a run up.

"Now where the hell did you get a sword?, " Said Laskey looking at Borg

who held a sword in his right hand.

Behind Borg, the two agents laid on the ground sliced into two halves

from the middle.

The sword that Borg held had the blade glow in red, radiating extremely

high heat like magma.

It was like a Katana, the length reaching almost 2.60 meters in length

with a 80 centimeter long handle.

Borg's height being 3.92 meters, he towered Laskey like an adult.

"It's one on one, " Said Laskey, he clenched his fists and stared at Borg's

every move.

[Target Locked]


A quick step, both of them dashed at each other. Each swing of the sword

made Laskey feel the temperature rise.

'I can't fight longer! It's consuming my strength to dodge these swings, '

Thought Laskey immediately retreats many steps back.

Adjusting his lower body, Laskey kicked at Borg creating a stream of



One of the six techniques of "Rokushiki" that allows one to create air


The Rankyaku is a powerful projectile technique, in which the users start

by kicking at very high speeds and strength, sending out a sharp

compressed blades of wind or "Sickle Wind" that can slice objects and

greatly damage a human body

The wind slashed like a blade, cutting the trees into two halves on the


Borg captured the wind blade in slow motion, just bending his body.

He dodged that. Not leaving the chance to surprise Laskey with his speed.

"Are you even a human?, " Asked Laskey with a tired expression.

Just now, he couldn't see Borg's movement with his own eyes.

He had to totally rely on his observation haki which also requires his


If the fight extends even a minute longer, Laskey knows he won't survive.

Everything leads to his death…

"How do you wanna die?, " Said Borg with his robotic voice that sounds

really cool.

Simple Question

Hey readers! It's your author here!

I want to know if you all are having fun in reading my fan fiction.

About that chapter 2 in first volume, please don't say anymore.

That was me a year younger than now *smark* so just bare that chapter,


Wait! Why am I even telling that to you now? Won't the people reading

this already passed that chapter and reached here?

Anyway, I wanted to know whether you want the paragraphs to be bigger

or it's perfect right now?

But don't ask for longer chapter... Please comment below!


(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 18 { Future

Admirals }


Laskey looked at his severed left arm; he also failed to watch out for the

kick on his stomach.

Seven meters away he was thrown and landed on the hard ground.

"Ahge!, " Groaned Laskey, he couldn't even get up on his feets anymore.

Like he expected, the fight lasted more than a minute and he exhausted

his energy.

Laskey already suspected himself to die because of over blood loss within

a few minutes.


Walking next to Laskey, Borg stepped his right foot on his chest.

"How do you wanna die?, " Said Borg, the robotic voice sounded with

coldness and depth.

"It's the same thing you said before. Can't you say anything else?, " Asked

Laskey looking at Borg with a smile on his face.

Blood did come from his mouth, as he suffered multiple punches in his



With a swing of his sword, Borg cut Laskey's head off from the neck.

Turning his head, Borg looked towards a certain direction in the sea.

[Target Locked]


The red glowing blade instantly went inside the handle like a burning


Putting the handle on the side of his right leg's calf, Borg sprinted with

all his machinery strength.

Directly jumping in the sea, Borg swam underwater and headed for


* * *

West Blue___

Somewhere in the sea, Spandine swims forward looking around for any


Suddenly, he felt danger approaching him from behind.

Spandine had chosen to travel by the sea instead of going by the sky with


He wanted to confuse the enemy but guessed he mistook Borg as a



An explosion occurred on the surface of the sea where Spandine swam

just a moment ago.

Underwater, Spandine saw the water boil because of the heat produced

by that explosion.

Moving his head, Spandine looked at the figure who was responsible for


'No way!, ' Thought Spandine as he saw Borg float underwater with an

extremely long firearm.

It had some parts glow in blue light like some kind of energy battery.

An advanced modern sniper rifle, specially designed for Borg to use.

Reason, it releases harmful radiation for the human body when used to

fire explosive shots.

Borg adjusted the barrel on Spandine once again, locking at him and

pulling the trigger.

'Shit!, ' Cursed Spandine inwardly and tried to swim out of the range of

the gun.

Which was impossible because his speed decreases many times under

water even if he uses Geppo.

With the burst of the sea water, Spandine was gulped in the explosion.

All his flesh was blasted off from the back, turning him into another

living skeleton for a while.

The sea surface water was dyed red in color, different kinds of fish came


Likely trying to find the source of the blood.

Placing the sniper rifle on his back, Borg swam underwater towards


Being a robot, one of the problems for going underwater was solved.

That's the need to breathe oxygen.

* * *


Brook, Lancelot and Rocky looked at the horizon of the sea.

Small black figures become larger with the passing time.

"The Navy is here, " Said Lancelot, his left hand gripping the handle of his

sword tightly.

"Sakazuki and Kuzan should be on those warships right?, " Asked Brook

while smoking his last weed of the day.

"Ya, I think so. Let me fight Kuzan, Rocky you handle Sakazuki and

Brook, the rest are for you, " Said Lancelot while turning his eyes to the

two other Division Captains.

"I don't take orders from you! I will fight whom I find worthy, " Grunted

Rocky as he walked away from the two with an angry face.

"Where is Borg? He could be a good support, " Said Brook as he looked

around but couldn't see Borg.

"His mission is different from ours, so he won't help, " Answered Lancelot,

he then left Brook alone on the plain ground.

"Yo-hohohoho! Why is it only me that's left alone!, " Said Brook, he

walked with his new cane that was pretty much longer than before.

* * *

Near Ohara, on the sea. Sailing were ten large warships of the Navy.

And on nine of them were nine Vice Admirals, each ready for battle at

any time.

"Has Kuzan reached shore?, " Asked a Vice Admiral who wore a marine

cap under a dark gray hood that seemed to be a part of a cloak he wore

beneath his suit, or Marine coat.

Vice Admiral Sakazuki, code name 'Akainu'

"Sir! Vice Admiral Aokiji has successfully arrived at Ohara!, " A Navy

Captain came and reported the whereabouts of Aokiji.

"Hurry! We must destroy those pirates together with the island!, " Said

Akainu as he gazed at the pirate ships docked on the edge of the island.

"Yes! Sir!, " Saluted the Navy Captain, he rushed back inside the ship

towards the control room.

All the ship along with the one where Akainu stood, picked up pace.

Each one locked their cannon barrels towards the direction of the island

and pirate ships.

On the decks of the warships, All the Vice Admirals were about to order

them to fire but waited.

Because the ones in charge of this buster call were Aokiji and Sakazuki.

Since Aokiji already headed on the island alone, Sakazuki was the one to

order the firing of cannons.

The distance between the Navy warships and the island was decreasing.

Everyone on the warships was sweating, due to the situation being so


On the bow of the leading warship, Akainu stood with his tall and

muscular body that hid under the cloak.

"Fire!, " With the command of Akainu, all the cannons on those warships

that aimed on the island and pirate ships shot.

Multiple cannon balls flew towards the island, each one was enough to

blast many meters of area.

Some of the cannon balls also have the powers of an explosive.

But, the one flying towards the pirate ships were destroyed just before

they could land a hit.

If looked closely, the pirate ships were armed with some kind of new

weapons which were not present long ago.

They should be newly added weapons.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 19 { Ohara

Incident Part-1 }


Inside the library, two figures stood opposite to each other. One was at a

height of 186 centimeters while the other was 312 centimeters.

The difference was clear, Olvia had to look up to see Irish.

"So, I am asking you one last time, " Said Irish as she walked near Olvia

and placed her hand over Olvia's shoulder.

"Will you continue to study the poneglyph under our leader?, " Asked

Irish while increasing her grip on Olvia's shoulder.

"No! I lost my friends because of this! I won't be a part of your plans!, "

Voiced Olvia, staring at Irish eyes with determination.

"Same as others, " Said Irish, black smoke started rising from Olvia's


"Aaa! What did you do!, " Groaned Olvia, she held her shoulder only to

feel pain on her left hand as well.

Her teary eyes stared at her left hand, it was slowly turning into black

powder like substance.

From the small gap of the door in the library, a person was seeing

everything happening.

"Ahhge!, " Screaming, Olvia suffered an unimaginable pain in her hand

and shoulder.

A hand grabbed Olvia by her forehead, that area became black in color.

"I never wanted you. Hope you sleep well, sweetie!, " Whispered Irish in a

low voice before completely turning Olvia into dust.


A noise came from the door of the library, Irish looked to see a shadow

running away.

"Who could it be?, " Muttered Irish but then smiled, not that anything

could be done now.

* * *

Robin ran, as fast as she could. She wanted to get off this island and hide

herself somewhere.

Sometime in the past, not many days ago. Robin learned about her


A picture of her. And the person she saw getting killed just now was the


Nico Olvia, her mother. She was killed by the woman Robin met a day


'What to do? What to do?, " Tears fell from her eyes, she didn't stop


As she ran, she reached the edge of the island. A place where there was

currently no one.

A big boulder was there, not much far from the sea. Robin sat on the

boulder curling up her knees.

"What's up little girl, " A voice brought Robin back from her thoughts.

Turning her head, Robin saw a man in a dark blue bandanna with a

white Marine symbol on it, as well as a pair of black round sunglasses, as

well as an indigo coat with the Marine emblem on the left chest and the


"You are a Marine!, " Said Robin, she stood up and distanced herself from

the man.

"Yes, I am. You must living here all your life right?, " Asked the man as

he looked at Robin with a sad face.

"Yes, but what do you need?, " Replied Robin, she stared at the tall man

with caution.

"This place… It's going to be destroyed, " Said the man, putting his hands

in his pockets and gazing at the gigantic tree.

Robin didn't say anything, she herself knew what was happening.

All those pirates, her mother and now the Navy warships.

She already saw the ten ships coming towards the island. All the cannons

aimed at the gigantic tree library.

"No one will survive this, but I can leave you, " This time, the voice was a

little soft towards Robin.

"There's a boat, get on it and leave! Sail along the ice and you will reach

land, " Pointing towards the boat in a distance which was also blocked by

the trees, said the man.

"But why are you helping me?, " Asked Robin, she knew she couldn't trust

a stranger.

"Because a friend of mine helped someone from this place to live. I am

just doing the same, " Answered the man, he then turned to face the tree

of knowledge.

'This can only become a history, ' Thought the man while sighing

inwardly in his heart.


A cannonball hit the gigantic tree, broken woods fell everywhere. Soon,

multiple explosions occurred.

Robin stared at the site of her home being destroyed.

Grinding her teeth, Robin ran up to the boat and jumped on it.

Slowly, the boat went far in the horizon disappearing from anyone's eyes.

* * *

Other hand, The pirate ships were starting to sail away from the island.

Irish and Borg stood on the large ship among the eight ones.

They looked at the big fire that gulped the entire tree of knowledge.

The civilians and the remaining archeologists, should all die in the fire.

That was the plan proposed by Maba.

With them looting the most important books and the poneglyph hidden

in the gigantic tree library.

But then, the sea that the pirate ships sailed was frozen in cold ice.

"Ice Age!".

"What the!, " Exclaimed Irish, she looked all round to find that they were

trapped on ice.

"Do something!, " Said Irish, staring at Borg but the latter didn't even

budge from his stand.

Borg was looking towards a certain person on the shore, who was

responsible for this.

Yet, he didn't do anything. That's because it was out of the mission he

was tasked.


A cannonball hit the ice not far from the pirate ships blasting the ice into

pieces and creating a medium size hole.

"All of you! Don't let the cannonball hit the ships! Also attack back and

try to blast the ice below!, " Ordered Irish walking inside the command

room in the ship built for Division Captains.

Half of the special weapons on the pirate ships aimed towards the Navy


The other locked on the ice below.

All the cannonballs fired by the Navy were blocked mid air by the


It was easy because of the auto aim function in the weapons.

The weapon was like a cannon but with a longer barrel and machine

joined at the base.

And the balls used weren't round in shape but like modern bullets just

bigger in size.


The ice below was blasted off by the weapons present down and not the

ones of the deck.

Not much longer and they can be free of the ice that trapped them.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 20 { Ohara

Incident Part-2 }


Aokiji looked at the man standing in front of him with long pointy sword.

"You might you be?, " Asked Aokiji slowly taking a more serious position.

"Lancelot, Seventh Division Captain, " Replied Lancelot as he took two

steps back and brought his sword forward.

"Kuzan, Vice Admiral, " Staring at Lancelot, Aokiji suddenly dashed with

his icy palms.

A side step and swinging his sword with full force, Lancelot cut Aokiji

into two halves.

But like he expected, the part that got cut joined back as if nothing


"Troublesome devil fruit, " Sliding his right foot behind, Lancelot lowered

his upper body.

The sword that he held, with a burst was coated in armament haki.

"I need a sword as well, " Plucking few leaves from the nearby plant,

Aokiji blew them in the air.

"Fuu, " Cold breath was released by Aokiji that covered the leaves to a

sharp ice blade like object.

Holding it, Aokiji glanced at the sea and saw that the pirate ships were

successful in getting out of his 'Ice Age'.

'What is Sakazuki doing?, ' Thought Aokiji while exchanging slashes with


Due to him being not a good swordsman, Aokiji was losing the battle.

"You are really strong!, " Complimented Aokiji looking at Lancelot.

"But I will have to stop your friends, " Touching the ground with his


"Ice Age!".

The area where Aokiji and Lancelot stood turned into an ice field.

Because of the ice that melted by the heat produced by the burning tree

of knowledge.

The atmosphere around them had become moist and the water vapours

help Aokiji performing his move.

"Haaa…, " White cold gas was exhaled by Aokiji as he stood up and

looked at the ice sculpture of Lancelot.


Then, as Aokiji walked few steps away towards the sea, the sound of ice

cracking came.

Turning his head, Aokiji saw the ice sculpture produce multiple cracks.


The ice on Lancelot cracked and he came out gasping for breath.

"I am not going down so fast, " Said Lancelot with a little smile and his

body shaking a bit.

"Hyaku surasshu".

It was Lancelot shaking his sword in the air like a crazy person. But each

one was perfectly creating a brown slash towards Aokiji.

Raising his palms, Aokiji made an ice wall to protect him from the


Yet, that wall couldn't block all slashes. Resulting in some going through

the ice wall.

"Ahge!, " Feeling the pain, Aokiji subconsciously back few steps behind.

One knee on the ground, blood dripped down from Aokiji's chest.

Even if his devil fruit could turn him into a ice human, the special slashes

in haki can still hurts him.

Some of the cut wounds were healed with the ability of his devil fruit but

still one or two will be left.

"Come on, I can do this all day, " Said Lancelot, while shaking his

shoulder and pointing his sword at Aokiji.

'I just hope Sakazuki can stop those pirates, ' Thought Aokiji as he stood

up on his feet again while staring at Lancelot.

* * *

Alone on the shore, Rocky gazed at the ten large Navy warships with

multiple Vice Admirals.

His eyes caught that amongst them, the one in the front warship was the

most intimidating.

Biting his cigar in half, Rocky spit in on the ground.

"Hurry, I don't like to wait, " Said Rocky, waiting for the warships to

come on the island.


A cannonball came flying towards Rocky which he dodged by just

moving his shoulder to the side.

On the warship, Akainu looked at the person who stood alone on the

shore opposite to them.

"Take me to him!, " Ordered Akainu, he could see Rocky's eyes staring at

him like a predator.

But Akainu didn't accept it, he is and will be the predator in front of any


All the warships stopped firing cannonballs, they decided to divide.

Half going to the island and the rest chasing the pirate ships that were


As the warships neared the island, Akainu jumped from the bow of the

warship and landed on the right of Rocky.

The distance between the two were only 5 meters.

"Who are you?, " Asked Akainu while removing the cloak he wore and

showed his marine coat.

"Why should I tell a dead person my name, " Replied Rocky as he smirked

and took off his trance coat.

"Ha, " Faked laughed Akainu, he rolled his sleeves and charged at Rocky

with his fist glowing in red.

'Magu Magi no Mi, ' Stepping forward, Rocky returned the punch with his


Of course Rocky was not a stupid person, his fist was already covered in

black armament haki.


A loud blast was heard, the collision of the two fist created a powerful

thundering like noise.

Both Rocky and Akainu back several steps because of the force produced

by their clash.

"I won't let you leave alive from this island, " Said Akainu as half of his

body had turned into hot magma.

"Talks a dead man, " Grunted Rocky, he cracked his knuckles and rushed

at Akainu.

"Aaa!, " As Akainu punched with his right fist, it seemed to become

bigger in size.

Some magma dripped down from his fist and body that melted the

ground turning it a pool of lava.

"Haaaa!, " Rocky also punched with his right fist which glowed in some

red around the black armament.

Advanced Armament, but not completely mastered yet.


The ground they both stood was blown away because of the great force.

Black and red lighting sparked from the middle where the two fist


If looked closely, there was still an inche gap between the two fist.

Magma splashed around behind Akainu, his area had already turned into

a lava lake.

"Diee!!, " Shouted Akainu giving his full strength into the fist while trying

to maintain his stand.

"Haaaa!, " Rocky also increased his strength on the fist but the ground he

stood didn't support him.

With the cracks, the ground tore away leaving Rocky vulnerable to

Akainu's punch.

"Damn it!, " Cursed Rocky, he saw the red magma punch coming towards

his face in slow motion.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 21 { Ohara

Incident Part-3 }



A loud explosion sounded, the fist of Akainu landed perfectly on the face

of Rocky.

The black hat flew away in the air with burning flames.

As Akainu retreated and looked at Rocky, he was shocked to find him

perfectly fine.

"What happened, dead man?, " Asked Rocky as he stared at the figure of

Akainu to find him shocked.

Rocky, his face was covered in black armament which protected him

from the magma fist.

"Tch, I should have expected, " Said Akainu, he then walked towards

Rocky with his burning fist.

"Come on!, " Picking up pace, both of them sprinted towards each other.

As the two fists crashed into each other, the surrounding area was


"Vice Admiral Akainu! We don't have much time! I am getting a

reinforcement request from the other warships!, " From another warship,

a vice admiral called out Akainu.

"Not now!, " Shouted Akainu fighting Rocky on the shore while listening

to the vice admiral.

"Haaa!, " A punch came slicing through the air towards Akainu when he

was distracted by the voice.

'Shit!, ' Pulling his head behind, Akainu successfully dodged the fist but

not his right eye.

"Aaaa! Bastard!, " Cursed Akainu, he kicked towards Rocky and sent him

a few meters back.

"Ha! That's what you get to when you're distracted, " Laughed Rocky with

mockery, he smirked and took out his pistol.

"Talk less, pirate!, " Shouted Akainu, his both hands turned into two

magma dragons and attacked Rocky.

Running sideways, Rocky aimed his gun barrel at Akainu but the two

dragons blocked his way.


One of the two dragons was shot and the bullet went in but the explosion

never happened.

Of course, the bullet was melted by the hot magma.

'I am just wasting my time here. Those other vice admirals, definitely

won't let me kill this guy, ' Thought Rocky, stopping in his path. He

pulled a metal ball out of his pocket.

"See you some other day, dead man, " Said Rocky while throwing the

metal ball on the ground.

An extremely bright light came from the ball that engulfed Rocky and


"What the hell did he do!, " Shouted a Vice Admiral as he jumped

towards Akainu to provide backup.

As the light went out, Rocky was already gone.

* * *

On the other hand, Lancelot and Aokiji were not in good condition either.

"It hurts, " Said Lancelot while moving his left hand and finding it


"Not better, " Replied Aokiji while feeling the multiple cuts in his body.

It's been some time since they started fighting for real and they already

suffered many injuries.

"Lancelot! It's time!, " From behind, a voice came calling Lancelot.

As he turned his head, Lancelot saw Brook standing near the shore with

his cane.

His gentleman's suit was torn from many sides, some blood spots also

visible on them.

"Did you already take care of those warships?, " Asked Lancelot, as a

small smile appeared on his face.

'Took care of the warships?, ' Hearing Lancelot speak about the Navy

warships, Aokiji thought of something bad.

"Hey guys, why don't you share the news with me, " Asked Aokiji, still

maintaining his fighting stance in front of Lancelot.

"Yo-hohohoho! It's a vice admiral! And the ice everywhere means he

must be the famous Aokiji!, " Exclaimed Brook looking at the tall man

with casual wear.

Putting his sword on his waist, Lancelot took a deep breath and stared at

Aokiji one last time.

"Let's go!, " Said Lancelot as he rushed towards Brook, and dived into the


"Ya, " Replied Brook, he ran on the water surface with extreme speed and

headed towards the pirate ships.

"Ahh!, " Getting on the ground, Aokiji sat down and released his breath.

"Who are these pirates?, " Muttered Aokiji, he looked at his right hand

and saw the deep cut that went to the bone.

If he wanted, he could have frozen the sea once again. But what was the


Instead, he would be the one in trouble as another of their pirates came.

Two on one… not many chances.

* * *

On the sea___

36 pirate ships were sailing, out of which 5 are extremely big like a


The first ship that led the entire pirate fleet, on the deck.

"How long until we reach home?, " Asked Lancelot as he looked up to see

Irish walking towards him.

"3 months, " Replied Irish as she came to the bow and looked at the

boundless blue sea.

"Do you think we are doing right?, " Asked Lancelot as he lowered his

head and looked down.

"What the hell dude? Did something happen to you?, " Asked Irish as she

looked at Lancelot with a frown on her face.

"I guess, I have just heard something stupid, " Replied Lancelot, standing

up he walked inside the ship to get some rest.

"What did he hear?, " Muttered Irish, she narrowed her eyes and adjusted

her spectacles.

"But what is the mission that those guys got?, " Said Irish to herself as she

thought of the other Division Captains.

* * *


In Fleet Admiral Office, Kong sat on his chair waiting for the reports.


"Come in!, " Replied Kong, he saw Admiral Dram come in with some

documents on his hands.

"Good news or Bad news?, " Asked Admiral Dram while placing the

documents on the table.

"Tell me both, " Said Fleet Admiral Kong staring at Admiral Dram instead

of checking the documents.

"Good news, the buster call has successfully destroyed the tree of

knowledge and all the people on the island.

Bad news, half of the warships were destroyed and Vice Admiral Akainu

has lost his right eye in a fist fight, " Reported Admiral Dram looking

back at the Fleet Admiral with a serious face.

"Is that all?, " Asked Fleet Admiral Kong, in his life as a Fleet Admiral he

came into know about Dram's character a lot.

"A pirate group was also found there, and they are related to the person

that escaped Impel Down.

'Devil of the sea' or the real name, Wholeheart Akuma. They are back, the

Devil's Pirates, " Said Admiral Dram in a very serious tone.

The Fleet Admiral Office, was now in an instance mood. The bad news

was way more for the good news to cover it.

What will this all lead to?

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 22 { Another

Beginning }

Red Line, Mary Geoise___

Inside a very big room, five elderly men sat on the long sofa.

On the table before them, a very old wanted poster was placed. It was

tattered and torn from every side and most of the contents were gone.

[Wanted Poster]

[1,850,000,000 billion berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]

Considering that it was a century before, this amount of bounty could

still shake the entire world.

"It took the The World Government, Navy, Marine and the two of the

greatest pirates of that time.

To defeat this person. Yet, they didn't kill him. Instead, imprisoned him

at the deepest floor in Impel Down.

But what's the use? He is still alive and will most probably take his

revenge now.

I am not going to give any opinions in this case, " Said one of the elders

with a very tired and worried expression.

"Remember, that front line was the biggest and the strongest in the

history of mankind.

Three Admirals who could be on the same level as Sengoku and the Fleet

Admiral who is also the grandfather of Grap.

The two pirate captains, one of whom has the same devil fruit as

Whitebeard, named Queen Merry.

She in her prime is no less than Whitebeard in his prime. And the other

one, the pirate with the void devil fruit.

He couldn't be less powerful than Shiki the golden lion. So tell me, can

the current world handle that person.

Those guys can be considered the strongest in the history till now.

What was that again? Ah! Devil of the sea, " Said another elder while

turning his face to the wanted poster and grunting.

"You said, but have you thought about that person. He has three devil

fruit abilities, which should have been impossible.

There was another one, right? A pirate known for his black heart, he also

showed two devil fruit abilities.

The most dangerous devil fruit, Yami Yami no Mi and Kaido's devil fruit

but much weaker.

What I want to say is, let's wait. Wait until we are ready to kill that man.

Wait until 'she' wakes up, " Said the elder in the middle while tapping his

fingers on the table.

"Her? Isn't she sleeping for like a century? In Vegapunk's lab, we don't

even know if she will wake up again, " Said the elder who explained the

past with his tired and worried face.

"I would like to wait for now, let's not interface with him for the time

being, " One of the two elders who didn't speak shared his thoughts at


"Yes, for now. Just cover the incidents by creating different ones to

distract the people, " And the last one said nodding his head to the


"Then it's settled, we wait!".

* * *


On an unnamed island, there was a tall and big building situated on top

of a hill.

Inside, multiple workers ran from one place to another without colliding

with each other.

In the office, sitting on the chair was a bird with a hat and it also wore


With his Devil Fruit powers active, Morgans has the form of a very tall

human albatross hybrid with small eyes and a large beak.

His body is covered in white feathers, and he has a large tail and wings

that resemble human arms.

He wears a blue top hat with a large striped feather in it, a light blue

button-down shirt with a yellow bow on the top, red and white

checkered pants, a dark cape, and shoes that fit his bird-like feet

In front of him was a ugly man with an old red British Royal dress, he

was short with a height of 160 centimeters.

On both of his sides, two very beautiful women sat while stroking his


Those two women wore red tight dresses exposing their curves and


Their faces were covered with a black garment where there was only a

gap for the eyes.

The short man was none other than the Fourth Division Captain of Devil's

Pirates, Brick.

"Kikikikiki! So what's your answer? Do you want to take over the position

of the President?, " Asked Brick while feeling his hands on the two

women's curvy waist

"What would I need to do, if I say yes?, " Asked Morgans while resting his

elbows on the table and putting his chin on his knuckles.

"All we need is 5 change tokens. Which mean, we might ask for 5 times

in the future for you to change the news, " Replied Brick while smiling at

Morgans and staring at him intensely.

"When… Can I be the president?, " Asked Morgans as he took on a more

serious face.

"Now, " Said Brick, standing up and clapped his hands.


After a few seconds later, someone knocked on the office door furiously.

"What happened?, " Asked Morgans as he opened the door to find an

employee sweating buckets.

"Sir! Something happened to the president!, " Informed the employee

while panting heavily.

"What!, " Exclaimed Morgans, he then calmed himself down and turned

to Brick.

"You leave, I will be there, " Said Morgans before closing the door at the


"What did you do to the president?, " Asked Morgans as he looked at the

side face of Brick.

"Not much, just few drops of poison in his drink. Don't worry, he should

already be dead, " Said Brick while checking the time on the wrist of the

woman in his right.

"Enjoy, president! We will contact you when we need, " Saying his final

words, Brick left the office with his two women.

Morgans immediately rushed to the president's office to find multiple

employees already there.

"My God! This!, " Exclaimed Morgans as he looked at the dead body of

the president.

All his hairs came off, his back bent in a 90 degree angle. Few of his teeth

fallen, his skin dried and his whole body started smelling.

The office was filled with a pungent smell of blood and dirt.

Later, after the dead of the president. Morgans took over and became the

new president.

But not for free…

As for why Morgans didn't do this before, it was because of the previous

president himself.

That guy wasn't so stupid and careless.

Morgans knew, if someone had the ability to kill the previous president.

He has the ability to an World Government Elder as well.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 23 { Conflict }

New World___

On the sea, few pirate ships sailed slowly. These pirate ships in particular

belonged to a very infamous pirate.

The Big Mom Pirates' Jolly Roger is a skull with thick lips and wearing a

pirate tricorn based on their captain's appearance.

On a fluffy background with several candy canes crossed behind it (one

on the right, three stacked together on the left), in place of normal


A tree is seen coming out of the cane on the bottom right

"Captain! There is a small group of pirate ships sailing in our direction!, "

From the top of the main mast, a pirate informed.

"Who are they? Don't they know who we are? Kukukuku!, " Asked the

man who is also the captain of the ship.

Perospero is a very tall and slim young man with brown eyes, a pointed

nose, pink lips and a very long thick tongue.

He is often seen smiling, but on rare occasions, such as when his mother

threatened him, his smile changes into that of a horrified expression.

He wears a long, yellow coat with a tall lighter colored collar and the top

buttons resembling large, purple and pink striped pieces of wrapped


The bottom of his coat has a checkered design and large beads along the


There is a dark-colored beaded bracelet on each wrist and his long sharp

fingernails are painted dark.

His large, orange and red striped hat has rainbow colored lollipops along

its rim and a large, pale pink plume.

Something large and navy blue with baby blue polka-dots comes out

from under his hat and curves upward on either side.

His shoes have a long tip spiraling inward. He carries large magenta and

pink candy cane with a curled top which he often licks.

The five pirate ships approached the Big Mom Pirates, stopping 80 meters

away from them.

"Who are you! If you dared to show your face then you must be ready to

get looted right?, " Said Perospero while licking his candy cane and

staring at the opposite pirates.

On the other pirate ships, only one had a pirate flag. The rest of the

pirate ships didn't have any flags at all.

A human skull with two red horns, two bones painted in blood behind it.

For the current era, this will be seen as a brand new pirate group.

But for the old era, it would definitely bring nightmares to the pirates.

The Devil's Pirates!

* * *

On the bow of the biggest ship amongst the five, a man stood looking at

Big Mom Pirates.

"He is the first son of Big Mom, captain!, " A pirate came and informed

the captain about Perospero.

"Hah? So can you tell me, why are they in the way?, " Asked the man in

black hoodie, his face was painted with makeup.

His red eyes stared straight at Perospero while the sides of his lips, which

was cut into a smile, curled up.

Fifth Division Captain, Joker.

"Hi! Who might you be?, " Raising his voice, Joker smiled at Perospero

while asking.

On the other side, hearing Joker ask. Perospero was angry and his pride

was hurt.

"You! Don't you know who I am!, " Shouted Perospero, unlike his older


Being younger, Perospero was not quite experienced in pirate things.

"I like you!, " Said Joker, he jumped towards the ship where Perospero


"Attack!, " Commanded Perospero, swinging his candy cane. He shot

Joker with his candy bullets.

"I don't like candies, " Suddenly, Perospero heard a voice from behind


In the air, the candy bullets only hit the emptiness.

"How!, " Swinging his cane, Perospero jumped on the deck and looked

around to only find his pirates doing their work in loading cannonballs.

"Devil Fruit!, " The only answer to this phenomena was a devil fruit


'But what's the devil fruit?, ' Thought Perospero, it could be a space or

time devil fruit.

Or even a devil fruit that can make the user invisible.

"What happened? Scared?, " The voice of Joker asked Perospero, it

seemed to echo around the deck.

"Come out! Coward!, " Taunted Perospero, he clutched his candy cane



When the explosion erupted on the ship, Perospero moved his free hand

to block the flames by creating a candy wall.

"Aaa!, " The pirates caught fire, they ran in panic lighting the entire ships

in red flames in the process.

"Idiots!, " Cursed Perospero, he used his candy to cover the parts where

the ship was burned.


"Boo!, " A punch landed on Perospero's face sending him crashing

through the deck.

"Damn it!, " Standing up, Perospero leaped back on the deck and patched

the deck with his candy.

"You know why your observation haki is useless?, " The voice said in a

mocking tone still echoing on the deck.

'Where is he?, ' Thought Perospero, his observation haki like the Joker

said. Was completely useless when searching for him.

"Then why don't you answer that?, " Asked Perospero with some anger

attached to his tone.

"Stupid! Why would I tell you that! Hahaha! Hahaha!, " The sound of

laughter rang on the ship like a siren. It pissed Perospero out of his mind.

"If I get you, I will make sure to wipe that smile off your face!, " Said

Perospero as he used his candy to engulf the entire pirate ship.

With that, Perospero controlled the ship to get away from the Devil's


"Ran away, hah?, " Muttered Joker seeing Perospero and the pirate ship

disappearing on the horizon.

"What's the condition of our ships?, " Asked Joker as he looked at the

pirate that worked like an informant.

"One of the ships is completely destroyed, the rest can still sail, "

Reported the pirate standing before Joker with some sweat on his


"Then let's go back home, " Ordered Joker, he looked at the endless blue


'He will return back for revenge, and at that time he will bring brothers

and sisters. Even Big Mom might come, ' Thought Joker, as he calculated

the amount of time left until Perospero comes back.

"I must inform the Boss about it, that a war is coming, " Said Joker while

walking inside the ship and picking a den den mushi from the table.


(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 24 { Big Mom

Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }

The news about Big Mom's first son, Perospero's defeat roamed the world.

That also, in the hands of a long forgotten Pirate Group, The Devil's


Their return was a big surprise to the world, every one thought that it

was actually a story made to scare children.

The 'Devil of the Sea' really does exist, putting many people's future in


Somewhere on an island, many ships were docked on the shores.

It was the Big Mom Pirates, they were having a meeting on the island.

Sitting on a very huge chair, a middle aged woman threw some cakes in

her mouth.

Her figure was not so fatty, unlike her future self. She still maintained her

body for fighting.

Charlotte Linlin, or commonly called Big Mom, was the Captain of the

Big Mom Pirates.

"Mama Mama! Perospero, you put my face down, " Said Big Mom, she

glared at Perospero with anger while eating her cakes.

"I am sorry, mom, " Apologized Perospero while kneeling on the ground

and lowering his head.

"I will leave you for this one, I don't like repeated mistakes, " Said Big

Mom, she stood up and walked a few steps forward to the sea.

"Let's go, I want to see those old folks!, " Jumping on the giant pirate

ship, Big Mom commanded.

* * *

Heaven Realm___

Inside the White House, the hall was in darkness. Akuma sat on his

throne as he looked at Maba.

"So, a war is coming?, " Asked Akuma while resting his cheek on his right


"Yes, master! It's the Big Mom Pirates, " Informed Mana as he continued

to bow in front of Akuma.

"Do you know me?, " Asked Akuma while his eyes narrowed and fixed on

Maba like a beast.

"Yes! We will bring the war to them!, " Said Maba, his heartbeat fastened

as he felt Akuma's gaze on him.

"Now go! Ready everything! Big Mom or Big Dad, I will see how strong

they are!, " Said Akuma, increasing his voice which made Maba get chills.

"Yes! Master!, " Nodding his head, Maba closed the door and went

towards the Town of Happiness.

"It's been so long, since I fought a war, " Muttered Akuma, he stood up

and slowly walked towards the door.

From the day he returned back, only once did he leave the White House.

That was also to only see the new Division Captains and learn about the

current era a little bit.

Being alone is what Akuma liked now.


The sunlight fell on his face, it was so bright outside that Akuma had to

close his eyes.

As a few seconds went by, his eyes adjusted to the sunlight. Walking

towards the Crystal Gate, Akuma looked around.

The green thorn forest had become even bigger and thicker. As his steps

left the Crystal Gate, an almost new world welcomed Akuma.

He didn't remember a thing about the Heaven Realm except the White


'There should be some people living here?, ' Thought Akuma, he headed

towards the place where a thin black smoke rose.

On the way, he saw a very big lake. It was so clean that he could see the

fish inside it.

His eyes then caught the small houses near a plain land, they were made

of wood and big dry leaves.

"Who is that!, " Exclaimed a middle aged man but the thing was that he

had two wings on his back.

"Giant!!, " The people in the village screamed in horror and ran into their


'They don't know me?, ' Thought Akuma, as he walked in the village. He

looked down on the houses that were only his stomach level.

"Don't do it, " Said Akuma as his eyes became serious and his hand

clenched into a fist.

His observation haki caught a person sneaking behind his back with some

kind of weapon.

"Who are you! How did you come here?, " Asked the woman behind

Akuma who also had white bird wings.

"Do I need permission to walk on my own property, " Asked Akuma with

a frown on his face, just as he was about to turn back.

The woman stabbed her spear on Akuma's back with her full strength.


The spear, before the metal tip was cracked and it fell on the ground.

"How?, " The woman was shocked as she retreated many steps back from


"If these things could kill me, I would have died years back, " Said

Akuma, as he walked towards the woman with his plain face.

"Don't come near!, " Warned the woman, she pulled a dagger from her

waist and held it tightly.

"Did you hear what I said?, " Asked Akuma, he extended his right hand to

grab the woman.

"Aaa!, " The woman tried to stab Akuma's hand but the dagger couldn't

even leave a scratch on him.

Holding the woman by her hands, Akuma raised her to his head level and

looked closely.

"These wings, they should be smaller, " Said Akuma as he saw that the

wings were very big.

They could definitely fly in the sky, but what he remembers. Only a

blurry image that showed that the wings should have been smaller in


"Release me!, " Shouted the woman struggling to escape the tight grip of


"I will ask Maba later, " Throwing the woman on the side, Akuma then

walked towards the edge of the island.

"Who the hell was that guy?, " Muttered the woman while standing up

and looking at the disappearing figure of Akuma.

"Victoria! Are you alright!, " A woman in her 40s came running from the

house towards Victoria.

"Yes, " Replied Victoria while smiling at her mother bitterly and going

inside her house.

While that happened, the village had a small meeting about this matter.

It was forbidden to go towards the only mountain on the island that was

covered by thorn forest.

Maba was the only person who came here once in a while to check their


The villagers called Maba, 'Manager' of the island because he takes

account of them.

Maba told them that they were brought here on this island because their

old home island was destroyed.

For living here, the price they pay was to send five of their strongest

teens from the entire village to him.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 25 { Big Mom

Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }

New World___

43 pirate ships sailed on the sea, it was enough to force an Admiral to

come out.

At the front, a very big ship that went up to 500 meters in height.

Queen Mama Chanter is an enormous ship, it has a prevalent

confectionery theme, having frosting over its railings, ice cream cones at

the top of its masts, candy canes and wafers on the sides of the main

deck, and a large candle-lit, double-layered cake directly behind its


The figurehead is clown-shaped, wearing a tricorn hat and a crown. The

aft castle is shaped like a flank.

Other parts of the ship likewise appear to be alive, such as the door to

Sanji's quarters.

The ship has numerous cannons mounted on its side. Several returned

cannonballs damaged the starboard side.

On the deck of the ship, Big Mom sat on her chair and ate the cakes.

"Mom! It's them! Devil's Pirates!, " From the top of the main mast, a

young man shouted.

Charlotte Daifuku is an extremely tall and broad young man with a

shaved head with short blonde hair, as well as a small mustache. His eyes

are yellow, and he often wears a hard-faced expression.

He wore a dark blue-colored coat with very large, blue and white striped

shoulder-pads that are lined with fur on the inside and around the base,

and a yellow cape hanging from his shoulders.

His hands are covered in orange gloves, and he wore boots of the same


He also wore hooped earrings and a thick belt with a depiction of a

genie's lamp on it around his waist.

"Hah? How many ships?, " Asked Big Mom while eating her cakes and

looking up at Daifuku.

"1, 2, 10, 20, 40, 68! A total of 68 ships!, " Shouted Daifuku as his face

became serious and also a bit afraid.

It was not long until they became a very well known pirate in the New

World, it's already an all out war.

"That many!, " Exclaimed Perospero, he went to the railing and looked at

the front.

It was a very big pirate fleet, and like theirs, it was also led by a very big

ship only a few meters shorter than theirs.

"We have to be careful, " From behind Big Mom, a young man walked

and looked at Perospero.

Charlotte Katakuri is an extremely tall, large, and muscular young man

with short spiky crimson hair and two symmetric scars on both sides of

his face.

He is slightly taller than his younger triplet brothers, Daifuku and Oven,

who are incredibly tall themselves.

He has long legs, with his thighs being equally as long as his lower limbs.

His mouth, which is usually covered up, contains sharp pelican eel-like

teeth and is capable of expanding to an enormous size.

He has sharp, intense, crimson eyes, highly arched eyebrows, and

prominent lower eyelashes under each eye.

He wears a massive light ragged scarf that covers his mouth and reaches

his shoulders.

He also wears a torn leather vest with "CHARLOTTE" on the back that

exposes most of his torso, dark gloves and pants, a belt with a skull-

shaped buckle, and spiked boots with spurs.

His torso is very defined, having prominent abdominal muscles covered

in pink tattoos, and he wears spiked bracelets on his arms as well as knee

pads with a single spike on them.

"Come on! Destroy them!, " Said Big Mom, she picked up her weapon that

was a thick sword.

"Napoleon! Prometheus! Zeus!, " Said Big Mom as she stood on the bow

of the large ship.

"Yes, mama!, " The sword that she held grew a mouth with sharp teeth

and a pair of eyes.

"Mama!, " A white cloud came above Big Mom, two eyes and a mouth

were visible

"I am ready!, " Next to the cloud, a sun of the same size floated with two

eyes and a mouth as well.

'Why do I feel weird, it's as if today is not a good day, ' Thought Katakuri

while holding his weapon tightly and staring at the back of his mother.

* * *

Opposite side___

On the bow of the largest ship, Rocky sucked the cigar and blew white


"Everything ready?, " Asked Rocky without looking, he just stared at the

enemy's ships.

"Ya, all the cannonballs are loaded, " Informed Irish as she checked the

device on her hand.

It was like a plate with a glass screen, many letters were moving on the


"Let's go, " Said Rocky, he jumped towards the ship on the left side. Irish

also went towards the ship on the right.

Inside, Akuma was staring at the ceiling of his room with a blank look.


A loud explosion was sounded, Akuma's eyes suddenly changed from

lifeless to full of life.

Next to him, a metal bat in the shape of a baseball bat was placed.


As his hands held the handle, a familiar feeling came in. Akuma stared at

his hand and the bat, a small smile appeared.

"This, " Swinging the bat in the air, Akuma warmed his body a bit before

going out.

As he came out, the war between Big Mom Pirates and Devil's Pirates had

already started.

The two largest ships stayed opposite to each other without firing.

The rest of the ships were bombarding the enemy like there was no


Those ships neared and collided, many ending up completely destroyed

in the clash.

The children of Big Mom and the Division Captains of Devil's Pirates


Each choosing an opponent to fight, the extras helped the weak ones.

"Is that the old man?, " Said Big Mom, she narrowed her eyes and gazed

at Akuma intensely.

"Mama, when do we fight?, " Asked Zeus the cloud being impatient there

and getting a glare from Prometheus the sun.

"Not yet. Mama Mama!, " Replied Big Mom, she looked around to find

her children already fighting.

"Captain, when do we fight?, " A pirate came behind Akuma and asked

while his legs were shaking in fear.

Turning his face, Akuma stared at the tiny pirate with his eyes which

made the former almost pass out.

"You will know, " Replied Akuma as he stared around him to see the

Division Captains busy.

'Big Mom, you made a mistake, ' Said Akuma inwardly, his hands

gripping the bat.

After a few hours, Akuma felt the pressure increase in the war area like a


"Here she comes!".

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 26 { Big Mom

Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }

[Author Talk---]

I just read a fan fiction, not gonna tell which one. But it has only 18

chapters yet has more number of reviews and power stones...

Haha, I am not sad...


"Mama Mama!, " Standing on Zeus, Big Mom flew towards Akuma at full


"Come on! Big Mom!, " Shouted Akuma, he floated towards Big Mom

using the Horo Horo no Mi.

Half of Akuma's body turned to white gas. Seeing this, Big Mom was


'What kind of devil fruit is that!, ' Thought Big Mom as she swung her

sword at Akuma.

Akuma also swung his metal bat towards Big Mom with all his strength.


The collision of the two great pirates created a loud explosion, waves

formed on the sea below them.

Both of them stayed midair, still clashing their weapons and increasing

their strength.

"Prometheus!, " Big Mom shouted, feeling the extreme strength of Akuma

on her hands which were shaking.

"Yes, Mama!, " Said Prometheus, the sun flew towards Akuma and

released hot flames.

"Don't interrupt!, " Shouted Akuma, a burst of aura came out of him that

engulfed the entire area of the war.

"Mama!, " The three, Zeus, Prometheus and Napoleon called Big Mom in


"You old bastard!, " Cursed Big Mom, she retreated back on Zeus because

the latter was in pain.

On the battlefield, many of the pirates were knocked unconscious

because of Akuma's Conqueror Haki.

In comparison, Akuma knocked more pirates than Big Mom could.

That considering Big Mom had already knocked out the pirates with

weak will.

"Where are you running!, " Said Akuma as he floated towards Big Mom

while releasing many tiny white ghosts.

These tiny white ghosts flew towards the surrounding areas, mostly

targeting the Big Mom Pirates.

"I am not running!, " Said Big Mom, she jumped from the top of Zeus and

slashed at Akuma.

"Aaaaa!, " Screamed Akuma while hitting the slash with his bat and

shattering it into particles.

"Dieee!, " Akuma's lower half completely changed into gas and pushed

him towards Big Mom.


Even if Big Mom blocked Akuma's bat with her sword, she was blown

back meters away.

Zeus flew to the place where Big Mom was falling and safely secured her

above him.

"Zeus!, " Said Big Mom, grinding her teeth in anger and clenching her fist.

"Take this!, " Zeus flew towards Akuma and rained thunder on him like a


Every single thunder hit Akuma perfectly, smoke raised from Akuma's


Some parts of his clothes were burned, but that was it. Akuma was still

floating without feeling anything.

'It's still working, I can't feel pain, ' Thought Akuma, he glared at Zeus

making the cloud frightened.

"You! Don't think you are superior!, " Said Big Mom, flying to Akuma

once again.

"Shut up!, " Shouted Akuma, the bat glowed in black armament haki as

he swung it.


Each time the two weapons collided, the surrounding areas would be


Not knowing the time, both sides fought the war till night came and the

sun set past the horizon of the sea.

It would have killed any normal person to fight for a whole day without

resting even for a second.

But not these pirates, they were many things but normal was not one of


Both sides suffered, Big Mom Pirates being the ones to be on the losing


They lost more than half of their pirates; one of the children of Big Mom

died as well.

Killed by Borg, the Second Division Captain of Devil's Pirates when he got

the chance.

Katakuri, the opponent of Borg, saw him kill one of his brothers right in

front of his eyes.

He was enraged, it was like his body erupted with a new energy.

"Aaaa!, " Stabbing the sharp tip of his weapon, Katakuri successfully

injured Borg.

Not exactly injured, but damaged. Borg's left arm was sliced but it could

still be used.

"What the hell are you!, " Said Katakuri as he saw the mechanism of Borg

through the cut.

Sparks came out of the sliced part of the arm when Borg moved it to pull

his gun out.

In front of Borg, only a single order was screening.

[Target Locked]


Dodging the bullets shot by Borg, Katakuri hid behind a wooden wall.

"Ha… Ha…, " Gasping for breath, Katakuri used his observation haki to

see Borg's movement.

While he did so, something happened which shocked Katakuri.

It's like he was seeing a clip. Multiple pictures flashed as a film in his


It was only for a second, there he saw a bullet pass through the wood just

next to his head.


A bullet flew by his head, Katakuri saw this happen in slow motion.

He understood everything in that second, he could see a second in the

future with his observation haki.

'But it consumes energy, ' Thought Katakuri, he dashed away from the

wooden wall and attacked Borg.

* * *

"What are you waiting for?".

Rocky looked at the two sons of Big Mom. Charlotte Daifuku and

Charlotte Oven, both brothers, teamed up to fight against Rocky.

'We have to be careful, ' Thought Daifuku, staring at Rocky with caution

and hesitation.

Just now, he and Oven checked the water. Few exchanges of fists and use

of devil fruits, Rocky still beat them.

"I didn't even use my gun, " Said Rocky as he stood in front of the two


If others looked, they might think that Rocky was leaving himself wide

open for the two Charlotte brothers to attack.

And in reality, he was actually giving the chance for the two to strike at


But seeing them not attack, Rocky was disappointed.

"Just like Irish said, you all are inexperienced against strong opponents, "

Said Rocky, he almost vanished from his place.

Coming behind the alert Oven and kicking him on his back. Rocky sent

him tens of meters away, crashing inside the ship.

A blue coloured human with half of his body in white smoke connected

to Daifuku's belt attacked Rocky with his bisento.

Catching the bisento with his hand covered in black armament haki,

Rocky looked at Daifuku with annoyance.

Pushing the blue human, Genie, Rocky punched Daifuku without holding


Daifuku flew in the air and was about to fall in the sea when the Genie

caught him and placed him on a broken ship.

"Damn it!, " Said Daifuku, blood flowed down his nose and mouth.

The genie returned back to his belt as Daifuku didn't have much strength

left to control it.

Oven tried to raise his body only to feel intense pain in his back, he held

his back and looked at Rocky.

Rocky was standing peacefully as he took out a cigar and lit it, his eyes

turned to look at Oven.

"Wanna go for the third round?".

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 27 { Big Mom

Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }

New World___

The sky was clear unlike how the natural climate of the Grand Line

should be.

The stars shined, the moon illustrated the sea with its moonlight that

made everything look silver.


A loud explosion sounded, the contact between two different Conqueror

Haki created black sparks.

On the sea, multiple shipwrecks were floating. Not more than 10 ships

remained that could still sail.

The Big Mom Pirates and Devil's Pirates exhausted the total amount of

cannonballs that they had.

Now all of them were fighting with swords, guns, other weapons, fists,

even the broken parts of the ships.

"Aaaaaa!, " Shouted Big Mom, slashing her sword on Akuma's chest.


The sword was able to cut through the skin but when it hit the bones, it


Akuma turned his face to see the sword in his flesh, blood flowed from

the wound like a fountain.

Holding the blade of the sword with his left hand, Akuma swung his

metal bat at Big Mom's face.

Big Mom tried to pull the sword back but Akuma's pure muscle strength

was more than hers.


The bat hit Big Mom on her face directly, blood splashed in the air and

some cracking sound came.

Big Mom crashed on Queen Mama Chanter the enormous ship. One of the

front masts broke due to that.

"Mama!, " Cried Zeus, he did fly towards Big Mom to catch her but was

late by a few seconds.

"Bastard!, " Cursed Napoleon the sword, he bit at the bone of Akuma yet

couldn't damage it.

"How dare you hurt Mama!, " Prometheus floated above Akuma and blew

multiple rings of fire on him.

"Get lost, creatures!, " Shouted Akuma swinging his bat in the air, making

wind blow off the fire rings.

He held the sword and threw it in the blue sea. Seeing this, Big Mom was


"You will pay!, " Shouted Big Mom, after getting up, leaped at Akuma and

punched with her black armament haki.

"Yes! Come on!, " Seeing the fist coming towards him, Akuma welcomed

it with his fist.

Big Mom's fist and Akuma's fist were about an inch separate, the force

heated the atmosphere like how a lava does.


Akuma's mouth curled up an extreme smile, it was the excitement he

waited for.

His heart beat faster, his veins all over his body visible from the skin.

"Haaaaa!, " Shouted Akuma as he pushed Big Mom backwards with pure


Zeus came below Big Mom and helped her to stay in the air while

Napoleon was deep underwater.

Prometheus rained flames on Akuma burning his clothes but not much


Big Mom retreated back, gasping for breath. She looked around to find

most of her pirates already dead.

The remaining were fighting for life, her children having a tough time

keeping up with the Division Captains.

'Old Bastard!, ' Cursed Big Mom inwardly, she grinded her teeth in anger.

Then, her eyes fell on a dead body. It had a huge hole on its chest.

This body belonged to one of her sons.

Big Mom's eyes widened in shock, the hand that clenched into a fist

started bleeding.

Charlotte Counter, sixth son and the 11th child of the Charlotte Family

and the second quintuplet brother of Opera, Cadenza, Cabaletta, and


"Counter?, " Said Big Mom, her voice shaking. A drop of tear came down

her eye.

"OLD BASTARD!, " Screamed Big Mom, her body flashed immediately

and came right before Akuma.

Punching him on his face, yet Akuma held himself from flying behind.

He threw his bat on the ships deck, he planned to fight using his bare


Big Mom and Akuma exchanged multiple fists, most of the time it was

Akuma who received them.

* * *

Below, Katakuri saw his mother in such a state. His eyes didn't leave Borg

but his observation haki was on Big Mom.

'Mama is on rampage, ' Thought Katakuri, he wiped the blood off his left

thigh. There, a small hole was visible caused by Borg.

The scarf that covered Katakuri's mouth was already gone showing his

sharp pelican eel-like teeth and is capable of expanding to an enormous


Blood dripped down his lips, he got hit by a few of Borg's bullets.

Borg on the other hand, suffered very little damage compared to


The biggest one being a hole on his stomach that made some of his

energy transporting fluids come out.

Second one was the first cut he received on his left arm that broadened in

size a bit.

Borg's speed and power declined because of that, which was noticed by


It helped him to see some hope.

* * *

On a shipwreck, Rocky looked down on the unconscious young man.

It was Oven, his right hand was broken by Rocky not long ago as they


"Fuu, " Releasing white smoke from his mouth, Rocky stared at Oven with



Something hit Rocky from behind, it was a piece of the broken door.

Turning his head, Rocky looked at Daifuku. He was lying on the same

shipwreck where Rocky was.

In his hand, a metal part of the ship there. Daifuku threw it at Rocky

with his dying strength.


It hit Rocky's chest, leaving a dirt mark on his shirt. A blue vein came out

on Rocky's forehead.

"G-Get away f-from O-Ovan!, " Said Daifuku, his eyes couldn't open

perfectly because of exhaustion.

"Ya, I will. But you will face the misfortune of both, " Said Rocky, he

walked towards Daifuku in anger.

Picking him up by the collar. Rocky punched Daifuku on his nose,

breaking it.

Blood dripped down on the shipwreck, Rocky continued to punch

Daifuku's face without stopping.

Daifuku's face was completely disfigured by Rocky, yet he didn't stop

with that.

Throwing him on the shipwreck, Rocky laid Daifuku's right leg over a


Lifting up his right foot, Rocky aimed at the knee of Daifuku's right leg.

"I hope you enjoy this, " Said Rocky with a smile on his face while

bringing down his feet on Daifuku's leg.


"Aaaaaaaa!, " Screamed Daifuku, holding his right leg in pain and tears in

his eyes.

His right leg from the knee was broken fully by Rocky.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 28 { Big Mom

Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }

Screams could be heard in the sea, those were the pirates losing their life.

It's been five day, since the war between Big Mom Pirates and Devil's

Pirates broke out.

Now, only two people were fighting. Big Mom and Akuma.

The rest of the pirates were either dead or unable to fight any longer.

The Division Captains of Devil's Pirates and the children of Charlotte

Linlin, Big Mom.

Retreated back to their own pirate ships which could still sail.

Even though Katakuri wanted to kill Borg and Rocky, he had to retreat

back for his surviving brothers and sisters.

Oven, he lost an arm. Daifuku, lost both of his legs and his face

completely disfigured.

Counter, died in the battle. And many more of them suffered very serious


"Where is brother Perospero?, " Asked Katakuri, turning his head to look

at a fat young woman.

Charlotte Mondee, the second daughter and sixth child of the Charlotte

Family, the eldest quadruplet sister of Amande, Hachee, and Effilee, and

a snake neck-human hybrid.

"I didn't see him after we went to fight, " Answered Mondee, her face had

blood marks all over.

"Where could he be!, " Said Katakuri, he wanted his observation haki but

was stopped by a shout.

"Big brother Katakuri!, " It was a pirate, he shouted from the back of the


"What happened?, " Katakuri went there and his eyes stared at the person

he was thinking of.

Perospero, he was tied by rope on the back of the ship. His body was cut

everywhere, many blue marks as well on him.

Blood dripped from his mouth, Perospero was unconsciously waiting

there the whole time.

"Brother!, " Katakuri used his devil fruit, Mochi Mochi no Mi, to extend

his body.

Bringing Perospero on the deck, the doctors checked him to find that he

was not in danger.

"Who did this to you!, " Said Katakuri in a low voice, but full of anger.

His fists clenched tightly, his gaze fixed on Perospero.

* * *

Big Mom panted, she looked at Akuma with rage in her eyes but couldn't

give any injury to him.

There was only that cut on his chest when Big Mom slashed at Akuma

with her sword.

After that, Akuma suffered no damage.

"Tired?, " Asked Akuma, staring at Big Mom with a slight laugh. He could

still fight for a few more days without resting.

Big Mom grinded her teeth, she looked around her side to see only three

ships remaining.

Her children were seriously injured and also lost the war that they

thought they could easily win.

Then, Big Mom made a decision she never thought of in her entire life.

To run from a battle, yes. She was going to admit defeat if it would cost

her entire life's hard work.

"You are lucky, old man! Next time we meet, I will kill you with my own

hands!, " Said Big Mom, she stood on Zeus and flew back to her ship.

"Let's go!, " Ordered Big Mom hurriedly, her eyes glared at Akuma with

pure hatred.

Akuma raised his hand in the air, indicating his pirates to not attack.

"Coward, " Said Akuma floating in the air, his voice may not be loud but

was heard by Big Mom.

"Aaa!, " Big Mom smashed a part of the ship in anger, she then went

inside to cool herself.

As the three ships sailed, they disappeared in the horizon of the sea.

The sun set down, night was coming with stars and the moon.

"Woooo! Hurray!, " The Devil's Pirates, after the victory in the war with

Big Mom Pirates.

They started their celebration as they sailed back towards the Devil's


The news about this war between the Big Mom Pirates and Devil's

Pirates, spread around like wildfire.

Within a few days, almost everyone in the world knew who Akuma was.

The story, ones said by old people. Became real, that the Devil can't die!

And he will return to get revenge.

With this, the old wanted poster of Akuma. Was passed in the world once

again shocking them.

But with an increase, the World Government thought that might not

anger Akuma.

As which pirate doesn't like an increase in his bounty.

[Wanted Poster]

[2,200,000,000 billion berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]

* * *

Sabaody Archipelago___

Inside a bar, a man flipped the newspaper pages. A wanted poster flew

out of the newspaper.

As the man read the news, there was a bitter smile on his face. He bent

down to lift the poster and see it.

On it, was a man with some small white ghost around him, his lower half

was in gas while he held a metal bat over his shoulder.

It was Akuma, he looked straight at the camera giving a plain look.

This image was obtained in the battle between Akuma and Big Mom.

"He really is alive, and doing pretty good, " Said the man stroking his

beard and reading more of the news.

"Rayleigh!, " A voice called the man out of the newspaper world.

The man was none other than the right hand of the Pirate King, Silvers

Rayleigh also called 'Dark King'.

He is the former first mate of the Roger Pirates, known as the "Right

Hand of the Pirate King".

"Oh, Hachi! You are here!, " Said Rayleigh, he turned to see a young boy

walking in the bar.

He was an octopus fish-man, had eight appendages (six arms and two

legs) and an octopus-like face.

He has pink skin and gray hair styled with five spikes (although this

number increased by the time he had become a takoyaki salesman due to

him growing a second row of spikes).

He has a muscular build and has suction cups on his six arms, which he

can use to cling on to walls.

"What are you reading?, " Asked Hatchan, nicknamed Hachi, while

coming next to Rayleigh and sitting on the chair.

"Just the latest newspaper, and also remembering a past adventure in an

unconquered storm, " Replied Rayleigh as he smiled at Hachi and closed

the newspaper.

"Must be nice to roam around the world, " Said Hachi with his voice full

of curiosity.

"Haha! Yes!, " Said Rayleigh as he laughed and then they continued to

talk more about Rayleigh adventures.

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 29 { It's

Starting }

Two years later___

Akuma read the latest newspaper inside White House, in Heaven Realm.

Sitting on his throne, he flipped the pages while his eyes scanned the

important information.

The news was about the promotion of the new Fleet Admiral, new

Admirals and the resignation of the famous Admiral Eyes.

Then there was the news of Big Mom Pirates securing the Totto Land in

the New World, far away from Devil's Home.

Totto Land is a massive archipelago with Whole Cake Island, Big Mom's

base of operation, in its center, and 34 subsidiary islands, arranged

roughly in concentric circles.

Each subsidiary island is ruled by a member of the Charlotte Family as its

minister. It seems that all islands are themed after food.

Some of the islands have rivers made of juice of different colors flowing

into the ocean to form sections called "Mizuame", which freeze at night; it

takes only the warmth of the day to make them fluid again.

Another pirate group was becoming infamous these days. The Beasts

Pirates, led by a very powerful figure, Kaido the General.

He is sometimes also called 'The Strongest Creature' by the World


Even though they knew about Akuma having a Sea Serpent, Leviathan

devil fruit.

Akuma guessed it was because he never showed his Leviathan form and

power to the world.

But he was not sad or anything, now he concentrated more on his mood.

Since last year, Akuma has been visiting the Angel People in the village.

He also befriended most of them, except the elders and that woman who

attacked him.

They seemed to be cautious of him. Should be, because his body was big,

he was scary and his voice sounded like an evil person.

Akuma threw the newspaper to the side, standing up he went to the door.


Stepping out, Akuma breathe in the fresh air and his eyes looking up in

the sky.

Only a few tiny white clouds were visible floating up in the sky with the

bright sun.

Akuma walked out of the Crystal Gate, he headed towards the village to

spend his time.

* * *

Angel Village___

Few children ran around playing ice and water, few mothers sat in the

shades to watch for them.

Suddenly, one of the children stopped running. He turned to look at a

direction opposite of the village.

"Giant man has come!, " Shouted the boy as he ran towards Akuma in full


Smiles bloomed on the children's faces, even the mothers were happy to

see Akuma.

"Giant man! Giant man! What did you bring today!, " A tiny girl excitedly

asked Akuma while looking him from everywhere.

"This, " Said Akuma as he pulled out a small device from his pocket not

much different from the one Irish used.

"What's this! A metal plate?, " Asked a boy while taking the device from

Akuma's hand.

"It's a game, " Sitting on the ground crossed legged, Akuma showed the

children how it works.

The glass screen lit up, multiple icons were screening on it.

Akuma tabbed on an icon having a pixel snake, the screen turned black.

[Start Game]

As he start the game, a square area made of multiple boxes appeared.

In the middle was a small green pixel snake, on not far from it in a few

boxes distance was a red pixel apple.

As Akuma swipe the screen with his finger, the snake moved and crawled

from one box to another.

As the snake ate the red apple, it grew in size. A new apple would

respawn somewhere on the square area.

If the snake hits its own body or the walls, it would die meaning that the

game is over.

"Wow!, " The children stared at it with their eyes widened, some couldn't

even close their open mouth.

Even the mothers were attracted because if it, they knew that whenever

Akuma comes he brings something with him for the children.

"I will play first!, " The boy shouted, he sat on the lap of Akuma and

started playing the game.

The other children also climbed on Akuma like a mountain. On head,

shoulder and lap, to see the game.

'I changed, ' Thought Akuma, a little bit of smile appeared on his old face.

'I didn't like children before, but now it's different, ' Akuma would also

help the children in playing different games.

But only the ones which he could play without hurting the children in

any way.

Not far from them, a woman sat on the roof of her house and stared at


Beside her was a small note copy, there she wrote everything she learned

about Akuma.

His way of talking, walking, looking, acting and even playing.

"Just you wait until I find your secrets!, " Said Victoria in a low voice

which only she could hear.

"Victoria! Where is the water I told you to bring?, " A voice called the

woman on the roof with anger in her tone.

"Coming!, " Replied Victoria to her mother before getting down from the

roof and also a scolding.

'This is all because of him that I am getting scolded by Mom, ' Thought

Victoria inwardly as her mother continued to scold her.

* * *

Four months passed by, a new year came which was not much in any


The very same pirates, looting, fighting, and deaths by the Marines.

But what they didn't expect was for a person to start his sail, and not just

any person.

Red-Haired" Shanks, commonly known as just "Red Hair",the chief of the

Red Hair Pirates and one of the Four Emperors that rule over the New

World in the future.

Shanks was a former member of the legendary Roger Pirates, the only

pirate band to successfully conquer the Grand Line.

Starting out his pirate career on said crew as an apprentice alongside

Buggy before forming his own crew after Gol D. Roger's death.

Currently no one, even Akuma didn't know know that Shanks has already

sail from West Blue.

His destination was East Blue, Shanks heard about a person he needed in

his crew.

Will the fate, lead Shanks to come on the top once again or will that be

shattered because of the existence of Akuma?

Nobody can tell…

(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 30 { Beasts

Pirates }

Weeks were going like seconds, months were passing like days.

Many different news stories had been covered in the meantime, Devil's

Pirates grew to another level in the New World.

Now, they had about 230 pirate ships in total. And more than 5 thousand


In the New World, they were an unbeatable force.

Akuma spent his time normally, sleeping on his throne, eating food, and

sometimes visiting the village.

The remaining time, Akuma sat alone inside White House staring blankly

in the air.

* * *

Pirate Paradise___

Somewhere near Mock Town, two pirate groups were fighting over a

devil fruit.

Those two pirate groups weren't just any pirates but they belonged to two

very infamous Pirates.

Devil's Pirates and Beasts Pirates, currently the latter was on the upper


As the time passed, the upper hand became in complete control.

"Haha! Do you think you can beat the Beasts Pirates!, " A pirate from

Beasts Pirates laughed at the dying man.

The man was a member of the pirate group of the Devil's Pirates.

The devil fruit that they fought for was a very pricey one. One which

Maba was in dire need of.

Ope Ope no Mi, the devil fruit which once was in the hands of Rony.

* * *

Hell Realm___

"What did you say?, " Said Maba, veins appeared on his forehead like a

series of branches.

"Who are they?, " Asked Maba, his voice loud and intense anger was


"Beasts Pirates!, " Hanging the call, Maba massaged his forehead and

came out of the lab.

Maba pulled another den den mushi, the number he dialed was Fifth

Division Captain Joker's.


"Hello?, " The voice of Joker sounded, Maba took a breath before


"Get the Ope Ope no Mi from Beasts Pirates! Do whatever you can, I just

need that devil fruit, " Ordered Maba, his voice was very serious.

Understanding the situation as soon as the name of the devil fruit was

said, Joker let out a laugh.

"Two weeks, that devil fruit will be in your hands, " Said Joker, he hung

up the call and smiled.

"Now this is interesting! Hahahaha!, " Said Joker as he stood up and

started laughing.

Some blood flowed from the stitches on the side of his lips.

Then Joker suddenly vanished from his position, appearing out of the

house he was in.

"Devil Fruit! Devil Fruit! Where are you!, " Joker hopped his way till the

dock and called all the pirates in his division.

As they sailed, the town Joker stayed on just now was dead silent.

If looked closely, many blood spots could be seen on the streets like


However, not a single person was there in the whole town.

Inside a house, on the dining table. The food served was still warm and

freshly cooked.

So what could it mean? Only Joker can answer this question with his

mouth shut.

* * *

Mock Town___

In a bar, multiple pirates cheered in celebration after the victory in the

battle between them and Devil's Pirates.

It has been three days since that, yet they continued to drink like crazy.

Corner of the bar was a pirate and a mirror on the wall.

"Do you know!, " Said the pirate holding a glass of beer in his hand and

looking at a mirror.

"I killed a captain from the Devil's Pirates! Hahah!, " Said the pirate while

bringing the beer to his mouth and drinking it.

"Oh really!, " Someone came behind the pirate, when he turned back he

didn't see anyone.

"Did I just hallucinate?, " Muttered the pirate staring at the wooden cup

containing the beer.

"Yes, you are!, " Again, the same voice talked behind him. The pirate

turned towards his back and saw the mirror.

This time, he was definitely not hallucinating or something. He heard

someone speak but couldn't see him.


The front door of the bar was closed, creating a loud noise attracting the

pirates' attention.

"What the-, " But just before the pirate could finish his sentence, the other

doors and windows closed one by one.

"Who is doing this! Do you know we are Beasts Pirates!, " The captain of

the pirate group in the bar shouted looking around.

"Yes, of course I know!, " A voice echoed in the bar, scaring some pirates

as well as the bartender.

"I-If you know then get lost!, " Said the captain while trying to act

courageous in front of his pirate crew.

"Hahahaha! Hahaha!, " Laughters echoed inside the four walls of the bar.

Many pirates were already afraid now, they acted tough because they

were part of the Beasts Pirates.

"Well then, why don't you all get lost, " Said Joker, appearing in the

middle of the pirates.

The captain widened his eyes as a fork came straight towards him at

super speed.


"Aaaaa!, " Screamed the pirate captain, his left eyeball was pierced

through by Joker with a fork.

"You!, " The rest of the pirates came back to sense after seeing their

captain get stabbed.

A pirate punched Joker, but was hit on his face by a beer bottle which

Joker held.


The bottle broke as it hit the pirate's face, Joker dodged a kick on his


With the broken bottle, Joker stabbed it on a pirate's stomach then pulled

it out splashing blood everywhere.

Joker thrusted the bottle on the face of the same pirate without any


By the time Joker killed a few more pirates, the others already held their


"Oi oi oi, do you want to kill me?, " Asked Joker, staring at the guns and

swords pointed at him.

"Kill him!, " A pirate shouted, the ones with the gun rained bullets on


Using a table like a shield, Joker dashing behind the counter.

"You still here?, " Asked Joker while looking at the bartender in surprise.

"Please don't kill me!, " The bartender begged, joining his hands but Joker

was too busy to concentrate on him.

'They don't have the devil fruit with them, ' Joker searched their ships

and the whole bar but couldn't find Ope Ope no Mi.

"I need your help, " Said Joker as he picked the bartender up and used as

a meat shield.

All the way till the pirate captain. Joker grabbed him and threw him

behind the counter.

"Take a candy!, " Joker jumped as well, throwing a small ball in the

middle of the pirates.

This ball was coloured like real candy but inside was made of gunpowder

and some extra chemicals.


The entire bar exploded, breaking everything apart and burning it down.

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