Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 4


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In the summer of 1992, news that Hogwarts was about to open a new

course and needed a new professor quickly spread throughout the

wizarding world through newspapers such as the Daily Prophet and The

Quibbler. Countless people moved and sent letters to Hogwarts.

Ciaran Frémont, as a wizard who has graduated from Hogwarts for eight

years, also wants to return to Hogwarts and hold a professorship, and he

also received a reply from Principal Dumbledore, inviting him for a few

days Later, he went to Hogwarts for an interview. While happy, Xia Ran

found that he had an urgent task. He had to submit his resignation to his

immediate boss, the Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, the largest department of the Ministry of Magic!

Chapter 191 Coming

"Are you ready, Miss Granger?" Xia Ran asked.

Hermione nodded nervously.

He opened the big closet again, and the dementor walked out of it,

bringing darkness and coldness. It made people feel cold all over, and

they shivered with the coldness coming from the heart.

"Holy guard...guard!" Hermione pointed her wand at the dementors, her

voice trembling as she recited the spell.

Xia Ran's voice seemed to resound in the sky and reminded: "Happy

memory! It's just a creature that can be repelled and destroyed, calm


Hermione shouted at the top of her lungs: "Calling the Guardians!"

A ball of silver-white light and shadow emerged, knocking over the


"Very good! Very good!" Xia Ran praised, "Next, Harry!"

Harry stepped forward with a bold look on his face, and the dementors

pounced on him like a shark that had seen the smell of blood.

"Guard!" Harry shouted loudly.

A blur of light and shadow stood between him and the Dementor. The

Dementor seemed a little afraid of the silver-white light and shadow,

even though the light and shadow were blurry and it was difficult to see

its complete appearance.

"Ron!" Xia Ran shouted.

Ron nodded in disbelief. Did Professor Frémont call my name? !

He had no choice but to rush forward in helplessness and fear, but the

moment he faced the approaching dementors, fear surged into his heart,

his face turned pale, and he could hardly control his urge to turn around

and run away.

Although he suppressed his impulse in the end, he was no longer able to

recite the incantation. As for the act of summoning the patron saint to

drive away the dementors, he had no chance of doing so.

Xia Ran's Patron Saint shot away the Dementor and stepped forward to

pull Ron away.

"Rejuvenate! Take a rest first, okay, next, Malfoy!" Xia Ran temporarily

stepped aside.

Ron returned to the crowd still trembling. Malfoy had no time to taunt

Ron. He walked forward with a pale face and raised his wand


"Don't be afraid! Take courage!" Xia Ran reminded, at this time the

Dementor came forward again.

"Hall...call for the guards! Call for the guards!" Malfoy's hand holding the

wand was trembling, his eyes were dilated, and he was sweating

profusely. This was a sign of extreme fear.

Xia Ran had no choice but to pull him away.


Finally, after the bell rang, almost all the students in the class faced the

Dementors once. To Xia Ran's expectation, four students among them

successfully summoned the Patronus for the first time.

They are Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, as

well as Daphne Greengrass, a student of Slytherin House.

Hermione is not surprising, she is the best student in this class; Harry is

also acceptable, although he is a bit partial, but he is indeed talented in

some subjects; only Neville, he used to only study in herbal medicine

class Great job, who would have expected that this time he would

successfully summon the patron saint? !

Daphne also surprised her classmates. She looked weak, coughed

frequently, and had a pale face with almost no blood even when the

dementors appeared.

At first, the students were worried that she would faint when facing the

Dementors. Who would have expected that Daphne would successfully

summon the Patronus in the end? And the clarity and completeness of

the Patronus is second only to Hermione? !

"Okay, this lesson is over. Because Mr. Longbottom, Mr. Potter and Miss

Granger successfully cast the Patronus Charm, Gryffindor gets fifteen

more points; Miss Greengrass also successfully summoned the Patronus

Charm. , plus five points for Slytherin!" Xia Ran said, "get out of class is


The students filed out of the classroom, all discussing their inner feelings

when they faced the dementors.

Daphne Greengrass walked away with a similarly weak and pale girl who

was waiting for her outside the door. The two looked quite similar. Xia

Ran knew the name of the other girl - after all, they were all his students

- As Tolia Greengrass, as you can tell by her name, she and Daphne are

two sisters, one year younger than Daphne.

Malfoy walked out of the classroom, saw the Greengrass sisters walking

away, and suddenly ran after them, not even paying attention to Pansy,

Goyle, and Crabbe who called him from behind.

"The Greengrass family..." Xia Ran's eyes flickered. There was a curse

flowing in the blood of this family, which caused all members of this

family to be weak. He was quite interested in this.


This kind of mysterious and weird thing often makes it impossible for

people to effectively defend and resist.

"By the way, why don't you guys leave? Are there no classes below?" Xia

Ran asked as she looked at Harry, Ron, and Hermione who were still

lingering in the classroom.

Ron looked at Harry, Hermione looked like it had nothing to do with her.

Harry could only sneer and say: "Professor, that's it." After a pause, he

whispered: "Professor, the referee... do you know anything? The impartial

referee of the Triwizard Tournament."

Xia Ran understood immediately and smiled and said: "So you stayed

here for this reason."

He spread his hands and shrugged: "I don't know! Even if I knew, I

couldn't explain clearly! Didn't you hear Dumbledore's rules? Underage

wizards are prohibited from participating! Registration is prohibited!"

"What, you want to cheat?" Xia Ran said with a half-smile. Although he

knew the true identity of the fair referee, there was no need to tell Harry

and the others at this time. He was not like the minibus disguised as

Moody in the original time and space. Ty Crouch, who wanted nothing

more than to get Harry to compete.

"Well, just ask, just ask." Harry said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to class. I also have another class." Xia Ran said.

The trio had no choice but to walk out of the combat class classroom.

"It seems there is no hope. I just hope that the fair referee will not be so

fair." Ron sighed.

"Ron, what are you talking about?" Hermione said dissatisfied, "Referees

must be fair and impartial, how can they cheat?"

Ron and Harry looked at each other and saw the same thought in each

other's eyes. If it was possible... then how could they not cheat?

In addition to Xia Ran's combat class, for the young wizards, the new

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor - "Mad Eye" Alastor Moody, is

also a very experienced and powerful wizard.

The experience in combating black magic is particularly rich!

Although Moody's class was a bit intimidating, the results were generally

good. Moody became the second best Defense Against the Dark Arts

professor among the students. The best was Professor Lupine. As for

Professor Lockhart and Professor Quirrell... don't mention them.

The next month or so was relatively calm, with members of the Order of

the Phoenix visiting various places, including Lupine, Sirius, and

Mundungus, and sometimes even abroad.

"Fortunately, it's not too difficult." Lupine said this during communication

one day. "Maybe it's because the mysterious man has not publicly

announced his return, so those werewolves and vampires have not

completely fallen to the dark wizard camp. A state of hesitation.”

But life at Hogwarts began to become restless.

Chapter 192 Welcome

A notice was posted in the foyer outside the auditorium.

"Representatives of the Triwizard Tournament: Beauxbatons and

Durmstrang will arrive at six o'clock in the evening on Friday, October

30th, and the afternoon classes will end half an hour early!"

A large group of students crowded in the foyer to watch and discuss


"The day before Halloween?"

"I wonder what the students at Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are like? I

heard that Beauxbatons has many beautiful girls."

Xia Ran glanced twice, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang? He shook his head

slightly and went straight into the auditorium to eat.

He is a professor, so there is no way he can compete.

Besides, the Triwizard Tournament was ultimately just a duel between

three magic school students. He felt that it would be more reliable for

him to target the Ministry of Magic and dark wizards.

However, the announcement in the foyer clearly had a very significant

impact on other people living in the castle.

In the next week, no matter where Xia Ran went, she could hear people

talking about one topic: the Triwizard Tournament!

At the same time, rumors arose, spreading rapidly among students like

super-contagious germs.

Who will compete to be the Champion of Hogwarts? What other events

will there be in the Triwizard Tournament? How will the students of

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang be different from them?

Xia Ran also noticed that the castle seemed to be undergoing thorough

cleaning, and several dirty portraits had been scrubbed clean. The

characters who were scrubbed were very dissatisfied with this. They

often sat huddled in the picture frame and muttered gloomily, Every time

he touched the newly exposed pink flesh on his face, he grimaced in pain.

The originally dark and dirty armor suddenly became shiny, and no

longer creaked when moving.

Xia Ran also discovered that Argus Filch, the castle administrator of

Hogwarts, would get furious whenever he saw a student forget to clean

their shoes, scaring two first-year girls into hysteria.

Other faculty and staff also seemed extremely nervous.

Once when he was passing by the corridor outside the Transfiguration

classroom, he heard Professor McGonagall's stern voice scolding him.

"Longbottom, please be kind and don't reveal your secrets in front of the

people in Durmstrang and let them see that you don't even know a simple

transformation spell!" Professor McGonagall yelled, at that time get out of

class was almost over, and Xia Ran happened to go to her combat class


On the morning of October 30th, when Xia Ran went downstairs to have

breakfast, she found that the auditorium had been decorated overnight.

Huge silk banners hung on the walls, each one representing a house of

Hogwarts: red with a golden lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle

for Ravenclaw, yellow with a The one with a black badger is Hufflepuff,

and the green one with a silver boa constrictor is Slytherin.

Behind the staff table where Xia Ran and the others were working, hung

the largest banner with the Hogwarts crest on it: a lion, an eagle, a

badger, and a snake joined together, surrounding a large letter H.

"Xia Ran, would you like a piece of pancake?" Hagrid was leaving the

auditorium with a basket of pancakes. He greeted Xia Ran and motioned

for him to have two pieces.

Xia Ran immediately waved her hand to refuse and said, "No, thank you!"

He knew Hagrid's cooking skills, and the pancakes could be used as stone


"By the way, you know, right? Xia Ran." Hagrid seemed to be unable to

control his excitement, "The Beauxbatons representative is coming


"Of course I know." Xia Ran rolled her eyes and said, "There is a notice in

the foyer, I can see it."

Suddenly realizing something was wrong, he looked at Hagrid

suspiciously and said, "The school here is not just Beauxbatons, but also

Durmstrang. You... Hagrid, do you know Ms. Maxim?"

"I don't know you, I really don't know you!" Hagrid waved his hands

repeatedly, but his face covered by his big beard seemed to be a little red.

Faced with Xia Ran's suspicious eyes, he finally gave in and said, "Okay, I

am indeed I really don’t know her! But I have heard of Ms. Maxim’s

name. She is a...well, how should I put it..."

He said and giggled.

A hybrid giant like you? !

Xia Ran thought to herself, but didn't say it out loud. It's no wonder that

Hagrid is so obsessed with Beauxbatons. After all, it is related to his

lifelong happiness.

Hagrid walked out of the Great Hall happily.

That day, the air was filled with a sense of joy and anticipation. In class,

almost no one was paying attention to the class. Everyone was thinking

that people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would be coming tonight.

Xia Ran had no choice but to talk about something casually in the

afternoon class. Even if she couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the students,

she talked about Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Because get out of class had to end half an hour early, the bell rang

earlier than usual this time.

Xia Ran also returned to her office, casually changed into a clean and

tidy wizard robe, and then walked slowly to the foyer outside the

auditorium. At this moment, the place was basically full of students and


The deans of the four colleges are ordering their students to line up.

"Weasley, put your hat straight," Professor McGonagall said sternly to

Ron, "Miss Patil, take that ridiculous thing off your hair."

Parvati Patil frowned unhappily and took off a large butterfly headdress

from the end of her braid.

"Please follow me," Professor McGonagall said to the Gryffindor students.

"The first-year students are in front...slow down, don't crowd..."

Xia Ran and the professor team filed down the steps. They did not line up

and stand in front of the castle neatly like the students. Instead, they

stood casually, a little distance from the student squares of the four


It was a cold, fresh evening, night was falling, and a white, translucent

moon was already hanging over the Forbidden Forest.

After looking at the students in the phalanx, Xia Ran whispered: "The two

school representatives who came here probably set out several days in


"Do you think... what method will they use to arrive at Hogwarts?"

Professor Sinister asked in the astronomy class.

"Flying broomstick?" Ms. Huo Qi replied immediately, then shook her

head, "No, the distance is too far!"

"I guess..." Xia Ran chuckled lightly and said, "...I'll come here by boat or


He remembered that Beauxbatons arrived at Hogwarts in a carriage in

the original time and space, while Durmstrang took a boat.

"It's almost six o'clock, are they almost here?" Caredi Bubbaji, who was in

the Muggle Studies class, said as she looked at her watch.

Professor Bubaji was wrong, because after six o'clock, the two magic

schools still had not arrived. The students excitedly scanned the

darkening venue, but there was no movement.

Everything was silent and quiet, no different from usual. Many people

began to feel cold. After all, it was the end of October, and Hogwarts was

located in the north of England. At this time, the weather had begun to

get cold, especially when the sun went down. after.

Chapter 193 Beauxbatons

The students were a little impatient because after they were excited, they

felt cold.

At this moment, Dumbledore, who was standing with Xia Ran and other

professors, shouted: "Ah! If I am not mistaken, the Beauxbatons

representative has already arrived!"


"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

Many students immediately asked eagerly, looking up and down.

"Where!" shouted a sixth grader, pointing his finger over the Forbidden


A huge thing, much bigger than a broomstick - or a hundred broomsticks

- was flying rapidly across the dark blue sky towards the castle, getting

bigger and bigger.

"Dragon! It's a fire dragon!" a first-year student screamed, so excited that

he didn't know what to do.

"Oh, don't be silly! That's a house flying!" said another older student.

Although both statements are outrageous, the latter statement is closer.

When the black behemoth passed over the treetops of the Forbidden

Forest and was illuminated by the light from the castle window, everyone

saw a huge pink-blue carriage flying towards everyone.

It is so huge, no smaller than a house. It is pulled into the sky by twelve

flying horses with wings. They are all silver-maned horses. Each horse is

about the same size as an elephant. It is really suspicious. How did they

fly? Can the wings really carry it?

The carriage flew lower and was landing at an extremely fast speed. The

students standing in the first three rows hurriedly backed away.

Then, there was a shocking bang, which made many students tremble.

I saw those horse hooves falling to the ground with a bang, each one as

big as a vegetable plate. In the blink of an eye, the carriage also landed

on the ground, vibrating on the huge wheels. At the same time, the

golden horses shook their huge heads, The big fiery red eyes rolled


"Xia Ran, you are right, it is indeed a carriage." Ms. Huo Qi said.

Xia Ran smiled softly.

The door of the huge carriage suddenly opened, and a boy wearing a

light blue robe jumped out of the carriage, bent down, groping for

something on the floor of the carriage, then opened a golden spiral

staircase, and jumped back respectfully.

A shiny black high-heeled shoe was stretched out from the carriage. The

shoe was as big as a child's sleigh. A woman appeared in everyone's sight.

Her size was beyond everyone's expectations. , so many people gasped in


Among the teachers and students of Hogwarts, Hagrid was the only one

who could compare with her.

"By the way, where is Hagrid?" Xia Ran glanced and found that Hagrid,

for some reason, was not present to greet the representatives of

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang this time.

The woman had now reached the bottom of the steps, turned around, and

looked at the crowd of people who were waiting with their eyes wide

open. She seemed to be even bigger than before.

When she walked into the light leaking from the foyer, everyone

discovered that she had an unusually handsome olive face, a pair of big,

dark, watery eyes, a pointed nose, and her hair. Tie it back and into a

shiny bun at the base of your neck.

She was wrapped in a black satin dress from head to toe, with many

gorgeous gems shining around her neck and on her thick fingers.

If it weren't for her ridiculous height, she would be a very beautiful and

attractive woman.

Dumbledore was the first to start clapping, and his classmates also

clapped. Xia Ran and other teachers also clapped to welcome

Beauxbatons to Hogwarts.

However, many people stood on tiptoes, wanting to see this woman more


Her tense face relaxed, she smiled gracefully, stretched out a gleaming

hand, and walked towards Dumbledore.

Although Dumbledore was a tall man in every sense of the word, he

barely bent down when he kissed this hand.

"Dear Madam Maxime," he said with a smile, "I am pleased to welcome

you and your students to Hogwarts."

"Dumbledore." Ms. Maxim's voice was deeper, "I hope everything is well

with you."

"Very well, thank you." Dumbledore smiled.

"By the way, my student." Ms. Maxim said, raising a huge hand and

waving behind her casually.

Xia Ran noticed that about twelve or three male and female students had

gotten off the carriage. They were obviously the outstanding students

selected by Beauxbatons to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

But the champion of Beauxbatons should be Fleur Delacour.

Xia Ran glanced twice but didn't see Fleur, because many Beauxbatons

students were wearing scarves or turbans covering their heads, making it

difficult to see who was who.

They were basically standing in the huge shadow cast by Madam

Maxime, looking up at Hogwarts Castle with some look of awe on their


"Is Karkaroff here?" Ms. Maxim asked.

"He will be here any minute," Dumbledore said cheerfully. "Would you

rather wait here to greet him, or would you rather go in first and warm

yourself up?"

"It's better to warm up." Madam Maxime was fully considerate of her

students, because none of the dozen Beauxbatons students wore thick

robes, but made of fine silk, nor did they wear a The cloak was basically

shivering from the cold at this moment.

"But those horses..."

"Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher will be happy to take care of

them." Dumbledore said with a smile, "But he has a little problem now.

He will come back when he is done with it. It is his... well, there are

other things he has to look after. Something went wrong."

"My horses require... very strong people to take care of them." Ms. Maxim

said, seeming to doubt whether the Care of Magical Creatures teacher at

Hogwarts was up to the task. "They have very fierce tempers... "

"I assure you, Ms. Maxim, that Hagrid--he is our Care of Magical

Creatures teacher, Rubeus Hagrid--is fully capable of doing this job."

Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Very good." Ms. Maxim nodded with satisfaction and bowed slightly,

"Can you tell Hagrid for me that these horses only drink single malt


"I'll take care of it," Dumbledore replied, bowing as well.

"Then...come on!" Ms. Maxim said majestically to her students, so the

students of Hogwarts all moved out of the way, allowing her and her

students to walk up the stone steps and enter. Great Hall.

Next, Xia Ran and the others had to wait for Durmstrang's


But there was silence everywhere, as if the Durmstrang people had given

up on Hogwarts and were not ready to come.

"Couldn't Durmstrang have arrived earlier?" muttered Professor Flitwick.

Xia Ran also frowned, he was ready to enter the auditorium and sit for a


Chapter 194 Pursuit

"Aren't you coming yet?"

Many students were shivering slightly from the cold and their faces were


People raised their heads and looked at the sky eagerly, expecting to see

a carriage arriving at Hogwarts.

Xia Ran lowered his head and looked at the lake.

at this time--


Huge waves suddenly rolled up on the lake, and a very loud but strange

sound floated towards everyone from the depths of darkness. It was a

suppressed rumbling and sucking sound, like a huge The vacuum cleaner

moves along the river bed.

"What is this sound?" Professor Caridi asked with a frown.

"In the lake! Look on the lake!" one of the Gryffindor students shouted

loudly, pointing to the lake.

Xia Ran and the others stood on the slope of the lawn overlooking the

field, and could clearly see the calm, dark water, but at this moment, the

water suddenly became no longer so calm.

There was a commotion in the water in the middle of the lake. Water

splashed suddenly, and the waves slapped the wet lake shore. The next

second, in the very center of the lake, a large whirlpool emerged out of

thin air, like a huge plug, which was pulled from the water. It's like it

was pulled out from the bottom of the lake.

A long black pole-like thing slowly rose from the center of the vortex,

and then people saw the sail rigging.

"Xiaran, you are right again, it is really a ship!" Madam Pomfrey, the

school nurse, said in surprise.

"Luck." Xia Ran smiled. You can't say that you already knew the plot,

right? Although the plot has undergone huge changes now, some less

critical aspects have probably remained the same.

Slowly, the magnificent ship rose out of the water, shining in the dim

light of the stars and moon.

It had an eerie, skeletal appearance, as if it were the remains of a

shipwreck that had just been raised, and the portholes shone with a dim,

foggy gleam that looked like ghostly eyes.

Xia Ran guessed that many myths and legends about the sea in the

Muggle world were probably caused by wizards' various strange items,

which were accidentally seen by Muggles and thus spread.

Finally, with a faint splashing sound, the big boat emerged completely,

bumped on the undulating water, and began to sail towards the lake


A moment later, everyone heard a splash, an iron anchor was thrown into

the shallow water, and then there was another snap, and a wooden plank

was put on the lake shore.

"Durmstrang, the school and former headquarters of the first Dark Lord

Gellert Grindelwald?" Xia Ran's eyes moved slightly and she thought to


The people on the boat were disembarking. Xia Ran could see the

silhouettes of these people as they passed through the porthole light. He

also noticed that these people all looked very tall, only slightly shorter

than Hagrid.

But this was not without reason, because when they got closer and

walked along the lawn into the light cast by the foyer, Xia Ran

discovered that the reason why they looked so big was mainly because

they were all wearing a kind of A fur cloak with tangled fur.

The man who led the Durmstrang students towards the castle was

wearing a different kind of fur: silvery white, soft and smooth, much like

his hair.

"Karkaroff, a former Death Eater, sold many of his accomplices to avoid

prison." Xia Ran thought with a smile in her eyes, "Isn't he aware that

Voldemort has been resurrected? "

"Dumbledore!" Karkaroff called enthusiastically as he walked up the

slope. "How are you, my dear old fellow? How are you doing lately?"

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore replied.

Karkaroff's voice was mellow and sweet. When he walked into the light

shining from the main entrance of the castle, people discovered that he

was as tall and thin as Dumbledore, but his white hair was very short,

and his The goatee didn't quite cover his thin chin.

Karkaroff walked up to Dumbledore and shook his hand with both hands.

"Dear old man... Hogwarts." Karkaroff raised his head, looked up at the

castle, and said with a smile. Even though he was smiling, there was no

smile in his eyes. They were still cold and sharp, like a handful of steel.

Just like a knife.

"It's great to be back here. It's great. They're all gone... By the way,

Viktor, come here and warm yourself up... You don't mind, Dumbledore?

Viktor has a little cold. Well, the journey is really long..."

Karkaroff motioned for one of his students to come forward.

When the boy walked by, Xia Ran glanced at the eye-catching aquiline

nose and the two thick, black eyebrows. He didn't need the whispers in

the crowd to recognize who that figure was. who.

"Krum? Is it Viktor Krum?!"

"I can't believe he is Durmstrang's student?!"

The students talked excitedly, and even a few teachers couldn't help but

said in surprise: "Krum is still a student? It's really unexpected."

By this time Dumbledore had invited Karkaroff into the Great Hall.

"Just a Quidditch player, is that all?" Xia Ran raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, my God!" Ms. Huo Qi looked at Xia Ran in disbelief and said, "Xia

Ran, do you know what you are talking about? Just a Quidditch

player...that's all? Viktor Krum, That's the best Seeker in the world! You

can't find another Seeker like Krum in the world."

"Okay, don't get excited." Xia Ran shrugged.

He was not interested in this sport anyway, but what Xia Ran longed for

and was most interested in was how to enhance his magic power and

how to increase his knowledge of various subjects.

Isn't it the most important thing to be strong?

He doesn't quite understand the thoughts of many people in the magic

world, but he can accept it. After all, it is not easy to increase magic

power and increase knowledge, not to mention how many people can

really become legendary level wizards?

In the contemporary wizarding world, apart from the most powerful

white wizard Albus Dumbledore and the second-generation Dark Lord

Voldemort, the only one who can barely survive is the first-generation

Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald who is in prison, but this is already The

magic world has accumulated over the past hundred years.

The difficulty of the legendary wizard can be seen through the lens.

Without the help of Force points, Xia Ran is basically hopeless.

"Let's go into the auditorium. The welcome banquet has begun." Professor

Sinistra said, and a group of professors stepped up the steps behind them.

Compared with the restrained excitement of the professors, the students

were even more excited and did not hide it at all.

Several sixth-grade girls were rummaging around frantically in their

pockets as they walked.

"Oh, I can't believe I don't have a quill with me."

"Do you think...Krum will sign me with my lipstick?"

"Absurd! How ridiculous!" Hermione seemed to be one of the few sober


Ron ignored Hermione, but looked at Harry and said, "If possible, I would

like to get his signed photo. Harry, you didn't bring a quill, did you?"

"No, they're all in my bag upstairs." Harry replied.

Hermione snorted haughtily.

Chapter 195 Goblet of Fire

When Harry and the others walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down,

Ron deliberately sat on the side facing the door of the auditorium

because Krum and his Durmstrang alumni were still gathering. At the

door, it seemed uncertain where they should sit.

The Beauxbatons students had chosen seats at the Ravenclaw table. After

they sat down, they looked around the auditorium with sullen

expressions on their faces. Three of them still had their heads wrapped

tightly with scarves and turbans. .

"It's not that cold," Hermione said dissatisfied, "Why don't they wear


"Here! Come and sit here!" Ron said hoarsely, "Here! Hermione, move

over a little bit, make some room..."


"Oh, it's too late!" Ron said with a very regretful tone.

Viktor Krum and his fellow Durmstrang alumni had chosen to sit at the

Slytherin table.

Harry could see Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle all beaming with pride, and he

could see Malfoy leaning forward to talk to Krum.

"Ah, yes, Malfoy is fawning over him." Ron said sharply, "I bet Krum can

tell right away what kind of guy he is... I can say with 100% certainty

that Krum No matter where he goes, there are people discussing him and

fawning over him..."

But he forgot his behavior, remembered one thing, and immediately said

excitedly: "You said, where will they sleep? We can provide him with a

bed in our dormitory, Harry, I am willing to give up my bed to He slept

and I slept on the cot.”

"Oh, come on." Hermione snorted.

"They look much happier than the Beauxbatons group." Harry looked

back at the Ravenclaw table. He was not actually looking at his

Beauxbatons classmates.

Durmstrang's students took off their heavy fur cloaks and looked up at

the dark starry ceiling with interest. Two of the students also picked up

the golden plates and goblets and looked at them carefully. , obviously

very interested.

Over there at the faculty table, Administrator Filch was adding a few

chairs and had donned his musty old tuxedo for the occasion. Harry was

surprised to see that he had added four more chairs, two on either side of


"But there are only two more people, two school principals." Harry

wondered, "Why did Filch move out four chairs? Which two other people

will come?"

"Huh? What did you say?" Ron said vaguely, still staring at Krum


After all the students entered the auditorium and took their seats at the

tables in their respective houses, the faculty and staff finally came in, and

they filed over to the guest of honor seat and sat down.

Xia Ran sat down on his chair.

Walking at the end were Dumbledore, Karkaroff and Madam Maxime.

The Beauxbatons students stood up quickly when they saw their principal


Several Hogwarts students couldn't help but laugh, but the Beauxbatons

students didn't look embarrassed at all. It wasn't until Ms. Maxim sat

down on Dumbledore's left hand side that they sat down again. Down.

Dumbledore remained standing, and the auditorium gradually became


"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and ghosts! Of course, there are

also distinguished guests!" Dumbledore said, looking at the foreign

students with a smile, "It is with great joy that I welcome you to Hog

Watts, I hope and trust that you will feel comfortable and happy here."

A Beauxbatons girl still wrapped her scarf tightly around her head and let

out an unmistakable sarcastic sneer.

"No one forced you to stay!" Hermione whispered, she was annoyed by

the girl.

Dumbledore seemed not to have heard and continued: "The competition

will officially begin at the end of the banquet. I now invite everyone to

eat and drink as much as you would at home!"

He sat down, and Karkaroff immediately leaned forward to talk to


Xia Ran was thinking, I wish I could touch the Goblet of Fire with my

own hands.

But now that the Goblet of Fire is still in Filch's hands, he has to find a

way to take over Filch's mission.

Because he was thinking too much, even though the plate in front of him

was piled with food as usual, the house elves in the kitchen seemed to

have tried their best. This was a sumptuous dish that had never been

eaten before, with a variety of dishes, including A few of them were

definitely foreign, but he still didn't have much of an appetite.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Xia Ran decided that he had to go out and

walk around to look for opportunities.

"Hey, Xia Ran, are you full?" Hagrid happened to come in from outside at

this time, and the two of them looked at each other.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "When you are full, let's go for a walk." Then

she changed the subject and whispered: "Ms. Maxim of Beauxbatons, I

think she is very easy to get along with."

Hagrid's face immediately turned red, but it was hidden by his beard so

outsiders couldn't see it more clearly.

Xia Ran laughed and stepped out of the auditorium.

Filch, the castle administrator of Hogwarts, seemed to have finished his

food and also wandered outside the auditorium for a while, holding a box

in his hand.

Is that the box that contains the Goblet of Fire?

Xia Ran's heart immediately pounded.

"Mr. Filch." He coughed lightly.

Filch followed the sound and looked over. He was a little surprised when

he saw it was Xia Ran, and asked, "Professor Frémont, what are you

doing here?"

"It's a bit boring, let's go for a walk." Xia Ran said and pointed to the

wooden box unintentionally, which looked very old. "Is this the Goblet of

Fire box?"

"Yes." Filch replied with a nod.

Xia Ran deliberately coughed and said, "I have nothing to do anyway,

why don't you go in and eat something else? You weren't full just now,

right? I'll just take this thing in for you later."

Filch was a little hesitant. He was indeed not full yet and wanted to enjoy

the lively atmosphere in the auditorium.

"You don't believe me, do you, Mr. Filch?" Xia Ran pretended to be


"This is definitely not the case." Filch shook his head, hesitated, and then

said, "Okay, Professor Frémont, take it. When you hear or see Professor

Dumbledore's instructions, you will immediately hold it." This box goes


"Yes, I understand." Xia Ran nodded repeatedly and took the wooden box

from Filch's hand, feeling hot inside.

Filch couldn't wait to walk into the Great Hall.

Xia Ran looked around and saw no one around, and there was another

burst of noise inside. She walked to a hidden corner and carefully opened

the lid of the wooden box, revealing the Goblet of Fire inside.

It was a roughly carved wooden goblet. The cup itself was inconspicuous

at all, but it was filled with dancing blue-white flames.

Goblet of Fire!

Xia Ran's eyes were hot. She held the wooden box in one hand and

lightly touched the rough wooden goblet with the other hand.

"Triwizard Tournament: Goblet of Fire, Force Points: 200 points, do you

want to absorb it?"

Chapter 196 The strange Goblet of


200 Force points? !

Xia Ran was startled, then overjoyed. Without hesitation, she even said in

her heart: "Absorb!"

Then a curtain of light appeared on his pupils.

[Force points: 0~10~15~20~~].

The number of Force points is beating violently, and Xia Ran's heart is

also burning. With these 200 Force points, his magic power has been

promoted to level 6, and there is no obstacle.

"Maybe I can jump to level 6 (medium)..." Xia Ran secretly thought, her

joy almost beyond words.

He still controlled himself and didn't show it too obviously.

200 Force points, which is several times more powerful than the ancient

magic items he has absorbed before, such as Ravenclaw's crown, Marvolo

Gaunt's ring, Resurrection Stone, etc. Points.

Xia Ran whispered in her heart: "Could it be...that the Goblet of Fire was

related to the exchanges between European magic schools for centuries

before? This is far more than a purely legendary thing, but it has little

interference in reality and has not promoted anything. Several ancient

magic items have far-reaching significance, so the number of Force points

has increased several times?"

He didn't know the reason, but he roughly had his own guess.

[Force points: 200 points].

Xia Ran exhaled slowly, and finally absorbed all the 200 force points

contained in the Goblet of Fire. However, it was not a good time now. He

would not start to improve his magic power here. He would definitely

wait until he returned to the office.

"There should be nothing wrong with the Goblet of Fire, right?" Xia Ran's

heart skipped a beat, and she raised her eyes to stare at the wooden

goblet, only to see that the blue-white flame was a little dim. Compared

with the brightness of the flame just now, it was like the sun at noon. The

gap between the setting sun at sunset.

"It should be fine... right?" Xia Ran whispered and scratched his head.

The Goblet of Fire only serves to select warriors. Some minor injuries

probably won't affect the overall situation... right? !

He carefully put the Goblet of Fire into the box again.

At this time, the auditorium suddenly became quiet for a while, without

the previous clinking of knives, forks, plates, and wine glasses. It was

obvious that everyone had finished dinner and had begun to make the

final announcement.

Xia Ran stood by the door of the auditorium, looking at Dumbledore who

stood up and walked to the staff table to speak.

"The moment has finally arrived." Dumbledore said, smiling at the

upturned faces. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin. I want to

explain a few words first, and then bring the box in..."

He saw Xia Ran standing at the door and the old wooden box he was

holding in his hand. He was slightly startled, why was it Xia Ran? Not

Administrator Filch?

Dumbledore quickly put it behind him and continued: "I want to explain

our activity procedures for this school year, but before that, please allow

me to introduce two guests, because there are still people who don't

know them. This is Jack Mr Rom Barton, Director of the Department of

International Magical Cooperation, Ministry of Magic."

There was sparse applause in the auditorium.

"This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical

Education and Sports at the Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore continued.

The applause given to Bagman was much louder than that given to

Button, perhaps because he had made a name for himself as a batsman,

or perhaps just because he was much more relatable in appearance.

Bagman waved his thanks cheerfully, but when Jerome Barton's name

had been introduced, Barton had neither smiled nor waved.

While Xia Ran was absorbing Force points outside, these two senior

officials from the Ministry of Magic entered the auditorium from another

side door and sat next to Dumbledore.

"Over the past few months, Mr. Bagman and Mr. Barton have worked

tirelessly to arrange the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore said with a

smile. "They will be working with me, Karkaroff and Maxim Together,

the ladies will form a panel of judges to judge the efforts of the warriors.”

As soon as they heard the word warrior, the students seemed to be more

attentive, all staring at Dumbledore eagerly.

Dumbledore seemed to have noticed their sudden silence. He smiled

slightly and said, "Professor Frémont, please bring up the box."

No one noticed that Xia Ran had just walked out of the auditorium and

was now staying in the shadows next to the auditorium door.

They all turned around and saw Xia Ran walking towards Dumbledore,

holding a large wooden box inlaid with jewelry. The box looked very old.

The students watched with fascination and discussed with interest. Many

students who were short or underdeveloped simply stood on their chairs

and peered around in order to see more clearly.

It's just that they are too short after all. Even if they stand, their heads

are not much higher than others.

Xia Ran placed the box on the table in front of Dumbledore. Without

looking away, she calmly walked to her seat behind the staff table and

sat down. She was even in the mood to take a sip of wine.

"Mr. Barton and Mr. Bagman have carefully reviewed the specific events

for this year's Warriors competition." Dumbledore said. "They have also

made many necessary arrangements for each event. There are three

events in total, one in Taking place at different times throughout the

school year, they will test the warriors in many different ways...testing

their talents in magic, their courage and their ability to reason, and of

course, their ability to overcome danger!"

After hearing the last sentence, the auditorium became silent, and it

seemed that everyone stopped breathing.

"As you already know, there will be three warriors participating in the

competition." Dumbledore said calmly, "The three warriors each

represent a participating school. We will rate them based on the quality

of their completion of each competition event. After three events, Finally,

the warrior with the highest score will win the Triwizard Cup. The

person responsible for selecting the warriors is a fair selector, and it is...

the Goblet of Fire!"

Having said this, Dumbledore pulled out his wand and tapped the lid of

the box three times. The lid slowly creaked open. Dumbledore reached in

and took out the wooden goblet.

The cup itself was not eye-catching at all, but there was a blue-white

flame dancing inside. However, the brightness and concentration of the

flame seemed a bit unexpected, and it seemed dim and dull, as if it would

be extinguished soon.

"This..." Dumbledore was stunned for a moment and looked sideways at

Xia Ran.

Xia Ran's face was calm, mixed with a bit of confusion, as if he knew

nothing about the situation. He felt that there was no one who was better

at acting than himself.

He secretly praised himself in his heart.

"Ahem..." Dumbledore coughed lightly, looked away, and placed the

Goblet of Fire on the lid so that everyone in the auditorium could clearly

see it.

Chapter 197 Level 6 Magic

"Every student who wants to run for a warrior must write his name and

school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet."

Dumbledore continued, "Those who are aspiring to become a warrior can

do so in the second semester. Sign up within fourteen hours. Tomorrow

night, Halloween night, the Goblet will select the names of the three

students it thinks best represent the three schools. Tonight, the Goblet

will be placed in the foyer. All who are willing It’s accessible to students

who are running for office.”


As he spoke, he changed the subject and glanced around the auditorium,

especially those students who were eager to try but had immature faces

and were obviously underage. He said: "In order for students who are not

old enough to withstand the temptation, wait until the goblet is placed in

the foyer. I’m going to draw an age line around it that no one under

seventeen can cross.”

"Finally, I would like to remind every student who wants to participate in

the election to note that this competition is not a child's play. It is

completely different from the Quidditch game. Do not participate rashly.

Once the warrior is selected by the Goblet of Fire, he must Stick to the

game to the end. Whoever puts his name into the cup actually forms a

magical contract that must be abided by and cannot be changed! Once

you become a warrior, you cannot and are not allowed to change your


"So please think twice before you put your name in the cup and whether

you are serious about participating in the competition. Well, I think it's

time for everyone to go to bed. Good night to everyone!"

Dumbledore retreated into his seat.

Xia Ran took another sip of wine and pretended not to notice the

principal's gaze.

"Age line?"

At the Gryffindor table, Fred Weasley's eyes lit up and he said: "This is

easy to handle! You can definitely be fooled by age-enhancing drugs,

right? As long as your name goes into that cup, you Just laugh happily, it

can't tell who is over seventeen and who is under seventeen!"

At this time, the students all stood up and walked across the auditorium

towards the opposite door leading to the foyer.

"But I don't think it's possible for someone under seventeen to win,"

Hermione said. "We haven't learned enough..."

"You are talking about yourself, right?" George said impatiently. "You will

also try to participate, won't you, Harry?"

Harry nodded deliberately, but he remembered Dumbledore's insistence

that students under the age of seventeen could not register, but his mind

suddenly recalled the glorious scene when he won the Triwizard Cup...

He thought to himself, if someone under the age of seventeen really

found a way to cross the age line, Dumbledore would be so angry...

"Where is he?" Ron said, looking around for something. "Dumbledore

didn't say where Durmstrang's people were sleeping, did he?"

He didn't listen to a word they said, and only focused on searching for

Krum in the crowd.

His question was answered almost immediately.

At this time, they had reached the Slytherin table, and saw Karkaroff, the

headmaster of Durmstrang, hurriedly walked up to his students.

"Okay, let's go back to the ship," Karkaroff said. "Victor, how do you feel?

Are you full? Do you want me to send someone to bring some mulled

wine from the kitchen?"

Harry saw Krum shake his head and put his fur cloak back on.

"Professor, I would like to drink some wine." Another boy from

Durmstrang said with salivation.

"I didn't ask you, Polyarko." Karkaroff said sternly, his fatherly and gentle

expression when facing Krum suddenly disappeared, "I noticed that you

dropped food on the The front of your robe is up, you annoying boy..."

"Karkaroff, have you become so bad-tempered now?" Suddenly a deep

voice rang out, and Moody came over on crutches.

Karkaroff's face suddenly turned pale, revealing a terrifying expression of

anger and fear.

"It's you?!" Karkaroff said, staring blankly at Moody, as if he wasn't sure

he really saw him.

"It's me!" Moody said calmly, "It seems that you lived a good life in

Durmstrang. Karkaroff, your choice may have been right at the

beginning, but I think those friends of yours - once Friends - maybe they

don’t think so.”

"You..." Karkaroff seemed to want to say something, but due to Moody's

power, he did not dare to refute directly.

Harry and the others looked at Professor Moody in surprise. Did he know


"Okay, let's go, don't block the road." Moody said.

Indeed, half the students in the auditorium were waiting behind them,

scrambling to look over the shoulders of those in front of them to see

what was causing the obstruction.

Karkaroff didn't say anything more - and he didn't dare to say anything -

he waved his hand and walked away with his students.

Xia Ran walked to the door at this moment, looked at Karkaroff, and

said, "Did you catch him in the first place?"

"That's right." Moody nodded and walked away with the same cane,

allowing the students behind him to leave the auditorium and return to

their dormitories.

The two walked to the square outside the castle.

"I heard that you don't use the Unforgivable Curse, but use other spells to

capture the Death Eaters?" Xia Ran said, shaking her head slightly and

said, "To deal with these Death Eaters, it's better to use the Avada

Kedavra Curse. Come clean.”

"That's your idea. It's my responsibility as an Auror to capture them in

Azkaban Prison." Moody said, paused, "But I have retired now."

"There is no need to be merciful when dealing with enemies." Xia Ran did

not agree with his concept and said, "As long as it is clear that the crime

is serious, we will kill them directly. How can we give them so much

sympathy? For those whose crimes are not that serious, we can leave

them appropriately. Stay strong.”

Moody frowned and said, "Xia Ran, you are too murderous."

"Maybe." Xia Ran was noncommittal.

After chatting for a while, the two returned to their offices.


Xia Ran locked the door and concentrated slightly. A screen of light

appeared on his pupils. He focused on the magic power.


A cool feeling swept through his body, and he could feel the wonderful

feeling that the magic power was indeed increasing rapidly.

[Magic: Level 6 (elementary)].

Xia Ran's mind was agitated. The magic level was level 6, which was the

top level in the wizarding world. Such as Moody, the dean of the four

major colleges of Hogwarts, the second person in the Order of the

Phoenix, and Skrein, the director of the Auror Office of the Ministry of

Magic. People like Jie all have level 6 magic power.

He finally reached such a top magic level!

"Well, although I can't continue to improve my magic level, I can still

improve my magic level." Xia Ran whispered.

He also upgraded his level of Charms, from level 5 (intermediate) to level

6 (elementary).

At this point, his combat prowess is truly at the top of the magic world!

The only ones who could completely overwhelm him were Dumbledore,

the most powerful white wizard in the world, and the second-generation

Dark Lord Voldemort. The first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald,

however, had been imprisoned for decades and was in a weak body. It

was not too bad now. incredible.

Chapter 198 Becoming Stronger

Xia Ran concentrated on looking at the data on her panel again.

[Name: Charan Fremont].

[Age: 27 years old].

[Magic: Level 6 (elementary)].

[Force points: 15 points].

[Transformation: Level 5 (elementary)].

[Potion Science: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Charms: Level 6 (Elementary)].

[Herbalism: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Flying: Level 4 (medium)].

"Well, there are still 15 force points left. Save them first. If there is a

chance to absorb the force points later, it will be just in time to push the

magic power up a level again." Xia Ran touched his chin and whispered.

Level 6 (elementary), just entering the top ranks for the first time. He

estimated that he might be the same as Professor Sprout, the headmaster

of Hufflepuff House, and Professor McGonagall, the headmaster of

Gryffindor House.

As for Professor Flitwick, the dean of Ravenclaw College, he was the

champion of the Duel Club when he was young, so he must be very


Severus Snape, the dean of Slytherin House, needless to say, is the

strongest among the deans of the four major houses!

"Mad-Eye" Alastor Moody, as the second-in-command of the Order of the

Phoenix, is even better than Professor McGonagall and Snape. Needless to

say, he is powerful, but now he is older and has hidden old wounds. Less

becomes more, and the strength may decline slightly.

But in any case, Moody is definitely not a top wizard with ordinary level

6 magic!

Thinking about it this way, Xia Ran has begun to possess level 6

(elementary) magic power, which is similar to Professor McGonagall and

Professor Sprout, "Mad-Eye" Moody, Professor Flitwick and Professor

Snape. Even though he has made such great progress, he is still a little


Dumbledore and Voldemort are not the characters he can consider now.

Level 7 legendary horror wizards, those famous wizards in history, such

as the Big Four of Hogwarts: Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw,

Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, and the wizard who cultivated the

terrible dark magic creature Basilisk-"Despicable Herbo"...

These legendary wizards who have left their names in the annals of

history, regardless of whether they are black or white, good or evil, all

have magic powers as deep as the ocean, and knowledge as vast as the

stars in the sky, which is difficult to predict.

"It's not even close!" Xia Ran whispered, and the pride in her heart

dissipated in an instant.


The next day is Saturday. Generally speaking, students go to have

breakfast very late.

However, when Xia Ran went downstairs to have breakfast, there were

already more than twenty people gathered in the foyer, some of whom

were still nibbling bread, and they were all looking carefully at the

wooden goblet of fire.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were also there.

The cup was placed in the center of the foyer, on the stool where the

Sorting Hat usually rested. A thin gold line was drawn on the floor, with

a radius of ten feet, surrounding the cup.

"Has anyone put a name in?" Ron asked a third-grade girl eagerly.

"Yes, the Durmstrang group." The girl replied, "But I haven't seen anyone

sign up for Hogwarts yet."

"I guess someone must have put the name in while we were sleeping last

night." Harry guessed, "If it were me, I would do this... I don't want

everyone to see it, you know, if the cup touches you How embarrassing

would it be to crumble his name into a ball and throw it out!"

"Professor," Ron shouted, "Professor Frémont, do you know how to break

the age line set by Dumbledore?"

"Of course." Xia Ran nodded.

With a sigh, more than twenty students all focused their attention on Xia


"Professor, really?" a fifth-grade Slytherin girl said with eyes shining.

"Professor Frémont, can you teach us?" Harry couldn't help but ask,

wondering if Cho Chang would look at him differently if he became a

Hogwarts warrior?

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you think?"

The group of people suddenly became speechless.

Suddenly someone burst out laughing. Xia Ran looked back and saw

Fred, George and Lee Jordan hurriedly walking down the stairs. All three

of them looked extremely excited.

"Professor, are you here?" Fred seemed surprised.

"What potion did you drink? Are you planning to cheat?" Xia Ran asked

with a raised eyebrow.

"Professor has a keen eye." George smiled and said, "Okay, just drink it!"

"What?" Ron asked blankly.

"Fool, age-enhancing agent!" Fred whispered in a proud tone, "One drop

each, and we only need to grow up for a few more months."

"If any of us wins the Triwizard Tournament, your thousand galleons will

be divided equally among the three of us." Lee Jordan said with a happy

smile on his face.

"The professor won't stop us, right?" George looked at Xia Ran and said.

Xia Ran took a step back and said with a smile: "If you don't use the right

method, you won't succeed. Go ahead and try."

"I also don't think this will necessarily succeed." Hermione reminded, "I'm

sure Dumbledore will take this into consideration."

Age-enhancing agents are of course within the scope of Dumbledore's

consideration. The method used by Barty Crouch Jr., who disguised

himself as Moody in the original time and space, is actually feasible. He

released a confusion spell to make the Goblet of Fire think there was

something wrong. If more than four schools participate, then just write

the name of any school and you will be able to successfully become a


Anyway, in the eyes of others, when the names of Hogwarts students

appear, it naturally represents Hogwarts.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan ignored it, hoping against hope.

"Are you ready?" Fred was shaking with excitement and said to the other

two people, "Then, come on... Okay, I'll go in first..."

Except for Sharon and Hermione, everyone watched with fascination as

Fred took out a piece of parchment from his pocket with the words "Fred

Weasley - Hogwarts" written on it. .

Fred walked right to the edge of the age line and stood there, swaying on

his tiptoes like a diver preparing to jump from a fifty-foot platform.

Then, with every eye in the foyer watching, he took a deep breath and

crossed the line.

Many people thought Fred had succeeded, and George thought so too. He

shouted triumphantly and jumped forward after Fred.

People opened their mouths to cheer.

Xia Ran knew the outcome and just shook her head lightly.

boom! boom!

The twin brothers were thrown outside the golden coil, as if that place

was a layer of springs. The twins flew ten feet away, hitting the cold

stone ground. While feeling physical pain, they also received another

shock. humiliation.

With a loud cracking sound, identical long white beards appeared on the

chins of the two people at the same time, like two old men in their

seventies and eighties.

Everyone in the foyer burst into laughter. Even Fred and George couldn't

help laughing when they got up and saw each other's white beards.

Chapter 199 Warrior

Looking at the appearance of the two brothers, Xia Ran couldn't help but

shake her head and laugh.

"I warned you." A low but amused voice said. Everyone turned their

heads and saw Professor Dumbledore walking out of the auditorium.

He looked at Fred and George with a twinkle in his eye and said, "I

suggest you both go to Madam Pomfrey, who is already taking care of

Miss Fawcett and Hufflepuff in Ravenclaw. Mr. Summers, they both have

also made up their minds to look a little older. But I must say, their

beards are far less beautiful than yours."

Fred and George set off for the hospital, accompanied by Lee Jordan,

who was still laughing.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione also chatted and laughed happily and went

into the Great Hall to have breakfast.

"Good morning, Sharon." Dumbledore greeted.

Xia Ran had a natural expression and replied: "Good morning,

Dumbledore, do you want to eat more? I'm hungry." After saying that,

she entered the auditorium.

Dumbledore touched the white beard on his chin, hesitated, looked at the

Goblet of Fire, shook his head, and went upstairs to his principal's office.

Xia Ran secretly thought: "Well, it seems that he will avoid meeting

Dumbledore alone in the past few days. After a few days, all the warriors

have been selected, and he will not be able to remember this matter."

He still felt a little guilty. After all, the Goblet of Fire's dim luster and

appearance of being extinguished were all caused by him.

Xia Ran calmly walked to the seat and sat down to eat.

This morning, the decoration of the auditorium changed again, because it

was Halloween. A large group of live bats flew around the enchanted

ceiling, and there were hundreds of little pumpkins carved in every

corner. Looking askance at everyone.

"Charran, how is the arrangement?" Professor Flitwick asked, standing on

the chair.

"Not bad." Xia Ran smiled, "Did you arrange it again, Professor Flitwick?"

"And Hagrid!" Professor Flitwick said. Every time there was a banquet in

the school, Professor Flitwick enthusiastically took over the task of

decorating the auditorium.

Of course, Hagrid would also be very enthusiastic to help sometimes.

"Hey, Xia Ran, it looks like you have undergone some changes." Professor

Flitwick suddenly said in surprise.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Small progress, small progress."


After breakfast, Xia Ran returned to the office. He thought he still needed

time to get familiar with the increased magic power.


After the sun went down and they almost arrived at the hotel, Xia Ran

went downstairs and entered the auditorium again.

The Goblet of Fire had been moved and now stood in front of

Dumbledore's empty chair on the staff table.

"Who do you think it will be? Sharon, the warrior of Hogwarts." Professor

Flitwick asked.

"Digory? He has the best hope." Xia Ran answered.

"Yeah, I think it's him too. What a great young man." Professor Flitwick


Professor Sprout was smiling. Cedric Diggory was a student of Hufflepuff,

and she was the headmaster of Hufflepuff House.

Because of the Triwizard Tournament, basically all the staff of Hogwarts

came to the auditorium, including professors, administrator Filch,

librarian Mrs. Pince, and school nurse Ms. Pomfrey. .

The Halloween dinner seemed to take much longer than usual, perhaps

because it was a banquet on two consecutive days, and many students

were not as fond of these sumptuous dishes carefully prepared by the

house elves as usual.

People in the auditorium kept looking up, with anxious expressions on

every face.

Everyone was restless, standing up from time to time to see if

Dumbledore had finished eating.

Everyone is like this, eager to finish what is on the plate quickly so that

they can quickly know who is chosen as the warrior.

Xia Ran basically knew the candidates for the Warriors, and he was one

of the rare calm people in the auditorium.

"The warriors of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, who will they be in the

end?" Professor Trelawney whispered.

"Sibyl, don't you know how to predict? Let's do some divination."

Professor McGonagall said.

Professor Trelawney snorted and said, "The Third Eye will not be opened

because of such a trivial matter!"

"I think..." Xia Ran smiled, "Durmstrang, there is no doubt that it will be

Krum. As for Beauxbatons, the girl with Veela blood is also very likely.

The choice has been made.”

This is how it was in the original space and time, and nothing should

change now.

As he spoke, the golden plate returned to its original spotless state, and

the voices in the auditorium suddenly became much louder.

Immediately, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium became silent


Not only the students from the three schools, but also Professor Karkaroff

and Ms. Maxim on both sides of Dumbledore looked as nervous and full

of expectations as everyone else.

Two officials from the Ministry of Magic were also there. Ludo Bagman

was smiling and blinking at the students from various schools, while Mr.

Barton looked uninterested and could almost be said to be a little bored.

"Okay, it's time for the Goblet to make a decision." Dumbledore said with

a smile. "I guess it may take another minute. Listen, after the names of

the warriors are announced, I hope they go to the top of the auditorium,

and then Walk past the staff desk and enter the next room..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the door behind the faculty desk and

continued: "They will get preliminary guidance there!"

He took out his wand and waved it widely. In an instant, all the candles

except those in the jack-o-lantern were extinguished, and the auditorium

fell into a state of semi-darkness.

The Goblet of Fire was now emitting a dazzling light, brighter than

anything in the entire auditorium. The splashing blue-white flames were

simply a bit dazzling at this time, but everyone was watching and no one

looked away.

Everyone is waiting...who will become the warrior?

A few people kept looking at their watches.

"Soon." Hagrid whispered, but even so his voice was still loud, startling

Professor Flitwick who was standing beside him.

"Feel sorry."

Xia Ran didn't seem that interested. He held his chin with one hand and

stared at the Goblet of Fire.

Suddenly, the flame in the goblet turned red, crackling sparks burst out,

and then a tongue of fire jumped into the air, and a piece of burnt

parchment flew out of it.

Everyone in the entire auditorium held their breath.

Dumbledore caught the parchment and held it far away so that he could

read the writing clearly in the light of the flames.

The flame returned to blue-white at this time.

"The Warriors of Durmstrang..."

Dumbledore announced clearly and forcefully: "It's Viktor Krum!"

"It's not surprising at all!" Ron shouted loudly at the Gryffindor table.

Applause and cheers swept the entire auditorium. Durmstrang's warrior

was Krum. This was expected by many people. fact.

Who else in Durmstrang can compare with Krum?

Chapter 200 Mutation

"Charran, you are right about the first one. It depends on the second

Beauxbatons warrior." Professor Flitwick roared. The applause and cheers

in the auditorium were too fierce-Krum, as the world's most powerful A

great Seeker, there is no doubt about his popularity! ——If he didn't yell

like this, Xia Ran wouldn't be able to hear what he said.

Xia Ran clapped her hands lightly and saw Krum standing up from the

Slytherin table and walking towards Dumbledore listlessly. He turned to

the right and walked forward along Xia Ran's staff table. Go and enter the

next room through that door.

"Awesome, Viktor!" Karkaroff roared loudly. Although the applause was

loud in the auditorium, everyone could still hear his voice. "I know you

are destined to be a warrior!"

Finally, the applause and cheers died down, and now everyone's attention

was once again focused on the goblet. After a few seconds, the flames

turned red again, and a second piece of parchment jumped out of the

goblet, propelled by the flames. out.

"The Champion of Beauxbatons." Dumbledore glanced down and read

aloud, "It's Fleur Delacour!"

"Xia Ran, you are right again!" Professor Flitwick was a little surprised

this time.

Xia Ran clapped her hands and smiled, but suddenly caught a glimpse of

Professor Trelawney's frowning expression, and the others also looked

slightly strange.

As a divination teacher, Professor Trelawney couldn't predict who the

warriors would be. Professor Frémont, a teacher who specialized in

combat, made a very accurate prediction. How could this not make

people feel weird? Who is the professor of the divination class?

Xia Ran shrugged his shoulders. He couldn't help it. These few people

became warriors in the original time and space, and there was nothing

that couldn't be said, so he didn't want to talk nonsense.

"Professor Trelawney, I'm sorry." Xia Ran secretly said in her heart, "But I

still believe in you! Dumbledore also believes in you!"

Professor Sybill Trelawney, as a divination teacher, did indeed make

accurate predictions, and even more than ten years later, they are still

effective today.

That is the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort!

"Oh, the other Beauxbatons students are so sad." Hagrid said angrily

while applauding.

Xia Ran looks forward to it.

I saw a girl who looked like a Veela stood up gracefully, shook her silver

hair, and walked lightly through the gap between the Ravenclaw and

Hufflepuff tables.

Several boys looked at her back in a daze, as if they couldn't speak or


However, Xia Ran thought that Hagrid put it too lightly. The word "sad"

really couldn't describe the disappointment of other Beauxbatons

students. He even saw two girls burying their heads in their arms and

seeming to whisper. Sob.

When Fleur Delacour also walked into the next room, the auditorium

became quiet again. This time the silence was even more fiery, because

below were the warriors of Hogwarts!

Who will become the Champion of Hogwarts?

Everyone almost held their breath - Xia Ran might be an exception, but

she was still in the mood to take a sip of red wine - looking at the Goblet

of Fire expectantly, and the blue and white flames in the cup suddenly

turned into red flames, a piece of sheepskin The paper flew out

immediately and was caught by Dumbledore gently.

He looked down at the contents on the parchment.

"The Champion of Hogwarts..." Dumbledore raised his head, faced all the

students in the Great Hall, and announced, "...is Cedric Diggory!"


The Hufflepuff table suddenly erupted in cheers and applause. Everyone

was cheering and their excitement and joy were beyond words.

Behind the staff table, Professor Sprout, the dean of Hufflepuff House,

applauded enthusiastically with the same joy. Looking at her, she seemed

to be about to cry with joy.

"Xiaran, you guessed all three correctly!" Professor Flitwick gave a

thumbs up.

"Hey, luck, luck." Xia Ran smiled.

At this time, Cedric Diggory stood up from the Hufflepuff table. He

smiled brightly and walked towards Dumbledore. All the Hufflepuff

classmates along the way cheered and celebrated.

There were still many students congratulating Cedric at the tables of

Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Of course, the whining dissatisfaction of a small group of students does

not affect the overall situation.

The cheers for Cedric lasted for a long time, and it was not until three or

four minutes later that Cedric finally entered the next room and everyone

became quiet again.

"There's no moth this time, right?" Xia Ran whispered in her heart, and

found no sign that the color of the Goblet of Fire had changed again.

"Okay, the three warriors have been selected." Dumbledore said loudly,

"They are Viktor Krum of Durmstrang and Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons.

, Cedric Diggory at Hogwarts.”

"I know that I can completely rely on all of you, including my classmates

from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, and you will go all out to support

your warriors! By cheering for the warriors, you will also make a

contribution to this event. A great contribution!”

"Now, we……"

Dumbledore was still talking happily.

"There's no problem, that's good." Xia Ran secretly thought, but suddenly

felt that it was a pity. If there was a problem, that would be the best. It

would just be an opportunity to clear out one or two Death Eaters lurking

in. If such a Death Eater If undercover agents really exist.

Snape was a double agent, but he was actually working for the Order of

the Phoenix.

At this time, Karkaroff, Ms. Maxim, and two Ministry of Magic officials,

Ludo Bagman and Jerome Barton, all stood up and walked into the room

behind the door.

Xia Ran did not follow, and there was no need to continue to waste too

much time on this. He also wanted to go back early to adapt to the

enhanced magic power.

"...Everyone, please go back!" Dumbledore announced the end of the

banquet and followed him into the room.

The auditorium suddenly became a commotion, and people were still

discussing the three warriors intensely.

Xia Ran stood up and was about to leave the auditorium when she

suddenly heard Snape's voice: "Professor Frémont, wait a moment."

He turned his head and saw Snape winking at him. He immediately felt

relieved, nodded, and sat back on the chair again.

The other professors were slightly surprised. When did these two teachers

have such a deep friendship?

"Hey, look, what is Snape talking to Professor Frémont?" On the other

hand, Ron noticed that Xia Ran was talking to Snape and said to Harry

and Hermione.

They were almost out of the auditorium.

Hermione said: "They are both teachers. Is it any wonder that they have

good friendships? And..." she lowered her voice and said: "Don't forget,

Professor Frémont and Professor Snape are both members of the Order of

the Phoenix. member!"

Harry didn't pay much attention to Snape. He was still regretting that if

he became a Hogwarts warrior, then...

He even raised his eyes and looked around, but couldn't see the beautiful

Ravenclaw girl, so he could only sigh.

At this very moment——


Harry suddenly let out a cry of pain and reached out to cover his

forehead. A burning pain hit him, as if someone was roaring loudly and

stirring wildly in his mind. It made his brain feel like it was going to

explode. It was impossible to bear this drama. It hurt, and he passed out


Chapter 201 Clearly stated

"Harry, Harry!"

Hermione reacted quickly and supported Harry who was unconscious,

and shouted anxiously: "Are you okay, Harry? Ron, call the teacher

quickly, hurry up!"

Ron was almost stunned with fright. Hearing Hermione's urging, he just

woke up from a dream and shouted: "Professor, Professor Frémont,

Professor McGonagall, Harry...Harry, he... What’s wrong with him?”

As he spoke, Ron looked at Harry's body blankly.

Harry's body was seen shaking, his face was twisted, and his chest was

rising and falling violently, giving people the illusion that he was


The other students around were basically stunned.

At this time, Xia Ran and Snape, as well as Professor McGonagall and

Professor Flitwick, also discovered the abnormal situation here and

rushed over quickly.

"What's wrong? What happened to Harry?" Professor McGonagall asked


"I don't know, Professor, but he suddenly screamed and passed out,"

Hermione replied.

"Let me take a look." Xia Ran followed closely, pulled out her wand,

nodded Harry's head, and said, "Resume quickly! Rejuvenate!"

After using several spells in succession, Harry still looked painful and

twisted, showing no signs of waking up.

Xia Ran frowned suddenly, Harry's situation was not good!

"How's it going, Xia Ran?" Hagrid asked.

Xia Ran shook her head and said: "The situation is not optimistic. I don't

know the cause of his current illness... By the way, where is Madam

Pomfrey? Send Harry to the school hospital first."

"I'm here!" Madam Pomfrey's voice came from behind the crowd, and the

crowd instantly gave way to a passage. Madam Pomfrey came quickly

and checked Harry's physical condition with a very confused look on her


"Any questions, Poppy?" asked Professor McGonagall, after Madam

Pomfrey's name.

Madam Pomfrey frowned and said, "Harry... why does he feel like he's

been under the Imperius Curse?"

"The Imperius Curse? Poppy, are you right?" Professor McGonagall was

surprised. The Imperius Curse is one of the three unforgivable curses

officially defined by the Ministry of Magic.

"No!" Madam Pomfrey's eyebrows knitted together, and she overturned

her previous statement and said, "Take Harry to the campus hospital first,

and I will give him a comprehensive and careful examination."

Hagrid hurriedly took Harry's unconscious body from Hermione's arms,

picked him up in one fell swoop, and hurried to the school hospital with

Madam Pomfrey. Professor McGonagall also followed, and Ron and

Hermione trotted after him. Behind.

Xia Ran listened thoughtfully.

Could it be... because of Harry's connection with Voldemort?

Snape noticed Xia Ran's special look and asked, "Xia Ran, do you have

any guesses?"

"Some, but not sure." Xia Ran whispered.

The students around him slowly all left, and they were even hotly

discussing Harry's situation just now. Could it be that he couldn't accept

it because he didn't become a warrior, so he passed out?

When there was no one in the auditorium, Xia Ranfang asked, "By the

way, you seemed to have something to say to me just now."

Snape nodded and said, "It's about Percy."

"What's wrong?"

"He sent a summons this afternoon to say that Ollivander from Diagon

Alley is missing," Snape said. "You know what that means."

"Ollivander? The one who sells wands?" Xia Ran frowned and said, "You

mean... the mysterious man captured him..."

He recalled the story in the original time and space, and it seemed that

such a thing was true. Voldemort even went to Germany to capture

Grigovitch, the wand maker as famous as Ollivander, just to find the old

wand. Wand, the Elder Wand among the Three Hallows of Death.

Of course, Voldemort would not know that the Elder Wand was in the

hands of his greatest rival, Dumbledore.

But in the original time and space, that happened during the summer

vacation before Harry's sixth grade. Now Harry is only in his fourth


Xia Ran patted his head again, well, the plot has already undergone

many major changes, and the original development trajectory in time and

space can only be used as a reference, not as a basis.

"Harry...what happened to him?" At this time, everyone in the room came

out, Dumbledore asked.

"I don't know, he is in the school hospital now." Xia Ran replied.

"I'll go see him," Dumbledore said.

Xia Ran said: "Let's go together."

Snape's expression was still gloomy, and he walked out of the auditorium

and turned to his office without saying hello to anyone.

Xia Ran smiled secretly. She cared so much about Harry Potter, but could

only watch from the sidelines. Snape must be feeling very complicated,

right? !

Karkaroff and Krum, Madam Maxime, Fleur Delacour, and Cedric all

went back to their respective lounges.

"Xia Ran, what do you know?" Dumbledore noticed that Xia Ran looked a

little strange, so he asked.

Xia Ran said softly: "Dumbledore, how much do you know about

Horcruxes? I mean about Voldemort."

He felt that the matter of Voldemort's Horcrux should be properly


"Horcrux?" Dumbledore was stunned. Why did Xia Ran suddenly bring up

this topic?

Immediately he thought of something, his expression changed slightly,

and he said, "You mean... Harry is related to Voldemort's Horcrux?"

He seemed very unbelievable. At this time, Dumbledore had not yet fully

understood the situation of Voldemort's Horcruxes. He did not know how

many Horcruxes Voldemort had made, nor did he know that Harry was

one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Can a living person also become a Horcrux? !

Xia Ran's face became heavy and she said softly: "Yes, I have this guess."

After a pause, he continued: "Harry's performance... You know, Harry

knows Parseltongue, which is Salazar... The abilities of descendants of

Slytherin, such as Voldemort himself, are one of them, and obviously,

Harry is not a descendant of Slytherin, and the Potter family is not the

Gaunt family!"

"So, this ability...was passed down to Harry from Voldemort? Because of

the soul fragments?" Dumbledore was also a knowledgeable person and

understood everything.

However, he still couldn't believe it.

"You and I both know that the reason why Voldemort fell more than ten

years ago was because Lily's magic, the magic about 'love', reflected

Voldemort's Avada Kedavra, causing his death. Because of the weapon,

he was not completely dead and still had enough energy to escape from

Godric's Hollow." Xia Ran said, "At that time, Voldemort's body was

destroyed. Do you think...could it be for this reason that a fragment of

Voldemort's soul was allowed to escape? It's attached to Harry's body,

you know, Harry was the only living thing in the house at that time!"

Dumbledore looked solemn, silent, thinking seriously, and whispered: "I

have to say, Xia Ran, your speculation is very reasonable."

Xia Ran secretly said: "This was originally your inference, but I just took

it in advance and used it."

"Albus, Xia Ran." Professor McGonagall happened to come out of the

school hospital and immediately saw Xia Ran and Dumbledore walking

towards them.

"How is Harry doing, Professor McGonagall?" Xia Ran asked.

Chapter 202 The Biggest Secret

"Fortunately, I woke up just now." Professor McGonagall said with a

smile and said, "Poppy gave him some soothing potion to help him sleep.

Now that Harry has fallen asleep, I am about to leave."

At this time, the school nurse Madam Pomfrey came out of her room. She

was slightly surprised when she saw Xia Ran and Dumbledore, and said,

"Principal, Xia Ran, have you come to see Harry too?"

"Don't bother me?" Dumbledore said with a smile.

"No need to disturb, but don't stay too long." Madam Pomfrey said and

shouted softly inside, "Same for you guys, please go back to the

dormitory soon, so as not to affect the patient's rest."

"I know." Several people whispered.

Xia Ran went in and saw Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Ginny. The

five of them were standing or sitting in front of Harry's bed, and Harry

had indeed fallen asleep.

"Professor." The five said.

Xia Ran said softly: "Did Harry say anything when he woke up? Why did

he suddenly pass out?"

The five people looked at each other silently, and the four Weasley

children all had a look of fear on their faces. Finally, Hermione stood up

and said, "It's Voldemort..."

As soon as the name appeared, the four Weasley children, as well as

Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey, who came in again, all

looked unnatural, as if they felt a chill to their bones.

"...Okay, it's You-Know-Who." Hermione said, "Harry, he told You-Know-

Who's name, and there's another person..."

She looked at several professors and hesitated slightly.

Xia Ran encouraged: "Just tell me, it doesn't matter. What did Harry say?"

"He said..." Hermione took a deep breath and said, "He said that the

mysterious man was asking someone about the whereabouts of

something, and there was a high probability that he didn't get an answer.

He was very angry. The mysterious man, he seemed very, very angry.


Professor McGonagall looked strange and said, "Harry... isn't he


What the mysterious man did now, Harry had not witnessed it with his

own eyes, and he was thousands of miles away, how could he know?

"This child seems to be very ill and needs to stay in the hospital for a few

more days." Madam Pomfrey said worriedly.

Dumbledore tilted his head slightly and looked at Xia Ran, who nodded


"Did he say anything else?" Dumbledore asked again.

"No more." Hermione shook her head and replied.

"Okay." Dumbledore said, "You should go back quickly and let Harry rest

for a while and come back to see him tomorrow."

He turned around and left the ward again.

"Professor Frémont, do you know who that person is?" Hermione asked,

"The person who was questioned by the mysterious man."

"You may all know tomorrow." Xia Ran said softly and walked out of the

room, leaving everyone in the room looking around in confusion. Will

you know tomorrow?

Ginny's expression changed and she whispered: "Could it be...that he is a

very famous person? Because he was kidnapped by a mysterious man,

there will be reports about him in the newspapers tomorrow?!"

"This..." Several people looked at each other.

Professor McGonagall also followed out, and Madam Pomfrey continued

to return to her room to rest.

On the other side, Dumbledore waited for Xia Ran to come out and

whispered: "Is it because of the Horcrux? You are right, Xia Ran,

Voldemort may indeed have a soul fragment attached to Harry's body."

"You know what this means, right?" Xia Ran said.

Dumbledore fell silent for a moment.

Professor McGonagall caught up with him, looking confused, and asked,

"Albus, Xia Ran, what are you talking about?"

"Alas." Dumbledore sighed, looking extremely tired.

Yes, he should have thought of it earlier. Harry can speak Parseltongue.

Isn't this the most obvious and eye-catching feature? As a result, he

basically ignored it for more than a year, until Xia Ran reminded him

tonight, he suddenly woke up like waking up from a big dream!

Professor McGonagall was even more confused.

"About Harry..." Xia Ran sighed, "We need to think about it again, he

must..." After a pause, he still said: "Walking on the road to death!"

Professor McGonagall was stunned and said blankly: "Xia Ran, are you

kidding? Albus, this..."

She looked at Dumbledore and found that the headmaster was still tired

but showed no objection.

Now Professor McGonagall panicked and said: "Harry is a student, a

student at Hogwarts. He is also the only child of Lily and James. How

could...how could...he won't die! We These adults will definitely protect


She said this last sentence firmly.

Xia Ran rubbed her forehead and smiled bitterly. Harry was Voldemort's

Horcrux. If Harry didn't die, Voldemort would not be completely

eliminated. This situation would be fatal.

In other words, Harry must die once to remove the fragments of

Voldemort's soul from his body, so that they can finally deal with

Voldemort himself.

There was such a process in the original time and space. Harry, Ron, and

Hermione solved each of Voldemort's Horcruxes one by one. In the end,

before Snape died, he gave his memory to Harry to let him know He

learned the last and most important secret, which also prompted him to

make up his mind.

Harry watched Snape's memory through the pensieve and learned his

own fate. He could only die in order to completely kill Voldemort, the

Dark Lord!

As for that secret, before Snape handed over his memories, he was the

only one who knew about it. Before that, of course, there was also an

insider named Dumbledore - Snape was told by Dumbledore - but Now

Dumbledore has not fully understood the connection between Harry and

Voldemort. Xia Ran has an understanding of the overall plot direction

and can understand many secrets, even secrets that Voldemort himself

does not yet understand!

"Xia Ran, are you lying to us?" Professor McGonagall asked expectantly.

Xia Ran did not answer, but said: "This matter..."

"Let's talk in detail in my office." Dumbledore suddenly interrupted Xia

Ran and said, "Minerva, please inform Professor Snape."

"What? Oh, okay." Professor McGonagall walked away anxiously.

Xia Ran followed Dumbledore to the principal's office on the eighth floor.

Most of the portraits of the old male and female principals on the wall

had fallen asleep at this moment, but when they saw Xia Ran, they

quietly opened their eyes and listened to the conversation between the


Something must have happened, otherwise why would he come to the

principal's office so late at night?

Unexpectedly, Xia Ran didn't speak immediately, as if she was waiting for


Now, the old male and female principals of the past generations are even

more awakened.

Will there be anyone else?

After a while, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape came to the

office at the same time.

"Charran, Professor McGonagall said you have any secrets about Harry

Potter?" Snape said slowly, "You said he is going to die for the last time?

Dumbledore, is that true?"

His expression was very strange and indescribable.

Chapter 203 Method

Xia Ran said helplessly: "This is indeed the case."

"Fact? Ha." Snape seemed to sneer, then looked at Dumbledore, and said

slowly, "So, our headmaster raised Harry Potter just to allow him to go to

Dumbledore when necessary. Death? Like raising a pig to be


Dumbledore was silent.

"Severus..." Professor McGonagall was a little surprised. Snape had always

disliked Harry, so why was he acting so weird now?

Do you think he is happy? Definitely not; he was very angry and sad,

right? Not that much.

Xia Ran understands Snape's mood. Harry has always been Lily's son and

has the same green eyes as his mother. This is enough for Snape, just like

he wanted Harry before his death in the original time and space. Look at

him the same.

He wanted to look into those green eyes!

"Severus, don't tell me that you are starting to care about that child."

Dumbledore said softly.

Snape didn't answer, sitting on the chair that Xia Ran had just conjured

up, silent and silent.

"Xia Ran, tell me what you learned - well, or speculated - about."

Dumbledore said.

Several people's eyes were focused on Xia Ran, even the principals on the

walls. It seemed that there was something surprising about that child -

Harry Potter, the only one who escaped Avada's Kedavra Curse. The

expected thing happened.

"The mysterious man made a Horcrux to ensure his immortality." Xia Ran

said slowly, "The diary in the Chamber of Secrets that Harry opened

when he was in second grade was from when the mysterious man was

young—his student days to be precise. ——A Horcrux made, the Myrtle

in the bathroom is the victim who the mysterious man used to split the

soul fragments to make the Horcrux."

"Follow-up...well, let's put this aside for now. Let's mainly talk about


Xia Ran continued: "The first time the mysterious man collapsed was

because he attacked the Potter family living in Godric's Hollow..."

When Xia Ran said this, Snape suddenly looked a little uncomfortable.

"In the end, we all know that James died and Lily died. Before she died,

she released an ancient magic that reflected the Avada Kedavra used by

the mysterious man, causing his body to be destroyed and reduced to

something worse than a wandering ghost. The inferior remnants - I

remember I mentioned this to myself after the mysterious man came back

from resurrection - also, because of the Horcrux, the mysterious man

never died completely, and no matter how bad his condition was, he still


"However...in that room at that time, the mysterious man was struck by

the rebound of the Avada Kedavra he had released, causing his body to

be destroyed. Although he relied on the Horcrux to survive, his soul was

inevitably divided and naturally attached to the body at that time. On top

of the only living creature in the house.”

Xia Ran said, glanced around, and whispered: "That's Harry Potter."

"You mean...Harry is one of the mysterious man's Horcruxes?" Professor

McGonagall was shocked, "Can living people become Horcruxes? Aren't

only dead things able to be made into Horcruxes?"

"There are always exceptions to everything." Xia Ran shrugged.

Snape's face seemed to become more gloomy, and he whispered: "Harry

Potter is the Horcrux of You-Know-Who, which means... if you want to

get rid of You-Know-Who, Harry Potter must die." ?”

"I'm afraid you're right, Severus," Dumbledore said.

Snape looked ugly and could hardly suppress his anger. He said word by

word: "Dumbledore, is this the promise you gave me?"

He glared viciously at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did not evade, with a lot of guilt and apologies on his face.

He did not expect at first that Harry was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes,

and that death was Harry's inevitable destination!

Xia Ran suddenly chuckled, facing the dissatisfied looks of Snape,

Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall, and whispered: "I have always

said that Harry must die for once, but I never said that he should die." I

can only die!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Didn't the mysterious man always want to kill Harry with his own hands

and get rid of the idea that Harry is his old enemy?" Xia Ran chuckled,

"Then let him, let's create opportunities for him..."

"Xia Ran?!" Professor McGonagall was immediately dissatisfied.

"Professor McGonagall, don't worry, listen to me." Xia Ran raised her

hand and said, "Harry has a mysterious person's soul fragment in his

body. For us, if we take action, it will naturally be both - ha Lee and the

mysterious man's soul fragments will both die, but what if the mysterious

man takes action himself?"

He chuckled and said: "Depending on the special connection between the

two, he will probably only kill fragments of his own soul, but will not be

able to endanger Harry's life."

"Probably?" Snape repeated a word.

"No one is completely sure about this kind of thing, right?" Xia Ran said.

Dumbledore tapped his fingers on the table and said, "Voldemort can

only take action. After he takes action and 'kills' Harry, he must prevent

any subsequent harm."

"That's pretty much what it means." Xia Ran nodded. This was the

situation in the original time and space.

"This kind of opportunity is not easy to find." Dumbledore said with a

wry smile.

"Then do you have a better way?"

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, yes, if you have a choice, why

bother so much?

The problem is that they have no other second choice!

"Horcruxes?" Snape suddenly said, "In addition to the diary, Harry Potter,

and Slytherin's locket, how many Horcruxes does the mysterious man

have? If his possessions were not completely cleared before the final

layout, Horcrux, that is just a replay of the scene from more than ten

years ago, and he will come back again in ten or twenty years!"

When this issue was mentioned, Xia Ran's eyes flashed, but he did not

speak. He could not explain it well if he knew the details of Voldemort's


Dumbledore pondered: "Maybe I can find an old friend. If I guess

correctly, it was from him that Tom learned about the concept of

Horcrux, an ancient evil black magic."

"Who?" Snape asked.

"It should be familiar to you, Severus," Dumbledore said.

Snape's mind was spinning and he whispered: "Professor Slughorn?!"

Before he took over as Slytherin's Head of House, Slughorn was

Slytherin's Head of House and his Potions teacher.

"It seems that I have to visit my old friend. I hope he has not moved."

Dumbledore said.

After chatting for a while, several people said goodbye to Dumbledore

one after another and left the principal's office.


The next day, because it was Sunday, there were no classes that day. Xia

Ran still got up early to get familiar with the magic and improve her

control over the magic.

The news of Harry's coma has spread to the four colleges, as well as the

two magic schools Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Many people say that Harry Potter was so angry that he eventually

passed out because of jealousy because he did not become a Hogwarts


"Are they all irrational?" When Harry learned this statement, he was

immediately furious. "Who would fall into a coma due to jealousy?"

"You!" Ron said, seeing Harry's angry gaze, and said, "Okay, just kidding."

"By the way, did the professor say who that person was yesterday? The

person who was captured by the mysterious man?" Harry asked again.

Chapter 204 Report

Hermione shook her head and said, "Today's Daily Prophet hasn't been

published yet. Besides, if something happens to someone, do you think

the Daily Prophet will really publish it? I'm guessing!"

As she said this, she made no secret of her disgust for the Daily Prophet.

This feeling arose when the Daily Prophet was almost completely

controlled by the Ministry of Magic and vigorously smeared Dumbledore

and Harry.

She basically doesn’t subscribe to the Daily Prophet anymore.

"So I ordered 'The Quibbler.'" Ginny said. "Luna and I are good friends,

aren't we? I think Mr. Lovegood might report on related matters,

provided... he has a way to find out. Got this news."

"Here we come!" Ron suddenly pointed out the hospital window. A group

of owls flew outside Hogwarts Castle, and two of them flew to this

location in the school hospital ward.

Ginny continued: "Open the window quickly, Ron."

With a kata sound, Ron opened the window, and the owl flew in with a

whir, and he said, "Thanks."

Hermione fed the two owls with the soft food she had brought to Harry,

and took off the newspapers hanging on the owls. One was the "Daily

Prophet" and the other was "The Quibbler."

The owl pecked Hermione's finger lightly and flew away again.

"Super secret exposed! Secrets about Dumbledore when he was young!"

Ginny read, getting angry, "The Daily Prophet knows how to smear

Dumbledore all day long."

"Aren't you used to it?" Hermione asked angrily, "Now the Daily Prophet

doesn't release any news at all, okay?"

"Ron, what did The Quibbler say?" Harry asked.

Ron was holding the newspaper "The Quibbler" and his brows suddenly

furrowed. When he heard Harry's voice, he replied: "The Quibbler said

that Ollivander is missing."

"Ollivander?" Ginny raised her eyebrows, "The wandmaker from Diagon


"It turns out it's him!" Harry said suddenly. He still remembered that

when he first arrived in Diagon Alley, he followed Hagrid to buy a wand.

The wand shop owner was so weird.

Hermione looked at Harry and asked, "Is the person you are looking at

Ollivander? The one who was captured by the mysterious man."

"I don't know." Harry smiled bitterly, "I only know that he was lying on

the ground...well, the mysterious man, he caught a man and was tortured

and interrogated. It seemed that there was no result, so he became


"Then how did you fall into a coma?" Ginny wondered, "And how did you

know these things? I mean, the mysterious man must be thousands of

miles away, and you haven't witnessed it with your own eyes, how can

you know about him? What are you doing now? It’s like seeing it with

your own eyes.”

"I don't know." Harry still shook his head.

Hermione thought thoughtfully and whispered: "Perhaps Professor

Dumbledore and Professor Frémont should know something, judging

from the situation last night."

"Did they say something?" Harry asked hurriedly, he was also eager to

understand what happened to him.

Hermione shook her head.

"It seems that we have to find time to ask Professor Frémont." Ron said.

On the other side, Xia Ran was sitting in the office, flipping through the

latest issues of "The Daily Prophet" and "The Quibbler." He only glanced

at the "Daily Prophet" and threw it directly into the trash can.

"Waste of my time!" Xia Ran whispered, flipping through "The Quibbler"


In "The Quibbler," the editor-in-chief Mr. Lovegood made sharp remarks.

While criticizing Fudge and the Ministry of Magic, he also reported the

disappearance of Ollivander, the owner of the wand shop in Diagon

Alley, and pointed out that the Ministry of Magic had no control over the

matter. The attitude of turning a deaf ear is really incompetent!

Of course, "The Quibbler" will definitely mention something about

harassing horseflies in passing, which is considered to be a private


"It's still the same, Mr. Lovegood." Xia Ran laughed.


In the following weeks, the teachers and students of Hogwarts, including

students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, focused their attention on

the Triwizard Tournament and the disappearance of a wand master. , few

people cared at all, many people thought that Ollivander was traveling


On the contrary, Harry Potter has always been the target of ridicule. In

their view, Harry being so angry because he did not become a warrior is

really interesting, especially to the Slytherin students.

Harry felt like he was being laughed at everywhere he went, which

annoyed him, but he was relieved that his close friends believed in him.

On this day, Xia Ran received a request. Because Ollivander was missing,

the Ministry of Magic could not find him, so the inspection of the wands

of the three warriors needed another wizard to perform it.

"Xia Ran, I heard that you are quite accomplished in this area, right?"

Ludo Bagman said with a smile, "It's just you. We hope you can help the

three warriors check the wands to see if they have any Something went


Xia Ran hesitated.

He does have some knowledge of wand science, but that was during his

student days, and later he focused on improving his magic power. Now

he doesn't pay much attention to wand science, as can be seen from the

messages on his panel.

"Come on, Xia Ran, Ollivander is gone, and apart from you, it will be

difficult to find the other wand masters in a short time." Bagman said,

"The Triwizard Tournament is also being held at Hogwarts. As a host, you

have to do your best, right?"

"Okay." Xia Ran finally agreed, and they came to a smaller classroom. At

this time, there were already several people in the classroom.

Most of the desks have been pushed to the back of the classroom, leaving

a large open space in the middle, but there are three desks placed side by

side in front of the blackboard, covered with a long piece of velvet.

Behind the velvet-covered desks, Five more chairs were placed, and on

one of them sat a witch wearing a magenta robe.

Xia Ran recognized her as Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily

Prophet. Xia Ran had dealt with her several times when she was still

working at the Ministry of Magic.

Viktor Krum stood in a corner with a gloomy face as usual, not talking to

anyone. Cedric was talking to Fleur Delacour. Fleur seemed very happy.

She kept shaking her head, making her long silver hair shine with a

dazzling luster.

Xia Ran observed three seconds of silence for Bill.

The pot-bellied man holding a large black camera that was slightly

smoking in his hand also peeked at Fleur from the corner of his eye.

"Oh, Xia Ran, it's so nice to see you." Rita Skeeter said with a fake smile,

stood up and shook hands with Xia Ran.

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and said, "Really? However, I have to say,

Rita, it's great to see you. Your report is great! Especially the description

of my stupid brain."

He said and moved his wand slightly, looking half-smiling.

Chapter 205 Inspection

During the summer, because Xia Ran accepted an interview with "The

Quibbler" and openly criticized Fudge, which made Fudge very angry, the

"Daily Prophet" naturally had to follow suit and slandered Xia Ran, but it

was not as powerful as Dumbledore is just lighter.

Those reports were, of course, mostly written by Rita Skeeter.

So when Xia Ran said this, he seemed to want to pursue it, especially

when his fingers touched the end of the wand.

Rita Skeeter's expression froze slightly. She had no fear at all. Even

though she had slandered Dumbledore and Xia Ran by the way, she still

dared to enter Hogwarts to look for report materials.

But she didn't expect that Xia Ran didn't seem to be prepared to act

according to the rules, which made her a little confused.

She knew very well that whether she was facing Dumbledore or Charlotte

Frémont, she would basically lie down instantly if they really made a


Seeing this, Ludo Bagman coughed lightly and interjected: "Ahem... Xia

Ran, please get ready. We are going to check the wand soon. I hope

nothing goes wrong."

He was really afraid that Xia Ran would just take out her wand and cast a

curse on Rita Skeeter.

Xia Ran seems different now from before, and has changed a lot.

"Okay, Rita, don't hide the news that should be reported." Xia Ran smiled,

put down her fingers, and dropped the wand back into her pocket.

Rita Skeeter breathed a sigh of relief and returned to her fearless state,

saying: "You are right, Xia Ran, I am very keen on reporting the facts,


"Ahem..." Bagman coughed twice again.

Rita Skeeter shrugged her shoulders and said no more.

Xia Ran didn't say anything more.

"By the way, Xia Ran, how much do you know about our 'Savior Star'?"

Rita Skeeter asked again, "You are his teacher, you must know a lot,


"'Saving Star'?" Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and said, "It seems that you

gave this nickname to me, right?"

"Don't worry so much, it's always a good title, right?" Rita Skeeter waved

her hand, "I believe people really like to watch news about Harry Potter."

She said it with all her heart.

"Then go interview him yourself." Xia Ran said, "It's useless to ask me."

"Okay." Rita Skeeter looked regretful.

"Aren't you late?"

At this time, several other referees, Dumbledore, Karkaroff, and Ms.

Maxim, all entered the classroom. The classroom, which was originally

relatively spacious, suddenly became crowded.

"No, Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Ms. Maxim, sit down quickly." Bagman

smiled and asked the principals of the three schools to sit down.

Rita Skeeter found a corner and sat down. She reached into her crocodile

leather handbag, took out a long green dazzling quill and a roll of

parchment, and then spread the parchment on her own on the knees.

She put the tip of the green quill into her mouth, sucked it deliciously for

a while, and then stood the quill upright on the parchment.

The quill tube stood on the tip of the pen and trembled slightly.

"Xia Ran, I didn't expect you to come to check the wands of the warriors."

Dumbledore said with a smile, "It seems that I can open another wand


Xia Ran shrugged her shoulders and said: "Then you can't ask me. A

combat class is enough to keep me busy."

Bagman looked at the few warriors and said, "Well, we have to check

whether your wands are fully functional and perform well, because in

future competitions, your wands will be your most important equipment."

"Xia Ran, can we start?"

Xia Ran nodded and said, "Miss Delacour, you come first, okay?" He

walked to the open space in the center of the room.

Fleur Delacour walked lightly to Xia Ran and handed him her wand.

Xia Ran took the wand, recalled the wand knowledge in her mind, and

felt the wand through the powerful magic power.

"Huh?" He whispered, letting Fleur's wand rotate in his hand, and the tip

of the wand suddenly spurted out many pink and gold sparks. He then

raised the wand, put it in front of his eyes, and observed carefully.

"Not bad!" Xia Ran said softly, "Well, the wand is nine and a half inches

long... it's very elastic... it's made of maple... it contains... this is..."

"Contains a Veela hair." Fleur said proudly, "It is my grandma's hair."

Fleur was indeed part Veela.

"Yes, that's right." Xia Ran said, "I'm not a pure wand maker, but using

Veela's hair as a wand will make the wand too sensitive and willful... Of

course, everyone has their own preferences. Since If it suits you, then..."

As he spoke, he passed the wand with his fingers and checked whether

there were any scratches or bruises on it. Finally, the magic power surged

slightly in his body, and he whispered: "The orchids are in bloom!"

A bouquet of flowers blooms on the head of the wand.

"Great!" Xia Ran said, waving the wand to make the flowers disappear,

and then handed the wand to Fleur, "Next...Cedric, it's your turn."

Fleur returned to her seat with brisk steps, and when she passed Cedric,

she smiled brightly at him.

Xia Ran has to observe three seconds of silence for Bill again.

"This is Mr. Ollivander's product, but he is missing. What a pity!" Xia Ran

took Cedric's wand, shook her head and sighed.

Cedric smiled awkwardly.

"Well, let me take a look."

Xia Ran studied the wand carefully for a while.

"Twelve and a quarter inches, made of ash wood, very elastic, with a core

of unicorn tail hair, right?"

"Yes, Professor," Cedric replied.

"It's in excellent condition. It seems you take care of it regularly." Xia Ran

praised it.

"Just wiped it last night," Cedric said, grinning.

"Fire is raging." Xia Ran asked Cedric's wand to spit out a stream of red

fire, turning into a badger squatting in the air. His eyes made of flames

glanced around, and he waved the wand again to make the badger

disappear. .

"No problem," he said.

Cedric returned to where he had been standing with his wand in hand.

"Mr. Krum, it's your turn."

Krum stood up, shrugged his chubby shoulders, walked toward Xia Ran

listlessly with his splayed feet. He stuffed the wand over and stood there

with a frown on his face, his hands in the pockets of his robe. inside.

"Gregovich's products, I have met him once. He is a very skilled wand

maker, not inferior to Ollivander." Xia Ran raised the wand and looked at

it carefully for a while in the sunlight outside the window.

"Horbeam wood contains the heart chords of the fire dragon, right?"

Krum nodded.

"Much thicker than what is usually seen, very stiff, ten and a quarter

inches... Flock of birds!"

Xia Ran waved Krum's wand, and suddenly there was a loud bang in the

classroom, as if a musketeer had just fired. A flock of snow-white birds

chirped and flew out of the window.

"Very well, no problem, Bagman."

Chapter 206 Bold

Xia Ran stepped aside and was about to leave directly. Bagman stopped

him and said, "Xia Ran, don't be too busy walking and take pictures! Let's

take a photo together!"

The man with the black camera jumped up and cleared his throat.

Bagman turned to the principals behind the table and said excitedly:

"Take pictures! Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Ms. Maxim, take a group photo!

Rita, the referee and the warriors take a group photo, what do you

think?" Like? Great, right?"

"Uh, okay." Rita Skeeter said, her eyes flashing, "Maybe we can take some

photos of students in Hogwarts later."

Xia Ran knew Rita Skeeter's purpose. Besides Harry Potter, who else

among the Hogwarts students could interest her so much?

But this was not a big deal. Dumbledore had not expressed any objection,

so why should he jump out to refute it?

It took a long time to take pictures because Ms. Maxim was too tall. She

was even taller than Hagrid. This resulted in her blocking others no

matter where she stood. At most, she was blocked. Show one hand or two


And the room was too small for the photographer to stand far enough

away to frame her, so Ms. Maxim ended up sitting down while everyone

else stood around her.

Karkaroff kept twirling his fingers around his goatee, trying to curl it;

Krum, the best seeker in the world, was supposed to be used to this,

playing in the World Cup finals. , will he face this kind of situation less

often? ——In the end, he was dodging and hiding behind everyone.

The photographer seemed particularly motivated to get Fleur in front -

who knows why? Right? ——Furong had no choice but to stand in front

of everyone, right next to her principal.

But she looked happy and didn't feel worried at all.

After taking pictures, it was almost time for dinner, and a group of

people entered the Hogwarts Great Hall. Just as Hagrid came in, he saw

Ms. Maxim and seemed very excited and happy. Because he was covered

in dirt, he didn't know what he had done before. I did something and felt

a little embarrassed.

Hagrid said hello, turned around and left immediately. Halfway there, he

suddenly turned around and said, "Xia Ran, can you come out for a


Xia Ran was surprised, but still followed.

"Hagrid, what are you doing? What's the matter?" Xia Ran asked.

Hagrid looked back again, and took a long time to look away.

Xia Ran followed and looked over, and saw a tall figure disappearing

behind the auditorium door, and immediately rolled her eyes.

"Ahem..." Hagrid deliberately coughed twice, his face a little red, and

muttered, "You don't know, Xia Ran, you don't understand... you're too


"Come on!" Xia Ran said angrily, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Hagrid looked around. At this time, they had arrived at the edge of the

field, close to the Forbidden Forest. There were no more students playing

around, but Hagrid still lowered his voice and said, "You know what the

first project is?" Really, Xia Ran?"

The first event of the Triwizard Tournament?

Xia Ranxin said that of course he knew, and he knew exactly what the

second and third projects were.

"Grab the dragon eggs, right?" he replied.

Hagrid was startled and said in surprise: "You know? Well, you're right,

it's about grabbing dragon eggs."

Saying that he didn't care where Xia Ran got the information from, his

eyes revealed a look of obsession, and he murmured: "Dragon egg, back

then Norbert - oh, no, now it's called Norbert, that's a female dragon ——

It hatched from an egg..."

"Don't think about asking me to help you steal dragon eggs, right?" Xia

Ran said with a smile.

"No, no!" Hagrid waved his hand, "Charlie and the others haven't escorted

the fire dragon to Hogwarts yet."

Charlie Weasley is the second child of the Weasley family and raises

dragons in Romania.

"Do you really have this idea?" Xia Ran asked in surprise.

Hagrid scratched his head and muttered: "Is it an idea? Just think about

it. It's not a crime, right?"

"You have no chance." Xia Ran said, "The fire dragons that the warriors

have to face are all brought from the dragon farms in Romania. Charlie

and the others have definitely counted the number of dragon eggs, and

there is no way they will give you a chance to steal the dragon eggs.


He shook his head helplessly and said: "Can the fire dragon be raised in

Hogwarts? There are many strong wizards in the dragon farms in

Romania, so that they can subdue the fire dragon. You alone? You can't

raise it!"

Hagrid seemed to whisper a few words, and finally said: "Xia Ran, please

come with me to welcome Charlie and his dragon guard team in two

days. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to do it alone."

Xia Ran agreed.

Sure enough, another week passed, and on the weekend, Xia Ran

received a notice from Hagrid, hoping that he would enter the Forbidden

Forest together after sunset.

The trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione who sent the message were

curious: "Professor Frémont, what are you going to do in the Forbidden

Forest? Isn't that place dangerous?"

The trio was able to violate the ban many times and go deep into the

Forbidden Forest, and they were quite familiar with the situation inside.

Xia Ran glanced at the three of them and said with a half-smile: "You still

know the danger, but how many times have you been in there?"

"Well, Professor, this is different, right?" Hermione couldn't help but

asked, "Is it related to the Triwizard Tournament?"

"The Triwizard Tournament?" Harry's eyes lit up and he asked, "Yes,

Professor, is it the first project? What are they going to do?"

"Okay, you'll know when the time comes. Anyway, it's very exciting." Xia

Ran said perfunctorily and sent the trio away. After dinner, he arrived at

Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest and stepped in together.

Inside the Forbidden Forest.

"Are you really going to do this? Isn't it bad?" A very low female voice

suddenly said in front of the empty cabin door.

"Careful, Hermione, you stepped on me!" Harry whispered.

"Don't worry, with Harry's invisibility cloak, Professor and the others

won't be able to find us." Ron said confidently.

It turned out that after Harry, Ron, and Hermione returned to the lounge,

their curiosity became uncontrollable and they decided to use Harry's

invisibility cloak to go to Hagrid's cabin in advance and wait for

Professor Frémont to come. Then follow them deep into the Forbidden

Forest to see what Professor Fremont and Hagrid are going to do in the

Forbidden Forest. What is the first event of the Triwizard Tournament?

There are many invisibility cloaks in the world, but the one inherited

from Harry's family is one of the Deathly Hallows and the most concealed

invisibility cloak in the world. Therefore, Xia Ran did not notice the

invisible cloak more than a hundred meters behind her. Three little tails.

Of course, he didn't expect the trio to be so bold.

The Forbidden Forest occupies a vast area, much larger than the

Hogwarts Castle Square. There are countless dangerous creatures or

endangered magical species living in it. It can be said to be one of the

most mysterious forests in the world!

Hagrid was very familiar with this place, and Xia Ran was brave and

fearless. The two of them quickly penetrated several miles deep into the

Forbidden Forest.

Chapter 207 Fire Dragon

Xia Ran and Hagrid walked around a bush and walked to a relatively

open area. They immediately stopped and stopped walking, as if waiting

for something to arrive.

The trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione followed behind, cautiously.

Fortunately, Xia Ran and Hagrid opened the way, and they were wearing

invisibility cloaks, otherwise they felt that they would definitely

encounter a lot of dangers.

The Forbidden Forest is never peaceful and peaceful.

"What are they waiting for?" Ron asked in a low voice. The trio, wearing

invisibility cloaks, stopped in the shadow of the trees more than a

hundred meters away.

Harry shook his head and whispered in the same low voice: "I don't

know. It seems that Professor Frémont and Hagrid are waiting for


"Shh!" Hermione suddenly signaled the two of them to be silent. More

than a hundred meters away, Xia Ran raised her eyes and glanced

around, and even stayed in their bush for a moment.

Harry and Ron didn't even dare to breathe with their mouths shut tightly.

Xia Ran seemed unaware and looked away again.

"Huh~~" Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "Professor

Frémont's perception is so sharp!"

Harry and Ron both nodded. At that moment, they all felt that they

might have been discovered by Professor Frémont.

On the other side, Hagrid asked strangely: "Xia Ran, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Xia Ran frowned slightly and replied, "That place seems a little


"There are a lot of weird things." Hagrid said disapprovingly, "This is

already deep in the Forbidden Forest. Nothing weird would be


Xia Ran thought the same, who knew what species existed deep in the

Forbidden Forest? I'm afraid even Dumbledore, the eldest headmaster,

doesn't know clearly.

"Look, it's coming!" Hagrid suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the

sky, saying excitedly.

Xia Ran looked up at the sky, and saw a group of shadows flying quickly

above the sky that had begun to darken, as if a mountain peak had

collapsed. In the blink of an eye, it covered the sky above Xia Ran and

the others, and the surrounding areas became completely dark and silent.

"The cute little guys are here," Hagrid said excitedly.

Xia Ran is speechless, little one? I don't think even a real giant can match

the size of a dragon, let alone a hybrid giant like you!

"But, dragons..." Xia Ran marveled. Although these dragons with wings

are not the kind of dragons he thought, but in any case, with their size,

hard scales, and wild and ferocious flying in the sky, they are always... It

will give people a shocking feeling.

The trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione behind them were completely


"That's... a dragon?" Ron said in disbelief.

"No!" Harry whispered, "Not one dragon, but three!"

"This is the first project! Three dragons! Three warriors!" Hermione

whispered, although she was equally shocked.

"Are they crazy?" Ron was shocked. "Let the students deal with the

dragon? Doesn't this mean that they will die? Look at their size..."

Harry felt that what Ron said was very reasonable. Yes, three dragons

looked so fierce. How could students deal with them? He thought to

himself that even the teachers in the school might not be able to cope

with it, right? !

Now he understood why the Triwizard Tournament was banned and why

there were dead warriors in the past.

"No wonder some warriors died!" Hermione said, "I have read in books

that adult wizards cannot deal with the dragon alone. How can we

students be able to deal with it?"

"Fortunately, Dumbledore set the age limit, otherwise..." Ron said,

thinking that if he became a warrior, he would have to face such a

terrifying creature...

He shivered nervously.

Harry also felt lucky. He had originally envied Cedric for becoming a

Hogwarts warrior, but now that feeling of envy suddenly turned into


"Hagrid, get out of the way, we're about to land!" Someone suddenly

shouted loudly from the dragon's back.

Hagrid also shouted loudly: "Get down, we retreat."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three adult fire dragons were controlled by the dragon breeders and

landed in the open space deep in the Forbidden Forest. Xia Ran felt that

the ground was shaking for a moment, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Dozens of figures jumped off the back of the giant dragon. They were all

wearing thick robes. Their faces were haggard and dusty, and many of

them had dark circles under their eyes. They were yawning constantly, as

if they were very sleepy.

"Hagrid, Xia Ran is here too, please." One of them said, he was none

other than Charlie Weasley.

"We need to surround the fire dragons with thick wooden boards first to

prevent them from running around and breaking into Hogwarts." Another

steady wizard said with a tired look on his face.

Xia Ran said: "Thick boards? I'll do it!"

As he spoke, he took out his wand and waved it lightly, and the magic

power surged out. From the edge of the clearing, pieces of hard wood fell

from the sky. With the force of the fall, they penetrated straight into the

ground and were erected four to five meters high, connecting the

Forbidden Forest with the This isolation.

"What a powerful magic!" the dragon breeders exclaimed. As wizards at

the Romanian dragon farm, each of them is very strong, otherwise they

would not be able to tame the dragon. However, to achieve this step, one

person is determined to do so. It's possible, but only if a group of them

take action at the same time.

Charlie was also surprised and said: "Xia Ran, your magic power has

improved very rapidly!"

Xia Ran smiled.

"It's so beautiful!" Hagrid said softly in a different tone than usual, his

eyes fixed on the three adult fire dragons with a look of obsession.

It seems that because of Xia Ran's magic, the three adult fire dragons

were frightened or angered. They stood up on their hind legs, roared and

snorted, and balls of flames emerged from their open mouths. The long

fangs spurted out from the mouth and shot into the dark night sky.

Their necks are raised high, and their mouths are as high as fifty feet

from the ground. No matter how tall humans are - such as the hybrid

giant Hagrid - they are like little humans in front of them.

A silver-blue fire dragon with a pair of long sharp horns, a green fire

dragon with smooth scales, and a red fire dragon with a circle of strange

thin sharp horns around its face.

The three fire dragons roared and roared, making a group of dragon

keepers suddenly nervous.

"Quickly, subdue them and don't let them have the urge to break out.

There are still a few days until the first event of the Triwizard

Tournament! We can't leak the news in advance!" A dragon breeder

shouted loudly and ran up Go.

"Let's talk about old times later." Charlie said, and ran forward. Seven or

eight wizards worked together to deal with a fire dragon. They pulled on

thick iron chains and tried desperately to subdue the three dragons. The

iron chains were tightly connected to the dragon's legs. and a thick

leather belt with a dragon's neck.

"So beautiful! Simply the most beautiful creature in the world!" Hagrid


Xia Ran didn't take action. After all, he was just a teacher at Hogwarts,

not a dragon tamer.

He raised his head and saw a pair of ferocious eyes, that of the red fire

dragon. The pupils were as vertical as a cat's eyes, not just because of

fear or anger, the eyes were bulging.

The red-armored fire dragon let out a terrifying roar, shrill and harsh.

Its eyes were suddenly fixed on a certain place, and its ferocity and

cruelty were unmistakable.

Chapter 208 Coma Curse


The moment the red-armored fire dragon stared at it with its eyes raised,

Harry, Ron, and Hermione immediately took a breath and their hearts


"It...it found us?" Ron's teeth were chattering.

"Probably...no..." Harry's heartbeat increased and his palms became


"Stop talking!" Hermione whispered, her eyes still fixed on the red fire

dragon. The fire dragon's vertical pupils were cold, as if looking at a few

ants. As soon as the huge dragon head raised, a ball of red flames began

to shine.

"That's..." Hermione's expression changed drastically and she hurriedly

shouted, "Get out of the way!"

She no longer cared about the fear of being discovered by Professor


Harry also reacted in time, and together with Hermione, he pulled Ron

and ran aside quickly to avoid the breath of the red fire dragon.

"What? Harry? Hermione? Ron? Why did you come here?" Hagrid said in

shock, "You shouldn't have come!"

Suddenly he looked up at the fire dragon and shouted: "Run! Get away!

Xia Ran, Charlie..."

Hagrid was now deeply complaining about why he didn't bring his

umbrella. His umbrella was his wand.

"Got it!" Charlie shouted, "Quick! Subdue this fire dragon!"

A group of dragon tamers took out their wands and aimed at the red fire


at this time--

"Collapse!" A loud shout overwhelmed all other sounds and resounded

throughout the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

call! !

A ray of fire was like a bomb shelling, lighting up the dark night sky and

hitting the red fire dragon directly. Although the layer of red fine scales

was thick, it was still unable to withstand the magic of the coma spell,

and sparks shot out all over the sky. beauty.

The red fire dragon had a crooked body and stood precariously on its

hind legs. Its mouth was wide and it let out a final silent roar. The flames

in its nostrils and mouth were suddenly extinguished, but it was still

green. Smoke, then it slowly fell down, as if unwilling, as if angry, as if

fear, and hit the ground heavily.


This powerful red fire dragon with bright red scales weighing several

tons crashed to the ground. The ground shook a few times and the trees

shook, as if there was an earthquake.

"Who is it?" The dragon tamers all looked up and looked back, just in

time to see the sparks extinguish at the tip of Xia Ran's wand.

"Is it him?! The combat professor at Hogwarts?!"

"So strong!"

"One person subdued a fire dragon... We all need the combined efforts of

seven or eight people to do it!!"

A group of dragon tamers were shocked.

Indeed, it was Xia Ran who took action. He had the wand in his hand - he

had taken it out just now but had not yet put it back into his pocket - and

turned around to aim at the other two fire dragons.

"Fainted to the ground! Fainted to the ground!"

He waved his wand twice in succession, and two brilliant blazes of fire

flew quickly and hit the other two giant dragons. The smaller green

dragon and the silver-blue dragon fell to the ground one after another.

Their layers were hard and thick. His scales seemed unable to withstand

Xia Ran's spell, and he fell directly into a deep coma and sleep.

The dragon tamers put down their wands and looked at each other. There

was no need for them to act together in a tacit agreement. Xia Ran could

handle it all by himself, which was really frustrating.

They hurried towards the giant dragons lying on the ground. Each dragon

was like a hill. They tightened the chain and tied the chain firmly to the

iron pillar. Then they waved their wands and nailed the iron pillar deeply

into the ground. in.

"Xia Ran, thank you." Charlie said, wiping the sweat from his forehead,

"You are much better than before! How can you deal with a giant dragon

so easily?!"

He was very emotional.

"Professor, if you are willing to be a dragon tamer, there is basically no

dragon in the world that you cannot tame." Another wizard smiled.

"It really deserves to be Hogwarts!" Another dragon tamer exclaimed,

"Any professor can have such terrifying magic power! I had heard of the

name Hogwarts when I was in my hometown. The White Wizard’s


Xia Ran thought to herself that I relied on the Force points, otherwise... I

would be lucky to become a level 5 wizard. How could I dare to hope for

a level 6 wizard?

But these words don’t need to be spoken to outsiders.

"You three... tell me, how did you get here?"

On the other side, Hagrid had a stern look on his face and was scolding

Harry, Ron and Hermione.

The trio bowed their heads and said nothing in response.

Xia Ran and Charlie walked over, and Charlie also scolded with a serious

face: "Ron, who allowed you to run out at night? You also took Harry and

Hermione with you... This is the Forbidden Forest. You don't know how

big it is. Is it dangerous?"

Ron muttered something, but it was obvious that Charlie didn't hear him

clearly. When he glared, Ron immediately stopped mumbling.

Harry said in shame, "I was the one who suggested following Hagrid and

Professor Frémont to come over and see what happened."

"We were wrong." Hermione admitted her mistake sincerely.

Hagrid's face brightened slightly and he said, "Never again! You shouldn't

know about this kind of thing!"

The trio breathed a sigh of relief, and Harry couldn't help but say:

"Professor Frémont, you are so powerful, you can subdue a giant dragon

with just one spell!"

"Yes, Professor Frémont, Charlie and the others were not subdued..." Ron

also said, sensing Charlie's gaze, he immediately shut up.

Charlie hummed: "If you had Xia Ran's skills, where would you like to go

and how many people would ask? The question is, you are only in fourth

grade, what do you know?"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "You should study hard. There are not many

shortcuts to the growth of magic power. Only when the magic power

becomes stronger can we deal with various dangers." But she was

thinking in her heart that Force points are the best shortcut!

"Charlie, can we take a closer look?" Hagrid turned back to look at the

three fire dragons with an obsessed expression, as if he had seen Ms.


The trio looked at each other and giggled.

"Then let's take a closer look. Anyway, they were all knocked unconscious

by Xia Ran." Charlie did not refuse.

Xia Ran put the wand back in his pocket, and approached the three

sleeping adult fire dragons with the others. The huge dragon body, the

ferocious dragon head, and the fierce breathing, the closer you get, the

more you can understand the terror of the giant dragon.

"How about it? It's very powerful, isn't it?" Charlie said with a smile,

"Although raising a dragon is a very dangerous thing, it is always very

satisfying to be able to tame these powerful big guys."

Xia Ran squatted down and looked at the red dragon that he had knocked

unconscious at the beginning. The eyes of the red fire dragon were still

slightly open, as if Xia Ran's stun spell had not completely knocked it out.

A layer of hard and thick scales with extremely strong defense.

"What kinds of things do you have here, Charlie?" Xia Ran asked.

"This is the Chinese Fireball." Charlie pointed at the red fire dragon in

front of them and said, "The smaller green one is the ordinary Welsh

Green Dragon, and the last silver-blue one is the Swedish Brachysaurus."

"Chinese fireball?!" Xia Ran raised her eyebrows. Could this kind of

dragon with wings be a giant dragon from China? !

Chapter 209 Dragon Egg

"It seems that I acted lightly just now!" Xia Ran thought to himself, stood

up, and the fire dragon's pupils moved with him.

"Well, I think we should give them a bottle of sleeping pills to let them

sleep for a while, so as not to make them unhappy due to the fatigue of

the journey and the unfamiliarity and discomfort of the new

environment." Charlie said, helping the other dragon trainers take out the

The potion was mixed into the food and fed to the three fire dragons.

Although they were hit by Xia Ran's coma spell, relying on the dragon's

strong body and hard scales, the three dragons fell to the ground and still

managed to stay awake.

Xia Ran guessed that it might take a level 7 wizard to knock them

unconscious with one blow. Although a level 6 wizard could win with

one blow, the effect was always lacking.

"Is this the fire dragon? Awesome!" Ron whispered, looking at the three

fire dragons with fear and hunger. He had the right to brag.

"That's right!" Charlie's face suddenly became solemn, he turned around

and warned, "This is the first event of the Triwizard Tournament. You

three must keep it secret. You must not leak the news in advance and let

the three warriors know it. Yes, this will break the rules."

"Well, we won't," Hermione replied.

"Ron? Harry?" Charlie called seriously.

The two nodded slowly and said reluctantly: "Okay, we get it."

Xia Ran went around and saw that the three adult fire dragons were

different, but their resistance to the wizard's magic was as strong as ever.

"Perhaps... using fire dragon skin to make a robe or armor should be of

great use!" Xia Ran murmured in her heart, "I am afraid that except for

wizards above level 6, it will be difficult for other wizards to cause too

much effective damage!"

Xia Ran soon thought that she was a level 6 wizard, so she gave up the


No wizard below level 6 would be his opponent. Level 6 wizards were on

par with each other. The two terrifying level 7 wizards: Dumbledore and

Voldemort were no match for him for the time being, so he had one

more. A piece of fire dragon leather armor doesn't seem to be of much


However, if most wizards in the Order of the Phoenix had a piece of fire

dragon leather armor, their combat power would be directly increased by

20 to 30%.

"By the way, Charlie..." Xia Ran came around and saw Charlie talking to

Ron, asking him how his grades were and how Fred, George, and Ginny

were doing now.

"Very good!" Ron replied, then hesitated a little and said, "But Fred and

George don't know what they are doing. They always discuss it secretly. I

think they must have some little secret."

"Oh, that's right, that's normal." Charlie said. The two twin brothers of the

Weasley family didn't seem to really surprise anyone when they did any

weird things.

"What's wrong, Xia Ran?" He looked at Xia Ran and asked.

Xia Ran coughed lightly and whispered: "These dragons...can they be


"What?!" Charlie looked at Xia Ran blankly.

Hagrid was also startled and said hurriedly: "Xia Ran, don't be impulsive.

These dragons are so beautiful, how can they be killed? Not to mention

they will be used in the Triwizard Tournament!"

"Professor, why do you think..." Hermione couldn't help but ask, "...kill

these dragons?"

Xia Ran shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile: "Don't you think

the fire dragon's scales are very effective when used to make leather


"Well, what you said makes sense." Hagrid nodded first, then waved his

hand and said seriously, "But how can you kill such cute and beautiful

creatures? It's too cruel! Xia Ran, really Yes, your proposal is too cruel!"

"Okay, just kidding." Xia Ran said.

"Xia Ran, these dragons are rare. It would be illegal to do anything

without permission." Charlie warned.

Xia Ran said: "Don't worry, I won't do anything. I never do anything

illegal. I don't have much courage."

Charlie wanted to say that you have been proposing to overthrow the

Minister of Magic Fudge, which is the most daring thing to do, but you

said you are cowardly?

After looking at the three fire dragons in front of him, he finally

swallowed these words.

"There are three in total..." Hagrid changed the topic and asked, "So, each

warrior needs to deal with one, right? What do they need to do, fight the

fire dragon?"

"Impossible, Hagrid." Harry couldn't help but say, "Fighting a fire dragon?

You have to be at least as good as Professor Frémont to do it, right?!"

"Xia Ran's level..." Charlie smiled, "That's not fighting the fire dragon, but

a unilateral massacre, Xia Ran's massacre of them!"

"Don't say that, Charlie." Xia Ran said, "I won't take action randomly."

"Professor Frémont is so awesome. If I could be as awesome..." Ron


"Young man, work hard." Charlie said with a smile, "You have to learn

from Hermione. If you don't listen well in class and don't have enough

mastery and proficiency in magic, it's all vain. I think Hermione might

become like Xia Xia. If you are so strong, you..."

He shook his head as he spoke, not giving any face to his biological


Hermione blushed, trying not to look too proud.

Xia Ran didn't say much, but he believed that Ron had indeed grown into

a level 6 wizard... the possibility was almost zero, but Hermione and

Harry had a certain possibility, as it was reflected in the original time

and space.

More than ten years later, Hermione became the Minister of Magic, Harry

was the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and

Ron was the owner of a shop.

"Well, I think..." Charlie said, answering Hagrid's question, "Probably just

passing by the fire dragon - if you really fight the fire dragon, let alone

the students, even us adult wizards, except for Xia Ran and others Among

the few people we have counted, the others cannot deal with the dragon

with the strength of one person alone - if the situation goes bad, we can

come to the rescue at any time and recite the extinguishing spell to the

fire dragon."

"What they want are female fire dragons that are laying nests and

hatching eggs. I don't understand why..."

Charlie shook his head and continued: "But I can tell you that anyone

who encounters the Chinese Fireball dragon will never get a good

harvest. It is the most explosive among the three dragons!"

Thinking of the scene just now where the red fire dragon was constantly

breathing fire, several people nodded immediately.

At this time, Charlie's five dragon-taming companions walked toward the

Chinese Fireball with one foot high and one foot low. They carried a

blanket with a nest of huge red fire dragon eggs inside.

They carefully placed the dragon egg next to the Chinese fireball.

Hagrid couldn't restrain his inner desire and groaned.

"I've counted them, Hagrid," said Charlie sternly.

"I know, I didn't think about it..." Hagrid muttered, still staring at the fire

dragon egg.

Xia Ran tapped the fire dragon egg lightly with her wand. The surge of

magic power inside was no weaker than that of a level 3 wizard. This was

just a fire dragon that was still in its gestation period.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go back." Charlie said, "You three,

don't tell others the news."

He warned Harry, Ron, and Hermione again.

Chapter 210 Rita Skeeter’s

Exclusive Report

When Xia Ran and the others walked out of the Forbidden Forest, the

moon was in the sky, stars were hanging high in the night sky, and the

castle was completely dark.


The cold wind has started, and several people can't help but feel a little


"Good night." Hagrid staggered towards his hut, still looking dazed, as if

he had not recovered from the fire dragons and dragon eggs.

"Let's go." Xia Ran said, leading Harry, Ron, and Hermione into the castle.

The trio was still immersed in what they had just seen deep in the

Forbidden Forest and had not completely recovered.

Fire dragon!

Although they had seen a giant dragon once in Hagrid's hut when they

were in first grade, it was a newly hatched juvenile dragon. How could it

be compared with these fully grown, ferocious adult dragons?

Powerful! powerful! horrible!

"Don't think about it." Xia Ran smiled and said, "Go back and rest. When

will you have the magic power as powerful as a river? The so-called giant

dragon is just a creature that can be defeated easily."

"But how long will it take?" Ron said longingly, "But if it really


As he spoke, his expression became dazed.

After looking at Professor Fremont, Harry secretly made up his mind. He

hoped that he could become as powerful as the professor. He decided to

study hard with Hermione instead of lazily playing every day.

Hermione applauded his decision.

But unfortunately, a newspaper disrupted Harry's plan the next day, and

a new issue of the "Daily Prophet" was released.

"Harry, it was so interesting to read the newspaper about you."

When we went to the auditorium for breakfast in the morning, Fred

handed over a newspaper with a narrow smile on his face.

"What?" Harry still looked confused and reached out to take it.

George also took a newspaper and read: "...I admit that not being able to

become a Hogwarts warrior made me a little disappointed and unhappy.

The coma that night was indeed partly due to this factor..."

Harry suddenly felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

Ron grabbed the newspaper, unfolded it and read: "Rita Skeeter's

exclusive report, interesting facts about Hogwarts, events surrounding the

Triwizard Tournament, and our survival in the catastrophe." 's boy'!"

"Harry, when did you accept an interview with this woman?" Ginny

asked, "Rita Skeeter is very good at adding insult to injury and telling

nonsense. You are in big trouble!"

"No!" Harry exclaimed, "On the day the warriors tested the wands, there

was a woman walking around and said she wanted to talk to me for a

while and talk about me and my family, but I didn't say anything." Eun

and Hermione are both here, they can prove it!"

He pointed at two good friends.

Ron and Hermione nodded.

"They proved useless!" Fred said. "It's all published in the Daily Prophet

now. Take a good look."

"What exactly did you say?"

Ron cleared his throat and read in a low voice: "Rita Skeeter's exclusive

report: Harry Potter, a name familiar to all of us, the only person to

escape from Avada's Kedavra, Black The devil’s old enemy!”

"It's okay." Harry said.

Ron glanced briefly at the paper and said, "Oh, man, I didn't think you'd

want to hear any more."

"Read it, Ron, I want to hear it." Hermione said, "Ginny, please pass me

that piece of bread. I'm so hungry."

"I told you too, Hermione." George said with a smile.

"What?!" Hermione asked confused.

Ron continued to read from the newspaper.

"I'm very happy that the Triwizard Tournament is being held, but I don't

agree with Dumbledore's measures to set an age limit. He is too

conservative and too old. He should abdicate and make way for others.

That old guy can no longer keep up with the times!"

"Cedric is a good classmate, but I think I am better than him, and I should

be the warrior of Hogwarts! Think about it, who defeated the Dark Lord?

It was me, Harry. Potter!"

"In the opinion of our Harry Potter classmates, the reason why

Dumbledore set the age limit is to exclude him, because if he is willing to

compete, Cedric Diggory undoubtedly does not have any ability to

become a warrior. Maybe, even Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour, can

they compare to the Dark Lord? No way! Far from it! How can they be

his Harry Potter rivals?"

"For Dumbledore, it would be too uninteresting for Harry Potter to

participate in a must-win competition! Perhaps this is indeed why

Dumbledore banned Harry Potter from participating!"

Neville was very surprised when he heard this and asked Harry: "Harry,

do you think so?"

Harry felt that he was filled with anger and had nowhere to vent. He said

angrily: "How is that possible? Aren't you familiar with my character?"

"Harry, you are out of luck." Ginny shook her head pitifully and said,

"You have offended your classmates at Hogwarts, um..." She looked at the

pointing gestures of the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students. Click and

continue: "There are students from two other schools!"

"The public enemy of the whole school!" Fred praised, "Harry, you are my


"We really hope we can make it this far!" George said. "Fred, how about

we also go to Rita Skeeter for an interview?"

"Come on!" Ginny sneered and said, "That woman Rita Skeeter won't pay

attention to you."

The students having breakfast around him all pointed at Harry, and some

even laughed and commented without scruples, such as the Slytherin


"He can definitely become a warrior? Can he defeat Cedric? Defeat


"Oh, our Harry Potter warrior, his brain wasn't eaten by an ogre, right?"

Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe and others laughed loudly.

Harry lowered his head to eat, avoiding everyone's eyes. He was very

angry inside. That woman...how could she say that...I never said these


"Don't worry, Harry, don't pay attention to them." Hermione comforted in

a low voice.

"It's not over yet." Ron said, "Harry, you can see for yourself."

Harry took it and flipped through it. Ginny, Hermione, and Neville all

leaned over to look at it.

"Why are you so confident in defeating other warriors? Harry's answer is

not unexpected."

"I think it was my parents who gave me strength. I know if they could see

me now, they would be very proud of me... Yes, I admit, I still cry for

them at certain times of the night, I feel there is no shame in admitting

this... I know that if I become a warrior and participate in the

competition, then no one in the competition will be my opponent, and

nothing can hurt me, because they are guarding me in the dark. I……"

Harry felt the food he had just eaten rolling around, and he was filled

with a burning sense of shame, and his whole face seemed to be on fire.

Chapter 211 Notification

"There is a second edition, Harry, you haven't finished it yet." Fred


Hermione reached out and turned to the second page of the newspaper.

"...Harry finally found his first love at Hogwarts. His close friend Colin

Creevey said that Harry was inseparable from a girl named Hermione

Granger. Miss Granger Stunningly beautiful, extremely smart, and born

into a Muggle family, like Harry, she is also one of the top students in

Hogwarts School!"

"He also has two or more followers - please forgive me, I only identified

two - one is Ron Weasley, his nominal good friend, the youngest son of

the Weasley family - right , that Weasley, the poor red-haired Weasley -

the other is Neville Longbottom, a boy who is often stupid!"

"By the way, Ginny Weasley, the youngest daughter of the Weasley

family, also seems to have an admiring attitude towards Harry.

Therefore, she and Miss Hermione Granger are on the same level, often

quarreling, and even directly Take action! Fight for the ownership of

Harry Potter!"

"Harry also admitted that he was equally troubled by this!"

Harry was stunned.

Are he and Hermione in a relationship? ! Ron and Neville are his

followers? !

As for Ginny's admiration for him, he had always been aware of it, but

when did Ginny and Hermione become inseparable? ! Still quarreling and

fighting? !

"Is this woman crazy?" Harry asked angrily, "How could she write

something in the newspaper that I didn't say?!"

"Rita Skeeter is such a nonsense woman," Ginny snorted, sitting back,

paying no attention to the news in the newspaper, if not ignoring the

reddening of her ears.

"Harry, am I your follower?" Neville asked blankly.

Harry felt like he was going to vomit blood from anger.

"Okay, Harry, ignore these unreasonable reports." Hermione raised her

head and said, "Whatever they say, just ignore it."

She acted as if the word "Hermione" hadn't been mentioned in the


Harry felt that what Hermione said made sense, but he had to endure the

cynicism of people - mainly Slytherin students - when they saw him, and

they laughed at him in different ways.

"Want a handkerchief, Potter? To save you from crying in Transfiguration


"When did you become the top student in the school, Potter? Maybe you

and Longbottom started this school together, right?"

Harry pretended not to hear these words, even though he felt very

uncomfortable inside.

But his mentality is obviously not as good as Hermione's.

Because of Rita Skeeter's report, which said that Hermione was

"astonishingly beautiful and extremely smart", many Slytherin girls

treated Hermione with the same attitude and launched sarcastic attacks.

As long as they encountered it, they would never Don't miss any

opportunity to ridicule.

"Amazingly beautiful? Is it her?" Pansy Parkinson said strangely when she

met Hermione for the first time after Rita's article was published, "Is she

judging the brown rat based on what?"

"Ignore it!" Hermione looked calm and spoke with no loss of dignity. She

took the first step forward and strode past a group of giggling Slytherin

girls, as if she didn't hear anything. "These useless things." There is no

need to pay attention to the words, Harry!"

To be honest, Harry expressed great admiration and envy for Hermione's


But soon something else replaced Harry's troubled news reports, and he

breathed a sigh of relief.

The Triwizard Tournament is about to start its first project!

Harry and the others saw the fire dragon and knew what the first project


"Are they really going to use fire dragons?"

One day, the three of them were chatting in the lounge. There were not

many people around, and they were all laughing and playing, so the

three of them could not be heard.

Ron said uneasily: "That's a fire dragon! I asked Charlie. Except for top

wizards like Professor Fremont, even most adult wizards, if they are

alone, will not be able to face a giant dragon." Just run for your life."

"Aren't there protective measures? Charlie said that they would all be

waiting aside. Seeing that the situation was not good, they immediately

stepped forward to subdue the fire dragon!" Hermione also looked


"Dumbledore and the others will definitely be at the competition. Think

about how easy it was for Professor Frémont to subdue the fire dragon,

right?" Harry said, "Nothing will happen!"

"By the way, does that pretty boy Cedric know the news?" Ron suddenly



"The content of the first competition!" Ron lowered his voice, "Didn't you

notice? Hagrid took Ms. Maxim into the Forbidden Forest last night - oh,

yes, you were not detained - —I happened to be coming out of solitary

confinement at Snape’s place, and I saw Karkaroff following behind. They

definitely knew the content of the first competition!”

"They shouldn't tell their students, right? This is against the rules."

Hermione said uneasily.

Ron scoffed.

"Then let's find an opportunity to tell Cedric that I don't want the

Hogwarts Warriors to lose their first game," Harry said.

The next day, the trio found such an opportunity. Hermione played a

little trick and caused Cedric's bag to break. He had to stay to repair the

bag and pick up the books.

"Hey, Cedric," the trio popped up.

"Hello." Cedric replied, "Thank you." He took the book that the three of

them had picked up for him.

"I'll tell you a piece of news. Don't let it leak out, let alone us telling you."

Hermione lowered her voice.

"What?" Cedric said barely audibly.

"The first game is the Fire Dragon!" Ron whispered, looking around like a


"What?!" Cedric was stunned, "How do you know..."

Harry said impatiently: "Don't worry about how we know it. Just

remember that the first competition event is the fire dragon. Grab the

dragon egg under the protection of the fire dragon!"

"Let's go!"

After saying that, the three of them immediately went up the stairs,

because footsteps came from the corridor on one side.

Cedric was still in a daze, watching the trio leave.

The trio went up two floors and breathed a sigh of relief. Ron looked

over and saw Cedric walking towards the classroom blankly. He couldn't

help but worry: "He won't be frightened, right? This pretty boy ."

"It took him a while to get used to it, and we were pretty shocked, right?"

Hermione said.

Harry looked away, breathed out, and said, "Let's go to the library. There

are still a lot of homework to be done."

He groaned in pain.

As soon as the trio started to move, a shout came from behind.


The trio suddenly trembled and felt a chill in their hearts.

"Professor Frémont, good morning." The three of them said with a smile.

The person who came was none other than Xia Ran.

Chapter 212 Counseling

After looking at Harry, Ron and Hermione, Xia Ran said with a half-

smile, "You're so brave! I told you not to tell anyone, but you still

informed Cedric, so I probably caught you."

"Um, Professor, you heard wrong." Harry said.

Ron and Hermione looked very frightened. Did Professor Frémont hear

their conversation just now?

"Professor, if it's okay, we are going to the library to study. We still have

a lot of homework." Hermione said nervously.

"Okay, stop being naughty and come to my office." Xia Ran said.

The three of them looked at each other, all crestfallen and uneasy. They

didn't know what would happen if Professor Frémont asked them to come

to the office. Will you criticize them? Deduct points from Gryffindor?

Or...invite parents?

The three of them suddenly became more and more frightened.

They followed into Xia Ran's office.

"Sit down, by the way..." Xia Ran took out his magic wand and waved,

and three chairs appeared out of thin air in his office, and he sat behind

the desk.

Harry and the others were still standing.

"What, don't you want to sit down?" Xia Ran asked with a smile.

The three people thought that in this situation, where would they dare to

sit down?

So Ron said: "Professor, let's stand for a while so we can go out easily."

Xia Ran waved her magic wand and the three chairs disappeared

immediately. She asked casually: "Do you know why I came to you?"

"I don't know!" The three of them pretended to be dumbfounded and

shook their heads.

"Oh, really?" Xia Ran raised her eyebrows, looked at the confused looks

on the three people's faces, and smiled, "I won't trouble you. After all,

Durmstrang and the Beauxbatons warriors all know the information

about the fire dragon. , only we Hogwarts warriors don’t know, it’s a bit


The three of them were really stunned this time.

"Um, professor, how did you..."

"How do I know that those two schools know about the fire dragon?" Xia

Ran shook her head and said, "Hagrid is obsessed with love. I'm afraid he

won't refuse anything Ms. Maxim asks him to do now."

Ron chuckled and said: "Professor, does Hagrid really fall in love with

Ms. Maxim? The weight of the child they give birth to will not break the

world record, right? A child weighing one ton?"

"Huh?" Xia Ran raised her eyebrows again.

Ron immediately retracted his head obediently.

"Let's not mention Hagrid, let's get back to business." Xia Ran coughed

lightly and said, "You three, come to my office every Saturday from now

on. I will give you individual tutoring and teach you magic knowledge."

"What?" Harry and Ron were startled.

"Really?!" Hermione's eyes lit up.

Xia Ran smiled again and said: "By the way, on Sunday you are going to

Professor Snape's office to learn about potions and some special spells."

Seeing the horrified expressions on the trio's faces, he chuckled: "Why? ,

hasn’t Professor Snape told you yet?”

The three people shook their heads, and Harry said in horror: "Let Snape

teach us?! We don't agree!"

"Absolutely disagree!" Ron also shouted.

"This is Dumbledore's rule. Unfortunately, your opinions are useless." Xia

Ran smiled.

This matter is actually mainly for Harry. As a Horcrux of Voldemort, he

must be strong enough and have an unyielding heart. Otherwise, how can

he have the courage to face death? Dare to face Voldemort?

But that's Harry's only chance of survival!

As for Ron and Hermione, they were herding one sheep and driving three

sheep, which was just enough to provide a cover.

Study with Xia Ran on Saturday and study with Snape on Sunday.

"Dumbledore, why..." Harry was confused, "What do we need to learn?

Just go to class normally."

"Yes, Professor, this kind of private tutoring is rare, isn't it?" Hermione

felt a little uneasy and asked, "Others... they shouldn't have any

objections, right?"

"Just don't spread the word around." Xia Ran replied. He had no secrets

during class, but students in each grade had different progress and

different teaching focuses. And this private tutoring is related to the key

to fighting against the dark wizard camp and defeating Voldemort in the

future - after all, Harry is Voldemort's Horcrux, a Horcrux that he himself

has not yet noticed - and he must not be careless at all. Do your best.

If they had a choice, they would definitely want to minimize casualties.

"But..." Harry couldn't help but said, "Professor Frémont, can't you just

give us tutoring? What do you want Snape for?"

He was full of resentment, and felt even more uneasy about participating

in tutoring under Snape.

Ron and Hermione obviously had the same idea.

As the dean of Slytherin House, Snape not only favored the students of

his own house, but also especially the students of Gryffindor House,

especially Harry and the three of them. For some unknown reason, Snape

was even more miserable. Intensified targeting.

They disliked Snape very much and had no dealings with him at all.

"It's Professor Snape." Xia Ran corrected him. He knew that Snape's

reason for targeting Harry was that Ron and Hermione were the ones

who were affected, but there was no need to tell the three students,

otherwise Why didn't Nep challenge him to a duel? !

"Professor Snape is the master of Potions. There is almost no one in the

wizarding world who is more proficient in Potions than him. Hermione

should know this."

Hermione nodded reluctantly.

"What does that have to do with us?" Ron asked.

"It's a great relationship." Xia Ran said with a smile, "There is such a top

potion master in the magic world who will specifically guide you. Many

people dream of having such treatment. You should cherish it."

"Professor, you don't understand, Snape...well, Professor Snape, he

is...very hateful, he deducts our marks at every turn, and he also likes to

be sarcastic..." Harry couldn't help but said.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Anyway, as long as you know that Professor

Snape will never harm you, if you encounter any danger, you can go

directly to find him."

"Yeah, are you looking for him to stab him again?" Ron muttered.


Xia Ran said sternly: "This matter has been decided. It was decided by the

principal himself. It is useless for you to refute. It is also good for you.

You will know in the future." Seeing that the three of them wanted to

speak again, he added: "Wait for you When you become stronger!"

He smiled secretly in his heart. He had always been the listener to such

words in the past, but he could finally say them himself.

But what he told was the truth. Now that Harry didn't have the toughness

of mind to tell him the truth, it might even directly defeat him and

completely lose all hope of life.

When his mind undergoes a significant transformation, that will be the

time to tell him the details.

After all, for a person to face death calmly and admit that he is another

person's Horcrux, possessing the soul fragments of the enemy who killed

his father and mother, is one of the sources of the enemy's immortality.

Anyone who hears this news will probably collapse!

No wonder Dumbledore had such good intentions.

Xia Ran felt sad in her heart.

Chapter 213 Discussion

In the end, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had no choice but to accept the

"tragic" fact that they would have to study under Snape on Sunday. They

felt better about attending Professor Frémont's class on Saturday. , even

some sincere joy.

Especially a few days ago, they had just witnessed the power of Professor

Frémont, easily subduing three adult fire dragons. They were so

unstoppable that they seemed invincible!

"Tomorrow's Triwizard Tournament, just be a spectator and don't cause

any more trouble." Xia Ran said, and immediately sent the three people


Instead of going to the library, the trio headed back to the Gryffindor

common room.

"Listening to Snape's class on Sunday? God, please spare me!" Ron wailed,

with a look of despair on his face.

Hermione had already calmed down, accepted this fact, and showed an

expression of joy.

"Hermione, you..." Harry said in surprise.

"Professor Frémont is right about one thing," Hermione said. "Snape is

indeed very knowledgeable in potions. We can definitely learn a lot of

useful things from listening to his lectures."

"Do you think he will teach us seriously?" Harry said depressedly, "Snape

will definitely take the opportunity to torture us!"

Ron nodded repeatedly.

"Probably... no?!" Hermione said uncertainly, "From what Professor

Frémont said, wasn't Dumbledore the one who decided this matter?"

"Huh, you'll know when the time comes." Ron snorted.

On the other side, Xia Ran suddenly received a summons.

"Professor, it has been confirmed that Ollivander has been killed by a

mysterious man." Half of Percy's body appeared in the green fire, his

expression solemn and angry.

"What's Fudge's plan?" Xia Ran asked. He had indeed expected that

Ollivander would be killed. Although the plot direction is now very

different from the original time and space, Ollivander was captured by

Voldemort more than a year in advance. If He could not tell the

whereabouts of the Elder Wand, so it was inevitable that he would be

killed directly by Voldemort.

It's a pity that one of the top wand makers in the magic world died in

that unknown place.

Percy sneered: "He? Humph, the Daily Prophet was strictly ordered not to

publish this news. Those of us who were insiders all issued a hush order.

Anyone who dared to speak out would be dismissed from class, and he

would even arrest him directly in Azka." Go to Ban Prison."

"Fudge has gone crazy! For his own powerful position, he has gone

completely crazy!"

Speaking of Fudge, Percy said with a tone full of disgust: "The Ministry of

Magic is getting worse day by day in his hands. I have now reached the

top and know a lot of secret information. Many of those high-ranking

officials have begun to They have fallen to the dark wizard camp, and I

hope the mysterious man can capture the Ministry of Magic, because they

are pure-blood wizards and don’t have to fear the mysterious man’s

liquidation and massacre!”

"The Ministry of Magic has long been rotten!"

At this time, Percy felt ashamed of his previous yearning. Is such a

decadent Ministry of Magic worthy of his respect?

"I..." Xia Ran just opened her mouth.

Percy's expression suddenly changed, he interrupted Xia Ran and said

quickly, "Professor, someone is coming, I'll leave first!"

After saying that, he immediately disappeared without a trace.

He contacted Xia Ran through a fireplace in the Ministry of Magic. Percy

was an undercover agent of the Order of the Phoenix who broke into the

Ministry of Magic. The only people who knew his identity and had direct

contact were Dumbledore, Snape, and Xia Ran.

"Ollivander... alas!" Xia Ran sighed as she looked at the fire that turned

red, another innocent victim.

He went out and told Dumbledore and Snape the news.

"Ollivander, was he really killed?" Dumbledore looked gloomy and said,

"I was familiar with him. We were both old men. I didn't expect that he

passed away before me."

"We can't delay it, Dumbledore." Snape said with a gloomy expression,

"The Ministry of Magic must usher in changes as soon as possible! If this

continues, the mysterious man may really accept all the dark races and

achieve his goal. !”

"We need to be surprised and catch the dark wizard by surprise!"

"Severus, didn't Voldemort tell you his plans and goals?" Dumbledore


Snape shook his head, nodded again, and replied: "He should have said it,

but he will not inform everyone. This is unrealistic. Only one or two

Death Eaters may know about everything. I only understand I know

nothing about his plans for Hogwarts or anything else."

After a pause, he continued: "I don't dare to ask nonsense. The Dark Lord

has a very sensitive sense of smell. He has already punished three Death

Eaters for lax speech. No one dares to speak nonsense now, because you

don't Know that others don’t know what you know, and others don’t

know what you know.”

"The Death Eaters are all in a state of fear and suspicion. They are afraid

of angering the Dark Lord and being punished by him."

Xia Ran sneered: "It seems that he is going to dominate the entire Death

Eater team through his own force. The opinions of the Death Eaters, even

the most loyal Death Eaters, such as Bellatrix and Barty Jr. Crouch, he

probably doesn’t really care about their suggestions and opinions.”

"But this is our chance!"

Xia Ran's eyes flashed slightly and she said: "The reason why Voldemort

is so difficult to deal with is that, in addition to the extraordinary terror

of his own strength - only Dumbledore on our side can deal with him -

the large number of Death Eaters who followed him , and there are also a

large number of dark races who are also willing to follow Voldemort,

such as vampires, werewolves, dementors, etc. These dark wizards and

dark races are also very powerful..."

"Voldemort is their leader. In fact, Voldemort is strong enough to subdue

all these dark wizards and dark races, allowing them to launch wars for

their own interests and goals, and start a protracted battle with us."

"Without Voldemort, those dark wizards and dark races would not be

able to survive. Without those dark wizards and dark races, Voldemort

alone would not be as difficult to deal with as he is now. After all, we

still have Dumbledore, right?"

Xia Ran touched her chin as she spoke, and said thoughtfully: "I think... it

is imperative to divide the Death Eaters!"

Dumbledore and Snape looked at each other and nodded.

The dark wizard camp is not just about dealing with Voldemort. Those

dark wizards and dark races who unite under Voldemort's banner for

their own interests are no easier to deal with than Voldemort himself,

because this group is too large in number.

Even the top brass of the Ministry of Magic have many Death Eaters. You

can imagine how bad the situation in the wizarding world is!

“There must be a reckoning!”

Xia Ran's eyes were burning and he whispered: "After these unrest factors

are liquidated, the magic world will get back on track! Anyway, no

matter what others say, since the positions are different, the only way to

decide the outcome is through war. Whoever wins will have the right to

decide and dominate the future magic world!"

Chapter 214 Making a decision

"The Ministry of Magic under the leadership of Cornelius Fudge has

become corrupt and is the biggest stumbling block to our current fight

against the dark wizards!"

Xia Ran said softly: "Led by Voldemort, the alliance of dark wizards and

dark races are enemies. There is nothing to say. They are already in a

hostile relationship. But the Ministry of Magic... was originally the

backbone of our side, fighting against the Dark Alliance. The strongest


"What now?"

Xia Ran sneered. He had a very bad impression of Fudge. Not only were

their respective philosophies and policies different, but the main reason

was that Fudge completely ignored the dark wizards and basically relied

on the Auror Office to proactively hunt him down. He, a member of the

Ministry of Magic, The leader, openly or secretly, has not expressed any

signs or words of support, and there is no way to talk about practical


If Xia Ran remembers correctly, in the original time and space, when

Voldemort was resurrected and returned to recruit Death Eaters and

recruit vampires, werewolves, dementors and other dark races, the

Ministry of Magic under the command of Fudge could not accomplish

anything. .

Well, he did a great job of holding back the Order of the Phoenix and

smearing Dumbledore, and he was a good hand!

"Fudge is a pure-blood wizard. He may not have openly declared that he

supports the theory of 'pure-blood supremacy', but..." Xia Ran sneered,

"Judging from what he has done, I'm afraid that the theory of 'pure-blood

supremacy' will not work for him." It’s not exclusive! It’s just that it

hasn’t reached the extreme level of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, not

to mention..."

Looking at Dumbledore, he said calmly: "Dumbledore, you should know

that Fudge has been jealous of you all these years. Just like now, doesn't

Fudge realize anything? No, he should have realized the news you

announced. It was true, but admitting it meant that he had to take risks

and delegate power. As a politician with a strong desire for power, this

was a scene he absolutely did not want to see! To him, it was like a

nightmare, far away More terrifying than the darkness sweeping across

the magical world!”

"Besides, he is a pure-blood wizard. As long as he doesn't fight to the

death against Voldemort, I don't think Voldemort will be willing to spend

more time on him."

Dumbledore was silent.

He was unwilling to openly overthrow the Ministry of Magic. Even

though he agreed to Xia Ran and Sirius's proposal and appeared at

certain points in the plan, he was still quite resistant in his heart.

He believes that the most urgent task in the magic world at the moment

is to unite and point the sword outward to fight against dark wizards and

dark races.

Xia Ran wanted to say that Dumbledore was too hesitant.

Fighting foreign aggression does not necessarily require settling domestic

affairs first, but the prerequisite is that the two sides must form an

alliance and be willing to continue to fight against the outside world,

rather than start conflicts with each other and start fighting.

Fudge's Ministry of Magic now has such a practice. It ignores internal and

external threats and does not listen or believe them. Fudge seemed to

accept death. As long as he suppressed Dumbledore, he felt that his

position would be safe and no one could threaten him!

As for the many wizards and even innocent Muggles in the wizarding

world who have been persecuted by dark wizards or attacked by dark

creatures, what does Fudge have to do with him? He wasn't persecuted

and attacked, right?

Because of Harry's coma a few days ago, Xia Ran believed that the launch

date of the plan to take over the Ministry of Magic must be moved

forward and could not be delayed any longer. Ollivander was the first

victim, and there would be thousands of wizards in the future. Melon was


Xia Ran didn't agree with Voldemort's theory, and he didn't want to see

the Muggle world and the wizarding world in ruins. He felt that

sometimes he had to stand up and push forward. Anyway, he already had

level 6 magic and could be called the top wizard in the wizarding world.

Even if Encountering the second-generation Dark Lord Voldemort, who

has a powerful magic power of level 7, there is no chance of resistance.

Why shrink as usual?

Snape also agreed with Xia Ran and said in a deep voice: "We must speed

up, Dumbledore, the mysterious man should be looking for something

now. I don't know yet, but if he really succeeds, and gather together The

dark wizards and dark creature races under his command can only rely

on the Order of the Phoenix... haha."

He only sneered at the end.

Dumbledore pondered. The reason why he seemed hesitant was that

apart from his unwillingness to face the threat of darkness, there was also

another important factor in the fierce internal fighting between them and

the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore was afraid that his inner desire for power would peek out!

He knew that he was not a saint, a great wizard, or a liar as the Daily

Prophet said.

In his youth, his desire for power, his dissatisfaction with the situation of

wizards, and his friendship with Grindelwald—or some other emotions—

led to serious and tragic consequences—the unfortunate death of his

sister Ariana—Deng Bullido still remembers it, after all, his only living

relatives no longer want to pay attention to him.

He was worried that he would fall back on the same old mistakes.

Xia Ran knew that Dumbledore was worried, and now it was up to him to

see what Dumbledore thought, so he would no longer interfere.

The portraits of the old male and female principals hanging on the wall

no longer pretended to be asleep, and all stood upright. Countless pairs of

eyes stared at Dumbledore, but none of them said anything to disturb

Dumbledore's thoughts.

After a long time, Dumbledore gave a bitter smile and sighed: "Well, I am

an old man now. I have only a few years to live, so what should I be

afraid of? It would be too much to look forward and backward, but put

countless people in danger. Take responsibility!”

"So, what do you think, Xia Ran? When will you launch the plan?" He

said and looked at Xia Ran.

"The sooner the better!" Xia Ran replied, then paused and said

thoughtfully, "Well, you don't have to be in such a hurry, maybe... you

can change your mind."

"Tell me more about it." Dumbledore was interested.

Xia Ran rubbed her forehead and said slowly: "Overthrowing Fudge and

putting our people in charge of the Ministry of Magic does not conflict

with the fight against Voldemort and the Death Eaters."

"And, most importantly, we want everyone to see that Voldemort is not

invincible! Death Eaters are also a group of characters who will die under

a spell!"

"Nowadays, wizards in the magical world have to say that their fear of

Voldemort is a bit too much. They are afraid even when they hear his

name and dare not call him by his first name!"

Snape looked slightly unnatural.

"What you say makes sense, Xia Ran." Dumbledore said thoughtfully,

"Breaking people's fear of Voldemort is also an important task! Since he is

an enemy, why should he be afraid? At the very least, we must dare to

call him Its name can be seen directly from its face."

Snape looked increasingly unnatural.

"Hogwarts is not a good place. There are too many underage wizards. I

think..." Xia Ran said softly, "The location in the Ministry of Magic is very

good! It happens that there are many adult wizards there, and Aurors are

often on duty, fighting. We have rich experience, so we won’t be in a

hurry, not to mention we have Aurors in-house who can make defense

preparations in advance.”

"Even if Voldemort assembles an army of Death Eaters, I'm afraid it won't

be possible to attack him for a while..."

Snape suddenly interrupted: "You are wrong about this, Xia Ran."

Chapter 215 The first game

"Professor Snape, what do you mean..." Xia Ran asked carefully.

Snape smiled sarcastically, but not at Xia Ran, but at the Ministry of

Magic, and said: "The Ministry of Magic has long been a sieve. I'm afraid

there are more Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic than members of

the Order of the Phoenix! Some of the Death Eaters I don't even know

their names because of You-Know-Who...well, Voldemort..."

He looked very awkward and continued: "Now it is forbidden to ask

about other people's mission identities. I dare not ask inside the Death

Eaters for fear of being caught and punished by Voldemort, but if you

need it..."

"No, Severus."

Dumbledore interrupted him and said softly: "Your identity is still very

useful. There is no need to expose it in a hurry. Voldemort still believes

in you, so don't let him become suspicious of you."

Snape nodded silently.

"I understand what you mean, Professor Snape." Xia Ran said, "There are

indeed a lot of Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic, but do they dare to

reveal their identities for the time being?"

He smiled indifferently and said: "For a long time, the only one we have

been truly afraid of is Voldemort. Other dark wizards and other dark

creatures, with Voldemort, will make people equally afraid. Without

Voldemort, when that darkness The leader of the world, the dark wizard,

and the dark creature are all no match for us!"

"All kinds of conflicts will even break out within them. Dog-eat-dog

incidents are common, just like the scene when Voldemort first fell more

than ten years ago. Isn't Karkaroff such an example?"

At that time, it was unknown how many Death Eaters, in order to reduce

their own sentences or avoid prison, bitten other Death Eaters in an effort

to prove their "innocence", or have the wizard court retry them and

reduce their sentences appropriately.

However, with the existence of Voldemort, such a powerful Dark Lord

who can subdue all dark wizards and dark creatures can make the dark

world obey his orders. After all, they will have more benefits after

capturing the entire magical world.

"It's just... if we win this time, we must completely liquidate it!" Xia Ran's

eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"Let's talk about it then," Dumbledore replied, "It's okay if we're not at


He suddenly sighed and said: "Voldemort has made a comeback, the

Death Eater army continues to gather, and dark creatures have come

under Voldemort's command. These peaceful and peaceful days are

probably only a few months away. This Triwizard Tournament may also

be the last one." It’s good to have a one-time competition and let the

students have fun.”

"Afterwards, they may have to face various threats. Can they complete

their studies as scheduled and pass the N.E.W.Ts (Ultimate Wizarding

Test)? This is something that no one can guarantee." Dumbledore sighed.

Xia Ran and Snape were speechless.

On Tuesday, the atmosphere in the school was very tense and exciting in

the morning, and all the students were excited for the upcoming

Triwizard Tournament.

Different from the original time and space plot, Harry violated

Dumbledore's age limit to participate in the competition. This time Harry

sat in the stands as an audience. Although his joy and pride as a warrior

were reduced, he already knew that the warriors were about to face

Under such circumstances, he felt lucky in his heart that Dumbledore had

set an age limit.

"What do you think the competition will be this time?"

"I don't know. It looks like they are fighting for something?"

The other students in the surrounding stands were kept in the dark and

were talking excitedly.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Hermione, do you know?" Ginny's eyes lit up and she asked in a low


"I don't know!" Hermione shook her head.

Ron smiled beside him.

"Look, Bagman is out!" Harry suddenly pointed to the field below and


This is a circular grandstand, built on a hillside stone wall. In the middle

is a vast open space with towering stones and few roads for passage.

Several large tents not far away shielded the warriors from what they

were about to face. thing.

At this time, all the teachers and students of the school - including

students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons - were all sitting in the

stands. Dumbledore, Ms. Maxim, and Karkaroff, the three principals of

the magic school, There were also Jerome Barton, an official from the

Ministry of Magic, who had already taken his seat at the referee's table,

and Ludo Bagman was the last one to come.

The seat where Xia Ran was sitting was a little far away from the

referee's seat. Most of the professors and staff of Hogwarts around him

were paying attention to the field.

"Now, let's invite the first one today..." Bagman's voice was extremely

loud, resounding throughout the audience, "Fire Dragon!"

There was an uproar at the scene.

"Fire dragon? Is it a dragon? Did I hear correctly?"

"Where is the dragon?"

"Look, it's really a giant dragon! It's so scary!"

Everyone discussed loudly, their faces full of horror and excitement.

A green adult fire dragon was seen arriving at the arena, driven and

guided by a group of dragon trainers. Xia Ran watched as Charlie

carefully stuffed a dragon egg next to the Welsh green dragon.

"Oh, little thing..." Hagrid groaned, still staring at the dragon egg.

Xia Ran shook her head. Hagrid's love for magical creatures - especially

dragons - would probably never change in his lifetime.

Of course, there is no need to change it.

He just used this enthusiasm to teach his Care of Magical Creatures


"The first warrior - Cedric Diggory... appears!" Bagman announced.

When Cedric appeared on the stage, his expression was very stiff. When

he actually saw the green dragon, the two sides looked at each other. The

green dragon's huge eyes were ferocious, and his heart almost stopped for

a beat.

"Fortunately, if Harry and the others hadn't reminded me yesterday and I

was mentally prepared, today... I would definitely have weak legs!"

Cedric thought to himself, and couldn't help but feel sorry for Harry, Ron,

and Hermione. Many thanks.

But the top priority right now is how to win the Welsh Green Dragon egg.

That is his goal in the competition!

He thought about the countermeasures he had come up with all night

long, took a deep breath, walked around to the blind spot of the green

dragon's sight, took out his wand, and recited the transformation spell on

a stone, and the stone suddenly turned into a puppy. Yelling, he ran

towards the Welsh Green Dragon and ran around its periphery, while he

himself carefully touched it.

"Ah, what a wonderful transformation! He must be Professor

McGonagall's disciple! Will he succeed in using a puppy to attract the fire

dragon's attention?" Bagman praised.

Xia Ran saw a look of pride flashing on Professor McGonagall's side face

in front of her.

"He succeeded! The fire dragon went after the hunting dog!" Bagman said


"Ah, the fire dragon has changed his mind. He seems to have decided not

to chase the hunting dog, but to catch our warrior first... Cedric, oh no,

he is going to be caught... What a beautiful, wonderful move, It seems

that Mr. Diggory is an excellent Quidditch player... Yes, he succeeded,

Cedric got the golden egg! But our dragon trainers must stop the angry

Welsh Green Dragon, otherwise the giant The dragon will kill Cedric!”

Chapter 216 Scoring

There was thunderous applause in the stands.

"Awesome!" Professor Sprout couldn't help but praise. She is the dean of

Hufflepuff College and was also Xia Ran's teacher and dean. "Cedric...his

transfiguration is very successful. The number is just a little small, he

should use a few more hunting dogs to attract the attention of the Welsh

Green Dragon, so that he will not be chased by the fire dragon in the end

and almost fail."

There was a hint of regret in her words.

"Haha, Professor Sprout, your request is too high for Cedric's magic

power. He is only a sixth-year student." Xia Ran smiled, "After all, the

Triwizard Tournament is still an event for students to participate in. ."

Professor Sprout also smiled heartily.

"It is indeed very good. Now, let the judges give their scores." Bagman

said in a loud voice.

Everyone listened attentively.

"Dumbledore, 8 points... Karkaroff, 5 points... Ms. Maxim, 8 points...

Jerome, 7 points... Well, of course, myself, 8 points!" Bagman Announced

loudly, this time he read out the scores awarded by the judges.

"Not bad." Professor Flitwick clapped his hands. "It must be because he

was burned by the fire dragon in the end, so he was deducted a few

points. It's reasonable."

Xia Ran looked around and saw that the dragon trainers had subdued the

Welsh green dragon. They returned to the big tent on one side and

brought out another adult fire dragon. It was a silver-blue short-nosed

dragon, larger than the Welsh green dragon just now. The dragon is

larger and looks very fierce and mighty.

"One is down, and there are two more." Bagman shouted, "Miss Delacour,

please come on!"

Fleur appeared with her head held high and her wand tightly clutched in

her hand. She seemed to be shaking from head to toe.

Beauxbatons students all looked at Fleur expectantly. They were also glad

that they were not chosen as the warrior in the end, otherwise, they

would have faced such a ferocious and terrifying dragon...

They shuddered and looked at Fleur with pity in their eyes.


The silver-blue Swedish short-nosed dragon walked around irritably,

holding a nest of dragon eggs behind its buttocks. It stared at Furong

with a pair of huge and ferocious dragon eyes, and let out a violent and

low dragon roar from its mouth.

It seemed that if Furong got closer, the fire dragon would directly breathe

out the dragon's breath, and Jiang Furong would be burned to ashes.

At the referee's table, Ms. Maxim looked at Fleur nervously.

Fleur and her principal looked at each other, took a deep breath, shook

her head, her long silver hair swaying, throwing her fear and worries

behind her head, and tried to recall the emergency training that Ms.

Maxim gave her a few days ago. .

Because of Hagrid, they also knew the content of the first round a few

days in advance.

"What is Miss Delacour thinking? Oh, she's moving. The Swedish

Brachysaurus is warning, be careful, the dragon is about to breathe fire...

Ah, what a wonderful magic, coma spell? Hypnotic spell? In short, the

fire dragon I'm drowsy and very tired! I have to say, Miss Delacour's

magic is very good!" Bagman praised loudly.

His praise won a round of approval, and basically all the teachers and

students thought that Furong had succeeded in using a special magic to

put the Swedish Brachynosaurus into a strange drowsy state.

Fleur lifted up her skirt and touched it quietly.

"Miss Delacour succeeded?! Oh, what a pity, the fire dragon still breathed

fire. Gentlemen and ladies, when the fire dragon is sleeping, it can also

spit fire!" Bagman said with regret in his voice. The entire audience also

let out a sigh of regret at the same time.

"Miss Delacour's skirt is on fire. Should she put out the fire first or get the

dragon eggs first? I hope the Swedish Brachysaurus will not suddenly

wake up during this process!"

"Good water spell, extinguished the flames. Ah, yes, it worked! Miss

Delacour successfully got the golden egg and escaped unscathed!"

There was another burst of thunderous cheers, and the cheers and cheers

almost tore through the clouds in the sky.

Xia Ran also applauded along with everyone. He believed that Furong's

strategy was indeed correct, but it was just a little neglected in the small

details. Her score should be higher than Cedric's.

"First of all, my rating is 9 points; Dumbledore, 8 points; Jerome, 8

points; Ms. Maxim, 9 points; and finally Karkaroff... uh, 4 points?!"

Bagman He was obviously surprised, and he didn't expect Karkaroff to

give him four points.

But people still gave Furong warm applause.

"Excellent!" said Hagrid, applauding enthusiastically. "Miss Delacour gets

high marks - Karkaroff's coward is not counted - and Ms. Maxim will be


"Hagrid, are you happier?" Xia Ran asked with a smile.

Hagrid blushed and muttered something, but Xia Ran didn't hear it


"Let us invite the last warrior-Mr. Krum!" Bagman shouted.

This time, people's applause and cheers became even louder. After all, he

was the best seeker in the world and the most popular one, even if this

was Hogwarts.

After Krum appeared, his face was very gloomy. He looked at the red

dragon, raised his wand, aimed at the fire dragon's eyes, and fired a

dazzling light, which hit the fire dragon's eyes.


The fire dragon was in pain, roared angrily, and struggled in pain. Its big

feet stepped on it, and countless eggs were crushed to pieces, some real

and some fake.

"Mr. Krum must speed up, otherwise all the eggs will be crushed by the

dragon, and he will have no choice but to face defeat!" Bagman said.

"Oh, no..." Hagrid moaned lowly, full of pain.

Xia Ran discovered that the dragon trainers below also looked at the

trampled real dragon eggs with regret. They could endure the loneliness.

The wizards who stayed at the Romanian dragon farm were all people

who truly loved dragons and were naturally concerned about this

situation. Regret and heartache.

Krum successfully took away the golden egg. At this time, the dragon

trainers immediately stepped forward and hit the adult fire dragon with

more than ten stun spells. The dragon suddenly fainted and the ground

shook several times.

"I give Krum eight points, Dumbledore, eight points; Jerome, seven

points, Ms. Maxim, seven points; Karkaroff... um, ten?!" Bagman was

surprised again .

Although Krum successfully took away the golden egg, the fire dragon

crushed so many dragon eggs, so points must be deducted.

The crowd also booed, especially the Beauxbatons students.

"Too bad! That coward..." Hagrid complained dissatisfied.

"It's indeed very bad." Xia Ran agreed, but now that Voldemort has

returned, Karkaroff won't be able to stand for long.

Now it's just because Voldemort still doesn't want to openly come to the

stage - the internal strife between the Order of the Phoenix and the

Ministry of Magic is something Voldemort likes to see - to prevent being

exposed, he indulged the traitors among the Death Eaters more than ten

years ago and allowed him to It's up to them to continue to enjoy

themselves, but there's definitely a time limit.

If Voldemort completely declares his return, how can Karkaroff, a former

betrayer, be able to find peace?

He smiled and shook his head.

Chapter 217 Report

Xia Ran stood up and followed the crowd slowly down the stands,

chatting casually with several professors around her.

Several warriors were taken to the temporary medical tent. After simple

bandaging, they came out and arrived at the center of the field. By this

time, the scoring had been completed.

"You all did a great job!"

Ludo Bagman said in a loud voice, with a face full of joy, as if he had just

passed the test of an adult fire dragon three times in a row.

"Okay, I have a few more words to say. First of all, the second project

will start at 9:30 am on February 24th next year. Before that, you can

take a long break, but we I’ve left some questions for you.”

"If you look down at those golden eggs you're holding in your hands,

you'll see that they can actually open... See the seam there? You must

unravel the clues provided in the eggs, which will tell you about the

second project What is it, you can be fully prepared! Is everything clear?

Is it no problem? Okay, let’s go and go to the celebration banquet.”

"Cedric, congratulations." Xia Ran patted Cedric on the shoulder. The

young man grinned and looked very happy. A circle of Hufflepuff

students surrounded him, looking even happier than Cedric. .

Professor Sprout was also in the crowd with a smile on his face, and

many girls from other colleges congratulated Cedric.

After Harry, Ron, and Hermione congratulated Cedric, they got out of the

crowd and were caught by a woman.

It was Rita Skeeter. She was wearing a bright green robe today, and the

stenographic pen in her hand matched the color of the robe.

"Hello, Harry." Rita Skeeter greeted, looking at Harry with a smile on her

face, "I wonder if you can say a word to me? Your schoolmate became a

warrior and successfully won the Golden Egg, how do you feel now? Do

you think the referee’s score is fair? Don’t worry, just say it!”

"Okay, I can have a word with you." Harry said angrily, "Goodbye!"

After saying that, he, Ron and Hermione walked towards the castle


"Don't leave in a hurry, Harry." Rita Skeeter stopped the three of them

and asked with a smile on her face, "Do you feel jealous of Cedric? It feels

like he has taken away your share of glory. ?He's a despicable thief?


The three of them were immediately very angry.

When Xia Ran and his group were passing by and returning to the castle,

they happened to hear these words, so they stopped and said, "Rita, you

need to pay attention to that pen of yours."

The three Harrys discovered that Rita Skeeter had put the shorthand pen

back into her purse at some point, and said unmoved: "Xia Ran, what, do

you have any news to tell me? About Dumbledore Lucky? He is a treasure

trove of news!"

She looked at Xia Ran with burning eyes.

"What's the point of asking for so much news?" Xia Ran rolled her eyes

and said, "You can't publish it in the Daily Prophet anyway, so all this

hard work is in vain."

Rita Skeeter's face seemed to slump.

Indeed, Fudge of the Ministry of Magic is trying his best to control public

opinion. Any newspaper published by the Daily Prophet must be

reviewed by Fudge's trusted officials in the Ministry of Magic in advance

to confirm that there are no hidden dangers or information that should

not be published before it can be published on a large scale. , mailed to

all parts of the wizarding world via owl postman.

She has collected a lot of news materials, but there are really not many

that can be used after being reviewed.

"Let's go, don't stand there in a daze." Xia Ran said lazily, urging several

students to return to the school castle quickly.

At this time, Rita Skeeter seemed to be interested in Hagrid and asked:

"Rubber Hagrid, gamekeeper and professor of Care of Magical Creatures?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Hagrid asked doubtfully.

"Do you have time?" The cunning light in Rita Skeeter's eyes flashed. "I

mean, are you willing to accept an exclusive interview from me? If you

can allow me to be on the side next time you have class, There’s nothing

better than sitting in.”

"What?!" Hagrid showed great joy and agreed immediately, saying, "Of

course, welcome! Very few people come to interview me. People are not

that interested in magical creatures."

"Oh, that's because they won't appreciate it." Rita Skeeter's tone did not

contain much curiosity.

"Well, I have class tomorrow, at nine o'clock in the morning, right on the

edge of the square, next to the Forbidden Forest. If you are really

interested..." Hagrid said.

"I will arrive on time." Rita Skeeter waved her hand and said goodbye to

the group of people, "See you tomorrow, Hagrid. Goodbye, Xia Ran."

Hagrid had a silly smile on his face, patted the wrinkles on his clothes,

frowned and said, "I have to wear good clothes tomorrow and be

published in the newspaper? Hey, I have never dared to think about it

like this."

He couldn't help but giggle again.

"Hagrid, be careful, Rita's pen will not report truthfully." Xia Ran warned.

"Yes, I understand." Hagrid nodded casually and walked directly to his

cabin, obviously not taking Xia Ran's warning to heart.

Xia Ran shook her head helplessly, thinking that this was not a big deal,

and she no longer put too much energy into it.

After the first round of competition, the next day's newspapers, no matter

which newspaper, "Daily Prophet" or "The Quibbler", or some other small

newspapers, all reported on this Triwizard Tournament. After all, This is

the first Triwizard Tournament in more than a century!

"Surprise! An adult fire dragon appears in the Triwizard Tournament!"

"Exploration and thinking about adult fire dragons and fire dragon eggs!"

The latter report was, of course, "The Quibbler," for which Mr. Lovegood

is said to have written to Charlie asking for some information.

However, these news did not seem to be timely for long. Within two

days, many more news appeared, covering up the original information

about the Triwizard Tournament. One of the news was about Hagrid.

"Rubber Hagrid, a half-giant, whose mother abandoned her husband

when he was a child, made Hagrid very sad. According to exclusive news

from this newspaper, Hagrid is very fond of Harry Potter because of this."

He took care of it, because Hagrid seemed to think that Harry Potter was

also a child in a miserable situation and gave Gryffindor a lot of points

for no reason. This made the students in the other three houses angry,

but they dared not speak out when they were angry - —Hagrid is very

smug, arrogant, and very fond of using force..."

Hermione read and said sadly: "Oh, no, this is all about discrediting


"Who wrote the article?" Ron asked.

"Let me see...Rita Skeeter." Hermione rummaged through the article's


"It's her, no wonder." Ron nodded clearly and said, "That's a crazy woman

who makes trouble out of nothing and never reports the truth. Hagrid

should never have agreed to let her attend the Care of Magical Creatures

class in the first place. "

"Hagrid is here." Harry suddenly saw a tall figure walking into the great

hall, raising his hand to say hello.

Hagrid, however, acted as if he hadn't seen him, his expression was dull,

and he walked to his seat numbly, eating breakfast in silence without

saying a word.

"Poor Hagrid," Professor Flitwick sighed.

"Professor Flitwick, please show me the newspaper." Xia Ran said, taking

the "Daily Prophet" handed over by Professor Flitwick.

Chapter 218 Heartwarming

Xia Ran spread out the newspaper while eating.

"Professor Hogwarts: The Life of Rubeus Hagrid!"

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows, past events in her life? No one is dead yet.

"Inside Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there is a teacher

who once caused the death of students - of course, now his suspicion has

been cleared - but as a hybrid giant, Rubeus' father is a human and his

mother is a giant. Hagrid may be qualified as a gamekeeper, but when a

half-giant becomes a Care of Magical Creatures teacher, we can’t help but

ask, is he really qualified? Does he have this ability?”

"Maybe there's a question mark!"

Xia Ran secretly shook his head. Apart from anything else, Hagrid is

indeed very proficient in the knowledge of magical biology. He is a

master of magical biology. This is not because Dumbledore gave him

away. The relationship has a back door.

After all, Care of Magical Creatures is not a Defense Against the Dark Arts


"... Hagrid admitted that he still cried over the death of his mother - who

left them and his son when they were children - and he said that he no

longer felt sad, but whether this kind of language could prove that when

he spoke Where are the tears left? We remain to see!"

"... Regarding Harry Potter, Hagrid has an attitude of complete

admiration and even flattery. In the past, Hagrid only did this when

facing Dumbledore. It seems that Hagrid thinks that Harry... Potter and

Dumbledore are equal parts."

There is a long paragraph after that, anyway, it is teasing Hagrid in

different ways, describing him as a villain who pretends to be powerful,

which is contrary to his identity as a hybrid giant.

Hagrid, who was at the end of the dining table, finished his breakfast in

silence and left the Great Hall without saying a word. Harry, Ron, and

Hermione quickly grabbed a piece of bread and followed.

"Rita Skeeter..."

Xia Ran took a slow sip of the clear soup, and listened to the ridicule of

many students in the auditorium, mainly Slytherin Academy, and thought

to herself: "It seems that she has to be taught a lesson. Such a powerful

pen will last a day." It would be a waste to only focus on these.”

He had made up his mind. It was said in the original time and space that

Rita Skeeter was an illegal Animagus and used her Animagus beetle form

to eavesdrop on many things that she should not know. secret.

Her control in the original time and space was finally grasped by

Hermione. Xia Ran could copy Hermione's actions.

Hermione still needs time to observe and think about the reasons. Finally,

she can rely on her intelligence to discover Rita Skeeter's secret and catch

her. Xia Ran does not need to be so troublesome.

After all, he already knew Rita Skeeter's secret. As long as he paid more

attention in the later period, he could easily capture Rita Skeeter. No one

knew about it yet.

On the other side, Harry and the three of them kept up with Hagrid, but

Hagrid was walking with long strides, and the three of them had to jog

all the way to barely keep up.

"Hagrid, wait...wait..." Hermione shouted.

Hagrid walked straight into the house as if he hadn't heard anything.

"Don't close the door!" shouted Ron.


Hagrid turned a deaf ear and closed the door.

The trio had no choice but to stop at the gate. Ron and Harry looked at

each other and asked, "What should we do?"

"Hagrid, open the door!" Harry shouted.

"Get out of the way!" Hermione said, squeezing Harry and Ron away,

reaching out and banging on the door. As if she wouldn't get tired, she

kept banging for two minutes before the door finally opened. It was

opened from the inside by Hagrid.

"What, are you guys here to laugh at me too?" Hagrid said with a stiff

face, then returned to the house, hugging Yaya and a dog. The three of

them were very familiar.

"No, we're not," Harry replied immediately.

Hagrid asked himself: "If I don't open the door, you still keep knocking?

Are you not going to give me any quiet time?"

"Yes!" Hermione crossed her hands and did not sit down, but looked at

Hagrid, who avoided Hermione's eyes.

"Are you still avoiding us, Hagrid?"

"I'm not hiding from you," Hagrid muttered.

"Ha." Hermione sneered and said, "Then why are you ignoring us? Can't

you hear such a loud sound? Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

She waved her hand again, without giving Hagrid any chance to argue,

and continued: "It's just a newspaper, and you're afraid of it becoming

like this?"

"You don't understand!" Hagrid muttered, "Hermione, you are still young,

you don't understand."

After all, adults have face.

"Huh, I don't understand? Yes, I don't understand." Hermione sneered,

"But is your solution the right one? Hagrid, answer me, hide from

everyone, and you think nothing happened. Yes, right?"

Hagrid opened his mouth but did not answer.

Ron and Harry stared at Hermione with their mouths wide open, and

looked at Hagrid from time to time, as if they were watching a wonderful

tennis match.

"Very good, it seems you don't think so anymore." Hermione nodded and

said, "It proves that you are not completely confused, Hagrid. What's the

use of a Daily Prophet? Do you think so too? Don’t you deserve to be the

Care of Magical Creatures teacher? Don’t you know anything about

magical biology? Would Dumbledore hire someone who knows nothing

to be a teacher? Why should you doubt yourself?”

Hagrid turned into Harry and Ron, with his mouth wide open, staring

blankly at Hermione.

"You are a very good teacher, Hagrid." Hermione spoke very clearly. "You

may have some problems in some aspects, such as teaching

arrangements, but your enthusiasm for teaching and your familiarity with

the curriculum are the best. Incomparable to anyone! So why aren’t you

qualified for a professorship?”

"You can do it, Hagrid, believe in yourself! We all believe in you too!"

Hermione said with a wink.

Only then did Harry and Ron react. They nodded repeatedly and said,

"Yes, Hagrid, we are very happy that you can become a teacher, and we

also think that you are a very competent and qualified teacher. All our

Gryffindor classmates They all think so. As for Slytherin...hey, don't care

about their opinions."

Tears suddenly welled up in Hagrid's eyes. He took out a rag-like

handkerchief from somewhere, squeezed out the snot from his nose, and

said movedly: "Oh, thank you very much, you three... I really don't know

what to say. , I... to be honest, Rita Skeeter's report is not unreasonable...

I do think so sometimes, am I really a qualified teacher?"

"With your support, I feel relieved. I will change myself and make Care of

Magical Creatures the most interesting course in Hogwarts!" Hagrid said


"Hagrid, if you think so... then I'm relieved."

A familiar voice suddenly came from outside the door, and then a figure

entered the hut, with a smile on his face and pale hair, it was


There was another person behind him, but it was Xia Ran.

Chapter 219 The treatment of

house elves

"Professor Dumbledore, and Xia Ran, why are you here?" Hagrid quickly

stood up and wiped away his tears, his face was a little red, and he

seemed to be at a loss.

Xia Ran chuckled and said, "If you meet someone, come over and have a


He was planning to come over to see Hagrid, but when he was walking

out of the castle, he happened to meet Dumbledore coming downstairs,

so he simply came over together and heard Hermione's words.

"You are a teacher in the school. It is also my responsibility as the

principal to care for the health of teachers and students." Dumbledore

smiled, "Miss Granger, you are great!"

He looked at Hermione again and gave a thumbs up.

Hermione blushed, trying not to look too proud.

Xia Ran suddenly turned around and looked outside, smiling:

"Dumbledore, it seems we should leave. By the way, you three should


No one else had to ask, they already understood everything when they

saw the tall figure through the window.

"Hagrid, we won't disturb you anymore." Dumbledore smiled narrowly

and followed Xia Ran out.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione trotted out quickly.

Hagrid came out with a red face and ignored the few people returning to

the castle. Instead, he greeted Ms. Maxim with an unusually strong smile

on his face.

"It seems Hagrid has found his other half." Ron said.

Harry and Hermione were also sincerely happy for Hagrid.

"The Yule Ball is coming soon, and there should be a lot of students

staying in school this year." Dumbledore said softly, "The elves will be

very busy by then."


Harry and Ron's expressions suddenly changed.

As expected, Hermione immediately became excited and said: "Professor

Dumbledore, don't you think it's so unfair that the elves work hard

without complaint, without getting a day off, no subsidies, and no

wages? This is labor exploitation. This is This is disgraceful behavior!”

Xia Ran noticed that Dumbledore seemed a little confused and looked at

Hermione blankly.

"Professor, elves must enjoy the same treatment as us, including wages,

subsidies, and various benefits. Even if they are free...well, freedom can

be postponed for a while, but other benefits must be compensated!"

Hermione was very excited, not showing any signs of it. He restrained

himself somewhat due to Dumbledore's status as principal.

Dumbledore said distressedly: "Miss Granger, I want to do this - really, I

am not lying to you - I will give him a salary for the new house elf. I am

going to give him a salary for a week." Ten galleons, a weekend off, but

he didn't ask for it and acted very frightened. In the end, he only asked

for one galleung, one galleung a week and one day off a month, while the

other house elf simply didn't want a penny. No need for a day off."

Xia Ran's eyes moved slightly, thinking about the plot in the original time

and space, and asked: "Dumbledore, what are the names of those two


"Dobby, Winky," Dumbledore replied.

"More than?!"


There were two exclamations in succession, the first one was from Harry

and the second one was from Hermione.

"Yes, Dobby, Winky." Dumbledore sighed, "There are more than a

hundred house elves in Hogwarts, and Dobby is the only one who asked

for wages and holidays, but even so, I am willing to Give him more

wages and holidays, but he doesn’t want them.”

"It's always been a concept issue." Xia Ran said softly. Dobby was

originally a house elf of the Malfoy family, and was later liberated.

Winky was a house elf of the Crouch family, and he also sneaked into

Hogwarts and captured him. After Harry - who had been struck by Barty

Crouch Jr. or Voldemort's Imperius Curse - was rescued, he and Dobby

found Dumbledore, hoping to get a job at Hogwarts.

After all, the only job in the magic world that two elves can do is

Hogwarts, and they may not want to go to foreign magic schools.

"Professor, Dobby is at Hogwarts?" Harry asked hurriedly.

"Is Winky okay?" Hermione asked worriedly. She had seen Dobby and

Winky before. Dobby was in relatively better condition, so she was more

worried about Winky.

Dumbledore replied: "I didn't go to the kitchen, but it should be fine.

Dobby is a smart and enthusiastic elf. He will take good care of Winky."

Harry nodded, Dobby was indeed such an elf.

"Professor, we need to change. House elves are our friends, not our

slaves." Hermione's eyes burned.

"Of course, I recognize this, and I have never regarded them as slaves."

Dumbledore said.

"So, freedom..."

"I'm afraid this won't work." Dumbledore shook his head. "In the

wizarding world, apart from Hogwarts, there is no other place that can

accommodate more than a hundred elves at the same time. They need a

job, and this job currently Only Hogwarts can provide that.”


"I will try to increase wages and holidays for other elves. There will be an

adjustment period." Dumbledore said.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Dobby's mind has been liberated, isn't he still

unable to accept more wages and holidays? Hermione, the road must be

walked step by step, don't walk too fast."

Hermione could only accept this reality helplessly, but her eyes flashed,

thinking that she might be able to ask Fred and George how to get to the

underground kitchen of Hogwarts and see the house elves in person.


After the first round of competition, time passed very quickly, and

Christmas was coming soon, because there was the Triwizard

Tournament this year, and the Christmas dance would be held. It would

be opened by the three warriors and their dance partners. Almost most

students in the school chose to stay. school.

"I'm not going back, Harry." Ron said, signing the detention list issued by

Professor McGonagall.

As for Harry, he signed as usual. He originally wanted to spend Christmas

at the Black Mansion this year, but since he encountered such a big

event, of course he had to slow down. He and Sirius wrote through

letters, and Sirius also It is recommended that he stay in school, after all,

the Triwizard Tournament is too rare.

Xia Ran left school before Christmas - after taking the last class before the

holiday - he came to Grimmauld Place in London and gently knocked on

a building that jumped out from between houses 11 and 13. door.

"Xia Ran, you're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Ping opened the door.

Xia Ran went in and said, "I just finished class and I haven't eaten

anything yet. Is there anything to eat?"

"We haven't finished eating yet, let's eat something together." In the

kitchen, Sirius poked his head and said.

Kreacher, the house elf of the Black family, said enthusiastically:

"Professor Frémont, what do you want to eat? Kreacher can make a lot of


After Regulus's bones were buried, Kreacher completely changed his

temper and recognized Sirius as his master, as well as most members of

the Order of the Phoenix.

"Just have some." Xia Ran smiled, "Thanks, Kreacher."

"Is it just the three of us?" Sirius asked, putting down his knife and fork.

"No, there are others." Lupine said, "Me, you, Xia Ran, Mad-Eye, Tonks,

Kingsley, and Arthur are also there."

"I hope to meet Death Eaters." Sirius said expectantly, full of fighting


Xia Ran said softly: "Mad-Eye will come over later. He has classes. Arthur

and the others will meet us at the Ministry of Magic."

Chapter 220 Sneaking into the

Ministry of Magic

"When will you start? Have you decided?" Sirius asked, "I can't wait, it's

been so long... You know, I really hope..." He spread his hands and

continued: "I can break into the Ministry of Magic! "

"Isn't now an opportunity?" Xia Ran smiled, "But we have to be more

cautious. Although we have internal agents and the Ministry of Magic's

security is much lax during Christmas, Death Eaters may be waiting for

the opportunity."

"By the way, Xia Ran, we sneaked into the Department of Mysteries of the

Ministry of Magic. What are we going to take away? Or are we going to

listen to a prophecy? What prophecy?" Lu Ping asked doubtfully.

This was also the answer to the question that Sirius wanted to know.

The Order of the Phoenix held a meeting a few days ago, and

Dumbledore laid out this plan, led by Ciaran and Moody, with Kingsley,

Tonks, and Arthur Weasley as internal agents, and Sirius and Lupin as

assistants, a total of seven A wizard, working inside and outside, sneaked

into the Ministry of Magic, and Xia Ran took away something, a magical

item in the Department of Mysteries.

Except for Xia Ran, the other six people didn't know what that thing was,

including Moody.

They were curious, what was Dumbledore's intention behind this move?

Xia Ran naturally understood that this plan was formulated together with

Dumbledore and Snape.

Because of the message in time and space, Xia Ran knew that Voldemort

was not only eager to get the Elder Wand, but also eager to get the

prophecy ball in the Department of Mysteries. To hear the complete

prophecy, Professor Sybill Trelawney applied for the job more than ten

years ago. The complete version of the prophecy made while teaching

Divination at Hogwarts.

Although the prophecy ball can only be touched by the characters

involved in the prophecy, this does not prevent the Order of the Phoenix

from taking this opportunity to send a signal that the Order of the

Phoenix is ​​also planning on the prophecy ball!

Coupled with Snape's concealed summons, Voldemort may not be able to

hide so much, and may be impatient to spend time on wooing dark

wizards and dark creatures from all parties, which in turn will buy more

time for the Order of the Phoenix.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the purpose of Xia Ran's trip

is not to obtain the prophecy ball. On the contrary, if the time permits,

their goal is to smash the prophecy ball and completely destroy

Voldemort's hope of listening to the complete prophecy!

The other two people who knew the prophecy, one was Dumbledore,

who was not afraid of Voldemort; the other was Professor Sybill

Trelawney, who never left Hogwarts all year round, especially after

Voldemort returned from resurrection. May Professor Trelawney step out

of Hogwarts even if she doesn't realize it yet - as long as Hogwarts doesn't

fall, Professor Trelawney will be safe.

The purpose of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​to break the prophecy ball,

disrupt the sight of the Dark Wizards' camp, and draw out the undercover

Death Eaters within the Ministry of Magic.

But this - sneaking into the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of

Magic and breaking the prophecy ball - is not an easy task. If there is no

insider, they would not dare to take such a risky move.

"It's not to listen to the prophecy." Xia Ran said softly, "You will know by

then. In fact, this plan itself is just a bait. The undercover Death Eaters in

the Ministry of Magic must have received the news - you also know, Si

Nap is an undercover, double agent - so this may be a bad fight, and one

cannot be careless."

Lupine and Sirius nodded.

They understood that Voldemort was eyeing a certain item in the

Department of Mysteries, and what they had to do now was to get that

mysterious item before Voldemort.

Needless to say, we knew that the Death Eaters would not give in, and a

war might be inevitable.

Not long after, Moody also came to the old Blake house at 12 Grimmauld

Place and asked: "Are you ready? If you are, let's set off. There is no need

to contact Kingsley and the others. They have already arrived." It’s all

arranged, just adapt accordingly.”

"Put on a big robe so as not to reveal your identity, especially since you

two are still professors at Hogwarts." Lupine said, carrying four wizard

robes and coming out with hoods, somewhat similar to those of Death

Eaters. The clothes, but the colors are completely different. This robe is

brightly colored, either sky blue, bright red, golden yellow, or turquoise.

The sky blue robe went to Moody, and the bright red robe went to Sirius.

Lupine finally handed Xia Ran a green robe with a green hat.

Xia Ran's face immediately collapsed and asked for a change. He couldn't

wear this green robe.

So Lupine switched with him.

Xia Ran put on a golden wizard robe and a hood. She felt pretty good and

said, "All that's missing is a mask."

"We also have masks, you can choose for yourself." Lu Ping replied, also

pulling out a box of masks from a cabinet in the kitchen, with all colors

and styles available.

Xia Ran's eyes were surprised, is this mask sold wholesale? !

"You know, there are quite a few of us in the Order of the Phoenix, just

for emergencies." Sirius shrugged.

Xia Ran chose a pale mask. On the snow-white mask, there were a few

ink marks, like teardrops.

"Let's go."

The four of them stepped out of Blake's old house and disappeared at the

same time. The sky was full of snow and wind, and no one was walking

on the street, so no one noticed these four strange figures.


Because tomorrow is Christmas, most Ministry of Magic officials are on

vacation, and there are very few wizards on duty, including several who

are members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Xia Ran and Moody had both worked in the Ministry of Magic for many

years and were familiar with the route. They passed the visitor phone box

and went straight to the entrance of the Ministry of Magic hall.

There was almost no one in the Ministry of Magic at this moment, and no

wizard had exclaimed when he saw a few people.

Statues of wizards, elves, goblins and other creatures still stand on the

fountain in the Ministry of Magic hall, with the words "Magic is Power"

shining brightly.

Xia Ran glanced at it, and a strangely placed newspaper came into view.

Suddenly the expression on his face under the pale mask changed

slightly, and he whispered: "Be careful! The situation seems to have


"Let's go to the Department of Mysteries first." Moody said solemnly. This

time he did not carry his iconic cane, and his magic eye was covered by a

mask. It was extremely difficult for anyone to recognize that this wizard

covered in sky blue robes was an Auror. Hero - "Mad-Eye" Alastor Moody.

The four of them quickly came to the elevator and took the elevator

directly to the ninth underground floor where the Department of

Mysteries is located.

"Department of Mysteries," said the cold female voice in the elevator.

The fence door slid open slightly, and the four people walked out.

Lupine moved his nose slightly and whispered: "I smell a wizard."

Several people stepped up their guard.

Xia Ran held the wand tightly in her right hand, which was covered by

the golden robe and could not be seen clearly by outsiders, which gave

him certain convenience.

He walked slowly along a long corridor that ended with a dark door.

The Department of Mysteries is often extremely mysterious within the

Ministry of Magic. He has rarely been here in the past, so he doesn't

know much about it.

"There's movement!" Sirius suddenly said, and without waiting for

anyone else to reply, he quickly ran to the side.

"Reckless!" Moody said, and had no choice but to follow.

Chapter 221 Battle

Moody and Lupine followed Sirius and ran behind a curtain.

Xia Ran held the magic wand in her hand, which was attached to the end

of her head. Her eyes under the mask looked around, not sparing any

hidden corner, and she was cautious and vigilant.

He knew that because of Snape's "leak", there must be Death Eaters

lurking here.

In front of him, Sirius, Moody, and Lupine had stepped through the black

door one after another and entered the Department of Mysteries.

He went in last.

Suddenly he stood in a large circular room. Everything here was black,

including the floor and ceiling. There are many black doors embedded in

the surrounding black walls, all identical, without markings or handles.

There are some branch-shaped candles dotted between the walls, the

flames are blue, and the swaying cold light casts on the shiny marble

floor, making people feel that they are standing on the dark water under

their feet, and it seems that there is some terrifying dark creature lurking

under the water.

Xia Ran was not moved at all.

There were twelve doors on the surrounding walls. With a rumbling

sound, the walls began to rotate and the candles moved to the side. When

he turned around and looked, he had forgotten which door he had just


Xia Ran's expression changed slightly.

Blue flames blurred around them like neon tubes.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, everything stopped again, the

roar was gone, everything was quiet again.

"It seems that they don't want us to find the door back." Lu Ping


Every door was closed tightly, and even with his magic eyes, Moody

couldn't tell which door they came in from.

But at this time Sirius had broken through a door.

"Come on!" Xia Ran couldn't help but whisper, and followed closely into

the room.

"Be careful! There are enemies!" Sirius's voice came from nowhere, with a

hazy and ethereal feel.

Xia Ran reacted very quickly. When she waved her wand, without

making any sound, a layer of illusory armor blocked her body, and sparks

shot out from the tip of the wand.

boom! boom!

The armor in front of Xia Ran shattered, and he took advantage of the

situation to hide to the right and raised his eyes to glance.

It was a large, dimly lit house, rectangular in shape, with a recess in the

middle, forming a huge stone pit about twenty feet deep.

The room was surrounded by rows of stepped stone benches, and he

stood on the top row. The stone benches extended downward at a steep

angle, much like an amphitheatre.

There is a high stone platform in the center of the pit, with a stone arch

erected on it. It looks very old, dilapidated, and decayed. Judging from

its appearance, it seems that it should not be erected here at all.

There was no wall around the arch to support it, and a tattered black

curtain or drapery hung over it, and although there was no breeze in the

cold air, the drapery fluttered gently as if someone had just touched it.

And a group of wizards wearing black cloaks were confronting Xia Ran

and the four of them relying on the stone platform.

"Ah, Death Eaters, yes, obviously." Xia Ran said, her face under the mask

turned cold, and she recited a spell without hesitation.

"Burning flames!"

A large burst of flame emerged from the tip of his wand and filled the

entire room in the blink of an eye. Not only the group of black-cloaked

Death Eaters were surprised, but also Moody, Lupin, and Sirius.

Isn't the power of Xia Ran's flame spell too terrifying? !

"Quickly exit this room! The water is like a spring!" Someone among the

Death Eaters shouted in a hoarse voice, but unfortunately, his water spell

could not extinguish Xia Ran's fire spell at all. He only made a few chirps

before being angry. melted.

"Catch them!" Moody said in a deep voice, pointing his wand, and several

rays of light shot through the blazing flames and hit a Death Eater. He

stiffened on the spot and fell to the ground at the bottom of the stone pit.

"It's best to kill them directly!" Sirius dodged Xia Ran's fire spell and fired

various offensive spells.

"All turned to stone! Shattered to pieces!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The group of Death Eaters directly recited the Avada Kedavra and used

the Unforgivable Curse without any scruples.

"Flying sand and flying stones! Falling apart!" Although Xia Ran wanted

to use Avada Kedavra to deal with the Death Eaters, all moral principles

are empty, killing them is the first priority, but after all, there are other

people present, and it is not until the critical moment , it’s better not to

use the Unforgivable Curse carelessly.

Anyway, with his magic power, these other offensive spells and magic are

also extremely powerful, enough to defeat most Death Eaters.

Xia Ran and the four of them started a fierce battle with a group of Death

Eaters in this room.

"Ah ha, my dear cousin, I recognize you, where are you going?" A crazy

woman laughed, and the black cloaked figure wrapped around Sirius, and

it turned out to be Bella. Trix Lestrange, Sirius's cousin, was the murderer

of Sirius in the original time and space.

Sirius smiled coldly and said, "Bellatrix, it's time for you to pay for your


"Is it just you? Sirius, a stupid, extremely dirty big black dog?" Bellatrix

sneered. She learned Sirius's identity from Wormtail.

"Just wait and see! All will be petrified!" Sirius said and used the

petrification spell, but Bellatrix easily dodged it.

"Your skills have slowed down, my dear cousin! Avada Kedavra!"

Bellatrix said fiercely, she really wanted to kill Sirius.

On the other side, Moody was fighting a wizard with equally superb

magic power, and he heard a voice that sounded like Barty Crouch Jr.

Lupine and a Death Eater went back and forth, fighting each other, and

ran out of the large empty room.

Xia Ran could see that most of the Death Eaters lurking here were elite

dark wizards. Both Barty Crouch Jr. and Bellatrix were extremely loyal

Death Eaters to Voldemort, and their magic power was endless. weak.

Barty Crouch Jr. is even more powerful!

"Avada Kedavra!" A green light suddenly shot towards Xia Ran at an

extremely fast speed. Xia Ran dodged and the green light hit the wall

behind her, making a hole.

The one who attacked him was a pale wizard with a twisted face and

crazy eyes.

Xia Ran recognized this person, his name was Antonin Dolohov. He had

tortured the Longbottoms with Barty Crouch Jr. and Bellatrix, causing

them to go crazy, and had also killed Prewett. Brothers - Mrs. Weasley's

two biological brothers.

"Oh, Dumbledore's lackey, give me a hit..." Just as Dolohov was mid-

sentence, Xia Ran hit him with a curse.

"Split into pieces!"

Dolokhov even lowered his head and dodged.

"Ha, have the idiots in the Order of the Phoenix learned to strike first?"

Dolohov sneered.

Xia Ran's eyes were cold, and she held the devil's hand tightly. Although

it was covered by a mask, her murderous intent was still overflowing,

and Dolohov sensed it in an instant.

He suddenly laughed wildly, full of ridicule.

Chapter 222 Hostage Exchange

"How ridiculous!" Dolohov mocked, "Hasn't the Order of the Phoenix

always advocated kindness and forgiveness? Didn't Dumbledore always

talk about his power of 'love'? As a result, you, a member of the Order of

the Phoenix, The murderous intent boils over at every turn, and all the

words and actions before and after are so shameless, it’s really


"That's Dumbledore's opinion, not mine." Xia Ran said calmly, "Mercy and

forgiveness should only be directed at those innocent people, whether

Muggles or wizards. As for dark wizards like you..."

He said with a cold smile.

"Killing them all is the best solution!"

"Can someone like you join the Order of the Phoenix?" Antonin Dolohov

laughed, "I invite you to join the Death Eater organization and submit to

the Dark Lord. This is where you should stay. Place! The Order of the

Phoenix will not change the past, and the new era will be led by us!"

"That's the world of wizards!"

His expression was twisted and crazy, with a bit of fanaticism.


Xia Ran defined it and didn't want to say anything more. Anyway, a dark

wizard and Death Eater like Antonin Dolohov would kill him a thousand

times or ten thousand times.

"Shattered to pieces! Torn to pieces!"

Xia Ran dodged Dolohov's spell and shot out several magic rays, aiming

at Dolohov. Although he dodged directly, Xia Ran still appeared in

several potholes on the wall behind. The power of magic and the

terrifying lethality of his magic!

Anthony Dolokhov is not a weakling, Xia Ran can feel that Dolokhov's

magic power is as deep as rivers and lakes, and he is 100% at the top of

the magic world at level 6!

Also, Dolohov, Barty Crouch Jr., and others were all elite Death Eaters

under Voldemort. Back then, Voldemort led a group of Death Eaters and

could subjugate most of the wizarding world. Only Dumbledore could

conquer the world. rival it.

Obviously, there are many top wizards with level 6 magic among the

Death Eaters. Otherwise, how could they have such terrifying power? !

On the contrary, it was Bellatrix Lestrange. Xia Ran took the time to take

a few glances and found that although her magic power was not weak, it

was not among the top ranks. It was almost the same as Sirius and Lupin,

both of whom were Level 5 magic level, but her status within the Death

Eater organization...

"Well, Bellatrix has a different relationship with Voldemort. With this

status, it's understandable." Xia Ran secretly thought, pushed the door

open and went out. Dolohov's Cruciatus Curse hit the black door, closing

the door. Beat him to pieces directly.

"Want to run?" Dolokhov said with a ferocious smile, "You can't run! I

will definitely kill you!"

He quickly ran out of the big room.

Xia Ran was waiting outside the door. When she saw Dolokhov running

out, he immediately pointed his wand and muttered something, and a

ball of fierce fire that looked like it came from hell suddenly shot out,

seemingly capable of burning everything.

"Fire?!" Antonin Dolohov's expression suddenly changed, "You know how

to use the Fire Spell?! Do you know black magic?!"

He stopped himself, intending to turn back and enter the house just now,

closing the door to stop the spread of the fire.

"Sands and rocks!" Xia Ran cast a spell. Dolokhov was caught off guard

and was hit in the arm. He was immediately in pain and screamed

violently. He fell into the big room inside, alarming the Death Eaters who

were fighting fiercely. .

"Dolohov, you loser, can't you stop even a mere wizard from the Order of

the Phoenix?" Bellatrix shouted angrily, quickly dodging Sirius's spell.

Dolokhov only whined, how could he pay attention to her?

"That's... Li Huo?!"

The others all looked sideways, feeling shocked, and kept moving away,

not daring to get close to Li Huo, for fear that they would be

contaminated by a trace of it, unable to get rid of it, and would be burnt

to ashes by Li Huo and die miserably.

At this moment, the terrifying and fierce fire suddenly parted, and a

figure stepped out from it, wearing a pale mask and a golden robe. Such

a ridiculous outfit no longer violated the rules, but made people feel truly


"Xia Ran?!" Moody and Sirius were both surprised. When did he become

so powerful?

Lupine was fighting fiercely with another Death Eater outside and did not

see this scene.

After Xia Ran's magic power became stronger, she could barely control

the fierce fire she summoned. She branched out into a fire-free passage

and walked indifferently in front of Dolohov. She raised her wand and

the life-killing curse was about to be triggered.

"Stop!" There was a loud shout from outside the door on the other side,

followed by several figures wearing black hoods and cloaks who quickly

entered the house. The first four people each carried a helpless wizard in

their hands. The four people were They are Lupin, Kingsley, Arthur

Weasley and Tonks.

The four of them looked ashamed, unable to move at all as the Death

Eaters pointed their wands tightly at them.

Xia Ran's expression changed slightly, the spell was not issued, but the

wand was still pointed at Dolohov's head.

"Stop! If you don't stop, I will kill them!" A Death Eater said coldly, and

drew his wand beside the four of Lupin.

Moody and Sirius had no choice but to put away their wands and stood

with Xia Ran, looking solemnly at the group of Death Eaters opposite, as

well as Lupin, Kingsley, Mr. Weasley, and Don The four wizards of the

Order of the Phoenix.

"Are you willing to stop?" The leading Death Eater laughed coldly,

making people's hair stand on end, as if there was a rattlesnake

swimming around.

Xia Ran said in a deep voice: "Exchange, Antonin Dolohov, exchange the

four of them."

"One for four?" Barty Crouch Jr. sneered, a pale and sickly face revealed

under the black hood, "Only one for one, take your pick, who do you

want to exchange?"

Moody and Sirius looked at Xia Ran and opened their mouths as if they

wanted to say something.

Xia Ran waved his hand to stop them, and said calmly: "One must be

replaced by four, otherwise, all of you will not be able to leave."

"If you don't believe it... you can try to see if any of you Death Eaters can

escape from the Ministry of Magic after this hostage exchange breaks


The threat in his words was palpable.

Xia Ran did have this follow-up plan, either one for four, exchanging

Antonin Dolohov for Lupin and the four of them, or the deal broke down,

Luping and others were killed, and Dolohov was also killed by him. , and

then a fierce battle started again.

He believed that relying on his own and Moody's strength, as long as

Moody entangled Barty Crouch Jr., he could deal with everyone else one

by one, and finally be free to concentrate on solving Barty Crouch Jr. Of

the Death Eaters present, no one can escape, no one can survive!

As for the exchange of hostages?

This is impossible!

"Ah ha, come on." Bellatrix said with a crazy look on her face, raising her

wand to chant a spell.

Xia Ran narrowed her eyes and knocked Dolohov unconscious with a

silent spell. Then she aimed her wand at Bellatrix, and the level 6 magic

power exploded with overwhelming force, which was daunting and


"You can try...if you take action, can you walk out of the Ministry of

Magic alive?"

Chapter 223 Distress

Facing Xia Ran's direct threat, as well as the wand and magic power

locked on her, even though Bellatrix was cruel and crazy by nature, her

heart could not help but tremble.

What a powerful magic!

In the end, she didn't dare to directly chant the curse to kill.

Of course, if Voldemort was present and the Dark Lord was backing him

up, Bellatrix would definitely dare to take action directly.

"When the Dark Lord plans his plan, you despicable bastards will all die!"

Bellatrix's eyes were sinister and fierce, but she slowly lowered her wand.

Xia Ran nodded slightly and said: "Very good, Dolohov was knocked

unconscious by me, let's exchange, one for four."

He winked at Sirius.

Sirius understood, passed the wand to his left hand, and grabbed

Dolohov's collar with his right hand.

A group of Death Eaters over there seemed to discuss it in low voices.

Barty Crouch Jr. stood up and said, "Okay, we agree, let's exchange."

He motioned to the four Death Eaters to bring the four captured Lupins


Sirius dragged Dolohov over.

Xia Ran and Moody did not move, with their wands in hand, ready to

deal with any Death Eaters who repented.

Barty Crouch Jr. and Bellatrix seemed to have the urge to go back on

their word, especially when the four Death Eaters carried Dolohov back

and Sirius helped a few people back slowly.

But after looking at the two wizards with terrifying magic powers

opposite them, they finally gave up the idea of ​​taking action.

"Let's go." Barty Crouch Jr. said, leading a group of Death Eaters away,

leaving only Xia Ran and the others.

"Are you okay?" Sirius asked.

"It's okay." Kingsley took a breath and said, "Be gentle, be gentle."

"Sorry, I was attacked by those Death Eaters and caught..." Mr. Weasley

said ashamedly.

"As long as people are fine," Moody said.

Lupine helped Tonks stand up and asked: "Shall we leave now? Officials

from the Ministry of Magic should have been aware of it and may return

to the Ministry of Magic at any time."

"Then let's go. By the way, Arthur, Kingsley, Tonks, do you want to stay

here or come with us..." Xia Ran hesitated for a moment.

"Let's go together. Fudge doesn't know about our stay," Kingsley said.

Xia Ran nodded, waved the wand back, and the boundless fierce fire

disappeared without a trace.

The group hurried along the corridors of the Department of Mysteries,

staggering the direction they took with the Death Eaters. When they

finally arrived at the hall, the Death Eaters had already left.

They left the Ministry of Magic and immediately apparated to Grimmauld


At the same time, a student at Hogwarts was suddenly awakened by a

severe pain on his forehead.

"Ah!" Harry suddenly screamed in pain and got up from the bed. His body

was covered in sweat, his face was twisted, and he looked very painful.

He covered his forehead tightly with his hands, especially the lightning


"Harry, Harry?!"

He vaguely heard someone calling him, but a blurry picture seemed to

appear in front of him. A person was angry and scolded a group of

people. He was very angry inside a vast manor. That seemed to be him? !

Harry wasn't sure.

"Harry!" Ron shook him awake and asked with a worried look, "Are you


Harry quickly put on his glasses and saw his roommates looking at him

with concerned and worried eyes, and even said, "Um, it's okay, I had a


"Nightmare, it scared me to death." Seamus muttered, then lay down and

turned over and fell asleep again.

Dean and Neville also returned to bed.

Neville said: "Harry, I think you need to see a doctor. Frequent

nightmares indicate that you are worried about something. It's best to

seek guidance from a doctor."

Harry replied: "Well, I will see you later, thank you, Neville." But in his

heart, he was thinking, I would never go to the school hospital because of

this matter, otherwise the news would spread, and Draco... Malfoy would

say something that he would find intolerable.

Ron had not returned to his bed when Neville's snoring started.

He whispered: "Man, are you really okay?"

Harry said softly: "Let's talk tomorrow."

The next morning, Harry got up early. Because it was Christmas and

there was a Yule Ball, most students chose to stay in school - mainly the

senior students in fifth, sixth and seventh grades, but also third and

fourth graders. , were invited to attend the Yule Ball, such as Ginny and

Luna. Except for a small part of the first and second grade students, most

of them went home - many students also got up very early and started to

dress up and prepare to participate. There's a dance tonight.

"Are they crazy? It's only morning!" Ron looked at a group of Gryffindor

girls laughing and playing, applying various cosmetics, commenting on

their evening gowns, and trimming them with wands. He suddenly His

mouth opened wide, showing great surprise.

"My dear brother, you don't understand." Fred said pitifully, while he and

George were discussing something.

"Why did you two get up so early?" Ron asked suspiciously.

"Do you want to eat, Ron?" George took out a toffee from somewhere and

looked at Ron expectantly.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione shook their heads and waved their hands in

sync and walked out of the lounge.

The twin brothers gave them something. After witnessing the last time

Neville accidentally turned into a fat bird - eating a toffee handed over

by Fred - they made up their mind to eat it no matter what. Can't eat

anything from the twin brothers.

"Harry, are you satisfied with your Christmas gift?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, not bad." Harry looked a little dazed. Hermione's Christmas gift

was a Quidditch book, which was the book he was most interested in, but

he couldn't arouse much interest at this time.

"Okay, there's no one here, and few people come here. Tell me, what's

going on?" Hermione asked. They came to the top of a Hogwarts tower

and looked down through the round window. It was covered with snow.

Many students ran out to have a snowball fight, and students from

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang also participated.

Harry organized his words and said: "I saw Voldemort..."

Ron shivered.

"Okay, You-Know-Who," Harry changed his words, "I saw him

reprimanding a group of people, they must be Death Eaters. He was very

angry. It seemed that he was furious because he didn't get something, or


He didn't say that he didn't see Voldemort getting angry, but that he felt

like he was getting angry himself. He didn't want his two good friends to

look at him strangely.

"You mean the mysterious man? Did you see him?" Hermione frowned

and said, "I'm sorry, Harry, you were in the dormitory last night, right?"

"I know." Harry said worriedly, "I was in the dormitory all night, Ron can

prove it."

Ron nodded repeatedly.

"But I just saw it, I saw it in a dream, as if that dream... connected me

with the mysterious man... I can see him sometimes... but I don't want to

see him..."

Harry was also very distressed. He never wanted to experience that

excruciating pain again.

Chapter 224 Magic Potion

"You mean..." Hermione looked up at Harry's lightning scar and

whispered, "This scar has some special ability... um, a channel?"

"I guess so." Harry scratched his head and said, "I'm not sure, but

recently, when the mysterious person's mood fluctuates violently, I can

always see some scenes, like... It’s like I was there at that time.”

Ron looked at Harry blankly and suddenly said: "Harry, I think... you

should go to the hospital..."

"Don't you believe me, Ron?" Harry said angrily.

"Of course..." Ron said without thinking. He immediately saw Harry's

angry expression and changed his words, "Of course I believe you, man.

How could I not believe you? It's just... we don't know anything about the

mysterious man. , otherwise, you should ask the professor, Professor

McGonagall, Professor Moody or Professor Frémont?"

Hermione also interjected: "Yes, let's ask the professors first to see if they

know anything. Anyway, they must know more than us."

Harry thought so and nodded.

But to everyone's surprise, they searched around and found no trace of

the professors, and no one was in the office.

"Where did they go?" The trio was very confused. Since it was almost

noon, they simply went to have lunch, and then went out to have a

snowball fight with Fred, George, Ginny, and Neville in the snowy


They didn't know that the Hogwarts professors who had joined the Order

of the Phoenix, including Dumbledore himself, had all arrived at No. 12

Grimmauld Place.

"Arthur, are you okay?" When Mrs. Weasley arrived, she was frightened

when she saw Mr. Weasley's face was pale, looking very tired and weak.

Mr. Weasley smiled and said: "It's okay, Molly, everything has recovered.

If you rest for a while, you will be fully recovered."

"I was really scared when I received the news last night, but because of

the confidentiality, I can only come over this morning, oh, Arthur..." Mrs.

Weasley said and hugged Mr. Weasley.

"By the way, thank you, Xia Ran." Mrs. Weasley said gratefully, "And

Sirius and Alastor, thank you."

Xia Ran waved her hand casually, chuckled and said: "Eat something,

Mrs. Weasley, everything is fine, don't worry. We won't take action easily

if we are not certain about something that is too dangerous." She


"Ah, Professor Snape is here. The potion is here."

When Xia Ran looked up, she saw Snape walking into the kitchen. He

was wearing a big black robe, his face was gloomy, and his hair looked

like it hadn't been washed for many days. He took out three bottles of

magic potion from his robe. , placed it on the table, and said concisely:

"Swelling agent, bone-growing spirit and wolfsbane potion."

"Severus, thank you." Lupine thanked him sincerely and took away the

Wolfsbane potion. He had to make plans for his next transformation, after

all, the originally prepared Wolfsbane potion had been used up.

Sirius pretended not to notice, with a slightly unnatural expression on his


Kingsley took away the bone spirit and grinned: "I took a magic spell

yesterday and lost a bone. I feel better today."

Tonks grabbed the anti-swelling agent and applied it directly to her

ankles. She had been walking with a limp today.

Yesterday, several people broke into the Ministry of Magic. Lupine, Mr.

Weasley, Kingsley, and Tonks were captured and suffered some trauma.

Therefore, Charran asked Professor Snape to bring some prepared magic

today. medicine.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Professor Snape, I think you can write a book

and talk about it. It will definitely sell well all over the world. Anyone

who is interested in potions will not miss your book."

Snape's mouth moved and he replied: "Forget it, it's such a waste of time."

Xia Ranxin said that when you were young, you dared to directly modify

textbooks and called yourself the "Half-Blood Prince". Now that you are a

potions professor, you are still unwilling to write a book? !

But this was Snape's choice, and it was entirely up to him.

"If you really want to publish a work, give it a nicer name." Xia Ran said


Snape glanced at Xia Ran suspiciously, always feeling that he meant


At this time, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall also arrived. The

kitchen was basically full and crowded, and everyone had a cup in front

of them.

Dumbledore raised his glass first and said with a smile, "I wish you all a

Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas!"

After a glass of wine, the meeting quickly got down to business.

"Severus, what was Voldemort's reaction?" Dumbledore asked.

Snape replied: "Very angry! The mysterious man was very angry, but the

main target was Antonin Dolohov. He was defeated and captured by Xia

Ran, which caused the other four prisoners to be exchanged."

Lupine, Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, and Tonks all looked slightly unnatural.

They were what Snape called "prisoners."

"Does he realize it?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Realized," Snape replied.

"That's good." Dumbledore nodded, turned to look at Moody, and said,

"Alastor, I need you to cover the back."

Moody nodded silently, he also understood Dumbledore's plan.

"Sorry, Dumbledore, what are you talking about?" Sirius asked with a

frown. Except for Sharon, Snape, Moody and Professor McGonagall,

everyone else looked blank and confused, not knowing Dumbledore's


Snape especially knew that it made Sirius very uncomfortable.

"You will know later. It is not yet time to make it public." Dumbledore

replied. In fact, this is about Harry. They want to sharpen Harry so that

he can face death and have the spirit of sacrifice, so that he can But there

is a glimmer of hope.

And Sirius couldn't let Sirius know about this matter. With his

temperament, he might end up causing countless troubles.

Besides, the fewer people know about this, the better!

"How has the Ministry of Magic reacted, Shacklebolt?" Dumbledore asked

again, temporarily ignoring the dissatisfied Sirius.

Kingsley replied: "Fudge was also very angry, but he also ordered all

officials to strictly refrain from talking about this matter, and to treat it

as if the battle in the Department of Mysteries had never happened."

"Ha!" Bill Weasley sneered, "That's very Fudge style!"

Bill originally worked at Gringotts in Egypt, but has now been transferred

back to Gringotts in England. He has also begun to participate in the

work of the Order of the Phoenix and often lives in the humble home.

Charlie didn't come back. He believed that the Order of the Phoenix also

needed members abroad, and for the work of raising dragons, Romania

was the only one in Europe that had dragon farms.

He doesn't want to give up his beloved dragon training career!

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and said, "What, Fudge interfered with


Judging from Bill's appearance, it was obvious that the target was not

aimless. It was determined that Fudge had announced some order, and it

probably affected the Gringotts banking industry.

Chapter 225 Dance

"According to internal information, Fudge seems to be interested in

attacking Gring, and wants to completely integrate the banking system

into the Ministry of Magic." Bill Weasley said, "Those goblins' opinion of

Fudge has dropped to freezing point. I heard some goblins say when

chatting Since then, they have decided to join the mysterious man."

"Is he crazy?" Tonks asked in shock, "Gringotts has always been the

territory of goblins. If this is taken away, won't the goblins rebel?"

"Who knows? Maybe this is the scene he wants to see?" Bill shrugged.

Xia Ran said decisively: "It seems that Fudge is not far away from going

completely crazy. Our plan must speed up. Goblins will not easily join

the war between wizards. We cannot sit back and watch Fudge push the

goblins to join the dark wizard camp."

"Then let's put it in the first half of next year." Dumbledore said solemnly.

Fudge's various actions and the current turbulent situation in the

wizarding world also made him determined, "The plan will be launched


Everyone discussed the precautions for a while. The public opinion

offensive and the aftermath were all very important.

Because there was a Yule Ball at Hogwarts in the evening, Xia Ran,

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Snape, and Moody, after the

meeting, apparated back to Hogwarts together.

At this moment, the sky is dark, dark clouds are piled up, and it seems

like it will snow heavily.

"It looks like it's going to snow heavily tonight. Let's go back and change

into a dress first. It would be too rude to wear such a dress to attend the

ball." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Moody shook his head. He had no intention of attending the Yule Ball.

Xia Ran and Professor McGonagall will attend. To Xia Ran's expectation,

Snape is also willing to attend the Yule Ball.

"I am the Headmaster, I cannot shirk it." Snape said with a gloomy


Xia Ran shrugged and went back to the office to change into a dress. At

this time, countless candles were lit in the castle. The lights were bright

and people were coming and going. Both men and women tried their best

to dress up in their best appearance.

When he arrived at the foyer, the place was already crowded with

students, all milling around, waiting for eight o'clock to arrive, when the

door to the auditorium would open. Some people wanted to meet their

dance partners from other colleges, so they stood sideways in the hall.

The crowd crowded around, looking for each other.

The faculty of Hogwarts are located in a corner. Except for Professor

Moody, almost everyone has arrived. Even Filch, the administrator of

Hogwarts Castle, is accompanying Mrs. Pince from the library, holding

hands. They stood together and whispered.

Hagrid's figure was very conspicuous. He was looking around. Without

asking, Xia Ran knew that he was looking for Beauxbatons' principal, Ms.


"Xia Ran, good, very energetic." Professor Sprout praised. Xia Ran was

wearing a blue dress with a high neckline. His hair was very short, and

his face was not handsome and delicate, but he was very confident in his

coordination. The temperament - powerful magic, self-confidence - but

gives people a very amazing feeling.

"Sorry, Xia Ran, please give in. I have to gather the Hufflepuff students."

Professor Sprout said as he passed by Xia Ran. Professor McGonagall,

Professor Flitwick, and Professor Snape were not here. Instead, they

gathered the students from their own colleges and arranged them.

"Warriors please come here." Professor McGonagall shouted loudly.

Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang, Fleur Delacour and Roger Davis, and the

most eye-catching Viktor Krum and Hermione Granger, I don’t know

Many girls looked at Hermione with jealous eyes, extremely jealous that

she had taken away Krum's dance partner position.

But Hermione's appearance changed so much today that it was difficult

for her to say any humiliating words. Even when Draco Malfoy and Pansy

Parkinson passed by, they couldn't find a word to insult her at this

moment. Hermione.

Hermione smiled a little nervously, took Krum's arm, and winked as she

faced Harry.

Harry was shocked. He almost didn't recognize Hermione. Her previously

messy brown hair was now smooth and shiny, and was pulled into an

elegant bun on the back of her head.

She was wearing a robe made of flowing light purple-blue material, and

somehow her aura was different - Harry guessed, perhaps because she

had taken off the twenty-something clothes she usually carried on her

body. This is a thick book.

"Hello, Harry," Hermione greeted. "Hello, Parvati."

Parvati was Harry's dance partner, but she looked at Hermione with

undisguised suspicion. There were many people like her, especially those

star-chasing girls who admired Krum and wanted to take out their wands.

Come and kill Hermione.

"By the way, where's Ron?" Hermione asked.

Just as Harry was about to answer, he heard a cold snort and followed

Ron and Padma into the great hall without looking back, as if he didn't

even see Hermione beside him.

"What happened to him?" Hermione asked Harry confused.

"Well, he was in a bad mood. You know, that dress..." Harry replied

randomly, but he didn't actually say that Ron's mood because of the dress

had completely changed when he came to the hall. coming.

Harry carried Parvati into the auditorium. Different from the original

time and space trajectory, this time he was not a warrior, so he did not

have to wait outside. After all the teachers and students were seated, he

finally entered with the other warriors. He could completely advance Go

in and take a seat.

There was some regret in his heart.

The walls of the auditorium were covered with glittering silver frost, and

the ceiling was a starry night sky, hung with hundreds of garlands of

mistletoe sprigs and ivy.

The four academy tables were gone, replaced by a hundred small tables

lit with lanterns, with about ten people sitting at each table.

He saw the situation at the guest of honor seat. Several judges were

sitting in one position respectively, while Professor Frémont and other

teachers were sitting at two tables on the other side. Many teachers were

alone and had no dancing partners, such as Frémont. Professor Raymond.

Harry decided to go over later and ask about his situation.

At this time, Professor McGonagall called the warriors and their dance

partners in, and everyone applauded warmly.

After the warriors started dancing - they were the protagonists of this

dance - Harry said sorry to Parvati and then found Professor Frémont

who was eating and drinking. .

"Professor, professor."

Xia Ran glanced at it and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Harry.

What's wrong? You have a dance partner, so you don't have to just focus

on eating and drinking like me."

Parvati seemed a little unhappy.

Harry said awkwardly: "Um, Professor, stop teasing me." Lian said

seriously: "I came to you because I really have something important to


Xia Ran raised her eyebrows, put down her knife and fork, swallowed the

food in her mouth, glanced around and said, "Let's go out, there are too

many people here."

Ron followed at this time, while Hermione walked away with a sullen

face. The two seemed to have had a quarrel.

Chapter 226 Conversation in the


Xia Ran led Harry and Ron, walked sideways around the dance floor,

slipped out of the door quietly, and came to the foyer.

The front door was open, and as they descended the steps the rose garden

shimmered with fairy lights, they found themselves surrounded by low

shrubs, ornately decorated winding paths, and huge stone statues.

They could also hear the sound of splashing water, like a fountain, and

occasionally see people sitting on carved benches.

"Harry, tell me, what's the matter?" Xia Ran asked softly, walking slowly

among the roses.

Harry and Ron were behind him, wandering along a winding path

through the rose garden.

The two looked at each other, and Harry whispered: "That's right,

Professor Frémont, last night I..."

He told the scene he saw in his dream last night, and finally said:

"...Professor, you said...that was indeed a mysterious man, right? How

could I see pictures of him?"

He looked very confused.

Xia Ran's eyes flashed slightly, and he knew the reason. Harry was one of

Voldemort's Horcruxes, and the only two living Horcruxes - the other was

Voldemort's snake Nagini - and he and Voldemort There are traces of

brain connectivity, even if Voldemort may not be aware of it at this time.

Voldemort in the original time and space was not interested at first, but

later realized this and used this as a means to lure Harry into the

Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, which ultimately led to

Sirius's death!

Harry is really to blame!

"This kind of situation is relatively rare, but how can I put it..." Xia Ran

said softly, and suddenly a familiar voice came from the flowers nearby.

"...I don't know why you are making such a fuss, Igor." It was Snape's


"Severus, you can't pretend that this didn't happen!" Karkaroff's voice

sounded frightened and hoarse, as if he was afraid of being heard. "It has

been changing for months, and even burned in the middle. For a

while...Severus, I'm very worried right now, I can't deny it, and neither

can you..."

"Then run away." Snape's voice seemed a little impatient as he said, "Run

away, Karkaroff, I will excuse you, but I still want to stay in Hogwarts."

"The world is so big, you can just run to that deserted place and hide..."

The sound got closer and closer, and soon the two people turned a corner

and appeared in front of Xia Ran and the three of them.

Karkaroff's expression suddenly changed, extremely ugly.

Harry noticed that Karkaroff even looked a little nervous. He reached out

uneasily to touch his goatee, and then twisted it around his fingers.

"Hello, Karkaroff." Xia Ran said happily, "Professor Snape, I wonder what

you are talking about?"

He already had a guess in his mind, but he just asked casually.

Snape glanced at Harry and Ron, looked equally gloomy, and replied in a

strange tone: "Nothing."

"And what are you doing here?" Snape asked again.

"We're taking a walk," Ron choked back, "Isn't that illegal?"

Snape had a straight face and an ugly expression. Suddenly he took out

his wand and blew the rose bushes aside. As a result, screams came from

many flower bushes and several dark figures jumped out of them. out.

"Ten points from Ravenclaw, Fawcett." Snape said fiercely, as a girl ran

past him shyly and anxiously, "Ten points from Hufflepuff, Stebbins. "

He gave Harry a final dirty look, then strode past them, his long black

robes flowing behind him.

Karkaroff also hurried away with Snape.

"Professor, do you know what Snape and the others were talking about

just now?" Ron couldn't help but ask after Snape and Karkaroff were

farther away.

"Why is Karkaroff so worried?" Harry asked curiously.

Xia Ran smiled slightly and said, "I don't know. If you want to know, go

and ask Professor Snape yourself." But she was thinking in her heart, I

know most of the plot, how could I not know? But there is no need to say

more to these two students.

Karkaroff was a Death Eater. Why did he come to Snape, other than

because of Voldemort?

You know, Karkaroff's reputation within the Death Eater organization is

not good, and almost everyone despises and hates him.

Xia Ran was sure that if it weren't for Igor Karkarov, the principal of

Demstrang, who held a high position and great influence, the Death

Eaters would have killed this traitor long ago!

Harry and Ron stopped asking questions and asked them to ask Snape in

person? That is no different from sending them directly to the battlefield!

"Hey, look, who is that?" Ron suddenly raised his hand and pointed.

By this time they had come to a large stone reindeer. They looked past

the stone deer and saw a high fountain with splashing water and

sparkling water.

Two huge, vague figures sat on a stone bench, looking at the spring water

under the moonlight.

They figured out who it was.

Apart from Hagrid and Ms. Maxim, who else in Hogwarts could have

such a large body? !

"I knew it as soon as I saw you." Hagrid said in a very strange hoarse


The three of them were stunned.

It seemed that this scene was something they should not be disturbed and


"Let's go, stop eavesdropping." Xia Ran lowered her voice and motioned

for the two of them to follow him and walk to the rose bushes on the

other side.

But Ron refused to leave.

"??" Xia Ran looked confused. Is Ron so interested in Hagrid's personal


Harry was confused at first, but in a blink of an eye, he saw two familiar

figures, Fleur Delacour and Roger Davis, hiding in a rose bush in that


He understood immediately.

A few days ago, Ron rashly asked Fleur to be his dance partner. In fact,

Fleur wanted to cast a spell on Cedric, but Ron accidentally fell into the

trap. He was severely rejected. From then on, Ron was very afraid. Saw


Harry explained to Xia Ran in a low voice.

And then Ms. Maxim spoke.

"What do you understand, Hagrid?" Ms. Maxim asked, her deep voice

carrying a whooshing sound.

"I understand, I understand that you are the same as me...are you your

father or your mother?" Hagrid's voice was also low, but there was a hint

of happiness.

"I...I don't know what you mean, Hagrid." Ms. Maxim's tone changed

slightly, and it seemed that she understood what Hagrid meant.

Xia Ran remembered that there had been such a scene in the original

time and space.

Through the Yule Ball, Hagrid confessed his feelings and bluntly said that

Ms. Maxim was a hybrid giant like him, which angered Ms. Maxim and

eventually the two parties broke up.

In the wizarding world, half-giants are often not a popular identity, and

they are no better than werewolves.

Chapter 227 Disagreement

At this time, Xia Ran wanted to stop Hagrid from saying the next words,

but after a lot of thoughts went through her mind, she gave up.

This matter ultimately needs to be faced by Hagrid himself, if he really

falls in love with Ms. Maxim.

What's more, this is the truth. No matter what lies or deceptions, it can't

change the truth. It just depends on whether you are willing to accept it.

"It's my mother." Hagrid said softly, seeming to miss her. "She is one of

the few left in Britain. Of course, I can't remember her very well. She

left... Yes, in my She left when she was about three years old... To be

honest, she really didn't look like a mother. Alas, there is no maternal

love in their nature, is there? I don't know what happened to her later. As

far as I know, she probably has Just die..."

Madame Maxime said nothing.

Harry and Ron couldn't help but concentrate and listened. They had

never heard Hagrid talk about his own childhood before.

"When she left, Dad was devastated. My dad was a little little guy and

when I was six years old, if he pissed me off, I would lift him up and put

him on top of the wardrobe, which always made him laugh. Laughing..."

Hagrid's low, nostalgic voice was choked with sobs.

Ms. Maxim listened, motionless, her face shrouded in the dark night, as if

she was staring at the silver fountain.

"Dad brought me up...but, alas, he died, right after I went to school, and

since then, I have been on my own. Dumbledore has helped me a lot. To

be honest, he has been very important to me. very good……"

Hagrid pulled out a polka dot silk bandana and blew his nose loudly.

"That's it, okay, I'm done with my situation, what about you? Where did

you get your inheritance?"

Unexpectedly, Ms. Maxim suddenly stood up and said in a cold voice: "It's

too cold." In fact, no matter how low the temperature is, it will never be

as cold as her voice.

"I want to go in."

"Uh, no, don't go!" Hagrid said confused, "I mean, I...I've never met

another person before!"

"Other people? Make it clear, Hagrid!" Ms. Maxim said, her tone cold and

without any warmth.

Harry and Ron also looked a little more panicked. They opened their

mouths and really wanted to tell Hagrid that it was best not to answer.

They stood in the shadows, hoping in vain that Hagrid wouldn't say

something stupid.

"Another mixed-blood giant, needless to say?" Hagrid seemed even more


"You are so brave!" Ms. Maxim became furious and screamed, "I have

never been insulted like this in my life! A mixed-race giant? Me? I just..."

She racked her brain for the right words.

"I'm just big-boned!" Ms. Maxim's shrill voice cut through the quiet night

sky like a ghost's cry.

Xia Ran also saw Fleur and Roger jumping out of the rose bushes on the

other side.

Ms. Maxim walked away angrily, angrily pushing away the flowers along

the way, causing groups of colorful fairies to fly into the air - they were

basically the size of fingers, and they were angry at Ms. Maxim for

disturbing their sleep. But Hagrid was still sitting on the bench, looking

at her back.

It was so dark that Xia Ran couldn't see the expression on his face clearly.

After a while, he stood up and strode away.

Hagrid did not return to the castle, but headed in the direction of his hut,

towards the dark grounds outside.

"Oh, let's go." Xia Ran sighed and said, "Hurry up."

The three returned to the auditorium.

Xia Ran separated from Harry and Ron, sat on the seat where she was

just now, and continued to eat and drink.

Harry and Ron found a table far away from the dance floor and sat down.

Their dance partners Parvati and Padma were with a large group of

Beauxbatons boys, sitting at a table far away. Hermione Then danced

with Krum again.

Ron didn't look at Hermione at all.

"Xia Ran, aren't you going to dance?" Dumbledore asked with a smile,

wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, "When you get old, you will be

tired after two dances."

He ordered himself a drink.

Xia Ran shook her head and said: "What's the point of dancing? Isn't it

better to eat?"

"But this is just a ball." Dumbledore said helplessly.

"There's not much difference." Xia Ran smiled, but she was thinking in

her heart.

Giants are a very ferocious group. Their nature is similar to that of giant

monsters. They are born to like killing humans, goblins, and their own


So people have a very bad impression of giants.

For hundreds of years, in Europe, the Ministry of Magic and Aurors of

various countries have hunted and killed a large number of giants. In

addition, they killed each other, and the giants were basically on the

verge of extinction. Most of them were hiding in the mountains and did

not dare to go out. Afraid of being visited by a wizard and completely

annihilating a tribe.

Ms. Maxim is a mixed-race giant, Xia Ran is 100% sure of this.

Big frame? If that kind of body shape is just a big frame, maybe her race

is not human.

However, because of the giant's behavior and the bad impression of

staying in the wizarding world, Ms. Maxim does not want others to say

that she is a hybrid giant. This is understandable. After all, not everyone

can accept this like Hagrid. .

Dumbledore drank two glasses of wine and danced with Professor

McGonagall, while Xia Ran had a full stomach and left the auditorium

before the last Weird Sisters, a famous band in the wizarding world,


In his opinion, this Christmas ball was no different from a banquet.

To be honest, Xia Ran is more obsessed with the growth of magic power

than attending any banquets or dances.

But it's been a while since he found a special magic item containing Force


Xia Ran decided to search around the Ministry of Magic next time. As an

official organization of the magic world, there is no doubt that there must

be many magic items containing Force points in the Ministry of Magic.

This is even better than Hogwarts!

After all, it’s the official Ministry of Magic!


The New Year passed, and Hogwarts soon resumed regular classes, and

the date for the second event of the Triwizard Tournament was getting

closer and closer.

Hagrid seemed to have emerged from the shadow of the Yule Ball. After

all, his identity as a half-giant was already known to everyone by Rita

Skeeter - Hagrid had an interview with Rita Skeeter before Christmas.

——He seemed not to be affected in any way. He only acted slightly

strange when he saw Ms. Maxim.

Both of them pretended not to see each other.

"Xia Ran, how are you? You said you needed some small things for

combat class, so I brought them to you." Hagrid said loudly on purpose.

Ms. Maxim happened to be walking by, and as if she didn't hear

anything, she led a group of her students past.

Chapter 228 Second Round

Xia Ran stood at the door of the classroom, took the cage from Hagrid,

and said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

"Haha, that's good. Unlike some people...heh, I don't bother to say more."

Hagrid laughed strangely.

A group of Beauxbatons students looked at Hagrid and then at their

principal, Ms. Maxim, in confusion.

Madame Maxime was indifferent, as if she hadn't heard anything.

Xia Ran shook her head and whispered: "Hagrid, if you really mean it,

you can't do this. You know, many times, the magic world often has an

inexplicable hostile attitude towards... well, people with giant blood."

At this time, the Beauxbatons students had disappeared at the end of the

corridor, and Ms. Maxim's tall figure had disappeared.

"Why are you avoiding your own origin?" Hagrid said angrily, "Are

everyone else fools? It's just that no one said it."

Xia Ran spread her hands and said, "So, why did you say that?"

Hagrid was speechless.

Xia Ran said sincerely: "You can't rush this matter, you have to use your

heart to influence it. After all, you get along very well, don't you?"

Hagrid nodded, then suddenly his expression changed, he looked at Xia

Ran suspiciously and said, "That's not right, Xia Ran."

"What's wrong?" Xia Ran was slightly startled.

"You're quite old and haven't had a girlfriend yet, so how can you guide

me?" Hagrid asked suspiciously, "Your significant other and happiness for

the rest of your life haven't been settled yet, so you should still care

about yourself. ."

Xia Ran's face darkened.

Hagrid laughed, waved goodbye to Xia Ran and went downstairs.

Xia Ran was very depressed. However, before he awakened his memory,

whether he was studying at Hogwarts or joining the Ministry of Magic,

he had never been in love. After awakening his memory, his main focus

was on improving his magic power and With the accumulation of magic

knowledge, where can I find the time to fall in love?

"It's enough to become stronger. If you don't have a suitable marriage

partner, it will be a waste of time!" Xia Ran whispered. His goal from the

beginning to the end is to strengthen himself, whether it is to increase his

magic power or accumulate knowledge, it is all for Strengthen himself.

In his opinion, the love between sons and daughters, the love between

men and women, immortality, the realization of ideas, and the

realization of personal values ​​are actually not important.

There is only one thing that really matters, and that is how to become

stronger? !

Joining the Order of the Phoenix to fight against Voldemort is, firstly,

because his parents died at the hands of Death Eaters. As a son, he must

avenge his parents! Secondly, it was because he really didn't like the way

the Dark Wizards camp acted, but it was the Order of the Phoenix's ideas

that he agreed more with.

For reasons and reasons, he would join the Order of the Phoenix to fight

against Voldemort and the Death Eaters!

Of course, no matter what happens, nothing can or will stop him from

becoming stronger. That is his ultimate goal!

Xia Ran shook her head, carried the cage into the classroom, waved her

wand, and slightly modified the classroom for the next class.

As time passed, the second event of the Triwizard Tournament was

getting closer and closer, and the entire Hogwarts once again fell into a

sea of ​​joy.

The last round of competition was for adult fire dragons, so what will be

the event for this second round?

All students are looking forward to it!

Harry is not a Hogwarts warrior this time. He does not need to rack his

brains to think about the secret of the golden egg, nor does he need to

worry about the second round of the game. He can just be a melon-eater,

standing in the stands and laughing loudly. , but when I think of that

Ravenclaw girl Qiu Zhang, I can't help but feel sad in my heart, secretly

muttering why am I not a Hogwarts warrior?

"Look, the warriors are coming out!" Ron shouted from the side.

Harry was about to pass by. They were located next to the Hogwarts lake.

They had built many stands and they were crowded with students.

Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Ms. Maxim, Ludo Bagman, Jack The five referees,

Rom Button, sat aside and watched several warriors make their final

preparations before the game.

Karkaroff seemed confident.

"Victor, I say, as long as you do what you planned, you will definitely be

able to do it. Trust me, it's no problem!" Karkaroff patted Krum on the

shoulder, and several warriors stood at the referee's table. edge.

Krum looked even more gloomy.

"That arrogant boy must...otherwise, I won't be able to spare him!" Ron

glared at Krum angrily.

Harry knew why Ron said that.

The second round of the competition is when the warriors dive into the

bottom of the lake to find and bring back the people they cherish.

Unfortunately, the person Krum wants to bring back is none other than

their good friend Hermione Granger. .

Cho Chang is the object of Hogwarts warrior Cedric Diggory and Harry's


So he glared at Cedric as well.

Neville was confused, blinked, and finally decided to focus all his

attention on the upcoming game.

"I wonder who will come back first?" Professor Flitwick stood on a stool -

he was too short - and looked at the three warriors on the shore. They

lined up in a row, with ten feet between each person, and each took out a

The wand also carried other special items. For example, Krum brought a

pair of swimming trunks. They were all ready and just waiting for the

referee's order.

Xia Ran said softly: "I think it's Cedric, and Krum doesn't necessarily think

so. It's not very likely that Fleur will come out on top."

"I hope it's Cedric too," Hagrid said. "He is our Hogwarts warrior after all,


Then referee Ludo Bagman spoke.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the second round of the Triwizard

Tournament!" Bagman said loudly, and bursts of cheers came from the


"In the second round of the competition, the three warriors' cherished

people were snatched away and brought to the depths of the lake. They

must bring back their robbed people within an hour, otherwise... then

they will... Never seen again!"

Many people in the crowd shouted, Ron and Harry were one of them.

The three warriors were also extremely nervous.

"Okay, our warriors are ready." Bagman decided not to hear it and

continued, "As soon as I whistled, the second event started. I counted to

three, one...two...three! "

He blew his whistle suddenly, and the sharp whistle spread throughout

the lake, and a burst of cheers and applause broke out in the stands.

The three warriors threw themselves into the lake one after another,

causing a splash of water.

"I hope they can keep a calm mind. If they get too anxious, something

may happen easily." Professor Flitwick said.

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "Before the game is over, you should not be

able to see through this obvious dilemma. You know, how can a school

let students die? As long as you understand this and are not arrogant or

impetuous, you can rescue them within an hour." The probability of your

own goal is very high!”

The other professors nodded slightly.

Thus began the second round of the Triwizard Tournament.

Chapter 229 Result

Xia Ran and his group of teachers, unlike the students in the stands

around them, understood the content of the second competition event.

Last night, the school's professors took away three of the warriors'

cherished people and placed them in the depths of the lake on the edge

of the grounds outside Hogwarts Castle. They also knew the content of

the competition, but they had no chance to tell the warriors. - Guarded

by the fishmen in the lake, today the warriors are told the truth and

asked to bring back the person who was robbed within an hour,

otherwise they will never see that person again.

Of course this is a threat. Those three people: Hermione Granger, Qiu

Zhang, and Gabri Delacour. The three of them are Viktor Krum, Cedric

Diggory, Fleur Delacour's beloved one.

And neither Dumbledore, nor Ms. Maxim, nor Ludo Bagman, nor Jerome

Barton would allow students to lose their lives, but Karkaroff didn't care

at all, even if Gram In his opinion, Lum was only valued because of his


Because it was a prepared competition event, and the people outside

could not see the situation in the depths of the lake. Xia Ran looked at it

for a while. He could see almost nothing except the calm lake water, so

he seemed a little interested. Missing.

"If I had known earlier, I would have placed some cameras at the bottom

of the lake so that everyone could see it." Xia Ran said boredly.

"Camera?" Professor Flitwick said enthusiastically, "Is it a Muggle thing? I

heard people in my village mention it, but it's just a small town and there

are no cameras installed yet."

This is the end of the 20th century. Big cities may be fine, but small

towns and villages do not have so many high-tech products. However,

wizards' residences are mostly located in remote villages. After all, the

"International Wizarding Secrecy Act" jointly signed by the ministries of

magic of many countries prohibits Wizards openly use magic in front of


The original copy of the "International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy" has

always been something Xia Ran longed to touch once, and it definitely

contains a lot of Force points!

Xia Ran narrowed her eyes slightly and decided to rest her mind and take

a nap. It would take about an hour to see the results anyway.

Sure enough, almost an hour later, bursts of cheers erupted from the


"Someone came out?!" Hagrid, who was also drowsy at the side, woke up,

looked up, and pushed several professors on both sides, "It's Cedric, and

sure enough, he was the first to succeed! "

Xia Ran and the others came to their senses. Looking down from the

bleachers, they saw Cedric and Qiu Zhang being pulled ashore by the

school doctor, Mrs. Pomfrey, and the two deans, Professor McGonagall

and Professor Sprout. , Cedric was panting and seemed exhausted.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the first warrior has returned successfully, he is

Cedric Diggory!" Bagman shouted.

Students in several houses of Hogwarts burst into cheers and applause.

Even Harry couldn't help but cheer because Qiu Zhang was successfully


"That's great, Cedric." Hagrid clapped his hands heavily.

Xia Ran suddenly narrowed his eyes and was keenly aware of something

strange deep in the lake.

After a while, the others' excitement subsided and they slowly discovered

something was wrong.

I saw the lake surface churning, and a very huge whirlpool appeared,

followed by a figure with long silver hair thrown out. It was Fleur

Delacour. She was the only one. She...failed? !

The cheers stopped abruptly.

"No! Gabri... Gabri..." Fleur Delacour broke away from Ms. Maxim's arms

and ran to the lake with the intention of diving into the lake again and

bringing back her biological sister, but Max Ms. Mu chased after her and

held her tightly.

The crowd looked at each other, all a little scared. Could it be that...

someone was going to die like this? !

Fleur wailed sadly.

"Poor little girl," Professor Trelawney said pityingly.

Xia Ran took a look and said, "Krum is out."

Sure enough, Krum appeared on the lake with Hermione. The shark head

struggled to transform back into a human form, and Hermione slowly

woke up.

The crowd didn't cheer much as Fleur's cries were still ringing in their


But Harry and Ron couldn't help but waved their fists. After all,

Hermione was rescued.

Hermione saw the crying Fleur and seemed to want to comfort her, but

Ludo Bagman shook his head and told her not to tell her the truth until

the game was over.

She had to be pulled ashore by Madam Pomfrey and underwent a

comprehensive examination by the school doctor.

After knowing that an hour had completely passed, Fleur was

heartbroken, and then Bagman announced: "The warrior Cedric of

Hogwarts, and the warrior Krum of Durmstrang, they successfully

completed this time." Mission, congratulations to them, but

unfortunately, Miss Delacour failed..."

"No, Gabrielle..." Fleur covered her face and cried.

People also showed signs of sympathy.

"But..." Bagman changed the subject, "Although Miss Delacour has failed,

Miss Gabrielle Delacour is innocent. Let us ask our mermaid friends to

send Gabrielle Delacour back. Miss LaCour.”

Fleur was stunned, then overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Bagman, is it

true? I mean...Gabriel...she..."

"Yes." Bagman said with a smile, "Will we care whether the students live

or die? Miss Delacour, you must believe in the Ministry of Magic,

Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons."

"Fleur, don't cry, Gabrielle will be back soon." Ms. Maxim comforted her.

But Furong cried with joy.

The audience in the stands also cheered loudly, happy for the turn of

events and Furong's luck!

A group of mermaids emerged from the water, bringing with them a little

girl with flowing silver hair, who was none other than Fleur's biological

sister, Gabrielle Delacour.

As soon as the little girl opened her eyes, she saw her sister and couldn't

help but laugh.

Fleur cried even more sadly, and kept saying: "I'm sorry, Gabrielle, it's all

my sister's fault... My sister is so bad..."

She hugged Gabrielle tightly, and finally Madam Pomfrey had to use

Madam Maxime's power to take Gabrielle out of Fleur's arms, give her a

full body check, and feed her a refreshing drink Potion.

Dumbledore walked to the lake and started a conversation with a

mermaid, making a mermaid's high-pitched voice. Apparently,

Dumbledore was able to tell the mermaid's prophecy.

Finally, he turned to the other referees and said, "Let's have a meeting

first and then make a score."

So the five referees gathered together and discussed something in low


"I wonder how they will score?" Professor Graplan asked expectantly.

Xia Ran shook her head and said regretfully: "Fu Rong is the last one in

the second round."

"Alas." Hagrid sighed and said, "Is she sad?" His eyes focused on Ms.


All the professors were already used to it.

Chapter 230 Supplementary


"Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally made a decision. Merkus, the

leader of the mermaids, told us exactly what happened under the lake.

We decided to rate the warriors as follows based on a full score of fifty

points... "

Bagman said in a loud voice: "Although Fleur Delacour showed excellent

application of the Bubble Curse, he was attacked by Grindylow when he

approached the target and failed to rescue the hostages. Therefore, we

decided Give her twenty-five points!”

There was a round of applause from the stands.

"I should get zero points." Fleur shook her graceful head and said


"Sister..." Gabrielle raised her head and looked at Fleur.

"Cedric Diggory also performed the Bubble Charm brilliantly and

successfully brought back the hostages first. Unfortunately, he returned

one minute later than the one hour limit." There was regret in Bagman's

voice, but the Hufflepuff students in the stands cheered loudly and


"Therefore, we decided to give him forty-seven points!"

The cheers became louder and louder, causing Ludo Bagman to pause for

a while. After the cheers subsided, he continued: "Viktor Krum used the

transformation technique. Although it was incomplete, it was still very

special. Effective, he is the second to return with the hostages, we give

him forty points!”

Karkaroff slapped his hands very vigorously, looking very proud of


"Finally, the last competition event will be held at the end of the

semester, that is, on the evening of June 24th." Bagman announced to the

entire audience, "The warriors will know the details of the event one

month in advance. Content, thank you all for supporting the Warriors.”

The audience in the stands slowly began to disperse. Everyone was loudly

discussing the scores of the three warriors, and even more intensely

discussing what dangers the warriors encountered at the bottom of the


"They must have encountered mermaids. Mermaids appeared one after

another just now!"

"And Grindylow, who knows what other creatures there are?"

"It must be very dangerous!"

"Fortunately, Dumbledore is there. He can speak the language of

mermaids. It's really strange!"

"Wouldn't he be more strange?"

Xia Ran also walked down the stand, heard the many discussions, and

asked Hagrid: "What is under the lake?"

To be honest, he didn't know what was going on at the bottom of the

lake. After all, he had never been there personally, so that place was not

the wizard's territory.

Hagrid smiled and said: "There are many mysterious little guys, the

mermaid and Grindylow are just one of them. If you are interested, you

can find time to go down and take a look for yourself."

"Forget it." Xia Ran shook his head. He was really just a little interested.

After the second round of competition, Hogwarts ushered in a long-lost

calm - although during this period, people kept asking several warriors

and hostages, hoping to learn more about the situation at the bottom of

the lake - until the end of June, nothing happened What a big event.

A group of students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang followed the

students of Hogwarts, but did not need to take the final exams. The

students of Hogwarts were envious of this.

Of course, students from these two schools still have to complete the

homework assigned by the teachers of each course on time, which makes

the students at Hogwarts feel a lot better.

Harry and Ron still felt extremely burdened because they had to attend

extra classes on weekends with the combat professor, Sharon Frémont,

and the potions professor, Severus Snape.

While other students were happy because of the weekend, they sighed

and frowned.

"Relax." Fred said happily, "The two professors are making up for the

class. This is an opportunity that many people can't ask for. You should

cherish it."

"Ron, mother said, if you are not serious, I can write to her and tell her."

Ginny gloated from the sidelines.

Ron glared at Ginny.

Ginny's eyes narrowed with laughter.

At this time, Hermione ran down from the girls' dormitory with a big

schoolbag on her back, looking excited.

"Look at Hermione." George said with a tone of hatred, "She has to take

supplementary classes just like you, and she can accept it calmly, so why

are you rejecting her in every way?"

"Try it." Harry said angrily.

George smiled and said: "Forget it, the two professors didn't find me. It's

my misfortune, Fred."

"Yeah, it's so sad." Fred said regretful words with a smile on his face.

"Come on," Hermione said, "Fred, George, Ginny, see you tonight."

Fred, George, and Ginny all waved their hands and looked at Harry and

Ron with pity.

The two sighed.

A weekend that I finally got was wasted like the previous weekends!

They have been spinning for a whole semester!

"Hurry up, stop stalling," Hermione urged, climbing out of the Gryffindor

common room with her bag in hand, followed dejectedly by Harry and


After the New Year, in the second semester of fourth grade, they were

basically in a state of constant rotation. They had a lot of classes and a

lot of homework on weekdays, and they were not allowed to rest on

weekends. They had to go to Xia Ran and Snape successively to make up


They are now going to Xia Ran's office to attend make-up classes.

"Fortunately, it's Professor Frémont tonight." Ron said thankfully.

Harry cursed in a low voice: "I just hope...Snape got food poisoning

tomorrow and was sent to the hospital, so we don't have to make up


"It would be better to be directly burned by the flames of an adult fire

dragon!" Ron also cursed.

"Why are you doing this?" Hermione said dissatisfied, "We should be

grateful to the two professors who are willing to continue teaching on

weekends, okay?"

"Yes, thank you, thank you very much." Ron said.

Harry didn't know whether Hermione heard it or not, but he thought Ron

had a sarcastic tone.

After a while, the three of them arrived at Xia Ran's office and knocked

on the door.

"Come in, the door is open." Xia Ran's voice came out.

The three of them pushed open the door and entered, their expressions

suddenly startled, and they looked at Professor Frémont's office in


The lights in the office were flickering, the moonlight filtered in from the

window, and stars twinkled on the ceiling, as if they were in an open


"Close the door." Xia Ran turned around from behind the desk, waved her

wand, and a few bright white firelights flew out, hanging high at the top

of the starry sky, seeming to illuminate the endless night sky and the


Harry came in last and closed the office door.

"Today is a new course. We have already learned many common magic

spells. How have you mastered them?" Xia Ran asked suddenly as she


Harry and Ron's expressions froze.

Hermione raised her hands high and said, "Professor, I have mastered

most of them, but there are still some that I am not very proficient in."

Chapter 231 Magic Teaching

"Not bad." Xia Ran praised, "Those magic spells are usually learned by

senior students in fifth grade and above. They will be tested in the two

wizard magic level exams. You can come into contact with these magics

during the fourth grade period. , To be honest, I am already quite


Harry and Ron smiled awkwardly and scratched their heads.

"You two haven't practiced in private?" Xia Ran said with a half-smile,

"Magic still requires more practice to become proficient. Memorizing the

definitions and principles is of little use."

"Don't worry, Professor Frémont, we will work hard." Harry nodded.

"Just know it well." Xia Ran said, "Today is a new course... Well, I can't

say a new course, I can only say a new kind of magic."

"What is it, Professor?" Hermione asked curiously.

Xia Ran whispered: "Soul magic."

"Soul type?" The three of them were stunned and looked at each other,

feeling confused.

Is there this type of magic in the world?

In fact, this is Xia Ran's goal. Harry is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and

his body contains a fragment of Voldemort's soul. If that fragment of soul

is not destroyed, Voldemort cannot be completely killed!

And if he wanted to destroy that soul fragment and save Harry's life at

the same time, Voldemort must take action himself and rely on a special

connection to destroy the fragment of his own soul without harming


Sharon, Dumbledore, and Snape definitely still hope to save Harry's life.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be more appropriate to take action on a random

person and kill Harry directly? When the host dies, the soul fragments

that are attached to the host's survival naturally disappear.

The reason why this kind of tutoring is led by Xia Ran and Snape is

mainly because Dumbledore is too afraid of Voldemort, and now

Voldemort may have realized this special connection between him and

Harry. Dumbledore believes that It would be better for him to have less

contact with Harry.

"First of all, let me ask a question." Xia Ran said softly, "Who among you

three can tell you the definition of soul? Or, in your opinion, what kind

of thing or thing is soul?"

He looked at the three students who came to make up classes.

Hermione didn't raise her hand immediately this time, and she hesitated

because she didn't find any books about souls in the library.

In fact, Xia Ran wanted to say that there were still some books decades

ago, such as a book "Advanced Black Magic Revealed", which involved

souls and roughly recorded the extremely evil black magic of Horcruxes,

but since Tom Riddle After the book came up with the idea of ​​making

a Horcrux - and later he put it into action, when Tom Riddle was a

student, he also had the nickname "Voldemort", although it was only

spread in a small area - Dumbledore So he took away some of the more

esoteric books in the library, as well as those that involved too much

black magic, and hid them in the principal's room, and no longer allowed

students to borrow them easily.

If the teacher and professor are interested, they can tell Dumbledore

personally that he usually doesn't get stuck. For example, Xia Ran once

browsed through almost the entire principal's office library.

Ron opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Only Harry seemed to have something in mind.

"Harry, tell me." Xia Ran named him.

"Professor, Dementors... Dementors were stationed at the school in the

third grade. At that time... well, as you all know, I fainted." Harry still

felt embarrassed when he mentioned that incident. Fortunately, there

was no such thing here. Everyone else was familiar, which made him feel

at ease.

"I saw... or rather heard, the scene of my parents' death, and the

mysterious man, with his crazy laughter, telling my mother to get out of

the way and not block his way, he wanted to kill me!" Harry He

whispered, "My mother blocked him and begged him to let me go, and

finally the mysterious man killed her."

Ron and Hermione glanced at Harry uneasily.

"I was only one year old at that time, maybe less than one year old."

Harry said in a very low voice, "I think that was a scene that was

engraved deep in my soul and made me never forget my parents. He died

for me!"

Xia Ranxin said that it was just your own memory, but you were too

young at the time and had no memory. Without external help, it would

be impossible to recall it.

"The soul is different from memory." Xia Ran said with a slight hesitation,

"Actually, the existence form of soul and memory itself cannot be

thoroughly verified by Yan Ming..."

"Forget it, let's not go through the examination. That's not something we

should consider."

Xia Ran waved her hand and said: "The soul is very different from the

body. It is both virtual and real. In fact, what you see every day is

inseparable from the soul."

"See it every day?" The three of them were stunned, why didn't we know?

Ron's mind suddenly changed and he shouted out loud: "Ghost?!"

"Yes, ghost." Xia Ran said, "The form of ghost existence is between life

and death. It neither belongs to our world of the living nor the world of

the dead, but they cannot be said to be pure souls."

"The soul should belong to the world of the dead."

"Actually, there is a magic that I have taught you, and it has been

involved in this aspect."

Xia Ran looked at the three of them with a smile and asked, "Tell me,

what kind of magic is that?"

A name flashed in Harry's mind and he asked tentatively: "Patronus


"Yes, the Patron Saint Spell relies on the wizard's own happy memory as

the source of power. This is actually a special kind of soul magic." Xia

Ran said, "But in addition, there are two more common ones... …No, I

can’t say it’s more common, but it’s more magic that fits this definition.”

"One is called Legilimency and the other is called Occlumency."

"Did Professor Snape teach you?" he asked at last.

Hermione replied: "Legilimency has never been taught, but Occlumency

has, but none of us have learned it."

She blushed and looked very embarrassed.

"There is no need to blame yourself." Xia Ran shook his head and said,

"These two magics are extremely difficult to learn. Eighty to ninety

percent of adult wizards in the world can't do it, and even fewer are

proficient in it."

"Today, we will also mention these two magics."

The three people's expressions immediately became clear, and they

became more focused. They still hadn't forgotten the hardship they

suffered under Snape.

Xia Ran saw it and said with a smile: "Relax, Legilimency magic is a very

hidden magic. If the magic power is not enough, or you have no

knowledge of this magic, it is possible that I cast this Legilimency magic

on you and found me. You are not alert at all to what you want, and you

cannot detect it at all.”

The expressions of the three of them fell, and Harry smiled bitterly:

"Professor, if you say this, we will be more nervous, okay?"

Xia Ran shrugged.

Legilimency magic can indeed be used very covertly, peeking into your

brain and memory, without you being alert at all and not discovering

anything at all.

Therefore, when Xia Ran sometimes faced Dumbledore, she would pay

attention to guarding her brain and release the Occlumency technique at

all times.

Dumbledore is the truly top Legilimency master!

Chapter 232 Legilimency

Xia Ran thought that she had reached level 6 magic, and had the same

level 6 knowledge of magic. She also had profound knowledge in

Legilimency and Occlumency. Even though she faced Dumbledore, who

was a master, He was not far behind Snape, and it couldn't be easier to

teach these three fourth-year wizards.

"You must remember that with Legilimency, the first priority is

concealment and not letting others notice that you have used magic; the

second priority is to understand the soul." Xia Ran explained.

All three listened carefully.

"The soul is not a book that can be flipped through at will, nor can

thoughts be stored in the head, and cannot be drilled into and read. The

soul...or the mind, is a complex and multi-layered thing...ah, At least

most minds are..." Xia Ran smiled, "However, wizards who are proficient

in Legilimency can study other people's minds under certain

circumstances and make correct explanations."

"For example, You-Know-Who can almost always tell when others are

lying to him - which is why the Death Eaters are so afraid of You-Know-

Who - and only those who are good at Occlumency can seal away feelings

and memories that contradict lies. , I think Professor Snape has already

mentioned this knowledge to you."

The three of them nodded, and Hermione said, "Professor Snape

demonstrated Occlumency to us..."

All three of them looked uncomfortable, especially Harry, who looked

even more disgusted.

"Yes, Occlumency is the most effective magic to deal with Legilimency. It

is also an extremely advanced magic." Xia Ran said.

"Do we want to study together?" Ron couldn't help but ask, "Professor, I

mean, Occlumency and Legilimency magic..."

Xia Ran pondered for a moment, clapped her hands and said, "What a

good idea. These two magics happen to be mutually reinforcing. As long

as you learn one of them, you can naturally learn the other easily. There

is just a difference in proficiency."

"Professor, let's start." Hermione said excitedly, "I remember Professor

Snape said that Legilimency seems to be that eye contact is very


Harry glanced at Ron resentfully.

Ron scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Yes, for Legilimency, eye contact is extremely important!" Xia Ran

nodded and said, "Which of you is willing to be the first to test it?"

The three of them all seemed hesitant when they heard this, as if they

had recalled some bad memories.

"Um, Professor, I...I'll do it." Ron raised his hand tentatively.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, I'm not Professor Snape, right?"

He winked as he said that.

Ron took a deep breath and took two steps forward.

"Have you seen the starry sky?" Xia Ran waved her magic wand and saw

the starry scene in the office. The stars above her head shone, making her

dreamy and intoxicating.

As he waved his wand, the stars turned, and several meteors seemed to

streak across the virtual space. There seemed to be a star in the distance

that slowly became silent and extinguished, and the starry sky became


"It's so magnificent!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ron raised his head and looked at the boundless starry sky. Even though

he knew it was the magic performed by Professor Frémont, he felt


"Ron, take out your wand. I hope Professor Snape has taught you relevant

magic knowledge." Xia Ran said.

Ron became nervous again, swallowed, and tremblingly took out the new

wand he bought last school year. It was no longer available because the

wand maker Ollivander had been killed by Voldemort. He aimed the

wand at Professor Frémont.

"Very good, that's it." Xia Ran nodded with satisfaction and said, "Use all

your means and the knowledge you learned in class or somewhere, as

long as you can resist my magic, don't worry about whether it will hurt

me. "

He smiled and said, "I think... with your magic power, you can't hurt me."

"Come on, Ron," Harry whispered.

"Ron, are you ready?"

Ron nodded slightly.

Hermione gave him a worried look.

"Okay, now, get ready...Legilimency!" Xia Ran suddenly took action.

Before Ron could resist, the office swayed and disappeared in front of his

eyes, and pictures flashed through his mind like a movie. He could no

longer see what was around him.

I envy the toys of other wizard children, and I only have a few old things

and second-hand goods left by my brothers... The surprise when I saw

Harry Potter on the train... The sudden envy and jealousy in my heart

when Harry is admired by people...

Xia Ran flashed through these memory fragments deep in Ron's mind. He

was not Snape, and he was not interested in them. In fact, Snape was

only interested in Harry's past. He deliberately slowed down the magic

power. Output, saying: "Ron, concentrate, don't think about those

memories that have long passed."

When Ron was in a trance, he seemed to hear a voice coming from far

away, and his heart stirred, and he growled, no, that is my private

memory, you can't watch it! cannot……


He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his knee, and he suddenly woke up

completely. The office with a scene like a starry sky came into view

again. He found himself standing next to a chair. The chair fell to the

ground, and the knee of one of his legs I also felt severe pain.

He looked up at Professor Frémont and saw that he was holding a wand

in one hand, with a calm expression on his face, and said, "It's not bad. I

have some resistance, but it still needs to be strengthened."

Hermione and Harry helped Ron stand up.

Ron actually wanted to ask Professor Frémont what he saw, but after

thinking about it, he decided to just pretend that he didn't know.

"Next, come Harry." Xia Ran said calmly.

Harry stepped forward, holding his wand carefully in defense.


This remedial lesson lasted for more than an hour. It was not until the

sounds of playing and fighting in the castle died down that Xia Ran took

back her wand and said, "That's it for today."

Harry and Ron helped Hermione, who was swaying and about to fall.

All three of them looked pale.

"Um, Professor, there's an exam next week, and I'm afraid we won't be

able to come," Harry said.

"Ah, yes, this semester is almost over." Xia Ran suddenly realized, "Then

the courses for this semester are here first, and the rest will wait until

you return to school in fifth grade. Just have a good rest this summer."

The trio returned to the Gryffindor common room.

Xia Ran touched his chin and muttered: "The disguise plan is coming

soon. I have to get familiar with it first."

He made a plan in his mind and went to bed after washing himself.


The last round of the Triwizard Tournament is held after the final exams

at Hogwarts. This is also to prevent students from being too excited about

the competition and forgetting to review, causing them to fail all exams.

After all the exams on the last day were completed, everyone had dinner

in the evening and then, under the command of Ludo Bagman, gathered

at the Quidditch pitch of Hogwarts, which had been used by the Ministry

of Magic Sports. The staff in the athletic department have been


Xia Ran fell behind everyone and stayed in the foyer.

After a while, Snape came over wearing wizard robes, his expression as

gloomy as ever, and holding a medicine bottle in his hand.

Chapter 233 Breaking into the

Ministry of Magic

"Polyjuice Potion."

Snape said, stuffing the bottle of medicine into Xia Ran's hand, and said:

"Be careful, the polyjuice potion is only valid for one hour, and the

Ministry of Magic is not an easy place to break into. Those arrogant

people Luo Ke doesn’t know that you are Xia Ran, and after seeing your

disguise, it’s absolutely impossible for anyone to show mercy!”

"Thank you, Professor Snape." Xia Ran chuckled, "Don't worry, I have a

plan. As long as Dumbledore or Voldemort don't take action personally,

no one else can keep me."

He shrugged his shoulders and continued: "Besides, the image of

Voldemort is enough to scare many wizards. How can they think about

distinguishing between true and false? Who would have thought that

someone would dare to pretend to be Voldemort?"

Snape thought to himself that this was the truth. He would never pretend

to be Voldemort anyway.

"Moody and the others have all arrived in London." Snape raised his hand

and looked at the time - the watch was not cheap - and said, "In half an

hour, they will all enter the Ministry of Magic. Before that, You must

disguise yourself and force your way in."

"The Ministry of Magic wouldn't have thought of this. It's not difficult to

break in." Xia Ran was confident.

"Yes, it's not difficult to break in." Snape said coldly, "But there are

countless Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic. If they find out that you

are a fake, you may not be able to escape after notifying the mysterious

person. !”

"Then we can only hope that Dumbledore will rush over as soon as


"He is the referee of the Triwizard Tournament. He cannot be that fast."

Snape said, "Anyway, be careful and don't die in the Ministry of Magic!"

He turned and headed directly to the Quidditch pitch.

Xia Ran shook the medicine bottle and whispered: "I hope this plan will


He concentrated slightly, and a screen of light appeared in his pupils.

[Name: Charan Fremont].

[Age: 28 years old].

[Magic: Level 6 (elementary)].

[Force points: 20 points].

[Transformation: Level 5 (medium)].

[Potion Science: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Charms: Level 6 (medium)].

[Herbalism: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Flying: Level 5 (elementary)].

It's not that he has made any progress throughout the school year. In

addition to the increase in Force points by 5 points - originally 15 points

were retained, and the Force points from absorbing the Goblet of Fire

were not all used up - the flying skill reached 5. level (elementary),

Charms to level 6 (intermediate), and Transfiguration to level 5


There has been growth in these four points, but other aspects have

remained the same as before, with little change.

After all, in addition to enhancing his own strength through Force points,

he can also rely on his own learning to make significant changes in

various aspects of strength, such as magic, transformation, and flying.

With level 6 (elementary) magic, combined with level 6 (intermediate)

Charms, and level 5 (intermediate) Transfiguration, he believed that he

was no longer inferior to the top wizards in the magic world.

"Probably... equivalent to Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape, right?!"

Xia Ran whispered in her heart.

He walked out of Hogwarts School - the school was protected by magic

and could not apparate - and there were bursts of cheers and cheers from

the Quidditch pitch next to him, especially when the names of several

warriors were introduced. The sound was even louder.

"A lucky group of students." Xia Ran chuckled and walked out of the

protective range of Hogwarts magic. He no longer felt any restrictions on

magic. With a snap, he disappeared completely.


Since the polyjuice potion had a time limit, Xia Ran drank it at the right

time after Apparition in London. He waved his magic wand and wrapped

himself in a big black robe. His whole image instantly changed 180


A dark wizard with flashing red eyes, a face as narrow as a snake, and

basically no hair on his nose appeared under the sunset.

Fortunately, there was no one on the road around, otherwise he would

have frightened a few Muggles.

"It's really hard to breathe!" Xia Ran frowned, unable to imagine how

Voldemort would live with such a body.

Luckily it only lasts an hour!

Xia Ran exhaled and stopped staying. She waved her wand lightly and

suddenly rose into the sky. The sleeves of her robe trembled and made a

hunting sound in the wind.


Before the Muggles could detect his trace, one Apparated and

disappeared again.

At the entrance of the Ministry of Magic, Voldemort in Xia Ran's disguise

appeared. She looked around and found Moody, Mundungus, Sirius, and

Lupin hiding in a corner, and nodded slightly.

Their nervous and frightened expressions were slightly relieved. They

lowered their wands and understood that Voldemort was Xia Ran in


Xia Ran broke into the hall of the Ministry of Magic directly through

magic. There were constant rumbling sounds along the way. He

destroyed the facilities along the way to get to the Ministry of Magic.

When he appeared in the lobby on the eighth floor of the Ministry of

Magic, all the Ministry of Magic officials who were walking out of the

elevator one after another and preparing to go home from get off work

were stunned.

The originally bustling hall fell silent for a moment, as if everyone had

been cast under a silent spell.

"Ah ha, many old friends, we haven't seen each other for many years." Xia

Ran chuckled, but with his current appearance, this would only make

everyone feel more frightened.

"Dark...Dark Lord?!"

All the wizards were frightened, with fear on their faces. They hurriedly

took out their wands and aimed at Xia Ran.

But no one dared to take the lead in chanting the incantation.

Everyone's hands were trembling, and cold sweat instantly flowed down.

Xia Ran slowly took out his wand from the pocket of his robe, touched it,

and chuckled: "Are you... going to attack me, the most powerful wizard in


He suddenly floated up, his robe sleeves bulging, and his scarlet eyes

glanced around. No wizard dared to look directly at him, even though the

Ministry of Magic officials had an absolute numerical advantage.


The elevator came down again, and several wizards came out. Seeing the

extremely quiet atmosphere in the venue, they couldn't help but frown

and said: "Why are you standing here? Don't block the road!"

Xia Ran turned her gaze, saw the man, and said with a smile: "It turns out

to be Cornelius Fudge. I heard that you are the current Minister of

Magic? Your policies are a bit against my wishes!"

"You are..." Fudge's eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen a ghost. His

feet trembled and he almost fell to the ground. The witch in pink clothes

beside him helped him.

"Umbridge..." Xia Ran knew who the witch in pink clothes was, the

notorious Umbridge in the original time and space.

"It's really annoying!" Xia Ran said softly. With a wave of her wand, a

powerful magic power filled the entire Ministry of Magic hall,

overwhelming all the Ministry of Magic officials and making many of

them surrender to the ground. .

There are also some wizards who are holding on, not afraid of his

pressure, and are even preparing to counterattack relying on buildings.

Xia Ran did not use the "Expelliarmus" magic. This was not the magic

that Voldemort should use. The "Avada Kedavra" was. But after all, he

was not Voldemort. He was just pretending. How could he act


However, it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to eliminate

some Death Eaters lurking in the Ministry of Magic!

Chapter 234 Resistors

"Cornelly Fudge, oh, you are so disgusting!"

Xia Ran sighed deliberately, because he discovered the disguised identity

and appearance, which made Fudge feel nervous and secretly thought

that something was wrong.

Others around him immediately moved away from Fudge.

They understand that the power of the Dark Lord cannot be matched by

themselves and others, only Dumbledore!

What's more, as the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge is the Dark Lord's

primary target. This is very reasonable. At this time, they wish they had

not followed Fudge down just now, and it would be best if they stayed in

the office!

Percy Weasley's expression moved slightly. He was still a member of the

Order of the Phoenix, lurking in the Ministry of Magic. Through Professor

Snape's channel, he understood the plan of the Order of the Phoenix, and

knew that the seemingly sinister Voldemort in front of him was

probably... Disguised by Professor Sharon Frémont.

He retreated quietly and hid aside. Professor Frémont wanted to take the

opportunity to teach Fudge a lesson, and he was happy to see it happen.

After all, Cornelius Fudge's suppression and exclusion of his father

undoubtedly made Percy very dissatisfied. However, to avoid exposing

his identity, he could only suppress this dissatisfaction deep in his heart

instead of showing it to the outside. He even even Show recognition.

The thought of this made him sick.

"Teach Fudge a lesson, Professor Frémont!" Percy thought to himself.

"Dark...Dark Lord, what are you going to do when you break into the

Ministry of Magic?" Fudge shouted with a fierce expression, "This is the

Ministry of Magic! Ministry of Magic, do you understand? We have

hundreds of wizards, and one of us can be killed with just one spell. you!"

"Kill me?" Xia Ran imagined Voldemort's arrogant attitude, so she smiled

coldly and said, "You mean... kill me, the most powerful wizard in the

world, the wizard who has gone the furthest on the road to immortality?"

Fudge groaned, cold sweat dripping down his cheeks directly to the


Most of the others were silent and did not dare to say a word. They relied

on the building to hide their figures and shivered. They did not even

have the courage to look up at Xia Ran, even though he was now in the

form of Voldemort.

From it we can also see how outrageous the wizarding world's fear and

fear of Voldemort is!

As Fudge said, the Ministry of Magic is almost off work now. There are

hundreds of wizards, but he is the only one. However, he has an

overwhelming advantage in the situation. Almost no one dares to stand

up and point the wand at Xia Ran. .

"As timid as a mouse!" Xia Ran shook his head secretly.

"I am merciful."

Xia Ran deliberately said in a pity tone: "There is not much blood in the

magic world. Everyone is crucial. I don't want to see unnecessary

casualties. Yes, that is what I feel sad about."

Xia Ran said, feeling a little nauseous, and even sped up her speech,

saying: "Submit to me, the Ministry of Magic can continue to exist, and it

will still be an official institution of the magic world, otherwise..."

A scarlet light flashed in his eyes, and he said softly: "You know the


There was silence.

The place fell into dead silence for a moment, and all the wizard officials

of the Ministry of Magic looked at each other with uneasy eyes. Some

seemed to be preparing to raise their wands to attack the Dark Lord,

while others seemed to be ready to kneel on the ground and surrender to

the Dark Lord.

They may be Death Eaters.

call out!

Suddenly, the dark devil raised his hand, and a red light flashed. Before

anyone could react, it flew dozens of meters away and hit one person.

"Ah!" A scream came, and a figure twitched on the ground, screaming in

severe pain.

None other than Cornelius Fudge.

Everyone shivered twice and broke out in cold sweat.

Xia Ran gently stroked her wand and laughed in a hoarse voice: "Cornelly

Fudge, do you think you can take this opportunity to escape the Dark

Lord's gaze?"

"Ah, right!"

He pretended to pat his bald head - of course he was not bald, but

Voldemort was - and chuckled: "Fudge, I have to thank you. When I

didn't want to announce the news of my resurrection, you He took the

initiative to do this for me.”

"Ah, yes, Albus Dumbledore, he has always been my biggest enemy! He

was also one of the first wizards to know that I had returned from

resurrection, and this was the last thing I wanted to see."

"While I still have a headache, I have to say, Fudge, your policies have

helped me a lot. I am a person who repays kindness and I must express

my gratitude to you."

Fudge's body twitched violently and his face was distorted. He felt the

hateful gazes from around him. He knew that he was finished, completely


Regardless of whether the Dark Lord kills him or not, after the Dark Lord

said these words, he is finished!

"Expelliarmus!" Suddenly someone chanted a spell to Xia Ran.

Xia Ran's wand moved slightly, silently casting spells, using armor

protection magic to block the disarming spell, appearing to be light and

easy, like a master.

He turned around and saw a familiar person.

"Amelia Bones, director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

Xia Ran whispered, "You are a pure-blood wizard. I want you to join my

family. Amelia, I will forgive you." This time of rudeness, as long as you

surrender to me."

Xia Ran used to be a member of the Anti-Abuse of Magic Office of the

Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic, and

her boss was Amelia Bones.

Therefore, he knew that Amelia was determined not to surrender to


Someone in the Bones family died at the hands of Death Eaters more than

ten years ago. Amelia also agreed with Dumbledore's philosophy and was

on a death-to-death stance with Voldemort.

Although she is a pure-blood wizard with a high position and powerful

magic power, if she really surrenders to Voldemort, she will definitely

have a certain status!

"Don't even think about it!" Amelia Bones raised her wand in her right

hand and shouted with a cold expression, "Either you kill me or I kill you.

You want me to surrender to you, the big devil? It's simply a wishful


"Well, that's a pity." Xia Ran sighed deliberately, "The wizards have shed

enough blood. I really don't want to see continued bloodshed, so I broke

into the Ministry of Magic alone. I don’t want to see too much



Xia Ran's expression suddenly turned cold, and she said coldly: "If anyone

wants to go against me, I will never show mercy!"

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you, Dark Lord!" said Amelia Bones, the only

person present who stood up without fear of Voldemort.

She seemed to have infected many Ministry of Magic officials who were

willing to resist. Wizards in twos and threes emerged from behind the

buildings in the hall, holding their wands tightly and aiming at the Dark

Lord floating in the air.

"Dark Lord, just come over here!"

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "What a group of courageous wizards. I

admire them very much. The Dark Lord is very happy and is willing to

give you one last chance."

"Submit to me, or... be killed by me? Tell me your answer!"

Chapter 235 True or False


"All petrified!"

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

Facing the question of the black devil disguised by Xia Ran, the group of

wizards were furious and answered Xia Ran's question with a series of


Xia Ran waved his wand gently, and he cast protective magic spells such

as impregnable soup and armor protection, blocking the offensive magic

of this group of wizards.

So strong!

The wizarding officials of the Ministry of Magic suddenly became awe-


As expected of the Dark Lord, he blocked so many spells with such ease!

"I'm very sad!" Xia Ran sighed, "It seems that more wizard blood will be

shed today!"

"Don't even think about it!" Suddenly a shout came, and a group of

people came in from the entrance of the passage that Xia Ran had just

broken. They raised their wands and aimed at Xia Ran in the air.

It was a group of people from the Order of the Phoenix, "Mad Eye"

Moody, Sirius, Mundungus, and Lupin.

At this time, the elevator opened again, and a group of wizards came out.

The leader was Shacklebolt Kingsley. Tonks, Mr. Weasley and other

members of the Order of the Phoenix were also among the crowd.

"People from the Order of the Phoenix?" Xia Ran raised her eyebrows.

"Voldemort, if you come alone, then today will be the day of your second

death. The last time was in Godric's Hollow, and this time it will be in the

Hall of the Ministry of Magic!" Moody said solemnly.

After meeting the legendary Auror hero and "Mad Eye" Alastor Moody,

who captured half of the prisoners in Azkaban, many people present

quietly breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that they were already

wet with sweat.

Even though Moody is not an opponent of the Dark Lord, but with so

many of them joining forces and advancing and retreating together, the

Dark Lord must be no match for him alone!

The reason why the Dark Lord makes people fear him is not only because

of his own magical power, which is the most powerful in the wizarding

world, but also because of the group of crazy Death Eaters under his

command and the dark creatures gathered under his banner.

They suddenly realized that if Voldemort was really alone here, they

would have a chance to defeat the most terrifying enemy in the

wizarding world again!

At the thought of this, all the wizards' hearts skipped a beat.

Xia Ran noticed the change in the atmosphere, smiled softly, and said:

"Mad-Eye, you are worthy of respect. Are you willing to abandon

Dumbledore and switch to me? You can become the number two under

me." figure!"

"Keep it for others, Dark Lord." Moody said, "There is a situation in

Azkaban Prison, but if you, the biggest criminal, are captured, it will be

enough to fill many gaps."

"Haha." Xia Ran smiled and said, "So this is your idea! I have to say,

Alastor, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, but your ideas are

becoming more and more naive. It's because you Is it the reason why you

became a professor? I heard that you accepted Dumbledore’s invitation

and took up the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at

Hogwarts. You are really brave.”

"Your curse?" Moody said indifferently, "Didn't you also apply for this

position? I heard that you also set a curse? Therefore, every professor of

Defense Against the Dark Arts cannot take up this position for more than

A year's time."

They talked for a long time, but they were not in a hurry to take action,

because the dark devil in front of them was Xia Ran in disguise, how

could he really be facing life and death?

"You can just ask the werewolf next to you to find out." Xia Ran


Lu Ping suppressed the strange emotions in his heart. Seeing Xia Ran

pretending to be Voldemort chattering, it always felt unreal.

"The easiest way to break a curse is always to kill the wizard who cast the

curse." Sirius whispered, and he forced his cheeks to tighten to prevent

himself from looking at the surrounding Ministry of Magic officials, who

looked like they were sweating and timid. , Sirius was afraid that he

would laugh out loud accidentally.

"Yes, Sirius Black, you are talking about the best solution to break the

curse, but you seem to be targeting the wrong target!" Suddenly a cold

and cold voice echoed in the hall.

Xia Ran's heart skipped a beat and she immediately turned around. She

saw a group of figures in black robes coming to the hall of the Ministry of

Magic. The first person was wearing a big black robe. The snake had no

nose on its face and its eyes were glowing red. The image was very

familiar, and it was similar to Xia Ran looks the same at the moment.

It's Voldemort!

Voldemort is really coming!

Xia Ran secretly thought something was wrong, and flicked his sleeves to

cover his own wand, but it did not prevent him from using any magic.

Moody, Sirius, Lupin, Kingsley, and Mr. Weasley all had some changes in

their expressions.

The Voldemort just now was disguised by Xia Ran, who is disguising this

Voldemort now? Or...is Voldemort really coming to the Ministry of

Magic? !

The other wizards in the Ministry of Magic looked confused. Why did two

Dark Lords appear? !

Voldemort was also floating in the air, located at the entrance of the

passage, staring at Xia Ran with his scarlet eyes, and said, "How brave,

there is still someone in the magic world who dares to impersonate me..."

"Master, I am willing to kill him for you!" Bellatrix shouted immediately.

"Master, let me do it. I will kill that daring guy." Barty Crouch Jr. said.

Voldemort waved his hand, and Bellatrix and Barty Crouch Jr.

immediately stopped talking.

At this moment, the wizarding officials of the Ministry of Magic almost

understood that it seemed that the Voldemort who appeared at the end

was the real one. After all, Bellatrix and Barty Crouch Jr. were both

famous--infamous-- Death Eaters.

Then this person...

The way they looked at the other Dark Lord changed. Who on earth had

the audacity to impersonate the Dark Lord? !

"Who are you?" Voldemort asked. He was in no hurry to take action. In

the absence of Dumbledore, he thought he was invincible!

"Me?" Xia Ran's mind turned and she said, "Voldemort, who do you think

he is?"

"court death!"

Voldemort narrowed his eyes, but before he could say anything more, Xia

Ran had already launched an attack.

"Fire is blazing!"

A red flame suddenly appeared, filling the sky above the hall of the

Ministry of Magic, and swept towards Voldemort, mixed with several

hidden offensive spells on the way.

Voldemort held the wand with his slender fingers and waved it, knocking

away the magic spells and hitting the wall nearby. Several stone pits

suddenly appeared.

"With some strength, no wonder you dare to impersonate me, noble Lord

Voldemort!" Voldemort said softly, "I have nothing more to ask, Avada


Xia Ran's wand moved, and a statue flew up in the fountain, blocking the

way between him and Voldemort, intercepting the green light and

making a banging sound.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Xia Ran also used Avada Kedavra. He almost never uses this magic, but it

doesn't mean that he doesn't know this magic. Usually he just has some

scruples, but when facing the terrifying Voldemort, he is no longer timid.

, that will only drag yourself into the abyss.

He is not Dumbledore after all!

Chapter 236 Fight against


"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort's high-pitched, cold voice echoed through

the halls of the Ministry of Magic along with green lights.

Xia Ran flashed his body. Fortunately, his flying skill had reached level 5

and he could keep up with Voldemort's speed - after all, he was in the air,

and the space for moving around was large enough - and his magic skills

were at level 6 (medium). With level 6 (elementary) magic power, he can

be called a top wizard, but he can already fight against Voldemort.

"Armor protection! Avada Kedavra!" In addition to defending, Xia Ran

also used Avada Kedavra, one of the three unforgivable spells.

Voldemort raised his wand, and a green light flew towards Xia Ran, the

disguised Voldemort.

Xia Ran twisted her body, her big black robe suddenly swung around,

and she disappeared. When she reappeared, she was on the right side of

the hall, waving her wand towards the statues in the fountain.

The statues suddenly came to life, as if they were sentient beings, and

they rushed towards Voldemort without saying a word. Voldemort fired

spells one after another, smashing the stone statues into pieces. At the

same time, he also disappeared, and then appeared next to the pool in

the center of the hall. Endless water gushes, blocking Xia Ran's sight and

covering those few dazzling green lights.

A statue of a centaur rushed forward, blocking the green light of Avada's

Kedavra, but it was also broken into countless pieces and scattered on the


So strong!

All wizards in the hall, whether they were officials from the Ministry of

Magic, Death Eaters, or other members of the Order of the Phoenix, were


Both the real and fake Voldemort are so strong!

In particular, the members of the Order of the Phoenix knew who

Voldemort was when he appeared at the beginning. He was clearly

Sharon Frémont. When did he become so powerful? !

A group of people were stunned and stunned, almost forgetting that this

place was still in the middle of a fierce war.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Everyone...get out of the way!"

Lu Pinglian shouted.

They didn't expect that at this time, the real Voldemort would suddenly

appear. At this moment, Xia Ran started fighting with him. Both of them

had extremely strong magic power and their magic knowledge was at the

master level. The scale of the battle was huge, magic was intertwined,

and spells were shot randomly. No one could hold back - Voldemort was

cruel and did not value the lives of others. Xia Ran was already at a

disadvantage, but relied on the terrain and powerful spells to temporarily

resist Voldemort. ——Many magic spells that are insignificant to them

are deadly to others!

The crowd seemed to be waking up from a dream and even fled in panic.

The entire hall of the Ministry of Magic turned into a chaotic place, with

no trace of the original order.

Moody leaned on crutches, waved his wand, and directly joined the


He knew that Xia Ran alone was by no means an opponent of Voldemort

- in the Order of the Phoenix, except for Dumbledore, no one else could

be an enemy of Voldemort when fighting alone - he had to help Xia Ran.

"Catch those Death Eaters, Sirius." Moody said solemnly.

"Don't worry, they can't escape!" Sirius found his cousin Bellatrix


Bellatrix laughed crazily and said: "Sirius, are you looking for death? Oh,

I am your sister, so I will fulfill your request. Avada Kedavra!"

Her wand shot out a green light, and her face was crazily twisted. More

than ten years of prison life in Azkaban had a great impact on her.

"There are many obstacles! Yes, I am looking for death, but I think you

will die before me." Sirius said politely, with a smile on his face.

"Sirius, be careful!" Mundungus said suddenly, "Armor for protection!"

A green light was blocked by the Armor Curse, and it was Barty Crouch

Jr. who fired the Avada Kedavra.

"Thank you, Dunge." Sirius's heart skipped a beat, and he calmed down

his playful mood.

"Your opponent is us!" Kingsley, Tonks and other Aurors, as well as

Amelia Bones, Mr. Weasley and other Ministry of Magic wizard officials

also joined the battle group, and the white wizard camp Suddenly took

advantage of numbers.

However, a large part of the largest number of wizard officials in the

Ministry of Magic are hiding and hiding, regardless of the chaos outside.

A small number of wizards have directly rebelled, merged into the Death

Eater camp, and counterattacked their original colleagues.

The whole situation became increasingly chaotic.

The Dark Lord disguised by Xia Ran fought against the real Voldemort,

and Moody soon joined the battlefield.

"It would be foolish to come here tonight, Voldemort." Moody said

solemnly, "Dumbledore will be here soon!"

"By the time I'm done, you'll be dead too!" Voldemort said viciously,

suddenly frowning, "It seems like you know Alastor, this arrogant wizard

who dares to pretend to be me?"

"A trick from the Order of the Phoenix?"

Voldemort's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and he said viciously: "It

seems that the great Lord Voldemort is still too kind!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

He fired another killing curse at Xia Ran, but it missed. Xia Ran dodged it

and hit the security guard's table. The table suddenly ignited flames and

expanded in an instant, as if it was hit by a fire curse.

It seemed that in his eyes, this Order wizard who had disguised himself

was the one that annoyed and annoyed him the most.

Xia Ran waved the wand gently, and the spells he had learned, the magic

that could be used in battle, were released according to his will.

The spell cast by the wand was so powerful that even though the wizards

hiding nearby were protected by buildings, they still felt as if their hair

stood on end when the spell passed by.

Moody's magic was no weaker than Xia Ran's. Magic lights flashed one

after another. Voldemort was one against two, but he had to be serious.

He conjured a shining silver shield out of thin air, like an indestructible

shield. When Xia Ran and Moody's magic struck it, the silver shield only

made a low, gong-like trembling sound. This strange sound was


As the battle between the three became more intense, the surrounding

buildings were almost destroyed. Even other members of the Order of the

Phoenix, Ministry of Magic Aurors, and Death Eaters had to retreat to a

corner of the hall to avoid the aftermath of the three's battle. Spread.

"Ah!" A building was blown to pieces, and several figures hiding behind

screamed. From the corner of Xia Ran's eyes, she saw a witch in pink

clothes, who looked like a toad, and the Minister of Magic, Kang Nai, Lee

Fudge also let out a scream again.

"These people...heh, it would be best if they died!" Xia Ran secretly

sneered, but Fudge, Umbridge and others are terrible, so it doesn't matter

if they die, but most of the other wizard officials in the Ministry of Magic

are innocent people, Xia Ran Of course I don't want them to be affected.

"We have to move the battlefield!"

Xia Ran's eyes flashed, and she suddenly cast a fierce fire spell. This was

black magic, and it could be considered a black magic that Xia Ran was

very proficient in.

Voldemort's expression changed slightly. He didn't think his silver shield

could withstand the fierce fire.

Chapter 237 Purpose

"Is this the choice of the Order of the Phoenix? How is it different from us

in using black magic?" Voldemort said loudly, narrowing his blood-red

eyes above the silver shield, "It turns out that we have always been in the

same camp. ! I wonder why Dumbledore has the face to shout and kill


The words were full of sarcasm.

"Order of the Phoenix?" Xia Ran laughed and said, "Am I not Voldemort?

Dumbledore is my biggest enemy! What do you think, the fake Voldemort

in disguise!"

Voldemort's expression became more and more gloomy. He had always

had a high self-esteem and believed that his bloodline was unparalleled

in the world - even though he had half of the Muggle bloodline inherited

from his father, this was selectively forgotten by Voldemort - he gave up

on communicating with himself. With the same name as his Muggle

father, he changed his name to Voldemort. This name lived up to his

expectations and made almost 90% of the wizards in the entire wizarding

world fearful.

"For decades, no one has dared to impersonate me, the great Lord

Voldemort!" Voldemort said softly, "Dumbledore... wouldn't dare! I admit

that just taking your life will not satisfy me. !”

"But taking your life will satisfy me!" Xia Ran smiled, "All the wizards

who impersonated me, Voldemort, must die, right?"

He looked at Voldemort jokingly, and saw that snake face with

murderous intent, so gloomy that it could drip water.

"I haven't appeared in the magical world for more than ten years. It

seems that the wizards in the magical world... have forgotten the majesty

of Lord Voldemort." Voldemort said viciously, "I hope you can hold on for

a few more moves, I won't do it all at once I will kill you slowly!”

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability." Xia Ran said. He

admitted that he was no match for Voldemort, but he was not fighting

alone. He also had the help of "Mad Eye" Moody, and soon Dumbledore

also They will rush to the Ministry of Magic. By then, maybe they can

catch Voldemort and slowly cook up this big devil.

As for the use of black magic, such as the Fire Curse, Xia Ran himself has

never shied away from it. He learns and uses black magic as usual, except

for extremely evil black magic such as Horcruxes, which are unethical

and must kill innocent people before they can be used. , is what Xia Ran

doesn't want to use.

The Fire Curse, Avada Kedavra, etc. can be used when facing an enemy,

so why not? Could it be that we still have to talk to the enemy about


That was never Xia Ran's idea.

Since you think you are an enemy, you should kill and deal with it.

Violence is not the best solution, but it is always the fastest solution!

Voldemort blocked Moody's spell, pointed his wand at Xia Ran, and

another green light shot out from behind the silver shield.

Xia Ran disappeared in a flash and appeared next to the elevator. The sky

was filled with fierce fire as he waved his wand, surrounding most of the

foyer, making Voldemort frown.


Xia Ran broke the elevator and descended rapidly along the elevator

passage. At the same time, she laughed and said: "I have to find what I

want. The prophecy about me, Voldemort and Harry Potter, more than

ten years ago." , but it has always been what I hoped for!"

"Seeking death!" Voldemort looked fierce, his robes were flowing, and he

followed Xia Ran into the elevator passage.

Moody was the last to enter.

The three wizards with the most terrifying magic power left, and the

others were relieved. Most of the hidden wizards dared to sneak their

heads out, clenched their wands, and seemed to want to take action

against the Death Eaters.

But at this moment, another group of Death Eaters came in from outside,

about twenty of them, all wearing big black robes and black hoods,

exactly the most standard Death Eater attire.

The battle in the hall on the eighth underground floor of the Ministry of

Magic became more intense. Previously, due to the presence of Xia Ran,

Moody, and Voldemort, the wizards had to be on guard against sudden

powerful magic, but they did not dare to attack wantonly. However, it

was different now. They only needed to Just attack and kill with all your


Members of the Order of the Phoenix and wizard officials from the

Ministry of Magic teamed up to deal with the incoming Death Eaters.

The war situation was at a stalemate for a while and entered a white-hot


On the other side, Xia Ran led Voldemort and Moody to the Department

of Mysteries.

The Department of Mysteries is located on the ninth floor underground,

just below the Great Hall of the Ministry of Magic.

"I hope I can bump into something valuable that can absorb Force

points." Xia Ran secretly thought, turned around and cast a spell, and

quickly broke into a black door, dodging the killing curse shot by


"Want to run? It's too late!" Voldemort chased Xia Ran so hard that he

didn't even care about Moody behind him. No matter who dared to

impersonate him, they would die!

He was filled with murderous intent at the moment.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Voldemort waved out several green lights, and at the same time several

green ropes fell to the ground, and instantly turned into several wild

pythons, swimming on the ground of the Department of Mysteries, almost

silently, with only angry screams coming from his mouth. Hiss.

All these big snakes jumped towards Xia Ran's position.

Voldemort disappeared, and appeared a few steps behind Xia Ran in the

next second. His eyes flashed with a proud red light. The wand was

pointed at Xia Ran's back, and a green light lit up...

But Xia Ran disappeared immediately, and appeared in front of a door

the next second, broke the door and broke into the next house, while

Voldemort's green light hit the wall on one side.

At the same time, there were signs of magic fluctuations in the rear,

which showed that "Mad Eye" Moody also used a powerful spell.

Voldemort looked gloomy and disappeared in a flash. Moody's magic had

no choice but to hit the wall of the Department of Mysteries as well.

"The two of them are running so fast, I can hardly keep up!" Moody was

secretly surprised. Voldemort was just a legendary wizard in the magic

world. Only Dumbledore can rival him in the magic world today. But

when did Xia Ran have such magical and terrifying abilities? !

He stepped up his pace, trying not to let Xia Ran face Voldemort alone,

and fired spells from time to time in order to block Voldemort's progress.

Xia Ran, who was at the front, moved quickly. He hoped to take this

opportunity to visit the Ministry of Magic and find items containing Force


As the official organization of the magical world, the Ministry of Magic

must undoubtedly have collected many rare magic items, many of which

are special magic items containing Force points.

That is what Xia Ran longs for most!

After passing through several rooms in a row, Xia Ran suddenly focused

his eyes and saw a few large books placed in a corner of an empty house.

A stone platform seemed to have existed for thousands of years, showing

mottled traces of growth rings.

Xia Ran's heart suddenly pounded.

He arrived in front of the stone platform in a flash. After a cursory

glance, he immediately beamed with joy.

"The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy?! That's it!"

Chapter 238 Magic Power


Xia Ran's fingers touched the ancient parchment text.

"The International Statute of Secrecy of Wizards, Force Points: 500

points, do you want to absorb it?"

A message immediately appeared in Xia Ran's mind, and his eyes glowed

with joy.

500 Force points? !

so many!

Xia Ran was excited and even silently said: "Absorb!"

Suddenly a cool feeling came from the ancient parchment text. After he

concentrated his attention, he could clearly see that the column of Force

points on the system panel displayed on his pupils was increasing rapidly.

[Force points: 20 points~40 points~70 points~120 points~200~~]

"Quick! Quick! Quick!" Xia Ran secretly thought, turning around and

taking a look. Because he was not slow before, and could freely choose

the direction and room to move forward, the initiative was in his hands.

Voldemort was chasing passively, so Voldemort and Voldemort were

chased. There is a certain distance between them.

Xia Ran definitely hopes that before Voldemort comes to kill him, he has

absorbed all the force points contained in the "International Statute of

Secrecy of Wizards" and increased his own magic power and related

magic knowledge level.

He had heard the loud boom of Voldemort's spells, getting closer and

closer to his position.

Finally, before Voldemort arrived completely, he had absorbed all the

Force points on the ancient parchment.

[Force points: 520 points].

He originally had a base of 20 Force points, but now with the 500 points

from the International Statute of Secrecy of Wizards, he now has 520

Force points.

This is a huge amount of force points that Xia Ran has never had before!

Xia Ranlian focused his attention on the system panel and began to add

some [Magic Power] to the column.

Suddenly, he turned around and waved his magic wand, saying: "The

Divine Edge is Shadowless!"


There was a loud noise, the door exploded, and a black figure stepped

into the room. It was Voldemort. His expression was extremely gloomy,

and his face was particularly ugly.

As the greatest wizard of all time, Voldemort was afraid of only

Dumbledore, but he was frustrated in front of this bold wizard who

disguised himself - oh, he seemed to have lost his nose - - Voldemort was

naturally angry, and his murderous intent was completely boiling over.

"You dare to use a spell of this level in front of me?" Voldemort said with

a ferocious smile, "No matter who you are - I have no interest in knowing

who you are - you have offended me, the most powerful wizard in

history. There is only one way to die!"

Xia Ran stopped moving and stayed quietly, waiting for the addition of

points in the [Magic] column to be completed. This took time, even

though it was very fast.

He smiled softly.

Seeing that face that was exactly like his own, actually smiling like this,

Voldemort was filled with rage and didn't want to talk to Xia Ran

anymore. He waved his wand directly and fired green light, all of which

were Avada Kedavra. .

The Killing Curse is his standard equipment for Voldemort!

At this moment, Xia Ran's aura changed. He squinted his eyes to cover up

the joyful light blooming in his eyes. His magic power had reached level

6 (medium).

"Armor protection!"

While using the Iron Armor Curse, Xia Ran disappeared in a flash,

appeared in front of another door, and targeted Voldemort with the

Avada Kedavra Curse.

He never hesitated to use these unforgivable spells against Voldemort.

Voldemort also disappeared, dodged Xia Ran's killing curse, and followed

Xia Ran. Various green and red lights shuttled in and out, almost

completely destroying the room.

"Mad Eye" Moody also arrived and cooperated with Xia Ran to start

besieging Voldemort.

But Voldemort is indeed the most powerful dark wizard in the

contemporary era, a legendary wizard alongside Dumbledore. Even

though he was one against two, facing two top wizards in the magic

world with level 6 magic, he still had the upper hand.

If Xia Ran and Moody hadn't become weaker, other wizards would have

died under Voldemort's Killing Curse in less than two spells.


Voldemort disappeared, and flames burst out above Moody's head. At the

same time, Voldemort appeared again, standing on the stone platform

where Xia Ran absorbed the Force points just now, stepping on the copy

of the "International Joint Statute of Secrecy of Wizards".

"Be careful!" Xia Ran reminded, a ball of fire was thrown from the tip of

his wand, filling the entire room in the blink of an eye, bypassing Moody

and focusing on Voldemort.

Voldemort frowned. Flames had always disgusted him. A large stream of

water spewed out from the tip of his wand, fighting against Xia Ran's fire

spell. He soon gained the upper hand, and the water flooded half of the


Moody took this opportunity and cast out several spells with his wand,

including a disarming curse, a stun curse, a crushing curse, but no killing


"Ah ha, Alastor, you are still so 'merciful'." Voldemort sneered, "How


He did not hide his disgust and disgust at all, and fired several green

lights and rushed towards Moody.

Moody was not slow at all and dodged the Killing Curse. He was also

proficient in the Iron Armor Curse. After all, he was an Auror hero who

had been fighting dark wizards for almost his whole life.

"Have you forgotten me, Voldemort?" Xia Ran smiled, and fired a few

Avada Kedavra spells, and waved the wand with smooth movements.

Several steel ropes appeared out of thin air, entangled with a roar. To


Voldemort glanced at Xia Ran fiercely, and with a sweep of his wand, the

steel ropes immediately broke, breaking into seven or eight pieces, and

fell into the clear water below.

And a silver shield appeared next to Voldemort again, blocking several

spells fired by Moody.

Xia Ran's eyes flickered slightly.

He suddenly upgraded his magic power to level 6 (intermediate), and

also upgraded his knowledge of magic to level 6 (advanced) and

transfiguration to level 6 (elementary). These three things used up 280

points of his force power. points, there are still 240 Force points left.

But he is not ready to continue to increase the magic level for the time


Although magic is related to his level of strength, if it increases too much

all at once, he will have to take some time to adapt to the familiarity.

From level 6 (elementary) to level 6 (intermediate), if he can still barely

control it properly, then it will be straightforward After adding points to

level 6 (advanced), it seems that the magic level has been improved, but

because he cannot fully control his own magic power, his strength has

actually declined.

Xia Ran didn't want to make such a fatal mistake at this critical moment.

He postponed the improvement of his magic power until it was safe.

"Avada Kedavra!" A high-pitched and cold voice sounded, and the green

light of the killing curse rushed towards Xia Ran.

Xia Ran flashed out of the room. Voldemort did not chase Xia Ran this

time, but instead concentrated on dealing with Moody.

"It seems that I must kill you first, Mad-Eye, before I can deal with that

audacious wizard!" Voldemort said viciously. Moody was once an Auror

hero and captured half of Azkaban Prison by himself. Voldemort also

knew his name, and he also believed that Moody was the person he

feared most in the Order of the Phoenix, besides Dumbledore, far above

Professor McGonagall.

As for everyone else, he ignored them.

Of course, now we have to eliminate that abominable wizard who dares

to impersonate him!

Chapter 239 Temporarily

Scarlet light filled Voldemort's eyes, and he killed him directly, and the

green light of the Killing Curse flew around the room.

Moody's expression was solemn. He was eager to capture Voldemort, the

Dark Lord, but that didn't mean that he didn't know how powerful

Voldemort was. On the contrary, he understood Voldemort's power better

than many people.

"Armor protects you! Impregnable!"

His protective magic almost collapsed at the first touch, and could not

stop Voldemort's Killing Curse within one breath.

Fortunately, Xia Ran came back to kill him at this moment.

"I really want to kill all the wizards in the Order of the Phoenix!"

Voldemort said coldly, "Even if I cherish the blood of wizards and don't

want them to bleed and die in vain, but the wizards in the Order of the

Phoenix... I will definitely kill them all. !I promise!"

"Believe me, I will do what I say!"

Voldemort's face became ferocious, and his figure sometimes disappeared

and sometimes appeared somewhere. The terrifying magic radiated in all

directions, making Xia Ran and Moody a little tired of dealing with it.

"Oops! If you defend for too long, you will lose. This is not the way to

go." Xia Ran was secretly anxious, but he had no way to break the

situation. Even if he could add some magic power, it would only lead to a

decline in his combat effectiveness.

Voldemort was sure of winning, but his expression suddenly changed. He

was completely at a disadvantage, and the two people he would soon

defeat and kill one by one turned into a black shadow and escaped from

the Department of Mysteries, heading for the elevator. Fly away from the


Xia Ran and Moody were stunned, and in an instant they understood.

There must be reinforcements from wizards, Dumbledore?

Their figures flashed and followed closely.

Xia Ran dodged a few times, and suddenly felt a twisting and shaking

body, and even returned to the ground. She held her hand on the wall

and shook her head.

"What's wrong, Xia Ran?" Moody asked.

"It's okay, it's time for the Polyjuice Potion." Xia Ran replied, "Mad-Eye,

you go chase Voldemort. Dumbledore and the others should be here. I'll

disguise myself a little and I'll be here soon."

Moody didn't say much. Xia Ran's strength was here. Even if he

encountered Voldemort who had returned, he could hold on for a while

and wait for their support.

He safely passed through the broken elevator passage and went to the

Ministry of Magic hall on the eighth underground floor.

Xia Ran's figure shook and twisted for a while, and after a few seconds he

returned to his original appearance, but this time he was wearing a big

black robe, which seemed a little too big.

"It's too conspicuous. If others know that I was pretending to be

Voldemort at the beginning, it will be a lot of fun." Xia Ran whispered,

transformed into a set of fitting clothes, and put them on urgently, and

that disguise The big black robes worn by Voldemort were burned to

ashes with a wave of his wand.

"Xia Ran?" At this time, a wizard went down to the ninth underground

floor of the Department of Mysteries and called.

Xia Ran turned out and saw Lu Ping holding a magic wand and just

walking out of the elevator passage.

"What's going on? Has Voldemort escaped?" Xia Ran asked. Now that

Lupine has arrived, it is obvious that Voldemort has either been caught or

has escaped from the Ministry of Magic with his Death Eaters.

Judging from the sound and movement above, the latter is more likely.

Lupine replied: "Dumbledore and Snape are here. The mysterious man

just flew out from below and ran away with several Death Eaters.

Dumbledore couldn't stop him." After a pause. , continued: "It is also

because there are too many wizards present. Dumbledore is afraid of

forcing the mysterious person to go too far."

"Is Fudge dead?" Xia Ran asked again.

"..." Lupine was speechless and said, "He is not dead. He is the Minister of

Magic after all, so he cannot die easily."

"It seems that when I pretended to be Voldemort just now, I should have

killed him with a curse instead of just teaching him a lesson." Xia Ran

said while touching his chin.

Lu Ping advised: "Xia Ran, even if Fudge is at fault, just hand it over to

the Wizarding Court for trial. We'd better not kill people directly,

otherwise we will be no different from Death Eaters."

"Just kidding." Xia Ran smiled, changed the subject, and said, "Okay, let's

go out. I hope no one notices me."

The two returned to the eighth floor underground, where an unknown

number of wizards gathered. Dumbledore was inside, arguing loudly with

Fudge, and no one noticed the two people coming out from behind.

"Dumbledore, did you control...the attack on the Ministry of Magic...that

caused so many..." Fudge looked pale and shouted loudly.

Xia Ran secretly thought, it seems that the curse he just cast was still


Dumbledore looked at Fudge, turned to all the wizards present, and said:

"I think Cornelius Fudge is no longer suitable to serve as Minister of

Magic. If you agree, please raise your hands!"

"Dumbledore, you..." Fudge was furious, but the hands raised by the

crowd made his face even more pale.


Amelia Bones stood up and said: "Cornelly Fudge, you have violated the

original intention of the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic serves

the entire magical world, not any individual or organization. In When

Dumbledore announced the return of the mysterious man, you smeared

him and tried your best to suppress it. We have reason to suspect that

you and the mysterious man are suspected of being an accomplice."

At this moment, the way all the Ministry of Magic wizard officials looked

at Fudge changed.

Fudge's pale face flushed red, and he scolded: "Nonsense! I am the

Minister of Magic, how could it be possible..."

"But what you did is what Voldemort wanted to see most!" Sirius said


Fudge was speechless.

People moved away from Fudge, their eyes full of disgust.

Yes, no matter what his thoughts are, what he does is what the Dark Lord

likes to hear and see. Isn't this enough?

"Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, we will hold a meeting of wizards at

the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore, I hope you can attend." Amelia Bones


"I will arrive on time." Dumbledore nodded, and after the medical staff

from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries arrived, the

Order of the Phoenix and the others left the Ministry of Magic.

They did not say hello to Mr. Kingsley and Mr. Weasley in order to

prevent their identities from being exposed in the Ministry of Magic.

Even though many people had already made speculations, they could

only hide them for a while.

"Sirius, Lupin, please return to Grimmauld Place first. After the Wizards'

meeting at the Ministry of Magic tomorrow, we will also have a meeting

at eight o'clock in the evening to discuss follow-up plans and measures."

Dumbledore said, "Now Horror There are still many things in Gwartz that

we need to go back to solve first.”

With that said, Dumbledore, Xia Ran, Moody, and Snape all apparated


"Alastor, Xia Ran, how are you? Voldemort's current situation..."

Moody replied: "Very strong! Compared with his heyday ten or twenty

years ago, he is not weaker at all! Xia Ran and I are no match for him if

we join forces. In the end, if you hadn't arrived in time, The Ministry of

Magic will probably have to collect the bodies for me and Xia Ran."

Dumbledore looked thoughtful.

Chapter 240 Improvement Again

"By the way, what was the result of the Triwizard Tournament? Who won

in the end?" Xia Ran asked. The winner in the original time and space

was Harry, and Cedric Digory also counted, but he was already dead at

that time. , so Harry is actually the winner.

I don't know how the final result will change this time. After all, Harry

did not participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Cedric won the Triwizard Cup. There

should be students from various colleges celebrating in the school's

auditorium now."

"You will announce this news later." Snape suddenly said coldly, "There

will definitely be numerous reports on the Dark Lord in tomorrow's Daily


Dumbledore looked solemn and sighed: "There is nothing we can do

about it. I hope they can be happy. I will do my best to ensure this."

"Albus!" At this time, several wizards came forward. The first one

shouted, it was Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor

Sprout, and Hagrid.

Hagrid asked hurriedly: "How is it, Xia Ran? Did it succeed? That dark


"There were no casualties, right?" Professor Sprout asked worriedly.

Xia Ran smiled slightly and replied: "The result is very good. Everything

develops according to the normal track. Voldemort can no longer hide in

the dark."

Dumbledore also nodded.

Several people immediately felt relieved. Professor Flitwick smiled and

said: "Now, let's go back to the Great Hall. The celebration party has just

started not long ago. The principal is not here, so I feel like something is


"Haha, I'm honored." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment and said: "Albus, if you

can... let's announce it tomorrow. This is probably the last night for

students to celebrate without having to think about other things... You

know, anyway, tomorrow everyone will Every newspaper will report it."

Dumbledore was silent, then finally nodded and sighed: "Just do as you

say, Minerva."

So a few people returned to the castle. Before they entered the

auditorium, they heard noisy discussions coming from the auditorium.

"Dumbledore," Snape said suddenly, "I have something to do and need to

go back to the office, so I won't go in."

As he spoke, he walked directly to the underground classroom nearby. He

was still covering one hand. Xia Ran understood that it must be the Death

Eater mark on his arm that had gone off.

It seems that today's failure made Voldemort furious!

Xia Ran narrowed her eyes, thoughtfully.

The worried look on Dumbledore's face flashed, but he could not help

Snape. He could only rely on Snape to lurk in the Death Eater


They entered the auditorium.

I saw students from various houses cheering enthusiastically. Whether

they were from Hufflepuff House or not, even Slytherin, Gryffindor, and

Ravenclaw, they all cheered for Cedric Diggory's victory. After all, this

It's an honor that belongs to Hogwarts.

Of course, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, the two magic

schools, inevitably seemed a little depressed.

The celebration dinner lasted for a long time, until midnight. At

Dumbledore's repeated request, the students set off to return to their

respective common rooms, but it was obvious that Hufflepuff students

would definitely stay in the common room. Another celebration will be

held in the room.

As for how angry Voldemort would be after summoning the Death Eaters,

Xia Ran and the others had no way of knowing.

This time, in his extremely excited mood, although Harry felt a sense of

anger, it was suppressed by his own emotions, and the expression was

not as strong as the previous times.

"Add some...[Magic]!"

Xia Ran closed the door to his office, sat on the chair, and concentrated.

The system panel suddenly appeared in his pupils. He still had 240 Force

points left, which was just enough to upgrade his magic power to level 6


Although his magic power increased continuously in one day, it would

affect his control over magic power. Therefore, when he was in the

Ministry of Magic and fighting Voldemort, he did not dare to directly

increase his magic power to level 6 (high level) in one go. He only dared

to start from Level 6 (elementary) is upgraded to level 6 (intermediate),

so that his combat effectiveness will not be affected too much.

But now that we are back at Hogwarts, with Dumbledore in charge, are

we still afraid of Voldemort breaking in?

At the worst, I just need to spend more energy to slowly adapt and adjust

in the future.

In the end, Xia Ran's magic power was raised to level 6 (advanced),

which was only one step away from the legendary level 7 wizard's magic

power. But Xia Ran understood that this last step was not something that

could be easily overcome.

240 Force Points just helped him increase his magic power by another

level. Obviously, if he wanted to break through from Level 6 (Advanced)

to Level 7 (Elementary), it would take more than just 240 Force Points.

Xia Ran guessed that it would probably take more than 300 Force points!

He scratched his head and didn't think about where to absorb the Force

points. He simply put this concern aside for the time being and focused

on observing his system panel.

[Name: Charan Fremont].

[Age: 28 years old].

[Magic: Level 6 (Advanced)].

[Force points: 0 points].

[Transformation: Level 6 (elementary)].

[Potion Science: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Charms: Level 6 (Advanced)].

[Herbalism: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Flying: Level 5 (elementary)].

Xia Ran looked at the 0 in the column of Force Points and sighed quietly,

but then turned to look at the numbers in the three columns of magic,

magic and transfiguration, and immediately became excited again.

"Magic is level 6 (advanced), Charms is also level 6 (advanced),

Transfiguration is also level 6 (elementary)..." Xia Ran chuckled softly,

"Hey, with my current strength, apart from Dumbledore and Except for

Voldemort, no other wizard can defeat me, or at most be tied with me!"

He calculated that it had only been three years since he awakened his

memory, and he had jumped from an ordinary level 4 magic wizard to

level 6 (advanced) magic. He was only one step away from the legendary

wizard of level 7, which was really impressive. It feels like being in a

dream, erratic and unreal.

"Level 7, the legendary level..." Xia Ran sighed. Now that he has reached

this point, of course he would expect to become a legend.


The next day, when the sky was just getting bright and the sun had not

fully risen, countless owls flew in from outside the school, carrying a

copy of the Daily Prophet.

Today's "Daily Prophet" arrived more than ten hours earlier than usual.

Many students opened the windows for the owl in a daze, flicked the

newspaper, and were all stunned.

"The man who must not even be named is back!"

This is the largest line of text on the front page of the newspaper, and it

is definitely the first thing anyone sees.

The person who cannot even be mentioned by name?

Voldemort? !

Many people immediately sobered up.

Chapter 241 Report

"Last night, under the witness of countless Ministry of Magic officials,

that person who must not even be named forced his way into the

Ministry of Magic and started a fierce fight with the Aurors. What is

confusing is that two people appeared before and after him. A dark lord!"

"You're kidding!" Ron said in surprise, "Who dares to impersonate

him...that mysterious person..."

"That's what it said in the newspaper." Hermione said impatiently, "Don't

you want to listen to it anymore."

"Keep talking." Ron shrank his head.

The others smiled, but only reluctantly.

They had all gotten up - many still in pajamas and pajamas - and were in

the Gryffindor common room to discuss today's surprisingly early Daily


"We later confirmed that the Dark Lord who broke into the Ministry of

Magic for the second time was the real Dark Lord. The Dark Lord for the

first time was probably disguised by some bold wizard. We are here to

investigate I appreciate his shocking behavior!"

"Is there really such a madman?!" Fred said in surprise.

"You said..." Ginny looked around to make sure no one else was

eavesdropping, then lowered her voice and said, "Could the wizard who

disguised himself as the Dark Lord be Professor Frémont or Professor

Moody? "

The others were stunned, and Harry asked: "Why do you think so,


Ginny blushed slightly and replied: "Did you see the two professors

yesterday? They didn't show up at the Triwizard Tournament at all. They

must be on a mission from the Order of the Phoenix."

"No!" Hermione said, "As mentioned here, Professor Moody joined the

battle between the two real and fake Dark Lords!"

"Look, the fake Dark Lord is definitely Professor Frémont in disguise."

Ginny clapped her hands and said, "Otherwise, why would Professor

Moody join the fight? He can obviously sit back and watch the fight,

waiting for the two A dark devil will beat you to death before he strikes


The group of people looked at each other, and they had to say that what

Ginny said did make some sense.

"Hermione, what's behind, what's behind?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"...Finally after Dumbledore arrived at the Ministry of Magic, the Dark

Lord left with his Death Eaters, but the other Dark Lord disappeared and

seemed to have been eliminated by the real Dark Lord! "

"In addition, at noon today, the Ministry of Magic will hold a meeting of

wizards to convene the trial of the former Minister of Magic, Cornelius

Fudge." Hermione read and said, "How happy!"

"Fudge is going to be tried?"

"It's best to put him in Azkaban Prison and spend the rest of his life


A group of people said each other one by one.

"It's a pity!" Hermione shook her head and said, "It is with almost the

same regret that we report the collective riots of the Dementors in

Azkaban. They have expressed their unwillingness to continue to be

employed by the Ministry of Magic. We have reason to believe that , the

dementors are currently working for that devil king—you know who I am

referring to."

"This has been expected, hasn't it?" Harry said. "Ever since the Dementor

attack at the World Cup, only Fudge and his gang have thought

wholeheartedly that the Dementors are still on our side."

"How can a few prisoners in prison compare with the happy memories of

so many wizards and Muggles in the world?" Ginny said, "The Dementors

cannot refuse the Dark Lord's terms!"

"Anything else?" Ron asked.

Hermione looked at it and said: "Well, there are some warnings, look

here:" We strongly urge the wizarding community to be vigilant, the

Ministry of Magic is publishing a basic defense guide for families and

individuals, which will be sent to all for free next month Wizarding


"The Ministry of Magic's announcement has caused annoyance and alarm

in the wizarding community, and just last week we received assurances

from the Ministry of Magic that 'continued rumors that mysterious

individuals are operating among us again are nonsense'. "

"We have yet to get a comment from Albus Dumbledore on this matter -

he has been criticized and smeared over the past year for spreading a

message of terror, and now he has been proven right - he has All

positions that had been revoked were reinstated, such as Commissioner

of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Wizard of the


"For the past year, he has insisted that You-Know-Who is not completely

dead as people - mainly the Ministry of Magic - generally hope and

believe, but has returned from the dead, recruiting followers and

preparing to usurp power again. At the same time, the 'Boy Who Lived'

began to gain people's trust, because he was destined to be You-Know-

Who's old enemy! Even though he had suffered a lot of criticism like


"Suffered a lot of criticism?" Ron said unhappily, "They seem to have

forgotten where those criticisms first appeared! Isn't it the Daily


"Compared to The Daily Prophet, I still want to read The Quibbler. At

least the game on it is quite interesting." George said, "If there wasn't that

long article about harassing flies."

"It's unrealistic for you to ask them to admit their mistakes." Ginny said

calmly. "According to what the newspaper said, all those criticisms,

slanders and ridicules seemed to be done by the Ministry of Magic. It has

nothing to do with their "Daily Prophet" It has nothing to do with it.”

Hermione looked at the pages at the back.

"Let me see what other news there is. "You-Know-Who's Last Effort to

Usurp Power", see pages 2 to 4; "What the Ministry of Magic Should Tell

Us", see page 5; "Why No One Listens to Albus" "Dumbledore Speaks", see

pages six to eight; "Exclusive Interview with Harry Potter", see page

nine... Humph." Hermione said, folding the newspaper and throwing it

aside, "Haha Lee, have you given any exclusive interviews? You must be

making things up again!"

"Never mind them." Harry shook his head and said, "As long as they

change their attitude and remind more people in the wizarding world,

this is a good thing."

"I wonder what will be talked about in today's wizard meeting?" Ron said


Fred said thoughtfully: "Maybe we shouldn't go back to the Burrow

during the summer vacation..."

"What?!" Harry and Hermione were startled. In their opinion, the Burrow

is one of the best and warmest places in the wizarding world.

"Think about it, the mysterious man has been completely exposed, and

the entire magical world is in panic. Will there be any less things about

the Order of the Phoenix?" George lowered his voice and said, "If we live

in Grimmauld Place, we will definitely know many secrets. Breaking


"I want to ask Dad if we can go to Grimmauld Place during the summer

vacation." Fred said, and immediately got up and went back to the

dormitory, obviously to write a letter.

"Well, that makes sense." Hermione said softly, "Maybe after I have been

with my parents for a while, I can find an excuse to go there."

Harry became more and more envious as he listened. He knew that the

Dursleys would never want him to go to a happy place. If he was

unhappy, the Dursleys would be happier.

Chapter 242 Decisions at the


At night, Xia Ran, together with Moody, Hagrid, Snape, and Professor

McGonagall, apparated to Grimmauld Place, London, and entered the old

mansion of the Black family. Amidst the ear-piercing howls of the old

Mrs. Black, , go through the corridor and enter the kitchen.

Lupine pulled the curtains firmly, and Old Mrs. Black's curses

immediately disappeared.

"Here, do you want something to eat?" Lupine said, following him into

the kitchen.

Sirius was busy at this time. It seemed that there were rarely so many

people in this place. He expressed welcome and joy, and also helped

Kreacher carry things. Mrs. Weasley also helped.

"Let's have a beer," Hagrid said, accidentally sitting on another chair - he

had his own chair because of his weight - and the chair shattered into

pieces, causing Hagrid to apologize.

"It's okay, Hagrid." Sirius said. While waving his wand and bringing the

dinner plate over, he touched the broken chair and it was instantly intact.

Xia Ran scanned around and saw that there were many people in the

room. In addition to a few wizards from Hogwarts, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley,

Bill Weasley, Lupine, Sirius, and Mundungus. In addition, Tonks was also

there, but Kingsley was not there. Like Dumbledore, he was probably

participating in a meeting of wizards held by the Ministry of Magic.

"Wait a little longer." Mr. Weasley noticed Xia Ran's movements and said

with a smile, "After Dumbledore and Kingsley come back, we will know

the content of the wizard meeting at the Ministry of Magic and make a

series of decisions. supplementary or other measures.”

"Yes, Xia Ran, would you like some sausage?" Mrs. Weasley said and sat

down. She was smiling and seemed not to be bothered by the external

situation at all.

But if you look closely, you can find that there is always a glimmer of

worry in her eyes.

"Well, have some." Xia Ran had not eaten anything in the afternoon, and

she was hungry now.

Bill looked at his parents and said, "Dad, Fred and the others said they

wanted to come in here during the summer vacation."

"Welcome!" Sirius said, "Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, I warmly

welcome them here, and I will also personally invite Harry. His aunt and

uncle are not good to him. , Harry would be better off living here with


"I'm afraid not, Sirius," said Moody.

"Why?" Sirius said, "I am his godfather, and I believe Harry is willing to

live with me."

Snape suddenly let out a sneer.

"What are you laughing at, Snotlout?" Sirius immediately glared at Snape.

"Okay, let's all stop for a while." Xia Ran rubbed her forehead. Whenever

Sirius and Snape met, there would always be quarrels and conflicts of one

kind or another, which was really a headache.

Others were not surprised.

Xia Ran whispered: "Sirius, Harry must stay at his aunt and uncle's house

before he reaches adulthood..." Seeing Sirius open his mouth as if to

refute, he raised his right hand to interrupt Sirius, and continued: "Listen

I'm done."

"I believe you all understand the reason why the mysterious man broke

into Godric's Hollow more than ten years ago and wanted to kill Harry as

a baby. Sirius, you should know the prophecy."

Sirius nodded slightly uneasily.

Snape's eyes flickered.

"The prophecy about Harry and the mysterious man has completely

connected the two of them - well, the mysterious man may not be called

a human being, his nature has indeed changed greatly - but in any case,

Harry, the mysterious man In the end, only one person can survive." Xia

Ran said softly, "Lily's magic is maintained by blood, and only Lili's sister

- and of course Lili's sister's children - have the same magic as her.

Bloodline. Sirius, you are Harry's godfather, and you are a good friend of

the Potters, but you do not have that bloodline, so Harry must go back to

his aunt and uncle's house to ensure that the magic continues to work."

Sirius was silent and replied after a while: "I know, I just hope he can

come to my place to relax for a while during the summer."

"That's definitely no problem." Xia Ran smiled, "Harry will probably be

happy to see you too."

Sirius seemed relieved.

"Come, eat quickly. Dumbledore and the others are probably arriving

soon. I wonder if they have eaten?" Mrs. Weasley said, and suddenly

there was a knock on the door in the hall, "They are here!"

"I'll open it." Lupine said. He sat near the door, got up and opened the

door. Dumbledore and Kingsley followed him into the Black Mansion.

"Dumbledore, Kingsley, would you like some?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Thank you, Molly. We happened to be hungry. We had a meeting all

day, and the Ministry of Magic didn't even provide a glass of water. It's

really uncomfortable." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Professor McGonagall asked: "Albus, how is the situation? What was said

at the wizarding meeting?"

Everyone listened attentively.

"About the trial and handling of Fudge and other former high-level

officials of the Ministry of Magic, as well as how to deal with Voldemort

and Death Eaters, and how to maintain stable order in the wizarding

world." Kingsley replied, "Fudge has been sentenced, one hundred years

in prison. He is locked up in Azkaban Prison, where he will spend the rest

of his life."

"It's an advantage for him!" Sirius said, "All the dementors have left, and

Azkaban prison has lost all its original terror."

"By the way, Arthur, you may be busy later." Kingsley looked at Mr.

Weasley and said.

"What?" Mr. Weasley looked confused.

"This wizarding conference has rectified the departments of the Ministry

of Magic and added many new emergency offices. Arthur, you will be

responsible for one. Of course, your original office for prohibiting the

misuse of Muggle items will also be responsible for it." Kings. Lai said

decisively, "In short, your burden is heavier."

"Congratulations, Arthur." Lupine said with a smile. He was in charge of

one more office and still held his original position. In fact, he was


Mrs. Weasley and Bill were also beaming with joy.

Xia Ran remembered that such a thing happened in the original time and

space. After the news of Voldemort's return was completely exposed and

Fudge stepped down, Mr. Weasley was transferred to a new office as the

office director.

"What office?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"Let me think about it." Kingsley seemed to have forgotten his name and

said apologetically, "That name is a bit long, I forgot it."

"Office for the Investigation and Collection of Counterfeit Defense Spells

and Protective Supplies." Dumbledore added, "The wizarding meeting

initially decided on a full staff of ten people. Arthur, you are really busy

in the future."

"Fortunately, I'm not unfamiliar with it." Mr. Weasley breathed a sigh of

relief. Judging from the name, it was similar to the duties of the Office

for the Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Items where he originally

worked, but the scope of items targeted was slightly different.

"By the way, Dumbledore, has the new Minister of Magic... been decided?

Who is it?" Xia Ran asked, this is the question that everyone is most

concerned about.

Chapter 243 It’s over for now


Dumbledore nodded and said: "Based on the votes of the seventy-eight

wizards participating in the Wizards' Meeting, the person with the most

votes will be inaugurated as the new Minister of Magic."

"Amelia Bones, she is the new Minister of Magic."


"What she said is a very good choice!"

Everyone in the room whispered.

Although Kingsley never became the Minister of Magic as he wished,

Amelia Bones, as the Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, the largest department of the Ministry of Magic, also had a

sworn relationship with Voldemort and the Death Eaters due to the death

of her relatives. It is absolutely impossible to make peace with the dark

wizard, but it is indeed a good choice.

After all, Kingsley's responsibilities are still low, not even the director of

the Auror Office. It is indeed difficult to become the Minister of Magic in

one fell swoop when the heads of other departments are not in the way.

Xia Ran's previous thoughts were somewhat ideal.

After all, Amelia Bones was killed in the original time and space, and

Scrimgeour, the current director of the Auror Office, was also killed.

Many other people were also persecuted, and many of them defected to

the dark wizard camp, Voldemort, so After winning the final battle,

Kingsley had the opportunity to jump through several levels and become

Minister of Magic.

Now that Amelia Bones is alive and Scrimgeour is alive, there is really no

possibility for Kingsley to recreate the footprints of the original time and


Of course, in the next few years, Kingsley will not have any chance of

becoming the Minister of Magic.

But that's not what the Order of the Phoenix values.

"Amelia..." Xia Ran whispered. He had worked under Amelia Bones

before and knew what kind of person she was. He hated evil and was fair

and just. Although he was not a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he

In fact, what they do is no different from the Order of the Phoenix.

After all, the Order of the Phoenix was originally an organization

founded because of the rampant dark wizards.

"Are there any other decisions?" Moody asked.

Kingsley replied: "A manual on preventing the dark devil is being

urgently produced and compiled. It will probably be printed and

published in the next two days. By then, everyone in the wizarding world

will have a copy. I hope it can be helpful to people. If you encounter

danger, What measures should be taken? After all, the magical world has

been at peace for more than ten years, and many people may have

forgotten how terrifying it was when dark wizards were rampant."

"By the way, Xia Ran, Alastor, your battle with Voldemort caused a lot of

losses to the Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore said with a smile, "At

today's meeting, someone also proposed to ask Hogwarts to


"Ha." Snape sneered.

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and said, "Why don't they go to Voldemort

to ask for compensation? You didn't agree, did you, Dumbledore?"

"Of course it's impossible to agree." Dumbledore blinked and said, "The

Hogwarts family has a big business. With so many students, teachers, and

more than a hundred elves, it is really not easy to raise them. Where is

the spare money to compensate, right?”

"This matter was settled in the end." Kingsley said, "But Amelia - now it's

time to change her name to Minister - is determined to provide greater

support to Hogwarts, on the condition that Hogwarts More of our

graduates will enter the Ministry of Magic."

"What kind of condition is this?" Snape said in a strange and authentic

tone, "Nine out of ten graduates of Hogwarts want to work in the

Ministry of Magic, right?!"

"So, we hit it off right away." Dumbledore waved his hand and said, "We

definitely hope to solve the problem of employment difficulties for

students, and the Ministry of Magic is in urgent need of more capable

people to join in this year's situation. We both hit it off right away. This

year's Magic Various departments in the ministry will expand enrollment

at Hogwarts, and I can tell the students when I return, which is good


"But in this current situation..." Professor McGonagall frowned, "Will

there be so many students willing to enter the Ministry of Magic? After

all, the Ministry of Magic must be a key target of dark wizards, especially

the Auror Office!"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment and said: "It depends on their own

choice. After all, they are already adults, and they can see the pros and

cons. How to choose, we have said it no longer counts, they all have it."

Has his own ideas."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Weasley sighed.

"Fred and George don't want to enter the Ministry of Magic." She sighed.

"I don't even know what jobs they can do if they don't enter the Ministry

of Magic after graduation. Who would want them? Their grades are not


"They are very interesting, Molly, you don't have to worry too much."

Lupine comforted, "They have their own ideas and don't need adults to

worry too much."

Mrs. Weasley still looked uneasy, as if she was afraid that her two sons

would go astray.

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "Aren't they going to come here during the

summer vacation? Can't we just ask their opinions then? Children have to

be rebellious, and they may not listen to what their parents say."

"It has to be like this." Mr. Weasley rubbed his forehead and said, he also

felt a headache for his two sons.

Xia Ran knew what Fred and George were thinking, and decided not to

join the Ministry of Magic. She wanted to open her own shop. In the

original time and space, she relied on Harry's Triwizard Tournament

prize of one thousand gold galleons as starting capital to start her own

business. The journey was ultimately a success.

Weasley's Joke Shop is one of the hottest shops in Diagon Alley!

They had the same idea this time, but without the start-up capital

donated by Harry, their pace of opening the store might be much slower.

Xia Ran touched her chin and asked me to invest in the shares. Anyway,

based on the business skills of the Weasley twins and the deeds of the

original time and space, if he invested, he would probably make a huge

profit and just sit back and collect the money from his golden investment.


Although he was not short of money, he was not very rich. Apart from

being a professor at Hogwarts, he had no other jobs, so investing in the

twin brothers was a good idea.

Xia Ran made a plan and decided to talk to them after they came to

Black's old house during the summer vacation.

After the meeting ended, everyone except Lupine - who lived here and

had a special room, and Sirius even expressed a warm welcome - left one

after another, and Xia Ran and the others returned to Hogwarts.

The school year at Hogwarts is over, the exams are over, and the

Triwizard Tournament has also come to a successful conclusion. The

students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang left uniformly on the fourth day

after the Triwizard Tournament.

What's interesting is that Durmstrang's principal Karkaroff still escaped

this time because he knew the news about Voldemort's return, which

completely confirmed that out of extreme fear, he directly escaped from

the British wizarding world without knowing who he was. When will the

Death Eaters find him?

But no one cares about Karkaroff anymore.

Ms. Maxim seemed to have accepted Hagrid and agreed to Dumbledore's

request. Xia Ran heard clearly from the sidelines that Hagrid and Ms.

Maxim would go abroad during the summer vacation to look for giants

living in seclusion in uninhabited mountains. , to persuade them not to

join the dark wizard camp.

When Xia Ran passed by, she accidentally discovered the little secret of

Harry and the others.

Chapter 244 Farewell

"Harry, I hope we haven't met again." A familiar female voice said. Xia

Ran turned a corner and walked down the stairs. She happened to see

Fleur Delacour hurriedly in the foyer of the castle. Climbing the stone

steps, I shook hands with Harry.

At the other end of the field behind her, Xia Ran could see Hagrid

helping Ms. Maxim harness the two giant horses. Beauxbatons' carriage

was about to set off.

"I hope to find a job here and improve my English." Fleur said.

"Your English is already very good!" Ron's voice seemed to be suffocating.

Fleur smiled at him and Hermione frowned slightly.

Xia Ran thought that Fleur's decision helped her find her other half, Bill

Weasley. However, they still don't know each other because they both

work in Gringotts and Bill Weasley helps Fleur Delacour tutored in

English, and the relationship between the two warmed up, and they

eventually tied the knot.

How about I give it a push? What if Fleur didn't work at Gringotts this

time? Wouldn't she miss Bill's lifelong event? !

"Ahem..." He coughed lightly and walked into the hall.

"Professor Frémont." Several students said.

"Miss Delacour, are you working in London now?" Xia Ran asked.

"Yes, Professor Fremont, do you have any recommendations? I heard

others said that you only arrived at Hogwarts two years ago, right?"

Fleur's eyes lit up.

Xia Ran smiled and replied: "I do have a recommendation, I believe you

will be interested."

"Really?" Fleur asked hurriedly, "What kind of job is it? Is the salary

high? Of course, I'm not saying that I reject some jobs, but... well, you

know, I always have to live, and I can't always rely on my family. in."

Hermione glanced at Professor Frémont strangely. In her impression, the

professor was not a boy like Ron and Harry who only liked pretty girls.

Xia Ran didn't know what Hermione was thinking, so she smiled and

said: "The salary at Gringotts should not be low. I remember that Bill is

usually very generous." After a pause, he continued: "Bill is also a child of

the Weasley family. My eldest brother, he is the Curse Breaker of

Gringotts and a very fashionable person. I will write to him to help you

talk and see if I can let you work in Gringotts."

"But you can also go to the Burrow to find Bill in person and tutor in

English. Bill is a good guy!"

"Bill Weasley..." Fleur Delacour said thoughtfully, "Okay, Professor

Frémont, I will pay Bill a visit."

"Bill will probably write to you later." Xia Ran said, "I will mention it in

the letter."


Fleur nodded, turned and left, saying, "It's a pleasure to see you all this


Harry and Ron watched Fleur hurriedly running along the lawn towards

Madame Maxime, her silver hair rippling like waves in the sun, and their

moods couldn't help but become happy.

Hermione frowned again and asked Xia Ran: "Professor, do you want to

help Fleur find a job?"

"No! It's not me!" Xia Ran shook her head and said, "It's not me who helps

her, but Bill who helps her!"

"Would Bill agree?" Ron asked.

"It depends on their fate." Xia Ran shrugged.

"Ah?!" The three of them were stunned.

However, the three of them did not pay too much attention to Xia Ran's

words. Ron looked at the big boat on the lake and asked: "I wonder how

Domstrang's classmates can go back? You said that without Karkaroff,

they can still Can you pilot that ship?”

"Karkaroff doesn't take the helm," said a hoarse, dull voice. "He usually

stays in the cabin, and we do all the work."

Krum came to say goodbye to Hermione.

"Hello, Professor." He greeted Xia Ran first, and then asked Hermione,

"Can I say a few words to you?"

"Oh... ok... um, okay." Hermione replied, with a slight blush on her face,

and followed Krum through the crowd and disappeared.

"You better hurry up!" Ron shouted at her back, "It's coming soon!"

Xia Ran entered the auditorium. There were only a few people there,

most of them were faculty and staff. After having breakfast, he was ready

to return home with his things.

A few minutes later, he came out again after eating, only to see Ron

stretching his neck and looking at Krum and Hermione from a distance,

trying to see what the two of them were doing.

At this time the two people came back, Ron stared at Hermione, but

Hermione's face looked very calm.

"I have always liked Hogwarts." Krum suddenly said, "Although

Durmstrang is very good, Hogwarts is not bad either, and the climate is

better than ours."

"Have you found a new principal?" Xia Ran asked.

"Not yet, but that is something the school board should consider. They

should already have a suitable candidate in the country, and they may

announce it when we return." Krum replied, and he stretched out his

hand like Fleur, and talked to Ha Leigh and Ron shook hands.

When shaking hands with Xia Ran at the end, he said: "Professor

Frémont, I have to say, your course is very good! Because we don't have

this combat course, I hope the new principal can also open a combat

course after returning."

During the almost a year that the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students

stayed at Hogwarts, they followed the students of the same grade at

Hogwarts and naturally listened to Xia Ran's teachings.

"I wish you all your wishes." Xia Ran smiled.

Ron's expression was twisted, as if he was suffering from some painful

inner conflict.

Klum was about to leave when Ron suddenly said: "Can you sign your

name for me?"

Hermione turned her face and looked at the calm lake. The horseless

carriages - actually pulled by Thestrals - were slowly driving towards

them along the driveway, with an inexplicable smile on her face.

Krum looked surprised and pleased, and signed a piece of parchment for


Harry, Ron, and Hermione carried their things and got on the carriage.

Their expressions were strange because they didn't see the creature

pulling the carriage.

Thestrals need to be seen by those who have faced death.

"Professor Frémont, we will meet again in the summer," Hermione said,

"We will go to Grimmauld Place."

Ron nodded.

Harry forced a smile. He had to go back to Privet Drive and stay at the

Dursleys' house, although in his heart he also longed to go to Grimmauld

Place and meet his godfather.

"Well, goodbye." Xia Ran waved goodbye to the three of them, went up

the stairs, and took a look outside. In the square outside the castle, there

were many Thestrals pulling carriages, heading towards the platform

where the Hogwarts Express train stopped. After a while Then it will

head to Platform 9 and Three Quarters in London.

"Another year is over. This is my third year at Hogwarts..." Xia Ran

sighed, but when she thought about her greatly improved magic level,

she suddenly felt happy again.

Chapter 245 Concerns

Xia Ran returned directly to Fremont Manor through the Floo Network.

Dust accumulated in the house and the yard was overgrown. Even if he

used magic, it took him a while to clean it up.

After everything was cleaned up, he made something to fill his stomach.

"Well, the cooking skills are far inferior to those of the elves at

Hogwarts." Xia Ran muttered. His cooking skills are not bad - after all, he

has nearly twenty years of personal life - but compared to the house

elves. Get up, that’s still a long way off.

He took out the parchment and quill again and wrote a letter to Bill,

telling about Fleur Delacour.

"Edsna, please, send it to the Burrow and Bill Weasley will collect it. But

as long as you get to the Burrow, it doesn't matter who collects it." Xia

Ran told her owl.

Edsna pecked him gently and flew out of the window with fluttering


Bill wrote back a day later. The letter said that he had heard Ron

mention it about Miss Fleur Delacour. He would not mind doing her a

favor. He would personally write the letter and send it to Miss Delacour.

If De If Miss Rakul didn't mind, he would find her a job at Gringotts.

Of course, Bill also said in the letter that this requires Miss Delacour to

pass the goblin assessment. After all, Gringotts Wizarding Bank is the

property of the goblins.

As for helping with English tutoring, let's wait until Miss Delacour applies

for a job at Gringotts.

A few days later, while attending a new Order of the Phoenix meeting at

Grimmauld Place in London, Xia Ran took the time to ask Bill: "How is it,

has Fleur replied to the letter? She is a beautiful girl, Bill, seize the

opportunity. "

Bill smiled helplessly: "Xia Ran, please stop teasing me." After a pause, he

continued: "She replied and said she would come to London in two days

and hoped to visit me once. I asked my parents , and they agreed."

"Son, of course we agree." Mrs. Weasley squinted her eyes and smiled, "I

heard Ginny say that Miss Fleur Delacour is from Beauxbatons in France,

right? She's quite beautiful. I also want to meet this girl in person."

"Mom, where did you want to go?" Bill asked helplessly.

Xia Ran thought to herself that you don't have this idea now. I'm afraid

you will go to the Burrow to attend the wedding in a few months.

"Son, you are already so old. Your parents will not interfere too much in

your life. You can make your own decisions." Mr. Weasley wiped his

glasses and said.

Bill was completely helpless and could only look at Xia Ran

complainingly. He should not have accepted the favor from Xia Ran in

the first place.

"You will thank me, really, Bill." Xia Ran said confidently.

He was confident because Bill and Fleur got together in the original time

and space, and eventually got married, and their married life was very


"Xia Ran, look at this document. Are there any questions?" At this time,

Lu Ping handed over a document from the other side of the long table

and asked Xia Ran.

"Preparations for the Prophecy Sphere of the Ministry of Magic's

Department of Mysteries".

Xia Ran flipped it over, nodded and said, "It's not a big problem."

Through Snape's undercover, the Order of the Phoenix learned that

Voldemort had never given up his desire for the prophecy ball, which

had recorded the prophecy of Professor Sybill Trelawney more than ten

years ago. Voldemort had only heard the first half of it. Part of the

prophecy, this time he was determined to hear the complete prophecy.

As for Dumbledore, he did not want to face him directly, and Professor

Trelawney had been living in Hogwarts. If Dumbledore was not dead, he

would not rashly step into Hogwarts territory, so in the end he could only

The Orb, which is stored in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry

of Magic, is the way to go.

The mission of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​to prevent Voldemort from

obtaining the Prophecy Ball.

Although Xia Ran had a proposal to directly smash the prophecy ball, it

was ultimately rejected because the prophecy ball was related to many

things, and if that thing existed, it could also attract Voldemort's

attention and let him focus almost all his energy on it. Come up, this

way, the Order of the Phoenix can be more relaxed in its arrangements in

other places.

Xia Ran thought about it and felt that Dumbledore's statement made


The main discussion at this meeting was how to prevent Voldemort from

sneaking into the Ministry of Magic, as well as the Death Eaters lurking

in the Ministry of Magic, to prevent the prophecy ball from falling into

Voldemort's hands.

The Order of the Phoenix will form a defensive front with the Ministry of


"Does this mean there are still some problems?" Kingsley asked.

Looking at Dumbledore who was talking to Moody, and Snape who was

concentrating with his eyes closed, Xia Ran recalled that the prophecy

ball in the original time and space was because Voldemort discovered the

connection between his and Harry's brains. Through special means, he

tampered with his thoughts and let Harry know that he impulsively broke

into the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic.

With Death Eaters acting as internal agents, the Ministry of Magic has no

one but the hidden Death Eaters.

This ultimately led to Sirius' death.

He whispered: "Harry is the biggest problem in this plan!"

"Harry?!" Kingsley and Lupine said in shock.

Others turned their eyes in surprise when they heard this.

To prevent the prophecy ball from being stolen by Voldemort, Harry is a

protagonist in the prophecy, but what does this have to do with him? !

"You have forgotten, Harry's head..." Xia Ran pointed to the brain and

said, "It is connected with the mysterious man's brain, and Harry cannot

freely grasp this connection, but I think the mysterious man will soon.

Will realize this, and then he can take the opportunity to create a false

picture to deceive Harry. If Harry is really deceived, as another person

mentioned in the prophecy ball, don't you think Harry can get it? Got the

prophecy ball?"

Dumbledore sat up straight, his expression serious.

He understood what Xia Ran meant. The connection between Harry and

Voldemort had always been a very unsettling factor.

Although others had heard about this matter, they did not understand it

deeply. Sirius asked: "This connection...could Voldemort still use this to

control Harry?"

Xia Ran thought about it, and to be honest, there were signs of this in the

original time and space. For example, when Harry saw Dumbledore

several times, he had the desire to bite Dumbledore. This must be the

fragment of Voldemort's soul in It affected Harry.

"Everyone is in the same camp, so I'll be honest." Xia Ran said softly, "I

think this is possible!"

"Ha, Xia Ran, are you kidding me?" Mr. Weasley's voice sounded strange.

"Harry hasn't been under the Imperius Curse, so how could he be

controlled by a mysterious person?" Tonks didn't believe it either.

But those who knew better, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Moody,

and Snape, all had serious expressions.

"Xia Ran, do you have any basis?" Sirius stared at Xia Ran.

Xia Ran wants to say that the basis is based on the facts in the original

time and space. Will you believe me?

Chapter 246 Meeting

"The connection between them is real. No one can argue with this, right?"

Xia Ran said softly.

Whether everyone was willing to accept this or not, they really couldn't

refute it and had no choice but to nod.

"But..." Sirius seemed to want to say something else.

"What do you think of the mysterious man's attainments in the two

magics of Legilimency and Occlumency?" Xia Ran asked, "Will it be

lower? I dare say that all of us wizards here, even Dumbledore, can't He

said that he must be better at these two magics than the mysterious


"Yes, Tom's attainments in some magics, I have to say, are indeed better

than mine." Dumbledore nodded.

Everyone was silent.

Xia Ran glanced around and said: "Now maybe the mysterious man has

realized the connection between his brains and Harry's. If he takes this as

an opportunity..." He smiled a little as he spoke, and quickly said

seriously: "We Is there any good solution? I’m afraid I’ll have to avoid

Harry by then.”

After Dumbledore learned this in the original time and space, he

intentionally or unintentionally avoided contact with Harry.

"By the way, Severus, how are Harry's control over Occlumency?"

Dumbledore asked.

Snape seemed to sneer, but then restrained himself and said: "It's terrible!

I have never seen such a terrible person..."

"Dumbledore, you let Snotlout teach Harry?!" Sirius looked very

dissatisfied and said, "You might as well let me teach Harry and the

others. At the very least... I won't be self-serving, but teach with all my

heart! "

"You?" Snape smiled coldly and said, "Are you qualified?"

"What did you say, Snotlout?" Sirius was furious.

"Sirius!" Lupine hurriedly grabbed Sirius to prevent him from moving

arbitrarily. After all, he was now a comrade in the same camp.

Sirius sat down angrily.

Snape smiled contemptuously.

Xia Ran touched her chin and said: "I can't tell Harry directly about this

matter, but I can teach them Occlumency. Anyway, Professor Snape,

Harry and the others must be very vindictive. If you are satisfied, you

will learn well from me."

"Grudge?" Dumbledore said, "It is indeed a good method. Young people

are much older than us old men."

"By the way, Remus, what is the internal voice of the werewolf group

now? What attitude do they hold towards Voldemort's recruitment?"

Dumbledore looked at Lupin and asked.

Lupine replied: "It's okay, within the controllable range. Because many

werewolves are innocent victims, and I am one of them..." He smiled

helplessly - Tonks stared at Lupin , with concerned eyes - continued:

"However, as you all know, the attitude of the magic world towards

werewolves is not friendly, so the attitude of most werewolves is that

they are unwilling to intervene in this war between black and white

wizards. "

"The white wizard has gained power, and their situation will not

improve. The black wizard has won, but it doesn't conform to their

ideals, so they simply don't help each other. Anyway, you know the life

of a werewolf..."

Lupine looked tired as he spoke.

Looking at Lu Ping, Xia Ran secretly lamented that because werewolves

transformed once a month - at the full moon - and those who were bitten

by werewolves would also become a new werewolf. This led to the

magical world's attitude towards werewolves. Bad attitudes, even though

many werewolves are innocent victims like Lupine, people's attitudes are

still difficult to change.

Therefore, werewolves live in isolation and are unwilling to participate in

any battles. Even if they want to join this war, they will mostly side with

the dark wizards. For example, the werewolf leader Greyback, who is

cruel by nature and hopes that the world will be full of werewolves, will

naturally follow Voldemort. .

There are very few people like Lupine who stand in the white wizard

camp, and he may even be the only one.

Of course, there are not many werewolves who are cruel in nature, or

werewolves who are resentful, so there are actually only a few

werewolves in the dark wizard camp.

"Your stuff." Snape seemed to remember something, took out a potion

bottle from his loose black robe and placed it on the table.

Tonks handed it to Lupin.

Lupine couldn't help but smile and said, "Thank you, Severus."

He felt that he had inherited a lot of favors from Snape. After all,

preparing Wolfsbane potion for free was not something everyone was

willing to do, especially if they had old grudges when they were students.

As the master of potions in today's wizarding world, Snape's wolfsbane

potion is much more effective than the wolfsbane potion sold on the

market. If he wasn't afraid of troubling Snape too much, Lupine would

beg Snape to deploy more. He wanted to help some other werewolves he

knew, all of whom were wizards who were innocently bitten and turned

into werewolves like him.

"This bottle is not for you to use for one month, but for three months.

Just divide it into three equal parts." Snape said calmly, "Drinking too

much will cause problems."

Lu Ping was slightly startled, then immediately became happy.

It seems that Snape has made some progress in his research on wolfsbane


Originally, such a bottle of magic potion was only enough for him to

transform once, but now it was enough for three uses, and the natural

effect was greatly enhanced.

Dumbledore smiled and asked Hagrid, "Hagrid, when are you going to set


Hagrid replied: "Ms. Maxim has to return to Beauxbatons first, so she has

to wait for another two or three days. I will go directly to find her. Giants

basically live abroad, not at home."

"Well, you and Ms. Maxim must be more careful along the way.

Voldemort will definitely send Death Eaters to win over the giants."

Dumbledore warned.

"Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore." Hagrid said confidently, with a

smile on his face. It was obvious that he was extremely happy to be

walking with Ms. Maxim.

Xia Ran shook her head and laughed, and couldn't help but said: "We are

naturally relieved about Ms. Maxim."

Hagrid smiled sarcastically and scratched his head.

"What about the goblin's movements, Bill?" Dumbledore asked again.

Bill Weasley retracted his gaze and looked at Hagrid with a smile, and

replied: "The goblins are more hesitant, but I think they may be more

willing to get closer to the dark wizard, because the mysterious man can

promise them freedom. This is What the goblins have desired most for


"He knows how to do business!" Moody said angrily, "When we defeated

the goblins, I didn't know how many human wizards' blood was


"We should all know that in the eyes of the mysterious man, humans,

fairies, and werewolves, including vampires and giants, are not valued by

him." Xia Ran said softly, "He only values ​​himself from the beginning

to the end. You can find out through the Horcrux."

"The reason for wooing these groups is just because he wants to gather

more powerful forces to defeat our alliance of the Order of the Phoenix

and the Ministry of Magic."

Chapter 247 Investment

"Werewolves basically don't want to get involved in this war too much.

The attitude of the giants is still unclear, and the goblins are leaning

towards the dark wizard camp." Xia Ran pondered, "The dementors have

long since surrendered to Voldemort, and the same is almost true for

vampires. "

"It seems that our situation is still a bit difficult."

Professor McGonagall said: "Fortunately, the Ministry of Magic and us

have formed an alliance at this time, and we are on the same camp and

on the same line. If Fudge is still in power..."

She couldn't help but shudder as she spoke, obviously thinking of all the

obstacles and obstacles in the past year.

Cornelius Fudge's sentence was also very satisfying.

"How about..." Sirius said, "We just take down Gringotts and drive out all

the goblins!"

"No!" Xia Ran objected, "The number of goblins is not small, and the

goblins' territory is Gringotts, and there is no other place. If the plan is

implemented like this, the goblins will inevitably break out in a collective

uprising. This will really directly affect the situation. They're siding with

the dark wizards."

"It really doesn't have to be so extreme." Dumbledore also said.

Bill said: "I observed the situation in Gringotts. The goblins just have this

tendency, but they are actually similar to werewolves. They don't want to

get too involved in the war between black and white wizards. Anyway,

they only have Gringotts." Territory, no matter who wins, their basic

territory will not change, and it is impossible to change, unless one party

completely annihilates the goblin race!"

"It's just that the mysterious man's promise of freedom still makes them

more excited."

"Genocide is unlikely," Dumbledore said, "but we must make early plans

for the record that the goblins will really turn to the side of the dark

wizards at the critical moment."

"I have consciously or unconsciously asked many curse breakers in

Gringotts. Their attitude is consistent with that of the Ministry of Magic.

They also agree with the philosophy of our Order of the Phoenix. Almost

no one is willing to join the dark wizards." Bill smiled, " So if there is a

goblin rebellion, they will first have to pass the level of our curse


Subsequently, a group of people discussed for a while about the dark

creature races in the magic world and made various targeted measures.

Don’t worry about winning, think about defeat first.

"Kingsley, please tell Amelia about these measures and ask for her

opinion." Dumbledore finally said. Now the Order of the Phoenix and the

Ministry of Magic are allied. Although Dumbledore is the most powerful

white wizard, they are on both sides. Although he is a leader-level figure,

he still does not want to steal the limelight from the Ministry of Magic.

He hopes to have more exchanges with the Ministry of Magic and work

together to fight against Voldemort and the dark wizards.

After the meeting, Xia Ran originally wanted to say a few words and give

some advice to Mundungus, but after thinking about it, she decided not

to do it.

In the original time and space, the reason why Harry was attacked by

dementors during the summer vacation was because Fudge was still in

power at the Ministry of Magic. Umbridge privately ordered the

dementors to attack Harry. Now that Fudge is in prison, Umbridge is also

under attack. After being imprisoned in Azkaban Prison, all the

Dementors surrendered to Voldemort. According to Voldemort, Harry

must deal with Harry's temper personally. How could it be possible for

Dementors to attack Privet Drive?

Moreover, the member of the Order of the Phoenix who secretly cared for

Harry was not just Mundungus, but also Mrs. Figg. Although she was a

squib, she actually cared more about him than Mundungus.

"Xia Ran, what's the matter?" Mundungus caught Xia Ran's gaze.

Xia Ran shook her head and replied: "Nothing."

"By the way, Sirius, I have something to ask your opinion on." Mrs.

Weasley said, clearing her throat, "It's like this. Several children want to

live here for a while during the summer vacation. They want to

contribute to the Order of the Phoenix. Do your best for the job...Well, if

you don't want to--their request really makes trouble--I will just..."

"Welcome!" Sirius smiled, "I welcome you warmly! We just need someone

to help clean this old house."

"They will be happy." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile.

Sure enough, when Xia Ran came to the Black Mansion again a few days

later, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, and even Hermione were all here.

"Hello, Professor." Hermione explained with a smile, "I stayed with my

parents at home for a week - when I went home during the summer

vacation, I bought a lot of things in Hogsmeade. My parents were very

happy. I saw so many interesting snacks - I felt bored, so I went to the

Burrow, and then we went to Grimmauld Place together."

"I wonder when Harry can come?" Ron said excitedly, "The feeling of

staying at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters is just different from

being at home!"

Xia Ran smiled and said, "You will know how boring it is after a while."

"Bored? No, no! We find it very interesting!" George said.

"How is the development of your prank products going?" Xia Ran asked.

Fred smiled and said: "Professor, do you want to buy some? We have a

lot of orders. Wizards inside and outside the school have written letters

to order." Suddenly he lowered his voice and said, "By the way, don't tell

mom, she has been You don’t want us to do this kind of thing!”

"It's better, Dad, let us make our own decisions." George whispered.

Ron said depressedly: "You even charge your own brother for taking

things away..."

"My dear brother," George said, "When doing business, you always have

to clearly mark the price, so that it can last for a long time and be really

prosperous, right?"

Ginny laughed.

"You are about to graduate, what are your plans then? Open a joke

merchandise store in Diagon Alley?" Xia Ran asked again.

Fred and George looked at each other, scratched their heads, feeling

distressed, and said, "That's what we planned, but the location in Diagon

Alley is too good, the rent is very high, we don't have that much money,

and our mother is not willing to support us. , she just wants us to work in

the Ministry of Magic."

"I'll invest you a thousand galleons." Xia Ran smiled, "It's enough for you

to rent a store in Diagon Alley. People are panicking right now, and rents

have declined to varying degrees."


"Professor, you didn't lie to us, did you?!"

The twin brothers' eyes instantly lit up.

Ginny was surprised: "Professor, do you really want to invest in Fred and


"I think your talent - your talent in pranks - is still very good." Xia Ran

smiled, "By the way, don't tell your mother, it doesn't matter if Mr.

Weasley knows."

"Don't worry, professor, we won't tell." The two brothers said together,

looking very excited. Now they will have the funds to open a store after

graduation. They were still worried about this before.

A few days later, when Xia Ran came over again, he gave the bag of

Galleons that Bill had asked Bill to take out from Gringotts to Fred and


Bill was surprised when he saw it.

"Professor, what are you..."

"Bill, this is Professor Frémont investing in our joke shop." Fred said,

carrying the bag upstairs with George.

"By the way, Bill, how are you and Fleur?" Xia Ran asked.

Bill blushed and smiled awkwardly: "She is already working at Gringotts.

I am helping her with English lessons. She is studying very seriously."

Ginny snickered and said, "Bill has a crush on Fleur."

Chapter 248 Another attack

"Don't talk nonsense, Ginny." Bill blushed.

Ginny snickered and said, "I think that Fleur also has a crush on you, Bill,

seize the opportunity."

Bill scratched his head and went into the kitchen to help.

Xia Ran also entered the kitchen. Mr. Weasley was reading the new issue

of the newspaper and said, "Xia Ran, you are mentioned in it."

"What?" Xia Ran asked. He didn't know that anything about him could be

published in the newspaper.

Well, of course, putting aside the whole pretending to be Voldemort


"The newspaper said that Ms. Bones intends to invite you to return to the

Ministry of Magic to serve as a high-ranking official in the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement." Lupine smiled and said, "Xia Ran, you are

very popular."

"Really?" Xia Ran asked, taking the newspaper and taking a look at it, it

was indeed what Lu Ping said.

"Are you going to resign?" Sirius asked.

Xia Ran shook her head and said in confusion: "Why did Amelia suddenly

have such an idea? I used to work in the Office for the Prohibition of

Abuse of Magic at the Ministry of Magic, but I didn't have any

outstanding performance."

"Could it be that she knew about the last real and fake mysterious man

incident, that you were pretending to be a mysterious man?" Lu Ping


Xia Ran touched her chin and said, "It shouldn't be the case, right?!"

"Then you may have to be more careful. If Ms. Bones noticed you, it's

hard to say that the mysterious man didn't notice you." Lupine reminded,

"I believe that after the last real and fake mysterious man incident, we Of

all people, apart from Dumbledore and Harry, the mysterious man may

want to kill you the most!"

"That's right!" Sirius agreed, "Voldemort thinks very highly of himself - of

course he has this qualification - his parents didn't want to use the name,

and he also didn't want others to mention the name he chose, so he put a

curse on his name. , many people...even we must be careful not to use the

word Voldemort at certain times and call him by his first name, so as not

to attract his attention."

"It is conceivable how much he values ​​himself and how unique he

thinks he is. When Voldemort knows that someone dares to disguise

himself, I boldly speculate that he will definitely hate you to the bone!

This kind of hatred, You are no younger than Dumbledore, and if your

identity is exposed, you will not be as deeply afraid of Voldemort as


Sirius warned: "Xia Ran, you'd better decorate your residence with more

magic as a precaution."

Xia Ran nodded.

He knew how powerful Voldemort was. After all, they had fought against

each other once before, and both of them were at a disadvantage when

they teamed up with Moody. If Dumbledore hadn't arrived in time, the

two of them would have even been in danger of death.

However, his magic level has been greatly improved compared to his

own at that time. At that time, he had level 6 (elementary) magic power,

but now he also has level 6 (advanced) magic power. If he fights

Voldemort alone, it is impossible to defeat him, but in a short time If you

take one move inside, it won't be a big problem to block him for a few


After all, Dumbledore and Voldemort were only level 7 legendary


Of course, this step is extremely difficult to overcome. Xia Ran estimated

that he would need at least two to three hundred Force points to help

him cross the huge gap between level 6 and level 7 to become a

legendary wizard!

Boom! !

At this time, someone knocked on the door suddenly, and the movement

was loud. It was obvious that the person who knocked on the door was

very anxious.

"I'll drive it!" Ginny said first.

"Sirius, Lupin, something big... something bad is going to happen!"

It was the voice of Mundungus. He was trembling slightly and walked

into the kitchen with a pale face. "Xiaran and Arthur, you are here too."

"What's the matter, Dunge? What's wrong?" Sirius asked.

Mundungus wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "Harry...

Harry was attacked by dementors!"


"When did this happen?"

"Harry isn't hurt, is he? Is he okay?"

The group of people in the kitchen suddenly became frightened and

became confused. Lupine stood up immediately and asked: "Dunge,

what's going on? Aren't you and Mrs. Figg specially designed to protect


Xia Ran frowned, this was indeed the case in the original time and space,

but didn't Umbridge make her own decision at that time and order the

dementors to attack Harry? ! Now Umbridge has been sentenced to

Azkaban Prison...

Ah, yes, the dementors had already rioted in groups and defected to

Voldemort's dark wizard camp. Perhaps they were instigated by


Xia Ran shook her head secretly, it was impossible!

According to what Voldemort has shown all along, he wants to kill Harry

with his own hands, wash away the shame of more than ten years ago,

and end his old enemy in this prophecy. He will never instruct the

dementors to attack and kill Harry!

Could it be that it was the same as Umbridge's situation in the original

time and space, where she hid her immediate boss and acted privately?

But who was the person who commanded the dementors? Ordinary Death

Eaters certainly cannot command Dementors!

"I..." Mundungus swallowed and said, "Harry is fine. He used the Patronus

Charm to repel the dementors. Mrs. Figg saw it with her own eyes and

sent him back to Dursley herself. Home."

"Mrs. Figg saw it with her own eyes and escorted it herself? Where are

you?" Mrs. Weasley asked aggressively.

"I..." Mundungus said with big drops of sweat, "I... I had a business at the

time, a big business... I didn't mean to..."

"Mungdungs!" Mrs. Weasley said like an angry lion. Even if she said she

wanted to eat Mundungs, no one would believe it.

Mundungus trembled and shivered.

Others could not give Mundungus any sympathy, because they were

really angry at Mundungus' dereliction of duty!

"I'll settle the score with you later!" Sirius said, "I'll go to Privet Drive


"No!" Lupine said, "Sirius, we can't have too many people passing Harry's

place, and Dumbledore's instructions..."

"Instructions? What more instructions are there?" Sirius asked irritably,

"Are you waiting to collect Harry's body in the end?"

"Sirius, you are not the only one who cares about Harry here!" Mr.

Weasley said, "We also care about Harry and hope that he is safe and

sound, but this matter must be directed by Dumbledore, especially Now

that Harry is safe."

"Safety? Ha, the dementors have appeared, so why talk about safety?"

Sirius said angrily.

"Sirius, calm down." Xia Ran frowned, turned to Mundungus and said,

"Mundungs, you go back to Privet Drive first and work with Mrs. Figg to

protect Harry secretly. If there is another emergency, , notify us


"Ah...Okay, yes, no problem." Mundungus said, running out of Black's old

house and disappearing with a snap.

"Xia Ran, what do you think we should do? Do we just have to wait here

and wait for news?" Sirius asked.

Xia Ran was about to reply when her ears suddenly twitched, she looked

at the door and said, "Someone is here again!"

Sure enough, with two snaps, two familiar figures walked into the Black

old house, Kingsley and Tonks.

"The Ministry of Magic has detected it!"

Chapter 249 Result

"The Ministry of Magic has detected it!" Tonks said loudly. "Harry, who is

under age, used magic outside the school without permission. He was

tracked by the Legal Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic

through traces. A letter has been written to warn him!"

"It's not a warning, Tonks." Kingsley said seriously, "It's to destroy his

wand! According to Mafalda, they prohibit the misuse of magic in the

office - yes, the office where Xia Ran originally stayed - I have already

written to inform Harry, and we will soon select a candidate to go to

Privet Drive to destroy Harry's wand and inform him face to face again

that he has been expelled from Hogwarts!"

"No!" Hermione said sadly.

Ron and Ginny were also frightened, with their mouths wide open and

looking at Kingsley blankly.

"Perhaps you don't know?" Kingsley said, "Harry has a record of using

magic outside of school before, so this is his second violation of the

"Restraint of Minor Wizards Act", which prohibits abuse. The Wizards

Office decided to expel him from Hogwarts, destroy his wand, and return

him to the Muggle world."

Ron, Fred, and George blinked. They knew why Harry was warned last

time. It was actually Dobby who used Apparition, but because there were

no other wizarding families on Privet Drive, and there were no adult

wizards. Traces appeared, so that magic wave was recorded on Harry's


"Does Amelia know about this?" Xia Ran asked.

"It should be unclear. After all, she is already the Minister of Magic and

will not be in charge of the affairs of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement. Moreover, the Office for the Abuse of Magic is only an

office under the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Kingsley


"We have already informed others to report the news, and Amelia will

know about it soon," Tonks added.

"That's okay, Amelia will take back this order." Xia Ran said with some


"I'm afraid I'm not that optimistic!" Kingsley said solemnly, "When we

came out, we heard some people talking about this matter, hoping that

the two illegal records would be superimposed and Harry Potter could

return to the Muggle world. Obviously, those people They all lean toward

the dark wizard camp."

"Is there nothing we can do?" Hermione asked in horror.

Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George looked around, their faces also filled with


"Don't worry, Harry will be fine. We are here, as well as Dumbledore."

Bill comforted him.

Xia Ran pondered: "The letter from the Office for the Prohibition of

Abuse of Magic should have been sent to Privet Drive. We also need to

write a letter to tell Harry not to run around, especially not to give more

clues to people with ulterior motives in the Ministry of Magic."

"I have paper and pen." Hermione continued, taking out the paper and

pen from the small bag on the table and handing them to Xia Ran.

"Sirius, you write it. You are Harry's godfather. You can comfort Harry

more at this time." Xia Ran pushed it to Sirius and said, "Remember, don't

let Harry escape. Impulsive, otherwise, I can’t even explain it with ten


"It can still be said that it is because of the Dementors. Harry had to use

magic because his life was threatened, which violated the law. But if he

takes the initiative to escape... it will be equivalent to directly handing

over the initiative to other people with ulterior motives. In the hands of

someone else! What’s more, as a minor wizard, how can he resist the

representative wizard of the Ministry of Magic?!"

"Yes." Sirius quickly wrote the letter and asked the owl postman to

deliver it to Harry Potter on Privet Drive.

Watching the owl fly away, everyone's mood reached a very heavy point,

and no one in the room spoke.


At this time, Snape apparated in front of the old Black Mansion with a

gloomy expression. He did not express surprise when he saw everyone

standing at the door. He only said in a solemn voice: "Dumbledore has

arrived at the Ministry of Magic and is investigating the cause and reason

of the entire incident. While communicating with Ms. Bones, you all stay

at Grimmauld Place and write letters to communicate with Harry Potter."

"The message is over, goodbye."

Snape followed with another snap and disappeared in front of the gate of

Black's old house.

"It's okay." Mrs. Weasley breathed a sigh of relief. "Dumbledore has gone

to the Ministry of Magic, so there should be no problem. He has... great

powers and can always do many things that others can't do!"

Everyone has full confidence in Dumbledore.

"By the way, we have to go back and inquire about the situation in the

Ministry of Magic." Kingsley said.

"I'll come with you," said Mr. Weasley. "Molly, kids, I have to go back to

the Ministry at this time."

So Kingsley, Mr. Weasley and Tonks all disapparated at the same time.

The others went back into the house. Kreacher, Sirius and Mrs. Weasley

brought the food to the table. Everyone ate in silence. After waiting for

almost an hour, Mr. Weasley, Kingsley and Tonks came to the table. Back

here again.

"How is it?" Lupine asked.

"It's not a good situation, but it's okay. It would have been much better at

first." Mr. Weasley replied, "Is there anything left? We haven't eaten."

"And!" Sirius jumped up and asked, "Arthur, Kingsley, Tonks, what do

you want to eat?"

The three people said what they wanted to eat, and Sirius and Mrs.

Weasley helped Kreacher prepare it. However, because the kitchen in

Black's old house was very large, the others just sat at the dining table,

and everyone could hear the conversation. Got to see.

"What's Amelia's attitude?" Xia Ran asked.

Tonks replied: "Amelia's attitude is not bad. She agreed to Dumbledore's

request and ordered the Office for the Abuse of Magic to modify the

notice. It no longer directly expels Harry or destroys his wand, but

instead To hear Harry’s detailed report, but some people objected.”

"Who?" Xia Ran frowned.

"Lucius Malfoy!" Mr. Weasley said coldly, "He and a group of people were

obsessed with Harry's two consecutive violations of the law and forced

Harry to hand over his wand. Finally, Amelia Ya and Dumbledore backed

down due to their tough attitude, but also demanded that a trial must be

held so that witnesses could appear to prove that Harry was indeed

forced to use magic because of the Dementors."

Tonks said helplessly: "In this situation, it is impossible for Amelia and

Dumbledore to continue to be tough, because Harry broke the law twice

in a row..."

"Last time it was clearly a house elf who used magic, but it ended up

being blamed on Harry." Ron, Fred, and George said angrily.

"But at this time, it is impossible for you to reverse the case for the first

violation. It will be thought that you did it deliberately, but it will attract

more dissatisfaction." Lu Ping said.

"However, due to Amelia's insistence, the trial regarding Harry was

rescheduled to a hearing on August 12th." Kingsley said and took a

sausage. He was obviously hungry.

Xia Ran nodded slightly and said: "That's okay, the hearing is something

like that. The Minister of Magic, Amelia, is on our side, and Dumbledore.

Harry did encounter a dementor. The hearing is definitely There won’t be

any problem!”

Chapter 250 Dursley

"You are wrong, Sharon." Mr. Weasley said as he ate. "The mysterious

man will definitely not let go of such a great opportunity - indeed it is

true for him - as long as Harry is expelled After leaving Hogwarts, his

wand was broken and destroyed by the Misuse of Magic Office, so Harry

basically had nothing to resist."

"Well, to say the least, we provided Harry with the Elder Wand that no

one was using, and we could also help him tutor him in magic knowledge

in private - there is indeed a lot of professors in the Order of the Phoenix

- but after all, this is not as good as in school. Class, not to mention that

Harry is someone who is banned from using magic by the Ministry of


Lupine also nodded and said: "Yes, at this critical moment, we cannot go

against the Ministry of Magic, especially after Fudge has been defeated

and Ms. Amelia Bones has taken over."

"We must abide by the legal provisions of the Ministry of Magic. At least

we must abide by the legal provisions on the surface. Those Death Eaters

lurking in the Ministry of Magic also do the same." Mr. Weasley said,

"Falling people Never do anything that is a handle."

Xia Ran nodded.

What Mr. Weasley and Lupine said made sense.

This is a war, a war between black and white wizards. Winning more

friends and dividing the enemy's strength is what they should think and

act, instead of doing many irrational things on impulse, which is

tantamount to Going against the grain, he took the initiative to help

reduce the number of friends, which pushed many neutral people to the

side of the dark wizard.

"More than ten years ago, we did not completely liquidate the Death

Eaters." Kingsley said, "Many wizards who were originally Death Eaters

now rely on family power. Many of them occupy high positions in the

Ministry of Magic. There are also people such as Lu Pure-blood nobles

like Hughes Malfoy have been receiving various benefits for more than

ten years. Even if Amelia becomes the Minister of Magic, she will still

encounter many constraints."

"The mysterious man will definitely use the power of his Death Eaters to

entangle the Ministry of Magic, and will also involve our energy and

attention, creating opportunities for his actions." Sirius said.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "But we are not without advantages, right? The

Minister of Magic, Amelia, is on our side, and Scrimgeour, the director of

the Auror Office, is also on our side. Someone who might have

compromised with the mysterious man.”

"The situation is much better than when Fudge was in office."

Everyone nodded.

Indeed, the situation has changed drastically. The Ministry of Magic and

the Order of the Phoenix have a cooperative attitude, rather than the

original repressive policy.

"The hearing on August 12th..." Sirius said, "We have to bring Harry to

the Order of the Phoenix in advance. Before the hearing, we must explain

the situation clearly to him, otherwise he may be impulsive... I

understand. He understands it very well!”

"Mention that to Dumbledore next time," said Mr. Weasley.

Xia Ran said goodbye and left the Black Mansion. Along the way, he was

thinking about who was behind the appearance of the Dementors on

Privet Drive and the attack on Harry.


Time soon came to early August, Sirius mentioned to Dumbledore about

picking Harry up from Grimmauld Place, and Dumbledore agreed.

"I also need Harry's help for something," Dumbledore said. "Of course,

after the hearing on August 12th, I believe he can walk out of the

Ministry of Magic without guilt."

"Then I..." Sirius continued, he wanted to set off to pick up Harry.

However, Dumbledore called Xia Ran's name and said: "Xia Ran, please

go and pick up Harry. Sirius, sometimes you are impulsive and impulsive,

and..." After a pause, he decided to tell the truth: "If Xia Ran goes, even if

she encounters Death Eaters, I can rest assured that even if Voldemort

personally attacks, Xia Ran can resist for a while and support me until I

arrive at the battle site."

Sirius smiled helplessly, yes, after more than ten years in prison, his

magic power has stopped improving long ago and is stuck at level 5.

Basically, there is no hope of reaching level 6 in his life.

"Xia Ran, is it okay? Just these two days, are you okay?" Dumbledore

looked at Xia Ran and said.

Xia Ran nodded slightly, indicating that she could take on this task.

The next day, Xia Ran disapparated and arrived at Privet Drive. He had

been here once before - in fact, during last summer vacation, he took

Harry to the Burrow to watch the Quidditch World Cup - as long as he

had been to a place that had an impression. , and if the distance is not

very far, Xia Ran can reach it through apparation and apparation.

He is particularly good at this space magic.

"Who?" He heard a familiar voice coming from the room nearby. He

turned around and saw Mrs. Figg coming out of the house with a bag of

cat food in her hand. She seemed to be feeding her cat food just now. cat.

"Oh, it turns out to be Xia Ran. I was shocked just now. I thought some

dark wizard had apparated over." Mrs. Feige breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mrs. Figg, good evening." Xia Ran said politely.

Mrs. Figg invited: "Want to come in and have a cup of tea? Oh, I'm sorry,

I forgot, you are here to pick up Harry, right? He has been at home since

that incident."

She pointed to a house and said, "That's the Dursley's."

"Thank you, Mrs. Figg. Goodbye." Xia Ran said politely, without saying

that she knew the location of the Dursley's house.

Mrs. Figg turned around and entered the room. Xia Ran may feel slightly

worse than Dumbledore now.

Xia Ran knocked on the door of Dursley's house.

"Who?" came a woman's voice from inside, probably Harry's aunt Petunia


Then the door opened.

"It's you?!" Petunia Dursley was obviously surprised when she saw Xia


"Hello, good evening, Mrs. Dursley." Xia Ran said also very politely.

"Oh, hello." Penny said casually, still looking very surprised, "Who are

you...that professor..."

"A professor at Hogwarts, a teacher who specializes in teaching combat

classes." Xia Ran said.

Penny gasped, as if she had just heard something ominous.

"Well, don't you invite me to come in and sit down?" Xia Ran glanced

into the room.

Vernon Dursley had just come out of the kitchen with a box of food.

Dudley Dursley looked towards the door furtively. When he saw Xia Ran's

eyes, he was startled. Lian turned around and stared at the TV.

"Okay." Penny said reluctantly, "Come in."

Summer happily walked into the Dursley's house and said, "Good

evening, Mr. Dursley, and hello, Dudley."

Vernon Dursley blinked his little eyes, as if he was wondering if he had

seen it wrong. Why did a wizard come to his home? !

Dudley was trembling, as if he was afraid of people related to magic.

Except Harry, of course.

"Well, Mrs. Dursley, could you call Harry down?"

As Xia Ran said, there was a sound of footsteps at the top of the stairs,

and then a thin young man with black hair and green eyes appeared.

Wearing a pair of glasses, he said in surprise: "Professor Frémont?!"

Chapter 251 Picking up people

"Harry, good evening, I'm here to pick you up." Xia Ran smiled, "Are

everything ready? We will leave soon."

Harry suddenly became anxious and said hurriedly: "Uh, Professor... wait

a minute, I'll be down with my suitcase in a minute." He didn't say that

he hadn't packed his luggage yet, and was rushing back to the bedroom

to pack his things.

Xia Ran saw it, smiled, and walked to sit on a sofa in the Dursley's living


Vernon Dursley had bulging veins on his forehead. He seemed extremely

angry at Xia Ran's actions, but at the same time he was afraid of his

strange magic.

In the end, it was Petunia Dursley who was the first to react. She sat next

to Dudley, some distance away from Xia Ran, and asked him: "You came

to pick up Harry and go to what...school? He's not Was he fired? Because

he used magic on Dada." While speaking, he looked at Dudley lovingly.

"It's true that Harry used magic, but I believe he didn't use magic on

Dudley, but on a dark creature." Xia Ran said softly, "Maybe Harry has

told you that The name of the thing…”

"Photograph...dementors?!" Dudley suddenly spoke, his voice trembling.

Vernon and Petunia were obviously startled and looked at their son in


Dudley said intermittently: "He said...Harry said that dementors absorb

people's happiness..." He couldn't help but shuddered as he spoke, with a

look of fear on his chubby face.

The people who encountered Dementors at that time, besides Harry, were

also present, and had their happy memories absorbed by a Dementor. If

Harry hadn't summoned the Patronus in time, he would have been kissed

directly by the Dementor on the spot. , turned into a vegetative state with

a dead soul.

"Yes, that's right." Xia Ran nodded, "Dementors are terrible things, but

they are terrible. They specialize in the happiness of living people as

food. If you want to deal with them, you can only use the Patronus

Charm. Others No spell will work.”

Vernon and Petunia both twisted their faces, as if Xia Ran had said

something disgusting.

Xia Ran shrugged her shoulders.

The atmosphere in the living room seemed very depressing, mainly due

to the Dursleys, who expressed their sincere distaste for magic, but

because they were afraid of Xia Ran's magic, they did not dare to put

forward any opinions, so they could only sit on pins and needles.

After a while, Petunia suddenly spoke and asked: "That Voldemort, the

person who killed Lily, is he... back again?" Her eyes were very strange,

her big light-colored eyes were wide open, and inside There seems to be

not only fear, but also other emotions, such as hatred? !

Xia Ran didn't know if he had seen it wrong, because Penny quickly

looked away and said: "Yes, Voldemort, Dumbledore should have

mentioned to you that the extremely powerful and powerful man who

killed the Potters The evil dark wizard is back."

"Isn't he dead?" Vernon asked doubtfully, his face wrinkled, and he said

impatiently, "The big guy said that he left, died, and will never come

back! Don't even think about it. Lied to me!"

He stared at Xia Ran, and suddenly saw Xia Ran raise an eyebrow, and

suddenly realized that the person in front of him was not his nephew

Harry, who would not let him press him, and was even proficient in

various magics.

He still remembered the last time a young wizard came over and gave

Dudley a pig's tail.

Vernon immediately avoided Xia Ran's sight.

"Just because he's dead doesn't mean he won't come back!" Xia Ran

smiled softly and said, "Even if you don't understand the magical world,

you can still understand a concept from so many movies and TV dramas

that have been broadcast on TV."

"What?" Petunia asked, actually already having the answer in her mind.

Xia Ran whispered: "Resurrection from the dead! Voldemort, he is back


"Resurrection?!" The Dursleys huddled in a corner of the sofa, with

extremely frightened expressions on their faces.

"Yes, resurrection!" Xia Ran sighed, "In the magical world, there are many

things that you think only exist in myths and legends, such as ghosts,

werewolves, vampires, giants, etc. Not to mention that Voldemort is so

powerful that he can be called a legend. He is a wizard, so in fact,

resurrection is something he can do, so you shouldn't act so surprised."

"Um, Professor Frémont, what is this?"

At this moment, Harry came down carrying a suitcase and an owl cage.

When he saw the Dursleys huddled together with frightened expressions,

he was stunned for a moment.

Professor Frémont taught the Dursleys a lesson?

"We just chatted about something." Xia Ran said, "Let's go and get to

Grimmauld Place early. Everyone else is waiting for you to come and

have dinner."

Harry walked down the stairs in two steps at a time, carrying his suitcase

and owl cage tightly.

Xia Ran stood up and said, "Mr. Dursley, Mrs. Dursley, excuse me."

Harry was already at the door ahead of him, clearly eager to leave the


Suddenly Petunia Dursley spoke and asked slowly: "That dark wizard, the

reborn Voldemort...will you kill him?"

As soon as the words came out, there was two seconds of dead silence.

Petunia Dursley and Xia Ran looked at each other without moving their

heads, avoiding Xia Ran's eyes that turned to look over.

Vernon and Dudley looked at her with wide eyes.

Harry's mind was also in confusion. Aunt Petunia... why... wasn't she the

most reluctant to mention anything related to the wizarding world?


"He won't win!" Xia Ran was silent for a while and said, "All of us will do

our best to stop Voldemort. Our war will completely kill him this time!"

"I hope you can succeed." Penny whispered.

"I'd like to lend you some good advice." Xia Ran nodded and said, "Harry,

let's go."

Harry walked out of the Dursley's house in a daze, his mind still


"Harry, take my hand." Xia Ran's voice seemed to come from a distance,

"If you can already disapparate on your own, I certainly welcome you to

rush to Grimmauld Place by yourself, but obviously, you He has not

reached sixth grade yet and is underage, so he does not meet the

requirements for learning Apparition and Apparition."

Harry woke up from a dream and put his hand on Xia Ran's outstretched


"Hold your owl cage tight." Xia Ran reminded again.

Harry grabbed the suitcase and the birdcage tightly with his other hand,

turned around and took a look. The Dursley's house was brightly lit, and

someone seemed to be watching through the window. Before he could

see clearly who it was, his eyes suddenly changed and distorted, and his

whole person It seemed that everything was twisted. The next second he

stepped on the hard ground and looked up to see the Grimmauld Place

that he had been longing to come to.

A shabby house squeezed out between 11 and 13 Grimmauld Place, and

then dirty walls and gloomy windows appeared, and the Muggles living

in houses 11 and 13 , apparently not noticing anything.

Harry had already been here once, so he didn't express much surprise.

Instead, he was full of doubts and had no answers.

"Professor Frémont, just now...Aunt Petunia...she..."

Chapter 252 Harry’s doubts and


"Are you referring to your aunt's words?" Xia Ran said, waiting for the

Black old house at No. 12 Grimmauld Place to completely pop out.

"Yes, Professor." Harry said in confusion, "Aunt Petunia... why..."

"She knows so much about the wizarding world?"

Harry nodded, he was indeed very curious.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "What's weird about this."

Harry was startled.

"Harry, your parents are both wizards. Do you think that as one of your

mother's only remaining relatives - if you count the time since you were

born, there are three - your aunt really knows nothing about the

wizarding world?" Do you know?" Xia Ran said, "Don't say that your aunt

has always shown that she hates the magic world and hates you and your

parents. This is not the reason why she cannot understand the magic

world, but the reason why she should know something about the magic

world. "

Harry thought for a moment, and that was indeed the case.

If he was a Muggle and Dudley became a wizard, he would inevitably

hear something about the wizarding world from Dudley, just like Lily and

Petunia once did.

He almost forgot that his mother and Aunt Petunia were biological sisters

who had lived together for many years.

"But...Aunt Petunia...why does she pretend that she knows nothing about

the wizarding world? She clearly knows a lot of things!" Harry was still


Xia Ran said softly: "Harry, you will understand the reason if you put

yourself in his shoes. Suppose you are a Muggle who cannot enter

Hogwarts, and Dudley is a wizard. Think about it again."

Harry simply couldn't imagine his life without a wizard, especially after

learning about magic through Dudley. He couldn't help but said: "Aunt

Petunia, does she envy my mother?"

"Maybe." Xia Ran was noncommittal. Judging from Snape's memory in

the original time and space, Penny was not just envious, but also jealous.

But Petunia is not without merit. At least, when Harry was a baby, she

pooped him and raised him up. No matter whether she was good or bad

to Harry, her upbringing was a blessing. After all, it is truly true.

Harry's life was not easy compared to Dudley's, but at least he had

enough food and clothing and didn't have to worry about his own food

and clothing, right?

Especially if Xia Ran remembers correctly, when Dumbledore left Harry

at the door of Dursley's house, he explained the situation behind Harry

through a letter, that is, the old enemy relationship between him and

Voldemort. The prophecy of Professor Sybill Trelawney is all told.

In the end, Petunia Dursley chose to adopt Harry. She would no longer be

sorry for her sister.

"Why did she... aunt, she..." Harry felt his mind was in a blur, and he said

in a daze, "Why did she tell the professor... to kill Voldemort?"

"It's simple, isn't it?"

Harry was still confused.

"Harry, you are confused." Xia Ran shook her head and said, "No matter

what, even if her surname is changed in the end, Lily will always be

Petunia's biological sister, right? She hopes to kill her sister's murderer. Is

there any problem with being sanctioned?”

"Um, no problem." Harry said blankly.

"Then it's over." Xia Ran said, "Let's go in, the others will be impatient to


Harry opened his mouth, but finally said nothing, but at this moment, his

heart was particularly complicated.


The door opened, and a red-haired head popped out. When he saw Harry,

he immediately said happily: "Harry!" It was Ginny.

She turned and shouted into the room: "Mom, Harry is here, and

Professor Frémont."

"Bastard, dirty fool, scoundrel..." Mrs. Black's curses also sounded.

Ginny stuck out her tongue sheepishly.

Bill and Lupine went over and pulled down the curtain, and the curses

suddenly disappeared.

"Harry." Sirius hugged Harry, "Are you okay?"

Harry saw a group of people in the kitchen, the Weasley family - except

for Percy - Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Professor Frémont, and the silver-haired


Harry wiped his eyes, the girl with silver hair? !

The girl turned her head and smiled at Harry: "Hello Harry, long time no

see. I heard that you encountered a dementor. It was really a great

experience!" It was Fleur Delacour. .

Why is she at the Order's headquarters?

Harry looked confused.

Ginny whispered in his ear: "Bill brought them here. They are in love."

"Harry!" Mrs. Weasley hugged him hard, leaving him unable to ask any

questions. Mrs. Weasley looked at Harry and said, "Oh, you have lost

weight. Sit down quickly and wait. You can start eating when you arrive."

"Sirius, Mrs. Weasley, do you mind if I have a meal?" Xia Ran smiled,

then pulled out a chair and sat down.

Sirius said: "Welcome! I welcome you warmly! Kreacher, are things

ready?" He walked over and asked the house elf.

Hermione frowned immediately.

Kreacher replied sharply: "Master, now, Kreacher's best meal will

definitely satisfy the guests."

"We'll be satisfied," Ron muttered, "as long as you don't come in at night."

"What?" Harry didn't hear clearly.

Ron said: "You will know after you stay here for two nights."

People gathered around the dining table, and the atmosphere was very

lively. Drinks were exchanged, and even Harry had forgotten about the

hearing he was going to attend in a few days. He didn't want to think

about unhappy things at this cheerful time.

But the happy time is always short-lived.

Everyone was chatting after the meal, and Harry was also talking to

Sirius, Fred, and George.

"Harry, your hearing... come with me to the Ministry of Magic when the

time comes. I will take you there." Mr. Weasley took a sip of beer and

said softly.

Harry felt his body suddenly become cold.

"Don't worry, Harry." Lupine comforted, "You will be fine, Dumbledore

and Ms. Bones, they will all help you."

Harry's heart relaxed a little, but he still felt heavy. He asked: "If the

hearing fails...will I be expelled from Hogwarts? The wand will also be

destroyed by the Ministry of Magic."

"I'm afraid so," Tonks said.

Harry looked at Sirius and asked, "Sirius, can I live with you then?"

"I welcome you to live with me," Sirius said, "but I believe you would

prefer to stay at Hogwarts and be with your friends."

Seeing Harry's uneasy eyes, Mr. Weasley comforted him: "Don't worry,

Harry, there is a reason why you violated the "Restraint of Minor Wizards

Act". Your life is threatened, why don't you allow it? Pull out your wand

and fight? That doesn’t make sense.”

Xia Ran stood up, patted Harry on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Don't be afraid, Amelia is not Fudge, and she will not mindlessly oppose

Dumbledore, unless Dumbledore really makes a wrong decision... Okay,

so will I I’m going back, goodbye everyone.”

Chapter 253 Return to the

Ministry of Magic

The hearing on August 12th is coming soon.

Sharon is no longer an employee of the Ministry of Magic, nor is she a

person with many honorary titles like Dumbledore, so she will not be

invited to attend the hearing.

But when he was reading books about transfiguration, an owl flew to

Fremont Manor.

"Amelia wants me to attend this hearing about Harry Potter?!" Xia Ran

opened the letter and was a little surprised. At Harry's hearing, what did

Amelia invite him to do?

Wouldn't it be better to invite Professor McGonagall than him?

Xia Ran thought about it and decided to go once.

He walked out of Frémont Manor, out of the protective range of his own

magic, and Apparated outside the Ministry of Magic's visitor phone box.

It was a bleak little street with only a few shabby-looking offices, a

tavern and a dump truck that was almost overflowing.

"Harry and Mr. Weasley have arrived early?" Xia Ran muttered, looking

around but found no trace of the two of them.

He walked straight to a dilapidated red phone booth, with several pieces

of glass missing and a wall behind it that had been painted over.

He walked in, reached for the phone and picked up the phone.

The phone seemed to be broken, but Xia Ran knew that its current

appearance was caused by the Ministry of Magic's special magic.

"Well, let me see...it looks like...6, 2, 4, 4, 2..." He dialed the visitor


As the dial whirred back to its original position, a woman's cold voice

sounded in the phone booth, and the woman's voice came from the

microphone in Xia Ran's hand. It was loud and clear, like a The invisible

ghost of a woman is standing next to Xia Ran.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please state your name and your


Xia Ran held the microphone casually and said, "Xia Ran Frémont was

invited to attend the hearing of Harry Potter."

"Thank you!" said the cold female voice, "Guest, please pick up the badge

and pin it in front of your clothes."

Ding Lingling!

A small object slipped out of the metal chute usually used to withdraw

coins. Xia Ran picked it up. It was a square silver badge that read: Xia

Ran Frémont, Hearing.

He took the badge in his hand, and the cold woman's voice spoke again.

"Guests of the Ministry of Magic, you are required to be checked and

register your wand at the security desk. The security desk is located at

the end of the main hall."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground of the phone booth suddenly


He slowly sank into the ground. Xia Ran raised his head and saw that the

sidewalk outside the glass window of the phone booth was rising higher

and higher, and finally there was darkness above his head.

"Exquisite little mechanism." He commented in a low voice.

After about a minute, a thin golden light shone on his feet, and then the

golden light gradually widened, expanded to his body, and finally shined

directly on his face, forcing Xia Ran to cast a spell on his face. To avoid

being shot in the eyes.

"The Ministry hopes you have a good day," the woman's voice said at last.

The door of the phone booth opened suddenly, and Xia Ran walked out,

not looking unfamiliar or surprised at all.

After all, he also worked in the Ministry of Magic for eight years.

He stood at the end of a long, splendid hall. The ground was a polished

dark wooden floor, and the peacock blue ceiling was inlaid with

sparkling golden symbols. They were constantly moving and changing,

like a huge bulletin board.

"The Ministry of Magic moves very quickly." Xia Ran secretly thought.

The last time he broke in disguised as Voldemort, he destroyed many

things during the war. Now it seems that they have basically been


"Xia Ran?" said a familiar voice, "Aren't you a professor at Hogwarts?

Why did you come back to the Ministry of Magic?"

It's a former colleague.

Xia Ran spread her hands and said: "Participate in Harry Potter's


The man suddenly understood and followed the crowd into the elevator.

Xia Ran walked lightly and didn't go to any security checkpoint to

register her wand. She just walked to the elevator.

Because he fell at the end, there were not many people waiting outside

the elevator at this moment.

"Eighth floor, Ministry of Magic Hall."

With a clanking and clicking sound, an elevator stopped in front of him.

The elevator door opened, and the people inside were surprised when

they saw him.

"Xia Ran?"

"Professor Frémont?!"

The people in the elevator were Harry and Mr. Weasley. They looked at

Xia Ran in surprise.

Xia Ran walked into the elevator, pressed the button leading to the

Department of Mysteries on the ninth floor, and said, "Amelia seems to

think that I should also participate in this hearing, and specially sent an

owl to notify me."

"Great!" said Mr. Weasley. "The more people who come to the hearing,

the harder it will be for those who want to get in trouble."

Harry knew what Mr. Weasley meant.

A few days ago at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, others also

analyzed that the reason why he had this hearing was mainly due to the

push of those Death Eaters who had not yet been completely exposed,

and after all, he had violated the law twice. Doctrine, at least that's

what's in the Ministry's records.

Since those Death Eaters have not been exposed, or have exposed too

many flaws, Voldemort obviously does not want to see them reveal their

flaws so soon.

In addition to the three of them, there was a sad and depressed wizard in

the elevator. He stared at Harry almost intently, making Harry feel very


"Nine underground floors, Department of Mysteries!" The indifferent

woman fell into silence after speaking.

"Let's go." Xia Ran said, taking the elevator first and waiting for Mr.

Weasley and Harry. The three of them walked through a corridor

together. The walls on both sides of this corridor were different from the

ones above. There were no windows or doors. There is only a black door

at the end.

Harry thought they would open the black door, but when they were

approaching the door, Xia Ran and Mr. Weasley turned and walked to the

left. There was a gap there, leading to a staircase.

"Why did they set the hearing so deep down?" Mr. Weasley gasped.

Xia Ran shrugged her shoulders and said: "It's up to them, but with me

and Dumbledore - I don't know if he's here or not - it doesn't matter what

the situation is. Voldemort can only get in and out when he breaks into

the Ministry of Magic. Well, Dumbledore must be there."

Harry forced a smile, his heart pounding.

The three of them walked under the rough stone wall, with torches stuck

on brackets. The doors they passed here were all heavy wooden doors

with iron bolts and keyholes embedded in them.

"The Tenth Courtroom... Harry, we are here." Xia Ran stopped and said,

"Mr. Weasley, do you want to go in together?"

Chapter 254 Tit for tat

"No, no," Mr. Weasley said breathlessly, "I'm not going in. There's no

reason to be in the courtroom."

Seeing Harry's worried expression, Mr. Weasley comforted him: "Don't

worry, Harry, as long as Xia Ran is here, Dumbledore will be there too."

Harry nodded and took a deep breath, his heart still beating wildly.

He walked to a gloomy black door with a large iron lock, and his

outstretched right hand trembled slightly.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Harry, you go in first, you are the protagonist."

Harry wanted to laugh, but he didn't know if he laughed in the end

because his muscles were already very stiff.

"Harry, good luck to you." Mr. Weasley took a few breaths and slowly

walked back the way he came.

Harry's heart beat harder and harder. He swallowed hard, twisted the

heavy iron handle on the door, and walked into the courtroom.

He took a breath of air. He couldn't control himself. This was a deep dark

room. He had seen this dark room in Dumbledore's pensieve, and

witnessed the Lestranges being sentenced to the Albanian prison. Zikaban

was sentenced to life in prison.

Of course, now the Lestranges have all escaped from Azkaban Prison.

The surrounding walls were made of black stones, and the light from the

torches was dim and eerie. On both sides of him were rows of empty

benches that were gradually rising. In front of him, on the highest

benches, many figures suddenly appeared. A dark figure.

They had been whispering just now. When the heavy door closed behind

Harry, an ominous silence enveloped him. He immediately turned his

head and looked around. When he saw Professor Frémont, he couldn't

help but breathed a sigh of relief.

A cold man's voice echoed in the courtroom.

"you are late!"

"I'm sorry." Harry said nervously, "I...I didn't know the time had


"That's not the fault of the Wizengamot." The voice said, "I sent an owl to

inform you this morning. You need to pay for this. This kind of failure to

respect time..."

"Ahem..." Xia Ran coughed and said softly, "Yaxley, the minister hasn't

spoken yet, why are you in a hurry?"

"You..." The indifferent man's voice seemed to be angry, and he

reprimanded, "Xia Ran, who allowed you to enter the Ministry of Magic?

Since you are no longer an employee of the Ministry of Magic, you

should stay away from the Ministry of Magic and don't leak the

confidential information of the Ministry of Magic. !”

"I allow it."

In the middle of the row of seats in front, a serious witch wearing a

monocle said in a loud and deep voice: "Yaxley, do you have any


A wizard with a sinister face and a fierce look looked ugly and said

bluntly: "No, since it is the minister's order."

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "It seems that Yaxley is a little dissatisfied

with the minister's decision. Amelia, how about I teach him a lesson for

you? You know, I always have the ability to teach people."

"You..." Yaxley's expression became increasingly livid.

Xia Ran smiled.

The atmosphere in the trial room seemed to have changed subtly. Many

wizards were whispering without concealing anything, and shifted their

gaze from Harry to Xia Ran.

Harry gave the professor a grateful look.

He was under so much pressure just now that he almost felt like he

couldn't breathe. Only then did he have time to look at the wizard in this


What he could see was about fifty people, wearing purple-red robes with

a delicate silver "w" embroidered on the left chest. They all lowered their

eyes and looked down. Their eyes were on him just now, but now they

were focused on Xia Ran's. Some had dissatisfied expressions on their

bodies, some had very serious expressions, and some did not conceal

their inner curiosity.

In the middle of the row of benches in front sat the new Minister of

Magic, Amelia Bones.

Ms. Bones is a very majestic wizard, with a wide chin, a square figure,

short gray hair, and a pair of monocles. She is a bit short, but this does

not affect her majesty at all, at least Harry I just thought the look on Ms.

Bones's face was intimidating.

He also saw the wizard Yaxley, who had initially scolded him, sitting on

the right side of Ms. Bones, with a witch in between.

"Okay, Xia Ran, this is the Ministry of Magic. Don't talk nonsense. You

used to be an employee of the Ministry of Magic. You must abide by

some rules." Ms. Bones said without any scolding words.

Yaxley's face was particularly ugly.

Xia Ran smiled and motioned for Harry to sit on the chair in the middle.

Harry lowered his gaze and looked at the chair in the center of the room.

On the armrests of the chair were chains on the left and right.

He had also seen these chains suddenly jump up in Dumbledore's

pensieve, tying up the person sitting on them tightly.

His feet echoed loudly across the stone floor.

Harry sat gingerly on the edge of the chair, the chains clanking

menacingly but not binding him. He suddenly felt dizzy and nauseated,

and quickly looked up at the people sitting on the bench above.

"Very good," Yaxley said loudly, "the defendant has finally arrived..."

"Yaxley, let the minister speak. You have no place to speak here." Xia Ran

interrupted him without giving him any face.

Because he knew that Yaxley was one of the Death Eaters planted by

Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic. Yaxley was also a major suspect in

the death of Amelia Bones in the original time and space.

Xia Ran was wondering if she should take some time to ambush Yaxley

and intercept him halfway.

"I am an employee of the Ministry of Magic, and I must be more qualified

than you!" Yaxley said gloomily.

Xia Ran smiled nonchalantly and said, "I'm not a minister anyway, why

don't you and I give it a try? Whoever wins will be qualified to speak?"

He looked at Yaxley and said interestingly: "Do you dare?"

Yaxley's face became more and more gloomy. He asked himself that his

fighting ability was not weak, but Xia Ran showed such confidence that

he did not dare to agree easily. After all, the Dark Lord still wanted him

to stay in the Ministry of Magic.

Ms. Bones glanced coldly at Yaxley and said, "Okay, let's get started. Are

you ready?" she asked loudly across the bench.

"Yes, ma'am," a voice familiar to Harry said urgently.

Ron's third brother, Percy Weasley, sat at the edge of the front bench.

Harry knew that Percy had severed contact with the Weasley family. For

his dream of power, he used to follow Cornelius Fudge and now follows

Amelia Bones. Will he follow Voldemort in the future?

Harry thought angrily.

Xia Ran nodded slightly. Only three people knew about Percy's

undercover identity. He, Dumbledore and Snape. Originally, after Fudge

fell, they planned to let Percy reveal his identity and intentions, and lift

the relationship with his family. misunderstanding between.

However, Percy believes that Voldemort has not died for a day. As a

wizard who "betrayed" the Order of the Phoenix, he will always have a

certain use. It may not be certain what role he will play in the future. For

the opportunity that may arise, he is willing to continue to accept all The

strange look in his eyes was like that of Professor Snape.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the last undercover agent

trained by Snape.

Chapter 255 Hearing

There was no expression on Percy's face. His eyes hidden behind his

horn-rimmed glasses were staring intently at the parchment in front of

him, with a quill in his hand ready to record.

Ms. Bones looked at Xia Ran and said, "Do you need a chair?"

"I can do it myself." Xia Ran said briskly, took out her wand and waved

it, and a soft chair appeared next to Harry's chair.

Ms. Bones nodded and said, "The hearing on August 12th..."

Percy hurriedly started taking notes.

"About the case of Harry James Potter, who lives at 4 Privet Drive, Little

Whinging, Surrey, for violating the Act for the Restraint of Minors and

the International Statute of Secrecy." Ms. Bones's voice was loud and

clear. Then he said in a low voice, "Interrogators: Minister of Magic,

Amelia Susan Bones; Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, Piers Thicknesse; Deputy Director of the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement, Peter Yaxley." Trial Recorder: Percy Ignatius


Ms. Bones paused as she spoke and asked, "Isn't Dumbledore here yet?"

"He may have been delayed by something, but I can also serve as a

witness for the defendant." Xia Ran replied.

Ms. Bones nodded, clearly satisfied.

""Good, then let's start now. "Ms. Bones said, pulling out a piece of paper

from the pile of documents in front of her, handing it to Pierce

Thicknesse, the also newly appointed Director of the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement, and saying, "You read it out. "

"I shall obey your will, Lord Bones." Thicknesse said politely, took the

piece of paper, and read aloud, "The defendant is accused of the

following crimes: The defendant has previously received a written

complaint from the Ministry of Magic for similar accusations. Warning.

This time, with full knowledge that what he was doing was illegal, he

deliberately and knowingly used it at seven o'clock in the evening on July

20th, in a Muggle residential area, in front of a Muggle. A patronus


"This behavior violates Section 3 of the "Restraint of Minor Wizards Act"

promulgated in 1875 and Article 13 of the "International Statute of

Secrecy of Wizards."

Thicknesse's voice was very loud, and he looked down at Harry coldly

from the top of the parchment, and asked: "Are you Harry James Potter

who lives at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey? "

"Yes." Harry answered.

Xia Ran thought to herself on the sidelines that he had already come into

contact with the original text of the "International Wizarding Statute of

Secrecy" and obtained a full 500 force points. The force points contained

in it are not as high as the "International Statute of Secrecy of Wizards",

but it's not much different if you think about it.

A sudden desire arose in his heart, as long as he could touch the original

text document of the "Act on the Reasonable Restraint of Minor


Thicknesse's questioning of Harry became more and more urgent.

"You were officially warned by the Ministry of Magic three years ago for

illegal use of magic, right?" Thicknesse asked aggressively.

"Yes, but..." Harry wanted to explain, but Thicknesse didn't give him

much chance to speak.

"And you used magic to create a patron saint on the night of July 20th?"

Thicknesse continued to ask.

"Yes." Harry replied, "But..."

"You know that you are not allowed to use magic outside of school

because you are under seventeen?"

"Yes, but..."

"Knowing that you were in a place densely populated by Muggles?"

"Yes, but..."

"Are you fully aware that there was a Muggle next to you at that time?"

"He is my cousin, of course I know that." Harry said angrily, "But I only

use magic because we..."

"You were fully aware of your situation and fully understood the relevant

legal provisions, but you still chose to break the law and use magic? Do

you want to show off in front of your cousin who has been bullying you?"

"No! At that time..."


Xia Ran interrupted Thicknesse's aggressive questioning and said:

"Thicknessy, you didn't organize the hearing like this. Now it's time for

us, the defendant, to describe the situation in detail." She ignored him

and her face changed. The livid Thicknesse said to Harry: "Harry, tell me

in detail what happened that night. Don't hide it, and don't add jealousy."

Harry nodded, took a deep breath, and said: "Because two dementors

appeared in front of us - me and my cousin - he is a Muggle, and I must

stand up to save both of us, otherwise we will definitely... Dementors

deserve to be kissed! Everyone knows the consequences of being kissed

by a dementor!"

The surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet. It seemed that

everyone had lost the ability to speak at this moment. They only stared at

Harry blankly.


After a while, Ms. Bones repeated these three words. Her thick eyebrows

were raised high, and her monocle seemed to be about to slip off. She

said: "What do you mean, child? You should It is clear that the

Dementors have escaped from the confines of Azkaban Prison and have

taken refuge with the person who cannot even be named, yes, that is


There was a gasp from behind.

Facing Ms. Bones's gaze, Harry felt calmer and said, "Yes, I can believe it

because I have seen Dementors - when I was in third grade at Hogwarts,

Dementors Monsters once besieged Hogwarts for half a semester - at that

time two dementors appeared in the alley and came directly towards my

cousin and me!"

"Ah!" Thicknesse spoke again, making an obnoxious mocking sound,

while looking at the hearing wizards in front and behind, who were

basically members of the Wizengamot wizarding organization, and

seemed to hope that they would take action on this matter. Jokes also get

the message, "Yeah, yeah, I knew we were going to hear shit like that."

"The Dementors are in Little Whinging?" Ms. Bones said, her tone full of

surprise. "I don't understand..."

"Don't you understand?" Thicknesse sneered, "Let me explain it kindly. He

really took great pains - this famous 'Savior', 'Boy-Who-Lived' Harry

Potter Special - when he figured out that Dementors could be a great

excuse, brilliant indeed! Muggles can't see Dementors, right, kid? Very

clever, very clever, and I have to say, I applauded him. ! So there are no

witnesses, only your one-sided story, Harry Potter..."

"I didn't lie." Harry argued loudly and angrily, his voice drowning out the

renewed whispers in the courtroom, "There were two of them, blocking

each other from both ends of the alley, and everything became so dark

and cold. , my cousin touched them and tried his best to escape..."

"That's enough, kid, that's enough!" Thicknesse said impatiently, with a

very arrogant look on his face, "I'm sorry that I interrupted you from

telling your carefully crafted lie, I can bet you a galleon , this is definitely

an argument that Harry Potter has rehearsed for a long time! After all, he

has a professor beside him, who is also a professor of combat class, right?

Of course the professor knows about Dementors."

Chapter 256 Argument

Xia Ran patted Harry on the shoulder, told him to calm down, and said

softly: "May I think so, Thicknesse, do you think the appearance of the

Dementors... is a lie, a big lie, used to deceive the Ministry of Magic and

the Of all people, and was this a lie that Harry and I spun together?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Thicknesse said haughtily.

Harry glared at Thicknesse angrily, clenching his teeth, and wanted to

cast a curse on this man. Unfortunately, his wand was registered by the

security checkpoint, and he would definitely be discovered if he used


Of course, he also knew that using magic without authorization in front

of so many adult wizards was extremely unwise and irrational behavior.

The whispers in the courtroom became louder, and the looks of many

people looking at Harry, including Xia Ran, changed subtly, which

undoubtedly made Harry even more annoyed.

Xia Ran smiled calmly and said: "Perhaps you have overlooked it - or you

may have ignored it intentionally - are dark creatures like dementors

normally something that an underage wizard can deal with? Even many

adult wizards don't know the Patronus Charm, and you all should know

that, right?"

"Yes." Ms. Bones nodded, looked at Harry and asked, "So, Harry Potter,

you created a Patronus, a complete and mature Patronus? Dementors will

not retreat easily. ."

"Yes." Harry replied.

"A physical patron saint?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Harry felt like he didn't hear clearly.

"A physical patronus!" Ms. Bones said in a booming voice. "Your patronus

has a distinct form? I mean, is it not just vapor or smoke?"

"Yes," said Harry, feeling irritated and a little desperate, "a stag, always a


"Every time?" Ms. Bones's voice could be found to have changed slightly

as she said, "Have you ever transformed a patron saint before?"

"Yes," Harry replied, "I've been doing this for months."

"Are you fifteen now?" Ms. Bones asked.

"Yes, and..."

"Did you learn it at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?" Ms.

Bones interrupted him and continued to ask.

Harry answered truthfully: "Yes, Professor Lupine mentioned it when I

was in third grade, and Professor Frémont taught us when I was in fourth

grade, because..."

"It's amazing." Ms. Bones looked at him from above and said, "Harry

Potter, at his age, he can transform into a real Patronus...it's really


Some wizards around her began to whisper to each other again, some

nodded, while others showed displeasure and shook their heads.

"It's not a question of how amazing magic is, Minister." Thicknesse said in

an annoyed voice, "In fact, I think the more amazing it is, the worse it is,

because the kid did it in front of a Muggle! "

The wizards who looked displeased, such as Yaxley, murmured their


As a result, Harry actually saw Percy Weasley nod his head pretending to

be serious. He glared at Percy angrily, but Percy pretended not to notice.

"As you wish, Thicknesse." Xia Ran said softly, "In order to ensure the

implementation of the two laws, the International Wizarding Secrets Act

and the Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act, even some of our

young wizards, Underage wizards encounter fatal dangers and are not

allowed to use magic. They can only sit back and wait for death?"

"That's not what I meant," Thicknesse said angrily.

"No, that's what you mean!" Xia Ran said softly, "I know that in the eyes

of people like Thicknesse and Yaxley, sacrificing for the confidentiality of

the magical world - yes, there are legal provisions to support it - sacrifice

Some wizards—maybe they are underage wizards at this time, and they

may be adult wizards in a while—are necessary and very reasonable!"

"Just like what our greatest enemy - yes, you should all be able to guess,

is the man who must not even mention his name, you call him You-

Know-Who, but actually he should be called Voldemort - does and

preaches , what does it mean to sacrifice some half-blood wizards and

Muggle wizards for the greater good, for the benefit of purebloods?"

"Thickness, Yaxley, you said... am I right?"

Xia Ran looked at the two people with livid faces with a smile.

The courtroom was extremely quiet for a moment.

No one spoke, and there was deathly silence. Everyone seemed to be

frightened by Xia Ran's words, and stared at him blankly, a little at a loss.

"You...are talking nonsense!" Thicknesse scolded angrily, "We are officials

of the Ministry of Magic and are responsible for maintaining the stability

and peace of the magical world. How can we come together with the

Dark Lord? Ridiculous, really ridiculous! "

"Really?" Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and asked, "Did I misunderstand


"You are slandering!" Yaxley shouted loudly, "Xia Ran, I want to sue you

for slander! Everyone was present and heard Xia Ran's slander against me

and Thicknesse. This is jealousy!"

"Jealous...you guys?"

Xia Ran burst into laughter and said: "Jealous that you have become

Voldemort's servant, but I can't? Or jealous that you can call Voldemort

his master, but I can only call him by his first name?"

Harry couldn't help but tremble when he saw many wizards on the trial

bench. Thicknesse and Yaxley also looked unnatural, and he felt very


"Ahem..." Ms. Bones coughed twice and said, "Okay, Xia Ran, don't talk

nonsense without evidence. We will then start the trial of Harry Potter

for violating relevant legal provisions. A case of unauthorized use of


"Xia Ran said that the Dementors appeared in Little Whinging because

Harry Potter and his cousin were attacked by Dementors and had to use

the Patronus Charm when their lives were fatally threatened. Come and

drive away the Dementors!" Yaxley said solemnly, "Evidence? Witnesses?

Physical evidence? Nothing?!"

Thicknesse sneered and said: "Don't tell me that in addition to Harry

Potter, his cousin named Dudley Dursley is also a witness. We have seen

false testimony for relatives. Is it still missing? Everyone, I hope you can

all calm down and think about it carefully, and don’t let Charan Fremont

take the lead and disrupt your thoughts and judgment. "

"Of course there is a witness!" Xia Ran smiled, "But please wait a


At that time, among the residents of Little Whinging, in addition to Harry

and Dudley who saw Dementors, Mrs. Figg also saw Dementors. She was

a squib and could not use magic, but she could still see many of them.

Something that only wizards can witness.

Mrs. Figg should be brought to the Ministry of Magic by Dumbledore.

The question is why it took so long for him to come to court?

Chapter 257 Witness


Thicknesse sneered and said, "Are there all of us just to accompany you

in your mischief?"

"Minister." Yaxley looked at Ms. Bones and said, "I think the situation is

very obvious now. Harry Potter has teamed up with Ciaran Frémont to

lie. We should sentence Harry to ·Potter's punishment is to imprison him

in Azkaban Prison."

"Xia Ran should also be charged with making false evidence!" Thicknesse


Ms. Bones glanced at Xia Ran calmly, and Xia Ran looked helpless. He

really didn't know where Dumbledore had gone and why he hadn't

arrived at the Ministry of Magic after the court session for so long.

"Did he meet Voldemort and was delayed?" Xia Ran muttered to herself.

He also noticed the changes in the eyes of the wizards at the trial. Some

people voiced their support to wait for a while, while some wizards urged

the current Minister of Magic, Ms. Bones, to read out the judgment of

Harry Potter as soon as possible. .

Xia Ran was thinking of a way to delay it for a while. If he had known

that Dumbledore had slipped up at the critical moment, he would have

gone to Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surrey to pick up Mrs. Figg.

Harry looked awkward and frightened.

Xia Ran patted his shoulder and said softly: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

He glanced around the courtroom, coughed, and was about to speak

when he suddenly heard the sound of the courtroom door being opened,

and an old voice said: "Witnesses for the defense: Dumbledore Percival

Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, and witness Arabella Dorion Figg."

Dumbledore strode into the courtroom calmly. He was wearing a black

and blue robe and had an extremely peaceful expression on his face.

He walked to a place parallel to Harry, nodded to Xia Ran, then raised

his head and looked at Ms. Bones through the half-moon glasses on the

crooked bridge of his nose. His long silver-white beard and hair Glittering

in the light of the torches.

The members of the Wizengamot were all whispering to each other, and

all eyes were on Dumbledore. Some seemed annoyed, some seemed a

little scared, and the two elderly witches sitting in the back row actually

waved their hands. Hands come to express welcome.

Yaxley and Sinix's expressions changed involuntarily, and then they

immediately became expressionless.

As soon as Harry saw Dumbledore, a strong emotion arose in his heart,

making him feel at ease and full of hope, just like the song of

Dumbledore's phoenix Fawkes once made him feel.

Although Professor Frémont also has a high reputation, compared with

Dumbledore, he is really average.

"Dumbledore, you are finally here." Ms. Bones said in a loud and deep

voice, "I thought you forgot about today's hearing."

"No!" Dumbledore said in a brisk tone, "I just encountered a little obstacle

on the way to pick up the witness. Ah, yes, that's right, I was stopped by


The air in the courtroom seemed to have been drained out in an instant.

Everyone opened their mouths and stared blankly at Dumbledore.

"Sorry, Dumbledore, I heard you right, you were talking

about...Voldemort?! Did you bump into him?" Ms. Bones asked.

"Bumped into it? Maybe!" Dumbledore's tone still sounded brisk.

Xia Ran touched her chin and suddenly realized that the sudden

appearance of the Dementors on Privet Drive this time was indeed the

work of Voldemort, who even personally went out to fight Dumbledore.

Fortunately, the witness, Mrs. Figg, appeared to have suffered no injuries.

Sinix looked gloomy and stared at Dumbledore below. After a while, he

seemed to regain his composure and said: "I'm afraid we don't have time

to listen to these thrilling deeds of yours, Dumbledore, we all I hope this

Harry Potter case will be handled quickly."

"Yes, you shouldn't talk too much about me." Dumbledore said pleasantly,

"Then, my witnesses will be invited to testify."

"No! Dumbledore, you misunderstood me." Thicknesse snapped, "The case

has been concluded. Harry Potter will be imprisoned in Azkaban Prison,

Xia Ran..."

Xia Ran actually smiled when he heard this, and said slowly: "Thickness,

when has this case been decided? You decided it alone? Pull it down!"

"Xiaran, don't be presumptuous, this is the Ministry of Magic, not

Hogwarts!" Thicknesse shouted.

"Really? I know this, I don't need you to remind me." Xia Ran smiled

nonchalantly, "Perhaps I should invite you to a duel, Thicknesse, will you


He stared at Thicknesse.

Thicknesse suddenly started to sweat. Yaxley took over the words and

said coldly: "So where are the witnesses? Our time is limited, if we don't

come out..."

"Of course he will come out." Xia Ran said directly, looking at

Dumbledore to ask.

Dumbledore said: "Mrs. Figg, please come in."

The door to the courtroom was pushed open again, and Mrs. Figg came

in. She looked very scared and looked even weirder than the last time Xia

Ran saw her.

Harry opened his mouth, wishing she would have thought of changing

out of her thick slippers.

Xia Ran gave up her chair to Mrs. Figg, stood on the left and right with

Dumbledore, and said encouragingly: "Don't be afraid, just tell the truth."

Mrs. Figg nodded tremblingly, still looking uneasy.

"Full name?" Thicknesse asked loudly, just as Mrs. Figg sat down timidly

on the edge of her chair.

"Arabella Dorian Figg," answered Mrs. Figg in a slightly trembling voice.

"Who are you?" Thicknesse asked in an impatient and haughty voice.

"I'm a resident of Little Whinging, also on Privet Drive, next to Harry

Potter's house." Mrs. Figg replied.

"We have no records of any wizards living in Little Whinging other than

Harry Potter," Ms. Bones said immediately. "That area has been closely

monitored because... because of something that happened before. ."

Xia Ran knew she was talking about Harry.

"I'm a squib," said Mrs. Figg, "so you won't register my name, will you?"

"Squib, huh?" Thicknesses looked at her suspiciously and said, "We'll

check it out. You'll tell my assistant Weasley about your parents later. By

the way, can Squibs see dementors? ?”

he added uncertainly, looking left and right at the people on the bench.

"Yes, we can see it!" Mrs. Figg said angrily.

Thicknesse looked at her condescendingly again, raised his eyebrows, and

said coldly: "Very good. So, what is your statement?"

Chapter 258 Testimony

Xia Ran stood doing nothing. Although he actually had the urge to pull

out his wand and kill Thicknesse, his reason told him to endure it.

This is at the Ministry of Magic. Thicknesse has no clear evidence that he

is a Death Eater. Even if Sharon, Dumbledore, and Ms. Bones have

guessed that he is a member of the Death Eater organization, there is no

The evidence is unavailable.

"Alas, I still don't have enough combat power, otherwise why would I

worry so much?" Xia Ran sighed inwardly.

"On the night of July 20th, around seven o'clock, I went out to buy cat

food at the corner store at the intersection of Wisteria Road." Mrs. Figg

said in a cramped voice. Listening to her words, it seemed that she had

already finished what she was going to say. I memorized all the words,

"Later I heard a commotion coming from the alley between Magnolia

Crescent Street and Wisteria Road. I walked to the entrance of the alley

and saw a dementor running..."

"Run?" Ms. Bones said sternly. "Dementors can't run, they can only slide."

"Yes! Yes! That's what I mean." Mrs. Figg said quickly, with a blush on

her dry face, as if she was nervous. "They were sliding in the alley and

pounced on people who looked like two boys."

"What do they look like?" said Ms. Bones, squinting her eyes so tightly

that the edges of her monocle dug into her flesh.

"Oh," Mrs. Figg replied, "one is quite big, bigger than the boy, and the

other is skinny..."

"No, no!" Ms. Bones said impatiently, "Dementors... describe what they

look like."

"Oh," said Mrs. Figg, the blush now spreading to her neck. "They're big,

big, and they wear cloaks..."

Harry felt his heart sink horribly as he listened to Mrs. Figg's testimony.

No matter what Mrs. Figg said, it sounded to him like she had only seen

photos of Dementors, and photos could not convey the true nature and

terrifying abilities of those guys.

The weird and terrifying look of them as they levitate inches above the

ground, the putrid stench they give off, and the horrible creaking sound

they make as they devour the air around them...

None of these things can be reflected simply by photos.

On the second row of benches, a short, fat male wizard with a big black

beard approached a curly-haired wizard next to him and whispered in the


The witch smiled triumphantly and nodded.

Xia Ran didn't seem worried. As long as Mrs. Figg could testify in court

normally, Harry's final acquittal was almost foreseeable.

"Big, wearing a cloak..." Ms. Bones repeated, and Thicknesse snorted

sarcastically beside her, "I see, is there anything else?"

"Yes, yes." Mrs. Figg nodded and said, "I felt them. Everything was getting

colder at that time. It seemed that it was the coldest winter. Don't forget,

it was still a very hot summer night. What! Then I felt...as if all the

happiness had disappeared from the world...I...I remembered so many

terrible things..."

Her voice trembled and gradually became inaudible.

Ms. Bones's eyes widened slightly and she asked, "What did the

dementors do?"

A glimmer of hope suddenly rose in Harry's heart.

"They jumped on two boys." Mrs. Figg replied, her voice stronger and

more confident now, as if talking about the Dementors had given her

confidence, and the blush on her face receded. "A boy One fell down, and

the other one stepped back while trying to fight off the dementors, this

one was Harry."

"He tried twice, but all he conjured was silver smoke. The third time he

tried again, he conjured a patronus. The patronus rushed over and

knocked down the first dementor. Then he mustered up his courage and

turned it over again. The second Dementor ran away from Cousin Harry.

This... this is what happened."

When Mrs. Figg finished speaking, her voice began to sound a little weak


Ms. Bones looked at Mrs. Figg silently. Thicknesse didn't look at her at all

and just fiddled with the papers on the table in front of him.

Finally, Thicknesse raised his eyes and said, somewhat aggressively:

"That's what you saw, isn't it?"

"That's what happened at that time." Mrs. Figg nodded emphatically.

"Very good." Thicknesse said proudly, "You can go."

Mrs. Figg looked timidly at Thicknesse, then at Dumbledore and Sharon,

who nodded to her.

So she stood up and shuffled toward the door.

Harry heard the door slam shut behind her.

"This witness is not convincing enough," Thickness said arrogantly.

Yaxley and others nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I don't think so," Ms. Bones said in her usual strong voice. "She

described the power of the Dementors' attack very accurately. I can't

imagine that if they weren't there at the time, she would Why do you say


"But a Dementor ran into a Muggle residential area and happened to meet

an underage wizard?" Thicknesse said contemptuously, "This possibility

must be very small, almost negligible, even Bagman won't bet either..."

"Well, I don't think any of us would believe that the Dementors being

there was a pure coincidence," Dumbledore said softly.

Xia Ran laughed and said: "I think all of us already know one thing.

When the previous Minister Fudge was in office, the dementors had

completely surrendered to the mysterious man - ah, yes, of course.

Voldemort is dead - and we should all know that Harry is the only person

who survived Voldemort's killing curse. Voldemort had a certain

intention...or, one of his Death Eaters had a certain intention. , sent

dementors, rushed to Privet Drive and launched this attack..."

"If you think about it this way, doesn't it make sense? It's no longer a

coincidence or an accident, but an inevitable event!"

Thicknesse, Yaxley and others moved slightly, but the others remained

motionless and silent.

"I would like to remind you that the behavior of the two dementors -

regardless of whether it is true as Harry Potter said - even if they are not

the product of this child's random thoughts, they should not be the

subject of our interrogation this time. Topic." Thickness said rudely, "We

are here to interrogate Harry Potter's violation of the Reasonable

Restraint of Minor Wizards Act!"

"Of course it is, that's right." Dumbledore said, "But the appearance of

dementors in the alley is closely related to this case. Article 7 of the law

states that under special circumstances, a young wizard can Using magic

in front of Muggles. As for those special circumstances, I don’t need to

say more. Everyone knows that the lives of the wizard himself or other

wizards or Muggles present at the same time must be threatened!"

"We are very familiar with the contents of Article 7. Thank you very

much!" Thicknesse roared.

Chapter 259 Result

"Director Thicknesse, please maintain a calm attitude." Xia Ran said

lazily, "Otherwise we will have to ask you to leave the courtroom, and

you will be unable to complete your mission, right?"

Thicknesse's face turned the color of pig liver, and he glared at Xia Ran


The implication behind his words was that Thicknesse was a Death Eater

under Voldemort. This hearing about Harry Potter was also on

Voldemort's order, aiming to bring Harry Potter to justice. Expelled from

Hogwarts and completely destroyed his wand.

Of course, from a factual point of view, Thicknesse had to say that Xia

Ran had indeed guessed correctly. He did obey Voldemort's orders and

was also a member of the Death Eater organization.

But you definitely don’t want others to know about this, and you just

have to find substantive evidence.

"Slander!" Thicknesse roared, "Charran Fremont, you are slandering

purely out of personal resentment. If you do this again, I will have to file

a lawsuit with the Wizarding Court."

Xia Ran shrugged her shoulders.

Dumbledore took over and said: "Since Harry and his cousin have indeed

suffered life threats, we all agree that the situation when Harry used the

Patronus Charm is in compliance with the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor

Wizards Act" What is the scope of the special circumstances described in

Article 7?”

"That's if a dementor really appears, but I highly doubt it." Yaxley said


"You have just listened to the account of an eyewitness." Dumbledore said

in an unassuming tone. "If you still suspect that she is not telling the

truth, you might as well call her in again and ask her questions again. I

think she will not object. "

"I...that...isn't..." Yaxley yelled angrily, "This is...I want to end this matter

today, Dumbledore!"

"But you will definitely take the trouble to listen to the testimony of a

witness, right? Because acting hastily will cause serious miscarriages of

justice." Dumbledore said.

"A serious miscarriage of justice? Oh, my God!" Thicknesses said

deliberately exaggeratedly, "Dumbledore, what I want to ask is... have

you ever paid attention to this student of yours? How many absurdities

has this child made up? Ridiculous lie, just to cover up his blatant abuse

of magic outside of school! I think you have probably forgotten the

hovering spell he used three years ago, right?"

Harry immediately interjected: "That's not me, that's a house elf."

"See, Dumbledore?" Yaxley yelled, gesturing more exaggeratedly in

Harry's direction, "A house elf! In a Muggle residence! Is this possible?"

"The house elf is currently employed at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft

and Wizardry." Dumbledore said calmly, "If you are willing, I can

summon him here right away to testify."

Xia Ran knew that they were talking about Dobby. When Harry was in

second grade, he went to Privet Drive to report the news to Harry Potter

because of Lucius Malfoy's plan. It turned out to be self-defeating and

caused Harry to suffer another death. Illegal record.

"I...it's not...we don't have time to listen to a house elf talking nonsense!"

Thicknesse shouted loudly, punching the judge's bench and knocking

over a bottle of ink. "And not only In this matter, two years ago, this kid

blew his aunt up, my God! It’s so vicious, that’s his aunt!”

Harry looked uneasy, as if he wanted to argue something.

Xia Ran winked at him and signaled Harry not to speak randomly.

This incident was really Harry's fault. Fudge did not hold him

accountable at first - mainly because Sirius escaped from prison. At that

time, everyone thought that Sirius was a shameful informer who betrayed

Harry's parents, so the Ministry of Magic punished Harry Li deliberately

opened the Internet - but even if it was brought up at this moment, it

would be best to try to fool him.

"The previous Minister Fudge - and, of course, the Minister Ms Bones and

the Director Mr Thicknesse - very kindly refrained from pressing charges,

and I think you agree that even the best wizards are not always able to

Control your emotions." Dumbledore said calmly.

Thicknesse hurriedly wiped the ink off his notebook.

"I haven't even begun to talk about the bad things he did in school."

Yaxley said coldly.

"But..." Dumbledore was still modest and polite, but at this moment his

words undoubtedly revealed a coldness, "The Ministry of Magic has no

right to punish Hogwarts students for their misbehavior in school, so

Harry What he did there has nothing to do with this case.”

"Oh," Thicknesse said in a sinister tone, "We don't need to worry about his

behavior at school? Well, do you think so, Dumbledore?"

"The Ministry of Magic has no right to expel students from Hogwarts,"

Dumbledore said, "nor does the Ministry of Magic have the right to

confiscate wands unless those accusations are proven to be true. Director

Thicknesse, you are eager to ensure that the law is upheld. That's

commendable, but you yourself seem to have - through what I believe

was a moment of inadvertence - ignored several laws."

"The law can be changed," Thicknesse said viciously.

Ms. Bones coughed heavily and said calmly: "Thickness, okay, your

questions should have been perfectly answered by Dumbledore. As for

changing the law, that is not your decision."

"Sorry, Minister." Thicknesse apologized immediately.

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "A trivial matter of minors using magic is now

being tried in a formal criminal court. This change in the direction of the

law is really praising!"

Several wizards were moving uneasily in their seats.

Thicknesse, Yaxley and others stared at Xia Ran with no expression on

their faces, or in other words, their murderous eyes had already

explained their attitude.

"What Xia Ran said makes sense. We should hold a meeting to discuss the

matter later. Dumbledore, I hope you can attend." Ms. Bones nodded.

Dumbledore bowed slightly.

Xia Ran thought to herself, why didn't you invite me?

Still didn't ask, he didn't belong to the Wizengamot wizarding

organization after all.

"Then, let's start the voting," Ms. Bones said. "Anyone who agrees that the

accusation is unsubstantiated, please raise your hands!"

Harry raised his head suddenly and raised his hands one by one. There

were quite a few. He didn't have time to count them clearly, but they

must have been more than half!

His breathing suddenly became rapid, and he wanted to count again to

avoid being mistaken and happy in vain, but before he could finish

counting, Ms. Bones said: "If you agree with the crime, please raise your

hands! "

Thickness, Yaxley and others immediately raised their hands, along with

six or seven other people, including an unshaven wizard and the curly-

haired witch in the second row.

No need to count, there are definitely not as many people raising their

hands this time as there were the first time.

Thicknesse, Yaxley and others looked around, their expressions becoming

extremely gloomy and livid.

Chapter 260 Encounter on the


"Then... the accusation of Harry Potter violating the Reasonable Restraint

of Minors and Wizards Act is not established!" Ms. Bones said in her usual

loud voice.

"That's great," Dumbledore said cheerfully.

Xia Ran patted Harry, and he stood up happily, feeling sincere joy.

He was finally able to return to Hogwarts, and he thought he would

probably be expelled from the wizarding school.

At this time, Ms. Bones packed up the documents and walked outside. Xia

Ran said softly: "Thank you very much."

She just smiled and left the courtroom with Percy and a few others.

When Thickness, Yaxley and others left the trial room, their expressions

were gloomy and lifeless. They glanced at Xia Ran and the others several

times, all filled with hatred and anger.

Harry looked slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Harry." Xia Ran smiled, "They are worried about their own


Then he looked at Dumbledore and asked, "Did you really meet


"Yes." Dumbledore nodded slightly and said, "When I was about to leave

Privet Drive, I had to fight with him..."

"Privet Drive?" Harry was startled, then asked quickly, "What about Aunt

Petunia and the others..."

"Nothing happened to them." Dumbledore smiled, "Nothing happened to

anyone, and the Dursleys are protected by magic that your mother used

her life to cast and was connected by blood. Voldemort did this before

you came of age and that magic didn't work. Nothing happens."

Harry felt relieved.

No matter what his relationship with the Dursleys was, he never wanted

to bring disaster to them because of himself.

"Okay, let's go out. Mr. Weasley must be eager to know the result." Xia

Ran smiled, and the three of them almost walked out of the trial room.

Dumbledore also said hello to several old wizards. .

Mr. Weasley stood outside the door, and he came back here again at

some point. He looked at the group of wizards attending the hearing in

the distance, his face was pale and he looked terrified.

"Dumbledore, Xia Ran, the result..." he asked anxiously.

"Clarified!" Harry grinned, "All the accusations are false!"

Mr. Weasley immediately beamed, grabbed Harry's shoulders, and said

happily: "Harry, that's great! Actually... Of course, they can't convict you.

You have witnesses, but I still You can’t pretend that you’re not nervous

and worried.”

"I want to send you back directly, but with Xia Ran and Dumbledore

here, I don't think there's any need for me."

Harry said: "No, Mr. Weasley, thank you very much for bringing me to

the Ministry of Magic."

Mr. Weasley patted Harry on the shoulder and said to Sharon and

Dumbledore: "I can't go back at this time. I have to go to the toilet in

Besner Green. As you know, there are always wizards like this. Charming

Muggle items is extremely troublesome!"

"By the way, Molly should have prepared the food, and Sirius is very

welcome to have you over as his guests." He added at the end.

Dumbledore said politely: "I'm sorry, I have to take Mrs. Figg back to

Privet Drive in Little Whinging first. There are a few things I need to do

later. I'm afraid I won't have time."

"That's a shame," said Mr. Weasley.

"I feel sorry too." Dumbledore said, "By the way, Harry, I hope you have a

good rest these days and relax. I have one more thing that I need your

help with later."

"What?" Harry was surprised at first. He didn't expect that Dumbledore

would need his help. Then he immediately came to his senses and said,

"Oh, okay, no problem."

Dumbledore and Charan separated and found Mrs. Figg and walked out

of the Ministry of Magic first.

Xia Ran, Mr. Weasley, and Harry walked up the stairs, and the chatter

suddenly stopped.

They had just walked to the corridor on the ninth floor. Pierce Thicknesse

was standing a few steps away from them, talking quietly to a tall man

with smooth blond hair and a pointed face. White and shameless.

Hearing their footsteps, the tall man turned around. He stopped suddenly

before he finished speaking, narrowed his cold gray eyes, and stared at

Harry's face.

It was Lucius Malfoy.

"Okay, okay, okay...Patron Saint Potter!" Lucius Malfoy said coldly.

Harry suddenly felt very confused.

He stayed at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters for a while and

learned a lot of information, such as Lucius Malfoy, a Death Eater. He

couldn't believe that Lucius Malfoy actually dared to appear in front of

the Ministry of Magic. In the majestic Ministry of Magic, Piers

Thicknesse, the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement,

was actually talking to him. This was really disturbing. Unbelievable!

"The Director just told me how you narrowly escaped, Potter." Mr. Malfoy

said in a tone of voice. "It's amazing how you can keep getting out of very

narrow holes... To be honest. , really like a snake.”

Mr. Weasley immediately grabbed Harry's shoulders tightly and warned

him not to act rashly.

"Yes." Harry said angrily, "Yes, I am very good at escaping."

Xia Ran suddenly laughed and said: "Lucius, if you use such a metaphor, I

think your master will be very unhappy when he hears it? Do you want

me to mention it to him the next time I meet him?"

"You know who I'm talking about, Lucius, of course, and Thicknis, a

member of Voldemort's Death Eater organization." Xia Ran's voice was


Mr. Malfoy and Thicknesse's expressions became stiff, and they glared at

Xia Ran angrily.

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "What, you want to

take action? Okay, I welcome you to take action."

He held out his hand as a sign that he wouldn't be the first to draw his


"If you can really defeat me, I will be very impressed with you two." Xia

Ran said softly, "The question is... do you dare to do it? Or, do you think

I dare to do it?"

He said and touched his pocket, which contained his wand.

Mr. Malfoy and Thicknesse were both angry and frightened. They glared

at Xia Ran fiercely and strode away, carefully guarding against Xia Ran's

sudden cold arrow behind them.

"Look, Harry, when facing people you don't like, as long as you act

stronger, they will naturally be afraid." Xia Ran smiled, "But you have to

have confidence, no matter your own strength or the power of numbers

Everyone, after all, you can never lose in a fight."

"Xia Ran." Mr. Weasley said helplessly.

Harry seemed very interested.

"Professor, are you going to ask us—me, Hermione, and Ron? Weren't we

tutoring at your place last semester?" he asked.

"Ah, this is the matter." Xia Ran said, "It depends on Dumbledore's

intention. If he thinks it's OK, you don't need to continue tutoring. If he

thinks you are still not ready, then the fifth grade will also have to

continue tutoring."

He smiled and asked, "What, you're not tired of it?"

Harry scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

Chapter 261 Taking office

Mr. Weasley hesitated for a while, then asked: "Xia Ran, if they... do you

really want to do it?"

"Well, that's the question." Xia Ran said, "I can't say clearly, but I do have

the urge."

"The Ministry of Magic is more stable," Mr. Weasley warned. "Many

Death Eaters or wizards who have recognized the concept of 'pure blood

supremacy' are in the Ministry of Magic. We don't have any advantage

yet, and we are even at a disadvantage!"

Xia Ran nodded.

"By the way, if they want to talk things together, why doesn't Lucius

Malfoy wait outside Thicknesse's office?" Harry asked, "What is he doing

down here?"

"It seems to me that he is trying to sneak into the courtroom." Mr.

Weasley said. He looked very upset and kept turning his head to see if

anyone was eavesdropping. "Want to find out whether you have been

shot." Except. We have to leave a message for Dumbledore, he should

know what Malfoy is whispering to Thicknesse again."

"What's the private matter between them?"

"I think it's gold," said Mr. Weasley angrily. "For many years, Malfoy has

been generous to all kinds of people so that he can establish friendship

with powerful people and then ask for special favors." , allowing those

laws that he does not want to be passed to be delayed again and again,

such as many bills involving Muggles... Oh, Lucius Malfoy, he is really

capable and has great powers!"

The elevator came, and there was no one inside, just a bunch of notes

flying around above the heads of the three people.

Mr. Weasley pressed the button to the main hall, and the lift door

clanged shut. He waved the note away impatiently.

"Xiaran, please send Harry back first. I've finished taking care of the toilet

matter, and I should be able to get off work." Mr. Weasley said.

Xia Ran took Harry out of the elevator. When passing by the golden

fountain, Harry poured all the gold coins in his wallet into the fountain

and said, "I said it when I went in, if I am not guilty... "

They soon returned to Grimmauld Place.

"I knew it!" Ron shouted, punching the air with his fist, "You can always


Xia Ran smiled, and Harry knew that Professor Frémont remembered Mr.

Malfoy's words, but he was still excited at the moment and couldn't care

less about being embarrassed.

"They'll definitely acquit you," said Hermione. She had looked so nervous

that she might have fainted when Harry walked into the kitchen, and

now she was covering her eyes with a trembling hand. "No. There is no

reason to convict you!"

"Although you all knew I would be fine, everyone seems to be relieved."

Harry said with a smile.

Mrs. Weasley was wiping tears with her apron, and Fred, George and

Ginny performed a kind of war dance, singing over and over: "He's okay,

he's okay, he's okay..."

"That's enough! Be quiet!" Mrs. Weasley shouted, but she also had a smile

on her face, "Will Xia Ran stay and have something to eat?"

"Yes." Xia Ran smiled, "I'm just waiting to come over and have a meal."

That night, a banquet was held at the Black Mansion to celebrate Harry's

innocence. In addition to Ciaran, Kingsley, Tonks and Mundungus were

all present. The entire kitchen was full and lively.

After the banquet, Xia Ran returned to his family's Fremont Manor. There

was nothing that required him to be busy until the start of school. On the

way, he also heard that Harry helped Dumbledore convince an old

professor who had retired long ago.

He had expected this, so he didn't seem surprised.

When attending the banquet for the opening of the new school year, one

figure was missing from the staff table. It was Hagrid. Due to

Dumbledore's instructions, he went abroad with Ms. Maxim, and he still

didn't know where he was digging a cave.

The person who temporarily replaced him was Professor Graplan, and it

was she who carried this year's freshmen across the lake.

There was one more person at the dining table than usual. He was a bald,

fat old man, wearing gorgeous clothes. He looked at all the students in

the school with a smile. He caught Xia Ran's gaze, took the initiative to

shake hands with Xia Ran, and said : "You are Professor Frémont, right? I

heard Harry mention you, you are a very good wizard!"

"Professor Slughorn, I have heard of your name before." Xia Ran smiled,

"It's a pity that you had already retired when I enrolled."

"Oh, yes, retired." Slughorn said and sighed, "But Dumbledore is like this.

He always hopes that us old guys can try to spread the remaining warmth

as much as possible. Of course, I am not interested in taking charge

again. I’m still very happy about the Potions class.”

The two chatted for a while, and the Sorting Hat sang a new song. After

the sorting ceremony, there was a lot of delicious food on the plate in

front of them, and they stopped talking.

Xia Ran was particularly hungry and wolfed down chicken legs and steak.

Sybill Trelawney, the divination professor on the side, looked at him

arrogantly and ate his dinner elegantly.

Xia Ran ignored her.

Desserts and drinks followed one after another. Xia Ran had a full meal.

Life in Hogwarts was still very comfortable.

Professor Slughorn on the side also did the same, praising repeatedly: "I

haven't been back for many years, these house elves are so good at


At this moment, Dumbledore stood up behind the staff table, and the

laughter of the students that echoed in the auditorium immediately


"Good evening to everyone!" he said with a kind smile, spreading his

arms as if to embrace the entire auditorium.

The students' eyes were all focused on Dumbledore.

"New students, welcome to school; old students, welcome back to school!

What awaits you is a new school year of magic education. I hope you can

all gain something."

"The administrator, Mr. Filch, asked me to tell everyone that students are

absolutely prohibited from using all kinds of prank items without


"Students who want to join the college Quidditch team should submit

their names to the Dean as usual."

"Of course, finally, we are still very happy to welcome a new teacher,

Professor Slughorn!"

Dumbledore said and clapped his hands.

The students and teachers in the auditorium clapped their hands.

Slughorn stood up, his bald head shining in the candlelight, and his

waistcoat-clad belly casting a large shadow on the table.

Dumbledore continued: "Professor Slughorn is a former colleague of mine

and he has agreed to return to his old position as Potions teacher."



The word echoed throughout the auditorium, and everyone wondered if

they had heard it correctly.

Harry looked at Dumbledore in surprise. He originally thought that

Professor Slughorn was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"At the same time, Professor Snape..." Dumbledore said, raising his voice

to cover up the discussion, "he readily agreed to take up the position of

teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts!"


Chapter 262 School starts


This objection was so loud that everyone turned in the direction of the


At the Gryffindor table, Harry glared angrily at Snape behind the staff


Why did he end up giving the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching

position to Snape? Didn't everyone know for so many years that

Dumbledore didn't believe he was qualified for the job?

Ron was startled by his voice, and Hermione frowned and asked, "But,

Harry, you said Slughorn was going to teach Defense Against the Dark


"I thought it was him!" Harry replied, trying his best to remember when

Dumbledore had told him. However, thinking about it now, he couldn't

remember Dumbledore telling him which subject Slughorn was going to

teach. course.

Snape sat on the right side of Dumbledore. When he heard Dumbledore

mention his name, he did not stand up like Slughorn, but lazily raised a

hand to show that he heard it. Cheers from the Slytherin table.

But Harry clearly saw - he kept glaring at Snape - a trace of triumphant

joy on the face that he hated so much.

"Well, at least there is some benefit to this matter." Harry said through

gritted teeth, "Snape will leave in less than a year."

"What do you mean?" Ron asked confused.

"That job was cursed. No one can last more than one year. Professor

Moody and Professor Lupin always resigned for some reason even if they

taught well because of other things." Harry lowered his voice. , said, "Qi

Luo even risked his life. I personally sincerely hope that another murder

will happen..."

"Harry!" Hermione scolded in horror.

"At the end of term, he probably went back to teach his Potions class."

Ron said rationally. "That guy named Slughorn probably doesn't want to

stay here for a long time. That's the case with Moody. Look, Frey

Professor Meng even congratulated him."

Several people looked over and saw Xia Ran congratulating Snape.

"Professor Snape, you got your wish." Xia Ran smiled.

Snape smiled consciously and reservedly. He had dreamed of teaching

the Defense Against the Dark Arts course for many years, but he finally

got it.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were not the only ones talking below.

Everyone in the auditorium was talking a lot when they heard the news

that Snape finally got his wish.

Dumbledore didn't seem to realize how sensational the news he had just

announced was. He did not say anything more about the teaching

position, but waited a few seconds to make sure everyone was completely

quiet before clearing his throat and continuing to speak.

"Everyone in this hall knows that Voldemort and his followers are making

trouble again, and their power is growing."

As Dumbledore spoke, the Great Hall fell into a tense, heart-wrenching


"I would like to emphasize that the current situation is very dangerous

and everyone at Hogwarts needs to be extremely cautious to ensure our

own safety. The castle's magical defenses have been strengthened during

the summer vacation and we have received new updates. Effective

protection, but every one of our teachers and students must still be

vigilant at all times and not take it lightly."

"Therefore, I ask that you strictly abide by every safety rule set by your

teacher, no matter how annoying they may be - especially the rule about

not getting up and going out after lights out. I implore you, whether

inside or outside school, if you see anything Any abnormal or suspicious

situations must be reported to faculty members immediately.”

"I believe that you will restrain your behavior for the safety of yourself

and others."

Dumbledore said, his blue eyes scanning all the students, and then a

smile appeared on his face again.

"Okay, your bed is waiting for you, as warm and comfortable as you

expected. I know your top priority now is to get a good rest and prepare

for class tomorrow. So, let's say 'good night', Dudu!"

As usual, the benches were pushed behind them, making a harsh friction

sound, and hundreds of students began to file out of the auditorium and

toward their dormitories.

Xia Ran returned to his office, reviewed the advanced magic books on

transfiguration borrowed from Principal Dumbledore's library, and then

went to sleep.

In the next week, Xia Ran received a summons from Dumbledore. He and

Snape would no longer give lessons to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and

Harry would come to him to make up lessons once a week.

Xia Ran understood Dumbledore's thoughts and hoped that Harry would

understand his mission and be determined to fight against Voldemort.

Because Harry is also one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

What's more, Dumbledore also expected Harry to know from Slughorn's

mouth how he told Voldemort, that is, Tom Riddle, about the Horcruxes

when he was still a student.

Dumbledore wanted to determine how many Horcruxes Voldemort had


Xia Ran could indeed tell him this, but the source could not answer it.

Moreover, Dumbledore relied on Harry to find out this from Slughorn, so

he was not prepared to intervene in the matter.

Sure enough, on Halloween, Dumbledore found Sharon and Snape and

told him the news he had obtained from Slughorn through Harry: "It has

been basically confirmed that Voldemort made seven Horcruxes."

"Seven?" Snape exclaimed softly.

The portraits of the old male and female principals hanging on the wall,

although Harry had already heard it mentioned once, but now when

Dumbledore mentioned it again, he still felt angry and frightened!

How to kill Voldemort completely?

"We have determined that there are diaries that have been destroyed -

Tom Riddle's diary - and Slytherin's locket - which was taken out by

Sirius' brother Regulus. It was also destroyed - by the way, Marvolo

Gaunt's ring that Xia Ran destroyed was also one of the Horcruxes."

Dumbledore said: "We have only destroyed three of the seven Horcruxes.

Harry was the last Horcrux made by Voldemort, and should also be the

last Horcrux destroyed! After all, there are still three Horcruxes. We don’t

know the whereabouts or circumstances.”

As he spoke, his face was solemn and he looked very solemn.

Xia Ran decided to make a point, thought for a while, and said: "Based on

these known Horcruxes, we should be able to get the rules for

Voldemort's production of Horcruxes."

"Oh, what do you mean?" Snape asked.

"Riddle's diary, Slytherin's locket, and Marvolo Gaunt's ring all have

extraordinary significance. Needless to say, the locket and the ring are

one of the four giants of Hogwarts. The other relic of Slytherin is the

symbol of the Gaunt family. The Gaunt family is also the direct

descendant of Slytherin and is of great significance in the entire magical


Xia Ran said softly: "The diary is also of great significance to Voldemort.

It was the first time he learned about his ancestors. The blood of

Slytherin flows in his body. I think he will be very proud and happy

about this!"

Chapter 263 Crown

"Excluding Harry, the Horcrux made by accident, do the remaining three

Horcruxes also follow a certain pattern?"

Xia Ran looked at the two people in front of her and said slowly: "We

have talked about Voldemort's hobbies more or less in the past few

months. He likes to collect trophies - this is Dumbledore's summary of

Voldemort. The answer came out—the locket, the ring, that was all.”

"You mean...the remaining three Horcruxes are also the trophies of the

mysterious man?" Snape asked.

"No! Not necessarily!" Xia Ran shook his head and said, "The trophy may

be Voldemort's Horcrux, but the premise must be of great significance. In

addition, some items that are also very special to him will also be It’s the

object of his Horcrux creation.”

"for example……"

"Relics of the Big Four at Hogwarts!" Xia Ran said, "Gryffindor's sword is

with Dumbledore. He obviously didn't find it: Slytherin's locket is indeed

a Horcrux. Fortunately, it has been destroyed by us; Hufflepuff's golden

cup may also be his Horcrux; Ravenclaw's diadem must be his Horcrux!"

He said it with confidence at the end.

"Xia Ran, why are you so sure?" Dumbledore asked slightly doubtfully.

He had more or less made some assumptions about Xia Ran's conjectures

in the past few months, but after all, there was no fact as a basis. You

have to add words like "maybe" and "probably". Why does Xia Ran dare

to be so sure?

Xia Ran replied: "Because I discovered Ravenclaw's diadem!"

He had actually known for a long time that the location of the Ravenclaw

Diadem was in a form of the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts - because

the Room of Requirement would take on different appearances according

to the requests of the visitor - and he had also absorbed it before. He

knew the Force points contained in the crown, but he had never found a

chance to bring it up before.

Now is the best time.

"What, you found Ravenclaw's diadem?!" Dumbledore was slightly


Snape also looked very surprised.

Marvolo Gaunt's ring was discovered by Xia Ran. Is he so familiar with

Voldemort's past?

Xia Ran said: "Yes, and the crown was not hidden elsewhere by


"In Hogwarts??" Snape said in surprise.

Xia Ran nodded and said: "In the Room of Requirement on the eighth

floor of Hogwarts Castle."

"Sorry, what room?" Snape asked confused. He had never entered the

Room of Requirement, or it was possible that he had, but he did not

realize it.

"Eighth floor, Room of Requirement?" Dumbledore was stunned for a

moment, shook his head and sighed, "I once got up in the middle of the

night to look for the toilet, and entered a bathroom in a daze. There were

many very exquisite chamber pots inside. What happened to me

afterwards? I couldn’t even find that room, it turned out to be the Room

of Requirement, and indeed it was the Room of Requirement!”

Xia Ran led the two of them out of the principal's office and went directly

to a blank wall on the eighth floor. Next to it was a portrait of a troll,

looking at the three of them menacingly.

Xia Ran walked back and forth three times, thinking to herself that I need

a place to hide things.

Sure enough, a door appeared in the center of the corridor, and he

pushed the door handle and entered.

"This is a..." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and said, "A place where

countless things are collected?!"

"It seems that You-Know-Who thinks such a place is safe." Snape regained

his composure.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "As long as anything has existed, it must have

left traces! Voldemort still values ​​​​the sense of ritual too much. If he

randomly found a few stones from the roadside, made them into

Horcruxes, and then traveled around the world All continents and oceans,

in that case...he will never be killed!"

Xia Ran shrugged her shoulders and said, "Because no one will ever find

all his Horcruxes!"

"Yeah, so we have to thank him for this characteristic." Dumbledore


Xia Ran led the two of them to turn left and right, crossing the crumbling

pile of debris while chatting: "I accidentally needed a room to hide

things, and the Room of Requirement appeared. I was hiding things. At

that time, I saw an ancient crown, but I didn’t realize what it was at the

time. Later, when I thought about it accidentally, I realized something

was wrong.”

"Come, come this way, have you seen that ancient crown?"

He pointed in front of him as he spoke. It was a very messy place filled

with a lot of messy things. An ancient and dusty crown, like the crown of

a king of an ancient secular kingdom, had been placed there for many

years. It’s been months.

Dumbledore glanced at Xia Ran and walked over.

Snape said suspiciously: "Are you sure, Xia Ran?"

"I have to admit, that crown does not look like a Ravenclaw crown, but

there is no doubt that... yes, I checked it." Xia Ran said.

"Yes, that's right!" Dumbledore touched the crown and sighed, "This is

Ravenclaw's crown. I can feel the magic fluctuations inside. An ordinary

crown will never have such a deep and evil black color." magic."

As if sensing Dumbledore, the crown began to tremble slightly.

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Well, it's a great

confusion magic, but unfortunately, it doesn't work for me."

"Dumbledore, the crown should be destroyed." Snape reminded.

"Yes, Severus, you are right." Dumbledore nodded, retracted his right

hand touching the crown, and said, "Like Riddle's diary, this crown also

has the ability to seduce people's hearts."

Xia Ran was eager to try: "Dumbledore, we have to destroy it, let me do

it, I have experience, I will destroy the ring, a fire... yes, a fierce fire! I

still have the fire curse Very insightful.”

"I have never doubted this, Xia Ran." Dumbledore said, looking at the

vast room and the messy piles of clutter, "But if the Fire Curse is used,

this room may be destroyed. Destroyed together."

"Although Hogwarts has many special places and many deep-hidden

secrets that even I don't know about - for example, I had no

understanding or knowledge of the Room of Requirement before you

mentioned it - But if we can preserve such an interesting place, it doesn’t

matter if we work harder.”

Dumbledore came back with the crown and said briskly: "I remember

that there are basilisk fangs in the Chamber of Secrets. That thing can

destroy Horcruxes effortlessly."

"Okay, Dumbledore, it's up to you." Xia Ran nodded and put the wand he

took out back into his pocket.

In the end, they used the basilisk's fangs to destroy Ravenclaw's crown in

the secret chamber. A layer of thick black blood flowed out, as if the

crown was a living life, and a faint howl came from a very far away

place. It sounded in the ears of the three people.

At the same time, in the Gryffindor common room, Harry screamed, his

body twitched violently, and he fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth,

and his face was contorted in pain, frightening all the students in the

common room.

Chapter 264 Changes

"So, Harry fell into a coma for no reason?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, sir," Hermione replied.

It was already in the school hospital. Harry lay down on a hospital bed,

his face pale, and after taking the potion, he fell into a deep sleep.

Sharon, Dumbledore, Snape, Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey

stood in front of the hospital bed, lowering their heads and staring at the

sleeping Harry Potter.

Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George sat in a circle around the

hospital bed.

"Do you know why he was unconscious, Poppy?" Professor McGonagall

asked Madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey shook her head and said: "I don't know! But it should be

that his spirit has been greatly fluctuated, which is why his brain cannot

accept a kind of... pain? Or something else, so the brain's self-protection

mechanism Next, he passed out."

Xia Ran, Snape, and Dumbledore looked at each other, and they all knew

the reason for Harry's coma.

They must have used the basilisk fangs to destroy Ravenclaw's diadem

and destroy a fragment of Voldemort's soul, which attracted the attention

and anger of Voldemort himself. And because Harry's brain was

connected to it, he was finally succumbed to Voldemort's emotions. It

was extremely affected and caused unbearable pain.

Professor McGonagall noticed the little moves of the three people, but did

not point it out directly because she also remembered Harry's identity.

Professor McGonagall also knew that Harry was one of Voldemort's


In the Order of the Phoenix, in addition to Ciaran, Dumbledore and

Snape, Professor McGonagall and Mad-Eye Moody also knew about this


Xia Ran coughed lightly and said, "Okay, kids, it's already very late. You

go back to the dormitory to sleep, and come back to visit Harry


Hermione, Ginny, and Ron had no choice but to walk out of the campus

hospital together and return to the Gryffindor lounge.

Xia Ran and the others also left the school hospital one after another

after a while.

"Albus, is it because of what you did?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Dumbledore told the story about the Ravenclaw Diadem, and Professor

McGonagall whispered: "Another Horcrux?! Or the Ravenclaw Diadem?!

It's terrible, You-Know-Who, Hogwarts Two of the relics of the Big Four

have been defiled by him.”

"Slytherin's locket, Ravenclaw's diadem, and Gryffindor's sword are all

safe for the time being. Only Hufflepuff's gold cup remains. We don't

know the specific situation of the gold cup yet."

Dumbledore said: "I have already made some discoveries, but I still need

a little memory, the memory of an elf. I believe I can convince her."

Xia Ran's heart moved slightly.

It is said in the original time and space that Hufflepuff's golden cup was

originally a collection of an old witch. Later, Voldemort, who had just

graduated, took a fancy to it. He used magic to kill the old witch, took

away the Hufflepuff golden cup, and framed the blame. A house elf given

to an old witch, resulting in the elf being imprisoned in Azkaban prison

until death.

"Dumbledore's progress is very fast!" Xia Ran muttered in her heart.

"The known Horcruxes include the locket, diary, ring, and crown. These

four Horcruxes have been destroyed by us." Snape said, "There are still

Horcruxes that have not been destroyed. As long as one Horcrux still

exists Yes, then the Dark Lord is immortal!"

Dumbledore nodded, feeling very heavy.

Even though Voldemort has various hobbies, such as collecting trophies,

and liking things with great historical significance, special magical items

such as Slytherin's locket, Ravenclaw's diadem, Hufflepuff's golden cup,

etc. But knowing what they need to look for doesn't mean they can

actually find that item.

Besides Voldemort himself, who else knows where Hufflepuff's golden

cup is?

Xia Ranxin said that I knew, but Dumbledore had almost discovered it, so

he didn't interrupt to avoid explaining the source of his information.

The next day, students from all colleges learned about Harry's coma.

There was an endless stream of students going to the school hospital, not

necessarily to visit Harry, but just to see why he was in a coma.

The students were very curious about this.

Harry's close friends are tight-lipped, and in fact they don't know the


And time soon came to Christmas. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny all

went to the Black Mansion to spend Christmas and New Year. Xia Ran

and the others were running around, dealing with some Death Eaters

from time to time. , both sides suffered casualties.

The magical world is also in turmoil, and a small movement can scare a


All wizards are afraid that when they return home, the Dark Mark will be

hung over their houses, so they forcefully demand the Ministry of Magic

to do something about it.

Fortunately, the current Minister of Magic, Amelia Bones, is also a

resolute and decisive witch. She openly criticized Thicknesse, the

Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and others, and

cooperated with Wesson Some wizards in Gamore - including

Dumbledore - imprisoned high-ranking Ministry of Magic officials who

were considered Death Eaters.

The atmosphere in the Ministry of Magic suddenly cleared up.

But this also led to a big problem, that is, the Death Eaters became more

and more unscrupulous and began to attack wizard families and Muggles.

Every day, unfortunate news came.

When Xia Ran and the others spent Christmas at Black's old house, they

felt very complicated every time they read the newspaper, fearing that

they would learn some unfortunate news from the newspaper.

Although many tragedies of wizards and Muggles were reported, after all,

they did not know or were unfamiliar with them. Even though it inspired

their determination to fight against Voldemort, they could not empathize

too much.

"What news was reported again?" Mrs. Weasley asked. She was

supervising a row of knives peeling potatoes with her wand. Kreacher

was cooking rib soup on the side. The aroma was so fragrant that it

whetted your appetite.

Sirius also held a wand to supervise the cutting of meat with a kitchen

knife and said, "It's Christmas, Death Eaters have to celebrate the

holidays, right?"

"Oh, that's not necessarily true, Sirius." Kingsley said, unfolding the

newspaper, his expression darkened, and he sighed, "Another family of

Muggles has been killed."

Mr. Weasley also held a newspaper and read: "In a village in Scotland, a

family of seven was found dead in the yard of their home. There were no

signs of thieves infiltrating, and there was only a skull suspended in the

sky. , and we all know what this mark means!"

"Oh, my God." Mrs. Weasley said in shock, looking very panicked. She

had always been like this for a while. Everything would make her feel

worried and scared.

Lupine said: "We have Dumbledore, we will defeat the mysterious man."

He looked at Harry and said: "Of course, we also have the 'Boy Who

Lived' and 'Saviour Star' Harry Potter. special."

Harry smiled helplessly. Newspapers always gave him various names.

"Savior Star" was generally recognized and accepted by people. People in

the Order of the Phoenix also teased him about this.

Glancing at Harry across the table, Xia Ran's eyes flickered. He, Snape

and Dumbledore had already discussed Harry's follow-up matters.

Chapter 265 Eve

Harry is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and there is a fragment of

Voldemort's soul in his body. If he wants to save Harry's life and destroy

that fragment of soul, then Voldemort can only do it himself.

Only Voldemort himself can destroy the Horcrux fragments he

inadvertently created without harming Harry himself.

If Xia Ran and the others were to come, they would certainly be able to

eliminate the fragments of Voldemort's soul, but Harry would also be

killed by them at the same time.

This is something Xia Ran and the others don't want to see.

Thinking about the plan that had been agreed upon for several months,

Xia Ran sighed leisurely, hoping that Harry could hold on.

"Alas." Bill also sighed, "Gringotts is almost in chaos, and those goblins

are even more yearning for the promise given to them by the mysterious

man to give them freedom! Now the relationship with us curse breakers

has begun to gradually deteriorate."

"Yes, there was almost a conflict the day before yesterday. Fortunately,

both parties tolerated it in the end." Fleur said. She and Bill also worked

at Gringotts.

Mr. Weasley warned: "You must be careful. The situation is deteriorating.

Those goblins may riot at any time. You are in the most danger when you

work in Gringotts."

Bill and Fleur nodded.

Xia Ran looked at Lu Ping and asked, "How are you now?"

Lupine looked more haggard than before, and his clothes were full of

patches. He was among the werewolves, and his life was much worse

than that of others.

Tonks stared at Lupin with her big eyes, concern evident in her words.

Lupine coughed unnaturally and deliberately ignored Tonks' concern and

said: "It's okay, I can always accept it. There are some dangers, but it's

okay and it won't endanger my life."

"But I see that you are looking very haggard." Tonks said anxiously, "How

about I go apply to Dumbledore, but don't..."

"Don't be like this, Tonks!" Lupine said with a bitter smile, "I volunteered

for this job. I hope to do something for the Order of the Phoenix. As for

the lurking werewolf group, except for me, no one else can complete this

task. "

Harry and the others finally understood why Professor Lupine had

experienced so many vicissitudes after not seeing each other for a while.

They all knew that Professor Lupine didn't like his werewolf identity.

They couldn't help but feel a little resentful towards Dumbledore.

"You'd better not write to me. It's almost impossible to receive letters

where I live, let alone write. It's easy to expose myself." Lu Ping said.

Talking about the current situation and personal tasks, the atmosphere in

the kitchen suddenly became heavy and depressing.

The entire magical world now has such an atmosphere.

Fred and George took Harry and Ron upstairs to get some fireworks they

made themselves, and they exploded in the kitchen, colorful and

crackling, finally giving them a bit of a festive atmosphere.

Everyone deliberately forgot about other things and enjoyed the

tranquility and peace of this moment.

After Christmas and New Year, Harry and others took the train back to

Hogwarts to go to school, only to find that there were not as many

students returning as those who left before the holiday.

Many children from wizarding families are no longer allowed to leave

their families and go all the way to Hogwarts.

The atmosphere inside the train also seemed dull, and no one seemed to

be in the mood for fun.

"Have you heard that Hufflepuff's Hannah Abbott has not returned?"

Neville said worriedly.

Luna pushed up her self-made glasses and said ethereally: "I heard that

Hannah's mother was killed by Death Eaters, so her family didn't want

her to return to Hogwarts. The Leaky Cauldron is closed. ."

Seeing the confused expressions on Harry and others' faces, Luna

explained briskly: "Old Tom from the Leaky Cauldron is Hannah's


This was the first time Harry knew about this, but thinking about another

familiar classmate leaving, his heart always felt heavy, as if a big stone

had been weighed down on him.

Hermione turned her head and saw a group of owls flying towards her,

and said, "The newspapers are here."

Opening the window and letting the owls fly in along with the rain,

Ginny and Luna fed the owl that delivered the letter some food.

"Open it quickly and take a look. Who was killed again?" Ron asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron, glanced at the newspaper, and said

happily: "Good news!"


"Tell me quickly."

The other people in the box immediately looked excited, and Harry

urged: "Hermione, read what's in the newspaper."

"This morning, through the cooperation between the Auror Office of the

Ministry of Magic and the strikers, as well as the participation of some

enthusiastic wizards, we successfully ambush a group of Death Eaters..."

It turned out that the Order of the Phoenix cooperated with the Auror

Office of the Ministry of Magic to stage a beautiful ambush, killing more

than a dozen Death Eaters, and temporarily suppressing the Death Eaters'


For the magic world, which has bad news every day, this is the rain after

a long drought, and they finally achieved an unusually significant


Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna all laughed happily.

"That's great!" Ginny said, "I just said... they will definitely get results!"

Cheers also came from the nearby train carriage.

This good news boosted the mood of people in the magical world. For a

long time, newspapers were filled with reports of various ambush and

counter-ambush. Sometimes the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the

Phoenix ambushed the Death Eaters and won a great victory; The Death

Eaters took advantage of the situation and killed a group of Ministry of

Magic Aurors and wounded Order of the Phoenix wizards.

The two sides seemed to be engaged in a tug-of-war, and no one was

willing to back down and show weakness at this time, even if it cost them


For this reason, Dumbledore and Ms. Bones wrote letters and

communicated every day to come up with a way to break the situation.

Unfortunately, Voldemort's whereabouts are still difficult to grasp, and

Dumbledore needs to stay at Hogwarts, unable to leave school frequently

and for long periods of time.

But he finally figured out where the Hufflepuff Gold Cup was hidden.

"Where, Dumbledore?" Snape asked urgently.

Xia Ran seemed relatively calm and collected because she had expected


Dumbledore slowly uttered one word: "Gringotts!"

"Gringotts??" Snape was stunned.

Xia Ran said: "Are we going to do it now? We might alert the enemy.

There is no problem if we break into Gringotts, but Voldemort will

definitely know our plan."

"There is no other way. The situation is deteriorating now. Innocent lives

are being brutally killed every day. We must end this war as soon as

possible." Dumbledore said tiredly.

"Then... is Harry ready?" Xia Ran said softly, "Can he really accept his


Dumbledore was silent for a long time, then smiled bitterly and said: "I

don't know, but I believe Harry, he is a man with power that Voldemort

has never had."

"Love?" Snape seemed to want to sneer, but in the end he held back.

"Yes, it's love." Dumbledore nodded, as if he knew Snape's thoughts, "It's

because of love that Harry becomes hostile to Voldemort. Even if he can

peek into Voldemort's brain, it will only make him angry." He was in

agony, not in the ecstasy of a Death Eater."

"With the protection of love, his will has been strengthened. I believe he

can defeat fear!"

"I hope so." Xia Ran sighed.

Chapter 266 The final tranquility

"You want to fake your death?" Snape asked.

"No, I want to really welcome death." Dumbledore sighed, "But I won't

die completely before Voldemort is dealt with."

Because of many things that happened in his youth, Dumbledore changed

his character and ideals, and desperately yearned for peace. Naturally, he

wanted to end the threat of Voldemort.

You know, among the White Wizards, only Dumbledore is the person

Voldemort is truly afraid of!

Now Xia Ran has made great progress and is now able to fight Voldemort

head-on without falling behind in a short period of time. Xia Ran's

experience in all aspects has won Dumbledore's trust. However, Xia Ran

is still a little behind after all and cannot compare with the legend. Level


Dumbledore knew his mission was not yet complete.

Of course, the Mesozoic Era has Ciaran Frémont, and the Cenozoic Era

also has Harry, Hermione, and others. He feels that he just needs to do

his best to burn the last fuel, and then leave the world to others.

He couldn't wait to go to the world of the dead.

Of course Xia Ran didn't know Dumbledore's trust in him, but he didn't

care. Now his goal was to touch a magical item with great historical

significance, absorb the force points in it, and help him cross the biggest

hurdle. Difficulties, promoted to level 7 legendary level wizard.

He was still thinking about taking the opportunity to visit the Ministry of

Magic one day and touch some items of extraordinary significance.

Whenever he gets this opportunity, he will not be surprised if he counter-

pressures Dumbledore and Voldemort.

"Fake death?" Xia Ran pondered. Dumbledore was really dead in the

original time and space. After some planning, he was disarmed by Draco

Malfoy and died in the hands of Snape. This was also his plan. Important


Now that Malfoy has not received Voldemort's order, could Snape

directly step forward and kill Dumbledore?

In the case where Xia Ran disarmed Dumbledore in advance, it was not


But if he fakes his death, there will definitely be a funeral. So, how can

his body not be exposed by Death Eaters?

He asked the question.

Snape was also focused on Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Then we need the help of Professor Snape's


"I don't have such a powerful potion." Snape immediately shook his head

and said, "And what can I pretend to be you? In other words, how can I

keep you alive while you look extremely dead? Where should I go?

Found this magic potion?”

As he spoke, he stared at Dumbledore and said: "Dumbledore, you can't

die easily! You promised me..."

"Don't worry, I won't rush to the world of the dead until the threat of

Voldemort is completely resolved." Dumbledore said, "There is no need

for a potion that is too good. After I fake death, the corpse - okay, let's

call it a corpse - Xia Ran will take over immediately, and then it will

definitely be put away and awaiting burial."

"No one would pay too much attention to a corpse..."

Snape interjected: "You are different, Dumbledore."

"Same." Dumbledore said, "As long as Xia Ran announces my death, other

people will naturally accept Xia Ran after seeing my appearance and

relying on Xia Ran's words. Random statement."

"But you may have to find time later in the summer to dig me out."

Xia Ran touched her chin, remembering that in the original time and

space, after Voldemort discovered that the Elder Wand was in

Dumbledore's hand, he personally went to Dumbledore's cemetery to dig

his grave. If he had dug up Dumbledore in advance, Voldemort would

have missed it. Wouldn’t it be all exposed?

"What if Voldemort digs your grave?" Xia Ran asked, "Because of your

things, such as the wand, Voldemort finally made the decision to dig your

grave, but did not see your body..."

Dumbledore pondered: "Then we must advance the plan as soon as

possible, destroy the golden cup as soon as possible, and kill the big

snake named Nagini. The most important thing is..." He looked at Snape

and said : "Voldemort must kill Harry himself!"

"If you want to remove the soul fragment in Harry's body without

harming Harry, Voldemort can only do it himself! When the rest of us kill

Voldemort's soul fragment, we will also kill Harry together. die!"

Snape's face darkened, he hummed, but did not answer.

"What I'm worried about is..." Xia Ran rubbed her forehead and said, "Is

Harry really prepared to die?"

In the original time and space, Harry experienced all kinds of hardships,

and had to live and die many times before he finally made up his mind to

die. In the end, this action saved him.

But now, although Harry is more experienced and determined than he

was at the end of fifth grade in the original time and space, after all, he

has never experienced many things and tribulations in the next two

years. How is his will?

There is a question mark here.

"We can only trust him, and Severus." Dumbledore said, "You need to let

him grow up as soon as possible. According to the plan, you are the last

one, Severus."

"Yeah." Snape frowned and nodded solemnly.

After discussing for a while, Xia Ran returned to her office. The semester

was coming to an end and the plan was finally fully launched.

"Let's see if the white wizard still wins this time, or the black wizard

finally has the upper hand?" Xia Ran couldn't wait to start the battle with



After Harry and the others finished their exams, the O.W.Ls exam was

coming to the fifth grade. Of course, many students were taken home

early and were unable to take the exam, but there were also many

students left. The Ministry of Magic still organized examiners to conduct

the exam. .

Because of Harry's mother's magic, he had to return to Privet Ludsley's

house. Although people in the wizarding world were panicking, he knew

that the Muggle world was not so chaotic yet, and he still had a peaceful

and peaceful summer vacation.

Although he wants to join the Order of the Phoenix to participate in the

war against Voldemort and the dark wizards!

But Dumbledore rejected him time and time again, including his

godfather Sirius, not only because he was underage, but also because he

still needed to go to school. When he graduated, he could join the Order

of the Phoenix.

This was Sirius's reply. As his guardian, Harry respected his godfather

very much.

After getting off the Hogwarts Express, saying goodbye to the Weasley

family and the Hermione family, Harry was greeted impatiently by Uncle

Vernon and returned to Privet Drive in Uncle Vernon's new car.

When he first entered the house, he was surprised to see the change in


Dudley actually gave him a glass of water? !

"Thanks, um, Brother D." Harry smiled.

Dudley didn't seem to know what to say. He muttered but said nothing.

"Oh, Dada, my good boy! So kind, so kind!" Aunt Petunia almost cried

holding Dudley in her arms.

"Good boy, pour me a drink too," cried Uncle Vernon.

Harry rolled his eyes, carried his things upstairs and returned to his

dormitory. He was about to usher in his summer vacation here, but he

didn't know what would greet him during the summer vacation.

Chapter 267 Bad news again and


One day in July, after attending another meeting of the Order of the

Phoenix, Xia Ran, Snape, and Dumbledore all left the Black Mansion.

"What was Voldemort's reaction?" Dumbledore asked.

Snape replied: "He has ordered me to find an opportunity to assassinate

you." After a pause, he continued: "You are not the Minister of Magic, but

to the mysterious man, you are a far greater threat than the Ministry of

Magic. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to assassinate you with only a

certain risk than taking greater risks to assassinate the Minister of Magic."

After all, the Minister of Magic is the head of the official organization. No

matter how prestigious and powerful Dumbledore is, sometimes his

influence is still inferior to that of the Minister of Magic.

"Dumbledore, where is the elf?" Xia Ran also asked.

Dumbledore said: "When Dobby came to clean the room, I pretended to

reveal a lot of information unintentionally. I believe that when he

learned about my death, he would take Harry away."

"Then...when will we do it?" Xia Ran asked in a deep voice.

"In the next few days." Dumbledore said worriedly, "We can't delay it any

longer. Enough people have died. This war must be ended as soon as


As he spoke, he looked at Snape and said worriedly: "Severus, do your


Snape nodded calmly, obviously he had been on guard over the past few


Xia Ran breathed a sigh of relief and seemed a little eager to try? !


Sure enough, a few days later, a breaking news spread from Hogwarts to

the entire wizarding world.

Dumbledore is dead! Died at the hands of Potions Professor Severus


According to the "Daily Prophet" report, combat professor Charan

Frémont was the first wizard to rush to the scene of the incident. He saw

Snape's escape with his own eyes, but according to him, he did not

realize it at the time. Snape rebelled and took refuge in the man who

must not even be named, so he allowed Snape to leave, which

undoubtedly made Sharon Frémont very regretful.

At the same time, Ciaran Frémont confirmed the news of Dumbledore's

death. He told this reporter: "Dumbledore died at the hands of Severus

Snape. We will Hold a final funeral for Dumbledore, and at the same

time, we will cooperate without any secrets with the Ministry of Magic to

combat the growth of dark magic as much as possible!"

But can his words really come true?

You know, because of the news of Albus Dumbledore's death, the

wizarding world has been completely panicked. Countless wizards are

panic-stricken and feel that their future is precarious.

So, let’s wait and see!

Hogwarts was holding Dumbledore's funeral. Xia Ran waited for the

funeral to be over and dug the grave in the middle of the night when no

one was around.

And Harry Potter in Privet Drive also welcomed an uninvited guest.

"Penny, long time no see."

In Harry Potter's horrified eyes, he saw that Severus Snape, the Potions

Professor whom he hated the most and hated him the most, actually

visited the Dursleys, and he actually knew Aunt Petunia?

Aunt Petunia knows him too? !

Vernon Dursley and Dudley Dursley both looked confused and looked at

each other, wondering if they had entered the wrong house.

Petunia looked very surprised and a little uneasy, and asked: "Severus, I

haven't seen you in many years, you are here..."

"I'm going to take him away!" Snape pointed at Harry and said calmly.


Two voices sounded at the same time, one was Harry himself, which

didn't surprise him, and the other turned out to be Aunt Petunia, which

made Harry even more surprised.

"I'm sorry, I'm not here to ask for your opinion." Snape said and took out

the wand from his arms, with a firelight flickering at the tip of the wand.

The Dursleys suddenly screamed in horror.

Harry shouted: "Are you going to take action? Snape, aren't you a

member of the Order of the Phoenix? Aren't you afraid of Dumbledore?"

"Dumbledore? Order of the Phoenix?" Snape smiled contemptuously and

said, "There will be no more Dumbledore. He is dead. Potter, Dumbledore

is dead!"


It was the same two voices. This time, Harry didn't bother to watch Aunt

Petunia. He glared at Snape fiercely and said, "You lied! How could

Dumbledore die?"

Snape did not answer his question. He looked sideways outside the

Dursley's house and saw a figure flashing by. He said slowly: "Well, it

seems that the news of my coming has been spread. Potter, I I don’t want

to talk to you anymore. I’m going to take you away and hand you over to

the Dark Lord.”

The Dursleys seemed to be frightened, huddled on the sofa and shivering.

Harry wanted to pull out his wand and face the approaching Snape, but

when he touched it, he realized that because it was summer vacation at

the Dursley's house, he had forgotten to bring his wand with him, and he

had left it upstairs. in the bedroom.

Dudley Dursley didn't know why, but he suddenly had the courage and

shouted to Snape: "No, you can't do this! Aren't you Harry's teacher..."

"Get out of the way!" Harry shouted.

Snape fired a spell, hitting Dudley's side and hitting the window. The

glass was shattered and shattered all over the floor.

Dudley was so frightened that Aunt Petunia and Aunt Vernon pulled

Dudley and hid behind the sofa.


There was a violent explosion, and Harry only saw a familiar short figure

standing in front of him, grabbing his hand and disappearing. He knew

this feeling, which was that of apparating.

But he didn't want to leave like this. What should his relatives - even if

neither party recognized it, but the blood connection could never be

broken - face the rebellious Snape alone?

After Harry was apparated away by the elf, there were several more

explosions, and several figures came in from outside. Xia Ran took the

lead and looked at each other with Snape, exchanging a covert look. ,

then Xia Ran shouted: "Everyone is petrified!"


Snape disapparated, and Xia Ran's spell hit the dining table in the living

room. The dining table immediately became petrified and cracked into

seventeen or eight pieces.

"Leave, that coward ran away?" Sirius rushed into the room angrily,

holding the wand, but Harry was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Harry? Where has he been? Was he taken away?"

Sirius was extremely anxious.

Lupine, Mr. Weasley, and Kingsley followed closely.

They all looked solemn. After receiving the summons from Mrs. Figg at

the funeral, they immediately ran out of Hogwarts and apparated to

Privet Drive, but it seemed that they were still a step too late? !

The Dursleys had met Xia Ran and knew that he was Harry's teacher. At

the same time, he seemed to be here to save Harry. Petunia said

tremblingly: "He was taken away by a little... no, an ugly little man. It

was just right. Before you arrive.”

"Elf?" Xia Ran asked.

Aunt Petunia nodded, then shook her head.

Xia Ran didn't care, but said: "Since he was rescued by the elf, Harry

should be safe for the time being, but his relatives..."

Several people immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm afraid you have to leave Privet Drive!" Lupine looked at the Dursleys

and said, "I'm afraid such attacks will happen again in the future, because

you are Harry's relatives, and in the eyes of the dark wizard, you are

forcing Harry to The best person to show up!"

Xia Ran clearly noticed that Vernon Dursley's expression suddenly

became extremely confused.

Chapter 268 Gathering

"Whether you believe it or not, the kinship is here. For Death Eaters, this

is a plan after all." Xia Ran said, waving her wand and repairing various

broken furniture.

In the end, the Dursley family of three reluctantly accepted the

arrangement of the Order of the Phoenix. Someone else from the Order of

the Phoenix came to take the Dursley family away from Privet Drive. Xia

Ran and the others said a few words to Mrs. Figg before phantoming

again. Disapparated back to Hogwarts and informed everyone about the

incident at Privet Drive, which undoubtedly made everyone angry.

But they didn't have much time to blame Snape, because the situation

deteriorated rapidly with the death of Dumbledore. It seemed that dark

wizards came out from all directions in one day, appearing everywhere

they could name. place.

"Xia Ran, we need to find Harry, Harry Potter." Mr. Weasley said to Xia

Ran, "He is the person mentioned in the prophecy, the old enemy of the

mysterious man, we must find him! And he is the only one It’s too

dangerous for people to live in exile, it’s really too dangerous!”

At this time, Dumbledore's "corpse" had been buried. Many wizards who

came to attend the funeral had left Hogwarts. Only some Hogwarts

faculty and staff or members of the Order of the Phoenix remained in the

auditorium. .

Xia Ran was thinking about what time to dig the grave in the middle of

the night. After listening to Mr. Weasley's words, she said: "The elf who

took Harry away was Dobby. I recognize him. He will protect Harry well.

If necessary, , I believe Harry will find you all too."

"The problem is..." Lupine smiled bitterly, "You have all seen this

situation. The Death Eaters will never let Harry go. Will he be willing to

find us and bring us danger?"

"Danger?" Sirius shouted, "I will protect him! It doesn't matter whether he

is in danger or not!"

Many in attendance nodded.

Lupine took the trouble to say: "I said, this is not a question of what we

think or think, but what will Harry think?"

Now Sirius opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

He knew Harry and knew that Harry would not be willing to bring

danger to others. If he knew that he was the target of Voldemort and the

Death Eaters, he would definitely hide. If possible, Harry would never

want to cause trouble. Any of them.

Xia Ran finally made the final decision: "Harry, we must continue to

search, and we cannot let him live in exile and encounter all kinds of

fatal dangers; similarly, we must cooperate more closely with the

Ministry of Magic. Now that the situation has worsened, Ms. Bones is also

eager to The connection with our Order of the Phoenix is ​​even closer."

"Kingsley, Tonks, and Arthur, you must be careful when staying in the

Ministry of Magic. I believe the Death Eaters will definitely be willing to

kill you and destroy the cooperation between us and the Ministry of

Magic." He warned the three of them. .

Kingsley, Tonks, and Mr. Weasley all nodded solemnly.

Now that Dumbledore has passed away, Xia Ran has demonstrated his

powerful combat power, and he has become the new leader of the Order

of the Phoenix.

At the same time, Xia Ran also became the number one person ordered to

be killed by Voldemort.

Harry is the wizard that Voldemort wants to kill himself. No Death Eater

has the right to kill Harry. This is the condition for Xia Ran and the

others to safely implement this plan.

I have to say that Voldemort helped them a lot.

Because Dumbledore was dead, Voldemort took the stage completely and

called on the wizards in the wizarding world to surrender to him. He did

not want wizards to shed more blood.

It is true that many wizarding families have defected to Voldemort.

Fortunately, the Ministry of Magic is still continuing to resist. As the

Minister of the Ministry of Magic, Ms. Amelia Bones has suffered

numerous assassinations. Fortunately, because of the addition of the

Order of the Phoenix, Amelia Bones In the end, they all escaped the

assassination of Death Eaters.

As for the assassination of the new leader of the Order of the Phoenix,

Charan Frémont, although two plans and operations were carried out,

both ended in killing people.

Xia Ran publicly stated that unless Voldemort himself took action, any

Death Eater who faced him would just be looking for death!

This undoubtedly stabilized the Order's military morale.

Originally, Dumbledore had passed away, Harry was missing, and there

was no news. Even though they were determined to fight against

Voldemort, deep down in their hearts they could not help but doubt

whether they could succeed.

"Xia Ran, you did a great job!" Dumbledore praised. He had been dug out

of the grave by Xia Ran and was now staying in the Pig's Head pub in

Hogsmeade village. This is Aberforth's territory. .

So Aberforth naturally understood the plan of the three of them when

Dumbledore came to visit.

Dumbledore has been staying in the Pig's Head Bar recently, chatting

with the portrait of Ariana hanging on the wall. He seems to have relaxed

for a long time, staying with his family. The responsibilities he originally

needed to bear have been temporarily handed over to Xia. But on the


Aberforth was sarcastic to himself, but Dumbledore always smiled and

didn't seem to mind at all.

"How is Harry?" Aberforth asked, wiping his glass and pretending not to


Dumbledore smiled: "Dobby accompanied him, they also found Miss

Hermione Granger, and even Mr. Ron Weasley joined the group - of

course, Arthur and Molly were not allowed You know, Ron also seems to

not want his parents to be completely involved, even if the Weasleys are

already being targeted by Death Eaters - Harry and his friends are doing

fine, and I'm sure he'll make up his mind eventually."

"Aberforth, have a glass of beer." Xia Ran said. Aberforth grumbled and

brought him a beer glass.

Xia Ran said: "I'm afraid Voldemort is about to find traces of the Elder

Wand. Dumbledore, it's not far away from him digging your grave..."

Dumbledore's face straightened and he said: "The final battle must be

launched as soon as possible."

He is a trump card and must appear after Voldemort personally kills

Harry, otherwise Voldemort may not reveal any flaws to them. Especially

the big snake Nagini, which is also Voldemort's Horcrux and must be

eliminated before the final battle!

"I informed Snape, just in the last few days. He went to capture Harry,

took him to find Voldemort, and encouraged Voldemort to attack

Hogwarts as planned. Harry's body will be a good bargaining chip, then

It's also the time for Harry to be resurrected," Xia Ran said.

Sure enough, three days later, Hermione and Ron found the Burrow, with

sad expressions and a shaky elf Dobby.

They brought sad news.

Harry was captured by Snape!

Then Voldemort announced to the wizarding world that he would take

Hogwarts as a base for dark wizards to develop the power he recognized,

and he would take Harry Potter's body with him.

The wizarding world is in mourning.

The Aurors and Ministers of the Ministry of Magic all personally went to

battle, as well as members of the Order of the Phoenix, all gathered at

Hogwarts a few hours in advance. They understood that the fall of

Hogwarts really meant that Voldemort was in power and would no

longer be able to do anything. Suppressed.

Chapter 269 Final Chapter (Grand


Before sunset, Xia Ran stood in the corner of Hogwarts Castle,

overlooking the setting sun in the west. Countless wizards came in and

out of the castle below, and the atmosphere was very solemn, waiting for

the arrival of Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters.

He looked at his system panel.

[Name: Charan Fremont].

[Age: 30 years old].

[Magic: Level 7 (elementary)].

[Force points: 0 points].

[Transfiguration: Level 7 (Elementary)].

[Potion Science: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Charms: Level 7 (Advanced)].

[Herbalism: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Flying: Level 6 (elementary)].

His magic power, including transfiguration and conjuration levels, has

reached the legendary level of level 7!

When Xia Ran was digging Dumbledore's grave, she finally absorbed the

Force points contained in the Elder Wand, which were far more than the

Invisibility Cloak and the Resurrection Stone. After all, an Elder Wand

was half the history of its rise and fall. How many duels and the rise or

death of famous wizards naturally contain a lot of Force points.

In addition, he also took the opportunity to rush to the Ministry of Magic

to discuss important matters with Amelia Bones. He touched the original

copy of the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act" and absorbed a

lot more. Force points.

That's why he was able to jump to level 7.

In particular, the level of Charms has been raised to level 7 (advanced),

which is only one step away from level 8.

Xia Ran asked herself that in a head-on confrontation with Voldemort, it

was not certain who would win and who would lose.

It's just that Voldemort has too many back-ups, and all of his Horcruxes

must be destroyed. Only in this way can Voldemort be truly killed.

Otherwise, it will just be another recurrence of what happened more than

ten years ago.

The task of destroying the Hufflepuff Gold Cup in the Lestrange family

vault of Gringotts was given to Dumbledore. He is a "dead" person and

has super strength. He can break through Gringotts. Blockade and

protection, forcefully break into the underlying vault to eliminate the

fragments of Voldemort's soul in the Hufflepuff Gold Cup.

Then Dumbledore rushed back to participate in the final battle.

Xia Ran needs to hold on to the period ahead.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Countless explosions came from outside Hogwarts. Voldemort and Death

Eaters, as well as werewolves, giants, vampires, dementors and other

dark creatures who followed him all arrived at Hogwarts.

"Charran Fremont, I heard that you want to fight me?" A high-pitched,

cold, and cruel voice resounded in everyone's mind, and a black shadow

flew out of the Death Eater army and came to Huo Huo. The edge of

Gwartz's shield.

Hogwarts has been placed under protective spells by many wizards.

Xia Ran also flew in the air without using any external objects, such as

broomsticks, etc. He stood dozens of meters away from Voldemort and

swept a circle below. His appearance undoubtedly boosted the morale of

the white wizard. After all, Xia Ran was the one they saw. The second

wizard who can fly out of thin air, the first is Voldemort opposite.

Snape stood at the forefront of the Death Eater army, and he had

obviously caught the eye of Voldemort. He was stared at with hatred by

countless wizards.

Harry Potter seemed to be really dead, being held in the arms of a strong

wizard with a sneer on his face.

"Oh, no!" Many wizards cried out in pain.

This undoubtedly made the Death Eaters even happier.

Xia Ran glanced around and saw the big snake Nagini hovering on the

side of the Death Eater army. He glanced at Snape, and Snape smiled.

Everyone thought Snape was ridiculing, the Death Eaters were satisfied,

and the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix became

increasingly angry.

Only Xia Ran knew that Snape told Xia Ran that he was sure to kill the

big snake Nagini.

Now that you have the opportunity, you can start immediately!

Xia Ran held the wand in her hand, looked at Voldemort, and said with a

smile: "Voldemort, your career will expire as of today."

"Dumbledore is dead, and Harry Potter is dead. Who else can stop me? Is

it just you, Charlene Frémont?" Voldemort said coldly, and waved a green

light from the tip of his wand. , hitting the Hogwarts shield hard.

Everyone was horrified to see that the protective shield reinforced by

many wizards was shattered by Voldemort alone.

"Kill...all those who resist!" Voldemort ordered cruelly.

The Death Eaters roared excitedly.

Suddenly, Snape waved his wand and hit the wizard holding Harry

Potter. Harry fell to the ground, got up, and ran to the inside of


This turn of events was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one knows why Snape rebelled again, and no one knows why Harry

Potter is still alive.

Snape ran to the side of the woods, and some Death Eaters chased him.

Some Death Eaters fired curses at Harry Potter, regardless of the orders

given by Voldemort.

"Harry, be careful!" People from the Order of the Phoenix and the

Ministry of Magic came forward in surprise.

Harry turned around and seemed to see several spells that seemed to be

hitting him, but he was deflected by another spell and passed him by.

That spell was cast by Draco Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy. Fu seemed taken

aback and looked at his son blankly.

Narcissa Malfoy took out her wand to protect her family.

But at this time, no Death Eaters were paying attention to the Malfoy

family anymore. They had already started a war with the Order of the

Phoenix and the wizards from the Ministry of Magic.

Harry looked at Draco Malfoy and looked away, feeling secretly grateful.

"Harry, you're okay, that's great." Hermione hugged Harry and shed tears.

Ron, Ginny, Neville, Luna, and the rest of the Weasley family, including

Percy, have proven their identities, and Sharon personally came forward.

In the end, the Weasleys are proud of him!

"Okay, kids, stop chatting. This is a battlefield. Stay back!" Sirius was

equally surprised, but he knew what he should do at this time. He

shouted like a group of young wizards and followed the other adult

wizards to The Death Eaters rushed.

"Are we going to retreat?" Fred asked playfully.

"We're going to the war too!" George replied.

A group of wizards who had not yet graduated or had just graduated

joined forces to deal with the Death Eaters.

In the sky, Voldemort was furious. Snape actually betrayed him? ! At the

same time, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. Why was he still unable to

kill Harry Potter? ?


When he was furious, a green light had already shot out, and Xia Ran

would not give him a chance to launch magic spells at the crowd below.

Voldemort raised his wand to fight back against Xia Ran, and said coldly:

"Xia Ran Frémont, don't think that you can possess my strength just

because you pretended to be me once! I am unique!"

"Really?" Xia Ran sneered, "You are so arrogant! Voldemort failed even

though he failed to wake him up completely!"

He and Voldemort launched a fierce battle in the sky. Various powerful

spells were fired everywhere, forcing the wizards below to retreat into

the Forbidden Forest or enter Hogwarts Castle in a tacit agreement.

At this moment, Voldemort screamed in pain, feeling that a fragment of

his soul was destroyed, followed by another burst of pain, and another

fragment of his soul was also destroyed.

Dumbledore and Snape have already succeeded? !

Xia Ran was overjoyed, and of course she would not let go of such an

excellent opportunity. A green light hit Voldemort.

Voldemort froze, his face twisted, looking at Xia Ran in disbelief.

But in the end, he fell into the dust from the sky, making a loud banging


This scene was seen by many wizards who were fighting fiercely.

Whether they were wizards from the Ministry of Magic, members of the

Order of the Phoenix, Death Eaters, or dark creatures, they were all


Voldemort...is dead? !

Was he killed by Charan Fremont in a head-to-head confrontation? !

Everyone suspected that they had seen it wrong, but Voldemort's body

lay on the ground and never moved again.

Xia Ran flew high into the sky and began to help others kill the Death


The Death Eaters were instantly defeated, especially after a loud

explosion, and the long-dead Dumbledore reappeared. The Death Eaters

finally understood that the situation was over and began to surrender to

the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix.

In this wizarding war, the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix

won a great victory!

The subsequent trials of the surviving Death Eaters, as well as related

aftermath matters, as well as some liquidation work, are all matters of

the Ministry of Magic. The Order of the Phoenix has been disbanded.

Under Dumbledore's order, all members of the Order of the Phoenix All

return to their duties.

And Snape was cleared of his grievances and was hailed as the best


He, of course, continued to be the Potions Master at Hogwarts.

Xia Ran is known as the most powerful wizard in the magic world today!

Killing Voldemort in a head-on confrontation was something that even

Dumbledore had never accomplished. Everyone was impressed by Xia

Ran's terrifying strength.

He later resigned from the job of Professor of Combat - the post of

Headmaster of Hogwarts was taken over by Minerva McGonagall, Deputy

Headmistress and Professor of Transfiguration. Dumbledore retired -

traveling around the world, only in some relationships Come back at nice

people's weddings, such as Lupin and Tonks' wedding, Bill and Fleur's

wedding, Ron married Hermione, Ginny married Harry, etc.

Peace and tranquility have been restored to the magical world.

[End of book].

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