Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: In Harry Potter with OTS System


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In Harry Potter with OTS System





Author: dvelasquez


(48 ratings)


What would happen to a guy that died out of rage while in a Guild War?

What would the choice of some bored dimensional being who catches his

soul in the middle of his way to the afterlife?

What would happen when the guy's addiction mixes with the Wizarding

World of Harry Potter!? What chaos would that bring to the world!?


Well, this was an idea I had like a week ago, and wanted to try it out on

my journey to learn how to write. So, here it is. It's another fanfic, yes.

Because it's easier to write.

Also, with this one, I'll probably post only during the weekends, not daily

like with the Novel's Extra's Extra. Firstly because I want to finish the

other one, and also because I need to research a lot more (I'm not that

knowledgeable in Harry Potter.)

As usual, any feedback and criticism will be well received, and thanks for


Will be posting this in Royal Road and Scribble Hub too.


One 17 and Under Admitted



"No! NO!!! Don't go there!!!! Don't go there!!!!!"

Inside a dark messy room without other lights apart from a PC's screens,

a young adult was screaming towards said screens while quickly hitting

both the keyboard's keys and the mouse's button with almost blurry



His shouts were probably heard outside his room. But living in the skirts

of the city, far away from his family and in an almost abandoned

building had its own charms. One of them, not having troublesome

neighbors or people scolding you for screaming at 2 in the morning.



The guy kept screaming and hitting his keyboard and mouse until a

sudden thunder resonated in outside his house.


And with it. Lights went out.


The young guy couldn't even believe it. Looking at his now black screens

open-mouthed, without closing his eyes.

"Just… What? No… No… NoNoNoNoNonononononononononoNO!!!!!!!!

What's this!!!!! Fuck!!!!! You have to be fucking kidding me!!!!!!!"-The

young guy started screaming towards the screen, looking around towards

his PC, trying to turn it on again while hitting its case in blinding rage.

"NO!!!!!!!! THE GUILD WAR!!!!! You can't be doing this to me!!!! Come

on!!! Come on!!! Turn on you!! Piece of crap!!!!"

Out of rage. The young guy started kicking the PC's case, not even

stopping to think that it wouldn't turn on no matter how many kicks he

gave it.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!-"-The young guy screamed

with all his strength, at least until a sudden chest pain made him stop as

he suddenly hunched forwards while hitting his chest as if it somehow

would stop the sudden strong pain.

"ACK! Argh…"-The pain only intensified, until he couldn't say even a

word more than his agonizing moans of pain. He stumbled towards the

bed, looking for his phone to call 911. But only made it half the way,

falling on the floor on his left side, curled up, still hitting his chest with

as much force as the pain let him.

Problems of living at the skirts of the city, with no family and in an

almost abandoned building? No one to hear your agonizing moans.

It didn't pass too much time until the once agonizing young guy went

totally quiet. The pain already subsided. His life already over.

CHAPTER 1 – I died!? What!? My


In a completely black space, surrounded by stars and faraway galaxies,

one young guy, or at least something similar to one, floated around,


Anyone that sees him would probably think of only one thing. A ghost. A

totally white and transparent figure that resembles a human, with both

legs and arms, a torso, and a head with what seems to be a pair of closed

eyes and features of someone not that old nor that young, and with

probably 1,76 meters when it comes to height.

"Mmm…"-The eyes fluttered, announcing the awakening of this young

guy. "Mmm… Just a little more… We almost win…"-Seemingly talking

while sleeping, the guy, or ghost, turned and turned around, eyes trying

to open, but not quite making it.

"It's time to wake up!"-A sudden voice resonated in that infinite space,

really close to where the ghost was floating, and with it, a small creature


Looking at it. Only a little devil would come to mind. It has a small child

body, probably the body of a 5yo child, but with a face that would make

anyone fear it. Its face and hands had a red color to them, while the rest

of the body was covered in a black business suit with a pair of black dress

shoes that, overall, looked kind of funny in its small size.

On its red head, two long horns could be seen. Both probably 30

centimeters in size, slightly curved back. With two completely black eyes,

no iris or pupil visible in them.

The little devil flew around the young guy still turning and turning but

without waking up, even with the loud shout that recently resonated so

close to him.

"Mmm… Why does this guy doesn't wake up? Mmm…"-The little devil

pondered while rubbing his chin. "Oh, I know!!!"-It hit its palm with his

fist before raising its open right hand as if trying to grab something.


Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appeared, and from it, some kind of wooden

hammer appeared, right in the open hand of the little devil, who quickly

grabbed it.

The wooden hammer was long. Probably twice the size of the little thing,

with a white luster to it and an aura that made it look as something

completely different than a normal wooden hammer.

"This would surely do!"-The little devil said before downing the hammer

straight towards the ghost's head.



A dry hit sounded around that black space, followed by the screams of

the young adult ghost, who quickly woke up and sat up while grabbing

his head and hunching his back.

"What the fuck dude!!?? Who hit me!?"-The ghost asked while looking all

around him.

"That would be me~ Hehe~"-The little devil smirked while throwing the

hammer far off into the distant galaxies.

"What…? Who…?"-The confused ghost answered while turning towards

the little creep floating close to him. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!"-He screamed

while crawling backward, still sitting on the floor. "What's this ugly


"Hey! Who are you calling ugly!? You are the ugly one, human!"-The

little devil answered while pointing its index finger toward the human.

"IT CAN SPEAK!!!"-Screamed the human ghost.

"*sigh…*This is going nowhere…"-The little devil sighed before snapping

its fingers.

Immediately, the human stopped. Not being able to move, while his

mouth completely shut, silencing him.

"Whew~ That's better. Now. Listen here human. I'll say things slowly so

that you can understand and have a calm conversation with yours truly."-

The little thing said while moving his index finger back and forth. "First.

Don't be scared. I won't hurt you. Second. Stop screaming! It just brings

pain to my sensitive ears. And finally, I have a proposal that would

actually be of interest to you. Human. Understood?"-The little devil


"…"-The human stayed there, not being able to move.

"Oh, right! Sorry."-The devil snapped its fingers again. "Now nod if you

understood what I said."

"…"-Still unable to speak, the human ghost nodded his head.

"Great! We finally talk calmly! Now, I'm going to let you free, so please

stop screaming and pissing your pants… Not that you have any though."-

The little thing said before snapping its fingers once again. "There you go,

you can now speak freely."

"Oh. Ooooh. Who…? Who are you?"-The human ghost asked.

"And I thought you would go insane again. You have more brains than I

what I thought. My name is Lars. A great demon! Though, don't look at

me in fear. I will not do anything against you. Nothing bad at least."

"A great… Demon?"-A perplexed human asked while looking at the little

thing floating in front of him.

"Yes! A great demon!"-The little thing said while raising its arms as if

boasting his great presence.

"…"-The human just averted his eyes. And it was then that he noticed

that he wasn't in his home. "Wait! Where am I!!??"-He asked in total

shock. "Where did you bring me!!??"

"What did I tell you about no screaming!?"-Said the demon while digging

his ear. "Look. I didn't bring you here. I merely grabbed you on your way

to the other life and that brought you here. So, you're welcome!"

"On my way… to the other life…?"

"Yes, you idiot. Haven't you seen your body? You're dead."

"My… What?"-The human slowly turns his hands up and starts looking at

every inch of his body. "WHAT!!!??? I'M DEAD!!??? BUT HOW!!!!???"


"ARGH! I already told you not to scream!!!"-Said the little demon after

snapping its fingers. This time only shutting the human's mouth.

"Mmm!! MMMM!!!! MMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

"Listen. You died in your room. It was a sudden heart strike followed by a

stroke. Being completely alone… Well, you didn't have a chance."-Said

the little guy while shrugging. "But hey! Nothing's lost yet. You didn't

have any family to speak of, no girlfriend, no friends either."

"MMMM!!!"-The human tried to speak while pointing his middle finger at


"Don't be like that. I promise that once you listen to my proposal, you'll

be truly happy."-The demon said while wriggling its brows up and down.

"Mm…"-The guy nodded.

"Good to have you back. *snaps*"-The demon finally snapped its fingers


"So… Did I die? Why?"

"Told you. Heart strike and a stroke. Bad luck, but that happens when

you go with bad alimentary habits and go through some stressful


"Stressful situation? Wait…? MY GUILD!!?? What happened!!!??? I

remember that I was playing an OTS and was in the middle of a Guild

War!!!! Did we win!?"

"Nope. Your guildmates were trash. With you out of the game thanks to

the lights-off, everyone lost the Guild War."-The demons said while

shrugging and digging its ear.

"FUCK! I KNEW IT!!! THOSE NOOBS!!! *sigh…* Shitty druids healing the

MS instead of the EKs…"-Said the human while hunching down.

"Now, now, relax. That's all in the past. Would you listen to my

proposal?"-Said the little demon while getting closer to the human ghost.

"*sigh…* Sure… It's not like I have anything better to do…"

"Well, you could go to the afterlife… Probably reborn in another body

without memories after a few hundred years either in Hell or Heaven."

"What!? Heaven and Hell are real?"-The guy asked while snapping his

eyes open and starting to sweat, or that's what would happen if he wasn't

a ghost.

"No, they don't. Your soul would merely sleep while going towards

another world. Though, mentioning Heaven and Hell is a nice way to

make guys like you lost their shit in fear hahaha~"-The little demon said

while laughing.

"You… shitty thing… Either way… Go on. What's that proposal you've

been talking about?"

"You'll be reborn in another world. With your memories. And a… Listen

well. SYSTEM!!"-The great little demon said.

"…"-The guy stared open-mouthed at the little devil. "A system? In

another world? Bitch I'm in! Where do I sign!?"-He quickly answered.

"Don't you want to know what world?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever, tell me."

"In the world of HARRY POTTER!!!"

"Oh… Seems nice, not that dangerous. When you asked if I didn't want to

know I thought that you would send me to some Xianxia shit with young

masters, girls with city-destroying beauty and jade skin, or those sects.

But Harry Potter is good. I've seen the movies a few times."

"And the novels?"

"Nope. Just the movies. Maybe a little bit of reading from wikis here and

there. Oh, I did read a lot of fanfics of it."

"Well… I guess that will work for you…"

"Sure, then, what about the System? Will it be some harem system? Some

lewd system? OHHH PLEASE MAKE IT A HENTAI SYSTEM!!!"-Fervently

asked the guy.

"Neither of those."-Only to be straightly rejected by the little devil.

"…"-The guy stared at it. "WHY!?"

"The system is already prepared and fitted to you."

"Fitted to me?"

"Yes. What's what you made all your life? Apart from being a loner and

being an orphan at a relatively young age."

"…"-The guy glared at the little devil.

"It's the truth though…"-Shrugged Lars. "Then? Won't you answer?"

"Dunno… Playing games?"

"Precisely, and from those games which one did you play the most?"

"…"-His eyes went wide. "Tibia!?"

"BINGO!!"-Lars shouted while pointing his finger towards him.

"Holly fuck… What would that system be like?"

"Well… It's actually cheated… It's not precisely a Tibia System but more

like an OTS system… After all, you stopped playing original Tibia long

ago, and put all your attention in hundreds or even thousands of OTS…

Really man… *sigh…*"

"Well… I still had work to do… OTS was easier and faster to play since

they didn't need enormous amounts of time invested. Also… They were

funny, and some even original."-He said. "Like those Pokemon ones or the

Dragon Ball or Naruto ones, though, those were bad…"

"Well, whatever. Look, your system will be made from an OTS. How will

it be? Say status!"-Lars said while spreading its arms wide.

"Status!"-The guy shouted with emotion.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"-Only for Lars to start laughing while floating

and grabbing its stomach when nothing happened.

"Y-you shitty demon!!!"-The guy said.

"Idiot. You have to wait to be reborn if you wish for the system to

activate."-Said lairs while wiping a few tears from the good laugh. "Oh

well… I guess I'll give you a resume."-It said while turning to a straight

position instead of a relaxed one and with his index finger up.

"…"-The human ghost only stayed there frowning at him.

"First of all. You'll have the magic system from Tibia and a recompilation

of the OTS you've played."

"Wait. I won't be able to use Magic from Harry Potter?"

"Yes… You will, but that magic system is actually pretty much free you

know? They barely explain it at all in the books… It basically makes you

think that you can do whatever with magic and the intention to do it. No

explanation. It isn't bad, but not my style if you ask me."-Said Lars while

shrugging. "Also. It would be better for you to use Tibia's magic. It has a

good variety of spells, and you can actually make your own ones by using

the magic syllables to create the power words whenever you have enough

power. Of course. There will be a need to write them down in a Magic

Book, and that won't be as easy as saying the power word. It also has to

make some sense in Tibia's own rules."

"Oh… Okay… Good enough… I also have studied those syllables out of


"Told you. A Tibia's addict. Well, whatever, let's continue. You'll have a

store. And it will use a points system. You can trade galleons for points,

or you can also win points by doing quests or killing monsters or 'magical

creatures', either that, or you go hunting bad werewolves, vampires, dark

wizards, and whatever you which. Heck, you can ever be dark wizard

yourself and kill other wizards, basically, everything alive will be a

target, true to Tibia most hardcore PVP servers."

"Mm… While I was a PVP lover… I don't think killing without a reason is

good… So, well… I guess I'll have to do with some bad creatures or


"Whatever man. You have free will. Then, next. Quests! In the system,

you'll find general quests, and quests made automatically by it. You can

also find quests that other people inside the story gave you. Like for

example, if someone asks you to do something, it could become a quest.

Depending on the difficulty, you'll be rewarded some points."

"Okay. I know how to gather points. But for what would I need them?"

"For the store, I already told you."

"Yes. But what can I find there!?"

"Well, for starters. Magic Books. Blank Runes. Wands, Rods, some special

spells. Heck, you can even find advanced vocations."

"Wait. I'll have a vocation?"

"Technically, yes. But forget Knights and Pallys."

"So… That leaves Druids and Sorcerers… Though… Thinking about it,

wouldn't Pallys be broken as hell there?"

"Yes, they would. Holy Damage isn't a joke in there. You could probably

go hunting Dementors and Dark Wizards as a hobby. So, no. You'll also

have things like Arcanist and Summoner among others. With advanced


"Wait, aren't those ones from some OTS?"

"Yes. Don't you remember that it's the OTS System? Not Tibia System. So,

it has a few things new, of which, I don't know all of them, that kind of

automatized itself."

"Oh… Nice… But will I have to choose a vocation?"

"Nope. You'll start as a Sorcerer. In the store you'll see a thing called

'Vocations', there, you'll be able to find other basic Vocations, like the

ones I already mentioned, and maybe some more, don't remember. You'll

also find the advanced vocations for Sorcerers. You can choose to either

advance in the sorcerer's way, or buy another basic vocation."

"Why would I choose another basic vocation instead of getting a more

powerful one?"

"Good question. And to answer it. The more basic vocations you have, the

more advanced vocations you can access. Though, which ones, you'll

need to find it for yourself."

"Mmm… Okay. I'm curious though, what are the requirements for me to

learn or use a spell."

"Thanks for asking! I almost forgot about that. Well. Obviously, I can't

give you levels there as you won't find enough creatures to level up as

you would in Tibia. So. Instead of that, you'll have to focus on Magic

Level, which I'm sure you know well, right?"

"Meaning that I'll have to grind my ML to use spells?"

"Precisely! Also, it determines your power in that world. To give you an

idea. Every 33 ML you'll advance one stage in power, which will be

reflected in your magic core, which will evolve."

"I know of magic cores from fanfics, but that isn't canon, right? Also… At

ML 99 I'm going to be a Stage 3 wizard?"

"Stage 4. Hypothetically, every wizard starts at stage 1 when their "core"

is mature, meaning when they're 11 years old. Some of them earlier.

You're lucky, you will have your first maturation at ML 1… And about

the magic core thing… It's just a thing to help you understand yourself a

bit. As I said before. Harry Potter universe does have little details when it

comes to its magic system, basically, you could invent your own spells

working around will and a few known spells. Heck… Those guys talk

about incantation, but in the movies, you can see how some characters

only make the wand movement and voilà, you have a spell done."

"Nice! Then, how fast will it be? Like an OTS?"

"You're asking too much… No. It will not be that easy. Though not

impossible. It's not like you will get to stage 4 when you're 50 or more,

but you won't be an 11yo with a stage 4 core neither… All in all, it

depends on your efforts. There will be different ways to train your ML,

from hunting monsters, wizards, and dark wizards, to meditating, casting

spells, learning and creating new spells or the good old rune smithing.

So, grind away my friend!"

"Oh, nice. Spell Books will also give me bonus ML?"

"Of course, why wouldn't they? That's the only reason to implement more

than one… Though don't expect them to help you mature your core, your

base ML has to reach 33 to reach the next stage. Also… I'm sure you

pretty much know this but… Oh well, you'll know it once you're there.

To finish things up. You'll win 1 ML with each passing year. Take it as

the OTS part of the system, putting things easy for you. So even if you

don't do anything, you'll still able to get to stage 4 at your 99 years


"Oh, thanks. So considerate. And I guess I'll be able to go past 99 ML,

right? I mean… In my last OTS, I went towards 300ML… I do thanks bots

for that increase."

"Of course, you can, though, you sure know how hard that will be. Well,

there're a few more things, but you'll find them out once in there."

"Okay… Then, how will I go there? Some dying boy? Reborn? What?"

"Oh, you'll wake up as an abandoned baby, to later be taken into a

muggle orphanage. But don't hope for any oh so grand lineage. You'll be

a mongrel."

"Well… Thanks…"

"You got a freaking system. What? Want to be the descendant of Merlin

or even some kind of god? Not happening."

"Fine, fine. It works for me…"

"Of course. It's not like anything will change. You'll be once again a


"Y-you little shit…*sigh…*"-I try to defend myself, only to shut the next

second. "Then… What do you get from all of this?"

"Mm? What do you mean?"

"Well… You're a demon, right? Are you giving me this for free?"

"See… This is what I hate about humans. They think demons are evil

beings that would do anything to destroy humanity. Wake up, kid. It's not

like that. We're just like you humans. Maybe living with different

circumstances, but still, we have our own lives and shit. And to answer

you. I'm doing this because I'm bored. B-O-R-E-D as shit. So… I'll put you

inside that world, and see what you do with what I gave you, you know,

like watching a movie."

"… Okay… Fine for me… Either way. I don't have other options. I prefer

to reincarnate having my memories and a system than having a

completely new life."

"That's the spirit! Now. Time to go! You'll wake up being a baby in the

muggle world in 1978. Be happy though, you won't have to live the first

war against Tom."


"That name sucks, better call him Tom or Tommy for the friends. So,


"Sure. Oh… Wait! My name! Will I keep it? Or I will be given a new


"… What if we randomize it?"

"You didn't think about it right?"

"Shut it… I was planning that damned system…"

"Can I ask for one?"

"Sure, which one?"

"Itachi Uchiha!"

"My balls you're getting that one in the middle of UK in 1978. I'll call you

Poppy if you push it."

"*tch…* Fine… Whatever. What about… Logan?"

"Like wolverine?"

"Yes! It's an English name, right?"

"Well… It sure is… What about your last name?"

"Ha… I have zero ideas about English last names…"

"Mmm… What about… Logan Taylor? Logan John Taylor? Or Logan J.

Taylor to make it short."

"Mmm… Good enough. But, can we have a D as a middle name instead?"


"I'm a fan of One Piece. Gimme da will of D!!"

"…*sigh…* Fine. Whatever. You'll be called Logan Davis Taylor. Logan

D. Taylor for short. After all, this will be the last time we speak, so take it

as a gift for entertaining me, even if it's weird for some mongrel to have a

complete name... You'll be alone after you enter there. Remember, that

even the quests are from the system, they don't come from me."-The little

demon says before snapping his fingers. Making the ghost completely


"Well… I better get some popcorn ready."-After those parting words. He

also disappeared.

CHAPTER 2 – Looking through my

new system


In a narrow street beside an orphanage, a baby's cry could be heard.

"What's that?"-A woman sweeping the floor in front of an orphanage in

London suddenly hears the cry of a baby and goes towards the source of

the sound, right in the alley beside the orphanage's building.

"Oh!"-She's startled seeing the little basket that was resting in the middle

of the floor with the supposed crying baby. "Poor baby… Who would be

so despicable to leave you here all alone…?"-She said while going

towards the basket and slowly lifting it up.

"Mm?"-The baby suddenly stopped crying once she got to see his face. He

was only looking at her, with a little curious face. "Wow… You calmed so

soon… That's weird… Never heard of a little baby stop crying so fast…

Were you that sad for being left alone?"-She asked him, obviously not

expecting an answer. "Well, don't worry. You'll have a lot of friends to

talk to!"-She said joyfully while going back to the front of the orphanage.

She talked to the little and calm baby while walking, and it was when she

was almost there that she could notice a little piece of paper inside the

basked with the baby.

"Mm? What's this?"-She grabbed the paper while holding the basket with


[Logan Davis Taylor]

"Oh? Is this your name? Well… Such consideration from your parents…

Leaving you with at least a name… Well, little Logan… Let's go to your

new home…"-She said with a little saddened face, going inside the

orphanage, not noticing the glint in the child's eyes.


{Finally!!! That guy! Couldn't he leave me in front of the orphanage!? I

could die out there! *sigh…* Thankfully crying worked out and someone

came to look for me… And lucky enough it was someone from some

orphanage…}-I thought while still inside the basket.

The first thing I could see while opening my eyes again was a dark

alley… I wasn't left in front of some orphanage, but inside a dark and

narrow alley in gods know where…

Seeing that no one came to pick me up, I did the only thing a small baby

could do… Cry. Cry a lot. I cried as loud as I could, and thankfully it

worked out. Now I'll just have to wait to grow up while inside the

orphanage and wait for my 11th birthday…

{I should probably look at my new system… Lars said it would be an OTS

System… But… I've played a lot of OTS… Like… A lot. From Classics to

100% Custom ones… I guess I'll be able to find basically anything. But…

How do I open it?}-I thought, while the woman that picked me up is

talking to some other woman.

{Oh, right! Status!}-I loudly thought in my mind. "Waah!"-While it

translated to a weird cry out of my mouth.

"…"-The woman said something to me while pinching my cheek, but I

honestly didn't pay any attention to it.

I was more interested in some kind of window that suddenly appeared in

front of me when I thought about my status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 0

Magic Stage: 0

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 0

Quests (Sealed)

Store (Sealed)

Inventory (Sealed)]

{Holy fuck! I have an inventory!! And familiar? What's this? There are no

familiars in Tibia… Oh, well, I guess there were a few OTS with them,

and last time I checked the original one, they added a really high leveled

spell to summon one… But… I don't think this will be like the original

Tibia… Well, nothing I can't do for the moments.}-I thought while

looking at the status.

If what Lars told me is true. I'll have to wait until I have at least 1yo for

me to have 1 magic level and start doing some magic… Though… I

barely remember a few of them… So, it'll be something like trial and

error until I have enough ML to make the most basic spells for sure…

{Also… Having the store sealed it's no fun… I can't look through the

wares… Oh well… It will probably unlock when I win my first point, and

the quest and inventory… Well, who knows…? For the moments. I'll play

the little baby. Eating, sleeping, and going to the restroom without

actually going there. Nice…}-I thought to myself while going to sleep.

Not caring what the caretakers of the orphanage are talking about.


A year has passed, honestly, I was waiting to see which one was my true

birthday, as it would be the day my ML would increase to 1 and I would

have access to true magic. Though I won't be trying to do stuff like that,

or I would make everyone in the orphanage think I'm some kind of freak.

For the record. Today was that day. Jan 18th. This was the day I finally

got my magic core and my ML up to 1.

{FINALLY!!!}-I thought to myself, still with a really calm face on the


A quick resume of my year in the orphanage. Well, I was a baby and did

baby things.

Not really. Each passing day I tried my best to talk and to move. It was

not that hard actually, but being a baby was harder than I thought, my

body still had to grow, so I had to wait until I was 5 or 6 months to be

able to sit straight on my own and start saying words bit by bit. Though

don't think I started talking right then, while being a "genius" would

actually help me, there's a limit to how to do things.

As a record, I tried meditating, remembering how the guy told me that it

could help me grow my ML. At first, I only could feel a little bit of magic

around, probably being in the muggle part of the world wouldn't help

with it, so I stopped. First, because I would actually win my first ML at

year 1, and second because it was boring… And my baby body didn't

help at all…

What I did was train my body, as much as a small little creep could,

moving, raising objects I deemed "heavy" enough to not damage my

growing muscles but still help me a little to develop my body and mind

(More body than the mind.), and finally, walking.

I could walk at my 7, almost 8 months old. Though, still with the support

of a wall, and with really small steps. The good part of it was looking at

the caretakers around the place looking at me with their mouths open.

With each step, I could walk more and more. I also started talking more

and more around people, so I finally gained the tag of "genius" in the

orphanage. Add to that the fact that I was quiet as hell, not crying, not a

picky eater (almost), and able to ask for the restroom since month 4.

(Don't want to talk about prior months.)

All in all, my year here was really quiet. The first woman who took me in

here actually took a liking to me, and I to her. Her name was Isabella,

and I swear she comes from Ireland, with her freckles, her light white

skin, and that ginger hair. She was in the care of me for most of the year.

Now. Going back to what really matters.

{My magic level is finally 1!!!!}-I screamed in my thoughts while looking

at the status window.

I was actually feigning to read a child's book when I was actually reading

my status. As I learned to read as fast as to talk. (I already knew how…)

That was something that actually made everyone in the place go crazy. A

genius baby who could read before turning 1 year old. I gave a lame

excuse, light taking a book to learn how to read. Being a little kid has its

good side, and that is, people would believe you, or treat anything as a

baby's thing.

Well, going back.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 1

Magic Stage: 1

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 0

Quests (New quest!)

Store (Sealed)

Inventory (Size limit: 410oz/11.62kg)]

{… Heck, even my inventory size depends on the Tibia system… Man… I

thought it would be broken… But it only allows for 11.62kg… What the

hell do I do with that? Oh well, I guess it'll increase with my ML… At

least I start with 410oz and not the bare minimum. Now. Let's check the

quest!}-I thought while looking that I had a new quest.

{So… How do I check it?}-I thought, not knowing what to do… {Maybe

if I think about looking at my quests?}

Right after I had the specific thought of looking at my quests, the status

window changed.


New quests!

- Sense your magic core! The beginning of all cheated wizard! (5pts.)

- Launch your first spell! Prove to the world that you're capable! (10pts.)

- What's the first spell!? I'm such an idiot that I don't remember it! Work

brain, WORK! (10pts.)]

{… I don't know what to think about this thing… Whatever. Cursing it

won't do me any good. Let's go to the first one.}-I thought while closing

the book and the status window.

I start walking towards the bookcase to leave the book that I had


"Huh? Logan did you finish reading?"-The caretaker in charge of the little

library asked me.

"Yes, madam Lily. I'm a little tired, I'll go to sleep in my room. Thanks for

letting me read here!"-I said to Lily, a lady probably 50yo, with brown

hair that was hidden inside a black and white cloth hat, she was rather

tall and slim, but slightly hunched for years of hard work I think.

"No problem child, you know you have the doors to this library always

open!"-She said with a smile before going back to her things, mostly

checking which books were missing or which ones just came.

With that said, I quickly went towards my room, which was shared with

four other kids, of which I was the smallest one, the others were mostly a

year older or more than me.

Entering the room and closing the door, I then went directly towards my

bed, sitting there in the only meditating position I knew. Cross-legged.

{Thankfully, the other kids are playing out in the garden…}-Being

Thursday, most kids would be in classes, but being a 1yo little child, it

wasn't expected of me to attend classes, even for a genius, so they mostly

let me access the library to read whenever I want, which I do constantly,

not having too much to do with other kids my age, or even older.

Assuming my meditating position. I close my eyes and start feeling the

magic around me. Thankfully, I already did this before, and I know what

to look for, though, this time, I'll have to look for it inside of me. Which

was actually faster than trying to feel something outside of my body.

{There you are!}-I thought when I finally got to see my magic core.

It was disappointing, though I guess it has something to do with only

being a stage 1 wizard and having only 1 magic level.

The core was small, it was put inside somewhere in my heart…

{It's this safe… I mean… It is where my heart should… Did my core

replace the heart? Or is it somewhere inside it? Oh well… It does make

sense, seeing as my magic power travels through my veins and arteries.

Just hope it doesn't suddenly explode and blows my heart…}

Right when I was thinking about that, a sudden sound woke me up from

my meditation.

[Congratulations! You found your core! Now you have found the proper

way to become a cheated wizard! Make it grow, child!]

[5pts. have been earned!]

The sudden windows did put a wide smile on my face. Thankfully, there

wasn't anyone in the room beside me.

"Status."-I murmured, kind of excited.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 1

Magic Stage: 1

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 5

Quests (New quest!)

Store (Now open for service! Look inside!)

Inventory (Size limit: 410oz/11.62kg)]

{Now, let's check the store!}

[Store! / 5pts

Spell Books (New!)

Wands/Rods (New!)

Runes (New!)

Vocations (News!)

General Items (New!)

Equipment (Sealed)

Spells (Sealed)]

{Spell Books}

[Spell Books (New!)

- Magic Spell Book (150pts)

- ???

- ???]

{… You crazy mother… *sigh…* That leaves my first Spell Book out…

Well, let's see the wands.}

[Wands/Rods (New!)

- Wand of Vortex (500pts)

- Snakebite Rod (500pts)

- ???

- ???]

"I should have expected this… *sigh…* Oh well… I won't even look at

other things for the moment…"-I murmur while closing the system. "For

the moments. I'll start trying to use some magic. If I'm not wrong, I

should be able to cast magic endlessly, after all, in Tibia you don't need a

wand to cast spells, just the incantation…"

And then I started. Looking inside my mind. Trying to see what spell I

could do.

{Exura, Utevo Lux, and all the Exoris are skills that need at least level

8… Though I could try to use mi- Of course!!! How did I forget that!}-I

thought, standing up from the bed.

"I could use Infir!"

[Congratulations! You're not that idiot after all! You remember the first

spell you can do! I hope that this discovery leads you towards new


[20pts. have been earned!]

"Nice. 25pts for now. 125pts to go!"

"Exura Infir."- I cast the spell, and a slight, almost imperceptible green

light, surrounded me, doing basically nothing, as I was not hurt in any


[Congratulations! You've successfully cast your first spell! You've proven

to the world you'll become the best wizard. Now go on, child! Teach

them the path of a true Sorcerer!]

[20pts. have been earned!]

[New quests available! Check them as soon as you can! You sure won't be


"105pts to go! Nice."

In the case of my magic power, I could feel how a little bit of it was used,

but a really small amount.

"It must be because the spell isn't strong enough…"-I murmur to myself. "I

guess that unless I make use of it daily until exhaustion, it won't help me

upgrade my ML too soon. Well, at least now I have something to start

with, and I'm only 1yo… This is going to be fun!"

Right after that, I cast the spell a few times, and something I discovered,

is that I could cast the spell continuously, something that can't be done

inside of normal Tibia. Excepting OTS of course.

"Oh well, I don't know how it will be for bigger spells, but at least, I can

cast spells without waiting for CD."-I said while looking at my hands,

which somehow gave me the thought that I'll be able to do whatever I

wish for! "Now. Let's check these new quests that the system talked


With that said. I prepared myself, both with the quests, and the training

with my spells. I'll make sure to get to ML 11 before I'm even 8 years old!


Had to edit the chapter. Terra Rod changed to Snakebite Rod (which is

the basic LVL 8 rod for Druids in the game)

CHAPTER 3 – Finally, real spells!


Four years have passed, and it was hell. Really. I never thought it would

be that hard to train my ML using such a low-level spell. I mean. I know

Lars said it won't be that easy… But never I thought it would be this


Though I guess that taking into account the fact I'm in a place with

almost no magic around, and that I'm using the lowest possible spell, and

that there're other ways to train ML such as hunting, fighting other

wizards and stuff, training like this isn't the most optimum way.

Apart from using Exura Infir, I could also start using another spell, but…

It wasn't anything much. I basically tested every possible combination

that came to my mind. Well, mostly with offensive spells, the one I could

discover was Exori Infir Vis, which's basically a small zap with electricity.

Not enough for hunting big things. But enough to stop someone from

hitting you, not that I tried, mind you.

Also… Something funny that I learned here. The effect your ML has over

your spell is easy to see.

In the game, while it did increase the damage, it wasn't as visible as here.

When I got to ML 8, I tried Exori Infir Vis and noticed that the spark that

it made was a little bigger, and I could feel it being stronger. Something

that would be able to knock out any muggle teen for a moment. Not that

I tried it on someone.

Well, getting back on track. Now I'm 5 years old. And apart from being at

the appropriate age to "go to school". I actually got my Magic Level to 8.

This means, now I'm able to use proper spells.

What spells would you ask? Well. Let's start with proper healing, a light

one, but proper indeed. That is. Exura. Quick class. 'Ex' Being the syllable

of "Instant action" and 'Ura' being the syllable to indicate "heal". So, it

could be translated to "Instant heal", which is basically what it is, an

instant spell to lightly heal oneself.

But it's not only healing. To the list of spells there's also the find person

spell or "Exiva", the luminous spell or "Utevo Lux" and finally, the

apprentice strike, or "Exori Min Flam" which is a more useful offensive

spell that is like a weak fire missile. Though I still have to test it in this

world. Not like I could actually do it inside the orphanage, or it would

start a fire…

Also, apart from leveling my magic level, I also did a few quests most of

them were about training or stuff, but nothing much. What was

interesting was that I almost get the first 150pts to buy my Magic Spell

Book. Which, for the moment, is my first priority when it comes to the

store. I'm only 20 points short.

Now, back at the present.

"Now… Let's see… Status."-I murmur while inside my room, hoping to

see something new inside the status screen now that I got my ML up to 8.

And lo and behold. Just as I thought, something new did appear. Or well,

almost new.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 8

Magic Stage: 1

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 130pts

Quests (New quest!)


Inventory (Size limit: 480oz/13.60kg)]

"Nice! New quests. I'm so close to having that magic book!"


New quests!

- Test the limits of your imagination. Train your new spell Utevo Lux!


- Start your journey as a pyromaniacal! Turn your first target to ashes

with the apprentice strike! (25pts.)

Quests done!

- Sense your magic core! The beginning of all cheated wizard!

- Launch your first spell! Prove to the world that you're capable!

- What's the first spell!? I'm such an idiot that I don't remember it! Work

brain, WORK!



I basically have no words…

{I can understand the first one… Trying a new spell… Even the other

one… If it wasn't for that description… Really… Just what's wrong with

this system?}

"Oh, well, let's go with the first quest…"-I said while looking towards the

door. All closed. All these years I've done one thing right. Getting

everyone away from me.

Really. Being in almost complete isolation, no kid wanted to play with

me now, and after a few years, all the caretakers here just learned to

leave inside my room with books. Well, everyone except for Isabella, but

she usually comes to fetch to go to dinner or stuff like that, and maybe

once or twice on the weekends to go out and walk a little.

With that said. Now I'm completely alone in my room. So, I just go under

my blankets to hide from any source of light and immediately chant.

"Utevo Lux"

Just as I chanted, a small orb of light appeared over my palm, floating.

But, weirdly, the system message alerting me of the completion of the

quest didn't come…

"What?"-I muttered unconsciously, still with the orb of light floating over

my hand. "What did go wrong? I just had to use the spell? Right?"

Seeing as nothing happened. I quickly went to check the quest again.

- Test the limits of your imagination. Train your new spell Utevo Lux!


{Test the limits of your imagination… Train your new spell…

Imagination? Train?}

In Tibia, a spell has a fixed function. It won't change no matter how you

write the spell, or if you do some kind of special action while using it.

{But… What if… Just… What if… Things worked differently here? I

mean… I already noticed how the power of the spells went up the more

my ML did. Like, an actual palpable difference…}

"Maybe… Spells weren't fixed here… Maybe I could actually do different

things with the same spell…"-I murmured, looking at the spell still bright

in my hand.

"… Disappear…"-I said, in hopes of extinguishing said orb of light that

constantly followed my hand. And indeed. Just as I willed it. The small

orb of light disappeared from my hand. "Ho… This could be great."

The reason why I was actually excited, is because you can't make the

spell disappear inside of the game. It has a fixed amount of time. It will

automatically disappear once said time's over.

But now. I willed it. So, this means, that the spells have mixed with the

magic of this world. And that would actually explain the phrasing of the

quest. It isn't conjuring the spell only. It's actually testing what I can do

with it. Using my imagination.

"Utevo Lux"-I incantated again, but this time. I raised my right index

finger in the air, focusing my attention on it while saying the incantation.

Immediately after. A small orb of light appeared right on top of my index

finger. And each time I moved the finger, the orb would follow it. After a

few moments, I started 'writing' in the air using the light's afterimage. It

was amazing. But I felt that it wasn't enough.

"What if…"-I muttered, while pointing my index finger towards the next

bed, thinking about the small orb of light going there. It did.

"Great!"-I shouted in a low voice. "This means that I'll be able to do more

things here than in Tibia…"

I understand why Utevo Lux is so easy to control. Once incantated, the

spell would be passive magic that would allow you to illuminate things

around you, without the use of constant mana. And this, here, translates

into a really easy-to-use spell, able to move as you will and illuminate

whatever you wish to.

"Now, it has become even more useful than lumus…"-I said while calling

the little orb of light back and canceling it. Just in time for an alert

message to appear in front of me.

[Congratulations! You've discovered the possibilities that this new world

brings to you and your magic! Not limited by the laws of a small world,

now you're able to create the path to true sorcery!]

[25pts have been earned.]

"…"-I just stared at the message that informed me of the completion of

the quest.

This now meant something. Not only did I discover new opportunities

and possibilities. But I also got enough to buy my first magic book.

CHAPTER 4 – My first magic book

Once I got enough points, I decided to make my first important move.

Buy my first magic book.

Why would it be so important?

Well. First of all. In the game. A magic book would register every usable

spell you had. So, it will give me a list of all those spells I could use, but

don't know of. The second reason is, that if what Lars said it's right. I

might be able to create my own spells with a magic book, how, I still

don't know. But, what matters, it's that it is possible.

Finally, and this is something that, at least for me matters now. They

increase your ML. In the original Tibia, the increase is minimum, so you

mostly went with shields instead of a spellbook. At most you could get

four more magic levels, though some of them did add a few special

attributes. But, in OTS, the amount could be higher, and the special

effects or attributes could be better.

Of course, it is always bonus ML, so it won't help you gain new spells in

this world where ML is the requirement to learn them.

Going back on track, here, in this new world, the magic books or spell

books might be as important to a Sorcerer as a wand to a wizard. With

that said, I now have my own spellbook. The basic one that appears in

the system's store.

[You have bought 'Magic Spell Book' for 150pts.]

[Quick tutorial for virgins! When you buy an item, it goes into your


"…"-I just looked at the message for a little while, before opening my

inventory, which I could access anytime with just willing it.

And just as the system said, in it, I could see an inventory system really

similar to Tibia's own inventory system, with the magic book's sprite

inside of it.

When I thought about taking it out, the icon disappeared and a light

appeared in front of me before transforming into a somehow big book, it

was approximately 26cm from top to bottom, and 23cm wide. It got a lot

of pages, at least two hundred of them, though it's not like I would count


The design of the book was pretty much the same one as in the game, but

like… In real life?

It was of a purple color, with a slight black decoration on the borders of

the cover and the back of the book. On the front-side, in the middle of a

completely purple-colored cover, was a Half-moon, and a cross hanging

from the top part of it with a little inclination towards the middle of the


Its cover was made of leather. Feeling amazing at the touch.

{Finally… Now… I'll be able to see what's inside this book after years of

seeing it.}-I thought while opening the book in the first book.

On the first page. It curiously had my name in the middle of the page,

and the words 'Magic Spell Book' under it.

"Huh, so it's kind of like a bound item? Oh well, it's also weird, the

original name should be only Spellbook. Guess, there's something

different with this one."-I said while turning the page.

"Now… This is amazing…"-I said while looking at the second page of the

book. It was the first spell I ever made. Magic patch. But… It wasn't just

the name of the spell with a little bit more information as I was

accustomed to the game.

There was complete research on the spell. From the name to the magic

syllables needed to incantate, and even what looks like some kind of

runes and some kind of small recreation of the spell. An explanation of

the actual spell and the research, and down at the end of the page the

magic core's stage necessary for its incantation, and also a number beside

it. 1. From what I can see, that should be the ML necessary for it to


Looking at the next page, I found the second spell I knew. Buzz. Again,

the same. The name, magic syllables, runes, a recreation of the spell, and

a description of it, along with the stage and the ML needed to use the


"Huh?"-turning the page. I saw another spell that I didn't know. Scorch,

an apprentice spell that makes a slight burn towards where you direct it.

The magic syllables were Exori Infir Flam Hur.

The only reason I couldn't actually use the spell before was because of the

"Hur" attached to it. It meant either "Wind" or "Augment". Using this

syllable would either spread your spell power, increasing its power and

range, or increasing either its speed or yours with the power of the wind.

"Now… While I would love to test this skill… Doing it here would burn

things… So, I better not."

With each passing page. I got to see each spell, from Exura to Utevo Lux.

And passing them, I got to see the more advanced spells that, for the

moment, I couldn't use. But… Sometime… Sometime in the future… I'm

sure I will be able to use each and every spell found in this book.

"Now, I need to keep this a secret…"-I closed the book and looked at the

front page. "Thankfully, I have a perfect way."

Looking at it, a simple thought made it disappear. Opening the inventory,

there it was. In the first and only occupied slot.

"Now that I think about hiding secrets… Wasn't there something I should

be careful about with my situation…?"-I ponder for a bit, and that's when

it comes to me.

"Of course! Lege… Lego… Legilimens! Those guys that can basically read

your mind and make disasters in there… Shit… I almost make a grave

mistake not thinking about it faster…"

[A new quest has been generated! Check it as soon as possible!]

A system message appeared. And just like it asked. I went directly

towards the quests' menu.


New quests!

- Start your journey as a pyromaniacal! Turn your first target to ashes

with the apprentice strike! (25pts.)

- Now that you've remembered something so important after five years,

it's time for you to start your training in occlumency (I better say it in

case you'll have to wait another five years just to remember it, consider it

a tip!). Start to close your mind towards outside interference, you idiot!


Quests done!


"… Now, seriously. It's this that fucker Lars' doing? Or it's the system that

likes to insult me?"

[It is me! The System!]

"… I shouldn't have asked."-I said while looking at the weird message that

appeared in front of me. "Now… How the heck do I train in

occlumency… In the movies, Snape only said something like 'Stop your

thoughts and don't let the enemies enter your mind'. So, it seems it's

something like sheer willpower and stuff… Well… I was always an

introverted person… Maybe that helps…"

Pondering for a little bit longer, I remembered that in the vast majority of

fanfics I read about Harry Potter, most of the protagonist merely did stuff

like 'reinforcing' their mind's space or mindscape, putting traps, fake

memories, fortified places, and things like that with the help of magic.

So, with the thought that I should first try to access this mindscape of

mine, I went to meditate, thinking about the hassle it would be for me to

actually learn occlumency.


Say, I have a question that's eating me alive. Incantate is an actual

word? I mean... Conjure works too... But, I've been using incantate,

like some kind of derivation or family word of incantation. Though

both Word and Grammarly marks it as an unknown word, so maybe

I'm just inventing words xD Also, I'll be uploading one or two chapters

more between today and tomorrow.

CHAPTER 5 – Time Skip (Part 1)


Two years have passed. Now I'm seven years, and, I'm proud to say that

I've made great advancements.

First of all, I got my own room! It seems that being left out by the other

kids got the matrons of the place think that it would be best for me to

have my own room, seeing as I'm some kind of genius and hoping for me

to reach a higher education with some help from the government.

Another thing that I found strange, was that there was no one adopting

from this place. For some weird reason, most of the older kids left once

they got 18yo, almost everyone working since being 16… It was a truly

sad thing to see… I mean, I was also an early orphan in my past life, but

the quality of the orphanage I went to was better in that aspect, and that

place was a hellish one… I guess it must be because of the time


Oh well, nothing that can be done for the moments.

The second thing was, my ML is already at 13! That's a whole five levels!

I thought it would be higher, but thankfully, it seems that learning new

spells out of the Magic Book will make it advance faster! And me having

more free time now since I have my own room also played a good thing

on it.

Not only did I meditate more, but I actually try a few more spells.

Though, mind you, I haven't started my way to being a pyromaniacal yet.

That's a quest I still have to accomplish.

For a little summary. I learned 6 different spells out of my spellbook.

Which are, magic rope, cure poison, energy strike, levitate, great light,

and terra strike.

Now, each and every one of them is amazing. But of all those, the two

that I actually loved more, were magic rope, and levitate.

The first, because, as the name suggested, magic rope or Exani Tera

allowed me to invoke a rope made of earth magic. In the game, it was

used for actually teleporting you up and out of caves in places with a

certain mark destined to the use of ropes. It was a truly limited spell. But

here? Things were different.

I could actually invoke a rope made of earth magic, and move it with my

will! At first, I felt like Spider-man, invoking the rope and grabbing stuff

from my room to then pull them towards me, or even hanging from a

little hole in the ceiling like the aforementioned superhero, things that

couldn't be done in the game. I won 20pts from a quest for doing that.

It was really incredible. But it has a falling point. While I can indeed

control it as I wish. It cost magic power for each second used. The

amount isn't that big, but when you go around grabbing things and stuff

for a continued time, with the magic power of a kid, it isn't rentable. Still.

It's a great skill if I somehow manage to transfigure the rope invoked. I

already imagined myself going Scorpion mode with that "Get over here!"


And with levitation… Well, who wouldn't like to actually levitate? Again.

This was totally different from the original game. In the game, you could

only go up or down one "floor" with the correct command.

Here. Things were different. You could actually levitate, commanding the

spell with your will, while magic power would be consumed depending

on the amount of time and the height. I got another 25pts from

experimenting with this spell.

Also, it isn't like flying, as the speed is really slow, basically a walking

speed. Maybe increasing the amount of magic power would make me go

faster, though, that wouldn't be even rentable for the moments, and

there're other ways to fly in this world, like brooms. Though I found a

great application, and that's the fact that I won't need to fear falling from

high places. I could just use the levitation spell, Exani Hur, to stop from

falling to my death. Trying this theory of mine got me 15pts thanks to a

quest called Leap of Faith minus the Hay.

Also, it seems there are some hidden quests, as they're not shown, but

whenever I complete or start one, I actually got the notification of having

discovered or completed a hidden quest, like that Leap of Faith minus the


The rest of the spells were mostly normal… magic? I mean… Exana Pox

was a spell to cure poisoning. Exori Vis was a more potent version of the

Exori Infir Vis, so it was like hitting your enemies with a stronger electric

shock. It could easily stun some adult muggles, again, not like I tried.

Then you have a greater version of the illumination spell, Utevo Gran

Lux, which you could think of it as Lumus Maxima. And, lastly, terra

strike or Exori Tera, that was basically like shooting a small earth missile

towards your enemies.

Finally, my last accomplishment, and probably the most important one,

was starting my way towards occlumency.

At first, it was hard. But after months I finally managed to empty my

thoughts and then use magic power to give life to my mindscape.

It was a small room. The room I was living in before dying. With a bed, a

drawer, and my most precious item, my monstrous PC. All information

was stored inside that PC. From my thoughts to my knowledge and

memories. The idea was actually given to me by the System. Looking at

how I need to search for specific things while inside of it. I got the

thought of using a PC system to store my information. It's not like people

here actually know how to use one…

After that, I started fortifying the room. You never know what could be

done or if they could actually destroy the PC to find the information they


I felt like I was in Inception, the movie, creating labyrinths out of a city,

with narrow streets, skyscrapers, and people that would work as some

kind of antivirus to detect and attack any intruder. Heck, I slowly started

to create a truly infamous labyrinth-like city, and even put five more

rooms like the true one around the city.

I didn't know if that was enough, what little information I had about this

thing was from fanfics and a little description from the movie. But I guess

I was on the right way, as I could accomplish the quest of starting my

training in occlumency, netting me 35pts.

Another thing that I noticed, was that I had a better memory thanks to

the occlumency training. Not like eidetic memory, but I sure learned


I haven't tried to create new spells, but I'll try to do it before getting to

Hogwarts, though, first, I'll get my ML as higher as I can in the remaining

4 years.

*knock knock*

While I was thinking about these two years, someone knocked on my


"Come in!"-I shouted while putting my Magic Spell Book back in my


"Good morning Logan, how are you feeling today?"-Isabella asked while

entering my room.

It was 7:00 AM in the morning, an hour before breakfast started. It wasn't

weird for Isabella to actually come looking for me at this time, as in her

own words: "I could oversleep or lose time while reading some book."

It's not actually a lie, I did miss a few classes in the morning for reading

books I deemed would be necessary for the future, like anatomy,

astronomy, advanced mathematics, and things like that. If I don't

remember wrong, some classes in Hogwarts are similar to those.

"Hi Miss Isabella, good morning. I'm doing fine today. It's the breakfast

ready?"-I ask her.

"No, it still isn't, but it will be in an hour or so. I came to check if you

weren't oversleeping or losing yourself in some book."-She said.

"No, I'm not Miss Isabella, I woke up early, and I already finished the

books I asked from Madam Lily last time… I got no new books to read


"Oh? Is that so? Well, try to look for something else, if you don't find

anything, tell me, I'll try to get some book you may like."-She said with a

smile. "Also, change your clothes as soon as you can, so you'll be ready

for breakfast. You have classes today too, don't skip them, even if you

already know what we teach to kids your age. You still can share some

time with the other kids, at least until you have a sufficient age to go to a

proper high school."-She said with a sad tone.

You see, she's been trying to send me to some high school since she

learned I knew everything that could be taught in an elementary school.

But it seems there's no place for mongrels like me. I still don't know if it's

a problem of this particular orphanage, or if it's like that everywhere else

in this place.

Though, don't mind me. I'm glad about that. After all, I have more time

to focus on my magic training, occlumency training, and all that's stuff.

There are just 4 years until Hogwarts letter arrives. And I'll make what I

can until then.

"Thanks, Miss Isabella! But you know the other kids don't like me… So, I

better stay here reading."-I said with a smile.

"Nonsense. It's just that they can't understand you. But I'm sure that once

they know you better, you'll be able to fit in perfectly."-It seems she took

my smile as a sad one because she tried to give me some motivation.

{*sigh…* It seems I'll have a hard time convincing her… Well, It's just for

a few hours. Nothing bad to go out of the room for a little, at least until I

can convince her. I also should start training my body, maybe doing laps

in the garden and a basic training here in my room.}

"Okay Miss Isabella… I'll try to get friendly with the other kids…"-I

answer her.

"Great! Now, change yourself. We'll be having breakfast soon, don't forget

to come to the dining room!"-She says while going out of my room and

closing the door behind her.

"*sigh…* Just 4 more years, and I'll be able to truly begin my adventure

in this world…"

CHAPTER 6 – Time Skip (Part 2)

It's finally my last year. Next year, my letter would surely come. Right

now, I'm 10 years old. It's 1988, and in the last three years, I've been

preparing as much as I could. If I say so myself, I think I've made quite

the improvement.

{Utevo Lux}-I thought, and immediately, a small light orb appeared in

front of my hand. After a little thought, the orb started floating over a

book I was reading, while it also diminished the light it was giving, so it

illuminated only the book I was reading, and nothing else.

I learned this little trick of diminishing the potency of the light while I

was trying to come with different ways of using the illumination spell.

What's more. I also learned that I could incant some spells without

actually saying them. More like, I just had to think of it. But I'm not able

to use all the spells like that. Mostly just a few utility ones. Among all my

spells, for the moments, I'm only able to chanteless incant the

illumination spell, the magic rope, and the lower ones like magic patch,

scorch, and buzz.

I guess it has to do with my amount of magic power, or in my case, my

Magic Level. Which, by the way, went all the way up to 19. And, how?

You might ask. Well, I got a small catch to it. And that is. That using one

spell continuously isn't the secret. I mean. In many OTS I would just put

the spell with a higher amount of mana requirement and start casting it

again and again and again. Each time I wasted mana; my Magic Level

experience would go up.

But. Here, it worked differently. It's not about using magic power. It's

about mastering spells. The more spells I learn and know how to use. The

more my ML would increase.

For example. Using Utevo Lux multiple times wouldn't be any better than

using it, and learning how to control the amount of power that goes into

the spell. If any, it would be even worse, as learning a new trick with

Utevo Lux would help me increase more my Magic Level.

In a certain way, it sure makes more sense to increase your Magic Level

understanding your spells, that brainlessly incanting them. This is why,

using different spells would help me get more ML, and learning new

tricks with them, makes it even better.

The only problem is… With my attack spells, or those that are too

noticeable, like the levitation one. I barely have any chance to test them.

As using them in my room is dangerous, and using them outside would

attract attention from everyone.

So, I have to wait for times where there's no one. Like that time when I

escaped my room to try using the levitation spell to go over the roof, and

then make a leap of faith as if I was some kind of assassin.

What's worse. The more my level increases, the more dangerous or

noticeable the spells become… My new list of spells include:

Poison Field Rune or Adevo Grav Pox. A rune-making spell that allows

you to create a field of poison, which I haven't been able to use for a few

reasons. Including the fact that I'm saving as many points as I can for the


Then I have the flame strike, the ice strike, and the death strike. All the

same type of spell as both Exoris I had before. You just have to change

the element for Flam, Frigo, or Mort, and you got yourself a nice spell.

Again. I haven't tried them. Well, except for Exori Mort, which I tried one

night outside in the garden… It was an amazing, and also fearful

experience, it shot a black missile that somehow resembled smoke. It hit

a small patch of flowers and the ones that were impacted… Died… They

withered. I don't know if it would instantly kill someone… But I'm not

going to test it either…

Heck… I even remembered the rune making spell called Instant Death

Rune… If it works as its name implies in this world… That would as well

be the counterpart of Avada Kedavra. And it isn't the only spell that

would surely be considered dark magic…

Going back to the spells I learned, there are also the Fire Field Rune and

the Energy Field Rune, which are the same as the Poison Field Rune, and

thus, have the same problem. Another problematic spell is the Light

Magic Missile Rune and the Destroy Field Rune. Both have the problem

of requiring a blank rune to use it. And as I said, I'm saving my points,

making it impossible to buy a blank rune from the store.

There were four more spells that I was able to use. These ones don't

require a rune. But from them, one was even more dangerous. Fire Wave

or Exevo Flam Hur, a particular spell that creates a fire wave. I haven't

tried it yet… But I'm pretty sure that if I get to use it here, London would

have one building less in the worst-case…

This finally leaves me with three spells that I'm able to use worry-free.

Well, two and a half spells.

The first one is 'Utani Hur' or Haste spell, which is kind of great. The

spells use the wind's power to increase my speed. Allowing me to run

faster than even an adult. I haven't tested it too much yet, but from what

I've learned, I can also decrease the augment of speed that it gives me

using less magic power.

And finally. The most useful one, or at least I think so. It's Utamo Vita.

This is just a beautiful spell. It forms a magic power shield around you,

and whenever something hits you, it would decrease your magic power

instead of your own health.

In this world, though, it indeed creates a slim transparent film around

your body, almost undetectable if it wasn't for the magic power

undulating on it. Once cast, the shield stayed for tens of minutes until it

disappeared on its own.

Trying to test the spell, I grabbed a knife and tried to cut my skin. But I

didn't feel any kind of pain. At much, what I did feel was my magic

power fluctuating. Meaning that it decreased a little bit, though, not that

much to be noticed.

I mean… It's kind of understandable, after all, I used a knife and it was

only trying to cut my arm, so the damage isn't that big. But was the only

thing close to me which I could use for the moments.

Finally. The last spell, was kind of like a half spell… As it was only a

cancelation spell, Exana Vita, that cancelled the Utamo Vita spell, making

the magic shield disappear at my order.

All in all, I had to test the spells I knew again and again, trying to learn

new forms of using them, like for example, dual casting, using other

spells while using the levitation spell. I'm glad to say, that I could do it.

Of course, I only could after a lot of time training. As I had to command

the levitation spell at the same time I cast another spell, so it was really

hard to do. And until a few days ago, it was impossible to make

modifications to spells like the illumination one while levitating, as I

would have to control two spells at the same time, so I had to conform

with small modifications at the moment.

I also tried it with the haste spell and the magic shield. But since they

were both pretty passive skills, it wasn't that hard as with the levitation

spell. You just incant them, and you're free to do other things, they would

do other stuff.

My great discovery was using both the levitation spell and the haste spell,

as it would actually increase my speed. Not that much, but if before I was

walking, now I was trotting. Though my vertical speed did increase a lot,

so I could get to higher places faster.

When it came to occlumency. Well. I made advancement. First. I have to

add that occlumency was added inside my Magic Book.

I don't know how it works. But one day while I was restructuring a few

things in my mindscape, a system message appeared.

[A new spell has been added into your Magic Spell Book]

And yes. I can see them inside my mindscape too. But, that's not

important. What it is, is that I hastily took out my spellbook and opened

it all the way towards the last used page. Right beside the last spell, a

new one was being carved with light.

First was the name, all the way on the top. Occlumency.

When I read the name. I was shocked. First, because it was a waste.

Occlumency… What would that be useful for when I already know how

to use it? But then… The magic page filled completely, and I was

flabbergasted. Not only some weird runes appeared around the

representation of the spell, which was a face with eyes closed and a

padlock on the forehead.

It also has a description and what I think is my 'Investigation' on the

subject. Things I've discovered while practicing, and a few details I knew

as a fact from the movies.

Then, came another surprise.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! Register a new spell

into your Magic Spell Book! Build the foundations for making new


[100pts have been earned!]

Not only did I complete a hidden quest. It gave me a nice number of

points! Which, in combination with a number of quests I've been

completing these three years, left me with a total of 215pts. Almost half

of the necessary amount to buy my first wand.

Then. Going back to my practice in Occlumency. First. I not only made a

bigger city than before, kind of the size of New York but also put inside a

lot of security. Not only civilians, little by little I started including other

forces. From Stormtroopers to monsters and magicians from different

games. I even added a military airport.

All around the city, I constructed a big wall, with turrets, archery towers,

sniper towers, and a lot more things. I also constructed a magic dome

around. It was like the shield that appeared around Hogwarts in the last

movie of Harry Potter.

That was like the outer core. Out of it. I finally could make a set of fake

memories within this orphanage. Things like me reading books, or having

dinners, or just attending to classes. I even falsified some memories of me

playing with other kids. It was all to confuse those that came inside my

mind to look for my memories. All this training also gave me a really

great memory. Not eidetic, but still a great one.

Now, the last thing that I did during these three years, was physical

training. I started to run in the garden every morning at 6:00 AM when

all the other kids were sleeping. And in the night, before going to the

bathroom, I started doing some exercise, push-ups, sit-ups, abdominals,

and whatever came into my mind. The rest of the day it was either

reading new books or training my spells to increase my ML.

"Now… Just one year left until I can get to Hogwarts. Once that happens,

I'll be able to move freely here and there. Learning more spells from the

books needed for classes, increasing, even more, my ML, and probably

completing more quests in the castle to finally get my own Wand of

Vortex."-I talked with my mind on the future.

"Though… If I'm being honest… It would probably be better for me to

start with the wand I'll get from Ollivander's… That way I may use the

points to buy a few blank runes… Well, I'll think about it once I have the

wand I'm supposed to get in this world. For these months that are left, I

should keep working out and increasing my knowledge."

{Also… I should probably make a list of whatever I can remember from

the movies and the fanfics I read of Harry Potter… And write down

important facts that could be useful…}

With that last thought, I turned off my illumination spell, sent my Magic

Spell Book into my inventory, and went to sleep.

CHAPTER 7 – Time Skip (Part 3)

*knock, knock, knock*

"Mm?"-I was reading an anatomy book when someone knocked on my

door. "Come in!"

"Hi, Logan."-Said one of the caretakers of the orphanage. "Isabella is

calling for you… She's in the receiving area."

"Oh, all right, thanks Ma'am."-I answered the fairly old caretaker before

standing up and walking out of the room.

I went all the way to the receiving area, which was only a small room

with a few couches and around a circular table, where people could sit to


It was normally used for the truly small cases of people coming here to


{This is weird… Why would Miss Isabella call me there?}-I thought

before knocking on a wooden door on the first floor of the orphanage.

"Miss Isabella, it's me."-I called to her.

"Oh, Logan, come in!"

Without wasting any time, I opened the door and go inside the room,

only to be surprised with who was there with Miss Isabella.

Sitting across from her, was the one and only Minerva McGonagall. The

movie's version really made her some justice. She's identical. It was

impossible for me not to recognize her the moment I entered the room…

"Mm… Why did you call for me, Miss Isabella?"-I ask the caretaker while

closing the door behind me. Trying not to look too much at Minerva.

"Well, come sit here beside me. There's someone here who would love to

talk to you."- Isabella smiled at me while pointing to the couch beside


"Oh… Okay…"-I said while walking towards the coach and sitting there.

"Mm… May I ask who she is?"

"Well. This here is Madam McGonagall; she came here today to give you

an invitation letter. From a school."-Said Isabella while presenting


"Hello, Mr. Taylor. I've heard good things of you."-She said to me.

"Mm. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss McGonagall."-I answer shortly.

"Well, may we have some space so we can talk about his acceptance to

Hogwarts?"-She asks towards Isabella.

"Sure! No problem. If you need anything, I won't be far, so you can just

call for me."-Isabella said while going out of the room.

"Well."-Minerva said before taking out her wand and making a few

movements with it around while mumbling something. "I guess we can

now talk with calm."-So she says.

"What do you mean?"-I said, hiding the fact that I could perceive the

change in the environmental magic, an ability that I discovered when my

ML increased to 20.

"Well, first of all, Mr. Taylor. Hogwarts it's a special school. Not

something that anyone can go."

"What does make it a special school?"

"It's a school for witches and wizards."-She says with a smile. "People

with the ability to do magic."

{I'm a Sorcerer… Does that count?}-I thought to myself, chuckling a little

in my mind.

"So… I'm that? A wizard, I mean."-I ask her.

"Exactly, Mr. Taylor. You're a wizard."-She answers. "Tell me, haven't you

noticed strange things happening around you? Things impossible for

other kids that you can't explain?"

{Oh… The tricky question… Well, apart from rage-quitting life, some

kind of 'Greater' demon appearing and sending me here with an asshole,

Dark Lord-wannabe system, and me being able to use spells from a 2D

game and stuff, nothing abnormal happened to me.}

"Yes… There have been some things that were… impossible to explain…"


"I can make things {myself} levitate sometimes {whenever I want}.

Also… Sometimes, I can turn on the lights {summoning some shining

orb} just thinking about it… {Thank god, or demon, for my chanteless

incant} Things… would also come to me sometimes {whenever I wish

for}, with only moving my arm {and summoning a magic rope}. Are

those… Things a wizard can do?"-I ask, trying to put my best pondering-


"Oh, indeed. They're sure things any wizard can do. And going to

Hogwarts will teach you how to control that power you carry in your


{I doubt it. But it sure will help me increase it.}

"Then… What do I have to do to attend that place?"-I ask.

"Well, for starters, you'll have to buy all the things you'll need for school.

Everything on the list here in this letter."-Minerva said as she handed me

a letter.

{It's weird… If I'm not mistaken… The letter should've arrived before

even Minerva came to look for me.}-I thought while grabbing the letter.

It was made of some kind of parchment, with dark green letters, opening

it, I could find what should be my acceptance letter.

[Mr. Logan Taylor

Roadside Orphanage

Elephant and Castle


Dear Mr. Taylor,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Terms begin on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July


Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress]

The letter had more things written on it, but I didn't care about it. Also,

inside there was another parchment, that had everything that I would

need for my first year.

"Oh… But Ma'am… Where can I find all these things? I don't know where

to buy these books, or the cauldron, or the wand…"-I said while reading

the list of things I need to take there. "Also… I'm sure you know this…

But I don't have the money to buy any of this…"

"Do not worry about that Mr. Taylor. I'll be your guide and take you

somewhere you'll be able to buy all of that. Also, about the money,

Hogwarts will help you with the payment needed for the required list of

books and equipment, so you don't have to worry about it."-She said with

a smile.

"I guess it's okay then… So, when would we go to buy all these things?"

"In two weeks. I still have a few things to do Mr. Taylor, so I'm afraid I

won't be able to look for you before then. So, for the moments, I hope

you can wait patiently for these two weeks."-She says while standing up.

"It's okay Ma'am, I'll wait."-I said while following her and standing up.

"Well, excellent then, I'll talk with the ones responsible for you, I think

she was called Isabella, am I right? She seemed to like you pretty much,

so I'm sure she would be delighted to hear about your acceptance into the


"She would know too? That, I'm a wizard?"-I ask while lifting my

eyebrow, genuinely curious about it.

"Oh no, not for the moments Mr. Taylor. You see, we of the wizarding

world are forbidden to reveal our magic to muggles."

"Muggles?"-If you're playing. You better play it all the way.

"Non-magical people, Mr. Taylor. That's how they're called in our world.

With that said, I expect that you won't tell your caretaker, or any muggle

for that matters, about Hogwarts' real identity, unless you get permission

for it."-She says somewhat sternly.

"Don't worry, professor, I'll keep the secret. Though I'm curious, what will

you tell them? About the school."

"That would be easy, Mr. Taylor. I just need to tell them the truth, that

you're going to a somewhat special school for special people like you.

Which, from what I've heard about you, won't come as a surprise to

them, right?"-She says while smiling and lifting one eyebrow.

{Must be talking about that genius parade about me.}

"Yes… You're right Ma'am…"-I finally said.

"Well, if you would excuse me, I would like to finish my conversation

with Miss Isabella, and I'll be coming to look for you in two weeks, that

is, June 26th. Monday, I'm sure a great way to start the week, wouldn't

you agree, Mr. Taylor?"

"Yes, Ma'am. I do agree."-I said. "Then, I'll take my leave and I'll go call

Miss Isabella here, Ma'am."-I said, while slightly bowing towards her.

Don't get me wrong. I do respect her, and every teacher in that school, or

at least, the main ones. Including Snape, even if his teaching method isn't

actually a good one. So, this show of respect isn't only a mere act.

After that, I went out, called for Miss Isabella, and went towards my

room. It seems like my plans are starting in two weeks.

First. I have to say that once I get my own wand from Ollivander's, I'll

make a few tests. I know that normally you wouldn't need a wand to

incant spells from Tibia. But maybe there'll be some effect once I have my


Depending on the results, I'll postpone the idea of getting a wand from

the system's store, and focus the points on other things, like buying blank

runes so I can finally make my own runes. I'm insanely curious about

them, and how they work here.

Then, I plan on training my ML to get into stage 2. Which should make

me as powerful as the teachers of the school, taking out Dumbledore, of

course. At least when it comes to my magic core. About dueling and

using magic to fight, well, I guess I'll have to train that.

For both things, increasing my ML and learning to duel, I'm planning of

making full use of the Room of Requirements or so-called RoR. That

space will basically let me use and train every spell I have in my arsenal,

make runes, practice new magic from this world, and even give me a

chance to train my dueling with the dueling puppets in there. So, that

will be a sure way to get my ML over 33 in a short time.

And talking about my ML, right now it got to 21. It's still not much, but

with even fewer spells to practice, it's kind of hard to get it to increase

more than once… And one of them was even because I turned 11…

So, with that said, I acquired new spells to use, which is even the reason I

could get my ML to 21.

So, the first two, the only ones I could use, are Strong Haste or Utani

Gran Hur, and Intense Healing or Exura Gran. Both of them are pretty

obvious. The first being a more powerful version of the haste spell, and

the latter being a more powerful version of the light healing spell. Now, I

don't know exactly how much I can heal myself with that spell, but I'm

pretty sure I don't want to test my limits here. Maybe once I'm inside the

RoR I'll try to use them.

Then, finally, the last spell was recently learned, and it was the

Disintegrate Rune Spell, Adito Tera, a spell that's able to disintegrate any

inanimate object that it hits. Sadly, I haven't tested it here, because I

haven't made any rune, but… Once I test it. I'll be able to have a clear

vision of what I'm able to do with it.


After talking with Minerva for the first time, I waited the next two weeks

just reading, or practicing with my newest spells, though, there wasn't

too much to do, as they were pretty much simple to understand, and I

wasn't going to hurt myself in the orphanage just to test the limits of the

intense healing spell.

With that said. Now's the day. Today is June 26th, and here I am,

walking with Minerva towards the famed Leaky Cauldron, the only

known entrance in the muggle side of the world, at least for me.

"Now, Mr. Taylor."-Said Minerva while we were entering the Leaky

Cauldron. "This place here is undetectable by muggles, and it's called the

Leaky Cauldron, it's the entrance to the magical side of the world here in

London. Whenever you must go to the place we're currently going, you

just have to come here."-She said while we passed through the currently

empty place, as it was really early in the morning, only saying hello to

what I assume if the innkeeper Tom and another wizard who I don't

know at all.

After that, we got to a chilly courtyard at the rear side of the place, and

there, McGonagall tapped three times a brick, which then started to

move, as all the wall suddenly started reorganizing itself to show a path.

Once we went through, we got into the most famous and popular alley of

all fans of Harry Potter. The Diagon Alley.

"Welcome to the Diagon Alley, Mr. Taylo, here, you'll be able to find

everything and anything a young wizard or witch, would need. So, do

you have the list of necessary things with you?"-She asks while walking

inside the place. But I didn't pay any attention to her.

"…"-I was stupefied, looking all around me, towards all the different


Looking at everything you saw in a movie or read in a book come to life

in front of you. That, for sure, should be one of the most spectacular

things that could happen to you.

{Now I know why people would pay insane amounts of money to get into

Disneyland, Universal Studios, or any of those thematic parks.}-I thought

to myself while looking around me.

"Mr. Taylor?"-At least until I hear Minerva's voice once again.

"Oh, oh right! The list. Yes… I have it with me, Ma'am."-I said towards

my soon-to-be professor while taking the list out of my pants' pockets.

"So… Where do we start?"-I ask while reading the list.

"Well, first, we need to get you dressed as a wizard, Mr. Taylor."-Said

McGonagall. "So, come with me. I know just the perfect place for that."-

She then started to walk.

And I followed her. Looking at her back and thinking how I'll be able to

finally start my journey in a few months. And today will be the day I'll

start preparing myself for that.

{Voldemort. Dementors. The bitch Umbridge. Shitty pure-blood wizards.

Bad werewolves like Greyback. All of you… I'll teach you, what a

cheating sorcerer can do in this world. And just wait, because that's just

the beginning.}-I thought to myself while following behind professor



I was planning on updating this earlier, but I wanted to publish it with

the chapter of my other story. And I finished that one kind of late... So,

here it is! The final chapter of the Time Skip. And the true start of the

journey. Thanks for reading, and any feedback would be well

appreciated! Also, I'll leave some pics of the letter of acceptance in the

comments, as I can put them inside the chapter, sadly.

CHAPTER 8 – Picking my wand

I went behind professor McGonagall, who took me first towards Madam

Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

There, after telling them I was from Hogwarts, they measured me and

sold me the necessary clothes for Hogwarts, including the gloves made

from dragon-hide. It was, in some way, a hellish experience, getting fitted

into my robes felt oddly weird.

Getting out of there, professor McGonagall then took me to buy some

books. Now, the thing is, I asked if I could buy a few more books apart

from those that are on the list, as I was planning to read as much of this

world as I could.

For one, it would help me increase my ML with more spells and

theoretical knowledge I could use to experiment with my spells, and also

because I truly want to read everything I can from this world.

Everything's so new, that it just seems amazing to be able to look into

something I just saw in movies and fanfics.

"Well… You see, Mr. Taylor, Hogwarts, lends money to those that need

it… So, while it could be done, it will be in the condition of a loan. And

while it does almost no interest rate, it does exist. With that said, are you

sure you would like to ask for more money for your loan?"


{Well… I could actually ask for a loan… Then go to Gringotts, being a

bank they for sure should have some investment program, even for

muggles' companies… With that said… There're a few companies that I'll

be able to invest in and get a lot of money in return… Well, that sounds a

great plan.}

"Ma'a… Professor McGonagall, when would I need to pay for the said

loan?"-I ask her after pondering for a bit.

"Well, Mr. Taylor, we in Hogwarts, don't expect that an 11yo child like

you would be able to work to pay for the loans immediately. So… I

would say, that you have time, a lot of time, to pay for that loan, as you

would first need to find a job either in the muggle world or our world to

start paying the loan."

"Well… Then I would like to ask for a loan… To buy as many books as I

can…"-I said to her.

"Very well. But first. I do recommend you, Mr. Taylor, that you buy those

books that you need first, then, we should go and buy the rest of your

required equipment, only then, you should be able to buy those books

you want so much. Would that be okay?"-She asks.

"Yes, it's fine for me, professor."-I finally agree. After all, I'll get to buy

more books than needed. Though I don't know what are the books for the

other years apart from those on the first one, and that's thanks to me

receiving the actual letter, so I'll have to check once there in case I can

find anything useful.

After that, we went everywhere buying things, except for a mascot. As it

wasn't obligatory. Until we finally got inside the final destination. THE

Ollivanders' shop. Now, I was awestruck when I first entered. The place

looked old as hell, probably to add to their "Makers of fine wands since

382 B.C.". Which, honestly, was strange, as well… That's even before

witch hunts even happened… Heck… Jesus wasn't born, so saying they

had a long history was selling it short. That's more of two whole


This time, I entered by myself, while Minerva told me that this was kind

of a special ritual for every 11yo child, so it would be better for me to go

in alone.

"Hello…?"-I called.

"Can I help you?"-A voice asked behind me.

"MOTHERFU-!!!"- I shouted out of surprise, almost breaking my whole

11yo acting. "You scared me!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just walking towards my store's counter, when I saw

you standing there calling for, who I assume, should be me. Garrick

Ollivander."-Said an old man with a disheveled face full of white hair.

What's more intriguing, are his eyes, as they seem to look through your

own soul, with a somewhat faint light running through them.

The guy's ghastly as hell…

"Mm… I'm here to buy a wand…"-I said, almost murmuring, while he

looked directly at my eyes.

"Oh, perfect. I love to help a wand find its new owner. And… I have the

feeling that you won't be that easy to match with a wand, Mr…"

"Taylor, Logan Taylor."

"Excellent, Mr. Taylor, come here to the counter and wait for me."-

Ollivander finally said as he went behind the counter and started to look

among the hundreds or thousands of wand cases stocked in the shop.

"Well, let's start with this one first. Yew, dragon's heartstring, 10,5 inches,

rigid."-He said as he gave me the wand.

"Mm… What do I do with this?"-I asked.

"Just agitate it."-He said with a smile.

After doing it, nothing happened.

"Oh… Well, guess it's not the one for you, Mr. Taylor."-Says Ollivander as

he retrieves the wand, before going towards the back of his store.

We went testing wand after wand, but not even one of those did

anything, being a show that it wasn't matched for me.

{Oh, man… I wanted them to make things blow like in the movie… Who

would know that they wouldn't do anything…?}-I thought to myself

while giving back to Ollivander the wand number 35.

"Well… this is certainly a surprise… I do love a good challenge… But, it's

surprising that not even one of these wands matched with you, Mr.

Taylor… And I'm afraid, that if that's the case… There's not much I can

do for you… Except maybe, creating a wand only for you…"-He says

while pondering for a little while looking at me with his hand rubbing his

chin. "Still… Let me try one more wand, but I wouldn't set my hopes up

yet, Mr. Taylor, as this wand has been in the family for a really, really

long time, and it hasn't found its match yet."-Said Ollivander before going

all the way to the back of the store and disappearing from sight.

{Shit… I wanted a phoenix feather or a dragon heartstring wand… I don't

really know about the other stuff like the wood or the flexibility. Heck, I

would prefer a rod or a staff…}

While thinking about it, Ollivander came with a really old case. It was

made out of a jet-black wood, full of dust and with no name on top of it,

totally different from every case that he has brought here.

"Now, Mr. Taylor. This wand… It's particularly hard to find a match… It's

been on the family for a thousand years, maybe even more than that…

It's made of acacia wood, has 13 inches, and great flexibility. Its core,

though, it's one of the most difficult ones to work with, rare as no other

in this store, and even extremely hard to find outside, except for basilisk's

horn, of which only one wand existed in all history. The core I'm talking

about is thestral tail hair."-He said while giving me the wand.

For the first time, I felt the wand warm, not like the other ones I've

tested. Holding it, the feeling of agitating it just came to my mind, as an


I did it in a trance, and my spell Utevo Lux activated, right in front of the

wand, I didn't even incant the spell in my mind, it just appeared. As to

how I know it was that particular spell, well, I've used it hundreds of

times trying to figure out new ways of using it. Of course, I'll recognize it.

Moving the wand, and along with my will, the spell started to circle all

around the shop, until I got out of the trance that caught me while

holding the wand and turned it off. Turning then to look at Ollivander.

"Amazing… Truly amazing… In all my years, I haven't seen such a

reaction from a wand… It seems, Mr. Taylor, that you have found your

ideal partner."-He says as he looks between me and the wand. "And… It

somehow, matches you perfectly… Which is something really hard,

considering not only the material but the history said wand had in my

family. I'm pleased to see that a thousand years of not finding an owner,

are finally over for this particular wand. Also…"-He then looked straight

at my eyes. "I'm hoping great things from you, Mr. Taylor… That wand,

for sure, won't choose just any wizard or witch, of that, I'm totally

certain."-He says.

"…"-I just looked at the wand.

{Well, in a certain sense, I'm indeed unique… As more than being a

wizard, I would be better called a sorcerer for the moments…}-I thought

while looking at my wand.

"Kuhum… It will be 7 galleons, Mr. Taylor. Though, maybe we can make

a deal, and get it as low as 5, if you compromise to come here each year.

You see… Wands change and grow alongside their user, and I'm truly

excited to see how this wand will grow. What do you say?"

"I accept, Mr. Ollivander."-I said while taking out five galleons.

"Magnificent!"-He exclaimed while taking the five galleons from my

hand. "It sure was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Taylor. And I hope to see

you here the next year."

"It was a pleasure, sir. Now, I'll be leaving."-I said, before turning to


"Oh, wait, Mr. Taylor. Here, take this as a parting gift. From an

Ollivander who finally got to sell one of the deemed impossible wands."-

He said while giving me a wand holster of a silvery-blue color, the

perfect size for my wand. "It's made from dragon hide, from a Swedish

Short-Snout Dragon, to be precise. I hope you like it."

"Yes, I like it."-I said while looking at my new holster, before putting the

wand inside of it and strapping it on my arm. "I like it very much, Mr.

Ollivander. Thanks for it! Now, I'm leaving!"

"Good luck, Mr. Taylor, though, luck is not something you'll be needing

much. Of that I'm sure."-He said with an enigmatic smile.

Once outside, I found professor McGonagall waiting for me.

"What took you so long, Mr. Taylor?"-She asked once she saw me.

"It was hard finding a matching wand, Professor McGonagall. I had to test

a lot of wands until I finally found my own. And Mr. Ollivander also

gifted me this holster."-I said while pointing at the holster on my arm.

"Oh, it sure should be a special wand if it took you so long for Ollivander

to actually match a wand to you. And it was such a nice gift, to give you

that beautiful holster. You can consider yourself lucky, Mr. Taylor."-She

said while smiling. "Now, you already know where everything is, right?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall."

"I guess you'll like to take your time watching through the books while

buying, so why don't you go by yourself, while I wait for you inside the

Leaky Cauldron? I'll bring your stuff with me, so you can go with ease."

"Thank you, professor."-I slightly bow to her.

"Well, here you go. For now, I'll lend you 50 galleons, which I think

would be more than enough for you to buy anything you may need. Am I


"Thank you, professor, it will be enough for sure."-I said to her while

taking the small bag.

"Then, I'll be waiting for you in the Leaky Cauldron."-Professor

McGonagall said before leaving. Taking my stuff with her to the Leaky



Got this chapter ready before going to sleep! So, why not upload it!?

Here it is. Finally, he got his first wand, and in a hit of surprise, the

wand invokes the illumination spell after putting our MC in a trance!

Also, any miss information (of canon and stuff) you find, please tell

me! Thanks for reading, and any feedback you may have.

CHAPTER 9 – Platform 9¾

After I went separate ways with professor McGonagall, I first went

towards Gringotts. And right in the entrance, what I could find was the

mythical and always mentioned warning to the thieves.

[Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So, if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.]

To be honest… I'll probably be able to enter here and steal when I got

more power. Not like I will try, there are other ways to gain money.

But… Just in case, it would be good to have a plan or two…

Going inside the place. I could see a long corridor, with a lot of goblins

right and left. They were writing things, weighing things, and some of

them even reading things. I went towards one of the goblins.

"Mm… Hello, sir."-I started, a little bit afraid of his appearance, but you

have to understand me, they're ugly as hell…

"Yes, what may I do for a kid like you?"-Asked the gobbling with a

slightly angry face, probably for interrupting him from whatever he was


"I would like to know where I can make an investment in muggle

companies, and ask if I can open an account here…"

"Well… First of all, to make an investment, you'll need to first own a

vault here. In which case, you'll have to go there, with that other

gobbling at the end of the corridor. He could help you with it. After that,

you'll be able to make an investment, exchanging first galleons for

pounds, and deciding in which stock you would like to invest. Though let

me be clear with this, and Gringotts won't be held responsible for any

loss the wizard, or witch, may incur while investing in muggle

companies. With that understanding, you may proceed towards the end

of the corridor, little wizard."-Said the goblin with a somewhat sneering

face, though… To be honest, it's kind of hard to differentiate between

their expressions…

"Thanks, sir."-I said my thanks and walked all the way towards the end of

the corridor, where I could see some goblin that really resembled the one

that attended Harry Potter and Hagrid the first time, they came to

Gringotts, and an old goblin with white hair around a bald top of the


"Mm… Hello sir, I would like to know if there's a way for me to open a

vault to make an investment…?"-I ask.

"Well, well, Mr…"

"Taylor, Logan Taylor."

"Well, Mr. Taylor, the thing is… We can't provide you with a vault until

you reach a certain age, which I'm sure you'll know is 17yo. With that

said, we can provide a trust vault, which could be used for investment,

but all investment will go through us, here at Gringotts. With 5% of the

winnings going to us. If that's clear, you may be able to invest in muggle

companies, and also, wizard business. It's that okay with you?"

{… Heck… That's a shitty arrangement… But… Taking into account that

I won't be able to make an investment back in the muggle world by

myself, this is the only chance for me to actually invest in something…

And right now, there's Toyota, Samsung, Apple, Microsoft… Later there's

Google, Facebook, YouTube, and a few more… I could even buy some

stocks of Snapchat later, and sell when it passes out… Well, that's a plan.

I'll start with what I can.}

"I would like to do it like that."

"Excellent, Mr. Taylor. Now, if you could accompany me towards one of

the offices to keep on discussing over the details."-Said the small


Now, after that, we went towards a small office, in which I was made to

sign a contract. Just to add to the record, I was made to use a little bit of

my blood in order to link my identity to the trust vault and the inversion


Also, the companies I chose to invest in were Toyota, Apple, Microsoft,

and Samsung. The order of investment was 5 galleons or 24,65 pounds

for both Toyota and Samsung, and 15 galleons or 73,95 pounds for both

Apple and Microsoft. Of course, the arrangement was to reinvest any

winning monthly into the same stock for the first year, after that, I'll

come back to check the investment status, and decide further from there.

But… If I'm not mistaken, all these companies would only grow, until

becoming the monsters they were in my own world. And, the moment

this world is out of danger, meaning when Tommy boy is dead,

everything will go great. Of course. As soon as I can, I'll start investing in

the muggle world with my own name.

{I hope this will go well. If not… Well, I'll be fucked up really good…}-I

thought while going out of Gringotts. Hoping for everything to go as I

think it would. {Thankfully… I could find the same companies here as

the ones from my world.}

After making counts, I still had 12 galleons to work with. Honestly, I

could go and look for some interesting books. But… How much would

they cost? Would 12 galleons be enough?

{Maybe… I should just conform with what the RoR has for me. And keep

these 12 galleons just in case…}

I finally decided to go towards the Leaky Cauldron, passing by Magical

Menagerie, where I found a raven in a cage, looking at me. It was big.

Bigger than any raven I've seen. It has a jet-black color on its feathers,

still, they weren't opaque, but of a shining black. On his back he had a

small decoration made of a dark blue color, that somehow… Just

somehow… Reminded me of a rune. A rune I knew really well. The

avalanche rune… Said symbol was like a crossbow without the string, or

well, more similar to the symbol of Aries.

"May you be interested in him?"-Suddenly a woman's voice appeared

from the door of the store.

"Huh? Mm… No… I don't think I have the money to buy it..."-I said.

Turning towards the woman.

"Oh, don't worry boy, it's not that expensive."-Said an old British witch

with a pointed hat. "You see, that raven hasn't found its owner. And

somehow, it's really picky. Even then, he's been looking at you since you

came from Gringotts. He has good eyesight."-Said the old witch with a


{I want it!!!!}

"Mm… May I ask, how much it cost, Ma'am?"-I ask the old lady.

"Well, as I said it's not really expensive. You can buy it for only 5

galleons, which, I think, it's pretty cheap, don't you think?"-She says.


"…"-I stare at the raven, as it stares back at me. It has black obsidian

eyes, which I'm sure are not common among raven or crows.

The guy tilts its head at me and caws.

"What? Do you want to come with me?"-I ask


{I'm going crazy, talking with a raven… But… It's just so beautiful!!!!! I

want it!!!!!}

"Ma'am… I'll take it with me."-I said while taking the five galleons out of

my pocket and giving it to her.

"Nice! Here you have it. I hope it bonds well with you, little friend."-Said

the old witch while giving me the cage with the crow. "Also… You would

probably need some food for him, right?"-She asks.

"…"-I took out another galleon. "What can you give me with this?"

"Oh, I'm sure that will be enough."-She said, and went towards the store,

exiting a few moments later to give me a big bag of food for birds.

"Does he eat this?"-I ask.

"Yes, he sure does. But… Here between us… He's more of a carnivorous

bird… So… You may try and feed him some steak or something like that


"…"-I stared at the bird.

{Dude. A raven my ass. What the hell are you? Still. You're cool as hell;

I'll take you with me. And I already paid, so the deed is done.}-I thought

to myself, before saying bye and thanking the old witch from the store.

After that, I went directly to the leaky cauldron. Still not knowing how to

explain the fact that I didn't have any book with me, and instead came

with a bird, food for the said bird, and with just 6 galleons out of the 50

she gave me… And that's not counting the two galleons I could save from

the deal with Ollivander.

"Well… Mr. Taylor, I'm sure that last time I checked, there wasn't any

book in the form of a very unusual raven. Unless you've transfigured it,

which I doubt. So… Care to explain?"-Asked Professor McGonagall once I

got inside the Leaky Cauldron.

"Sorry, Ma'am… You see… I kind of… Went with the flow… And ended

up buying this little friend… And I remember that we're permitted a pet

inside Hogwarts, isn't that right?"

"Yes. But mostly, pets refer to owls, rats, cats, and toads. No raven was

mentioned inside the letter."-She said while looking at me sternly.

"But… Ravens are birds… As Owls… And they're highly intelligent! I

thought it wouldn't matter… Couldn't there be an exception?"-I ask her

with a puppy face.

"*sigh…* I'm sorry Mr. Taylor, but I'm afraid that's not a decision I can

make by myself. So, you'll have to wait until I can discuss this with the

director of the school. Until then, you must expect your answer to be

no."-She said. "Also… What about the books you wanted to buy?"

"…"-I averted my eyes. "About that… Professor… I looked for them… But

didn't find anything that seemed interesting enough… And after going

out of the bookstore… I kind of went towards the bank, and found that

they're able to invest in some muggle companies that I have great hopes

that will grow exponentially from now on… So… I invested most of the

money on them…"-I said while not looking at her at the face.

"… *sigh…* Lying, Mr. Taylor, it's not something really tolerable inside

of Hogwarts, even less, if it's towards a Professor. For now, I'll forgive

said infraction. But, keep it in mind, that it won't be tolerated once inside

Hogwarts."-She said while looking at me sternly. "Also… That money's

still going into your debt, even if you lose it in said investment. Still, I

hope that everything I've heard about you is truth, and that said

investment wasn't done in an impulse of stupidity, but after a rigorous


"I assure you, Professor, that it was made after a long and rigorous

thought. And I would have invested in them back at home, if I ever had

the age, possibility, or the money, to do said investment."

"Good. With that said, our little trip to Diagon Alley's finally done. I'll

take you to the orphanage. And I expect you to be inside King Cross'

Station, platform 9¾, on September 1, so you can take the Hogwarts'

Express. Understood, Mr. Taylor?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall."-I answered.

"And about your bird… Well, expect a letter to get to you with the final

decision. Whatever it is."

"Again, thanks, Professor."-I said.

After that, we went back towards the orphanage. It was really hard trying

to explain to Miss Isabella why did I bring a bird to the orphanage. And

that it was a pet I was allowed to take into the school as emotional

support. This is going to be also an excuse to try and let Dumbledore

accept the pet.

After that, everything was settled easier. I had my things prepared inside

my room, with the Raven, which I called Muninn, placed inside his cage,

close to the window. Once everything was quiet, I took out my new


"Now… What am I capable of with you?"-I ask as I look at the wand. This

time, totally conscious, with no trance controlling me.

{Utevo Lux}-I thought to myself, and the spell immediately appeared in

the tip of my wand. The funny thing is, I had more ease when controlling

it than before. If I had to focus my will to modify the spell before, now I

just had to think about what I wanted to do, and it will happen. I

increased and decreased the potency of the light, while making it go

around the room, everywhere, up, down, around, under the bed.

Everywhere I thought it going, it will just go there, changing the amount

of light it gave meanwhile, and while doing so, I thought {Utevo Gran

Lux} u00ad-Now, this is something I tried before but wasn't possible.

Upgrading the spell while it was still active. Now? It was totally possible.

The small orb of light upgrading to a big one instantly, illuminating all

the room at once, and even out of the window.


It was to the point that Muninn was angry at me for so much light.

"Sorry friend. I'll tone it down."-I said while returning the light to its

smaller orb's form. Funny thing is, I didn't have to incant the lower

version of the spell, just decrease the light until it was low enough for it

to resemble the normal Utevo Lux.

[Congratulations! You've completed the hidden quest: upgrade and

degrade, surprise your opponents with stronger attacks while they aren't

expecting them.]

[30pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You've completed the hidden quest: use a wand for the

first time to cast and train a spell!]

[20pts have been earned.]

"Wow… That was a nice surprise, that's 50 more points to my account.

Which leaves it at 280pts. Should I start using them?"

After pondering for a bit, I decided to keep testing spells with my new

wand. And I did find some things curious.

First of all, the power of my spells increased slightly, I guess that's

because having a medium to cast them other than my own mind

increased the potency. So… Probably, anything with a magic core could

do the same, which means, that the wands from the store should have the

same effect over my spells.

Another thing that I discovered, is the fact that now it was easier to

manipulate some spells, like the magic rope spell, the illumination spell,

and even some attacks spells like buzz or scorch, the last one I was even

able to slightly modify the trajectory of the burn.

What was even more surprising, was that it was really easier to use the

Find Person spell, one of the first spells you learn, and that gives you a

direction and an approximation of how far it is. The spell incant is Exiva,

and you just had to add the name of the person you're looking for.

Done with the wand, the wand will point towards the direction, while it

will emit a light indicating the approximate distance. Greens mean that

it's really close, at eye distance. Blue, that's out of sight towards that

direction, white, that's still easy to get there walking, meanwhile, red

indicates that's truly far away from your reach for the moments, the

redder it is, the farther the person is.

I discovered testing it a few times. First, with myself, the wand literally

pointed to me in green. Then I looked for Miss Isabella, and the wand

pointed somewhere under my room but in the direction of the garden in

blue light. Then, I asked for the book's store owner, whose name was

Frederick. The wand pointed towards the general direction of the store

and shone in white light. Finally, I tested asking for Harry Potter's name.

And it directed me somewhere out of my room in bright red light,

meaning that he was far away from me.

Another good thing was, that I tested the spell the same way I did with

Utevo Lux, meaning, willing for the light to go out of the wand. And it

did. So, I got myself some kind of guide wisp, making me feel like Link

following Navi.

I didn't make any more testing, as that would probably show magic to

Miss Isabella and everyone else in the orphanage. Which I don't plan on


During the months I had before starting classes, I read and read again

each book I had from the school.

This was magnificent. I not only learned a few magics, like Wingardium

Leviosa, Flipendo, or Incendio. I also learned a lot about how magic

worked in this world. It's not only the movement of your wand or the

incant. It's all about your will. The desire to have the effect invoked.

With that said. The brain's a very important organ to make the magic

work. I'm so glad that I practiced my occlumency because my memory

increased considerably.

Also, there's a way to actually charge the spells before releasing, which

makes them stronger once launched. Though, you should be careful with

it, as overcharging will result in the spell rebounding, making the wizard

being hit by it.

For the record, I tried this with my spells. Though, only to be sure, I did

it with the buzz spell, the safest attack spell I had with me.

It did charge a little bit, but it seems that it had a certain limit, as I

couldn't make it as strong as the energy strike spell. For the record… It

backfired once… And it wasn't fun being stunned by your own energy


I passed all two months of testing and learning spells while reading all

the books for the first year. And it was finally the time. It was September


The good thing is, my ML got to 24. All thanks to the new magic I

practice, the new tests I made, and the new theory I learned. Also, of all

the spells, Wingardium Leviosa, was the one that got registered inside my

spellbook after a lot of tests. The other ones… Well, it wasn't possible as I

didn't test with them that much. Flipendo could send flying or even

destroy a few fragile objects around here, and with Incendio, it was the

risk of igniting things, so, I prefer to let them for later.

The new spells I learned with my ML going up were the Creature Illusion

spell that or Utevo Res Ina, which let me cast an illusion of a monster or

person over myself, then the Stalagmite Rune spell or Adito Tera, which

allowed me to create a rune that invokes mud and stone to throw them

towards the enemy. And finally, an Energy Beam spell, or Exevo Vis Lux,

literally makes me feel like throwing a Kamehameha. But well, it would

be a perfect spell to shot lasers towards Dark Wizards. But… I'm kind of

intrigued if it would work against Dementors, hopes it does… Even if it's

not a holly spell.

On September 1st. I was ready to go towards King Cross' Station. Miss

Isabella asked me to accompany me, but she only went with me until the

entrance to King Cross.

"This is the first time you've been so far away from our orphanage… Now

I feel as if it was yesterday that you got here… When I heard you crying

from that narrow street…"-She said while whipping a tear from her face.

"Now you'll be far away from your home… All alone…"

"Don't worry Miss Isabella, I'll be fine. I know how to take care of myself

{more than anyone that's attending my year, actually.}"-I said to her. "I'll

also be coming back once the year ends. Thanks for bringing me here,

Miss Isabella, I'll be leaving then, or I'll be late."-I said.

"It's okay, but at least give me a hug before you go."-She said before

hugging me strongly. "Have a nice trip."-She kissed me goodbye.

"You too, take care Miss Isabella."-I said before going inside the station.

Now, I was walking inside King Cross's platforms, looking for the column

that should take me towards platform 9¾. By the way, I got permission

to take Muninn with me. So, I got my cage with the rest of my equipage.

The guy is greatly intelligent and smart, I let him go away to fly, and he's

back even before I notice it. Even when I'm running around to train, he's

flying behind me, or looking at me from the branch of a tree. After I run,

Muninn just gets on my shoulder and goes with me towards my room,

then he waits for me there in his cage while I take a shower. A really

smart bird, for sure. And it's like having a hawk-sized raven with me.

After a little while, I saw a quite big family of redheads.

{The Weasleys.}-I thought.

I chose to follow them, as they would surely go towards Hogwarts'

Express, and sooner than later, I saw them going through one of the

columns of the station, between platforms 10 and 9.

Now, you may be asking why I didn't talk to them. Well… I always

thought they were somewhat lousy, loud talking, and Ron was one of the

worst characters, even if he was part of the golden trio. Not that I hate

them, but, if it's not necessary, I won't talk to them.

By the way, there was almost everyone, except for Billie, who should

have graduated already this year. I could see Charlie, Percy, and both

twins, who would start going to Hogwarts this year, just like me.

After they all went inside the platform. I also prepared myself.

{Come on. You already died once! A little hit won't be anything!}-I self-

encouraged me before running towards the column leading to the


Once I passed through it. I got into the famous platform 9¾, the dream of

every fan of Harry Potter! It was simply marvelous. You could see

witches and wizards all over the place, a lot of students, some of them

with their house colors, others in casual clothing, and even some nervous

kids walking here and there, presumably from the first year like me.

And right in front of the platform. On the rails. A huge old-fashioned

train, built mostly of red color with black and gold decorations. The

famous Hogwarts' Express.

{I don't know if I should be glad of having died… After all… It brought

me this amazing opportunity…}-I thought to myself while looking at the

train that I would aboard, completely mesmerized.

CHAPTER 10 – Finally, Hogwarts!

I finally got inside the Hogwarts Express, different from much of the

wizards and witches here, I didn't have to say goodbye to anyone outside

the train, so I just went directly into the train, looking through the area

for first years, in the look of some compartment that could be empty.

After a little bit of walking, I found an empty compartment, which was

perfect. I went inside and put my luggage on the top cabinets, after that, I

put Muninn's cage down.

"Well, buddy, we're starting this new adventure together. We'll have two

complete years of calm before Harry comes here. So, we'll take that as a

chance to improve and become strong enough to kick everyone's ass."-I

said to my feathery friend.

{Now that I think about it… I won't be able to participate in the

Triwizard's tournament… At least not unless I try to do something to

trick that Dumbledore's age line… Ow man… I wanted to fight a

Dragon…}-I thought to myself.

I stood up to took a book of enchantments for the first-years, better for

me to read through the way.

"Can I come in?"-A guy entered opened the door and asked me. Funnily

enough, it was the guy that was with Fleur Delacour in the movie,

though I don't remember his name.

"Sure, you can come in."-I answered. "I'm Logan Taylor, by the way."

"I'm Roger Davies"-He said while going in and putting his stuff over at the

luggage's rack of the compartment. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."-I answered, before going back to my book.

"It's that the first year's book of enchantments?"-He asks.

"Oh, yeah, The Standard Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk."-I

answered. "Did you read it too?"

"Yeah, since I first got it. I've read it a few times. It's fascinating to read

about spells for the first time."

"I know, right?"-I said. {Though, it's even better to practice them. And I'll

have a lot of fun practicing every spell at my command during this year.}

"Yes. Have you read the rest of the books?"-He asked.

"Yes, each one of them. It was truly fascinating and mind-opening.

They're just so many things to learn from them."

"I know! Until now, I could only talk about books with my older brother,

thankfully, he lets me read all the books from higher grades, he came to

Hogwarts before me, so I have a lot of info on it. Want to hear about it?"

{Mm… Could be nice to know a little bit more about what I know from

the movies and fanfics.}-I thought to myself, before answering.

"Sure, man. I'm always opened to new knowledge."-I said to him.

He then started to talk about a few things from Hogwarts, like the

Whomping Willow which I already knew, about the ghost inhabiting the

castle, the houses we would be sorted into, and a few more things.

After a little while, the train started to march. It was exactly 11:00 AM.

"Guess we're already departing"-I said while looking outside and listening

to the Hogwarts Express' whistle.

"Yes. I hope we get to the castle fast."-Said Roger.


It was at that moment that the door of the compartment opened.

"Excuse me. Can I come in? The other compartments are full…"-Said a

blond-haired girl with blue eyes.

"Oh, sure! Come in, come in!"-Said Roger Davies with an excited voice.

"Sure, no problem."-I also said after him.

"Thanks…"-She said while putting her stuff over the luggage's rack.

"There were a lot of people inside the train, and I kind of got here a little

late…"-She said, finally sitting down.

"I know what you mean, I came early, and even then, I had to look for a

bit to find an empty compartment. My name is Logan Taylor, by the

way."-I said to her.

"Mine is Roger Davies."-Said the future Ravenclaw.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. My name's Lisandra, Lisandra Dupont."-

She said.

"French?"-Roger asks her while lifting his eyebrow

"My last name? Yes, why?"

"Well… From what I know… wasn't there another school in France?

Also… Your accent isn't exactly like someone that comes from French."-

He continues.

"That's because I was born here, in Britain. My dad married an English

witch, and stayed in London, where I was born. While I know how to

speak French, I'm not that proficient on it."

"Oh, that explains it."-He said.

"Why? Is there a problem for me to study here and not in France?"

"No, no!"-He said while lifting both hands defensively. "I was just a little

bit surprised, that's all."

"Okay, then."-She said, before looking at my raven's cage. "Hey… Did you

bring a raven here? I thought we could only bring owls, rats, cats, or


"Huh? Yes, I was permitted by the school. This little friend here is really

attached to me."-I said while patting the cage.

"Isn't that like a preferential treatment?"-Roger asked.

"I mean… It's like an owl… It's a bird… What would be so different from


"Well… You're right in that… They're both birds after all… Not that


"CAW!!!!"- Muninn cawed while hitting the cage, as if angry for being

compared to the owls.

"Relax mate… No one's saying you're an owl… Just that you're both


"CAW!!!!"- Muninn cawed once again in anger while frowning at me.

{Wow… I didn't think that ravens could frown like that.}-I thought.

"Fine, fine, you're unique. Everything about you is unique."

It just averted its head.

"It's like a person…"-Lisandra suddenly said.

"Yeah… He also has a temper…"-I answered to her.

After that, we talked for a little time, until the lady that sells sweets

came. Lisandra and Roger both bought stuff, but I was trapped with

money, so for the moments, I decided to don't buy anything.

They did offer me a little bit of their stuff, which I gladly accepted. After

all, I wanted to test the famous sweets of Harry Potter.

The rest of the trip was either we talking about stuff from what would be

our new school, or each one doing their own stuff, which for me, was


When we were almost getting to Hogsmeade, we had to put on our robes,

so I took it out and dressed, both Roger and Lisandra doing the same.

After finishing, I looked at myself in the window of the compartment,

which actually reflected my image.

There I was, dressed in my wizard's robes, with my wand's holster on the

right side of my waist. My dark-brown eyes reflecting my own image in

the window, with my slightly wild black hair, a result of me putting on

my robe. My face was, all in all, normal, not too thin or too fat, neither

handsome nor ugly. As I exercise constantly, my body had some

definition to it, enough for an eleven years old kid, which could still be

seen through the wide robes, albeit a little.

After taking care of my disheveled hair. I once again sat down to read the

book, while both Roger and Lisandra did the same.

It wasn't long until we finally got to Hogsmeade and we all had to get out

of the train. While I was leaving my stuff where all first-year should leave

their luggage, a sudden voice called for us.

"Firs' years over here! Firs' years over here!"-Said a gigantic man.

I mean, in the movies he seemed big, but not even close to the big guy

that I'm seeing right now… It could also be because of the fact that I'm a

kid right now, but damn… Hagrid is insanely tall! And wide. It's like

seeing a dwarf growing twice as big as a human male while keeping his

stout appearance.

"Any mor' firs' years aroun' here?"-He once again shouted while those

that, I assume we're all the first years, stood in front of the giant guy.

"Well, we better ge' goin' to the boats!"-shouted the stout giant standing

over 11ft. tall.

We walked towards what was some kind of dock, with at least 10 boats

waiting for us.

"No mor' than four studen' per boat!" Once again, Hagrid shouted while

leading us towards the boats.

I got into one with Roger, Lisandra, and another kid called Kenneth

Towler, who had dark brown hair with brown eyes.

The boats started sailing through what I assume is the black lake, and

sometimes it was possible to see a few tentacles go out of the lake,

probably being from the supposed Giant Squid that lives inside the black


"What is that…?"-Asked Lisandra.

"That's the Giant Squid that lives in this lake, it's supposedly a friend of

Hogwarts, and it helps those that fall on the lake."-Roger Davies

answered her.

"So… If we fall, it will help us?"-Asked a nervous Kenneth Towler.

"I don't know. My brother didn't tell me, as no one actually fell from their

boat during his first year."

"Hey… Want to try it?"-I ask them while looking at the surface of the

black lake.

{I want to see that squid!}-I thought to myself the moment I prepared to

start moving the boat.

"Don't you dare!"-Lisandra shouted at me while pointing me with her


"Why!? IT'S A GIANT SQUID!!!! Don't you want to see one!?"-I asked her.

"No. I don't! So, you better stay quiet and don't do anything stupid!"-She


"Oh, come on! Please!! It'll be like jumping to a pool! But even better!"-I

said to her, trying to convince her.

"No! Stop."

"Yeah, man… I don't w-want… to see that squid or whatever it is…"-

Kenneth said with a little pale face.

"While I do want to see it… I don't want to get wet like a drenched

rat…"-Roger said.

"Oh, come on… You guys are boring…"-I said while looking again

towards the lake.

{I'll see that goddamn squid.}-I thought to myself, moments before

standing up.

"Hey!!! What are you doing!!!"-Lissandra shouted.

I gave her a grin, before jumping down to the lake. Thankfully, I knew

how to swim since my past life.

The black lake was, well, black... I couldn't see anywhere with how dark

it was.

{Utevo Lux}-So I thought, creating a really small and weak light that

traveled down the lake. And that's when I saw it. A literal giant squid

swimming in the depths of the black lake, it had a dark pale-blue, almost

grey color to it, with long tentacles that seemed to go for meters under

the water.

I would really swear that it said hi to me with one of its shorter tentacles,

while one of the larger ones picked me up and got me back to the boat,

gently. Of course, I didn't forget to cancel the spell.

"You're insane…"-Said Lisandra to me while looking at me getting to the

boat in the grasp of a long tentacle.

"What? I didn't turn our boat…"-I said while shaking myself a little to let

the water flow from my robe.

{Sadly, I don't know any spell to dry myself. Oh well, it was worth it.}-I

thought to myself with a grin.

"… I agree with her, dude... You're insane..."-Said Kenneth, while Roger

just nodded.

"Oh come on… It's not like It affected you or anything, right?"-I said

while pointing towards the boat that was intact, maybe a little wet from

my robes.

"Yer better stop playin' aroun' kids!"-Shouted Hagrid from behind with a

little chuckle.

{Ho...ly... fuck...}- I thought, moments after an enormous castle made its

apparition in front of us. It was fantastic.

At least seven floors in height, with even taller towers going up here and

there around the place. It was such an incredible view, that I couldn't

even tear my eyes away from it, with my mouth wide open. Probably, the

other kids on the boat were the same.

{Now I know why they send the first years in boats… It's not just for

making time… It's to awe them with this view…}-I thought to myself.

I was, for the first time. Getting to Hogwarts. One of the most incredible

places I would ever be and see, since the time I was born in my previous

life, and this one.


Ok... I know I said there will be more chapters on the weekend. But

Friday was wild, and yesterday I couldn't write with the hangover.

Still, I'll try to post another chapter today, and more on the week. As

usual, thanks for reading! And any feedback will be appreciated

(especially for Hagrid's speech, as well, I'm not perfectly sure of it

being right. Any tip would be appreciated.)

CHAPTER 11 – Sorting Ceremony

Once the boats got inside the docks of Hogwarts, we were guided by

Hagrid all the way towards the castle's main entrance, where we then

had to go through a flight of stairs with steps made of stone. The stairs

were long, and right in the middle of them, a witch dressed in emerald

dark green robes and a pointy hat waited for us.

{That's too cliché, the pointy hat…}-I thought to myself while looking at

Professor McGonagall.

As I was among the first students to get in front of her, I waved my hand

towards her with a little smile.

"Welcome to-"-She started but stopped once she saw me. "May I ask, Mr.

Taylor, why are you drenched from head to toes?"-She asked me while

lifting an eyebrow.

I could hear a few muffled laughs from the rest of the kids, but I didn't


"I was curious about the Giant Squid that was said to live in the Black

Lake, Professor McGonagall."-I truthfully said.

"And I'm curious about what does that have to do with you being

completely drenched, Mr. Taylor."

"Well, I had to see it, so I jumped to the lake. It was great. Really makes

honor to its name of Gian Squid."-I said while smiling.

"I see…"-She said a little surprised, before mumbling something. "Well…

Better get you dried before getting in."-She finally said before taking out

her wand, making a few movements of it towards me, and drying me


{I got to admit, that was awesome.}-I thought.

"Thanks, professor."-I said.

"Now… *kuhum*"-She cleared her throat. "As I was saying before, I

welcome all of you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am

professor McGonagall, as you may just hear from your fellow student,

and I'm the Head of the Transfiguration Department in the school, as well

as the Deputy Headmistress of the school. In a few moments, we'll go

through the doors behind me, towards the Great Hall, where you'll meet

the rest of the student body of this school."-She said while pointing

towards the big double doors behind her.

"But, before joining your fellow students, you must go through the

sorting ceremony, where you will be sorted into one of the four houses

that represent the founders of the school. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff,

Ravenclaw, and Slytherin."-She said.

"Each one of them with a prestigious and long story, filled with glory and

accomplishment from those that go out of them. And I expect you, young

wizards and witches, to accomplish great things for your future houses,

as, once you're sorted into your house, you'll represent them during your

seven years here at Hogwarts. Do well, and you shall earn points to your

houses, while mischief will, on the contrary, cost points to your houses.

At the end of the year, points will be tallied, and the house with more

points shall take the house cup."

{I never knew what was good about it… I mean, it's not like they give

you a prize for winning the house cup, it's just like painting the Great

Hall in your house colors for one day and that's it…}-I thought to myself.

"For those that end in Gryffindor, I shall expect great things from you, as

I'm also the head of the house. With that said, let's go. It's time."-She

finally ended her long speech and led us through the doors towards the

Great Hall, where all the other students of Hogwarts were waiting.

We were lead through the hall, all the way to the end of the tables,

where a few steps rest. At the end of the hall, a long horizontal table laid

for the professors to sit, while in the middle of the students and the

professors, there was a wooden table with a hat on it.

It started to sing, but I wasn't even paying attention to it, as I was looking

all around the Great Hall.

First, it was the ceiling. Looking it in real life was literally something

else. It wasn't like the movies, as it was truly magical. It was like looking

all the way through the roof towards the night sky, with a lot of stars on


{It's totally different from my old world' sky. Where stars could barely be

seen.}-I thought before looking towards the professors.

There, I could see everyone I knew from the movies. Like Snape, Madam

Pomfrey, Madam Hooch, Professor Flitwick, and finally, Albus

Dumbledore, the old wizard with a long beard and half-moon glasses.

{I'm sure I'll remember the rest of the professors once classes start. Except

for Defense Against Dark Arts, as that one changes each year…}-I

thought to myself.

"HUFFLEPUFF!!!"-A sudden scream woke me up. And I saw that one

student was selected to go to Hufflepuff house. It was familiar to me.

{Oh, right! It's Cedric Digory.}-I finally recognized the student.

"Weasley, Fred!"-Shouted McGonagall. And one of the twins went

towards the chair that was in front of the hat.

Once he sat. McGonagall put the hat over his head.

"GRYFFINDOR!!!"-The sorting hat shouted after a little while. Calling for

even more shouts from those in the Gryffindor's table.

Fred went walking towards the table to sit with the rest of the new years

that were sorted inside that house.

One by one, all the freshmen were called towards the sorting hat. As in

the movie, Roger Davies was put in Ravenclaw, George, like his brother,

went to Gryffindor and Lisandra was kind of a surprise, as she was sorted

into Slytherin.

{Wow, look at that, I thought only those with the pure-blood and

whatnot were sorted there. Well, maybe her family has something like

that, after all, she didn't tell us her mother's name.}-I thought to myself.

"Taylor, Logan!"-Professor McGonagall shouted. And I immediately went

towards the chair. Once there, the professor put the hat on my head.

"Well, well, what do we have here? Let me look deep in your mind…"-

Said the sorting hat. "You… You are a confusing one little child. You

have the courage, but also the smarts and curiosity, and deep inside of

you, scheming is present… Even then… You're loyal, even when said

loyalty has to be earned, and you also hope for a family…"

{I want to be in Ravenclaw.}-I thought.

"Yes… You do have the thirst for knowledge… But… It doesn't come

alone… It comes with a deep curiosity, and also… As a weapon to

scheme and to fulfill your own ambition… While, at the same time,

you're not afraid to go against adversity if it's for getting it… Such a hard


{Send me to Ravenclaw! Could you? Please?}

"Why so anxious to be in Ravenclaw… Little one?"

{That's the house that better represents me.}

"Ohh… I wouldn't be so sure about that, child…"

{I trust in my instincts.}

"Instincts… You say… That's not so Ravenclaw of you… Mm… Such a

hard decision…"

{Then… Just go with Ravenclaw. It's not like I'm not fitting, right?}

"Indeed… You're fitting… But… Oh well… I was thinking about

Hufflepuff. But if you're so sure about your choice… Maybe it's the

Slytherin inside you that's calling for that decision…"

{No! Ravenclaw! Forget Slytherin!}

"Hahaha… Don't be so anxious… You would do great in Slytherin."

{Come on… Just send me to Ravenclaw…}

"Very well, I hope you don't regret your choice."-Said the sorting hat.

"RAVENCLAW!!!"-before sending me to my desired house.

The Ravenclaw table shouted out after getting a new freshman student,

while I stood up fast enough for the sorting hat not to suddenly change

its decision

{I was saved! I almost got sent to that nest of lunatics with a resemblance

to Hitler's followers…}-I thought before sitting down on the table, saying

hi to Roger and the rest of first-years that got sorted here, along with a

few upperclassmen.

To be honest. Most of Ravenclaw had that air of being the self-sufficient

ones, they seemed like they wouldn't talk too much. Though, maybe that

was just my imagination.

After everyone was sorted. Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

He went with his classic dialogue, though he did say a few weird words

at the start that I didn't understand at all. After this, we had a great

banquet, where I could basically eat as I haven't done in all eleven years

since coming here. I would lie if I said I kept my decorum.

After the banquet ended, the Headmaster once again stood up, and he

still continued with the "Don't get close to the Forbidden Forest.", which

I, of course, wanted to visit, and a few other warnings and normal stuff.

We then stood up, and our prefects led us towards our respective houses.

I'm not going to lie, walking through the castle was confusing. With all

those moving stairs, passage, corridors, halls, and whatnot, it was a

miracle if no one got lost in the first week… I gladly had a great memory,

so it wasn't that much of a problem to remember the way towards my

house common room and dorms.

Now, from what I know from the fanfics. To enter these dormitories, you

don't have to say any keyword. But just answer to a riddle.

{Being honest… I don't know if that's actually secure… I mean, it's not

like only the ones from Ravenclaw knows how to answer riddles… But

well, maybe it has a way to actually know if you're from the house or

not…}-I thought while getting to a door with nothing else but a bronze

knocker in the form of an eagle.

"Here, in Ravenclaw, to enter our house dormitories, we must answer a

riddle."-Stated one of the prefects. "If you aren't able to answer it. You

must wait for one of your classmates to answer it so you can enter. Now,

anyone wants to give it a try?"-He finally asked while getting close to the

door and using the knocking to knock on the door.

[What question can you never answer yes to?]-Asked the bronze knocker

in the form of an eagle.

The prefects stayed to look at us from first-year, and seeing that nobody

actually went forward, I raised my hand and answered.

"Are you asleep yet?"-I answered, and the door actually opened.

{Well, this is a pain… Having to answer a riddle each time… I hope

they're not that hard…}-I thought to myself.

"Well done, now, everyone, come in."-Said the prefect before guiding us

towards our common room.

It was beautiful. One of the reasons that I chose Ravenclaw was, without

a doubt, the colors. Blue and bronze were really great colors, of which, I

truly loved blue. And the common room was decorated in both colors,

which made it a space for my liking.

"Now, this is your common room. You must be here before 9 PM. While

everyone must be on their bed before 10 when all lights go out.

Understood?"-Said the prefects while presenting the room. To which we

all nodded.

It was big, with windows around it, a library, a few couches and tables,

and even a chimney.

In the movies, the Gryffindor's common room seems kind of small, but

this one was fairly big. I don't know if it has something to do with it

being from Ravenclaw, or if it's just the movies that depicted the common

rooms smaller than what they truly were, which has more sense.

"Everyone, come here."-The prefect called for us. He was standing in front

of a door and beside him, stood a tall statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. "This

door leads towards our dormitories. Boys go on the sixth floor, while girls

go on the seventh floor. "-He said while pointing towards the door beside

Rowena Ravenclaw's statue. "A thing to notice is, that Ravenclaw is

different from the other houses, we don't actually share our dorms, as

each student will have their own room. You just have to go to your floor

and look for your room inside the areas for first-years. Understood?"-He

asked and everyone nodded. "Then, go up, your things should already be

in your rooms."

Once on the sixth floor, I went towards the first-year dorms, and there, to

a door that had my name written on it. Once I entered, the first thing I

saw was a four-poster bed decorated with sky-blue eiderdowns made of

silk that looked really soft to the touch. Apart from it, there was also a

blue coach with bronze decorations, some bookshelves a night-table, and

a few more things, like a chest to put my things.

The place had nice big windows everywhere, letting the whistling and

relaxing sound of wind cover the room, and that would probably give a

great view during the day.

I also found my stuff, including Muninn. So, I went there.

"Hey buddy, how are you?"-I said to him.

"CAW!!!"-The raven answered with an annoyed face.

"Fine, fine…"-I said, opening his cage and letting it free.

Being with him for a couple of months, I know that he prefers his

freedom, making it hard for him to be inside a cage for a long time.

After going out, it actually went towards my shoulder and rubbed itself

on my cheek, while I petted it back.

"It's okay buddy… We're already here… And, well, for what the letter

said, you're not going to be sent towards the owlery with the owls, as

long as you don't do anything too bad inhere…"-I said to him while

petting it. "So, well, you know the deal, you'll have windows open, so you

can go whenever you want and come whenever you want, though, I'm

not going to be here all day."

"CAW!"-It answered my words.

"I'll be using a place inside the castle. It's hidden from those that don't

know about it. I'll go there constantly to train my magic and my spells. I

need to grow stronger without anyone suspecting that I'm slightly

different from them..."-I said to him. Thinking about everything that

could go wrong.

{I must not get inside the paranoic old man that acts as headmaster

here… Depending on the grade of his paranoia, he could probably try to

get me out of the game… Oh well, I could probably try to befriend him,

he's not the kind to kill me just for having a few things that are different,

at least not if I don't show any kind of 'mort' spell, I will probably be

good, though, just to be sure, let's learn as much magic from this world as

I can, that will help me increase my ML faster.}-After a little thinking, I

went to bed, and as our prefects said, at 10:00 PM, the lights went out.

Tomorrow, I'll go to classes, learn a few new magics from the professors

here at Hogwarts, and then, after classes are finished, go directly towards

the RoR, to start practicing my magic without any worries!

"Soon… I'll soon get strong enough… For no one to do anything to me…

Then, well, I won't become any kind of Dark Lord. So, it's ok."-I said

before closing my eyes.


Well, after a few feedbacks, I actually decided to edit the chapter, I'll

go with the individual rooms for this fanfic!

CHAPTER 12 – Room of


The next day, the first thing I did once I woke up was to give some food

to Muninn, after which, I prepared to go to the Great Hall to have some

food before the start of classes.

Today was actually Saturday, so we had two free days before the actual

start of classes. That would give me a lot of time to look for the RoR and

start testing my spells.

From what I was warned yesterday, classes started at 8:00 AM, so I had

at least until 7:45 to eat some breakfast in the Great Hall during

weekdays, something that I don't know if will be the same during

weekends. This would give me fifteen minutes to move towards my

classroom, which was tight, taking into consideration that this castle was

basically a big labyrinth.

Today I'll also have to pick my schedule from one of my prefects before

going there.

With that said, I quickly put on some normal clothes and went towards

the common room, while Muninn went out of the windows, where, I

don't know, but he knows how to take care of himself. Though, before he

went out, I informed him that it would be hard for him to find me once I

went towards the Room of Requirements, so if he wanted to come, he

better looked for me before 8:30 AM.

"Good morning."-Said my prefect once I got into the common room of my

house. "You're up early, Logan."

"Yes, I wanted to get to the Great Hall early so I could have enough time

to eat and then go to explore the castle a little. I'm still kind of impressed

with it."

"Very well, that's a great spirit. I hope you'll have the same spirit for your

studies."-My prefect, someone called Andrew Smith, said while smiling.

"Here, take this, it's a parchment with your schedule for the week. As

you'll see, you have a few days with a lot of free time, meanwhile, others

will be slightly charged, so be prepared."-He said while giving me a

parchment with my schedule.

"Thanks, Mr. Smith!"-I said while taking the parchment.

"I may be a little bit older than you, but we're still fellows Ravenclaw, so

just call me Andrew. Well, go on. Breakfast is served at 7, so you'll have

time to get there."-He said.

I immediately went towards the Great Hall, where there wasn't a lot of

people. A few Hufflepuff and Slytherin and almost no Gryffindor. From

what I could see, Ravenclaw was the house with more people up this

early in the morning, at least those from higher years, which was normal,

taking into consideration that it was Saturday, so really few people would

be awake so early.

With that said, I went towards Lisandra, who also got up early and was

eating alone at one of the long tables.

"Hey! Good morning."-I said to her once I got close.

"Good morning. How are you?"

"Great. And you? How was your first night in your house?"-I ask her

while sitting.

"Well… Let's say that it wasn't that bad."-She said with a small lost smile.

"Mm? Is something the matter?"

"No… It's just that some of the kids in my house are really focused on

stuff like the purity of blood and the name of your family."

"So… I guess they weren't that good to you?"

"No, actually, Dupont is a really respected surname back in France, so I

guess it kind of pass as that pureblood stuff they talk all the time…"-She

said with a weird smile. "Oh well, do you have your schedule already?"-

She asks me.

"Oh, yes, I haven't seen it yet, but here I have it."-I said while taking out

the parchment that Andrew gave me. "Mm? It seems that we share a lot

of classes."-I said while giving a glance to the parchment.

"Yes, I saw it a few minutes before you came, actually. We start Monday

with History of Magic for two periods. We also share Transfiguration and

Herbology that day."-She says while pointing at the classes in the


"Yes, well, I guess we'll be seeing each other constantly. Mm? Oh, we also

share Charms on Tuesday and Transfiguration on Friday. That's great."-I

said to her.

{Also… I have Tuesday afternoon free, Wednesday morning free, and

Friday there's a lot of free time, with just one class in the third period…

Nice, I'll have a lot of time.}-I thought to myself.

"And, what will you do today?"-She asks me.

"Oh, I'm probably going to read on the librar-"-I didn't end my words, as

right in front of us, a lot of food suddenly appeared. It wasn't like last

night's banquet, but there was still a lot of food. "Guess, it's already 7,

and time to eat."-I said while looking at everything that was on the table.

"Yeah."-Lisandra answered while also looking at the table.

"I still can believe it… Such magical things happening."-I muttered.

"Mm? There wasn't magic in your home?"-She asks.

"Well… No… I lived in an orphanage. So… No magic where I come

from."-I said while shrugging and taking a few things to eat, bread, and

some bacon.

"Oh… Sorry."

"Don't worry. It doesn't affect me."-I said before eating.

After eating and talking for a little while, I finally said goodbye to

Lisandra. After all, I had something important to look for.

I'm not going to lie. I do have a good memory… But memory doesn't

work when you haven't gone to that place.

{It should be somewhere around the seventh floor's corridor… I have to

look for some kind of tapestry with trolls dancing or something like

that.}-I thought while looking around the seventh floor's corridors.

After a few tries, I finally found the tapestry I was looking for. It was a

really funny one, with one wizard surrounded by a lot of trolls wearing

tutus and hitting the wizard in the middle.

"Haha… Who invents these things…?"-I chuckle slightly while turning

towards the wall that seems to be empty and that it's right opposite to the

tapestry. "Now… I just have to think three times of what kind of room I

want while walking in front of the door… Or so I read in fanfics… In the

movie it wasn't necessary to walk in front of it, but oh well, who knows.

It's just a little extra step, it won't kill me."-I said while walking to said


Once there, I started walking in front of the wall from end to end with

my eyes closed.

{I need a room to practice magic alone, I need a room to practice magic

alone, I need a room to practice magic alone.}-I thought three times. And

just when I ended thinking about it for the third time, I heard something

moving close to me.

Once I opened my eyes, I could see a door forming right in the wall that

was previously empty.

"Wow… It worked… That thing about 'If you know it, you just need to

ask' was true…"-I said while opening the door and entering. The room

was completely empty, with a few dolls that I guess are made for practice

spells, though they're not moving, as I don't want to practice dueling yet,

just my spells. "Wow…"-I said while looking around.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've found the

Room of Requirements that not everyone knows! Here you'll able to train

those spells you were too pussy to practice back at the orphanage!]

[50pts have been earned]

"Who would know this was some kind of hidden quest… I guess I could

find this kind of quest almost everywhere. Oh well, I guess now's time to

start practicing. I have today and tomorrow for complete training. I just

have to keep track of the time so I don't lose lunch or dinner."-I said, and

just as I said, a big clock appeared on the front wall of the place. "Nice.

I'll love this place."-I said as a big grin appeared on my face.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've used the

changing properties of the RoR for the first time, you're not that stupid

after all!]

[5pts have been earned]

"Okay… Now, this is personal."

[Want me to leave?]

"Don't misunderstand me, my old friend. I was just talking to myself."-I


[So I thought.]

"*tch…*"-I clicked my tongue. "*sigh…* Guess I'll start practicing, I have

a few hours until breakfast. Well. I'll have a lot of fun!"-I shouted as I

silently invoked my Magic Spell Book.


Okay, the reason why I couldn't post before was basically that I was

making a schedule for the first year, which I will be leaving in the

comments. Though... It's not of the best quality, I made it in Excel and

tried to transform it into some pic, but well, the result was... Bad... to

say the least. I'll try to get something better next time, but for the

moment's it would work as a reference. It's just for the first year, I'll

make the ones for the second, third, fourth years and so on... Also,

after investigating a lot, there were two choices, either start classes at

8 AM or at 9. I went with the 8 AM option. So... Hope you like it (And

can actually read it xD I know it can be hard.)

CHAPTER 13 – Grinding my ML

like crazy (Part 1)

"Well, what should I start with?"-I said as I look around with my Magic

Spell Book in my hands. "Well. Let's start completing quests."-I said as I

turn towards one of the targets for practice, that's kind of like a wizard

puppet, kind of creepy also.

"Exevo Flam Hur"-I said while pointing my hands towards him.

Immediately, from the palm of my hand, a wave of flames went towards

the target, it spread in a cone-shaped way over the floor, burning

everything around until it got to the target, almost touching the two that

were next to it. Even after the fire ended spreading, a field of flames

stayed there, burning on the floor, and also covering the target in the


In some ways, it resembles a small breath of fire from a dragon, but

smaller, and not so quite destructive. Still, it could make serious damage

if someone gets burned with this…

"Holy… Fuck… It was great that I didn't use this while in the

orphanage…"-I said while looking at the flames still burning there in

front of me.

[Congratulations! You've completed a quest! You went over the

expectations and started your path as a pyromaniac with an even more

powerful and destructive fire spell! When others start with an apprentice

strike, you went all the way to use the flame wave spell. (out of

cowardice for not doing the quest before) Now you can be called an


[25pts have been earned]

[Old quest of using apprentice strike to turn a target to ashes will be

canceled. 5pts more added for using higher-level fire spell.]

"Ho!!! Let the points rain!!!!"-I said while jumping with both arms raised.

"Soon I'll be able to do as I please with my points! This means that I have

to buy a few Blank Runes to test rune spells. But before that, let's test a

few more spells and theories. I have a lot of time for the moment."

"Well, that was a good test for simple activation. Now, let's test a higher-

level spell."-I then turned around towards the other side, to look at

another target.

I pointed my hand at the target.

"Exevo Vis Lux"-I incanted the spell and from my hand, an energy beam

was shot.

It was like seeing some kind of white lightning shot towards the enemy,

and while it wasn't too large in size, it did damage everything where it

passed by while actually making damage to things around the way, I

could see it while looking at the floor, that had some burned marks and

there was still some electricity left there.

While the damage didn't spread as much as with the fire wave spell, it

was fast. An almost instantly shot thunder that electrified and damaged

everything on its way. The target was totally burned where the energy

beam impacted, and it was electrified, with streams of electricity

traveling all around it.

I even walked around it, and the back was also burned. As if the energy

beam passed through him.

"Man… This sure could burn a few people inside out…"-I said. "Well.

Next, let's go with a few more tests. Sadly, this one spell didn't have a

quest attached to it…"-With that said, I opened my book to look for more

spells. And taking out those that needed runes, I still had the strike spells,

of which I already tested the energy strike and the death strike. I still

have the others.

"Mm…"-I pondered while rubbing my chin. "Maybe… Let's test using my

wand with it."-I said taking out my wand from its holster. "Let's see what

can I do with you and my spells."

At first, I looked towards the target that was burned, it seems like the fire

was put out, as there wasn't anything there, and a new target stood tall.

"Let's go with those that I've already tested, so I can check the increase.

Though, the ML sure would have something to do there too."

"Exori Vis"-I incanted while pointing my wand towards the target.

Immediately, from the tip of my wand, a sphere of lightning the size of a

tennis ball went out towards the target at great speed.


Once the sphere impacted the target, it was pushed back while being

electrified. It was pushed a lot, at least what could be like six to seven

steps, probably even ten.

"Though I can't be sure of the electrifying effect, as it was immobile from

the start, so there's no way to see if it was paralyzed."-I then turned to the

other target. "Well, let's go."

"Exori Mort"-I said and a ghastly projectile, the size of a somewhat big

bullet, went towards the target, as if it was some kind of concentrated

smoke missile, exploding everywhere once it hit and pushing the target a

few steps back.

The attack didn't have much attack after that, but once I got closer to the

target, I could see the material that made the puppet totally oxidated,

with even chipped bits and missing spaces.

"I guess the 'death' element affects as some kind of decaying or aging

spell, making things 'die' in an accelerated way…"-I thought to myself.

"Though. Looking at this… The flowers died faster, and totally… So…

Maybe the spell isn't strong enough to completely kill someone…"

Looking around, I could see that only a small part of the target was

damaged, while the rest was intact. Don't take me wrong. A hit in the

right place could perfectly be an instant kill. But… The same could be

said with any spell with enough strength or the correct element…

Thinking about it, I, once again went back, pointing my wand towards

the arm of the same target.

"Exori Mort"-I incanted, and the same ghastly missile went towards the

arm of the target. Once it hit, the arm started to become rusted between

the wrist and the elbow, until it suddenly fell down, completely and

broke apart once it hit the floor.

"Mm… Taking this into consideration… The spell itself could probably

create some kind of necrosis on the part of the target it hits. In a certain

way, it's like a missile that causes instant gangrene on a serious degree…"

[Congratulations! Your Magic Level increased by 1!]

"Mm? But I was just pondering a bit, and I've just used a few spells.

System, why did it raise?"

[To answer my stupid host, Magic Level can be seen not only as your

magical power level but also about your general comprehension of

magic. With this said, you have a really low level of Magic Level, so the

amount of test you've been doing until now, the meditation in a place

like Hogwarts with a lot of magic surrounding it, and the fact that you're

trying to comprehend your death strike spell, which works with one of

the more difficult to control and understand elements, all combined to let

you increase one level. But don't be excited, it was a mix of a lot of

factors, so don't expect it to happen each time you start to ponder about

what your spell does. This time it was a coincidence.]

"Huh… Okay, thanks!"-I said. "Well, now my ML is 25, so that means…"-I

point my wand forwards.

"Utevo Res Wolf"-I incanted, and suddenly part of my magic power

flowed through my body towards my wand, and from it out towards

where I was pointing my wand, looking like some kind of light filling the

place and taking some shape.


A sudden howl appeared once the shape of the light took the form of a

wolf. Once the light dispersed, a wolf was actually present. A real grey


After that, I sat on the floor, slightly tired. It's not that my magic power

was completely exhausted, it was just that a weird feeling suddenly

invaded me. It's like my mind was connected with the wolf in front of me

in some way.

"*sigh…*"-I sighed after a little while, finally calming myself from the

shock of this new sensation. "Now I know why the game only lets you

summon two creatures at once… It does put a burden in your mind…"

Utevo Res was a special spell, it's called the Summoning Creature Spell,

and as its names imply, you can summon creatures from the game to

fight alongside you. Controlling them as if they're an extension of your


This spell is of really easy and direct construction, it has the magic

syllables 'Ut' which means support and is mainly used to incant support

spells; 'Evo' which means 'create' and that's mostly used to create

powerful spells or to make things appear, and finally 'Res', that basically

means 'Creature', which lets you do a few things, from summoning

creatures to convince them to fight alongside you.

But this time, I used the summoning one, and right in front of me was a

somewhat big grey wolf.

"Hey…"-I said to the wolf, which slowly comes close to me, making me


Funnily enough, once I flinched, the wolf did the same, which proved my

theory that we were actually connected on a deep level.

{Come here and sit beside me.}-I thought while looking directly at it.

And just as I thought, it came towards me and sat beside me, looking at

me. I slowly moved my hand up, reaching to caress him. And just as my

hand was moving, it also moved its head toward me, as if it was a loyal

dog wanting to be petted.

"Ha… Haha… HAHAHA… This is amazing!"-I said as I petted the wolf,

who, by the way, had its tongue out and had a somewhat happy face, as

if it was also excited with what was happening.

"Now. A summoned creature in Tibia is useful for one thing. And only

one thing. Oh well, apart from scaring noobs. To hunt with you!"-I said,

and as if understanding me, the wolf stood up and got serious. "Now,

attack!"-I said while pointing towards a target.

The wolf immediately ran towards it and pounced on it, biting off the

neck of the target, though, it couldn't, but even then, it didn't stop. It just

went down and started attacking with everything it could, claws, more

bites, more claws, it was a non-stopping barrage of attacks, until the

pupped couldn't hold out any more and fell down, and even then, the

wolf was still breaking and biting everything it has at his reach.

"Stop, come here buddy!"-I said, and it stopped his furious barrage while

running towards me, somewhat tired for what its tongue out and its fast

breathing were telling me. "You did great!"-I said while rubbing its head

that was almost at the level of my chest {Man, you're big as fuck…}-I

thought to myself.

"Now… For my next try… Why don't we go with something a little bit

more fantastical…"-I said while preparing to summon my next creature.

"Utevo Res Troll"-I said.

But nothing happened.

"Mm?"- While I was wondering why nothing happened, a system message


[Quick tutorial for idiots! While in Tibia you're able to summon every

possible summonable creature as a Sorcerer, here you'll have to acquire

the summoner vocation to summon anything other than normal animals,

albeit a little stronger. You can also summon even stronger creatures than

in the game with the correct advanced vocation.]

"Oh, come on!!!"-I shouted.

[Rules are rules. Deal with it.]

"*sigh…* Nothing I can do, I guess… Well, I at least can summon wolves

and bears that should be enough for the moments. Heck, Voldemort had

a boa with him… I'll be better with two bears or wolves alongside me."

With that said, I look towards the wolf, who's still sitting with his tongue


"Well buddy, accompany me while I keep testing my spells and theories."-

I said with a smile while petting it.

*Wof, wof*-It answered in a really deep bark.

CHAPTER 14 – Grinding my ML

like crazy (Part 2)

"Exevo Flam Hur"-I incanted and from the tip of my wand, a wave of

flames started to appear, but this time, instead of just one single wave,

the wand kept spurting out flames, while I pointed towards the different

targets that stood in front of me, letting the flames spread in front of me,

swallowing every target until I had to stop.

"Huff… Huff… Huff… Huff…"-I panted while dropping my arm down.

"Well… I guess that's my limit for the moments… *sigh…*"

For the last two hours I've been testing different ways to use my spells,

and I made a few important discoveries.

First of all, was the possibility of keep using the spells. While the strikes

couldn't be kept and had to be incanted again and again to use them

multiple times, the flame wave spell could be kept indeed.

Though there were some problems to it, first was the fact that it needed

too much focus to do it, and that wasn't even the greatest problem, that

place was left to the stress it put over my magic core.

For the moments, I could only keep the spell up to 5 seconds before

getting tired, but not like physically tired, it was more like a mental type

of tiredness as if all my magic was getting out of my body. Though it

wasn't as if I used up all my magic, it was only as if I needed time to rest

before use the spell again.

Using game terms, the spell had a casting time, a limit to how much time

I could use it continuously. And once I use it, I need a slight rest to use

the same spell again. Though, this resting time increased the more time I

kept the spell activated, so, in the end, it was a matter of choice, of

whether it was better to keep the spell to increase the damage, or make a

quick hit before changing the spell in use.

By the way, I tried to do the same with the energy beam spell, but the

time I could keep it was even less, at much, it was up for 3 seconds, and I

got tired even more than when I used the fire wave spell.

Thinking about it, I guess it has something to do with my magic stage,

more likely with my magic core. While my ML might influence this

ability to keep up the spell, I have this feeling that the more my magic

stage goes up, the more my magic core evolves, the more time I'll be able

to keep these spells, and may be able to even do more things.

"*sigh…* For the moments, I think it's okay to stop with the instant

spells… Now… Let's test what I've been postponing for so long."-I said

while opening the system store.

Thankfully, I didn't have to go through the system interface to do that, as

only thinking of the specific function would let me go to it, saving some

time. Not that it matters, actually, but it's good to have instant access to


[Store! / 505pts

Spell Books




General Items

Equipment (Sealed)

Spells (Sealed)]

"*sigh…* I have the points to buy my wand… But… I already have one,

and the amounts of points I've been gaining lately are increasing with

time, and just with a little bit of testing and practicing… So… For the

moments, I don't think that buying a wand is important."

With that said, I went directly towards the runes.

[Runes / 505pts

- Blank Rune (10pts)

- ???]

"Mm? I did saw this page before, but now… What are those interrogation

signs? I'll be able to directly buy runes from the store? That would just be

a waste of points… Unless there're runes that I'm not able to make or

things prepared for other vocations… Interesting… Well, let's do what I

came to do."

With that said, I continued to buy 20 blank runes.

{Go big or go home…}-I thought while stopping the tears trying to fall

from my eyes at the sudden disappearance of 200pts. {It's okay… From

now on I'll win a lot of points each day!}

After making the buy, I grow a little bit curious, so I went quickly

towards the vocation store.

[Vocations / 305pts

- Druid (1000pts)

- Arcanist (1000pts)

- Summoner (1000pts)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- ???]

"…"-I just looked at the window. "Well, it was good that I didn't see this

thing the first time I opened the store… If I did… I would cry blood at

the measly number of points I could gather in 10 years…"-I said,

sweeping my eyes to clean the tears falling from my eyes thanks to the

measly number of points I gathered in 10 years.

After that, I just opened the inventory, trying to focus on more

productive things, and took out the runes, that appeared right in front of

my eyes.

"Mm? These are smaller than I thought they would be… Well, it's hard to

compare with a game like Tibia's graphics…"

What was in front of me, were 20 small and flat stones, each with a

slightly irregular figure that wasn't either a square nor a circle.

I could grab each of these rocks with one hand, as they weren't bigger

than my palm, I could actually grab two at a time.

{With the picture they had in the game, I thought they would be at least

of the size of a tablet… Oh well, this works better for me.}-I thought,

before looking at the wolf that suddenly came to smell the little mound

of rocks that was on the floor.

"Relax buddy, they're blank runes, special stones that would let me create

magical runes that will add new powers to my arsenal. Want to see?"-I

ask the wolf.

*Wof, wof*-It barked at me as if approving the idea.

"You know, I've been thinking this from the start… But for you to be such

a big wolf, you sure sound more like a dog to me… Albeit, a slightly big

one…"-I said while rubbing its head. To which it only tilted its head.

"Well, let's think… Mm… With which rune should I start…"-I look at the

blank rune in my hand. "Well, let's go with the destroy field rune."-I then

stood up and held a blank rune in my hand.

"Adito Grav"-I incant the rune spell, and the blank rune in my hand

started to absorb the magic power from my core, slightly changing its

color, going from a light grey, to a darker shade of grey, and right in the

center of it, a symbol was being carved by what seemed to be magic

power of a whitish-grey color.

After a few seconds, the symbol was completely carved in the rune, it had

two wavy lines, one beside the other in the center of the now darker-grey

colored stone. Turning the flat stone, on the back of it I could see three

horizontally joined lines, that seemed to resemble the roman number


[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've created your

first rune after years of not even looking at the runes page of the store!

Now the path is open to increasing your power even more!]

[25pts have been earned]

"That's a nice surprise. Now I'll just have to earn 175pts more to restore

the 200pts I wasted on the blank runes."

*Wof, wof*-The wolf suddenly barked at me.

"Fine, fine, I'll start now…"-I then looked at some of the targets on my

left and pointed my wand to send a fire wave spell, which created a path

of flames where it hit, that would surely be recognized as a fire field.

"Now… How the heck do I use this?"-I said while looking at the rune.

"Well, let's try to send some magic power to it first."-Focusing on the

rune, I sent magic power to it, and once I did, it started to shine in a

grayish light. Still, nothing happened.

"So?"-I looked at the shining rune on my hands, but nothing was

happening. "Mm… In the game you normally add hotkeys to this thing,

or use the mouse to use the rune and then just point towards the target

you want it to be used… Well, until now, will mostly do the trick, so I

guess it's just about focusing my will on the target instead of using a


I tightened my grip on the rune and looked at the fire field in front of me.

It was at that time, that a grey light went out of the rune and impacted

the starting point of the field, turning into a somewhat grey wave of light

that ran through the field and extinguished the flames.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've successfully

used your first rune! And with a great combination of countering spells!]

[15pts have been earned]

"Well… This is a good surprise!"

After the rune was used, the light on the rune disappeared, but the rune

was still there.

"Oh, right! Some runes had multiple uses. Mm? Of course!"-I then turned

the rune and looked behind, and just as I imagine it, the roman number

three transformed into a roman number two. "So, this number here was

the number of uses the rune had… Well, certainly, while the amount of

magic power needed to conjure them depends on the rune, the amount

needed to activate them is almost unnoticeable, just a slight touch of

magic power can activate them… The rest is up to will."

With one rune tested, I left it inside my inventory and then got to the

next blank rune.

"Now, what I'll do with you?"-I said while looking at the blank rune on

my hand until a new idea got into my head. "Right. Let's do one field

rune of each."

With that said, I grabbed two more blank runes, two in one hand and one

in the other.

"Let's start with you. Adevo Grav Pox."-I incanted the spell, and the rune

on my right hand started to suck my magic power, turning its color into a

green that would remind you of a swamp, with the same two wavy lines

that the other rune had. Once the symbol was carved, the rune was

ready. Behind it, the same roman number three appeared.

"Well, that's one."-I said while dropping it on the floor, and taking

another rune from my left hand to my right hand. "Adevo Grav Flam"-

Once again the magic power got sucked out of my body, turning the

blank rune of a light-grey color into a flaming red color, with the same

two wavy lines and the roman number three behind.

After dropping the rune on the floor next to the other one, I grabbed the

remaining rune in my hands.

"Adevo Grav Vis"-I incanted, and once again, the magic power was

sucked from inside my body into the blank rune, slowly turning it into a

purple color, and engraving the same two wavy lines on the front of the

rune and the same roman number three on the back.

"Huff… Huff… Huff…"-Once the rune was over, I had to sit down for a

little while, as I was completely tired. "It… Seems… That making runes

constantly… It's hard… It must have something to do with the spirit

points… *sigh…*"

Originally, in the game, you have to invest something called spirit points,

which limited the number of runes you could make in a day, so, all in all,

I think that in this universe, it mostly translates to 'stop trying to make a

lot of runes continuously unless you have enough power to sustain it.'

[Congratulations! Your Magic Level increased by 1!]

"Well… I got a nice reward then… *sigh…* I should probably rest…"-I

said before standing up.

After that I collected the runes and the blank runes, putting them inside

my inventory, and stretching a little bit. Looking at the hour, it was

almost time for lunch.

"Well, I should probably get going. Take a lunch, save some stuff to bring

here, and then keep training…"-I said before turning to look at the wolf.

"Mm… What should I do with you?"

"Wof?"-It tilted its head.

"Sorry man… But as much as I would like to keep you… There's just no

way to have such a big wolf walking with me around the castle… Well…

Not for the moments, at least… So… Is there a spell to cancel this?"

Thinking about it, there's just no spell to dispel the summoning one. But

there sure is one to cancel the magic shield one.

"Mm… What if…"-I closed my eyes and focused all my will into the

image of the wolf disappearing, in the same way, I could cancel the

magic shield. I tried to focus as much as I could on that image, before

opening my mouth.

"Exani Res Wolf"-I said with the image in my mind as clear as possible.

Thankfully, training my occlumency helped improve my ability to

imagine things inside my mind.


I opened my eyes to a slight sound, and just as I did, particles of magic

light were now dispersing in the air where the wolf once was.

"I did it!!!!"-I shouted, and at the same moment my Magic Spell Book

appeared in front of me, with a page in the middle of it shining

brilliantly, it then opened in the first blank page, next to the added spell

of Wingardium Leviosa, which was the page that was shining.

[Congratulations! You have created your own original spell, albeit a

simple one. It is your first creation and will surely put the foundations to

create even more complex and powerful ones!]

[40pts have been earned]

"Wow… I knew it! Hail the RoR!!!!"-I shouted once again. Since coming

to Hogwarts, not only did I increase my ML by two in a single day, but I

also created a new spell. I'm not expecting this trend to keep going up, as

each passing level my ML gets harder to increase, but still, I'll surely be

able to prepare for my third year, when Harry gets here and all sort of

stuff starts happening.

"Until then… If I'm not as strong as Dumbledore, I'll surely be at least the

most powerful wizard after him and Tom… And that's just the

beginning… With so many things happening from that year onwards…

I'll surely be able to grow stronger."

After that, I cleaned up everything, meaning just putting my Magic Spell

Book inside my inventory to go towards the Great Hall for lunch.


Now runes have been introduced, today I'll be uploading another

chapter later, mixing a few things from both magic systems. Thanks

for reading, and for any feedback you might have!

CHAPTER 15 – Grinding my ML

like crazy (Part 3)

"Mm?"-Once inside the Great Hall, I could see Roger talking with the two

other male first-years from Ravenclaw. "Hey, guys!"

"Hey, man, where've you been?"-Roger asked.

"Looking around in the castle, the place is enormous, then I stayed a little

while in the library reading some books. What about you? I didn't see

any of you early in the morning."

"I woke up a little later than I should… Thankfully I still made it for

breakfast."-Jake Evans answered, he was one of the two other first-years.

A brown-haired guy with freckles on the nose.

"I woke up early… But I lost myself in a book I was reading… I had to go

to the kitchen to ask for something to eat after that man… Not only did I

got lost, but I also got to see a lot of house-elves… It was weird.

Thankfully, there's no problem to miss your breakfast on weekends.

*sigh…*"-William O'Neill answered, he was the other first-year male

from Ravenclaw, a black guy with really clear hazel eyes.

"I know that feeling man… I used to get scolded for reading too much

back at the orphanage…"-I say to William.

"Oh? You came from an orphanage?"-Jake asks while lifting an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I didn't even know what I was until professor McGonagall came to

visit the place with a letter."

"Yeah… I know that feeling, my family and I were the same…"-Jake


"Oh, so you both are muggle-born huh?"-William asked.

"Yeah, what about you?"

"My family comes from the US, well, my father, my mom was born here

in England. Both of them are wizards, so I've known from the start."-He


"Wow, that would be awesome, I imagine that you had a lot of books of

magic to read in your house."-Jake asked.

"Yeah, but I couldn't practice any magic until I was eleven and got my

own wand…"-He said, kind of saddened.

"You guys all love to study and read books huh? Now I guess why all of

us got into Ravenclaw haha."-Roger said with a small chuckle.

"Hahaha, the old troupe that only bookworms come here huh? I guess

that would actually go with us."-Said William.

"Yes… Precisely, and I'm not even born from a magical family."-Jake said.

"I get you, man, I was reading only muggle books before I could buy the

magics for first-year, then I couldn't even stop reading them."-I answer


A little while after that, the food suddenly appeared on the tables, and all

of us started to eat. A thing I loved since the previous night was the

variety of food that they serve here… I know yesterday's night was a

special banquet, but this morning's food, as well as lunch, were really

amazing, too much food to pick from.

After eating, the guys and I started to talk about the things we've done,

but it seems that apart from me testing my spells in the RoR they did

little more than exploring the castle and reading as much as they could

for our classes this Monday.

I, of course, didn't tell them about my visit to the RoR, I mainly just

talked about reading stuff in the library, don't want them to learn too

soon that I have different spells than what they can use.

This actually reminds me of something important, and that was the idea

of thinking about how would I explain my spells. For the moment it won't

be necessary, as there won't be any kind of duel or practical class that I

would need to show them. But it would be great to actually look for a

way to explain them and not be treated like some kind of Dark Lord.

At 1:00 PM, everybody decided to go to the library, except for myself,

that I said I wanted to go read a few things I had back in my room, and

that I would see them in the Great Hall at dinner time. After all, we'll

have a lot of time to talk either in the common room or during classes.

I was walking back towards the seventh floor when suddenly I heard a

raven cawing. Looking for the sound, I found Muninn flying towards me

from one of the corridors.

"Mm? Hey buddy, where did you come from?"-I ask him while he

perched on my shoulder.

"CAW!!"-He answered.

"Oh well, doesn't matter, come on, I'll train more for today, and you can

watch."-I said while going towards the RoR.

That weekend I used my all my time either training my ML by making

runes and practicing spells or talking with the guys in the common room

or during lunch and dinner. I even caught a few chats with Lisandra

during the breakfasts, as she also wakes up early. She was slightly

anxious to start classes on Monday, but that, otherwise, was doing good

in her house.

I finally registered two other spells inside my spellbook, which were

Lumus and Expelliarmus. For this last one, I had to take a summon a

book inside the RoR to teach me how to use it.

A funny thing is, that doing Expelliarmus with my hands feels more

precise than when I'm doing it with my wand, I don't know if it's the fact

that I've been training without a wand for like ten years.

In the case of Lumus, I was trying to double cast it alongside my

illumination spell to see if there was a way for me to mix both and see if

there would be some kind of different effect, but for the moments, I

didn't succeed.

What is indeed a gratifying thing, was the fact that I could slowly change

the color to illumination spell, which I had the help of the runes, as

seeing how they changed in color actually helped me get a nice image of

the effect. It does need more magic power, but let me get a few nice color

effects, not like it would have some special use, but well, it helped me

increase my ML, which was 29 right now, all thanks to the new spells

and my training.

A final notice I would need to give is, I made what I feel is one of my

greatest successes. I activated a rune while using Wingardium Leviosa on

it. It was like activating the rune remotely, which was quite awesome for

all the possibilities it would give me. Being one of the easiest spells to

use, I had a lot of chances to improve the Wingardium Leviosa, I just

needed to learn how to make multiple objects levitate at the same time,

and I would improve greatly on my use of runes.

That also got me 50pts, so all in all, it was a good thing to do.

With that, I was right now in my room, it was almost 10:00 PM on

Sunday, my last free day, and I was writing a few things on a parchment

"Well, I guess this would be enough for this year."-I said while looking at

the parchment in front of me.

What I wrote was my to-do list for this year. From what I knew, there

won't be too much stuff to do until Harry gets here. Classes should go as

usual in Hogwarts, without any accidents, and even if I wanted to go

hunt some things, I would probably need to go to the Forbidden Forest,

but right now I'm not strong enough to go there alone, so I better wait a

little bit.

Anyways, for this year my objectives would be:

- Learn as many spells I can from Hogwarts and register them inside my

Magic Spell Book.

- Get my ML to 45 as the bare minimum.

- Learn how to mix spells from the system and from this world.

- Get a second vocation. (Either Druid or Summoner, consider at the

moment of buying it.)

- Prepare a parchment with the magic syllables of my spells and have it

as an emergency in case someone discovers my unique magic.

- Decipher how to create my own runes (start with studying ancient runes

with the help of the RoR.)

- Practice dueling inside the RoR.

- Create at least one or two spells completely on my own.

- Research places of conflict inside the Wizarding World and sites where I

would be able to hunt for Dark Wizards and Dark Creatures for when I

turn 17.

"With this, I should be prepared enough for this year, that would leave

me next year to advance further. And if everything's good. I'll be able to

start hunting inside the Forbidden Forest by my third year, maybe even

before that. Sadly, I won't be able to practice magic outside of

Hogwarts… That means like two or three months without advancing…"

Sadly, until I'm seventeen, I'm not able to use magic outside of school,

which means that I would have problems doing anything out of it.

"That is… Unless I use runes. They technically don't use magic, at least

not enough magic power for the Ministry to take me out of school. In any

case, that could be a really good way to defend me in case something

happens. Oh well, I should just prepare as many runes I can for the

moment, and keep them inside my inventory in case something happens.

Now, let's sleep, tomorrow officially starts my school."


"Hey, good morning."-I say to the guys on Ravenclaw's table.

"Hey, dude! Good morning! How have you been?"-Answered William,

while Roger nodded while looking at some book and Jake also nodded,

with food in his mouth.

I'm usually the first one to get here, but I was actually a little distracted

while reading the book for History of Magic, if anything, I at least hope it

isn't that boring as people make it seems in the fanfics.

After finishing our breakfast, we all went towards the classroom for

History of Magic. We almost lost our way there, but thankfully, could

find it finally. The classroom was divided into a few columns, each one

with two seats for two students, multiple rows.

Once I got there, I found Lisandra already there with another classmate

of hers.

"Hey Lisandra, how are you? I didn't see you in today's breakfast."

"Hi Logan, good morning. I was actually a little early today, so I finished

fast and immediately came to the classroom."

"Oh, that explains it, I actually got there late, so well, I had to eat faster

to get here."-I said, before turning towards the girl that was sitting beside

her. "Oh, hey, I'm Logan."

"I didn't ask you."-She answered.

"Don't be like that, Amelia."-Lisandra said to the girl, who was apparently

called Amelia, she had raven black hair, a slightly thin face, and hazel

eyes, which were looking at me with indifference. "Sorry for that Logan,

she can be a little bit unfriendly."

"Why would I want to be friendly towards a bookworm?"-Amelia scoffed.

"Oh, well, don't worry too much Lisandra. Glad to see you."-I said with a

smile while going towards an open seat with Roger.

"You shouldn't associate too much with people who aren't from noble

families, Lisandra, that's not good to your image."-After walking, I

listened to Amelia say in a slightly hushed voice, though, not enough.

"Hey, it seems you're not really liked over there."-Roger told me once I sat


"Don't know what's the problem though, it's not like I did something to

her."-I just shrugged.

"Don't worry man, a lot of Slytherins are like that, it has to be with their

upbringing or something, that's what I heard from my brother. You just

evade them, and that's good."-He said.


After that, a ghost actually came inside the room. It was not the first time

I've seen one, as I actually saw a few of them roaming the castle and the

ghost of our house, the Grey Lady.

The problem… Was actually the way he taught… It was slow, boring,

and really put us to sleep… I'm kind of a fan of history, but… There are

ways to teach history, and then there's this ghost here trying to put some

sleeping spell on us while talking.

What's worse… Was that I had to listen to this class for two periods

straight… Making my first morning class of the week a boring way to

start the week. I was just trying not to sleep myself, while holding on

until our third period, which is finally an interesting class,


By the way, Roger was a fallen soldier, as he actually fell asleep right

next to me. I woke him up twice, but the third time I just let him sleep,

after all, I'm sure he can just read about the class in some book, and that

would be probably more interesting.

{Come on, Logan! Just 20 more minutes and you'll be free of this

torture!}-I thought to myself while trying not to fall asleep from the

boring lesson. {Oh, wait… I can actually practice occlumency here! I'm

such an idiot!}

With that last thought, I started to practice my occlumency while inside

the class, just to escape from it, though, it was kind of late to do that.

CHAPTER 16 – Transfiguration

classes and some strange


After the extremely boring class of History of Magic, we all went towards

our next class, which happens to be one I'm really interested in.

Transfiguration. As we also shared the same class with those of Slytherin,

we all went like a small herd of children towards our next classroom.

After getting there, I actually saw a cat waiting over the desk of Professor


{Oh, it's that joke about transforming from a cat and surprising the

students with her animagus form.}-I thought to myself while looking at

the cat over the desk.

I wanted to pet her before we actually knew it was her. But I had respect

for that teacher, if at least, her and a few others here for what I knew and

read about them. With that said, I just went towards my seat and waited

for her to do her trick.

Once everyone was sitting on their chairs, she actually transformed back

into her human form, getting a few gasps here and there. Not that many

as I thought, probably because those of magical families already knew of


"Now, I welcome you all to Transfiguration. Some of you may know,

some of you don't. But, just to make things clear, Transfiguration is some

of the most complex and dangerous magic you'll learn here at Hogwarts.

Anyone messing around in my class will leave, and not come back.

You've been warned."-She said while sternly looking at all of us.

{Well, with how she looks like, I'm sure not many here would like to

cross her… She seemed rather nice while we went to Diagon Alley, not

like she's not nice now. It all probably depends on the situation.}-I

thought to myself.

"Okay, with that said, today we'll start with something easy, we'll turn

matches into needles. But, before, we'll first take notes of a few important

things you'll need, after that, I'll hand each one of you a match, which

you'll try to turn into a needle with the help of your wands."-So she said.

We had to write a few things down on our notebooks, which were

slightly weird to me, as I saw really few classes of transfiguration during

the movie, and none of them actually have something like this. They just

went and boom, turn things and animals into other things.

"Well, now that everyone's ready, let's start with your first lesson.

Turning a match into a needle."-professor McGonagall said before she

started to teach how to actually do it.

{Well, it doesn't seem that hard…}-I thought to myself while looking at

my match.

The first was focusing. We really need to focus on the match and the

desired object we'll turn it into, which, this time, was a needle.

Second, it was the fact that you have to perfectly imagine the desired

object in your mind. The more detailed and concentrated you are in said

image, the better the result you would get.

And third. Point your wand at the match while saying 'match to needle',

while focusing on the transformation you want to take place.

Now. It sounded easy. But was actually hard to do from what I could see

from the other students. With that said. I just went and looked at my


{Occlumency is really useful in this kind of thing. After going through

the process of building those defenses, a simple imagination practice isn't

that hard.}-I thought to myself while looking at the match, imagining the

kind of needle I would want.

"Match to a needle."-I said while touching the match with my wand.

Immediately, the match started to transform into an actual silver needle,

one with a particular pointy end, that could probably puncture through

your skin really easily, with a bluish-silver raven perching on the other

end of the needle.

{… Now, this feels great.}-I thought to myself while looking at the results

of my transfiguration magic.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've successfully

completed your first transfiguration lesson! And not only were you the

first to do it in your class, but your needle is also an actual piece of art

for such a young wizard!]

[50pts have been earned]

{And this is such a nice surprise! I'll better take care to do well in all my

lessons. That'll be like mining gold.}-I thought to myself, trying really

hard not to jump and shout out of happiness.

"Mm? Well, well, Mr. Taylor, this is indeed such a surprise."-Suddenly

said McGonagall while I was being happy at the amounts of store points

which I gained. "Look at this needle, everybody, Mr. Taylor went beyond

what was expected, not only could he successfully turn his match into a

needle, but he could actually do it with such precision and, I must say,

artistry, congratulations Mr. Taylor. 10pts to Ravenclaw."-And here I

gained another kind of points, which I didn't need.

"Wow, dude, how did you do that!?"-Roger asked beside me. "I've barely

been able to turn it into a straight metallic… thing…"-He said while

looking at his supposed needle.

"Relax man, the trick is in the image you create in your mind. The more

precise it is, and the more you can focus on it, the better the result."-I

gave advice to him.

"Thanks… I'll try."

The rest of the class was easy, as I basically didn't have to do anything.

At much, what I did was help Roger, who still had a few problems with

it, I also gave some advice to William and Jake, who both were sitting in

front of us. I looked for Lisandra, but she was doing great on her own,

winning 5 points to her house while being the second one to actually

succeed on the magic.

After that, it was time for our lunch break, so we all went towards the

Great Hall. Where you could actually see every kind of food. Again, it's

not like the banquet at the start of the year, but it surely was an amazing

sight, seeing so much food around.

Once lunch was over, and after I secretly took some food into my

inventory, we all went to our next class, Potions… Now, I'll say this. But I

don't like Snape. Looking at the movies it was like seeing a selfish

asshole. No matter how 'sad' was his story, he was really selfish,

deducting points to students apart from those in his house. The guy was a

master in potions, yes, but he was a really bad human being.

And for what I've been able to understand in some fanfics, he was not

that much of a martyr on the books either… So, all in all, I will only

accept that the guy was great when it came to potions, and being a

double agent.

Also… I discovered that I probably should have learned how to cook…

As, while I'm not being that bad with making potions, a little bit of

practice handling any kind of ingredients would be helpful here…

A lot of points were taken during the classes, mostly from those of

Gryffindor, including the twins, who were playing around with their

stuff. In the case of Ravenclaw, we got under the radar of the guy that

calls himself a teacher, but still some of our classmates, a girl, in

particular, got deducted a few points, as it seems she had some clumsy


{I'll add practice potions to the list of the year…}-I thought to myself

while getting towards my next class, DADA or Defense Against the Dark

Arts, which was taught by some teacher with weird antics, and that I

won't see any more after the end of this year, probably.

We started looking into a few basic dark creatures, and some spells to

counter them, but nothing much, really, the guy didn't know how to

teach the subject, and I could probably beat him faster… Probably…

Finally, our last class was Herbology, again with Slytherin, where I got to

learn nice magic, 'Incendio', to counter some of the dangerous plants that

habit in this world, like the Devil's Snare or a Venomous Tentacula.

Weirdly enough, the charm was really easy to learn, I could actually use

it on my first try, which gave me the idea that I may have an easy time

learning new magic. This added to my list to learn as many charms as I

could while using the RoR.

After the end of classes, I quickly went towards the RoR, with no time to

lose, there, I started practicing Incendio until I could register it in my

spellbook, and after that, I started to look over a few charms in the

books, like the severing charm or the one to make the enemy laugh with


It didn't matter what kind of charm it was, if it seemed relatively easy, I

would try to learn it until I could register it inside my spellbook. I got so

focused on it, that I forgot to attend dinner.

Thankfully, I took some food from lunch, which I could quietly eat inside

the RoR. After going out, with still some time to make it to the common

room before 9, I was about to walk down the tower, but I got slightly

curious and went towards the Astronomy Tower.

"Wow… This view is amazing…"-I murmured while looking out of the

tower. The view was simply fantastical… And it was while I was turning

to look towards the castle, that I noticed the backyard of the castle,

where a standing Snape and two students were talking, and alongside

them, what looked like a statue.

"What the hell…"-I said while looking at them before backing off slightly

to not get seen by any of them, just in case. "That… Wasn't that a

petrified student!?"-I almost shouted in surprise.

Now. I didn't know of any kind of accident before Harry's coming into

Hogwarts. So, it was basically impossible for me to think about a

petrified student.

{It seems this is going to be a more moved year than I thought…}-I

thought to myself while I quickly went towards my dorm.


As I said in the novel extra's extra, I first want to apologize, as I

couldn't update this since some time ago because stuff happened. So

well... I'm sorry for that. I've had this chapter prepared since a few

days ago, but couldn't post it. I'm already working on the next one,

and stuff is slowly going back to normal, so I'll go back to my usual

schedule as soon as I can. As usual, thanks for reading and for any

feedback! (Also, some of you may know where that last part comes

from, so let me be clear. I don't know if that stuff is canon or not, at

least, it comes from a "semi-official" source, so I hope it won't be that

bad to actually add it to the story.)

CHAPTER 17 – Charms and Flying


I was already in the Great Hall the next day with the other guys, our next

class was charms, and right after that, two whole periods of flying

classes, leading to an amazing free end of the day, which I, of course,

would pass inside the RoR training.

Yesterday I increased my ML by three, which left me with one more point

until my ML reaches 33, transforming my core into a stage two core.

Talking about my core, it was actually really big now, as if I had an

enormous crystal inside my heart that was full of gas, I guess it's getting

closer and closer to transforming, which is normal, taking into account

I'm just about to get to stage 2, which I will make today for sure, after all,

with what happened yesterday… I'm not so sure this will be a really easy

year as I first thought…

"Hey! Did you guys hear what happened?"-Jake suddenly came running

towards us with a surprised face.

"Mm? Heard what?"-William asked.

"Yeah, man, why are you so excited?"-I asked him while eating an apple.

"So, you haven't heard…"-He said.

"We're asking because we didn't…"-William said.

"He must be referring to that one student that got petrified."-A new voice

talked at our side. It was a girl with raven hair, brown eyes and a really

sharp nose.

"Huh? A student got petrified?"-William asked.

"Yes! It happened yesterday! Some Hufflepuff student find him and

alerted Professor Snape!"-Jake said.

"Petrified!? As in… Turned to stone?"-Roger asked with a terrified face.

"Precisely."-The girl once again said. "The student was a Gryffindor from

the third year and was turned to stone. It seems it isn't the first time

something weird happened to students in the past years."

"How do you know, Julie?"-I asked the girl, really curious.

"Because the brother of my friend is in the third year, and he has been

telling her about all these accidents that have been happening in the

castle, like students getting stuck in portraits last year. I thought it was

all just a joke… But with this accident… I don't think they are jokes

anymore… I'm worried that it will be like last time and students are

randomly petrified…"-She said with a worried face.

"If that's true… It means that anyone could get petrified… Even us…?"-

William said.

"If my friend's brother's right, then… maybe…"-She said.

{Come on! Are you joking with me? This wasn't in the movies or any

kind of Fanfic I've read!}-I thought to myself before sighing.

"Why the sigh?"-Jake asked me.

"Really? Are you asking me why? Man… I didn't think it would be

dangerous to come to school, just that."-I answered him. {I know it will

be dangerous… But not right now. I'm only in my first year.}-I thought

before biting my apple.

"Don't worry, I've been told that some students that are from the sixth

year have stopped these things, though my friend's brother didn't know

how, it was just something he heard about, still, I think we'll be fine…

Maybe those students will act again?"-Julie said.

"Really?"- William asked. "Not the professors but by students?"

"Isn't that weird?"-Jake also asked.

"Maybe it's because students have more free time?"-Roger asked.

"That could be the reason…"-I nod at him. After all, in the movies, they

do seem to have a lot of free time, for three students to move around as

they place all the freaking time.

"Of course, not only the students. The professors also helped, or so my

friend's brother said."-Julie clarified.

"Oh, right!"-Jake said, right before the bells of the school sounded,

alerting everyone that classes were starting soon.

"Let's go! I don't want to get late to classes with professor Flitwick!"-Roger


"Mm? Why?"-William asked. "Isn't Flitwick our house head? I think that

he's quite a layback, I mean… he's not Snape, right?"

"Still, we must get there on time, it's not going to be a pain."-I shrugged

while standing up to go to classes.

We all made our way to class, while Julie went to look for her friend. On

the way, we all continued our talk about the petrified student, at least

until we were close to getting to our classroom when we started to talk

excitedly about our first class.

{Though… I'm already able to use Wingardium Leviosa, and even

without a wand… So, this class won't give me much in terms of ML,

though, maybe it will give me points.}-I thought to myself right before

entering the classroom of Professor Flitwick.

We all took a seat in the place, and just after I sat, someone unexpectedly

sat beside me.

"Good morning."-Lisandra said after sitting down.

"Hey, good morning, how are you?"-I asked her with a slightly surprised


"I'm good, thanks."-She said. "Hey, about my friend yesterday, I'm sorry

for that…"

"Oh, don't worry, I didn't take it personally or anything."-I said with a

smile. {It's not like I have the time to pay attention to whatever an eleven

years old little girl with a sick upbringing has to say.}-I thought to


"Great then… Also, I saw that needle you made, it was amazing, really. I

barely could make a normal needle."-She said with an awkward smile.

"Don't worry, you just have to practice your visualization, that's the trick

to it."-I smiled at her.

"Good morning! Welcome, welcome to charms' class! I'm Professor

Flitwick, those from Ravenclaw might know of me already as I'm their

house head! Huhu."-Suddenly, the excited voice of Professor Flitwick

resounded, and that's when I saw the small man standing right in front of

us, in the podium.

"Today, we're going to learn about one of the most important magic of all

witches and wizards, the levitation charm!"-He said. "Now, everyone, in

your desk you'll find a feather, today, we're going to make it levitate! But

before that, let's practice the movement of the wand."

After that he made us practice the movement necessary for the wand to

do the spell, while also explaining the charm and what we must say to do

the charm and make the feather levitate.

{Haha… It's Leviosa. Not Leviousa… Oh, man… Poor Hermione…}-I

thought to myself with a chuckle while looking at everyone practice their

wand's movement. I, of course, already have it mastered and don't even

need the wand, but was still practicing.

After some minutes of practicing, the professor finally told us to try the

spell, which made a lot of the present students start repeating the

movement they've just learn, while also saying 'Wingardium Leviosa'

again and again.

"Wingardium Leviosa"-I, on the other hand, chose to do it the traditional

way too… After all, I won't be able to explain how do I know how to

make the spell without a chant.

With a flick of my wand, the feather started to levitate, and with the

movement of my wand, I made it fly towards the professor's table.

"Oh? OH! Congratulations! Congratulations! You did it! Mr… Oh! Mr.

Taylor! It's great that someone from my house could be this talented in

charms to do it on the first try! 5 points to Ravenclaw!"-The professor

said once he saw my feather levitating.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've successfully

completed your first charms lesson! Even if you already knew the charm,

you've succeeded in completing the task given to you by Professor


[30pts have been earned]

{Nice.}-I thought to myself while reading at the message from the


"Great, man! Five more points!"-Jake told me.

"Congratulations, Logan."-Lisandra also said with a smile.

"Thanks, guys…"-I said while scratching the back of my head. {It's just

that I already learned from before…}-I thought, feeling a little bit

awkward about it.

After that, I just helped both Jake and Lisandra with their charm, though,

in the case of Lisandra, I wasn't that much needed.

{This girl sure is intelligent and a great witch…}-I thought about how

she was the second in both Transfiguration and Charms.

Once the lesson ended, we went yard, where we would have our first

flying class with Hufflepuff.

It must be said that I was incredibly excited to finally use a broom to fly,

which is one of my biggest dreams since watching the first movie.

Once in the yard, Professor Hooch put us in two rows, each student

beside a broom used for training.

"Now. Your first lesson."-The stern-looking woman started talking. "You'll

raise your broom from the ground, calling it to your hand. For it, you just

have to put your hands over the broom, and say 'up'."-She demonstrated

with her own broom, before telling us to do it ourselves.

With my hand over the broom, I focused all my will on the broom to

raise to my hand. And with a strong call, I said 'up.', making the broom

raise from the ground on the first try.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've successfully

called a broom to your hand for the first time! While also completing the

first task given to you by Madam Hooch on the first try and being the

first in your class!]

[45pts have been earned]

{Great! If this keeps going on. I'll be able to buy everything I want!

HAHAHAHA!}-I laugh internally, trying to keep my face from showing

any kind of excitement.

After a few minutes, the professor stopped us, at least what seemed half

of us could raise the broom from the ground, while only Lisandra, Roger,

some girl from Hufflepuff, a guy who I think is pretty much Cedric

Diggory if he looks like a younger version of his movie's actor, and I,

made it on the first try.

"Well, now. You'll learn how to take your first step into the air. But

before, I'll warn you. Do anything I've not told you to, and you'll be out

of Hogwarts before you can even say the word Quidditch."-She warned


After that, we had to raise a leg over the broom to mount it. And with a

slight kick on the ground, we would start flying our broom.

Surprisingly, this was even easier than raising it from the ground. I

thought it would be harder to control, actually. Another surprise is the

fact that it isn't as uncomfortable as it looks in the movie.

{It's not like sitting over a broom a few meters high in the sky looks like

the most comfortable position… Even less when you want to evade any

kind of problem in your nether regions…}-I thought to myself.

In the case of the broom, it gave the feeling as if you had a cushion under

you, not precisely a broom's stick, so it was comfy to sit on it.

For the first lesson, we were only taught a few basic movements. How to

move forwards, how to stop, and how to fly down to land.

Each step got me just 5 points, including the lift-off, which was kind of

depressing as I thought I would be earning at least 15 per one… Still, I

understand that it's only one lesson of flying class, and all points

gathered, I got 65 points, which was more than in any other lesson for

the moments.

{Now… This gets me curious… Why didn't I get points during potions

classes? System?}-I thought, on my way to the RoR, after the end of

classes and lunch.

Just like yesterday, I secretly got some food from the lunch into the

inventory, so I wouldn't need to worry at all during my training session.

And at the same time, I excused myself saying I wasn't feeling so well so I

would go to my room.

[It's because you didn't successfully complete the task given by your

professor.]-It answered.

{But I completed the potion.}

[The completion rate of a task isn't valued by me, but by your professors.

So, unless Snape considers your potion as a success, you won't receive

points in that lesson. Making, and completing, potions out of Snape's

lessons would give you points depending on the success you managed, as

I'll be the one to judge and not that prick of a professor.]-The system


{Oh… That explains some stuff… Also, I didn't think you could be an ass

about someone apart from me.}-I asked.

[I'm an impartial judge. If I deem you an idiot, it's because you're one.

That's being truthful, not an ass. And I'm the same with everyone. And

Snape matches the word 'prick', among others.]-It said.

{Mm… Interesting…}-I thought to myself, finally walking inside the RoR.

My goal to end the day was to finally reach ML 33 and get my second-

stage core.

CHAPTER 18 – Second Stage Core

Once inside the RoR, I started to train as many spells from the world of

Harry Potter I could. After all, learning new spells and training them

until they made it into my spellbook was one of the fastest ways I had to

increase my ML, which was my objective for today's training, as I was

only one level to do it. Of course, I had other things in mind, but for the

moments, getting my second stage core was my top priority.

I needed to know how much a new stage can increase my power. So, I

started to train. Alohomora, Incendio, Reducto, Lumos Maxima, whatever

spell I remembered, I tried to ask for a book from the RoR to learn it.

And after completely mastering Alohomora, Incendio, and Lumos

Maxima, which was basically a more powerful version of the Lumos, I

finally got my ML to increase the last level it needed, as well as acquiring

70 extra points, 15 from Alohomora, 25 from Incendio and 30 from

Lumos Maxima.

What happened after that got me certainly confused. My chest turned

hot, not warmly hot, but as if someone was pouring hot water over it

constantly. It wasn't all that painful, but it still hurt and surely wasn't a

pleasant sensation.

"Urgh… Fuck! It was never mentioned that wizards went through this!"-I

shout at the system.

[Well, they also don't have a system that would let them increase their

power as if they were taking magic steroids 24/7 for 24 hours straight.

It's a little price to pay, don't you think?]-The system retorted to me.

"I… I can't argue against that…"-I just surrendered and sat cross-legged to

watch what was happening inside my body.

In my heart, the once basketball-sized core was now reducing its size,

while the gas it contained before started to condense along with it,

turning into liquid. It was slowly turning into a blue liquid that seemed

to have the same color as the mana bar on the game interface.

Even if it was getting smaller in size, I could feel that my magic power

was considerably stronger, which would be probably be represented by

the change from gas to a liquid, which isn't actually that bad if what I've

read in fanfics is true.

After a few minutes, the heat in my chest was slowly calming itself, while

the size of the magic core was now the same as a golf ball, but with a

liquid that looks even denser than oil, but a little less dense than lava. It

filled the core to the brim, making it impossible to differentiate any blank

space on the little golf-ball-sized core.

"At first sight… It just seems like it's even less mana than what I had

before…"-I said after studying the core for a little bit. "But… People say

that with magic it's usually quality against quantity… Right?"

With that last comment, I stood up, since there was no mana indicator in

my user's interface, it won't be possible to actually look at it in a

quantitative way… So, that said, I'll have to test my spells to actually see

the real difference.

{I guess the best way is to try with fire wave and the energy beam

skills…}-I thought to myself, but before I get to even take out my wand, a

message appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations! You've successfully upgraded your core to stage 2!

Even if it took you more time than what was expected, you still made it

before completing the first year in Hogwarts!]

[200pts have been earned! Keep the good work and maybe you'll

someday acquire an advanced vocation!]

"Was that last comment really necessary?"-I ask.

[With you? Yes.]-It said.

"Why!!?? It's not even like I-"-I stopped. "Wait. Do you mean…"

After a little thought on the wording, I got to the store, and just as I

thought. Some new things happened.

[Store! / 760pts

Spell Books (NEW!)

Wands/Rods (NEW!)


Vocations (NEW!)

General Items (NEW!)

Equipment (NEW!)

Spells (Sealed)]

"Holy… I thought it was just about getting available vocations… But even

the equipment store is now open… Well, let's first check the General

Items. I haven't even opened it yet…"

[General Items (New!) / 760pts

- Small health potion (60pts)

- Small mana potion (60pts)

- Medium mana potion (150pts) NEW!

- Bread (30pts) NEW!

- Ham (40pts) NEW!

- Chicken (40pts) NEW!

- ???]

"It's good that I didn't actually look into it before… Not something over-

necessary for the moments… Though, I'm curious, what does the food

here do? System?"

[You should have an idea if you know what that does in the game.]-He


"Mm? Eating is what lets you regenerate both mana and health in the

game… But isn't that the same as in eating anything from the magic

world?"-I ask, really confused this time.

[If it's in the store, it's obviously because it's not the same. While you can

eat normal food here, it would only keep you healthy, the food of the

store is special in that it actually increases your mana regeneration for

the next 10 minutes, making it at least twice as fast, and helping you

recover faster from some wounds, while as you should probably know,

but I'll explain it either way just in case, a potion would automatically

regenerate your mana and health, proportionally, with small magic

potions recovering 10% of it, medium a 30%, great ones a 50% and

ultimate magic potions recovering 70% of your health. Forget about

anything over a small health potion, you very well know that's only for


"… I guess buying something from this would be good sometime…"-I

murmured while thinking.

While the potions look interesting. For the moments I'm in no need to

actually use potions, having just one would be more than enough, but

even now that's an expensive thing if I want to have a second vocation

fast. Bread should probably be enough for the moments.

"Well… Let's check the vocations next."

[Vocations / 760pts

- Druid (1000pts)

- Arcanist (1000pts)

- Summoner (1000pts)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts) NEW!

- ???]

"Holy God… I forgot that I didn't saw my own normal promotion before!

So, it was because I didn't have my stage 2 core… And 7500pts? That's a

lot… I guess nothing to do for the moment. Though… Hey, System, if I

promote to an advanced vocation, I will be able to choose another

advanced vocation? And… What do I get if I advance to Master Sorcerer?

They had the same skills as a Sorcerer in the game."

[In the case of your first question. It will be possible, but the cost will be

slightly higher and you may only have two advanced vocations, so chose

carefully. To answer your second question, Master Sorcerer is an

advanced vocation that increases the power of your spells in a qualitative

way, so even something like a normal strike spell would be slightly

different from the current one. You'll also have access to new spells only

available to a Master Sorcerer, and your power will be upgraded, making

it easier for you to use magic.]

"Ho… So… What about other advanced vocations? What can I do with


[I can't answer that. I can only explain to you those vocations that are

shown on the list currently.]

"Mm… Shit… Oh well, I still have time to think. Next is… Spellbooks."

[Spell Books (New!) / 760pts

- Magic Spell Book (150pts) BOUGHT

- Spellbook of Enlightenment (500pts) NEW!

- Crude Umbral Spellbook (1000pts) NEW!

- Spellbook of Dark Mysteries (1500pts) NEW!

- Scorching Spellbook (1500pts) NEW!

- Electrified Spellbook (1500pts) NEW!

- Spellbook of Souls (1500pts) NEW!

- ???]

"Uhm… This is more than I thought… And heck… 1500pts for a

spellbook? Isn't that like… A lot?"

[Each spellbook is special in a way. Their cost depends on the tier of the

said spellbook.]

"Mm… I somehow can see what the last three are made for… They

probably increase the power of death, fire, and lightning attributes for

sorcerers… But… What about the others? Can you explain me? First with

the cheapest one."

[Spellbook of Enlightenment is a low-tier spellbook, that only increases

your ML by three, hence its low cost. It also helps you to master spells

slightly faster, but nothing too noticeable, if you currently need one hour

to master a spell and write it in your spellbook, now you'll need fifty-five


"Okay… Pass. Waste of points for the moments. What about the Spell

Books of Dark Mysteries?"

[That one gives you 8 additional ML, and slightly increases your mana

and health regeneration, making it 1.5 times faster. And this works in a

passive way, so if you eat food from the store, you recover twice or more

like that. For the record, the other three that costs the same only give you

five extra ML and no regeneration, and instead upgrade each elemental

damage by 10%]

"Ho… That's good to have… And the other one?"

[The last one is pretty special. The Crude Umbral Spellbook is a semi-

sentient spellbook that will grow with you. It's the weakest, but also most

powerful spellbook you could have when it evolves to its third form.

Though, right now, it only helps you increase your ML by two and adds a

3% extra power to all your elemental spells.]

"Ho… Now that's interesting… Well, I'll leave it for the moment. No

necessary use for them. Now to the wands and rods!"

[Wands/Rods (New!) / 760pts

- Wand of Vortex (500pts)

- Snakebite Rod (500pts)

- Wand of Dragonbreath (1000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Decay (1000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Draconia (1500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Cosmic Energy (1500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Inferno (2000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Dimensions (2000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Starstorm (2000pts) NEW!

- ???]

"Oh… I guess this is just like the game, they only increase their attack

power with different elements. Nothing that bad, I'll later think about

which one to choose, I have time. Then… I guess next is Equipment."

[Equipment (New!) / 760pts

- Boots NEW!

- Armor NEW!

- Legs NEW!

- Helmet NEW!

- Accessories NEW!

- Weapons (Sealed)]

"Ha… So… Just to be sure, this just gives me access to equipment from

the game?"

[Precisely, as well as some specialized equipment for your vocations if

needed. But there won't be much for the moments. And you probably

won't have enough points to afford them. In a way, most of these items

are a waste of points. For the moments, at least.]

"Oh well, I'll have time later. I'll just keep training for today so I can

check my new power increase."

With that said, I closed the system interface and stood up. With my wand

in hand, I asked the RoR to provide some practicing dummies for me,

which it did create. The same as usual, three targets on each side of the


{Let's start with a fire wave.}

"Exevo Flam Hur"-I incanted, and immediately, my wand turned into a

flamethrower, a thing to notice was that the fire output was faster than

before, helping the spell burn the dummies faster.

But, as if that wasn't enough, the width and length of the spell increased,

while it still kept its cone-shaped form, it traveled farther, while also

having a greater width, I almost didn't have to move the wand to touch

the other dummies.

What's best, was the fact that I already have been using the spell for ten

seconds and I still could go on. At least until the fifteen-second mark…

Which made me retract the spell and sit down to rest almost


"Huff… Huff… Huff… Now… This is amazing… Huff… Huff…"-I

murmured while looking at the place in front of me… It now looked like

a sea of fire thanks to the amount of fire I could use with the spell.

"If it's like this… I want to start practicing with the other spells…"-I said

before standing up again, getting ready to train with my other spells.

"Also… With this power… Maybe I'll be able to go to the forbidden forest

this same year… Hehe… Wait for me… Points in the form of monsters…

I'll get to you sooner than you think…"-I then laughed like a maniac

while thinking about all the points I would be able to reap inside that


CHAPTER 19 – Curses in Hogwarts

After training for the rest of the day, I was already going on my way

towards the common room. I must say that I was pretty much fascinated

with my new raw power. It was simply amazing, to say the least.

It wasn't just the fire wave spell that increased in power, each one of my

spells turned more powerful, each one of the strikes became deadly,

especially the death strike, which even if it keeps being the same small

bullet, the speed of the decay on the targets was increased, making it

harder to actually heal. While, at the same time, the area affected also

expanded, now it could almost take an entire arm if the spell impacts on

the elbow's area.

The energy strike increased its potency, while also growing in size until it

became a basketball-sized orb of lightning. The fire strike didn't grow

that much, but the flames burned fiercer, and it even left a small patch of

fire in the area it impacted, while the ice strike also didn't grow that

much in size, but still acquired a better effect, being able to slightly

freeze a bigger area, and making it even harder for the targets to move.

The earth strike, on the other hand, was similar to the energy strike,

growing in size and hardening, so the impact would be stronger, though,

easier than the rest to evade or deflect since it was like throwing a mix of

mud and stone to the target.

Finally, the best change with all my basic attack spells was the fact that I

now can make them soundlessly, not having to recite them. This actually

works perfect for me, as I won't have to speak an incant that would

normally sound weird for other wizards.

In the case of my actually strongest attack spell, without considering any

rune, the Great Energy Beam, it was simply amazing. I acquired that spell

when my ML made it to 29, but I barely test it, as I could only use it once

and not hold it on like the lesser version. But I know could sustain the

spell for four seconds.

It doesn't sound too much, but it's surely a lot of time taking into

consideration that I was shooting laser-like lightning towards my enemies

which doesn't only burn them, but also electrify them in a slightly wide


And as if that wasn't enough, I made it. I could start using Wingardium

Leviosa in multiple objects at the same time while making them move

around me. I was one step closer to improve the spell and reaching my

ideal of runic magic, which is what I decided to call it for the moments.

Some minor spells like levitation, magic rope, and haste increased their

power qualitatively, I could now fly slightly faster without the use of

haste, albeit not enough to beat a running man, while my magic rope

increased its maximum length and resistance. And I finally extended my

Magic Shield far over my own body, making a little film of magic power

surround me in a meter radius. The only catch is, that the amount of

magic power needed to stop the same attack doubles.

The only problem I have is that it got harder to increase my ML, even

with all the testing I did, I was barely able to reach ML 34, which for

anyone that played an OTS would know how absurd it is with how

quickly it should increase.

"All in all, I got a nice increase in power. Thanks to this, I'm quite sure

that I'll be able to raid the forbidden forest at the end of this year, it

should be perfect to try and do it during Christmas, where the amount of

people in the castle isn't that much. If I get to have my second vocation at

that point. I'll do it. If not, well, I'll just wait until February or around

then."-I shrugged while going inside my common room.

"Hey man, how are you doing?"-Roger suddenly called to me. "Where've

you been? We've known nothing about you since our last class."

"Oh, well, I was around the castle for a little while, what about you?

What are you guys doing?"-I asked Roger and the rest of the guys that

were apparently discussing something.

"Listen to this! We've been looking into the story Julie told us about, you

know? About the curses."-Jake said.

"Yeah, man. It's true! We've asked some second-years about it, and

apparently, there were a few incidents last year, students getting trapped

into portraits and even a professor that betrayed the school, she was

called Rakepick or something, she was the last DADA professor."-William

continued with the story.

"Ho… That's interesting... Is there a way we can find more about all

this?" I ask.

"Yes! I've actually found a way!"-Roger said.

"So? What is it!? Talk man!"-I urged him.

"Listen. From what I know, there three students in Ravenclaw that could

probably know more about this."-I started whispering among us.

"Really? Who?"-Jake asked.

"Wait. Because it may be a little bit difficult to get information from


"Why would that be?"-William asked.

"They're from the sixth year…"-Roger said.



"So, our only hope is to ask to a sixth-year to tell us about what

happened? That sounds like a hard thing to do."-I said while rubbing my


"Oh well… I mean, it's not like we'll try to do something about the curse,

right?"-Jake suddenly said.

"What do you mean?"-William asked him.

"Dude… I don't want to have anything to do about it. It may be

dangerous if we start messing with curses."-Jake said.

"That's true."-Roger nodded.

"Hey… Just to be sure, why don't you give me the names of the students,

and I'll try to ask them. What do you say?"-I ask Roger.

"Mm? Why? Do you want to intervene?"-Jake asked.

"Yeah Logan, it's dangerous… And you're just a first-year wizard."- Roger

said while William nodded repeatedly.

"Look, I'll just try to ask for information and if there's a way to actually

avoid the curses, you know? I'm not messing in any incident."-I assure


"Well… If that's true, then you should try to look for them… If you find

anything, please just tell us."-Roger said with a frown, before writing

down the names of the students.

"Wow, you really found a source."-I told while looking at the three


"Of course! If I get serious, I can decipher any mystery!"-He said with a

proud face.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say detective."-William turned his eyes.

"It's true!"-They both started slightly pushing each other while joking.

"Well, who should I start with?"-I ask Roger.

"If what I know is true… You should start with either Badeea Ali or Tulip

Karasu, Badeea seems to be friendly and she's easy to recognize thanks to

her blue sparkled hijab, while Tulip is like a rulebreaker, that's all I got

on her though."-Roger shrugged.

"What about Talbot Winger?"-I ask him.

"He's… Well… He looks more unfriendly than the other two… And from

what I discovered; he doesn't have that many friends even in our house."-

He shrugged

"Oh, okay, I guess I'll try to talk to either one of the girls, I guess…"-I just


"H-hey, are you sure?"-Jake asked.

"Um? What do you mean?"

"They're like… Older girls, aren't you embarrassed?"





"No… It's just that with all the talk about the curses, I forgot that I would

have to speak to an upperclassman… And a girl to make it worse…"-I just


"I'm not sure how it will go, but at least try to talk with Badeea Ali."-

Roger said. "She's the easiest to approach among them…"

"Well, if you say so, I'll try to talk with her."-I said.

"Great, because here she is!"-Roger smiled while pointing towards the

entrance to the common room, where a girl with clear brown eyes, a pale

face, and wearing a blue sparkled hijab was coming in.

{Guess it's time to talk to her.}-I said before sighing and standing up. "I'll

go, see you guys."-I said goodbyes and walked towards the girl.

{Hopefully, she's as friendly as Roger said she is, as I haven't interacted

with girls that much before dying}-I thought while approaching the girl.

"Hi!"-I said in my most friendly tone.

"Huh? Hey, first-year, maybe?"-She asked with a smile. "Are you curious

about something? I guess Hogwarts can be a little intimidating the first


"Um… Yes, actually… I was wondering if you could tell me something,

I'm quite curious about these curses that people are talking about."-I got

straight to the point.

"Curses? Oh, so you've heard too?"-She asked, still smiling. "I guess it

wouldn't be kept a secret from first-years. It's okay. If you're worried

about the curses, trust me, it's better to stay calm, the more you worry

about it, the worst it'll be for you."

"But… I mean, where do these curses come from?"

"I'll love to answer you that, but I'm afraid I can't be of help. That's

information better not known, it could be dangerous for you, so you

better focus on your first year's classes."-Badeea asked while shaking her

head with an apologetic smile.

"Really?"-I tried to ask again.

"Yes, trust me, it's better that way. Now, if you excuse me, I have

something to do in my room before sleep hour."-She said before walking

towards the dorms.

{That didn't turn out well… I guess I'll have to try with the next one if I

want to know more about these curses…}-I thought while going back

towards my friends.

"So? What did you find about?"-Jake asked.

"Nothing… She said I better focus on my studies, and not worry about the

curses. Though she did tell me that it was better not to know where the

curses come from… Somehow, I don't think we'll find something from

her."-I shrugged.

"Well… That leaves just two possible choices, right?"-William asked.

"If this turned out to be our friendly option… I don't know if we should

even try the other two."-Jake said.

"Maybe not with Talbot, but what about Tulip Karasu?"-Roger said.

"What's with her?"-William asked back.

"Well, remember that I said she was a rulebreaker? Those are precisely

the type of people that wouldn't stop to say something if it's just

forbidden. They would love to talk about forbidden stuff, right?"-Roger


"We still don't know if that's information that's forbidden, or it was just

Badeea that didn't want to talk."-I tell him.

"Still, you don't lose anything in asking her, right? Just one more try and

then we forget."-William said.

"Of course."-I turned my eyes. "It isn't you who's asking, but well, I'll do

it. Do you know how she looks like?"-I ask Roger.

"Yes, there she is, the one with long red hair."-He pointed towards one

student that was reading at one of the desks of the common room.

"Oh, nice. It's sooo great that she's not in her room right now, giving me

time go ask her right after being told no by the last girl I asked."-I said

sarcastically while standing up and walking towards her, leaving my

chuckling friends behind, with a "good luck" coming from William.

"Hey…"-I approached her.

"Um? Look, if it isn't the curious one that tried to pry some info from our

dear Badeea."-She said with a playful smirk.

"Did you saw that!?"-I asked shocked.

"Of course, I did! You asked almost right in front of me. So, tell me,

perhaps you came to ask me the same thing? It seems you and your

friends are interested in quite the weird topics."-She said while taking a

glance toward the other guys, which by the way, tried to hide behind

their books.

"Well…"-I scratched my head. "Maybe? Would you answer me?"

"Why! For sure! I'm quite knowledgeable about the topic. So, what do

you want to know? Which curses were placed before? Who stopped

them? Where do they come from?"-She asks with a smirk. "Ask carefully,

because I'm only answering once!"

"Why!? If you're answering, why don't just telling me everything?"

"Why would I let you know everything so easily? It isn't fun, right?"-She

smirked playfully.

"*sigh…* Right…"-I started to think my question. "Um… How did you

stop the previous curses?"

"Huh? That's a good question. Well, for starters, we've been-"-She

stopped. "Hehe… I see what you did there. Well, I guess I should just

keep going. We've been looking around for these vaults that happen to be

cursed ones, and that are the origin of the curses, once the vaults are

found, we just had to stop the curse while defeating the trial put inside

them."-She said.

"Who were the ones to-"-I started to ask again but was interrupted.

"Stop, stop. I already answered you, with quite the extra tip of

information. Any more, you'll have to fight it from me, but, no offense, it

wouldn't be that easy for a first-year."-She smirked. "Now, you can go, if

you're more curious, you can always look for me, let's have a small duel

and maybe I'll answer another question."

"*sigh…* Fine, thanks…"-I said before turning around. But was stopped.

"Hey, I know you know my name, but, what's yours? I'm Tulip Karasu by

the way, just to let you, little spy, officially know."-She smirked while

offering her hand.

"Huh, I'm Logan, Logan D. Taylor."-I unconsciously said after turning to

look at her while shaking her hand.

"Mm? Why would you put a D. between your names?"-She asks while

tilting her head.

"Well, that's my middle name's initial. I just sometimes like to put that in

there, let's say it's a little quirk from me hehe…"-I scratched the back of

my head in awkwardness.

"Ho… Sure, no problem then, Logan D. Taylor, it's nice to meet you, and

well, welcome to Ravenclaw, even if you've been here for almost a week

already haha."-She said.

"Thanks, now, I'll be going."-I nod towards her.

"Right, remember, if you want to know more, just let's have a little duel."-

She winked.

{Cursed vaults? What the heck are those things…?}-I thought while

going back towards my friends.

CHAPTER 20 – Another petrified


The next day, I had all the morning to myself, so I could actually train

from the moment I woke up until the moment I left towards lunch.

Thankfully, I still have some food from yesterday's lunch, so I didn't have

a need to go to the breakfast area. While in there, I just practice as much

magic as I could trying to actually master the Wingardium Leviosa until I

could do it almost without thinking, something that for the moments,

hadn't paid off.

I also bought a few blank-runes, even if I'm kind of saving points to buy

my second vocation, I chose to buy 10 more blank runes, just so I can

have a few more cards to use in case something happens.

I created two Explosion runes, that were basically like grenades with six

uses each other, the area of effects was approximately 2 meters radius, so

it was good as a surprise attack, even if it's stopped, the expansive wave

of the explosion would damage the target.

I also made four Great Fireball runes, each one with four uses. I tried it

once, and… Oh boy, it was like looking at an enormous explosion of fire,

it was more of an explosion than the explosion rune, which was quite

funny for me.

I also added two Magic Wall runes to my inventory, each with three uses

and the ability to create a wall made of condensed magic that could stop

any incoming attack or even light, of course, It can't be trespassed by any

creature either, so it's a great defensive rune.

Finally, the last two runes were used to create Heavy Magic Missile

runes, a rune that creates a targeted missile made of energy and that

makes great damage, which actually increases depending on my Magic

Level. What's best is the fact that each rune has ten uses, so it is quite

effective and economical, as I have ten powerful strikes at the cost of one

Blank Rune.

So, all in all, it was a great use to the 100pts I expended in the store, and

I even increased my ML to 35 with all the rune-making thing.

With that last thought, I made my way towards the Great Hall to have

lunch before my classes start, and also to restock the food in my

inventory, as I'm almost empty of it.

"Dude, where the hell have you been?"-William asked me once I sat


"Yeah, it's almost as if you completely disappear every free moment you

have."-Jake continued.

"I was around the castle, why? Something happened?"-I ask them while

grabbing some food.

"No, nothing happened yet, but you know, you disappearing all the time

is kind of weird…"-Roger said while frowning.

"Yes, and not to say dangerous with all that's been happening here."-Jake


"Mm? About the curses you say?"-I ask while lifting my eyebrows.

"Besides, I'm almost always in my room reading and practicing some

spells from classes, you know, sometimes I go to the library, and

sometimes just to take a look at the castle's surroundings, this place

screams 'Magic' all around."-I shrugged.

"Still… You should be careful. And it's like the only moments we can

actually see you is during lunch or classes, and sometimes in the common

room."-Roger said.

"Don't worry. I'm just too fascinated by all the new things I'm

experiencing."-I said.

{This is getting weird… I don't know what to do so I can practice without

alerting anyone. Why the hell can't I clone myself!? *sigh…*}-I thought

to myself while eating.

After that, we were talking a little bit about our classes, quidditch, as it

was a sport that truly interested Jake, and about the incredible places

that the guys have discovered around the castle.

We then went to classes, today we had DADA, Potions, and Herbology,

all of them shared with the first-years of Hufflepuff.

"Hey… It's not like I'm jealous or anything… But have you guys seen

that?"-Roger suddenly asked us while entering the classroom of DADA

and pointing towards a particular seat.

"Mm? Yeah, it's what happens when friends talk before classes, people

just hang out in one seat, why?"-Jake asked him.

"*sigh…* It's not that, it's that guy, his name is Cedric Diggory, and all

the girls are crazy for him for some reason…"-Roger answered.

"Mm? Why?"-William asks.

"People say he's cool or something, and everyone just adores him, even

upperclassmen."-Roger continued.

"You know, Roger, you do sound kind of jealous of him."-I comment

while lifting my eyebrow.

"I-I'm not! It's just that I don't believe it. What's so special about that

kid?"-He crossed his arms while looking away.

"Relax, man, he's not going to hurt you. You're safe."-I told him, to which

he just clicked his tongue.

"Let's go sit, class will start soon."-William told and we all took our seats.

{Mm… I didn't know he was that popular, in the movie he just appears in

the fourth movie, and well, he dies at the end. It did seem like people

really liked him, though, with everyone supporting him and all during

the tournament.}-I thought to myself while looking at the kid with

yellowish-brown hair that looked a lot like that actor Robert Pattinson.

{Looking at him like this… I can't help but imagine him suddenly shining

under the sun like some kind of fairy…}

The rest of the classes were pretty boring, I did win some points during

herbology and DADA, but as usual, it was impossible in potion classes

with Snape.

{I swear that guy just has a thing about bullying kids.}-I thought about

the guy.

He was way worse than in the movie. In the movie he looked like a good

guy in comparison, it was a weird sight for me at least.

Thinking about what the guys told me this morning, I chose to go with

them to the library, where we got a few books about charms and curses

and started reading through them, laughing at a few weird ones like

Rictusempra that tickles your opponent, there were other charms and

curses that I quietly remembered so I could practice them tomorrow in

the RoR.

After that was dinner, we just chatted away, with Roger still grumping

about Cedric for some reason. I didn't take the guy to be of the jealous


"Hey, guys, go ahead, I have something to do!"-Jake suddenly said after

dinner, when we were all supposed to go back to the common room to

keep looking through charms and curses.

"Mm? At this hour? What is it?"-William asked.

"What? Are you going to do a full Logan here at us?"-Roger said.

"Hey! I don't disappear like that."-I tried to defend myself, only to be

looked at with blank stares. "Fine. I do disappear like that. But I just

usually go to my room!"

Everyone just laughed at my failed try.

"Haha. Relax, I'll go fast, I just forgot to ask something to Professor

Sprout!"-He said while running who knows where.

"Hey, does he know where the professor is at this hour?"-I ask the other


"You know, it's far easier finding the professors than finding you."-


"Hahahahaha that's true!"-Roger continued.

"*snort* So funny…"-I just kept walking towards the common room,

leaving the laughing idiots behind.


"Hey, are you going to do it?"-Roger suddenly asked me while we were in

the common room chatting.

"Mm?"-I lifted my eyebrow. "Do what?"

"Duel with Tulip Karasu! She did say that, if you won, she would tell you

more, right?"-He said.

"Why would I? Didn't we said it was just having some information to

actually avoid the thing about the curses?"-I ask him.

"Oh, come on! Aren't you actually curious to see who are the ones that

stopped the curses before!? I sure am!"-He said.

"Then why don't you go and challenge her instead?"-William asked.

"Because! She told Logan, and not me."-He said.

"Are you sure you aren't just afraid?"-I ask him.

"Of course not! I'm not afraid at all. It's just that it would be rude to her

to start going one for one. So! You just have to go and find out more

about it. After all, you already asked her once. Just go, duel with her, and

who knows, maybe she will tell you something even after losing, right?"-

He said with a smug face.

"I won't duel her. I don't even have anything to do with these curses at

all, just let me go through my year quietly, man."-I turned my eyes.

"Ow, come on!"-He insisted.

"Logan is right, man. We better just focus on our classes, let that to the

experts, I'm sure the professors would take care of everything."-William


"*tch.* Fine."-Roger just clicked his tongue and we changed the topic

towards our useless professor of DADA, well, I at least told them that,

while Roger supported me saying how what they learned wasn't any good

at all.

Right when just five minutes remained until we had to go to sleep, we all

noticed something.

"Hey… Isn't it time for Jake to be back…?"-William started.

"Yeah… It's almost ten."-Roger also started talking.

"He did say he'll be going quickly… I don't know. Maybe he's still talking

with Professor Sprout?"-I intervene.

"I don't know man… It's weird for a teacher, and a House Head at that to

let a freshman be out of his common room so late…"-Roger shook his

head in denial.

"That's true… Hey… What if… Something actually happened to him?"-

William said with a fearful look.

"Don't jinx him so early!"-Roger said.

"Do you guys know where Professor Sprout's office is? I may be able to go

look for her to ask about Jake."-I suddenly said.

{I can go undetected, it won't be any problem at all.}-I thought to myself.

"What? Are you crazy?"-Roger said. "You can't be seen outside of the

common room so late."

"Relax, you guys know me. No one can find me when I propose it haha."-I

joked with them.

"It's not the same, dude… Going around the castle at this hour isn't good,

professors or prefects might find you…"-William tried to convince me.

"Relax, I'll be fine. I'll go and look for him really quickly and be back

before anyone can even catch a glimpse of me."-I said to them with a


"*sigh…* Fine! But if you're caught. I know nothing!"-Roger said.

"Don't be an idiot, Roger. And… Thanks for that man. It sure is great

seeing that you're willing to take some risk for a friend. I hope you can

find Jake and bring him here quickly."-William said.

"Don't worry, I'll do it."-I said before standing up. But just as I was about

to run towards the exit of the common room, something curious

appeared in front of me.

[A new quest has been generated! Access your quest interface!]

{Now, this is amazing.}-I thought for a moment.

"Is something the matter?"-William asked.

"Don't tell me you're scared?"-While Roger just taunted me.

"Nah, it's just that I was thinking about something quickly."-I smirked

before giving a slight push to Roger.

"Hey!"-He shouted.

"See you!"-I just ran towards the exit.

Thankfully, almost everyone was already in their room, so the common

room was fairly empty at this moment.

{This will be a good test.}-I thought to myself once outside the common


After looking around and seeing that there wasn't anyone close, I

incanted a spell.

"Utana Vid"-I said, and immediately, I noticed that my arms, with clothes

and all, started to turn invisible.

Utana Vid is a spell that turns you invisible. It's a mix of the magic

syllables 'Ut' that's mostly for self-support spells, 'Ana' that can be

translated to 'Cancel' or 'Remove', and 'Vid' that translates to 'Visibility'.

So, it was like 'Removing your visibility' or turning you invisible in other


{Fuck the invisibility cape!}-I thought, as I actually didn't need it.

Of course, the only bad point is the fact that if I talked, people could hear

me, and animals could detect me with their enhanced smell. But all in all,

with a little care, I could perfectly go around without being detected.

{Now, let's check this new quest.}-I opened the quest interface.


New quests!

- Look for your friend Jake! William and Roger are worried about your

friend's sudden disappearance, make use of your abilities and find him!

(Reward depend on your performance) NEW!


{So other students can actually give me quests? Or maybe this is because

of something else? Mm… Well, whatever. Let's move on.}-I thought

before thinking about the next spell.

{Utani Gran Hur}-I incanted the great haste spell to increase my speed

further. Thankfully, this kind of basic support spells could be incanted

without saying them out loud.

And lastly. The final touch.

{Exiva Jake Evans}-I incanted the search person spell, and a little wisp

appeared in front of me, guiding me towards the direction of Jake.

For the record. While we were in the library, I made a show of "testing"

the Lumos charm while actually incanting this one. The reason being that

if I use my wand while incanting the spell, at first it would look a lot like

a low-powered Lumos.

Doing this, I find out that others couldn't actually see the little wisp that

appeared to guide me, making it perfect for me. Of course, I "failed"

casting the spell. But it isn't that bad at all.

So, now, with the help of the little whisp, I was currently running

through Hogwarts with great speed, towards where Jake was, evading

any kind of student on his way to their dorms or prefects and professors

patrolling around.

I had to take the moving stairs, but as I didn't have the time to wait for

them to move as I needed them to, I just jumped while using the

levitation spell to move towards the direction the whisp told me to,

which was the first floor.

{The hell was he doing on the first floor? The greenhouse isn't around

here…}-I thought while canceling the levitation spell and running behind

the guiding wisp.

After just a few moments of leaving the common room, I was now in

front of the infirmary, which was weirdly opened.

{Don't tell me…}-I thought while following the whisp, trying to make as

little noise as possible.

Inside the infirmary, there was a petrified student on one of the beds, and

on another bed, surrounded by Professor Dumbledore, Professor Flitwick,

and Snape, was another petrified student.

"Fuck…"-I whispered unconsciously.

The student was Jake. He was petrified by the curse.

CHAPTER 21 – A decision is made

"Is there a problem, Albus?"-Snape voice suddenly woke me up.

{Huh?}-Turning to look at the professors, Dumbledore was indeed

looking at me, or well, around me to be more specific, as if trying to find


"No, there's no problem, Severus. I just thought I heard something, but it

must be the wind."-He answered.

[Congratulations! You've completed the quest 'Look for your friend Jake!',

and you've done it magnificently with a perfect combination of spells and

intelligence, that quickly led you to your friend. It seems you're slowly

leaving the idiot tag behind!]

[60pts have been earned.]

The confirmation of the completion of the quest appeared right in front

of me, making me gasp in surprise.

{I'm… *sigh…* Points are always welcome… But not this time…}-I

thought while looking at the message in front of me.

"What are we going to do now!? Albus? This is already the second

student! The curses are starting again!"-An alarmed Flitwick said, taking

my attention out of the system message.

"Don't worry Filius, we're going to find and stop these curses for sure.

And, I'm sure that with the help of Pomona, we may be able to help these

students. We just need to wait until a batch of potions for petrification

are ready."

"Hoh! I hope it is soon! This kid here was just a first-year! And a muggle-

born! Imagine how his parents would react to this news."

"I would advise not to tell his parents for the moment, as it could become

quite the news for them."-Snape said with his monotonous voice.

"This time, I must agree with you, Severus. For tonight, we won't be able

to do anything, so, I would like that both of you go back to your

patrolling duties, we don't want any student out of their houses with such

a curse around, do we?"-Albus said.

"You're right! I'll be leaving then!"-Professor Flitwick said while going out

of the infirmary.

"Are you staying?"-Snape asked Dumbledore.

"Yes, I'll try to see if there's a way to know how the students get

petrified."-Professor Dumbledore said.

"Very well, I'll be leaving then."-Snape then went out of the room.

I tried to slowly move out of the room, I already fucked when I let that

whisper out.

"I would love to know who would visit the infirmary so late at night, and

just when such a tragic incident occurred. If you may."-Dumbledore

suddenly spoke to empty air.

{He discovered me.}-I thought.

I tried to ignore the man and started walking backward ever so slightly,

containing my breathing as much as possible.

"Oh, I wouldn't try to leave the place if I were you. You see, I'm quite

perceptive."-He said while closing the doors to the infirmary with a move

of his hands.

{I'm fucked.}-I thought. {What do I do now?}

"Don't worry, I'm sure you didn't have bad intentions while coming here.

You did seem to be in a hurry, though."-Albus tried to convince me.

And that he did.

{Fuck it all. The worst thing that could happen would be me being

expelled from Hogwarts while being deemed as some kind of Dark Lord,

and that's precisely an ultimatum for me.}-I thought before canceling my


"Hi… Professor…"-I shyly raised my hand to say hi to Dumbledore.

He was a livid copy of his version of the movie, the one after the second

book, if anything, with a whiter hair. But with the same glasses and all.

"Well, this sure is a surprise. I wasn't exactly expecting such a young

student."-Albus spoke. "I'm obliged to ask, Mr. Taylor, what are you doing

here, and more importantly, how did you come here without anyone


{The old man knows my surname? Oh well, it shouldn't be that weird

considering that we are all called by our names and surnames during the

sorting ceremony.}

"You noticed me, professor."-I said with an awkward smile.

"I just noticed someone entering the room with hurried steps, and a little,

what was it? 'Fuck'? Being said in a truly low, but dumbfounded voice."-

He smiled.

"I'm sorry about the word, professor."-I scratched the back of my head.

"As to why I was here… Well, I was actually looking for my friend. We

were waiting for him in the common room, but he didn't make it, and it

was almost ten, we also have classes at midnight, so it was weird."-I said

while looking towards Jake.

"Oh, I then must say sorry to you, as you have found your friend in such

a bad situation."-Dumbledore said. "But I also must say, that it was quite

a feat, to turn invisible, Mr. Taylor. And without any help at that. That's

not something a first-year could possibly make, so, I'm intrigued, how did

you do it?"

"Sir… In the muggle world, we have a saying… A magician never reveals

his tricks."-I said with a suddenly serious face.

"Oh, really? That's a really good saying."-Dumbledore said with a chuckle.

"And something most wizards should have in mind. Still, I must insist."

{Should I really lie? This guy may be paranoic, but he's quite smart and

powerful…}-I thought to myself.

"Well, Mr. Taylor? I'm sure there should be a good explanation if it's

taking so long for you to answer."

{Let's just hope for the better.}-I said while finally deciding how I would

answer. {At least this way I'll be able to be safe.}

"I…"-I started to scratch the back of my head. "I found a book, professor,

or must I say, it one day found me?"-I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?"

"It appeared in my room one day, once I returned from having dinner,

the book was over my bed. I never knew where it came from, or who

gave it to me. Miss Isabella told me she didn't buy me any book at that

time, and she's the only one to actually gift me books."

"That's mysterious indeed…"-Dumbledore rubbed his chin. "And, what did

this book have inside?"

"Magic, sir. It had magic. A lot of weird symbols, words, and pictures

describing magic charms and curses."

"And you tried to test them?"-Dumbledore asked.

"Some of them, yes sir, others, I didn't, they could damage the orphanage,

so I never tried them."

"And any of them worked?"-He lifted his eyebrows.

"Yes, sir, almost every one I tried worked well… One of them was the

invisibility spell I just used to come here undetected… Though, that one

didn't work until a few days ago."

"Interesting… Tell me, Mr. Taylor, may I have a look at this book you

speak of?"-He asked.

"It's in my room, sir. I didn't bring it with me."-I said.

"Oh, that's bad indeed. Well, for today, you should go back to your

common room. Another day we'll talk about this book of yours in my

office, so it can be as private as possible."-Dumbledore said.

"Thanks, professor."-I nodded at him, before turning towards Jake. "About

my friend, about Jake… Will he really be okay? I heard you saying that it

was a curse…"

"Oh, yes, he'll be okay, you don't have to worry about him. We'll make a

potion to cure him, and try to stop the curse from spreading to other


"Should you really be telling me that the curse can possibly spread to

other students?"

"*chuckle* I'm pretty sure Mr. Taylor, that at this point, there's no

student who doesn't know about the curse that's afflicting our school."

"That's true…"-I nod. "Is there a way I could help? I'm sure Jake won't

like to be in that state for too long…"

"No, you shouldn't try to meddle with this, Mr. Taylor, though, I do value

your courage and loyalty towards your friend, I'm afraid there's nothing

you could do to stop this curse. You should focus on your classes."

"…"-I just nodded.

"Now, I would really love to see you turning invisible, and someday,

maybe you can show me those other charms and curses you spoke

about."-Dumbledore said.

"Yes, professor."-I nodded. "Utana Vid."-I turned invisible the next


"Wonderful! I haven't known about such a charm before, but I must say,

it does have such a particular name."

"It is indeed a weird language, one I never heard about before, Professor."

"That, it is. Well, you should probably go to your common room. Have a

good night, Mr. Taylor."-He said before waving his hand to open the door

of the infirmary.

"Thanks, professor."-I nod while walking out of the infirmary, before

quickly using the great haste spell to get the hell out of there.

{That was close! I hope he doesn't think I'm insane or something!}-I

thought while running towards the common room.


Inside the empty infirmary, Dumbledore looked at the open door with a

deep-thinking look on his eyes.

"A surprise indeed… Not just able to turn invisible as he please, but great

with occlumency too. I'm sure, that should I try to pry harder, he would

have noticed."-The old man murmured to himself before turning to look

at the petrified student.

"For the moments… I won't make any conclusions… I do hope that his

personality isn't just a fake. At least, if what I could gather from

Minerva's visit to his orphanage, he won't be that much of a trouble-

maker…"-Dumbledore said before walking out of the infirmary, towards

his office.


Once I got back to the common room, I spoke with both William and

Roger about what happened with Jake, they were both really sad and

terrified, but I tried to calm them down saying that the professors would

help Jake go back to normal. After that, we waited for our Astronomy

class, which was a real pain… And went back to sleep.

During the rest of the week, I either trained, talked to my friends,

including Lisandra, and went to the infirmary to visit Jake along with

William and Roger.

I advanced in my project of making runes levitate around me, and now I

could actually have one rune constantly levitate around me with little

effort, but I still had to focus on the spell and could do little more than

walk, so it wasn't as practical as I wanted it to be for the moments.

During the next week, I kept practicing, and while Roger and William

were down for what happened with Jake, and were actually worried that

the curse could happen to them too, I was pondering on a decision.

To fight Tulip.

At this point, I've already saved the Expelliarmus charm in my spellbook,

and a lot of the most basic spells can be used without sound, so it

wouldn't be impossible for me to beat her, she may be an upperclassman,

but it's not like Hogwarts teaches its students how to actually duel, so her

experience shouldn't be that high with fighting.

{Well. I guess I'll have to do this if I want to know more about these

freaking curses.}-I thought to myself while walking towards Tulip Karasu

who was currently in the backyard, sitting with a friend and chatting.

"Um… Hello."-I said to her.

"Uh? If it isn't the little and adventurous freshman, what are you doing

here?"-She answered.

"May we talk? It's about what you told me last time…"-I ask her.

"Huh? Oh! About that? Sorry… But I wasn't really serious about it… I

was just messing with you a little."-She gave an awkward smile. "I didn't

think you would actually try to do it."

"…"-I looked at her.


"Then, could you tell me whatever you know?"

"Hey, Tulip, I'll go talk to Ben for a bit…"-Her friend suddenly stood up

and went away.

"Right, I'll be there in a moment."-Tulip answered.

"So… Can you tell me?"-I ask her again.

"Um… Listen… The thing is, I think you should better focus on your

studies… The thing about the curses is quite dangerous… It's not

something some first-year should meddle into… Let the teachers take

care of it…"

"Didn't you tell me that it was you and your friends who stopped the past

curses?"-I lifted my eyebrow, unconsciously getting slightly angry at not

getting an answer.

"I know that I said that, but if I'm being honest, we all just helped a little

bit during the investigation and solving… I wasn't one directly involved

in the solving of the curses, okay?"-She said with an apologetic smile.

"Then? Who was it?"

"Look…"-She stood up. "I think we better stop here. I'm not going to say

anything more, you should just go back to your friends and keep focusing

on your studies."-She said, trying to turn away.

"Then. Duel me."-I said. "If you win, I'll stop trying to solve this problem.

If I win, you tell me who I should look for."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to duel against a first-year."-She frowned at

me. "You better go play with your friends."

"Sadly, one-"

"Mr. Taylor?"-McGonagall came to us, interrupting me. "I need you to

come with me, Professor Dumbledore is waiting for you at his office."-She

said before looking at Tulip. "Your chat with Miss Karasu can wait."

"*sigh…* Okay, Professor…"-I nod at McGonagall.

"Well, follow me then, please."-She said while walking inside the castle.

I stopped for a moment to look at Tulip but quickly left behind Professor


{There must be a way for me to actually destroy the curse…}-I thought,

getting more worried about my petrified friend.

"Mr. Taylor?"-McGonagall's call suddenly woke me up.

"Huh? Yes?"

"I was informed by Professor Dumbledore, that you should bring your

book too, though, I don't know what he was referring to. So, it's there a

need for you to look for something?"

"Ah… Yes, I'll have to go quickly to my room and get it…"-I said

"It's okay, I'll wait for you here. But please be quick, I have some things

to do."

"Okay, Professor."-I said while running towards my common room's


Of course, I didn't have to go all the way, as I just could summon the

book out of my inventory. So, I went to the nearest restroom to take the

book out, waited for like fifteen minutes, and then went back to Professor


After that, she led me to Professor Dumbledore's office, letting me into

the office using the weird entrance that needed a password to open.

I was standing right in front of the door to Dumbledore's office.

{I guess everything's decided right now. Oh well, what's the worst that

could happen?}-I shrugged before knocking on the door.

CHAPTER 22 – Too much of a

Gryffindor? Or maybe just an


"Come in."- Dumbledore's voice resonated from the other side of the door.

I then proceeded and opened the door, finally entering Dumbledore's

famous office. I must say, it was really big, but then again, it's the office

of the director of one of the most prestigious wizarding schools in the


"Mm?"-Walking ahead, I could see a phoenix perched over some kind of

bird's stall. "Ho… What are you?"-I asked aloud.

"Oh, I see you've already met Fawkes, he's a phoenix, Mr. Taylor."-

Professor Dumbledore appeared from somewhere I didn't see while being

focused on the phoenix

"Huh? Phoenix, sir? Those that are immortal?"

"Precisely, you see, Fawkes here has been with me for a long time."-

Professor Dumbledore walked closer to me. "But I presume we have more

interesting matters to talk about, right?"-He smiled

"Right, sir."-I said while raising my spellbook. "Here it is, this is the book

I found on my bed that day, sir."

"Interesting. Really interesting…"-Albus said while grabbing it.

"Mm? Is something weird about it, sir?"-I ask him.

"Well, I wouldn't say it is weird. It's just that this book has magic on it.

It's not a simple book you find anywhere. For what type of magic, I'm not

so sure."-Dumbledore said while running his fingers over its cover. "I also

must say, it has quite the particular design, not one I've seen before, and

no name on the cover, nor the back."

"For that, sir, you should look at the first page."-I said.

"Um?"-Dumbledore opened the first page. "Ho, indeed, 'Magic Spell Book',

and, curiously, your name is right under it."-He lifted his eyebrow.

"I know, sir."

"Was it like this from the start, maybe?"

"Yes, it was like that when I found it, that's how I knew it was for me,

though, I still don't know who gave it to me, as I said before."

"Interesting, indeed. I at least don't sense anything bad coming from the

book, so I don't think it was given to you out of bad intentions."-He said.

"What could be bad coming from the book?"

"Well, Mr. Taylor, I'm afraid that in our world, there are some wizards

and witches that like to put not-so-benign curses on particular objects,

and books, are sometimes one of the preferred items, as well as

accessories."-He said, before turning to the next page. "Mm?"

He turned the page again and again but frowned after a little while.

"What's the problem professor?"-I ask him.

"The book."-He looks at me. "It's full of blank pages."

"What!? It can't be!"

{Great!}-I thought to myself while moving towards Albus.

"Look, there's nothing here."-Professor Dumbledore showed me the page

he had opened. It was right over the pages of the levitation spell and the

energy strike spell.

"Um… Sir? There are the spells written there…"

"Huh? Are you seeing something?"-Dumbledore asked while looking at

the pages. "They're blank, at least to me."-He pondered for a bit.

"Sir, I can perfectly read them…"

"Can you show me the spells they teach?"-He asks after a little bit of


"Well, there shouldn't be any problem with one of them, but for the

other, it might be a little bit difficult."-I shrugged.

"Why so?"

"Well, it's an attack spell, sir. And I don't want to destroy anything here."

"Ho… What kind of attack?"

"It's a sphere of energy, sir, it can be quite destructive if it touches


"That would be quite problematic indeed… Well, then, can you show me

the other one you see?"

"Sure, sir."-I nodded. "Exani Hur"-I said, and my body started floating.

"…"-Dumbledore's eyes opened wide. "You're flying… And you can do it

without a wand?"

"I'm not flying sir, this is mere levitation, my speed isn't that much to

actually call it flying, though, I do can go quite a few meters in the air if I

want to."-I told him while flying higher. "And, most of these spells can be

done without a wand."-I then went down to the floor again and canceled

the spell.

"Magnificent… That sure is great magic."-Dumbledore said while rubbing

his beard. "Is there more you can show me?"-He asks.

"Aside from the attacking spells, I think there are a few of them that are

possible, sir. Like this one. Utamo Vita."-I incanted, and around me, the

thin film made of magic power appeared, it was almost invisible to the


"I don't see anything changing, but, there sure is a feeling of magic now

surrounding your body, as if embracing it. Quite the curious magic,


"It's a magic shield, it allows me to stop any kind of damage, I suppose it

uses my magic power as a substitute for my health, or at least that's what

I been able to clarify while testing it."

"Impressive."-Albus nodded. "Mmm… This is quite the surprise to me…"-

He said. "To be honest with you, Mr. Taylor, I've been trying to use Finite

Incantatem on the book, and also, Revelio, both spells that should

normally show anything that is hidden with magic…"-He winked at me.

"But it didn't have any kind of effect on this book."

{This guy… He already knew I was inside the infirmary even before

asking me to show myself… *sigh…* It was great that I didn't run


"Is that something bad, sir?"

"Not quite. But what it does tell me, is that this particular book is bound

to you."-Professor Dumbledore glanced at the book before looking back at

me. "I'm sure you must be aware of how the wands chose the wizard,


"Yes."-I nodded.

"Well, I would believe that this book is quite like a wand in that sense, it

has chosen its owner. Who gave it to you, that's curious indeed, and even

more, with what intentions?"-Dumbledore pondered for a bit. "But… I'm

sure, that there's no dark magic involved with this book, magic, but

nothing close to darkness. It's quite surprising, if you ask me, I've never

heard of a book like this."

"Um… Sir, there's something that I noticed too when I came to


"Mm? What would that be?"-He asked.

"If you may give me the book, please."

"Oh, sorry for that, Mr. Taylor, here you have it."

"Well, here."-I started flipping the pages towards the first magic I

engraved in the book, Occlumency, and right beside it, Wingardium



"Is there a problem sir?"

"Well, it seems that I can read something in here, something really

curious indeed."

"Can you read them then, sir?"

"Yes, I can."

"I don't know about Occlumency, I only trained on it as this book taught

me to. But this…"-I pointed at the Wingardium Leviosa. "We've been

taught this charm here in Hogwarts… It's only that I've known it from

before coming here, sir."

"That's curious… Are there more things like this? Charms that are taught

in our school?"

"Yes, and no, sir. Here, this one."-I turned the page and looked at

Expelliarmus. "This one appeared after I practiced it enough to actually

use it."

"You can add new charms in the book, then?"

"It seems so."-I shrugged. "They mostly appear by themselves once I've

learned them. Except for Occlumency and Wingardium Leviosa."

"It seems this book has more secrets to it than a bunch of blank pages

that only you can read…"-He rubbed his beard. "Well, Mr. Taylor, while

normally it would be quite fascinating to study such a magical book, I

doubt I could find more than you, as I can't even read most of what the

book shows to you."

"Am I in problems, sir?"

"No? Why would you?"-He lifted his eyebrow.

"Well… I kind of cheated with the classes of Transfiguration and

Charms… I already knew Wingardium Leviosa, and Occlumency was

quite the help with transfiguring a match to a needle."

"*chuckle* I wouldn't worry about that, Mr. Taylor, it could be said that

the book is a part of you. It isn't your fault to learn something before it is

taught in classes, and I assure you that it also applies to the Expelliarmus

charm, that last time I checked, isn't taught to first-years."

"Right…"-I nodded.

"Either way, don't worry too much about it. But… I must warn you, of

the problems of going against the castle's rules, Mr. Taylor. I understand

that you have quite the good charms to move around undetected."-He


"Don't worry sir… I don't usually do that… It was just that we were

worried about our friend, and I decided to go look for him even if it was

past the curfew… I had the best chances from among my friends, you

see."-I gave him an awkward smile.

"Indeed, you do. And don't take me wrong. I'm not one to recriminate a

student who takes risks for the sake of their friend. That's quite a great


"Thanks, sir."

"Well, then, you may go now. And… Mr. Taylor, you would do well in

keeping that book a secret between us. Sometimes, people, especially

wizards, fear what they can't understand or control."

"Right, professor… Actually, I didn't plan on reveal it to anyone before

you caught me…"

"*chuckle* I'm sure of it. Well, you can go."

"…"-I nodded.

"Oh, before I forget. Where are my manners? Would you like to have

candy? Is lemon-drop flavored. They're, by far, my favorite candies."-He

took out candy from his desk.

"Sure, sir. Thanks."-I grabbed, before going towards my room.

Once I made it to the common room, William and Roger asked me where

I went, and when I told them that I was in the director's office, they were

surprised, asking me why I went there of if I was in problems for asking

for a duel against an upperclassman. I told them everything was fine, and

he just wanted to talk to me about the curses and warn me not to try to

look for them.

After that, I just told them I was kind of tired and went to my room.

Sitting on my bed, at the exact moment, Muninn decided to come inside.

"Hey, mate… How are you doing? Is everything alright?"-I ask him.


"I'll take that as a yes haha…"

{Well… Everything went well… With this, I at least have an explanation

as to why I know occlumency, and well, about my other spells. It was

great that the spellbook works the same as in Tibia, showing each

vocation their spells, and obviating the ones from other vocations.

Though, it worked even better than I thought.}

I had the hope that when Dumbledore looked at the book, he would

either look at charms and curses from this world or things he knew, not

looking at all the spells from the game, as they're spells only for


But it seems like the book is bound to me, so it will only show the spells

that I can do, and that is compatible with the one reading them.

"That would explain that he could see charms and magic that I've been

registering in the book, as a wizard can actually do them."

"*sigh…* It went better than I thought… At least this lifted a weight from

my shoulders…"-I said while spreading myself on the bed. "Now… I guess

my next focus should be actually getting my second vocation."-I said

while opening my status interface.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 35

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 985pts



Inventory (Size limit: 740oz/21kg)]

"*sigh…* Shit… I'm almost there! I guess I'm just a class away from

getting my first vocation… Or… Maybe…"-I pondered for a bit. "Maybe I

can go to the Forbidden Forest… Kill a few creatures there… And gather

enough points to get my second vocation…"-I thought while rubbing my


After a little while, I opened the store, went to equipment, and then to


[Helmet NEW! / 985pts

- Bandana NEW! 15pts

- Magician Hat NEW! 15pts

- Mystic Turban NEW! 20pts

- Gryphon Mask NEW! 20pts

- Brass Helmet NEW! 30pts

- Chain Helmet NEW! 30pts

- Mage Hat NEW! 35pts

- Mage's Cap NEW! 35pts

- Legion Helmet NEW! 40pts

- Hat of the Mad NEW! 150pts

- Porcelain Mask NEW! 400 pts


"If I buy something to cover my face… Then I could go without any

problem of being noticed by someone. And then I can just use invisibility

to move around."

It was currently Friday, so if I wanted to wait for my next classes to get

the remaining points. I would have to wait at least until Monday. Either

that or make some quests or hidden quests. But right now, I didn't have a

quest, and I don't know what else I could try to complete hidden quests.

"My other option is to actually try to record new spells in my book…

While I don't gain many points, I also don't need that many neither…"

I'm not going to lie. I knew that the last choice was the best. But my soul

was asking for some adventures. And going into the Forbidden Forest

sounded like a great plan.

"*sigh…* I should try to stop getting bad ideas… I first should prepare


It wasn't bad, to simply stay here and record new charms and curses into

my book, winning little points, but also winning more ML.

"Yeah… That should probably be the best choice…"-I nodded multiple

times. Before buying Gryphon Mask and Mystic Turban. "But, on the

other hand, I'll be able to finally break free and use my spells!"-I said,

before sending my wand to my inventory.

The night when I actually used my spells in a practical way to go through

the castle undetected, that actually made me feel amazing, it was as if I

was alive for the first time, the excitement, the emotion to actually use

my spells to something more than practicing was something that truly

made me feel how wonderful this new world was.

As a side note, I also got to know while talking to the guys that the

tracker was in my wand, so I just have to keep that thing inside the

inventory and I would be free to use magic as I please outside of


Then, I put simple clothes that were great for going outdoors and making

exercise, while covering my face with the Gryphon Mask, some kind of

grey party mask that barely covered my eyes and the top of my nose, and

the Mystic Turban, that was just a blue turban like those used in deserts,

which covered my entire head and neck.

Mixed with my invisibility, I was sure no one would actually notice me

inside that forest, at least no other wizards that could tell the teachers.

"I'm ready! Wait."-I stopped. And opened the store for wands and rods.

[Wands/Rods (New!) / 945pts

- Wand of Vortex (500pts)

- Snakebite Rod (500pts)

- Wand of Dragonbreath (1000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Decay (1000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Draconia (1500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Cosmic Energy (1500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Inferno (2000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Dimensions (2000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Starstorm (2000pts) NEW!

- ???]

"Should I…? *sigh…* I don't know… What if I pay for the Wand of

Vortex and don't get enough in the Forbidden Forest? If it was at least the

Wand of Dragonbreath I would be surer of my choice, as it has fire

attack… Mm… Such a hard decision… Oh well… YOLO…"

I bought the Wand of Vortex.

[Congratulations! You've finally bought your first wand from the store.

Being the main weapon of all Sorcerers, having a wand adequate to every

situation is your priority, as it could become a great source of power.

Take note that the power of your wand, differently from the game, does

increase. But not in relevance to your ML, but to your core's stage. As a

little reminder, this isn't a game anymore, it's real life, so you should do

well to test your new wand as soon as possible.]

[100pts have been earned! Took you long enough!]

"Well. This sure is great. I think it was a good choice, somehow… *sigh…

* I must make sure to rip as many points from that forest as I can!"- I said

while going to one of the windows that was opposite to the Black Lake.

"CAW!"-Muninn suddenly called me.

"Mm? What's the matter?"-I ask him.

"CAW!!! CAW!!!!"

"What? Do you want to come?"-I lift my eyebrow.


"I think I'm going crazy… Talking to you man… But oh well, you must go

first then. I can become invisible, but for the moments I can turn you

invisible. I'll have to work on creating that spell, I already have an idea

how."-I opened the window, and a gust of wind suddenly entered.

Muninn Immediately flew out of the room, going straight towards the

entrance to the forbidden forest.

"…"-I looked out, and Immediately remembered that Ravenclaw's dorms

were in one of the highest points of the castle. "Well, I'm about to enter a

forest full of dangerous creatures. What can such a height do to me when

I can fly?"-I shrugged.

"Utana Vid"-My body turned invisible, while I step over the window and

jumped while incanting the levitation spell.

A funny thing I learned, is that if I cast the spell from 2000 meters over

sea level, it would cost the same as if I did it right at sea level. The

amount of magic power I wasted depended on the distance I moved, and

the direction, of course.

{Now, let's close this thing.}-I closed my window once again, and made

my way towards the Forbidden Forest, flying towards it at the same time

I descended towards the floor. To make it cheaper in terms of Magic

Power, I activated and deactivated the levitation spell continuously,

letting my body fall naturally.

That night, maybe some students and professors might have heard me

scream a little bit.

CHAPTER 23 – Trip to the

Forbidden Forest goes…

After a few moments of scary falling and flying, I finally made it to the

ground, running through Hagrid's hut at great speed thanks to the great

haste spell, and getting into the oh so famous Forbidden Forest that so

many students go into even when it had the word Forbidden on its name.

"Mm… I think this is enough for now."-I said while canceling my

invisibility once I was slightly far into the forest, as it works the same as

with my levitation spell, it takes mana just using it, though, now that I

have my core at the second stage, it isn't that problematic at all.

"Somehow, this being real life makes it more convenient, or maybe it is

because it's a system made from OTS? Oh well, whatever."-I start looking

around the place.

{It's indeed creepy as fuck… Now… How the fuck do I find the creatures

here?}-I thought while summoning my wand from my inventory, the

special one.

"Wow… It's amazing looking at this in real life…"-I muttered while

looking at the Wand of Vortex in my hand.

It was probably 15 inches long, the bottom had a little metal spike of a

black color, turning then into a grey colored stick that seemed to be a

handle, which ended in a circular protrusion around the wand, followed

by another black part that ended in a small purple holder that contained

a small sphere-shaped sapphire inside, and that had two small purple

spikes going at both sides, and right over it, a somewhat big sapphire

with octahedral shape.

"Mm… This is somehow ugly looking at it like this…"-I said, before

sending a little bit of magic power to the wand, making the big sapphire

shine, after that, I just swung the wand towards a tree, and a spark of

energy went towards it, hitting the tree and electrifying the bit that got

hit, part of the bark that was hit was destroyed, albeit only a little, more

like chipped.

"Well… It's not that bad, it doesn't use that much magic power, and is

quick to use."-I said while sending a few more sparks towards the same

tree, damaging it even more.

A great advantage was that I could continuously use the wand, as much

as I had magic power in my core, of course. But as it doesn't waste too

much, I should be able to use it for hours without taking a rest.

"Now… It's time to move. Where the hell should I go to find some


"CAW!"-Just as I was muttering, Muninn came down and perched in one

of the tree's branches.

"Oh, hey dude, where were you?"

"CAW! CAW!"-It flapped its wing.

"Mm… Okay."-I nodded until a thought came to me. "Oh, hey. You've

been flying around here, right? Do you perhaps know where I can find

some creatures? Just, not centaurs, please."-I asked it.

"…"-It looked as if it was pondering something.

{Am I becoming crazy? How the hell would it seem like it is pondering

something…?}-I made a double-take, and indeed. Muninn was pondering,

turning his head here and there and looking at some parts of the forest as

if thinking where to go. {Okay… He's indeed pondering something. I at

least hope he takes me somewhere to farm well.}-I thought.

"Well, let's start making preparations."

"Utevo Res Bear"-I invoked. And magic power started seeping from my

core, out of my body, starting forming a big, really big creature in front

of me. "Holy… fuck…"

Standing in front of me, on its two back paws, was a building of a bear,

standing at what looked like a sixteen-foot-tall monstrous bear with a

really dark brown color.

"CAW…"-A suddenly weird sound came out of Muninn's beak, as it looked

dumbfounded at the bear.

"You can't speak too much… You're not precisely the size of a normal

raven either…"-I told him, before turning to look at the enormous bear.

"*kuhum* Well… um… sit?"-I said, and the enormous bear sat on his


"Okay… Lay down…?"-The bear stumbled on his back with the tongue

out. "Well… You don't look that frightening like this… Now… Utevo Res

Wolf."-I said, and once again, magic power came out of my magic core

and out of my body, forming a 2 meters tall wolf. "…Well, I have to give

it to you guys. You both are monstrous on your own accord…"-I said

while looking at both animals.

"CAW!"-Muninn called me, and he was basically shaking his head as if

resigning to what he was seeing, before turning to look somewhere and

cawing again.

"Should I follow you then?"-I ask him.

"CAW!"-It nodded.

"Okay, let me wait rest for a little bit, so I can be in my best condition."-I

said to Muninn before sitting down. The wolf covering my back and the

bear covering the front.

After waiting for around thirty minutes, I was finally ready to go.

"Well, Muninn. Let's go."-I said to my raven while looking at both the

bear and the wolf. "Mm…"-I pondered while rubbing my chin.

After a little bit of thinking, I finally decided what to do. I looked at the

bear. Into his eyes. And understanding my intentions, it finally lowered

its upper body, letting me jump on its back.

"I'm glad that I've been training constantly, or holding onto him would be

kind of hard actually…"-I muttered while looking at everything from over

the giant brown bear. At the same time, I ordered the wolf to be close to

us and to be alert at any kind of dangerous creature that approached us.

"Well, let's go!"-I shouted, and Muninn flew off towards somewhere inside

the forest.

{I hope that I'm not dying today. If anything fails, I'll just make my best

to run the hell out of here.}-I thought, a moment before the running

behind Muninn at my command, the wolf right beside us.

Going through the forest riding a five-meters bear in the middle of the

night sure has its own charm.

I could hear a lot of noises around, but for the moments, there hasn't

been any kind of creature at sight.

{I just hope that Muninn knows where he's taking me to.}-I thought to

myself while trying not to fall from the bear, which was harder than I

thought it was.

If it wasn't for the fact that I wanted to go fast, while also saving as much

magic power as possible, I would be running while using the great haste


"CAW!"-Muninn suddenly cawed and looked at me, before looking back

to the front.

"Mm? What happens?"-I asked, but unnecessarily, as soon, a giant

creature appeared in front of us. "Stop!"-I shouted. Making both the wolf

and the bear stop; while I almost went flying directly towards the giant

creature if I didn't hold strongly to the bear's fur.

{Thank god that this bear's fur is sturdier than it looks and it didn't come

off with me…}-I thought while jumping down from the bear, right before

looking at the creature in front of me, who was also looking at me.

""Grrr…."" -Right at my sides I could hear both the bear and the wolf

growling at the creature.

"Wait."-I said, looking at what was in front of me, before grinning. "Great

job, Muninn!"-I gave a thumbs-up at Muninn.


It led us right towards a giant and stupid troll, which would be a perfect

match for a first try, as it was alone, and was well-known for its


"Uuuhh?"-The troll was already aware of our little group, after all, two

not-so-little animals were with me. But it looked at the bear and the wolf

as if trying to identify which creature they were.

"Now, you both go and surround him. Don't attack. Let me do it."-I said

towards them both. And they immediately moved. While the wolf started

running towards one of its flanks, the bear just walked slowly,

surrounding it while growling in a threatening way.

The troll, as if tired of tried to identify us all, decided it was the same to

just go and attack them both, going first towards the one that looked the

slower, and the biggest of the bunch.

"Oh no! Come here!"-I shout at it, while also sending a few sparks of

energy from my Wand of Vortex, hitting it on the arms.

"UH!? ROAR!!"-As if infuriated, it roared at me, and tried to run with its

club raised to hit me.

The sparks, while hitting it, didn't do too much damage.

{I don't think it is enough to damage its thick skin…}-I thought to myself.

While jumping back and activating the haste spell to quickly move out of

its range. {Next try.}

Invoking the fire strike spell soundlessly, a big fire missile went towards

the troll at high speed.

"ARGH!"-It tried to stop the fire missile with its arm but got hurt pretty

badly, its arm got charred black and looked quite damaged, as it tried to

move it around to make the slight fire its arm caught disappear.

{It's quite resistant, huh…}-I thought to myself while looking at the troll

situation. While it got hurt it wasn't precisely a fatal injury. {Well, this is

a perfect target for me to test my abilities.}

I then prepared to go with my next choice.

"Utori Flam"-I incanted a spell while pointing my hand towards the troll,

and it suddenly caught fire.

"ARGH!!!"-Now, it wasn't only its arm that was burning in a fire, its upper

body and even some of its legs were burning. It tried to move around and

even dropped to the ground to roll and extinguish the fire, which slightly

worked as some of it disappeared quickly.

{Ok… That worked well.}-I then raised my arm again at him. "Utori Vis"-

With a second incantation, the troll suddenly went stiff on the ground,

moving, but not quite fast, streams of lightning were traveling its body

thanks to the electrify spell, making it quite hard to move.

Even then, as if proving that brute strength was better than intelligence

for their species, the troll forcefully started to stand with the help of its

arms and even the club, which it didn't drop.

"Okay. Time to end this first test, I guess."-I summoned two runes from

my inventory, making them levitate beside me with Wingardium Leviosa.

The runes were one heavy magic missile and one explosion rune. "Ok.

Dropping bomb number one."-I said, and the explosion rune shined while

sending what appeared like a small dot of purple light towards the troll.

It once again tried to stop the light with its arm, but once the light made

contact, a part of its big arm blew up while the troll flew a few steps


"AAAARRRGHHHH!!!"-It finally dropped the club and held its left arm

that now didn't have the hand and part of its forearm.

"Mm… That's good for something that makes physical damage only…"-I

rubbed my chin while storing the rune inside my inventory. "Dropping

bomb number two."-I continued. This time, the Heavy Magic Missile rune

shone, and from it, one basketball-shaped mass of magical energy shot at

grand spell towards the troll, hitting it and pushing him towards a tree.

"THUD!"-The blunt impact came to my ears, and the troll was now

unconscious while laying on the tree, blood seeping from its wounded

arm, and even nose and ears.

"Mm…"-I rubbed my chin again. "I didn't expect it to have that much

power, for a rune that has 10 uses, it sure is good."-I said while looking at

the damaged troll. "Somehow… This doesn't feel good… It's like I'm

torturing it or something… *sigh…* Better end this fast…"

After saving the rune in my inventory, I raised my hand towards the troll.

"Exevo Vis Lux"-I incanted, and from my hand, a thunder-like beam went

towards the troll's heart, burning and piercing its chest and heart, killing


[You've killed a mountain troll! 35pts have been earned!]

[Congratulations! You've killed a mountain troll for the first time! 50pts

have been earned!]

[Congratulations! You've completed the hidden quest, kill your first


[100pts have been earned!]

"HO!!!! I'm almost at the point I was before buying the wand! I sure knew

this was a great choice!"-I shouted, but as if mocking my impatience, the

system had more surprises.

[Congratulations! Your ML has increased by 1]

"Wow… Even better yet…"-I said while looking at the system message


"CAW!"-After a few moments, Muninn called me, waking me up.

"Huh? What happened?"


"Mm? Do you know where to find more creatures like this?"-I asked.

"CAW!"-It nodded.

"Great. Let's go then!"-Feeling quite excited, as if I was playing some real-

life OTS, I jumped towards the bear's back with the help of the levitation

spell. "Lead the way! Muninn!"-I shouted, and the raven took the fly,

while we followed.

This time, I could hear something that sounded like blunt impacts in the

direction we were running to. And just as the sound got louder, I finally

got to see what's the source of the blunt-impact-like sound.

"Okay! You both go towards the one at the left, I'll take the one at the

right!"-I shouted while jumping off from the bear's back and using the

levitation spell to softly land closer to our targets.

Two mountain trolls were fighting between them in front of us.

"Why do you fight between yourself when I'm here to help both of you

killing each other!?"-I shouted as the five-meters tall bear lunged towards

the troll at the left, followed by the wolf that went to its back to jump at

him. I used my Wand of Vortex to send a few sparks of energy to get the

attention of the one at the right. It worked.

"ROAR!!!"-It roared at me while starting to run. But I wouldn't let it do as

it pleased.

"Utori Vis"-I incanted, and the giant brute slowed down, getting stiff with

the electrify spell. This time, I wouldn't torture them, so I quickly raised

my left hand, pointing it at the slowed-down mountain troll. "Exevo Gran

Vis Lux"-I used the great energy beam spell. And right from my hand, a

fast beam made of energy shot towards the chest of the troll, who tried to

stop it with its hand, but was too slow to do it.

"AAAARGHHHH!!!!"-A horrendous shout resounded around, as the beam

tore through the chest of the troll, disintegrating its heart and even

hitting the tree behind it. Once the beam disappeared, the troll now had

a big hole on its chest, probably with a diameter of 30 centimeters.

[You've killed a mountain troll! 35pts have been earned!]-The system

message came to me.

"Great!"-I raised my fist high in celebration. Before turning to look at the

other troll.

It was an amazing view, seeing a five-meters-tall brown bear fighting

against a three-meters-tall mountain troll. While the troll was smaller, it

was armed and had impressive brute strength, so it could actually

contend against the bear, at least if the bear was alone.

While the troll had to focus on the monstrous bear in front of it. The

monstrous wolf reaching a height of two meters lunged at it from the

back, biting at its neck and making it twist in pain, giving chance to the

bear to claw and bite at the troll from the front.

Not even a minute passed, when the troll fell dead, with a bloodied body,

with some nasty injuries on its neck, chest, and back.

[You've killed a mountain troll! 35pts have been earned!]

"It seems that my summons kills also gave me points… Well, I did expect

that."-I said while walking towards both the wolf and the bear, who came

to me as if expecting something.

"Great job, you two! You did it amazingly!"-I said while patting both

creatures' heads. "Ready for more?"



Both of them excitedly said, and I immediately jumped on the back of the


"Well then! Muninn! Lead the way!"-I shouted.

"CAW!!"-As if he was also excited, Muninn took flight with a high shout

and went flying further into the forest.

This hunt just began.

CHAPTER 24 – Fuck you, Murphy

"This is like the fourth one we kill." I thought while looking at a troll's

corpse. With the help of Muninn, we've been going around the place

looking for trolls, and apparently, there're more of them than it looked

like in the movies.

{This forest sure is big.} I thought to myself while thinking about the

seven trolls I've killed until now.

"Hey, Muninn… I think that's enough trolls for the moments. Do you

know some other creatures? Or at least another type of troll?" I ask the

Raven that's standing over my summoned bear.

"CAW" It nodded.

"Well, lead the way, my man! And please don't let it be centaurs. I don't

want to win them as enemies." I tell the raven.

"CAW!" It started flying towards somewhere inside the forest. I once

again went over the bear's back, thanks to the few rides I've had while

hunting trolls, I got the trick of it.

{Just sixty more points. And I'll be ready.} I thought to myself.

It was until a few moments that I finally reached my next target. Another


"*sigh…* Just another troll…" I muttered.

"CAW!"-And Muninn shook his head.

"Mm? What do you mean no?" I look closer to the troll. "Oh, this one is

different. Another type of troll?"

"CAW!" He nodded this time.

"Oh… I see, let's do this then!" I said while jumping down.

The troll that was in front of me was different from the mountain trolls

I've been fighting. Its skin was of a pale-green color, contrary to the

other's grey one, while it was slightly smaller than the mountain troll. It

did look stouter, while the mountain troll has a small head with big ears,

this one's head doesn't look that unproportioned, and it has even a beard

full of dark-green hair. There're some patches of green hair all around its

body, and on its hand, it holds a bone-club and not a wood one.

"Mm… Maybe you're smarter?"

"UH? ROAR!!" He looked at us, and a moment after started roaring again.

"You're alerting everyone… Stop shouting." I shook my head. "I guess

you're just the same stupid troll as your friends."

I was in a hurry, so I didn't waste any time.

"Exevo Gran Vis Lux" While the troll ran at me with the club raised and

roaring, I raised my hand and incanted. Sending a great energy beam that

pierced its chest, making it fall to the front, death.

[You've killed a forest troll! 35pts have been earned!]

[Congratulations! You've killed a forest troll for the first time! 50pts have

been earned!]

"So, you were a forest troll…" I thought while reading the system's

message. "Wait… That's 85 points! I'm finally done!"-Without waiting for

any second, I opened the vocation store.

Or at least tried to.

"CAW! CAW! CAW!" As if calling for immediate attention, Muninn

shouted three times.

"Mm? What's wrong, man?" I turned to look at my Raven, who was

flapping its wings.

"CAW! CAW!" He cawed twice while looking somewhere into the forest.

"Grr…" Even the wolf was growling somewhere there.

"Growl…" While the bear stood on two legs and started looking at the

same place.

"…" I frowned, not sure what to expect, but decided to prepare my wand

just in case some monster appeared.

"See. I told you it was over here. Rakepick." A man's voice sounded from

the place all my animals were looking at, followed by another voice.

"You were right. What do we have here?" A redheaded woman, that I

could have passed as a Weasley, said while following a guy with quite

dirty clothes that was wearing some kind of mask that didn't let me see

him clearly.

"…" I frowned at them, something they couldn't see. {I'm glad I'm not

showing my face right now.} I thought to myself.

{Utamo Vita} And just to be safe, I incanted the shield spell.

"Who are you…?" The woman asked while sizing me up. "Mm? You don't

look to be someone old, maybe some small guy?"

"Hahaha or maybe a little girl?" The guy in front suddenly talked with an

excited voice.


"Not one too talkative, huh?" The woman said. "Oh well, doesn't matter."

She then turned to look at the troll's corpse. "Huh? Did you do this? By


She then got closer at the corpse, while the guy didn't stop looking at me

or at the animals beside me, who didn't stop growling at them. But I

asked them to be quiet for the moment.

"Mm…" She touched the injury on the chest. "To pierce his chest while

leaving such a big wound…" She rubbed her chin.

"She asked you a question, kid." The guy said.

"…" I didn't answer.

"*tch.* What? Are you a mute?" The guy took his wand out.

"Grrr…" My wolf stepped in front while growling. But I put my hand out,

asking him to stop, which made him back.

"Hoho… Look at that!" The guy suddenly shouted. "Controlling such a

monstrous wolf without even talking."

"So? Did you do this kid? Relax, we're not bad persons, it was just that

we heard some grunts and weird sounds while patrolling around, and

came to see." The woman said. "We're hunting some dark wizards around

here, and came to see if we had some luck finding them."

{Who the fuck are they? Shouldn't the Forbidden Forest only have

creatures in it?} I thought to myself while thinking about what to do


"Hey, we're asking you questions here!" The guy said.

"Calm down. He's scared. I would be too if two grown adults suddenly

appeared in one of the most dangerous forests."

"Ha! As if. Don't you see he's here, and not precisely alone, with the

corpse of a forest troll? I don't think he's all that scared. I think maybe he

just doesn't want to talk!" He then turned to me. "Why don't we stop

playing around, Rakepick!"

"Shut up. Be quiet, will you?" The woman's face turned into one of scorn

at the guy. "Look, kid. We just want to know why would you be here, and

if it was you who killed this troll, that's all. So, could you answer us?"


"Oh, come on! I'm tired of this, Imperius!" The guy pointed his wand at


"…" But nothing happened. Well, something did happen, but it was the

guy having a slight headache, as it seemed from the way he clutched his


{I wonder… Is that because of my magic shield? Or maybe because of

Occlumency? I did read that Occlumency is a good way to defend from

the Imperius curse in some fanfics…} I thought to myself while looking

at the guy and the surprised woman.

"You…" Rakepick suddenly took out her wand. "Now this is getting

somewhat interesting. I'm also getting a little impatient here, kid, who

are you? And what would you be doing here."


{Playing the mute is somehow making them angry, talking about

aggroing, and this is even Tibia.}

"That's it, kid! You got me angry, let's see who's under that turban of

yours! Petrificus Totallus!" The guy shot his spell, which sent some kind

of light towards me.

Activating the great haste spell, I moved out of the way while

unconsciously swinging my Wand of Vortex towards the guy, sending a

spark of energy that he stopped with a protective spell.

"Idiot!" The one I suppose is called Rakepick suddenly shouted and

started shooting spells at me. Which I just evaded, taking cover behind a

tree. Meanwhile, both the wolf and the bear started running against

them, giving me enough chance to think.

{I don't want to kill them… I must get the fuck out of here.} Taking the

chance while both creatures were distracting them both, I went out of the

tree, only to be received by a flurry of attacks. But the bear and the wolf

were hurt, but still distracting the guy, while Rakepick was advancing

towards me, throwing spells at me.

"Shit. Utana Vid." I turned invisible while jumping and levitating towards

one of the upper branches of one of the trees closer to me. The link I had

with both beasts was broken. {This is getting a little bit complicated…} I

thought to myself while looking down at them.

"Mm? Where is he? Did he escape?" The guy asked Rakepick while

clutching his left arm, where a claw mark rested.

{At least they could hurt the bastard. Rest in peace.}

"..." She just pointed at the tree I was a moment ago. "Hey kid… Come

out, this was all a misunderstanding, we just want to talk. But we had to

defend ourselves, you see? I'm sorry about your friends… But I promise

we won't do anything to you."

"…" The guy just clutched his injured arm, while walking towards the

tree, and just went a few meters remained, he started running towards


"No, wait!" Rakepick tried to stop him.

"Die! Aveda Kedavra!" But it was late. A green light went out of the tip of

his wand towards the place I was moments ago. "What!? He isn't here!

Are you sure you saw him coming here!?" The enraged wizard asked


"What…? He should be there! He tried to escape but I didn't let him!" She

ran towards the guy.

"*snort* Clearly, he's not here!"

{*sigh…* To use the killing curse…} I thought while looking at them.

{These guys are not normal ones…} I started to think hard about what to

do. Then suddenly, a system message appeared.

[New quests have been generated! Access your quest interface!]

{Huh? At this time?}-I quickly went towards the quest interface.

"Look for him! He couldn't be far. I'll stay wait here." The guy said.

"And why don't you go?" Rakepick said with a frown.

"Don't you see I'm injured!? That bastard's wolf clawed at me!"

"*snort* So much for some great wizard… Fine. I'll go. Alert me if you

find him here. He can't be far!" Rakepick said while running somewhere.


New quests!

- Baptism of blood. A dark wizard tried to kill you once, and will surely

try again whenever he sees you. This is a decision you should make. Is

this a world where you can choose not to kill other humans? Or is this a

place where it is either kill or be killed? Be baptized by blood, and kill

the one who tried to kill you. (100pts.) (Optional.)

- Advocate of Life. To live is a desire every being has. For those who don't

desire to leave a path of blood behind them, there will always be a

choice. Escape from the dark wizards, and get back to the castle.

(100pts.) (Optional.)

- …]

"Come here, kid… I know you're around! It's just you and me. That bitch

went away. Let's solve this like two men." The wizard was looking around

while walking as if searching for me.

{…} Not knowing what to do, I started pondering on my options. {I have

to adapt. People here don't like to kill, at least the good ones. But as it

was proved in the last movie… It's either kill or be killed… I-I have to

this…} I tried to justify my actions, and started to move.

I jumped high moving towards his back, and right when I stepped down,

the leaves sounded.

"There you are!" The guy turned to me, moving his wand towards me.

While I turned off my invisibility to save magic power.

"Exevo Gran Vis Lux" But I incanted before he could.

"What!?" Surprised by the sudden beam of energy, the guy tried to use

some protective spell but was thrown far to the back, hitting against one

of the trees. "ARGH!" He fell.

"Shit. Exevo Gran Vis-" I tried to shot him again, but Rakepick appeared

from behind.

"Ha!" She threw a spell against me, sending me back close to one of the


"URGH!" While the spell didn't injure me, it did take a chunk of my magic

power, and even the impact hurt. I stood up and quickly hid behind the

tree, turning invisible once again and levitating towards one of the trees.

"Running again?" Rakepick said. "I applaud you kid. You sure are quite

powerful for someone your age… It makes me think that you maybe are

not a kid." She said while walking towards his companion.

"Urgh… That fucking kid…" The guy stood up, difficultly. "What the fuck

was that!? It wasn't a spell I knew of…"

"That kid's not normal… He even received the impact of my Expelliarmus

and stood up as if nothing."

"I know! Fuck, why didn't you use the killing curse!" The guy shouted at


"Because I want him alive! He can be an excellent asset for us!"

"What!? You want to let that freak live!?"

{I'm sorry, but I don't plan on joining whatever you guys are part of.} I

thought to myself while going through the vocation list.

[Vocations / 1025pts

- Druid (1000pts)

- Arcanist (1000pts)

- Summoner (1000pts)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- ???]

{… Summoner and Druid are not going to change my skillset too much…

Tactician… I would bet it's some kind of support role. Maybe… Should I

try with Arcanist?} After thinking for a bit, I tried to focus more on using

my current skill set.

{It would be a joke if I can't beat these two using my current spells.}

After taking a deep breath, I took out an explosion rune. I slowly went

down. And before almost touching the floor, I attacked the woman with

the explosion rune.

"Over there!" The guy found me and tried to attack me.

"Utori Vis." With a quick electrify, the guy got stiff, making it hard for

him to move. While the Rakepick had to defend from the purple light of

the explosion rune.

"ARGH!" But even if she stopped the spell, the explosion sent her and the

guy away.

{Now!} Running towards the electrified guy I raised my wand towards

Rakepick. "Exevo Flam Hur." From the tip of my Wand of Vortex, a wave

of fire went towards Rakepick, who was still trying to stand up after

impacting against some tree.

"What!? Protego!" She defended against the wave of fire, but that got me

enough time to get close to the bastard.

{Better not take any chances.} As I got close enough to not miss any

spells, I raised the wand and swung it at him. Shotting an energy strike

towards him before he could attack me.

"ARGHH!!!" He got hit directly, getting further electrified, and convulsing

slightly, and dropping his wand.

"Exori Mort!" I shouted the spell with force as if trying to convince

myself. And a black ghostly missile went towards his chest.

"AAARGH!!!" He screamed, while his clothes got old and torn by

themselves, and his skin quickly turned black, decaying, as if each cell on

his chest died. Not even two seconds passed when he stopped screaming,

lying dead with his chest, and probably his heart, in a necrotic state.

{…} I looked at his corpse. Not knowing what to do now that I killed

him. Until I remembered that there was another one. And turned to look


"Avada Kedavra!" Enraged, Rakepick threw a killing curse at me, which I

evaded thanks to my levitation and great haste spell. Instead of coming

towards me, she ran towards his companion, while sending spell after

spell at me.

I landed and rushed behind a tree. "Utana Vid." I turned invisible again

and flew up towards one of the branches. Looking down at Rakepick,

who was looking at his companion with a terrified face.

"…" She turned to look around as if looking for me. "I'll remember you! R

will not forgive this! Live in fear, not knowing when you'll die!" She

shouted before apparating away with his companion's corpse.

With a sigh, I deactivated my invisibility and sat on the branch, resting

against the tree, trying to recover my breath. Until I saw the system

message in front of me.

[Congratulation! You've completed the quest 'Baptism of Blood'! You

made your choice. And while it won't force you to do anything you don't

want to. Future quests may depend heavily on your choice today. Quest

'Advocate of Life' will disappear.]

[100pts have been earned.]

[You've killed Dark Wizard 'Aaron', 200pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You've killed your first dark wizard/witch! 300pts have

been earned.]

[Congratulations! Your ML has increased by 2!]

"*sigh…* I'm tired…" Without energy to even move, I just lay over the

branch, resting against the tree.

"CAW!" Muninn came to me and perched himself on my shoulder while

rubbing his head on my own.

"You're okay buddy?" I asked it with a low unenergetic voice.

"CAW!" It nodded. Before looking far into the forest. "CAW!" I started

pinching my cheeks, pulling my head towards the other way. It seems it

wanted me to leave.

{I didn't listen to you quickly. I better do it now.} I wasn't sure he wanted

me to leave the place. But I sure wouldn't wait this time to see what he's

trying to say. With the magic power I still had, I jumped down, levitating

only before reaching the ground to stop my fall. I then activated the great

haste spell and ran towards the opposite side from where Muninn was

looking at.

I went slightly slower than I could, to wait for my raven that flew to

where Rakepick disappeared. He came back with a wand, that was the

one the guy, Aaron dropped. Not knowing why Muninn gave it to me, I

dropped it into my inventory and started running behind Muninn that

was now guiding the way. I didn't stop to hunt, or anything. I just ran

away from that place with one thought in my head.

{Fuck you. Murphy.}


Now, I'm not pretty sure how the fight went out, so I'm open to

suggestions and recommendations. Also, I'm trying to change the use

of "-" after each dialogue or thought, so, if you think it's better this

way, please let me know! Thanks for reading, and hope you like this

chapter! (I'm also trying to use fewer exclamation marks, reducing it to

only one in each case haha)

CHAPTER 25 – The weigh of the

first time

Inside the Forbidden Forest outside of the Castle Grounds, where the

corpse of a forest troll rested, the sound of horses running appeared.

"Over here!" The sounds of the horses came closer, and from between the

trees, a creature came running. Saying it was a man wasn't correct, the

same if we thought of it as a horse.

"What's that?" One of the creatures, a centaur, asked while getting closer

to the corpse. "A troll of the forest? What happened to it…"

"I don't know…" Another centaur answered him. "Huh? Look there!

There's a fire over there!" He pointed towards another part of the forest,

close to the corpse, where a field of fire was raging.

"Use the earth to put it off! We can't let it spread any further." The first

centaur to get closer to the corpse ordered and the other ten centaurs

moved to kill the fire that's been raging and slowly spreading.

"What do you think happened here, Mortax?" One of the centaurs, one

with dark brown skin and long curly hair with a slightly pale mane asked

came to ask.

"I'm not sure Orion, I'm not sure…" Mortax, a centaur with pale human

skin and blond hair, with clear blue eyes looked up at the sky. "There's

nothing in the sky that warns us of another change to the future…"

"But… This isn't the first troll we found dead while coming here.

Someone has been killing them, they all have the same injury." Orion

tells Mortax while looking at the dead troll.

"That, I know, my friend." Mortax also answered while looking down at

the troll's corpse.

"Mortax, Orion! We found more clues!" Another centaur came towards

them. "That way! They seem like steps, they have quite a distance

between each other."

"The culprit must have run towards that direction then…" Orion said with

a frown.

"But that's not all. Over there." The same centaur also pointed towards

another place, and all the centaurs went towards that place.

"Have you ever seen such a monstrous creature? Orion?" Mortax asked.

"They're a bear and a wolf. But not with sizes I've seen before…" Orion's

frown deepened.

"There are more footprints here…"

"Are they the same footprints, Lanus?" Mortax asked.

"…" After thinking for a little bit, Lanus, a brown-skinned centaur with

black hair and a brown mane shook his head. "No, these are different.

Biggers." He then pointed a little further away. "Those footprints are the

ones that ran away."

"Maybe…" Orion said while rubbing his chin. "Two people fought?"

"No. There were three people here."

"Mm… *sigh…* Let's go back. I don't think we'll have any luck today."

Mortax said after shaking his head.


"Morax! We still can catch the culprit!"

"Stop, Orion… We've been running nonstop since the moment we heard

the fights. And look." Morax pointed towards the corpses of the animals.

"If I'm not mistaken, those are the footprints we've been following since

the start. And now they're dead. We don't know if the culprit is even

alive, he could be dead, just like these creatures, that I assume were with


"But…" Orion tried to protest.

"It's okay, my friend. If the culprit is alive, he may come back. Let's go


Morax then led the ten centaurs back to their camp, taking a glance to

the sky every now and then, to see if the stars have changed, but with no



Back at Hogwarts, an hour later, Logan finally made it back to his room.

Levitating towards his room's windows, and getting inside along with


Completely exhausted. He didn't even try to take off his clothes. He

merely took off his shoes and dropped himself on the bed. His mind

weighing more than his body. Hoping to finally get some rest.

Meanwhile, Muninn stood on the bird's stall, looking at Logan with a

curious glance for a few minutes, as if thinking, reviewing what just

happened back in the forest. Moments later, the raven also decided to

rest. Not before giving one more quick-glance towards the resting boy.


The next day, Logan woke up late, it was well past lunch-time, he didn't

leave the room, and barely eat a few things he had in his inventory from

Friday's lunch. Muninn wasn't anywhere else to be seen.

Instead of going out of his room, he took a few books out and started

reading, barely able to understand whatever he read, skipping through

the words with an absent mind.

He expended all his afternoon trying to read the same book until dinner

time came. Not having food in his inventory, he decided to go to the

Great Hall to eat, or at least try to.


Inside the Great Hall, on Ravenclaw's table, both William and Roger were

talking among themselves with a worried face.

"What if…-" Roger tried to speak but was quickly interrupted by William.

"No, no more petrified students have appeared for the moment, Logan is

surely fine. He must be around the castle, in the library, or his room as

usual." William said, his worriedness still betrayed by his face.

"But we haven't seen him since yesterday…" Roger continued. "You know

that's not normal… He may skip free-times, but it's quite hard for him to

miss breakfast or lunch, the SAME day!"

"He might just be kind of focused on whatever he's doing, okay? We have

to hope nothing wrong happened to him." William tried to comfort his


"*sigh…* I don't know, man…" While Roger just shook his head.

"Look! There he is!" After a few moments, William spoke, pointing

towards the entrance of the Great Hall. "I told you he was fine!"

"*sigh…* I'm glad that's true…" Roger nodded while looking at the

incoming Logan, who despite his friends' cheerfulness, was still walking

while looking down, slowly moving through the seats of Ravenclaw's

table towards his friends.

"What happened to you, dude!? You've been missing all day!" Roger

asked him after Logan took a seat beside him.

"Huh…?" Logan, who tried to start eating as soon as he sat down, looked

towards Roger. "Oh, sorry, I've been studying and stuff… I'm fine."

"Really? You don't look fine, man…" William answered from the other

side of the table.

"Trust me, I'm fine." Logan forced himself to smile. "Maybe is just all this

about the curse that got me kind of low." He shrugged.

"Are you sure?" Roger tried to pry further.

"Yeah, I'm fine, really."

"Okay, man… If you say so." Finally, they both stop asking, and instead

started talking about the few things that happened around the castle

during the week and how the upperclassmen were quite scared that the

curse would impact them like the past years.

All the while, Logan just quietly ate, absent-minded. As if thinking hard

about something, which both friends noticed, but didn't say anything

about. They just kept talking, trying to bring their friend into the

conversation, but Logan at most answered with a few words, or barely

nodded or shook his head, giving a few forced smiles now and then.

After dinner, he excused himself, stood up, and went back towards his

room. Leaving his friends looking at him still worried.

"He's… not okay, right?" Roger asked.

"No…" William shook his head. "Maybe all this about the curse is really

weighing down on his mind?"

"*sigh…* I don't know man… I, too, am sad about Jake, but I try to at

least keep myself focused, you know?" Roger said with an awkward face.

"I know what you mean…" William nodded. "It may sound kind of bad…

But it's not like he's been with us all the time, right? He almost always

disappears to who knows where."

"Precisely… *sigh…*"

"Hey, freshmen!" A sudden energetic voice surprised them both. "How

have you been doing?" It was Tulip Karasu.

"Oh... Um, fine." William answered.

"Yes, we've been good." Roger followed with a nod.

"I'm glad. Say…" She started to speak once again. "What happens to your


"Um? Oh, nothing, he's just been worried, that's all." Roger said.

"Really? He looked quite down…" Tulip said as she glanced at the

entrance of the hall as if remembering the sight of the kid.

"Oh, it's nothing… He'll be fine in a day or two." William shrugged.

"Yeah, it's just that he's been quite worried about our friend, Jake."

"Oh, right…" Tulip said, suddenly remembering the news she heard about

a Ravenclaw freshman being petrified by the cures. "So… Has he been

trying to find something about the curse lately?" She asked.

"I think he isn't..." Roger shrugged.

"Yeah, Dumbledore even called for him yesterday, and for what he told

us, he dissuaded him from even trying." William added.

"Dumbledore did? Mm…" Tulip suddenly pondered for a little bit. "Oh

well, it's okay. I was just curious. Tell him, whenever you see him, that if

anything happens, he can just come and talk to me, okay?" She smiled,

before going back towards her friends.

"Wow…" Roger unconsciously awed.

"Mm? What's wrong?" William asked his friend with a confused face.

"He made an upperclassman worry about him!"

"…" William opened his mouth. "Now I'm lost. What are you talking


"Logan! He's acting like this to make Tulip Karasu worry about him!"

"Ok… Now you've lost it." William turned his eyes.

"Why!? It could be, right? I would do it." He shrugged.

"…" William looked at him, and at that moment a girl that was sitting

close to them looked at Roger.

"You know, that's gross, weird, and creepy. Don't ever try it on a girl."

"W-what? Who's asking you. Lyra?"

"Just to let you know. You seem like the kind of guy that would try to do

it." Lyra, another freshman in Ravenclaw, shrugged, before standing up.

"Bye." She left towards the common room.


Moments later, back at the entrance of the common room of Ravenclaw,

two upperclassmen, a boy and a girl from the fifth year were standing

there, while a group of three Ravenclaw girls from the first year stood

slightly away from them, with Julie at the front.

"Why can we just enter together?" Julie asked the upperclassmen.

"Because you all have to answer the riddle to prove you're worthy of

being in Ravenclaw." The fifth-year girl answered with a smug face.

"She's right, this is like a tradition, of sorts." The guy nodded.

"Huh?" Julie furrowed her brows. "This isn't in the rules!"

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you, that you still have to do it." The girl, once

again, said.

"Come on, Julie, calm down… We, we can try to answer the riddle…

How hard can it be? Right?" Another girl that was behind Julie, tried to

calm her down.

"Yes… Julie, Johanne is right, we can answer the riddle…" The other girl

also said.

"You should listen to your two friends." The smug girl said to Julie.

At that moment, another girl with a weirded-out face came to the


"Mm? What's happening, Julie?" It was actually Lyra, who just came back

from the Great Hall.

"Oh, Lyra, hi…" Julie turned to look at her friend. "Nothing… It's just that

these two here won't let us all go in at the same time…"

"What? But why?" Lyra tilted her head.

"Listen here, girl. You prove yourself worthy of being in Ravenclaw. So, it

won't do if you let your friends answer the riddle for you." The fifth-year

girl said while grinning. "You have to do it by yourself, or stay out of the

common room."

"There're no rules that say that!" Lyra answered angrily.

"Sorry, but that's a tradition." The guy also grinned, as if enjoying the

girl's outburst.

"Argh! Are there only idiots here? First that Roger, and now you too…"

Lyra said.

"Who are you calling an idiot!?" The guy said, before stopping and

looking ahead. Another first year was coming. "Well, it seems like you'll

all stay here for quite the time if you don't start going in." He grinned



Close to Ravenclaw's common room's entrance, Logan's been slowly

walking, looking down as if thinking about something. Furrowing his

brown from time to time.

{Shit… Maybe I shouldn't do it after all?} I thought to myself while

walking towards my common room. I've been walking so distractedly

that I got lost a few times while coming here.

Since yesterday's night accident, I've been thinking constantly about one

thing. And that is, I've become a murderer.

{But… He did try to kill me. He even used a killing curse against me, and

before that, he tried to use the Imperius curse. If it wasn't by my

Occlumency or my magic shield, I might be fucked up right now.}

The moment I chose to kill him, I wasn't thinking rationally, it was

mostly fear that led me to kill him.

{The thing is… The more I think about it. The more I think I did the right

thing. But…}

In all honesty, I never think I would kill someone. Not this early in my

life, or well, in this life…

Back in my old world, the only thing I killed were monsters in games or

other players, but nothing real…

{I didn't go out of my house that much either.}

A big sigh escaped my mouth.

{No. I have to stop this. This is consuming me more than it should.} I

furrowed my brows. {I did what I had to do. If I escaped, those lunatics

would have run behind me. And for how long would I be able to run

before my magic gets low enough for my invisibility or my levitation

spell to stop working? And he was a Dark Wizard! It was a kill or be

killed situation.}

All the while, I just kept walking towards the common room entrance,

not noticing the eyes a few girls and one guy were giving me. Until

someone woke me up.

"Stop." The guy said to me with a stern voice, making me look back at


"What?" I asked shortly, not in the mood to talk too much.

"You'll have to wait for them to enter first." The guy said.

I turned to look at the girls he was pointing at, noticing Julie and three

other girls, one of which I think her name was Carla Moncada or

something like that.

I furrowed my brows.

"Why just don't we all go in together?" I ask.

"Oh, don't even try it. These idiots here are talking nonsense about

having to test if we are worthy of being in Ravenclaw." One of the girls,

with brown hair and dark, almost black, eyes answered.

"*snort* It's easy. Any TRUE Ravenclaw can do it." Another girl, which I

just noticed was an upperclassman, spoke. "You just have to answer the

riddle by yourself. So, just go one by one." She smirked at the girl that

just answered.

"Argh! Just let us all go in quickly! I have things to do!" The same brown-

haired girl answered while moving towards the door, but the

upperclassman girl put herself in front with a wand and a frown.

"Stop." She pointed her wand at the girl. "You should listen to your

upperclassmen, little girl. So, you better wait your turn, and let your

friends try first.".

"L-Lyra! Come back! Let's just do as they said…" Carla asked her friend

while putting her back.

"*SIGH…*" I let out a deep sigh. "Stop doing this. Don't point your wand

at another student." I frowned at the girl.

"Mm? Or what? What would you do?" The guy smirked at me as if


"…" I furrowed my brows deeper. "I'll tell you once again, drop that

wand, and let us all in, at once." I said with anger in my voice.

I knew that it wasn't right to threaten upperclassmen. Not any other

student at that. But I was already angry about last night's happenings,

and right now, their attitude is rising my anger even more. I wasn't

thinking straight, and to be honest, I don't think that I've been thinking

straight since getting out of the Hogwarts Express…

"*snort* Or what? What can a small little first-year do to us?" The girl


"Hahahaha yeah, look at him." The other guy also laughed and took out

his wand, trying to frighten me. "You want to impress them or what?

Kid? You better learn to respect your superiors."

"I warned you…" I whispered to myself, not even sure if they listened or

not. Before quickly flicking my hand towards the girl's wand that was

smirking at me. "Expelliarmus." Her want went out flying.

"*gasp*" I could hear someone holding a breath behind me. But not even

waiting for a second, I flicked my hand towards the surprised guy, who

after a few seconds of looking at the also surprised girl who lost her

wand, turned to me.

But before he could do anything. "Expelliarmus." I disarmed him.

[You've disarmed a wizard/witch. 5pts have been earned!]

[You've disarmed a wizard/witch. 5pts have been earned!]

[You've disarmed a wizard/witch for the first time. 50pts have been


{Didn't know this also gave points… But why so many points?} I thought

while laughing sarcastically.

"You!" The guy got red from embarrassment, and as if losing his temper,

he came towards me trying to strike at me.

I was focused on the system's message, so without thinking much I just

flicked my hand towards him. Sending a quick buzz spell towards him.

And just before I thought of what I did, a small bolt of lightning impacted

the guy, shocking him and electrifying him, making his hair get all spiky,

while his body stiffened.

"Urgh." He could barely mutter something before falling on his but, still

electrified, and trembling every now and then.

While before this spell barely did any damage at all, being an even lower

version of the energy strike, right now with my current power, it is still

enough for him to get a strong electric shock.

"*sigh…* Why did you have to do that? And I thought you would be

better than Gryffindor and Slytherin in this aspect…" I muttered while

looking at the guy that tried to hit me. "But… Thanks, I guess…"

Not like I said it aloud, but this little skirmish let me take my thoughts

out of yesterday's night happenings.

"Now, let's just end this little joke." I was the one to smirk this time,

while the upperclassman girl was slightly trembling while looking at her

friend, not even trying to look for her wand.

As I didn't want to take out my wand from the inventory in front of

people, I sent a magic rope spell towards the guy with a flick of my hand.

Thankfully, with practice, I've been able to broaden my view on how my

spells actually worked. And I've been inventing a few new tricks.

Like this one.

Appearing from the air, two ropes made of magic shot themselves

towards the shocked guy and quickly bond him, one bonded his upper

body, and the other his legs. Leaving him like some kind of worm.

"IIIIHHH" A weird scream came from the girl, who tried to run away, but

I just did the same and she fell on the floor, squirming like a worm.

"*sigh…* Who would think that you Ravenclaw had this kind of

people…" I made my way towards the entrance to the common room,

kicking the girl's wand out of the way while passing by it.

Knocking on the door, a riddle appeared.

[What is always in front of you but can't be seen?]

"The future." With that answer, the door opened. I was going in when I

stopped. "Are you not going in?" I asked the girls that were out looking


"Y-yes…" One of them, who I didn't know, answered while looking at her

friends, urging them to walk. I just shrugged and went in, letting the door


CHAPTER 26 – The meaning of


After the little fight with his upperclassmen, Logan went directly into his

room, not stopping inside the common room for even a second, as if he

was running, but the truth is, that he had something important to do,

something he left out.

He didn't even stay enough time to know that gossips about him already

started spreading in the common room starting with the four girls of his

year that watched him fight. Gossips that would soon travel around the


Now, inside his room, he was currently sitting cross-legged while looking

at the air, as if he was looking at something that wasn't there.

"Vocations." I said, opening the store for vocations in my system.

[Vocations / 1685pts

- Druid (1000pts)

- Arcanist (1000pts)

- Summoner (1000pts)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- ???]

{I have enough points to buy one vocation, and have some points

remaining…} I thought to myself while looking at the store.

After rearranging my thoughts, I decided, that I wouldn't let that accident

mark me. I did what I had to, and it was either him or me who would

die. And right now, someone is already targeting me, even if they don't

know how I truly look, I'm not really sure if there is a way to actually

find me, so all in all, I better prepare myself.

{System. Could you give me an explanation on the vocations of Arcanist,

Summoner, and Tactician?}

[Sure so. I thought you would never ask. Let's start with Tactician then,

as it is the less powerful while talking about raw power.]

[Tactician is a supportive vocation that allows for the use of multiple

support spells, like a druid, they are also able to use support and some

minor heal spells towards other targets. The vocation lacks direct fighting

power, but can actually buff your base power if it's used correctly.]

{Can you tell me what is his advanced class?}

[Just the name. It's called Logia.]

{It's a weird name… But well, doesn't matter. Keep going.}

[Then, we have the Summoner vocation. It's the second one weakest in

raw power, but one with a lot of opportunities. It allows you to summon

monsters from the seemingly infinite amount of OTS out there, within a

certain limit. The basic level vocation limits your summons below a

Demon in terms of powers, and the amount of summons to only two of

them at the time, excepting Dragons Lords and similar monsters, which

you can only summon one. Take into consideration, that you won't be

able to summon a Dragon, a Dragon Lord, a Demon, or similar monsters

until you reach your third-stage core. Even if you have the vocation.]

{Okay. I get it.} I nodded at the system. {What is its advanced vocation?}

[A summoner's advanced vocation is Master Summoner.]

"… Okay, I was expecting something better, but it makes sense."

[Finally, Arcanist. The reason why I left this one to the end, is because it

has the most raw-power among those three. And even if we consider the

Sorcerer vocation, it could be said that in a one versus one fight, an

Arcanist is stronger, or I should say more suitable.]

"Wait… Stronger than a Sorcerer?"

[Yes. Stop interrupting me. As I was saying, an Arcanist is a vocation

specialized in melee and mid-range fights. In a sense, it's more suitable to

be called an assassin or warrior class instead of a magician one, as most

of his spells consist of the use of melee, and has little to no ability in

wide-areas attacks and ranged damaged.]

"Wait… Is that all? There should be something else, right? I mean…

Having a melee-only class is quite useless in this world, even if I can

combine it with my normal sorcerer's spells."

[Well, look at that. Your IQ is getting higher. That's good. To answer

your question, an Arcanist doesn't depend on long castings and is more

adept at the use of quick-spells to kill his target, being the only class that

doesn't need to chant his spells to use them, while also having less

restriction because of the environment, being able to fight in every kind

of terrain you're. It's quite the adaptable vocation with a few passive

abilities, the only Tier 1 vocation to have passive spells.]

"Oh… That explains it." I nodded.

[Its advanced vocation would be Arcane Battle Master]

I nodded while thinking about the different vocations, and what would

happen in the future.

{Now, only one problem remains… Which one will I buy first?}

Taking into consideration every aspect of the vocations, Druid,

Summoner, and Arcanist should be my options, while Tactician sounds

like a good vocation, I'm not going to fight alongside a group right now.

I'll mostly be by myself, so unless I get the Summoner vocation first to

actually have a team to buff, it would be a waste of points for me to get

the Tactician right now.

"That leaves me with three choices…"

Druids have control over ice and earth elements, while also having the

ability to heal others. If anything, its only good points for the moment

are the ice and earth attacks, but that's not something I need for the

moments, and as it happens with the Tactician vocation, I don't have a

team to heal. And I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything that could

eradicate petrification, so for the moments, it's kind of a useless vocation

for me, maybe later.

"That leaves Summoner and Arcanist."

What do I need the most? If what the system said is true, it's basically

choosing between quick close-ranged attacks, and the ability to summon

stronger creatures to help me fight, with the limitation of not being able

to summon Dragons for the moments.

"Do you have any recommendation, System?"

[What do you need the most right now? What is it that you desire?]

"Huh? Well…" I pondered while rubbing my chin. "I would say… Power,

the ability to keep me and others alive. I'm not sure what would happen

from now on. But now I have this feeling that this world's problem isn't

only Voldemort… There're other things around that could threaten me

and those around me. So, I would like to have enough power to stop

anyone to try anything funny."

[Go for the Arcanist. As I told you before, that's probably the strongest

ability when it comes to a one-versus-one situation, but even if it's not

one versus one, it does have a good variety of spells that would help you.

And also, Summoner won't be of too much help if you are not in your

third-stage core. The most crucial factor is, you're already training your

body regularly, and that's something that would make the Arcanist

vocation go beyond its own power.]

"…" I pondered for a bit. "Okay. I want it. I'll go with Arcanist while

keeping the Summoner for my next vocation. System, is there a limit to

how many vocations I can have?"

[Yes, and no. When it comes to Tier 1 vocations, you can have them all.

As I said before, you can only have two advanced vocations. And given

the case you make it towards your third stage. You can have one Master


"Mm? Is there something more than a Master Vocation?"

[There is. But that's not something you can know for the moment. You

better get to your third vocation if you want to have more information.]

"Ok. Then, let's buy it." With that said, I looked at the vocation store and

chose the Arcanist vocation.

[Congratulations! You've successfully bought the Arcanist vocation!]

[Congratulations! You've bought your first vocation! 300pts have been


[Congratulations! You're now an Arcanist! Your physical resistance and

magical resistance are slightly enhanced. Your speed and strength are

enhanced. New spells are available for you to use, check your spellbook!

New advanced vocations are available for you to use!]

[Take note that you should consider stronger physical training from now


I know that there were system messages appearing in front of me, but I

wasn't really paying attention to them. I was paying close attention to the

changes in my body.

I felt each bone and muscle inside me strengthening slowly as if I was

changing. My magic core was constantly sending more and more magic

into my cells, reinforcing them, making me stronger.

My transformation wasn't even finished, and I was already feeling the

new power flowing through me.

A power I would be able to use to protect myself in this world. To protect

those that are around me, and to unveil the mysteries of this world.


Meanwhile, in the entrance to the common room of Ravenclaw, some

students, and two professors, were currently standing there, looking at

two fifth-year students that were trapped in ropes.

One of the professors, Flitwick, got close to them, taking his wand out

and freeing the students.

"What happened to you!? Why were you both here tied in ropes!?" He

worriedly asked them.

"Um…" The girl, once freed, looked quite reluctant to speak about what

happened. She knew that his house head wasn't particularly fond of

bullying the freshmen.

"It was a freshman from our house, professor. He attacked us from

behind!" The guy, full of anger, shouted. "We were walking towards our

common room where the freshman came from behind us and attacked us

with a binding charm!"

At his words, the girl was open-mouthed.

"Is it true!?" A surprised Flitwick asked the girl, who, besides being

surprised, actually nodded to the teacher's question. "Oh! Then we must

punish that student! To actually attack two of their housemates from the

back! Who was it!?" Flitwick went mad at their students' words.

"Calm down, Professor Flitwick." Dumbledore said, before turning to the

fifth-year student. "May I know, the name of the student?"

"I think he was called Logan, professor." The guy said after a little bit.

"Logan? Logan Taylor?" Dumbledore frowned.

"Yes, professor. That one!" The guy nodded.

"…" Dumbledore stayed quiet for a little while, before turning towards

Flitwick. "Well, Filius, I'll have to ask you to send someone to look for

him, and ask him to go to my office, I'll take care of it this time."

"Are you sure Albus? I can take care of it! It's one from my house, after

all!" Filius said.

"Don't worry, Filius." Dumbledore said, but before Flitwick could say

something, one student came to them.

"Professor, I'm…" The student, William, spoke. "I'm sure there has to be

some kind of explanation for this! Logan isn't really a bad guy." He

worriedly said while another kid ran towards the common room's opened


"What would you know! You barely know him! He attacked us from

behind! How would you expect a freshman to beat two upperclassmen,

from fifth-year, in a frontal duel!?"

"B-but! He isn't the k-kind to stab from behind!" William continued.

"You weren't here to see him!" The guy shouted again.

"No, but I was!" A new voice came, making everyone turn to the entrance

of the common room. There, a flushed girl stood panting. "It wasn't

Logan's fault professors!" Lyra said.

"Huh!? Then!? I'm not understanding anything here! Can somebody

explain what happened here!?" Professor Flitwick asked in a hurry.

"She's his friend professor! She'll surely try to defend him!" The guy kept


"That's not true!" Lyra retorted. "These two were stopping my friends

when I got here! They didn't want them to enter all at once, and were

forcing us to enter one by one to prove we were worthy of being in

Ravenclaw and whatnot! Logan spoke for us and they took out their

wands! He just defended himself and us from them!"

"T-That's not true at all!" The guy, quite worried, stood up and started to

point his finger at Lyra. "She's lying! Why would we be doing that!?"

"Okay, I must insist, that everyone here should calm down for a moment,

so we can find out what really happened." Dumbledore tried to calm

down the shouting students. Meanwhile, the surrounding students of

Ravenclaw were whispering between themselves, quite surprised at what

was happening.

They all knew, that what Lyra said was true. There wasn't a chance they

wouldn't know that upperclassmen liked to test freshmen like this.

And among the students, a red-haired girl from sixth-year was looking at

everything with a worried face. The guy they spoke of wasn't precisely

her friend, but it could be said that it was an acquittance. Someone that

looked quite interesting from the moment she met him.

"But Albus! We must find out what happened and punish those that

should be punished!" Flitwick, not quite licking any of the possible truths,

started talking towards Dumbledore.

"Don't worry, Filius. I'm sure, we would know for sure soon." Dumbledore

said while looking towards the entrance of the common room.

"I heard that you were calling for me, Professors, is there something

wrong?" Walking out of the common room of Ravenclaw, with Roger

who entered moments ago to look for him, a student with wild black hair

came wearing some sweat pants and a normal white t-shirt that

accentuated his defined muscles. It was Logan who came out of the

common room.

"Oh, Mr. Taylor. It's great that you could join us, that way we could

clarify what happened." Dumbledore smiled while clapping. "But, before,

I would like for all unrelated students to enter their common room."

At Dumbledore's words, everyone went inside, leaving only Lyra, Julie,

and the two others who also got out moments later after he saw Logan

getting out of the common room, both fifth-years, Logan, Professor

Flitwick, and Professor Dumbledore.

As much as both William and Roger wanted to stay, they were only

Logan's friends, they weren't present when all of this happened.

"Well, then, I would like for someone to clarify what happened!" Flitwick


"I told you, professor! It was him who attacked us from behind!" The guy

kept going with that excuse, making Logan frown.

"I'll have to ask you to calm down again, Mr. Riddick." Dumbledore

calmly asked the fifth-year guy to calm down.

"Professor!" Julie then also intervened with her hand raised. "It wasn't

like that! It was them who didn't want us to enter the common room!

They even took out their wands!"

"Stop! Stop!" Flitwick interrupted. "When we came here, the two of them

were trapped in a binding charm! How did that happen?"

"I did it, professor." Logan raised his hand.

"See! He did attack us from behind! You have to punish him, professor!"

"I must say, Mr. Riddick, that this will be the last time I ask you to keep

your calm." Dumbledore said, before turning towards Logan. "Is what Mr.

Riddick said true?"

"No, professor."

"But you said that it was you who bound them!" Flitwick said.

"That, I did Professor Flitwick. But I didn't attack from behind. I may

have done it suddenly, but they had their wands out, pointed at me." He


"That's a lie!" Mr. Riddick shouted. "How could you defeat me being just a

freshman!? And two of us at that!?"

"Well, I mean, their wands are over there." Logan pointed towards the

wands that were still on the floor, as no one noticed them. "They fell to

the floor after I used the Expelliarmus charm."

"W-what!?" The guy went pale.

"That's the true professor! He used Expelliarmus to disarm both of them

before binding them!" Lyra said next.

"Is that true?" Dumbledore asked at the other girls.

"A freshman using Expelliarmus!?" While Flitwick was quite surprised.

"It's true, professors! He did! He did!" Carmen followed.

"Yes! He even did it without a wand!" Julie hurriedly.

"H-h-how would that be possible!? He's just a freshman!"

"Hey." Logan suddenly called the guy while tilting his head.


"You're quite stupid, you know?" He said while furrowing his brows.

"Mr. Taylor, I must ask you to refrain from using such words at other

students." Dumbledore said.

"It's the truth, Professor Dumbledore." Logan turned to both professors.

"Why would I even make such a lie when all you would have to do to

prove me wrong would be asking me to use the charm in front of you.

And even then, he still keeps saying I'm lying. I think that's quite the

stupid thing to do."

"*chuckles*" The girls, except the fifth-year girl, went quiet.

"You do have a point." Dumbledore nod.

"Yes! Yes! So, can you show us? You using the Expelliarmus spell!?"

Professor Flitwick suddenly asked.

"Well, I don't have a problem." Logan shrugged.

"W-wait!" The guy tried to say something, but Logan acted quickly.

"Expelliarmus." With a flick of his hand, he sent a slightly stronger

Expelliarmus charm towards the fifth-year guy, pushing him a few steps

back and making him fall on his butt.

"A well-made charm, if I may say." Dumbledore clapped.

"Yes! You're quite an amazing wizard if you're able to do such a spell at

this age without a wand!" Filius was quite excited to see that one of his

Ravenclaws was so talented.

"That's true, indeed." Dumbledore said. "Now, I would like to listen to the

whole story, so, if you girls may, could you please tell us what

happened?" Dumbledore asked Julie, Lyra, and the other two.

But before they could speak. Someone intervened first.

"If I may, professors… I would like to tell the truth of what happened."

The fifth-year girl suddenly said while standing up.

"Oh? Miss Rossi?" Dumbledore turned to her. "Can you tell us what

happened, truthfully?"

"…" the girl nodded, and the next moment started to tell what really

happened, with the other girls quite surprised that she was, indeed,

telling the truth by herself.

After Elaine Rossi told everything to Dumbledore and Flitwick, they both

punished both upperclassmen, giving them detention in the kitchen,

while taking points 20 points from Ravenclaw for their action. Though,

they gave 50 points to Logan after he demonstrated the Expelliarmus


After that, the students got back into the common room alongside

Flitwick. In there, every Ravenclaw student that was currently in the

dormitories was present, waiting for them to clarify what happened.

It was then that Flitwick explained what truly happened. Furious about

the upperclassmen who tried to bully their underclassmen. Meanwhile,

Roland Riddick was red from embarrassment, being looked down on by

the other fifth, sixth, and seventh-years who were scowling at him for not

knowing how to accept defeat.

Once Flitwick left, Logan talked to William and Roger, explaining what

happened and also apologizing for his attitude of today. After that, he

just went towards his room, saying he wanted to sleep early today, as he

was quite tired.

A few housemates wanted to say something to him, but no one

approached him, although a few of them had a really competitive fire

burning in his eyes.

CHAPTER 27 – Lost things

The next morning, in the Great Hall, everyone was talking about what

happened the night before, starting with Ravenclaw's table the rumor

quickly spread through friends towards the other tables.

What's funnier is the fact that the guy, Roland Riddick was the one to get

most of the bad attention, as he was the one speaking louder and even

shouting the night before, not taking into account he was the one to lie

about what happened, while Elaine Rossi finally decided to recount what

happened, and never tried to lie to the professors. Even if she lost to a

first-year, she didn't try to blame him for attacking from behind.

"So, it was true? A freshman really beat a fifth-year?"

"No! It was two fifth-year! And at the same time!"

"You have to be kidding me! How could he do that!?"

"That's what's even more amazing! He disarmed them both with

Expelliarmus before using a binding charm on them!"

"Wow! That firsty sure got balls!"

"Balls!? He's a first-year and already knows how to use the disarming


The conversations were coming and going, during the breakfast, that was

the hottest topic everyone was talking about.

At least, until one particular student came into the Great Hall, making

the students that gave a glance at him shut up, before whispering to the

other students. Gradually, the entire Great Hall quieted down.

"Mm?" Logan, who was only now entering the place, suddenly stopped on

his way to Ravenclaw's table. He glanced around and caught some

students looking at him from all the houses, some others he saw them

evade his eyes, and he could even swear some of them were pointing at

him while whispering something.

But as quickly as he stopped, he started to walk again. Reaching his

friends and sitting beside them, making the entire Great Hall return to its

normal rowdy state.

"Hey, what's happening? Why did everyone just turn to look at me like

that?" Logan asked his friends before grabbing something to eat. Slowly,

but surely, sending some of the food into his inventory for later.

"Are you really asking because you don't know!?" Roger asked while

lifting both eyebrows.

"Of course, why else would I be asking, man?" Logan tilted his head.

"*sigh…* You…" Roger shook his head in incredulity.

"Me, what?"

"Come on, man! You beat two fifth years asses yesterday!" Roger

whispered to him in a really excited tone.

"That wasn't even a duel." While Logan just rolled his eyes.

"Even then, man. It's not precisely normal for some first-year to beat two

fifth-years. Beating a second-year? Possible. A third-year? It would still

be believable…" William intervened. "But even talking about a fourth-

year, that would be stretching it a lot. And you beat two, not one, but

two fifth-years." He shook his head.

"Yeah!" Roger nodded excitedly. "There's no way people won't look at you

with those eyes!"

"Oh well, if you say so…" Logan shrugged while eating, but as he looked

up at the ceiling, he closed his eyes for a moment, before rubbing them

with one hand and then turning to look down back again.

"Mm? It's something the matter?" William asked.

"No…" Logan shook his head. "Just a little dirty in my eyes. Nothing

really bad. Either way, did you guys finish tomorrow's homework?"

"Don't even talk to me about that! *sigh…* Snape want to kill us!" Roger


"Come on, it's not that bad. I already finished it." While William just

rolled his eyes at his friend's complaints.

"Pfft… That's true, man. I know it's quite hard, but it's not impossible to

do, you know?" Logan said.

"Oh, shut it!"

With that, they all went to talk about homework and their assignments

during the rest of the lunch, Logan only turning a few times to catch the

look of a few of the upperclassmen, and even from Tulip, who quickly

hid her face in the food.

He didn't pay too much attention to her and just focused on finishing his

food. After all, he had something to do right after.

"Hey, man. Where are you going?" William asked Logan as he stood up.

"Sorry, man. I have to go study in my room." He shrugged with an

apologetic smile. "But see you both on lunch, what do you say?"

"Sure, man. It's not quite rare for you to disappear after all." William said.

"Yeah, see you then, man!" Roger waved at him.

"Okay! Oh, by the way. You better work on your homework, man. Time's


"Why do you have to cut my fun!" Roger said while clutching his head.

"*chuckles*" After a little chuckle, Logan looked at him again. "Well, if

you still can, I can help you after lunch, but don't expect too much. I'm

not that good in potions." With an awkward smile, he went out of the

Great Hall, with a lot of curious glances being thrown at him.


Walking through the castle towards the 7th floor, Logan was thinking

deeply about what he has to do.

"I need to find a way for me to be in two places at the same time, or

whatever it's closer to that…" I muttered while walking up the stairs.


In front of me, one of the steps of the stairs looked as if it was some kind

of shining blue mist.

"Oh, right." I nodded, crouched, and touched the step, which disappeared

at my touch as if it wasn't there. {Having this thing is quite amazing,


One of the passive spells I got when I acquired the Arcanist vocation was

called Arcane Eyes, which allows me to see through spells, jinxes, hexes,

and charms. It would be shown as some kind of blue mist, and depending

on the type of charm, jinx or hex, and the strength of it, the color of the

mist would be deeper or lighter.

{Now I'm not that worried about the vanishing steps on these goddamn

stairs…} I thought to myself while walking past the missing step.

Being a passive spell, I didn't have to focus too much on it, but I could

concentrate more magic into my eyes, and I would be able to see a lot

farther, including a lot of the charms used inside the castle.

But sometimes it was quite a pain too, as it was too distracting seeing a

lot of mist suddenly appearing in front of you, like what happened during

breakfast when I looked at the ceiling of the castle.

{*sigh…* Where can I find something to do… Wait.} Getting close to the

seventh floor, I suddenly remembered something. "Hermione!" I muttered


{She had a freaking time machine! Or time-whatever! That little necklace

of hers is my best choice.} I thought while hurrying up. {Sadly, I can ask

for one to McGonagall, but I know a place where I can find it.} While

smiling mischievously, I made my way towards the location of the RoR,

but instead of thinking about the Room of Requirements, I thought about

that other form it takes, the Room of Hidden Things.

As usual, in an otherwise empty wall, a door appeared, and opening, I

noticed that it wasn't the room I'm accustomed to. It was a vastly

enormous room full of mountains and mountains of items and weird


[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've found the

Room of Hidden Things that not everyone knows! This is a true treasure

trove! Used for hundreds or thousands of wizards and witches to hide

their most valuable and treasured trash! And some other dark stuff too!

Have fun playing hide and seek here!]

[50pts have been earned]

"Holy… Fuck…" I looked around once the door closed, and I couldn't

even identify a lot of the things that were in front of me. "There has to be

a freaking time machine somewhere in here. I deny all possibilities of it

not being here!" I shouted as I started walking towards the closest items.

A funny thing I noticed was the fact that I could see a lot of magic traces

around me, mostly weak ones, and those came from some magic items.

"Mm? I remember this." I said while grabbing one of the items that was

emitting blue mist. It was a small Crystal Ball. "Wasn't this that thing

Neville had on the first movie? What was it called? Remember-

something? Oh! Rememberball!"

[Close enough. Remembrall.]

"Oh. Well, I was close." I shrugged while putting it inside the inventory.

[A new quest has been generated! Access your quest interface!]

"Mm? Why suddenly I got a bad feeling?" I tilted my head before opening

the quest interface.


New quests!

- Any means necessary! Being an orphan, there aren't too many things

you're able to do without money, so take the first step into thievery and

take anything in here that could be sold! (Rewards depend on the amount

and value of items taken on your first visit! Do your best!)

Stolen Items: Remembrall x1


"…" I looked at the new quest for a moment. Before suddenly

concentrating more magic in my eyes and looking around for the bigger

and deeper colored mists. Before activating my usual grate haste spell

and a similar spell from the Arcanist vocation, Arcane Rush, that helped

me increase my speed too.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've combined

two active spells from two different vocations for the first time! Now you

can slowly create your own fighting style while mixing what's best from

two different paths of magic!]

[60pts have been earned]

"I love this place already!" I shouted as I started running around, towards

any kind of blue mist that looked remotely important. And anything that

looked like gold or silver. {These may be worthless to wizards, but

muggle's gold and jewelry stores don't think the same.} I thought while

taking a few things that weren't jinxed, charmed, or cursed, but looked a

lot like gold and that was enough for me.

I've been running around for who knows how many times, rushing here

and there picking anything that looked quite decent or in a good state,

filling my inventory to the brim, until I almost reached my max capacity.

"Fwee… Thankfully I find this before I ran out of space." I said while

putting another goblet made of what I think is gold inside a small pouch

that just sucked it in.

This little pouch was apparently magically expanded and had a lot of

space inside, so I just went around filling it with any stuff I found around.

"Damn… The weight doesn't increase no matter how many things I put

inside." I mutter while walking and looking at the little thing. "Mm? Wait

a moment…" I took a lot of the stuff I put inside my inventory and then

put them into the pouch. To then put the pouch into the inventory.

"Ha… Haha… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I suddenly started laughing

like a maniac. "I found a way to trick the system!" I shouted.

[That's not tricking the system. You could always do that, and other

things. You're just too idiot to notice them before.]

"Oh, shut up. I'm happy, let me have this." I rolled my eyes at the system.

"And I thought you stopped being such a prick…"

[No comments.]

"…" Shaking my head, I continued running through a lot of the stuff I

found here.

A few Remembrall, some kind of weird robes, gold and silver for lots,

some weird cuffs, quills, amulets, cauldrons that I planned to sell to some

pawn-shop, a Deluminator, and something that looked like a telescope,

and a lot of things. But no such luck finding the time machine.

"Mm? The hell is that?" While looking through a few mountains, I find a

different kind of mist. It wasn't blue, it was black, and gave me an

ominous feeling. "Oh… Maybe it is that thing?" I tilted my head while

rushing there.

"Ho…" Among one of the small mountains of items, a decolored diadem

with an oval-shaped sapphire was there, letting a black mist fly out of it.

"Isn't this Ravenclaw's Diadem? Mm… It looks quite creepy." Taking the

magic power from my eyes, I could look at it more clearly, as it seems I'm

not able to detect the black mist without focusing magic on my eyes.

"Huh? So, this is dark magic huh…" Picking up the diadem I could feel

something trying to enter my mind, trying to parasite me. "Tough luck,

friend. Between my Occlumency and Mind Protection, there's no way you

can do something to me." I shrugged while looking at the diadem.

For the record, Mind Protection was the other passive spell out of four,

and it gave my mind slight protection to mental magic and debuffs, but,

combined with Occlumency, my protection against mental magic is quite

big right now.

Also, the other two passive spells are Arcane Armor, which was basically

passive protection against magic that reduces the power of any offensive

spell thrown at me, and its effects, and the last one, Arcane Mastery,

which is the reason I'm able to use the Arcanist Spells, as it gives my

magic core the ability to form my arcane spells.

"Mm… Hey, system, can I sell this thing to someone?"

[Sure, any Death Eater would be pleased to buy it from you.]

"Mm… If I decided that I wanted to be a Dark Lord, that would be great.

But no. I'll destroy this shit by myself. But not now." I was about to throw

the diadem in the same place, but after a little pondering, I put it deep

inside the mountain of items. "I won't have a problem finding this thing

later, so I'll just leave it safer. I don't want any bullshit happening, like

someone finding this place and taking it out by luck."

After leaving the diadem, I started looking around until it was lunch-


{Ha… Fuck… I didn't find the goddamn time machine this time… I'll

have to look for it later.} I thought to myself while walking towards the

exit door, picking anything I find on the way and putting it into the

magic pouch.

[You know. I've been trying to tell you this from the start, but it's called


"Mm? Why just don't say it?"

[I wanted to know how much time would you call it a time machine.]

"Let me answer that for you. Until you told me its name."

[I've figured it out.]

"Sure." I said while picking things here and there. At this point, I just

grabbed whatever I had at my hand's reach that looked enough to sell. I'll

later ask the goddamn system to help me sort things out.

Once I went out of the Room of Hidden Things. A message appeared.

[Congratulation! You've completed the quest 'Any means necessary'!

You've stolen for the first time, even if those items were ownerless, they

were once from someone who either lost them or tried to keep them safe

in the Room of Hidden Things, only to forget where they put them.]

[Stolen Items: Remembrall x 17 / Omniculars x 2 / Cauldrons x 4 /

Amulets x 5 / Anti-Cheating Quill x 2 / Auto-Answering Quill x 1 / …

Re-Visibility Spectacles x 1]

[300pts have been earned.]

{Mm… You know, it's quite ironic that the highest number I got was

from the Remembrall, those are supposed to let you know if you forgot

something.} I rubbed my chin while looking at the long list of things I

took out and walking towards the great hall. {Also… I just had to come

here sooner and I would be able to acquire a lot of points. Instead of

going to the Forbidden Forest.}

[You wanted to go to that forest.]

{Oh well, that's true.}

[And in a sense, it did help you grow.]

{I'm not that sure if it was the kind of growth I wanted.}

[By the way, why haven't you asked about the disarming points.]

{Mm? I figured it had something to do with choosing Baptism of Blood

instead of Advocate of Life.}

[Okay. I didn't expect that answer. I'll give you a tip.]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You're not a big idiot

anymore! Your accomplishment has surprised the system!]

[10pts have been earned.]

"At least give me more points if you're going to be such a jerk." I

muttered between my teeth.

CHAPTER 28 – Thank you!


After getting out of the ROHT, I went towards the Great Hall for lunch,

after all, I had a lunch promise with my friends.

{This is getting goddamn tiring.} I thought to myself while walking

inside the Great Hall.

While walking here, every time a student looked at me, he opened his

eyes wide, as if there wasn't any other black-haired boy in this school's

freshman year.

"Hey, Logan. What's the face for?" William asked me while I sat down.

"Nothing… It's just that I somehow feel tired with this weird attention I'm

getting." I shook my head while picking some roasted chicken.

"Are you crazy!?" Roger suddenly said. "I would love to have that


"*snort* Go and fight some fifth-years then." A sudden voice interrupted

Roger. It was Lyra who was also sitting close to us.

"Could you stop interrupting me, Lyra?" Roger glared at her.

"When you stop saying stupid things, maybe." She glared back.

"Okay, okay, stop." I intervened. "And whatever you wish, dude. Take the

whole attention from me if you wish to." I said to Roger.

"As if I could do that!" He chuckled. "Who told you to duel to

upperclassmen on your own if you wouldn't want to receive attention?"

"Look. I was quite angry at the time, and they just ticked me off the

wrong way, okay?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know, Logan. This time I'm on Roger's side." William said with an

awkward smile.

"Huh?" I looked at him.

"You are?" Even Roger couldn't believe him.

"Well…" William scratched his head. "You know, you wanted to fight that

upperclassman, Tulip Karasu, remember?"

"Oh, right. So?" I asked, not really understanding his point.

"What were you expecting after that? If you won, I mean." He looked at

me with a lifted eyebrow.

"He's right, Logan…" Lyra also said with an awkward smile. "Though I

don't know why you would like to fight a sixth-year."

"Had my reasons." I shrugged, before eating some more, while also

putting a few things into the inventory with quick hand-tricks. The more

I do it, the more I start to learn how to send things into the inventory

with just a few hand movements.

"He wanted to know more about the curses." Roger said.

"The one that is petrifying students?" Lyra asked surprised.

"Exactly." Roger nodded. "We thought about asking our upperclassmen,


"Of those we knew could have some info, only Tulip said something."

William intervened.

"Well…" I smiled awkwardly. "To be fair, we only asked two of three.

And only in hour house."

"That's true." William shrugged.

"Still, I don't get it. What does it have to do with asking her for a duel?"

She tilted her head.

"She said that if I defeated her, she would tell me more." I shrugged. "At

first, I didn't think about actually doing it, but with what happened to

Jake…" I smiled awkwardly.

"Oh… Right…" Lyra had an apologetic face. "So… Did you fight her?"

"No." I shook my head. "When I went to talk to her about the duel, she

said it was a joke she made, and that she didn't think I would actually

accept it." I shrugged.

"Yeah… I thought so…"

"Oh, well. It doesn't matter. I'm sure the professors would do everything

that they can to solve the problem. If not, I've heard that there are a few

students that are apparently working to solve it."

"Yes, I'm sure Jake will be back with us soon." William nodded.

"He sure will be back!" Roger shouted. "That guy and I were thinking

about entering our quidditch team next year. He can't lose so many flying


"Pffft…" I almost laughed.


"Instead of worrying about flying classes, you should be worrying about

your potion homework."

"Oh, right! I forgot!" Roger clutched his head.

"*sigh…* He doesn't have any salvation…" Lyra shook her head.

"Come on, let's go to the library. After all, I promised you I would help

you, right?" I said to Roger while standing up.

"Thanks, man! I own you one!" Roger stood up.

"You do, Roger. You sure do." I smirked at him.

"I'll go with you guys. I want to review some things for tomorrow's

classes." William also stood up.

"Um… Can I go?" Lyra suddenly asked shyly.

"Mm?" We all turned to look at her. "Sure, why not?" I shrugged my


"Thanks! I have a few things I want to review for charms. And I thought

that maybe you could help me, Logan?"

"Sure, no problem." With those last words, we all went towards the

library, on our way out of the Great Hall, a few glances were directed at

me, but as I was in a bigger group, it wasn't that much of a problem.

"You really are receiving a lot of attention." William said after he noticed

the number of glances.

"Yeah… Even a few older girls were looking at you with interest in their

eyes!" Roger said.

"You're hopeless…" Was Lyra's answer to Roger.


"As I said before, Roger. You can have all that attention for all I care…" I

let out a big sigh.

We were inside the library until at least 4 PM, helping Roger with his

homework, while I also helped Lyra with a few charm lessons that she

was having a few problems with. William also helped both Roger and

Lyra from time to time, while at the same time reviewing a few things for

tomorrow's classes.

Once we got out of the library, I said goodbyes and told them that I

would be going to my room to read a few books and that I would

probably miss dinner.

{After all, I still have a Time-Turner to find.} I thought while walking

towards the 7th floor.

On my way there, I found Tulip in one of the halls, talking with another

girl that had disheveled attire and short, spiky pink hair.

"Oh, hey, Logan!" Tulip said with a smile.

"Hi, Tulip, how are you?" I answered with a smile on my own.

"I've been good. What about you? I've heard what happened yesterday."

She smirked.

"Wait! Logan? That Logan!?" The girl that was beside her suddenly said.

"Um?" I tilted my head.

"You're the freshman that beat two fifth-years!"

"Oh, she's Tonks, don't mind her, she just loves to play tricks on people,

and listening to your story made her laugh quite a lot."

"Come on! A first-year beat two fifth-years! You can be excited about

that, Tulip!" Tonks said to her friend, before turning to me. "So? How did

you do it?"

{Tonks? Why does it ring a bell? Oh, right! Nymphadora Tonks! The one

that marries Lupin and dies at the final battle.} I thought to myself.

"Um, you know? I'm quite occupied, I'm sorry." With an apologetic smile,

I went past them. "A pleasure to meet you, Tonks! Good to see you,

Tulip!" With those words, I went running towards the 7th floor.

Once inside the Room of Hidden Things, I started to look around once

again. As fast as I could, this time not stopping to look at every item I

found but focusing on finding the time-turner.

I even used levitation to find on the top of the mountain of items just in

case. It was amazing the amount of stuff you could find in this place.

"This is endless…" I sighed while sitting down in one random corner of

the room, hours after I started looking. "At this point, I won't find

anything soon…"

I've been searching for hours, both up and down, but without luck.

"Maybe I shouldn't look for something with strong magic? But the

contrary?" I tilted my head but then shook it. "Nah, there's no way. It has

to be something with strong magic, or how else would it be able to turn

back time. Well, let's better keep looking. I still have a few hours before


Once again, I started to look around. I found a lot of things, but nothing

that could be called a time-turner. To fight my boredom, I even started to

pick anything that looked like gold and silver, just to have enough to sell

in the muggle world.

"That's it! I give up!" fifteen minutes before midnight. I finally gave up.

"I'm never finding this stupid time-turner."

I know it's stupid. Trying to find it on the first day of looking for it. But I

thought that having the ability to detect magic items would make it


"*Sigh…* I better go back to my room and sleep. Tomorrow I have

classes and it will be another day." With those words I start walking

through, and right when I passed through one big and quite wide pile of

items, I suddenly saw a weak blue mist coming out of them.

"Mm?" The mist looked weak, but not as if it was from a weak item, but

as if it was slowly dissipating after moving away from the item. "*sigh…*

Fine. Just one more try!" With those words, I started pulling items from

the pile, one after the other, being careful not to let things fall over me.

"This is a pain…" I even had to use Wingardium Leviosa a lot, thankfully,

now I'm able to make at least ten items levitate, even more, if I focus

enough. Each time I moved an item, the mist grew stronger. "Maybe…?"

With little hope, I started pulling and levitating things out of the way.

After some time, I finally saw the origin of the intense and deep-blue

colored mist. It was a small pocket watch, with a really, really old design,

attached to a chain that looked a lot like a necklace. The pocket watch

had the typical long and shorthands, and small digits that marked the

day, month, and year in the upper part of the pocket watch, right under

the number 12.

"Hoh… Maybe…" Grabbing it, I started looking at it. It wasn't exactly the

same kind as the one used by Hermione, but maybe it was a time-turner.

"System, can you tell me if this is a Time-Turner?"

[It may as well be.]

"What does that mean? Can't you tell? Or you just don't want to answer


[At least try to investigate a bit more, will you?]

"*tch…*" After clicking my tongue, I started looking at the little pocket

watch, and right when I turned it around, I found something engraved on

it in a small cursive letter.

[This shouldn't be used. It's just a reminder of my greatest moment, for

once I'm dead.

If you find this. Please don't use it. Changing the past can cause great

problems, as I myself have been a witness of the problems it can cause.

But if you, like me, still think about using it. Be sure not to turn back

more than seven hours. Even then, this Time-Turner can only turn back

to the beginning of the day.

It was my greatest invention. And my greatest failure at the same time.

Use it wisely.

T. Walker.]

"Mm… Yes." I nodded. "This sure is a Time-Turner. See, System? I don't

need you."

[Do you know how to use it?]

"…" I looked at the pocket watch for a few moments. "Pfft… O-Of c-

course, I-I d-do…"

[Wow, you really sound convincing.]

"Right!?" I answered almost immediately. "So… Just to check if you

know… Can you tell me how is this used?"


"Did you sigh?"

[No. And it looks easy to use. Just think of it as a real pocket watch.]

"Mm? Wait. It does mark the hour…"

[And you just noticed?]

"Shut up. I was distracted…" With slight embarrassment, I looked at the

clock. "Mm… If it marks the hour, I just have to move the time towards

the time I want to, and it should get me back there, right?"

[Give me back those 10 points I gave you earlier.]

"Oh, well, whatever. I'll test it tomorrow. I don't think it's broken by the

great amount of magic it has."

Finally, with a Time-Turner in my hands. I went out of the place, using

my invisibility spell to go unnoticed into my room.

Tomorrow was going to be a day full of testing. After all, I already

thought of a way to use the Time-Turner. I just have to pass the entire

day with my friends, and use it right at the end of the day to go back to

that morning and start abusing the RoR for real!

{I'm a genius!} I thought before going to sleep.

CHAPTER 29 – Adapting to my

new vocation

The next day, I passed all the day normally, going to classes, passing time

with my friends, and basically doing whatever I wouldn't be doing if I

hadn't found the Time-Turner. And right before the time for going to our

common room was in time, I excused myself to go towards my room,

where I used the Time-Turner to go back to the moment I was already on

my way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Okay… This feels amazing." I said after looking outside of the window of

my room.

A few seconds ago, it was night, and now, it's early morning. Meaning,

that I have an entire day to train with my new vocation. Even if I've seen

a few of the spells, and checked those I could use, knowing what they

are, and how to practice using them is completely different.

{Also… I better test that thing the system said about not having problems

with the environment.} With that thought, I started walking towards the

RoR, while my past-self should be currently eating in the Great Hall.

Thankfully, I saved a lot of food into my inventory, and it seems to be

still there, while in an emergency, I can still buy food from the System


After getting towards the 7th floor, I started thinking about a lush forest

where I could train my abilities against dueling dummies.

{That way it would be more fun than just attacking immobile dummies.}

I thought to myself while looking like the door to the Room of

Requirements appeared in front of me.

Opening the door, I entered into what seemed anything else, except a

room inside the castle.

"Wow… It was true when people said this room can give you anything

you need…" I muttered while looking around.

Tall trees surrounded me from everywhere, bushes, and shorter trees

were also present. There wasn't even an actual path you could take. The

place was the perfect idea of a forest in the middle of nowhere.

Somewhere you could lose yourself easily.

"Well… At least I can train here better. Mm? What's that?" Walking

forwards, I found a small, tall table with a book on it.

[How to use the dueling dummies]

"Mm? I guess this is like some instruction manual."

After reading for a little while, I noticed that using the dueling dummies

inside the RoR was quite easy. You just needed to choose a preset

difficulty for the dummies, and whether you wanted them to move

around, or just stay static in one place. You could also determine the

number of enemies from one to ten at the same time.

The duel would end whenever the dummies were destroyed or I was


With that said, I started with an easy level dueling, with mobile

dummies, and only chose two of them. For that, I just had to thought

what I wanted, and the small table with the book disappeared.

"This way, it at least will be a lot like that time in the Forbidden Forest, if

at least in the number of enemies." I muttered while looking at the

appearing dummies.

I thought they would attack at first, but instead of that, they started to

move around the forest, hiding behind the trees, before coming out

slightly at the same time and attacking me.

"Ho…" I evaded one of the spells they shot and used Rune Shield to stop

the other spell. Rune Shield was an ability from the Arcanist that

summoned a shield of arcane magic to stop one incoming spell. It

exchanged your magic power instead of your life, similar to the Sorcerer's

Magic Shield, but this one, reducing the power of the spells by 35%.

After stopping the spell, I started running through the forest, evading the

spells they shot at me while using arcane rush to increase my speed.

While they were also moving through the forest, I was faster than them,

and I used that to my advantage, evading and getting closer each time

they tried to shot a spell at me.

Even if I could use Rune Shield, it would be a waste of magic power, so I

preferred evasion instead of defense. Thankfully, I wasn't limited to

horizontal movement and using Arcane Step, which created a platform

under my feet for me to step and jump, I could basically evade mid-air

and change my direction while jumping, or falling.

After evading for a little bit, I rushed towards the dummy that was closer

to me, and the one at my left, and evading one attack from the other one

while jumping, and shielding one from the dummy in front of me, I

summoned Arcane Blade, creating a blade of blue magic power and

piercing the dummy on the mark at the chest, immobilizing him.

I then unsummoned the blade, and jumped back while using the defeated

dummy as a platform to evade one incoming attack, and while rushing

towards the remaining dummy, I invoked Arcane Pulse, which sends a

wave-like pulse of magic power, eliminating the incoming spell from the

dummy and pushing him back, destabilizing it, and giving me enough

chance to get there and use my Arcane Blade once again.

"Huff… Huff… I guess being an Arcanist is more physically exigent than I

originally thought… *sigh…* Now I know why the system said I should

train even more physically."

While I could diminish the physical effort made by using Sorcerer's spells

like invisibility and levitation. I wanted to first get better at using my

arcanist's spells on their own, before start mixing the spells from my

other vocation.

"Also… Right now, I have enough points to buy another vocation. But I

would like to get better at the new one before buying another vocation.

Though… It's not exactly like the one I'm thinking of needs a lot of

training." I rubbed my chin. "Nah, let's just train with Arcanist for a week,

and then we can go on buying the other one. That way I'll get to increase

my Magic Level before buying another one."

I was about to start another round when I thought about something.

One of the spells from the Arcanist was called Runic Weapons, which

basically boosted any weapon you had temporally. But for that, I first

needed a weapon.

"Equipment Store."

[Equipment (New!) / 1285pts

- Boots

- Armor

- Legs

- Helmet

- Accessories

- Weapons NEW!]

"I knew it. It was the Arcanist vocation that opened the weapons section.


[Weapons (New!) / 1285pts

- Swords NEW!

- Maces NEW!

- Staffs NEW!

- Daggers NEW!]

"Hmm… It seems I can select among quite a few. But… I don't know. I

don't have too much knowledge about using a sword, a mace, or a staff…

Maybe daggers would be easy to use… But that would turn me into some

kind of assassin, isn't it?" I pondered while rubbing my chin. "Well, let's

just ignore them for the moments. It's not like I would start going around

with a sword, even if that would help me to disguise my identity while

going out."

After thinking for a bit, I started to train once again. Thanks to the Time-

Turner, I had quite the amount of free time for me to move around and



Time slowly went by, and before I knew it, Halloween already went by. I

was quite satisfied with the food, really, the banquet was spectacular, I

even saved a few dishes into my inventory.

These past weeks I've been hanging around constantly with the guys, to

the point that they even asked me if I finished reading every possible

book, as I haven't disappeared to my room anymore since I got the Time-


Also, the whispering and rumors about me started to fade after a few

days, and I got back my peace while walking through the halls and

corridors of the castle, except for a few glances here and there. Though,

most of the time it's nothing that bad, and mostly from a few of the


In the case of Ravenclaw, they stopped trying to, as they said, test their

freshmen after the last incident, which made things easier for us, as I

didn't have to fight any other Ravenclaw to get into the common room.

I took every chance I could to succeed in classes, earning as many points

from the hidden quests as possible. Charms, Transfiguration, and DADA

were easy classes for me, so I always got points on them.

But when it came to the rest, well, luck played the most important role.

In potions I was lucky if I could even succeed once, as Snape was quite

the difficult teacher to please, making it hard for me to earn points in his


Theory classes like History of Magic and Astrology were just so damn

boring to me, and they didn't hand too many hidden quests, as most of

the time it would be us listening to instructions.

Finally, Herbology and Flying were the other two classes where I had

more chances of winning points. Though curiously, it seems I'm more

accustomed to flying by myself than using a broom, so there are a few

things that are weird for me, or maybe it's more that I unconsciously

think that flying in a broom it's like using the levitation spell when it's

somewhat different.

What I'm prouder of, is the fact that I finally adapted myself to the

Arcanist vocation, as I've been constantly training inside the RoR with it,

while at the same time exercising and training my dueling.

Training with the Arcanist class gave me something different than

training like a Sorcerer, and that's agility and dexterity in my movements.

And while I also mixed some training as a Sorcerer, as well as working on

my project of using multiple runes at once while having them levitate

around me, I focused more on my new Vocation, which helped me grow

my ML faster as it was totally new spells and masteries.

Of course, I didn't use the normal training room of the RoR for that, I

tried to pull every possible ecosystem I could think of inside that place.

From mountainous places to snowy ones, heck, I even summoned a

freaking lake-like pool, with plants and everything inside. For that one, I

first mixed my Magic Shield skill, only because I wanted to shield myself

from decompression syndrome. Sadly, I didn't have any way to breathe

underwater, making it necessary for me to hold my breath as much as

possible while I learned some charm or spell for it.

But, somehow, it wasn't necessary, as my magic power never felt as it

lowered, or maybe it is that it didn't cause that much damage, not

decreasing my magic power that much.

I also had another theory, and that's the fact that wizards' bodies were

more resistant, and somehow were better at withstanding this kind of

thing. For scientific purposes, I tested to dive and swim-up as fast as I

could without using my magic shield, and nothing happened.

So, I'll take it that maybe it had something to do with either me being a

wizard, a Sorcerer, an Arcanist, or a mix of them all.

"*sigh…* Damn, that was exhausting." I finally said, while swimming out

of the pool after beating a few dummies, ten of them at the same time.

"Though, being honest. Fighting wizards in the middle of the water seems

like something really easy… These puppets can barely move, while I just

have to impulse myself with Arcane Steps. And Arcane Rush even

improves my speed underwater, though, neither the haste nor great haste

spells of the Sorcerer can do it, well, I guess that's because it uses wind as

the base."

Fighting the puppets inside the water was really easy, their spells weren't

that threatening, and their speed was absolute trash, the only difference

was that I had to hold my breath, while they didn't, but that would only

be until I'm able of using some kind of spell or charm to breath


"Now, I guess I'm quite ready now, at least with what I have. Let's check

my improvement."

With that said, I summoned my status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 43

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 2535pts



Inventory (Size limit: 820oz/23.24kg)]

"2350 points… That's quite nice. At this point, I may even buy all the

basic vocations before the end of the year. If I don't remember badly, I

have to buy Summoner, Druid, and Tactician. The only problem would

probably be adapting to each one of them if I get to buy them all at


With that said, I opened the Vocation store.

[Vocations / 2535pts

- Druid (1000pts)

- Arcanist (BOUGHT)

- Summoner (1000pts)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- Arcane Battle Master (7500pts)

- Arcane Grand Sorcerer (20000pts)

- ???]

"Mm… Arcane Battle Master was the advanced vocation of the Arcanist, I

guess that Arcane Grand Sorcerer is the mix between Sorcerer and

Arcanist, but why does it cost so much? System, what would that

vocation be able to do? Why is it so expensive?"

[An Arcane Grand Sorcerer is an advanced vocation that mix both

Arcanist and Sorcerer's abilities. It doesn't only grant you mastery over

your elemental domains, meaning energy, death, and fire, while also

increasing your spells' power qualitatively, but it would also mix them

with the arcane arts, turning them into more destructive and deadly


"Mm… That sounds terrific."

[It is. It's as close as it can be from mixing both the Arcane Battle Master

and the Master Sorcerer advanced classes in one. That's why it is so

expensive. And while an Arcane Grand Sorcerer isn't precisely a great

class for you to go melee like an Arcane Battle Master, it's not because

you can't, it's merely because you won't even need to in the first place.

Mixed advanced vocations would transform you into literal monsters

inside this world, while a Master Vocation born from that would make

you something close to a god among men here.]

"And I can have two of those things…? My god…"

[That's why even if there're tens of possible combinations of Advanced

Vocations, you can only choose two. And even then, it's not exactly a

disadvantage. I would call it even a blessing.]

"*sigh…* I guess I first have to start with buying all the basic vocations.

Well, I guess I can start with the Summoner and the Druid, they're not

exactly that hard for me to learn, as I would only increase my number of

possible spells, and not my fighting style."

[Are you sure?]

"Well, let's go first with one and then with the other. Now that I think

about it, I could actually buy some stuff, either a more advanced wand or

a spellbook."

[Which one are you going to buy first.]



[Congratulations! You've successfully bought the Summoner vocation!]

[Congratulations! You're now a Summoner! Your…]


Okay, again, sorry for disappearing suddenly! And well, here's another

chapter for this novel! And also, as you may notice (Those in RR and

SH, as Webnovel doesn't allow italics or bold), I stopped using italics

for normal dialogue, AKA speaking. While keeping it to the system's

dialogue and for thoughts. Let me your opinions on this (I'm merely

testing stuff, as usual.) Also, I've been trying to work on an auxiliary

chapter where I would add the lists of spells and other things from the

vocation, as there're too many that it's basically impossible to even

remember them all (not even I can, and I've created most of them

taking out the Druid and the Sorcerer, so I have them saved in a text

file.) So... Whenever I find the time, I'll try to post it, along with the

list of Magic Syllables which keeps being important for every vocation,

except the Arcanist or the Arcane Battle Master. But, in the meantime,

I'll leave you guys this link here: https://www.tibia.com/library/?

subtopic=spells It's basically the spell library of the original game,

where you can find the spells for Druids and Sorcerers (you can filter

them at the end of the page by selecting the class and type of spell.) Of

course, as in the open servers, I don't use the concept of "premium"

that the original game manages, and the minimum level required to

use some of those spells has to be downed, or it would be basically

impossible to acquire them, that well, taking into account the power

scale, it's not like it actually matters if Logan gets them or not. Also, if

you're interested, here's the wiki page for the Magic Syllables: https://


CHAPTER 30 – Summoner

vocation and another


[Congratulations! You've successfully bought the Summoner vocation!]

[Congratulations! You're now a Summoner! Your Magic Power pool has

slightly increased. Your thought process has slightly accelerated. Your

ability to summon creatures has been dramatically improved! New spells

are available for you to use, check your spellbook! New advanced

vocations are available for you to buy!]

[Congratulations! Now you're able to summon monsters! The general

power of your Utevo Res has increased exponentially!]

[Now you're able to summon creatures from all the OTS you've ever

played and more! With the limit being Demons and Dragon Lords. You

may ask for a complete list from the System.]

"Wow…" It suddenly hit me. Somehow, the way I perceived things

slightly cleared up as if I was able to see and perceive more than before.

"It must be because of the acceleration of my thought process, and…"

Without giving more thought, I took a look at my magic core, and while

it was the same color, it got slightly bigger, which meant that my amount

of magic power increased.

{Is this going to be the maximum increase? Or will it increase more with

each ML?} I thought to myself while looking at it.

"Oh well, I'll know for sure once I increase my Magic Level once." Until

now, most of my increases in magic power were even, the size of my

magic core expanded the same with each continuous increase in ML, so I

would note if my core grew more now with each increase.

"Now, let's check the new advanced vocations!" I shouted, before opening

the vocation store.

[Vocations NEW! / 1535pts

- Druid (1000pts)

- Arcanist (BOUGHT)

- Summoner (BOUGHT)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- Arcane Battle Master (7500pts)

- Master Summoner (7500pts) NEW!

- Arcane Grand Sorcerer (20000pts)

- Fire and Lightning Elementalist (20000pts) NEW!

- Void Summoner (20000pts) NEW!

- ???]

"System, for real. I need help here. All three advanced vocations look

amazing in name, and you're telling me I can only choose two!? How the

hell should I pick only two of them!"

[Relax. It's still easy. Just pick the Arcane Grand Sorcerer and choose

between the other two. That is. If you don't plan to buy another tier 1

vocation. Then the number will increase.]

"*sigh…* I don't know if I should be happy that I can have so much

power, or if I should be angry for having to choose only two advanced


[That's being greedy. One of those advanced vocations is enough for you

to live here as you please. And you can have two.]

"Forget me for wanting more power. I passed hours grinding just to have

more power in a game, I would love to have more power here as well." I

said before sighing. "Well, can you give me a list of summonable


[Only monsters? Or should I add animals too?]

"No, only the monsters will be okay."




Island Troll

Swamp Troll

Frost Troll


Orc Spearman

Orc Warrior

Orc Shaman

Orc Berserker

Orc Leader



Minotaur Archer

Minotaur Guard


Dwarf Soldier

Dwarf Guard

Stone Golem

Ice Golem

Frost Giant

Frost Giantess

Fire Elemental


Fire Devil

Demon Skeleton



Frost Dragon

Undead Dragon

Stone Dragon

Water Dragon

Dragon Lord


"That's quite the large list of monsters… And I'm able to summon them


[Just two at a time and everything above a Hydra can be only summoned

once at a time, and you have to wait until your ML reaches 66 at least.]

"I knew that already. Oh well, I still can do with whatever shit I summon

from the ones available… This quite makes me really powerful. I mean,

even more, than I was." I said while rubbing my chin. "*sigh…* I still

have 1500pts to waste on something else… Well, let's leave it for later."

With a shrug, I stood up and walked out of there, directly towards my

room, after all, it was already time to go back and sleep.

The next day, sudden news actually reached my ears.

"What?" I asked William. "Is it for real!?"

"I'm serious!" Roger was the one to answer. "I saw her myself this

morning once I heard of the news! Madam Pomfrey is petrified!"

"He's saying the truth. I also didn't believe him at first, but it was true…

The curse is expanding to other people." William said.

"But it was quiet all this time!" I asked them. "And if she's not there,

who's going to take care of all the sick students?"

"Well, there's a student that had been helping with Madam Pomfrey, and

there are also the other professors, even Snape who's a potion master."

William said.

"He's right, Logan, the professors will make sure nothing happens to us."

Lyra, who's been hanging out with us constantly since the first time she

went with us to the library, said.

"If you say so…" I answered, with some doubt in my voice.

"What? Do you think something could go wrong?" Roger asked with a

worried face.

"Well…" I scratched the back of my head. "I mean, since I've been here, I

haven't seen the teachers doing much to stop the curse… They may be

doing something without us noticing, but I just think someone actually

trying to solve this problem would be more obvious, right?"

"You don't even know what the problem is, how can you know if they're

doing something or not?"

"That's true." I shrugged. {Even then… I would expect at least warnings

or something from the professors. Oh well, in the movies a lot of shit

happens inside this place.} I thought while looking at the ceiling, as it

actually calmed me.

The rest of the day, we went to class and did our thing, going to the

library, and stuff. And during dinner, I finally heard something that

looked remotely useful for the student body.

"As many of you have already heard, our beloved matron Madam

Pomfrey has been found petrified." Dumbledore said to everyone after

dinner was finished. "In lights of this news and word that a Dark Wizard

escaped capture, and has been seen in the area, there are some new

practices and rules here at Hogwarts all of you will be expected to


"Well, there you have it. It seems they're actually doing something."

William whispered to me.

"Yeah, and it seems there's something more to worry about…" Roger also

whispered to me.

I just nodded to both of them, thinking about the two Dark Wizards I

found in the Forbidden Forest.

{Does it have something to do with them? Or is it another one?}

"Rest assured. We, Hogwarts staff, are doing everything possible to break

the Statue Curse. However, until that time, please consult a professor for

specialized cures for all minor afflictions, while more serious cases will

be transferred to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries."

"…" I looked at Dumbledore. {Maybe I should send everything else to shit

and just buy the Druid vocation. It gives me healing abilities that would

work on my friends. Just in case…}

"Lastly, until the fugitive wizard has been apprehended…" Dumbledore

made a slight case, before turning to the Gryffindor's table. "Students will

be required to stay close to the castle. Those found in violation of this

rule… Will be punished accordingly." He said with a serious gaze.

After that, he just turned to look back at everyone, not before glancing at

me as he went back to talk to the rest. Meeting my eyes for a moment.

"Now, stay safe, and please know that if you are ever feeling afraid or

overwhelmed, you can always talk to one of us." He finished his speech,

and everyone was free to leave for the day.

"So? What do you think? Does it look like it is enough?" William asked


"Oh, come on… I just commented on how I sometimes feel that they're

not doing as much as they could. Just that." I rolled my eyes at him.

"*chuckles* Come on, he's just messing with you, Logan." Lyra said with a

little smile.

"Pfft she's right, relax. I know that you didn't mean anything wrong with

what you said." William said.

"Alright, if you say so." I just shrugged. "Shall we go?" I asked before

standing up.

It was after everyone started to move out of the place towards the

common room, that I currently saw a group of students from three houses

standing in front of the tables.

Normally, I wouldn't care that much, but this time something picked my

interest. There were three faces I knew from there. Tulip, Tonks, and

even Badeea Ali, which made it quite a curious group.

I was quite tempted to hear what they were talking about, considering

that two of them were part of the group of students that knew about the

curses. It was while I was considering it, that Tulip suddenly met my

eyes, smiling and waving her hand towards me.

I smiled at her too and waved back. Before going behind my friends.


"Mm? Who are you waving at?" Tonks asked at Tulip.

"Um? Oh, just Logan. He was looking here, so I waved back."

"Really!?" Tonks look at where Tulip was waving a few moments ago and

saw a retreating Logan's back. "Wow, it was him!"

"Who's Logan?" An Asian-looking boy asked while tilting his head.

"It's that guy that fought against two fifth-year from Ravenclaw and won,

Jae!" Tonks excitedly answered Jae Kim, a Gryffindor student from sixth-


"Wow! Really!? Did you know him, Tulip? Why didn't you say so

before!?" He asked at Tulip.

"Because you would start pestering him to help you on your pranks. Or

worse. Try to prank him." Tulip frowned at him.

"Of course I would! That kid made a name for himself while being in the

first year!" Jae retorted.

"Relax, Jae, I'm on this with Tulip, you better leave the poor kid alone."

Badeea suddenly intervened. "They have a lot with these curses going


"They're right Jae. Thinks right now are quite hard on the students, for

them to also worry about some prankster. Peeves are already enough of a

troublemaker." Another Gryffindor student shook his head while talking

to Jae.

"You too, Andrew? Come on! He's not a poor student like Badeea said. He

knows how to defend himself. Maybe he could even help you with the

curses or that assassin!"

"Stop. I'm not going to ask a freshman for help with these curses. And

even if he won against two fifth-year, it's still a long way for him to fight

against a Dark Wizard. Also, Mr. Moody would kick me if he ever finds

out I tried to ask help from some freshman." Andrew Nolan answered


"He's right, Jae. Don't drag a kid in this. The curse is already enough."

Badeea told Jae.

"If I hear that you get close to him, I'll kick your ass. Jae." While Tulip

answered with a frown.

"And why the hell are you so protective about this kid?" Jae retorted back

at Tulip's attitude.

"I'm not being protective. I'm just trying to keep a fellow Ravenclaw out

of danger."

"You? The one who loves to break the rules so much? Want another

fellow student to don't break them? Are you okay Tulip?" Tonks was the

one to ask this time.

"Oh, I'm done already! Let's go or we'll be late to Bill's lessons of DADA!"

Tulip said while walking towards the exit of the Great Hall.

"Well, she's right. Let's go or we'll be late." Andrew shrugged.

"Shouldn't we get that first year too? He seems promising, maybe Bill

would be glad to have him in his lesson." Jae said.

"Let it go, Tulip will really kick your ass if you keep pushing it!" Tonks

rolled her eyes while following behind her friend.

They all made their way towards Bill Weasley's lessons of DADA, lessons

to help students learn something that they can't with how lacking their

new official professor is.


Well, lately I've been quite occupied with work and some stuff, so it's

quite hard for me to focus completely on the novels or well, basically

going through the comments. So, while I'll try to answer as constantly

as I normally do, I won't be able to answer quickly to your comments,

and maybe I may end up missing some, but well, as usual, I'll always

try to answer them, as I quite like to talk to you all! At least until I'm

freer from work and have more time to answer you all. Thanks for


CHAPTER 31 – Forbidden Forest,


{Now things are getting quite weird.} I thought to myself while

meditating inside my room. It was one of the ways I could use to increase

my ML, though it wasn't as fast as mastering spells, or other ways, in a

sense, it was the worst way to increase my ML.

{Now, the thing is… What I'm going to do? My plan keeps being getting

my ML as further as possible before all this world goes to madness, but

taking into account that there're already a few bastards on the loose,

Voldemort seems like a faraway problem.}

Since coming here, the only thing I was worried about was Voldemort

and his army, it was the only thing that truly worried me, the dark times

that were to come. Taking out a few things like Umbridge, who honestly,

isn't that much of a problem.

But now, seeing how things seem to be darker than I originally thought,

I'm quite glad that my power is basically broken.

{It makes you think why would some great devil give me such a system

in the first place… Without a specified payment.}

[Entertainment.] The system suddenly spoke.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

[Entertainment. That's what you're paying with. You're entertaining


{He did say that. But still…}

[Don't look too deeply into it. It was the same back in your old world.

People paid for being entertained. From streamers who played games to

receive donations and money from sponsors to famous sports players who

basically got paid to entertain enormous audiences.]

{If you put it that way, I guess I was lucky…}

[You sure were. Being Lars the one to send the system to you was quite

the stroke of luck. Imagine if it was some sadist being who summoned

you here and not Lars. You would be surely fucked.]

{Okay, I don't want to talk more about that. I'm having the chills

already…} I said while hugging myself.

"Still, that leaves me with the question of what to do for the moments. I

can just keep training, but being honest, going to the Forbidden Forest

surely got me a lot of points."

"CAW!" Muninn cawed beside me.

"Huh? What?"

"CAW! CAW!" It flapped its wings and flew towards the window.

"Don't tell me, do you want to go again?"

"CAW!" It nodded.

{Mm… It's not like it would be a bad idea. I could at least try to fight a

few creatures in there. Last time I only fought a few trolls, and that's it.

Well, apart from those Dark Wizards.}

"Look, as much as I want to go too. I think we should first train a little bit

more. I don't know what could happen there, and I would at least want to

master my use of runes and Wingardium Leviosa. I think I'm quite close

to master it." I said as I made a few things around the room levitate.

{Using Wingardium Leviosa is sure getting easier each time.}

Apart from my usual combat training, I've been training my use of

Wingardium Leviosa, after all, I still hope to be able to use the runes in a

more proactive way. For which, it would be great for me to actually go to

the Forbidden Forest and gather points so I can buy more Blank Runes,

either that, or learn how to create them myself, but I doubt I'll be able to

find some material that would work soon unless maybe, I take bricks

from Hogwarts.


"I've heard you, mate. But wait. I really need to keep training with those

runes before I ever go outside, and also, there are some spells that would

be really useful for me to learn. They would help me increases my ML

faster. For now, let's just rest." I said before jumping to the bed.

{Next plan. Learn more spells while practicing Wingardium Leviosa. I

guess I can just ask the RoR to summon some books to learn charms and

curses. I also need to be able to use both Wingardium Leviosa and other

spells at the same time, without messing things out.}

With that last thought, I went to sleep.


That week started quite well, I trained and trained, and nothing seemed

to go wrong during the first three days of the week, which was quite

good taking into account that recently, Madam Pomfrey was petrified.

But just as I thought things were going to be okay, Dumbledor called us

all during dinner on Wednesday. To talk about how the Ministry sent

Dementors to go around the school and Hogsmeade, looking for the

escapee that eluded the Aurors and hit-wizards on his way to Azkaban.

As such, he recommended we all stay inside the castle.

"Dementors? Really? Are they insane?" Roger asked.

We were currently in the library, reading a few books for our homework.

"Mm? What do you mean?" William asked.

"Come on! Dementors, William! Those fiends would literally suck away

every bit of happiness you have inside!"

"Well, I know what they are, but they were not sent here to attack

students, but to catch a Dark Wizard in the run." William said with a


"No, this time I have to give it to Roger, as much as I hate it. Dementors

are not loyal to the Ministry, they may work for them, but it's just about

who can give them the most amount of food." Lyra said.

"Mm… Can I ask a question? What are dementors?" Carla asked. She was

today with us, as she needed help with homework for charms, and Lyra

offered herself to help her.

"Oh, right. You come from a muggle family." Lyra nodded at her as if

understanding. "Dementors are dangerous creatures. They live in

Azkaban and survive by feeding themselves with human feelings,

particularly happiness and similar feelings."

"Is that even possible!?" Carla asked in surprise.

"It is…" I nod, reading a book that had information about the summoning

charm or Accio, the one Harry used to summon his Firebolt during the

Triwizard Tournament. "And that's not even the worst part about them."

"It isn't…? But what could be worse?" Carla asked.

"They can suck your soul out!" And Roger was the one to answer.

"Wah! Really!?"

"Yes, they can." Lyra nodded with a frown. "And they don't even respect

those they find. It doesn't matter if you're a student or a criminal, they

would be happy to suck your soul out."

"And they let those things run around close to a castle full of students!?"

Carla asked, horrified.

"Well…" William spoke. "To be fair, just staying inside the castle would

make us safe. No dementor would dare to get close to Dumbledore, or

any other teacher for that matter."

"True." Roger shrugged. "But I still think is quite a risky move from the


"Come on. Focus on your homework. Snape won't be lenient on you if

you miss it." I said while turning to look at Roger.

"Oh, damn! I hate potions!"

"Really?" William lifted his eyebrow.

"Yeah! I can't get a single thing right…" Roger said with a sigh.

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad." I shrugged. "It's mostly because of Snape.

Potions itself isn't a bad lesson."

"You say it as if you were any good. But you're not that far from me in


"Pfft…" William tried not to laugh but still let out a snort.

"Hey! I'm not that bad in potions! It's just that Snape keeps getting on my

nerves every goddamn time!" I tried to retort.

"Sure, sure! Whatever you say." Roger says with a smirk.

"Snape can be a real bully…" Lyra said while scratching her head.

"Yeah, I still remember that time when Johanne made a small mistake

and he started taking points from her saying something about how a

mere mistake can mess all the potion." Carla also nodded.

"See!? I'm not wrong. Snape is a problematic teacher!"

"Whatever you say, Logan." He just smirks while reading his book.

After that, the rest of the days were quite calm, there wasn't any other

big announcement to be made, and everyone just went to do their own

things. Oh, and two students got into detention and it was used as an

example to everyone who wanted to do break the rules.

On my part, I trained like a maniac, not only learning new charms and

curses inside the RoR but also mastering a few spells I got from my

Summoner vocation.

As it seems, I'm not only able to summon creatures, but also heal them,

enchant their power, in case they have elemental or magic powers,

protect them, and even increases their physical power temporally. I can

even grant them a temporary name when I summon them. Though, sadly,

I can turn them into familiars, as I don't even know how to do it.

I also practiced the Patronus charm, and I must say, it was quite hard to

do that charm.

"Which happy moment should I summon! This thing doesn't work!" I

shouted after the first few tries.

And it wasn't until my second day of training, I finally managed to do an

incorporeal Patronus, albeit a weak one. So, just in case, I prepared a few

runes in case I needed to fend off those creepy things.

Thanks to both learning the Patronus charm and making a few runes, I

finally reached ML 45, heck, I even surpassed it and got to 46.

Though to be honest, having reached 45 was enough; after all, it gave me

access to one of the deadliest spells I was able to use as a Sorcerer. As

well as using all my arsenal as a Summoner and a few more tricks with

my Arcanist vocation.

At this point, I was probably really powerful. I don't really know if as

powerful as both Voldemort and Dumbledore, but I'm sure as deadly as

them both.

When it comes to my use of runes. I finally did it. I managed to have

three runes levitating close to me at the same time, being able to use

them with a mere thought, and also using other spells at the same time.

This leads me to my current situation. Me, escaping once again from the

castle on a Friday night, towards the Forbidden Forest.

"So, ready?" I asked Muninn who was out in the window.

"CAW! CAW! CAW!" He nodded excitedly, flying out of the room. Just

like last time, I was going to reunite with it in the forest like last time.

"Okay, we better get going, I want to come back early." With that

thought, I went out of the castle with the same disguise I used last time.

And yes, I know. Dementors are apparently around, but hey. I prepared

myself for it, quite well if I must say, something that helped me not only

reach ML 45 but also surpass it.


Minutes later, inside the Forbidden Forest. I was finally making my way

inside when Muninn came flying towards me.

"CAW!" It said as it perched inside my shoulder.

"Hey, buddy. Ready for some adventures? As usual. You lead the way!" I

told him, and he flew off to some tree's branch, looking at me as if

waiting for me to follow him.


"Hey, make sure we don't run into some dementor on the way. I prepared

for it just in case, but I would love to evade them if possible. Though I

did hear they were around Hogsmeade, hope they stay over there."

"Utevo Res Stone Rhino" I summoned a monster.

While it's not the best creature I can summon, is the strongest mount I

can summon for the moment, except maybe for a wyvern, which isn't

precisely a good mount inside the forest.

After I incanted the summoning spell, magic power flowed out of my

body, forming what was a four-meter-tall rhino in front of me, with quite

the length too. It was enormous, to say the least. But that wasn't what

was more surprising about it.

What was truly surprising about it was its enormous horn, which could

perfectly be a spear or a lance. It was also covered in a lot of metal-like

stone plates that added to its defense. It was like having an armored

rhino ready for war.

"Perfect." I say with a smile, rubbing the rhino's head. It looked quite


"Caw…" A sudden soft caw came from Muninn.

"What? Did you wait to see the same bear and wolf from last time?

Certainly, you haven't been with me during my training lately." I smirked

at him. "Well, let's say I now have a lot more to summon than just


"Utevo Res Forest Fury"

Once again, my magic power surged out of my body and it started

forming something that somehow resembled a centaur, but once the light

dissipated, what remained was a centaur-like woman, with pale skin,

covered in leaves, with stag's antlers growing from her head, out of her

long blonde hair.

Both of her arms were also totally different from a normal human, as she

had two bear-like claws instead of arms, which made her look terrifying.

For a moment, she looked at me, directly at my eyes, before she suddenly

gave a small bow.

"I present myself to you, my master. I'm called Elaine, a member of the

Forest Furies."

"You can talk!?" I shouted, quite intrigued about this discovery, after all. I

never expected her to talk.

Yes, in the game, human-like or at least creatures with human

intelligence could speak, that wasn't weird, but I never expected them to

do the same here, after all, it was like bringing someone from another

world inside this one.

"Yes, I can. I, like my sisters, was once an elf. But I evolved to become

something else thanks to the blessing of nature and Emana Greenskull."

"Wow… Sorry, I was just surprised."

"Worry not, master. You don't need to apologize. So, what are your

orders? What are we doing inside this… Forest…?"

"Well, let's say that we're going to hunt a few monsters inside this forest."

"So, we're cleansing this forest from those that dare to taint nature?" She

asked with quite a dangerous smile.

"Yeah, something like that." I just shrugged.

"Perfect! Worry not, my master! I shall bring down your enemies and

nature's enemies!"

"Alright. Well, shall we go?" I quickly asked, turning towards Muninn

before jumping on the Stone Rhino's back.

"Caw…" Muninn just cawed softly while looking at the Forest Fury,

before shaking his head in resignation, or at least what looked like

resignation. "CAW!" With a strong shout, he flew up and went somewhere

inside the forest.

"Time to start our hunt. Let's go."

The Stone Rhino started running at my words, while the Forest Fury also

rushed right beside us. She was quite fast and agile inside the forest, her

face was full of, well, fury, which made her quite an interesting fellow.

Summoning these two creatures made me realize once again how

powerful a summoner class could be.

Yes. They most probably could die at the first killing curse, but that

doesn't mean they're not useful. Not every Dark Wizard knew or used the

killing curse, and certainly, no monster knew how to do it.

{At least one. One of my advanced vocations has to be a summoner.}

With that thought, I sped into the forest while riding the Stone Rhino,

with the Forest Fury following right beside me.

CHAPTER 32 – Is it my luck? Or is

it just that this forest is goddamn


"Die! You fiend!" The Forest Fury, Elaine, shouted in pure wrath while

attacking some creature. It was of an electric-blue color and small, really

small, and while it was fast, it couldn't escape the Forest Fury, it was a

pixie if I remember it well from the second movie.

[You've killed a Cornish Pixie, 15pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You've killed your first Cornish Pixie! 60pts have been


[Congratulations! As a summoner, it's the first time one of your

summonses kills a creature for you! 150pts have been earned.]

"I forgot that this thing is a gold mine." I murmured while looking at the

Forest Fury which was following another three pixies trying to attack

them. "Let me help." I said as I shot some energy strikes at the things. It

was my fastest attack that didn't damage the forest that much. After a

few moments, ten pixies were dead in front of us.

"You're quite strong, master." Elaine said to me.

"You think?"

"Yes. I'm sure." She nodded.

"Mm… Thanks, you are quite powerful yourself. I never saw someone use

earth magic like that."

"Thanks. It's the gift nature itself gave to us sisters to defend the forests.

Even those as strange as this one." She nodded with a smile that was still

somehow quite creepy.

"Well, let's go. Muninn, lead the way!" After that shout, Muninn started

leading the way towards our next target.

{That's 2245 points. That's good. I already have enough to buy the other

two vocations. But let's see again when I go back to the castle.} I thought

to myself while advancing through the forest.

After an hour or so of me hunting in the forest, I've already killed a few

trolls and some more small creatures. I even found thestral, but I evaded

them. Somehow, it didn't feel right for me to kill those creatures.

{I know that I saw myself dead… I guess I should have expected that I

would be able to see the thestrals, after all, I died and even killed once

before.} I thought while leaving the place where a few thestrals were.

It was after walking for a little bit, that I decided to take a rest.

"*sigh…* At this point, I'm pretty sure I should be going back to the

castle. I better not tempt destiny too much." I murmur to myself while

looking at the night sky in the forest.

This time I've been quite lucky, and haven't found any problem at all,

even dementors, which I thought would appear at some point, didn't

show themselves.

{Creepy things better stay far away from here.} I thought to myself, only

to have a chill crawl up my back the next second.

"This has to be a joke…" I muttered while looking around me.

All the place around me was slowly freezing. And I knew what this


Looking up, I saw a group of dementors flying over me towards

somewhere in the forest, a place quite close to the castle, or at least,

closer than where I was currently.

"What the hell…?"

Just when I thought they would come at me, not even one dementor

stopped to come for me. They just flew away somewhere.

"What are those things…? Master?" Elaine asked, with her eyes wide


"Dementors. They're called dementors."

"They… They felt strange. Dark and cold. Nature was screaming... It was

a horrible feeling." She spoke with a frown on her face.

"They suck out happiness. They even go as far as to suck the soul of

people. They feed themselves on humans."

"…" Elaine frowned. "I hate most humans. But a creature that feeds itself

on the soul of others is the worst kind of creature that could exist."

"I agree with you. But there's little that could be done against those

things." I shook my head before standing up. "Resting time is over. Let's

move. I'm quite curious to see what they're doing right now."

"Are we going behind them?" Elaine asked.

"Yeah. We are." I nodded with a serious face.

"Why? They're dangerous to you, master."

"Yes, I know. But if something happens, you both can just take me away."

I smirked. "Though, I'm pretty sure I can get out of there unscratched. Or

well, I hope so."

"Wouldn't it be better to just leave them be, and go away?"

"Maybe." I nod at her question. "But they don't leave a prey like me go

unless there's a better pray to catch or something they desire more."

"So, you mean…"

"There's something happening at wherever they went. And I have a little

idea of what it is, or who it is. So, let's go. Don't worry. I won't jump in

first, I'll just check things out and then act accordingly."

"CAW! CAW! CAW!" Muninn suddenly started to shake its head, as if

telling me not to go.

"Relax, buddy. I have my reasons. Well, I won't deny it's mostly greed,

but even then, I do have a reason to go. Something I want to test."

With that, I jumped over the Stone Rhino's back and we all went towards

there. It was quite easy to locate a bunch of dementors, after all, you just

have to follow the freezing path.

"Expecto Patronum!"

After a little while of running, I heard a woman's voice summoning the

Patronus charm, and from somewhere right in front of me, a powerful

Patronus started pushing away all the dementors, sending them away

immediately, they even passed close to me.

"What? What's happening?" I looked at the dementors escaping the

Patronus, and immediately unsummoned the Stone Rhino. "Elaine. Let's

go silently, something is happening over there." I told the Forest Fury

while moving towards the place where the Patronus was conjured, using

my invisibility charm, and even summoning three runes that started

floating around me.

This time my choosing was the Soulfire Rune in case the dementors came

back; the Sudden Death Rune that was basically a rune that had the same

effect of the Avada Kedavra and that was basically the strongest rune I

had for the moments, and finally, Heavy Magic Missile Rune, which was

the rune that had the most amount of uses, reaching ten.

{Huh? They're students!} When I got there, I was hiding behind, and a

little bit to the right of three students looking at some Dark Witch. {It's

her!} I opened my eyes wide, while I motioned Elaine to stay back and

hide, which she did, but staying quite close to me.

The said Dark Witch was that Rakepick that attacked me last time. And

she was looking with a smug grin at the three students, that for the looks

of it were from Gryffindor and Slytherin.

{What are they doing here… And that bitch…}

"You!" One of the three students a girl from Slytherin shouted at the

witch and attacked her with her wand. But Rakepick merely protected

herself and counterattacked, sending the girl back.

At this time, I finally saw her face, she had short and messy brown hair

with a little area painted in orange at the front. She had thick eyebrows

and her most impactful characteristic was her violet eyes.

"Merula!" One boy, a Gryffindor, shouted as he turned to look at his

friend with a somewhat worried but surprised face. He had well-kept

blond hair, brown eyes, and had a light skin-color.

"I will get… My revenge." The girl, who I now knew was called Merula,


"Revenge? Miss Snyde, you're in such a hurry to die, but the truth is…"

She paused for a moment, smirking. "You aren't even worth killing."

{Damn… Do they know each other or something?} I thought to myself,

looking at her interactions that seemed as if they somehow knew each

other. {Huh?} Right from where I was hiding, I could also see another

student hiding, she was hiding in one of the trees at their left, not

showing herself.

"If you just want us dead, why bother saving us?" While I was looking at

the girl that was hiding, the other boy, another Gryffindor, asked her.

"I wasn't about to let the dementors finish you off, Mr. Nolan." Rakepick

said before putting up her wand. "I want the pleasure of killing you

myself." She said, getting ready to fight.

And right then, she attacked the guy she called Mr. Nolan, and while he

tried to defend with a protective charm, her attack was stronger,

breaking his protective charm and pushing him a few steps back.

"Expelliarmus!" He tried to retaliate but she easily stopped his attack, and

once again attacked him with a move of her wand.

"Argh!" He shouted while being pushed back, falling on the floor from the

impact, his wand falling away from him.

{He's the one that was with Tulip, Tonks, and Badeea!} I instantly

recognized the guy. He had wild and messy brown hair, slightly combed

to one side, he also had light skin and dark brown eyes.

"It's time to finish what I started in the buried vault! This is the end for

you, Curse-Breaker!" Rakepick shouted at him.

"Flipendo Maxima!" But right before she could something. The other guy

attacked her.

She defended herself with a protective charm and immediately

counterattacked, but the guy also defended himself before attacking once

again with a Flipendo Maxima, breaking her protective charm and

pushing her one step back.

"Argh…" She groaned.

"I won't let you hurt anyone I care about anymore!" He shouted at her.

{Truly inspirational, but can you stop talking and finish her already?} I

thought to myself when the guy started talking as if this was a battle with

turns. I slowly prepared one of my runes, the Soulfire one, just in case

something happened, moving it slowly towards them.

"You've learned to talk like a Gryffindor, Copper. But can you back up

that talk?" Rakepick said with a glare, before starting to attack him.

He tried his best to stop the attacks, but Rakepick was quite good.

Charms and curses went and came in their duel, but the guy was soon

thrown to the ground.

"Urgh…" He groaned, before jumping back up, and attacking again until

another attack impacted him. "Urgh!" He crouched and held his arm,

where Rakepick attack impacted.

"Hang on, Ben…!" The guy that was on the floor tried to stand up, but he

was having a hard time doing so. "I'll help you…"

"No! I'll handle Rakepick!" Ben shouted at Rakepick.

"You can 'handle me', can you?" Rakepick retorted sarcastically. "We'll see

about that." She said, before attacking once again. Hitting him strongly

with an Expelliarmus, which sent him back, with his wand falling on the



"Ben!" Both Merula and the other guy shouted at the same time.

"I'm fine!" Ben answered, and hardly stood up, picking his wand. He

stood in front of Rakepick once again, this time holding his left arm that

was probably hurt.

"Copper… Run…" Merula tried to convince him, she too couldn't stand up

from the first impact she received from Rakepick.

But instead of listening to her, he attacked Rakepick, who just protected

and counterattacked. Ben also protected himself, while sending back a

powerful attack.

"Flipendo Maxima!" He shouted and a strong attacking charm impacted


"URGH!" She barely protected herself with a charm, but still received

some damage.

"That'll teach you a lesson…" Ben muttered between clenched teeth. Still

hurt from what happened.

"…" Rakepick looked at him with anger, a look I knew too well.

{Oh no, playtime's over.} I thought while moving the rune close to the

floor quickly, ready to test something. At the same time, I saw that the

girl that was hiding until now went out from her hiding and ran towards

them, but no one else noticed her.

"Take this 'lesson' to your grave." Rakepick said while readying her wand.

"Avada Kedavra!" A green ray went out of Rakepick's wand, directly

towards Ben.

{Oh no, you won't.} I thought while sending the rune up towards Ben, or

I thought it was Ben, as the girl that was hiding quickly shoved him aside

while jumping in the way of the killing curse. Right before it got to Ben.

The killing curse impacted the Rune and pushed it towards the girl that

jumped in to shove Ben aside, making her fall back and roll on the

ground before the rune disintegrated.

"Rowan!" The other Gryffindor guy shouted.

"NO!" Ben, who already looked back to the girl that shoved him aside,

also shouted.

"Khanna…" While Merula merely watched the girl with wide eyes and

her mouth slightly open.

"We warned you that you owed 'R' a friends' life." Rakepick smirked.

"Consider that-" She was going to continue, but stopped, with her eyes

wide open. "WHAT!?" She shouted, totally surprised.

The girl called Rowan or Khanna, I don't know which one is her first

name, the girl that was just 'killed' in front of their eyes, stood up.

{*sigh…* That was close.}

"Urgh… That hurt…" She muttered, before looking around. "Huh? I'm…

Alive? How…?"

"Rowan! Are you okay!?" the Gryffindor guy shouted.

"Andrew…? Yes… I think so…"

"For Merlin's beard! You survived the killing curse!" Ben couldn't believe

it. While they were all astounded, I quickly moved towards them, sending

Elain to go behind Rakepick.

{I'm not letting you go this time.} I glare at her.

"You!" Rakepick shouted while pointing her wand at the girl called

Rowan Khanna. "I don't know how you survived the killing curse! But it

won't happen twice!" She shouted, making everyone terrified, including

the girl.

"Avada Kedavra!" She shouted again, but this time, another rune

appeared midair, disintegrating after receiving the impact. "What!?"

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted, taking her by surprise, making her wand fly

out of her hand, and appearing in front of her.

"YOU! YOU BASTARD! Do you dare to interfere with 'R' once again!?" She

shouted at me, looking around for her wand.

"Yes. I do. You bitch." I growled at her, having quite the bad memories

from our last encounter. "Elaine, now!" I shouted.

"Huh!?" And before she could even do something, roots went out of the

ground and trapped her, entangling her. "What's this!? RELEASE ME!"

She shouted.

Forest Furies have the ability to use druidic spells, but quite different

from a normal Druid, they have a more instinctive way of using earth


"I'm sorry. But that's as much as you'll move anytime soon." I said,

moving my last rune. The Sudden Death rune.

"What are you going to do!?" She shouted, terrified.

"…" Without answering, I activated the grey-colored rune. Its form, which

was a mix between an oval-shaped and a square-shaped stone, shone in a

grey light. On the front of the rune, a skull with two crossed bones below

also shone in a deeper grey light, while the roman number three on the

back changed to a number two.

Immediately from the rune, a small gray-colored ball shot towards

Rakepick, and once it impacted, the light in Rakepick's eyes faded

quickly. Her skin slowly decayed and her body dried visibly, leaving only

a mummified corpse behind.

She was now dead. Just like she tried to kill Ben and me before.

[You've killed Dark Wizard 'Patricia Rakepick', 500pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! The enemy won't

escape a second time! You just killed an old and powerful enemy that

escaped the first time, not letting her escape twice.]

[200pts have been earned]

"Who are you!?" Ben shouted while pointing his wand at me.

"The one who saved your ass. Dumbass. Only you idiots dare to challenge

a Dark Witch without the preparation to do so."

"But did you have to kill her!?" The other guy, who's called Andrew,

shouted at me.

"It was either her or one of you." I shrugged. "I just took the liberty to

choose myself."

"You-" He tried to say something.

"It was you who saved me, right?" The hiding girl, Rowan, asked me,

interrupting Andrew.

"Well, I was trying to save that blond guy, but I ended up saving you."

"What are those-"

"Doesn't matter." I said, putting my rune into my inventory. "You better

get out of this forest, fast. Dementors are still around." I said sternly,

turning away and leaving towards where I knew Elaine was waiting.

"Stop!" Ben shouted. "You can't leave! You have to answer my questions


He tried to rush at me with his wand out, while his friends were finally

standing up, still limping a little from the damage he received from

Rakepick's attacks.

"Don't you dare get close to my master, human!" But right before he could

even try to do something, Elaine jumped out from where she was hiding,

and rushed towards me, raising her hand and summoning another batch

of roots that trapped Ben.

"What's this!?" He tried to fight the roots, but they were quite resistant

and hard to break with strength alone.



Both Merula and Andrew shouted, trying to reach him, but a strong

stomp on the ground from one of Elaine's hooves stopped them.

"…" They both flinched at the sound of her stomp.

"No one moves." She growled at her, before turning to me. "What should I

do, master?"

"Calm down. We don't have to harm them. Let's just go." I said while

walking ahead.

"Wait!" Suddenly Rowan shouted, and I turned to look at her. "I-I-I…" She

stuttered once she received a glare from Elaine, but still spoke, even

while afraid. "I-I just wanted to thank you!" She said, still a little bit

afraid of Elaine.

Looking at her now, I could finally see her clearly. She had a pair of big

glasses, those that normally got you bullied in my old world. Long twin-

tails of black hair, and slightly darker skin, she looked like someone who

came from India.

"Don't worry. I had a small account to settle with Rakepick." I said while

nodding and kept walking. With Elaine following slightly behind.

{Now that I think about it. Why is it that every time I come to this

goddamn forest, something happens? Maybe I'm just unlucky? Nah! It's

probably this goddamn forest that's cursed or something.} With that last

thought, I went out of the forest, Muninn following closely, flying over


Of course, right before I got closer to the outside of the forest, I

unsummoned Elaine after saying my goodbyes, before going back to my

room using both the levitation and invisibility spell.

{Today was certainly weird, but now the real question is, will I actually

summon Elaine the next time I choose to summon a Forest Fury? Or will

it be another of her sisters?} With that last question swimming in my

head, I went to sleep. Not even bothering to ask the System for the


CHAPTER 33 – What to do now?

The next morning, being Saturday, I took the chance to sleep all the way

until 10:00 AM, and right after waking up, I started thinking about


{Mm… Things went really well. I took a lot of points, took care of that

bitch, Rakepick, and even saved the ass of a few upperclassmen. Though,

why they were there is still a mystery to me.}

I looked at my status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 47

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 3215pts



Inventory (Size limit: 830oz/23.53kg)]

{Heck, I even increased my ML by 1, but when? I don't remember it… Oh

well, whatever.}

"CAW!" At that moment, Muninn came flying to my bed and dropped a

wand over it.

"Mm? What's this?" I took the wand and looked at it. "Wait. Isn't this

Rakepick's wand?" I frowned.

"CAW!" Muninn nodded.

"Mm… I still don't know why you want me to collect these wands, but oh

well, it's not that heavy." I shrugged while putting the wand inside my

inventory. "Also… I guess I should pick the Druid class already. With all

this happening around, I never know when I'll need to heal someone

else." I said while opening the vocation store and buying my third


[Congratulations! You've successfully bought the Druid vocation!]

[Congratulations! You're now a Druid! The strength of your healing spells

increases! Your earth and ice affinities increase, making spells made from

that element increase in power. New spells are available for you to use,

check your spellbook! New advanced vocations are available for you to


{Mm? This one's quite normal if I compare it to both the Summoner and

the Arcanist. Oh well, I guess that would be normal.} I shrugged after

thinking about it.

I then opened the vocation store to check the new advanced vocations,

something that's become quite normal each time I buy a new vocation.

[Vocation Store NEW! / 2215pts

- Druid (BOUGHT)

- Arcanist (BOUGHT)

- Summoner (BOUGHT)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- Arcane Battle Master (7500pts)

- Master Summoner (7500pts)

- Master Druid (7500pts)

- Arcane Grand Sorcerer (20000pts)

- Fire and Lightning Elementalist (20000pts)

- Void Summoner (20000pts)

- Ice and Earth Elementalist (20000pts) NEW!

- Master of Elements (20000pts) NEW!

- Arcane Ancient Druid (20000pts) NEW!

- ???]

"*sigh…* I can't believe this. I must be some kind of masochist. Why do I

keep watching the new vocations knowing that someday I'll have to

choose among them…?" I muttered to myself. "Oh, well. I'll just keep

going on until that moment arrives."

After saying that, I quickly bought a few more Blank Runes, barely 20 of

them, which cost me 200 points.

"Now, I guess I'll keep this going for far too long." I thought while

opening the Spellbook Store.

[Spell Books NEW! / 2215pts

- Magic Spell Book (150pts) BOUGHT

- Spellbook of Enlightenment (500pts)

- Crude Umbral Spellbook (1000pts)

- Spellbook of Dark Mysteries (1500pts)

- Scorching Spellbook (1500pts)

- Electrified Spellbook (1500pts)

- Spellbook of Souls (1500pts)

- Bestiary (1500pts)

- Frozen Spellbook (1500pts) NEW!

- Wooden Spellbook (1500pts) NEW!

- ???]

{Okay, I guess it added two new elemental-based Spellbooks. Just like

the Bestiary that appeared when I acquired the Summoner vocation. Not

that it matters. System, I want the Crude Umbral Spellbook.}

[You've bought the Crude Umbral Spellbook!]

[This spellbook is special, as it will grow with you. It's a semi-sentient

spellbook that will grant you great power once you take it to its final

form. But even now, you'll be able to give it a great use, as it increases

your ML by two, and increases all your elemental spells' power by 3%.]

Taking out the spellbook from my inventory, I could clearly see a dark-

brown-colored book, with no design, except for a closed eye on its front.

"It looks quite creepy…" I muttered to myself while looking at the closed

eye over the book. And no. It's not precisely a painted eye, but a real

closed eye. I wouldn't be surprised if it suddenly opened itself.

{I guess I'll have to promote it if I want the creepy eye to open.} I

thought while looking at it. It somehow reminded me of Tom Riddle's


Opening it, I could see all my spells from all vocations, which by the

way, were separated into four colors, purple for Sorcerer, blue for

Arcanist, red for Summoner, and green for Druid, making it easier for me

to search for them. It happened the same in my Magic Spell Book, so it

wasn't something unique to the Crude Umbral Spellbook.

The reason why I bought the Crude Umbral Spellbook, was because I

didn't need to buy another spellbook later, I just needed to upgrade it.

And even right now, it was better than my Magic Spell Book, which

would only work as a way to distract the old guy.

{System. How do I upgrade it?}

[First, you have to link yourself to it. Insert some magic into it.]

{Huh? Okay.} With a shrug. I sent some magic power into the book, and

the eye that was on the front opened wide, showing a red glaring eye

with a small black dot on the center while at the same time, I could feel a

connection to my magic core. A connection that I knew was from the

Crude Umbral Spellbook.

The red-eye looked directly into my own eyes as if looking into my soul.

But just when I thought it would do something, it merely closed itself

after a few moments of watching me.

"*sigh…* That was weird…" I muttered to myself.

[Now that you're linked to your book, you just have to wait. Once your

magic core evolves into the third stage, your Crude Umbral Spellbook

will also evolve into an Umbral Spellbook.]

"Huh? Then does that mean that for me to have its final form I'll just have

to wait for me to reach the fourth stage?"

[No. There's something else you have to do. But you're not allowed to

know that information yet.]

"Okay… Doesn't matter. I guess I'll just go out for a little while." With

that said, I stretched myself while going towards the bathroom of the



Later that day, in Dumbledore's office.

"Did you say, Rakepick appeared?" Dumbledore frowns at Andrew's


In his office, Andrew, Rowan, Ben, and Merula were talking with

Dumbledore, as well as Snape, McGonagall, Madame Sprout, and


"Yes… We went to the forest because Ben and I found a letter that said

that my brother would see 'R' at the groove in the Forbidden Forest. But

we only found a big group of dementors."

"I don't understand, Mr. Nolan. Why would you four go into the forest

when Professor Dumbledore clearly said that it was dangerous out there!"

McGonagall said while frowning at the student's action.

"I must agree with your professor. And you Miss Snyder, I certainly

expected something better from a member of my house." Snape also

frowned and looked at them all, especially at Merula.

"Now, now, we shall calm ourselves, professors. Certainly, what they did

was quite risky, and really stupid. But all in all, it's good that they're safe.

But you still haven't answered my question. Did Madame Rakepick

appear in the forest?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Yes, sir. She did." This time, it was Merula who answered the question.

"You could have been in a really dangerous situation! What were you

thinking!?" Flitwick intervened. "Patricia Rakepick isn't someone that a

group of students can take!"

"But professor, I wanted to know what my brother was up to!" Andrew

said while looking at Dumbledore.

"I'm sure you do, Mr. Nolan, but you were in danger, and even worse,

you put your friends in danger too." Dumbledore frowned at him.

"We went there by ourselves! He didn't ask us to go, professor." Ben said,

still hurt from the fight.

"Not now, Mr. Copper. We will later talk about your small escapades to

Knockturn Alley." Professor McGonagall said with a frown.

"!" Ben flinched at the stern voice of McGonagall.

"But I must ask something, if Patricia Rakepick was there, how is it that

you only came out with some injuries. From Mr. Copper's injuries, I

doubt it was a pacific talk." Madame Sprout asked.

"That's certainly something worth asking, Pomona." Dumbledore nodded

while turning towards the students. "So? What exactly happened there."

"Well…" Andrew started. "Once the dementors appeared, we tried to fight

them off with our Patronus, but they were too many. At least until a

corporeal Patronus appeared, it was Patricia Rakepick's lioness

Patronus… It sent all the dementors away."

"After that… She attacked me with a strong disarming charm, before

attacking Andrew too." Merula said.

"I had to face her…" Ben also scratched his head. "I thought I would be

able to do it, but that almost cost me my life." He said hanging his head


"What!?" McGonagall was dumbfounded at hearing Ben said that. "What

do you mean, Mr. Copper?"

"She used the killing curse on him, professor." Andrew answered her,

leaving the entire group of professors surprised. "But Rowan appeared

just in time and shove him away, we all thought she received the impact

of the killing curse."

"For Merlin… Are you saying that Miss Khanna here received the impact

of the killing curse…?" A surprised Flitwick spoke in a soft voice.

"Well, I…" At that time, Rowan started speaking. "I didn't survive it by

myself professor, someone helped me."

"What do you mean!?" McGonagall asked her student. "There was

someone else there?"

"Yes, actually…" Andrew nodded. "We couldn't see his face. He was

covered in some kind of blue turban."

"And you're saying he saved you, Miss Khanna?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall." Rowan nodded, before pondering for a bit.

"I'm not too sure, but it seems like he sent something to receive the

impact of the killing curse. And he did it twice, once she tried to attack

me once again."

"What did he use, Miss Khanna?" Dumbledore asked.

"A rock…? Maybe. I don't know. All I could see was a stone levitating in

front of me, receiving the impact of the second curse before

disintegrating, and right then, he appeared out of thin air."

"Thin air, you say?" Snape started asking with a surprised face, but before

he could continue, someone knocked on the door to Dumbledore's office.

"Were you expecting someone, Albus?" McGonagall asked.

"No, certainly not." Dumbledore answered, before calling to the door.

"Come in."

"Hello, Professor Dumbledore, I wanted to-" Right then, a student came

into the office, only to stop midway, looking around at all the ones

present. "Um… Am I interrupting something?"

"Oh, Mr. Taylor!" Flitwick greeted his student. "Were you looking for

Professor Dumbledore?"

"Um, yes. Professor Flitwick. But I can come and ask later." Logan


"Is it something you have to ask me in private, Mr. Taylor?" Dumbledore

asked with a mysterious glance.

"Um… Not really professor, I just wanted to know if there was a way for

me to help those that are injured? I've been practicing with a few healing

spells, and well, I wanted to see if I could help those with minor injuries

now that Madam Pomfrey is petrified…" Logan said with an awkward


"And why would a student from the first year ask to help in the

infirmary? You must know that it isn't something a mere freshman can

do. Healing is quite a difficult art for anyone." Snape said with a frown.

"Well, I just thought that it would be a good way for me to get better at

healing spells, while also helping my fellow students. I may not be able

to handle everything, but I sure can at least help with a few bruises,

Professor Snape."

"He's quite a talented fellow, Severus, you should wait and see, before

denying him."

"Albus, are you saying what I think you are?" McGonagall asked in


"Hehehe magnificent!" Filius Flitwick clapped. "I was expecting great

things from you child, but to think you're even able to use some minor

healing charms."

"It's nothing professor." Logan scratched his head.

"Well, then you're lucky, Mr. Taylor. One of your… Fellow… Students

here recently encountered a small problem, and one of them ended up

injured. Maybe you could help Mr. Copper, and allow us to see." Snape

said with a mocking grin.

"Well, could I try?" Logan, instead of being nervous, merely asked.

"Go ahead, Mr. Taylor." Dumbledore nodded.

"Albus, I don't think it would be a good idea to-" McGonagall tried to

dissuade Dumbledore, but was interrupted by an energetic Filius.

"No, no, McGonagall! Let him! He's quite a great student, and I must say

that I'm proud to have such a capable wizard in my house! I'm sure that

he wouldn't propose to help if he wasn't sure of his abilities."

While they talked, Logan already approached Ben, looking at him.

"So, do you want to try? I could heal you, really."

"Are you sure?" Ben asked, a little worried about letting a freshman heal

him. "I can just stay like this, it's not something dangerous, and I'll

naturally heal, really."

"Relax, it won't hurt." Logan shrugged with a smile, before taking out his

wand and touching Ben with it.

"W-Wait, you don't have to-" He tried to stop Logan, but the wand

touched him before he could even ask him to stop. But, contrary to his

expectations, he didn't feel any pain and merely felt refreshed, all his

wounds suddenly started healing at a fast speed.

At the same time, Logan's smile changed into a somewhat happy smile,

before turning back to his usual one.

"Well? How do you feel?" He asked Ben.

"I'm… I'm good." He answered, still surprised to feel his body anew.

Without even one injury. "How did you do it?"

"Well, I've been looking through some healing charms, and I found it

quite amazing, so I kind of focused on learning more and more."

"Magnificent! Albus, I think there would be no problem for us to allow

Mr. Taylor here to help in the infirmary, what do you say!?" Filius asked


"I have to say that I do share your excitement. Having another student

help in the infirmary will sure be a good way for us to focus on more

pressing things. Don't you all agree?" Dumbledore asked at the other


"*snort*" While Snape only snorted, McGonagall and Madame Sprout

both nodded at Albus.

"I'm sure that letting a promising student practice healing and develop his

abilities would surely be an amazing thing for all of us." Pomona Sprout

said with a warm smile.

"Well, it's decided then. Mr. Taylor, I must ask you to go wait for me in

the infirmary, as I must finish my early discussion with these students


"I understand, professor." Logan nodded and went out of the office.


Out of Dumbledore's office, and right on his way towards the infirmary,

Logan D. Taylor thought to himself about his new plans.

"Well, that went better than I thought." I muttered to myself.

After I went to the RoR to practice some spells of the druid, I found out

that thanks to this new class, I could earn ML and even points, while

healing people, thanks to the System recommendation.

This led me to the idea of helping in the infirmary, even if it was healing

small damage, I would be able to earn some ML and points while doing


And I even confirmed it while healing Ben, the idiot that tried to fight

Rakepick yesterday, as I received 15 points thanks to healing him. It was

more than I expected. I still don't know if it depends on the damage

healed or merely for healing someone.

I even achieved a hidden quest, giving me 100 points for healing

someone for the first time.

[I never thought you would do that.]

{Mm? Why? You were the one to tell me that the more people I heal, the

more points and ML I get.}

[Yes, but that depended on you showing your abilities.]

{Well… At this point, I already realized that someday people would

discover my differences. For that, I have to grow as fast as I can, and

while I'm not able to go daily to the Forbidden Forest, a lot of students

constantly get hurt here for really stupid reasons. And that's a way for me

to win points and ML, aside from training and going to classes.}

[Are you not worried about the professors doubting you?]

{It's not like I want to harm people. I want to heal. Why would they

suspect me? And even then. I'm not worried about them hurting me. I'm

pretty sure that except for a few professors, I could overpower most of

them. And I'm sure I can even escape from Dumbledore if I have to.}


{All in all, I think I'm safe for the moments. I must become stronger as

quickly as possible, and if that means showing that I can heal others,

that's not really a disadvantage. Also, I can do it soundlessly, so there's no

way for them to know that I used another type of magic, or at least, not

one from another world. Maybe only Dumbledore knows, but that isn't

that bad, for the moments.}

With that last thought, I kept walking towards the infirmary, where I

would talk to Dumbledore about my 'apprenticeship' in the place.


Moments later, after they finished their conversation, Dumbledore

excused himself and went towards the infirmary, he still had a

conversation with one of his students.

When Dumbledore entered the infirmary he found two students having a

small conversation, one of them was Logan, the student he was going to

talk to, while the other was Chiara Lobosca, a Hufflepuff with a secret of

her own that's been constantly helping in the infirmary as her dream was

to become a healer.

"Wow! That's amazing. I'll certainly be appreciative of the help here…"

Chiara Lobosca said to Logan. "After all, since Madam Pomfrey got

petrified, I've been the only one taking care of all the students that got

hurt here."

"I can imagine that…" Logan said with an awkward smile. "Though I can't

exactly tend to all kinds of wounds or injuries, I'll at least try to heal the

minor ones or any type of physical damage."

"That should be enough to help a lot around here." Chiara Lobosca said

with a smile. "Honestly, most of the cases that come here are mostly

about physical damages, students that get jinxed or cursed usually go

looking for Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, or any other that

can counter the curse or jinx…"

"I'm glad then haha."

"Hello, I hope I'm not interrupting something." I said with a smile as I

approached both students.

"Huh? Oh! Professor Dumbledore, I didn't see you enter!" Chiara stood up

and greeted me.

"Hello, Professor, don't worry. I was just introducing myself to Chiara

who's been helping in the infirmary." Logan also stood up and greeted me

with a smile.

"Yes, she has. Miss Lobosca has been quite a great help for Pomfrey while

being here, and even more, now that Poppy is petrified, she's been quite a

great help for all of us here, since she's been treating the students that

come to the Hospital Wing." I said while nodding at Chiara Lobosca.

"I-It's not like that Professor! I'm merely trying to do my best, most of the

professors are the ones treating the serious injuries." She answered a little

bit flustered.

"*chuckles* Well, Miss Lobosca, I'm glad for you being here in the

Hospital Wing, but I have to ask you to leave for a moment, as I need to

speak with Mr. Taylor here, I'll make sure he calls you when we're done."

"Um, okay, thanks, professor." Chiara nodded while walking out of the

Hospital Wing.

After some time passed, I decided to finally speak.

"Well, I must say, Mr. Taylor, that I'm quite surprised by your decision."

"Mm? What do you mean with that, professor?" Logan tilted his head.

"Well, I didn't think you would be able to heal people." I said with a little


"I recently learned some healing spells. This is why I wanted to both

improve myself and heal other students, since Madam Pomfrey is

currently petrified, I thought that I might be able to help those that are in

trouble, Professor."

{That for sure would be indeed helpful.} I thought to myself.

"I'm sure you can be of help." Dumbledore nodded. "But I'm not here to

talk about it, Mr. Taylor."


"Well, I've heard about the little adventure a few of our students had last

night in the Forbidden Forest."

"Huh? Really? Do you mean the group that was inside your office?" He

tilted his head.

{And why would you try to act as if you didn't know?}

"Those same students, but I'm sure you already knew about that, if their

word is taken into consideration, isn't it? Mr. Taylor?" I smiled at him.

"…" He looked directly at me. "Oh well, let's say that appearing in front

of them wasn't something smart on my part."

"Maybe you thought they wouldn't tell us about their little adventure,

perhaps?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, I must say, professor. That's quite true. With it being the Forbidden

Forest and the new regulations, I may have thought that they would keep

the secret."

"*chuckles* That may be so under normal circumstances. But from what I

heard they weren't normal circumstances at all."

"No. They weren't." Logan smirked. "They were far from normal."

"Indeed, being saved twice from the killing curse can be something really

surprising." I nodded with a smile. "And for that, I must thank you, as you

saved your fellow student from certain death. How? I don't know. But the

important thing here is that you saved her."

"It's no problem, professor. I thought Rakepick would do some shady

thing, and I decided to stay just in case."

"A wise decision. Without you there, I'm pretty sure either Mr. Copper or

Miss Khanna would have died."

"Professor, I'll guess that's not the only reason you're here." He said, this

time with a serious face.

"…" I just looked at him for a moment.

"If you heard until then, I guess you also heard about what happened

later. Again, these are no normal circumstances, aren't they?"

{I guess he's decided to tell the truth then…}

"I guess you're right." I nodded. "Then, would you kindly answer my

question, Mr. Taylor?"

"Of course, that's why you're here, Professor."

"*chuckles*" I nodded. "Well, why did you kill Patricia Rakepick?" I asked


CHAPTER 34 – Separate ways

Sometime before Dumbledore started to speak with Logan.

"Hey, Nolan." Once they went outside of Dumbledore's office, Merula

suddenly called Andrew.

"Mm? What?" Andrew asked while Merula came closer.

"Do you have your invisibility cloak?" She asked in a whisper.

"Uh? Yes? Why?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Lend it to me quickly."


"Yeah, why Merula?" Ben also asked a little bit intrigued.

"Come on! Just a little bit." She insisted.

"Not until you tell me why." Andrew said.

"Argh! Just lend it to me, I'm curious about what the director is going to

talk with that freshman."

"Mm? Why though? Isn't it just for him to help there?"

"Are you kidding me? A personal talk in the Hospital Wing just for telling

him he can help in the infirmary? That didn't happen when Lobosca

asked to help. There must be something else."

"She does have a point." Ben nodded while rubbing his chin. "There may

be something else. Also, didn't you see how he healed me? He didn't even

say any charm, he just touched me with the wand and I instantly healed!

Lend it to us, Andrew, now I'm curious too."

"Fine…" Andrew shook his head. "But we three are going together. Just in


"Argh… Fine." Merula rolled her eyes.

"Okay, let's go." Andrew nodded while taking the invisibility cloak, one

he bought in the Knockturn Alley a few weeks ago.

"Wait! I want to go too." Suddenly Rowan spoke, she's been quiet until he

took out his invisibility cape.

"Huh? Why?" Merula frowned.

"I want to see too…" She nodded shyly.

"Oh no, too many people. It won't work." Merula shook her head. "You'll

have to stay."

"I hate to admit it Rowan, but Merula is right… We all can get inside the

cloak at the same time." Andrew smiled apologetically.

"Huh… I get it, it's fine then." Rowan nodded a little saddened. "Well, I'll

wait for you back at the common room." She said before going to the

common room.

"Okay, let's go." Andrew finally said before they three got under the

invisibility cloak to go to the Hospital Wing.

A few minutes later, they got into the Hospital Wing, just in time to hear

Dumbledore talking, they were right beside another student.

"I guess you're right." Dumbledore nodded. "Then, would you kindly

answer my question, Mr. Taylor?"

"Of course, that's why you're here, Professor." The freshman, Logan,

answered while looking at Dumbledore.

"*chuckles*" Dumbledore nodded while chuckling. "Well, why did you

kill Patricia Rakepick?"




All three of them tried their best not to let out any kind of word, even

putting their hands over their mouths to not be discovered. Still,

Dumbledore's words left them with their eyes wide open.

"*chuckles* Oh well, I guess that I knew this was coming the moment I

saw those four in there." Logan said. "But, to answer honestly, she and I

had a little encounter before. She and some other friend of hers tried to

kill me." He shrugged.

"So, you got your revenge?" Dumbledore asked.

"Mm? Yeah, kind of. I mean. At first, I wasn't going to do it. Honestly, I

could have just got the hell out of there, but you see, there were these

three students of Hogwarts, or well, I should say four if I consider that

girl Rowan Khanna, or Khanna Rowan, that was hiding behind a tree."

"Mm? What does that have to do with you killing Rakepick?" Dumbledore

sat in one of the stalls that were close to the beds.

"I knew that the woman wouldn't leave them be."

"Are you telling me you knew she was going to kill them? What made

you think that?"

"Pfft… Common, professor. We both know that Dark Wizards aren't

known to be merciful. I learned that the first time I met her and her

friend, who, by the way, tried to kill me when I didn't answer their

questions, with an Avada Kedavra even, *chuckles*. Also, it seemed that

they had some history together."

"So, you stayed there to see how things went?"

"Precisely. I thought she would kill them all, but she just started playing

with Ben. Of course, she then lost her temper, and lo and behold, she

used the Avada Kedavra. Trying to kill him."

"And you saved him, for what I understood."

"Yup, why would I let him die? He's a fellow student, and most of all, he

didn't deserve to die."

"Why do you say that?"

"Why wouldn't I, Professor?"

"Indeed." Dumbledore nodded while rubbing his chin. "But Rakepick


"At this point, I'm pretty sure she has done some nasty things. I mean, she

tried to kill a student, a kid at that. I'm sure that someone that does that

kind of stuff without remorse isn't precisely a good person *chuckles*."

"And I assume you also killed her friend, the one that tried to kill you


"…" Logan nodded.

"And you didn't consider letting them both live?

"I would be dead if I tried to play that game, they were two against one,

and both of them were throwing a lot of nasty attacks on me."

"What about Rakepick? You could let her live, from what I understood, a

friend of yours caught her. It would be easy for you to catch her alive."

"I'm sorry, Professor. But that's not an option for me."

"Why not?" Dumbledore frowned.

"Well, you see. I've thought that Dark Wizards and Witches aren't

precisely the best bunch, and while I'm not proposing to do a purge 'em

all, I at least would take care of those that tried to kill me or kill someone

close to me, or in front of me for that matter."

"Killing a murderer turns you into another murderer."

"Maybe." Logan nodded. "But I'm not letting those bastards reap more

lives. With each one of them out of the streets, more people would live."

"There's still Azkaban, Mr. Taylor."

"From what I've heard, The Ministry of Magic even let a lot of Death

Eaters free. Some of them out of bribery, others out of a supposed case

'Imperious Curse', and whatnot."

"*sigh…* I think, that it doesn't matter what I say, you won't change your


"No. I'm sorry, Professor. But I don't think those people deserve to live."

Logan shrugged. "Though, to be honest, it's not like I would start going

on a rampage or something. I'll just try to protect."

"Protect who Mr. Taylor?"

"Those that are close to me, and those that wish to help improve this


"…" Dumbledore looked deep into the eyes of Logan. "Murder corrupts

the soul, Logan."

"I've heard so, not that I've felt it. But, honestly? I prefer to carry the

burden of a corrupted soul instead of carrying the corpse of a loved one.

You tell me, Professor. What would happen if I wasn't there last night?"

"…" Dumbledore looked at him for a moment. "Then I'm afraid that Miss

Khanna wouldn't be here with us today, and I would be in the Great Hall

informing everyone about our loss."

"*gasp*" It was then, that they both heard someone gasping.

Logan turned to look behind him, frowning as he did so, with a wave of

his hand, the cloak of invisibility that covered the three students went

out flying.

"Well, it seems we have an audience, Professor." Logan said while looking

at the three.

"It seems so." Dumbledore nodded.

"Not like it took you by surprise, Professor." Logan noted.

"*chuckles* So, you still remember?"

"I mean, I'm not that sure how my own spell would fare against a cloak of

invisibility, but I hope it's not that different, at least not enough for you

to notice me, and not the cloak."

"True." Dumbledore nodded with a smile. "Now, I would like to know,

Mr. Nolan, Mr. Copper, and Miss Snyde."

"Um, we're sorry, professor, we were just curious about-" Andrew started

to speak, but was interrupted.

"So, it was you that killed Rakepick! You took the chance from me! It

should have been me!" Merula shouted while pointing at Logan, not

really caring about being undercover.

"From what I remember. I actually saved your ass." Logan shrugged.

"I…" She tried to do something, but no words could come out of her

mouth, as she knew he was right. If it wasn't for them, Rowan would be

dead, and probably all of them.

Actually, this one thought is what made them lose focus for a moment.

They could be dead right now, or at least one of them would. It was by

mere luck, a mere coincidence, that they were all alive right now, and

that no one died.

"Calm down, Miss Snyde. As I'm sure you have heard, killing it's not

something you should be thinking about."

"But… But… She deserved it! After all that she did to us last year!"

Merula said to Dumbledore.

"Knock it off. As much as I hate to admit it. He's right. Trying to kill her

wasn't a wise choice for you."

"But you did it." Ben frowned.

"Yes. Because I had the ability to do so." Logan shrugged. "But from what

I saw, neither of you had said ability, not even combined. You were

directly into their trap, and that almost killed you."




All three stayed in silence.

"I must say, that Logan's right. I don't approve of his methods, but he at

least can protect himself. You three, instead, almost got yourself killed

last night. You should have talked to any of your professors, or me."

They just looked down.

"Now, I suggest you three leave to your common rooms, while I continue

my conversation with Logan here."

They started to walk out, not before they glanced back at Logan.

"So?" Logan started to speak after a few moments. "What will happen

now, Professor?"

"…" Dumbledore looked at him for a moment. "What do you mean,


"Well, I'm pretty sure that you're not the kind to like murderers." Logan

shrugged. "And while I killed a murderer, I know pretty well that it also

makes me one. So? Will I be forced to leave Hogwarts or be sent to


"…" Dumbledore stayed quiet for a moment. "Would you quietly do so?"

"Why are you asking something you already know, Professor? *chuckles*

I may accept to leave Hogwarts. But I'm not going to be put inside of

Azkaban. That place's hell." He shrugged.

"I supposed so." Dumbledore nodded.


"Nothing." Dumbledore shook his head. "I'm not going to expulse you or

send you to Azkaban."

"Mm? That's a surprise."

"Did you think I would?"

"Honestly, yes." He nodded. "I was prepared to run the hell out of this


"You're assuming that you would be able to escape from me?"

Dumbledore lifted his eyebrow.

"Sure. I may not be able to win against you, but that doesn't mean I won't

be able to escape. Though it's not like I want to test it, now that you said

you won't do any of that."

"*chuckles* I do have another question I would like you to answer."


"What were you doing inside the forest?"

"Testing my abilities. That place is full of dangerous creatures. I wanted

to see what I was able to do." He shrugged.

"So, I guess you got your results?"

"Oh well, I would say I have a lot of power. At least for me to survive

against bastards like Rakepick, and protect someone."

"I must say, Logan. That for you to be able to handle Rakepick and a

friend of her, you for sure are not an ordinary wizard. But that's

something I suspected the moment you show me your book, I guess."

"That's true." Logan shrugged. "Though, I have a question. Now that I'm

not going to be expulsed, I want to know if my request to help those that

come to the Hospital Wing is accepted."

"Sure." Dumbledore nodded. "You can help heal those that need your

help. Should I assume that the reason is you wanting to help your fellow


"That, and improve my abilities. As I said before, it would help me get

better at healing." Logan shrugged. "Though, don't expect too much, for

the moments there's a limit of what I can heal."

"Even then, I'm grateful that you wish to help your fellow students."

Dumbledore nodded with a smile before standing up to walk out of the


When he was about to leave the door, he stopped and turned to look back

at Logan.

"I forgot. As the headmaster of Hogwarts. I sincerely give you my thanks

for saving your fellow student from what would be a really tragic fate."

"There's nothing to thank me for." Logan nodded. "Just try to keep them

out of danger, Professor."

"*chuckles* You see. In all my years as a professor in this school, I've

learned that it is quite difficult to control the student body of a magic

school. Don't you think so, Logan?"

"*chuckles* I sure do. I guess."

"Also, I hope you understand, that someday, the path you're going

through is going to cost you a lot. And I sincerely hope, you do so before

it is too late."

"Thank you, Professor." Logan nodded. "But I won't promise anything. I'll

do what I have to, to keep those around me safe."

"…" Dumbledore looked at him for a moment, before nodding and

leaving the place.

After a little while, Logan sat down in one of the beds.

"*sigh…* That was goddamn exhausting… I can't even believe that I'm

still going to be able to study here. I was already planning my next moves

outside of Hogwarts."

CHAPTER 35 – Recruitment?


I already said this in The Novel's Extra's Extra, but well, as not everybody

here read that one, I'm clarifying here too. No, the novel isn't dropped

xD, sorry about my disappearance, I got sick from that thing that's going

around the world and well, it hit hard. But here I am! Safe, and

recuperating, but already good enough to keep writing and doing my

normal things. Also, thank you all for reading!


After my chat with Dumbledore, I went back to my common room and

then directly into my room, I had a lot to think about. Not only

Dumbledore knew, but also those other three students, Andrew, Merula,

and Ben if I remember their names.

"What's more, they saw Elaine, which isn't precisely a normal magic

creature from this place." I muttered before opening my status window.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 47

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 630pts



Inventory (Size limit: 830oz/23.53kg)]

{Mm… My ML is currently 47. It isn't that far from 66, and there's still

some time until this year ends. I guess my next target should be getting

55 as soon as possible. At that time, I should get one of my strongest

spells, no, it should be two of my strongest spells, or is it three? I'll be

able to use Blink from the Arcanist vocation, and well, maybe four if I

take into account the Tactician too, that I'll probably have by then.}

At ML55, I'll acquire some of my stronger spells right now, including

Rage of the Sky from the Sorcerer, Blink from the Arcanist, and Wrath of

Nature from the Druid. Also, whatever skill I may have with the


"Mm… The thing is. What can I do right now to haste my power

increase?" I rubbed my chin while thinking.

I pondered for a bit until something finally came to my mind.

"Right! How could I forget! There's a freaking basilisk living in this place.

There's no way I won't get a lot of points from that thing. And what's

more. Maybe I can tame it!" I muttered to myself, before asking the

System if it was possible.

[No. It isn't.]

"But then how I'll be able to have a familiar? I thought that by

summoning some creature, but you denied it. And I've had Muninn for a

while now, and still, he doesn't appear as a familiar. That leaves taming.

But you're telling me I can't tame the basilisk, so?"

[Think about it for a moment. You're talking about taming a basilisk. Not

any basilisk you found in the woods or that you hatched from an egg.

You're talking about Slytherin's basilisk.]

"Oh, right…"

[And that's not all. You forgot a small but really important detail. You're

not a parselmouth, and the basilisk can literally kill you with its eyes. Not

even taking into account the fatal venom to which you have no antidote.

Anything else?]

"No. Thanks, I already understood it."

[Oh, and if you thought about summoning a serpent to control it through

parseltongue, forget it. Maybe if you were the one to hatch the egg, but

not the thing that's sleeping under the castle.]

"*tch.* Fine! That leaves me killing that thing. I'll go see what I found

about it." I rolled my eyes while walking out of my room.

Today, my friends aren't in the common room, so I guess they're either in

their rooms, in the Great Hall, or the library, maybe somewhere else. I

thought about going to the library at first, but that would imply that I

have to look for the books myself, but then I remembered that I could

simply go to the RoR and ask for any book that had information on the

Basilisk, which would make things easier.

With that thought in mind, I quickly made my way to the Room of

Requirements, where I asked for books with information about the


Once inside, I found some books, not as many as I thought, but still more

than a few. Starting to read through them, I found history about the

basilisks, Herpo the Foul, Dark Wizards and Witches that hatched

basilisk, and a few more interesting facts about that giant snake.

Reading through a few of those books, I found something a way to easily

kill it. Two in fact, but it was better to use one of them.

"So… Do I just need to summon a rooster? That's easier. And here I was,

thinking about how the hell takes its eyes off. I just have to summon

some freaking chicken and that's it!"

[Didn't watch the movie?]

"Dude. Would you believe it if someone told you that one of the most

dangerous monsters in existence can be killed by some rooster's crow?

That's insane. And yes. I remember they said it was fatal for it, but… I

just thought it was something like the thing would run away like a little

worm from it, not having a seizure or some stroke."

[Well, they do run away from it.]

"Oh well, that leaves me just two things to do." I nodded. "One. I go in

there with the help of a summoned snake, and two, summon roosters to

kill the thing."

[Don't forget to go blindfolded.]

"That's what worries me. What if that thing is somewhere in there and

because I'm going blind, I don't see it? That would be stupid."



[Nothing. You just never stop amazing me.]

"I'll let go of the slight sarcasm in that message. Either way. I'll guess I'll

just summon a creature to go in first and check every corner. If it dies, I'll

know that thing is around."

[You tried hard on that one.]

"Shut up. Utevo Res Rooster" I incanted, and right in front of me, what is

probably the biggest rooster appears.


It was a meter-tall rooster, it was almost like having a freaking child-

sized bird.

"If this is a rooster. I already want to see the freaking snake I'll be able to

summon." I smirked to myself. "Okay, look. I need you to close your eyes

and keep them closed until I say you can open them. Understood?"

"Coo." The rooster nodded and closed its eyes.

"Perfect. That way you won't die before the freaking basilisk is dead."

"Coo…" The rooster nodded again, before tilting its head.

"Now. To be sure. Sing."


"Perfect. This is an easy mission! How the hell did I forget about that

thing." I rubbed my chin.

[You're not exactly the smartest guy in here. If it wasn't for your innate

curiosity, your unique abilities, and the fact that you have a slight

knowledge about this world, I wouldn't even know how the hell you

would be sorted into Ravenclaw.]

"Thanks for your support. I appreciate it." I rolled my eyes. "Now, I just

have to find the goddamn bathroom. I'll guess I just have to look for

Myrtle. If I remember correctly, it should be the second floor's lavatory, if

not, I'll just have to ask."

[Are you going right now?]

"Are you insane? In the middle of the day? What if someone sees me?"

[Yeah, because that has stopped you so many times before.]

"This is different. I'll be summoning a freaking snake inside the castle,

and from experience, I'm not expecting anything small."


"Oh well, I'll just go to see what the guys are doing. I'm not really in the

mood to practice anything."


After walking out of the RoR and checking no one saw me, I used my find

person spell to look for William, after all, the chances of him being with

Rogers were quite high.

The spell led me towards the library, where I actually found both

William, Roger, and Lyra, but they weren't the only ones in there.

"Hello, Logan!" Tulip, who was there too, greeted me.

"Oh, hello Tulip. Guys. How are you all?"

"I'm fine, I thought you were hiding in your room." William answered


"Yeah, man. We didn't see you in the common room." Roger also nodded.

"Where were you?" Lyra tilted her head. "I didn't find you in the Great

Hall either, and when I got here, I only found William and the idiot."

"Hey! I heard that!"

"Of course, you did." Lyra rolled her eyes at Roger.

"Haha, I was just talking to Professor Dumbledore, I had something to

ask, then went to my room." I shrugged.

"Oh, what did you talk about-" Lyra tried to speak but was interrupted.

"Hey, Logan. Do you have a moment?" Tulip asked with a smile, making

Lyra frown.

"Mm? I guess I have, why?" I answered. {Why do I have the feeling that it

has something to do with those three?} I thought to myself after


"Great! Follow me then!" She said with a smile.

"Sure." I shrugged and then turned to the others. "Wait for me here guys,

I'll come back."

"Hump!" Lyra crossed her arms and averted her eyes.

"Sure, I still have some homework to do." William said while giving an

awkward glance at Lyra.

"Take your time, Logan!" Roger said with a smirk, before whispering to

don't let Tulip hear. "You already have her crazy for you."

After walking out of the library, Tulip started to speak.

"So, well, I have some friends that want to talk to you. I was looking for

you around the castle, seeing that you weren't in the common room.

Gladly I found you soon." She smiled.

"Yeah, I was quite busy." I shrugged.

"Doing what? You're just in first-year. It's not like you have a lot of things

to do." She smirked.

"You would be surprised, actually." I rolled my eyes. "So, who are these

friends you talked about?"

"Oh, right! My friends! Well, do you remember this guy that I talked

about? The one that actually solved the curses in the castle the previous


"Mm? Yeah, why?"

"He's the one that asked me to look for you. He told me he has something

to talk to you about."

"Really?" I lifted my eyebrow. "Do you know what he wants to talk


"Not really." She shrugged. "He didn't tell me when I asked, still, he's not

a bad guy, so don't worry. His name is Andrew Nolan, by the way."

"Noted." I nodded.

"Well, here we are!" She said while pointing to the classroom of DADA.

"Defense against the Dark Arts classroom? Why here?"

"Well, we actually use this room a lot, whenever it is empty. Some days

we even have classes with a friend of ours that was a student the year

before, Bill Weasley. I think he has brothers in your year."

"Really? Haven't heard about the guy. Either way, should I just go in?"

"Yes, come on." She smiled while opening the door.

In there, I could actually see four students. Rowan Khanna, Merula

Snyde, Ben Copper, and Andrew Nolan. They were talking about

something before they noticed us.

"Oh, hi Tulip!" Andrew and Rowan stood up to greet her, while Merula

only frowned at me, the same as Ben.

"Hey, Andrew! Here I brought him. Logan D. Taylor."

"Logan D. Taylor? What's that? It sounds funny." Merula smirked at me.

"Mm? You think so? I quite like it." Tulip said while rubbing her chin.

"See. That's having a great taste in names. Merula."

"If you say so." She rolled her eyes.

"Do you know her?" Tulip asked me with a confused face.

"Oh well, let's say we're acquaintances." I shrugged. "We met shortly this


"Really?" Tulip asked Merula.

Merula only snorted while averting her eyes.

"Come on, guys. Be calm." Andrew intervened. "Thanks for bringing him,

Tulip. But, well, I would like it if you could leave for a moment."

"Um…" She looked a little reluctant, glancing at my side.

"It's okay, don't feel forced to stay here because of me." I shrugged.

"Okay. I'll be waiting in the library then." She nodded and went out after

saying goodbye to the others.

"So, what was it that you three, or well, four want to talk to me about?" I

sat on one of the chairs while looking at them. "Also, I'll take a guess and

say that you already told her. Right?"

"She was there last night…" Andrew started to speak, but was quickly


"Yes. I also w-wanted to t-thank you for saving me back there in the

Forbidden Forest."

"…" I nodded at her. "Sure, it was no problem, really. Also, does anyone

here knows how to conjure an anti-hearing charm?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can." Andrew nodded, and understanding what I meant, he

started to conjure some charms, locking the door, making it impossible to

hear from the outside, and a few more. "Done."

"Nice. I'll add those to my least of spells to learn." I looked at the door,

thinking about the number of charms that I could be practicing to

increase my ML and that would also be handy.

"Well, turning back to the main topic." Andrew spoke.

"Which we haven't talked about." I nodded at him.

"Argh. Can you just stop interrupting?" Merula said.

"Sure, go ahead." I shrugged.

"Well, as I was about to say, we thought about what happened last night."

Andrew said seriously. "And as you said to Dumbledore… If it wasn't for

you, one of us would be dead, probably everyone would be dead…"

"…" I just looked at him, not sure about what he was talking about.

"Also, we discovered that there was no way for us to actually fight R…

It's not only Rakepick but R. An entire secret organization, which we

know basically nothing."

"Okay…" I frowned, knowing less and less about what he was talking


"So…" Andrew said, pausing for a moment, but before he could speak,

Ben stood up.

"We thought, well, I thought I was ready to fight her and whatever Dark

Witch and Wizard stood in front of me…" He said before looking down.

"But that almost cost me my life. You were right. I shouldn't pick up

fights with Dark Wizards if I'm not strong enough."

"Okay, at this point I should say that I'm not understanding anything." I

tilted my head.

"Argh! These guys." Merula then walked to the front. "We want to create

our own secret organization and train enough so we can be prepared to

face R whenever they appear!"

"Okay. That's easier to understand." I nodded. "But I still don't know what

the hell do I have to do with any of this."

"Y-You… You're strong, right!?" Merula said, stuttering at first. "You

defeated Rakepick easily, something we couldn't do anything about."

"Well, stop right there." I put my hand up. "I might have defeated her, but

it was mostly a surprise attack, and most of it was out of anger. The fight

would be harder if she knew I was coming."

"But still! You won." Ben said.

"*sigh…* Right." I rolled my eyes. "But that doesn't explain why I'm


"We…" Rowan spoke. "We want you to train us. To help us become


"Oh…" I nodded. "No. Thank you." I shook my head.

"Why!?" Merula asked.

"I won't be training anyone. I have a lot of things to do myself. And that

doesn't include training four guys that wanted to play the secret

organization." I furrowed my brows.

"But!" Ben tried to intervene, but I stopped him with my hand.

"No. I really don't want to do that. *sigh…* Look, I know you want to

become stronger. But that's not something that you will be able to do

with me. You would be better sparring among yourselves, learning new

spells, and testing new ways to use them. I won't of any help."

"You know how to fight." Andrew said. "You can teach us a thing or two."

"No. Look, whatever you're thinking about doing, I don't want to-" I was

about to deny them and leave the place, but a message appeared in front

of me.

[A new quest has been generated! Access your quest interface!]

"Wait a moment." I made a thinking face, rubbing my chin, while I

accessed my quest's interface.


New quests!

- A new organization shall be born! Help the students of Hogwarts build a

new organization so they can defend themselves and the castle against

'R'. (Chain Quest. You can reject the quest.)]

{Chain quest? That's new. System, what's that?}

[To make it short. As its name implies, a chain quest is a special type of

quest that constantly generates new quests depending on the situation.

It's a long type of quest that can also link to another Chain Quest, or have

multiple hidden quests apart from the normal quests.]

{A jackpot, then?}

[A jackpot.]

"So…" I nodded at them. "Let me see if I understand this. You want to

create a secret organization. And want me to teach you how to fight?" I

sounded as uninterested as I could.

"We already told you!" Merula growled at me.

"Merula, calm down." Andrew awkwardly smiled at his friend's temper,

before looking at me. "Yes, kind of. We're still planning what we want to

do, but for now, we just want to be stronger, and we could use your help

for that."

"It would be only you four?" I lifted my eyebrow.

"No. We're planning to invite some other students. But don't worry. We

won't reveal your secret to anyone."

"Mm? About me killing Rakepick?"

"Yes." Andrew nodded.

"Okay. I'll accept." I said sternly. "But with one condition."

"What condition?" Ben asked.

"I will teach you how to fight. But not charms or curses. I don't know that

many actually." I shrugged. "Though, if I can I'll see if I can actually teach

you a thing or two."

"Then, I guess you're in?" Andrew smiled.


[Congratulations! You've accepted the Chain Quest 'A new organization

shall be born!', from now on, new quests will be generated under this

Chain Quest, remember to always look for possible hidden quests and

other linked quests!]

{Jackpot indeed.} I thought while looking at the new message that just


"Perfect!" Rowan said.

"Now we'll be ready for when R decides to attack." Ben also nodded while

clenching his fist.

"So, we're five co-founders?" Andrew smiled.

"Don't count me in as a founder. At most as a founding member. But not a

founder. I'll just be teaching you how to fight." I shrugged.

"Don't be shy." Merula smirked. "You're a founding member."

"Whatever. I'll leave. Look for me whenever you have sorted things out." I

said before leaving the place.

On my way to the library, I started to think about what was going to


{Okay, this changes things a little bit. First, I'll take care of the basilisk

tonight. Then, I'll have to see what I can get from that Chain Quest,

probably I'll get points from training them, but I wonder if teaching them

new spells will help me win more points.}

I rubbed my chin while thinking about it. While I'll not be able to teach

them spells from my vocations, not yet at least, I'll be able to teach them

charms and how to master them.

{Meaning. I'll also have to work on the number of charms I know. That

way, I'll be able to teach them more, and win more points from that.

Okay. I'll start to learn new charms and curses tomorrow, I know I said I

wouldn't teach them those things, but points are points.}

With that thought, I went back to the library, where I would talk a little

with my friends before the night arrives.

"Tonight. The myth of the monster in the Chamber of Secrets will become

just that, a myth." I smiled to myself while muttering.

[Such a lame joke.]

CHAPTER 36 – The Chamber of


It was currently late at night, 12:00 PM, everyone was already sleeping.

Except for the prefects and the teachers that were currently patrolling the

castle, and for one particular student that was slowly and invisibly

walking towards the second-floor girl's lavatory.

{Huh, this was easier to find. I'm glad that these things are easier to

find.} I thought while going inside Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom.

Looking around I couldn't find anyone, not even the famous ghost was


{With how famous she is on this floor I would think that she would haunt

this place all day and night. Oh well, that she has her own after-life's fun

sure makes things easier for me.} I thought while closing the door to the


I started searching for the entrance, that from what I remember should be

some circular-shaped sink that is close to the toilets.

"Found you." I muttered to myself while looking at the thing. It was

slightly different from what I remember, mostly, it was slightly darker in

color, but again, that could also be because of the lack of light.

Still, it was quite easy to find, it did have some magic on it, even if small,

so it was easy to find thanks to my eyes. I could even locate the place

where I would have to speak parseltongue.

{Time to start.}

"Utevo Res Snake" I summoned the first animal that I would need. A


Once the magic power went out of my body, it started forming a long,

limbless creature. And it was long. Probably more than ten meters long,

probably more than fifteen.

"And you're not even a python…" I muttered while looking at the giant,

shiny-green-colored snake that had red eyes and a pair of really long


The snake looked back at me, raising its upper body, which raised far

higher than me. Its tongue slithered out of its mouth every few seconds.

"Um… Okay." I looked at it.

At this point, I'm somehow accustomed to the massive difference between

the normal animals and my summoned animals, also, I've lost the fear of

them thanks to summoning an actual talking monster, and one of the

most dangerous and erratic ones. {After all, if a crazy Forest Fury didn't

do anything to me, an animal won't either.}

"So…" I looked at the giant snake, before pointing at the sink with the

snake pattern. "Tell this thing to open."

Honestly, I had no idea if this would work, I'm sure that with it being a

snake, it would be able to speak parseltongue, but still, in my mind, it

was something quite weird to order a not-so-normal-but-still-not-magical

snake to open the Chamber of Secrets.

But, against my own disbelief, the snake turned towards the sink and

started to hiss at it.


After a couple of seconds of the snake hissing at it, the sink started to

move. And a few seconds later, instead of a sink, there was now a quite

big entrance to a pipe.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've found and

opened the Entrance to the Chamber of Secrets! The best-hidden place in

Hogwarts, not known to those that are not descendants of Salazar

Slytherin! Be warned, though, as ahead of this path lays one of the

darkest secrets of this castle, one that may lead to your own dead.]

[500pts have been earned]

"Great. This is a good start. 500 points only for the entrance? This is

amazing." I smirked while looking at the message, before turning back to

the now opened entrance.

"So, this is the entrance huh…" I muttered while rubbing my chin. "Well.

Let's go down." I shrugged while looking at the snake, after which, it

started to slither down the pipe.

Not wanting to be left behind just to not lose control of it, I jumped on its

bag, grabbing as hard as I could from it, something that was basically

impossible if it wasn't for the snake raising its head a little bit so I could

barely hold on it.

{Thankfully this snake isn't insanely wide, or I wouldn't be able to hold

on to it…} I thought while the snake made its way down.

Of course, all the way down I had my eyes closed, just in case. From

what I remember the basilisk should be sleeping right now, but I better

not take any chance.

After a little while, we finally got down a cave passage, which should be

really deep underground, probably under the black lake.

"Well, do you feel anything around us?" I ask the snake, to which it shook

its head. "Great, let's go. You go on the front." I said, to which the snake

nodded and went forwards, I following close behind.

At that point, I had a small idea, activating my eyes while looking

around. Right now, I couldn't see any trace of magic in the passage we

were going through, which means this was a normal cave, even if it was

a wizard-made passage, there wasn't any magic remaining.

"System. I have a question, are my Arcane Eyes able to stop the killing

eyes of the basilisk?"

[No. While you have slight protection against some types of illusory

magic, and even mind protection thanks to your Occlumency and Mind

Protection, the eyes of the basilisk will kill you almost instantly, you

would probably be only to withstand one look at them, losing your magic

shield in the process, and dying the next instant.]

"So that thing is indeed really powerful, huh."

[Take its eyes out, and its danger goes down a lot, only having to worry

about physical strikes and its venom.]

"Can my Cure Poison spell do something about it?"

[Right now, it can. But that's only because you have both the Sorcerer

and Druid, which makes the spell stronger than before.]

"That explains why you didn't say anything about its venom before."


"Okay, that's one thing less for me to worry about." I nodded, following

the snake through the long corridor. At least until I made it to a wall with

two carved snakes intertwining. "Okay. Right behind this thing should be

the real chamber. Utevo Res Rooster."

Once I incantated, a meter-tall rooster appeared close to me. It was about

to crow when I stopped it.

"Wait. Not now. I need you to keep quiet for the moments." I said to the


After that I looked at the wall, readying myself.

"One wrong move. And I'm dead." I muttered, before turning to look at

the snake and pointing to the wall. "Tell the wall to open." The snake

nodded and turned to the wall, while I hid behind some rocks.


Once again, at his hissing, the stone wall with the two snakes started to

move, and soon after, a small corridor appeared.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've found the

Chamber of Secrets! The legacy of Salazar Slytherin to his descendants,

who were destined to come back to this castle after his death. Be careful

from now on, or you'll have to face one of the legends of this castle, the

deadly monster that sleeps under Hogwarts.]

[750pts have been earned]

"Jackpot. I'll have to see what else I can find in this castle, maybe there're

other places like this?" I muttered to myself.

Still having the connection with both animals, I made the snake go in

front, a little bit further from us.

At the same time, I grabbed the rooster and ordered it to close its eyes.

Lifting it in my arms, I started walking behind the snake, taking cover at

every corner.

After a while of us walking through the pipes, we made it to the actual

Chamber of Secrets.

It was a long, wide great hall that extended through an inundated

chamber. Columns were placed all around the straight passage, which led

to a submerged statue of Salazar Slytherin, that only had the head and

part of the shoulders showing.

I had my eyes closed until a little bit of time passed; when nothing

happened to the snake, I went out to the main hall, going down the

stairs. I turned to ask the snake.

"Do you see anything hiding?" I asked the snake, as I assumed it could

detect heat, to which it shook its head. "Well, that's safe." I started

walking towards the end of the hall, where the head of Salazar Slytherin

was showing.

{That should be the head from where the basilisks go out.} I thought

while looking at it. I then turned towards the water that was at the side

of the main path.

Rubbing my chin, I looked down at it, noticing that it wasn't that deep,

and so, I could probably stand there, covered by the columns.

"Okay. This is the plan. You, go close to that statue's head." I told the

snake while pointing to the statue of Salazar Slytherin. "You, don't open

your eyes," I said to the rooster.

With that, I quickly went towards one of the columns, the second one

closer to the statue's head. Giving me enough distance for the Basilisk to

not get here in time.

{Okay, wake up the snake that's sleeping inside the statue's head. But

keep your eyes closed.} I thought to myself while whispering to the

rooster. "You too. Keep your eyes closed, and when I tell you, you crow

with all your strength."

"Hiss~ Hiss~ Hiss~" The snake constantly hissed at the statue's head,

and after some seconds without anything happening, just when I thought

nothing would happen, I heard the sound of stone moving.

{It's coming out.} I thought to myself. And after the stone, another

hissing came, this one deeper, more lethargic, and right then, the sound

of water splashing. The basilisk was already down of the statue.

"HISS~" A strong hiss came from my spider. The basilisk engaged it.

{Don't open your eyes. Try to bite it.} I ordered the snake, even from

here, I could hear the sound of the battle, large bodies hitting between

themselves, falling on the ground, trying hard to bite each other.

"Okay, it's time." With the Basilisk focused on the snake, I held the

rooster high, feeling as if it was Simba. "Crow loud!"

"COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" The rooster started to crow.

After the crow of the rooster, I then heard the scream from the basilisk, it

was a monstrous scream that gave me the chills for some reason.

Following its scream, the sound of the floor shaking and being hit

constantly could be heard.

It was then that a thought came to my mind. The basilisk was having a

seizure, it was constantly hitting the ground, but I couldn't look at it, one

bad move and I would die.

{Don't let it move from there! Entangle it!} I commanded the snake,

while at the same time, I took the chance and incanted.

"Exura Gran Res Sio Snake" I incanted one of my Summoner spells, which

greatly healed the targeted summoned creature. I felt my magic going out

towards the snake, while the link between us strengthened once again, as

it was faltering from the injuries that the basilisk has been inflicting on

the practically blind snake.

{Attack its head if you can! Just don't open your eyes!} I commanded the

snake, and even from where I was, I could hear the attacking hisses of my

snake trying to penetrate the hard skin of the basilisk, which wasn't

something that I thought would be possible, but I still wouldn't dare to

try to look at the beast, I don't want to die now that I had it cornered.

"Crow harder, as hard as you can! Utori Mas Res Sio, Utito Res Sio

Snake." I incanted. The first spell is one that magically enchanted both

creatures, while the latter one was to physically strengthen the snake.

"COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" The rooster crowed

and crowed, again and again, inflicting more and more fatal damage to

the basilisk.

At the same time, I could hear the snake attacking the basilisk, again and

again. But this time, the sounds I heard were different, as it seems this

time, the snake could bite through the basilisk skin.

{Only the fangs are venomous, I don't think that the snake would be

damaged by biting the dying basilisk.}

After a few moments, I could hear what could perfectly be the death

scream of the basilisk, followed by a loud thud, meaning that it just fell

on the ground. The sudden noise making me open my eyes, quickly

turning to somewhere I was sure would not find the basilisk's eyes.

But before I could even close my eyes again to go to where the thing was

dead, I glanced at a message from the system.

[You've killed a basilisk, 500pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You've killed your basilisk 750pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've killed Salazar

Slytherin's Basilisk.]

[1000pts have been earned]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden main story quest! You've

partially destroyed one of Tom Marvolo Riddle's plans, deviating the

original world's future. You've taken your first step to becoming a

destroyer of destiny.]

[3000pts have been earned]

[Your ML has increased by 1]

[Your ML has increased by 1]

[A new quest has been generated! Access your quest interface!]

"COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" Once again, the rooster crowed, but I didn't

pay any attention to it. I just couldn't.

"Holy fuck… Is this a freaking dream…? This is more than a jackpot…

This… This is a freaking treasure-filled cave!" I shouted while looking at

the message in front of me.


"Okay, stop it. It's done. Thanks." I muttered to the rooster, who took my

attention from the message, silencing him. "*sigh…* Now, let me check

the new quest."


New quests!

- Fuck you, J.K.! You took your first step to become a destroyer of

destiny! You don't allow the original story to rule your life, and as such,

you make your own way; taking whatever you want, without fear of the

changing future. Now, go! And do as you please, don't ever fear what

you'll change in your path to greatness! (Main Chain Quest.)

Active quests!

- A new organization shall be born! Help the students of Hogwarts build a

new organization so they can defend themselves and the castle against

'R'. (Chain Quest. Accepted.)]

"Another Chain Quest… But this one is a main…? System, is the

difference from the other type that this one is connected to the original


[Exactly. This time, this Chain Quest has a direct relation with the

original story of Harry Potter. This means, 'Fuck you, J.K.!' will generate

missions that are directly related to the original story, the one from the

first seven books, and as you surely noticed, it's more related to destroy

the canon, than to just follow the original path.]

"So, let's say that I kill Pettigrew. That would become something like a

Main Hidden Quest connected to this Main Chain Quest?"

[Precisely, though it could also become a quest generated from the chain

quest if you wait to the moment Pettigrew makes its appearance.]

"Mm… That makes sense."

After nodding, I slowly made my way to the path, jumping upon it,

leaving the rooster on the floor, and slowly walking towards where I

remembered the sound of the battle.

"Stay where you are, still with your eyes closed." I commanded the snake,

which I could feel close.

Walking forwards, I held my hand in front, feeling the space in front of

me so I could make my way to the basilisk.

{If medusa could petrify things with her head chopped off, I don't want

to test the basilisk version.} I thought to myself while walking until I

could feel a cold, reptilian skin, which felt quite weird.

Although I held to my snake while coming here, there was no comparison

between them, the skin of the basilisk isn't the same, it's rougher, it feels

harder to the touch, reminding me of what a dragon's scale is said to feel

like to the touch.

I started to move following the body of the basilisk as a guide until I got

to its head. What was funny is, that I found a feather, close to its horns,

but I ignored them for the moment and followed the head towards its


From what I could feel, the giant snake fell over its chin, as I felt its

horns and the feather on top of its head, and one of the eyes in the side.

"No hard feelings, dude." I muttered, activating a small Arcane Blade,

puncturing through its eye, moving the blade in a way that would allow

me to destroy the eye completely.

At this moment, I finally opened my eyes. And I could see this big and

threatening snake, with a dark and pale green-colored skin, which made

it look like some kind of greyish green.

It was slightly bigger than my snake, which was standing close to it with

eyes closed, the same as my rooster that also had its eyes closed.

On top of its head, I saw this long, scarlet feather, along with three horns

that decorated its head like some kind of crown, at this point, I looked at

where the eye was, and it seems like I did a great job, as its eye was

completely gone, replaced by a bloody hole. Below the eyes, a row of big

fangs decorated its mouth, with this particular long fang taking the


"I guess this is some kind of treasure trove. The fangs can be used to

destroy Horcruxes. And if I don't remember wrong, the horns can be used

as a wand core. Though, does the creature has to be alive for that? Either

way, I'll just take everything I can from this thing."

This led me to a question.

"System. Can I use its other eye for something? Like I don't know, does it

have some kind of use?"



[Unless you want to die trying some nasty ritual with its eye, or become

something like Voldemort, there's nothing to do with it.]

"Understood." I nodded, and once again I closed my eyes. Following the

head, I got to the other side of it, and just like before, searched for the

other eye, once I found it, I used the Arcane Blade to destroy it.

"Guess this is all." I said, before dispelling the rooster and the snake.

While I thought about leaving the snake to go back through the tunnel, it

was poisoned. The basilisk's venom was still in its body, and while it was

quite strong, it was slowly killing it, so it wouldn't be able to survive until

we made it back.

"I guess I'll have to summon something else to go up the place, or maybe

just fly through it. If it doesn't take that much mana." I shrugged, turning

once again to the basilisk.

Looking at it, I got closer to the feather and pulled it out.

"Mm… I guess I can start looting this creature. And now that I think

about it… This will be the first one I loot since coming here." I rubbed

my chin while looking at the feather, before putting it inside the


I then looked at the entire body of the basilisk.

"Well, it may be impossible for me to put it all inside the inventory, but I

at least can take out its fangs, the horns, and its scales." With that mutter,

I took out the expansion bag I found back in the Room of Hidden Things

and started my looting process.

CHAPTER 37 – First original

attack spell

Looting the basilisk was harder than I thought. Not only I had zero

experience with it, but I didn't even have any tool to do it.

At first, I thought about using my Arcane Blade, but as much as the idea

seemed to work in my mind, without the technique to actually remove

the parts, it would be a messy disaster.

"Mm… What can I do here…?" I pondered to myself before something

came to mind. "Of course! Utevo Res Hunter."

At my incantation, the magic power seeped out of my body to form

another human-like figure, which slowly turned into a human wearing a

green vest, that looked a lot like the hunter's normal outfit, including

brown leather boots, green pants with a dark-brown short skirt that

reached above his knees, on top he had a green simple shirt with a dark

brown cape that covered most of his upper body, with a green color

decorating the border of the cape.

He had black hair, and really dark brown eyes, that almost looked like

black. Was fairly tall, probably above 1,80 meters.

"I greet my master." The hunter bowed to me and spoke in a deep voice.

"My name is Aerius. How can I serve you?"

"Hi, Aerius." I quickly greeted him. "Um, the thing is. I just killed this

thing, and I wanted your help dismantling it, I don't have any knowledge

about dismantling a corpse, so I thought that a hunter like yourself would


"…" Aerius looked at me for a moment before nodding. "Indeed, I'm quite

an expert when it comes to dismantling monsters and animals, after all,

I've been leaving in the forest for a while."

He then turned to look at the basilisk, rubbing his chin, before he turned

to look at me with an apologetic smile.

"But, even then, I'm sorry master. First, I don't know this creature, I'm

quite surprised that there's a snake this big… If it wasn't for its color or

the missing legs, I would have thought it was a wyrm." He said, before

sighing. "Also, even if I knew, I don't have my dismantling knife or my

bow, so there's no way for me to actually help you. I'm sorry."

He quickly apologized with a bow, but I stopped him.

"You don't have to bow, really, it's okay. But what do you mean that you

don't have your bow? You're a hunter, that's your main weapon, right?"

"Indeed, it is." He awkwardly smiled. "But I simply don't have one with

me. When you called me, I came here without one, I don't know why."

"…" I was just there with my mouth open.

{Wait, doesn't this mean that even if I summon something that uses

weapons, the weapons don't come with the summon!? System, why!?}

[I'm sorry to inform our dear customer that weapons aren't included in

the initial purchase. You may want to access the store to buy the

additional items you're looking for. We actually have quite a good

promotion going on, and with the purchase of a bow, you get 20 arrows

completely free!]

{What!? DLC!? But I didn't pay for the summon! And even if that were

the case, you could at least let me pay with mana!} I retorted inside my

mind before a quick thought alerted me more. {Wait…}

[Weapons / 7130pts

- Swords

- Maces

- Staffs

- Daggers]

{There are not bows inside the store either!}


I just let out a big sigh, before looking at Aerius.

"Say, if I had a way to cut the monster, you could guide me through the


"…" He pondered for a second before nodding. "Well, it shouldn't be that

complicated, while the technique and experience are important, we could

just go slow."


"You don't have to thank me, master." He shook his head.

"And you don't have to call me master. Logan is fine." I told him.

After that, and with Aerius' help, I could work through the corpse of the

basilisk, starting with the fangs, the horns, and then slowly working

through its skin.

It was, in all honesty, quite a hard thing to do. Thankfully, Arcane Blade

was quite sharp, and I could modify its size to make it easier for me to

work through the most complicated parts.

But even then, the hold I had over the blade made things hard for me to

make a precise cut, which made the job not only harder, but messier, and

I ended up damaged some parts.

Hours passed, and seeing as I wasn't finished, I decided to stop for the

moment, put everything I collected inside the magic pouch, and went out

of the place, not before dispelling Aerius, which led me to a question to

the system.

"Hey, I've wanted to ask something since I summoned Elaine." I started to

speak while walking towards the entrance. "Next time I summon either a

hunter or a forest fury, will a summon Aerius and Elaine? Or completely

new monsters?"

[That's a tricky question. The answer is, both are correct.]


[Until now, you've been constantly summoning animals, and while they

do have a "personality", you don't perceive that as such. You even call

them for their species. Wolf, snake, rooster. But that isn't the same with

Elaine and Aerius. For you, they are "individuals".]

"You're telling me that, since I recognized them as Elaine and Aerius, I've

marked them as the predilected summons for hunter and forest fury?"

[Smart. Precisely that. Haven't you wondered why your summoner

vocation has a naming spell? Which is the first one you learn, actually.]

"It's for naming my summons so I can mark them for future summons…"

[Exactly. It normally isn't necessary for an intelligent humanoid such as

the hunter or the forest fury. But things change when you summon an

animal or a monster without a name for itself.]

"I should have tested that before… I admit that I didn't give it enough

thought not tried to know why I had such a spell before." I nodded while

walking, finally making it to the entrance pipe. "Well, it's never late to

learn. Utevo Res Giant Spider."

At my words, an enormous snake appeared, it was easily twice the size of

Aragog, with eight long legs, and eight terrifying green eyes that gave me

the chills.

Its abdomen was of a dark brown color, with four red stripes, two on the

upper left side, and two on the upper right side of the abdomen. Its head

was more of a normal brown, while its legs were a mix of dark orange,

almost red, with bright yellow on the joints, with two pedipalps of the

same color.

Of course, one of its scarier parts was its two enormous fangs, that would

surely contain a strong venom.

{Why did I summon a spider?} I thought for a moment in regret, before

sighing. It doesn't matter, it wasn't aggressive against me, and it could

take me out of this place.

"Okay, before of that. Let's test something quick." I said, before thinking

for a moment. "Got it, I have a name for you."

With a smirk, I reached my hand to touch the giant spider, which came

closer to me and rested its enormous head on my hand, but I had to stop.

"Huh? Um… System? Can I ask your help with something?"

[Sure, I don't promise I can help, though.]

"Is it a female or a male spider?"


The system didn't answer for a moment.

[A male.]

"Thanks, dude. I have no idea how to recognize a spider."

With that said, I focused on the spider, and after a little bit, I had a new

name for it.

"Uteta Res Sio Giant Spider Widowmaker." A small bit of Magic Power

surged from me and into the spider, as I could feel something different

from it as if it was happier.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've named your

first monster! As a Summoner, it's important to build your relationship

with your creatures, and a name is the first step. Take heed, that while

they can't grow, they at least become better listeners when a name is


[100pts have been earned]

"Nice. Even now I get more points!" With an excited shout, I jumped over

the spider and held strongly onto him.

Thankfully, the connection between the head and the abdomen was

slightly comfier than I thought, at least better than riding a snake.

"Okay, Widowmaker! Let's go up!" At my words, Widowmaker let out a

screech and started to climb up the pipe, all the way up towards the

entrance, where I once again summoned a snake to close it.

For the moments, I didn't give the snake a name, since I didn't want to

think about one, and I was pretty much restless, wanting to sleep as soon

as possible.

So, with that in mind, I dispelled Widowmaker and activated my

invisibility spell, ready to go all the way back to my room.

Tomorrow, I'll have to go back to the Chamber of Secrets to finish my

task of looting the basilisk, while I'll also take the chance to use the time-

turner to go to the RoR and learn as many charms as I could.


Sunday was quite a busy day for me, not only did I go back to the

Chamber of Secrets to finish looting the basilisk, but I also started

helping on the infirmary, but there weren't that many cases as it was

Sunday. I did spoke with Lobosca for a while and studied some charms

and curses while she wasn't there and I had nothing to do.

At the end of the day, I used the Time-Turner and went back to that

morning to make use of the Room of Requirements, training in a few easy

spells to increase my power, and see if there was something I could teach

those guys when the training started.

But well, considering they were all in their 6th year, it would be quite

hard to master something that they don't know. That said, there're a lot

of spells, so who knows, maybe there are some that I could teach.

One thing I did consider, was the Expecto Patronum, but I still haven't

mastered it, as my Patronus still doesn't have a corporeal form.

In other news, I did have an idea. Teach them an original spell. But alas, I

had no original spell apart from the dispelling of a summon, and my try

at the use of floating runes, but that was still in the making.

So, I started to do what seemed logical at the moment, create a spell. But

what spell should I create? Thinking a bit about it, I did something basic

as a start.

Normally, all my strike spells have an elemental affinity. Which gave me

the idea to create one without an elemental affinity. After all, not only

would it be considered as an original spell that could give me more

experience to increase my ML, but it could become an easy spell that I

could try to teach those kids.

If my suspicions were correct, and I could at least teach them an original

spell, then it would net me a lot of points and maybe even increase my

ML quite a lot.

With that said, almost at the end of the day, I finally got results.

[Congratulations! You've created a new original spell! Please choose a


"Huh? A name? What could be a good name for it…?" I pondered for a

moment, before summoning another target from the RoR, and pointing

my hand at it.


From my hand a blast made out of pure Magic Power was shot, it quickly

reached the target and gave it quite a big impact.

{Mm… Maybe Mana Blast? Or what about Magic Impact? Or maybe

Magic Blast… No. Magic Impact, it doesn't have that much power to use

blast in the name.}

[Please choose a name.]

"I choose Magic Impact."

[Congratulations, Magic Impact has been registered under the original

spells in your spellbook.]

"Okay, that's quite the good surprise. And now, I have a base to work

with." I smiled to myself.

When creating this spell, I had to mostly focus on my intention, on what I

wanted to do, feeling up the magic in my body, and trying to form a

sphere out of it.

At first, creating the sphere wasn't exactly that difficult, but making it

move towards the target with enough speed was quite problematic.

I used the energy strike spell as a way to visualize the movement of the

magic power, and after some time, I finally managed to make the sphere

shot towards the target.

But again, a new problem was raised. It was precisely the fact that while

I did make the sphere as I intended to, it didn't have that much force

behind it.

And not exactly because of the speed, which could always increase, but

because it wasn't condensed enough to make the damage I looked for. It

was like trying to hit the target with a balloon. It just wasn't enough. I

needed it to be at least a soccer ball.

With this in mind, I worked and worked on the spell until I finally

managed to get the desired effect, in both power and speed.

"It's an easy spell, but at least it's a good practice for me to learn how to

create more offensive spells, and it's actually a good start."

Being simple is the key here. Thanks to it being simple, I could probably

work around a few charms and even other spells with more ease than

trying to use more overcomplicated spells. What's more. It's easier to

teach a simpler spell than to teach something more complicated.

"This is enough for today, I guess I better go back." Looking at the hour, it

was already time for me to go back to bed, so I went back to the dorms


CHAPTER 38 – Points, points


The next week everything went quite fast. I passed my time in classes

talking with the guys and even helping them with some charms and with

their homework.

I also went to work in the infirmary, I felt bad for a moment, as I became

happy every time someone injured came to the Hospital Wing, after all, it

meant free points for me.

With the help of the Time-Turner, I also continued practicing new charms

and curses. To the point that I managed to master some new charms, like

the severing charm Diffindo, the ticklish charm, Rictusempra the windy

charm Ventus, and the small healing charm Episkey.

My Patronus was slowly advancing, and while I still hadn't mastered it or

created a corporeal Patronus, it was getting easier and easier to use the

charm. In a few days, I'll probably get my corporeal Patronus, which is

actually making me feel quite excited to see what it is.

Another thing was that I managed to create two new spells, which were

basically an extension of my other offensive spell, which made it quite

easy for me to create them.

I named the first one Magic Blast, which was a stronger version of the

Magic Impact, the incantation was Exori Gran. Using the modifier Gran

in the spell, which basically increases the base spell's power, while

imagining the desired result, I slowly formed an improved version of my

Magic Impact.

The spell basically created a highly condensed sphere of magic power,

with the size of a soccer ball, which will travel at high speed and would

explode while making contact with any physical target, creating a small

explosion out of compressed magic power, like a shockwave.

For the second spell, I tried to make a few experiments. Namely, trying to

mix a simple charm with a simple spell.

Now, at first, I didn't even know how should I do it, but after pondering

for a little bit, I considered starting with Expelliarmus.

I had a vague idea of what I wanted it to become. But my problem was

mixing two different types of concepts, after all, if I wanted to work with

a mix of spells from the game, I needed the Magic Syllables.

Finally, I decided to deconstruct the disarming charm, having both

Expello and Arma, they both were Latin words, with quite a close

resemblance to the Magic Syllables used in the game.

Now, I just had to mix them accordingly.

First, using Exevo as a start, gave the spell an instant casting and the

ability to recreate multiple effects. After it, I added the word Expello,

which would be the desired effect, to expel.

Then, it was time to add the syllable Mas, which would make the spell

affect multiple targets in a designated area of effect, followed by the

word Arma, which would be the definite target of the spell.

Finally, I added the Syllable Hur, which went all the way to the end of

the spell incantation, it added an increased power to the spell, helping it

spread around and reach longer than before.

Of course, all of this wouldn't work at all if I didn't focus my will on

mixing them and creating my desired effect. In other words, I had the

structure of the spell, I just need to give it form.

For it, I took some inspiration in one of my Arcanist spells, Power Burst,

which basically created an explosion of arcane energy around me in case

the enemies surrounded me. With this said, my idea was to have the spell

disarm any enemy around me.

The first few attempts were hard, they didn't yield any result, but with

time, the spell took more and more form. The structure made by the

Magic Syllables made it easier for me to work with it.

And after my third day of working with it, I finally did it.

[Congratulations! You've created a new original spell! Please choose a


Of course, with all the time it took to finally create it, I had the chance to

think of a name. Though, it wasn't anything too grand.

[Congratulations, Disarmament has been registered under the original

spells in your spellbook.]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! Two powers have

finally become one. You've given the first step into true mastery of magic,

mixing magic from both worlds. Let this be the start of your creative


[500pts have been earned]

[Your ML has increased by 1.]

[Your ML has increased by 1.]

All of this left me with a huge number of points, which got me quite

happy, not even including the fact that I was even closer to reach ML 55.

"He… Hehe… Hehehehe~" I couldn't stop laughing like an idiot while

looking at my status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 54

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 10150pts



Inventory (Size limit: 930oz/26.37kg)]

It was Saturday morning, and I pretty much had nothing to do as I

already missed breakfast while laughing like an idiot, except, for one


"Time to get the last one." With a smile, I went to my vocation store and

immediately bought the last Tier 1 vocation, Tactician.

[Congratulations! You've successfully bought the vocation!]

[Congratulations! You're now a Tactician! Your magical resistance and

mana pool are slightly enhanced. New spells are available for you to use,

check your spellbook! New advanced vocations are available for you to


[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! A strong foundation

is needed for you to get to greater heights! Additionally, you succeeded

in not buying any advanced vocation until now, which in turn, opened

you a path full of possibilities!]

[1000pts have been earned]

"Okay! Full refunds!" I shouted while confirming the reward given by the

hidden quest.

Since the day I killed the basilisk, I've been receiving points constantly,

mostly from classes or when training. Mastering spells and creating new

ones also had a lot to do when earning new points.

At this point, the ever seemingly far first advanced vocation looked close

to me. Only less than 10000 points to go.

"Okay, first is. Checking the new advanced vocations." I muttered while

opening the vocation store once again.

While looking through the spells also seemed something interesting to do

for the moments, I decided that it would be better to check those while

training. For the moment, deciding on a path should come first.

[Vocation Store NEW! / 10155pts

- Druid (BOUGHT)

- Arcanist (BOUGHT)

- Summoner (BOUGHT)

- Tactician (BOUGHT)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- Arcane Battle Master (7500pts)

- Master Summoner (7500pts)

- Master Druid (7500pts)

- Logia (7500pts) NEW!

- Arcane Grand Sorcerer (20000pts)

- Fire and Lightning Elementalist (20000pts)

- Void Summoner (20000pts)

- Ice and Earth Elementalist (20000pts)

- Master of Elements (20000pts)

- Arcane Ancient Druid (20000pts)

- War Meister (20000pts) NEW!

- Commander (20000pts) NEW!

- Overlord (20000pts) NEW!

- High Shaman Inquisitor (20000pts) NEW!

- ???]

"Holy fuck, what's with these names?" I muttered while looking at the list

of new vocations. "Now, the hardest part. What I'm going to pick from all


After pondering for a bit, while remembering the vocations I knew about,

I decided to ask for the new ones to the system.

[War Meister is an advanced vocation that has high potency for war. The

reason being its spells, which are basically high-damage area of attack

spells, capable of breaking havoc amidst enemy lines, the vocation also

has self-buffing spells to increase further the damage of your attacks.]

[Commander, on the other hand, is somehow the opposite, leaving out

area of attack spells, and focusing on increasingly strong self-buffing and

buffing spells, which would let you go inside enemy lines. It's somewhat

similar to Arcane Battle Master, but with stronger buffing spells.]

[Overlord basically helps you increase the base number of summoning

creatures while adding more buffing spells to use on your creatures.]

{Mm… Somehow that one sounds weird to me. Shouldn't having more

creatures be a good option? Why does it tick me the wrong way?} I

thought for a moment before asking.

[While you would be able to summon more monsters, you would be

overly dependent on them, at least if only taking into account that

particular vocation. By itself, a Tactician doesn't have any strong

characteristics when it comes to fighting. It's mostly a supportive class, so

every advanced class that comes from it, borrows the offensive power

from the other class.]

"Oh, right. I get it now." I nodded.

[Finally, High Shaman Inquisitor is a vocation that's mostly centered in

healing, but as it happens with the Druid, it also has offensive

capabilities. It has a strong area of attack and debuffing spells, but its

main force comes from healing.]

"Mm… Taking into account that no advanced class is simple. I would take

that the healing should be something totally abnormal, right?"

[You could say so.]

"You did say that I should probably choose one summoner-type advanced

vocation and then pick something else." I pondered for a bit. "But the

question is, do I really need an advanced summoner vocation? Until now,

I've been constantly training to make use of my power, so choosing an

advanced summoner vocation would make me depend more on the

creatures that I summon, or it would be a total waste to pick one."

While I could pick a summoner advanced vocation just for the sake of

having more possible creatures to summon, it would make me feel like I

lost something. After all, it's not like I'm not able to summon creatures

right now, and I'll be even able to summon both Demons and Dragon

Lords, so it's not that bad right now.

"With that said, and to maximize the number of advanced spells from the

rest of the vocations, I should, in theory, pick two advanced vocations

that contain the other four vocations, leaving in the poll the Arcane

Grand Sorcerer, Arcane Ancient Druid, Master of Elements, High Shaman

Inquisitor, Commander, and the War Meister."

My idea consisted of, from those six vocations, I have to pick two. Each

one with two different Tier 1 vocation.

"The thing is, what do I prioritize? In a sense, it doesn't matter what I

pick, I'll still be powerful enough for me to destroy everything on my

path, at least in theory. With that said, I should change my focus, I

should either pick something I really need or something I really like."

With that in mind, I started to make a self-study session, considering

whatever could happen. And it was through this, that I finally decided on

one particular thing.

"Ok, I'll pick High Shaman Inquisitor. System, it should also have some

buffing spells, doesn't it?"

[It does have some.]

"That's it. That's one of my choices. The other one now goes down to

Arcane Grand Sorcerer. As it's the only one with the other two vocations.

What do you think about it?"

[It's not a bad choice. Arcane Grand Sorcerer is one of the strongest

vocations when it comes to spell-power, alongside Master of Elements

and War Meister. It also has quite a good compatibility with runes. High

Shaman Inquisitor is also a good choice, it should cover any shortcoming

from the Arcane Grand Sorcerer. Taking out the Summoner's advanced

vocations, those two are greatly compatible.]

"Then, that's it. Though, when it comes to the order, I should probably go

with the Arcane Grand Sorcerer first." With a shrug, I decided to walk for

a little bit, I haven't made any exercise today, as I was more interested in

the huge amount of money in my account.

After changing clothes, I went out of my room, and just as I was making

my way through the common room, someone called for me.

"Hey! Logan!" It was Tulip, who was with Badeea and another guy I

didn't know, but I somehow suspected him to be that guy that Roger


"Oh, hey Tulip." I smiled at her, while also nodding at the other too


"Hi~." Badeea answered with a smile, while the other guy just nodded his

head a frown.

"Hey, do you have time?" Tulip suddenly asked. Looking at them, I

thought about something.

"Did Andrew asked you to look for me again?" I tilted my head.

"Yes! How did you know?" She asked, a little bit confused, the same as

the other two.

"I just guessed it." I answered with a shrug. "And well, I was going to

exercise a bit, but I guess I can do it some other time."

I could exercise any other moment, after all, I wanted to start my points


"Great!" At my answer, Tulip was excited.

We all started walking through the castle, outside of it, and directly

towards the Black Lake.

Funnily enough, it seems like the dementors already left the surrounding

areas of Hogwarts, Dumbledore said it was because the fugitive wizard

already left the place, so the dementors weren't needed anymore.

This meant that we could leave the castle, and the visits to Hogsmeade

were reassumed to those from the third year and over.

Once we made it towards a part of the shore of the Black Lake, I could

see a group of students standing there under a tree, talking among


On a side note, I recognized some of them. Fred, George and Charlie

Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Andrew Nolan, Ben Copper, Merula Snyde,

and Rowan Khanna. Even Cedric Digory and Chiara Lobosca were here.

The rest were some students that I didn't know at all. There was even

three more Slytherin in here, which is weird considering that I pretty

much don't know any Slytherin apart from Lisandra, and maybe Merula,

to mix well with other houses.

{They did gather quite a group.} I thought while looking at the people

present, which accounted for probably around fifteen students.

At that moment, Andrew, Ben, Rowan, and Merula walked towards us.

"Hey, I'm glad you found him." Andrew smiled.

"He was apparently in his room." Tulip answered with a smile.

"Doesn't matter. Can you three go over there for a moment? We have

something to talk with this guy." Merula said, which made Tulip and the

guy frown, while Badeea only gave an awkward smile.

"*sigh…* It's okay, guys. It will be a moment only, really." Andrew said,

and the other three finally accepted.

"So, what are you three doing here?" I asked them.

"As you see, we gathered the group, it wasn't easy, and it took us some

effort to rally them up." Andrew answered.

"Yeah, Nolan here had to give a speech about the dangers of our world

and how Khanna almost died for our incompetence." Merula rolled her


"Hey… It was a good speech." Khanna retorted to her.

"Okay, okay, calm down. What's important is, that we could gather them

here, okay?" Andrew said. "And well, we already talked about our

intentions in creating this organization, but right now we're going to give

some explanation about what we're going to do. And we thought that

introducing you would be good, what do you say?"

At Andrew's words, a new message appeared in front of me.

[A new quest connected to your Chain Quest 'A new organization shall be

born!' has been generated! Access your quest interface!]

{Ho…} Quickly accessing my quest interface, I looked at this new quest.


New quests!

- A new organization shall be born! Help the students of Hogwarts build a

new organization so they can defend themselves and the castle against

'R'. (Chain Quest. Accepted.)

+ Introductions are important. Present yourself to the members of the

new secret organization. Respect starts with a simple introduction.


Active quests!

- Fuck you, J.K.! You took your first step to become a destroyer of

destiny! You don't allow the original story to rule your life, and as such,

you make your own way; taking whatever you want, without fear of the

changing future. Now, go! And do as you please, don't ever fear what

you'll change in your path to greatness! (Main Chain Quest.)]

"Sure, let's go then." I smiled back at them.

"Great!" Both Andrew and Ben answered, while Merula only rolled her

eyes and Rowan nodded.

{If just introduction is going to give me 50 points, I'm expecting a lot

more from this Chain Quest. Arcane Grand Sorcerer, here I go!}

CHAPTER 39 – Start of the


"You all know what happened that night in the Forbidden Forest, and

why I called all of you here." Andrew spoke to the group of students that

was in front of us, I honestly felt weird, looking at all those students

looking toward us.

I was standing alongside Merula, Ben, Rowan and Andrew, so it pretty

much seemed like I was part of the founding members. This isn't

something that I liked that much, but I'll endure just for the sake of


"That night, Ben, Merula, Rowan, and I were attacked by Patricia

Rakepick, and all of us were defeated." Andrew continued with a grave

face. "If it wasn't for a stranger that happened to be there, one of us, or

even all of us would have died that night."

Everyone was slightly surprised at his words, they knew about what

happened, but for them to listen to the direct witnesses, is something that

shocked them.

"That day, we understood something, and it was that we weren't truly

ready to confront Rakepick, or 'R', which is an enemy we don't know

about. We're not only in the blinds, but we don't have the actual

experience to affront the dangers that we're facing."

"But…" One of the guys asked. "Are they really after us? I mean… We're

students, what importance can we have to them?"

"Wake up!" Merula retorted with a frown. "They're after us, they even

dare to threaten Andrew's friends, promising to kill one, and they almost

did it that night. It won't be the last time, and while we are trying to seal

the last vault, they're going to hunt us to be the ones to reach that vault


"…" The student, a Gryffindor, got quiet.

"As Merula said, they're after the vaults, and we don't know what could

happen if they get to the last one…" Andrew continued. "What's worse is,

they may start hunting us, who have messed with their plans again and


It was then that Ben stepped in front.

"We need to be ready. We need to train and be able to defend ourselves."

He said with a stern face. "I… I wasn't able to stop Rakepick, she was

merely toying with me, and I almost died because of that. To this point,

I've been thinking that I was strong enough, that I had enough experience

to fight against her. But it wasn't true. I failed, and that almost cost me

my life, even my friends' lives."

"Copper is right. We are not strong enough, my plans of revenge against

Rakepick were nothing more than an illusion… I got petrified in fear

once she stood in front of us. One weak spell from her was all it took for

me to fall on my butt and freeze there in fear."

"That's why. We're going to train, we're going to surpass our own

abilities, and become strong enough for us to face everything 'R' throws

at us." Andrew took the lead. "We're going to stop the last vault, and

helped those students that are currently petrified, while stopping 'R' from

getting there first."

All of those that attended the reunion, were currently nodding at his

words with a determined face. It seems they all had some kind of story

with the cursed vaults. Looking at them, I noticed that Tulip was glancing

at me with a worried face every now and then, which was curious.

"How are we doing it?" One Asian-looking student raised his hand, it

seems that he was from Gryffindor, though all I could see was a little bit

of a red tie from his yellow hoodie.

"We're getting there, Jae." Andrew nodded at him. "First, we're all going

to split into groups, taking into account our strong individual points.

Each group will focus on different things when it comes to finding the

last vault, but for the moments, all groups will focus entirely on training."

"But, how are we going to communicate?" The guy named Jae intervened

again. "I mean, if we're splitting up, how are we going to communicate

between ourselves, after all, if we're trying to keep everything a secret,

we need to avoid other students discovering us."

"He's right. We need coded words or ways to secretly communicate

among ourselves at school." Tulip intervened.

"Also, a name… Right?" One guy from Slytherin said with a somewhat

confused face. He was bulky and quite big. "I mean, if we're going to be a

secret organization, shouldn't we have something like a… Secret

organization's name?"

"We've been thinking about it." Ben intervened, before looking at

Andrew, who nodded at him. "After carefully thinking about everything,

from our goals to why we're forming this secret organization, we've

decided to name it 'Protectors of Hogwarts'."

"Why that name?" One guy that looked from Ravenclaw asked, he was

wearing a purple scarf with the medal of prefect on it.

"Because our main goal is to stop 'R' from finding the last cursed vault,

and damaging more students." Andrew answered.

{I don't know… It's quite a weird name. It gives me memories of that

failed army from the movies…} I thought for a moment while everyone

nodded, but looking into it, it's not like I have to care about the name. I

just need to harvest points.

"Um." It was then that someone raised their hand, it was one Hufflepuff

girl with blond hair and two thick braids falling over her shoulders. "I

understand why we're all here, but I was just curious, who's that one over


She pointed at me.

"He's going to be our trainer." Merula said with a grin. "Some of you may

know him as the freshman that defeated two upperclassmen by himself,

Logan Taylor."

"What do you mean by training us?" This time a Hufflepuff guy wearing a

jacket and a yellow scarf spoke.

"He's a great duelist, and from what we know, quite strong. So, he's going

to help us train." Andrew answered.

"I don't know about you all, but from all the duelists I've known, I'm

probably the best duelist from the student body right now." He said with

a slight frown.

{Oh, no. I know where this is going.} I thought for a moment, before

stepping in, after all, I still have a mission to complete.

"Well." I spoke. "As Merula already said, my name's Logan Taylor, I'm

from the first year, and I'm going to help you guys train, and try to teach

you how to fight."

[You've successfully introduced yourself. Quest 'Introductions are

important' was complete.]

[50pts have been earned.]

[New Chain Quest has become available.]

{Best idea I've ever had!} I thought before looking quickly at the new



New quests!

- A new organization shall be born! Help the students of Hogwarts build a

new organization so they can defend themselves and the castle against

'R'. (Chain Quest. Accepted.)

+ Proof of strength. Prove to the members of the organization that you

are capable of teaching them how to fight. (Points earned depends on the

way you prove yourself.)]

{Mm… I think I have an idea of what to do.}

"You're also a freshman, right?" The guy who spoke this time was,

curiously, Cedric Diggory.

"Yes, I am." I nodded at him before tilting my head.

"Well…" He awkwardly smiled while scratching the back of his head.

"Shouldn't it be better for an upperclassman to teach us? I mean, some of

those presents here have a lot of experience and knows a lot of charms

and curses. I'm sorry if you feel insulted, is just, it seems weird for me, at


"Don't worry, I know that it's not precisely normal for a first-year to teach

a bunch of upperclassmen how to fight." I answered him.

"Exactly. I mean, I pretty much taught Andrew and Merula how to

properly duel, didn't I?" The other Hufflepuff guy said.

"Diego, I know that you're a great duelist, but, trust me, Logan is really

strong." Andrew answered him.

"He's right, Diego. I don't think anyone here could probably fight him."

Ben also intervened. And it was at that moment that Merula grinned and

stepped in front.

"Hehe, why don't we test it out?" She grinned at everyone. "I mean, we

could hold a small duel between anyone who's interested in trying out his


"…" I looked at her for a moment, while thinking how good she could be


"Hey, Merula! Don't you think it's not fair?" Tulip intervened. "He's a first-

year, even if he's strong, you're trying to put him against sixth-years


"Oh, come on!" Merula rolled her eyes. "He can defend himself."

"But still!" Tulip tried to refute, but I stopped her.

"It's okay, I'm open to duel whoever wants to do it, really. I know that

things must be earned, especially trust."

"Logan…" Tulip looked worried.

{She somehow feels a little bit weird sometimes, like she's really worried

about me for some reason.}

"You heard him. So? What about it, Caplan? Do you want to give it a

try?" Merula smirked at Diego.


"Me too, then." The other Ravenclaw, that me and my friends originally

thought asking about the curses, Talbott Winger, said.

"I'm in too!" And that guy called Jae, the Asian-looking Gryffindor.

""Count us in!"" The Weasley Twins said at the same time.

"Oh no, you don't." But were stopped by their brother, Charlie Weasley.

"I'll give it a try too!" Tonks said with an excited smile, while Tulip just

snugged her arm.

"That's four duels, then." Merula smiled, before turning to me. "Who do

you want to duel first?"

"…" I pondered for a little bit.

Obviously, taking into account the fact that the method I use to win their

respect and to prove myself will reflect directly into the reward, there

was only one showy way to increase the number of points.

"Say, why don't we go at it all at once?" I asked her, leaving her with an

open mouth.

"What…?" She didn't know what to say, it seems no one else knew.

"Are you crazy? Do you really believe you can duel all of us at the same

time?" Diego asked me with a frown. "This isn't a game."

"So?" I tilted my head while lifting my eyebrow. "Are you saying that

when you encounter a group of enemies they will wait for their turn

while fighting one on one? Pfft… No. They all will attack at the same


"…" He stopped, after all, it was true. They won't wait for you to go

against each one of them individually, they will probably attack you at

the same time, numbers are an advantage after all.

"Come on. Let's do this then. You four against me." I smiled while taking

out my wand.

They looked at each other, before nodding.

"Okay, let's do it then. Don't blame us if you lose." Diego said with a

serious face.

They all took their wands and stood in front of me, altogether.

{One-hit-KO? Or should I try to prolong the fight? Which one should be

the best for me to win more points?} I thought for a moment, before

thinking about an overwhelming prolonged fight. If I dominate the fight

from start to end, while showing off a bit, it would give me more points

than just ending all with one spell.

"Oh, also, I'm sorry. I don't know the etiquette of dueling, so…" I

awkwardly smirked.

"Just follow us." With a sigh, Diego started first. He presented his wand,

putting it in front of him, before making a reverence.

After that we stood a few feet apart, those four standing beside each

other, while I was looking at them.

Merula came and looked at us, before starting the count down.

"Ready? Three… Two… One!" At her shout, the four of them took out

their wands and started shooting a few charms at me, including Flipendo,

Stupefy, Expelliarmus, and even Rictusempra.

I quickly extended my magic shield spell to look like a dome covering

me, stopping all the attacks they shot at me.

Instead of discouraging them, the spell seemed to motivate them more,

probably thinking that they were forcing me to defend.

Charm after charm, curse after curse, they all attacked with everything

they got, while I stood there behind the shield, at least for some seconds,

before I started to attack.

"Let's do this then." I said while moving my wand in a sweeping way,

raising my arm and sending an Arcane Pulse, which took the form of a

blue-colored wave that rushed towards them while destroying their


They all tried to evade, but I took the chance to lock onto one of them,

the guy named Jae.

"Exori." With a quick incantation, my Magic Impact quickly reached Jae,

hitting him and sending him flying back.

"Urgh…" Even if I controlled the strength of the attack, it still hit him


The other three tried to use this chance to attack me, but I merely

activated my Ethereal Phase, which was an Arcanist Spell that turned me

into a specter of some sort, being able to phase through physical objects

and even charms for three seconds.

I used the spell to evade their charms, which surprised everyone as I just

let charms pass me through as if nothing, and quickly chanted another

spell in a small voice.

"Utori Mas Hur." It was a Tactician debuffing spell that could slow down

my enemies' speed and reflexes.

"What!?" Tonks asked surprised, while her movements got slower, making

it hard for her, and the other two to cast charms and curses at the same

speed as before.

"Expelliar-" Talbott tried to attack me, but he was too slow to do so now.

"Exevo Frigo Hur." I muttered the ice wave spell from the Druid, which

summoned a wave of freezing air, slowly freezing from his lower body all

the way up to half of his upper body, immobilizing his arms.

"W-W-W-What!?" He had to stop because of the insane cold he was

feeling right now, not being able to move with most of his body frozen.

"Flipendo!" Tonks took the chance to finish her chant and a red light shot

towards me from her wand.

At the same time, Diego also shot two charms against me, he could

probably do more, but he was still slowed down.

Instead of defending, I merely evaded them while using the Great Haste

spell to increase my speed.

"Exevo Tera Hur." I muttered in a low voice while pointing my wand

down and then sweeping it towards Tonks who was closer to me.

From the ground, what looked like green vines and roots started to grow

out, reaching towards Tonks, who tried to escape once she saw that.

"Ah!" She tried to rush, but not only was she slowed down, the vines and

roots spread in a cone and covered her escape routes, looking at this, she

turned and tried to cast Incendio, but it was late. The roots and vines

quickly trapped her and stopped her from moving.

I made sure that they didn't make much damage or constricted her too

hard, being strong enough to just capture her and stop her movement.

I then turned to Diego, the last one. He was astonished looking around,

trying to understand what was happening, before looking at me.

"…" I quickly swept my wand, sending an Expelliarmus, which he

stopped with a hurried protection charm. But I just continued to send one

Expelliarmus after the other in quick succession.

Thanks to him being slowed down, after the sixth attack, he couldn't

protect himself, so his wand went out flying from my disarming charm.

"That's it." I said, turning to Merula.

"L-Logan wins…" She announced, and I canceled the spells, a small trick

that could only be done here in this world, and not in the game.

"I guess I'm qualified to train you all, right?" I asked Diego.

"Y-Yeah… You totally defeated us all. There was nothing we could do

against you… Just, what were those charms? Can you teach us?"

"Sorry, I'm going to train you, but I'm not going to teach you those

charms, I may try with some others, but those are somewhat difficult to

teach, probably impossible." I awkwardly smiled while shrugging.

"Uh…" The guy looked slightly disappointed, and I can understand why.

[Congratulations! You've proved to the rest of the members in the

organization that you're qualified to train them and teach them how to

fight. You even defeated four of their members at the same time, proving

your strength.]

[500pts have been earned.]

{God bless Chain Quests!} I shout in my mind, while a smile appeared on

my face.

CHAPTER 40 - The exchange


A week has passed since the new organization was created, 'Protectors of

Hogwarts' have been training almost every night.

It's been quite an interesting job to keep my friends as far as possible

while the organization is training. After all, it's not that easy to hide a

considerably big group of people while they're all training.

As to where the organization was training, well, it was mostly in a

classroom that Bill usually uses to give extra lessons about Defenses

Against the Dark Arts.

About the training, I mainly give them a few workout routines for them

to do in the mornings and small sparring sessions at night. Honestly, I

may be learning more from them than the other way.

After all, I've been practicing some charms and curses, while also

learning new ones.

Not only is my Magic Level increasing, even if I'm doing so slowly, but

I'm also increasing the number of charms and curses I'm able to use, all

the while winning points thanks to the Chain Quest related to Hogwarts


During the days, I went to classes, studied with my friends, and also

helped in the Hospital Wing in case someone gets injured.

Another good thing about training the organization is that I'm able to

cure their injuries, winning some points with it.

Long story short, after the accident with Rakepick, life in Hogwarts hasn't

been something that difficult. It almost makes me feel weird at all the

peace around the place.

{At this point, I guess I'm not that afraid of the start of the story from the

movies. Oh well, I'm slowly growing stronger. Taking out things like the

Basilisk's eyes, an Avada Kedavra, or any other weird Wizarding World's

shit, I may be safe from everything else.} I thought while walking

towards the library to talk with my friends.

After getting there, I found the guys talking between themselves, as Lyra

wasn't present.

"I'm telling you, William! I saw her. She wasn't from Hogwarts!"

"Are you sure she wasn't some parent or alumni visiting the school?"

William answered with a skeptic face.

"No! She wasn't that old. And she was using a uniform too. Just, not

Hogwarts' uniform." Roger shook his head, frustrated at his friend's


"Hey, guys, what are you talking about?" I said as I sat down at the table

with them. Putting my books on top of the table.

"Roger is saying that he saw some weird student." William was the one to

answer me in a doubtful tone.

"Why do you say it as if you don't believe me?"

"Because I don't. What would another student be here for? It's nonsense."

"Mm?" Tilting my head, I thought back to my other world. "Maybe it is

because of an exchange program?"

{What a cliché. This is Harry Potter for god's sake. Not some school-life


"Exchange program?" Both Roger and William turned to me confused.

"Yes, an exchange program. You know? Those things where students from

two different schools would trade places for a year or so."

"They do that in Hogwarts?" William asked, confused.

"Well, maybe?" I asked. After all, I wasn't that sure either.

"Oh right! I heard something from my brother. They do exchanges for

some years… She may be from another wizarding school!"

"Oh, so is a 'she'." William nodded, frowning at Roger. "That explains why

you're so interested."

"Mm? Why do I feel you're trying to imply something with your words,

O'Neill." Roger frowned back.

"Oh, that's because I am." William answered.

"Come on! What are you trying to-" Roger tried to ask something, but I

just interrupted him.

"What kind of uniform did she have, Roger?"

"Yeah, give us some details man." William followed me as if forgetting his

previous comment.

"Hmph. Now you want to know more? Just a few moments ago you didn't

even believe me."

"Oh come on, it was something weird. Another student, not from

Hogwarts, going around the castle?"

"It's the truth! And she wasn't going around the castle, she was walking

alongside Professor McGonagall towards the headmaster's office."

"That's basically the same." William rolled his eyes.

"No. Because not that many people saw her. I was quite lucky!"

"Right, right." I nodded at him while opening my book of potions.

"Should we start studying already? I honestly don't want to fail my


"Logan's right. We should start studying already." William noded.

"Pff, right. Just change the topic." Roger said as if angry, but he actually

opened his books to start working on the homework.

We spent the time working on our homework for potions before I had to

go to the Hospital Wing to help Chiara in the infirmary.

On a side note, she also joined the organization. Andrew went to the

Hospital Wing and tried to convince her, saying something about

everybody working together to stop 'R' and cleansing the curse.

She asked me if I was also helping them, and I had to clarify that I was

only training them and not working directly with the organization.

After some time trying to convince her, Andrew finally succeeded in

pulling her into the organization.

The entire day went without a single problem, I basically just chatted

with Chiara while helping the students that came into the infirmary,

which was quite crowded if we counted on the petrified students and

Madam Pomfrey.

{Huh…? What is this?} I thought while entering the classroom that we

use as a training place.

I would not be that surprised after all I've seen until now, at least not for

now. But it was just… Stupid? Maybe?

"Hey, Logan..." Tulip came to greet me at the door. "It seems you didn't

know either." She was smiling awkwardly.

"Tulip… Am I seeing things?" I asked her.

"No, you're completely sane..." She answered while letting out a sigh.

"Okay, whatever..." I just shook my head and started going in. "I'm not

going to comment on how secretive this organization is turning out to


Right inside the classroom, talking to some of the upperclassmen that are

part of Hogwarts' Protectors, was the exchange student that Roger was

talking about.

She was indeed wearing another school's uniform, a normal black

uniform, covered by a long green coat with some symbol which I suppose

is from her school.

She had a tanned skin color and long auburn hair that fell over her

shoulders. From her size, she was probably from the same year as

Andrew and Merula.

{Come on… How bad can you be at keeping a secret that an exchange

student found out...} I thought to myself while letting out a small sigh.

"Hello, Logan." Merula came to me with a frown on her face, but she

wasn't exactly looking at me, but at Andrew and the new exchange

student. "Ready to start? I want to spar with you. Come on."

"Um? Are you alright Merula?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't I?" She glared at me. "Stop talking and let's just spar."

"If you say so..." I just shrugged my shoulders.

Just before we could start our spar, another voice came over.

"Logan! You're here." It was Andrew, who had an awkward smile while

looking at me and Merula. "Here, you have to meet her. Her name is

Alanza Alves" He said while pointing to the exchange girl.

"Olá!" She greeted me with a big smile and a shaking hand. "Nice to meet

you, Logan! I've heard so much about you!"

"Yes?" I tilted my head.

{Weird… This somehow makes me feel like something else than an

11yo… Oh, wait. Right. I am far older than these guys.}

Having what seemed to be an upperclassman greeting me so excitedly felt

weird to me, more so when she was taller than me by a lot.

"Yes! You're the one in charge of training them, right?" She asked me,

with a smile that seemed to never leave her face.

"Um… Yes?" I just answered awkwardly

"She's an exchange student from Castelobruxo, another wizarding school

that's located in Brazil. Do you know it?" Andrew asked me.

"Not exactly." I shook my head. "But, I'm curious Andrew… How is it that

an exchange student knows of this... " I tried to find the right word not to

say organization, but before I could find another word, someone spoke


"Yes, Andrew, why don't you tell him how she found out?" Merula said

with a weird smile.

"Right… Dumbledore actually asked me to give her a tour through the

school… So she followed me around while I met some of the members

and… Well, she somehow found out, okay?"

"Yes! It was so weird! They talked about this as if it was some club, but it

was amazing to find out it was a secret organization! It sounds like so

much fun!"

"Right… A secret organization..." I nodded while giving a questioning

look to Andrew.

{I'm pretty sure last time I checked a secret organization was supposed to

be a secret that shouldn't be told.} I thought for a moment while looking

at Andrew, who was averting his eyes while scratching the back of his


"So! Are you going to train us?"

"Huh?" I stopped looking at Andrew and quickly faced Alanza "Train…


"Yes! Us!" She smiled at me excitedly.

"I'm sorry, but I only train these guys from the club."

"Secret organization." She smiled. "And I want to be in! That makes me a

part of the group too!"

"Andrew?" I turned to him again.

"Yes, Andrew?" Merula also looked at him with an exasperated face.

"She wanted to lend a helping hand after hearing about the curses and 'R',

so… I said yes?" He looked away.

"..." I just looked at him with my mouth open. {What the hell is wrong

with this guy? He looked like someone with some common sense!}

"Are you crazy!? This isn't a game Andrew! It is dangerous" Merula

shouted at him.

"I know this isn't a game! But hey! She knows her stuff. She may be a

great help with fighting 'R'!"

"..." I just didn't find the words. {This secre- No, fuck that, this public

club may be more problematic than I initially thought… Okay. Let's just

keep doing our thing. Training them is easy, and it's free points.}

I kept thinking to myself while Merula dragged Andrew apart to give him

some scowling. Alanza just kept bothering me about training her, while

Tulip tried to stop her.

{Free points. Just think of the free points.} I thought before letting out a

big sigh.

"This is going to be problematic…" I muttered after sighing.

"Mm? What would it be?" But it seems that Alanza had quite the good


"Nothing… Let's just start. Time's ticking." I said while going towards the

rest of the students from the organization, who were looking at the small

chat curiously, some of them frowning, some of them showing an

awkward smile, while others were trying their best not to laugh.

{Just wait, you two...} I thought while looking at the twins, who were

trying not to laugh.

There wasn't anything bad at what they were doing, I know that. But I

needed someone to vent a little bit, and it wouldn't be good to do so on

the exchange student.

CHAPTER 41 - Corporeal Patronus

After training the guys of 'Protectors of Hogwarts', I went to my room,

and using the time-turner I went back to the start of the day.

I still had something to do to finish the day. Practicing on my own.

"Today. Today I'll finally get my corporeal Patronus. After that, I'll see

how to turn into an Animagus."

With my hopes up, I made my way to my usual training ground. The

Room of Requirements.

Once in there, I went with the normal setting of the room, using that

same space where the guys from the fifth movie practiced.

"Okay, I've been getting closer and closer." I muttered to myself while

looking in front of me, getting ready.

Until now, I've focused on increasing my ML. At first, I thought that it

was the key to actually get a corporeal Patronus, but it's quite improbable

for that to be true.

After all, right now my Magic Core is at its second stage, so there's no

way for it to not be able to create a corporeal Patronus as it is.

"I must focus on perfecting my Patronus." I muttered, before sighing.

"Right… But for that… I first need to really think of the perfect happy


I thought for a moment, but I couldn't really find an appropriate memory.

Sighing I just sat down.

"Until now… I've just thought about the moment when I was

reincarnated in this world… It's been enough. The sense of freedom I got,

the sense of happiness I had at that moment. It was enough for me to

actually use Expecto Patronum… But why is it not enough for a corporeal


{Maybe it isn't about the memory? Maybe it is about the feeling that

memory gives me? If that's the case… Then maybe I should try to focus

on that feeling...}

All I know about the Patronus charm is the fact that I have to focus on a

memory that makes me feel happy, the more happiness the memory

brings me, the better.

"But… What if I just focus heavily on the feeling, instead of just the

memory? That could be a way for me to master it."

With that thought in mind, I started to practice the Patronus charm.

At first, it was hard. I was trying to change the main focus of the charm

from the memory to the feeling itself. And it wasn't an easy feat.

After all, the reason why people could focus on the feeling was that the

memory helped them. Without a way for you to channel that sentiment,

it would be really hard to summon the Patronus.

Now, the way I chose to, was to initially pull the memory from my mind,

taking the happiness it gave me, and trying to amplify it as much as I


Wasn't easy at first, but as time went by, I willed my way through.

Another good thing was that, apparently, confidence and will played an

important role in conjuring a Patronus.

"This feels like Peter Pan's flying..." I smiled awkwardly. "I'm just missing

the fairy dust to start flying. Oh, wait, I can fly without it."

With a chuckle, I went back to focusing on the task at hand.

And after some time, my Patronus finally showed some kind of change.

"What the hell…?" From the tip of my wand, the exposed incorporeal

Patronus started to change into a big form.

The creature was turning to look something akin to a horse, albeit bigger

and skinnier.

"Wait…" I frowned for a moment, confused. "Isn't that a… Holy..."

The creature that appeared in front of me was, unbelievably, a magic

creature I knew.

Horse-like form, skinny, or more exactly, boney. With a pair of long, bat-

like wings extending from its skinny back, a long and thin muzzle

decorated the creature's face, while a thin and skeletal tail protruded

from its rear.

Its face was dragon-like.

"A thestral… My Patronus is a thestral? Is this bad or good?"

I just stood there, trying to figure out things.

"These things aren't that bad… Yeah, they're like creepy and carnivorous

horses, but it's not like they're monsters… Right?"

I was completely flabbergasted at my Patronus.

"At this point, I don't even know if I should try and transform into an

animagus… Who knows what the hell I will turn into..."

With a sigh, I looked at my Patronus. It felt weird, to say the least. After

all, it's a really creepy creature.

"First my wand, now my Patronus… Should I look for one of these things

and tame it? Instead of a broom, I should start flying a thestral...


After sighing, I finally paid attention to the system's message that

appeared in front of me, while at the same time grabbing my Crude

Umbral Spellbook that went out of the inventory by itself, opening all the

way to the last page of the book.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You materialized

your corporeal Patronus! So you were worthy after all, who could tell?

Now go with your creepy Patronus and play chase with the dementors in


[1000 pts have been earned]

"So funny..." I rolled my eyes at the system message, while also looking at

the book.

Don't misunderstand me. It's not that I'm not happy at the free points I

won, it's just that I've decided not to pay attention to the points, and just

let them keep increasing. That way I won't be tempted to buy anything

else until I finally have my first advanced vocation.

"Now… What about you?"

Looking at my spellbook, I noticed that on the last page of it, there was

some kind of decorated frame with the picture of a thestral. The frame

decoration had wings at the top, the same ones the thestral had, while

also looking black and skeletal.

"I guess the frame is dependent on the animal or creature I manifest for

my corporeal Patronus." Nodding, I kept reading, and just under the

frame, there was something written.

[Expecto Patronum]

[A silver guardian that turns your happiness, hope, and faith into a

protective shield. For you, a being closely related to death itself, a

thestral will become your guardian, a being that only those that have

seen dead and come to terms with it can see.]

[Your silver guardian will keep all that is evil away from you. But take

note, that it is not a weapon, yet. Only a fool would try to run before

learning to walk. Let your guardian grow, so it can fight your enemies on

your behalf.]

"Mm? System, wasn't a Patronus just a shield? Why does it say it's

possible for it to attack?"

[It says it's not possible, yet.]

"I know! But that 'yet' means that I'll someday be able to use it to attack,


[If you already know the answer, why ask me? I'm a busy system.]

"..." Letting out a sigh, I just kept my spellbook back in my inventory,

before starting to practice again.

"Well, now that I have my corporeal Patronus. I should focus on training

other charms and jinxes."


"So… Are you alright with this?" Tulip asked me during our rest from the

night training with the guys from the Protectors of Hogwarts. "I mean…

It's really sudden..."

"Mm? What do you mean?" I turned to look at her.

"I mean, her. The exchange student." She said while nodding towards

Alanza Alves.

"Mm? What's with her?"

"Is just… It's so sudden, don't you think so?"

"I know, right?" Merula, who happened to be sitting next to us, said.

"Argh! Just what's wrong with that guy... "

With a sigh, she just looked down.

"Exactly. Wasn't this supposed to be like a secret organization? Why is he

suddenly telling someone he doesn't even know?" With a sigh, Tulip also

talked to her.

"Yeah..." Merula nodded. "What's worse is that she isn't even from

Hogwarts. Damn… Protectors of Hogwarts, and here we are, with a

student that isn't from Hogwarts. It's a joke!"

"Ok, ok. Calm down both of you." I said, trying to keep them calm. "It's

not like it is the end of the world. Yes. Andrew fucked it up. Yes. He told

the truth to a complete stranger that isn't even from the school, but hey,

at least she's not some undercover secret agent from 'R', right? She's just

an exchange student."

"Hey..." Tulip suddenly said with a frown.

"What if she is!?" Merula, as if understanding Tulip's thoughts, suddenly


"No, no. Relax. She came here as an exchange student. So there's no way

Dumbledore wouldn't know she's not from there."

"What do you mean!? She could fake her papers! How do you know she

came from Castelobruxo!?"

"Because, to enter an exchange program, there has to be another student

for you to change places. Another student from Hogwarts had to go there.

Easy, right? Don't you know someone in your year that left?"

"Well..." Tulip pondered while rubbing her chin.

"Not that I've heard of someone..." Merula just averted her eyes. "But

still… Rackepick was a teacher… And she was brought here by

Dumbledore himself..."

"You're looking too deep into it. Really. Dumbledore wouldn't be a

complete idiot to not double-check the student's origin before letting her

come here. Not after everything that's happened."

With a shrug, I stood up.

"Well, we still have an hour until training's finished. I'll be your opponent

this time, so let's spar." With a smile, I motioned for both of them to

stand up.

"You know... " Merula frowned at me. "I sometimes forget you're just a

first-year. You seem like someone from our year."

"Yeah… I know what you mean, Merula." Tulip said before sighing. "It

wasn't that bad before, but now that you're helping us train, I can't take

off my mind that you're another teacher here."

"What? But I'm just a freshman." I said, dumbfounded.

{Let's just feign ignorance. That's the best trick possible.}

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say. Let's go." Merula said with a shrug, pulling

me towards Andrew, who was talking with Alanza. "Hey, you. Stop

flirting and let's spar."

I may not be too sure, but I somehow feel daggers in Merula's words.

"W-What?" Andrew flinched and stuttered after hearing Merula's sudden

comment. "I'm not flirting..."

"Sim! Let's spar!" Alanza, as if not caring for whatever Andrew was

feeling at the moment, just intervened. "Obrigado for the lesson!"

"Uh-uh. I'm not talking to you." Merula frowned at her, before stopping.

"Or… Do you know what? Sure. Let's spar. You two, against us two."

With a smirk, Merula suddenly brought me into the sparring session.

"Hey…" I called up to her. "I don't want to be sparring with-"

"You just have to protect me, I'll do the rest." Interrupting me before I

could completely deny the spar, Merula whispered to me. Her voice

carrying a lot of anticipation for what was to come.

"Yay! Obrigado!" An excited Alanza grabbed Andrew's arm, while

excitedly jumping on the spot. "Let's go, Andrew!"

"Yeah, let's go, Andrew." Merula said with a deep smirk.

"Uhm..." Gulping hard, Andrew just decided to nod, before looking at me.

"..." I looked the other way and shrugged.

{Sorry man, you put yourself in this situation.}

CHAPTER 42 - Bill Weasley and

the Forbidden Forest, again


I know I have this one abandoned, but starting this week, I'll start

uploading weekly chapters on Sunday, I still haven't picked an hour, but

let's say that they would be up before 12:00 PM UTC -4:00. I already

have a couple of them prepared so I don't stay without chapters to


On another note, I'm growing bored of the game's plot, honestly. And

since this already turned into an AU, I'm planning to rush things. Finally,

I apologize for future chapters, in case they have any inconsistency with

the original HP canon (more than it does now xD), so yeah, sorry haha.

With that said, enjoy the chapter! Thanks for reading, and as usual, any

feedback is well-received!


A couple of days passed by, I went and did my things normally, which

included either training, studying and having fun with my friends,

helping in the Hospital Wing, or just helping the guys from Protectors of


It was precisely during my time helping the guys from the not-so-secret

organization that I was introduced to someone I know, but at the same

time, I don't really know.

"So you're the rumored Logan, huh." Bill Weasley said with a smile while

reaching out with his hand. "A pleasure to meet you, I'm Bill Weasley,

you probably know my brothers, Charlie, Percy, and the twins."

"Hi, Bill, nice to meet you." I quickly answered, shaking his hand.

"Yeah… I know the twins and Charlie, they're actually here..."

"I noticed that." Bill said with an awkward smile while looking at the

training organization.

"Sorry for that Bill..." Andrew, who was the one responsible to introduce

us, intervened. "I know I should have consulted with you when it came to

letting them in."

"Don't worry, it's not like I can control them or anything, even less the

twins." Bill said with an awkward smile. "Either way, I'm glad that there's

someone helping them, though, I must say, it's quite a surprise that

someone so young is so well-versed in dueling."

"Well… Let's say that I have some talent for it, haha..." I smiled

awkwardly, not knowing what to answer.

Bill Weasly was a character I knew from the movies, though he only

appeared after the seventh movie and knew barely anything about him,

apart from him being the oldest son from the Weasley family.

Still, I can't say it's not weird at all to be talking to him.

"So, now that we're here, I should probably ask you guys something." Bill

suddenly said. "I've heard that Rackepick is dead, right?"

"Yes." Andrew answered with a serious face. "She died to a mysterious

wizard that happened to be in the Forbidden Forest."

"A mysterious wizard?" Bill frowned and pondered for a moment. "Do you

know why that wizard killed her?"

"Uhm… Well, not exactly..." He answered back with an awkward smile.

"But from what I saw, it may be because they had a pending dispute."

"Well, with someone like Rakepick, I wouldn't discard the chances of her

having a lot of enemies out there." Bill nodded with a sigh. "Either way, I

wanted to know if you could take me to where everything happened,

Andrew. Is that okay?"

"Huh? Why?" Andrew tilted his head.

"Well, we may find some clues in that place. Who knows, maybe after she

died some of her partners went there and left some clues as to where to

find 'R' or what they're up to right now. After all, you guys went there

because of a letter from them, right?"

"Well, yes..." Andrew nodded with a frown, before sighing. "Ok, let's do

that. But, when? Are you even available right now? I know that you

sometimes get busy with work."

"Don't worry, I'll stay for a couple of days, we could go tomorrow at

night, what do you say?"

"Sounds like a plan to me." Andrew nodded.

"Great." Billy nodded. "Well, Logan, what about you? Wanna come and

check it out? You may be able to learn a couple of things. And you're also

a great duelist, it would be good to have someone like you around in case

something happens."


{It's not like something could go wrong, right...?}

"Well, sure. Why not?" I said after considering it for a second. "Maybe I

can find something more useful to train these guys if I go with you."

"Excellent!" Bill said with a nod and a smile. "We should meet close to

Hagrid's place tomorrow at this hour. For now, let's just see what you're

all up to"


The next day, at the Forbidden Forest.

"So..." I asked as I looked around the place. "What are we looking for,


"Clues." Billy asked as he used lumus to illuminate the place. "We need to

see if there's something that could tell us more about 'R'."

"Sure." I shrugged as I walked, my Arcane Eyes always activated to search

for clues.

"By the way, what's that crow!? It has been following us for a while now!"

Merula, who was also with us, asked with an angry face.

"CROW!" As if he heard her, Muninn crowed at her.

"Mm? That's Muninn, my raven." I answered Merula. "He's usually out,

and from time to time he follows me around."

"Why didn't you tell us before!? He has been freaking me out since a

while ago with his cawing!"

"Sorry..." I smiled awkwardly while scratching the back of my head. "I

just forgot, I'm already accustomed to him being around."

"Yes! You should have done that!" Merula growled.

"Now, now. Calm down Merula..." Andrew intervened with an awkward

smile. "It's not like we've suffered anything from it, right? It's all okay."

"Talk for yourself..." Merula said, averting her eyes. "My heart's rate is

crazy right now..."

After that, we all went towards the place where they fought against


"Was it here?" Bill asked as he looked around the grove.

"Yes." Andrew nodded, before pointing somewhere. "Rakepick apparated

around there and used her Patronus to drive away the dementors."

"Mm..." Bill nodded before going to the place that Andrew pointed at.

Looking around, he couldn't find anything exceptional.

"Did you find anything?" Merula asked.

"No." Bill shook his head. "And she died here too?"

Merula nodded at him.

"It's hard to tell. I can't see anything around here, someone just took her

corpse." Bill said before sighing. "We should try looking around. Maybe

the ones that took her corpse looked for clues around the place before


"Okay." Merula nodded and started to walk around the grove.

The rest of the group did the same, and that included me.

I used my Arcane eyes to look around the place, but I couldn't find traces

of magic or anything.

After 30 minutes of us looking around the place, we finally decided to

call it quit.

"There's nothing here." Bill sighed. "Well, guess it's time for us to go


"Damn… I thought we could find something leading us to 'R' here..."

"Well… It's not a secret organization for nothing, right?" I said with an

awkward smile. "Contrary to what Andrew did, these guys do know how

to keep a secret."

"Pfft..." Merula and Ben almost laughed.

"Hey! I didn't have a choice! Dumbledore told me to lead her around."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say." Merula said with a smirk.

"*Sigh...* Forget it, let's go back." Andrew, seeing this, only sighed and

shook his head.

"Yes, let's go back." Bill said with a smile. "It's no good to stay here for a

long time."

We all started to turn in the direction back to the castle, but as if destiny

laughed at our faces, Muninn cawed at us, followed by a low growling


"Oh no..." Bill said with a frown, taking out his wand, while we all did

the same.

In front of us, stopping our way, was a big wolf-like creature. It stood on

its four legs, it had a shorter snout and a shorter tail than most wolves, it

wasn't that hairy either.

"Everyone! Come here!" Bill shouted as he pointed his wand at the


As Bill shouted, the group suddenly started to run towards him. I did the

same, but without taking my eyes out of the werewolf for even a second.

"What's a werewolf doing here!" Merula shouted.

"It's a full moon." Andrew answered here.

"Yeah! I know that! But since when have there been werewolves in this

forest!?" She said with a growl.

It was then that the monster in front of us started to rush forwards.

"Stupefy!" Bill shouted as he attacked the werewolf with the stunning

charm that barely stopped it for a second.

"Stop whining and use your wands!" I, on the other hand, reprimanded

Merula as I swung my wand towards the werewolf. {Exori!}

With a thought, a magic impact shot towards the werewolf, stopping him

and making him retreat a step.

"Damn, this thing is too resistant..." I muttered. While Exori wasn't

precisely a high potency spell, it could push back a grown adult.

"That's a werewolf for you." Bill said with an awkward smile. "We need to

stun him!"

At his words, Andrew, Merula, Ben, and Bill started using the stunning

charm to keep it occupied.

"Keep him there!" I said as I moved my wand back and pointed to the

floor. "Exevo Tera Hur."

With a mutter, I quickly swept my wand up and aimed it towards the


From the ground, vines and roots rushed out in a cone towards the

defending werewolf.

As it saw the vines and roots coming for him in a destructive fashion, it

tried to jump away but was stopped thanks to the other guys constantly

using Stupefy on it.

"AWOOOO!" The werewolf let out a pained howl when the roots and

vines entangled him, pulling it hard to the ground and constricting its

body with force.

"Amazing. I see why these guys would like to be taught by you." Bill

muttered at the image of the restricted werewolf trying to break free

from its restriction.

But every time it tried to move or bite the roots and vines, the latter

constricted it more.

"We should move." I told them. "That spell won't last long."

"Right." Everyone started to run back towards Hogwarts.

{Sadly, I'm not able to kill it for its points. I would feel really bad… After

all, it's not like a werewolf is self-conscious when transformed.} I thought

as I ran at the front of the group just in case anything else appeared.

While I'm the youngest in the group, my constant physical training and

the help from my Arcanist vocation put me at the top when it comes to

physical prowess.

After running for a while, we finally made it out of the forest, and

carefully made it back to the Castle.

Luckily enough, as Dumbledore allowed Bill to teach us Defense Against

the Dark Arts, it was the perfect excuse for us to go out to the forest

under the pretense of a 'special class'. Even if we returned quite late, it

was still passable thanks to that agreement.

"Ha..." Billy let out a deep sigh. "That was surprisingly scary. Who would

say that we would find a werewolf..."

"Yeah..." Merula said. "We couldn't even find anything..."

"That's the worst part." Andrew nodded. "Well… I guess we should just

focus on finding the last vault."

"Right." Billy nodded. "If 'R' is going to appear, they will surely do so

while you're trying to break the last curse."

"Yeah." Merula nodded. "And we'll be prepared."

"By the way, man. You have to teach me that charm!" Ben, who was

catching his breath, suddenly asked me.

"Sorry, I can't teach you that one..." I scratched the back of my head.

"Huh? Why!? It's a really amazing charm... " Frustrated, Ben, let out a

deep sigh.

"I still understand why you can't teach us those weird charms you

sometimes use." Merula said with a frown.

"Let's say they're trade secret." I quickly retorted to her. "Either way, I'm

going back."

"Wait." Billy stopped me just as I turned around. "I better take you back

to your house. I don't want another teacher to think that you were out


"Oh, okay." I nodded.

After that, we all went to our houses. On our way back we found

Professor Flitwick, who, after we explained to him why we were out,

guided me back to Ravenclaw's common room.

Andrew and Ben went back with Billy to Gryffindor's common room after

leaving Merula close to her house's common room.

The rest of the week was kind of chill for me. After our little trip to the

Forbidden Forest, I focused on training, helping the guys from the

supposedly secret organization, and spending time with my friends.

Andrew and the others have been trying to unravel some stuff that I

didn't want to be part of, including going to meet with the centaurs to

ask for some kind of prophecy.

If I'm being honest, I think that they're getting off-track from trying to

find the last vault. Not that I'm any better. Even if I wanted to help Jake,

I don't have any spell that may help him, and finding the last vault isn't

something I'm confident about.

{Unless I try to cut corners...} I thought as I rested inside the Room of


I've been training recently on subaquatic fighting, for just one reason.

"CAW!" Muninn, who was standing right beside me cawed, trying to get

my attention I suppose.

"Sorry, Muninn." I said as I turned to look at him. "I know I'm kind of lost

in thought, it's just that I want to find a way to help Jake."


"I guess the only way is to find that damn cursed vault. And from what I

heard… It may as well be inside the black lake."

Recently, I've overheard Andrew, Ben, and Merula talking about how

some clues point towards the black lake.

In their own words, it's not as if it's a sure thing, but for me, it's better

than nothing.

"I think there's no harm in going in, right?" I rubbed my chin as I

muttered. "And I've learned the bubble-head charm, so there won't be a

problem breathing underwater."

The bubble-head charm was quite interesting, though it looked uglier

than it looked like in the movie.

"Wait… There are merpeople in there, right? Oh well, I don't think they

will bring too much trouble. If anything, they may help me look for the

vault." I shrugged.

Standing up, I prepared to go out of the RoR and make my way back to

the dorm. Being the end of the week, I had tomorrow to go towards the

black lake and try to find the last vault.

"If I find it, I'll let the guys know where it is. That way they can take care

of it." I muttered as I walked back to my room.

CHAPTER 43 - Black Lake


I told you guys that I'll release a chapter every Sunday! HAHAHAHAHA


Today was Saturday, and under the invisibility spell, I was currently

standing in front of the shore of the Black Lake.

I had been standing on the shore for a couple of minutes now, because of

one difficult question.

{Should I summon a monster?}

While I could swim normally, and even use Arcane Step to propel myself

underwater, it wasn't the same as using a monster or even a normal

aquatic animal to use as a transport.

The thing is…

{I don't know if it is a good idea to summon a monster that may be taken

as a completely new magical creature…}

After investigating for a little bit, I found out that the merpeople inside

the lake were a really intelligent species. Just like humans or centaurs.

I knew they could talk from the movies, but the thing is that I don't know

if they have any connection with the teachers at Hogwarts.

{As far as I know, they may as well know Dumbledore… And probably

even be able to talk to him. Me asking for the cursed vaults might not be

something to worry about, but appearing all of a sudden with a monster

that they don't recognize… That's a whole new story.}

After debating for a while, I finally decided to go in the water by myself.

"I'm sure that I'll be safe..." I muttered as I went into the water.

Using the bubble-head charm, a bubble covered my whole head and

provided me with an unlimited source of oxygen.

As my vision was unrestricted underwater thanks to my Arcane Eyes, I

could swim normally.

{Now… Let's look for the merpeople.} I thought as I swam.

While my plan was to look for them, I could confidently say that I was

completely lost. As I had no idea of where the merpeople were.

My best choice was to actually look around until I finally found some

kind of information on where they could be.

{Now that I think about it… Will I be able to speak to them?}

At least in the movies, one of the merpeople talked to Harry, and it

seemed like she could be understood.

"They also looked as if they lived in ruins or something like that... Well,

let's see once I reach the place." I muttered as I made my way through the

lake. Lamenting not searching more in-depth about where the hell this

colony was found.


Time passed, and after fifteen minutes of swimming without direction, I

finally got a lead on where to find them.

{Or well, the lead got me instead...} I smiled awkwardly as I looked at

the spear pointing at me.

"Umm..." I tried to speak as calmly as possible. "I was looking for the

colony of merpeople?"

The merman in front of me answered in a strange language that I haven't

heard about, but it seems like he was trying to shout at me.

{So that's mermish...} I thought for a moment, trying my best not to lose

my calm in front of this merman that looked to be more than 2 meters


"Um… I'm not hostile?" I tried to calm him. "I just want to ask


Once again the merman spoke in his strange language that I couldn't


"Ok… This isn't working at all..." I muttered with an awkward smile.

"Um, is there a merperson who can speak English…?"

"..." Looking at me silently, the merman put down the spear and frowned.

He spoke something, but seemed frustrated that I couldn't understand

him, so instead of trying to speak, he pointed at me and then pointed at

somewhere behind him.

{Is he asking me to follow him?} I thought for a moment, and it seems I

was right because he started to swim towards where he pointed at.

"Do you want me to follow?" I asked just in case, and this made the

merman turn around.

He once again said something to me and motioned me to come over.

{That's a yes then...} I thought as I started to follow him.

I must say that it was hard trying to follow a merman underwater, but

the two-meter-tall guy thankfully swam slowly to let me keep up with


We swam for a while until we finally made it into a part of the lake that

took my breath away.


Once we reached what seemed to be the colony of merpeople, I was

completely fascinated. They had a lot of caves that seemed to be their

houses and were more organized than I would even expect. There were

some ruins underwater too, which gave quite an ancient look to the


{This isn't like what they showed in the movies... Well, not that we saw

much from it.} I thought as I looked all around to the multiple merpeople

that swam around the place. Some of them looked at me, while others

simply ignored me.

They had greyish skin, and their hair looked like thin, green tentacles or

algae. Some of the mermen had beards, while the mermaids had more

wild-looking hair.

What I could notice though, was that all of them had a really wild stare,

and some even seemed to frown once they looked at me.

{Am I not welcome?} I thought while smiling awkwardly.

After a little while, we reached what seemed to be some kind of squire

that indeed looked to be from some kind of underwater ruins.

Once there, the merman that I've been following pointed at the floor of

the square.

"Do you want me to go there?" I asked, but again without an answer.

With a frown, the merman pointed again.

"Okay, got it, got it..." I muttered as I swam down towards the plaza,

standing over it. {It's weird to be standing here as if I was on the


While I looked around me and focused on the ruins, it seemed like the

merman went somewhere else, because he suddenly disappeared.

Though not for much, as he soon came back with a group of merpeople,

all following a single mermaid who had a wilder and more savage look

than any of the others I've seen here. And she had some kind of crown on

her head.

{Is this their chief?} I thought for a moment. {She looks quite like the

one in the movies… But I can't be sure, my memory's a little bit fuzzy

and a lot of mermaids look somewhat similar...}

As I was trying to remember if she looked like the one in the movies, the

one I assumed was the chief of the colony stopped in front of me.

"What is a student from Hogwarts doing here?" The mermaid asked with

a frown.

"Um..." I scratched the back of my head through the bubble. "Hi, your


"I'm indeed this colony's chieftainess." The merwoman said. "But I just

asked you a question, young wizard. What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to look for a place that holds some kind of curse..."

"What?" The eyes of the mermaid opened wide. "A cursed place? In my

colony? Stop playing around, wizard."

At her growl, I could only smile awkwardly.

"It's… I doubt you know, but in Hogwarts, there have been some curses

going on… They're tied to some places called cursed vaults."

"And what does it have to do with the Black Lake, young wizard?"

"Well… I think that one of these vaults, the last one actually, might be

here, somewhere in the Black Lake..."

The merwoman in front of me frowned at my words, but it seems like she

might be considering something.

"There might be a place like that..." She said, but then suddenly turned to

look at me. "But why should I help you, kid? It's not like the curse is

affecting my colony."

"I know..." I tried to look for words that would convince her, but I'm

pretty sure that there's nothing that I could say to her that would be a

good incentive. "But… I really need to find that place. There're students

and teachers back at Hogwarts that are being petrified because of this


"Once again, wizards' problems are for them to resolve." She said. "I don't

have any reason to help you, young wizard. Not when I don't even know

who you are."


"You heard the queen!" Suddenly, a merman swam close and interrupted

me with a shout.

{It seems the queen it's not the only one who speaks English...} I thought

while looking at the guy that just interrupted me.

I've noticed it before, but all merpeople looked quite tall, no matter if

they're women or men.

"Please, just guide me to the place. I won't ask for any more help. I just

need to know where it is, and see if it might be the last cursed vault."

"You're overstepping your boundaries here, young wizard." The merman

said with a glare. "You didn't even ask for our permission and just came

into the lake like it was your place."

"Look, I'm sorry! I really didn't know that, but I swear I'm not doing it to

wrong you or upset your people."

"You're upsetting us already."

"Enough." The merqueen said as she swam in front. "I've already heard

what you had to say, kid. Now go back to Hogwarts, before I tell

Dumbledore about this."

"You know him?"

"He's a friend of our colony." She nodded. "And I know that you, students,

are not allowed to come into the lake."

"But if he's your friend, then why are you not helping me! I'm trying to

solve the school's curse."

At my words, the merqueen just shook her head.

"Dumbledore is our friend, but he hasn't asked for our help, so he must be

able to solve this problem by himself. Unless he does, I don't think that

I'll be helping some unknown student."


"I said that it was enough. Now leave, kid." She frowned with a glare.

At her words, the merpeople that were around her, raised their spears,

some of them even had tridents.

{Damn… These guys are not cooperating!} I thought.

It seems like my anger was showing on my face, even under the big

bubble that would make it look weird.

"On what right do you think you can be glaring at our queen!?" Said the

merman as he raised his spear and pointed it towards me.

"I don't want to fight." I said while stepping back, taking out my wand.

"Then leave." The merqueen said with a glare. "I already told you that we

won't help you."

"Why are you so obstinate!? I'm just telling you to tell me where that

place is, and that's it!"

"Stop your insolence!" The merman shouted.

"What if we duel?" I glared at him. "If I win, you tell me where the place

you think might be the last vault is. And if you win, well, you do what

you want to. Tell Dumbledore, or whatever."

"And why would I accept, young wizard?" The merqueen said as she

strengthened the grip on her trident. "I don't win anything from it."

"And why would you decline? Is it that you're afraid of a simple child?" I

said with a frown.

The merqueen frowned and looked at me for a moment. She stared

straight into my eyes for a moment that felt like an eternity before she


"I'll accept your duel." She said while crossing her arms. "IF. You accept

my condition."

I looked at the merqueen while frowning. Trying to think what condition

would she put on the duel.

CHAPTER 44 - Dueling the


"What conditions?" I asked at the merqueen.

"A duel without your wand." The merqueen said with a smirk.

{Bitch, that's basically asking a wizard to fight with his hands!} I thought

for a moment.

It was not like wandless magic is impossible, I'm not the only one able to

use it, but it's not something that simple students might be able to do.

At least, for me, this wasn't a huge handicap. Actually, it might not even

count as a handicap.

"Fine. I accept. A fight without wands." I said, trying to keep a worried


"KYA!" She suddenly screamed and talked in mermish to the merpeople

around her.

At her command, every merperson around swam out of the plaza and

surrounded the place. Even those that were in their houses came to look.

"Now we will duel." She said with a smile. "My name is Murcus,

Merchieftainess of this colony."

"My name is Logan. Logan D. Taylor. Student at Hogwarts." I said with a

bow, as in a formal duel. Or well, at least I tried to bow, but it was

basically impossible underwater, as I wouldn't stay fixed on the ground.

"What are you trying to do?" Murcus asked as she tilted her head.

"I tried to bow..." I muttered before fixing my posture again.


"Ok, I'm ready." I said, with my wand already inside my holster.

"Don't you want a spear to duel?" The merqueen asked.

"Not really. I'm quite good with my hands, you see?" I smiled as I tried to

take a fighting stance.

"Suit yourself." She said as she signaled to one of the mermen, the same

bearded one that was bickering with me before.

Raising his spear, he then swung it down, which marked the start of our


At the signal, Murcus quickly swam towards me, her speed was quite

amazing, and it would probably be impossible for me to evade her

without a wand. At least if I was a normal wizard.

Using Arcane Step I evaded her tackle, turning around I swung my arm

and sent an Arcane Pulse towards her. A blue-colored wave of magic

power surged from where my arm passed and quickly rushed towards the

merqueen. It looked impressive when used underwater, as it even

dragged the water in a torrent, probably making it hurt even more when

it impacted.

"!" The merqueen looked surprised and rushed to swim up to evade the


Not giving her time to react, I used Arcane Step once again to fly towards

her. And just as I did, a thought suddenly came to mind.

{I'm such an idiot!}

[I agree 100%] The system followed.

Until now I forgot that I could use the levitation spell to move

underwater freely.

{Exani Hur!} With a thought, I activated the spell and swung my arm,

which carried more strength this time thanks to my free movement.

"What's this magic!?" The merqueen asked in surprise as she used the

trident's shaft to defend. As my fist hit the shaft, she was actually pushed


I tried to follow up with another attack, but she swung her trident to stop

me. But instead of evading, I used Arcane Shield to stop her attack and

ended up being pushed back a couple of meters.

The merqueen opened her mouth and shouted what looked like a water


{She could do that!?} I thought as I summoned another Arcane Shield to

stop the bullet, which sent me back a couple more meters.

Without letting me recover, she rushed towards me with her trident.

Before she could reach me, I used another Arcane Pulse.

Surprised she tried to stop and change her direction, but she wasn't fast

enough, so she tried to stop it with her trident.

The force of the pulse pushed her back towards the plaza below with a

groan. I was about to go down to hit her, but it seems like the Arcane

Pulse was strong enough to stun her, as she clutched her head and tried

to regain her composure.

"Are we done?" I asked just to be sure.

She stayed there in silence for a moment, shaking her head to regain her

senses. After a little bit, she looked up and stared at me for a moment.

And she nodded.

"I lose." She said. "I don't know what kind of magic you used, but it's true

that you won."

As she spoke she tried to swim towards me but was still a little affected

by the impact of both Arcane Pulse and the pressurized water that it

dragged towards her.

"Let me help you." I moved towards her and used my healing magic.

[You've healed someone. 15pts have been earned!]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've defeated the

merqueen in a formal duel! Even without using your wand, you surprised

her with your cheap tricks!]

[250pts have been earned]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've healed a

member of another intelligent species for the first time! There you go

forming connections even with those that are not human!]

[500pts have been earned]

"Is this… healing magic?" The merqueen asked in surprise.

"Yes." I nodded.

"It is amazing, no wizard would ever try to use healing magic on us, apart

from those like Dumbledore who don't discriminate against us merpeople,

or other magical races."

"Well..." I scratched the back of my head. "I'm not the kind to go

discriminating against other intelligent species just on what they looked


[You killed trolls and other creatures, though?]

{...No comments. Now I feel bad...}

[But you'll probably do it again, won't you?]

{It's your fault, you game-like system!}

[I never told you to kill trolls, though.]

{...No comments.}

While I debated in my head with the system, it seems the injuries of the

merqueen completely healed.

"Thank you." The merqueen said as she raised. "I see that you're not like

those wizards that believe themselves to be superior to everyone else."

"Um, no, I'm not like them." I smiled awkwardly.

"Also, your magic is something unusual. I know that there are wizards

and witches capable of using wandless magic, but yours is something I've

never seen. Even your ability to move underwater impressed me very


"Thanks, I hope that my use of magic didn't go against what we agreed


"Not at all, young wizard. The agreement was for you not to use a wand.

And you did not." The merqueen said with a smile. "Now, I guess it is

time for me to keep my end of the deal."

"So are you taking me to the place?" I asked with my eyes wide open.

"Yes, I will." Murcus said with a smile, as she gestured for the rest of the

merpeople to come.

As he came closer, he nodded at me.

"It was an impressive fight." He said. "I never thought that I would see a

wizard moving like that underwater, you've surprised me."

"Thanks." I smiled awkwardly.

"Muruk, I'll lead this young wizard to the place he wishes to reach." Said


"Why don't you let me guide him, your majesty?" Muruk said. "It's the

duty of your subordinates."

"No." She shook her head. "The agreement was for me to guide him. I'll

fulfill that agreement."

"As you order, my queen." Muruk said as he bowed and went back.

"Now, shall we go?" Murcus said as she gestured to me to follow her.

Thankfully, as this time I was actually using my levitation spell, it was

possible for me to move freely underwater, and following her wasn't a

problem at all.

[And you still ask why I doubt your intelligence?]

{It was a mistake! I just forgot that I could use it underwater!}

[Whatever you say.]

As I, once again, fought with the system, we finally made it to some kind

of underwater ruins that was at the base of one of the faces of an

underwater mountain.

"Here it is, Logan." Murcus said as she stopped.

All around us, I could see different ruins and broken walls that had

engravings of subaquatic plants and animals, some even had a weird

decoration that made me think of ancient myths of underwater

civilizations from my old world.

There was one particular engraving that repeated constantly all around,

and it was that of an octopus.

"Um… Is this the place?" I asked as I looked all around.

The merqueen chuckled, probably because of my confused face.

"Yes, but not here exactly." She said as she pointed with her trident to the

face of the mountain.

"Huh? I have to climb that mountain." I tilted my head, as I looked up. I

kind of saw a faint light coming from the middle of the mountain, but it

was too dim.

"No." She shook her head. "The real entrance lies behind that wall of

rocks. You see that old trident there?"

She pointed towards a small piece of rock with an old trident placed over

it. I nodded.

"That's a signal, to mark where the entrance to that cursed place is."

"Have you entered there before…?" I asked.

"No." The merqueen shook her head. "But there are stories of my people

going in there and losing their mind."

I gulped.

"But somewhen in the past, the ruins were sealed, and the access was

sealed by this wall of rocks."

"Then how did the curse activate again…?" I frowned.

"That, I don't know. But you said this wasn't the only place with this

curse. So maybe they resonated between themselves."

"That could be." I nodded as I looked at the wall that the trident pointed


{There should be some charm that allows me to make this wall


"Well, I have fulfilled my end of the deal." The merqueen spoke. "Now I

must return to my colony."

"Thank you for bringing me here."

"You won the right with our duel." She said with a smile. "Before I go, let

me give you a little bit more help."

As she spoke, she turned to look at a path-looking trail in the ruin.

"If you follow that direction, you'll eventually reach the shore of the

Black Lake that's the closest to Hogwarts." She said as she pointed in the

direction of the trail.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." This time I bowed to her perfectly.

"It's no problem." Murcus smiled. "You're welcomed in our colony, young

wizard Logan. I'm expectant about what you're going to accomplish in

the future."

After that she swam back to the merpeople colony, while I stood there,

looking at the message that appeared in front of me.

CHAPTER 45 - The Sunken Vault

Underwater at the Black Lake. Currently, I was staying in front of the

entrance to what the merqueen assumed was the Sunken Vault, looking

at the message that appeared in front of me after the merqueen left.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've befriended

the merpeople in the Black Lake. This is only the first step to establishing

an alliance with them.]

[500pts have been earned]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've established a

friendly relationship with a demi-human community for the first time!

Punch all those wizard supremacists in the face! Preferably with an army

of demi-humans.]

[1000pts have been earned]

{Now this is interesting.} I smiled at the system's messages. {Look at all

these profits I'm getting each time I leave Hogwarts!}

[Yeah… Without a doubt, this is a broken system. Praise me more.]

{I wasn't praising you.}

[You keep telling that to yourself until you believe it. You can't live

without me, and you know it.]

"Ha… Forget it..." I muttered as I turned to look at the rock wall. "I could

break it somehow, but… Is it okay for me to seal this? I originally

thought about just finding it and letting the guys know so they can finish

this stuff..."

Coming all the way here was successful, I found the place that's most

likely to be the final vault.

{But once again… It's just a place that may be… I'm still not certain it

is.} I thought for a moment.




"Oh no, you better tell me."

[Sorry, I don't speak stupid.]

"Why was that for?" I frowned.

[Ha… My life is so hard...]

"Oh, fuck it." I rolled my eyes and took out my wand. "I won't pay

attention to you. I'll just focus on confirming this place."

[By all means.]

Ignoring the system, I took out a Disintegrate Rune that still had a couple

of uses left. As the rune floated around me, I used to attack a spot on the

face of the mountain. Light-purple light flew out of the rune and reached

the rock wall.

After a slight tremble, the rock wall started to crack and soon crumbled.

"Damn rune is quite useful for this kind of thing..." I muttered as I looked

at the crumbled rock wall. Right behind it, was a cave's entrance. "That

looks like the right way to follow."

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've found a secret

passage leading to a long-forgotten ruin containing the Sunken Vault. The

ancestry of these ruins proves how old the cursed vaults really are.]

[500pts have been earned]

"Wow..." I looked at the system message. "This is ten times more than

what I got for finding the RoR..."

[That's to be expected. You already knew what the RoR was and where it

was. It wasn't a big secret either for others at Hogwarts.]

"That makes sense." I nodded. "Well, this proves that this place holds the

secret vault… Should I just go in? I already got 500pts for just finding the

place, maybe I'll be able to get more if I keep exploring."

[No way! Really? I wouldn't notice if you never told me!]

"... Oh come on! Shut up already!"

[Sure. Whatever for my genius user.]

"Ha..." As I let out a deep sigh, a sudden sound came from the underwater


Holding my wand strongly, I prepared for whatever would come out of

that cave.

{I hope it's not some kind of huge monster ready to eat me alive...} I

thought for a moment, and soon enough, my assumptions proved to be


There was no giant monster. But a horde of grindylows.

{The heck are these ugly things doing in there!?} I thought to myself as I

quickly flew back to evade one of the charging grindylows.

With a swing of my wand, a magic rope shot towards the grindylow I just

evaded and trapped him. I quickly swung my wand again and an Exevo

Tera Hur came bursting from the lake's bed and aquatic plants and even

vines started to trap the grindylows in front of me.

{Why are there so many of these things!?} I thought as I flew back down,

evading a group of almost twenty of those things.

With another wave of my wand, an Exevo Vis Hur rushed to another

group that was coming for me.

The energy wave electrocuted them and even spread towards the rest, if

it wasn't for my control on it, it might even hurt me.

After electrocuting half of the horde of more than fifty grindylows, I

finally stopped the spell and focused on sending individual energy strikes

towards the remaining ones, until all of them were finished.

Messages kept appearing at the corner of my eyes, but I simply ignored

the new points. It was 4 points for each of these things I killed, so I ended

up getting around 200 points for all of them.

{Ha… Damn things scared the hell out of me...} I thought for a moment,

before looking at the death horde. {I don't think it's a good idea to leave

the corpses behind...}

"Utevo Res Massive Water Elemental." As I chanted, my magic power left

my core and formed a big creature made of light in front of me.

The light had the form of a big humanoid creature without legs. Soon,

the light dispersed and a giant, deep-blue-colored water elemental

appeared. It had two bright eyes that shined on a deep ocean-blue color,

deeper than its body, which despite mixing with the surrounding water,

still showed a deep blue color.

"Take care of the bodies, move them inside the cave." I said as I pointed

at the cave.

The Massive Water Elemental nodded its head which I could barely see

thanks to the bright eyes. Soon its amorphous body moved and with

great expertise it grouped all the corpses and covered them in its body,

taking them towards the cave.

I followed behind, and once inside the cave, I quickly ordered it to follow

me while carrying the grindylows. We both went through the tunnels

inside the cave, and soon enough, the tunnels started going up.

We finally reached a bigger space that had a platform that wasn't

submerged in water. Going over the platform, I commanded the Massive

Water Elemental to leave the grindylows on the platform.

I then used the fire wave spell to burn them to ashes. Thanks to having

the bubble-head charm still active, I wasn't worried about the lack of

oxygen, and since I was using my magic power, I could still keep the fire

alive as I burned the corpses to ashes.

"Ha… That's a lot of work for simply taking care of these things." I shook

my head and then turned to look at the place I was in.

It was an amazing ruin. There were columns surrounding the platform I

was standing on, and also engravings on the walls that had different

images that I couldn't understand. Some of them had images of a big

octopus that was seemingly being worshiped by some kind of civilization.

At one side of the platform, there was an enormous statue of what

seemed to be that same octopus, there was some rubble in the middle of

it, right in front of what seemed to be the deteriorated head of the

octopus, and right in front of that rubble, a broken path that connected

the statue to the platform I was standing on.

After looking around for some clues on where the vault might be, I

noticed that the only thing that stood out from the place was the statue.

Whether it was for its unique design or the gaseous light that I could see

behind the statue.

"If that thing is similar to the statue of Salazar Slytherin in the Chamber

of Secrets, then there must be a passage where all that rubble is." I

muttered as I took out the Disintegrate Rune that still had one use left.

Pointing to the rubble, the rune shone in a light-purple light and shot a

purple light that soon disintegrated the rubble, revealing another

entrance as the rune turned to dust.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've found the

chamber where the last vault stood in wait. Be careful though, you never

know what secrets or mysteries lay ahead in the chamber.]

[250pts have been earned]

"Only 250 points? Is it because there's only the vault's chamber that's

waiting in here?"


"Okay." I shrugged as I walked towards the entrance of the chamber and

entered. "Well… This sure is discouraging."

Once inside, what I thought would be something amazing, ended up

being a simple pillar that stood in the center of a normal-looking

chamber. If there was something worth noting, it would be that the pillar

looked to be some kind of tall chest that shone in amber light, while

there were some statues surrounding it.

[Were you expecting something else?]

"Well… Yes? I mean, this thing here has been causing the students and

even a teacher to get petrified. But it looks quite… unamusing?" I tiled

my head.

[Reality sometimes likes to break our expectations, you know?]

"I know that." I nodded as I looked at the pillar. I would normally try to

touch it, but as I looked at it with my Arcane Eyes, I noticed that the

thing was letting out a hideous dark-grey colored mist.

{It's not as worrisome as the black mist that Rowena's diadem let out, but

I sure don't want to touch that thing that reeks of dark magic with my


I took out another rune, the Destroy Field Rune.

"This thing usually helps me destroy elemental fields, but it technically

can destroy any field made by magic. The question is, could I consider

that pillar made of magic?"

{Only one way to find out!} With a thought, I activated the rune and a

grey light shone from the rune, rushing towards the pillar, which started

to tremble for a while. After a few seconds, the amber light faded, and

the pillar crumbled outwards.

In the middle of the pillar, rested a dagger with a strange design. It had a

tentacle-like handle and a curved blade with a length of 30 centímeters.

There were also some gold coins surrounding the thing.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've broken the

curse of the Sunken Vault, now the petrified students and students will

come back to normal. Retrieve your well-deserved treasure that's hidden

inside the vault.]

[1000pts have been earned]

"It was easier than I thought." I muttered as I looked at the treasure

inside. "And what I'm supposed to do with this?"

[Well, it's gold. You can change it for any kind of currency, or points if

you want. About that blade, Arcanists are great with weapons. Though

you'll have to learn how to use it by yourself.]

"Oh, right." I nodded as I got close to the opened vault. Once in front of

it, I sent the gold to my inventory and took the dagger. "It looks


The dagger's blade had a different color from normal steel, it looked

more like aquamarine.

"What's with this material? It's certainly not steel, or well, it doesn't look

like the material I've seen in other weapons. And the magic..."

Smoke was coming out of the dagger, it had a light-blue color, which

meant that it wasn't dark magic.

"I would love to have some kind of appraisal..."

[Your best choice is to simply use the dagger and see if it has any visible


"Will have to do that..." I nodded. "Well, I better go back. But first, I'll

make sure to destroy the entrance to this place."

I put the dagger into my inventory and started to walk out from the

vault. Using an Explosion Rune a couple of times, I sealed the entrance

under the octopus head.

Going out of the cave, I did the same with the entrance to the cave,

sealing it again with rubbles and crumbles.

"This should do." I muttered as I looked at the now sealed entrance.

"Well, time to go back. I hope that things are already solved back in


I finally moved back to Hogwarts through the path the merqueen told me


CHAPTER 46 - Everything’s back

to normal


Sorry guys, I've had problems with my Internet connection and couldn't

upload the chapters for the last couple of weeks, but! Here they are! (yes,

double update today), also, I'll publish Sunday too as it's the regular

chapter. These are the last two weeks' chapters.


Going back to Hogwarts wasn't hard at all thanks to the merqueen. Soon,

I was already back at the castle, on time to see everyone going crazy

around the place.

The reason was obvious. Moments ago the petrified students and Madam

Pomfrey came back to normal.

This, of course, included my friend Jake.

"Logan! Where have you been!?" Roger shouted as he ran towards me

when I was going towards the Hospital Wing with anxiousness.

"Um, I was doing some homework back at the library." I said as I

scratched the back of my head.

"Really? But I didn't see you there." Roger said as he tilted his head. "And

I was with William there doing homework too."

"Yes? Sorry, we must have missed each other." I answered. "Anyways, is it


"Huh? Oh, right! I almost forgot! Come on! Jake is awake! William and

Lyra are there with him. Even Johanne and Julie came to the Hospital


"Let's go then!" I shouted as I started running towards the Hospital Wing.

"W-Wait!" Roger ran behind me, but he wasn't fast enough to keep up

with me.

Soon, I found myself in the Hospital Wing, there were some students and

even some professors, including Snape, Dumbledore, and McGonagall.

Looking around, I soon found Jake, who was sitting on his infirmary bed,

with Williams, Lyra, Johanne, and Julie surrounding him.

{He's indeed awake...} I thought as I moved closer.

"Logan!" William said excitedly. "Look who's awake!"

"Yeah, haha." I chuckled as I made it to the bed. "Hey Jake, seems like

you're already back with us, huh?"

"Hi, Logan..." Jake smiled wryly. "Yeah… It seems like I've been..."

"Petrified, Jake." William said after Jake tried to remember the correct


"Yes, that. Petrified." Jake nodded. "I'm still uncertain on what that is."

"Let's say that you were asleep as stone haha..." I said.

"That's a really lame joke." Jake chuckled.

"Ha… Ha… Yeah… A really lame joke..." Roger, who just got here after

running behind me, said while trying to catch his breath. "By the way,

Logan, could you please don't leave me behind like that… You run too


"Sorry… anyways, it's good that you're okay, Jake. You got us worried

there." I said as I patted his shoulder.

"You should have seen this guy when he learned you got petrified."

William said with a chuckle.

"No kidding, he had this face of wanting to punch someone in the face..."

Roger said, finally able to talk normally.

"Haha." Lyra chuckled. "Come on, guys. He was just worried for his

friend. Weren't you the same?"

"Yes, don't push it all on me. You two were also worried sick when you

learned that Jake was petrified."

"Look, the point here is that Logan got really sad when you got petrified."

Roger said as he rolled his eyes.

"We all did, Jake." I said as I chuckled. "It's good to have you back,

though you'll probably have a hard time catching up with classes."

"I'm sure we'll be able to reach an agreement, Mr. Taylor." Suddenly,

Dumbledore's gentle voice sounded as he walked towards us. "It's good

that Mr. Evans here is safe and sound. Maybe some help from his friends

will be enough for him to be up to date with his classes."

"Yes… Thanks, Professor Dumbledor." Jake nodded as he looked in awe

at the old man.

"There's nothing to thank me for, Mr. Evans, you should be saving those

thanks to your friends." Dumbledore said with a smile, before turning to

me. "Also, Mr. Taylor, I must apologize for interrupting such a

heartwarming moment, but there's something we must talk about, both

us and Mr. Nolan."

"With Andrew, sir?" I tilted my head.

"Yes, precisely." Dumbledore nodded.

"Can't it be later, Professor?" I asked with a wry smile.

"You don't need to worry about me, Logan. I'll still be here later, you

know?" Jake said. "There's also William, Roger, and the others here."

"Yes, just go." Roger said as he made a shoo gesture.

"It's not like you're not coming back, right?" Lyra asked with a smile.

"It seems like your friends don't have a problem waiting for you, and as

Miss Grant here said, we won't take too much of your time." Dumbledore

said as he nodded towards Lyra. "Now, if you would, Mr. Nolan is waiting

for us outside."

"Yes, Professor." I said before going out, following Dumbledore.

Once outside the Hospital Wing, I could see that there was Andrew,

alongside a blonde Hufflepuff that I've seen before. Penny. I'm pretty sure

her name was Haywood or something like that, and she had a little sister

too who… happened to have a close experience last year and was

affected by one of the curses, and now she has this weird attitude that's

quite similar to Merula and another Slytherin student.

"Hey, Logan." Andrew greeted me as I went outside. "I see you were also


"Hi Andrew, Penny. Yes, came as soon as I heard my friend went back to

normal." I said as I greeted them.

"That's good to hear." Penny said with a smile. "It's good that everyone's

back to normal."

"Yeah." I nodded with a smile. "So… what are we going to talk about?

Andrew? Professor?"

"Not here, Mr. Taylor, let's go to my office." Dumbledore said with a

smile, as he guided us three to the office.

Once there, I greeted Fawkes as the Headmaster went over the desk and

sat down.

"Would any of you like some candy?" Dumbledore asked.

"No, thanks, Professor." Andrew declined, and so did Penny.

"I would like a lemon drop, Professor." I said as I nodded and extended

my arm to receive the candy.

"So you have a tooth for sour things, Mr. Taylor." Dumbledore said with a

smile as he put away the flask with the candies.

"It may be so." I nodded.

"Well, I guess we should talk, I'm sure you would like to go back to your

friend, Mr. Taylor." Dumbledore said before he crossed his finger in front

of his face. "So, I assume all the presents here know the cause of the

petrification, am I right?"

"The vault's curse." Andrew said with a stern look, while Penny had a

worried face.

I just nodded at his answer.

"Indeed." Dumbledore nodded. "The cause is the cursed vault. The last

one, if my memory doesn't fail me."

"Yes…" Andrew said as he looked down, before turning to look up at the

Professor. "Is there a chance that… 'R' got to the vault, Professor?"

"I don't know, Mr. Nolan. But one thing is certain, something happened to

it, and luckily, whatever it was, it broke the curse that fell on the

students." Dumbledore said. "Now, I would like to ask you, if you have

found anything about the Last Vault."

"Uhm… What do you mean, Professor?" Andrew smiled wryly.

"Oh, don't think that this old man doesn't know." Dumbledore smiled as

he looked over his glasses with his head slightly tilted down. "I've noticed

the crescent interest my students had on the Last Vault."

"Haha…" Andrew chuckled awkwardly while Penny looked away.

"So? Were you able to find something?" Dumbledore asked

"Not really, Professor…" Andrew sighed. "We had some clues, but nothing

is certain yet. It's probable that the Last Vault is actually inside the Black

Lake… But we're not entirely sure about it."

"Mmm…" Dumbledore rubbed his chin. "The Black Lake, you say… Isn't

that interesting, Mr. Taylor?"

"Eh?" I tilted my head. {Don't tell me…}

CHAPTER 47 – End of the Cursed


"The Black Lake, you say… Isn't that interesting, Mr. Taylor?"

Dumbledore said as he lifted an eyebrow, staring at me.

"Eh?" I tilted my head.

Until now, I thought that Professor Dumbledore just wanted to talk about

the disappearance of the last curse, but it seems that he had something

else in mind.

{Don't tell me…}

"As I've said before…" Dumbledore smiled. "I've noticed the recent

interest of my students for searching this Last Vault."

"Ah… I'm not sure what you're talking about, Professor…"

"Is that so, Mr. Taylor? Isn't there any adventure you had recently that

might have a connection to the lift of the curse?"

"Wait…" Andrew opened his eyes wide as he turned to me. "Did you find

the Last Vault, Logan!?"

"Um… Haha…" I just chuckled.

[You know, I've had this feeling since quite a while ago, but you're really

bad at keeping secrets… Even if those can greatly affect your life… This

system is worried…]

{Shut it!}

"Well?" Penny asked. "Is that true, Logan? Did you find it?"

"Well…" I scratched the back of my head. {Ha… I hate this old man…} I

thought as I turned to look at the smiling Dumbledore, who couldn't look

more detestable even if I tried. "Let's just say that I was lucky… And had

a lot of help too…"

"What? How? When?" Andrew couldn't stop asking a lot of questions.

"Calm down, Mr. Nolan, let Mr. Taylor explain himself." Dumbledore

intervened as Andrew kept asking things.

"Haha… Well… I kind of overheard you guys talking about how the Last

Vault could be in the Black Lake. So I went to inspect." I started to

explain what happened in there, me befriending the merqueen through

our duel and she guiding me to the entrance of the Last Vault.

"Originally, my plan was to actually tell you guys once I found it, but as I

still needed to make sure if the place was certainly the Last Vault, I kind

of went it myself, and as I found the Last Vault, I couldn't help but just

break the curse and seal the place…"

"I must say, Mr. Taylor. That what you did was a really dangerous thing."

Dumbledore said with a frown. "These vaults are unpredictable, and hold

secrets from thousands of years ago."

"Professor Dumbledore is right, Logan, something really bad could

happen to you!" Andrew said.

"These vaults shouldn't be taken lightly, Logan, you're lucky that you're

safe…" Penny also said with a worried face.

"I would love to have heard that I'm right before, when a certain group of

students went in and fought a Dragon inside the previous vault."

Dumbledore said with a lifted eyebrow.

"Um… I'm sorry Professor… But this is different!" Andrew said.

"Yes, and we went in as a group before." Penny said with a slightly red


"Ok… I know that it wasn't really wise." I said as I scratched the back of

my head. "But I just saw the opportunity to free my friend, and I took it…

I don't think I did something bad."

"You most certainly not, Mr. Taylor, but it's not about doing something

wrong or right, it's just that your life could have been in danger inside

the Last Vault." Dumbledore said with some gentleness in his eyes.

"I… I think the risk was worth it, Professor." I said. "Now not only my

friend is free from the curse, but so are the rest of the students and even

Madam Pomfrey."

"That's certainly true. And for that, I will thank you profoundly. But it

would have been better for you to let us, the teachers, know, so we could

handle it."

"Yes… Professor…" I nodded.

"Well, I guess we can finally leave these cursed vaults behind, right? Mr.

Nolan?" Dumbledore asked as he turned to look at Andrew.

"Yes, professor. With the Last Vault out of sight, there should be nothing

more to worry about for now…" Andrew said.

"I hope that my students could stop going on these dangerous

adventures." Dumbledore said as he looked at both Andrew and me. "I'm

sure that it's but a hopeless dream of mine, so, for now, I'll just deduct 20

points to Ravenclaw."

"But Professor!" Andrew suddenly turned to Dumbledore. "Even if he

broke some rules, he still saved the students from the curse!"

"I'm aware of that, Mr. Nolan, so let me continue." Dumbledore turned to

look at me. "While bravery is certainly not a quality that most

Ravenclaws would proudly announce to others, it's not as if your house

lacks it. And is with such bravery that you not only found the Last Vault

but also solved the problem that haunted our school. Freeing your friend,

and your schoolmates on the process. For that, Mr. Taylor, I proudly

grant your house 50 points."

{This is going on a weird way…} I thought for a moment as I nodded.

"Thank you, Professor."

"It's me who should be thanking you instead." Dumbledore said with a

warm smile. "Oh, but don't think that I will overlook this kind of action

in the future. I hope that, from now on, you behave inside the school, or

I'm afraid I must punish you for any misbehavior."

"Yes, Professor…" I nodded.

[But this isn't the first time you've done something like this, though…

And he's even aware of that.]

{Let the old man be happy! If he wants to be forgiving, let him be!} I

thought, thinking about how happy I would be if I could hit the system

on the face. If he has any.

"Also, I would advise, Mr. Nolan, to leave any thought of finding 'R' out

your young minds." Dumbledore said as he turned to look at Andrew.

"While unknown, they're still one big organization with connections all

around the world, it's certainly not a safe choice to try and go against

them. With the vault out of sight, they will surely turn their sight to some

other place that would turn more profitable for them."

"But Professor-" Andrew tried to speak, but Penny grabbed his arm.

"Andrew… I think that Professor Dumbledore is right… Trying to find 'R'

is dangerous… and now that the Last Vault is sealed, there's no reason for

us to keep worrying about them."

"Ha…" Andrew sighed. "Fine… I will stop looking for them."

"Wonderful." Dumbledore said as he clapped. "I hope that you understand

that I'm only saying this out of consideration for your safety. At least

while you're in Hogwarts, I'm the one responsible for your safety, and I

would like it if you could help me in keeping all of the students safe."

"Yes, I understand, Professor." Andrew nodded.

"Also… about that club of yours…"

"!" Andrew flinched, and so did Penny.

{At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire school knew of their

oh-so-secret organization…}

[It sure is like your oh-so-secret escapades.]

{No comments.}

"I must say, Mr. Nolan, that you haven't done a good job in keeping

your… organization well-hidden."

"Ha…" Penny sighed in frustration as she shook her head.

"Haha…" Andrew smiled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head.

I limited myself to shake my head, though it's certainly not because I

didn't have the morale to say something.

"Is it also prohibited?" Andrew asked.

"Not really, I encourage any kind of group that is willing to learn and to

progress in the field of Magic. And if I would have to say, it's a really

interesting project you got there, teaching other students how to defend

themselves in dangerous times is always a great idea." Dumbledore said

as he smiled. "But, I would appreciate it if you could keep things in

moderation, and without putting the students in peril by leading them in

dangerous adventures outside the castle."

"Y-Yes… Professor." Andrew smiled awkwardly.

"Now, I think you guys have things to do, and everything that should be

talked about was already addressed. Mr. Taylor, I'm sure that your

friends must be waiting for you back at the Hospital Wing, you should

probably go back with them."

"Thanks, Professor." I nodded.

Andrew, Penny, and I went out of the office. Once outside, Andrew

looked around and saw that no one was close, before turning to me.

"Logan, I'm truly grateful for what you did." He started. "But next time,

you should really look for help. Trust me, the dangers of these vaults isn't

something to be taken lightly."

"Says the one who also broke into one of these vaults on his first year."

Penny rolled her eyes.

"I didn't go there alone…" Andrew said with a sigh. "Anyways, I'm really

glad that you didn't hurt yourself."

"Thanks, Andrew." I nodded at him. "But really, it wasn't that much. The

vault was empty, there were just some weird statues and nothing more."

"Is that so?" Andrew tilted his head. "It's weird, the other vaults were full

of dangers."

"Maybe this one was so unprotected because it was well-hidden?" I asked.

"It was even covered by a wall of rocks that would make it really hard for

anyone to find, if it wasn't for the merqueen Murcus who told me the

direction, I wouldn't have found it so easily…"

"It may be because of that." Andrew nodded while rubbing his chin.

"Well, I won't take more of your time, as Professor Dumbledore said, your

friends must be waiting for you."

"Yes, you should go. We'll talk with the rest to let them know that the

problem is finally solved and everyone's safe now." Penny also said with a

smile. "I think my little sister will be more relaxed now that the curse is

out of the way."

"Thank you, guys." I nodded with a smile, before going back to the

Hospital Wing.

This was only my first year, but all kinds of things have happened to me.

Not only did I manage to make friends, something that I only did through

the screen of my PC, but I also went through a lot of adventures.

{This is just the start… So many things are going to come in the future.} I

thought as I walked towards the hospital wing.

This small episode with the cursed vaults is only the start and the proof

of all the mysteries that this world holds.

{Everything's going to be alright, isn't it? System?}

[You should know already, that you hold immense potential, and even

now, your power is nothing to scoff at. I assure you, that as long as you

keep growing, everything's going to be well.]

{That's reassuring to hear…}

[Though, it would be great if you could be smarter when acting. While

Dumbledore isn't that worried about you for now, we don't know what

will happen in the future. You've already changed the future of this

world, even if it isn't that obvious right now.]

{Are you trying to warn me? Or mock me?} I frowned.

[There's no reason why I can't do both.]

{Ha… Forget it. I better rush back to the Hospital Wing.} I thought as I

started to run back to see my friends.

CHAPTER 48 – Shopping Spree!

After passing time with my friends in the Hospital Wing, and after Jake

was finally released, a little bit after dinner, we all went towards the

Common Room of our House, there, some of the upperclassmen,

including those that were training with the not-so-secret group,

congratulated Jake, who got slightly surprised that so many students

were greeting him.

I helped him by presenting everyone, and soon the place took a festive

atmosphere, making it a really gleeful night for all of us.

After talking, recounting what's been happening lately in the school, and

advising him on some of the classes he's been missing, we all finally

called it a night and went to our respective rooms.

Once I got inside my room, I let myself fall on the bed, letting out a deep


"Finally…" I said as I sighed. "This is all over…"

[Do you mean the thing with the vaults and curses?]

"Yeah, what else?"

[Oh, I don't know. Maybe all the party thing?]

"Mm? Why would I get a party or something?"

[You don't?]

"Well… I mean, it's not like I've been to a party or anything before… And

I do must ask… That was a party?"

[Not really, let's say… A small celebration?]

"Oh well… Maybe sometime later I'll be able to attend some real party?" I

muttered as I stretched.

[Most probably. Remember that during Harry's fourth year there will be a

special Christmas dance.]

"Oh, right…" I nodded. "I guess that might be the closest thing to a party

I'll have anytime soon… Anyways! I've been curious the whole day how

many points I have right now..."

[I thought you had forgotten about those.]

"Why didn't you say anything if you thought I forgot?" I said with a

frown. "Ha… Forget it, it's not something I should expect in the first


After sitting up, I called my status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 55

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 19420pts



Inventory (Size limit: 940oz/26.64kg)]

"I honestly thought I would have leveled up more…" I said as I looked at

my ML, but once I looked more I couldn't stop my jaw from falling down.

"Holy crap…"

[Impressive, isn't it?]

"How… When!?"

[Well, it's normal that you haven't thought of it, you normally forget to

open your status constantly. And well, with all the quests you've been

doing while helping the Protectors of Hogwarts train, and the rush of

points you got today, you almost reached the 20.000 points.]

"Wow… I didn't think it would be this much… If I save a little bit more

points… I will be able to buy an advanced vocation..."

[Yes, it's true. First year and with an advanced vocation. Soon you won't

have to worry about anything… Not even Voldemort is here yet to cause

troubles for you…]

"You're right… I might not have the same power as him or Dumbledore

when it comes to my Magic Core… But if I get my hands on an Advanced

Vocation, I might be able to at least survive a fight against them…"

[Well, you will surely have more spells at your disposal, but remember

that experience and the power of your spells play quite the part in a

fight. Though, taking them by surprise with spells they've never seen

might help you win a fight.]

"Yes… But well, I at least hope there's no need for me to fight Professor

Dumbledore and Voldemort… Well, he's more of Harry's problem…" I

muttered as I rubbed my chin. "Now, should I wait for the points…? It

should be the most obvious decision, right?"

[In a sense, yes. Though the question would be, it's really the only choice

you have right now?]

"Taking into account that there are a lot of things that I can buy from the

store, then no. It's not the only thing that I can do… But… I don't know, I

guess I'll have to think things through."

[As you already said, there are a lot of things you can buy from the store,

and there's also the fact that you don't need the power right now. It's not

something urgent.]

"Exactly, with the curse already cleared, and with Voldemort still a few

years away from even being revived. It's not like I need to increase my

power that much. Even more, I still have lots of ways to get more points."

[Yes, even right now, you can find different ways to gather points. Like

looking for the Marauder's Map, or simply selling your newfound gold for


"Yeah, I won't sell my gold for po-" I was about to deny the last option,

but something caught my attention. "Wait, Marauder's Map? Isn't that the

thing Fred and George used to move around the castle without being


[Yeah. They got it in their first year.]

"Right! I need to get it..."

[Yes, it would net you a good amount of points.]

"Not only that… But… I can't let the twins get their hands on that map,

they will be able to see me whenever I move around the castle!"

[Oh, that's what worried you? Honestly, knowing them, the most they

would try to do is follow you around or recruit you to prank people

around the castle.]

"That's not it… They may find me going out of the castle from time to

time, or even going to the RoR."

[In case you don't remember, it was said in the movies that the map

couldn't show the Room of Requirements.]

"Doesn't mean they won't see me disappear in front of the entrance.

Either way. I'll just take the map for myself, and be sure they don't get it.

If anything, I can just give it to Harry once he's on his third year."

[Oh well, whatever you feel is the best way to proceed.]

"Well, with that said. I guess it's time to decide…" I sat cross-legged. "I

could buy a couple of bulks of blank runes… And maybe a more

advanced wand… But the enticement of an advanced vocation is too

much to let go of… Mmm…"

Right now, my ML has reached 55, which means I have access to some of

my vocation best spells. It's not like I'm missing something in power, if

anything, only two wizards can fight against me right now in a head-on

confrontation, and one of those is a soul without a body.

{Do I really want to have an advanced vocation so early?} I thought as I

tried to look for any clear reason that would push me to either buy the

advanced vocation or other stuff.

"It all comes to choose between quantity and quality I guess…" I said as I

let out a deep sigh.

{What worries me the most, it's wasting those points and not being able

to recover all 20.000 points…} I thought as I scratched my chin.

[Well, look at it this… It's only your first year. And not even the start of

Harry Potter's story. You got a lot of points from breaking the original

story's second book main plot, or well, at least part of the main plot. You

still can break the rest of the plot, and all rest of the six books plot. Heck,

you could even force Tommy into being a soul for the rest of his life.

Points are not going to be scarce for the foreseeable future.]

"That's true." I nodded. "Though I'm not going to leave Voldemort as a

soul forever, I might as well finish him as soon as I can..."

[Oh, right. I forgot to tell you. You would be wise not to try and kill that


"Huh? Why?" I tilted my head, utterly confused.

[Well, let's say that there's a prophecy about him, in which the one that

will defeat him, and finally kill him, it's Harry. Not you, not Dumbledore,

not Hermione, not the Longbottom kid, but Harry.]

"Oh right, the so-called prophecy that the divination teacher from third-

year made. But what does it have to do with me not killing Voldemort? I

can simply destroy all Horcruxes and finish him, right?"

[Here's where things get tricky. There are three deities in this world.

They might not interfere directly, but they exist.]

"Wait, gods?"

[Yes, something like that. You actually know one of them. Death.]

"Death? Like the one in the story of the Deathly Hallows?"

[Precisely. That's the first deity.]

"Holy crap, I thought it was a simple story."

[What do you mean? The Deathly Hallows exist.]

"Yes, I know, but I meant the fact that they were made by Death."

[Oh, right. Well, now you know. Now, the second Deity is Fate. Fate is a

bitch. Don't mess with it, or bad things will happen.]

"You tell me that now!? I basically broke the second book plot!"

[Relax, that's not a problem. The problem comes when you mess around

with the prophecies. It's then that Fate turns into a real bitch.]

"Say, why can you call Fate a bitch?"

[I'm made by a higher-dimension entity, Fate can't do shit to me. To you

though? You better not mess around with her haha.]

"Ha… Can't believe this." I said as I facepalmed. "So, in other words, I

should not mess around with anyone's prophecy?"

[Well, not anyone's prophecy, but more like this world's prophecy? I

mean, things like Harry killing Voldemort are top-tier prophecies,

nothing like 'you will eat chocolate cereal on January 13th of 2005',

those are crap. Doesn't matter at all, but prophecies where the future of

the world is at stake? Those you better avoid. Thankfully, there's just one

like that, and it's Harry's prophecy.]

"Dude… You scared the hell out of me!" I sighed. "So, making it brief. No

directly killing Voldemort for me, right?"

[Precisely. Apart from that, it's all game.]

"What if I kill Harry?" I tilted my head.


"I mean, the prophecy is Harry killing Voldemort more or less, and it's

Harry's prophecy. If I kill him, in theory, the prophecy would be void,

right? Making Voldemort a free target for me to kill."


"Mm? Right?"

[That's a stupid idea. The prophecy clearly says, and I quote, 'either must

die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives.'

You can't kill Harry as well as you can't kill Voldemort, you idiot.]

"Oh come on, I don't remember the entire freaking dialogue of the

movies. Even less the exact prophecy..."

[Ha… I mourn for the poor neurons you still have in that empty head of


"Shut up…" I muttered before sighing. "Then, what's the third god?"

[The third Deity is Magic. Magic exists in this World as a concept, and it's

the reason why wizards can bend and break natural laws as they please.

Different from the other two, Magic isn't an 'individual', it's more of a

conceptual Deity.]

"You're confusing me..."

[Well, just think of it as a force that exists in this world, but has no

conscience. Like gravity, it just exists.]

"Ok… Whatever you say. I'll just take it represents no danger for me,


[Yeah, it's not dangerous for you. Actually, none of the three are, except

if you mess around with Fate. Really, don't even try it. She won't leave

you alone if you mess around with her.]

"Right, right." Nodding, I jumped on my feet. "Well, with all this talk

about deities and all that, I had time to decide. I won't pick my advanced

vocation just yet. I'll first buy some stuff that it's better to have. My

power is enough for the moment."

[Ok. If that's what you want, then go ahead.]

"Oh come on, don't say it as if you don't like my choice. You could

perfectly just leave me alone and I would have decided to buy the

advanced vocation."

[Tch. You noticed? With that dull head of yours.]

"…Haa… Whatever." Shaking my head. I opened the store.

[You won't ask why I tried to change your mind?]

"I'll guess it's because it would be boring for you."

[Wow… You amaze me...]

[50 points have been rewarded for surprising the system.]

"Thank you…?"

[You're welcome. But yes, it would be boring for me if you got your

advanced vocation so early.]

"Oh well, whatever. I still think I'll get it during my second year. And

once my third year starts, it's all about the main story."

[Oh well, suit yourself. I won't try again later, after all, it's your choice at

the end.]

"Much appreciated." I said as I went through the store. "First, let's buy

some bulks of Blank Runes."

After wasting 5.000 points n Blank Runes, I got enough for a few years,

just enough time for me to figure out if I can create my own blank runes

using materials from this world.

"Well, there we go with 500 Blank Runes." I said as I looked a the filled

space of Blank Runes in my inventory. "Now, next… I guess I won't need

weapons, as I have that strange dagger I found in the Vault. But, wands

and rods are different altogether."

[Wands/Rods (New!) / 19420pts

- Wand of Vortex (500pts)

- Snakebite Rod (500pts)

- Energyzed Orb (500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Dragonbreath (1000pts)

- Wand of Decay (1000pts)

- Moonlight Rod (1000pts)

- Necrotic Rod (1000pts)

- Ice Orb (1000pts)NEW!

- Fire Orb (1000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Draconia (1500pts)

- Wand of Cosmic Energy (1500pts)

- Northwind Rod (1500pts)

- Terra Rod (1500pts)

- Scorching Crystal (1500pts) NEW!

- Starlight Eye (1500pts) NEW!

- Frozen Core (1500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Inferno (2000pts)

- Wand of Dimensions (2000pts)

- Wand of Starstorm (2000pts)

- Hailstorm Rod (2000pts)

- Ogre Scepta (2000pts)

- Springsprout Rod (2000pts)

- Shimmer Rod (2000pts)

- Underworld Rod (2000pts)

- Mountain-Shattering Orb (2000pts) NEW!

- Frozen Heart (2000pts) NEW!

- Lava Core (2000pts) NEW!

- Ghastly Orb (2000pts) NEW!

- ???]

"Mm? What's with all these new things?" I tilted my head as I looked at

the long list of Wands, Rods, and what seemed to be a new kind of magic


[Oh right, you didn't open your Wands and Rods store after getting the

Tactician vocation…]

"No… I just took a look after getting the Druid one. Wait, does that mean

that these… orbs? Are from the Tactician vocation?"

[Exactly. Tacticians are support-oriented, but as you might know, in a

game like Tibia, you still need to have some way to deal damage in order

to play. And for Tacticians, it is their orbs. It's their main weapon, and

well, it works similar to the rods and wands, so it's not really that much

of a difference, I guess the only difference is that it channels the attacks

through you.]

"So… If I activate it, it just allows me to send the attacks from my


[Precisely. Again, in terms of functionality, all three magic weapons are

the same, it all comes down to what looks better in your eyes.]

"Rods. Let's go with rods." I quickly said while looking through the

available rods.

[Don't want another wand?]

"No, it's just that's easier to be undetected if I go around using a rod

instead of a wand." I said with a shrug. "Also, I'm more of the Gandalf

type of magician, you know? With a rod or a staff instead of a wand."

[If you say so…]

"Ok, I guess I'll go with this one." I said as I picked one.

Immediately, in my inventory, a new item appeared. Taking it out, I

looked in awe at the rod that appeared in front of me.

It had an icy-blue color to it and had a length of around 1.50 meters. It

looked like an ice-made staff with irregularities all through its length and

even had a cold touch to it, not enough to feel uncomfortable, but more

like fresh. At the very top of it, the staff took a slightly different form, as

it widened more and took the form of a slightly deformed half-moon.

What was more interesting about this rod, was the fact that there were

ice shards floating all around it, circling around it, and whenever I

moved the rod, the shards would follow it with almost no delay.

"Woah… It's beautiful…" I muttered as I looked at the Shimmer Rod in

my hands.

[Indeed. It's not the most beautiful rod out there, but it sure looks


"Yeah… I can't wait to test it out." I smiled as I saw the rod. "Well, that's

7.000 points deducted from my original 19.000."

[They go even faster than they come.]

"Yeah, sort of." I nodded, sending the rod back to my inventory. "Mm… I

think this might be enough for now."

[Why don't you buy armors or other accessories?]

"It's not really something that I need with haste. Even consumables would

be more useful." I said as prepared myself to go out. "I might as well keep

the 12.000 points for later."

[If you say so… So, are you going out ?]

"Yes, I have a map to steal, and a rod to test out." I said as I activated my

invisibility spell and walked towards the window of my room. "I guess

the rest of the year will be a breeze." As I smiled, I flew out of the room.

CHAPTER 49 – Before everything

started (Part 1)




apologize for that, but well, real-life calls, and it calls hard o(TヘTo)

On another note, I've prepared a few chapters for the following weeks

(Like three... hahaha), and just to clarify, I'll be rushing Logan's second

year because... Potato... No. Really, I'll be rushing this second year as it

will be some kind of time-skip for him, there will be some chapters and

so, but nothing close to 10 chapters, I'm thinking 5 or 6 chapters. 7 AT

MOST. But really, it's more probable that it won't reach the 7. As usual,

thanks for reading, hope you like it, no problem if you hate it, and any

feedback is well-received and great to help me grow as a writer!


With the incident with the Secret Vaults finally over, Hogwarts returned

to normal, or at least to as normal as it could be for a Wizarding School.

Nothing much happened in terms of attacks to the school, even then,

Logan continued training the kids, though, as time passed, the number of

quests and, in consequence, points he got were getting lower and lower.

Finally, as time passed, the school soon reached its end as uneventful as

he thought it would be. As Fate would have it, it's really true that all the

strange things that happen in Hogwarts have a single person in the

middle of it all. Harry Potter.

The not-so-secret organization Protectors of Hogwarts still stuck together,

as most of the members of said organization were from Sixth Year and

below, and while they never found out about 'R', they did forge strong

bonds between them.

Logan, who helped them get accustomed to duels, real-life duels, couldn't

be happier when they celebrated his birthday on January 18th. While he

didn't say so in a loud voice, this was something he never had the

pleasure to do before.

Sure, Isabella and even Madam Lily celebrated with him, but it was quite

far from what he got in Hogwarts. People congratulated him, and some of

them even gave him gifts like candies and all kinds of treats.

He couldn't help but think that maybe life isn't that bad, and was quite

excited to see what the future got for him and his friends.

The House Cup was finally won by Ravenclaw. While Slytherin was quite

close to winning said cup, it was thanks to Logan's mastery over the

spells that he could get a lot of points for his house. He even got points

for helping people in the Infirmary, while not as necessary once the curse

was lifted, it was still normal for students to get injured in a Wizarding

School. He also learned other methods of healing with the help of Madam


Thanks to this, while his potion mastery wasn't perfect, it was at least

good enough for him not to lose points, which was already something for

him seeing as Snape liked to take points in every opportunity he got.

Time went by, and what was an unbelievable and amazing year for him,

soon came to an end, along with his first year.

Goodbyes came and went between him and his friends, not without the

promise of meeting next year, which would come sooner rather than

later, taking into account the fact that the vacations were only for a

scarce two months.

During that time though, it wasn't as if they didn't speak between

themselves, after all, they did write letters to each other, and Jake even

invited Logan to his house a couple of times, to the surprise of the latter

and the rest of the kids of the orphanage.

Isabella took him there and then went back for him both times. Still, she

couldn't stay with him as she had to go back and take care of things back

at the orphanage. It was actually better this way, and Logan made sure to

clarify to Jake's parents, Rose and Ryan Evans, that his caretaker didn't

know about magic or the magical world like Madam McGonagall wanted.

But as if making fun of him, McGonagall once again presented herself at

the doors of the orphanage, this time though, to thoroughly explain Miss

Isabella the existence of magic. In her words, it would not be possible for

her to accompany Logan to buy their yearly school materials. She

actually took it better than Logan thought she would, and with the

newfound support from her, he didn't feel that lonely anymore inside the

orphanage. Though most of his loneliness there was because of his own

choices from when he was a small child.

Logan tried to explain that he was old enough for him to make the trip,

but McGonagall quickly retorted that it was on Dumbledore's orders that

Miss Isabella was informed and asked to accompany him during those

trips. The Ministry of Magic also approved his decision.

Logan himself couldn't help but think that the old geezer decided it just

so he didn't move around without any supervision.

{Isn't that what the tracker on the wand is for? Well, I did show some

wandless magic back at the School.} Thought Logan at the moment, only

to laugh immediately after. After all, if he wanted to, no one could

actually track his use of magic or even his location. With the wand saved

in the inventory and the invisibility spell, Logan could move as he


And actually, that's what he did. With all his free time, Logan took the

chance to move at night, though only to travel through London, and see

all those places he couldn't see before he reincarnated in this world. He

even went to look for Harry, finding the house in Privet Drive. Though he

still didn't get close to him, as for what he remembered, Harry was being


{Damn… The movies couldn't really describe this kid's condition at all…}

Logan thought when he got a glimpse of Harry from away, as he went

with the Dursleys to who-knows-where.

The rest before the new year soon came to an end, and Logan,

accompanied by Miss Isabella, went towards King Cross Station. As usual,

he carried his luggage, with Muninn perched on his shoulder, which

gathered the attention of some of the muggles around.

During the rest, Muninn wasn't always with him. For some reason, the

raven loved to move around a lot and was mostly at night that he could

see the bird in his room at the orphanage. It still helped him with the

letters, delivering them to his friends, so he wasn't that angry at the

absent creature. At this point, he was already accustomed to this bird's

antics. Sometimes he even wondered what the hell did the bird do all day


Back at King Cross, after saying his goodbyes to Miss Isabella, he ran

towards the pillar between platforms 9 and 10, leaving a dumbstruck

Isabella behind. She had already seen Diagon Alley, but it was still a

shock for her to see someone suddenly going through a solid wall as if


As soon as he got on the train, the first thing he did was look for his

friends, and see who else was already in there.

Looking through the second-year compartments, Logan greeted those

students he knew, either because of the not-so-secret organization, or

those he met during the year. After walking through some of the

compartments, he finally found someone he knew. Lisandra. She was

actually sitting alone while reading a book, and as he haven't seen

anyone else, he decided to go inside.

"Do you mind if I sit here with you?" He asked as he opened the door.

Looking up from her book to him, she simply shook her head. "Of course

not, you can come in."

During the last half of the first year, his friendship with Lisandra actually

got better and better. They sometimes shared classes or even sat together

in the library to do their homework. Lisandra even helped Jake once with

potions, as she was quite good in that class.

While sitting in the same compartment of the train, both of them talked

about what they did during their rest. Different from what Logan

thought, she and her family had quite a normal vacation. They went

aboard and even visited some muggle places. From Lisandra's tales, their

parents weren't that crazy.

Her father wasn't one of those crazy purists of the blood. She says it's

been years since the Duponts stopped caring about blood purity. Her

great-great-grandfather's words were actually that if they kept it like that,

they would reach a day where they would be forced to marry their direct

cousins. And that's when they were still in France.

Soon enough, others made it to their compartment. One of them was

actually Amelia, Lisandra's friend, who actually didn't say something rude

to Logan.

{Taking down some upperclassmen sure made things easier.} He thought

when Amelia didn't act like a snobbish rich kid to him, or in other words,

like a Slytherin kid. Roger came soon after her and sat beside Logan

while talking with Lisandra while receiving some glares and snorts from

Amelia every time he tried to talk to her. The compartment soon filled

with Jake and Julie, just in time for the travel to Hogwarts to start.

Nothing impressive happened during their travel, and soon enough they

reached the school. Getting out of the train was as complicated as ever,

with all the students rushing to the doors.

"Firs' yea' ove' her'! Firs' yea ove' her'!" As Logan the rest exited the train,

he saw Hagrid calling for the new first years.

"I feel it was just yesterday that we went with Hagrid…" Lyra said while

following Logan's sight. She received a nod back from him.

{That guy looks as big as ever.} Logan thought with a chuckle as we

went towards the carriages. As a second-year student, he now had to use

the carriages that normally take students towards the castle, instead of

the boats.

"Name?" As they reached a tall gate, Flitwick was actually standing there

with a list of Hogwarts students' names.

"Logan Taylor, Professor Flitwick." Logan said as he stood in front of the

small professor.

"Oh, welcome Mr. Taylor!" Flitwick said with a smile as he glanced at

Logan, while also marking Logan's name from the list on his hands.

Flitwick then went to check from the list the others, and all of them went

into the place where the carriages were waiting.

"Mm?" Before actually entering one of the carriages with Jake, Roger, and

Lyra, Logan actually stopped. {Right… These guys were here.} He

thought for a moment before walking to the front of the carriage.

"Mm? What are you doing Logan?" Lyra asked, while the others just

looked at him.

"I'm just…" He stopped in front of one of the thestrals that pulled the

carriage. It turned to look at him with its skeletal eyes staring at his own.

{You really look like my Patronus… Just less silvery…} He thought with

a chuckle before moving his hand to caress it.

"Logan?" Lyra, who walked close to Logan, turned to look at him. In her

eyes, he was just seemingly caressing empty air. "What are you doing?"

"Caressing it…" Logan said as he kept caressing the creature.

"Caressing what? The air?" Roger asked with a tilted head.

"No." Logan shook his head before turning towards them. "None of you

can't see it?"

"See what?" They asked with confusion in their voice. "There's nothing

there, Logan." Lyra said with a worried voice.

"Right…" Logan nodded. {I guess none of them have been in the presence

of death… Though, neither have I, I guess… At least, not the death from

this world.} He thought for a moment before chuckling, moving his hand

to caress the neck of the calm thestral who simply closed its eyes to enjoy

the attention.

"Not many young people are actually able to see them, Mr. Taylor."

Suddenly a voice grabbed their attention. "It's actually a surprise for

someone as young as you to actually do it."

"Professor McGonagall." They all greeted the transfiguration professor.

"What do you mean, professor?" Lyra asked.

"The carriages are pulled by thestrals, Miss Grant." McGonagall nodded at

the young witch before turning to look at the thestral being caressed by

Logan. "Strange creatures that we still don't understand. They may only

be seen by those who have seen death."

"…" At the declaration, they all opened their eyes wide and turned to

look at Logan.

"They're usually feared by their undead aspect, and thought to bring

horrible misfortune to those who happen to see them." Logan said while

turning to McGonagall. "Right, professor?"

"It seems you know about them, Mr. Taylor." She raised one eyebrow.

"Indeed. Many wizards and witches think that thestrals are bringers of

misfortune. Simple superstitions."

"Right." Logan nodded.

"Well, I think you four have already lost too much time. Go to your

carriages, time's ticking."

"Yes, professor." They nodded and went into the carriage, not before

Logan patted one last time the nuzzle of the thestral.

The ride on the carriage was really silent. Logan was still thinking deeply

about his encounter with the thestral, and the apparent connection he

had with these creatures. {Not only is my wand made with a core of

thestral's tail hair, but even my Patronus is one… It has to be because of

my reincarnation…} He thought about what this could imply to his


Meanwhile, the others took his silent thinking as if he was thinking of

whatever happened in his past.

"They may only be seen by those who have seen death." McGonagall's

words still lingered in their heads, and they couldn't help but think who

died in front of Logan, and when. Was it during their previous year in

Hogwarts? Or even before that?

Lyra couldn't help but stare at her friend, contemplating if that would be

a question she could really make. Both Jake and Roger were thinking the

same. But finally, they decided to evade doing that question. If Logan

decided to talk about it, they would listen, but they will surely not

initiate that conversation. Soon, the carriages got closer to Hogwarts, and

a new thought invaded everyone's minds. "What would this new year

hold for us? Surely it won't be something as outrageous as last year's

curse, right?"

CHAPTER 50 - Before everything

started (Part 2)

After reaching Hogwarts, they were all prepared for their initial banquet.

Sitting at the Ravenclaw table with the rest of their upperclassman, they

all waited for the event that they happened to go through last year. The

selection of their house.

As Logan and his friends talked, the arrival of the new batch of young

wizards and witches was announced. They turned to look at McGonagall

leading the new batch through the center of the Great Hall, directly

towards the front of the four tables, where a stool with the Sorting Hat

waited for them.

"Do you think we'll have a good batch this year?" William whispered to

the group.

"Probably not? I mean… Our year has Logan and Cedric… It's quite

difficult to surpass that. Right?" Jake asked.

"Aren't you forgetting me?" Roger asked perplexed.

"Oh, please. You're just a buffoon." Lyra rolled her eyes, causing Julie,

Johanne, and Carla to chuckle, trying not to laugh too hard.

"What do you know…" Roger muttered before sighing. "I just hope

there're some cute girls this year… And that they're sorted into

Ravenclaw… That way we might redeem ourselves from our previous


Lyra glared at him, but before he could say something, an upperclassman

silenced him. "Shut up, Davis. The sorting is starting." An older wizard

said with judging eyes as he nodded towards the stall at the front, where

they could see a chair right in front of the stall.

One by one, new students were being called to the stall. Originally, Logan

thought he would actually recognize someone, just like he did with

Cedric Diggory.

"Katie Bell."


But as McGonagall called people after people, he found out that, actually,

he didn't know anyone.

"Marcus Belby."


"Eddie Carmichael."


Soon, two young eagles joined them on the table, which made Roger

sight in frustration while also being further rebuked by Lyra. Everyone

meet their new underclassmen and tried to welcome them to the table

shortly, not wanting to miss the rest of the ceremony.

"Cho Chang." McGonagall once again called someone, and this time, a girl

went towards the chair, shyly, like the rest of the students. Logan quickly

took notice of her, black straight hair, with somewhat Asian features.

{Isn't that the name of the girl that told Umbridge of the location where

Harry and the others practiced on the fifth movie?} He thought as he

looked at her, being this the actual reason why he took special notice of

her. She soon reached the chair and finally sat down to be sorted. {What

house was she again…?}

[RAVENCLAW!] The Sorting Hat shouted. {Well, that solves my lack of

memory.} Logan thought while chuckling slightly. Meanwhile, the

students of his house cheered and clapped again at the second

Ravenclaw. Though not as much as the other houses did when a student

was sorted in their house.

As McGonagall called the next name on the list, Cho Chang finally made

her way to the house table, where she was quickly received by Lyra,

Julie, Carla, and Johanne, congratulating her for entering Ravenclaw, the

house of the wise as they said, only for Lyra to shot a comment about

how sometimes students like Roger entered too, which made everyone,

but Roger, laugh a lot.

Logan took the time to present himself too, while Johanne joked and told

Cho, Eddie, and Marcus that if they needed any help with charms, they

could go to Logan to ask for help. Or if, in the case of Cho, she happened

to be bullied, she could also look for him, telling her the story of how he

helped the four of them the previous year against some upperclassmen.

This in turn made the little witch look at him surprised, while Logan

could only smile wryly. After all, most of the upperclassmen from

Ravenclaw either looked at him with slight fear or with annoyance.

Except for a few ones like Tulip, Talbot or Badeea, who were friendly

with him thanks to what happened the previous year.

Not that long after, new students started to join their table, Marietta

Edgecombe and Mark McCoy, which made this batch smaller than the

previous one by three students.

{Curious, I always that there were always four boys and girls for each

house, each year.} Logan thought while the others presented themselves

and welcomed the new students. Though he was quickly rebuked by the


[Starting the year with a high bar in stupidity? This year is promising


{And I thought I would have a quiet day...}

[Do you even know the improbability of actually having a regular influx

of four boys and girls every year? Not only would you need to have an

exact amount of wizards and witches being born each year, but they

would actually need to have default personalities. Granted, the criteria of

selection for each house are not precisely antonyms, as someone wise

could be brave, and someone ambitious could be loyal, and so on, so

maybe the living old cloth they use as a sorting hat can actually send

them wherever it wants, that would indeed give some kind of balance to

the sorting ceremony.]

{Right…} Logan sighed inwardly at the rebuking comment of the system,

he simply chose to ignore it while the welcome banquet finally started, so

he proceed to eat to his heart content. {I missed this!} He thought briefly.

The food back at the orphanage wasn't that bad, but it wasn't abundant

either, and after having a taste of the different feasts that Hogwarts had

along the year, it wasn't a surprise that he would really miss them during

his holidays.

Though, from time to time, he did escape to eat food outside. After all,

while his investments didn't pay out that much yet, barely anything

really, he still got some pocket money, and that was without taking into

account the gold he got from the last cursed vault. He even took the

chance to invest in some more stuff he remembered while looking at the

newspapers back at the orphanage. He didn't miss the chance to invest in

food, beverages, and some other industries that he barely remembered

because he saw them on some news.

He even thought about writing some books or trying his luck with manga

and anime, but his memory wasn't that good to remember all the plot

from the famous movies, books, or manga he read in his past life. So he

decided to stop that idea first.

With the welcome feast actually finished, Dumbledore gave some usual

words, and after some slight music, and not that much more, they all

parted from the Great Hall to go towards their respective common rooms.

As usual, current prefects were in charge of explaining the rules to the

newcomers, and as if it was some kind of tradition, they asked the

newcomers to test themselves in front of the door to their common room.

The one to answer this time was Cho Chang.

With a small tour, almost nonexistent, tour through the common room,

the prefects finally told them where their rooms would be located, and

everyone went on their own.

Apparently being the one with the best academic record from the first

year, Logan actually got the best room available for those in the second

year. The difference wasn't actually that big, he still appreciated the

bigger space, and apparently the smaller commodities it brought, like an

extra table and a slightly bigger bed.

{It sure pays to try your best in classes.} Logan thought with a relaxed

smile as he rested on the bed.

"Hey, System."


"I know that usually out of Hogwarts, or well, out of the Wizarding

World, I get not that many points and ML, but I've noticed that the last

few months of the last year, my power barely grew…"

[It's natural. Your ML already reached 58, that's a lot. You should know

that even in most OTS, while reaching 50 ML basically is a matter of a

couple of minutes, moving up the 60 and next takes a lot more time. And

things will only be harder after you go past the 66 ML and your core

reaches its third stage.]

"Right… I guess I've had it quite easier until now." Logan nodded. "Oh

well, I guess I'll just have to focus on mastering what I have right now

and expanding my power. That way I'll slowly grow my power."

[Precisely. Also, you have to remember that the quests also help you

increase your power, and the original story of this world will start next


"Yeah, you're right." He said, before finally closing his eyes to sleep.

CHAPTER 51 - Before everything

started (Part 3)

Logan soon got his new schedule and started to attend his classes and

pass time with his friends. There wasn't that much of a change from last

year, with the exception of the lack of any kind of curse actually affecting

the school, for which he was quite pleased.

The first day after arriving there, he started using the Time-Turner and

going towards the Room Of Requirements to practice every spell he has

learned, and actually planning for his current year, looking through

books of charms and jinxes to start practicing new ones. After getting

into the RoR, he took the chance, while sitting inside the RoR, to take a

look at the Marauder's Map and check what were all the students doing

around the castle.

It was quite strange to see himself walking on the map towards the Great

Hall when was sitting in a secret room on the seventh floor. And for the

first time since he got it the last year, he really felt thankful for taking it

instead of leaving it for the twins. Just thinking of the possibility of Fred

and George finding out that there were two Logans walking in the castle,

even if he normally went directly towards the RoR, the possibility of

getting caught still existed.

On a side note, after he stole the map, he actually got a few hundred

points for it for breaking the original canon. Though not as much as

when he killed the basilisk.

Outside of the RoR, he also talked with Tulip, Andrew, Tonks, and a few

of his older friends, who were now in their last year of classes, and finally


Protectors of Hogwarts were back again, and as such, their training

practices continued. At this point, things turned into more of a club than

an actual organization, but in Andrew's words, it was a great way for the

younger ones and even some of the older generation, to win some

experience with dueling, just in case something like what happened with

R repeats again.

{You're not even slightly aware of how true your words would turn out to

be…} Logan chuckled awkwardly at Andrew's words. After all, things

were just going to get worse starting next year.

Instead of doing daily training, Protectors of Hogwarts actually decided

to practice once a week. Sadly for them, Bill was unable to come back

now to help them with their training. After all, he was getting more and

more occupied in his work, and there was no actual need to recruit a

helper for Defense Against the Dark Arts. The supposedly new teacher

was supposed to have slightly more experience than the previous one.

{He will only last a year though… If not less...} Logan, and pretty much

most of the older students had that idea.

During the first weeks of classes, Logan found it too normal. As normal as

a Wizarding School could be, though. Even then, he actually wasn't

worried about any danger. His days went quite easy. Going to classes,

spending time with his friends, using the Time-Turner to go back and

look for the RoR, helping Protectors of Hogwarts, or simply spending

time with them while talking about their adventures during the


During his third week, something finally happened, and it was more of

history repeating itself than something else.

Getting back to the common room after looking at some books in the

library, he actually found Marietta Edgecomb, Cho Chang, and Mark

McCoy standing outside of the door of Ravenclaw. McCoy was visibly

trembling in front of the door while a group of upperclassmen was

standing beside him.

"Come on. You can't even answer something so simple?" One of the

upperclassmen said with disdain. "Are you sure you're a Ravenclaw?

Because I don't think so."

At these words, the freshman clenched his fists in frustration, while

Marietta and Cho could only look apprehensively. They tried to help at

first, but one of the two girls from sixth-year that were there, stopped

them saying that it was a test for newcomers, to see if they really

belonged to Ravenclaw and that soon it would be their turn to be tested.

As such, she told them that it was prohibited for them to answer for


"Ha…" Logan sighed at this scene and slowly walked towards the group.

"You never learn, do you?" He said with a sigh.

"Who dares to-" The guy that was pressing McCoy to answer turned with

slight anger towards Logan, only to freeze. "...Logan." Fear clear in his

eyes, while the two girls backed off in fright, with the other guy gulping

hard and sneakily taking out his wand and gripping it hard.

"Will you really do this to all the freshmen?" Logan said with a tired face.

"Seriously man… Grow up, will you? You seem more like a Slytherin

doing this kind of things."

"Shut up! It's a tradition!" The guy said, taking out his wand. "It's you

who don't understand what being a true Ravenclaw is! We must show we

truly belong to this house in our first year!"

"That's bullshit." Logan said with a frown. "I spoke to Badeea and Tulip

about this, and they told me it was no tradition, it was just some

snobbish kids wanting to feel superior to others."

"What would those two know!?" The guy said frustrated.

"Ha… Look, man." Logan sighed and raised both of his hands to appear

defenseless. "Let's just leave things like this, okay? Let us all go in and

leave the past as the past. You don't have to do this to every single

freshman. Why don't you take these two years that you still have

available and actually help your underclassmen for once?"

"Tch. I will help them." He said while glancing at the three first-years.

"Only if they prove themselves to be worthy of being in Ravenclaw."

{Freaking idiots… This is why the other houses don't take us seriously…}

Logan thought with a deep sigh, before taking out his wand. "Okay, man.

You wanna do this the hard way, let's do this the hard way. I asked nicely

this time."

"Tch. Ex-"

"Expelliarmus!" Suddenly two shouts came from behind the sixth-year

Ravenclaw, and his wand, along with his friend's who was also trying to

sneak a shot at Logan, went flying.

"Wha…? Who did it!?" He turned to look behind, only to find a frowning

Talbot Winger, who was crossing his arms with his wand in hand, and a

glaring Tulip Karasu, who still had her wand pointing at him. "Winger!?

Karasu!? What do you think you're doing?"

Tulip snorted. "Stopping an idiot. That's what I'm doing." She then turned

to Logan who already had his wand down. "I know you can with these

guys, but you surely wouldn't like your freshman to see you violently

beating some upperclassmen, right?" She winked.

"I wasn't going to violently beat them…" Logan said with an awkward

smile while scratching the back of his head.

"As if." Talbot shook his head. "You are not usually one to hold back."

"Oh come on… I'm usually a calm guy." Logan rolled his eyes, before

turning to the students from sixth-year. "As you can see, there's nothing

left for you guys to do here. So why don't you four just go to your rooms

and sleep?"

"Tch." The one that was apparently the leader took his wand and rushed

towards the common room under the glaring eyes of Tulip and the

disdaining glance of Talbot. The others quickly followed behind him,

with the other guy falling behind for having to look for his wand first.

"Ha… Seriously, is this going to be like a yearly thing?" Logan said after

they all left.

"Hahaha." Tulip chuckled. "Maybe? I mean… I think the only ones who

are still doing this kind of thing are those four. There are others who

prefer a more… discrete way of testing freshmen." She said while quoting

at the word testing.

"They should all grow up." Talbot said shortly while shaking his head. He

was usually a quiet guy who liked to tend to the birds on the owlery.

"True." Tulip smirked, before moving towards Logan and grabbing his

shoulders. "But that's why we're leaving our little Logan here, right?" She

smirked. "After all, he's the one that will lead Ravenclaw to an age of

prosperity and calmness! Kicking the asses of everyone who dares to

bully the firsties!"

"What do I look to you?" Logan said as he rolled his eyes.

"Like a really good underclassman that likes to help his fellow students?"

She said with a smile.

Meanwhile, the three students that were in the middle of this all, couldn't

help but smile awkwardly.

"Oh right! I almost forgot about you three!" Tulip said with an apologetic

smile. "I know that they looked threatening, but those fours are really

harmless. If anything happens, you can just call any of us, really."

Talbot snorted. "Talk about you. I just helped because I was already here.

But I won't bother to interfere in these petty scrambles."

"Right…" Tulip smiled awkwardly, before looking at Cho and the rest. "In

that case, just call me or this guy here." She patted Logan on the head.

"He's more than capable of taking on those four."

"Really?" Mark couldn't help but ask with incredulity. After all, he knew

that Logan was only a second-year, there was no way for him to be able

to fight those from sixth-year.

"Really!" Tulip answered with a smirk. "When he was a first-year,

something like this happened, and while he was grumping about

something, those four dared to mess with him, only to be beating black

and blue for a first-year! Hahaha."

"It wasn't exactly like that…" Logan muttered.

"Of course it was." Tulip said.

"Ha… Can you stop already, Tulip?" Talbot said, before looking at the

three freshmen. "You three can go inside. And you too Tulip. I actually

need to talk to Logan."

"Ha? Why can't I hear?" She said while crossing her arms.

"It's something private." Talbot said with a shrug. "Men's stuff."

"Fine." Tulip snorted as she started to walk towards the entrance of the

common room, guiding her three juniors. "Guys are idiots." She muttered,

which made Mark smile wryly and both Marietta and Cho chuckle.

Before going inside the three stopped and turned to the remaining two to

thanks them for helping them. Logan said not to worry about it, and

Talbot just nodded, before they went inside.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" Logan asked with a tilted

head once they were alone.

"Andrew told me that you asked him if he knew how to turn into an

Animagus. Is that right?"

"Uhm… Yes?" Logan scratched the back of his head. It was true that at

the end of last year, while he was thinking about how to actually become

an Animagus, he went to Andrew to see if he knew more of it. Andrew

actually confessed that he is an Animagus, but that it was someone else

who helped him during the process, so he wasn't sure he could teach

Logan. After all, it was a dangerous process.

He still offered to ask help from the person that actually helped him

become one, but that it would have to wait until Logan's second year.

"Mm." Talbot nodded with a frown before giving Logan a parchment.

"Here, this should help you. It's a complete and really specific guide on

how to go through the process."

"What? Where did you get this?" Logan asked as he took the parchment

with a confused face.

"I wrote it." Talbot said, before getting closer. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm

actually an Animagus, and I was the one who helped Andrew become


"Whoa… So you were the one he talked about." Logan nodded in

realization, before looking at the parchment. "Is it okay? For you to give

me this?"

"Ha…" Talbot pinched the break of his nose. "Look. I really didn't want

to. It's not only my biggest secret, but it's also a really dangerous process.

But… You've been helping us a lot. And I'm really thankful for that. I also

know I can trust you won't speak a word of this to anyone."

"Right…" Logan nodded.

"Be really careful. If something goes wrong, you'll be in a really hard

spot. Follow that parchment from start to end. And read it a hundred

times before you actually try something."

Logan smiled wryly at this, and nodded, before frowning. "Why not just

guide me yourself?"

"Because it would be a bother. And I trust you're more than capable to do

it by yourself with the correct instructions. Which you will find on that

parchment." Talbot simply said with a shrug. "Well, that was everything I

needed to tell you. We better go into the common room."

"Right." Logan hid the parchment inside his robe and followed Talbot into

Ravenclaw's common room.


Weeks passed by, and after a little bit of research, Logan decided that he

will try to become an Animagus after Halloween, as he would need a

storm to complete the process and from what he discovered, those were

the days where it would be more probable for a storm to happen.

But the storm wasn't even the weirdest thing for the transformation. As

the whole process is a real pain and he needs to be really rigorous with it.

During the entire process, he will even evade using the Time-Turner, just

to be sure nothing happens. All in all, he would have to start preparing

for this during mid or late October.

With an approximate date set for his Animagus transformation, Logan

decided he would work his hardest to get better at transfiguration and

potions. {Damn potions…} He thought with a sigh as he started to

practice his potion-making abilities in the Room of Requirements. Sadly,

all the potions he made in there would disappear once he went out of the

room, as it's apparently only for practicing. Which was still rather

impressive if someone asked him.

He now had a new goal to work towards, and with a newfound

determination, he started to work for this goal. If anything, to at least

escape the worst-case scenario where he would end up as a really strange

mutation of human-beast.



Not sure if any of you guys would be interested in this, but well, I created

a server in Discord for this fanfic and the TNE one, I already posted the

note there yesterday, so yeah, if you wish, you can enter it with this link:


CHAPTER 52 - Before everything

started (Part 4)

Weeks passed, and the routine slowly imprinted itself in him. His skills in

potion and transfiguration were improving at a high rate, as he focused

on it both inside and outside of the Room of Requirements, which picked

his friends' interest.

He actually got Badeea to help with transfiguration, as it seems she was

quite skilled at it and was one of her courses for the N.E.W.T. Tulip and

Talbott were also outstandingly good in transfiguration, from Badeea and

Andrew's words. But they were occupied with their own stuff. Talbott

was busy being his lone self while passing time in the owlery, while Tulip

was occupied pranking people with the help of Tonks; they even teamed

up with the twins, teaching them new ways to prank.

"It's our legacy to Hogwarts!" Said an excited Tulip and Tonks when


Sadly, he didn't find anyone good enough in potions to help him inside

Ravenclaw, at least not from those he knew. After all, the others mostly

evaded him. He did find help in another house though.

With the recommendation of Andrew, Logan went and asked help from

Liz Turtle, who was called Lizard by some of the students in the school

because of her name. Turns out Liz was an expert when it comes to

potioneering. She gladly accepted to help him.

[One of the perks of helping Protectors of Hogwarts. You say thank you

to your mighty system to push you into helping them.] Remarked the

system once she accepted, after all, she was part of said organization, and

like almost everyone there, she received help and pointers from Logan.

With the help of both older tutors, and with the help of the RoR, he was

able to advance leap and bounds in both classes, receiving recognition

from McGonagall and a side-glance from Snape.

A week after the incident with the upperclassman, and while Logan was

studying potions and helping Roger with his potions homework in the

library, Cho Chang went towards him and actually asked for help with

her charms homework.

Logan took a look and found that it was mostly alright, if anything, there

were just a couple of small mistakes that could be very well attributed to

her inexperience in charms. He stopped his studies of potion making and

guided her on solving those mistakes. Cho listened quietly, nodding and

commenting in case she didn't understand something or if, on contrary,

she knew of something but wasn't really sure of it.

She soon clarified all her doubts and thanked him for the help. He

nodded and told her not to worry, but just as he was going to go back to

his potion book, she asked if she could stay and make her other

homework with them.

"No problem!" Roger quickly intervened and said with a wide smile. "If

you need any help with it, don't hesitate and ask us anything!"

Cho chuckled and nodded while taking out her other classes' books.

Logan quickly noted that one of her books had some notations and

scribbles, but he simply shrugged and focused on his potions book, which

was actually not the one designated for second-years, but one for fourth


While comparing some of the things he read in this book, he couldn't

help but remember something. {This book is really specific on some of

the procedures for making potions… Wait. Wasn't there a cheat-like book

of potions?} Logan thought for a moment and started to contemplate

really hard his memories of this world. {Half-Blood Prince…} Logan

suddenly had an epiphany. {Right! In the potions room, there's a sixth-

year book written that's a cheat for potions!}

[5 points for finally remembering after a whole week of studying


Logan clicked his tongue, and decided to check on his next potions

classes, going in before the classes even started, he certainly wouldn't

want Snape to know.

{What are the chances of him finding out?} Logan thought for a moment.

From his memories, Harry didn't get this book until his sixth year, when

the other professor took the role of potion professor. But right now it was

Snape who was in that role. {He knows that his book is in there, and I

don't think that it would be a good idea for me to actually try to take it…

I don't want to think what he would do if I dared to steal that book.}

With an inward sigh, Logan decided to leave that idea behind. The only

thing that he might want to learn from that book is maybe the magic that

Harry used against Draco in the movie.

Days passed, and soon October 17th came, with all he has been studying

and practicing these days, he finally felt ready enough to try and

transform into an Animagus. He quickly looked for a Mandrake's leaf and

started the long and arduous process. {What will I even turn into? A

thestral? I hope not…} He thought, frightened of the possibility of being

a skeletal horse.

Starting from the moment he put the Mandrake leaf in his mouth to hold

it there for an entire month, he decided not to use the Time-Turner,

leaving it inside his inventory while he waited for the entire process to


Taking out the exception of the visits to the Room of Requirement, his

routine didn't change much. Well, and also the fact that after Cho asked

for his help, his juniors came from time to time to ask for help from him.

Cho was the one that visited him the most with consults about her


There were no more problems with the upperclassmen, so it could be said

that everything was quite pacific during this time. During Halloween,

nothing happened, and this finally confirmed to him that this was going

to be a nice and tranquil year, which gave him all the time necessary to

enjoy his school year and to actually advance his power.

Though on the other hand, he couldn't get many points from quests, as

there wasn't much for him to do. He thought about destroying Rowena's

Diadem, as that would certainly get him some points. But quickly

discarded the idea, as he was in no rush, and the story hasn't even

started; he had already broken Harry's second-year storyline, why hurry

it any further?

While he didn't keep his classes with Badeea about transfiguration, he did

keep studying under Liz, who was a great help for him, increasing his

skills in potion-making. On their third week, even Lisandra joined, as she

too asked for help from Liz, who gladly told her that she could join Logan

on his tutoring lessons.

Though different from what Andrew did last year, they didn't reveal

Protectors of Hogwarts to her during their tutoring, even after days of

sharing their tutoring lessons, making both Liz and Logan think about

how was it even possible for Andrew to spill the beans to Alanza Alves,

who was just an exchange student, the first day of meeting her, and in

just a couple of hours no less.

Regarding Andrew, it seemed that he was having some slight troubles

with Merula. She, snarky as she was, did seem to have feelings for him.

Meanwhile, Andrew didn't really know how to approach this, as both of

them had had some special and romantic moments, their relationship

didn't progress at all, which made Logan dubious of why would that be.

It was Tulip and Tonks that finally explained to him that Merula wasn't

an easy girl to be around, mostly because of how she was raised and the

history of her family. Being basically left alone after her parents were

sent to Azkaban for their support to Tom, she has been trying to be this

bully girl that needs no one.

He tried to look for a way to help, but couldn't do much. Not that he had

the time to worry about two grown young adults in the first place. He did

find it curious Lyra raised an eyebrow at him when he was looking for

some kind of advice from William, Jake, and Roger. Of course, neither of

them had any advice to help Andrew or at least none that would be really

useful, as Roger did give advice that was rewarded with Lyra and

Johanne's combined hit.

After all, in their words, "You can't simply go and tell a girl to either be

your girlfriend or leave so he can look for someone else."

Lyra also rebuked Logan, saying that he was an idiot for trying to look

for love advice from those three and that the best he could do was simply

leave things to take their course. It wasn't his job to help with Andrew's

love life. Praying for Andrew, Logan simply decided to listen to her and

don't interfere in their relationship.

Sooner than he expected, the 30 days have already passed, and he

followed the rules and instructions that Talbott gave him without missing

a single thing. He followed the process the best that he could, including

chanting the incantation every morning with his wand pointing at his

heart. He was perfectly able to hear the second heartbeat, which means

that he was doing it right, or so he thought.

Now it was only a matter of waiting for a storm to appear in the skies of

Hogwarts, which he hoped would be soon. He had the potion prepared

for whenever the storm appeared. And thankfully for him, it wasn't that

long until he finally saw clouds forming in the sky.

"It's time." Logan thought as he looked at the dark cloud forming in the

night sky. So he rushed out of his room using the invisibility and the

levitation spells, going towards the seventh floor, where he would wait

for the first lightning before rushing towards the Room of Hidden Things,

where he hid the potion.

On a side note, he thought about using the inventory but quickly dropped

the idea, after all, time didn't flow in the inventory, which would be

detrimental for the process.

Waiting on the seventh floor, he looked up at the sky, from where rain

soon fell. {Come on…} He thought, hoping for the lightning to appear.

And he didn't have to wait too long.


Soon, lightning flashed in the sky, followed by roaring thunder. Logan

didn't even wait for the thunder to make its loud apparition when he was

already rushing towards the Room of Hidden Things, making its door

appear in a flash and rushing towards the close-by place he hid the


"Here goes nothing." Logan said while emptying the contents of the flask

in his mouth.

CHAPTER 53 - Before everything

started (Part 5)

"Urgh!" With a muffled grunt, Logan kneels on the ground.


A second heartbeat could be heard accompanying his own. Meanwhile,

his body slowly morphed and changed. While on his knees, he also fell on

his hands, while these started to transform into furred bestial claws that

slowly took the shape of big paws, with his arms got covered in shadowy-

black fur. His mouth got longer, turning into a wide and slightly long

snout, his body straightened while still being supported by his four limbs,

while his legs deformed and took the same bestial aspect of his arms,

getting longer and wider.

His body slowly grew in size, as fur covered his entire body, including his

clothes. Some kind of gas slowly seeped out from his mouth and pores,

covering him during his transformation. The blackish-grey smoke quickly

covered his body as it grew in size, soon reaching the size of that of a

polar bear, stopping slightly after that.

A somewhat long, furred tail could be seen moving behind him, while his

breathing was ragged, letting out a deep black smoke-like substance

whenever he exhaled.

"Grrr…" A growl escaped his mouth as he tried to adjust himself to his

new body. Moments after, he opened his eyes, and a pair of shining

blood-red eyes appeared in the Room of Requirements. "Did I-" He tried

to speak subconsciously, but what he heard was a really deep, ragged,

and bestial-like voice that didn't seem his and that had a somewhat

ethereal feeling to it.

"What is this?" He asked, if anything, only to hear himself once again.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've successfully

transformed into an Animagus! You've connected with your inner beast,

the more wild part of yourself, to become something more than a simple

human being.]

[1,000pts have been earned]

[Your Magic Level has increased by 1]

"So I did succeed…" Logan muttered, trying not to pay attention to the

even deeper, ghastly voice that came out of him. "But… How am I able to

speak? And what am I? I feel somewhat familiar with myself, but at the

same time, I don't know what I am…"

As he spoke, in front of him, something started to rise from the ground, it

was a tall full-body mirror. Understanding that the RoR was giving him

something for him to look at himself, he stood in front of it.

"…" As the mirror completely formed, Logan got shocked at the view in

front of him. It was a wolf. A really big and scary wolf. But this wasn't

what surprised him the most. What shocked him was the gaseous

substance that was seeping from the wolf, covering him and giving his

new form a really ghastly look. It could as well be considered an ominous

creature that came out from the depths of hell to hunt its prey and take

them back to hell. "What the hell am I?" Logan spoke, only to be shocked

once again, since even when speaking, his mouth, or should he say, his

snout, didn't move. "Oi, do you know what am I?"

[Not exactly…] The system answered after a few moments. Even the

system was shocked. It knew that there was a chance of him becoming a

creature from Tibia, but still, it was supposed to be an animal or at least

a somewhat feral beast. But he was sure that whatever he turned into,

wasn't a simple feral beast. [You look like a Gloom Wolf, but in my

database, they are simply larger wolves, similar to dire wolves and war

wolves. There's nothing about them having some kind of gas surrounding

their bodies or them being able to talk telepathically.]

"So I'm speaking with my mind?"

[Not exactly, but I can't find any other way to express it. It's like you're

emitting words… But it's not precisely from your mouth. I can't say for

sure, so for now I would say it some kind of telepathy.]

"Right…" Logan nodded, and in the mirror, the huge shadowy wolf

nodded too. "I always wanted to know how it felt to become an Animagus

if I would feel more like an animal than a normal human. I feel more…

wild. But it's not as if I'm losing my normal reasoning… I can't really

explain this feeling, it's simply amazing…" Logan closed his eyes and

focused on his senses. He didn't have normal human's senses anymore.

They were sharper, stronger. He could smell, even outside of the Room of

Requirements. He could hear the wind blowing around him clearly, even

it wasn't supposed to be wind around.

Outside of the RoR, some students could be heard, and he could pinpoint

their location, below him. Some of them not that far from him, some

walking around the 7th floor. Even outside the castle, he could hear

voices all around him. With time, he slowly adapted to this sense, getting

a hold of it, and being able to control it better, not letting the entire

parade of sounds and voices turn him crazy.

"This is… Amazing…" Logan muttered, letting out a sigh that at the same

time sent out a big cloud of the smoke-like thing he was exuding.

Opening his eyes, he looked at himself in the mirror once again. "I do

look a lot like a Gloom Wolf… But it's not that… I don't think it's a

mutation either."

[Maybe another creature based on it?]

"It may be. Some creators liked to play around, creating new creatures

and spells when creating an OTS. So it may be something like that. A

creature from some OTS. But which one? I don't know. There were so

many of those servers that it's almost impossible to count, and this wolf-

like creature could be from any of those thousands or hundreds of

thousands of servers. Also…" Logan said as he closed his eyes and

concentrated hard on his surroundings, slightly opening his snout.

Suddenly the blackish-gray smoke that was coming out of him, moved

and focused right in front of his open snout, forming a ghastly sphere

that spiraled at a really high speed.


"Roar!" With a roar and an abrupt movement of his head, the now

condensed ball shot towards the mirror, breaking it while flying all the

way towards the wall of the room, before dispersing in a cloud of

shadowy smoke. "Whoa… I had the feeling that it was possible… But

actually doing it… It's something totally different."

[What was that?]

"I don't know." Logan shook his head. "I had a feeling that I could move

whatever thing was coming out of my body at will, and shot it like that."

[That's interesting, to say the least.]

"Right?" Logan said with a nod. H

[Do you have any idea of what that can be?]

"No. But if I had to guess, I would say it has something to do with the

death attribute." Logan said with a frown. "It somehow feels like using

Exori Mort or the Instant Death rune. Though, I don't think it's as strong

as the Instant Death rune."

[That's as best of a guess as mine. Can you do something else apart from

using that ball?]

"A breath?" Logan tilted his head, before closing his eyes once again to

focus. Soon enough he took a really deep breath, while all of the gaseous

substance around him flew into his mouth. "HAAAA…!" Only to be

released moments after in the form of a blackish-gray wave of smoke.

Whenever the smoke passed by, the remaining pieces of the mirror, the

ground, and even the walls he shot the breath towards, slowly changed.

It wasn't a really impacting change, but you could still see traces of slight

weathering in some places.

[It doesn't look like something that amazing, though.]

"I'm not sure, but I would bet it's just a really weaker version of the

Instant Death rune? So maybe it causes decaying?"

[It might be. You can experiment with that later.]

"Yeah. For now… I think I will just go back to being human." Logan said

with a nod, closing his eyes to concentrate. Moments later, he just sighed

and then started to look around for his wand, which he dropped while

transforming. When he found it he was once again shocked, this time,

while seeing how tall he was.

Yes, he saw himself in a mirror, but he lacked a reference point to

actually compare himself to. Even the mirror was taller than him, so it

couldn't work as a good reference point. But now that he saw his wand,

he couldn't help but finally figure out that his height changed greatly and

get surprised as to how tall he was in this form, he was almost 1.85

meters tall. And that was insanely huge for any normal beast.

"This is insane.." Logan muttered, before sighing. "Well, let's just hope

that I don't break my wand…" As he say so, he lowered his head, before

gently, at least as gently as he could, picking up his wand, then while

focusing once again, his body started to change once again, while he left

a slightly quiet grunt of pain. Though it wasn't really hurtful, it might as

well be just a slight surprise during his change.

After finally transforming himself back into a human, he took his wand

out of his mouth and looked at it, letting out a sigh. "At least nothing

happened to it. Well, that was certainly interesting."

[Indeed. It was. By the way, can't you turn back without using your


"No." He shook his head. "I think I'll have to transform a few times before

actually doing so. Oh well, I'm actually more worried about the constant

release of that gas. I should probably try to see if I can keep it inside my


[There might be a way, with how easy it looked for you, I would say that

you can find a way soon.]

"It came to me almost as if an instinct." He said while looking at his hand.

"Sadly. It seems that I can't invoke that same gas while in human form. I

always wanted to know if it was possible for an Animagus to have a

mixed form… Like a Zoan Devil Fruit user."

[Apparently. It's not possible. But who knows? In theory, you're one and

the same within your animal form. And yours, more than an animal,

looks like a magical creature. Or a monster if we consider it is coming

from an OTS. So maybe there's a way to turn things around and turn into

a hybrid form?]

"Mm… I might take a look into that later." Logan said with a shrug.

"Well, I guess I should be going now, I really feel tired after all that has


CHAPTER 54 - Before everything

started (Part 6)

Now that Logan perfectly turned into an Animagus, he had nothing much

to do for the rest of the year, except, of course, to attend classes. Funnily

enough, the idea of becoming an Animagus helped him get better at

potions and transfiguration, which at the same time helped the young

wizard get points on Professor McGonagall's classes, and at least not lose

points on Snape's classes. Logan couldn't just understand why is that guy

so stuck up with giving points.

It was almost as impossible as Gryffindor not getting its points taken on

classes. He swore that it was a real feud what he had on the lions with

how often he took points from them. Especially the twins, but being

honest, it was not as if the twins didn't deserve it. They were geniuses,

but only when it came to pranks, and figuring out new ways to bother

the teachers. This was funny when you consider the fact that they allied

with Tonks and Tulip to prank the entire school.

Logan, who was targeted during an entire week, only for them to fail

miserably, couldn't help but sigh at their insistence at pranking people

around. Thankfully for him, Arcane Eyes were a really good way to

detect any jinx that came his way with the objective of pranking him.

Time passed, and soon, Christmas came across. Logan did his best to get

a few gifts for his friends. At first, he thought about asking Madam

Isabella for help, but finally decided not to and went on his own to pick

gifts for them, most of those he got them on the muggle world, while he

got something from Diagon Alley to gift Jake, as he was the only other


His gifts were nothing too precious or valuable, comics for Roger and

William, sweets for the girls as he has absolutely no idea of what to gift

them, and books about the wizarding world to Jake.

All of them could only smile awkwardly at his selection of gifts but

decided not to say anything, seeing as he tried to do the best he could.

He also received gifts from his friends, and surprisingly enough, he also

received gifts from Marietta and Cho, who both thanked him once again

for what he did for them, while Cho also thanked him for helping her

with her studies.

He honestly had no idea that he was going to receive gifts from his

underclassmen, so he got nothing for them. When he apologized, both

Marietta and Cho simply waved it off and told him not to worry about it,

as he has done enough for them.

He also got gifts for Tonks, Tulip, Talbott, Andrew, Badeea, Merula, Ben,

Liz, and a few others. Though he mostly got sweets for them, except for a

few like Tonks and Tulip, who he gifted some magic tricks from the

muggle world, though, nothing really impressive, he also got Andrew a

book called "10 tips for a successful date", which made the later laugh


He also received sweets back from them, mostly decorated for Christmas,

and a few curious stuff. Liz gifted him an advanced book on potions, her

own book, with notes and tricks for potions, though he doubted it as

impressive as Snape's. Tulip and Tonks gifted him with different prank

items, with a few well-hidden ones with the purpose of finally making

him fall for their pranks, though that also failed when he detected them

with Arcane Eyes, which, by now, he had activated all the time he was

close to either them or the twins.

Lisandra got him a few gifts that she bought on her travels aboard.

According to her, she went to New York and bought some souvenirs from

there for her friends, which Logan thought wouldn't like to receive

anything from the muggle world, considering their usual attitude.

Once again, he stayed on Hogwarts for the Christmas Holiday, though he

still wrote letters to Madam Isabella from time to time, which she

reciprocated, even sending him some gifts of her own. He sent some

sweets from the wizarding world to her as well as a thank you letter with

the help of Muninn, who happened to stay most of Christmas Day with


After Christmas, classes soon started, and nothing really impressive

happened. He did get the trick of controlling the mist that his Animagus

form exuded, and now he could transform into his wolf-like form without

worrying about people looking at him as if he were some kind of

hellhound. Though there was still the thing about being an almost 2-

meters tall wolf, even when standing on his four legs.

At one point he even questioned why wasn't he a thestral, as it would be

more simple to explain that it was similar to his Patronus, instead of

trying to explain how he became a 1,85-meters-tall really-grim-looking

wolf that, by the way, could decay things with a mysterious black mist.

When confronted by Andrew and Talbott, who were both curious if he

managed to pull off the transformation or not, he had to say that he

hadn't tried yet and that he would probably wait for a couple more years

before even trying. They both agreed and thought that it might be the

best idea. Thankfully for him, both of them were going to graduate this


He also kept helping on the Hospital Wing with Lobosca, who was

another graduating student, and who he learned, was an actual werewolf.

Both of them were learning actual healing magic from Madam Pomfrey

and turned into good friends who would help anyone that entered the


With his 3rd year soon coming, there was something he had to do. It was

finally time for him to select the elective classes he would be studying in

his third year. He somehow thought about trying to assist all of the

courses, but quickly decided against it, after all, he didn't want to be

stressed out with all the homework.

From all the possible classes, he picked just two out of curiosity and

interest. These classes were Care of Magical Creatures, which was taught

by a crazy man that looked like a Moody lookalike, with a prosthetic arm

that looked like a pincer, and Study of Ancient Runes, or simply Ancient


The reason why he chose to study Ancient Runes was basically for his

vocation, Arcanist. Some of his spells had the name runes on them, so he

had to check if there was some relation between those runes and the one

he will be studying. Apart from those two, the other classes weren't really

interesting for him, and he only had to pick two electives as the bare

minimum, which he gladly did.

The end of the school year finally reached its end, but not before the

Protectors of Hogwarts had a small goodbye party. After all, most of its

founding members, and the core members of the organization, were

going to graduate already. This, of course, included Logan's friends,

Tulip, Tonks, Andrew, and the rest.

It wasn't a really long party, mostly some of them drinking and eating

stuff that the older students got from the kitchen. It was also an excuse

for them to celebrate having passed the N.E.W.T.s exams. Not all of them

did excellently, but they still passed, in part thanks to the not-so-secret

organization, where most of them had the chance to compare notes and

help each other to train. Even some of the fifth-year benefited from this

to pass their O.W.L.s.

This was also the goodbye party for most of them. While he tried to feign

otherwise, Logan was indeed saddened, having to say goodbye from some

of his great friends. After all, he has been sharing a lot of time with them,

some of them have even helped him a lot, like Liz and Badeea, who

helped him study, or Andrew, who pointed him in the right direction

whenever he needed something.

Though, he was then comforted by the thought that this might not be the

last time they saw each other. After all, London magical community

wasn't that big, and there was always a chance to meet them outside of

Hogwarts sometime in the future. Except maybe for Andrew, who was

planning to work as a curse breaker, and as such, expected to be

traveling a lot around the world.

Not all of them were going to be gone, mind you. Some of them were

staying for the next generations, including the twins, Cedric, a girl from

Slytherin called Ismelda, and even Penny's little sister, Beatrice, who was

Ismelda's friend. They were a year older than me, Cedric and the twins,

so they barely were around us too much, they still asked pointers from us

from time to time, as Cedric ended up being quite a great duelist too, and

well, they were also half-interested in the twins' pranks.

{So many pranksters in this place, what the hell is wrong here…} Logan

thought for a moment during the party, as he watched Ismelda and

Beatrice talking to the twins, Tonks and Tulip about who was best to

prank. It has to be said, that neither Penny nor Percy were happy with

this, so they interfered to stop the group from trying any trick. Andrew

and Merula had to be pulled into the show, as apparently, Ismelda

respected Merula, and well, Andrew came with the package.

That was the final news he received, Merula and Andrew finally started

dating. It took them long enough, but with half a year until their

graduation, they finally decided to accept their feelings, even when it

was quite hard on Merula's end.

They all congratulated them, though Logan couldn't help but think what

kind of Japanese protagonist was Andrew to take so long on finally

declaring himself, or at least die trying. "One can't simply be so dense…"

He muttered to himself while shaking his head. Cedric and the twins who

were close to him, couldn't help but look at him with deadpan eyes,

contemplating seriously snitching on him to Lyra, word by word.

Soon, the school year came to an end. The last and only peaceful year he

will ever get in Hogwarts, except for maybe Harry's second year now that

the big snake was dead. The time to go back home was getting closer and

closer, and he could somehow feel excited, as the story was finally going

to start. He was going to meet the child who lived.

Only a week was left for Hogwarts' classes to end, and after the

vacations, he will finally meet with Harry Potter and the rest of the Golde

Trio. {I wonder how everything will turn out…} He thought for a

moment, looking at the Forbidden Forest from his room's window. "Oh

well, I guess everything will be fine."

CHAPTER 54.5 – There can’t be a

year without surprises in


There were only a few days before classes ended and Logan had to go

back to the orphanage, so, he decided to go on a goodbye trip. After all,

this was going to probably be the last year he will be in peace inside the

castle, with all the upcoming shenanigans on the search for reviving the

Dark Lord and killing Harry.

With that said, the trip this time was to the Forbidden Forest, as it

couldn't be any other way. Of course, instead of the usual trip, this time

Logan decided to do what his heart told him so, and after reaching the

borders of the Forbidden Forest, he turned himself into his not-so-small

wolf form and started to run as fast as he could, feeling the wind

brushing on his fur, and the dirt he left behind every time his paws

pushed him further, becoming faster and faster.

With the help of the Room of Requirements, he had managed to

dominate his Animagus form, training as much as possible every day.

Now it was possible for him to turn with a simple thought, making it

possible for him to keep his wand in the inventory, while turning into his

wolf form, which he decided to call it Anubis for now, lacking any other

good reference, and earning a "So obvious" comment from the system.

He didn't care at all and decided to go with that. After all, it was a black

canine, with a mist that caused decaying. Pretty fitting, he thought,

trying to brush off the system's comment.

As he was rushing through the forest, reaching the furthest he has ever

been, something caught his attention. It was a hooded man, who was

standing in the middle of the forest, looking all-around while rubbing his

chin. He was pondering what would be such a suspicious man doing in

the middle of this place, before remembering all the other times

something similar happened.

{Come on! Again!?} He thought, thinking that once again, some dark

wizard was about to attack him. But before he could even think to

prepare for his next action, a surprising message from the system came to


[RUN! NOW!] It felt desperate.

{Huh?} Logan thought for less than a second that something was weird,

but just as he decided to simply run away, following the system's hurried

message, the man turned to him.

"Mm? Hey, you." He simply said, but Logan didn't care, he turned around

and ran as fast as he could. "Yo, dude. Can't you hear me?" the hooded

man talked once again, and somehow Logan could listen to him even

when he was running at his top speed. But he didn't care enough to stop

and think deeply about it, he simply kept running, turning mid-way into

his human form and activating his invisibility and levitation spells, as

well as his strong haste spell.

He ran and ran. Moving to different positions just to try and lose him.

The system rushed him to escape as fast as he could, no looking back. But

just as he thought it was enough, the voice once again reached him.

"The hell are you running for, dude? That's so fucking suspicious." In a

moment, the same hooded man that was supposed to be far, far behind,

appeared right in front of him, looking straight at him, as if the

invisibility spell was a simple joke. Logan could only notice a pair of

crimson-red eyes looking back at him, with strands of white hair falling

on his forehead.


DISTRACT HIM!] The system alerted him once again, and Logan decided

to test his luck with a few runes, but just as he took them out of the

inventory, something that he didn't expect happened.

"Chill out, kid." The hooded man said, and a sudden pressure silenced the

world. Logan could no longer move. "Jeez… You make me feel like some

kind of creepy old man that's trying to kidnap you or something."

"…" Logan couldn't help but think that he looked exactly like that, he

tried to shout it at him, but he couldn't even move his mouth.

"I'm not here to hurt you, kid." The man said with a sigh. "I'm just in need

of some answers. So, will you calm down and listen to me? You can nod,

by the way."

"…" Logan thought for a moment, before nodding. The man was right, he

could move his head now.

"Perfect." The man smirked, and suddenly, Logan recovered his mobility.

At that moment, he finally felt the heaviness around him, falling to his

knees while sweat started pouring from all his body. "Oh, right. Sorry, I

guess I just went with the moment. No worries, I'll help you out." The

man said as a blue flame consumed Logan, but just as he thought he was

going to be burnt to death, he noticed that the flames weren't hurting

him, they didn't feel hot at all. Soon, his condition was restored, and he

felt new. As if nothing happened before. "There you are. Better now?"

The man said, still smirking at him as the flames dissipated into


"Yes…" Logan said, still guarded against this mysterious man. He didn't

remember anyone like this in the movies. And certainly never heard

about someone like him from the fandom who did read the books. {Who

the fuck is this guy…} Logan thought for a moment.

"My name's…" The guy stopped to think for a moment before he

shrugged. "Well, it doesn't really matter."

Logan was shocked, to say the least. {Is that mere coincidence… or did

he read my mind?}

"You're just too obvious, kid." The man said with a sigh.

Logan couldn't help but open his eyes wide. {What the hell is

happening!? System!? Didn't I master Occlumency!? System!?}

"Mm? I think that thing is hiding itself." The man in front chuckled.

"Anyways, you can relax. As I was saying. I'm not actually here to hurt

you. I'm just looking for some answers, you see?"

"…" Logan looked at him even more warily than before.

"So…" The man raised an eyebrow. "Will you answer my questions or


"...What questions?" Logan finally decided to play along, as there wasn't

anything he could do for now.

"Well, the first one is rather simple." The guy shrugged. "Is this Harry

Potter's world?"

"...What?" Logan's mouth hung open from the question. It was something

he didn't expect at all.

"I mean… You have a system, so I guess someone gave that to you before

transmigrating you here, isn't that right?"

"…" Logan nodded absentmindedly, not knowing what was happening

anymore. {Just who is this guy…?}

"Told you that it doesn't matter kid. Anyways. Is this Harry Potter's world

or not?"


"Meh. Good enough." The man shrugged. "Second question, are you

perhaps called Roger?"

"No…?" Confused, Logan shook his head.

"Mm…" The man rubbed his chin while looking at him directly into the

eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yes…" Logan nodded.

"Oh well. Wrong universe then." The man finally said, sighing. "I guess I'll

try on another one."

"Another… one?" Logan couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, I'm looking for a man called Roger. He was supposedly

transmigrated into a Harry Potter world. So I'm just trying my luck with

multiple universes with the same setting." The man shrugged.

"Why…?" He reached a point where he was completely confused.

"That motherfucker dared to make my daughter cry." The man simply

said. "But got lucky enough to run away before I got to him. I already

took care of the imbecile that dared to transmigrate him away from me,

but he's still going to pay. I'll make sure of that." Logan could swear the

man was grinding his teeth hard enough to cut a diamond.

"Oh… Okay…"

"Yeah…" The man sighed. "I guess I'll just have to keep looking. Sorry to

scare you kid. And that system you have on you too."

"...No worries."

"By the way, how are you finding it?" He suddenly asked with a tilted

head and an amused face.


"Being transmigrated I mean. I know it can be overwhelming, but it's also

exciting, isn't it?"

"I… guess? I mean… It was a real surprise when I died and was offered to

reincarnate here…"

"Oh, so you died? That might hit harder, I think." He shrugged. "Was it

forced or something?"

"Huh? No. No, it wasn't."

"Oh great, if it was, you can just tell me, I can take care of the little red

shit that brought you here, if it was forced, also, I can take care of that

system for you, if you want."

"No… No! It won't be necessary. I'm really glad for the opportunity I was

given." Logan quickly said.

"Mm… Is that so?" The man nodded. "Well, if you're okay with that, no

problems then. I'll be taking my leave. Take care, kid." The guy turned

around and with a wave of his hand, a portal opened.

"Right… Thanks…" Logan nodded absentmindedly.

"Oh, right." As he took a step forward, the man suddenly stopped and

turned around. "I guess it would be better if you forget this interaction."


"Have a nice sleep, kid." The man said as he waved his hand towards


"W-Wait…" That was all Logan could say before his mind drifted away,

falling asleep right there and then.

"Well, Roger. Get fucking ready for when I found you. Piece of shit. No

one makes my daughter cry and lives to tell the tale." Logan couldn't hear

the last words of the man as he walked into the portal. But something

else did.

[We just survived utter annihilation…] If the system were a normal

being, it would be sweating seas-worth of cold sweat. The next instant,

after the mysterious man disappeared, Logan magically found himself on

his bed, still sleeping. While the system prayed not to find that monster

ever again. [I better keep all of this to myself…] The system thought as it

tried to calm itself.

CHAPTER 55 – It’s starting



Okay, this chapter is longer than usual. 3k words, which I think is the

longest I've made for this particular fanfic. Also, to clarify, the last

chapter, the 54.5 one, was a small chap I wrote as it came to my mind

while I was drunk. I thought 'why not' and wrote it. The other character

that appears there is from my other Fanfic, TNEE. It was a brief

apparition, and I don't really think I will do something like this later on

unless it comes to my drunken mind to write something similar. Also, this

is the last chapter from the hard time skip, so the pace will slow down


Thanks to everyone for reading! And as usual, any feedback is well



Days before leaving Hogwarts, Logan woke up in his room, without any

knowledge of what happened to him.

"Ugh… What happened yesterday?" Logan said as he sat upon the bed,

holding his head for a sudden weird migraine. Meanwhile, the system

just kept its silence. "I remember that I went to the Forbidden Forest and

turned into my Animagus form… but after a while, everything just blanks

out… do you know why, system?"


"Really? So weird… how did I even come back to my room?"

[You did what you normally do. Levitated here through the window,


"Is that so?" Logan frowned. "But why can't I remember?"

[You were really excited yesterday while turned into your Anubis form,

maybe because of that?]

"Mm…" Logan pondered for a moment before shrugging. "Must be that.

There's nothing much that I know about that form, so maybe my animal

or monster instinct took over? I must really research into that. Don't

wanna be losing my consciousness while turning into my Animagus


[Yes, we better research it deeper. We might even find a trick to how to

use your Animagus form's powers while turned into a human.]

"Right." Logan said before standing up from the bed and stretching. "Well,

I better start my day. I will be back in London in a couple of days."

[It's almost time.]

"Yes." Logan nodded. "It will be soon time for the story to start." He

stared at the exit of the window, to the clear blue sky.

The rest of his stay in Hogwarts was completely worry-free. Without

homework or classes, he was free to just spend time with his friends. He

even stopped using the time-turner, leaving it inside his inventory just in

case, but not really having the need to go train for what was left of the


The House Cup was given to Ravenclaw once again thanks to Logan

getting points on most of his practical classes, except for Potions.

Apparently, the only reason why Slytherin usually turned out winning

the House Cup, was basically because Snape liked to give points to them

whenever he had the chance, and because Ravenclaw's house, in general,

wasn't that interested in the competition.

Though thanks to Logan getting points through Charms, DADA, and

Transfiguration, as well as helping the younger students of his house, and

even his classmates, he managed to gather quite a few extra points,

getting ahead of Slytherin, even if for only a few points. At this point,

Flitwick had quite a great impression of his student, the same with

Professor McGonagall, who was the one fetching him from the orphanage

and has noticed his growth in Transfiguration classes. Also, not losing

points to Snape played an important role, and he did thank Liz for that.

After classes ended, he was received on King's Cross Station by Madam

Isabella, who received him with a hug and took him to the orphanage,

hearing some of his stories from the school, though in a way that wasn't

so obvious for the people nearby, keeping up the secrecy.

The months leading to September were quite relaxing too. Logan decided

that it would be best for him to relax, seeing as how the main story

would start and things would get pretty chaotic sooner rather than later.

{Four years it's not that long…} He thought as he considered the time he

had before Voldemort came back to power again. And just as he thought

about it, he started to consider different plans.

"Letting Voldemort get back would allow the story to continue as I know

it." Logan muttered as he looked at the different key points of the movies

he still remembered. "But… letting that happen also means that things

will get pretty dangerous for a lot of people…"

[Yes. But if Voldemort isn't defeated, then the war wouldn't really end.]

"That's true…" Logan sighed. "I guess I'll have to think of something…

maybe tracking him down when he's at his lowest, destroy all the

Horcruxes and then throw Harry in front of him so he can try to kill him,

and destroy the last fragment of that thing?"

[That sounds like a plan.]

"Ha… oh well, I'll just leave this to my future self." Logan said. "Of

course, it's not like I'll allow all things to happen like on the movies."

[Mm? Why?]

"My moral code, of course." Logan said as he put a hand on his chest, his

nose pointing high.

[Are you sure it's not for the points.]

"No comments." He quickly retorted. "Anyways, what matters is that I

won't allow that many bad things to happen. I'll stop whatever I can, and

help whoever I can. Okay?"

[Right, right. Oh great savior.]

Logan just clicked his tongue as he looked through the plans he just

wrote, before grabbing them and saving them on his inventory, where no

one will find them.

As such, the countdown begin, and soon enough, it was time. Keeping

track of the boy who lived was easy thanks to his magic, and as he kept

the wand hidden inside his inventory, he didn't risk it getting captured.

He watched as Harry met Hagrid for the first time, having a really weird

feeling about it. After all, this was something that he only saw in the

movies, and to be able to see it right in front of him? It somehow hit

differently than simply meeting with some of the characters, or standing

inside Hogwarts's castle. After all, this meeting was what set everything

on trails. The first time, the child who lived met the start of his destiny.

Taking note of the date, he decided that it might be a good idea to make

an early trip to the Diagon Alley, who knows, maybe he got to earn some

points by meeting the protagonist of the story there.

As such, he went back to the orphanage, and reaching an agreement with

Madam Isabella, he went the next day to Diagon Alley. If anything, he

thought it would be a good time to check on his investments, sell some of

the stuff he got from the Room of Hidden Things. He also had to make a

visit to Ollivander's as he promised the old man he would show him his

wand every year.

The next day soon came, and Logan found himself standing outside of

Ollivander's. He knew Harry would soon come here, as he has been

tracking him with Exiva, the spell that allowed him to find people

relatively close to him. Meanwhile, he decided he would talk with

Ollivander to show him his wand.

As he entered the store, he found out a tall and stunning blond woman,

whose face, which Logan could slightly see from the side, seemed

somewhat cold. She was apparently paying for a wand, as he saw she was

carrying a small wand box with her.

"Thank you, Madame Malfoy." Ollivander, after receiving the wand,

thanked her with his usual weird smile. The woman slightly nodded and

turned around to leave, crossing eyes with Logan, raising an eyebrow as

she did. "Oh, Mr. Taylor. I see that you're here to the annual check of

your wand, is that it?" Ollivander said from behind the woman.

{Malfoy? Is that Draco's mother? She has to be… But she somehow looks

different from the movies, like… prettier? Younger, maybe?} Logan

thought for a moment as he looked at the woman who walked passed

him uninterested, and with an I'm-holier-than-thou kind of face. {When

Rowling made these pure-blood wizards she sure made sure to make

them as stuck-up-their-asses as possible, jeez…} He thought with an

inward sigh as he walked towards Ollivander. "Hello Mr. Ollivander, yes,

I'm here for the annual visit." Logan nodded.

"Very well. Let's see how much has your wand growth." Ollivander said

with one of his creepy smiles as Logan took the wand from his holster

and gave it to him.

{This guy has the kind of face that would show up behind a cut wooden

door while screaming 'Here's Johnny!' with an ax on his hands.} Logan


[I understood that reference.] The system suddenly said.

{…Right.} Logan just brushed the comment away.

"Well, well… This is interesting." Ollivander suddenly said as he looked

at the wand.

"Mm? What is it?" Logan asked, after being brought up from his thoughts.

"Your wand, Mr. Taylor, has somewhat changed. More than I've ever

noticed on another wand." Ollivander said as he gave a glance towards

Logan. "If I had to guess… I would say that your wand's loyalty has…

increased. I don't know what you two have experienced in the past year,

but this wand, Mr. Logan, has quite an affinity to you. It's something

amazing, and something that I have only seen in a certain type of wands,

like those made from ash wood or those with a unicorn's hair as the


"Mm… It doesn't sound like it is something bad, right?" Logan asked with

a tilted head, to which Garrick showed a deeper smile.

"It certainly isn't, Mr. Taylor." He said as he took another look at the

wand. "It certainly isn't..." Ollivander's eyes scanned the wand as if he

was trying to pry it open. He did so for a few moments, before giving it

back to Logan. "I also see that you haven't taken the proper care to it, I

wonder why, Mr. Taylor?"

"Haha…" Logan chuckled awkwardly. "Well… I've been busy in school,

and I… kinda forgot...?"

"Hm… I see." Ollivander said with an eyebrow raised. "I must remind

you, Mr. Taylor, that just as wands give their loyalty to a Wizard or a

Witch, they can also retrieve it. I must insist that you take care of your

wand properly. It is, after all, an amazing wand, and a relic that's been in

my store for a really long time."

"Right…" Logan nodded while scratching the back of his head. "I'll be

more careful to remember."

"Excellent." Ollivander smiled, just as the door's bell rang, the door

opening with a small, lanky kid coming inside. "It seems we have another

customer… Oh, this sure is amazing…" Ollivander muttered his last

words as his eyes landed on the lanky kid.

"I think you're busy, so I better leave. Thank you for taking a look at my

wand, Mr. Ollivander." Logan said as he glanced at Harry.

"It's always a pleasure, please don't forget to come back next year, and

also… remember to take care of your wand, Mr. Taylor." Garrick said.

"Yes, I will." As Logan turned towards the door, he noticed the small kid

that was looking at him. Logan felt that he was looking at him with a

somewhat fearful expression. {Talk about traumas…} He thought for a

moment before stopping beside the kid. "Hey. Is this your first time

around here?"

"Y-Yes…" The kid nodded.

"Well, I guess you will soon be attending Hogwarts then." Logan smiled,

before extending his hand. "The name's Logan. Logan D. Taylor."

"H-Harry. Harry Potter." Harry, who extended his hand to shake Logan's,

also presented himself.

"So you're Harry Potter, huh?" Logan raised an eyebrow. "I've read about

you. Kind of famous, aren't you?"

"Huh… Yes… I've been told so." Harry nodded with a shy expression.

"Mm… I don't think it's really a good thing." Logan said as he rubbed his

chin. "It might bring some unpleasant attention." He shrugged and then

patted the kid's shoulder. "Anyways, you'll soon be my underclassmen, so

I guess you can ask for some help if you need it back at the castle."

"Huh… Right… Thanks…" Harry smiled awkwardly.

"Great, see you then, Harry Potter." Logan said with a nod as he walked

towards the door.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've met the one

and only child who lived! Harry Potter himself! And you even left a

slightly good impression on the soon-to-be-savior! This is the first step to

raising the pig for slaughter before Dumbledore! Go on and sent the

sacrificial lamb to its destiny!]

[500pts have been earned]

{I swear that these things get weirder by the day…} Logan thought with

an awkward chuckle as he went outside the store. "I guess this is it for the

day." He muttered as he looked around. Not only did he go into

Ollivander, but he also finished selling some of the stuff he had with him

on a really sketchy store in Knockturn Alley, but also went to Gringotts to

take a look at his investments. He even got the time to buy some other

things, like sweets for Madam Isabella. {Well, I guess it's time to go

home, I already got some points from this visit, I'm sure I'll get more as

the years advance.} Logan thought for a moment before going towards

the Leaky Cauldron.

He, of course, made sure to open his eyes wide and see if he somewhat

found someone from the main cast. But with no luck.


September 1st. It was finally time to return to Hogwarts, and as such,

Logan was awake since early that day.

His vacations had been short, and he hasn't done much, not even

training. Most of his time he's been planning on what to do for the next

years, or slacking off, simply creating runes using the excessive amount

of blank runes he had on himself. He created a good set of runes of all

types, from damage ones to fields and some sudden death runes just in

case. Though in his own words, a Sudden Death rune would be a one-of-

a-kind item, as it would be bad if someone saw him using an Avada-

Kedavra-like spell with a more visual effect.

Muninn, as usual, wasn't home. Though Logan was sure that the bird

would soon come back as it knows where they lived, the thing is really

intelligent, at least enough to know that today was the day they were

going back to Hogwarts. As such, he wasn't really worried about leaving

it behind, the bird even knew the way to Hogwarts, so it was all good.

As it was soon going to be the time for him to go to school, he stood in

front of the mirror, getting ready. Mostly trying to comb his hair in a way

that it didn't look too messy, as Isabella requested from him. "You should

at least dress presentably! What would the girls there think if they see

you with that messy hair of yours!?" She said to him, on multiple

occasions with different words.

"Ha… This is a pain…" Logan muttered to himself as he at least got it

under control. Finally, he decided there was just one last thing to do

before grabbing his things to leave towards King's Cross. "It's been a

while huh?"

[Yeah, lately you almost pay no attention to the system. Well, I do think

it's not bad to stop worrying that much about your current stats.]

"I just don't want to be too fixated for now, and well, it's not like that

much has changed." Logan shrugged as he opened his status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 57

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 14920pts



Inventory (Size limit: 940oz/26.64kg)]

"Mm…" Logan looked at his stats. "I've won a few points since the whole

spending I did, well, around two thousand and something more points.

Quite more than I thought, with how little I've been getting."

[Yeah, and five hundred of those come directly from meeting Harry

Potter yesterday.]

"Yeah." Logan nodded. "Hopefully, I'll start raking points from now on.

And well, I think I'll be fine with the ML too. I'm not that hurried. Well, I

better get ready to go." With a shrug. Logan finally started to prepare for

everything he needed to get inside his trunk to take to Hogwarts. This

year he was a third-year, so he was looking forwards to Care of Magical

Creatures, and also to Study of Ancient Runes, as he thought there might

be some resemblance between an Arcanist's runes and those from the

wizarding world.

He has been studying the runes from the course, and they weren't that

similar to the ones he inscribed on the blank runes. They did have a

somewhat resemblance in that they were more of a form than the old

Norse runes he researched online.

For example, the Sudden Death rune spell turned the blank rune into a

dark-grey rune, with a black skull with two crossed bones below. So it

was a clear signal that meant death. And the runes of the wizarding

world, at least those he has been looking into, seemed to have some

figures, like the numbers that some had animal shapes.

But the Norse runes he researched on the library actually were fewer and

had specific meanings, they were more of an alphabet.

Funnily enough, when he tried to use his Arcanist spell Runic Inscription,

he wasn't able to figure out how to inscribe the rune at an instant. He

activated the spell as he usually did with his Arcanist's spells, and his

hand did shine for a moment, but as time passed with him trying to leave

his mind blank to receive any sudden inspiration, the glow disappeared.

After trying a couple more times, he thought about inscribing one of the

runes he remembered from his usual rune spells. He did succeed in

inscribing the rune on a wooden plank, only to be disappointed as

nothing happened with the plank. No magical effect, no nothing.

With lack of success, he decided that he will try again on the RoR, where

he was able to practice more. And as such, he was prepared to once he

got to Hogwarts once again, he would start practicing more with his

runes, which wasn't going to be far in the future, seeing as it was already

time to go to King's Cross Station.

{It's starting. Harry's first year, and the first encounter with Voldemort.}

Logan thought with a stern face as he grabbed his luggage, ready to go

out. With Muninn, who was already back from who-knows-where,

perched on his shoulder.

CHAPTER 56 – Meeting the

Golden Trio

King's Cross Station, London.

Logan was currently inside platform 9¾. He was carrying his luggage

towards the train while Muninn was perched on his shoulder.

"CAW! CAW!" The bird suddenly shouted and pointed in one direction

with its cawing beak.

"Mm?" Logan turned to look, in time to see a group of red-haired students

coming behind him, he recognized a few of them as Percy, Fred, and

George, but there was another one that looked quite smaller. {Is that

Ron?} Logan thought with a raised eyebrow, behind Ron, there was

another student carrying his luggage with a snow-white owl inside a cage

right at the top.

"CAW!" Muninn shouted again as it looked at the boy, an apparent scowl

could be seen on its face.

"Chill, dude. It's just a new student." Logan said while rolling his eyes.


"Logan!" Suddenly a couple of voices came rushing toward him,

completing each other's sentences as usual.

"Hey, guys." He answered back to the twins, who stretched their hands

for a shake. Logan looked at both hands for a moment and then turned to

look at their eyes.




All three of them looked at each other's eyes without blinking. An

awkward atmosphere was hanging around them.

"Hello, Logan." At least until Percy came back. "How has the young

prodigy of Ravenclaw been?"

"Oh, hey Percy. All great, how about you?" Logan asked, turning to look

at Percy while the twins left their hands hanging.

"Everything's been good." Percy nodded with a nod and a polite smile. "I

hope we can exchange pointers about charms."

"Yes, it would be a great learning experience." Logan nodded at him.

Percy sometimes appeared during their practices for Protectors of

Hogwarts, with the excuse of having to look over his brothers, Fred,

George, and Charlie, even when the latter was already graduating.

"Well, if you don't mind me, I must reunite with the other prefects." Said

Percy as he proudly showed his prefect badge.

"I must-"



"The other-"

"Prefects." Both twins mocked him as they imitated him, while Percy just

snorted and went towards the train.

"How do you-"

"Tolerate him?" They asked Logan.

"I mean, he's just uptight, but not a bad person, you know? Just someone

doing what he thing is right." Logan said with a shrug. "Not that paying

attention to the rules and doing as they said is the wrong thing."

"But it is-"

"So boring."

"Yeah, I know." Logan chuckled. "By the way, will you drop your hands


"Not until you-"

"Shake our hands." They answered with a smirk.

"Ha… You know Tonks and Tulip tried something like that on me last

year, right?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We don't know-"

"What you're talking about."

""It's just a handshake.""

"Right." Logan nodded. "Well, good luck with your 'handshake', I must

look somewhere to sit for the travel."

"Oh, come on-"

"You can't leave us with our hands-"


"I totally can." Logan said and left towards the train with his things,

ignoring the twins completely. {Amateurs.} He thought while chuckling.

After getting on the train, Logan did the usual stuff. He went towards his

section on the train and looked for a cabin, finding Lyra, who was

reading a book on Magical Creatures. He knocked on the door, making

Lyra turn up and smile at him, making a gesture for him to come inside.

He opened the door and entered the place.

"Hey." He said as he put his stuff in the compartments of the cabin, while

Muninn walked around the cabin. "Reading so soon?"

"Yeah." Lyra nodded. "I just find Magical Creatures to be amazing."

"I agree." Logan nodded. "They are really amazing." He sat down in front

of her.

She smiled, closing her book. "Thankfully we'll be able to see a few of

them during classes."

"Yeah, though that teacher, Kettleburn, he's kinda crazy." Logan said with

an awkward smile, remembering the teacher that is in charge of the class.

"You think so?" Lyra tilted her head.

"He has more artificial body parts than real body parts." Logan sighed.

"He DOES love his creatures, even the dangerous ones from what I've


"Mm? Who did you hear that from?" Lyra asked as she leaned forward on

her seat.

"Andrew, one of our upperclassmen." Logan shrugged. "Well, not exactly

an upperclassman now, as he graduated last year."

"Oh, is that one of the older students you got acquainted with?"

"Yeah, he was friends with Tulip. So we can of ended up being friends

too." Logan said as he nodded with a slightly lower tone.

"Are you sad she's not around anymore?" Lyra asked with a raised

eyebrow and a somewhat expressionless face.

"Mm? I guess." He shrugged. "She was a really good friend, you know? I

mean, even taking into account all the jokes and pranks she tried on me,

unsuccessfully I must say, she was really supportive, and taught me a few

interesting tricks." He smirked. "All of them did, actually. Sadly a lot of

my friends already left the school." With a sigh he leaned back on the


"I see…" Lyra nodded. "You're just sad that your friends, all of them,

graduated already, huh?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's like I won't be able to see them anytime soon." Logan

shrugged. "But it's okay. Everyone has to strive to be successful outside of

school." He said with a renovated smile. "I'm pretty sure they're doing

great right now."

Lyra also smiled. As time passed, more people joined them, William and

Julie came into the room too, while Muninn had left the room and flew

outside of the train, Logan just ignored it and told the others that it

usually went out a lot, and came back on its own, as it was a really free

bird. They all started to talk about what they have done during the

vacations. The train was already departed from the station and was on its

way to Hogwarts.

"I'll go take a walk." Logan said as he stood up, leaving some sweets that

they've bought moments ago.

"Mm? Why?" William asked.

"I just want to stretch a little bit I guess." Logan said with a shrug. "I'll

also take a look around and see if I find the others."

"Don't get into trouble." Lyra said.

"Oh, come on. I never get in trouble." He rolled his eyes back as he went

outside of the room, leaving the others looking at him with skepticism.

{Well, let's see around a little bit.} With that thought and an inward

smile, he started walking through the corridors of the Hogwarts Express.

On his way he could see a small child asking on every compartment of

the train, opening a door, asking, and then closing again the door only to

repeat on the following door. Right before both of them encountered on

the middle of their way, the girl looked at something that apparently

picked her interest and went inside the last door she opened.

{Just like on canon.} Logan thought with a smirk. Before two persons

patted his shoulders at the same. "Mm?"


"It did nothing?"

Turning around, Logan found the twins, who were looking at their hands

incredulously. "Did you guys try that again? Seriously?" Logan raised an



"We had to-"

"Prank you." both of them finished at the same time. "But for some

reason, it didn't work." Said one of the twins, who Logan assumed would

be Fred.

"Yes. Maybe we somehow failed on working on them?" George asked

while looking at this hand. On it, Logan could see a small trinket that he


"Oi. Isn't that the thing I gifted you guys last Christmas?"

"Yes!" George smirked.

"We were working on improving it, giving it a little magic touch." Fred

also smiled.

"But it didn't work." George said with a sigh.

"Mm? Is that so?" Logan nodded.

"Anyways, where were you going?" Fred asked.

"I saw a freshman that was asking around for something, and got curious

to see what was happening." Logan shrugged.

"Why are you always-"

"So curious about things? You always find-"

"Trouble because of that."

"Beats me." Logan shrugged. "But I wouldn't say anything about me when

you guys don't stop bothering other people with your pranks, at least I

don't mess around with others with my curiosity."

"Everyone loves a good prank!" George said with a smirk.

"Exactly, my curious friend." Fred also smirked.

"Whatever." Logan sighed and moved into the compartment, the twins

following behind.

"Fred? George? What are you guys doing here?" Another redhead asked.

"Look at this Fred, it seems our little brother is here."

"That's true, George. Such a coincidence." George said with a smile. "We

should greet him, right?"

"Huh?" Ron tilted his head.

"That's true." Fred smiled innocently and extended his hand toward Ron.

Ron looked at it suspiciously, before turning to look at his brother's eyes.

"Come on, Ron. It's just a handshake." Fred rolled his eyes. "It's normal

courtesy. Right? George? Logan?"

"Exactly. Normal courtesy." George nodded, elbowing Logan.

"Right, normal courtesy. Just that." Logan also nodded with a smile,

making George smirk.

"Huh…? Okay…?" Ron nodded and took his brother's hand, getting

buzzed quite strongly. "Wha!?"

"It works?" George rubbed his chin. "Weird."

"Why it didn't work with you though?" Fred asked Logan.

"Ha…" Logan shook his head before smirking. "It's too early for you guys

to try and prank me. Tonks and Tulip tried a lot last time. Even Peeves

screams in frustration before me. Just accept it, you can't prank me."

"Tch. This isn't over, Mr. Taylor!" George said before turning to Ron.

"Glad to see you are fine, little brother." He smirked before going outside.

"Right. Just you wait!" Fred also nodded. "Bye Ron, thanks for letting us

test our new toy with you!"

"…" Ron just glared at the departing pair of brothers, before looking at

Logan. "What? You're going to prank me too?"

"Me? Nah. I'm not really a prankster." Logan shook his head. "Though

they did use something I gave them as a gift." He said with a shrug.

"Was that a buzzer?" The only girl there asked with confusion.

"Yeah." Logan nodded at her.

"Why would you gift them one?" She asked.

"Because I had no idea what to gift those two, so I thought a joy buzzer

would be a good idea." He shrugged.

"But it shouldn't work here."

"It's not really an electrical device, you know? It's just that those guys

somehow increased the effect while modifying it."

"Right." She nodded. "By the way, my name is Hermione Granger."

"Logan D. Taylor." Logan said as he nodded towards her, before turning

towards Harry. "Harry, glad to see you again."

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've presented

yourself to the Golden Trio. This marks the start of your involvement

with their years of bad lu- great adventures! Well done!]

[500pts have been earned]

{Nice.} Logan smiled inwardly.

"Y-Yes. Good to see you too, Logan." Harry nodded.

Logan then turned towards Ron. "Ron Weasley, I assume?"

"Do you know me…?" Ron raised an eyebrow.

"Not really." Logan shrugged. "But I heard your brothers, and I do know

her, so it's just matching name and last name together, isn't it?"

"Right…" Ron nodded.

"What are you doing here, Logan?" Harry asked with a tilted head.

"Oh, right. I heard Miss Granger here was asking around and I got curious

as to what was happening." He said.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot." Hermione stood up. "I was looking for a toad,

you wouldn't have seen it, right? It's called Trevor. Another first-year

student lost it."

"Mm? Trevor?" Logan tilted his head. "No, I don't remember seeing him.

But let me see what I can do." Logan said {I'm not sure if this will work,

but let's see.} Taking out his wand. "Exiva Trevor." He muttered and he

soon found the direction of the supposed toad. He turned around towards

Hermione. "Follow me, I'll guide you to it."

"Did you use a charm?" Hermione asked with surprised eyes.

"Yes." Logan nodded "Now, come on. I'll guide you to it." He turned to

look at Harry. "Also, Harry, see you in the castle. Have a good trip. You

too, Ron, nice to meet you. And my condolences, it must be hard living

with those two. Though your other brothers are mostly okay, I know the

twins can be exhausting." He said to Ron with a smile.

"R-Right…" Ron nodded before widening his eyes. "You know my other


"Yes." Logan nodded. "Charlie is a nice guy, quite adventurous, and Bill is

well, he's really good with curse breaking. Percy is too uptight, but not a

bad man."

"Wow… How do you know them all? Bill graduated a few years ago!"

Ron asked.

"He visited the school a couple of times during my first year. I met him

there." Logan said.

"We should go look for Trevor." Hermione said as she nodded towards the


"Right." Logan also nodded and bid the duo goodbye before guiding

Hermione towards Trevor. It didn't take long for them to find it.

"You really found it!" Hermione shouted surprised. "It was the magic you

used, right?"

[Congratulations! There's been an update on one of your Main Quests!]

[The quest 'Fuck you, J.K.! (Main Chain Quest.)' has been updated.

You've made a change, albeit a really small one, to the original story.

Thanks to you, Neville Longbottom won't ridicule, for the first time at

least, before getting sorted.]

[100pts have been earned]

{This morning has been so productive!} He thought while smirking

inwardly, before focusing on Hermione once again as the notification

disappeared. "Well, yes." Logan nodded as he scratched the back of his

head. {Though I honestly didn't know if it would work with a toad.}

"Anyways, you should go bring it to the other student, and get ready,

soon it will be time to arrive."

"Yes." Hermione nodded and started to walk back towards the other

student, but stopped. She turned around and looked at Logan. "Could you

teach me that magic?"

"Mm?" Logan tilted his head, before shaking his head. "No, sorry."

Hermione frowned for a moment, but then just turned around and left.

Logan looked at her leaving back for a moment, before turning around to

go back to his compartment. After all, soon it would be time for him to

change to his robes.



There was a mistake in my previous chapter as one of my readers pointed

out, and that is that I forgot to add 1 ML to the official count, which

would be the one he got on his birthday. There's also a mistake on the

weight he can put inside the inventory. When I get the chance, I'll go

back and fix it, but for now, know that his current ML is 58 and his

current inventory capacity is 970oz (this one really doesn't affect the

story, but I still need to keep updating it.)

CHAPTER 57 – Hogwarts once


The rest of the travel was quite normal. The only thing that would be

different than usual was that when using his Arcane Eyes out of curiosity,

he was able to locate two traces of really dark magic. One of which he

was sure was Mr. Stutter with voldy-parasite, while the other he wasn't

sure at first, until he remembered that Harry had a part of Voldemort

inside him.

{Maybe I should try to look for a way to take that from him…} He

thought as he rubbed his chin. It was really difficult to determine

whether Fate would hate him for that, but the system was pretty sure

that it wouldn't be a problem.

After reaching Hogsmeade, all students, except for the first years, moved

towards the carriages. On his way, he could see Harry talking to Hagrid,

just as in the movie. Sitting inside the carriages with Lyra, Julie, and

William, Logan mentioned that he hoped this year would pass by quietly,

just like last year.

The others also nodded, until Julie suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot, did you guys hear the rumor?" She said, to

which Logan raised an eyebrow.

"What rumor?" Asked William as he tilted his head.

"Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts this year!" Julie said in a somewhat

loud whisper. "I heard it from one of the fourth years when entering the

train in King Cross Station."

"Wait, Harry Potter? THAT Harry Potter? The one that defeated you-

know-who?" Lyra asked surprised.

"The one and only!" Julie said excitedly.

"For Merlin's beard…" William muttered. "The child who lived is going to

attend Hogwarts."

"Right!? I was surprised when I heard about it." Julie nodded fervently.

"You guys are really doing a big thing out of it." Logan chuckled as he

shook his head.

"What? Are you jealous that you won't be popular with the child who

defeated you-know-who?" William asked with a teasing grin.

"Huh?" Logan tilted his head as he pointed at himself. "I am popular?"

"…" The others just looked at him flabbergasted.


"You really don't know?" Lyra asked with a dumbfounded face.

"Know what?"

"Dude… you're quite popular among the second years, oh, wait, we're

third years now. Anyways, you're quite popular with everyone in our

grade." William said as he sighed. "This denseness is getting to higher


"Only our grade? Don't forget to include the older students." Julie said as

she smiled awkwardly. "Some of them are really terrified that Logan

would do something to them."

"Oh come on. I know that our seniors in Ravenclaw are not fond of me,

but it's not all of them, you know? I wouldn't call that popularity. If

anything, it's only infamy. And it's not my fault that I have such luck with

our seniors…" Logan sighed as he shook his head.

"Dude… didn't you listen to us? We're saying that all of our grade's

students know about you… even those of lower grades."

"Yes…" Lyra muttered.

"This guy has no remedy…" While Julie sighed and whispered to herself.

"You're just inventing things to tease me. Anyways, what I meant with

Harry is that the guy's not a bad child, and you should not go and create

huge expectations for him without knowing him yourself."

"Why do you talk as if you knew him?" Julie tilted her head.

"Oh, because I did. I met him inside Ollivander's shop during the

vacations, and also met him on the train while helping a first-year find a

pet toad."

"W-Wait! You met him!?" William asked in surprise, Julie and Lyra were

also surprised.

"Yeah." Logan nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us!?"

"Well, it wasn't something that important-" Logan was trying to explain,

but stopped as the carriage stopped its march. "Seems like we're here." He


"Hey, don't change the subject!" William's eyebrow was twitching.

"Relax dude, he's just a normal kid." Logan rolled his eyes. "You look like

a freaking fanboy right now."

"W-What!? I'm not!" William said with a snort, making Lyra and Julie


"Haha. Logan is right, he's a kid, we shouldn't worry about him or meddle

with him. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like a lot of strangers bothering me

just for something I did when I was a baby." Lyra said as she stood up.

"Right." Julie said with a smile still present on his face, also standing up.

"Oh come, I was just shocked that we would have him in Hogwarts this

year." William said as he followed them outside.

"Whatever you say, fanboy." This time it was Logan who was giving him

a teasing smile, which made William click his tongue.

They went inside the castle, meeting with Jake, Roger, Johanne, and

Carla on the way. Logan also saw Lisandra walking alongside her friends,

and he smiled and waved at her from afar, an action that she answered in

kind. Her friend, Amelia, looked at this and turned to look at where

Lisandra was waving, only to flinch when she saw an smiling Logan.

{She's really afraid of me, why though?} Logan asked inwardly as he

tilted his head, only to shrug after not getting an answer. {Just as I

thought. I have more infamy than any supposed popularity. These guys

are just blind or like to tease me.} He thought as he walked towards the

Great Hall.


"They should be coming in any moment now." Roger muttered as stars

filled his eyes, both of his hands held together.

"Mm?" Cho Chang, who was sitting close to him, tilted her head at his

action. "Why does it look like you're praying?"

"Leave him alone." Lyra said with a scornful tone that was directed at

Roger, and not Cho, there may have been a scornful glare too directed to

him, not that everyone noticed it.

"Shut up, Lyra. You're not letting me concentrate." Roger said as he

closed his eyes.

"…" Cho Chang looked even more confused now.

"Haha..." Logan couldn't help but chuckle awkwardly before turning to

Cho. "He's just… wishing for some female students to join Ravenclaw."

"….Ah?" Cho Chang was visibly shocked at this, as her mouth was

slightly open and her eyes just looked back at Logan absentmindedly.

"You're wrong, Logan." Roger, who had his eyes open, shook his head

while smiling.

{Right… He can't be that much of a douche-bag.} Cho thought, only to

almost fall face-first on the table at Roger's following remark.

"I'm praying for CUTE girls to join Ravenclaw. Cuteness is important." He

said with a smirk. "You can't leave cute- Ocuh! What was that for!?" He

exclaimed at Lyra, who had just smacked him on the head.

"To stop your perverted self." She said with a cold glare which made him,

and the other guys, shudder.

"...R-Right…" Roger just nodded. Soon after the thred-... warning that

Lyra gave Roger. The new students started to move to the front of the

four houses' tables.

Just like the previous year, the group looked at the incoming new

students go one by one to sit in front of everyone, before being sorted

into their respective houses. Soon, the students started to fill the positions

for first years on the tables.

Of the trio, Hermione was the first one to get sorted, while Neville fell on

his way to the stool.

The applause and cheering soon stopped when two words came out of

McGonagall's mouth.

"Potter, Harry." She said, calling the next student that would be sorted.

Most of the students looked in shock as a small, gaudy kid walked shyly

with slumped shoulders and a slightly lowered head towards the Sorting


"Is that…?"

"Yes, he has to be."


Some of the older students were whispering between each other as the

kid made his way in front of McGonagall, who nodded at him with a

small smile while pointing at the stool.

Harry nodded back and sat on the stool, looking around at the different

houses, from where the students were trying to take a better look at him.

"Woah, is that him, Logan?" William asked as he slightly raised himself

from the seat, trying to get a better look at the student sitting on the


"Yeah, that's him." Logan nodded at his friend's question while turning to

look at the rest of the students. Most of them had quite an interested look

on their face, trying their best to get a look at the kid. He also noticed

some scornful looks on Slytherin's table, but they weren't that many, just

a small bunch, and a kid, who looked a lot like the Draco Malfoy of the

movies. He saw him being sorted before, so it wasn't really a surprise.

{Mm? Oh, right, wasn't there a scene of Harry rejecting his invitation to

be friends? Man, that must suck.} Logan thought, as he turned to look at

the stool.

There, he saw the hat covering Harry's face, it was deliberating as usual,

but it didn't take long for it to shout Harry's house.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat shouted, and everyone at Gryffindor's

table stood up to cheer and applause. He even saw the twins singing that

they got Harry. Soon, the small kid got to the table and sat down beside

Hermione, Neville, and another girl called Lavender Brown.

After Harry, the rest of the students turned to be sorted came, and

between those were a few Ravenclaws and Ron Weasley, who was

quickly sorted into Gryffindor, almost without a thought from the hat.

{Malfoy to Slytherin and Weasley to Gryffindor, that's some defined fate

for those families.} Logan thought curious at the way the hat didn't stop

for a second to even consider where to send those two.

After the sorting was finished, new faces were on Ravenclaw's table.

Terry Boot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein, Sue

Li, Padma Patil, and Lisa Turpin. He honestly didn't remember most of

them, if anything only Padma ringed something in his head, as he

remembered them from the movie. {Weren't those two twins in

Gryffindor?} He thought, confused, but decided that it might have been

like this in the books, which wouldn't be that weird considering the

changes he's been noticing from the book. The sorting ceremony itself is

one of those examples.

Once McGonagall has taken the stool, the hat, and the parchment away,

Dumbledore stood up, beaming at the students with his arms open wide.

"Welcome," he said. "Welcome to a new year in Hogwarts! Before we

begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are,

Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" He said and then sat


"It's getting old." Roger said with a sigh.

"Mm? You think so?" Jake tilted his head as he put some chicken on his

plate. "I think it's interesting, every year I wait to see which words he will

randomly say."

"Well, Roger, we have like four more years ahead of us, so you won't stop

hearing this any time soon haha." William chuckled.

The banquet went without a hitch, and it was soon time to start moving

towards the common rooms, not without the usual warnings. After the

desserts disappeared, Dumbledore was once again on his feet. "Ahem." He

caught everyone's attention as the Hall got immediately quiet. "First years

should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all students.

And a few of our older would do well to remember that." He said as he

gave a glance at the twins on Gryffindor's table. Knowing it, Logan

chuckled, only to cough awkwardly when Dumbledore's eyes were also

directed at him.

"I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that

no magic should be used between classes in the corridors." Dumbledore

continued. "Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term.

Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact

Madam Hooch."

"I'll try this year." Roger whispered with enthusiasm, which gained a

thumbs up and a good-luck from the others. Truth be told, it wasn't as if

he was bad on the broom, after all, between those from third-year, he

was the best. Logan could probably beat him using his levitation spell

mixed with a couple others, but if it was strictly when sitting on a broom,

then Roger was the unbeatable one in the flying department.

"And finally." Dumbledore said as his eyes turned slightly serious. "I must

tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is

out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful

death." He said, before once again giving a glance at Logan.

"…" Logan looked at him, dumbfounded. {It's not like I was going to…

Ok, fuck it, I was planning to do it. Well... still planning to do it...} He

thought with an awkward smile.

"What would be there?" Jake asked confused. "...Does it have to do with

another one of those curses?"

"No." Logan shook his head. "Those curses were cleared. It has to be

something else."

"Yeah, the question is what." Julie asked with a slightly worried face.

"I don't think it's something we should worry about." Roger said with a

shrug. "I mean, we just have to avoid that area and nothing should

happen to us, right?"

"You're right." Carla Moncado nodded at him.

Before finally retiring to their common room, they all started singing the

school's song, being the twins the ones to finish last, as they have picked

a slow funeral march's tone to sing, causing Logan and Roger to laugh at

them, while still clapping loudly. Of course, it was Dumbledore who

clapped the loudest.

The way to the common room was relaxed, the older students at

Ravenclaw started to guide the first years on some of the things they

would need to take into account here. Logan found that, for some reason,

Cho and Marietta were chuckling while pointing at him, talking to some

of the first years, who also looked at him.

"See? Popular." William said with a teasing grin.

"Oh, come on. That doesn't mean I'm popular, fanboy. Cho just likes to

play jokes." To which Logan rolled his eyes.

"…" Roger who listened to this, only glared at Logan with frustration

clear on his face.

"Right, right. Keep lying to yourself." William sighed as he shook his


Soon they were in front of the door leading to the common room, and

like every year, the prefects would explain the way to enter the common

room, inviting one of the first years to try it out.

This time it was Padma Patil the one to answer the first riddle, but before

going in, the older prefect, Robert Hilliard, coughed to get everyone's

attention. As everyone turned to look at him with a questioning face, he

started to speak.

"Before we go inside, I need to tell a few words." He said as he seriously

looked around. "The previous couple of years we have had incidents in

our house." He said as he looked at a group that Logan recognized. The

usual bullies of the shitty 'tradition'. "Seeing as it has been causing

some… troubles, I'll need to make it clear, this year, we should all keep it

civilized." He said, giving Logan a glance, while the latter only tilted his

head, causing his friends to laugh. "So, no trials, no keeping first years

outside to test them, nothing about that should happen, am I clear?"

A couple of groans could be heard, but in general, everyone just nodded,

some of them giving an obvious stare at Logan, who frowned. "This is

ridiculous… It wasn't my fault…" He muttered, only to receive a few

chuckles and rolling eyes back.

The first years were at first confused, then scared, and then relieved at

the announcement. They were thankful that they wouldn't need to be

kept outside to 'prove themselves', not like they knew that was something

before hearing it from the prefect, they have heard it from Cho Chang

before, but now it really sunk in as the prefect confirmed the stories.

Some of them even gave a thankful glance at Logan, after all, Cho Chang

and Marietta Edgecomb had taken the liberty to tell them how he had

saved them, and apparently, how it also happened a year before they

themselves got to Hogwarts.

After the announcement, more inductions were given to the first years,

but that was a task for the prefects to take care of, everyone else just

decided to call it a day, leaving to their respective rooms. Logan, once

again, got the nicest one of the year, after all, he was still the one with

better results and better overall score for his year.

After laying down on his bed, he looked at the ceiling of the room and

started to think of all the things that would be happening soon.

{This is going to be an interesting year for sure.} He thought with a

smirk, before falling asleep.

CHAPTER 58 - Am I Harry Potter?

After the welcome feast, they had a nice start to the term, and while the

rest of the classes were, as usual, there was one coming that Logan was

quite excited about.

"Come closer, kids!" Kettleburn said as he guided the third-year students

towards the border of the forest. Today was their first day of Care of

Magical Creatures classes, and all of them were excited, except for a few

that couldn't stop looking at their professor, who had more prosthetic

parts than body parts. "I know today is going to be the first day of most

of you being in front of a magical creature, that's why we're going to start

with something really exciting!" Kettleburn said with an excited smile as

he led them through the border of the forest. That was reason enough to

calm some of the students that were scared of actually going inside the

forest; except, of course, for the Twins, who were disappointed about not

going inside.

{...I might have some experience with magical creatures…} Logan

thought as he chuckled inwardly.

[More like experience killing magical creatures.] The system quickly

rebuked him, to which Logan decided not to answer.

"What do you think he's going to show us?" Lyra asked in a quiet voice as

she walked beside Logan.

"No idea…" Logan shook his head. "But it can be anything… I wouldn't be

surprised if it was a dragon from what the seniors told me…"

"A… what…?" Lyra asked, dumbfounded. "You know that's not possible,

right? No teacher would allow a dragon here."

"Well, yeah, but they told me how professor Kettleburn liked magical

creatures so much; the more dangerous they are, the more he loves

them." Logan said with an awkward smile as he nodded toward the

professor. "That's mainly the reason why his body is so maimed."

"And he's still teaching this class…?" Lyra muttered dumbfounded.

"Well, yeah? I told you. He loves magical creatures and his profession. To

the point of being proud of those scars. Or so Andrew told me." Logan


The whole class kept walking until they reached a fence that covered a

meadow just outside of the forest, it was really spacious, but it was


"Now, kids, what you're about to see will surprise you for certain!"

Kettleburn said with his usual excitement. "Get close to the fence." He

said as he beckoned them to get closer, while also looking towards the

meadow. "We'll just have to wait for a moment or two."

"What are we waiting for, sir?" Alicia Spinnet asked as she raised her


"For Hagrid, he was supposed to bring the creatures here." Kettleburn


"What do you think he's going to show us?" Fred, who had come close to

Logan with George, asked in a low voice.

"Not sure. But this place sure is big." Logan said as he looked at the

fenced meadow where Kettleburn was looking. "...Will it really be a

dragon?" He muttered.

"Don't even mention it." Lyra trembled, still scared of the idea of a dragon

popping out of nowhere.

As they joked and talked about what it could be, the sound of galloping

horses started to make itself present, getting all their attention.

"He's finally here!" Kettleburn said with an excited smile. "Are you seeing

them?" He turned to look at the students, at the same time he pointed

toward a group of galloping creatures.

{Holy shit… hippogriffs? That's so cool!} Logan thought as he looked at

the creatures that were a mix of a horse and an eagle. {Now that I think

about it, are there griffins in this world? There has to be, right?} He

thought as he made a mental note to look at more information regarding

the topic later on.

On the meadow, a dozen of hippogriffs were galloping towards the end of

the fence. They could see Hagrid running behind them as he held chains

that were connected to a thick leather collar. Each Hippogriff had one of

these collars on its neck.

"Professor Kettleburn, 'here they are, sir." Hagrid said as he tied the

creatures to the fence.

"Excellent Hagrid, thank you for your help." Kettleburn said, to which

Hagrid just nodded and walked slightly back.

"Um… Are these hippogriffs?" A student from Hufflepuff asked as he

raised his hand.

"Yes! Yes, they are!" Kettleburn said as he nodded. "These are indeed

hippogriffs." Kettleburn said as he widely pointed at the creatures now

tied to the fence. "In Hogwarts, we have a flock of these magnificent

creatures, which of course, are being taken care of with the help of me

and Hagrid. But we are not here to talk about that. Now, I'm sure that

most of you would love to know more about hippogriffs, but take into

account that these are not creatures that you can get close to as you wish,

they are really proudful and territorial creatures, very easy to enrage, so

they might attack those that carelessly approach them."

"Um… Wouldn't it be dangerous for us to be here then?" Carla Moncado

asked as she raised her hand.

"Not at all! We're here after all." Kettleburn said with a laugh as he

pointed at Hagrid and himself. "Now, let's start with our lesson, open up

your books and look for the section about hippogriffs. Look up for the H


As the lesson advanced, Kettleburn made some clarifications as he used

some of the hippogriffs as an example with the help of Hagrid, though

keeping everyone at bay so no one recklessly tried to get close to the

creature. Not that anyone, if we don't count Logan, tried. Hagrid had to

ask him to step back a couple of times, as he unconsciously got close to

them. Something that actually irritated Lyra, who once took him from the

arm and pulled him away from the hippogriffs, making everyone,

including Hagrid, laugh.

"Okay kids, you can all close your books." Kettleburn said as he grinned

widely, his only functioning eye exploring the group of students. "The

best part of the lesson will start now! And for that, would you do the

honors, Mr. Taylor?" Kettleburn asked with his wide smile as he looked

towards Logan.

"Huh? Me? What honors?" Logan, who had been staring at the hippogriff

without paying attention to the class, was woken up, tilting his head at

the professor.

"Well, I've noticed that you've been… quite interested in our friends here,

isn't that right?" Kettleburn asked with a knowing grin, which caused

most of the class, and Hagrid, to laugh.

"Um… well… yeah…" Logan scratched the back of his head while smiling

awkwardly. "What do I have to do?"

"Well, it's pretty simple, really!" Kettleburn smiled. "I'm going to teach the

class etiquette when treating one of these creatures, and to do so, I need

someone to represent the example. Don't worry, I'll guide you through

every step and Hagrid here will make sure that you don't get hurt. Listen

well to me, and no harm will fall on you, kid." Kettleburn said as he

beckoned Logan to come closer with a wide smile.

"Um… professor?" Lyra raised her hand. "Isn't that too dangerous for a


"Nonsense, as I said, Hagrid and I are here, nothing will happen."

Kettleburn said as he waved his hand. "Now, come on Mr. Taylor."

Logan's eyes shined at the implications, after all, it was one of the scenes

that he liked the most in the movies. And so, without wasting any time,

he walked forwards, towards the professor Kettleburn, while Hagrid

pulled a hippogriff from the dozen that were tied to the fence.

All the hippogriffs had different colors, their feathers and hair could be

seen in colors brown, pink roan, dark grey, bronze, and inky black. These

colors seemed to shine on their body, which made them really beautiful

creatures once the initial scare had passed.

The one that Hagrid was pulling towards them had inky black feathers,

which degraded into a dark grey colored hair on the hippogriff's back. Its

eyes were of brilliant orange color, while its beak had an iron color.

"Ok, kid. This is what you have to do. Pay close attention to what I'll

instruct you." Kettleburn said as he motioned Logan to stop somewhere

close to the creature, Hagrid standing beside the creature with the collar

on his hands, leaving the hippogriff free. Even then, Hagrid was close

enough to stop it, while also being far enough to leave some space so

Logan could move and follow Kettleburn's instructions. "His name is

Swiftcolt. Now, you have to stare at his eyes, don't blink. Though, it

seems that's not really a problem for you, kid." Kettleburn chuckled, after

all, Logan had been seeing the hippogriffs without blinking for a while.

Logan nodded as he stared at Swiftcolt, unblinking. The hippogriff turned

his big head towards Logan and rested his sharp orange eyes on him.

Logan could see himself reflecting on those shiny orange eyes sharply

looking at him.

"You're doing great, kid. Now, calmly bow your head." Kettleburn said

without raising his voice, trying not to alter the creature. Logan slowly

did so, and with his head bowed, he slightly turned to look at the

hippogriff. Swiftcolt, in return, also did a deep reverence, folding his

front legs that had claws of at least 15 centimeters in length. "Excellent!

You did it, kid. Now you can get close to him and caress his beak. Give

him a few pats."

Without wasting time, Logan went and softly caressed the beak of

Swiftcolt. The hippogriff closed its eyes and pushed towards Logan's

hand, moving his big head comfortably.

"Look at that!" Kettleburn said as he laughed. "He really likes you kid."

"Neve' seen Swiftcold so tame, righ' professor?" Hagrid asked.

"That's true, Hagrid." Kettleburn nodded. "Now, what do you say kid?

Interested in flying on it?"

"Can I?" Logan, who was still focused on caressing Swiftcolt, quickly

turned his head to look at the professor.

"Yes, of course!" Kettleburn continued. "Normally it wouldn't happen, but

it's not usual for a hippogriff to be so tamed in front of a student, from

the looks of it, Swiftcolt will let you ride on it. Now, sit on his back, right

behind the birth of the wings."

Logan quickly used the wing of the hippogriff to jump on his back.

Without a saddle, he had to accept that it was quite difficult for him to

hold to the creature. Not impossible, just difficult. {Thankfully, I rode

animals before.} He thought.

[None of those were flying creatures.] Retorted the system.

"Hol' on tigh'." Haggrid said. "An' try no' to pluc' his feathers, he won' like


"Ready, kid?" Kettleburn asked with a smile. For him, sharing the

excitment of the magical creatures was always a joyous moment. "Off you

go!" And with a slap to Swiftcolt's buttcheek, Logan turned into a dot on

the distance. A quick run and a strong flap of his wings was all it took for

Swiftcolt to elevate itself dozens of meters on the air.

"Proffessor, was it a good idea?" Hagrid asked Kettleburn as he looked at

the dissapearing back of Logan.

"Mm…" Kettleburn rubbed his chin. "Swiftcolt has always been quite fast.

I guess we should have used another hippogriff. But who would know

that the prideful Swiftcolt would allow the kid to jump on his back."

"Righ'…" Hagrid nodded. "Hope he doesn' fal'."

While Lyra was hearing the professor and Hagrid dumbfounded, the rest

of the students were excited and cheering, while also exchanging what ifs

on them riding an hippogriff. At the same time, hundreds of meters above

ground, Logan was amazed at the speed of the creature.

"This is amazing…" He muttered as he closed his eyes, feeling the wind

on his face. Swiftcolt was fast. Faster than the broom he used before

during flying classes. Even faster than him using his levitation and haste

spells in combination. While holding the body of Swiftcolt, he leaned to

his right, and the hippogriff, as if following him, turned to the right. He

wasn't sure what we was allowed to do, but in the movies Harry had

flown through the Black Lake, so there won't be a problem if he did so, or

so he thought, not really aware that in the books, Harry had just made a

quick fly around the meadow before landing.

"Can you go faster?" He asked the creature as he leaned over his back to

try and convey his words. Swiftcolt turned his head around, and after

giving a loud screech before flapping his wings with more strenght.

"WOOHOOOOO!" Logan shouted as he and Swiftcolt zoomed towards the

Black Lake at high speed.

After a quick trip around the lake and Hogwarts schools, it was finally

time to go back, and as such, Logan guided the hippogriff to fly back.

Soon, they were already descending to the meadows, where the rest of

the students and hippogriffs were waiting. Between cheerings and loud

shouts, Logan finally landed and after a slow trottle, Swiftcolt stopped

close to the group, allowing Logan to jump down.

"Amazing kid! That was trully amazing!" Kettleburn said as he calpped, or

well, tried to clap with one of his hands being replaced by a prosthetic.

"10 points for Ravenclaw!"

"Aigh', it was amazin' kid. Neve' saw Swiftcol' so permissiv' to le' someon'

ride 'im an' guide 'im." Hagrid also clapped as he patted Logan's back

with his giant hand.

"Well… that was a really nice fly. Any chance I can do that again anytime

soon?" Logan asked Kettleburn, at the same time that Swiftcolt moved

and softly rested his head on logan's shoulder.

"Well, I'm not sure our rules allow that, kid. Trust me, as much as I want

to find out how our less-than-friendly Swiftcolt got so attached to you,

McGonagall won't let me hear the end of it if I allowed." Kettleburn said

as he shook his head. "But!" He suddenly raised a finger. "I can maybe try

to talk to Dumbledore and ask him for your help on taking care of the


"That sounds amazing, sir." Logan said with nod as he caressed Swiftcolt.

"When it's going to be our turn?" Fred suddenly interrupted.

"Yes, can't we try and pet them too?" George also said.

"Right, I almost forgot about the class haha!" Kettleburn laughed as he

opened the door of the fence. "Now, kids, let's get to the practice. It's time

for you all to go through the reverence. But beware! It's not at all

common for a hippogriff to let you ride on them. So, don't try it unless

explicitedly told so!" Kettleburn said as he guided the children to the

flock of hippogriffs. "Now, Mr. Taylor, you have experience, so please

help your peers if you can."

"Surely, professor." Logan nodded and started to walk through the

groups, helping anyone that was too scared to proceed alone. Hagrid and

Kettleburn did the same. Making it one of the most interesting class

they've ever had.

CHAPTER 59 - Runes, oh so sweet


"I swear, Professor Vector wants to overcome Snape with her homework!"

Roger said as he sat down on one of the seats beside Logan and Jake,

sighing as he put a set of books on the table. "It wasn't a joke when

people said she was super strict with her classes."

"Well, but it's also an interesting class, isn't it? I've heard it is useful for

Curse Breakers when it comes to, well, break curses." Logan said as he

worked on his own homework, which was for Ancient Runes.

"Can't tell mate, right now we're on the theory." Roger said as he opened

his book. "How about divination, Jake?"

"Easy." Jake said with a smirk. "I can't believe it is a class, predict a

death, or two, and done! You get points." He said with a chuckle.

"I know, right?" Logan nodded. "I couldn't believe it when the

upperclassmen told me about that class. It's so easy to go through it that

it's not even funny."

Roger groaned as he heard both of them. "A good thing that I didn't take

that class…"

"Mm? Weren't you complaining about the insane amount of homework

from Arithmancy?" Jake asked.

"That is that, and this is this. Look, I might not look like it, but I enjoy my

books and knowledge. Divination is useless if you don't have the correct

trait for it." Roger said as he started to take notes for his homework.

"Trait?" As he listened to Roger, he couldn't help but tilt his head.

"He means that if you don't have seer blood in you, Divination is,

basically, gibberish." Logan said, closing his book while looking at Roger.

"By the way. Today's your first practice session, isn't it?"

"Yes." Roger nodded without taking his eyes from the homework. Though

both Jake and Logan could see a small smile forming on his face. "I'll

finally start practicing with the team today."

During their second week at the school, Roger went to Madam Hooch

and requested to play on the Ravenclaw's team. He soon was taken to the

current captain of the team, a seventh-year girl called Rose Miller, who

later took him to take a test with the rest of the interested participants.

Roger tried for the Chaser position, and he has been training during his

second year, and even during the summer, every day without exception,

and said training paid off, as he soon was accepted into the team as one

of the three chasers.

"Great." Logan nodded.

"Yeah, finally, all that training did help me get a post!" Roger said,

showing how excited he was by making a gut pose. "Also, believe it or

not, Cho Chang also made it into the team."

"Cho did?" Jake asked as he tilted his head. "What position?"

"Substitute Seeker." Roger said. "They want to train her as a seeker to

replace the current one that will be graduating this year."

"That makes sense." Logan nodded before rubbing his chin. "By the way,

do you want to train with me?"

"Mm?" Both Roger and Jake turned to him. "Train what?" Roger tilted his

head as he asked in a confused tone.

"Physically training, I mean." Logan said with a shrug. "I train every


"You do!?" Both Jake and Roger asked in surprise.

"Yeah, you never noticed?"

"Of course not!"

"We never see you train, dude."

At this point, both of them were completely confused. After all, none of

them actually saw Logan training.

"I've been doing it since my first year." Logan said, dumbfounded. "Heck,

William knows!"

"He does!?" Roger asked flabbergasted. "Why did you never tell us!?"

"You guys never asked!" Logan said as he shook his head. "Besides, you

two lazy bums never wake up before 7:00 AM."

"It doesn't make sense to wake up so early in the morning…" Jake said

with a sigh.

"Right, classes don't even start before 8:30 AM." Roger nodded.

"Whatever dude." Logan said with a shrug. "Are you in or not? You'll need

to prepare better if you're going to start playing as a chaser."

"Right… What time do you normally train?"

"I go out fifteen minutes before 6." Logan said with a smirk.

"Do you even sleep!?" Was all Roger said before slumping down on his

books and parchment. "Ha… Fine. Let's do it."

"Excellent! That's the spirit." Logan smirked, before turning to Jake.

"What about you, man? Wanna join on the fun?"

"No… I'll pass, I love my sleep too much to wake up before 6." Said Jake

as he waved his hand dismissively.

"Suit yourself." Logan shrugged. "Well, Davies." He then turned with a

smirk to his friend. "I'll see you tomorrow morning down here in the

common room before going to my usual training place." A groan was all

Logan received for an answer.

Even with the shown reluctance, when the next morning came, both

Logan and Roger were present in Ravenclaw's common room.

"Look at you, I thought you wouldn't come." Logan said with a smirk as

he made some light stretches for his legs.

Roger's first answer was a really big yawn, right before he rubbed his

almost closed eyes. "Don't make me regret this so early…" He spoke

slowly. "So? Where are we going? Also, are those muggle clothes?"

"Yeah, they're really comfy for training, you should get some too

whenever you can." Logan chuckled. "And you'll see, it's a really great

place for exercising." Soon both of them were outside of the Ravenclaw

tower and on their way to the outside of the castle.

"You'll need stamina, and build some muscle. On both your lower and

upper body." Logan said as they both walked through the empty halls of

the castle. "After all, you're a chaser, so you really need to have the

strenght to throw."

"Yeah, the practice from yesterday kind of gave me an introductory

course to that." He said with a sigh as he remembered his arm going

numb. While Ravenclaw wasn't exactly a strong team regarding

Quidditch, the current captain, Rose, was really strict, and her training

regimen was insane, it made Roger question why their team wasn't that

good. Though it wasn't as if they were last.

"You've been training since a while ago, but mostly on your broom,

right?" Logan asked as they both finally made their way outside of the


"Yeah. I've been doing some light running, but most of my training was

done on a broom. Why?"

"Well, my idiot friend, we'll need to change that." Logan smirked.

"The idiot part was unnecessary…" Roger said as he rolled his eyes.

Both students soon got to the beachside of the Black Lake, where Logan

quickly instructed Roger on some movements, like stretching their legs

and arms, jumping jacks, softly running on the place, lunges, and bridges.

which the latter repeated without questioning.

"Ha… Well… Ha… I honestly thought… that this was going to be a lot…

harder." Roger said as he swiped the sweat from his forehead, his

breathing erratic as he tried to recover his breath after the last squat.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Logan asked with his head tilted,

still in a really great condition, as if he was just out of the castle.

"The exercises." Roger quickly answered as he stretched his legs.

"What exercises?" Logan asked, confusion clear on his face.

"...The ones we just did…" Roger said.

"Oh!" Logan nodded in a moment of realization "You mean the warm-

ups?" before he asked with confusion once again present on his face.

"The… what…?" Roger asked with a lost face, his voice slightly


"Warm-ups. We were just warming up before starting our training." Logan

said with a smile. But to Roger, this smile was more close to the grin of a

Devil. That day, Roger was barely able to attend classes, and even then,

others could only see how his eyes were devoid of any life, even his usual

'checking for cuteness' activity was absent that day. Jake, who knew the

reason, could only pray for his friend, while also thanking all the gods he

remembered for dodging such a terrible fate.

Contrary to what Jake and William, who also knew of the agreement,

expected, Roger didn't resign, and the next morning he once again woke

up and went to train with Logan, just that this time, Logan could notice a

pair of bloodshot eyes were constantly looking at his back during the


Time slowly went by, and as classes progressed, Logan saw hope in

Runes. In his words, picking Ancient Runes was the best decision he ever

made, which by itself is and at the same time isn't a big accomplishment,

according to the system, who thought that it wasn't a hard competition

considering the long list of really bad ideas, along with his the fact that it

was amazing that he even had the idea of studying runes to complement

his vocation's spell in the first place.

Coming back to the topic, after studying and reading a couple of books

about runes, he discovered that it was one of the available ways to

enchant items, as well as to create wards of all kinds. They were even

used in old ritual ceremonies to channel magic all around the ritual

place, creating runic formations.

{And my Rune Inscription spell makes things easier.} Logan thought as

he look at a list of runes he was creating to have as a reference later.

Using the spell allowed him to easily inscribe these runes using magic, so

no matter whether he had materials at hand to draw the runes or not, he

could simply use his finger as a tool once the spell was activated and

write the rune.

The reason why activating the spell did nothing at first, was because he

actually needed to inscribe the rune, whether that was done using Norse

runes like Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, Dalecarlian runes, or using

other similar types of written languages like hieroglyphs from different

cultures like Egyptians, Mayans, Olmec, Indu Scripts, and even some

more recent like modern Japanese, Chinese or Korean could be used, as

well as the older version of said languages.

The only thing that he found strange, was that he didn't find runes that

use an English alphabet or even a Latin one, which was weird

considering that most of the spells were somewhat derived from Latin

and similar languages.

What was most shocking, was the fact that he could even write the runes

in the air if needed, though while testing, he figured out that he needed

more than simply writing them, as well as to do it fast when doing it on

the air. The intent was also an important aspect while engraving runes.

"Well, I guess I should start practicing some calligraphy…" Logan

muttered with a sigh as he finished writing another rune from the Elder

Futhark runic alphabet, before closing the book about Norse runes.

"Are you done?" Asked William, who also took the class for Ancient


"Yeah, I just finished copying the whole runic alphabet." Logan nodded as

he stretched.

"It looks like an interesting class. Ancient Runes, I mean." Cho, who was

sitting with them as she had some questions regarding her transfiguration

class, said. This time they were the only ones of the usual group present,

as the others had a different schedule for the day.

"Well, I guess, I do find it interesting as it's another way of actually doing

magic." Logan said with a nod as he turned to her. "Let me see your

work." He took her parchment to see how far she had advanced with her


"Yes, and add that there's so much history kept inside the different runic

alphabets. It's intriguing" William complemented.

"Is that so?" Cho asked with a tilted head. "But how can you do magic

with words? Then wouldn't writing a spell pronunciation make."

"It's because they're not words. Or at least, not the ones we normally use

to write or even speak." William said. "Take hieroglyphs as an example,

they're a representation of the reality that surrounded the Egyptians

thousands of years ago, and they used them to transcribe that reality into

something that others could later read."

"Exactly." Logan said as he quickly run something on the paper. "See

here?" He said as he pointed at what he wrote. It was a simple group of

three Elder Futhark runes.

"What is it?" Cho asked at the three runes that he wrote.

"This is one of the different ways to write Light using Elder Futhark."

Logan explained as he took out his wand. "It's actually the simplest one.

But it will help me for this demonstration." As he spoke, he touched the

runes with his wand, letting the magic flow through them and creating a

simple effect of illumination.

"Wow…" Cho was amused at the show of magic by the runes. By itself,

the illumination spell wasn't even close to what was possible using a

simple illumination charm like Lumus, but it was the first she saw this

type of magic being used. She was under the impression that Ancient

Runes, just like Arithmancy and somewhat Divination, was just the

theory type of class, where there was barely any practical use.

"Amazing, right? And this isn't even the start of what you can do with

runes." Logan said with a smile. "After all, most of the enchantments and

the wards use runes to properly work."

"That's true." William nodded. "While not being as flashy as using charms

or jinxes, runes are indeed an important part of the Wizarding world."

"I didn't know any of that…" Cho said, her eyes fixed on the light rune, as

it slowly lost its light after Logan stopped feeding it magic.

"Well, you should study a little bit more about the electives, after all,

you're in your second year, and you will need to pick your next year's

electives." Logan said as he smiled.

"Right…" Cho nodded at the idea of starting to investigate more of the

different electives. But she was confident that one of them was going to

be Ancient Runes after what she saw today.

"By the way, do you guys think there will be new decorations tomorrow?"

Asked William.

"Huh? Tomorrow?"

"Yes, it's Halloween after all." William said.

"Oh, right." Logan nodded as he almost forgot that tomorrow was October

31st. "Well, I'm not sure, they usually use the same decorations all the

time, with some difference here and there, so maybe?"

"They change them? I had the feeling it was always the same." Cho said

with a tilted head.

"Well, most of them are basically the same, but some things do change."

Logan said.

"It's just that you need to be very perceptive." William complemented.

"Well… I'm normally more worried about my homework, or not catching

Peeve's attention…" Cho said with an awkward chuckle.

"That's true. He can go overboard sometimes." Logan nodded with a

chuckle. "The twins are also something else, I'm pretty sure they'll try

something tomorrow. I would bet for that, no questions asked."

"Yes, and they will surely try to get you." Cho said with a chuckle. It

wasn't a secret for anyone that the twins, along with the recently

graduated Tulip and Tonks, tried their best to prank Logan, without any

success so far, which made it more obvious that the twins would try

something to prank him at every chance they get.

{Ha… Hopefully, they don't get overboard this time…} Logan thought

with an awkward smile at the idea of the twins trying something

outrageous while trying to prank him.

CHAPTER 60 - Point-Troll in the


The next day soon came, and while Logan was walking towards his late

morning transfiguration class with his friends, a small girl with bushy

hair passed by them at a hurried pace, her head down and with books

tightly held close to her chest.

"Huh?" Roger, surprised as the girl almost stumbled her, turned to look at

her back. "What was that? Was she crying?"

"Looks like it." William nodded.

"Ha…" Carla Moncado sighed before commenting. "She's Hermione

Granger. A freshman."

"How do you know that?" Julie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I've heard some of our year's Gryffindor talk about her before, well,

more like complaining about her before." Carla shrugged.

"Complaining? Why?" Roger asked, confused.

"It seems they don't like her bossy attitude." Carla said. "She goes around

telling people what to do, or what not to do."

"Oh, it's her." Lyra nodded. "I've also heard some rumors from her, seems

she doesn't want to lose points by others doing things they shouldn't."

"Seems like someone might have said something to her." Jake


"I would bet anything that it was the Weasley youngling, or that Malfoy

kid." Casually commented Johanne, who had her eyebrow furrowed.

"Why? I get Malfoy, he's a prick, but why the Weasly kid?" Asked Roger,

remembering the Weasleys he knew about, who were all great guys,

except for the Fifth Year prefect.

"He's also a prick, a different kind of a prick, but a prick nonetheless. The

little asshole doesn't control his mouth and it's too stupid to think twice

before acting, scratch that, I don't think he's even capable of thinking.."

Johanne said.

Logan chuckled, of all of them, Johanne had the sharpest mouth, she

didn't speak too much about others, but when she did, it could turn ugly,

really fast. But in a sense, she wasn't that wrong. From what he

remembers in the movie, Ron was a real prick to Hermione before the

accident with the troll. {Right, it happens today…} The chat reminded

him of the troll accident. Halloween, Hermione is crying. It all matched.

It was today. {Better be ready to get the point-troll in the dungeons…}

As the day passed, the time for the yearly Halloween banquet finally

came, and while everyone was enjoying the exotic Halloween sweets and

pastries, the doors to the Great Hall shot open, with Quirrel running

inside with a fear-stricken face, getting the attention of all the students as

he rushed towards the professors' table, slumped in front of Dumbledore's


"Troll…" He gasped. "In the dungeons… thought you ought to know…"

Immediately after, he fainted and limply fell to the floor.

Not a second had passed when a sudden uproar took place in the Great

Hall, all the students screaming in fear at the words from Quirrell.

{Wasn't this scene different in the movies?} Logan thought as he looked

at the scared students.

"SILENCE!" A sonorous voice covered the Great Hall as Dumbledore stood

from his chair. All the students calmed down, their attention now fixed

on the school's Headmaster. "Prefects." With the student's attention on

him, Dumbledore proceeded. "Lead your Houses back to the dormitories

immediately." He ordered.

{That's not really a good idea if we consider that Slytherin's dorms are in

the dungeons…} Logan thought awkwardly as he stood up, looking at the

Ravenclaw prefects leading the first year out, following next, right

behind all his friends, who, filled with fear, didn't notice his

disappearance after a turn outside of the Great Hall. {I heard Quirrell say

there were free points in the dungeon.} He chuckled inwardly as he

rushed to look for the troll, turning invisible. It was time to harvest some


Instead of going toward the dungeon, he opened a map as soon as the

rest of the students were out of sight. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no

good…" He whispered as he pointed his wand towards the map. {Well

Hermione, let's see if Fate is as strict as the system says…} Logan thought

as he made his way towards the bathroom where Hermione has been

crying. After all, there was no way to look for something when you have

a clear idea of where it would appear next.

Logan started walking. But as he was making his way towards the place

where Hermione was, he noticed that he wasn't the only one, as, in front

of him, a couple of younger students were also running in the same

direction. {Well, this is great. Things are turning out to be just as in the

movie.} Logan thought as he followed the two students, who turned out

to be Harry and Ron.

As they all made their way towards Hermione, with the two first-years

unknowingly being followed, a disgusting stench reached their nose.

{Damn… This is worse than the normal troll's smell!} Logan thought as

he covered his nose. While he knew that trolls were really stinky, it

wasn't this bad when he fought them before in the forest. {It seems like

being in a closed space with a troll is the true danger!}

While he was immersed in his thoughts, both kids decided to trap the

troll inside a room where it entered, closing the door with the key.

Coincidentally, this was the same room where Hermione was. {Shit…

They're killing her!} Logan thought with his mouth wide open as he

watched this happen. {Was it like this during the movies? No… I'm sure

it didn't happen like this.} A high-pitched, terrorized scream woke him

from his dumbfounded state.

"Oh, no…" Ron, who was almost at the corner of the hallway, stopped

and said. His face was pale as a ghost.

"That's the girls' bathroom!" Harry shouted. "Hermione!" followed by both

of them shouting at the same time and rushing towards the door.

{Shit.} Logan thought with a sigh as he followed but kids, who quickly

opened the door. Entering the room after them, he saw how Harry was

desperately trying to pull a faucet, which he managed, before throwing it

hard towards the wall, stopping the advancement of the troll who was

slowly closing on Hermione. Before the troll or anyone else could move

another muscle, Logan deactivated his invisibility at the door. "What are

you doing putting yourselves in danger, you idiots!" He shouted, getting

the attention of everyone in the room.

"Huh?" Both Ron and Harry were dumbfounded, because of how quickly

someone came. Harry even suspected that he followed both him and Ron


At the same time, another sharp scream came from Hermione, who had

to crouch even lower on the floor to evade the moving club of the troll,

which thankfully, wasn't intending to hit her, it was just that the giant

idiot was too big and any movement he made reached quite far.

"Move!" Logan shouted as he put himself in front of both Harry and Ron.

With a wave of his wand, multiple ropes suddenly shot towards the

golem trapping his arms and legs. The next thing the three freshmen saw

was the ropes turning into iron chains that trapped the troll, who was

trying to free itself. {He. Practicing Transfiguration to turn into an

Animagus was one of the best things I ever did.} After mentally patting

himself on the back, he extended his hand toward Hermione. "Get over

here." As he spoke, a magic rope shot towards her, circling her before

tightening around her body and pulling her towards Logan.

"Wah!" Surprised by the sudden action that didn't take more than a

second, Hermione could only scream, and just as she flew over the troll, a

cracking sound could be heard as the thin chains started to break. {Shit.

This would be easier if I didn't have to worry about showing gory scenes

inside the school.} Logan thought while clicking his tongue, catching the

flying Hermione.

Looking down at the stunned girl that didn't expect to suddenly fly

through the room, he asked. "You okay?" His voice made her snap out of

her dazed expression while turning to look at the one who caught her.

"Y-Yes…" Hermione nodded. "T-Thank You…"

"Um… Guys?" Harry suddenly spoke. "I think he's standing up." As he said

that, his finger was pointing at the struggling troll that was trying to

move its uselessly big body to stand up.

"We should run!" Ron said as he tried to urge the other ones to escape.

"He'll soon be up!"

"Tch. Relax. Behind me." Logan said as he stepped forward, the ropes that

grabbed Hermione already vanished as he pushed her behind. With a

sigh, he waved his wand towards the troll {Exori.} A magic impact in the

form of a slightly blue transparent ball shot to the troll that finally stood

up, sending the unbalanced brute towards the wall with strenght.

"Urgh!" It whined in pain after hitting the wall, falling on its rear after

impacting the wall.

Without hesitation, Logan quickly waved his wand again in an upward

sweeping motion, keeping it straight towards the creature. {Exori Frigo

Hur!} With a quick thought, Logan's wand started to eject a freezing wind

that quickly started to freeze the Troll, leaving an ice statue after a few


"Wicked!" Ron shouted as he looked at the frozen troll. "How did you do

that!" Harry also nodded slowly at Ron's excitement.

"How did you do that without saying any incantations?" Hermione also

asked, eyes wide open as she looked at the frozen troll. Asking herself if

this was something all older students could do.

With a sigh, Logan turned toward the three students. "So, before you start

with your questions. Care to explain to me, you idiots, why would you be

here facing a freaking troll?" He asked with narrowed eyes, waiting for

the lack of oxygen to finally kill the troll.

"Um-" Ron and Harry looked at each other and at Hermione, who was

also out of words. But even before any of them could try to explain

themselves, another voice came toward them.

"I could be asking the same thing, Mr. Taylor." Hearing that well-known

strict voice behind, Logan could only freeze for a second, before sighing

and turning towards the door, where McGonagall stood with her arms

crossed, and a stern look on her face. Though Logan could swear that he

saw her glancing at the frozen troll for a moment.

"Um… Hello, Professor." Logan said as he smiled awkwardly, scratching

the back of his head. "I saw two students getting out of formation, and I

followed them, only to find them in front of the troll, with Miss Granger

cornered by the troll. I couldn't just leave them to fend off by


McGonagall raised an eyebrow. "Is that why you decided to turn the troll

into an ice statue?"

"I had to think quick, and could just come up with that." Logan shrugged,

still smiling awkwardly.

Looking at him, she could only sigh. "Professor Snape, could you please

unfreeze the troll." Without speaking, Snape, who was standing behind

McGonagall, entered and started to unfreeze the troll, who was

unconscious by now. As he did that, McGonagall turned back to the three

first-years. "Now, I would like to know, why would Mr. Taylor feel the

need to follow you two, Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, here?"

Both of them could only look down as they glanced at each other. But

before they could answer, someone else was already talking. "It's my

fault, Professor…" A small, almost fading voice said from beside them.

"Hermione Granger!?" McGonagall frowned, surprised.

"I… I came to look for the troll…" Hermione said. "Because I… I thought

I could… beat it… because, you know, I've read a lot about them."

Harry and Ron looked at her, both of them shocked. Logan looked at this

in amazement, seeing how the same scene from the movies was coming

to life, well, except for the frozen troll and himself.

"If it wasn't for them… and for him that followed them, I would be dead

right now… Ron and Harry caught his attention before it could attack

me, and… he trapped him before rescuing me… Then he just froze the


"And froze it he did…" A low, irritated whisper came from where the troll

sat unconscious, as Snape worked to unfreeze it completely with the help

of Quirrel.

"Well…" McGonagall said as she stared at the students in front of her. "In

that case… Hermione Granger, you're dumb. How could you believe that

you were able to defeat a troll all by yourself?" At this, Hermione just

lowered her head in shame, while Harry and Ron couldn't believe what

they were hearing; Hermione Granger was lying for their sake! Feigning

that she broke the rules to take them out of trouble.

"Miss Granger," Continued McGonagall. "Gryffindor will lose five points

for what you did. I'm terribly disappointed in your actions." She then

turned to Harry and Ron. "And you both, I hope you know how fortunate

you were that Mr. Taylor was present to save you. A troll is not

something that first years can fight. I understand that you did so to help

your friend, and for that, I won't take points from you, but next time,

Potter, Weasley, go to a professor before doing something stupid." She

said sternly. "Now, if none of you three were hurt, you can go back to

Griffyndor's tower, the students are finishing the Halloween party on

their towers."

At her words, Ron and Harry looked at each other before going out of the

tower with their head lows, trying not to pull more trouble for them.

Hermione looked at Logan and thanked him once again, before following

Harry and Ron.

"Well, Mr. Taylor." McGonagall turned to Logan who was still standing

there. "I can't say that I'm not pleased by your actions tonight; you saved

the lives of three Hogwarts students."

{If only you knew that I didn't have to act… Damn, my points! Couldn't

you come later!?} Logan thought to himself. "Then… Can I go back? I'm

sure my friends are worried that I disappeared." He said with an

awkward smile.

"Right." McGonagall nodded before she smiled. "5 points to Ravenclaw

for successfully defeating a troll, and another 5 for acting to save your

fellow students."

"Thank you, Professor." Logan said with a smile.

"I must say, that I'm surprised by your use of magic, Mr. Taylor."

McGonagall said as she looked at the bathroom. Freezing a troll is not

something that any third-year student could easily do.

"Haha… I've been practicing quite a lot." Logan chuckled in an awkward

tone. "Then, I'll be leaving Professor."

"Right, just so you know, I'll inform Professor Dumbledore of what had

happened here." She said with a nod while gesturing for him to leave.

"Yes." Logan nodded and immediately left. On his way to Ravenclaw's

tower, he took a look at the notifications that he ignored until now.

[Congratulations! Fuck you J.K.! Main Chain Quest has been updated!

You've stopped Harry and Ron from saving Hermione, and did it yourself!

The poor idiot (dumber than you) didn't learn Wingardium Leviosa

correctly this time, and you lost Gryffindor 10 points! The ones that were

taken from Hermione, and the ones Ron and Harry didn't get for

defeating the troll!]

[100pts have been earned!]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! Start your way to get

the title Copy-Ninja Kakashi! You almost successfully copied Scorpion's

Get Over Here!]

[1pt for the effort!]

{Oy… You're messing with me, right? RIGHT!? I couldn't stab

Hermione!} Logan thought furiously as he looked at the last notification.

With a sigh, he decided not to say anything else, and just made his way

towards Ravenclaw's tower, he knew he'll soon be bombarded by his

friends on where he was.

CHAPTER 61 - Rune Shield

The story about the defeated troll soon made its way into the rumor mill

of Hogwarts, which caused most of the students that were already

terrified of Logan, to stay even farther away from him.

As if that wasn't enough, there was a time when Logan called a student in

the library, only for said student to scream and ran away, thinking that

Logan was about to do something to him. This, in turn, made Roger,

Jake, William, and Carmen laugh all day long as soon as they heard the

supposed 'attack', while Logan could only sulk, lamenting how

misunderstood he was, after all, he just wanted to ask the student for the

book he had on his hands.

During his stay in the library, after a few days, Hermione Granger started

to show up, and ask for recommendations on books. At first, it wasn't a

direct approach, she just glanced at him from time to time while keeping

to her own stuff. But soon she started to greet him. There was this one

time when Logan was tutoring Cho and Marietta in their charms classes,

and Hermione, after looking at it, sat down and started to listen to the

'class', as well as taking notes from time to time.

It wasn't something that happened frequently, but she did so a few times

per week. With normal classes, morning training, and the usual chit-chat

between classes and in the common room, the time in Hogwarts passed

for Logan, and soon the quidditch season started.

Normally Logan wasn't that interested in quidditch, and true to himself,

he even missed the first game of the season, the fabled Gryffindor vs.

Slytherin. Though he did hear from his friends how Potter had to hold to

the broom for dear life, as the broom acted erratically during a part of

the game.

Of course, he knew that it would happen, but it wasn't as if he was going

to interfere with it, and from what he heard, everything seemed to

happen like in the movies, so no one died in that game.

Roger, on the other hand, vowed to improve and take the win this year

for his team. Something Logan doubted as he didn't remember Ravenclaw

winning any coup.

{Maybe with me here, and Roger's harsher training, it might be

possible?} Logan thought before grabbing Roger's shoulder. "That's the

spirit. I will increase your training in order to help you, brother!" He said

with a serious face, while Roger could only pale as he heard him.

Jake and William, who were looking at them, could only pray for their

friend. It was clear that he would be dying soon. And as they expected, in

the coming days they could see Roger barely being able to move his

body. No matter how they look at him, it seemed that he survived

something that didn't fall short of torture.

But soon enough, the day of truth came, and Roger finally demonstrated

that all that training finally paid off.

"Do you think they can win?" Asked Lyra as she sat on the stand, while

she wasn't that fond of quidditch, and actually preferred to pass her time

either with her friends or in the library, she wanted to support Roger on

their first game. As much as they fought, she still considered him a


"Well, I don't know." Logan said as he shook his head. "I know that he's

been training hard, but it's quidditch, and he's a chaser. Unless he

manages to gather enough points to offset the snitch's 150 points, a good

play from Hufflepuff's seeker will make him lose the game."

"We can only hope…" Followed William.

"I still think those rules are stupid…" Jake mentioned. "No matter how

hard the rest of the team plays, just a single play can practically win you

the game."

"Well, it's not a sure thing, but I do know where you're coming from."

Logan said with a sigh.

Soon, both teams made their way to the field, and at Professor Hooch's

command, the game started.

[And the Quaffle is on the field! Ravenclaw's new chaser gets the Quaffle!

And there he goes! Look at the newcomer! He's flying fast and sharp!]

"Go, Roger!" Jake, who was an avid follower of soccer, also felt that it

was important to cheer for your team with all your might, even if it was

a different game. "YOU CAN DO IT!"

"Show those badgers how to play!" William shouted too. Soon the game

intensified, and while the snitch was out of sight, all the eyes were on the

rest of the players.

[GOAL FOR RAVENCLAW! Courtesy of Roger Davies!]



{Ho… This doesn't look bad at all.} Thought Logan as he excitedly

followed the players on the field. In the movies, everything he saw was

the games from Gryffindor and Slytherin, and being honest, he felt that

what they showed in the movies didn't make the game justice. {Was it

because it focused too much on Harry?}

[And Samuels sent a great bludger towards Macavoy! That surely hurt!

And Davies gets the Quaffle again!]

"He's good!" Johanne said with a wide smile. The rest of the group

nodded as they keep cheering.

[Davies and Stretton pass the quaffle between them! LOOK AT THEM


As the game advanced, Ravenclaw kept the superiority in points.


"That was close!" Sighed William. "Cedric is a really great seeker!"

"Yes, did you see how he flew through the field!?" Carmen said with a

bright smile, Logan could bet that she had stars in her eyes.

"Carmen, our team is Ravenclaw." Said Jake with a deadpan face.

"Tch. I know. I'm just saying that Cedric is a great player, right girls?" She

asked the others, which also nodded.

{Hope he falls to his death!} Thought every guy that heard them.

{Freaking popular kids! What's so good about him?} Including Logan

who was sulking. Though, if he said what he thought, William and Jake

would probably glare at him.

With the first game of the season over for Ravenclaw, the whole house

had a celebration, and they all congratulated Roger, who was one of the

best players of the game, falling short only behind Cedric, and that was

only because of Cedric's position as a seeker, which had great importance

to the game.

A few days later, it was already December, and Logan decided to take a

stroll to the Room of Requirements, as it was time for him to start

practicing some of the knowledge he had learned in runes.

"Mm… What could we use…" He thought for a moment as he looked

through the store of the system until finally, an idea came up. "Well, we

could try with some defensive, runes, right?" As muttered that, he

decided to buy a simple steel shield.

With the simple circular shield, which looked a lot like a buckler without

the protrusion at the center, he started to go through some of the runes

he knew of and started to write around the whole shield. The whole

process felt as if he was writing some kind of programmatic language,

which he somewhat knew from his previous life.

{Damn… Why didn't I focus more on coding before!?} Logan lamented as

he wrote the runes on the shield. While it was true that he had some

knowledge of coding, it was too basic, and he knew just basic syntaxis.

Even then, writing runes wasn't as complicated as coding, so even the

basic was really useful for him.

Thanks to his spell, he could finish his first inscription in thirty minutes.

It was a really simple inscription that gave the buckler a somewhat

weaker version of the normal Protego charm. As soon as he finished

writing the last necessary rune, a notification popped up.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! Create your first

enchanted item! There're multiple ways to grow stronger, and one of

them is by arming yourself properly, as a wise greedy man once said,

nothing matters as long as you're overgeared!]

[200pts have been earned!]

"Mm? Overgeared? The heck is that?"

[You fool! You can't recognize the greatness of Mt. Tai even if you have it

in front of your blind eyes!]

{...Huh?} Logan was shocked for a second. "Are you alright?"


"...Right." Logan decided not to ask further. "Anyways, this is a really

great tool, huh?" He said as he looked at the shield. While it was a

weakened version of the Protego spell, it was still easy to use. "I can even

enchant items and sell them… and if I manage to use my spellbook

spells… then I would have a small monopoly inside the market of

enchanted items… this is amazing…" Logan's eyes widened as stars shone

inside them. "So much money, at the palm of my hands…" He muttered

as he raised the shield carefully over his hands.

After making a second shield, which he decided to call Rune Shield, he

decided to stop, as he first needed to experiment with other types of

runic enchantments.

"I should have focused a little bit more on this before. This opens a

couple of possible paths for me…" Logan muttered as he rubbed his chin.

[I actually think you worked quite fast on this.]

"Huh?" Logan tilted his head.

[With your brain, I would expect you to think of this at least in your fifth

year or something.]

"..." Logan's eyebrow twitched for a moment. "Just shut up and let me

have my happiness."

[Fine, fine. By the way, I do encourage you to sell these, you probably

didn't notice as you don't have anything to compare, but thanks to your

spell, your runes have a better effect than normal.]

"Huh? Really? But the Protego spell was weaker than normal…"

[Well, consider that your magic is quite strong, and you're already at a

level comparable to the strongest professors, if we take out Dumbledore,

that is. And you also used simple runes, normally other wizards would

need more complex runes, and more than the ones you used to get a

similar result.]

"Excellent, so I'll have a really great business at hand."

[You should. If you're not able, then I'll really doubt your intelligence.

More than I do now.]

Logan just clicked his tongue and decided to ignore the system for now.

He had more important things to do, like print money-maker items. {I

won't focus on shields, I need clothes more than shields. I really doubt

the wizards use shields.} He thought as he started to plan the next item

to test the runes.

CHAPTER 62 - Philosopher’s Stone

With the new knowledge regarding runes, and how he could use these to

create artifacts, the grind started, and Logan started focusing most of his

time studying runes of all types, whether they were simple, complicated,

nordic runes, hieroglyphs, or any other type of rune; if it was a rune, he

would study it and practice how to write it.

At this point, most of his friends considered him a complete lunatic, but

he couldn't care less, after all, it was all for the sake of money, and a little

bit for getting stronger. He also kept training with Roger, something the

latter both regretted and thanked, after all, it was a great help for his

quidditch games.

His obsession with the runes almost made him lose his first trip to

Hogsmeade, but apparently Lyra, Roger, and Jake wouldn't have that, as

the three literally dragged him out of the library under the gaze of some

first and third years students, which also included the Golden Trio.

Thankfully, Logan still had enough mental capacity to not scream in the

library, making him safe from being reprimanded by Madam Pince, who

would probably ban him from entering for a couple of days.

The travel wasn't anything grandeur, it was their first time in

Hogsmeade, so they went through most of the shops, buying treats and

candies before finally landing at the Three Boomsticks, where he tasted

for the first time the butter beer.

Christmas came and went without anything too impressive happened,

apart from Logan's lack of good gifts. He also found Harry while the

freshman was on one of his nightly escapades to see the Erised's mirror;

turns out that his Arcane Eyes were able to look through the cloak of


What was concerning to him, was that he felt a pull from his wand when

his eyes felt the magic of the cloak of invisibility, only he didn't know

what was it about. He could feel that there was something from that

cloak that called to him but decided to let it go, it wasn't a good moment.

While trying to decipher what that feeling coming from the cloak was, he

ended up following Harry to the temporary space that the Mirror of

Erised was occupying; only that he left soon after. Logan just shrugged at

the thought of looking at the mirror, he was curious, yes, but runes came

first to him for now, and he would get the chance after Dumbledore

moved the mirror to the room where he protected the Philosopher's


And funnily enough, the chance came sooner than expected. Turns out,

before December ended, the mirror wasn't in the same spot anymore,

which means that it was moved already. The whole school was mostly

empty as students weren't back yet. It was the perfect moment to move

through the supposed defenses that the professors put for the

Philosopher's Stone.

{Damn useless, I think the only good protection here is freaking Fluffy.}

Logan thought as he looked at the door in front of him. He was currently

invisible, as he opened the door with an Alohomora and went inside.

{Seriously, not even a freaking ward on the door or any kind of deeper

protection, a single Alohomora and done, opened.} He clicked his tongue

as he made his way inside, coming face to face with a giant three-faced

dog, who slightly opened its eyes as he sniffed the air. {Damn dog

senses.} Logan thought as he took out a small flute and started playing it,

or well, tried to.

Unsurprisingly, while the actual sound made by the flute wasn't good at

all, it was enough to put the dog to sleep. {Well, if Harry could, why can't

I?} Logan thought as he opened the trapdoor with magic before jumping

in, levitating to slow down his fall. {Utevo Gran Lux.} Using the Great

Light spell to cause a strong enough light to push away the Devil's Snare.

It was quite similar to the Lumos Maxima, but instead of summoning an

orb of light, the light shone from the focus used, which in this case was

Logan's body, specifically his hands, as he wasn't using his wand.

Moving forwards, he started hearing tinkling sounds deeper in the tunnel

he went through, until he stood under a cloud of birds, or at least, what

seemed to be birds. "So, these are those keys huh." Logan muttered as he

looked at the sparkling keys flying above him. "Looks like a mess." They

were shining even in the dim light, and he could see that they had a lot

of different colors. What was more surprising was that the wings weren't

insect-like, but more like wings from an actual bird. "I'm sure those

weren't like that in the movie." He frowned as he floated up.

Looking through the uncountable keys, he tried to look for one that had a

broken wing. After a moment, he figured that there wasn't one that had a

broken wing. "Where is that… Wait. I'm such an idiot!" He face-slapped

at himself. "The key had a broken wing because of the stupid Quirrel

coming before them." Rolling his eyes, he went back down, towards the

door, and examined the lock on the door. "Mm…" Rubbing his chin, he

used Arcane Eyes, trying to identify the specific lock that caused the door

to stay closed even after using Alohomora. He then turned to the cloud of

keys and found a single key that matched.

A thing about magic is that it always left a trace, it was what his Arcane

Eyes allowed him to see, among other things. This also meant that most

of the time, similar spells have a similar magic trace; even more when

two charms were connected, like the key and the door. "Got you." He

grinned and extended his hand to the key. "Accio Key." With the strong

image of the big key in mind, specifically its magic trace, he pulled the

key towards his hand forcefully, while the key tried to unsuccessfully fly

back up. "Damn, this thing is too freaking easy. Are these really supposed

to stop anyone from getting the stone?" Logan snorted.

Opening the door carefully, and letting the key fly back up without

damaging it, at least not too much, he made his way toward the next

room, which was submerged in complete darkness. As soon as he stepped

inside, and the door behind him closed, light arose in the room from

rows of flames that surrounded a giant chessboard.

"It looks amazing, truly." Logan muttered as he looked at the statues that

represented the chess pieces. "Let's see if I can bypass this easily."

Without thinking much, he walked through the board, invisible. But just

as he was getting close to the white pieces, the pawns suddenly took their

swords out. {Could it be beacuse they heard me? I should have kept my

mouth shut.} He sighed, and then with a shrug, he disappeared from his

spot, appearing again behind the white pieces, right in front of the door,

all in a single blink. "Damn spell is too good. Sadly it takes quite a lot of

magic and it's only for short travel." He muttered as he quickly made his

way through the door, It was better than waiting and seeing if the pieces

would rush and attack him if he stood there for too long.

The spell in question was Blink, it was an Arcanist spell that became

available as soon as he turned level 55. He had barely trained with it, but

it was quite easy to use, just fix your eyes on where you wanted to move,

and use the spell, and voila, everything, even space itself, reordered in

front of you in a blink, and you were right where you wanted to be.

Sadly, it only allowed you to travel to places that were in your field of

vision, or close to you if you had a clear memory of it. There was a limit,

of course, regarding the distance he could travel. He has been trying to

test it out, and the maximum range he found was around 150 meters.

{I think that was the last room according to the movies.} He thought as

he walked forward through a dark passage, reaching the last door. {Here

should be the mirror.}Logan opened the door, but as soon as he did, a

horrible stench met his nose. "Ugh. What the hell is this smell!?" Going

inside, he finally saw the reason behind the stench. A giant troll, far

bigger than the one that attacked Hermione, was standing in the

otherwise empty room.

{This certainly wasn't in the movies…} He looked at the giant troll that

hasn't been able to detect him. Without thinking much, he went towards

the other side of the room, while the thought of killing it passed through

his head, it could pull the attention of Dumbledore. {You're safe, for

now.} With the last thought, he passed through the door.

The next room wasn't so much different than the others, instead that this

one only had a table with a row of seven bottles of different sizes. This

wasn't something from the movies, but at this point, Logan was already

accustomed to it.

As soon as he walked slightly closer to the table, a wall of flames showed

up behind him, with a purple color. In front of him, at the other side of

the table, another wall of flames, this time of a black color, surged.

"..." Looking at both ways closed, he closed in and read the paper that

was among the bottles. He raised the eyes from the piece of parchment,

and looked at the black flames, then back at the parchment, then at the

bottles, and once again at the black flames. Suddenly a rune appeared

floating beside him, and shining, it shot three small balls of grey light

toward the wall of black flames, making the fire disappear. Each ball of

grey light consumed a portion of the wall, until the whole wall

disappeared, making it possible to look at the other side, which was a

small tunnel.

He left the piece of parchment and blinked towards the entrance of the

tunnel, crossing it, he finally reached the end of the tests. It was quite

less impressive than what he saw in the movie, and the only thing

present there was the actual Mirror of Erised.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've successfully

trespassed through the supposed defenses that kept the stone safe. You

did what even a supposed teacher and a dark lord couldn't; though this

certainly leaves more to think about said supposed dark lord than

anything else. Seriously, three first years were able to go past these, and

he couldn't in all the time he tried?]

[500pts have been earned.]

{Mm… So this is the mirror, huh.} Logan thought as he looked at the

mirror, tracing his fingers through the frame made of gold. It was quite

tall, almost reaching the ceiling, with claw-like supports. At the top of it,

on the frame, Logan traced the words that were written there. "Erised stra

ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi…" Muttered Logan and after a second. "I

show not your face, but your heart's desire…" He used his Arcane Eyes to

look all throughout the mirror.

He expected to find really dark magic, after all, Dumbledore kind of

warned Harry about the mirror, and how too many people lost

themselves in it. But contrary to it. "It's pure…" Logan frowned. The color

that came out of the mirror, at least, for the most part, looked pure,

similar to any other magic, including the one that you could find inside

the castle on the enchanted stairs or walls. A clear baby blue aura. There

was something different, of a deeper blue, which he supposed was the

magic that trapped the stone.

He looked into the mirror, curious about what he would see. And he was

surprised to find himself standing inside the mirror, surrounded by his

friends, Miss Isabella, and people who he couldn't recognize. Everyone

had a happy face, there was even a clear blue sky behind everyone.

What's more, he had the feeling that his reflection inside was at peace,

calm, as if he just survived a storm.

{Is my desire to survive through the upcoming dark times?} Frowned

Logan. It wasn't something that he felt would be shown. He at least had

the idea of getting powerful but seems like his heart had a different

thought. {And everyone is there too…} He could see most of his friends

and even had the impression, that unknown people that he might meet

later were also present in the mirror. They all survived with him. {For

everyone to survive… That's why I'm looking for power… To save those

around me…} His frown calmed, gaze fixed in the mirror. {Is that also

what took me here? No.}

And just as that thought left his mind, the Logan in the mirror took out a

stone and put it inside his pocket. Logan's eyes widened as he felt the

weight of something falling into his pocket. Quickly taking it out, he

found a red, slightly dirty stone in his hand. "The Philosopher's Stone…

But why?" He muttered.

"Why, indeed…" A new voice brought Logan's attention to the entrance of

the room, where he found none other than Dumbledore himself. "A

treasure like no other, but surely you know that already, Mr. Taylor."

"Professor Dumbledore." Logan greeted the old man, who was slowly

walking towards him with his usually calm face and demeanor.

CHAPTER 63 - A one-of-a-kind


"Professor Dumbledore…" Logan greeted the old man who now stood in

front of him while holding the Philosopher's Stone in his hands.

"Mr. Taylor." Dumbledore nodded as he stared at the child in front of him

with interest, especially at the stone held in said child's hands. "I must

say, I'm surprised."

"For finding me here?" Logan asked with a tilted head.

"No." Dumbledore chuckled. "That's certainly not a surprise for me, if I'm

being honest, Mr. Taylor, I would say that you took your time to come

here." He gently smiled. "With your record, I thought I would find you in

this chamber earlier this year."

"..." Logan's eyebrow ticked. 'Come on, old man… I'm not that much of a

noisy brat…' he thought with a sigh. "Then?"

"For the stone, of course." Dumbledore smiled as he walked past Logan

and looked in the mirror. "The Mirror of Erised. An enchanted artifact

that trapped so many wizards and witches in its mirage. Certainly, one of

the most amazing pieces of magic I've ever seen, capable of showing us

the deepest desire of our hearts. Desires not all of us are even aware of


Logan just listened to Dumbledore while looking in the mirror. In a sense,

with all the amazing things magic managed to do, a mirror capable of

showing what you desire the most might seem like such a simple thing,

but think about it. When was the last time that you stopped to think

about what your heart desired the most?

'Our heart's desire, out of our most surface wants, out of our current goals

or greeds. Whatever we subconsciously wish the most.' Logan thought for

a moment as he looked at the mirror alongside Dumbledore. 'It's certainly

something amazing, isn't it?'

"It was that same reason, that I decided to hide the stone in it."

Dumbledore mentioned. "We can lie to ourselves, but we can't lie to our

own hearts. This would be the best way to protect the stone from those

that would want to misuse its power."

'I beg to disagree on that.' Logan thought briefly. "I still don't understand,

professor." He said as he turned to Dumbledore. "If that's the case, why

did I get the stone? I don't want to brag, but it wasn't hard for me to

reach here."

Dumbledore smiled at him. "As I said earlier, it's a surprise, Mr. Taylor.

And no, it certainly wasn't hard for you to reach this place." He followed

as he turned to the mirror. "But the strongest protection of the stone is

not the way leading to it, but the mirror itself. Only those wanting the

stone, but not wanting to use it, would be able to get it from the mirror.

A simple, yet infallible charm that would stop anyone who wishes to steal

the stone." Dumbledore turned to Logan again. "Curiosity is a strong

feeling. Most would argue that, deep within, curiosity is an emotion, a

complex one. And I dare to bet, that it was your innate curiosity that

pulled the stone to you, Mr. Taylor."

"..." Logan frowned and looked at the stone.

"As I said, a truly fascinating object, the Mirror of Erised, capable of

sometimes reading us better than even ourselves." He smiled. "So, if you

could please, answer my question, what would make you feel curious

about the stone, Mr. Taylor?"

"..." Logan scrutinized the stone. It was an oddly shaped blood-red stone,

not clear enough to be compared to ruby, but surely with its own

attractiveness. It had a rough look but still felt soft to the touch. "It's the

pinnacle of alchemy. Capable of turning pebbles into gold, and also

capable of extending one's life indefinitely. Something thought

impossible. Something that defies life."

"Life?" Dumbledore asked with a raised eyebrow. "Don't you mean


"Defying death is defying life." Logan shook his head. "They're two sides

of the same coin, and both of them form the circle of life. One can't exist

without the other. As much as we fear death, it is still part of life that

sooner or later, we all must learn to embrace."

"I see…" Dumbledore nodded as he looked at the stone. "Have you

embraced death, Mr. Taylor?"

"..." Logan thought for a moment before giving his answer, eyes fixed on

the stone for a few seconds before he turned to look at Dumbledore. "I

embraced the idea that death is only the start of a new adventure. An

adventure that sometime in the future I will gladly embark on, just not

now. There's still too much to discover and explore in my current one."

He chuckled.

"That is true." Dumbledore chuckled. "I think I can understand a little bit

more of the reason the mirror allowed the stone to land in your hand."

"Is that so? If I'm honest with you sir, I still don't think I understand why.

I was too focused on admiring the mirror." Logan said as he extended the

hand towards Dumbledore. "Also, here. I think you still have to put the

stone back in its place, right, professor?"

"Indeed." Dumbledore nodded with a smile, taking the stone and then

pulling out his wand. He started muttering some things, but Logan

couldn't focus on it at all.

'There's that feeling again…' He thought for a moment as he looked at

Dumbledore's wand for a while. 'First Harry's cloak, now Dumbledore's

wand… two of the three Deathly Hallows… this can't be a mere


"Mr. Taylor?" Dumbledore talked, pulling Logan out of his thoughts.

"Yes, sir?" He answered back, noticing that the stone was nowhere in

sight, meaning that it was back in the mirror, in whatever way that was


"Are you perhaps interested in alchemy?" Dumbledore asked for a


"..." Logan tilted his head before nodding. "Somewhat, professor. I've

started learning about enchantments, and the use of runes on items and

tools, and I feel it's quite an interesting use of magic. And right now, my

interest peaked when I found myself in front of the mirror. It made me

discover that there's so much that can be achieved in other paths of

magic apart from charms, transfiguration, and potions."

"Indeed. Magic can be wonderful, even in areas we don't usually

appreciate." Dumbledore smiled. "With that said, Mr. Taylor, what would

you think of deepening your studies of runes, and maybe even alchemy,

next year?"

"That Hogwarts doesn't teach Alchemy, professor." Logan tilted his head.

"No, no we don't." Dumbledore chuckled. "But I happen to have a friend

in Beauxbaton that is quite proficient in alchemy and enchantments. I

believe he would love to hear of someone that shares his innate curiosity

and would accept to teach this someone for half a year."

"Huh? A friend? Who would that be, professor?"

"Well, the same friend that made this stone." Dumbledore said with a

knowing smile. "I'm sure he's capable enough to teach you some aspects

of enchanting and alchemy."

Logan's eyes widened. "Nicolas Flamel…" The name escaped his mouth in

a small mutter, which caused Dumbledore to chuckle and nod.

"Then? What do you think?" Dumbledore asked.

"I would love to be able to, professor. If it's not a problem, of course."

Logan said seriously.

"No, it is not." Dumbledore answered with a smile. "I can arrange for you

to attend Beauxbaton during your next year, albeit only for half a year,

unfortunately. So I would suggest that you learn the most you can during

that time."

"It would be enough." Logan nodded. "But what about my classes?"

"There won't be a problem, apart from you being taught by Nicolas, you

would also attend classes in the school, while not exactly the same, we do

share some classes in our curriculums, although, I would seriously

consider studying some etiquette, Mr. Taylor, it is, after all, a class that

everyone must attend. There is also a fashion week that is celebrated

every spring, I would suggest you attend the event, it might certainly be

an interesting experience."

"I'll think about it…" Logan chuckled awkwardly.

"Excellent. I'll make sure to help you with all the preparations, and will

be contacting my friend soon." Dumbledore said with a happy clap. "Now,

I suggest you start learning French, Mr. Taylor, it will help you during

those 6 months."

"Right…" Logan nodded. 'Though I don't have that much time… Ha…

Hopefully, the system can help me learn the language faster.'

"Well." Dumbledore spoke as he offered his arm. "I guess we can both go

back to sleep now, it's quite late if I say so myself."

Logan nodded and grabbed Dumbledore's arm, and immediately after,

both of them appeared in front of Dumbledore's office entrance, where

the big gargoyle rested.

'Damn old man's cheating, being able to apparate inside the castle...'

Logan inwardly clicked his tongue.

"I would suggest you make your way back to your dorm quietly before

some prefect or professor deducts points from Ravenclaw and get you in

detention. Turns out, that today has been a tiring day for me, and I need

to get back to sleep soon." Dumbledore said with a wink.

"Right." With a hurried nod, Logan cast his invisibility spell and rushed

towards his dorm room, while Dumbledore apparated once again toward

his own office, not before giving a long stare at the place Logan stood

moments ago.

CHAPTER 64 - Nicolas Flamel?

Christmas passed, and time moved forward. After the conversation with

Dumbledore inside the chamber where the stone was kept, during the

next two weeks, Logan focused his time between learning runes and

learning French.

"Mr. Taylor, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office."

One afternoon, after his Ancient Runes classes, McGonagall reached to

him while he and William were walking towards the library to meet with

the rest.

"Is it something bad professor?" Logan tilted his head, confused. After all,

it has been a while since he made something that could be considered

'breaking the rules'.

"No, it isn't Mr. Taylor." McGonagall shook her head while rolling her

eyes. "Unless… you have done something that might require your

attendance to the Headmaster's office?" She asked with a raised eyebrow,

which made William chuckle. "Is that a yes I hear from Mr. O'Neill?"

Coughing, William shook his head. "Not at all, Professor McGonagall…"

"Yes, professor, I've been behaving really well lately!" Logan quickly

followed, holding the need to elbow William.

"Mm… Is that so? Then, Mr. Taylor, I suggest you go to Professor

Dumbledore's office as soon as possible. I won't be able to accompany

you, but I believe he will be waiting for you."

"Right away, Professor!" As Logan quickly answered, both of them parted

ways with McGonagall, almost running away from her, which made the

professor smirk while rolling her eyes. "Damn, dude, next time try not to

throw me in the mouth of the lioness!"

"I'm sorry mate, it's just so funny how most of the time people think

you're doing something off." William said as he chuckled loudly.

"Whatever… see you later, tell the others that I'll be slightly late." Logan

said as they almost reached the parting point.

"Right." William nodded. "By the way, don't you have quite a record of

visiting the Headmaster's office?"

Logan clicked his mouth as he rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault. Shit just

happens!" As he said so, both of them separated, and soon, Logan reached

the Headmaster's office, only to see Dumbledore waiting there.

"Hello, Mr. Taylor." Dumbledore said with his usual smile and calm tone.

"Professor Dumbledore." Logan greeted him back. "Professor McGonagall

told me you were looking for me."

"That's indeed the case, Mr. Taylor." He nodded, before pointing at the

entrance of the office. "Let's go inside, it's better to talk comfortably

inside the office." As he said so, both of them went inside the

headmaster's office after Dumbledore said the keyword to the gargoyle.


"Tell me, Mr. Taylor, how are your French studies going?" Dumbledore

asked once both of them were sitting in the office.

"They've been going good…" Logan answered awkwardly, with an equally

awkward smile on his face. The truth is that while he has been making

his best to learn French, it hasn't been all that easy.

Turns out the system did have something for languages, but contrary to

what he thought, the languages weren't French, Spanish, Japanese,

Chinese, or even English. The only languages he could technically learn

from the System were Tibia's Orc, Cyclop, Deepling, Bonelord, Elven, and

some other languages from creatures from the game that had their own

language, and none of these were French.

The only olive branch he could get was that the system had a potion that

made it easier to learn a language but not by much, as it simply helped to

boost the part of the brain that takes care of the language. Technically,

he could learn to speak the language in 6 months using this potion,

simply by drinking it while studying and practicing the language. But the

problem was that he didn't have someone that could help him practice

the language. There was Lisandra, but apart from the shared classes they

had, they didn't spend that much time outside of classes, leaving him

only learning from books.

"Mm… that somehow doesn't sound too convincing, Mr. Taylor."

Dumbledore chuckled. "But I believe you'll manage."

"Thanks, professor." Logan sighed. "But is that why you called me?"

"In a sense, Mr. Taylor." Dumbledore nodded before taking a candy jar.

"Would you like one?"

"Yes, please." He grabbed a lemon drop and ate it.

"I always appreciate someone that shares my taste in candies."

Dumbledore chuckled as he stored the jar before sighing. "For some

reason, not many people tend to like lemon drops in Hogwarts. Anyways,

I'm digressing. Mr. Taylor, the reason I've called you is because I've

talked with my friend in Beauxbaton, as well as the Headmistress, and

they both agreed to receive you in their school."

Logan's eyes widened when he heard it. "That means…"

"Yes, you'll be attending Beauxbaton during the first half of your next

year, Mr. Taylor." Dumbledore smiled. "And what's more, Flamel agreed

to supervise your teachings in runes. Though, I must warn you, Mr.

Taylor, that my friend won't be able to help you constantly, as he's

currently occupied with other matters."

"That's fine, Professor. I'll still have the chance to learn something from

one of the best, if not the best alchemist. Not to mention his years of

experience." Logan said excitedly.

"I'm glad that you're excited by the opportunity." Dumbledore chuckled.

"Anyways, you'll stay there seven months, before returning to Hogwarts."

"Huh? Seven? Wasn't it going to be just six?" Logan tilted his head.

"Well, turns out that Professor Maxime talked me into allowing an extra

month for you to attend their fashion week, which will be held in April."

"Oh… Right…" Logan chuckled awkwardly, which caused Dumbledore to


"I know that it might not sound as fascinating as riding a hippogriff, but

I'm sure you will enjoy your stay there." Dumbledore smiled at Logan,

making him flinch.

"So you knew of that haha…" Logan's awkward chuckle intensified.

"Oh, yes, I do. As you might know Mr. Taylor, few things happen in the

school that I'm not aware of, even more, when these things happen to be

in front of a teacher who later came to ask me to allow you to help take

care of the hippogriffs."

"Huh?" Logan stopped and tilted his head. "Mr. Kettleburn did?"

"Yes, he did." Dumbledore nodded. "And I must inform you, Mr. Taylor,

that starting tomorrow, you will help Hagrid and Silvanus take care of

the hippogriffs herd. Though, I must insist you be careful around the

herd. They're after all, dangerous creatures when provoked."

"Yes, professor. I'll be careful." Logan nodded, without being able to hide

his excitement.

"Well, Mr. Taylor. I believe your friends might be waiting for you."

Dumbledore smiled and nodded at him while signaling him to leave.

"Thanks, professor." Logan nodded and stood up, ready to leave the


"Oh, and Mr. Taylor?" Dumbledore called at him. "Madam Pomfrey would

like to see you visit the Hospital Wing from time to time." He smiled.

"I surely will." Logan nodded with a smile and went outside the office,

directly towards the Library.

Once there, and under the pressure of his friends, he could only tell them

why Dumbledore was looking for him, which in turn caused them quite a


"So you are not going to be here next year?" Jake asked with a raised


"No, or well, at least not for half of the year. I'll still be here before May."

Logan nodded at him.

"And why do you have to go there? It's not as if you can't learn here…"

Lyra said, slightly dejected, and somewhat angry.

"Well…" Logan scratched the back of his head. "It's a once-in-a-lifetime

opportunity, for me to learn from the one and only Nicolas Flamel." He

said, unknowing that a first year was passing by without his knowledge.

"I know that but…" Lyra wanted to say something, but just sighed, her

friends, Carla and Julie looked at her, almost wanting to pat her back in


"Shut it Lyra." Roger intervened with a notoriously serious face. "Could

you put yourself in Logan's shoes? He's in for a big opportunity. The

biggest opportunity he might get any time soon!" He said while frowning

at Lyra, who somewhat felt bad.

"I-I know. It's just that…" She tried to defend herself. She knew it was

quite a big opportunity. After all, who wouldn't want to learn alchemy

from Nicolas Flamel, the inventor of the one and only Philosopher's

Stone? It was like learning transfiguration from Dumbledore himself, but

even rarer. Everyone at the table understood how important and life-

changing it could be for Logan to learn under one of the greatest figures

in recent centuries.

"Come on, Roger. Don't be that harsh on her." Logan said, trying to calm

the tense atmosphere between them both.

"No, Logan." Roger shook his head seriously. "It's too egoistical to try to

dissuade you from accepting such an opportunity."

"It's not like she's trying to-" Logan sighed and tried to calm his friend,

but was quickly interrupted.

"She is!" He shouted as he pointed at Lyra. "She can't stand the idea of

you accepting the opportunity to surround yourself with French beauties!

She can't even understand that such an opportunity won't come anytime

soon! Just imagine it! Being fully surrounded by the beautiful witches of

Beauxbaton! THAT'S THE DREAM!" He shouted, before receiving a

warning from Madam Pince.

"Mr. Davies! I won't tolerate your shouts inside the library. Be silent if

you don't want to be banned from the library." She said, almost

apparating behind him, making him flinch and softly nod while

apologizing. With a snort, Madam Pince went back to his desk.

"Anyways…" Roger sighed and muttered. "You get my point." He said,

still keeping his serious face. Not noticing how half of the group was

giving him a baffled look, while the other half was glaring at him with

murderous thoughts. It's not needed to say that that day, didn't end well

for Roger.

The rest of the week was simple for Logan, classes weren't an issue for

him, and he both enjoyed his time during Runes and Magical Creature

care while keeping his grades and getting Ravenclaw house points during


He even spent some time on the Hospital Wing, learning more healing

magic from Pomfrey, and with Hagrid, taking care of the hippogriffs, and

from time to time learning about other magical creatures under the care

of Hagrid, including the herd of thestrals who, surprising Hagrid, were

quite close to Logan, not only allowing him to touch them without any

problem but also staying by whenever he came.

This was something that Hagrid never saw before, after all, Thestral,

while not aggressive by nature, usually kept to themselves and didn't

usually come close to humans on their own accord.

On Friday afternoon while Logan was getting back from taking care of

the hippogriffs with Hagrid, feeding them and making sure they had no

recent injuries from fights or any other reason, he met with the golden

trio in one of the corridors of the castle.

"Logan!" Harry called him, all three of them rushing towards him.

"Hey, Harry." Logan greeted the lanky child. "Everything good?"

"Yes. All's good." He nodded. "Hey, we have a question, and maybe you

could help us answer it?"

"Mm? Question?" Logan tilted his head. 'What could it be?' He thought for

a moment but shrugged. "Sure, go ahead. What class is giving you


"Well…" Harry scratched the back of his head, not sure if he should really

ask this.

"It's about Nicolas Flamel." Hermione intervened.

"Mm? Nicolas Flamel?" Logan tilted his head. "What about him?"

"Do you know who he is?" Ron asked.

"Yes, but why are you guys interested in him?" Logan nodded at Ron

while asking. 'So they're already on this part of the story, huh.'

"Well…" Hermione was trying to come up with something.

"We have homework to do about him, but we can't find him anywhere."

Harry quickly spoke.

"Mm? Homework? About Nicolas Flamel?" Logan raised an eyebrow,

somewhat amused by the trio's attempts to get the information.

"Yes!" Ron nodded. "For… for potions!"

"Mm? I would think it would be for History of Magic, but well, Snape's

not necessarily your regular potions professor, so whatever." Logan

shrugged with a smirk. "Anyways, you might find him in books related to

alchemy, he's one of the greatest alchemists in the past centuries."

"Centuries?" Hermione muttered with a frown before her eyes widened.

"Of course! Thank you, Logan! Come on, guys!" She quickly said while

dragging the other two, who quickly said their goodbyes, leaving a

chuckling Logan who then turned to read the notification.

[Congratulations! Fuck you J.K.! Main Chain Quest has been updated!

You've successfully played fate's role and put the trio on their way to

discover the truth instead of waiting for Harry to get the hint from a

chocolate frog's Famous Wizard card. Though I would recommend you

not to get cocky, after all, you only gave directions.]

[100pts have been earned!]

'Well, better than nothing I guess.' Logan shrugged with a chuckle and

went back towards his dorm.

CHAPTER 65 - Norwegian


A few days passed by since the moment he met with Dumbledore, and

while trying his best to learn French in what little time they had left,

Logan decided to speak with Lisandra about it.

And the perfect moment came after one of their shared classes finished.

"Lisandra, wait!" Logan reached out to her as she left the classroom.

"Oh, hey Logan." She smiled at him, stopping a few steps out of the door,

while Amelia just nodded at him, moving a couple of steps away on the


"How have you been?" He asked her after nodding back at Amelia.

"Everything's been great, adapting to my new classes and all that." She

shrugged. "What about you?"

"All's well." Logan nodded before he started scratching the back of his

head. "Hey…" He hesitated for a moment.

"Yes?" Lisandra, not accustomed to seeing him hesitate, raised an


"I wanted to ask you if you could help me learn French?" Logan sighed,

before asking for her help.

"French?" Lisandra, confused at his request, widened her eyes. "Why do

you need to learn French?"

"I kind of got the opportunity to study in Beauxbaton for next year. Well,

just for around seven months." He explained to her.

"Wow…" Lisandra was visibly shocked. "That's a great opportunity, isn't

it?" She smiled.

"Yeah, that's kind of why I need to learn French." He shrugged. "And

while I'm kind of advancing in my tries, it's not enough."

"Right. You don't have that much time after all." She nodded, seemingly

pondering on his situation. "Well, I agree." After thinking for a little bit,

she looked up at him and nodded. "I'll teach you French."

"Really? That's great." Logan smiled excitedly, after all, his major problem

was finally solved. "I really appreciate the help."

"It's nothing." She smiled at him. "But, I do need something in exchange."

She suddenly said while tilting her head.

"Yes, absolutely. Just ask." Logan immediately nodded at her.

"Well, I've been having some troubles with my charms classes lately." She

sighed. "And I know that you are kind of the best in charms around our


"If it's help that you need with your classes, there's nothing more to say!"

Logan smiled. "I'll help you."

"Great!" Lisandra smiled. All the while, Amelia, who impatiently stood a

couple of meters away from them, just looked at this in a not-so-friendly


"Well, I kinda need to go to my next class." Logan said, suddenly

remembering that he had to run to reach his Ancient Runes class. "But,

let's talk next time we share a class to decide on the details. Is that


"Yes, no problem." Lisandra nodded with a smile.

"Perfect, see you then!" Logan then nodded at her and at the angry-

looking Amelia before rushing to his next class. Lisandra just saw at him

go with a small smile, before turning back toward her friend, who was

looking at her with reprimanding eyes.

"What?" She asked Amelia.

"You seriously need to stay away from him." Amelia suddenly said.

"Again? I thought we already spoke about this…" Lisandra sighed at her

friend's comment.

"I'm just saying it for your own good, Liz. He's not one of us." Amelia

shook her head before turning around to leave the corridor.

"..." Lisandra looked at her friend, before glancing once again toward the

place Logan left. A sigh escaped her mouth as she followed her friend

toward their dormitories.


Time passed, and to Amelia's dismay, Lisandra decided to follow through

with the agreement made between her and Logan, making it possible for

him to learn French at an even faster rate, thanks to the books and the

practice that Lisandra provided him. The potion was a true miracle, in his

own words, as it saved him from having to cram too much knowledge in

such a short time.

Thanks to Lisandra's help, he managed to get a conversational level of

French, even if it wasn't at a perfect level yet, he could defend himself in

basic conversations, which is what he originally needed, the rest he could

figure out during his stay in Beauxbaton, and even then, there were still a

couple of months for him to practice with Lisandra.

Now, while he still practice an hour or two every other day, this still

meant that he had to divide his time between runes, helping Pomfrey,

and helping Kettleburn. And with a filled schedule, the end of April

loomed over Logan, getting closer to the end of the term.

It was on one of these April days that Logan managed to hear something

quite interesting.

"Dragons!" Just as Logan was looking for a book on hieroglyphs, he

managed to hear Ron whisper, although, he didn't made a really good job

of 'whispering' it. "Hagrid was looking up stuff about dragons! Look at

these…" He said as he started to name some books related to dragons and

how to take care of or hatch these.

'Wait…' Logan stopped for a moment, a scene from the first movie came

to his mind. It was of a dragon being hatched. 'Does it mean that the

dragon is already on the way to hatch?' He listened for a bit to their

conversation and decided that maybe it would be a good idea to follow

these three for a little while. And to his surprise, he didn't have to wait

for long.

Moments after Hagrid left, the trio prepared themselves and moved out

of the library, being followed by Logan who, after keeping things in his

inventory, turned. Luckily for him, the three first-years went to Hagrid's

hut, which had all the curtains closed, with smoke coming up from the


"Who is it?" After they knocked on the door, Hagrid opened the door,

while hot air escaped from inside the room, which probably was the

perfect temperature to hatch a dragon's egg, or so Logan thought. "Oh, is

yeh three, come in." He invited them in.

'Thanks for the invitation…' Logan thought with a grin as he quickly

ducked into the hut before the Golden Trio stepped in and Hagrid closed

the door, not missing giving a dubious glance around. Meanwhile, the

group of freshmen was trying to cool themselves, given that the whole

hut had a stifling atmosphere inside with all the heat coming from the


"So…" After offering theme tea and stoaf sandwiches, Hagrid sat down,

turning to them. "Yeh wanted to ask me somethin'?"

"Yes." Harry nodded, not beating around the bush, and while the four

went back and forth with the mess about the stone that Logan didn't care

about, he was instead standing close to the chimney, looking at the fire

that was burning fiercely, causing the stifling hot air in the hut. And

sitting on top of the very heart of that same fire, underneath the kettle

used to make boil the tea's water, was a huge, black egg.

'This is it…' Logan thought as he looked at the egg. A dragon's egg. 'It's

huge… I bet it's even bigger than a freaking ostrich egg, though I haven't

seen one before to compare them…'

[That egg is around 15 inches, an ostrich's egg usually goes about 6

inches long, so yes, is more than twice an ostrich's egg's size.]

'Just imagine the omelets you can make with this…' Logan thought for a

moment, chuckling inwardly at his bad joke. 'But seriously, this thing is

huge… system, do you happen to know how long it would take to hatch?

Will it be today? According to the movies, it will hatch today.' Logan

asked the system, giving a glance at the trio and Hagrid, who was still

talking about the stone and their doubts about Snape, confirming his


[That thing won't hatch today.] The system suddenly said.

'Huh? It won't!?' Logan was shocked when the chance to see a living

dragon, hatching right in front of his eyes, broke to pieces.

[No, doesn't look like it.] Reading the message from the system, Logan's

shock intensified.

'Damn… I might need to keep track of these guys…' Logan let out a deep

sigh, and decided that the best way was to keep an eye on the golden

trio. 'Now… do I have to name myself Albus Percival Whatever-Comes-

After Dumbledore?' Logan thought, preparing for a long tag game with

the three freshmen.

CHAPTER 66 - Surprise, surprise!

After being deceived by the movie's plot, Logan started paying close

attention to the golden trio, after all, if there was someone, trying his

best not to get distracted from his French classes with Lisandra and his

normal duties inside the school, plus still studying runes and how to

write stronger and better runes.

"Mate, how is it that you're so occupied and still have the energy to train

that hard?" During one of their breakfasts Roger, who was trying his best

not to bend over from tiredness, asked Logan, who was eating his

breakfast normally, glancing from time to time towards Gryffindor's table

at the far side of the Great Hall. "Seriously… I feel like I don't even have


"Beats me." Logan shrugged. It's not like he could tell them that he had a

different physique because of his Arcanist class. "Maybe it's because I'm

already accustomed to it?" After rubbing his chin for a little bit, he shook

his head and started taking more food to his plate.

William and Jake, who just recently got to the table, joined the

conversation, laughing at the tired Roger from time to time. As the group

chatted about the upcoming classes they had today, owls started to rush

into the Great Hall, and as usual, they started leaving letters and

packages to the students of the hall.

In one of those, a long package fell in the middle of Roger, Logan,

William, and Jake, almost throwing some of the food Roger still had on

his plate around. Shocked, Jake and William almost jumped back, but

barely held themselves, while Logan simply looked at the package in

surprise, and curiosity, his senses slightly honed by practice and

experience, he wasn't that surprised by the sudden arrival of the package.

Roger, on the other hand, sat still, looking at the package for a moment,

before his eyes widened, remembering that he was, indeed, waiting for a

package. Whether he didn't react because the recent training gave him a

better awareness, or simply because he was too tired to react, was

something that Logan couldn't figure out.

"That almost gave me a stroke!" Jake said as he patted his chest.

"Yeah, mate. What is that?" William who sighed deeply, asked as he

turned his attention back to the package.

"Oh, that's a new broomstick." Roger said. "My mother and brother

somehow managed to convince my father to get me a new one, seeing

that I'm serious with quidditch and all that." Roger said as he quickly

opened the package, to find a Nimbus 2000 in there. "Whoa… They went

above and beyond…" He muttered.

"Mate… that's a Nimbus 2000!" William exclaimed. "Your mother and

brother sure love you a lot."

Roger snorted. "Of course they do. I'm the most handsome and most

talented in the family."

"Right, right." Jake nodded while rolling his eyes. "I can only pray for the

future of his family." Before he leaned towards Logan, whispering.

Hearing his friend's mocking comment, Logan could only chuckle before

shaking his head. "Well, I guess now our House has a way to surpass the

other teams, huh?" He said, looking at Roger.

"You're damn right!" Roger said with a grin. While their team isn't bad at

all, they were still slightly behind Gryffindor. The good thing is, they

managed to surpass Slytherin, which was a surprise no other House

expected. "Just wait! I'll show those damn lions why the eagles are top

predators in the sky!"

"Well said, Davies!" From behind Roger, Rose Miller got close and patted

Roger's shoulder, looking at the broom that lay on the table.

"Yes! After so long!" Randolph Burrow, another Chaser in the team said.

"We finally have a chance!"

While the Ravenclaw quidditch team surrounded Davies, including Cho,

Logan couldn't help but noticed a trio of students somehow whispering

among themselves. Lifting his eyebrow, Logan tried to read Ron's lips,

but without luck. They were simply too far, and Hufflepuff's students

covered them from time to time.

'Suspicious…' He thought with a frown, before turning to look at Jake.

"Do we have any shared class this morning?"

"Mm?" Jake, who was paying attention to the quidditch team, was

surprised by Logan's question, but registering the question again, he

thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "No, we're quite free

today. Our classes start in the afternoon, well, I have Divination in a

couple of hours though." He shrugged.

Logan nodded. "Right."

"Why the question? Did you forget to do your homework for some class?"

Jake tilted his head.

"Nah, just wanted to see if I could go visit Madam Pomfrey, I have some

questions regarding healing magic."

"Oh, right. How is your development in that area?" Jake asked.

"Quite good actually, I'm focusing more on some healing spells." Logan

shrugged. "Madam Pomfrey say I have more talent in that than in the

concoction of healing potions. Can't say she's wrong haha."

After a while, the group dispersed, and some of them had to look for

their books, as Jake had Divination while Roger and William shared

Arithmancy. Logan, on the other hand, decided to become a temporary

stalker, following the golden trio around, only to find out that they had

Herbology right after breakfast time.

'Ha…' He sighed, looking at the three first-years walking with their group

towards the greenhouse. 'I guess it was just a bad hunch…' With a sigh,

Logan turned around towards the castle again, but before he even took

the first step, a thought invaded his mind. 'Why not just check with the

big guy? I mean… There's still the chance that they're going there later…'

Logan thought for a second, before turning back once again, this time in

the direction of Hagrid's hut.

Knocking on the door of the still completely covered hut, Logan waited,

still invisible. He couldn't help but notice how the chimney was letting

out even more smoke than the last time.

Soon after he knocked, the door to the hut opened slightly, and Hagrid

slightly showed his face from the inside.

"Huh…? Did I imagine it?" Hagrid muttered, looking outside from the

small breach of the door. He then stopped outside, looking to see if there

was someone slightly far from the door, but again there was no one in

sight. So after scratching his head for a moment, the half-giant went back

inside. "Now, now… Soon!" He excitedly said as he put more wood into

the fire, blowing air into it to keep the fire going.

"You know… I could help you with that."

"WHA!?" Shocked, and surprised by the sudden voice, Hagrid shot up

from where he was, stumbling around the place and throwing some stuff


"Calm down, Hagrid!" Logan, who gave the giant the scare of his life,

soon appeared in front of Hagrid, trying to calm him down.

"What are yeh doin' here, Logan!?" Hagrid exclaimed, patting his chest

while trying to calm down.

"Oh well, you know, I just came to say hi?" Logan said, awkwardly

smiling as he scratched the back of his head. Since he often helped

Hagrid take care of the hippogriffs and the thestrals, it wasn't that far-

fetched for him to consider Hagrid a friend.

"For Merlin's beard, Logan! Yeh scared me!" Hagrid said while still taking

deep breaths. "How did yeh even enter here?"

"Well, you kind of opened the door, and I let myself in." Logan shrugged,

turning to look at the egg. "Anyways, do you need help with it?"

"Huh?" Hagrid stopped for a moment, before following Logan's stare.

Freezing once he saw what Logan was staring at. "Oh…"

"Oh… indeed." Logan nodded, not keeping his stare from the egg.

"Logan…" Hagrid suddenly called to him. Fear was evident in his voice.

"Yeh are my friend, righ'?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Logan nodded.

"You wouldn'... let's say… snitch me… Righ'?" Hagrid asked, and Logan

could swear he could see sweat practically raining from his hand as he

turned to the giant.

"Why would I?" He asked, trying to calm the big bundle of nerves that

Hagrid currently was. He pretty much know that this bold move he did

would cause fear and nerves in the big-hearted half-giant, but seeing the

chance to help hatch a dragon's egg, he couldn't help but subconsciously

offer his help before. "You know how much I like magical creatures, and

you have a freaking dragon's egg here! Why would I snitch on you?"

Letting out a deep sigh, Hagrid let himself drop on the chair behind him.

"You scared me, Logan… Why are yeh here anyways?"

"Well, I kind of wanted to ask you some things about… Salamanders…"

Logan quickly lied.

"Why just not ask any other time?" Hagrid sighed.

"Wanted to clarify my doubts earlier." Logan coughed. "Anyways, as I

said, I can help you keep the egg warm. Or well, more like keep it hot."

"So yeh want to help hatch it?" Hagrid asked, a little excited tone could

be heard in his voice.

"Yes, it's dragon's egg, Hagrid! How many people outside of a sanctuary

could realistically say they helped hatch a dragon?" Logan said, his eyes

sparkling as he looked at the egg.

"Well, Logan! Yeh go ahea'!" Hagrid laughed, as just like Logan, he too

wanted to hatch a dragon, or well, more like own a dragon.

"Thanks, friend." Logan grinned as he took out his wand. "You might

want to step back just a little bit." He said to Hagrid, who nodded and

stepped back. Just a little bit. Not wanting to be that far from the egg.

'Exevo Flam Hur' holding tight on his wand, Logan send a controlled fire

wave that, after reaching the egg, increased the fire around the egg,

making the inside of the hut to become even hotter than before. He kept

using a controlled fire that, while small in comparison to what he was

able to normally do, was constant for the egg. After all the time he spent

training his spells in previous years, doing this wasn't that hard at all.

"Fantastic!" Hagrid exclaimed as he clapped at Logan's idea and control

over magic. A slight regret could be seen in Hagrid's eyes, but it

disappeared as quickly as it made it to the half-giant's eyes.

After a little while, and under Hagrid's teachings about hatching a

dragon, Logan decided that it would be better if he used sporadic waves

of fire, keeping it under control, while still keeping the egg as hot as

possible. He wasn't really sure how hot the thing had to be, as according

to Hagrid, the mothers would always bathe them in their fifer, so Logan

thought that it would have to be quite hot, after all, some dragons were

able to turn bones to ashes in seconds with their flames.

Time passed, and while Logan and Hagrid spoke about Salamanders, to

Logan's dismay as he already knew pretty much everything he needed,

the egg started to show movement, making the both of them squeal with

excitement, something that Logan would take to his grave.

But just as the egg started to move, a knock could be heard on the door,

making both Hagrid and Logan stop, and look at each other.

"Were you expecting someone?" Logan asked.

"No… Oh, wait. Yes! I almos' forgo'" Hagrid quickly stood up, and rushed

towards the door, while Logan got towards the egg, grabbing it directly

from the fire, focusing his magic shield on his hands to avoid burning

himself in the process. And so, with a constantly depleting mana pool, he

took the egg towards the table, and let it rest. Seeing the small thing

tremble more and more.

"It's nearly out." Hagrid said from the door, guiding three first-years to

the table. "Oh, I see yeh took it from the fire already!" The excited and

flushed Hagrid said as he looked at the dragon's egg, while the three

students froze in their spot, not only because of the trembling egg but

because they didn't expect someone else here.

"Oh, it's you three." Logan nodded at the golden trio that 'surprisingly'

came here. "Are you here to see the dragon hatch?"

"Yes…" Ron and Harry answered at the same time, while Hermione

looked at Logan, a slight panic could be seen in her eyes for a moment,

but it quickly went away.

'Probably figure out that there shouldn't be any problem, well, taking out

the illegality of hatching a dragon in these conditions.' Logan thought for

a moment before a clicking sound from the egg caught our attention.

"Come closer! It's hatching soon!"

At Logan's insistency, Harry, Ron, and Hermione got close, sitting on any

chair they could find, while Hagrid sat too, close to the egg. For a while,

the small group sat around the egg, as it started to make more and more

noise, while its movement increased. Soon, a scrapping noise came from

the egg and the next moment the egg split open.

From it, a small lizard-like creature came out, it looked crumpled,

covered in its spiny black wings that were huge when compared to its

skinny-jet body, with what looked to be a small developing ridge that

traversed most of his back. Its snout was long, and at the end, two wide

nostrils rested.

The small black dragon stood on its four legs and shook its body,

sneezing, letting a few sparks fly out of its snout. Extending and folding

its wings, it started to look around, not wasting more than a few seconds

on all three first-years, who were slightly leaning back after the sparks. It

quickly turned to Hagrid whose eyes opened wide, but after a moment,

and after another sneeze that sent some sparks to Hagrid's beard the

dragon once again turned its eyes... 'Mm?' resting them on Logan, and for

a moment, Logan saw something in those eyes.

Logan tilted his head, and so did the dragon, leaving the rest of the room

confused. With a couple of clumsy steps, the dragon came closer to

Logan, locking its eyes on Logan, who also returned the stare. The others,

including the excited Hagrid, kept their mouth shut, not making any

noise. And soon enough, Logan's focus was broken by a notification.

[The newly hatched dragoness has imprinted with you, and your magical

signature. Do you wish to accept her as your first familiar?]

'...What?' It left to be said, but Logan was stupified by the sudden



a chance!

[The newly hatched dragoness has imprinted with you, and your magical

signature. Do you wish to accept her as your first familiar?]

'...What?' It left to be said, but Logan was stupified by the sudden

development. After all, who would expect that the functionality that

never worked since the moment he started using the system, would

suddenly start working? 'Why? Muninn never activated the


[Birds, same as dragons and other species, are known for their imprint,

they kind of associate the first things they feel, hear or see once they are

out of the egg as their parents, so technically, you just became a father,

or could it be a mommy? Who knows.]

'I still call it bullshit.' Logan thought.

[The newly hatched dragoness has imprinted with you, and your magical

signature. Do you wish to accept her as your first familiar?]

'Should I?' Logan pondered as he looked at the newly hatched dragoness

staring intently at him, slowly getting closer. Without much thought,

Logan just reached out to her and caressed her scally head. 'She's

goddamn cute… Fuck it! It's a dragon! I accept!' And just as usual,

without considering consequences, Logan went for the kill-*cough,

cough* accepted a random situation that may, or may not, cause him


And just as he accepted, the dragoness shined on a golden light as she let

out what looked to be a roar, alas, it was more like a squeal given her


"W-What's goin' on?" Hagrid was surprised.

"By Merlin's beard…" Ron's eyes widened as he looked at the weird

situation, never had his brother told him about a dragon shining with a

golden light. Hermione and Harry were as confused and shocked as the

other two, while Logan was focused on the dragoness and the bunch of

notifications popping up in front of him.

[Congratulations! After so long you've finally managed to get your

familiar. A creature that will help you without second questions. The

young hatchling is now bound to your soul forever. She will hear your

commands and heed your calls.]

[1000pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! Change Norberta's

fate. No matter what choice you take from here on, the fate of the

dragoness wrongly called Norberta will forever change.]

[200pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! Fuck you J.K.! Main Chain Quest has been updated!

The hatchling that would originally be lost in the background, has been

brought to the light. You've induced a new mutation into Norberta while

providing some of your magic in the form of a spell during the hatching

process, further magic was imbued into the small dragon while your

magically shielded hands touched the egg. What changes are to come can

only be unveiled over time. If the flap of a butterfly's wings in the Amazo

can cause a tornado in Texas, what can the flap of a dragon's wing


[300pts have been earned.]

[New functionalities have been unlocked.]

[New items have been unlocked on the store.]

'Shit! It's payday!' Logan exclaimed inwardly, as his eyes widened in

shock. 'I knew that meddling in this three guys' story would give free


"Logan, what's 'appenin'?" Hagrid asked as he looked through a book he

took from who-knows-where. "There's nothin' abou' this in the books!"

'So… how do we explain this?' Logan turned towards the now strange

situation. "Um… Hagrid? You're my friend, right?" He asked the giant.

"What yeh talking abou'?" He scoffed. "I jus' allowe' yeh to help me hatch

a dragon, if that's not friendship I don' know what is!"

"Great." Logan smiled. "Well, the thing is… the dragoness kind of

imprinted with me." He continued with an awkward smile as he

scratched the back of his head.

"Huh?" All four of the presents were shocked to hear Logan's words.

"What do you mean that the… dragoness imprinted with you." Hermione

asked with a confused frown.

"Well, she kind of sees me as her parent, and well, a link was formed

between us because of that."

"Wait! That's not possible!" Ron was shocked. "I've never heard of a link

that would cause a dragon to shine like that."

"It's kind of a special link." Logan shrugged, before turning to Hagrid. "I'm

sorry Hagrid… I know you wanted to have a dragon yourself, but I'll still

leave her with you."

"What yeh talking abou'." Hagrid laughed. "I 'ave hatche' a dragon! I'm

happy. As much as I would love to be considered its paren', I'm still

happy to 'ave hatche' it, and I'll be able to take care of it. So don' worry

abou' it Logan."

'Damn half-giant with his giant heart.' Logan chuckled inwardly.

"Are you two nuts?" Hermione intervened. "You guys can keep it! It's

illegal! What if people find out!?" Unknown to them, while they were

focused on the sudden golden light that embraced the hatchling, someone

was trying to peek through a small gap in the pushed curtain.

"Hermione is right, Hagrid." Ron nodded. "The ministry will not like the

idea of a dragon at all." And just as he finished saying that, a sound

brought their attention. Quick enough to see a retreating head from the


'Shit… I forgot about this!' Logan's eyes widened. 'Well… Hatching a

dragon is not really that bad considering what I've done before…' He

tried to console himself in the case that the Malfoy brat snitched on

them. Meanwhile, Harry had run outside to check who might be, and just

as Logan thought, it was Malfoy. He had seen the dragon. 'Although in

the movies this happened at night… and the punishment was because

they were outside at night…' Logan pondered.

"Great! Now Malfoy is going to tell everyone that we have a dragon

here!" Ron whined at the situation. While the rest were just worried

about what could happen to Hagrid, who would probably receive the

worst punishment among everyone here.

"You shouldn't worry too much." Logan shrugged as he patted the small

dragoness who was now pushing her head on his palm, letting out sounds

that he swore were purrs.

[Please remember to name your new familiar to strengthen and complete

the bonding]

"Mm…" Logan pondered.

"How can you not be worried? Malfoy, the biggest prick in Slytherin just

found you, us, doing something illegal!" Hermione shouted, causing

Logan to look at her with a tilted head.

"Miss Granger, you're worrying too much." Logan chuckled. "We just

hatched a dragoness, not killed someone. Dumbledore will probably just

laugh it out while telling us to solve the problem." He shrugged.

"You can get expelled!" Hermione tried to retort.

"I don't think so." Logan shrugged. "I've done worst stuff than just

hatching a dragon, heck, Weasly's brothers have broken a lot of rules

around here and they're still studying."

"Y-Yeah… that's true." Ron awkwardly smiled as he scratched the back of

his head.

"You're just overthinking." Logan finally said as he looked into the

dragoness' eyes. 'I'm tempted to name her Syndragosa… but she's black,

and it's not a bundle of bones… mmm… this is hard…'

"Still… I don't think they will let Hagrid or you keep her here…" Harry

said as he looked at the happy-looking hatchling. "Even if they don't

punish you, it's not like they'll allow a dragon to stay in Hogwarts…"

"I can take care of her!" Hagrid said. "I've studied a lot abou' how to take

care of a dragon! An' look a' her! She's a beauty!"

"Ryuko." Logan said with a smile.

"Huh?" The rest turned to him. "Ryuko?" Hermione asked as she tilted her

head before realization came to her.

"That's her name. Ryuko." He confirmed before she could even ask.

"Isn't that Japanese?" Ron asked, confused.

"Yes." Logan nodded.

"Why would you put it a Japanese name, do you even know what it

means?" Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Um… yes?" He confirmed, in a perfectly confident way. Or so he

thought. 'System, give me a hand here.'

[Do you think I'm Google Translator or something?]

"You do?" Hermione asked, her deadpan fixed on Logan. "What does it

means then?"

"...Dragon child." He answered. 'Come on, all my years seeing anime has

to be of use here! Ryu means dragon, that's certain, but the only thing I

can think about Ko translates Kodomo or child.'

[Lars would have a field day with this right here.]

"Really?" Her eyes sharpened as she stared at him.

"Yes." This time, he answered with more confidence. 'Whatever, if it's not

that, I can just say I was confused. The name sounds great either way.'

[Congratulations on naming your first familiar, Ryuko! She'll remember

her name until the day Death knocks on her doors.]

[100 have been earned!]

"Leave it, Hermione." Ron shook his head. "It's a wicked name anyways."

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

"I was thinkin' more of Norberta…" Meanwhile, Hagrid muttered on his


"..." Although that only gathered dead stares from the students.

"Anyways, we need to figure out what to do with Malfoy." Hermione

changed the topic. "If he tells anyone, we'll be in trouble."

"Relax, Miss Granger." Logan shrugged. "Worrying too much would not

do us any good. We better wait and see what he does, and then act

accordingly. Meanwhile… we might have to figure out what to do with

Ryuko… Harry's right, they won't let us keep her, even if we don't get


"My brother might help with that…" Ron suddenly raised his hand. "He

works in a dragon's sanctuary in Rumania, they take care of this species


"That could work." Hermione and Harry both nodded, much to the terror

of Hagrid, and also Logan.

'Damn it! They're taking my familiar away from me!'

[I would take a look into the new functionalities before bitching around.]

'Huh? What the hell do you mean?'

[Ha… too much for your low IQ… Just open the interface!]

And just as the system said, grudgingly, Logan opened the system, only

for his eyes to shine brightly.

CHAPTER 68 - This is not an

adieu, it’s a cheerio…!

'Damn it! They're taking my familiar away from me!'

[I would take a look into the new functionalities before bitching around.]

'Huh? What the hell do you mean?'

[Ha… too much for your low IQ… Just open the interface!]

And just as the system said, grudgingly, Logan opened the system, only

for his eyes to shine brightly.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 58

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 1 (!)

Points: 18795pts


Store (!)

Familiar Interface (!)

Inventory (Size limit: 850oz/24.10kg)]

'Ignoring the lack of improvement on my Magic Level, it does have new

functionalities!' Logan's eyes shined as he went through the Familiar


[Number of Familiars: 1

List of Familiars (!)

Familiar Ranch (!)]

'Hopefully…' He thought as he moved directly into the last option on the


[Familiar Ranch: 0 (!)]

'...Eh?' He was shocked. But before he could ask the system, someone

patted his shoulder. Turning to look at the person, he noticed it was

Hermione. "What happened?"

"You seemed lost in thoughts." Ron shrugged, and both Hermione and

Harry nodded.

"Come on, it mus' be that he's still tryin' to process havin' to separate fro'

little Ryuko here." Hagrid said as he swape a tear from his eyes. "I can

understan' 'im."

"Y-Yeah…" Logan nodded as he scratched the back of his head. "It's kind

of sad to have to be separated from little Ryuko." He said as he patted the

small dragoness, who rubbed herself on his hand. "She's just so cute."

"Isn' tha' righ'?" Hagrid nodded too.

'...You two have a weird definition of cute.' The golden trio thought to

themselves as they exchanged glances.

After planning for the following weeks, Ron offered himself to write to

his brother in order to try and take Ryuko back into the sanctuary. In the

meantime, Hagrid would take care of Ryuko inside his house, while

Logan would go from time to time to help and to spend time with his


As soon as they made their way to the castle, the first-years went to their

next classes, while Logan took the free time he had before his next class

to speak with the system.

'So… care to explain why it says that the ranch it's zero? I thought I could

just leave Ryoko to stay there…'

[You're confusing something. The Familiar Ranch it's not a full sub-

dimension where you can put your creatures while hiding them from the

whole world.]

'Then? How does it work?'

[The Familiar Ranch it's a defined place that has turned into a 'Ranch',

you can have multiple of these Ranches, and the amount of familiars

you're allowed to keep in each one depends on the size of the available

space. If, for example, you turn a wholly uninhabited island into a

Familiar Ranch, you can fill it with as many familiars as the space on the

island allows it.]

'Huh? Then how can it be possible for me to summon them? I'll have to

go fetch them from the island if that's the case. And how can I even

create one of these ranches.' He asked, slightly frustrated.

[That's why I told you to explore the new functionalities, as in plural. Not

just the more eye-catching one.]

'Oh…' Logan nodded and looked through the new functionalities.

Familiars only showed him the number of familiars. And he already saw

the new Familiar Interface, although not in-depth, the other function just

seemed to be able to show a list of his familiars. 'Mm… the store has

been updated.'

[Store / 18795pts

Spell Books




General Items


Spells (!)

Pet Shop (!)]

'Spells is available now! As well as a… pet shop? Whatever! Spells first!'

Logan thought as he directly opened the newly unsealed store.

[Spells | 18795pts

Summon/Unsummon Familiar (15000pts) (!)

Create Familiar Ranch (2000pts) (!)

Teach Skills to Familiars (30000pts) (!)


'Oi. This is broken.' Logan thought as he was mesmerized by the list of

'spells'. Or more exactly… 'THIS IS BROKENLY EXPENSIVE! WHY SO


[Stop whining. One skill allows you to summon your familiars from

wherever to then send them back. The other allows you to create a

special place that you can use to safeguard your familiars. The last one,

allows you to increase the strength of your familiars.]

'Does it means that I can teach skills to Ryoko?' Logan's eyes shined.


'That's too great! Imagine her, a dragoness, with more power! Wouldn't

she be pretty broken!?' Logan grinned, almost laughing maniacally.

Fortunately for him, he somehow managed to calm down.

[Well, take into account that you need to save 30.000 points for that.]

"..." Immediately after, his excitement turned into sadness, as he looked at

his points. '18.795… That's barely enough to get the two first spells…

But… I guess that's enough for now.' With a nod, he decided to proceed.

[Congratulations! You have learned Summon/Unsummon Familiar!]

[Congratulations! You have learned Create Familiar Ranch!]

[Congratulations! You have completed a hidden quest! You've purchased

your first spell! Spells are unique abilities that you can acquire from the

system after certain conditions are met, and they allow you to do game-

like things that are not necessarily related to any OTS.]

[1000pts have been earned.]

'Well… that's something at least.' Logan thought as a silent, lonely tear

escaped his eye after the loss of so many points.

[Well, I should congratulate you. You now have access to one of the most

useful functionalities of the system.]

'Ha… thanks, I guess. I just have to figure out a way for me to acquire a

Familiar Ranch. I can't just grab anywhere.'

[I would suggest you use an expansive briefcase. One of the most famous

magizoologists in the Wizarding World was famous for carrying one filled

with different magical creatures and full biomes inside it.]

'Mm? Who?' Logan frowned.

[Newt Scamander.]

'Oh right! I almost forgot about that guy. Never saw the movies, but I

have read about him in some fics.' Logan nodded. 'From what I somewhat

remember, he got that in the United States… That will be hard.'


'Oh well, I guess I can just try and replicate something similar with runes

and enchantments.' Logan shrugged.

[I thought you would forget about it.]

'No, not at all. I'm too immersed in runes to forget about what's possible

with it once mastered. It might take time, but I know I'll be able to

recreate something similar, if not a lot better.' Logan sighed. 'Anyways. I

better get going, my next class is soon starting, and I need to get my



Days passed by, and contrary to what the golden trio, and even Logan,

thought, Malfoy never snitched on them, so he didn't get stitches. A few

days after Ron wrote to his brother, Charlie actually responded to his

letter, telling the trio that some friends of his were going to visit him at

the sanctuary the upcoming week, so he would contact them in order to

get the dragoness, giving Hogwarts a visit, albeit a hidden one.

The news from Charlie alleviated the trio, as the dragoness has been

growing too big, too quickly. She was almost a medium-sized dog's size in

a week, and the growth wasn't stopping any time soon. Although both

Hagrid and Logan were too happy to complain about it, seemingly not

seeing how dangerous was to have a fire-breathing creature inside a hut

with wood and other flammable materials all around.

Thankfully for them, Ryuko was quite calm and quiet, especially when

Logan was present. She quite loved to rest on his lap while he caressed

her, breaking any notion that Ron, and even Hagrid, had about the

Norwegian Ridgebacks. After all, no matter how much Hagrid loved his

creatures, he too knew the temperament of that particular breed. Even if

they were not as hostile as a Hungarian Horntail, they were still quite

ferocious, especially the females of the specie.

Another week passed, and Charlie wrote back again, saying how his

friends would pass by to get the dragon.

[Dear Ron,

I wrote my friends, and they agreed to get the dragon. They will come to

visit the next week. The problem is that transporting an illegal dragon

will be complicated, and they can't be seen with it. Could you take the

Norwegian Ridgeback to the astronomy tower Saturday at midnight?

They will find you there and will take the dragon away under the cover

of the night.

Send me your answer as soon as possible.]

Sending back the answer as fast as possible, the whole group got calmer.

At least the golden trio, as both Logan and Hagrid were reluctant to part

ways. Logan was thankful that he could summon and unsummon the

dragon on, but it was still difficult to say his farewell. Even with Draco's

constant smug's smile, and the threat of him telling on them, they found

time to do their usual activities, and even spend some time with the


Unfortunately for Ron, who after seeing the 'calm' demeanor of the

dragoness for days decided to pet her, the dragoness seemed to have

something against redheads, or well, probably just against Ron, or so

Logan joked in his mind, while Ron cried about the apparent injustice of

being the only one bit by Ryuko on the hand.

And as if fate was laughing at Ron, Norwegian Ridgebacks had a

particular trait, and that was their venomous fangs, which in Ryuko's

case, ended up being worse. It didn't take long for his injury to get worse.

"Mm? What are you doing here?" Logan asked the trio as they entered the

Hospital Wing.

"..." Ron could only deadpan at his question, at least until the pain on his

hand made him flinch and whine.

"Is that because of…?" Logan asked with a raised eyebrow, confirming

that it was Ryoko's bite that caused the damage. 'So venomous fangs…

noted.' Logan thought as he took Ron to a bed to rest.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked him as he helped Ron lay

down on the bed.

"I usually help around the place." Logan shrugged. "Madam Pomfrey is

teaching me healing magic, while I use some of my own to help students

and alleviate some of the load on Madam Pomfrey's shoulders."

"You know healing magic?" Hermione's eyes widened. Logan could swear

they were shining, even if dimly.

"Yeah." Logan nodded, turning to Ron's hand.

"But those are not taught in the curriculum! How can you know it?" She

excitedly asked.

"Some I've learned on my own, others were taught to me by Madam

Pomfrey." He put both hands on Ron's poisoned hand. 'Exana Pox Sio'.

With a version of the Cure Poison spell that could be applied to another

person, Logan managed to stop the main problem, the venom. Though,

the venom of Ryuko was particularly stronger than other members of her

specie, so the damage was far more advanced than what any other

Norwegian Ridgeback could have done.

"What is that?" Hermione asked as she looked at the light-green light

coming from Logan's hands, as the already putrid green, almost black-

looking injury on his hand returned to a slightly more decent color. Ron's

hand was still far bigger than what could be considered normal, and

there were some signs of slight decaying.

"You should have probably come earlier." Logan shook his head. "The

injury was quite bad. If I didn't stop the venom, it could move from your

hand to somewhere else, and the result wouldn't be pretty at all. We're

lucky that it seemed to stay for a while in your hand."

"Am I going to be alright!?" Ron asked, his face pale as a sheet, probably

more because of fear than the effects of the venom itself.

"Yes. You still need to rest though." Logan said as he proceed to apply

some healing to his injury, taking out any risk of it getting worse. It

somewhat improved the condition of Ron's hand, but it still looked quite


"..." Hermione couldn't take her eyes off Logan's hands, who seemed to

use strange charms one after the other. 'Seriously, what is this magic? I've

never heard of something like this! It looks more like magic from those

fantasy novels for teens and kids than anything I've read here in


"Anyways." Logan said as he stood up, Ron's condition stable enough to

manage a natural recovery. "Madam Pomfrey should be here soon, I was

covering for her, but it's time I get back to work. With Hagrid too

occupied with Ryuko, I've had to help Professor Kettleburn with more of

the creatures in Hogwarts."

"Can you just finish healing me?" Ron asked with hope in his voice.

"I'm sorry Ron. But I really need to get going." Logan shook his head.

"Besides, you're already out of danger. Take the time to spend a day or

two free of classes." Logan chuckled as he went outside of the Hospital


"How are you feeling?" Harry turned to Ron after Logan abandoned the

place. "Does it still hurts?"

"Yes, somewhat." Ron nodded, slightly moving his injured hand. "But it's

far better than before. At least now I don't feel as if my hand would fall

anytime soon."

"..." While both of them talked, Hermione frowned as she looked at the

entrance of the Hospital Wing. 'He's always using magic that I've never

heard about… What could he be hiding? Is it something that can only be

learned in Ravenclaw? They do have their own library after all…'


Ron's happiness at being saved from a horrible death, or from losing his

hand, didn't last long. As a smug Malfoy suspiciously showed up in the

Hospital Wing with the excuse of borrowing a book. And, once again, as

if Lady Luck was laughing in his face, Malfoy took a book that had the

letter from Charlie. He now knew when, and where, they would take the

dragon. If they were treading on a thin line before, now they were

royally screwed. Or so the trio thought.

"Relax, guys." Logan tried to calm them down. "We'll be able to do this

easily. Besides, I'll help you with it, right?"

"..." The trio looked at each other, not sure how to break it for him that

the invisibility cape could only cover two of them, plus the cage they

obviously needed to use to hold Ryuko.

"Mm… I see you don't really trust me huh." Logan chuckled. "No worries,

you'll see when the time comes. You better find a way for people not to

see you."

With a nod and an apparent lack of confidence in the upperclassman's

words, the trio went back to the castle from another day in Hagrid's hut.

Causing Logan to chuckle as he caressed Ryuko.


Saturday night finally came, it was a dark and cloudy night. Midnight

was almost on their head, so they had to move fast.

Hermione and Harry were standing in front of Hagrid's hut, with the

latter holding a cage with Ryuko inside. The already not-so-small

dragoness ended up growing to be quite big, to the point that it rose the

question of how hard it would be for them to carry her all the way to the

astronomy tower.

"Well, that's a tricky piece of cloth you have there, Harry." Logan

chuckled as he saw Hermione and Harry showing up under the

invisibility cloak.

"Y-Yeah." Harry nodded sheepishly. "It was a gift from my father."

"Mm? It's that so?" Logan nodded. "Good for you kid." He said, while

inside, he was doing his best to ignore the feeling that was pulling him

towards the cloak. 'Ha… Somewhat, having this feeling towards what

could as well be considered a relic from Death itself leaves a weird taste

in my mouth.'

[Yeah… at least it's not towards Fate.]

'Right.' He inwardly nodded toward the system's message. "Everything

ready?" He asked the two and then turned to the sobbing mess known as

Hagrid. "Hagrid, as much as I hate to admit it, she will be better in a

place where they can take care of her." He tried to calm the half-giant.

"I know… It's jus' tha' it's har'... She's such a sweetie…" He said between


"How will you accompany us?" Hermione asked as he turned to Logan.

"We have the cloak, but it can't cover all three of us, plus Ryuko."

"I have my ways." Logan shrugged, before turning invisible. "We're in the

wizarding world, Miss Granger." He chuckled at her shocked face.

"There's more than one way to become invisible."

"That's amazing…" Harry looked shocked at the scene in front of him.

Inwardly, he always thought that he was the only student that could

disappear, ignoring the obvious signs of Dumbledore. 'Mm? Now that I

think about it, didn't Professor Dumbledore say something similar to me


"Is that another one of your secret charms?" Hermione asked, still in

shock a the demonstration of such unknown magic to her. 'Maybe I

would have been better in Ravenclaw? No! It's great being in Gryffindor

with my friends!' She self-chastised at the thought of being in the wrong


"Anyways, we better go." Logan said although the two freshmen felt it

would be difficult to follow where he was. "I'll keep this light on, and

tread ahead." He said as a small, dim light appeared. It would be difficult

to see in normal circumstances, but under a dark, cloudy night such as

this one, the light was visible enough for them to see and follow. "If the

light disappears, or turns red, you should stop. Understood? Also, stay at

least a couple of meters away from it, while I can see you two under the

cloak, you won't be able to see me."

"Wait, you can see us under the cloak!?" Harry was shocked. It was the

first time he was hearing something like that was possible.

"Yes, Harry, I can. But don't fret, it's not something that just anyone can

do." Logan calmed him down. Truth be told, Logan thought that for

something created by Death, it was quite weird for him to look through,

even if it was only possible thanks to his Arcane Eyes. Again, it might

have something to do with the feeling he had toward the Deathly

Hallows. "Let's go then."

With a sobbing Hagrid 'seeing' them off, the three students and a

dragoness embarked on their way toward the Astronomy Tower. On their

way, Logan acted as the pathfinder and made sure that they didn't face

anyone. Whether it was a professor, a prefect, or even the bothersome

Peeves, Logan expertly guided them through the hallways of the castle.

Both Hermione and Harry couldn't help but think about how many times

he had done something like this for him to be so adept at scurrying

through Hogwart undetected. Sure, invisibility played a major role, but

his certainty on where to go, and when someone could show up, was too

coincidental for them to shrug it off.

"Detention!" And just as they made their way up the stairs to the

Astronomy Tower. An angry-looking Professor McGonagall dressed in a

tartan bathrobe, had Malfoy by the ear. "And twenty points from

Slytherin! Wandering around in the middle of the night, how dare you?"

She asked him as she pulled him away.

"You don't understand, Professor. Harry Potter's coming!" Malfoy tried to

reason with her. "He's got a dragon!"

"What utter rubbish!" She scoffed. "How dare you tell such lies. Come on,

I shall see Professor Snape about you, Malfoy!"

The three invisible students could only try not to laugh at Malfoy's

situation, his attempt at catching them turning around to bite his ass. The

last stretch of the way was quite an easy one, as they made their way to

the top of the tower.

"Malfoy's got detention!" Hermione exclaimed as they finally left the

cover of the invisibility cloak, benign quite stuffy under it. "I could sing!"

"Don't." Harry quickly stopped her.

"Well, that was fun." Logan said as his invisibility disappeared. Standing

beside them, and crouching down to pet Ryuko while they waited for

Charlie's friends. Hermione and Harry were joking about Malfoy's

situation, while Logan only chuckled at them.

Minutes later, four broomsticks came swooping down out of the darkness.

They were Charlie's friends, certainly a cheery group by the way they

acted, Logan and Harry thought.

'Wasn't Hogwart supposed to have some kind of shield that stops people

other than guests, students, and professors from entering this place?'

Logan tilted his head in confusion as Charlie's friends were securing

Ryuko in a harness they put together to carry her. Harry and Hermione

were helping them, while Logan was petting the dragoness to keep her


"Well, color me surprised, mate." One of Charlie's friends muttered as he

looked at Logan. "Never have I seen a dragon, especially a female

Norwegian Ridgeback, act so calm while someone petted her. You sure

you don't plan to work at a sanctuary after graduation?"

"I don't think so." Logan shook his head. "Though it's still too early to


"Well, think about it kid. You do seem to have a knack for it." He said as

the four of them lifted into the air, Ryuko in tow.

As they left, Logan, Harry, and Hermione stared at the disappearing

group of broomsticks. 'Dumbledore has to know about this. Hopefully, he

doesn't nag me about doing dangerous stuff later on…' He chuckled at

the thought. "Well, we better start going." Logan said, while both Harry

and Hermione nodded, and made their way down the stairs. 'Aren't these

guys forgetting something?' He tilted his head but shrugged it off. 'It's not

like they will get caught this early on.' He thought as he looked one more

time at where Charlie's friends disappeared. Shaking his head to ignore

his thoughts, he looked for the Invisibility Cloak that the other two


Once he found it, Hermione and Harry were well past halfway down.

Shrugging, he grabbed it and turned invisible, following after them, it

would be best to give them the cloak before someone caught them,

ignoring the notification he received, as well as the feeling of something

inside him pulling at something inside the cloak. His hopes of them not

getting caught came crashing down at the voice that appeared out of


"Well, well, well," Filch, who was at the foot of the stairs, whispered. "We

are in trouble."

'This is why you don't bring noobs to this type of covert operations…'

Logan sighed inwardly as he looked at the apprehended students. 'Should

have predicted it!'

[+1] The system timely commented.

CHAPTER 69 - Hello Forest my old


[That was a nice way to leave them to die, huh.]

'I would call it… teaching by experience.' Logan muttered as he laid

down on his bed, the Invisibility Cloak laying down in a corner of the

room, Logan trying not to pay too much attention to it, or the feeling it

somewhat called him to it. 'That way, they'll learn not to leave their

cover tool in a supposedly covert mission.'

[As long as you sleep well at night.]

Logan snorted as he decided to sleep.

Just that, he couldn't manage to fall asleep.

[Having trouble sleeping? Is it your conscience?]

'Not at all.' Logan grumbled as he sat up. 'Do you know how bothersome

is to have your messages popping up in front of my face every time?'

[Is that so? Then should I stop giving you information or answering your

dumb questions? I can certainly do that.]

'Come on, don't be like that… I was just joking. Joking~! I never tire out

of your messages.' Logan said with a small smile, and maybe a little bit of

worry. 'But no, to answer your question, I'm thinking about the cloak, or

well, the Deathly Hallows.'

[...Because of the prompt?]

'Yeah.' Logan nodded as he was reminded of the prompts he saw after

reaching his room.

[Congratulations! You've discovered a Deathly Hallow, one of the three

tools granted to the three Peverell brothers! It is said that those that

possess all three of them at the same time, are the Masters of Death.]

[100pts have been earned]

[Essence of Death has been found in the Invisibility Cloak. Your soul

absorbed the essence.]

[Congratulations! Your inner beast has been slightly strengthened!]

[100pts have been earned]

'Why my inner beast?' Logan frowned as he remembered the last prompt.

[Well, whatever your animagus form is, it has something to do with


"You know that's not precisely normal, right?" Logan muttered as he

looked at the system's message. "Heck, my wand has a thestral's tail hair,

which is also the guardian animal of my Patronus."

[Not to tell that thestrals seem to listen to you quite well…] The system


"That's true." Logan sighed. "At least they seem to listen to me more than

Muninn… Talking about him, where the hell is that bird? Well, whatever,

he'll be fine." He said as he put the cloak back on the table. 'I hope

nothing happened to the Invisibility Cloak…' He thought, moving

towards the bed. "I better try to get some sleep…"


"Damn, they're giving him the cold shoulder." Muttered Roger as he

looked at the students at Gryffindor's table almost glaring at Harry.

"He and two others lost their house 150 points." Lyra shrugged. "They

were raging once they woke up to so many points off at the same time."

"What did they do to lose so many points?" Jake asked as he ate his


"Apparently, they were caught outside at one in the morning." Julie said

with a chuckle. "They need to learn how not to get caught if they want to

do that."

"You talk as if you did all the time." Roger raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not. I never go out outside of curfew." She shrugged. "But!"

She smirked. "We have one of the masters in our house, right?" She

smiled at Logan.

"Oh come on." Logan rolled his eyes. "I don't do it that much…"

"..." Everyone just deadpanned at him, even some of the upperclassmen

who happened to hear him deadpanned.

"Whatever." Logan clicked his tongue as he kept eating his breakfast.

"It's good that he never lost us any points." An upperclassman said as

others chuckled.

"If anything, most of the points we get come from him." Another one said


"No joke, the guy gets us some good points." The conversation continued

on the Ravenclaw's table.

'Mm… I wonder, if I try hard enough, could it be possible for us to win

the coup?' Logan thought as he ate. 'Nah, not possible. Dumbledore will

gift the House Cup to Harry.'

After being caught, the poor Harry, Hermione, and Neville have had it

really hard. Soon word got out that those three lost Gryffindor quite a big

sum of house points. To the point where even those from Hufflepuff were

giving him the cold shoulder. Those at Ravenclaw were more at ease, as

not only the house had another one with trends of going for night walks,

but the same one with such trends was the one that was netting them a

lot of points, making it possible to almost reach Slytherin. If they

somewhat managed to get the Quidditch Cup, then there was a chance

for them to get the House Cup too.

On another note, Logan did return the Invisibility Cloak to Harry, who

kind of asked him where he went when they were caught. He just

shrugged and told them that he was hidden, and before Harry could say

something about how he left them two hanging, Logan turned things

around saying that it was their fault for leaving the cloak on the tower.

Times passed like this for the 'Boy Who Lived', and soon the time for the

exams was getting close. "Mr. Taylor, if you could wait, please." It was

during one of these days that McGonagall reached out to Logan.

"Of course, professor. What's the matter?" Logan asked as he, who was on

his way toward the library, stopped.

"Well, Professor Dumbledore requested that you accompany a group of

First Years on their detention." McGonagall said, apparently not happy

with the Headmaster's decision. "I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr.

Taylor, but Professor Dumbledore thinks it won't be too problematic for

you to add an extra layer of protection to the students." She scoffed,

probably thinking how it would be best to just send another professor

alongside Hagrid.

"It's not a problem, Professor McGonagall." Logan said with an awkward

smile, while inwardly he was wondering what the hell was the old man


"Well, please meet with Mr. Filch at eleven o'clock tonight. He'll be

waiting at the Entrance Hall for you, and for the students in detention."

"Understood, Professor." Logan nodded, and nodding back, McGonagall

left for wherever she needed to be after informing him.


The night soon came, and standing in the Entrance Hall was Filch.

"Hello, Filch." Logan said as he got close to the caretaker of the castle,

who grunted back.

"You're early. Good." He said with his twisted sight.

"Thanks?" Logan answered awkwardly. After a moment, the guilty group

reached the Entrance Hall. First, it was Malfoy, and moments later, the

three students from Gryffindor came too.

"What are you doing here?" Malfoy asked with a frown, while Harry and

Hermione exchanged glances. Neville was just a confused mess.

"Well, I'm kind of your nanny." Logan shrugged with a chuckle.

"I don't need a nanny!" He glared at Logan.

"Oh~" It was then that Filch intervened with a sadistic grin. "But turns

out you do…"

"Huh?" The first years were confused and slightly terrified by the

caretaker's grin.

"Follow me." Filch said, his grinning face still haunting the freshmen. On

the way, he was rambling about how hard work and struggle were the

best teachers and how he missed the good old ways of punishment. Of

course, Logan ignore his rambling as he looked around. This was, after

all, the first time he 'legally' took a stroll at night outside of the castle. It

certainly had a different feeling to it.

Soon, Hagrid's hut could be seen and coming out of it, the half-giant.

"About' time." Hagrid said as he met us at the front of the hut, carrying a

large crossbow and a quiver of arrows, both hung over his shoulder. "I

been waiting fer half an hour already." Hagrid scoffed. "All right, Harry,


"I shouldn't be too friendly to them, Hagrid." Filch was the one to answer.

"They're here to be punished, after all." He said, before glancing at Logan.

"Well, most of them."

"You comin' too, Logan?" Hagrid, noticing his other friend, asked.

"Yeah." Logan nodded. "I'm here to help you protect these four.

Dumbledore's orders"

"Well, if Dumbledore trus' in yeh, I thin' there won' be a problem in the

forest." Hagrid nodded.

"...F-Forest?" This time Malfoy shivered. "Are we going i-into the forest?"

"Oh yes…" Filch grinned at him. "Should've thought of them werewolves

before you got in trouble, shouldn't you?" He said, getting a strange

pleasure at the four children's panicked faces. He then turned back

toward Hagrid "I'll be back at dawn… for what's left of them." He glanced

at the students before giving a creepy as fuck laugh and leaving the


"I'm not going in that forest!" Malfoy said, panicked, as he turned to

Hagrid, at which Harry had a weird sense of satisfaction, seeing how

terrified Malfoy was.

"Yeh are if yeh want to stay at Hogwarts." Hagrid said fiercely.

"Relax, kids." Logan chuckled as he looked at everything happening. "It

won't be a problem, there are not too many dangers in the forest."

"I wouldn' be too sure of that, Logan." Hagrid shook his head.

"Oh, please. Just a couple of werewolves, some acromantulas, a troll or

two, and maybe some other dangerous creature. Who knows." Chuckled

Logan as he looked at the terrified look that the students were showing at

his words.

"Anyways, we shoul' go! We don' have time." Hagrid said as he guided the

terrified group, plus a chuckling 'nanny', to the Forbidden Forest.

'Hello Forest my old friend~' Sang Logan in his mind. 'Mm… it certainly

has a different feeling to come here with the permission of the school.

Now, I wonder, will I meet dear Professor Quirrel? I think there was a

unicorn…' Logan frowned for a moment, as an idea slowly formed inside

his mind.

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