Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Harry Potter I'm James Potter.


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Гарри Поттер: Я Джеймс


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Эдвард считается самым многообещающим наследником дома

Ротшильдов, очень могущественной европейской династии; однако

он умирает в раннем возрасте 15 лет, спасая жизнь обычного

ребенка. Для многих было бы несчастьем встретить такую ​​судьбу,

когда у вас есть власть контролировать мир, но для Эдварда это

было не так, поскольку он никогда не был счастлив, несмотря на то,

что его считали супергением.

Когда он подумал, что это конец, он перевоплотился в младенца по

имени Джеймс Поттер. Имя, которое он очень хорошо знает, так как

в своей прошлой жизни он тайно прочитал книгу под названием

«Гарри Поттер».


(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Ссылка:

https://[email protected]/Nathe07

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Chapter 47: Flower hair

Thursday, September 28, 1971.

"Today's the big day, gentlemen!" announced Sirius, who had woken up

with more energy. They had woken up about 30 minutes earlier to plan

the final details of the prank so that nothing would go wrong.

"Rabastan has no idea what's about to hit him..." said James, looking

sleepy, but energetic.

On the coffee table rested three vials with a purple-colored liquid, "That's

a lot of it. Maybe we can increase the number of victims," commented

Lupin. If anyone heard him, they would think he was planning an attack.

"Before that. James," said Sirius, glaring at his friend.

"What?" said James, playing dumb.

"Show us how you plan to mix the potion in the Slytherin boys' cups,"

Sirius said seriously. The whole mission depended on this last step

because if they got it wrong, no one from Slytherin would drink the


"Oh, that... wait," said James, opening his trunk and looking for

something. Everyone, including Toby, was watching him intently. Despite

his aloofness, James didn't mind Toby watching his prank plans.

After a few seconds, he presented them with a very long, voluminous

cloak, woven from a strange fabric of a silvery gray and shimmering.

"No..." said Sirius gawking at the cloak, "You don't have it...damn it."

Peter also watched with an amazed expression at James' cloak. The only

ones who didn't understand what it was all about were Lupin and Toby.

James smiled slightly, pleased at the reaction of Sirius and the others.

Seeing Toby and Lupin's confused expressions, he quickly pulled his cloak

over his head so that it covered him completely. He vanished.

"You lucky bastard! How come you never told me!" exclaimed Sirius in


"That's the first time I've ever seen an invisibility cloak!" shrieked Peter in


James pulled down the hood of the cloak so that his head seemed to float

in the air, "It's a family relic or something..." said James.

"What do you think, Lupin, Toby?" he asked, looking at the two boys who

had so far not spoken.

"That's great... Now I remember my dad talking about an invisibility

cloak," said Lupin, recovering from the initial shock.

"That's amazing," said Toby, who couldn't believe James' head was

floating. His shock was greater than anyone in this room since he hadn't

experienced much of the magical world.

"With this cloak, I will enter the dining room, and without being seen, I

will put the potion on the Slytherin bastards," said James, taking off his

cloak, and his body was visible again.

"With the potion under the cloak, you won't be able to mix it in the cups

without being seen. Minimally part of your hand will have to leave the

cloak," said Lupin with a hand on his chin.

"Yes. That's where you guys come in," said James, pointing to everyone in


"We must create a distraction," said Peter with a bit of fear, but getting

the point.

"Creating a fight with that bastard Rabastan and his friends is my

specialty. When everyone is watching us, it will be your time to act," said

Sirius, who was the right person for this role.

They talked a couple more things and all headed for the dining room.

James followed them under the invisibility cloak. Many in Gryffindor

found James' absence strange but thought nothing more of it.

When they reached the dining hall they noticed that Rabastan and his

gang were already eating breakfast. Severus Snape was also standing near

them, with the two boys James had come across the day he had headed

to the library with Lily.

"I'll go get positioned, wait a few minutes," whispered James in Sirius'

ear, as he made his way to the Slytherin table.

Sirius, Lupin, and Peter sat at the table in the usual manner, doing the

deed. After about 5 minutes, Sirius got up and together with Lupin

headed to the Slytherin table. On the other hand, Peter headed to the

teachers' table. He was to get McGonagall's attention, as the witch can

stop the fight before it starts.

'I must ask him from page 45, paragraph 4...' thought Peter as he

repeated this several times in his head.

Rabastan was warned by Mulciber about this and quickly turned and

faced Sirius, "What do you want, Black? Get back to your table!" he said

in a threatening tone.

"Hey, take it easy, dude. Just wondering if you're gonna show us your

awesome flying skills today," Sirius said in a loud tone for all to hear


"Shut your mouth!" shouted Rabastan angrily. The event where he fell off

his broom and was hit by the Whomping Willow was one of the most

embarrassing events of his life. The worst of all was that James Potter,

his arch-rival, saved him.

All the Slytherin students watched the two groups intently. It was the

common thing these days for these first-year students to clash and fight.

"They're fighting again...?" said Lily from the Gryffindor table, "Where's

Professor McGonagall?" she muttered, looking at the teacher's table.

When she saw Peter distracting the teacher, she knew something was


"That spin you pulled in the air was amazing, even though it didn't do

much... What's it like to be attacked by a Whomping Willow?" asked

Sirius showing a real interest which made Rabastan angrier.

"I don't mean to tease you. It's just that few people know the feeling of

being beaten to a pulp by a Whomping Willow," he added quickly trying

to calm Rabastan down, even though it was all an act to annoy him more,

and it was working to perfection.

Lupin looked at Sirius with a strange expression, 'If annoying people was

a subject, Sirius would be the best student' thought Lupin.

"You bastard!" shouted Rabastan with no more patience and threw a

punch at Sirius in the cheek. Sirius felt some pain, but he didn't stand

still, he hit back at Rabastan, who recoiled a little.

"You hit like a girl, Lestrange!" exclaimed Sirius. Mulciber lunged at him,

but Lupin got in the way and unbelievably hit him back. A street fight

broke out in the Hogwarts Great Hall.

Everyone at the Slytherin table got up to watch the fight. Snape and his

friends did the same. The glasses of many were unprotected.

"Break it up right now!" shouted Slughorn angrily as he saw that the

school had turned into some sort of alley where bullies exchanged blows.

Sirius and Lupin sighed in relief. They were waiting for the Professor's

interference, as they were outnumbered. In addition to Rabastan,

Mulciber, and Avery, other first-year boys were about of joining the fight.

"You two get back to your table!" said Slughorn angrily. Sirius and Lupin

happily accepted his order. Luckily they were spared punishment. They

both had a bit of a bloody nose at most, and the same was true for the


"Amazingly, we didn't get punished," said Lupin, sitting down at the table

and being watched by everyone, a thing he was getting used to lately.

"Yeah, maybe he's tired of us always being the same," said Sirius also

thankful that he didn't get detention. Sirius wasn't planning on starting a

fistfight, but he wouldn't stand by while Rabastan beat him up.

Peter had already arrived. He managed to accomplish his mission,

otherwise McGonagall would have stopped the brawl before it started.

James had already accomplished his task. He emptied the three vials at

an incredible speed, now he was running to the Gryffindor common room

to put the cloak away and return to the dining room to watch the show.

'I have ten minutes before the potion takes effect' thought James as he

ran with a smile on his face. When he got to the common room he had to

wait for someone to come out before he could go in. He went to his room

and quickly put the cloak away.

In eight minutes, he walked into the dining room, with some sweat on his

forehead, "Hey guys, how are you?" asked James, sitting down at the


"Better than ever," said Sirius, looking over at the Slytherin table. James

also turned his gaze, and a smile broke out on his face. Severus Snape

sipped his morning tea with his pale face and stoic expression.

"Rabastan, Avery, and Mulciber already drank. They looked very tired

after the fight and replenished their energy," said Lupin in a low tone and

with a strange smile.

The group conversed and laughed now and then in low tones as they

glanced at the Slytherin table. Lily noticed their strange behavior and

looked at them with judging eyes.

Finally, after a few minutes, Rabastan began to feel a slight discomfort on

the top of his head, specifically his scalp. He wasn't the only one, his

friends felt it too, and were touching their hair without understanding

what was going on.

A large number of flowers of all colors began to grow on the boys' heads.

Rabastan began to have pink flowers filled with bright beans. Mulciber

started to grow very strong purple flowers. Avery was a mixture of colors,

one part yellow, one part blue, and one part white.

The boys' faces turned to total incomprehension. Many people at their

table had already noticed the gaudy flowers on their heads. Worst of all,

the flowers kept growing, Rabastan grew a long multicolored head of

flowery hair down to his waist.

Sirius seeing his expression began to laugh out loud as he pointed at it,

causing the entire Gryffindor table to turn their attention to him.

"Are those flowers?" asked one girl looking at Rabastan, who despite the

distance from the table was very striking.

All the tables began to murmur noticing this strange occurrence. Many

laughed seeing the expressions of the arrogant Slytherin who wanted to

pull the flowers off, but couldn't, as it was their new hair and it was


"What the hell is this!" shouted Rabastan, plucking a purple flower and

feeling pain as if it were his hair.

The best part was not only that but many Slytherin students including

Severus Snape and his friends began to have the same symptoms. The

Slytherin table began to fill with colorful heads and screams of pain when

a student tried to pull the flowers off his or her head.

The Gryffindor table erupted in laughter and began shouting derisive

comments at the Slytherin table, making the Slytherin table even angrier.

'Sev!?' thought Lily, surprised to see Snape with a head of hair full of red

and yellow flowers. She had to control herself not to start laughing. It

was weird to see her friend with so many colors when he was very



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Chapter 48: The Marauders

That day was the best for James, Sirius, Lupin, and for all Gryffindor in


For four hours, 90% of the first-year Slytherin boys had picturesque

flowers on their heads reaching up to their waists.

Rabastan was furious. He knew it was James and his group, but he had

no proof. At breakfast, he went furiously to the professors' table and

wanted an audience with Dumbledore, but he wasn't there at the time.

Even McGonagall could be seen smiling slightly in amusement at the

sight of the picturesque scalps. Also, since the flowers were harmless they

couldn't go to the infirmary and skip classes, so they had no choice but to

go to classes.

One of those classes was Potions, where they shared a class with

Gryffindor first years. An embarrassment that Rabastan and his friends

would never forget.

It was very amusing for Sirius to see Rabastan's usual haughty and

arrogant face full of colors and flowers, so he kept throwing taunting

remarks at the Slytherin, who was scowling all morning.

"Hey Lestrange!" shouted Sirius, suddenly, to get the other boy's

attention. Rabastan turned around, looking up. His hair full of flowers

and various colors gave his face a strange look.

"You look good with those flowers. Maybe you should get a perm!"

sneered Sirius, and the four boys dissolved into giggles as Rabastan

returned to his cauldron furious.

By the time the first period was over, the entire castle was buzzing with

rumors about what exactly had fallen upon the Slytherin boys. James was

very pleased with the outcome of his first big prank at Hogwarts.

'I must tell Mum and Dad,' he thought with a smile.


"Those damned Potter and Black! I'm sure it was them!" growled

Rabastan angrily in a dark corridor of the castle. He had to endure the

first class of taunts from all of Gryffindor. Now in a few minutes, he had

to go to another class, even though they weren't sharing with another

class, all the girls would be laughing at him.

"We must know how they did it. So they get punished. No, better get

them expelled!" shouted Rabastan angrily as pink flowers obstructed his


"You saw how little importance the teachers gave it. I don't think it's

grounds for expulsion..." said Mulciber annoyed while sneezing because

he had a flower near his nose.

"Never mind, minimally a punishment... no, that will not suffice," said

Rabastan as he grinned evilly. Mulciber and Avery looked at each other

strangely, as the smile with a full head of hair full of flowers did not give

him an evil touch but rather a grotesque one.


"Today was a great day!" said Sirius slumped on the couch. His voice was

a little hoarse from spending all day laughing and mocking the Slytherin

boys loudly.

The group was in the Gryffindor common room which was empty, as it

was late at night.

"I wondered if Rabastan will be leaving Hogwarts?" said James with a

slight smile as he read the weekly quidditch magazine sitting on the


"We should tread carefully, who knows what he'll do for revenge,"

commented Lupin, who was doing late homework.

"T-that's right, they're going to want revenge!" said Peter shivering and

thinking internally that he mustn't get separated from the group as they

wandered the dark corridors of the castle.

"They don't know who they were, and even if they suspect us it's no time

to think about that," said Sirius, rolling his eyes and standing up straight,

"This is the day where our journey as professional pranksters began!" he

continued in a dignified tone of voice as if he was making a motivational


"Professional pranksters?" asked James, amused as he looked up from the


"Exactly! It's the day when we complete our first official mission," said


'First mission?' thought Peter fearfully.

"Mm, let me think of a name..." said Sirius with a thoughtful look.

"A name...?" said the others as they started looking for a suitable name

for the group.

"How about the pranksters?" suggested Lupin.

"Very ordinary," said Sirius, shaking his head.

"The prankster lions?" asked Peter.

"You just add the lions to it, and it'll be obvious it's us or someone from

Gryffindor," said Sirius. James couldn't think of any names, it wasn't his

forte to think of good names.

"I know, stand up!" said Sirius, standing up enthusiastically.

"Since this day, we are The Marauders!" he added making it as if it was a

very important gala. The others raised their fists, then started laughing

because they thought it would be really weird for someone to see them

acting like that.

"Why The Marauders?" asked James, sitting down on the couch.

"These last few days we've been exploring the castle, its secret passages,

and stuff. In other words, we were marauding, and I'd say we don't have

very good intentions," explained Sirius with a slight smile.

The next few days, they were giving more importance to exploring the

castle to respect the new name of the group.

On the first Friday of October, James had finished his training with the

quidditch team and was left putting the equipment away, doing his duty

as props boy. The others wanted to help him, but he refused as

McGonagall had given him this punishment, and he had to fulfill it to

some minimal extent.

After finishing setting everything up, he began his walk back to Hogwarts

Castle to have dinner with his friends. The sky was already completely

dark, 'I never thought school would be so much fun' thought James as he

walked alone towards Hogwarts castle.

It had been a month since he had arrived at Hogwarts and made friends.

Not having friends was one of his regrets from his past life, although in

his childhood he was close to Emily and Gwen, because of age he

considered himself more like an older brother.

'I wonder what those two are doing,' thought James a little sad that their

relationship had drifted apart since he was chosen in Gryffindor and they

were in Slytherin.

James at that moment the attack of the masked wizards in the Quidditch

World Cup final came to his mind. Since he arrived at Hogwarts he

stopped training and reading new interesting and useful books.

Although he was fascinated by magic, most of his childhood was spent

reading books and practicing with his father in the training room.

Nowadays he found it much more fun to spend time with the Marauders.

Besides, his schedule was tight, he had classes until the afternoon,

quidditch training three days a week, and then he had to spend some

time completing homework assignments left by all the professors. If he

spent any more time practicing and reading new books he would be

hours and wouldn't be able to spend time with his friends.

Besides, he had a lot of time on his hands, so he didn't think much of it.

'I have time. Another day I'll look for a place to keep practicing and visit

the library...' thought James. It had only been a month, he had time.

Before he reached the dining room he was intercepted by Lupin, who had

a lot of sweat on his face. He looked like he had been running.

"Lupin, are you all right?" asked James, approaching his friend, who was

catching his breath.

"It's bad... James...!" said Lupin with difficulty.

"What's bad?" asked James with a bad feeling.

"Toby's in the infirmary, badly hurt!" replied Lupin, and James' brow



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You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

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Chapter 49: Halloween

James and Lupin ran towards the infirmary. Opened the door abruptly

and noticed the stern gaze of Madame Poppy Pomfrey, the Hogwarts


"Silence! Where do you think you are? Some people are resting," said


"Sorry..." said the two boys sheepishly.

"Is Toby all right?" asked Lupin, looking at the nurse.

"Yes, he's regained consciousness. The other two boys are talking to him,"

replied Poppy.

James and Lupin, hearing that he was already awake were relieved. As

they were about to go, Poppy stopped them, "Only two people can see

him at a time," she said in an irrefutable tone, so they had to wait.

"What exactly happened to him?" asked James, who didn't understand the

situation at all.

"He was the victim of a hex, specifically the puncture hex. Also, he had

several bruises on his back and arms," replied Poppy, "The kids are

getting bolder and bolder," she added in disgust.

'The puncture hex?' thought James as the anger inside him grew.

"We found him in the boys' bathroom. His face was unrecognizable. His

skin was all swollen, like some kind of allergic reaction or something.

Sirius and Peter carried him to the infirmary, and I went looking for you,"

said Lupin with fury hidden in his tone.

"Any word on who it was?" asked James, though a group of people were

already coming to mind.

"No... Sirius must be asking him about it," Just as Lupin said that the door

to the infirmary opened, and in walked McGonagall, who had been

alerted that a Gryffindor student was attacked.

McGonagall looked at James and Lupin for a second, "Where's the boy?"

she asked, looking at Poppy, who led her to where Toby was staying.

Within seconds, Sirius and Peter came out of where Toby was staying.

"Did he say anything to them?" asked James impatiently.

"Yes and no..." said Sirius as he started telling them everything Toby told

them. First of all, Toby couldn't see the faces of his attackers, as they cast

a charm on him that blocked his sight with a blindfold.

There was more than one attacker, he could hear about five voices. The

motive of the attack was to ask him about the flower prank that

happened several days ago. Who did it, and how?

The attackers wanted proof so they could blame the pranksters and have

them punished.

"Despite all the blows they threw at him he didn't say a word about us.

That's why they ended up casting the puncture hex on him..." Sirius

finished the story with a look rarely seen on his face.

The atmosphere in the waiting room of the infirmary was silent. All four

boys had conflicting looks on their faces. They all knew that Toby

suffered because of them since he was from their dormitory and

previously hung out with them.

"It's obvious it's about that bastard Rabastan and his stupid gang!"

growled Sirius after a few seconds.

"I think so too, but if we don't have proof they won't be punished," said


Just then McGonagall came out, "Professor, will they find the guilty

ones?" asked James, who didn't want them to get off so easy and receive

a punishment. Just like he did when he hit Mulciber and Avery with a


"No promises, Potter, but we'll try. We can't let them freely attack

students when they go to the bathroom," said McGonagall, who was also

angry about this event.

The days went by. Toby had to stay all Friday and part of Saturday to

recover and be discharged. In the following days, the culprits of the

attack were not found.

James could notice the triumphant smile that Rabastan and his group

gave them, with Lupin they had to control Sirius so he wouldn't start a

fight every time he saw his arrogant face.

The marauders could do nothing. They were 100% sure it was Rabastan,

but they had no proof. The same thing happened to Rabastan when he

fell for the marauders' prank. Only this was not a harmless prank and was

a vicious attack by five people against one.

The only good news out of this was that one more person joined the

marauders, Toby. After the incident, Sirius saw to it that the boy rejoined

the group.

Sirius had felt too guilty, as he had always criticized Toby for his

cowardice and refused to join them when James invited him, but he

could see from this incident that Toby was loyal, and despite the beating,

he never gave them away.

James also valued this highly, as Toby did not say that they stole

Professor Slughorn's ingredients or that he possessed an invisibility cloak.

If Rabastan had known this he would not have kept quiet.

Monday, October 23, 1971.

Halloween week had begun. Perhaps because he was now so busy with

quidditch practice three nights a week, plus all the school homework and

marauder's night out. James couldn't believe that he had been at

Hogwarts for two months or so already.

At this time, they were unable to plan revenge against Rabastan and the

others for what they did to Toby. For one thing, because of the

homework, they gave him class after class, and for another, they couldn't

come up with any pranks that would equal or be better than the first one

they did.

The classes were getting more and more interesting now that they knew

the basics, especially the Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration,

Herbology, and Potions classes.

As for Charms for James, it was nothing interesting, mainly because he

was too far along in this subject. Just this week Professor Flitwick

announced in his class that he thought they were ready to start making

objects fly, something everyone was dying to practice except James.

The levitating charm (Wingardium leviosa) was already well mastered

and practiced. Thanks to this, he managed to get ten easy points for


As for Potions, although it was a subject he studied a lot like Charms,

Professor Slughorn took a different approach, and in his syllabus, he

taught potions that James had not made before, so he learned a lot.

On Halloween morning he awoke to the delicious aroma of baked

pumpkin wafting through the corridors. As he entered the Great Hall

followed by Sirius and the others, they could see the Halloween


A thousand bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling, while a thousand

more passed between the tables, like black clouds, making the candles in

the pumpkins tremble. Food suddenly appeared on the golden plates, as

it had at the banquet at the beginning of the year.

"The following Saturday is the first quidditch match, right?" asked Sirius,

helping himself to a stuffed potato.

"Yes, this is the last week of training. We're up against Ravenclaw first

match," replied James as he grabbed a caramel-dipped apple.

"We're on?" asked Lupin.

"Well, I'm not playing, but I'm like one of the team," said James. He was

nervous for the first game of the year, but not that nervous since he

wasn't supposed to play and the responsibility wasn't on him.

That Halloween night was one of James' best days at Hogwarts. It was a

great party, and he had a lot of fun with the marauders and other



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You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 50: Quidditch

As November began, the weather turned bitterly cold. The mountains

near the school turned an icy gray, and the lake looked like frozen steel.

Officially, the quidditch season had begun. This Saturday, the Gryffindor

team would play their first match after weeks of training: Gryffindor

versus Ravenclaw.

The Gryffindor captain, William had increased the intensity of training

this week, as it was the most crucial week, or so he said. Even though

James, wasn't allowed to play, he had to keep up with the team

members, something that was very tiring for him, as his physical

condition was inferior to theirs.

"Hey mate, we have to go to Astronomy class," Sirius said, looking at

James, who was slumped on his bed with his eyes closed.

Astronomy classes are every Wednesday at midnight as they have to

study the night sky through their telescopes. To James' bad luck a few

hours ago he had his quidditch practice and felt his whole body sore.

"I don't wanna..." said James wearily as he pulled the pillow over his face.

Sirius and Lupin looked at each other, they had to forcibly force James to

get up to go to class so they wouldn't be late.

Astronomy classes are held on the top level of the Astronomy Tower. The

tallest tower in Hogwarts Castle. James walked lazily feeling burning in

his muscles, 'That damn William,' he complained in his mind, as the

captain was making him follow the more advanced team members.

After star gazing for over an hour and the teacher explaining their names,

finally the class was over. James was able to go back to his dorm and

went to sleep without saying a word.

On Thursday he was able to rest his muscles, but not his mind in classes

where the teachers did not tire of giving him homework. Fortunately on

Friday, as it was the day before the game, William did not want to

fatigue the team members with too much training, and it was a training

with more tactical talk and about 30 minutes of practice.

The next morning dawned bright and cold. The large dining hall was

awash with the delicious aroma of fried sausages and the cheerful

conversations of everyone, who was looking forward to a good quidditch


James was in a good mood, unlike the other days when he was very tired

and grumpy.

"Ravenclaw is the last champion. Are you confident of beating them?"

asked Sirius as he looked at James and ate his toast.

"A lot of the guys who won the cup last year with Ravenclaw, were

seventh years, and now the team had a very big turnover, so they don't

have as much experience. However, if they are going to have the

confidence of being the last champions. I think it will be feasible to beat

them," answered James, who knew all this thanks to William and his

tactical talks.

By eleven o'clock in the morning, the whole school seemed to be

gathered around the quidditch pitch. James as a prop, had the luxury of

being in the changing room with the team and was able to listen to

William's pre-match motivational talk.

When the team came out, James made his way to one of the seats next to

Sirius and the others. Instructor Hooch was the referee. The Ravenclaw

captain was new, and in the fifth year, you could tell he was very

nervous, as they had to defend the title, and most of the team were either

new players or inexperienced substitutes.

Hooch gave a long whistle with her dish whistle, and fifteen brooms rose

high in the air. The match had begun. The commentator who belonged to

Hufflepuff House started with his account and was very impartial, taking

his job seriously.

"The Ravenclaw captain took the quaffle, and there he goes... he's about

to... no, William the Gryffindor keeper and captain, manages to save the

shot, and Gryffindor gets the quaffle back,"

"GRYFFINDOR GOAL!" he exclaimed, and the screams from the stands

where all the Gryffindor students stood erupted in applause and cheers.

James watched with excitement and applauded as well. He was more

nervous than he thought. He was looking forward to being on the pitch

with his teammates that he had met and got closer to this last time.

'I want to play...' thought James with some jealousy as he watched them


The match continued, and William's reading was correct. The Gryffindor

team had a clear advantage against the new Ravenclaw players. The

scoreboard made it clear: GRYFFINDOR 50 - RAVENCLAW 0.

"Who knew it would be such a one-sided game! Gryffindor is crushing the

last champion!" the commentator exclaimed excitedly. The Ravenclaw

stand was silent and with elongated faces. They didn't expect their team

to be so bad. They were confident since they were the last champions,

but they were getting beaten.

On the other hand, the Gryffindor stand was the opposite, cheers,

applause, and lots of laughter, everyone thought this was their year.

Professor McGonagall also had a faint smile rarely seen on her face.

When the score was 70-20 in favor of Gryffindor, the golden snitch

finally appeared. Both Alex and the other Ravenclaw seeker saw it and

sped towards it.

The bad thing for Ravenclaw was that the seeker did not see that a black

ball was heading towards him at full speed aiming at his back. It was a

Bludger, the Ravenclaw beaters didn't have enough time to go to protect

him, as he had gone too far away to look for the snitch.


A bang echoed throughout the stadium, and the Ravenclaw seeker was

hit. Luckily the Bludger didn't knock him off his broom, but it did cause a

lot of damage to his shoulder, allowing Alex to take the lead and grab the


"Well done, Gideon!" shouted William, looking at the beater with a smile.

With a big smile, Alex raised his fist, and the entire stadium went silent

until Alex exclaimed, "I got the snitch!" The entire stadium exploded in

applause except for the Ravenclaw and Slytherin, who looked on with

disdain at everyone.

Hooch called the match to an end. Gryffindor won by 220 points to 20, a

crushing defeat and one of the biggest defeats in Ravenclaw's history.

With this great result, Gryffindor was first in the standings and

Ravenclaw second, although this is because Slytherin and Hufflepuff still

did not play their match. They would do it on Saturday of the following


It was almost impossible for Ravenclaw to keep the second position. They

would most likely finish at the bottom of the table. That day in the

Gryffindor common room there was a big party in the evening.

None of the marauders felt like doing their homework, and they partied

all day. Even Toby usually wants to do homework so he doesn't get left


The following Saturday came and the Slytherin vs Hufflepuff match was

played. To the bitterness of all Gryffindor, the snakes won with a score in

favor of 180 to 80. However, they still had the lead and remained first.

After the first day was over, the scoreboard was like this:

[Gryffindor: 220

Slytherin: 180

Hufflepuff: 80

Ravenclaw: 20]


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Chapter 51: Death Eaters

The days after the quidditch date went by for James very slowly. Because

of all the tasks he had, although he was very capable and had a great

intellect, many tasks made him lazy, as in this life, he was not forced to

be perfect and developed a more relaxed character.

On the other hand, after witnessing the two quidditch matches his desire

to play increased noticeably. James had dreamed every day what the

match would have been like if he had been on the pitch.

Training with the team was just that: training. It couldn't compare to a

real game against another house.

'I want to play a real match...' thought James as he thought of some way,

but he knew it was impossible.

McGonagall had done enough by making it possible for him to have his

broom and train with the team. Besides, if he could play, he would be a

substitute, as William would choose Alex, a more experienced and more

established seeker.

"Where are you going? Class is here," Lupin said, stopping James by the


"You've been very distracted lately," Sirius commented as James


"There's nothing wrong with me. Come on," James said as he walked into

the classroom. Having so much quidditch practice and not being able to

put it into practice in an actual match was not a nice feeling, and he

would have to be like this until next year.

Today, they had a Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The marauders sat

in the back of the classroom. A few minutes later, the teacher arrived and

the room fell silent. Professor Antennae had a very strict and stern

personality, similar to Professor McGonagall, her presence alone was

enough to make the room silent.

The most striking thing was that Professor Antennae this time brought a

cage, or so it seemed, since it was covered by a black mantle. No one

dared to ask her what it was about.

"Let's call the list before we begin," she said as she took out a parchment

and started with the list. After a few minutes, she put the parchment

down on her desk and looked back at the class.

"In the previous class, we were looking at the Flipendo hex theory. Today

we will practice it," she began and saw someone raise their hand.

"Lily Evans," she added, giving her permission to speak and looking at the

red-haired girl.

"How will we practice it?" asked Lily. She knew from the books and the

lesson that the Flipendo hex could be felt as a blow to the chest and

knocked the target down, so it was a painful thing and couldn't be

practiced on other classmates as they would get hurt. Like the time James

sent Mulciber and Avery flying and knocked them unconscious.

Antennae smiled slightly, waiting for that question, "We'll practice with

this," she said as she pulled the black mantle off and uncovered the cage

and what was inside.

In the cage, several small-sized creatures could be seen. Each creature

was between six to fifteen centimeters tall, their skin was gray, and their

eyes were yellowish. The creatures upon seeing the light began to huddle

together and want to break the cages while having a slapstick grin on

their faces.

"Who can tell me which creature this is?" asked the professor seeing the

curious looks on the faces of all the students who began to get excited, as

they would finally have the long-awaited practical class.

Lily immediately raised her hand. Many more did as they knew what

creature it was.

"Jasmine Meadowes," said Antennae, looking at a girl with long straight

brown hair and hazel eyes.

"They are imps. They are found in Britain and Ireland. They say they

entertain themselves a lot by playing pranks and tormenting people they

come across," replied Jasmine.

"Correct. Imps live in wet or boggy areas, eat insects, and are not a

threat. They can be repelled quite easily by anyone. Usually using the

Flipendo hex to stun it and then throw it into a cage or bottomless pit,"

explained Professor Antennae.

"Now... I will call the first five people on the list and release the imp.

They must use Flipendo to send them back into the cage. The others will

watch and wait their turn," continued Antennae. If she brought imps for

everyone, the classroom would be in chaos, and it would be very difficult

to control the imps if they escaped.

In the classroom, there were numerous cries of "Flipendo!" most of them

were having a hard time since so far they only saw the theoretical part of

the evil spell and had little or almost no practice.

If the students failed and the imps headed their way with mocking smiles,

the teacher would stop them at the last minute, always keeping them

under control.

That was not the case for the marauders. James had taken it upon himself

to teach them the hex long before, and they practiced it in an unorthodox

way, as they used themselves as test subjects in unofficial duels.

The excuse they gave Slughorn that Sirius sent Lupin flying was not so far

off the mark. The other students saw this logically, as they all knew of

James' prowess with this hex, and it was very safe for him to teach it to

his group of friends.

So all five of them, even Toby, who learned the spell with less time,

showed a very good performance. James managed to send five devils to

the cage, which earned him a commendation from Antennae and 15

points for Gryffindor.

He was the first first-year student to earn points for his house from

Professor Antennae and a commendation.


One day in early December, James was eating breakfast in the large

dining room when the owl mail arrived. An owl flew towards him, but it

was not Shadow.

It was a medium-sized, white owl. In its mouth was a newspaper and it

had a bag tied to its leg. James looked at the owl and knew it was the

newspaper: The Prophet. He placed 1 Knut in the bag, and the owl

dropped the newspaper and resumed its flight. James was a subscriber to

the paper, unlike other students who were not.

He picked up the paper, and as he read the front page headline he

frowned. The news read as follows:

[Alarming Increase in Attacks on Muggles by a group calling themselves

the Death Eaters!]

In a dark and disturbing twist, a previously unknown group called "The

Death Eaters" has emerged from the shadows, spreading chaos and fear

among Muggles. From research, this is the same group that attacked at

the Quidditch World Cup final, murdering and tormenting a Muggle

family. However, this was not the end, reports of attacks on non-magical

people are slowly increasing, creating an atmosphere of apprehension in

the magical community.

Their attacks are at night and very difficult to detect. The only one that

wasn't was the one at the Quidditch World Cup. Every time they finish

with their attack they send a kind of dark mark into the sky, a bright

green skull with a snake protruding from its mouth, so if you see this

mark in the sky you should be very careful.

The Ministry of Magic authorities have issued warnings and have

intensified security in areas with the highest incidence of attacks, but the

question on everyone's lips is: who is behind these acts of ruthless

violence against Muggles?

The magical community is called to be on high alert and take extra

precautions as the Ministry of Magic works tirelessly to identify and

apprehend those responsible. Citizens are urged to report any suspicious

activity and to remain vigilant, at this time no wizards have been fatally

attacked, but anything can happen, so please be careful and do not act


The Prophet will continue to provide detailed and updated coverage as

more information comes to light.

Stay alert and stay safe!"]

'Shit...' thought James with an ugly expression.

"What happened?" asked Lupin, noticing the strange expression on his

friend's face who just passed him the newspaper to read. Sirius curious

about this walked over to Lupin and read along with him the news. Both

of their expressions were getting uglier the more they read.

"Those lunatics again," Sirius said, and Toby, who was paying attention to

his breakfast looked up in confusion, so Sirius passed him the paper.

Toby's face was the worst of all, a great fear came over him as he read

this news, "T-they'll catch them right...?" he asked, referring to the

Ministry of Magic who according to the news were already on the job.

"Of course, they must be a small sect or something like that. It's only a

matter of time before they catch them," said Sirius, who had already

heard stories of these people calling themselves the Death Eaters.

James knew this wasn't true, that this was something much bigger, to the

point that it would provoke a war.

'Still no Voldemort sighting...' thought James. It was time to resume

training. He had spent several months slacking off, though it wasn't

entirely so as he had classes and a lot of homework.

The problem in James' mind was how to practice and improve his magic.

There was no training room like the one his father had built at home.

Practicing spells in some empty classroom would be too dangerous, and

he could lose points or be punished if he destroyed something or Filch

caught him.

'I must visit the library first. It's time to read some new books,' James



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Chapter 52: Defensive magic

Today's classes were over. James managed to turn Sirius and the others

away from wasting time and went straight to the library. Something the

marauders could not believe.

James under the guidance of his father before entering Hogwarts learned

and practiced martial magic referring to the forms of magic used

defensively and offensively in magical duels. He knows that Voldemort's

followers will not use clean means, and in combat situations, he may be

under unfavorable conditions.

'I must learn and practice more defensive magic,' thought James as he

entered the library for the second time at Hogwarts. There were hundreds

or rather thousands of books.

He didn't know where he would find the defensive magic books on so

many shelves, that it would take hours, so he decided to ask the librarian.

The librarian was a slender young woman with a very straight face. She

had black eyes and pale skin.

"Mm, excuse me?" said James, trying to get the attention of the woman

who was reading a book behind the counter.

"What do you need?" she asked in an irritated tone, looking up from her


"I would like to know where the books on defensive magic are located,"

requested James.

The librarian, named Irma Prince, looked at him with a strange

expression. She could tell by James's face and height that he was one of

the first-year students or at most a second-year, so it was odd that this

one wanted to learn defensive magic which is a much more advanced


However, she didn't think much of it and answered vaguely, "Section

four, corridor six," she said as she turned her attention back to her book.

'Looks like Lily was right,' thought James a little disgusted by the

librarian's attitude. When he had first come with Lily to the library, Lily

had told him that the librarian was very lazy in helping the students find

the books they needed.

James started walking through the gigantic library. However, he didn't

know where aisle six was, rather from where do you count aisle one

from, left to right? Or from right to left? There was no signage.

With no other option, he decided to go into an aisle and search the books

to see if he could find anything.

'Alchemy, ancient art and science' read James the name of the book that

was hundreds of pages long.

'This isn't it. There are a lot of alchemy books...' thought James as he

pushed aside the bookshelf to go to another one. He kept looking but

couldn't find what he wanted. Books on ancient runes and magical

theory. Muggle studies. History of magic.

'Where the hell is corridor 6?' thought James with less patience as he put

the book back in its place.


Hearing his name being called, James turned and saw a familiar blonde

girl. It was Penny Warrington, the girl he met months ago at the

quidditch world final.

"Hi, Penny," James greeted.

Since he entered Hogwarts he rarely spoke to Penny as they were both in

different houses, and James spent all his time with the marauders.

Besides Penny also had her group of friends. From what little he heard of

her she was one of the most popular girls in the first year.

"I'm surprised to see you here," said Penny, who was holding a book in

her arms.

"Why?" asked James.

"I come to the library regularly, and this is the first time I've met you

here," replied Penny, who had a very strict study routine and was one of

the freshmen who visited the library the most.

"The library is big. It's not the first time I've come here," said James lying

through his teeth. Lily had also treated him as lazy or so he saw that on

her face, when he told her that he never came to the library.

He's been reading magic books like crazy since he was eight. He could

take a couple of months off, right?

"Mm, if you say so..." said Penny, who didn't believe James much, as she

would have noticed James' messy jet hair, plus he was the person who

saved her life.

In the event where she almost died with her sister by a troll and was

saved by James, she couldn't think things through very well, because of

how nervous and terrified she was, but after that, she was able to analyze

everything better. Although it wasn't a nice memory to recall repeatedly.

Penny saw James use very advanced charms. Since she came to Hogwarts

she could understand more accurately how advanced they were. For

example, Expelliarmus also known as the disarming charm, usually this

charm is learned in the second year, and she could see how James had a

greater mastery than a beginner.

This made Penny interested in James, as he was not at all common. When

she heard about the incident where James used Flipendo on the Slytherin

boys she didn't think much of it, as she had seen him using more

advanced charms.

"Are you looking for a particular book?" asked Penny, changing the


Hearing this made James's little light bulb go off at the top of his head.

From what Penny said she comes to the library regularly, so she must

know where corridor six, section four is located.

"Yes, but I can't find corridor 6. Do you know where it is?" asked James


"Don't you know the library? I mean, if you're a person who's been here a

few times already, you should know that," said Penny, looking at James

with an expression that looked like a mix of a judging look and an

amused grimace.

'She caught me...' thought James, looking at the slight smile on Penny's


"Well...you know the library is big, and I'm not very good at getting my

bearings," said James, lying through his teeth again.

Penny couldn't help but let out a laugh as she saw that James didn't want

to accept that he didn't know the library, "Okay, follow me," she said as

she took the lead, and James followed her.

"This is corridor six," Penny said. James knew it was the right thing to

ask her for directions, as he had gone too far, and it would have taken

him a long time to get here.

"Thanks," James said.

"It's nothing. I've got to go. I have to meet up with some mates from my

house to help them with something. See you," Penny said as she headed

to the table area.

'She's nice and helps her mates,' thought James with a strange expression.

Putting those thoughts aside, he headed for section four which luckily

was signposted in the corridor.

"Let's see, defensive, defensive magic..." whispered James, looking for

books that might help him.

"Here's one... Wilbert Slinkhard's Defensive Magical Theory. It might be

useful" James said as he picked it up and kept looking.

After searching for a while, James had several books and went to an

empty table to start reading them. In addition to the first book, he found

the following:

The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Practical Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Practical Defensive Magic and Its Use Against the Dark Arts

'4 thick books. Let's start reading and see which ones are the best,'

thought James as he opened page 1 of Defensive Magic Theory.

Since he would have to face dark wizards, the best thing to do was to

learn defense against the dark arts. The most powerful defensive charm

he managed to learn after much practice was: Protego.

Also known as the shield charm that protects the user with an invisible

shield reflecting spells and blocking physical entities.

This charm was one of the most advanced and most difficult for James to

learn. He has not even mastered it, as he was able to cast it successfully

relatively recently. The first time he used it in a real fight was against the

troll, and if it wasn't for the half-armored shield that managed to absorb

part of the blow, he would have died.

Time passed, and James read the book with concentration.

"Who the hell wrote this garbage?" muttered James, closing the book

with a frown as he read the author's name again to make sure he didn't

read any more of his books.

He read up to chapter ten, and instead of teaching you defensive magic,

the author tries to discourage the use of defensive magic. Having a

pacifist approach. For example, chapter three was titled: Reasons for non-

aggressive responses to magical attacks. Another chapter was entitled:

"Peaceful Response and Negotiation."

'Does he want me to stand still while a deadly attack is launched at me?'

thought James as he moved on to the next book titled: The Essential

Defence Against the Dark Arts.

'I hope it's not garbage...' he thought, opening to page one.


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Chapter 53: Joker

An hour passed. James did not change the book. He realized that this

book was very good, so he decided to study it completely, before moving

on to another book.

In the first few pages, he talks about the history and nature of dark

menaces. Then, he goes into the recognition of basic jinxes, how to

identify them, and what countermeasures to implement.

He talked about counter jinxes, a type of counterspell designed to remove

the effects of a jinx or other dark charm. However, these were basic

curses such as the snot curse that gives the target a nasty cold and a

runny nose that could cause the victim to collapse if left untreated. The

counter jinxes were covered and explained in several pages.

'Even if I know the counter Jinxes, I can't put it into practice, as I would

have to have someone with the snot jinx...' thought James after studying

the theory for the counter jinx.

In addition to these topics, he talked about dangerous magical creatures

such as the Kappa, a Japanese water demon that feeds on human blood.

They were known to strangle humans who invaded their shallow ponds.

They were classified as XXXX creatures by the British Ministry of Magic.

Another example of a creature was a Hinkypunk, a tiny one-legged

magical beast with an appearance of faint blue, grey, or white smoke.

They had a propensity to lead travellers off their paths at night, into

treacherous swamps or wetlands in the guise of a helpful being carrying a

lamp. They also emitted sporadic screams and growls.

James was very fascinated by the subject of magical creatures, so far the

most extraordinary thing he had seen was the troll, 'What would it be like

to have a Kappa in front of you or a dragon,' thought James, imagining

the scene.

Thinking of magical creatures, the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts came to

mind. Rumour has it that there are a lot of magical creatures such as

trolls, giants, centaurs, and even unicorns.

Hagrid is the ranger. He must have a great knowledge of the forbidden

forest and its creatures' thought James, remembering Hagrid, a burly man

of about ten feet. The first time he saw him was when he took them

across the boats across the lake to Hogwarts castle and also because he

was one of the characters he got to know when he read the novel years


'Maybe I should visit him... he must have some very interesting stories to

tell,' thought James. Just outside the castle was the hut where Hagrid

lived on the edge of the forbidden forest.

From what he remembered from the little he read he was becoming more

and more distant and confused as the years went by, and he had more

and more memories, which made it harder to remember some things

Hagrid's personality was gentle and somewhat silly. He was the first

person to treat Harry nicely.

James was engrossed in his reading. He felt someone tap his shoulder,

again it was Penny, "It's time for dinner in the great dining hall," said

Penny in a low tone, pointing to the clock that was almost 7 PM.

"Thanks," said James, whose eyes were hurting from reading for almost 3

hours non-stop. He closed the book and stood up from his spot.

"I'll help you," Penny said as she helped James carry the rest of the books

to their place.

James nodded gratefully. He couldn't believe Penny was such a nice and

friendly girl. This was the third time she had helped him.

Usually, the girls he met were either bossy and angry (Lily), very

talkative and shrill (Gwen), or with a stoic look and few words (Emily).

"Will you be taking any books with you?" asked Penny as she walked

alongside James, who didn't know there was such a function in the

library, but showed nothing in his face.

"No, it will be impossible to study in the Gryffindor common room if my

friends are there," said James, shaking his head. Sirius would be very

unbearable, and they'd probably end up playing games or playing pranks.

"They're quite famous these days," commented Penny, referring to the

marauders as a whole.

"What, really?" asked James, who was unaware of this.

"Yeah, you guys did the flower prank on the Slytherin students, right?"

asked Penny, although she was 99% sure it was James and his friends.

"Is it that obvious?" asked James with a strange look on his face.

"Hahaha to me it is. The others, I don't know. I always see them getting

into fights with the Slytherin students, plus just before they started a

fistfight you weren't there, which was strange to me. How did you do it?"

asked Penny, very curious, although she knew James and his friends had

to see it, she didn't know how they had managed it.

"Trade secrets. I can't reveal our hidden cards," said James with a

mysterious smile. He wouldn't go revealing to everyone that the

marauders possessed an invisibility cloak and stole the odd ingredient

from a Hogwarts professor.

Penny let out a dramatic sigh, and an expression of dissatisfaction

appeared on her face, "Oh come on, did you join some exclusive mystery

club that you can't tell your best friend about?" she said, acting dramatic.

'Best friend?' thought James with an amused grin. On the trip to the great

dining hall, they spent the whole time bantering until they each went to

their tables.

"Mate, over two hours in the library, what happened to you?" asked

Sirius, looking at James like he was someone else. The other marauders

also looked at him as if they were looking at another James. However, if

they thought about it carefully, it wouldn't be unusual for James to spend

a lot of time in the library since he is a top first-year student.

The strange thing would be if he never visited the library, but since they

had never seen him go to the library during this time, they took it as a

strange occurrence.

"As the Potter heir, I have to set an example," replied James, acting

exaggeratedly like a pure-blooded boy.

"I don't believe a word of it..." said Sirius with a faint smile, "Anyway, we

have a mission today," he added in a serious tone.

"A mission? It's already late at night. What do you want to do?" asked

Lupin with a bad feeling. Toby and Peter also had a bad feeling when

they saw the slight smile on Sirius' face.

"Listen..." he said in a low tone, looking to the side to see that no one was

spying on them.

"It's time we claimed revenge for Toby. Those bloody snakes played dirty,

and now we're going to pay them back with interest," said Sirius.

'I don't want revenge...' thought Toby, but on the other hand, he wanted

to do his first mission with the marauders, as he had stayed away from

the group on the previous one.

"What did you have in mind?" asked James, who was already fully

focused on Sirius' words.

"I've managed to set up a meeting with the Joker," replied Sirius and his

grin was growing.

James, Lupin, Peter, and Toby looked at each other confused, and asked,

"Who is the Joker?"

"They don't know anything... Well, his identity is very secret, and he

always hides his tracks. The Joker is a smuggler. He has a clandestine

network in Hogwarts, where he sells prank goods, everything you can

imagine. Filch has been after him for a long time, but he's never been

able to catch him," Sirius explained seriously and in a low tone.

'A joke product smuggler?' thought James incredulously. He seemed to

have a great backstory and be a very important character since Filch

couldn't catch him after all this time.

"Wouldn't it be bad to interact with that person?" said Peter fearfully.

"Don't worry, he keeps all his deals, and it was very hard to be able to

contact him," said Sirius.

"So that's what you were doing those hours you were disappearing this

last week..." said Lupin, and Sirius nodded with a smile.

Then Sirius started telling them everything he knew about the urban

legend of the Joker at Hogwarts. He appeared four years ago, so at the

very least he's in 6th, as it would be very hard to believe that a student

just starting could plant a whole network of contraband.

The Joker has a very serious refund policy. If there is something wrong

he always refunds the money, showing himself to be a good salesman.

"I understand, but what is it you want to buy him?" asked James, looking

strangely at Sirius, as he seemed to idolise the Joker.

"We're going to buy him dung bombs. It's a stink bomb that gives off a

putrid smell," replied Sirius.

"Oh, that product is quite well known. I think it's from Zonko's joke shop

in Hogsmeade..." said James reminiscing, and Sirius nodded.

"And how many of those do you want to buy?" asked Lupin, and Sirius

held up a finger, "10?" asked Toby, "No, 100," replied Sirius.

"100 bombs-" Before Peter could continue to raise his tone, Sirius covered

his mouth, "Shhh," he said with a frown. He didn't want his plan to leak


"It's better to talk in our room, come on," Sirius said as he got up from the

table, as everyone had finished eating.


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Chapter 54: The holidays are


"James...is this a good idea?" asked Lupin who was under the invisibility

cloak. Next to him was James and Toby.

It was already late at night and they had made their way to the meeting

point agreed upon by Sirius and the Joker. Currently Sirius was further

ahead waiting for the so famous smuggler.

The invisibility cloak at most could carry about 4 people under it, already

five was too many, so they played rock, paper, scissors and ended up

coming: Sirius, James, Toby and Lupin. Although Sirius would come

anyway, since he had the meeting.

James who always agreed with Sirius and any prank against Rabastan

and his friends, had a conflicted look on his face. Before coming here,

Sirius explained to them the prank and how to use the 100 dung bombs.

The prank was as follows: enter the Slytherin common room under the

invisibility cloak and once there fill the entire common room and the

boys' dormitories with dung bombs.

The problem was that dropping 100 rotten smelling bombs would leave

the Slytherin hall in an uninhabitable state with a smell that would linger

for several days. Also, they would be affecting all Slytherin students from

first year to seventh year.

If they are caught they will be very screwed, and the punishment could

be months of cleaning the trophy room or armor or worse. On the other

hand, they will make enemies of all the Slytherin students, though this

James doesn't mind so much. They will have the wrath of hundreds of

students not just Rabastan and the first years.

"I don't know...for now let's watch" James replied.

Lupin nodded slightly. He knew Sirius was already deep into this prank

and he was very stubborn. The only person who could talk some sense

into him was James, but if James agreed to the prank, it was impossible

for him and the other two to try and call it off.

Sirius found himself in a dark corridor. He was getting more and more

nervous and looked everywhere. He didn't want to be caught by Filch and

his damn cat.

'Come on, Joker... show yourself' thought Sirius. Finally after five minutes

he heard footsteps.

Sirius looked over nervously, ready to escape in case it was Filch. A

figure with a black cloak and a clown mask appeared. He walked calmly

towards Sirius who was examining him with his light eyes somewhat


"Is that the Joker...?" muttered Toby looking at the clown-masked figure.

"I hope he doesn't try anything funny" said Lupin with wand in hand, the

Joker figure didn't give him a good feeling. James was also watching him

closely, ready to act in case he tried anything.

The conversation between Sirius and the Joker lasted about five minutes.

At one point a chuckle could be heard coming from the Joker. James

guessed it was due to Sirius' request for 100 dung bombs.

Finally, the Joker went back the way he came, and Sirius headed back to

where the marauders were under the invisibility cloak. Lupin had to stick

his hand out so Sirius could see them and get under the cloak.

They made it back to the dormitory without a problem, "Everything

okay?" asked Peter who was standing and walking in circles around the

room, clearly nervous.

"I don't know. Ask Sirius" said James as he put the cloak away in his


"Quite a success. He accepted the order. The bad news is that he'll deliver

it to me after Christmas, in early January. Since it's a lot of stink bombs"

replied Sirius with a grin.

"How much will it cost?" asked Lupin.

"One Sickle and forty Knuts a unit. I'll pay for it. I'd rather spend the

money my mother gives me on these things" Sirius replied trying to

imagine his mother's expression if she finds out what he spends the

money she gives him on.

"What if the Joker is from Slytherin? When he's in her hall and a lot of

stink bombs start going off she'll know it was you" commented Lupin.

"Mm, it's true he'll know it's me, but he won't be able to say anything, as

he'll have to show proof and his identity will be out in the open and I

think he'll get a worse punishment than us if they find out he's the Joker"

replied Sirius who already had it all figured out.

"Besides, it's impossible for someone as cool as the Joker to be from

Slytherin" he added in a totally convinced tone.


Christmas was close at hand. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts

awoke covered in nearly three feet of snow. The lake was frozen solid.

James and Sirius were punished for using Wingardium Leviosa on many

snowballs and starting a snowball war with the Prewett brothers.

In the course of the war several innocents were hit by the snowballs.

Luckily the punishment was no big deal and they only had to spend an

hour copying 'I won't do it again' in McGonagall's office who every now

and then looked up from the papers she was correcting and looked at

them with exasperation.

"I'd say it was a draw" whispered Sirius as he wrote.

"A draw? Of course not! Look at your robe" said Gideon Prewett. Sirius's

robes were full of snow, clearly it was very difficult to beat the two

batsmen of the Gryffindor quidditch team.

After an hour they left McGonagall's office who gave them a warning:

next time they repeat the same thing it will be three hours writing

instead of one.

"It's getting closer and closer to the vacations" said Sirius walking down

the corridors full of icy drafts.

"Yes. I already want to go home" said James who had missed his parents

a lot in these months he didn't see them.

"I don't. I just want to rest and not have homework. I'll have to put up

with my mother's sermon" said Sirius with a grimace.

"Good luck with that. Lupin and Toby are staying at the castle, right?"

asked James.

"Yes, from Toby I can understand since he lives in an orphanage and it's

preferable to spend Christmas in a giant castle, rather than in a small

room and lots of kids bothering you... but from Lupin I don't understand."

"That's true..." said James thinking about Lupin. From what little he told

about his parents they seemed to have a good relationship, while

thinking about Lupin a couple of strange occurrences around Lupin came

to his mind.

Since they started Hogwarts there is always one day of the month, where

Lupin disappears and the next day he is late for classes or if it's a

weekend he doesn't show up for several hours. The excuse he gave so far

was that he was grounded or had a cold or something like that.

The others noticed this too, but Lupin was reluctant to give any further

explanation so they stopped asking about it.

These days James began frequenting the library and continuing to read

the defensive magic book. So the explorations with the marauders were


The vacations began. Before saying goodbye to his friends, James invited

all the marauders to visit him. As expected, Lupin declined and Sirius

who wanted to spend two weeks fooling around with James, also had to

decline, as his family did not approve of the Potter Family as blood


"Narcissa, that bitch. Has been feeding my parents information" explained

Sirius in a mournful tone, "Apparently, I've disgraced them enough. If I

go to your house it will only get worse. Sorry mate" Sirius said with a

long face. James didn't think much of it, it wasn't the first time he'd had a

friend with a supremacist family on the subject of lineage.

Narcissa Black was Sirius' cousin, she was currently a fourth year and

they had crossed paths a couple of times. She had an icy stare and a

haughty, arrogant expression. She was not a girl of many words. She

barely spoke to Sirius for family matters.

As for Gwen and Emily they managed to go to her house long ago since

she had saved Gwen and if the Shafiqs didn't let them go to the Potters'

house, they would be showing themselves very ungrateful.

Toby also refused James, as he did not want to leave Lupin alone,

although he was eager to see his friend's house. The only one who was

allowed to go was Peter who accepted with much enthusiasm.

"I'll send you owls! See if you can come up with any plans for our next

prank!" said James waving goodbye to Lupin and Toby.


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Chapter 55: Christmas

When James got off the Hogwarts Express and saw his parents he had to

contain his excitement to keep from running up and hugging them. There

were a lot of eyes, and at Hogwarts, he came across as someone who was

a joker, and from what he heard from Penny along with the marauders

they were popular.

Besides, he didn't want Rabastan and his Slytherin friends to see him

lovingly hugging his parents and be teased later, as he might end up with

Rabastan stuck against the wall at Hogwarts and James with two weeks

of punishment.

They got into Fleamont's Peugeot 504 and the whole trip he spent the

whole trip telling them everything he did at Hogwarts. Especially about

the flower prank.

"That's a good one! I would have never thought of that joke," said

Fleamont, laughing loudly, "Pay attention, you're driving," said

Euphemia, who had also thought it was a great joke. Especially because it

was harmless. Otherwise, she would be lecturing James.

James didn't tell the part where he stole ingredients from a professor, and

according to his version they managed to get the ingredients "legally."

Arriving at Godric's Hollow, he could see how the whole town was

painted with snow and festive decorations. On every door and window,

Christmas garlands give all the houses a very charming and magical air.

As they passed through the main square, James could see that in the

center was a huge Christmas tree that seemed to reach the sky. He wasn't

too surprised as it was not the first time he had seen how picturesque the

town was at Christmas, but he still was very happy when he saw the

town with all the Christmas decorations.

When he got home he saw that everything was the same, the only

difference was the decorations. Lights, garlands, and the tree in the

center of the living room.

'It's good to be home,' thought James, entering the warm hearth. With his

parents, they sat in the armchairs in front of the fireplace which gave off

a very warm heat.

The family of three stayed for a long time chatting happily. James had

missed his father and mother whom he loved so much in this life. Later

that day, his grandfather arrived and had to repeat all the same stories,

but it didn't bother him at all.

'Almost two weeks break,' thought James as he yawned, already lying in

his bed.

The days passed quickly much to James' chagrin as he enjoyed the

company of his family. Besides spending time with his parents and

grandfather he also spent time practicing defensive magic, reading books,

and flying his broom.

He did all of this in the training room that his father had built. It was a

very large and high room that allowed him to fly without any problem,

although it did not compare to the Quidditch pitch.

As for flying, he practiced releasing the golden snitch and trying to catch

it, since he could not escape. It was a very effective training. The only

thing that didn't resemble reality was that there weren't two Bludgers

heading at full power towards him.

"Another fabulous catch!" praised Fleamont, watching as James took the

snitch taking a sudden turn.

"You will be one of the best seekers in Gryffindor history," he added as

James landed softly. As a father, he was very proud that his son was a

great talent at quidditch. He knew that he was given special permission

to practice with the team, which fueled his pride in his son even more.

"We can add a couple of Bludgers to simulate a real match," commented

Henry, who was watching everything with a big smile on his face.

"Not. It's good enough that I've let him chase the snitch while performing

those dangerous spins," said Euphemia in an irrefutable tone.

'I've already trained with Bludger's mom...' thought James as he put the

snitch away instead.

Even though Euphemia knew that James has already trained with real

Bludgers, she didn't want him to do it at home and have an accident


"Tomorrow your friend is coming, right?" asked Henry.

"Yes, Peter," nodded James, who was waiting for him to arrive to train

him and for the cowardly Peter to improve his flying.

The next day, Peter arrived along with his parents. Euphemia had them

come in for tea and to get to know each other, as her sons are friends.

Peter's parents seemed very nice, and despite being pure-blooded

wizards, they showed no dislike for Muggles, nor did they think they

were superior to others because of their lineage.

For the next three days that Peter stayed at the Potter house, they spent

the next three days flying in the training room, playing magical chess

where Peter showed talent. However, he could not beat James.

On Christmas Eve, James went to bed excited for the next day to come

and have presents and eat all kinds of food prepared by his mother. He

had already arranged to send presents to all his friends, including Penny,

Gwen, and Emily, although he had distanced himself from the latter two.

Early the next morning, his parents woke him up by bringing him

breakfast in bed, a cup of hot chocolate with milk, marshmallows, and

pumpkin pancakes.

"Merry Christmas, sweetie!" greeted Euphemia lovingly as she kissed him

on the forehead.

"Merry Christmas, champ!" said Fleamont, messing up James' hair


"Merry Christmas, Mom, Dad!" said James as he hugged his parents

tightly causing him to almost drop his hot chocolate on the bed.

Even though every Christmas had been this way, he still wasn't used to

how loving his parents were, so he hugged them so he knew it was all


"Have a quiet breakfast, there are lots of presents waiting for you,"

Euphemia said in a happy tone, as she had seen many presents from her

son's new friends.

Hearing this, James ate breakfast in a hurry, as he was eager to open all

his presents. He went downstairs to the living room, where under the

Christmas tree was a large pile of presents wrapped in all sorts of colored


James picked up the package that was on top of the small mountain. It

was wrapped in shiny green paper and had a simple statement on it: 'To

James, from Gwen.'

'She's not that heartless,' thought James with a slight smile as he saw that

Gwen was still sending him gifts. What struck him as odd was that

Emily's name didn't appear, usually in previous Christmases they both

sent him a gift, and both Shafiq girls' names appeared.

He eagerly opened the green package. It contained a bracelet made of

fine silver, intricately worked to form delicate links. The silver shines

with a subtle luster, giving the jewelry a noble look. On the links could

be seen a message that James did not understand as it was printed in

ancient runes.

'I wonder what meaning it will have,' thought James as he moved the

bracelet closer to his wrist. When it was close enough it opened

automatically and was placed on his wrist. To take it off he only had to

think about it, and it came off easily.

The second one was smaller. When he saw the note, he knew it was in

the handwriting of his friend, Sirius. It read as follows: 'This is all I could

buy. Now my mother is giving me less and less money. Very stingy.

Because of the tradition thing and acting like a Black, blah, blah, blah.

Plus, I also need money for the prank you know... Sorry, see you soon,

Sirius Black.'

James let out a chuckle imagining Sirius as he was ranting and writing

the note. Opening it, he saw a case containing a fancy black magic

writing quill.

He opened more and more presents. From his grandfather, Henry; his

Potter uncles, whom he saw every so often; his friend Peter; from William

and other members of the quidditch team; even from Penny, who gave

him a book about quidditch and a box of chocolates.

'I was right to send her a gift,' thought James, as it would have looked

bad if he didn't send her a gift.

Then came the turn of the gifts from his parents which were many. For

one, his mother personally knitted him a red sweater. A gift that James

appreciated all the more since his mother made it with her own hands.

She also gave him a Falsoscope and a lot of sweets (dragees of all flavors,

chocolate frogs, sugar feathers, etc.)

On the other hand, his father gave him a completely custom-made

Puddlemere United uniform. Identical to the one worn by the pros, only

matching James' body.

"Isn't that great, son?" asked Fleamont with a smile as he saw the look of

excitement on James' face as he looked at the uniform.

"That's great!" nodded James, who already wanted to try on the uniform.

"In a little while you'll be flying in the Puddlemere uniform. Now tell me,

which present was the best?" asked Fleamont confidently.

"Mom's gift!" said James without a second's hesitation as he hugged

Euphemia, who accepted the hug and looked with a triumphant smile at

her husband.

After they finished opening the gifts, Henry arrived, and they had a

Christmas meal, with a plethora of dishes and delicacies. After the meal,

hot puddings followed for dessert.

In this way, Christmas came to an end, being one of the best Christmases

for James (like all the others since he was reborn in this magical world.)


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You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 56: Talk with Gwen

During the rest of the Christmas break, James' routine didn't change

much. He spent time with his parents, practiced his flying now dressed in

the Puddlemere United uniform, did the homework the teachers had left,

and continued reading the defensive magic book and putting spells into


One day before classes started, James returned to Hogwarts. He met

Sirius, who had already returned five days ago, as he wanted to leave

home as soon as possible. Peter arrived on the same day as him.

"Thanks for the gift, James. The homework planner is going to be very

useful to me! Sorry for not sending you a present..." said Toby when

James arrived in the Gryffindor common room. He could see him looking

a little embarrassed.

"You're welcome, it's okay. I hope it comes in useful," said James with a

smile patting Toby's shoulder.

"Can't send you anything because I don't have an owl. Here you go. Merry

Christmas," Toby said as he handed James a book. James wasn't

expecting this. He took the book. Its title was as follows: History of the

Quidditch League of Great Britain and Ireland.

"Oh, I've wanted to buy this book for a long time!" said James excitedly.

He could see that the book was used, but he didn't say anything. He knew

that Toby came from an orphanage, so buying a book would have cost

him a lot.

"Thanks, Toby!" he said with a smile, and Toby nodded sheepishly.

"By the way, where's Lupin?" asked James, sitting on the edge of the bed

as he opened the book.

"He told me he went to the library. Very nerdy. At this pace, he's going to

turn into Lily Evans two," replied Sirius, who was looking for something

in his trunk.

Lupin, unlike how lazy they were Sirius had a study routine, only

sometimes it faltered, as The Marauders explored the castle and had

"Missions", so he preferred to have fun with them, but he knew when to

say no and go to the library, without neglecting his study.

"At the end of the month was he back in the infirmary?" asked James,

looking at Toby who was the one who had stayed with Lupin. Sirius left

his trunk alone and looked at Toby as he was also curious before Lupin's

strange disappearances.

"Yes... one day before New Year's, he was in the infirmary all day," Toby


"What excuse did he give you this time?" asked Sirius.

"He said he was feeling sick. He had a bit of a fever," replied Toby.

"That's strange..." commented Peter, and they all nodded at the same


"What's he going to do? Is he going to have a girlfriend? And that's why

he's running away without us seeing him," said Sirius in a strange tone.

They all shook their heads. Lupin always hung out with them or in the

library. They would have noticed something like that.

A conversation about what Lupin does when he disappears once a month

starts in the room. Sirius was coming up with many crazy and

implausible theories.

Just as Sirius was saying that Lupin had a strange disease and had to take

a potion or else he would die the door to the room opened, and in walked

the person they were talking about.

They all shut their mouths, and the room went silent, something Lupin

noticed as it was very strange for a boy like Sirius to shut up so suddenly.

"What's wrong?" asked Lupin with a frown and a somewhat angry tone.

He was almost sure they were talking about him.

"Nothing...we were talking about..." said Sirius, looking to James to help

him find an excuse.

"From the 1945 league final, where they played an English team versus

an Irish team," James said quickly as he showed the book to Lupin, who

snorted without believing a word of it and went to put away the books he

was holding in his hands.

An awkward atmosphere lingered in the room until Toby asked if they

did the homework the professors left and went back to talking normally.

The only one who kept quiet was Lupin, who after a few minutes lay

down on his bed and closed the curtains.


Monday, January 3, 1972.

Classes began, and so did Quidditch practice. James decided to dedicate

two hours a day to be in the library. He would like to dedicate more

time, but he couldn't. His schedule was tight, especially on the days when

he had classes and quidditch training.

On Saturdays and Sundays, he could dedicate more time since he didn't

have so many hours of classes and training.

At breakfast, there was the typical scene of hundreds of owls coming in,

bringing with them many letters. To James's surprise, Shadow flew past

the jam and sugar bowl and dropped a note on James's plate, who

immediately opened it.

[James (it said in very nice, neat handwriting):

Come to Classroom 11 today. After 5 o'clock at that time, it is empty. It is

located in the corridor that starts opposite the large oak entrance doors,

on the first floor of the castle. Do not be late.

Gwen Shafiq]

James the last thing he expected was a letter from Gwen summoning him

for a meeting later. The strangest thing of all was that she did it through

a letter when they saw each other every day in the corridors or the Great


He looked towards the Slytherin table and quickly found a very striking

blonde hair. Gwen looked at him subtly before turning her attention back

to her friends.

'Is it so bad to talk to me in front of your house?' thought James with a

strange expression, although on second thought he had insulted Gwen's

best friend, so if Anastasia Nott saw Gwen talking to James it wouldn't

look good at all.

"What's wrong? Did Rabastan do something?" asked Sirius, ready for a

fight at any moment.

"It's nothing, don't worry," said James, stuffing the letter in one of his


After the end of the day's classes, James broke away from the group and

began his search for classroom 11. Luckily, he had time, otherwise he

would have been late and would have had to put up with Gwen's anger.

'This must be it,' thought James, reading a sign that had Classroom 11

carved on it. As he walked in he could see Gwen sitting at a desk as she

played with her hair.

"You finally get here," said Gwen, acting annoyed.

"I'm sure it's still a few minutes to five," said James, looking at the clock

in the classroom, and sure enough it was 16:57.

"You can't keep a girl waiting. You have to be there 15 minutes before

the appointed time. It's basic etiquette," said Gwen, who wasn't planning

on backing out.

"Fine, fine whatever you say. Next time, I'll be fifteen minutes early," said

James, who knew that Gwen would not stop until she won the argument.

At this Gwen smiled happy that she had won, "What class do they teach

in this classroom?" asked James, curious.

"As far as I know, Ancient Runes, a third-year class," replied Gwen.

"Speaking of Ancient Runes, what does the writing on the bracelet

mean?" asked James, rolling up his sleeve and leaving his wrist exposed,

where he was wearing the silver bracelet Gwen gave him for Christmas.

"I had a hard time getting the message written in ancient runes," began

Gwen happy to see James wearing her gift.

"Since I had a hard time doing it, it will be your task to decipher the

message," she added with a smile.

'What kind of logic is that?' thought James, rolling his eyes.

"Don't make that face. There are ancient rune books in the library. Study

them and stop making jokes with Sirius Black," said Gwen, looking at

James with narrowed eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." said James, playing dumb.

"I'm 100% sure it was you who planned the flower prank," said Gwen

moving closer to James.

"Oh... that's a very high rate. The proof?" asked James with a slight smile.

"When we were kids, you always played pranks on Goyle and Crabbe and

they never caught you, although I think it was because they were scared

of you..... Anyway, I know you, James," said Gwen, who was sure it was

James and his friends.

James looked at Gwen. He knew he couldn't hide this from her, even

Penny could tell it was about them. Gwen was his childhood friend and

knew him best.

"Okay, you're right... Don't tell me that wasn't a good joke," James said

with a smile remembering the embarrassed and angry faces of Rabastan

and his friends.

Gwen laughed and admitted that it was very funny. Especially since she

didn't like Rabastan, who always wanted to start a conversation with her,

something she found annoying.

They were talking for almost a full hour, catching up a bit, as it had been

a long time since they had talked like that. James asked about Emily, but

Gwen didn't say much about her sister, just that they had drifted apart

since they were each in a different year and they were dealing with their


"See you. Next time don't be late," Gwen said goodbye as she crept out of

the hall.

'Next time?" thought James.


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You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 57: Werewolves

After he met with Gwen, James wasted no time and went straight to the

library. From one of the shelves, he took the book he was reading on

defensive magic and resumed reading.

He finished reading chapter twenty-eight and started with chapter

twenty-nine. The title of this chapter was as follows: WEREWOLVES.

It read as follows:

[A werewolf is a creature that normally resembles a human being, but

when the full moon is fully risen it becomes an uncontrollable, fearsome,

and deadly wolf. Many use the term lycanthrope to describe werewolves,

this is incorrect. Lycanthropy refers to someone who suffers from a

mental illness and fantasizes about being a wolf]

James knew that there were two opinions about the correct term. Some

authors said that both terms were correct, and others that lycanthropy

was not the same and could not be used to name a real werewolf.

Arsenius Jigger, the author of this book, preferred the latter and used the

term werewolf when referring to the condition of being a werewolf.

The chapter explained many things about werewolves. How they could

not choose whether to transform or not, and when they were transformed

they did not remember who they were and would kill even their best

friend if they had the chance. It also talked about the infection, how it

was transmitted, and ways to cure the wound, although it didn't cure the

disease of later transforming into a werewolf.

[The monthly werewolf transformation is extremely painful if left

untreated. It is usually preceded and followed by a few days of pallor and

ill health. When the person is transforming into a wolf, the individual

loses his human sense of good and evil. However, it is incorrect to claim

that (as many authorities on the subject have done) they suffer a

permanent loss of morality. Werewolves in their human forms, can be as

good and gentle as anyone].

'Werewolves have it rough,' thought James pityingly. There was no cure

for this disease. Besides this wasn't the worst of it.

Werewolves or werewomen are generally viewed with terror, disgust, and

distaste by magical society. People seem to think that even when they are

in their human form, the werewolf can pose a danger. It is not unusual

for people known to be werewolves to be shunned by society and

discriminated against within the magical world. It is very difficult for a

werewolf to get a job in the magical community.

This causes most to suffer poverty and end up exiled from society and

joining werewolf packs that commit crimes and continue to infect more


James thought that the Ministry of Magic bore a great deal of

responsibility for this, as they did nothing to stop the oppression and

discrimination faced by werewolves.

He finished reading the chapter and was just short of finishing the book.

The last thing was a brief conclusion of a few pages.

'Book finished...' said James, closing the book.

Now, it was time to put what he learned into practice. Namely, the

defensive spells that the book explained. James found two very useful

spells that would serve in his arsenal of defensive magic.

One was 'Barriera Silence.' As the name implies it creates a barrier of

silence around the user, muffling outside sounds and preventing people

nearby from overhearing James' conversations or noises he makes.

This will serve him well with the invisibility cloak, as despite being

invisible his footsteps still create noise, and if he speaks other people can

hear his voice.

'It will be very useful for the marauders,' thought James with a slight


The only downside was that the barrier stays where you cast the charm,

it doesn't follow the user. So, if you go outside the boundaries of the

barrier you will be heard again.

'What better place than the library to practice,' thought James as he

opened the book to the page where he explained this charm. The

pronunciation, the intention, and the movement of the wand.

After 10 minutes where he went over everything, he took his wand and

said in a low tone so he wouldn't get kicked out, "Barriera Silence." He

pronounced the LEN and the RA more forcefully, dragging out the A.

James felt his wand vibrate subtly indicating that the spell was cast. He

could also visualize a distortion in the air around him. Still, he wasn't

sure if the spell had worked properly.

He looked around and could see the librarian in the distance, also several

students sitting diligently studying, 'Let's see how good the barrier is,'

thought James.

After a few seconds, where he plucked up his courage, he shouted,

"SHIT!" to his luck no one looked up in surprise and looked back at him

for the rudeness he had just said. The worst thing is that the library is in

complete silence, and it would be very embarrassing, but it was a good

way to practice and not want to fail.

'Phew... luckily it worked,' thought James somewhat nervously. After a

few seconds, he noticed how the faint glow around him disappeared. He

practiced for 30 minutes repeating the same process.

Casting the spell then cursing and trying to hold it for as long as possible,

to his bad luck on one of the last attempts the barrier just dissipated as

he was shouting the swear word.

"SLYTHERIN BASTARDS!" shouted James and his voice echoed through

the library. All the students studying quietly looked up startled by the

sudden shout, and looked at James in confusion.

'The spell lasted 3 minutes and 10 seconds,' thought James, ignoring the

stares he was getting. The breakthrough he had was good, as with the

first throw he lasted just a few seconds.

'With enough practice, I could make it to the hour. Besides it's not too

hard to improve the time...' analyzed James, who was still being watched

by all the students. They couldn't believe he now had a stoic look on his

face after shouting that.

"Hey you!" said a voice in a low tone that was holding back from bursting

out and shouting.

James looked up from the book and noticed the young librarian with a

frown on her face and a look he had rarely seen on her bored face.

"What's wrong?" asked James.

"What's wrong?!" she repeated what James said angrily, "You just shouted

out of nowhere, and because of you, I spilled tea on the book I was

reading!" she added, getting angrier and angrier.

"Oh, that... Sorry. Nothing magic can't fix," James said in a monotone.

Hearing James' poor apology, a vein on Irma's forehead could be seen

standing out, "It's forbidden to shout in the library! Get out of here! For

two days, you are banned from the library!" said Irma as she pointed to

the exit.

'Two days... I got off easy,' thought James as he quietly got up from his

seat. He knew how strict Prince was and thought he would have more

days prohibited from entering.

"Can I take the book with me?" asked James.

"No, out!" said Irma, becoming increasingly exasperated by James'

attitude. At the refusal, he grimaced with annoyance. He left the book on

the table and walked towards the exit quietly under everyone's stares.

"See you in two days," said James, waving to Irma as he left the library.

'That arrogant brat!' thought Irma angrily gnashing her teeth and

regretting giving him only a two-day ban.

The news of James cursing Slytherin's house in the library was quickly

broadcast throughout the castle, and he was now getting more strange

looks from everyone.

Sirius spent five minutes laughing uncontrollably at the news. Until

James was able to explain to him that he did it because he wanted to

practice a charm, and it wasn't that he wanted to draw attention to


This was only understood by the marauders. Everyone else thought

James just wanted attention. He also noticed the angry look on Gwen's

face, 'I'll have to explain to her that the insult wasn't directed at her...'

James thought he had to do it quickly before Gwen's anger escalated.

The next day he sent a letter to Gwen and Emily to meet in classroom 11

at the same time as yesterday. James thought that Emily would also

prefer to talk to him in this method and not draw so much attention to

herself, as almost the entire first year of Slytherin hates it.

He arrived fifteen minutes early to classroom 11 and waited sitting at the

professor's desk. After five minutes Gwen arrived looking at James with

an angry face, "Is it true you said that?" she asked about the topic of

James cursing Slytherin's house.

"Yes, but... wait. Just listen to me for five minutes, okay?" said James

grabbing Gwen's wrist, who was about to leave. She was not amused

when her house was insulted and even more so when it was her friend.

"Fine, speak," she said as she sat with her arms crossed where James used

to be.

'That was my place...' thought James.

James started telling her about the charm and that when he yelled,

'Slytherin Bastards!' he did so thinking of Rabastan and not her or Emily.

This calmed Gwen since she also disliked Rabastan, "A barrier of silence?"

said Gwen interested in the charm. Just at that moment, the door opened

surprising the blonde.

It was Emily who arrived on time. James smiled and walked over with a

smile, as he hadn't spoken to her in a long time.

"Hey, Emily! How have you been?" asked James, approaching the raven-

haired girl. At first, he wasn't too sure if Emily would accept his

invitation since when he talked to her a while ago she seemed very

distant, but luckily she didn't ignore him.

Emily didn't answer. She just looked at Gwen, who was scowling at her,

"Why is she here?" asked Emily in a low tone.


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Chapter 58: Aeromanteo

"Am I not allowed to be here?" asked Gwen in a hostile tone.

"No. I didn't mean that!" said Emily in a nervous tone, lowering her gaze.

The atmosphere fell into an awkward silence. James couldn't process

what happened.

'What's up with this atmosphere?' thought James, looking at Emily and

then looking at Gwen, who again had a look at a few friends.

"Why did you invite her?" asked Gwen, looking at James, who was still

silently shocked at the reaction of both sisters seeing each other.

"Can't I? I thought it would be nice to be together like old times," replied

James, feeling like an old man saying 'old times'. He had only heard such

a phrase said by his grandfather and his senior friends when they told

anecdotes from years ago.

"Besides, why are you talking to Emily like that?" asked James, confused.

He noticed Gwen's hostile tone towards Emily.

"It's none of your business," said Gwen in an angry tone as she walked to

the door. She pushed Emily without even looking at her and left.

"What the...?" muttered James in confusion.

"Hey, Emily, what happened between you two?" asked James,

approaching Emily, who was still looking at her shoes.

"It's none of your problem, James. Thanks for the gift..." said Emily in a

low and depressed tone as she turned around and walked back the way

she came.

James had a conflicted look on his face as he watched Emily leave. On

one hand, he wanted to stop her and ask her if there was anything he

could do to help, but he knew it was useless, this was the second time he

had asked, and neither wanted to tell her anything.

He couldn't deny that it annoyed and hurt him that they didn't trust him

to ask for help or minimally tell him the problem.

"Tsch, it's more fun to be with the marauders," James muttered in

annoyance as he walked out of the room kicking invisible stones.

Over the next few days, James never tried to meet with Emily again, nor

Gwen and he wouldn't accept a meeting with them either, as he ended up

getting annoyed with how mysterious they both were. He wasn't a

fortune teller, and if they didn't tell him it was obvious he would ask

what happened when they were getting along relatively well before.

When the ban on entry to the library was lifted, James headed there

resuming his routine, and continued practicing the charm Barriera


The librarian Irma, when she saw him enter looked at him with a frown,

but said nothing, 'This time if the same thing happens, how many days

will it be?' thought James with a slight smile.

Training for this charm was better in the library, as it gave a more

serious atmosphere, and if he failed there were consequences, making

him take it more seriously.

After about 30 minutes of practicing and increasing the barrier time a bit,

he put this charm aside and moved on to the next one he found useful.

He opened the page where it was explained to read it again.

This charm is named 'Aeromanteo' and is distinguished by its simplicity

and efficiency in deflecting attacks, whether projectiles or spells. It can

replace Protego as it is easier to learn and cast.

Aeromanteo generates a current of air around the user, deflecting

projectiles and spells. However, not everything is so nice and rosy.

Although in theory, it is easier to use it in combat, it is more difficult

than Protego.

For one thing, unlike "Protego." which can be conjured proactively,

"Aeromanteo" requires a quick reaction from the mage. It must be cast at

the exact moment when a projectile or spell is about to hit the user. This

makes the mage's anticipation and reflexes crucial to the spell's success.

In addition, to successfully deflect an attack, the mage must generate the

airstream in the right direction. If the spell or projectile is coming from

the right, the mage must direct the airstream in that specific direction.

This adds an element of dexterity and fine control to the spell, which

implies that the magician must be aware of the direction of the

impending danger.

It also depends on the magical strength of the user, since, if the attacking

mage is more powerful than the defending mage, the air current will

prove insufficient to successfully deflect the spell, unless the attacker

restrains himself. It is also incapable of deflecting unforgivable curses, no

matter how much more powerful the defending wizard is than the

attacking wizard, although the latter is the same for Protego.

"Casting is much easier than Protego and causes me less fatigue... but you

need very good reflexes..." muttered James.

"Let's see... Barriera Silence," said James as he waved his wand, and a

barrier went up around him, "Now I can shout what I want for fifteen


"Aeromanteo!" said James with intent and high pitch as he waved his

wand. Instantly, he knew the spell was a success. He felt a draft to his

right that lasted only a short time.

'That's easier than I expected,' thought James. Although this wasn't the

hard part of the spell, the really difficult part was having enough speed

and reflexes to cast it at the exact right moment.

During the 15 minutes that his barrier lasted he was casting the spell

non-stop creating air currents to his right, left, above his head, etc. If

anyone saw him screaming and waving his wand they would look at him


Fifteen minutes passed, and James stopped shouting and waving his

wand as he noticed the barrier fading.

'I can cast many without getting tired unlike the Protego just by casting

five I'm already exhausted,' James thought. All that was needed now was

to put it into practice and get the necessary reflexes. The problem was


First, he needed someone to cast spells that he could try to deflect, and

second a place to train without being bothered, or caught by Filch or

some professor and punished for destroying the classroom.

When they trained Flipendo with the marauders, they were used as

training dummies themselves, even so, when they were sent flying, they

created a lot of noise in the classrooms and almost got caught by Filch

and his cat.

Since Sirius, Lupin, Peter, and Toby were beginners their Flipendo's were

not as painful as James', so they could practice without hurting

themselves too much. Besides, it was fun to be sent flying and fall into

the desks, they had a good laugh.

'I have to think of somewhere in the castle where Filch won't get to,'

thought James as he left the library. However, he couldn't think of any

place where Filch wouldn't arrive. He thought about using the Barriera

Silence charm, but it was still too short-lived and couldn't hold an entire


The dormitories were too small, and the common room was too crowded,

and if they did it at night they would create too much noise waking

everyone up.

'The forbidden forest? No, too dangerous. The outskirts of Hogwarts...?

Neither, we can be watched and I don't want them to see us practicing...

Besides I don't think the professors would like to see me fly off a

Flipendo,' James thought with a frown.

He got to the Gryffindor common room and couldn't think of anywhere,

the marauders were waiting for him, so he left it for later.

"Finally, you're here," said Sirius, waving him over to an armchair where

all the marauders were sitting.

"What happened?" asked James, sitting down between Lupin and Peter.

He noticed the excitement in Sirius' voice, which meant that a prank on

Slytherin was near.

"Today's the day," said Sirius, acting exaggeratedly, and everyone raised

their eyebrows internally wondering the day of what.

"Of what?" asked Toby.

"It's good of you to ask, my friend. Today will be the day where we get

100 dungbombs," replied Sirius as a wicked grin formed on his face.


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Chapter 59: One hundred


James and Lupin looked at each other. They had forgotten about the

prank Sirius wanted to pull, how he wasn't talking about the Joker

anymore. They stopped thinking about it.

"Are we going to do that prank?" asked Lupin, not quite sure.

"Of course we are! Or do you have a better idea?" asked Sirius, with some

anger, as he had seen that the others were not very much in agreement

with this prank.

"If they catch us, we're screwed..." commented James, and Sirius looked

at him quizzically, as his best friend always agreed and was not one to be


At that moment, a boy named Thomas with a dark complexion and short

hair, staggered into the common room and finally stumbled falling to the

floor, drawing everyone's attention.

James stood up and noticed that Thomas's legs were stuck together. He

recognized immediately that it was the Legs Together Jinx. He had had to

come hopping to Gryffindor tower.

Many of those, who saw this scene began to laugh, except for James, who

went over and performed the counter jinx. Thomas' legs parted, and he

was able to stand up, shaking.

"Thanks..." muttered Thomas.

"What happened?" asked James, helping him to sit on one of the couches.

James had known Thomas, as he was a first year, and they had high-fived

when he was almost grounded for ignoring the flight instructor's order.

"Rabastan and his friends," Thomas replied in a shaky tone, "I found them

on the way out of the bathroom. He said he was looking for someone to

practice his new jinx on," he added.

"Go talk to Professor McGonagall. He can't be casting jinxes while

someone wants to go to the bathroom quietly," suggested Lupin, but

Thomas shook his head and said, "I have no proof."

"You have to stand up to him, John!" said Sirius angrily.

"I'm Thomas..." muttered the boy, but Sirius didn't hear him and kept


"That fucker. He thinks he can do whatever he wants because his family

has some power," said Sirius, getting angrier and angrier.

'Some...?' thought James. Only a Black could say such a thing.

"Not everyone is like you or how James... I have to study. See you..." said

Thomas as he stood up and walked away.

Sirius followed him with his eyes and said nothing. James on the other

hand had already made up his mind, "Let's do it," he said, and Sirius got a

smile forming on his face as he listened to him.

Rabastan was casting jinxes on many Gryffindor students, Toby was one

of them, now Thomas, and tomorrow it could be another one. He had to

be put in his place.

If Rabastan hadn't been such a bully, James wouldn't play such a

practical joke on him, but he left him no choice.

"That's the spirit, man!" exclaimed Sirius, brutally patting James' back.

'Looks like there's no other option...' thought Lupin, but he was also

looking forward to getting back at Rabastan, though this time they would

be aiming for all the years.

Late at night, Sirius left the common room alone. However, he was

followed by James, Peter, and Lupin, who were under the invisibility

cloak. This time, Peter wanted to come along, as he was very curious

about the identity of the Joker.

When they left the common room, Sirius got under the cloak, as he didn't

want to run into Filch and be punished. When he was about to arrive he

came out. This time, the Joker arrived within a few minutes.

"H-hi... did you bring it?" asked Sirius somewhat nervously, different

from his usual confidence.

"Do you have the money?" asked the Joker. His voice was strange, very

low and distorted, plus the clown mask and the darkness that was in the

castle many students would get a fright if they saw him.

"Here you go," said Sirius, pulling out a small bag, which as it moved

jingled. The Joker weighed the bag with his hand, glanced at it, and put

it away.

"Aren't you gonna count it?" asked Sirius.

"I have my ways," he said without explaining much more. From one of his

pockets. He pulled out some kind of small bag. He opened it and stuck

his hand in starting to look for something.

"Mm, this isn't... where is... here!" he muttered as he withdrew a black

box about six inches long. He passed it to Sirius, who took it carefully

and within seconds pulled out another identical box again.

He repeated the process until Sirius had five boxes in his hands, "In each

box are 20 dungbombs, of the highest quality," said the Joker.

Sirius nodded without seeing what was in the boxes, as it would be rude,

and he trusted the reputation of the best smuggler of prank products at


"If you need anything else, you know how to contact me," said the Joker

as he chuckled in a low tone and started walking backward disappearing

into the darkness.

"How scary..." muttered Peter, who got to hear the Joker's laughter.


In the marauders' bedroom, five boxes could be seen lined up on the

coffee table and opened. Leaving tiny brown spheres, barely the size of a

marble, that fit comfortably in the palm of one's hand. Their simple,

unassuming appearance is deceptive, for when they burst they give off a

putrid, stinky odor.

The five boys stood watching with smiles at the boxes full of dungbombs,

"They'll have to bathe for months, and the smell will haunt them," said

Sirius with a big grin.

"I've never seen so many stink bombs together," commented Peter,

amazed at the great sight.

"There are still a few things missing before we act," said Lupin.

"What's missing? We just sneak into the Slytherin common room with

James' cloak and bomb them, easy," said Sirius.

"If we do what you say, all we'll get is easily caught. First of all, if we are

under the cloak, how will we throw the bombs without being seen by all

the people who are going to be in the common room? Secondly, if we

manage to figure that out when we leave the common room after

throwing 100 dungbombs, we will have a putrid smell and it will be easy

for them to figure out it was us," explained Lupin calmly, and Sirius

began to understand that it wasn't all that simple.

"Won't the cloak protect us from the smell?" asked Toby, to which James

shook his head.

"It's only an invisibility cloak. It won't protect against rotten smell..." said

James a little doubtfully.

"We'll do the following. Toby, Peter, and I will take care of finding a

solution for the smell problem so it doesn't affect us. James and Sirius

will look for the solution so that we won't be seen and we can throw the

dungbombs once we are in the Slytherin common room," said Lupin, and

everyone nodded in agreement.

'I thought he didn't agree with the prank...' thought James, looking

strangely at Lupin.

After talking about a few more things, they went to sleep, since it was

very late and tomorrow besides classes they had to start looking for

solutions so that the prank would turn out perfect and they wouldn't get


A week passed since the day they got 100 dungbombs.

The marauders' outings to explore the castle began to be less and less, as

they were absorbed in getting the answers to the two questions of the

prank. Plus James was spending time studying and didn't have as much

free time as he used to.

On the one hand, Lupin, Peter, and Toby were spending more time in the

library looking for methods that would protect them from the rotten

smell. They had already decided that they would do it through a potion,

which would have a longer-lasting effect compared to a charm.

The problem was to find a potion that was not something very used, and

they did not even know if it existed, so they spent a lot of time reading

potion books.

Sirius and James thought they had it easier, but so far they did not find

any method that would allow them to throw the dungbombs without

being seen by the people in the Slytherin common room, since for this

they would need to get out of the invisibility cloak.

Sirius suggested a Polyjuice potion. This potion is well known, it allows

the drinker to assume the form of another person. It is a complicated and

challenging potion that even adult witches and wizards struggle to brew


James dismissed this idea quickly. He knew the potion, and it was too

much trouble, although he was confident he could make it, they needed a

lot of ingredients that were very hard to come by. They even needed

hairs from the person they were going to transform, which added another

problem to the matter, as they had to get hairs from three Slytherin


And the worst part of all was that the potion must be cooked for a month

before use. Hearing this, Sirius rejected the proposal he had made as he

was unaware of this step.

James knew the answer was through a charm. Despite knowing many

charms, he knew none that would help him in this situation. Most of the

charms he knew were attack and defense. Then the typical ones like

Alohomora, Reparo, Lumos, etc.

"Looks like you have no choice but to visit the library..." said James as he

walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

James was already visiting the library and was reading more advanced

books on defensive magic. But since the assignment is both of theirs, he

won't be doing all the work by himself.

"Yes..." said Sirius with a grimace, as he wasn't a big fan of visiting the

silent library. Despite not going to the library regularly, Sirius was very

talented and good at most subjects.

He didn't see why he should visit it, and he didn't understand James, who

now visited regularly either, but everyone does what they want with

their time.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 60: Fumos

Before they could sit down, Professor Antennae stopped them, "Today

you don't need to sit. It's gonna be a pure practice class," she said as

waved her wand. Instantly all the desks floated up and headed for the

walls, stacking neatly and leaving the entire center of the classroom free.

Everyone hearing this smiled, glad that they wouldn't have to copy and

read. Most preferred the practical, one of them being Sirius, who had a

big grin on his face.

"What powerful charm will you teach us?" asked Sirius loudly.

"You must raise your hand to speak, Black. Stand round," she ordered as

all the students made a big round.

"It's not an offensive charm. It's defensive and very useful," she began.

James, hearing defensive paid much closer attention.

"The charm is called Fumos. It creates a defensive cloud of smoke that

hinders the opponent's visibility. It can have several uses: to escape, to

confuse the opponent, or to tactically reorganize if you are in combat.

Now, watch closely..." she said as walked to the center of the round.

"Fumos!" exclaimed Antennae as she made a circular motion with her

wand. Suddenly a large amount of smoke began to fill the entire room.

James' vision was obstructed, and he stopped seeing the professor. Even

watching Sirius was difficult.

A lot of commotion suddenly started to be heard from all the students

who couldn't even see the face of their classmate next to them. Out of

nowhere a huge blizzard arose and dispersed the cloud of smoke in


James and Sirius looked at each other instantly, both with big smiles on

their faces. This was the charm they so desperately needed. If they

managed to create a cloud of smoke that covered a large space, they

could remove their invisibility cloak and begin the bombardment of the


"That's great! Who would've thought we'd get the charm served on a

silver platter. It's destiny!" said Sirius excitedly near the marauders.

"All indications are that fate wants the Slytherin common room to smell

putrid," said James, amused.

"You guys have it easy...we still haven't found anything, and we've

already read hundreds of pages," complained Lupin.

"You handed out the homework," said Sirius.

"Silence!" exclaimed Antennae as she saw that all the students were

muttering, "Now, line up and practice," she added.

The next hour and a half of class was spent repeating the same charm:


James couldn't believe he had been such an idiot. This charm was found

in 'The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection' a book written by

Quentin Trimble that they were using in the first year for Defense Against

the Dark Arts.

How it was a book he would sooner or later read it he passed over and

didn't think there would be such a useful charm, as it would not only be

useful for banter, it would also be useful for a battle.

Though with a Ventus you could disperse the cloud of smoke like the

teacher did.

"Hold the wand at a slightly upward angle! Not like that Macdonald,

higher!" shouted Antennae as she walked around like a military man

watching all the students wave their wands.

From the 50% of students, only a little smoke was coming out of their

wands. Other students managed to create a smoke, although they were

far from filling the room how the teacher managed to do it.

On the other hand, the top students were James, Sirius, Lupin, Lily and


"Nice wand movement, Lupin," praised the teacher as she saw Lupin

finish the charm, and his figure was covered in smoke. James even

managed to make him and Sirius, who was closest to him disappear

through her cloud of smoke.

Every so often, the professor would generate a blizzard of air to disperse

all the smoke that was generated in the classroom so that the students

could continue to summon more smoke.

"That's all for today! Next week there will be a little test. You must cast a

curtain of smoke that covers a radius of 3 to 5 meters, from the point

where the spell was cast. Don't be lazy and practice," said Antennae in a

firm tone.

"We'll need more than five meters if we want to cover the entire Slytherin

common room," Sirius said to James as they walked out of the room.

"Yes, a week is enough," said James confidently, "Did you hear?" he

added as he looked at Lupin, Peter, and Toby.

"They better find the potion for a week from now. I'd recommend going

to the library," said Sirius with a smirk as he went with James to the

Gryffindor common room to practice Fumos.

The three marauders looked at the two with rolled eyes. In this way a

week flew by.

James and Sirius spent their time training in the dormitory and the

Gryffindor common room the Fumos charm. In those days it was very

common to see the room full of Fumos, not only by the two of them but

also by most of the first-year students who were practicing the charm

with fervor, for the Antennae test. No one wanted the strict professor to

reprimand them.

The marauders easily passed Professor Antennae's test, especially James

and Sirius, who managed to cover a radius of more than twenty meters,

which earned them 10 points each for Gryffindor.

Lupin, who showed great skill did not have the same result, as he was

spending his time in the library looking for a potion to protect them from

putrid smells.

"When will they find the damn potion?" said Sirius as he moved a pawn.

He was currently playing magical chess against James. As was customary

these days, both Lupin and Peter and Toby were in the library reading

potions books.

"Don't be impatient. It's a potion with a very strange effect. It must be in

a very peculiar and little-known book..." said James as he looked at the

board carefully. As expected James was winning. He was very good at

magical chess.

Sirius was getting more impatient every day about the subject of the

potion, as it was a crucial point. Otherwise, they would end up just like

Rabastan and all the others in Slytherin and also be found out as they

would end up with a putrid smell.

'There might not even be a potion with that effect...' thought James, but

he didn't want to tell Sirius this. First of all, who would create a potion

for such a thing? Only pranksters would.

Just as he was about to move a piece, a book fell straight onto the

chessboard crushing all the pieces and scattering them.

"Hey!" exclaimed James and Sirius in annoyance at the same time as they

looked up and noticed that it was their marauding friend, Lupin. Who

was smiling a triumphant smile.

"Look at the book," said Lupin, not caring about the angry looks from his

two friends.

James looked back at the chessboard. He could see that the book was

open to pages 145-146. The title on page 145 was as follows: Potion:

Olfacto Repellum.

[This potion protects the user from bad smells for X amount of time.

Difficulty level: beginner. Instructions: First of all...]

"That's great. Well done you, bastard!" said Sirius with a smile and a

strange way of congratulating his friend.

"I found the book by coincidence. It's very strange. It's only a few pages

long," commented Lupin.

James took the book and looked at the name which was as follows:

Peculiar Potions and Improper Uses by Armando Strange.

"Where are the other two?" asked James, noticing that Peter and Toby

were not in the room.

"They're already looking for the ingredients. They're not too difficult.

Peter went to the greenhouse and Toby to the Potions classroom. If we're

lucky, we'll have everything to brew the potion by today," replied Lupin

sitting down on a couch and feeling that he had done his part.

"You've worked hard my friend, a game?" said Sirius as he pulled out a

deck of cards. Lupin nodded happy that he wouldn't have to read any

more strange potion books.

As James watched Sirius and Lupin leave, he was thinking about Gwen

and Emily. The prank looked like it would be executed in the next few

days, and his two friends were from Slytherin and might suffer from the

stink bomb barrage.

He was thinking if he should warn them and on the day they decided to

do the prank send them a letter so they wouldn't be in the Slytherin

common room. The problem was that it would be exposed. He trusted

them both and knew they wouldn't tell on him or so he thought....

'They won't tell me anything. Why should I warn them? Their luck will

decide whether or not they are in the common room at that time,'

thought James, deciding not to tell them, still upset about the other time.

45 minutes later, Peter and Toby arrived. They nodded to the others to

go to the dormitory where they were shown various ingredients.

"Good job guys. Is everything there?" asked James as he checked the list

of ingredients in the book.

"No..." replied Toby and Peter with an ugly expression on their faces.

"We need Wiggentree Bark..." said James, reaching for the last ingredient

and looking at the table. He couldn't find it.

"Wiggentree Bark? What's that?" asked Sirius as his earlier smile

disappeared, as if his favorite toy had been taken away from him.

Lupin, Peter, and Toby shook their heads not knowing the answer. They

all looked at James, as they knew he was very good at potions and knew

information on many ingredients.


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Chapter 61: Difficulties

"The Wiggentree is a magical tree. That's where its bark comes from,

which is used to brew potions... As far as I know, the bark is generally

used for potions that give magical protection against dark creatures. I

didn't know it had such a use," James explained with a frown.

"Why the frown?" asked Sirius, concerned at James' expression.

"If they didn't find the tree in the greenhouses, it would be impossible to

find it anywhere else at Hogwarts," replied James.

"Professor Slughorn can't have the bark? From what you said it had

hundreds of ingredients," said Lupin, and Sirius nodded repeatedly.

"No. Once you remove the bark from the tree it is best to use it as quickly

as possible to brew the potion, as the fresher it is the more powerful its

effects will be. So Slughorn won't keep it as a normal ingredient,"

explained James.

'How does he know so much...?' wondered Toby in his mind in surprise.

"So... should we get another potion?" asked Lupin, holding a hand to his

forehead, as it seemed to indicate that he would have to resume his

routine of reading potions books.

"We can ask Professor Sprout. Maybe she knows something," suggested


"That's a good idea. Besides, I don't think she knows about this potion. So

she won't be suspicious," said Sirius, agreeing.

Luckily, they didn't have to wait long to have Herbology class. The next

day in the second period, they went to the greenhouses.

"Today, we will practice with the spiky bushes. As you should know by

now these bushes if they get angry can throw thorns at people near them.

Who can tell me the best way to get rid of them?" asked Professor

Pomona Sprout.

Sprout saw Lily's hand go up instantly as usual but decided to give

someone else the chance since the redhead always raised her hand. On

the other hand, although James knew the answer he was too lazy to

answer it.

Toby plucked up his courage and shakily raised his hand, "Toby," said

Sprout, permitting him to answer.

"B-best to get rid of them from a distance using the charm Incendio,"

Toby replied, stuttering a little at first.

"Very well. Five points for Gryffindor," said Sprout with a kind smile, and

Toby smiled happily, as it was the first points he had earned for his


"I hope you have done your homework and practiced the fire charm in

case you need it. Let's get to work," added Sprout.

Without further ado, they began the activity. In groups of two students,

they had to take care of the spiky bushes. The best way was to treat the

bush gently so that it wouldn't detect a threat and shoot its thorns at you,

which cause minor damage.

If the bush decides to attack it is best to move away and cast Incendio, as

once the bush detects a threat it can't stop attacking, so there is no choice

but to get rid of it.

James and Sirius paired up. As Sirius wanted to set fire to anything, he

purposely went rough with the bush, and it started throwing thorns at

him, which he luckily managed to dodge.

"Incendio!" exclaimed Sirius with a grin as he stepped back and pointed

his wand at the bush. From the tip of his wand came a jet of fire that

easily disposed of the bush.

"That's not the homework..." said James with a roll of his eyes. They are

supposed to treat the bush gently to safely remove its thorns.

"It's no fun to pull out some thorns. Let's get another one," said Sirius as

he walked over to a large shelf where there were several spiky bushes.

Professor Sprout could see this behavior in several male students who,

instead of performing the task, wanted to use the Incendio charm and

watch the poor bush burn.

"People who use the charm Incendio twice will be punished, they must

clean the greenhouses. Do your homework seriously!" said Sprout in a

loud and somewhat angry tone.

Sirius and several others, who were having fun with fire grimaced in

disgust but had no choice but to treat the bush gently and try not to let it

attack them.

The class was over, and several students who had used Incendio twice

had to stay behind to clean up the entire greenhouse, especially the ashes

after burning the bushes.

James, Lupin, Sirius, and Peter went outside and waited patiently for

Toby, who would be in charge of asking Professor Sprout about the

Wiggentree. Sirius was very nervous, as not finding the tree at Hogwarts

meant they wouldn't be able to do the prank, and he had already waited

a long time.

'Maybe the smell won't matter...?' thought Sirius, but he quickly put this

idea aside, as they would be very conspicuous if they had a putrid smell.

Plus it would be very difficult to remove, as we're talking about a

hundred dungbombs.

After ten minutes, Toby came out of the greenhouse with a smile, "Are

there those trees at Hogwarts?" asked Sirius impatiently as he approached


"Yes. Yes there are," said Toby quickly a little uncomfortable at having

Sirius' face so close to him. At the affirmative Sirius, smiled broadly, "Let

him speak," said James as he pulled Sirius towards him and away from


"The Wiggentree is guarded by the Bowtru..."

"Bowtruckle. A very small magical beast. They eat insects, have long

sharp fingers, are green, and look like a stick," helped James to Toby,

who was having a hard time saying the name of said creature.

"Yeah, that. The good thing is that there is a Bowtruckle Island at

Hogwarts! It's in the middle of the Great Lake. There is the Wiggentree

there and the Bowtruckle's that protect it and live there," Toby said with

a smile.

"That's great! We just have to go there and take bark off the damn tree,

easy," said Sirius with a big grin.

"According to Professor Sprout, they're peaceful creatures, but they might

try to gouge your eyes out if someone threatens their tree.... plus they are

very agile," said Toby, who disagreed that it would be easy.

"A Incendio will be enough," said Sirius confidently.

"If a Magizoologist heard you, they'd give you a beating," commented

James with a slight smile.

"Besides, if we cast an Incendio we can damage the tree bark. I'll take

care of the little creatures," added James, who was looking forward to

watching the Bowtruckle.

"How do we get to the island? We have to swim many meters, and it's

very cold," asked Peter, and everyone was silent in thought. A cold breeze

ruffled James' tousled hair as he thought.

"I got it!" said Lupin, and everyone looked at him waiting for him to

speak, "We can use the boats we used to get to the castle at the beginning

of the year," he added.

"That's right! With those boats we sail on the lake, where will they keep

them?" asked Toby.

"Somewhere on the shore, I guess. Or will the gamekeeper guard them.

His name was... Hagrid. I think," said Lupin.

"We should borrow them, then we'll give them back," said Sirius. After

deciding what to do next they went to lunch, as they had wasted a lot of

valuable time.

After finishing their lessons for the day they headed to the lake, in search

of the boats. It was very cold near the almost freezing lake, to their bad

luck the boats were not on the shore they were able to explore.

"What now?" asked Sirius with a frown.

"We'll visit him," said James.

"Who?" asked Lupin.

"To Hagrid," replied James with a slight smile.


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Chapter 62: Hagrid's Hut

Without wasting any more time, they started walking through the

Hogwarts grounds. First, they passed the greenhouses, then the Boxing

Willow, and finally they saw the small wooden hut that belonged to

Hagrid, on the edge of the forbidden forest.

A crossbow and a pair of gumboots were outside the front door, "T-this is

a good idea?" asked Pete,r shivering at the sight of the crossbow. Toby's

expression also looked frightened as he looked at the large crossbow,

which appeared to have some rusty blood on it.

In the eyes of many students, Hagrid was very scary, as he was somewhat

barbaric-looking and almost 10 feet tall. However, James knew that he

was a kind-hearted person.

"Don't worry. I have a feeling Hagrid is good-natured," said James as he

knocked on the door twice. As soon as he hit the door, they heard frantic

scratching and several barks.

Then a low, raspy voice was heard, "Down, Claw, down!"

Hagrid's big hairy face appeared as the door opened, "Mm? First-year

students?" said Hagrid with doubt and confusion in his eyes that were

barely visible.

He had been a Hogwarts warden many years ago, and this was the first

time five young students had knocked on his house door.

"Hi. Yes, we're first years. I'm James..." said James respectfully as he

introduced Sirius and the others.

"Nice to meet you guys. What do you need?" asked Hagrid, who had

taken a liking to James because of how respectful he sounded.

"We have heard many rumors about the Forbidden Forest and the

amazing creatures that inhabit there. Since you are the gamekeeper we

thought you would have many interesting stories to tell..." said James,

who had practiced this speech, to try to get Hagrid to like you. That way

they would get into confidence, and later they would ask him for the

boats, although he was also very interested in the subject of the magical

creatures that inhabit the forbidden forest.

Hagrid's expression changed to one of surprise at James' request, "If you

don't have time, we'll leave..." said James when he heard no response

from Hagrid.

"Oh no, of course not! I was surprised that someone would ask me to tell

them my crazy stories. It's not a common thing," Hagrid said, pleasantly

surprised, as it was nice to see that there were boys at Hogwarts who

were interested in his work.

"Come on in. Back Claw," he added as he struggled to hold an imposing

white Great Dane by the collar.

The marauders entered as they looked around the inside of the hut

curiously. There was only one room. Hams and pheasants hung from the

ceiling, a copper kettle boiled on the fire, and in one corner was a huge

bed with a blanket made of scraps.

"Make yourselves at home," said Hagrid, looking at the boys and releasing

the dog, who threw himself against Toby and began to lick his ears.

"Easy, easy..." said Toby, feeling tickled and petting the big dog.

"It's weird that he likes someone unfamiliar so much. Would you like

some tea?" offered Hagrid, and everyone nodded as it was very cold.

After a few minutes, everyone had a cup in their hands and were sitting


"Do you have any creatures in mind? There are a great many in the

Forbidden Forest. There are even parts I haven't gotten to," Hagrid said


"I've heard there's a tribe of centaurs. Is that true?" asked Sirius, very

interested in the subject.

"Oh, I guess it's impossible to stop rumors in the castle! Centaurs don't

like to attract the attention of humans, but I'll tell you about it..." said

Hagrid enthusiastically, as he told them how he met the centaurs and

that he even managed to get to have a friendly and minimal relationship

with them.

After that, they asked him about Trolls, Unicorns, and many magical

creatures. Hagrid happily told them all about his experiences and

adventures. Even for a moment the marauders almost forgot why they

were there.

"Whoa, you know a lot about magical creatures," said Lupin in

amazement, as Hagrid besides telling him about his encounters with

magical creatures, told them the characteristics of each one and what

things each creature liked.

"Yes. I've always liked them..." said Hagrid, scratching his big beard.

"Look at the time it is. It's getting dark already. Better get back to the

castle," he added as he noticed through the window that it was getting


'Has it been that long already?' thought James surprised. They had stayed

up listening to Hagrid's stories and hadn't realized it was almost dark.

"One last thing, Hagrid. Do you know Bowtruckle Island?" asked James.

"The island that's in the Great Lake? Yes, I know it. That's where the

sneaky little Bowtruckles are. Why?" asked Hagrid, curious.

"We were wondering if you could take us there in the boats, as visiting

the forbidden forest is very dangerous. We wanted to meet the

Bowtruckles," said James, looking at Hagrid.

"Mm, it's true that visiting the forest is very dangerous as they are first-

year students. It would be better to visit that island where there is no

danger..." said Hagrid while he had a hand on his chin, "It's fine. I don't

think there will be a problem. It's been a while since I've visited those

little devils" he added with a smile.

"Great!" said Sirius, and Hagrid thought he was happy to get to see some

very peculiar creatures, but that wasn't why.

"We'll do it tomorrow when your classes are over. See you," Hagrid said

as he opened the door and said goodbye to the boys. He had liked this

gang, plus they were Gryffindor like he was.

"Well, it was easier than I expected. Although the tea was awful," said

Sirius as they walked towards the castle.

"While someone distracts him, I'll take the bark," said James. He felt kind

of bad about lying to Hagrid, but they had no choice.

"Next time, we'll bring him something to eat and also for Claw," said

Lupin, who had liked Hagrid, and it was rare for an adult to like him.

The next day, after the school day they rushed to Hagrid's hut, who was

already waiting for them with two boats ready on the shore.

James got into one boat with Hagrid, and the other four got into the

remaining boat. When they reached the small island, they could see the

only tree that was the Wiggentree, in addition to serving as ingredients

for making potions, the wood was used to create wands.

The Bowtruckles were very small and shy. They hid behind the leaves of

the Wiggentree, and as soon as you approached the trunk you could see

how they positioned themselves ready to attack with their long, sharp


Hagrid came prepared. He brought with him woodlice, crustaceans that

live in trees. They were a favorite food of the Bowtruckles, all this he

explained to the boys very enthusiastically.

While he was feeding the little magical creatures and Sirius was asking

him many questions to distract him, James took advantage and with a

very quick Difffindo charm cut the bark and kept it in his robe.

The Difffindo is a charm used to cut something with precision, very

useful for this occasion and deadly for other occasions.

After that, he concentrated on the lesson Hagrid gave them. The

Bowtruckles stopped showing so much caution but did not let them touch

them as there were too many of them, and they did not fully trust them.

After a 20-minute lesson, they left the island. They thanked Hagrid very

much, for taking them and teaching them and returned to the castle

going as fast as possible to the Gryffindor common room.

"Finally, we have everything!" said Sirius already in the dormitory and

everyone cheered happily to be able to finish the potion already.

"Hagrid is good at explaining. He'd make a great professor," commented


"Yeah... come on, James. Get everything you need out and get to brewing

that damn potion," said Sirius. James nodded. From his trunk, he

removed all the necessary tools and started with the brewing of the

potion while using the book as a guide. He had already read it these

days, so he was confident, plus it wasn't a difficult potion.

Finally, after a while, an orange liquid was in a glass vial. The potion was

finished. James rested it on the coffee table next to the boxes of

dungbombs that were still in the same place.

"Dungbombs, check. Potion, check. Invisibility cloak, check," James said

as he pulled his cloak out of his trunk and rested it on the coffee table.

"Okay, marauders, let's get dinner. Last dinner before the best prank yet,"

said Sirius with a smile.

Besides dinner they toasted, obliged by Sirius, who was very dramatic.

After that they talked about who would infiltrate the Slytherin common

room and went to sleep, looking forward to the next day.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 63: Bombing I

Wednesday, January 26, 1972.

That day, the marauders woke up excited and nervous, as it would be the

day of the group's second big prank. They had already decided that they

would do it after classes were over since that would be the time when

most Slytherin students would be in the common room.

However, their main target is Rabastan Lestrange and his gang. So once

the class period is over, they should follow him, and once he enters the

common room start the bombing. They couldn't pull the prank and have

Rabastan be somewhere else at that very moment.

They also wanted to stink bomb his dorm, so once inside the room, they

should find his dorm, and the best way was to follow him.

As for the marauders who would infiltrate and execute the prank there

would be three: James, Sirius, and Lupin. Even though the invisibility

cloak would fit four people, it was very uncomfortable and would be very

risky when the Slytherin common room was in chaos.

Peter preferred not to enter the lion's den, where all his enemies were. He

was afraid, so he sighed with relief when he learned that he wouldn't

have to follow the others.

On the other hand, Toby, although he was afraid to enter the common

room where all the Slytherin students were, was eager to enter, but

James, Sirius, and Lupin had a better command of the Fumos charm than

he did.

At the end of the class period, James, Sirius, and Lupin ran to find the

invisibility cloak and then began searching the castle for Rabastan. They

searched for twenty minutes and found no trace of him or his gang.

"Where the hell is that guy when you need him?" asked Sirius, annoyed

under the cloak. Whenever he wants to be quiet he crosses him, and now

that he wants to find him, he's nowhere to be seen.

"We haven't looked in the library yet," said Lupin, and they started

heading for the library.

As they were passing the sixth floor, Sirius suddenly stopped them, "Look

over there!" he said, pointing his finger. James and Lupin could see their

victim entering the boys' bathroom.

They quickly walked and entered the bathroom just before the door

closed. They could see Rabastan choose one of the ajar doors, enter, and

carefully close. The three boys under the cloak could hear the muffled

sound of the lock.

"Don't tell me he's going to shit...?" asked Sirius in a low tone looking at

the door where Rabastan stood behind. With no choice, they had to wait

patiently for him.

Within seconds there was a loud and spontaneous concert of sounds

coming from the bathroom stall where Rabastan was.

James, Sirius, and Lupin had expressions rarely seen on their faces. On

the one hand, Sirius wanted to burst out laughing and bombard him with

stink bombs right then and there. Lupin had an uncomfortable expression

and James had an expression as if he witnessed something he shouldn't

have seen or rather heard.

"What the hell did he eat to shit so loudly?" asked Sirius in a low tone

holding in his laughter.

Rabastan's farting continued for almost a minute until it was finally

ceasing. The chain was heard and the door opened. Rabastan's expression

was stoic as if nothing had happened there.

'This shameless...' thought Sirius angrily for some reason. Rabastan

washed his hands quietly and walked out of the bathroom while being

followed by three people. Luckily for the marauders, he went straight

towards their common room.

Rabastan began to descend a series of stone steps until he reached the

depths of the dungeons. He walked a little further until he came to a

stone wall adorned with a portrait of a snake.

"Disgusting," growled Sirius.

"Pureblood," said Rabastan, looking at the portrait which slowly opened

revealing a passage leading to the common room.

The boy entered. James and the others hurried before the portrait closed.

They walked tensely and watched intently. Finally, they had the Slytherin

common room in front of them.

The room was dungeon-like with rough stone walls and ceiling, from

which hung round, greenish lamps with chains. A fire crackled under an

elaborately carved mantelpiece, and several Slytherin lounged around it.

James was the first time he had ever seen a common room of another

house, and was glad for the day he was selected to Gryffindor. The

atmosphere was very gloomy and depressing, with the walls rocky and

everything a dull green color.

The atmosphere was quiet, although there were many students since

classes were over. Everyone was quiet, very different from Gryffindor.

"I'm glad I broke the family tradition," whispered Sirius. Glad he didn't

have to live in this common room. To his delight, he could see at a table

his cousin Narcissa next to some friends chatting quietly.

James sighed in relief when he didn't see Gwen or Emily anywhere.

"Come on. Rabastan's on the move," whispered Lupin, and they began to

follow him, careful not to bump into anyone.

The three of them followed him somewhat tense and with their eyes wide

open. If they were discovered they would be in trouble.

Rabastan went up to his dormitory. However, James and the others didn't

go in with him. They just stared at the door.

"Barriera silence," whispered James waving his wand, which was a bit

difficult as he had the cloak over him, luckily he managed to cast the

charm which encompassed the three boys and a bit more.

"What a convenient charm. How long does it last?" asked Sirius in a

normal tone.

"More than fifty minutes," replied James.

"As soon as Rabastan comes out, you two will cast Fumos, and I'll start

the bombardment. Follow the plan," said Lupin as he took out the potion

and took a sip, then passed it to Sirius, who did the same, and lastly


With everything ready, the three of them stood silently staring at the

door. The corridors weren't very big, with two Fumos spells they could

easily fill them with smoke. Lupin was already holding a pair of

dungbombs in both hands, ready to act, a little sweat could be seen on

his forehead.

After almost fifteen minutes, the handle moved, and the door slowly

opened, revealing the face of Rabastan, who was talking to Avery and


"We must find a good Jinx in the library and test it on those stupid

Gryffindor boys," said Rabastan with a slight smile, remembering how he

tested a Jinx on a Gryffindor boy a few days ago.

"Fumos!" exclaimed James and Sirius at the same time. From their wands,

a large amount of smoke began to pour out. At first, the cloak held it

back, but this was short-lived, it began to seep out from underneath

quickly, allowing them to remove the cloak, as they would not be seen.

Before Mulciber could answer his friend, he saw a scene that puzzled

him. A large amount of smoke filled the corridors within seconds, "What

the hell?" he exclaimed. Rabastan and Avery had noticed it too.

Lupin, who had already removed his cloak, threw the first dungbomb in

the direction of Rabastan and his friends. Although he couldn't see them

because of all the smoke, he had already prepared himself and knew

where to aim.

The small sphere hit Rabastan's face, who couldn't see it. He only felt a

small blow on his forehead.


To Rabastan's bad luck, after the bomb hit his forehead it exploded. A

pungent and disgusting smell entered the nostrils of the boy and Mulciber

and Avery, who were standing close by.

"What the fuck is this smell?" cried Rabastan in confusion. The smell even

made him gag, it was so horrible. However, he didn't have time to think

and kept cursing.




Lupin threw three more stink bombs, hitting the three Slytherin boys and

causing the smell to coalesce and multiply. The smell of the stink bombs

entered Rabastan's room and began to spread throughout the hallway.

James, Sirius, and Lupin had heavy-duty plugs in their noses. They

couldn't be knocked out after dropping a couple of stink bombs.

"Who dares!" shouted Rabastan knowing this was a person's action. It was

not a good idea to open his mouth, as the putrid smell entered him.

'This is for Toby, you bastard!' thought Sirius, joining in the barrage.



The bombardment continued, many of those stink bombs entering

Rabastan's dormitory which had the door open.

"Run!" shouted Mulciber as he tried to get to the common room. The

room was no longer habitable. Despite the smoke that covered the entire

hallway, it wasn't too difficult to guide himself as there weren't many

possible paths.

"Cof, cof!" coughed Rabastan repeatedly after leaving the corridor and

reaching the common room. Besides him, Mulciber, and Avery there were

two more boys, who had to run out of the room because of the foul smell.

The behavior of Rabastan and the others drew the attention of some

students in the common room who looked at them strangely.

Rabastan looked down the smoke-filled corridor. The smell had luckily

not reached here. His expression turned ugly when he saw that out of the

white smoke came a small brown sphere. Luckily this time it didn't hit


However, this was not all, a large amount of small brown spheres started

to come out of the smoke thrown at a great speed, reaching different

parts of the common room.

This was just the beginning.


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Chapter 64: Bombing II

"Mm, what is this?" wondered a boy, who was sitting quietly reading a

book. On his table, a small brown sphere fell and rolled until it collided

with his book.

As the pale-skinned boy was about to pick up the small sphere, it

exploded releasing one of the most unpleasant smells the boy had ever

smelled in his short life. In addition, a thick, brown smoke quickly spread

through the place.

This didn't just happen to him. In a matter of seconds, several dungbombs

exploded in the Slytherin common room, which went from silent and

calm to being engulfed in screams and a curtain of foul-smelling smoke.

"Let's hurry. Let's take advantage of the smoke from the bombs!" shouted

Sirius as he ran under the cloak. As he emerged from the hallway that

was still heavy with smoke, he smiled a wicked grin as evil smile as he

took in the scene before his eyes.

The brownish-transparent smoke generated by the dungbombs was still

visible. It wasn't like the smoke created by Fumos, so he could watch as

the Slytherin students screamed, coughed, and tried to escape to

somewhere safe.

"Fumos!" exclaimed James and Sirius again.

When the smoke came to cover them they pulled back the cloak and

began the bombing. They both had a bag full of dungbombs. James just

in case, threw Fumos again, to make sure no one could see them.

"Let's have fun, guys!" exclaimed Sirius as he threw five dungbombs at


At that moment, true chaos broke out in the Slytherin common room.

Dozens of dungbombs hit every corner of the common room. Many hit

the students in the face and exploded leaving them with a foul smell.

James was throwing stink bombs masterfully, although he couldn't see

through the smoke, he could be guided by the screams, to make sure he

hit the snakes.

The smell of the dungbombs, besides affecting everyone present, clung to

the curtains, seeped into the crevices of the furniture, and wafted

throughout the room.

Many girls shrieked angrily. However, they had to keep quiet. Otherwise,

the smell would end up coming in through their mouths.

The brown smoke and Fumos smoke created a scene where no one could

see anything, making it difficult to escape from the common room or go

to the dormitories. On the other hand, the boys' dormitories were no

longer a place to pass through, as they were filled with a putrid smell.

'I hope I hit Narcissa in the face,' thought Sirius as he continued to throw

bombs. He still had plenty of them.

The three of them moved together, and James had the invisibility cloak

ready, as they had to tread carefully now that everything was chaos and

they didn't have much vision.

As they dropped more bombs, the smell coalesced and got worse and

worse, to the point that many students were coughing a lot and had red

eyes from all the toxic brown smoke.

"Cof, cof, cof, cof, cof," Rabastan coughed, kneeling on the floor, there

was no place where the foul smell did not reach. He wanted to flee

through the portrait, but because of the smoke, he couldn't find it. At

first, he covered his mouth and nose, but it was impossible to breathe. He

already felt his whole being contaminated inside.

Some older students tried to cast charms to clear the smoke and be able

to find the culprit or minimally escape since the smell could not get rid

of, but when they managed to dissipate the white smoke, more smoke

appeared out of nowhere and the process was repeated, they even

became targets of dungbombs.

"Shoot that one. He wants to disperse our precious smoke!" said Sirius as

he saw a student making a great effort to cast a spell.

The poor student got six stink bombs all over his body, then disappeared

through the brown smoke.

"These caps won't hold out long," said Lupin, noting that he could smell a

bit of stench.

"Just five more minutes," Sirius said without stopping waving his arm and

throwing dungbombs, practicing for the day he had to make the

quidditch team.

After a frantic five minutes, the bombing ended. Every corner of the

Slytherin common room was infected by a foul smell, no furniture was


The three culprits put on their invisibility cloaks and began to walk

through the smoke that still lingered, looking for the exit. After a few

minutes, they managed to find the exit. It was easy to get out as many

students were leaving as quickly as possible.

James as he left the common room, could see a large number of Slytherin

students outside with disgusted faces. Some affected them worse,

coughing non-stop with red eyes and nasty expressions.

'Will they be okay... right?' wondered James, looking a little surprised at

everyone's faces who looked like terminal patients in a hospital. Lupin

had the same surprised look on his face as James.

How there was a large amount of smoke, they couldn't see how the

dungbombs affected the Slytherin students. They never thought it would

be that bad. They didn't calculate that the fusion of 100 dungbombs

would create a new, even more disgusting smell.

The three boys looked at each other with worried faces. They quickly fled

the scene under the invisibility cloak. No one said anything on the way

they had to get to their common room as quickly as possible.

Arriving at the portrait of the fat lady, they waited for someone to arrive

and say the password. They could have come out of the invisibility cloak,

but they didn't want to leave any proof that they were outside at the time

the attack happened.

After five minutes a tall girl said the password and entered through the

hole. They took advantage of this opportunity and followed her. Without

stopping they went to their dormitory, where Toby and Peter were

waiting for them.

"Did everything go alright?" asked Peter as he noticed the door open by

itself. Out of nowhere, James, Sirius, and Lupin appeared.

"Yes..." said James as he closed the door. Holding up his invisibility cloak,

he noticed that it didn't permeate any stinky smells.

'That's weird... it should have a foul smell...' thought James in confusion

as he sniffed his cloak, but it was as if nothing had happened to it. It was

better for him anyway, since he wouldn't have to wash it or anything.

"It was..." said Sirius as he pulled his nose plugs out of his nose and threw

them away from him.

"Amazing!" he shouted then started laughing. Even though he saw the

Slytherin students red-eyed and coughing a little, he knew it wasn't very

serious. Toby had had worse done to him, though it was just Rabastan

and his gang.

"It was frenetic..." said Lupin, feeling his heart beating fast.

"You should have seen Rabastan's face," said James with a faint smile.

Knock, knock, knock.

As they were talking about how the prank went off perfectly, someone

knocked repeatedly on the door. James got up and opened it curiously.

"Guys, it's urgent! Something really big has happened in the Slytherin

common room!" shouted a boy that James and the others recognized. It

was Ben Ray, a first-year Gryffindor student.

'Did the prank spread that fast?' thought James in surprise.

"Oh... What happened?" asked Sirius, pretending to be interested.

"I don't know the details, but there are a lot of people heading to the

Slytherin common room. Let's go," Ben said, waving his hand, and they

all followed him. Sirius previously told them about the incident in the

bathroom, but now Ben took it upon himself to tell them about this


As they left the common room, James could see many people from all the

houses, heading in the same direction as them. He had a bad feeling. It

had only been fifteen minutes since they had left the Slytherin common

room, and already there was so much commotion, it wasn't a good thing.

Lupin noticed this too and his expression became more worried. The only

one walking with a slightly victorious smile was Sirius, who was pleased

with his creation.

As they reached the corridor near the snake portrait a large crowd was

blocking the view, not letting them see what was going on.

"Excuse me, excuse me, thank you. Let me through," Sirius said as he led

the way for the marauders and Ben.

As they reached the front of the crowd they could see that the snake

portrait was open and there were a large number of professors:

McGonagall, Slughorn, Sprout, even Madame Poppy, who had a very

furrowed brow, but the person who caught James' attention the most was

an old man with white hair and a big beard. He had crescent-shaped

glasses and light blue eyes.

'The headmaster?' thought James.

"This is not good..." whispered Lupin in James' ear.

'Maybe... did we go a bit too far?' thought James as he looked at the

Slytherin students with pale faces and red eyes. Every so often more

students came out. Some are in a better state than others.


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Chapter 65: Full Moon

That day that everyone thought was about to end and would be like any

other in the castle was quite the opposite. The Slytherin common room

was infected by a putrid smell and filled with brown smoke.

As the portrait was open, the smell drifted into the corridor where

everyone was watching the scene. Many frowned at the horrible smell

and held their noses. Luckily Professor Antennae with her wand

summoned a current of wind that carried the smell through the open

windows to the outside.

Dozens of Slytherin students were red-eyed, nauseous, and dizzy from

being in the center of the putrid smell. Madame Poppy, with the help of

other teachers, took them to the infirmary.

James luckily did not see among those students Gwen and Emily. It

seemed that they had somehow been spared. The ones he could see were

Rabastan, who had a very pale complexion and vomit in his mouth. His

friends Mulciber and Avery, were the same way.

Sirius wanted to laugh at this but decided to keep quiet and not draw

attention to himself, as he knew that if they were caught they would be

in a lot of trouble.

Then the professors along with Dumbledore cast a spell that made a

bubble appear on their heads and all over their bodies, and they entered

the Slytherin common room.

After about ten minutes, they came out with many Slytherin girls

including Gwen and Emily, who also had bubbles covering their entire

bodies, protecting them from the horrible smell.

This group of girls managed to take shelter in their rooms, saving

themselves from the dungbomb attack.

"Well done, everyone. There are no students left inside the hall and

dormitories," said Dumbledore in a calm tone.

"Now, let's go back inside and try to make the common room as good as

new," he added as walked through the portrait with the other professors.

They spent an hour inside the room, casting cleaning spells and such to

try to make the Slytherin common room habitable. It was difficult, as the

smell had infiltrated the walls, furniture, etc.

"There is only a very faint smell left, which will go away over the next

few days," said McGonagall with an annoyed face as she stepped out of

the portrait hole.

"We must find the perpetrators! This incident is unacceptable!" shouted

Slughorn angrily, as he rarely did. It was normal since he was the head of

Slytherin house and the common room of Slytherin was attacked by


"There is an inspection to be done in each house, Dumbledore!" added

Slughorn, looking at the old headmaster, who seemed to be in his world

as he examined an object in the palm of his hand.

"Slughorn, whoever it was. It had to have been a Slytherin. Who else has

the password?" said McGonagall.

"Why would a Slytherin attack his own house and leave it in such a

condition, Minerva!" said Slughorn, sounding very frustrated.

McGonagall was silent. The Potions professor had a point. Although the

girls' dormitory was spared, many of them were affected as they were in

the common room studying or talking to friends. It didn't make sense that

it was a Slytherin, as it left their common room with a putrid smell that

should linger for days.

"Still, let's say they got the password somehow. How did they get into the

house unseen and start the attack?" asked McGonagall doubtfully. It was

rare for a student from another house to enter someone else's common

room and not be noticed quickly, as it was prohibited.

"There are many ways they could have used to go unnoticed, such as a

disillusioning charm," said Slughorn in annoyance.

"Using Fumos or Nebulus, it stands to reason that they could have carried

out the attack," said Antennae, joining the conversation.

"Exactly! We must interrogate the other houses!" said Slughorn, returning

to the attack.

"Settle down, colleagues," said Dumbledore. His expression always

remained the same, neither exasperated nor angry.

"Look what I found," added the old man with some amusement as he held

out his palm to the professors. In Dumbledore's palm was a small brown


"That's a Zonko product," said Slughorn in disgust at the sight of the


"Yes. I wonder how many of these must have been used to create that

toxic cloud," said Dumbledore with a strange smile.

"We should ban all Zonko products!" suggested Filch, who was standing

near the professors. Many prankster students used Zonko products which

caused a lot of trouble for him and his cat.


Sunday, January 30, 1972.

Several days passed since the dungbomb prank, and it was the only thing

that was talked about in the Great Hall, the corridors, and even in the

classrooms, where many teachers had to give punishments so that the

students would be quiet.

The dozen Slytherin students who were taken to the infirmary were all in

good health by now, needing only a day to recover, as it was nothing too


The perpetrators were not found. The only clue they left was the small

dungbomb that didn't explode because it was faulty. Besides that, there is

no trace of them.

Many Slytherin students were outraged, especially the girls who had to

bathe many times to get the rotten smell out of their bodies. Many of

them from wealthy families, gave galleon rewards to people who

provided any evidence that would help find the perpetrators.

Peter and Toby were scared to death in case they were found, but luckily

that didn't happen, and the anger subsided.

With each passing day Sirius, one of the main perpetrators, became more

arrogant as he heard the crazy rumors about them. They even had a fan

club, which fed his ego even more.

"We have a fan club! Should I join?" asked Sirius, lying on his bed lazily

and with a big grin.

"Don't shout that stuff outside the dormitory," Lupin said with a frown.

"I know. Anyway, no one thinks it was us. Everyone thinks it was older

students, using complicated charms. The invisibility cloak is our best

weapon," Sirius said with a chuckle.

Lupin huffed in annoyance. He was in a bad mood, and talking to Sirius

was only making it worse. If they had followed Sirius' plan (entering the

common room without potions, or the Fumos charm.) They would have

been caught by now and would have been grounded or expelled.

"Where are you going?" asked Sirius as he noticed Lupin heading for the


"Eat," he replied dryly and impatiently as he walked out of the dormitory

and slammed the door shut.

"What's wrong with him?" asked Sirius with a confused expression.

"Hey you, let's go to dinner," said Sirius, throwing a pillow that hit right

in James' face.

James found himself reading the book: The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-

protection. He didn't want to skip a charm like Fumos which was very


As for the prank, he wasn't as enthusiastic as Sirius. He didn't like that

there were so many students going to the infirmary as much as they only

had to go for one day, he thought it got out of hand.

James didn't calculate that the combined smell of 100 dungbombs would

merge and create something worse, making several Slytherin boys dizzy

and nauseous. Besides, the only ones he disliked were Rabastan and his

gang, there were other kids he didn't know, and he wasn't prejudiced

against them.

Gwen and Emily were his friends, and they were both from Slytherin, so

there could be people he liked in the house and not be like Rabastan.

'Well, there's nothing I can do now...' thought James as he looked at


"Is it already so late?" asked James, closing the book and throwing the

pillow back at his friend.

"Yeah, come on," said Sirius, standing up and fixing his hair.

"And the others?" asked James, noticing that it was just him and Sirius in

the room.

"..." Sirius looked at James weirdly as Lupin shut the door abruptly. As

for Toby and Peter, they were doing homework.

After a delicious dinner, they went back to the dormitory, except Lupin,

who again said he was feeling sick and headed for the infirmary. James

and the others wanted to join him, but he flatly and with little patience

refused, so they left him alone.

"Same again?" asked Peter as he walked back with the others to the

Gryffindor common room.

"All day today, he looked bad, and his mood was terrible. He must be

feeling bad..." said Sirius, not too sure about this.

When they got to the living room, James and Sirius had to get on with

their homework for tomorrow, Monday. Peter and Toby had already done

it, so they set about playing a game of magic chess.

After writing more than two scrolls in full, James went to bed. Lupin had

not yet returned, but they were used to it, so no one talked about it.

James was sleeping peacefully in his comfortable bed, until at one point

he opened his eyes abruptly and woke up.

"Phew... it was just a nightmare," he muttered as he opened the dark red

velvet curtain. The nightmare was that he found himself in the

Rothschild mansion and was once again living his routine life controlled

by his former mother, Elizabeth.

It wasn't the first time he had this nightmare. He usually started having

these dreams when he moved away from his mother and father.

Feeling his mouth dry, he grabbed a glass of water from his bedside table

and quietly hydrated himself as he looked out the window. It was still


'Today, there's a full moon...' thought James as he looked out at the

beautiful white, oversized moon.

'Wait... Full moon!' thought James as he set the glass down abruptly on

the bedside table and looked out the window at the moon again.

A crazy idea flashed into his head. His friend, Lupin, disappeared once a

month for the whole night, an occurrence that seemed very strange to the

marauders. No matter how much they questioned him, Lupin said he was

sick and went to the infirmary.

Lupin would show up the next day looking pale and unhealthy as if he

was knackered. That would last for a couple of days until he was back to


James could see by the moonlight coming through the window that

Lupin's bed was empty with the curtains open.

'Don't tell me Lupin...' thought James with a surprised look.

'He's a werewolf?'


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Chapter 66: A Lupin Day

The information he had read in the chapter: Werewolves explained this

clearly. In short, a monthly transformation when there is a full moon and

the person in the next few days is in poor health, as it is painful.

'No. I can't jump to conclusions...' thought James. He had to make sure of

this first. The previous times Lupin disappeared, he didn't pay attention if

they were full moon nights.

Still, it was a very valid theory, as it would explain why he disappears

right on full moon nights and his subsequent condition.

'If the next month, he disappears on another full moon night, he's most

likely a werewolf...' thought James as he went back to bed. Falling back

to sleep cost a lot more, as he had a lot of thoughts in his head about


If his theory is true, where did he go to become a werewolf? The

forbidden forest? James doesn't believe in this possibility. It is almost

impossible for Headmaster Dumbledore not to know about Lupin's

condition. Besides, it would make sense since they say that Dumbledore

is a very flamboyant wizard.


Monday, January 31, 1972.

In the Hogwarts infirmary, a brown-haired boy lay on one of the beds

sleeping. His complexion was pale and he looked like he had had the

worst night of his life.

His eyes opened with difficulty, revealing brown irises. The boy looked at

his surroundings with confusion, "How did I end up here?" he asked in a

low, doubtful tone.

"With Professor McGonagall, we brought you here after your

transformation was over. It's best to sleep in a comfortable bed," said a

soft voice next to her. It was Madame Poppy, the Hogwarts nurse. If any

student heard her they would be surprised, as her tone was very kind,

compared to her characteristic strict tone.

"Thanks..." said Lupin in a low tone, but before he could say anything

else, he felt a great pain all over his body. He clenched his teeth tightly

and endured it, anyway, he was used to it. He had had worse nights.

"What time is it?" asked Lupin in a weak tone. He didn't want to miss

breakfast under anything in the world. The best way to regain his

strength was to eat, and a lot of it.

"There's still time for you to eat breakfast... but I don't like the look of

you. It's crazy to think you can start a whole day of school like this," said

Madame Poppy, looking at Lupin's pale complexion and dark circles

under his eyes.

She felt very sorry for this little boy, who was only in his first year of

school. That's why she was so kind to him.

"I'm fine. I want to go" said Lupin a little uncomfortable. He wasn't used

to adults who knew about his condition being nice to him. The only

adults who treated him nicely were his parents.

Poppy sighed but said nothing. She made him take something before

letting him go, a remedy that tasted cold and strawberry. Drinking it

made Lupin feel better and regain some of his energy.

Lupin hurried to the Gryffindor tower to change into his uniform as

quickly as possible. To his luck, when he entered the dormitory, none of

the marauders were awake. He didn't want them to look at him strangely

again and have to give explanations or rather excuses.

In a few minutes, he changed and went out again, his destination: the

Great Hall.

When he reached the doors of the Great Hall, he heard a voice addressed

to him with a hostile and mocking tone, "Where is your little group of


Lupin turned his head with a frown. He wasn't in the mood, and even less

so when he had to go through a full moon night. He noticed three boys. It

wasn't Rabastan and his gang. It was other Slytherin boys.

He recognized only one of the three boys, Severus Snape. A thin boy with

pale skin, a big nose, and greasy black hair. He recognized him because

Snape was very arrogant in potions class.

Lupin didn't like the greasy-haired boy either. He had had a few run-ins

with him in Potions class. Although Snape, looked like a scrawny loner

with no confidence, his tongue was sharp and acidic, plus he was very

good at potions (as much as Lupin didn't want to admit it which made

him act arrogant.

The other two boys, one with very short black hair and one blond, he

didn't know. All the first-year Slytherin students hated the marauders. He

couldn't remember everyone's name.

After the flower prank, where most of the Slytherin's first years were

affected, the hatred of the Slytherin boys towards their group increased,

as James and Sirius made fun of them and were the main suspects.

As for the stink bomb prank, hardly anyone believes it was them. The

only one was Rabastan, but again, he could do nothing to prove it.

Lupin huffed in annoyance and decided to ignore the boy, but the boy

stepped in front of him, barring his way.

"What do you want?" asked Lupin, clenching his fists. His aggression was

higher after a full moon night.

"I don't want anything. I just like it here," said the boy with a wicked


When Lupin took a step to the side, the boy did the same, not to let him

pass. Snape and the blond boy watched the scene with a faint smile


"Bastard, move!" shouted Lupin angrily, something rarely seen from him.

With great force, he pushed the boy who almost crashed into the door of

the Great Hall. Luckily he managed to recover and regain his balance.

He, Snape, and the blond boy took out their wands. Lupin did the same.

He was at a disadvantage, but at least he would take one with him.

Thanks to James, he had learned useful charms for dueling.

"What's going on here?" said a male somewhat husky voice, coming from

behind Lupin.

Turning his head, he could see a boy much taller than him. He looked

like a wall compared to his lanky body. Lupin could recognize him

immediately, William Turner. The captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch

team, is one of the most popular people in the school.

Next to him also stood another member of the team, Alex Shaw, the

team's seeker and seventh-year student. He was taller than William, but

his build was slimmer but very athletic.

"Why are you blocking the way?" asked Alex in a cold tone, looking at

the Slytherin trio in front of him.

"W-we were just about to go in," said the boy quickly as he turned and

walked into the Great Hall, along with Snape and the blond. They were

intimidated by the aura of two older and most popular students in the


"Are you alright?" asked William with a friendly smile compared to


"Yes... thanks," said Lupin, putting his wand away and trying to calm his


"It's nothing. You're James' friend, right?" he asked, and Lupin nodded.

"If you're his friend, you're ours too" added William as he brutally patted

Lupin's back and started walking.

'How much strength does he have...' thought Lupin in pain.

"By the way, where's James?" asked Alex, who seemed a bit more

reserved than William.

"He's still sleeping..." replied Lupin a bit uncomfortable, as it was the first

time he was talking to these two older boys. He also noticed a lot of

stares when they entered the Great Hall, even more than when he was

with James and Sirius.

"Would you like to have breakfast with us?" offered William.

Lupin was silent in thought, then after a few seconds, he agreed. They

had helped him and they were James' friends, so he didn't see the point

in turning them down.

Together with William and Alex, they sat in a place where there were

several older students. Which made Lupin's breakfast more

uncomfortable. He was the only first year.

"Who is he?" asked a red-haired girl looking at Lupin.

"He's a first year, a friend of James, his name is..." said William.

"Remus Lupin," added Lupin, noticing that William didn't know his name.

"They keep getting smaller and smaller," commented a stout boy.

"Shut up, don't bother the first-year boy," said a girl reprimanding him.

Lupin ate his breakfast amidst the conversations and laughter of the older

students. Luckily after a while, they forgot him and he was able to have a

quiet breakfast, although it was a bit uncomfortable.

Just as he finished breakfast, the marauders arrived. They greeted him

normally and this time they didn't ask him anything about his


'It's better this way...' thought Lupin. The only thing he felt was a weird

look coming from James, but when he looked at him again, he was

talking to Sirius as usual.

"Hey, James! Come here, sit down. We need to talk about quidditch!"

shouted William, calling James, who had no choice but to sit with his


William was a crazy quidditch enthusiast and knew a lot. The only

person who could follow their conversations on the subject without

getting tired of it was James, so they often spent the whole time talking

about historical matches, tactics, etc.

"You're always bothering him with your quidditch. Leave him alone," said

the redhead, pulling James towards her and starting to argue with

William. James with a poker face was in the middle.

'He's even popular among the popular...' thought Lupin, looking at James,

who started eating his breakfast as if he didn't care about the discussion

of the older students.

Lupin took advantage of this moment and left. He still had some free

time before the first class.

The day passed normally for Lupin. Only that his body felt more sore

than usual. What most caught his attention and worried him was the look

that James gave him. The moment he looked at him, the black-haired boy

averted his gaze.

It was difficult for Lupin to hide his secret, especially from his dorm

mates. He had prepared excuses beforehand, but if they were smart

enough they might realize that something was wrong.

The one that worried him the most was James, as he proved to be very

knowledgeable and seemed to be a walking encyclopedia. Whenever he

was asked about a potion, a charm, or an ingredient, he always answered

by being very precise and detailed.

'Did he discover me...? No, no, impossible' thought Lupin shaking his

head. In the conversations they had that day with the marauders, James

acted normally, even with him.

So, it should be his imagination. Luckily, after class, James had to go to

quidditch practice, which from now on was earlier as it was getting dark


After that, Lupin did homework, played the odd game with Toby and the

others, and went to bed early, as he was very tired.


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Chapter 67: Mysterious room

James' theory about Lupin grew even stronger. Clearly, Lupin was weak

and low on energy. If you watched him a little, you could easily tell.

However, he would wait another month. He must not rush. Then, he will

converse with Lupin to hear from his mouth whether he is a werewolf or

not. As for his position, he doesn't care that Lupin is. He has no

discriminatory thoughts against werewolves.

As for why he will confront him when it is certain that Lupin wants to

keep it a secret, it is simple. It is because they are friends. His mother has

told him that friends should trust and help each other, plus he thinks it

must be very lonely for Lupin to have to hide the secret, so he wants to

give him a hand.

James was currently exploring the castle. The strange thing was that he

was alone. No member of the marauders was in sight.

His objective was to find a classroom that was empty and hidden enough

that it would be hard to find, and he could train without being caught by

Filch or another professor.

The castle was big, very big. It wasn't the first time he had explored just

looking for such a room. At first, he thought of Classroom 11, where he

met Gwen, but it would be too easy for Filch to find them.

James looked at the map he held in both hands. It was a recent creation

of the marauders when they were out exploring the castle.

'This map is garbage...' thought James, looking at the ugly layouts, the

ugly handwriting, and many more flaws. If a cartographer saw this map

he would set it on fire without hesitation.

They still had more to learn before. They could try to draw a good map

that would cover the whole of Hogwarts and do it correctly.

He rolled up the map and put it in his tunic. He knew it would be of little

use to him. It was not the first time he had gone out in search of such a

classroom in which to train. He was getting less and less hopeful of

finding such a convenient classroom.

He was now walking down the seventh-floor corridor, or so he thought as

it was very difficult to guide himself through the huge castle.

'I just need a place to practice my magic and not be found. Damn it. It's

not that hard. Maybe I can find some training dummies like the ones in

the training room at home...' James thought grumpily as he walked down

the hallway.

James stopped and looked at a huge moving tapestry where there was a

group of eight trolls each with a club, and a little person was trying to

teach them to dance ballet. The trolls were wearing the uniform that

ballet dancers wear. Only the bottom part and the slipper were a very

strange sight.

James stopped looking at the strange tapestry and kept walking forward.

'No. If I keep going this way, I'll go through the area I already explored

yesterday...' thought James as he turned around and went back to the

place where the tapestry with the trolls was.

As he was about to reach the window he stopped abruptly, 'No... I think

I'd better go that way,' he thought, scratching his cheek, turned around,

and resumed his previous path.

'For a good place to practice, I need a large classroom... maybe I should

go to the dungeons, though I'm likely to cross paths with the Slytherin

guys...' thought James.

Again, he paused. This time, he pulled out the second-hand map they

made with the marauders. Maybe it could be of some use to him in this


'Then I'd better go the other way...' thought James, turning around for the

third time in a row. Luckily, the corridor was empty. Otherwise, he

would have looked like an idiot for turning around so much.

However, as he started walking, out of the corner of his eye he noticed

something wrong.

In front of the troll tapestry was an empty stretch of wall, but now there

was a shiny wooden door.

James looked at the wall with caution and surprise. He rubbed his eyes

gently. He was sure there was nothing there just an empty wall.

'Since when do doors appear out of nowhere on walls...?' thought James,

slowly approaching the door.

It was the first time he had noticed this happening in Hogwarts castle

despite being a magical castle, he had not seen such a thing until this


James slowly reached out, grabbed the tin doorknob, and slowly turned

it, opening the door. Seeing that there was nothing dangerous, he

decided to enter.

He entered a large room in which flickering torches burned like those

that illuminated the dungeons eight floors below.

In one corner, James discovered perfectly aligned magical dummies,

much like the ones he had at home. In the center of the room, a large,

open area designed specifically for magical duels was spread out. The

floor was marked with magical lines delineating safe boundaries and

penalty areas.

Subtle but efficient lighting focused on the dueling area, allowing every

move to be visible. In another corner was a room with several couches

and a couple of bookshelves with many books.

"What the hell...?" muttered James with his mouth hanging open.

The room was perfect for practicing. It was very large and had everything

he needed there were even books, which after glancing through. He could

see that they were books on offensive and defensive magic.

James thought about going to look for Sirius and the others, but he didn't

know how exactly this mysterious room worked. He couldn't miss the

opportunity to practice, since if he left he might disappear when he came

with the others.

'I'll train on my own today. Tomorrow I'll come and try to find out how it

appeared...' thought James while with a Wingardium Leviosa, he moved

the mannequins towards the center of the room.

The only thing magical about the dummies was their defense. They had

great durability, and no matter how many spells you cast on them they

would not be destroyed. They could not attack you, but they served to

enhance your offensive charms.

Two hours passed. In addition to practicing his offensive spells to

improve his mastery, he also spent about thirty minutes to read quietly

one of the magic books that were on the shelves.

It was much more comfortable to read in an armchair in a private room

all to yourself, 'It could be the marauders' lair...' thought James with a

faint smile as he was slumped on the couch comfortably.

This room was better than the library. On the shelves were all the books

you needed. You didn't even have to look for them on your own. You had

a comfortable couch and you could make whatever noise you wanted.

'I wonder what face they'll make when I show them,' thought James,

standing up and putting the book away.

On the other hand, no one knocked on the door. In itself, the hallway was

already uncrowded, but James believed that the room had some special

power and was harder to find.

This thought was because he passed by the empty wall several times and

saw no door. He left the room and walked out, but after five minutes, he

returned. The wooden door was gone.

'Mm, it's time for lunch now. I'll investigate better tomorrow or maybe

tonight,' James thought as he made his way to the Great Hall. He still

didn't plan on telling the marauders about this. He wanted to know the

exact method of making the door appear.


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Chapter 68: Strange method

That night, James did not return to the strange hallway where the door

appeared, as he was studying a new book on defensive magic in the

common room, so he did not have time to return.

The next day, after classes and his quidditch training, which was getting

more intense as the second match was less than a week away, James

returned to the seventh floor.

He looked at the empty stretch of wall where the wooden door used to

be, "Mm, what now?" muttered James.

He didn't know why the door appeared out of nowhere in the wall. He

had a few suspicions. The first would be that it would appear at a specific

time, from his robes he pulled out a pocket watch, 'It's 15 minutes until

it's the same time as yesterday...' he thought as he waited patiently.

James didn't take his eyes off the wall. He wanted to keep an eye out for

any change, no matter how small.

To his chagrin, fifteen minutes passed, and nothing happened. James

shook his head. He didn't hold out much hope for this theory, as it would

be very easy to find it if you only had to pass by at a particular time.

The second theory was the one James was most confident in. It was

simple. The secret room provided whatever one required of it.

James trusted this, for when he entered the room there was everything

he was looking for: magical dummies, books on offensive and defensive

magic, and a large place to practice. It was too much of a coincidence. If

he had come across a simply spacious, but empty room, he would not

think of this reason.

'I want a large room to practice magic. With magic dummies and books

on offensive and defensive magic,' James asked in his mind while looking

at the wall, seconds passed, and nothing happened.

James repeated this thought several times in his head while staring at the

empty wall, but nothing happened. He tried several methods: closing his

eyes, waiting a few minutes, and opening them, but nothing appeared

either. He turned his back to the wall and looked at the tapestry of the

trolls, while he thought about what he needed. When he turned around

the wall was still empty.

Twenty minutes passed, and the ideas were running out. Luckily, no one

was passing through the corridor. It was desolate.

James with a frown, began to remember everything he did yesterday in

this hallway. The only different thing he did was go back and forth like

an idiot because he was kind of lost.

'Wait... It won't be half-turning, right?' thought James with a strange look

on his face.

With nothing to lose, he gave it a try: he turned around sharply as he

reached the window beyond the empty stretch of wall, then turned back,

this walk he made, thinking about what he needed.

When he made the third run, it appeared. Again, he could see out of the

corner of his eye the wooden door in the previous empty stretch of wall.

'What a peculiar method...' thought James in disbelief that it worked. He

never thought something so random would work. The crazy thing is that

he found the door by pure chance.

James eagerly walked in and noticed the same room as yesterday. There

was only one difference, on a small table there was a magic chessboard

with its pieces ready to start the game.

Noticing the chessboard, James smiled broadly. With this, he was assured

that his theory was true. Unlike the first time he entered this mysterious

room, in addition to being able to train, he asked if there was a

chessboard, to see if it was true that he met the requirements of one.

However, James did not enter. He closed the door and returned to the

Gryffindor common room.

It was not long before dinner, and although the corridor was not very

busy, now and then a stray student might pass by. So he will return at

night when everyone is asleep, and it is forbidden to wander around the


He does not want someone to find the door by chance and know about

the secret room, because as long as someone is using the room, the door

will still be there. Someone perceptive will notice that there used to be

an empty stretch of wall, and now it is occupied by a door, so he or she

will know that something is wrong and might try to get in.

At 22:00, the entire student body was inside their respective common

room. During this time it is forbidden to wander around the castle or its

exterior. Failure to comply with this rule will be penalized with the loss

of points for your house.

James heard that there were students who had even lost 50 points for

getting caught, which made them the pariah of their house, as it is very

difficult to recover from such a loss.

The marauders had already broken this rule countless times, but thanks

to the invisibility cloak they were not caught. Although several times

they came close to being caught by Filch and his cat.

If they had been caught every time they went out, Gryffindor would have

negative house points and they would be hated by every student in the


"Are we going exploring today?" asked Lupin without taking his eyes off

the book he was reading.

Even though he knew they were violating an important school rule,

Lupin liked exploring, as he was one of the most enthusiastic about

mapping out all of Hogwarts.

He knew his skills were poor when it came to designing a map, but he

was learning and getting better every day.

"I'll pass. I'm tired," Sirius said, yawning and stretching. He had fallen

behind on several tasks and had spent the entire afternoon devoting

himself to completing them.

"Are you sure about what you're saying?" asked James with a slight smile.

"Mm, what do you mean?" asked Sirius as he put away a piece of

parchment he had been working on today. They all looked at James

curiously. They knew he had something on his hands.

"I found something very interesting today, and I was planning on coming

back tonight," said James, acting mysteriously.

"Spit it out," said Sirius impatiently.

"It's a surprise. Only those who come exploring today will see it," said

James with a smile seeing Sirius frowning.

"Fine... I'll go," Sirius said with no other choice. He'll have to postpone his

sleep, if only for a few hours. The others were also very expectant

wanting to know what James meant by his discovery.

At about 23:00, there were only the marauders in the common room.

With no monkeys on shore, they searched for the invisibility cloak and

left the common room. James had already told the location to Lupin, who

had the best bearings.

Luckily, they weren't too far away, as the Gryffindor Tower was also on

the seventh floor. How it is almost impossible to use the invisibility cloak

for five people James was the non-invisible person.

This was for one simple reason. James knew how to use the

disillusionment charm, which allowed him to disguise himself with his

surroundings making him acquire the exact color and texture, turning

him into a chameleon.

James would quickly activate the charm if he heard strange movements.

Luckily, they had no trouble and reached the hallway in a few minutes.

Sirius and the others took off their cloaks and looked at James.

"Is this it?" asked Lupin a little doubtfully.

"This is... Barnabas the Nutcase," said Toby as he looked at the tapestry of

trolls in ballet uniforms and punching the poor little man.

"How do you know that?" asked Sirius.

"I read it in the book History of Magic..." replied Toby.

"This idiot appears in a history of the magic book?" commented Sirius in


"Guys... if Filch comes he'll catch us easily," said Peter, who not having

the invisibility cloak on him felt unprotected.

"That's right. Where's what you wanted to show us?" asked Lupin, looking

at James, and everyone listened intently.

"There," James replied simply, as he pointed his finger at an empty wall.

They all followed James' finger and noticing the empty wall, looked at

him strangely again.

"It's just a wall..." said Sirius.

"For now it is. Look at me," said James as he started on the strange

method for the hidden room to show itself.

He started walking under everyone's watchful eyes, stopped abruptly, and

went back the way he came. This he repeated three times.

In the process, the marauders looked at each other with weird faces. They

thought their friend had lost a screw or been bitten by a strange bug.

James finished the third lap. Sirius and the others paid no attention to

the wall that was barely visible because of the darkness. They were

staring at their friend in silence, uncomfortable to speak.

"Dude... Are you sick or something?" asked Sirius.

"Look at the wall again," said James. Again they looked at the wall,

thinking James just wanted to tease them, but what they saw surprised


"A door...?" asked Toby as he rubbed his eyes. He was sure that seconds

before he had seen that the wall was empty.

The others were also staring at the door gaping and somewhat suspicious.

"W-what is this?" asked Lupin, looking at James.

With an enigmatic smile, James looked at the marauders and with a

graceful gesture opened the wooden door. A soft creak echoed in the air

as the door was opened to reveal a large room lit by a plethora of


"Welcome to my abode," James announced, holding out his arms as if

presenting a secret treasure.


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Chapter 69: James vs Sirius

As Sirius and the other three were about to walk through the door, James

blocked the way, " Hold on. I need to try a few things. I'll close the door,

and I want you to try to open it," James said without further explanation

slamming the door in their faces.

Sirius, Lupin, Toby, and Peter looked at each other with strange faces.

James first welcomed them into his abode, and second, he slammed the

door in their faces.

'This guy...' thought Sirius as he reached out and tried to open the door.

However, no matter how hard he pushed it wouldn't open.

"Why won't it open?" muttered Sirius as he tried harder, but it was


"Let me try," said Lupin, as he tried, but he too failed to open the wooden


After a minute, James, noticing that no one was coming in, opened the

door and noticed his friends looking at him.

"Come on. What are you waiting for? Come in," he said as he looked left

and right for Filch and his cat.

When they entered, James closed the door. By doing this little

experiment, he was able to verify that no one could enter while he was

using the room. He doesn't know why this is. Maybe because it's the room

he asked for and not someone else's.

"What do you think?" asked James with a smile as he noticed the

dumbfounded expressions of his friends.

At first, they were surprised by the sudden appearance of the door in a

previously empty wall. They had only seen a large room on the other


Now, they could see how large the room was. On par or larger than the

Gryffindor common room. A huge central space is ideal for magical duels,

a part where there were shelves with several books and sofas to read


There were also two small tables, both with two magical chess boards

and their respective chairs.

"How is there such a big room...?" asked Toby with a surprised expression

written all over his face. The wooden door didn't look that big. He never

imagined there would be a room bigger in size than the classrooms.

"It's amazing..." muttered Peter as he looked at each area closely.

"How did you find such a room? Besides, it's just what you were looking

for..." said Lupin suspiciously. He knew James was looking for a room

where he could practice, but so far he hadn't managed to find anything. It

was too much of a coincidence that such a perfect practice room would

appear behind that magical door.

They all looked at James waiting for his answer. With no other choice, he

told them in a nutshell how he stumbled upon this mysterious room by

accident and a lot of luck.

"You lucky bastard!" shouted Sirius as he grabbed both of James'


"This room is perfect! It's the new Marauders' base!" he said, excitedly as

he started shaking James.

"Yeah, yeah, easy," said James, escaping Sirius' grip, "Now, let's get

started with practice," he added, pulling out his wand and walking

towards the center of the room.

"How about a duel, Potter?" asked Sirius with a smile as he drew his

wand and positioned himself in front of James several feet away.

"That's what I was looking for, Black," agreed James also with a slight

smile. Finally, he would be able to put his new defensive charm

Aeromanteo to the test.

Lupin, Peter, and Toby looked on in excitement. They had long wondered

how a showdown would go between Sirius the heir to House Black, and

James the heir to the Potter family, who knows a great many charms.

The three of them were leaning more in James' favor since he taught

them Flipping, but they never saw him in a duel. So they didn't know

what could happen in a match against Sirius, who is also very talented

and comes from one of the oldest pureblood families.

Both James and Sirius bowed slightly in respect. Then, they raised their

wands like swords in front of them.

Both coming from pureblood families they knew the basic etiquette of

formal dueling.

"On the count of three," said Lupin.

"One... Two... Three!" he exclaimed.

Sirius acted immediately, "Flipendo!" he shouted, and a loud pop was

emitted as a dazzling flash of light shot out from his wand in James'


The offensive charm Sirius was most proficient in was Flipendo which

ironically was taught to him by James. He knew a few others, but they

weren't as useful as Flipendo, plus he had practiced it a lot, in case he

encountered Rabastan and his gang.

James watched the flash heading his way intently. He was quickly

calculating where he should effectively cast Aeromanteo.

Sirius' speed was no match for his father, who was an experienced

duelist, so it was easier to react to his speed.

When the flash was seconds away from hitting him, he quickly

exclaimed, "Aeromanteo!" The wand moved gracefully, tracing a pattern

in the air as a stream of air attempted to form around him. However, he

miscalculated the timing. The Flipendo impacted hard on his left


James was pushed backward, stumbling a few feet before coming to a

firm stop. Luckily, Sirius wasn't a Flipendo expert. Otherwise, he could

have been sent flying many feet.

'Aeromanteo?' thought Lupin, Peter, and Toby doubtfully as they watched

James being pushed back by Sirius' charm.

Sirius also found the unfamiliar charm James used strange but didn't

think too much of it.

'I must get closer. That way my Flipendo will have more power,' Sirius

thought as he closed the distance demonstrating great speed.

"Flipendo!" shouted Sirius again pointing at James.

Being closer, it was harder to react, and more reflexes were needed, still,

James tried. As the charm was about to hit him, he exclaimed again,


He didn't manage to deflect the charm completely, but it was close. He

aimed at his shoulder again and managed to hit only half of his shoulder,

almost managing to deflect it completely.

This time he took fewer steps back. Sirius realized that James was putting

a new charm into practice and was only defending himself. This annoyed

him and made him frown.

As the heir to House Black, he had great pride even though he didn't

share his family's supremacist thoughts.

'Well, enough practicing,' thought James, noticing Sirius' annoyed

expression. He would have plenty of time to practice. He was now in a

formal duel and had to show proper respect.

Before Sirius could angrily cast another Flipendo, James acted with

lightning-fast speed.

"Expelliarmus!" he shouted as a dazzling flash of scarlet light shot from

his wand and shot toward Sirius.

Sirius couldn't react to the incredible speed of the red flash. When he was

hit his wand flew high out of his hand. Not only that, he was pushed

several meters backward, until he tripped and fell on his backside.

The atmosphere fell silent. Lupin, Toby, and Peter could not believe that

the duel was over so quickly. Sirius only cast two charms, and James

needed one to defeat him.

What surprised the three of them and Sirius himself the most, was that

James used the Expelliarmus. A charm they would not see in their first


Also, this charm is supposed to only disarm the opponent, but James

managed to push Sirius back several steps. Achieving the same effect as

Sirius' Flipendo, which further emphasized the difference in strength

between the two.

James with a disarming charm achieved two effects in one. Disarm and


What they didn't know was that James held back. If he cast Expelliarmus

at full power, he could have sent Sirius flying, as it is one of the most

mastered spells in his arsenal.

'How does a second-year charm know...? I didn't know the disarming

charm could push you back several feet,' thought Lupin, looking at James

in amazement. The other two were having similar thoughts.

"Are you okay?" asked James, approaching Sirius and giving him a hand

to stand up.

"James..." said Sirius as he accepted the hand and slowly stood up.

"That was amazing! How many charms up your sleeve do you have,

bastard?" said Sirius enthusiastically. James sighed in relief. He thought

Sirius as heir to one of the noblest and oldest houses would be angry

since he lost, but it seemed he wasn't that narrow-minded.

"Some..." replied James, scratching his cheek.

"We've got all night. Hey you, guys. Come on!" shouted Sirius, calling out

to the others who came over.

"Let's have a battle royale!" he suggested, and they all agreed. The only

rule was that they could only use charms that they all knew. Otherwise,

James would have too much of an advantage.

Several Hours passed. Besides having fun in a battle royale casting

Fumos, Flipendo, and other charms, they practiced more seriously.

Sirius even started reading the standard spell book, grade 2 by Miranda

Goshawk. Heading straight to the chapter where she explained the theory

of the disarming charm. He couldn't fall behind James.

James on the other hand with Peter's help practiced Aeromanteo. Peter of

all the Marauders was the weakest, so his Flipendo charm was easier to

deflect than Sirius'. This allowed James to keep improving his

Aeromanteo cast and Peter to keep improving his Flipendo cast.

"Guys..." said Toby, calling everyone over.

Sirius, who was putting theory into practice with a magic dummy looked

over at Toby. James and Peter, who were attacking and defending also

stopped facing each other and turned their heads towards him.

"What happened?" asked Lupin, emerging from a cloud of smoke.

"It's 5:12 in the morning..." replied Toby as he looked at an antique clock

that was next to the bookshelves.

"Shit! Has it been that long already?" asked Sirius, who had visible dark

circles under his eyes.

They all had sleepy faces, but they had had a lot of fun practicing,

dueling, and trying new spells.

'Only two hours to sleep...' thought James regretfully as he prepared to

return to the dormitories.


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Chapter 70: Flipendo Tria

Monday, March 14, 1972.

A month and a half had passed since the marauders began using the

mysterious room as a base and practiced a large number of offensive and

defensive charms. Performing duels against each other, either 1vs1, 2vs2,

or all versus all.

Besides practicing, they also read in the rest area, where there were many

books on the subject and comfortable sofas. The bad thing is that they

would spend the whole night there, and the next day they would fall

asleep in class.

Many professors like McGonagall or Antennae did not like at all that five

students fell asleep in their class. For the first time, all marauders had a

punishment at the same time.

The good thing was that they didn't lose house points, but they were

warned that if they fell asleep in class again in addition to the

punishment they would be penalized with house points. Five people

losing points at the same time would be very bad news for Gryffindor.

So they had to stop practicing on weekdays and only do it on weekends,

including Sunday, and hold off on Monday so as not to fall asleep in


The only one who kept practices on weekdays was James.

James in addition to practicing and improving on his defensive charms

(Aeromanteo, Fumos among others), was dedicated to improving his

already learned offensive charms.

He wanted to take them to a new level. For example, the Flipendo charm

has a more powerful version which is: Flipendo Duo. This is twice as

powerful as the normal one, knocking the target down with greater force.

There was even Flipendo Tria and Flipendo Maxima.

Another charm that has a more powerful version is Lumos. Its advanced

version is Lumos Maxima which produces a blinding flash of bright white

light much more powerful than Lumos.

For a battle, it would serve to blind the opponent for a few seconds,

although for this you must close your eyes. Which wouldn't do much

good unless you have sunglasses.

For guidance and to know how to improve these charms this month he

read a book entitled: Extreme Charms, written by the witch Violet Stitch.

The charm Lumos Maxima is covered in chapter thirty-two, and the

Flipendo duo in chapter thirty-five.

On the other hand, two Quidditch matches were played during this time:

Gryffindor vs Slytherin. The most expected and the most tense match,

since both houses have a great rivalry.

To the sadness of all Gryffindor was defeated by 190 to 90. Slytherin was

losing by fifty points down, but their seeker managed to get ahead of

Alex and catch the golden snitch. Many Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and

Hufflepuff said that the Slytherin student committed a foul, as he pushed

Alex, but the referee did not call it.

This made James and the others have to put up with the constant taunts

from Rabastan and the other Slytherin boys. Sirius already wanted to

start a new prank or repeat the 100 dungbomb prank.

The Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw match ended with the Badgers winning. The

match ended 180 to 50. The standings were like this:

[1° Slytherin: 370 points.

2° Gryffindor: 310 points.

3° Hufflepuff: 260 points.

4° Ravenclaw: 70 points]

There is still one game left, but there is little hope since Slytherin is

facing one of the worst Ravenclaw in history, who in two games did not

reach a hundred points.

No one believes they can beat Slytherin, who is a steamroller, as they

beat a great Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff, who is not playing badly at all.

James was currently alone in the training room late at night.

This is because it's a weekday, and there are classes tomorrow, so Sirius

and the others don't want to stay in training all the time and go to class

without sleep. Unlike James, they don't have the obsession to be

practicing every day.

If it were up to James he would do the same as the marauders, but he

knows that shortly he will face Voldemort and Voldemort in the Harry

Potter novel will kill him for some unknown reason.

Unfortunately, he does not want to die at a young age, so he must

become as powerful as possible.

The attacks by Voldemort's followers had already begun, it was not yet

known who was behind it all, and it didn't escalate much, but little by

little the attacks on Muggles were increasing, and at any moment they

could change their focus, and start attacking wizards.

"Flipendo Duo!" shouted James, pointing at a magical dummy. From his

wand came a red light at high speed.

The Flipendo Duo hit the dummy with impressive force, knocking it back

more meters than the base Flipendo. The room filled with the sound of

the blast of energy and the crackle of the dummy being pushed back by

the force of the spell.

'I wonder how much pain it will cause...' thought James. He could feel

the force of the charm was greater than normal and the dummy pushed

back more meters, but he didn't know the damage it would cause to the

object or person.

The base Flipendo felt like a heavy blow to the chest or like getting hit in

the head with a frying pan or so the people who were hit described it.

'Like the hit of two frying pans...' thought James with a question mark on

his face.

James knew that the base Flipendo and duo in terms of offensive magic

was no big deal. The pain it caused was resistible. He was able to

withstand two Flipendo throws from Sirius. In time he managed to knock

Mulciber and Avery out thanks to them crashing hard into the wall.

Against a Death Eater, a dark wizard with experience and power, it won't

be very effective, but for formal duels and use at Hogwarts it's fine. His

real target was the Flipendo Tria.

This Flipendo did have a much more effective use in real battles, or so

James thought since he never fought dark wizards.

The Flipendo Tria looked like a small tornado. According to the book

when the hex is unleashed a swirl of bluish energy materializes from the

tip of the wand, expanding and taking the shape of a small tornado. Its

strength and power far surpasses its two predecessors, but that's not the

best part.

The distinctive feature of this spell is its ability to keep the targets in the

air for an extended period (the more mastery you have, the longer time)

not only throws the targets but also keeps them suspended in the air as if

they were trapped in a magical current.

In addition, the tornado can catch several targets at once. They will

experience the physical impact of being thrown into the air with great

force and will be trapped in the vortex, causing them to lose their wands

and be knocked out in the process.

'This jinx will be very useful if I face several enemies at once' thought

James as he read the book explaining the spell. Unlike Expelliarmus it

will be able to encompass many people at once knock them out, and even

trap them in the tornado without their wands.

Before going into the reading and practice of this new jinx, James looked

at the clock and made an ugly expression. It was almost six in the

morning. The dark circles under his eyes were visible. It had been several

days where he had stayed up so late. And he had to wake up at 7:30 to

go to breakfast and then to class.

Somehow, he managed to stay awake in class and not get grounded, but

what he was hearing was minimal, and he was falling behind on his


'I'd better sleep...' thought James as he made his way to a corner of the

huge room. There was a very spacious double bed there, complete with

Puddlemere United sheets.

As the room put everything he needed, James thought ¿Why not stay

overnight here?

This way, he won't waste time going to the Gryffindor common room.

This means more rest time, and every minute counts when you have less

than two hours of sleep.

The fire from the torches went out magically, and James collapsed on the

bed without even covering himself, falling fast asleep.


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Chapter 71: Responsible partner

James slept peacefully in a double bed. The room was completely dark.

There were no windows to let in sunlight. Because of his drool, he

opened his eyes with difficulty.

"Mm... Why is it so dark?" stammered James. As his brain slowly kicked


'What time is it...' he thought as he got out of bed. The torches flared

again allowing him to observe the clock in the distance. He had to focus

his eyesight well to manage to see the time.

"Shit! It's already past nine!" shouted James as he stood up and began to

change at light speed. With his wand, he quickly grabbed everything he

needed for class today.

With a book in hand, he carefully left the room. Even though he was in a

hurry, he couldn't leave abruptly and found that someone was just

passing by, and since there were classes there, it was most likely Filch.

'I don't hear anything...' thought James, opening the door and starting to

run towards Classroom 1 on the First Floor. That's where the first-year

transfiguration classes are held.

Since he already knew he was going to sleep in the secret room, he didn't

bring his invisibility cloak with him. Otherwise, he would have to take it

to his dormitory.

'Of all the subjects I have, why do I have to be late for Transfiguration...?'

thought James standing in front of the door to Classroom 1. He could

hear McGonagall's stern voice delivering the lesson.

James was seriously thinking about whether he should go to the

infirmary and create an excuse that he was sick or something, but

Madame Poppy would find out that he was perfectly fine and he would

be in more trouble.

'Maybe I should cast a Jinx on myself?' thought James and then shook his

head. He preferred to take responsibility for his actions.

James without further thought, grabbed the doorknob and opened the

door, which made a slight squeak. McGonagall stopped talking and

looked at him. All the students looked at him as well.

James stared at McGonagall's stern face. An awkward silence reigned in

the classroom. He didn't know whether to walk slowly to his seat or wait

for the professor's punishment.

"James Potter, do you know what time it is?" asked McGonagall.

"9:35 professor..." replied James.

"Exactly. More than thirty minutes since class started. May I know why

you are so late?" asked McGonagall again.

"I overslept..." replied James, scratching his tousled hair that he didn't

have time to fix even a little bit. He didn't even have time to eat

breakfast, so hungry was he.

At James' response many snickered under their breath, something

McGonagall didn't like at all, "Silence!" she bellowed, and not a fly was

heard to fly.

"Go sit down. After class, we'll talk," sentenced McGonagall. Many

including James, were surprised that he hadn't been punished

immediately and lost a few points.

Afraid that McGonagall would change her mind, James began to walk

hurriedly to the back to sit with Sirius, "Not there!" raised McGonagall's


'Did she get cold feet?" thought James as he looked at the professor.

"You will sit here. In the front row," said McGonagall, pointing to an

empty seat. Knowing that if he said anything he would be in more

trouble, he obeyed and sat in front of everything, next to Lily Evans, who

even her friends didn't want to always sit in front of everything, so she

sat alone.

McGonagall made this decision for several reasons. First, she knew that if

James was in the background he wouldn't pay attention, and his friend

Sirius always distracted him. She knew of James' talent in

transfiguration, a talent she rarely saw. So she wanted to guide him as

best she could and have him take advantage of his talent.

Lily glanced at James and looked ahead without paying any more

attention to him.

"Let's pick up where we left off. We were talking about the

transfiguration spell: Avifors. Can someone be so kind as to explain it to

our classmate James?" asked McGonagall in a satirical tone.

"Lily," said McGonagall, looking at the redhead's raised hand.

"The Avifors spell transforms small objects and creatures into birds,"

replied Lily as usual. McGonagall nodded in satisfaction, glad that she

was paying attention to her explanation.

"Correct. You should note that the spell is seen as a Jinx when used to

transform certain creatures into birds. This spell is the most complicated

spell we have seen so far. Now turn to the appropriate page in your

books, and after reading carefully, practice with these stones," said

McGonagall as she waved her wand lightly.

Five stones began to appear in front of each student, "If you have any

problems, let me know. I will help you. Now get to work," she added.

James' eyes were heavy. He lazily opened his book to a random page:

'The zombie inhabits only the southern part of America. It can be

recognized by its grayish color and rotten smell...' James read and

realized something was wrong.

He looked at the cover of the book and realized the problem, 'This is not

the transfiguration book,' he thought as he pushed aside the book which

was Quentin Trimble's defense against the dark arts.

The blackboard had little detail unlike the book and he had no idea about

the Avifors spell. He looked at Lily and noticed that her attention was

completely absorbed by the book. Her green eyes moved quickly

following the lines of text, 'What is that reading speed...' thought James,

somewhat surprised.

Lily noticed James looking at her and looked at him, "Do you want

something?" she asked.

"No, nothing," James replied, dropping her gaze. Although he wasn't on

bad terms with her, he also didn't have the confidence to ask her and

read the book together.

Lily noticed James' book and realized that the cover did not belong to the

transfiguration book. She quickly identified it as Trimble's book.

After a moment's thought, she sighed inwardly and moved the book to

the center of the table. Close to both of us.

"You can read if you like," said Lily as she brought a hand to her mane

and slid the red locks, which fell over her face behind her ear.

"Thanks..." said James as he leaned in close and began to read the book

along with Lily.

Their shoulders bumped slightly, and their faces were quite close, but

neither gave it any thought. They were both engrossed in reading the

theory of the Avifors spell.

James had to turn his attention to something to keep from falling asleep,

and what better than this transfiguration spell that looked like fun. After

several minutes, he finished reading and started practicing with the


Lily also started practicing with the stones. They were the first to move

on to practice. After saying "Avifors" and failing, they both went back to

reading the theory in the book.

"Mm... I have to emphasize the first syllable..." muttered Lily in


"Yes. Then quickly you have to say 'vi' and 'fors' softly, but without

wasting too much time," muttered James. They both nodded and

returned to their stones.

Thirty minutes passed, and the class came to an end. In addition to

pronunciation, James and Lily discussed the correct wand movement,

and both contributed very useful observations. This allowed them to be

the only ones with a breakthrough on the stones, although they still

didn't get to turn them into 100% birds.

McGonagall watched the two with a slight smile. She knew she was right,

putting James next to Lily. They could both benefit from each other's

talents and help each other practice more effectively. Plus James

wouldn't be distracted, since Lily doesn't waste time in class.

On the other hand, she noticed how Sirius Black drove Peter Pettigrew

crazy, playing with rocks using Wingardium Leviosa, among other things.

'I must find that boy a responsible partner...' thought McGonagall,

watching Sirius with a frown.

"Thanks for letting me read the book," said James as they all put their

things away and started to leave the classroom.

"You're welcome. Your suggestions helped me so we're even," Lily said as

she said goodbye to James and left with her friends.

"James Potter, come here," McGonagall said from her desk as she noticed

James wanting to slip away with Sirius and the others. With no other

choice, he went towards McGonagall's desk.

"Sit down," said McGonagall as a chair appeared near James.

"Where to start..." she added as closed a book.

Fifteen minutes later, James came out of the classroom with a happy

expression that was hard to observe because of the dark circles under his

eyes and the sleepiness he had. Amazingly McGonagall didn't punish him.

No week cleaning trophies or armor, no less points for his house.

She only gave him a lecture that James listened to attentively, as he

agreed with the wise professor on several things. For example, paying

attention in class and stopping falling asleep.

McGonagall noticed that James was paying less attention in class and had

dark circles under his eyes, and the quality of the homework he was

handing in had dropped.

James had to give her some excuses, since he couldn't tell her that he

found a secret room and was spending until six in the morning there

when he should be in his bedroom.

So, from now on, he won't be so late in the secret room practicing. He

will set a fixed schedule so that he can get at least six hours of sleep.

When the curfew starts at about ten o'clock at night. He will go to the

secret room. He will be able to practice for about three hours, which will

allow him to sleep for about six hours.

He doesn't usually stay up until six in the morning every day, rather he

has an irregular schedule.

'Is this luck because my birthday is coming up?' thought James as he

hurried to the next class or he would be late again.


For every 150 stones I will upload an extra chapter :D

You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 72: Birthday at Hogwarts

Sunday, March 27, 1972.

Today is James' birthday. It had been two weeks since he started to have

a more controlled routine that allowed him to sleep better. So he stopped

falling asleep in class or being on the verge of being late, and his

homework was back to the same quality as before.

When he thought McGonagall would not punish him he was wrong. Ever

since that day he was late, McGonagall in every Transfiguration class

makes him sit in front of everything. Away from Sirius and always next

to Lily Evans.

His performance in class indeed increased, and he got more points for

Gryffindor, thanks to the fact that he was next to a responsible person

who doesn't waste time in class, but it wasn't as much fun as being with

his friends. And now, since he practiced and read so much, he could only

be with the marauders during classes and the occasional free hour.

However, it wasn't that bad, since it was only in Transfiguration classes.

So he could resist it without a problem. He wasn't the only one affected.

Sirius also started having to sit with Mary Macdonald on McGonagall's


James upon waking up that day, got presents from his parents and all the

marauders even Lupin. Which surprised him, as previously at Christmas

he had not given him a present.

On the subject of James' theory about Lupin being a werewolf, he

decided to postpone the discussion with his friend. Last month, the same

thing happened again, and he was almost certain that was what it was all

about, but with training in the secret room, he didn't have time to think

about how to face Lupin.

So he decided to wait for another full moon. To be 100% sure that his

friend was a werewolf. It was only three days until this month's full


After Sirius and the others sang him an off-key happy birthday song, they

went to the dining hall. On the way some first-year Gryffindor boys

congratulated James.

"In the afternoon, we have to go to Hagrid's hut. Does he know about

your birthday?" asked Sirius as he sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"No. I didn't tell him," replied James, as he hadn't had the chance to tell

him. In this last little while the gang had become good friends with

Hagrid and were visiting him more regularly.

"Maybe he gives you some dangerous magical creature," said Lupin,

knowing that Hagrid liked many powerful creatures, no matter how

harmless they might seem.

Joking and talking about what they would do on the day to make James'

birthday different, the mail arrived. Shadow dropped two letters near

James and asked him for something to eat for his work.

After feeding him, James opened the first letter. It was about his father

wishing him a good birthday and little else. It wasn't a very long letter.

The second letter was much longer. More than three times as long as the

first. It was a letter from his mother. It was a very affectionate letter,

besides wishing him a happy birthday and telling him that she loved him

very much, it said many more catchy things like that he was the best son

and that since he came into her life, she was always happy, among other


James read the letter with a slight smile. His mother was always very

loving. Besides showing it to him daily, she also wrote him letters to

show it. As it was the first time he was away from home, the letter was

much longer.

As he read the letter in concentration he did not notice someone

approaching from behind. The others didn't notice either because they

had started a heated conversation.

In a second, someone snatched the letter from James. He quickly turned

around and frowned when he saw who it was. It was Rabastan Lestrange.

The Slytherin boy turned away from James to be at a safe distance so

that the letter couldn't be taken out of his hands.

"Oh, what have we here... I didn't know it was your birthday today,

Potter," Rabastan said with a smirk, as he began to read the letter. To his

left and right stood Mulciber and Avery as bodyguards.

James stood up and looked coldly at the Slytherin gang, who were

getting more unbearable by the day. After passing them on the Quidditch

board they always wanted to make fun of them or any Gryffindor.

At the beginning of the year, James considered the enmity fun, but now

he had had enough and wanted a quiet school life so he could devote

himself to his training.

Sirius and Lupin stood up and already had their wands in their hands.

James stopped them and shook his head. They had acted impulsively

before and ended up grounded for a week or more.

"Give me the letter, Lestrange," James said, holding out his hand. To the

surprise of many his tone showed no anger.

As expected Rabastan did not obey and continued reading the letter.

Gradually a wide grin formed on his face, and he began to laugh out loud

drawing the attention of many people.

"Haha! Who would've thought you're a mommy's boy, huh, Potter?" said

Rabastan, trying to hold in his laughter.

"Why don't we show everyone how loving your mother is? My son, you

are the light of my life, and every day I feel lucky to have you..." said

Rabastan in a loud tone for all to hear, as he held back his laughter.

"Remember that wherever I am and whatever happens, I will always be

your biggest fan and your unconditional support. I love you to infinity

and beyond. Hahaha," continued Rabastan until he could not take it

anymore and burst out laughing. Mulciber and Avery also started

laughing, and most of the Slytherin table did the same.

The other tables could hear a lot of giggling, "What's wrong with her?

She's too sweet..." said a Ravenclaw boy as he laughed. If his mother was

like that, he would die of embarrassment.

"I think I'm gonna puke from all this love..." scoffed one boy as he acted

like he was throwing up.

"Poof... he was acting tough on the train, but he's a mama's boy," sneered

Anastasia Nott as she ate and laughed.

Next to Anastasia stood Gwen, who was looking at Rabastan with a lot of

hatred. She would not tolerate James being made fun of.

"What's with the corny line?" asked Rabastan. He was happy that almost

every table was laughing at James.

Sirius looked every which way with a vein in his forehead and a furious

look on his face. The only table where there was little laughter was

Gryffindor, but the occasional chuckle could be heard.

'This son of a bitch...' thought Sirius looking at Rabastan angrily.

Sirius and the other marauders looked at James worriedly but were

surprised to see that he had a stoic look on his face and was just staring

at Rabastan. As if the laughter of the entire dining hall wouldn't affect

him at all.

"What's going on here!" shouted McGonagall approaching the center of

the problem. She was having a quiet breakfast, and from one second to

the next the whole dining room erupted in laughter. It was very


With McGonagall's intervention, the laughter from the tables began to die

down, but everyone was still giving James mocking looks.

"Nothing, Professor. I was just wishing you a happy birthday. Happy

birthday, the light of my life," Rabastan snorted as he threw the letter

towards James. The letter didn't get very far and landed near his feet.

James bent down and picked up the letter. He could see that it had some

spittle on it, most likely from Rabastan laughing so hard.

"Back to your seats," said McGonagall, seeing that James and the others

were still standing.

"Wait, Lestrange," James said in an icy tone, not even listening to the


Rabastan turned slightly with a smile but paid no attention and kept

walking. It was useless to try to fight if there was the stern Professor


"I didn't know that the great old Lestrange Family bred cowardly heirs,"

James commented, and this time Rabastan stopped and looked angrily at

James. Everyone was surprised by James' icy tone, instead of being angry

or embarrassed, he seemed monotone and emotionless.

"I challenge you to a duel," added James in a loud and clear tone. How

the dining room was silent, everyone could hear it.

Rabastan was shocked. He did not expect to be challenged against a duel,

"What, are you scared? Relax. There will be a professor," said James

when he heard no answer.

He had made a mockery of his mother's letter. It was unacceptable to let

such an offense pass. He had to teach her a lesson, so that he would not

mess with her again and that no one else would ever think of making fun

of his mother again.

"Shut up, I'm not afraid!" cried Rabastan indignantly.

"Then why don't you accept? I didn't know that Slytherin House was full

of cowards. Go talk to your little pureblood friends," said James

disdainfully as he turned and walked to his seat.

Before he could sit down, Rabastan shouted, "I accept!"

A cold smile formed on James' face. It was only seen by Sirius, Lupin,

Peter, and Toby, who felt shivers. They looked at Rabastan like a dead


"Oh, a duel! Let me join your conversation!" said a squeaky and excited

voice. It was Professor Filius Flitwick who teaches Charms.

"As you know, unsupervised dueling is forbidden at Hogwarts, as it can

be very dangerous. So I propose that you use the Dueling Club room. I

will supervise you along with your Heads of House. What do you think?"

he asked, looking at James and Rabastan.

As far as James knew, the Dueling Club was a club created a few years

ago. It was led by Professor Flitwick, who was a champion duelist when

he was younger. Students who went to his office could see a rack full of

trophies to prove this was real.

They both nodded agreeing with the professor. Then talked about the

dueling schedule. It will be in two days at 6 pm, in the Dueling Club


McGonagall didn't agree much internally, but she had to agree, as both

parties were in agreement.

James chose Sirius as his second, and Rabastan chose Mulciber.

A second is a wizard or witch, usually a true ally, who will act as a

replacement for the duelist if necessary. It is only a formality and they

will only fight in your place if an accident occurs. For example, if you get

injured, get sick, etc.

After concluding with all the details of the duel, the dining hall returned

to normal. Everyone was talking about the duel and debating who would


James left the dining hall for the common room. He told the others that

he had some late homework to do.

"Will he be okay?" asked Toby worriedly as he ate his breakfast. Usually,

he never felt anger towards boys who picked on him and called him a

mudblood, but seeing Rabastan make fun of his friend's mother, he felt a

lot of anger, something rare for him.

"He must want to beat Rabastan to a pulp at this very moment.

Unbelievably, he managed to do it legally," said Lupin.

They had all been friends for several months and were getting to know

each other better every day. At this time it wasn't hard to realize that

James feels a great affection for his family, and his attitude might change

if someone made fun of that.

"He still didn't get it. The duel is in two days," Peter said.

"Really Peter? Do you think Rabastan has any remote chance? In a few

seconds James can finish him off," commented Sirius with a slight smile.

He wanted to see the moment when James sweeps the floor with the

arrogant Lestrange.

At Sirius' comment they all nodded, even Peter after thinking about it a

little better. They had sparred with James personally this last time in the

secret room. None of the four of them could beat him, or even make him


They even pitted the four of them against him alone, and even then they

couldn't beat him. He was a prodigy at dueling.

"What's the matter? Are you worried about your new friend?" asked

Jasmine as she ate her breakfast and looked at Lily.

"That Slytherin boy's attitude is despicable," said Lily with a frown.

Rabastan had annoyed her before, and she had noticed that he often

picked on others just because of his lineage.

"I hope James wins. Rabastan is hateful," Khanna commented, and her

friends were surprised, as her friend always disliked boys and was not in

favor of any of them least of all James, who seemed conceited to others.

The day continued smoothly after that. The only thing James felt were

the mocking looks of many people. However, he acted as if it was

nothing, hiding his anger perfectly.


For every 150 stones I will upload an extra chapter :D

You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 73: Humiliation I

Tuesday, March 29, 1972.

The day of the duel arrived. In these two days, the rumor of the duel

between James Potter vs Rabastan Lestrange spread.

Two boys from pureblood families. On one side, the Potter Family is

considered blood traitors due to their egalitarian stance towards Muggles,

half-bloods, and Muggle-born wizards. However, it is still a very old and

wealthy family.

On the other hand, the Lestrange Family, who unlike the Potters are part

of the Sacred Twenty-Eight and are not considered blood traitors. This

family believes in the notion of pureblood supremacy, despising Muggles,

Muggle-born, and half-bloods. This family has even produced a Minister

of Magic during the 19th century.

As the event where Rabastan mocked James was crowded, the duel

spread quickly. All the first years were very excited and already wanted

to see the duel.

The older students were not as excited, as they thought that two first-

year students did not have a large arsenal of spells to cast in an

interesting duel, but they did look forward to seeing the clash of two

pureblood families, especially Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.

At breakfast that day many were talking about who would be victorious

in the duel. Most were picking Rabastan as the winner. Although James

had a reputation as a gifted pupil, it was the same for the Slytherin boy.

After listening to Rabastan reading the letter from James' mother, no one

thought that a boy who received so much love could be good in a duel.

Besides, the Lestrange Family's reputation was flashier than the Potters'.

So almost everyone sided with Rabastan.

So did most at the Gryffindor table, even though they knew how good

James was at subjects and was always winning points. They didn't think

he could beat Rabastan. However, that didn't mean they would cheer for

Slytherin's house.

"Damn traitors," Sirius snorted as they walked towards the dueling hall. It

was fifteen minutes before the duel was to begin.

"I didn't think they'd doubt James after he knocked out Mulciber and

Avery that time," commented Lupin a little quizzically.

"They must think I'd attack them from behind. Besides, Rabastan has also

proven to know more advanced hexes," said James, who wasn't upset at


For James, his victory was a certainty. The real question was: How many

hits must he give Rabastan before he defeated him?

"Anyway, thanks to you, I'm going to get rich," said Sirius with a smile

resting an arm on James' shoulder.

"Did you end up gambling. Is it reliable? Rather, is it legal?" asked Lupin


"Yes, it is reliable. Many older students have gambled. As for legal... it's

best to stay out of those issues. Do you want to know how many bet on

you?" asked Sirius, looking at James.

"How many?" asked James curiously.

"Only thirty percent," he replied with a big smile, looking at James like a

gold mine. How now his mother was sending him much less money,

because he disgraced her last name, it will do him good to get so much

money easily and safely.

"So little faith in me?" asked James in surprise. He had thought he had a

good reputation. He won points for the house several times. He had

special permission to train Quidditch and have his broom, and many

even linked him to the flower prank which was a much talked about


"It's not that they don't have faith in you, but Rabastan has a great

reputation in his house. Even though he didn't have special permission

when it comes to quidditch, I hear he's good at almost every subject and

especially dueling, as the Lestrange Family prepares their heirs very

well..." explained Sirius.

"How do you know all that?" asked Toby with a strange look on his face.

"Don't forget I'm the Black heir..." said Sirius with a grimace.

As they reached the dueling club room, they could see a lot of people

already waiting. The professors, Flitwick, McGonagall, and Slughorn

were already there chatting. Even Professor Antennae was there.

The room was very large, with a highly polished floor that reflected the

light of the torches. The main area where the duel would take place is

marked with a series of circles on the floor, which serve as boundaries

and regulators of the duel. Surrounding this area are ascending tiers that

provide comfortable seating for spectators. The platform for the

supervising professors is strategically elevated to provide a clear view of

the entire space.

The bleachers were gradually filling up. As there was still time before the

next quidditch match, this particular duel between two pureblood

families was well attended.

"Whoa... it's much bigger than the secret room. Next time you have to ask

for a room like this," said Sirius in awe, as this was his first time visiting

the Dueling Club.

The marauders wished James luck and went to the stands where the

Gryffindor students were, who didn't seem very enthusiastic, except for a

few first years.

"Why did you drag me here?" asked Lily, annoyed looking at Jasmine,

who was holding a sign that said Slytherin sucks.

"You're no fun at all. There won't be another event like this. Besides, we

have to support our house, there's not much faith," replied Jasmine.

"Whatever..." muttered Lily as she looked with some concern at James,

who was already on stage. She had heard the rumors and that everyone

thought Rabastan would win.

James approached the center of the room where Professor Flitwick and

Rabastan were already standing with a haughty smile on his face. It was

obvious that he heard the rumors of the duel, and everyone was betting

that he was going to win.

"Today two first-year students will face each other in a friendly duel!"

began Flitwick, looking at the stands with excitement. He always liked

the part where the commentator introduces the duelists.

"On the right side, Rabastan Lestrange of Slytherin!" he introduced as he

pointed his hand at Rabastan.

The Slytherin students in the stands cheered and clapped enthusiastically.

"On the left side, James Potter of Gryffindor!" the Gryffindor stand

cheered loudly, especially the marauders, but they failed to catch up in

power to the opposing stand.

"Very well, students. Respect the rules we agreed on earlier. First a

formal greeting," said Flitwick, looking at Rabastan and James, who were

facing each other staring at each other.

James and Rabastan shook their heads vaguely, neither had any respect

for the other. Then they raised their wands like swords and waited in

silence. The atmosphere in the stands was also quiet and they watched


Professor Flitwick started counting down, "Three... Two... One... Duel!"

"Furnunculus!" shouted Rabastan with incredible speed. From his wand

came a golden light.

"Aeromanteo," said James calmly as he waved his wand with agility. A

stream of air covered his face and deflected Rabastan's attack.

"That damned one! Using such a nasty hex!" growled Sirius indignantly.

If the hex hit James, it would cause a large number of large pus-filled

pimples to appear on his face.

Rabastan's face showed surprise. He didn't know the charm James used to

evade his hex.

Before this hex, James realized that Rabastan wanted to humiliate him

instead of winning the duel by being as effective as possible. However, he

could not blame him. His objective was the same.

"Tsch, Impedimenta!" he shouted and this time from his wand came a

turquoise light with a faster speed than before.

The Impedimenta was a charm that slows down the target. It was very

common in duels.

"Whoa, he even knows how to cast an Impedimenta. He's very talented

the Lestrange boy!" said Slughorn in surprise. This charm was a third-

year charm.

The other professors watching the fight nodded in agreement, except

Antennae, who found what James performed even more amazing.

As a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, she knew the

Aeromanteo charm very well. Few people used this charm to defend

themselves. Learning it was easy. The problem was that you needed huge

reflexes to make it effective in battle, so many preferred not to use it and

opted for Protego, although this was more difficult.

James, again without moving from the spot, cast Aeromanteo and

deflected Rabastan's attack successfully. The strange thing for everyone

was that he did not attack. He just stood still patiently waiting for his

opponent to decide how to attack.

'This bastard!' thought Rabastan angrily. For the next few minutes, it was

just Rabastan attacking from all angles. However, none of his attacks

were successful.

James didn't even move a step since the duel started. Rabastan had

already run out of ideas. He even cast two spells at once, but James

managed to deflect them.

"Is this all the Lestrange Family has?" asked James with a cold smile and

clear disdain in his tone. Everyone in the stands gradually fell silent,

shocked at the contempt that James' voice exuded.

"I guess they didn't spend much time training you," he added, looking at

Rabastan as if he were a useless weakling.

The professors, especially McGonagall were surprised by the personality

James was showing. She had always seen him as somewhat lazy and laid

back with his group. She had not noticed such a side to him.

Before Rabastan could explode and cast another spell, James shouted,


Rabastan narrowly dodged the Flipendo, but before he could do

anything, another Flipendo came, and this time he was hit. He rolled on

the ground and quickly got up.

"Just one Flipendo? Ha, that's not-

A Flipendo interrupted him and sent him rolling again on the ground.

Luckily, the Flipendo wasn't that painful, and he was able to quickly get

up off the ground.

'His magic is weak. I must find an opening and finish him quickly,'

Rabastan thought furiously.

However, no matter how much he wanted to look for an opening he

couldn't find one. James' Flipendos kept coming, and they all hit him. He

rolled a couple of times and struggled to his feet, only to be hit again

after a few seconds.

"Get up, Lestrange! Show me your blood supremacy! Flipendo!"

exclaimed James with a cold smile, sending the Slytherin boy rolling


Rabastan's appearance was a mess. His hair was disheveled and dirt in it

from rolling on the floor so many times. His clothes weren't spared either.

His Slytherin robes were wrinkled and dirty.

Everyone in the stands, even the professors, watched with incredulous

faces. It was obvious that James was humiliating Rabastan in front of

everyone. Many looked at James as if they were looking at a new person.

No one knew this part of the boy's personality, who always seemed

relaxed and joking.

The only ones who seemed to know about it were Gwen, Emily, and the

other kids who shared James' childhood at Godric's Hollow.

Gwen watched the duel with a faint smile. Happy at the humiliation

Rabastan was receiving. Emily had a poker face but also seemed to enjoy

Rabastan's suffering.

The other Godric's Hollow boys seemed to have frightened faces as if they

were remembering things they kept long ago in their minds.


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Chapter 74: Humiliation II

"We have to stop this humiliation!" exclaimed Slughorn, watching as

James continued to roll Rabastan with simple Flipendos.

"We can't. Rabastan still has his wand and keeps getting up," said

Antennae coldly. The other professors could do nothing in the face of that

logic. Besides Rabastan only looked dirty he had no serious injuries.

"Remind me never to joke about his mother," said Sirius with sweat on

his forehead. The marauders nodded repeatedly.

'He's humiliating me...' thought Rabastan, ashamed and at the same time

furious. His appearance was a mess. He noticed hundreds of stares at


"FUMOS!" he shouted angrily as a cloud of smoke covered him and began

to billow over the area.

'Useless...' thought James with contempt.

"Ventus!" exclaimed James, pointing his wand at the cloud of smoke.

A gust of wind dispersed the cloud of smoke within seconds leaving

Rabastan in sight, and he began to be pushed backward. With all his

strength he resisted the powerful wind until it finally stopped.

'Ventus...?' thought Antennae with slight surprise on her face.

"Phew... phew..." breathed Rabastan with difficulty.

"I guess those are all your abilities..." commented James as he tapped his

shoulder lightly with his wand, totally unconcerned.

James' objective from the beginning was to humiliate Rabastan in front of

hundreds of eyes. The pride of the pureblood supremacists was very high.

Receiving such humiliation will be a great psychological blow to him.

That was why his Flipendo was very weak. Not because his magic was

weak, on the contrary, he restrained himself from sending him flying

several meters and ending the fight quickly.

"What did you say you, bastard!" growled Rabastan, who managed to

catch some breath.

"Don't you understand...? Besides being weak, you don't have much of a

brain," said James with disdain and being heard by everyone, who was

dumbfounded by his attitude.

'This is the James I always talk to about Quidditch!?' thought a

dumbfounded William, who was in the Gryffindor stand.

Many people who knew James were also gawking. James' aura was

different from his usual self.

'Humiliate him more James!' thought Gwen, who enjoyed watching

James show off.

"Come on, attack me," said James, stretching out both arms and with a

smile on his face.

James' grin gave Rabastan the creeps as he hesitated. He had attacked

dozens of times, and none of them worked, "Flipendo!" said James again.

This time Rabastan felt a different pain when he was hit by the Flipendo.

It was much stronger! Instead of rolling, he went flying many feet until

he landed on the hard ground.

His whole chest felt as if he had received a hard punch that knocked the

wind out of him. His back ached from the hard landing. Somehow he

managed to hold his wand tightly and slowly got to his feet.

But this time James didn't leave time for him to get up quietly, "Flipendo

Duo!" he shouted, and a red flash shot straight at Rabastan.

The impact sent Rabastan flying into the stone wall. This time he did not

have the strength to hold his wand. The instant he was hit by the spell

his wand slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

The thrust was so hard that as he crashed into the wall he felt a great

pain in the bones of his back.

"Tsch, garbage," muttered James, turning around and walking towards

the marauders. All that could be heard were their footsteps until

Professor Flitwick shouted the result of the duel.

"James Potter of Gryffindor wins!"

After that simple sentence, the entire Gryffindor stand began to shout and

clap like crazy. Many started chanting James' name. No one had much

confidence that he would beat Rabastan.

But not only did he beat him. He also humiliated him, and at no point

was he on the verge of losing. It was as if an adult and a child were

facing each other. James smiled awkwardly at the cheers, returning to his

relaxed attitude.

"Well done, you bastard! Forgive me if I ever made a joke about your

parents or anything!" said Sirius resting his arm on James' shoulder.

Everyone in the Gryffindor stands despite being shocked at how James

acted, congratulating him and clapping happily. Rabastan and his gang

weren't the only ones annoying Gryffindor. Slytherin students from other

years were also very annoying and arrogant since they beat them in the

Quidditch match.

Because of this, most Gryffindors were happy to have one of them beat a

Slytherin from a large family and see the long, serious faces of the

Slytherin stand, who quickly began to leave the room.

"Well done, James! That arrogant Lestrange bit the dust, literally!" said

Gideon, laughing loudly as he patted James' shoulder hard.

"Easy brother. You're going to hurt him," said Fabian with a smile as he

patted James' back hard.

Gideon and Fabian were brothers. They were both of the Prewett Family.

A family of pureblood wizards included among the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

However, they were not arrogant, nor blood supremacists like the

Lestranges or other families.

Both brothers were part of the quidditch team. Both were Beaters. At this

time when James joined the team they treated him very well, although

they played the occasional prank on him.

"Let's party!" exclaimed William, and everyone cheered as James was led

away to the Gryffindor common room.

Besides being happy that a Gryffindor swept the floor with a Slytherin,

most of the 30% who bet in James' favor were from Gryffindor. So many

were very happy to win so much money.

On the other hand, the students from Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin

who had gambled had long, depressed faces.

An impromptu party in the Gryffindor common room began. Some

students who were studying quietly had to leave grumbling. They were

brainiacs who weren't paying attention to school events.

Gideon and Fabian arrived a little later. At one point along the way they

swerved and disappeared, something James noticed and thought was


"Here, James! You won it fair and square," said Gideon, tossing him a

small jingling bag.

James took the bag with a raised eyebrow. As he opened it a golden light

almost blinded him. It was dozens of galleons.

"How much money is in here...?" asked James in surprise.

"100 galleons. Not one more, not one less," replied Fabian as he sipped

butterbeer with a triumphant look as if he had won the lottery.

"Were they so confident that I would win...?" asked James doubtfully. He

knew about the clandestine bet thanks to Sirius, and that most were

leaning towards Rabastan. So, it would be a very risky move to bet so

much money in his favor.

The marauders knew of his magical abilities, but the others did not have

this knowledge.

"One person gave us information about your abilities..." said Gideon,

winking at Sirius. James noticed this movement and looked at him with

narrowed eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. Thanks to this a lot of Slytherin lost a lot of

money. You should see the faces of all the pureblood heirs who bet," said

Sirius, justifying himself.

"Even Toby bet," he added.

"It's true," nodded Toby, scratching his cheek.

James was surprised that Toby, who seemed like someone who followed

the rules would bet on something illegal. On second thought, it made

sense. After all, he is a member of the Marauders.

"Me too," said Lupin and Peter. It would be foolish not to bet on James,

when you know his victory is certain and when they can increase their

money several times over.

The sudden party was over after an hour. The people who had decided to

trust Sirius and bet on James were extremely happy to triple or more

their money.

James was also happy he won 100 gallons for free, and he was also able

to relieve his anger by teaching Rabastan a lesson. These two days, he

was furious. He had to restrain himself on the same day not to go and

attack Rabastan.

James didn't mind being mocked or called a blood traitor. It was a term

that didn't affect him at all, one might even say he accepted it, as he

would rather be a blood traitor than a supremacist who sees Muggles as


What he could not tolerate was his mother being openly mocked.

Euphemia most likely spent a lot of time writing the letter and sent it to

him with love, and everyone in the great dining hall was laughing at her

words of love handwriting.

"You surprised me at the duel. I didn't think you could act like that," said

Lupin, sitting on the couch near James. A little further away were Sirius,

Peter, and Toby who were playing a game of explosive snap.

"I won't allow them to make fun of my mother..." said James shamelessly

as he read a boring chapter of the history of magic.

Lupin looked admiringly at his friend. He knew his temper could change

when someone messed with his family, but not as much as it was in the


"You okay?" asked James without taking his eyes off the book.

"What? Yeah, sure. Why do you ask?" said Lupin a little surprised by the

sudden question.

"No reason... you just look a little pale," said James as he looked for a

moment at Lupin, and their gazes met.

"It's nothing. Just have some more butterbeer... I'm going to sleep now,"

said Lupin trying to act as natural as possible, but some nervousness

showed in his voice.


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Chapter 75: Mystery letters

Since the duel, James' reputation increased considerably. Before his

popularity was because he had top grades in various subjects and was

involved in one particular event or another (throwing Flipendo at two

Slytherin students, saving Rabastan from the Whomping Willow, etc.),

but now everyone looked at him differently.

Rabastan and his gang stopped bothering him and the marauders. No

matter how much Sirius threw acid comments at Rabastan about the duel

he didn't react. James didn't mind the new stares. He was used to his

group being conspicuous among the first-year students. A couple more

stares didn't bother him, though they weren't just a couple of stares.

As for Rabastan, he had better not bother him anymore or he would

again challenge him to a duel. It was obvious that Rabastan would refuse

him, but not accepting a duel would leave him looking like a coward and

would be another hard blow to his foolish pride.

Spring had sprung a few days ago. Now there was much more sunlight

and fresh air after the long winter.

The second term had ended, and the Easter vacations began, which

would last for a week. The students could go home, but unlike Christmas,

many decided to stay at school. One of them was James.

This was because of all the homework the teachers gave them. All the

marauders stayed in the castle. The common room wasn't as crowded as

on normal days, and it was better for them.

"How boring! Why do they give us so much homework when it's

supposed to be a short vacation?" complained Sirius as usual, as he lazily

leaned his face on the table.

"Stop complaining and keep reading," said Lupin.

"Mate, it's five chapters. That bloody ghost wants us to do a five bloody

chapter assignment," said Sirius indignantly.

"After that, we have astronomy homework..." stammered Peter, who

looked like his soul had left his body. Unlike James, Sirius, or Lupin. He

was having a much harder time keeping up with school.

Sirius was just lazy. James was a training nut so he had more limited

time. Lupin was very organized and had a very well-planned study

routine. Toby was in a similar situation to Peter, only he excelled in


Toby was gaining confidence in Herbology classes, and since it is

something he enjoys he was becoming one of the top students in the


"The homework is endless... What about you? That book. I don't

recognize it," asked Sirius, looking at James, who was reading an old


"I've already finished my report on the five chapters of History of Magic.

Tomorrow I'll do the Astronomy homework. As for your question, it's a

book that was on the shelves in the secret room," answered James, while

showing him the title of the book which was: Secret Duel.

Sirius didn't pay much attention to the book. What he did care about was

that his friend had already finished the report, "Please let me copy your

report! That's what friends do, right?" asked Sirius with pleading eyes.

"Okay...'" said James with a roll of his eyes.

"Thanks! I'll copy it later," said Sirius happily, as he closed the boring

book and put it out of his sight.

"Me too...?" asked Peter shyly.

"Yeah, no problem..." replied James, and Peter closed the book as he

thanked him with a smile.

'These guys...' thought Lupin, shaking his head.

"A book that talks about dueling?" asked Lupin, looking at the old ochre-

colored book.

"Yes. It features several charms and potions that can be used defensively

and offensively in duels. Plus the odd tactic or two," replied James.

"No one first year can beat you in a duel..." commented Sirius, looking

strangely at James, who kept wanting to gain more knowledge of the


"Well, new information could come in handy sometime," said James as he

went back to reading the page where he left off.

The short Easter vacations passed slowly. They were not as much fun as

they had hoped and could hardly plan any pranks on the level of stink

bombs or flowers. On the one hand, because of all the homework the

teachers left them with, and on the other because of James' training and

studying which took up some of his time.

Another person who stayed for this Easter week was Lily Evans and also

her group of friends (Jasmine and Khanna). James was able to watch on

a few occasions as the redhead was studying all day and driving her

friends crazy.

She even talked to him about Transfiguration homework. During this

time, because McGonagall always sat them together, they ended up

becoming like study buddies or something.

With the conversations he had with her, he found out that she was

already studying for exams, 'She sure is enthusiastic... Her friends must

be having a hard time' James thought. The smarty pants nickname Sirius

gave her wasn't so wrong after all.

James was alone in the secret room late at night, practicing both

defensive and offensive charms. Since it was a vacation, he decided to

increase his practice time. Which brought great benefits.

"Flipendo Tria!" exclaimed James. From his wand, he unleashed a spiral

of bluish energy that turned into a small tornado. As it reached its

destination, three magical dummies were caught at once, and he held

them suspended in mid-air for a while.

'That's not all bad...' thought James. There was room for improvement,

especially in the duration and size of the tornado so that it could catch

more enemies. Plus the three dummies were pretty close together, and it

wouldn't always be like that on a real battlefield.

James sat on the ground with several thoughts in his head. The main one

was that he needed to put all these spells he was improving into real

practice. He needed a duel that would be a real challenge.

Unfortunately, none of the marauders were proving to be a challenge,

and he could barely use charms from his arsenal. He could beat them

with an Expelliarmus after just a few moves. No Flipendo Tria was

needed. And he didn't want to hurt them either.

Nor were they a challenge on the defensive end, perhaps if they attacked

him all four together, but he managed to defend himself anyway.

A solution to this was presented to him by little Professor Flitwick. After

his duel in the next day's charm class, he proposed that he join the

dueling club.

There was only one problem: the schedules coincided with his quidditch

training. Under no circumstances would he stop going to quidditch

training to go to the dueling club.

'Go into the forbidden forest and fight strong creatures?' thought James.

With his invisibility cloak, he could get out of the castle without being

caught, and he could go into the forest. Thanks to the stories Hagrid told

him, he managed to find out what creatures were to be found there. Also,

he had defeated a stronger-than-average mountain troll.

'No... it's still a reckless action for now...' thought James, shaking his


Without concluding anything, he moved on to his next current problem.

The subject of Lupin.

He was already sure that Lupin had monthly werewolf transformations,

as he always disappeared on a full moon and was weak and pale the next

day. He could ignore it, but he didn't want to, and somehow he wanted

to help his friend, but he didn't know how to face him and start talking

about it.

If out of the blue, he tells him that he knows about his lycanthropy he

might get the opposite effect and make Lupin defensive, "Ugh... it's

complicated I better keep practicing,' thought James standing up.


Monday, April 11, 1972.

The first day of the third and final term began. James was with the

marauders having breakfast as usual in the Great Hall. Just then the mail

arrived, and Shadow threw two letters near him.

The first letter he opened read as follows:

[James Potter of Gryffindor house. We are expecting you today at

19:00hs in the disused classroom on floor seven.


A question mark formed on his face. Who the hell was DC? It looked like

he was being summoned for a job interview or something.

'Is this some kind of joke?' thought James suspiciously. His prime

suspects were Rabastan or another Slytherin boy. After all, he had

humiliated them too much in the duel, mocking pureblood supremacy.

He closed the letter and put it away. Then, he would think about whether

or not to attend such a suspicious meeting. He opened the second one,

and what he read left him more confused than before.

[James Potter of Gryffindor house. We are expecting you today at

19:00hs in the disused classroom on floor seven.


'First DC and now SD? The message is the same in both letters, minus the

strange firm,' thought James puzzled.

"What's with that face?" asked Sirius as he noticed James looking

strangely at the letter he was holding in his hand.

"It's nothing," James said as he pocketed the letter. He had already

decided to go to the disused classroom on the 7th floor. Although it

looked suspicious he didn't think anything deadly could happen at


Besides, if it was Rabastan or other Slytherin students wanting to attack

him it would be for the best. He was looking for opponents to put the

charms he learned into practice, so he would come out on top either way.

'I hope they're stronger older students,' James thought with some

expectation. If it was someone in his year or a year older they would be



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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 76: Clubs

It was five minutes to seven in the evening. James was already heading

up to the 7th floor to the disused classroom. He was alone. He had his

wand ready to pull it out at any moment just in case.

'We'll see who sent the two mysterious letters,' thought James, looking at

the old wooden door of the disused classroom.

As he was about to open the door, he heard a couple of voices that

seemed to be in a heated argument. One voice belonged to a man as it

was low-pitched. The other voice was higher pitched and sounded


'Should I go in...?' thought James. He decided to go in. After all, they had

summoned him there.

The classroom was in poor condition. There was a lot of dust, poor

lighting, and many stacked desks. Shelves filled with old books and lots

of cobwebs.

Near the center of the classroom, he could see the two people arguing.

They were a blond boy and a black-haired girl. The boy seemed more

relaxed and had a friendly smile. The girl, on the other hand, seemed to

have a stronger temper.

What surprised James the most was seeing Gwen behind the black-haired

girl. As always his friend had a haughty look on her face. Behind the

blonde boy was a girl with short hair and a stoic face.

'What is Gwen doing here? And why are there people from so many

houses gathered here?' thought James confused. He was ready for combat

after being summoned to this disused classroom, but it didn't seem to be

the case.

What most caught his attention was that the blond boy was in a

wheelchair. He had never noticed it before, and it was something

striking. The boy was wearing a Hufflepuff uniform. The girl behind him

was also from the same house. On the other hand, the girl next to Gwen

was from Ravenclaw.

Everyone hearing the door looked towards James, who didn't know how

to proceed in such a situation.

"Oh, we were just talking about you," said the black-haired girl as she

approached James with a confident smile.

"About me? Did you send me those strange letters?" asked James with his

guard lowered, since there was Gwen there.

"First, let me introduce myself. My name is Erika Rath fifth year. I'm from

Ravenclaw. Nice to meet you, James Potter," said the girl with a smile, as

she stretched out her hand.

"Nice to meet you too..." said James with a strange look on his face as he

waved at Erika.

"Don't beat me to it, Erika. Hi, Murphy McNully. The next best

professional Quidditch commentator in the magical world. Nice to meet

you," said the blond boy, as his wheelchair moved on its own and arrived

near James.

"A pleasure," said James, now accepting Murphy's handshake.

"You must be wondering why we summoned you here and what we

want," said Erika with a slight smile as she saw James' confused


James nodded slightly as he looked at Erika. He found it strange that two

older students wanted to talk to him. He looked at Gwen, but Gwen

hadn't said anything, just watched silently.

"The two of us, we come on behalf of the Dragon Club to give you an

invitation to join the club," Erika said with a confident face, as she

included Gwen.

"Chiara and I, we come on behalf of the Sphinx Club. We want you to

join us," said Murphy, who didn't want to be left behind.

"Dragon Club...? Sphinx Club...? What's that?" asked James with a more

confused expression than before. At least now he knew that DC stood for

Club Dragon and SC, Sphinx Club.

Hearing this, everyone in the classroom put on surprised expressions,

except Gwen, who seemed to be expecting this, 'It was possible that he

does not know anything about the clubs....' sighed Gwen as she shook her


Erika, who had a confident attitude before, didn't know how to proceed,

"You don't know anything about the three big clubs?" she asked.

"Mm, they don't ring a bell. Are they clubs like the dueling club?" asked


"No! Well, actually yes, but there are important differences," said Erika as

she thought about how to explain to James. She hadn't come prepared for


"Let me explain," said Murphy, clearing his throat.

"The three big clubs are exclusive clubs led by Hogwarts students

themselves. There is the Club: Sphinx, Dragon and Hippogriff. They are

over a hundred years old since their inception..." began Murphy patiently


After about 20 minutes where he told him all the history of the three

clubs his explanation ended, "That's all," he said as he caught his breath.

James processed the information in his brain. They were very exclusive

clubs. You couldn't join the dueling club that anyone could join.

Instead, in these three clubs you could join them only if the current

members agreed and decided to send you an invitation. From what he

told you, they are very famous among all Hogwarts students, as they are

over a hundred years old.

Each club is looking for new members with specific skills or great talent

in those areas. For one, the Sphinx Club specializes in Transfiguration,

Astronomy, Flying, and Quidditch.

The Dragon Club specializes in Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts,

Potions, and Dueling. As for the Hippogriff Club, he doesn't know, as he

wasn't invited by them.

'Whoa...' thought James with surprise at the incredible history these clubs


They were founded in 1800 by three students: Skylar Flame (Sphinx),

Margaretta Ironbark (Dragon), and Olin Oakwood (Hippogriff).

According to the story Murphy told him, the three were best friends and

were part of a single club, but for some reason, they fell out and ended

up splitting up. Each of them created a different club and dedicated

themselves to the areas of study they liked the most.

"Are you part of the dragon club?" asked James, looking at Gwen.

"Yes... I joined several months ago," replied Gwen a little awkwardly, as

she had still been talking to James since that incident.

"It's such an honor to receive the invitation to our club! Besides, rarely do

freshmen get to have an invitation," commented Erika.

"I see..." said James. It was certain that because of his duel against

Rabastan, he had caught the attention of these exclusive clubs. He had

wiped the floor with an heir of an ancient pureblood family.

"The Sphinx Club, it's perfect for you. You can learn a lot about

Quidditch, Flying, and Transfiguration. You like Quidditch, right?" said

Murphy, though he already knew the answer. He had done some research

on James before coming to convince him to join his club.

When he arrived he didn't think there would also be the Dragon Club

wanting to steal their new member, so he had to take the initiative.

"Don't listen to him! Dragon Club is the one for you. I know what I'm

saying. Your dueling skills are very good. If you join our club you can

improve. There are many exclusive books in our library," Erika said


A heated discussion began between Murphy and Erika. Both want to

convince James to join their club. Each told of the benefits they could

bestow on him.

How the clubs had few members, when they decided to invite a new one

they took it very seriously if they had to compete with another club.

"Which one will you join!?" they asked in unison after ten minutes.

"Mm... What are the schedules? I have quidditch training on Monday,

Wednesday, and Friday," asked James.

"There is no schedule. We get together when we want to. We're not like

those silly clubs that have to be on a schedule," Erika replied with

contempt for the normal clubs. Murphy nodded agreeing with her.

'That's good...' thought James. He never thought that his previous

problem would be solved without having to do anything. The problem

with normal clubs was schedules, but now he didn't have that problem


"Well, what's your choice?" asked Erika.

Silence reigned, and everyone looked at James. Gwen was staring at him

with a frown. She seemed to want to say something to him through her

mind, though she couldn't.

'You better pick our club or else...' thought Gwen. She had already been

angry when James was chosen in Gryffindor, but she couldn't blame him,

as that was up to the sorting hat.

After a few seconds of contemplation, James replied, "Club Dragon," A

slight smile formed on Gwen's face as she heard his response.

"Good choice, mate!" said Erika, brutally patting James' shoulder, who

looked like he was getting used to such treatment.

"May I know why?" asked Murphy, sighing in defeat.

"I indeed like quidditch, but I already have the Gryffindor team for that,

and I'm more into Defense Against the Dark Arts and dueling," James

answered honestly. He already had William and the others to talk about

Quidditch to exhaustion.

Besides, if the Dragon Club had dueling in their specialties it meant they

must have friendly duels between them, and it was just what he was

looking for to test his new offensive and defensive charms. To gain


Murphy respectfully said goodbye to everyone and left along with his

partner who hadn't said a word since James walked in. The only different

thing he could observe was the slight frown.

"Today is already late. Can you come to the club tomorrow? There will be

a welcome party for you. They are special occasions when there is a new

member," said Erika.

"Okay. Where?" asked James.

"I'll pick you up-

"I'll do it. You can wait for him with everyone already there," interrupted


"Okay. It's already dinner time and I'm starving," said Erika, who unlike

Murphy didn't look too neat, to say the least.

"See you tomorrow, James," Gwen said goodbye quickly and without

giving James time to try to make conversation.


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You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

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Chapter 77: Dragon Club

The next day after classes, James met up with Gwen, and they started

heading to the Dragon Club meeting place.

To James' surprise, they left the castle and started heading towards the

secondary quidditch pitch.

"Where are we going?" asked James curiously. He had thought they

would have a room inside the castle similar to the dueling club.

"You'll see," said Gwen without further explanation. The journey passed

in awkward silence. After about ten minutes of walking, James noticed a

quaint and well-kept small building in the distance.

'Do they have some sort of cabin to themselves?' thought James in

surprise as he observed the small building.

As he arrived near the entrance he could see two sculptures of dragons.

One statue was of a Hungarian Horntail considered the most dangerous

of all dragons. The other sculpture was of a species of dragon that James

was unfamiliar with. He did not know all species to the letter.

"Do you understand now? The three clubs are very different from the

others," said Gwen with an air of haughtiness as she was one of the

exclusive members of the Dragon Club.

"Yeah... you didn't want to join Professor Slughorn's club or something?"

asked James.

"That's another thing... let's go inside. They must be waiting already," said

Gwen as she opened the door.

As they entered, James was surprised by the size of the room. It didn't

look that spacious, but about twenty people would fit in there without

any problems. There were already people gathered, "They're finally

arriving! We've got everything ready," Erika said with a big smile as she

introduced all the members, so James could meet them.

There weren't many. There were only nine with him there would be ten.

There were from all the houses, a strange thing to see, but the house that

had the most members was Ravenclaw. To be exact four, then two from

Slytherin, two from Hufflepuff, and one from Gryffindor that James didn't


The only person he recognized besides Gwen was the other Slytherin girl,

Narcissa Black. The cousin of his best friend Sirius. The bad thing is that

from what Sirius said they didn't get along very well.

When Erika introduced Narcissa she barely nodded and didn't even look

at James. It seemed she didn't approve of him being in the club.

"Let's start with the party. Then we'll show you all the facilities of the

house," said Erika as she invited James to sit down, and without any

other choice, he started drinking tea with all these strangers.

The word "party" was very different from the "party" they had regularly

in the Gryffindor common room.

In Gryffindor, parties were loud and rowdy. In the Dragon Club, on the

other hand, everyone drank tea and chatted quietly with an air of

elegance. James hadn't had such an elegant tea party in a long time. Last

time, he most likely did it as Edward Rothschild, something he didn't


"What are you thinking about?" asked Gwen as she sipped her tea


"Nothing in particular... I just thought they had said that the Dragon Club

specialized in dueling," James replied after a few seconds.

"Yes, in addition to having lots of books, we have an area-

Before Gwen could finish, she was interrupted by Erika, "Shhhh...! He'll

soon find out," she said with a mysterious smile.

After about thirty minutes and a very quiet party, it was time to show

James the other facilities of the house.

In the main dressing room, where they were now, there were four doors,

each of a different color of wood. First Erika led James to the nearest

one. As they passed through the door a smaller room than the previous

one came into view, filled with shelves of scrolls and books.

"Welcome to the library! Each shelf is divided by section. Defense Against

the Dark Arts, Potions, and Duels," said Erika as she pointed to each large


"The books can only be read here. If you take any you will be expelled,"

Narcissa said in a cold tone. James nodded, then was shown to an area to

study and read quietly in one of the corners, where there was also a

fireplace, though it was turned off.

"Next area! This is the room for important meetings. Especially when we

want to introduce a new prospective member and vote," said Erika. There

wasn't much to see, a long table of expensive material and surrounding

chairs. There were already ten chairs, so James had his place.


Next was a potions room. Once inside, they were greeted by the distinct

smell of magical ingredients and fresh herbs. The space is medium-sized

and well-lit, with walls lined with shelves filled with glass vials.

In the center of the room, there are five solid oak work tables, "The

potion-making tools you have to bring your own, but you can use the

ingredients here," Erika explained, as she showed him that in one corner

of the room was a storage room full of carefully labeled and stocked


"If you steal ingredients, you will be expelled," Narcissa said coldly.

'I suspect she wants me expelled...' thought James, looking at the blonde

girl who had the air of a cold princess about her.

"Now, let's go to the best room," said Erika, as she led James to the last

dark oak door.

"The dueling area!" she introduced as she entered the room. It wasn't as

big as the dueling room where he had his confrontation against Rabastan,

but it was just enough and necessary, as there weren't many people.

The floor was sturdy and also had circles delimiting the dueling area.

Magical torches lit the place perfectly, and there were two small

bleachers, for others to watch the duel.

"Can you have duels without being supervised by professors?" asked

James. The Dueling Club was supervised by Flitwick.

"We are not supervised by professors, but we can have duels. Perks of

being a century-old club" replied Erika with a smile.

The tour of Dragon House ended, and each member went about their

business. Some went to the library others chatted in the main hall. James

decided to go to the library, but he still wasn't confident enough to

challenge someone to a duel or practice in the dueling area.

Gwen was also minding her own business, and they didn't talk much

more. Sometimes she would look up and scowl at James, who was

engrossed in reading a new book.

"Hey," said Gwen, lightly tapping James' shoulder man.

"What's up?" asked James, looking up.

"I want you to show me that defensive charm you used against Rabastan.

Aeromanteo, I think it was called," replied Gwen, crossing her arms.

'She sure is good at ignoring previous problems and ordering things...'

thought James.

"There are dozens of Defence books here. I'm sure they explain it

somewhere," said James as he didn't want to play private tutor.

"It's going to take me ages to find it. Besides, it's better to learn it from

someone advanced. I'd rather get straight to the practical stuff," said

Gwen without giving up.

James looked at Gwen with rolled eyes. He knew the blonde girl wouldn't

give up until she got what she wanted. She always acted that way when

they were kids.

"Fine..." said James, closing the book.

"Let's go," said Gwen in a tone that hid happiness, and headed to the

dueling area.

Before heading back to the castle, they were in the dueling area

practicing Aeromanteo, or rather James teaching Aeromanteo to Gwen.

Gwen was talented. She quickly understood the theory behind the charm.

The main problem was getting the reflexes necessary to block an attack

in time.

To practice Gwen's reflexes, James would cast a simple Vermillious

charm on her. This charm is one of the most basic. It allows you to cast a

stream of red sparks from the tip of the wand. It is harmless and perfect

for practicing Aeromanteo, as its speed is adjustable depending on the


"Slow down, James!" said Gwen angrily and frustrated at not being able

to deflect the Vermillious.

"If I slow it down, you won't improve your reflexes. Remember, you must

generate the air current in the right direction. Direct the current in the

specific direction and at the right time," said James, who had no plans to

fulfill Gwen's wish.

"Tsch, it's okay. Attack," growled Gwen, getting on guard.

"Vermillious!" exclaimed James. This time, he aimed for Gwen's left


Gwen waited and waited, until the red sparks were close to her,

"Aeromanteo!" she exclaimed. This time, she manages to get the air

current to deflect the red sparks in their entirety.

"I did it! Did you see? It wasn't that hard," said Gwen, puffing out her

chest with pride.

"Vermillious!" exclaimed James suddenly and without warning. This time

the red sparks had a higher speed, and how Gwen was showing off she

couldn't dodge the red sparks.

"Hey, I wasn't ready! Besides, I'm sure you increased the speed,"

complained Gwen as she wiped her Slytherin robes repeatedly.

"You should always be alert on the battlefield, missy," scoffed James with

a smile.

"Vermillious!" yelled Gwen indignantly, pointing at James.

James with an Aeromanteo deflected the attack and yawned. Gwen

started chasing him while throwing Vermillious at him. James dodged

them or deflected with an Aeromanteo.

At one point Gwen stumbled. James put aside his joke and rushed over,

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Vermillious!" exclaimed Gwen with a mischievous smile aiming at

James, who this time failed to dodge or deflect the attack.

"I win," said Gwen with a victorious smile.

"That's playing dirty!" said James indignantly at such an act of cowardice.

"You should always be alert on the battlefield, missy," said Gwen

mockingly mimicking James' tone.

"Isn't it?" added Gwen, as she approached him. She reached out her hands

towards the sparks on James' robe and began tapping delicately to

disperse the red sparks.

"Thanks..." said James a little surprised by Gwen's sudden gesture of


"You're welcome..." whispered Gwen as she looked up, and their gazes


"Let's keep practicing," she added after a few seconds as she moved back

to a more distant position.

"Okay..." nodded James after a few seconds.

"And don't think about increasing the speed, until I tell you to," Gwen

said in a tone that sounded like an order.


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Chapter 78: Last big prank I

A week had passed since James joined the Dragon Club. When he told the

marauders the news he realized that it was a famous club at Hogwarts.

Sirius, Lupin, and Peter knew all three clubs. The only one who didn't

know about them as well as James was Toby.

Joining the club was a wise decision on James' part. He could go

whenever he wanted, and if he didn't go nothing happened. A nice bonus

was the library which had books he didn't find in the secret room or the

Hogwarts library.

However, the best of all was the dueling area. Besides practicing with

Gwen, he was able to practice with Erika, who was very friendly, albeit

with a quirky personality.

Unfortunately, he did not have real duels with Erika, but she helped him

to improve several charms such as Aeromanteo. Erika's casting speed was

very fast. James could deflect 3 out of every 10 Vermillious she threw at


"Good job, you managed to deflect four out of ten Vermillious today,"

Erika praised James, who was sitting on the floor sweating. They had

been practicing for almost two hours non-stop. He couldn't believe how

Erika couldn't get tired. Even the last few Aeromanteo, he was having

trouble throwing them correctly.

"We should add more rest time..." complained James. Even William

wouldn't make him train that long without stopping.

"Stop complaining, don't even use full speed. I could even use non-verbal

magic and it would be much harder," said Erika, and James grimaced.

"Another thing. When you learn Protego in the future, will you still use

Aeromanteo?" asked the girl, looking strangely at James.

Erika knew Aeromanteo was very difficult because of the reflexes part.

Although useful especially when you don't know how to cast Protego a

charm from higher years at Hogwarts, but once you know how to cast

this charm, Aeromanteo will become useless, as Protego is much more


Just by casting Protego an invisible shield covers a larger area than the

Aeromanteo which must be cast at the right time and in the right


'She's kind of right, but I already cast Protego...' thought James as he

thought about how to answer her.

At first, he learned Aeromanteo, as the fatigue it gave him was less as

opposed to Protego, but as he gets older and continues to practice

Protego this problem could be solved, making Aeromanteo less useful.

James, however, is not so much in agreement with this. Aeromanteo's

main advantage is how easy it is to cast and how little magic fatigue it


If James had been casting Vermillious for two hours on Erika and she

could only use Protego, she would most likely not have achieved such a

feat, as it causes great fatigue.

On the other hand, James managed to cast Aeromanteo, although he

faltered in the last minutes, he managed to cast it even though he failed.

Therefore, in a long battle, he will be able to continue defending himself

if he has great control of Aeromanteo. He could use Protego first and

Aeromanteo later.

James explained this point to Erika, "Mm, you have a point, but what

duel could last an hour or two?" asked Erika doubtfully.

"I don't know..." said James, scratching his head. He hadn't thought of it

for an official duel. He thought of it as a war and prolonged battles where

you face several enemies without rest.

"Well, never mind. Tomorrow we'll continue practicing. I'm hungry," said

Erika, grabbing her belly that was making a strange noise, "See you," she

added as she quickly left towards the big dining room.

James didn't care much about Erika's strange personality. He got used to

it in the last few days.

He could tell that Erika was a fan of the Marauders, although he didn't

know they were called that. This he knew, because she wears a necklace

in the shape of a miniature dungbomb.

James curiously asked her why she had such an ugly necklace, and she

told him that she thought the dungbomb prank in the Slytherin common

room was hilarious. So she bought this necklace, and according to her the

rules were made to be broken.

'Could it be that she created the fan club...' thought James with a strange

expression. He remembered that Sirius had said there was a fan club.

James also started to head to the castle. It was late, and they would most

likely all be at dinner. As he arrived in the main hall he noticed only one

person, Narcissa Black, was concentrating on writing on a parchment.

Of all the people in the Dragon Club, Narcissa was the only one who

looked at James with disapproval. Most likely because her cousin Sirius is

his best friend and is against his family's supremacist ideals.

James walked to the door and did not say goodbye. He knew it would be

useless, as he would get no response. As he reached the Great Hall, he

could see that the marauders were eating at the head of the Gryffindor


"Hey, what pranks are you guys planning?" asked James as he sat down

across from Sirius and next to Toby. When he sat down, the marauders'

chatter stopped, and they were silent.

"We can't plan any pranks if you're in that club all day..." said Sirius,

hiding his anger.

Since James joined the club, he started spending less time with the

marauders. He was practically going every day to the club except the

days he had quidditch training.

Then at night, he would continue his practice in the secret room and was

usually alone, as the others started to get bored with practicing so strictly

every day, the nightly explorations of the castle decreased as well.

Compared to the first months of the first year, where James was literally

with them all the time, now he spent very little time with them. For this

reason, he also began to put off talking to Lupin.

Add to all this the time that had to be spent studying and doing

homework, so there was almost no marauder activity, no exploring, and

no pranks.

"Well, today we can explore the castle or plan a prank or two," suggested

James as a plate appeared in front of him.

"Aren't you going to the secret room?" asked Lupin with a raised


Lupin also wanted to go back to night explorations or minimally

exploring in the afternoon after school, but with James practicing at

night or going to quidditch practice or his new club it was impossible.

"I won't go. I can give up some free time," James replied. It wasn't bad to

give himself a break every so often.

"Good..." said Sirius with a slight smile. The others were also happy that

their pranks would finally return.

"What shall we do?" asked Peter. They could either explore the castle or

plan their next big prank.

"Both. First, we'll plan the prank. Then when it's curfew we'll continue

exploring," replied Sirius in a low tone so no one else would hear them.

The marauders ate quickly and went to their dorms. Since they would be

talking about their next big prank it was best to be cautious and not have

anyone overhear them.

"Okay, brainstorm. This will be our last big prank of the year. It has to

live up to the other two," Sirius said as he held up a journal.

Since the first prank, Sirius started to write a diary of the marauders. In

this diary, he explained all the pranks they played and the process.

According to him, it will be an invaluable object in the future and a bible

for future pranksters who follow in their footsteps.

"Who will the prank be aimed at?" asked Lupin.

"Slytherin of course," replied Sirius instantly.

"Rabastan and his gang don't bother us anymore. Since the duel against

James, they've kept quiet. Will we continue to target their group?" asked


"Mm..." Sirius was thinking. It was true what his friend was saying. Ever

since the duel Rabastan didn't even face them or try to bother them

anymore. His pride had been trampled, and he had become a quieter and

more shy person.

'Pranking him won't be as much fun as it used to be...' thought Sirius a

different target came to his mind.

"What about Severus Snape? In Potions class, he's very arrogant and

thinks he's superior to everyone," Sirius said. He had seen the greasy-

haired boy's behavior and didn't like it.

Despite the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Sirius didn't want

to target people he didn't even know and hadn't teased him before. This

was as long as the prank was on a smaller scale, as the dungbomb prank

involved the entire Slytherin common house.

Lupin, Peter, and Toby nodded, agreeing with what Sirius said. In the

Potions classes, they shared with Slytherin, Slughorn several times chose

the groups, putting students from both houses in one group.

The professor was doing this to improve the relationship of both houses

so they could work well as a team, but it wasn't working very well.

Peter was the unfortunate one who had to share a class with Snape.

When the class was over, he complained the whole time to the marauders

saying that Snape kept telling him hurtful and derogatory remarks, as he

wasn't very good at Potions.

With this Peter was aiming for James and Sirius to decide to play a joke

on him and calm his frustration, but since James was mostly busy they

couldn't do it.


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Chapter 79: Last big prank II

"I vote yes. We should take Snape down a peg," commented Peter,

clenching his fist. He would finally get his revenge. Sirius, Lupin, and

Toby agreed.

"What about you?" asked Sirius, looking at James, who so far said


"I don't know... It seems too much to make it the main target," replied

James doubtfully.

Snape's tongue was indeed sharp and arrogant. James could see it on the

Hogwarts Express when he said he wanted to be in Gryffindor. However,

James realized that Snape was not a boy who picked on or mistreated

others like Rabastan and his gang, who would cast hexes on Gryffindor

students or make derogatory comments because of lineage.

Snape was simply arrogant because he was so good at potions.

"Are you serious?" asked Sirius, getting up from his spot and looking at

James quizzically. The others were also surprised by the presumed


"Don't tell me it's because of that know-it-all?" by know-it-all Sirius meant

Lily Evans.

Some time ago James started sitting in Transfiguration with Lily, though

this was because of McGonagall. So their relationship improved, and they

helped each other in Transfiguration homework.

However, their relationship went no further than that of study buddies.

James didn't consider Lily a friend, as they didn't talk much after

McGonagall's classes. If they did talk at all, it was about homework and

nothing else.

Sirius had seen Lily talk to Snape several times, plus he saw the two of

them on the Hogwarts Express together, and they seemed like friends

since before they entered Hogwarts. That's why he suspected that James

didn't want to play a prank on Lily's friend.

"Of course not. We're talking about pulling the last big prank of the year,

and you want to pull the prank on an unpopular, shady guy? You should

think bigger, gentlemen," James said, standing up and speaking with an

air of grandeur.

If he wanted them to stop targeting Snape he had to convince them with

a good speech.

"What's on your mind?" asked Sirius, who no longer sounded annoyed

and was very attentive to what James was saying as were the others.

"What do we call ourselves?" asked James without answering Sirius'

question directly.

"The Marauders," replied Lupin, not understanding where James was


"We did two big pranks where the whole castle talked about it for days.

We even have a fan club, but no one knows who pulled such pranks," said


Sirius the more James talked the more excited he got. He seemed to

understand what his friend was getting at.

"We must make everyone know our name, and every time there is a

really good prank, they think of that name," said James.

"That's right! We must sign our work!" exclaimed Sirius excitedly. He

even seemed more excited than James.

Sirius had chosen the name of the group and even had a journal with the

name where the process of all the pranks was described. The fan club

didn't even have a name, as no one knew the identity of the group or if it

was just one person.

If everyone knew the name the marauders would become like an urban

legend within Hogwarts similar to the Joker, or surpassing him.

"The name should be cast in the grass and be impossible to remove!"

added Sirius, getting more and more excited.

The next prank was decided. Although no one was the target, if the next

morning 'The Marauders' appeared written on the lawn everyone would

be talking about them.

"It's a good idea, but besides writing the name of the group we should put

something related to the two previous pranks. So that people would

notice," said Lupin, who had liked the prank. It would be a good farewell

to the first year at Hogwarts. And they wouldn't hurt anyone.

Peter looked a little annoyed, as he wouldn't get his revenge, but quickly

joined in the heated conversation.

"Underneath the name, we can draw in smaller size flowers and stink

bombs," suggested Peter. That way everyone would know that the

previous pranks were the work of the marauders.

"I like that," said Sirius, writing everything down in the journal.

"It's going to be hard to draw on the grass," commented Lupin. It would

be one thing to write in giant letters that would already take hard work

add to that drawing it would complicate the prank even more.

"I'll take care of the drawings," said James, who knew how to draw.

Besides, drawing a couple of flowers and a sphere won't be too

complicated. Hearing this the others nodded.

"Where on the lawn will we write? It should be eye-catching. I want

when everyone wakes up to see it," asked Sirius, and everyone was left


"On the quidditch pitch," suggested Toby, and James looked at him with

a frown to him the quidditch pitch was sacred.

"I know you love quidditch, but I have a reason!" said Toby quickly as he

noticed the look on James' face.

"What is it?"

"We can write the name a day before the quidditch match between

Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. That way, the whole school will see it during

the match" replied Toby scratching his cheek.

"You're a genius, Toby!" exclaimed Sirius with a big grin, as he grabbed

him by the shoulders and shook him roughly.

"That's a great idea. Since Slytherin will come out champions at least we

can sour them a bit with the message," said Lupin.

Already everyone at Hogwarts was tipping Slytherin as quidditch

champions, even James. It would take a miracle for Slytherin to lose to

the worst Ravenclaw in history.

William the Gryffindor team captain wanted to be positive, but he knew

it was a near-impossible feat. First of all, they would have to win by

many points and depend on Slytherin losing by a landslide.

"What do you say, James?" asked Sirius.

"I agree," replied James. Even though he believed the pitch was sacred,

he would rather spoil Slytherin's celebration, even if only a little. Plus

this way the prank will be highly visible since everyone in the school

attends the matches.

"In addition to the name of the group, we could put up a message that

says Slytherin sucks! Imagine their faces as they fly, and they have to see

that throughout the match!" said Sirius with an evil grin.

"Maybe it'll break their concentration, and they'll end up losing," said

James, agreeing with Sirius.

"When is the date of the match?" asked Sirius, looking at James.

"Gryffindor will play their match the second weekend in May. Slytherin

will play it the following weekend," replied James.

"Good. We have a month to plan everything," said Sirius, nodding his

head and noting the date in the diary.

They then continued to talk about the prank for several hours, leaving

the scouting for another day. The first way they came up with to write on

the lawn was to use Incendio. This way they would burn the grass, and

after the fire was extinguished it would be black, contrasting with the

green grass.

After thinking about this, they discarded the idea of using Incendio. It

was too dangerous since they would be setting the grass on fire, and it

would be very difficult to control it and put it out instantly.

If they did it wrong they could cause the whole Quidditch pitch to catch

fire and be in serious trouble. In addition, they would have to cast a lot

of Incedio charms.

The safest and most effective way they could come up with is to use

magic herb seeds. Then they could use a charm or potion to make them

grow and make the signature look big.

The problem was that they needed a lot of seeds. They would have to

steal a large quantity from the greenhouses. They decided that the next

day they would visit the greenhouses and see if this plan was feasible. If

not, they would have to find another way to write on the lawn.


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Chapter 80: Terraforma

"Damn. We're screwed!" growled Sirius sitting on a couch in the

Gryffindor common room.

Only the marauders were in the room, as it was almost midnight, and

they were all asleep.

"What shall we do now...?" asked Peter, and everyone automatically

looked at James as he always had some solution for everything.

Today, they visited all the greenhouses, but the seeds there were limited

it would be impossible to steal them and not be noticed by the professors.

They also tried going to the secret room and trying to ask for seeds, but

for some reason, it wouldn't fulfill their request. Maybe they were asking

for too many seeds.

"Mm..." James found himself thinking of another way to accomplish

writing in giant letters on the lawn. Everyone was looking at him


"Maybe... Find a spell to dig up the soil and shape the grass. Leaving it

brown where the letters are formed," he replied after a few seconds of


"That's a good idea. What spell exactly?" asked Sirius impatiently.

"I haven't the slightest idea..." said James, who didn't learn such a spell,

as it would be useless for a battle.

"We should go to the library and start looking," suggested Toby.

"No, it's better to go to the room of requirement. If you ask, it will give

you the books and save us time," said Lupin, and they all nodded, asking

for books did work. At that very moment, they headed for the secret

room that they had called the Room of Requirement since it fulfills your

wishes to a certain extent.

James used the method of turning around three times. This time asking

in his head for charms that cover earth magic. As they entered the room

they could see a simple bookshelf with several books, a small round

coffee table, and some couches.

"Let's get to work, gentlemen. The night is young," Sirius said as he

grabbed the first book and began to read it.

Two hours passed. They each read a book. To their bad luck, no one

found a useful charm. They were either too simple or too complicated.

As Sirius was about to complain, Toby spoke up, "I think I found

something," he said, and everyone came over and looked at the book he

was reading. The charm was as follows:


This charm is of intermediate difficulty. It allows mages to modify the

earth superficially. It affects only the upper layers of the earth, avoiding

deep excavations.

To ensure that the shape created remains, the mage must perform an

additional charm after sculpting the earth. This charm seals the landform

and prevents it from returning to its original grassy state for a specified

amount of time.


Excessive or improper use could adversely affect the health of the soil.

Users are advised to be cautious and considerate so as not to cause

irreparable damage.

Wand movement...]

Then, the book explained the specific movement of the wand. The correct

pronunciation and a few more tips on how to cast the charm correctly.

"This is what we were looking for!" exclaimed Sirius enthusiastically.

"The Room of Requirement saved us a lot of time..." commented Lupin. If

they had gone to the library it would have taken days. If they had this

room when they did the 100 dungbomb prank it wouldn't have taken so

long to find the book with the damn potion in it.


Thursday, May 12, 1972.

It was three days until the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff match and about ten

days until the Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw match which would be the last

quidditch match of the year.

It was getting closer and closer to summer, the days were getting hotter,

and the sun was getting stronger. It was also very close to the exams, and

now most of the students were studying and revising.

William, the captain of the Gryffindor team looked like a mummy,

besides killing himself training (figuratively speaking), he was also in a

very important year at Hogwarts and much more difficult than the

previous ones.

Lily Evans, it seems, increased her study hours, as she spent all her time

in the library or the Gryffindor common room reading her notes or a

book. Even James saw her reading while eating breakfast.

Toby, Peter, and Lupin also started studying with much more emphasis,

only leaving time for the last big prank.

James had more limited time. Besides studying he had to keep training

and reading advanced books to get stronger. He also had Quidditch

training. And lastly, he had to leave some free time for the joke.

Somehow, he managed it. Mostly by putting studying aside, as he was

very smart and knew he would pass anyway.

The only one who seemed out of place was Sirius, who was all day

talking about the prank. He was very confident in his intelligence and

knew he would pass so he spent time on the prank.

"Listen to me, James. We have to put a hex on the grass or something...

Oh, I know! We can make the grass smell putrid, that way they won't be

able to concentrate, and they'll score very few points," whispered Sirius

near James with an evil grin.

James who had some free time decided to fool around with Sirius.

"That's a good idea...! Should we contact the Joker again?" whispered

James. They could buy a lot of dungbombs now that they had over 100

galleons between the two of them.

The two continued talking and exchanging different ideas that they

would never put into practice as they chuckled under their breath.

Lupin looked up from his book and rolled his eyes, "Shouldn't they be

studying?" he asked in exasperation.

"Don't be a spoilsport, Lupin. The exams are far away. You should be

fine," said Sirius. As for Toby and Peter, he thought it was fine for them

to start studying now since they weren't as smart as the three of them.

"If you don't get a good grade, your mother will keep sending you

vociferous letters..." said Lupin, trying to convince Sirius.

"Tsch, you're right," grunted Sirius, getting up and grabbing a book from

the stack next to Lupin.

"What are you going to do?" asked Lupin, looking at James, who had a

thoughtful expression.

"Mm. I'll go wander around for a bit," said James, getting up and waving

lazily as he walked to the exit of the common room. He had already

studied a complicated Defense Against the Dark Arts book. As for exams

he wasn't worried.

By wandering, he meant going to the dragon club, but he didn't explicitly

say so, as he noticed that the marauders were a bit annoyed that he spent

so much time at the club.

'Finally, I'll be able to study in peace...' thought Lupin, looking back down

at the book and his notes.

James upon arriving at the clubhouse, noticed that there weren't many

people. This was usually the case since there was no specific schedule to

keep. As for his relationships with the club members, they didn't improve


He only interacted with Erika, Gwen, and a guy named Bob from

Hufflepuff, who had a few conversations and dueling practices. As he

entered the main hall, he noticed Narcissa Black to his bad luck.

'Why is she always there when I come in?' James thought with a barely

visible grimace, whenever he was reading in the club library or the

potions room, he always felt the cold stare of Sirius' cousin.

On the table where Narcissa was sitting were a large number of books

and parchments. She was studying for exams.

James headed for the library. A Ravenclaw boy was reading at a single

table and another table by the window Gwen was reading.

From one of the shelves, he took a book titled 'Updated Counter-Curse

Handbook' and walked over to where Gwen was sitting and sat down

across from her. He opened the book to the page where he had left off

and began to read silently.

Fifteen minutes later, Gwen looked up, and looking at James, said, "Now

won't you say hello to me?"

"I saw you concentrating too hard on the book," replied James, turning to

the next page. He was almost certain that, if he interrupted her reading,

Gwen would have been annoyed anyway.

"That book isn't a first year. Shouldn't you be studying for exams?" asked


"I am up to date. I'll study later. Right now, I'm reading as a hobby,"

replied James.

"If you have so much free time. Have you deciphered the message on the

silver bracelet yet?" asked Gwen, looking at James with narrowed eyes.

Hearing this, James grimaced slightly. He had completely forgotten about

that matter. It had been several days since Gwen had been telling him to

start trying to decipher the message on the silver bracelet she had given


He didn't have time on his hands to start studying ancient runes.

If it had been anyone else he'd send it to hell, but he couldn't do it with


"I'm on it... it's harder than I thought... you are a genius to be able to

write such a message," lied James, trying to praise her so she wouldn't

find out.

"You're lying," said Gwen, who didn't let herself be cajoled by the praise.

"That's rude," said James, trying to sound indignant and angry.

"Then look at me," said Gwen as James was watching the scenery out the


James looked at her and their eyes met, "When you lie, you don't look at

me. Plus, your fingers on your right hand gently tap the table," Gwen

added as she explained the reasons why she believed James was lying.

'What the hell...?' thought James, surprised by such a revelation. Even he

didn't know that he gently tapped the table when he lied.

"I'm right, aren't I?" said Gwen with a slightly triumphant smile as she

noticed James' shocked expression.

"How do you know that?" asked James with a raised eyebrow.

"Watching you. How else? That's not the point! You'd better get to

looking up the meaning of the bracelet," growled Gwen.

"Fine, fine. I will," said James quickly. He could only backtrack now that

his lie was uncovered.

"Hey, James!" greeted a voice. Turning his head, he noticed it was Bob

the third-year Hufflepuff boy.


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Chapter 81: Discussion

"Bob! How are you?" greeted James with a smile. After Gwen and Erika,

Bob was the closest person to James from the Dragon Club.

"Good. Hi Gwen," Bob said as he looked at the blonde girl who didn't look

at him and had a slight frown on her face.

Seconds passed, and Gwen didn't respond. Bob scratched his cheek and

asked, "Hey James, do you want to go practice a little in the dueling


Practicing with Bob a third-year student (more fourth than third), was

very beneficial to James, but as he was about to speak, Gwen spoke in a

cold tone, "He can't. We're reading."

"Oh well... sorry for interrupting. See you," Bob said quickly and

embarrassed as he walked out of the library.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you treating him like this?" asked

James with a frown, looking at Gwen, who looked as if nothing had

happened. He noticed the contemptuous tone in Gwen's voice.

"Don't you know? His family is Muggle," Gwen replied scornfully looking

at her nails.

James didn't know about this information. He hadn't spent that much

time with Bob to learn about his family's origins. He had forgotten about

this part of Gwen's personality.

"So what's wrong with his family being Muggle?" asked James, trying to

control his anger.

"Ugh... same conversation again," said Gwen, sighing with irritation.

"What did good old Bob do to you to make you treat him like that?"

continued James, trying to talk some sense into his friend.

"He didn't do anything to me! But that's not the point. We're two different

kinds of people," said Gwen, trying not to raise her voice. By different

kinds of people, she meant that she as a pureblood was superior to a

mudblood. People who are a disgrace to the magical world.

"If he is an inferior person. How did he get into the dragon club? Wasn't

it an exclusive club? Tell me, the other pureblood students who don't get

into any of the three clubs are they inferior to him?" asked James.

Gwen frowned at this question. James had a point, but she wasn't

planning on agreeing with him. "I only get into the club because of Erika

and her Ravenclaw friends. They're moralists who think we're all the

same" Gwen replied.

James couldn't believe how biased Gwen was making such cheap excuses,

"Do you listen to the idiotic things you say?" asked James, getting angrier

and angrier.

"Don't say I'm talking nonsense! You and I are superior people to them.

Why can't you see that? Just look at our talent and theirs. The answer is

clear!" exclaimed Gwen, getting up from her seat and glaring at James.

"Not true!" exclaimed James, also getting up from his seat and scowling

at Gwen.

"Then name me a mudblood who is on par with us!" demanded Gwen


"Come on, speak up!" insisted Gwen at James' silence.

"Lily Evans, she's superior to many students from pureblood families!"

replied James. The first person that popped into his head was the red-

haired girl.

In an instant, the air grew thicker. Gwen, feeling angrier for some reason

repeated the name in a different tone, "Lily Evans?" she muttered slowly,

her lips speaking the name with fury and a hatred she hadn't felt before.

The Ravenclaw boy who was reading stopped his activity and watched

the fight as if it were a spectacle. He didn't mind them raising their

voices. He preferred gossip.

"Who is she?" asked Gwen in a low, cold tone looking at James.

"I told you! A person who outranks many heirs of pureblood families,"

said James still angry and not noticing Gwen's change.

James angrily closed the book put it on the shelf, and walked out of the

place angrily, leaving Gwen at the table alone.

Gwen couldn't believe she had been left alone especially when she had so

many more questions about Lily Evans. It was similar to the time she

walked out of classroom 11 and left James alone, but now it happened to


Two days passed since the argument between James and Gwen, and since

that day they stopped talking to each other. If he was in the dragon

clubhouse they ignored each other and did not practice together


James, these days was in a very bad mood. He didn't like that discussion

at all, especially because of Gwen's position, who was one of his first

friends and whom he valued very much.

Another problem came to James' mind these days. Lupin, and his

lycanthropy. He didn't know how to approach him to talk about it, which

put him in a bad mood. All the attempts to talk about personal problems

with his friends ended badly, and he didn't want to fight with Lupin.

Luckily, today was the day of the match: Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. There

was a great atmosphere at breakfast in the large hall. The day was sunny

and without a cloud in sight, perfect weather to send off the last

Gryffindor quidditch match.

Minutes before the start of the match, the stadium was already packed.

The Gryffindor crowd was cheering and chanting without stopping for a

second. If they could get a good result they could have minimal hopes of

winning the coveted title.

On the other hand, the Slytherin stands were booing and whistling at the

top of their lungs. The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw stands were quieter, as

they couldn't win the championship at this point.

"Come on team! If we win by a good score we'll pass Slytherin and have a

chance to win the championship!" cheered William in the locker room as

they were about to leave.

James was there with the whole team, even though he would not be

playing. Fabian and Gideon Prewett had exasperated faces. It was 15

minutes ago that William was giving a motivational speech.

"They know the plan! Axel will try to catch the Snitch when we have a

good points lead, in the meantime don't take your eye off the Hufflepuff

seeker," said William, looking at Fabian and Gideon.

"Yeah..." said the brothers vaguely.

'This is my last chance...' thought Alex, gripping his broom tightly.

The strategy was to get the snitch once they had a good amount of

points. It was a risky strategy, but if it went well they could overtake

Slytherin by a large amount of points and increase the chance of them

not catching them.

"Let's go!" said William excitedly walking out of the locker room.

"YES!" they all exclaimed in unison as they walked out onto the pitch and

were cheered by all of Gryffindor. James then went to the stands with the

marauders and watched the match nervously.

With the referee's whistle, the match began. Gryffindor didn't mind

conceding goals as long as they were up on the scoreboard. Fabian kept

looking at the opposing seeker.

William was having a great match, as the batsmen were not so attentive

to the chasers, he had to save many more quaffles than usual, and none

of them escaped him. Earning a lot of applause from the Gryffindor


Thanks to William's incredible saves they managed to take the lead on

the scoreboard, "Don't take your eye off him!" shouted Gideon to his

brother while he was heading for a Bludger.

The score was increasing in favor of Gryffindor. However, Hufflepuff was

on their heels: 10 to 0, 20 to 10, 30 to 20, and so on.

'Good... it's better if the snitch doesn't show up,' thought James without

taking his eyes off Alex.

To his bad luck a shout was heard, "Look at that! I think it's the snitch!"

exclaimed a Gryffindor boy.

It was indeed the golden snitch which was very difficult to track with the

eyes because of its incredible speed.

"Don't catch it yet!" shouted William in the direction of Alex, who flew

with incredible speed to the snitch.

They needed more goals. Every goal was a higher percentage for

Slytherin not to pass them when they beat Ravenclaw. No one believed

the eagles could beat the snakes.

Between Fabian, Gideon, and Alex they tried to stop the opposing seeker

by getting in his way or throwing an angry Bludger at him.

"Damn, he's sneaky!" cursed Fabian as he saw his Bludger being dodged

by the skin of his teeth.

Time continued to pass and it was getting harder and harder to try and

stop the opposing seeker as he was being helped by his team. He wasn't


"William at this rate, they'll catch the snitch!" shouted Gideon urgently.

He knew it would be more dangerous if they kept playing with fire.

"One more goal!" said William, refusing to end the match.

All of Gryffindor screamed in fright and covered their eyes when they

saw that the Hufflepuff seeker was about to catch the snitch. Toby had

his back turned. He didn't want to see.

Lupin clutched his robes tightly. Sirius wanted to look calm, but every

time, he sighed calmly because the opposing seeker missed giving him

away. Peter was biting his nails and trembling slightly.

As for James, he noticed that his heart was beating very fast, something

unusual for him, not even against the Slytherin match did such a thing

happen to him.

"GRYFFINDOR GOAL!" shouted Murphy McNully with excitement in his

tone. Even though he was from Hufflepuff he was very professional at his

job, as he wanted to be the best quidditch commentator.

"With this goal, Gryffindor reaches 110 points! An unbelievable score!

Wait, look! HUFFPELUFF GOAL! Chaser Ryan doesn't stand still and

attacks immediately. 110 to 100! In favor of Gryffindor!"

"Do it, Alex!" shouted William. It was time to end the match.

At the go-ahead a smile formed on Alex's face. Finally, he could act and

not stand on the sidelines trying to defend the snitch. A race began

between Alex and the rival seeker.

In a moment two Bludgers were headed for them, one to each of them.

Alex managed to dodge by the skin of his teeth. However, it was not the

same for the long-haired Hufflepuff boy. The Bludger barely touched the

tip of his broom, but it was enough to knock him off balance.

This small slip, served to Alex managed to get ahead and catch the snitch

spinning to avoid crashing. Alex raised his fist and with his broom flew

high for all to see.

"The golden snitch was caught by the Gryffindor seeker, Alex!" exclaimed

Murphy and all of Gryffindor was filled with cheers, applause, and


"End of the match: Gryffindor 260 - Hufflepuff 100!"


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 82: Magic Rooting Potion

William lunged at Alex almost tackling him, "Well done!" he shouted

enthusiastically as he shook his hair roughly. The other members of the

team also went to hug Alex.

"What a fabulous match! They wiped the floor with Hufflepuff!"

exclaimed Sirius excitedly.

It was a great party in Gryffindor that day. The chances of winning the

title had increased by far. Besides, Slytherin had a big responsibility on

their shoulders. They had to win by a landslide, and although Ravenclaw

plays very badly, nerves can play a dirty trick.

The league standings were as follows:

[1° Gryffindor: 570.

2° Slytherin: 370.

3° Hufflepuff: 360.

4° Ravenclaw: 70.]

The Slytherin team before catching the snitch must score fifty points to

catch Gryffindor. With that tie result, Slytherin would win since they won

their confrontation against Gryffindor.

They will have to make a strategy similar to that of Gryffindor in this

match. Only with fifty points. They can already catch the snitch. The

chances for Gryffindor to win the title were still low, but there was more

hope than before.

The next few days there was a more tense air in the halls of the school.

Most of the Gryffindor students when they met someone from Slytherin

would try to get on their nerves, especially the members of the quidditch


They also started treating the Ravenclaw students with a lot of

enthusiasm, to see if they get a miracle and manage to play a little better.

If they continue at this pace it will be a stain on Ravenclaw's quidditch

history. They will be remembered as the worst team.


In the marauders' dormitory, a nightly meeting was taking place. It was

getting closer every day to the Slytherin match which would be the end

of the quidditch league. It was also an important day for the Marauders.

It would be the day when the whole school would know the name of the

group of pranksters who pulled the flower prank and the dungbomb


His firm had already decided. On the grass of the Quidditch pitch in giant

letters, they would write: 'The Marauders.' Below in smaller size, they

would draw a pair of dungbombs and the flowers that emerged on the

heads of the first-year Slytherin students.

And lastly, a message that reads, 'Slytherin sucks!' This way they could

continue to taunt the snake house and could even distract the Slytherin

players in the match as they will have to observe such words throughout

the game.

The Terraforma charm polishes the earth and shapes it into letters. They

had already practiced it during this time and were confident that they

could firm up their work the night before the match.

The current problem was that the professors or the headmaster might fix

the turf and make it grow back, erasing the message. None of them knew

if there was an incantation to make the grass grow back, but they could

not be confident. Since there would be all the professors and the

headmaster himself, it was certain they could fix it.

"The ingredients of this potion are very rare, it's used for something

else..." said Lupin, looking at the open book on the coffee table. They had

found a solution to this problem: the Potion of Magic Rooting.

This potion is generally used by Herbologists to give special properties to

the soil. One of the effects it has is that it protects the soil for a certain

period. Just what the marauders need so that no one can reverse the

message they write all over the lawn.

"Yes, plus we'll need more than one vial to cover a large area..." said

James with a hard expression.

"It's the only thing we found! We won't find anything else these days.

Time is limited. We have to get the ingredients any way we can," said

Sirius in a serious tone.

Everyone was silent. It seemed that this potion was the only one that had

the desired effect of protecting the message, "Well... read the ingredients"

said James, looking at Toby.

"Two measures of standard ingredient. Two berries of mistletoe. One

Cooked Mandrake... Two leaves of poisonous Tentacle..." read Toby and


"Lastly ten fairy eggs," he concluded.

"The only thing we have, and it's easy to get are mistletoe berries and the

standard ingredient..." said Lupin with an ugly expression.

"I-I heard that the scream of a mandrake when it's dug up is deadly..."

said Toby, shivering.

"It's not much of a problem. We put on earmuffs, and the problem was

solved. I'm more worried about the poisonous Tentacula. What's that?"

asked Sirius. The name poisonous didn't indicate anything good.

As usual, they looked to James for the answer. At first, he didn't know

what this magical plant was all about, so earlier he went to the library to


"It is a poisonous plant that expels poison from its shoots, and its spikes

are deadly. It is one of the most dangerous plants, and older students

start studying it at Hogwarts," James replied, and Peter shrieked in fear.

"Why is everything deadly in this potion...?" whispered Lupin with a

strange look on his face.

"W-we can't, guys! It's too dangerous. Besides, we have to go to the

forbidden forest to look for the fairy eggs!" said Peter, stuttering and


"We don't have to go to the forbidden forest..." said James.

"What do you mean?" asked Toby.

"In the orchard, Hagrid has behind his hut there are Fairies. Don't you

remember he showed them to us?" replied James.

"That's right! Problem solved. Let's go there and get the fairy eggs," said

Sirius with a smile. They usually visited Hagrid on weekends. They

already had the confidence to ask him for some fairy eggs.

"What about the Poison Tentacle...?" asked Peter, who was still not quite

in agreement.

"James and I will take care of that. As for the Mandrake, we'll go

tomorrow night. James will cast a Silencio Barriera charm, and we'll take

it out. Then we'll stew it right then and there to shut it up," Sirius

explained seriously. Devising a plan to get the ingredients as quickly as

possible and have the potion ready.

In the end, they decided to take twice as many ingredients so they could

have more potions since they needed to cover a large area of land. Lastly,

they would look for the fairy eggs in Hagrid's hut.

"Sleep well, gentlemen. Tomorrow will be a long day..." said Sirius as he

went to bed.

'A day where we will visit greenhouses with deadly plants...' thought

Peter and Toby fearfully.

There were seven Herbology greenhouses at Hogwarts. So far the

marauders only visited two greenhouses: one and two. From three

upwards are for more advanced years and therefore more dangerous

magical plants such as the poisonous Tentacula, among others.

The next day at dusk, when everyone was already sleeping or staying

awake while studying in the common room. The marauders slipped away

in the invisibility cloak in the direction of the greenhouses.

It would be the first time they had ever left the castle late at night, it was

forbidden, and if they were caught they would have a worse punishment

than if they were caught in the castle corridors.

Peter did not come on this mission. He was too afraid of this dangerous

mission. Anyway, only four people could go under the cloak. So, no one

said anything to him. He only earned a little displeasure from Sirius, who

didn't like cowards.

"Don't step on me Toby," complained Sirius as he felt someone step on his

expensive custom-made robes.

"It wasn't me," said Toby, sounding a little indignant.

"It was me, sorry," apologized Lupin.

"Shh! Someone's coming," said James in an alert tone, and stopping.

Sirius bumped into his shoulder.

"Ouch..." said Sirius in a low tone as he touched his nose.

"Sniff over there, my treasure. They may be hiding in a corner," It was

Filch, talking to Mrs. Norris.

Mrs. Norris is Filch's pet cat. She has yellow eyes, a scrawny, skinny,

skeletal body, and grayish fur.

The four boys held their breath and watched as Mrs. Norris passed close

behind them, sniffing. Sirius had his wand in hand, rather than be caught

he would rather cast a Fumos and run away from Filch.

The invisibility cloak couldn't be beaten by Mrs. Norris's sniffing, "Looks

like there's nothing... let's go to the next corridor, my treasure" Filch said

as he walked away.

"Why do you call your cat treasure?" asked Sirius with distaste.

"I don't know. Let's keep going," said James as he started walking again.

They made it out of the castle successfully. It was a clear night with very

few clouds. The light of the crescent illuminated the dark fields of


"We'll go into greenhouse three first. Hopefully, everything we need will

be there," said Lupin as they began to march.

Luckily, the greenhouses were closer than Hagrid's hut. The greenhouses

were next to each other, just a few meters apart, numbered 1 through 7.

When they arrived in front of the greenhouses they removed their

invisibility cloak, as Filch couldn't reach this far. There was a sign with

the number 3 somewhat rusted. The greenhouse was surrounded by

battlements giving it an antique look.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 83: Greenhouses

"Locked..." said Lupin, trying to open the greenhouse doors.

"I got this. Alohomora," said Sirius, pointing his wand at the door.

A barely visible yellow light came from Sirius' wand as it reached the

door the sound of the lock moving could be heard. Lupin tried again, and

this time, he was able to open the doors.

Without wasting any more time the group of four boys entered. The

lighting was very poor. Only a little could be seen thanks to the light of

the half-moon that created a dim and gloomy atmosphere.

Shadows twisted around potted and magical plants of all kinds. Some

plants have even developed bioluminescent properties at night, filling the

greenhouse with a soft, ghostly glow. Instead of the daytime bustle, the

nighttime sounds of the greenhouse are more subtle.

"How creepy..." whispered Sirius with a slight smile. He enjoyed doing

night scans.

"Lumos," said James, and the tip of his wand lit up. The others did the


"Me and Lupin will go that way. You guys go down that path," suggested

James, and they began their exploration of the greenhouse in search of


Fifteen minutes passed, and there was no trace of Mandrakes. On the one

hand, it was difficult to find them since they were underground and only

their green leaves were visible. On the other hand, it was difficult to

search with so much darkness and be careful that no poisonous plants

attacked them.

"Look James!" called Lupin as he pointed in a direction. Red sparks could

be seen high up in the greenhouse, as if from a flare.

"That must be Sirius and Toby. Come on," said James as they headed that


"Here they are. Let's get started as soon as possible," said Sirius, pointing

to a pair of Mandrakes sleeping peacefully under the ground.

James from his cloak pulled out a wallet made of leather that his parents

and grandfather had given him for his birthday. He opened it and

unbelievably pulled out four earmuffs, passed three to the others, and put

on his own.

"What a convenient gift," Lupin commented, but no one heard him as

they had earmuffs. Sirius looked at the wallet with envy. He couldn't

believe how James' parents agreed to gift such an object to his friend.

In this wallet, his parents placed an undetectable extension charm. This

allowed a large number of objects to be carried inside.

In addition to the earmuffs, he took out a magic cauldron, two flasks of

distilled water, and two larger flasks to place the cooked Mandrakes in.

He poured the water into the cauldron until it was full, then set the water

to heat and in the meantime stood in front of the Mandrakes.

"Silencio Barriera!" exclaimed James as he waved his wand, and a barely

visible barrier encompassed an area around the Mandrakes and the four

of them.

It had been several months since he had learned the Silencio Barriera

Charm. The barrier had lasted more than two hours and covered a

perimeter of several meters.

James looked at Toby, and they both nodded. They each headed for a

Mandrake. Without further thought, James grabbed the roots tightly and

pulled it away revealing a human-like creature that was crying and

screaming as if it was being killed. Luckily, no one heard its cry or they

would be dead or lying on the ground unconscious by now.

Without a second's hesitation, James threw the ugly creature into the

cauldron where the water was already boiling. Toby did the same.

The group of friends watched as the Mandrakes were stewed in the

water, while still crying and kicking with their tiny root arms. James

with a wooden spoon, began to stir to maximize the extraction of its

magical properties or so said the book that explained how to cook a

Mandrake effectively.

After almost twenty minutes, the process was over. James filtered the

mixture and stored the stewed Mandrake in the magic jars. "Ready," he

commented as he took off his earmuffs.

"I felt a bit sorry for them," said Sirius, taking off his earmuffs and

passing them to James.

They all looked somewhat amazed at Sirius, as it was rare for something

to give him grief and more so a bug as horrible as the Mandrakes.

"Did I say something weird?" asked Sirius, not understanding the strange


"No, no... By the way, won't Professor Sprout get mad when she notices

that two adult Mandrakes are missing?" asked Lupin.

"She'll be mad, but it's not our problem as long as she doesn't catch us,"

replied Sirius with a slight smile.

"That's true. Besides, we're learning about Mandrakes much earlier. If she

finds out she'll be happy," James commented.

'What kind of logic is that...' thought Lupin and Toby looking strangely at


'Let's go to greenhouse four. I don't think the Poison Tarantula is here,"

said James as he stuffed everything into his leather wallet.

"Why do you think that?" asked Lupin.

"The Mandrakes are seen in the second year. The Poison Tarantula is too

dangerous for second-year students. They must have them in another

greenhouse," replied James.

"Makes sense. Let's get going," nodded Lupin.

As they reached the door to greenhouse four, again Sirius cast Alohomora

and they entered. This time they didn't split up, as if a Poison Tarantula

attacked them they would be screwed for several reasons besides the

deadly poison of the plant.

The four advanced in a simple formation. Two facing forward and two

backward as they walked backward. Because they were slower and more

alert, it took them longer to explore the greenhouse.

Unfortunately for the group, they found nothing after thirty minutes of

exploration. So, they moved on to Greenhouse Five.

"There! Those two look just like the picture in the book!" exclaimed Toby

as he squinted to get a better look, but the darkness didn't help.

They all looked up at the two plants resting in a pot. One next to the

other. James kept his distance. He didn't want to get close and be

attacked by the moving vines with deadly spikes.

"Shit. Why are there two so close to each other?" cursed Sirius.

The Poison Tentacula behind its many leaves has a giant eyeless head

with fangs, but because of the darkness and the surrounding leaves. It

wasn't visible. It also had many large vine-like appendages that acted as


The vines were quiet. As if they were sleeping and harmless.

Sirius made an ugly expression. Now, he wasn't so sure about

approaching and fighting the poisonous plant, "Come on. We've got their

backs," said Lupin, nudging Sirius.

"Remember, we have to use Diffindo to cut their vines. Once we cut it off

we will use Wingardium Leviosa to put them in a safe place to remove

the leaves," said James in a serious tone, looking at Sirius.

The Cutting Charm (Diffindo) is used to cut something with precision. It

is usually taught in the second year, but James had taught it to the others

in the Room of Requirement before. As for James, he had already learned

it before he started at Hogwarts.

"I don't see very well. It's going to be hard to defend with Aeromanteo..."

said Sirius doubtfully. The only light that helped them were Lupin and

Toby's Lumos. Aeromanteo has to be cast at the right moment which

makes it difficult and more so having poor vision.

Also, that they didn't know what the speed of the creepers was, "Don't use

Aeromanteo. I'll take care of the defense for both. Just try to use Diffindo

when the plant stretches its vines," said James.

Using Aeromanteo with such low visibility was very dangerous and more

so when the plant had a deadly poison, and they didn't know its speed.

So he would use Protego to protect both of them.

"What enchantment will you use to protect us?" asked Sirius with

seriousness in his tone.

"Just trust me, mate," said James with a smile, and patting Sirius'


"Okay," Sirius nodded without a second's hesitation. This surprised

James. He was going to tell him that he would be using Protego but

decided to joke a bit to lighten the mood. He didn't think Sirius would

agree so easily.

Sirius considered James his first and best friend since he arrived at

Hogwarts, if there was one person he trusted it was James. Even more

than his family (except for his uncle and cousin Andromeda), as

unbelievable as that sounded.

The two began to walk slowly. Approaching the two plants that seemed

quiet and harmless. They couldn't shoot them right away, as they needed

them to stretch their vines so they could cut them and bring back the


When they entered the perimeter of the two plants it seemed as if they

had been alerted to the presence of intruders. Their menacing arms

moved slowly until in an instant four vines launched themselves at James

and Sirius who were startled by the sudden attack.

'Shit! What's that speed?' thought James in surprise. The speed was on

par with Erika a fifth-year student. He never thought they could be that

fast. He had underestimated them.

Luckily he hadn't decided to try to defend himself with Aeromanteo or he

would have been screwed.

"Protego!" exclaimed James, conjuring an invisible shield that covered

both him and Sirius. The four angry vines hit some sort of barrier that

blocked them.

Sirius wore an expression of surprise and horror. He almost didn't count

it he thought. Without James' Protego, he couldn't have defended himself

not even Aeromanteo would have worked for him as he didn't have such

fast reflexes.

However, Sirius didn't stand still and counterattacked, "Diffindo!" he

exclaimed with determination aiming at a vine. From his wand came a

light blue light that cut the vine with precision.

James also managed to cut another vine with Diffindo, "Let's move back!"

said James as he and Sirius moved away from the range of the vines.

At a safe distance, they used Wingardium Leviosa to move the two vines

towards them and remove their leaves from a safe place.

"Phew... that was close," said Sirius, sitting on the floor and wiping the

sweat from his forehead.

"Yes..." said James with a frown.

He underestimated the speed of the Poison Tarantula. If he didn't have

Protego they would be in dire condition. Maybe he could have tried to

use Aeromanteo and managed to deflect a creeper, but Sirius wasn't as

skilled as he was at that enchantment.

Besides, it wasn't just one vine, he would have had to deflect two vines

and each one was aimed at different places on his body. Which rendered

Aeromanteo useless, unless he had perfect nonverbal casting and reflexes

allowing him to cast two Aeromanteo quickly.

"Are you all right?" asked Lupin and Toby worriedly. Seeing how

dangerous the Poison Tarantulas could be they realized how reckless they

were being.

"Yeah, thanks to my friend's Protego, it went perfectly," said Sirius with a

big grin as he rested an arm on James' shoulder.

"That's amazing, James..." said Lupin. Although he was getting used to

James' prowess at offensive and defensive incantations, plus James kept

practicing, so it wasn't so crazy that this one was so advanced it was very

rare for an 11-year-old student to know Protego. There were adult

wizards, who couldn't even throw a protego as fast as James.

Toby was also looking admiringly at James. He knew Protego was an

advanced defensive charm.

"Luckily, I was able to react in time..." said James with a slight smile,

calmed down by Sirius' attitude.

"Right. Let's pick up those damn hard-earned leaves," said Sirius as he

looked at the vines that despite being cut off still had slight movements.

After removing the leaves being as careful as possible they left the

greenhouse with the invisibility cloak. Thus ending their most dangerous

nocturnal excursion so far.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 84: To work

Friday, May 20, 1972.

The day of the final prank had finally arrived. Friday night, after dinner,

the marauders headed to their room. After curfew, they would have to

sneak out of the castle and head for the quidditch pitch, as tomorrow was

the Slytherin match.

The potions had already been brewed by James. They managed five

flasks full thanks to getting more ingredients than they needed.

The next day of their excursion to the greenhouses there was some

commotion, as Professor Sprout was angry about the theft of two

Mandrakes and the damage of two Poison Tentacles.

"Well, gentlemen. Let's toast before we begin the final mission," Sirius

said in an eloquent tone, as he grabbed a mug of butterbeer.

Lupin looked at the five glasses full of butterbeer resting on the coffee

table and asked curiously, "Where did you get them?"

"From the Prewett brothers. They smuggle them to students who can't go

to Hogsmeade. Since I'm their friend, they gave me a discount," Sirius

replied with some pride.

James and the others each took their mugs and stood up, "Here's to the

last prank of the year and those to follow," said Sirius with a smile and

raised his mug.

James with an amused look in his eyes exclaimed excitedly, "To the


"To the Marauders!" they all exclaimed in unison as the mugs clinked

with a joyous clink, and the aroma of butterbeer filled the air.

It was past eleven o'clock at night. When there was no one left in the

Gryffindor common room. The marauders emerged under the invisibility

cloak. This time all five of them were under it which made the trip a bit


Since they had to leave the castle, James didn't want to take any chances

and preferred to go under the cloak.

"Ouch, don't step on my foot!" complained Lupin.

"Then walk faster," said Sirius, defending himself.

"It's because it's dark, you idiot," growled Lupin.

"Can we take off our cloak now?" asked Toby, who was very


"Yes. I think so.." replied James.

As they took off their cloaks they could see that they were only a few feet

away from the quidditch pitch. As they arrived they could see the huge,

very well-manicured lawn.

"Imagine the faces of those snakes when they see the message at the

match," Sirius said with a slight smile.

"Alright guys, time to make our mark on this pitch," said James with a


"Time to get to work!" said Sirius enthusiastically.

"Let's make sure it's accurate and well done..." said Lupin in a serious

tone, but with excitement.

James quickly settled everyone in. They would write first: The.

He would take the letter "T." Sirius and Toby would take the "H." and

Peter with Lupin would take the "E."

Minutes passed as they used the Terraform charm to shape the earth. The

manicured lawn was getting worse and worse because of the charm.

"Phew... done," muttered James as he looked at his finished work, even

though it was only one bloody letter and there was still a lot of work to

be done.

It took him almost twenty minutes to complete one letter, as it was a

large size. The others as they worked in pairs managed to finish in fifteen

minutes and were now resting a bit, as it was tiring to spend 20 minutes

casting a charm non-stop.

After resting for about ten minutes, they went on to write: Marauders.

Each one was dedicated to one letter, to make the work faster.

"Yes it is tiring," muttered Sirius with sweat on his forehead. He had

finished writing the letter 'U.'

"Only four more letters to go..." commented Toby as he sat down on the

grass. His clothes were full of dirt as was everyone's.

"James, you rest. You need to get your energy back for the drawings.

We'll take care of the four missing letters," said Lupin, approaching


"Well, thank you..." said James as he sat down to catch his breath. After a

few minutes, Lupin and the other three got down to business.

James looked out over the field. A few hours ago, it was very even and

manicured, and now it was a mess. He looked up at the night sky where

the stars could be seen. There was not a cloud in sight.

'It's a nice night...' thought James with strange feelings, he never

imagined that going to school could be so much fun. The night breeze

gently moved his jet hair. He watched his best friends hard at work, now

and then Sirius would shout something at Lupin or Toby.

James remembered his past life as Edward Rothschild, an expressionless

and lonely genius with no friends. He had changed a lot in this time.

'It would be nice if we could stay this way forever...' thought James in a

strange mood. He knew that as time progressed the danger from

Voldemort and his mad followers would increase.

He would no longer be able to devote as much time to these things.

Maybe it would be his last joke.

The hours passed, and finally, the marauders finished their work. James

had already drawn the stink bombs and flowers under the group's name.

Then in smaller print, they left a message to Slytherin.

"Well done, guys. I have to take a shower," said Sirius, satisfied to see

that everything went well.

"Now all that was missing were the potions," said Peter, as James from

his handbag withdrew five vials and handed one to each marauder.

Following the trail of letters they left behind, they poured the magic

rooting potion onto the ground. Luckily, they had enough and even had

half of one vial left over, which they used to reinforce some parts, as they

had no other use for this potion.

"Job done... Next year will be much better..." commented Sirius in a

different tone than usual.

"You have to pass your exams first, and I don't see you studying too

hard," James teased with a slight smile.

"Shut up. I'll be studying seriously starting tomorrow," Sirius said with a


After shaking the dirt off their robes and shoes, so as not to leave a trace

that would leave them in evidence, they headed back to the castle in a

weird mood, almost forgetting to put on the invisibility cloak.

Upon returning to Gryffindor Tower, they all went straight to bed. They

were very tired as they had been writing giant letters for hours.

'I wonder what the face of the Slytherin team will look like...' thought

James as his eyelids slowly closed, and he fell fast asleep.

That night, he slept a few hours and had a strange dream. He found

himself on the quidditch pitch itself. The strange thing was that the

whole place was destroyed, there were only two people, him and a tall

figure that he couldn't see his face for some strange reason.

The tall, black-robed figure made a swift movement with his wand and

out came a flash of green light heading toward him at an incredible


Before the flash hit him, he was awakened by Sirius' excited shout, "Wake

up, James! Let's get some breakfast!"

Sirius had opened the curtains of James' canopy bed and was hitting him

in the face with his pillow.

The thumping of the pillow caused James to open his eyes in annoyance.

Also, how the curtain was open, the light from the hot sun was hitting

him in the face, "Don't bother!" said James irritably, taking the pillow

from Sirius and hitting him back.

"It's a good thing you're awake, mate," said Sirius, moving to the next

bed, Toby's.

"Wake up, Toby! Let's get some breakfast!" said Sirius, repeating the same

process as before.

James sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his eyes. He could see that

Lupin and Peter were also sitting on their beds with sleepy faces. Clearly,

Sirius had woken them up.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 85: Slytherin sucks!

Saturday, May 21, 1972.

James and the others headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. The

fivesome had dark circles under their eyes, yet their expressions hid

excitement. They wanted to see the reactions of the entire school when

they appreciated their work.

James had several croissants for breakfast with pumpkin juice and an

apple, "Look, there are very few professors..." said Lupin in a low tone,

looking at the professors' table.

Normally, there would be most of the professors eat breakfast alongside

the students, but now only two professors can be seen, Professor Sprout

and professor James don't know.

"Have they noticed by now...?" asked Sirius with a slight smile.

"Maybe... they must be trying to fix it before the match starts," replied

James. As he took a sip of the pumpkin game.

"Will they be able to fix it...? If they manage it, we'll have been working

all last night for nothing," commented Peter doubtfully.

"The potion must be doing its job, let's hope..." replied James.

The group had breakfast conversing in low tones, wondering what

expression the professors must have put on their faces when they saw the

message and the grass in such a condition.

The other tables were noisier than usual, as it was the day when the

Quidditch championship would be decided. Many older Gryffindor

students tried to cheer on Ravenclaw and even got flags to cheer them on


When it was twenty minutes before eleven o'clock and the match was

about to start, the poltergeist Peeves entered the dining hall with a

wicked and mischievous grin as usual.

Peeves is the most famous and troublesome poltergeist at Hogwarts. He

drives Filch and many students crazy, as he is always causing chaos and

practical jokes.

He is a small, black-eyed man with a wide, evil face. He wears a green

coat, bow tie, and blue pants, "Shit, it's Peeves!" warned Sirius. Whenever

the poltergeist appeared in the Great Hall, it was always to create chaos

and start a food war or something.

Everyone at the tables eyed Peeves warily ready to take cover before he

threw a plate, dungbombs, or whatever he had planned.

"Attention, little brats! Rumors run wild! The quidditch pitch has been

desecrated!" said Peeves in a booming, laughing voice.

"The quidditch pitch?" asked a Slytherin student.


"Who's he calling a brat?"

Many questions began to be asked at all the tables confused. It was the

first time Peeves had acted this way.

Many began to worry about such news, especially at the Slytherin table.

They didn't want the last quidditch match to be canceled when they were

so close to the title.

"If you want to know, go see for yourselves, you lazy bastards!" shouted

Peeves as he began bombarding everyone with water-filled balloons.

Peeves didn't discriminate between houses. He just targeted people at


"Aeromanteo!" exclaimed James, managing to deflect a balloon that was

heading straight for his face.

The balloon that James deflected went straight into Sirius' face which

exploded and drenched him in water, "Don't deflect it at me!" complained


"Sorry..." said James, trying to hold in his laughter, "Let's get out of here,

quick," he added as he fled the great hall. All the students began to flee,

heading towards the quidditch pitch.

James proficiently used Aeromanteo to deflect Peeves' water balloons. At

one point, he noticed that he had a person behind him, close behind him.

Thanks to her striking red hair, he knew it was Lily Evans.

James said nothing and allowed Lily to stay close to him. This way the

redhead was saved from being doused from head to toe by Peeves. Lily

knew that when the shelling started the best thing to do was to get closer

to James. She had seen him in the duel against Rabastan deflecting

attacks easily.

As for her, she didn't have much real practice in defensive charms, so she

had little choice.

As they left the dining hall Peeves kept chasing them, until they were

heading out of the castle towards the quidditch pitch.

"Thanks...'" said Lily a little embarrassed for using James to protect


"It's nothing. You can use me as a shield anytime you want," joked James.

He thought Lily would frown at the joke, but she didn't.

"Mm... I'll take you up on your offer. You'd better not regret it in the

future," Lily said with a slight smile.

As for the marauders, only James and Lupin were spared, "Let me dry

you," said James, looking at Sirius, Peter, and Toby.

"Dessicatum," said James, flicking his wand. From the end of the wand

came a jet of hot air directed at Sirius. His hair and robes dried after a

few seconds.

He then did the same for Toby and Peter, who thanked James, "Where

did you learn that spell from?" asked Lupin. He knew James was

interested in spells that were useful for a duel.

"My mother uses it to dry clothes, and she taught it to me," James

answered honestly.

"James... Can you use the charm on me?" asked a voice that belonged to

Jasmine. Lily's friend who didn't have the idea to use James as a shield.

"Me too... please," said Khanna, a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, sure," nodded James, and within seconds he dried Jasmine and


"Thanks," said Jasmine and Khanna as they touched their hair which was

completely dry.

"What a convenient charm," said Lily, who had analyzed James' wand


"It's very useful. You should learn it," commented James. The group of

five boys and three girls started walking towards the quidditch pitch.

James was explaining to Lily how to learn the charm, the wand

movement, and the correct pronunciation.

Arriving at the stadium, there was a lot of bustling and murmuring.

Usually, it is always like that, but this time it was different than usual.

The marauders looked at each other with complicity and went to the

stands where all of Gryffindor was.

The bleachers were at a good height that allowed them to see the whole

pitch and the six hoops. James upon reaching the stands, could see the

'work of art' they had created yesterday.

Much of the manicured turf was torn up. The dirt formed large letters.

The main message was in the center and read as follows:


Underneath this title was drawn in dirt two spheres and some strange

brown flowers. Finally, there was a message in a letter not as large as the

first message. It read as follows:


"The quidditch pitch is ruined!" exclaimed a voice indignant at such an


"Who are the marauders?" asked a Hufflepuff girl curiously.

"They're not from Slytherin..."

All kinds of questions were being asked in all the stands of different

houses. Many are curious about the identity of this group of pranksters.

Others are indignant and complaining that they had to be caught and

punished, and others laughing at the prank.

The Gryffindor tier began to shout and hurl taunting comments at the

Slytherin tier, reminding them of the dungbomb attack on their common

room. A shouting war began between the two rival houses, one of who

was shouting and throwing acid comments was Sirius along with the

Prewett brothers.

"It was them, those damned Black and Potter!" cursed Mulciber and

looked at Rabastan, who was silent and sitting comfortably.

"It's true. At first, I didn't think they could sneak into our common room,

but seeing Potter's abilities..." said Avery, but quickly shut up as he

noticed Rabastan's furious glare at him.

"I told them countless times, but they wouldn't believe me, you idiots,"

muttered Rabastan in a cold tone.

"Silence, please!" said a calm voice that incredibly was heard by the

whole stadium even though its tone was low. It was Albus Dumbledore.

The headmaster of Hogwarts, who was sitting in the middle stands along

with the other professors.

The hubbub and verbal warfare between the Gryffindor and Slytherin

stands gradually died down, "Thank you, dear students. I can see your

enthusiasm for today's match. As you may notice there is a great message

written on the quidditch pitch..." commented Dumbledore in a peculiar


"Unfortunately, this group of pranksters were very prepared and poured a

potion that protects their particular message, so we have no choice but to

play the match with the pitch in this condition," said Dumbledore, and

the whole Gryffindor stand exploded in applause, and happy shouts as if

they had won a match.

"Calm down, calm down... without further ado, let's start with the

exciting match we have ahead of us," added Dumbledore, and a few

seconds later the Slytherin and Ravenclaw teams entered the pitch.

The Slytherin players, as they stepped on the letters written by James

and the others had furious looks on their faces. Never had one group

screwed them over so much in a single year. First, the flower pranks that

hurt the first-year male students. Second, the 100 dungbombs that were

thrown in the common room hurt all the years, and finally this insulting

message towards their noble house on such a special day when they

would lift the prestigious quidditch cup.

The match began. The Prewett brothers started chanting, "Long live the

Marauders! Slytherin sucks!" all of Gryffindor joined in, even the

Marauders themselves.

Sirius had a grin from ear to ear. He loved them cheering for his group

this song made the Slytherin team furious causing them to make a lot of

mistakes they normally wouldn't make. Plus, they were seeing the same

message written on the grass.

Unfortunately, the Ravenclaw team was very bad and Slytherin managed

to score 60 points, and then their seeker got the snitch without much

trouble, winning the match by: 210 to 50.

With this result, Slytherin was crowned champion with 580 points,

leaving Gryffindor in second place with 570.

The Slytherin stands were wild with joy. However, the Gryffindor crowd

was not silenced and kept chanting the same thing trying to ruin the

award ceremony which was only a few meters away from where the

message was.

James could see Alex leaving the Quidditch pitch with a long face. As he

was about to go after him, someone stopped him by the shoulder.

"Don't do it..." said William as he pointed to a girl who started to follow


James nodded. No one else wanted to see the Slytherin team lift the cup,

so they began their walk back into the castle.

"Tsch, Ravenclaw sucks. They were the last champions and they didn't

even win a match. They fall apart," Sirius said in annoyance.

"Yeah. At least they would have tackled someone or something," nodded

James, who was slumped. He didn't like seeing Slytherin raise the cup at

all and seeing the team members with sad expressions.

This was Alex's last year, and he didn't make it. How Alex personally

trained him to improve as a seeker. He considered him a sort of teacher

and friend at the same time.

"Let's get to studying and forget about this," said Peter, trying to change

the depressing atmosphere. They all nodded, unbelievably only by

studying something super boring like the history of magic could they

forget about this.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 86: Restricted Section

The days went by, and it was getting hotter and hotter. The exams were

getting closer and closer. Approximately ten days.

For this reason, the marauders put aside the pranks and explorations and

spent all day studying. James stopped going to the dragon club. It was

useless as there was no one to practice with since everyone was studying


He was still fighting with Gwen, after finishing the Slytherin vs

Ravenclaw match, he could feel Gwen's furious look in the Great Hall.

James guessed that this was because Gwen must have realized that he

had caused the dungbomb prank in the Slytherin common room. Luckily,

since they weren't speaking to each other, he was able to save himself

from her screams.

James, on the other hand, enjoyed the exam period at Hogwarts. They

had been given a whole week to devote to studying, so they no longer

had lessons. Sirius didn't seem to enjoy it as much as he did, even though

he was very smart, in some subjects he had relaxed a lot causing him to

be in a foul mood.

Lupin, Peter, and Toby were also nervous, but unlike Sirius, they had

started studying much earlier. As for James, he wasn't worried. He would

pass without a problem.

In Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and Transfiguration

he was very good. Not to be conceited, but he had a lot of knowledge in

these disciplines. Just brushing up on some theoretical concepts would


This allowed him to dedicate more study time to subjects he didn't like so

much and was a bit behind in, such as History of Magic and Astronomy.

One day late at night, when everyone was already asleep including the

marauders, James was staring at the ceiling of his bed. He couldn't fall

asleep, 'Should I go to the secret room to practice?' thought James as he

opened the curtain and heard Sirius snoring.

'He sure is trying hard...' thought James.

He slipped out of bed grabbed his precious cloak, wrapped himself in it,

and disappeared.

Without another thought, he cautiously made his way out of the

dormitory, down the stairs, across the common room, and through the

portrait hole.

"Who's there?" shrieked the Fat Lady. James said nothing. He walked

quickly down the corridor.

'Where will I go...?' thought James stopping. He didn't want to practice

he had already practiced a lot. Suddenly an idea popped into his mind.

The Restricted Section of the library. He had never been in there. He

could read anything he wanted, even books not normally found in the

library and dragon club.

'Maybe I'll find a book on ancient defensive magic or something,' James

thought and started walking again while adjusting the cloak around him.

The library was dark and ghostly. It reminded him of the night they

explored the greenhouses. James turned on a lamp to look at the row of

books. The lamp seemed to float on its own in the air giving it a creepy


The Restricted Section was just at the back of the library. Stepping

carefully over the rope that separated those books from the others. James

lifted the lamp to read the titles.

They didn't tell him much. Some books had faded gold lettering that

formed words in languages James didn't know, 'Maybe I should start

studying ancient runes and the odd language...' James thought with a


Other books didn't even have titles, there was even a book that looked

like it had a bloodstain on it. Finally, he found a book in better condition

and his language. The title was as follows: Phineas Bourne's Most Potent


James propped the lamp on the floor and picked up the book. He sat

cross-legged on the cold stone floor and began to read. He liked potions,

so this book might come in handy.

'Mm, let's see... Some of these potions have effects almost too frightening

to think about,' James read and made a strange expression at such a


Twenty minutes passed. James had an increasingly odd expression on his

face. He thought he would find very useful and powerful potions, but

most of the recipes in this book were dangerous, controversial, and

arcane. On top of that, gruesome illustrations showed the effects of such


One of these illustrations was a woman. The horrifying thing was that her

hair was a giant, hairy, long-legged spider. It reminded James of the

flower potion that turned your hair into flowers only this potion turned

your hair into a giant spider.

'Disgusting...' thought James, looking at the hideous illustration. He

wondered how Rabastan would have reacted if instead of flowers he had

a giant spider on his head for hair. For some reason, he thought the

Slytherin boy would prefer the spider to the pretty flowers.

In addition, there was information on potions of slow-acting poisons and

other deadly poisons, there was also a laxative potion that caused very

powerful diarrhea.

James had a disgusted expression. He would never use such potions

(laxative and giant spider) for pranks. He closed the book and put it back

in its place. He only read a few pages, but he could already get an idea of

the recipes that would be in there.

He started looking for a book again. On a shelf, there was an interesting-

looking one, a large, black, and silver volume that caught his eye.

However, as he was about to pick it up, the book next to it caught his

attention more, it had a light red color, and unlike the other one, it did

have a title: Incantation to Protect Your Mind. A Practical Guide to

Countering Legilimency.

James had read a book about Occlumency. A branch of magic that

involves closing the mind to counter the opposite branch, Legilimency.

He had practiced Occlumency at a very beginner level. So that the

Sorting Hat couldn't enter his mind and see memories of his past life,

though he didn't know how much power the hat had and if it could

navigate that deep. He preferred to be cautious and prepared.

What he did at the selection ceremony was to empty his mind, especially

his memories of his past life as Edward Rothschild, and leave his new

memories unprotected.

It was always in his mind to keep improving in Occlumency, but he was

too busy. Today it was time to continue on the path of Occlumens. It

wasn't a nice feeling that a wizard you don't know can read your mind.

'Well, let's hope it's better than the book my parents gave me,' James

thought as he opened the book to the first page.


In the pages that follow, we will explore the intricate mysteries of

Occlumency. An ancient discipline that allows one to close the mind

against outside penetration. Although considered an obscure branch of

magic, Occlumency is a valuable and essential skill for those who seek to

safeguard their thoughts and emotions against the arts of Legilimency...

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Occlumency...]

An hour passed as James read in concentration in the silent, dark library.

He finished reading two chapters and he also put a lot of emphasis on

each one.

In a nutshell, chapter one talks about mental clarity, and how to learn to

empty your mind and reach a blank state of mind. It also talks about

controlling intense emotions and staying calm under pressure.

This chapter was what James had already learned. Blank your mind so

they can't read your thoughts or minimally the important thoughts you

want to hide.

Chapter 2: Basic Occlumency was much more interesting and useful. It

explained the steps to build your first mental shield. This shield will act

as a first line of defense against Legilimency, blocking attempts to intrude

into your mind.

James was able to defend himself against the Sorting Hat because he

knew beforehand that it would try to browse through his memories to

find out which house to put him in. Thanks to this, he put his mind at

ease when he placed the hat on his head. However, if a Legilimens

decides to enter his mind without warning he will be exposed and would

not be able to hide anything. So building a mental shield was essential.

'These days I will start practicing. I must build my first mental shield

however I can...' thought James as he closed the book and put it back in

its place. It had already been a long time. He had to go back and sleep

the hours that were necessary for a good sleep.

As the very name of the book indicated, there were practical exercises to

get better at Occlumency.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 87: Exams I

The week of exams began. Most professors separated the exams into two

parts: theory and practical.

"Why does the first exam have to be Transfiguration...?" asked Toby

nervously as they ate breakfast.

"The transfiguration formula is influenced by body weight..." muttered

Peter as he read his summaries.

"Don't think of it that way. Look on the bright side. It will be over quicker

than we thought," said James, trying to calm his two friends down.

"Easy for you to say. You're the best in the class..." said Peter, and his

hand went to the next sheet.

"Whatever you say... remember the wand movement is a sort of L shape

before you make a mini circle," advised James, and turned his attention

back to his rich breakfast.

"Won't you review?" asked Lupin, looking at James quietly eating his

breakfast. Everyone at the table was eating breakfast as they were

reviewing before going to the exam. The only one who wasn't with his

notes was James.

"No. I'd rather relax before going to the exam table," James replied. It

would be pointless to try to study now on such short notice.

When breakfast was over, they began to make their way to Classroom 1

along with the other first-year Gryffindor students. Most of them were

silent, showing their nervousness.

Professor McGonagall was already waiting for them. The classroom had a

different layout, there was more distance between each desk. This is so

that no one could copy their classmate.

"Sit down, quickly," said McGonagall in her usual stern tone. When

everyone was in their seats the professor began to take roll call, making

sure that all the students were present.

"Good, no one was late. As you can see, there are some new pens on your

desks. You will use these pens to take the theory exam. The pens are

special. They are enchanted with an anti-copying charm," explained


'Is there a charm for copying...?' wondered James. It hadn't occurred to

him to use magic for such a thing, but it wasn't anything crazy.

"The exam will be divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In

each part, the maximum you can get is 50 points, to pass you must have

a score of 70 points between the two parts. You will have 45 minutes for

the theoretical exam, without wasting any more time let's start with the

theoretical part," said McGonagall as she waved her wand, and the exam

papers flew to the students' desks.

'She's more benevolent than I imagined,' thought James.

You could be very good at theory and get a perfect score of 50 points and

in the practical part with 20 points you'd be good enough to pass or vice


The theory exam was easy for James. The first question was about the

transfiguration alphabet, which consisted of 26 characters. He had used it

with Lily to teach Toby and Mary a transfiguration charm.

It also asked about the transfiguration formula. And about The theory of

transfiguration spells, they saw during the year: Ignitum Mutatio, Avifors,

and Mutatio Mouseum.

'I don't think I'm forgetting anything,' thought James as he looked at his

exam with a smile. He was pleased with his work.

James got up from his seat and walked over to McGonagall's desk which

was watching everyone, checking to make sure no one was cheating,

"Professor. I'm finished," he said as he handed her the exam.

"Oh, still 15 minutes to go. Don't you want to check it some more?" asked


"It's okay. I already reviewed it," said James, and McGonagall took the

exam and rested it on her desk. After James, the pile slowly filled up.

Second to finish was Lily, followed by Sirius, Jasmine, Lupin, etc.

"Time," said McGonagall in a loud and clear tone. The professor waved

her wand, and the exam papers began to fly towards her.

"No. I'm missing the Avifors charm!" squealed Peter. He wasn't the only

one bemoaning not being able to finish the exam.

"Good. Listen carefully. The practical part will be about the charm

Ratónum Mutatio. It's the last one we saw in previous classes. You will

have three mice to transform into snuffers. Keep in mind that the more

attempts you use the fewer points you will get. You will also be assessed

on the shape of your snuffbox," explained McGonagall in a serious tone.

"Only three attempts?" complained one student.

"In lessons, we had five attempts."

" Professor, I'm afraid of mice!"

"Silence! In forty-five minutes, you must hand in your snuffbox. I will be

watching you, do well," said McGonagall, and three small mice in their

cages appeared at each desk.

Ratónum Mutatio was a spell that transfigured a mouse into a snuffbox.

James' advice to Peter at breakfast was about this charm.

James had already practiced the Transfiguration charm with Lily. So he

was very relaxed.

He opened the cage, and when the curious little mouse came out. He cast

the charm, "Ratónum Mutatio," said James, waving his wand in an L

pattern and giving it a sudden twirl.

The little mouse gradually began to turn into a golden snuff box. The

transfiguration was flawless. The mouse's fur melted and contracted,

forming the exquisite texture of the box. The mouse's tail became an

elegant hinge, and its ears were molded into a decorative clasp.

"Splendid," praised McGonagall, taking the snuffbox and examining it

carefully. The students who heard the stern professor's praise were

gaping at James.

McGonagall opened the snuff box and noticed a polished and gleaming

interior. The quality was exceptional, "That is the best charm Ratonum

Mutatio I have ever seen by a first-year student. Twenty points for

Gryffindor," said McGonagall with a slight smile.

"Thank you, professor. It's thanks to your guidance," said James, pleased

at the success. McGonagall nodded in satisfaction and took the snuff-box

back to her desk.

James, as he had finished was allowed to leave the classroom. He knew

that his first exam had been a success. In the practical part, it was

obvious that he would get the maximum score because of McGonagall's

comment. As for the theory he was sure he would achieve 40 points


Waiting for his friends, James began to think about Transfiguration and

all that this branch of magic encompassed. Ever since he started reading

magic books he didn't read about Transfiguration, for the fact that it

wouldn't do him any good in combat. However, he realized that he was

very wrong.

For example, he could turn the mouse into a knife or something sharp

and then use Wingardium Leviosa and throw it at his enemy. Or if there

are many mice turn them all into sharp knives and then start throwing

them like crazy.

The variables and ways to use them were endless. Indeed, the more basic

uses of Transfiguration are not as useful in combat, plus they are much

harder to learn, compared to a Flipendo or Expelliarmus which has

immediate utility in a fight.

Also in a fight, it could be counterproductive to have to carry small

objects to transform them into something more dangerous. However,

there is Conjuration. The art of conjuring things. James didn't know

much about this art. He had seen his father conjure a chair out of thin air

among other things.

From what he understood it was a subject seen in the last few years at

Hogwarts, but if he mastered it he could conjure knives out of thin air

and employ them in combat.

'I have a long way to go to achieve conjuration...' thought James with a

grimace. In this case, he wasn't as far along as he was in Charms or

Potions. He was on par with a first-year student.

Just then Sirius and the others came out. They began to head for the

common room as they talked about the exam. The last exam of the day

today would be in the afternoon so they had a couple of hours free that

many would use to review.

Sirius told James about McGonagall taking points off a student because in

all three of his attempts his snuffbox had mouse whiskers on it.

As for the other marauders, they thought they would pass, and although

they didn't do it perfectly like James, they managed to transfigure the

mouse into a cigarette case. Toby and Peter used all three attempts, but

they made it.

The second and final exam of the day was Herbology with Professor

Sprout much to the relief of Toby, who liked this subject. As with all

Herbology lessons, the exam was held in greenhouse 1.

80% was a practical part, and 20% was an oral part where Professor

Sprout asked each student about the magical properties of a certain plant

or magical fungus they saw during the year.

They had to handle the spiky bush without using Incendio because if they

used it, it subtracted points, and if they set fire to three bushes, they

would fail. James succeeded, Sprout asked him, what was the Dittany?

"Dittany is a powerful healing and restorative herb and can be eaten raw

to heal superficial wounds," answered James, who remembered the

answer in the Thousand Herbs and Magic Mushrooms book.


"Ugh... it's only the first day, and I already want to die," said Sirius

sprawled on a couch. He just wanted to complain as usual, since he did

well on both exams.

"Don't complain, we only have one exam tomorrow. The bad thing is that

it's History of Magic," said Lupin.

The first year had seven subjects. The exams were divided between the

five days this week.

"I have two," commented James, who was setting up a tower of exploding

playing cards, something relatively dangerous, as if they fell they would

cause a slight explosion.

"Will you be taking the Flight exam? It's not obligatory," asked Toby,

looking at James like he was crazy.

Flying classes from the second year onwards would be voluntary.

Students could choose not to attend. James had decided to keep signing

up for flying classes in later years, as Madame Hooch was a great

instructor and gave very good flying tips that were useful for quidditch


"I'm not the only one. Some Gryffindor students will. Besides, since I

want to sign up for next year, I have to pass the exam," replied James.

"What do you say, Black? Tomorrow afternoon we go. It's only an hour,"

added James without taking his eyes off his card tower.

"Oh, a flying exam... sounds like fun, let's do it!" replied Sirius with a

smile. He was confident in his flying skills just like James, plus he wasn't

losing much by going.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 88: Exams II

The History of Magic exam was the most boring of all. They were cooped

up in a hot classroom for an hour and a half writing endlessly about

wacky old wizards and events from hundreds of years ago.

When the ghost of Professor Binns told them to put down their quills and

roll up their parchments, James couldn't help but rejoice with the rest.

"My wrist hurts from writing so much," said Sirius, complaining as usual.

"My head hurts," said Peter, rubbing his forehead. He wasn't very good at

memorizing. He had to pound himself these days to get all the

information stuck in his head.

"It's hot. Let's go to the lake," suggested James, and the group walked out

of the castle and plopped down under a tree.

"We already have the whole day off. Tomorrow is Charms and Potions.

It's going to be hard," commented Lupin, who was looking at the celestial

sky relaxed.

"Speak for yourself. I have a flying test in the afternoon," said Sirius with

a grimace. He was regretting saying yes to James. The problem was that

it was too hot.

"Don't tell me you're backing out, Black?" asked James with a smirk.

"Of course, I'm not! I'm a man of my word," said Sirius.

In the afternoon, James and Sirius started heading towards the quidditch

training ground. There the Flying exam would be held. When they

arrived they noticed that there were students from all the houses.

As the subject of Flying would no longer be compulsory from the second

year onwards, very few students were attending the exam. James could

see Rabastan, Mulciber, and Avery in the corner.

He also recognized Penny in the Ravenclaw uniform and Amos Diggory

from Hufflepuff a boy he met at the Quidditch World Cup final. His

parents were friends with theirs.

"Hey, how's it going? Want to have a flying duel?" asked Sirius in a

teasing tone towards Rabastan and the other two. Sirius put a lot of

emphasis on the word duel.

Rabastan scowled at Sirius. Then his gaze settled on James, who watched

with a mocking look. The Slytherin boy snorted coldly and walked away.

"Don't push your luck, Black," said Mulciber in a threatening tone,

following Rabastan.

"Oops, how scary. Look at me tremble," Sirius scoffed as he acted scared.

"Be careful, Black. Your father is on the Hogwarts council. He might

expel you," warned James in a loud and overacted tone.

"No! What am I going to do now? Should I apologize!?" said Sirius with a

frightened expression. After a few seconds both he and James burst out


Everyone who was there for the test watched Sirius and James in

disbelief at what they were doing. They were the only first years who

were encouraged to make fun of Slytherin boys who belonged to

powerful pureblood families all the time, even though the two of them

were purebloods too.

"Silence everyone," said Instructor Hooch, arriving on the field promptly.

"The test will be easy. As long as you've put in the effort in the previous

lessons. First, call the broom, mount, and take off quickly and nimbly.

Then you will do ten laps of the field, and you must land correctly. Come

on, each to your broom!" explained Hooch quickly.

"Just ten laps, easy," said Sirius, and James nodded in agreement.

They all walked over to the brooms that were on the grass and waited for

the instructor's signal, "Remember, don't compete with each other. Focus

on doing the laps as fast as possible and without crashing. Now!"

exclaimed Hooch.

At Hooch's shout, everyone shot off after mounting their brooms. As

expected James was the first to finish the ten laps, having a speed and

handling superior to most. Behind him, he was followed by Rabastan,

Sirius, and Amos.

This was normal, since James, unlike the others, trained three days a

week during the whole year with the Gryffindor team, so he had

improved a lot. After the flying test, James and Sirius returned to the

Gryffindor common room.

Except for James, the other marauders went over Charms and Potions.

As for James, he was studying Astronomy. He was confident in Charms

and Potions so he preferred to emphasize a subject in which he was not

as advanced.

At night, while everyone was sleeping soundly, James again went alone

to the Restricted Section of the library, but this time he carried a large

amount of parchment. He had an objective: to copy the entire book on


This way you can take the book home with you. As to whether or not it's

legal, he doesn't know. Anyway, he broke a lot of Hogwarts rules this

year one more wouldn't hurt anyone.

He decided to take a copy of the book with him, as he would be returning

to Hogwarts in two months and wanted to continue reading and studying

the book to further advance in Occlumency. So he spent two hours in the

library in near darkness copying the book by lantern light.

Then he went back to his dormitory and went to sleep. The next day the

first exam they had was Charms with Professor Flitwick.

It was easier than first expected James. The theoretical part was simple,

questions about the different charms they saw during the year. The

practical part was very easy. Professor Flitwick called them one by one

into the classroom, to see if they could make a pineapple tap dance on

top of the desk.

The only thing they had to know was how to control the levitation

charm, something James had been able to do since he was 8 years old. It

was a very poor test for his taste, although he understood this was

because he was self-taught and got a wand before he was eleven.

The other marauders also passed the practical part easily. How they had

practiced more complicated charms with James in the secret room, it

wasn't a challenge for them. They even thought it was too easy.

"What one pineapple tap dancing on top of the desk? I could make ten

pineapples do it!" said Sirius with disappointment.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have worried so much about the exam..." commented

Toby with a strange expression. It was the first time this had ever

happened to him on an exam.

"It's normal. We practiced with him crazy from training for hours more

complicated charms," said Lupin, and by crazy he meant James.

"Hey!" said James, indignant at being called crazy.

"It's true. From what I heard a lot of people had a hard time getting it.

Only we found it easy," Toby said with disbelief in his tone. He never

thought he would say such a thing.

"Well, they have a point..." nodded Sirius. James rolled his eyes as

everyone seemed to agree that he was a training maniac.

A few hours later, they headed to the dungeons to begin the potions

exam with Professor Slughorn. Worst of all for many of the Gryffindors

was that they had to take the exam alongside Slytherin students.

In addition to a tedious theory exam where they were asked about very

particular potion ingredients among other things. They had a practical

exam with a more advanced difficulty than the Charm exam.

They had to prepare the potion: Antidote against Common Poisons. As

the name implies it counteracts common poisons, such as creature bites

and stings. It had a beginner to moderate difficulty level.

"It's always useful to have on hand. Especially if you know you'll be

mixing some poisonous ingredients," Slughorn said as he explained the

guidelines for the exam.

The exam lasted two hours. Mostly because of the potion which had a

long preparation time. James, despite having practiced and studied

potions with his father before coming to Hogwarts had not brewed this

potion, so it was a good experience for him with an acceptable level of


The week of exams ended with Astronomy and Defense Against the Dark

Arts assessments. In Astronomy they had to use a map of Jupiter and

name several stars. For some reason, Sirius was very good at this subject.

James thought it must be because his name was the same as a star.

As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, it was half practical and

half theory. The theory included questions about many dark creatures,

such as imps, ghosts, witches, vampires, zombies, etc. The practical part

involved using various charms they had learned during the year in a

variety of situations, such as using Flipendo against the imp, among


"Finally, no more studying over!" exclaimed Sirius happily, stretching out

on the grass, "You can cheer up a bit Peter. You'll stop having your panic

attacks at night," he added in a joking tone.

"I don't know... now I'm more nervous. We have to wait a week to find

out the grades," said Peter, rubbing his hands together.

"Just relax. We can't change anything anymore," said James, lazily lying

on the grass with his eyes closed.

"In a week Hogwarts ends..." said Lupin in a strange tone.

"Just missing grades and the end-of-term party," said Toby in a strange

mood. This had been the best year of his life for as long as he could

remember. He was just an orphan living a normal life, but now he was at

a magical school and had made some good friends.

"Do you want to depress me? Next year will be better. Won't it James?"

asked Sirius, looking at his best friend, who was still with his eyes closed

lying on the grass.

"I hope so..." said James, opening his eyes slightly and looking up at the

sky. He didn't know if the budding war would explode and the conflicts

would escalate, managing to affect Hogwarts.

On second thought, Hogwarts with Dumbledore the most powerful

wizard alive considered by almost the entire magical community would

be the safest place, but he couldn't take it for granted.

"Why does everyone sound so depressing?" asked Sirius.

"What are you guys doing for summer vacation?" asked Toby, trying to

change the subject.

"My parents wanted to go touring in France..." answered Peter.

"I don't think so much. I'll try to read to be more advanced next year,"

said Lupin vaguely.

"Go watch Puddlemere United games with my family and practice flying,"

replied James. He would also train a lot, but he didn't want to be called a

training maniac again.

"I'll have to put up with my mother's lectures and who knows how many

stupid high society meetings..." replied Sirius with a grimace.

"It would be best if I could go for a few days with my Uncle Alphard," he


The marauders continued to lie on the grass overlooking the lake as they

talked about what they could do on their vacations before starting their

second year at Hogwarts.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 89: End of year party

The week in which James and the others had to wait for the exam grades

was strange.

Mainly because they didn't have to do anything and had a lot of free

time, James tried to take advantage of it and kept practicing different

defensive spells like Aeromanteo or Protego.

Sirius and the others as they had nothing to do joined James in the secret

room and continued with their duels: 1vs1 2v2 or all versus all. James

started practicing Protego by having his friends attack him.

He also continued to study and put into practice the advice in the

Occlumency book, but progress was slow. He was not depressed, as he

knew that Occlumency was very difficult. It was not as simple as a charm

that you could learn in a matter of days.

As for the Dragon Club, he didn't attend too much. First of all, because it

wasn't mandatory, and on the other hand, he didn't have people she

trusted to practice on. The only ones were Erika, Gwen, and Bob. With

Gwen, he stopped talking to each other after the fight. Bob seemed more

reluctant to talk to him since Gwen despised him, and as for Erika, she

was a very busy student.

"Fumos!" shouted both Sirius and Lupin. A large cloud of smoke filled the

entire dueling area. James watched as the figures of his two friends

disappeared in the cloud of smoke.

They were currently having a duel: James versus Sirius and Lupin. When

two Fumos were thrown, James calculated that he would need two

standard Ventus to completely disperse the cloud, but before he could do

so he was attacked.

"Expelliarmus!" shouted Sirius from within the cloud of smoke.

"Petrificus Totalus!" shouted Lupin also from within the cloud of smoke.

From both clouds of smoke James could see two flashes coming out, one

red and one purple.

"Protego!" exclaimed James, waving his wand quickly. An invisible shield

managed to protect him from the attacks of Sirius and Lupin, who clicked

their tongues in annoyance.

His strategy was a good one. The cloud of smoke made it harder to react

as out of nowhere came a flash heading your way. Also, the speeds of

both had improved a lot compared to months ago.

However, James controlled Aeromanteo very well. A defensive charm

that relies entirely on reflexes. He was able to block both attacks by using


Practicing Aeromanteo, also served to increase his reflexes and have a

greater reaction when using Protego.

'I can play that game too...' thought James with a slight smile as he threw

Fumos and hid in the cloud of smoke just like his two friends.

A gigantic cloud of smoke covered the entire dueling area. Toby and

Peter, who were watching intently, had no idea where the participants


After a few minutes of tension, seeing that neither Sirius nor Lupin

wanted to act, James decided to make his move.

"Ventus duo!" exclaimed James, and from his wand came a powerful

wind that dispersed the clouds of smoke and exposed both Sirius and


Sirius and Lupin were struggling to stay on their feet and not be pushed

by the powerful wind. In this position, they could not fight back and

were defenseless.

When the wind died down and they were ready to continue the fight,

James had already sent a Petrificus Totalus that managed to petrify both

of them.

Sirius and Lupin's arms and legs stiffened and fell to the ground like a

board. They were hard as a rock, only their eyes were still moving.

James walked over and looked down. Sirius and Lupin's expressions were

stiff, giving him a very jokey look, "Well played, you've improved," he

said with a slight smile.

Sirius was rolling his eyes like mad. He wanted him to release them from

the jinx. "Finite," said James, pointing his wand at both of them.

Suddenly their arms and legs were free, "Ugh.... The protego is too

broken," complained Sirius, standing up and massaging his numb legs.

"We need to aim for the weak point of the shield... or so I think," said

Lupin getting up and wiping the dust off his robes.

After having several duels, everyone went and sat in the couch area.

Similar to the Gryffindor common room.

"What do you say we have one last prank?" asked Sirius, who was bored.

"No more time. In two days it's the end-of-term party, and after that, we

get our exam notes," replied Lupin, shaking his head.

In the pranks they played they needed days and even weeks of

preparation, before going into action.

"I'm not saying to make a prank as complicated as the previous ones. You

know, a more normal prank, like Peeves' pranks, throwing water balloons

at girls, stuff like that," Sirius explained vaguely.

"Peeves' pranks always end badly. We'll end up punished, well there's not

much time for punishment anymore, but we could get house points taken

off," said James, joining the conversation.

"Slytherin still in the lead?" asked Toby.

"Yes... by thirty points they pass us...'" replied Sirius grumpily. Thanks to

winning the quidditch championship, Slytherin was winning the house

cup. Otherwise, Gryffindor would be first.

"Well, they're already champions, right? I mean, there are no lessons

anymore. So we can't earn points to beat them," said Peter dejectedly.

"Yes... The only way is if some Slytherin student violates some rule and

gets house points deducted," replied James with a frown. It was very

difficult for such a thing to happen, and if for some reason it did happen,

that Slytherin student would be beaten by everyone in his or her house.

They all sighed with disappointment, it was so close to the house cup, but

unfortunately, Slytherin won it for another year in a row. They would

have to put up with their celebrations at the party.


Two days passed. The marauders and the Gryffindor first years headed to

the end-of-the-year party that night. When they arrived the Great Hall

was relatively full.

The full table was that of Slytherin, who were laughing and chatting

happily, rare to see in their daily arrogant expressions. The Great Hall

was decorated in Slytherin colors, in green and silver, to celebrate the

triumph of that house winning the cup.

A large banner displayed the Slytherin snake covering the wall behind

the teachers' table. Professor McGonagall had her usual stern expression,

but she looked angrier than usual. As head of house for Gryffindor, she

was very unhappy about losing the house cup by such a small margin,

but there was nothing she could do about it.

James sat at the Gryffindor table with the others, and they chatted

without as much animosity as the Slytherins. Headmaster Dumbledore

arrived a few moments later, and the conversations stopped.

"Another year gone!" said Dumbledore cheerfully, "I'm going to disturb

you with old man talk before you can eat the delicious delicacies.

Hopefully, your heads will be a wee bit fuller than when you arrived...

You now have all summer to clear your heads before you start next year,"

continued Dumbledore as he looked at all the students with a broad


"Next up will be to award the House Cup, and the points earned are as

follows. In fourth place, is Ravenclaw with 392 points. In third place,

Hufflepuff with 395 points. In second place, Gryffindor with 425 points.

And in the first place is the winner of the cup... Slytherin with 455


As Dumbledore finished speaking a storm of cheers and applause erupted

from the Slytherin table. James could see how Rabastan and his gang

were banging the table with their goblets. Not a pleasant sight to see.

'If only I hadn't lost the 30 points...' thought James regretting being

punished so many times.

"Congratulations, Slytherin on winning yet another House Cup!"

congratulated Dumbledore as a golden goblet appeared on the professors'

table and he handed it to the Slytherin seventh-year annual prizes who

wore proud smiles.

"Tsch how noisy," Sirius ranted as he began to eat amidst the Slytherin


The party, taking out the feasting and jeering from the Slytherin students,

was fun. They had a good time and ate delicious food. It would have

been an unforgettable night if they had won the house cup, but

unfortunately, that was not the case.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 90: End of first year

The exam results finally came in. To the relief of Peter and Toby, who

were the most nervous, they all passed with good grades.

James, as he expected got a perfect score in Transfiguration, Potions,

Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Charms. In the other subjects, he

managed to score no lower than 90 points.

These incredible marks allowed him to become the best student of the

year in his year taking into account the four houses.

Suddenly, his cupboards were empty. James already had everything

packed in his trunk. The other marauders also had their luggage ready to

go home.

James and all the students received notes warning them not to use magic

during the vacations, 'How annoying...' thought James with a grimace. If

he obeys the letter he will have to devote himself to flying his broomstick

and reading books.

'I have to practice at Grandpa's house...' thought James, who didn't plan

to go two months without casting spells.

"Two months without magic. How will I live?" asked Sirius regretfully.

Toby looked at him strangely. He thought it was a short time. Besides,

they didn't need to use magic to live day to day. At least he did, since he

always lived in the Muggle community.

James and the others left the dormitories and the castle with the other

first-year students. Hagrid was already there to take them on the boats

across the lake.

They then boarded the Hogwarts Express, but not before saying goodbye

to Hagrid, "Bye, Hagrid. See you in two months," said James, and the

others also said goodbye.

"Goodbye, boys. Enjoy your vacations," said Hagrid a little sadly, as he

patted James' hand which almost knocked him over.

Generally, Hagrid's years at Hogwarts were spent minding his own

business, talking a bit with Dumbledore and the odd professor. A bit of a

loner you might say.

However, this year was different. Since he met James and the others his

hut was visited regularly, and the boys listened attentively to his stories

and especially to information about magical creatures, something Hagrid

liked to tell, as he would like to be a professor of this subject at

Hogwarts, although he didn't tell them this.

"See you soon, Hagrid!" said Sirius, dodging Hagrid's pat and running

towards the train.

During the trip on the Hogwarts Express, they chatted and laughed,

remembering the best jokes of the marauders and many other things,

meanwhile, the countryside landscape was getting greener and less wild.

They ate chocolate frogs, dragees of all flavors, sped past Muggle towns,

took off their wizarding clothes, and put on normal robes. Finally, they

got off at platform 9¾ at King's Cross station.

'It was a good year...' thought James in a strange mood as he walked with

the others towards the solid wall to break through.

He was finally able to fulfill one of the regrets of his life as Edward

Rothschild: going to a normal school (though he didn't know he would

end up going to a magical school).

"Careful, James," said Lupin, tugging at his clothes. James, who was

absorbed in his thoughts came back to reality. He noticed that right at

the barrier there was a guard, who only let two or three people through

so that they wouldn't draw attention to themselves by bursting out of a

solid wall and alarming the Muggles.

After waiting a few minutes in line, everyone was on the other side,

"They have to come home in the summer," said James as he pushed his


"I'll go!" said Toby in an excited tone. It would be the first time he would

be going to a friend's house in the summer. At Christmas, James had

invited him, but he couldn't go because he didn't want to leave Lupin


"Me too!" nodded Peter enthusiastically. James' practice room was great,

they could fly and play lots of things without fear of a Muggle seeing


"I can't..." said Lupin without explanation. James said nothing. He knew

the reason why he couldn't go home. One of the things he couldn't

accomplish this year was to talk about Lupin's lycanthropy, he always put

the subject off, and later he didn't want to argue with his friend.

"I wish I could go... but I doubt my mother would give me permission,"

said Sirius dejectedly, looking towards a middle-aged woman with a

dignified bearing and a deep frown on her face.

"I have to go now, bye," said Sirius, saying goodbye hurriedly and

heading in the direction of the woman, who as soon as she saw Sirius

started to rant with an angry expression.

'Poor...' thought James and the others as they saw Sirius with his mother,

who seemed to be angry for some reason that only pureblood extremists

would understand.

"Bye, James!"

"See you, Potter!"

James was surprised that Gryffindor boys he barely knows were waving

goodbye to him with a smile. He quickly returned the gesture a bit


"Why are you making that face? Ever since you crushed Rabastan in the

duel your reputation increased rapidly," Lupin commented with a slight


"They only salute me because I made them a lot of money," said James.

After searching for a few seconds he could see his parents. At the sight of

them, he felt a strange feeling, not like Sirius, who seemed unhappy to

see his mother. On the contrary, James was very happy to see them.

It had been many months since he last saw them. He continued to

communicate through letters, but it wasn't the same. If it had been up to

him, he would have run out and hugged them both very tightly, but he

could not. He was with his friends, and even though they had already

seen the letter Euphemia sent him, he was still a little shy.

He noticed that his parents were having a conversation with Peter's

parents. James cleared his throat and spoke, "There are my parents, do

you want to meet them?" asked James, trying to act normal.

"Yeah, sure. I still don't see my parents," replied Lupin.

"Yes. I have to thank your mother for the present she gave me for my

birthday..." said Toby shyly.

As Peter's parents were there, the whole group started walking.

Euphemia, who was chatting happily, noticed out of the corner of her eye

a particular mess of messy jet hair.

A broad smile formed on her face. She knew immediately that it was her

precious son. When she saw him, she felt an enormous happiness.

Euphemia rushed to her son with a big smile, "James, look how much

you have grown!" exclaimed Euphemia as she began to give him repeated

kisses on his cheek and forehead.

For Euphemia, it had been six endless months without being able to see

her beloved son. She had missed him so much. At first, she wanted to

control herself so as not to embarrass herself in front of his friends, but

she could not.

"Mum... I've missed you too," James said with difficulty because of the

repeated kisses on his forehead that Euphemia was giving him. However,

it didn't bother him. He would never mind the parental love shown to

him by his mother.

Lupin, Peter, and Toby watched this scene with strange expressions. It

was rare to see James so docile. It didn't cross any of their minds to make

the slightest mockery of this. They didn't want to end up biting the dust

like Rabastan.

"Honey..." said Fleamont, trying to bring his wife into the real world.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I got emotional," said Euphemia with a giggle letting

James off the hook.

"Mum. Dad. These are my friends..." said James as he introduced Lupin

and Toby, since Peter they had met.

"Nice to meet you," said Mr. and Mrs. Potter with a smile, happy to see

that James had managed to make friends.

"M-Mr. and Mrs. Potter, thank you so much for the presents on my

birthday!" said Toby gratefully, besides James and the other marauders,

they were the only adults to give him a present.

"It was nothing, dear. You must visit our house for the vacation," said

Euphemia with a kind smile. James had told her that Toby lived in an

orphanage, so she felt sorry for the kind and shy boy.

Just then Lupin's parents arrived. His father's name was Lyall. He seemed

a shy and intelligent man. He looked a few years younger than James'

parents. From what little Lupin told James, his father is a wizard and in

the past worked at the Ministry of Magic.

As for Lupin's mother, her name was Hope. She is a woman with light

brown hair and is very kind. That impression was given to James when

Lupin introduced his parents.

James knew right away that Lupin's parents cared about their son as did

his parents. It was obvious that they knew their son was a werewolf, and

yet they still loved him and were not prejudiced against him, or so James

thought after meeting them and from what Lupin told him about them.

After chatting for a while and the adult couples got to know each other,

Peter's family said their goodbyes, and the same went for the Lupin


The only person left to arrive was Toby's matron, who waited nervously

feeling guilty about having to keep Euphemia and Fleamont waiting, who

said they would stay and wait with him. James agreed.

Just then a tall woman with a mole near her mouth arrived, about 30-40

years old, "Are you ready yet?" asked the woman, looking at Toby and

not greeting the Potters.

"Yes, Matron..." replied Toby meekly.

"You must be Toby's caregiver! My name is Euphemia Potter, a pleasure.

My son is a friend of Toby," Euphemia introduced herself patiently.

"Caroline is my name..." said the woman with little patience. James

seeing her respond that way to his kind mother, felt like pulling out his

wand and throwing a Flipendo Tria at her.

"In the summer, Toby wants to come home to spend time with his friend.

Can he?" asked Euphemia.

"P-please, Matron," said Toby nervously.

"No need to clarify, we will pay all his expenses," said Fleamont, joining

the conversation.

For the first time a faint smile formed on Caroline's ugly face, "Oh, it's

great for the boys to spend time with their friends! Of course, Toby can

spend several days with your son. Just call this number, and we'll get in

touch," Caroline said enthusiastically.

"That's good to hear. See you in a few days, Toby," said Euphemia, saying

goodbye to the boy who smiled at Caroline's affirmative.

"Survive a couple of days with that ogre," muttered James, close behind

Toby, as he followed his parents.

"Yes, of course! Bye, James!" said Toby enthusiastically.

"Hurry up, boy. We don't have all day," said Caroline, turning around and

walking towards the door.

James, as he walked in the direction of his father's car, told them

everything that happened in these six months cheerfully.

The first year at Hogwarts came to an end.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 91: Talk with mom

Sunday, July 3, 1972.

It had been a few days since James had returned home and started his

vacation. Today, he and his family had gone to a Puddlemere United pre-

season game.

The game was won by Puddlemere with a good margin, so James was in

a good mood after returning home. He missed spending time with his

parents at Godric's Hollow.

Plus, it was relaxing not having to do homework for History of Magic,

Astronomy, or other subjects James didn't like so much.

The only boring thing was being alone and not with his friends, the

marauders. He had gotten used to living with them in the Gryffindor

dormitories and common room. In a week or so, Peter and Toby would

be coming to spend a few days at his house.

After completing his daily hours of study, James lay on his back on the

couch in the living room of his house. He was reading a Quidditch book

entitled: Beating the Bludgers: A Study of Defensive Strategy in

Quidditch. Written by noted author Kennilworthy Whisp.

Whisp was an English author and quidditch expert. Known for having

written several quidditch-related works, including the best-selling book

"Quidditch Through the Ages."

'It would be very interesting to meet Whisp and talk quidditch... and get

an autograph too,' James thought as he turned the page.

"Sweetheart, would you like something to snack on?" asked Euphemia,

looking at James.

James stopped reading his book and looked at his mother, "What's on the

menu?" he asked curiously.

"It's good of you to ask. For one thing, we have a delicious banana plum

pudding or some cupcakes. Which do you prefer?" asked Euphemia.

'Mm... it's been a long time since I've eaten mom's cupcakes...' thought

James as he decided what to choose.

"The cupcakes, please," he replied after a few seconds.

"Good choice, little boy," said Euphemia with a proud smile that her son

was polite and knew how to say please and thank you. Besides, she had

heard that James was the best freshman and had excellent grades, which

made her feel more proud of her son.

"I'm not a little boy," James muttered in a low tone. However, Euphemia

came to hear him.

"You'll always be a little boy to me," said Euphemia with a loving smile,

"What's the matter? Are you worried about something?" she asked as she

noticed something odd on her son's face.

"Eh? No, I'm fine," said James, surprised by the sudden question.

"Come on. Don't be shy. You can't hide from me that something is

bothering you. I'm your mom," said Euphemia, sitting on the couch and

putting James' head on her lap.

James looked at his mother's face from above. He realized it was

impossible to escape. Somehow, she realized that he had concerns about


'If Gwen knows when I'm lying. It's not unusual for mom to know I'm

worried about something...' thought James with a strange expression.

"Okay, but don't get mad, okay?" said James.

"Don't worry. Just tell me," Euphemia said in a calm tone, as she stroked

James' hair gently.

'Where to start... I guess the day I find out,' thought James, as he began

to narrate to her the facts of when he first began to suspect that Lupin

was a werewolf.

He told her that Lupin disappeared once a month, and the next day, he

was pale and skinnier than usual. After that, he noticed that he would

disappear on a full moon and began to suspect that he was a werewolf.

Euphemia's face remained almost the same. Only a hint of surprise could

be seen on it which she quickly hid. Her son was confiding in her by

telling her about a problem. She would not make a scene because his

friend is a werewolf.

Like James, Euphemia felt sorry for Lupin and his family, as it is very

difficult to have to live with such a condition. She felt that Hogwarts

especially Dumbledore was kind enough to let him attend and have a

normal life.

Although James didn't 100% know if Dumbledore knew about this fact, it

was common sense that he did, as Lupin should disappear with the help

of the Hogwarts staff, and Euphemia thought the same.

"I understand... So, you don't know how to face him and talk about it,

right?" asked Euphemia with a complicated expression.

She didn't think the problem James had was so complicated, although she

felt sorry for Lupin, she also felt concerned for her son since he shares a

room with a werewolf.

"Yes... Whenever I want to talk about more personal things with my

friends, I end up fighting," nodded James with a downcast expression. It

was like this with Gwen, Emily, and even Toby after several weeks they

got back together.

"Don't be sad. The most personal topics are difficult to talk about and end

well, you must be patient until that person decides to open up with you,

and above all that you are willing to be patient..." answered Euphemia in

a calm tone.

"I understand," said James.

"As for the subject of your friend Remus, it's complicated..." said

Euphemia, not knowing where to start.

"You're not prejudiced against werewolves, are you Mom?" asked James

worriedly, though he was almost certain his mother wasn't that kind of


"Of course not. I'm just worried about you, but if Dumbledore and the

school staff know about it they must have already taken steps to make

sure they're safe. If you want to talk to him and give him your support as

a friend, you must do it from a safe place," Euphemia said in an

irrefutable tone. She would not allow James to do something stupid to try

to be with Lupin in his werewolf form, even though she knows her son is

smart, as a mother she must set the boundaries.

"Of course," James said quickly.

"Well, to talk to Remus and not end up in an argument I don't think it

would be very difficult," commented Euphemia.

"Really?" asked James in surprise. As much as he had turned his head a

thousand times, he couldn't find a way to talk to Lupin and not have it

end badly. Mainly because to be touching on such a personal and difficult

subject could make Lupin angry or shut down.

"Yes. You should just talk to him alone and tell him that you suspect he is

a werewolf, tell him in a good way without an accusatory tone. If he sees

that you have goodwill and with all the evidence you got he will admit

it," Euphemia explained.

"That easy?" asked James again.

"Yes. He has most likely been a werewolf for years. If he sees how his

friend is willing to help him, he'll have no reason to argue. He'll even be

grateful to you," replied Euphemia.

'Makes sense... Werewolves are very discriminated against. He might feel

wary at first, but when he realizes I want to help him, he'll be grateful,'

James thought as he nodded his head, and Euphemia looked at him with

a smile.

"Problem solved?" asked Euphemia.

"Yes, thanks, Mom!" exclaimed James as he hugged Euphemia.

"You're welcome, sweetie. You get stronger every day," said Euphemia as

she happily accepted James' hug.

"I'm sorry..." said James awkwardly.

"It's all fine. One last thing. When you start the new school year you

should immediately talk to Lupin about this and have him tell you that

the Hogwarts staff is aware of his situation," Euphemia said in a serious


"Huh? Yes of course. Dumbledore almost certainly knows," said James.

"I think so too, but you must make sure and let me know as soon as

possible. Otherwise, I will personally go to the school," said Euphemia

with a frown.

There was a 1% chance that Dumbledore and the Hogwarts staff were not

aware of Lupin's condition, and if that were the case she would not allow

James to be sleeping with a werewolf who sneaks out on full moon days

so as not to hurt anyone.

Although she doesn't think this situation is very possible, they are not

100% sure that the Hogwarts staff knows about Lupin's condition, so she

must make sure, as a mother she puts her son's safety first.

"All right. I'll do it," James said obediently. He understood that his

mother wanted to make 100% sure that Dumbledore knew and had the

proper safeguards in place with the Lupin issue.

"That's good to hear. Now get some rest. The cupcakes will be up in a

little while," said Euphemia, getting up from the couch and heading to

the kitchen.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 92: Optical

A few days after the talk with his mother, James was calmer about the

Lupin issue and was flying his Nimbus 1001 in the training room.

He continued with a training routine for both quidditch and offensive

and defensive magic. According to his father, he didn't have to worry

about the trace charm as long as he was in the practice room. Fleamont

explained to him that he had put some special charms on the room to

make the tracking useless whenever he used magic there.

When he was done training and studying, he spent time flying and

practicing different quidditch moves while chasing the golden snitch.

This relaxed him, and he was able to clear his mind a bit.

To add to the difficulty at this moment his father, Fleamont, and his

uncle Charlus Potter were acting as beaters and throwing the bludgers at


Euphemia reluctantly agreed to this. James had to convince her for many

minutes, telling her that it is for practice and in future official matches to

avoid accidents, as he will be more versed in dodging bludgers.

Both Charlus and Fleamont were hitting the bludgers without holding

back. They knew how competitive quidditch was, so if James wanted to

shine he had to train seriously.

James saw the angry bludgers heading straight for him as he swung his

broomstick sharply, dodging both bludgers in the nick of time.

'Phew... that was close,' thought James as he continued his run towards

the snitch.

Generally, turns are used to dodge one bludger, not two. Dodging two

requires greater speed and much more precise calculation, as the

bludgers are aimed at different points.

'Dangerous...' thought Euphemia with a frown as she watched James

dodge the bludgers. How she was the best healer whenever James

practiced she always watched him to heal him as fast as possible if he

took a hit or something.

James stretched out his arm and opened his hand. He was about to grab

the snitch. However, for some reason, he failed to calculate the distance

between his hand and the snitch.

With a surprised look on his face, James didn't let it beat him before the

snitch flew away. He pulled out his remaining hand on the broom and

grabbed it quickly.

"You're great, James!" said a dark-haired boy as James landed with a

slight frown.

"That turn was spectacular. You should learn from him. Oliver," Charlus

said with a smile, looking at his son.

"Yes, father! When I get into Hogwarts, I'm going to be the best chaser

ever!" said Oliver excitedly.

Oliver Potter was one of James' cousins. He was a couple of years

younger than him. He was James' favorite cousin, as they both shared a

passion for quidditch, and their uncle Charlus was very close to the


"Thanks...'" said James without paying much attention and looking at the

snitch in his hand.

"What happened? I thought you were about to catch the snitch with your

right hand, but you missed at the last second and had to use your left

hand," commented Henry, who as a spectator could notice this detail.

"My eyesight... it's blurrier than before," said James, rubbing his eyes. A

few days ago, he started to feel that his eyesight was getting a little

worse, but he didn't think much of it.

"Mm, let's do a little test," said Euphemia, approaching her son. After

about five minutes, where she conjured up a couple of letters and

numbers, they finished the test.

"Looks like we'll have to go buy some glasses..." commented Fleamont in

a strange tone.

'So Harry, did he inherit bad eyesight from me...?' thought James with a

frown. For a quidditch player, it was no good to have glasses.

There were several disadvantages to wearing glasses in a quidditch

match. First, the fragility of the glasses would make them easily break in

the middle of hectic match action, especially if you took a hit or fell off

your broom.

The second is limited vision. Players need to have wide peripheral vision

to anticipate moves and plays.

Third, the glasses could slip or come off during aerial maneuvers. And

finally, quidditch matches are played in a variety of weather conditions.

Rain or snow could affect vision, creating a disadvantage.

'Not good at all... still, there are magical solutions I can apply to the

glasses or too...' thought James.

"Don't worry. There are several charms you can use to keep the glasses

from being a hindrance in a match," said Henry, who saw James' concern.

"Should we go to Diagon Alley? There is no magical optics in Godric's

Hollow," commented Euphemia.

'Magical optician...?' thought James with a strange look on his face. How

Godric's Hollow was a town where many wizards lived, there were stores

with Muggle facades, but which sold things from the magical world.

However, he never thought there would be a wizard-only optician's shop,

mainly because the glasses were the same as the Muggle stores.

As for a wizard learning a muggle profession, it didn't seem entirely

strange to him, as Hogwarts had a subject entitled: Muggle Studies.

"First thing tomorrow morning we'll go. What do you say, son?" asked

Fleamont, looking at James, who was still silent.

"We can go to the opticians here. It doesn't matter that it's muggle..."

replied James. The only difference might be the lens designs. Wizards are

more extravagant than muggles. And as for him, he prefers normal

circular glasses.

"Oh, we can do that too," nodded Fleamont.

The next day, they went to the optician's shop in Godric's Hollow. It was

a small shop, but very neat and clean. In the window, they could see

many designs of lenses.

The name of the shop was: Davies Opticians. Mr. Davies, the owner of the

store, was also an eye doctor and was the person, who was in charge of

performing the eye exam. After a couple of tests that were more

professional than his mother's, Mr. Davies determined that James had

myopia. Myopia is characterized by clear vision up close, but blurred

vision far away.

According to Davies, myopia can worsen over time, and some people may

experience a gradual worsening of their myopia. So he advised James

and his parents to come in for another exam eight months later to see if

their nearsightedness had worsened or stayed the same.

"Mr. Davies," James called.

"Yes, tell me, boy."

"I'm starting on a soccer team next year, and having glasses will be a

disadvantage as they may fall off while I'm running or defending. Is there

anything that can be done?" asked James, half lying, as he played


His parents looked at each other in surprise. They didn't think their son

would try to find a muggle solution to the problem, as the most effective

thing to do would be to use charms to reinforce the glasses so they

wouldn't fall off or something like that.

"Oh, yes. That's a frequent problem. There are two solutions. For one

thing, you have the glasses with laces," said Davies, standing up and

picking up a pair of glasses with some leather laces.

'How ugly...' thought James. If he wore such glasses with ugly laces, he

would be a target of ridicule at Hogwarts.

"I know they are not very aesthetically pleasing," said Davies with a

chuckle, "But they are very useful. The laces are adjustable to suit

different lengths and are effective in sporting activities so they won't fall

off you."

"And the second one?" asked James, who seemed to be waiting for a

specific answer. Rather than wearing glasses with cords, it would be

more practical to wear charms on his regular glasses.

"Contact lenses," he replied as he went to look for said object.

'Contact lenses?' thought Fleamont and Euphemia confused. They didn't

know about this muggle product. James smiled slightly. This was what he

was looking for.

Davies placed a small-sized white case made of sturdy plastic. The

container had two lids one red and one blue. Mr. Davie opened both and

revealed two very small transparent circles floating in a liquid that

looked like water.

"What are these?" asked Fleamont with his muggle curiosity awake.

"They're my contact lenses," said Davies as he took off his glasses and

took the clear-circular lenses carefully. Looking at himself in a small

mirror on the table, he placed the lens on his right eye and then placed

the other lens on his left eye.

"I can see perfectly now. Like when I didn't need glasses," said Davies

with a slight smile.

"Really!?" asked Fleamont with a surprised face. He didn't know of such a

muggle invention. With this, all the problems of a quidditch player were


Davies in ten minutes told them all about contact lenses. It was an

invention that had its good years, but it was only in the 1940s that

plastic contact lenses were introduced, making them more comfortable

and accessible to a wider audience. It didn't seem strange to him that in a

remote village like Godric's Hollow, there are still people who don't know

about such a majestic invention.

'Muggles are not to be underestimated,' thought Fleamont, who was

delighted by such a useful and practical invention.

After talking some more and deciding that James would have contact

lenses and normal circular glasses, they left the store. They would have to

wait a few days for Davies to fill the prescription and get all the glasses


James left Mr. Davies' store happy. He didn't know exactly when contact

lenses had been created, luckily they were advanced by this time.

The contact lenses solved all his problems for quidditch. Even the most

difficult one which was about limited vision in terms of field of vision.

With the contact lenses, he would have his peripheral vision back.

However, there were some care and disadvantages to be done while

wearing contact lenses.

They must be cleaned regularly with a specific product. The main

problem was that it had a daily duration. According to Davies the

recommendation was to use contact lenses for about 8 hours and have a

short lifetime of about three months maximum. Then you have to buy

another pair.

James will try to solve these problems with the magic and help of his

parents. Trying to make them last all day without any discomfort and

have a useful life of more than three months.

Three days later James had his circular glasses with the necessary

magnification and three pairs of contact lenses that would last him about

9 months. Each pair of contact lenses was not cheap. However, for the

Potters it was nothing.

"Can you see better?" asked Fleamont somewhat skeptically.

"Yes, perfect. It's just like when I have the glasses, but they cover the

whole eye," said James with a smile.

"Let's put them to the test," said Fleamont and started flying around the

practice room as James chased the snitch and his father threw bludgers

at him. Unlike last time, James saw perfectly and managed to catch the

snitch after a while with no misses.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 93: Talk with dad

Over the next few days, James wore the contact lenses, and they were

almost perfect.

If you wear them for more than eight hours, you will feel a dry or

irritated sensation that gets worse the longer you go over eight hours.

Although eight hours is a good wearing time, James wants them to last

twice as long. About 16 hours without uncomfortable sensations or


Luckily for him, his father took this problem very seriously and began

research to magically fix these contact lens imperfections.

So, he just has to wait while his father looks for a solution. These days he

also continued his practice of Occlumency in the evenings. The book he

copied from the Restricted Section was much more extensive than the

one he was taught at home.

He was still trying to build his first mental shield. It was much harder

than he imagined, despite the guidance in the book. Since the vacations

started (about 14 days), he practiced every night, plus at Hogwarts, he

had already practiced a few days. However, he noticed a slow

progression, but progression nonetheless.

'At this rate, I'll achieve my first mental shield in about one month...'

thought James as he put away the scrolls and went to sleep.

Another area of study he began to give attention to was Transfiguration.

He was planning on studying the entire second-year book before entering

Hogwarts, minimally the theoretical part. Then at Hogwarts, he could put

it into practice.


Saturday, July 16, 1972.

James was up early that day. After breakfast, they headed out with his

family to watch another Puddlemere United pre-season game. Today, his

uncle Charlus and cousin Oliver were in attendance.

'Tomorrow is Sunday, July 17...' thought James as he walked into his

house after watching the game.

"What's the matter, son?" asked Fleamont, noticing James' odd


"It's Gwen's birthday tomorrow," James replied after a few seconds.

"Oh, the blonde Shafiq girl. She has a strong personality," commented

Fleamont, remembering the bossy, screaming blonde girl who spent time

with James years ago.

"She was adorable in her way," said Euphemia, joining the conversation,

"Do you want to go shopping for a gift?" she added.

"The problem is that I argued with her..." said James as he sat down on

the couch and began to tell them about the whole argument he had with

Gwen at Hogwarts.

When James finished recounting the argument he had with Gwen, the

room fell silent, "It's a complicated subject..." said Fleamont. He knew of

the purist ideals of most pureblood families.

Pureblood families that did not discriminate against Muggles, half-bloods,

or Muggle-born were not many.

"I'll leave it up to you, honey. I'll go cook something for lunch," Euphemia

said and quickly left for the kitchen. She had already given James some

advice about his relationship with Lupin. Now, it was Fleamont's turn.

'Traitor!' thought Fleamont as he watched his wife flee. Then he noticed

James' expectant gaze on him as if he was waiting for some good advice

so he could solve his problem.

Fleamont cleared his throat and said, "As you know, the Potter Family

always had an egalitarian stance on blood purity. Even your grandfather

when he worked in the Wizengamot wanted to help muggles fighting

during the First World War. That's why we were excluded from the

sacred twenty-eight."

"Yes, many pureblood wizards my age called me a blood traitor," nodded


"Exactly. I went through the same thing myself in my Hogwarts years.

However, not all pureblood families are extremists. There are the

Prewetts, the Weasleys, the Longbottoms, and the odd one or two others,"

began Fleamont.

"Yes. I know," said James a little impatiently.

"On the other hand, there are a vast majority of pureblood families who

consider themselves superior to wizards who were born of muggles and

half-bloods. One of them is the Shafiq family. Clearly your friend Gwen

was influenced by that thinking for as long as she can remember," said


"Yes... she became my friend because I saved her. Otherwise, she would

still be calling me a blood traitor," said James with a grimace.

James wanted to befriend Gwen and the other children many years ago.

Their first meeting didn't go very well, as Gwen called him a blood traitor

and showed a hostile attitude at all times. Only after he saved her did she

put that attitude aside.

As for Emily, she never showed that attitude, and they became friends

while reading chocolate frog stickers.

"That may be. You have to keep in mind that her thinking was formed

when she was a little girl. When she saw that you were someone good

and who helped her, she decided to put aside her supremacist ideals and

didn't care that you were from a family with different ideals than hers."

James nodded understanding his father's point, "But with the thinking of

half-blood or muggle-born wizards, we will never agree and will always

end up fighting," said James.

"Your Uncle Charlus, who did he marry?" asked Fleamont.

"With Aunt Dorea," answered James.

"Exactly. Which family did Dorea belong to?" asked Fleamont again.

"To House Black..." answered James as he thought about many things.

Dorea Potter or née Dorea Black. She is the wife of Charlus Potter and the

mother of Oliver, James' favorite cousin.

"Your uncle is a man who loves many muggle things. On the other hand,

Dorea, when I met her at Hogwarts was a nut for pureblood ideals. Even

so, they managed to become friends and then got married. Both of them

were able to agree, although it was difficult," said Fleamont with a smile.

"They must have argued a lot," said James.

"Rest assured. The two of them were patient and kept arguing until they

agreed. Although Dorea doesn't adore muggles, she no longer hates and

despises them as she once did," said Fleamont.

To the surprise of many, Dorea by marrying into the Potter Family was

not removed from the tapestry of the Black family tree which was a

family that was against blood traitors and was one of the most extreme


"So... should I send her a gift and a letter so we can reconcile?" asked

James hesitantly.

"That depends on you. On how much you care about your friendship with

Gwen and if you want to remain friends with her," replied Fleamont.

"Thanks, Dad," said James gratefully. He had found this talk with his

father very helpful.

"You're welcome, champ. Think about it for a while and let your mother

and I know if we need to go shopping for the gift for Gwen," said

Fleamont with a smile as he messed up his son's hair. Then he left the

kitchen and left James to think.

After almost thirty minutes of thinking, James decided to buy Gwen a gift

and send her a letter to try to reconcile. Gwen along with Emily were his

first two friends, so James valued them very much. He had to try to save

the relationship.

With Gwen at the dragon club, he had had a great time, and it reminded

him of his childhood days when they spent afternoons with Emily in

Godric's Hollow Square.

As for Emily, it was more complicated, since, she was more distant and

didn't seem to want to talk to him. Only the time he sent her the letter to

meet in Classroom 11, but it went all wrong.

Also, for some reason she didn't have an owl, and he couldn't

communicate with her. He used to communicate with Emily through

Gwen's Owl, but now he couldn't, as Gwen always evaded the subject

when James asked her about Emily.

The only option would be to try to talk to Emily when they start their

second year at Hogwarts.

After telling his parents, they went shopping for a present for Gwen at

Godric's Hollow. He bought a medium-sized Hungarian dragon stuffed

animal with a very funny face and a fancy eagle feather. Along with the

two gifts he sent her a letter wishing her a happy birthday and a message

to try to reconcile.

'Let's hope it works...' thought James, folding the letter.

The next day besides being Gwen's birthday. It was a different day for

James as Toby was finally coming to spend a whole week at his house.

His mother had already contacted the nasty woman, who was looking

after Toby, and they had agreed that today they would meet.

The bad thing was that the orphanage had some rules, so Toby couldn't

stay the whole vacation with them. He could only stay a maximum of 7

days, but it was better than nothing.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 94: Gwen's Birthday

Gwen Shafiq photo.


Sunday, July 17, 1972.

County Wiltshire in southwest England.

Surrounded by extensive grounds one could see a majestic residence with

walls that seem to be very old. This was Shafiq Manor. Where Gwen and

Emily moved several years ago, leaving their mansion in Godric's Hollow.

Compared to their previous mansion, this one was much larger and with

much more extensive gardens. The main entrance is marked by an

imposing wrought iron gate, flanked by stone columns supporting a

classical pediment.

The driveway meanders through manicured gardens landscaped with

flower beds and elegant fountains.

In addition to being the current residence of the Shafiq Family, there

were other prominent pureblood families currently living in Wiltshire


In one of the many rooms of Shafiq Manor, stood a blonde woman next

to a blonde girl much like herself, only she was much smaller, as if she

were a small version of herself.

They were mother and daughter, Lysandra and Gwen Shafiq.

Gwen was looking at herself in the mirror in front of a large ebony and

ivory dressing table. Lysandra was standing behind her and calmly

combing her daughter's blonde hair.

"You look beautiful," Lysandra said in a calm tone as she rested the comb

on the counter and looked at her daughter's reflection. Remembering her

younger days.

"Thanks..." said Gwen without paying much attention.

"You seem to be with your mind in the clouds. You'd better come back to

earth when the guests come," commented Lysandra in a serious tone.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Why does that Lestrange boy have to come? I don't like

him," said Gwen with a frown. It annoyed her that he always wanted to

talk to her, and after seeing him tease James, she hated it.

"His name is Rabastan. I don't want you to display that behavior with

others. The Lestrange Family is very old and respected. They originate

from France and have branches in Britain that are important. With that

you can realize their great status and power that in the future may come

to rival House Black," said Lysandra.

"And what does that have to do with me?" growled Gwen in a low tone.

"Gwen Irene Shafiq! It has a lot to do with you. If you get a good

relationship with him it will be beneficial to our family in the future. Do

you understand?" asked Lysandra in a repressive tone as she made eye

contact with Gwen through the mirror.

"Yes, I understand..." replied Gwen, looking down.

"That's good to hear. You wouldn't want to involve your sister in this,

would you?" said Lysandra in a cold and very different tone than usual.

"No! I'll be nice to him. Is that okay with you?" asked Gwen nervously.

"Yes, that will do. The Lestrange boy seems to have a favorable opinion

of you, as long as you don't appear apathetic it will suffice for now.

Finish getting ready and come down in fifteen minutes to greet the

guests," replied Lysandra as she walked towards the door and out of the


Gwen, who was looking at the door where her mother had left, clutched

the fabric of her dress tightly, her fingers clenching helplessly in the soft


After a couple of minutes, she sighed helplessly and finished getting

ready to go downstairs to greet her friends and guests.

Her birthday was much like the last few years. She received many

expensive gifts. She was the center of attention, and everyone wanted to

talk to her. Worst of all, she had to act nice to Rabastan because her

mother was watching her.

Not so much, though, as there was a very arrogant boy, who annoyed

Rabastan and seemed to care nothing for him. Neither etiquette nor being

liked by others. He seemed to be there to annoy the other pureblood


"You've received a lot of presents this year, Gwen," commented Marcellus

Gwen's father, looking at the large pile of presents that made a mountain

on the floor.

"Yes..." said Gwen, who didn't look very happy.

"What's wrong? Is there anything you didn't get? We can buy it

tomorrow," said Marcellus, who was spoiling Gwen very much.

"It's not that, father. Then I'll tell Slinky to take all the presents to my

room," replied Gwen without explanation.

Just as she was about to go to her room, her mother entered the room

with two presents and a letter, "What's that? More presents?" asked

Marcellus with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes... From James Potter," replied Lysandra, reading the recipient of the


'From James!? I thought he wouldn't send me a present this year,'

thought Gwen as a smile formed on her face. She quickly walked over to

her mother.

"Can I have it?" asked Gwen impatiently, as she extended her hand

towards her mother.

After a few seconds, Lysandra with a conflicted look, handed her the two

gifts and the letter. Gwen hurried to her room with a smile.

Lysandra and Marcellus looked at each other and sighed helplessly. At

first, they let Gwen join James Potter for the fact that he saved her, but

they didn't see it in a good light, as the Potter Family was considered

blood traitors by supporting muggles, half-bloods, and muggle-born


Although an old and respected family, the Potters always supported

muggles and what they considered mudbloods.

Gwen, when she got to her room locked the door and sat down on her

double bed. She decided to open first the present that had a red wrapper,

'It's very soft and squishy...' thought Gwen as she tore the red paper.

It was a cute stuffed Hungarian dragon. Unlike the real dragon which has

a menacing expression, the stuffed animal had a kind and somewhat silly


"What a silly face, it's cute," Gwen murmured with a smile as she looked

at the stuffed animal. After some thought, she hugged it tightly and

sniffed it.

'Ah... James' smell, he must have wrapped it himself,' thought Gwen as

she sunk her face into the soft plushie. After a few seconds, she withdrew

her face with some embarrassment and opened the second gift that

seemed smaller.

It was an eagle feather that had her name neatly written on it, "It's James'

handwriting," Gwen murmured with a smile. She had seen James'

handwriting on several occasions. She couldn't get it wrong.

With incredible speed, she opened the letter and began to read it. After a

few minutes, she lay down on the bed with the letter in hand and a silly

grin on her face. Minutes passed, and she kept reading the letter over and

over again.

Gwen felt a strange feeling. For most of her birthday day, she was not

happy, but two simple gifts and a letter made her day, making it

completely better.

Compared to the expensive and extravagant gifts she was given, they

didn't seem like much of a big deal for James' gifts. However, Gwen gave

them a higher importance and considered them to be the best gifts.

'I wonder what he's doing...' thought Gwen, hugging the stuffed animal

tightly and not taking her eyes off the letter.


James was showing his room to Toby, who was gawking at the whole

thing. He never thought a boy could have such a big room to himself.

"You sure are a big Puddlemere United fan..." commented Toby as he

noticed all the Puddlemere United decorations in the room.

"Of course. It's the best team in England," James said proudly as he

adjusted his circular glasses. As his contact lenses were still 8 hours old,

he preferred to wear them when training, practicing with the broom or if

he went out to watch some quidditch match or something like that,

meanwhile at home he used the normal glasses.

Toby was surprised when he saw James arrive wearing glasses, but he

didn't say anything, internally he thought they looked good on him.

"Now, let's see in the room you'll be staying in these days," said James.

"What!? I'll have a room all to myself?" asked Toby, very surprised.

"Of course. Follow me," said James as he took Toby's suitcase and headed

for the next room.

"It's not very spacious, and it's kind of empty," said James, turning on the

room light and setting the suitcase down next to the single bed.

"No... it's great. I never had a room to myself," said Toby in delight

looking at the room. He always had to share a room with other boys,

even at Hogwarts, although at Hogwarts it was a very spacious and

luxurious room compared to the orphanage dormitories which had bunk

beds in very small spaces.

James scratched his head in embarrassment. He forgot for a moment that

Toby was from an orphanage, and for him, this room would be more than


"How do you put up with that orc? She's disgusting," James asked, sitting

up in bed. By orc, he meant Caroline. The matron of Toby's orphanage.

"Mistress Caroline isn't so bad when you get to know her, although her

attitude can be misconstrued," Toby replied as he started to put his

clothes away in the closet. He didn't have many clothes. He had brought

everything he had, as he would be staying for a week.

James could tell that the clothes were somewhat worn and didn't seem to

be Toby's size.

"Mm, if you say so. I thought the matron was the old lady with the kind

smile in the picture you have on your bedside table," James commented,

as he pulled a golden snitch out of his pocket and began to play with it.

Toby, who was putting away the clothes stopped, and the place went

silent, "Oh, sorry. I saw the picture, and my curiosity got the better of

me," said James apologetically.

"No, no need to apologize," said Toby, snapping back to reality. He had

put the photo out for all to see. It wasn't James' fault that he had seen it.

"The one in the picture is Grandmother Diana. The old matron of the

orphanage... She was the one who raised me for as long as I can

remember, but she died five years ago," Toby explained in a sad tone.

"I'm sorry," said James, and the atmosphere in the room fell into an

awkward silence as Toby continued to take out his few belongings. What

made James most curious was that Toby pulled out a very fat worn black

book and a necklace with a small cross on it.

James recognized the thick book as The Bible. The book contains texts

considered sacred by various religions, mainly Judaism and Christianity.

"Do you believe in God?" asked James curiously.

"Yes. Grandma Diana always read the Bible to us at the orphanage,"

replied Toby with a slight smile looking at the old book.

"Are wizards Christians? At Hogwarts we celebrate Christmas and Easter,"

asked Toby, curious.

"Mm, you could say that most wizards are. At least in England, but in the

magical community there isn't as much religious devotion as in the

muggle community," replied James as he passed the snitch between his


James believes that the crazies in the extremist pure families would

consider their ancestor's gods rather than the God of some religion.

"What about you?" asked Toby, looking at James.

"What about me?"

"If you believe in God," Toby specified.

"God..." muttered James with a blank stare and stopped playing with the


If he were his former self, i.e. Edward Rothschild, he would say that he

would not believe in the existence of God. Especially in the belief of

Christianity and Judaism: an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent


If God had unlimited power and had total knowledge of all things, past,

present, and future, why were there so many misfortunes and injustices

in the world?

However, he now had a dilemma as he reincarnated in another world.

The problem is that neither in Christianity nor in Judaism is there a

belief in reincarnation. It is not a common feature of the religious

tradition. It would have to be another type of religion or God that allows

reincarnation in the sense that the soul is reborn in another body and

another world.

Is there any religion with that characteristic? James doesn't know. His

old family, The Rothschilds were more of Judaism, as the founder of the

Rothschild dynasty was of Jewish origin.

"James?" asked Toby, seeing that his friend remained silent, and with a

blank stare.

James snapped back to reality. Luckily at that moment, a shout came

from Euphemia alerting them that the food was ready, so he didn't have

to answer the question.

While eating they talked about what they were going to do this week.

Peter would arrive a couple of days later, at the moment he was in Paris

on vacation with his parents. As for Sirius and Lupin, James is keeping in

touch through letters.

Unfortunately because of Sirius's family, it is very difficult for them to see

each other during the vacations. James was thinking of asking his Aunt

Dorea for help since before she was a Potter, she belonged to the Blacks,

but his Uncle Charlus told him that he was no relation to Walburga

Black, Sirius's mother, who was a pureblood extremist.

'Yes they are extreme...' thought James with a strange expression.

Already the population of the magical world didn't have many pureblood

families. They were in the minority compared to half-bloods and muggle-

born wizards. House Black is one of the most extreme.

For example, the Shafiq Family despite having some supremacist ideals,

let Gwen and Emily get together with James, who comes from a family

considered a blood traitor, although his case is somewhat special since he

saved Gwen.

James is sure, that if he saves Sirius and Walburga Black finds out she

won't even thank him and won't let Sirius come to her house or him go to

his, showing that they have a more extreme stance.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 95: Jealousy?

James was awakened by the rays of sunlight streaming through his

window. He looked at the clock hanging on his wall and noticed that it

was later than usual.

'Ugh... I shouldn't have stayed up so long reading that damn book,' James

thought, rubbing his eyes lazily.

After Toby got home, he didn't have as much free time for his study

routine, so he started reading more in the evenings.

'Weirdly, Mom hasn't woken me up,' thought James, standing up and

stretching lazily. He took off his pajamas and headed for the door, but

before he did he noticed that on top of his desk were two letters.

'Must have been left by Shadow,' thought James, sitting up and opening

the first letter.

As it was summer, he always left the window open. This way Shadow

could come and go freely.

'It's from Sirius,' thought James with a slight smile, imagining the way

Sirius would rant about his family in this letter.

[To James.

How's your summer going? Mine is getting worse and worse.

As I told you last week, I had to attend some stupid party Bellatrix threw

with her husband celebrating, I don't know what. It's amazing, isn't it?

That the harpy's husband is Rabastan's older brother, although I think I

told you that already.

Back to the main subject. It turns out that yesterday, I had to attend the

birthday of a girl from the Shafiq family. I think her name was Glen. If

I'm not mistaken...]

'It's Gwen...' thought James, reading the letter with a strange look on his

face. So far Sirius and the others were unaware of his friendship with

Gwen and Emily. This was not unusual, as they never saw him talking to

them at Hogwarts. Only once at the beginning of the year did he talk to

Emily, and it went unnoticed.

[As you can imagine, I was forced by my nice mother to attend said

birthday, according to her to make good connections. I had to put up

with fat Anastasia talking about her grandfather and her stupid list for

four hours. You can imagine the rest of the meeting... The only good

thing was to make fun of Rabastan, who is still as shy since that duel. It

seems that the latter reached my mother's ears, and now I am grounded.

Thanks to my younger brother's help I can send you this letter.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell someone about my hardships. How is

everything going there? Have Toby and Peter arrived yet?

Greetings, Sirius Black.

PS: When you answer me, send the letter addressed to my brother

Regulus Black, as my mother is intercepting the letters sent to me.


'He's got it tough...' thought James with a faint smile. He wasn't enjoying

his best friend's misfortune. He found it funny how Sirius narrated the

events. It seemed to amuse him to get on his mother's nerves, and despite

carrying out her order to go to the birthday to make good connections he

did quite the opposite and teased Rabastan endlessly.

James picked up his quill and began to write a response. He made a few

jokes about Anastasia Nott and Rabastan and then told him that Toby

had arrived and what activities they planned to do. He told him

everything very succinctly, as he didn't want to depress Sirius, who was

grounded anymore.

After he finished writing the letter he put it aside and opened the second

one. To his surprise, it was about Gwen or Glen according to Sirius. He

was surprised as he didn't expect Gwen to answer him so quickly.

Usually, when she is angry, she is very proud and slow to respond to

show her displeasure and anger.

How does he know this? Previously when they sent letters to each other

with Gwen before starting Hogwarts, they had some trivial discussions

and he noticed this characteristic of the blonde girl.

[Dear James:

I got your two gifts yesterday. I liked the stuffed animal with the silly

face and the pen is also very nice.

As for what you talked about in your letter, I agree with you. We can talk

about it like civilized people without fighting. We are not children

anymore. I don't want our differences to ruin what we have.

I've been thinking a lot, and I thought it would be good to talk before we

start Hogwarts, in person. I would say in Diagon Alley when we go

shopping for books and stuff to start the new year. I know an ice cream

shop that has fancy and tasty flavors.

When the time is right we'll settle that issue, that's all. How are you

enjoying your vacation?

Sincerely, Gwen Shafiq.

PS: Yesterday I met your friend Sirius... He has a very strange behavior

for the heir to House Black. The good thing was that he annoyed

Rabastan all the time, and thanks to that I didn't have to talk to him



James was very surprised by Gwen's letter. He couldn't believe it had

turned out so well to have sent that letter. He didn't think that Gwen

would be so willing to reconcile after that argument especially since in

the letter she wrote: 'I don't want our differences to ruin what we have.'

With this sentence, he could tell that Gwen, like him, considered their

friendship equally important. This was valuable to James, as he could tell

firsthand that he was not the only one who cared.

'It's true, our differences can't ruin our friendship' thought James in a

strange mood as he wrote a letter to Gwen.

When he finished, he left the two letters on the table and started

downstairs heading for the kitchen. How Shadow wasn't in his room he

must be somewhere in Godric's Hollow exploring or something.

When he got to the kitchen he noticed his mother and Toby cooking

together. His mother was playing with Toby and smearing him with some

flour as a joke.

"No fair! The way I came out right," said Toby amused.

"No, young man. Look closely. Instead of a circle, it looks like an oval.

Try again. You have a talent for cooking. James had a hard time getting

the shape right," Euphemia instructed, and Toby nodded and tried again.

"Oh, James. Good morning. You finally wake up. You get sleepier every

day," Euphemia said with a smile, looking at her son.

"Good morning, James," greeted Toby without turning around and

concentrating on the kitchen.

"Good morning..." said James.

"Go sit down. You'll be tasting your friend's food in a little while," said

Euphemia as she turned her attention back to Toby so he wouldn't make

a mistake.

"Right..." said James sitting down in one of the chairs and watching his

mother and Toby cook happily. Without realizing it, James had a frown

on his face as he watched this situation.

'I should be there...' thought James with feelings he had never felt before,


His mother always paid attention to him, and he was very attached to

her, but now on the second day Toby had arrived, it seemed like he no

longer existed.

'No... what am I thinking,' thought James, shaking his head. He couldn't

be that selfish. He knew that Toby came from an orphanage. It was

obvious he never had a mother figure. The last one must have been the

former matron Diana, who died several years ago, and this one took care

of all the children in the orphanage.

The moment Toby and Euphemia put the food on the table, James tried

to hide his jealousy as much as possible. He didn't want Toby to notice,

for if he did it would cause Toby to feel bad, and he didn't want that.

"Where's dad?" asked James as he ate what Toby made.

Euphemia sighed in annoyance, "He's locked in his study looking for

charms for your contact lenses. He seems to take your upcoming career

as a Gryffindor seeker very seriously," she replied, shaking her head.

Fleamont wanted James to be able to play Quidditch without any

problems. James doesn't have to think about whether or not he wears the

glasses for so long. So he took the subject very seriously.

'Thanks, Dad,' thought James gratefully.

"Is it tasty?" asked Toby, looking at James with sparkling eyes.

"Mm... the taste is very rich. The shape is approved, in conclusion, an 8

out of 10," replied James, nodding his head, pleased with the food.

"Oh, congratulations. James is always a very strict judge," said Euphemia

with a smile and clapping slightly.

"Thank you!" said Toby with a smile.

After they finished eating, their grandfather arrived through the chimney

using fluffy powder. Henry was carrying a large stack of books. He

greeted the three of them briefly and went to Fleamont's study.

His grandfather, like his father, also took the issue of James' quidditch

debut very seriously. So he helped Fleamont to find ways to improve the

contact lenses so that James wouldn't have any problems.

'Thanks, Grandpa,' thought James again gratefully.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 96: Invitation from Sirius

The days at the Potter House passed. With three days to go before Toby

had to return to the orphanage, Peter arrived.

The situation of his mother paying more attention to Toby than to him

was repeated several times in those days. However, James did not want

to show it to his friend, so that his friend would not feel bad.

It was not the same with his mother. He started to distance himself in

some things like for example in the goodnight kisses, he told her that he

was too old for those things.

It was childish, he knew, but he couldn't control it. Somehow, he had to

show that he was annoyed and upset, and he didn't plan to take it out on

poor Toby, who was such a God's bread.

On Sunday afternoon, July 24, Toby and Peter left James' house. That

same evening, James was about to go to bed, got up from the couch in

the living room, and said goodbye to his parents while yawning.

"Pause it," said Euphemia, giving Fleamont, who was too hooked

watching TV a slight smack. A few months ago, he bought a color

television and a movie player both muggle inventions.

Movies were also a muggle term and were something that left both

Fleamont and Euphemia fascinated. In the span of one to three hours, at

most an exciting story was told all with moving pictures. They could not

believe how muggles accomplished such a feat without magic.

Right now, they are watching a very new movie that was very successful

in the muggle world called The Godfather.

After pausing, Euphemia followed James to his room.

"You don't need to come with me, Mother," James said. Euphemia looked

at him with narrowed eyes but decided to follow her son silently to his


"Look at the state of your bed. Let me put it back in order," Euphemia

said, looking at James' messy bed. Since she didn't have her wand handy,

she put the bed together manually.

"Like new," nodded Euphemia.

"Thanks..." said James.

"Will you continue to act distant?" asked Euphemia, looking at her son.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." replied James without making

eye contact with Euphemia.

"Oh, come on. All of a sudden. You don't want goodnight kisses anymore,

and you don't even hug me anymore. You think I didn't notice?"

"You didn't seem to mind too much," James said with a bit of annoyance

as for the previous few days, Euphemia pretended like nothing had


"It didn't. You know about Toby's situation. He's a very kind and good

boy," said Euphemia.

Euphemia treated Toby differently, unlike Peter or another friend of

James, being more like a mother to him, as she felt very sorry for his

situation. She noticed James' attitude but did nothing, as she didn't want

to argue with her son while his friends were at home.

"I know," James said with a conflicted expression. He didn't want to feel

jealous but he couldn't control it. Luckily with Toby, he continued to act

the same as always.

"Notice how you treated Toby well as usual. You're a nice boy too,"

Euphemia said as she quickly hugged James so he couldn't escape.

"It hurt me that you are so cold to me. I hope you can understand why I

acted that way. To me, you will always be number one," added


"I'm sorry..." said James, feeling worse and worse. He felt jealous of his

friend, who never knew his parents, and also made his dear mother, who

just wanted to make Toby a little happier by treating him differently feel


"Don't feel bad. It's normal to feel jealous from time to time. Your father

was very jealous as a teenager," Euphemia said with a smile,

remembering old times. James nodded feeling better. It was the first time

he felt jealousy.


The vacations went by faster than James would have liked. James

continued with his usual routine, practicing martial magic, flying in his

Nimbus, reading the Occlumency book, and reading the Transfiguration


Just when he thought his vacations would stay the same, a surprise

arrived with only 15 days to go until Hogwarts.

It was a letter from his best friend, Sirius. He thought it would be like the

letters he normally sent, but it was not.

It was an invitation from Sirius, but not to his house with his mother,

father, and brother. It was an invitation to the home of Sirius' uncle,

Alphard Black.

James had heard a lot about Alphard from Sirius. According to him, he

was his favorite relative, got along very well, and unlike his mother or

father did not have the extreme thinking of blood purity and utter

contempt for muggles, muggle-born or half-bloods.

According to Sirius, his uncle was on the verge of being erased from the

family tree, or so he thought.

Sirius didn't specify too much about how he managed to go with his

uncle to spend the last few days of vacation, but James didn't care. He

quickly told his parents, and they agreed.

After sending Sirius a letter telling him that he could go, they agreed to

meet the next day at three o'clock in the afternoon in Diagon Alley in

front of Gringotts Bank.

On the way, they would both buy the books they needed for the second

year since the letter had arrived several days ago.

He also sent a letter to Gwen saying that tomorrow he would go to

Diagon Alley to buy his books, and they could meet at twelve noon or

one in the afternoon to have the reconciliation talk that Gwen had

proposed. He tried his luck and told her to have Emily come too, though

he knew it was unlikely.

James is no fool. He noticed Gwen and Emily's attitudes at Hogwarts. The

two were at odds and estranged. The reason, he doesn't know. Whenever

he asked it ended badly or they answered him dryly without specifying

anything and telling him it was none of his business.

Luckily Gwen's answer came that same day. She agreed to meet at 12:30

in Diagon Alley. As for Emily's invitation, Gwen told him she couldn't go,

'I guessed as much...' thought James shaking his head. Dealing with the

friendship of these two sisters was harder than he thought.

James packed his luggage excitedly. It had been a long time since he had

seen Sirius. He didn't want to be disrespectful to Toby or Peter's

friendship, but he hit it off better with Sirius and had a lot more fun with


Best of all, he would spend more than ten days with Sirius! It would be so

much fun, but just when he thought his vacation would have nothing

new this happened.

'In the evenings I'll continue with the readings...' thought James as next

to Sirius it would be difficult to try to study. Perhaps practicing dueling

might be somewhat easier, though Sirius would be no challenge for


He would be back home a day before it would be September 1st and he

would have to head to King's Cross to catch the Hogwarts Express.

"Have you got everything ready? You look excited," asked Fleamont

watching James stow many items in his wallet which had an

undetectable extension charm.

In addition to his wallet he would be carrying a backpack and a suitcase.

Just so that if someone sees that he has a lot of items they think he is

carrying them in his backpack and suitcase this way they won't notice

that he has a wallet with a huge space in it.

This is because undetectable extension charms are advanced spells,

subject to strict control by the Ministry of Magic due to their potential to

break the International Statute of Magical Secrecy.

There is an ongoing law, that states that extension charms cannot be cast

for private use. Only can be cast for the production of objects (such as

school trunks and family camping tents.)

How did James get such a valuable gift? Of course, his parents and his

grandfather Henry spoiled him a lot. When he asked for such a gift for his

birthday he didn't think they would accept to give him such an item, but

he succeeded.

The only people who knew he owned a wallet with such a charm were

his family and the marauders.

"Yeah. I already have my Nimbus, the joke book we bought recently...

Mm, I don't think I'm missing anything," James replied.

"That's good. Don't forget the money for the books," reminded Fleamont.

"And put on more clothes. You will be many days in that house. You

should take several clothes," said Euphemia as she opened the big closet

and started to put the clothes in the suitcase.

After checking that he hadn't forgotten anything important, he went to

bed waiting for daylight to meet Sirius.


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Chapter 97: First date?

James was up at 11:30 in the morning. After breakfast, he was ready to

head to Diagon Alley for his meeting with Gwen.

"See you in a bit," James said, waving goodbye to his parents. How first

he would meet to talk to Gwen his parents would not go with him. They

would go to say goodbye when it was time for him to leave with Sirius

and his Uncle Alphard.

"Good luck on your date," Fleamont said with a smile, and Euphemia

laughed under her breath.

"It's not a date!" retorted James as he grabbed flu dust.

"Remember, you are forbidden to enter Knockturn Alley," said Euphemia

in an irrefutable and serious tone.

Knockturn Alley was a commercial area next to Diagon Alley. The bad

thing was that it was dedicated to the Dark Arts being a very dangerous

place. The wizards and witches that lurked there were very suspicious.

"Understood," said James seriously.

"To Diagon Alley!" said James in a loud and clear tone. He approached

the fire and disappeared. In a few seconds, he opened his eyes and was at

his destination.

James headed for the outskirts of Ollivander's Store. In that place, he

would meet Gwen. He could see that many boys and girls were walking

around with excited faces. They seemed to be buying the books and other

things they needed to start their first year at Hogwarts.

In front of Ollivander's store window, there was Gwen, who was covering

the window for the people who wanted to see Ollivander's legendary

wands. They weren't missing much, as there was only one poor wand on

a dirty, faded cushion.

Gwen was staring at a clock in the distance with a slight frown, her right

foot tapping leisurely on the floor.

"You're blocking old Ollivander's window. He might lose customers

because of you," said James, approaching from the side and startling

Gwen, who looked at him a little startled.

"Don't scare me like that...! Anyway, I'm doing a favor to the new

Hogwarts students. It's better if they don't see such poor window

dressing," said Gwen.

"You're right about that. With the money he must make, he should put his

shop in better condition," commented James.

Almost the entire population of Britain gets their wands through

Ollivander. His sales are so great. The wands indeed cost seven galleons

at a very cheap price, which would be almost 35 pounds sterling. Cheap

considering they are made from legendary creatures such as dragons,

unicorns, and phoenixes.

James believes there is an agreement between Ollivander and the

Ministry. There would be no other way to explain why the prices are so


"I guess he doesn't need to. Let's stop wasting time, come on," said Gwen

taking James by the hand and walking hurriedly.

'She seems to be in a hurry...' thought James, looking at Gwen's hand

gripping his.

They walked hurriedly towards the north side of Diagon Alley. Finally,

stopping in front of a quaint little store. The sign on the store read

Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

"It's here," said Gwen, looking at the store.

'Oh, Florean's store. I've come here with Mom,' thought James.

"Let's go in?" asked James as he tried to wriggle out of Gwen's grip on his


"Oh, yes. Sorry," said Gwen slightly blushing quickly letting go of James'

hand and walking first into the ice cream shop.

The inside of the ice cream parlor wasn't very spacious, but it had a very

nice decoration, there were several tables and chairs.

"Good morning, young people. Would you like to sit inside or outside?"

asked Florean Fortescue, the owner.

"Hi, we'll sit inside," replied Gwen.

"Well, this will be your table," said Florean, directing himself to a table

for two that was next to a window.

"Isn't there a place that's not near the window?" asked Gwen.

"No, sorry. It's more crowded today than usual since it's so hot. Another

option would be outside," replied Florean.

"We'll sit here..." said Gwen as she sat in the chair by the window, and

James did the same. After ordering their respective ice creams, James

looked strangely at Gwen.

"What's wrong?" asked the blonde girl as she noticed the look.

"Nothing. You just seem to be fussier than usual," joked James.

"I'm not fussy!" said Gwen indignantly.

"Being next to the window, we get the sun, and it's annoying," she added,

justifying herself.

"You're right about that," nodded James, noticing the sunlight on his face.

Today was a hot day, and it would have been nice to be in the shade,

shielding himself from the sun.

As James was about to ask something, he noticed that now Gwen was

looking at him strangely and with her mouth slightly open, as if she was


"What's the matter? Do I have something on my face?" asked James.

"You have glasses!" said Gwen in shock, covering her mouth with her

hand and her eyes wide open.

"Now, do you notice...?" said James, rolling his eyes.

"It all happened so fast I didn't have time to notice," Gwen justified

herself as she stood up from her chair and moved closer to James' face to

get a better look at him.

James had to admit that he felt nervous looking so closely at Gwen's face.

The girl's blue eyes were very striking. Her blonde locks of hair fell over

her face, and her skin was pale and flawless.

"W-what...? If you want to tease, do it," James said in a nervous tone very

different from his usual one. However, Gwen didn't notice as she was

watching him intently.

"I won't tease. Those glasses suit you well," said Gwen returning to her


James didn't expect Gwen to praise him. She's usually the girl who gets

compliments and doesn't give them. Just then Mr. Florean arrived with

his ice cream.

They both ordered bitter chocolate ice cream. Since they were kids they

liked chocolate frogs and for both of them, it was their favorite treat.

"Aren't you hot in that robe?" asked James as he began to eat his ice

cream. Gwen was wearing a very striking green tunic.

"Of course not. It's a chiffon tunic. The latest in fashion," said Gwen

smugly and happy that James had noticed her tunic.

James made a face like he didn't understand what Gwen was talking

about, "Ugh... it's a tunic with a light fabric, perfect for summer," added


"Mm, I see," said James.

"Besides, the color green reminds me of my house at Hogwarts. Last year

my house won the cup. Maybe you heard that news," Gwen said with a

smirk, looking at James.

"Tsch, be happy for now. Next year, Gryffindor will get to keep the house

cup," growled James, scooping out a large piece of chocolate with his

little spoon.

"Oh... Really? You sound pretty confident. Do you want to bet?" asked

Gwen, amused.

"Of course I do..." replied James quickly.

James and Gwen continued to chat as they ate their ice cream. Then they

ordered more ice cream as they finished the first one they ordered.

'I should watch my diet...' thought Gwen with a conflicted look at Mr.

Florean, who brought the third chocolate ice cream. Both she and James

were very gluttonous.

'We should talk about the subject of the letter already...' thought James as

he devised a plan to bring up the subject. It was much harder to talk

about difficult subjects in person.

As James thought about how to start the conversation about this topic,

Gwen held her ice cream and looked out the window.

In a move that surprised James, Gwen ducked out from under the table.

It was a fleeting movement.

"Come here," said Gwen in a low tone as she tapped James' leg.

James peeked out and looked at Gwen, who was sitting on the floor

under the table holding her ice cream, "Just come here, quick," Gwen

grunted embarrassed.

With no other choice, James sat down under the table. The place wasn't

spacious. His knees must have been bent, and he was bumping into

Gwen's legs.

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden?" asked James confused.

"Nothing... I was just bothered by the sun. It's cooler down here," replied


'What a lame excuse...' thought James.

"Do your parents know you're here?" asked James, and Gwen gave a little

jump. He had hit the mark.

"It's not that," said Gwen.

"Come on. Don't want to trick me," pressed James, tapping his foot at


"Alright... stop hitting me! My parents won't let me come to Diagon Alley

alone, so I had no choice but to run away," explained Gwen.

"I guess they don't like you hanging out with a blood traitor," said James

smiling a strange smile.

"No! It's not like that!" said Gwen in a nervous tone, looking at James.

He had visited the Shafiq's house on Gwen's birthday. It wasn't too hard

to tell that Gwen's parents were apathetic towards him. Especially

Marcellus Shafiq, as Elizabeth didn't show much emotion from what little

he knew of her.

Unfortunately for James, the Shafiqs were almost equally as crazy as the

Blacks, the Notts, or the Lestranges. As far as purist ideals go. They're not

like more neutral families, who don't put as much stock in so-called

'Blood Traitors.' Like for example: the Ollivanders, the Slughorns, the

Prewetts, etc.

"Don't make that face. It's not your fault. It's your family's ideals that are

very different from my family's ideals," said James.

"Yes..." said Gwen in a depressed tone.

"That's the very reason we fought, right?" asked James, and Gwen nodded

without saying anything.

"If we patch up our differences, your family won't let us get together. It

will be hard to maintain a friendship that way. Besides, it will be hard to

get together at Hogwarts when you're from Slytherin, and I'm from

Gryffindor," James commented.

Many years had passed since the incident where James saved Gwen, and

Gwen's parents were beginning to show a more apathetic attitude

towards James, not as permissive as before.

As for Hogwarts, James didn't mind hanging out with Gwen, but it wasn't

the same for Gwen. Since some Hogwarts students might tell his parents

and cause trouble for him. Like Sirius' cousin, who passed information to

his mother.

Another minor fact was that James did not have a good reputation in

Slytherin. To most first years, he was their nemesis. After humiliating

Rabastan and mocking pureblood supremacy. He earned the hatred of

many older Slytherin students. Gwen's best friend Anastasia hated his

guts, as he mocked her on the first day of Hogwarts.

"We can use the dragon club! That way, I won't have any problems with

my parents and my friends," said Gwen determined.

'Oh, that's right. I'd forgotten about that,' thought James, as long as there

wasn't a student that could harm their relationship they could continue to

talk and practice there without any problems.

James and Gwen decided that they would use the Dragon Club as a base

to try and maintain their friendship, without Gwen being punished by her

parents. As for the argument a while back, they decided that they would

both try not to fight.

And James got that Gwen would from now on start treating Bob or

another Muggle-born or half-blood wizard neutrally.

This was a breakthrough for James and he was surprised at how

cooperative Gwen was being.

These agreements they made by eating ice cream under the table. The

people in the ice cream parlor looked at them weirdly, but they had to

endure the stares. The meeting ended, and Gwen said her goodbyes as

she crept out of the ice cream shop.

The only disappointing thing about his meeting with Gwen was that, as

expected, he didn't hear from Emily. When James asked her, Gwen

answered without giving much information. So, he put the subject aside.

He didn't want to start another argument and fight when they had just



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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 98: Alphard Black

James still had time before he met with Sirius and his uncle, so he took

the opportunity to buy the necessary books for the second year.

Several books would continue to use the same ones from the first year,

such: as A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration; A History of Magic; A

Thousand Magical Herbs and Mushrooms; and Drafts and Magical

Potions, among others.

One of the things he did this year was to read the entire book: A

Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration. James was planning to move on to

the next book. His objective was to achieve conjuration as soon as

possible to implement it in combat.

He was to purchase the following books:

-The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2. James had already studied this

book before Hogwarts, but he used his father's old copy. So he would buy

a new book.

-A Guide to Medieval Witchcraft. James assumes this book will be for

History of Magic, complementing last year's book.

-Defensive magical theory written by Wilbert Slinkhard.

-Defense of the Dark Arts: basics for Beginners, a book issued by the


James on reading that the author of the book Defensive Magic Theory

was 'Wilbert Slinkhard' frowned. Months ago, he had started looking for

books on defensive magic for the first time in the Hogwarts library and

found Wilbert Slinkhard's book. This book was complete pacifist garbage.

It was a very bad sign to have this book for the new year of Defense

Against the Dark Arts. Also, the second book didn't bode well either,

especially since it was issued by the Ministry.

'There's no way Professor Antennae is going to make us study this

garbage,' James thought grumpily. James considered Antennae a great

professor. Despite her sternness, the professor taught very valuable things

for defense against dark arts.

James, while buying the books thought about this topic. It would be very

bad if the DADA classes were with such useless books. Just then, he

remembered a rumor that was going around Hogwarts.

According to several older students, there was a rumor that the position

of DADA teacher was cursed. No professor could hold the post for more

than a year without suffering some unpleasant fate.

'It can't be true... Right?' thought James.

It would be very ironic if Defense Against the Dark Arts was cursed when

you're supposed to defend yourself against those curses. Besides that

professors like Antennae are very good and should be able to find a


It was only 15 minutes before the appointed time. Just then he could see

his parents in the distance bringing his backpack and suitcase.

"How did it go?" asked Euphemia and Fleamont, very curious and


"Good... We managed to agree," replied James.

"Come on, tell us more," insisted Fleamont. He had given him the advice

so he wanted to know a little more. James rolling his eyes, began to tell

them in detail the highlights of his conversation with Gwen.

"That's great! She disobeyed her parents to see you. It means she cares

about you," Fleamont said with a smile and looked proudly at his son for

some reason James didn't understand.

"That's not good. Imagine if something had happened to her. It's not good

to disobey your parents," said Euphemia with a frown, "But it's true that

she cares about friendship just like you," she added.

James was not so comfortable talking about his friendships with his

parents. He had only asked them for the odd bit of advice or guidance,

but they were both very gossipy, and he had to put up with it.

As his parents continued to gossip he could see a familiar silhouette in

the distance. It was a boy a little taller than him, fair-skinned, with

medium-length, lustrous black hair. He had a slightly haughty expression

on his face. It was his best friend, Sirius.

Sirius was walking towards him. Next to him was a middle-aged man in

his late forties or so. The man had long unkempt hair, his beard was

unshaven, and his clothes were smart but rumpled.

"James! Are you wearing glasses now?" said Sirius with a slight smirk as

he greeted his best friend.

"I can buy you a pair if you want, or has your mother started giving you

money again already?" asked James with a smirk.

"Ouch, that hurt," Sirius said, acting dramatically. No more joking around

he gave James' hand a firm squeeze as he patted his back.

"You must be Sirius. James has told us a lot about you," said Euphemia,

looking at Sirius and especially James with curious eyes, as his attitude

was different compared to Toby or Peter.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, a pleasure. I'm Sirius Black," Sirius said

politely and classily as he introduced himself.

"A pleasure," nodded James' parents with a smile. It was rare to see a

Black have Sirius' attitude so far removed from the majority of his family.

Sirius has no derogatory thoughts towards Muggles, Muggle-born

wizards, or half-bloods. Even Toby a muggle-born wizard is his close

friend, and so is Lupin, who is a half-blood.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I've seen a Potter," said the scruffy

bearded man with a friendly smile.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Alphard Black, Sirius' uncle. A pleasure,"

said Alphard as he greeted Fleamont with a handshake, and Euphemia he

greeted with a light handshake and a slight nod.

"Likewise," said Euphemia and Fleamont with a smile.

"When was the last time you saw a Potter?" asked Fleamont curiously.

"A couple of years ago. When I visited Dorea, her husband's name was...

Charlus Potter!" replied Alphard with a smile after remembering the


"Oh, you know my brother?" asked Fleamont in surprise.

"Yes. You know how the circle of pureblood families is. Dorea is my

maternal or paternal aunt. I don't even remember anymore, and Charlus

became my paternal uncle or something," said Alphard, making fun of the

family plight of most pureblood families.

"Yes, at this rate we'll all be related," commented Fleamont with a strange


"Won't our son bother you so many days in your house?" asked


"Of course not. You know how kids are in this era. With a little care they

can survive on their own," replied Alphard, scratching his patchy beard.

Euphemia looked worriedly at James, who was chatting relaxedly with

Sirius, "Hey, nephew. Did you buy the dress robes yet?" asked Alphard,

looking at Sirius.

"Do we have to buy it? It'll take hours while I get my measurements and

stuff," said Sirius reluctantly.

"You must buy it. You know your cousin is very serious about such

things," said Alphard in a serious way, though he didn't look serious at all

as he scratched his beard.

"Dressing robe?" asked Euphemia and Fleamont if they understood.

"Yes. My niece Andromeda is getting married in a few days," replied

Alphard nonchalantly.

"It was a secret, uncle!" exclaimed Sirius when he noticed Alphard's slip

of the tongue.

'A wedding?" thought James curiously.

"Oh... that's right," said Alphard, cupping his forehead not at all

regretfully, "Well, I don't think anything bad would happen if you know

about it," he added as he summarized the wedding story for them.

In short, Andromeda Black was to marry Edward Tonk a muggle-born

wizard. It was obvious that 99% of Andromeda's Family did not agree

with such a marriage or rather they would not agree, since they were not

aware of it.

Alphard Black lent his house for the wedding, and they were preparing

everything for these days. It was to be in secret, as it would not do any

good for Andromeda's parents to find out about it.

However, he saw no harm in telling the Potters, as James would witness

the wedding because he would be in the house just in those days.

"What good news. Wish her congratulations from us. She is a very brave

woman to make that decision," said Fleamont respectfully.

"Wait... I'll be at the wedding?" asked James, confused. According to

Alphard in a few days, it would be the wedding, and he would be staying

at home for almost fourteen days.

"Yes. You'll be able to eat cake. Andromeda agreed," Sirius replied with a

slight smile.

"Oh, James! That's great. We should buy you a custom-made dressing

gown right now," said Euphemia excitedly. Most women liked weddings

and paid more attention to the dress and other preparations.

"You may come if you wish," said Alphard calmly, as if the wedding was


"Really?" asked Euphemia, inwardly delighted, but not quite believing


"Yes, of course. Andromeda will agree. The more people better. From the

Black Family, it will just be Sirius, me, and a few others. Charlus should

also come with Dorea, so they will have acquaintances. Then most of

them are relatives of the groom and friends of Andromeda," replied


'That's why he was looking for a gift...' thought Fleamont, remembering a

conversation with his brother a few days ago.

"We'd be delighted to go! It's been a long time since we've attended a

wedding. We must prepare well. Oh, there's the gift too!" said Euphemia

excitedly, and James looked surprised at his mother.

"James, go with Sirius and buy yourselves a fancy dress robe. We'll see

you at the wedding. Me and your father must buy several things," said

Euphemia as she kissed James on the forehead and said goodbye to the

others. She then took Fleamont by the arm and led him away.

"..." James watched as his mother and father walked further, and further

away. He thought he would have a more emotional goodbye, but he

didn't bother.

"Well, boys, you heard her. Head over to Madame Malkin's store. When

you're done look for me at the Leaky Cauldron," said Alphard as he

quickly left.

"Is your uncle always like this?" asked James with his mouth twitching.

"Yeah, great, right?" replied Sirius with a smile as he started walking

down Diagon Alley.

"Where are we going?" asked Sirius.

"To Madame Malkin's store?" said James with a raised eyebrow.

"We've got time for that. Let's go have some fun," said Sirius dismissively,

"My uncle can spend hours drinking non-stop in the Leaky Cauldron," he


James didn't argue. He would rather have fun and explore stores than be

measured for dress robes and trying on different robes for hours.


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You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

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Chapter 99: Upper Flagley

James and Sirius began to explore Diagon Alley enthusiastically. The first

store they visited was: Gambol and Japes Magical Prank Shop. Located

on the south side of Diagon Alley.

This store sold a wide range of joke items and other products that served

as entertainment. The owner was a man with a white beard and


James and Sirius stocked up on many dungbombs. Each one they bought

for 1 Sickle and 21 Knuts. They also bought fabulous no-heat and wet-

start fireworks from Dr. Filibuster or that was his slogan. And lastly, they

bought non-exploding light globes, each for 25 Knuts.

"Why do you keep checking your money?" asked James as he walked out

of the store next to Sirius.

"I need to have about 350 Galleons left... Well, I still have enough for

books and about 50 Galleons left over..." replied Sirius, sighing

helplessly. He never thought there would come a day when he would be

worried about money.

Ever since last year, when he was in Gryffindor and started to rebel

against his mother and the ideals of the family, he was getting less and

less money from his mother, unlike before when he could afford

whatever he wanted without having to worry about it.

Sirius' mother only gave him just enough for food, books, and school


James was aware of this situation, "What do you want to spend so much

money on? You'll be poor again," James commented.

"Isn't it obvious? To buy the Nimbus 1001!" replied Sirius with a smile.

James was surprised to hear this, but a smile formed on his face, "Really?

You'll buy it? Come on. Let's get going!" said James enthusiastically. It

was a special occasion when someone would buy such a nice and

expensive broom.

Last year, he remembers when his parents bought it for him. It was very

exciting to see it being wrapped and delivered to him. Its price was very

expensive. 350 galleons, but it was worth every one.

The price converted to pounds sterling would be equivalent to 1,725

pounds or $2,285. A very high price for it to be the gift of an 11 or 12-

year-old boy. For the Blacks, it would be no big deal, but Sirius's mother

had no plans to spoil him after he had defied her time and time again.

Excitedly they made their way to the Nimbus broom store which as usual

was full of enthusiastic Quidditch boys milling around the large window

display and drooling over the professional brooms inside.

One of the store clerks when Sirius asked for the Nimbus 1001 thought

he just wanted to annoy and waste his time, but when Sirius with a

haughty look pulled a bag full of Galleons out of his pocket, he quickly

brought it over and showed it to him.

"I'll take it," Sirius said smugly, as he took the broom wrapped in an

expensive wooden box. All the boys looked at him enviously.

Sirius had so many Galleons thanks to the bet from when James won the

duel, and realizing that his mother was getting stingier and stingier he

began to save what money he had on hand.

After buying the broom, they went to buy the second-year books, since

Sirius had not bought them. Finally, they went to Madame Malkin's store

and had to stand for an hour to get their robes of finery.

They both asked for orange-red robes referencing their Hogwarts house,

Gryffindor. "Let's go back to my uncle's," said Sirius as he carried various


"How did your mother let you go with your uncle?" asked James, curious.

Last he knew Sirius was grounded and using his brother to get letters.

"Don't make me remind myself..." said Sirius with a disgusted expression.

"I had to start behaving according to what my mother wanted. These

days I think I attended four bloody meetings," he added, and James

patted his shoulder.

A few minutes walk later, they reached Charing Cross Street and entered

the wizard-only bar.

For a famous place, it was dimly lit and run down. It had a bar and

several tables in the shadows in the corners. A few old ladies were sitting

in one corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry. One of them smoked a long

pipe. Magicians who looked like dwarves were arguing enthusiastically

about something James didn't understand.

Alphard was at the bar drinking from a jug and talking to a bald old man

who looked like a toothless walnut.

"I've been waiting for you!" said Alphard, who at the sound of the door

turned his head and noticed his nephew and James. Alphard emptied the

decanter at a great rate and stood up. James could see that Alphard's

beard was frothing from the beer or whatever it was he was drinking.

"Tom, we'll use the fireplace and your floo powder," said Alphard tossing

a couple of galleons to the bald man who caught the money in mid-air

with a grin missing a couple of teeth.

Alphard looked at the wooden box Sirius was carrying. On one side it

said elegantly: Nimbus 1001. However, he didn't think much of it. He

wasn't a fan of Quidditch.

"Where are we going, exactly?" asked James, who had to know the name

of the place to use the floo powders.

"Upper Flagley, a small town in Yorkshire. Specifically to Mario

Rummage Chimney Shop," replied Alphard.

"He already knows we're coming. He's a wizard, and his shop at this hour

is closed. Let's go," said Alphard as he took the floo powders and said as

he threw them, "Mario Rummage's store in Upper Flagley!"

Then it was Sirius' turn, and when he disappeared it was James' turn. It

was very difficult to throw the floo powder carrying so many things, but

somehow he made it and came out through a large red brick chimney.

'How many chimneys are there in here,' thought James as he walked out,

and everywhere he looked he could only see rows and rows of chimneys.

"Oh yeah! Uncle, I made it out through the green chimney! You owe me

20 galleons!" exclaimed Sirius with a grin, as he stepped out of a chimney

that was 5 chimneys away from where James was standing.

"Tsch, beginner's luck," cursed Alphard, exiting through another chimney

and seeing that Sirius was in front of the green fireplace. He didn't mind

paying 20 measly Galleons. He minded losing.

After greeting the store owner, they left and began walking through the

small town. James noticed that it was much smaller than Godric's

Hollow. Alphard's house was on the outskirts of the village. It was a large

two-story house that was almost the height of a mansion.

Sirius told him that there was a home for old wizards and witches in the

village, basically an old people's home, but magical. Why was he telling

him this? To play a harmless prank or two on the cantankerous old men


"Welcome. This is Alphard's house. Alphard's liquor. Alphard's muggle

magazine. Make yourself at home," Alphard said as he entered his house

and made a brief introduction to James.

'Why is he named in the third person...?' thought James with a strange


"Thanks..." said James as he looked around the large house. The outside

was very nice, but the inside was a mess.

There were objects scattered everywhere, dirty clothes in the corners,

muggles, and magical objects everywhere. James even saw three cats. He

guessed they must be where the smell of piss came from, who knows

where they did their business.

"Come on. I'll show you our room," Sirius said as he started up the stairs.

Sirius opened the third door on the second floor and entered a large room

with two large windows. On the right side, there was a bed made up of

posters of the Beatles and motorcycles, there was also a bookshelf with

many books and magazines.

On the left side, there was another bed, but unlike the other side, there

was no customization. It was the part of the room that would belong to

James. He left his backpack in a hangar and his suitcase on the floor.

"Then we will unpack. Come on, I'll show you the house," Sirius said,

leaving his Nimbus 1001 on his bed and covered with a sheet as if it were

a baby.

James nodded and followed Sirius. Alphard's house was much larger than

his house in Godric's Hollow. On the second floor alone, James counted

that they entered ten different rooms, which took them considerable time

to explore.

The bad thing was that each room was full of both magical and muggle

objects. It was very difficult to walk through. As if it were a labyrinth,

but with mountains of objects, they had to be very careful not to collide

or an avalanche of objects would fall on top of them.

"Your uncle is a big hoarder..." commented James as he walked out of the

last room. This room was full of artistic things, paintings, pictures that

moved on their own, etc.

"Yes, to the point where it's already compulsive," said Sirius, closing the


"Why does he have everything so messy?" asked James. The only

salvageable room was Sirius's. James realized why he had to share a

room with him.

"He's too lazy to tidy up. I told him to have a house elf, but he prefers to

be alone," replied Sirius, shaking his head. After that, they headed off to

explore the floor below, though Sirius was just acting as a guide.


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Chapter 100: Lend a hand

The days at Sirius's uncle's house passed. They were more fun than James

first thought. This was because Sirius and James had total freedom.

Alphard let them do whatever they wanted. Leave the house

unannounced and explore the town. Throw quaffles in the middle of the

room without caring if they broke anything. Flying brooms in the

backyard of the house, which was huge.

Even Alphard told them they could use their wands since their house had

protections that allowed them to cast magic without worrying about the

ban. As long as they were inside the house. So James was able to practice

offensive and defensive spells with Sirius.

As for the muggles there was no problem, as Alphard had taken care of

that problem so they would only see a normal yard.

Living with Alphard was like living with another friend or teenager.

James and Sirius would get up very late and go to bed at five or six in the

morning. Alphard did the same.

According to what Sirius told him, Alphard had many investments in

magical businesses that generated a large amount of income for him, and

he could live doing what he wanted, without depending on a job.

James these days had to cook. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Since he was

the best of the three at cooking. He had to do it with the random

ingredients he found in the kitchen.

When he first woke up it was common to see Alphard drinking a

breakfast whiskey at two o'clock in the afternoon while watching muggle

television. To James' surprise, Alphard had many muggle tastes:

motorcycles, music especially rock, movies, television, etc.

James knew that Alphard was to blame for Sirius not despising Muggles

like his mother and other family.

"What's on the menu today, James?" asked Alphard as he noticed that

James and Sirius had woken up. Today, they managed to wake up a little

earlier. It was 13:43. Alphard had taken a liking to James these days. He

could eat well thanks to his nephew's friend, so he appreciated him. Plus,

that he had a very good sense of humor just like Sirius and him.

"Mm, there's not much. We should go buy some stuff in the village,"

James said, opening several drawers and the fridge.

"Go. Sirius knows where there's muggle money," said Alphard, lighting

himself a cigarette.

Sirius got up from his chair yawning, took the money, and started

walking towards the village with James. They had about a fifteen-minute

walk to the village.

After they finished shopping, they went back to the house (James bought

food for the next few days so they wouldn't have to go out again).

James as he was about to get to the kitchen noticed that there were more

people, and there was a female tone arguing and yelling.

"Uncle Alphard! How can you possibly send two kids out to shop and get

them to cook for you!? Besides, he's Sirius' friend!" said a young woman

in her early twenties. Her hair was light brown and soft. She had rather

large brown eyes.

Next to the girl who kept scolding Alphard as if she were his mother,

there was a blond-haired, blue-eyed boy, who was trying to make hand

gestures to calm the girl's anger.

"They're not children, Andromeda. They're thirteen years old... I was

surviving on my own at that age," said Alphard, annoyed because he

couldn't hear his TV show.

"Thirteen years old!" exclaimed Andromeda indignantly, "Look at the

dump they're living in!" she added, spreading her hands and looking at

the state of the kitchen.

"We're twelve..." muttered Sirius, who was watching the fight as if it was

a TV show.

"When you were his age, it didn't seem to bother you much about

cleaning the house," said Alphard, and Andromeda, who was about to say

something remained silent, as he was right.

"Calm down, you two," said the blond boy, who had a soft and pleasant

voice, "They're here. Sirius and his friend," he added to stop them from

fighting. The two turned their heads and noticed James and Sirius

watching them both with bags in their hands.

"I'm sorry you had to see that..." said Andromeda, regaining her

composure. She happily greeted Sirius and introduced herself and James.

The blond boy was her fiancé, Edward Tonks.

James found it curious that he had the same name, he had in his past life

as Edward Rothschild.

As James was about to cook, Andromeda stopped him and forced him to

sit at the table. She would do the cooking. Edward started to clean the

place with his wand, meanwhile, the master of the house was still

watching TV on his sofa. It was strange to see a sofa in the kitchen, but

he had brought it for comfort.

"We already have all the preparations to start setting up the tent in the

yard and stuff. Did you get the drinks?" asked Andromeda with her back

turned as she was cooking.

"Yes. Tom gave me a discount buying so many drinks," nodded Alphard.

"Good. We'll start setting up the tent and stuff later today, even though

the wedding is outside, I'd like the house to be in good condition..." said

Andromeda, as the guests would first go through the inside of the house

and then head to the park.

"As you wish. A little cleaning and it'll be good as new," Alphard said

without paying much attention.

"Not just a little... Me and Edward will be busy, so we have to perfectly

set up the tents, tables, and chairs outside. Can you take care of the

cleaning inside? Just the 1st floor, the 2nd floor we won't be using,"

Andromeda asked.

Alphard frowned slightly as he watched the television. He knew well the

state of his house. It could take many hours and maybe a couple of days

for such cleaning.

Just then James spoke up, "We'll do it. We're free."

"Would they do that!?" asked Andromeda with a smile, looking at James

and Sirius.

'We?" thought Sirius. He didn't find the idea of cleaning up piles and piles

of garbage and random objects pleasant, but seeing his cousin's smile, he

ended up agreeing.

"Great, thanks! That saves us a lot of work," Andromeda said gratefully.

"Thanks, guys," said Edward with a pleasant smile.

After they finished eating, some friends of Andromeda and Edward

arrived and started working in the park to get everything ready for the

party that would be in 5 days.

As James had volunteered to help, he decided to take his task seriously,

forcing Sirius to start cleaning up right then and there, much to his


Alphard got his butt off the couch and went to do his business.

James spent all afternoon and part of the evening with Sirius cleaning

and tidying up the downstairs, especially the area that would be used as

a reception area for the guests, before going to the area where the

wedding would be held.

It was hard work, and they all ended up dusty dirty, and sweaty. It wasn't

entirely boring, as there were many very peculiar and quirky objects.

James wondered where Alphard must have bought them from.

"Phew... Damn... Where does my uncle get all this junk? Should I get

Kreacher and put him to work?" muttered Sirius, lying on the floor and

looking up at the high ceiling of the house.

Kreacher was his house elf. After some thought, Sirius shook his head. If

he brought that elf, his mother would find out about the wedding, as

Kreacher is a loyal servant to his mother and hates anything to do with

muggles, half-bloods, etc.

"Stop being so whiny. It was just a bit of exercise. We'll train more than

this on the quidditch team," James said, looking at Sirius as if he was

exaggerating things too much.

"You've been training with the team for a year now. Don't compare my

fitness to yours," complained Sirius, standing up and shaking the dirt off

his clothes.

"Boys let's eat. We're outside," said Edward, peeking out the door.

James and Sirius walked along happily. They were starving. In the large

courtyard, they had set up a long table with several chairs. Besides

Andromeda, Edward, and Alphard there were the friends who helped the

couple today.

The dinner outdoors was very delicious one of Edward's friends was a

chef, and he cooked a delicious barbecue, while they were eating Sirius

wanted to try his uncle's fire whiskey, but Andromeda stopped him.

They went to bed earlier that day, as they were tired from tidying and

cleaning for hours. Thanks to that their schedule was arranged a bit. The

next few days they were cleaning and tidying non-stop. James proposed

using the Nimbus 1001 to move around the house faster.

Sirius agreed immediately, and their efficiency and speed increased. They

also found it useful to use the brooms to catch objects that floated and

tried to escape when they saw someone trying to catch them, such as

flying books.

Finally, the day of the wedding arrived.


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You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 101: Andromeda


Sunday, August 28, 1972.

At six o'clock in the evening, James and Sirius stood in front of the large

white tent, set up in the extensive park of Alphard's house. They were

waiting for the guests, and both of them already had their robes on.

James tried to do his hair as well as he could for the special occasion. His

hair was very difficult to comb, but he had it much better than normal.

The two boys were holding a seating plan in their hands to help the

guests find their seats. It had been an hour since a crew of waiters had

arrived, attired in white robes, and an orchestra whose members wore

gold jackets.

"It's hot. I should have asked for a short-sleeved tunic," Sirius said as he

used the seating plan as a fan.

"Yeah, but it's not that fancy," nodded James, who was also using the

seating plan as a fan.

"When I get married, I won't put together something so elaborate and

fancy. Everyone will be able to dress as they please, and if I'm lucky, I'll

marry a witch with muggle parents so my mother won't attend the

wedding," said Sirius with a grimace.

"If you do, your mother will remove you from the Black family tree. Don't

you mind?" asked James with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't mind. I'll do whatever I damn well please," replied Sirius bravely.

Ever since he saw his cousin do it he took more courage. Besides, he was

already at a rebellious age, and being with his uncle Alphard made him

not want to obey his mother.

"That's the way to talk," James said with a slight smile.

Marrying among such a small group of purebloods is not good.

Inbreeding is a practice where someone marries and has children with

someone who is of their own family, particularly among cousins. It is a

common practice for the more fanatical elitist pureblood families such as

the Blacks, the Lestranges, the Notts, and a few others.

For example, Sirius' parents Orion and Walburga Black, were second

cousins. If this continued over time it could bring not very positive side

effects. So, it was a good thing that Sirius planned to marry a muggle

witch who would have no relation in his family tree.

"Get ready, they're coming," James said, interrupting Sirius as he noticed

some people in flashy, multicolored dresses. They were slowly appearing.

After a few minutes, a line had formed and snaked through the garden

towards the tent. James and Sirius politely and orderly gave people

directions so they could find their seats.

James remembered Alphard saying that not many people would be

coming, as the Andromeda Family would be mostly absent, but he was

almost certain that there were over a hundred people.

There were many young friends of the bride and groom who attended

Hogwarts together, even some boys recognized James and Sirius from

Hogwarts. They were the younger brothers of the bride and groom's

friends, who were currently attending Hogwarts with them.

James gave directions to an old man named Phineas Black II was a bit

deaf and had wrinkles all over him. Sirius then told him that Phineas was

almost 100 years old and was disowned by the family for supporting

Muggle's rights and removed from the Black family tree. He was another

rare Black specimen.

He also told him that Phineas had four brothers, all of whom died. One of

them was Sirius Black II. He died before Sirius was born and so he was

named Sirius Black III.

"You should name your son Sirius Black IV," James joked, and Sirius

tapped his shoulder.

The wedding was attended by pureblood wizards as well as half-bloods

and muggle-borns, even some muggles who were from Edward's family


After attending to Mr. Septimus Weasley and Mrs. Cedrella Weasley and

their children, James saw his parents and his aunt and uncle.

"They look beautiful!" said Euphemia, who was wearing an elegant lilac-

colored dress with heeled shoes. Dorea wore a cyan-colored dress and

wore her hair up. His father and uncle were also wearing very elegant

robes of black and gold lines.

"Didn't Oliver come?" asked James after greeting everyone.

"No. The party will last late into the night. We left him with his

grandmother," replied Dorea in a calm tone.

James told them where their seats were, and the Potters entered the tent,

"Damn. The line is endless," complained Sirius, who already wanted to

get in and get something to eat.

After 20 minutes of giving directions and waving to many people, James

and Sirius entered the tent. They sat in the front row next to the Potters.

Andromeda had been very generous in giving them such good seats.

There was an atmosphere of anticipation in the tent, and now and then a

nervous chuckle broke the general murmur. The music sounded,

apparently coming from the golden balloons, and everyone fell silent.

Edward and his best friend, who was his best man, stood at the front of

the tent, both dressed in luxurious robes.

After a few seconds through the entrance of the tent, Alphard and

Andromeda appeared and advanced down the aisle. Usually, her father

should accompany her at this time, but Andromeda considered Alphard

more like her father.

Alphard looked like a completely different person. His hair was combed

back properly. His beard was gone. It was very rare to see him without a

beard. His look was serious, and he had a slight smile. In addition, he

was wearing a very elegant tunic with golden tints.

Many women sighed with desire at the sight of Alphard's appearance.

Sirius had a surprised look on his face as if he was seeing someone else.

He never thought to see his uncle looking so dashing.

'That's the person who drank Whiskey and smoked at the same time when

it was two o'clock in the afternoon?' thought James as he adjusted his


If Sirius was Alphard's favorite nephew, it was obvious that Andromeda

would be his favorite niece. He even thought of her as a daughter, since

like Sirius she spent a lot of time at his house, bringing friends over,

telling them about her problems with her parents, etc.

The one who got most of the looks was Andromeda wearing a white dress

that radiated a silvery glow, and her bearing was very elegant and


Andromeda arrived at Edward's side, who looked at her with a beaming

smile, "Ladies and gentlemen..." said a lilting voice that belonged to a

short, short-haired wizard.

"Today we are gathered to celebrate the union of two noble souls..." as he

began his emotional speech.

"I therefore pronounce you joined together for life."

Within minutes, everyone was already up from their seats. Chairs were

grouped around small tables with white tablecloths and a glittering dance

floor was formed.

Then waiters appeared everywhere. Some carry silver trays with pumpkin

juice, butterbeer, and fire whiskey. Others carried various plates of food

on their trays.

"We have to go congratulate them!" said Euphemia, trying to catch a

glimpse of Andromeda and Edward, who had disappeared amidst a crowd

of guests who had come over to wish them happiness.

"There'll be time for that..." muttered Sirius as he watched everyone leave

towards the newly formed couple.

"Let's get something to eat. I'm starving," said Sirius, as James grabbed

two glasses of butterbeer, and they started looking for a table.

They both sat down at a table near the corner of the tent. They didn't

want to be too close to the dance floor. Grabbing food from trays and

with drinks in hand, they began their feast.

"This is the best part of the parties," Sirius said as he ate elegantly, but at

an incredible speed. James nodded without speaking, as he preferred to

eat the delicious food they had prepared well in advance.

As they ate, the orchestra began to play a waltz. The bride and groom

were the first to head to the dance floor, seconded by loud applause.

After a while, more couples began to join the dance floor.

James' parents, Uncle Charlus and Aunt Dorea, Alphard with a blonde

woman neither James nor Sirius knew. The dance floor was filled with

couples both young and old.

James and Sirius were among the few still sitting at their tables as loners,

but considering their age it was normal.

"Tsch. I don't know what fun they see in dancing," Sirius said with a

disapproving look on his face as he watched everyone and ate at the

same time.

"Agree. They just move their bodies. I don't see the fun in it," said James

who had the same look on his face as Sirius.

Sirius as the eldest son of House Black, had learned to dance. However,

he never liked it. James in this life never had to learn to dance, but like

Edward Rothschild he did, because at high society parties, he had to

know how to dance, but it was an activity that never amused him even

though he did it very well like almost everything else.


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You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 102: Bittersweet ending

Euphemia forced James to dance with her, and he didn't dare to refuse

when he saw her enthusiasm.

Sirius, who thought he wouldn't have to dance, had to dance with

Andromeda, who forced him to dance. Since she was the bride, Sirius

could not refuse and reluctantly had to dance with her.

Andromeda considered Sirius as her little brother. With Sirius, she got

along very well, and they had the same thoughts when it came to blood

purity and so on. This was very hard to find especially being a Black. So

she wanted him to be a part of her party.

The hours wore on, and James and Sirius ate their fill. They ate dessert

and drank a lot of butterbeer. They wanted to try fire whiskey, but

Euphemia always caught them and took it away.

With less than an hour left before the wedding was to end, several people

abruptly entered the entrance of the tent. At first, no one paid attention

to them, as there were many people, and it was normal for some to come

out to get some air.

But this group of people headed towards Andromeda, who was happily

talking to her husband and a group of friends.

James was the first to notice this strange group of people, as they were

walking as if they were very angry.

'Is that...?' thought James with a frown and having a bad feeling. In the

group of people was a girl with long blonde hair and an arrogant look.

James could recognize her after looking at her for a few more seconds,

Narcissa Black. Sirius' cousin and Andromeda's younger sister. He could

only recognize her since he passed her several times at the dragon


"Hey," said James in a serious tone, as he punched Sirius' arm.

"What's up?" asked Sirius, a bit confused by the sudden seriousness of

James, who only motioned his head forward, so that Sirius was looking at

the group of people.

Sirius looked to where James was looking, and his face began to

disfigure, 'Oh no... This isn't good,' thought Sirius nervously. How Black

recognized everyone in the group. One of them was his mother, and then

there were Andromeda's parents and her two sisters.

"Andromeda Tonks!" shouted a deep, male voice with fury and anger.

As it was the last few minutes of the wedding, the atmosphere was much

calmer. This caused everyone in the tent to hear the shout. Suddenly all

the hubbub ceased, and they looked at the person who shouted.

"Father...?" muttered Andromeda with a difficult expression on her face.

"How dare you...!" shouted Cygnus Black III Andromeda's father, "How

dare you marry a mudblood!" he shouted indignantly and with contempt,

as his gaze shifted to Edward, who stood next to Andromeda with a

frozen expression.

"I-I marry who I want!" said Andromeda, plucking up her courage, but in

a trembling tone.

"By talking back to your father like that! You're a disgrace to the whole

House Black!" said a shrill, angry voice belonging to Druella Black,

Andromeda's mother.

"And worst of all, marrying a mudblood!" she added, looking at Edward

with disgust and disdain.

"Don't you dare insult my husband!" shouted Andromeda furiously, as she

pulled out her wand.

'This escalated very quickly,' thought James.

"Pointing your wand at our mother. You are a basket case. I don't

consider you my sister anymore," said a girl very much like Andromeda,

but her hair was black, and her expression wasn't kind like Andromeda's.

"Bellatrix..." muttered Sirius with a frown.

Bellatrix was a couple of years older than Andromeda and the oldest of

the three sisters. As Andromeda pulled out her wand and pointed it at

her, she wouldn't mind teaching her younger sister a couple of manners

right this instant.

"ENOUGH!" shouted Alphard with a furious expression stepping in front

of Andromeda and confronting the crazy family. Andromeda, who was

teary-eyed sighed in relief at the sight of Alphard's back.

James never saw Alphard with such an angry expression. He always

looked like the cool uncle who never gets angry.

"Brother..." muttered Cygnus and Walburga, looking at Alphard's


Alphard, Walburga, and Cygnus were three siblings. The oldest was

Walburga (Sirius' mother) after she was Alphard, and the youngest of

them all was Cygnus, who was much younger than the two of them.

Alphard despite his detachment from the ideals of the family, still held an

important position in House Black and had very great wealth.

"You're the one to blame for Andromeda marrying a mudblood! Take

responsibility!" shouted Druella, rabidly pointing her finger in Alphard's


"Silence..." said Cygnus coldly to his wife. Cygnus, though he didn't want

to admit it, feared his older brother. Alphard was a great wizard. The

only one who could stand up to him was Walburga the eldest of the


"Where is Sirius?" asked Walburga in a stoic tone speaking for the first


"He must be out there. Eating something or playing a joke," Alphard

replied vaguely.

Walburga huffed in annoyance and left. She began to look for her son.

She had no plans to argue foolishly with her brothers. She already

considered that Andromeda had done an irreversible crime. Andromeda

had no salvation. On the other hand, her son did.

"See you at Hogwarts..." muttered Sirius, waving goodbye to James.

Sirius began to cautiously make his way to the exit of the tent. He didn't

want his mother to find him, as his punishment was assured after he had

attended a wedding with a muggle-born wizard.

Alphard managed to keep Andromeda's family from making a spectacle of

themselves. After five minutes, they left with expressions of anger and

disdain. Andromeda cried inconsolably in her husband's arms.

Her parents and sisters told her that they would never see her again, that

their relationship was over, and that she was a disgrace to them. She

would be erased from the family tree and could never contact them


James heard everything and looked at Andromeda with pity. Sirius, to his

misfortune, was caught by his mother and dragged home.

"Poor dear..." said Euphemia in a low tone and with a sad look, watching

Andromeda cry as her friends comforted her. Alphard sat down and

downed a full glass of firewhiskey in one gulp.

James began to rack his brain. Why would Andromeda and Sirius's

parents let them get together with Alphard? If they knew he didn't share

the ideals of House Black. It wasn't hard to realize that sending your

children to such a relative could cause Sirius and Andromeda to become

increasingly rebellious and defy the family.

Just because Sirius listens to his mother and attends a couple of meetings,

is not enough reason for her to let him go again and again with his uncle.

Andromeda and Sirius always had a rebellious streak and didn't quite

accept the ideals of their house. However, if they hadn't spent so much

time with Alphard, they might have been much more obedient and not so


James came to an answer quickly. Alphard was single and only a few

years shy of fifty. He had no heirs, that was the answer. Simple as that.

James could tell that Alphard possessed great wealth. Most likely

comparable to his siblings or even greater, since from what he heard

from Alphard himself he has several investments and properties. He

doesn't even need to work.

Walburga and Cygnus send their children with him since if they win his

favor they could receive a large part of his inheritance and double his

wealth or more. The normal thing would be that if Alphard died his

estate would be divided among the Blacks, but Alphard was very

particular. If he wanted to he could leave it all to a single person who

had nothing to do with House Black.

What Cygnus or Walburga did not expect was that their children every

time they visited their uncle would become more rebellious and less in

agreement with the family ideals.

They most likely realized that their children's rebelliousness increased

when they were with Alphard, but their greed got the better of them, and

they kept bossing Sirius and Andromeda around.

Alphard wasn't an overtly pro-Muggle guy or anything like that. He was a

weirdo who minded his own business, so he was still on the family tree.

"It's time to get back..." said Fleamont in an odd mood. It wasn't the best

way to end a wedding. They said goodbye to Alphard, as for saying

goodbye to Andromeda they couldn't as they were still crying and she

was surrounded by her friends.

"Have a good start to a good year at Hogwarts," Alphard said, saying

goodbye to James. He had liked the days he had spent with the

bespectacled, jet-haired boy.

Then in a few minutes, James was at the fireplace in his house. The last

three days of vacation flew by. James got no information from Sirius.

Most likely his mother grounded him and took out his owl.

September 1st arrived, a special day, as it was the beginning of the

second year at Hogwarts.


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Chapter 103: Back to King's Cross

James was riding in the back seat of his father's Peugeot 504. The

destination was King's Cross station in London. Next to him was Shadow

in his cage, resting quietly, oblivious to the occasional potholes that

Fleamont failed to avoid.

James was looking out of the window deep in thought. The sky was full

of gray clouds. It looked like it might rain at any moment.

James wasn't thinking about his friends or the pranks he wouldn't be able

to pull this new school year, or the fact that this year he would finally

start playing on the starting quidditch team.

He was thinking about a much more serious and depressing topic.

Voldemort and his crazy followers called Death Eaters. Because of these

lunatics, he can't have happy and carefree school years.

Instead, he must train like a madman and become powerful enough

magically speaking, to be able to protect himself and his loved ones. And

above all to defeat Voldemort.

On this vacation, James kept up with all the information from the most

important newspapers in the British magical world. He averaged it out

and every week or so there was news about the hooded attacks. Nothing


The Prophet. The most famous and prestigious magical newspaper

disappointed James because instead of reporting regularly, it took two or

even three weeks to provide updated coverage as they had promised

months ago.

The reason for this delay? It's not too hard to figure out why if you have

two fingers on the pulse.

As it is the most famous magical newspaper used by British wizards and

witches, if there are new attacks every week, it would only show the

incompetence of the Ministry of Magic, as they can't catch this group of

terrorists. The Ministry will not like it at all if its image is so badly

affected and it loses the trust of the people.

'Maybe they'll stop reporting shortly...' James thought grumpily.

His grumpiness was because while he was having breakfast today, an

alternative newspaper reported that two relatively important Ministry

wizards had gone missing.

According to this newspaper, these two missing wizards were behind the

Death Eaters, and all indications are that they are in the other world, i.e.


James took this information with a grain of salt, as this newspaper is not

well known, and cannot believe the information one hundred percent.

However, knowing the dark nature of Voldemort and his Death Eaters,

this information is true. It was strange that so far they have not killed


'From here, the war between Voldemort and his followers against the

Ministry will only intensify...' thought James with a slight frown.

For every day that passes, the Death Eaters will have fewer scruples, and

in addition to targeting the Muggle community, they will ruthlessly

attack the magical community that opposes them.

This year, James will have to devote much more time to training. On top

of that, he has to add classes, training, and quidditch matches, spending

time with the Marauders, and he almost forgot about having to spend

time at the Dragon Club with Gwen.

'There's also Emily and the whole Lupin lycanthropy thing...' thought

James clutching his forehead. There were too many things to do, and the

day only had 24 hours.

James could already sense that this year would be much more stressful

than the first, and he must prioritize training. Although he enjoyed

learning and training different powerful charms, doing it too much could

become tiring.

'If I organize my days well. I should have time for most things...' thought

James not too sure about this.

It's almost certain that the marauder pranks will be over. He will

prioritize spending time in the library and in the secret room to practice.

Studying and practicing. Hard work and talent. That's the formula.

According to his former mother Elizabeth.

"What's the matter, sweetie? Why the look on your face?" asked

Euphemia, turning her head and noticing that James had a frown on his

face and a worried expression.

"It's nothing, Mom. Just a little tired. I didn't sleep very well," James


"Oh, are you nervous? This year will be your debut on the team. I'm sure

you'll do well. Remember to practice your charms when you get to

Hogwarts," commented Fleamont without taking his eyes off the road.

"I'll practice them. They'll come in handy. Thanks," said James in a

grateful tone.

His father and grandfather had spent the entire vacation creating and

perfecting charms to improve James' contact lenses. And they had


Contact lenses were a Muggle invention and very useful, but they weren't

quite perfect. The lenses could only be worn for eight hours a day, and

each pair lasted between one to three months.

Then you had to buy new ones, and every longer period you had to go to

the eye doctor again for a new prescription, as your eyesight might have


However, Henry and Fleamont managed to create charms that eliminated

these disadvantages and made contact lenses perfect. For one, they

created a comforting charm. A magic spell is applied to the lenses and

can last 24 hours instead of just 8 hours, making contact lenses free of

eye fatigue.

They also created a more advanced charm of continuous adaptation

allowing the lens to continually adjust to the physiology and changing

needs of the wearer's eye. Eliminating the need for regular exams and

prescription updates. Although it was a bad thing for muggle eye doctors,

James will never have to visit an optician again.

Lastly a spell of duration. As the name suggests, it increases the

durability of the contact lens, eliminating the need to replace them every

few years. Instead of lasting one or three months, it can last for years,

and not need to buy another pair.

'I'm sorry Mr. Davies...' thought James, remembering the kindly old man

who owned the optician's shop. He would not be visiting Mr. Davies

anymore, at least not for a long period.

He was currently wearing his contacts. His father had taken care of

putting all the charms on the pair of glasses.

They finally arrived at King's Cross at fifteen minutes past ten. It was still

forty-five minutes before the Hogwarts Express left. Fleamont got a

trolley to load the trunk, and they entered the station.

They had to cross platform 9¾ which was between Muggle platforms

nine and ten. They had to walk to the barrier, it wasn't painful, but it had

to be done carefully so that no muggle would notice their disappearance.

The family of three walked stealthily and disappeared without being

noticed by any muggle. Nothing went wrong.

James found himself back on platform 9¾. When he looked up he saw

the Hogwarts Express, a scarlet steam locomotive billowing smoke on a

platform full of wizards and witches accompanying their children.

James and his parents started walking towards one of the train's

intermediate carriages. Since it was still more than half an hour before

departure, it wasn't too crowded.

He tried to look for any of his friends but found none. He didn't see Gwen

or Emily either.

He said goodbye to his parents telling them that there was no need for

them to wait until the train left, as they would be waiting for a long time.

'He's growing more and more every day,' Euphemia thought emotionally,

remembering that the previous year James had seemed very dependent

on them.

Euphemia gave her son a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead. Fleamont

said goodbye sliding his fingers through James' unruly hair and messing

it up slightly.

After the farewell, James began to wander the aisles of the train in search

of an empty compartment. It wasn't hard to find, as it wasn't crowded.

He entered the compartment and arranged his trunk and Shadow. He left

the door open, as he wanted his friends to find him. Then he sat down by

the window. As he was alone he kept thinking about Voldemort, his

followers, and what would be the best route to continue his magical


This year in addition to defensive magic and Occlumency, James has a

lot of time to devote to Transfiguration. To achieve conjuration and be

able to use it in combat, both defensively and offensively.

While James was thinking about his things and looking out the window,

a boy entered the compartment while reading a magazine with one hand

and pushing his trunk with the other.

Moving a heavy trunk with one hand, while reading a magazine with the

other and not looking ahead, is not a great idea. The boy banged his shin

against the seat.

"Ouch!" groaned the boy in pain, as he instinctively let go of the trunk to

grab his leg, another bad decision. The trunk fell straight towards his

foot, crushing the tips of his toes. Luckily his shoes were able to cushion

some of the weight.

"Damn it!" cursed the boy now clutching his foot in pain.

"Wuerek!" a dark green toad hopped off the boy's shoulder into James'

lap, who had stopped thinking about complicated things and was

watching the boy and the toad curiously.

The boy had messy, dirty blond hair that reached his shoulders. He had

pale eyebrows and bulging eyes that gave him a permanently surprised


He was already wearing his Hogwarts robes, so James could tell that he

belonged to Ravenclaw and was not a first-year. At most, he would be a

third-year or second-year student.

The robe wasn't entirely clean. It looked as if he had been rummaging

through the bushes looking for something. It did have a different aura

than average.

"Wuerek!" the toad shouted, and James looked down. He noticed the

toad's big eyes staring at him.

Toads were one of three animals that Hogwarts students were allowed to

keep as pets. James didn't care much for them, preferring an owl or even

a cat a thousand times over. Toads were not a very fashionable animal

and even less so for girls.

"Don't be rude, Flappy," said the blond boy as he settled his trunk with a


"His name is Flappy?" asked James redundantly, but he found it hard to

believe that a toad would be called that.

"Yes. I hope in the future, he grows wings and can fly to the moon and

meet the moon toads," replied the boy matter-of-factly.

'A toad with wings...? Flying to the moon and meeting moon toads...?'

thought James with a raised eyebrow and looking at the boy in front of

him strangely.

"That's great... I hope he makes it someday," said James, not knowing

exactly what to say. He took the toad in his hands and handed it back to

its owner.

The boy, hearing what James said, put on a surprised expression. It was

the first time someone at Hogwarts had been kind to him and his Flappy

Toad. It took him by surprise.

"Thanks! Did you hear Flappy? James Potter believes in you. You should

get your wings as soon as possible," said the boy after a few seconds

putting his toad on his shoulder like a parrot.


"Have we met?" asked James.

"No, but I know one of the most popular students in my year. Otherwise,

I'd be a rubbish reporter," replied the boy with a proud smile for some


"Xenophilius Lovegood, nice to meet you. You can call me Xeno."


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Chapter 104: Thestrals

"Nice to meet you. Do you want to be a reporter?" asked James.

"Yes! I want to have my magazine and work only with the truth!" replied

Xeno with a smile.

"Oh Like the Prophet?" asked James. When that name came out of James'

mouth, a disgusted expression appeared on Xeno's face.

"Tsch, those crappy reporters. They should be ashamed of themselves

working for that corrupt and deceitful newspaper," said Xeno, spitting on

the ground in disdain.

"..." James partly agreed with the strange boy, but found the part about

spitting to show his contempt odd.

"You're right... Have you noticed that they provide very little cover from

the Death Eaters?" asked James.

"Yes, they are an embarrassment to journalism. The Ministry controls the

Prophet however they want. They wouldn't want to tarnish their image,"

said Xeno with a frown.

"Looks like you didn't get your head washed by them. Look at this,"

added Xeno, pulling out a notebook and passing it to James, who with an

incredulous expression opened it to the first page and began to read.

In the compartment, silence reigned. Only James could be heard as he

turned to the next page of the notebook.

'It's Hogwarts gossip and rumors...' thought James as he read with a

strange expression.

Several of the rumors and gossip were about him. Some are not as good

as others. It also talked about the forbidden forest and creatures that

even Hagrid didn't see, so most likely they wouldn't exist, but it was best

not to comment on that.

The Marauders' hobby was playing pranks and exploring the castle at

night. Xeno's hobby was gathering the craziest rumors and gossip in the

school, most likely by going stealthily so he wouldn't be seen.

"Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy...?" read James, a news item on one of

the pages of the paper. Next to the note was a picture of Narcissa, and

next to her was a tall blond boy.

"Those same ones. On one of my scans for a scoop, I found the two of

them in one of the towers muttering. I didn't manage to overhear their

conversation, unfortunately. I'm sure those two have a special

relationship. It would be a great scoop if I could accumulate some more

evidence," explained Xeno in a proud tone.

"Sure..." said James. He had thought Xeno wanted to be a journalist

showing more serious news, but he remembered he was twelve years old.

As was he who made some less-than-mature jokes.

Just then several people came through the door. They were the

marauders: Sirius, Lupin, Toby and Peter.

"Guys!" said James with a slight smile, getting up from his seat. He shook

hands with them all, and they sat down. Three in each seat. Lupin and

Peter stayed seated with the Ravenclaw student, who was the only one in

a different robe.

"This is Xenophilius," James said, introducing them to the boy who

peculiarly greeted everyone.

"How has your vacation been?" asked James mostly looking at Lupin.

He had a deadline to talk to him. He had until the next full moon in

September to know that the school staff knew about his situation.

Otherwise, his mother would come and talk to the headmaster


"Well. The best thing was to go to your house. After that boring stuff,"

said Peter, and Toby nodded in agreement.

"At the beginning it was bad. The best was the days we spent at my Uncle

Alphard's. Though for that, my mother took away my royal owl for an

indeterminate amount of time," Sirius said with a grimace, remembering

his mother's yelling at him for attending a party where the husband was a


"Normal. I haven't done much. I got a bit ahead of myself with this year's

books. Did you see the new Defense Against the Dark Arts books?" said


"No. I'll have time to read later in the year," replied Sirius.

"I did read them. They're garbage. All theoretical and nothing practical,"

replied James with a frown.

Lupin nodded, "Wilbert's book seems more like a manual on how to

negotiate to reach an agreement and not have to fight. The book issued

by the Ministry is theoretical and without any defensive spells. The only

practical thing it has are some strange moves," said Lupin.

"No way..." said Sirius, Peter, Toby, and even Xeno in unison.

"It seems that the rumor about the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher

position is true," commented Xeno, who seemed to be fascinated by this,

as it was a rumor he had researched.

"What rumor?" asked Toby.

"There is talk, especially from older students, that no DADA teacher can

hold the position for more than a year without suffering an unpleasant

fate. I don't think Professor Antennae sent out for those books," explained


Everyone agreed about Antennae. The professor was a former auror and

would not teach everything theoretical. Last year, the subject was

entirely practical, only the beginning had more theory.

'Looks like I won't learn anything good in Defense Against the Dark Arts

this year...' thought James. He would have to be more self-taught than


"Do you know since when that rumor started going around?" asked James

since he saw that the boy seemed to know more about the subject than

he did.

"I've interviewed a lot of older students, and even the seventh years got

wind of the rumor in their first or second year. They too had one teacher

per year of Defense Against the Dark Arts. The rumor could be ten years

old quietly," replied Xeno.

"That's too many years. There's something odd about the position," said

Lupin with a thoughtful look. There were professors like McGonagall,

Slughorn, and Sprout who were many years ago at Hogwarts teaching. It

was very rare to change professors every year.

"Yes. What is Dumbledore doing? He's the strongest wizard. He should be

able to remove a curse," Sirius commented.

A name popped into James' head: Voldemort. He would be the only

wizard who could cast a curse so powerful that not even Dumbledore

himself or another Defense Against the Dark Arts professor could remove


'I must investigate this rumor further...' thought James.

If it was Voldemort, Why did he do it? Will he attack Hogwarts in the

future? He must know. He must know his mortal enemy better.

As the boys chatted quietly (Xeno joined in all the conversations and

gave peculiar contributions.) The train arrived at its destination:

Hogsmeade station.

The train slowed down, and the usual commotion was heard. Everyone

stood up to collect their luggage and pets.

James took his trunk and the cage with Shadow and together with the

others left the compartment. They slowly made their way towards the

doors. James noticed the smell of the pine trees lining the path, which

descended to the lake.

He stepped down onto the platform and looked around. Just then he

heard a familiar shout, "First years, line up here, please! All first years

with me!" It was Hagrid doing his job year after year.

They walked across the platform with the rest of the students and out

onto a dirt and uneven road. Waiting for them were at least a hundred

carriages all pulled by an invisible horse or so most of the students saw.

James was one of the few who saw some creatures standing near the

carriages. They had a certain reptilian air about them. Each creature had

black fur that clung to their skeletons. Each bone was distinguishable.

The head looked like a dragon's, and they had eyes without pupils, white

and fixed. From the withers, the highest part of the back of that species

of animals, they had wings, huge, black, leathery wings that looked like

gigantic bats.

Standing there, still and silent in the darkness, the creatures had a

ghostly, sinister air. James stared at them in awe. It was the first time he

had seen them. They were thestrals.

They are undeservedly known as an omen of misfortune and aggression

by many wizards because they are only visible to those who have seen

death (and fully understood the concept).

James had seen death with his own eyes and died. He had been

wandering for an indeterminate amount of time in limbo until he was

reborn as James Potter.

'What amazing creatures...' thought James, somewhat fascinated by the

ghostly horses. He learned about them from Hagrid, who taught them

about all sorts of creatures. Thestrals lived in the forbidden forest.

The marauders got into a carriage, and within a few minutes, two

thestrals took flight and pulled the carriage.

The ride was comfortable and uneventful. The only thing was that the

carriage smelled a bit musty and straw-like. Finally, they arrived at the

castle. The carriage stopped, and they descended.

They joined a crowd making their way to the Great Hall, 'Here again...'

thought James, entering the dining room and looking up at the

enchanted ceiling.

In a few minutes, everyone was seated at their respective tables and

waiting for the new students and the sorting ceremony to begin.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 105: Dark Arts

The new Hogwarts students were placed into different houses by the

Sorting Hat, which shouted out the name of the most suitable house for

each one.

James found it curious to watch the nervous new students. Although

much of the nervousness was due to being watched by hundreds of eyes.

Sirius' younger brother, Regulus Black ended up in Slytherin. Sirius

clicked his tongue, but he already expected his brother to be different

from him.

Regulus looked like his older brother. He had black hair, but shorter and

more even than Sirius. His look was more haughty than Sirius' and

common among members of House Black. The difference with Sirius was

that Regulus was smaller, thinner, and didn't have as unique a presence

as Sirius.

Another student who caught James' attention was Rachel Ollivander.

Mostly because of her last name which was known to everyone at

Hogwarts since they bought her wand from the store of her soon-to-be


Like Garrick Ollivander, Rachel had gray eyes and very fair skin. She had

shoulder-length jet hair. She was elected to Gryffindor and applauded by

all the students at the table.

The last student that caught James' attention was: Bartemius Crouch

Junior. For one thing, he caught his attention because the Crouchs were

one of the oldest pureblood wizarding families in Britain.

What struck James most about Crouch Junior was his aura. One would

expect the son of such a powerful pureblood family to have an aura like

Rabastan, Regulus, or Sirius. Confident, haughty, and arrogant, but it was

anything but.

Crouch Jr. was all the time looking down at the ground, rubbing his

hands nervously and half hunched over. Reminding him of Peter or even

worse. In the end, he ended up in Slytherin.

After the sorting, they had a big feast. James started looking at the

Slytherin table slyly. He was looking for Gwen, and just as he saw her

blonde hair, their eyes met.

After a few seconds, they both averted their gazes, 'What is this feeling...'

thought James, feeling a little strange. Not giving it any more thought, he

started looking for Emily.

It had been an eternity since he had spoken to her. He thought he would

find her eating alone in a corner, but he saw a person next to her talking

to her: Severus Snape.

'What a strange combination...' thought James, turning his attention back

to his table and his plate of food.

After dessert, the headmaster as usual said a few words. Then he began

to sing a happy song, and when he finished they went to their common

rooms to sleep. Everyone was tired from the long journey, and the food

made them sleepy.

Sirius, Lupin, Peter, and Toby went to sleep after arranging their

bookshelves and decorating them a bit.

For James, it was not the same. After everyone was asleep, he grabbed

his invisibility cloak and left the common room. His destination: the

Room of Requirement.

'I missed the nightly walks through the spooky corridors of the castle,'

thought James with a faint smile.

His walk was not stealthy. It looked like he was taking a stroll. Nor was

he trying to control the sound of his footsteps or his breathing. This was

because he cast Silencio Barriera.

A defensive charm that creates a barrier of silence around the user,

muffling external sounds and preventing people nearby from hearing you.

The initial disadvantage of this charm was that the barrier did not follow

the user. That is, once cast the barrier remained static. Training can

increase the range, but it is limited since the idea is that people can not

hear, and if you create a huge barrier, everyone will be inside it so they

will also hear you.

However, James managed to remove the disadvantage of the immobility

of the barrier. He modified the charm. It's the first time he's done it, and

it's much harder than learning a charm.

Now, the barrier followed its caster and lasted for hours. Making it much

easier to be stealthy and almost uncatchable with the invisibility cloak.

On his way to the seventh-floor corridor, he ran into Filch and his cat

Mrs. Norris, who were on guard and hunting for students who were

breaking the rules. James just gave them a sidelong glance and kept

walking, not stopping and not trying to make less noise. He was not


When he reached the corridor on the seventh floor, he performed the

strange ritual to make the door appear and quickly entered. This time he

did not ask for a large dueling room. Just a medium-sized office with

bookshelves full of books, a fireplace, comfortable sofas, and a large

wooden desk and chair.

On the ceiling hung two very elegant chandeliers, and the walls were

reddish with straight black lines, giving the room a very nice look.

'Cozy,' thought James, taking off his cloak and leaving it on a hanger.

Today, he wasn't planning on practicing his offensive and defensive

spells. It would be a night of a lot of reading and practicing

transfiguration charms for which he didn't need a great place.

'Before I practice transfiguration charms, I'll read the book on dark

magic...' thought James, pulling a leather wallet out of his robes.

He opened the wallet and started searching. Within seconds, he pulled

out a thick book with a faded black cover. The pages were yellowed, and

the title was simple: Magick Moste Evile. Written in small, barely visible


James looked at the book with a slight frown. He was not a fan of the

dark arts and had no plans to learn these arts, especially the darker ones

(The Occlumency he did not consider to fall into the category of dark


As he would be facing one of the most powerful dark lords of recent

times and his group of dark arts fanatic followers, he had to know what

methods they would use in a fight and war. He had to know how they

would think and that way he could find a way to counter them.

His family had no idea that he had bought this book and a few more of

the very dark arts. He bought them when he was at Sirius's uncle's house.

On one of those days, they visited Diagon Alley again, accompanying

Andromeda to buy some missing things for the wedding.

In one of those moments, he took the opportunity and went to Knockturn

Alley, which had many shops that sold objects dedicated to the dark arts.

James opened the first page and started reading. This book was written

in the early Middle Ages by Godelot. A medieval dark wizard. Time

passed. The only thing that could be heard was the paper as James

turned the page.

James already had basic knowledge of the Dark Arts that he was taught

last year as they needed to know a few things. For example, the Dark

charms are classified into three groups: Jinx, Hex, and Curse.

Jinx was the weakest of the three. It had irritating, but useful effects. For

example, the Flipendo was of this type, and more are taught in DADA

classes or other subjects.

Also, Jinx can be blocked or removed by a counter-course. James had

already learned all of this.

The Hex is a dark charm whose effect causes moderate suffering to the

victim. Being more powerful than the Jinx. These could be used

defensively and offensively.

The Jinx and the Hex are the weakest and most innocent of the Dark

Arts. In the book, they are barely mentioned as he views it with

unfavorable eyes. No dark wizard would use a Flipendo in a mortal fight.

The most he can do to his victim is a relatively strong blow to the chest

and push him a couple of meters. It would be child's play for them.

James felt it was wrong for the Jinx and Hex to be considered within the

Dark Arts. He doesn't know how they ended up being considered so when

even the dark wizards didn't seem to agree with it.

'Will it be the work of the Ministry? That way, they can teach you those

useless Defense Against the Dark Arts books,' James thought with a

strange expression.

A curse was used for worse kinds of dark magic. Far surpassing the Jinx

and Hex. Curses had many strengths and forms and were reserved for

causing immense suffering to the victim.

They were the most wicked, strongest, longest lasting, and least

reversible dark spells.

Two hours later, James closed the book. Tomorrow, he would continue

with the book. If he continued at this pace in three days, he would finish

it. Clearly, he would then have to study it in more depth and analyze it


He got up from his chair and took the following book from one of the

shelves in the room: A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration.

This book on transfiguration was used in both the first and second years

at Hogwarts. It was very thick, so they used it for two years.

James finished reading it over the vacation and also studied it seriously.

You could say that theoretically he already knew all the content of

second-year Transfiguration.

He even studied it at Alphard's house at night when Sirius was sleeping

peacefully and snoring. During the day it was very difficult to get him

off, and it was impossible to read quietly.

He only practiced a few spells, and now he would focus on completing all

the practical spells perfectly.

'First of all, the repair charm,' thought James as he opened the book to an

advanced page. Then from his wallet, he pulled out many small-sized


James wasn't referring to the Reparo charm. He was talking about

Reparifarge. The non-transfiguration charm. It was used to counteract the

effects of a transfiguration that was poorly performed and only partially

transfigured the object in question.

It could also be used to return the object to its original state.

An hour passed. James cast the charm Avifors on the stones (turning

them into small birds) but he cast it wrong on purpose.

Then remembering the theory, the proper wand movement, and the

correct pronunciation, he cast Reparifarge to return the stones to their

original state.

James' objective was to achieve the conjuration. An advanced type of

Transfiguration and a very complex and advanced magic.

Conjuration was more difficult than normal transfiguration, change, and

disappearance. It was taught to N.E.W.T level students, meaning wizards

and witches in their seventh year at Hogwarts.

James couldn't wait that long to learn it. He had to speed up his learning


At four in the morning, James returned to the common room and was

asleep in a matter of minutes.

Classes would start on Monday. So James was able to keep up this

routine of practice and study all weekend. During the day he set aside

several hours to go to the library and continue studying.

Although he spent less time with the others, the rest of the day was spent

with the marauders exploring the castle.


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Chapter 106: Particular group

Monday, September 5, 1972.

Classes officially began. Students had the weekend to settle into the

castle after the summer vacation.

Quidditch tryouts would begin in the second week, and you had to be at

least a second year to sign up. Although James was assured of a place, as

it was almost impossible for there to be a better Seeker than him, William

told him that he would have to try out for the formalities so that they

wouldn't think he got differential treatment.

James didn't think much of this. He was even less enthusiastic than he

thought he would be about starting to play Quidditch officially.

He still loves Quidditch and wants to play. But he was very focused on

everything he was studying: Transfiguration book, Occlumency, Dark

Arts, and a useful defensive magic book, unlike the ones he was given for

this year.

When he was in the library he lost track of time and stayed for many

hours. The same thing happened to him when he was in the Room of

Requirement. Another minor fact is that he began to study ancient runes.

He started reading the book: Ancient Runes Made Easy written by

Laurenzoo. It was a beginner-level book and provided translations of

twenty-one thousand different runes and symbols. It had a lot of pages.

So most of the time these days he was reading, studying, and practicing

like crazy. The good thing was that he enjoyed it. Magic was fun, and the

good thing about understanding the theoretical part was that you could

put it into practice.

"Wake up, James. We should go to breakfast," Lupin said, opening the

curtains on James' canopy bed.

Daylight fell on James' face.

"Is it time yet...?" asked James, opening his eyes with difficulty and

getting out of bed. Beneath his eyes dark circles were visible.

He only slept four hours. Very little compared to the eight hours a day he

should sleep to get a good night's rest.

"Yes. First class is Potions double with Slytherin," Lupin said with a less

than cheerful expression at having to share another year with Slytherin


James replied with a lazy, barely audible mumble and began to change.

'I must create a routine and stick to schedules...' thought James.

Now that classes were starting, their time was more limited. They had

classes from nine in the morning until four in the afternoon. He also had

to allow time to do homework given by the teachers, and he had

Quidditch training three times a week.

'I'll have to implement the routines she used...' thought James with a

slight frown.

By 'she' he meant his former mother, Elizabeth Rothschild. When he lived

as Edward, his mother Elizabeth put his day together very meticulously.

He had timed classes and breaks. He slept eight hours a day without

missing even once.

For that reason, Edward always woke up energized, although he didn't

like his life arranged by someone else and minimal breaks so much.

James could not deny that the routine created by Elizabeth was super

effective. It allowed him to learn at a fast pace and get adequate rest.

As he walked with the marauders towards the large dining hall, he

thought about the routine. It should start at four o'clock in the afternoon

and end at eleven o'clock at night since at that time he will have to go to

sleep if he wants to get eight hours of sleep.

He has seven hours Monday through Friday to dedicate to study and self-

dictated practice, 'Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I will have five

and a half hours,' James thought, remembering the training sessions.

On weekends he will have twice as many hours since he has no classes.

Nor can he devote all the hours to constant study and practice. It would

be too much mental fatigue for his brain and would only lower his


After breakfast, they went to the potions classroom in the dungeons. They

were in the same class as last year: the marauders, Lily, Jasmine, Mary,

Khanna, Rabastan, Snape, and Emily among others.

James sat in the back, and as Professor Slughorn gave his beginning-of-

the-year speech, he pulled out a notebook and began to set up his


On Tuesdays and Thursdays, he decided to allow an hour off. It wasn't a

lot of time, but he could spend time with the marauders or go to the

dragon club to spend time with Gwen.

As for the days he has quidditch training, he will only have between

thirty minutes to forty-five minutes off.

The rest of the time will be spent in the library and the Room of

Requirement practicing charms or studying. That break time should also

be used for homework.

"What are you doing?" asked Sirius, whispering.

"A study and training routine," James replied in a low tone.

"After school...? You're mad," Sirius muttered, looking at James, who was

writing non-stop in his notebook.

"You must be prepared. This year will be much harder than last. I have

implemented a new form that you must follow throughout the year," said

Slughorn in an eloquent tone.

"What form, professor?" asked Jasmine.

"All year long you will work in a group of three. You will not be able to

change once the group is formed. They will make potions in class with

their group and must do homework with them. At the end of the year

they will have to present a paper on all the months we have been

working. Then you will have more details of the work," Slughorn

explained with a slight smile.

"They will also have to pass the paper or else they won't be able to take

the exam at the end of the year," Slughorn added.

All the students were surprised. Last year they didn't have such important

work that would last so long. Little did they know that the worst part

Slughorn had yet to tell them.

The students began to whisper with their group of friends, to arrange

how the groups would be. It was a very important decision, as they

would be working together all year.

"Silence. Don't start forming groups. You will not decide them. I will,"

said Slughorn, and all murmuring ceased.

'As I expected...' thought James, looking up from his notebook. It wasn't

the first time Slughorn had set up groups for different students to

socialize with each other. Especially between different houses.

"Without further ado, I will tell you what your groups will look like.

When I call your names, stand up and sit together. Now everyone stands

up and position yourselves against the wall," Slughorn said, pulling out a


The students looked at each other. With no other choice, they stood up

and neatly positioned themselves by leaning against the wall. One next to

the other.

One row was Gryffindor, and one was Slytherin. It was very obvious that

there was no good chemistry between the two houses.

"Lily Evans, Peter Pettigrew, and Dolores Umbridge," Slughorn said as he

pointed to the desks in front of everything for them to sit down.

The first to step forward was the red-haired Lily Evans. Unlike last year,

she had grown a few inches. Her hair looked redder than usual, and she

also had longer hair.

James had to push Peter to walk over and sit next to Lily.

Out of the Slytherin row came a short, chubby girl who looked like a pale

toad. Her neck was small, and her eyes were bulging. In her short hair,

she wore a black velvet ribbon.

She always had a smile that seemed kind on her face, but this time it was

not so. She didn't like the idea of sharing a group with two Gryffindors

for the whole year at all.

Slughorn kept calling the groups, and little by little the desks were filling

up. Sirius got a group with two Slytherin girls that James didn't know.

The girls didn't seem at all displeased to have Sirius as a classmate. They

even greeted him cheerfully and didn't have haughty looks on their faces

like they did when they looked at someone inferior.

Lupin was next to Jasmine (Lily's friend) and Avery Dylan much to his

chagrin. One of the students is part of Rabastan's gang.

To Toby's good fortune, he was next to Mary Macdonald and a

bespectacled boy from Slytherin, who had a barely noticeable aura. He

didn't look like a typical pure-class bully.

"Next group. Let's see..." said Slughorn.

"Severus Snape, Emily Shafiq, and James Potter," he added in a high tone.

James stepped out of the line with almost no one left and turned his head

to the left. His gaze and Snape's met.

Neither seemed pleased to be in the same group. James, for one, regarded

Snape as a person looking for trouble when they wouldn't even talk to


On their first trip on the Hogwarts Express, James was talking quietly

with Sirius, and when he said he wanted to stay in Gryffindor, he heard

Snape click his tongue in disgust. Snape said that Gryffindors were all

brawn and had no brains.

That's not all. Usually in Potions classes, he had run-ins with Lupin and

Peter, as he is very good at Potions and comes across as arrogant.

On the other hand, Snape considers James to be arrogant and wants

attention all the time. Because of his race against Rabastan last year, his

duel, his Flipendo attack on Mulciber and Avery, etc.

Emily had already sat at a desk with a blank expression as usual. Without

saying a word, James and Snape sat down. One on Emily's left side and

one on her right side.

James and Emily just looked at each other and nodded slightly. It had

been a long time since they had spoken. Their relationship had

deteriorated. Although it was hard for James to admit it wasn't the same

as when they were kids.

Once all the groups were formed, Slughorn began with an explanation of

how they would be working from now on and what they should be doing

as group work.

If anyone entered the room earlier they could notice that the Gryffindor

robes were on one side and the green Slytherin robes were on the

opposite side. Now, they were all mixed together.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 107: Unforgivable Curses

Potions class was over. James and the other Gryffindor students hurried

to the greenhouses. They had about ten minutes before the class with

Professor Sprout began.

On the way many of them complained about the group they got. Sirius

incredibly did not complain that he was with two Slytherin girls. At first,

he didn't seem too happy, but now he seemed in a good mood.

James didn't mind being with Emily. It was even a good thing, as he

would have to chat with her, and they could reactivate their old

relationship. As for Snape, he said nothing in all of Slughorn's


After the Herbology class was over they had a longer break to eat and

prepare for the afternoon classes which were Charms with Professor

Filius Flitwick and finally History of Magic with the lazy ghost Cuthbert


As Quidditch training would start between the second and third week of

classes, James had an hour's break today, Monday, which he spent with

the marauders.

After that, he went straight to the library. He continued studying and

putting into practice what he learned in the beginner's transfiguration

book used between his first and second years.

After finishing reading the book of dark arts: Magia Moste Evile he

learned a lot about the Curses. The worst kind of dark magic meant to

cause immense suffering to the victim.

There were many powerful and deadly curses, but three stood out.

Known as the Unforgivable Curses: Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and

Cruciatus. They are the most powerful and sinister of all the dark spells

in existence.

A wizard who uses one of these three curses will suffer very strict

punishments from the Ministry of Magic.

For James, the mildest of the three is the Imperius Curse. When

successfully cast, the curse places the victim completely under the control

of the caster, making the victim unquestionably obedient to the caster.

It seemed to him the mildest of the three because a person with

exceptional willpower could resist it, unlike the other two curses. This is

according to a book on defense against the dark arts that he read. To

know this to a certain science he would have to be a victim of this curse

and try to resist it.

In second place was the Cruciatus Curse also known as the Curse of

Torture. When successfully cast on a human being or living creature, the

curse inflicts intense and excruciating physical pain on the victim. This

could result in insanity if the victim was subjected to it for a prolonged

period. Causing the victim a fate worse than death.

The bad thing about the Cruciatus Curse was that once it was cast there

was no defensive charm that could protect you from the curse. No

protego, no Aeromanteo, no nothing.

The worst of the three curses to take the top 1 spot is the Killing Curse

(Avada Kedavra). When successfully cast on a living person or creature,

the curse causes instant and painless death. Without causing any damage

to the body and without any trace of violence. The killing curse was

conventionally unblockable by magical defensive spells. The only way

was to dodge the green beam, block it with a physical barrier, or

disappear to escape quickly before the curse reached you.

'My Protego and Aeromanteo are useless...' thought James with a not at

all pleased expression. He was thinking of the Killing Curse and the

Cruciatus Curse.

Protego was one of the most useful defensive charms, but even so, it was

useless against an Avada Kedavra, its instant death. Neither was any

variant of Protego useful.

Generally, people don't train Protego thinking that they will face super-

powerful dark wizards who will use unforgivable curses, so they don't

think of it as a useless spell. This is not the same case for James, even so,

Protego and Aeromanteo are still useful. The most powerful dark wizards

are those who can use Avada Kedavra or Crucio. That's advanced dark


So James' objective was to get a defensive method to dodge or block both

curses. To practice it and become better and better at that method.

There were three options for this. Dodge the curses the Muggle way. It is

very dangerous and almost impossible. Both curses come at you at

incredible speed. You would have to have incredible physical strength

and inhuman reflexes. It is not feasible.

You can get lucky and dodge a curse by chance, but you won't have the

same luck twice.

In Muggle terms, a curse reaches or exceeds the speed of a bullet. It's

almost impossible to try to dodge it. You need a lot of luck, and

superhuman reflexes along with physical strength that can match your


The second option was conjuration.

An advanced branch of Transfiguration. The spells are distinguished by

their ability to transfigure the desired object out of thin air.

In this way, James could conjure a physical object out of nothing, for

example, a shield to protect himself from curses.

This is exactly why he is now placing so much importance on the study of

Transfiguration. Once he completes the missing spells from the beginner's

book, he will move on to the next book which is used for the third,

fourth, and fifth years.

Also, that conjuration could serve for offensive uses, such as, for

example, conjuring sharp objects and throwing them at the enemy.

The difficulties of this are obvious. Conjuration is a super advanced

subject seen by seventh-year students. Once James learns it and manages

to conjure a physical barrier to protect himself, it must be done in a

matter of seconds and non-verbally. Otherwise, the killing or torture

curse will hit him before he can conjure the shield.

The third option was to learn apparition/disappearance. A form of

magical transportation, in which the user traveled instantly from one

location to another, without traversing the intervening space.

This was accomplished by having the user concentrate on a desired

location in their mind and then intentionally disappear from where they

were to reappear at the desired location.

Apparition was by far the fastest and most convenient way to reach the

desired destination, but it was difficult to perform correctly and

disastrous if a mistake was made.

It was a relatively advanced skill for mages and was not easy. A sort of


Apparition was not a method used to dodge killing curses, but James

thought he could use it for combat. The problem was that for this he

would have to study the apparition thoroughly and then modify it, to

achieve teleportation at close distances and on the move. Otherwise, it

would be running away from the place, and it would do no good to

disappear and leave your allies alone.

This is the most difficult of all since he must adapt the appearance/

disappearance to short distances and quickly. Before doing so, he must

learn the traditional apparition, which already has an advanced


'If I managed that it will be the best. Not only will it help me to dodge

curses at an incredible speed, but I can also use it to attack and surprise

the enemy,' thought James.

Without wasting any more time, he began his study session on

Transfiguration. He wanted to finish the beginner's book as soon as

possible, so he could move on to the intermediate one and get closer and

closer to conjuration.

After his Transfiguration study session and practice, he went to the

dining room to have dinner, where the marauders were waiting for him.

He noticed the strange looks they gave him, especially Sirius, but said


He wouldn't be able to spend as much time with them as he used to, not

that he wouldn't spend any time with them. On weekends James would

have more free time, as there were about eight or nine hours that he

didn't have classes like he did on weekdays, and he could spend an extra

thirty minutes or an hour spending time with the marauders.

"So..." said Sirius, looking sideways at James. He had noticed the change

in his best friend's routine. Ever since he arrived at Hogwarts, he seemed

to be a study freak. He started frequenting the library and left for a few

hours to loiter around the castle.

He seemed to be turning into the know-it-all Lily Evans.

"What are we doing today? Are we continuing our exploration of the

castle? Or are we planning a beginning-of-the-year prank?" asked Sirius,

looking around at everyone.

"I'd say explore. Over the summer, I read a book on cartography. I'll be

able to map Hogwarts much better," replied Lupin.

"Sounds good to me," nodded Toby.

"Whatever you guys want," said Peter, waiting for James' response.

"Mm, if you all want to explore, that's fine. How about you?" said Sirius,

looking at James, who seemed to be on cloud nine.

"What's that?" asked James, snapping back to reality after noticing

everyone's gaze on him.

"At night. Shall we explore or plan some big prank?" said Sirius.

"I can't... I'll go to the Room of Requirement to practice," said James a

little uncomfortably.

He had noticed that these days, the marauders looked at him strangely

for his crazy study and practice routine.

There was a big difference between his routine last year and this year.

Last year for months he would just go to class and do homework. The rest

of the day was spent with the marauders wasting time. Without even

visiting the library or training.

He was putting off those chores, as it was the first time he was having so

much fun and had friends. School was new to him and it was a lot of fun,

but he couldn't keep acting that way.

News of constant Death Eater attacks alerted him. War was approaching

and at a rapid pace. He had to strengthen himself to protect his life and

above all his loved ones.

In the past vacations, he also faltered. He spent fourteen days with Sirius

and did not train very seriously. Although he continued to read books, he

could have made much better use of those days.

However, he would leave some time for his hobbies at Hogwarts,

especially his social life with his friends. He would not be like Edward

Rothschild. Besides it's not good for the mind to be twenty-four hours

studying and practicing.

At the awkward silence, James spoke again, "If you want to come along.

I'll practice some Transfiguration charms it will help you for classes with


"I'll pass," said Sirius, turning his attention back to his plate of food. He

found it too tedious to study Transfiguration when they already had

McGonagall's lessons.

Toby and Peter also passed. They weren't good at transfiguration, but

they also didn't want to add complex lessons with James when they had a

full day of classes. Besides, they were subjects they would have to study

in the future. Why get so far ahead of themselves now?

James expected this. Transfiguration was complex and very theoretical.

Before you could get practical you had to know a lot of theory and

complex formulas, unlike charms. It was considered a harder and more

scientific magic as it had to be done exactly right for transfiguration to


"I'll go," Lupin said, surprising James.

Unlike Sirius, Peter, or Toby, Lupin was always someone more self-taught

and with a study routine to follow, though not as strict as James' new


"Oh... that's good," said James.

A thought came into his head. It was the perfect time to talk to Lupin

about his lycanthropy. He wouldn't have a better opportunity.


Author's note:

Hi, I want to clarify something. In the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where

to Find Them they use the apparition/disappearance differently than in

the Harry Potter books. They can walk and disappear/appear at the same

time, instead of having to stop moving to do it and they do it to move

short distances (from one street to another, in battle, etc.) I decided that

this will not be canon so to say and Apparition/Disappearance is a form

of magical transportation that is used over long distances and you must

stand still in your place, you can't move and go teleporting in a few



You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 108: A good friend

After dinner, James and Lupin headed down the corridor of corridor

seven in their invisibility cloaks. It wasn't curfew yet, but James wanted

to get started as soon as possible.

Reading and practicing Transfiguration could be done in the Gryffindor

common room, but James preferred to have a quiet room to himself.

Besides, he could practice defensive and offensive charms with Lupin.

So this time, he asked for a room with a medium-sized sparring area and

another study area with comfortable couches.

Once the wooden door appeared, James cast a charm on it to camouflage

the door with the wall. Adding to the darkness of the castle, you had to

have great eyesight to notice the door and pass through this sparsely

populated hallway.

"What are you studying specifically?" asked Lupin after closing the door.

"Transfiguring a pair of white rabbits into slippers," replied James as he

pulled out a medium-sized cage with two live and kicking rabbits from

his wallet.

James had come to Hogwarts prepared. He had at his disposal all the

animals and critters he would need to practice transfiguration.

Lupin had a puzzled expression on his face. At what point did they go

from turning a small mouse into an anglerfish box to two medium-sized


For transfiguration, it was a very big leap. He knew James was more

advanced, but not by that much. What James was practicing James could

be transfiguration for this year's final exam.

'I don't know why I'm surprised...' thought Lupin, shaking his head.

"Lepus Calceus," said James, waving his wand. From it came a white light

that hit both rabbits. Within seconds, the rabbits began to change until

they were transfigured into a pair of slippers.

"Mm... it's not quite perfect. The slippers are only white and have very

simple details. It could use some improvement," James muttered,

examining the pair of slippers.

"I wonder what expression McGonagall would wear if she sees these..."

said Lupin, walking over and looking at the slippers.

"Why suddenly so enthusiastic about Transfiguration?" asked Lupin

curiously. Last year, he knew James was learning on the fly like all

students, though his understanding was greater than all.

Different from offensive and defensive spells, he was an expert that was

on par or superior to older students.

"I underestimated transfiguration. Looking at transfiguration spells for

beginners, I thought it wouldn't be very useful for a duel. What was the

point of turning two rabbits into a pair of slippers? It was juicier to learn

charms like Expelliarmus, Protego, Incendio, and many other flashy ones.

But I didn't see that Advanced Transfiguration could be very useful for a

fight, even more so than charms like Protego." replied James.

"More than Protego...?" asked Lupin puzzled. He knew Protego was a

defensive charm moving forward.

James went on to tell him about conjuration and the unforgivable curses

that even the Protego can't block.

"I understand... but the Unforgivable Curses are illegal. It's forbidden to

use them. If you do, you're looking at a sentence in Azkaban," said Lupin.

"I don't think the Death Eaters care much about that," said James.

Lupin's expression turned ugly. He was aware of all the chaos this group

called the Death Eaters was creating. His father was a former ministry

employee. He was aware of these things and had information from old


Lupin may have eavesdropped on one or another of his father's


"Are you getting ready to fight them?" asked Lupin, looking wide-eyed at


"You could say that I am. They've been popping up for two years now,

and the attacks are multiplying instead of going down, and they're much

more violent. There are news reports that they are already murdering

wizards. You have to be prepared. Anything can happen," replied James,

who couldn't tell him that he knew there would be a war and that the

Ministry would be on the brink of chaos in a few years.

If he hadn't been prepared for the Death Eater attack at the Quidditch

World Cup final, he would have died. The troll would have finished him

off. If he had obeyed his parents, Penny and her younger sister would

have died.

"You're right..." said Lupin, mulling it over in his head. Now he could

understand why James was practicing so hard and spending so much

time in the library.

Lupin remembered that last year when James showed them the first news

of Death Eater attacks he started practicing and visiting the library more


'He's not normal...' thought Lupin, looking at James in admiration. 'A

normal eleven or twelve-year-old wouldn't think he'd be up against dark

wizards who would use unforgivable curses and set about finding ways to

counter them.

'Well, I'm not normal either,' thought Lupin with a new determination.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get down to work. We must prepare to

face those lunatics," said Lupin enthusiastically.

"Lupin..." said James in surprise.

"Let's get to work!" he added with a smile. It was comforting to have a

friend to accompany you on your lonely journey of studying and

becoming stronger.

Three hours of study were spent in the room of requirement. James

explained transfiguration spells to Lupin. It was good for him, since, by

teaching them to someone else, it also improved his understanding.

Then, they practiced offensive charms. While it was good to have a

defense against unforgivable curses, if you don't attack your enemy you

will never defeat them.

At eleven o'clock that night they left the hall and returned to the

Gryffindor common room. Lupin was very enthusiastic and wanted to

stay longer, but James explained to him the importance of sleep. Also,

that he was dying of sleep, having slept for four hours the day before.

He couldn't have his talk with Lupin about lycanthropy. He always

seemed to end up procrastinating and wasted a good opportunity to talk

about that topic.

However, since the study and practice environment were so good, he

thought that bringing up that topic at that time was not the best thing to

do. He'll get another chance. James is clear about that. It seems that from

now on with Lupin in addition to exploring or pranking they will study

and practice.

The next day while he was having breakfast, Shadow brought him a

letter. It was from the Dragon Club telling him that this Saturday they

were opening a party for the beginning of the year. Participation was not

mandatory, but it seemed a sort of tradition, and all members would

attend the party.

James would attend. He didn't care about the party itself, and he didn't

have many friends there either. He just wanted to see Gwen.

'It's been over a fortnight since I've seen her...' thought James hoping it

was Saturday.

The last time he saw her in person was in Diagon Alley when they went

for ice cream. From that day on, he kept in touch with her through

letters. They sent letters to each other every day. Their relationship was

better than ever, in no letters did they fight, and conversations flowed.

Talking in person was not the same as sending letters to each other.

When he arrived at Hogwarts, they only looked at each other from afar,

as it wouldn't do for her best friend to see them talking.

'How did she end up befriending that fat girl?' James thought slyly,

watching Anastasia Nott and Gwen having breakfast and talking.

He didn't like Anastasia Nott one bit. Least of all her being with Gwen

and passing her dirty thoughts to her.

He had a clash with Anastasia last year, and the Nott girl always despised

his family, so it didn't weigh on James' conscience to call her fat or


To a person observing Gwen and Anastasia from the outside, they may

look very much the same (in ideals, not physically). But James knows

better. Gwen is a better person, unlike Anastasia.

Although they both believe in the supremacy of pureblood families and

look down on Muggles, Anastasia has an extreme evilness that Gwen does

not possess.

For example, Anastasia mocked the death of a Muggle family and would

take it as a joke and laugh about it. Gwen would not go to those extremes

of evil. James knows that.

Another example. When Gwen was saved by James, the blonde girl began

to look favorably and became good friends with him. She left behind the

blood traitor insult.

If James had saved Anastasia Nott, he knows the same thing would not

have happened. Anastasia's attitude about him would be the same. He's

sure the fat girl would say something like: "You did well to save me.

Maybe I can tell my grandfather not to consider you a blood traitor. No

need to thank me."

'Surely it's her parents' fault. Otherwise, Gwen wouldn't be friends with

her,' thought James.

After breakfast, they headed to classroom 1B where he would have his

Transfiguration classes for the whole year and which they would share

with Ravenclaw.

Upon arriving, James noticed that the classroom was larger than the one

they used in the first year. It was surrounded by tall windows, had four

rows of three desks, and still had enough room for several cages and

bookshelves. There were also two blackboards and a large desk for the


The strange thing was that Professor McGonagall was nowhere to be

seen. There was only a tabby cat on the desk looking at all the students

with its glowing, big eyes.

"Will we transfigure that cat?" asked a Gryffindor student as he noticed

the cat. Everyone had the same doubts. It was too big a leap to go from

an anglerfish box to transfiguring a cat.

As all the second-year Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students arrived and sat

down in their seats, the cat on the desk jumped up and transformed into

Professor McGonagall.

Most of the students watched with wide eyes, some rubbing their eyes to

see if they were hallucinating or something.

'An animagus...' thought James with some surprise. He knew about

animagus, though he hadn't researched the subject in depth. He knew it

was something very complex and had a very difficult process.

"I see that many seem very surprised. Let me explain what an animagus

is. I usually teach about animagus in the third year, but this year has a lot

of talent," said McGonagall, looking mostly at James and Lily. And a little

at a Ravenclaw girl.

An extensive explanation of animagus began and lasted the entire class.

In the end, McGonagall showed no mercy and gave them their first

assignment of the year. To do a multi-page report on animagus.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 109: Professor Eustace


The Defense Against the Dark Arts class was worse than James initially

expected for two reasons: the professor and his method of study and that

they again had to share classes with Slytherin.

The professor's name was Eustace Burke. A middle-aged wizard with

some wrinkles, dark skin, brown eyes, and glasses. His aura didn't

command any respect. He looked like a kindly old man you would find

sitting on a bench feeding pigeons.

He wore a light green tunic with a hat of the same color that didn't help

to command any respect either. His voice was barely audible. When the

professor took off his hat everyone could see his shiny bald head.

After a poor, brief introduction, he began to read from the book, Dark

Arts Defense: Basics for Beginners. The book for James and all the

students was full-blown bullshit.

The first few pages of the book talk about strange and embarrassing

positions to evade an attack. On the pages were little drawings of a

person demonstrating the positions: step one, step two, step three, and so


Instead of magical methods to evade dark spells, they looked like Muggle

pirouettes to try to dodge a charm traveling at incredible speed. Like a

backflip. Roll quickly. Leap by spreading your legs so that the spell will

pass through them.

"That's all for today. Study well the defensive techniques we saw. Next

class, there will be a little test," said Professor Eustace with a smile that

looked like he was watching his grandchildren.

'Techniques...?' thought James, unable to believe his ears.

If he used one of these stupid sequences of moves in a real fight, he was

sure he would be dead in seconds.

Worst of all in the movement sequences, the dummy had a wand in his

hand at all times when he wasn't even using it.

"This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts classes are going to be tough..."

said Lupin as he walked with the marauders to the next class of the day.

"How did that geezer end up with a professor position in Defense Against

the Dark Arts?" asked Sirius in disbelief.

"Me being a professor could teach more useful things," he added with a


"We only had one class... maybe it gets better with time," said Toby, who

didn't want to be pessimistic.

To everyone's bad luck, Toby wasn't right. Not only that. The DADA

classes got much worse especially for the Gryffindor students.

The little test Professor Eustace named was to call the students to the

front of the room and have them demonstrate the embarrassing sequence

of movements.

The bad thing? It was that he only called the Gryffindor students. It

seemed that he wanted them to embarrass themselves in front of the

Slytherin students, who, realizing that the professor didn't call them out,

became quieter and started laughing at the embarrassing poses the others

were doing.

"You didn't practice enough, Peter Pettigrew. You need to jump more and

stretch your short legs. Five points off for Gryffindor. I hope you practice

diligently next time," said Eustace with a kind smile as if he was telling

him some good news.

Peter's cheeks were flushed. It was very embarrassing to make those

moves in front of all the students. Especially the Slytherin ones who kept

laughing, and the professor was turning a deaf ear.

"Unacceptable..." muttered Lily through gritted teeth glaring at the


The redhead couldn't believe how the professor was so unfair to

Gryffindor. Not only did he make them perform humiliating movements

in front of everyone, but he also deducted points if they made a small


Also, it was obvious that he favored the Slytherin students, as he didn't

deduct points for laughing, and he didn't make them come to the front to

perform embarrassing moves either.

Peter quickly returned to his seat. He didn't want to be watched anymore.

"Mm, let's see. Sirius Black, come here," called Eustace, looking at a list.

Sirius got up from his seat and walked slowly towards the front of

everything. He had a scowl on his face and an expression only seen when

confronted by some Slytherin student.

"A Black in Gryffindor. First time I've seen him," Eustace said, examining

Sirius and clicking his tongue dismissively. Implying that he was a

disgrace to his family.

"This is bad..." muttered Lupin as he saw Sirius's gaze looking

increasingly angry and with less and less patience.

"Perform sequence number 3. Intercept a Jinx on the fly," said Eustace,

walking backward to give Sirius room.

'Oh no...' thought James. Sequence number 3 was the longest and most

embarrassing of them all.

It was a sequence of sixteen steps: A few jumps, the occasional

somersault, and quick steps back and forth. It looked like a comic dance


Everyone was watching Sirius, who remained static on the spot. His gaze

was straight ahead, and his back straight, showing confidence as always.

The Slytherin students laughed under their breath wanting to see Sirius

act embarrassed, but seconds passed, and Sirius remained still and did


"What's the matter, student Sirius? We don't have all day," said Professor


"I won't do that stupid, embarrassing sequence of moves," said Sirius,

looking at the professor with challenging eyes.

'This guy...' thought the marauders, rolling their eyes at Sirius.

"Oh... what you'd expect from a Black. Haughty and looking down on

everyone," said Eustace with a dangerous gleam in his eye that quickly

disappeared. The only one who noticed it was James.

"Ten points off for Gryffindor and two weeks punishment for you, Black.

You are to clean the trophy room Monday through Sunday without

missing a single day. Starting today afternoon," added Eustace as he

waved Sirius back to his seat.

James, Lupin, and Toby were saved from having to do the sequence of

moves in front of the entire class. For the rest of the class, Professor

Eustace had them read their useless books in silence while he went about

his business.

If a Gryffindor student spoke out loud, he was reprimanded and

punished. On the other hand, if a Slytherin student did so he was ignored

by the professor as if he didn't exist.

"That damned baldy! His preference for Slytherin is obvious. He doesn't

even dissemble!" said Sirius with a vein in his forehead as they headed to

the next class.

In the first week of school, he already had a two-week detention and had

lost ten points for his house.

"He's from the Burke family. It's obvious he was a Slytherin student and

hates Gryffindor," commented Lupin, who was in a grumpy mood. It was

only a matter of time before he was called to the front of the class and

had to demonstrate the movement sequence.

The Burke Family was a pureblood family belonging to the Sacred


'Where do I know the surname Burke from...?' thought James trying to


Within seconds a name popped into his head: Borgin and Burkes. An

antique store located in Knockturn Alley.

When he visited the murky alley to buy dark arts books, he passed by the

front of the store that had an old, worn sign with the name on it.

If the store is in Knockturn Alley it must be because it sells dark magic

items and dangerous magical objects.

'Maybe the store belongs to a relative of the professor...' thought James.

'If he used 'Burkes' for the name of the store it can't mean anything other

than that it belongs to the Burke family.

Behind the facade of a kindly old man with a smile, there was a person

with a grudge against twelve-year-old Gryffindor students and his family

owned a store of dark and dangerous objects.

How did he end up as a professor at Hogwarts?


Two weeks passed. During this time James' routine remained the same,

and he stuck to it to the letter. Lupin accompanied him to the Room of

Requirement, and they studied Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark

Arts, and Dueling together.

Now and then Peter, Toby, or Sirius would accompany them, but they

didn't have much fun. They already had a lot of studying and homework

every class. It wasn't very interesting to go to the Room of Requirement

to continue studying and practicing complicated charms.

As for pranks, there wasn't even a single one. They didn't plan any big

pranks like they did in the first year. With what little time James had

free, they used it to explore the castle and go mapping.

They were doing more justice to their name: The Marauders. Instead of

planning complicated pranks.

James finished the book: A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration.

In these two weeks, he had mastered all the missing second-year

transfiguration charms. He could now take the second-year theory and

practical exam and pass with a perfect grade.

It was time to read the intermediate transfiguration book that covered

three full years of Hogwarts (3rd, 4th, and 5th). James had never seen a

book so thick and with so many pages. It would take him a long time to

read it completely and properly understand all the concepts and theories

in the book.

Although this time he will do theory and practice at the same time. He

will not study the complete theory first and then move on to practice.

As the classes with Professor Eustace of DADA were useless and a waste

of time, with Lupin they began to study the following book: Charms of

Defence and Deterrence. The masterpiece of Catulo Spangle a highly

respected former researcher.

Most of this book was about the Patronus Charm. An immensely

complicated and extremely difficult defensive charm. This charm was

beyond NEWT level. That is to say that it is not taught to seventh-year

Hogwarts students.

As for James, he was not intimidated by the knowledge that the Patronus

was extremely difficult. He already knew many more advanced defensive

charms such as Protego, the Imperturbable charm, the disillusionment

charm, and more.

He thought he was fit enough to learn the Patronus. As for Lupin, he was

not afraid of the challenge. Although he was not as advanced as James in

defensive charms, no rule said you must know all those defensive charms

before attempting to learn the Patronus.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 110: Patronus Practice

On top of all the training and studying James was doing at this time he

had to try out for the quidditch team.

James had a second-year competitor who wanted to try out for Seeker,

but he crushed him. William gave them a couple of tryouts, and James

passed with flying colors.

Sirius also decided to try out for the team. He had originally intended to

try out for the beater position but had given up on that some time ago.

For the simple reason that in that position were the two Prewett brothers.

They were very good. It would be impossible to take their position away

from them. So, he had trained to be in the position of chaser, and he

wasn't bad at it. The difference was that you had to aim at hoops instead

of people.

Sirius made the team and got a starting spot because there was a vacancy

in the chaser position. One of last year's chasers was in seventh year and

finished Hogwarts last year leaving the position vacant.

His grumpiness these days about his two-week punishment and having to

put up with Professor Eustace improved as he was accepted into the

starting quidditch team. It was only a matter of time before he could use

his new broom.

As for the Dragon Club, James visited on Saturdays and Sundays. To meet

up with Gwen and practice together. He also practiced with Erika, who

was now in her last year at Hogwarts.

Practicing with Erika was very useful for James, as he was practicing

with a seventh-year student who was very talented in dueling and

defense against the dark arts.

Gwen didn't seem to like James training with Erika very much, but he

didn't notice it.

One Friday night, James and Lupin were heading to the Room of

Requirement to continue practicing and studying.

The room had been modified a bit. In addition to the comfortable study

area and practice room, there was a large blackboard where James and

Lupin could write down their ideas and understanding of different spells.

Within minutes, James and Lupin had written all over the blackboard. At

the top, it read: [Patronus Charm] The rest of the board was the

explanation of the charm in their own words.

It said the following: [The Patronus is a kind of positive force. A

projection of hope, joy, desire to live... To invoke it you must remember

a very happy memory].

[There are two types of Patronus: Incorporeal. This is not considered a

full Patronus. It is a simpler and weaker version of the charm. However,

being able to cast even a disembodied Patronus is considered an

impressive feat]

[Then there is the Corporeal Patronus which was fully formed. This one

takes the form of a glowing, silvery, translucent animal. It was the

strongest form a Patronus could take]

[The main use for the Patronus is to ward off certain dark creatures, such

as Dementors and Lethifolds. It was the only charm that worked against

them. Both were among the most repugnant dark creatures that inhabited

the magical world and very dangerous]

Why did James want to learn the Patronus when he could only ward off

two types of dark creatures? Simple, because he thought Voldemort

might use these super dark creatures in the war.

If he doesn't have a way to stop them, he will be in grave danger, as no

offensive or defensive charm will work to ward them off.

In the attack during the Quidditch World Cup final, the Death Eaters used

several trolls for the attack. It would make sense that they would want to

use more creatures in their ranks to attack the Ministry and win the war.

Besides, the Ministry employs Dementors as guards in Azkaban. Why

couldn't the Death Eaters use them?

"What aspects do you think your Patronus will have?" asked Lupin,

looking at the large blackboard.

"According to the book. The Patronus take on forms that their casters

don't expect because they had never felt a particular affinity for that

animal. The most common ones are dogs, cats, and horses," said James as

he thought about what animal he would like to have as a Patronus.

In terms of usefulness, it didn't seem to change much. Whether you have

a cat or a unicorn both will serve to ward off Dementors or Lethifolds.

"I like eagles. They seem to have a lot of freedom. Or also... a wolf could

command respect with its aura," James said and stared at Lupin to see

how he reacted to the mention of a wolf.

For a few seconds, he could see a twitch on Lupin's face, but then it

returned to normal.

"I-I'd like a phoenix...that'd be great," Lupin said, stammering.

"You do aim high. But it would be great to have a creature like the

phoenix as a Patronus aspect," said James, agreeing.

"Let's start training," added James, heading to the practice area. It was

time to put into practice everything they had learned from the Patronus

these past few weeks. They had done a lot of research and learned a lot.

James and Lupin stood facing each other leaving a couple of meters

distance, "Do you want to start?" asked Lupin, and James nodded as he

readied his wand.

'I must remember something happy,' thought James. Certainly, nothing

he had experienced as Edward Rothschild would do him any good.

At last, he remembered the first time he was told he was loved. Twelve

years ago, when he was reborn and in his mother's arms.

"Expecto Patronum!" exclaimed James, making a circular motion with his

wand. Nothing came out of his wand.

He concentrated even more on that memory. Trying to remember the

feeling he felt that day. The first time someone loved him no matter if he

was a genius or not, simply for being his son.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Suddenly, like a jet, something spurted from the end of his wand. It was

like a silvery gas.

"Did you see it? I think something came out," asked James.

"Yeah, great! Only on the second try," said Lupin in amazement, though

not that much since he knew how talented James was.

"Now it's my turn..." said Lupin as he concentrated on a happy memory.

His childhood was not a happy one, to say the least, because of his

lycanthropy. Thanks to his parents, he was able to live happily despite

his condition, but he had no friends because they were constantly moving

to hide that he was a werewolf.

He remembered the time when the marauders were formed, his first

friends, "Expecto Patronum!" exclaimed Lupin, but nothing came out.

He kept at it until on the sixth attempt he managed to get a jet of silver

gas to shoot out of his wand. To achieve this he had to concentrate hard

on the memory. He had to remember how he felt that day. The happiness

of having a group of friends.

"Well done!" praised James, clapping his hands enthusiastically.

They were still a long way from achieving an Incorporeal Patronus, but

they had already gotten results. Further away they were from a Corporeal

Patronus, but James didn't see the day far off when they would achieve


Thirty minutes before the hour was up they stopped practicing the

charm, 'It's time...' thought James, mentally preparing himself to talk to

Lupin about his condition.

His mother's deadline was approaching. In a few days, it would be a full

moon, and if he didn't confirm to his mother that the school staff was

aware of Lupin's condition, his mother would come to speak to the

headmaster personally.

"Hey, Lupin..." said James as he sat on top of the wooden desk and

looked at Lupin, who was reading the blackboard.

"What?" asked Lupin without taking his eyes off the blackboard.

"You're a werewolf?" asked James bluntly.

Lupin's eyes that were reading a sentence stopped, and his expression

turned puzzled and fearful. He turned his head and noticed that James

was watching him, noticed that his expression was utterly certain. Even if

he had asked him, he was sure he already knew.

"W-what's with that question all of a sudden?" asked Lupin, stuttering and

with sweat on his forehead.

"I have to go now...I'm sleepy," said Lupin quickly without giving James

time to continue talking. He walked to the door and tried to turn the

doorknob, but it wouldn't open. It was locked.

"I locked the door. Don't be in a hurry, let's talk," said James in a calm


Lupin without looking at James pulled out his wand and said,


Before he could complete the charm, James cast a swift Expelliarmus,

and Lupin's wand shot upwards. With a Wingardium Leviosa, Lupin's

wand flew into James' hands.

Lupin watched the whole process cursing James' Expelliarmus feat. He

had no escape. He knew that leaving was not the wisest option.

Especially, when someone knows about your condition, but he didn't

want his friend to look at him with judgmental and scornful eyes when

he confirmed that he was a werewolf.

"It's serious to accuse someone of that," Lupin said without backing down.

"Every full moon, you disappear. Isn't that too much of a coincidence?

Besides that, you're always pale and limp. I've known that since last

year," said James.

'Has he known for that long?' thought Lupin in surprise. Usually, if

someone suspected he was a werewolf they would get away from him as

quickly as possible. In this case, the person could complain to the school

and get him expelled.

"Don't worry. I'm not prejudiced against werewolves. You're my friend,

and that doesn't change," James said, handing the wand back to Lupin.

Lupin took his wand with a puzzled expression. His eyes were sparkling.

He never thought James or any other member of the marauders would

accept him if they knew his condition.

"Let's talk a bit," said James, sitting down on one of the couches. Lupin

this time didn't try to run away. If James despised him for being a

werewolf he wouldn't be trying to talk to him, and he wouldn't be

hanging out with him either.

"How did you find out...?" asked Lupin, giving up. James told him about

the Defense Against the Dark Arts book he read. In that book, they talked

about werewolves, their symptoms, and stuff.

Then he told him about how one day he woke up at night and noticed

that it was a full moon night, and he had disappeared. James and the

other marauders had already noticed Lupin's disappearances. As

roommates, it was impossible for them not to notice.

They chatted until midnight. For the first time since James started his

routine, he didn't stick to it, but it was worth it.

The talk with Lupin went very well. His mother was right. Why would

Lupin be reluctant to be helped and accepted by his friend? Especially

when he already knew he was a werewolf and had evidence that would

put his stay at Hogwarts in jeopardy.

Lupin also told James that he was bitten when he was only five years old

by a werewolf that attacked his house.

From that day on he traveled from village to village. His parents did not

want the neighbors to suspect that their son was a werewolf because of

all the discrimination and prejudice. So he never made friends, as he

moved from one place to another.

His parents didn't believe he could go to Hogwarts because of his

condition, but Dumbledore showed up at their house and told them he

made special accommodations that allowed Remus to attend Hogwarts.

Once a month he was taken to an abandoned hut in Hogsmeade to

undergo his transformations there. The entrance to the hut from the

Hogwarts grounds was the base of the Whomping Willow. James

understood why they planted such a dangerous tree.

He was also able to confirm what he already thought was that

Dumbledore and a select staff of the school (McGonagall and Madame

Poppy) knew of Lupin's condition and had taken appropriate measures.

James convinced Lupin to tell the other marauders about this. Lupin

wasn't too sure about this. He didn't know if they would all be as

understanding and unprejudiced as James.

He managed to convince him, telling him that sooner or later they would

find out, since they are suspicious and make guesses about their

disappearances. Sirius and the others are not fools. At some point, they

will realize that it is a full moon, and Lupin disappears just then.

They decide to tell them after the full moon. When Lupin regains some of

his strength and is not so weak after the transformation.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 111: Lily's request

October began at Hogwarts. Halloween was getting closer and closer.

James sent a letter to his mother letting her know that Headmaster

Dumbledore knew about Lupin's condition and had taken appropriate


Lupin had already recovered after his transformation, and for the first

time, a friend accompanied him to the infirmary. It was a strange feeling,

but not a bad one.

Madame Poppy Pomfrey. The Hogwarts nurse was very surprised when

James said he knew about Lupin's condition. He had to explain to her

and McGonagall how he found out and that he was planning to keep it a


Both witches were very relieved to see that James was not prejudiced

against werewolves. James also spoke to McGonagall explaining that the

other students in his room (Sirius, Toby, and Peter) would find out about

Lupin's condition sooner or later, so it was best to tell them.

If Dumbledore or McGonagall had wanted to properly hide Lupin's secret

they would have had to put him in a single room or try to create a very

believable excuse.

McGonagall ended up being convinced by James and Lupin that nothing

bad would happen. They were all good friends, so she agreed. After all, it

was Lupin's secret. If he trusted his friends she couldn't forbid him to tell


One day after school, James headed to the library without wasting any

time. His study sessions in the library were always done alone.

Mostly because he studied more advanced subjects than they saw, and

the marauders had enough of the subjects they saw in classes. Only Lupin

studies and trains with him, but that's when they head to the Room of


It was already asking too much of Lupin to follow his study and training


'Two and a half hours before dinner...' thought James as he sat down at

one of the tables in the library. In this area, he dedicated himself to

reading and studying.

He rested on the table a thick book that seemed to have more than a

thousand pages. The book was titled: Intermediate Transfiguration. It

covered three years of Hogwarts, which was why it had so many pages.

'Maybe I'll finish the book in a year? In the best case scenario...' James

thought optimistically. Finishing this book that encompasses three years

of Hogwarts in just one year while taking many subjects at the same time

would be a great achievement.

It's not just reading it and understanding the theoretical basics. It's also

putting them into practice and polishing them.

As he was about to begin his long reading session, a voice spoke, "May I

sit here?"

James looked up and saw a girl with red hair, white skin, and emerald

eyes. Her red hair reached her waist, and she had a few freckles on her

face. It was Lily Evans.

"Yes, of course," said James, a little surprised by Lily's sudden


He had met the girl last year. They hadn't started on the right foot, but

after some events, their relationship improved to study partners.

This year McGonagall no longer forced James to sit in front of everything

with Lily, so they hadn't talked as much.

"Thanks," said Lily, sitting down in front of James. She propped a book

on the table that was just as thick as the one James had. Looking at it

better, it was the same book.

"Are you reading the Intermediate Transfiguration book too?" asked

James with some surprise.

"Yes. I started a week ago. After finishing the beginner book. How long

ago did you start reading it?" asked Lily, who was listening very intently.

"Same. Approximately a week," James replied.

"A week is seven days. It's not the same eight days or nine. I started

reading it exactly seven days ago. What about you?" asked Lily again.

'Why so specific...' thought James, looking strangely at Lily.

"Mm. Eleven days to be exact..." replied James after counting the days.

Hearing the answer, Lily let out a faint click with her tongue, barely


"Did you learn everything correctly? I'm talking about the second-year

spells, both theory and practice," Lily asked again.

"Yes. The last spell I practiced was Hystrifors. Although its difficulty is

the same as Lepus Calceus," replied James, as he wondered which one

McGonagall would use for the end-of-year exam.

If a normal second-year student heard the spells James named, he or she

wouldn't have the slightest idea what he was referring to. But Lily knew

what spells James was talking about.

"And you?" asked James. They seemed to be playing a question-and-

answer game about their knowledge of Transfiguration.

"The theoretical part I learned perfectly... but I couldn't put it into

practice. Where did you get a pair of rabbits and a porcupine from?"

asked Lily with sparkling eyes.

Lily could only put spells like Beetle to Button into practice. For this, she

had to search in her spare time for beetles in the green parts of Hogwarts.

She was also able to practice Vera Verto. A spell that transfigured an

animal into a glass goblet. For this, she had to target birds that were

quietly in their trees and then turn them back to normal with a


It was very difficult for Lily. She had to act stealthily so that the birds

wouldn't run away as soon as they noticed her and sensed danger. Where

would she get a pair of rabbits and a porcupine?

James could understand that Lily had gone to a lot of trouble to put

spells on animals into practice. In classes the animals are handed to you

in a cage McGonagall, but if you're self-taught like the two of them you

have to figure it out.

"I have a method..." replied James hesitantly. He didn't know whether to

tell Lily that he had an undetectable extension charm on his seemingly

normal wallet.

He was hesitant, as this was illegal. There is an ongoing law that states

that extension charms cannot be cast for private.

"Please tell me! I have to put it into practice, or I won't be able to move

forward with the intermediate book!" asked Lily honestly. She hardly

ever asked for favors, but she had to keep studying, and transfiguration

was her favorite subject.

"I'll lend you all my Transfiguration notes. Also, the ones I make in the

future," she added, showing him a pink notebook with lots of cute

stickers on it.

'How colorful,' thought James as he looked at the notebook. It was rare to

see a notebook at Hogwarts. Most wizards and witches preferred to use

parchment and quills most of the time. Not very practical.

James decided to tell her his method and lend Lily his rabbits and

porcupine so she could practice. It was rare to find a person who was so

advanced in Transfiguration.

He pulled out his wand and cast a silent sweep around them.

"A charm so no one can hear us," explained James, seeing that Lily didn't

understand why he cast a charm.

"How convenient," said Lily in fascination, noticing the faint barely

visible barrier. It would be very useful for her to learn the spell. Since,

when she studies with her friends in the library she speaks in a very loud

tone of voice and always gets scolded by the librarian.

"The method I use you won't be able to replicate. So I'll lend it to you.

That way, you can practice. But you must promise not to tell anyone. It's

a secret," James said, making eye contact with Lily.

Lily made a difficult expression. It seemed that James' method broke

some rules. Otherwise, he wouldn't have told her all this.

"It's okay... I promise," said Lily, biting her lip. She didn't like breaking

rules, but it was more important to study.

James from his pocket pulled out his wallet and rested it on the table. In

a few minutes, he explained to her about the undetectable extension

charm and the laws prohibiting the object for private use.

'Phew... that's better than I thought,' Lily thought in relief. She wasn't

very knowledgeable about the laws of the magical world, but it didn't

seem like such a bad thing as long as you use it the right way.

James proposed reading for an hour and a half. Then, they would go to

an empty classroom so Lily could practice and reinforce her knowledge

and practice on spells. He didn't think he was breaking his routine, as he

was still studying.

James and Lily spent an hour and a half in silence reading the

intermediate transfiguration book. Then, they headed to classroom 11,

which was empty.

What James didn't notice, was that since he started talking to Lily,

someone was watching him. Gwen was a few tables behind with her

group of friends.

Once in the classroom, James took a couple of rabbits out of his wallet.

An hour was spent inside the classroom practicing transfiguration spells.

James was able to practice and get better results than before.

"Thank you... Tomorrow can we do the same? My spell can get better,"

asked Lily, a little uncomfortable. She thought she was already going

overboard, as James was supposed to escort her to the classroom.

"Yes, of course. Same time tomorrow at the library. We can read and then

come here," nodded James. He didn't mind having to follow Lily at all,

even his transfiguration spells were finished polishing.

"Great!" said Lily with a smile, her emerald eyes sparkling.

"Here. If you want you can read my notes. I'll get it back later," added

Lily, handing her pink notebook to James.

"Thanks. It will do me good to see other points of view," James said with

a grateful smile.

"That's good to hear... see you tomorrow," said Lily, leaving the classroom


When James walked out of the classroom, Lily was no longer in sight. But

a blonde girl was looking at him with her light blue eyes. It was Gwen.

For some reason, James had a bad feeling seeing her friend's frown.

"Hey, Gwen. What are you doing around here?" greeted James, looking at

Gwen, who was looking at the pink notebook in James' hands.

"Whose notebook is that?" asked Gwen, ignoring the greeting. She knew

James didn't like pink. Besides, he would never use kitten and flower


"From a classmate. It's to help me in my study," James replied.

Gwen approached James and tried to snatch the notebook from his

hands, but he was quicker and moved it in the nick of time.

"It's rude to take someone else's belongings," said James, not

understanding Gwen's attitude.

"Give it to me," growled Gwen, trying to snatch the notebook from him


This time, James stretched his arms upward. The notebook was high

above his head, very high. A distance that Gwen could not reach unless

she climbed on top of James.

Despite this Gwen tried. She came within inches of James and stood on

her tiptoes. She stretched her arms out as far as she could to grab the


James looked at Gwen's face which was very close to his. The light blue

eyes weren't looking at him, they were looking at the notebook.

'What's wrong with her all of a sudden...' thought James, nervous about

having Gwen so close to him. Their bodies were colliding, and Gwen was

stepping on his toes a little.

'Don't tell me... is it jealousy?' thought James. It was the only possible

answer. Gwen had most likely seen Lily leave the classroom.

James only had Gwen and Emily as female friends. So he never saw this

characteristic of Gwen's.

James recently felt jealous for the first time. He felt jealous of his mother

spending time with his friend Toby. Euphemia had given him a little

speech on jealousy, so he was able to put these things together to come

up with the answer.

"Are you jealous?" asked James with a mildly amused smile.

Gwen stopped trying to grab the notebook and took a few steps backward

away from James.

"You do think very highly of yourself. Why would I be jealous of you?"

said Gwen with disdain.

"Ouch... That hurts..." said James, acting hurt. Incredibly Gwen's

expression softened upon hearing this, and she made a worried face.

"Where did Gwen go?" a voice that both James and Gwen recognized,

Anastasia Nott, was heard asking.

"I have to go. At the Dragon Club, we'll have a good talk, and you'll

answer my questions," Gwen said a little reluctant to leave. She turned

around, and in a few seconds, she was gone.

'Who understands her...' thought James with a puzzled expression. At

first, it looked like jealousy, then contempt, then jealousy again. He

didn't understand anything.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 112: Laxative Potion

The Saturday James headed to the Dragon Club. He had an interrogation

from Gwen, but luckily, he was able to calm her down by taking the

conversation down a different path, and they ended up practicing some

offensive charms.

'It's very tiring dealing with her when she's angry...' thought James with

sweat on his forehead.


October passed, and so did Halloween. It was a big party. The whole

castle was decorated with pumpkins that seemed to have a life of their

own, hundreds or thousands of real bats in the Great Hall, and some

scary scarecrows that if you saw them at night you would be scared to


The feast was delicious like last year and after that, there was a party in

the Gryffindor common room. As James wanted to attend the party and

not study alone, in the previous days, he had increased his study hours to

have that night off.

The Prewett brothers were very good at organizing parties. They had

already warned all of Gryffindor. So if James didn't come, he would look

like a nerd who was studying all the time.

There were already many people who called him a nerd. Since he started

Hogwarts every day, he has visited the library for several hours and even

more on weekends.

Besides, now he was always seen with Lily Evans, who was a second-year

Gryffindor smarty-pants student.

If they knew that he also studied at night for longer hours. They would

call him a super nerd. The funniest thing of all is that her grades are still

very similar to last year. Except for subjects like Astronomy (which he

spent the least amount of time on).

The difference was that last year he didn't spend as much time in the

library, and it took him a few months to visit the library because he was

so excited to start school and have friends.

During this time, James' study sessions in the library were accompanied

by Lily. Then, they would go to an empty classroom to practice practical

Transfiguration spells.

Because of this, his relationship with the redhead improved. James would

even go so far as to call her a friend. On weekdays, they would spend

between two to three hours a day in the library together. On Saturdays

and Sundays, they might spend up to four hours or more.

They both loved Transfiguration so they had interesting and useful

conversations for study.

Another person with whom his relationship improved was Lupin. In

addition to sharing a dorm room, exploring with the marauders, and

classes, they also practiced and studied in the evenings in the Room of


Their training had paid off. James was already managing to cast an

Incorporeal Patronus. It looked like a puff of steam or smoke with no

clearly defined shape shot from the tip of the wand.

Lupin's progress wasn't as fast as James', but it wasn't bad at all. At the

rate he was going, he would achieve an Incorporeal Patronus in a month

or two.

Not everything was rosy. DADA classes were torture for all the students

of Gryffindor and the other houses.

Professor Eustace's classes were useless and super boring. Plus, you had

to perform embarrassing moves as homework. The only ones who were

spared were the Slytherin students, but they didn't like the professor

because they felt they were wasting their time and not learning anything


The worst part was borne by the Gryffindor students. Professor Eustace

seemed to have a personal grudge against the lion house and was very

unfair to them.

'The Fucking Bald' was the nickname given to him by the Prewett

brothers, and now everyone called him that. He became the enemy of the

house, as he deducted points from them in very unfair ways. Especially

the freshmen and sophomores since they were the most docile.

"That fucking bald son of a bitch!" cursed Sirius slamming a table in the

Gryffindor common room. Again he had been punished for not wanting

to make an embarrassing display. Luckily, he only got a week's


James, this time was called upon to perform a sequence of 11 dancing

moves. To the surprise of the whole class, he did them in perfect form, so

Eustace could do nothing against him.

Why? Because he didn't want to be punished. He couldn't break his great

training and study routine. However, he hated the fucking bald more and

more every day. He had his pride. It was unacceptable to be made to

perform such shameful movements.

"We should complain to Professor McGonagall!" said Peter angrily. There

were countless times he spent embarrassing himself in front of girls in

DADA classes.

"It's no use. What he teaches us is from a book that the Ministry itself

endorsed. And as for the points it takes away from us it doesn't get to the

point of being super unfair either," said Lupin, shaking his head.

"What can we do...?" said Toby with his hands on his head. Just like

Sirius and James today, he had to go through an embarrassing sequence

of motions, and he couldn't get it out of his head.

"Revenge," said James, who had an icy look on his face. No one had ever

put him through such embarrassment. The bald professor had to pay.

James in his past life was a Rothschild. A family that was on par with

royalty or higher. Now, he belonged to the Potter Family an ancient

pureblood family. He had great pride and thought it was a great insult

what Professor Eustace had made him do.

'How scary...' thought Toby and Peter as they saw James' cold stare.

There were a few times when his personality took a 180-degree turn.

Thanks to this the Slytherin students stopped bothering them as when

they saw James they would run away with their tails between their legs.

Although on the other hand, the Slytherin students were saved from

being targets for pranks, since, by not teasing them, they had no reason

to play practical jokes on them.

However, it was also due to James' demanding routine.

"Got something on your mind?" asked Sirius with a wicked grin. What he

wanted most at the moment was to get back at Professor Eustace.

"Laxative Potion," James replied.

Lupin, Peter, and Toby's faces turned ugly. Sirius's face broke into a wide


"Is there a potion for that...?" asked Toby in horror. Only your enemy

would give you such a potion to drink that causes horrible diarrhea,

muscle aches, stomach aches, and something else.

"On one of my visits to the forbidden section of the library, I read a book

called Most Potent Potions. Chapter XVI explains how to brew this

potion," said James, who never thought he would use the horrible potions

in that book.

The laxative potion was the mildest of them all. He couldn't understand

how they left such a dangerous book within reach of the students. There

was no security in the forbidden section.

What was its use if it was forbidden? Wasn't it better to put those

dangerous books away from the students? These questions kept James

awake at night. He couldn't make sense of such a section.

"What ingredients do we need to collect?" asked Sirius. He had already

decided to go on this new mission.

"No need to collect ingredients. It's too difficult to get them here at

Hogwarts. I'll take care of it. The essential thing is how do we get the

fucking bald to take the potion," said James.

"How will you collect the ingredients?" asked Lupin curiously.

"I'll ask my grandfather to send them to me through the owls," replied

James with a slight smile. At Hogwarts, they don't control if your family

sends you some potion ingredients or the odd gift or two.

"What...? He'll agree to it? Any adult would punish you before you do

that," said Lupin.

"My grandfather, he's not like the average adult," said James without

further explanation.

Henry was always rebellious and came from a tougher generation. As

soon as he hears about the humiliation James had to do in class, he will

agree to send James the ingredients for his revenge. The Potters are not

to be bullied, so he always says. He always stood up to pureblood

supremacists and would side with Muggles, Muggle-born and half-bloods.

He would not be afraid of a professor who is unfair and humiliates his


"When are we going to do it?" asked Sirius, who was eager to get his

revenge as soon as possible.

"This Sunday, we have our first quidditch match. After that. First, we

need to concentrate on beating Hufflepuff," said James. After the match,

they will arrange all the details to perfection.

Sirius nodded in agreement. They should concentrate on the last few

practices before their debut. The team was confident. The training went

from good to better, and they were having a good time.

"Speaking of training. It's time, let's go," Sirius said, getting up from his

chair and going to get his broom. James followed him.

Even though James didn't have as much time to plan pranks and explore

as he used to, his relationship with Sirius was maintained and you could

even say improved. This was thanks to quidditch.

They trained together and were on the starting team. Also, since

Rabastan and his gang didn't bother them anymore, Sirius had no reason

to try to prank them, so he wasn't obsessed with playing big, complicated

pranks like before.


"That was an excellent training session! We have one more training

session left before the opening match. It will be lighter so we won't be so

fatigued, but we'll go over a lot of tactics," said William with a smile and

looking at all the team members who were sweaty sitting on the grass.

"Ugh... I'd rather train for two hours non-stop than listen to your boring

lectures, William," said Fabian Prewett, who was leaning on his brother's


The other team members laughed at this comment. They all agreed

William was very enthusiastic. Perhaps the only one who could keep up

with him was James.

"Very funny, but you're going to have to listen to it anyway. On the other

hand, I sent a boy, and he managed to spy on Hufflepuff's training. They

have a new seeker, his name is Amos Diggory. He's a second-year like

you two," William said, looking at Sirius and James.

'Amos?' thought James, remembering the boy he first met at the 1971

quidditch final.

'A second-year seeker? They're gambling a lot," said Annabeth, the most

experienced chaser on the team. She was in her sixth year just like


She said it was a big gamble as seeker is the hardest position, and giving

it to a second-year boy just starting to fly isn't very common. No one

thinks the same with James because he got special permission and

trained with the whole team last year.

"I thought the same thing, but it's not like that. Amos just like James

started training with the Hufflepuff team last year. They kept it a secret

well those buggers. When McGonagall said that your head of house and

quidditch team should evaluate your flying skills to see if they would

permit you, Amos was one of many who applied, and Hooch vouched for

his ability." explained William.

James looked at Sirius with judging eyes. Because Sirius made him open

his Nimbus 1001 in front of everyone, McGonagall had to explain herself.

If this hadn't happened perhaps Amos would never have been noticed by

his house.

Sirius began to whistle slyly and looked out into the beautiful sunset as if

none of it was his fault.

"Don't worry, Will. I'll take care of landing a good Bludger on him,"

Gideon said confidently.

"That would be nice. Okay, you can go back now. Training over!" said



The day before the match, James had an agreement with Lupin. If

Gryffindor won and he caught the snitch the next day they would tell the

marauders about his werewolf status.

He did this, as Lupin kept putting off telling them about it. James could

understand that he has his fears, but it wouldn't do to keep putting it off

more and more.

Lupin agreed. It would be a good time, as everyone would be happy

about the first victory of the year.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 113: Debut

Sunday, November 6, 1972.

The day of the match arrived. Today was the day James and Sirius would

make their debut on the Gryffindor team. At breakfast, there was great

excitement for the quidditch season to begin.

James noticed Sirius' hand trembling as he brought his tea to his mouth.

His expressionless face did not accompany his trembling hands.

"Don't be nervous, Sirius. Everything will go as planned. If you stick to

the plan," William said as he saw Sirius's trembling hands.

A new ritual William started was for all members to eat breakfast

together before a game. All eyes of the Gryffindors students were on

them. Now and then they would shout encouraging comments at them.

"I'm not n-nervous..." said Sirius, trying to sound confident, but his stutter

gave him away.

"With that Parkinson, you won't even score a goal," joked Fabian to

lighten the mood a bit.

"Anyway, don't worry. Our new star seeker will lead us to victory!"

exclaimed Gideon, placing his hand on James' shoulder.

The other team members nodded. They were very confident in James. In

practice, he was unstoppable and always caught the snitch.

"We trust you, James," said Annabeth seriously.

"I'll do my best," said James, feeling no nerves. More than nerves, he felt

excitement and desire to play his first official match for good.

"Don't put pressure on him. You must protect him and don't let any

Bludger hit him," said William as he started talking about strategy for the

twelfth time.

While William was talking about complicated tactics, Shadow entered the

dining room and left several letters for James. One was from his father

and mother wishing him success for his first match. His father seemed

more excited than he was. Another was from his grandfather, who, in

addition to wishing him luck, replied about the request he had made.

James had told him what he had to go through because of Professor

Eustace Burke and asked his grandfather for a list of ingredients to make

the laxative potion and get revenge. He didn't lie to him. He told him it

was for the laxative potion.

Henry was furious. Not because James wanted to make his professor take

laxatives. He was furious with Eustace and insulted him in different

languages. He told him that the next day, he would get the ingredients,

he needed and that he should prepare very well. He couldn't get caught

or they would both be in big trouble.

Henry was confident in James' abilities. His grandson had killed a

stronger-than-average troll at the age of eleven, and he also had an

invisibility cloak. He knew he wouldn't get caught.

Another letter to James' surprise, was from Gwen. It had a simple

message: Good luck.

'How kind of her...' thought James with a strange smile. She couldn't even

wish him good luck in front of the others. It was a peculiar situation.

William had them finish breakfast before the other students. He took

them to the locker room to get ready and to continue talking to them

about tactics.

In the locker room, James changed into the scarlet and gold Gryffindor

uniform. It was the first time he would wear it. It could only be worn in

official matches.

'Finally...' thought James as he grabbed his Nimbus 1001. He noticed his

friend Sirius sitting on one of the benches looking at his hands that were

covered by gloves.

"Think what your mother would say if you led Gryffindor to victory," said

James, patting Sirius' shoulder.

"You're right... She'll be furious!" said Sirius, regaining his smile and

getting up a little more animated.

"Gather around everyone," said William, calling everyone over.

The team members stood around and looked at their captain waiting for

his harangue.

"The weather is better than I thought. No excuses," William began his

motivational speech.

"If we stick to the plan everything should go perfectly. We are lions, and

we will eat badgers! Let's crush them!" shouted William, and everyone

else yelled loudly.

"Let's go!" said William, walking out onto the pitch followed by everyone


James as he stepped onto the Quidditch pitch noticed a huge crowd

shouting, whistling, cheering. Standing in the middle of the pitch being

watched by hundreds of eyes was a very different feeling to training.

James had always imagined this moment, but he had fallen short. Sirius

walked with more confidence, but he looked nervous.

As for James, he should have been more nervous, as his position is the

most important, and as soon as he catches the snitch it's game over.

Why did he choose this position? Exactly because of this. What was the

point of being a chaser? He could score 140 points if he was on his best

day, but as soon as the opposing seeker catches the snitch it's game over.

As long as there wasn't a big difference between the teams, i.e. they

didn't score too many goals and the keeper along with the batsmen were

decent, it would always be all down to the seeker.

James understood this problem in the rules of Quidditch, but there was

only so much he could do. A game hundreds of years old with the same

rules. You go and try to change them.

He already had enough of defeating the most powerful dark, and wacky

wizard of recent times.

What the chasers could have importance in is all the games in general,

since in the tables you win by the sum of all the goals the team scored in

all the games, but the importance of the seeker is the most determinant

by far.

"Mount your brooms," said Hooch.

Within seconds everyone was mounted. James and Sirius were among the

few who had a Nimbus 1001. Amos had one too. It seemed his father was

just as fanatical.

Hooch gave a long whistle with her dish whistle, and they all rose high

into the air. With the wind blowing in his face, James began to focus on

the game and lost what few nerves he felt about being watched by

hundreds of eyes. Now, he had to do what he knew how to do.

"First match of the season begins!" exclaimed Murphy McNully, who was

the official commentator for all quidditch matches. James had met him,

as Murphy had invited him to the Sphinx Club, but he ended up joining

the Dragon Club.

James was flying around, looking for any trace of the snitch. He didn't

hear the comments, only the shouting of the crowd. He could see that, in

the Gryffindor stands, painted red and gold, were his friends with

banners. There was a large student who had a giant banner and was

carrying it back and forth while shouting.

'Whoa he's fanatical,' thought James in amazement.

"Watch out!" shouted William towards James. An angry Bludger was

heading towards him at full speed.

James out of the corner of his eye noticed the Bludger, quickly braked

and soared higher into the sky. He dodged the Bludger as it passed and

flew away without being able to keep track of it.

The match continued. James and Amos searched for the snitch and kept

their guard up in case a Bludger was thrown at them. The score was

even. Hufflepuff was leading 40 to 30.

"Shit! That fat fucker!" cursed Sirius as he saw his Quaffle intercepted by

the Hufflepuff keeper.

"I was all alone!" complained Annabeth, who was a few feet away from

an unprotected goal.

Sirius out of thirty points had managed to score two of them. Each goal

was worth ten points. So, he was overconfident and decided to be selfish.

"Sorry..." said Sirius with a frown as he chased after a chaser to take the

quaffle from him.

The match continued frantically. Gryffindor couldn't draw and was

always 10 points behind Hufflepuff.

James at one point noticed a flash of gold pass behind the Hufflepuff

keeper. Behind the hoop, he was guarding. At full speed, he headed

towards the opponent's hoops.

Amos noticed that James suddenly accelerated, and his expression turned

ugly and nervous. He quickly followed. The attention of the entire

stadium was on James and Amos, who were chasing him but couldn't

cover the distance between the two.

"Looks like Gryffindor's new seeker, James Potter, saw something!"

exclaimed Murphy excitedly. He didn't begrudge James for not picking

his club. He was a professional.

The Hufflepuff keeper decided to stop guarding the hoops and shut James

down. He was willing to collide with James if it would serve to stop him

from catching the snitch.

"That cheater!" shrieked Peter nervously from the Gryffindor stands.

"Is that legal?" asked Lily with clenched hands. Even though she wasn't a

quidditch fan the entire Gryffindor house was flocking to the match, and

they were rubbing off on her enthusiasm.

James didn't slow down. He even sped up and kept heading towards the

Hufflepuff keeper, who looked fearfully at James, as the collision would

be very painful, and they would fall from many feet in the air.

At the last moment, as they were about to collide, James made a quick

maneuver. A masterful dodge rarely seen before. He rounded the keeper

with astonishing agility before straightening back into his trajectory,

keeping his gaze fixed on the coveted Snitch.

The Hufflepuff boy's face was cold with sweat, and he stood static on the

spot. He felt a great fear. They were nothing away from crashing and

seriously injuring themselves.

'Bloody madman!' thought the Hufflepuff boy, who was pale.

Thanks to James' speed, he caught the snitch quickly and stopped before

crashing into the wall. He then reversed with a big smile on his face and

his hand raised, but what he saw left him bewildered.

Everyone in the stands was silent as was the Hufflepuff keeper. They

were still in awe of James' dangerous dodge, even the Gryffindor stand.

"T-the Seeker James Potter caught the Snitch! In all my years as a

commentator, I have never seen such a spectacular dodge!" exclaimed

Murphy, bringing the entire crowd back to reality.

The Gryffindor stands began to scream and cheer like crazy. The flag boy

was carrying back and forth the flag and shouting non-stop, "We're the


"Well done, you crazy bastard!" said Sirius, landing on the grass and

running towards James, who had already landed and had the snitch in

his hand.

"Gryffindor 210 - Hufflepuff 70! The lions win the match!" exclaimed

Murphy, and the Gryffindor stands exploded in cheers again.

William and the Prewett brothers hugged James roughly. Within minutes

all of Gryffindor was in the common room celebrating the win.

James had a hard time making his way out of the Gryffindor common

room to the library. The Prewett brothers grabbed him every time he

wanted to sneak out, but with the help of Lupin, who distracted them, he

managed to get out.

It was Sunday, and he had to fulfill his study hours. He had celebrated

enough. To his surprise, as he was walking to the library. Shadow

appeared, leaving him a new letter.

"Another letter? Thanks, Shadow. You've worked hard today," said James,

stroking his owl gently.

Again it was Gwen. She was summoning him at this moment to meet on a

balcony that was tucked away on the fourth floor. The letter gave very

detailed instructions on how to get there. It wasn't very easy to access.

'She's with the cards full on today. A while won't be bad. There's still time

left,' James thought as he made his way to the place.

On the fourth floor tower, James headed towards a painting of a

charming landscape. The entrance was cleverly disguised. On a small owl

in flight in the painting was a small, barely visible camouflaged button.

He pressed the button, and the picture moved silently to the side.

Revealing a door, behind it was the balcony which had a beautiful

panoramic view.

Gwen was watching the scenery, her blonde hair being blown gently by

the wind.

"Who knew it would be so hard to access a balcony?" said James,

approaching Gwen, who turned her head and looked at him.

"Yes. I found it by coincidence. That makes it all the more special. Not

everyone gets to look at these views," said Gwen, looking again at the

beautiful scenery.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 114: Revenge

The balcony was not very spacious. The walls were of stone with warm,

earthy tones, they were skillfully intertwined with vines that looked like

they had been there for a long time. Through the sale was a panoramic

view of the lake and the Forbidden Forest.

"Yes, very beautiful. How long ago did you find it?" asked James.

"Last year. When... we fought. That's why I didn't show it to you. The

view is much more beautiful at sunset," replied Gwen.

"Do you want to wait until sunset? I prepared a small meal," added Gwen,

pointing to a small wooden table.

On top of the table was a small circular tray with cream scones, a couple

of sweet cakes, and two cups of tea.

'It's a couple of hours until dawn,' thought James. The quidditch match

didn't last too long. It was barely two o'clock in the afternoon.

However, he knew he couldn't say no. Gwen showed him her secret place

and prepared a snack. It would be very rude of him. Besides, he wanted

to snack with her.

"Of course I do. I'm hungry. To what do I owe the honor?" asked James as

he poured tea into both cups.

"For your first Quidditch victory and catching the snitch. Although it was

very dangerous that last move you made," replied Gwen, taking James by

surprise. He hadn't expected her to have set this all up for him.

"Oh... thanks..." said James after a few seconds and looking at Gwen in


"What? Is it so hard to believe that I prepared a simple snack?" said Gwen

a little annoyed.

"Actually, yes. What poor house elf did you put to work on a Sunday?"

joked James.

"Shut up and eat," said Gwen, punching James' arm.

Gwen and James chatted and snacked. At about five o'clock they were

able to watch a beautiful sunset. After saying, goodbye James headed for

the library.


Over the next week, James' routine remained unchanged. Saturday was

the Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw game. Unlike last year, Ravenclaw this year

was much improved and managed to give Slytherin a fight.

Rabastan Lestrange had joined the team as a chaser. He wasn't doing

badly at all. Like James and Sirius, he had the best broom on the market.

Although they played better, it was not enough for the Ravenclaw team.

Slytherin's seeker caught the Snitch, and the match ended 200-110.

Gryffindor remained in first place, followed by Slytherin. Then

Ravenclaw and lastly Hufflepuff.

James also brewed the laxative potion with the ingredients delivered by

Henry through the post. In the time he had free they thought together

with the marauders a foolproof method to make Professor Eustace drink

the potion and not get caught.

They hatched a plan but would put it into action over the next few days.

The most important event was that Lupin told the other marauders about

his lycanthropy. He had no choice, as James caught the snitch.

With James' support, they gathered in the Room of Requirement, and he

told them why he mysteriously disappeared once a month. When Lupin

said he was a werewolf, Sirius exclaimed, "I knew it!" With complete

nonchalance, not giving the subject the seriousness it deserved.

The Black boy had begun to suspect it a few weeks ago, and it turned out

he was right. He didn't care that Lupin was a werewolf. He always said

that marauders were loyal, so he didn't look down on Lupin.

Toby had hardly any knowledge about werewolves. He didn't understand

anything. James had to explain to him about the discrimination they

suffer and the fear everyone has of werewolves because they can infect


Upon hearing this, Toby felt very sorry for Lupin, and to cheer him up he

said he would keep it a secret until he died.

The most frightened one was Peter. Seeing that everyone was accepting

and supportive of Lupin, he ended up encouraging him, although in his

eyes James could see fear.

James was able to take a weight off his shoulders. Even though he wasn't

the one suffering from lycanthropy. He was pleased that now Lupin had

the support of all the marauders.


"Tomorrow is the day. We leave everything in your hands," said James,

who was in the Gryffindor common room.

As usual, the marauders were sitting in the chair, but there were two

more people. They were the Prewett brothers.

"Take it easy. We'll take care of it. We'll ask Peeves for help," said Fabian

with an evil grin.

"Yes. That bald fucker will get what, he deserved," nodded Gideon

laughing at the big joke that was coming.

To manage to create a distraction, James enlisted the help of the two

brothers, who always joined in on the pranks.

When Eustace came out of the classroom to try to stop whatever they

were doing, James would act and pour the laxative potion into the

professor's teacup.

Toby had noticed that Professor Eustace always drank tea while reading

scrolls that no one knew what they were about. The professor's classes

were rather self-taught.

After forcing the students to perform embarrassing movements, he gave

them the task of reading silently, while he did his business and always

drank tea.

The next day in the DADA classroom everyone was quietly reading their

useless books. Professor Eustace as usual was engrossed in his papers.

Next to him was a cup of tea that was giving off spirals of steam.

Suddenly a clatter was heard. Coming from the outskirts of the room.

More and more explosions could be heard in the distance. Everyone

looked up in surprise, the same was true for Professor Eustace.

'What kind of distraction are they creating...?' thought James. The

Prewett brothers wanted it to be a surprise their big distraction.

The door to the classroom opened abruptly. Gideon walked in sweating

and breathing heavily.

"Professor Eustace... phew... it's bad," he said as he inhaled and exhaled


"What happened?" the bald man asked in alarm as he rose from his seat.

The explosions were still being heard.

"It's Peeves... He's got hundreds of fireworks, and he's throwing them all

over the castle! It's a chaos of dazzling sparkles in every direction! We

were in History of Magic class when he suddenly appeared. Professor

Cuthbert Binns can't do anything!" explained Gideon in a loud tone for all

to hear.

"Where are Professor McGonagall and the other professors?" asked


"They've already gone looking for them, but they're not showing up. We

need help to stop Peeves," said Gideon with pleading eyes.

"Come on..." said Eustace half-heartedly and followed Gideon.

The classroom was left without a teacher. Everyone looked at each other

in surprise at Peeves' sudden prank. The explosions of fireworks could

still be heard. It seemed like a big festival.

The curiosity of all the boys began to grow. What would it be like to see

the scene of hundreds of fireworks?

"What are we waiting for? Let's go, watch the fireworks!" harrumphed

Sirius, waving his arm and walking out of the hall. All the Gryffindor

students, even the girls followed him. No one wanted to miss such a

scene. It didn't happen every day.

The Slytherin students looked at each other unsurely. Curiosity got the

better of them, and little by little they got up and ran towards the noise

of the explosions with the others.

Only seven people were left in the hall. All from Gryffindor. James,

Lupin, Toby, Peter, Lily, Jasmine and Khanna.

James got up from his seat and walked over to his teacup, which was still

full. From one of his pockets, he pulled out a small glass jar that had a

very disgusting dark green liquid in it.

The others, including the girls, stood up and surrounded the professor's

writing looking at the teacup and as James poured several drops into the


"Put a few more drops in it," Jasmine said, and James complied.

"Good, good. Let that bald fucker have diarrhea for several days," Khanna

said with a look of hatred on her face. It was etched in her mind the

times the professor humiliated her in front of the class by making stupid


Khanna Grey was one of Lily's best friends. She had black hair, and dark

skin and wore thick, black-framed glasses. She didn't stand out as a

friendly girl.

"That'll do it. We can't let them get suspicious. We have to follow the

whole crowd," said Lily, who like her friends hated Eustace.

The hatred was mutual for all the Gryffindor students. To the point that

smarty pants, Lily Evans joined in on the joke and agreed.

James and everyone else quickly exited the hall. Following the crowd

that wanted to watch the fireworks and the ruckus Peeves was creating.

Fifteen minutes were between three teachers to be able to shoo Peeves

away and take away all the fireworks he had.

"Tsch that damn Poltergeist. Where the hell did he get so many

fireworks?" cursed Professor Eustace under his breath as he entered the

classroom followed by all the students.

"At what point did I allow them to leave?" said Eustace loudly and

angrily as he watched the students sit at their desks. No one said


The kind personality Eustace seemed to have was a total lie. At first, he

was that way, but he always showed that he was nasty and unfair. He

had little patience, explained nothing, and within minutes if someone

disturbed him from his reading he was already shouting.

"Damn brats," he mumbled under his breath as he grabbed his cup of tea

and lifted it to his mouth. He had grown very tired of trying to stop

Peeves. Tea wasn't the best thing, but it was the only thing he had on


James and the others, who were aware of what was about to happen

watched carefully as Eustace drank the tea.

"Delicious," muttered Eustace, putting the cup back in its place, "Carry on

with your reading," he added in a high tone as he went back to reading

his papers.

At one point in the silence of the room, a loud, high-pitched stomach

rumbling sound was heard. Everyone looked up from their books to the


The sound continued. It sounded like an out-of-tune instrument that did

not bode well.

The bald man's face twisted. For every second, the pains inside his

stomach intensified and became louder and louder. First the fireworks,

and now this.

Eustace jumped up from his chair clutching his stomach with his hand.

He was half crouched down. Without saying a word he began to walk

unobtrusively towards the door.

With every step he took, he felt more pain that transformed into a sharp

sensation that pushed him forward.

"What happened Professor? Are you all right?" asked James in a

concerned tone. The marauders had to hold back their laughter at their

friend's mischief.

"Yes..." said Eustace, but just then a high-pitched sound emerged from his

backside, audible to all.

All the students, including the Slytherin students, had to hold in their

laughter. The professor quickly opened the door and started running to

the bathrooms. His only salvation in these hard times.

James, Sirius, and the others got up and went to the door. They watched

the professor running. On the bottom of his light green robe, a brown

stain could be seen. On the stone floor, he left a trail of liquid shit.

The students who observed this began to laugh out loud. Even some from

Slytherin like Mulciber or Avery. Minus Snape and Emily, but on their

grim faces they had a faint smile.

"He got what he deserved!" said Sirius to the laughter of the whole room

and high-fiving James.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 115: Presentation

For the next week Professor Eustace was in the infirmary and constantly

going to the bathroom.

The students were spared from having classes for a few days, but it was

better than nothing. Many students watched the trail of liquid shit as if it

were an attraction until Filch had to clean it up with a grimace of


No one suspected that the professor's shitting was the fault of some

students. Everyone thought it was because he ate some bad food or

something. The plan had gone perfectly, and they would not be caught.

The only ones who were aware were the marauders (the main culprits),

the Prewett brothers, and Lily's group of friends.

The bad thing was that Professor Eustace when he recovered was more

evil and unfair than before. For every sound a student made, he could

reprimand and punish him. He looked at everyone with hatred. James

didn't understand how such a person went into teaching when he hated

children and teaching.

It didn't help that the bald man thought his diarrhea was the fault of

some student. Since he had no proof, he would take it out on them more

in class and make them do more embarrassing demonstrations. Even the

Slytherin students as he knew laughed at him.

In Potions class, James had to sit with Emily and Snape. Two very quiet

people with grim expressions.

Emily had changed a lot compared to the days of Godric's Hollow. What

changed was the way James was treated now. In their childhood, they

were both closer, and Emily with James was more open and curious.

Now she always had a blank expression. Her black eyes looked like a

bottomless, emotionless abyss.

Severus Snape had some similarities but didn't go to Emily's extremes.

The greasy-haired boy was arrogant and showed his dissatisfaction and

disdain with slight clicks of his tongue too loud to go unnoticed.

Since the groups were set up, James had to sit with them in every Potions

class. Brewing potions together and writing a lot of information about

ingredients and brewing methods on parchment.

Slughorn's job lasted for a full year. Potions were to be made as a group

as best they could and then presented in an oral presentation in front of

the whole class. Explaining the method and other details.

In addition, they had to write everything on a parchment, since they had

to present a theoretical work in addition to the oral one. For each quarter

there would be a presentation of the work done so far.

"This is the last week before the presentations. The following week we

will use the whole of it for the presentations, as there are many groups,"

Slughorn said with a smile, looking at his students.

"In the presentation, they must explain how they made the potions and

the steps to follow. Everyone must participate. Not just one member can

speak. In addition, we will test their potions. Those who fail will have the

Christmas break to prepare for the make-up exam," Slughorn explained,

and many students grimaced.

"Good. Today, I will explain about the fire protection potion," said

Slughorn and began to explain in detail the elaboration of this potion.

After the explanation came the practical part, where each group worked

on the cauldrons.

"We need four explosive mushrooms. A vial of salamander blood and

wart powder," said Emily in her monotone voice.

"I'll get them," said James, heading towards the shelves with all the


"I don't need your help, Snape," James added, noticing Severus following


"I don't want to help you, Potter. I want to have the best ingredients, and

I don't trust your judgment in choosing them," Snape sneered.

"Oh, when did your judgment surpass mine?" asked James.

Their way to the shelves was to throw acidic comments at each other and

who was the best at choosing ingredients. Believe it or not, James and

Snape's relationship had improved.

They were not friends. It was almost impossible for that to happen or so

they both thought. But when they started working together in the group

the arguments on the down low were more numerous and throughout the

brewing process. Now they didn't argue as much, and even if they didn't

want to admit it, they both respected each other's Potions brewing skills.

"The recipe is simple. It only has three steps. You know the rules," Emily

said as Snape and James set the ingredients down on the table near the


To work properly and not fight, they created a simple method. A rock,

paper, scissors. The winner chooses which steps to perform in making the


Generally, the three did not follow the formula to the letter of the book,

they modified the potion with some extra ingredients to improve it. So

being able to choose the step of the potion was key to trying and testing

their experiments.

James and Snape looked at each other with competitive looks, 'I won't

lose this time... I have to do step two to prove something...' thought

James, raising his hand ready for the game.

Emily had a blank expression, but she wasn't planning on losing. She

wanted to make the step more interesting and also try a few things. The

same was true for Snape.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" the three exclaimed in unison.

James and Emily chose rock. Snape paper so he won the game. A nasty

grin formed on Snape's face, and he looked at James haughtily.

James and Emily played for second place. To James' bad luck, he lost

again and was left with the easier and less interesting potion step. He was

no good at rock, paper, scissors.

Class over, James' group finished the potion which had a blue color that

was cold just by looking at it.

"We should get together in the library to fix up how we'll give the

presentation," said Emily.

"The weekend. Two days will be enough for us," said James. All they had

to do was organize who would explain each potion and who would start

by speaking.

Emily and Snape agreed. They agreed on the time and left without saying

more words than were fair and necessary.

"How did your groups go?" asked Toby as the marauders gathered and

began walking to the next class.

"Not at all well... Avery is a complete idiot. I wonder if all the pureblood

boys that are in Slytherin come from the factory like that?" said Lupin

with a frown. He didn't mean an idiot who doesn't know about potions.

He meant that he's throwing out derogatory comments all the time and is

impossible to work with.

"Just name James, and he'll be scared shitless," said Sirius with a smirk

looking at James.

"Hey, have respect," said James, as it seemed like he was a criminal that

just his name alone already inspired terror.

"Just saying facts. Didn't you see the look on that Hufflepuff boy's face

when he inadvertently bumped into you?" said Sirius, and James had a

flashback of this morning when he was on his way to the dining hall for


A Hufflepuff boy bumped into him, and as soon as they made eye contact

he started apologizing repeatedly and ran out of the place. As James had

just woken up he had a very unfriendly look on his face and was perhaps

a little scary when he looked at him.

'Maybe I'll go a bit overboard with the duel against Rabastan,' thought


He had humiliated the Lestrange boy and seemed a little more aggressive

than he would have liked. Everyone saw it and now believed that if they

bothered him in the slightest they would be his next victims.

"It might work... Anyway, thanks to Jasmine, we'll pass the work. She's

very good at potions," said Lupin.

"Oh... Our friend Lupin, did you find love?" asked Sirius with a smile.

"Shut up, What about you? You're all giggling all the time with those two

Slytherin girls. They're the chattiest bunch," said Lupin defensively.

The marauders chatted and joked as they headed off to their next class.


The day of the presentation arrived. James' group had already organized

who would speak first and which potion each would explain.

Snape explained about the fire protection potion also known as ice

potion. He explained that when drunk, it induced an icy, frigid sensation

in the drinker and provided protection against most magical fires.

Slughorn saw the potion and knew it was brewed perfectly. Its color and

thickness were just right.

James and Snape made a demonstration that their potion was a success.

Snape took the potion feeling an icy sensation flooding his body, and

then James threw a fire aimed at his hand.

Effectively Snape felt no pain, no burning in his pale hand. Just a slight

tingle, like a warm summer breeze.

James explained about the blood-replenishing potion. A healing potion

that replenishes blood lost through injury or other means. As he was a

great connoisseur of healing thanks to his mother, he knew about this

potion perfectly, and his explanation was very good.

Lastly, Emily explained the hair-raising potion. A potion that made the

drinker's hair stand on end. The worst of the three they brewed in this

first term. But since she lost she had no choice and had to ingest it to

show its effects in front of the class.

All her black hairs stood up leaving her looking very funny, but no one

dared to laugh at the sight of Emily's black eyes that looked like the abyss


The group of James, Snape, and Emily was the highest-scoring group.

Slughorn gave them much praise for their perfect potions and good


Friday, December 22 was the last day of the first term. The next day, the

Christmas vacation officially began. James that same day returned home

via the Hogwarts Express. The same went for Sirius and Peter.

Lupin and Toby stayed at Hogwarts to spend Christmas. James would like

to stay with Lupin because of his condition, but he always spends

Christmas with his family. It's a tradition and he hadn't seen them in a

long time.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 116: Potter Manor

James would be spending this Christmas at the home of his grandfather,

Henry Potter. Rather, at his grandfather's Manor: Potter Manor.

Potter Manor is the ancestral home of the Potter family and the current

residence of his grandfather. The mansion, was located in

Gloucestershire, England. It was gigantic. Not even the Shafiq manor or

other pureblood family manor came close in size.

The Manor was built in 1212 with the permission of King Richard I of

England. Its first owner was Linfred Potter also known as 'The Potterer'.

Gloucestershire is a ceremonial county. In ceremonial counties, lords are

appointed who are the monarch's representatives in an area.

King Richard appointed Linfred Potter as Lord. The history of the Potter

Family is always told with great pride by Henry to James from the time

he was a little boy.

The history of the Potters is one of the oldest within the pureblood

families. Only the Blacks and a couple of other families can compete with

it in history and antiquity.

Knowing this story from a young age James found it curious how in two

lifetimes he ended up being born into a royal family and a very old one

at that. The only difference was that in this new life, some families dared

to call the Potters blood traitors.

This was usually because the Potters in later years did not have much

power within politics: the Ministry, the Wizengamot, etc. His grandfather

Henry was the last member of the Wizengamot many years ago.

His father was dedicated to the sale of Potions getting a lot of money, but

never sought political power. His mother was in the health field and

never sought the highest office either. She liked to help people by healing

them. Not to be behind a desk giving orders to others.

His uncle Charlus, Fleamont's younger brother, was a Magizoologist. A

wizard who studied magical creatures. He would rather die than work at

the Ministry at a desk or in complicated political meetings.

Few family members were inside the Ministry climbing the ranks to have

more power. So when the Potters came out in favor of Muggles, half-

bloods, and Muggle-born some of the old families dared to call them

blood traitors.

On Sunday, December 24 around noon James traveled with his family to

Potter Manor.

They used the apparition to reach the vicinity of the mansion. Fleamont

used the sideways apparition. A variant is used to transport two or more

individuals. This method is generally used to transport underage wizards.

James as he wanted to create a shorter-range apparition method had

studied apparition a bit. He knew it meant disappearing from one place

and reappearing almost instantly in another. When traveling with this

method you feel as if you are being forced through a very tight rubber


Generally, the first time you travel with this method is not very pleasant,

but it is the fastest way to get to the desired destination.

Upon arrival, James saw a majestic monument standing imposingly in the

snowy Gloucestershire countryside. The mansion is built of grayish stone

and surrounded by extensive gardens, it resembles a magical castle.

Though a far cry from the size of Hogwarts.

As it was winter there was a lot of snow covering the whole mansion,

giving it a very beautiful appearance.

The pointed towers and buttresses soared skyward, creating an imposing

silhouette against the skyline. Magical stained glass windows adorn the


Access to the mansion is through a large wooden door carved with

intricate ancient designs. Two majestic statues of hippogriffs flank the

entrance, welcoming visitors.

The mansion has anti-appearance and anti-disappearance charms to

prevent wizards from appearing or disappearing from the premises. So

they could not enter directly into the mansion's gardens or chambers.

Within seconds of their arrival, the large wooden door slowly opened on

its own. Henry appeared with a smile already waiting for them and

beside him two small creatures. They were two house elves.

"Grandpa!" said James excitedly, running to his grandfather and hugging


Henry was the only grandfather James had, and he loved him dearly.

Their grandfather-grandson relationship was very good. As for the

grandparents on Euphemia's side, they died before he was born.

"Boy, you get stronger every day!" said Henry with a big smile and

brutally stroking James' hair.

"Training pays off," said James with a smile.

"Master James!" squealed the two house elves with gleeful expressions.

"Mimsy, Puddle how long," said James with a smile, greeting the two

house elves.

"I told them to just call me James..." he added. It was odd to be called

master in this day and age. They weren't in the middle ages.

Mimsy is a house elf of a smaller-than-average stature. She has big bright

eyes and pointed ears peeking out from between her tousled locks of hair.

Because of the cold weather, she wears warmer clothes that James gave

her some time ago. Getting a house elf to accept a gift is nearly

impossible. So James, to dress them decently, on his visits to his

grandfather's house, left clothes lying around the manor for them to find

for themselves and not wear old rags that barely protect them from the


Puddle is a male house elf with slightly darker skin than other house

elves, and his eyes sparkle with curiosity. He is wearing a Puddlemere

United coat left to him by James using the same method as before. It was

his clothing when he was a child. The name Puddle is after the quidditch

team. James couldn't believe that his grandfather would go to such levels

of fanaticism that he would name the house elf that.

"M-master James, we can't do that! You'll be the next Lord Potter!"

exclaimed Mimsy.

'Again with that...' thought James, noticing Henry's look of pride and

high expectations on his face.

"Oh no, Mimsy! You can't refuse Master James' command! Oh no, I called

him Master again!" shrieked Puddle with a panicked expression.

Mimsy's face also turned panicked as she heard this. Her partner was

right, she had disobeyed an order.

Just as the two house elves were about to start beating themselves up,

James stopped them.

"All right. I'll let them call me Master..." he said, holding their little hands

so they wouldn't hit themselves.

"Hahaha, what funny creatures," Henry said laughing loudly, "Come on.

It's cold," he added as he started walking.

Euphemia looked at them with pity. Their behavior was because they

were treated so horribly for so long.

In the extensive snow-drenched gardens there was a path winding

through the lush vegetation, guiding people to the main entrance of the


It took them a few minutes to complete the walk. When they arrived

Henry opened the large door, and they entered the foyer. The first thing

people see when they enter. It contains statues of the occupant's travels

from ancient times. A grandfather clock, several enchanted suits of

armor, and a large painting he has painting a city.

The ornamental design of the lobby ceiling was designed by a famous

craftsman of the time. In the center of the foyer are large quartz

staircases leading to the rooms on the second floor.

Christmas as usual was very merry and happy for James, who spent it

with his loved ones. The next day his aunt and uncle (Charlus and Dorea

Potter) and Oliver came to spend the day.

James received more presents than usual. From all the marauders (except

Toby, who didn't have an owl to send him), from the entire Gryffindor

quidditch team, from Gwen (who sent him two presents), and even from

Lily Evans.

Lily's gift was a book entitled: Transfiguration Through the Ages. A book

that dealt with the evolution of Transfiguration. It was over six hundred

pages long.

'A fitting gift for Lily... I must buy her something. I didn't think she would

send me a present,' thought James, feeling bad.

Lily sent James a gift for Christmas, as she felt he was helping her a lot

by lending her his animals and following her to an empty classroom so

she could practice transfiguration spells.

James made a mental note to buy a present before returning to Hogwarts.

He had a little over a week to read and train like mad now that he had all

the free time.

Besides, he had his grandfather to practice on. A veteran of magical

warfare who fought against Grindelwald and his followers long ago.

His father Fleamont learned everything from Henry. So, he would be

practicing with his master's master. It wouldn't be the first time he

trained with Henry. His grandfather, though he spoils him a lot like his

parents, in training shows no mercy.

"What do you want to practice today?" asked Henry with a wand in hand.

They were currently in a subway room of the manor, perfect for training

anything you can imagine.

According to Henry, Potter Manor has powerful defensive charms all over

the place. No matter how much James does magic while underage no one

will notice anything.

"Before that. I want to show you something," James said, taking some


"Oh... let's see," said Henry curiously.

"Expecto Patronum!" exclaimed James, making a nimble movement with

his wand.

A thin silver thread escaped from his wand and floated like mist before

him for several seconds.

Henry's eyes widened in surprise, "Hahaha, incorporeal Patronus!"

laughed Henry with pride in his eyes. James smiled in satisfaction at his

grandfather's reaction. It was the first family member he had ever shown

it to.

"How long ago did you learn it?" asked Henry, patting James' shoulder.

"It took me a month before I managed to cast the incorporeal... but two

months ago, we started with Lupin to research and study about the

Patronus," replied James, and Henry smiled broadly.

"You are a genius! You will bring great honor to the Potter family when

you become Lord!" said Henry, looking with great expectations to his

most precious grandson.

Henry, unlike his sons or other members of the Potter family of his

generation, always sought to elevate the honor of the Potter Family to

the highest level. So, he always sought to gain prestige, political power,

and magical prowess to achieve his lifelong objective.

However, his ideals in favor of Muggles, half-breeds, and Muggle-born

always put him in a difficult position in the political sphere. But he

would not change his ideals. He stood up to those supremacists who see

Muggles and others as cattle, and he has no regrets.

Henry saw in James an unparalleled genius from an early age. Studying

and practicing complicated charms at a tender age. Showing discipline

and intelligence is rarely seen.

Moreover, unlike his sons Fleamont and Charlus, his grandson did seem

to have enormous ambition. He would be the man to take the Potter

name to new heights.

"Yes, Grandfather," James said in a determined tone and without showing

displeasure or unwillingness. He was no stranger to having the fate of his

family on his shoulders. However, this time, he was doing it because it

was his grandfather's dream, and he loved him dearly.

Besides, it would serve him well in his fight against Voldemort and his

Mortifages to have power, not just power in terms of magical prowess.

"That's the attitude! Let's go train!" said Henry with a smile.

James spent the entire vacation at Potter Manor. Practicing with Henry

and reading in the mansion's large library. He asked Henry to teach him

about Apparition, and Henry agreed. If his grandson could already cast

an Incorporeal Patronus, Why not teach him about Apparition?

If Euphemia was aware of this she would take James to Godric's Hollow.

She considered it too dangerous for him to learn Apparition at only

twelve. What if something went wrong? But Henry's thinking was


It was a very fruitful short vacation, as he spent all his time practicing

and reading. He only left a little time to fly around the mansion's parks

on his broomstick and clear his mind a bit.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 117: Forgotten talent

Hi yesterday I made a mistake and uploaded chapter 117 which was

actually 118. Sorry I uploaded both chapters in order :u


Monday, January 1, 1973.

The students had only one day to rest before classes began. James, when

he arrived yesterday at Hogwarts already found Sirius, who looked like

he had been at the castle for many days.

This was normal since he was coming back as soon as possible, but this

time it was worse. From what Lupin and Toby, who had stayed at the

castle told him, Sirius arrived on Christmas Day running away from


It seems there was a big argument with his family. The rest is guesswork

as he doesn't want to talk much about it.

'Is it because he won the quidditch match with Gryffindor...?' thought

James, remembering the comment he made to Sirius before leaving for

the match. Maybe Sirius threw it in his mother's face or something.

Another different thing James noticed this year was Sirius' younger

brother. Regulus Black who entered Hogwarts this year and ended up in

Slytherin. According to sarcastic comments from Sirius, his brother was

the perfect heir, and his parents regretted that he was the younger


'Being next to Alphard does make a big difference...' thought James with

a strange expression. The environment where a child is raised is very


The child would adopt the culture of his parents, his parents' friends,

relatives, and the children he hung out with. In Sirius's case, being

brought up with his uncle Alphard, a lover of Muggle objects who did not

care about the purity of blood, made Sirius have a different outlook

compared to his parents.

As far as he knew, Regulus never went to Alphard's house regularly like

Sirius. James would occasionally see Regulus in the corridors or the great

hall of Hogwarts he noticed that he lived up to the stereotype of a boy

raised in an elitist pureblood family.

Arrogant look, haughty, cold personality, and few words. He would most

likely view half-bloods, Muggle-born or Muggle-born with contempt or

think himself superior to them.

'If it had been me, I would send Regulus to Alphard to maybe manage to

get his inheritance, and Sirius, I would have left with me since he is the

main heir,' James thought.

James shook his head, putting those thoughts aside. This was no time to

be thinking about his friend's family problems.

It was currently evening, and he was in the room of requirement. Even

though it was the first day of school after vacation, he didn't falter with

his routine. Lupin was not with him as usual.

His werewolf friend was very tired and weak since he had to go through

the full moon two days ago. He had to rest. If it wasn't for James

stopping him when he saw his pale expression, Lupin would have come.

James was practicing spells. He was in the dueling area a few feet away

from five practice dummies.

On the ground near his feet were five small-sized stones. He waved his

wand pointed at the stones, and exclaimed, "Sideruglo!"

The spell transfigured the stones into common metal marbles. Quickly

James waved his wand again, pointing at the metal marbles, and

exclaimed, "Waddiwasi!"

As the spell hit its target, the five marbles shot out with the force of a

bullet at the dummies.

Each marble hit a dummy with great force making a thud as they hit

their target. Then they fell to the ground, as the dummy's magical

defense was very strong. If it had been a normal human it would have

wounded him depending on the place of impact.

"Ugh... it takes me too long to cast all the spells," James said, sighing and

shaking his head.

He used an intermediate transfiguration spell and a Jinx to propel small

objects at high speed, but it was useless in a fight against dark wizards.

The time to cast both spells was too much, as he had to say them out

loud. Plus, he had to have five stones nearby, so he would have to carry

them in a pocket or something.

The speed of the marbles was fast, but with how long it took to cast such

an attack, the enemy could defend or even attack him before he did.

'It would only be useful in a duel against weak students like Rabastan,'

James thought, clicking his tongue.

He sat on the ground and thought. The only way to improve this and

make it an effective method in a life-and-death battle was to conjure the

stones out of thin air. Then, cast the charm 'Waddiwasi' nonverbally to

make it much faster.

The incantation should also be non-verbal, to increase the speed of the

attack and make it difficult to predict.

Then he could replace the marbles, with sharp daggers, arrows, swords,

or any sharp and deadly object. However, there was a long way to go to

achieve this.

First, he had to learn intermediate Transfiguration, then advanced

Transfiguration, and finally conjuration. The disadvantage of

Transfiguration, if you can call it that, is that you can't go straight to

conjuration. You need theoretical and practical knowledge of beginning,

intermediate, and advanced Transfiguration.

Very different from Defense Against the Dark Arts, in which you can

learn Expecto Patronus (a very advanced charm) without needing to have

learned other defensive charms or have specific theoretical knowledge.

This was the case with Lupin.

'For heavier objects, I will have to use Wingardium Leviosa...' thought


Wingardium Leviosa in addition to levitating objects of all possible

weights (depending on the mage's skill), allows objects to be magically

moved and thrown at high speeds toward a location.

The Waddiwasi charm can only be used to propel small objects. It will

not work for swords or even daggers.

James already had this in mind. His Wingardium Leviosa charm could lift

heavy objects. He could already levitate several swords at once. What he

needed was to cast it nonverbally. A subject to learn in the sixth year.

'That way the attack would be fast and unpredictable... but isn't there a

faster way?' thought James, trying to find a more effective way. Since he

still needed two flicks with his wand.

The seconds and minutes passed. James kept sitting on the floor with his

legs crossed and eyes closed, thinking.

"Wandless magic," he muttered, opening his eyes.

As the name implies this magic does not require the use of a wand. From

what he understands it is difficult to perform, more so than non-verbal

magic, and could have unexpected or volatile results if not done

correctly. This type of magic is not taught at Hogwarts.

However, James, who was thinking and analyzing different ways to be

more effective in battle, remembered when he was a child and did not

yet have a wand.

At a young age, he could make his toys that weighed a few grams fly at

him. Then a little older, he could make the books he read in the library at

home fly neatly onto the shelves. He even remembered when he saved


A large stone crushed the leg of his future friend. James with all his

mental strength managed to float the stone away from Gwen, as he didn't

have enough physical strength to move it.

With these memories in mind, he got up from his place and walked

towards the mannequins. On the floor near them were the metal marbles.

James stared at them with one goal in his mind: to get them off the cold


'I must remember the feeling...' thought James, trying to remember when

he used this kind of magic in his childhood.

Ten seconds passed, and the atmosphere was silent. James stared at the

marbles that began to shake slightly and float higher and higher.

James' gaze kept going up, following the marbles that stopped at the

height of his head. He walked backward, making the five marbles follow


When he was the same distance from the dummies as before, he stopped.

Suddenly, the marbles sped toward the dummies again. They hit them

causing a thud and falling back to the ground.

James' eyes showed an excited gleam, but he was frowning slightly.

'I'm an idiot!' he thought, holding a hand to his forehead.

Having such an ability in his arsenal since he was a child he forgot it and

used Wingardium Leviosa. He could move objects without a wand and

non-verbally as effectively as possible.

Since he grew up in a community where everyone used a wand, his

parents, family, friends, and school. He never really thought about it. In

addition, he read books that said it was normal for children before they

got their wands to be able to use magic and control it to a certain extent.

But when they turned eleven they bought their wands, and that was the

end of the problem. Why would it have been any different for him?

All the books he read at the time said that magic in minors was unstable

and would improve with a wand. His parents, family members, etc. They

also said the same thing, as it was the same in their childhoods. He was

influenced and like everyone else thought his magic would improve as

soon as he got a wand.

Human beings want to fit in with the group they belong to. One does not

choose one's first habits and behaviors. An individual imitates what he

sees around him. There are invisible social norms that guide our


This does not mean something bad. Following the rules of the group does

not feel like a burden to the person. Everyone wants to belong.

'Better late than never,' thought James. There was no use regretting it.

Now, he had to test this ability as much as possible. How much weight he

could float, how many objects, etc. He was to compare it with the

Wingardium Leviosa and see which was the best.

Over the next few days, James practiced as much as possible with this

ability that he had left in the shadows with a lot of dust. He also read

books that talked about magic without a wand.

The results were excellent. His wandless magic ability, which would be

like Wingardium Leviosa, allowed him to move objects with his mind.

He thought the weights he could move would be inferior to Wingardium

Leviosa, but that was not the case. With practice for days, he could now

float five metal swords each weighing 4kg. A total of 20kg. He could also

throw the swords at high speed towards the dummies.

Another great advantage was that in addition to throwing the swords

with his mind, he could use his wand at the same time, either to attack or


At this James was confused. He read books on wandless magic in the

Restricted Section, and they said it was very difficult. Even what he

managed to do, float numerous objects without saying a word, was more

difficult. Since he was performing wandless magic non-verbally.

One could say that since it was the most basic magic (levitating charm),

he could perform magic without a wand nonverbally.

To experiment, he told the marauders to try floating stones without a

wand and nonverbally. None of them could move even one stone. James

tried to show them the feeling he felt when he floated the objects but to

no avail.

Another thing James noticed was that he doesn't think of Wingardium

Leviosa when he levitates objects with his mind. Neither when he was a

child, nor now that he knew the theory of levitating charm to perfection.

Why did he have such an ability, perhaps because he is a reborn person,

and his soul is more powerful? He is not so sure about the latter.

All he knows is that his wandless and non-verbal ability is only good for

making objects move with his mind, nothing more. He tried other charms

such as Expelliarmus, Alohomora, Protego, and others and to no avail.

When he tried to use Flipendo (a charm he has mastered) in a non-verbal

way and without a wand, it went wrong, and the charm hit him, and he

flew backward.

On the other hand, he knows it's not a gift unique to him. He read a lot of

books that talked about very rare cases of babies or very young children

moving objects with their minds toward them. Just like him, but it was a

very strange occurrence.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 118: Practice with

Narcissa Black

I uploaded this chapter yesterday as 117, but I made a mistake. I already

uploaded chapter 117: 'Forgotten Talent.' This would be 118.


On Saturday, James headed to the Dragon Club to practice and hang out

with Gwen. Since the talk they had at the Florean Fortescue ice cream

shop, their relationship was much improved.

He also talked to Lupin about his condition, and everything went

swimmingly. The other marauders also accepted him. He managed to

solve all his problems with his friends, and his training was going well.

His new ability, which was a sort of Wingardium Leviosa, but without a

wand and non-verbal, was great. It saved him a lot of time that he would

need to spend learning non-verbal magic and then wandless magic.

Everything was going great.

He arrived at the clubhouse and looked for Gwen, but she wasn't in any

of the rooms.

'Mm... how strange. We always meet at this time,' James thought. It was

weird for Gwen to be late.

"Hey Bob, what about another duel?" asked James, walking towards the

Hufflepuff boy.

"Hi James... Sorry, I have to make a potion. See ya!" said Bob with a

nervous expression, heading towards the potions room.

"What the...?" muttered James puzzled.

"In all the duels you had with him, he never stood a chance against you. I

guess even muggleborns have their pride," said a girl with pale blonde

hair and grey eyes.

James turned his head and looked at Narcissa Black more puzzled than

before. First, because it was the first time Narcissa had spoken to him.

Secondly, she called Bob a muggleborn. Generally, pureblood extremists

call them 'mudbloods.'

'Maybe Andromeda managed to make her sister's ideals not so radical,'

thought James.

As for what Narcissa was saying it was true. Even though Bob was a

fourth-year student he was no challenge for James. Bob was stronger and

harder to beat than Rabastan or any of the marauders, but he still wasn't

a challenge.

James trained with Fleamont and Henry, some very experienced and

powerful duelists. He even took on a doped troll.

However, James didn't humiliate Bob as he did Rabastan. They had

serious duels and tried to improve or try new spells. Also, replicating

what he did against Rabastan would be harder to do against Bob.

"It's not true. In some duels he gave me a hard time," James commented.

"Put aside that false modesty. Last year in your duel against Rabastan

Lestrange, you treated him like dirt. Don't act humble now," Narcissa said

in an icy tone.

"Cof... Cof... that was different things. He provoked me. If you'll excuse

me," James said as he began to pace. He didn't feel comfortable talking to

this cold princess with a sharp tongue.

"Don't you want a practice partner?" asked Narcissa, causing James to

stop and look at her again puzzled.

What happened all of a sudden for this girl to talk to him and ask to have

a practice with him? Did he miss something? When he joined the Dragon

Club it seemed that Narcissa wanted him to be kicked out of her Club as

soon as possible.

"We'll just practice. It won't be a serious duel, relax. I'm a fifth-year

student, I won't take advantage of a little kid," Narcissa said with a

slightly arrogant smile that irritated James.

"Okay, let's go," said James, heading for the dueling room. Erika and

Gwen were nowhere to be seen, and Bob turned him away. He needed

someone to practice with.

Narcissa was surprised by her actions. She wasn't usually one to talk a lot

and invite others to have a practice. Least of all if it was a blood traitor.

But she was curious, very curious about the magical prowess displayed

by the Potter heir. Besides, her cousin Sirius, seemed to be this person's

best friend from what she had observed him for some time now.

Narcissa watched the duel and how James crushed Rabastan Lestrange.

Although Rabastan is not the direct heir, he is still of the Lestrange

Family and one of the best of his year.

Then, when James joined the Dragon Club on several occasions she

watched James practice with Erika. Then she watched several times as

James defeated fourth-year Bob in a formal duel.

Narcissa knew of Bob's origins, but, as hard as it was for her to admit, she

knew that he was one of the best fourth-year students since he managed

to join the Dragon Club. It was very rare for a second-year student to

beat him every time.

What caught her attention the most was that in the duels James had

against Bob, she noticed that the Potter boy wasn't giving his full effort.

She was curious about what his limit was.

"What charm do you want to practice with?" asked Narcissa, standing in

the center of the dueling area. In her delicate right hand, she held her


James looked at Sirius' cousin more closely. She had an aura of royalty

about her as if she were an ice princess. Unlike Gwen with whom they

had some similarities (hair color, eyes, powerful family), Narcissa

displayed a more elegant and refined aura. In contrast, Gwen was more

temperamental, capricious, and bossy.

"Mm... With Expelliarmus," said James with an innocent face. Behind that

facade, he was grinning mischievously. Expelliarmus was a charm he had

mastered so well, that he didn't need any practice.

"Okay. Best out of three?" asked Narcissa, and James nodded with a meek

face. They looked at each other for a few seconds, then bowed slightly

and braced themselves.

Within three seconds they both exclaimed, "Expelliarmus!" A scarlet flash

shot out at incredible speed from James' wand.

Before Narcissa's Expelliarmus could leave her wand, James' spell hit her.

The blonde princess's wand went flying upwards.

Narcissa had a distinct expression of surprise as she watched her wand fly

and spin through the air until it landed on the ground. What the hell was

that speed?

James just used his maximum speed on the spell. It wouldn't be anything

fancy to send a person flying when they're just practicing.

'Practice? He already has a perfect mastery of the spell...' thought

Narcissa, bending down and picking up her wand again.

In her eyes shone an intense competitive spirit. Her face remained

expressionless. She showed no anger towards James, who was talking

about practicing a spell he had already mastered.

"One to zero," James said, and Narcissa said nothing, just braced herself.

Three seconds passed, and they both shouted again: Expelliarmus!

This time to James' surprise both scarlet flashes collided and cancelled

each other out. Narcissa in the previous shot didn't hold back, but now

she used all her concentration and reflexes to cast the charm as fast as

she could.

'Not fifth for nothing,' thought James, though he only used his speed. If

he had added power, his Expelliarmus would have eaten Narcissa's and

would have continued on its way to her.

'Tie' said Narcissa, and this time it was James who said nothing.

Narcissa couldn't keep up her speed in the next round, so she lost, and

James won the game.

'I lost to a second-year brat...' thought Narcissa, who couldn't believe it.

Luckily, there was no one watching the practice. Her snow-white cheeks

were slightly flushed. She was the fifth-year Slytherin prefect. How could

she lose to a second-year student?

"Now, let's practice with the Jinx Impedimenta," Narcissa said, regaining

her composure.

'Impedimenta? Don't practice that spell too much,' thought James.

Impedimenta is a spell that hinders the victim's movement, slowing them

down. Rabastan tried to use it against him in the duel they had, but to no

avail, as James deflected it with an Aeromanteo.

James didn't practice this charm much as its effect was temporary, lasting

on average a few seconds, no matter how skilled you were at casting it.

Also, it was ineffective against many creatures that have tough skin or

protective armor. If you wanted the Impedimenta to not be rejected on

these creatures you had to find weak spots like their bellies or their eyes.

"Fine," nodded James, getting ready for a round again.

This time, he tasted his own medicine. Narcissa had complete mastery of

the Impedimenta, and her wand movement was lightning-fast. James as it

was not a spell he practiced regularly could not compete against her.

"I win," Narcissa said with a slight smile as she saw James' not-at-all-

pleased expression. Her smile quickly disappeared, and her icy expression


James and Narcissa practiced for another hour. They put aside the stupid

competition and wasted no time. So far at Hogwarts Narcissa was the

second best practice student James had ever had.

She knew a wide range of spells and was very good at dueling. The first

was Erika, who was already in her seventh year.

"That's it. I have to go now. Goodbye," said Narcissa, and without wasting

a second she gracefully turned around and left the place.

"Bye..." said James, even though Narcissa had already left.

'I didn't get to see all of his abilities... Well, I'll have another few days to

practice with him,' Narcissa thought. She hadn't managed to satiate her

curiosity about James' actual strength, but she couldn't challenge him to

a real duel. She was a fifth year, and a Slytherin prefect saw it as abuse.

James stayed two more hours at the Dragon Clubhouse waiting for Gwen

while he read in the library. However, she never arrived.

'She must have been busy,' James thought as he left the Dragon Club.

Tomorrow, he would join her.

The next day, Gwen didn't show up at the Dragon Club either. James

already thought that was strange. They had arranged with Gwen to meet

every Saturday and Sunday at the Dragon Clubhouse and it was odd for

her to miss two days in a row. One day, she might have forgotten, but

not two anymore. She would have sent him a letter or something. James

decided to go out and look for her.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 119: Secret revealed

James went first to the Great Hall, but she wasn't there. Then he went to

the library and there was no sign of her either.

There were only two possible places: the Slytherin common room, a place

where James couldn't pass by and talk to her. And the balcony on the

fourth-floor tower.

James headed there. He touched the camouflaged button on the frame

and when he opened the door he could see Gwen sitting on the floor with

her head between her knees.

Gwen's head was hidden between her knees. As she heard the footsteps

and the door opening, she didn't look up. She knew who it was. She had

only told one person about this place.

James stopped and looked quizzically at Gwen. He expected her to be

watching the scenery, not sitting curled up with her head down. She had

a depressing air about her.

James cleared his throat and spoke, "Hey, Gwen... Why didn't you go to

the dragon club?"

"I didn't feel like it..." replied Gwen after a few seconds in a barely

audible tone and without raising her head.

'What happened to her? Why does she look so depressed?' thought James,

noticing Gwen's tone of voice hoarser than usual. It sounded like she had

been crying.

Silence reigned again, only the wind could be heard blowing through the

window. James didn't know what to do. It was the first time he had ever

been in a situation where a friend of his was in this condition.

A piece of advice from his mother came to his mind. He should just give

his help and listen or so she said. Like with Lupin or something.

James walked over and sat down next to Gwen. Their shoulders and legs

were colliding. He could hear Gwen's erratic breathing as she kept

looking down at the floor and resting her head on her knees.

"Are you okay?" asked James.

"Yes," replied Gwen dryly.

"You don't look it. What happened to you?" asked James again.

"Nothing," replied Gwen.

'This girl...' thought James, rolling his eyes.

"Did your parents find out you were hanging out with me and ground

you?" asked James.

"No. Our meetings at the dragon club will continue," replied Gwen.

'A better answer than the previous one...' thought James as he tried to

guess what problem Gwen might have.

"Did you fight with Anastasia?" asked James. Though if this were true, it

would be good news for him, though he wouldn't show it to Gwen.

"No," replied Gwen instantly.

"Mm... Does it have to do with Emily?" asked James, and silence reigned.

Seconds passed, and Gwen didn't respond.

"No..." replied Gwen after a long silence. James could tell her tone was

different, plus she had taken a long time to respond.

"Then it has to do with Emily," James said, taking it for granted.

"Emily has nothing to do with it!" exclaimed Gwen with a frown and

looking up.

Both of their light blue eyes watched each other. James could tell that

Gwen's eyes were slightly red. She had cried. He had only seen her cry

once. When a stone crushed her leg she was alone on a dark altar.

"That doesn't seem to be the case. What happened?" asked James.

This week, he hung out with Emily, as he shared a group in Potions class

with Snape, and noticed no difference in the girl's expressionless face.

"Nothing happened with Emily," said Gwen.

"Oh, come on. Always the same thing. Looks like I'm not someone to be

trusted," said James with a downcast expression. He thought his

relationship with Gwen had improved, and they would have more trust,

but that seemed not to be the case.

"It's not that... I trust you," said Gwen, reaching out her delicate hand and

resting it next to James'.

"So... Why don't you tell me your problem? I want to help you," James

said, intertwining his fingers with Gwen's. It was the second time he had

taken her hand. The first time, he couldn't think much about it, but now

it was different. It was a nice feeling.

"It's hard..." said Gwen in a low tone, looking down at her hand holding

James', she could tell she was blushing looking at his face would be

worse. James was just as nervous though.

"It's a family secret..." she added.

"We can make an unbreakable vow. That way I can't talk," James

proposed. For this, they needed a witness. They could use Emily since

she's the one involved in the secret.

Gwen looked at James, and a slight smile formed on her face, "You are

very extreme sometimes," she said with a chuckle, making the mood not

so serious.

"We don't need that. I trust you... just let me figure out where to start,"

Gwen added without letting go of James' hand.

It had been a long time since she had kept the secret, and it was very

painful for her. It would be nice to be able to tell one person, especially

James. The person she trusted the most and who saved her.

After a few minutes, the girl took a breath and began, "I guess you've

noticed my parents' differential dealings between Emily and me, right?"

"Yes. Birthdays, owls, Christmases..." said James as he pointed out

various occurrences where Emily had differential treatment or just might

be weirder than the average girl.

"Well, that's due to one reason... Emily is a half-blood," said Gwen staring

at James.

'A half-blood...?' thought James, and his mouth slowly opened in surprise.

"Your mother is a pureblood, right?" asked James, and Gwen nodded.

Marcellus Shafiq was from the Shafiq family, so there could only be one


"Your father... did he sleep with a half-blood?" asked James.

"No. With a Muggle," Gwen replied, and James' face grew more and more


There were differences between pureblood elitists. They considered

Muggles like cattle, like animals. Wizards with Muggle parents, on the

other hand, were called mudbloods and considered third-class citizens.

One step higher than non-magical people.

So it was very surprising that Gwen's father a supremacist slept with a

Muggle and got her pregnant.

"So Lysandra is Emily's stepmother... What happened to her blood

mother?" asked James.

"As far as I know, she died after childbirth," said Gwen in a sorrowful


"So, now you're fighting with Emily because she's a half-blood?" asked

James. He was sure that when he met both sisters, Gwen didn't know

which Emily was her half-sister and a half-blood.

"Of course not! What kind of person do you take me for!" exclaimed

Gwen indignantly, letting go of James' hand.

"Well... your attitude towards Bob and that we were superior to him, and

all that," replied James.

Gwen blushed as she remembered this. Her ideals were in constant

confrontation, and she got that comment out of her.

"Emily is just like us. She's very smart and could be top of her class if it

wasn't for my mother's fault..." replied Gwen.

James sighed inwardly in relief. It was a great relief to know that Gwen

still loved Emily, and it wasn't that she was discriminating against her

sister for being a half-breed.

He was right. Gwen was a better person than Anastasia.

"Your mother?" asked James, though he could already get an idea of what

happened with Lysandra and Emily.

"Yes. She hates Emily," Gwen said with a hard expression, clenching her

robe tightly in her hands.

James held out his right arm and motioned with his hand for Gwen to

take it. It looked like she was going to say it would be difficult.

Gwen a little blushing accepted the help and took James' hand. She

noticed that taking his hand reassured her.

"My mother didn't like my father cheating on her at all, especially with a

muggle. Since Emily's mother died in childbirth, my father had to take

over and bring Emily home. Something that my mother didn't like at all, I

guess they must have had a big argument. I don't remember. I was only

one year old," Gwen began.

"All my childhood, I thought that Emily was my sister and that her

parents were the same as mine. I don't care now though. I still love her

very much," Gwen clarified.

"The differences my parents made with Emily in our childhood were

subtle. They wanted to hide it from everyone. They think it would be a

dishonor to the Shafiq bloodline," said Gwen.

"What differences specifically?" asked James.

"They ignored it. Especially my mother, who pretended she didn't exist.

At gatherings, she was like another member of the family, but when no

one was there they pretended she didn't exist," replied Gwen.

"And you didn't know that?"

"No. I told you all my childhood, I thought we were sisters from the same

parents. They didn't tell me because they thought a child might talk too

much and have everyone find out the secret," replied Gwen.

'If the other crazy pureblood families found out it would be a great

dishonor to the Shafiq family,' thought James.

"When I turned eleven and was about to start Hogwarts my mother told

me about it. From that day on her treatment of Emily changed. She

stopped ignoring her, and all the hatred she accumulated she started

showing her inside the house," said Gwen, squeezing James' hand tightly.

At first, because they thought Gwen wasn't ready to know about the

secret, Lysandra treated Emily as if she didn't exist so as not to raise

suspicions and so that her little firstborn wouldn't see anything strange.

However, once Gwen learned the secret, Lysandra no longer needed to

ignore Emily, and was allowed to vent all her frustration and hatred

towards the girl who reminded her every time she saw her that her

husband cheated on her with a Muggle.

Gwen told him how Lysandra treated Emily horribly. She no longer had

to pretend she was her daughter when she was with Gwen.

When Gwen began her first year at Hogwarts, Emily was left alone for

many months with Lysandra and Marcellus. When she arrived home at

Christmas, she noticed that her sister was thinner than before, she had

wounds on her small arms, and her mother kept her as a servant.

Her first year at Hogwarts was not at all pleasant. When she had to go

back to the castle all she could think about was that her sister might be

suffering, being mistreated or locked in the closet and not eating.

James couldn't believe his ears. How could an adult be so cruel to a ten-

year-old girl? Behind that facade of ice and mettle was a spiteful and

despicable person. James didn't comment on this to Gwen, though.

"What about your father, doesn't he do anything? Emily is still his blood,"

asked James.

"No. For as long as I can remember, he pretends she doesn't exist. How

will Emily feel when her father completely ignores her...?" said Gwen

with teary eyes.

"Emily is strong. We have to help her," said James, trying to calm her


"I know. I'm already doing something to improve her situation. Or do you

think I just stand by for all of last year and let my mother continue to

mistreat her?"

"What did you do?" asked James.

"I threatened my mother that I would leave the house with Emily. In

order not to do that you must treat her like before. No physical

aggression, verbal, treat her like a servant and so on," Gwen replied.

"Very brave. What would you have done if I locked you in your house?"

"She can't do that. What would happen if eldest daughter Shafiq

disappeared and didn't start Hogwarts? Rumors would run through

pureblood circles raising suspicion. Besides, my father would never let

that happen," Gwen replied.

"That's good. So what's the recent problem, did your mother try over the

vacations something against Emily?" asked James.

"Yes. She wanted Emily to spend Christmas at Hogwarts, but I told her to

come with me so that we wouldn't be afraid of her. Because of this she

thought Emily was defying her and hurt her again... if it wasn't for my

fault... I took Emily to a house she must hate and fear, she would have

had a much better time at Hogwarts," said Gwen as tears began to fall

down her face.

"It's not your fault," said James, hugging Gwen, who was still crying.

"Yes, it is," she said.

"No. You just wanted to help her," said James. Gwen continued to cry for

several minutes until she finally calmed down, and they separated.

"Didn't you say that, if I hurt her again, you would leave your house with

Emily?" asked James.

"Yes, but she doesn't care about my threats anymore. She said that if she

ran away from home she'd go find me and bring me back. And that when

she does Emily will never come back..." replied Gwen.

'She'll never come back... Is she crazy?' thought James in shock. What

Lysandra had told her was that she would murder Emily and bring Gwen

back to stay at home and continue to fulfill the role of the Shafiq's


How would she murder her? Surely by blaming it on criminals or that she

disappeared in mysterious ways and only Gwen survived. Creepy.

'What a crazy mother...' thought James, feeling very sorry for Gwen and

her crazy family. Not even his former mother Elizabeth Rothschild would

go to such extremes. James thinks that not even Sirius' mother would go

to such extremes. Of killing a twelve-year-old girl.

"What if you threaten her with telling everyone the secret? You know,

one interview in the Prophet and the whole magical community will

know," said James.

"I already tried that. She told me I was free to do it, that my father was to

blame for that problem. And as soon as she does it she'll take care of

Emily..." said Gwen, shaking her head.

'Yeah, she's crazy,' thought James, remembering the few times he saw

Lysandra. She didn't seem that nutty.

"What can I do to help you?" asked James.

"Help me think of ideas to keep Emily safe. We have time until the end of

the year and the vacations start. She can't go back to that house for now,"

replied Gwen, and James nodded.

Before Emily goes back to the house with crazy Lysandra they had to find

a way for her not to hurt her, since she will be there for two months.

"And come with me right now," Gwen added, taking James' hand and

resting her head on his shoulder.


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Chapter 120: Special honor

In the following days, James had Potions class and was in a group with

Snape and Emily. He felt so sorry every time he saw his first friend.

He couldn't believe that she had to live through so much physical and

verbal abuse by her stepmother and her blood father completely ignoring

her as if she didn't exist.

Also, from what Gwen told him, the physical abuse was severe. To the

point that they left wounds on her arms, legs, back, etc. Especially since

they were places not visible when wearing the Hogwarts uniform.

He was very relieved and happy when he noticed that Gwen loved Emily,

even seemed to adore her wanting to protect her no matter what. Now

they had to find ways to save Emily from having to go to that house that

had a madwoman inside. So, they would gather on the balcony of the

fourth-floor tower to brainstorm ideas.

Last year, when they met in room 11, Gwen was angry at Emily just

because she didn't want to be seen with her, and her mother would

somehow find out and get back at Emily for being with her firstborn. So,

she kept her distance while looking for a way to protect her.

"Why are you looking at me so much?" asked Emily, looking up from a

Potions book.

Currently, there was the Potions class group gathered together. Writing a

long scroll with lots of details. Snape had gone off to find a particular


"I was just thinking we're friends, right?" asked James.

Emily raised an eyebrow at this odd question, but her face didn't change

expression much.

"I guess," replied Emily in a monotone.

"So, any problems you have, you can ask me for help. I have some skills,"

said James, acting modestly.

"People who annoy me, you'll drag them across the floor with a Flipendo?

Like you did with that Lestrange boy?" asked Emily, looking with her

black eyes at James.

Before he could answer, she continued speaking, "No thanks. I can take

care of myself."

"Don't overthink it. It would only be the help of a friend," said James,

making a lazy gesture with his hand. Just then, Snape arrived and leaned

a heavy book on the table managing to catch both of their attention.

"What took you so long?" complained James, and Snape clicked his

tongue as usual.

"In this book is a thorough and detailed explanation of the girding potion.

Our potion will be the best in the class. And that's thanks to me," said


"You're the best, Snape," said James with clear sarcasm.

"I know. You don't need to tell me," said Snape.

That same day James and Lupin as usual in the evening headed to the

Room of Requirement to continue practicing and studying. As for the

practical stuff, James used his Protego while Lupin threw offensive

charms at him trying to break his shield.

It took them longer than usual to finish the training session. At half past

twelve, they left the room and returned to the Gryffindor common room

which was already empty. Except for one person.

"Is that Lily?" asked Lupin, who was under the invisibility cloak next to


Lily Evans was at one of the tables with her face lying on her numerous

notes. Her eyes were closed, and she had fallen asleep.

"Yes, that's her. You go first. Keep the cloak in my trunk," James said,

stepping out of the cloak and heading towards Lily.

Lupin nodded and gave a slight smile that James didn't notice. Like

everyone else, Lupin had noticed that James and Lily studied every day

in the library together for several hours.

He was too sleepy to make a teasing comment, so he went to the

dormitory quickly.

When he got to Lily's side, he could see that her long red hair was

covering her face a bit, and a bit of drool was coming out of her mouth.

He looked at all the books and notes on the table and sighed.

In this time spent with Lily, he noticed that she was very competitive.

The redhead, albeit subtly, would ask him about his study routines, his

progress, and more. He had already noticed that when he came back Lily

was studying in the common room.

Similar to his routine. Only James told Lily that he was studying in his

dorm instead of the common room. He didn't tell her about the room of


Besides, Lily was looking for perfect grades. So, she also wanted

homework in all subjects to be as perfect as possible. James doesn't do

this and concentrates entirely on the subjects he studies on his own, like

transfiguration, DADA, and Occlumency.

Astronomy, History of Magic, and Herbology tasks are as simple and fast

as possible. He does not spend a lot of time doing them as Lily does, as he

prioritizes. It is more important to learn conjuration and advanced

offensive and defensive spells than the history of magic and how the stars


In the subjects of Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, and DADA he keeps

top marks as he is so advanced and the tasks he can do perfectly.

"Hey, Lily," James said trying to wake Lily up, but she was still sleeping.

"Hey," he added as he gently moved Lily's shoulder.

"Lily," This time, he moved the redhead's shoulder a little more forcefully.

"Hmm..." Lily opened her eyes slowly and sat up with a start as she

realized she had fallen asleep.

"What time is it? Do we have to go to breakfast?" she asked, looking

around. It would be too bad to miss a class. She couldn't be punished. She

never was, not this year, not last year.

"It's still night. There are a few hours left to go to breakfast," said James,

holding back a laugh. Lily was strange. She was very studious and didn't

want to break any kind of rule, although some she didn't mind breaking,

like the revenge towards Professor Eustace.

"Oh, that's a relief... James. What are you doing here?" asked Lily. Just

then, she noticed she had a bit of drool on her, and with flushed cheeks,

she quickly wiped it off.

"I wanted to clear my mind a bit from all that studying..." lied James. He

couldn't tell her that he was studying outside the common room as it was

forbidden. And in this case, Lily would be angry as it could cause the

house to lose points.

"Yes... sometimes studying so much is a bit tiring," nodded Lily, agreeing

with James.

Lily to someone else would not believe such a comment, as she observes

the study habits of all her classmates, and most spend too little time for

her liking. Only James studies as much as she does or more. And for that,

she considers him a worthy rival.

"You should rest. Rest is essential. The mind can't go twenty-four hours

studying and reading nonstop," said James with real concern.

"If you do it, Why shouldn't I? Six hours of sleep is enough for me," said


James couldn't tell Lily that he wasn't normal. In his previous life, he was

used to studying for so long and having so little time to rest or spend

with friends. He even noticed that Lupin had a hard time following him

every day to go and continue studying and practicing for another three or

four hours more in the Room of Requirement.

And that Lupin didn't study in the afternoon after school for another four

hours in the library like James, who studied with Lily.

He thinks that for a 12-year-old boy or girl, it would be very excessive to

spend all day studying and only have one or two hours maximum of rest

per day.

"If you say so..." said James, knowing that anything he said was useless

with someone as stubborn as Lily.

"Thanks for waking me up now. I can finish my astronomy homework,"

said Lily as she picked up her quill.

"Was there astronomy homework?" asked James with an ugly expression.

"Yes. Don't tell me you didn't do it. The professor already gave you a

warning last class. It'll be bad if you don't turn in the homework again,"

said Lily, looking at James.

"I know," said James with a grimace, thinking how he would do the long

paper the professor had left.

The assignment wasn't difficult. The problem was that a lot of

information had to be transcribed onto the parchments which would

make it take an hour or two. And every hour is valuable.

"If you help me complete the last part I'm missing, I can lend you my

work to copy," Lily said, surprising James. It was a very strange

occurrence for Lily to allow him to copy her homework to someone.

"Really?" asked James.

"Yes. But you'd better pay more attention to your homework. You study a

lot, but all of the more advanced subjects, and you forget the professors'

homework," said Lily.

"As you say, professor. Thanks for the honor of copying from your

homework," joked James.

"An honor that few have been given. You should be proud," said Lily with

a smile acting noble and following James' joke.

Like James, Lily considered him her friend, and she didn't have many

friends. Jasmine, Khanna, and Severus were his best friends. The others

like Mary, Lupin, or another Gryffindor student from her year didn't have

much of a relationship.

Lily's opinion of James had changed, unlike the first time she saw him.

She thought he was an arrogant bully, but he wasn't. He had even

befriended Severus, though only she thought this.

She had seen the two of them working together in potions classes, and

they were very good. Even in the exhibition, they did they were the best

and they hit it off very well or so she thought in her head.

"Go get your stuff. You have a lot of copying to do," Lily added, and

James went to his dorm.

Thirty minutes it took them thirty minutes to complete the final part Lily

was missing. Then James started copying her work, and it took thirty

minutes longer. This was because Lily stayed with him and dictated to

him, so he saved time since he didn't have to read first and then copy.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 121: Suspicious attitude

One day in mid-January, James as usual went to the Room of

Requirement to continue his training and study routine. He went alone,

as Lupin had fallen behind on several assignments, as he spent more time

studying more advanced subjects and left aside assignments in History of

Magic, Astronomy, etc.

That day, James finished his training later than usual. He usually stays in

the room for about three and a half hours. He leaves the room at half

past eleven at night. This time he stayed five hours, as he lost track of

time while studying a very interesting subject.

He was creating a new charm for his contact lenses. His father and

grandfather had already created charms that made the lenses more

wearable and extended their life span.

James wanted to create a charm on his contact lenses that would protect

them from a blinding flash of light. Specifically from Lumos Solem.

The Lumos Solem spell produces a blinding flash of sunlight. However,

you must have sunglasses as otherwise the spell itself will blind you.

Although, you can make specific movements of the wrist to modulate the

volume of the light so that it is not so blinding.

James wants to cast the spell with the most powerful light to blind the

enemy, but he does not need to have sunglasses on. Otherwise, he would

also be affected by his spell. He could close his eyes just as he casts the

charm, but it is not as effective, as he loses valuable time to attack his

blinded enemy.

Because of this, he was creating a protective charm designed to shield his

eyes from the intensity of the Lumos Solem's light. Similar to sunglasses,

but James doesn't want his vision obscured like sunglasses.

'It's late already...' thought James, looking at the clock that read past one

in the morning.

Rest is important. He can't get three or four hours of sleep every day. If

he keeps that up over time his effectiveness will diminish. He can do it

every other day, but not for too long.

On the wooden table, there were many papers written in ink, erasures,

ideas of the new charm, etc. Creating a charm takes longer than learning

one that is already created.

"Tomorrow, I'll continue..." muttered James. All the scattered papers

came together and flew neatly into James' hands, and he put them in his


The invisibility cloak that was on a hanger flew gently towards him. He

covered himself with it and walked out of the room in the direction of

Gryffindor Tower.

The Room of Requirement and the entrance to the Gryffindor common

room were nearby. On the same floor, namely the seventh. James on his

way always had to pass through a door that was locked. No matter what

you try to use Alohomora won't open. The marauders already tried it.

Then, he goes through Classroom 7A. As far as James knows this

classroom is where Arithmancy classes are held. A kind of magical

mathematics. And finally, you reach the corridor containing the portrait

of the Fat Lady.

However, this time you found something unusual. As he was passing

through the closed door of Classroom 7A he heard faint murmurs coming

from inside the classroom.

Curiosity got the better of James, and he approached the door. The

classroom had no windows for James to observe. He could only lean his

ear against the door and try to listen.

As usual, he had cast Silencio Barriera so his footsteps and breathing

would not be heard. He didn't think it was Filch and his cat, as Filch

wouldn't close the door if he was looking for students breaking the rules.

'Could they be a couple sneaking around seeing each other?' thought

James trying to listen. He remembered the rumor and the picture

Xenophilius showed him of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy.

However, as he put his ear to the door and listened a little better he

realized it wasn't about that. He heard two male voices. One deeper and

huskier than the other.

They sounded like an adult and a young student about James' age

because of their higher-pitched tone of voice. It was hard to hear behind

a door and having the invisibility cloak over him.

'I can't hear well...' thought James with a frown. They were whispering,

and it was complicated to hear the conversation. Now he was more

curious, why would an adult be meeting with a student at one in the


A few minutes later, James heard footsteps approaching the door so he

stepped back and watched carefully. He wanted to know who it was.

The door opened slowly and the person James saw surprised him. It was

DADA Professor Eustace Burke. Behind him stepped out a student in a

Hufflepuff uniform.

The student looked about James' age. He had large square glasses, brown

hair, freckles, and a nervous look. His aura showed no signs of confidence

or assurance.

'Professor Eustace...? Who is that student?' thought James with many

questions in his head.

This smelled very bad figuratively. James dismissed the idea that

Professor Eustace was teaching him about DADA because the student was

behind or had doubts. That couldn't happen. It was obvious that Eustace

hated children and teaching.

'I'll be damned if I was helping him catch up,' thought James, and

nothing happened.

"You'd better hurry up. And don't get caught again by that damned

caretaker. I won't be able to save you again, you good-for-nothing,"

Eustace said grumpily and in a threatening tone. The student just nodded

his head repeatedly. He looked like he wanted to leave the place as soon

as possible.

"Go back to your common room. You have a week," added Eustace,

leaving the place and passing by James.

The Hufflepuff boy saw the professor disappear into the darkness, and

sighed in relief, but when he realized that he was alone in the dark

corridors of Hogwarts and that Filch was hovering he began to tremble

and walk back to his common room quickly.

James just watched as the boy walked further and further away. He

didn't follow him. It would be useless, and he didn't want to enter the

common room of another house again.

He silently resumed his walk to his common room. As he entered his

dormitory he noticed that everyone was asleep. He lay down on his

comfortable bed and stared up, thinking.

'A week for what? He seems to be looking for something... But what

exactly?' thought James.

He was already suspicious of Professor Eustace Burke. His close relatives

owned a store selling dangerous objects and were dedicated to the dark

arts. The bald man seemed to detest teaching and dealing with children.

His goal is not to teach the next generation so they can defend

themselves against the dark arts.

Another question that was niggling at the back of James' mind was, why

was he using a Hufflepuff student for his quest? The freckled and

bespectacled boy seemed to be against his will. It was likely that he was

being threatened.

And that would be great news for James and all the students who hate

Professor Eustace. If you find evidence of such behavior the professor will

be expelled for threatening a student.

If all these theories about Professor Burke are true he is likely a dark

wizard. Is he a Death Eater? Or is he a dark wizard who is not attached

to any group?

'I can't jump to conclusions... I'll follow that Hufflepuff boy tomorrow,'

thought James, closing his eyes.

He should add a new task to his routine. Find out what Professor Eustace

was up to.


Tuesday, January 16, 1973.

At breakfast that day, James scanned the Hufflepuff table, looking for the

boy he saw yesterday next to Professor Eustace. It wasn't hard to find

him. He was at the head of the table eating breakfast alone, like a loner

with no friends.

James decided to follow him at night. The professor gave him a time

limit of a week, so he certainly prowls the castle during the nights

looking for something unknown to James.

"Hey, James!" exclaimed Sirius, and James turned his head.

"What's up?" asked James, turning his eyes away from the freckled boy.

"What's up? A new Nimbus broom is out! Look!" said Sirius excitedly,

holding a weekly magazine from the Nimbus company over James' face.

James pulled the paper from his face and read the news on the front page

which read, [New Nimbus 1010! Its speed surpasses its predecessor the

Nimbus 1001...]

'A new one that fast...?' thought James, who was excited by the news, but

a little angry. His Nimbus 1001 wasn't even three years old, and he was

already due to buy a better one.

For Sirius, it was worse. Since he bought the Nimbus 1001 last summer,

so he still hadn't even used it for a year and already had to buy another,

more expensive one.

"Its aesthetics are spectacular," James commented, looking at a picture of

the Nimbus 1010. The broomstick was jet black giving it a dark, but cool


"Yeah, it's cool! We should buy it. We'll get this year's championship with

that broom!" said Sirius excitedly.

"You're paying to win..." said Lupin.

"It's always been that way. If you have an old broom your flying skills

better be great or you'll be dead weight," Sirius said not at all


"Buy it? Where are you going to get the money? Its price shouldn't go

below four hundred galleons," said James, knowing Sirius's financial


His mother wouldn't even give him an extra knut anymore. There was no

way he would have to spend four hundred galleons after buying the

Nimbus 1001 for three hundred and fifty.

"True..." said Sirius with a grimace, remembering that now he couldn't

abuse his identity being the heir to House Black. Less so with the last

argument, he had with his mother that he ended up going back to school

many days before school started.

"Ask your brother for money. He doesn't seem to hate you," Lupin said as

he ate a piece of toast with jam.

"Tsch, I won't ask Regulus for money. I am not a beggar. I'll get the

money by my means. My uncle Alphard is a great entrepreneur and

investor. He's taught me a few things," Sirius said with a confident smile.

"Oh, what business will you surprise us with?" asked James.

"Mm... Let me think," said Sirius, putting his hand on his chin and closing

his eyes.

After a few minutes where the other marauders were looking at each

other and eating in silence, Sirius opened his eyes with a smile.

"I know, illegal business!" said Sirius with a big grin.

"Don't say it so loud!" said Toby. It would be bad if a teacher overheard

and decided to punish him.

"How did you come to that conclusion...?" asked Lupin in disbelief.

"How do you plan to make money at Hogwarts? All ways will be illegal if

the professors find out. We have to create something like the Joker. A

smuggling business. That bloody clown must be swimming in money,"

said Sirius speaking in a slightly lower tone.

"It will be hard to compete against the Joker when he's already had a

smuggling network for years," said James, and everyone nodded.

"We should focus on another business. It is impossible to try to compete

with the Joker. It will be very laborious and it may take us years to beat

him. I need to buy the broom this year," said Sirius.

"Today after school. Meeting in our dormitory. In an hour we will choose

which business we will start," added Sirius.

Sirius knew that James had an hour of free time after school so he had

accommodated that time for the activities to be done by the marauders.

'Since when did we all go into business?' thought the others with their

eyes rolling.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 122: Business

Once classes were over, the marauders headed for the dormitories.

According to Sirius, it would be the first business meeting. They would be

his partners.

"Right, mates. We need some splendid business ideas. Don't be afraid to

bring up illegal business... Let's get started!" said Sirius, opening a

notebook and taking his quill.

"Peter Pettigrew, you go first. You seem to have a great idea in mind,"

added Sirius, looking at Peter, who was picking a snot out of his nose.

"Huh? Y-yeah, yeah, right!" said Peter in surprise as he threw his booger

away from him.

"Mm...Valentine's Day is a month away. We can sell love potions. Lots of

girls will buy them," said Peter after thinking for a few seconds.

James was amazed that Peter, who was picking snot out just a few

seconds ago could propose such an illegal business at Hogwarts. And

what surprised him more was that he could tie it in with Valentine's Day

as it would make for higher sales. A very good idea, albeit a dangerous


"Love potions," Sirius said, jotting down the idea.

"That business can make a good profit and more so on Valentine's Day.

What do you guys think?" asked Sirius, looking for opinions.

"It's much more dangerous than joke products. Compare a stink bomb to

a love potion that causes a person to fall madly in love with a person,"

commented Lupin.

"Where will you get the ingredients for the potions? You'll need a large

initial investment. Also, they are not easy potions to brew. They are

advanced. You need a potion maker," commented James.

"The ingredients...we can find them at Hogwarts like all the potions we've

made so far," began Sirius.

"We made?" asked James with a slight smile.

"Well, that you have made. And as for brewing we already have an expert

potion maker, right?" said Sirius, looking at James.

"No. I don't have that much time to devote to making love potions.

Besides, we'll need a big batch, and it would take me too long," refused

James, giving no options to argue.

"Love Potions out..." said Sirius, crossing out in his notebook as he knew

James wouldn't change his mind.

"You Toby? Any ideas?" asked Sirius.

"Bibles," replied Toby.

"What?" asked Sirius, scratching his ears.

"Bibles. The book of divine inspiration and a reflection of the relationship

between God and mankind. Maybe we can get the Slytherin students to

stop looking down on others who aren't purebloods," said Toby, looking

up at the sky and clasping his hands together.

"Oh... that's an excellent idea," said Sirius, flicking his wrist as if he were

writing in the notebook, but he wasn't writing anything.

"We'll think about that idea later. You Lupin?" he added.

"We could set up an illegal broom racing tournament," Lupin replied,

letting his imagination run wild. He doubted some of these crazy ideas

would ever get off the ground anyway.

"I like it. A different approach, but where do we do it? We need a really

big place," Sirius asked.

"The dueling room. We can put defensive charms so Filch can't find it.

James knows them," replied Lupin. How he spent a lot of time with

James practicing and studying, he knew of many defensive spells that

would serve to hide a room from other people's eyes.

He would never put the room of requirements as the tournament

location, as he doesn't want other people to know about that secret room.

"Mm, it would be hard to get all the students to come to the tournament

late at night. It would be very conspicuous and would draw the attention

of first Filch and then the professors," said Sirius.

In the end, they ended up discarding this idea. They would need a lot of

people for the tournament and people to gamble, since that way, they

would make money as the hosts, but there could be moles, and the place

would be exposed. Or some distracted students get caught, and all their

business comes to light.

"James?" asked Sirius hopefully. His best friend was usually the one with

solutions for everything.

"A school paper," replied James. He had time to think so it didn't take

him long to answer.

"Explain further," said Sirius, ready to write down everything his friend


"Hogwarts doesn't have a newspaper. And I'm not talking about serious

news. There will be all kinds of gossip news, rumors, exams, quidditch

matches, etc. We have no competition and its production is not difficult

at all. We just need a printer to print the copies of the newspaper that

will be published once a week. We can charge higher than normal for

each copy since students don't have many options for spending their

money anyway," explained James patiently.

"Every week, we will make a profit. On the other hand, they can't tell us

much if we get caught. Since when is it illegal to sell a school paper?"

said Sirius with a smile.

"We could make it legal. Tell the school we'll sell a school paper. That

way we'll save ourselves from future trouble," commented Lupin.

"I don't know... They can try to manipulate the information or set limits.

The fun will be putting out all kinds of crazy gossip. The morbidity will

be fed, and everyone will buy the papers wanting to know if Juanita

ended up with Pablito," said Sirius.

"And who will write the paper?" asked Peter. Neither of them liked to


"I have one person in mind," said James.


"Xenophilius Lovegood. The boy who shared a carriage with us on the

Hogwarts Express at the beginning of the year. His dream is to be a

journalist. We can hire him. That way he'll hone his skills, and we can

give him a salary," James replied.

"It's true. The guy with the toad! He had a camera and couldn't get

enough of gossip. I remember him showing me the picture of Narcissa

with that pale boy from the Malfoy family," said Sirius with a big grin.

They already had the perfect journalist.

The marauders had already decided what their business would be. They

talked for an hour, and then James went to the library to continue

studying transfiguration with Lily.

Before hiring Xeno they would need to get a few things for the business.

Papers, ink, pens, and a printing press are all magical to make the job


The first thing they would try would be to go to the room of

requirements asking for all these things. If they get them they already

have their business formed, and without losing a single galleon.

James gave that task to the others. He already had a mission for that

night. Find the Hufflepuff boy and find out what he is looking for

Professor Eustace.

James had no idea where the Hufflepuff common room was. So he

finished dinner faster than usual and went back to the Gryffindor


There he grabbed his invisibility cloak and returned to the Great Hall. He

kept an eye on the freckled boy, who was still dining in solitary. When he

got up and started walking towards the common room he followed him.

The entrance to the Hufflepuff common room was located in a corner to

the right of the kitchen corridor. The entrance was hidden behind a stack

of barrels. He would never have found the room had he not followed a

Hufflepuff student.

The freckled boy banged on the door hidden behind the barrels with a

particular rhythm that James couldn't decipher since he couldn't see very

well. The lid opened, and he disappeared.

'Well... now it's time to wait,' thought James. It was only just after eight

o'clock. He was sure the boy would be leaving the common room late at


James calculated that the boy would be out after curfew. When it would

be forbidden to wander around the castle.

He sat down in a corner facing the front, and from his wallet, he pulled

out a book he had started a few days ago. He had to take advantage of

the time to read and continue studying.

It wasn't the most comfortable way to study, but it was better than

waiting around doing nothing. Time passed, and more Hufflepuff

students were entering the common room, but James didn't pay attention

to them.

At about ten o'clock there was no one coming out or going in. The last

ones were the prefects who made their daily patrols. Making sure that no

students were outside the common room.

Eleven o'clock came, and the place was empty and silent. James was in

his invisibility cloak and had a silencing spell on so it looked like no one

was there.

Finally, the door to the common room moved. The noise caused James to

lift his head from his book and look intently at the person walking out

the door. As he expected it was the freckled boy.

'Let's see what you're trying to find out,' thought James, putting the book

away and standing up.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 123: ¿Regulus?

James followed the freckled boy as he headed towards the entrance to

the dungeons, near the Slytherin common room and the potions

classroom. At one point, the boy stopped and didn't move anymore.

'Waiting for someone?' wondered James, who was not far behind the boy.

With his cloak and his Silencio Barriera a student couldn't detect him.

The freckled boy had a nervous look on his face. He was looking

everywhere in fear of Filch or another professor appearing. After five

minutes, footsteps were heard coming from a completely dark corridor.

The boy was not surprised by this. It seemed that he knew in advance

that someone was coming down that way, and it wouldn't be Filch or

another professor.

A boy with short black hair and wearing a Slytherin uniform approached

the freckled boy.

The Slytherin boy had a calm aura and a natural haughty look that James

was familiar with.

'Sirius' little brother?' thought James with slight surprise. It was rare to

see a Hufflepuff student next to a Slytherin. Even more so when it was a


This was Regulus Black. He bore a strong resemblance to Sirius. Only he

was shorter and thinner, and his black hair was shorter.

"Allan. Did I keep you waiting?" asked Regulus in a low tone. Unlike

Sirius, Regulus seemed to have a much calmer and not-so-rambunctious


"No... Come on. We have to hurry up and figure out the map," said the

freckled boy named Allan.

Both boys started walking without realizing that they were being

followed by someone very close to them who didn't want to miss the

conversation they were having.

"What's the hurry? We're close. I can feel it," said Regulus, who noticed

Allan's anxiety.

"Yes, I know... but we've been trying to decipher the message for a long

time. I already want to see what we find," Allan said without much

conviction which Regulus didn't notice.

"Yes! I've never seen such a complex cryptographic message. I wonder

what will be in that vault when we manage to find it," said Regulus with

his eyes sparkling. He was always proud of his intelligence, but this

encrypted message was quite a challenge for him.

'Vault?' thought James curiously.

From the dungeon, they began to climb heading for the upper floors of

the castle. They passed through many moving staircases and dark


The journey was slow as Regulus and Allan were very careful and quiet.

They didn't want to get caught by Filch. Last time, through Allan's

carelessness they were caught. Although Regulus was able to escape

Allan was saved by Eustace.

After several minutes, they reached the fourth floor. The two boys went

inside a completely dark classroom. James got inside before they closed

the door.

'What was that?' thought Regulus as he felt a strange breeze pass near

him. Not giving it any more thought, he finished closing the door.

'Phew... that was close,' thought James. It almost grazed Regulus. If he

didn't have his Silencio Barriera charm, he would have been spotted


The room was disused. The dark shapes of desks and chairs could be seen

stacked against the walls. An old wooden desk stood near the large dusty


"Here you go, Regulus," Allan said as he quickly pulled two parchments

from one of the pockets of his uniform. He placed both scrolls on the

wooden desk.

Regulus unrolled both scrolls and placed them side by side. From his

robes, he pulled out a large parchment that, when unrolled, was almost

completely written on. Full of erasures, strange symbols, and many things

written on it.

James looked at the three scrolls on the table. The two scrolls that Allan

pulled out were much older. He could tell they were in worse condition

than the one Regulus pulled out that had barely any imperfections in its


One of the scrolls was what appeared to be a map, and the other was a

long paragraph as if it were directions. Moreover, it was written in

Ancient Runes.

'Most likely Eustace gave them to him...' thought James, looking at the

old scrolls that had a message encrypted in ancient runes. Thanks to

Gwen, he had to study Ancient Runes and could read, though not that


"Enlighten me," Regulus said, pulling a fancy quill out of one of his


"Lumos," said Allan, waving his wand and pointing it at the table.

Regulus began to work. He looked at the map and the message on the

ancient parchment and then wrote something on his parchment. All that

could be heard was his quill writing every so often.

Allan did nothing. He was just shining Lumos so Regulus could see.

James watched Regulus' process, but couldn't understand much. He

wasn't an expert at solving cryptographic messages in advanced Ancient

Runes. Perhaps that was one of the subjects the genius Rothschild didn't


"Did you discover anything new?" asked Allan after forty minutes where

Regulus didn't say a word.

"Allan. I've told you not to talk to me when I'm working," Regulus said,

looking up.

"Answering your question. Yes, I have advanced. Now we must head for a

corridor that is located between the hospital tower... and the clock tower

on the fifth floor," he added, looking at the map carefully.

"Have you figured out the entrance?" asked Allan eagerly.

Regulus looked at him as if he was looking at an idiot who didn't know

that 1 + 1 is two, "No. There must be a symbol somewhere in that

corridor that will help me decipher the message further," he explained as

he rolled up the maps.

Once in the corridor, they began to search for the symbol that Regulus

said was somewhere in that corridor. It took them twenty minutes to find

it. It was behind the helmet of a suit of armor in a very small size.

They returned to the disused classroom, and Regulus continued working.

James followed them all the way. That night, however, they did not find

what Allan so longed for. The vault.

When they both said their goodbyes, James returned to the Gryffindor

common room with many questions. It was very late.

Over the next few days, Regulus and Allan continued their search and

solving the encrypted message. Although the only one solving it was

Regulus. Allan was no help at all.

James watched all of this unnoticed and was able to discover several

things. First of all, the freckled boy's name was first-year Allan Abbot.

From the way they related, they seemed to be childhood friends with


Abbot was the surname of a family of pureblood wizards. They belonged

to the Sacred Twenty-eight.

James could tell that Regulus didn't know about Eustace and that Allan

had a time limit to find this mysterious vault. He seemed to be on an

exciting treasure hunt and was very fond of deciphering complex riddles.

Allan, on the other hand, was becoming more anxious and nervous every

day. He knew that the deadline Eustace gave him was approaching.

'Allan is using Regulus,' thought James, watching, as usual, Sirius' brother

deciphering the riddle in the disused room while Allan held his wand lit

with Lumos.

Today was the last night Allan had to give the DADA teacher what he

wanted. He was much more anxious than the previous days. There were

dark circles under his eyes and all the while he was asking about Regulus'

progress, who was becoming less and less patient.

"Quiet! Let me think. I can't think of every five minutes you're asking me

the same question," Regulus said with a frown.

"S-sorry..." said Allan with a bit of fear as he looked into Regulus' grey


From what James deduced it wasn't too difficult, Eustace's target would

be the treasures inside this vault. And he gave the task to Allan (for some

unknown reason) to decipher the riddle and find the vault with the


Although Allan is using Regulus, he seems to have no idea he is being

used and thinks he is solving a mystery with his 'friend'.

The time passed in silence. Allan didn't dare disturb Regulus again and

let him work quietly. A dirty old clock that stood in the classroom read

2:49 AM.

'I wonder what Eustace will do to Allan if he doesn't comply with what he

asked of him...' wondered James.

Would the professor kill the student for not complying with his suspicious

task? James didn't believe in this. There were many professors at

Hogwarts, and there was Dumbledore.

If Eustace had threatened to kill him it would be as easy as telling

Dumbledore. He had to have used a different kind of blackmail, to make

Allan obey him so fearfully since it was obvious he was doing all this

against his will.

Ten minutes passed, and Regulus put down his quill and looked at the

map with a slight proud smile.

"I think I got it," Regulus said. Allan stopped biting his nails, and a smile

appeared on his face.

"Really!?" said Allan with great relief.

"Shhh. Don't shout. We can't claim victory until we see the entrance with

our own eyes. Come on," Regulus said as he rolled up his parchment and

put it away. As he was about to roll up and put away the two old scrolls,

Allan stopped him.

"These are mine..." said Allan a little sheepishly.

"Yes, sure," said Regulus, looking strangely at Allan, who put away the

two old scrolls.

"Where are we going?" asked Allan.

"Fifth floor," replied Regulus, walking out of the hall followed by Allan

and an invisible boy.

'Better that following them every day and breaking my routine has done

some good,' thought James with a grimace. Though while Regulus was

solving the riddle, he continued to study, but he was going to bed later

than usual.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 124: Disloyalty from a


Regulus and Allan came to a long corridor on the fifth floor. The corridor

was completely dark, and there was no decoration. Just bricks and

columns. There were no paintings, no armor as there usually is in


"Is this it?" asked Allan doubtfully. It was the most normal corridor he

had seen at Hogwarts.

"Yes. Give me the scroll with the map on it," said Regulus, holding out his


Allan passed him the map, and Regulus quickly opened it and began to

read it. He looked up and started walking toward the east end of the


"Let's try here..." said Regulus, putting the map away and pulling out his


"Revelio," added Regulus, waving his wand.

'Oh, he knows Revelio,' thought James.

The Revelio charm is used to reveal hidden objects, messages, invisible

things, passages, or any other secretly written messages and hidden


It is considered difficult for a second-year student, and Regulus, who was

only a first-year was already capable of using it.

The large wall gradually disappeared like mist leaving secret staircases in


"Bingo," Regulus said with a slight smile.

"You're a genius Regulus!" exclaimed Allan.

"I know," said Regulus smugly, "Come on. Before Filch comes," he added

as he started up the stairs, and Allan followed more relieved. He would

already have a breakthrough to show Professor Eustace.

'Who knew there was a secret staircase in an empty stretch of wall? Well

in an empty wall, I found the room of requirement,' thought James as he

followed the duo.

When he first started investigating Allan, he was doing it to find out what

Professor Eustace was up to, but now he was very curious about this


What could be inside it that would make a Hogwarts professor covet it so


The stairs are narrow and zigzag upward. Magical torches flickered,

dimly lighting the way as they climbed.

After a walk neither short nor long they could see the end of the flight of

stairs. There was a simple wooden door. The most common one James

had ever seen.

Regulus fearlessly stepped ahead of Allan and reached out his hand to the

doorknob. He turned it and opened the door. As he opened it the

temperature dropped. James felt an icy breeze coming from behind the


"Hey, Regules, wait up!" said Allan, quickly following his partner, who

had already entered the next room. James followed behind him.

Walking through the door, James was met with a frozen landscape. The

floor is covered in a thin layer of ice, and ice spikes protrude from the

walls and floor. The air is filled with a feeling of intense cold. The

temperature dropped lower than before, and that was in winter.

The place was not very big. From its dimensions, it would be a corridor

rather than a room. It was not very wide, and it was long.

What most caught the attention of James and the other two boys was that

at the end of the corridor was a large door decorated with beautiful ice

patterns. Near the door is a knight in full steel armor standing silently.

The knight is about six feet tall and has a long sword. Like the door, the

knight is completely frozen.

"That must be the entrance to the vault. The knight must have a rank. It

will move and attack us if we get close. He's guarding the entrance,"

Regulus said shivering.

"Yeah... we better get back," said Allan, rubbing his hands together. He

had already accomplished his objective. He had to pass on the

information, and his mission would be over.

"Go back? Are you kidding me? Go through so much work, and now you

want to go back?" said Regulus, not at all happy. All Allan did was

provide him with the two old scrolls. Then all the credit went to him.

"We should prepare better..." said Allan, trying to convince Regulus.

"No. Take out your wand. We'll fight that knight. We'll defeat him and get

into the damn vault," said Regulus with wand in hand and starting to

walk towards the ice knight.

'He's got some Sirius-like attitudes,' thought James.

"Suit yourself..." muttered Allan, drawing his wand. However, he didn't

follow Regulus. Instead, he pointed his wand at him.

"Immobulus!" exclaimed Allan, pointing it at Regulus.

A blue flash shot out of his wand and hit Regulus.

Regulus' movement was halted. He couldn't look at Allan since he was

behind him, and he couldn't speak either.

"I'm sorry Regulus... You must understand that I have no choice," Allan

muttered approaching Regulus, who was still static in his place.

"I'll cast an Obliviate, and you won't remember anything," Allan added

stopping and pointing his wand at Regulus. He had to concentrate hard

to cast this charm that erased a specific memory from his mind.

When Regulus heard that his memory would be changed, he tried to open

his eyes in surprise, but he couldn't do it. He tried to break the charm,

but he couldn't move either.

He never thought that his childhood friend would stab him in the back. It

made him more furious that he had solved the complex enigma.

However, before he could cast the charm against Regulus a scream was

heard a few feet away from him.

"Expelliarmus!" exclaimed James, who no longer had the invisibility

cloak. A scarlet flash shot towards Allan at an incredible speed.

Before he could notice anything, Allan saw his wand fly out of his hand,

and he shot backward. He crashed into the wall and slid down until he

landed on the cold floor.

"What happened...?" he mumbled in pain as he lay on the icy floor and

stared at the ceiling.

Allan struggled to his feet and saw not far from him a jet-haired, blue-

eyed boy looking up at him. The boy's blue eyes melted into the icy

landscape of the corridor.

'Gryffindor?' thought Allan as he noticed the student's uniform appearing

out of nowhere as if he were a ghost.

"James Potter...?" said Allan, stuttering and wide-eyed.

'Potter?' thought Regulus, who wanted to turn around and find out what

was going on.

"Oh, looks like I'm quite famous," said James with a slight smile. He

hadn't expected a first-year student to recognize him so quickly.

Even though Allan was a first year, he knew who James Potter was. His

reputation was very high and growing higher every day.

James Potter the Gryffindor who humiliated Rabastan Lestrange. That

news reached the ears of all circles of pureblood families. Now all the

younger students were afraid of him because they thought he might

challenge you to a duel and humiliate you in front of the whole school.

Allan looked down at his wand that was lying on the floor. It was neither

too close to James, nor too close to him. A medium distance.

'I must get my wand back...' thought Allan. He didn't know how James

had gotten there, and this was no time to think about it either. He was

unarmed and had to turn the situation around.

He noticed that James wasn't even pointing his wand at him, as if he

wasn't a threat.

'Now!' thought Allan, starting to run in a zigzag. Getting closer and closer

to his wand. He couldn't go in a straight line, he'd be stupid to do that.

'Got it'! thought Allan with a grin as he bent down and grabbed his wand

quickly. As soon as he had it in his hands he pointed it at James, ready to

attack or defend.

However, James didn't change his position. He continued to watch him

with a stoic expression. His wand was still pointed at the ground.

Allan noticed how his cheeks grew hot. He didn't even need to make such

a desperate dash for his wand. His opponent didn't even consider him a

worthy rival.

James wasn't doing this on purpose. A first-year student his rival? Ha,

what a joke. Not even a fourth-year student is a challenge for him.

He only threw a powerful Expelliarmus at him because he didn't like

someone betraying his friend. Besides, the person they wanted to erase

his memories was his best friend's little brother.

Silence reigned in the corridor. Allan had beads of sweat on his forehead.

'I can't win!' thought Allan. James' aura was scary, though he still had an

unchanged expression.

Allan began to slowly take steps backward. In a moment he turned at a

great speed and started running towards the exit with all his might.

His mission had already been accomplished. Eustace couldn't be mad at

him because a student from another house intruded.

James sighed and shook his head. This Hufflepuff lacked the bravery of a

Gryffindor, though his decision was the smart one.

'A Hufflepuff who is disloyal, what a joke. He should belong in

Ravenclaw,' thought James.

"Atabraquium!" exclaimed James, making a complicated symbol in the air

with his wand.

'Too fast!' thought Allan, turning his head and noticing a yellow flash that

hit him. He didn't have a chance to turn around and try to evade it.

Allan's arms and legs were bound, and he fell to the cold ground. He

could not move. He seemed to have invisible ropes all over his body

binding him.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 125: Interrogation

Regulus felt his limbs returning, and he could move. The charm had worn

off after a few minutes.

He turned quickly and noticed his friend, Allan lying on the ground as if

his arms and legs were bound by invisible ropes. Nearby was he. A

person he had watched a lot since arriving at Hogwarts.

Regulus for a moment forgot about Allan's betrayal and stared at the jet-

haired boy, who was still wearing a blank expression.

'James Potter... My brother's best friend,' Regulus thought with a slight


His older brother was always telling him about the Potter boy, and he

had quite the reputation at school. Especially after humiliating a

Lestrange in front of everyone and then being the seeker of the

Gryffindor quidditch team.

When Regulus noticed James' gaze on him, he gripped his wand tighter.

He noticed that James' aura was very different. Whenever he watched

him with Sirius and his other friends, he always had a relaxed aura and a

friendly smile.

Now his gaze was stoic and icy, 'He looks more like a Slytherin...' Regulus

thought swallowing saliva.

"You're Sirius' brother, right?" asked James, though he already knew the


"Yes," replied Regulus, surprising himself at how easily he answered. He

didn't like James Potter. He thought he was partly to blame for why

everyone considered his older brother a disgrace.

"Wingardium Leviosa," James said, pointing it at Allan, who began to

float, though what floated was his robes. He threw it without much

consideration near Regulus, who looked on blankly.

"Ask your friend why he betrayed you after he made you work like a

laborer to decipher the enigma," James said and stood quietly waiting.

'Does he know about the enigma? How? Besides, he seems to know that I

was the one who solved it,' Regulus thought in alarm.

How long had they been watched by James? At first, she thought James

just happened to see them and followed them, not that he had started

watching them for days from the shadows. The thought of it was kind of


"Regulus isn't what it seems..." said Allan with a chagrined expression.

"Not what it seems?" repeated Regulus as his anger grew. Although he

was curious as to how James had followed them for so long, he had

saved him, and thanks to that his memories were unchanged.

"Why were you in such a hurry to get back when we finally found the

entrance? We've been looking for it for a long time," Regulus asked.

"I doubt you wanted to go back by yourself later to keep the treasures.

You don't have the ability," he added tactlessly.

"It's not that..." muttered Allan, not daring to look up and make eye

contact with Regulus.

"Come on, talk," Regulus said impatiently after a few seconds of silence.

Allan, however, remained silent.

"Go on, tell him," said James, fiddling with his wand nonchalantly.

"Tell what?" asked Allan, looking up and looking at James. Making eye

contact, he thought James knew everything. It was ridiculous, wasn't it?

But it gave him that feeling.

"Your relationship with Eustace Burke. The DADA professor. He gave you

the two old scrolls and gave you a one-week time limit. That's why you

were so anxious these last few days," said James.

"What!? How do you know so much?" asked Allan fearfully. James didn't

answer. He won't tell him that he overheard them while returning from

completing his daily routine late at night.

He'd better think he had all the information in the palm of his hand.

"The bald guy who crapped himself? You told me the scrolls were an old

family heirloom," Regulus said, looking at Allan with narrowed eyes.

"I lied... I'm sorry," Allan said, embarrassed.

"So, you used me while you were following the Defense Against the Dark

Arts professor's orders. Why?"

"I can't tell you," said Allan stubbornly.

"Are you sure about that? I can erase your memories, and you won't

know how to get to the vault entrance. Tomorrow, when you join

Eustace, you won't have accomplished his task. What will you do now?"

said James with a faint smile.

Allan opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. They

had him trapped. If James did this he wouldn't be able to complete the

assignment the professor gave him.

"Well... What do you want to know?" asked Allan in surrender.

"What information did Professor Eustace give you about the vault?

Besides giving you the two scrolls," asked James beginning his

interrogation. He didn't care about the personal problems between

Regulus and Allan.

He was to find out Eustace's objective and more detailed information

about the vault.

"Not much. He only told me that there was a riddle in the scrolls that I

had to uncover to get to a vault that held ancient treasures," Allan


"You don't know anything else?" said James, a little disappointed.

"No, just that."

"Your task was just to solve the riddle and find the entrance to the vault,

right?" asked James, and Allan nodded.

'After he knows the location, Eustace will come and take care of entering

the vault to take all the treasures. Just that? Maybe inside the vault, there

is something useful,' James thought.

"Why doesn't he look for the entrance on his own?" asked James.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me. He just gave me the order."

'What a pointless interrogation,' thought James, clicking his tongue


"Why did you follow his orders? What did he threaten you with?" asked


"He..." said Allan with his eyes glistening. It looked like a tear would

escape him at any moment.

"Come on, don't be so dramatic. Just spit it out," James said impatiently.

He had an ice knight to defeat.

"He threatened to poison my grandmother, who is in St Mungo's

Hospital," replied Allan.

"Your grandmother Isabel?" asked Regulus with surprise, and Allan

nodded. His anger subsided as he learned this.

"A deadly poison?" asked James.

"Yes..." replied Allan.

It was important to James to emphasize that it is deadly, "You believed

him that easily?" he asked again.

"He told me he has a colleague at the hospital. I couldn't risk it. Please let

me go! I just have to tell the professor the location, and my grandmother

will be safe," implored Allan.

'Why didn't he send a letter to a family member...? Or put a trusted nurse

to attend to his grandmother so he doesn't poison her... He doesn't have

Ravenclaw qualities either,' thought James, looking at Allan like he was

an idiot.

The Abbot's belonged to the Sacred Twenty-Eight and had power and

money. Enough to take good care of an old woman and not have her food


One thing that struck James as odd was that as he watched Allan these

days, he could tell he wasn't a very bright kid by any stretch of the

imagination. Professor Eustace should have noticed that too.

Why did he give him such a complicated assignment? When he wasn't

smart. There's no way he could have figured out the riddle on his own.

'He most likely knows that Allan is friends with Regulus, and Regulus is

smart,' James thought. Threatening Regulus wouldn't have been as easy

as Allan.

He had already wasted too much time. He pointed his wand at Allan, and

as he was about to cast an Obliviate Regulus stepped in the way and held

out his arms.

"What are you doing? Move," said James.

"No! You won't hurt him!" said Regulus. He knew he didn't stand a

chance against James in a magical duel.

James saved him because he was his best friend's younger brother. He

won't hurt him, right? That was Regulus' thought.

"Depulso!" said James without hesitation.

A flash of light hit Regulus and sent him flying away from Allan. He

rolled on the ground and ate a lot of snow.

Depulso was a spell that moved the target away from the caster. It could

send a target to a specific location. Its only function was to push.

Different from Flipendo besides sending you flying away you felt a strong

hit in your chest.

"What are you going to do...?" asked Allan with fear, looking at James as

if he was a serial killer.

'I'm not going to kill you,' thought James, rolling his eyes.

"Relax. I'll just erase some of your memories and create some new ones,'

replied James with a smile that gave Allan chills.

First, he cast a Desmaius to knock Allan unconscious. Then, he went to

work erasing memories and creating new ones.

He cast an Obliviate and erased all of his memories since James made an

appearance. He also erased the memory of when Allan asked Regulus to

come back to prepare better, and the Black boy refused.

It created a new memory for him. In which Regulus told him yes. It was

better to go back and prepare better. This way, Allan didn't have to

attack Regulus, and all went well or so he would think.

The spell to create false memories was different from Obliviate, but

James had mastered it as well. You implanted a false memory into the

victim's mind, without them realizing that the memory wasn't originally


"Job done," said James, satisfied with his work. Allan was still sleeping

on the floor.

"Why are you erasing his memories?" asked Regulus, approaching James.

His robes were all wrinkled, with dirt and a bit of snow on them.

However, he didn't have the heart to complain. He didn't want his

memories erased.

"This idiot if he goes back to Professor Eustace, it will be impossible for

me to fool him. The bald man will find out that I was here, and I don't

want that. As for you, he most likely already knows you solved the

riddle. There's no way this guy could have solved it," James explained.

"Yes. Allan isn't very clever by any stretch of the imagination," Regulus

said with a grimace. That's why he befriended Allan in the first place. He

wasn't your typical arrogant, spoiled, pureblood boy who only knew how

to talk about his family.

"Now, you will have to act. For Allan, you agreed to better prepare

yourself to later enter the vault. With that, his mission will be completed

to perfection, and he will be able to tell Eustace about it. And your

granny will be safe," said James with a grimace.

"I see. What will you do?" asked Regulus warily.

"Go into the vault of course," replied James.

"But that way when Eustace sees the vault open and the treasures gone

he'll blame Allan. And his grandmother may be in danger," said Regulus.

" He will have no reason to blame him. For Allan, they both decided to

leave and not enter the vault. No matter how much you question him you

won't be able to find anything, and it would be irrational for him to

blame him," said James.

'And I doubt his grandmother is in danger...' thought James, though he

didn't say so. The only evidence Eustace gave Allan was his word that a

possible colleague was in the hospital and that this possible colleague

might poison Isabel Abbot. A witch belonging to a powerful family.

The odds of this being true were low for James, though there was always

the possibility that Eustace was telling the truth.

"I understand. After spying on us and taking advantage of our work you'll

take all the treasures, right?"

James smiled slightly, "Not quite. You can come in with me. We'll split

the treasures." he said without giving it much thought.

He didn't have high expectations on this. Mainly because of Eustace

Burke's background having a connection to a store selling antiques and

obscure objects.

If there are objects related to the dark arts in this vault, James is not

interested in them. He could study them at best, but nothing more. He

was more interested in fighting the ice knight and whatever was inside

the vault.

At last, he would find a worthy opponent. If this knight was the only

defense of the vault he would be very disappointed.

"Really?" asked Regulus in surprise.

"Yes. Now wake your friend and return to your common rooms. Then

pick up the path and come back here. I'll wait for you," said James as

with a disillusioning spell, he hid in the surroundings of the icy walls.

Taking on the exact color and texture, as if he were a chameleon.

'That's the way it followed us?' thought Regulus.

With the counter spell of the stun charm, Regulus woke up Allan who

was very confused. He gave him the excuse that he passed out and Allan

thought it was because of all the anxiety and tiredness of the last few

days that he slept little and badly.

Luckily his friend agreed to leave the entrance to the vault, and they

didn't argue. Tomorrow, he could pass the information on to Professor



You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 126: Ice Knight

James waited patiently in the cold corridor for Regulus to arrive.

Everything was frozen, the walls, the floor, the vault door, and even the

knight who looked like it would be impossible for him to move.

The knight held a long sword with both of his hands and covered the

door as if he were its guardian.

James thought about how strong this inanimate opponent would be. The

most logical way to defeat him would be to fight him with fire.

After a few minutes, he heard footsteps, and Regulus reappeared, "Ready.

Allan thinks everything went well," Regulus said a little agitated, as he

had come running. He still didn't quite trust James. He could have gone

into the vault in the time he left. Luckily, he didn't.

"Okay. In the scrolls you deciphered was there more information? Or did

it just talk about the location of this vault?" asked James.

Perhaps Regulus didn't tell Allan all the information as he deciphered the

message. James had to make sure.

"No. It was just an encrypted message to get here," Regulus replied, and

James stared at him trying to find hints of a lie.

"Fine," James said after a few seconds and stopped looking at Regulus,

who sighed in relief for some reason.

"How do we defeat that ice knight? We must strategize," commented

Regulus, looking at the knight's great sword. He knew that as soon as the

knight moved and attacked them their lives would be on the line.

'He's more mature than his age and Sirius...' thought James. Sirius would

have said to attack immediately and improvise.

"You'll stand watch from a safe position. I'll take care of the knight," said


He didn't know of Regulus' magical abilities and wanted to fight the

knight alone without help. When would he ever get the chance to fight

an opponent of this caliber again?

Regulus was going to say something, but noticing the look on James' face

he knew it was useless. Besides, he wasn't a fan of fighting a frozen

knight to the death. He preferred to solve complicated riddles and keep

the treasures for himself.

Regulus moved as far away as possible to give James room for the

impending battle.

'He must have a proximity range... Let's see when it activates,' thought

James, walking calmly towards the ice knight, who was still standing as a

frozen statue.

One step, two steps, three steps. James became more alert with every

step he took. He had his wand ready to act at any moment. When he was

about five meters away, he noticed how the frozen body of the knight

began to tremble slightly.

His whole body seemed to be slowly activating as if he had been asleep

for hundreds of years. The long, thin sword trembled and shed the frost it

had accumulated all this time.

Small blue circles lit up behind the knight's helmet. They appeared to be

his eyes watching James intently. His mission was one. To protect the

entrance from intruders.

In a matter of seconds, the ice knight got into combat stance and started

running towards James at an incredible speed. He had great speed even

though he was running holding a long, large sword in both hands.

"Depulso!" exclaimed James, who was alert and not surprised by the

sudden stampede of the knight.

Before the flash reached its destination, the knight swung his sword with

one of his arms and sliced the spell-like tofu. He did it as cleanly as

possible so as not to waste time and run back to his target.

'What the hell?' thought Regulus in alarm holding his wand tightly.

What reflexes and speed must the knight have had to be able to cut

through a spell moving at incredible speed? Besides, he was running in

James' direction without stopping.

James was surprised for another reason. He didn't know that you could

cut spells and nullify their effect. The Depulso thrust effect also worked

on objects like swords.

In a few breaths, the knight reached a distance where his sword could kill

James. With both hands, he made a direct slash to James' head to

decapitate him.

However, James had already started a movement with his wand and

exclaimed, "Protego!"

Just in time, a protective barrier was created between James and the

knight. The sword hit the invisible shield and resounded against the

barrier. That wasn't all, when the sword hit the barrier it also bounced

back. It was reflected.

James' arduous training had paid off. His Protego in addition to blocking

physical forces and spells could reflect attacks that would knock his

attackers down as in this case.

James found that once the spell was successfully cast the sword could not

cut through his shield like tofu. In this case, the barrier appeared first.

The ice knight's arm was forced upward, a perfect opportunity to strike


"Immobulus!" shouted James and the flash from his wand struck the chest

of the knight's armor.

The knight was immobilized. His arm was still stretched upwards, 'His

armor is not resistant to spells...' thought James as he watched the knight

immobilize a few meters away from him.

A troll's skin to give an example has a higher resistance against control

spells such as Immobulus, Petrificus Totalus, etc. James when he faced

the mountain troll over a year ago cast Immobulus on it.

But his spell was effective because he targeted a weak area of the troll.

Near the face where the skin is much softer, even so, his Immobulus

lasted less than ten seconds on the troll.

After about thirty seconds the knight regained his mobility and

immediately attacked James. Again aiming for his head. Although the

attack was the same as before, the knight's speed was incredible. James

had to use all his concentration and reflexes to throw a Protego and not

be decapitated.

He even noticed that when the knight's sword hit the barrier of his

Protego, the barrier shook.

"Flipendo!" exclaimed James, taking advantage of the knight's

outstretched arm from hitting his shield. The Flipendo wasn't very

effective. It barely knocked him back a few steps, and that was when

James used all his power.

The knight went back on the attack. James defended himself in the same

way, and after his Protego reflected it he cast a spell to test its

effectiveness on the knight.

'What is he doing...?' thought Regulus with a strange expression,

plastered on his face. It looked like James was having a spar against the

knight. Instead of defeating him with fire or something more effective.

'Phew... His speed and strength are incredible. If he had more intelligence

than a ten-year-old he would be a tough opponent' thought James, who

had sweat on his forehead and a smile on his face.

On the other hand, if the knight had resistance against control spells,

James could not be sparring against him. He should seriously fight and

defeat him quickly.

"Hey, Regulus, what time is it?" asked James after casting an Immobulus

on the knight. He had a minute to catch his breath.

"Almost five in the morning..." replied Regulus, looking at a fancy pocket

watch he had tucked away in his robes.

"I should get this over with," James muttered, looking at the knight, who

was shaking trying to regain his movement and charge at James doing

the same attack as always.

'It will be a waste to lose such a good sparring partner...' thought James.

"Diminuendo!" said James, pointing his wand at the ice knight. An idea

came to his mind.

The knight as it was hit by the spell began to slowly shrink. Until it was

the size of a small rodent.

From his wallet, he took out a small cage that he used to keep mice and

practice transfiguration spells. Now, it was empty. He noticed that the

little knight was running towards him. He was very slow.

When he got close to his shoe he started to hit it with his little sword.

'How cute. Easy, later we will continue our fight,' thought James, taking

the knight and putting him in his new cell. He took the sword away from

him to avoid accidents.

"Ready. Let's go into the vault," James said after putting away his new

training partner. Regulus couldn't bring himself to ask how James pulled

a cage out of a wallet.

'Lucky I ran into him,' thought Regulus, walking beside James towards

the entrance of the vault.

If he had wanted to fight the knight along with Allan, there would be two

students dead and missing at Hogwarts, as they would be left in this

secret part of the castle unfound by anyone.

Regulus did not know Protego. He would have no way to defend himself

against the knight and any spells he cast would be cut off by the knight's


As they got closer and closer to the majestic icy door, James noticed how

the temperature was getting lower and lower. He felt all his skin freezing.

He had been standing in this frozen corridor for so long.

When they were about two meters away, flashes of light shone from the

upper corners of the door, attracting the gaze of both boys. In each

corner was a symbol incomprehensible to James. The strange thing was

that both symbols began to glow brighter and brighter.

James knew that what was glowing from an ancient frozen door would

not be any good. They looked like cannons about to fire, "Dodge!"

shouted James as he spun around and rolled through the snow.

From one of the symbols shot out a bolt of icy air that hit the spot where

James was standing before. He wouldn't have had time to wave his wand

and shout the spell, so he had to roll Muggle-style.

Regulus did not suffer the same fate as James. He instinctively covered

himself with the arm that wasn't holding his wand, and the flash hit him

in that spot.

Regulus' arm began to slowly freeze. Luckily it stopped, and only his left

arm froze. However, the attack continued. Beams of icy air kept shooting

out at both of them.

James this time was prepared and was able to use a Protego. Regulus

leaped forward awkwardly and fell to the ground, but managed to dodge

the flash that was headed for him.

"Bombarda!" shouted James loudly and pointed at the door specifically at

the upper left corner, where one of the strange symbols that shot icy

flashes was.


A small explosion occurred as James' Bombarda hit the door, and his

instincts were not failing him. The symbol on the door was destroyed and

stopped firing. Before he could fire another Bombarda at the symbol on

the right side, he had to use a Protego to protect himself again from the

icy flash.

He then cast the Bombarda, and the flurry of attacks ceased, 'That was

frantic...' thought James, wiping his robes.

"Are you okay?" asked James, approaching Regulus, who was looking at

his frozen arm.

"What do you think? I can't move my arm, and I'm getting colder by the

second," replied Regulus, shivering.

"Can you go on?" asked James.

"Yes. I'll go on. I can still use the wand," said Regulus, gritting his teeth.

"I have an unconventional method to melt that ice," said James with a

slight smile, and Regulus had no choice but to accept his proposal. A

while later Regulus had his arm thawed, but numb. It was better than

having a chunk of ice.

James used a Flipendo to break the block of ice that had formed around

Regulus' arm.

"When we're done with this little adventure, I'd recommend you visit the

infirmary," James suggested, and Regulus nodded.

This time, they made it to the door, and nothing tried to kill or freeze

them. James had the door a short distance away. The cold emanating

from behind the door seemed to be worse than the corridor.

'We're not just going to freeze our way into the vault, right?' thought

James, looking at the frozen door that just looking at it gave you the



You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 127: Vault of Ice I

"We need a key," James said as his eyes caught the key detail of the lock

on the door. Compared to how big the door was the keyhole was small,

which was why he hadn't noticed it before.

"It didn't say anything about a key in the scrolls," Regulus said.

They made a quick inspection down the corridor but found nothing.

"Maybe..." muttered Regulus with a thoughtful expression.


"The ice knight you captured. He has the same symbol behind his helmet

as the symbols that shot at us. I also found that symbol in the fifth-floor

corridor behind the helmet of a suit of armor," Regulus replied.

James with a grimace released the knight from his cage. He threw an

Immobulus at it and then returned it to its original size. He looked at him

from behind and noticed that Regulus was right. Behind his helmet was

an intricate symbol of ice. It glowed with a cold and mysterious light.

"Try shooting it," Regulus suggested.

Before the knight regained his mobility James threw an Incendio that hit

him right in the back of the neck where the symbol was.

With a thunderous crackling sound, the symbol caught fire and shattered

into many pieces like a mirror receiving a heavy blow.

Once the symbol disappeared the ice knight began to shiver and slowly

melt. His armor was crumbling into tears of water and shards of ice. In a

few breaths, the knight vanished in glowing ashes.

In the place where the ice knight lay, a crystal key of not very large size

emerged. James and Regulus looked at each other.

"It worked..." muttered Regulus. He just had a hunch he didn't think

it was going to work.

James bent down and picked up the key, then looked at the ashes with

regret. His great practice partner was gone. There was nothing left of

him. Just ashes.

"At least you kept the sword," Regulus said as he noticed James look at

the ashes. He didn't know what anyone wanted a knight for that all he

wanted to do was decapitate you. Strange tastes.

"That's true," nodded James. The sword was not normal. It had ancient

runes embedded in its blade. Most likely because of that it could cut

spells and not receive their effects.

James walked back to the door, and as he was about to put the key in the

lock, Regulus spoke, "I don't think it's a good idea to come in..."

James stopped the key just inches from the lock, "Why? With your friend,

you seemed to want to get in," James said.

"I was reckless," Regulus said not too proud of this.

Regulus didn't think there would be such a dangerous place at

Hogwarts, that's why he wanted to go in and find the treasures. As

someone from Slytherin, he didn't like being reckless as a Gryffindor.

If it wasn't for James the knight would have killed him already. And

if in a hypothetical case, he managed to defeat the knight, the ice lasers

would have frozen him. At best, he could have dodged one with luck.

Who knows what things would protect the treasures inside the vault? It

wasn't something a freshman could face. Even sophomores, juniors, or

seniors would have the same fate. Except James, who was a weirdo.

"You can go back to your common room. I'll send you the treasures in the

postal service. I'll pick the one that catches my eye the most though,"

James said, paying no more attention to Regulus and putting the key

down. He turned it, and faint clicking noises began to be heard.

After a few seconds, the gear movement stopped, and

James with both hands pushed the large ice door.

The door separated into two halves with a loud noise. A cold wind blew

into James' face, and he noticed how all his facial muscles tingled. He felt

the key melt away. He didn't understand why, but he didn't think much

of it.

The cold inside the vault was much worse than he thought. It was

different from the cold in the corridor. He didn't know how to explain it.

Regulus, who decided to follow James also felt the same. He started to

shiver more than before.

'How could there be so much difference?' James thought as he entered

the vault. He had to take the treasures and get out of there quickly or he

would freeze to death.

The interior of the vault has a hexagonal layout, with walls of ice

reflecting light in shades of blue and silver. The floor, too, is covered in

polished ice, amplifying the sense of coldness.

James entered first, and Regulus followed. Both looked at the vault with

interest. A hexagon has six sides. One of the sides was through the door

where they entered. On the remaining five sides were Ice Knights. Each

carried a different weapon.

One knight had a long sword like the one James defeated. Another

carried an ice spear. Another had an all-crystal bow. Another a shield and

sword. Another was a mace that consisted of a simple bronze ball with

blades set on the end of a metal handle. The last one carried

a huge axe that he had to hold with both hands.

In the center of the hexagon on a pedestal was an icy chest. The surface

of the chest is adorned with ancient patterns and symbols.

Regulus paled as light blue lights appeared on the hooves of each ice

knight. He turned to escape the vault, but the door quickly closed.

"No!" he exclaimed banging on the door and trying to push it open, but it

was impossible.

James' expression also became worried. Perhaps he was reckless to enter

the vault. Besides, he had a first-year student to protect, but there was

nothing he could do about it now. He had to survive and protect Sirius'


"Listen. I'll try to get the attention of most of them. Take care to stay as

far away from the knights as possible and cast charms like Immobulus or

Diminuendo on them that way they'll be out of combat. Also, try to cast

Incendio near the symbol," James said quickly as from his wallet he

pulled out the sword of the knight he defeated.

"It's okay. I don't know how to cast Diminuendo," Regulus said, getting

ready and positioning himself behind James.

"Control spells will do me," said James, holding his wand in one hand and

the sword that weighed about 4kg in another. The disadvantage of the

sword was its length, and James was not as tall as the knight so the

weapon touched the ground.

'Worst case scenario, I'll use my telekinetic ability,' thought James. That

was the name he gave to his ability to move objects with his mind. Since

it was the same thing muggles know as telekinesis.

If the situation was really bad he would use it for combat. He didn't want

to use it because there was Regulus, and he didn't want his ace up his

sleeve to be known to a Slytherin student and possible enemy.

Even though Regulus was Sirius' brother, he was just like any other blood

supremacist and House Black. He had no confidence that a future would

not join Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

The most problematic thing about knights was their weapons that could

defend against spells. If the knights would not have those weapons they

would not be able to defend against a spell like Immobulus or


Another disadvantage was that they were surrounded. The knights were

in an ideal position. They were walking slowly towards them,

they seemed to be activating as if they had not moved for many years.

James wasn't planning to give them time for it. He decided to throw a

Diminuendo at the knight with the bow since he would be the most

problematic. If he could shrink it, the problem solved.

The knight did not stand still as a spell came at him. He drew his bow,

and an arrow of ice formed out of thin air. Then he shot. The arrow and

the spell flash collided and canceled each other out.

However, James had already expected this and had quickly cast yet

another Diminuendo seconds after casting the first spell. Even so, it did

not work. The knight had speed and reflexes equal to or greater than

him. He launched another arrow that destroyed the spell.

Before James could complain he noticed that he already had the other

four knights on him. Regulus didn't stand still and cast spells trying to get

the attention of the knight with the huge axe.

So he only had three nice knights who wanted to slice his head off with

their sharp weapons.

"Protego!" shouted James.

Two swords hit the barrier and were reflected, but the knight with the

spear managed to break James' shield, who quickly raised his sword and

defended himself.

The lance hit the sword, and James was thrown backward. He could not

compete in strength with a magical knight who could break spells with

his weapon.

He rolled and rolled until he could stop himself and got up quickly.

Thanks to covering himself he didn't get any serious injuries. Just a few

sore muscles.

He didn't have time to breathe. Two ice arrows were speeding towards

him. He launched an Aeromanteo with incredible reflexes. Thanks to

the fact that the arrows were directed to the center of his forehead with a

single Aeromanteo he managed to deflect both arrows.

He could see how the arrows passed just a few centimeters from his face.

His heart was beating a thousand per hour, and he felt an adrenaline rush

he had never felt before, not even against the mountain troll. If he had

missed, his forehead would have been pierced.

In milliseconds, he understood that he could not hold back. He had to use

all his abilities or he might end up dead before Voldemort came for him.

Again a long sword, a normal sword, and a spear were heading deadly

towards him. He cast a Protego and with his telekinetic ability stopped

the spear knight. It was very difficult to do these two things at the same

time, but he succeeded.

The two sword-wielding knights were reflected by his Protego. The one

with the spear stood still as if he had been hit by Immobulus, but in

reality, it was James who with his mind at full power held back his

movement. He could feel that with each passing second it was harder and

harder to hold the knight still.

"Reducto!" shouted James with sweat on his forehead aiming at the spear


The knight managed to break free but didn't have time to try to cut the

spell with his special weapon. The blue flash hit his armor, and the

knight was reduced to a pile of ashes.

The Reducto was a Curse that turned solid objects into pieces. In

this case a lifeless walking armor. Since it was a Curse it was much more

powerful and dangerous than the other two types of dark spells, namely

jinxes and hexes.

James learned it and used it because he did not consider it a dark spell,

although it was classified as one. It could only be used on solid objects.

Not on people, so he saw no harm in learning this spell.

'One down,' thought James with sweat on his forehead. He could see

Regulus rolling on the ground dodging an axe from the knight. Thanks to

this one being slower than the other knights the Slytherin boy was

somehow surviving.

'I have to help him,' thought James, but he already had the other two

knights on him and two arrows coming at him.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 128: Vault of Ice II

From the speed of the arrows, he knew it would be very difficult to try to

control them with his telekinesis ability. He would have to put a lot more

energy into trying to slow them down and change their direction. So, he

opted to move the shielded knight and use it as a shield.

While holding the shielded knight still, he cast a Protego and reflected

the other knight's attack. Then he cast a Reducto and got rid of him.

What he didn't expect was that the bow knight had moved and shot more

arrows at different angles.

'Shit!' thought James. He wouldn't have enough time to launch a Protego

or Aeromanteo. With all his mental strength he moved the trajectory of

the arrows which were two.

One scraped his shoulder and cut him. The other arrow passed inches

from his cheek and made a small cut. Just below his eye. Besides, he

already had the knight of the shield on him again.

The cold in the vault was too much. For every second that

passed, he felt his limbs growing more numb, and it was harder to move,

making his wand movements slower and clumsier.

'That damn archer!' cursed James as he threw a Protego to cover himself

from several arrows and a sword from the other knight.

His Protego wasn't as strong as it had been at first. He could protect

himself, but it no longer reflected the attacks. This caused the shielded

knight's attack to continue with almost no time to waste.

James knew that, because of his numb limbs, plus fatigue and

his injuries it was very difficult to use his wand to attack and defend.

'I hope this works...' thought James as he cast a powerful Fumos.

From his wand came a large amount of smoke that in a

few breaths completely covered him and the shield knight. He didn't

know how the sight of these knights worked. Maybe they had a sensor

and didn't need to see, or they saw the person's magic or something. He

didn't know.

Luckily, the smoke screen worked. He began to move stealthily and did

not receive any arrows, nor any attack. Too bad he was blinded too, but

he could catch his breath.

A loud noise of a weapon smashing the ground made James remember

that Regulus was trying to survive a knight with a giant axe.

'Regulus!' thought James as he began to run through the smoke in the

direction of the noise. Besides, the knight with the bow could target

Regulus as he lost sight of his prey.

As he emerged from the smoke, he noticed the small figure of Regulus on

the floor cornered against the wall. In front of him was the knight

holding the axe high above about to strike and cut him in half.

He also noticed how Regulus had an ice arrow stuck in his left shoulder,

his expression was pale and devoid of energy.

James watched in slow motion as the huge axe came down towards

Regulus, who already had a reluctant expression accepting his fate. Or

was it that his face was too numb to show fear or any other expression.

A spell would take too long to come and stop the knight's movement.

Even if it was non-verbal.

'Double down!' thought James with all his might. He couldn't let his

friend's younger brother die here.

An invisible force stopped the knight's movement. The axe came within

an inch of Regulus. A second later, the knight was sent flying into the

archer who was about to fire.


The two knights crashed into the icy wall, and the entire vault shook

from the huge impact.

James knelt on the icy floor breathing heavily. His complexion was pale,

guilt from the cold and all the fatigue he had from the battle.

Regulus had a shocked look on his face. He had already prepared for his

death and watched as the knight was sent flying like a rocket into the


'Was it him...? But how...?' Regulus thought, noticing James in the

distance kneeling and breathing heavily.

Regulus struggled to his feet and grabbed his wand. Just then he saw a

knight emerge from the smoke and start running at full speed towards

James, who had his back to him.

"Watch out!" shouted Regulus with his remaining strength. He tried to

cast a spell, but could not. His left arm was numb from the ice spell

before he entered the vault. And his right shoulder was stuck with an ice

arrow. Hopefully, he could move and grab his wand.

James turned as best he could and noticed a knight charging towards him

with murderous intent.

'Come at me...' thought James, extending his hand. A sword came out of

the cloud of smoke at a great speed and headed for the back of the

knight's unprotected neck.

The blade of the sword pierced the knight's helmet and destroyed the

symbol on the back of his neck. The knight fell close to James and began

to melt until he dissolved completely.

'Only two more,' thought James, taking the sword that killed the knight

and standing up. He began to walk slowly towards the other two


He didn't have enough strength to lift the sword, so he dragged it through

the snow. He felt his brain throbbing heavily and a growing headache.

Regulus watched with a shocked expression as James walked towards the

two knights, who were slowly getting up. He could see that James was

very fatigued, but, still, he walked towards those knights to continue the


Perhaps he could understand why his brother was James' friend and

talked about him so much.

James with his mind threw his sword at the axe knight, who managed to

take cover but left an opening which was what James was looking for. A

Reducto blew him to dust, and only one knight remained.

He watched as the knight drew his bow and launched a string of three ice

arrows. He didn't have the speed to defend himself with a Protego,

his whole body felt numb, and it would take too long. Minus an


His mental ability felt like it was at its limit. If he used one more time, he

felt his brain would explode. There was only one option available.

Counterattack with fire and let the more powerful attack win.

"INCENDIO!" shouted James with all his remaining strength.

From his wand, a great stream of fire was conjured that swallowed the

ice arrows and melted them. The stream of fire did not stop. It continued

its path toward the ice knight until it enveloped him completely and set

him on fire.

The fire destroyed the symbol and made the knight melt until he

disappeared from the face of the earth.

When the last knight was defeated a tremor was heard in the

vault and the great door opened again. James had no time to rest. If he

continued in this cold, he would freeze to death.

He walked to the center of the room and put the chest in his wallet.

Luckily, the chest had no trap set on it.

Then he walked over to Regulus, who was half lying down and leaning

against a wall. His condition seemed worse than his own.

"Come on," James said, extending his arm. Regulus accepted it and stood

up with his help.

Leaning on James, they began to walk in silence to the exit of the vault.

As far away from that deadly cold as possible. They walked down the

corridor to the stairs where they stopped and sat down.

On the stairs the temperature was normal, it felt warm and comforting.

James sat down on a step and then lay down.

'That was close...' thought James with his eyes closed, and trying to

regain his energy.

He had gotten overconfident, as he didn't consider the knight guarding

the entrance to the vault a big deal. His mistake was also letting Regulus

in, though it wasn't all bad, as Regulus was able to get the attention for

quite some time of a knight.

"How are you so strong...?" asked Regulus haltingly. Speaking hurt, but

he couldn't get this question out of his head.

James was only a year ahead of him, and the difference was so great. He

was lucky to survive one knight for a few minutes. Then he would be

dead by now if it wasn't for James.

Instead, James faced four knights at once. Then he defeated them, saved

him, and ended up defeating all five knights alone.

Regulus knew that this was not the norm for second-year students at

Hogwarts. He now understood how James managed to humiliate

Rabastan Lestrange. Lestrange couldn't defeat him. Not in a thousand

duels could he do it.

Regulus even believed that even the older students would have a hard

time in this situation. Since they would be surrounded in a room with no

way out against five knights, who have superhuman speed and

strength. With weapons capable of cutting spells.

Against the axe-wielding knight, he tried to cast Immobulus or another

spell on him, but nothing was working, because with his huge axe, he

was defending against the spells and couldn't find an opening.

"Don't talk. Recover energies," said James without opening his eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, James stood up and looked at Regulus. The most

serious wound was the arrow still stuck in his shoulder. Thanks to the

ice it wasn't bleeding.

"This will hurt," said James, approaching Regulus, who looked at him

suspiciously, but before he could do anything, James grabbed the arrow

and pulled it out quickly.

"You bastard!" cursed Regulus, feeling great pain and gritting his teeth.

James pulled out his wand and traced it over Regulus' deep wound. He

muttered a charm that sounded almost like a song. The blood,

which despite being somewhat congealed was still flowing, began to

slow. James repeated his spell. Now the wound seemed to be knitting. He

repeated the charm once more, and the arrow wound closed completely.

Regulus watched in surprise as his deep arrow wound had disappeared. It

stopped bleeding, healed, and closed completely.

Then James cast an Episkey charm on him. A spell to heal lighter

wounds. Like cuts or bruises. Regulus had a few. Within minutes, he was

as good as new and uninjured. The only thing was that he was

still fatigued and very cold.

"Y-you know healing magic? And so advanced?" asked Regulus in


Stopping the bleeding from such a deep wound, and then closing and

healing it couldn't be accomplished with basic healing magic. It had to be

someone with experience and a lot of practice.

"Yes," said James without explanation. Unfortunately, he couldn't heal

himself, as he couldn't point his wand at his face or shoulder efficiently.

His mother was an expert healer and from an early age taught him her

craft and healing charms. Only, until now, he had not needed to use it on

a patient. Regulus was her first patient.

Since Hogwarts did not teach this subject, no one knew that James had

advanced healing skills.

With the cuts he had on him, there was no way to heal them, but a

healing charm was cast. This healing spell reversed minor ailments, such

as the paralysis caused by being in cold temperatures for so long.

"What time is it?" asked James.

"Six thirty-five," replied Regulus in low spirits. He was knackered and had

less than an hour to sleep.

"Go back to your common room and get some rest. Tomorrow, I'll send

you a letter to meet you in a classroom and open the chest with the

treasures," said James, standing up.

"Fine. Where are you going?" asked Regulus as he noticed James starting

up the stairs again.

"I'll try to close the vault door. So Professor Eustace won't see anything

weird," said James as he started to climb.

"Thanks for saving me," Regulus said and started quickly down the

stairs. He didn't like being in debt against other people, but he wasn't

ungrateful. If it wasn't for James, today would have been the end of him.

Even though he was a blood traitor he earned his respect.

As for James having the chest with the treasures he didn't find it a

problem. If James had wanted to he could have wiped his memory and

kept all the treasures for himself. He didn't seem to be the greedy type.

James returned to the icy corridor and noticed the vault door wide open.

He couldn't believe how there was such a room at Hogwarts. Wasn't it

supposed to be a safe school for students?

This vault was deadly. Most students would have died, and more if they

entered. Only the older sixth or seventh graders might have a chance of


'Is it getting colder or is it my imagination?' thought James, rubbing his

hands together. He quickly walked to the entrance and tried to close the

large door. It was all to no avail. It wouldn't move it was as hard as

stone, even though it was made of stone.

He shook his head and started to walk back towards the

Gryffindor common room. He was exhausted. Besides, he couldn't skip

classes for many reasons. So he wouldn't get detention, and points

deducted was one reason.

The other was that Professor Eustace might not suspect him. Although

this possibility was low, if he found out that he was in the infirmary or

that he mysteriously missed class just as the vault was found he might

become suspicious if he was very clever.

Before returning to the common room. He sneaked into the infirmary and

bandaged himself. He couldn't arrive in this condition to class tomorrow

with so many cuts and blood.

Ten minutes before seven in the morning he arrived and threw himself on

his bed, 'Forty minutes to sleep...' thought James regretfully.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 129: Treasure

The school day after the skirmish in the ice vault was hell. James was

pale and dying of sleep. He didn't even have an hour to sleep.

His pallor was largely due to being in that icy cold for so long, and he

noticed that his temperature was lower than normal. Closer to that of a


The marauders and more students asked him if he was okay, and he

could only nod lazily. He had no energy for conversation. Through sheer

willpower, he managed not to fall asleep in class.

"The Room of Requirement gave us everything we needed for our school

news business. Paper, pens, ink, and even a magical printing machine!"

said Sirius as he walked beside James in the direction of the common


James didn't hear a single word Sirius said. He was walking on autopilot.

With only one destination. His bed. Today, he would give himself

permission to not study and sleep until it was time for dinner. About 3 or

4 hours or so.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" asked Sirius as he noticed that James

remained silent.

"Yeah... we'll talk later. I'm going to bed," said James, passing through the

Fat Lady's portrait and heading to the dormitories.

"What's wrong with him today?" asked Sirius, watching James leave.

"His skin is very pale. He looks like a zombie," commented Toby.

"He's been weirder than usual these days. Although since we started the

year he's been weird," said Peter.

Peter like everyone else had noticed the change in James' routine and

that he barely spent an hour or two with the marauders. He didn't like it

so much, as it was more boring if James wasn't with them.

He knew he was doing it to study and train like crazy, but the last week

he was weirder. Lupin had noticed, as James stopped going to the Room

of Requirement for his nightly study, and he always went with him.

He got no satisfactory answer as to why James so suddenly stopped going

to the Room of Requirement. It was strange. He was neither in the

common room nor in the Room of Requirement. Where would he be? In

the Forbidden Section of the library? Why wasn't he telling them


This bothered Lupin more since he was James's study partner, unlike the



James slept until dinner time. He ate as fast as he could and then went

back to sleep. His condition was not good. He had to recover to get back

to his routine and school schedule.

The next day, he sent a letter to Regulus. To meet in the evening in

classroom 11 on the second floor. It was time to claim the reward they

almost died for. Although Regulus didn't fight and was more of a dead

weight, he deciphered the encrypted message and found the entrance to

the vault. So he had his merit and should keep his share.

During the day, he only had his mind on what treasures the treasure

chest would contain. He didn't notice the stares of the marauders, who

seemed to be angry with him. Especially Lupin.

Room 11, First Floor - 11:30 PM.

When James entered the classroom, he noticed that Regulus had already

arrived. Their gazes met, and they were silent.

Regulus couldn't believe he was fighting side by side with James Potter.

A blood traitor and best friend of his older brother. However, he was very

thankful that he had run into James. Otherwise, his memories would

have been erased by Allan.

Also, he saw James' battle skills, and these days, he replayed the battle

scene. Over and over again in his mind.

How did James save him from the axe knight? He didn't see him cast any

spells. An invisible outside stopped him and sent him flying.

A few seconds later, he saw a flying sword come out of the cloud of

smoke and hit the back of another knight's neck. Then that same sword

flew out of James' hand and hit another knight.

At no point did James use his wand to control the sword or stop the axe

knight's movement.

"You know how to use wandless magic?" asked Regulus, breaking the


That a twelve-year-old could use such powerful wandless magic was

unheard of to Regulus. He knew that only the most experienced wizards

had such an ability.

James' eyes stared at Regulus. He wondered if he should erase his

memories and put fake ones on him. The Slytherin boy fidgeted at being

watched and it was a rare thing for him. He was usually haughty and

very confident in his abilities.

"I won't answer that. You'd better keep it a secret. Otherwise..." said

James without finishing the sentence, but Regulus understood very well

what he meant.

"I understand. I don't want to end up as one of those knights," Regulus


"Any news from Allan?" asked James as he pulled out his wallet and

started looking for the chest.

"He didn't tell me anything so far. It seems Professor Eustace still hasn't

visited the entrance to the vault," replied Regulus.

"That's good," said James, pulling out an icy chest and resting it on the


The chest was medium-sized and adorned with beautiful magical

patterns. It gave off a cold air even though it had left the icy vault a few

days ago.

'Let's see if this chest was worth risking his life for,' James thought as he

slowly opened the chest. Regulus at his side stared. He had been thinking

all day about what could be inside the chest. He would finally know.

Despite the size of the chest, it wasn't very full. Something that

disappointed James and Regulus. There were no galleons, no jewels.

Though neither of the boys was looking for money, as their families had

plenty to spare.

There were only five items. A long, thin, worn black cloth. A shiny light

blue book. The cover of the book had no writing on it, and the pages that

could be seen were a bit yellowed. A small mirror with a couple of cracks

in it.

A beautiful necklace that appeared to be made of ice and finally a simple

crystal key. Similar to the one dropped by the first knight James


"This appears to be an invisibility cloak," James said as he pulled out the

cloth and examined it. He did not doubt that this was what it was.

He owned an invisibility cloak and knew what they looked like. Though

his wasn't worn and the fabric was of better quality than this one.

"An invisibility cloak!?" asked Regulus, trying to control his excitement.

He'd never had one before, and certainly not at Hogwarts, as it would be

forbidden because of the uses students could put it to. His family could

buy him one, but his mother couldn't see the point for her son to have


James after seeing that the cloak didn't seem to have anything wrong

with it, passed it to Regulus to look at. When he had it in his hands he

covered himself and could see how his body disappeared. All that was

left was his head floating.

'Great!' thought Regulus.

James while Regulus was experimenting with the cloak, continued to

examine the other objects. The mirror looked normal, neither magical

nor evil. It didn't seem to have anything out of the ordinary. He could see

his cracked reflection and nothing else.

The book was old and had hundreds of pages. He opened it to a random

page, and it talked about ice charms.

'Oh, this could be useful for a battle,' thought James, reading a variation

of the Glacius charm.

After flipping through it for a bit, he closed it and moved on to the

necklace. The moment he grabbed it, he quickly pulled it off. The

necklace made a slight noise as it hit the table.

"What happened?" asked Regulus, stopping fiddling with the cloak.

"That necklace has a curse on it," said James, showing his index finger to

Regulus. James' index finger touching the necklace had a slight frosting

on it.

He had only touched the necklace for a few seconds, and it had already

left his finger with frost. If he held it for too long he could end up with a

completely frozen hand.

Why was a curse so strong? It should be a little lighter. That way it

would be effective against a victim. Since he would put on the necklace

and then freeze and slowly die.

Since it was so powerful from the start the person touching it would

quickly release it like James.

Finally, he picked up the key and noticed the kinship with the previous

one, "What will this key be for?" asked James.

"It is identical to the key you used to open the vault. On the parchment, it

didn't mention any more secret rooms. Maybe we missed something

inside the vault," said Regulus, looking at the key.

What Regulus was saying made sense. They had not examined the

hexagonal room carefully. After defeating the knights and taking the

chest they fled quickly because of the cold.

When James returned, he only tried to close the door and grabbed the

weapons of the defeated knights. He didn't explore the hexagonal room.

Maybe there was a secret door or something and this key was the key.

"Should we go back and take a look?" asked Regulus.

"No. We may run into Professor Eustace, and he doesn't seem to have

good intentions. We'd better wait for the moment," replied James, and

Regulus nodded.

"That's four objects, not counting the key. Two for each of us," James


"You choose first. Even if I found the entrance, it would be impossible for

me to have obtained the chest. With two objects, I'm already fine," said


"Looks like you have some conscience," James said with a slight smile as

he almost died for saving him. Regulus wanted to frown but controlled


"I'll keep the book and the necklace," James added.

"What? You don't want the invisibility cloak?" asked Regulus with


James shook his head with a look of disdain. Regulus thought it was

because he knew how to use the disillusioning charm and didn't need a

cloak, though this wasn't why.

"Be careful with the mirror. It might have a curse on it like the necklace.

I'll keep the key for the time being," James said as he put his things away

in his wallet, including the chest since they couldn't just leave it in the

classroom like it was nothing.

"If you're going to go to the vault again, let me know, please! Next time, I

won't be so useless!" said Regulus, looking at James' back, who was about

to leave the classroom.

James stopped without turning around. He was a little surprised by

Regulus' words. Mainly because according to Sirius, Regulus is the perfect

heir molded by Walburga Black. So, he should consider the Potters a

disgrace for being in favor of the Muggle community.

So he found it curious that Regulus was willing to follow him on another

deadly adventure.

'Maybe life and death situations make the supremacists see you in a new

light,' James thought with a grimace. The same was true when he saved

Gwen. Thanks to that they became friends.

"In the next few days, try to put pressure on Allan to get them to go to

the vault. Otherwise, he will get suspicious," James said and left the

classroom. It would not be good if he gets suspicious, and this suspicion

is told to Eustace.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 130: Cursed ice

Sunday, February 25, 1973.

About a month had passed since James and Regulus broke into the ice

vault and stole the chest.

James didn't use much of the treasures. The book he was able to flip

through a bit. He already had a lot to take care of in his routine. He

couldn't add a book with hundreds more pages to study.

The ice necklace had a powerful curse, and he did not touch it at this

time. He would only use it in future research, and for that, he needed free

time which he did not possess.

His routine remained with little change. He continued to study the

intermediate transfiguration book. In the Room of Requirement, he

studied and practiced Defense Against the Dark Arts books. He also spent

time training his telekinetic ability.

His telekinetic ability was key to defeating the ice knights. Both for

attacking and defending. Not only could he make things float and send

them flying. He could also change the direction of arrows slightly with

his mind and even stop the knights with an invisible force. Sort of like an

Immobulus charm. Very handy.

In addition, he could do this while casting spells with his wand. This

made him very effective in combat, as he could stop a person with his

mind and cast a spell with his wand.

It was difficult to do both at the same time, but it was a matter of

practice. Telekinetic ability was like a muscle. And since he exercised it

so much in the vault fight it improved a lot. It seems that pushing the

skill to its maximum fatigue pushes your limits.

Before he could lift in the air about five swords of about 4kg each. Now,

he could lift eight swords of the same weight. In other words, he gained

12 kg overnight.

In total, he could move about 32kg with his mind. He could carry it from

here to here and send it flying at a high speed. He could not lift eight

swords at the same time and use his wand at the same time. That was

more difficult.

On the other hand, he was already close to succeeding in casting his

corporeal Patronus. A great achievement, although if he had only

dedicated himself to training the Patronus he would have achieved it

much sooner.

He was studying and practicing three main axes: Transfiguration -

Defense Against the Dark Arts - and Telekinetic Ability.

He then spent less time creating a charm for his contact lenses to protect

him from Lumos Solem, and practicing his offensive and defensive spells

to achieve greater mastery.

As for the ice vault, James didn't go there again. He noticed that Eustace

was very angry these days. He most likely realized that someone had

stolen his treasures.

James didn't understand why Eustace was looking so hard for that vault.

The objects didn't look like much. The best thing would be the book. For

a professor working at Hogwarts, it would be very foolish to risk his job

and reputation for such objects. Especially since Eustace threatened to

kill a student's grandmother.

'Perhaps what he was after was the key,' thought James. In the chest was

an ice key. He didn't know exactly which door it opened, but the door

had to be in the vault. Hidden in plain sight, since he didn't see it when

he fought to the death against the knights.

He had no plans to return for the time being, as it would be dangerous.

Eustace might be standing guard, waiting for the people who robbed him

to return. And it would not be good to fight to the death against an adult

dark wizard. He would rather avoid the risk for the time being.

Today was the start of the second Quidditch match. The day was

horrible. It was pouring rain, very cold and windy. Luckily, it was not

Gryffindor's turn to play.

Quidditch matches at Hogwarts are played no matter what the weather is

like. Something James doesn't understand. We are talking about

teenagers riding broomsticks over 10 meters high at dangerous speeds.

Add to that bad weather, and there's a good chance of an accident.

In Muggle sports, the match is postponed to another date. But wizards are

very picky. In this respect they should learn from the Muggles, James


Luckily, Gryffindor was not playing. Today's match was Slytherin vs

Hufflepuff. If the weather helped it could happen that Slytherin would

lose by some accident.

Arriving at the dining hall he sat down with his friends to eat breakfast

and then go watch the quidditch match in the middle of the storm. It

wouldn't be a pretty experience, plus he wouldn't see anything because of

the rain and wind, but it was a tradition to watch the matches.

However, there was something odd about the breakfast before the match.

All the teachers were gathered together. Including Headmaster


When Dumbledore saw that the dining room was already full he got up

from his seat and looked at everyone. He cleared his throat and spoke in

a serious tone different from his usual relaxed tone, "Good morning

everyone. I hope you are enjoying your breakfast. As you know today

would be the long-awaited quidditch match, although the weather is not

good it is always nice to watch a great quidditch match. However, I

regret to inform you that today's match will be suspended until further


When he finished making his announcement, all the tables began to

murmur and talk about it. It was unheard of for a quidditch match to be

canceled. They had waited a long time, and even though the weather

wasn't on their side, no one liked to miss a good match.

'Did they realize how dangerous it is to play in these conditions?' thought

James a little surprised.

"Quiet, please," said Dumbledore, raising his hand slightly, and the

hubbub died down.

"Thank you. I know this is bad news for everyone. Especially for the team

members who trained hard. But the decision has been made," added


"Headmaster, why is it canceled? 'We've played in worse weather," asked

a Hufflepuff boy, and several people nodded in agreement.

'There are already some rumors. Sooner or later it will come out,' thought

Dumbledore, looking with his blue eyes at the entire student body.

"The more gossipy students and those keeping up with the rumors at

Hogwarts may suspect something. Hufflepuff second-year student Allan

Abbot was found frozen in a block of ice, head to toe, two days ago. Near

the fifth-floor corridor that is located between the art and music

classroom," said Dumbledore in a solemn tone.

The large dining hall again exploded in murmurs even more than before.

The professors looked at Dumbledore in surprise. They thought he would

keep this fact a secret as much as possible until they could cure the


"Is that the best decision Dumbledore?" asked McGonagall, taking

advantage of the fact that all the students were talking and creating


"I don't know about the best, but the most sensible yes. We can't hide the

fact that there is a danger from the students. Besides, they will find out

sooner or later. Rumors are already spreading," replied Dumbledore, who

looked tired.

'I knew it!' thought Xeno as he rose from his seat at the Ravenclaw table.

'This will make great news for the weekly paper. We should get a new

issue out now. I must talk to Sirius' thought Xeno as he wrote like a

madman in a small notebook.

'Allan was frozen?' thought James with a shocked expression. He looked

over at Regulus, and their gazes met. Regulus didn't seem to be surprised,

though he did seem to be saddened. He seemed to be aware of this news.

Why had Allan returned to the vault? On Eustace's orders? If that was the

case and the idiot was frozen, how did they find him? Perhaps Regulus

saved him or Professor Eustace, the latter he doubts.

'This is bad... If Regulus saved him he'd have to explain himself, and the

school would know about the vault,' thought James. He didn't want to

give back the treasures that almost cost him his life.

"Why so surprised?" asked Sirius in an annoyed tone, looking at James'

shocked expression.

"What? Everyone is shocked. No one knew what someone was frozen

from," said James quizzically.

"No one? Do you even listen to us anymore when we talk to you?" said

Sirius, getting more and more annoyed.

'Mm? Why does he seem so annoyed with me?' thought James. He

seemed to have forgotten a couple of conversations with the marauders.

He was so immersed in studying this last while that he might have paid

little attention when conversing with them. He usually responded with

monosyllables and barely contributed to value.

Seeing Sirius and Lupin's scowls of annoyance he began to reminisce

about the previous days. The time he had free time to do nothing had

dwindled to about thirty minutes on weekdays.

"Now I remember... Xeno had gathered information from some students

who saw that a student was taken to the infirmary and was frozen,"

James said.

They didn't know which student he was, or how he ended up frozen in a

block of ice, but the rumor was that.

By this time Sirius and the others had already started up the "illegal"

school newspaper business. Xeno the Ravenclaw student was in charge of

writing the paper with the most interesting topics. Sirius was in charge of

selling them.

In the early days the business was not very successful, but little by little it

took off, and now they had regular customers who bought the paper

every week.

Although James came up with the idea for this business, he did nothing

else. He paid little attention and didn't read the newspapers even though

he had been given the first one they printed. He didn't have the time or

energy to launch a school newspaper business at Hogwarts.

"You should pay more attention when someone talks to you," Sirius said,

annoyed as he looked away from James.

Sirius understood that James wanted to study and train like crazy, for

reasons unknown to him. So, in the times that his best friend was free he

tried to do the activities of the marauders. Playing the occasional simple

prank, loitering around the castle, wasting time, or planning an illegal

business to make money. The typical stuff.

But now James in the times he had free didn't even pay attention. He

seemed to be in another world, rambling on about complicated spells or

theories none of them understood.

'It's hard to keep a balance,' James thought. He was the one who wanted

to have a normal life and waste time with his friends the most, but he

couldn't. He had already put in enough time in his first year.

"Silence. Thanks. I know it can be scary, but that's the way things are and

you should know that. From now on it is forbidden to go to the corridor

on the fifth floor between the art and music classroom. It is dangerous. A

very cold, spell-resistant ice is spreading for unknown reasons,"

Dumbledore explained.

'Allan wasn't frozen inside the vault...?' thought James with more surprise

than before. From the news Dumbledore had given, he thought that idiot

Allan went back into the freezing corridor and then into the vault. Not

that the fifth-floor corridor was freezing.

"Filch and the professors will see to it that no one steps into that corridor.

If they are found trying to go there they will be punished. It is for your

safety. Classes will continue as normal. The professors and I will solve the

problem. That is all. Go on with your breakfast," said Dumbledore as he

left the Great Dining Hall followed by all the professors.

They were heading down the corridor to try and find a solution.

'Don't tell me Regulus and I caused this?' thought James with a bad



You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 131: Hogwarts closed?

Indeed. He and Regulus had been to blame for the ice that was spreading

down the fifth-floor corridor.

In the evening of that same day, James took his invisibility cloak and

went to the corridor that was thirty percent frozen. The temperature was

extremely low. Just looking at the ice sent shivers down your spine.

It wasn't the same cold James felt when he entered the vault. It was

worse. If it had been the same cold both he and Regulus would have died

while fighting the knights.

To a person unaware of the vault they would think that the ice appeared

out of nowhere in the corridor. The apparition made no sense and

appeared in a random place in the castle.

The corridor was normal like any other. Even simpler, as there was no

decoration such as armor or paintings. It was empty. And now it was

with a frozen part.

But James knew that one of the brick walls was fake, and behind it were

stairs leading up to the entrance of the ice vault. However, it was very

difficult for anyone to find the entrance. Why would he throw Revelius at

a random wall?

James on his nightly visit to the corridor noticed that Filch and a

professor he didn't recognize were standing guard away from the ice. The

school had taken student safety very seriously. There was always a

professor guarding the corridor.

James was unseen thanks to his cloak and was able to approach with

extreme care a part of the floor that was just beginning to freeze.

He bent down slowly and touched the ice with the pad of his index

finger. As soon as he touched it he felt a shiver run through his body. He

quickly withdrew his finger. He noticed a thin layer of frost on his index


He had already felt that sensation. When he touched the ice necklace.

One of the objects in the treasure chest.

'The ice is much stronger than the one in the vault and looks a lot like the

one on the necklace...' thought James.

The only thought that came to his mind was that when the vault door

was opened a curse similar to that of the ice necklace was released. A

cursed ice is much more powerful than normal, and that freezes you just

by touching it. Moreover, it spreads slowly.

Will Hogwarts be completely frozen, turned into an ice castle? And this

will all be his fault. He doesn't want this to happen. He must find a


'I must go back to the vault and use the key that was in the chest. There

must be a door somewhere,' James thought. It was the only thing he had.

However, there was a problem. If the ice got outside the corridor it

means that the hidden stairs, the entrance to the vault, and the vault

itself will be frozen with this cursed ice.

The moment his foot steps on the ice, he will be frozen in a matter of

minutes as it happened to Allan.

'Maybe in the book, I find useful information about the cursed ice...'

thought James. He was to read the book he got from the chest. It was a

long book with hundreds of pages almost reaching a thousand. He had

only skimmed through it a little.

With that thought in mind, James returned to the

Gryffindor common room. He was immediately set about reading the

book and looking for the information he needed.

In normal cases, when he studies and practices at night he heads to the

room of requirement, but right now, he finds Sirius and the others doing

the business of the school paper.

If he pulls out the book which is very striking with its bright light blue

color and nearly a thousand pages, they will ask him about the strange

book. He doesn't feel like creating an excuse and lying to them.

In his bedroom, he started reading. The book had no index, so he had

to read page by page. He flipped through them quickly looking for

information about the cursed ice.


Thursday, March 1, 1973.

A couple of days had passed since James began reading the book in

search of information so that he could return to the vault and not be

frozen in the process.

Classes continued as normal. Dumbledore made no announcements about

the corridor and the cursed ice. It was still forbidden to go there.

Many students overcome by their curiosity wanted to sneak out and were

caught. They were punished severely and lost house points.

James went back each day to look at the corridor and noticed that the ice

was advancing at a rapid pace. If it continued at this rate in a week

or so it would encompass the entire corridor.

Also, Sirius' school newspaper released its best-selling edition. The front

page read: [Cursed Ice Attacks Hogwarts!]

Xeno knew how to put flashy, eye-catching titles. Each paper was sold for

six Sickle. Very expensive compared to the Prophet which is sold for 1


Just by selling three copies they already made a galleon's profit. And this

new issue about the cursed ice already made a profit of about 50 gallons

in just a couple of days.

The profit was divided among five: Sirius, Peter, Toby, Lupin, and

Xeno who received less, since he was an employee. So, if Sirius wanted to

buy the new Nimbus, he had to sell more and work hard.

James didn't get a share of the profits, because he didn't do anything. He

was engrossed in his business. Besides, the last thing he needed was to

earn a couple of Galleons. He supposed this was why Sirius and the

others were upset with him.

He was going to try to pay more attention in his free time like before, but

just then the subject of the Cursed Ice came up.

At breakfast today James received a letter from Regulus summoning him

to meet in classroom 11 on the second floor in the evening. It seems he

can no longer ignore the matter of the vault. He would most likely feel


Before their meeting, James made his way to the fifth-floor corridor. A

professor was as usual standing guard. This time it was Eustace. Most

likely the only professor who knows what is going on and one of the

culprits, albeit indirectly.

'You bald bastard. Look what you caused,' James cursed, looking at

Professor Eustace.

The items he got weren't even much of a treasure to James. They weren't

worth it if you released a curse that would freeze all of Hogwarts. The

only thing that was worth it was his fight to the death against the ice

knights. He was able to gain experience and put his spells into practice.

Noticing that the cursed ice was maintaining its speed, he decided to

leave. As he turned right he noticed the silhouette of a person who was

crouching and walking very carefully. Using the armor to hide. To James,

the silhouette looked familiar.

This person seemed to be heading for the corridor where the cursed ice

was. A very bad idea. Unless you know how to use a disillusioning spell,

since in that corridor there is no armor you can use to hide behind.

Out of curiosity and familiarity, James decided to approach and take a

closer look at the student who wanted to be punished for gossiping about

something wrong.

His hunch was right. It was Gwen, 'What is she doing here?' thought

James worriedly. He couldn't let Professor Eustace catch her, and he

didn't like the idea of Gwen approaching the dangerous ice either.

"Hey, Gwen. It's me, James," whispered James, after canceling the

Silencio Barriera.

Gwen turned quickly with a frightened expression. What scared her the

most was that when she turned around, she saw no one. Out of fright, she

hit the armor's leg which caused a loud noise in the silence.

Footsteps sounded nearby. Most likely, it was Eustace who heard the

noise and was heading this way.

'Shit. I forgot about the invisibility cloak,' thought James. Hearing the

approaching footsteps, he had no choice but to cover Gwen with his

invisibility cloak. Because of the close distance, he had no choice but to

hug her strangely.

"Shh, it's me. We'll be fine, just be quiet," whispered James, very close to

Gwen as he held still.

Gwen could hear her heart beating a mile a minute for many

reasons. First, because she was scared to death and then because James

was hugging her and holding him very close to her. It all happened so


She decided to be quiet and keep still, as she heard the footsteps coming

this way. She had doubts as to how they would not be seen, but she

trusted James.

"Damn sneaky brats," muttered Eustace looking at the armor. There was

no one in sight now. He had no plans to chase after some brats with

quick feet. After watching for a few seconds he returned to his patrol.

"Phew... That was close," whispered James releasing his breath.

"Do you want to kill me with a heart attack, you idiot?" whispered Gwen,

tapping James' chest.

"Wait a minute," whispered James as he cast a Silencio Barriera.

"Done. You can complain all you want," added James, speaking in a

normal tone and moving a little away from Gwen.

"Is this an invisibility cloak?" asked Gwen, looking at the cloth covering


"Oh, you guessed quickly. Yes it is," replied James.

"So, with this cloak, you managed to get into the Slytherin common room

and bombard it with stink bombs," Gwen said, looking judgingly at


"Ejem... I'm not proud of that prank. Sorry," said James, embarrassed.

Planning it was fun, and at the bombing, he also had a good time with

Sirius and Lupin, but when he saw the consequences he realized he had

done something wrong.

Luckily, Gwen and Emily were not in the bombing and were spared the

putrid smell. Otherwise, he would have had to have done a thousand

favors for Gwen to forgive him or so he thinks.

"You've apologized enough. I already forgave you. I was just surprised

that you own an invisibility cloak," Gwen said in a softer tone. She liked

that James knew how to own up to his mistakes. It showed that he was

more mature than the others.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she added, going back on the attack.

"For what? You want to join the marauders and prank together?" asked

James with a smirk.

"Mm... If it's just you and me yes. We'd make a good team. Don't you

think?" asked Gwen with a slight smile.

"I'm sure we would. Although I have a feeling your jokes would be pretty

heavy," said James.

"What do you take me for? I'd just make fun, of harmless pranks. Maybe

my targets would be some muggle-borns... I'm just kidding. Look at the

look on your face when I talk about muggle-borns," said Gwen with a


"Did you notice? I called them muggle-born. Not mudbloods. You should

commend my efforts," added Gwen with a proud smile for some reason.

"I'm very grateful for all the effort you've put into that subject," said

James in a serious manner. He knew that for a girl like Gwen, who was

raised in a supremacist environment since she was a little girl, it would

be difficult to change her ideals, but she was making a great effort.

Perhaps her dear sister being a half-breed helped.

"Why are you getting so serious all of a sudden? It's no big deal," Gwen

said more sheepishly averting her eyes from James' serious face. If

it was for James she would do anything he asked.

"Don't minimize your effort. It must be hard for you, and you're only

doing it because I asked you to," said James, feeling a little guilty. For a

person who grew up with strong ideals, it would be hard to change

them completely and more so at the request of a third party.

"I do it because I want to. Putting that aside, What are you doing here?"

asked Gwen, realizing the situation they were in. They couldn't stay

talking about trivial matters, though she always enjoyed talking to


"I came to watch the ice. To see if it's still progressing or not. It

seems that the professors didn't find any solution these days," James

replied regretfully. If Dumbledore or any professor solved the problem,

he wouldn't have to spend his time on this.

As for telling them about the ice vault, he won't do it. He doesn't want to

be expelled or have even the slightest chance of being expelled. Besides,

he will have to return the treasures which, although they don't seem like

a big deal to him is better than having nothing.

"What about you?" asked James.

"Same thing," Gwen replied.

"It's dangerous. What would you do if you got caught? You don't have an

invisibility cloak. Besides, cursed ice is very dangerous," said James


"I don't care. I have to find a solution to stop that ice from advancing,"

said Gwen, determinedly.

'What?" thought James in surprise. This was more dangerous than just

coming to gossip a bit.

"Why would you do that? Leave it to Dumbledore and the professors. It's

dangerous to touch that ice," said James in a serious tone.

"Didn't you hear the rumors?" asked Gwen.

"No. What rumors?" replied James in confusion.

"There are rumors that if they don't find a solution soon for the Cursed

Ice, Hogwarts will be temporarily closed. Already all the parents are

aware of the situation, and they don't like their children being in a

dangerous place," said Gwen with a frown.

"What? Hogwarts will be closed?" said James in surprise. Maybe he

should pay more attention to the rumors from now on.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 132: Preparation

"How reliable are these rumors?" asked James.

"They're not entirely wild. My father has some connections, and he told

me that they are floating this idea around the Hogwarts Board of

Governors," replied Gwen.

The Hogwarts Board of Governors was a group of twelve wizards or

witches who oversaw the running of Hogwarts. The governors had

authority over the staff and could inspect the school to see how it was

running daily, and even close the school completely if they felt it was


'This is bad. If they close the school, I won't be able to get back into the

vault and fix the problem,' James thought. He had to accelerate his plans.

"I can't let them close the school temporarily. Emily can't go home to my

crazy mother," said Gwen, who had plans to investigate the cursed ice.

During this time, James and Gwen looked for ideas that would work so

that Gwen's mother wouldn't mistreat Emily when she had to go home,

but they couldn't find a solution.

Now, James could understand why Gwen wanted to solve the ice curse


"No matter how much I tell you it's dangerous to try to solve the

ice curse you will do, won't you?" asked James.

"Yes. No matter how much the professors catch me, I will go back and

keep researching until I find the solution," replied Gwen with

determination. She knew she didn't stand much of a chance of

solving it, since Dumbledore and the professors still didn't get it.

Still, she would not stand. She didn't want Emily to be mistreated again,

and if Hogwarts was closed she would have to go home.

'Ugh... She cares so much about her sister,' James thought, sighing.

He had no choice but to tell her about the ice vault. He wouldn't let her

investigate the cursed ice alone. It was too dangerous. If she went along

with him he could protect her.

"Why are you sighing like that?" asked Gwen uncomprehendingly.

"I have information about the cursed ice. I will help you.

Together we'll figure it out," replied James, and Gwen made a surprised


"Do you know anything about the cursed ice?" asked Gwen in surprise.

"Yes, I have some information... Come on, we have somewhere to go. On

the way, I'll tell you," said James as he took Gwen's hand and started

walking toward classroom 11. He must meet Regulus or he will be late.

Gwen happily agreed to take James' hand and walked beside him.

Wearing the invisibility cloak it was more comfortable to go hand in

hand, but this couldn't be done with the marauders as it would be


On the way to the second floor, he tried to summarize to her everything

about the ice vault. How he met Allan with Professor Eustace.

Then the scrolls that Regulus solved and the entrance to the ice vault.

The fight against the knights, the treasures, and how cold it was in the


They walked slowly as if they were taking a stroll. Since it was a bit of a

long story. Besides, they both enjoyed holding hands, so the

longer the better.

From the first time they held hands on the hidden balcony, they

continued to do so. James was a little embarrassed at first but got used to

it. It was the same for Gwen, who was looking for excuses to hold hands,

and James ended up agreeing.

"So... You think you're the one to blame for the cursed ice?" asked Gwen

with an expression rarely seen on her hegemonic face.

"Yes. By opening the vault door we released Regulus the curse of the

cursed ice that is spreading through Hogwarts. Although if I hadn't

opened it, Professor Eustace would have done it," replied

James justifying himself only slightly.

"That bald guy always gave me a bad feeling. More importantly..." said

Gwen, stopping and looking at James angrily.

"What's wrong?" asked James, stopping.

"You tell me about what I do being dangerous, and you took on five

knights cutting spells with their weapons in a vault with freezing

temperatures. You could have gotten hurt," Gwen said, scolding James.

"Nothing happened to me. Just exhaustion. The one who was in the most

danger was Regulus," said James.

"I don't care about Regulus. Besides, if you got hurt. Here," said Gwen,

resting her free hand on James' cheek. She gently caressed his

cheek where he had a barely visible cut below his eye.

"I-It was just a small cut... It's already healed," said James, stuttering and

nervous as he was caressed by Gwen's soft hand.

"Stop making excuses. It was dangerous, and that's it," said Gwen in a

bossy tone stroking James' cut.

"Yes. I'm sorry," said James, who knew that no matter how

much explaining he does, he will be scolded anyway.

"I know why they put you in Gryffindor. You always do reckless things.

When you saved me that time it was the same thing. What kid would

jump off a dark cliff to save someone?"

They both stood in silence staring at each other. Gwen was still stroking

James' cheek, who wished his heartbeat could not be heard in the silence.

The sound of a door opening broke the silence, and they both turned

their heads towards the sound. James came to see Regulus enter

classroom 11.

"Ejem, better get to the classroom," said James, coughing.

"Yes. Let's go," said Gwen, who was slightly blushing.

Before they entered the classroom they took off their invisibility cloaks.

"James. Who is she?" asked Regulus as he noticed an extra person next to


"Gwen Shafiq, third year. Your senior," said Gwen dryly.

"Oh, sorry for my rudeness. I'm Regulus Black. A pleasure," Regulus said,

politely introducing himself. He usually introduced himself haughtily, but

since this was a Slytherin student older than him he had to show respect.

And especially since she seemed close to James. He didn't want to piss

this monster off.

"She already knows all about the vault and stuff. So what did you want to

see me about?" asked James, cutting to the chase.

"What for? Hogwarts can be shut down and it's our fault. We opened that

cursed vault, and it most likely has something to do with the ice that

is spreading across the fifth floor," said Regulus in a nervous tone. If the

Shafiq girl already knew about the vault, she would know that it was him

and James had opened it.

"Yes. Opening the vault released the curse of the cursed ice. I checked it

in the book that was in the chest," James said, and Regulus' expression

turned ugly. He didn't want to be expelled and have Hogwarts end

up frozen because of him.

"We must stop the curse. We must return to the vault. The key to the

chest must be good for something," Regulus said. He wasn't planning on

telling the Hogwarts staff since if he did, he may be expelled and

be without his new invisibility cloak.

"Yes. We must go back. The current problem is the cursed ice that must

cover all the hidden stairs and the vault itself. That ice is much more

powerful than it was when we went in," said James as he cast a Silencio

Barriera on the classroom just in case.

"Will you let me go?" asked Regulus in surprise. He thought James would

be reluctant to let him tag along.

"Yes. I will let you accompany me," James replied.

He needed Regulus for several matters. First, he searched the vault for

the secret door or whatever they needed to use the key. Perhaps there

was a riddle, and Regulus showed great skill in this area.

And the most important reason is that more people. This

way Gwen would be safer if they faced more enemies. Since the enemies

would not focus their attention exclusively on Gwen.

"How will we protect ourselves from the ice?" asked Gwen, looking at

James. She knew he had the answer. She could tell by his confident tone

of voice, and that she knew him.

"In the book that was in the ice chest, it explains about the Protego

Glacialus potion. This potion protects you from the cursed ice. We need

to collect the ingredients," James replied. Reading the book had been

very helpful.

"That's good news. Doesn't it explain how to heal once you're frozen?"

asked Regulus, as his friend Allan was still frozen in the infirmary.

"No. The book only talks about protecting yourself before being affected

by the ice. It doesn't give a cure for a victim," said James, shaking his


"A potion that can protect you from that cursed ice must have rare

ingredients," Gwen commented.

"Indeed it does. That will be your task Regulus," said James as he pulled

out a list of all the ingredients and passed it to the Black boy.

"How will I collect these ingredients?" asked Regulus, reading the list. It

was impossible to find this at Hogwarts.

"You have a house elf, right?" asked James, and Regulus nodded.

"Summon him and ask him. Tell him it's a secret and not to tell anyone,"

added James.

House elves could be summoned despite not being near their masters.

They could appear and disappear without the need for a wand and could

do so despite Hogwarts' restrictions on apparition. The perfect

accomplices for obtaining ingredients illegally.

James couldn't ask Henry for the ingredients, as his grandfather wouldn't

let him do something so dangerous. It wasn't simple revenge against a


"It's true. Kreacher will be able to help me," Regulus muttered. He got

along very well with his house elf unlike the other members of his

family who treated him like dirt. Which was why the old elf always

helped him more willingly than the others.

"I'll take care of it. How many ingredients do we need?" he added.

"Try to get as much as you can. We don't know how long we'll be

there and if we run out of the effect it will be the end of us," replied


"Right..." said Regulus, and at that very moment, he summoned his house

elf. He exclaimed: "Kreacher come! And a few seconds later an old house

elf appeared in front of him.

James and Gwen were not surprised by this. As heirs of

pureblood families they already knew about this. While Regulus was

talking to his house elf, Gwen looked at James.

"Do you need me to do anything?" asked Gwen.

"Train with me. It will be dangerous if we face the ice knights again. I'll

tell you the best way to fight them," James said, and Gwen nodded with a

beautiful smile as she noticed that James cared about her.

"Cof cof... It's done. Kreacher in a couple of days will get the ingredients.

Will you be making the potions? I'm not very good at making Potions. I

don't think I can handle a potion of such difficulty," Regulus said.

"I'm not very good at potions either..." said Gwen, embarrassed. Even

though she joined the Dragon Club, she did so because she likes dueling

and combat spells.

"It will be hard to make so many potions, but somehow I'll manage," said


Protego Glacialus Potion was advanced. Brewing just one potion would

already take a lot of work. Besides, James wanted to bring

more useful potions for his adventure in the ice vault.

'Maybe I can ask him for help...' James thought with a frown. He never

thought the day would come when he would need Severus Snape's help.

If Snape helps him brew the potions they will have it in no time, and they

will be of the best quality. He had to think about it more carefully, as he

doesn't fully trust Snape.

If the Slytherin boy found out that he was the one to blame for the

cursed ice he could accuse him in front of the Hogwarts

staff and that would not be good.

Regulus left the classroom first. James and Gwen stayed talking for a

while longer. Then James escorted Gwen to the Slytherin common room.

Over the next few days, while they waited for Regulus to bring the

ingredients, James and Gwen trained in the dragon clubhouse. They

didn't have much time.

James also took advantage and brewed several potions. The

strengthening potion. This gives the drinker superhuman strength. He

had already been brewed in potions class this year. So he had the

materials to make it. It would be very useful for Gwen and of course


He also brewed the girding potion that gave the user prolonged

stamina. This would be useful for all three of them.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 133: Help from Snape

Tuesday, March 6, 1973.

It had been a couple of days since James had joined Regulus and Gwen in

classroom 11 on the second floor.

Regulus had already gotten the ingredients needed for the potions that

would protect them from the cold and handed them to James.

Now, it was time to brew said potions. These days, the cursed ice

continued apace and was already on the verge of completely freezing the

corridor and moving on to the next area on the fifth floor.

Rumors of the temporary closure of Hogwarts were growing louder and

louder. James had to act as soon as possible. At breakfast that day, James

decided to head to the Slytherin table to talk to Severus Snape.

These days, he concluded that he would need Snape's help to brew the

Protego Glacialus potion, as he was not to create just one. He had to

make a large batch, and they were a very difficult potion.

As for why not asking him for help in potions class was because he didn't

want to involve Emily in the matter. Mostly because Gwen told him that

she didn't want to involve Emily in this very dangerous task.

"Hey, Snape," James called out to Severus, who had his back to him

eating breakfast.

Snape turned around and as usual had a grumpy, unfriendly

expression. Surprise could be glimpsed in his eyes. It was rare for James

Potter to call him at breakfast. It was the first time it had happened.

"What do you want?" asked Snape with a grimace. He noticed the look on

everyone's faces at the Slytherin table.

Antonin Dolohov was a friend of Snape's if it could be called that. Along

with Evan Rosier, they eyed James with caution and some hidden fear in

their eyes.

A little further away at the Slytherin table was Rabastan and his gang,

who seemed more numerous than before. They too were watching James.

"I found a book that details very well about the last potion that Professor

Slughorn spoke about. It will be very helpful for our paper and next

exhibition," commented James.

"And?" said Snape impatiently. He didn't like being watched so

much especially not when all the Slytherin students at least from the

second year hated James.

"Well... The content of the book is complex and..." said James as he

snorted heavily.

"I need your help," he finished the sentence. He never thought the day

would come when he would ask Snape for help. Snape himself had a face

rarely seen on his face.

"Whoa. I never thought the day would come when you would ask me for

help," Snape said with a crooked grin that made James want to punch,

but he restrained himself.

"We're in the same group. It's not strange at all. Professor Slughorn made

the groups that way so that the relationship between both houses would

improve. We should follow his teachings," James said calmly. He

wouldn't let himself be embarrassed.

"Yes, of course...' said Snape, a little confused by James's speech.

"If you want our grade to be the best go to the library today when classes

are over," said James, and quickly turned back to his table.

"Did you talk to Snape?" asked Sirius as James sat down at the table and

started eating his breakfast as if it was nothing.

The other marauders looked at him strangely as well.

"Yes. Don't you guys talk to your group members?" asked James, ignoring

the strange looks.

The marauders couldn't object to that logic.


When classes ended, James and Snape found themselves in the library.

Luckily, Snape had decided to attend and didn't ignore him. They sat in a

secluded spot so they could talk comfortably.

"Show me that book," Snape said impatiently, trying to hide his

excitement. He liked potions. He liked any book with detailed and

complicated information.

"Here you go," said James, pulling a rolled-up parchment out of his robes

and passing it to Snape, who took it with a raised eyebrow.

"This is not a book."

"I copied the information onto the parchment so I wouldn't have to

search or borrow the book all the time," James replied.

Snape thought no more of this and unrolled the long scroll to read it.

After a few minutes, he looked up and looked at James.

"This doesn't talk about the Oblivion Potion," said Snape, looking at

James with narrowed eyes.

"Oh really? What is he talking about?" asked James playing dumb and

pissing Snape off.

"Protego Glacialus Potion. A magical mixture specifically designed to

counteract the effects of cursed ice. It protects the drinkers and prevents

them from being frozen when in contact with the cursed ice. Why are you

showing me this?" asked Snape, looking suspiciously at James.

Snape as well as the entire school was aware of the cursed ice that

was spreading through the castle.

"What do you think?" asked James.

"Stop playing mysterious, Potter," said Snape angrily. He'd had enough of

James asking question after question instead of answering.

"I want you to help me brew a batch of these potions," said James.

"What for?"

"I suppose you're aware of the cursed ice that is freezing Hogwarts bit by

bit, right?" said James, and Snape nodded.

"Well, I happen to have information on the cause of all this, and I want to

stop the curse of the cursed ice," said James and Snape was silent for

several seconds.

"The professors and the headmaster can't stop the curse, and will you

succeed? What information do you have exactly?" asked Snape.

"The culprit of all this trouble is Eustace Burke. The Defense Against the

Dark Arts professor," said James, who sounded convinced. He then began

to tell Snape the story of how he found out about this.

He told him a story with truths and lies. For one thing, on one of his

night outings, he caught Eustace and Allan having a highly suspicious

conversation. So he began to follow the Hufflepuff boy.

He didn't tell her that he wore an invisibility cloak, if not that he used a

disillusioning charm, and given the skills he displayed it wasn't hard to

believe. Then the story is the same. Except for the ending.

He told him that he didn't enter the vault, nor did Regulus or Allan. The

person who went in and released the curse was Eustace. The professor

was to blame for everything. His story had some loopholes, but all in all,

it rang true.

The best thing to do was to blame it all on the bald bastard. That way, he

would be off the hook. And Snape wouldn't be able to charge him with

the professors.

In case Snape doesn't want to help him and decides to leak this

information, James will erase his memories before he does.

"Are you telling me that there is an ice vault with treasures behind one of

those corridor walls?" asked Snape, who was still processing this whole


"Yes. To be precise some hidden stairs that lead you down to an ice

corridor. In that corridor is the door to the vault. I didn't go any further

as I could have been discovered," said James, who was very good at lying

unless Gwen was listening to him.

"If you know all this. Wouldn't it be best to tell Headmaster

Dumbledore?" asked Snape.

"Yes. I could do that, but I want to keep the treasures," lied James

blatantly. He already had the treasures in his possession.

"What treasures? According to your story, Professor Eustace has already

entered the vault. He must have looted all the treasures," said Snape, who

wasn't planning to trust this story 100%.

"A portion of the treasures. Or that's my guess. The bald man didn't fully

explore the vault. Only part of it," said James.

"Why do you think that?" asked Snape.

"Because of this," said James, pulling an ice key out of his pocket and

dropping it on the table in front of Snape.

"This key belongs to Professor Eustace. I stole it from his office. He must

have gotten it after he broke into the vault. There's something he

skipped, but now he can't go back because of the cursed ice," James


"How did you get into a professor's office?" asked Snape.

'Tsch, Why is he asking so many questions,' thought James, annoyed, but

his face remained unchanged.

"Professors these days are on duty in the corridor on the fifth floor. They

have schedules to keep. By sneaking around, I found out when Professor

Eustace was on duty and took advantage of that day to get into his office.

It wasn't too hard. He didn't have much protection," James explained


"You did break the school rules, huh?" said Snape as the thought crossed

his mind if he should charge him and get him punished and lose

points. He pushed that thought aside. It would be too much work to do

that. Besides, that, in this last little while, he didn't dislike James as much

as he had in the beginning. He still disliked him, just a little better than


"Just to seek the truth. Professor Eustace is a criminal. He threatened a

student to look for a vault," James said with a fake smile.

'Then why do you want to keep the treasures?' thought Snape.

"I understand why you want to brew these potions. Why would I help

you?" asked Snape.

"I will give you a share of the treasures if you help me. You can

accompany me to the vault or not. If you do you will see with your own

eyes the treasures and know that I did not deceive you. If you don't want

to risk it, I will. When I return from the expedition, I will give you a

share of the treasures," James replied and Snape was silent in thought.

"Most likely, the vault upon releasing such a powerful curse will have

objects dedicated to the dark arts," added James, trying to tempt Snape.

He knew he liked the dark arts. Slytherin students generally liked them.

"Fine. I will. I'll accompany you to the vault. We'll see if what you say is

true," Snape finally replied. A slight smile formed on James' face.

Snape in addition to being tempted by obtaining obscure objects that

even a DADA professor coveted, also wanted to stop the curse of the

cursed ice. He didn't want Hogwarts to be temporarily closed and have to

return home. He didn't like it there. He'd rather be at Hogwarts.

Besides, what year 12 boy wouldn't like an exciting adventure with great

treasures? As much as he was a somewhat gloomy Slytherin he still had


Luckily, Snape didn't continue with his interrogation and delving into

James' story which had some gaps. Such as where he got the recipe for

the potion. If Snape had asked him he would have told him that he stole

it from Eustace just as he took it.

That same day in the evening Snape and James met in the Potions

classroom to brew the potions batch.

James also called Regulus to act as an assistant. He had told him earlier

that he was supposed to lie about the part where the two of them went

into the vault, and it was his fault that the ice curse was released.

For the next three days, they were brewing potions. More than four hours

a day. They managed a batch of eleven potions. With two for each

person, James believed that would be more than enough. So they would

have three left over in case in a hypothetical case they had to go back or


The expedition shouldn't last long, but it's best to be prepared. Lest

they run out of effect when they are inside the vault.

"In two days, we'll go on the expedition. On that day, there is Professor

Sprout standing guard. We'll meet right here at midnight," said James as

he pocketed several potions.

Three people nodded and put away their two potions each. Unlike the

other days, Gwen was in the room mostly to finish talking about the


They chatted a while longer and said their goodbyes, 'I hope tomorrow

goes well...' thought James worriedly. He wished it was all as easy as

going and getting the door closed, and that way the curse would stop.

He didn't want to fight any more dangerous opponents, as he didn't want

Gwen, Snape, and Regulus to be in danger. In a battle to the death, the

slightest mistake could lead to a fatal outcome.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 134: A peculiar group

The day finally arrived. James already had all the potions ready and also

the weapons he got from the ice knights he defeated earlier.

The weapons would be useful for combat, though it was better if they

were not necessary.

He would not be wearing his invisibility cloak. They would meet Gwen

and the other two in classroom 11, and from there they would head to

floor five in Regulus' invisibility cloak.

How Regulus is Black to Snape it didn't seem strange that he would have

an invisibility cloak. The last thing he would think was that it would be

one of the treasures in the vault.

"Where are you going?" asked Lupin, opening the curtain of his canopy

bed and looking at James, who was about to slip out of the dormitory.

Sirius's bed curtains also opened, and he looked at James. He waited for

his answer.

"To the Room of Requirement..." replied James.

He hadn't told the marauders about the ice vault. Mainly because it was

too dangerous. He didn't want anything to happen to them. As for Snape

and Regulus, they didn't have the same importance to him as his friends.

In Gwen's case, he had no choice but to include her as otherwise she

would investigate on her own and could get hurt.

"Oh, I'll go too. I want to resume study sessions. I've already caught up

on my homework," said Lupin, getting out of bed.

'What...' thought James with an ugly expression. He had said to the Room

of Requirement since Lupin stopped accompanying him to study together

and practice.

James knew that Lupin stopped practicing and studying with him

because he was upset. When he started following Allan a month ago he

didn't tell any of the marauders where he was going.

He disappeared for a week without saying a word. When he resumed his

routine Lupin stopped accompanying him. It was a loss for James as it

was fun to study and practice with Lupin, but he didn't want to involve

him in something dangerous.

"Me too. I want to stretch my muscles a bit," Sirius said, getting out of

bed and looking at James with a smirk. He knew his friend was hiding


'So what now? I should tell them I'm meeting a girl?' thought James as he

thought about what lies would come out sooner or later.

James didn't know what to do. If he told them a lie and didn't let them

tag along with him they would get mad. If he told them the truth they

would be angry too, since he didn't tell them about something as

important as the ice vault the cause of the curse attacking Hogwarts.

A memory of his mother telling him to trust his friends came to his mind.

It wasn't that he didn't trust his friends. He just didn't want to put them

in danger that can be avoided.

'Should I tell them...?' thought James, looking at Sirius and Lupin. It

seemed like it would be the only option if he didn't want their friendship

relationship to get worse. The marauders always told each other

everything (except Lupin's lycanthropy at first.).

"What's wrong? You've been silent for a long time," Sirius pressed.

"Ugh..." sighed James as he pulled out his wand and cast a Silencio

Barriera that covered the three of them.

It was best for the moment that only Sirius and Lupin knew. They had

better martial magic skills than Peter and Toby, who were

sleeping soundly. Their snoring could be heard.

"Why are you throwing up a Silencio Barriera?" asked Lupin.

James took fifteen minutes to tell them the whole story of the ice vault.

The real one. The one where he fought the knights and stole the chest

with Regulus. He also told them about the fake story he told Snape to

help him brew the potions.

Lupin and Sirius's expressions were becoming more and more shocked

and disbelieving. It never occurred to them that their friend had done

such a dangerous mission and that it was partly because of him that there

was an ice curse at Hogwarts.

"You... are you serious?" asked Lupin in shock.

"Regulus is involved...?" asked Sirius, unable to believe that his little

brother had anything to do with and had met James.

"Yes, and yes. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have some business to attend

to," said James, turning away. As he was about to open the door. Two

hands rested on his shoulders. One belonged to Sirius and one to Lupin.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Sirius.

"We're going with you," said Lupin, and Sirius nodded seriously.

"This is not a mission like the pranks we did before. It can be deadly. Far

more dangerous than the Venomous Tentacles in Greenhouse Five," said


"I know. According to your story, my brother almost didn't tell it. It was

good that you were there to save him. Thanks," Sirius said honestly.

"You're welcome. I let him in with me though," said James.

"Well, he insisted. Besides, that he had completed that riddle. He had the

right to go in," said Sirius, and James nodded as for that reason he let

Regulus follow him in.

"Do you have any more of those potions to protect you from the ice?

We'll need it. I don't want to be like that Hufflepuff boy," commented


"Yes. Thanks to all the ingredients Regulus brought, we managed to have

plenty," replied James, passing two potions to each of them. He would

take just one potion, but he preferred this.

"You guys aren't mad?" asked James, looking at both of them holding the


"Of course we do, but now is not the time for that. We must save

Hogwarts," Sirius replied with a smile.

"It's true. You didn't tell us anything out of concern for us, right?" said

Lupin, and James nodded.

"You're not our mother. We had to go through your hellish training. We

can defend ourselves. We won't be a burden," added Lupin with a slight

smile tapping James' shoulder.

"That's good to hear," said James with a smile, "But don't be reckless. We

don't know what we'll be up against. We may not even find anything," he

added as he grabbed his invisibility cloak and started to head off to meet

the others.

Being so many people, he would need his invisibility cloak.

They decided not to wake Peter and Toby as they had no more

potions for them to enter the vault. Then they would explain

everything to them and treat them to some delicious sweets.

On the way to meet Gwen and the other two. James repeated to them

that Snape didn't know the real story. So they had to lie.

When the Slytherin group saw Sirius and Lupin they were very surprised.

Especially Regulus and Snape.

Regulus didn't think he would meet his brother and share an adventure

that could end in death for both of them. It wasn't a bad feeling.

Snape didn't like the inclusion of two marauders at all.

Especially Sirius as he considered him more arrogant than James himself.

James didn't allow time for conversation. They quickly made their way to

the fifth floor. Professor Sprout was standing guard away from the false

wall facing the stairs. This was thanks to the fact that almost the entire

corridor was filled with ice.

They each took their potion and started walking on the ice. To everyone's

relief, no one was frozen. There were two groups. Each wearing an

invisibility cloak.

In one group were James, Gwen, and Lupin. Since Gwen wanted to go

together with James and not with strangers. And in the other Sirius,

Snape, and Regulus.

'I hope those two don't cause any trouble,' thought James, referring to

Sirius and Snape, who every time they spoke or anything they got sparks

off each other.

Thanks to the invisibility cloak, they managed to get past Professor

Sprout's hedge which wasn't too difficult. James stepped on the ice and

didn't feel a thing. He only noticed that the temperature had dropped


When they reached the wall they used Revelio, and thanks to the

darkness they could not see the stairs that suddenly appeared. The only

difference was that this time the stairs were frozen.

'We have an hour and a half. That should be enough time,' thought

James arriving at the frozen corridor that now had another layer of ice

different from before.

He kept the invisibility cloak in his wallet and looked at the strange

group that had formed for this expedition.

Except for Regulus, everyone else was staring at the frozen corridor and

the open vault door in surprise.

"This is the cause of the ice curse," Snape muttered, observing the

corridor and the large door. Potter had not lied to him.

"On the move. The clock is running. Regulus be aware of the time," James

said as he started walking, and everyone followed.

"You have more than one friend in Slytherin," whispered Sirius with a

grin approaching James. By this, he was referring to Gwen.

"Yeah... She's my childhood friend. We grew up in Godric's Hollow,"

James replied as he walked towards the entrance of the vault with all his

senses alert.

"She's just your friend?" asked Sirius, chuckling under his breath with a

mischievous grin.

"Shut up. We're on an important mission," said James, tapping

Sirius' shoulder, but a little more relaxed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, leader," joked Sirius, taking a distance so

he wouldn't get punched.

"Hey, Severus. You look a bit pale. Don't you want to go back?" asked

Sirius, annoying Snape, who because of all the ice and

low temperature had his skin paler than normal.

"You should learn to behave like your younger brother. With more class,"

snorted Snape grimacing.

"And you should behave like a less grim person. You look like a vampire,"

said Sirius angrily, starting an argument with Snape that at any

moment could come to blows.

James and Lupin looked at each other and sighed shaking their heads.

They knew that sooner or later this would happen.

"Quiet! We're on an important mission. Stop behaving like children. Why

are all the boys like this? Well, except James. He's mature. You should

learn from him," exclaimed Gwen, scolding the boys.

'Why involve me? Thanks anyway,' thought James with a strange


Sirius and Snape were silent. They decided it was best not to anger Gwen,

who seemed to have less patience than they did.

'Here again,' thought James, entering the ice vault. The hexagonal room

was still the same as the last time he came. The ice knights were gone.

And in the center stood a pedestal with nothing on top.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 135: Weak knights

A new layer of ice covered the vault. James and Regulus noticed the

difference. This ice was a bit duller in color and gave off more cold.

Luckily, they had taken the potions. Otherwise, they would have been

turned into blocks of ice like Allan.

'It's real,' thought Snape, who didn't trust in the face of the information

James had given him.

"Why is there a room with such a powerful curse in Hogwarts?" asked

Lupin. Everyone had the same question on their minds. Hogwarts was

supposed to be a safe educational facility for the students.

"Let's start looking. We need to find a lock so we can put the key in," said

James, and they all split up. They knew their time was limited.

James went to one of the sides of the hexagon where the ice knights had

been before they activated.

The niches were now empty. Looking around, he noticed a strange

symbol at the top of the wall. He looked to his left and noticed Regulus,

who was also looking at one of the sides of the hexagon.

"Hey Regulus, is there a symbol there too?" asked James, raising his voice

for me to hear.

"Yes. This symbol appeared on the old parchment that Eustace gave

Allan," said Regulus, moving closer to James so he could look at the other


"Are they the same?" asked James.

"No. There are slight differences. Here and here," said Regulus, pointing

his finger at the slight differences. When his finger touched, the

symbol it sank in as if he was pressing a button.

A soft magical glow emanated from the symbol and above it a lock

appeared out of nowhere.

James and Regulus looked at each other in surprise, "It was

unintentional..." said Regulus, who didn't think this would happen.

"It was easier than I imagined," said Sirius, who was in the back with the

others looking at the lock.

"I doubt it's that easy. It could be a trap," snorted Snape, annoyed at

Sirius's nonchalant attitude.

"It could be. Each symbol has slight differences. Each could be linked to a

specific lock," Regulus said, examining the symbol more carefully.

"Wait for me. I'll go check another symbol," said James. He quickly

reached another side of the hexagon and touched the symbol. However,

nothing happened. It was hard. He couldn't press it like a button.

"Strange..." said Regulus when James told him this information.

"Maybe we have no choice but to use this lock anymore. Since the button

was pushed," Lupin commented, and they all nodded in agreement.

"So. Let's find out what's behind this door," said James, placing the key

and turning it.

A clattering of old gears began to be heard for some reason. Underneath

the symbol, the ice wall shifted and revealed a room on the other side.

James wanted to pull the key out of the symbol, but he couldn't. It was

locked. It was locked. No matter how hard he tried he could not retrieve

the key.

"Looks like there's no choice but to go in. Is everyone ready?" asked

James, and everyone nodded. Nervous faces could be seen despite

everything from the excitement of an adventure.

Before entering, he tried to look around the room on the other side,

but for some reason, he couldn't see anything. It was a strange feeling. He

knew he could walk and get to the room, but he couldn't see inside.

'Well, let's hope it's the right one,' thought James walking. As he passed

through the door the others saw James disappear and could no longer see

him no matter how hard they looked through the door.

The first to follow James was Gwen, followed by Sirius, Lupin, and

Regulus. Snape was the last.

As expected when Snape reached the room the door closed again. A wall

of ice shifted. It looked as if there had never been a door there.

"If we die here no one will ever find us," commented Sirius.

"Don't say such things," said Lupin with a grimace.

The room was huge. It wasn't made of ice. It resembled the classrooms in

the dungeons. Where they studied Potions classes, only much bigger.

It was wide and long.

James could tell that at the other end of the room was a row of

five normal knights. Each one held a sword. They weren't ice. They were

normal like the ones you meet in the halls of Hogwarts.

"There's something behind those knights," Regulus said, adjusting his


James saw a sort of pulpit similar to the ones churches use to prop up

and read the bible. Only on this one was leaning the same symbol as the

door. The symbol was made of stone and was the size of a hand.

"I guess we should grab that thing so we can get out," said Sirius, and

just then the five knights started walking towards them at a moderate


'They are slower compared to the ice knights,' thought James,

watching the knights. The ice knights had incredible speed. They would

have reached them by now and started attacking them.

Instead, these knights were marching at a steady pace.

When the knights were at a closer distance the first to act was Sirius. He

threw a Diffindo at the head of a knight.

The knight's head was cut clean off, and he fell to the ground. Within

seconds his entire body went still, and he collapsed to the ground.

"That was easier than expected..." said Sirius with a strange expression.

Before anyone could agree with Sirius, the headless knight on the floor

vanished. He turned to ashes. Near the pulpit, two more knights emerged

out of nowhere and began marching towards them.

"Shit," Sirius muttered.

"They will multiply if we kill it. We must get to the symbol and

destroy it" Regulus said as they had destroyed the symbol earlier with

James when they shot ice bolts at it.

They all nodded and started heading towards the pulpit. It didn't seem

like a very complicated task. Since there were six people the knights

didn't seem to be very strong.

The knights did not cut spells with their weapons, their speed was

average, and their intelligence seemed lower than the ice knights. They

just had to get them out of their way and not kill them. That way, they

would not multiply.

However, life was not that easy. Lupin cast a Flipendo on a knight to get

him away from them and open the way. When his spell hit the knight, it

turned to dust, and three more knights appeared near the symbol.

Snape seeing this used a Depulso charm to push the knight away with

more control, but it didn't work. As soon as the knight was pushed it

shattered, and this time four knights emerged.

For every knight destroyed, one more arose. First, there were two, then

three, and so on. This was not good news. There were now eleven knights

heading their way. They were outnumbered in a matter of seconds.

"Damn knights. Why are their defenses so weak?" said Sirius with an ugly

expression. If they kept this up the room would fill up with knights, and

they would be like ants.

"At this rate, we'll be crushed," said Lupin, not knowing how to attack the


"Shall we try a spell that just stops their movements?" asked Gwen.

"It might work, or it will self-destruct, and five more knights will

emerge," said Snape with a grimace.

"Try it. Just with one," said James, and Gwen threw an Immobulus at a

knight. At first, his movement stopped, and then he started shaking and

shattering. Five more knights emerged.

"This is not good... It seems that with the slightest magic reaching them

they will be destroyed, and more and more will be summoned," Regulus


They tried just to go around them to get to the pulpit, but the

knights besides wanting to kill them were protecting the symbol with all

their being. It seemed that they did have intelligence when it came to

protecting the symbol.

In an oversight, a knight attacked Sirius, who defended himself with

Aeromanteo. The attack speed of these knights was not great. He was

used to dealing with James' fast spells.

However, when the Aeromanteo touched the knight's sword it caused it

to shatter, and now six extra knights emerged.

"What now!?" asked Sirius as he backed up with the others. There were

twenty knights, and they could only run away. If they decided to send a

spell at them no matter how weak it was they would double up more and


They couldn't run forever. Their endurance would be exhausted. They

were wizards, not fighters. Also, they were between eleven to thirteen

years old, so they had less stamina than an adult.

James was trying to think as fast as possible to find a solution. If he

used his telekinesis when his magic touched the knights they would be

destroyed since it was still magic. So he dismissed that idea.

'So... We just have to fight like a knight would,' James thought as he took

advantage of the fact that the knights were a good distance away

and from his wallet he pulled out several swords.

Thanks to training his telekinetic ability, he always had several swords

on him. He gave one to each member of the group, who looked at the

weapons with confused expressions.

"Yes, magic destroys them as soon as it touches them. We have to fight

with physical objects," James explained.

"I guess there's no other choice," Regulus muttered, holding up the sword

in disgust. He considered it a muggle activity to fight with swords.

"Don't make that face. I've always wanted to have a duel to the death

with swords," Sirius said with a slight smile, raising his sword and

standing incorrectly on guard.

Snape, Lupin, and Gwen understood James' point and accepted the

swords. They had no choice but to try this.

'It's heavy,' thought Gwen as she adjusted to the weight of the sword.

"Gwen takes this too," said James, passing a shield to the blonde. Higher

on his list of priorities was her safety.

"Why just me?" asked Gwen, grabbing the shield.

"It's the only one I have," replied James.

"It's heavy," said Gwen, noticing the shield was heavy.

"You can give me the sword and just use the shield to defend yourself. All

we have to do is fight our way through," suggested James.

"I can attack too, James," said Gwen, though she was happy to note

James' concern.

"Hey, stop talking! They're coming!" shouted Sirius as he took cover with

his sword.

A knight arrived and struck towards him. Somehow, he managed to

defend himself, but he felt his arms turn to mush. He couldn't take many

more blows.

Thanks to the slowness of the knights, Snape, who was next to Sirius,

swung his sword at the arm of the knight who had attacked. The sword

shattered the arm, which was not very resistant.

Lupin took the opportunity and gave a thrust in the chest of the

knight destroying him completely. Luckily for everyone, the knight did

not regenerate and stopped multiplying.

"Well done! That's the way!" said Sirius with a smile. Snape made a

barely visible grimace, and Lupin smiled. He had enjoyed smashing the

knight to smithereens. It was relaxing.

They didn't have time for further conversation because four more knights

jumped on them. Gwen and James stopped talking and fought amongst


There were six of them, and they had to make their way through twenty

knights. However, they were not idiots. They were trying to lure a group

of four or five towards them, destroy them run away, and then do the

same. Thanks to the fact that they were not very fast and the room was

big, they could do it and not be surrounded.

James after destroying a knight with Regulus' help, noticed that another

knight had hit Gwen's shield, and she was barely standing.

In a few seconds, he reached her side and cleaved with a diagonal cut the

hand of the knight holding the sword. Gwen let go of the shield

and with her sword cut off his head.

"Phew... Thanks," said Gwen, wiping the sweat from her forehead. She

had never done so much physical exercise. Besides, even though they

weren't very dangerous the slightest mistake and the knight's sword could

give you a fatal wound.

"Are you okay?" asked James, worriedly approaching Gwen.

"Yes. Just tired. It's hard to take the blows. Maybe I should do more

physical exercise," said Gwen, who was having difficulty keeping her

arms up.

James with his wand cast a resistance charm on Gwen. A spell within

healing magic that restores an individual's stamina to some extent.

"Better?" asked James.

"Yes. Thanks. Your healing magic is very useful," replied Gwen with a

smile. She generally doesn't like others to worry about her, as she knows

how to take care of herself, but with James it's different. She likes it

when he shows her concern.

'It's addictive. Maybe I should act more tired. That way he'll show more

concern and be by my side,' Gwen thought seriously.

"Look at them. They look like they're having fun," said James, looking

towards the group of four people surrounding two gentlemen as if they

were criminals about to rob a poor victim.

"While they are having fun let's destroy that symbol," said Gwen.

"That's fun. Should we use magic to summon more?" asked Sirius with a

slight smile as he dodged a sword.

"Your hands are shaking, Black. You don't look like you'll last much

longer," said Snape with a slight smirk.

"Shut up. You're the same way. I'm surprised those skinny arms can hold

a sword," Sirius said with a slight smirk.

"I've defeated more knights than you. Five to be exact," said

Snape beginning to argue with Sirius as to who defeated more knights.

Lupin gestured to Regulus, and between the two of them, they smashed a

knight's legs apart, then smashed his head with both their swords. While

Sirius and Snape argued they defeated the last knight between the two

of them.

"That's it," Regulus said, sitting down on the ground and breathing

heavily. It was only about 15 or 20 minutes, but he couldn't take it

anymore. His arms were heavy, and his heart was beating too fast.

Sirius and Snape were in the same condition. Only Lupin seemed to be a

little better. As they rested they heard the sound of a wall shifting. They

turned their heads and could see that where they came in was open


"Come on. We've already wasted time here. We need to find the door that

helps us close the vault," said James.

"Did you destroy the symbol?" asked Regulus, standing up, and James

nodded. It was as easy as that.

Before they left the room, they made a quick inspection and found

nothing. No treasures, no hidden messages.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 136: Forest fire

"Don't tell me we have to go door to door facing different deadly

challenges?" asked Sirius. He couldn't keep up.

"Maybe. Theoretically, there are four doors left. They might be more

dangerous, but hopefully, they'll be easier," said Lupin, massaging his


Luckily, they had swords and quickly realized that they shouldn't use

magic against the frail knights. Otherwise, they would have been more

tired or worse injured.

James, seeing everyone's tired state decided to cast an endurance charm

on each of them. Everyone including Snape happily accepted it.

"Do you know healing magic too?" asked Sirius, feeling refreshed.

"A little bit," replied James.

'A little bit...?' thought Regulus, who saw firsthand James' healing


'If we keep going at this rate, we'll need another potion,' commented

Snape. Each potion protected you from the cursed ice for an hour and a

half. If they took approximately twenty minutes per door they would be

for an hour and forty minutes.

"We have two each. We'll be fine," Sirius said.

"That's not true. We made eleven potions. There are six of us here. There's

one person who has only one potion," said Snape, looking at James.

"Did you give your potion to them?" asked Gwen with a frown, looking at


"Yes... I don't think the key is to go door to door. There must be a door

that is the key, right Regulus?" said James, bringing attention to another


"Yes. According to the scroll I read from Allan, there must be one that is

the right one, but there's something I don't understand..." replied Regulus

with a thoughtful look.

"What is it?" asked Snape.

"If I explain it, it will take too long. We don't have time. James give me

the key," said Regulus, who knew James was the strongest of them all.

They couldn't be without their best wizard.

James handed the key to Regulus. He had been able to take it back after

they defeated the knights.

Regulus began to go to all sides of the hexagon and examine the symbols.

After five minutes, he pointed to a symbol, "This must be it. I think," he

said a little doubtfully.

They decided to follow Regulus' advice. He was the only one who

understood the symbols as he had studied and solved the old

scroll before. He pressed the button, and a lock appeared.

When the door opened, they all went inside being on guard with wands

at the ready, though they weren't too sure about using them as before as

they might make the situation worse.

"A jungle?" asked Sirius in surprise as he surveyed the landscape. The

others also had surprised expressions. No one expected to end up in a

jungle. A different habitat than the ice vault.

"Hogwarts amazes me more every day," Lupin commented.

"Is there the same object with the symbol to be found in this huge

jungle?" asked Snape.

"I suppose. It's the only clue, let's go," replied James as the group started

walking. They were all alert. Ready to defend against attack from

whatever was in this jungle.

At one point as they walked Regulus stepped on something hard

that because of the sprawling grass, he couldn't see what it was.

'What is this?' Regulus thought, stepping on it for the second time. It

wasn't a good idea. A hidden root came out of the grass and wrapped

around his ankle. Then it pulled him and started dragging him towards

some trees.

"AHH!" shouted Regulus as he was dragged into unknown parts of the


"Regulus!" shouted Sirius as he ran towards his brother. The others

followed him.

At the end of their run, they reached a clearer area without so many trees

and vegetation obstructing their view. They could see the cause of the


"A devil's snare..." said Snape.

The devil's snare was a magical plant that strangled you

to death especially when you touched it. It was composed of a mass of

soft, springy tendrils and vines that possessed some sense of touch.

Regulus was already bound by arms and legs. The more he struggled the

harder and faster the plant held you down.


Before Sirius could fire an Incendio at the plant, Gwen threw an

Expelliarmus at him and managed to pull his wand out at the last


"What are you doing!" asked Sirius angrily, looking at Gwen. The only

thing he could think of to save his brother was to use

fire. In Herbology they had defeated many plants that way and it was

very effective. He would obviously control the fire so as not to burn his


"You idiot. You want to set the whole place on fire?" asked Gwen, and

Sirius remembered that they were in a jungle. Their Incendio would have

started a forest fire. If they couldn't get out they would die from

suffocation or burned to death.

"Then what!" asked Sirius, anxiously.

"The Devil's Snare besides being weak to fire, can't stand light,"

commented Gwen.

"Leave it to me. Close your eyes," said James, stepping forward. He didn't

know the weakness of this plant, so Gwen's information was very helpful.

"Lumos Solem!" exclaimed James.

A blinding flash of sunlight shot from his wand. James used a great deal

of power. Effectively, the devil's snare began to pull back and started to

move away from Regulus, releasing him and stopping him from choking.

Regulus quickly got up and walked back to the group. James did not

close his eyes as his contact lenses had a charm that protected him from

blinding flashes of light. He created this charm himself and was proud of

it. It could blind you and render you unfit for combat. Very useful. The

best part was that he didn't need to wear sunglasses.

"Are you okay?" asked Sirius, approaching his brother.

"Yeah... cof... I just need to catch my breath a bit," Regulus replied with


After a few minutes, they began to explore the jungle again.

This time with more caution than before. The walk through the jungle

was an odyssey.

They encountered many aggressive magical plants and fungi. Two devil's

snares grabbed Snape and Sirius. James saved Snape, and Gwen saved

Sirius with a Lumos powerful enough to scare the plant away.

Lupin inadvertently bumped into a Mimbulus

Mimbletonia. A very rare magical plant with a unique defense

mechanism. When touched by Lupin the plant shot a green fluid at him

that smelled like stale manure, luckily it had no poison, but he was

bathed in a sticky, foul substance.

The group also came across a large patch of vampiric vegetation. This is a

group of magical plants characterized by their vampire-like teeth. Their

teeth are sharp and very dangerous. As they got rid

of the vegetation their robes were left in very bad condition.

"This bloody jungle... How much further?" said Sirius wearily as he

sat down on a log. His appearance was a mess. His tunic had a few cuts

in it, his hair was in disarray, and he had a lot of dirt on his skin.

The others were in similar condition. The worst was Lupin, who still had

a dung smell that James tried to wash away with a charm, but some of

the smell lingered.

"How long has it been?" asked James, looking at Regulus.

"Fifteen minutes since we went in," replied Regulus.

"Only fifteen minutes?" muttered Snape as he sat down on the

ground. Out of his exhaustion, he didn't notice that he sat on some sort

of spiky bush.

"Ouch, bloody bush!" cursed Snape, jumping up. With his wand, he cast a

Diffindo at it and sliced the bush into several pieces.

What he didn't expect was that the bush began to burn when it was

attacked. The plants next to it began to catch fire at a rapid pace.

Before long they were witnessing a fire that was spreading more and


The bush where Snape sat was a fire-seed bush. A magical plant that

burns when it feels its life is at risk.

"Run!" shouted James. It was useless to try to put out the fire. The

vegetation was catching fire at a rapid rate, even its speed was too much.

It looked like the jungle was made to start a forest fire.

The group began to run. The fire seemed to be getting more and more

powerful and was chasing them.

'Clearly, there is something wrong with this vegetation,' thought James as

he ran. By normal means, a fire should not be spreading this fast.

As they ran some members of the group had to dodge hostile plants, so

they ended up taking different paths.

"Take my hand!" said James to Gwen. They couldn't be separated.

Gwen quickly reached out her arm and took James' hand.

"How does this fire spread so fast!? Besides, it seems to be chasing

us!" said Gwen in agitation as she ran to James' side.

"I don't know. It must have a curse on it or something," said James as he

looked for the symbol somewhere.

For every second that passed, the fire was spreading more and more. A

black cloud rose across the jungle.

"Look over there!" said Gwen, pointing with her free hand. James

followed Gwen's finger and noticed in the distance a tall stone column

surrounded by vegetation.

They approached the column which was surrounded by three devil's

snares and who knows what other dangerous plants. At the top of the

column was a stone symbol.

"That's the one! Let's destroy it with a Bombarda!" said James as he

pulled out his wand and pointed it at the column. Gwen did the same.

"Bombarda!" they both shouted without letting go of each other's hands.

The combined blast was enough to destroy the column. The symbol

began to fall towards the ground.

As the symbol fell, James threw a powerful Diffindo that hit the stone

symbol in the air cutting it in half.

The fire that was about to cover them began to disappear. The air itself

seemed to be sucking it up and taking it somewhere. The same was true

for the whole jungle and all the plants and vegetation of the place.

Everything disappeared in a very strange phenomenon. They were left in

a giant room with white walls and a floor.

In different places in the big white room, some dots were the

other members of the group. James saw about 50 feet away from their

spot Sirius and Regulus. Lupin was a little farther away, but he seemed to

be okay inside all things.

'Is that Snape?' wondered James, looking down at a spot lying on the

floor. It wasn't a good sign that he was lying motionless on the ground.

"Are you okay?" asked James to Gwen.

"Yes. Just let me catch my breath a little," replied Gwen, sitting down on

the white floor. She had been running a lot while dodging plants and

breathing in polluted air.

"Take a rest. I'll go see if Snape is alright," James said and started

heading towards where the boy was lying.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 137: Ice Golem

"Hey, Snape are you alive?" asked James, tapping Snape's arm with his


"Don't bother, Potter," growled Snape from the ground, and without

opening his eyes. The sleeve of his robes had been burned.

Luckily the fire was gone, and his skin remained safe.

"You look like you're alright," said James with a grin as he saw Snape

growling as usual.

Seeing Snape's condition, James decided to cast some healing spells on

them. An Episkey and a resistance charm.

Snape felt refreshed and was able to get up. He only gave a slight nod of

his head to thank James.

"How much time do we have left?" asked Snape, shaking the dust and dirt

from his robes.

"I don't know. Regulus was taking the time," James replied as he turned

and noticed that everyone was heading towards them.

"Is everyone alright?" asked James, looking at Sirius, Regulus, and Lupin.

"Better impossible... cof..." said Sirius, coughing because of the smoke he


"Do you guys need me to cast some healing charms on you?" asked


"No. Take care of your energy. We can go on," replied Lupin, and the

others nodded.

Regulus told them that a little over twenty minutes had passed. So they

had entered the vault about forty minutes ago. They still had about fifty


As they left the great white room Regulus took the key and began to

examine the remaining symbols with greater concentration than

before. There were only three possible doors left, but they couldn't go

wrong again.

It was preferable to take a little longer to choose and not waste time in a

room that was not. Besides, there was no reward. Only possible death.

"It's this one," said Regulus, pointing to the side to the right of


"Are you sure?" asked Snape hesitantly. He didn't want to go back into a

deadly room where there was no reward. Although he felt excitement at

being able to test his magical abilities in a more

dangerous environment his energy had a limit.

"Yes, I didn't know before because the symbols were almost identical, but

now that we've ruled out the jungle door. I'm sure it's this one," Regulus

replied confidently. The symbol this vault used resembled that of a

snowflake but combined with ancient runes.

James nodded, and Regulus placed the key in the opening. The gears

began to chime again. The wall shifted, and James was the first

to enter followed by the others.

They found themselves in a large circular room filled with ice. It was not

unlike the main room of the vault. This was a good sign.

What most caught the attention of James and the others was an imposing

ice figure towering for many feet.

It was a body of pure ice with muscular proportions and a solid

appearance. The details in its anatomy, such as joints and muscles gave

the illusion of a living creature.

The largest part of this creature was its torso with ice crystals that refract

light, creating bright and shimmering sparkles. Then followed its two

large, long arms. Each fist could easily crush James completely.

The legs were short but powerful. On top of it all was a small ice head

with two slits that appeared to be the eyes of the creature that was about

ten meters long.

On either side of the huge ice creature were two ice knights like the ones

James faced the first time he entered the vault. However, no one was

looking at the knights. All eyes were on the giant ice creature.

"Is that... a golem?" asked Sirius as he swallowed spittle and gripped his

wand tighter.

"An ice golem," added Lupin, who was just as surprised as Sirius.

"Ten meters long," added James.

"Yes. I noticed that. Thanks," said Sirius.

"Look behind the golem," said Regulus, and they all tried to see through

the opening between the legs of the giant golem. An ice door could be


"That's it! This must be the right door," said Sirius with a little more


"Yes, but first we have to defeat that thing," said Snape with a grimace as

he noticed the golem's eyes activate. The same was true of the four

knights. Luckily there were no archers. Two knights had swords, and two

others had a short sword and a shield.

"Remember that the knights' weapons can cut spells. You must find an

opening and hit them at that time. And it's time to take the

potions," James said as he pulled out several potion bottles from his


He handed two vials to each of them. One vial had a turquoise-colored

liquid in it. The other was a foul green color. These were the invigorating

potion and the fortifying potion. One provides the consumer with

prolonged endurance. The other increases the strength of the consumer.

Luckily, James had made more, and they had for everything. It was good

to be prepared. They took advantage of the golem and knights' moment

of activation to take them quickly.

No one cared about the ugly taste. It was more important to survive the

monstrous golem.

After taking the two potions, James quickly pulled five swords out of his

wallet and left them lying on the floor.

"What are the swords for?" asked Sirius blankly. The

others except Regulus also looked on blankly.

"Just in case," replied James without further explanation as a tremor

echoed through the room.

The golem began to move. It was slow, but each step it took echoed with

an imposing force and made the room tremble slightly.

To James' bad luck, the ice knights seemed to have more

intelligence than the previous ones. They followed the golem with their

weapons pointed at them. They did not run straight at them. If they had,

they could have been easily disposed of.

"What do we do!" asked Sirius. No one tried to cast a controlling spell like

Immobulus or Diminuendo on the golem. Everyone thought the golem

had resistance against spells.

Still, it wasn't bad to test it. Snape to test the golem's resistance cast a

Petrificus Totalus on it, but as expected it did no good. The golem

continued its march. The spell bounced off and didn't even hurt it.

"Let's target the shield knight on the left. Now!" commanded James as he

launched a Reducto at the knight.

Five more flashes followed James'. A Bombarda, Diffindo, etc. The

knight who was everyone's target managed to cut off James' first attack

and cover himself with his shield from the second spell.

However, that was as far as his luck and ability went. The other four

flashes hit him and destroyed him. Only his sword and shield remained

as a trophy.

'It would have been better to target two knights,' thought James

regretfully. The best decision would have been three flashes for one

knight and three for another.

This was no time for regrets. The golem had already extended its giant

right arm and struck James and the others' position.

"Run!" shouted James as he ran to the right along with Gwen and Snape.

He knew it was impossible to stop that giant fist with his current

Protego. If he did he would be crushed to death.

Sirius, Regulus, and Lupin ran to the left side. Being separated from the



The golem's blow hit the floor and raised a cloud of frost, dust, and

dirt. The dull crack of the impact against the floor echoed through the

room, echoing off the walls of ice. The floor where they stood before was

left with a hole the size of the golem's fist.

'Luckily their punches aren't fast,' thought James with sweat on his

forehead. Although they were not fast they had a large area, and it was a

simple punch.

Two ice knights moved at great speed toward James, Gwen, and Snape.

They already had their sharp swords raised to cut them down. The

remaining knight had most likely followed Sirius and the other two.

James covers him, and Snape uses a Protego. The knight's sword hit his

shield and was reflected. Snape, who was aware of this, cast an Incendio

and destroyed the knight. Only one left.

James covered Snape with his Protego, as Snape did not know how to use

Protego or any defensive spell to help him protect himself from the

knights. Gwen, on the other hand, did know defensive spells.

The other knight launched an attack towards Gwen, who defended

herself with a very precise Aeromanteo. The air current deflected at the

right time the knight's sharp sword passed just inches from Gwen's face.

Gwen took advantage that the knight was unprotected and threw a

Reducto making him ashes.

"Why are you using Aeromanteo!?" exclaimed James with wide eyes. That

was dangerous. He watched as the sword grazed Gwen's neck. One

miscalculation and her head would have been severed.

"My Protego can't reflect attacks like yours. Instead, with

the Aeromanteo I was able to find an opening," Gwen justified herself.

James taught Gwen Protego as well as Aeromanteo, but the girl was not

yet advanced enough to be able to reflect attacks.

Although the Aeromanteo was useful in defending against the knights, it

was very risky, especially when you knew how to use Protego. Why take

the risk? Gwen took the risk because she wanted to find an opening.

"If you used Protego, I could have destroyed the knight. I had a blind

spot," said James, unconvinced by Gwen, who wanted to eliminate the

knight as fast as possible.

"I don't want to just defend myself and have you do all the work," snorted

Gwen with a frown. It was boring just defending herself.

'This girl...' thought James sighing.

"Sorry to interrupt, but a giant fist is coming right at us," said Snape,

pointing to the sky.

James and Gwen turned their heads and noticed the giant golem fist

looking down at them with its little gray eyes. The fist began to descend

towards them. Snape had already started to run.

James and Gwen followed. The fist crashed to the cold floor, and a

shudder echoed throughout the room. They dodged it again by the skin

of their teeth.

Something was different this time. When the first hit the

ground ice spikes were created near the golem's huge hand and shot out

towards James and the other two.

James heard the sound of the wind intensify. His instincts screamed

danger. He turned his head slightly and noticed three long, deadly spikes

heading their way.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 138: Cursed Nucleus

Since when does one punch on the ground generate three deadly spikes?

Luckily, he had previously moved the swords with his telekinetic ability.

Otherwise, they would have been crushed by the golem's punch.

Three swords flew towards the spikes at great speed. When they hit they

managed to destroy them.

'Phew... That was close,' thought James as he controlled the swords and

flew them close to him.

"You did that?" asked Gwen and Snape, gawking at the swords floating

around James. They didn't see James cast any spells, and his wand was

still pointed at the ground.

James, when he told Gwen the story did not explain how he defeated the

knights. He was not specific. As for Snape, he didn't know that James had

already faced ice knights, so he wouldn't know this information.

"Yes. Pay attention, he's already back on the attack," James said, raising

his wand.

"How do we defeat that thing?" asked Gwen, brushing aside her love-

friend's strange abilities... She would ask him later.

"First..." said James as he explained a quick plan to Snape and Gwen.

James first had to make sure that the golem didn't have any symbols on

its body. So with the help of Gwen and Snape, he managed to sneak

around and look at it from behind.

To his bad luck, the golem had no symbol on its body. It was pure ice.

Sirius, Regulus, and Lupin had already defeated the last ice knight and

approached James.

"You're hurt," James said, looking at Sirius, who had a cut on his


"Yes. The speed of that bugger was too much. He took me by

surprise," said Sirius with a slight wince. James quickly threw an Episkey

at him. He didn't have time to heal the cut completely.

They had to help Snape and Gwen, who were running and

dodging the golem's deadly blows.

"There is no symbol. So there is no weak spot. We must defeat it with

powerful magic," said James.

"That's not good news..." said Regulus.

"Target his joints. Specifically the one on his right leg. Use, Diffindo,

Incendio, whatever. If too many attacks hit that leg we'll cut it off. We

have to dismember him a little at a time," James said quickly as he ran

towards the golem to help Gwen.

'Dismember him...?' thought Sirius, Lupin, and Regulus with strange


James with a Bombarda and a three-sword attack on

the golem's large leg managed to get its attention. The frost giant slowly

turned around and charged at James, who dodging his blow continued

his attack.

Sirius, Regulus, and Lupin also cast offensive spells at the golem's leg.

Being a large target and its slow movement it was not difficult to get a

shot at it.

Gwen and Snape could tell just by looking at James and

the others,' target.

While James was getting the golem's attention the others were shooting

at him from different places. When the golem wanted to change targets,

James would throw a lot of swords and spells at it to get its attention

back on him.

Thanks to the stamina potion, he could keep up. He just had to have

his attention, and when he had a chance attack with the swords to his left

leg. If the golem attacked him with its ice spikes he simply used the

swords for cover or a Protego.

The others were casting spells left and right. They found that the best

combination was to cast Incendio and then Diffindo. This way, they made

the ice weaker and not so hard.

The flames made the ice softer and more malleable. Then the Difffindo

cuts through the ice. They had to repeat this process over and over

again as James dodged and blocked.

At one point the golem let out a rumbling roar as it struggled to

stand. Ice spikes began to grow from its massive body, and from one

second to the next it fired them in an area attack.

James saw five spikes heading towards him at an incredible speed. He

raised all five swords into the air and sent them colliding with the spikes.

His swords with ancient runes won, but that wasn't all.

James kept his speed up and aimed for the golem's leg. The five swords

descended with astonishing speed and pierced the last layer of ice.

With one leg down the golem fell to the floor with a thud. The room

rumbled from the impact.

"Aim for its head!" shouted James as he approached the others.

Try as the golem might to get up it could not. A person could balance on

one leg, but the golem's frame was disproportionate. Its legs were too

small for just one to support its weight.

The golem was hitting the ground with its arms as if it were a baby

throwing a tantrum. It was a strange sight. The others, some with wounds

from the icy pricks, stood at a safe distance and began to attack

the golem's head.

The magical fatigue they felt was palpable on their faces. They had

struggled for thirty minutes with the golem, but no one complained, and

they continued to cast spells until the golem's head was severed.

When the little ice head was severed the body ceased to function. The

little blue eyes went out and became lifeless.

"Damn, golem. How much stamina does it have?" cursed Sirius, sitting on

the cold ground and breathing heavily. He took an endurance potion and

was exhausted. Besides, the golem didn't even chase him. It only attacked

him from a distance.

To Sirius' bad luck, he had a cut on his forearm and a pinch of ice on his

shoulder. Thanks to the ice he didn't feel much pain, and the blood

stayed in place.

"Sorry, brother... My fault," Regulus said, walking over to Sirius, who had

saved him from a pinch of ice.

"Never mind. It's just a small cut," Sirius said, downplaying it.

"James," Regulus called out.

James approached and could tell by the look on Regulus' face that he was

asking him to cure Sirius, although he was already planning to do so.

James looked over at Lupin. He was lying on the ground near

them recovering energy, luckily he had no injuries. Then he looked over

at Snape, who was sitting up and pale. There was a long cut on his right


"Do you want me to do something?" asked Gwen, approaching James. She

was just fatigued, but not as fatigued as Lupin or with injuries like Sirius

and Snape.

"Yes. Go to the door and see if it's locked. If it is we'll need to find a key

which, I'm sure is inside the golem," James said, and Gwen nodded as she

headed for the ice door.

In a few seconds, she returned, "It's locked. It's not working the

Alohomora," said Gwen.

"Mm, can you unfreeze the golem's head? Maybe the key is in there," said

James as he healed Sirius.

"Leave it to me," said Gwen as she began to cast Incendio on the little


"What fabulous healing magic. How do you know so much?" asked Sirius,

looking at his now healed wound. As if nothing had happened.

"Why do you think, I'm training all the time?" asked James with a strange


"Makes sense," said Sirius with a slight smile.

James then moved on to the next patient. Snape looked at James with his

black eyes and pale face as he was healed. He watched as his cut healed

within seconds.

"How do you have so much resistance?" asked Snape.

James had gotten the worst task. He had to be constantly dodging and

taking cover when the golem threw the spikes at him. Besides, he was

also attacking when he found the opportunity.

"Lots of training," James replied with a grin that pissed Snape off.

"And how did you make those swords fly? I didn't see you using your

wand," Snape asked again.

'Why is everyone asking so many questions?' thought James in


"We're short on time, and one of us has no potion to protect us from the

ice. Let's go," said James as he approached Gwen, who had already

finished the task of thawing the ice head.

To everyone's luck, there was a key there, "You were right," said

Gwen passing the key to James.

'Good thing it was in the head. How many Incendios would we have to

throw if it was in his torso?' thought James with relief.

The group quickly made their way to the door. James used the key and

entered the room which was not very large compared to the previous

one. It was a square room with an extreme cold that they even felt

despite drinking the potions.

"That's the cause of the curse," said Lupin with little energy rubbing his

hands together.

In the center of the room stood a glowing crystalline sphere

of ice, pulsing with a cold, magical light. Freezing patterns spread out

from the center, weaving a web of dark magic.

"Who the hell put this thing in Hogwarts?" asked Sirius.

"Maybe someone from hundreds of years ago? From when

Hogwarts wasn't a school," said Lupin, trying to guess.

"How do we destroy that nucleus? Hopefully, I can cast one more

Incendio," said Snape.

The others nodded agreeing with Snape. They had been on this deadly

excursion for over an hour now. Everyone's energy was very low despite

the potions.

They all looked at James and waited silently for his response.

'Why are they looking at me?' thought James. He was also fatigued and

felt his brain throbbing from using his telekinetic ability for so long to

defend and attack.

'One last attack,' thought James as he pulled out eight swords from his

wallet. Some had ancient runes, and some were normal. He would be

pushing himself to the limit again.

He didn't know exactly how strong the nucleus was, but it was better to

be sure of its destruction. Controlling eight swords was his limit.

"Cast one last spell at the nucleus. It doesn't matter if it's powerful or not.

Then I'll attack it," James said, and everyone nodded

cautiously looking at the eight swords on the ground.





A flash of lights shot towards the cursed core and hit it. It only trembled

a little and then held steady and exuded extreme coldness.

The eight swords on the ground began to float slowly, and from one

second to the next they headed for the core at an astonishing speed. From

different angles, the swords struck the core, and a metallic sound was

heard in the room.

The more cuts they made the more the core shook and began to show

cracks. It was working. James with a frown and a vein in

his forehead continued the attack.

The nucleus had multiple cracks and finally cracked and exploded into

fragments of magical ice that shot into the air. The room momentarily lit

up with a glow.

Within seconds of the nucleus being destroyed a change in

the atmosphere of the room was triggered. The extreme coldness was no

longer felt. It was still cold, but it was not as extreme as seconds

before. Everyone felt it.

"Is it over?" asked Sirius, who was shocked by the attack of eight flying


"Let's hope so," said Lupin wearily.

"We'd better get back. Even if we've stopped the curse, the cursed ice is

still in the stairs and the vault. If we touch it without the potion we'll be

frozen like Allan," said Regulus.

"Are you okay?" asked Gwen worriedly, looking at James, who was

touching his forehead.

"Yeah... just a bit tired," said James with a slight smile.

With the help of Gwen and the others, he put his swords in his wallet. He

no longer had the energy to float them towards him.

"Look at that," Snape said as he walked over to an old wooden

table that was frozen with frost. The others followed him.

On the table were only two old parchments that unlike the table were not


"They look similar to the ones Professor Eustace gave Allan," Regulus


Snape opened one parchment and didn't understand a word of what it

said. He passed it to Regulus, as he was the person who had deciphered

the scrolls earlier.

"What is it?" asked James impatiently after a few seconds of silence.

Regulus looked up and answered in a serious tone, "There is another



You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 139: Curse dispelled

Hello everyone, I have some news. I uploaded a new fanfic about the

world of the Wednesday series. Go check it out :D The fanfic is titled:

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic.


The expedition to stop the ice curse had been a success. Thanks

to James' healing skills, no one had serious injuries, and the cuts they

had were healed.

That same night, after learning that there was yet another vault at

Hogwarts, everyone returned to their common room. No one had any

energy, and although they were curious, they all wanted to sleep


James put away the two old parchments. For some reason,

he didn't understand everyone agreed that he should put the scrolls away,

even Snape.

The next evening, the peculiar group met in classroom 11 to discuss the

new vault and decide what to do next.

"One scroll is a map to be combined with the map Professor Eustace gave

Allan. The other scroll is a riddle. It is much longer and more complex

than the previous one," Regulus said, looking at the two parchments open

on a square wooden table.

Everyone was around the table looking at the scrolls.

"In what you got to read, does it say any information about the new

vault?" asked James.

"I read very little. The message in ancient runes is more complex and is

combined with strange scrawls. I could only read the name which is

the Vault of Fear," replied Regulus with a strange expression.

"Scary," Sirius said with a slight smile.

"Should we look for it?" he added. It had been quite an adventure getting

into the ice vault despite nearly being killed by killer plants, incinerated,

and by a giant ice golem.

"'For what? To unleash another powerful curse on

Hogwarts?' We didn't get any treasure in the end. It's better to leave it

locked," Snape said disapprovingly.

This time, he agreed to risk his life to stop the curse since it had been

released before, but it would be foolish to release another unknown

curse. Besides, it was too dangerous. This time they succeeded, but they

don't know if the next vault will be more deadly than the previous one.

"Well... If we get there before the professor we'll get the treasures," said

Lupin, trying to dissemble. Snape was the only one who thought

they hadn't gotten treasures, but in reality, James and Regulus had

already gotten a couple of peculiar objects.

"Actually if we get the treasures..." said James in a serious tone, looking

towards Snape.

"What do you mean?" asked Snape in a cold tone.

James decided to tell Snape the truth. Sooner or later he might find out

that the story he told him was false and that Eustace never got the

treasures and it wasn't him who first opened the vault.

On the other hand, he no longer thought that Snape would rat him out to

the school staff. He was already involved and besides, he didn't think he

was that petty. Even though he was from Slytherin and the two houses

didn't get along, Snape and the marauders' relationship wasn't like

Rabastan Lestrange and his group.

Even Sirius after this adventure began to get along better with Snape, if

only a little. They fought side by side, and both almost died.

"So you lied to me. You released the ice curse at Hogwarts," Snape

growled, and the others looked at James in surprise. They didn't think he

would tell Severus the truth.

"Yes, Regulus too. Don't forget about him," James said. Regulus grimaced

but said nothing.

"Anyway, sorry about that. To make it up to you you can choose one of

the treasures we found earlier," added James as he pulled out of his

wallet the ice chest that guarded the cursed ice necklace and the book.

Snape showed a confused expression. He wanted to look angry and

threaten Potter that he might tell Dumbledore about this, but James

apologized and was now offering him the treasures as if they were


"This is what you told me to bring the mirror for," Regulus said, propping

the ancient small-sized mirror on the table, and James nodded.

"These are the treasures. There aren't many of them. The other one

is Regulus' invisibility cloak, but he's grown quite fond of it. So you can

choose from these objects," James said with a wide smile as he told him

the information he knew about the objects.

'Well... His lie was no big deal. It contained several truths' thought

Snape putting the subject aside. He didn't hate James to the extreme to

try and get him expelled. And with the group Slughorn formed in

potions, their relationship improved a bit, and now they weren't so

hostile, although they never were. They were only hostile because they

were from different houses.

Besides, if he snitched on James he would also be snitching on

Regulus a student from his house. And from the Black family.

It wouldn't be smart to get hatred from this family, nor the Potter family.

What annoyed Snape most about James currently was that he was

studying next to Lily in the library. He didn't like to see Lily smiling near

him, but he couldn't show.

'Come on, take an object. Don't be shy,' James thought with a kind smile.

The moment Snape took it there would no longer be a chance he would

want to give him away.

'I'll keep the necklace. I won't be able to wear it though..." said Snape. If

he touched the necklace he would be frozen with cursed ice.

James pulled an ordinary case out of his wallet. He had done the

test before, and the necklace does not freeze objects.

Only humans to freeze them to death. With a cloth, he took

the necklace put it in the case, and handed it to Snape.

"Can I read the book? After a few days, I'll give it back to you," Gwen

asked, looking at the book on the table. She was very interested in what

James said about the book. Especially, the part about the offensive and

defensive ice spells.

"Yeah, sure. You can keep it for as long as you need. I already made a

copy," said James, taking the book and handing it to Gwen.

"Thanks," said Gwen with a happy smile.

"You copied a thousand-page book?" asked Sirius with surprise.

"I used a quill that copies by itself. All it took was dictation," replied


"If you want you can lend them the copy. There are very

useful spells," added James, looking at Sirius and Lupin, who nodded. It

would be useful to learn a deadly ice pinch spell to deal with enemies.

After chatting some more they each went back to their common room.

Three went to Gryffindor, and three to Slytherin. It was rare that a group

of Gryffindors and Slytherins had cooperated to save Hogwarts.

In the following days, the cursed ice stopped spreading around Hogwarts.

This news reached the ears of all the students, who celebrated happily.

The professors were also relieved except for Eustace, who had a

suspicious look on his face towards Regulus.

In the following days, Dumbledore delivered the good news. The school

staff didn't know how the ice curse had been solved, but they made

everyone see that they did it, as they couldn't say they had no idea

how the problem was solved.

The cursed ice that covered the entire fifth-floor corridor remained

there and it was still dangerous to go near and touch the ice. So

Dumbledore and all the professors began to attack the cursed ice and

destroy it.

There was no longer a risk of faster expansion. When they tried this

before, every time they destroyed the ice it became faster and more

resistant. So they stopped trying to stop its expansion, but now nothing


In one day's work, the teachers were enough to leave the corridor as it

was before. There was only a lower temperature than in the other

corridors and corridor areas.

On the other hand, Allan was cured and one day he appeared at

breakfast. All the students greeted him with smiling faces and

wishing him a recovery as they saw his pale skin.

In a letter Regulus sent to James, he told him that Allan had no memory

of their search for the vault. James was not surprised by this. Eustace had

most likely found the opportunity to erase his memories and put false

ones on them. Like he had done before.

He sent Regulus a letter telling him to be careful and not to wander the

corridors alone. It would be dangerous for him to run into Eustace or for

the professor to be looking for him.

Regulus is the bald man's prime suspect. Thanks to his Black

surname he has a shield over him, but he must be cautious. Eustace was

encouraged to manipulate and threaten Allan, who also belongs to a

pureblood family, though not as powerful as the Blacks.

One piece of good news was that the quidditch matches were

rescheduled. This Saturday and Sunday the corresponding matches will

be played. Slytherin vs Hufflepuff and Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw.

All the quidditch players were happy about this news including James,

Sirius, and especially William, who was jumping up and down like crazy.

The other students were also very excited. They were in for a busy

weekend. A double date.

James went back to his routine of training and studying. No longer

worried about a curse that wanted to freeze all of Hogwarts.

As for the Vault of Fear, he gave the scrolls to Regulus and told him to be

careful. Snape seemed to take an interest in this and was helping him as

well. In addition to the ice necklace with the powerful curse, he managed

to read the book James lent Gwen.

They took turns with Gwen to read it. Besides, Snape was more interested

in the ice curse that was explained in the book. Instead, Gwen is in the

offensive and defensive ice spells.

With the help of Sirius and Lupin, they told the whole story to Toby and

Peter. They spent over an hour in their dormitory explaining everything

to them. Thanks to Sirius and Lupin's help they didn't seem so angry and


Peter seemed more relieved than angry. James understood this as he was

always fearful and more so of deadly situations like in the vault. Toby did

seem more hurt, but understanding that James kept the information from

them out of concern he forgave him. He was a very understanding and

kind friend.

Saturday came and the Slytherin vs Hufflepuff match was played.

To everyone's surprise, Hufflepuff won. Amos Diggory, the

Hufflepuff seeker took the golden snitch ahead of the Slytherin seeker.

Hufflepuff, who looked like they would lose by a landslide ended up

passing Slytherin by twenty points. The score ended 170 to 90 in favor of


Despite this result, Slytherin climbed to the top of the scoreboard with

290 points. In second place was Hufflepuff with 240 points followed by

Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. However, they had not yet played their


Gryffindor had 210 points. If they could catch the snitch they would go

to 360 points leading Slytherin by 70 points. William and the other team

members were very excited and couldn't wait for their match to come.

James felt the pressure more than ever. The whole team and the entire

Gryffindor house were waiting for him to catch the snitch to move into

the lead and be one small step away from getting the long-awaited cup.

And they were getting it more than ever. At dinner the day before the

match, he received a lot of encouragement from all the students, and

even McGonagall gave him a little motivational speech before going to

the common room!


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 140: Popularity

"Come on, Potter! Today's your day!"

"You can do it, James!"

"Good luck, Potter!"

At breakfast before the match, James doesn't know how many of these

comments he received from Gryffindor students. They were all pinning

their hopes on him.

He began to feel more nervous. More so than when he played his first

quidditch match. Even the team members seemed to be pinning their

hopes on him.

"Don't be nervous, James. Just play like you always do. Everything will

be fine if that's you," William said with a smile and a very confident tone.

He could already taste victory. The moment James caught the snitch they

reached the top of the scoreboard.

The most important thing was for the chasers to score a lot of goals, to

widen the gap with Slytherin even more. If Annabeth and Sirius

are fine they could achieve a difference of 150 points with Slytherin.

'If it's me...?' thought James in confusion.

"Don't worry, James. We'll see to it that the bludgers don't hit you. Just

crush the opposing seeker as usual' said Gideon with a thumbs up, and

Fabian nodded, agreeing with his brother.

'How usual? I only played one game,' thought James. It seemed that

everyone had great confidence in him. As if victory was already a given.

It was good to be confident, but not that confident. They might

underestimate the opponent and find themselves in for a surprise.

However, he didn't know how to tell them this. He would look like a

spoilsport, so he didn't say anything. He just had to catch the snitch and

play with as much concentration as possible.

As James was about to leave the Great Hall for the locker room with the

rest of the team, he heard a low female voice calling out to him. As he

turned around he noticed a group of three girls who appeared to be

Gryffindor first years.

"What do you need?" asked James. The two girls to the side pushed their

friend forward slightly.

A girl with short shoulder-length black hair and gray eyes looked at

James nervously. Her friends behind her giggled under their breath.

"Do you need something...?" asked James again as the girl didn't respond

and just looked at him then looked down and a few seconds later

repeated the process.

"No... I mean yes! Take this!" said the girl, stuttering and stretching out

both arms. In her hands was a scarf with Gryffindor colors, a lion, and a

golden snitch.

James could also notice the Puddlemere United crest. The quidditch team

he is a fan of. It was combined with the Gryffindor colors to look


"A present?" asked James, taking the scarf. The girl nodded repeatedly as

she looked nervously at James, who was examining the scarf.

"What's your name?" asked James.

"R-Rachel Ollivander," replied the girl with flushed cheeks.

"Thanks, Rachel. The scarf is nice," said James with a smile.

"Y-you're welcome! Good luck in the match today, J-James!" said Rachel

with a cheerful smile and left with her friends quickly, as she realized she

was being watched by many people.

"Thanks..." muttered James, watching the girl leaving to the Gryffindor

table. He turned around and noticed wide smirks on the faces of Sirius,

Gideon, and Fabian.

"What are you looking at me for? Let's go," said James, putting on his

scarf and walking off. There was a bit of a cool wind today, so he could

use a scarf.

"Let's follow Don Popular," said Gideon as he started marching like a

trooper behind James. His brother kept up the act.

"Hey, Don Popular. Your Slytherin girl doesn't look too happy," Sirius

said with a slight smile and in a low tone close to James.

James turned his head, and at the Slytherin table, he found Gwen, who

was scowling at him. He began to think that maybe it wasn't the best

thing to put on the scarf at that moment.

"Shut up. She's not my girl," James said, quickening his pace.

As they reached the locker room, James began to think about how Rachel

knew that his favorite team was Puddlemere United. His thoughts were

interrupted when William started with his pre-match motivational


As he walked out onto the pitch in his quidditch uniform and his

Nimbus 1001 he noticed that the Gryffindor stand had

a greater enthusiasm, and their chanting was much more powerful than

in the first match.

The Slytherin stand was also more powerful than usual, but

they weren't cheering for them. They were whistling at them and

throwing acid comments at them with all their might. They knew that if

Gryffindor won they would be very close to winning the championship.

With instructor Hooch's whistle, the match kicked off.

This year's Ravenclaw had improved a lot compared to last year's worst

Ravenclaw ever.

Despite having started with a defeat in the first game, they were very

motivated and did not want to lose again and repeat the failure of the

previous season.

James could see a familiar face on the Ravenclaw team: Penny

Warrington. She was the new Ravenclaw chaser. Her talent could not be

underestimated, as she managed to be a starter as a sophomore and

outperformed many in the team tryouts.

The game started very lively. The goals were not long in coming.

Ravenclaw got the lead, but before long Gryffindor responded and

overtook them on the scoreboard.

At one point as James was looking for the golden snitch, the Ravenclaw

batsman threw a bludger at him. Gideon cursed as he was unable to

block the bludger to defend James.

Out of the corner of his eye, James noticed something approaching him

at an astonishing speed. He used the Sloth Grip Roll tactic to dodge the

incoming bludger.

It consisted of hanging upside down from his broom in one swift motion,

holding on tightly with his hands and feet. He watched as the bludger hit

the spot where he was before.

The Gryffindor stands began to cheer louder as they saw this incredible

dodge. It was rarely used, as it was not easy to execute.

The game continued. Sirius and Annabeth were having their day. Thanks

to Penny, Ravenclaw was following them, but they were slowly

getting further and further away.

James kept dodging Bludger's with quick spins and peculiar moves. Every

time he did so the entire Gryffindor stand screamed in excitement.

'I still didn't do anything...' thought James as he looked for the snitch.

James saw that the score was 50-30 in favor of Gryffindor. Not much

time had passed. Suddenly an idea occurred to him. The best thing to do

would be to get a lot of goals before catching the snitch, but the opposing

seeker would be an imminent danger because if he catches it the game is


So the best option is to get rid of the opposing seeker. Clearly in a legal

way. He would not use fouls or his telekinetic powers which would be

the most effective, as with a simple glance he could make the broom

turn and at the speeds they drive they could easily collide.

With his wandless magic, it would be very easy to make opponents lose

their balance while flying and knock them out of the game. Or even catch

the snitch, but James doesn't want to cheat. Plus, the game was being

watched by Dumbledore and the professors. They might notice someone

using magic without a wand and it would be cheating, so they would lose

the game.

So the only way to get rid of the rival seeker was to do

it completely legally.

'Let's put it to the test,' thought James with a slight smile as he began to

descend at a rapid pace.

"Oh look! It looks like James Potter, the Gryffindor seeker found traces of

the snitch!" exclaimed Murphy McNully the school's Quidditch

commentator excitedly.

All the stands focused their vision on James and his incredible speed as

he went lower and lower. Many rose from their seats and watched with

their omnichromes.

The Ravenclaw seeker quickly began to follow James at top speed.

He couldn't let him catch the snitch, he had to catch him no matter what.

James slowed down in a disguised manner. He waited until the opposing

seeker was very close to him. In the meantime, he was getting lower and

lower and closer to the ground.

He stretched out his hand, and his opponent copied him, but at the

last second something happened that puzzled the Ravenclaw seeker and

everyone in the stadium. James before reaching the ground feinted at a

high speed and quickly left the ground.

The rival seeker with a frightened face realized that there was no

snitch. Only the hard ground. However, it was too late to try to do

anything. His only fate was to crash to the ground at many miles per


The entire audience in the stands shouted, "Ouch!" and many averted

their eyes as they watched the Ravenclaw boy crash and begin to spin

against the ground. His broom broke in two, and it looked like he had

broken a few bones.

'Sorry... It's nothing personal,' thought James, looking sideways and

sighing in relief. For a moment he thought he would be the person to

crash. This feint was very dangerous. One false move, and you'd be on

your broom and broken bones.

"That's it... Wronski's feint! Spectacular, it was executed to perfection! I

never thought, I'd see this dangerous and famous feint in a Hogwarts

Quidditch match!" shouted Murphy with excitement and microphone in

hand. He got up from his seat and began to explain to the entire

audience about this feint.

The Wronski feint was created by the famous Polish player Josef

Wronski. Josef is considered the most innovative seeker in the world. The

feint consisted of a seeker pretending to detect the golden snitch far

below and running to catch it, hoping that the opposing seeker would

copy it. At the last second, before reaching the ground, the feinting

seeker would come out of a dive. This usually caused the opposing seeker

to crash.

This maneuver was very dangerous and many who tried it ended up

failing, seriously injuring themselves. That's why many were surprised

that James was able to execute it. He was only 12 years old! And he had

already pulled off a feint that even professionals struggle and fear to


Quidditch fans knew it and were just as excited as Murphy. No one

thought James would dare to try this feint, let alone get it right!

'This damn crazy...' thought William, and a big grin formed on his face.

He understood why James made this dangerous feint.

"Listen up everyone, it's time for goals! Chasers and batters

attack!" shouted William, bringing the other members of the team back to

reality as they were just as shocked as the crowd in the stands.

The Gryffindor team started with a forceful attack. The chasers with the

help of the beaters began to score goals left and right. The Ravenclaw

team was still in shock. For their seeker was injured and being attended

to by Madame Poppy.

The batsmen no longer had to worry about the opposing seeker. Until the

Ravenclaw captain reacted and called time out. The game was stopped.

Gryffindor had reached a hundred points! And they still hadn't caught the

snitch. The Ravenclaw seeker couldn't play again, so his substitute had to

come in.

The substitute was a second-year boy who was very nervous and

trembling. He looked at James fearfully as if he was a maniac and was

afraid that he would try to do the same feint.

However, James wasn't that reckless. Besides, he knew that it

wouldn't work as well to perform the same feint, as his opponent would

be suspicious of his moves.

The match resumed, and after forty minutes James saw the glint of the

snitch. He dashed at full speed towards the snitch. Thanks to the rival

seeker being cautious it was very easy to catch the snitch.

"Gryffindor wins the match with 280 points!" exclaimed Murphy

as Hooch's whistle ended the match.

The Gryffindor stands exploded in cheers and applause like never

before. This was a huge lead. They came in first place with 490 points!

They were two hundred points ahead of Slytherin, who was in second

place. An abysmal difference.

This was not only thanks to James, it was also thanks to the three

Gryffindor chasers who scored a great number of goals.

Although most thought James had a lot to do with it, as he managed to

legally get rid of the opposing seeker. This gave them a great opportunity

to score goals for the chasers and to have a rookie seeker on the field.

Because of this James was the center of attention that night at the

Gryffindor party in their common room. He couldn't escape. Gideon and

Fabian made sure of that. After performing the Wronski

feint his popularity had reached a new peak.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 141: Sadness

A few days after the quidditch double-header came James' birthday

on March 27. Gryffindor's spirits after the crushing victory were still


Everyone in the Great Dining Hall sang Happy Birthday to him. It was a

bit embarrassing, but he had no choice but to accept it. It was the

birthday on which he received the most presents.

Many people he barely knew gave him presents like Rachel Ollivander,

who again gave him another item of Puddlemere United clothing. It was

still a mystery as to how the girl knew that was his favorite team.

The next few days after his birthday came the Easter vacation that would

last from the first of April until the eighth of the same month. One week.

Most students choose to stay at Hogwarts, as the professors always send a

lot of homework at this time. James last year stayed at Hogwarts and did

not return home.

However, this year James received a letter from his mother telling

him that he must come home. The reason wasn't explained, but it didn't

sound like good news. This had never happened to him before.

After saying goodbye to his friends, James was taken to the Hogwarts

Express with other students, who were also going home for the short

Easter vacation.

Since there weren't many students and James didn't know anyone, he

sat in a compartment alone. The whole trip was spent in

silence watching the scenery.

He had a bad feeling. His mother would never tell him to go home just

because. There was a reason, and if they didn't explain it to him it must

be because it's hard to tell in a letter.

'What happened?' thought James, racking his brains. Trying to think what

would have happened, but he couldn't think of anything.

After a long journey, he arrived at Platform Nine and three-quarters at

King's Cross station. As he stepped off the train with his trunk and the

cage with his beloved owl Shadow quickly found his mother, who

hurried over to him.

The previous worried expression on Euphemia's face disappeared, and

a wide smile formed on her face when she saw James.

"Sweetheart, long time no see! Happy birthday!" said Euphemia, hugging

James tightly. Although she wished him happy birthday by letter, it

wasn't the same as saying it in person.

"Thanks, Mom..." said James, feeling his bones being squeezed. He didn't

know his mother had such strength. Whenever she hugged him she was

always so caring and gentle.

"You don't know how hard these days were... Seeing your face makes me

so happy," said Euphemia, wiping a couple of tears from her eyes that

were about to come out.

"What happened? Where is Dad? Why didn't they explain anything in the

letter?" asked James with confusion and getting more and more anxious.

"Follow me," said Euphemia, taking James by the hand and heading for a


After sitting down and settling James' things, Euphemia took a breath

and said in a dejected tone, "It's about your grandfather..."

"Grandfather? What happened to him?" asked James.

"His health is not good..." replied Euphemia, taking James' hand and

looking at him worriedly.

'Grandpa's health is not good?' thought James with wide eyes.

What joke was that? His grandfather was Henry Potter! Lord Potter! He

fought against Grindelwald and his followers being one of the strongest

wizards next to Dumbledore.

The training Henry was giving James was hell. If Sirius and the others

call James a training maniac, his grandfather would be a super maniac.

How could his grandfather be in poor health? The last training James did

alongside Henry was just as intense. And his grandfather was

demonstrating very good health.

"At Christmas Grandpa was doing great. It can't be anything serious,

right?" asked James with a quivering lip, and looking at his mother

expectantly. He knew her question wouldn't get the answer he wanted.

Euphemia shook her head softly, "It is serious, sweetheart..." said

Euphemia, hugging James, who had a blank expression. His eyes were

still staring into nothingness.

After this shocking news, they headed to Potter Manor. Using the

apparition on the side.

As they entered the majestic walkway of the gigantic mansion, James

said nothing on the way. They were accompanied by Puddle the house-

elf, who always accompanies Henry. His little face showed extreme

sadness, and his eyes were red, most likely from crying.

They entered Henry's room, which was on the second floor of the

mansion. It was very large, there was a double bed, oversized windows,

and pieces of antique paintings.

Henry was lying on the large bed. His face was paler than usual, and his

eyes were closed. He was resting.

There were several people in the room. James's father, Fleamont. His

uncle and aunt Charlus and Dorea. Along with his cousin Oliver. In

addition to them, there was a middle-aged man in a healer's

robe. This was Henry's doctor.

Then there were two men and a woman about Henry's age. They were his

old friends. James had met them before. There was also Mimsy, who

wouldn't take her eyes off Henry. The house elf's eyes were watery.

The atmosphere in the room was heavy, and not a fly was flying.

Everyone had long faces. When the door opened everyone turned their

heads and looked at the new guests.

"Son..." said Fleamont, approaching James.

His father said something to him, but James didn't hear what he said very

well. He just nodded his head slightly and started walking towards his

grandfather. He greeted everyone in the room with a slight nod of his


When he reached the bed he could see his grandfather. Since when did he

have so many wrinkles and gray hairs? He didn't look like the

grandfather who was always shouting enthusiastically at a quidditch

match and the grandfather who would sweep the floor with him at


Henry's eyes slowly opened, and looked at James.

"Boy, you finally get here. It's a shame you have to see me in this state,"

Henry said with a slight smile. Mocking himself.

"Grandfather..." whispered James in a shaky tone of voice.

"Leave us alone. I need to talk to James," said Henry, trying to raise his


They all looked at each other and within seconds began to leave the

room, "For any emergencies call me quickly," said the doctor to James,

who nodded.

In the room, James and Henry were left. James had no words coming out

of his mouth.

"My death is coming," said Henry, breaking the silence and looking up at

the high ceiling of the room.

James' shoulders shook as he heard this. Why was his grandfather so

tactless? He was only thirteen years old. No grandfather would say that

to his grandson.

"There must be a way to improve your health. I've got it! Nicolas Flamel's

philosopher's stone," James said as his brain started to work. He had to

find Nicolas Flamel.

Nicolas Flamel was a very famous French magician and

alchemist. Known for being the creator of the Philosopher's Stone. A

legendary substance with which it is possible to produce the Elixir of

Life, making the drinker immortal. The potion had to be

consumed regularly.

Flamel was born in 1326! More than six hundred years had already

passed since he had been living with his wife.

He doesn't care if he has to steal the philosopher's stone. He will.

"That's the attitude," Henry said with an amused smile. James was the

only one who proposed such a thing. From his eyes, he noticed that

he would be willing to steal the philosopher's stone if necessary.

"No time though," added Henry, rolling up his sleeve. James saw that his

grandfather's skin was riddled with black spots.

What on earth was that? Even he didn't know what it was, and he had

studied a lot of healing magic.

"It's a strange disease. I don't feel like talking about it. Besides, the

philosopher's stone will only extend my life, and I'll be a

frail walking skeleton. I don't want that," Henry said disdainfully to the

elixir of life.

"There must be some other way. A potion that in addition to extending

your life will rejuvenate you," said James without giving up.

"There isn't," said Henry bluntly, bringing the subject to an end. James

fell silent and looked at his grandfather with a frown. Henry had always

been stubborn.

"My time is coming. I can feel it. It will be a short time before I get to see

your grandmother. After so long," Henry said with a wistful look.

"How much time...do you have left?" asked James.

"It's a miracle that my sick body is still functioning. Maybe one more

day. If I'm unlucky, it may extend another day." replied Henry with a

pained grimace.

"I understand," muttered James nodding his head.

"You're different, James. If I answered that way to your father

or uncle they would complain about me talking about my death like it

was nothing," said Henry with a slight smile.

What could he do? Argue with his dying grandfather, who already

accepted death?

"Your grandmother would be proud. You are the future of the Potter

family. The new Lord Potter," Henry said with a longing look. His only

regret would be that he would not be able to watch his talented grandson

take the Potter family to the highest.

"I will not let them underestimate us again. Those who call us traitors

will pay for it," James said, trying to sound as confident as possible. If

that was what Grandfather wanted, he would do it.

"If it's you, I'm sure you'll deliver. You must prepare yourself. The next

few years will be dangerous. Death Eaters are not playing games.

Muggles are not to be treated like animals, remember that" Henry said.

"I know. I'm getting ready to fight them," James said, and Henry smiled


"I'm tired. I'll rest now," said Henry as he slowly closed his eyes and

began to sleep.

James watched his grandfather's face. That was the last conversation he

had with Henry. That same day, he passed away at eight thirty-five in the

evening. After talking with James he never woke up again.

It seemed that he had only stayed alive so that he could have one last

conversation with his precious grandson.

James felt a deep pain in his chest. He wished he was in the ice vault so

that the ice would numb his entire body. Maybe that way, he would stop

feeling so much pain.

He never felt such a sensation in his entire life. Maybe like Edward

Rothschild, but it wasn't as painful.

What was this?

It was sadness.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 142: Funeral

Within two days of Henry's death, his funeral was held near Potter

Manor. He would then be taken to a cemetery. Where most of the Potter

family members were buried. There was also the grave

of James' grandmother.

It would be the first funeral James would attend. Both in this life and in

his previous life as Edward Rothschild.

James was in a confused state of mind. There were moments when he

still found it hard to believe that his grandfather had died. Perhaps when

the funeral was over Henry's death would become more real.

James stood in one of the many rooms of the mansion, looking out a

window onto one of the mansion's gardens. In his hand, he held a circular


In the center of the locket is a capital letter P with glittering stones

inlaid. This was the locket his grandfather always wore around his

neck. According to what he told him it is worn by all Lord Potters.

In the will, Henry passed the title Lord Potter and all that goes with it to

James. It was odd, since before him was his father and his uncle

Charlus. A generation earlier, but they didn't care and respected

his father's decision.

As James looked out the window he heard the door to the room open. He

did not turn his head.

"At last I find you, James. It was hard looking for you in so many rooms.

I still can't get used to how gigantic the mansion is. Why did you choose

a disused room?" said Fleamont, approaching his son.

"I just picked a random room," James replied in a low tone.

"It's about time. We should head to the funeral," said Fleamont. His mood

was not good at all, but he wanted to show himself strong to James.

"You know, James... Your grandfather was always a man of strong

character and stubbornness. His dream was always to take the Potter

family to the top. Never letting go of the family's ideals. I remember me

and Charlus always getting hammered in his magic training," Fleamont

said with a slight smile, remembering when he was a teenager and his

father was training him.

"Yes... I will keep the promise I made with my grandfather. I won't let

them belittle the Potters again," said James with sudden determination.

"I'm sure you will. That's why you were chosen by the new Lord Potter.

Don't worry Charlus, and I agree. We always knew Father was extremely

proud when he trained you. He found in you what we lacked," Fleamont

said with a slightly sad smile.

"Father..." said James worriedly, looking out of the window to look at


"Don't think badly. Your grandfather has always loved Charlus and me,

but if it wasn't for your grandmother, we'd be in wheelchairs today. His

trainings were no joke," Fleamont said with a chuckle.

"Thanks to that training, I was able to be victorious in all my duels at

Hogwarts, but afterward, I didn't see it as much fun to go through such

training hell, nor studying subjects that didn't interest me. Charlus felt

the same way. I was the eldest and next in line to inherit the title of Lord

Potter. However, I became a Potioner."

"I still remember the disappointment on my father's face when I decided

to have my own potions business and not attach any importance to the

title of Lord. I suppose he must have worn the same expression when

Charlus told him he wanted to become a Magizoologist. However, he

respected our wishes and didn't force us to carry the weight of the Potter

family on our backs," said Fleamont.

"He wasn't stubborn as usual," commented James with a slight smile.

"Yes hahaha. He was very understanding. Another father would have

lectured us and prepared us to be the heirs," said Fleamont with a smile.

'Grandfather was different from my old parents. He would never force

someone to become an heir,' thought James, looking at the locket.

"When you were born he was very happy to be able to see his first

grandchild. More was his happiness when he noticed in you a monstrous

talent and ambition. You were what he always wanted. An heir with his

same ambition for the family and talent more monstrous than yours or

ours," said Fleamont with a slight smile.

'Me ambition...?' thought James. His goal had always been survival, and

to achieve it he had to be more powerful than his would-be assassin,


However, in the eyes of others, he might appear to have great ambition

as he never stopped training and studying.

"That's why I want to ask you and be sure, James," said Fleamont in

a serious tone, looking at his son.

"Although the title Lord may seem very juicy as you will have great

authority and the Manor among other valuables. You will carry a great

burden on your shoulders. The weight of family. Do you wish to become

Lord Potter?" asked Fleamont, staring at James.

James was silent in thought. By the grace of fate, he ended up in a

similar situation as in his past life as Edward. He was to carry his family

name and take it to the top.

Was this fate?

If it was in his previous life Edward would accept, but unwillingly. He

would have no real ambition to carry the weight of his family. However,

in this life, James did not hesitate.

"I will be Lord Potter," James said in a forceful tone. His goal in this life

was no longer just to survive. He was to protect his loved ones and kick

those damn dark wizards' asses! To protect the Muggles and take the

Potter name to the top!

Fleamont nodded, "Alright, let's go. It's time for the funeral," Fleamont

said as he started walking towards the exit and James followed him.

They made their way to a lake that was not too far from the Mansion.

There the funeral would take place. Even though it was spring, the day

was full of clouds. It seemed that at any moment it could start raining.

As he arrived at the place he felt many eyes on him. Well, he was one of

the closest members of the deceased's family. It was normal to have those

stares on him.

They had placed a large number of chairs in rows on both sides of an

aisle. The vast majority of the chairs were occupied. There was a great

variety of people: young and old. All wore elegant black robes.

James sat in the front row next to his father. Already there were his

mother and the other members of the Potter family. All with sad

expressions. His cousin Oliver was crying in Dorea's lap.

James' mood as he saw the open casket and his grandfather laid to rest

there began to waver, and his former determination faded, and he was

overcome with great sadness.

A bald individual with a serious expression, dressed in a simple

black robe stood in front of the coffin. He began to say some words that

James decided not to hear, the words had no meaning for him.

It finally dawned on him that his grandfather had died, and he would

never see him again.

He would never train with him again. Nor would they watch a

Puddlemere quidditch match together. He would stop receiving letters

from his grandfather asking him how he was doing at Hogwarts. He

would stop sending him letters telling them about the pranks he played

at Hogwarts, the quidditch matches he won, and so much more. So many

things he didn't have time to tell him.

And as he sat there, he began to feel a few drops on his face. Was he

crying? No. So far he hadn't shed tears for some reason. He looked up

and noticed that it had started to rain softly.

The bald man finished his speech and sat back down. Fleamont, who was

next to James stood up and said a few words with a lot of feeling. He

could see tears welling up in his father's eyes.

Then followed Charlus, his mother, and his aunt Dorea. Many people

gave an emotional speech and shed tears. Finally, only he was missing.

All his closest relatives looked at him in silence.

"Sweetheart, do you want to say goodbye?" asked Euphemia in a low tone

to James.

Goodbye? Yes. He was to say goodbye to his grandfather. James got up

from his seat and walked slowly towards the casket as he was watched by


Instead of saying any words, James pulled out his wand and looked at

his grandfather's face, who seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Everyone in

the room looked at him blankly.

'A happy memory... The first time I watched a quidditch match with

Grandpa' thought James, recalling an old memory.

"Expecto Patronum!" exclaimed James, making a graceful flick of his


A bright light emanated from the tip of his wand, forming a silvery glow

that gradually took the shape of a large beast.

The silver glow finally turned into a majestic dragon. A Patronus in the

shape of a dragon!

The dragon began to rise into the air. Its luminous outlines danced in the

gloom of the cloudy sky. Its wings unfurled gracefully, and its ethereal

figure seemed to defy the darkness.

All the people sitting in the chairs watched with expressions

of amazement and disbelief as the dragon flew high into the clouds. A

thirteen-year-old boy casting a corporeal Patronus? What madness was


When the dragon reached the clouds it seemed to pierce through them

and disappeared. Within seconds the clouds began to disperse. Creating a

gap through which the sun's rays began to filter through.

The sunlight once hidden behind the dense clouds now illuminated the

coffin with a soft, warm glow. Henry's expression seemed more

comforting than before, and there seemed to be a faint smile on his face.

'This is my farewell, Grandpa,' thought James with a pained expression.

He didn't have time to show him his Corporeal Patronus. He wanted it to

be a surprise, but it all ended this way.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 143: New target

Sunday, April 8th arrived. James was due to return to Hogwarts.

In the few days since the funeral ended, James didn't feel like doing

anything. Neither training, nor studying, nor doing the homework the

professors had left him. He received many letters, most likely from his

friends, Gwen, and others, but he didn't answer them, nor read them.

James arrived at King's Cross Station along with his parents, aunts,

uncles, and cousins. Not only Charlus, Dorea, and Oliver came. They

were also accompanied by Richard Potter with his wife and son Charlie


Richard was a more distant uncle to James, and Charlie was a year

younger than Oliver. They were family, but he was not

his father's brother.

"Why did everyone come?" asked James as he pushed his trolley through

the station. He had already passed platform 9¾ and was heading for the

locomotive compartments.

"Of course to say goodbye to Lord Potter! Hahaha!" said Richard,

laughing loudly. His wife elbowed him in the ribs and gave him a stern


"Cof... Sorry I wanted to lighten the mood a bit," said Richard as he

coughed and grabbed his rib in pain.

A faint smile formed on James' face. The Potter family was like that. In

any other family if they had chosen a thirteen-year-old boy as heir it

would have caused divisions.

But in the Potters, it wasn't like that. No one complained about Henry

naming James as the next Lord Potter. Everyone was even showing more

unity than ever.

"Your Patronus was great, James! When I get into Hogwarts next year,

can you teach me the charm?" asked Oliver excitedly.

"Me too!" said Charlie with stars in his eyes, remembering the majestic

dragon Patronus.

James made a barely visible grimace. He created quite a fuss by casting a

Patronus in front of so many people. He didn't mean to. He just wanted to

say goodbye to his grandfather in a different way.

Everyone in the place was shocked that a thirteen-year-old boy could cast

a Patronus especially the form it took. A dragon. Specifically the Opaleye

dragon from the Antipodes. A breed of dragon is native to New Zealand.

It is considered one of the most beautiful dragons because of its bright

white scales and multicolored eyes that have no pupils.

This breed of dragon was a loyal creature and the least dangerous and

deadly of all. Its favorite prey was sheep. James has been fascinated ever

since he saw the statue of this dragon in the dragon clubhouse. He never

thought that his Patronus would take on his appearance.

Another fact was that James got to cast his corporeal Patronus when he

was twelve years old, before his birthday. So if people know about

this tidbit they might be a bit more surprised, but he preferred not to say.

"Yeah, sure. I'll teach them," James said. Next year, he could give Oliver

lessons in the Room of Requirement.

With the future war against the Death Eaters, his cousins should be as

strong as possible. He will train them to exhaustion just like

his grandfather's training.

Suddenly Oliver and Charlie felt a chill for some strange reason.

"That's good to hear, Oliver, Charlie! You'll have a great

tutor. Don't waste it!" said Charlus, messing up his son's hair, who nodded


Before getting into the compartment, James said goodbye to everyone

with a forced smile.

"Anything you need send us a letter," said Euphemia in a worried tone.

"Yes..." said James from the window. A few minutes later the locomotive

began to move forward.

"I'm worried," said Euphemia, watching the locomotive move farther and

farther away.

"Don't worry. It's James after all. He'll be fine. He knows we'll always be

there for him," said Fleamont comforting his wife.

"Yes, it's true... I worry that so far he never shed a cry," murmured


Back on the train, James' forced smile disappeared. It was replaced by a

serious expression with a hint of sadness. From his trunk, he pulled out a

newspaper giving coverage of the Death Eater attacks.

Attacks aimed at Muggles were no longer as recurrent. Now they were

fighting against the wizards who opposed them. Mostly wizards from the

Ministry, and from what they were talking about in the paper it seemed

that more and more wizards were joining their ranks.

'They're recruiting people,' James thought with a frown.

They are most likely recruiting more wizards from pureblood families, as

they are the ones with power in the Ministry, and to overthrow the

Ministry easier it is best to target the people who control it.

James wondered which pureblood families are attached to Voldemort so

far. Since Death Eaters wear masks no one knows their identities.

Will your friend Sirius's family be united with them? Will the Shafiqs

have had conversations with the Death Eaters by now? Both of these

families have supremacist ideals, and it is almost certain to think that

they agree with the goal of the Death Eaters.

The good thing is that James is close friends with Sirius. He knows Sirius

would never side with the Death Eaters. Even the Black heir abhors dark

magic and supremacist ideals. But he cannot think the same

of Sirius' parents and other members of the Black family, except for

Alphard, who doubts that he wants to join the Death Eaters.

As for the Shafiqs, he is friends with Gwen and Emily. He knows that

Gwen is changing and knows that she is not a serial killer who would kill

muggles like animals.

'I need to recruit reliable people,' James thought. He had to do the same

thing his enemy was doing.

Although with her strength in the future, he could take on and defeat

Voldemort if he faced hundreds of dark wizards, who were

under Voldemort's orders, he would be helpless. He needs reliable and

talented people to help him in the future war.

What better choice than Hogwarts? Although most are teenagers, there

are many talented and future heirs to their families. Sirius and Gwen are

a clear example.

Lupin and Lily Evans are rarely seen talents. Toby, though he thinks he is

a coward, in difficult times shows great courage. Peter... well, he is Peter.

Frank Longbottom, William Turner, Erika Rath, Bob, etc. James knew

many very talented people at Hogwarts who were the future of the

magical community. Regardless of whether they are Muggle-born, half-

blood, or pureblood.

"Ugh... This is going to get harder," James muttered. No longer will

he just have to train and study like a madman, now he will have to form

a circle of reliable people to help him fight a war that could explode at

any moment.

The day he arrived at Hogwarts he felt the look of pity from many

students. Many came up to offer their condolences. It was not strange

that they had heard of his grandfather's passing.

Henry was Lord Potter. A well-known person in the magical

world and his funeral was attended by a large number of people.

Luckily, the marauders had looks of concern rather than pity, as they

knew James. They didn't bother him too much on the subject and tried to

make the atmosphere as cheerful as possible with their usual banter.

"Are you practicing today?" asked Lupin, referring to the evening practice

in the Room of Requirement.

"No. I'm getting tired. Tomorrow we'll resume night practice," replied

James, and Lupin nodded.

"I'm close to getting a Corpse Patronus. I have a feeling. I wonder what

form it will take. I hope it will be Dragon-like," said Lupin with a slight


"Really your Patronus is a Dragon!?" asked Peter, looking at James in

admiration. Toby also looked at him in admiration. He knew James and

Lupin were studying and practicing the Patronus, but he never thought

James' would take the form of a dragon. It's not the norm.

"Has the news reached here yet?" asked James with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. News flies faster than you think at Hogwarts. There's a Dairy here

for a reason. Everyone talked about it when they heard about it. Even my

grandfather Arcturus sent me a letter," said Sirius with a grimace.

"Your grandfather?" asked James.

"Yes. Arcturus Black III. He attended your grandfather's...funeral. From

what little he told me they were old war buddies who ended up

becoming friends. They fought together against Grindelwald and his

followers," replied Sirius.

'I'd forgotten about that...' thought James. He hadn't paid attention to the

people he didn't know at his grandfather's funeral.

Arcturus Black III was a powerful member of the Black Family. And it

seems he didn't mind befriending a Potter. A blood traitor.

This is good news. It seems that the Black Family is not so radical and

has people with different ideals: Sirius, Alphard, Arcturus, and


Arcturus opposed Grindelwald a dark wizard who had similar goals to

Voldemort. This could indicate that it would be complicated for Arcturus

to decide to join the Death Eaters. Good news.

"Can you show us your Patronus?" asked Peter excitedly. His parents

were adult wizards, and neither had a corporeal Patronus. He felt more

admiration for James every day.

Lupin grimaced at Peter's question, he knew it wasn't a good time. To

cast a Patronus you had to recall a happy memory. It was hard for James

to feel like remembering such things when his grandfather had passed

away just a few days ago. It was already quite a feat that he

had managed to cast it on the day of the funeral.

"I don't have the energy. I'd need a happy memory, and I'm not very

happy, to say the least," James replied, shaking his head.

"I-I'm sorry!" squeaked Peter as usual. Sirius gave him a stern look.

"Don't worry. When I get the energy, I'll show you," said James, patting

Peter on the shoulder and going to the dormitory.

"He's more normal than I thought..." said Sirius, looking at James' back

and walking away.

"Yeah... He just seems a bit down at best," commented Lupin with a

strange expression.

They all thought they would meet a James who didn't want to

talk, who wanted to be alone, or who would lock himself in his room or

his canopy bed rather.

Instead, they encountered a normal James. So normal it was scary.

"He must be hiding his sadness," said Toby with a sad expression.

"Don't be sad yourself," said Sirius, looking at him strangely.

"Marauders should support each other! We should be there for

James!" added Sirius with sudden enthusiasm.

"In what way exactly?" asked Lupin.

"By making his crazy training and study routine go as smoothly as

possible. We'll accompany him through all of his training so that he can

get the most out of it as efficiently as possible. If you have to endure

a Flipendo grit your teeth and endure it," replied Sirius determinedly as

Toby and Peter nodded repeatedly.

"If he wants to study we'll help him if we can. If we're of no use leave him

alone to study so he doesn't get pissed off," added Sirius.

"Makes sense," said Lupin. This way James will be able to follow his

routine while the marauders support him making his routine more

effective. No longer will they make him worry about him not spending

time with them. It's time for them to support him.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 144: I challenge you

Monday morning classes began. James and the marauders headed to the

Great Hall for breakfast and then to the first class.

James had not done all the homework left for him by the professors

before the start of the Easter vacation. However, Sirius and the others let

him copy from his homework, so he was covered. It would be bad to be

punished or have points deducted in all subjects.

As James ate his breakfast he felt the gaze of many people on him. It was

not pleasant to have so many stares, but there was nothing he could do

about it so he continued eating.

After the day's classes were over, James had to give himself some time off

to copy the homework he was behind on. With the marauders, they went

to sit in the Middle Courtyard. One of the cloisters in the inner part of the


This courtyard had grass in the open area. In one of the

corners had grown a large tree that was many years old. In the center of

the courtyard was a fountain with the appearance of a Wyvern.

This courtyard served as a relaxing place for students to gather. Since the

day was sunny with no clouds in sight there were more students than


"Why are there so many people?" complained Sirius as he sat on the grass

with the others.

"I don't know. The day, I guess. A lot of them are Slytherin..." commented

Lupin, noticing many green robes with the snake logo on them.

"I don't feel comfortable," muttered Peter, seeing so many Slytherin

students. Besides, many were from older years.

"There aren't just Slytherin's. We'll be fine," said James, opening the book

and pulling out a scroll. He couldn't waste time looking for another place.

Toby started dictating to him, and James was copying at a great speed.

Sirius lay down on the grass and looked up at the clear sky. Lupin was

quietly reading a book, and Peter was looking around as if he

were watching hungry lions.

Not far from where the marauders sat was a group of Slytherin students

conversing in loud tones. James if he saw the group would recognize

several of the people.

One of the students was Gwen with her trademark blonde hair that had

been cut short and now reached a little past her shoulders in length.

Next to her was her best friend Anastasia Nott, who was the center of the

group and as always spoke in a high and arrogant tone.

There were also the Bulstrode brothers. Crabbe and Goyle, who were

getting taller and bigger every day, and several other Slytherin

students except for a Ravenclaw girl with long straight black hair, who

was chatting with Anastasia.

Gwen was mute and kept out of the conversation. Every day, she found it

more and more unbearable to put up with her best friend Anastasia. She

noticed James sitting not far from them and looked at him worriedly.

She had sent him many letters but had received no reply. If it were a

normal situation she would be angry at being ignored, but there wasn't a

hint of anger in her when she looked at James. Just concerned and want

to talk to him as soon as possible.

'Is he fine?' thought Gwen worriedly. She wanted to walk straight to

James and ask him, but because of her 'friends' she couldn't.

She no longer cared about the opinions of Anastasia and the others. The

problem was her mother and father, who were against her getting

together with James. As for her father little did she care since

he couldn't threaten her in some way, but her mother could use Emily,

and she didn't want that.

"That's the Potter Family boy, right?" asked the Ravenclaw girl as she

followed Gwen's gaze which was on James.

Gwen looked at the Ravenclaw girl with a frown. The girl's name was

Tianne Windsor. The Windsor family is a renowned and ancient

pureblood family hailing from Norway. This family was renowned for the

diverse artistic and literary talents demonstrated by each Windsor.

Hogwarts is considered by many to be the best school of magic in Europe

and the world, so it is not unusual for them to send foreigners here. The

Windsors have attended Hogwarts for generations and are usually

selected to Slytherin and Ravenclaw houses.

"'Yes, he is," Goyle replied with a mischievous grin as he looked at James.

He hated James since his childhood, so he was pleased at the idea that he

was grieving the loss of his grandfather.

"I heard he cast a Patronus in the shape of a Dragon," Tianne commented

with a slight smile.

"Tsch, those rumors must be false. They're exaggerating," Anastasia

sneered, looking toward James. A smile formed on her face. She

remembered the day James had insulted her grandfather, and now his

grandfather was dead.

"I don't know... Many claim they witnessed it with their own

eyes," Tianne said doubtfully.

"Surely they did it to honor the legacy of a blood traitor," said

Anastasia in a loud tone so that it would reach James' ears.

"Yes, yes! I doubt a blood traitor would have such a talent," said one of

the Bulstrode brothers, and they all joined in continuing to call James a

blood traitor.

The comments were in a high-pitched tone, and the groups were not far

from each other. Many students, who were in the courtyard ceased their

conversations and watched the two groups.

Sirius had stood up and was glaring at the Slytherin group. Lupin stopped

reading his book and scowled at the Slytherins. He felt his aggression

rising right now.

Peter looked around shaking, not knowing what to do. Toby stopped

dictating and looked at James not knowing what to do.

"Keep dictating," James said without looking up from his scroll. He had

heard everything Anastasia and the others said but ignored it.

Toby continued on the last sentence. Sirius and Lupin, seeing that

James didn't want to do anything, stood still and looked away from that

obnoxious group of people.

Gwen seemed to want to devour all of her "friends" including

Anastasia her ex-best friend, since from that moment on she no longer

considered her a friend.

Anastasia and the others did not stop. Crabbe, Goyle, and the Bulstrode

brothers seeing James not reacting had more courage, and their

comments became more rude than before. They were always afraid of

James since the incident at Godric's Hollow it was time for their revenge.

Tianne was not rude to a deceased person, but she was fueling the fire

with questions and comments that she made to generate conflict.

"I heard the funeral was attended by Arcturus Black III," Tianne

commented with a faint amused smile.

"Yes, quite a presence for a traitor's funeral," said a fourth-year Slytherin

boy who wanted Tianne to like him since this is a beauty from a rich and

ancient family.

"It's true! It looks like there was a worthy presence at

a traitor's funeral!" said Anastasia with a smile. She wasn't afraid of

James. What could he do to her at Hogwarts?

She belonged to the Nott Family and was surrounded by students, who

had great backgrounds.

James broke the quill he was holding in his hand. He calmly stood up

and started walking towards the group. The marauders made ugly

expressions at this. They weren't worried about James. They

were worried about their enemies. It would be bad if he hurt them badly

and got severely punished or worse, expelled.

Anastasia's group noticed James and stood in a horizontal line so James

could see how many there were. More than ten students. Some

sophomores, some juniors, and even seniors.

"What are you doing Potter? Why do you have your wand?" asked

Anastasia with a nasty grin.

Crabbe, Goyle, and the Bulstrode brothers for a moment hesitated

at James' cold stare remembering old times, but then they got brave

again and put on defiant looks.

They were a big group, and they were at Hogwarts. James could only do

so much.

James didn't respond instead, he waved his wand at high speed and

exclaimed in a cold tone, "Flippendo!"

A flash hit Anastasia at high speed. Anastasia felt an immense pain in her

chest. The girl shrieked as she was sent flying into the tree with great

force. She fell unconscious and with drool in her mouth.

James cast the most powerful Flipendo yet. He put all his anger into that

throw. Outclassing the Flipendo Duo.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?" shouted the fourth-year

Slytherin boy. Everyone was gawking at James.

Did he attack a girl without a wand? No one thought he would dare act

without the mediation of a duel, let alone if a person didn't have their

wand ready.

"Shut up. Pull out your wand. I'll give you a chance," said James, looking

at the fourth-year boy as if he were a fly to swat.

"Arrogant! Expelliarmus!" shouted the boy, throwing a swift red flash at


"Protego," said James, and with utmost ease he fended off the

attack. He didn't even have to use his most powerful Protego.

"Carpe Retractum," exclaimed James without giving the Slytherin boy

another chance.

From his wand came a retractable magic rope made of light. The rope

grabbed the boy's ankle, and James swung his wand swiftly.

The boy was dragged by the rope and swept across the lawn of the

courtyard. Many students had to dodge it. Finally, James released him by

throwing him into the tree. His fate was to be knocked unconscious after

the big hit just like Anastasia.

It all happened in a matter of seconds. The Slytherin group and Tianne

looked at James trembling. Would they be next? If they attacked

all together they might stand a chance, though they didn't hold out much

hope seeing how easily James defeated a fourth-year student.

Besides, behind James were Sirius, Lupin, Peter and Toby. All ready to

fight if necessary.

'Wonderful,' thought Gwen, looking at James with sparkling eyes. She

loved it when James swept the floor in such a crushing way with the

others and treated them like the garbage they were.

'It would be wonderful to smash insects together,' thought

Gwen imagining fictional scenarios and getting lost in her fantasy.

It didn't matter much to her that James had sent her ex-best friend flying.

If James didn't show up at that moment, she would have done

so she would no longer tolerate James' family being made fun of. She

knew how much James cared about his family.

Goyle, Crabbe, and the Bulstrode brothers looked at James with terrified

faces. They shouldn't have dared to provoke him.

James approached the group with even steps. There was no hurry on his

face, and he looked straight ahead without lowering his gaze.

"Hi Goyle," said James, standing mere inches away from the tall, burly

boy who passed him in height and weight.

The courtyard fell silent. Goyle looked down without making eye contact

with James.

Getting no response James walked to the side. He stood in front of

Crabbe and stared at him. The boy like his friend looked down at the

ground and seemed to have his eyes glued to the ground.

"Hi Crabbe," James said in a tone that sounded friendly. Silence reigned


"How cold," added James, taking a few steps away and looking towards

the other members of the group who had insulted

his grandfather's deceased.

"So... Who's going to do it?" asked James in a clear tone as his gaze went

from one student to another. He even looked at Tianne, who felt a shiver

and quickly looked down.

'What's wrong with me... Why am I shaking?' thought Tianne, looking at

the floor and noticing her left hand trembling slightly.

"Who will call my family blood traitors?" asked James after a pause, and

the place went silent again. The other students watching from afar looked

at each other nervously for some reason. The atmosphere was heavy.

Even the marauders didn't know what to do.

"Come on. I don't care. Go ahead. Please," James said, walking close to

the group, but no one responded.

James stopped near one of Bulstrode's brothers and walked over. The boy

stood next to his brother and the Ravenclaw girl.

"What about you, Bulstrode number 1?" asked James, not knowing

the boy's name. He only knew his last name.

"Go on, say it. I challenge you," said James, moving closer to the boy

who didn't dare look at James.

"Do it," said James in a soft tone giving the boy a gentle punch in the


"Do it, do it, DO IT!" shouted James suddenly in a powerful tone that

scared many. The Bulstrode boy from fright fell on his butt. Tianne let

out an audible scream and felt her heart beat faster at James' sudden


Others near James recoiled in fright at the powerful scream.

"Come on. Who wants to say? They looked like fun a moment ago" said

James, setting the boy down and taking a distance as he watched the

crestfallen faces of the others.

"What about you Ravenclaw girl? Say it," said James, approaching the

black straight-haired girl.

"No?" asked James after a few seconds. He asked the same question to all

the students in the group, who were teasing him, but no one answered.

"No one? Who dares to call the Potter Family blood traitors!?" shouted

James standing in the center of the courtyard and looking at everyone

with a defiant air.

He wanted someone to have the courage to do so, but no one spoke up. It

looked like he wouldn't be able to get even with these idiots. He had felt

lighter when he hit the other two.

Since he received no response he didn't hit anyone else. He was not a

bully who would hit people who put their heads down and had no

fighting spirit to challenge him. He turned and walked out of the yard.

"Cowards," Sirius said, looking at the Slytherin students. He said it loud

enough for everyone to hear. It would have been fun to fight so many

Slytherin students. He was ready now, though it wouldn't be as

challenging as the ice vault.

The marauders followed James. Peter grabbed James' books and quickly



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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 145: Director's office

As expected James was called to the headmaster's office after

the incident where he knocked out two students and left them with minor


Professor McGonagall, with a frown on her face, led him to

the Headmaster's office.

The headmaster's office is located at the top of a

tower that is accessed through the gargoyle corridor on the second floor.

At the end of the corridor was a large gargoyle made of bronze.

McGonagall stood in front of the gargoyle and said a password, and the

statue moved aside revealing a circular staircase. They walked up the

stairs and arrived at Dumbledore's office which was already waiting for


James got his first glimpse of the headmaster's office. It was much more

spacious and fascinating compared to the Heads of House offices. He had

only visited McGonagall and Slughorn's office.

The office is a large, beautiful circular room, full of funny little

noises. There were a lot of portraits of former headmasters and

headmistresses. There was also a huge claw-footed desk and propped on

a shelf behind the desk was a dirty old wizard's hat. It was the Sorting


There were many bookshelves with a large collection of books, a thinker,

and even a Phoenix resting on top of the room as it watched the visitors.

He quickly lost interest and closed his eyes to rest.

"Oh, they're here. Come in, come in. Have a seat," said Dumbledore in a

calm tone, looking up from the book he was reading.

James followed McGonagall and sat down in one of the chairs opposite

the headmaster. It was the first time he had been face-to-face with

Dumbledore. The strongest wizard. He couldn't deny that he was


Luckily Dumbledore looked like a benign old man. His expression was

very kind, and he didn't look angry at all.

The old headmaster wore crescent glasses. His light blue eyes watched

James curiously. He was aware of the incident and very curious about

James Potter.

"A piece of candy?" offered Dumbledore to James, as he held out a small

container full of different colored candies as they were wrapped in

transparent paper.

"Yes, thanks," replied James, taking a red colored candy, he opened it and

began to taste it. It was strawberry-flavored.

"Let's get down to business," said McGonagall a little impatient

with Dumbledore's relaxed attitude. What had happened in the middle

courtyard was a serious matter.

"Yes, sure. Do you know why you're here, James?" asked

Dumbledore who didn't sound angry.

"Yes, because I attacked two students in the courtyard," replied James as

he continued to savor his candy.

"Why did you do that?" asked Dumbledore, though he already knew the


"They made fun of my grandfather's death. You must respect the

departed," replied James. McGonagall grimaced slightly, and Dumbledore

nodded as if agreeing with James' last sentence.

"I heard. All the students who witnessed the event spoke in your

favor," said Dumbledore.

"It's normal for Gryffindors to help each other," said James.

He was popular in his house, and it wouldn't be strange if they tried to

defend him with the professors, as many witnessed Slytherin students

mocking James' grandfather's passing.

"Not only students from Gryffindor. Also from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

They said you acted that way because they made fun of your grandfather.

God rest his soul," said Dumbledore.

"Really?" asked James in surprise. He didn't think students from other

houses would defend him.

Dumbledore nodded slightly with a smile on his lips.

"Do you regret attacking a student who didn't have her wand?" asked the

headmaster as he quietly waited for James' answer.

James didn't think the headmaster would ask him these strange

questions. He thought he would just be punished and sent back to

his common room. Were the rumors true that Dumbledore was weird.

"No," James replied. He didn't feel a shred of regret for attacking

Anastasia, who didn't have her wand.

"Even though you may be expelled?" asked Dumbledore with a more

serious face than before.

"Yes," James replied.

After a few seconds of silence where the atmosphere seemed serious, a

smile formed on Dumbledore's face.

"Don't worry. You'll only be punished this time. A month cleaning armor.

And a few points your house will lose," said Dumbledore, returning to his

calm countenance.

"Nothing else?" asked James in surprise. He knew he wouldn't be expelled

so he was calm, but he thought his punishment would be harsher.

"Nothing more. It is unacceptable for students to mock the death of a

great wizard such as Henry Potter. Many students were there and

witnessed your grandfather's death being mocked. So your actions are not

grounds for expulsion, but let it be the last time," replied

Dumbledore being more serious at the last part.

"I understand," said James.

"You may return to your common room. Tomorrow you will begin your

punishment," Dumbledore said, and James respectfully bid

them both farewell and left the office.

"What will happen to the Nott and Carrow families? They won't be too

happy with that punishment," asked McGonagall once James left the


James the two people he attacked were Anastasia Nott and a boy from

the Carrow family. This family also belongs to the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

"I'll take care of that. The Potter Family should be respected and more so

in such a difficult time. The Carrow's and Nott's should better educate

their heirs," Dumbledore replied in a cold tone very different from


Although James attacked and knocked out two students, it could not be

overlooked that a large number of witnesses saw Anastasia and her group

mock Henry's death, something that would lead any of the Potter family

to confront them.

"I understand. I'm surprised at that boy's actions," commented

McGonagall, referring to James. Now and then, the Potter boy seemed to

change his personality and be much more cold and aggressive than he

appeared to be when he was with his friends.

"A peculiar genius," said Dumbledore with his light blue eyes

sparkling and a thoughtful attitude. He had attended

Henry Potter's funeral and witnessed James Patronus with his eyes.

Ever since James and Rabastan's duel where the latter was humiliated,

Dumbledore paid more attention to James.

The Potter boy's attitude puzzled him. Most of the time he acted relaxed

and calm with his friends, but he could change completely if they

touched his nerves. He became a cold person who

showed great arrogance and contempt towards his enemies.

Dumbledore was reminded of a genius he taught many years ago when

he was still a professor at Hogwarts.

'They are both geniuses, but very different,' thought Dumbledore

relieved. He could read James's temper, and that relieved him. He

realized that James acted that way when his family was insulted or

mocked. This showed a loving and protective person towards his loved

ones very different from the other student.

McGonagall said goodbye to the headmaster and left the office.

Dumbledore was left in the same position thinking a thousand things in

his head.


James did not return to the Gryffindor common room. He went to the

hidden balcony on the fourth floor that Gwen had shown him some time


It was the place where he was most likely to be alone, and he was

looking forward to being alone. He pressed the button on the picture and

stepped onto the balcony. He sat watching the beautiful view in silence.

Twenty minutes passed, and James remained in the same position with a

blank stare. His expression did not change. Just then the door opened.

Turning his head he noticed it was Gwen.

"Gwen... Sorry for not answering your letters," James said apologetically.

Gwen didn't answer, she just ran and hugged James with a great force

that almost knocked him down.

"Idiot. Why are you apologizing?" said Gwen in a low tone, hugging

James tightly, who had an expression of mild surprise.

'What's wrong with her?' thought James nervously. People and situations

that could make him nervous were rare. Gwen was one of those people.

For some reason unknown to James, he always felt a nervousness that

was hard to explain when he was with her.

Their relationship had improved a lot, and they had become closer than

ever. James wasn't an idiot he knew that normal friends aren't holding

hands often and leaning their heads close to each other.

Still, he got nervous when he held Gwen's hand or they were very close

to each other. It was a nice feeling though. Very confusing in his opinion.

"Why the sudden hug?" asked James, pulling away as best he could from


"Because I wanted to. Can't I?" asked Gwen, looking at James.

"Yes... yes, you can," James said with a strange look on his face. Gwen

was always direct and blunt. The slight blush on her cheeks made her

more adorable and harder to say no to.

"Sorry, I couldn't join you... You know at the funeral," Gwen said in a

regretful tone, taking James' hand which trembled slightly at her touch.

Usually, Gwen didn't take his hand or hug him in such a sudden ways.

"It doesn't matter. It's not something you can control," James said,

escaping Gwen's grip and sitting against the wall.

"Can you leave me alone? I'm not in a very good mood," said James not

making eye contact with Gwen.

Gwen despite James evading her hand-holding and hugging didn't get

angry as usual. She sat down next to him. Very close to him and looked

at him.

"I don't want to. I found this place first. I have a right to be here," Gwen

said without taking a step back.

"Fine...'" said James in a low tone. It would be useless to try to kick this

stubborn girl out.

Gwen leaned her head on James' shoulder and in one

swift movement took his hand with great strength. She entwined her

fingers with his so that he could not escape.

'That girl...' thought James, agreeing to take Gwen's hand. It was amazing

the strength she could have at certain times.

"You're not mad?" asked James.

"Why?" asked Gwen.

"I sent your best friend flying and knocked her out," replied James.

"You did good. I'm not friends with Anastasia

anymore. She's disgusting," said Gwen angrily and squeezed James' hand

tighter. Remembering the words Anastasia was saying made her angrier.

James felt a warm feeling in him. It was comforting that Gwen had

chosen him and decided to sever her relationship with her best friend.

Although with Anastasia's horrible attitude, it wasn't a very crazy thing to


"Are you okay?" asked Gwen after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah..." replied James, who was lying.

Gwen said nothing. She knew James was stubborn like her, and if

he didn't want to talk he wouldn't. She just stood silently by his

side holding his hand and leaning on his shoulder.

James' eyelids began to close as time passed. Being next to Gwen soothed

him. Slowly, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Time passed until at one point James opened his eyes, and what he saw

was Gwen's face from below. His head was resting in her lap, and

Gwen was looking down at him as she gently stroked his hair.

"Did I fall asleep? What time is it?" asked James, rubbing his eyes.

He never slept well these past few days, but now he had slept like an

angel. It was a short sleep, but a regenerating one.

"It's already night. Everyone must be eating dinner in the dining room by

now," Gwen replied.

'Shit... I did sleep,' thought James, standing up and helping Gwen to get


"Sorry," apologized James, scratching his hair.

"Never mind. Come on," said Gwen with a slight smile as they started to

head to the Great Hall.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 146: Correct mindset

In the Room of Requirement was James alone. It had been several days

since the incident where he knocked Anastasia out.

He had to serve a one-hour punishment for his bad luck. Very annoying

since he couldn't use that time for anything useful. The marauders these

days were very understanding.

When James needed people to practice with they would volunteer and

train until James was satisfied. If he wanted to study alone they would

leave the room without him having to say a word.

'They are good friends...' thought James with a slight smile.

The room of requirement had a circular area to train with magical

dummies and another area to study comfortably. On the floor of the

training area were eight swords resting.

James had been practicing his telekinetic ability. Currently, the

maximum number of swords he could control was eight. Each sword

weighs 4kg. A total of 32kg.

When he entered the vault for the first time, he could only control five

swords, after that first battle and fighting to exhaustion, he was able

to control two more swords. In the last battle against the Ice Golem,

he was able to raise his limit from seven swords to eight.

From that day on he could not raise one more sword no matter how hard

he practiced. It is as if there is a limit that he cannot go beyond.

He kept practicing to improve control and to be able to be more precise

when you move eight swords with your mind. His goal was to be able to

use all eight swords and at the same time use his wand without


'In the end, Wingardium Leviosa was much easier,' thought James.

When he discovered his telekinetic ability, he compared it to Wingardium

Leviosa. He thought that the weight he could move with the levitating

charm was the same as with his telekinesis, but that was not the case.

First of all, his telekinesis has nothing to do with Wingardium Leviosa.

When he moves an object with his mind without a wand and non-

verbally they don't think of the levitatory charm theory.

Secondly, it is easier to increase weight with Wingardium Leviosa. With

this charm, you can already lift objects of 80kg. A higher weight,

although it is not as useful, and fast as telekinesis.

'Should I put myself in critical situations to push my limit and expand the

weight I can handle?' thought James, and it seemed logical to him.

If he trained normally it would take longer to see a result so he had to be

patient and keep training until he managed to add yet another sword to

his arsenal and so on.

Moving on to another topic James picked up a sword and looked at the

blade. Specifically, the engraving of ancient runes on the blade.

'The blade is already wearing out,' James thought with a frown. Although

the sword could cut spells it didn't seem to have great endurance after

the battle in the ice vault.

James got three swords with ancient runes that could cut spells. He then

got an axe, a spear, and a mace that also had the same ancient runes.

All three swords he had used in his battle against the ice

golem and they were already worn out. It seemed that in a couple of

fights, they would self-destruct.

'Looks like it's not so easy to cut spells,' James thought ruefully. It would

be very useful if they had the durability of a normal sword and could also

cut spells.

James' telekinetic ability in a death match against a mage is very

useful and gives him a great advantage, but add to that sword that cuts

spells, and the advantage he will have will be much greater.

Normal swords can be destroyed without much difficulty. A Reducto, a

Depulso, a Diminuendo, or a Diffindo and problem solved. There are

many useful spells to get rid of normal swords.

However, this does not detract from the fact that James would have

a huge advantage if, in addition to his wand, he could control eight

swords while fighting an opponent. Since the latter will have to pay

attention to the swords trying to cut his head off and James' spells.

If the strength of both is equal James' victory is assured thanks to his

telekinetic ability.

'I'd better train until I can use all eight swords and the wand at the

same time' thought James. So, far he could only use five swords and his


He put that issue aside and headed for the study area. From his wallet, he

pulled out the dark arts book he had gotten to learn what his enemies

would use.

He opened it to a specific page and read the subtitle with a frown. It was

about a dark spell. Specifically, a dark defensive spell called: Protego


This is a powerful spell that allows the user to create a protective ring of

black fire around him that completely incinerates the enemies of the

caster who came into physical contact with the fire.

The curious thing was that the black fire left the caster's allies

unharmed. The black fire followed the will and intentions of the caster so

it would not harm his allies no matter how much they were hit by the


'A defensive and offensive spell at the same time,' thought James with

a hard expression. He was debating whether to learn this dark charm or


His preconceived thinking had him rejecting dark magic. He was

prejudiced against dark wizards who used these charms to perform evil

deeds. Such as the Death Eaters who murdered innocent wizards and


But thinking about it carefully a question was formulated in James'

mind which was the following: Is magic to blame?

No. It is the fault of the people who use that magic

for malevolent purposes. That was the answer he came to.

Dark magic is generally considered to be any type of magic

that is used primarily to cause harm, exert control, and kill people.

In the books he read they categorized dark spells into three groups:

Jinxes, Hexes, and Curses.

Jinxes were irritating, but fun. A minor type of dark magic. They had the

least severe effects of the three.

The Flipendo is considered a Jinx. Does that mean that James and

almost the entirety of the students at Hogwarts are dark wizards? No.

There are many jinxes used by all Hogwarts students whether they are

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.

The same with hexes. There are many of the hexes that are used in duels.

Following the same logic, all wizards who dueled once must have used

some sort of these spells so they should be considered dark wizards. It did

not make sense.

James would be considered a dark wizard from the age of eight. He even

used Redoubt which was considered a curse. The most heinous of the

three groups.

This doesn't make sense. Who was the person who made the

classification? The entire magical world would be considered a dark


For James, this type of magic does not make you a dark wizard. You are

a dark wizard depending on how you use it. If you murder innocents and

you're a psychopath you're a dark wizard.

'I guess they did that so people wouldn't try to learn it...' thought James

with a thoughtful expression. This way they could avoid conflict, though

it didn't work at all.

Even in the DADA subject, they were taught combat spells that

were considered dark magic like Flipendo.

Although come to think of it if it were up to the Ministry or different

pacifist authors at Hogwarts they would teach pure garbage that would

be useless in a life-and-death situation. Like the books taught to them by

Professor Eustace.

In a world where there is no conflict, there would be no need to learn

this type of magic, but that scenario is impossible. So one way or

another people will learn how to defend themselves and attack their

enemy, as they will not stand idly by while they try to murder them.

However, James felt no dislike against charms such as Flipendo, Redoubt,

etc. He knew that although they were considered Jinx, Hex, or Curse they

were useful for deathmatches against psychopathic enemies.

The dislike he felt was for more advanced dark magic such as the three

unforgivable curses. Specifically with Crucio and Imperius. Since one was

a spell to torture and cause agonizing pain to the victim. Very

unpleasant. Imperius didn't look favorably on it, as it leaves the victim

without free will, and you could control them like a puppet.

As for the Avada Kedavra spell in a normal context, James would not

learn this type of magic, but in a war that was getting closer and closer,

he wasn't so sure.

In the war that Grindelwald waged there came a point where Aurors

began to use Avada Kedavra, and not for that they were considered

criminals and the same kind of evil people that started the war.

Why could his enemies murder without a second thought? By casting a

spell that kills instantly and is impossible to defend against with magical


James has to rack his brains to find a way to stop the curse, and his

enemies can rest easy because they did not expect someone on the side of

good to use such a curse.

James if he could avoid deaths would not cast Avada Kedavra without

thinking, but if he finds himself on a battlefield facing multiple enemies

who want to assassinate him the most effective thing to do is to

assassinate in one hit, so that no accidents happen.

'Fine... I'll learn Protego Diabolica,' thought James determined. It will be

difficult as it is advanced magic and needs great power, talent, and

control, but he will add it to his study plan.

Defensive spells for a battle were few. Protego Diabolica served to protect

his loved ones in a large area and at the same time wipe out his

enemies. Or you could even use it to imprison your enemies or burn them

and then remove the fire so they wouldn't die.

The use was up to each person. Learning it wouldn't put him in the same

category as crazy Death Eaters who murder innocents for fun or stupid

nonsensical ideals.

As for the Avada Kedavra, he has no time and prefers to leave it aside for

now. Since a spell just for murder, he still views it with prejudice.

Although the flames of the Protego Diabolica can burn you to ashes at

least protect your allies. Even Diffindo can be used to quickly kill a


Usually, when you use a powerful spell in addition to powerful magic

and talent you need intent. So for James, it would be easier to learn

Protego Diabolica, as his intention to protect his loved ones is much

greater than murdering a person.

One more ridiculous thing was that Occlumency was considered a dark

branch of magic. Who was the idiot that classified it that way?

For wanting to protect yourself from perverted mind-readers would you

be considered a dark magician? In any case, only Legilimency should

be considered dark magic.

What do you want to read other people's minds and browse through their

memories for? You are violating a person's privacy, and

it is an unethical action.

'Stupid preconceived ideas and powerful people wanting to read your

mind and have no way to protect yourself,' James complained as he

began to study more emphatically the Protego Diabolica

theory which was extensive.

Time passed, and James immersed himself in his study. Keeping his mind

occupied with complicated things made him forget to some

extent his state of sadness.


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Chapter 147: Differences

The days at Hogwarts passed. James managed to keep up his routine

without fail. He had a little less time because of the punishment, but it

would be a short while before it would be over, and he could make the

most of that time.

His sadness persisted, but he tried to hide it. Though he doesn't know if

he does it very well, since the marauders help him all the time. Or

maybe that's what friends do when they know your grandfather died.

Doing the routine of studying and practicing with people made it much

more bearable. There were times when they had to study in silence, but

they could do it if everyone was serious and didn't joke

around. Like when he studied with Lupin about the Patronus or when he

studied with Lily about complicated Transfiguration formulas.

Sirius was much more understanding. He would be silent when James

was reading or writing on his scroll. He would even go so far as to study

and then debate with him when the time was right.

James had thought that when he resumed his routine of study

and practice he would spend a lot of time alone, but that wasn't the case.

It was 50/50.

In his past life as Edward, he had experienced studying alone all day, for

weeks, months, and years. He only had teachers, who once they were

done with their one or two-hour lesson would leave and it was all up to


For a fifteen-year-old boy (Edward at that time) spending so much time

studying alone was not a nice feeling. It even became mental torture, but

he kept doing it to please his parents.

The human is a social creature, and Edward spent many hours studying

in solitary and barely spoke to his teachers and mother. Then he had the

occasional high society social gathering and company board meetings.

Here, on the other hand, it was different. Although the hours of study

almost compared to his crazy routine as Edward. Here at Hogwarts, he

spent a lot of time with people important to him.

In his first study routine in the library, he studied together with Lily

Evans. They spent a lot of time in silence and only talked when they

moved on to the practical part of spells or when they talked about some

complicated or more complex subject.

In the afternoons/evenings, he practiced in the Room of Requirement

with the marauders. Although they couldn't keep up with her, and there

were days when they didn't practice at all, it was better than nothing.

After practice, they would study right there along with Lupin, and now

Sirius and the others joined in.

On weekends, James practiced offensive and defensive spells with Gwen.

He enjoyed being with her, a strange feeling and

one he didn't understand, but the best part was that Gwen was very


Like him, she loved martial magic. She proved it when she took on the

ice knights using a very risky Aeromanteo and having superior skill to the

others being only surpassed by James.

Last but not least, James was fascinated by magic. Even though he

studied and trained in martial magic and was always thinking of methods

to take down his enemies.

'Now, I'm surrounded by reliable friends,' thought James, feeling weird.

Like Edward, he never imagined this moment would come. There were

many differences between his past self and his current self.

"Potter it is time," said Snape as he stood up from his stool and looked at

James, who looked like a statue. Emily, who was standing next

to Snape was also looking at James.

"Yeah, sorry," said James, returning to the real world and getting up from

his seat. He quickly put his things away.

"Come on," said Snape, motioning with his head as he walked ahead.

"You guys go first. Then catch up with them. I have something to talk to

the professor about," said James, stopping at the door and looking

towards Slughorn who was rearranging his desk.

"Well. Wait for you in the library," said Snape, nodding slightly as he

walked out of the classroom.

"Don't be long," said Emily in a softer tone and not as monotone as usual.

"Yeah..." said James with a strange expression. It was rare to see these

two being so understanding and good to one person.

Since when did Snape say wait for you? Since when did Emily

say don't be too long with a tone of concern? In a normal situation, Snape

would have just clicked his tongue in annoyance and left without saying

a word. Emily would have just nodded her head slightly with a blank

expression and left.

"Professor... Do you need help?" asked James, approaching the desk and

looking at how messy it was.

"Oh, James. No need. I'm done. Thanks," said Slughorn, raising his head

and looking at James curiously.

Slughorn's curiosity about James was the same curiosity felt by all the

professors and students at Hogwarts.

They all heard about the incident where James knocked out two

Slytherin students. That wasn't the most surprising thing. The most

striking thing about the case was how the other students facing James

were paralyzed with fear and didn't dare to face him.

Many students from various houses watched the confrontation. And many

of them felt chills when they weren't even facing James head-on.

In the Slytherin group that James faced were very talented fourth and

third-year students, and Slughorn was aware of that.

What second-year student could come out on top in such a situation?

None of that would be Slughorn's answer earlier until James

appeared a boy who was able to cast a dragon-shaped Corpse Patronus.

'He reminds me of someone...' thought Slughorn, watching

James, but then shook his head.


"Yes. What do you need, James?" asked Slughorn.

"Do you remember the invitation you gave me a while back?" asked


"Oh yes... The invitation to the Slughorn Club. What about it?" asked

Slughorn, though he could already deduce what James wanted.

"I was wondering... If I could accept it now," said James, scratching his

cheek a little embarrassedly.

A while back Slughorn had invited him to his club. A social and dining

club, rather. There was no such activity as a dueling club or any other

kind of club.

Professor Slughorn invited the most famous and talented students of

Hogwarts to this club. James already knew it from Gwen the club. There

were students with good connections, fame, or great talent in a specific

field of magic in Slughorn's eyes.

A club to forge useful contacts and connections. Something that would

come in handy for James for the future war. He initially turned it down

because he already had a very demanding routine and barely had any

free time for studying, quidditch training, dragon club, etc.

"Oh..." said Slughorn with a slight smile, and between crossing his

fingers, "Why do you want to join now? You had turned me down with a

lot of conviction," asked the curious professor.

"As a future Lord Potter it will be very useful for me to forge connections

with important people," James replied in a serious tone.

"The rumors were true," Slughorn said with some surprise. He didn't think

the Potter Family had chosen James as Lord Potter.

James just nodded. This would be known sooner or later by the entire

magical community. His ceremony, which would enshrine him as Lord

Potter, would be once Hogwarts was over, and it was public.

"It's fine. You can join. We'll meet in my office. The next party will be this

Sunday," Slughorn said with a smile. James met all the requirements he

was looking for.

The Potter boy would be the next Lord Potter having great status. As

much as the Potter family is considered blood traitors they are still one of

the oldest families. Even older than families like the Notts. And of the

few or only families to have a noble title.

But what struck Slughorn most was James' talent. He was valedictorian of

his year and was showing hard-to-achieve prowess in Dueling,

Transfiguration, Martial Magic, Charms, and Potions.

'Besides that, he shows great leadership ability,' thought Slughorn with a

thoughtful attitude.

All of Gryffindor came to his defense. Even students from Ravenclaw and

Hufflepuff defended him and the odd Slytherin for some odd reason. If he

remembered correctly it was a Slytherin student who defended him. How

does a Slytherin student defend a Gryffindor?

"You should keep in mind that there are a lot of people who won't be at

all happy to see you in the Club," said Slughorn with a slight smile.

"Who?" asked James without making much of a fuss.

"Rabastan Lestrange, Nick Carrow, Tianne Windsor along with her older

seventh-year brother, Anastasia Nott, and several other students who

have rather extreme ideals..." replied Slughorn.

"Tianne Windsor?" asked James in confusion. He knew she knocked out a

Carrow boy most likely this Nick from the fourth or

fifth year he couldn't remember.

As for Rabastan and Anastasia, there is no need to name them. He knows

them too well for his liking, but Tianne Windsor and her older brother

have no idea who they are.

"The Ravenclaw girl who was standing next to Anastasia and the other

students," Slughorn replied.

An image popped into his head. A girl in Ravenclaw robes is crestfallen

and trembling. He already knew who it was.

"Her brother is in his seventh year and wants to pursue a career as an

Auror. His skills are very advanced," Slughorn said.

"Oh. Well if they want to get respect they should give it. Otherwise,

I wouldn't mind having a duel against him or another student," said

James with a slight smile. Maybe he could have a proper duel and expel

the pent-up stress.

"If that's all, I'll take my leave. See you at the meeting, professor," said

James, saying goodbye and heading towards the library where Snape and

Emily were waiting for him.

Slughorn stared at James' back until he walked out and disappeared from

their sight.

'This boy... He's not afraid of a seventh-year student who is about to

graduate,' thought Slughorn with a strange expression.


Two days before Sunday James received a letter from Regulus. It only

said to meet in Room 11 and gave no further specifics.

In the evening before going to the Room of Requirement with Sirius, he

headed to Room 11. The other marauders went straight to the Room of

Requirement. As Sirius was Regulus' older brother he told him about the


"What happened?" asked James, entering the classroom and looking at

Regulus sitting on the table waiting.

"James, Brother...?" asked Regulus with a bit of surprise at the sight of


"Can't I be here?" asked Sirius with a slight frown.

'Deja vu?' thought James, watching the sibling drama.

"Yes, you can...'" said Regulus a little uncomfortable with the atmosphere.

"What happened?" asked James again, "Does it have to do with the scrolls

in the vaults?"

At this time Regulus along with Snape and Gwen continued to solve the

encrypted message on the scroll. Gwen told James of the progress. She

helped since she liked subjects that had to do with Ancient Runes.

"No. We're very close to deciphering it now," Regulus said

enthusiastically. Thanks to Snape and Gwen's help he was able to solve it

much faster than when he was being helped by that useless Allan.

"It's about Professor Eustace... I'm grounded. Tomorrow, I'll have to go to

his office for two weeks," Regulus said in a worried tone.

"That's not good..." said James. Eustace had taken it upon himself to

threaten Allan and erase his memories. He was the one behind the

vault and they had stolen the treasures from under his nose.

Regulus was the prime suspect, and it was odd that so far he hadn't done

anything to question him or anything.

"He's been wanting to punish me for a while now. He made me perform

very embarrassing moves... Today I couldn't take it anymore and gave

him the chance to punish me," said Regulus, clenching his fist and teeth

with a look of hatred.

"Bloody baldy. What are we going to do?" asked Sirius, looking at James.

Regulus looked at him as well.

'Why must I always come up with the answer?' thought James as he tried

to think of some idea. The best thing to do would be to eliminate

Eustace. He was a danger to Hogwarts.

When he says eliminate he doesn't think of murdering him. Just getting

him expelled from Hogwarts.

The bald man was endangering Hogwarts by trying to open vaults with

powerful curses and threatening students. If he interrogated Regulus and

got information out of him the next ones would be James and company.

"We must get rid of that bald guy," James said with a slight smile and a

plan in the making.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 148: Plan in progress

James the next day having Regulus' approval cast the Cornflake Skin spell

on him. A Jinx that causes the target's skin to look as if it were made of


Regulus' face, arms, and legs were filled with cornflakes. Thus he had to

go to the infirmary. He didn't tell Madame Poppy or the teachers that

James was the one who attacked him.

This put Regulus in the infirmary for a couple of days and prevented him

from attending Professor Eustace's punishment. They had to have time to

carry out James' plan.

"If I understand correctly... You want to use the vault of fear as bait to

lure Professor Eustace. Then we will catch him red-handed and expel him

from Hogwarts, right?" asked Snape with a raised eyebrow after hearing

James' plan.

Currently, the entire group that fought the ice golem was gathered in an

empty classroom in the evening that was becoming customary. Peter and

Toby were also there. James had already cast the appropriate spells so

that no one could spy on them.

"Exactly. We won't be able to keep the treasures in that vault, but we

have to make sure Eustace leaves Hogwarts. If he gets information out of

Regulus he'll know about all of us, and we'll be next on his list," nodded


"Isn't it better to tell the truth and have Dumbledore with the professors

deal with Professor Eustace?" asked Peter fearfully.

"Are you an idiot? If we do they'll know it was us, who broke into the

vault and got the treasures. They will take the treasures from us, and we

will be punished" said Snape, looking at Peter like he was an idiot.

James was surprised that Snape was the one to say such a thing. Snape

could save himself from the most severe punishments since he wasn't the

one who opened the vault in the first place by releasing the ice curse.

What did that were James and Regulus, who could have the most severe


Snape, Lupin, Sirius, and Gwen could be said to have saved Hogwarts

from the curse, but from James and Regulus, it would not be such a good

thing since they were to blame for releasing the curse, although they did

not know about this curse and it is not their fault that there are deadly

vaults at Hogwarts. They are just teenagers.

From the marauders or Gwen, you would expect them to say that, but not

from Snape. Since he's indirectly defending him.

"Snape is right. Besides, we have no convincing evidence to accuse the

bald man. No one will believe us. It's his word against ours," said James.

The only thing they had was the stock of the vaults, although they could

show proof that the vaults existed, Eustace could say that he knew

nothing about it, and they would have no way of proving it. Plus, their

best witness (Allan) had had his memory wiped.

Sirius looked at Snape in surprise and with an evil eye at Peter.

"We can't let them catch us. At worst they could expel James and my

younger brother," Sirius said seriously.

"I don't think they'll go to such extremes, but it's better to put all the

blame on the bald man and keep as much treasure as possible," said

Gwen, and James nodded.

Could they be expelled? Yes. The possibility is too low for him. Who

created deadly vaults? Is it James and Regulus' fault? Teenagers who had

no idea that such vaults could exist at Hogwarts. Also, they are from the

Black and Potter families.

In any case, they could sue the school for having such dangerous things.

Especially, if they do so with the ice vault, but if they keep looking and

open the next vault, that argument will no longer be valid.

If the plan goes well, they will keep the treasures, and Eustace will be

expelled. If they are caught they will be punished or maybe not even

that. The worst-case scenario would be expulsion, but James doesn't

think they will be punished that way.

"So what do we do now? How many days do we have before Regulus

recovers?" asked Lupin.

"It'll take a while to get all the cornflakes out of him. I would think we'll

have about four days minimum and a week at most," replied James. Their

time was limited. They had to act fast.

"What's the plan to lure Professor Eustace?" asked Toby, as James had not

yet specified how they would do it.

"The bald one," Sirius corrected. He wouldn't tolerate them calling that

bloody bald guy who gave them useless and embarrassing lessons a


"Have they deciphered the scrolls for the new vault yet?" asked James,

looking at Snape and Gwen.

"Not quite. We're just short. Why?" asked Snape with a raised eyebrow.

"Finish it as soon as possible. We must find the location of that vault to

guide the bald man there," replied James. Eustace should open the vault

and that the moment this one taking the treasures and other things be

caught by James and the others.

"In two days at the most, we'll have it figured out, but you still don't

explain how you'll get Eustace to fall into the trap," said Gwen, looking at

James steadily.

"We'll spread rumors about the vaults. Especially about the ice one that

was the cause of almost shutting down Hogwarts," James replied with a

slight smile and began to explain how they would do it.

They would use the school newspaper that Sirius and company created. It

was the Hogwarts newspaper and was read by all four houses. They had

achieved a lot of success, and Sirius was already a few days away from

being able to buy the new Nimbus.

James would create a fake book that talked about the Vault of Ice and a

bit about the Vault of Fear since he had almost no information about the

latter. This book he would give to the most gossipy reporter in all of

Hogwarts, Xenophilius Lovegood.

He would tell Xeno that he found the book in the Restricted Section. How

did he do it? One day late at night, he snuck in with a disillusioning

spell. It wouldn't be hard to believe, since everyone at Hogwarts knows of

James' magical abilities, and he could easily accomplish that feat.

The whole school would learn of the existence of two deadly vaults that

release dangerous curses. The idea is to guide the bald man to the vault

of fear through the newspaper.

The newspapers will gradually reveal the location of the vault of fear, the

newspaper with the final location of the vault of fear will not be

delivered to everyone, only to Professor Eustace. How will they do that?

James doesn't have all the details ironed out yet, he will have to think as

he goes along.

The first thing is to create a book that looks ancient and creates an

exaggerated and fanciful history of the vaults. Makeup that it was created

by a crazy wizard or something.

The next day, James and the marauders began the book-making. With

five-headed imaginations, it was easy to make up wild stories of the

creation of the vaults. They just had to get Eustace's attention, and the

best thing was to let the whole school know about it.

The school newspaper that Sirius and the company created was

clandestine. No one knew who the owners were. James told them to do it

this way, as it wouldn't be good if several students got angry about the

rumors Xeno was publishing about them, and it ended up in a feud or the

school deciding to close the paper.

To ensure that no one knew their identities, they created false identities

such as the Joker. At first, they sold the newspapers themselves, but as

popularity rose quickly they began to hire third parties who kept a

percentage of the sale. This made it more difficult to access the identity

of the real owners of the newspaper.

The hardest part was keeping Xeno quiet and not shouting from the

rooftops that he was the reporter who wrote the papers. Luckily, he liked

the idea of being an anonymous reporter and the airs and graces of

mystery, so he accepted and was delighted when he saw the reactions of

others reading his articles and that no one knew who wrote them. He

also had some conscience and knew that there might be students who

would get angry if he went around telling their intimacies.

Today was Sunday which meant James' first meeting at the Slughorn

Club. He was walking alongside Gwen in the direction of Professor

Slughorn's office.

"Nervous?" asked Gwen with a slight smile, looking at James.

"No," replied James, being sincere. Although there would be many

enemies at this "party" he didn't mind in the least. Besides, that there

would also be several friends of his. Gwen, Lily, Snape, and Erika are the

main ones.

'I considered Snape a friend?' thought James in surprise. Recent events

had caused his relationship with the Slytherin boy to improve. Even

Sirius had stopped arguing with Snape so much now.

"Doesn't anything make you nervous?" asked Gwen, annoyed stopping

and approaching James. She'd never seen him get nervous. Not in the

fight in the ice vault, not in his duel against Rabastan Lestrange, not

when he was attending her birthday as a child and was surrounded by

arrogant adults.

'You being so close to me makes me nervous,' James thought, looking at

Gwen's face and taking a few small steps backward.

He had noticed that Gwen had cut her hair short, and it looked great on

her. He hadn't told her, since when they met on the hidden balcony he

used Gwen's lap to sleep on.

These days where he slept best was on Gwen's lap. He had to take

advantage of it to restore energy and be able to continue with his routine.

"There are several things that make me nervous... Is it okay if you

accompany me to the professor's office? Anastasia will be there, and she

can tell your mother," asked James quickly changing the subject.

"Tsch to tell her. I don't care. She won't be able to control my friendships

anymore, and I'll decide who I talk to. We already solved Emily's

problem, so I can do whatever I want," said Gwen at first sounding

annoyed and at the end sounding relieved.

"Right," nodded James.

In their meetings on the hidden balcony, James spent some time chatting

with Gwen. The topic they talked about most was Emily. Finding a

solution so that she wouldn't be mistreated by Lysandra.

James found an easy solution. Have Emily leave the Shafiq house and be

removed from the Shafiq family tree. Where would she go? Easy. To

Potter Manor.

As the new Lord Potter, James would start living in his grandfather's

manor. His parents had already begun the move to leave Godric's Hollow.

With the fortune James and his family had, they could take on one more

person, and the manor had dozens of rooms. Many are in disuse. In

addition, Euphemia and Fleamont knew Emily and held her in high

regard as she was James' first friend.

As for Gwen's mother, she was most likely happy to get rid of Emily and

erase her from the Shafiq family tree. All they had to do was tell a false

story. Like Emily was pro-Muggle, and for that reason, she was erased

and expelled from the family.

If Gwen's parents were afraid that Emily would tell them that she was a

half-blonde, all they had to do was make an Unbreakable Vow. The most

important thing was to convince Emily, but it would not be very difficult

for her to accept according to Gwen and following logic.

Who would want to stay in a house being verbally and physically abused

every day?

When Hogwarts was almost over and the issue of the vaults was resolved

they would take care of the final details for Emily to get to Potter Manor.

"Here we are," said James, stopping in front of a door that belonged to

Slughorn's office.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 149: Slughorn Club

James knocked on the door twice. After a few seconds, the door was

opened by Professor Slughorn, who invited them in. He was surprised

when he saw Gwen standing next to James.

He knew the Shafiq family, and they were very radical about their ideals.

Like the Nott's they would not get along with blood traitors, but here was

the eldest daughter of the family next to James.

'The Shafiq sisters seem to be different from normal Slytherin students,'

Slughorn thought with a slight smile.

He had put Emily Shafiq in a group with James, and so far they never

had any problems working as a team. He did not invite Emily as in

Potions she does not demonstrate above-average talent. And in other

areas, he did not see that the girl had excelled.

This is because Emily doesn't want to stand out. Having average rankings

and getting through the year is good enough for her.

"Follow me this way," Slughorn said, leading the way, especially for

James, who didn't know where dinner would be held.

Last year James had known the Potions professor's office, but only the

first part which was where he had his desk, shelves with books, and

many ingredients.

Passing through another door they came to a place the same size as the

previous one, but dedicated to serving as meetings for the exclusive club.

The room is illuminated by a magnificent crystal chandelier suspended in

the center of the ceiling. It casts glints of light on the main table. The

walls are adorned with many pictures and paintings.

In the center of the room is a circular table of solid oak, polished to a

lustrous shine. The table is surrounded by chairs that have intricate

designs and are upholstered in crimson velvet.

Everyone seated at the table turned their heads and looked at James and

Gwen, who had just arrived. Especially James since he was the newest

member and created quite a stir these past few days.

Slughorn walked over to his seat and took three cups. He handed one to

James, one to Gwen, and kept one for himself.

"Listen, everyone," said Slughorn, raising his voice, "Let's toast and

welcome the new member, James Potter," he added with a smile, raising

his glass and making a slight gesture with his head.

They all raised their glasses and toasted. Then they clapped classily and

lightly. Some are less enthusiastic than others.

'Reminds me of the first time I went to the Dragon Club,' thought James,

looking sideways at Gwen, who had been on both occasions. Gwen was

the one who was clapping the most enthusiastically and with a genuine

smile. She was happy that she could share more time with James.

Anastasia looked at Gwen's smile angrily. She couldn't believe that her

best friend had betrayed her. She was smiling at the person who knocked

her out and humiliated her in front of everyone. She didn't remember

that James was Gwen's friend in the first place and saved her in

childhood. Her brain could not function properly. She felt nothing but

resentment towards Gwen and James.

Rabastan, who was close to Anastasia clenched his glass tightly. Since

when is Gwen Shafiq so close to his nemesis? Only he thought of James

as a mortal enemy. James had already forgotten him.

He had never seen Gwen together with James at Hogwarts. The hatred

and resentment he felt towards James grew, but he didn't dare to show it

and confront him directly.

"Let me introduce you to everyone," Slughorn smiled at having a very

talented new member.

The professor began to introduce him one by one to the members of the

club. To James' surprise, he knew almost everyone.

The acquaintances he got along with were Gwen, Lily, Severus, Frank

Longbottom, Erika, and Narcissa Black.

With Narcissa, he had practiced a couple of times at the Dragon Club,

and their relationship was neutral. He concluded that having Andromeda

as a sister made the cold princess less classist than the average pureblood


Among the acquaintances he didn't get along with were Anastasia Nott,

Rabastan Lestrange, Tianne Windsor, and her older brother. The latter

two he only knew because the professor had named them earlier.

"I hope you can settle your differences. It wouldn't be nice if they ruined

dinner," Slughorn said as he introduced Anastasia, who didn't disguise

her angry, hateful expression as she looked at James.

"Yes, of course. Nice to meet you, Anastasia. I hope we can get along,"

said James with a kind and gentle smile that seemed like he was talking

to an old friend.

"S-sure," said Anastasia, stuttering surprised at how relaxed James

sounded. It seemed like they had previously not quarreled. Now she

could better understand the fear Goyle and the other Godric's Hollow

boys felt towards James.

Among the members he didn't know were: Lucius Malfoy. The Malfoy

family is an ancient and wealthy family of blood wizards. They belong to

the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

A seventh-year Hufflepuff boy James had never seen. Nick Carrow the

boy James knocked out. And lastly a girl with short dark brown hair. The

girl's name was Alicia Prewett. James knew she was a cousin of his two

friends Gideon and Fabian, but he had never spoken to her.

Frank gestured to James and sat down next to him next to Gwen. At the

circular table, there was a clear separation. In the right semicircle sat:

James, Gwen, Frank, Alicia, Lily, and Erika.

In the other semicircle sat: Anastasia, Rabastan, Nick, Lucius, Narcissa,

and Severus. On the sides joining these two groups sat: Professor

Slughorn, the Windsor brothers, and the Hufflepuff Boy.

'Oddly, he's not next to Lily,' thought James looking at Snape, who also

looked at him.

James, by the time he started studying next to Lily, could tell that Lily

and Snape had been best friends since childhood. Similar to James with

Gwen and Emily.

He noticed that Snape didn't seem at all happy to see him and Lily

studying together, but he couldn't do anything to stop that from

happening either. On the odd day or two, he would join them in study,

but transfiguration was not what the Slytherin boy was most passionate


Snape begins to give less importance to the study sessions between James

and Lily when he finds out about James' relationship with Gwen. He had

nothing to worry about.

The atmosphere at the table was silent. Both groups of people looked at

each other not knowing what to say.

On the table spread out an exquisite selection of dishes each filled with

culinary delights. Most assuredly prepared by the school's house elves.

"Ahem... Let's start with dinner. It's not good to eat cold," said Slughorn,

noting the tense atmosphere.

Dinner began. Each group conversed in low tones and glanced sideways

at the other group.

'The atmosphere was changed just by the presence of this boy,' thought

Slughorn with a strange expression. Although there were some

differences, especially between Gryffindors and Slytherin it wasn't as

much as it was now.

"Hey, James you're getting pretty famous this last while," said Frank,

chuckling under his breath.

"Yeah... It wasn't my plan," said James with a slight grimace. Now every

time he walked down the corridors of Hogwarts he felt the gaze of many

people on him, more than he had before.

"Well, they brought it on themselves. You've done well to teach them a

lesson," Frank said, taking a serious tone and looking sideways at

Anastasia and Nick.

He had heard about them making fun of Henry's death and found it

distasteful and very disrespectful. His mother was an old friend of


"I never thought I'd hear those words out of your mouth, Frank," Alicia

said with a surprised look on her face.

"Well... There are times when you have to break a rule or two," said

Frank, coughing and looking at Alicia a little embarrassed.

Frank is known for being very strict with all the rules of the school.

Superior to Lily. He's the leader of all the nerds at least from third year

on down.

"Mm, it could have come to a better scenario. I'm not saying what you

did was all bad. But you could have challenged them to a duel and taught

them a lesson there. Like you did with that Lestrange boy," Alice said

looking at James.

Alice like Frank was a nerd who followed the rules to the letter and was

stricter than Frank. She didn't think it was right that one student had

knocked out two students. As much as she didn't like Anastasia and Nick

they deserved it.

"Yeah..." said James, who wasn't expecting to get a sermon.

"They brought it on themselves! James acted right. Now they'll think

twice about things before they make fun of someone!" said Erika in a

high tone and without a care in the world. The Slytherin students heard

this and looked at Erika, who smiled at them showing her white teeth.

She didn't mind starting an argument with it. It would only make dinner

more interesting and less boring. However, none of the Slytherin students

dared to start an argument with Erika.

She was known throughout the school as the current leader of the Dragon

Club, and her skills were the best within her year and all of Hogwarts in


"Speaking of another topic. Do you already have any idea what electives

you'll be choosing?" asked Frank, ending the conversation so that no fight

would happen at dinner.

"Yes. I'll be taking Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient

Runes," replied Lily enthusiastically. She already wanted the third year to

start so she could see these subjects that were catching her attention.

If it were up to her she would sign up for all of them, but it is not

possible. There's not enough time, and she would have to be in two

places at the same time.

"Oh those are difficult subjects," said Frank, referring to Arithmancy and

Ancient Runes.

"What about you?" he added, looking at James.

"Arithmancy and Ancient Runes," replied James.

"Nothing else?" asked Frank, thinking that James would sign up for more

subjects as he was the top student in his year and showed great talent.

"None more," replied James without explanation. With his routine, he

had no time. Even having two more subjects would make his routine

harder to organize.

Dinner continued without any conflict. Largely because of Professor

Slughorn's presence.

"Does Snape always sit with them?" asked James in a low tone, speaking

to Lily.

"Yes..." replied Lily in a dejected tone, looking at her best friend who was

seamlessly integrated into the Slytherin group.

'That idiot. He's always after Lily, and now that he can talk to her he

hangs out with those supremacists?' thought James a little annoyed.

The supremacists that Snape hung out with hated and despised the

mudbloods. The category that Lily falls into. James wondered if Snape

was an idiot or unaware of this.

"What are you two talking about?" asked Gwen approaching James and

poking near James' ribs with her finger.

"Ouch," complained James, slightly looking at Gwen, who had a frown on

her face for some unknown reason.

Since James didn't answer her question, Gwen continued poking his back

with her index finger.

"We were talking about Snape," James replied in a low tone and a quick


"Mm," grunted Gwen none too pleased. Luckily, Lily was already talking

to Alicia. The two of them had been getting along very well ever since

they met at the Slughorn Club.

"You're the only Slytherin student at this part of the table. Don't you feel

weird?" asked James, changing the subject.

"No. If there's you, I don't mind," replied Gwen in a very low tone.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you," said James, moving closer to her.

"Nothing. Shut up and eat or you'll get cold," said Gwen, pushing a fork

with a piece of food towards James, who had no choice but to eat it or

his mouth would have been broken.

'What's wrong with her all of a sudden?' thought James, confused as he

munched on the delicious food.

Several people at the table were watching this in disbelief. Gwen Shafiq

was feeding James Potter. Few people knew that these two were close.

Gwen was very popular. She was the eldest daughter of the Shafiq family

and one of the top students in her year. And unlike Anastasia and other

girls, Gwen's beauty was at the top of the girls at Hogwarts. She had

inherited her mother's beautiful features.

The party ended without a hitch. Although it was an hour where he could

be practicing or studying, James didn't think it was wasted time.

He was able to improve his relationship with Frank, Alicia, Erika, and

Lily. Very talented student who could become a future allies to help him

against Voldemort and his followers.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 150: Shocking news

"This will be great news!" exclaimed Xeno with sparkling eyes and


In his hands, he held an old-looking book. He had skimmed through it,

but the information in this old book impressed him.

"It will be. Everyone keeps talking about the cursed ice. Now they'll be

able to satiate their curiosity," Sirius said with a smile.

Xeno, Sirius, and James found themselves in an empty classroom in the

middle of the night. James with the help of the marauders had finished

writing the book about the vaults.

He put together an old-looking book and imitated another type of

handwriting. Different from his usual handwriting. He got yellowed

pages and was happy with his work to create a book that looked old.

"Where did you get this, James?" asked Xeno, who kept flipping through

and reading the information that looked like it was from a reliable

source. However, even if it weren't and looked suspicious, he wouldn't

care. He had published gossip and much of his reporting was about

beasts that no one thinks exist.

"I infiltrated the Forbidden Section. I hope you're keeping it a secret,"

James replied with a faint smile.

"Of course I will. I won't rat out my informant" nodded Xeno. It would be

good if James would continue to infiltrate the Forbidden Section and

bring him more books with secret information.

As for how James infiltrated the Forbidden Section, he didn't give it a

second thought. All of Hogwarts knew of James' magical abilities.

Xeno sat down in a chair and began to peruse the book. He was already

putting together an outline of what his next big news story would look

like in Hogwarts' best newspaper, even though it was the only newspaper

there was.

'There's a lot of information. We'll be able to get several issues out,' Xeno

thought seriously.

James and Sirius let Xeno read quietly. Thirty minutes later, the

Ravenclaw boy closed his book, and his look was serious.

"I never thought there would be such dangerous vaults at Hogwarts..."

commented Xeno, then a smile formed on his face.

"This will be the best news yet! We surpassed the previous sales peak," he

added enthusiastically. Although he was passionate about being a

journalist it was comforting to see his work rewarded and earning


"Yes. I'll finally be able to buy the new Nimbus," Sirius nodded with a real

smile. He would have his new broom by the time before the final match

of the Quidditch season. Perfect timing.

"There's a lot less information about the other vault... From what I

understood someone opened the vault, and that's why the curse was

released causing Hogwarts to freeze. That means there is a culprit at

Hogwarts who took all the treasures," Xeno said with a thoughtful look

making eye contact with James and Sirius.

"Exactly. According to the book, many dangers are protecting the

treasure. The culprit must be an older student or a professor..." said

James with a frown. His acting was good.

"Or several older students who know. If what the book says is true, their

next target will be the next vault to seize the new treasures," said Sirius

in a serious tone. His acting was also very good.

That's why the two of them decided to come and tell Xeno about the

book. Their performances were perfect, and they were good at lying

through their teeth. In contrast, Lupin, Peter, and Toby were not.

"If he does it will release a new curse on the school. We should publish

the new issue of the paper as soon as possible, but first I would like to

verify if the vaults are real," said Xeno.

A normal student would have proposed telling this information to the

principal and professors, but it didn't cross Xeno's mind. If he did, he

knew the school staff would forbid him to publish this and force him to

keep quiet. That went against his principles. Hogwarts students needed to

know the truth.

"No need to decipher the location of the ice vault," James said, and Xeno


In the old book in addition to the vault's information, there was a

message in advanced ancient runes. James worked out part of the

message and told Xeno that it was about the location of each vault. This

was a lie since he planted that message in ancient runes, although the

information was true. He made it simpler than the actual encrypted


Since the cursed ice had appeared in the fifth-floor corridor it was

obvious that its entrance was hidden there. Knowing that it was easy to

deduce. Xeno knew there was no need to decipher the message in Ancient

Runes. He just had to go there and look for the hidden entrance and see

if the vault existed.

"Let's go check it out," Xeno said as James and Sirius headed down the

fifth-floor corridor.

When they arrived, the empty corridor was in perfect condition. There

was no longer any trace of it being covered by cursed ice. The school

staff made sure of that.

"Let's start looking," whispered Xeno, heading for an empty wall. James

and Sirius had to play dumb and try to look for something.

They spread out covering different walls. They were looking for some

moveable brick or something, but they found nothing. After fifteen

minutes without success, they came back together.

"All the bricks are firm and look to be many years old," Sirius


"Yes... Otherwise, it would be very easy to find the entrance," said James


"Got it! Let's use the Revelio charm," said Xeno with a smile. This spell

had been taught to them by little Professor Flitwick in Charms class, and

one of its uses was for hidden passages.

"That's a good idea. Let's be quick. We don't want Filch to catch us," said

Sirius, and they set to work.

Xeno after a few minutes found the entrance, and a big smile broke out

on his face. James and Sirius also managed to put on surprised

expressions. An icy staircase was in sight of the three boys.

However, they were not filled with ice which surprised James and Sirius

making their performance better. There was a path free of cursed ice.

'Well... No wonder the professors found the entrance after learning that

the cursed ice started here,' thought James, looking at Sirius, who also

felt the same thing.

If the professors hadn't come up with the idea of using Revelio they

would have been useless.

"Be careful. It's cursed ice. If it touches us, it will freeze us," warned


"We must get to the vault. There's a way," Xeno said excitedly. With these

ice-filled stairs cursed he knew the vault was real, but he wanted to see it

with his own eyes.

"We can't. Dumbledore and the professors almost certainly found the

entrance after removing all the ice from the corridor. Maybe they put

some security spell, and we'll get caught if we go in," said James.

"That's true. Besides, there are no more treasures, and the curse has

already been stopped," nodded Sirius.

It would be dangerous to go back into the vault after the professors had

visited the vault.

"That's true. I didn't think of that. I must create the news as soon as

possible," said Xeno, taking a picture of the frozen stairs. It would be the

front page.

After returning from his quick expedition, Xeno went back to his common

room and stayed up all night writing. The next day he delivered the news

to Sirius. In the first news item about the vaults, he only reported the ice

vault. Xeno knew they should take advantage of his information and not

throw everything into one issue.

Also, they did not know the location of the vault of fear. James and Sirius

had told him that they were deciphering the Ancient Runes message with

a rune dictionary serving as a translator.

Sirius on the same day that Xeno delivered the news to him began mass

production of the paper. Thanks to the fact that they had everything they

needed in the room of requirements, it took only one day to have many


The next day they started selling and distributing it. Thanks to the

network of employees, they created no one knew about the real creators

of the newspaper, so they would be safe if someone wanted to track them

down. Above all, the school staff.

They published the location of the ice vault, and it was something the

school wanted to keep hidden. So, it would make sense if the teachers

and principal wanted to question them.

Breakfast that day was normal like any other. A Ravenclaw boy who was

having breakfast with his friends took out a newspaper from his tunic. He

opened it and began to read it. He wondered what gossip he would find

this time.

'The ice vault?' thought the boy reading the headline with a strange look

on his face.

"Oh, I didn't know 'The Meddler' came out with a new issue," commented

his friend as he saw the paper in his friend's hand.

The Meddler was the name Sirius, and the others gave their paper. No

one knew they were the owners. They gave it this name since they

meddled a lot in students' lives by learning about their gossip, love

affairs, etc.

There was also a section on beasts and animals that no one believed

existed, only Xeno. It was the least-read section. Finally, a Quidditch

section that was very popular.

But the most popular section was about gossip and rumors among

students, professors, etc.

"Must be a special issue. What new couple did they discover this time? Or

is it infidelity?" asked an interested girl. She was very gossipy.

Because of these private issues 'The Meddler' had earned many enemies

who wanted to destroy the creators. Above all, the journalist who wrote

the articles.

"Let's see what they surprise us with," said another boy with a slight smile

looking at his friend who was still reading the paper engrossed.

Minutes passed, and the mouth of the boy reading the newspaper opened.

With one hand he rubbed his eyes. What he was reading was real.

"What's with that face? Give me that," said the girl impatiently taking the

newspaper from his hands and starting to read. Her curious friends

approached her and began reading as well.

"The ice vault?" asked the girl in shock.

"That was to blame for Hogwarts almost ending up frozen?" asked

another boy, just as surprised.

"A crackpot headmaster created them to guard his treasures?" commented

the other boy.

The news moved from one Ravenclaw student to another. It was striking

that they were talking about the incident where Hogwarts was almost

frozen. Everyone wanted to know what happened. No one imagined that

it was such an exciting story.

At the other tables, the same thing happened. Just a couple of students

reading 'The Meddler' was enough for the news to spread at a dizzying


Within minutes in the Great Hall, there was only talk of one thing: The

Cursed Vaults.

"It must be fake," said a brainy girl at the Gryffindor's table. She would

never believe such a crazy story. How could there be a vault with a giant

golem and killer knights at Hogwarts?

"There's only one way to check!" said Gideon, rising from his seat with a

big smile. His adventurous spirit was calling him. His brother also stood

up with a smile, and they both started walking in the direction of the

fifth-floor corridor.

Many students decided to follow them. They had to check if what the

newspaper said was true. They were not the only ones. Students from

Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff also started heading there.

James and the others gave each other knowing looks and joined the wave

of students heading for the ice vault. It would be strange if they didn't

follow the crowd.

"What's going on?" exclaimed McGonagall from the professors' table. All

the professors noticed the anomaly of many students suddenly leaving

the large dining hall.

A short girl with glasses and freckles approached the professor's table and

nervously handed the paper to the stern professor, who looked at her

with a raised eyebrow.

"I-it's because of this professor," said the girl passing her the paper. It was

good to get along with the professors. What every nerd would do.

"This newspaper again?" muttered McGonagall with a frown as she read

the name of the newspaper. Since the paper came out many students

complained saying that they had touched on personal issues and fueled

gossip. However, the professors could not find those responsible for the


If it had been a normal paper, they wouldn't have minded letting it free,

but it always created problems.

'This is not good...' thought McGonagall with surprise and a more serious

expression than before.

"What happened Minerva?" asked Slughorn, noticing McGonagall's


"Follow me. It's urgent. The students are heading to the ice room," replied

McGonagall quickly and heading down the corridor of the fifth corridor.

'Why is Dumbledore absenting just at this moment?' thought McGonagall,

walking hurriedly.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 151: Inconvenient

The first step of the plan was completed. Dozens of students witnessed

the ice vault with their own eyes. McGonagall had no time to stop them.

Luckily there was no accident, and none of them touched the cursed ice.

They used the path laid out by the professors. Now, the story of the

cursed vaults had a lot of credibility.

Several professors had to throw out the students who reached the ice

vault. From that day on it was a forbidden place, and whoever entered

would be severely punished.

Especially, because of the cursed ice that remained in the vault. They did

not want to have frozen students in the infirmary.

As James expected a search campaign began. The professors wanted to

catch the creators of the paper but could not. Since they couldn't they

banned "The Meddler" from Hogwarts. They confiscated the copies the

students bought.

This didn't worry James. He knew it would happen. How would a school

newspaper know more than the school staff about the curse that plagued

Hogwarts? They became suspects.

The professors confiscated many newspapers from the students which

caused the newspaper sales to increase. However, the professors were not

entirely helpless. They managed to catch several sellers and interrogated

them, but they did not know anything about the real perpetrators of the

newspaper. So, they were only punished.

This made circulating the newspapers more difficult, as many sellers did

not want to be punished for a profit that was not worth it.

What James decided was to give the newspapers away for free. With his

invisibility cloak and Regulus' cloak (which he borrowed before going to

the infirmary), they left the newspapers spread all over Hogwarts. They

were only to be found by students.

This way, the news he wants to reach Eustace's ears will get through.

Most likely, the bald man will be very surprised by the newspaper and

think it is about the thieves.

Sirius didn't mind giving the paper away for free. He knew it was a much

more serious matter than his new Nimbus. Besides, with the first news of

the cursed vaults, he already got the money he needed.

The next day, the second paper came out. No one thought that the

Meddler would bring out a new issue so quickly. The wave and the

impact that this news produced were bigger than the other days.

This was because the paper talked about the existence of a different vault

than the one in the ice. It was the Vault of Fear. It explained that this

vault was still closed, and its treasures were still safe.

The news did not encourage the search for the vault's treasures. It warned

that there was a culprit who opened the ice vault. This culprit kept the

treasures and released the curse.

[A greedy being wants to find the vault of fear and keep the treasures in

it. In the process, he will release another powerful curse and put

Hogwarts in grave danger. Students of all houses must be made aware of

the dangerous situation! We must stop this scoundrel! Luckily our team is

working to find the location of the new vault. We will continue to report

on the latter shortly]

This was an excerpt written by Xeno from the news from the Meddler.

James made Xeno believe that a bad guy was trying to open the vault. In

this way he got Xeno to aim to warn everyone and try to stop him.

Otherwise, why would Xeno show the location of the vaults in the paper?

The Ravenclaw boy doesn't want another curse to hit Hogwarts.

This latest news put the professors on high alert. They did not know

about the existence of another dangerous vault and that someone was

trying to open it to take the treasures. Now they were confused, they

didn't know if those in the paper were good or bad.

"We made a big mess," said Sirius, sitting on his bed. The marauders were

in the dormitories chatting.

"Yeah. I hope they don't close Hogwarts," said Toby in a worried tone.

"I don't think, they'll go to such extremes if nothing's happened yet," said

Lupin, not too sure. With the threat of a curse like the previous one. They

didn't know what the school would do.

Now the curfew was two hours earlier, and all the professors were

constantly on guard.

"Tomorrow is the day. We will falsely publish the news with the location

of the vault. Eustace must see it if or if he is to head there," James said in

a serious tone.

By falsely he meant that the only one who would see the paper should be

Eustace. They wouldn't have it circulated throughout the school like the

previous ones. They didn't want students heading there. They just wanted

to catch Eustace red-handed and get evidence to get him expelled.

"Will the bald guy fall for it?" asked Sirius doubtfully. He might suspect it

was a trap to catch him.

"He may think the newspaper people are the same ones who stole the

treasures from the ice vault from him or some third parties who found

out about the vault by other means. I'm sure he'll go as soon as he knows

the location," James replied.

Eustace had come to Hogwarts as a professor on a mission to find the

vaults. He didn't like teaching. He hated it. Even if he thinks it is a trap,

he will head for the vault of fear.

"Snape has already given us Eustace's patrol route. You two must go

through there and accomplish your mission," James said, looking at Toby

and Peter. Their mission was very important.

They were to act like they found the paper with the location of the vault

this close to Eustace so that he would take the paper from them and upon

seeing the location head there.

Eustace will just think that Peter and Toby found the paper by chance, so

he will not think too much and run straight to the vault. That's the plan.

James, Sirius, Snape, and the others will wait for him at the entrance to

the vault with the invisibility cloaks.

Toby and Peter nodded. They were nervous, but their task was the safest

of all. They just had to get Eustace to fall and head for the vault. The

others would face him.

"Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day," James said, and they

all nodded.

'From making jokes to this,' thought Sirius with a strange expression as he

climbed into his bed.


The day arrived. After the school day was over, they waited a little while

for the curfew to approach which was now much earlier because of the

cursed vaults situation.

James and Sirius started to head toward the second floor of Hogwarts

Castle. They were to head to where Professor Eustace was making his

route which was near his office.

On the way, they were intercepted by Xeno, who had a different

expression than usual. He looked nervous.

"Guys... Will you deliver the papers yet?" asked Xeno in a low tone,

looking all around.

Xeno was nervous because he already knew the entrance to the vault of

fear. They had to get the news out as soon as possible so that the culprit

could not enter the vault and release the curse.

Xeno thought that with the location exposed, the professors would be

able to protect the vault from being opened. That way no one will release

the curse as happened with the ice vault.

"Yeah..." replied James and Sirius, looking at each other. Technically they

didn't lie. They would deliver a single paper to Toby and Peter.

"That's good. Don't you want to give me some copies to leave around the

castle? We have to be quick," asked Xeno. The culprit might already

know the location.

"Don't worry. The two of us are enough. You could get caught if you don't

know the disillusioning spell. You could get caught," replied Sirius,

patting Xeno's shoulder.

"Fine. I'll leave you in their hands," Xeno said as he waved goodbye to


"I feel a little bad about lying to him," said Sirius, looking at Xeno's back.

"It's better that he doesn't know. We can't keep getting more people

involved. Come on," said James resuming his march.

"This is Myrtle the Weeper's bathroom," said Sirius, looking at the

entrance to the abandoned girl's bathroom.

"In the next aisle let's leave the paper," said James.

In the next aisle, there were rows of armor on each side. James

approached cautiously and looked both ways.

"There are no monkeys on the coast," said Sirius as he noticed that the

corridors connecting to this one were empty.

James from his robes pulled out the exclusive newspaper that contained

the location of the vault of fear. He propped it behind the feet of one of

the knights.

"Ready. We just must wait for Toby and Peter to grab it. They should be

on their way by now," said James, pulling out his invisibility cloak.

"Are those footsteps?" asked Sirius, who was about to wrap himself in the

invisibility cloak. Toby and Peter shouldn't be so fast.

'This is not good,' thought James with a grimace if another student finds

the paper his plan will go down the drain.

"You put on the invisibility cloak. Wait for Toby and Peter and get on

with the plan. I'll handle it," said James, passing the cloak to Sirius and

heading towards the sound where the footsteps were coming from.

He must distract this person or at worst knock them out and erase their


He started walking, and the sounds of footsteps were clearer than before.

When he was about to reach the corner, a person appeared in his vision.

It was a girl with almost white, blonde hair and blue eyes.

'Why did it have to be her...' thought James, recognizing Narcissa Black.

To his bad luck, Narcissa had turned and would pass through the corridor

where they hid the newspaper.

Even though she hid it was in plain sight. A person watching would

notice the newspaper and more so when everyone was aware that the

Meddler was leaving newspapers strewn about like this.

Narcissa paused, and her gaze met James'. The place fell silent as they

both stared at each other with their clear eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, Narcissa resumed her walk without saying

a word, but James intercepted her.

"Move it," Narcissa said in her characteristic cold, clear tone.

"Don't you say hello to a clubmate? From two clubs, to be precise," James


"No," Narcissa replied dryly. She wanted to dodge James to keep walking,

but again James stepped in front of her.

"How mean. Your sister, Andromeda is much nicer. You should learn a

little from her," James said not caring about Narcissa's annoyed


"I don't care how that traitor acts," Narcissa said, but her tone was

doubtful, and James noticed it.

"Calling your sister a traitor. Andromeda would be very sad. She told me

many good things about you when I visited Alphard's house," James said

and noticed Narcissa's expression change to one of guilt and sadness.

'On target,' thought James. He had to find a way to stop Narcissa from


"Where are you headed?" asked James.

"To my common room. Why do you care?" asked Narcissa, annoyed at

answering James' question.

"Do you want to go to the Dragon Club? To practice a bit" asked James.

"No. It's just short of curfew," Narcissa replied.

"We have some time. A duel doesn't last long," James insisted. He didn't

want to have to erase Narcissa's memories it would be too much trouble

and he might get caught.

"Tomorrow," Narcissa replied. She agreed because dueling James was

very useful to her. Also, that James was one of the few people she

interacted with at the Dragon Club. His cold and unfriendly expression

meant that he didn't have many friendships.

"Come on. It'll just be a while. We can have a serious duel. There won't be

anyone to witness it, and we won't have to hold back," James said.

He had realized that Narcissa was very curious about his true abilities,

but that she didn't want to have a real duel against him, as the girl would

see it as an abuse of power because she is three years older.

"Fine. Come on, quickly," Narcissa replied after a few seconds of thought.

'Luckily there are no more students around,' thought James, leading the

way and going the other way. Narcissa didn't think much of the change

of route and followed him. The journey passed in silence.

They left the castle and arrived at the Dragon Club, "Wait for me in the

dueling room. I must go to the bathroom," James said with a poker face

as he headed for the bathroom.

Within seconds he exited the bathroom and slipped out of the dragon

club, 'Sorry, Narcissa. Another day we'll have a real duel,' thought James

as he started to run towards the castle.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 152: Vault of Fear

James hurried to the castle. Upon entering, he was more cautious and

stealthier, as curfew was nearby. The professors must have been

searching for the scattered students.

His destination was the library located on the second floor of the castle,

so it didn't take him long to get there. That was where the vault of fear

was hidden, specifically in the Restricted Section.

He arrived at the library. Hundreds of narrow rows with shelves

containing tens of thousands of books. As it was only a few minutes

before curfew there was no one in the place. Not even the librarian.

As he was about to head for the Forbidden Section, he saw the space on

one of the shelves begin to ripple. He was showing the presence of a


"Finally, you arrive," said Gwen, who deactivated her disillusioning spell.

"Why didn't you go with the others?" asked James confused.

"No time to explain. The bald guy already arrived a few minutes ago.

Let's go," said Gwen, taking James' hand and heading for the Forbidden


The reason why she waited for James was simple. She didn't like hearing

from Sirius that James went to the Dragon Club with Narcissa Black.

Although she knew he did it to distract her, she didn't like the idea of

James being with Narcissa.

She didn't tell him because she knew he would scoff at her calling her

jealous, and she wasn't. Well, just a little bit.

'I hope nothing bad happened,' James thought. It took him longer than he

thought to get rid of Narcissa.

They entered the Forbidden Section easily. The only thing protecting this

section was a simple rope.

"Shelf number eight. Book number thirteen," said James, remembering

where the secret entrance to the vault was located.

They stood in front of shelf number eight. Book number thirteen was

moss green in color and worn. On the shelf were dozens of books.

"Another thing... That strange boy came into the library," said Gwen,

trying to remember the strange name.

"Xeno?" asked James, and Gwen nodded.

James frowned and didn't say anything else. It wasn't good to have a

variable in the plan, but if it's just one person there shouldn't be much of

a problem.

James without wasting any more time grabbed the book and moved it.

He couldn't get it completely out of place. It was some kind of

mechanism. After moving the book there was a creaking sound of wood.

The bookcase began to move slowly, revealing a secret entrance behind

it. It was another staircase, but this time it was a descending spiral


James went first and began to descend. Gwen followed close behind. As

narrow as the spiral staircase was two people couldn't go down side by


"It's getting darker and darker," commented Gwen, noticing that the

darkness was getting darker the further down they went.

"Yes. Lumos," said James, flicking his wand. Gwen did the same. The tip

of each wand lit up allowing them to see in the darkness. The descent


They went down for five minutes until finally, the spiral staircase came

to an end. They came to a small square stone room.

The walls were cracked and thighed. The lighting was dim. Two lanterns

each held a candle that barely gave a little light.

"Cover your eyes," James said as he cast Lumos Solem to illuminate the

entire stone room. Thanks to his contact lenses, he was not blinded and

could observe every corner of the place.

There was nothing. Just old, cracked walls and moss. There was no door,

no guardian. Just a dim atmosphere and little light.

"They cast a protective spell," James said, and Gwen nodded.

There were protective spells used to hide a specific area. This way

intruders would only observe an unremarkable area when people were

living there or a structure to hide.

These spells would be difficult to detect if used over large areas, but here

they were in a square room that was not very spacious. It wasn't hard to

detect magic.

James knew it wasn't good that someone had cast a protective spell. The

only person who could cast this spell would be Eustace.

"Did we destroy it?" asked Gwen.

"We destroyed it," nodded James.

Each one looked to the front and began to cast offensive spells of great

power: Bombarda, Incendio, etc. As expected, the spells hit a kind of

translucent barrier.

Within minutes the barrier was destroyed. The real room was revealed.

At the end of it all was a large square door. It had engraved runes and

strange scrawls on it.

What caught James and Gwen's attention was that on one of the side

walls, three people were lying on the floor. They were Sirius, Lupin, and


'Damn,' thought James running towards his friends. Luckily, he quickly

noticed that they were only unconscious and tied up with thick rope.

"Are they okay?" asked Gwen.

'Yes. Just unconscious," replied James.

'I only got sidetracked for a few minutes,' thought James as he cut the

ropes with Gwen's help.

Luckily, Eustace just knocked them out. The bad news was that it looked

like he had already entered the vault, and Snape was nowhere to be seen.

"Rennervate," said James, pointing his wand at Sirius. This was the

counter spell to the stun charm.

Sirius started to stir and slowly opened his eyes in confusion, "Where am

I?" he stammered as he struggled to his feet.

"James? Oh, that's right, that bloody baldy!" exclaimed Sirius, suddenly

regaining his energy and jumping to his feet.

"Easy there. Let me wake up Lupin," said James and threw a Rennervate

at Lupin, who after a few seconds woke up confused like Sirius earlier.

"What happened, Lupin?" asked James after Lupin had recovered. Lupin

would be more accurate and not go off the deep end as much as Sirius.

"Everything was going according to plan, but we didn't think that bald

guy would be so strong. He doesn't teach what he knows in his classes..."

said Lupin as he began to narrate the events.

The original plan was for Sirius, Lupin, and James to hide under the

invisibility cloak and wait for Professor Eustace to arrive. Within seconds

of Professor Eustace's arrival in the vault, Gwen and Snape would appear.

These two would tell Professor Eustace that they reached the vault thanks

to the Meddler's newspaper. Eustace as he wants to keep the treasures

and whatever he is looking for would have to get rid of Snape and Gwen.

Mainly because when Eustace wants to open the vault, Gwen and Snape

tell him to look for the other professors and that they are only there to

verify if the information is correct or just a joke in the newspaper.

This would make it impossible to loot the vault as it would be under

surveillance, and the other professors would know that Eustace was

there. So, he would most likely attack both Slytherin students.

James, Sirius, and Lupin, who are under the invisibility cloak will take

evidence of the evil deeds the professor is doing. Taking pictures and

recording his voice. Then they would go out and help keep the bald guy

from hurting their friends and try to defeat him or run away.

This didn't happen as they planned, as James had to go out of his way to

get rid of Narcissa so she wouldn't find the paper, and Gwen didn't like

knowing James was with another girl, so she was about to go looking for

him instead of going through with the plan.

This was not all, as one more variant appeared in the plan. When the

bald man attacked Snape as he told him that he would look for the other

teachers, Xeno appeared and witnessed this scene.

For witnessing things he shouldn't have, the professor also attacked Xeno

and in one move defeated him. Sirius and Lupin went on the attack, but

it was useless. They were no match for the professor who, although he

was a little surprised by the surprise attack defeated them without much


"What happened to Snape?" asked James, trying to find a solution to save

the shadowy boy.

"He went into the vault, and Professor Eustace followed him. Thanks to

that we were saved. That bald bastard wanted to erase our memories and

put in new ones. He succeeded with Xeno. When he was about to erase

my memories Snape from behind managed to push him out of the way

and run to the vault door," explained Sirius, not believing that he was

saved by Snape.

"Yes... When the vault door was about to close the professor knocked us

unconscious and ran straight to the vault," replied Lupin in a worried


"Wasn't there a guard to protect the door?" asked James.

"No. The door was open. All you could see was darkness. You couldn't see

through it," Sirius replied.

'His name does him justice,' thought James as he walked towards the ten-

foot stone door.

James tried to open it by any means possible, but it was no use. Neither

Alohomora nor Bombarda was working.

"What are we going to do? We have the evidence, but Snape?" asked

Sirius in a worried tone. Odd to see from him especially when it was


"Snape went into the vault without a wand and tied up..." said Lupin, also


James touched the cold stone with his hand. If it were up to him, he

would enter the vault to save Snape, but the door, though it looked like

normal stone was hard as iron. It could not open.

"I'm sorry, James..." murmured Gwen, approaching James. If she had

followed the plan the others would have had a better chance to defeat

the professor. As for James, he had no choice, but she decided not to go

along with the plan on a whim of her own.

"It doesn't matter," James said in a soft tone. He was more relieved to

know that Gwen had been away from that bald man. Who knows if he

could have done worse to her than erase her memories.

"Snape will have to survive in the vault. We should set up an ambush

when that baldy comes out," said James, approaching Xeno, who was still


"Will you wake him up?" asked Sirius.

James nodded. To find out what memories Eustace had implanted in

Xeno it was best to wake him up. That way they would know what plan

the bald man had created in his head in those few minutes.

"What happened?" asked Xeno slowly as he rubbed his eyes. As he looked

up he noticed the gaze of several people on him. He recognized everyone

but a pretty blonde girl.

"Are you all right? We found you here unconscious. What's the last thing

you remember?" asked James.

"Mm... I was on my way to my common room when I tripped because of

an invisible step. That was the last thing I remember... What a bump,"

replied Xeno rubbing his never.

'This is good,' thought James with a slight smile.

This meant that Eustace was just planning to erase his memories and

send them to the infirmary. James had thought that the bald man would

have a more ingenious plan, but that didn't seem to be the case.

So, Snape should be safe with Eustace, 'He seems very hasty,' James

thought about the professor. If it were him, he wouldn't make that plan

which had many flaws.

From Eustace's perspective, the Meddler had already published the

location of the vault, so more and more people could arrive. This would

cause him to have to erase the memory of several people and leave them

in the right place. In Xeno's case on the stairs where he was knocked


"Where are we?" asked Xeno, looking at the strange stone room.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 153: Quick victory

The room leading to the entrance of the vault of fear was empty. Not a

single person was present. However, James, Gwen, Sirius, and Lupin

were camouflaged in the walls with the disillusioning charm.

This spell caused them to take on the exact color and texture of the stone

walls. Turning them into a chameleon. The dim lighting of the place

helped to camouflage them better.

They did not use the invisibility cloak as Eustace pulled them off Lupin

and Sirius. When they rushed out to attack the professor they didn't have

time to put it away.

Xeno was gone from the vault. James quickly explained the situation to

him. He showed him and handed over the evidence Sirius and Lupin got.

Their mission was to find McGonagall to come to the vault as soon as


James decided to stay and wait for Eustace to come out for two reasons.

The main one is Snape. He had saved Lupin and Sirius and jumped

without thinking into the vault. He couldn't leave him and wait for the

other professors to arrive, as they would be late. Eustace could come out

at any moment.

The second reason was his invisibility cloak. It was a family heirloom,

and Eustace had taken it from Sirius and Lupin. He couldn't let his family

heirloom be confiscated by the school, as they would realize he had an

illegal item.

James didn't know if he could beat a Defense Against the Dark Arts

professor, although Eustace taught useless things he didn't seem weak

from what Sirius and Lupin told him.

He had the element of surprise in his favor, but Eustace coming out of the

vault would know that someone might be waiting for him, so he would

come out with his guard up.

Everyone waited in silence. Each one was guarding a different place.

Their wands were ready. Minutes passed until at one point the large

stone door began to shake and slowly opened.

This time a little of the inside of the other's vault could be seen.

However, no one came out. James instantly knew something was wrong.

First of all, the place was dead silent and faint, but audible footsteps

could be heard thanks to the atmosphere.

'My invisibility cloak!' thought James. Footsteps could be heard closer

and closer to the exit. This was not a good sign. For some reason, Eustace

wanted to run away.

However, James had already prepared himself for this possible situation.

Near the entrance, two swords began to float. Once they took a height a

little less than that of an average person they began to advance at a great

speed forward.

Eustace, who was under the invisibility cloak was surprised by this. His

surprise did not last long. He quickly removed the cloak and waved his


'Reducto,' thought Eustace, and a flash shot out of his wand. It hit a

sword that went up in ashes. All this happened in seconds.

Then he threw another Redoubt at the other sword and continued his

march towards the exit. He could not waste any time.

What he did not expect was that his spell was cut off by the sword as if it

were nothing, and the sword continued its march towards him.

'What the hell!?' thought Eustace, trying to dodge the sword, but it was

too late.

The sword stuck in his left shoulder. A great pain invaded his whole body

and he gritted his teeth to keep from screaming.

'It worked,' thought James. He had raised a normal sword and one with

the ancient runes that allow cutting spells. This way when the bald guy

saw that he could destroy the sword easily he would trust it and let his

guard down.

The bad thing is that he hit his left shoulder, and the professor was

wielding his wand with his right arm.

"Expelliarmus!" shouted James quickly. He didn't want to give his enemy

time to think. A flash of red light shot out from a dark corner of the


Eustace saw the red flash out of the corner of his eye and nimbly flicked

his wand. A barrier protected him. Although James' throw was fast he

had to shout to cast it which made it easier to detect.

'Non-verbal magic...' thought James with a grimace.

"Finally you showed up James Potter," said Eustace with a devious grin

looking towards James who was no longer camouflaged in the wall.

"I don't know what you're talking about," said James with his senses on

full blast. The sword was still stuck in Eustace's shoulder.

"Don't play dumb. I know all about it. You and your little friends looted

the ice vault and created this stupid plan to trap me," said Eustace with

anger hidden in his tone.

Although he called the plan stupid he was very surprised by the plan that

some sophomores had created. They had turned the school upside down

and he had fallen into their trap.

"What did you do to Snape?" asked James with a dangerous gleam in his

eye. The only way the bald man could have found out about all this was

to have interrogated Snape.

"How odd. A Gryffindor worrying about a Slytherin. Your friend was

tough. Getting into his mind was hard. He has a natural talent for being

an Occlumens. However, it was easy after throwing a Crucio at him,"

Eustace replied with an evil grin.

Crucio. The curse of torture. One of the three unforgivable curses.

'Stupid sword,' thought Eustace, throwing the bloody sword on the

ground. He could see some ancient runes. Now he knew why his spell

was cut off.

'Bloody bastard, take this!' thought Sirius furiously, throwing a large

number of brown spheres. They were stink bombs. Lupin also did the


They had their backs to the bald man, and since they didn't have to shout

to launch this attack, the stink bombs hit Eustace and exploded in a

putrid-smelling brown cloud.

'Tsch already came out the other hidden rats,' thought Eustace angrily,

and cast a non-verbal Ventus. The cloud of smoke was easily removed,

but James had already acted and cast a powerful Lumos Solem.

Eustace had no way to defend against this. A blinding flash illuminated

the entire room. The effect was more powerful as thanks to the dim

lighting, the eyes were used to less light. To suddenly have a large flash

appear caused maximum damage to the eyes.

"How annoying. Everything is useless," thought Eustace, opening his eyes

with difficulty after a few seconds. However, he noticed something

strange. His right hand was gone.

His arm was no longer whole. Eustace roared in pain and surprise. His

fist was now reduced to a rough, disfigured stump. A torrent of blood

began to pour from the stump, as the bald man held his arm and

struggled to maintain his composure in the face of the searing pain.

'What happened...' thought Eustace in confusion, looking up and staring

at James.

James in his left hand held his wand which was still pointed at the

ground. The creepy thing was that in his right hand, he was holding a

hand with a wand.

Eustace noticed that the sword he had thrown away was gone, 'How did

he do that, non-verbal magic?' thought Eustace in disbelief. He saw the

sword near James.

It made no sense to him as James had cast a Lumos Solem earlier. The

time interval was too short for him to have cast a non-verbal Wingardium


Also, how did he protect himself from the Lumos Solem? He had a lot of

questions in his head.

"Nice wand," James commented as he played with Eustace's severed hand

as if it were a baseball.

Lupin and Sirius looked at each other in shock at the scene of James

playing with the bloody hand of his enemy.

'Damn I couldn't do anything,' thought Gwen pissed off as she cast a spell

towards Eustace.

"Atabraquium!" exclaimed Gwen, and the spell hit the bald man with no


Eustace's arms and legs were bound by an invisible rope. His defeat was a


"What did you do?" growled Eustace without taking his eyes off James.

Eustace had learned of James and the others' plan to trap him. When he

came out of the vault of fear he wasn't worried about these kids. He

didn't see them as dangerous enemies.

He wanted to run away because more professors were likely to arrive and

he would not be able to defeat them. He had decided to leave Hogwarts

this very night.

"I ask the questions here," James said as he tossed the wand to Gwen and

Eustace's severed hand near him to watch his old hand.

Since Eustace dropped the sword near his feet James' victory was certain.

He only needed a few seconds to distract Eustace and use the sword to

attack him. He could have even cut off his head if he had wanted to.

James' telekinesis was key. Eustace would never in his wildest dreams

have imagined that a second-year student could use such advanced

wandless magic. Just by looking at the sword, he could move it at great

speed and from far away.

As the sword was planted so close to Eustace, he could not defend

himself no matter how much non-verbal magic he could use. In addition,

James used Lumos Solem which did not affect him thanks to his contact


If it had been a proper fight on equal terms James could not have

defeated Eustace. His offensive charms could not hit them, as Eustace

knows non-verbal magic and can defend himself without much trouble.

"Go get Snape," James said looking at Sirius and Lupin, who nodded and

quickly headed for the vault.

The sword he used earlier to cut off the professor's hand flew smoothly

toward James' right hand.

"Wandless magic..." muttered Eustace with wide eyes. He couldn't believe


'Let's start with the interrogation,' thought James. He didn't have much

time. Xeno could arrive with the professors at any moment. Luckily the

fight had ended quicker than he had first calculated.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 154: The creator of the


"What is your purpose? Why do you want to find the vaults?" asked

James, staring at Eustace. He cast two spells on him to stop the bleeding,

still, the professor's skin was pale.

"Isn't it obvious? By the treasures," snorted Eustace with a wince.

"You'd be willing to threaten a powerful pureblood family and use

unforgivable curses just for a few magical items?" asked James as he

pointed the edge of the sword at Eustace's neck.

While the treasures in the ice vault were of good quality they weren't

worth it to cast an unforgivable curse and threaten a student at


If you get caught you could end up in Azkaban. A prison no one wants to

set foot in. Prisoners go mad in a matter of weeks, and it's a fate worse

than death.

Eustace didn't answer. He just craned his neck in defiance of James. He

knew he was a thirteen-year-old boy. He wouldn't be encouraged to

murder a person.

"I guess you don't need your other hand. You're going to Azkaban

anyway," James said in a cold tone as he raised his sword and pointed it

at Eustace's hand.

"A wizard who can't use a wand. You'll have to learn magic without a

wand," added James with a slight smile and began to bring the sword

down at a great speed.

"Wait!" shouted Eustace, and the sword stopped mere inches from his


'This bastard really would have cut my hand,' thought Eustace with sweat

on his forehead.

Gwen watched this with a bit of surprise, but also with a slight smile. She

had long known this cold attitude of James towards his enemies and

loved it. However, this time it was a bit more violent as he was about to

cut off a person's hand.

"Spit it all out if you don't want to get one-armed," Gwen commented

with a chilling smile.

'What is it with these two students?' thought Eustace, looking at James

and Gwen's maniacal grins.

"My goal is to find the final vault," replied Eustace.

He didn't want to run out of hands. It would be the worst thing of all. He

would become a person who cannot perform magic, as magic without a

wand is very complicated, and hopefully, he could learn some weak


Although he lost his dominant hand, it won't be difficult to learn to use

his other hand. He knows he will be sent to Azkaban, but he is still

hopeful that he can escape.

The British community is going through a turbulent time. Anything can

happen. Hope is the last thing to be lost. If he can escape from Azkaban,

but he has no hands it won't do any good. He'd rather die than be like a

muggle or a squib.

"Are there any more vaults, how many?" asked James. With the others,

they had already thought about this possibility.

"There are four in total," replied Eustace.

'That leaves two, not counting this one and the ice one,' thought James.

"How do you get to that final vault?" asked James.

"In each vault, there are two scrolls. One with a complex riddle and one

with a map," Eustace replied, and James understood how to get to that


With his free hand, he reached into Eustace's tunic and found two old

scrolls. These were the scrolls that Eustace obtained after clearing the

vault of fear and that led to the next vault.

Eustace looked at these with resignation. He was so close to his mission.

Only half was missing, and he would have succeeded in finding the final


"Tell me about that final vault. What's in it? Who created it? How do you

know?" said James, asking several questions at once.

Eustace didn't answer, so James pressed the sword on his wrist making a

slight cut.

"Its creator was Dai Ryusaki..." answered Eustace with no other choice.

In five minutes, he told him everything he knew. Dai Ryusaki was a

wizard of Japanese origin. He was a professor at Hogwarts and is from

the year 1600.

Little is known of Ryusaki's enigmatic life, but he was a great wizard

potionist and forger of magical items with powerful effects. It is said that

he hid his most powerful magical artifact in the final vault.

That was Eustace's goal. The professor was not alone. He belonged to a

small group of dark magicians who aimed to obtain arcane knowledge,

and magical artifacts and augment their dark magic.

'A Japanese wizard who created four vaults to hide all his treasures at

Hogwarts...?' thought James with an incredulous expression.

"James, we need to get Snape to the infirmary," said Sirius, who had

already brought Snape with Lupin. He heard the whole story and was

very surprised, but they had to cure the Slytherin boy who was


'It's true... At any moment the professors may arrive,' thought James.

"Lastly, why didn't you find the vaults on your own?" asked James,

curious. If the bald man had done this, he would never have known

about the existence of the vaults or it would have been less possible.

"Because of Dumbledore," Eustace replied with a frown. If it hadn't been

for the old headmaster's suspicions, he could have moved freely around

Hogwarts and taken care of the vault business himself.

James nodded and cast an Obliviate on him. It erased Eustace's memories

of the interrogation and the interrogation the bald man gave Snape. It

wouldn't do for a Legilimens to know that they already knew about the


He didn't have time to implant false memories. Within minutes

McGonagall and several other professors arrived along with Xeno.


A week passed since the incident in the vault of fear. Professor Eustace

was arrested and taken away by several Aurors. He was most likely going

to Azkaban after the trial.

It came as a great surprise to everyone that a professor was to blame for

everything. Especially when it came to light that the bald man had cast

an unforgivable curse on a student.

Even more surprising was that four students stopped him and saved the

other student. This was made public. The professors couldn't try to hide


Dumbledore was not at Hogwarts and the existence of the vault of fear

had already been brought to light by the newspaper "The Meddler."

As expected James, Sirius, Lupin, Gwen, and Xeno were also subjected to

questioning, but it was nothing serious. They were only asked how they

got there and how they defeated the professor.

They all answered the same. They got there thanks to The Meddler

newspaper. James, Sirius, and Lupin said they found a copy while

wandering around the school. In this copy, it said the location of the

vault and they decided to go after preparing a bit.

Since they were friends and slept in the same dormitory it wasn't unusual

for one to have passed the news to the other and they decided to go to

the vault together. Why didn't they tell the professors? Because it was an

adventure. They could only scold them it wasn't their fault, they were

only thirteen.

As for Xeno, Gwen, and Snape, they each found a copy of the paper and

decided to visit the vault out of curiosity, adventure, whatever.

They told the events as they happened without lying. The only loophole

was that James arrived later, but he gave an excuse, and they had no

choice but to believe him.

Why did they bring a camera and a magic voice recorder? Out of

curiosity. They wanted to see if the vault was real.

The evidence they got and the Prior Incantato spell made Eustace 100%

trapped. He could not escape his crimes. Plus the testimony of James and

the others. Above all, Snape, who after regaining consciousness told how

the professor tortured him only out of malice (he omitted the

interrogation part.).

Prior Incantato was a spell that forced a wand to display an echo of the

last spells it had cast. With this, they were able to find that Eustace had

cast Crucio. The unforgivable curse on a thirteen-year-old pupil.

"Finally those Aurors are gone," Sirius said, sprawling out on his bed.

"Yes. I don't know how many interrogations they've done on us anymore,"

said Lupin, sighing with relief.

Their lies were solid and had validity, but they could find the occasional

loophole. Luckily as they were thirteen-year-old students they couldn't

push them too hard.

In the end, they were the victims who were almost killed at Hogwarts,

and they also saved Hogwarts. The only thing they could reprimand them

on was that they decided to go to the vault without telling the professors.

"I heard they helped the professors stop the curse from spreading," Toby


"Thanks to them acting fast the curse of the vault of fear didn't have time

to spread like it did with the curse of ice," said James.

They didn't know what the curse of the vault of fear would be. Eustace

went inside and only retrieved the scrolls to find the next vault. He knew

his time was limited, so he did not take the treasures from that vault.

So the professors along with the Aurors had to take care of destroying the

cursed core or whatever caused the curse.

'I wonder what treasures the professors have found,' James thought

curiously, but he wasn't despondent.

He got the most important thing. The route to the next vault. His goal

was now clear. To get the treasure from the final vault. It could help him

in his fight against Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

He would see to it that the curses would not spread through Hogwarts.

The professors and everyone at Hogwarts thought the matter was over, so

he would have a free hand to act.

The only worrying thing was the group of dark wizards to which Eustace

belonged. These knew of the existence of the vaults and might try to do


"Is Snape still in the infirmary?" asked Lupin.

"Yes. He's regained consciousness. He'll be discharged in a few days,"

replied Sirius, and they all looked at him with strange expressions.

"What's wrong?" asked Sirius.

"Did you visit Snape?" asked Peter in disbelief.

"I just visited Regulus! He was discharged today, and by the way, I found

out about Snape's condition. If it wasn't for him we'd have our memories

erased like Xeno!" replied Sirius indignantly.

'I should pay them a visit,' thought James. He knew Snape wouldn't like

him visiting him, as if the Slytherin students found out it wouldn't be

very good, but he should do it.

Snape, Regulus, and Gwen will be in charge of solving the next riddle.

They are the most capable of this task. Although he has basic knowledge

of Ancient Runes, he has no time to devote to this task. It is best to


"Where are you going?" asked Toby as he noticed Sirius heading for the


"To study," replied Sirius, and everyone looked at him with shocked


"I got held up because of the Aurors and the damn vaults! It's a month

until exams!" justified Sirius indignantly as he walked out of the



You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 155: Quidditch Final I

The tense atmosphere generated by the cursed vaults dissipated from

Hogwarts. It was replaced by a nervous and tense atmosphere caused by

the exam season. It was only a month and a few days away.

James had already told Sirius, Gwen, Snape, and the others that they

would continue to search for the cursed vaults. They all knew about the

final vault and that the creator was the ancient Japanese wizard: Dai


They all agreed to continue the search for the vaults. Even Snape and

Regulus. So they had begun to decipher the riddle as they studied.

This meant that they would have to find the other two vaults, get inside

to get the treasures, and destroy the cursed core. The latter so that

Hogwarts would not be in danger.

So James decided to give the marauders a training regimen. Especially

Sirius, Peter, and Toby. Lupin usually studies and practices with him in

the evenings in the Room of Requirement and is stronger than the other

three marauders.

'I've got to hide! At this rate he'll catch me!' thought Sirius, who was

running through the corridors of Hogwarts Castle.

He had sweat all over his body. He looked back, and there was no one

there. He quickly opened the door to a hall and stepped inside.

"Phew..." sighed Sirius wearily as he leaned against the door. As he

looked into the hall he noticed that there was a group of Gryffindor

students. They looked smaller than him, so they would be first years.

They were a group of two boys and three girls. They had pushed the

tables together to prop up books, parchment, and papers.

Sirius noticed the strange looks on him but said nothing. His expression

turned ugly when he heard the sounds of footsteps. He quickly ran over

to a large cupboard, climbed in, and closed it.

"..." the first-year Gryffindor students looked at each other not

understanding what was going on.

They knew Sirius. He was a very popular second-year student. Because of

his last name, his looks, his good grades, and because he was friends with

one of the most popular students in recent times.

The door to the living room was opened again.

"James?" asked a girl with short black hair and gray eyes.

"Hello, Rachel," greeted James recognizing the first-year girl.

'Remember my name!' thought Rachel nervously as she combed her hair

and adjusted her robe.

"Sorry to interrupt your study. Did you happen to see a rushed, sweaty

student come in?" asked James.

The students looked at each other. They didn't know whether to tell on

Sirius or not. They knew they were friends, but Sirius seemed scared for

some reason unknown to them.

The only one who answered without hesitation was Rachel, "He's hiding

in that cupboard," she said, pointing her finger at the cupboard.

'This girl...' thought Rachel's friends, sighing and shaking their heads.

"Thank you," James said and was starting to walk towards the closet.

When he was a few feet away Sirius threw open the doors and exclaimed,

"Petrificus Totalus!"

"Protego," said James with a stoic expression. His shield easily protected

him from Sirius' spell. He didn't use Aeromanteo because he didn't want

to deflect the spell and have it destroy some furniture or something.

Without giving Sirius time he cast an Atabrachium binding his arms and

legs. His target had been captured.

"Look at the time you wasted us. Come on. Gotta train," James said,

nudging Sirius to walk. As his legs were bound he couldn't run only walk

one step at a time, which prevented him from running away.

'This is James Potter...' thought the gawking first-year students. They saw

him throw a Protego and easily capture Sirius. None of them would have

been able to react to the spell Sirius cast. It was too fast for their eyes.

However, James fought back without much effort.

"Ollivander girl, you betrayed me," Sirius said indignantly, looking at

Rachel, who looked down fearfully.

"Don't bother the younger students. Walk," said James, pushing Sirius


"Don't worry. He barks, but he doesn't do anything," added James,

looking at Rachel with a smile.

"Thanks..." murmured Rachel, looking at James' back, who was getting

closer and closer to the door.

"James!" called Rachel.

"Mm?" said James, stopping and looking at the girl.

"It's just a little while before the game, and I was wondering how you

guys are doing in training. You know... Everything is decided in this

match against Slytherin. Even the house cup," Rachel said quickly almost

choking up.

"That's right. That match will decide the quidditch champion and most

likely the winner of the house cup," nodded James.

The winner of the Quidditch Cup gets fifty points for their house. A great

sum. Especially at the moment. Gryffindor and Slytherin are tied on the

house cup scoreboard.

Both houses had 415 points. Below them was Hufflepuff with 380 and in

last place Ravenclaw with 370.

Because of this situation, whoever wins the cup between Gryffindor and

Slytherins will also win the house cup. Since it will be almost impossible

to get fifty points when there are so few classes and lessons left where

points can be earned.

"Captain William is giving us a lot of training, but all good. I hope you'll

go and cheer us on," said James with a slight smile.

"Of course, I'll come! I'll get you another garment," said Rachel

enthusiastically. When she gave him the scarf they had a great victory. It

could be some kind of ritual.

"Yeah, sure... Thanks," said James, saying goodbye to the girl and

pushing Sirius. The other students didn't say a word since James walked

in. They were all too nervous to speak.

"His aura is very different from what I thought," Rachel's friend said.

"Yeah... He looks like royalty," said a boy with a strange expression.

Most thought James would have a joking and relaxed presence, as they

had heard rumors of pranks he played along with Sirius and his other

friends, but that wasn't the case.

Ever since the incident against Anastasia and the other Slytherin students

in the courtyard, the perception of James had changed.

As they left the hall, three more people were waiting for them. Lupin,

Peter and Toby. The last two were bound by invisible ropes as was Sirius.

"Looks like you two got caught too," Sirius said with a grimace.

"You're just wasting our time chasing after them. Accept your fate," said

Lupin and started walking along with James and his prisoners.

Since the goal was to find the vaults the whole group had to be strong. So

James had no mercy. Besides, this will be useful for the future war

against Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

The training lasted only an hour. He knew they had to study, but in that

one hour, he beat them to a pulp. Then, he began his individual training.

Later they study more advanced subjects and lastly, study subjects they

don't like so much like Astronomy and the History of Magic.

Lucky or not, they will not have a Defense Against the Dark Arts exam.

Good luck as the subjects taught by Eustace were a complete waste of

time. Bad luck because students kept falling behind in that subject. If the

students were not self-taught the offensive and defensive spells they

learned were very few.

James finished the day exhausted. He preferred this to having time off.

That way there was no time to think about sad things. Most of all,

remembers his grandfather Henry.

In this way, the days passed. The first match of the third and final

quidditch matchday arrived. Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff.

It was a very close and exciting match for both houses and quidditch

fans. After two and a half hours of the match, Hufflepuff's seeker Amos

Diggory managed to catch the snitch giving the victory to his team.

Hufflepuff with this victory reached second place with 440 points, but

they could not reach Gryffindor who had 490 and one game less. So

much for this year's competition.

The championship would be defined as the last weekend of May.

Gryffindor vs Slytherin. The difference in points was big.

Gryffindor had two hundred points more than the snakes, so the latter

before catching the snitch must get 50 points ahead to tie and 60 to pass


The days leading up to the game were very tense. Exams being just

around the corner didn't help. Both houses kept a close eye on each

other. Especially the members of the teams.

William had the Prewett brothers act as James' bodyguards. They

followed him everywhere. If he went to the bathroom, for a walk

whatever. According to them, it was for safety.

James would have liked it if some Slytherin student had attacked him. It

would have served as training.

Finally, the day of the match arrived.

Early in the morning, James headed to the dining hall along with the

team members and his friends for breakfast. The day was sunny with few


A large number of Gryffindor students followed him to the dining hall. It

was a mass of people in red and gold colors marching.

Almost 100% had Gryffindor flags, banners to cheer on the team, etc.

Even on the way to the dining hall a tall, stocky seventh-year boy started

chanting, and everyone followed him.

'What are we hooligans?' thought James, who was in the middle of the

crowd and being dragged along by everyone. If he stopped he would be


"They sure are enthusiastic," commented Lupin with a slight grimace.

Although they had infected his spirit he never thought they would go to

such extremes. It was eight o'clock in the morning.

"What?! I can't hear you. Speak up!" said Sirius, who stopped singing and

moved his ear closer.

They arrived at the Great Hall, and the Slytherin table was full. When

they saw them arrive, they started to sing songs making fun of them. So

the Gryffindor songmakers started a war of court songs.

After breakfast James and the team members left the dining room amidst

applause, cheers, and encouragement from the Gryffindor table. As for

the Slytherin team, they were dismissed with whistles and boos.

The same went for the Slytherin team, but the reverse.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 156: Quidditch Final II

The stands on the Quidditch pitch were packed. The whole school was

watching the game expectantly.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin stands were chanting and cheering like

never before. Today's match was the most important of the season.

Before going out onto the pitch, Professor McGonagall the head of

Gryffindor House gave them a motivational speech. It is very rare to see a

stern and demanding professor.

Both teams walked out onto the pitch and were greeted by many cheers.

Instructor Hooch began to talk to the Gryffindor and Slytherin captains,

who looked at each other with unfriendly faces.

"Oh my god," Sirius muttered, looking at the whole crowd shouting and

whistling. In the professor's stand, he could see a big silver cup that

everyone was wishing for. Imagining that the big cup could end up in the

hands of the Slytherin students made him more nervous.

This was the third match he had played, but he was more nervous than

ever. This match had much more serious implications.

If they lost they would be sad and dejected as ever. They would be the

disappointment of all Gryffindor. Slytherin would taunt them for a long

time. He doesn't want that.

"Relax. Your new broom will carry us to victory," James said, patting

Sirius' shoulder.

Sirius achieved his goal with the school paper. He managed to buy the

new Nimbus thanks to his business. No need for his mother's money.

"I hope so. Catch the snitch as soon as possible," Sirius said, gripping his

new broom tightly. They couldn't miss.

"Mount your brooms!" shouted Hooch. Seconds later, she blew her

whistle, and they all took to the air. Commentator Murphy McNully

began his enthusiastic account of the match that would decide this year's


James was flying his trusty old friend Nimbus 1001. He could have

bought the new Nimbus, but he didn't want to. The Nimbus 1001 he

bought with his grandfather. He would keep this broom until he couldn't


While he was looking for the snitch he paid attention to the batters. He

had to dodge a Bludger or two. It was easy. It was harder to dodge hits

from enemies that wanted to murder you like the Ice Knights or the


Most of the eyes in the stadium were on James. In the previous match, he

used a very difficult and almost unseen technique to get rid of the

opposing seeker. Everyone wondered what he would do today.

The opening minutes of the match were quiet. The snitch was out of

sight, which allowed the Slytherin team to reach 50 points. Now they

could breathe easily.

From this point on the air was more tense. Whoever caught the snitch

would win the game. The score was tied 70-70. The game was getting

close and tense.

"Damn!" growled Gideon as he was tricked by an opposing chaser.

"Watch out, James!" shouted Fabian. Neither of them expected that the

three chasers would use a tactic to intercept them.

This allowed the Slytherin batters to hit the two bludgers and send them

toward James at great speed and aiming at different parts.

To the surprise of the entire stadium, James dodged the Bludgers with

great prowess and without changing his expression. At no time did he get


"Did you all see what I saw? Gryffindor's seeker, James Potter performed

a perfect Tailrek Twirl!" shouted Murphy excitedly and jumped to his

feet. The entire Gryffindor stand applauded James, and the Slytherins

were disappointed that he didn't dive.

The Tailrek Twirl was an advanced flying technique, where the player

rolls their broom more than once to avoid Bludgers. It is difficult to do as

you need great skill, speed, and reflexes.

James was attacked by Bludgers thrown by his father, grandfather and

uncle. Adult Quidditch fanatics who showed no mercy to anyone. So it

wasn't hard for him to dodge the Bludgers from the Slytherin students.

"Well done, you little monster!" shouted Gideon, sighing in relief.

"This will never happen again!" shouted Fabian angrily. Because of him

they almost lost their star seeker.

'Little monster...?' thought James with a strange expression without

saying anything. He kept looking for traces of the snitch.

Finally, he found it. The bad thing was that the Slytherin seeker also saw

it and started a race. The whole stadium had its eyes on them. The other

members of each team also wanted to support their seeker and stopped

paying attention to the Quaffles.

The snitch felt the threat of being caught and began to rise higher and

higher into the sky. Way up. James and the rival seeker followed it

without losing speed. The people in the stands looked smaller and

smaller, like black dots.

The higher they went, the harder it was to breathe, and the more difficult

it was for the brooms to reach new heights. From one moment to the next

the snitch began to descend at breakneck speed.

Both seekers began to descend at a great and dangerous speed trying to

catch the snitch.

As they got closer and closer to the ground the Slytherin seeker began to

slow down. It would be dangerous to maintain those miles per hour and

then not be able to stop. Which would cause him to crash into the


However, James did not slow down. On the contrary, he increased his

speed using inertia and his broom. He began to spiral downward, gaining

even more speed past the Slytherin seeker.

He was hurtling towards the ground like a bullet, metaphorically

speaking, which provoked gasps and cheers from the crowd. Many closed

their eyes at the impending crash into the hard ground, many others kept

their eyes on James.

Thanks to his blazing speed he managed to catch the snitch. The bad

thing was that to stop and not break several bones in the attempt he had

to be fast and precise.

He managed to slow down, but not stop completely. Knowing that his

fate was sealed he jumped off the broom to roll and not fall on his face.

Also so that his Nimbus 1001 would not suffer serious damage.

He rolled on the ground kicking up dirt and feeling pain in all his joints.

He gripped the snitch tightly. Finally, he stopped. The stadium was silent.

Gwen had stood up, fingers crossed over her mouth. She couldn't believe

why James was so extreme at playing quidditch.

James stood up spitting up some dirt and being watched by hundreds of

eyes. He held out his arm with his fist in the air. He then slowly opened

it revealing the golden snitch.

The silent Gryffindor crowd erupted in cheers and applause at the sight

of such a scene. They started shouting champions and more things that

James didn't understand because of all the shouting and headaches from

the hit. He had a big bump on his forehead.

Before James could see the state of his broom several hands pulled him

was the rest of the team, who were shouting in jubilation.

"We won!" bellowed Sirius.

William, Gideon, Fabian, Annabeth, and the rest of the substitute team

were bursting with joy as they surrounded James lifting him into the air.

'It hurts...' thought James without saying anything so as not to stop the

team's celebration. Although he was sure that with the euphoria they had

they wouldn't hear him.

After catching the snitch the game was over. The award ceremony was

held. Where Dumbledore himself handed the Silver Cup to Captain


The walk back to the Gryffindor hall was more animated than this

morning. The team members were surrounded by a very noisy scarlet and

gold crowd. The silver cup was being passed from hand to hand among

the team members.

Sirius took the cup climbed onto James' shoulders, and raised the cup as

high as he could while being cheered by everyone.

"Let's crush those damn snakes!" shouted Sirius, as he continued to insult

the noble house of Slytherin that his mother was so fond of.

The party in the Gryffindor common room was the craziest and longest

that James and the marauders have experienced since they have been at

Hogwarts. It lasted all day and into the night. After dinner in the large

dining room which was very noisy on the Gryffindor side, they continued

with the party.

The Prewett brothers didn't want it to end and continued it until many

fell asleep on the couches and the floor. James didn't even have time to

take a bath and go to the infirmary because of the bruises he received

from the fall.

The next day James met Gwen on the balcony in hiding. Although their

relationship was no longer a secret, it was the best place to talk with nice

views and undisturbed.

"That last move was very dangerous," Gwen said as she sipped her tea


"That's the third time you've told me that already," said James, taking a

bite of a rich chocolate dessert.

"I'm telling you again because you don't seem to make a big deal out of

it," said Gwen.

"Next time, I won't do something so dangerous..." said James, giving up.

If he didn't they would continue this conversation that was going


"Fine," said Gwen with a smile. She didn't care that her house had lost the

quidditch cup. She was happier that James had won it, as she knew he

loved quidditch.

"Have you been studying for exams?" asked James. It was just a short

time before the week of exams was about to begin which made many

students nervous and stressed.

"Of course I have. It will be easier since we don't have a DADA exam.

Since I have you for a professor, I don't care that we don't have that

exam," Gwen replied.

"I'm glad you find my lessons useful," said James with a slight smile. At

this last time, he showed Gwen the room of requirements, and they

started practicing together. Since there were two vaults left it would be

good for Gwen to increase her power in combat which was already very


"You are doing well with your study? I can help you with something if

you want," said Gwen, willing to help James in his study.

"Mm... I'll need some help with Astronomy," James said. Even though he

knew he'd pass the help wouldn't hurt, and he could spend more time

with Gwen.

"Fine. I'll help you," said Gwen with a smile. In this way, she

accomplished her mission. She could spend more time with James.

"After exams, you should have your talk with Emily. My parents are

already ready for her to come with me to Potter Manor," James


"Yes. I don't know how she will react..." said Gwen, worried. She didn't

want to force her sister, and if for some reason she refused she won't be

able to do much.

"Don't worry. We'll convince her. I'm sure she'll be happy she doesn't have

to go back to your crazy mother," said James, realizing at last he called

Gwen's mother crazy.

"It doesn't matter. Yes, she is crazy," said Gwen with a chuckle, noticing

James' expression who was about to take back that last sentence.

'That's two people already who consider their mother crazy' thought

James. He was referring to Sirius and Gwen. In his past life might have

considered his mother crazy, albeit in a different way. Since Elizabeth

was in control of everything, she wasn't a screaming or thrashing

madwoman like Gwen's and Sirius' mothers.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 157: Anger

"So... You want me to be considered a blood traitor. So, I can be erased

from the family tree so I can live at Potter Manor?" said Emily with her

usual expressionless face. In front of her stood James and Gwen, who had

explained their plan for her to escape her home safely.

"Exactly. You're a half-breed anyway. It would be idiotic for you to attach

yourself to the supremacist ideals of the Shafiq family. If you ask me,"

James said with a calm expression savoring a rich cake that Gwen

prepared for him or most likely the Hogwarts house elves.

James already considered the supremacist ideals of pureblood wizarding

families idiotic. More idiotic he would consider a person who was half-

blood and knew it, accepting these ideals.

Emily frowned at James' comment. She lived her whole life in an

environment with supremacist ideals. When she learned that her mother

was a Muggle and she was a half-blood it was hard for her to accept it.

After all, she had those supremacist thoughts instilled in her since birth.

Gwen elbowed James for the comment, "Ouch, did I say something

wrong? There's nothing wrong with being half-blood or muggle-born.

There's no evidence of that. Just biased, xenophobic thoughts. Lupin, my

half-blood friend, can defeat Rabastan with no problem. I'm sure of it,"

James said without backing down.

"I get your point. I always side with you, and you always say so. But it's

not easy to accept for someone who grew up with our ideals," Gwen said

with a frown.

"Stupid ideas that rely on thoughts with no foundation whatsoever. You'd

better leave them behind as soon as possible. If you want to be superior

to others train to crush them, don't think your stupid lineage will help

you at all," said James, getting up and walking towards the door.

"If you decide to come to Potter Manor let me know," said James without

turning around and leaving the balcony hiding.

"What's wrong with him...?" asked Emily in surprise. She rarely saw

James in a bad temper.

"He hates supremacist ideals... His grandfather always stood up for

muggles, half-bloods, and muggle-born. He has no tolerance for

supremacist ideals. He proved it against Anastasia..." replied Gwen.

"Mm... How are you compatible with him?" asked Emily with a raised

eyebrow. From what she knew of her sister she was a supremacist,

though not as extreme as Anastasia Nott. It was true that she got better,

but Emily didn't know that since she didn't relate to her because of her

crazy mother.

"Because I changed!" replied Gwen in a high-pitched tone and clenching

her fists. Emily was surprised by the energetic response.

'Touch a nerve...?' thought Emily not understanding her older sister's


Gwen realized James' rejection of supremacist ideals. She was afraid that

he might decide to distance himself from her because of her family and

her previous xenophobic behavior towards half-bloods, muggle-born and


It is a struggle for her to change these ideals, and the process continues,

but she has to do it if she doesn't want her James relationship to end.

"Let's talk about earlier... The best thing is for you to go live with James.

That way you won't be mistreated by Mother anymore," Gwen said with a

worried look on her face.

Emily stood thinking, she remembered James' words. After a few seconds

she replied, "Fine, I will."


'Damn supremacists...' thought James, walking angrily towards the

dragon clubhouse. He wanted to retaliate against the training dummies

and be alone. In the room of requirement would be the marauders

studying or practicing quietly. Much better than the library or the

Gryffindor common room.

It was rare for him to be angry, but this subject was one of the most

successful. His grandfather always defended muggles, muggle-born, and

half-bloods. Because of this many supremacist families turned against

him and branded him a blood traitor.

Many of these families must be supporting Voldemort and joining the

Death Eaters by covering their faces. So, they are future enemies.

Blood traitor? Nonsense. He will teach them a lesson in this war that has

already begun. Though it is still in its beginnings.

He arrived at the dragon clubhouse, and it was empty. That's the good

thing about exam time. Everyone is studying in isolation from everyone

else, so it is always empty during these times.

He went to the dueling room and started practicing against the magical

dummies that had superior defenses to withstand James' spells.

Otherwise, they would have been burned, frozen, or destroyed into

several pieces by now.

'Fire!' thought James from his wand a stream of flames was conjured that

was losing power until it hit the dummy.

'What a weak power...' thought James, unhappy about achieving a non-

verbal magic spell being only a second year, almost a third year.

Non-verbal magic is very difficult and takes a lot of practice. Something

James does not lack. At Hogwarts, it is taught in the sixth year in the

DADA class.

James was already able to cast basic non-verbal spells such as Incendio,

Flipendo, Immobulus, and Lumos, among others. The downside was that

the potency decreased by 50% compared to if he cast it verbally.

'It's not all bad. Aeromanteo non-verbally is much better, since the power

doesn't matter,' thought James. He shouldn't be in a hurry. If he kept

practicing he would manage to get full power with non-verbal form


"Non-verbal magic..." said a voice in a surprised tone. James turned his

head and noticed a girl with pale skin, blue eyes, and long almost silver

blonde hair. It was Narcissa Black. Sirius' cousin.

'I didn't notice her presence...' thought James, sighing internally. He was

deep into his training, though in reality, it was taking it out on the poor


James since the day he stood Narcissa up at the dragon club with the

promise of a serious duel, had begun to avoid the cold-hearted Princess

Black. He didn't want to argue with her and have to apologize by giving a

cheap excuse.

As for Narcissa, she was annoyed and indignant with James. No one ever

dared to stand her up, least of all a boy. She wanted to look for James,

but he always avoided her, something that made her angrier. Finally

today she managed to find him alone in the dragon club, but she ended

up seeing something that left her speechless.

How did an almost third-year boy know nonverbal magic? She hadn't

even learned that yet.

James and Narcissa stared at each other in silence.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" asked Narcissa, breaking the silence

and walking towards James. She stopped a few feet away from him and

looked at him with her blue eyes.

"What do you want me to say?" asked James.

"Why did you stand me up? Tell the truth. You were found in the vault of

fear that day with Sirius and the other students who managed to get

there," said Narcissa, who knew James had taken her to the dragon club

to distract her.

"It's simple. With Sirius, we found the paper, and I didn't want someone

else to see us with it. So, I distracted you so you wouldn't tell the

professors about the paper, and we could go quietly to the vault..."

replied James without hesitation.

That was true in a way. What he didn't tell her was that they planned

everything themselves about the location of the vault, the newspapers,


"Mm," Narcissa said, staring at James. She found no trace of doubt in

James' eyes so she decided to believe him. It's only natural that he and

her cousin, who always wants to run riot would want to head towards the

vault of fear. She wouldn't have done something so dangerous and would

have handed them over to the professors.

James wanted to leave the room, but Narcissa stood in his way not

letting him walk.

"What are you doing?" asked James with little patience. Today was not a

day when he had much patience.

"Apologize. You stood me up. So you owe me an apology," Narcissa said,

crossing her arms and looking at James with her cold eyes.

"Are you serious?" asked James, pissed off. Narcissa was right, but the

way she was asking for the apology angered James, who already had

little patience. Besides, he remembered that Narcissa follows the ideals of

blood supremacists. So, it made the situation worse.

"If you want me to apologize beat me in a duel. What do you say?" asked

James angrily, gripping his wand tightly.

Narcissa's expression fluctuated. She had witnessed when James swept

the floor with the Slytherin students in the courtyard. Even a fourth-year


She had just witnessed James perform nonverbal magic. Also, the rumor

of him defeating Professor Eustace Burke went all over Hogwarts. Even

though the bald man didn't look very strong, he was still a DADA

professor. Because of all this, she no longer had much confidence in

defeating James in a serious duel.

'His presence is similar to that of the day in the courtyard...' thought

Narcissa, seeing James' icy stare. She felt a strange feeling, it wasn't


"F-fine... All or nothing. Just one round," Narcissa said after a few

seconds and stuttering slightly. Something odd to see in her, though

James didn't notice it because of her anger.

James nodded and walked away from Narcissa, putting the appropriate

distance for a duel.

"The starting signal will be when the galleon hits the ground," James

said, and Narcissa nodded, gripping her wand tightly and sharpening her


James tossed the coin upwards. The coin spun and spun. Narcissa looked

at the coin, but James just stared at her. The sound was enough.

Narcissa noticed out of the corner of her eye James' gaze on her, but she

didn't let it make her nervous, maybe just a little.

By the time the coin hit the ground and Narcissa was flicking her wand to

cast her spell, James had already made his move. His reaction and speed

surpassed Narcissa's.

"Lumos Solem!"

From his wand came a blinding flash that blinded Narcissa and stopped

her movements as she could no longer see.

Before the girl regained her sight, James cast a powerful Expelliarmus

that knocked her wand out of her hands and also sent her flying several

meters backward until she fell on the ground.

'Shit, I crossed the line...' thought James seeing Narcissa's body lying on

the cold ground. He quickly ran over to her.

"Are you okay?" asked James, kneeling and wanting to help her, but the

girl refused with an icy expression and pushed him away.

"You're hurt. Let me help you," said James, noticing that Narcissa's

delicate, pale hand was scraped, though it was only a slight wound.

"Don't touch me," Narcissa said in an icy tone.

"Please. I just want to help..." said James, looking at Narcissa, who after a

few seconds of silence nodded and held out her hand.

James took Narcissa's hand gently and with his free hand cast a spell to

heal the scratch. In a few seconds, Narcissa's hand was as good as new.

Then he cast a muscle pain spell on her, as the Expelliarmus hit, and the

fall must have hurt.

"You... you know healing magic too?" asked Narcissa, surprised and

feeling her body like new. She no longer felt any pain at all.

"Yes, my mother taught me from a young age," James replied.

'How is he so good at everything...' thought Narcissa, looking at James as

if he was a monstrous genius. She considered herself a genius, but

compared to James she was a long way off.

James' level was not at all normal, even for those considered geniuses.

This to Narcissa reminded her of Dumbledore and all the

accomplishments he had when he was at Hogwarts. The old headmaster's

life was very famous, and there were many stories of his


James helped Narcissa to her feet. Then with an Accio, he drew his wand

and handed it back to her.

"I'm sorry..." said James, bowing his head slightly.

"What?" asked Narcissa, surprised by the sudden apology.

"My earlier behavior was rude for which I apologize. I know it's no

excuse, but I had a bad day... I'm also sorry for leaving you posted the

other day and avoiding you these days. It wasn't polite of me," James said

in an apologetic tone.

'What a gentleman...' thought Narcissa, pleased with James' behavior.

Befitting his status. Few knew how to behave in a noble manner, even

boys of her class who belonged to pureblood families.

As for James, he lived all his previous life by the highest class standards

in the world. If he wanted to he could behave like the most chivalrous

and classy person in all of Hogwarts, but he didn't want to.

"Apologies accepted," said Narcissa.

"Thank you... Well, I'll be getting back to my common room. See you,"

said James, saying goodbye politely.

"Wait," said Narcissa, grabbing James by the wrist.

"What's wrong?" asked James, surprised at Narcissa making physical


"I accept your apology, but you must make it up to me," said Narcissa,

and a slight smile formed on her face.

'She is pretty...' thought James for a fleeting moment. Narcissa's beauty

could not be denied. She could be considered in the top three at

Hogwarts easily.

"How do you want me to repay you...?" asked James, dropping those

thoughts instantly.

"Train with me... I need a helpful companion like you," said Narcissa. She

hardly had any friends, and the people who followed her were

bootlickers and not as interesting as James.

"Okay..." said James, scratching his head.

"Let's start now," said Narcissa.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 158: Voldemort appears

The month of June began and that signaled the beginning of the week of

exams. Just like last year, they were divided into theoretical and

practical. The atmosphere in the halls of Hogwarts was tense and quiet.

You could see students walking around with parchment and books.

James seemed out of place. He was the only one relaxed and not showing

any nerves. In his previous life, he had more intense weeks. Besides, he

liked magic, even though some subjects were not his favorite he was

better than his old mother made him study.

Just like last year, he managed to pass all the exams becoming the best

second-year student of all the houses. Despite his hellish training his

grades were barely affected, and remained at the top.

Professor McGonagall was even more surprised than last year when she

saw James' practical transfiguration skills and theoretical knowledge.

This is normal since this year one of its focuses was the Transfiguration.

Their goal is to achieve conjuration.

In Charms, it was easy, as his level is very advanced compared to the

easy spells they have to do with Professor Flitwick. He couldn't show

everything he knew in DADA, but he didn't mind. More time to practice

on his own and not waste time on a useless exam, since the topics the

bald guy taught sucked.

"Finished exams. We all passed. We were champions in Quidditch, and

it's just a matter of time before the house cup. A perfect year. Plus, we

had the best adventure in the vaults," said Sirius, leaning back on the

grass and looking up at the sky with a satisfied smile.

"Yeah... It was a crazy year. I didn't think it would be any more eventful

than the first year," commented Lupin. On top of everything Sirius said,

his friends found out about his lycanthropy and accepted it, and he

trained like crazy because of James, though he didn't see it as a bad


"Next vault we go in!" said Toby, clenching his fists with determination.

He didn't want to be left out. With James' training, he had the confidence

to be useful in battles.

'Us?' thought Peter fearfully. He didn't want to go into a deadly vault no

matter how much training he had done this last while.

"Way to go, Toby!" said Sirius with a faint smile. The Gryffindors had to

be brave and not hang back.

"By Snape, Gwen, and Regulus' progress on the riddle next year when we

get into Hogwarts we'll already be able to go to the vault," commented


"That's the best thing. An adventure at the beginning of the year. We

won't have any homework, we can focus on the bloody vault," said Sirius.

"Yeah..." nodded Lupin and then looked at James, who had his eyes fixed

on the intermediate transfiguration book.

"Are you still studying...?" asked Lupin, and everyone looked at James.

"Yes. The leader of the Death Eaters finally showed up..." said James with

a slight frown.

"Voldemort," he added, saying the name slowly.

"Don't say it!" shrieked Peter, covering his mouth and looking all around

in fear. The smiling faces of the others also faded. Maybe it wasn't such a

perfect year.

Death Eater terrorist attacks were on the rise this year. Since 1970, these

attacks had spread terror among wizards and muggles alike, with

numerous attacks on muggle-borns and confrontations with the Aurors,

who were struggling to maintain order.

No one knew who the leader of the dark wizards called the Death Eaters

was. That is until now.

Finally, it was known who was the leader of these demented dark

wizards who wanted to rebel against the Ministry. During exam week,

Azkaban was attacked by Death Eaters.

The goal of the Death Eaters was to free Dementors to join them and dark

wizard prisoners, many of whom immediately joined their ranks.

Despite the surprise attack and the brutality of the Death Eaters, the

Aurors stationed at Azkaban, led by Alastor Moody, a well-known and

powerful Auror, put up a fierce resistance.

In that same battle, Voldemort proclaimed himself the Dark Lord,

declaring a new era of terror and supremacy of pure wizards. His other

nickname is Lord Voldemort, but for some reason, everyone fears the

name Voldemort. They feel it is an ominous name. So when he is spoken

of he is referred to as the Dark Lord.

Although Voldemort did not manage to completely overthrow Azkaban

or eliminate all the Aurors, he did manage to free several of the prisoners

and secure the loyalty of many Dementors, strengthening his ranks

considerably. The attack also had a devastating psychological effect,

further terrorizing the magical community.

All of this was covered by several magical newspapers. So the Prophet

had no choice but to publish it. Since it was impossible to hide a large-

scale attack like the one that happened in Azkaban.

James, knowing this, focused more on his study and training. Now that

he had several weeks off before returning home he spent all day in the

library, in the dragon club, or the requirements room. In a few days, he

would finish the intermediate transfiguration book. Not only to read it

but also to learn all the transfiguration spells covered in this book.

He thought it would take him a year and a few months to complete this

book, but he would finish it in less than a year. Great speed.

He would leave some time to devote to improving his relationships.

Especially, at the Slughorn Club. He would need talented people. He

improved his relationship with Frank, Erika, and even Narcissa, who

asked to train with him these days off. The cold princess is more bearable

than James first imagined.

"Well... The Ministry and the Aurors will take care of it, right?" said Peter

breaking the silence. His tone didn't sound very confident.

"Yes, we even have Dumbledore. The most powerful wizard," said Toby,

trying to lighten the mood.

'Dumbledore...' thought James. The old headmaster throughout the year

was very absent from Hogwarts. You could tell he was hardly ever at

breakfasts or dinners. He was even absent from several Quidditch

matches, except for the final.

This could mean that he was fighting Death Eaters. James knew that

Dumbledore was the head wizard in the Wizengamot. With such a

position of power and considered the strongest wizard it wouldn't make

sense for him to do nothing while Voldemort wants to overthrow the

current Ministry of Magic.

"We can't be 100% confident that the Ministry and the Aurors will win

over the Death Eaters. In a war, anything can happen. You must keep in

mind that the goal of Voldemort and his followers is pureblood

supremacy," said James in a serious tone.

"And what's that got to do with it?" asked Peter uncomprehendingly.

"Who have supremacist ideals?" asked James and Peter, and the others

had many famous wizarding families come to mind: Lestrange, Nott,

Shafiq, Black...

"He's sure to have the support of several extremist families who have had

those ideals for a long time. Only now they have a crazy leader who

wants to fulfill those ideals and eliminate the impure," said James.

"Are you saying that respected wizards from those ancient families want

to overthrow the Ministry of Magic?" asked Lupin, and James nodded.

Lupin, Sirius, and the others hadn't thought about this point. It's logical if

you think about it. Who has these extreme ideals? They know very well.

Sirius knows very well knows his parents.

The problem is that if these powerful and ancient families support

Voldemort the war is much more serious than they thought, and the

chances of winning are not as high as they used to be.

"Sirius, investigate your family. Especially the part of your uncles and

cousins. House Black is one of the oldest houses in Britain. You know

very well the ideals your parents wanted to impose on you. Voldemort is

likely to seek their support if he hasn't already gotten it," said James.

'He said it again!' thought Peter as he heard the unmentionable's name.

"Leave it to me," said Sirius in a serious tone, very different from his

usual relaxed and joking character. He is the black sheep of the family

next to Alphard and Andromeda. He doesn't want his parents to join the

Death Eaters and wear ugly masks while murdering innocent people.

"Focus on your cousin Bellatrix Lestrange..." said James with a thoughtful


He had seen Sirius' older cousin at Andromeda's wedding. She is the older

sister of Andromeda and Narcissa. He noticed the look of hatred and

contempt she gave Andromeda and her new Muggle-born husband.

Even the girl looked ready to strike at that moment. Her murderous

intent and rage were noticeable. From what Sirius told him her older

cousin was scary and was always the one who embraced supremacist

ideals the most.

As she is a young girl in her twenties it is logical for her to join the Death

Eaters and want to create a new status quo. It is logical for young people

to want to rebel against the current power. More so than the old.

You can see that in most revolutions. Look at Sirius' grandfather. He

wasn't fobbed off by Grindelwald's words and fought against him. He

didn't join in even though they shared many ideas.

"Fine, I'll investigate that madwoman," Sirius said. His summer would be

more interesting than the previous ones.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 159: End of the second


James was in the Great Hall at the end-of-the-year party. Unlike last year,

this time the Gryffindor table was laughing and chatting happily and

raising the tone.

The Great Hall was decorated in Gryffindor colors to celebrate the house's

triumph in winning the cup and being on top of the scoreboard.

A large banner showed the Gryffindor lion covering the wall behind the

professors' table. McGonagall had a slight smile on her serious face. It

had been a very good year for her house. Champions of Quidditch and

the annual house competition.

It had been over seven years since Gryffindor had emerged as Quidditch

and House Cup champions.

"Good evening students!" said Dumbledore, rising from his chair and

looking around at everyone with a broad smile. The Gryffindor table

went quiet. This would be their moment of glory.

"This year has been peculiar at Hogwarts... But it all ended well..." said

Dumbledore, beginning his ten-minute-long speech.

"Now before I hand out the Cup of Houses, I will give last-minute points.

It seems to me that this is the best occasion to give these points to be

given to several students for their brave deeds," said Dumbledore with a

slight smile.

Murmurs began to be heard from all four tables. The Gryffindor students

did not like this news. They wanted the scoreboard to stay frozen there,

they didn't want any surprises.

"Quiet, please," said Dumbledore, and within seconds everyone was


"Firstly, Xenophilius Lovegood. You earn twenty points for Ravenclaw for

the bravery you showed in wanting to defend your classmates and then

warning the professors about the vault," said Dumbledore, and the entire

Ravenclaw table erupted in applause.

Xeno had a surprised look on his face. It was the first time he got so

many points and so much applause and shoulder clapping from the

members of his house. Thanks to this Ravenclaw made it to third place

passing Hufflepuff. Although they didn't win, it was better than finishing

in last place.

"Second. Gwen Shafiq. You showed bravery and defended Hogwarts.

twenty points for Slytherin," said Dumbledore, and the Slytherin table

began to applaud and congratulate Gwen.

Slytherin's hourglass went up twenty points reaching a score of 455. It

was still below Gryffindor, who had a score of 475.

"This isn't good..." said Sirius with a grimace.

"Don't worry... We'll get some points too," said Lupin, since they were in

the vault. The Gryffindor students knew this so they were a bit calmer,

but not that much calmer.

The main concern of the Gryffindor students is Snape. The Slytherin boy

risked his life to save everyone, entering the vault so that the dark wizard

could follow him and the others could escape. This was a great heroic


Everyone knew about the incident in the vault of fear. The professors

could not hide it, so they all looked at Snape, who was not very

comfortable being watched by all the tables.

"Third. Severus Snape. Your bravery and sacrifice were very respectable.

You entered a dangerous vault being chased by a dark wizard to save the

other students... 100 points for Slytherin!" exclaimed Dumbledore, and

the entire Slytherin table exploded in applause and cheers.

The hourglass added 100 points to Slytherin, who surpassed Gryffindor

and reached 555 points. A very high number.

Many Gryffindor students cursed under their breath. As for the

marauders, they didn't complain. Even Sirius didn't say anything. To him,

Snape had deserved those points. He had risked his life and experienced

an unforgivable curse. The boy deserved it.

When the hubbub ceased Dumbledore spoke again, "Fourth and fifth.

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. They both rescued Severus from the vault

and took him to the infirmary to be treated as soon as possible. Thirty

points for Gryffindor!" said Dumbledore and the Gryffindor table cheered

and began to applaud.

Gryffindor's score reached 505 points. They were still below Slytherin.

However, everyone knew that one person from Gryffindor was missing

being rewarded.

"Finally. James Potter. You faced and defeated the dark wizard. It was a

dangerous and reckless act..." said Dumbledore, and all eyes fell on


Defeating a DADA professor as a second-year student was a feat rarely if

ever seen. Everyone wondered how the battle had gone, but they didn't

know the details.

"However, it is not your fault that a dark wizard sneaks into Hogwarts,

we adults are responsible. Your act was heroic, and you also showed

great leadership by strategizing how to deal with the enemy and sending

Xenophilius to warn the professors," Dumbledore said with a smile.

"50 points for Gryffindor!" exclaimed Dumbledore, and the entire

Gryffindor table regained their happiness and energy.

"Well done, ace!" exclaimed Gideon, hugging James. Fabian brutally

stroked James' hair tousling it even more. Everyone at the Gryffindor

table was congratulating him and applauding. A slight smile formed on

James' face. He didn't know how to react to so many congratulations.

The hourglass changed again. One hundred points were added to

Gryffindor, who reached 555 points. Tying with Slytherin.

When the Gryffindor table stopped celebrating their 50 points they

looked at the clock with confusion. The Slytherin table was the same. No

one knew what happened in the event of a tie, as there were no other

people involved in the vault incident.

"I can see their confused expressions. In the event of a tie, both houses

will share the Cup of Houses. I must remind you that it is good

competition, but we are all fellow wizards and must get along. More so in

this day and age," said Dumbledore in a serious tone.

'Why do I feel like he planned the tie...' thought James doubtfully.

Strangely, all the points distributed end in a tie for Slytherin and


As for the tie and having to share the cup James didn't mind. What

Dumbledore said is true. It is better to be united in these turbulent times.

Instead of having such a feud. Especially Gryffindor and Slytherin.

The seventh-year annual prizes of Gryffindor and Slytherin raised the

cup. It was a strange situation for the four students, but they wore smiles

as they were in front of Dumbledore and the professors.

Then, the party continued. Gryffindor and Slytherin were celebrating.

After all, they finished first, and even though they tied they put their

differences aside, and no student started an argument with another

student from another house.

'What will become of my bet with Gwen?' thought James as he enjoyed

the food and conversations with his friends.

Last vacation he bet with Gwen on who would be the winner of the house

cup. He bet on Gryffindor and Gwen on Slytherin for obvious reasons.

The loser would have to follow the winner's orders for a day. That was

the strange bet Gwen wanted.

'I guess it's nullified,' thought James, putting the subject aside.

The next day, the school year ended. James and his friends boarded the

Hogwarts Express home. The vacations began.


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Chapter 160: Lord Potter I

Potter Manor - Gloucestershire, England.

The sky is bathed in soft shades of blue and violet. The horizon is

increasingly lighter in hue indicating the impending dawn. As the sun

rises over the horizon, the first rays of light filter through the silhouette

of trees and a huge mansion.

The atmosphere is filled with a soft silence, broken only by birdsong

announcing the new day. Rays of light filtered through one of the

numerous windows of the mansion, the curtain of the room stopped the

rays of light, but it failed to stop everyone.

James slept in an oversized, luxurious bed. The sun's rays landed on his

face. His blue eyes slowly opened, and he surveyed his new room. Triple

or more the size of his previous one at Godric's Hollow.

The room reminded him of his old room when he was Edward. He didn't

like it very much. A week ago the vacation started, and this was his new

home. Potter Manor.

'Today is the day,' thought James, getting out of bed and starting to

change. In a few hours, it would be the ceremony where he would be

named Lord Potter, and the entire British magical community would

know about it.

James left his room and walked through the gigantic mansion. The

ceremony would be in the main courtyard which was very large.

'Forget the feeling of walking so much in your own house to get to the

outside...' thought James.

At Hogwarts with how gigantic the castle is, much more so than this

mansion, he was used to walking, but it's different. Hogwarts is the

school, here is his home.

He finally reached the main courtyard and could notice a lot of

movement. His parents, his two house elves, his aunt and uncle, and a

few more family members were making all the preparations for today.

'Since so early are they?' thought James, looking at all the movement. A

huge white tent stood on the lawn to protect the guests from the sun.

There were several circular tables with chairs.

"Look who's awake. Today's leading man" said Richard Potter. James'

uncle, though he was not his father's and Charlus' brother.

James greeted everyone with a smile and thanked them for all the effort

they were putting into their ceremony. Strangely, they don't hire people

to do this job, since the Potters aren't short on money, but that's just the

way they are.

"Sweetheart, what would you like for breakfast?" asked Euphemia,

putting aside what she was doing.

"Ma'am you can't do that! I'll make Master James' food!" said Mimsy in a

nervous, squeaky tone.

Euphemia looked at the house elf who had tremors and a nervous aura,

and sighed internally. She was getting used to the attitude of these two

elves by now.

"Well... I'll leave it to you," Euphemia said. Anyway, she had to take care

of a few things to make the ceremony perfect.

James found himself in a luxurious and spacious dining room. The

furniture was antique and in very good condition. A large chandelier

hung from the ceiling. In a few minutes, Mimsy served a large number of

breakfast dishes. So much for James. Breakfast for five people.

Just as James began to eat a girl with short black hair and a slightly

sleepy expression entered the room. The girl was wearing all-black

pajamas. It was Emily.

"Good morning..." said Emily in her usual monotone sitting down across

from James and starting to eat breakfast next to him.

'She's settled in nicely,' thought James, a little surprised at Emily's ease of

adjustment. He thought the girl would be more stubborn, but that was

not the case.

Before finishing Hogwarts, Emily began to be an idealistic Muggle

advocate showing it to all of Hogwarts. Even the subject she signed up

for was Muggle Studies, and she made sure everyone knew it. Earning the

rejection of several students in her house. This reached the ears of her


After that, James doesn't know the exact details of what else happened.

After school, Emily returned to her family, but the next day, she arrived

at Potter Manor. From what Gwen told him there was an Unbreakable

Vow involved. Most likely to keep Emily from talking about how she is a

half-blood and her father is a cheater.

She was then erased from her family tree and banished. As they planned

with Gwen. It has most likely reached the Shafiq's ears that the Potters

welcomed Emily into their chambers. So the relationship will be strained

when she meets Gwen's parents in the future.

"Good morning, sister," James said with a faint smile.

Emily's frown fluctuated slightly, "It should be clarified that I am your

older sister. I'm older than you by several months," she commented in an

attempt to annoy James.

What Emily was saying was true. She was born in November 1959 (the

same year as his best friend Sirius) As for him he was born in March


'Oh, she accepted that she is part of the family,' thought James a little


Emily from the moment she arrived at Potter Manor was very spoiled,

especially by Euphemia. James' mother had always wanted two children.

A girl and a boy, but she almost didn't have either.

Emily, who never had love from their mother or father was very

surprised, but internally very happy about this love she never

experienced. She never had a mother. Her blood mother died, and her

stepmother verbally and physically abused her.

"I will be Lord Potter, so it doesn't matter if you are older than me. My

position will be higher," said James, continuing to play the game of who

had a position with more relevance in the family.

"Following that logic, will your parents have to obey you? I doubt you

can do that. I know Mother still kisses you goodnight," said Emily,


James felt embarrassed by this but didn't show it. He noticed that Emily

referred to Euphemia as her mother. In a sense, she is a mother to him

and her.

'It's good that mom is giving him the love she never had,' James thought

with a slight smile glad that Emily could feel love. He knew all too well

the lack of familial love in his former life.

"What are you smiling about?" asked Emily.

"Nothing... You're right, you win. You'll be the big sister," said James, and

a slight smile of satisfaction appeared on Emily's face.

"That's good for you to know," commented Emily. Even her always

introverted and expressionless personality had changed, if only a little.

Just then another person walked in. A short boy with short blond hair

and green eyes. It was Toby. A member of the marauders. He had tousled

hair and a sleepy expression.

"You're finally awake. You're such a sleepyhead, Toby," Emily said,

looking at Toby with a frown, but her tone was gentle.

"Let him sleep as long as he wants. It's vacation, and it's still early," James

said, defending Toby.

"I know, but today is your ceremony," said Emily.

"Sorry, sister!" said Toby, apologizing enthusiastically.

"Sister...?" mumbled Emily a little surprised.

"It's okay... No big deal," said Emily, seeing Toby's innocent expression.

"Good morning, brother!" said Toby, greeting James with the same

enthusiasm as before. Especially in the word brother.

"Good morning, brother... Sit down and have breakfast," said James with

a slight smile.

Another big news was the adoption of Toby Copper by James' parents.

Now Toby Potter. His new brother. Euphemia broached the subject to

James seriously.

James was an idiot not to realize that his parents might adopt Toby. After

all, the boy was in an orphanage. If he had realized it he would have

proposed it sooner, but his head was thinking of a thousand things at


James, after finishing Hogwarts got two new siblings: Emily and Toby


The three new siblings had a leisurely breakfast as they chatted happily.

'Is Sirius going to be next? Sirius Potter' thought James amused. Because

of Sirius' rebellious personality, his mother could banish him at any


As for the jealousy he felt last year when his mother paid attention to

Toby, James didn't feel jealous this time. He didn't have time for that. His

goal was to defeat Voldemort, and for that, he couldn't pay attention to

useless things.

"Where are you going?" asked Emily as she saw James get up.

"I'm going to the training room," James replied.

"Will you be training today? On the day of your ceremony?" asked Emily,

looking strangely at James.

"Yes. There are several hours until the ceremony begins. I have time,"

James replied regardless of the look on Emily and Toby's faces. He said

goodbye to his new siblings and left the room.

"Since he got here there's not a single day that he doesn't train and study

like crazy... He said himself that it's a vacation, but it doesn't feel like it

to him," commented Emily, surprised by her brother's study and training


"He's been like that since he started his second year at Hogwarts..." said

Toby. Remembering that James wasn't as extreme in the first year.

"If that's what he likes. No one's forcing him..." said Emily without giving

the subject any more importance.

Toby didn't say anything, but he had a worried look on his face. On the

one hand, he felt that James loved magic, but on the other hand, he felt

that his friend/brother had a huge burden on his shoulders.


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Chapter 161: Lord Potter II

James had an hour to practice. Since classes were over he began to focus

on his telekinetic abilities. In addition to transfiguration and non-verbal


His wand-less magic ability is a great asset. He began to research further

and the possible uses he could put this ability that for some reason he has

a greater talent than others.

Wandless magic offers unique flexibility and control, especially useful in

combat situations. In his research, he learned that, in African and Native

American cultures, they did not rely on wands to perform magic,

developing techniques that allowed direct manipulation of magical

energy through gestures and willpower.

The wand was a European invention, and before colonization, several

cultures traditionally did not rely on such tools to perform magic.

Although their spells were more primitive. However, that didn't matter to

James. He would not use wandless magic for complex transfiguration

spells or advanced charms. He needed to use it for combat situations, and

for that he was perfect.

In addition to moving objects with his mind, he looked for other ways to

use magic without a wand. He remembered that when Regulus was about

to die, he managed to stop the ice knight and send him flying backward.

With the method he used to move objects at great speeds, he could use it

to immobilize living things. Like an Immobulus, but much faster and

more effective, although the fatigue is greater. But if he practices enough

it will improve and be better than control spells.

He used small animals to test these powers. Since they were living

creatures they opposed the force that held them. This made it more

difficult to keep them frozen unlike a control spell, but it is much faster

and more effective. He found that if he used gestures like holding out his

free hand it was much easier and more effective.

As if his hand was his wand or catalyst. Many options of this wandless

magic allowed him to replicate combat spells and make them much more

effective since he didn't need to waste time on movements with his wand

and speaking out loud. Also, the surprise factor is key, as no one expects

a third-year boy at Hogwarts to possess non-verbal wandless magic.

James with his wand turned a pair of slippers into two living white

rabbits that began to investigate the place where they were.

He extended his right arm, and the rabbit remained static on the spot.

The animal tried to move, but could not move no matter how hard he

tried. Its little body trembled.

'Diffindo,' thought James, making a gesture with his left hand in which

he held his wand. From his wand came a cutting flash that in a few

seconds cut off the rabbit's head without any difficulty.

The other rabbit sensing the death of his companion began to run away

from James, who was now looking at him, and pointed his right arm at

the rabbit. The rabbit's flight suddenly stopped. The small animal

remained static in its place.

This time, he did not use his wand. He focused on the rabbit's neck. He

made a strangling gesture with his right hand closing it slowly and

concentrating on his target.

The rabbit's eyes widened in panic, feeling an invisible force around its

neck. The pressure gradually increased, and the rabbit began to convulse,

trying to free itself from the invisible oppression that immobilized it.

Finally, there was a dull crunch, the sound of bone yielding under

magical pressure. The rabbit's neck twisted sharply, and the body fell

lifelessly to the ground, lifeless.

James' eyes sparkled with satisfaction. The timing was good, and the skill

was very effective. He wondered how good it would be against a dark

wizard. He doesn't think he can pin him down and break a human's neck

at his current level. The resistance of a dark mage will be much higher

compared to a rabbit.

'I must move on to a heavier animal,' James thought, turning around and

noticing that several people were watching him. His parents, Toby and


"I'm done with my training," said James, approaching his parents and

new siblings. He didn't mind the looks they gave him. His parents, Toby

and Emily were already aware of his talent in wandless magic.

A war was happening. He would do whatever it took to protect his family

and loved ones. Even if it meant murdering Death Eaters. He was Lord

Potter now and he must protect his family.

"I'm so sorry, James...!" said Euphemia suddenly hugging James, who had

a look of confusion.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing Mother?" asked James, not

understanding what was going on and why his mother was crying, as she

hugged him.

"I just wanted you to live a normal life...I'm a useless mother," Euphemia

murmured sadly at the way her son was going.

She was not an idiot. She knew about the turbulent times that were

hitting the magical community. She knew about all the crazy training her

son had been doing since he came home. She knew her son inside out. He

could tell the change from the first year to the second year at Hogwarts

and since Henry died.

All the responsibility he would have as Lord Potter all the weight that

Henry passed on to him and the war that started not too long ago.

Making the situation more stressful and difficult. It wasn't something a

thirteen-year-old boy would have to take responsibility for.

"It's my decision, mother. You are not at fault at all," James said patting

Euphemia on the back.

"Come on... You must bathe and get ready for the ceremony," said

Fleamont, patting James' shoulder.

After bathing and cleaning up, he changed. For this occasion, he wore a

special robe custom-made by Madame Malkin. The owner of Madame

Malkin's Robes. Where most Hogwarts students buy their robes.

James gave her directions on how he wanted the robe. It was blue with

black borders and small details, but noticeable to the naked eye. The robe

was minimalist, he didn't want something extravagant. He asked for a

simple design, but one that was still elegant and in keeping with the

dress of the magical community.

Underneath, he wore elegant plain black pants made of the highest

quality fabric and low black boots.

Around his neck hung the circular locket necklace that his grandfather

always wore around his neck and was passed down from generation to

generation among the Lord Potters.

'It's about time...' thought James, looking at the time on a tall clock in the

hall. The guests would begin to arrive. The bad thing was that he had to

wait in the house he couldn't leave yet.

He would leave when everyone had arrived. He would walk down the

carpet and be watched by everyone. Then he would be named Lord

Potter by his father, and at that point, he would greet all the guests.

"They are almost all here. In five minutes we will be leaving," said

Euphemia entering the room where James was waiting. Euphemia was

also dressed in a ceremonial robe that was very luxurious and

appropriate for the occasion.

"Good," nodded James, who was sitting in an expensive armchair reading

a book quietly.

"You don't seem nervous at all that's good," said Euphemia with a slight

smile, sitting down next to her son. She had already regained her

composure. She couldn't get sad at this important moment for James.

James stopped reading the book and chatted with his mother for the last

five minutes before leaving.

Finally, a trumpet blast echoed into the room where they were standing.

That was the signal.

James, accompanied by his mother, left the hall that connected to the

place where the ceremony would take place.

A red carpet marked the path he had to follow until he reached a

platform where his father was waiting for him. He noticed a large

number of people dressed elegantly and ostentatiously. They were all

settled in their seats and watched as he walked down the carpet. He saw

many familiar faces.

At a steady pace and being watched by many eyes James reached the

dais. His mother gave a slight nod of her head and positioned herself to

the side.

"In the presence of these distinguished guests, and under the testimony of

lineage and tradition, we are here to invest you with the title of Lord,"

Fleamont said in a serious and loud tone.

James knelt, and his father, who held a ceremonial silver sword, made a

solemn gesture, touching the blade to his shoulders.

"By the power vested in me as the most senior successor," Fleamont

proclaimed, "I name you Lord Potter, guardian of this lineage and

defender of the family."

James stood up, and his father draped a black velvet cape with gold

embroidery over his shoulders. The crowd erupted in applause and


'I will protect the family no matter what...' thought James.

With the ceremony concluded, the guests stood to greet the new Lord

Potter. The music began to play, and James began to chat with all the

guests. Some are more familiar than others.

Among the acquaintances were Sirius, Alphard, Andromeda, Regulus,

Arcturus Black III (Sirius' grandfather and old friend of his late

grandfather), and even Narcissa. He was surprised at so many Blacks at

his ceremony.

Gideon and Fabian had come with their entire Prewett family. James met

the father of his Quidditch friends and his older sister named Molly, who

had married a member of the Weasley family who also came to the

ceremony. Their cousin, Alicia, also came. James had met her at the

Slughorn club and had befriended the girl who was very talented and

close to Frank.

Molly's husband's name is Arthur Weasley. He came with his parents:

Septimus and Cedrella Weasley. His mother belonged to the Black family

when she was unmarried. After marrying a Weasley she was disowned

and erased from the Black family tree.

The Longbottoms also came: Frank, his mother Augusta, and his father

Elliot, who was much less strict than Augusta.

The Ollivander family also attended. They all knew Garrick Ollivander.

He came with his son, a squib who came accompanied by his wife and

daughter, Rachel Ollivander. A Gryffindor girl James knew as he spoke to

her a few times. The girl even gave him several nicely made and

personalized Quidditch apparel gifts.

Also in attendance were Lupin and Peter with their parents. Members of

the dragon club, all the members of the Quidditch team with their

families, and several Gryffindor students that James knew of. He didn't

care if they were from pureblood families, half-bloods, or Muggle-born.

Even Lily was in attendance with her parents, who watched the magical

culture with curious eyes.

As Lily came, so did Snape. A pleasant surprise for James. He had invited

him but didn't think the boy would come, but he did. He came

accompanied by his mother. James met her for the first time her name is:

Eileen Snape.

The party was fun. James talked to many friends and was able to improve

his relationships with other people. Most of the extreme pureblood

families were conspicuous by their absence. However, there were a lot of

members of House Black in attendance, which was something to talk



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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 162: First decisions as


The vacation days passed. Now there was a new Lord Potter, only

thirteen years old. It had been a long time since this had happened.

Usually, in ancient times, there were lords at such a young age.

James continued his studies in transfiguration. He had to retake several

theories and topics from the end of the intermediate transfiguration book.

Although his understanding is genius level that book still covered three

years of Hogwarts from third to fifth year. There were still some things

he did not grasp perfectly, and they were the basis for advanced


On the other hand, he continued to improve in his non-verbal magic and

his wandless magic, though the progress did not differ much, as only a

month had passed since the vacations began.

James had to face adult dark wizards. Even though he was reincarnated,

adding his two ages together, he was not even thirty years old. Studying,

understanding, and magical practice over time is key and that is a

disadvantage for James, who is only thirteen years old.

He doesn't know Voldemort's age, but he must be easily past forty, and

that puts him at a disadvantage.

He is not, however, in decline. His unusual talent in wandless magic is

his great advantage. He never saw wizards with such good control in

wandless magic. Even Eustace, the former DADA professor was surprised

when he learned that James used wandless and non-verbal magic. This is

not the norm, at least in the British community where wands have long

been prevalent.

In addition to maintaining this demanding routine, James used what free

time he had to take care of Potter's family affairs. Now as Lord Potter, he

must assume the responsibilities. Although his father said he could take

over, James planned to take care of family affairs.

In his former life as Edward Rothschild, he was taught by the best

professors in the world on various subjects such as economics,

mathematics, finance, politics, management, and leadership.

In addition, he was taught how to lead and manage the family. One of

the families that controlled the world. So he is an expert in this area.

Even more than most wizards and muggles.

He just had to adapt this to the magical world which was not difficult. He

had lived here for thirteen years and had already gotten used to it.

Currently, James is in a large office formerly used by his grandfather. On

his desk was a large stack of papers that James was poring over.

The Death Eater rebellion had already begun. They attacked Azkaban,

and Voldemort made himself known to the world. In such a delicate

situation James had to protect the family and prepare for war.

According to the news of the attacks that James saw in the numerous

newspapers the Death Eaters wanted to rebel and were following

supremacist ideals. At this time they were looking for members to join

their ranks, be they wizards or dark creatures such as Dementors to

achieve their purpose.

Knowing this it is logical that the Death Eaters try to recruit wizarding

families to join them. Most likely through negotiations if they do not

happen as they want they may end up attacking said family, as they will

be an enemy.

As they may attack Azkaban they may end up in a magical family

residence to force said family to join them.

James with this in mind knew what he had to do. Gather the entire

Potter family in Gloucestershire, England. Near Potter Manor is

Churchdown, a village of 5,000 inhabitants. It is in a semi-rural setting.

The Potter Family is divided into five branches. He would be of the main

branch since his father Fleamont was the direct heir of Henry the former

Lord Potter.

The second branch would be Charlus, Dorea, and Oliver. Third: Richard,

his wife Catherine, and their only son Charlie. Fourth: Elder Willie and

his wife Mary. Both are over eighty years old and had no children. Last:

Victoria Potter and her daughter Catherine James' only cousin. Victoria's

father and husband died ten years ago when James was only three years


James to convince everyone to move near Potter Manor held his first

meeting as Lord Potter a few days ago. The whole family gathered, and

James explained to them why it was best to move and have the whole

family in one spot.

Consolidating everyone in one place would provide a significant strategic

advantage in terms of defense, use of resources, and strengthening the

family. To their good fortune, everyone agreed. They knew of the

turbulent times that were happening in the magical community and felt it

was best to be united.

Everyone was amazed at James' abilities. He is only a thirteen-year-old

boy, but he is already making a plan to defend himself from possible

Death Eater attacks.

With the decision made, four properties were purchased in Churchdown.

The Potter family had enough money to afford such a large purchase of

four properties.

Everything went quietly. The other properties that were now empty

would not be sold for the time being. They would be possible shelters or

hiding places if prepared with the necessary charms and resources.

Once everyone was settled in the village near the mansion, James, with

the help of his parents and other family members, implemented

protective charms on the properties of each family member.

An anti-disappearance charm and an anti-disappearance charm. It

wouldn't be nice if dark wizards could just show up and easily leave after

attacking. As for if they need to flee if the situation is critical, James

prepared a portkey for each family group that only they knew about. This

way they could flee if things get ugly, although he doesn't think this will

happen shortly.

Luckily, the Potter family is very close-knit, and they managed to

complete all of this in only a month since the vacations began.

Once this first step was completed, James began to focus on managing

the family's financial resources. They already had a major expenditure in

buying four properties, they needed to increase the family's wealth. In a

war, money is key, even if it is a magical war.

James in his former life belonged to one of the most important families in

finance and investment. His family controlled the world's finances at one

time. So he was an expert on the subject, much more than adult wizards

who have medieval thoughts.

The easiest way to make quick money is to get Muggle money, something

James is an expert in, much more so than the magical economy which is

backward and has different customs.

The goblin-run Gringotts bank accepts Muggle's money and exchanges it

for magical money. This is so that muggle-born people can acquire

magical money and live in the magical community.

James began investing money in the Muggle world. His knowledge of

finance and investing was very high. In addition, in his past life, he

studied the history of the financial market and was currently in the year

1973. In his past life, he was from the year 2000. With his almost perfect

memory and financial knowledge, he would get his money back in a

short time and make great profits.

With his father's help, he made all the necessary transactions. It was more

difficult to move in the Muggle world, as his father is not an expert and

barely knows muggle money, so he had to take care of that part.

Completed this second step to the third: relationships with other families

to forge alliances and be on good terms. This is key for several reasons:

information exchange, mutual support, resources, etc.

This step was easier. He knew many important people at Hogwarts who

would be future heirs like him: Fabian and Gideon, William, Frank,

Lupin, and Sirius (although his family was not aligned with his interests,

there was still Alphard and Andromeda), among others.

To improve his friendships and relationships, he arranged meetings at his

mansion, inviting everyone. He had to do socializing, and the good thing

was that he got along well with everyone. Never a meeting would be

boring if Gideon and Fabian attended.

Thanks to the Prewett brothers he got to know Molly, his older sister, and

thanks to this he got to know Arthur Weasley. He is the eldest son of the

Weasleys and currently works at the Ministry. A good ally and a great

guy very enthusiastic. At one of these meetings, Arthur introduced James

to his son Charles Weasley who was not yet a year old.

A surprise of these meetings was the inclusion of two people: Regulus

and Narcissa Black. Sirius' younger brother and cousin.

James didn't know how Regulus and Narcissa's parents let them attend

Potter Manor, but if Sirius managed it, it wasn't crazy that they could too.

James suspected it was thanks to Sirius' grandfather: Arcturus Black III.

Arcturus was an old friend of his grandfather Henry, and in the conflict

that Grindelwald started, he opposed him and his goal of wiping out

muggles. So it is logical that he has the same position in this war waged

by Voldemort.

James would love to be able to have most of House Black as allies, but he

had to be careful. The ideals of this House were extreme, they were

considered the oldest in Britain for a reason, and they married between


As for Sirius, he did not doubt his best friend. He would put his hand in

the fire for him, and he knows Sirius would do the same, but he doesn't

know this about Regulus and Narcissa. They both display lofty

supremacist attitudes. They are not like Sirius, Andromeda, and Alphard,

who do not discriminate against muggles.

He will need to keep an eye on each during meetings. Let them pass on

information to his family, though he doesn't believe that. It would be too

hasty when they are only meetings between students and the occasional

adult-like Arthur or Molly.

In this way, the summer wore on. James had plenty of time, but he was

busy all day either with study, training, or family matters. Although

exhausting, it was fruitful to do so many things and to always have his

mind occupied with a goal.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 163: Narcissa Invitation

Euphemia walked through the Potter mansion. She walked up the stairs,

turned two corners, and stopped in front of two large wooden doors with

silver doorknobs. She knocked gently on the door and waited.

There was no answer. She knocked a little harder, but it was the same as

before. So she opened the door and entered the room, which was almost

dark. The window blinds were closed, and the only thing illuminated was

a magic lamp above the solid wood desk.

'The same thing again...' thought Euphemia, sighing internally. With a

slight wave of her wand, the blinds opened allowing sunlight to enter the

room illuminating it completely.

With his head lying on the desk amongst hundreds of papers and

parchments lay James sleeping soundly. His closed eyes were slightly

bothered by the sudden sunlight, but he slept on.

Euphemia looked at her beloved son with concern. Since becoming Lord

and returning from Hogwarts her son's routine had completely changed

from the previous years.

She always noticed that James was different from other children. He

liked to read, study, and practice magic with his father or grandfather

early on, but he didn't show an obsession like he did now.

He liked to spend time with his friends, and that reassured Euphemia, but

now he had changed and had become more demanding and obsessive

than ever.

He even took on responsibilities as Lord Potter taking on many tasks that

would be difficult even for adults.

Euphemia stroked James' hair affectionately, although she was worried,

she couldn't deny that she felt enormous pride in her son. What boy

showed such abilities at that age?

"Mom?" murmured James, opening his eyes slowly. It was hard to get

used to the light, but after a few seconds, he opened them fully.

"What time is it?" asked James, rubbing his eyes and putting on his

circular glasses.

"Almost ten o'clock. Two friends came to visit you," said Euphemia.

"Two friends?" asked James with a raised eyebrow. He didn't remember

having a meeting today.

"The Black sisters. Andromeda and Narcissa," Euphemia replied with a

slight smile and a different twinkle in her eye.

'Did they get what I asked for...?' thought James standing up. He

stretched out his hand, and his wand flew to him. Then with a slight

movement, he made his clothes completely straighten out of their

wrinkled state.

"That Narcissa girl is very elegant and polite. I am amazed at your ability

to attract supremacist girls," Euphemia commented with a giggle. To her

Narcissa reminded her of Gwen, although their personalities were very

different, they both came from old pureblood families and had

supremacist ideals, but ended up becoming close to their son whom they

call a blood traitor.

"Mom..." said James not knowing how to respond to it. He also didn't

understand why he ended up befriending girls with ideals so opposite to

his own. It would be easier to befriend girls like Andromeda or Lily.

Much more bearable girls.

"Tell me, are you interested in her? I'm sure she is, otherwise, she

wouldn't come to all the meetings you do," asked Euphemia with a slight


"Mom she's in sixth grade, and I'm in third grade... She only comes

because she gets to see her sister, who was kicked out of her family,"

replied James in a roundabout way.

"I doubt she would be bothered by your age. You are much more mature

than boys your age and even older than you. As for her older sister, she

indeed got along with her and she can't see her because of her parents

who expelled her, but she always talks and practices with you. I've seen

it," said Euphemia.

"Mm..." said James, who again didn't know how to answer.

"She's a good candidate," commented Euphemia.

"Candidate?" asked James with a raised eyebrow.

"To be your wife," Euphemia replied, and James almost choked on his


He forgot that in this day and age and being wizards who look like they

are from the middle ages the age to get married pro usually is when you

finish Hogwarts or shortly after. Many wizarding families arranged

marriages for their children while they were at Hogwarts.

His mother was, after all, still from a pureblood wizarding family. She

was very interested in who her future daughter-in-law would be. She

didn't care about the girl's family background, she just said that Narcissa

was a good candidate because of the relationship she saw she had with

James. She also felt that James got along well with the girl named Lily


As for Gwen, Euphemia hadn't seen her in a long time. She knew James

got along well with her, but she hadn't seen their relationship up close

either so she couldn't give her opinion.

"She's a supremacist. You saw her parents at Andromeda's wedding. Do

you want to deal with those freaks?" asked James with a slight grimace.

"James!" exclaimed Euphemia, raising her tone slightly.

"Don't talk like that. You'll do the same thing they do to us or muggle-

borns. You're better than that," added Euphemia.

"Sorry..." said James, scratching his head. He was still thinking the same

thing though. Most likely such a marriage would cause a lot of trouble

just because of the difference in ideals and that her family is pureblood.

"Your friend Gwen is in the same situation, and you get along very well

with her," commented Euphemia.

'Gwen...' thought James with a slightly downcast expression. Since the

vacations started he hadn't communicated with her. Rather, she didn't

answer any of his letters.

He asked Emily his new 'sister' if she knew anything, but she said she

didn't know why she didn't answer his letters.

James stopped thinking about this topic. He had no more desire to think

about this extraneous family drama. His goal is clear. The war against

Voldemort. He has no time for topics like this or his future marriage.

"They'll be waiting a long time..." said James, winding up the subject and

leaving his office.

James arrived in the guest room. The room had a high ceiling and large

windows with multi-colored stained glass windows. Hand-carved dark

oak paneling, along with gold-veined black marble floors, created an

opulent setting. Velvet sofas in rich hues, mahogany tables with precious

inlays, and antique tapestries adorned the room while floating

chandeliers and fairy lights illuminated the place.

Narcissa and Andromeda were seated on a double sofa drinking tea that

was served by Puddle, the house elf who follows the Potter family's


Both sisters wore luxurious robes and drank tea with great poise. When

they heard footsteps they turned their heads, and James' gaze met theirs.

"Sorry I'm late," said James, giving a slight nod of his head.

"No problem. Your house elf took very good care of us and he's very

funny" said Andromeda with a slight smile.

"Puddle is very innocent and energetic. I hope he didn't make any

mistakes," said James with a slight smile.

"What brings you two here?" asked James, sitting down across from both

of them.

"I brought the book you asked for," said Narcissa, pointing to the

mahogany table there was a thick black book. Its letters were barely


James took the book which had the following title: [First Steps in the Art

of Legilimency].

'She brought it to me...' thought James, surprised to get a book on


In the Forbidden Section of Hogwarts, there was no book on this art used

to navigate people's minds by reading memories and thoughts. There

were only books on Occlumency, the art of countering Legilimency and

protecting your mind from outsiders.

Books on Legilimency were almost nowhere to be found. Not even in the

stores of dark objects. It is an art considered obscure and very restricted.

The older families and the ministry will not like wizards having access to

this art.

The Potter Family has no books on these arts considered dark. For James,

it is a mistake. It is considered dark by people who want to control this

type of magic. It will be dark depending on how you use it. In a war, it

can be very useful as the Protego Diabolica.

James to get a book on this art resorted to House Black, a very old house

and expert in the dark arts. First, he asked Sirius, but his mother wouldn't

let him check out books from the library and they had a lot of defensive

charms, so he couldn't bring him a book on Legilimency.

Andromeda had been expelled so he couldn't ask her. So he asked

Narcissa, but he never thought the girl would manage to bring such a

valuable book and lend it to him.

"Surprised?" asked Narcissa with a slight smile. It was rare that you saw

James with an incredulous expression.

"Yes... How long can you have it? And what do you want in return?"

asked James.

"In a week, I have to return it to the family library. As for payment, here,"

said Narcissa, pulling a small letter out of her sleeve she tossed it to


James uncomprehendingly took the letter and opened it.

"A birthday invitation?" asked James with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. There's the day," Narcissa said without another word.

Narcissa's birthday. Ten days from now. Shortly before school starts in


"Fine, I'll go," said James. Although he didn't like having to be in a place

surrounded by supremacists he had to pay for the loan of this book. A

very low price compared to the book.

Besides, at the birthday Sirius and Regulus were sure to be there, so he

wouldn't be alone, and he would be able to chat with his best friend.

"Sorry for not being able to attend your birthday, Narcissa," Andromeda

said with a sad expression.

"It's not your fault, sister," Narcissa said with a slight gentle smile. James

in the past would never believe that Narcissa could smile like that, but

with his sister, she is very close. She always seems conflicted with her

ideals and the opposite path her sister took by marrying a muggle-born.

James stopped paying attention to the conversation of close sisters and

opened the book Narcissa brought him.

"James," Narcissa said after a few seconds.

"What is it?" asked James without lifting his head from the book.

"Will our host ignore us and read a book?" asked Narcissa.

"Sorry..." said James, closing the book and putting it aside. He then called

Puddle over and asked to bring some snacks to eat. As a basic courtesy,

he chatted with the Black sisters for almost an hour until they left Potter


'Now yes,' thought James, picking up the book and beginning to read it.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 164: Birthday of Narcissa


On the outskirts of a village known as Bath was a large mansion

surrounded by trees. Bath is located in Somerset, a county in the West

Country of southwest England.

This mansion is the home of Narcissa Black and her parents: Cygnus and

Druella. Bellatrix no longer lived here, as she married Rodolphus

Lestrange and left the house. As for Andromeda, she was expelled, but

she would still go to live with her husband.

In one of the many rooms of the mansion, Narcissa was sitting on a stool

looking at herself in a mirror. Behind her was Druella, a middle-aged

woman of elegance and neatness. She was gently brushing Narcissa's long


"You look beautiful," complimented Druella to her daughter.

"Thank you, Mother," Narcissa said, admiring her beauty in the mirror.

She had inherited her mother's beautiful traces and her blonde hair, a

very different sign from everyone in the Black family who was

characterized by black hair.

"Your sixteenth birthday. You are a proud one. In just two years, you will

finish Hogwarts and with excellent grades," Druella said with a slight


Her three daughters were perfect. This is in the past because Andromeda

made a grave mistake and brought great shame to the family by marrying

a mudblood. She doesn't know at what point her middle daughter fell in

love with that dirty wizard.

Druella held Andromeda in high esteem. She loved all three of her

daughters equally, but if she had to choose one, she would select

Andromeda. Obviously, before she married the mudblood.

All three girls were beautiful and geniuses, but Andromeda had a perfect

personality, kind, noble, and neat. On the other hand, her eldest

daughter, Bellatrix had a strong and rebellious character, sometimes very

aggressive, which caused problems or fights at home.

Druella was reassured that Bellatrix's rebelliousness was different from

that of her cousin Sirius, who is friends with mudbloods and half-bloods.

Her daughter is a very extreme extremist. Much more than she and her

husband, so she doesn't mind that rebelliousness since she doesn't support

mudbloods and half-bloods.

On the other hand, her youngest daughter, Narcissa is perfect in

appearance, she was even the only one to inherit her blonde hair, but she

is too cold and expressionless. Too much for her taste. This caused

problems in finding a candidate to be her husband.

It is very difficult for her to accept a boy as she does not consider them

worthy of her. After all, the Blacks are considered the noble and oldest

pureblood family. They were magical royalty, 100% pure.

Druella took the marriage of her daughters very seriously. They had to

keep the bloodline pure. She could not tolerate another failure like


"Lucius is coming today. I'm sure he will bring you a gift to your liking,"

Druella commented.

She was referring to Lucius Malfoy. A Hogwarts boy in the same year as

her daughter who is also a prefect and one of the best students in his


Druella gradually got her daughter to like this boy a little bit. Lucius was

also making an effort. He considered Narcissa a beauty worthy of him

and his noble family name. Who wouldn't want to marry someone from

the oldest House the Blacks?

"I wonder what gift he will bring me..." said Narcissa, waiting for Lucius'

gift. She had approached the Malfoy boy. His notes and familiar backing

were good. So were his manners.

'Though his aura is not as peculiar as his...' thought Narcissa,

remembering the image of James in the courtyard half sweeping the floor

with several Slytherin students and terrifying them with his presence


"What are you thinking about?" asked Druella, noticing Narcissa's

thoughtful look.

"I forgot to tell you that I invited James Potter..." replied Narcissa after a

few seconds.

"James Potter..." muttered Druella without changing her expression. An

image of a boy with jet hair and blue eyes like her daughter's popped into

her head.

She did not meet him in person. She saw him in a picture published in

the newspaper about the ceremony that made him Lord Potter. She also

knew him from the thirteen-year-old boy who cast a corporeal Patronus

in the shape of a dragon and the boy who defeated a DADA professor

who was actually a dark wizard.

'Oh, also I almost forgot that last year he humiliated Rodolphus' brother...

and the Nott girl,' thought Druella with some interest in meeting the

Potter boy or rather Lord Potter.

The events in this boy were several and very striking. With all that he

showed and was published he would be considered a genius, but a genius

different from the normal ones. None of his daughters would cast a

corporeal Patronus at that age and beat an adult professor to a duel to


The only thing Druella disapproved of was his family supporting

muggles, mudbloods, and half-bloods. A grave dishonor to his blood and

other families.


"Mm, good. His position as Lord is high, and his talent is good. As for his

ideals, they may not be the same as his grandfather's, hopefully," said

Druella not bothered about James coming to the birthday.

The time for the birthday arrived. The guests were arriving punctually.

Her sister Bellatrix with her husband Rodolphus and her younger brother


Her grandfather Pollux Black came with his uncle Alphard. Her mother

didn't look too pleased to see Alphard but said nothing. He was still her

husband's older brother, and they had already made up to some extent

from the incident at Andromeda's wedding.

Shortly after Pollux's arrival, Arcturus Black III arrived. He was the

current leader of House Black. He was the leader since he was eleven

years ahead of Pollux. Making him the oldest member of the Blacks.

Arcturus did not arrive alone. He was accompanied by Walburga (Pollux's

eldest daughter), Orion (Walburga's husband and second cousin), and the

couple's children: Sirius and Regulus.

After the arrival of a few more Black family members, Narcissa's friends

began to arrive. There were not many of them. Her trusted friends were

two, so she also invited Erika from the dragon club and other members of

her club.

Lucius and other Slytherin boys from her year also arrived. The latter

Narcissa invited as a courtesy since they were from the same year and

belonged to important families.

"What's with that face brother?" asked Regulus, drinking from a glass

elegantly. It wasn't wine.

"I hate these kinds of parties. They should learn a bit from Gryffindor

parties. Those are parties" said Sirius with a grimace, observing the

distinguished guests laughing and chatting quietly while drinking or

eating small snacks.

Soft music was playing in the air that made Sirius want to sleep. He was

always bored by high society "parties"

"The parties at that house are classless and demeaning. Not fit for our

kind," Walburga said with a frown as she listened to her eldest son.

"How do you know, mother? Have you been to any of those parties?"

asked Sirius with a faint smile.

Walburga, who was about to reprimand Sirius, noticed him turn his head

suddenly, so she followed her son's gaze. She noticed a jet-haired boy

accompanied by a house elf enter the hall.

"James Potter..." mumbled Walburga with various emotions at seeing her

son's best friend in person for the first time.

"James!" exclaimed Sirius with a smile on his face walking towards his

best friend. At last, his relatives' boring birthdays would have some fun.

Walburga was surprised that her youngest son also followed his older

brother, looking up at the Potter boy. She could see the look of

admiration on Regulus' face. Something that surprised her even more.

Most of the people in the large hall where the birthday party was being

held turned their heads and looked at James curiously. Hardly anyone

here had been to James' ceremony, so this was the first time they had

seen him.

"Sirius. Regulus," James said with a slight smile, extending his arm and

squeezing Sirius' hand. He then did the same to Regulus, who happily

accepted the handshake.

"Do you think you can survive here for four hours?" asked Sirius with a

faint smile.

"I'm more used to it than you'd imagine," James replied.

"Let me say hello to the birthday girl..." he added with a slight grimace,

seeing a few feet away Narcissa and her parents. There was also her sister

Bellatrix with her husband and Rabastan.

Narcissa was already looking at him. The same was true with Druella and

Cygnus. Even Bellatrix was looking at him and obviously Rabastan, who

hated James to the core.

"Good luck," Sirius said lightly, tapping James' shoulder, who started

walking in the direction of the entire Black family. His pace was steady

and calm. Without lowering his gaze despite being watched by many


Everyone was surprised at the confidence James exuded. He had come

alone, he was considered a blood traitor by most, but he showed no

distrust or fear whatsoever.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 165: Birthday of Narcissa


"Lady Narcissa, my sincerest wishes on this extraordinary occasion. Allow

me to present you with this gift," James said with impeccable courtesy

and without changing his expression.

"Thank you, James. Aegnor, take the present and put it with everyone

else," Narcissa said, and her house elf took the gift from James' hands.

"May I introduce you to my parents," said Narcissa, introducing her

parents, she also introduced her sister Bellatrix and her husband, who

were there.

"A pleasure," James said in a monotone without changing his expression.

That was all the conversation between James and Narcissa's family, as he

was about to leave someone called out to him.

"Potter. I didn't know you were coming today," said a tall blond boy with

long hair. It was Lucius Malfoy wearing an elegant dark green robe and

his expression with a barely concealed arrogance.

At Lucius' side were two boys following him like his bodyguards. Unlike

Crabbe and Goyle these boys did have neat, high-society appearances.

"I didn't know either. Narcissa invited me at the last minute," James said

with a barely susceptible smile. He knew this boy was after Narcissa. He

could tease him a little.

He knew the Malfoy boy from the Slughorn Club. He didn't like him, or

dislike him. He was a typical supremacist, though perhaps not as extreme

as the Blacks, Lestrange, or Nott.

'Narcissa invited him?' thought Lucius with a frown, and a new feeling

was growing inside him: jealousy.

Narcissa also frowned slightly. Those words could come to be


"He's a member of the Dragon Club, so I invited him," Narcissa said,

justifying herself.

"That's logical. It would be strange for you to invite a traitor without a

reason," said one of the boys following Lucius.

Narcissa, her parents, and even Bellatrix and her husband frowned

slightly. Although they disagree with James' family ideals this is a

birthday, and James is a guest. It is very rude to make such a comment.

James looked at the short brown-haired boy with small eyes and freckles.

His right hand trembled slightly. He wanted to raise it and point it at the

freckled boy. Aim at his neck and close his grip little by little... Until he

heard the dull crack that indicated the bone had broken.

[Do it, Edward. The Rothschilds show no mercy to people who don't

know their place. Use the teachings, and don't let them disrespect you


A soft voice barely audible rang in James' ear. He recognized the cold,

emotionless tone. It was his former mother.

'Easy...' thought James, shaking his head. It was just a voice created by

his head. He had realized that his magic without a wand had great

potential especially if you have strong feelings like anger and hatred.

Intention made his magic that much more powerful.

While this could be good for increasing his power, it was dangerous if he

did not control his emotions well. He was always good at controlling

himself, but his weak point was being teased by his family and friends.

"Your name?" asked James in a calm tone without letting his true

intentions come out. He had practiced Occlumency so much for a reason.

"What?" asked the boy. He expected James to get angry or lose his

temper, but here he asked him his name in a casual tone.

"I was wondering what your name is and that of your distinguished

family," repeated James calmly and with no change in his expression.

"Mark Selwyn..." replied the boy.

"Oh, the respected Selwyn family..." said James with a slightly surprised

expression that was acted.

"Yes..." said the boy puzzled by James' acting.

"I've heard they're very good at dueling... I wonder if it's true,"

commented James in a calm tone, not showing hostility, just simple


"Huh? Yeah... we are," said Mark, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh, that's good... I'd like to have a duel against you to learn, but since

we're at a distinguished House Black event I'll wait. Hogwarts starts in a

few days," said James.

"I look forward to it," added James with an icy stare at Mark, who for the

first time felt a chill run down his spine.

"Wait," Bellatrix said as James was about to leave and go back to Sirius

and Regulus.

"You can have that duel now. We have a dueling room ready," Bellatrix

added with a slight smile. She was curious to see James' abilities, as she

heard many rumors about him. Besides, she would rather watch a duel

than be at this boring birthday.

"Sister..." said Narcissa quietly not agreeing with this.

"I don't think it befits the situation, Bellatrix," Druella said.

"Come now, Mother. It's just a simple entertainment for Narcissa's big

party," Bellatrix said acting a bit over the top.

"I'll referee. Nothing will happen," she added without backing down.

"Your sister is right, Narcissa. It will only be a formal sparring session. It's

classic in our culture. Mark agrees," Lucius said with a faint smile. 'It's the

perfect opportunity for them to teach Potter humility.

'I agree?' thought Mark.

"Lucius is right. It will be practice. I want to learn from my Slytherin

elders," James said with a slight smile.

"Good... It will be a good event," Narcissa said with no other choice

seeing that everyone agreed.

Bellatrix led the way to the manor's dueling hall, which had a large size

and bleachers to watch the battle.

All the guests upon hearing of the sudden duel made their way to the hall

to witness the combat.

"Your friend just needs five minutes to make trouble..." said Walburga

Sirius' mother.

"It'll just be a friendly duel. It will make the birthday more interesting,"

said Arcturus Sirius' grandfather with a faint smile. He had met James at

Lord Potter's conference. He had liked the boy very much. Henry had a

perfect successor.

Walburga said no more. If the head of House Black accepted James Potter

she could do nothing. For that very reason, she let her two sons go to

Potter Manor for the vacations.

She could not deny that the talent shown by James also made her

opinion of him rise. It was like watching the growth of a future

Dumbledore. Who wouldn't want their son to be friends with a wizard

who could reach that caliber?

Everyone knew that Dumbledore was in favor of Muggles, half-bloods,

and Muggle-born. However, no extremist wizard dared to show

displeasure with him or challenge him. He is the most powerful wizard

and is held in great respect for his power alone.

James approached the center of the room. In front of him was Mark with

his wand and Bellatrix in the middle of them both with a slightly lazy

and slightly interested expression.

"Right... You know the rules get into your positions and say hi," Bellatrix

said, playing with her wavy hair.

James and Mark bowed slightly. Then, they each brandished their wands

like fencing swords.

"One... Two... Three!" exclaimed Bellatrix.

'Petrificus Totalus!' thought Mark, waving his wand as fast as he could. A

yellow flash shot out of his wand at James.

'Take that... Non-verbal magic,' thought Mark with a slightly confident

smile. He had studied over the vacations to learn non-verbal magic, and

here were its fruits.

James was not surprised by Mark's nonverbal magic. He had already

mastered that type of magic in several spells. Petrificus Totalus was not a

difficult spell. It was even one of the easiest spells to switch from verbal

to nonverbal magic.

'Protego,' thought James, flicking his wand. A translucent barrier

protected him. The yellow flash hit the barrier which barely moved. A

perfect defense.

'What!?' thought Mark in surprise. He never thought he would see

Protego used non-verbally on a boy starting his third year at Hogwarts.

All the other guests watching the duel also had surprised faces.

James looked at Mark with disdain. Why was this idiot so surprised? If

you studied hard enough you could learn Protego relatively quickly.

Sirius, Lupin, Peter, and Toby learned it. You just needed to have self-

discipline and study on your own. As for the non-verbal form, it is more

difficult, but also not something so surprising.

Hogwarts during these years had different professors with different

curricula and some worse professors than others like Eustace. This caused

the quality of defensive spells to drop by a large margin. A simple

Protego spell had become advanced at Hogwarts.

"Expecto Patronum!" exclaimed James, waving his wand precisely and

quickly. He took advantage of Mark's surprise to make his move.

James was to defeat Mark majestically. That it would be etched in the

minds of all people watching. He must not humiliate him aggressively as

he did Rabastan. The situation does not warrant it. He must show him his

place in a sophisticated way.

From his wand emerged a silver, ethereal dragon, majestic and fearsome.

The dragon lunged at Mark with a speed and ferocity that seemed


Mark at the mere sight of an imposing dragon pouncing on him raised his

arms in a gesture of protection. It was an instinctive reaction.

Those seconds were all James needed. As the dragon Patronus harmlessly

pierced Mark, vanishing in a shower of silver sparks, James took

advantage of the distraction.

With a quick and precise movement, he cast a simple: "Expelliarmus"


The red beam of light flew through the air, hitting Mark, who was unable

to defend himself. His wand flew out of his hand towards James, who

grabbed it in his right hand.

Mark just fell on his butt. James did not send him flying. He controlled

the force of his Expelliarmus. This is what is known as class.

The place went silent, as everyone took in everything that just happened

in just a few seconds.

"Nice wand," James said, breaking the silence as he looked at Mark's

wand which he was still processing the way he lost.

"You should know that a Patronus is harmless... Read a book or two

about Patronus and learn something," added James, tossing the wand to

Mark and turning around.

'That Patronus was magnificent...' thought Bellatrix who was enchanted

by the sight of the huge dragon. She knew it was harmless, but the

dragon had an imposing aura. She didn't learn that spell. Why did she

want a defensive spell that was only good for defending against stupid

dark creatures? She never thought someone would use it to win a fight


Most of these high society wizards had not seen James' majestic Patronus.

Now they saw it, and they wouldn't forget it.

'There you go for wanting to insult him,' Rabastan thought with a faint

smile. It was good that someone else there had suffered at James' hands,

and he had been humiliated most extraordinarily.

Mark grabbed the wand as he picked himself up off the floor. His cheeks

began to heat up, and a red flush appeared. He had never been

humiliated in such an extraordinary way.

At the sight of James' unprotected back, a feeling of hatred washed over

him. He started to wave his wand, but before he could do anything he

felt a punch hit him in the chest and sent him flying into the wall and out

of consciousness.

"Tsch, you coward. Attacking from behind," Bellatrix commented with

wand in hand. She only needed a second to knock this idiot out.

"Hey, Lucius! You better teach that scum some honor," Bellatrix said,

looking at Lucius, who had an ugly expression on his face. They all

watched as Mark wanted to attack James, who didn't even turn around

and kept walking towards Sirius.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 166: Research wandless


Narcissa's sixteenth birthday was over, and James returned home. The

duel was the most interesting thing, then he chatted with Sirius and

Regulus and met Sirius' parents for the first time. They just said hello and

nothing more.

In the last few days before Hogwarts, she focused on her training in

wandless magic. Since the vacations began, he started research on his

wandless magic.

He had to find a more effective training method. Squeezing his brain to

the maximum by controlling objects was no good. His limits were not

improving, he could improve his control, but it was not the most effective

way to improve.

Emotions were key. Especially to overcome his limits at a moment's

notice, like when he saved Regulus.

He read texts on African magic wandless. It was difficult to read the

various African languages, but James was always a genius when it came

to languages. He managed to learn them and read the texts that had not

been translated.

The European magic community viewed wandless magic with disdain,

believing it to be dangerous and volatile. The wand is more accurate and

increases power. Why spend time on wandless magic?

The Uagadou School of Magic is an African school of magic with a great

reputation. It was founded a long time ago and is about the same age as

Hogwarts (maybe older, records of so many years are hard to keep track

of.) At this school of magic, they cast spells simply by pointing a finger or

by hand gestures.

James found that if he used his hand to channel his magic his power

increased. This was useful for immobilizing living things or strangling

them. On lifeless objects, it is best to use his sight unless it is a very

heavy object.

The best emotions to enhance his magic without a wand were anger,

hatred, and sadness. The opposite of a Patronus. A dangerous path, but

necessary for this war. James was trying to balance them with his

Patronus, to have a balance between negative and positive emotions.

'Maybe a feeling of protection will do the trick too...' thought James with

a new idea in mind. Protecting his family and friends, was his main goal

after all. When he protected Regulus from almost dying, he did it because

he wanted to protect his best friend's younger brother. Not because he

felt hatred or anger towards the Ice Knights.

James did tests. He tried to stop animals like deer from running away

from him with his magic without a wand. In his neutral state, he can't do

that. He tried trying to evoke more positive feelings like protection

towards his family and friends.

There were changes in his power, but it was minimal. Although his desire

for protection is strong it is difficult to channel. It requires more

concentration and control, for some reason. It is much easier to channel

hatred and anger.

The moment he remembered the people who insulted his family by

calling them traitors a great anger radiated from him, and the deer

stopped instantly. He drew it to him until it lost power and the deer

regained mobility.

'Tsch is difficult,' thought James, clicking his tongue. Maybe the

European community wasn't all bad. It could be volatile if with more

negative feelings your magic without a wand is empowered. In a wand,

you don't need such empowerment, as the wand is concerned with

improving your power and accuracy.

However, it is not the same in all spells. James knew that in Unforgivable

curses you had to have great intent behind them to make them effective.

Not just great skill and power. You had to want to murder or harm your


On the last night before starting his third year at Hogwarts, James stood

on the balcony of his room. The full moon lit up the night.

'Finally, a month passed,' thought James, spitting a saliva-filled leaf into

a small glass jar.

The leaf James spat out was a mandrake leaf that could be used as an

ingredients in potions, but he was using it for a different purpose: to

become Animagus.

An Animagus is a wizard who can transform into an animal and back

again at will. It is an ability that can be learned, it is not hereditary. The

process of becoming Animagus was a kind of long and difficult ritual.

You must have skill and patience.

James decided to become Animagus as it would be useful for war,

although he could not transform into the animal he wanted. It was


In a casual chat with the marauders at Potter Manor, he told them this,

and Sirius jumped up with excitement saying that he too wanted to

transform into Animagus, furthermore, he proposed that this way they

could help Lupin on his full moon nights. So that Lupin wouldn't have to

be locked up in a lonely house hurting himself. Since without them being

animals Lupin wouldn't attack them when he was transformed into a


James liked the idea and hadn't thought of it that way. Peter and Toby

also liked it.

James had a lot of knowledge in the transfiguration branch. He already

knew the whole ritual and explained it to the marauders.

The first step was to keep a single mandrake leaf in the mouth for a full

month from full moon to full moon. If the leaf is removed or swallowed,

you must start over.

'I wonder if they've succeeded,' thought James. Toby if he had made it, he

knew he still kept the ugly leaf in his mouth from the ugly expressions he

made during this last month.

After the month has passed you must spit out the leaf and place it in the

glass jar which must be illuminated by the pure rays of the moon. That is

not all, before closing the jar you must add a hair of your own, a

teaspoonful of silver dew taken from a place that had not seen sunlight or

been touched by human feet for seven full days, and the chrysalis of a

death's-head hawkmoth.

James made the mixture with extreme care. It was hard to get that damn

teaspoon of silver spray. He won't miss. He'll get it right the first time.

He'll be pissed if he has to start the whole process all over again.

Once he had the resulting mixture James put it in a new wallet that had

an extension spell. He prepared this wallet to hold the vial, as it should

be kept in a quiet, dark place. He would just keep the vial here.

'Well, now I must wait for a thunderstorm... I hope there is one before

winter...' thought James with a grimace.

If winter comes and there are no thunderstorms he will have to wait for

the winter months to pass, as at that time usually thunderstorms are less

common, as winter conditions are usually dominated by low-pressure

systems that bring rain, snow, and high winds, but do not usually

produce the warm and humid conditions needed for thunderstorms.

During this waiting period, James should recite, at dawn and dusk every

day without fail, the incantation: Amato Animo Animato Animagus.

When he does so he must place the tip of his wand over his heart.

So James hopes that there will be a thunderstorm in September or

October. Otherwise, he will have to spend many months repeating this

incantation, if he fails he will have to start from scratch. Also, during the

casting of the spell, he must remain calm and not be disturbed.

If any part of this process was done incorrectly, it had the potential to

backfire and cause the transformation to go wrong (such as causing

permanent half-human, half-animal mutations).

'If I'm lucky in two or three months, I'll be an Animagus,' James thought

with a slightly expectant smile. He wondered what animal he would

transform into. As for the process, he wasn't afraid of failing. He was

confident in his transfiguration skills and knowledge. Moreover, he was

patient, disciplined, and hardworking.

Before going to bed he visited Toby, who had good news. He had placed

the leaf in the jar and completed the initial step of the ritual. Now came

the hardest part.

After saying goodnight to his family, which had now expanded to include

a brother and sister, James went to bed. He couldn't deny that he was

excited to begin his third year at Hogwarts. Although there was the

anticipation of war, he always enjoyed Hogwarts.

This year, he will have two more subjects compared to previous years.

His time will be more limited, but he has already created a study and

training plan to be organized from day one.

On the other hand, they will start from day one the search for the third

vault. With no word from Gwen, Regulus and Snape solve the riddle at

Potter Manor during the vacation. They had already solved the riddle.

The vault was in the forbidden forest.

According to Hagrid, a friend of James', the forest hid many secrets, and

he was right. He already had the map and directions that would lead

them through the forest to the vault. After that, there would be the last

vault. Where the supposed Japanese dark wizard, Dai Ryusaki had

hidden his most powerful magical artifact. That was James' goal.

The items he found so far were good. Short weapons spells, which he

could not replicate. Besides being an expert in ancient runes you had to

know how to forge those runes in very complicated metal. Dangerous

curses, ice spells, knights, and a giant Golem alive.

Whatever is in each vault, James knows it will be helpful. Weapons that

cut spells were very useful to him. Thanks to that sword, he defeated

Professor Eustace. He couldn't take credit for it.

'I wonder if Gwen will be alright...' thought James, slowly falling asleep.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 167: Malicious Meeting

In the dark and silent main room of an old mansion, a hushed and tense

atmosphere enveloped those present. A long, antique wooden table

occupied the center of the room, dimly lit by floating candelabras.

Around the table, several individuals dressed in dark robes and masks

concealing their faces sat silently, expectantly. At the head of the table,

one figure stood out with a terrifying aura.

Dressed in a simple black robe, his skin was pale, almost sickly, and his

face lacked a nose, replaced by reptilian slits. His eyes, two glowing red

slits, watched everyone with a mixture of contempt and cold calculation.

This was Lord Voldemort, the cause of all the chaos that was happening

in the British magical community.

The people seated around him were his main and most loyal followers.

Standing at the end of the table, four wizards with nervous expressions

waited, making sure not to make contact with Voldemort's dark eyes.

Voldemort spoke in a cold, serpentine voice that echoed in the silence of

the room.

"A powerful magical artifact hidden at Hogwarts by the Japanese dark

wizard Dai Ryusaki," he said, his red eyes fixed on the nervous wizards.

You couldn't tell from his tone if he was interested in said artifact.

"My Lord. Your information has some validity. It is known that last year

at Hogwarts two vaults were opened that unleashed two powerful

curses," said the person to Voldemort's right. His tone is respectful and


Voldemort stood silently in thought. He knew about this. He always kept

an eye on Hogwarts, for that was where the most dangerous person to

him was: Albus Dumbledore.

"How could he have trusted you? Defeated by thirteen-year-old boys..."

said Voldemort with a faint cold smile full of disdain.

Of the four dark wizards two were saved by him from Azkaban in his

attack a short time ago. The other two joined his ranks, but they were

cannon fodder. He did not trust them to be in his inner circle.

It was obvious the intentions of these dark wizards. They wanted to curry

favor with him and enter his inner circle by bringing him a powerful

magical artifact.

One of the wizards, his voice trembling, stepped forward, "Dark Lord, this

was the fault of our companion's incompetence," he said, looking slyly at

a bald man without a hand. It was Eustace Burke.

Eustace clenched his one hand angrily but said nothing. He just made

sure not to make eye contact with Voldemort. He couldn't deny his

failure, losing to Hogwarts students. They weren't even the greatest


Thanks to the Death Eaters' attack on Azkaban, he was released very

quickly. He only spent a short time in that hellish prison. He managed to

follow the Death Eaters thanks to his last name, Burke. His surname

belongs to a pureblood family and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. That's

why he was able to follow them despite being one-armed.

"Trust us just this once, Dark Lord. The four of us will go to the vicinity

of Hogwarts and bring back the artifact as if our lives depended on it,"

the wizard said.

Voldemort held and watched his wand, as he thought, "Fine... I will allow

you to join our inner circle, but you will not only have to bring me that

magical artifact..." he said in a slow and calm tone.

"What else do you want us to do?" asked the wizard respectfully and

more relieved than before.

"You must assassinate James Potter..." replied Voldemort after a few

seconds, taking the Death Eaters sitting around him by surprise. Why

would his Lord care about a thirteen-year-old boy?

Although with all the events surrounding James Potter, it wasn't strange

that his Lord would know about him. Patronus at thirteen, new Lord

Potter, defeated a dark wizard and humiliated several boys his age and

older than him with no help from anyone.

Voldemort knowing James' talent through information reminded him of

him or Dumbledore. The bad thing was that the boy had ideals opposite

to him. His family were clear blood traitors. Best to get rid of a growing

talent before it matures. He loses nothing by giving this task to these


"I'll do it, Dark Lord," Eustace said stepping forward with a look of hatred

as he remembered how James cut off his hand and humiliated him before

all wizards as he was defeated by a mere student.

"Oh, that's the attitude," Voldemort replied with a cold smile, followed by

a serpentine laugh that echoed throughout the room.

The other dark wizards, aspiring death eater wannabes, looked on

nervously but determined. They knew they had to prove their worth and

absolute loyalty.

"Number fifteen," Voldemort said after he finished his laughter.

"Yes, my Lord," said a figure standing respectfully.

"Your inclusion into my inner circle was only a short time ago. You must

go to Hogwarts and begin your recruitment of talented students. There

are many interested in our cause," said Voldemort. Several talented

students in Slytherin did not have their families in the Death Eaters.

Voldemort wanted to bring them into his ranks, even if they did not

become part of his inner circle. Perhaps he would discover a hidden

talent with similar ideals.

"Along the way, help these aspirants. They will need information within

the school..." added Voldemort. They no longer had a professor inside

Hogwarts and would not be able to get in if the professors and

Dumbledore were there. The best thing to do is to get information

through the students.

Voldemort was curious about the Japanese wizard's artifact. Perhaps he

could get a new Horrocrux.

"As you wish, my Lord," said the Death Eater, bowing respectfully.

"Thank you, Dark Lord for your benevolence!" said the wizards, including

Eustace. With the help of people inside Hogwarts and a death eater, their

mission would be easier.

"Remember, failure is not an option," Voldemort commanded, his eyes

fixed on the aspirants.


September 1.

James rose shortly before dawn that day. To recite the Animagus spell,

was the first time he had ever done so.

He placed the tip of his wand over his heart and began. Finished with his

task, which from now on would be daily until the thunderstorm, he

changed and headed for the kitchen. His mother was already awake.

With the help of Puddle and Mimsy she prepared breakfast for everyone.

His father, Emily, and Toby were already there. James greeted everyone

and sat at the table, awaiting the rich breakfast his mother and the house

elves would prepare.

"Excited to start Hogwarts?" asked Fleamont, reading the paper and

taking a sip from his coffee cup.

"Yes, we're finally going to Hogsmeade!" replied Toby excitedly.

Hogsmeade village, simply called Hogsmeade, was the only wizarding

village in Britain. Students in their third year at Hogwarts and above

were allowed to go on weekend excursions to the village.

"Hogsmeade is a quaint and very pleasant place," commented Fleamont

with a nostalgic smile.

"James, Emily?" he asked, looking at them.

"I'm not that struck by a magical town..." replied Emily, being honest. She

barely had any friends to go there, and most at home hated her because

she showed herself to be pro-Muggle. Her hobbies were considered

boring for people her age. She preferred to stay in her room reading

rather than visit stores or food stalls.

"You sure are boring," joked James, who was reading his father's

newspaper, trying to find out if there had been another death eater attack

or any important news.

"Look who's talking, Mr. Training Madman," Emily said with a slight


"In my first year, I belonged to the funniest prankster group at Hogwarts,"

James said.

"Oh, yeah. What was the name of the group? The Smug Ones?" replied

Emily, feigning confusion.

James frowned slightly, "The Marauders, Emily. That's the name. We

made it quite clear in the Slytherin finals match," James said.

"Oh, yeah... I almost forgot because of their absence... Did they take a

vacation or did a member of the group die?" asked Emily and started a

harmless argument with James.

Toby was trying to stop them or mediate, but his tone was barely

audible, Fleamont shook his head and continued reading his journal.

Euphemia turned and watched the situation with a faint smile. She

always wanted to have more than one child and have them make noise at

the table or fight while eating breakfast, typically.

After breakfast, they headed for King's Cross station in London. Euphemia

made sure several times that no one forgot anything. A week ago they

went to Diagon Alley to buy all the necessary books, supplies, and

uniforms. For the first time, Emily and Toby had new, custom-made


They wheeled the trolleys past Platform 9¾, and James could see the

Hogwarts Express. A steam locomotive, scarlet. The platform was slowly

filling up with people.

James met his cousins: Oliver, Charlie, and Catherine. All three were

starting their first year at Hogwarts, their nervous expressions could be

seen, but when they saw their older cousin (James) they calmed down for

some reason unknown to James.

He said goodbye to his parents, aunts, and uncles and boarded the

locomotive followed by his cousins and siblings. Emily broke away. She

wanted to read quietly in an undisturbed demeanor, and she knew that

James' friends (especially Sirius) were very loud.

James explained a couple of things to his younger cousins and left them

to their own devices. They were to fend for themselves. It was no big deal

to start Hogwarts, they couldn't be stuck with him. Later, they would

start their training.

With Toby, they entered a compartment and left the door open. A few

minutes later Sirius, Lupin, and Peter arrived. The locomotive began its

march, while they chatted about how their summer was, and especially

the Animagus charm and the vault in the forbidden forest.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 168: The third year


The entrance ceremony was the same as last year. After the talking hat

finished its work and the new students were in their respective houses,

the great banquet followed, which was delicious as always.

To the happiness of Oliver, Charlie and Catherine were left in Gryffindor.

The house they wanted, since they wanted to be with James. He was

their role model.

"Did you choose Arithmancy and Ancient Runes as your electives?" asked

Sirius, looking at James like he was a madman. Although, he was getting

used to how studious James was by now.

"Yes. What's the problem?" asked James.

Arithmancy was a magical discipline that studied the magical properties

of numbers, including predicting the future with numbers and

numerology. Ancient runes were a form of writing that wizards and

witches used hundreds of years ago.

James was always good at mathematics, and Arithmancy has many

similarities with mathematics. As for Ancient Runes thanks to Gwen he

had a little more advanced knowledge. He was not a complete beginner.

Besides, after seeing the ancient runes on the swords he realized that it

could be very useful to learn such a subject in depth.

"Of all the subjects they are the most boring... Numbers no one

understands and complex ancient scripts," Sirius said with a grimace. As

for him, he signed up for Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and

Muggle Studies. The latter to spite his mother.

"I thought you'd sign up for Care of Magical Creatures," Peter

commented. He had signed up for the same subjects as Sirius, except for

Muggle Studies. He'd rather have more free time.

"I don't have time to learn about magical creatures. I've got enough to do

with what Hagrid tells us," James replied. It would have been a fun class,

but he couldn't afford to sign up for yet another subject.

"Did you get your enchantment back at dawn today?" asked James in a

lower tone.

He wanted to talk about Animagus on the train, but Sirius always

changed the subject and told some anecdote where he usually made his

parents angry. He knew Toby did, but not the others. Lupin didn't, since

he's a werewolf and won't do the Animagus ritual.

"Turns out I swallowed the damn mandrake leaf. I only had five days left.

Damn it," Sirius replied. As he ate a delicious meal, he swallowed and

took the leaf as well. It was hard to eat and keep the leaf down without

swallowing it.

The same thing happened to Peter. They would both put the leaf on

tomorrow. Since they wanted to have today's feast without an ugly leaf

under their tongues.

After that, they continued to talk about trivial things. In the dormitory

they would talk about the vault in the forest and when to start the

expedition. James greeted the team members and several other students

who had improved their relationship.

'Where will Gwen be?' wondered James, looking for the blonde hair on

the Slytherin table. Within seconds, he found her.

Gwen was sitting at the end of the table chatting with Emily. It was odd

to see her without her group of friends surrounding her as the leader.

Although it had been that way ever since she'd distanced herself from


Gwen noticed James' gaze and looked at him. Their gazes met. A cute

smile formed on Gwen's face that greeted James from a distance.

'How cute...' thought James a little gawking at Gwen. He managed to

come back to reality quickly and waved back.

In all the vacations Gwen didn't answer his letters. The good news was

that it was most likely because of her mother, not because she didn't

want to, since she had just greeted him with a smile in public.

The banquet ended, and the prefects of each case began to organize the

students to take them to their common rooms.

Before the students from different houses split up, Gwen approached

James quickly, "See you at the usual place at eleven thirty," Gwen

whispered and then followed the students from her house.

"Date with your girlfriend?" asked Sirius with a slight smirk.

"Shut up and walk," said James, nudging Sirius slightly, who laughed and

said nothing more.

When they got to their dormitory, the boys decided to go on the

expedition to the forbidden forest vault tomorrow. They hadn't been able

to talk to Snape, Regulus, and Gwen. So they have to let them know.

"I have to go..." said James, getting up and grabbing his trusty invisibility


"Say hi to Gwen," said Sirius, who was lying on his bed reading a muggle

superhero comic book.

"Let her know about the vault," said Lupin with a slight smile as he tidied

up the side of his room.

James grunted slightly. He put on his invisibility cloak and walked out of

the dormitory. When he reached the Gryffindor common room no one

was there so getting out was easy.

He walked through the dark corridors of Hogwarts feeling a familiarity

he had missed. His destination was the hidden balcony.

He passed through the secret entrance and reached the balcony. James

stopped in his tracks and looked at Gwen, who was sitting on the edge of

the window watching the scenery with a serene gaze. Her figure bathed

in the silver light of the half moon.

Gwen was wearing the Slytherin uniform, with the green and silver tie

neatly fastened and the robe perfectly in place. Hearing James' footsteps,

she turned slowly, her eyes meeting his.

James for some unknown reason was fascinated at the sight of Gwen. His

heart beat faster as he saw Gwen's blue eyes watching him.

'What the hell is wrong with me,' thought James, confused at himself.

Gwen smiled slightly, her pink lips curving into a soft expression until

she cried out, "James!"

She ran to James and hugged him tightly almost knocking him over.

Luckily, he had strength, as he was a Quidditch player, and you had to

have a fit physique.

"You're finally here! Late as usual. We haven't seen each other in months,

and you have the luxury of being ten minutes late," Gwen began

complaining without letting go of James' embrace. Her arms went around

his neck, and their faces were very close.

Gwen's serene and ethereal image faded in seconds, returning to her

usual whimsical and whiny personality. James smiled slightly and,

without thinking, kissed her. It was a natural move as if his body had

acted on instinct.

Gwen's whining ceased, and she looked up at James, her eyes large and

bright with surprise. A cute blush appeared on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry..." said James, pulling away from Gwen's strawberry-tasting


Gwen, who was looking at him in surprise, sketched a smile. She grabbed

James' tie and pulled him closer to her, kissing him again. They both

closed their eyes and surrendered to the moment, enjoying the kiss.

After a long kiss, though it seemed short to James and Gwen, they broke

apart and looked at each other in silence.

"You sure were late," Gwen said, breaking the silence. She didn't mean

James was late for this meeting. She meant that he was late kissing her.

"After our first kiss, I'm just going to get complaints?" asked James.

"I was just saying, I'm sorry... I missed you," said Gwen, taking James by

the hand.

"Me too..." said James a little embarrassed. They sat and took in the


"I guess your mother has something to do with you ignoring me all

summer," James commented.

"Yeah... She took my cute owl away from me," Gwen said with a not-at-

all-pleased expression. She was always spoiled by her parents, she wasn't

used to being punished.

"I punish you because you walked away from your supremacist friends

and got close to me?" asked James worriedly.

"Yeah, a little of both. She says you're a bad influence on me. You know

the typical," said Gwen, making a dismissive gesture with her hand. The

last thing she would do was obey her mother and walk away from James.

"Don't make that face. Her opinion is slowly changing," said Gwen with a


"What do you mean?" asked James blankly.

"Most of the magical community is aware of your abilities... It was public

for you to become a Lord, to cast a corporeal Patronus, to defeat a dark

wizard posing as a Hogwarts professor..." replied Gwen, listing all the

things James did that were made public in one way or another.

"For all that, my parents know your talent and can't ignore it... Besides,

you're Lord and leader of your family. Who will be a better candidate for

me? There isn't one. My mother can't beat me in an argument when I list

all your accomplishments," Gwen said with a big smile.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you were seen with several members of the Black

family at your ceremony. Even your relationships are good," she added.

"Candidate?" asked James with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, to be my husband," Gwen replied, completely matter-of-factly.

"Our wedding will be great. The biggest of all. I've already got it all

planned..." began Gwen, talking about the details of a future wedding

with James.

'Isn't that going too fast...?' thought James with a strange expression.

James let Gwen go on talking about the wedding. It seemed a long way

off to him. At the very least they had to finish Hogwarts. For that, they

must survive Voldemort and his followers at all costs.

'I'll protect her,' James thought, looking at Gwen, who kept talking about

how great the wedding would be.

Several hours passed. James and Gwen talked about many things. They

had to make up for the months they didn't see each other.

James escorted Gwen to her common room under the invisibility cloak.

Before they parted, he told her about the forest vault and that their

excursion would be tomorrow night. He told her to pass the message on

to Snape and Regulus.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 169: Assistant professor

The first day of school arrived. James got up early in the morning, before

dawn along with Toby to perform the Animagus charm. Then they went

to breakfast with the others in the Great Hall.

In the first class, they had Defense Against the Dark Arts. They had a new

professor. Her name was Isabel Argall. An elderly woman, with grey hair,

pale skin, and brown eyes. She wore a dress of different shades of blue

and had a light blue scarf around her neck.

Her face was stern, and the students upon entering and seeing her fell

silent and sat down on their benches quickly.

"Welcome to the third-year Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Unfortunately, you are way behind because of the change of professors

year to year..." began Isabel in a quiet tone and with slight pauses.

"Last year's professor was a big fraud... I've seen the curriculum he used a

complete swill," Isabel said, clicking her tongue in irritation.

She could not believe how the Ministry accepted such useless books.

Although she had an idea why the Ministry accepted such education

books. They didn't want children to know good spells, especially Muggle-

born or half-blood children.

Everyone in the class was surprised by the professor's words, "That's the

way to talk! We're going to have a good professor this year," said Sirius,

who was next to James, sitting at the end of it all.

'The book the professor asked for is much better,' thought James, nodding

at Sirius' comment. He also thought that DADA would be a much better

subject this year. Not for him. For everyone else. He was way ahead and

was now training in non-verbal magic and wandless magic.

"Quiet," Isabel said, and all the students fell silent, waiting for the

professor's next words with interest. They all wanted to know useful

spells for dueling and powerful magic.

"Show of hands for students who know how to cast Expelliarmus," said


In the class, there were two houses: Gryffindor and Slytherin. Making a

total of 52 students.

James and the marauders raised their hands. Sirius with a confident

smile. From the crazy training James made him do, he knew a lot more

spells. Expelliarmus was easy for him.

On the Gryffindor side, almost no one else raised their hand. Even Lily

and her friends Jasmine and Khanna hadn't learned it either.

'All that suffering was not in vain,' thought Peter, who for the first time

put on a proud expression. He was one of the few students who knew

how to cast an Expelliarmus.

On the Slytherin side raised their hands: Rabastan, Avery, Mulciber,

Dolohov, Evan Rosier, Snape, and Emily.

'How can I lose to those dirty Gryffindors,' thought Dolores Umbridge,

clenching her fists tightly.

'What a low rate,' thought Isabel. Out of 52 students, only 15 students

could cast an Expelliarmus. This was bad. Hogwarts is supposed to be the

best magical school in the world.

Isabel continued to list offensive and defensive charms. The hands

continued to go down. The ones who always kept their hands up were

the marauders, Rabastan, Emily, and Snape.

That is until the professor asked who knew how to cast a Protego, and

only James, Sirius, and Lupin were left.

"Who knows how to cast a Patronus? It doesn't matter if it's corporeal or

incorporeal," said Elizabeth. This time, Sirius lowered his hand with a

grimace. He didn't like losing, but it was better to lose to his best friends

than to the Slytherin students who had lost earlier. Even though it wasn't

a competition, he saw it that way.

"Corporeal Patronus?" asked Isabel again. This time, Lupin lowered his

hand. He still couldn't cast a shaped Patronus. He was in a bottleneck and

couldn't move forward.

All the students looked at James with different emotions. Admiration,

jealousy, envy, surprise, love, etc.

"James Potter," said Isabel.

"Yes, professor?" asked James, a little surprised that the professor knew

his name. So far no students have introduced themselves. It was only

natural that she would know his name though. Lord Potter and all the

things, he did drew the attention of the entire British magical


"You will be my assistant. A second professor, let's call you that. You will

help your classmates, and you will also have the power to punish them or

give them points, depending on their behavior," said Isabel, taking James

and everyone else by surprise.

"Any objections?" asked Isabel, ready to hear complaints about her

decision. However, no one objected. She expected the Slytherin students

to complain, but no one said a peep.

Rabastan, Dolores, and the other Slytherin students were grimacing and

frowning, but couldn't bring themselves to say anything.

'Normally, they don't say anything knowing everything this boy did...'

thought Isabel, looking at James differently for the first time.

Isabel knew that the Slytherin students didn't say anything for one

reason: fear. Not because they admired and respected James. They were

afraid of being humiliated or beaten to a pulp like: Rabastan in his duel,

the third and fourth-year boys, or the last case: the sixth-year boy who

was defeated magnificently in front of many eyes.

"Well, it's a good thing there are no complaints... Now we look at the

theory of the Expelliarmus charm. Then we will go to the dueling room

to put it into practice right away," said Isabel, and all the students looked


Isabel only used thirty minutes to explain the theory: pronunciation,

wand movements, and the occasional tip. In the dueling room that was

an ideal size for everyone to get in pairs of two and practice, James was a

professor for the first time officially.

He did his best to teach. He had already taught Sirius and the others,

albeit in an unorthodox way (a lot of sweat and suffering), so he changed

his approach when teaching Lily and her friends or other students.

At the end of the class, Professor Isabel spoke to James alone. She

explained to him that his evaluation for passing grades would be different

from the others. She will evaluate him depending on how good a

professor he is, although the standards are not very high either since she

knows he is a thirteen-year-old boy. He should just help her and lessen

her burden in the face of this course so far behind in defensive and

offensive spells.

She told him Dumbledore agreed. No one could object knowing James'

abilities. Many saw him in his last duel at Black House, casting a Protego

and a non-verbal Expelliarmus, and of course, a Patronus, though this

everyone already knew.

What surprised everyone this time, was that James already knew non-

verbal magic and not-so-easy spells.

James was happy about this decision on the part of the school. He could

learn more things being a professor than as a student. He was very

advanced in this subject and this was the best thing for him.

At lunch that same day the news of James being an assistant professor

spread throughout Hogwarts like wildfire. Again, he felt a lot of stares as

he ate with his friends. He was used to it by now, and his goal was

beyond the popularity of the school, unfortunately for him, who always

wished for a normal school life.

The second class they had was Transfiguration with Professor

McGonagall. James arrived early to the classroom, it was still ten minutes

before the start of the class.

McGonagall was sitting at a square wooden desk, reviewing various

scrolls. The nerdiest students were arriving and taking the best seats.

"Professor," James said softly, calling McGonagall over.

"What do you need, student Potter? It's strange to see you without your

group of friends," McGonagall said, looking up and stopping writing with

her quill.

"I have a request," James said, pulling a parchment out of one of his robe


James explained his request to him in a few minutes. Long story short, he

didn't want to take the third-year transfiguration class, but not because

he didn't want to study transfiguration anymore, it was because he

wanted to take the sixth-year transfiguration class.

He explained to McGonagall that he had already studied the entire

Intermediate Transfiguration book covering three years at Hogwarts:

third, fourth, and fifth years.

In addition to knowing the theory perfectly, he had also cast all the

transfiguration spells successfully. On the parchment he handed to

McGonagall his parents credited their son's abilities.

On the other hand, James told McGonagall that he could demonstrate his

skills and knowledge by taking the appropriate exams. He didn't think

they would just take his and his parents' word for it.

James was doing this for two reasons. First, he didn't want to keep

wasting time in a class that didn't contribute anything to him. Second, he

wanted to take the sixth-year transfiguration class. In that year you learn

about advanced transfiguration which involves conjuration. His learning

would be better if he had McGonagall teaching him instead of studying

on his own. There was no denying McGonagall's excellence in

transfiguration and teaching.

"You learned a three-year book on your own, on par with taking your

second year?" asked McGonagall in an incredulous tone, looking at James

with wide eyes. It was rare to see the stern professor with that


"Yes. I also studied a lot over the vacations," James replied.

James had finished the intermediate book just before the start of the

vacation. He had planned to start with advanced transfiguration right

away, but he decided to strengthen his knowledge and practice the

intermediate transfiguration spells more. Especially the curriculum that

covered the fifth year at Hogwarts.

Transfiguration is complex and dangerous. His foundations must be firm.

So, he was patient and returned to those subjects of study.

In addition, the fifth-year subjects were more difficult and complex than

previous years as they took the OWLs. Each subject had its own OWL

exam. The score a student earned on a particular OWL determined

whether or not they would be allowed to continue studying in the more

advanced classes in that subject in their sixth and seventh years.

For this reason, if James wanted to take the advanced Transfiguration

classes he would need a high score. If he asked to take the exams early he

would have to have good grades or he would not have the necessary

score to take the sixth-year class.

McGonagall said nothing. She was silent in thought. If another third-year

student had told her this she wouldn't believe a word of it, but the

student in front of her was the boy who cast a corporeal Patronus and

knew nonverbal magic. Plus, she had a parchment signed by James'


"I'll talk to Dumbledore. You will take your third-year classes for now.

This is the first time this has happened since I've been a professor..." said


"Well, thanks," said James, bowing slightly, before going to his seat to

take the class the professor spoke again.

"I will testify on your behalf. As your professor, I have seen your perfect

transfiguration spells, but if accepted you will have to take several heavy

exams. Be prepared,"

"Thank you, professor. I'll be ready. I prepared throughout the vacation,"

James said with a smile. He wasn't afraid of an OWL exam. He felt ready.

However, he didn't deny that it could be challenging. The first really

difficult exam.

James as he turned around to head to his seat. He noticed that the room

was full and silent. Everyone was watching him with surprised and

incredulous expressions.

'Since when did the hall fill up?' thought James with a slight grimace

heading towards the seats where the marauders were. Once again a

rumor about him would spread at great speed and he would be the center

of attention.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 170: Meeting at the

Dragon Club

After the first day of classes, James began to head to the large Hogwarts

library to continue with his study routine. On the way he was intercepted

by a red-haired girl, it was Lily Evans.

Lily had grown a few inches since James last saw her. Her fiery red hair

falls in soft waves to her shoulders. Her eyes are a deep green and she

has freckles, scattered delicately over her nose and cheeks.

"James," Lily said, stopping in front of James.

"Hi, Lily, how are you?" asked James with a smile happy to see his study

partner. The last time he had seen her was at a meeting he had at Potter

Manor attended by Snape, the marauders, and Regulus.

"Good, good... I heard your talk with McGonagall... Are you done

studying the Intermediate Transfiguration book completely?" asked Lily,

who was holding the same book in her hands propped against her chest.

Lily, being a nerd, arrived twenty minutes early to the classroom to get a

good spot in the front row.

"Yes. I managed to finish studying it thoroughly over the vacations,"

James replied.

'Study it thoroughly? Even on vacations, he studies that much...?' thought

Lily, twitching her eyebrows slightly.

"What about you? Have you finished it?" asked James.

Lily took a few seconds to answer. Last year, she studied like crazy for

the entire school term. The vacations allowed her to relax a bit and get

her energy back.

Although she studied a bit, she wasn't as disciplined as she was during

the school year.

"Yes... I finished it. I also told McGonagall to take the exams. With our

knowledge being in the third-year class will only waste our time," Lily

said, lying. Her competitiveness was very high and even more so when it

came to studying.

For some reason, she didn't want to lose to James and have him find out

that she slacked off during the vacations.

"That's the spirit. Do you want to go over fifth-year subjects? If our

application is approved they'll take OWL exams for us," James said.

"I was thinking of going over some fourth-year transfiguration spells and

concepts..." said Lily in a low tone, but James got to hear her.

"Fourth? We should focus on fifth-year subjects. It will be the hardest

exam," James said.

"Unlike you, I can't use magic in my house, so I couldn't practice them on

my own..." said Lily.

Lily visited Potter Manor over the vacations and was very surprised when

she learned that James could use magic there as a minor. All thanks to

the charms above the manor.

"That's right, I forgot..." said James, scratching his head. Lily living with

muggles had no such advantages as him living in a magical mansion like

centuries-old spells.

"Do you want me to help you? I have the necessary animals in my wallet

which is bigger than normal..." said James with a slight smile and

whispered the last part.

"Your wallet is very useful," said Lily with a giggle, "Fine, let's go to the

library,' added Lily with a smile and started walking with James.

James and Lily studied and practiced fourth-year transfiguration until

dinner time. James only reviewed a little, as he was completely fluent in

those subjects. Lily faltered more in the charms, as she was not able to

practice them 100%.

After dinner, the students from each house were taken by their prefects

to their respective common rooms. James and the others spent some time

in the hall waiting for everyone to go to bed so that they could leave the

common room.

At 11:35 AM they were left alone. James took the invisibility cloak and

this time headed with the others to the Dragon Club House. Before

starting their expedition to the Forbidden Forest they had to have a

meeting and plan things well.

The Dragon Clubhouse was open to anyone who was a member. Each

club member was given a small key.

Before entering the house, James made sure the place was empty and

because of the time of day, there were no monkeys on the shore.

They entered the house, and Sirius and the others were amazed at how

quaint the clubhouse was.

"Have them invite me. It will be nice to be able to hang out here. Away

from the castle. It's like Hagrid's hut, but better," Sirius commented, as

James led everyone into the meeting room.

In the meeting room, there was a long table and expensive chairs around

it, "Make yourselves comfortable. I'll go get Gwen and the others," James


"Don't ignore me," Sirius said a little annoyed.

"If you want to be invited have a duel against a Slytherin student and

humiliate him," commented James, putting his invisibility cloak back on

and leaving the house.

"That's a good idea..." said Sirius with a hand on his chin. He was

confident in his dueling skills, having trained with his crazy best friend.

He didn't think Rabastan or another student his age could beat him. Only

Lupin would be his opponent in his year. Not counting James, since he

wouldn't put him in the same league as them.

James walked briskly through the Hogwarts grounds and back into the

castle. With his invisibility cloak and his Silencio Barriera, it was

impossible to be caught by Filch.

He then headed for the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was

located. He waited a few feet from the door. After a few minutes, three

students came out. They were Gwen, Regulus, and Snape.

James took off his invisibility cloak, and Gwen saw him and ran straight

towards him. She was about to hug him but remembered the two

strangers so she stopped herself.

"I didn't know you were shy," James whispered with a slight smile, and

Gwen elbowed him in the stomach.

James was surprised that the elbow was very weak, he barely felt any

discomfort. Usually, Gwen doesn't control the force she puts into her

punches, but this time she did.

"For now let's use the invisibility cloaks to get out of the castle. Then

when we get out I'll lead them to the dragon clubhouse," James said.

Regulus and Snape nodded and put on Regulus' cloak that he got from

the ice vault.

James pulled the invisibility cloak over himself and Gwen. He then cast a

Silencio Barriera and began to retrace his previous steps.

James as he walked beside Gwen wanted to take her hand, but the girl's

hand was closed and hard as stone.

"Don't you want to go holding hands?" asked James with a raised


"Yeah...why not," Gwen said, reluctantly as she opened her hand and took


"What's wrong with you? You're acting weird. Two minutes ago, you

wanted to hug me, but now you seem angry," James said, confused.

"I'm not mad, and I didn't want to hug you before," Gwen said stubbornly.

"Come on, Gwen. I'm not a fortune teller. If something bothers you and

you don't tell me, I won't guess. Although in the future, I will be able to

read thoughts just by looking at you," James said with a slight smile. He

was just short of that level in Legilimency. He had barely begun to study

said art.

"Hey that's a violation of privacy!" exclaimed Gwen, not at all pleased.

"I know. I won't read your mind, though it will be tempting since I have

to guess why you bother and not tell me anything," James said, stopping

and staring at Gwen.

Gwen lowered her gaze shyly and looked down at her boots. Only James

could provoke such a reaction from her.

"Come on... Just say it," James said, reaching out his hand to Gwen's chin

and making a little force to make the girl look at him again. He noticed

that her cheeks were flushed for some reason.

"I saw you in the library today with Lily Evans... You seemed to be

having a lot of fun instead of studying," Gwen said, dropping her blush

and frowning.

'Jealousy again, huh?' thought James, sighing internally. He understood

why Gwen was this jealous and possessive. She was always a spoiled

child in a rich family and got everything she wanted.

"I told you she's a friend. I even told you they could meet, but you didn't

want to. Are you shy?" asked James with a slight smile.

"I'm not shy... I was with Emily. I have to make up for all the time I lost

and she's very studious..." said Gwen, twitching her eyebrows.

"Next time, I'll introduce you to Lily. You might become good friends..."

said James, unsure. He wouldn't stop seeing Lily out of jealousy of Gwen

and he made that clear.

"Fine," Gwen growled, knowing James wouldn't change his mind. If it

were anyone else, she would have kept arguing, but against James she

couldn't win on some things, and she was more shy than usual.

James and Gwen walked out of the castle. They took off their invisibility

cloak and saw that Regulus and Snape were already waiting for them.

"What took you two so long?" asked Snape with a frown and an annoyed


"None of your business. Let's go!" said Gwen grumpily, starting to walk

towards the dragon club. James looked at Regulus and shrugged, as he

followed Gwen.

'Is this girl never in a good mood?' thought Snape, though he wasn't the

best person to say that.

Arriving at the Dragon Club they all sat down in the empty seats. The

group already knew each other inside out. Regulus knew all the

marauders, one of them being his brother. He even managed to resume

his relationship with Sirius thanks to James, since meeting him in the ice

vault he managed to join their group.

Snape also knew the marauders. At first, he had a grudge against them,

especially Sirius, but now he got along well. They fought together and

almost died. It was there that a strange friendship was forged.

Regulus at the great hall table propped up three scrolls. Two were

originals from the Vault of Fear. The other was where they translated the

riddle. Then he propped up two large books and a large map.

James nodded in satisfaction at everything Regulus brought with him and

said, "Let's get started with the meeting,"


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 171: Lily's tears

The translation of the riddle that Regulus, Snape, and Gwen solved was

as follows:

[Where the shadow grows thick and time seems to stand still, you will

find the entrance. Between the oak and hawthorn, the hidden portal

awaits. Follow the brooklet westward until the water disappears. There,

under the light of the full moon, look for the sign of the centaur in the

forbidden forest].

With this translation, it was easy to realize that the vault was in the

forbidden forest.

"Forbidden forest. Brook. West... That damn forest is huge. Couldn't it be

specific?" asked Sirius with a frown, looking at the large map on the


"According to Hagrid, there isn't a complete map of the forest..."

commented Lupin with a serious expression.

"This map is the best I could get... Few people were encouraged to map

the forest," Regulus said.

"There are areas of the forest that are already off limits to Hogwarts,"

Snape said with a hand on his chin, looking at the map.

"Those areas we can safely rule out," said James.

"Why?" asked Toby.

"The Japanese wizard created the vaults at Hogwarts because he wanted

the protection of the school. He wouldn't create the vault outside the

school boundaries," James replied, and Toby nodded in understanding.

"This book talks about the creatures known to inhabit the forbidden

forest. Their characteristics and ways to counter or deal with them. This

other book talks about the known magical plants and fungi there,"

Regulus said.

"Well done, Regulus," James praised. He had asked the youngest Black to

bring these books and the map of the forbidden forest.

"I'm glad the information will be useful," Regulus said with a smile,

happy to be praised by James.

'Since when does he put on that smile for simple praise...?' thought Sirius,

looking at his younger brother, who usually has a cold and arrogant


"Well, let's get to work. We should know in advance all the possible

dangerous creatures and plants we may encounter once we enter the

forest," said James.

"I thought we were starting the expedition today..." said Sirius a little

disappointed. He'd rather go into the dangerous and scary forest than do

a job with old books.

"You said it yourself. The forest is huge. Remember the fake jungle in the

ice vault?" said James, and Sirius got the point.

"We had a really bad time, and it wasn't even real..." nodded Sirius.

"Yes. This forest is real and must have magical creatures and plants far

more dangerous than the jungle. We should go prepared," said James,

and they all got to work.

By going prepared James meant knowing the magical creatures, plants,

and fungi so they could counter them or know how to act when they

encountered x creature, plant, or fungus.

For example, in the fake jungle of the ice vault, they encountered a

devil's trap that trapped Regulus. Thanks to Gwen knowing his weakness,

James was able to cast a Lumos Solem to make the dangerous plant

retreat and free Regulus.

Snape sat on a bush that started to catch fire, that they couldn't prevent,

as they didn't know that kind of magical bush. Because of this, a forest

fire started that was almost fatal for Snape and Company.

Now, they will enter a century-old forest with double, triple, or more

magical plants and even creatures that will not be friendly when they see

them. They must know their characteristics to be able to deal with them

in a possible confrontation.

The night passed slowly, as the group concentrated on categorizing all

the magical creatures and plants from most to least dangerous. Knowing

how to identify them, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

There were many. Especially magical plants and fungi. The encyclopedias

Regulus brought between the two of them exceeded a thousand pages. In

addition, they might encounter unknown creatures or plants that did not

appear in the books, since no one explored the forbidden forest 100%.

Two hours passed. It was already past two in the morning. James called

it a day. Tomorrow they had classes, and they already had five hours to

sleep, too little for his liking.

"How long will it take?" asked Sirius in a complaining tone as usual for

him when it came to annoying tasks.

"We are eight people working. Maybe a week or a bit more... Besides, we

have to learn the information by heart, so we can use it when we are in

the forest," replied Lupin, rolling up several parchments with information

that he summarized.

"Once we finish this task, I will create several potions that will be of help

to us on the expedition. As well as essential antidotes to counteract

possible venoms. So it will take longer," said James, who was planning to

go to the forbidden forest well-prepared.

They didn't know how long it would take to find the vault, and they

would have to go much deeper, perhaps further than Hagrid.

"Tsch, I thought the first few days we'd have the adventure by now,"

Sirius, complained, but said no more.

"Learn a bit from Potter and be more patient. I'm surprised the sorting hat

put you in Gryffindor," Snape said, looking at James with a strange

expression. In all the time he had known James, he saw him as having

more of the Slytherin qualities, though it wasn't that he didn't possess

some Gryffindor qualities like bravery.

Sirius just growled at Snape and didn't start arguing. He had dreams, and

it was late at night, he didn't have the energy to start an argument.

This time, James did not accompany Gwen. He put on the invisibility

cloak along with Sirius, Toby, Peter, and Lupin and said goodbye to the

Slytherin students. When they reached their dormitory they all went to

sleep without saying a word. It had been an exhausting day.

The next few days James kept up this routine. He also had his first classes

in Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. The introductory classes were heavy

and information-heavy. There were not many students. It seemed that

these two subjects were not very popular with Hogwarts students.

When about ten days had passed since the first meeting of James and the

others at the Dragon Club, James, and Lily, were called to Headmaster

Dumbledore's office.

That was the second time James had visited Dumbledore's office.

McGonagall was also there. The meeting was short. It lasted only about

twenty minutes and it was explained to James and Lily that their

application to take advanced Transfiguration classes was accepted.

However, first, they had to demonstrate their knowledge in three exams

that would take place over the next week. The first would be on Monday,

the second on Wednesday, and the last and most difficult of all on Friday.

James was happy about this news. In a week, he would be able to start

his advanced transfiguration class in the sixth year. He would no longer

waste time in third-year transfiguration.

Lily was also happy about this, as she considered it a great achievement.

On the last exam, she was less than enthusiastic, though only she knew


"It's going to be a tough week for you two. You must prepare yourselves.

The first exam is in two days," Dumbledore said with a slight smile.

Proud that two Gryffindor students were so advanced in transfiguration.

He had previously been a professor of the subject. Many years ago.

"The last exam will be the hardest of all... Only students at OWL level

take it and many do not make the grade needed to continue their studies

in transfiguration. Getting them to give the exams to two third-year

students was difficult, I hope their skills are not lies," McGonagall said

with a slight frown.

McGonagall was saying this so that they wouldn't waste the school's time

and end up failing with low grades. She believed in James and Lily's

abilities, but she had to make sure that they had enough fifth-year

knowledge to take the exam and get an acceptable grade.

The OWL exams would influence James and Lily's future they could not

take them lightly, and getting the council's acceptance for two third-year

students to take such advanced exams was very complicated for

Dumbledore and McGonagall.

"Don't worry, professor. Our knowledge will be enough to get an E,"

James said with a confident smile.

An E meant a grade: Exceeds expectations. It is one of the three passing

grades, and one of the six grades overall, in Ordinary Wizarding Levels

(OWL) and NEWTs.

It is the second highest grade, below Outstanding [O] and above

Acceptable [A]. Most Hogwarts professors set their entry standards for

NEWT classes at Exceeds Expectations [E] So, if James and Lily wanted

to take 6th-year Transfiguration classes minimally they should get this


"That's a lot of confidence, Potter. I hope you'll back it up on exam day,"

McGonagall said somewhat chidingly and pleased with his answer.

"Professor, Headmaster... I can't take the OWL exam... I studied almost

nothing from the fifth-year curriculum," Lily said in a nervous, teary-eyed


"What, why? I thought you said you had completely studied the

intermediate transfiguration book," McGonagall said with a frown.

"I'm sorry, I lied!" said Lily starting to cry. James looked at her in

surprise, not because of Lily's lie, he was surprised to see her crying.

Perhaps because of the presence of Dumbledore and McGonagall, she

became nervous, as they went to the trouble so that she could take an

OWL exam, and it seemed that it was not an easy process to be approved.

"Take it easy, student Evans. Have some candy," Dumbledore said with a

kind smile extending a red-colored candy to Lily, who accepted it and

stopped crying.

"Explain to us, don't worry, you won't be punished. You are one of the

best students in all of Hogwarts. This is just a small mishap. As long as a

student takes the OWL exam nothing serious will happen," Dumbledore

said with a slight smile, looking for a moment at James.

Lily began to explain that she lied because she didn't want to fall behind

James and it would be a unique opportunity to be able to take an OWL

exam as a third year. As a Muggle-born daughter, she always wanted to

show her worth in the magical world, and this was the golden


Dumbledore and McGonagall looked for a few seconds at James, who

didn't know what face to make at being the cause of this. Both adults

sighed internally at the story, Lily was unlucky to be in the same year as

this monstrous boy.

Dumbledore knew that James wasn't just making progress in

Transfiguration. He was also doing so in Potions, Charms, and especially

in Martial Magic and DADA. What kind of super demanding and crazy

routine did this boy have? It reminded her of him in his student years,

maybe more obsessive.

"It's okay, Lily. It's okay. You'll take the corresponding exams for the third

and fourth years. If you pass them you'll take the fifth-year classes,"

McGonagall said with a slight gentle smile. She held Lily in high regard.

"Thank you, professor," Lily said, wiping away tears and snot. The image

was a little funny and cute at the same time.

"As for you, Potter. I hope you pass the OWL exam with an E..." said

McGonagall, and James nodded with a strange expression. Why did the

professor now seem a bit angry with him?

After that, Lily and James left Dumbledore's office and started heading

for the common room. Lily was still breathing erratically, it seemed like

it was the first time she had ever felt so nervous at the possibility of

being reprimanded by the school authorities.

'She should learn to relax like Sirius...' thought James, watching Lily out

of the corner of his eye.

"I'm sorry... Maybe because of me, you ended up wanting to take the

fifth-year exam. I should have realized," James said with a strange

expression. For some reason, he felt guilty seeing Lily crying when he

didn't do anything.

"It's not your fault, James. I was to blame. For my competitiveness I tried

to keep up with you..." said Lily with a slight smile and denying with her

delicate hand.

'She's right... It's not my fault, but why do I still feel guilty?' thought


"But don't relax! I'll catch up with you soon and take the OWL exam!"

said Lily, returning with her usual enthusiasm and competitiveness.

"I'll be waiting for you," said James with a smile.


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Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 172: Leaving the team?

James and Lily's first exam came on Monday after the normal school day

had ended. It was held in the same classroom as the third-year

transfiguration class, but the room was almost empty compared to this


McGonagall, having only two students to test, took a different approach

to make the exam more practical and quicker. She asked them oral

questions as they had to demonstrate these transfiguration spells. They

did not have a theoretical exam, although this did not make it any easier.

James, in this exam, cast several transfiguration spells: Draconifors: A

spell that transforms objects into small dragons. However, it was only a

very small transfigured dragon, about the size of a baby, which

significantly limited its potential for violence and fire-spewing.

Lapifors: Transforms the target into a rabbit; works best on small targets.

James was used to this spell. He had used it to use rabbits in

unconventional experiments...

Felifors: is a spell that transforms a cat into a cauldron. James didn't

know what the usefulness of this spell was. To be able to make potions by

turning your beloved cat into a cauldron?

The last and most difficult in the third year was to transform a teapot

into a turtle. If the spell was not performed perfectly, the turtle could

exhale steam or have the willowy pattern of the teapot on its shell. It was

the transfiguration spell that ended James and Lily's advanced


McGonagall told them right then and there that they had both passed

with perfect marks. Lily walked out of the classroom with a big smile.

That meant she could now take her fourth-year classes in


'No, I have to pass the next exam and take the fifth-year classes!' thought

Lily with flames in her eyes. She had studied the fourth-year syllabus; she

could do it, though it would be harder than the third-year questions and

spells, no doubt.

'That was quicker than I thought. That's good,' thought James, who

would now have some time to practice a bit. He planned to go to the

Room of Requirement.

"See you later," said Lily, saying goodbye with a happy smile. She would

tell Jasmine and Khanna the good news.

James said goodbye and watched Lily's back as she walked away. He

thought the girl would tell him about going to the library to brush up on

fourth-year subjects. He shrugged and started to head for the room of


The hour is dangerous, and someone might notice the strange door

appearing out of nowhere, so James casts a cloaking spell so that the

door cannot be seen.

James asked for a large circular room with several magical mannequins

in a row and at different distances. The ceiling of the room was high, and

the floor was smooth and shiny, almost mirror-like.

'It's not bad to have a change of scenery now and then. Let's see... An

hour to practice,' thought James, looking at the time on a clock hanging

on a wall.

James positioned himself at a far distance from the dummies, wielded his

wand, and took a deep breath.

"Incendio!" exclaimed James in a clear, determined voice. He pointed his

wand at the center of the triangle of dummies.

A ball of fire, as large as he had ever conjured, erupted from the tip of his

wand. The flame advanced with impressive force and speed, reaching the

central dummy in the blink of an eye. But this time, it didn't stop there.

The explosion of fire spread rapidly in all directions, engulfing the three

dummies in a fiery eruption.

The room was lit with an orange and gold glow, with shadows dancing

frantically on the walls as the fire continued its expansion.

'Fascinating,' James thought, watching the crackling embers and rising

smoke. An Incendio could reach such a degree of power and destruction.

A spark glowed in his eyes. He had to master the fire to feel that fiery

force under his control.

Why did he want to master fire? One of the reasons was to be able to cast

the Protego Diabolica. In all this time, he had not even managed to get a

spark of black fire out of that spell.

He knew the theory perfectly, but nothing came out of his wand. So he

decided to improve his fire elemental spells. Incendio, although at first a

basic spell that is only good for lighting candles or fireplaces, if you

improve it enough, it can reach such a degree of destruction.

However, James was not happy with his current level. In the Protego

Diabolica, you must control fire. Mold it, like drawing a line to protect

you or your allies.

It's not just throwing it with great power. You need to have very good

control. If you just throw fireballs left and right, it won't improve. Your

firepower is already at a good level. Now it's time to move on to control

and precision.

'Could I shape fire with my telekinesis...?' James thought but quickly

shook his head. That would be cheating and would cause him to not

improve in his fire mastery. He would only master it against his will.

After extinguishing the fire with water spells, James performed precision

and moving fire control exercises. With much less power than the

previous cast. He always used the same incantation: Incendio, but

conjuring the jet of flames with different powers.

An hour flies by. James almost stayed thirty minutes longer than he

thought he would, but luckily, he saw the time on the clock and left the

Room of Requirement for the Great Hall. After so much magic and

throwing, he was very hungry.

'I feel like I'm forgetting something...' thought James as he walked down

the deserted corridors towards the Great Hall. When he arrived, the place

was crowded and noisy, as usual. He didn't remember exactly, so he

shrugged and headed for the Gryffindor table.

Before he could reach the table with Lupin and the others, two sturdy

hands grabbed him by the wrists.

"James!" shouted Gideon and Fabian, forcing him to sit with them. For

some reason, he saw that the entire Gryffindor team was eating dinner

together. It was weird since most of them are from different years and

usually eat with their friends. Except on match days.

'Oh, I remember... I had training with the team today,' James thought

with a slight grimace, seeing the expressions of the whole team. Skipping

a training session was serious; he wouldn't be punished, but he might be

moved out of his starting position, and in the team, relations would be


"Where have you been, James? Why did you skip practice? It's already

the second time you've missed, and we started training a week ago,"

asked William, the Gryffindor captain and warden.

A week meant three practices, and James had already missed two. His

schedule was very tight now that he had two extra subjects in his routine.

Plus Dragon Club, Slughorn Club, studying, training, etc.

'I'm sure he was training...' thought Sirius, shaking his head. He already

knew all too well of James' obsession with training and studying magic.

This was doubled by the ever-growing Death Eater attacks.

Before James could respond and think of a cheap excuse, a lanky brown-

haired boy spoke up: "He can't be a starter anymore! It's unacceptable for

him to miss two practices in a row we've only had three practices! I

demand a vote immediately!"

His name was Mark Petrie. He is a sophomore and less than a week ago,

he joined the Gryffindor team as a substitute seeker by trying out. His

talent was good, and so was his family background. He came from a

family of professional Quidditch players. That was why he dared to try to

displace James, despite his reputation.

He wanted to be a starter, not wait until James finished Hogwarts or beat

him to the position. He had to live up to his father, who is a current

professional player. He doesn't want to be his shadow.

The team members stood in silence, not knowing how to proceed. James

was their star seeker. They couldn't put him on the bench. Even though

Mark was good, William and the others didn't think he was on James'


All the students at the Gryffindor table listened intently to the Quidditch

team's conversation. Most of the students either liked Quidditch or liked

to make fun of the other houses when their team won and were currently


"I think it's a bit of a hasty decision," said William, breaking the silence.

He had a great friendship with James. He visited Potter Manor and

believed that James could be the best Gryffindor seeker in history. He

wasn't kidding. He saw the data of all the seekers the Lion House had and

saw firsthand James' skills. They weren't normal. Three matches, three

golden snitch catches. One hundred percent effectiveness.

"No. Mark is right. Missing practice twice is a serious offense," said

James, speaking for the first time as a plate of food appeared out of

nowhere in front of him. He took the knife and fork and began to calmly

cut the meat.

"The best thing is for him to be the lead seeker. What's more, I'll be

leaving the team," James said. As he finished, he ate a piece of meat. He

noticed the strange silence. He looked up from his plate and noticed the

incredulous looks of everyone, even Mark.

Mark, even though he was competitive, didn't want James to leave the

team. Last year, when he was first, he cheered for James and came to

admire him; now he sees him as a worthy rival.

"WHAT!?" shouted the entire Gryffindor table in unison.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 173: Valuable


James created quite a stir at the Gryffindor table when he said he was

leaving the team. He had his reasons. His routine is very demanding, and

having three days of training that lasts more than an hour makes things

very difficult for him.

The most important thing now is to improve his strength, and his social

relations and prepare for the war against Voldemort and his death eaters.

The war is already happening. Although in silence and in skirmishes on

the part of the death eaters who want to rebel against the Ministry of

Magic and impose their ideals.

By the plea of the whole team and the Gryffindor table in general, James

decided to stay as a substitute seeker and was given a leave of absence so

that his training sessions would not last so long. Instead of an hour and a

half, he would train for forty-five minutes.

On the other hand, although he liked quidditch and it was a hobby, he

wasn't as passionate about it as he was about magic. He already won the

trophy last year and dedicated it to his late grandfather. He didn't have

much ambition to win the championship again, his mind was focused


"You caused quite a ruckus today," Lupin commented from under the

invisibility cloak. Beside him were all the marauders.

They were on their way to the dragon clubhouse. It had been fourteen

days since they had started investigating the magical creatures and plants

found in the forbidden forest. It took them longer than expected, but they

had everything ready.

The next step was to brew potions and antidotes for the venoms. They

would do that today in the potions room of the house.

James and Regulus used their house elves to bring them the necessary

ingredients for all the potions and antidotes they needed.

"I didn't mean to. I just want to spend that time training my magic,"

James said with a slight grimace. He said it without much thought,

forgetting that he was at the table with everyone watching him. He

would have had to discuss it privately with William.

Worst of all, he didn't get his assignment to leave the team. He'll have to

go three days and have forty-five minutes of quidditch training. That's

two hours and fifteen minutes a week. He could spend that time

improving his elemental magic, his Occlumency, or his wandless magic.

Every improvement counts towards becoming a little stronger.

Lupin, Sirius, Peter, and Toby looked at each other with worried

expressions. They already knew all too well James' obsession with

training his magic. How else would he have cast a corporeal Patronus at

the age of twelve and defeated a DADA professor? Besides, they knew of

his unusual talent in wandless magic.

What worried them was James' growing obsession with each passing day

in his magical training and study. He seemed to want to take charge of

the war and personally defeat Voldemort. That was strange and

disturbing to them.

They walked in silence. When they reached the dragon clubhouse they

met Gwen, Regulus, and Snape, who had already arrived.

"Let's start with the anti-venoms first," Severus said without greeting. In

his pale, long-fingered hand he held a long parchment. Here they had

written down all the potions and antidotes they should take on their


"Hi, Snape. Nice to see you," Sirius said sarcastically. Snape just grunted

slightly and started to head for the potions room. Regulus followed him

with the ingredients in a leather bag.

"James. Follow me I want to talk to you," Gwen said, taking James by the

hand and leading him to the dueling room for privacy.

James reached to pass the bag of ingredients he got to Lupin and had no

choice but to be dragged into the living room by Gwen.

"No one says hi..." said Sirius, shaking his head.

"I'll take this to Snape. Then we'll talk strategy for exploring the

forbidden forest," said Lupin starting to walk towards the potions room.

James, Snape, and Gwen would get to work on the potions and anti-

venoms. The first two were the most knowledgeable in the art of potions,

and Gwen as a fourth-year student had more knowledge and experience

than Lupin, Sirius, Regulus, and the others.

Lupin along with the remaining marauders and Regulus will discuss the

first route to take when they enter the forest, while the others work in

the potions room.

"What's going on?" asked James as Gwen locked the door to the dueling


"Let's sit down," said Gwen, heading for the bleachers that allowed them

to observe the duel.

James followed her and sat down next to her. Their knees bumped,

"What's wrong? You look worried," he asked.

"Where to start..." muttered Gwen, sorting out her thoughts. Before she

spoke, she cast Silencio Barriera around her and James, who was a little

surprised by this but said nothing and waited.

Fifteen minutes later, Gwen finished speaking. James' face was serious.

Long story short, Gwen's parents had joined the Death Eaters.

This had been going on for months. Gwen noticed that her parents were

having strange meetings at the mansion, but at those times she was not

allowed to leave her room.

How did she know that the guests were death eaters? Thanks to Slinky.

The mansion's house elf Shafiq.

Gwen at Emily's request began to treat Slinky better. She usually treated

him neither good nor bad. Neutral. Thanks to this the elf told her about

the secret meetings her parents had, since the creature had to attend the

guests and bring drinks and so on.

Gwen showed Slinky a picture of the death eaters (obtained from the

newspapers) attacking with their peculiar masks, and Slinky told her that

they were the same ones that the guests had on at most meetings.

However, the death eaters who visited Shafiq Manor were not numerous

and did not always wear masks. One of them was Andrew Nott. Father of

Anastasia Nott, Gwen's former best friend. Gwen's father and Andrew

were old friends. There were also the Bulstrode's.

'No need to hide their identities when visiting a supremacist and an old

friend...' thought James. Most likely when Marcellus had agreed to join

the death eaters, he would have been given masks for himself and his


"James?" called Gwen, taking James' robe in her delicate hand.

"Yes?" asked James, snapping back to reality. Gwen's information was

very helpful. He already knew of three families that belonged to the

Death Eaters. Though it was somewhat obvious to think of the Nott's and

the Shafiq's. As for the Bulstrode not so much, so that was good to know.

"Do you hate me?" asked Gwen, lowering her gaze.

"What? Why would I hate you?" asked James.

"My parents joined the death eaters... You hate supremacists and more so

death eaters who murder muggles, muggle-borns, and half-bloods just

because they don't have pure blood," replied Gwen.

"You're not like your parents or those demented people. I won't hate you

just because of your family history. If I did that I should hate Sirius too,"

James commented, resting his hand on Gwen's.

"But, I'm not like your friend, Sirius..." said Gwen, who was still

crestfallen. By this, she meant that she had despised and discriminated

against Muggles, Muggle-born, and half-bloods in the past. Even as a

child, she recalled insulting James because his family were blood traitors.

In contrast, Sirius always rejected the supremacist ideals of his family

and was always rebellious. A true black sheep with all the letters. Not

even Andromeda and Alphard had been that way when they were Sirius'


Sirius whenever he could openly show his liking for Muggles, was elected

to Gryffindor House, breaking the Black tradition, and at high society

parties he got on badly with all the supremacists.

"Sirius is a special case..." said James with a strange smile. Despite his

best friend growing up with Alphard, who had extravagant tastes, Sirius

had a rebellious spirit rarely seen in a boy.

"You changed. Besides, your discrimination was always fueled by your

parents. I noticed that you didn't hate muggles, muggle-born and half-

bloods. You're not like Anastasia Nott or those crazies," James said, and

this time Gwen looked up, meeting James' eyes.

"If your hatred of my family or muggles had been as great as Anastasia's

or the other supremacists, I would never have befriended you. Your

change was real, and it shows what a great person you are," James said,

placing his hand on Gwen's cheek and slowly moving his face toward her

until he kissed her lips.

After a few seconds, James slowly pulled away from Gwen opening his

eyes, and noticed that the girl was still static in her place. Tears were

coming out of her beautiful blue eyes for some reason unknown to him.

"Are you okay?" asked James worriedly.

"Yeah... snif... I'm so glad you don't hate me!" exclaimed Gwen, suddenly

hugging James.

"Easy, easy..." said James, accepting the hug and patting Gwen, who had

this fear for a long time.

"I'm worried about your safety when you go home..." commented James

after Gwen calmed down.

"Why?" asked Gwen. It would be impossible for her parents to put her in

danger no matter how much they belonged to the death eaters. They

were always very protective, especially her father.

James didn't think Marcellus or Lysandra would put Gwen in danger

either. He was worried about the other death eaters. Especially because

of the relationship James has with Gwen.

James is Lord Potter, the leader of the Potter family. One of the few

pureblood families that is openly considered a blood traitor. The other is

the Weasley family.

Death Eaters could target blood traitors in the future as they oppose their

goals. They could use Gwen to get to James, although he still believes

this will not happen. Since to the death eaters and Voldemort, he is only

a thirteen-year-old boy. He does not pose a real threat at the moment or

a threat where the death eaters should turn on the Shafiqs for wanting to

use Gwen.

James explained this to Gwen and told her to be vigilant and on guard

whenever she returned to the house. Also, don't rule out Marcellus and

Lysandra joining the death eaters against their will. If the Death Eaters

knock on your door and you refuse you could be putting your family at

risk. So James didn't write off Gwen's parents. After all, they would be his

in-laws in the future. He should try to save them or have them redeem

themselves. Give them a chance as long as they haven't committed

irreversible crimes.

After that twenty-minute talk, James and Gwen left the dueling room.

They headed immediately to the potions room, where Snape was already


Snape said no comment, as he knew Gwen would start an argument and

preferred to spare him.

They spent two hours creating potions. It wasn't much time to create a

large batch, so they would need several days to have the necessary

potions and antidotes for the whole group.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 174: Bullies

September 16, 1973.

"Where could she be?" wondered a boy walking down the large, long

corridors of Hogwarts.

The boy had messy blond hair and was wearing the Ravenclaw robes,

which were a bit dirty for some reason. This was Xenophilius Lovegood.

The famous journalist from the Meddler. Though hardly anyone knew of

the journalist's identity.

Since Eustace was caught, the Meddler has disappeared. Xeno was sad

about this, but they had to stop or they could be caught by the

professors, and they would have to explain about the vaults.

Xeno, as a journalist and gossip investigator, knew that James and the

others were hiding something in the vault incident. Especially since in

the final paper where the location of the fear vault was announced, only

a few people got there, and all those people were known to James: his

close group of friends, Gwen, who seemed to be his girlfriend, or so Xeno

thought, a big scoop, and Snape, who seemed to have approached James

for some unknown reason.

However, Xeno couldn't figure out what James and the company had

planned. There were no clues, and everything had gone well, so he put

the subject aside.

'I wonder what they're up to...' thought Xeno with a downcast expression.

Sirius, Lupin, Toby, James, and Peter were his first friends; as sad as it

sounded, they were from different years, and he had been at Hogwarts

for a full year when he met them.

Now that they no longer had the paper in common, they hardly saw each

other as they were from different houses.

'Don't think about such things... I have a friend now,' Xeno thought,

shaking his head as he continued on his quest.

He was exploring the castle for almost an hour until he finally found the

person he was looking for. At the end of an enclosed hallway, under the

shade, sat a girl on the ground.

The girl had almost pale blonde, shaggy, waist-length hair. Her green

eyes were watery. Like Xeno, she had a distinct aura about her. Her

fashion sense was also different. On her fingers, she wore strange rings

and earrings that no normal girl would wear.

"Pandora! I finally found you!" exclaimed Xeno with a smile, walking

hurriedly towards the girl.

The girl's name is Pandora Rosemary. A third-year Ravenclaw student

just like Xeno.

Pandora, when she noticed Xeno approaching, quickly wiped the tears

from her eyes and sketched a forced smile.

"Hi, Xeno..." said Pandora.

'What's wrong with her?' thought Xeno, confused by Pandora's droopy

and somewhat hoarse tone. The girl, just like him, is always enthusiastic

and different from the others. So, the two of them got along very well.

The bad thing is that it took them a while to get to know each other,

even though they were in the same year and in the same house.

Xeno's smile disappeared when he could see Pandora more clearly. The

girl's blonde hair was dirty and gave off a foul smell. Her robe also had a

yellowish liquid on it. It was rotten eggs.

"Who did this to you!?" asked Xeno, trying to control his anger.

"Nobody... Never mind, Xeno," Pandora said, not wanting to talk about it.

Xeno got angrier hearing the sad tone of Pandora, who was always

enthusiastic and had a smile on her pretty face. The latter was for him, as

he had fallen in love with her.

"You were students in our house, weren't you?" asked Xeno, sitting down

next to Pandora and looking at her.

Pandora simply nodded slightly and said nothing.

'Those bastards... They never get tired of bothering us,' Xeno thought

with a frown and helplessness. One would think that a house of wisdom

like Ravenclaw would have no bullies, but the person who would think

this was wrong.

Xeno had also suffered at the hands of bullies for being so different.

However, he didn't care; he tried to ignore them. Even though they

would make fun of him and his beliefs. Sometimes they would play

unkind jokes on him, but he always tried to think positively.

'What was the cleansing spell James taught me like?' thought Xeno with a

finger to his chin. He remembered the charm and wand movement and

tried to replicate it on Pandora. The result was better than nothing. He

cleaned up some of the eggs that soiled the girl's robe, but not all of


"Thanks," said Pandora, who was still slumped. She stood up and started

walking; she wanted to go somewhere alone. Her room couldn't be, since

she shared it with four other girls who started bothering her this year

because of her main bullies.

"We must tell the professors! I'm sure Professor Flitwick will help us,"

Xeno said, getting up and following Pandora.

"They'll be punished for a couple of days, and then the bullying will be

worse... It's best to ignore them until they stop targeting us," Pandora

said, twitching her eyebrows.

'That'll just make it easier for them to bully you,' Xeno thought.

"I want to be alone, Xeno. I'll see you tomorrow," Pandora added with a

slight smile.

"Fine," said Xeno, tightening his robe.

When Pandora was no longer in sight, Xeno turned around and started

looking for his only friends who could help him. He found them faster

than possible. In the middle courtyard, sitting on the grass, were Sirius,

Lupin, Peter, and Toby, who were conversing in low tones.

When they saw Xeno approaching them, the group quickly stopped

talking and looked at him.

"Hey, Xeno. what's up?" asked Sirius, trying to act normal. They were

talking about the vaults and the potions they were missing to be ready.

Sirius was already getting impatient. He wanted to explore the forbidden

forest as soon as possible, but the preparations were taking longer than

he thought.

"Something wrong?" asked Lupin as he noticed Xeno's helpless

expression. Usually, the boy had a laughing smile on his face and an

enthusiastic aura.

"Hey guys... Aren't you with James?" asked Xeno, sitting down on the


"He's taking a fifth-year transfiguration exam," replied Lupin, with a

strange expression on his face. He was still amazed at how far James was

progressing in that subject.

"Oh, the rumor was real. I hope he passes," Xeno said without as much

enthusiasm as usual.

"What's the matter? You don't look well," Sirius said, straightening up. He

considered Xeno his friend. He shared and talked with him a lot when

they worked together on the paper. That was the same reason why this

year he also tried to continue the friendship, but it was harder because of

how busy he was with the vault thing and so on.

"It's nothing," said Xeno, not too sure about telling them the problem. He

wanted James' help specifically. Since they were to face a group of girls

who had siblings in their sixth and seventh years, Only James could

defeat them if there was any confrontation.

"Tell us. We'll help you with anything," Sirius said with a confident smile,

placing his hand on Xeno's left shoulder. Lupin and the others nodded in


"Guys..." said Xeno with a renewed smile. This is what it feels like to have

good friends. He began to tell them about his problem. Not the part

where he was bullied, but the part where Pandora was bullied by the

upper-class girls from Ravenclaw.

He could fix his problems on his own. He didn't want to intrude on Sirius

and the others and get them in trouble.

"Girls are sometimes worse than boys," Toby commented, shuddering,

knowing all that Pandora suffered at the hands of the Ravenclaw girls.

"Girls are scary," muttered Peter, shivering and looking at the grass.

The marauders had already met Pandora. Though they had spoken only

once when Xeno introduced them to her this year at the beginning of


"We should just give them a beating, and the next time they bother

Pandora, they'll suffer another beating again," said Sirius, cracking his

knuckles like a Muggle gangster.

"Don't be a random bully... They're girls, and if we attack them out of the

blue, our punishment can be severe," Lupin said with a thoughtful

expression. He had to find a solution that would work in the long run. It

was no use protecting Pandora for a few days, and then the bullying

would return with more force than before.

"We challenge them to a duel and humiliate them like James did with

Rabastan. Now look at that cocky boy. He's got his tail tucked between

his legs and won't make eye contact with us," Sirius said with a smirk.

"I don't think it'll work," said Lupin, shaking his head.

"Our enmity doesn't exist with those girls. They will most likely ignore us

when we challenge them to a duel or use their older brothers to fight us,"

said Toby, who also started a way to help Xeno and Pandora.

"Got it!" said Sirius, and an imaginary lamp lit up above his head.

"What?" they all asked, looking at him expectantly.

"We tell Gwen to challenge them to a duel and beat them up. They'll be

scared shitless when they see her violent personality. Even Snape is

afraid of her. Only James can control her. I'm surprised at how he puts up

with her," said Sirius, who was still talking without noticing that the

expressions of Lupin and the others had turned ugly.

Lupin was waving his hand for Sirius to stop talking about Gwen's violent

personality and how James could put up with her.

"What's the matter? What's with the faces?" asked Sirius with a raised

eyebrow. At that moment, he felt a presence behind him. He slowly

turned around and noticed a pretty blonde girl with a frown looking at

him. Her aura seemed to be below zero, and her blue eyes gave off a

scary coldness. It reminded Sirius of James when he was angry.

"Gwen... It's not what you think," began Sirius, panicking. It was rare to

see him panic. Even with his mother, he wouldn't get that nervous, but

this girl was very violent, and her spark was short with most people.

Plus, she was very good at dueling. She was better than him and the

others. Only James could win against her.

"Who are those girls?" asked Gwen after Sirius stopped making cheap


"Tell her, Xeno! We're going to get revenge!" said Sirius, drawing

attention elsewhere. He had to direct Gwen's violence towards those

Ravenclaw girls. He didn't want to have another duel with the blonde girl

and end up frozen in a block of ice. The aftermath was not pleasant.

Xeno started naming the Ravenclaw girls. He knew them as he was a

great gossip researcher, and the girls were from important families.

'Phew... Since we started Hogwarts, her personality has improved a lot.

What could have happened?' thought Sirius, relieved and looking at

Gwen, who was listening attentively to Xeno.

"Tianne Windsor," Gwen repeated the name of one of the stalkers, and a

creepy smile formed on her hegemonic face.

'What we're doing is right, isn't it?' they all thought as they saw Gwen's

beautiful, creepy smile that sent shivers down their spines.


If we reach 200 stones I will upload an extra chapter :D

You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 175: Presence

James finished his last exam. He left the classroom that had been ordered

exclusively for him and began to walk through the halls of Hogwarts

while thinking about the exam.

This exam was different from the previous ones. Much more difficult and

rigorous. It was a good challenge for James. It was administered by the

Magical Testing Authority. A group of wizards and witches examined the

students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during their

OWL and NEWT exams.

Usually, this group of wizards traveled to Hogwarts every year on the

exam date, but that date was a long way off. Dumbledore had arranged

for them to come early to examine James. It must have been difficult for

them to agree to test a third-year boy.

'I hope I Exceeded Expectations,' James thought with slight concern.

Rarely did his confidence in his knowledge waver, but this time it did.

The exam had been tough.

The exam was divided into two parts: written and practical. Strict

measures were used, such as anti-cheating plumes and anti-cheating

spells. One of the theoretical questions was about the definition of the

change spell.

One of the practical spells he had to cast was the vanishing spell:

Evanesco. Used to make both animate and inanimate objects disappear.

James had to make a mouse disappear at a much higher level, as when

you learn this spell, you start by making a snail disappear, which, being

an invertebrate, is simpler than a mouse.

James got the spell perfect, and in the practical part, he knew he did

well. He was more concerned with the complicated definitions and


'I'll have the results on Monday,' James thought as he walked to the large

dining room to have dinner and meet his friends. It was almost seven


Today was Friday. McGonagall told him that between Saturday and

Sunday, they would review his exam so that on Monday he would have

the results. If he passed, he would go straight to the sixth-year class. The

bad thing is that he will have to catch up, so these two days he will start

studying sixth-year transfiguration.

James was walking through the corridors of Hogwarts, absorbed in his

thoughts. As he rounded a corner, he spotted a group of girls, all wearing

blue Ravenclaw uniforms. There were five of them in all, walking

together and chatting happily, with sporadic giggles.

However, not all of them shared the same joy. The girl in the center of

the group kept her head down, her expression dejected and was

practically being dragged along by two of the girls walking beside her,

their hands firmly resting on her shoulders. James, immersed in his

musings, did not notice these details and barely paid them any attention.

As they advanced, the two groups drew closer and closer together,

walking down the same hallway in opposite directions. The girls, noticing

James' presence, were turning off their laughter and conversation, casting

furtive glances in his direction. Tension was palpable in the air, though

only for them.

When they finally crossed paths, James looked away from the group of

girls for a brief moment. Suddenly, one of them gave a little jump and let

out an unexpected hiccup. However, the two groups continued on their

way without further incident, each going their way.

The girls, who had maintained a carefree and amused attitude before

encountering James, breathed a sigh of relief as they walked away from

him. Among them, Tianne Windsor, who still felt a slight fear of James

from the incident in the middle courtyard, exhaled deeply, glad that the

encounter had been brief and non-confrontational.

"Are you still afraid of him? You should have told your brother to teach

him a lesson. Now, he's graduated, and you don't have the chance," said a

lanky, short-haired, freckled girl.

"I don't want to make any more trouble," Tianne said, not wanting to talk

about it too much. Her brother had offered to give James a lesson, but

she stopped him. She had a strange feeling. She thought her brother

would lose.

A seventh grader with excellent grades would lose to a second grader

back then. Crazy, wasn't it? But that was her intuition, and after learning

about the other events James participated in, it was a good call.

"He beat the sixth-year Selwyn boy... The duel would have been tied, and

only your brother would have come off badly going up against a junior,"

said a red-haired girl with two pigtails and a small build.

"Tsch, the rumors are always exaggerated," said a curly-haired girl,

clicking her tongue. She had heard the rumors of how amazing James

Potter was, and even though her friends like Tianne had told her about it,

she didn't believe in such prowess from a boy a year younger than her.

Until she saw it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it.

"Anastasia was saying the same thing, Emma," said Tianne, remembering

that fateful day.

"Let's stop wasting time. Come on. You walk," said the girl named Emma,

pushing the blonde girl with a dejected expression.

The group of girls began their march until they entered a disused hall.

They closed the door by putting in some incantations to keep out

unwanted people and led the blonde girl to the center of the room.

"Please, Emma... This is my last pair of robes," the blonde girl said


"Don't say my name with that mouth of yours," Emma said with an evil

grin, looking at the girl in front of her. The blonde girl was Pandora.

Pandora, on this very day, was bombed by rotten eggs. Xeno found her

and managed to clean her robe a bit, but it still had a disgusting smell, so

she had no choice but to change her robe. Then, when she was going to

the bathroom again, she was caught by this group of bullying girls.

She did not think that they would still get tired of completely dirtying

her. She should go back to bathing and wear the least smelly and dirty


"Don't wear that expression. You'll make us look like the bad girls. You're

the boyfriend stealer," the redhead with the pigtails said with an amused

smile. Tianne and the others laughed at their friend's comment.

'He talked to me first and couldn't get enough of following me around...'

thought Pandora without saying anything. She knew that anything she

said would be used against her and would only make the punishment


"What spells will we try?" asked the redhead, fiddling with her wand.

They already used rotten egg spells, ice water spells, and feather spells

that stick to the body.

"I've brought a new spell. Red paint that is impossible to clean off for at

least the first 24 hours," Emma said with a nasty smile.

Pandora just clenched her fists and kept looking down at the floor. She

had to hold on until these girls got tired of bothering her. Then she

would go back to her peaceful life, like last year.

"That's a good one," Tianne said with a chuckle. It was just a bit of paint.

Emma began to explain to Tianne and the other two girls the

pronunciation of the spell and the wand movement. It was a simple spell.

After five minutes, they knew what was needed.

'Will they all cast it?' thought Pandora, looking at the four wands pointed

at her. She would be bathed in red paint if they all cast the spell on her.

Just at that moment of silence where Pandora was being watched by the

four bullying girls, the doorknob of the door was heard turning. A creak

was heard in the hall, and the door slowly opened.

James was the person who entered uninvited. As for the protective spells,

it was very easy for him to remove them. Compared to a student in his

year, he would be considered an expert.

Tianne, Emma, and the others instantly turned their heads. It would be

too bad if it was a professor. Luckily for them, it was a student.

However, seeing James's expressionless face made them shiver more than

if he had been a professor. At least in the latter case, they could create

some excuse or be punished lightly.

'James Potter... Xeno's friend?' thought Pandora with surprise, raising her

head and looking at the Gryffindor boy.

Tianne froze in place. The hand holding her wand was shaking, and her

gaze was fixed on James.

Emma and the other girls also stood silently watching. Emma no longer

showed the earlier bravery in questioning the rumors of James' strength.

For some reason, none of the four could bring themselves to say a word.

James began to walk towards the group without saying a word. His gaze

was fixed on Pandora, who, for some reason, felt more fear as she was

watched by James' stoic gaze.

It was a strange sensation that she never felt with any of her bullies or

older student bullies. His presence had an invisible pressure. Also,

knowing the events James was involved in, no one quite knew how he

would act.

In the duel he had against Rabastan, he showed great brutality by

aggressively humiliating him in front of everyone. The same is true of

Anastasia and the others in the middle courtyard. He defeated a professor

by cutting off his hand, most certainly with a Diffindo, or so everyone

thought. On the other hand, against Mark Selwyn, he showed great calm

and tranquility in defeating him. The same was true when he challenged

Rabastan to a duel or on other occasions.

James, a few feet away from Pandora, stopped and asked, "You're

Pandora Rosemary, right?"

"Yes, I am..." replied Pandora.

'Xeno's friend... I was right to come back,' thought James. It was obvious

what was going on here. Four girls pointed a wand at a girl, who was

trembling and staring at the ground.

"Come on," said James, gesturing with his head to leave the room.

"What?" asked Pandora.

"Let's go to the Great Hall. Xeno and your friends should be waiting for

you. Let's go," said James in a calm tone, and Pandora nodded dumbly as

she started to follow him.

"STOP!" shouted Emma as James and Pandora were about to leave. With

her wand, she pointed her wand at both of them.

Tianne and the other girls, who were about to sigh, quietly looked at

their friend with wide eyes.

'Let him go!' they thought to themselves but said nothing.

"What's wrong?" asked James, turning around and looking at the curly-

haired girl pointing her wand at him.

"You think you can just come in here and do whatever you want!"

exclaimed Emma angrily.

"Mm, what exactly did I do wrong? I'm just talking to a friend who wants

to join me in the great hall for dinner," said James, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up! We were having a meeting. Pandora, get back here!" shouted

Emma, who was looking more and more angry by the minute. To James,

she was like a Chihuahua dog.

Pandora flinched at the order and was about to walk back towards Emma

and the others, but James stopped her.

"That looks like a threat, and you keep pointing your wand at us," James

said with no change in his expression or tone of voice.

"Shut up! Mind your own business, Pandora come back or you will see!"

exclaimed Emma. It hadn't crossed her mind that James would attack

her. That was her grave mistake.

'Expelliarmus!' thought James, grabbing his wand in a second and

pointing it at Emma, who couldn't react to the quick attack. An angry red

flash hit her and sent her flying until she landed disastrously on the dust-

filled desks.

After all the noise caused by Emma's disastrous landing, the room fell

into a spectral silence.

"Tsch, you've got it coming to you. I wanted to speak peacefully, but you

keep barking like a dog and pointing your wand at me," James

commented with a scornful expression on his face.

Tianne and the others looked down at her friend's unconscious body with

frightened faces. Why was her friend so stupid? Everyone knew from the

incident in the middle courtyard that James attacked Anastasia Nott, and

she didn't even have a wand. It was obvious that he would be encouraged

to attack a person if she yelled at him and was pointing her wand at him.

"What's that idiot girl's name?" asked James, looking at Tianne and the

other girls, who were still frozen in place.

"Emma Parkinson," Tianne replied without making eye contact.

"Oh, the grand old Parkinson family. They're usually left in Slytherins,

though they like Ravenclaw House too," James said in a tone of false


"Does she have any older brothers or sisters?" asked James.

"Yes, an older brother..." replied Tianne, not knowing why James wanted

to know that.

"That's good... What's his name, house, and year?" asked James.

"His name is George, and he's a seventh year in Ravenclaw," replied

Tianne, looking up out of curiosity and noticing a slight smile on James'

face that gave her chills.

"That's great. Big brothers should take responsibility for their sister's

irresponsible actions. Let's go," James said, walking out of the room.

Pandora took one last look at the crestfallen faces of her bullies and

quickly followed James.


If we reach 200 stones I will upload an extra chapter :D

You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 176: Great speech

We reached 200 stones here is the extra chapter :D


Pandora was walking down the corridors of Hogwarts next to James in

the direction of the Great Hall. She was still processing everything that

had just happened a few minutes ago.

The image of Emma Parkinson being blown up by a non-verbal

Expelliarmus was a huge shock. The rumors about James were true.

Magical prowess on an incredible level for a third-year boy.

"Will you be alright? Emma will report you to the professors, and you'll

be punished," said Pandora after a few seconds of silence.

James laughed dryly, "What's funny?" asked Pandora, not understanding

this peculiar boy's actions.

"That girl Emma was pointing at me and threatening you. It's not the first

time you've been bullied, is it?" asked James, and Pandora nodded


"So why be afraid? We'll tell the school staff that you were being bullied.

I saw it, and you're the main victim," said James, untroubled by the


"True, but there are four of them, and they are all from important

families," Pandora said uncertainly. Her main concern was that the

harassment towards her would increase after the punishment of Emma

and the others.

"I am Lord Potter. My opinion matters too," James said.

"I didn't mean that-

Before Pandora could continue speaking, James interrupted her and said

in a solemn tone, "I know. I'll teach those spoiled students how a true

nobleman should behave,"

James in both lives was born into noble families. The Rotschilds and the

Potters. The first were of the nobility, but James, or at that time Edward

had another vision of nobility compared to his parents and other family.

For James Noble is the one who practices excellence, demands the

maximum when exercising his faculties, and puts his life at the service of

others. For that reason, he sacrificed himself to save a little boy from

being run over by a truck. His former relatives would never give their

lives for what they would consider an inferior life, but Edward thought


His study in etiquette and the definition of noble he took very seriously.

He would not look down on others just because of their higher status.

Having such a status forced you to be responsible. If he had been happy

in his former life his decision to save the child would have been the

same. Those were his values.

The noble person has a great sense of justice like his grandfather, Henry

Potter. He cannot let him down. However, he will not go to extremes of

being merciful to an enemy who has no salvation.

Pandora felt a strange feeling in her chest. A fee-free protection that

everything would be all right. Her bullies would no longer dare to bother

her again. That was conveyed to her by James' determined look. It was


When they reached the large door of the Great Hall, they noticed a

peculiar group arguing. It was the marauders, Gwen and Xeno. It was odd

to see everyone together when James wasn't acting as a liaison.

Especially Gwen.

"We were looking for you, Pandora!" exclaimed Xeno with a big grin.

Then he looked at the odd combination of James and Pandora, who came


At the door, as other students entered the dining hall for dinner, the

group chatted and explained things to each other. The coincidences were

unbelievable, James thought to himself.

Xeno and the others were looking for Pandora worried that her bullies

were still bothering her. Gwen wanted to defend her (or rather fight back

to test her dueling skills in a more exciting battle).

James coming out of his fifth-year transfiguration exam happened to run

into Pandora by chance and recognizing her at the last minute went and

saved her from the evil Ravenclaw girls.

"What are we going to do now?" asked Xeno nervously, yet relieved that

James was involved in the problem. If he was he could solve the

problem. He could defeat a DADA professor. He could take care of older

Ravenclaw students.

"We'll wait for Tianne Windsor... When she gets to the Great Hall she'll

see," Gwen said, clenching her fist tightly and an expectant smile for the


"No. You won't get involved," James said, looking at Gwen.

"What!? Why not?" asked Gwen in a not-at-all-happy tone.

"For now it is not necessary for you to challenge Tianne and her friends

to a duel. For them to stop bullying Pandora we must expose them to the

whole school," explained James.

"If they continue with their bullying in the future that will be the time for

you to teach them a lesson," added James with a slight smile.

"Fine," said Gwen with a smile and calmer.

Sirius and the others were surprised at how easily James calmed this girl

with little patience.

"You think he and she already-" whispered Sirius in Lupin's ear, but was

interrupted by Xeno.

"So, what's your plan?" asked Xeno. From what he was, saying James

already had a plan in mind.

"We'll head over to the Ravenclaw table and have a nice chat with George

Parkinson, Emma's older brother. Just Pandora and Xeno follow me. You

observe from your tables," James said, starting to walk immediately

without letting the others ask any more questions about the plan.

Pandora and Xeno quickly followed James hesitantly. They didn't know

what exactly he wanted to do. Gwen went back to her Slytherin table

without taking her eyes off James. Sirius and the others went to their

table and watched James.

"This is going to get interesting," Sirius said with a slight smile without

once, looking at the delicious food on the table.

James followed by Pandora and Xeno arrived at the head of the

Ravenclaw table. Many students at the table looked at him. His

Gryffindor uniform gave him away and more so his identity. Everyone at

Hogwarts knew him from various events he was involved in.

"Do you need anything Gryffindor student?" asked a girl with circular

glasses who was eating and reading a book at the same time. She was the

sixth-year Ravenclaw prefect and knew James like the vast majority.

"Yes. Just give me some room here..." said James, shifting the girl a little

from her spot. That way, he could stand on the bench and look at

everyone from a higher position. This way his big speech would be heard

by everyone and already many are looking at him as they see him

standing on the seats of the Ravenclaw table.

Before the prefect could complain about this rude act, James exclaimed,

"George Parkinson!"

"I want you to know something. A few minutes ago, defending a

classmate, I threw an Expelliarmus that sent your sister Emma flying and

knocked her unconscious," James said in a firm tone echoing through the

dining hall.

The murmuring from the other tables died down, and they listened to

what James said with shocked expressions. Then a murmur rippled

through all the tables at James' statement.

George stood up, his face showing surprise and anger.

"What did you say, Potter?" spat George, advancing towards James.

"What you heard," James replied, not looking away, "Your sister was

bullying Pandora, along with some other girls. I caught them red-handed

each pointing their wands at Pandora in a disused classroom. That's when

I intervened,"

George turned red with fury. "You have no right to attack my sister! What

you say is slander!"

"Slander, eh?" retorted James, keeping his gaze fixed on George. "Then

explain to me why I found Pandora cornered by your sister and her

friends, all with wands in hand, ready to attack her,"

The Great Hall fell into a tense silence. All the students were intent on

the confrontation, whispering amongst themselves as James spoke.

"You have no proof," George growled, his voice trembling with anger.

"You only have your word against my sister's, and you've said in front of

everyone that you attacked my sister,"

James held up a hand to calm the tempers that were beginning to flare

around him, "Just like your sister you are narrow-minded..."

James paused, then looked at Pandora, "Pandora, please tell us what you

have endured,"

Pandora swallowed saliva and took a step forward, her voice shaky at

first, but quickly gaining strength. "They've ruined my things, they've cast

spells on me when no one was looking, and today they wanted to cover

me in red paint just for fun. I can't go on living with this constant fear,"

The silence became thick, charged with empathy and pent-up rage. James

turned his attention back to George, his tone now firmer. "Is this what

you stand for, George? Your sister's right to humiliate and terrorize

others just because she believes her bloodline allows it? They claim to be

noble and pureblooded, but all I see is cowardice,"

"Your sister and her friends believe that their lineage gives them the right

to do whatever they want, to humiliate and terrorize those they consider

inferior. But true nobility is demonstrated by fairness and responsibility.

They call Muggle-born wizards mudbloods, but their actions are dirtier.

They call Muggles animals, but you act like wild animals by gang-

attacking a defenseless girl. Where is your honor?" continued James, his

voice echoing through the dining hall.

James paused, looking around. "Everyone here deserves respect and

dignity, regardless of our origin. A wizard's greatness is not measured by

his blood but by his character and actions,"

Pandora, with tears in her eyes, but with her head held high, added, "I

have done nothing to deserve the treatment I have been given. I just want

to study and live in peace, like everyone else,"

The silence in the dining room was broken by murmurs of agreement and

sympathy. James seized the moment to continue, "Hogwarts is a place of

learning and growth. We cannot allow bullying no matter how minor,"

More and more students began to rise, showing their support for James

and Pandora. The murmur of agreement spread throughout the Great

Hall. The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables showed 100% support. The

Ravenclaw table was less so, but many students agreed with James'

speech. The table with the least enthusiasm was the Slytherin table, but

there were even a few students, who were encouraged to show support

for James.

"Together we can change this," James declared, raising his voice for all to

hear. "Let's make Hogwarts a place where everyone can study in peace,"

The dining hall erupted in applause and cheers. Students surrounded

James and Pandora, showing their solidarity and support.

James was a little surprised by the support he was able to garner. Even

many bullying victims began to give their testimonies encouraging them

to tell on their bullies.

"That boy making a fuss again," McGonagall said from the professors'

table. She had listened to James's entire speech, and she was surprised

and a little excited, even if she didn't want to admit it.

"A great speech in which he comments on many truths," said Dumbledore

with a slight smile, seeing all the students applauding and supporting the

cause. Dumbledore is not always at Hogwarts dinners, as they are going

through a turbulent time. Luckily today he was able to attend the dinner

and listen to James's speech which united many students.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 177: The frst in history

It wasn't easy to calm all the students after James' speech. Several

professors had to intervene, saying that they would investigate the case

and not let Pandora or other victims suffer again.

Emma, Tianne, and the other two girls, upon arriving in the great hall,

received hostile looks from all the tables. Who knew these classy and

graceful-acting girls would have such black hearts?

Proving the evil deeds of Emma and company was easy for the professors.

In addition to Pandora's (the main victim's) testimony, many other

victims were encouraged to speak up after James' speech, which gave

them courage. Many witnesses saw the acts committed by the Ravenclaw

girls and were encouraged to speak up.

Emma and the others received a punishment, the specifics of which are

unknown. The only thing that is known is that they lost many house

points. To the point that the Ravenclaw score was negative. This meant

that almost the whole house was against them, something they deserved.

James was spared punishment. He thought that since he told himself that

he had knocked Emma unconscious with an Expelliarmus, he would be

punished, but he wasn't. He was only lectured by McGonagall for ten

minutes and nothing more. He was not punished as he acted to save a

student, and it was four versus two. Although everyone knew that, with

his skills, he could have disarmed Emma without sending her flying, no

one said anything.

Xeno thanked James with great enthusiasm before they each went back

to their common room. He even hugged him with great strength and

tears in his eyes. James patted his back with a strange expression.

That weekend, James, Sirius, Gwen, and the others used the days off to

finish the preparations. By Sunday morning at four o'clock, they had

everything ready to start their expedition to the forbidden forest


They had prepared a large batch of anti-poisons, anti-paralysis potions,

antidotes against different types of bites caused by insects or magical

creatures, and cures for boils, among many others.

As for the potions, they had elaborated: potions of strength; potions of

protection against fire; potions of resistance; potions of doxycide; potions

that sharpen the wits, among others.

They had worked hard brewing potions and antidotes. They even brewed

potions from more advanced years. James and Snape, as the main

potionists, perfected their methods and efficiency. They also improved

their teamwork in making potions together, although it was already

good, as they had shared a group with Slughorn last year.

To carry so many quantities of potions and antidotes, James was

prepared. He had his wallet (a gift from his family), which possessed an

undetectable extension charm.

He then cast the same spell on a cute little wallet of Gwen's. Extension

spells were advanced magic.

James, when he received his wallet, did not master this spell (Capacious

Extremis), but during this time that he trained and studied like crazy, he

managed to learn it. So he gave Gwen a nice wallet with an extension

spell in it. The girl happily accepted and gave him some reward kisses,

which James happily accepted.

The group needed two objects with the extension spells because they

would be split in two. This is to make the exploration more efficient.

There are eight people in total, and they will be divided into two groups

of four.

James and Gwen will be the leaders, as they are the most versed in

martial magic. Gwen did not like to be separated from James but

accepted this configuration.

James' group consisted of Sirius, Regulus, and Peter.

Gwen's group consisted of Snape, Lupin, and Toby.

The routes each group would take were already decided. Lupin and

company, while James, Snape, and Gwen brewed potions, were in charge

of seeing the best routes to start exploring the forest.

With everything ready, each one returned to their common room to rest.

It was late at night, and tomorrow they had classes and, at night, the first

exploration. James has always performed the Animagus Charm twice a

day. Still, no thunderstorms occurred.

The next day, James received many greetings in the large dining hall as

he ate breakfast. Many greetings were from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw

students. This was due to the speech he gave days before. Causing his

popularity to rise again and be the center of attention again.

'I didn't have to make that big speech,' James thought with an inward

grimace as he ate his breakfast. Perhaps it would have been better to

have taken care of business with the old reliable: beat up George

Parkinson and let Gwen take care of Emma, Tianne, and company.

With the first period of classes over, it was time for lunch, but James was

called to the headmaster's office. He knew why he was called. He would

learn the result of his OWL exam.

The Marauders, Lily, and more students at the Gryffindor table wished

him luck as James left the large dining hall. The trip to Dumbledore's

office for James took forever. For the first time, he felt nervous about

knowing the grade he had gotten on an exam.

It would depend on whether he could learn conjuring with McGonagall in

a better-prepared environment or if he would have to study it on his own

and be self-taught like before. Although he didn't do badly being self-

taught, he would rather have Professor McGonagall's reputation precede


Arriving at the tower where the office was located, James said the

password (which McGonagall had told him from the letter), and the stone

gargoyle moved, revealing a spiral staircase.

He climbed the staircase and, within seconds, arrived at Dumbledore's

office, who was already waiting for him along with McGonagall and two

women James didn't know.

At the large antique wooden desk, Dumbledore sat with his usual calm

smile. In front of him, four chairs were arranged for visitors. Three were

occupied, and James was invited to sit in the last available chair.

'Will they belong to the Magical Examinations Authority?' thought James,

trying to guess the identities of the women.

"Let me introduce you to our two guests. This is Christine Daaé. Senior

reporter for Transfiguration Today," said Dumbledore, gesturing slightly

towards the middle-aged woman. She wore a classic, elegant wizard's

robe. A large dark violet hat with black and square spectacles gave her a

scholarly air.

James was inwardly surprised to hear the woman's name. He knew it, as

he was a faithful reader of Transfiguration Today, and many articles of

importance and helpful to him in his study were by this lady.

Transfiguration Today is a scholarly journal focused on the latest news on

developments in the magical field of transfiguration. It published articles

as well as papers presented by prominent and knowledgeable figures in

the field.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Daaé. I am a great reader of your

articles," James said with respect in his tone.

"The pleasure is mine, young man. I am aware of your two third- and

fourth-year exam scores. Your knowledge of transfiguration is excellent

for your age. You remind me of McGonagall," Christine said with a kindly

grandmotherly smile, looking at James.

"On the other hand, may I introduce Hellen Ivette Cuffe from the

Prophet," said Dumbledore, gesturing to the young girl in her early

twenties at most. She has short black hair and blue eyes that stand out

against her white skin and black hair.

As she was introduced, she looked at James with a wide smile and

introduced herself, "Nice to meet you! It's always good to meet talented

students, though I've never seen someone your age so advanced in such a

complex field as transfiguration," she said, remembering her days at

Hogwarts. She was never very good at that subject.

"My pleasure. Thank you for the compliments," James said with a

professional smile on his face. The Daily Prophet was the most widely

read newspaper in the British community, and the Cuffe surname was

well known.

If James' information was correct, Hellen must be the granddaughter of

the owner of the prophet, so she had a very important position as the

granddaughter of the magician who ran the giant journalism company.

Both Hellen and Christine were there to interview James. Something

made him very happy for several reasons. First, it would be in two very

important and respected newspapers. Then, for the contacts he would

form, he would be able to stay in touch with both of them. In the magical

world, in addition to magical strength, contacts are important, especially

in turbulent times like the ones the British magical community is going


If James manages to improve his relationship with Hellen, he could have

first-hand information about the most important events since she belongs

to the prophet and has a high position. As for Hellen, she could be

interested in improving her relationship with a genius who already has a

great reputation, and that is Lord Potter.

As for Christine, James could talk about transfiguration and ask her

advice, as her opinion and ideas would be highly valued by him and

every wizard who is interested in transfiguration.

"I have here the envelope where your exam score is announced. It arrived

this morning," Dumbledore said, pulling a very elegant red envelope with

black borders out of a small drawer.

James looked at the envelope nervously and swallowed spittle.

McGonagall and the other ladies also looked at the envelope expectantly

and nervously. Although the grade was not for them, if James passed, he

would be the first student in Hogwarts history to take a fifth-year OWL

exam and pass.

Dumbledore took his time opening the envelope. He didn't want to tear it

or leave any small imperfections in it. He then took out the letter and

calmly unfolded it. His expression was stoic as he read the grade. At no

time was there a smile on his face, as usual. This made James more


After a few seconds, he turned the letter over so that James and the

others could read the note. The letter contained the following:


APPROVED: Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)


Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)


Transfiguration: O


James' breath quickened as he read an O. That meant Outstanding! The

highest grade possible. He had made it. He could take sixth-year classes

in transfiguration and get a higher grade than he needed.

James was aiming to Exceeds Expectations. He never thought he would

achieve the top grade. He knew the difficulty of the exam and wanted to

get the highest grade possible. His long hours of reading he had paid off.

Even McGonagall, Christine, and Hellen's eyes widened in surprise.

Dumbledore was the first to enthusiastically congratulate James, who

was already breathing easy and waiting eagerly for his first Advanced

Transfiguration class today.

His achievement is no small feat. He achieved the highest mark in a fifth-

year OWL exam in his third year. It was the first ever. Both Christine and

Hellen were very enthusiastic about starting the interview as soon as

possible for their respective magazines.

James didn't see it as spectacular since he is a reincarnated person and

had that advantage compared to students his age, although he didn't

detract from what he accomplished. In his past life, he had similar

achievements without this advantage.

Chapter 178: Exploration

After both interviews, which did not last long, James' lunch break was

over. He could not eat, but he did not care. He had passed the OWL exam

in transfiguration, and on this very day, he would have his first advanced

transfiguration class.

James accompanied by McGonagall headed to the sixth-year

transfiguration classroom. The corridors were already empty. All the

students were in their respective classrooms having their corresponding


McGonagall was always punctual, and this would be the first time she

had been a few minutes late to class, but she showed no discomfort on

her face. She was happy to have such a talented student, and even more

so because she belonged to Gryffindor.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at Classroom 1B which was

known as the Transfiguration Classroom.

James followed McGonagall and looked around the large classroom,

surrounded by tall windows. There were four rows of three desks and still

enough room for several cages and bookshelves, two golden cat statues,

two blackboards, and a desk for the professor.

Despite the numerous desks in the classroom, there were many empty

and disused desks. There was a reduction in students compared to

previous years because of the OWL exams. Not everyone could pass them

and continue with their advanced classes in the subject.

The sixth formers from all houses were already sitting at their desks with

their books open, waiting for the professor. The place was silent.

Everyone was taking their classes very seriously.

Murmuring began to flourish when they noticed James following

Professor McGonagall. Rumors of his advanced exams had already been

heard all over Hogwarts, but no one thought he could pass the OWL

exam. They already considered it unbelievable that he would manage to

pass the third and fourth exams.

Narcissa Black opened her beautiful gray eyes in surprise as she watched

McGonagall introduce James as a new classmate and explain a bit of the

situation so that everyone would be satisfied that a thirteen-year-old boy

was sharing classrooms with them.

She wasn't the only one surprised. Lucius, Mark Selwyn, and other

Slytherin boys were surprised and with little happiness to see such a

talented Gryffindor boy.

James sat next to his Gryffindor superiors. He knew several thanks to his

efforts to improve his social relationships. He was welcomed and helped

as the class was challenging for him. He had not yet caught up, and it

was the first challenging class in a long time.

Finished with the class, it took little time for the news of James taking

advanced transfiguration classes to spread throughout Hogwarts.

That same night, the moment James, Sirius, and the others had been

waiting for arrived: the exploration of the Forbidden Forest. For several

weeks, they had prepared meticulously, brewing potions and antidotes,

plotting the best paths to follow, and anticipating potential dangers. They

believed they were ready.

As on previous nights, they gathered at the Dragon Clubhouse. There,

under the dim candlelight, they reviewed their supplies and strategies

one last time. James and Gwen, carrying items enchanted with extension

spells, made sure everything was in place: potions, antidotes, anti-

venoms, and other essentials for the expedition.

Finally, once they were ready, they began walking through the Hogwarts

grounds towards the Forbidden Forest. The night was silent, with few

clouds in the sky, allowing the half-moon to illuminate the path with a

silvery light.

There were several entrances they could use to enter the forest from

Hogwarts, one of which was near Hagrid's hut, but they decided not to

take that route, as the ranger might be awake.

Instead, they opted for a lesser-known entrance, located behind the

greenhouses. There was no entrance per se, just a dense curtain of giant,

shadowy, dark-wooded trees with few leaves. Their branches, moved by

the gentle night breeze, cast eerie shadows on the ground.

"It's time to split up. You know what to do," James said, pulling a fancy

pocket watch from his tunic. It was 12:01 at night. The group planned to

explore for two hours. Then come back here and discuss their findings.

Gwen nodded, looking at a cute little watch on her delicate wrist. She

touched a small button and started the countdown. In two hours an alarm

would sound, and they should return.

The two groups went into the forest. Each member respected a position

and held wands in their hands, except for Lupin and Regulus, who held

maps and were in charge of guiding the way. After a few minutes, each

group took different routes.

James led the way, in his left hand extended upwards, he held his wand

which had a lighted tip serving as a lantern.

'A method of communication would be key...' thought James as he

walked carefully, making sure he didn't trip over roots or get branches

caught in his robes.

James stopped thinking about this quick communication method and

turned his attention in front of him. It hadn't even been five minutes yet

since they had parted from Gwen and the others, and already he was

hearing strange noises.

"Stop," whispered James, raising his right hand to signal the group to


Sirius walked over to James, "What did you hear?"

"I'm not sure," James replied quietly, "but it sounds like a lot of buzzing,"

James said, trying to sharpen his hearing.

Out of the trees shot towards them some insects that were very hard to

discern because of the darkness. They were like bees, but a little fatter

and blacker. The only thing white were the two little wings on their


"They're a Glumbumble hive!" exclaimed Sirius, preparing to defend


Glumbumble were magical, black, hairy insects that contained a mild

poison in their sting that caused sadness, fever, and a bit of weakness.

"Why would a whole hive want to attack us? In the books, they didn't say

they wanted to murder humans as a hobby," Sirius said with an ugly

expression, preparing to defend himself. If it was just a few insects it

would be a piece of cake to defend himself and get rid of them, but there

were dozens of them. A swarm. If that many stingers pricked you it

would be the end of you.

Regulus put the map away and readied his wand. He didn't think they

would find themselves in such a dangerous situation within five minutes

of entering the bloody forest. Peter grabbed his wand, trembling, not

knowing what to do.

However, the three of them were calm. In front of them was the straight

back of James, who looked fearlessly at the swarm of insects.

James quickly waved his wand, and out of it shot a jet of fire. The spell

Incendio took shape, but what came out of James' wand was not a simple

jet of fire. The fire seemed controlled as if it were a snake of flames

moving with precision. The fire traced a path through the air, engulfing

the entire swarm of insects and turning them to ash.

The fire moved quickly, but before it could touch a branch, leaf, or

anything else, it was gone within seconds, dissipating into thin air

without causing any additional damage to the forest.

Sirius' eyes widened in amazement, and a smile appeared on his face,

"Wow, James, that was amazing! Take that, you bloody insects!"

Peter, still shaking, let out a sigh of relief, "I thought we, were done for,"

'Amazing...' thought Regulus, looking admiringly at James. Ever since he

had been saved by James in the ice vault his admiration for him had

been growing.

James turned to them, his expression serious but calm, "Let's move on.

We can't let this stop us,"

'I must not stay behind! I must be of help,' Regulus thought, following

James and company.

After an hour and forty, James and the others started back. They had a

long stretch back. Their aspects weren't very good, but it was a good

exploration for a first day, if a bit slow for James and Sirius' liking.

They didn't find anything, but they had marked their way on the map so

that the next day they would know where they had already passed. They

were still a long way from finding the little stream when there were

hundreds or more in this forest.

It took Gwen's group about ten minutes to get there. If they took more

than twenty minutes, James and the others would go looking for them,

but luckily, it wasn't necessary. Their appearances were a little dirtier

than James and the others, but they managed to survive two hours in the

forest, and that was quite an accomplishment.

Before returning to the castle and their respective common houses, they

talked about their findings, which were not much, but they had discarded

a stretch of the forest where they had not found what they were looking

for, so it was good to have taken the first step.

So, a month and a half flew by at Hogwarts. October had already begun.

Halloween was only a few days away. That wasn't the only good news for

the students at Hogwarts.

This weekend third-year students and beyond would be able to visit


It would be the first weekend open to visit the magical town. Only a

permission form had to be submitted and signed by the student's parents

or guardians.

The marauders and most of the third-year students were looking forward

to the weekend. Even more than Halloween itself.

James was also excited to visit Hogsmeade. He could take a little

vacation and enjoy two days in the magical town with his friends and


This month and a half that passed was hard. In addition to exploring the

forbidden forest and all the dangers it entailed, James was studying and

training like crazy. The subjects were getting harder and harder. So it

would be good to relax a bit, even if it was only for two days.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://[email protected]/Nathe07

Chapter 179: Hogsmeade

"Damn it," Sirius began complaining as he walked in the direction of

Hogsmeade the day was sunny and there wasn't a cloud in sight. Beside

him were James and the marauders.

A large crowd of third year students were walking in a group towards

Hogsmeade village. Professor McGonagall and Professor Slughorn were

leading the way.

"What's wrong?" asked Lupin who was by now used to his friend's out-of-

nowhere complaints.

"What's wrong?" repeated Sirius annoyed at his friend's question, "We've

scouted the forest for over a month, and we still haven't found the bloody

entrance to the vault," he added with a frown.

"We're already out of potions," James commented walking while reading

a small book.

"The forest is big. There are fewer places left and we crossed out a lot of

little brooks that lead nowhere," said Lupin not wanting to lose his


"It's true that we've already ruled out a lot of brooklets, but there must be

twice as many or more left to explore" Toby commented. Luckily, they

had a location: west within the Hogwarts grounds, but it was still a lot of

ground to explore.

"James must do the potions with Snape... I don't want to go to that forest

without antidotes..." said Peter in a nervous tone. Thanks to the antidotes

he was saved many times from near-fatal poisons.

On one of the many excursions into the forest Peter sat on a normal log

what he did not see was a trail of brown toxic poison camouflaged by the


It was Streeler venom. The Streeler is a larger than normal snail that

changes color every hour and leaves behind a poisonous trail. Luckily,

they had the antidote ready, and James cured Peter, as the poison was

corrosive and had left a bloody wound. This was one of the unfortunate


Peter was not the only one who suffered misfortunes. Although they had

studied insects, plants and poisonous fungi, they could not see the future

and explored at night. There was always a small accident that resulted in

being poisoned.

"This weekend we'll make a new batch," said James without looking up

from his book.

"On Halloween?" asked Sirius and James nodded slightly.

"Didn't you say you'd rest on Hogsmeade visits?" asked a voice that James

and the others recognized instantly.

James took his eyes off the book and turned his head. A cute face was

just inches away from his own. It was Gwen.

"Yes. I said that..." said James closing the small book and stuffing it into

one of his inner pockets of his robes.

"Good! I've got lots of places to show you in Hogsmeade!" said Gwen with

enthusiasm and a cute smile.

'Only she gets him to stop studying...' thought the marauders with rolling


"It's weird seeing you with such a cute smile, Gwen," said a girl with a

giggle approaching James and the others.

"What's weird?" asked Gwen returning to her bad temper. However, the

new girl didn't care and continued with an amused smile on her face.

"You usually make the face now and don't have much patience, but it's

different with James," the girl said covering her laughter with her

delicate hand.

Gwen's cheeks flushed and she looked at the girl with a frown, "It's not

like that!" she exclaimed, but this only made the girl's smile grow wider.

"Yes it is," the girl said in amusement.



"Stop teasing her, Diana," James said looking towards the girl named


Her full name was Diana Greengrass. She was in the same year as Gwen,

in Slytherin house. She was his new friend since she stopped hanging out

with Anastasia and other supremacist girls.

Although Diana was a Greengrass supremacist, her degree of hatred for

Muggles and others was non-existent. At most a mild contempt that

James noticed a few times, but the girl was very kind and funny. She

liked to piss everyone off and since she was Miss Greengrass she always

got her way.

The Greengrass's are a family of pureblood wizards, wealthy and

respected; one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Unlike the other supremacists

like the Nott's, Lestrange's, Shafiq's, etc. The Greengrasses remain neutral

in the many conflicts that plagued the magical world such as

Grindelwald's revolution.

They prefer to focus on business and expanding their magical wealth

while remaining neutral in the magical world. This is good news for

James. It would be bad for such a wealthy and ancient family to support

Voldemort. It would be good to bring them to his side, but it will be

difficult if they have always remained neutral. Why would they make the

exception now?

Diana like Gwen had blonde hair, but very long and in curlers. Her color

was brighter and her eyes were a green color that looked like two small

emeralds. Her figure was smaller than the girls in her year and her skin

was pale. Most of the boys in her year, senior and junior saw her as a

beauty and many asked her out, but to no avail.

Unlike Gwen and her aggressive and short-tempered personality, Diana

was popular because of her kind and playful personality. When she

annoyed someone she had her limit and usually made it fun for both of

them, so she had no enemies. She was not a bully like Tianne, Emma and

the others. Add to that her beautiful looks and family history and it was a

perfect combo.

"Fine... I'll leave you alone just because your boyfriend is scary," Diana

said with a slight smile stopping to annoy Gwen who upon hearing the

word boyfriend blushed more than before.

"I'm scary?" muttered James twitching his eyebrows. It wasn't the first

time he'd been told that. He even noticed it in some people the first time

he met them.

"Boyfriend..." muttered Gwen blushing looking sideways at James.

"Only you can leave them both like that," Lupin commented with a

strange smile.

"It's a technique inherited in my family that allows me to be very

annoying," Diana said with a smile looking at Lupin who laughed and

shook his head.

The group continued walking and chatting amicably in the direction of

Hogsmeade. In fifteen minutes of walking they arrived at the quaint

magical village.

Professor Slughorn quickly told the history of the village so that the

enthusiastic third-year students could explore Hogsmeade freely.

Hogsmeade is the only fully magical village in Britain. It was founded by

Hengist Woodcroft between the 10th or 11th century, about the same

time as Hogwarts.

Finished with the quick explanation of History, James was taken by

Gwen to visit many stores in Hogsmeade. Then when she released him,

he visited with the marauders joke stores among other curious stores.

James did not realize that he was being watched by two hooded people

in one of Hogsmeade's dark corridors.

"That's the boy," muttered a hooded wizard in tattered black robes. His

eyes followed James and gave off a great hatred. It was Eustace Burke.

Ex-professor of DADA and the wizard who was defeated by James. Seeing

James after so long he felt a tingle on the stump where his hand used to


"He looks like a normal brat," said another hooded man observing James

who was laughing and chatting enthusiastically with his friends like any

normal thirteen year old.

"He hides that dark part of his personality..." said Eustace with narrowed

eyes looking at James.

James only erased Eustace's memories about the interrogation and the

part where he cuts off his hand with his wandless magic. However, there

were parts he didn't erase at all.

Eustace had realized that his memories were modified, as he is a DADA

expert and knew that there was a hole in part of his memory, as James

did not have time to add new and false memories to it.

'He knows how to erase memories and for some reason he erased part of

our quick confrontation,' Eustace thought feeling a slight fear for such a

monstrous force for a thirteen year old boy and especially for planning to

erase memories and hide his strength.

Eustace is sure that if James had the time, he would have implanted false

memories. If that had happened, he wouldn't even know that his

memories were erased.

"Let's go back to the house," the other hooded man commented turning

around and starting to walk down the alley. Eustace nodded and followed

his companion by the name of Victor.

In a few minutes of walking, they reached their destination. They turned

away from the main street of Hogsmeade arriving at a lone house in a

secluded corner of town.

The house had a scruffy and gloomy appearance out of keeping with the

bustle of the nearby town. Built of weather-worn stones, its rough walls

support a battered thatched roof, which seems to defy gravity with its

uneven pitch.

The surrounding landscape is dotted with sparse, dry trees, adding a

desolate air to the surroundings. The windows, small and dark, look like

watchful eyes peering unnoticed, while a rickety chimney looms high


Overgrown and neglected vegetation borders a path of stone steps,

leading to a solid wooden door. Eustace and Victor followed this path

until they reached the wooden door.

Victor knocked on the door several times in different rhythms. After

about sixteen knocks he waited seven seconds and knocked again. The

door was opened a few seconds later by another short, hooded person

who let them in without saying a word.

The three hooded men walked silently into the dining room of the house,

which was in the same condition as the outside: disused, dusty and


At the dusty and dirty table was a person sitting in a chair that was

barely supporting his weight.

"News?" asked the hooded man named Ivan.

"We saw the Potter brat. They finally got out of that damned castle. Now

it's all up to the death eater sent by the Dark Lord," said Victor sitting

impatiently in a dusty, cobwebbed armchair.

Ivan nodded and went back to reading the book he propped on the dirty

old table. A book of dark magic as was to be expected for a person of his


"I hope you get information fast. I don't want to be in this horrible house

anymore," said the shortest wizard of them all in not very good English.

His name was Volker and he was from Germany. For that reason his

English was not very good.

The small group of four wizards were old friends who always searched

for ancient magical objects and archaic potions. Finding out about the

vaults was very difficult for them and more difficult for them to accept

Eustace at Hogwarts as a professor. However, their plans were ruined by

thirteen-year-old students. Now they had to hand over the magical

treasures to him with Voldemort.

Adding this to having to spend more than a month in this old house none

of the four were in a very good mood when their mission was to obtain

treasures to take to someone else.

Since the Hogwarts school year began, they had been staying in

Hogsmeade undercover in this old, ramshackle house. They had to

somehow get information about the vaults and their only lead was James


That boy was the cause of stealing the treasures from the ice vault and

then trapping Eustace through a very well executed and thought out

plan. Eustace knew that James stole the scrolls that led to the next vault,

so they had to target him to get the Japanese wizard's treasures and take

them to Voldemort.

Their only hope was that the death eater of unknown identity sent by the

Dark Lord would get information from inside the castle through Slytherin

students and that those students would spy on James under his orders.

They had to wait until the students' first outing to Hogsmeade so that the

death eater could meet with potential young would-be Death Eaters.

Chapter 180: Spy rats

Hogsmeade weekend and Halloween passed. The month of November

began, and the temperature began to drop gradually. The first weekend

was the first Quidditch match of the season: Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw.

It was Ravenclaw's victory by a good margin. After the previous

disastrous year, they managed to get up and start the season on the right


On Sunday, the second weekend of November. The Gryffindor vs

Slytherin match was played. A match that was eagerly awaited by all of


James didn't pay much attention to quidditch. He had his hands full, and

he had bad news since Halloween ended.

First of all, not even a thunderstorm happened, so he was still having to

utter the Animagus charm twice a day. Toby had already lost because of

the nighttime explorations of the forbidden forest, so he had to repeat the

whole process.

Secondly, he had to use the whole weekend to brew potions with Snape

and Gwen. So, they were unable to continue exploring the forbidden


James, nor Sirius, nor any member of the group thought it would be so

difficult to find the entrance to the vault. The previous entrances were

much easier to find after deciphering the riddle of the scroll.

Thirdly and the most disturbing news of all was that they had spies

following their footsteps and their nocturnal activities. This news they

learned thanks to Diana Greengrass, Gwen's new and trusted friend, and

also because they saw their pursuers patrolling the castle late at night.

Diana told them that on the last day of the Hogsmeade visit, the most

promising Slytherin students with pure bloodlines were invited to a

private room at the Hog's Head Inn.

This inn is located one or two streets away from the main street. It is

known for its low price, at least relative to the Three Broomsticks Inn.

Diana, several other Slytherin students, and a few Ravenclaw students

were invited there by a mysterious person who hid his face with a hood

and a spell that made his face blur when candlelight or daylight hit him.

From what Diana told Gwen after this infamous meeting, the hooded

person gave the students from large families a mission. To investigate

about the cursed vaults, James and his friends have information about

them and are after the treasures in the remaining vaults.

Diana was very surprised when she heard this as the other students, who

were listening to the hooded person. Several things closed in on her as

she learned of this.

First, who were the people behind the Meddler the Hogwarts paper that

first talked about the vaults and found the location of the fear vault and

the ice vault.

It made sense that James, Sirius, Lupin, and so on were behind this

newspaper since it talks about gossip and school news, and no one up to

this point knew who was responsible.

What would the Slytherin students gain by assisting in this mission?

Possible entry into the ranks of the Death Eaters led by the Great Dark

Lord that all supremacists idolize and more so Slytherin teenagers.

For Slytherin supremacist students such as Anastasia, Rabastan, Lucius,

etc. Voldemort is a hero who carries out his ideals and puts the

mudbloods, half-bloods, and blood traitors in their place. He is purging

the magical world of the filth that pollutes it.

All the participants in that secret meeting in Hogsmeade agreed to follow

the instructions of the hooded person. All, except Diana, who was neither

against, nor in favor.

"We must warn Dumbledore! It's dangerous for a death eater to be in

Hogsmeade!" shrieked Peter, who was in his dormitory with the other


"Not only is there a death eater in Hogsmeade. Eustace and his little

group of dark wizards are there too," commented James with a relaxed

expression as he set up a tall tower of cards. The cards moved and were

arranged by themselves as if by magic.

"How are you so sure?" asked Lupin, a little surprised by James' calmness.

"There's only one way the death eaters could have found out about the

vaults. Through Eustace Burke. In the Azkaban attack several months ago

they must have released him. Since he is a useless one-armed maniac he

wants to join the death eaters and must give the vault treasures in

exchange. His companions must also want to join the Death Eaters and

must be from normal families, so they must be cannon fodder," James

explained calmly.

"Have you deduced that much already?" asked Toby, looking at James in

surprise. The others were surprised as well.

"Simple deduction. It's not hard to make those connections. Death Eaters

want troops in their ranks, but their hierarchy is strict. Eustace knows I

wiped his memory when I defeated him, as I didn't have time to add

memories to that bump in his head," James said, looking up. A card flew

lightly to the top of the tower.

"Stop showing off your wandless magic. What are we going to do now?"

said Sirius, looking at the large ten-foot tower in front of his eyes.

James sketched a faint smile and with a simple wave of his hand caused

the tower to disarm. The cards began to fly in circles, sorting themselves

out in a few seconds and landing on James' bedside table.

"We will continue our exploration of the forbidden forest as before. They

have no idea that the vault is outside the castle. We just have to be more

careful and not get caught," James replied, standing up and stretching.

"We won't tell Dumbledore that criminals are staying in Hogsmeade?"

asked Peter with growing fear. This was already getting very dangerous.

"No. The treasures in the vault will be for us," said James without a

second's hesitation. Then his invisibility cloak flew to him on its own,

and he passed it to Sirius.

"You four will go under the cloak. You will follow me. When I come out

through the Fat Lady's portrait there will most likely be one or more

students lurking around, and they will follow me," James said, adjusting

his robes.

"Shall we get rid of them?" asked Sirius with a grin. It would be good to

sweep the floor with those supremacists. He like James, hated

supremacists as weird as it sounded.

"Before that, we'll go to the Slytherin common room. Gwen, Snape, and

Regulus most likely won't be able to get out because of their housemates,"

James said, and as he finished a cold smile formed on his face.

"Once we get there, we'll attack them. Hopefully, Filch will give them

long, hard punishments," he added.

"I'll finally get to beat those supremacists to a pulp!" exclaimed Sirius

with a big grin and clenched his fist tightly. He'll be able to take out the

stress of not finding the vault and having to take so many antidotes

because of the poisonous insects and fungi in the forest.

Lupin smiled slightly and touched his hand to where he kept his wand.

He was looking forward to this duel. It wouldn't be the same as facing

insects or creatures of the forbidden forest. He wanted to see how far he

was compared to older Slytherin students.

Toby and Peter both showed a determined look. Exploring the forbidden

forest so much at night caused them to greatly improve their magical

skills, and besides the training James gave them was no joke. They

weren't afraid to face older students. Peter was more afraid of an adult

dark wizard or a giant Ice Golem than a student a little older than him.

"They'll never think Diana ratted them out," Lupin said as he walked with

the others to the now-empty common room.

Thanks to Diana, they knew the identities of the students who wanted to

spy on them and know about the vaults. They were: Rabastan Lestrange,

Anastasia Nott, Evan Rosier, Lucius Malfoy, Mark Selwyn, Amycus and

Alecto Carrow, Luke Mulciber, Dylan Avery, and Emma and George


"Our great spy. They made a big mistake inviting a Greengrass to their

secret meeting," James said, shaking his head and thinking that the death

eater was either very stupid or thought very highly of his Dark Lord.

Diana's family was known for remaining neutral in all conflicts in the

British magical community. No matter how popular and famous the Dark

Lord like Grindelwald was. They did not choose sides. Perhaps he

thought that since Diana was young and displayed such ideals, though

not as extreme, she would take Voldemort as some sort of hero to follow.

On the other hand, Diana was very popular. She is friends with almost

her entire household, so they do not see it odd that the girl is friends

with Gwen. Another misunderstanding since at this time both girls

became close friends.

"Before we leave. Wouldn't it be better to get rid of the rats following us

before we go to the Slytherin common room?" asked Sirius, looking at


"It's a better option... We won't have to face everyone at the entrance to

the Slytherin common room," said James with a hand on his chin. This

way was better for facing them and not fighting at a numerical


"We'll do that. Follow me closely, and when you notice me attacking,

come out and attack yourselves as well," James said, and the others

nodded as they wrapped themselves in the invisibility cloak.

Chapter 181: Night fight

James exited through the portrait of the Fat Lady. His expression was one

of caution and looking all around as he began to walk carefully through

the dark corridors of the castle. He had to act a little for the eyes that

were watching him.

Sirius and the others followed behind him under the invisibility cloak

and with the spell Silencio Barriera.

'I wonder where they'll be...' thought James, who held his wand in his left

hand. He felt watched, but he didn't know where and how many people

they were from. It was a strange feeling.

They must have been following him with the disillusioning charm, so

they should be close to the walls to take on color and texture like a


The spies did not know that James was aware of their presence, and

having the wand in his hand was not unusual, as he could find himself in

a dangerous situation if the janitor and his cat found him, so they did not

think they were in danger of being attacked.

'Homenum Revelio,' James thought, making a motion with his wand. The

movement was very natural, and his expression remained unchanged.

Also, no light came out of his wand, so everything stayed the same, or so

it seemed.

After a few seconds James already knew where the people spying on him

were. They were four students, divided into two groups of two. Each on a

different wall followed him from behind.

Homenum Revelio is a spell that reveals the presence of other humans in

the surrounding environment. The incantation indicates a body using a

marker. It is a more advanced variation of the Revelio incantation. The

best thing about this spell is that if you can pull it off non-verbally no one

will know you cast, it as the spell does not create flashes of light when


James continued walking as cautiously as before without arousing

suspicion in the people spying on him. From one moment to the next he

suddenly turned around and waved his wand at an incredible speed.

'Stupefy Duo!' thought James, pointing it at a dark wall where no one

was. From his wand came a flash of red that hit the wall with great


Instantly, two boys in Ravenclaw and Slytherin robes appeared. Both fell

helplessly to the ground unconscious. They only had a second of shock

when they saw James turn around and cast a double Stupefy spell at


The Stupefy spell is used to knock a target unconscious instantly. It is the

most useful method to end a fight instantly if you manage to catch your

enemies by surprise as long as you don't want to assassinate them and do

light damage.

All this happened in a few seconds. The other two students watched in

surprise as their classmates were defeated. They quickly came out of their

hiding places and attacked James without hesitation.

'I knew it was the Homenum Revelio spell,' thought a boy with long

blond hair, light blue eyes, pale skin, and Slytherin robes. He had noticed

the strange movement James made with his wand, but seeing that his

mouth didn't even move and his expression remained the same, he

thought he was just being paranoid.

James calmly watched the two different colored flashes head towards

him in anger. Nonverbal magic meant that these Slytherin students were

sixth years minimally and it was true. He recognized them both: Lucius

Malfoy and Mark Selwyn.

'Protego,' James thought, waving his wand proficiently. A translucent

shield protected him from the two flashes.

Mark clicked his tongue in fury. Ever since the humiliation he suffered at

James' hands, he wanted revenge, and this was the perfect opportunity

for him. All his concentration was on James. That was his big mistake.

Sirius and the others had already emerged from the invisibility cloak and

attacked. Since they didn't know non-verbal magic yet, they all screamed

at the same time, but thanks to the Silencio Barriera their screams were

contained. Otherwise, Filch would not be long in coming.

Toby and Peter aimed at Mark. Both cast stun spells that hit the target at

the same time. When they combined, they not only knocked Mark

unconscious but also pushed him several meters, causing him to collapse

to the ground after spinning a few times.

Lupin and Sirius aimed at Lucius. The former cast a powerful

Expelliarmus and the latter a stun spell.

Unlike his friend, Lucius did pay attention to his surroundings. He knew

Potter had friends, so his guard was up. This allowed him to cast a non-

verbal Protego and fend off Sirius and Lupin's attacks.

However, that distraction gained by his friends was all James needed to

cast an accurate and swift Expelliarmus at Lucius. His Protego had run

out, and he didn't have time to cast another one in time. James

calculated very well to make it impossible to defend yourself unless you

have divine reflexes.

The red flash sent Lucius' wand flying, and he made an ugly expression as

his wand flew through the air and landed far away from his position.

Lucius wanted to mediate words with the group of juniors, but he didn't

have time. The last thing he saw was three stun blasts heading his way.

Then his world went black, and he lost consciousness.

"Will he be all right?" asked Toby, approaching Lucius' unconscious body

lying near the rocky wall. Besides being hit by three stun spells, he went

flying until he hit the wall and fell like dead weight to the ground.

"Stun spells leave no lasting damage. His back must hurt, but nothing

Madame Poppy can't deal with," Lupin commented, walking over and

looking down. The others did the same.

"I read once that there was a case where a dark wizard was hit by

multiple stun spells simultaneously which amplified the effect, and he

had to be moved to St. Mungo's," James commented.

"Did he die...?" asked Sirius with a strange and worried expression at the

same time.

"No, but he was left with serious injuries for the rest of his life in

Azkaban... I don't think this case is the same though. There were only

three. He was hit by more than six and from adult wizards," James said.

"Don't scare us like that..." muttered Lupin, sighing in relief. He didn't

want to leave anyone behind. No matter how much of a supremacist he


James then walked over to the two students he knocked unconscious.

They were George Parkinson and Amycus Carrow.

"We've already eliminated the older students," Sirius said, and a

mischievous grin formed on his face.

James nodded with a grin just as mischievous as his friend's. There were

only the students in the same year or a few years older like Anastasia

Nott, who is in fourth. Much easier than beating Lucius Malfoy, sixth-

year prefect.

Lucius was unlucky. His reflexes were very good as he was able to fend

off the two attacks from Sirius and Lupin, who were hidden under an

invisibility cloak and had cast a Silencio Barriera which made their spells

look like non-verbal magic.

"Come on. Let's free Gwen, Snape, and Regulus," Lupin said, and the

others nodded, leaving the battle site. It would be bad if Filch arrived

after all the commotion, as there were loud bangs on the walls and

flashes of light flying here and there.

James cast a disillusioning spell on himself and started walking towards

the dungeons. Sirius and the others followed him under the invisibility

cloak. This time, they would make a surprise attack. They were not to be


In total, the students behind them numbered eleven, according to Diana.

They had already defeated four, so seven remained. They were still

outnumbered, but the five of them knew they had the advantage for

several reasons. They knew it would be an easy battle. The difficult battle

was over.

They had the sneak attack in their favor and were to face students from

their years such as Rabastan, Mulciber, Rosier, and Avery. Then Emma,

and Anastasia from the fourth year. Finally, Alecto Carrow from the fifth


'We defeated sixth-year students,' Peter thought with a proud smile under

the invisibility cloak as he headed with the others to the dungeons.

It was not the first time the group had visited the entrance to the

Slytherin common house. With a brisk walk, they arrived there in a few


The hiding places that could be used to observe the sliding rock door of

the Slytherin common room were not many. So it was very easy for

James and the company to observe the hidden people watching the door

to the common room.

As they expected, they were standing guard and waiting for Gwen and

Snape to come out to follow them or attack them and question them

about the vaults.

'None of them are using a disillusioning spell. This will be easy,' James

thought with a slight grin, moving halfway up the wall to get a full view

of his enemies.

His disillusioning spell was perfect. It made no difference to the rocky

wall, so it was unseen by Rabastan and the others. Also, he had a Silencio

Barriera which silenced their footsteps and breaths.

James extended his wand as high as he could and thought, 'Lumos


A blinding flash of sunlight shot out from his wand completely

illuminating the dark dungeon corridor. Anastasia, Rabastan, and the

others seeing a sudden light appearing out of nowhere looked in that

direction and were more effectively blinded. They grunted in pain and

quickly covered their eyesight.

James acted instantly, aiming at Alecto Carrow. Within seconds, he

knocked her unconscious with a stun spell. Sirius and the others also

acted. Like James, they possessed contact lenses with a spell that

protected them from the blinding flash. This gift was courtesy of James.

The contact lenses he gave his friends had only that function. To protect

them from blinding glare and the sun. Nothing more. Their views

remained the same as before.

The glare disappeared after a few seconds. Rabastan opened his eyes with

difficulty and confusion. What he saw made his blood boil. Five of his

allies lay defeated on the ground unconscious, and five people he

recognized very well had appeared.

Anastasia the person, who was saved from being knocked unconscious

also looked at this with surprise and shock. In a normal situation, she

would scream angrily at her attackers, telling them how they dared to

attack her, but seeing James she swallowed hard and began to back away

slowly. Her only salvation was to get back to her common room. She was

only a few feet from the door.

"Hey, Rabastan. Long time. How have you been?" asked Sirius with a

smile as if he was seeing an old friend.

Rabastan grimaced at Sirius' comment and started walking backward. He

had the same thought as Anastasia. To his bad luck, he was further away

from the entrance to the common room than the fat girl.

Anastasia stopped abruptly when she heard the sound of the stone door

shifting. She turned her head with her heart pounding in her chest,

expecting to see an opportunity for escape, but instead met Gwen's cold


"Glacius," Gwen said in an icy, almost whispery tone.

A cold, biting air emerged from the tip of Gwen's wand, advancing

toward Anastasia with terrifying swiftness. The icy mist reached her in an

instant, starting at her feet. Anastasia felt an intense shiver run through

her body as her feet were caught in a layer of ice that spread rapidly


The ice moved up her legs, completely immobilizing her, and continued

its inexorable advance toward her torso. Anastasia tried to scream, but

her breath caught in her throat as the ice closed over her chest and arms,

enveloping her in a crystalline prison.

When the spell ended, Anastasia was completely frozen in a block of ice,

an expression of terror etched on her face. Her eyes, wide open, reflected

the light from the nearby torches, giving her an almost spectral


Gwen lowered her wand slowly, her light blue eyes showing no trace of

emotion, and looked at Rabastan, who paled at the scenario he found

himself in. Surrounded on all sides and without any allies.

Chapter 182: Door found

Luckily for Rabastan, Sirius took it upon himself to knock him

unconscious. The Lestrange boy put up no resistance. He would rather be

defeated this way by Sirius Black than have James act or have Gwen

leave him frozen in a block of ice.

Gwen walked towards James and the others. Snape followed her, looking

at the mostly Slytherin students with a conflicted look. He was supposed

to be Slytherin, but he was joining a group of mostly Gryffindors.

'Am I doing right to follow them?' thought Snape with a slight hesitation.

He detested Muggles and always had great envy for 100% purebloods.

Unfortunately for him, his father is a stupid muggle, an alcoholic, and

abusive. Perhaps for that reason, he hates Muggles so much. He lives in a

run-down suburb of Cokeworth.

99% of the Muggles there are bastards, criminals, and nasty. He also met

his crush's sister, Petunia Evans. A very unpleasant girl for his taste.

Snape had previously disliked the Gryffindor students because they were

loud-mouthed, boastful, and defenders of Muggles. He had a hostile first

encounter with James and Sirius. Which made him categorize them as

the two popular golden-born boys who are typical bullies and muggle


However, that thought changed when he started meeting James at the ice

vault incident. As hard as it was to admit, the more the events unfolded,

the more admiration he felt for James. Now, his friend.

In the first year, when he started hanging out with supremacists, his

relationship with Lily, his best friend and the girl he has a crush on,

began to worsen because of his "friendships." However, now, thanks to

him hanging out with James and the others, he has started to improve his

relationship with Lily again.

"What's the matter, Snape? If, in the next few days, they bother you about

being with us, tell me. I'll take care of protecting you," Sirius said with a

smirk, putting his arm on Snape's shoulder.

'Yeah, I'm fine with them,' Snape concluded, twitching his eyebrows at

Sirius' comment.

"Shut your mouth. I didn't need your protection. I alone can defeat them,"

Snape said with a faintly confident and disdainful smile. In the past, he

would have pulled Sirius' arm out, but now he doesn't mind. He also

considered this annoying, blustering boy a friend.

'True nobility is shown by fairness and responsibility,' Snape thought,

remembering the words James said in the great speech he gave days ago.

"Why do I have to keep hiding?" asked Regulus, who appeared out of

nowhere. He walked out next to Gwen and Snape, but unlike the two of

them, he used his invisibility cloak.

"They don't know you're with us. Eustace thinks I attacked you to get the

information out of the vault. They better think that," James replied,

putting his wand away.

The group of dark wizards that Eustace belongs to, the Death Eater sent

to Hogsmeade, and the Hogwarts students who are spying on them only

think that the marauders, Gwen and Snape, are together.

Thanks to Regulus being sent to the infirmary by James, the information

they have is that they are not allies. This is what James plans to take

advantage of.

"Why is it better that they think that?" asked Regulus, who wasn't

satisfied with having to hide. He wanted to fight, too.

"Because you'll be our spy, and for that, they better think you're just

another supremacist like them," James said with a slight smile, and he

began to explain the plan he had for Regulus.

Thanks to Diana Greengrass, they found out about the Death Eater, that

Eustace was in Hogsmeade, and that they sent students after them to find

out the location of the new vault.

Diana was key to obtaining this information. The girl was able to do so

thanks to her pureblood family and the supremacist personality she

showed, which was not too exaggerated compared to other people.

Regulus is the perfect spy. He comes from a Black family, and his parents

adore him as he displays all the typical characteristics of a supremacist,

unlike Sirius, who is the black sheep. They all know this and see Regulus

as the true heir. This Sirius doesn't give a damn about.

The only relationship there is between James and Regulus is the

handshake they gave each other on Narcissa's birthday, and nothing

more. No one made a big deal about it, as Regulus keeps a stoic

expression in most situations.

James is sure that the Death Eaters will approach Regulus to recruit him,

as he is of House Black and a male heir since Sirius is likely to be erased

from the Black family tree.

"Mm, I understand. You'll be training me?" asked Regulus without

showing a hint of dissatisfaction as before.

"Yes, to be a good spy, you must learn some crucial spells and have the

right mental agility," James replied, and Regulus happily accepted this


Like Snape, Regulus ended up admiring James even more than Severus.

At first, he looked favorably on the Dark Lord, but all the events

involving James made him change his mind. His idea of nobility and

purity was wrong, and thanks to James, he could see it.

Muggles were not to be despised and annihilated. They were weak and

powerless beings, while wizards were noble and superior beings. They

had to protect them! That was their responsibility!

Regulus was just remembering his previous vulgar thoughts, which made

him ashamed. He should learn from James about true nobility and


The group stopped wasting time and began to head for the outskirts of

the castle using the two invisibility cloaks. It is very rare to possess two

invisibility cloaks; this gives them a great advantage in their explorations.

They resumed their exploration where they left off. The only difference

was that they were now moving in a single group, as they were in a

dangerous area of the forbidden forest and had ruled out many possible

places. They had to go more carefully, and it was no longer as effective to

split into two groups.

The next day, there was a great commotion at Hogwarts. Filch caught

several students unconscious on the floor. The victims had very popular

and well-known identities. Lucius Malfoy, prefect of Slytherin and a

student from a very important family; Mark Selwyn, another character

from an important family, etc.

The most talked about was Anastasia Nott, who was found frozen in a

block of ice. A student caught a glimpse of her, as the Slytherin girl was

taken to the infirmary by Filch, who was ranting.

It reminded many of the incident where Allan Abbott was found frozen,

although this time Anastasia was released after only a day, as it was

normal ice.

The culprits were not found despite the professors' interrogation of the

victims, who did not open their mouths. That was good news for James

and company, as they were not punished.

"They can't tell the professors, or their stupid plan to chase us may be

discovered," Sirius said with a grin, looking towards the Slytherin table.

It was odd for so many Slytherin students and some Ravenclaw students

to be outside the castle at that time of night. The professors wanted to

know what they were doing to violate curfew, but they all kept their

mouths shut.

"They wouldn't want to let down the great Death Eater who gave them

the mission," James commented with some derision.

The next few days passed normally at Hogwarts. James' routine was

maintained with one difference. In the evenings, before they could head

into the forbidden forest, they had to face their pursuers.

So, small skirmishes happened in the evenings. So far, James' group has

been victorious, as they had surprise attacks on their side thanks to the

two invisibility cloaks they possessed and, of course, the martial prowess

of James, Sirius, Gwen, and company.

Thanks to the punishments that Rabastan, Lucius, etc. suffered. James

and his group had a few nights off, and they were able to go out without

the need to fight or sneak away from persecution.

One night on the seventeenth of November, at ten past three in the

morning, the group finally found the long-sought-after entrance to the

forest vault.

The place was hidden in a clearing deep in the Forbidden Forest, where

the trees formed a thick canopy that blocked almost all of the moonlight.

The darkness was deep, barely broken by the beams of light emanating

from the group's wands.

They came to an ancient, twisted oak tree that stood next to a hawthorn

tree, as it said in the riddle. The oak had a thick, knotty trunk, while the

hawthorn was thinner and full of thorns. Between them, barely visible,

was a narrow stream that meandered westward.

The group followed the stream until the water disappeared into the

ground, leaving only a bed of wet stones and fallen leaves. There, under

the light of the half moon, they found the sign of the centaur engraved on

a rock, almost hidden by the undergrowth.

The entrance to the vault was camouflaged by nature, barely large

enough for a person to slip through. It was partially hidden by a thick

curtain of ivy and vines tangled around an ancient stone door.

The door had inscriptions in ancient runes, similar to those on the scroll,

and was adorned with an intricate relief of a centaur with a bow and


Right in the center of the centaur relief, there was a small circular hole,

the perfect size for inserting an arrow.

James moved closer to the door, inspecting the hole and symbols closely.

"The centaur arrow must go here," he said, pointing to the hole.

The smile on Sirius' face disappeared at this comment, "Key? Do we need

a key?" he asked with a frown. He had thought they would be able to get

in by now, but indeed, the door wouldn't budge no matter how much

effort he put into pushing it.

"It was obvious a key would be needed," Snape mused, examining the

intricately intricate door with his cold, pale hands.

"We came across the centaurs once. They didn't seem very friendly,"

Lupin commented.

"They let us go because of our age," Regulus added in a tone of anger. He

didn't like the condescension of those beasts.

"Let's just freeze them and steal an arrow," said Gwen, unafraid to face

the centaurs.

"Will any arrow do?" asked Toby doubtfully.

"I suppose so, as long as it's a centaur. It must be able to discern between

a normal arrow and one made by a centaur," said James.

"Are we going to look for those centaurs now?" asked Peter, yawning, and

they all looked at James, waiting for his answer.

"No... It's too late now, and we must go back a long way to the castle.

Tomorrow we will," replied James, and they all started back to the castle

with their senses alert.

Chapter 183: Special arrow

The next night after getting rid of their pursuers again, they headed to

the area of the forest where the centaur camp was located.

When they were about ten minutes away from arriving, James stopped

everyone and told them to wait for him. It would be best for him under

the invisibility cloak to steal an arrow with his telekinesis. So, he must be

careful, and it is best to go alone.

Everyone agreed, except Gwen, who ended up accompanying James in

the invisibility cloak.

James agreed for two reasons. One because he liked being alone next to

Gwen, and the other because it would be good to have a backup if he

ends up in a battle against the centaurs, and being two people stealth

with the invisibility cloak is still good.

"It's cold. Come closer," Gwen said, intertwining her arm with James to

pull him closer to her.

"We're not taking a stroll through the forest," James commented, moving

closer to Gwen. The forest in front of their eyes was scary, dark, and with

eerie sounds of strange and ugly creatures.

"It would be a good place for a date," Gwen commented, looking at the

gloomy forest in front of her eyes.

"Since when do you like scary things? I remember in your room, you had

lots of cute, brightly colored stuffed animals," James said with a slight


"That was when I was a child. Now I'm all grown up. I don't have those

stupid stuffed animals anymore," Gwen said in a dismissive tone.

"Oh... Does that mean you got rid of the stuffed animals I gave you?"

asked James, acting hurt.

Gwen's previously scornful expression changed to one of concern, and she

quickly took back her words, "Those stuffed animals, I still have them! I

just kept them in a different place so they don't get damaged," she


What she was saying was partly true. What she didn't tell James was that

she slept next to two of those stuffed animals. She even brought one with

her to Hogwarts and used it to sleep with when she closed the curtains on

her bed so no one could see her.

"Mm, I don't know if I believe your words miss. You seemed very grown

up and confident before," James said with a thoughtful expression and a

hand on his chin.

"Believe me! I wouldn't lie to you," Gwen said, grabbing and shaking

James' arm, who was still playing dumb to annoy her more.

'It's easy to piss her off,' James thought with an amused grin looking at

Gwen. Only he could piss her off like this and not end up frozen or


After telling her that, he believed her words, they continued chatting

jovially until they reached the centaur camp. They seemed to be taking a

stroll through the countryside, instead of showing the seriousness that

this mission should have.

When they saw the camp a few yards away from them they stopped

talking and looked ahead seriously.

"They seem to be nocturnal beings these centaurs," Gwen commented,

looking at the active centaur camp.

"They like to watch the stars and give cryptic answers," James


The camp was lit by torches arranged in a circle. Consisted of several

leather and canvas tents, designed to protect the centaurs from the

elements without losing their connection to nature.

Each tent was adorned with symbols and runes, indicative of their culture

and traditions. In the center of the camp, a large bonfire burned brightly,

around which several centaurs were gathered.

The centaur that caught James and Gwen's attention the most was one

with long, dark hair. His face had high cheekbones and a proud

expression. He was taller than his peers, and his muscles were larger.

James' eyes were fixed on a quiver, a cloth cylinder used by archers to

carry arrows. There were several of these cylinders. With Gwen, they

moved a little closer and stopped.

Looking at the most unprotected quiver, he used his telekinesis to cause

one of the arrows to slide smoothly out of the quiver and fly toward him.

The arrow moved silently through the air, hidden by the darkness and

shadows of the forest. No centaur noticed its absence as the arrow

reached James' position. Gwen with a swift movement pulled her hand

out of her cloak and grabbed the arrow.

"That was easy," Gwen said, noting the crude arrow she held in her hand.

After that quick adventure, they returned to the others, who were happy

that it had been so easy, though they had already guessed as much.

James possessed wandless magic, an invisibility cloak, and the Silencio

Barriera. Stealing was easy having those three advantages.

Reaching the entrance to the vault again, James placed the arrow in the

hole. The arrow went in perfectly, but nothing happened. No gears

activated, nor was any noise heard. The stone door remained firmly in

place without moving an inch.

The whole group was silent until, after a few seconds, James spoke up,

"Looks like it wasn't as easy as we thought,"

"Will there be a special arrow?" asked Snape.

"It's the safest thing to do. The problem will be finding it and stealing it...

You'll have to go into the camp and inspect the whole place," said Lupin,

looking at James, who made a slight grimace.

It is one thing to position himself in a faraway place and steal an

unimportant arrow with his telekinesis. The centaurs didn't notice

anything because of the darkness and how careful James was in moving

the arrow, but it's entirely different to go deep into the camp and

investigate the centaur tents.

However, he had to do it. He was the only one who could use magic

while wearing the invisibility cloak. So, it was safest for him to perform

this mission. If you have an invisibility cloak you cannot cast spells as

they will hit the cloth of the cloak. This does not happen when you use

your telekinesis.

Gwen was reluctant to let James go alone, so this time, she also

accompanied him, even though the dangers had increased. The others

stood anxiously waiting at the entrance to the vault.

They arrived more quickly than the other time, as they were not

distracted by merry chatter. The camp was still the same as before.

"Where could that arrow be?" asked Gwen, looking toward all the

quivers, but she only saw arrows just like the one they stole. There was

no difference.

"Probably, in some of the tents," replied James.

"Which one?" asked Gwen. It would take too long if they had to go into

every tent, and the chances of getting caught were higher.

"I'd say in that one," replied James, pointing his finger at a tent just like

all the others. Gwen raised an eyebrow not understanding the difference

of this tent from the others.

"The tall, long-haired centaur went into that tent. From the interactions I

saw him have with the centaurs, I'd say he's the leader. If an object of

value is to be guarded in any tent it should be the one of the leader of the

herd," James explained.

"You're very perceptive about these things," said Gwen.

"It's just a bit of observation and deduction," said James with a shrug.

James and Gwen walked deeper into the camp, trying to be as far away

from the centaurs as possible. They waited a few feet away from the

long-haired centaur. When he comes out and moves away it will be time

to go in.

Once the centaur was out and away from the tent, they slipped inside as

quickly and stealthily as possible.

Inside the tent, it wasn't hard to find what they were looking for. James'

deduction was true. The long-haired centaur possessed what they were

looking for.

The items in the tent were simple. On a low wooden table, they saw a

quiver that possessed a single arrow, unlike any other arrow they had

seen. This arrow had a jewel-encrusted tip.

'Bingo,' thought James, approaching next to Gwen at the small table.

Gwen again was quick to grab the arrow. She pulled out her small purse

and stowed it in there, as it would be awkward to carry it back.

As they were about to leave, they quickly backed up as they saw a

shadow approaching the entrance. The centaur returned. James, having it

so close, could see more clearly the great height and muscularity of the

centaur. It was imposing. Gwen tensed and approached James. Unable to

use her wand as she had the invisibility cloak over her and a centaur at

close range, she felt insecure.

The centaur with a simple glance, noticed the absence of his important

arrow and roared in anger, aware that something was wrong. A few

minutes ago, he saw the arrow there.

His instinct was right. His sense of smell noticed two different odors a

few minutes ago. Two peculiar smells he recognized and loathed.

"Humans," the centaur said in a hoarse tone and with a furious look,

fixing his gaze on James and Gwen, who were under the invisibility


The centaur began to walk slowly towards James and Gwen, who were

still frozen in place. James noticed how the centaur tensed his powerful

muscles ready to attack.

"James..." murmured Gwen, fearfully hugging James.

The situation was dangerous. If they removed the invisibility cloak and

attacked the centaur with their wands, they would not make it in time.

The centaur is only inches away from them, and its speed will be greater

than its spells no matter how nonverbal they are.

James at Gwen's whisper snapped back to reality. He was surprised by

the imposing and great presence of the centaur that left him motionless.

It was the first time such a thing had happened to him, and he had faced

several creatures such as a drug-enhanced troll, a giant ice golem, a dark

wizard, etc.

The only way out of this place was to quickly defeat the centaur in front

of his eyes and for that, he needed all the strength of his wandless magic.

The easiest way to empower his wandless magic was to use negative


In less than a second, he remembered the insults towards his family and

his late grandfather, and let those emotions fuel his power.

James raised his hand and pointed it at the towering centaur. This time

his eyes flashed a cold, hate-filled glare.

The centaur was lifted off the ground. His previously furious face showed

an expression of confusion before the invisible force that imprisoned him,

he tried to free himself, but it was useless.

James, with a quick and decisive movement, threw the centaur away

from the tent. An invisible force struck the creature sending it flying. It

tore through the canvas and wood structure, shattering it as it flew

through the air until it crashed violently into a nearby tree.

The impact echoed through the camp, and the centaur was stunned and

wounded, unable to get up immediately. At such a disturbance in the

silent camp, all the centaurs ran towards the wounded centaur shouting

in confusion.


"Are you all right, Magorian!"

"Who dared to do this to you!?" asked a centaur, grabbing his bow and

ready to give chase to the mysterious attackers.

James and Gwen wasted no time. They took advantage of the confusion

and chaos to escape from the centaur camp. They ran as fast as they

could. They would be in a more dangerous situation if they should fight

more than twenty centaurs. However, so much vigor in their flight was

not necessary.

"Don't go," ordered Magorian, getting up with the help of his companions

and coughing up blood.

"Why not? They can't go far if we chase them," said a centaur, confused

by his leader's decision.

"I said no. It's dangerous," Magorian said in an irrefutable tone.

When he was enveloped by the invisible force, he felt a hatred and fury

directed at him. He had never felt so many negative emotions. As a

centaur and prophet, his insight into these things was more acute.

Though he thinks any living being would feel hatred and intent to kill of

that caliber.

'A dangerous power,' Magorian thought with much conjecture in his

mind. He didn't care about the theft of the arrow. He preferred not to

mess with a person who could harbor so much hatred. He didn't want

that hatred to be directed towards his herd. He would choose the safety

of his companions over a stupid arrow that hasn't been used in years.

The centaurs looked confused at the look of fear on their leader's face,

followed his command, and helped him heal and set up a new tent.

Chapter 184: Forest Vault I

"Are you okay?" asked James, stopping and hiding behind a large tree. He

checked to ensure there weren't any dangerous magical creatures or


"Yes..." replied Gwen with bated breath. She felt like her heart was about

to burst out of her chest. This was the first time she had ever been in

such a dangerous situation.

"Calm down. We're not being followed," James said, resting his hand on

Gwen's slightly trembling hand.

"That's good..." said Gwen, sighing in relief. After calming down, she

looked at James strangely.

"What's wrong?" asked James, noticing the look on the girl's face.

"Nothing... I was just slightly surprised how you sent that centaur flying,"

commented Gwen. You don't see every day how a centaur weighing

hundreds of kilograms is lifted off the ground and sent flying like a

rocket. All this is done with magic without a wand.

Gwen knew of James' wandless magic ability, but she had only seen him

use it on objects like swords. He was not using it to immobilize creatures

and send them flying.

"I've improved since last time," James said with a slight smile. He

wouldn't tell her that to increase his powers, he should have negative

emotions. It would only make her worry.

James, like Gwen, was surprised to send the centaur flying and before

that pinned it in place. A centaur is a much stronger creature than a deer

or a common animal. You could see it by its large muscles. If he manages

to replicate this he could immobilize an adult wizard with his wandless

magic alone. As long as the wizard doesn't defend himself with a Protego

or some such method.

'With this power, defeating Eustace will be easy,' James thought, looking

at the hand he sent the centaur flying with.

"Thanks for saving me," Gwen said with a warm smile pulling James close

to kiss him.

"I will always protect you," whispered James, accepting the kiss. As long

as he could protect her, and it was within his power to do so, but it

wasn't romantic to say this.

After that, they both resumed their walk towards Sirius and the others.

When they arrived they told them in a nutshell what had happened. They

didn't want to worry them too much, and the robbery had gone well.

"It's half past one in the morning," Regulus said, looking at his pocket


"Let's do it!" said Sirius, gripping his wand tightly. Usually, their previous

expeditions lasted until three almost four in the morning. They had time

to explore the vault and get the treasures.

"It's not just taking the treasures after defeating who knows what creature

or monster. We must also destroy the dark core so that a curse is not

released," Lupin said. That would take them longer.

"True, but we are a large group, and we have a large amount of potions,"

Snape commented. It wouldn't take as long as it did when James and

Regulus entered the ice vault alone.

"Will a curse be unleashed? The vault is a long way from the castle," Toby

said doubtfully. The curse would have to have a long way to go to reach

the castle.

"We know that in the first two vaults, there were two cursed cores. So it

stands to reason that this one would also have one that would release a

curse," Regulus replied.

"So, what do we do?" asked Snape, and everyone looked at James, who

had a thoughtful expression. He had grown accustomed to being left with

the decision-making.

"We're going in. Snape is right. We have many potions for combat, and

we are more numerous than last time. We'd better finish this vault

tonight. Having pursuers is very annoying," James replied, and everyone


Gwen pulled the arrow from her satchel and placed it in the hole.

Everyone felt a slight tremor under their feet. The arrow fitted perfectly,

and a soft click echoed in the silence of the forest.

Suddenly, a soft blue glow emanated from the center of the door,

spreading through the grooves and carvings in the stone. The hidden

gears began to turn with a deep, metallic sound.

The stone door began to move slowly, lifting off the floor and revealing a

dark opening. A cold breeze surged from within as if the air had been

trapped there for centuries.

Inside, barely visible in the light of their wands, a descending staircase

carved from stone, covered in moss and dampness, could be seen.

They all looked at each other and after a few seconds began to descend

the steep, slippery staircase. James led the way.

The stone walls were covered with moss and vines, and the air was damp

and cold. Every step they took was accompanied by the rustle of

vegetation beneath their feet. Sirius refrained from his off-hand remarks

and descended silently with his senses alert.

The darkness was almost total, mitigated only by the dim light of their

wands. After what seemed like endless minutes, the staircase finally

opened into a vast room.

The room had vines climbing up the stone walls and moss covering the


More than the state of abandonment what caught the attention of James

and company was a large figure in the center of the room. A creature

about ten feet tall that was wearing shining armor.

"What the hell is that?" asked Sirius, watching as the creature's eyes

behind the helmet widened. Its eyes were a dull green and small.

"Look at its feet," commented Lupin, noticing that they were larger-sized

feet compared to its body.

The creature's feet had no armor, they had thin pale green fur and sharp

yellowish nails.

"Forest Troll..." said Regulus, recognizing the creature by its green feet.

The forest troll (Troglodytarum sylvaticum) is a race of trolls originating

from forests as its name suggests. Classified as a XXXX beast.

"A troll in armor and a huge axe with ancient runes on it... Dai Ryusaki,

you fucking bastard," Sirius commented with his eyebrows twitching. He

didn't know why the damn Japanese wizard put so much security in his

vaults. It seemed like he wanted to murder anyone who entered instead

of just handing over his inheritance quietly.

"Everyone in position," James said, noticing the troll begin to walk

towards them as he roared. His hoarse, loud voice echoed throughout the

chamber, echoing off the overgrown stone walls.

James and the others were already expecting to encounter a creature

protecting the treasure, and they knew that this creature might possess a

weapon with ancient runes, short spells, and special armor. Therefore,

they devised a specific strategy to defeat it.

Like the Golem, the troll's armor repelled control spells and protected it

from spells like Expelliarmus and Flipendo. However, it was eight

wizards against a single troll with limited intellect. Their defeat was

imminent despite their armor and special weapons.

"Now!" commanded James, and they all raised their wands.

In a single coordinated motion, all eight conjured the spell Incendio. A

torrent of flames erupted from each of their wands, engulfing the troll in

a circle of fire. The flames roared and crackled, illuminating the chamber

with a hellish glow.

The Fire powers of each were different, but all had decent power, and

when combined the fire increased in power.

The troll's armor, while repelling other spells, did not repel the fire

already conjured. The metal began to heat up rapidly under the intense


The troll, trapped in the fire, roared in pain and fury. The heat

penetrated through the armor, reaching its skin and flesh. The burning

metal became a searing prison, intensifying the troll's suffering.

The troll, unable to bear the excruciating pain, staggered and fell to his

knees. The armor, now red-hot, burned its flesh with every movement.

The fire was spreading through his body, consuming him from within.

His roars turned to moans of agony as the life drained from his eyes.

Finally, after five minutes or less, the troll fell face-first to the ground.

His body, covered in burns and wounds, lay motionless. The fire

continued to burn for a few more moments before slowly dying out,

leaving only smoke and the smell of burning flesh.

"A painful death..." commented Sirius, holding his nose. The smell of

burning troll flesh was disgusting. Trolls in and of themselves had

horrible body odor.

"I kind of feel sorry for him," Toby said. The hand holding his wand

trembled. Killing inanimate armor and a Golem made of pure ice was not

the same as killing a living creature.

The least affected were James, Regulus, Snape, Gwen, and Sirius. James

was already used to killing living creatures in his experiments, and the

others didn't see the troll as a creature worthy of pity.

"That was easy. We were right to go in," Regulus said with a slight smirk.

They taught that stupid troll the supremacy of wizards.

"Maybe since it was harder to find the vault, the Japanese wizard put in a

weaker guardian," Lupin said, and Snape nodded. He'd been in both

vaults. Neither was as easy.

"Better for us. Let's see our loot," James said, holding in his excitement

and walking towards the large chest behind the troll a few feet away.

The others followed him with hidden excitement as well. Finally, they

would see the reward of so much hard work. It took months to get into

this vault.

Chapter 185: Forest Vault II

The chest in front of James and the others was in pristine condition. It

showed no signs of rust or dirt stains, and not a single vine covered it. It

looked like an out-of-place object in the overgrown and mossy room as if

some magic had preserved it intact over time.

James approached the chest with a mixture of anticipation and caution.

He reached out and lifted the lid. To everyone's luck there were no traps,

nor did they need a new key.

The instant he lifted the lid, a blinding light appeared. As they all had

contact lenses to protect them from this type of light, they could see the

contents of the chest without any problems. Hundreds or more galleons, a

fortune in gold coins that mirrored the faces of James and company.

The group of eight Hogwarts students fell silent at such a sight. Although

many were used to having a lot of money like James, Sirius, Regulus, and

Gwen the sight of hundreds of galleons in a chest was a sight to behold.

Peter and Toby had their eyes and mouths open as they looked at the

large fortune in front of them. Snape gulped, and his eyes were fixed on

the galleons. He had never seen so much magical money together, not

even in his best dreams.

The first to speak was Lupin in a trembling tone, "The adventure was

worth it," he commented, and everyone nodded in unison.

"Look there's a book," James gestured towards a medium-sized book

resting on the large gold mountain. All eyes moved to the book. No one

had noticed it because of the large picture of a chest full of gold coins.

James picked up the book which had an antique look to it, 'How much

does this book weigh?' thought James in surprise, feeling an incredible

weight for a book of that size.

He read its title aloud which read: [Ancient Runes in Artifacts I - By Dai


James' eyes glowed brighter than seeing the mountain of galleons.

Ryusaki was a genius in ancient runes. If in this book he explained how

to insert ancient runes into weapons allowing them to cut spells, it would

be great news.

James and the others had no time to inspect the book. The instant, the

object was lifted from the pile of gold coins the entire room shook.

"Shit! Is it a trap?" exclaimed Sirius, grabbing his wand and looking

around. Ready to face a new challenge. He would guard all these galleons

with his life. He wouldn't need to work for a long time, and he wouldn't

have to ask his mother for a single Knut.

James turned and looked at one of the four walls of the room. It was the

wall that shook the most.

Suddenly, in that wall, a sliding door opened. A great deal of murmuring,

shrieking, and watery voices could be heard. Within seconds, dozens of

three-foot-tall creatures with pointed faces and sinister smiles showing

sharp teeth began to emerge. Their eyes were yellow and glowed madly.

They had long, pointed noses.

"Erklings!" exclaimed Lupin, recognizing the creature. They had studied

the creatures that inhabited the forest, and the Erkling was one of them.

No one thought they would get so much out of a bedroom in the forest


"Are those the ugly creatures that devour children?" shrieked Peter in

fear, positioning himself behind the group.

"Yes, shit! Brace yourselves, there's a lot of them!" exclaimed Sirius, ready

to fight.

"The best spell to counter them is the Pullus!" shouted Lupin for all to


The Pullus was a transfiguring hex. It transfigured the target into a

chicken. Erklings are quite vulnerable to this hex.

There were only two problems. The spell was an intermediate

transfiguration spell, and not everyone knew how to cast this spell

successfully. Only James, Lupin, and Gwen, the latter only learned it

because she is a year older than the others.

The second and biggest problem is the amount of Erklings that keep

coming out the door. There could be a hundred or more. Before they

could turn everyone into chickens, they would be suffocated and killed

by the ugly little creatures that had sharp teeth and nails.

James and Lupin launched several Pullus but quickly realized that they

were falling back and their speed of transforming an Erkling was slower

than those coming toward them.

Gwen froze several Erkling in small ice structures but also realized that it

would be useless to continue this route. The same was true for the others

who found themselves outnumbered, being pushed back and defending

themselves from the siege of dozens of Erklings.

The Erklings ran with sinister smiles while chanting in their shrill and

annoying voice. When they were near James or another member of the

group they would leap towards them.

"Depulse!" shouted Sirius, pushing three Erklings who jumped towards

him. The small creatures collapsed against their companions and quickly

got up, charging back.

"The exit is closed!" shouted Peter, looking back for a second to where

they were retreating.

That small distraction caused an Erkling to latch onto Peter's neck and

bite him with its sharp little teeth. Peter shrieked as he felt a great pain

near his neck. He fell to the ground, as he shrieked in pain and tried to

pull off the creature clinging tightly to his flesh.

James noticed this and quickly used his telekinesis to pull the Erkling out

of Peter's neck. The bad news was that in the process the creature ripped

a bit of skin off, which made Peter scream more in pain.

At the same time, James launched a Protego, and four Erklings flew out

of the reflector shield.

'I must not hesitate,' thought James, extending his palm backward.

In an instant, he unleashed his full power, aiming it at the mass of

Erklings that were just inches away from them. From his hand came an

invisible wave of energy. The force of the thrust was devastating. Dozens

of Erklings went flying, spinning in the air like rag dolls. Some crashed

violently against the stone walls, breaking bones on impact. Others fell to

the ground, their bodies twisted and bruised.

Gwen, Snape, Sirius, and the others were stunned at the sight of all the

Erklings flying backward. Despite the carnage, many survived. They

struggled to their feet and were ready to charge back.

James, however, took a step forward. His eyes gave off a cold gleam as

he looked at the creatures. With a wave of his hand, the troll corpse lifted

off the ground and, in the blink of an eye, flew at full speed until it

crashed into the small creatures, crushing them. The sound of bones

breaking was heard and blood gushed out.

James' forehead was pearly with sweat, but he didn't stop. There were

still more survivors. This time, the troll's great axe rose and began

hacking away at the last Erklings mercilessly. Within seconds, not a

single Erkling was left alive. The axe, full of blood, fell to the ground

with a clatter, and James watched the ferocious landscape in front of his


The group reacted in different ways to James' carnage.

Gwen, though trying to hide her feelings, couldn't help but feel delighted

and admired by James' cool determination, her cheeks flushing slightly,

as she muttered some things that only she could hear.

Snape, remained silent, but surprise and respect were evident on his face.

He hadn't expected James' telekinetic power to have improved so much.

Before, he couldn't lift a troll weighing hundreds of kilograms. It was

only for an instant, though. To what was this increase in power due?

Snape didn't know.

Regulus showed a clear expression of admiration and respect for James,

he enjoyed the brutality and efficiency James showed in eliminating the

ugly, demonic creatures.

Sirius, Lupin, and Toby, being James' best friends, were surprised, but not

frightened. However, they couldn't help but be concerned by the look of

hatred on their friend's face as he slaughtered the creatures.

Peter was still shrieking in pain from the wound on his neck that was still

gushing blood. He had never been in such a condition. His heart was

beating a mile a minute. Is it time for him to die? He doesn't want to die!

He's young and talented!

Chapter 186: Forest Vault III

'Phew... That was close,' thought James, sighing and grabbing his brow.

If he launched an Incendio, it could cause the creatures in their

desperation to be incinerated to launch themselves at them like

kamikazes or inadvertently burn the vines and all the vegetation around

the room causing a dangerous fire.

"Are you okay?" asked Gwen in a concerned tone, clutching James'

cheeks with both her hands and staring at him.

James' eyes previously gave off a cold glow turned to a warm glow as he

looked at Gwen's face, "Yeah just a little fatigued," replied James,

touching Gwen's hands.

A smile appeared on Gwen's face as she heard James' response and saw

his eyes look at her warmly.

"Ahem, ahem," coughed Lupin, and Gwen quickly turned away from


"You must cure Peter," added Lupin, looking at James. He felt helpless

having to leave everything to his friend, but he was the only one who

knew healing magic.

James heard Peter's shrieks of pain and quickly ran to his side. A part of

his skin had been ripped off by the Erkling's teeth that had dug in


Without wasting any time, he cast a spell with his wand to stop the holy

and then proceeded to heal the wound that looked like a vampire's


James from his wallet took out a small bottle. He pulled out the stopper

and poured three drops on Peter's wound. A greenish smoke rose upward

and when it dissipated, Peter's skin was as good as new. There was no

longer any trace of his previous wound.

"Drink this," said James, pulling out another vial containing red liquid.

Peter took it without hesitation. He felt the blood he lost return to his

body, and his energy recovered.

"Stop being such a crybaby. It was just a bite," Sirius said watching as

Peter kept touching his wound, and his face was still pale with fear.

"Take this, James," said Snape, passing a vial with a blue liquid in it to

James, who took it and drank it without hesitation.

"Thanks," James said, feeling his resistance returning. It was good to

come prepared.

"In that door must be the last two scrolls," Regulus commented, walking

over and looking towards the door which opened and out came all the


"Come on. Be alert," James said, starting to walk over there. He didn't

know if the Japanese wizard had set any more traps.

Luckily for everyone, no trap was triggered. They reached the door after

passing through the corpses of the Erklings. The new room is smaller

compared to the other one and is only lit with a torch. The walls are also

stone with moss and vines.

There is only a simple wooden table at the back of it all. The legs of the

table look very weak. No one knows how they endured so long and

having dozens of Erklings locked in there.

"How did those horrible creatures survive so long?" asked Sirius. They

must have been hundreds of years ago, and they had no food.

"Did they eat each other?" said Gwen with a raised eyebrow, and the

faces of the others paled at this creepy idea.

'I shouldn't have asked...' thought Sirius.

"Look, the cursed core or so I think. It doesn't look very powerful,"

Regulus said.

On top of the table floating like magic was a small opaque green sphere

that gave off a barely perceptible energy that slightly disturbed the air

around it.

Underneath the core were two ancient-looking scrolls, "He asked me what

curse it released," muttered Snape with curiosity in his dark eyes. That

wasn't his only question. He also wanted to know how the Japanese

wizard managed to get these curses to spread throughout Hogwarts.

"It's better not to know. Let's destroy that thing," Sirius said.

Before attacking the core, James used his telekinesis to bring the scrolls

to him. It wouldn't do to destroy it in the crossfire. Then they all attacked

the core with different spells, destroying it like the one in the ice vault.

With the core destroyed, James opened the first scroll at hand and was

surprised to see a language that was not ancient runes.

"This looks like a letter..." said James with surprise in his voice.

"A letter from that bastard? What does it say?" asked Sirius, approaching

James. They all did the same.

The letter was in English. Although Dai was Japanese, he was a Hogwarts

professor for several years and lived much of his life in Britain.

[To the intrepid one or two who have made it this far:

Congratulations. You have shown exceptional courage and determination

in overcoming the challenges and dangers I have left in your path. Your

skills and ingenuity are commendable, and I am honored to see that my

trials have not been in vain.

However, know that your journey is not over. You have only one more

challenge left to obtain my most precious and powerful items.

I do not care who or what you are. If you manage to decipher the last

scroll and pass, the last challenge of the final vault, you will obtain my

legacy, whether you are ministry wizards, dark wizards, students, or


"Doesn't say much," said James, who was expecting more revealing

information. At least he could be assured that what Eustace said was true.

In the last vault was Dai Ryusaki's great treasure.

James put the letter away and took the other parchment carefully. As he

unrolled it, he noticed that it was noticeably longer than the previous

scrolls. The scroll continued to unroll until the end touched the ground.

Everyone watched in amazement and concern as the scroll unfurled.

Ancient runes, etched in small, dense script, covered the entire surface of

the scroll. Everyone present wore an expression of disgust and frustration

as they saw the complexity of the text.

"This is going to be complicated," muttered Regulus, frowning. He

noticed that the ancient runes on the scroll were more advanced than on

the others. That's just glancing at it.

"It's endless!" exclaimed Peter, staring incredulously at the length of the

scroll, though deep down, he was relieved that he wouldn't have to

explore a deadly vault any time soon.

"This will take us a long time to translate," said Gwen, taking a better

look at the entire scroll. If they combined the previous scrolls they

wouldn't get to the length of this one.

James rolled the scroll back up as he said, "Best not to worry about this

now. We have loot to take,"

Everyone, remembering the chest full of hundreds of galleons waiting for

them regained their spirits and returned to the previous room.

First, they would count how many galleons there were in total to divide

it equally. Before that, James with his telekinesis and the help of the

others took the corpses of the Erklings to the room where they came


They wiped the floor with a water spell and began counting, "How many

galleons do you think are in here?" asked Toby, his eyes sparkling at the

sight of the treasure.

"I don't know. We've been here for quite a while now, and it's still almost

full," replied Lupin, looking at the piles of gold coins in front of him on

the floor.

Forty minutes later there wasn't a single gold coin left in the chest. They

had stacked the coins in vertical rows on the floor.

"Twenty thousand galleons," commented Regulus, amazed at the vast

fortune the chest contained. Everyone else was equally as surprised. No

one thought there would be that much money.

They thought there would be a thousand or two thousand galleons a little

more a little less. Maybe five thousand if they were lucky.

"I love you and hate you, Dai Ryusaki!" shouted Sirius with a look of

madness in his eyes. It seemed to form the money sign on his irises.

Although he was used to having money, he never saw so many galleons


Snape was muttering things to himself. Peter and Toby were doing the

math on how much money they would get and what things they could

buy with so much money. Lupin was gawking oblivious to Sirius's ravings

and the reactions of the others.

'This money will be a great help,' thought James. He won 2,500 galleons

that he could use shortly for the war.

Gwen played with her hair, looking at the small mountains of gold. She

was more amazed by the sight than the money itself. She always had

what she wanted thanks to her parents, so she didn't care much about it.

'Oh, I'll be able to use it to gift things to James,' Gwen thought with a

new idea.

"Two thousand five hundred galleons each. The problem will be if anyone

asks where they came from," Snape commented with a hand on his chin

and scheming his brain.

He knew the others wouldn't have that problem, as they came from

pureblood families and could create an excuse either with their parents

or someone to help them, but that wasn't his case. He lived in a poor

suburb. He couldn't pull more than fifteen thousand dollars out of

nothing. People would ask questions, and he might lose his money.

Noticing the concern on Snape's face, James reached over and put a hand

on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Snape," James said with a confident smile. "I'll take care of

that. I'm Lord Potter, and I have a way to create a justification that looks


Snape raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. "And what justification do you

plan to use?"

James replied almost instantly, "We can say that the funds came from a

successful investment my family made. I made those investments myself.

Where do you think I get so many ingredients for the potions we brew?"

Snape exhaled in relief, "All right. I'll trust your plan," he said, no longer

concerned with such a topic.

James approached the empty chest. The chest had standard

measurements. It was impossible that it could hold twenty thousand

galleons, but somehow it had managed it.

As he expected, he noticed something peculiar inside. On the bottom of

the copper were ancient runes engraved.

'An extension spell in ancient runes?' thought James with interest at this

method of using runes.

Extension spells had only one disadvantage. Its shelf life. Not forever.

After a not too long period, you had to cast it on the object again or it

would lose its extension functions. After all, it was a spell.

The chest in front of him contained 20,000 galleons for hundreds of

years. If he learned this method of ancient runes, he could create objects

with an enhanced extension forever. Very useful.

Seeing the time, the group put the coins back in the chest. It was best to

move them using the said chest which James kept in his wallet. Then

they headed back to the castle. The exploration of the forest vault was


Chapter 187: Thunderstorm

Christmas was approaching. One mid-December morning, Hogwarts

awoke to find itself covered in several feet of snow.

James stared at the snow with a frown. Several months had passed, and

there hadn't been a thunderstorm. So, he had to keep reciting the

Animagus spell at dawn and dusk.

It was not easy. He had to be very careful while reciting the spell, as a

small distraction could ruin all the work from months ago. The Animagus

potion he created was still in the place James kept it months ago.

'Thunderstorms in winter are rare... I'll have to wait until spring and if

I'm unlucky until summer,' James thought, taking his eyes off the window

and looking around the empty and silent dormitory.

It was odd to see none of his rowdy friends (Sirius especially) not there.

Since the group made it through the forest vault and got 20,000 Galleons

everyone was in a very good mood. Even Snape. James gave them all a

gift of foulards. These were small bags used to hold coins and other small

items. James put extension spells on each bag so that everyone could

store the hundreds of galleons and more.

James' study routine was not as demanding as in the past. Mostly because

his offensive and defensive charms could no longer improve, or the

improvement was minimal. It was a waste of time to stand in a room

throwing the same spell at a dummy over and over again. His Protego

could no longer improve, his Aeromanteo, Expelliarmus, and Flipendo

were the same. So, he had more time to devote to the study of

Transfiguration and Ancient Runes.

As for improving offensively, he was focusing on his fire elemental magic

and his wandless magic.

These subjects were not easy to study and took up many hours of his day-

to-day life, but it was not the same as before when he had to study five or

six different subjects.

Ancient Runes was the subject he was most excited about these weeks

since he found Dai Ryusaki's book. It looked like a book of about three to

four hundred pages, but it was over fifteen hundred pages long. This was

due to some ancient runes inscribed on the back of the book. That is why

James found it so heavy when he picked it up.

To read it and study it he had to improve his study in ancient runes

which are an ancient language used by wizards and witches hundreds of

years ago. James was always good at learning new languages and

alphabets, so it wasn't a subject he found difficult, but it wasn't simple.

With the help of Ancient Runes classes and a Dictionary book, he was

able to read it and learn at a decent pace in the weeks that passed.

In addition, his knowledge of Ancient Runes was already on par with

Regulus and Gwen, who were the most knowledgeable in these subjects.

Those two were in charge of translating the scrolls of the ancient vaults.

Now, James could help them and augment the translation process.

This was not quite the case, though. The last scroll was very long and was

advanced ancient runes. Much more than in the previous scrolls. So, the

translation process was slow compared to before. It was going from

normal difficulty to hellish.

'Maybe it will take months to find the last vault,' thought James, leaving

the room and walking towards the library. It's Sunday, and he has free

time, a rare thing. He wanted to waste time with his friends, but since

they're not here, he'll go read some interesting books.

Arriving at the library, he went to the healing magic section. It had been

a long time since he had improved his knowledge in this subject. Few

were the wizards who knew about healing magic. Hogwarts had no

subjects on this. Thanks to his mother, James learned a lot, but that was

a long time ago.

James picked up a book on healing spells using magic without a wand.

He hadn't practiced casting healing spells without a wand. He could give

it a try. It would be useful in a battle if he could heal himself. With his

wand, it is very difficult to aim himself at a wound and cast the spell.

He sat at a table away from the other students, who were studying, and

began to read the book with concentration.

Minutes passed as James read silently. At one point, he heard the sound

of two books falling on his table and the chairs beside and in front of him


He looked up and saw two blonde girls. They were Gwen and Diana

Greengrass. Both girls rested books, parchment, and their fine quills on

the table.

"Table occupied, Ladies," James said.

"Ha ha, very funny," said Gwen, sitting down next to James and pulling

her chair closer to him.

"Just play along with me a bit," James muttered. Sirius must have played

along with the fact that they were both strangers, just for a bit of a joke.

"I've been looking all over the castle for you," Gwen said, crossing her

arms. Today was a Sunday, and they had the whole day off. Only now,

(five o'clock in the afternoon) could she see James. Hence her discontent

and frown at him.

"I was in my dormitory and the common room all day. It's cold," James

said. He was very lazy today. He only moved to go to breakfast in the

Great Hall, and now that he came to read a bit in the library. It wasn't

bad every once in a while, to do this. It was good to relax his mind.

Gwen wasn't convinced by James' words. She was still upset that she

couldn't see him for the whole day off they had. She continued with her

arms crossed, her brow furrowed, and staring at him.

'Here we go,' James thought. He knew how to fix this.

"You're so cute when you frown," James said, moving a little closer

towards her. The only embarrassing thing about this was that he had

Diana in front of him, but the girl already knew about their relationship.

"Really?" asked Gwen. Amazingly her tone sounded less angry than


"Yes, I'm serious," James said, gently pulling her close until he kissed her.

Gwen's frown lightened, and a slight smile appeared on her face,

accepting James' kiss.

"Stop kissing. You two lovebirds. We're in the library," Diana said,

looking at both of them with a frown. Odd to see in her ever-mocking


Gwen slowly pulled away from James and looked at her friend with a

smile, "What's the matter, Diana? Why the face? Jealous?" asked Gwen,


Rarely could she tease Diana. Before Diana used to tease how close Gwen

was with James, but now they had made their relationship official

especially to close friends.

So Diana could no longer tease Gwen since Gwen didn't care, and now

the Greengrass girl was jealous of how loving James and Gwen were

since she was an old maid.

James coughed several times and stopped both of them. He didn't want to

be kicked out of the library because of the two of them.

"Transfiguration task?" asked James, looking at Gwen and Diana's books.

"Yes. Professor McGonagall sent us to do an essay, and we have to read a

lot of pages," Diana replied with a less-than-happy expression. She is a

good student, but she also doesn't love studying, and transfiguration is

not her favorite subject.

"That's exactly why we came to seek your help. The student who

appeared in Transfiguration Today, and the first one who passed an OWL

exam as a third year," said Gwen, looking at him with a smile that

showed pride that her boyfriend was so talented.

Diana looked at James, hiding her astonishment. She and Gwen were

struggling with a fourth-year transfiguration essay, and the boy in front

of her had given three exams in a week. Each exam was harder than the

last, and he managed to pass them all with top marks.

James just smiled slightly. He decided to help his girlfriend and her

friend. He didn't give them the test, his job was as a private professor. As

he does in DADA classes.

Time passed at Hogwarts. One day before Christmas and James' return to

Potter Manor, a noise woke him up early in the morning. He was used to

getting up early by now, as he had to do so to recite the Animagus charm

at dawn.

What he saw through his window pleasantly surprised him. His sleepy

face disappeared, and he walked over to the window. A loud rumble of

rain and a clap of thunder was what had awakened him.

'A thunderstorm!' thought James with a smile on his face. He didn't think

he would have such a Christmas present before he returned home.

Chapter 188: Animagus

James calmed his heart, and took his invisibility cloak, placed it over his

shoulders, and went out quietly, making sure not to wake anyone. Sirius

and the others were still sleeping like little angels. It wasn't even six in

the morning yet.

He left the common room through the portrait of the Fat Lady in the

direction of the hidden balcony Gwen had shown him last year.

He didn't choose the Room of Requirement, as he doesn't know if he is in

the same space as Hogwarts. He could be in a different space where there

is no thunderstorm, and his transformation could go wrong, and that

would be dangerous. He doesn't want to end up half human, half animal.

When he reached the hidden balcony, he looked out the small window at

the sky. Lightning was lighting up the night, and rain was coming in

through the window because of the fierce wind.

'Perfect,' thought James, taking off his cloak and leaving it in a sheltered


From one of his pockets, he pulled out a wallet, different from the one he

always uses. Carefully, he pulled out a glass vial. He had kept the jar for

months alone in a dark place. The liquid inside glowed bright red,

confirming that everything was in place.

Before continuing, James knelt and drew his wand. He scanned the

balcony for a suitable object for his purpose. Finally, he settled on a

small, smooth stone that he found in a corner. He held it in his hand and,

in a steady voice, uttered a transfiguration spell.

The stone began to vibrate and slowly transformed into a simple but

functional mirror. James placed it on the ground in front of him,

knowing that he would soon need to see the result of his transformation.

Without wasting any more time James drank the potion. At first, he felt

nothing, but after a few seconds, he began to feel a burning sensation all

over his body that trembled slightly.

From one moment to the next, he felt his whole body begin to shrink. His

bones were changing. Not a nice feeling, but James endured it. After a

few minutes, the process was over.

James slowly opened his eyes and noticed that his height was much

shorter than when he was human. It was to be expected unless he

transformed into a giraffe. His gaze landed on the mirror, and what he

saw made him smile internally.

'A falcon!' thought James with surprise, looking at the animal in front of

his eyes that was him.

It spreads its wings are long, narrow, and pointed. It should have a

wingspan of about 40 inches. The falcon's height was about 23 inches.

James looked odd to see everything from such a low place.

'It's amazing!' thought James as he started to move with his new body.

He used the hidden balcony room to get used to his new body. He

wouldn't go out in a thunderstorm. He didn't want to have a glitch fly in

and end it all fatally.

In the process of becoming an animagus, you can't choose what kind of

animal you can transform into. No known animagus has shown the

ability to transform into magical creatures such as a dragon or a phoenix.

For James to transform into a bird of prey is a great fortune for him. He

can fly at great speeds which will give him a great advantage in many

situations. As far as he knows the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in

the world and one of the fastest animals in the world. This is not

counting magical creatures.

This form is much better than a cat, dog, giraffe, or other animal. In

addition, it has sharp claws and spectacular eyesight.

After an indefinite time, James imagined his human self, as clearly as he

could. After a few minutes, he returned to his human form in his

Gryffindor robes thank goodness.

'That felt strange,' thought James, looking at his now human hands. It felt

strange and a slight ache. He supposed this would get better with time

and his transformation could be complete in a matter of seconds.

The thunderstorm had ended. James for the past hour has been on the

balcony hiding. He was right to hurry, as usually thunderstorms in winter

are of short duration.

He returned to the Gryffindor common room and his dormitory.

Everything was still the same. It was barely dawn. Fifteen minutes later

Lupin and the others woke up and together with James headed to the

Great Hall to have their last breakfast at Hogwarts.

They would all be going home. Specifically to Potter Manor. James

invited everyone, and they would be spending the vacations at the grand

manor. Deciphering the scroll and preparing for the final vault.

In addition, James was to take care of some business as Lord Potter.

Especially, the investments he made in the Muggle world. He must follow

up and see that everything is in order. He could also make new ones

since he earned a large sum of money thanks to Dai Ryusaki.

"Happy for the vacation?" asked Lupin, looking at James' good mood

today. He usually has a good mood, but he doesn't show it on his face

with a wide smile like the case this morning.

"I suppose. My happiness lies in another occurrence," replied James,

speaking eloquently and with some mystery.

Sirius, who was enjoying his breakfast looked up and looked at his friend

curiously, "What happened? If I have the right to ask," said Sirius, also

speaking eloquently.

"Of course, you can ask. Today, gentlemen," said James, speaking clearly

and with pauses. He looked at his pocket watch for a moment and

continued, "Exactly one hour and nineteen minutes ago, a fast and fierce

thunderstorm occurred,"

The marauders' eyes widened in surprise. This could only mean one thing

they knew very well. James had explained to them the process of

becoming an Animagus, and they knew that he was still in the process of

becoming one.

Before Peter and Toby could shout, "Animagus!" James and Lupin

covered their mouths and signaled for them to speak in low tones.

"Sorry," they both said in unison, controlling their excitement. Even

though they weren't the ones who turned into Animagus, they were very

excited to find out what animal James turned into.

"Why do you look so calm, you bastard? Tell us what animal you turned

into," Sirius said, controlling his tone of voice so that no outsiders would

hear them. Like the others, his curiosity was very high.

"I got very excited an hour and nineteen minutes ago," James said. He

was now calm, but very happy about his transformation.

"As for what animal I transform into you'll know when we get to Potter

Manor," James added without talking about it anymore despite his

friends' pleas. He wanted to show them his transformation in a practical

way to make it cooler, and he could practice his flying at Potter Manor


Breakfast over it was time to leave for the students heading home. James

along with the marauders began to head out of the castle led by Professor


The marauders would not be the only ones staying at Potter Manor.

Severus Snape would also be going to the manor and spending the

vacations there. He already had his mother's permission, and together

with James, they would spend their time translating the scroll. Regulus

would not go as James did not want it known that the youngest Black

boy was his close friend.

Before walking out the large door of the castle, James said goodbye to

Gwen, who would not be returning home this year and would be staying

for the vacation at Hogwarts.

"Will you be okay spending Christmas alone?" asked James in a worried

tone, looking at Gwen. He knew she always spent Christmas with her

parents. It was strange for her not to go home.

"Don't worry. Diana is staying too. My parents told me I couldn't go

home... Strange," Gwen replied with a thoughtful look.

"Do you think...?"

"Yes. It must be about the new hobby they have. Which isn't legal at all,"

Gwen said with a frown. She already knew her parents had joined the

death eaters, and she didn't like it one bit.

Her supremacist ideology had left her behind long ago. Her sister was a

half-blood and wouldn't let any of these madmen touch a hair on her

head, and she was in love with James, who hated supremacist ideals and

defended all wizards equally.

'She should stay in the castle,' James thought wordlessly. He preferred

Gwen not to go to a possible house where there were death eater

gatherings. Everyone knew about Gwen and James' relationship. Even the

girl's parents didn't agree, but Gwen didn't care.

"Take care and have a Merry Christmas," said James, who began to hear

Sirius and the others shouting, calling for him to go.

"Thanks, you too. Send me a letter every day, or you'll see," said Gwen

with a smile, giving a quick kiss goodbye to James, who hurried towards

the group walking away from the castle.

'I'd like to spend Christmas with him,' thought Gwen with a sadder look

on her face than the one she showed James. She didn't want to worry

him and she knew that, if she told him that, he would get the method for

her to escape Hogwarts without anyone knowing and spend Christmas


She also wanted to spend Christmas together with Emily. It had been a

long time since they had spent a good Christmas between sisters. She

knew Emily would finally have a merry Christmas, as she was with

Euphemia and Fleamont, who are very loving.

"Sad about being left alone at Hogwarts?" asked Diana, coming to Gwen's

side, who looked at her with a more cheerful expression as she saw her


"Of course not. I'll finally get to spend Christmas here. I'll make the most

of my time," said Gwen, returning to her usual confidence.


On the Hogwarts Express in one compartment were: James, Sirius, Lupin,

Peter, Toby, Snape, and Emily. A combination is rarely seen on the train.

"How does it feel to travel with the most popular Gryffindors?" asked

Sirius, looking at Emily and Snape, who had grim and dull looks on their

faces as usual.

The dark eyes of both Slytherins were fixed on Sirius' smiling, confident

face that did not flinch at the icy stare of the two. He was used to it.

Snape just clicked his tongue slightly and went back to looking out the

window at the scenery. At first, he was hesitant to befriend the

Gryffindors students who had a hatred of his house, but he no longer

cared. His decision was made and he had already met the cold stares

from the students of his house, but he didn't care and even stood defiant

in the face of the bullies.

He had fought to the death through the vaults and trained many times

with Sirius, James, and the others. He wouldn't let them bully him,

though it was rare for them to do so, as many feared James.

With the marauders he was much more comfortable than with his "old

friends" Antonin Dolohov and Evan Rosier. Two students in his year and

purebloods that he first bonded with when he entered Hogwarts.

Rosier and Dolohov always looked down on him because of his Muggle

surname and half-blood status. They were both inferior to him in

everything: DADA, Potions, dueling, etc. But they thought they were

superior because they were purebloods, so he never considered them his

true friends. He only considered Lily Evans a true friend, and these two

boys despised her for being a mudblood.

His true friends grew wider since meeting James and the others at the

vault affairs. He never thought he would become better friends with

those he considered his arch-rivals.

"Don't you ever get tired of talking?" said Emily with annoyance in her

tone. Ever since the train had been in motion, Sirius hadn't stopped

talking. Which Emily found very annoying, as she liked the silence and


Sirius's smile widened. At least one person fell before his taunts and

managed to be annoyed. Snape had gotten used to how annoying Sirius

was by now so he ignored him, but it wasn't the same with Emily.

'It's weird to see her annoyed,' James thought, looking up from his book

and seeing Emily's pissed-off expression. Although her expression was

barely noticeable, James did notice it, since he lived with her and knew


"One of my great family's gifts is talking up to my elbows. Don't you think

I should take advantage of that, Miss Goth?" asked Sirius.

He called Emily a goth because of her appearance. Pale skin and a dark

shadow under her eyes. Black nails, black boots, and all dark-colored


As Emily and Sirius were arguing, Snape looked at James, who noticed

his stare, "Is something wrong?" asked James.

"Later we should talk," said Snape without being very specific.

"Mm, about your mother?" asked James, and Snape nodded.

"Good. Then we'll talk in private," said James, looking back down at his

book. He knew what Snape wanted to talk about. It was about his

mother: Eileen, a member of the pureblood family: the Princes.

Eileen was currently staying at Potter Manor.

Chapter 189: The Prince

The Princes, like the Potters, have a hereditary royal title. Although they

have long since severed their connections with the Muggle world. So,

there are no princes, princesses, or princedoms, and they do not rule over

a principality.

Severus' mother, Eileen belongs to this family, but she married a Muggle

named Tobias Snape. Rare to see in a pure-blooded wizard, although she

is not the first.

The Prince family has been in decline for many years. Their golden age

ended long ago, and they are losing importance, power, and money in

the magical world. Nowadays they could be considered a middle-class

family at best among pure-blood families.

Members within the Ministry are few, and their sources of income in the

magical world are low. So, they are not in as good a position as the

Potters in money matters.

The first time James saw Snape's mother was at his ceremony to become

Lord Potter. Eileen is thin, she looks both angry and sullen. She had

bushy eyebrows and an elongated, pale face.

At that moment, James spoke momentarily to his friend's mother. For

most of the vacations, he did not talk to Eileen, until days before

Hogwarts began Snape's mother wanted a meeting with him.

James accepted, thinking that Snape would be there too, but he wasn't.

During the last vacation, Snape visited Potter Manor many times with the

other marauders.

In this strange meeting, Eileen told James all the history of the Princes

and their current state. She also told him about some circumstances and

made a peculiar request to James.

Her request was to make Severus the heir and leader of the Prince family.

The Prince family had a problem, and it was to prevent their family name

not to becoming extinct because of a problem that dates back to when

Eileen was born.

In the decline of the Prince family, only one branch of the family

remains. Snape's grandparents are on the maternal side. The great

misfortune for Eileen's parents is that they did not have a single male

child to carry on the lineage. They had three daughters. Eileen is the

eldest and twin sisters a year younger than Eileen.

Following patriarchal rules, when Eileen and her sisters married their

children would have the surname of the father's family, which would

make the Prince's surname extinct.

Under such extreme circumstances, Snape's grandfather decided to pass

on the family name through the female line, but only to the eldest

daughter, i.e. Eileen.

However, this did not happen as it was supposed to. Eileen married

Tobias Snape, a Muggle. According to the story she told James, this was a

plan of her younger sisters. They did not want her offspring to be the heir

and had to get her out of the way. So, they came up with a plan.

Eileen met Tobias Snape on her own. They had a connection, but she

would never marry the Muggle, as her father would not accept the heir

having Muggle's blood. What happened? Eileen married Tobias, and they

had Snape who has the surname on his father's side.

According to Eileen, this was due to a malicious plan by her sisters. They

used a potent love potion to make her accept Tobias Snape's love and

decide to marry him. When her father found out about this, he

eliminated her from the family tree and expelled her from the family. So

she had to live with Tobias in a ramshackle neighborhood of Cokeworth.

For that reason, Severus carries his father's surname. Eileen does not hate

her son, but she never gave him the attention he deserved, since she lived

without a soul because of her tragic destiny. From her son being able to

be the Prince's heir to ending up in a slum in England and living in

deplorable conditions. Although her family was not doing very well, they

still had a large inheritance, and money was not lacking. She was not

used to living in such conditions. Besides, her love for Tobáis was fading

away, as she blamed him for all the misfortunes. If she had not met him,

her sisters would not have been able to conspire against her.

James was very surprised by the family drama of his friend Severus.

What surprised him most was being involved.

This was not the end of the story. Eileen's younger sisters married and

had only one child each.

Getting a magician to accept such conditions was very difficult. No one

from the most important families would accept that their children carry

the surname of another family. So, they had to settle for pureblood

wizards of dubious lineage and little or no wealth. They were still better

than a Muggle, though, to Eileen's father.

The twin sisters because of their special connection did not sabotage each

other. They decided that the best child (in terms of magical talent) would

be the heir, and their father agreed to this.

However, fortune did not entirely smile on them. One of the twin sisters

was only able to get pregnant once and had a daughter. The other sister

had only one son who was to be the heir, but his talent and attitude left

much to be desired. Although they managed to solve the problem of the

extinction of the Prince's surname with this boy who is only a few years

older than Snape and James.

With this panorama, a slight hope was born in the depths of Eileen's

conscience when she saw the genius of her son. However, her hope grew

slowly, and she had no faith. That is until she learned of her son's great

friendship with James Potter. The new Lord Potter.

James' exploits were known throughout the British magical community.

A mammoth talent many comparing him to the youth of Dumbledore the

strongest wizard of the time. Corporeal Patronus at thirteen, exceptional

grades, advanced martial magic, defeating an adult dark wizard and the

achievements went on.

Upon meeting James at the ceremony, Eileen's hope reached the highest

peaks, she knew that if her talented son was helped by someone so gifted

and with a great family supporting him she could achieve what Severus

was entitled to. The position of Patriarch of the Prince family.

What would James gain? Having his friend lead an ancient family that

could rise again in power and wealth. Which would be helpful against

the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters.

"That's the way it is," James said, summing it all up to Snape, who had

not been a participant in this meeting between James and Eileen. By now

they had arrived at Potter Manor and were in James' office.

"Typical of her to talk about things involving me without even asking

me," said Snape, sighing internally.

James remained silent. Snape's relationship with his parents was

complicated, more so with his father, but with his mother it was no big


"Why would you help in me becoming heir?" asked Snape, who kept the

same expression as always. Though inside he was going through a lot of


What he wanted most was to have a pureblood surname and more so if it

was a surname like Prince. Although the family was in decline they were

of noble descent like the Potters and had great seniority.

He always gave importance to the lineage and always hated his Muggle

surname. Much the fault of his abusive father.

"Your mother said so. You could help me against Voldemort and his

followers if you lead the Prince's family and their assets," James replied.

"The Prince's assets are very poor compared to the world scene. They

barely keep in the range of a middle-class wizarding family. Why would

you go through so much trouble for a little monetary help?" asked Snape.

He had previously researched his family on his mother's side. He knew of

their economic and power situation.

The living members were his grandfather (his grandmother had passed

away), and the old man was retired and was only an expense to the

family. He was locked up in the mansion and had no important

connections. His aunts worked in Ministry jobs of no importance and no

power. They received a normal salary for a monotonous job.

His aunts' husbands were mediocre. She researched them, and it was not

difficult to find their names. They were good for nothing. The Princes

were desperate to find a wizard who would marry his aunts and accept

the agreement that their surname would be the predominant one, so they

found the most useless wizards in all of Britain.

As for his cousins, they were still at Hogwarts. They were both in their

sixth year. His female cousin was from Hufflepuff House, her grades were

average, and her presence was unnoticed by almost everyone.

His cousin the Prince heir was from Slytherin house and was known by

many at Hogwarts, but not for a good record. His record had countless

punishments, lousy grades, and many more disgraces to the Princes. His

OWL exams were a disaster. His expectations for working life were

abysmal. Hopefully, he would get a boring and unimportant job in the

Ministry. If he decided to work or continue to melt his own family.

This was the Prince's bleak and dismal outlook. At James' silence, Snape

spoke again, "Besides being almost lower class, the living members of the

Princes are all useless. No one would be of any use to you to help you in

the war,"

Not even Voldemort and his death eaters would go recruiting this family

that possessed no money, influence, or magical talent in its members.

'What a nice way to talk about your relatives...' thought James, but he

knew Snape was right. He did some research on the Prince, and none of

them had any good talent. Except one, who had Snape's last name and

was sitting across from him.

"I know. I'm not doing it for that. I'm doing it for you," said James,

surprising Snape, who was not expecting this answer.

"W-why are we friends...?" asked Snape with clear difficulty at the word

friends. That was the only possible answer as to why James would try to

help him.

"One of the main reasons is because of that. But it's also very important to

your talent. Your magical abilities are incredible, and your intelligence

surpasses that of many pureblood heirs," James explained.

"Not yours," Snape said with clear satisfaction in his tone at James'


"It is rare for you to be humble," James said with a slight smile, Snape

quirked his eyebrows and said nothing. He was always confident in his

abilities and intelligence, but he had to praise someone like James.

"I'm sure if you lead the Prince's they will rise again and get back on their

feet. It's your decision, it's not easy to carry the fate of a family on your

shoulders. It has to be your wish, not your mother's wish. If you want it, I

will help you as your friend, and shortly I will ask for your help," James

said in a serious tone. He didn't want his friend to have to carry a destiny

he didn't want to carry.

"I will. I expect your help, and when you need me, I will lend you my

assistance in whatever you want," Snape said without hesitation. This

was what he always wished for in his life. Not a wish from his mother.

"Good. You must promise me that you will not look down on Muggles or

Muggle-born wizards. Remember that Lily has a Muggle family. She

would be very sad to see supremacist ideals in you," James said.

Snape in the past would have hesitated, but not today, "I'll have the

Princes considered blood traitors," he said with a slight smile.

"That's good to hear. The Princes and the Potters will be the two main

blood traitors!" said James with a smile and a laugh.

Chapter 190: Valentine's Day

Christmas and New Year's were spent at Potter Manor. James had never

spent such a boisterous and enthusiastic holiday season. There were a

large number of people at the manor. The Marauders, Snape and his

mother, his parents, his aunts and uncles, new siblings, and his cousins.

Lupin and Peter's parents were also there.

In addition to the parties and translating the scroll, James showed his

parents and friends his Animagus form. His parents were aware that he

wanted to become one and knew he would not register as the law

required, but they were confident in how responsible their son was.

Everyone was surprised at the peregrine falcon's speed of flight and

majestic figure. Sirius and the others began the process of becoming

Animagus again, now that they saw James turned into a falcon and able

to fly through the skies at great speed.

James practiced a lot in his Animagus form. Using the large grounds of

Potter Manor to fly and get used to his falcon form. His horizontal flight

speed exceeded 100 kilometers per hour. If he swooped down, he could

reach speeds of over 300 kilometers per hour making him the fastest

normal animal in the world.

That was not all. Its vision is eight times better than that of a human in

that form. It can see more than 1 mile away. Its visual acuity allows it to

identify a small moving bird at that distance.

In addition, its claws are sharp and dangerous if you are attacked at more

than 100 or 300 kilometers per hour. Even for a magician, it would be

difficult to react to such a swift attack coming from the air.

His study and training focused: on his Animagus form, his fire elemental

magic, ancient runes with the Japanese wizard's book, conjuration,

legilimency, and wandless magic.

On the first day of the new year, James and his friends returned to

Hogwarts. Time thus passed. In the blink of an eye, two months had


In the marauders' dormitory, there was a large blackboard full of

information. In the center, it read: Sunken Vault. Complicated ancient

rune symbols beside it had their translation. They filled almost the entire


One part to the right of the blackboard had names: Eustace, Victor, Ivan,

Volker, and Death Eater with a question mark next to them. In addition

to the names, there was information about these people, though not very


The door to the room opened, and James walked in. There was a loud

bustle coming from the Gryffindor common room. James waited a few

seconds and then closed the door. He cast a charm on the door so that no

one could open it, no matter how much Alohomora they used.

Out of nowhere, blonde hair appeared. It was Gwen. She placed the

invisibility cloak on James' bed.

"They sure are noisy. Are they always like that, when they win a match?"

asked Gwen.

The hubbub was due to the quidditch team's victory in the match vs

Hufflepuff. This way the Gryffindor team managed to put themselves in

the running for the title, after their loss against Slytherin in the first

match of the season.

James as he became the alternate seeker was not the main star, he was

able to sneak away, and no one stopped him. So, with all the movement,

they took advantage of Gwen to be in the dormitory alone. The other

marauders were celebrating with each other.

"They're always like that. Even louder," James said with a slight smile,

standing in front of the big blackboard.

In these two months, they had all worked exhaustively to translate the

scroll and prepare everything for the expedition to the last vault. After

translating the endless scroll, they had to solve the riddle which was

easier than the translation.

They already knew the name of the vault and the coordinates indicating

its location. The vault was located in the Great Lake, also known as the

Black Lake. It is a large landlocked freshwater lake on the Hogwarts

grounds. Specifically, it is located underneath the lake. In a cave. There

lies Dai Ryusaki's most prized treasure.

Everyone was very anxious to find out what this great treasure was. It

had to be something better than 20,000 galleons, and that would be

worth seeing.

As with the previous expedition, they already had potions and antidotes

that would help explore this latest vault.

In addition to the vault, James obtained information about the group of

dark wizards to which Eustace Burke belongs. In his falcon form, he

made visits to Hogsmeade and spied on the wizards. He found out where

they were staying, (in an old house similar to where Lupin spends his full

moon nights). He also discovered their names and some of their


They were very impatient at having to spend so much time in that old

house, waiting for news of the Slytherin students sent by the unknown

Death Eater. However, the Slytherin students who wanted to spy on

James and his group did not manage to find any information during this

time. This was because James and the others stopped doing nightly

expeditions, so they didn't get anything useful.

As for the Death Eater, James was unable to discover his identity. Only a

little of his personality. From what he spied he was a man, cold, calm,

and calculating. Unlike the other dark wizards, he showed no impatience

at the lack of progress in his mission. This showed that he was a better

magician than the useless Eustace and his companions.

The best thing to do was to get into the sunken vault without being

followed by these dark wizards, or they would be in big trouble even

though they numbered eight and the dark wizards numbered five.

"Stop staring at that blackboard and get over here," Gwen said, patting a

part of the bed for James to sit next to her.

James stopped staring at the blackboard and walked over to her, sitting

down next to her. As soon as he did, Gwen wasted no time; she climbed

over his legs in one nimble motion, sitting on top of him. She crossed her

arms gently behind his neck in an intimate gesture as she looked into his

eyes with a mixture of defiance and tenderness.

"What would your parents say? You find yourself alone in a Gryffindor

boy's dormitory," James said with a faint smile.

"They'd be pleased. My boyfriend is the most talented and powerful boy

of all the students at Hogwarts," Gwen replied with a smile, kissing


"I doubt your crazy mother would be happy," James said.

"Hey, respect your mother-in-law. I know my mother isn't perfect, but

she's been a lot better since Emily left the house," Gwen said.

Her mother had been the victim of infidelity. She had to see the daughter

of the woman who slept with her husband every day. Gwen understood

this, although she did not forgive her for the abuse and threats she made

to Emily. She should have made them to her father, the one to blame for

everything. She was her mother, and she didn't want to hate her for the

rest of her life.

"Just kidding," James said, knowing the subject was a sensitive one.

"Changing the subject. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Did you plan the

date, and do you already have my present?" asked Gwen, with sparkling

eyes. She would finally have her long-awaited Valentine's Day with

James in Hogsmeade. She had been looking forward to this day since she

stepped onto Hogwarts.

"Don't be curious. It's a surprise. Otherwise, it's not funny if you already

know everything," James replied, causing Gwen to puff out her cheeks in

dissatisfaction, but she failed to get a single word out of James about


"Did you know that Remus invited Diana to Hogsmeade for tomorrow?"

asked Gwen, changing the subject.

"Really?" asked James in surprise. He hadn't expected that pairing. Lupin

hadn't said a word. He's a silent player.

"Diana told me. She was happy. They make a cute couple," Gwen said,

happy that her friend was finally getting along with a boy.

"I'm glad for Lupin," said James with a happy smile.

"On the other hand. Does Sirius have a date, and what about Peter and

Toby?" asked Gwen with curious eyes.

"You're such a gossip," said James with a slight smile.

"Shut up and answer me. I already told you about Diana and Remus," said

Gwen, wanting to know about everyone else's love life.

Time passed as James and Gwen chatted happily alone. The next day, it

was Valentine's Day.

A large number of students headed to Hogsmeade leaving the castle

emptier than usual for such outings. All the marauders went to

Hogsmeade to spend the whole day on their respective dates. Even Toby

and Peter got dates, so they were very happy.

Chapter 191: Great Lake

James addressed the Marauders, Gwen, Snape, and Regulus in a serious

voice. "The Sunken Vault is hidden in the depths of the Great Lake," he

explained, as he unfolded a detailed map of the lake in front of them.

"To get there, we'll have to borrow Hagrid's boats and sail to this specific

spot," he continued, pointing his finger at a location on the map. "Once

on the surface, we'll dive using gillyweed. We should find a hidden

mechanism, perhaps a button or lever. That will trigger the entrance

opening. Questions?"

This is the last meeting before their last adventure. They had to get

everything straightened out so that nothing goes wrong tomorrow.

"Shall we do it in the evening?" asked Peter, and James nodded. They

were not to be seen for obvious reasons.

"B-but it's winter... It'll be very cold and colder at night," said Peter,

swallowing his breath. The last thing he wanted was to plunge into the

great lake at night.

"Don't be a coward, Peter. It'll just be a dip," Sirius said.

"The gillyweed helps you to adapt to the cold water temperatures. You

won't freeze if you take that first and then dive," James explained,

soothing Peter's worried expression.

"We may encounter hostile sea creatures as we descend, so let's go back

over the information on those creatures," Lupin said, unrolling a scroll.

On their dive tomorrow, they might encounter:

Grindylows: They are aquatic demons with a height of 4 feet, horned,

and pale green skin. They are considered dark creatures as they are

hostile and their diet includes humans. Classified as XX.

Selkies: Scottish mermaids, which are not at all beautiful like their

warmer water counterparts. From the information they obtained, there is

a colony of selkies in the Great Lake, and they are not at all friendly, so

they must be careful. Classified as XXXX beasts.

Kelpies: Aquatic demons capable of shapeshifting. They usually take the

form of a horse, and humans also enter their diet. Classified as XXXX


"Those are the most dangerous beasts we may encounter on our way. I

am more concerned about the Selkies. They have a colony, so they must

be very numerous. We don't know where exactly the colony is in the lake.

We would be very unlucky if it is near the entrance to the vault," Lupin

finished his report.

As expected, Peter had a pale expression, and his fears were once again


"Stop being such a coward. I'll protect you," Sirius said, annoyed at Peter's

exaggerated expression. Even Toby had become much braver after

experiencing all of James' adventures and training.

"For the Grindylows we will use the repulsion spell. If used on water its

effect changes and causes a jet of boiling water to shoot out. This will

drive these little devils away. For the Kelpie, we will use the charm of

placement. That way they will become docile and harmless..." explained

James giving a demonstration of both spells. Pronunciation and wand

movement. Mostly, for Peter. He didn't want him to get hurt like last


The others were geniuses like him who mastered these spells easily. Toby

with hard work, training, and experience from recent battles had become

very capable. He was no longer the shy and nervous first-year boy.

"What about the Selkies?" asked Regulus with a raised eyebrow. It was no

joke facing dozens of XXXX-rated beasts.

"There's a village under the great lake. Dumbledore and the school staff

must be aware of the existence. They must have some sort of agreement

that they will not harm the students, or they could bring about their

extinction. They are more intelligent beings with a civilization unlike the

other two. I don't think we are in any danger, and they are probably just

watching us, but if there are any attackers we will use Diffindo spells.

Because of the water pressure it is the only spell that can be effective,"

James explained, and everyone nodded.

Spells such as Petrificus Totalus, Immobulus, etc. Would not reach long

distances because of the water pressure, unlike the Diffindo which is cut

with power that can make its way.

As for the giant squid that lived in the lake they knew that it was semi-

domesticated, even allowing the students to tickle its tentacles on sunny

days when it rested in the shallow water. So they did not fear for this


"What about the spy rats?" asked Sirius with a slight frown. By spy rats,

he meant Lucius, Rabastan, Anastasia, Mark, etc.

"They never tire of watching our every step," Snape commented with a

grimace. If he wanted to leave his common room at night to head here or

to the Room of Requirement he always had to sneak out so he wouldn't

be caught by them.

"We will defeat them before we leave the castle and head for the lake. At

midnight you guys must leave your common room," James said, looking

at Gwen, Snape, and Regulus.

"Come out no matter what. We'll already be waiting for you," he added,

and the three Slytherin students nodded.

With a few more arrangements the meeting ended, and they returned to

the castle cautiously. The spy rats were not after them tonight, so they

were able to get to their common rooms without much trouble.

The next night the time came. Fifteen minutes before noon the marauders

emerged from the Gryffindor common room. To everyone's surprise, no

one was spying on them.

James cast the charm Homenum Revelio several times, but no one was

hiding to spy on them. Their journey to the dungeons was without


They had to wait a few minutes, as they did not expect to have such a

clear path. At noon that night, the Slytherin door opened, and out came

Gwen and Snape. Behind them, under the invisibility cloak, followed


They did not head straight for the outskirts of the castle. They circled to

make sure no one was following them. They passed Filch and his cat a

couple of times, but thanks to the cloaks and the charm of Silencio

Barriera they were not spotted.

After making sure there were no rat spies following them, they left the

castle quietly, moving quickly and cautiously. They knew exactly where

Hagrid kept the small boats that were used to transport the first-year

students from Hogsmeade station to the castle. There were a dozen boats

on the dock, tied together with thick ropes that held the small craft in


The night was cold and dark, with a sky overcast with thick clouds that

threatened snow. The icy wind blew across the lake, causing the cloaks

and scarves of James and the others to swirl around them. The Great

Lake stretched out before them, its surface seeming as black as the abyss,

barely reflecting the lights of the castle in the distance.

James' eyes roamed the row of boats until he selected two. With a

Difffindo of his wand, he cut the ropes that held them together. The

sound of water splashing against wood echoed in the cold air.

James, Gwen, Sirius, and Peter climbed into one of the boats, while

Snape, Regulus, Remus, and Toby settled into the other.

The lake water was eerily still, and they could barely see more than a few

feet in front of them. They activated the Lumos charm, and the soft,

bluish light from their wands dimly illuminated the path through the


"Take it easy, Peter. No ghost will come out of the water to eat you,"

Sirius said with a chuckle. He loved adventures of this caliber, unlike his

cowardly friend.

Peter's face paled at the mention of a ghost that might come out of the

cold waters of the lake.

"Stop bothering him," Gwen said, looking at Peter's pale face. She didn't

want Peter's fault for canceling the expedition.

James and Lupin looked at each other and nodded. Then, they activated

the boats easily. The boats didn't need oars; they moved on their own.

They began to glide smoothly across the surface of the lake. They knew

how to control them thanks to Hagrid. Always they visited his hut to

keep him company and to have him tell them stories, and in the process,

they got useful information.

Guided by the faint light of their wands, the boats began to move

forward, breaking the silence of the night with the faint sound of the

water parting under their hulls. They were getting closer, and closer to

the center of the lake, where the water was deeper and darker.

Chapter 192: Sunken Vault

"It should be here," James commented, stopping the boat. Lupin's boat

also stopped next to him.

They all looked out at the water. You couldn't see anything. The water

was dark as if it were black. They could only hear the sound of the wind

and their breaths.

"It's time to take the gillyweed," said James, pulling out four vials

containing a green magical plant. The shape of the plant was not very

appetizing, but they were to eat it.

He passed one jar to each person from his jar. Lupin did the same; from

his purse, he withdrew four jars and handed one to each member of his


"Bon appetit," Sirius said, and everyone at the same time ate the magical

plant. Some have disgusted faces, and others hold their noses and

swallow it instantly.

"Damn, it's disgusting," Sirius said, swallowing the seaweed. His smile

had disappeared.

"That's what you get for tasting it," Snape commented.

The gillyweed looked like a bunch of slimy gray-green rat tails; its taste

was not good.

James felt his body begin to partially transform. It was a strange

sensation, but it didn't bother him. When he became Animagus, it was a

much more painful and savage process.

He saw membranes appear between the fingers of his hands and felt the

same on his feet. The membranes were thin but tough, fish-like, and

stretched gently when he wiggled his toes. It was as if his body was

adapting to swim in water as naturally as walking on land.

Then he felt a twinge behind his ears. Instinctively, he brought a hand to

his neck and noticed that gills had appeared. They burst through the skin,

a series of slits that slowly expanded and contracted, processing oxygen

from the water instead of air. As the gills formed.

Everyone experienced the same thing. They quickly took off their boots

and robes and jumped into the water. The effect would last for an hour

and a few minutes. It should be enough time to find the entrance to the

vault. Just in case they had prepared another batch of gillyweed for each

of them.

As they jumped into the water, none of them felt the penetrating cold

they had felt just minutes before just by being in the boats. Their bodies

instantly acclimatized to the low water temperature, as if an invisible

protective layer had been spread over their skin, insulating them from

the cold.

Even their eyes adapted, no longer needing to blink as often, and adapted

to the aquatic environment, allowing them to see underwater, even

though the light was dim and bluish.

As they breathed underwater, instead of drowning, they felt their gills

process the water, sending fresh oxygen to their bodies. It was a strange

but natural sensation.

Gillyweed is the best choice for scuba diving. You can move with the

speed of a fish, breathe underwater, and see with better clarity than

before underwater.

The only disadvantage was that they couldn't talk because of the water,

but they had prepared themselves. They all knew what to do. As they

submerged, they formed themselves in such a way that they could defend

themselves from possible hostile creatures.

They began to descend further and further.

Algae floated as ghostly curtains and shadows of large creatures moved

in the gloom, but the gillyweed allowed them to swim with the grace and

speed of fish, keeping them alert and ready for any eventuality.

Amid the underwater gloom, James spotted four small, shadowy figures

gliding swiftly toward them. Focusing his gaze, he recognized them

almost immediately: Grindylows.

Just as he had read, they were small, sickly green creatures with sharp

horns adorning their heads. Their faces, grotesque and misshapen,

showed mouths filled with dozens of pointed teeth, and their long,

slender fingers twisted with sinister agility. Tentacles emerged from their

undersides, waving erratically as they rapidly approached the group.

The creatures emitted high-pitched roars of delight as they sensed the

presence of humans, swinging their long arms with predatory impatience.

It was evident that it had been a long time since they had come across

such appetizing prey in the lake.

Realizing the impending danger, Sirius, Lupin, Snape, and Regulus

quickly unsheathed their wands, which they had kept in their belts

during the descent. The membranes that now covered their fingers due to

the gills made holding the wands more difficult, but not impossible. They

had trained with fake membranes, and although their movements were

clumsier, they could perform a simple spell like Relashio with no

problem, even non-verbally (this is thanks to the training they did with

James in the Room of Requirement).

Jets of boiling water spurted out of the four wands, which spurted swiftly

towards the Grindylows. The creatures, taken by surprise, were hit

squarely, grunting in pain as their bodies writhed under the searing heat.

But far from deterring them, the attack only enraged them further. With

renewed rage, they charged toward the group with even greater ferocity.

Without losing his cool, James watched the creatures' onslaught with an

icy expression. As one of the Grindylows lunged toward him, he extended

his hand with lethal precision, concentrating his telekinetic energy.

Suddenly, the Grindylow was suspended in the water, immobilized amid

its attack. The creature struggled, its eyes filled with hatred and fear, but

it could not break free.

With a swift movement, James closed his hand into a fist, and the

Grindylow's neck twisted with a dry snap. The creature let out a final

groan before its limp body slowly fell to the bottom of the lake.

The other three creatures, which had been poised to attack, came to a

screeching halt. Their eyes once filled with fury, now showed wariness

and fear toward James.

Their beast instincts warned them of the deadly danger they were in.

Without hesitation, the Grindylows turned and fled in terror, leaving a

trail of bubbles in their haste to escape.

James didn't bother to chase after the ugly fleeing creatures. He would

not waste his time. He continued his descent. Not noticing the looks

everyone was giving him.

The descent after that little incident went smoothly. It took them about

fifteen minutes to reach the depth indicated on the scroll.

What they had not noticed was that several Selkies and Kelpies had

observed their group but decided not to get in their way. The reason?

They saw the fate of the Grindylow, and their instincts told them that it

was better to stay away from this peculiar group. Especially from the boy

who led the group and killed the Grindylow.

At the right depth, they began their search. It did not take them long to

find what they were looking for. Although they did not know what

exactly they were looking for, it was obvious that it would be some half-

hidden structure in which there was a door, and indeed it was.

It was a large circular door embedded in a rocky wall covered with algae

and aquatic moss. The door, like the previous ones, was decorated with

engravings of ancient runes.

Right in the center was a small square sticking out. James cautiously

approached it. He reached out his hand and pressed the square button.

For a moment, nothing happened, but then the door gave off a soft glow,

and the runs began to glow a deep blue. With a slight shudder, the door

slowly opened, revealing a dark passage that descended further into the

bowels of the cave.

Without hesitation, they began to swim through the passage. As they

progressed, they noticed that the tunnel began to slope upward, signaling

that they were approaching the water's exit. The water became shallower,

and, finally, they began to feel the ground beneath their feet.

They emerged into a large subway chamber. They emerged from the

water, and James quickly pulled out some potions that returned them to

their human forms. Canceling the effect of the gillyweed a few minutes


"That was faster than I thought," commented Lupin, glad to be a human

again and breathing normally.

"Yes, and a lot easier," nodded James. They only encountered a few

Grindylows and nothing else. The trip was uneventful.

James cast a spell to dry his clothes. The others did the same and then

surveyed the room in front of their eyes.

There was nothing of importance in this room. Only a stone path led into

the darkness. Without wasting any more time, they started to head

towards this path that should lead them to the great treasures of Dai


Chapter 193: Past trauma

The stone corridor was longer than expected. There was only darkness,

and it took them about twenty minutes to walk it at a moderate pace.

They had their instincts on alert, in case something attacked them.

Finally, after about twenty minutes of walking, the corridor led to a giant

stone double door. James and Sirius exchanged a glance before moving

towards it together. No sooner had they rested their hands on the cold,

rough surface than an ancient mechanism was activated, and the door

began to open with a thunderous creak, revealing the largest room they

had seen so far.

Crossing the threshold, they found themselves in a huge chamber, far

more vast than any other they had explored. Dominating the center of

the room stood a colossal statue of a giant squid, its writhing tentacles

extending toward the ceiling.

Suddenly, the door behind them closed with a clang that echoed

throughout the room, trapping them inside. At that instant, an ominous

glow appeared in the chamber's center: the Cursed Core, hovering in the

air with palpable energy. Before they could react, the core cast a curse

that enveloped the group in a thick, opaque fog.

'What the hell?' thought James, feeling a headache and his vision

dimmed. The cold, oppressive atmosphere of the cave was replaced by

the sumptuousness of a mansion he knew all too well. His heart sank in

his chest as his eyes recognized every detail around him: the Rothschild


He stood in the main hall, where every inch was decorated with

exaggerated luxury. The high ceilings, the gilded moldings, the antique

and expensive furniture, everything was in place, just as he remembered

it. But this was not a happy memory; it was a gilded prison, a cage where

he had spent his former life as Edward Rothschild. The perfect heir to

one of the richest families in the world.

The opulence around him only intensified the emptiness he felt inside.

His life at the mansion had been a series of strictly controlled routines,

designed by his mother to mold him into the perfect heir. There was no

room for dreams of his own, for personal desires or interests. Every

second of his life was calculated, from the moment he got up to the

moment he went to sleep, all to prepare him to meet the crushing

expectations of the Rothschild family.

Glancing down, James noticed that he was wearing the same clothes he

wore in the magical world. A small sigh of relief escaped his lips; even

though he was trapped in this memory, he was still himself, James

Potter, and not the prisoner he once was.

Seeing that there was no way out of this place, he began to walk through

the mansion he knew so well.

In a moment he came to the door of his old room. He reached out his

hand to open it, but, to his surprise, his hand went through the doorknob

as if it were a ghost. With no other choice, he stepped through the door

and into the room that had always remained the same, a replica of the

space that had once been his.

What caught his attention most was the desk, where he saw his former

self, Edward, sitting with a book in his hands. The young man was twelve

years old, and his face, normally expressionless and cold, glowed with

unusual joy. James watched in amazement as Edward's eyes, normally

dull and lifeless, now shone with an emotion he had rarely experienced:


The reason for that happiness was obvious; Edward was engrossed in

reading a book, one that James knew all too well: Harry Potter and the

Philosopher's Stone.

The image hit him like a punch in the stomach. He remembered that day

with painful clarity, the day his mother discovered him reading Harry

Potter. James's expression darkened.

"Hey, stop reading! She'll be here any minute!" shouted James,

approaching Edward. But, no matter how much he shouted, his words

wouldn't reach the boy. He tried to touch him, to shake him to make him

react, but his hand simply went through Edward's body, as if he didn't

exist. The young boy was still immersed in reading, his face lit up with a

happiness that James knew would be short-lived.

"It's his footsteps! Hide the book!" exclaimed James as he heard the

unmistakable footsteps approaching from the hallway. But it was no use.

Edward was completely absorbed in the magical world of Harry Potter, a

world that offered him a momentary escape from his controlled and

suffocating life.

Then, the door to the room burst open. Elizabeth entered with the same

cool elegance and dignified bearing that always characterized her. Her

gaze, normally calm and calculating, was instantly fixed on the book

Edward was holding. Her expression hardened, and an icy fury flashed in

her eyes as she recognized the childish cover. It was exactly what the

maid had told her: her son, the future Rothschild heir, was reading a

stupid children's book instead of concentrating on his studies.

Edward looked up, and for the first time in his life, he saw his mother

with a scowl on her face, her face marked by an anger he had never

witnessed before. A shiver ran down his spine, and his face paled as he

tried, clumsily, to hide the book. But his mother's speed was astonishing;

in an instant, she snatched the book from his hands with a swiftness that

left him paralyzed.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone," read Elizabeth disdainfully,

her voice laden with a venom James recognized all too well. Her eyes,

normally cold and calculating, now burned with fury.

Without another word, Elizabeth threw the book into the large fireplace

in the room. The fire was alight, for it was winter, and they enveloped

the book instantly.

"No!" exclaimed Edward in horror, watching as the pages that had

brought some joy into his life turned to ashes before his eyes.

James watched the tears in his former self, then his gaze fell on his

former mother. A cold glint of pitiless contempt appeared in Elizabeth's

eyes. That gaze was directed at her only son, who noticed his mother's

stare and quickly lowered his head as he wiped tears from his eyes.

"This kind of nonsense has no place in your life, Edward," Elizabeth said,

her voice icy. She rested her hand on Edward's small shoulder and

squeezed it hard digging her nails in and glaring down at him.

Edward saw his mother's look of contempt and quickly looked down at

the floor. His whole body was trembling.

"Do you understand?" asked Elizabeth, squeezing Edward's shoulder, who

didn't even complain.

"Yes, Mother..." replied Edward in a low tone.

James watched with a frown his fists clenched so tightly that drops of

blood appeared from his palms.

Before his eyes, the images in front of him began to distort. In less than

five seconds, he found himself back in the same room, minutes before the


Edward was reading the book with the same expression as before.

Unaware that a trauma was on its way.

James again tried in vain to warn his old self about the danger. Nothing

worked. Again, he relived the scene where his mother burned the book

and looked at him with disappointed and contemptuous eyes.

James' eyes darkened as he relived the scene with such clarity again, but

that was not all. The event repeated itself. The images became distorted

and went back to a few minutes in the past.

James stopped trying to warn his former self. Helplessness turned to dark

fury as he watched Elizabeth, who continued to berate Edward with that

same look of contempt and disappointment. The rage in James grew with

every second and finally exploded in a scream filled with pain and


"Why that look of disappointment, Mother!" he shouted with a fury he

had never felt before, but his words did not reach Elizabeth, who was still

ignoring his presence, berating Edward.

"I'm a genius! The most promising heir in the whole damned family! Can't

I have a damned hobby!", James continued to shout, his voice laden with

bitterness. But Elizabeth remained indifferent, her contempt for Edward

like a sharp knife wounding James.

"Tell me, mother! Tell me you're proud of me!" said James with his rage

fueled by years of unresolved pain. He remembered all those times when

he had tried beyond what was humanly possible, only to receive a cold,

calculating stare from his mother. No matter how perfect, it had never

been enough.

The walls of memory began to shake and crack. His magic, uncontrolled

by anger, was vibrating the space around him, but he was oblivious. His

gaze was fixed on the figure of his mother.

"Praise me, bitch! If the Rothschilds live in the Muggle world, I will

eradicate them! The family name you bear so proudly will be wiped from

the world! Just praise me, and you'll save your stupid family!" shouted

James, losing himself in a fit of hatred and rage. He never considered

himself part of such a family. He sacrificed his life for an ordinary

person. His ideals of nobility were different from his entire family, who

saw everyone as ants.

Space began to shake violently. James unsheathed his wand and, with

one furious motion, cast spell after another, "Bombarda Maxima!

Incendio! Diffindo!" But the spells went through Elizabeth as if she didn't

exist, as if it was all an illusion that mocked his despair. Helplessness

devoured him, and with each failed spell, his rage intensified.

Not satisfied, he resorted to his telekinesis, trying to crush Elizabeth,

throw her against the walls, destroy her, something. But nothing worked.

Each attempt failed, and James' rage grew unchecked.

Finally, the space began to break down. The memory could not withstand

the intensity of his emotions, and the walls cracked further, the reality of

the past distorting until it all came crashing down in a burst.

With a blink, James' eyes met again in the vault room. His fury still

echoed in his chest, but the real world was in stony silence.

Chapter 194: Dai Ryusaki Legacy

James, with sweat on his forehead and a headache, looked to his sides.

His friends were lying on the floor unconscious all with expressions of

pain and anguish.

'Was that a curse?' thought James, cursing Day Ryusaki. His gaze fell on

the cursed core that hovered with an ominous air. Thanks to his fury and

out-of-control magic, he was able to break the illusion. He didn't know

whether to laugh or cry.

Seeing his friends suffering, he quickly forgot about the traumatic

memory he relived. He had to rescue them as soon as possible, and for

that, it was urgent to destroy the core.

From his wallet, he took out two potions that he took without hesitation.

In a few seconds, his headache and mental fatigue began to disappear. In

such a state, it would be impossible to use his telekinesis to destroy the

core. Once recovered, he pulled out a huge axe inscribed with ancient


The axe began to float, and from one moment to the next it shot into the

core. A metallic clang was heard throughout the room. James had to hit

the core more than twenty times to destroy it.

"Damn core," James thought as he watched his special axe shatter into

tiny little pieces.

He paid no more attention to the core. He turned and ran to Peter, as he

was the closest to his position. He carefully grabbed the head of Peter,

who was sobbing in low tones.

"Drink this, mate. It'll make you better," James said in a warm tone,

pouring the blue liquid from the potion. Peter obeyed James' voice and

slowly swallowed the liquid.

James carefully laid Peter's head on the floor and moved on to the next

one. After about five minutes, all the members of the group recovered.

Sirius, Lupin, Regulus, Peter, and the others were sitting on the cold

stone floor with pale expressions. It looked like they had woken up from

their worst nightmare.

Thanks to the potion, they had recovered from the mental fatigue and

headache, but they had lived their worst memories in a loop for who

knows how long.

Gwen hugged James tightly as she sobbed. She didn't have many

traumatic memories, but she did have one. It was when she got to watch

her mother physically and verbally assault her sister.

Seeing this, she without hesitation wanted to stop her mother, who

looked like someone else. However, she did not expect that her mother,

in a fit of rage, would attack her. Seeing that she hit her blood, Lysandra

stopped and left the room. She was leaving the two girls there.

Then Gwen healed as best she could the wounds of her little sister, who

had a lifeless expression. That was what affected her the most.

'I wonder what she must have seen in the illusion,' thought James,

patting Gwen.

"So, they were all immersed in an illusion of their memories?" asked

Snape, breaking the silence. They all nodded slightly.

"The worst," added Sirius with an expression rarely seen on his always

happy and relaxed face. If it had been a terrifying illusion, it wouldn't

have had such a strong impact on everyone.

"How did you manage to get out and destroy the core?" asked Snape,

looking at James. He was both grateful and curious as to how James

managed to get out of the powerful illusion.

"Occlumency," James replied dryly.

'Occlumency,' repeated Snape and Regulus in their minds. They should

learn the art with more urgency. James had already helped them get

started with their training in Occlumency, but for the two teenagers it

was not a pleasant training, and the improvements were poor.

Snape began studying the art of mental protection ever since Eustace

entered his mind in the vault of fear. Knowing about Legilimency, he did

not want to let strangers enter his mind at will. So he asked James, who

was more advanced, for guidance.

Regulus began studying Occlumency at James' request. Since he would be

a future spy, he couldn't allow them to be reading his thoughts, no matter

how few wizards capable of using Legilimency there were.

"Let's get this over with," James said, and the others stood up. They no

longer wore the happy expressions from the adventure earlier. They

wanted to take the treasures and go to sleep after living through such an


At least they wouldn't leave empty-handed.

James walked forward with the others; behind where the core floated

was a sturdy wooden table against the wall.

On the table rested several objects. The first that caught the eye of James

and company was a small wooden box with inscriptions in ancient letters

that read, "Ring of Mneme." Carefully, James opened the box, revealing a

simple black ring inside. The ring looked plain and ordinary, but James

and the others did not believe this to be so.

"We'll see what it's for later," James commented, closing the box again.

He moved on to the next object. A rolled-up black parchment. Unrolling

it, James could tell that it was the formula for brewing a potion called

Mental Potentizing Potion.

"Such a potion exists?" muttered Snape as he read the name. Like him,

James was surprised, and his eyes widened.

He had never heard of a potion that would better enable your mind. Not

even the most difficult potions would have such an effect. Your

Legilimency and Occlumency could be improved without the need to

study and practice like mad. Even your telekinesis could be improved.

With this in mind, James was no longer so unhappy with Ryusaki, who

made him relive his trauma.

On the black parchment, the necessary ingredients were written down,

and the steps to follow were detailed with precision. At a glance, you

could tell that this was an advanced brewing potion. James and Snape

had never come across a potion with so many steps and so much detail.

Next to this parchment, rested a book entitled: Ancient Runes in Artifacts

II - Final Part - By Dai Ryusaki. This book seemed to be the key to better

understanding the artifacts and charms Ryusaki had left behind. James

took it carefully and put it in his wallet. He still hadn't finished reading

part one. He had a long way to go to understand the first book perfectly.

It was more complex than what he studied on transfiguration.

Finally, there lay another plain parchment. James unrolled it and

discovered that it was a message from Dai Ryusaki, the creator of the

cursed vaults.

James began to read the scroll for all to hear. Ryusaki was congratulating

him/her or those who managed to pass the tests.

He would then talk about the objects and their functions.

The Ring of Mneme is a powerful artifact capable of protecting the

wearer's mind against the most powerful Legilimens. Not only that, the

ring also allowed its wearer to project thoughts and memories into the

minds of others, an ability that could be invaluable in capable hands.

As for the potion, it explained a bit about how it could enhance the

drinker's mental abilities, allowing him to reach new levels of power in

the mental arts.

In the final part, Ryusaki explained the reason why he hid all his

treasures in the vaults and placed powerful curses and defenses. He

recounted how the International Confederation of Magicians had targeted

him as a dark magician with malicious intent and how he had been

persecuted for his creations.

Knowing that his time was limited, he had decided to hide his treasures

in the vaults of Hogwarts, where he had been a professor. He concluded

by saying that, if the treasures remained, it was likely that he had been

captured and killed or was rotting in a cell, unjustly treated for a crime

he never committed.

"Whoa... That story sounds like a movie," Sirius commented as James

finished reading the parchment. He had seen a lot of muggle movies.

"Poor Dai," said Toby, feeling bad for the Japanese wizard's fatal fate.

Even though they almost died several times at the hands of the defenses

Dai put up in the vaults, they all felt pity and respect for the Japanese


"His artifacts and potion were very dangerous in the eyes of the Ministry,"

said James, who also felt respect and pity for Dai.

No wizard with power would like it if there was a way to protect yourself

from the most powerful Legilimency, and on top of that, you could

project thoughts and memories to other people. As long as the ring has

that function.

Also, Dai created seemingly normal objects like swords and axes that

could cut mage spells.

"It's best to study these artifacts in a quiet place," James commented,

putting the valuable objects away in his wallet. These three objects

(potion, ring, and book) would be of great help with the impending fight

against the death eaters.

Just as he finished speaking, there was a low, ominous sound: the creak

of the huge double doors slowly opening.

James and the others quickly looked towards the entrance to the room.

They already had their wands at the ready. Ready for any threat that

might present itself. They were aware of Dai's machinations in his vaults.

In the previous one, they defeated the troll and got a glimpse of the

treasure, only to have a pack of ugly creatures pounce on them shortly


The doors opened wide, and everyone could see the new threat in front

of them. Except for James, the others put on ugly and tense expressions

as they saw five people enter the room. James' expression hardened. They

were not enemies left by Ryusaki; they were the dark wizards behind


Four of the five figures were hooded, with long, dark cloaks that hid their

faces and bodies almost completely. They walked with a firm and

determined step as if they had been waiting for this moment for a long

time. But it was the fifth figure that made James' heart pound in his


The last person, clearly the leader of the group, also wore a black cloak,

but his hood was deeper, and his face was covered by an eerie mask. The

mask was pale white, with narrow snake-like slits for eyes, which gave it

a sinister appearance.

The eyes that glowed behind those slits were cold and calculating, full of


'The unknown death eater,' thought James, clenching his wand tightly. It

would be his first time facing a death eater. The situation was not good.

True, there were eight versus five, but those five people were adult dark

wizards. One of them is a death eater. Voldemort's inner circle that only

the best wizards in both strength and family background could enter.

Chapter 195: Battle in the Sunken


The death eater took a step forward, surveying the room and the remains

of the cursed core. When his gaze settled on James and company, the

tension in the room intensified.

"Looks like we've arrived just in time," the Death Eater's voice said in a

cold, calm tone.

"How did you find the entrance? Your minions shouldn't have gotten

information," James said, speaking for the first time. By minions, he

meant Lucius and the other students, who were following the Death

Eater's orders.

"Oh, you don't seem very nervous," the Death Eater commented with

some amusement and curiosity, watching James. The boy who had so

many incredible rumors and feats behind him.

The death eater watched Sirius and the others, and they looked tense.

Very different from James, who kept a calm expression. However, that

didn't mean he wasn't nervous at such a prospect.

"Lucius and the others left a lot to be desired. It took them a while to find

what we asked for, but in the end, they succeeded," the death eater said.

From what Lucius informed him of their defeats against James and

company, the Death Eater deduced that James and the others knew of

someone wanting to find the vaults.

"You may wonder how they did it, when not even once did they manage

to beat you and take information from you. That's thanks to you guys

happily going off on the fourteenth of February to have fun on

Valentine's Day," added the death eater with a faint smile behind his


'Valentine's Day,' thought James, clicking his tongue internally. He

already knew his mistake.

They left his dormitory unprotected. Lucius and someone else must have

infiltrated the Gryffindor common room and pilfered his dormitory.

Where they had the information about the vault and so on.

How did they manage to infiltrate another house's common room? There

were several ways James could think of. Especially if you were a talented

sixth-form student like Lucius.

James, Lupin, and Sirius infiltrated the Slytherin room in the first year.

Others could do the same. It wasn't an impossible feat.

"If they stole the information from our dormitory, why the masks?

Professor Eustace, Ivan, Victor, and Volker," James commented with a

slight smile. He would at least try to rattle these dark wizards a bit.

The four dark wizards only growled coldly. They didn't like at all that

their identities had been exposed. It was better to be hidden.

"Haha, the rumors don't exaggerate, James Potter! You are different from

wizards your age and above. Not even Lucius is your equal," the death

eater laughed.

James did not respond. He scanned the room. He was looking for objects

to use as weapons with his telekinesis. However, the room was spotless.

There were no stones, no vines, nothing.

If he took out his wallet, it would take him a while to pull out a weapon

for combat, and when he was doing so, he would be attacked by the five

adult mages.

'Best to use telekinesis like against the Grindylow or the centaur,' thought


"A great pity! With your talents, you would make a great companion.

However, your ideals are very different from ours. For that reason, the

Dark Lord wants your head," said the death eater, shaking his head.

Everyone, including James, was shocked at this statement. The Dark

Lord, the person causing all the chaos in the British community, had

taken notice of James with no favorable motives.

"Oh, I shouldn't have said that," said the death eater. "Well, never mind.

The Shafiq girl and the smaller Black boy, come here. We won't hurt

them," he added, moving on to the next topic.

Gwen and Regulus were surprised by this order, but they did not obey.

The last thing they would do would be to follow this person.

The death eater was doing this because Regulus and Gwen were children

of important families, and from the information he had, they were both

supremacists. Although Gwen was known to be close to James, it would

not be good for her to die. She is the only daughter of the Shafiqs, two

death eaters. Marcellus is a powerful wizard; they don't want to turn him

against them.

As for Regulus, he is the Black's son who will inherit the position of

leader of the family. Although Sirius is older, everyone knows he is a

black sheep. Pro-muggle and against supremacist ideals. As for Regulus,

he is the perfect heir. They can't kill him under any circumstances. It

would be very bad to have the Blacks against them, especially Regulus'

side of the family.

He didn't know why Regulus would cooperate with James when they

were supposed to have very different ideals. He would have to look into

that later.

"Teenagers are tricky... Well, what's the difference," the death eater said

as he saw Regulus and Gwen not even responding and giving him

unfriendly looks.

"Well, you know, don't hurt those two-

As the Death Eater was about to finish his sentence, a large amount of

smoke came out of James' wand and covered the room within seconds.

"It's no use!" growled Eustace angrily, casting a Ventus that dispelled all

the smoke quickly, but James bought the time he needed. He had placed

several weapons on the floor. Ready to be used.

Even a sword was already headed for the neck of the death eater, who

quickly defended himself with a Protego that repulsed the blade.

"Oh, that was a good attack. Two spells nonverbally at a great speed"

praised the death eater, unnerved at facing teenagers.

For the death eater, James used a Leviosa Wingardium nonverbally to

send the sword flying at him.

'Incendio!' thought Snape, waving his wand at one of the dark wizards.

Since they weren't paying attention to him, the best thing to do was to

attack them. The best way was to conjure a fire that could become

dangerous because of its temperature. On the other hand, spells like

Expelliarmus or Immobulus are unlikely to reach their destination. With

a simple non-verbal protego, they would defend against it.

Sirius, Lupin, and Gwen also acted and launched one Incendio after

another. A similar attack to the one they performed against the forest


Two jets of water shot out of Ivan and Victor's wands and extinguished

the joint fire of Gwen, Snape, Sirius, and Lupin. That was not all. The

water jets continued their march until they hit the four of them,

drenching them and pushing them back several feet.

'Shit,' Sirius thought with a sore back, quickly scrambling to his feet. He

didn't think there would be that much difference in power between the

adult wizards. The other disadvantage was that they had to shout their

spells, and that made it easier to counter them.

'Murum Faber!' thought James, waving his wand as fast as he could. He

pointed it at the cobblestone floor.

As his spell hit, a selected area of the ground began to rise, rearranging

itself into layers that formed a stone wall separating them from the dark


The wall rose just in time to block the spells Eustace and Volker had cast

at Sirius and company.

"Nice transfiguration spell, but it's not enough!" exclaimed the death eater

as an orange flash shot from his wand.

The flash hit the makeshift stone wall, setting off a powerful explosion

that demolished the wall without difficulty. Fragments of stone flew

everywhere. James managed to roll a moment earlier, but several stones

grazed him, leaving small cuts all over his body. The same was true for

the others. Except for those who had been pushed by the water jets.

The one in the worst condition was Peter. He was lying on the ground,

hiding his head in his hands, shivering. Toby managed to get Peter to

stand up and move. Luckily, they were not being targeted.

"Resistance is futile," the death eater said in a cold tone and with a smirk,

seeing the stupid resistance these students were putting up.

"If they want to die a painless death, hand over the treasures. I will give

them a painless death, and then the Dark Mark appears to let everyone

know that Death Eaters get everywhere. There is no place that the hand

of our lord will not reach," he added in an eloquent tone.

'I'll kill his friends first,' Eustace thought hatefully. He did not want to kill

James so easily. He knew he cared deeply for his friends. As the death

eater spoke, he attacked Sirius by throwing a Bombarda Maxima


Sirius, who was paying attention to the Death Eater's ramblings, turned

his head and looked at the orange flash with an ugly expression. Luckily

for him, a second before he was hit, a wind pushed him over, making him

stumble, but safely.


The flash hit one of the walls of the room, causing a huge explosion that

shook the whole place.

Snape sighed in relief when he saw that the blast missed its target. His

Ventus arrived just in time to push Sirius away.

'Tsch, Bombarda Maxima!' thought Eustace, casting the same spell again;

this time his target was Lupin, who luckily had already noticed this

wizard's malicious intentions and managed to dodge the spell by ducking

at the last moment.


'This shit is dangerous,' thought Lupin, feeling his heart beating a mile a

minute. He watched as the flash grazed his hair. He came within an inch

of taking a full blast to the face.

"Hey, calm down!" shouted the death eater towards Eustace. The room

was shaking; several pieces of stone and dirt fell from the ceiling. They

were in a bloody cave under a huge lake. He didn't want to be crushed to


James wasted no time. He reached out his hand towards the five

enemies, concentrating all his energy. A tremor of pure telekinetic force

emerged from his palm, an invisible wave that swept everything in its

path. The same energy he had used to confront the Erklings was now

unleashed with unrelenting fury.

The dark wizards barely had time to register the change in the air before

they were struck by the telekinetic wave. It was as if a colossal beast was

ramming them with all its wrath. They were thrown through the air like

rag dolls, crashing violently against the cold stone wall.

Without giving them time to recover, James waved his wand with

determination and shouted at the top of his lungs, "INCENDIO!"

A gargantuan fireball erupted from the tip of his wand, advancing with

ferocious speed. The sphere of flame headed straight for the five wizards,

who were lying on the floor against the wall. Upon reaching its target,

the fireball exploded in a devastating eruption, engulfing the enemies in

a column of infernal flames. The flames devoured the air, creating a wave

of searing heat that filled the cave with a hellish roar.

When the fire finally dissipated, James showed no mercy. Among the

clouds of smoke and ash, he saw a figure still faintly moving.

Without wasting any time, James used one of the swords he had

previously taken from his wallet. The sword rose from the ground and

flew with great speed towards its target.

Victor, the dark mage targeted by the sword, saw a shadow floating

towards him at high speed. He could not discern well because of the

ashes and dust generated by the explosion.

The man wanted to move his wand to cast a Protego, but his movement

was slow because of the injury suffered seconds ago. The blade slammed

into his stomach, piercing him and pinning him against the wall behind


'What the hell was that attack?' thought the death eater, casting a Ventus

to dispel the cloud of black smoke created by the fiery explosion. He was

a little surprised by the sheer power of James' Incendio, but that didn't

worry him much.

The fire barely burned a part of his tunic. What hurt him the most was

the invisible force that engulfed him and sent him flying. He barely had

time to see the change in the air. He was indeed distracted by Eustace,

but it would have been difficult to defend himself from that attack that

was barely visible. There was only a slight perception in the air. The bad

thing is that he did not see what James did. If he moved his wand or

what exactly he did.

When the Ventus cleared the air, the dark wizards, including the death

eater, were surprised to see Victor with a sword stuck in his stomach in


Chapter 196: Rage

James despite having defeated an enemy, was not at all happy. He was

kneeling on the ground staring at the dark wizards with a frown on his

face. His brow beaded with sweat.

He launched three very demanding attacks in a span of a few seconds.

Telekinetic thrust, Incendio (his most powerful to date), and then the

sword. His fatigue showed on his face, and there were still four enemies

left to defeat.

Besides, Incendio was less effective than he thought. The dark mages

barely had some light burns. What hurt them the most was his telekinetic

thrust, they seemed to have some moderate wounds thanks to that attack.

"Victor!" shouted Ivan, going towards the dying dark mage. He had

known him for a long time.

'If he is not treated, he will die in minutes,' Ivan thought, noticing his

companion's weak breathing. Luckily, the sword did not pierce any vital

organs. Still, his condition remained grave.

Gwen, Sirius, Lupin, and Snape did not stand still. They were already

accustomed to James' skills. They had to take advantage of the enemy's

stupefaction and defeat, albeit a dark wizard.

The four of them targeted Ivan, who was distracted trying to give first aid

to his dying companion. Four flashes were directed at the dark wizard

who turned his head and looked at the spells with his eyes wide open. He

had no time to defend himself, and his companions could not help him


The first spell that hit him was an Expelliarmus that caused him to drop

his wand and fly through the air. Then three stun spells hit him in unison

knocking him unconscious instantly.

Snape, using a non-verbal Wingardium Leviosa, drew the wizard's wand

towards him. When he held it in his hand, he unhesitatingly broke it into

two pieces, then into three, and finally into four.

"Now I understand why Eustace lost to you," the Death Eater said with a

hint of praise, though his tone was filled with coldness and hidden fury.

'Immobulus!' shouted Regulus, pointing at the Death Eater. He could no

longer stand still. He would not be a burden.

A blue flash of lightning shot towards the Death Eater, and with a simple

flick of his wand he sent a spell that collided with Regulus' spell.

What surprised Regulus was that his spell was destroyed, and the Death

Eater's flash continued to travel towards him without slowing down. He

had no time to defend himself.

The flash hit him and he felt his entire body freeze. He was stiff as a

board, causing him to fall helplessly to the ground. He could hear and

see, but not move.

"Volker. Wake Ivan," the Death Eater ordered in an impatient tone. He

couldn't believe all the trouble they were going to for taking on some


The short wizard named Volker nodded and quickly went to his partner,

who was knocked unconscious by Sirius and the others.

Before the Death Eater could take action to end the mission, a hate-filled

scream rang through the room.

"Crucius!" shouted Eustace, raising his wand and pointing it at Toby, who

watched dumbfounded as one of the unforgivable curses was directed at

him. The speed was too much for him. He would never be able to cast a

Protego in time, and for all he knew it was useless against this powerful


Toby closed his eyes, bracing himself for the pain he would have to

endure, but an invisible force managed to push him off at the last second.

Causing him to fall sideways against the ground.

James, pointing his hand at Toby, had a pale, sweaty expression. He felt

his headache increasing, and his brain was throbbing harder.

'His hand?' thought the Death Eater with a raised eyebrow behind his


Eustace roared in hatred as he saw that none of his spells were reaching

their target. He thought this was his hand's fault. He wasn't used to his

weak hand. This was all because of James Potter cutting off his dominant


"Avada Kedavra!" shouted Eustace with more hatred and rage than


There was a flash of blinding green light and a quickening sound. His

target? Peter, stood frozen in place watching the green flash head

towards him. Ever since he had seen the dark wizards he had been

paralyzed with fear.

He knew it was a mistake to come here when they knew that dark

wizards and a Death Eater were following in their footsteps from


"Move, Peter!" shouted James, extending his hand towards him, but his

mind was already on edge. No invisible force came from his hand to push

Peter away and save him from his impending fate.

The spell hit with a dull, brutal sound. The Avada Kedavra curse hit Peter

squarely in the chest, and his body was thrown backward as if struck by

an unstoppable force. The air escaped his lungs in a choked gasp as he

was violently hurled against the cave floor. His body landed with a thud,

sliding a few more feet before coming to a stop, inert.

James watched in horror as the life faded from his friend's eyes. Peter's

face remained motionless, his eyes open in an empty, lifeless expression.

"Peter!" shouted James in desperation, running to his friend's body. He

knelt beside him, lifting his head carefully and resting it in his lap. Peter's

skin was cool to the touch, his chest unmoving. "Peter, wake up!"

implored James, gently shaking his friend, but he got no response.

Sirius, Snape, Toby, Gwen, and Lupin watched this with pale, horror-

filled expressions. What had gone wrong? None of their expeditions had

ever ended badly.

'This bald one was good for something,' thought the Death Eater. He

noticed the expressions of the brats, they had no fighting spirit anymore.

As for James, he kept repeating the name of his deceased friend.

Eustace laughed sinisterly as he saw the reaction he expected from

James. His laughter ended when James suddenly shouted.


His scream was charged with pain, rage, and helplessness. It was a shriek

that echoed off the walls of the cave, a scream so intense that it seemed

to split the air. The force of her despair was palpable, a storm of

emotions she could not contain.

As James' scream filled the space, the cave began to shake violently.

Stones and debris tumbled from the ceiling, and the ground beneath his

feet vibrated with increasing intensity.

'What the hell?" thought the Death Eater, trying not to stumble.

James' eyes darkened with murderous fury as he looked up at the dark

wizards. There was no longer any doubt or hesitation on his face, only

pure, burning hatred consuming him from within. His hands trembled,

not from fear, but from the amount of power struggling to break free and

hurt his enemies.

Eustace felt a shiver run down his spine as he met James' gaze. The Death

Eater felt that they had unleashed something far more dangerous than

any curse or spell.

James stood up slowly, his body trembling, not from fear, but from sheer

fury. His eyes, filled with deadly determination, fixed on the Death Eater

who, despite the trembling in the cave, raised his wand with murderous


The death eater stopped dead in his tracks, his body rigid in the air. His

eyes grew wide behind the mask as he felt an invisible force take hold of

him, a force he could not counter.

With a simple wave of his hand, James began to lift the death eater into

the air, slowly floating him up. Suddenly the death eater's body began to

twist at unnatural angles. First, it was his legs, bending backward

grotesquely, as if an invisible puppeteer was pulling his strings with cruel

delight. Then his arms began to bend in the same way, bones creaking

under the unbearable pressure of James' telekinesis.

Finally, with a sharp gesture of his hand, James flung the death eater

away, as if he were a rag doll. The dark wizard's body flew through the

cave, slamming with brutal force against the stone wall. The impact

resounded like thunder, and the death eater fell to the ground, his body

mangled and dying, barely breathing.

'Is he a thirteen-year-old boy?' thought Eustace, Volker, and Ivan, who

was only recently awakened. Both paled at the fate of their leader and

that now James' gaze rested on them.

"Bombarda Maxima!" shouted Volker.

"Avada Kedavra!" shouted Eustace.

James' gaze did not waver. With a determined motion, he extended both

hands towards the ground. With a dry snap, the stone beneath his feet

began to tremble and crack. A portion of the ground, huge and rough,

rose as if torn by the very force of the earth. A stone wall emerged in

front of him, protecting him like a barrier. All this took him a second.

With a wave of his hand, James threw the stone wall forward, propelled

by his telekinetic power. The wall advanced at great speed, heading

straight for the spells flying towards it. The distance between the attacks

and the stone barrier closed in an instant.

The explosive spell and the killing curse hit the stone wall halfway. In a

moment, a deafening explosion was unleashed. It generated a shockwave

that shook the cave, which seemed to shake more and more. It would not

hold for long.

James used the countless stone fragments to hurl them at Volker and

Ivan. The latter could not defend himself as he had no wand. He was

crushed by dozens of stone fragments at high speed.

Volker with a Protego that he had to throw repeatedly managed to save

himself for a few seconds. Until James made the stones hit a specific

point of the shield and then launched a shockwave at him. They

destroyed the shield and sent it flying as it was hit by some stones.

James' gaze fell on the last dark wizard. He knew it was Eustace, the one

who had caused Peter's death. His eyes glowed with more hatred than


Chapter 197: Finished adventure

Eustace's legs trembled under James's murderous gaze. He didn't look like

the same boy he'd faced. He had that coldness, but the hatred he gave off

was different.

James held out his hand, and Eustace immediately cast a Protego

nonverbally. A good decision, as an invisible force just hit the barrier that

didn't last long, but lightened the onslaught that pushed Eustace several

meters back.

"Bombarda Maxima!" shouted Eustace. He should increase the power of

his magic through speech. His target was not James. It was the roof,

which was already in bad shape. The cave in general already seemed to

be crumbling from all the hits and explosions it took.

James didn't care about the falling pieces of ceiling, his gaze remained on

Eustace, and walked towards him. However, a shout made him stop his


"Let's get the hell out of here!" shouted Sirius, snapping back to reality.

He managed in time to throw a Protego to stop his brother from being

crushed by a piece of stone the size of his torso.

Lupin, with a quick motion, cast the counter-spell so that Regulus could

move again and no longer be immobilized. Snape walked over to Peter's

body with a conflicted look on his face and lifted him as best he could.

He wouldn't let his corpse get lost here. Toby helped him, his eyes

holding back tears. Now was not the time, or they would all die in the


Gwen was still frozen in place. She had never seen murder before, let

alone of a person close to her. She also knew how important Peter was to

James. A rock was about to fall on her head, but it deflected at the last


"We have to get out of here, Gwen," James said bringing the girl back to


"James..." muttered Gwen, seeing James' expression. It no longer held

hatred and anger, only sadness and weariness.

"This isn't the time. Let's go everyone!" said James, floating Peter's body

with his telekinesis. He didn't know how much time he had left before

the headache would return, and he would most certainly pass out. His

limit had long since passed.

The group made their way as quickly as possible to the exit. James as he

left the room closed the door with his telekinesis. There were four dark

wizards, and though their states were bad, he didn't want there to be

even a 1% chance of survival for them.

'This can't be the end...' thought the death eater, seeing how the only exit

was closing, and more and more stones were falling. The cave was

crumbling, and, in a few minutes, he would be buried.

However, no matter how hard he tried, his arms and legs were broken.

He could not walk, nor use his wand. Victor was pinned to the wall with

a sword, still breathing, but only weakly. He was most likely


Volker and Ivan were in better condition, but they could barely stand up

with difficulty, and their only way out was sealed. Fate was also sealed.

'Dark Lord be careful...' Those were the death eater's last thoughts before

a large chunk of stone fell on his head, and he lost consciousness forever.


James and the others grabbed whatever gills they had and jumped into

the water escaping the landslide. In the water, James and Lupin had to

carry Peter's body.

They surfaced in a few minutes, as they were not to look for the entrance

to the vault it was just a swim upwards.

"Cof... cof... cof... That was a close," Sirius muttered, pale as he leaned

back on the grass and looked up at the dark sky without a cloud in sight.

Snape passed him the potion so that he would no longer have gills and

other fish-like characteristics.

James paid no attention to his friends. The important thing was that they

escaped. After returning to his human form his body began to transform

again. His size rapidly decreased as his bones reconfigured, his arms

transformed into wings, and his vision sharpened.

Within seconds, where James had been, now stood a peregrine falcon, its

feathers glistening in the moonlight.

Without missing a beat, the falcon took off with a mighty flap, soaring

through the night skies with fierce determination. His vision, much

sharper than human, allowed him to see every detail of the landscape,

from the treetops to the shadows moving in the distance. Rising above

the lake, James scanned the terrain with his falcon-like gaze, looking for

any sign of Eustace.

After a few minutes of flight, something caught his attention. In the

distance, near a small hill, a hooded figure was rushing through the trees.

James didn't wait a second longer. With astonishing speed, he swooped

toward Eustace, his eyes fixed on his target. The wind whistled in his ears

as he approached, and his body turned into an unstoppable arrow.

As he got closer, James adjusted his flight, aiming directly at Eustace's

hand holding his wand.

If Eustace got beyond the boundaries of Hogwarts he could use the

apparition to escape, and there would no longer be any way to catch him.

He would not let that happen.

Eustace barely had time to look up before the falcon reached him. With a

cry of pain, the dark wizard felt James' sharp beak dig into his hand,

tearing flesh and causing him to drop the wand. Blood gushed from the

wound as Eustace recoiled, falling to his knees as he tried to stop the


'Shit!' thought Eustace in confusion, looking at the Falcon, who within

seconds transformed into what was his worst nightmare. A thirteen-year-

old boy with black hair, blue eyes, and a look full of hate.

'It's an Animagus!?' thought Eustace in despair. He felt his escape was

assured, but he was wrong. He didn't know how a boy could have so

many prowesses.

Wandless magic, corporeal Patronus, non-verbal magic, Animagus, what

else? Was he the reincarnation of Merlin?

James from his wallet pulled out a sword. With his wand, he pointed it at

Eustace and lifted him using a non-verbal Wingardium Leviosa. This gave

him less fatigue than his telekinesis.

"Kill me. Your friend will not be able to come back from the dead. You

shouldn't have taken someone so weak into that vault. It's your fault he

died," Eustace said with a smile accepting his fate. He knew there was no

way this boy would forgive him. He watched as he beat his companions

to a pulp.

"Kill you? Your luck won't be so good," James said in a cold tone, making

a slash with his sword. Eustace's hand was cut clean off. He wanted to

scream in pain, but an invisible force wouldn't let him open his mouth.

James then stopped the bleeding. This bald man was not supposed to die.

Death was too good a karma for him.

"I will wipe the Burkes off the face of the earth," James said in a tone full

of murderous intent, looking at Eustace.

'My family...?' thought Eustace paling. Before he could regret being the

main reason for his family's tragic future, James cast a stun charm on

him, knocking him unconscious.

James looked at the bald man. He took the dark wizard's wand and put it

in his wallet. Then, he created ropes with a transfiguration spell and

imprisoned Eustace.

Finally, he raised his wand and cast a kind of flare so that his friends

could find him. He was not far from the position from which they

emerged. The bald man could not run for long.

James felt a great fatigue flood his entire body. His baiting was at its

limit. From one second to the next he lost consciousness.

The exploration of the vaults left by Dai Ryusaki was over.

Chapter 198: Time skip

In a bleak and desolate forest, a gloomy castle stood solitary. Its gray

stone walls were covered with ivy, and the dark-paned windows looked

like empty eyes.

Inside the castle, a hooded figure slowly descended a narrow spiral

staircase, torches flickered in the darkness, casting dancing shadows on

the stone walls. Each step echoed like a heartbeat in the gloom.

Reaching the top of the stairs, the figure stopped in front of an iron door,

its surface cold and rusted. From his sleeve, he drew a wand, and with a

slight movement, the door creaked open on its own, revealing a

windowless four-by-four room. It was a typical cell.

The cell had the basics. A simple wooden table with a chair and a toilet.

Nothing else.

The imprisoned person, upon seeing the hooded man, stepped back

quickly. His expression was filled with fear.

"Why so scary?" asked the figure in a monotone and unchanging tone.

"We are already acquaintances," he added, removing his hood and

revealing his identity. "Professor Eustace."

His height had changed, now exceeding five feet. His hair was still as

messy as before, only slightly shorter. His blue eyes, cold and calculating,

glowed with an intensity that would not allow one to guess his thoughts

as he watched Eustace.

"Professor Eustace," James repeated, with an almost eerie calmness, as his

eyes examined the man who had once been a formidable foe.

Eustace looked thin. He seemed to have lost years of life, his sunken

cheeks and dull eyes, surrounded by deep dark circles under his eyes,

reflected suffering and wear and tear.

Eustace backed up until he hit the wall. His eyes looked with fear and

great caution at James.

"You look...different," James commented with a tone that bordered on

mockery. He watched Eustace, his gaze sweeping over every aspect of the

decay that enveloped him. "Time has not been kind to you."

Eustace, unable to find the words, could only watch James with a

mixture of fear and resentment. His voice, when he finally spoke, was

rough, broken with disuse. "What do you want from me, Potter?" he


James smiled a gesture that didn't reach his eyes. "Just a conversation,

Professor," he replied, pulling a tray full of hot, delicious food from his


He rested the tray on the table and, with his wand, conjured another

chair in which he sat.

"Let's get something to eat. You're in pretty bad shape," he added, sitting

down at the table.

Eustace looked at him suspiciously, but he had no form to refuse, or he

might suffer the same again as he had months ago. He sat at the table, his

gaze fixed on his plate as his trembling hands reached for the food. His

hands were not normal, they were prosthetic, as James had cut off both

of his hands in the past.

"It's not poisoned," James said, cutting off a piece of steak and eating it.

Eustace began to eat already without hesitation. If James wanted to kill

him, he would have done it without making this whole scene.

After a few minutes in which only the sound of silverware and food being

swallowed could be heard, Eustace looked up and watched James warily.

"Why are you giving me this delicious food now? Is it time for me to die?"

he asked the last with a faint, odd smile. He would have wished to die

the day the sunken vault came crashing down. Before he was captured by

this demon.

"You want a dementor to kiss you? Your crimes are enough for such a

sentence. Manslaughter of a minor, escape from Azkaban, and you've

used the Unforgivable Curses on students countless times," James

commented as he continued to cut the meat as if he were commenting on

the weekend's quidditch match.

Eustace grimaced at hearing about the dementor's kiss. For all he knew, it

was a fate worse than death. A dementor sucked the soul out of you.

Leaving you in a sort of vegetative state.

"Looks like you're still not that desperate. That's good. It means you still

have a faint hope," said James, and his eyes glittered for a moment before

changing the subject.

"I give you this delicious food, since thanks to you I managed to complete

my research," he added.

"Research?" repeated Eustace uncomprehendingly.

"Yes. Do you think all the experiments I performed on you were simple

tortures?" asked James, shaking his head.

'Simple torture?' thought Eustace in disbelief. Simple was an

understatement. That was why he was in this state.

"Thanks to having a competent wizard like you as a subject for

experiments, my research progressed much faster. For that, I thank you,"

James said, rising from the table with a smile that gave Eustace chills.

Eustace tried to remember the tortures, looking for a clue to the focus of

this "research" of James', but he couldn't link anything. It seemed like

complex torture, but not purposeful.

"You don't seem to get it. Let's do a test," James said, and Eustace quickly

got up from his chair and stepped back.

James paid no attention. From his ring as black as the abyss, he pulled

out a wand. This ring was unique in the world. It was inscribed with

ancient runes that gave it the ability to store countless items. The best

part was that you only needed to use your mind to store and remove the

objects. A simple mental command. Although the method to make it

work was not simple at all. James had to study a lot of Dai Ryusaki's

ancient rune books.

"Catch. I suppose you'll recognize this wand," James said, tossing the

wand to Eustace, who caught it awkwardly.

Eustace looked rather gloomy at the wand in his hands. Of course, he

recognized it. It was his wand. The first one he got from Ollivander when

he was a brat.

"Don't look at me with that face. Do magic, attack me, whatever. Just cast

a spell," James said, and Eustace, after a few seconds, nodded. He knew

that if he disobeyed, he would be in for worse nights.

'Lumos,' Eustace thought, and the tip of his wand lit up. However, the

light emitted from his wand was extremely weak. Weaker than a simple


"A first-year Hogwarts student would cast a more powerful Lumos than

that," James commented with a slight smirk.

Eustace looked down at his wand in surprise. He cast a non-verbal Lumos

again, but the wand's glow did not improve in intensity. He cast it

verbally, but there was hardly any improvement.

"Throw an Expelliarmus," James said, pointing it at himself for the bald

man to aim.

Eustace hesitated for a moment but ended up agreeing. This time, he

opted to cast an Expelliarmus verbally. The red flash was weak, and its

speed was low. James deflected it without difficulty with a simple, non-

verbal Aeromanteo.

"Weak... A second-year student would beat you in a duel, Professor,"

James said with a smirk.

"T-this is due to my current state," Eustace replied, stammering and

looking distrustfully at his wand. He was skinny, gaunt, and hadn't used

magic in years. He wanted to believe that his magic was simply rusty and

that it was just a matter of practice to regain his former power.

"Indeed, your condition is not optimal," James said calmly. "But I always

fed you three times a day. Even if you haven't used magic in a long time

and are somewhat rusty, casting such a weak 'Lumos' is completely

unheard of." James looked at him with a mixture of pity and contempt.

"It is unheard of for a wizard who in the not-so-distant past would cast

unforgivable curses to now barely manage to light the tip of his wand."

Eustace felt a chill inside him, far icier than the prison air. "W-what did

you do to me...?" he asked, stuttering again as his hands shook.

James smirked, like a professor about to reveal a crucial lesson. "It looks

like you're finally catching on. My research focused on the anatomy of

the magical human being. And you, Professor Eustace, were the perfect

experimental subject."

Eustace looked at him in horror, his mind trying to process what he was


"Wizards, unlike Muggles, have something I call magical veins," James

explained, pronouncing each word precisely. "It's the circulatory system

through which magic flows in the body. Finding these magical veins was

a huge challenge. Research in magical biology and anatomy is extremely

precarious, you know? We should learn from the Muggles and their

advances in medicine. They've studied their bodies thoroughly, while we

barely know ours." James paused, letting his words sink deep into

Eustace's mind.

"I studied your body, Professor. During this time, I searched and analyzed

those magical veins and watched how the magic flowed in you.

However," he added in an almost nonchalant tone, "In the process of my

experiments, it was inevitable that I damaged your magic veins. To

understand how they worked, I had to try different methods, intervene in

their flow, and analyze the consequences. The deterioration of your

magic was a necessary sacrifice for my research."

Eustace brought a trembling hand to his chest as if he could feel those

magic veins deteriorating inside him.

"That explains why your magic is so weak now," James said, leaning

toward him. "You are no longer the dark wizard you once were. You're a

shadow of your former self, barely able to turn on a light. And my

research didn't end there," he added with a smile that to Eustace was that

of the devil himself.

"I concluded my research by developing a spell," James continued, his

voice lower and more lethal. "A spell capable of destroying those magical

veins. With a simple wave of my wand, I can turn you into a Squib, or

worse, a Muggle. Imagine, Professor... turned into a Muggle. The people

you a supremacist see as if they were cattle animals," he said, ending his

speech with a cold smile.

"No... impossible!" exclaimed Eustace, unable to believe such a dangerous

curse. A curse worse than death. Worse than a kiss from a dementor. A

wizard who experimented with magic was stripped of his powers and

turned into a Muggle.

James watched Eustace with an implacable coldness. "Let's see if it's

impossible or not," he muttered, his voice laden with palpable menace.

With a determined gesture, James extended his right hand, focusing his

telekinesis on Eustace. An invisible field of energy seized the dark

wizard's body, immobilizing him completely.

James, holding the wand in his left hand, pointed it directly at Eustace.

The wand glowed with a cold, metallic light as he uttered the incantation

he had perfected over a long time of research. His voice was clear and


"Venatrum Exuro,"

A beam of silvery magical energy emerged from the wand, slamming into

Eustace with searing force. The energy seemed serpentine and cruel, it

slid through the air with a painful intensity, as if it pierced the very core

of his being.

Eustace screamed in agony as the spell acted upon him. A wave of

indescribable pain swept through his body as if his magical veins were

disintegrating from within. It was a sharp, stabbing pain that seemed to

consume him completely, causing his vision to blur with every heartbeat

he felt.

As the spell continued, the pain gradually began to subside. Eustace,

exhausted and trembling, fell to the ground as the invisible force that

kept him immobilized dissipated. He lay there, breathing heavily. He sat

up with difficulty, his movements clumsy and weakened.

His body felt lighter, but he did not notice any other immediate

difference. He thought the pain had been some sort of intense curse,

similar to the Cruciatus, but he didn't feel any strange alterations.

Quickly, he bent down to pick up his wand from the floor. The wand was

in perfect condition, and his mind still hoped he could cast a spell,

relieved that the torment was over.

He picked up the wand and, with a mixture of desperation and hope,

tried to cast a simple spell. But when he tried to concentrate his magic,

nothing happened. The wand remained inert in his hands, unresponsive

to his attempts.

"No... no... no... NO!" shouted Eustace, who kept waving his wand

without stopping, but nothing came out of it.

"Damn you! Avada Kedavra!" shouted Eustace with hatred and great

intent, but nothing came out of his wand.

"Shut your mouth," said James after a few seconds, making a slight

gesture with his hand. Eustace's mouth was closed against his will by an

invisible force.

"Now, you will leave this comfortable room. Your destination is London.

Specifically Brixton Prison. A Muggle prison. You will be tried as a

Muggle criminal with a life sentence. You will spend the rest of your life

with Muggle criminals," James explained as Eustace's eyes widened and

bulged in shock.

"Now the dementor's kiss seems like a better option, doesn't it?" added

James with a slight smile as he saw Eustace's expression. Someone as

supremacist as Eustace would rather be kissed by a Dementor than have

to live with Muggles for the rest of his life and be a Muggle by being

stripped of the magic that made him superior.

Chapter 199: Correct form of


James, before leaving the cell, erased some of Eustace's memories. He

doesn't want him to tell the information about his new spell to other

people, even though he will be in a Muggle prison and is no longer a

threat. He doesn't want leaks, even if they won't do much good. No

matter how much they know the spell, they won't be able to cast it


The spell that would be best categorized as a curse requires a thorough

knowledge of magical biology. You must know where the magical veins

are located, as you must drive so to speak, and go about irreversibly

breaking down and destroying the magical veins.

In addition, you need a competent power, since if the target's magic is far

superior to yours, it is unlikely that your spell can leave him magically

disabled, and there could be a rebound effect that ends up damaging you.

It is best to do this on a captured wizard in poor condition to rule out

such accidents or perform the procedures manually on the wizard's body

as a surgeon would. Weaken him manually as James did with Eustace

and then cast the spell to finish destroying his magical veins. You must

have great knowledge and some skill in your hands, as you are handling

a real human body as if you were a surgeon.

James locked the door and started up the spiral staircase. The gloomy

castle was in Oxfordshire, a county in south-central England.

James had acquired it with the Potter family's large capital. Since taking

over as Lord, he has managed to increase his family's wealth by a large

margin. Because of his education as a Rothschild, he is an expert in

financial matters and investments.

'Peter will soon be able to rest in peace...' thought James with a slight

frown. At last, the first step of his revenge was accomplished. Give

Eustace a fate worse than death. He would live the rest of his life

surrounded by the Muggles he so detested and without magic as a Squib.

More than two years had passed since the tragic end in the sunken vault.

Where Peter died in the subway cave. Since that day, James has

remembered every night the lifeless face of his friend.

James studied like a madman, not only his new curse but also the books

that talked about Dai Ryusaki's Ancient Runes. He managed to create his

artifacts, although they were not at the level of the great Japanese

magician. But his path was freer, as the books had thousands of pages

that made many things easier.

James made his way to the room where all the data of his research was

stored. Innumerable scrolls written in full, papers, etc.

With a simple movement of his hand, all the papers flew to his hand and

were stored in his ring that absorbed them in a second, as if it swallowed


Just at that moment, someone knocked at the castle door. James was not

surprised. He was expecting important guests. He walked calmly to the

door and opened it with a slight flick of his wrist.

Three figures appeared in front of James. They were two men and a

woman, all adults.

"Madam Minister, come in. You too, Master and Mr. Crouch," James said

in a respectful tone, gesturing for the guests to pass into their secondary


Minister Eugenia Jenkins is a middle-aged woman with dull reddish hair,

hazel eyes, a small nose, and an elegant dark violet robe. At James'

comment, she entered, followed by the two men behind her.

Mr. Crouch had short gray hair with a very straight middle. A narrow

mustache like a toothbrush and a serious face. His attire was a clean,

smart, simple robe.

Crouch is the current head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department.

The largest department in the British Ministry of Magic.

Finally, the person James referred to as a master in a respectful tone was

named Alastor Moody.

His face bore several scars. He had dark hair, small dark eyes, and a stern

expression on his face. He belongs to a pureblood family, the Moodys. He

is an auror. The most famous of all currently for his magical combat

skills, all the criminals he caught in his career, and the amount of Death

Eaters he faced since they appeared in 1971.

All three adults held very high positions within the ministry. There was

the Minister herself.

"Don't be so formal, James. You can call me by my name," Eugenia said

with a slight smile as she passed into the castle.

"If you are comfortable with that, I will, Eugenia," James said, agreeing

as he closed the door.

Crouch just nodded and followed the minister. Moody nodded and patted

James' shoulder amicably.

"A nice abode. At last, you show us where you have imprisoned the dark

wizard, Eustace Burke," Eugenia commented, looking around the place.

"Yes, it is time. My research is finished," James said as he conjured up

some comfortable couches for his guests to take a seat on.

"Research? What exactly are you investigating with the prisoner? It

sounds like just revenge," Crouch commented, speaking for the first time.

He respected James. He never thought he could respect a sixteen-year-old

boy so much. He even treated him as his equal.

James a year and a half ago requested Minister Eugenia. He was asking

for the surrender of the prisoner Eustace, who was currently in Azkaban

for serious crimes committed.

The news of the death of a Hogwarts student at the hands of a group of

dark wizards in '74 reached the ears of the entire British magical

community. James could not hide it, nor was it his plan to do so. Peter

was to be given to his family and have a proper burial.

He, Sirius, and the others had to speak the truth about the vaults. There

was no other choice, so the authorities, such as the minister,

Dumbledore, and the others, knew all about the incident. However, they

were not blamed for anything, as they did not commit any crime. They

even took care of dark wizards and a Death Eater.

As for Dai Ryusaki's items, they were a legacy that, in the scrolls he

wrote, said that he who finds his treasures will keep them. All treasures

were obtained cleanly. Not by stealing, Ryusaki created his artifacts and

the money he earned from his work as a teacher and in his artifact

business before he was falsely named a dark wizard. or anything like

that. Ryusaki created his artifacts and the money he earned from his

work as a teacher and in his artifact business before he was falsely named

a dark wizard.

James, using his position as Lord, managed to get the objects they had

obtained through sweat and tears to keep them for themselves.

A year after the incident, he made a rare request to the minister that

Eustace be handed over to him.

James knew that they couldn't hand over the wizard knowing the grudge

between them, and he only wanted him for revenge, but he managed to

reach an agreement.

The agreement was to support the minister. With his position as Lord, if

he decided to support her, the whole Potter family would do so, and now

the family was in a great economic moment. This would come in very

handy for the minister at this time, as her government was not being

entirely effective against the rise of Voldemort and his followers. It had

been more than four years since the dark rebellion began, and she had

failed to stop it. Many considered her unfit for the challenge and called

for her removal.

Monetary and political support. Not only that, James also promised

things that he delivered in a short time, gaining even more favor with the

minister and Crouch. He managed to get part of House Black to support

the minister. Alphard (Sirius' uncle) and Arcturus Black. The highest

ranking person in House Black.

Thanks to this, James got Eustace and became his prisoner. It was not

easy. It took a lot of meetings and tedious conversations to get him, but

he is good at politics and business.

In the agreement, James was not to kill Eustace. Just keep him prisoner

in his abode; as long as he didn't die, nothing happened, and that was

what James wanted for his research.

"It's not quite revenge. It's research that will be of great help to them

against the dark rebellion," James commented, as with his telekinesis he

made a teapot and cups float toward him.

Eugene and Crouch already knew of James' unusual wandless magic

abilities, but they couldn't help but be amazed at such control of magic

without the need for a wand.

Moody was not surprised by this. He had trained James and knew the

extent of his wandless magic powers. This was only the tip of the iceberg.

"What research did you conduct?" asked Moody, who wanted to know as

soon as possible what James was doing with Eustace. He knew his

student; he wasn't the type who would keep an enemy alive just to

torture them for no reason.

He was always curious, but James was very secretive about the Eustace

affair. In the deal he made with Eugene, he asked for his privacy. He

didn't want people involved in his affairs with Eustace.

James began to tell them about his research into magical veins and the

creation of the spell capable of destroying said veins and rendering you

magically turned into a squib.

He told the information above; he was not specific about the experiments

he performed or the more theoretical parts of the research.

Eugene, Moody, and Crouch's faces changed during the story. They could

not believe that a sixteen-year-old boy had created a curse of such

caliber. It could even be listed as the fourth unforgivable curse if true.

James, to prove the veracity of his words, led them to Eustace's prison,

where he was already awake. He told Eustace to try casting magic, but

the bald man appeared to be a lifeless pale ghost.

Using a bit of psychology, he told him that if he did, he would restore his

magic veins, so Eustace agreed, putting a crazed smile on his face as he

took his wand. It seemed he was no longer right in the head after

becoming a squib.

Eustace, with all his might and murderous intentions, tried to cast spells

to kill James even though the latter told him he would fix his magical

veins. He wasn't in his right mind anymore.

Crouch and Moody stood guard needlessly, as nothing came out of

Eustace's wand. Then they returned to the room upstairs. All three adults

had rarely seen expressions on their faces.

"Convinced?" asked James with a slight smile. This time, he received

looks he had never received from adults in high hierarchical positions

before: fear, alarm, stupefaction, and more.

"Calm down. It's not that easy to throw. It can't be used in combat. It

would be too risky, and you'd probably end up hurting yourself," James

said with an odd expression.

"Why do you say it will be helpful against Death Eaters?" asked Eugene

after James said it's not usable in combat.

James took a sip of his tea, letting the bitter taste spread across his palate

as he watched the wizards and witches gathered around him. In a firm,

but calm voice, he said, "This curse is not for use in combat; it is true. But

its true value lies in its ability to change the landscape of war."

Eugene looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and unease. "Why do

you say it will be helpful against Death Eaters?"

James interlocked his fingers on the table and leaned forward. "Over the

years, we've seen how many criminals have been imprisoned in Azkaban

only to escape later thanks to the intervention of Death Eaters. Eustace is

a prime example of that. Azkaban is no longer the impenetrable fortress

it used to be. The Dementors' loyalty is fragile and can change at any

time. This curse is the ultimate solution to that problem."

Gazes crossed the room. The atmosphere became more tense. What

James was saying was true. Even several criminals were rescued before

they reached Azkaban.

"The idea is simple," James continued. "Instead of relying on the dubious

security of Azkaban, we can strip the criminals of their magic, rendering

them helpless, and then send them to Muggle prisons, where they won't

have the resources or ability to escape."

Before Crouch could interject, James added, "But that's not the best of it.

We must make sure everyone knows what we are doing. Publishing in all

the magical newspapers that the dark wizards condemned in Azkaban

will be stripped of their magic and sent to Muggle prisons will make this

news reach the ears of the Death Eaters and those who plan to join


Moody arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Why do you want to publish it?"

James smiled, a smile that seemed more calculating than one would

expect from a sixteen-year-old. "Because fear is a powerful tool. By going

public with this measure, Death Eaters and some extreme supremacists

will have a fear greater than any other. Losing their valuable magic. This

will not only discourage Voldemort's current followers, it will also make

those who are considering joining them think twice."

He paused, letting his words sink into his listeners. "But it's not just fear

we're after. This will also restore confidence in the magical community.

People will begin to see the government as a force they can trust, an

entity that doesn't just go after criminals, one that neutralizes them

without resorting to brutality. It's a way to show power without needing

to mimic the ruthlessness of the Death Eaters."

Eugene felt a shiver run down her spine. It was clear that James had

thought of everything, had considered every aspect, every possible

consequence. This was not simply the idea of a young man; it was the

strategy of someone who deeply understood the power of psychology and


Chapter 200: The New Order

James was walking through the halls of Hogwarts. The day was sunny

and seemed to be like any other day. However, he felt something strange

in the atmosphere, an uneasy feeling that enveloped him with every step

he took.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure up ahead, his back to him. The slight,

hunched body of Peter Pettigrew, with his trademark tousled hair and

insecure posture. James felt a pang of relief at the sight of him, but also a

strange sense of unease.

"Peter," James called, his voice echoing down the empty corridor. The

figure did not move, remaining with its back to him, unmoving.

James moved closer, sensing that something wasn't right. "Peter, what are

you doing here? We have to get to class. It's late,"

Finally, Peter began to turn slowly, as if his movements were being

forced. James felt his heart pounding in his chest. When Peter turned

fully around, what he saw made his blood run cold.

Peter's face was pale and lifeless, like a wax mask. His eyes, normally

filled with fear and doubt, were now glazed over, with no trace of

emotion. His mouth was slightly open, but he made no sound.

Peter opened his mouth and began to speak, his voice sounded hollow, as

if it came from a faraway place, distorted and laden with resentment. "I

died because of you, James."

James's stomach churned. He wanted to say something, but the words

stuck in his throat.

"I didn't want to explore the cursed vaults," Peter continued, his voice full

of reproach. "I followed you because I trusted you because you were my

friend. But now... my parents don't have your son,"

James recoiled, unable to look away from Peter's lifeless eyes. "I... I didn't

mean to... I didn't mean to..." he stammered, feeling a lump in his throat.

Peter took a step toward him, his movements clumsy and uncoordinated,

as if he were being pulled by an invisible thread. "It's your fault, James. It

always will be. I just wanted to spend my days at Hogwarts safely. I'd

even gotten a girlfriend, but because of you,"

James felt the chill in the air intensify, Peter's every word a knife

stabbing into his conscience. He wanted to run, to get away from that

spectral figure, but his feet seemed nailed to the ground.

"I'm a corpse now," concluded Peter, and his skin began to peel off,

revealing a bloody skeleton that soon crumbled into dust.

"No!" shouted James, waking with a start, gasping and his heart racing.

"Take it easy, James! It was just a bad dream," said Gwen, hugging James'

head, who was surprised to be sharing a bed with someone.

"Gwen? When did you get here?" asked James, catching his breath and

looking at the blonde girl hugging him.

Gwen had grown up. Her light blonde hair fell in soft waves over her

shoulders, and a fringe framed her beautiful face. Her bright blue eyes

looked up at James full of concern. Her skin was smooth and fair, and a

subtle blush adorned her cheeks. She was wearing green pajamas with

cute little snakes on them.

"A few hours ago. Your mother opened up to me," Gwen replied.

"And you came to sleep?" asked James with a raised eyebrow, looking at

Gwen's outfit. She was wearing pajamas that she always wore to bed.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" said Gwen, crossing her arms.

"If your father knows, he'll kill me," James said with a slight grimace. The

Shafiqs had returned to the side of the good guys. This is thanks to the

efforts of James and Gwen.

"I doubt he can beat you. My boyfriend is very powerful," Gwen said with

a giggle intertwining her arms behind James' neck.

"Besides, I don't think he can get out of that house. He's still under

surveillance. There's always an auror watching him," she added without

as much mirth as before.

"It's normal for Crouch to put so much surveillance on him. He's a former

death eater," James said, and then seeing Gwen's unhappy expression, he

lightened his words, "I don't doubt him, but it's not the same for the

higher-ups in the ministry. With the information he delivered his

situation is much better,"

Luckily, Marcellus and Lysandra did not commit any crimes under the

Death Eater masks. James and Gwen managed to bring them to the side

of the law before they participated in any attacks and ended up harming

or killing people.

The information they had on the death eaters was not much. Marcellus

could only come up with two names that he was sure belonged to the

criminal organization: the Notts and the Bulstrode. Then he had seen

them all wearing masks. He gave enough information for the law to be

able to act on these two families.

This information was valuable, as it allowed the ministry to have an

advantage it hadn't had in a long time.

"Mm," Gwen nodded without speaking further on the subject.

"Are you still having nightmares?" she asked, looking at James with

concern. It had been over two years since Peter had been killed in the

sunken vault.

"Every so often," James replied dryly, getting out of bed.

"Hey, wait," said Gwen, grabbing James by the wrist, who stopped and

looked at her.


"My good morning kiss," Gwen said, showing no shame whatsoever.

James reached over and kissed Gwen on the mouth, "Who knew the ice

princess Shafiq, who freezes her enemies into blocks of ice was such a

sweetheart?" he said as he pulled away with a slight smile.

"Shut up. If I don't you won't. You're busy all day," Gwen said in a

dissatisfied tone, puffing out her cheeks.

"Sorry," James said, putting his hand on Gwen's cheek and stroking it


His day was very busy. More so now that he had joined the war

politically. He had important meetings and business to attend to every

day. On top of her training and studying.

"I can hold my own," Gwen said with a smile so James wouldn't worry,

she knew all the weight he carried on his shoulders. She just wanted to

get a little revenge for James' teasing comment.

"Once it's all over, you'll only pay attention to me," Gwen added with a

smile, imagining married life with James without needing to worry about

crazy wizards who want to overthrow the current government and

impose a regime of terror.

"It's a deal," James said with a slight smile.

"By the way, what are your plans today? My father wants to talk to you,

he seems to be serious," Gwen said as she walked beside James through

the halls of Potter Manor.

"After breakfast, I have a meeting with my master," James replied, by

master, he meant Moody, the most famous auror.

James became his student after making the deal with the minister and

getting Eustace. Moody like most wizards in the British magical

community was amazed by James' abilities. He defeated a death eater

and three dark wizards and then captured the last one who escaped. How

could a thirteen-year-old boy be so powerful?

Moody was able to answer this conundrum after James became his

apprentice at his request. James was happy that such an experienced

auror wanted to teach him. What he was missing most would be actual

combat experience.

James didn't hide his telekinesis or wandless magic. Moody was

dumbfounded when he saw such an ability. After Moody's year-long

training was over, the magical world learned about James' wandless

magic skills as he participated in real skirmishes against the death eaters

and the cannon fodder followers they lead.

James' magical abilities after a year of training with Moody increased

exponentially. He controlled wandless magic, non-verbal magic, and

conjuration. His weak point would be his magical power coming from his

wand compared to death eaters and adult wizards, but with his wandless

magic and conjuration, he outperformed most adult wizards with no


His name quickly echoed throughout the magical community. Death

Eaters and Voldemort's followers also knew and feared him. The teenager

is capable of defeating dark wizards left and right. Though so far he had

faced few Death Eaters with any real power like the Death Eater of the

sunken vault.

Most were cannon fodder that Voldemort and the death eaters used for

their attacks. However, the current James was not afraid to take on the

followers of Voldemort's inner circle. He had not used all of his current

strength in these skirmishes.

"After the meeting with my master, I have order training. After that, I can

talk to your father," James said, and Gwen arranged the details.

When they reached the dining room several people were sitting eating at

the large circular table. Sirius, Toby, Lupin, Emily, Lily, Frank

Longbottom, Alice, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Penny (the girl who

saved James from the troll several years ago), William Turner (former

Gryffindor quidditch captain), Annabeth (former Gryffindor team chaser)

and Erika (former dragon club leader).

"Leader we've been waiting for you! I hope you have a great and

beautiful morning," said Gideon and Fabian, quickly getting up from their

chairs and standing up like soldiers.

The others at the table laughed at the Brothers' silliness.

"It's rare for the recruits to eat before the leader," said James with a

disapproving look.

"Oh, our mistake. Will you forgive us, great leader?" said Gideon, holding

a hand to his head.

"I'll let it slide this time," said James with a slight smile, sitting down in a

chair. Gwen sat next to him with a smile. It's good that James surrounds

himself with enthusiastic and cheerful people.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Lupin, and James nodded.

"What will our training be today?" asked Toby his face was much more

serious than it had been two years ago. His innocence was gone. Before

he always had a fearful aura similar to Peter, but there was no trace of it.

Toby had shaved his hair like a military man. He'd lost weight and had

gotten a big teenage growth spurt in the last two-plus years. He even

surpassed James in height by a few inches. He was bigger than William, a

person who played guardian.

Everyone looked at James expectantly. Although many were bigger than

him they all respected him and followed his training treating him as a

leader, after all, he created the order and invited them to join.

James knew about a secret order called the Order of the Phoenix.

Founded by Albus Dumbledore himself to oppose Voldemort and his

Death Eaters. As far as James knows the order was created in the early

70's when the first Death Eater attacks were already taking place.

James as a student of Moody and fighting Death Eaters knows about the

Order as it works in conjunction with the Ministry. The Order was

carrying out more secret and sudden attacks aimed at crushing the Dark


All the parents of those gathered at this table were members of the Order.

It didn't matter if they were Aurors or not. As long as they were adults

who wanted to stop the Dark Rebellion they could join.

However, the Order did not allow the inclusion of teenagers, with

exceptions such as James, who is a case apart. The parents of the Order

do not want their children to fight in deadly skirmishes. As much as their

children are young adults like William, Erika, etc. They were still

studying their careers, they didn't want to expose them to such danger.

James believed this was misguided. Death Eaters use youngsters and

teenagers in their ranks. Even half-bloods and muggle-borns who hide

their identities. For they prefer to win the war first and then dedicate

themselves to making sure there are only purebloods left.

So James created his order and trained the members of this order. The

people here were not the only ones. Later his Potter cousins, Severus, and

Xeno, among other familiar friends and trusted companions would arrive.

"Our training today will be a pitched battle between two sides," James

replied, pouring himself some tea.

"Are we still training? When will we fight on a real battlefield?" asked

Sirius with a frown and raised his tone of voice. Everyone turned to look

at him.

Sirius had gone through a change as well. He was taller and lankier than

before. Not as tall as James or Toby, but not short. His black hair,

distinctive of House Black, was slicked back and long.

His once carefree and joking personality was gone from his scowling face.

James saw Sirius's scowl from the moment he sat down in the dining

room, not even laughing at Gideon and Fabian's jokes.

"It's not time yet," James replied calmly. He was already used to the

Sirius in front of him.

Like him, Sirius felt a great deal of guilt over Peter's death. He was

always telling him he was a coward and to be braver.

"And when will it be? I thought you created this order for us to take on

the bloody Death Eaters. You sound just like the adults who just want us

to train," Sirius said impatiently. He was already getting tired of training.

His friend could fight and take out his stress thanks to accompanying

Moody, but not him.

"In a week you'll get the action you want. I only ask that you wait

patiently and train," James said.

His Order would have its first official mission shortly. He just needed to

get the accurate information so he could plan his attack perfectly.

"It had better be," Sirius said, getting up grumpily and leaving the dining


Toby was about to get up to go talk to Sirius, but a delicate white hand

stopped him.

"I'll go," Emily said, getting up from her chair and walking quietly over to

where Sirius was headed.

"Those two have been very clingy lately," Fabian said with a slight smile

to lighten the mood a bit.

The group continued to eat breakfast, chatting until James had to go to

meet with Moody. Then it was order training, and after finishing that,

James headed to a house not far from Potter Manor. Where his

girlfriend's parents were currently staying.

Chapter 201: The perfect spy

In front of James was his father-in-law Marcellus, or rather future father-

in-law, since he is not yet married to Gwen.

Marcellus is a middle-aged man, with short straight black hair, and no

beard, and he wears an elegant black robe.

He watched James sitting across from him with a calm look on his face as

he sipped an expensive tea. It was the third tea he had drunk that day.

Marcellus was very happy with his daughter's choice. Her future husband

could not have been a better candidate than James. The boy in front of

him had countless accomplishments not only in study or magical prowess

but also in actual combat and real-world politics. Unheard of to see.

He managed to get a significant part of House Black to support the

ministry, to get him and his Shafiq family back on the side of good, to get

the Princes reborn with a promising new heir, and also to support the

ministry's side.

Besides, as a wizard with experience in political matters, he knew that

James was hiding more than he was showing.

"What is the reason for your call, Lord Shafiq?" asked James, in a cordial


"You can tell me, Marcellus. We will be family," Marcellus said, and

James nodded.

He had already observed that Marcellus and Lysandra had joined the

Death Eaters because they had no other choice. If they knock on your

door and you refuse you are in great danger. A mortal danger, and in

their house was their daughter. They didn't want to risk putting her in


Besides, James thanks to his Legilimency confirmed that they were on

their side and did not share the extreme ideals of the Death Eaters. They

were supremacists, but they were content with the current status quo.

They didn't want a slaughter of Muggleborn and half-bloods. They

thought it was too extreme.

James' Legilimency improved by leaps and bounds thanks to the mind-

enhancing potion created by Dai Ryusaki. He is now able to perform the

said art non-verbally and without a wand. Few people know this

information that would turn the world upside down.

His mind is also connected to his telekinesis and was always powerful, so

James believes he already had a predilection for the art of legitimacy. He

can detect if people are lying and delve into their thoughts, emotions,

and memories. It is much easier to perform Legilimency if the eyes of the

target and the practitioners meet.

The Mental Potency Potion lived up to its name. It was super powerful

allowing James to advance as never before in Legilimency adding to his

talent, he was able to achieve a level of advancement in only two and a

half years if you count the time when he found the potion and took it. It

didn't take him long to take the first dose when Peter died.

"I need your help," Marcellus replied, interlocking the fingers of his


"What could the patriarch of the Shafiq family possibly need from a

teenager?" asked James.

"A not at all normal teenager, Lord Potter. Despite your age, your title is

not just for show. The Potter family is booming both economically and

politically thanks to you," said Marcellus with a slight smile.

"Mm. What help do you need? As my girlfriend's father, I will do what I

can to help you," James said without feeling complimented.

"I want to move out. As soon as possible," Marcellus replied.

"Move? Where to?" asked James with a raised eyebrow.

"To your mansion," Marcellus replied.

"I suppose you fear reprisals from Voldemort and his Death Eaters for

turning in two of his important followers," James said, and Marcellus

blanched at the name Voldemort.

"Yes... You must understand that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named always

operates in the utmost secrecy. We never knew the names of each of our

companions. Only He knew exactly who we all were. I was able to give

you two names because I was a close friend of the patriarch Nott and

Bulstrode. Otherwise, I would never have information to blame them for

their crimes," Marcellus said with a shadowed expression.

"I know. That's why it's so hard to catch him and his followers," James

said with a slight grimace. His enemy acted from the shadows, attacking

at night and wearing masks. Even the Death Eaters didn't know the

identities of their companions.

"The problem is that my alibi of having been caught by the ministry will

fall sooner or later, and He will not stand still when He knows that I

betrayed Him and because of me the Nott and Bulstrode have fallen,"

Marcellus said. With his wife, they were in hiding, but the world thought

they were criminals locked up. The ministry acted this way so as not to

tell Voldemort that the Shafiqs were traitors and thus put them in danger.

"How are you so sure he will know you are a traitor? This house is very

well hidden and to the public you were imprisoned," James said.

"His ears reach far and wide. I'm sure many of his loyal followers hold

important positions in British magical society. It is a matter of time

before he learns the truth and my whereabouts," Marcellus replied.

"Good. I will arrange things today so that Eugene will know about this,

and you can move in as soon as possible. At Potter Manor, there is an

abandoned house that we previously used as a secondary home. It's just a

few yards from the main manor, so it has the protections," James said.

Anyway, in a few days, the criminals caught as Death Eaters or dark

wizards who aided the rebellion will be stripped of their magic and sent

to Muggle prisons. Everyone will know that, as it will be made public.

The Shafiqs would be absent as they are not criminals, and at that point,

Voldemort would realize the treachery, so they should move now.

Marcellus was very happy about the news. He will be able to sleep in

peace, without the fear of the Dark Lord visiting him with his infamous

followers that he betrayed. He will be able to sleep in the safest mansion

in the British community today.

Before James' words with Sirius could be fulfilled, great news hit the

whole British community. All the newspapers published it.

Several Azkaban prisoners were transferred to Muggle prisons. The

minister held a conference where she explained the reason for these

actions, leaving the entire magical community shocked. The wizards in

Azkaban were stripped of their magical gifts and turned into squibs.

Such an action required several approvals in the Wizengamot, but with

the power of the Minister and the support of her supporters, it was

possible. Even Albus Dumbledore himself was in favor of turning

criminals into squibs. They were criminals who deserved the Dementor's

kiss, they had no salvation. Dumbledore believed they might even find

redemption by living among Muggles and understanding their culture.

James was the executioner who turned the prisoners into Squibs. It was

easy, as they were in vulnerable conditions having been in Azkaban for a

long time. Among them was Anastasia's father: Andrew Nott. A Death

Eater who possessed a great position. Unfortunately, they were unable to

get information from his mouth despite the Aurors' interrogations.

The Nott family which included Anastasia, her mother, and her

grandfather (the writer of the Sacred Twenty-Eight), were under heavy

surveillance. They had no crimes to their credit, but that did not make

them guilt-free.

Eustace was also one of the wizards sent to Muggle prisons. James after

destroying their magical veins erased the memory with the help of the

Aurors of the criminals of that specific time.

They know that Muggle prisons will be attacked to rescue these

criminals, it will be much easier to attack these prisons for the Death

Eaters, but once they see that the Ministry's words are real, it is certain

that they will abandon their fellow squibs. Voldemort will do the same,

as he will consider them useless, worse than cannon fodder.

Two days after that shocking news, James got the information he had

hoped for. It was about Regulus Black. The youngest son of the Blacks,

although he would now be considered the next heir since Sirius had been

eliminated from the family tree.

Since Peter's murder at the hands of supremacists, Sirius couldn't stand

another second of being with his parents, who said that what Voldemort

was doing was right. He had a big fight and left home. Going to live with

James at Potter Manor.

Regulus is the perfect heir. His ideals are optimal for his family and for

the Death Eaters, who were quick to contact the next heir to the ancient

and noble house.

James started with the plan to set Regulus up as a spy, he had already

begun with the preparations shortly before Peter is killed in the final


He had secretly trained Regulus in Occlumency, among other magics that

would be very useful for a spy. Luckily, Regulus had made a strong bond

with the group, and his relationship with his older brother was also good.

He had changed his extremist mentality, even if he would never have

gone as far as the crazies who murdered left and right.

On the other hand, James presented Regulus with the ring of Mneme.

This ring gave Regulus the ability to protect his mind, and with his

Occlumency, he was more protected, and it would be very difficult for

him to be discovered as a spy, as well as his identity.

That was not the only function of the ring, it also allowed the wearer to

project thoughts. A kind of telepathy. The method of communication that

James needed so badly. With the ring's telepathy, Regulus could relay

information to James without running the risk of being caught. However,

thought projection had a range.

While Regulus infiltrated the supremacist student groups that worshipped

Death Eaters, James studied the ancient runes just like the one on the

ring that Ryusaki created. Focusing on thought projection. His goal was

to create a greater range to send messages, but for that, he needed to

have a receiver so to speak.

The recipient he created was another ring. After more than a year of trial

and error, he succeeded with the help of Snape and Gwen who were also

interested in ancient runes.

They created a ring with the function of projecting thoughts and being a

receiver. Like a long-distance call, but between rings. In this way, James

and Regulus can communicate through their minds being at great

distances. Achieving a perfect method of communication, although the

distances could still be further improved.

The creation of the second ring was thanks to the union of three genius

brains (James, Snape, and Gwen) and Dai's books that explained

everything very well.

After infiltrating as another supremacist and with his noble surname,

Regulus got the Dark Mark. He could not arouse suspicion and finally got

important information that he sent to James.

The Bones family will be attacked. The Bones is a family of wizards with

both magical and Muggle heritage. They are a prominent family with

strong connections to the Ministry of Magic. From what Regulus told him

that was brief, the Death Eaters would make a major attack, as the Bones

refused to join their cause.

This made James hesitate. The order's first mission couldn't be to take on

too many Death Eaters, it would be too dangerous. The fate of an

important family was at stake.

He knew it was a great opportunity where they could catch many

important Death Eaters. He needed Moody's help and a few more reliable

Aurors, perhaps members of the Order of the Phoenix, but not to be

conspicuous and raise suspicions of the Death Eaters. He had to plan his

moves well. This attack could tip the balance in his favor.

The decision to place Regulus as a spy years ago was the best decision he

could have made.

Chapter 202: Important victory

The light from the crescent was blocked by the large dark clouds that

covered the summer night. James looked at his watch. It was only eight

minutes to midnight.

At his side were his fellow Order members, his teacher, and trusted

Aurors who had been put on this most important mission. To catch the

Death Eaters who would attack the Bones family.

A few meters away was the Bones' mansion. No member of this family

knew what was about to happen. James, Moody, and the higher-ups who

knew about this like Dumbledore believed it best to keep this matter an

absolute secret. They had to move with as small a group as possible

without arousing suspicion.

James as the person who got this information will get great credit if it

turns out to be true and the mission is successful. In return, he asked that

his colleagues/friends be allowed to participate in the mission. He

selected the best members of his order - Sirius, Lupin, Gwen, Toby, the

Prewett brothers, Frank, Erika, and William. Although his marauder

friends were underage, their experiences made them more experienced

than several students older than them. They were able to beat William, a

young adult in his twenties.

The Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix participating in this

mission were: Moody, Benjy Fenwick (experienced Auror), Caradoc

Dearborn, Kingsley Shacklebolt (powerful Auror), Fleamont and Richard

Potter (member of the Order of the Phoenix), and finally Ignatius

Prewett, Gideon and Fabian's uncle.

A total of seventeen wizards counting everyone including James. Regulus

told him that it would be an attack led by Voldemort's inner circle Death

Eaters, and young men who had the Dark Mark. So it would be an

evenly-matched battle.

"On the move," Moody said, leading the large group. The group moved

with great professionalism through the forest in the direction of Bones

Manor which within minutes of walking could be seen.


Inside the Bones mansion, a less than pleasant meeting was taking place

for the householders.

Jason Bones, patriarch of the family, was facing more than ten hooded

people with masks covering their faces. There were also about five

hooded people but without masks. They were most likely scavengers.

Wizards who did not have the privilege of bearing the Dark Mark, and

were just cannon fodder.

Behind Jason stood his wife Amanda, his daughter Amelia, who had

already graduated from Hogwarts, his eldest son Roger, and his youngest

son Edgar, who was in his sixth year at Hogwarts. They looked at the

Death Eaters with frightened and pale faces.

"Get the hell out of my house! The Bones will not get involved in the

war!" shouted Jason angrily.

"Jason, I'm amazed at how stupid you are. You turn us down and think

you will get away with said offense unscathed. This is what happens

when you reject our Dark Lord," said the Death Eater with an air of


"The rest of Bones will not stand still for this offense. They are aware of

your rejection of them. They will turn them against you," Jason said, but

the Death Eater only laughed coldly.

"Do you think they are safe? Your brothers also have a visitor at the

moment," the Death Eater said with a smirk behind his mask. Jason's face

paled at this. If that was true and they attacked all three branches it

could be the end of the family.

'Will they attack the other branches of the Bones?' thought Regulus with

a grimace. He did not know of this information. They were very careful

with their movements Death Eaters, even among members with the Dark

Mark. He knew of this attack, as he was told he would be a part of it.

"No. There is no turning back now," the Death Eater said before Jason

could speak, "Your mind is made up, and the Dark Lord does not change

his mind and does not want allies with weak determinations,"

He then waved his hand for everyone to attack. "Run, children! We will

stop them," Jason exclaimed, and Amanda his wife took a step forward

covering their children.

They were able to cover themselves with a few spells, but they were

outnumbered. A flash of green flashed at Jason, who blanched at the

sight of imminent death.

Just then one of the tall glass windows was shattered, and a silver shield

flew in at incredible speed. The shield managed at the last moment to

cover Jason. The killing curse hit the shield, destroying it and causing an


Jason flew backward wounded by the explosion, but he survived. He only

coughed up a little blood and stood up quickly, looking towards the

window where a black-robed figure appeared.

More figures began to enter through the different windows of the

mansion, "Sorry about this, Jason. I suppose the Bones will have money

to fix them," said Moody, entering the mansion and at the same time

casting a spell that defeated a Death Eater who wanted to assassinate one

of the Bones' sons.

The Death Eater had no time to defend himself from Moody's surprise

attack. None of the Death Eaters expected to be surrounded by a large

group of people, many of these well-known and reputable Aurors.

'Moody?' thought the Death Eater in surprise.

"Capture them all! Don't let a single one escape!" shouted Moody, and the

siege began. The Death Eaters were caught off guard by the sudden

surprise attack. The numbers were even at first, but James' group

instantly got the upper hand thanks to the surprise attack, outnumbering


Jason, Amanda, and even their children joined the attack. The Bones

children were not spoiled brats. They were talented and of an age to fight

if necessary. The morphs and scavengers found themselves in a confused

state of chaos. Their defeat was imminent.

James stood on the sidelines conjuring silver shields and casting them as

protection against unforgivable curses. If the opportunity presented itself

he would attack at an opportune moment helping his companions to


'The way to counter these curses is clear,' James thought with a different

gleam in his eye. Physical objects were the key. All he needed was for

them not to explode after being hit by the curse. He needed a curse-

resistant object that could still be used and would be offensive as well as


That's his next project, which was already underway. To get a sword

capable of defending against unforgivable curses, and that would not be

destroyed after protecting him from a single curse.

"Damn brat, stop conjuring those pesky shields!" cursed a scavenger

confronting James.

James fixed his gaze on the scavenger. He recognized that he was not

part of the Death Eaters as he was not wearing their signature mask.

James raised his hand towards the scavenger, who felt himself being

imprisoned by an invisible force.

'Holy shit, is that damn kid magic without a wand?' thought the

scavenger with sweat on his forehead.

From one second to the next, he went flying until he crashed into the

large stairs creating a huge commotion. He spat blood, felt several broken

bones, and lost consciousness.

The dark wizards saw this and turned pale. They already knew who the

black-hooded wizard was conjuring shields to protect his allies.

'That's why shields are so fast and accurate,' thought the Death Eater who

spoke to Jason earlier.

James had to create a bit of a stir so Regulus could escape. He knew the

details of his mask. They couldn't catch their spy. He must go back and

keep sending them information. Moody and the others knew this, so they

were already prepared for two or three Death Eaters to escape. Better to

have one spy than to capture them all.

In the end, they let four Death Eaters, one of them Regulus, escape. This

way Regulus could save himself from suspicion James doesn't think he

has, as his infiltration is almost perfect and would be very hard to detect

even for Voldemort himself.

"Let's see who's hiding under this mask," Moody said good-naturedly. No

one was killed, and there were no serious injuries either. It had been a

long time or rather since the war began in 1970 since they had such a

victory in their favor.

Moody removed the mask from the lead Death Eater, who spoke to Jason.

A hard face with eyes filled with coldness and hatred looked up at the


"Oh, look who we have here. Patriarch Rosier... I never thought someone

of his caliber would join such a brutal rebellion," Moody said, hiding his


The Rosiers were a powerful family. One of the most powerful pureblood

families. It was worrying that Rosier I had joined them. That means the

entire Rosier family must be involved with Voldemort and the Death


The Rosier patriarch is a man in his late fifties. His years of experience

show on his weathered face. A powerful wizard. He was subdued by

Moody, Fleamont, and Shacklebolt.

"Moody..." growled Rosier, grinding his teeth. How did they know about

this attack? The only useless people they brought in were the scavengers

and they brought them in at the last minute. They shouldn't have had

time to inform the ministry if there was a mole.

The morphs were unmasked one by one. All members of pureblood

families. Mostly prominent or upper-middle-class families.

'This is worrying...' thought Moody. There were more pureblood families

with Death Eaters than he thought. Though his side wasn't too bad either.

They had the Potters, the Prewetts, the Princes, part of the Blacks, the

Shafiqs, the Weasleys, the Moodys, the Shacklebolts, the Longbottoms,

and several others. Now also the Bones, who would no longer be neutral.

James looked at a teenager his age. Mark Selwyn. With his hand, he

floated Mark into the air and approached the center of the room.

"What's going on?" asked Mark nervously as he was carried against his

will. Everyone looked his way. James walked over becoming the center

of attention.

"Hey, Mark. Long time, though not long. I never thought a respectable

fellow Hogwarts student would be a terrorist," said James with a

dangerous gleam in his eye. Mark was one of the people who entered his

dormitory, finding the information and passing it on to the dark wizards.

"Potter... What are you doing?" asked Mark with a slight tremor in his


"I'm asking for a fair trial!" exclaimed Mark nervously as he saw James

pull out his wand and look at him with dangerous eyes.

Moody and the others let him act. Fleamont, his father, looked at him

with some concern, but he already knew that his son had matured before

his time, much to his bad luck.

"A fair trial?" repeated James, chuckling under his breath and shaking his

head, "You think you can join a revolutionary movement and try to

murder an entire family and get a fair trial? You stood up to the system

and failed. It's time to put you in your place so that next time you won't

try, even though there won't be a next time..." said James. He had the

magic minister on his side.

"Venatrum Exuro," exclaimed James, and a silver flash shot out of his

wand towards Mark, who could not escape it because he was pinned


The flash hit Mark, who screamed in pain for several seconds. He then

fell to the ground, panting and with sweat on his forehead.

Most people didn't understand what James was doing. Did he want to

torture him? Only Moody and a few other people on James' side


James with a little sweat on his forehead threw Mark's wand at him,

"Take it," he said in a cold tone.

Mark looked at his wand with a question mark on his face. It would be

useless to try to escape, he was surrounded by Aurors and James.

"If you manage to disarm me, we will let you go. I won't use my magic

without a wand. Right, master?" said James, looking at Moody, who

nodded idly, watching the spectacle.

Mark, with no other choice, took the wand and quickly acted when he

saw that James wasn't pointing his wand at him.

"Expelliarmus!" he shouted with great intent waving his wand as fast as

he could.


The room fell into stony silence. The Death Eaters looked at Mark's wand

blankly. Mark himself was the most confused of all. He shouted again a

spell for nothing came out of his wand.

"What's wrong...?" he muttered with fear in his voice.

"The news is true..." said Rosier I, in an incredulous tone. His voice was

heard by everyone in the room.

A news that shocked the magical community a few days ago came to

everyone. Criminal wizards turned into squibs. A spell capable of taking

away the miracle of magic. Did such a terrifying spell exist? The craziest

of all was that James Potter a teenager had cast it.

Mark tried desperately to cast a spell, but it was useless. It seemed that

for every second, he was losing a little bit. For a supremacist to have no

magic was the worst fate in the world.

James smiled coldly and said, "This is what will happen to all of you.

Unless you give us valuable information,"

All the Death Eaters and scavengers blanched at James' words. Within

minutes more Ministry wizards arrived to take the Death Eaters away.

Jason Bones was very grateful, saying he would help to the best of his

ability to the Ministry.

That night, they caught many important Death Eaters and gained the

support of a powerful and wealthy family. The other two branches of the

Bones were attacked by the Death Eaters, few were spared, but the main

branch lived without loss.

Chapter 203: Horcrux

What James had planned happened. The spell that turns wizards into

Squibs was accepted by everyone in the magical community. A great

deterrent weapon in these turbulent times.

The scavengers who were joining the Death Eaters or other wizards out

of fear stopped joining their ranks. The fear of losing your magic forever

was far greater.

On the other hand, the information they obtained from Rosier I was of

great help. The middle-aged man revealed everything he knew. His worst

nightmare is to become a Squib, lose his magic, and turn into a Muggle.

He would rather betray the Dark Lord than face that.

Rosier I, told them about the true identity of Lord Voldemort. His real

name is Tom Riddle, a student who attended Hogwarts in the 1940s. Tom

was the most talented student and a member of the Slytherin House.

Rosier I was a companion of Tom's, joining his gang in which only

Slytherin members of noble birth and great talent were accepted.

According to Rosier, this gang was the precursor to the Death Eaters. As

one of its members who had followed him since their school days, he

continued to follow him as an adult when Tom returned after a journey

that lasted for years.

The most important thing about this is that they got names. Rosier I is

from Voldemort's school days. He knew more information than any Death

Eater despite the secrecy Voldemort maintained in his operations.

To avoid losing his magic, Rosier I told them about the members of Tom

Riddle's gang who were the original Death Eaters. They are: Avery I, Ivar

Lestrange, Mulciber I, and the already imprisoned Andrew Nott, father of


As for the Death Eaters of the newer generations, he had no idea, as the

Dark Lord kept everyone hidden, only he knew the identities of all.

However, they had very important information. These people were the

pillars of the Death Eaters, the first ones. It is also certain that their

families are involved in the dark rebellion.

Days passed, and more Death Eaters fell at the hands of the Aurors and

the Ministry's forces. The balance was starting to tip in their favor.

All of this made people begin to trust the Ministry again, seeing that they

could fight the rebellion effectively without resorting to the brutality

used by the Death Eaters.

James was happy to solve one of the problems that worried him the

most. That problem was that Muggle-borns and half-bloods would join

the Death Eaters, whether out of fear or a thirst for power. Many wizards

showed supremacist tendencies, and they didn't even belong to pure-

blood families.

This caused the Death Eaters to have these wizards in their ranks, which

made the Aurors vastly outnumbered, but thanks to the spell that turns

you into a Squib and the Ministry's successful skirmishes, wizards stopped

joining them and sided with the good.

James' order began to gain popularity due to its continuous successes.

The members gained more and more experience, eventually matching the

professional Aurors. Wars create strong men and women.

In the following days, James focused on creating a powerful sword. He

sensed that the end of the war was near. The Death Eaters were

increasingly cornered. They had made a mistake by making their circle so

closed and exclusive. The Muggle-borns and half-bloods, scavengers, etc.,

whom they had once despised, now tipped the scales against them since

they were no longer afraid of them.

Even many pure-blood families that had been tempted to join the Death

Eaters put those thoughts aside, as they didn't want to lose their magic.

This new curse terrified many supremacists.

James paid a lot of money to an expert goblin blacksmith to create a

sword of great hardness. The forging process lasted several days, and it

was forged in pure silver. The hilt was decorated with red and yellow


Once the magical sword was in his hands, James began perfecting it,

creating a sword capable of resisting Unforgivable Curses and cutting

through them.

During this time, he conducted many experiments by inscribing ancient

runes on regular swords. He felt ready.

Along the silver blade, he engraved ancient runes, infusing the magical

sword with even more powers than it already had. He reinforced the

sword's durability, which was already one of the best. He didn't know

exactly how durable it was now, but it had to be nearly indestructible. He

then added the ability to cut through spells. He had seen these runes

countless times on the weapons of Dai Ryusaki. He tried to make it more

complex, to increase its power. Only time would tell if his invention was

successful or not.

'It's ready,' James thought with a cold smile, looking at the sword that


Objects struck by Unforgivable Curses typically explode, but that would

not be the case for this sword. What expression would Voldemort have

when his signature killing curse is cut through by a sword, and then that

sword is plunged into him?

It was well known that Voldemort was a skilled caster of the killing

curse. His record held many murders with this Unforgivable Curse.

"It will be my trump card," James thought, as he sheathed the sword in a

simple, entirely black scabbard.


James received a message in his mind—a thought projection, to be exact.

The signal was weak, but he knew who it was from.

He approached a window and opened it. Then, his body began to tremble

until he transformed into a peregrine falcon. He took off in less than a

second, flying at great speed toward a forest located several kilometers

from Potter Manor, where the signal was stronger.

The rings were still not perfect for messaging. The distance between

James and Regulus exceeded a hundred kilometers.

Finally, he perched on a large branch of a tall tree and returned to his

human form. Sitting on the tree, he sent a telepathic message to Regulus,

"What's going on? I've got a signal now."

"This is serious, James..." Regulus said. His voice had changed a bit over

the years. It was deeper than before.

Without wasting time, Regulus began to tell James his new report.

Voldemort had asked Regulus for the use of his house elf, Kreacher. He

agreed as he didn't have much choice when the leader of the organization

asked you for a favor. If he refused, he could put himself in danger, as

Voldemort did not fear the Blacks. He only wanted to use them for his

purposes, and his hand wouldn't tremble if he needed to kill them.

Voldemort took the elf to a cave and forced him to drink a potion of

emerald green color. The potion caused Kreacher to experience delusions,

nightmares, intense stomach pains, and dehydration. What Kreacher saw

at the bottom of the basin containing the potion was a locket. He only

managed a glance before collapsing on the ground, weak and in great


Then, Voldemort left the cave, abandoning the house-elf to die. Thanks to

his special type of magic, Kreacher was able to vanish from the cave and

follow Regulus' orders to return home once his task was completed.

Regulus gave him plenty of water to drink until he was satisfied.

Regulus was furious about the way Voldemort had treated his elf, but

something didn't quite add up. Why had he taken him to a cave on foot,

forcing him to drink a potion that nearly killed him? His elf had only

escaped thanks to his magic, so it was likely that the cave was protected

against apparition and disapparition. That was the conclusion Regulus

reached, as Kreacher told him they had walked to the cave.

Regulus began to think about Voldemort's motives behind these actions.

It wasn't hard to realize that Voldemort wanted to test the effects of that

horrendous potion. And why did he use the anti-disapparition and anti-

apparition protections? There was only one answer—he was trying to

protect the locket.

During his meetings as a Death Eater, while sitting at the same table as

Voldemort, Regulus recalled some of Voldemort's remarks about

immortality and very dark magic.

All of this made him think that Voldemort had made a Horcrux. That's

the object he wanted to protect. The locket is a Horcrux.

A Horcrux is an object in which a wizard has hidden a fragment of their

soul to become immortal. As long as the object remained intact, so did

the soul fragment within, keeping the creator tethered to the living

world, even if their body suffered fatal damage. The Horcrux was

considered by far the most dreadful of all Dark Magic. Regulus knew

about this, as Dark Magic was one of his areas of interest, and he had

books in his library with hundreds of years of history.

James also knew a bit about Horcruxes. He was very shocked at how mad

Voldemort was for creating such a cursed object. They could only be

made after committing a murder.

Since Horcruxes were extremely valuable to those who made them,

protective measures were usually taken to prevent them from being

stolen or destroyed.

Regulus was 99% sure that what the Dark Lord wanted to protect was a

Horcrux. If that were true, it would be terrible news for them, as the

fiend could return even after being killed and attempt another rebellion.

Chapter 204: Hellish cave

James had an important secret mission to carry out: to visit the cave

where Voldemort had taken Kreacher and destroy the Horcrux. Before his

journey, James bought a locket to exchange with the cup after drinking

the potion. One night, Kreacher appeared at Potter Manor. This

expedition would be carried out only by him and the house elf. It was

dangerous for Regulus to move, although he was not under suspicion.

The journey to the cave took several hours. James needed the elf's

guidance. They entered the dark cave, with Kreacher leading the way.

Like in the sunken vault, they had to dive through icy waters to reach the

other side, where they found a door that required a blood sacrifice, a

payment for weakness, to open.

James made a small cut on his index finger, and the door opened when

his blood made contact with the surface. Unlike the sunken vault, behind

the door in the very cave was a large black lake, so large that James

couldn't see the distant shores. The ceiling of the cavern was very high,

out of sight.

A greenish, misty light glowed in the distance, seemingly at the center of

the lake; it reflected off the perfectly still water below. That was where

the Horcrux, or whatever Voldemort wanted to protect, was located.

To reach it, they needed to find the invisible boat that Voldemort had

used with Kreacher the last time. The elf had seen everything, so he knew

there was an invisible boat.

With this information, James only needed a few minutes to locate the

boat. From the depths of the black water emerged the ghostly bow of a

small boat, breaking the surface. The boat floated with barely a ripple.

James and Kreacher climbed into the boat, which began to navigate on

its own toward the small island in the center of the lake. The darkness

was somehow denser than normal darkness. James used his wand as a

lantern, but it barely illuminated anything.

'There must be something under the water,' James thought, gazing at the

calm, black water.

The potion Kreacher drank made him incredibly thirsty. Voldemort had

left, thinking the elf would die, but the potion Kreacher consumed was

not fatal. So why did Voldemort leave him alive? It was likely that a

normal person would have drunk water from the lake, triggering the

other protection Voldemort had placed on the cave to kill explorers.

What the Dark Lord didn't know was that house elves could Disappear

regardless of Anti-Disapparation spells. Since Kreacher had fulfilled the

mission given by Regulus to follow Voldemort's orders, he immediately

returned to his master without drinking any of the lake water. This

decision likely saved his life.

"What now?" Kreacher asked, looking at James warily. He didn't want to

be forced to drink the potion that left him in a state of pain, desperation,

and many other unpleasant things he didn't dare describe.

"You said it caused you immense dehydration, right?" James asked

without directly answering.

"Yes. I drank more than ten liters of water thanks to the kindness of

Master Regulus," Kreacher replied.

"Hmm, so the purpose of this potion isn't to kill you directly. It's obvious

that Voldemort wants you to drink the lake water," James thought,

looking at the lake that radiated a very powerful dark energy.

Having already experienced the vaults with their cursed cores, he could

tell that this lake emitted a strong dark energy.

James tried to summon water with his wand, but the water disappeared

the instant it appeared. He then took out a glass bottle of cold water from

his ring. He uncorked the bottle and drank the water.

'This muggle method works,' James thought with a slight smile.

"Take the fake locket. Once you've completely consumed the potion, take

the locket and switch it for this one," James said, handing a golden locket

to Kreacher.

They would swap the lockets in case Voldemort had set up some security

measure to alert him if the locket was missing at the end of the basin.

After handing the locket to Kreacher, James looked at what appeared to

be a lamp from some tipi but was a stone basin placed on a pedestal.

He approached the basin and looked down. The basin was filled with an

emerald liquid that emitted a phosphorescent glow.

'A potion that will make me experience unbearable pain, relive my worst

moments, and dehydrate me almost to death,' James thought, and after a

few seconds of mental preparation, he began drinking the emerald liquid.

Within a few breaths, James began to feel the effects of the potion. For a

moment, he looked up and saw Peter with a lifeless expression, shouting

things at him. He gritted his teeth and continued drinking. As for the

physical pain, it was the mildest for him. He had experienced true death;

his will was strong.

The hallucinations were the hardest part, but he managed to overcome

them. He had experienced Dai Ryusaki's curse. He was used to it, though

it was not something he was proud of.

After finishing the liquid, James collapsed onto his sitting, feeling

immense pain in his stomach and an enormous thirst. He quickly reached

for the glass bottles of water he had taken out earlier and began drinking.

Fortunately, the muggle method worked.

Kreacher had already taken care of swapping the lockets. In his wrinkled

hand, he held the locket Voldemort so desperately wanted to protect.

James needed several minutes to stop experiencing hallucinations and

severe pain that prevented him from standing. He then took out several

potions to recover from the physical and mental fatigue.

When James had recovered, Kreacher handed him the locket.

The locket was made of solid gold with a serpentine S embedded in a

bright green stone on the front. 'The dark energy emanating from it is

incredible…' James thought with a frown. There was no doubt it was a

Horcrux. The locket appeared to be a significant relic. The S might

belong to Slytherin, but James cared little about the history of the jewel.

It needed to be destroyed.

Regulus had researched what could destroy a Horcrux. The options were

few. Only two:

The first option: The venom of a basilisk, the most fearsome and deadly

creature in the magical world.

The second option: is Fiendfyre, the Cursed Fire. A deadly curse that

produces enormous enchanted flames of immense size and heat capable

of destroying anything in its path. It is an extremely volatile and sensitive

cursed fire.

"Kreacher, return to Regulus. You've completed your mission. Well done,"

James said, looking at the locket. Kreacher respectfully said his goodbyes

and, in the blink of an eye, disappeared.

James boarded the boat and crossed the lake once more, this time alone.

He left the boat where it was, and as if by magic, it submerged into the


James moved as far away from the lake as he could and placed the

Horcrux on the ground. He stepped back about ten meters and drew his


'I can't destroy the cave, or Voldemort will find out that Regulus is a spy,'

James thought, taking a deep breath and preparing to cast the Fiendfyre


This curse wasn't as difficult as Protego Diabolica; what was truly

challenging was controlling the cursed fire, which could easily turn the

caster into ashes if not managed properly.

"Pestis Incendium!" James shouted, making a sweeping motion with his


A powerful jet of infernal fire shot from his wand, quickly forming into

large, living creatures. Fiendfyre took the shape of serpents, dragons, and

chimeras that twisted and writhed in the air, seeking to consume

everything in their path. Fortunately, the cave was large, and its ceiling

was out of sight, or James might have caused the cave to collapse in a

matter of seconds.

The cursed fire didn't seem to want to head toward the direction of the

Horcrux. James, frowning and sweating profusely, raised his left hand,

using his telekinetic power to contain the fire, tame the beasts trying to

escape, and prevent the flames from consuming the entire cave.

It was one of the toughest battles James had faced in recent times. The

ferocity of the Fiendfyre was overwhelming. James managed to direct

that ferocity toward the small Horcrux, which was bathed in infernal


The Horcrux began to vibrate intensely under the pressure of the infernal

heat. James could feel the Horcrux's resistance, but he knew it wouldn't

last much longer. The flames surged over the Horcrux with fury,

completely engulfing it. After an agonizing moment, the dark energy of

the Horcrux was destroyed. The relic disintegrated into dust, letting out

an agonized scream that was lost among the roars of the fire.

Without wasting a second, James pointed his wand at the Fiendfyre,

firmly casting the counter-curse. The fiery beasts struggled for a moment,

resisting extinction, but eventually began to fade away. The roaring fire

slowly extinguished, leaving James alone in the cave, breathing heavily

with the relic reduced to ashes at his feet.

'Damn… I want to sleep for days while Gwen hugs me…' James thought,

breathing heavily as he sat on the ground and wiped the sweat from his


It took him more than twenty minutes to recover and resume his journey

to leave the cave and head back home.

Chapter 205: Magical War I

The destruction of the Horcrux was a success. With each passing day,

tension in the magical community grew. By mid-September, Hogwarts

classes were canceled due to the countless battles occurring daily

between the Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic, as well as the two


Recent successes by the Ministry—largely thanks to James and his

companions—had led to the imprisonment of several high-ranking Death

Eaters. Voldemort's organization was faltering with the loss of its first-

generation Death Eaters.

This setback prompted an increase in attacks by the Death Eaters, who,

feeling cornered, became more desperate and aggressive. The war was

reaching its peak, with attacks even occurring in broad daylight.

The Muggle community was also caught up in the chaos affecting the

British magical world. Death Eaters were attacking Muggle locations in

daylight. Ministry employees were inundated with work, erasing Muggle

memories and making the attacks appear as natural accidents or other


On a positive note for James's side, the Greengrass family finally decided

to abandon their neutral stance and join their cause. Diana, the eldest

daughter of the Greengrass family, played a significant role in this

decision, as she was a member of the Order James founded and could not

stand by while her father remained neutral amidst the atrocities

committed by the Death Eaters.

James was pleased with this news, but he was not very grateful to Diana's

father. He joined this war after five years and at a crucial moment when

the balance was against Voldemort and his followers. He hadn't risked


This news seemed to reach the Death Eaters, who began more violent

attacks than ever. Their modus operandi changed; they started attacking

one by one the important wizarding families who opposed them with

many troops.

Fortunately, their attacks were repelled, as James knew in advance whom

they would target and could position the Aurors and other wizards to

defend those families, as in the case of the Bones.

This was thanks to Regulus. The perfect spy. Ring with mental protection

and the ability to project thoughts and communicate over long distances

without leaving his home, plus he is a user of Occlumency, has an

invisibility cloak, and his profile is the typical supremacist. He is beyond


In several attacks, Regulus did not participate, but he managed to find

out about these attacks as he risked spying on his own Death Eater

comrades using the invisibility cloak and various other security measures.

Therefore, the Death Eaters' attacks were neutralized, and Regulus did

not always participate in those attacks.

Although things were looking good for James's side, it did not mean that

everything was rosy. Sometimes, they arrived late to an attack, or the

attack changed timing, and Regulus couldn't get the information in time

to pass it on to James. Many on the Ministry's side were injured, and

there were many casualties, but they were increasingly capturing more

Death Eaters.

One cold night, James was in his office with a large stack of documents.

It was almost midnight. At that moment, he received a telepathic

message from Regulus.

'James, it's urgent!'

James was surprised by the sudden message. Regulus's voice, which

always remained calm and informed everything clearly, now sounded

very nervous.

'What's going on?' James asked, already used to speaking telepathically.

Strangely, the signal is so good.

'The Dark Lord has suddenly gathered his entire army! We're marching

towards Potter Manor!' Regulus said nervously. He couldn't warn him

because he was called suddenly and didn't even know where they were

heading with all of Voldemort's troops: Death Eaters, dark creatures,

scavengers still on their side, etc.

James abruptly stood up from his chair. This is new. A large-scale attack

directed at a single family. As for why his family was targeted, James

could think of several reasons. He was the caster of the curse that turned

you into a squib, his reputation as the youngest Lord and Auror in

history, reaching even Moody. With his wandless magic and the curse he

created, he was the fear of all Death Eaters and their allies.

Added to that, the Potter family was the family that supported the

Ministry the most, both financially and in other ways. It was obvious that

Voldemort wanted to eliminate this family with ideals completely

opposed to his cause.

'How long until the attack?' James asked as a sword in a black sheath

emerged from his ring, and he positioned it at his waist.

'Less than twenty minutes!' Regulus replied. With the number of people

there, it would be impossible for the Potters to defend themselves, even

though the family was gathered in full at Potter Manor. All members of

the branches now lived in the mansion.

'Calm down, Regulus. Remember our communication methods.

Voldemort would never think there was such an effective method of

communication. He believes that by using a surprise attack that only he

knows will happen, the spy in his ranks won't be able to warn in time,

but that's his mistake. The one that will lead him to his defeat and the

end of the war,' James said, gripping the hilt of his sword tightly.

The time had come. James cut off communication with Regulus and

quickly alerted all members of his household about the imminent attack.

The entire Potter family prepared as quickly as they could. The Shafiqs

also readied themselves. Sirius began mentally preparing for the large-

scale battle.

As for James, he sent telepathic messages to the members of his Order

and the Order of the Phoenix. The Prewetts, the Longbottoms, the

Lovegoods, the Princes, the Greengrasses, the Weasleys, the

Dumbledores, and the Moodys, all were alerted about the attack that

Voldemort himself would carry out.

Recently, with the help of Snape and Gwen, James created rings with the

function of mental projection, that is, telepathy. This way, their

communication was perfect and instantaneous. He gifted these rings to

the most trusted members of the orders.

With everyone notified, they would arrive at Potter Manor in time,

maybe a few minutes late, but they would be able to join the battle and

finally defeat the Death Eaters, who had made a grave mistake, though it

wasn't their fault. Voldemort was unaware of the highly effective

communication method used by the spy in his ranks.

The magical defenses at Potter Manor had been set up some time ago

with the help of the Shafiqs. The Potters and Sirius had reinforced the

magical shields. They should hold out for a few minutes before the entire

magical community arrived to offer support.

According to Regulus, they currently outnumber the Death Eaters if

everyone arrives on time. Not by a huge margin, but it's a start. If

Dumbledore arrives, the wizard Voldemort fears, victory will be on their


"How many will come?" Sirius asked, looking towards the dark forest

surrounding Potter Manor. His right foot was tapping the ground

impatiently. The final battle was finally near. Peter could be avenged

once and for all.

"Potter Manor is large… They could attack from any side. They shouldn't

be too far. I've already sent a message to Diana. They'll take time to

arrive, as there are anti-Apparition spells at Potter Manor and its

vicinity," Lupin commented, looking around. Luckily, he lived with his

parents at Potter Manor. They had moved there to facilitate the war


"We'll hold out. We have the ancient Potter magical defenses. Plus, we

have many magical knights and Gwen's ice golems," Toby said with a

hardened expression. He would protect the Potter residence with his life.

He wouldn't let those damned dark wizards destroy his family's ancient


"That's the spirit. James and I will be the vanguard. We'll turn them to

mince," Sirius said with a fierce expression, gripping his wand tightly.

"Don't be reckless, Sirius," Emily said, scolding him. "Let's wait for James

and his plan," she added, and everyone agreed. Sirius could only nod. He

couldn't win an argument with Emily.

'Should I ask her out after this is over?' Sirius thought, feeling a strange

emotion within him. He would finally leave behind the life of vengeance

and could focus on his happiness. Unless he died today, but with James

by his side, he felt invincible. Everyone felt the same. In a normal

situation, everyone would be desperate in the face of such a brutal attack

led by Voldemort himself, but no one showed fear.

At that moment, a hawk suddenly landed, transforming into James in an


"They'll attack from the south side. Right behind the mansion. We have

about five minutes," James communicated to everyone.

His parents, uncles, cousins, friends, and in-laws nodded and awaited his


"What's the plan?" asked Oliver, his cousin.

"The mansion is protected by Repello inimicum, Protego maxima, and

Fianto duri. The intruders will need to attack with a large number of

spells to break the barrier. If they cross the limits, their bodies will

disintegrate on the spot. Because of this, we'll eliminate several

scavengers, and hopefully, the Death Eaters will expend energy

destroying the barrier. When they break the barrier, we'll hide the golems

and magical knights along the way. When they're close, they'll come out

and attack. Move out," James said. He would explain the full plan on the


The key part is that their attackers won't expect a surprise attack while

they are carrying out a surprise attack. When they break the barrier and

see the mansion grounds in silence, they'll think everyone is asleep and

unaware of what's happening.

On their way to the mansion, James will hide the dozens of magical

knights and giant ice golems with the spell.

Cave inimicum, a charm that hides people. Like an invisibility cloak, but

you have to cast the spell and designate an area. Those on the other side

won't be able to see the golems and knights in front of them, and when

they approach, they will be surprised by the attack of these automatons.

"While we prepare the automatons, you create a protective barrier

covering only the mansion and the main garden. We have time for that,"

James said, looking at his parents and the other adults.

Everyone got to work. After everything was ready, they began to hear the

attacks in the distance. The main barrier, which covered all the grounds

belonging to the Potter family, was under attack.

James then sent everyone to the main garden. He would be the second

surprise attack. He cast another Cave inimicum on himself. He would be

the third defensive line. The first is the main barrier, the second the

automatons, and the third him.

Gwen, Sirius, and the others accepted that he would take such a

dangerous action simply because it was him and since he would be

launching a large-scale attack. He would use the demonic fire, Fiendfyre.

He would only control it to ensure that his attack is directed at the

enemy army, then let it run its course. He would unleash all its ferocity

as it pleases.

If at any point the fire threatens him and his mansion, he would need to

cast the counter-curse and extinguish it.

This time, he wouldn't hold back. He doesn't kill, but this is a final

occasion. In the final battle, he cannot show mercy. They are attacking

his family's grounds to eradicate it.

Chapter 206: Magical War II

"Attack! There is the person who wants to deprive us of our great gift!"

Voldemort exclaimed, urging his army to continue the assault on the

great barrier protecting the grounds of Potter Manor.

His army of hundreds roared with ferocity and continued their attack.

Several unfortunate souls who were the first to reach the barrier were

turned to dust, but the assault persisted. No one attempted to pass

through anymore. They attacked the barrier from a distance, waiting for

it to fall.

Voldemort's army was composed of a wide variety of members: Death

Eaters, scavengers, a pack of werewolf wizards, creatures like trolls and

giants, among others, and also dark creatures with a very bad reputation,

such as Dementors, witches, vampires, gorgons, and Lethifolds.

"In a few minutes, the barrier will be shattered," a Death Eater

commented, his tone hiding his excitement for the grand skirmish of the

day. They would destroy one of their most troublesome enemies.

No one would have thought that the Potter family would become the

most difficult obstacle to their dark rebellion. Especially since James

Potter, the current Lord, took charge of the family's affairs and played a

major role in the war.

The Death Eaters watched from the back. Voldemort believed that the

pawns were the first to be moved.

'At last, I will avenge my brother,' thought a Death Eater. Behind his

mask was a youthful face. It was Rabastan Lestrange. His older brother

Rodolphus, the pride of his family, had been killed by James in the

sunken vault more than two years ago.

A great roar echoed throughout the area when the barrier collapsed,

unable to withstand all the attacks from the hundreds of enemies.

"Attack!" shouted a Death Eater, urging the entire army forward as they

roared and charged ahead without hesitation. They had to eliminate the

great threat that was James Potter. The wizard who could turn you into a


Voldemort watched coldly with his red eyes at the great mansion in the

distance. He never thought a 16-year-old would be such a bothersome

and dangerous opponent, but today would be his end. There would be no

time to escape, nor to get reinforcements, no matter how many owls he

sent or messages through the Floo network.

The army advanced at a fast pace across the well-maintained, flat terrain

that was already part of the Potters. As they covered about ten meters, a

large portion of creatures and scavengers were repelled by dozens of

knights with swords and lances. Eight golems over three meters tall also

appeared, crushing many scavengers, who had no time to react.

"Automatons!" shouted a wizard, narrowly dodging a knight's sword that

would have decapitated him. He quickly attacked with a Diffindo, trying

to cut it, but his spell was severed, and then his head was cut off.

"A good defense, but useless," sneered Voldemort, observing the dozens of

automatons and the gigantic golems. He wasn't surprised to see them

planted there. He simply thought it was another defense like the barrier,

which the Potters always had.

His army was in the thousands. He had dozens of giants under his

command who were twice the height of the golems, which were quickly

overwhelmed and destroyed, but they had served their purpose of buying

time and killing several enemies. The same went for the knights.

The giants continued their advance. Their rage intensified upon seeing

some of their fellow giants being killed by the golems. The trolls followed

behind them, and behind them, the scavengers. The dark creatures were

more free and didn't care much about order. They just wanted to see


At one point, as they were getting closer to Potter Manor, a figure

appeared out of nowhere just meters away from them. They had no time

to see the figure clearly, which seemed to be a wizard, as he raised his

hand and from his wand shot out a stream of fire that reached the giants

in seconds.

The temperature in the area changed abruptly. From a cool autumn night

to the hottest summer night, it was as if hell itself had come to earth.

"Burn them, Fiendfyre! Be free!" shouted James, increasing the power of

the fire. He didn't bother controlling it. The demonic fire already had a

great number of delicious victims right in front of it.

Many giants were engulfed by the demonic fire, which began to burn

them to ashes regardless of the beasts' tough skin.

The fire had taken on a gigantic serpent shape that roared with delight at

seeing all the lives it could feast upon. Voldemort's army, especially the

creatures on the front line, were shocked and terrified by the demonic

fire. They began to scatter, fleeing from the fire serpent.

The Fiendfyre, now a gigantic serpent wrapped in blazing flames, writhed

with chaotic and wild energy, consuming everything in its path. Giants,

trolls, and other creatures fell, screaming and turning to ashes.

The scavengers screamed as they recoiled from the sight of the demonic

fire. The chaos was total. The Fiendfyre made no distinction between

enemies and allies; all were doomed to become its fuel. The Potter

mansion, barely visible in the distance, was illuminated by the infernal

glow of the flames.

Even several Death Eaters (the younger ones) were petrified with fear as

they watched the serpent ruthlessly kill their troops.

At that moment, a serpentine laugh was heard on the battlefield.

Voldemort, with a cold smile, approached the serpent. He raised his

wand and cast the counter-curse that made the flames disappear.

After that, a silence reigned on the battlefield. The smell of burnt flesh

and ash hung in the air. Voldemort looked at James with a smile and a

chuckle that would give chills to even the bravest of men.

"Fiendfyre, an advanced curse. Every day, you surprise me more, James

Potter," said Voldemort in a tone devoid of anger. It seemed he didn't

care about the deaths of his troops; they were just cannon fodder. None

of his Death Eaters had died, and he wouldn't care much as long as he


"Voldemort. We finally meet," said James, who did not tremble before the

gigantic empire in front of his nose.

Voldemort laughed coldly at James's audacity, "We would have made

good partners. I see you have a taste for dark magic," commented


Voldemort thought that James was stalling to allow his family to escape

from Potter Manor. Not because all the wizards from the ministry and the

orders were heading this way. A hero's sacrifice, though to Voldemort it

was foolishness.

"Dark magic is merely a means to end you and your dark rebellion. I'm

not an enthusiast," said James.

"I see. Let's see how long you survive," said Voldemort, making a forward

gesture with his pale hand with sharp, long fingers.

The creatures that survived, seeing the demonic fire disappear, began to

run fiercely toward James. They needed to avenge their fallen allies. The

scavengers also resumed their advance, though there was a hint of doubt

in their eyes.

With a swift movement of his wand, James conjured nine iron swords

that floated around him.

The plan he had told his family and friends was that after casting the

powerful demonic fire, he would return to them, and together they would

protect Potter Manor until reinforcements arrived, but he deceived them.

He would not return to Potter Manor. He would endure as long as he

could. He did not want anyone from his friends and family to die in this

battle. If his death could help prevent that, he would accept it, although

if possible, he would prefer not to die.

One of the swords flew swiftly towards the small eyes of a giant, cutting

them and causing it to roar in pain. The giant was pushed towards James

by an invisible force. Unable to see, it stumbled and knelt a short

distance from James, who could see its ugly face.

James's right hand rested on the sword at his waist, and with a quick

movement, he drew the silver sword with runes inscribed on its blade.

The sword cleanly cut the giant's neck. James enhanced his speed using

telekinesis to improve the force of the cut. With all the enhancements of

his new sword, cutting through the giant's skin was easy.

The giant's head flew through the air and landed on the ground with a

dull thud. The sight of a small human decapitating a giant in such a

manner was very surprising to all those present.

The enemies took a few seconds to regroup and attack James, who used

every means necessary to defend himself and kill as effectively as

possible. He conjured swords, and shields, used wandless magic, and his

wand to cast countless spells.

In a few minutes, he was covered in the blood of giants, trolls, and other

creatures barely recognizable due to the intensity of the battle.

James fought as intelligently as the battlefield allowed. Whenever he had

the chance, he used his telekinesis to defend himself with numerous

conjured shields and took that moment to use potions to recover from

fatigue and other ailments. This allowed him to last longer than he might

have otherwise.

The first problem came when dark creatures like Dementors and

Lethifolds attacked him. He had to cast his Corporeal Patronus. It was

difficult and took a lot of energy, as he had been using negative emotions

to enhance his wandless magic power for some time. He hadn't cast a

Patronus in a long time.

Fortunately, on the third attempt, he managed to make a gigantic

ethereal dragon emerge from his wand and scare away the horrible

creatures. However, he suffered cuts and some injuries.

His wounds kept piling up, and despite defeating many enemies, it

seemed there was no end to them.

A Killing Curse sped towards James from a blind spot as he was dealing

with three scavengers at once. Fortunately, a circular silver shield

covered him.

James turned his head at the explosion and instantly recognized several

people. Sirius, Lupin, Gwen, his parents, all those who should have been

at Potter Manor setting up defenses were here.

Instead of looking at the enemy army, everyone looked at him with

furrowed brows.

'Am I in trouble…?' James thought with sweat on his forehead.

Sirius, Lupin, and the others attacked the enemies mercilessly, causing

the army to halt and retreat a few steps at the appearance of several

powerful wizards.

Gwen took advantage and created a giant solid ice wall that separated

them from the enemy army.

"Let's go back to the mansion," said Gwen, grabbing James's arm firmly.

"We'll have a conversation later, young man," said Euphemia, looking at

James with a furrowed brow.

All the wizards, including James, began to retreat towards Potter Manor.

They managed to enter the last defensive line where the final barrier

would buy them time before they had to fight again.

"Fortunately, we left a gap in the barrier. We knew you would try to fight

on your own," said Sirius, casting a Protego and then a Bombarda

Maxima, which caused a huge explosion.

James couldn't say anything in his defense. Everything would be used

against him, so it was best to stay silent. Once everyone had passed

through the gap in the barrier, Fleamont finished casting the barrier,

sealing the gap.

"Come. I'll heal you," said Euphemia, taking James to a hastily prepared

room for the wounded.

"I can still fight," said James, but he was dragged there by his mother and


He was covered in blood from most of his enemies, with cuts he had

suffered, and mental and physical fatigue.

"We'll take care of things now. We just need to hold on for a few more

minutes until reinforcements arrive. Don't underestimate us," said Lupin,

seeing that the enemies had arrived and were beginning their attack on

the barrier.

Chapter 207: Magical War III

James had endured alone for a long time. Upon returning to Potter

Manor, the final defensive line was erected, which proved effective

against countless enemies. When the last barrier was breached, the

Potters, the Shafiqs, Lupin, and the others defended the house with all

their might. Voldemort was surprised by the intensity with which they

defended. They should have been desperate, but something seemed

wrong. They appeared to have hope, and that was a bad sign, but it was

too late.

In the darkness of the night, something moved in the sky. The Death

Eaters who looked up panicked when they saw figures riding brooms in

the night sky. With each passing second, more people on brooms arrived

at the scene.

Voldemort, with an expression of disbelief he rarely allowed himself to

show, watched as the shadows in the sky multiplied. An army of wizards

was arriving at full speed, like an approaching storm. The Death Eaters,

who moments before had felt invincible, began to waver.

How could there be so many reinforcements? Voldemort thought in

disbelief. He hadn't told anyone that they would attack Potter Manor.

Only the Death Eaters closest to him knew twenty minutes before when

they were already marching toward the Potter grounds. There was no

way there could be such a quick response.

The figures in the sky began to descend, and what had been a mere

expectation turned into an overwhelming reality. Leading the attack was

Alastor Moody, followed by all the Ministry Aurors.

In addition to the Ministry wizards, more wizards began to arrive, such as

Lupin's family; Alphard and Arcturus Black, Andromeda and her husband,

and their friends. Members of the Order of the Phoenix. Members of the

Order that James had created, followed by their relatives who were on

their side.

A tide of wizards and witches descended like a torrent upon the

battlefield. An elderly wizard with silver hair and a beard unnerved all

the Death Eaters who saw him. It was none other than Albus Percival

Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Severus Snape, or rather Severus Prince, the new heir of the revived

Prince family, also arrived. Severus did not hesitate to attack the enemies

who were attacking his friends.

The astonishment on Voldemort's face was palpable. His plan, which had

started with the promise of a certain victory, was collapsing before him.

Now, instead of crushing the Potters without anyone stopping him, he

found himself face-to-face with an army that outnumbered them, having

suffered many losses due to James.

The battlefield's intensity increased by several levels. What was once a

one-sided fight turned into a real war with two powerful sides. Flashes of

every color flew through the air, hitting wizards, witches, creatures, etc.

Quickly, the advantage was gained by the Ministry and the Order's army.

This was due to the surprise attack, having a slight advantage in

numbers, and the morale. Voldemort watched with contained fury as his

forces began to waver.

"Protego!" Lupin shouted, stepping in front of his father, Lyall Lupin.

Three spells hit Lupin's shield, which managed to withstand the attack

and quickly struck back at the scavengers. Defeating two quickly, only

one large man remained, with a cruel appearance, tangled gray hair, and

a mustache. He had pointed teeth and long, yellowed nails. A bestial


"I'll handle this, son," Lyall said with an expression different from his

usual one.

Lyall is a world-renowned wizard known for his authority in non-human

spiritual apparitions. The Ministry turned to his expertise in dark

creatures to help contain the threat from Voldemort and his followers,

who used such creatures.

"Oh, look who it is. Lupin… You've grown up, boy," said the burly man

with a fierce smile.

"Do I know you?" Lupin asked his guard up.

"I thought my reputation was well known. I'm Fenrir Greyback. The

werewolf who turned you into what you are," Fenrir said with a wicked


Upon hearing this, Lupin's eyes widened in surprise for several reasons.

First, because of the name Fenrir. A werewolf very well known since the

war began in 1970. A werewolf who leads his pack, killing muggles,

muggle-borns, and half-bloods under Voldemort's orders. His brutality is

known throughout the British magical community.

'Is he the one who turned me into this?' Lupin thought, frowning as his

anger increased.

"Don't look at me with hatred. It was your father's fault. Besides, I did

you a favor by turning you into a werewolf. A superior power," Fenrir

said, and instantly cast a killing curse at Lupin.

Lyall managed to summon a shield and throw it toward Lupin. The

explosion caused him to be pushed back and roll several times on the


"Pathetic, you're just a child. I thought the Order you were in was strong.

Just rumors," Fenrir said with a disdainful smile, starting an intense duel

with Lyall.

"Are you alright, Lupin!?" Diana shouted, worried, helping him to his

feet. Her appearance, usually clean and well-groomed, was now dirty.

"Diana... Just collateral damage," Lupin replied, standing up and taking

his wand.

"Is that the person who made you suffer so much?" Diana asked, frowning

at Fenrir, who was fighting Lupin's father.

"Yes, he's dangerous. I'll handle him. You go and fight with your family,"

Lupin said.

"I'll fight by your side. I already told you I don't care about your

lycanthropy. I don't know how many times I have to repeat it," Diana

said, without thinking, and went to fight elsewhere.

Lupin couldn't argue and charged at Fenrir, helping his father alongside

Diana. With three against one, they had the advantage, but quickly more

werewolf wizards, Fenrir's allies, joined the fight, and they were


At that moment, a powerful voice was heard throughout the place,

"Incendio Diabolica!"

Lupin, Diana, and the others present barely had time to turn their heads

toward the source of the voice when they saw a fire sphere of an unusual

and terrifying color: black as night.

The fireball rapidly grew in size as it advanced toward Fenrir and his

werewolf companions. When the sphere reached them, it exploded with a


The black flames incinerated several werewolves. The only one who

managed to survive with minor injuries was Fenrir, thanks to his keen

instincts and speed.

The fire that spread was extensive, reaching Lupin and the others who

were nearby, but the fire did not harm them. It was harmless to them,

but not to their enemies.

'James!' Lupin thought, but he couldn't see his friend, who had already

moved to another part of the battlefield.

Again, in a three-on-one situation, Fenrir had no chance of winning or

escaping. Lyall was able to deliver the final blow, finally killing the

werewolf who had so many innocent deaths on his hands.

Everyone knew this was the final battle. No one held back. It was kill or

be killed. They couldn't afford to be merciful.

Elsewhere, Sirius, Emily, and Toby were facing old acquaintances.

Slytherin classmates who had joined the Death Eaters: Rabastan,

Mulciber, Avery, and Dolores.

Sirius managed to break Rabastan's mask, recognizing his old rival. He

was not surprised that Rabastan was with the Death Eaters. He already


The difference was the experience and training that Sirius, Emily, and

Toby had received, allowing them to defeat their equals after a period of


Not far from there, Severus Prince Snape was facing Lucius Malfoy. An

old Slytherin senior who had given him advice when he joined the house

in his first year.

Despite the age difference, Severus did not appear to fall behind against

Lucius, who had a broken mask, and his long blonde hair was now


"Snape, traitor!" Lucius shouted angrily. Severus's expression did not

change, and he continued attacking relentlessly, with Malfoy gradually

retreating, unable to gain the upper hand.

"Now I am Prince!" Severus exclaimed, casting an Expelliarmus that

disarmed Lucius. Before Severus could cast a killing curse, Malfoy's father

appeared with his hands raised.

"Wait, we surrender!" said Lucius's father, who no longer had his wand

and looked a mess. He had managed to escape from Fleamont and

Richard Potter by a miracle but was now wandless.

Snape halted his killing curse but quickly cast two stunning spells. Both

father and son fell unconscious. Severus bound them with a rope and

pocketed Lucius's wand.

In a more distant part of the battlefield, a fierce battle was taking place

between two witches. The fight had reached the corridors of the Potter


Gwen looked at the witch in front of her with icy eyes, who laughed

maniacally and cast a killing curse at her.

With a flick of her wand, Gwen conjured a wall of ice that protected her

from the killing curse. Dozens of ice shards flew everywhere as the killing

curse struck the wall.

The ground around them was covered with a thick layer of ice, the air

was freezing and sharp, with frost crystals clinging to the walls and the

shattered furniture. Each breath produced visible vapor. Bellatrix seemed

more affected by the freezing temperatures, as she was not used to them

like Gwen, but the Death Eater continued to fight, disregarding her


"Your boyfriend killed my husband! So I will kill his future wife! Crucio!

Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix screamed maniacally.

Each word was filled with visceral hatred. Her wand spewed green and

red rays that collided with Gwen's defenses, creating explosions and

flashes that illuminated the dark interior of the mansion.

Gwen, panting and with her face drenched in sweat and frost, defended

herself with all her strength. Despite the fatigue she felt in every muscle,

she continued channeling her magic, conjuring ice shields to deflect the

curses and launching ice spears at Bellatrix, who either dodged or

destroyed them with a flick of her wand. But every time Bellatrix dodged

one of these spears, the ground around her froze a little more, restricting

her movements.

"Attack, ice girl!" Bellatrix shouted, laughing maniacally as she cast a

killing curse.

Gwen created another ice wall that exploded again when struck by the

unforgivable curse. Bellatrix's movement stopped when she saw that

Gwen had disappeared. She was no longer behind the wall.

Gwen appeared to Bellatrix's right. She had used a short-distance

apparition technique. A variant that no one else used, as it was a method

created by James, Lupin, Severus, Toby, and herself.

"Ice Hastam!" Gwen shouted, conjuring an ice spear. The cold emanating

from the spear was different from the previous ones, but that was barely


The spear flew toward Bellatrix, who, thanks to her skill and quick

reflexes, managed to dodge it by a margin. The spear embedded itself in

her right arm. It was better that it was her arm rather than her heart.

Besides, it wasn't the arm she used to wield her wand.

Gwen watched with a cold smile as Bellatrix, confident and with no trace

of worry, pulled the ice spear out of her right arm. The Death Eater

seemed unfazed by the wound; in fact, she reveled in the apparent

invulnerability the ice provided her.

"You almost had me, bitch! Too bad your ice is helping me," Bellatrix said

with her characteristic mocking tone, shaking her injured arm with

disdain. There was no blood, only a cold that kept the wound sealed,

preventing her from feeling pain.

Instead of showing concern, Gwen let out a low, cold laugh, her eyes

shining with contained malice. "I do have you," she said.

Bellatrix frowned, her arrogance giving way to a hint of concern. "What

do you mean by that?"

It was then that she felt it: a penetrating cold, not only surrounding her

arm but beginning to spread internally, like an icy serpent slithering

through her veins. Panic quickly replaced confidence as the cold

advanced at an alarming rate, spreading from her arm to her chest, her

neck, and beyond, infiltrating every corner of her being.

"It's cursed ice, Bellatrix. A cold that spreads like poison, but much faster

and much more painful. It invades your veins, seeps into your bones, and

freezes every cell in your body from the inside out," Gwen explained with

a cold smile. The same cursed ice from the Ice Vault. If it enters your

body, it's fatal; it doesn't just freeze you.

Bellatrix tried to raise her wand, but the cold had already reached her

hand, making any movement impossible. Her body began to tremble

uncontrollably, not from fear, but from the advancing hypothermia

taking hold of her. Her eyes, once filled with madness, now only reflected

fear as she felt the ice solidifying inside her.

Her breathing became irregular, her lips turned blue, and in one last

desperate attempt to free herself, Bellatrix tried to scream, but all that

emerged was a faint whimper before the ice finally reached her heart,

stopping it instantly.

With a dull crack, Bellatrix's body turned into a solid block of ice, a

statue capturing her final breath of life. A very terrifying statue.

Gwen fell to the ground, breathing heavily. She had several cuts bleeding

from the shards of the ice walls exploding. In addition, she felt a fatigue

that no previous battle had ever made her feel.

'I hope James is okay,' Gwen thought with concern.

Chapter 208: END

James advanced across the battlefield. He had already been healed by his

healer mother and Madam Poppy Pomfrey, the Hogwarts healer who had

come to help. His condition had improved significantly, though he wasn't

at 100%. His goal was to find Voldemort. They could not let him escape.

If he could help his allies, he did, but he quickly continued moving


He finally found the greatest dark wizard of recent times. He was

engaged in a fierce duel with the most powerful white wizard of the

present: Dumbledore.

Voldemort had a furious expression. Hidden within it was fear that

Dumbledore was able to glimpse.

"It's your end for now, Tom," said Dumbledore, casting a spell that made

Voldemort recoil. Voldemort roared, furious, and continued casting

Unforgivable Curses with lethal precision, but it was not blind rage. It

was the calculated action of a man cornered, seeking the slightest

opportunity to escape.

He had already seen his army being defeated and outnumbered. Now

with Dumbledore here, there was no way to emerge victorious. The best

option was to escape and attack again in the future.

The hope of fleeing was extinguished when he heard James Potter's


"Protego Diabolica!"

In an instant, a circle of black fire emerged from the ground, encircling

Voldemort, Dumbledore, and James. A prison rose, making escape


Voldemort could not Disapparate due to the anti-Disapparation spells,

nor could he cast the counter-curse to Protego Diabolica, as Dumbledore

and James would not allow it.

James slowly walked towards Voldemort while drawing his special

sword. The moment had come. Wand and sword in each hand.

James and Dumbledore exchanged a glance and nodded, charging at

Voldemort, who did not hesitate to attack with two Killing Curses.

James conjured a shield and hurled it at the Killing Curse. He then

released his sword from his hand and sent it flying towards Voldemort,

who had already sent another Killing Curse towards the sword to destroy

it in the explosion.

Voldemort knew about the weapons James Potter possessed that were

capable of cutting through spells, but that was only with ordinary spells,

not powerful curses like the Killing Curse.

'It's too far away…' thought James, deflecting the sword from the Killing

Curse. To deliver a fatal blow, he needed to be closer, or Voldemort

might react and defend himself. It had to be a deadly surprise attack with

no chance for him to react.

The battle was fierce. The most intense James had ever experienced.

Even more so than facing hundreds of enemies alone. He couldn't use his

telekinesis to immobilize or strike Voldemort, as he was continuously

casting Killing Curses.

How could someone cast so many Killing Curses in succession? He had to

focus on conjuring shields and using them for defense. He still couldn't

find the right moment to use his sword.

Dumbledore could keep up effortlessly and even attack Voldemort with

powerful spells.

Finally, the opportunity James had been waiting for arrived. A great

move by Dumbledore caused Voldemort to retreat and defend himself.

For a moment, he stopped watching James, who, with the Apparition

variant he had recently developed, teleported to a close distance to the

dark wizard.

Without wasting any more time, he sent his sword flying towards the

heart of the dark wizard.

"Useless!" shouted Voldemort, casting another Avada Kedavra at the

sword, which had irritated him. He only cast Unforgivable Curses; this

annoying child's methods wouldn't work as they did on his subordinates.

But the unexpected happened.

To his amazement, the sword not only did not disintegrate upon contact

with the Killing Curse, but it also cleanly sliced through it, dividing the

powerful green light into two beams that dissipated into the air.

'Now!' thought James, raising both hands, letting go of his wand to push

the sword with all his strength at maximum speed.

Voldemort's eyes widened in horror and disbelief, reflected on his usually

impassive face. Even Dumbledore, who had witnessed countless magical

wonders in his life, was momentarily speechless.

The sword, infused with James's magic, continued its unstoppable

trajectory, advancing towards its target with deadly precision.

Voldemort, now too close and without time to react, barely managed to

move his wand before the blade pierced his chest. The edge cut through

his robe and flesh with terrifying ease, burying itself deep in his chest.

Voldemort let out a gasp of surprise and pain, his wand falling from his

hand. His body convulsed from the impact, and his eyes, filled with

disbelief, were fixed on the sword now protruding from his chest.

James approached, grasping the hilt of the sword and yanking it out of

Voldemort's body. The sound of tearing flesh mixed with the gurgling of

blood flowing from the dark wizard's chest.

"You can bleed too," he remarked with a cold stare.

Blood poured from Voldemort's chest, staining his dark robes and the

ground beneath him. For the first time, the Dark Lord, who had instilled

fear in so many hearts, looked weak and vulnerable. He fell to his knees,

life slipping away slowly as he gazed at the bloodied sword in James's


"I know your secret. Horcruxes, huh?" James said, making Voldemort lift

his head and look at him with his red eyes, which for the first time

showed a clear fear in their gaze.

"It doesn't matter how many times you come back; I will kill you. I will

be your reaper," James declared.

With those final words, James raised the sword once more and, with a

single fluid motion, decapitated Voldemort. The dark wizard's head fell to

the ground, rolling a few meters before stopping, while his body

crumpled. But before it could touch the ground, Voldemort's body began

to disintegrate, turning into ashes that scattered into the air, carried by

an invisible wind.

'It's over,' thought James, falling to the ground and looking up at the sky,

exhausted. In both his lives, he had never been so drained, but he felt a

great relief. It was finally all over.

Finally, his family and friends were safe. Although he suspected that

Voldemort had more than one Horcrux given his murderous nature, it

would be much easier to neutralize him if he tried to come back.

He could finally have a normal life.

"Well done, young man," Dumbledore said with a smile as he approached

James. The old man was also sweating and tired. He knew the secret of

the Horcruxes, but that was a problem for the future.

"Thank you, Headmaster. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able

to defeat him," James said with a slight smile.

"Don't take all the credit. We had this chance to end it all thanks to the

inventions of you and your friends," Dumbledore said, looking at a simple

ring in his hand. A very effective communication method.

"Also thanks to Dai Ryusaki and Regulus, who informed me about the

attack," James commented.

"Oh, that's right. So, Regulus is the spy. A very brave young man and a

Black. Curious," said Dumbledore, in good spirits despite his fatigue.

Peace would finally return.

"We still have a lot to do, but for now, let's celebrate a bit tonight's

victory," Dumbledore said as he flicked his wand, casting the counter-

curse to Protego Diabolica, causing the black fire to dissipate.

Many people were already waiting behind the fire. As the flames

disappeared, they looked towards Dumbledore and James, who was lying

down nervously. His eyes searched for Voldemort.

The battle against Voldemort's army had ended. The forces of the

Ministry and the Orders had won. Many Death Eaters surrendered upon

realizing they could die, which facilitated the end.

"Voldemort has been defeated!" Dumbledore exclaimed, and everyone

erupted in cheers, raising their wands to cast fireworks of different colors

into the sky, which was growing clearer by the minute.

A throng of people rushed towards James. The first to arrive were Gwen,

Sirius, Lupin, Toby, and Severus. Soon, his parents and other family

members arrived, embracing him and saying incomprehensible things

due to the shouting. This far surpassed the celebrations of the Gryffindor

Quidditch team.

Then came his Hogwarts friends, the Longbottoms, the Lovegoods, the

Prewetts, his in-laws, Andromeda, and Alphard Black, etc.

He was then carried through the air and brought to Potter Manor, which

was in terrible condition. The journey was filled with hugs, grips, and

tugs toward him; it was chaotic, but James had a sincere smile on his

face that he hadn't had in a long time.

The last hours of the night were long. Dawn came, and James stayed

awake, talking with people he barely knew, offering them his company as

they mourned their losses. He saw them cry, took their hands, and

received countless words of thanks.

Dumbledore was right; there was much to do, but James was happy and

didn't mind the exhaustion.

He could finally live a peaceful life with his friends and family. He would

make the most of his last two years at Hogwarts.

Freed from his responsibilities as a leader, advisor, and savior, James was

in the living room of Potter Manor with his family, in-laws, and closest


There was a large hole in the door that allowed all the sunlight to come

in, but it would be fixed later.

Gwen was sitting on his lap, hugging him with her eyes closed. She was

very tired.

"You did well, my brother!" Sirius shouted, raising his voice as he hugged

Regulus, who accepted the embrace reluctantly.

"Embrace the great spy!" Gideon shouted, and many people hugged him

against his will, but a faint smile appeared on his face.

"How noisy," Gwen murmured, complaining.

"Let me get up, please," James said, prompting Gwen to lift herself a bit


James went to a corner and began searching for something in his ring.

Most people watched his strange actions in confusion.

Finally, he pulled out a small, black square box. Holding it in his hand,

he turned around and walked back to the armchair where he had been

before. Gwen had sat down and was leaning against the backrest, her

eyes half-closed from sleep.

"That's it! That's it!" Fabian moaned with excitement, giving his brother

rough pats on the back.

"We already know, be quiet and watch," said Molly, his older sister, and

his brother obeyed immediately.

"Gwen. Hey, Gwen," James called repeatedly, and Gwen finally opened

her eyes, surprised to see James kneeling and looking at her.

"Mm, what's happening?" Gwen asked, confused. Her exhaustion made it

hard for her to think quickly.

"Will you marry me?" James asked, opening the box to reveal a beautiful

golden ring with a large gem in the center. It wasn't a normal ring, of

course. It had several enhancements that James had added with ancient


Gwen's sleepy eyes widened suddenly. Her drowsy state vanished, and

she leaped out of the armchair, covering her mouth with her hands.

'I should have been more dressed up for this occasion,' Gwen thought,

trying to control her excitement. Her clothes were dirty, muddy, and torn

in some places from cuts. Her face was also dirty, and her hair was a


A smile spread across Gwen's face as she replied without hesitation, "Yes,

I accept!"

A smile appeared on James's face as he took the ring and placed it on the

ring finger of Gwen's right hand.

Everyone erupted once more in cheers, applause, and congratulations to

the newly engaged couple as they rushed to embrace them.


Author's Note:

This is the end of James and his friends' journey. Thank you all for your

support, comments, and power stones. Thanks to those who followed the

story to the end. This was the first serious story that I wrote and finished.

I'm happy about that, even though there are mistakes from which I

learned with this fanfic. The main error was James's first year at

Hogwarts, which was too long and had no real plot, just jokes, and

relationships, but at least I enjoyed writing it XD.

Again, thanks to everyone. I hope you have a wonderful life, and I hope,

you continue to read my stories in the future. See you.


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