Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 3


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In the summer of 1992, news that Hogwarts was about to open a new

course and needed a new professor quickly spread throughout the

wizarding world through newspapers such as the Daily Prophet and The

Quibbler. Countless people moved and sent letters to Hogwarts.

Ciaran Frémont, as a wizard who has graduated from Hogwarts for eight

years, also wants to return to Hogwarts and hold a professorship, and he

also received a reply from Principal Dumbledore, inviting him for a few

days Later, he went to Hogwarts for an interview. While happy, Xia Ran

found that he had an urgent task. He had to submit his resignation to his

immediate boss, the Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, the largest department of the Ministry of Magic!

Chapter 101 It’s time for the


"In Muggle novels and movies, dragon knights are always very majestic

and very powerful." Xia Ran smiled, he must be talking about the kind of

dragon knight who rides a real dragon.

"Haha!" Kingsley said with a laugh, "Dragons are all extremely ill-

tempered. Even a wizard like Dumbledore would probably have difficulty

doing this unless he trains a dragon from a young age and makes the

dragon truly recognize it. Kill yourself."

Mr. Weasley said helplessly: "Charlie, what you said is impossible. Charlie

sometimes writes letters saying that raising dragons is actually quite


"Okay, just think of it as a joke." Xia Ran shrugged and smiled.

They were now in a dimly lit room, surrounded by rough stone walls.

Most of the light came from a large fireplace at the other end of the

room. The smoke from the pipe filled the air, like gunpowder smoke on a

battlefield. The heavy iron pots and basins hanging from the dark ceiling

looked even more sinister and eerie in the smoke.

Because there was going to be a meeting soon, the room was filled with

many chairs, and in the middle was a long wooden table. There were

parchment rolls placed in front of many people on the table, as well as

goblets, beer bottles, and some Weiss Mrs. Lai prepared the cakes and

Sirius took them over.

When Xia Ran looked around the room, Sirius also sat down on a chair

and said with a wry smile: "Isn't it good?"

"It's quite good. It has been uninhabited for so many years, but it can still

be inhabited." Xia Ran said sincerely. Although Blake's old house is dark

and gloomy, there is really no problem in being able to live in it.

Sirius said: "In the past, because I was still wanted by the Ministry of

Magic and had not shaken off the blame, I could not return to the

family." After a slight pause, he continued: "Actually, I don't want to

come back, if it weren't for Dumbledore Lido couldn't find a better place

to be the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix... You know, other

places are a bit too conspicuous. People often come in and out, and there

may be people from the Ministry of Magic visiting, so this one A house is

the best choice!”

"Haha! Hagrid, I must tell you, your behavior in Knockturn Alley was

great!" A dirty-haired wizard laughed. He was Mundungus Fletcher, who

was talking to Hagrid. What are you talking about.

Hagrid took a long sip of his beer - tellingly, his glass was larger than the

others - and said in a very loud voice: "I know, Dunge (short for

Mundungus), You also know that every one of the merchants in

Knockturn Alley..."

at this time--

"Beasts! Bitch! Dirty and sinful scoundrels! Bastards, freaks, ugly

monsters, get out of here! How dare you desecrate the home of my

ancestors..." A louder roar suddenly came from the foyer.

Hagrid quickly shut up and kept apologizing in a low voice, but at this

time Sirius had already rushed out, followed by Charlie, Lupin, and


Outside the room they had just stayed in was a foyer, with peeling

wallpaper, and the luxurious carpets that might once have been very

bright and bright were also faded and looked very old, while a

spiderweb-shaped chandelier shimmered and shone brightly. The

portraits hanging on the walls became more and more terrifying and


There are two velvet curtains covered with insect holes on the side. They

have been lifted at this time. Behind them are not doors or windows, but

a portrait hanging. There is indeed a window in the painting, and there is

another. The old lady wearing a black hat screamed with a distorted


"Shut up, you horrible old witch!" Sirius shouted as he rushed over,

struggling to pull the curtains back.

The old lady's face suddenly turned pale.

"The evil son!" The old lady's eyes widened, her body trembled, and she

shouted sternly, "The prodigal son, the shame of the family, the evil son I

gave birth to!"

"I told you, shut up!" Sirius roared. Xia Ran and Lupine stepped forward

to help him close the curtains. Only then did the old lady's roar disappear

and could no longer be heard.

Tonks said with regret: "What a pity. I wanted to help, ah, I'm sorry!"

As she spoke, she knocked down a giant monster's leg. Xia Ran suddenly

felt a strong force coming from behind the curtain, intending to tear the

curtain open and let the old lady appear in front of everyone again.

"Tighten up! Lupin, go and help Tonks." Xia Ran said immediately,

holding on to the curtain tightly and not letting go.

Sirius said with some annoyance: "Tonks, please go back to the house and

sit down first."

"I knocked this thing over and I have to put it back in its place." Tonks

refused Sirius and worked with Lupin to move the huge and heavy troll

leg back to its original position.


At this moment, the door was opened. Dumbledore and Snape stepped

into the house one after another. Snape closed the door and immediately

saw the movements of Xia Ran and Sirius - mainly Xiao Ran. Sirius -

couldn't help but smile sarcastically.

"Ah, you are so hardworking, isn't our hero Blake? He shuts his mother

tightly behind the curtain."

"Shut up, Snotlout!" Sirius gritted his teeth.

Snape smiled sarcastically, but since Dumbledore was nearby, he did not

continue to speak sarcastically.

Mrs. Weasley appeared at the other end of the hall and called,

"Dumbledore is here, do you want something to eat? The rest of us have

had something to fill our bellies."

"No, Molly." Dumbledore said politely, walking through the hall, "Severus

and I had something to eat before we came here. Of course, it would be

great if you could give me a beer."

Mrs. Weasley poured two more beers and placed them in front of

Dumbledore and Snape.

A group of people all sat down in their seats.

Dumbledore glanced around and said with a smile: "It's great to see you

all again. Although there are many companions who cannot be present, I

believe they also really want to attend."

"Okay, Albus, don't say any more. Let's start early." Moody urged, the

magic eye moving randomly.

Xia Ran smiled. She was worthy of being the number two figure in the

Order of the Phoenix. Moody stared at Xia Ran with his magic eyes for a

while, then he spread his hands and his eyes immediately moved to the

other side.

"Forgive me, Alastor." Dumbledore said with a smile, "There is no doubt

that Voldemort has returned."


A house elf suddenly flashed in. He was almost naked except for a dirty

rag around his waist, like a loincloth used by men in tropical countries to

cover their bodies.

He looks very old, and his skin seems to be several times more than what

his body actually needs. Although his head is bald like all house elves, his

two big bat-like ears still have There are a lot of white hairs.

His eyes were bloodshot, watery and gray, and his fleshy nose was as big

as a pig's.

As if the elf didn't notice the people having a meeting in the room, he

arched his back and dragged his feet, slowly and step by step towards the

corner of the room, while he kept chanting softly in a low and hoarse

voice like a bullfrog.

Xia Ran's eyes flickered. This was the house elf of the Black family,

named Kreacher. He was related to an important source of Force points

for Xia Ran.

Chapter 102 Kreacher

While Xia Ran looked at Kreacher, Kreacher was also talking to himself in

a low voice: "It smells like sewers and criminals! He's not much better,

the annoying old loser, leading his subordinates here Ruining my

mistress's room. Oh, my poor mistress, if she knew anything, what would

she say to old Kreacher if she knew what kind of scum they let into her

door? Oh, my poor mistress. , what a disgrace, pure-blooded scum,

bastard, werewolf, giant, liar and thief, poor old Kreacher, what can he


"Get out, Kreacher!" Sirius said in a strong voice, pointing to the door.

The house elf suddenly froze, and instead of mumbling words, he showed

a very obvious but suspicious look of surprise.

Xia Ran looked at the elf. Slytherin's locket was in Kreacher's hand and

was given to him by Sirius' brother Regulus. The locket must also contain

Force points. thing.

"Kreacher didn't see the dirty master just now." Kreacher said, he bowed

to Sirius, his face was still facing the ground, but he spoke in a voice that

everyone present could hear, "The young master is a A nasty, ungrateful

bastard who broke his mother's heart."

Snape seemed to scoff.

"My mother has no heart." Sirius said very impatiently. "She relies

entirely on hatred to maintain her life. OK, Kreacher, I said, I order you

to get out immediately!"

"Sirius, stay friendly to Kreacher," Dumbledore said.

"Ah, disgusting old scum." Kreacher bowed again as he spoke, and

responded angrily to Sirius as he slowly walked out of the room, "No

matter what the young master says, the young master can't even clean

the soles of his mother's shoes. Not worthy. Oh, my poor mistress, what

would she say if she saw Kreacher serving the young master? How the

mistress hated him, how he broke her heart, how disappointing he was! "

Sirius seemed to want to mention the elf and throw him out, but since

Dumbledore had just said that, he reluctantly held back.

Seeing that Kreacher was about to leave the room, Xia Ran touched his

chin and felt that this time might be a good opportunity, so he said:

"Sirius, please order Kreacher to stay in the house."

"Huh?" Sirius was confused, but he gave the order again. He was

Kreacher's master, and Kreacher must obey his orders.

"Kreacher, stay."

The elf suddenly stopped moving.

"Xia Ran, what are you doing?" Mr. Weasley asked confused, "I don't

think elves should participate in this meeting."

Most of the others nodded.

Dumbledore was familiar with Xia Ran and knew that he would not

speak like this for no reason, so he asked: "Xia Ran, did you discover


Xia Ran nodded slightly and said softly: "There are indeed some

discoveries, but there is no way to confirm it yet. We need Kreacher's

answer." He let out a little panic here, after all, he was 100% sure of the


Everyone looked at Xia Ran, expressing confusion and questioning.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and

Hagrid, do you all remember the diary incident last school year?" Xia Ran

asked first.

Professor McGonagall nodded and said: "Riddle's diary, a Horcrux made

by the mysterious man when he was young."

"Horcrux?!" Many people present heard about the existence of the diary

for the first time, such as Kingsley and Sirius, and they suddenly gasped.

Obviously, they understand what a Horcrux is and what prerequisites are

needed to make a Horcrux, which is a living human life!

Mundungus, Mrs. Figg, and Tonks, who didn't know about Horcruxes,

also learned about them after Lupine introduced them in a low voice, and

their eyes widened in horror.

Kreacher originally wanted to say a few curse words, but suddenly he

heard the words "horcrux" and "mysterious man", and stood there

blankly, looking at Xia Ran.

"Voldemort made Horcruxes, so he can live to this day instead of dying in

Godric's Hollow twelve years ago?" Moody tightened his grip on the

crutch in his hand and turned his magic eyes crazily.

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded.

Sirius frowned and asked, "What does Voldemort's Horcrux have to do

with Kreacher?"

"Not only does it have a relationship with Kreacher, but it also has a very

deep connection with Regulus." Xia Ran said softly.

Sirius seemed to have lost his mind and said with a change of expression:

"Are you saying that Regulus helped Voldemort make Horcruxes, but was

eventually silenced by Voldemort?"

Xia Ran suddenly couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said: "What do you

think, you don't believe Regulus so much, are you sure that he is the kind

of dark wizard who kills innocent people indiscriminately?"

"..." Sirius opened his mouth, thinking that Regulus might be. After all,

Regulus once worshiped Voldemort and became a member of the Death

Eaters, but he couldn't say it.

"According to the information I obtained from the secret investigation,

Regulus is a true warrior!"

Xia Ran told another lie here. Anyway, no one else could confirm the so-

called secret investigation on the ground. This could give him an excuse

as to why he knew these secret information that almost no outsider could


Sirius' expression became stunned again.

After receiving everyone's curious gazes, Xia Ran spread her hands,

turned to look at Kreacher and said, "I don't know the specific details, but

I think Kreacher must know the truth."

Kreacher still looked at Xia Ran blankly.

"Kreacher, I order you to tell everything about Regulus." Sirius said


The elf suddenly started to tremble, swaying and trembling.

"Kreacher!" Sirius snapped, "I order you..."

The elf gasped for air, his withered chest heaving rapidly, and then his

eyes widened and he let out a blood-curdling scream.

"Master Regulus...Master Regulus...Kreacher made a mistake and failed to

complete Master Regulus's mission. Kreacher failed to carry out Master

Regulus's order!"

The elf said as he rushed towards the stone wall and hit the stone wall

crazily with his big ugly head.

"Oh, no!" cried the four women, Professor McGonagall, Mrs. Weasley,

Mrs. Figg, and Tonks.

Xia Ran and Mr. Weasley went over and held down Kreacher to prevent

him from continuing to destroy himself.

The room seemed to be in chaos at this moment.

"Sirius!" Dumbledore reminded Sirius loudly.

Sirius yelled: "Stop! Kreacher, I order you to stop!"

Xia Ran felt the elf stiffen, and then he let go.

Chapter 103 The Story of

Kreacher and Regulus

"Okay, let's talk, Kreacher, tell us your story with Regulus."

Seeing that the elf no longer hurt himself, Xia Ran stood up and sat back

on the chair nearby.

The elf took a few big breaths, sat up from the ground, curled up into a

ball, put his wet face between his knees, and began to rock back and

forth. When he spoke, his voice was low and muffled, but he could be

heard quite clearly in the quiet kitchen.

"Master Sirius ran away, and it would be better if he left, because he is a

bad boy, and his unruly behavior broke my mistress's heart. But Master

Regulus has self-respect, and he knows that the name Black and his What

does pure blood mean?”

Snape seemed to have a mocking smile as he listened, but he did not

interrupt the elf's story.

The elf continued: "For many years, he often talked about the Dark Lord,

who wanted wizards to stop hiding and come out to rule Muggles and

their descendants... When Master Regulus was sixteen, He was so proud,

so proud, so happy to join the Dark Lord's organization, to be able to


"A year later, one day, Master Regulus came to visit Kreacher in the

kitchen. Master Regulus has always liked Kreacher. Master Regulus

said...he said..."

The old elf's body shook and trembled even more violently as he spoke.

"...He said the Dark Lord wanted an elf."

Xia Ran sighed secretly. After all, he had known the story of Kreacher

and Regulus for a long time. Now that it was told by the elf himself, he

still felt emotional and mixed emotions when listening to it.

"House elf?" Everyone present looked at each other.

"Voldemort wants an elf? The Dark Lord has always looked down on any

other creature, even if he promised them many conditions in exchange

for their support." Moody's magic eyes stared at the elf.

"What does he want the elf to do?" Sirius frowned tightly and turned to

look at the others. Most of them were as confused as him, with the

exception of two people, one was Dumbledore and the other was Xia Ran.


Xia Ran said softly: "Kreacher, keep talking."

"Oh, yes." Kreacher looked very painful and said, "Master Regulus

contributed to Kreacher, this is an honor, Master Regulus said, it is the

honor of himself and Kreacher. Kreacher Must do whatever the Dark Lord

wants him to do and then go... home."

The elf shook faster, and his breathing turned into sobs. If Sirius hadn't

given him an order not to allow self-mutilation, Kreacher would have

immediately banged his head against the stone wall again to punish

himself. .

"So Kreacher went to the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord didn't tell Kreacher

what he was going to do. Instead, he took Kreacher to a cave by the sea.

It was a big cave with a big black lake in it..."

"...there is a boat..."

"There is a small island in the center of the lake. There is a stone... stone

basin on the island, filled with magic potion. The Dark... Dark Lord asked

Kreacher to drink..."

The elf was trembling all over now.

"Kreacher drank, and saw many horrific scenes while drinking...

Kreacher's internal organs were on fire... Kreacher called Master Regulus

to save him, and called the mistress, but the Dark Lord just laughed, He

forced Kreacher to drink all the potion. He threw a locket into an empty

basin and filled the basin with potion..."

Xia Ran's eyes flashed, and the locket was his target. Judging from

Ravenclaw's crown and Gryffindor's sword, Slytherin's locket must also

contain a lot of Force points. .

"Then the Dark Lord got on the boat and left, leaving Kreacher on the

island..." the elf said intermittently.

Everyone can almost imagine that scene.

In a dark and deep cave, Voldemort's pale snake face disappeared at the

entrance of the cave, leaving only the arrogant and wild laughter

echoing. On the small island in the center of the lake inside the cave, an

elf was rolling all over the ground in extreme pain. He may be in danger,

but he should be able to return to Black's old house safely in the end.

But how did he come back?

Everyone was puzzled.

Since Voldemort hid something very important to him in the cave, he

probably wouldn't want to let the elf leave. This can be seen from the fact

that he did not take the elf with him when he walked out of the cave.

How can an elf resist Voldemort's magic?

"Kreacher was in great pain and scared, but Kreacher was too thirsty. He

climbed to the edge of the island to drink the water from the black

lake...many hands, many hands emerged from the lake, dead hands, from

the water It stuck out and dragged Kreacher into the water..."

"Oh my God!" The four female wizards, Professor McGonagall, Mrs.

Weasley, Mrs. Figg, and Tonks, couldn't help but cover their mouths,

tears rippling in their eyes.

Even the other wizards looked extremely heavy.

Where did the bodies in the lake come from? They had been slaughtered

by Voldemort. Although they knew that Voldemort was crazy and

vicious, they still couldn't help but tremble when they thought of a lake

full of corpses, and they could only feel the burning anger in their chests.

"Severus, do you know the potion in the stone basin?" Dumbledore asked.

Snape said slowly: "There are some guesses, but I am not sure. I need to

see it with my own eyes to distinguish."

"Kreacher, how did you escape?" Lupine asked.

Kreacher immediately glanced at Lupine with disgust, and hid back with

an unusually obvious movement. He kept mumbling: "Oh, my God, the

dirty wolf bastard talked to Kreacher. Kreacher didn't allow it. If the

mistress knew What would she say?"

"I won't allow you to say words like werewolf again!" Sirius roared, but

the elf had already begun to punish himself. He fell to the ground and hit

the floor with his head quickly, making a violent thud.

"Stop him quickly, Sirius." Lupin said.

Xia Ran went over and held down the elf, and Sirius yelled again: "Stop, I

order you to stop!"

The elf was lying on the ground, with a big swelling on his forehead, and

his eyes were even more red, swollen and bloodshot, and filled with


"How did you escape, Kreacher?" Dumbledore asked softly.

Kreacher raised his ugly head, looked at Dumbledore with bloodshot

eyes, and said, "Master Regulus said that Kreacher should go home."

Dumbledore frowned slightly, then showed a look of surprise on his face.

"I know, but how did you leave the lake?" Sirius asked confused.

Kreacher acted as if he didn't understand the question and continued to

repeat: "Master Regulus said he wanted Kreacher to go home."

"I know, but..."

Xia Ran interrupted Sirius's question and said, "It's very simple. He left

the cave through apparation."

"But would Voldemort not have thought of this? How could he allow his

secret to be known to the house elves?" Lupine asked.

Xia Ran said: "But the magic of elves is different from the magic of

wizards, right? We cannot apparate in Hogwarts because we are

restricted by the protective magic of Hogwarts. House elves obviously do

not have this problem. of."

There was a moment of silence, and the room fell into a deathly silence,

except for the sound of the elf sobbing.

Chapter 104 80 Force Points

"Would the mysterious person make such a stupid mistake?" Mr. Weasley

whispered, looking a little confused.

Dumbledore spoke, his voice cold: "You have to know, just like Alastor

said just now, Voldemort will never look at other living beings. He will

definitely disdain the magic of house elves. Just like those pure-blood

wizard families who treat house elves as slaves and livestock! He would

never have thought that house elves have magic that even he does not

possess. This is the result of the arrogance of the wizards."

"The highest law for a house elf is the master's order." Kreacher said in a

chant-like tone, "The master told Kreacher to go home, and Kreacher

went home."

There was another moment of silence, and everyone stared at the house

elf, forgetting to speak.

Xia Ran whispered: "Voldemort paid the price for his arrogance."

"So, you did what Regulus ordered you to do, didn't you?" Dumbledore

asked gently, "without disobeying orders at all?"

Kreacher nodded, then shook his head.

"Then what happened after you came back? You told Regulus these

things, what did he say? And how did he die?" Sirius asked eagerly.

The elf continued: "When Kreacher told Master Regulus these things,

Master Regulus was very worried, very, very, very worried. He told

Kreacher to hide and not leave the house. And then... passed For a long

time... One night, Master Regulus came to the cupboard and found

Kreacher. Master Regulus looked very strange. I could tell that he was

not his usual self. He must be very confused. ...The young master asked

Kreacher to take him to the cave, the same cave where Kreacher and the

Dark Lord had been..."

So they set off. A group of people could clearly imagine a frightened old

elf, a lean young man who looked very similar to Sirius. Kreacher had

been there once, and he knew how to reach the cave. How to cross the

Black Lake and which island we finally arrived at.

"He made you drink the potion?" Mr. Weasley asked disgustedly.

Kreacher immediately shook his head and burst into tears. There seemed

to be tears in the corners of Dumbledore's eyes. He had already guessed

Regulus's choice.

Xia Ran was even more sad.

"Thunder...Master Regulus took out a locket that was exactly the same as

the Dark Lord's from his pocket." Klee said intermittently, tears flowing

down both sides of his long nose. "He told Kreacher to hold it while the

stone basin dried and then switch the locket around."

Kreacher's sobs became thick and harsh, and the group had to pay close

attention to understand his words.

"He ordered...Kreacher to leave and leave him alone. He told Kreacher to

go home...not to say anything to the mistress about what he had done,

but that the first locket must be destroyed. Then he drank...drank it. After

taking the potion, Kreacher changed the locket. Kreacher could only

watch... watching Master Regulus being dragged underwater, and then..."

"Oh, God!" Professor McGonagall and Mrs. Weasley immediately covered

their mouths, tears glistening in their eyes.

Sirius sat down on the chair, his face extremely pale, and his body

seemed to be trembling.

"So, you took the locket home and succeeded in destroying it?"

Dumbledore asked softly. He already knew what the locket was and what

Voldemort used it to do.

"Kreacher couldn't leave any trace on it." The elf said sadly. "Kreacher

tried all the methods, all the methods, but none of them succeeded...

There are so many powerful things on the box. Magic, Kreacher believed

it could only be destroyed from the inside, but Kreacher couldn't open it."

"Kreacher punished himself, tried again, punished himself, and tried

again. Kreacher never succeeded in carrying out Master Regulus's order.

Kreacher could not destroy the locket! The mistress went crazy with grief

because Master Regulus is missing, and Kreacher cannot tell her what

happened, not because Master Regulus forbids Kreacher to tell his

family...about what happened in the cave."

Kreacher burst into tears. Professor McGonagall, Mrs. Weasley, Mrs. Figg,

Tonks, and Hagrid all burst into tears. Hagrid even let out a loud sob.

Most of the other group of wizards also looked a little uneasy.

"So, Kreacher, can you go find the locket and let us take a look?" Xia Ran

said in a gentle tone.

Kreacher stood up unsteadily, as if he would fall to the ground in the

next moment.

Xia Ran took the opportunity to say: "You hid the locket under the

cupboard, right? I'll get it."

As he spoke, he stood up and left the room without giving the elf a

chance to refute or give anyone else a chance to intervene.

Xia Ran came to Kreacher's cupboard. The wand he raised in his hand

glowed. He used his other hand to open the cupboard door. There was a

pile of old blankets inside, which should have been used by Kreacher to

sleep. In addition, There was also a thick book called Born Noble: The

Wizarding Genealogy, as well as some gleaming knick-knacks.

Of course, in the corner of the cupboard, the golden locket was covered

with a lot of dust, but it still looked so conspicuous.

Slytherin's Locket!

Xia Ran's eyes suddenly showed joy, and he grabbed the golden locket

with one hand, and soon he discovered the changes in the system panel.

"Slytherin's locket was found. Force points: 40. Do you want to absorb


"Absorb!" Xia Ran secretly thought, he came out to look for the locket

first, wasn't it just to get this opportunity to obtain the force points

contained in the locket?

He soon felt the cool breath escaping from his body, and the Force points

on the system panel in front of him began to beat continuously, rising

from 40 points all the way up - he had absorbed 40 Force points from the

Sword of Gryffindor in front of him. Points, because they could not

promote the increase of magic level, were deliberately reserved for future

emergencies - and finally stopped at the number of 80 points.

[Force points: 80 points].

Xia Ran was filled with joy and resisted the urge to immediately increase

her magic level. She took the locket and returned to the meeting room.

"Slytherin's locket, I think it is also one of Voldemort's Horcruxes,

otherwise he would not have kept it so preciously, and so many innocent

people died in that cave." Xia Ran said Place the locket on the table.

Dumbledore took the locket and looked at it with interest.

Sirius suddenly stood up. Although his face was still so pale and

bloodless, his expression was extremely determined.

"I'm going to that cave to bring Regulus back!"

Chapter 105 Cave

"I want to bring Regulus back!" Sirius said resolutely, with a determined

look on his face, "I can't let him stay in that dark place after his death,

suffering the consequences of black magic forever. erosion!"

Dumbledore put down the locket and said: "You are right, Sirius, we

cannot let the bones of heroes fall to hell forever, and the corpses of

innocent people must also be reburied."

Sirius nodded solemnly, looked at the elf aside and said, "Kreacher, I

order you to take me to that cave."

"Let's go there together. It's not an easy task to bury so many innocent

people who died tragically." Lu Ping said while rubbing his forehead.

Mr. Weasley worried: "I'm afraid the elf's magic power is not enough to

disapparate so many of us."

Xia Ran also frowned and said: "Why don't we send two people to follow

Kreacher to the destination first, and then we will return to take the


"Then let's do it this way." Dumbledore agreed, "Alastor, do you want to

go over?"

Moody's magic eyes rolled and he said, "It's okay to go."

"Kreacher, come here." Sirius ordered, grabbing one of Kreacher's palms,

while Dumbledore and Moody grabbed Kreacher's other palm.


The elf and the three wizards disappeared in an instant, and used the

apparation magic in the tightly protected Blake old house.

"Regulus, I once taught that child's Transfiguration class. Unexpectedly..."

Professor McGonagall was filled with emotion, with tears in her eyes.

Lupine sighed: "He is indeed a hero. Even though he was in the Death

Eater camp, he still contributed to the fight against the mysterious man."

Regulus is Sirius's younger brother, and as Sirius's good friend, he

naturally knows Regulus, but he has never imagined that Slytherin's lean

seeker - Regulus When he was a student, he studied in Slytherin House

and was also the seeker of the Slytherin House Quidditch team. He was in

the same position as Harry - it was surprising that a person could do such

an amazing thing.

"Slytherin's locket is also a Horcrux, Voldemort's Horcrux. I think Regulus

is the first wizard besides Voldemort himself to discover the secret of his

Horcrux." Xia Ran sighed, When he first read the story of Regulus, he was

also filled with emotion.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

At this time, except for Sirius, Dumbledore, Moody, and Kreacher were

all back.

"Let's go outside the house. The magic in the house still has restrictions

on wizards." Dumbledore said, walked out of the room, crossed the hall,

and opened the door.

Many people filed out, but some people did not move, staying here

waiting for others to come back, such as Mrs. Figg, Mundungus, Hagrid,

Snape, and Kingsley.

Kreacher's face looked a little pale, and he probably only had one chance

to apparate with the wizard. After all, apparation and apparation are a

kind of advanced magic, and the consumption of magic power is also

very huge.

"Kreacher, are you okay?" Xia Ran asked with concern.

The elf said in a sharp voice: "Sir, Kreacher can take you there, but you

must bring Master Regulus's bones back."

"We will definitely do it." Lu Ping nodded solemnly.


Kreacher apparated with Xia Ran and Lupine, and followed the phantom

to a cliff by the sea. Xia Ran felt the sea breeze and the smell of the


Now the sky is getting dark, the sunset on the horizon has already set in

the west, and the cold wind is blowing his hair. He is standing on a high

black rock above the sea, and the waves are rolling and foaming under

his feet.

He turned his head and looked back, and there was a cliff standing

behind him. The steep rock wall dropped straight down, and there were

jagged rocks, with a few pieces protruding like sharp weapons.

And there were several large rocks, like the one he, Lupin, and Kreacher

were standing on at the moment, which seemed to have fallen off the

front of the cliff at some time in the past.

Everything was bare and desolate. Except for the vast sea and rocks,

there was no green at all. Not to mention the lush trees, not even a single

blade of grass could be seen.

With the red light of the setting sun, Xia Ran saw a crack on the cliff. The

dark sea water was swirling in it. A figure with disheveled black hair on

his head was swimming over. That was Sirius.

Snapped! Snapped!

There were two explosions in succession, and Dumbledore and Moody

came over with others, and this tall rock suddenly seemed crowded.

"I think we need a boat, well, obviously there aren't any, the waters here

are very dangerous," said Mr. Weasley.

"Let's go there too, ma'am, be careful." Dumbledore suddenly became as

agile as a young man. He gently slid from the pebble into the sea water,

and like Sirius in front, headed towards the rock surface. Swim through

the cracks that intersect light and dark.

He held the wand in his mouth, using a perfect breaststroke position.

Stay strong with old age!

Xia Ran sighed secretly, and followed suit like the others.

It was already November, and it was now evening. The water was

extremely cold. Xia Ran felt that it was very uncomfortable to swim in

the sea for the first time.

After his clothes were soaked with water, they became bulging and

heavy, dragging him down. He took a few deep breaths and immediately

smelled the pungent smell of salt and seaweed. He slowly swam towards

the crack between the cliffs.

Soon, the crack turned into a dimly lit dark passage, and Sirius had

already entered. Dumbledore, Moody, Lupin, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, as

well as Professor McGonagall, Tonks, and Kreacher also entered. They

have all entered the secret passage, and Xia Ran is at the back.

The mud-covered rock walls on both sides were only three feet wide

apart. Sirius in front of him seemed to have landed on the shore, raising

his wand high to illuminate the way forward for everyone. After all, the

light became dimmer as the dark passage went deeper.

Although it is extremely cold to swim in the sea, the people present are

all experienced wizards with strong will. Now that they have decided to

come here, they will not retreat because of the temporary cold.

A group of people stood up from the sea one after another. This was a

dark cave with steps that seemed to be accessible.

Xia Ran also climbed up the steps, and the water flowed down from his

soaked clothes. He finally walked out of the sea, but the surrounding air

was still as quiet and cold as ever, and he shivered uncontrollably.

Several ladies were even worse, their faces were extremely pale.

Dumbledore summoned a pile of dry firewood and cast a spell to light it.

The warm firelight dissipated the coldness around him and illuminated

the deeper places. However, they were all rough and hard rock cave

walls. It seemed that the so-called lake and The island is all Kreacher's

false words.

Chapter 106 Low-Level Conditions

Xia Ran and others tapped themselves with their wands, and their soaked

clothes suddenly became dry and warm, as if they had been baking in

front of the fire for several hours.

However, it was still cold inside the cave. There were still some

aftereffects from swimming in the sea just now. At least their hands and

feet were still very cold at the moment, as if the chill had penetrated into

their bones. They simply gathered around the fire to warm themselves


Dumbledore and Sirius stood in the center of the cave, holding their

wands high in their hands, looking carefully at the rock walls and cave


Sirius asked anxiously: "Why is there no entrance?"

"Yes, this is the place." Dumbledore said.

"What?" Sirius asked hurriedly, "Have you found the entrance,


"How do you know, Dumbledore? You've never been here before." Tonks

asked curiously.

"It has seen magic," Dumbledore replied shortly.

Xia Ran obviously found that Tonks looked confused, as if asking what

did you say, why can't I understand?

However, he has long been aware of this place. Although he has never

been to this place personally before today, he also knows what kind of

protective measures Voldemort has taken to this place where his Horcrux

is hidden. One layer after another, it is not like Riddle's diary was

disposed of almost casually.

"This is just the front hall, the entrance hall." Dumbledore said after a

moment, "We need to go inside. What is blocking us now is the trap set

by Voldemort, not the obstacles set by nature."

Dumbledore approached the cave wall, touched it with his left hand that

was not holding the wand, and whispered something in a strange and

mysterious language that no one present could understand.

Although they didn't understand it, they also knew that this was

Dumbledore trying to break Voldemort's magic, so they waited patiently

and warmed themselves by the fire to dispel the cold chill in the cave.

Now that Kreacher has lost the power of Apparition, he can only rely on

Dumbledore to crack it step by step. After all, the magic left by

Voldemort is extremely concealed and even more mysterious. They are

still a little behind in cracking it, and they can't even touch it. Mind.

Dumbledore walked twice around the cave from the right, touching the

rough cave walls as much as possible, occasionally stopping to feel up

and down with his fingers on a certain place. Finally, he stopped and

placed his palms safely on the cave wall.

"Here, I think you are right." Dumbledore said softly, "We have to enter

from here. The entrance is very hidden."

No one asked how Dumbledore knew. After all, he was the most powerful

white wizard in the world - Dumbledore. Even if he only used his eyes to

see and his hands to touch, he could still solve problems that were

extremely confusing to others. .

Making ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-

pong-pong-ping-pong-pong-smoking is usually the characteristic of a low-

level person, rather than the behavior of a master. Dumbledore is

obviously a very powerful master. This is irrefutable and unquestionable.

Even though Xia Ran had long known that there was a door in the cave

that could lead to the place Kreacher mentioned, that was the destination

of their trip. However, he didn't know the specific location of the door. If

he was asked to find it, although it was possible to find it, it would take

at least several hours, unlike Dumbledore who could find it in a few


Dumbledore took a few steps back from the cave wall and pointed his

wand at the rock.


Suddenly, the outline of an arch appeared there, emitting a dazzling

white light, as if there was a strong light shining behind the crack.

"Success?!" Everyone's eyes lit up, but before they finished speaking, the

outline of the portal had disappeared. The rock was still as hard and

thick as before, and there was nothing on it. What they saw before

seemed to be an illusion.

Mrs. Weasley asked in shock: "Why did you disappear again?"

Xia Ran had known the conditions for opening the door, but she didn't

know the specific location of the door. Now that Dumbledore has found

the door, it means that the problem has been solved for him.

He said slowly and softly at this moment: "Dumbledore, I think you have

already made a guess, but maybe you think the conditions set by

Voldemort are too low-level."

"Have you made any guesses, Xia Ran?" Dumbledore turned around and


"I don't know if it's accurate, I still have to try."

Dumbledore said softly: "I still think it's too vulgar."

"What are you talking about?" Tonks asked confused, and everyone else,

except Moody, was also confused.

Xia Ran stood up and walked over, touched the stone cave wall, and said

with a smile: "Voldemort definitely doesn't want anyone other than him

to break in without permission. After all, his Horcrux is hidden in it.

Although it has been taken over by Lei Gu, Les changed away - he left

this door for him to enter and exit when necessary. In order to avoid

wizards with bad intentions - just like our group - he believed that

opening this door requires paying a certain price. Able to pass.”

"The price?" Sirius asked, "What price? What are we going to do?"

"If I'm not wrong, the price may be blood!" Xia Ran said leisurely.

"Blood?" Everyone was stunned.

"Do you think it's blood, Xia Ran?" Dumbledore made no secret of his

disappointment. It seemed that Voldemort did not meet the standards

that Dumbledore expected. "So I said this is too low-level. I want my

opponent to weaken me." Enter, there is nothing wrong with this

principle, but providing blood is too low-level. Voldemort has never been

able to understand that there are many things that are much more

terrifying than physical injuries."

The others looked at each other, thinking the physical damage was

terrible enough.

"I'll do it!" Sirius volunteered. After all, their only purpose here was to

bury his brother Regulus, so he had no choice but to stand up and make a


Before anyone could say anything, Sirius swiped his wand on his arm,

and blood immediately flowed out.

"Okay, Sirius, since you insist on it." Dumbledore stepped aside. He

wanted to donate blood himself, but Sirius had already taken the lead, so

there was no need for him to scratch himself.

Xia Ran also stepped aside.

Sirius stepped forward quickly and let the blood smear on the surface of

the rock. A layer of shiny, dark red blood beads stained a corner of the

rock surface.

"Okay, Sirius, it's almost done." Xia Ran said, gently tapping Sirius'

injured arm with her wand.

"Healed as before!"

The deep wound healed instantly, and he cast a healing healing spell.

The dazzling white outline of the arch appeared again on the cave wall.

This time it did not disappear. The blood-stained rock in the arch

suddenly disappeared, revealing a doorway, which seemed to be endless

darkness, leading to hell. The entrance to Huangquan is average.

Chapter 107 Voldemort’s methods

"Come with me." Dumbledore said and was the first to walk through the

doorway. Sirius was the second to go in with an anxious look on his face,

Xia Ran was the third, and the others, including Kreacher, followed

closely behind.

As he left, Moody extinguished the fire in the cave outside.

Everyone entered, holding their wands high. Under the magic spell

"fluorescent flash", a few bright lights shone through this deep cave. In

fact, there was almost no light here before, and they could only rely on

the wands in their hands, which were like desk lamps, to illuminate the

darkness. cave.

Xia Ran looked around with interest. The scene was quite strange. They

were standing on the shore of a large black lake. The lake was extremely

wide and endless as far as the eye could see. It seemed as if this place

was not in a cave, but on a plain wilderness. There was a large lake on

the plain. In that way, because the distance is too far, the other shore in

the distance cannot be seen.

The cave they were in was very high, and the roof could not be seen

when looking up. Even with the dark barrier, Xia Ran felt that it was at

least 180 meters.

In the distance, as if in the center of the lake, there was a hazy, green

light, reflected in the dead water below. Except for the green light and

the bright light from a few wands, the surroundings were completely

filled with darkness that could not be broken away, and the penetrability

of these bright lights was not as strong as everyone expected. The

darkness here seemed to be darker than ordinary darkness. Denser and


After entering here, Kreacher sobbed in a low voice: "Master

Regulus...Master Regulus, he was dragged to the bottom of the lake by

countless hands in the lake."

Sirius recklessly wanted to dive into the lake. He felt that he was still

good at swimming and could sneak to the bottom of the lake and bring

up his brother's body.

"Sirius, calm down, don't be stupid." Xia Ran stopped Sirius. He knew that

Voldemort had cast various protective spells in the cave, and the bottom

of the lake was not as peaceful as the outside world.

"You want to stop me, Xia Ran?" Sirius asked angrily.

Xia Ran said calmly: "I just don't want to see you die in vain. There are

countless inferi in this lake." After a pause, he continued: "Of course, if

you insist on doing so, you are free to go. ”

"Sirius, you really need to calm down. We are here to take away the

corpses, not to get ourselves involved," Lupine said.

Sirius pointed his wand at the lake and said, "Then I will burn this big

lake first."

The flames are blazing!

A string of flames burst out from the top of the wand, and then a big

white thing jumped out of the lake. Before everyone could see clearly

what it was, it disappeared again with a crash, splashing on the calm

water. Ripples to far away places.

Everyone was slightly shocked.

At the same time, the flame at the top of Sirius' wand also went out.

"What is that?" Mrs. Weasley asked hurriedly, with a slightly unnatural

expression on her face.

Dumbledore said softly: "I think if we don't find the key to breaking the

situation here, that thing will appear again to interfere with us, or attack


"What should we do?" Tonks asked. She had taken two steps back just

now, but now she boldly stepped forward to take a look at the calm lake.

"Observe and observe first, don't act rashly."

Dumbledore was observing something around the shore of the lake, and

the others were also looking for ways. Their footsteps echoed on the

narrow rocks by the lake.

A mysterious green light flashes in the middle of the lake, giving people a

very depressing and uneasy feeling.

Moody was walking on the edge of the lake, his magic eye staring

motionlessly into the depths of the lake. His face was particularly dark, as

if he was angry and sad.

Mr. Weasley asked, "Did you find anything, Alastor?"

"There are so many corpses, I can't even count them. Which Voldemort,

how many people did he kill here?" Moody replied in a deep voice,

leaning heavily on his crutches.

His magic eye has the ability to see through illusions as well as reality.

"Oh my God!"

Several people couldn't help but whisper. Although they came here for

this purpose - including taking away Regulus's skeleton - they had

already been mentally prepared, but when they came closer and heard

Moody's words, they still felt angry.

These people were all innocent lives. Just because Voldemort wanted to

make Horcruxes and had to kill lives to split his soul, they were all

slaughtered by Voldemort. Even their bodies were not allowed to live in

peace after death, and they were reduced to guarding Voldemort's

Horcruxes. Inferi!

Xia Ran also had anger burning in her chest.


At this moment, Dumbledore touched the void with one hand, grabbed

something, and said, "I think I found something."

Others were immediately confused and didn't understand what

Dumbledore meant. In their opinion, the dark lakeshore in front of

Dumbledore was no different from anywhere else, but Dumbledore

seemed to notice something special.

He moved one hand slowly through the air, as if he wanted to find and

grasp something invisible.

"Okay." After a few seconds, Dumbledore said happily. He closed his

hands and grabbed something in the air that no one else could see.

Dumbledore slowly moved towards the lake. Others watched Dumbledore

nervously - except Xia Ran, who knew that Dumbledore had found

something - Dumbledore still held the hand in the air, and the other He

held the wand in one hand and tapped his clenched fist with the wand.


Immediately, a thick green copper chain suddenly emerged from the

depths of the lake and jumped towards Dumbledore's clenched fist.

Dumbledore tapped the chain with his wand, and the chain began to slip

through his fist like a snake, coiling into a pile on the ground, clanging

against the rock wall with a loud echo.

The chain pulled something up from the dark bottom of the lake.

Everyone watched in amazement as the bow of a small boat suddenly

emerged from the lake like a ghost. Like a chain, it emitted a green light

and floated towards the lakeshore where everyone was standing. , barely

causing a ripple.

"A ship?" Professor McGonagall asked in surprise.

Tonks asked curiously: "What is the purpose of this ship?"

"Obviously, to get to the small island in the center of the lake, you need

to pass through this boat." Dumbledore said, and with a soft bang, the

boat hit the lake shore, "But our target is not that small island." Island,

but countless innocent people in the depths of this lake.”

Dumbledore said, shook his head again, threw away the copper chain in

his hand, and said: "Are the passers based on the wizard's magic power?

Tom is still doing the same thing. Of course, I have to say, it does have a

certain value."

Mr. Weasley looked at the boat, then at the lake, and asked: "How do we

take away the corpses of those innocent people? I think the mysterious

man must have cast some vicious magic spell on them to prevent anyone

from breaking into this place without permission." ."

"How about we use the fire spell together?" Tonks waved her wand and

said eagerly, "Sirius's fire spell alone has no effect, but with so many of us

chanting the spell together, it will definitely have a very outstanding


Xia Ran smiled and said: "It's better to use the Fire Curse, which is much

more effective than the Fire Curse."

The method he used to destroy Marvolo Gaunt's ring at Gaunt's old house

in Little Hangleton was the Fire Spell, which is a very powerful black


So the group of people turned to look at Xia Ran with strange


Chapter 108 Inferi

"Xia Ran, do you still know the Fire Curse?" Professor McGonagall said in

surprise, "That is an evil black magic that can burn everything in the


Xia Ran smiled and said: "The Fire Curse doesn't need to torture people,

and its attack power is particularly powerful and destructive. Sometimes

it can be used...right?"

He had used it once a few months ago, destroying one of Voldemort's


"The fire spell shouldn't be able to dry up the lake, and the speed is too

slow." Dumbledore said softly, "The fire spell is too cruel and can easily

burn many corpses in the lake. This is not a scene we want to see. "

"What should we do?" Sirius asked.

Xia Ran said thoughtfully: "Perhaps, we can attract those Inferi to the

shore, subdue them, get them out of the lake, and finally take them to the

outside world and bury them in the ground."

"Attract them ashore?" asked Mrs. Weasley. "Will they run to the shore?"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "The existence of these Inferi was set up by

Voldemort to protect his Horcruxes. As long as we make some noise, the

Inferi will take notice and move. Then we can tie them up."

"The Inferi have no pain or feeling, and are extremely strong. I'm afraid

the ropes won't be able to trap them." Lu Ping expressed some concern.

Xia Ran said: "But it must still have some uses, but the Inferi are trained

by black magic. Is there any magic that can remove the Inferi? Let them

sleep peacefully in the world of the dead."

"I do know a way, but it won't work in this place." Moody still stood by

the lake, staring at the countless inferi in the depths of the lake.

Dumbledore said softly: "I know a magic, maybe I can try it."

"Okay." Xia Ran nodded immediately, pulled out the wand, motioned for

everyone to stand back, and said, "Then I will start to attract the Inferi to

the shore."

"Well, what magic is most likely to cause the Inferi to riot?"

Xia Ran thought about it for a while, and realized that the Inferi was a

creation of black magic. It was self-responsive and disgusted with bright

and holy magic, such as the God-calling Guardian Curse. Although it was

a magic against dementors, it was indeed pure and holy.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Xia Ran waved her wand, and the magic power surged through her body.

A little milky white light emerged from the tip of the wand, and it

immediately condensed into the shape of an animal, about half a person

tall. Even though this was an illusory image formed by the milky white

light, she could still tell. This animal is black and white and very naive.

"It turns out that Xia Ran's patron saint is actually a giant panda?!"

Dumbledore said with a smile. Although he was prepared, he still

thought the patron saint was cute and cute.

"It's a very cute animal. I heard that it is a national treasure of China. It

seems that there is one in the London Zoo, but I haven't seen it." Mrs.

Weasley looked at the panda silhouette and smiled, "It is indeed cute."

Xia Ran waved the wand again, and the patron saint turned his head to

look at him, blinking his eyes that were always dark circles, with a

confused look on his face.

Xia Ran's face darkened, and he had no choice but to point to the lake.

The patron saint looked at him as if complaining, threw himself to the

ground, and ran quickly with all four legs in the air, bringing up a string

of milky white halos.

at this time--

A sudden change occurred at the bottom of the lake. A white, sticky palm

stretched out from the lake, and then countless hands stretched out, as if

the lake was a door, a gateway to the underworld, and these The dead

who were controlled by Voldemort, after sensing the movement in the

outside world, rushed over, intending to drag Xia Ran into the water,

especially the panda patron saint who was sprinting in mid-air.

Xia Ran quickly backed away and looked up. There were white heads and

hands emerging from the dark water everywhere. There were men,

women, children, and the elderly, all with sunken eyes and no focus of

vision. His eyes floated towards the rock where Xia Ran and others were


Dark caves, pitch-black lakes, and countless corpses swimming around.

The patron saint looked slow, but in fact he was extremely agile. After

turning around in a circle, he ran towards the shore again, followed by

countless inferi. They rushed ashore in a mighty manner, just like an

army of hell charging, bringing everyone a Very shocking visual effects

and psychological shock.

"Stay back and wait until most of them come ashore before taking

action." Moody said loudly, holding a cane in one hand and a wand in the

other, always ready to recite a spell.

Xia Ran also retreated to the edge of the crowd. The patron panda circled

around the lake and disappeared when it arrived beside Xia Ran.

"Bind quickly!"

"All petrified!"

Everyone chanted a spell loudly, and various lights emerged from the tip

of the wand, and thick and strong ropes flew out, tying up the Inferi

rushing at the front. Then the petrification curse hit the Inferi, causing

The corpse was as stiff as a rock and bound by ropes. It immediately lay

on the ground motionless.

But the Inferi behind seemed to be endless, and they were still coming in

a steady stream. Their withered hands grasped the slippery rocks, and

their hollow, foggy eyes stared at everyone, and their tattered clothes

soaked in water were dragged behind them. Behind him, there were

sunken faces with crazy and cold murderous intent, as if any life that

broke into this place deserved death!

"I think the fire spell is still useful, but it will probably force them back

into the lake, which is not our purpose." As Dumbledore waved his wand,

he still spoke loudly, even over a group of people. The sound of people

chanting mantras.

His attainments in silent spellcasting must be extremely high!

"Petrify them all! Bind them quickly!" Xia Ran shouted, aiming his wand

forward and firing spells. In a short period of time, he had tied up more

than ten Inferi, and the results of others were similar to his.

Although Kreacher is old, the magic power of house elves is often

profound and the results are considerable.

As the number one and number two figures in the Order of the Phoenix,

Dumbledore and Moody certainly achieved the most results, with at least

thirty or forty bodies, but there were still many Inferi appearing and

rushing towards them.

Moody waved his wand and said: "Hurry, there are not many left, there

are probably more than a hundred inferi. All of them are petrified! Bind

them quickly!"

None of them used lethal spells, and the only petrification spell was not

an offensive spell for the Inferi. After all, they were the dead.

After a while, hundreds of corpses were lying densely on the shore. They

were all tightly tied up with thick ropes, and they were also in a state of

stiffness and petrification.

"Regulus!" Sirius suddenly shouted, tied up the last inferi in front of him,

and rushed forward regardless.

Kreacher shouted: "Master Regulus!"

"Petrify them all! Bind them quickly!" Moody tied up Regulus's corpse

and lay down straight on the ground with a snap.

Xia Ran took care of several of the Inferi in front of him, and at this time,

almost all the others had been eliminated. All of the Inferi had been tied

up, stiff as rocks, and unable to move.

"Regulus..." Sirius hugged Regulus's inferi, unable to hold back the tears

in his eyes.

The elf cried loudly, hoarse and inconsolable with pain.

Xia Ran sighed quietly.

Chapter 109 The dead sleep


"Regulus, we are going home, I will take you home." Sirius' voice was

filled with uncontrollable sadness and a hint of crying. He had been

restraining his emotions when he learned the truth about his brother's

death. At this point I finally couldn't control it anymore.

He carried the body of Regulus on his back. This was a young man who

looked very similar to Sirius. He looked to be in his twenties at most, but

his life was fixed at this point in time.

"Oh, Master Regulus..." Kreacher sobbed loudly.

Everyone was speechless and felt sad and heavy, especially after seeing

so many corpses in the cave, probably three to four hundred. How many

people did Voldemort kill here in the past?

"Let's get out first." Dumbledore said softly, and waved his wand, and

dozens of corpses immediately floated up and drifted out along the

entrance. The remains of these innocent people must also be buried in

the ground, and they cannot be allowed to live forever. Immersed in the

corruption of dark magic, he became an assistant to Voldemort, his own


Professor McGonagall said sadly: "Albus, let's cremate them all and bury

them on the cliff nearby. They should be nearby residents."

Xia Ran also waved the magic wand, and dozens of corpses floated in the

air. After the others went out, they floated out along the entrance.

They came to the outermost cave. After suffering a certain degree of

damage inside, it seemed that they could use Apparition. They carried

many corpses and Apparated to the top of the cliff. The sea breeze blew

and the sun had already set. On November 11 It is extremely cold on the

seaside in the moon.

"Fire is raging!" Dumbledore clicked his wand, and the many corpses

immediately burst into flames, and the flames shot up into the sky,

illuminating the dark coastline.

Xia Ran and others dug a huge hole nearby, just waiting for the ashes of

a group of innocent people to be buried in it.

"Sirius." Lupine looked at Sirius. He put down the body of Regulus and

was looking at his dead brother in pain.

The elf cried until his eyes were red, his voice was hoarse, and he almost


"I know, Remus, I wanted to see Regulus again... but I misunderstood him

at the beginning..." Sirius said sadly.

"Sirius, I think if Regulus was spiritual, he wouldn't want to see you in

such a downturn. He is a real hero, a hero who fights against the

mysterious man, not a Death Eater!" Lupine said with relief.

Sirius managed to stand up, wiped away his tears, and pointed his wand

at Regulus' body.

"Fire...flames are blazing!"

The flames engulfed Regulus's body, and Sirius' grief-stricken expression

gradually became resolute.

"Voldemort, I will resist him to the death! Let him understand the

principle of blood repayment with blood!" Sirius gritted his teeth.

"We will all fight to the death against You-Know-Who," Lupine said.


At this time, the pile of corpses on the other side had been burned, and

the ashes were collected by a group of wizards. Even if it was on a cliff

with strong sea breeze, there was still no trace of it floating to the sea.

Dumbledore moved his wand, and the ashes sank into the pit dug by


"Let's sleep here for the rest of our lives." Xia Ran sighed, and with a

wave of the wand, a large amount of soil surged up, filling up this big pit,

allowing them to sleep here. Although it was not the same place they

were alive, it was far better. There is no need to help his murderer

protect important items in the dark cave below.

Moody carved a huge rock from the side, erected it next to the pit, and

inserted it into the ground.

"Dumbledore, you have a good literary talent, please write a few

sentences." Moody said.

Dumbledore touched the giant rock with his wand sentimentally, lime

fell, and soon he wrote the epitaph.

"The victims who fought for the arrival of a beautiful and harmonious

society will rest here!"

Sirius conjured a bottle nearby and carefully contained Regulus's ashes.

He said: "I will take Regulus home and let him stay in the same cemetery

as his parents."

"Oh, let's go back." Xia Ran sighed.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

They all apparated back to the outside of No. 12 Grimmauld Place, the

current headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, which is the address of

Blake's old house, and cast a series of spells such as the Fidelity Charm

and the Muggle Shielding Charm. Compared with Hogg, It's no worse

than Watts, but the area is hundreds of times smaller.

There was almost no one walking on the streets at the moment, not even

a car. There must be very few people willing to go out on the cold night.

A group of people pushed the door open one after another and entered.

"You guys are finally back, how are you?" Kingsley heard the voice

coming out of the room inside, but not all the people who went there.

"I can only say that it went smoothly, but..." Xia Ran said, shaking her

head and sighing.

Kingsley also saw the urn held by Sirius at this time, and understood


Sirius placed the urn of Regulus in his room and decided when to bury it

in the cemetery. By this time, everyone else had already taken their seats

in the conference room.

Kreacher also returned to his cupboard, finally no longer mourning the

fate of Master Regulus. He was rescued from the dark Lake of Inferi. He

lay down and fell asleep soon after.

Sirius came in last, forced a smile, and said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm


"It's okay, Sirius." Dumbledore said, picking up the Slytherin locket again

and looking through it.

"Dumbledore, have you thought of any way to destroy this Horcrux?"

Moody asked.

Dumbledore said softly: "There is a way, but it is not easy to use here.

After all, it is Sirius's house."

The severe fire spell that Xia Ran had used before could not be used in a

house living like this.

"Okay, let's move on to other things." Dumbledore temporarily put down

the locket, faced everyone, and said, "Voldemort is back, and his first

goal must be resurrection. He can easily obtain the requirements for the

resurrection ceremony. But I think it’s possible that he might not

necessarily choose someone else.”

"Why?" Snape frowned.

"For Voldemort, Harry is far more important and meaningful than anyone

else, including me. After all, Harry is the only one who survived the

Avada Kedavra curse he cast. A wizard who caused his downfall last

time." Dumbledore replied.

Mr. Weasley said: "In other words, we must protect Harry and not let

Harry fall into the hands of Death Eaters?"

"Don't worry, Dumbledore, we will protect Harry." Lupine said.

Dumbledore seemed a little hesitant, but after thinking about it, he still

didn't say the words in his heart.

Xia Ran's eyes flashed and she guessed what Dumbledore was thinking.

He might have known Harry's true situation at this moment. Because of

Voldemort's Avada Kedavra twelve years ago, Harry became Voldemort's.

A Horcrux, so as long as Harry doesn't die, even if they destroy all of

Voldemort's other Horcruxes, including Voldemort himself, he can still

come back to life again.

As long as any of the Horcruxes are still there, Voldemort can be called

immortal, and no matter what, he cannot be completely killed!

Chapter 110 Meeting

"Although Voldemort is back, as long as he has not been resurrected, he

should not gather Death Eaters in a big way." Xia Ran said, "He knows

the roots of his Death Eaters and does not have enough power to

overwhelm everyone. Those Death Eaters You may not be willing to

follow him, or you may not want to be a guest."

"Are you a Death Eater? They follow Voldemort just for the sake of

greater power and to bully Muggles and other wizards unscrupulously.

When Voldemort can no longer bring them such confidence, it is normal

for them to give up. Just like the situation when Voldemort fell more

than ten years ago." Sirius sneered, and he looked at Snape specifically,

who seemed to have regained a lot of energy now.

Snape's face remained cold and indifferent, and he only glanced at Sirius

with disdain, as if he didn't bother to argue with Sirius.

Sirius groaned.

Everyone else ignored the dispute between the two people and pretended

not to notice it as long as it didn't cause a big fuss, because it was so

annoying that they would quarrel whenever they met.

Kingsley frowned and said: "Dumbledore, I'm afraid the situation in the

Ministry of Magic is very unfavorable. You also know Fudge's attitude.

He has now specially ordered the Prophet to make various remarks to

smear you. This is all It’s to attack your prestige and reputation in the

magical world.”

"Stupid!" Moody said coldly.

"Yeah, stupid, but he's still the Minister of Magic, isn't he?" Kingsley said

with a wry smile, "And we must obey his orders, at least not show any

intention to refute them openly."

Mr. Weasley added: "Fudge was furious in the ministry. He forbade

anyone to have any contact with Dumbledore, and he was a little

suspicious of me, but the department I was in was not critical, so he

didn't know how to do it yet. Put too much thought into me."

After he finished speaking, he spread his hands with a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, Arthur." Dumbledore said looking a little tired.

Mr. Weasley said hurriedly: "It doesn't matter, I mean...I'm not

complaining, I'm just...I'm complaining about Fudge. The facts have been

placed in front of him, but he still pretends not to see it, just like the

eyes. It’s like being blind.”

"Arthur, you must never say this in the ministry, it will cause big

trouble." Mrs. Weasley seemed startled.

"I know that I have been very responsible during this time in the Ministry

and tried not to cause any conflicts so as not to attract too much

attention from Fudge." Mr. Weasley said.

Xia Ran said: "Our manpower in the ministry is indispensable, especially

if Voldemort is really resurrected. Kingsley, Mr. Weasley, Tonks, you

must all show an attitude against Dumbledore in order to win Fudge's

trust should at least not make him suspicious of you or cause any

obstacles for you."

"Yes, you have to do this. At this critical moment, we have to have

manpower in the ministry." Dumbledore also said, "Anyway, as long as

they don't remove me from the chocolate frog picture, no matter how

they criticize me, I will It doesn’t matter.”

Kingsley, Tonks, and Mr. Weasley looked at each other, nodded, and said,


"There are also movements in the dark world. Those dark creatures may

be preparing to take action after hearing the news that Voldemort may

return." Dumbledore pointed out a key point and said, "Voldemort will

obviously give them things that we cannot promise. status, such as giving

freedom to goblins and supporting werewolves' wanton offensive

behavior. Mundungus, Rubeus, and Remus, you may have a harder time

in the future."

"We will pay more attention." Mundungus, Hagrid, and Lupin replied.

One of them is a sleazy person who is proficient in all kinds of deception,

the other is a half-blood giant, and the third one is a half-giant.

Werewolves are very suitable candidates to open up the communication

channel with dark creatures.

"If you meet a fellow traveler who fits our ideals, you can all join the

Order of the Phoenix. I welcome them all. The entire Order of the

Phoenix is ​​a big family." Dumbledore added.

Dumbledore looked at the Weasleys again and said: "By the way, Arthur,

Molly, Bill and Charlie are all abroad. Please write to them and try to pay

more attention to the situation in the wizarding world abroad. If you can

win over like-minded people, As for people, that’s the best thing.”

"We will make it clear when we write." Mr. and Mrs. Weasley agreed.

"Okay, that's about it. If there are any changes in the future, we will

continue to communicate quickly." Dumbledore said.

Afterwards, everyone talked about some things and discussed some

countermeasures in times of danger, then the meeting ended and

everyone went back to where they came from.

Dumbledore took Slytherin's locket with him.

Xia Ran did not suggest using the Fire Curse to destroy Slytherin's locket.

Hogwarts has the fangs of the Basilisk, which is also a powerful thing

that can easily destroy Horcruxes.

"Remus, if you want, you can come over often and take a look. You can

live here. There are many vacant houses here." Before leaving, Sirius

invited Lupine and said.

Lupine smiled and said: "I will. After all, Hogwarts only has offices,

although there are also bedrooms and bathrooms inside."

"Goodbye." Kingsley, the Weasleys and others used Apparition to leave

one after another. Dumbledore first sent Mrs. Figg to where she lived -

which was actually Privet Drive, where Harry and the Dursleys neighbor

- then returned to the gate of No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Only a few teachers from Hogwarts are left here.


They all apparated to Hogsmeade outside Hogwarts, and Sirius closed the

door of Black's old house.

The village of Hogsmeade is dark, and the stars and moon are hidden

behind dark clouds. It seems to be a rainy day, and there may be a heavy

rain at night.

"Let's go back to school quickly. We'll be in trouble when it rains." Xia

Ran said. As soon as she finished speaking, there was a thunderstorm in

the sky, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and then heavy rain

poured down.

Professor McGonagall said speechlessly: "Xia Ran, you are such a crow's


Xia Ran smiled sarcastically.

Dumbledore conjured up several umbrellas and gave them to Sharon,

Professor McGonagall, Snape, Lupine and Hagrid, and said: "I really long

for a cup of steaming chocolate milk and a cup of delicious butter." beer."

"Professor, I have some wine that I brewed myself. Do you want to drink

some?" Hagrid invited him angrily.

Hagrid's own food?

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Snape, Lupine, and Xia Ran looked

at each other, and they all shuddered when they thought of something

that could be used as a stone hammer to crush teeth directly. , extremely

resolutely rejected Hagrid's kindness.

Xia Ran's tooth hurts just thinking about the food Hagrid cooked by


Several people opened their umbrellas and quickly entered Hogwarts,

and everyone returned to their offices.

Before Xia Ran lay down, she also improved her magic level through the

accumulated force points.


Chapter 111 Becoming Stronger

"Are you sure you want to increase your magic power to level 5



Xia Ran focused her thoughts on the magic column, and immediately felt

the rapid growth of magic power in her body, and the number on the

system panel also changed from level 5 (elementary) to level 5 (medium).


Xia Ran breathed a sigh of relief and looked uplifted. He finally raised his

magic level by one level. Last year, he was only at level 4 (elementary).

Now he is at level 5 (intermediate). This is the inside of Hogwarts. , as a

magic school with a history of thousands of years, the only ones who can

steadily surpass him are principal Dumbledore and the deans of the four

major colleges.

It is no exaggeration to say that none of the others are as good as him.

Even if Lupine is powerful enough, he is still a little behind him, which is

about the same as his original level 5 (elementary) magic power.

After all, Lupine's life has been difficult in the past. Under such

circumstances, he can still maintain a level of magic power around level

5 (elementary). It is already very difficult and makes people look at him

with suspicion.

There are several people who had enemies in their school days. James

Potter is dead. Peter Pettigrew has been a mouse for more than ten years

and is now arrested and imprisoned in Azkaban Prison. Lupine has a

difficult life because of his identity as a werewolf and has gone through a

lot. After all the vicissitudes of life, my hair has turned gray for the sake

of living, so how can I still have too much energy to focus on this?

Sirius had spent a full twelve years in Azkaban Prison in the past, but

now Severus Snape, as the Potions Professor at Hogwarts, has a level 6 or

above He is also the top potions master in the magic world. In terms of

strength, prestige, and other aspects, Snape is now the winner among

several people, and he is also the strongest!

Of course, when it comes to Harry's mother Lily Potter, Snape will always

be defeated by James Potter. After all, Lily chose James, not Snape.

"There are 10 Force points left." Xia Ran whispered while looking at the

Force points on his system panel. He raised his magic power to level 5

(medium), which cost him 70 Force points, leaving only 10 Force points

left. As for power points, it is no longer possible to continue to increase

the magic level. You can only look at improving other knowledge points,

or save them, which is not impossible.

"Transformation, potions, or herbal medicine..." Xia Ran touched his chin.

He decided to improve his level of transformation. It is now level 4

(advanced), but he focused his thoughts on the column of transformation.

At the time, he was indifferent, and he was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, 10 force points were not enough to upgrade the force points

from level 4 (advanced) to level 5 (elementary). He had no choice but to

change the target.

In the end, he increased the points in Potions and Herbalism to level 4

(medium), and the only level 3 flying skill, he also increased the points to

level 4 (medium).

His current system panel situation has changed drastically.

[Name: Charan Fremont].

[Age: 27 years old].

[Magic: Level 5 (medium)].

[Force points: 0 points].

[Transformation: Level 4 (Advanced)].

[Potion Science: Level 4 (Medium)].

[Charms: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Herbalism: Level 4 (Intermediate)].

[Flying: Level 4 (medium)].

Xia Ran showed a happy smile. The improvement of strength always

makes people happy.

He coveted the Elder Wand in Dumbledore's hand, the Invisibility Cloak

in Harry's hand, and the Sorting Hat in the principal's office even more.

"The Elder Wand, the Invisibility Cloak, and the Sorting Hat. If all the

Force points of those three special magic items are absorbed, I will

become a top wizard with a level 6 magic level. It is not a delusion!"

Xia Ran was very excited, but he had no excuse to come into contact with

those three things. The Elder Wand and the Invisibility Cloak were better.

After all, they were dead objects. Even after he absorbed the force points,

he would have a certain degree of respect for the original objects. The

damage to the ground is not obvious, and it is extremely difficult for the

holder to detect it, and he may even mistake it for his own illusion.

The problem is that the Sorting Hat has a certain amount of wisdom, so

this is very difficult to deal with. If the Sorting Hat is not sure to turn into

a witless wizard hat, then it will cause a big problem, and there is almost

no way to end it. After all, the Sorting Hat has become a symbol of

Hogwarts to a certain extent.

Xia Ran suddenly thought of the situation when Harry was in fourth

grade in the original time and space. The three major magic schools in

Europe jointly held the Triwizard Tournament. As a magic item to select

warriors-the Goblet of Fire, there is no doubt that it is 100%. It contains a

lot of Force points. Even because of the scale and far-reaching influence

of the Triwizard Tournament in the past years, it is possible that the

Goblet of Fire has more Force points than the House Hat!

Thinking of this, Xia Ran's heart skipped a beat, secretly hoping that the

Triwizard Tournament would be held as scheduled and not stop

preparations because of the news of Voldemort's comeback.

It's unlikely even if you think about it. After all, whether the Triwizard

Tournament will be held again has actually been discussed. Only the final

venue, schedule, and projects are still controversial.

Besides, the Department of International Magical Exchange and

Cooperation and the Department of Sports of the British Ministry of

Magic have made a lot of efforts for this and have been working on it for

a year. This is also allowed by Fudge. How could it be possible because of

a fake in the eyes of the Ministry of Magic? Stopped due to news?

Xia Ran thought that Fudge even wished that the scale was bigger and

the momentum was stronger to show that the magic world was singing

and dancing and that everything was peaceful. He would never be willing

to stop holding the Triwizard Tournament to verify Dumbledore's words.

The so-called news of Voldemort’s resurrection and return!

In Fudge's eyes, Dumbledore is now more terrifying than Voldemort!

Xia Ran was refreshed and became familiar with the soaring power. Now

the plot has changed a lot. Although his strength is not weak, he is

definitely not top-notch. At least he has faced Voldemort or Death Eaters

head-on. Master, he is still unmatched for the time being.

In this case, naturally the stronger the better - when in fact the stronger

the better!


After the first meeting of the Order of the Phoenix, there was no further

meeting. There was no useful news for the time being. We also had to

pay attention to avoid the suspicion and jealousy of the Ministry of

Magic. It was better for Xia Ran and other places to be limited to

Hogwarts, especially for Jin. Sly, Tonks, Mr. Weasley and other Ministry

of Magic employees and members of the Order of the Phoenix were even

more exhausted. Fudge seemed to be suspicious of many people in the

Ministry, suspecting that they had secret connections with Dumbledore. .

The Daily Prophet also worked tirelessly to smear Dumbledore. Now that

Dumbledore's position as chief wizard of the Wizengamot has been

revoked, it was later heard that they also wanted to take back

Dumbledore's Order of Merlin. However, This is still under discussion and

should not be finalized yet.

One day in mid-November, Sirius received a letter, inviting Xia Ran to

attend Regulus's funeral at the Black Mansion. Everything was simple - in

fact, Regulus's ashes had been buried - but little Sirius didn't want to see

Regulus leave in such a hurry. After staying in the black lake for more

than ten years, he thought about it and always felt that he wanted to do

something for Regulus.

Xia Ran wrote a letter and agreed. The funeral date was the day before

Christmas. Sirius took this opportunity to invite everyone to spend

Christmas together.

Chapter 112 Expectations?

However, Regulus's funeral and Christmas were all in late December, and

it was only mid-November, so there was still almost a month left.

Xia Ran borrowed many precious books from Dumbledore. He hoped that

through his own efforts, he could improve the level of Charms.

"Here, Xia Ran, are the three books you need." Dumbledore launched

three large books, one "Advanced Black Magic Revealed", one

"Metamorphosis Theory", and a book with an extremely awkward title.

"The study of the practical and abstract consequences of natural death,

especially the reunification of spirit and matter."

"These are very precious books, Xia Ran, take good care of them."

Dumbledore was quite reluctant to part with them. He would read these

books, especially the third one, from time to time.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "I have never destroyed books." He took the

three books and held them in his arms.

"By the way, your Resurrection Stone." Dumbledore stopped Xia Ran who

was about to leave, and took out a stone from the drawer. It was the

Resurrection Stone, one of the Three Sacred Artifacts of Death. He went

home and took the Resurrection Stone and gave it to Dumbledore. He

roughly knew what Dumbledore wanted this thing for.

Dumbledore's expression looked slightly gloomy, and his blue eyes

seemed to be filled with sadness.

Xia Ran didn't know what to say, so she could only quietly take the

resurrection stone and said: "My condolences."

"When people get old, they like to do things that they have long known

are meaningless." Dumbledore smiled bitterly. The undead summoned by

the Resurrection Stone do not belong to the world of the living. They live

here in great pain. This is not what they should do. A place to live.

In the story of the Deathly Hallows, the second child who possessed the

Resurrection Stone was grieved physically and mentally because of the

pain of his beloved woman, and cut himself off, allowing the God of

Death to take away his life without any effort.

Now that Voldemort is lurking in the dark, Dumbledore will certainly not

commit suicide. The younger generation has not yet grown up -

especially Harry Potter, whom he has high hopes for - and when the

older generation of wizards faced Voldemort, without him present, they

would It was difficult to match Voldemort. Even Alastor Moody, the

Order of the Phoenix's second-in-command, was still no match for

Voldemort. He knew that he could not die yet and had to live to support


Dumbledore looked at Xia Ran's leaving back and his eyes flickered. It

was really surprising that Xia Ran knew so many things. He didn't know

how Xia Ran found out, but he was probably sure of one thing. Although

he belongs to the side of the white wizard, the character and

psychological condition he has always shown are not likely to be trapped

in black magic.

Even though Xia Ran is indeed proficient in a lot of black magic, some of

them were even given away by him.

Just be sure of that.

He also hopes that Xia Ran can grow up quickly and become powerful. If

there can be another legendary white wizard who is not inferior to him

and Voldemort, then he will have no regrets even if he dies immediately,

because there is another wizard in the white wizard's world. Take it over

for him and fight against Voldemort, a legendary level among dark


Even though Harry Potter has a special connection with Voldemort, he

also has a strong foundation. The problem is that Harry is too young.

When he fully grows up, he will not even think about it for many years.

Dumbledore Lido was afraid that he wouldn't be able to wait that long.

"I hope Xia Ran can be stronger. If she is at the level of Minerva and

Severus, my pressure will be greatly reduced." Dumbledore whispered, he

did not expect that Xia Ran would have the opportunity to advance to the

legendary level. , that is, a wizard with a magic power level of 7 or above

on Xia Ran's system panel.

Although Xia Ran was not bad, Dumbledore believed that he was still too

far away from the legendary level of level 7.

You know, the deans of the four houses of Hogwarts: Professor

McGonagall, Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprout, are without

exception talented wizards, even better in some aspects. Dumbledore was

a step ahead, but they were still not level 7 legendary wizards.

A white wizard as powerful as Moody is also not a legendary wizard.

This is probably what Dumbledore expected from Xia Ran.

Xia Ran would not know what Dumbledore expected of him, and even if

he knew, he would not care. At most, he would laugh it off. He has a

certain plan for his own path, not to mention that he also has a system

panel that appears with his awakening. It can absorb the Force points

contained in special magic items to enhance itself.


"Snape is such a bastard. He actually belittled Professor Lupin like this

and said he couldn't teach. Being a teacher was an unwise choice for


When Xia Ran was going down the stairs, she heard an angry voice

coming from the corridor on one side. This voice was very familiar, and

the two voices behind her were also very familiar.

And Xia Ran also remembered that this period happened to be the time

when Lupine transformed into a wolf. Although there was the wolfsbane

potion prepared by Snape, it only suppressed the ferocious habits of the

werewolf, but it could not affect him. 's transformation.

Therefore, Snape took over his Defense Against the Dark Arts class as the

substitute professor.

"I think Dumbledore's decision to choose him as Potions Professor was an

act of lunacy!" a male voice said through gritted teeth.

Then a female voice raised her voice and said, "Ron! This is not the

lounge. Keep your voice down so that the teachers don't hear you."

The three people who spoke happened to be Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Ah, Professor Frémont." The trio turned the corner and immediately saw

Xia Ran walking down with three books in her arms. Her face was

slightly embarrassed. The professor's words were heard, even though they

were aimed at Snape still felt that this move was not appropriate -

instead of belittling Snape openly, he should have returned to the

Gryffindor common room and scolded him.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Criticizing a professor behind his back is not

the behavior of a good student." He knew Snape's character, especially

after Lily's death, he served as the Hogwarts professor for more than ten


Otherwise, how could Dumbledore trust Snape? Snape knew almost all

his secrets in the original time and space, and it was Snape who had the

last hand to advance the progress of the Harry trio.

"We won't do it anymore." Harry and Ron said immediately, and then

added in their hearts: "I won't let you hear it again!"

Hermione looked at the books in Xia Ran's arms curiously and asked,

"Professor, what kind of books are these?" She loves learning by nature,

and she is itching to see books and wants to take a look and find out.

"Can I take a look, Professor? After you're done, I mean."

The three books that Xia Ran is holding must not be read to students at

this time, especially "The Secret of Advanced Black Magic" and "The

Study of the Practical and Abstract Consequences of Natural Death,

Especially the Study of the Reunification of Spirit and Matter" , it is easy

to influence their minds and lead them to go astray.

"We'll wait until you grow up. Just focus on what the teacher teaches

now." Xia Ran suppressed the big words on the cover, went down to the

fourth floor, and entered the office.

Hermione pouted on the stairs, looking annoyed.

Chapter 113 Dumbledore’s Secret


"Look what's wrong with the name? Professor Frémont is so stingy, huh."

Hermione said angrily.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and decided not to touch Hermione's

troubles at this time, otherwise she would talk about it endlessly, and

they couldn't talk about Hermione - after all, there are many times when

doing homework requires A little help from Hermione.

The two whispered to Snape for a few more words, and quickly changed

the subject. Ron said: "You said that Sirius is going to hold a funeral for

Regulus. Who is Regulus?"

Harry said: "Regulus is Sirius's younger brother. He died for unknown

reasons more than ten years ago. Now he has found Regulus's bones, so

he wants to give Regulus a funeral."

Harry also received a letter from Sirius.

"That's it." Ron said with a thoughtful look, "Are you going, Harry? It

happens to be a holiday at that time. If you go, I will go with you." After

a pause, he added : "Sirius also sent letters to our family. Mum wrote to

Percy yesterday, asking him to ask our opinion. If you don't want to go to

the funeral, stay at school for Christmas and New Year and don't go

home. No, there was no one at home during that time."

"I will definitely go." Harry nodded heavily and said, "I want to ask... As

you know, I have to go back to the Dursleys during the summer vacation,

so I want to ask if I can go to the primary school this time. Go to Sirius's

house...I mean, he is my godfather, he is also my relative, and he is also

my guardian."

"Harry, you can really ask. If Sirius agrees, you won't have to return to

the Dursleys anymore," Hermione said.

Ron smiled and said: "I thought you didn't agree, Hermione, what are you

talking about..." Hermione glanced at him fiercely, and Ron immediately

shut his mouth.

Hermione continued: "I have to say that your aunt and uncle treated you

very badly."

"It's okay." Harry smiled, faced Ron's astonished eyes, and said, "They

have always raised me. Although the food is not that good, I am not

hungry. I was a little bit hungry before. Pocket money.”

Harry paused slightly before adding, "Of course, if you say I like the

Dursleys, that's definitely impossible."

"Brother, you scared me." Ron punched Harry in the chest.

Harry pretended to be hurt.

"Okay, I'll go too." Hermione said nonchalantly.

"You?" Ron asked in shock, "Did you receive an invitation from Sirius?"

Hermione smiled and said lightly: "Of course, I will take Crookshanks

with me."

"It turns out that he was influenced by Crookshanks." Ron said he


"Who told your Banban to be a murderer?"

Ron said dejectedly: "Sirius said he wanted to give me a pet back, so why

hasn't he heard anything after so many days? Do you think he has

forgotten it? No, I have to go and ask him. "

"Harry, it turns out that you are here, and Wood is looking for you like

crazy. He said that he will definitely beat you up as soon as he sees you."

Fred and George, the twin brothers of the Weasley family, suddenly He

ran over from the side and gasped for air.

"Oh, yes, the first Quidditch match is coming soon, and Wood said he

needs to train harder." Harry remembered this important thing.

Fred said: "Come on, we'll wait for you on the Quidditch pitch."

As he said that, he and George ran downstairs. Harry quickly said: "Let's

go back to the lounge quickly. I'll get the broom and leave."

The trio immediately jogged back to the Gryffindor common room.


Xia Ran stayed in the office and read books. The three books he

borrowed from Dumbledore all contained profound magical knowledge.

Even with his level of strength and knowledge reserve, they seemed

mysterious and profound.

"Over the past thousands of years, there have been many talented people

born in the magic world." Xia Ran lamented, "Even though many of them

have no reputation or deeds passed down."

After learning more magic knowledge and learning more powerful magic

spells, his strength will automatically increase, and his pure magic power

will increase. If other aspects of knowledge do not keep up in time, it will

be like walking with a lame leg, even if his body is no longer strong. He

is strong but not much faster, especially in the magic world where there

are many magical spells.

What's more, if Xia Ran reads and studies magic knowledge by himself,

he will have a certain chance to improve the level of various knowledge.

How could he waste so much time?

He is currently mainly studying the two aspects of Charms and

Transfiguration. He is really not interested in Potions and Herbalism, and

his talent is not outstanding. He mainly relies on Force points. As for

flying, let's not mention it.

There are many aspects of knowledge that he has not touched in the

courses offered at Hogwarts, and he is not very interested in them, such

as divination knowledge. If his magic level, including charms,

transfiguration, etc., is improved in the future , subsequent improvement

is too difficult - too many Force points are required - he may still shift his

attention to these knowledge points, as for now? Just forget it.

Xia Ran shook her head and continued to read the book in her hand.


Before Christmas, because Sirius's grievances were cleared and his

innocence was restored, Peter Pettigrew was taken to Azkaban Prison.

Although Dumbledore announced the return of the mysterious man, the

Ministry of Magic tried its best to discredit Dumbledore. Things

happened, but overall, the students spent more than a month peacefully.

This time, most students went home for Christmas, and very few students

stayed in school. Harry Potter, who usually stayed in school, did not sign

on the detention registration list.

"Are you all going?" Hermione asked. They were in the Gryffindor

common room. The Weasley children stood out with their red hair.

Ginny nodded and said: "Yes, we are all ready to go." She lowered her

voice and whispered mysteriously: "Have you heard? Dumbledore

convened a secret organization, just under Sirius Inside Blake's old house,

that is the headquarters of the secret organization."

"Where did you hear these rumors, Ginny?" Percy asked with a frown.

"Secret." Ginny smiled slyly.

"Huh, I'm an adult now and I'm about to graduate. I'll just ask my parents

and they'll tell me." Percy said, deliberately puffing up his chest, even in

the Gryffindor common room. Inside, he pinned the student union

president's badge on his chest.

George waved his hands impatiently and said, "Okay, okay, Percy, we

know you are the president of the student union, there is no need to

show off."

Percy snorted.

"Okay, actually I heard Hagrid mention it accidentally, but when I asked

him later, he just ignored my questions and didn't answer my questions

directly," Ginny said.

"I guess he must have said you were too young to know these things?"

Harry asked.

Ginny nodded gloomily.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other and smiled bitterly:

"That's what he told us too."

"If he doesn't want to tell it, why bother letting it slip to make us feel

itchy?" Ron closed the book heavily. He couldn't read a single line of the

words just now. This was clearly a Potions homework assignment

assigned by Snape.

Chapter 114 Hermione’s


"What do you think Dumbledore's secret organization would be called?

Who are its members? What are they mainly doing?" Fred asked


George guessed: "I guess they are mainly against the big idiot Fudge. It is

best to overthrow Fudge. I will definitely be the first to applaud and


"George!" Percy suddenly frowned. He was determined to join the

Ministry of Magic and wanted to be a high official, and Fudge happened

to be the Minister of Magic, the largest official in the Ministry of Magic.

"Ah, I forgot, Fudge is Percy's idol, and Percy dreams of becoming the

Minister of Magic." George chuckled.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you'll get Dad into trouble." Percy snorted.

Ron raised his head and looked around. They were all excited about the

upcoming Christmas vacation. No one paid attention to them, so he said:

"Just keep your voice down. They are all Gryffindors here, not the big

ones." The Great Hall, Slytherin idiots might be passing by."

However, a few people still did not continue to bury Fudge.

Hermione reasoned: "It is definitely impossible to overthrow Fudge. As

long as Dumbledore is willing, he can just stand up and cheer for him.

Why is there any need to run a secret organization? I think they are to

resist Voldemort..."

The Weasley children suddenly gasped.

"I said you are so afraid of a name?" Hermione asked dissatisfied.

Many people pretended not to hear it.

"Resisting the mysterious man? It's possible!" Percy thought seriously, "I

remember my mother mentioned that when the mysterious man was

gaining momentum more than ten years ago, she and her father joined

one of Dumbledore's organizations. There are many people we are

familiar with in the organization, including Professor Lupine, Hagrid, and

McGonagall, as well as Sirius, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, Mr. and Mrs.

Longbottom, etc."

"My parents are in there too?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"It should be so." Percy said uncertainly, "I'm not sure. After all, I didn't

join that secret organization."

Fred said enthusiastically: "That's just right. Let's see if we can join

Dumbledore's secret organization. Isn't Black House the headquarters of

the secret organization?"

"I will apply to join then." George waved his fist and said, "The secret

organization that resists the mysterious man sounds so exciting!"

"Who do you think will be members of that secret organization?" Ron


Ginny guessed: "Mom and dad must be in there, as well as Professor

Lupin, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, and Sirius. Is Professor Frémont


"We'll find out if we take a closer look after we arrive at the Black

Mansion?" Harry said.

The few of them chatted for a while and then went to bed. They had to

catch a train tomorrow and had to get up early in the morning. After all,

the journey from Hogwarts platform to platform nine and three-quarters

in London was quite long. Stay in the car for at least a full day.

They boarded the Hogwarts Express the next day and found two free

boxes at the back of the train. There was no one inside for the time being.

Because a small number of students stayed in school, the number of

people on this train did not start during school or during holidays. So


In the evening, the Hogwarts Express arrived at platform nine and three-

quarters. They only brought a few changes of clothes and a few books -

Hermione and Percy mainly brought books - not much luggage, and the

owls were all They were still in the Owlery of Hogwarts, so they left the

station easily, and happened to see Mr. and Mrs. Weasley waiting outside

the station.

"Harry, Hermione, Ginny." Mrs. Weasley hugged the three of them


George said strangely: "Don't you see your other sons, mother?"

"Ah, my heart!" Fred put his hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt.

"Okay, stop messing around." Mrs. Weasley glared, and the two brothers

immediately restrained themselves. Harry always felt that Mrs. Weasley

was very lion-like - if he had lived experience in China, he might be You

will feel that Mrs. Weasley has the demeanor of a tiger - able to control

her naughty sons.

"We will be your father's car." Mrs. Weasley said, then looked at

Hermione and asked, "Dear, have you made it clear to your parents?"

Hermione nodded and replied: "I wrote and said that my parents agreed

that I would not go home for Christmas, but attend the funeral of an

elder friend - they thought it was a polite question, especially when I was

in school. When it came to the invitation – they just asked me to send

some more stuff from Hogsmeade home, they thought it was very

interesting and the food tasted good.”

"Oh, that's true. I want to visit Hogsmeade sometimes." Mrs. Weasley

said, taking a few children out of the station and getting into the car. Mr.

Weasley was the last one. Getting in the car, he sat in the driver's seat.

Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Percy sat in the back seat, while Mrs.

Weasley, Hermione, and Ginny sat in the passenger seat. The car looked

like an ordinary car. It's a car, but the space inside has been expanded by

magic, and the nine of them can fit in it without feeling crowded at all.

"Dad, have you rebuilt a car again?" Ron asked, getting into a car rebuilt

by Mr. Weasley and driven to school by him and Harry, only to be

destroyed by the Whomping Willow.

Mrs. Weasley's face suddenly darkened. It was obvious that she

remembered what happened last year.

Mr. Weasley said hurriedly: "No, this car is a ministry car, but I use it

most of the time."

The five boys in the back row laughed. They knew that Mr. Weasley

loved Muggle items. This car must have been modified by Mr. Weasley

himself, and all kinds of magic spells were applied to it. However, he

learned from previous mistakes. This car may have been specially named

after the Ministry of Magic.

After all, Mr. Weasley is still the director of an office, so there is no

problem in using a car, although he only has one old man under his

command, and he only has two people in the entire office.

"Okay, sit tight. Let's get to Grimmauld Place early. Kreacher has

definitely made something - in fact, Molly has also made a lot - we can

eat something first, you must be hungry already." Mr. Weasley said,

starting the car.

"Kreacher?" Hermione asked confused.

"Oh, a house elf, from the Black family. Pure-blood wizarding families

with a long history like this always have house elves serving them." Mr.

Weasley replied.

Hermione's breathing seemed to be heavier, and she deliberately said in a

calm tone: "House elves, I have read relevant records in the book, a kind

of slave of wizards, beating and scolding arbitrarily, even taking the life

of elves. People mind.”

"The elves may think this is a great behavior - of course I don't agree with

the behavior of beating and scolding elves indiscriminately, it is

inhumane." Mr. Weasley said, "I mean...Molly, you also know Right?"

"Oh, what?" Mrs. Weasley was startled, and then said: "Ah, yes, that's

right, Kreacher's biggest goal is to be beheaded and hang in the Black

family like his parents and grandparents."

"Dirty and despicable slavery!" Hermione said in disgust, determined to

change this situation.

Chapter 115 No. 12 Grimmauld


Seeing Hermione's heavy expression, Harry quickly changed the subject

and asked, "Grimmauld Place, where is that?"

His words reminded Mrs. Weasley, and she said: "Oh, by the way, I forgot

to show you something." He took out a piece of paper from his pocket,

handed it to Hermione, and continued: " Please circulate it and take a

look, and memorize this address."

"What?" Ron was still confused.

"You little fool, don't you even know the Fidelity Charm?" George poked

his head from the back row and saw the writing on the paper in

Hermione's hand: The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix can be

found in Grimmauld Place, London. Found on the 12th.

"What? The Fidelity Charm? What does Sirius need to guard against?"

Harry was surprised and asked.

Mr. Weasley said gently: "Now the Black Mansion has become the

headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix - Sirius is very happy about this

- so in order to avoid being found by mysterious people and Death Eaters,

the location of the Black Mansion The Fidelity Charm must be cast, and

Dumbledore is the secret keeper. I think if Dumbledore is not willing, no

one can know this address from his mouth, unless Dumbledore himself is

willing to tell the address information."

"Okay, boys, read it quickly and remember it quickly." Mrs. Weasley said,

and the piece of paper passed through the hands of the two girls,

Hermione and Ginny, and then to the five boys in the back row.

Soon the car arrived at Grimmauld Place, because it was already late

December, the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the temperature was

more than ten degrees below zero. It was dusk, lead clouds were hanging

low, snowflakes were falling again, and the cold wind was getting colder.

The blowing made several people tremble.

Mrs. Weasley was the first to get out of the car and saw the bodies of

several children shivering from the cold. She hurriedly said: "Okay, it will

be much warmer when we get in soon."

"What number 12?" Ginny looked at the scene in front of her in shock

and said, "There is no number 12 at all."

Everyone else looked around, and sure enough they only saw numbers 10

and 11 Grimmauld Place, and number 13 Grimmauld Place on the right.

However, there was no number 12 Grimmauld Place recorded on the


Ron asked: "Mom, where is..."

"Try to remember what you just remembered," Mr. Weasley said calmly.

Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione all started to

think back, but the problem was that there were still only 11 and 13

Grimmauld Place in front of them, and there was nothing in between.

House No. 12.

At this moment, the dirty exterior wall and dirty windows between No.

11 and No. 13 started to beat, and a new house actually jumped out

between the two houses.

"Wow!" Fred exclaimed.

"Cool!" George said.

Mrs. Weasley pushed several children forward and said, "Come in


Harry walked up the old steps and stared at the new door. Its black paint

was tattered and scratched, and the silver door handle had been twisted

into a snake shape. There was neither a keyhole nor a letterbox, so Mr.

Weasley took out his wand and knocked on the door once.

Harry suddenly heard a loud, metallic click from the door, which

sounded like a metal chain.

The door creaked open.

"Children, come in quickly," Mr. Weasley whispered, "but be careful not

to touch anything."

Harry followed Hermione and Ginny into the almost completely dark


He seemed to be able to smell a damp and dusty smell that was mixed

with sweetness. The first impression of this place was like a long-

abandoned building.

He turned around and looked again. Ron, Fred, George, and Percy came

in behind him, and finally Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Mr. Weasley closed the

door and the room suddenly fell into chaos. In the deepest darkness.

"Here..." He wanted to ask something.

Suddenly, a ray of light lit up somewhere in the house, and all the old-

fashioned gas lamps on the walls of the hall turned on, casting beams of

flickering, very unstable light onto the mottled wallpaper, and

illuminating it. There was a long and dark corridor covered with worn

carpets. On the top of the corridor, a tree-shaped decorative lamp

covered with spider webs was hung. It was flickering slightly at the

moment. It was old and had turned black. Portrait paintings hung on the

curved walls on both sides.

Whether it is a tree-shaped decorative lamp or a large candelabra placed

on a nearby rickety table, its shape is like a big poisonous snake, hiding

in the dim light and preparing to move.

And a door opened deep in the corridor, and Sirius appeared at the door,

with a welcoming smile on his face. Harry was keenly aware that his

complexion seemed to have improved a lot.

"Welcome, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Percy, Fred, George, welcome,

come in, dinner will be served soon." Sirius opened his arms and hugged

Harry heavily , "So much like your father, but your eyes are more like

your mother's."

"Green eyes?" Harry grinned. He was happy that he finally had relatives

who really cared about him. "I heard Professor Lupin mention it."

"Yes, Remus." Sirius smiled and teased Crookshanks in Hermione's arms.

The big ginger cat recognized Sirius and meowed in a low voice, "What a

very special cat." A spiritual cat.”

"Thank you." Hermione smiled sweetly.

"Okay, be careful, don't wake up my mother, you won't want to see her,

believe me." Sirius said, making way to the back room.

"What?" Harry asked in shock, "Sirius, your mother is still alive? Sorry, I

didn't mean that, I meant..."

"No, she is indeed dead." Sirius said, "Okay, no more words, you will

know after you stay here for a few more days."

Several people entered the room one after another. There were already

many people sitting in the room, most of whom were acquaintances of

Harry, such as Professor Lupin and Professor Frémont. Of course, there

were also some wizards they did not know, such as the dark-skinned

man. A strong man, describing a more wretched man.

"You guys put your things down first. You will stay here later. You can

return to Hogwarts after the vacation." Sirius said, inviting a few people

to sit down at the dining table.

This is a kitchen. It looks exactly like the hall outside. It is also gloomy

and dark. It is a cave-like room surrounded by rough stone walls. Most of

the light comes from the innermost group. A huge flame and a gloomy

thick smoke hung in the air, like the smoke of a battlefield. Looking past,

the ferocious-shaped cooking utensils and pans made of gold and iron

hung from the dark ceiling.

Xia Ran was sitting at the dining table, playing wizard chess with Lupine,

and Ron immediately came over with interest.

Chapter 116 Controversy

Xia Ran glanced at Ron and said with a smile: "What, Ron, do you want

to play?" He easily overturned the game.

"Xia Ran..." Lu Ping shook his head and laughed. He clearly had a chance

to win and could defeat Xia Ran in less than ten moves. How could he

have expected that Xia Ran would overturn the chessboard?

Ron seemed a little moved.

"I heard that you are very good at chess. I'd like to show Professor Lupine

how good you are. Let's go." Xia Ran pushed the wizard chessboard over

so that Ron and Lupine could play against each other.

"Ron, want to play a game?" Lupine said with a smile as he had nothing

to do.

Ron smiled shyly and said, "Okay, let's have a round."

Harry laughed and said, "Professor Lupin, you have to be careful, Ron is

very good at chess."

"Really?" Lupine raised his eyebrows. Harry's words not only did not

make him flinch, but instead made him more interested, and he played

with Ron enthusiastically.

Xia Ran took a sip of beer and looked around. Three or two people were

chatting with each other and laughing. The atmosphere was very lively,

without any sign of the solemnity of a funeral. He asked, "Isn't

Dumbledore coming?"

"Professor Dumbledore?" Harry and others immediately pricked up their


"He won't be here today. He will come back tomorrow, just in time to

attend Regulus's memorial service and deliver his eulogy." Sirius replied.

Regulus's funeral was actually Regulus's memorial service. After all,

Regulus had been dead for more than ten years, and he died as a hero.

Sirius was proud of him!

Besides, more than a month had passed since the day when Regulus'

ashes were brought back. Sirius had already calmed down his sadness, so

this memorial service would not actually be very heavy. He believed that

Regulus would be more willing to See people laughing instead of sad.

"By the way, Sirius, Regulus is your brother, right? Why did he..." Harry

asked suddenly, looking a little puzzled and curious.

Sirius gave a rough description of Regulus' deeds, which made Harry and

others burst into tears, especially Hermione and Ginny, who couldn't help

but burst into tears.

"Sirius..." Harry looked at his godfather worriedly.

Sirius smiled heartily and said: "Don't worry, it's been more than a month

and I'm fine. Moreover, Regulus dedicated his life to resisting Voldemort.

I can only be proud of him!"

"Master Sirius, can we serve the food?"

At this moment, a shrill voice rang out. It was Kreacher, the house elf of

the Black family. Because he brought back the bones of Regulus, his and

Sirius's attitudes toward each other changed. Change to some extent.

Hermione immediately turned her gaze away, her tearful eyes full of

compassion, and asked pretending not to care: "Sirius, who is he? What is

his name? Are you getting paid for your work?"

"His name is Kreacher, Hermione, the house elf of the Black family. As for

the reward? You will scare Kreacher." Sirius smiled.

Sure enough, Kreacher looked at Hermione with a look of shock and fear,

as if she was the most elf-unwilling wizard in the world.

This is much better, at least Kreacher didn't directly curse the mudblood.

"Mudblood" is a term used by the wizarding world to insult Muggle

wizards, which is very mean.

Hermione's breathing seemed to have become heavier. Seeing that

something was not going well, Harry immediately interrupted: "Okay,

Hermione, let's eat first. I'm so hungry that I could eat a cow."

Hermione looked at the sumptuous dishes being served to the table one

after another. Even though she was very hungry, she still couldn't work

up her appetite and whispered: "Slave labor!"

Sirius pretended not to hear.

"Hermione, regarding the situation of the house elves, if you don't eat for

one or two meals, you won't be able to solve any problem. Instead, it will

drag your body down." Xia Ran took a piece of steak and put it in a bowl.

He specifically asked Kreacher to make some spicy dishes, as his taste

was spicy.

Hermione gave Xia Ran a dissatisfied look.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "You should praise the house elves. After getting

close to them and truly understanding their needs, you can then think of

changes, instead of making useless protests here."

Hermione hesitated again and again, but felt that what Professor Frémont

said made sense, and besides, she was indeed hungry, so she reluctantly

picked up the knife and fork and ate something to fill her stomach.

A group of people gathered around the table quickly finished the food on

the plate, and then they were served desserts and a few glasses of butter

beer. Everyone ate happily, laughing and laughing, except He. Min didn't

look so happy.

Finally, the table was cleared, and there were only a few adult wizards

holding wine glasses and slowly sipping. Everyone was full and slumped

in their chairs.

Several young wizards looked at each other, and Ron pretended not to

see Fred and George's eyes, looking blank.

Hermione and Ginny were already familiar with Tonks and were

pestering her to change her hair. Tonks was a disguised Animagus who

could change the appearance of her hair at will.

Harry received the twin brother's eyes, pretended not to understand, and

looked back blankly.

"George, you speak first," Fred whispered.

Mrs. Weasley glanced at her two sons warily and asked, "What are you


"Nothing." Fred smiled.

Xia Ran looked at the Weasley twins with a half-smile.

George gritted his teeth, avoided the eyes of his mother, Mrs. Weasley,

and asked directly: "Professor Frémont, what are you doing during this

time? Have you found the mysterious man? Did he not kill anyone this

time? Also? What is the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's secret

society formed to fight You-Know-Who? Can we join it?"

He asked a lot of questions in rapid succession.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed with George's question

and the appearance of the three words "Mysterious Man". If a few seconds

ago it had been sleepily relaxing, now it was. Alarming and thrilling.

There is even some tension here. The mention of the words "mysterious

man", even though he is not Voldemort, is enough to instantly lift

people's spirits. At the request of Hermione and Ginny, the pig nose that

Tonks was about to change suddenly collapsed and returned to its

original shape. Lupine was about to sip a glass of delicious wine, but now

he slowly lowered his tall legs. The wine glass showed a very vigilant


"So many questions." Xia Ran rubbed her forehead as if she had a

headache and said, "Let me think about where to start."

The young wizards were suddenly filled with anticipation and quickly

concentrated their energy.

"Xia Ran!" Mrs. Weasley raised her voice and said, "They are too young

now. You can't tell them things they shouldn't know."

She sat upright in her chair. She was still half-lying, and now she looked

very alert.

"I think they have been able to know some less important information.

They have all started to learn magic, and Voldemort has returned. We

must make early plans to train young people." Xia Ran said leisurely.

The name undoubtedly triggered a round of shivers.

Chapter 117 Dispute

"It's just a name. Since we are determined to resist Voldemort, why

should we be afraid of him?" Xia Ran said.

A group of people pretended not to have heard this sentence.

Xia Ran continued: "It doesn't hurt to tell them some less important

information, so as to prevent them from secretly guessing and going

astray, which can easily be used by our enemies."

Voldemort took advantage of Harry in the original time and space,

causing them to gather a group of young wizards and break into the

Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. They attracted Death

Eaters and Voldemort, started a fierce battle with the Order of the

Phoenix, and finally caused Sirius' death.

Therefore, at the very least, the little wizards should not be afraid of

getting involved in this war.

Their enemies will not show any mercy and will take advantage of young

wizards, as long as they are useful, but all of them are good players.

Voldemort deceived many people when he was young.

"But..." Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips and said, "They are indeed too

young. Children should study hard and become useful wizards in the

future. Don't get involved in this adult war!"

"Mom, I'm an adult and I graduate in one semester," Percy interjected.

Mrs. Weasley glared back, and Percy immediately closed his mouth


Lupine rubbed his forehead and said slowly: "Molly, listen to me."

After a pause, Mrs. Weasley looked at the general coming expectantly,

thinking that she had finally gained a supporter.

Lu Ping looked away and said softly: "I think what Xia Ran said makes

sense. What does it matter if I tell them unimportant information?"

Mrs. Weasley's face suddenly turned red.

"They are too young! I am doing this for their own good. They just need

to study hard. Dumbledore will protect Hogwarts. We adults can just run

around and fight outside! Why involve children? Mrs. Weasley said


"But after they finish their studies, they will have to face various dangers.

We can't let them start life-and-death combat experiences at that time.

We must make plans in advance." Sirius said, "And they are not young

anymore. Percy is an adult. , Fred and George are almost adults.”

The heads of Percy, Fred, George, Harry, and Ron were swaying back and

forth among the adults, as if they were watching a football match, and

the players were passing the ball back and forth in the midfield.

Hermione and Ginny were next to Tonks, their mouths slightly opened as

they looked at the confrontation between several people in the room.

Tonks stared at Lupin.

Xia Ran took a sip of beer and said softly: "Mrs. Weasley, I know you are

doing it for their own good, but in this situation, there is no harm in

letting them know more about it."

"You haven't forgotten Dumbledore's warning, have you, Charlie?" Mrs.

Weasley said in a particularly sharp tone, with a dangerous expression on

her usually kind face, "These children are all my children—— Even Harry

and Hermione, I treat them as my children - I think as responsible adults,

we should be more responsible towards them instead of making decisions

based on our own preferences."

Harry and Hermione seemed quite touched, but at the same time they

were also a little impatient. They felt that they had grown up, but they

had not officially become adults yet - it was several years behind - and

they were eager to know more things. , can be of greater help to the great

cause of resisting Voldemort!

So while they were moved, they also avoided Mrs. Weasley's eyes.

"I will take responsibility for Harry - I am his godfather - thank you for

the reminder, Molly." Sirius said coldly.

"Arthur, please support me." Mrs. Weasley said, looking at her husband

with a pleading look on her face.

Mr. Weasley took off his glasses and wiped them. He looked a little tired.

When he carefully put the glasses back on the bridge of his nose, he

finally spoke.

"Molly, there's nothing wrong with telling the children the news


"Yes, but this is fundamentally different from telling them information


Xia Ran said softly: "No one will tell them all the information, they are

indeed too young..." Mrs. Weasley looked happy, thinking that Xia Ran

had changed her mind, but Xia Ran continued: "But for To prevent our

enemies from taking advantage of them – the points where they don’t

know specific information are the points that the enemy can take

advantage of – so they can understand some basic information, and of

course they will be tight-lipped about the more in-depth points.”

Young wizards are easily seduced. They are in the rebellious stage and

often have their own ideas. Most of them are on the opposite side of the

adults. In order to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of this

situation and let them know what they are aware of, Xia Ran thinks it is

Very necessary.

"Harry is old enough, he can make his own decisions," Sirius said calmly.

"He is not James, Sirius." Mrs. Weasley said in a cold voice, "You don't

think of him as James, do you? Harry is still just a minor."

"I know this, I will not regard Harry as his father." Sirius said politely, but

his expression was unusually cold.

"I think you don't think so sometimes. It seems that when you see Harry,

you see James." Mrs. Weasley said as if she was fighting, "Because of your

out-of-touch character - rash and wanton behavior - -You've already

suffered a great loss - twelve years in prison - you can't let Harry suffer


Sirius blushed and looked at him as if he was about to jump up. He said,

"I won't make the same mistake a second time!"

"Who knows?"

Sirius couldn't help but slap the table hard, his body trembling slightly.


Moody finally spoke, tapping his cane on the ground, turning his magic

eye, scanning the entire room, and said: "Molly, you are not the only

person here who cares about these children! Sirius, sit down!"

Mrs. Weasley's face turned green and red, and her lips trembled. Sirius

slowly sat back in his chair, face as white as paper.

"Although the young wizards focus on their studies, as Xia Ran said,

under the current situation, it is necessary to let them know more

information and increase their sense of urgency." Moody said in a deep

voice, "Besides, Xia Ran's worries are not unreasonable. If young wizards

know nothing but are curious at heart, it is indeed easy for the enemy to

take advantage of them. I know many such examples."

"Okay, good!" Mrs. Weasley took a deep breath and said sharply, "Harry,

stay, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Percy, I want you Get out of

the kitchen now! Now!"

There was an immediate commotion in the kitchen.

Chapter 118 Answer

"Mom, I'm an adult, I'm about to graduate, and I'm already going to enter

society." Percy shouted.

"We're almost adults, Mom, we can know these things." Fred and George

shouted together.

"If Harry can be allowed to know, why can't we? We are the same age!"

This was Ron's cry, and Hermione nodded repeatedly.

"Mum, I want to hear it too!" Ginny shouted.

"No!" Mrs. Weasley roared loudly. She stood up suddenly, her eyes

widened like an angry lion, which made people's hearts tremble. She said

sternly, "I will never allow it, I absolutely forbid... …”

"Molly, you can't stop Percy." Mr. Weasley said slowly, especially tiredly,

"He is indeed an adult, and it is useful for him to understand these things

in advance."

"He's still a student!"

"But he's legally an adult!" Mr. Weasley replied in the same tired voice.

Mrs. Weasley's face immediately turned red and she stammered: "Okay...

Oh, okay, then you are right, Percy can stay with Harry, but Fred,

George, Ron , Hermione, Ginny...you must go upstairs to sleep

immediately, I have already made the bed!"

"Mrs. Weasley, I want to stay and listen." Hermione said quickly and

changed her words when she met Mrs. Weasley's gaze. "I'm still a student

at Hogwarts, right? Professor Frémont is here. Here, when my parents are

not here, the professor can be my guardian. Professor Frémont, you will

agree to my staying, right?"

Hermione looked at Xia Ran with burning eyes.

Although Professor Lu Ping was also present, after all, Xia Ran had been

a professor for longer and the relationship was still better. Especially in

the secret room incident last year, Xia Ran played a very big role and had

extraordinary knowledge - in fact, he was familiar with the plot. ——It is

easier for students to trust and feel at ease.

Although Hermione was touched that Mrs. Weasley thought about her,

too much pampering and care from adults would bring a burden to her.

Besides, she really wanted to know this relevant knowledge and

information. Phoenix What is a society? What are they doing? How to

fight Voldemort?

Xia Ran felt Mrs. Weasley's burning eyes and smiled bitterly: "Okay,

Hermione, you can stay too."

Hermione suddenly laughed happily.

"Very good!" Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips and shouted, "Very well! Fred,

George, Ron, Ginny, go to bed!"

The four little wizards refused to leave quietly and made a lot of noise

along the way. When they arrived in the hall, the noise finally woke up

the old Mrs. Black on the wall - Sirius's mother - her deafening Screams

joined the farce, adding a bit of fighting atmosphere.

Lupine and Sirius hurried to the portrait to regain their composure. When

they came back, closed the kitchen door, and sat back on the chairs in

front of the table, Sirius spoke with a calm face.

"Have you met my mother, Harry?"

"Your... mother?" Harry was obviously surprised.

"Yes, my dear old mum," said Sirius, "I have been trying to put her to rest

for over a month, but now we think she has secured her permanent

residence. She has attached to the back of the canvas The spell cannot be

lifted, so I can only let her scream from time to time."

"But what is your mother's portrait doing there?" Harry asked confused.

"Okay, I'll explain this later." Moody interrupted the conversation

between the godfather and his godson, and said, "We don't have much

time, so we need to go to bed early to regain our energy. So, Percy,

Harry, Hermione, Three little wizards, what do you want to know?"

The three of them looked at each other, and then Harry asked the

question that had been bothering them for more than a month.

"Where is Voldemort? Is he really resurrected? And, what is the Order of

the Phoenix? Dumbledore's secret organization?"

The shiver that Voldemort caused was deliberately ignored by him.

"Let's talk about the Order of the Phoenix first." Xia Ran replied softly,

"Yes, that's right, this is the secret organization formed by Dumbledore. It

was formed to fight against Voldemort. Dumbledore only reconvened it

after Voldemort returned from resurrection. Fudge There is no need to

worry - although his guess that Dumbledore has a secret organization is

correct - if Dumbledore really wants to defeat him, there is no need for

the Order of the Phoenix to take action. I think Dumbledore broke in

alone. The Ministry of Magic can force Fudge to step down as Minister of


Sirius and Mundungus smiled, but when they saw that no one else was

smiling, they stopped smiling.

"As for where Voldemort is?" Xia Ran said, "We can't answer this

question. It's also not clear whether he has truly been resurrected.

However, we think...his resurrection must require something, something

essential. thing."


Percy, Harry, and Hermione looked at each other, feeling confused.

Hermione couldn't help but ask: "What? Resurrection? Is there really such

a thing as resurrection in the world?"

"Ritual requirements, Hermione." Lupine explained, "Resurrection, of

course, only exists in legends. At least before this, the resurrections we

know of existed in ancient wizard myths, and there was no exact


"Then why..."

"Why do you believe that Voldemort can be resurrected?" Sirius smiled,

"According to Dumbledore, he knows that there is such a magic, right,

Xia Ran?"

The three people's eyes turned to Xia Ran.

Xia Ran nodded and said: "That magic can indeed help people resurrect,

but it also has ritual requirements." After a slight pause, he continued:

"The most important thing is that Voldemort's form of existence is

between the boundary between life and death. They are not truly alive,

and they are not the dead who should go to the world of the dead.”

"Otherwise, how can a living person, or a completely dead person, talk

about resurrection?"

"How could he be in this state?" Percy asked with a frown, "Twelve years

ago, when the mysterious man came to find Harry's parents, wouldn't he

normally be dead?"

"That's an evil black magic." Xia Ran said, "That kind of black magic is

extremely cruel and evil. Especially as we know, Voldemort has reached

an unprecedented level. His level of evil is almost unimaginable for

ordinary people."

Xia Ran is talking about the dark magic of Horcrux, which requires

killing creatures to split the soul and make Horcrux. Splitting the soul

itself is unstable. The dark wizards in ancient times could only make one

Horcrux, but Voldemort made a whole It’s really unimaginable to have

seven Horcruxes!

Of course, only Xia Ran knows the specific number of Horcruxes

Voldemort has for the time being, and Dumbledore is still in the stage of

convincing Professor Slughorn.

Chapter 119 Clearing up Doubts

"Evil black magic?"

"What black magic? Professor Frémont, is it more evil than Avada's

Kedavra and Cruciatus Curse?"

Percy, Harry, and Hermione asked again quickly.

"Ahem..." At this time, Moody coughed heavily, and the meaning was


Xia Ran smiled and shook her head and said, "You don't need to know


There is really no need to inform young wizards about things like

Horcruxes, lest they become unable to withstand the temptation and

commit wrongdoings.

The three of them had no choice but to sigh regretfully. Professor

Frémont was about to explain it in detail, but was interrupted by Moody.

This was really regrettable, but they did not dare to refute Moody,

looking at his look. I feel timid inside.

"Why did Voldemort stop killing? I have read magic history books about

modern history. He used to enjoy killing Muggles." Hermione asked


Lupine chuckled and said: "Hermione Granger is the top student at

Hogwarts. She is number one in every subject. She will definitely be a

prefect and president of the female student union in the future."

Hermione suddenly smiled sheepishly.

"Hermione, you are so amazing." Tonks praised sincerely. "When I was at

Hogwarts, I often failed exams, especially Potions. It was really hard for


"Fortunately, Professor Snape is not here." Xia Ran smiled.

"Snotlout actually became the Potions Professor at Hogwarts. I don't

know what Dumbledore thought." Sirius snorted.

Lupine said: "Dumbledore has his own considerations, and Severus is

indeed a potions master. I have never seen a more powerful potion

master than him, not even our original Slughorn." Professor, I feel a little

worse than Severus."

Sirius snorted and did not continue to speak.

"Okay, back to the question just now, why didn't Voldemort start a brutal

killing?" Xia Ran said, "This question is easy to answer, because he

doesn't want to arouse other people's ideas."

"For the mysterious man, how to recover and resurrect is the most

important thing now. Killing Muggles for pleasure and killing wizards for

pleasure will have to wait until he is completely resurrected," said Mr.

Weasley. He showed a satisfied smile and said, "Especially when he was

just planning to be resurrected, Dumbledore knew about this matter. He

had to be extremely careful to avoid us catching his tracks and traces. ."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked confused.

"Because Barty Crouch Jr.'s identity as a red-haired wizard transformed

using polyjuice potion was discovered by Xia Ran." Sirius said, "We then

rushed to Crouch Manor and indeed found the remains of Voldemort.

Traces, this is something he never wants to see, but it happened like this."

"He originally didn't want anyone to know about his return, except for his

most loyal Death Eaters. However, the news was known to Dumbledore

at the first opportunity, and Dumbledore was the one he least wanted to

alarm. People." Lupine smiled.

Percy and Hermione looked surprised when they heard this, but Harry

still looked confused and asked, "How will this help?"

"Are you kidding?" Mundungus asked in disbelief. "Everyone in the

wizarding world knows that Dumbledore is the only wizard that

mysterious man is afraid of!"

"So Dumbledore also restarted the Order of the Phoenix as soon as

possible and summoned all of us." Mr. Weasley said.

"Are you all members of the Order of the Phoenix?" Hermione asked,

looking at them all.

Lupine smiled and said: "Many of the people who received the

information about the restart of the Order of the Phoenix are old

members of the Order more than ten years ago, such as me, Moody,

Arthur, Sirius, and Mundungus. However, Tang Kes is a new member, Xia

Ran is also a new member, and your Professor Snape is also a new

member of the Order of the Phoenix."

"What? Snape is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix?" Harry was

shocked, with a look of disgust on his face involuntarily.

Percy and Hermione were also a little surprised.

Sirius suddenly laughed.

Xia Ran said: "Harry, you still have to maintain basic respect for the

teacher and call him Professor Snape." After a pause, he continued:

"Professor Snape will be of great help to us, because he is today's One of

the most powerful potions masters in the wizarding world!"

"If such a person sincerely changes his mind and is willing to join our

camp and fight to the death against Voldemort, I personally think he is

worthy of welcome." Moody said in a deep voice at this time.

"Then how are you going to prevent the mysterious man from being

resurrected?" Percy asked quickly, he very much wanted to know more

relevant secret information.

"As mentioned before, we just need to carry out activities according to

the needs of the ritual. We can always interfere with and stop the

mysterious person." Lu Ping said, "Besides, Dumbledore is smart enough,

and his shrewd ideas are usually based on predictions." Like God.”

"What about his servants?" Hermione asked: "I mean the Death Eaters,

aren't those servants of Voldemort? And his former allies, those giants,

werewolves, and goblins."

"You read it from the book again?" Sirius asked with a smile.

Hermione nodded.

"Servants? Yes, little girl, you are right." Moody held his cane and said,

"Death Eaters are of course Voldemort's servants, but servants do not

necessarily mean they are loyal to Voldemort. You know, twelve years

When Voldemort fell, countless Death Eaters used the excuse that they

were under the Imperius Curse and betrayed other Death Eaters in

exchange for their own survival and not being imprisoned in Azkaban

Prison. Voldemort could not have known these things. I think he might

not feel too good after knowing these things."

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Voldemort is hostile to Dumbledore and us, but

he also does not trust those Death Eaters. He knows that many Death

Eaters follow him because of his power. After regaining his complete

body, he regains his former glory. Before losing to Dumbledore's

powerful magic, Voldemort would not call a gathering of Death Eaters,

unlike us."

"We are gathered here for the same goal, not just because of

Dumbledore's power. Even if something happens to Dumbledore - I said

hypothetical, if - we will still go on unswervingly." Moody said. vocal


After the death of Dumbledore in the original time and space, the Order

of the Phoenix was severely suppressed by Voldemort and the Death

Eaters. However, the Order of the Phoenix not only did not decline, but

became more and more prosperous, with more and more members. This

is enough to explain the problem. , that was when Voldemort was at his

peak, and even the Ministry of Magic fell into Voldemort's hands.

"As for the allies of the dark wizards you mentioned," Xia Ran said softly,

"Until Voldemort is truly resurrected, they will obviously not join the

dark wizards. However, if Voldemort is truly resurrected, send his Death

Eaters to find them. , there is no guarantee that those dark creatures will

not move."

"Why? Don't they know how cruel and bloody Voldemort is?" Harry

immediately asked in confusion.

Chapter 120 Anger

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Harry, Voldemort is bloody and cruel, but are

those dark creatures innocent and kind?"

Without waiting for Harry to answer, he said to himself: "No! The cruelty

of dark creatures is not inferior to that of Voldemort and Death Eaters.

Otherwise, why are they called dark creatures?"

"They are all the same, Harry. When you encounter a dark wizard, you

must take action immediately or run away. When you encounter a dark

creature, you must also learn to draw your wand and fight. Of course, if

you can run away, you should still run away as soon as possible." Wei Mr.

Sly said.

"But why did they join the dark wizards? Can't we win them over to our

side?" Harry asked again doubtfully.

Lupine smiled bitterly and said: "This is almost impossible." Seeing that

Harry was still confused, he explained in detail: "Dark creatures, such as

werewolves..." At this point, he paused and continued: "... ...Vampires,

dementors, etc., the mysterious man can completely promise them to

walk freely in the magical world. As for who will suffer at that time, the

mysterious man doesn't care at all, as long as his power becomes


"And many dark creatures have needs that are contrary to our ideas."


"The werewolf leader hopes to bite ordinary people or wizards every day

to increase the power of the werewolves. Do you think we will agree to

his request? Do you think the mysterious man will agree?" Lu Ping said

with a bitter smile. He stood up and said, "It's definitely impossible for us

to agree to such an outrageous request, but the mysterious man will

agree. He never takes other people into consideration."

"In addition to Death Eaters, those dark creatures will also be part of his

army." Sirius said, "In the past few days, he has commanded a large

number of members, those who were coerced or confused by him. The

wizards and witches who followed him, his truly loyal Death Eaters -

after all, a Dark Lord always had loyal minions - and a large number of

dark creatures of various races. Voldemort never relied solely on himself

and A small number of Death Eaters are here to subvert the magical

world and attack the Ministry of Magic!"

"So you're trying to stop him from gaining more followers, are you?"

Percy asked.

"As much as we can," Lupine replied.

"How?" Hermione also asked.

"First of all, we have to make sure that those dark creatures are always

looking forward to Voldemort's comeback, because in this way they can

increase their power." Xia Ran said, "We are almost certain that

werewolves, vampires, and dementors are all such dark creatures. ."

"Dementor, why?" Harry still had a vivid memory of the scene where he

fainted when the dementor approached.

"Dementors rely on human beings for a living. Obviously, the number of

people in Azkaban Prison is too small to truly meet the needs of the

dementors. They are always hungry. If Voldemort comes to the door If

they go, they will definitely fall to the side of the dark wizard, there is no

doubt about it." Xia Ran replied.

"So we determined how many people or dark creatures were willing to

turn to You-Know-Who, and then put them under surveillance," Mr.

Weasley said. "This strategy proved to be very clever and useful."

"Why not..." Hermione expressed her doubts, "I mean, if it is really

confirmed that the dark creatures are wholeheartedly surrendering to

Voldemort, why not imprison them all? I believe that none of those dark

creatures are innocent. It’s not like we can’t find any evidence.”

Everyone looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"Because of the attitude of the Ministry of Magic, Hermione." Tonks

shook her head and said sadly, "Look at Cornelius Fudge, how panicked

he looked when he learned from Dumbledore about the mysterious man's

return. You look confused...Hermione, Fudge will not change his position,

he absolutely refuses to believe that all of this has happened!"

The three little wizards were puzzled.

"Why? The facts have been laid before him. Hasn't Barty Crouch

disappeared without a trace? Why is he still hesitating? Is he so stupid

that he can't even understand the facts?" Hermione stared. He asked with

wide eyes and disbelief.

"I'm afraid you are right, Hermione, Fudge is so stupid." Xia Ran also had

no good impression of Fudge, the Minister of Magic, and said, "Barty

Crouch can have other explanations for his disappearance, but he We will

never let Dumbledore command the Ministry of Magic, even if

Dumbledore doesn't have the idea or the energy."

"Dumbledore? What does it have to do with Dumbledore?" The three

young wizards were still blank when it came to such political


"Oh, very good, you have come to the point of the problem." Mr. Weasley

showed a twisted smile and said, "Dumbledore."

"Fudge is afraid of Dumbledore, you all should know that," Tonks said


"Afraid of Dumbledore?!" all three little wizards shouted.

"Yes, Fudge is afraid of Dumbledore. He is afraid that Dumbledore will

replace him." Mr. Weasley said tiredly. "Fudge thinks that Dumbledore is

plotting to overthrow him and become the Minister of Magic. The so-

called You-Know-Who is making a comeback. It's all just Dumbledore's

conspiracy, and he is unwilling to give up his position as Minister of

Magic. He thinks Dumbledore is a traitor with evil intentions."

"But Dumbledore...he is clearly not interested in the position of minister!"

"Of course he is not interested. He has never expressed his intention for

the position of Minister of Magic - you have to know, with Dumbledore's

reputation, if he wants to be the Minister of Magic, would anyone dare to

compete with him? - "But Fudge doesn't believe this." Mr. Weasley said

bitterly, "Many people once recommended Dumbledore to be a minister,

but he rejected them all. He just wanted to be a good headmaster. Fudge

later took over the power, and he never forgot No matter how beloved

Dumbledore was, he knew he couldn't compete with Dumbledore."

Moody said disdainfully: "Fudge is a villain. Letting him sit on the

minister's throne was the worst thing."

"But who knew at that time how Fudge would change later?" Lupine said

with a wry smile. "Fudge trusted Dumbledore very much in the

beginning. He often wrote letters to communicate with Dumbledore and

asked for Dumbledore's various opinions and views. But Power is always

fascinating. After Fudge tasted this wonderful taste, he could never let it

go! He believed that he was the well-deserved Minister of Magic, and

even more convinced that he was the smartest and most capable wizard,

and Deng Blido is merely a troublemaker who covets the position of

Minister for Magic."

"How could he think so? Is he crazy, Fudge?" the three little wizards

shouted angrily.

Xia Ran spread her hands and said: "Because accepting the fact that

Voldemort returns means that the Ministry of Magic will encounter a big

trouble that it has never dealt with in more than ten years. Especially

Fudge only came to power after the fall of Voldemort. He does not have

this experience. What's more, he lacks this ability - more than ten years

ago, the Ministry of Magic fought on the front line against the dark

wizards, not Fudge, but the missing Barty Crouch - so he was unwilling to

face this reality. After all, smearing Dumbledore is much easier than

dealing with Voldemort."

Chapter 121 Transforming the

Ministry of Magic?

"Fudge is jealous and even afraid of Dumbledore. That's the problem." Xia

Ran shook her head and said, "As an official institution, the Ministry of

Magic still has credibility. If the Ministry of Magic openly discredits

Dumbledore - in fact, the Ministry of Magic has already When we do that

- and claim that Voldemort was never resurrected and is long dead, it's

going to be hard for people to believe us."

"After all, official institutions like the Ministry of Magic are always the

most trusted by people."

Xia Ran sighed as she spoke, feeling that Dumbledore might as well

compete for the position of minister of the Ministry of Magic, so that they

could have more autonomy and launch rounds of elimination against


It's a pity that Dumbledore has made up his mind not to have the greatest

power because of his early experiences.

"The most important thing is that people are even less willing to really

believe in the return of Voldemort, even if what Dumbledore said is

indeed true." Lupine spread his hands and said with a bitter smile, "The

Ministry of Magic has strictly ordered the Daily Prophet Do not report

any news from Dumbledore, and use various methods to smear

Dumbledore - every issue of the newspaper must slander Dumbledore - so

most wizarding groups still act as if they are just watching the fun. ,

completely unaware of anything going on in the shadows of the

wizarding world today."

"Under such a situation, it is impossible for us to launch a large-scale

dispatch to completely detonate Fudge's thunder." Sirius said helplessly,

"At least he is only holding back now and has not completely turned

against us."

"But you are warning people, aren't you?" Percy, Harry, and Hermione,

the three little wizards, looked at Professor Frémont, Mr. Weasley, Sirius,

Moody, Mundungus, Lupine and Don X, asked, "You are all members of

the Order of the Phoenix, aren't you fighting against the Death Eaters?

You are trying to make people believe as much as possible that

Voldemort has returned, aren't you?"

"Yes, but Lupine and I, as well as Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape,

and Hagrid, are all professors at Hogwarts. We cannot openly stand up

and go against the Ministry of Magic." Xia Ran said helplessly. .

Lupine even smiled bitterly and said: "For some reasons, I am not a

popular dinner guest."

Tonks patted Lupine, as if to say that she would invite him to be the

guest of honor at the dinner. Lupine smiled gratefully at Tonks.

Except for Percy, Harry, and Hermione, everyone else knows Lupine's

identity and is actually a werewolf.

"Although I have been cleared of wrongdoing, people still think that I am

dangerous due to the deep-rooted thoughts of more than ten years - of

course, they may not be wrong - so few people are willing to deal with

me." Sirius said uneasily.

"And if I, Tonks, Kingsley and others speak openly, we will lose our jobs

in the Ministry of Magic, and Fudge will undoubtedly fire us." Mr.

Weasley said, "But for For us, it is very important that someone can

always lurk in the ministry. I bet a thousand gold galleons that the

mysterious person definitely has eyes in the ministry."

Mundungus laughed and said, "Arthur, I will not participate in this kind

of bet that is bound to lose."

"This joke is not funny, Dunge." Lupine said solemnly, "We are now

restricted by the Ministry of Magic, but the Mysterious Man has no

restrictions. Besides, we are in the light and the Mysterious Man is in the

dark. This is not good for us. To say the same is very detrimental.”

"If any of you can stand up and support Dumbledore, maybe the situation

will be different and more people can believe in Dumbledore?" Harry


"As I said before, Harry, this is not a good idea." Mr. Weasley said, "We

all have our own tasks, and we cannot let the Ministry really make up its

mind to clean up on us."

"Dumbledore said that he can announce the news alone." Moody said,

"This way, most of the Ministry of Magic's attention will be focused on

Dumbledore, and he will create a lot of opportunities for us. In order to

let Dumbledore Lido is so embarrassed, the Ministry of Magic has racked

its brains and doesn't have enough energy to pay attention to us


A group of people laughed bitterly.

"Dumbledore has been removed from the position of Chief Magician of

Wizengamot and voted out of the position of President of the

International Magical Union because he is too old, has lost his once

powerful magic, and is not qualified to serve as Chief Magician again.

Magician, but these are all fake." Tonks looked a little angry and said,

"They also want to revoke and take back Dumbledore's Merlin Order of

Merlin, and they will not let go of anyone who can damage Dumbledore's

prestige. Chance."

"But Dumbledore said he didn't care what they did as long as they didn't

remove him from the chocolate frog picture." Lupine said with a smile.

"This is not a funny thing." Mr. Weasley said sharply. "If he continues to

openly defy the Ministry of Magic like this, he may spend the rest of his

life in Azkaban Prison, and there is nothing we can do The last thing he

did was to help Dumbledore lock the door of the prison cell. If the

mysterious man knew that Dumbledore had returned to the battlefield,

he would be cautious, but if Dumbledore was imprisoned and left the

battlefield... Oh, Oh my God, I can’t even imagine what that would be


Xia Ran smiled and said softly: "Mr. Weasley, there is no need to worry so

much. The Ministry of Magic does not dare to do this. Fudge gave the

order on the first day, and Fudge had to step down the next day."

The others looked at him with strange expressions.

Xia Ran shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile: "Fudge is of no use

as the Minister of Magic. On the contrary, it is a good hand to hold him

back. Instead of this, then there is no problem if we use a coup to remove

him from power, right?"

"Xia Ran, your idea is too dangerous." Sirius said and laughed, "But I like

it. I have long been disgusted with that idiot Fudge. I really want to give

him a vicious curse." ."

"I'm afraid not. The mysterious man has returned and we in the wizarding

world cannot fight within ourselves." Mr. Weasley shook his head.

"Mr. Weasley, now it's not a matter of us fighting among ourselves, but a

matter of Fudge being stupid." Xia Ran said, "When the war is about to

begin, any forces that are holding back must be eliminated. We must

maintain our internal There is only one voice, unanimously speaking to

the outside world.”

Anyway, he had the idea of ​​knocking Fudge out of office.

"We will discuss this matter later. We need to see Dumbledore's opinion."

Moody made the final decision and stopped the discussion about bringing

down Fudge.

The room was quiet for a while, and everyone seemed to be thinking

about Xia Ran's proposal. Is it feasible?

At this moment Mrs. Weasley came to the kitchen and stood in the

shadows by the door, her arms crossed and looking very annoyed.


She looked at Percy, Harry, and Hermione, with a straight face, and said

in a stern voice: "It's very late now, I want you to go to bed immediately!"

Chapter 122 Memorial Service

Percy, Harry and Hermione immediately avoided Mrs. Weasley's gaze and

looked at the others expectantly, hoping to hear some more useful


"Look at me!" Mrs. Weasley roared, her whole body trembling, as if trying

to suppress her anger, "You have told them enough, and now it is starting

to involve coups, this kind of thing Can I also tell my children? I can’t let

them continue to listen.”

Moody said solemnly: "It's really time for you to go to bed, and we have

to go too." As he said that, he stood up, and Tonks and Mundungus

followed suit.

"Aren't you going to sit down for a while? Have a cup of hot chocolate."

Mrs. Weasley seemed slightly surprised.

"No, Molly." Moody looked at Sirius and said, "We will come over

tomorrow morning for Regulus's memorial service."

The three of them walked through the foyer and went directly to the

outside of Black's old house. After hearing three loud explosions, the

three of them disapparated and left Grimmauld Place.

Percy, Harry, and Hermione had no choice but to follow Mrs. Weasley

dejectedly and go to their respective bedrooms to sleep. Percy shared a

room with twin brothers Fred and George, Harry shared a room with

Ron, and Hermione shared a room with twin brothers Fred and George.

Room with Ginny.

"Be careful when you go in. Don't disturb them. They must have fallen

asleep." Mrs. Weasley warned in a low voice.

Harry said in a voice that only Percy and Hermione could hear: "I bet 100

gold galleons that all of them are definitely not asleep yet, and they are

all awake waiting for us to go back and tell them what we just talked


"This is a losing bet, Harry, I won't bet." Percy said quietly as well.

After sending off the three children, Mrs. Weasley returned downstairs.

At this time, Xia Ran, Lupine, Sirius, and Mr. Weasley seemed to be

arguing about something.

"Xia Ran, I agree with your proposal." Sirius expressed his position and

said, "It's time for that idiot Fudge to step down. He must be replaced by

a wizard who is more courageous and capable of fighting."

"It doesn't matter whether you can fight or not, but you must have the

courage to resist Voldemort, otherwise you will be another copy of

Fudge." Xia Ran said, they were talking about how to get Fudge to step

down and how to choose who would come to power. The problem.

Mr. Weasley disagreed, saying: "Relying on Dumbledore's reputation,

Fudge can indeed step down, but who can come to power now? And

there can't be a big turmoil in the wizarding world, otherwise we will

create it for the mysterious man. It couldn’t be a better situation.”

Lupine was not firm in his opposition, but he did not agree with it that

much. He hesitated and said: "Maybe it is feasible to use this method to

properly force Fudge to make concessions."

Xia Ran immediately shook his head and said: "Either you don't do this

kind of thing, or you have to do it to the end. Don't pay attention to the

scale, otherwise it will ruin the big thing."

The most taboo thing about a coup is to be merciless. Now that they have

decided to take action, they must kill the current Minister of Magic as

quickly as possible and replace him with someone they are satisfied with.

Of course, there are still internal disputes, the two sides disagree, and

Dumbledore doesn't even know about it.

Mrs. Weasley was stunned.

"Oh my god, do you really want a coup to defeat Fudge?" Mrs. Weasley

exclaimed, "Dumbledore won't agree to it."

"Okay, let's just talk. I'll ask Dumbledore what his opinion is later." Xia

Ran spread her hands and said, "What if Dumbledore really agrees? Well,

I admit there is no hope."

"Oh, you are really... too bold, aren't you?" Mrs. Weasley still felt that her

heart was beating too fast. Is it the Order of the Phoenix's responsibility

to fight against the Ministry of Magic?

Xia Ran deflected the question. Indeed, as the leader of the Order of the

Phoenix, Dumbledore was the one who really made the decision. Xia

Ran's current strength and fame were not enough.

"Okay, where is my room?" Xia Ran asked.

"I'll take you there. It just so happens that our rooms are next to each

other." Lupine said. He had already stayed in the Black Mansion several



Early the next morning, when it was still windy and snowy outside,

people in the house at No. 12 Grimmauld Place got up and got down one

after another. From time to time, someone came to the door through

apparation, rang the doorbell and entered the house.

"Mongrels, werewolves, pure-blooded scum, shame, and the evil offspring

I gave birth to..."

But every time the doorbell rang, Mrs. Black's angry curses rang out in

the foyer.

"Oh, how many times have I told you, don't ring the doorbell, don't ring

the doorbell, why can't they remember?" Sirius said angrily, and went to

close the curtain outside his mother's portrait again.

"Sirius, your mother is still as energetic as ever." Dumbledore said with a

smile, shaking off the snow on his body on the steps outside the door.

Following him, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid apparated. , and Snape.

Yes, Snape will also attend Regulus' funeral, or memorial service, this


Not long after, Kingsley, Tonks, Moody, Mundungus and others also

arrived. The foyer was dark, but many candles had been lit. The

atmosphere in the room behind the corridor became more solemn, and

people no longer laughed. Gulus' deeds touched everyone's heart.

It was the first time for Harry and other young wizards to hear about

Regulus's deeds, and the two little girls Hermione and Ginny were in

tears and on the verge of tears.

"... Regulus Black, he is a true warrior, a true Slytherin. On the road

against dark magic and dark wizards, he does not hesitate to do anything

and is willing to pay the price with his life. I want Show respect to him."

Dumbledore recited the eulogy, speaking in a straightforward manner,

but it seemed to be eloquent, and it touched many people's hearts,

because they also did not know when they would die among Voldemort

and Death Eaters. in hands.

The feeling of precariousness that existed when Voldemort was at his

peak more than ten years ago has now returned to everyone's mind.

The elf Kreacher cried so hard that his voice was almost hoarse later on.

Many people present had red eyes and sad expressions.

They thought of their relatives and friends and comrades who had died,

and grief suddenly surged into their hearts, making their eyes wet. At the

end, loud sobs could be heard. Without looking back, Xia Ran knew it

was Hagrid's voice. He was also touched. After all, he knew Regulus, but

he had not awakened his memory at that time.

After Regulus's memorial service, everyone had lunch together, and the

atmosphere began to slowly recover again. After all, they had known that

they were in danger ever since they fought against Voldemort

unswervingly, especially after experiencing the first time more than ten

years ago. The old people from the Wizarding War may be used to this

kind of memorial service, even if they are extremely sentimental and sad

every time they attend.

But life goes on, and one must look forward. Voldemort is now back, and

the tests they will face will only become more and more cruel, and they

must strengthen their will.

At this time, Sirius talked about Xia Ran's proposal last night.

Chapter 123 Sad

"Let Fudge step down?"

Others were immediately surprised when they heard this. Professor

McGonagall said: "Sirius, how could you have such an idea? It's too

dangerous, it's too dangerous! Fudge is the Minister of Magic after all."

Lupine, Mr. Weasley, and Mrs. Weasley looked helpless beside them. It

turned out that Sirius and Xia Ran had not given up on this dangerous


Xia Ran said: "My idea, Professor McGonagall."

"Your..." Professor McGonagall was startled and turned her attention to

Xia Ran. Sirius was always so bold and would have such dangerous

thoughts. Although she did not agree, she was not particularly surprised,

but Xia Ran was not like Are you such a bold person? !

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Ran, with different

expressions. Some were in agreement, some were shaking their heads in

disapproval like Professor McGonagall, and some were pondering and

looking uncertain.

Dumbledore seemed to have a flash of light in his blue eyes. He looked at

Xia Ran and said softly: "Xia Ran, why do you think so? Frankly speaking,

I actually have no intention of serving as Minister of Magic. ."

Many people had expressions of regret upon hearing this. Hagrid and

Sirius shook their heads in regret, but Moody seemed to know better and

looked as usual.

Xia Ran also knew about Dumbledore's past, because his wrong ideas

when he was young led to the death of his sister Ariana Dumbledore.

Since then, Dumbledore has completely changed his mind and no longer

pursues the idea of ​​wizards ruling Muggles. greater good" but instead

ran around for peace, including defeating his former partner


Dumbledore also recognized himself through this. He believed that he

could not hold too much power, otherwise the impulses of his youth

might resurface, and this was a scene he absolutely did not want to see.

"Voldemort is back. If he is really resurrected - maybe he has been

resurrected now - then the dark wizards and dark creatures will have a

backbone, and a powerful wizard who can really suppress them and lead

them will appear, which will affect the order of the magic world and the

Peace is a very huge challenge." Xia Ranxiao understood Dumbledore's

weaknesses with emotion and reason. Peace was what he longed for in

his life and was willing to risk his life to protect it.

Xia Ran is not a wizard from the evil camp. Generally speaking, he is also

in the order camp. Moreover, he does admire Dumbledore. However,

Fugui also believes that he is holding everyone back. He turns a blind eye

to the facts before his eyes and is even more slanderous. Dumbledore

took the initiative to create a very good situation for Voldemort, which

made people very angry.

He believed that Fudge no longer needed to be the Minister of Magic. If

his strength and reputation were not enough, he might have competed

for the position of Minister.

Of course, this is not necessarily the case. After all, he is also not

interested in power. Becoming strong is what he desires to pursue.

Xia Ran continued: "Fudge will only hinder us. His becoming minister is

the situation that Voldemort wants to see most. And what the enemy

wants to see, we can just destroy it."

"Xia Ran, you are right." Hagrid was the first to agree and said loudly,

"That despicable guy Fudge, we were all deceived by his former modesty

and gentleness. This kind of person should step down! The mysterious

man is so powerful that he has consumed almost all our energy, and we

can no longer let the Ministry of Magic restrict us."

Snape had a strange look on his face and said slowly: "Headmaster, what

do you think? Maybe Fudge will step down." He also expressed his


Dumbledore pondered for a while, but he still thought that this was not a

good plan and refused: "There is no need to say more about this matter.

Voldemort is powerful, the Death Eaters and the dark creature camp are

equally powerful. We in the magic world cannot have internal strife.

Fudge is generally still Someone who can stabilize the situation.”

As he spoke, he smiled bitterly and said, "I really can't hold the power.

Maybe I will be even scarier than Fudge by then."

Everyone didn't believe what he said, but Dumbledore, as the leader, said

so. Even if many of them had some ideas, they had no choice but to give


After the memorial service, everyone took a break and chatted for a

while about their respective tasks and related intelligence information,

but there was not much progress. Voldemort was indeed hidden and no

trace of him could be found.

While the adult wizards were having a meeting, the young wizards were

of course sent upstairs to clean the old Black mansion.

Black's old house has been uninhabited for more than ten years. The

house elf Kreacher may have had some mental problems because of

Regulus' incident. Anyway, he didn't clean the house very much, resulting

in many places covered with cobwebs. There are also many dangerous

creatures living here.

Mrs. Weasley led a group of young wizards to clean the house.

"Mom, can we go to the kitchen and observe the meeting?" Fred asked.

Mrs. Weasley refused bluntly: "No! You are too young. Knowing too much

will do you no good." She clapped her hands again and said loudly:

"Okay, children, don't you want to do something for the Order of the

Phoenix?" Is it something? This headquarters is too dirty. If you help

clean it up, it is your contribution."

"Oh, my God, Mom, can you bear to have your children spend Christmas

here cleaning?" George said sadly, covering his chest.

Mrs. Weasley gave George a fierce look, and George immediately

restrained himself and muttered: "Well, it's really no good coming here

this time."

"Children, you are really too young. Resisting mysterious people, fighting

dark wizards and dark creatures is really not as simple as you think.

Many people... many people..." Mrs. Weasley said with red eyes and

tears. It seemed to be overflowing, "Your uncle, Fabian... Given... died in

the war, and the mysterious man... Since the mysterious man has

returned, the second war will start soon. Maybe the clarion call for war

has started...I'm afraid..."

She shed tears sadly.

Several children quickly comforted their mother. Percy said: "Mom, don't

worry. After I graduate, I will become a powerful wizard and a high-

ranking official in the Ministry of Magic. You will be proud of me!"

"Really, Mum, Percy is enough, just ask less for us." George took the

opportunity to say that he and Fred had never wanted to work in the

Ministry of Magic - this was what Mrs. Weasley had always told them.

planning-but I want to open a store of my own.

Mrs. Weasley had the intention to keep a straight face and teach the twin

brothers a lesson, but at this time her authority was no longer enough,

and she could no longer teach the two naughty children harshly.

Seeing the blank faces of Harry and Hermione, Ron explained in a low

voice: "Fabian and Given are our uncles. They died more than ten years

ago before I was born. They seemed to have died somewhere. It was in

the hands of the Death Eater Dolohov, and my mother would cry when

she mentioned it."

"We have only seen photos of our uncles. They seem to be members of

the Order of the Phoenix." Ginny also whispered.

At this time the door opened and someone walked in.

"Um, maybe I should have come in two minutes later in the evening."

Xia Ran opened the door and came in, asking: "Mrs. Weasley, are you


Chapter 124 Percy’s mission?

Mrs. Weasley wiped the tears on her face with her hands, her eyes were

still red, and she couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Sorry, Xia Ran, I

just...just...I'm so stupid...Dumbledore , there is Mad Eye, what should we

be afraid of?"

"I can understand." Xia Ran expressed her understanding and nodded.

"When a war occurs, no one can guarantee that they will survive in the

end. Even we can't guarantee that we will win this war."

Xia Ran conjured a handkerchief and handed it to Mrs. Weasley, who

blew her nose.

"Harry, Hermione, I'm so sorry, what will you think of me?" Mrs. Weasley

said with a trembling voice, "Just chatting... nothing happened yet,


"Stop talking nonsense." Harry and Hermione said in unison. Harry

especially remembered the woman's scream he heard when the dementor

approached him. He knew that it was the last sound of his mother's life.

But Harry was only a one-year-old child at that time, but now he is

thirteen years old. If his friends and companions die at the hands of

Death Eaters, and the Weasley family, when he sees them What would he

be thinking when he saw the dead body? sad? anger? Hatred?

Harry quickly stopped his divergent thinking, not daring to allow himself

to continue thinking.

"I'm just too... too worried." Mrs. Weasley said with sobs, tears rolling

down from her eyes again, wetting the handkerchief, "Everyone at

home... is in the Order of the Phoenix, unless We will only escape death

if a miracle occurs... Fabian and the others were dead in the first place...

What if the mysterious man returns completely and Arthur and I are

killed? Who will come... who will take care of us Where are Ron and

Ginny? They're still so little."

"Mrs. Weasley, that's enough." Xia Ran said decisively, "This is different

from last time. We have got more intelligence information - you know,

including the cause of Regulus' death - this time we have The opportunity

to kill Voldemort completely without giving him another chance to come

back. We now have a good start, knowing that Voldemort is already

planning his resurrection."

Mrs. Weasley let out a scream of horror when she heard Voldemort's


"Mrs. Weasley, cheer up, he is our enemy. We must call him by his name

and not be afraid of him." Xia Ran said solemnly, "We cannot guarantee

that that person will not be harmed, but We will definitely do our best to

fight against Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Before all of us adults die,

you don’t have to worry about the comfort of the children. Besides, do

you think we will sit back and watch Ron and Ginny be lonely and

hungry all day long?"

Mrs. Weasley forced a smile.

"Yeah, it's so stupid." Mrs. Weasley whispered again, wiping her eyes with

a handkerchief, "Don't tell Arthur, I don't want him to know that I'm so


"By the way, Percy, come with me." Xia Ran said, he came up just to call

Percy away.

"Me?" Percy was stunned for a moment and pointed at himself.

When he saw Professor Frémont nodded, he immediately looked

confused. Why did Professor Frémont come to him specifically?

"Okay, Percy, go down with the professor," Mrs. Weasley said.

Percy followed Charan downstairs confused.

"Okay, kids, let's work, don't be lazy!" Mrs. Weasley clapped her hands

and said, regaining her usual energy.

Ron muttered in a low voice: "I wonder who is lazy?" Then he felt a

burning gaze staring at him, and his heart immediately trembled. He

quickly stepped forward, put on his gloves and started to prepare. Clean

dirty houses.

"Ron never knew Mum was too much to mess with at this time," Ginny


Harry and Hermione immediately smiled softly, straightened their

expressions and stepped forward before Mrs. Weasley looked at her



There was no one in the kitchen, except for Dumbledore and Snape.

Everyone else had left the Black Mansion one after another, including Mr.

Weasley and Lupin who were temporarily living here, as well as the

owner of the house. Sirius followed Moody to other places to find out


"Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape." Percy entered the kitchen and

conference room.

Dumbledore said gently: "Sit down, Percy. Sharon, please close the door."

Xia Ran closed the door and sat down on a nearby chair.

Percy was a little nervous and asked, "Um, Professor Dumbledore, I

wonder what you want from me?"

"Oh, that's it." Dumbledore said softly, "We have a plan, but we lack a

candidate who can execute it. Severus, myself, and Xia Ran all agree that

you are the most suitable candidate."

"Thank you for your trust." Percy said first, then hesitantly asked, "Can I

ask what it is?"

"Undercover!" Snape spoke slowly, his eyes strange. After all, he himself

was an undercover agent of Dumbledore, but he was lurking in the Death

Eaters organization.

"Undercover?!" Percy was slightly shocked.

Xia Ran nodded and said: "Yes, there is no chance of Fudge stepping

down for the time being, so we hope to place an undercover agent into

the Ministry of Magic. A real undercover agent, not like Mr. Weasley,

Kingsley, or Tonks, must we You have great trust in the top management

of the Ministry of Magic, and we even hope that if Voldemort returns

completely, you can continue to lurk in the Ministry of Magic, climb to

high positions, hold very great power, and give secret help and support

to the Order of the Phoenix."

Percy was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why did you find me?"

Xia Ran looked at each other with Dumbledore and Snape, and said:

"Sorry, maybe it's a bit blunt, but the reason is that you desire power,

which can win the trust of others."

This is why they found Percy. Although Percy loves his family and

friends, he also desires power and gets ahead. He has always behaved

like this, and his performance can help him gain the trust of the Ministry

of Magic. If you were to change it to someone else, it would definitely

not work because there is no reason that can be explained.

"Only three of us know about this matter, including you, four." Snape

said, "We will not reveal your identity."

Dumbledore said: "Percy, you don't have to rush to give us an answer.

After all, you still have one semester left to graduate. You should think

about it carefully in the next semester. After you think about it, you can

come directly to me, or Severus, or Xia Either way."

"By the way, don't tell your parents about this, don't tell anyone, because

the fewer people know about this, the better. Only the four of us know."

Xia Ran added.

"Okay, I'll think about it." Percy said uneasily. He hadn't fully recovered

yet, and he still looked confused until he returned upstairs.

"Percy, what happened? Did you get scolded?" Fred said with a smirk.

Percy shook his head, put on cleaning gloves, and started cleaning

silently without saying a word.

Xia Ran and the other three also started a discussion downstairs.

Chapter 125 Gift

"Do you think Percy will agree?" Snape asked leisurely, with a strange

smile on his face.

Xia Ran spread her hands and said: "I don't know, but I think he might

agree? After all, Percy is a very smart wizard, and he is indeed quite

capable. Of course, I can see his desire for power, which is also not good.


In the original time and space, Percy turned against his family because of

his desire for power. He drew a clear line and treated each other like

strangers. Although he finally came to his senses and joined the Order of

the Phoenix to fight against Voldemort and the Death Eaters, this was

enough. It shows how powerful his desire for power is.


Dumbledore suddenly sighed and blamed himself: "Such a young child

shouldn't be allowed to bear such an important responsibility, but I'm

afraid... if I gain power, maybe it won't be Voldemort's problem."

Due to his experiences when he was young, he was determined not to

hold power anymore to avoid arousing the dark side in his heart, so he

stayed at Hogwarts safely for decades. Even though the Ministry of Magic

repeatedly nominated him for the position of minister, he was always

rejected. Dumbledore refused each one.

"By the way, Xia Ran, I may have to return your Resurrection Stone to

you in a few days." Dumbledore suddenly said. The Resurrection Stone

was in Xia Ran's hand and was lent to Dumbledore some time ago.

Xia Ran waved his hand casually. Anyway, he didn't need the Deathly

Hallows, the Resurrection Stone.

Christmas is coming soon, the snow is still flying, and the temperature is

as cold as ever. When Xia Ran got up in the morning, there were a lot of

things piled beside the bed, all of which were Christmas gifts given to

him by others.

"A magic book given by Dumbledore, okay... a bottle of potion from

Snape, why didn't he write the name and purpose of the potion?" Xia Ran

looked at the vial in her hand, frowned, and didn't After recognizing

what the potion here is, it seems that I have to ask Snape specifically.

After all, his knowledge of potions is not advanced enough.

But he was also a little surprised, because Snape actually gave him a

Christmas gift, which was a big deal!

Is their relationship that good?

Xia Ran was confused. Of course, he couldn't return the things to Snape

and say that I'm not familiar with you and don't need your gift? That's

really funny. Although Xia Ran didn't send Snape a Christmas gift, Xia

Ran still accepted the potion gift he sent.

"Well, at worst, I'll just make it up to him next Christmas."

Xia Ran opened another thick package. Inside was a black wool sweater,

which was a Christmas gift from Mrs. Weasley.

He tried to put it on and it was quite warm.

When he came downstairs, there were only Mrs. Weasley, Kreacher and

Mr. Weasley, Lupine and Sirius in the kitchen. The little wizards were

still sleeping and hadn't gotten up.

"Mrs. Weasley, thank you for the sweater." Xia Ran sat down with a piece

of bread and a glass of milk. At least he didn't have to worry about his

life when he lived here.

Mrs. Weasley smiled and said: "As long as you like it. Is black okay? I

think black is more stable. Other colors are too bright for a professor."

Xia Ran gave a thumbs up and praised: "Great!"


Suddenly there was a scream from upstairs.



Two more exclamations.

Several people in the kitchen looked at each other with confused

expressions, except Sirius, who seemed to have a smile on his face.

"They're yelling again. There's really no quiet time." Mrs. Weasley


"Okay, Molly, it's holiday now, let them go." Mr. Weasley said while

flipping through the newspaper.

Boom, boom, boom! !

Several footsteps ran down the stairs, and Harry, Ron, and the twin

brothers all got into the kitchen together, each carrying something in

their hands.

"Firebolt??" Lupine was surprised. What Harry, Fred, and George were

holding happened to be the latest flying broomstick - the Firebolt. It is

the fastest broomstick in the world and has a very exquisite style. , it is

rumored that every Quidditch club in the world has ordered such a

broomstick, which is what every Quidditch player dreams of.

"Oh my God, Firebolt, where did you get it?" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.

Harry, Fred, and George all pointed their hands at Sirius and said, "A

Christmas gift from Sirius!"

Sirius waved.

"Oh, Sirius, this thing is too expensive." Mrs. Weasley said. She doesn't

watch Quidditch games very much, but she also knows the name of the

Firebolt. It is the best and most expensive broomstick. For the Weasley

family, He said that he couldn't afford such a broom. After all, their

children's textbooks and magic robes were all second-hand.

The Weasley family has too many children, and they only rely on Mr.

Weasley's salary, so their life has always been quite tight.

Sirius smiled and said: "The three of them are Gryffindor's Quidditch

players. Of course they must be equipped with the best broomsticks." He

looked at the three of them and said: "Can they win the Quidditch

Academy Cup this year? ?Don’t let down the Firebolt.”

"Don't worry, man, you will definitely win the Quidditch championship!"

George said confidently.

Harry and Fred nodded repeatedly. They had never been so confident.

"By the way, Sirius, thank you for the owl." Ron thanked him. He was

holding an owl cage in his hand. Inside was a thin owl that kept flying

around in the cage, looking very lively.

Sirius looked a little embarrassed and said: "I caused you to lose a pet, so

of course I have to give you a pet as compensation. Well, this owl may be

a little small, but it is very active. I met it outside. , no one wanted it, it

was pitiful, so I bought it, I hope you like it."

He added at last uncertainly.

"Oh, sure, man." Ron grinned. He suddenly made an unexpected move

and handed the owl to the big ginger cat curled up in the corner of the

table and asked, "What do you think? ?Must be an owl?”

Crookshanks meowed twice.

"Good enough for me," Ron said happily, "Now it's mine."

"Sirius, it cost you money." Mr. Weasley said. Ron's owl may not be

expensive, but the Firebolts in Fred and George's hands are very


"It's a trivial matter," Sirius said in a nonchalant tone.

Sirius is the only heir to the Black family, which is one of the oldest

wizarding families in the magical world. Needless to say, their family

wealth is undoubtedly one of the best in the magical world.

Sirius is truly a super rich man!

Xia Ran sighed secretly, but he also had a lot of savings, and he was

definitely far away from being a rich man, but he still had everything in

his daily life, so he didn't have to be too frugal and budget-conscious.

After a while, Hermione and Ginny also came down after opening their

presents. The kitchen was decorated with colored lights and all kinds of

wonderful fireworks, many of which were made by the Weasley twins.

The Christmas tree was from Lupine. Brought back from outside.

A group of people celebrated Christmas here, putting aside the threat of

darkness for the time being. After all, the situation was not completely

out of control yet.

This is almost the most lively Christmas Xia Ran has spent in more than

ten years.

Chapter 126 Return to school

After Christmas, the Order of the Phoenix meeting had not yet been held

- there were no useful clues worthy of holding a meeting to discuss - and

Hogwarts was still on holiday. Xia Ran and others had nothing to do, so

they simply cleaned up the old Black mansion.

This house has not been inhabited for more than ten years, and

dangerous creatures live and breed in many places.

But time is limited, even if they go out together, and Kreacher helps - this

time because Regulus's bones were recovered and a memorial service was

held, the relationship between Sirius and him has improved greatly - —

The old Black house has not been completely cleaned up yet, and it is

already the last day of the holiday.

When Xia Ran was having breakfast in the kitchen, the whole room was

bustling with activity. On the contrary, he, Lupine and Sirius - Mr.

Weasley had already gone to work at the Ministry of Magic - looked a

little idle. , gathered around the dinner table and chatted.

"Man, you guys are so comfortable." Fred picked up a piece of bread from

the table and wolfed it down.

"Fred, come here quickly and take your things away, or mom will get

angry!" George shouted outside.

"It's really troublesome." Fred muttered, rolled his eyes, pulled out his

wand, and recited a spell on his luggage to make them fly over


"Oh, be careful, Fred!" Lupine looked back and shouted immediately.


Fred's luggage hit Ginny, sending her flying against the wall with a thud.

Ginny had a bloody head and fainted instantly.

"Dirty bastard, defiling the house of my ancestors..." At this moment, Old

Mrs. Black's curses started to sound again, but no one paid attention to

her. Anyway, it was so noisy in the hall that she would always be cursed

again. Wake up.

"Ginny, are you okay?" Fred panicked and ran over quickly.

Xia Ran, Lupine, and Sirius also walked over quickly. At this time, Mrs.

Weasley came down. When she saw this, she immediately shouted: "You

will make her seriously injured, you two idiots!"

"Mom, it's Fred," George argued.

"Healed as before!" Xia Ran pointed the wand at the wound on Ginny's

forehead. Blood flowed non-stop. The wound that almost covered Ginny's

entire forehead slowly healed, and the blood stopped flowing out.

"Recover quickly!" Xia Ran recited another spell, the magic power on the

tip of the wand flickered, and Ginny suddenly woke up. She touched the

blood on her forehead. Not only did she not scream in fear, but she

showed curiosity. The look comes.

"By the way, I forgot." Xia Ran slapped her forehead and said, "Clean it


The blood stains on Ginny's body suddenly disappeared and she looked

like a normal person again.

"Thank you, Xia Ran, thank you!" Fred said.

"Ginny, are you okay?" Harry asked, followed by Mrs. Weasley


Ginny said nonchalantly: "It's nothing, Professor Frémont has cured me."

"Okay, stop chatting idle, hurry up, boys and girls." Mrs. Weasley said

hurriedly, "The train is about to leave, and we will probably miss the


Percy, Ron, and Hermione all came down. Fred carried his luggage and

didn't dare to chant random spells anymore.

"Okay, let's go." Sirius said briskly.

"Um, Sirius, are you going too?" Harry was slightly surprised.

Sirius grinned and said, "Harry, you need a bodyguard, and I will be your


"Okay." Harry said happily and impatiently. "Although I don't think

Voldemort will hide behind a trash can and wait for me to pass by, but...

it's still good anyway."

"Stop chatting, have you brought everything?" Mrs. Weasley said,

unscrewing the door handle and walking out into the wind and snow.


The strong wind roared by, almost blowing people away.

"Be careful!" Mrs. Weasley could only roar loudly.

A group of people filed out.


The door was closed again, and Old Mrs. Black's curses were shut inside

the door and could no longer be heard.

"I got a car and I'll drive you there." Sirius said as a car parked in

Grimmauld Place flashed its headlights.

Xia Ran said: "Let's go back to school first."

With a wave of his hand and two loud bangs, he and Lupine disapparated

at the door.

Sirius drove a group of young wizards to platform nine and three-

quarters. The platform was also covered with snowflakes. The train was

almost covered in snow, but it was filled with the hooting of owls, people

talking and saying goodbye. Voice.

Before getting in the car, Harry whispered to Sirius: "Sirius, uh... can I... I

mean, I don't want to go back to the Dursleys anymore. Can I... come to

Gerry during the summer vacation?" Are you coming to Mo Square?"

Sirius immediately smiled and said: "Oh, of course, welcome, Harry,

Black Mansion is your home."

Harry boarded the train happily. He finally had a place worth looking

forward to where he could live for a long time. The Dursleys had never

given him anything to look forward to.

But he is destined to never live in No. 12 Grimmauld Place forever,

because when Voldemort attacked the house more than ten years ago, the

person who cast magic was his mother Lily, and the Dursley family is the

only one with the same blood. The place.


Xia Ran and Lupine Apparated to Hogsmeade Village, just outside the

Pig's Head Bar.

Unlike the Three Broomsticks pub on the other side, the Hog's Head pub

is not so bright and clean. It has only a small, dark and very dirty room

with a tattered wooden sign hanging on a rusty bracket on the door. It

depicts a severed wild boar head, with blood soaking through the white

cloth wrapping it.

Therefore, the wind and snow were too strong at the moment, the north

wind was howling, and all you could see was flying snow. The pig's head

sign was blown by the wind and creaked loudly.

It seems that due to the weather, there are very few people in the Pig

Head Bar. There are only three or two people. One person is sitting at the

edge of the bar, tightly wrapped in a thick cloak, and his whole head is

wrapped in a dirty gray bandage or turban. Something, but still able to

pour cup after cup of a smoking, flaming substance through a gap in the

bandage on his mouth.

In addition, there were two hooded figures sitting by the window. If she

hadn't heard their muffled voices, Xia Ran would have thought they were

two dementors having a party.

Even though the dementors might not be happy with this kind of thing.

At this time, the door of the Pig Head Bar opened, and a figure that Xia

Ran and Lu Ping were very familiar with came out.

"Oh, hello, Xia Ran, Remus, are you having a good New Year?" The

familiar old man smiled gently, "Would you like to come in for a couple

of drinks?"

It was their headmaster Dumbledore.

"Well, the environment of the Pig's Head Bar is too bad. Maybe you don't

like it. We can go to the Three Broomsticks." Dumbledore said with a


An old man's voice came from behind him, shouting: "Go out and close

the door. Don't block it and affect my business."

Chapter 127 Update will be late

(Happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

We went out to eat today, so the update will be late. If it’s too late, I’ll

make it up tomorrow. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Chapter 128 Snape’s real


Neither Xia Ran nor Lupine expressed any surprise that Dumbledore was

in the Pig's Head Bar. After all, they knew who the owner of the Pig's

Head Bar was, Aberforth Dumbledore. Not only was he also a member of

the Order of the Phoenix, he was also Dumbledore. His younger brother,

his biological brother, it is absolutely normal for the two brothers to

reminisce about old times.

The grumpy-looking old man behind the bar, who was tall and thin with

a lot of long gray hair and a beard, was very dissatisfied when he saw

that Dumbledore didn't go out and close the door for a long time after

opening it. Look up and see the general coming.

"Oh, Aberforth, you are still so impatient." Dumbledore chuckled.

"You are disturbing my customers." Aberforth Dumbledore, the owner of

the Pig's Head pub, said viciously. The relationship between him and his

brother has never been good, especially after the death of Ariana when

he was young. Aberforth even broke Dumbledore's nose at Ariana's


"Okay, okay, it's up to you." Dumbledore said with a smile, and closed the

door of the Pig's Head Bar to block the blizzard outside.

Xia Ran pretended to complain: "Principal, we are all here, and you don't

invite Professor Lu Ping and I in for a drink."

"Yes, Dumbledore." Lupine nodded in agreement.

"Haha!" Dumbledore laughed and said, "Next time, definitely next time,

definitely next time!"

The three of them braved the severe cold, wind and snow, left

Hogsmeade and headed straight for Hogwarts.

"How was Christmas and New Year at the Black House?" Dumbledore

asked as he walked.

Lu Ping smiled and said: "It's pretty good. I haven't had such a beautiful

and warm feeling in many years."

He is a werewolf who is not favored by wizards in the magical world and

has no stable job, so he has a lot of gray hair at a young age and his

expression is even more haggard. In the past six months, he has had a

stable professor at Hogwarts. Only after working hard did my overall

complexion improve significantly. Otherwise, I would still be as tired and

tired as ever, worried about life.

In that case, how could Lu Ping think about spending various holidays?

"Wolfsbane potions have appeared, and perhaps further improvement

potions will appear soon." Dumbledore said comfortingly. This is true.

Wolfsbane potions can suppress the ferocious and violent habits of

werewolves, making the werewolves less so after their transformation.

Bloodthirsty is an advancement in potion science, and it is also good

news for many werewolves. With the research of potion masters, perhaps

a more effective wolfsbane potion will not be far away.

"I hope so." Lupine said with emotion. The wolfsbane potion he is

drinking now is all prepared by Snape. This is the top potion master in

the wizarding world today. The wolfsbane potion he prepares is better

than the wolfsbane potion sold on the market. The effect of the poison is

at least 30% better.

So Lupine was indeed very grateful to Snape.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Professor Snape is a master of potions.

Professor Lupine, why don't you ask Professor Snape to improve the

wolfsbane potion? I think Professor Snape has this level of knowledge. "

Lupine suddenly laughed bitterly, shook his head and said: "Xia Ran, you

don't know the grudge between me and Severus. I am especially grateful

that he can help me prepare the wolfsbane potion."

He was talking about the enmity between him and Snape when he was a

student, especially Snape's relationship with James Potter and Sirius,

which was extremely bad. Of course, he and Snape were not friendly

either. To be precise, he is also extremely stiff, the kind that wouldn't

make people feel weird if they started fighting each other.

"It's okay to mention it, right?" Xia Ran spread her hands and said, "If

Professor Snape really developed such a magical potion, then it would be

a matter of course for him to win the Order of Merlin and make a lot of

money. Full, more relaxed, his name can also remain in the history books

of the magical world."

Xia Ran blinked and smiled: "What if Professor Snape is moved by this?"

"I'll give it a try." Lupine was the first to be moved, because Snape's

abilities, especially his attainments in potions, did have the possibility of

improving Wolfsbane potion.

Of course, Snape must have spent an unknown amount of time on this, so

no one can be sure whether he had this idea. Even though Dumbledore

was the principal, he also respected Snape very much, especially when

Snape was willing to After risking his life as an undercover agent -

perhaps the danger is not very clear and obvious now, but both

Dumbledore and Snape know that danger is everywhere, and it follows

them everywhere, and they don't know when it will fully erupt. , killing

people, and maybe not even a scrap of ashes can be left.

Although Snape's death in the original time and space was not due to

Voldemort discovering his identity as a double agent, Dumbledore and

Snape's previous plan - misleading Voldemort about the ownership of the

Elder Wand - also directly led to Snape's death. Nep later died and was

eaten by the big snake Nagini.

Dumbledore's respect and regard for Snape was probably second only to

Harry and Moody, and more than any other member of the Order of the


Harry is the only person in his eyes who can truly and completely kill

Voldemort, and Moody is the only member who Dumbledore believes can

firmly support the overall situation of the Order of the Phoenix after his

death. Snape is second only to the two of them. , one can imagine that

Dumbledore valued him more than he respected.

Of course, it does not mean that Dumbledore thinks that other people are

not worthy of respect, such as the Weasleys, Lupin, Sirius, Kingsley,

Tonks, etc. They all deserve Dumbledore's respect and deeply appreciate

it. He is trusted by Dumbledore, but his level of importance is

undoubtedly lower than that of the first three.

They are the backbone of the resistance against the dark wizards, there is

no doubt about this, but as for the key points of the war - mainly towards

the victory of the white wizards - after all, someone has to do something

that can affect the direction of the situation, and Dumbledore Lido

thought that person was Snape, Harry Potter, or even himself. He and

Moody were just supporting the White Wizard's banner.

Xia Ran suddenly said in surprise: "Look, Professor Snape is waiting for

us on the road."

They had entered Hogwarts now, and Snape was waiting for someone to

arrive at the castle gate, looking as if he was looking forward to seeing


Snape first looked at Dumbledore, then turned to Xia Ran and asked:

"Professor Xia Ran, have you received the Christmas gift I sent?"

"I got it. Thank you Professor Snape. I didn't send anything. I'm really

sorry." Xia Ran said apologetically, not embarrassed to ask what the

bottle of potion was in the first place.

Dumbledore and Lupine looked at Snape strangely, with astonishment in

their eyes. How could he give Christmas gifts to someone with such a


Snape then revealed the real reason why he was waiting here.

"The Resurrection Stone...Professor Frémont, can you lend it to me?"

I drank some wine and my head feels dizzy. I only have 1 chapter left. I

will make up for the missing chapters tomorrow.

Chapter 129 Promotion

"Resurrection stone?" Xia Ran was slightly stunned. After thinking about

it in his mind, he suddenly realized it.

Snape originally wanted to borrow the Resurrection Stone from him, so

he gave him a bottle of potion as a Christmas gift, but why did he want

to take the Resurrection Stone? Could it be to summon Lily's undead


"Resurrection Stone?!" Lupine was shocked. He didn't expect Snape to

desire the Resurrection Stone.

Dumbledore had a thoughtful look on his face, and he might know the

reason for Snape's move.

"How about it?" Snape seemed a little nervous and asked, "Can you lend

it to me? I promise not to damage the Resurrection Stone and will return

it to you in a few days."

Xia Ran spread her hands and said, "But the resurrection stone is still in

the principal's hand."

Dumbledore borrowed the Resurrection Stone from him and has not yet

returned it to him.

"I really don't need the Resurrection Stone now." Dumbledore said, "Xia

Ran, then I will give the Resurrection Stone to Severus directly later?"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Well, it's useless for me to ask for it anyway.

Professor Snape, just remember to return it to me."

"I won't forget it, don't worry." Snape said while suppressing his


"By the way, what is the main purpose of the potion you gave me? What

effect does it have?" Xia Ran suddenly asked.

Snape explained patiently: "A potion that can calm the mind and help

wizards increase their magic power. It has a very significant effect on

wizards who are adults but not particularly old. Of course, it is usually

the first time. It’s effective, but if you use it too much, it won’t have any

effect, but it will be a waste of this rare medicine.”

Xia Ran's eyes lit up instantly when she heard it. A potion to boost magic


"Thank you, Professor Snape." Xia Ran said.

"You and I each take what we need," Snape said, shaking his head.

Dumbledore had already walked up the stairs and said: "Severus, come

with me. But I think I want to remind you that the undead summoned by

the Resurrection Stone do not belong to our world of the living and live

here. , will make the undead feel painful and tortured, just like the

second child in fairy tales."

Snape nodded silently.

"By the way, Professor Snape, if you have time, you might as well

improve the Wolfsbane potion." Xia Ran said, "I believe that with your

attainments in potions, you should have the opportunity to improve the

Wolfsbane potion."

"Wolfsbane potion?" Snape turned around, looked at Xia Ran, then

glanced at Lupin, showed an ugly smile, and said, "What is our Mr.

Werewolf's request?"

"No." Xia Ran shook her head and said, "It's just that the situation of

many werewolves is indeed worrying, and they are also victims. If you

really improve the wolfsbane potion, I think all aspects of praise, money

and fame will follow. Come on. Well, it’s just a big pie, but if you’re


Snape looked indifferent, nodded slightly, and said, "I will give it a try."

"Thank you, Severus." Lupine thanked him with a complicated

expression. After all, there was indeed grudge between him and Snape.

Dumbledore and Snape went up the stairs and disappeared around the


"Xia Ran, thank you very much." Lu Ping thanked him again.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Don't thank me. Whether it can produce results

in the end depends on Professor Snape."

The two of them walked upstairs from the other side while chatting and

laughing, and returned to their offices.


After the New Year, the students who left school returned to Hogwarts to

start the next semester's courses. During this period, the Order of the

Phoenix was also running at high speed, but there was still no

information about Voldemort. It even made people doubt whether

Voldemort was really alive. Has he returned to the British magical world?

However, the Ministry of Magic's smear campaign against Dumbledore

remains the same. At least many of Dumbledore's titles have been

removed by the Ministry of Magic, such as the Chief Magician of the

Wizengamot and the President of the International Confederation of

Wizards. These positions have all been removed. Dumbledore.

As a result, many people's views on Dumbledore have indeed changed,

and they believe that Dumbledore is indeed, as the Daily Prophet said, a

scheming wizard who is keen on power and fame.

Although everyone with a clear eye knows that this is a slander, after all,

Dumbledore's reputation is the highest in the wizarding world, and if he

had a desire for power, he would have served as the Minister of Magic

decades ago and completely led the entire wizarding world.

But the Ministry of Magic kept making such statements, and the Daily

Prophet slandered Dumbledore in almost every issue, and even

mentioned some of Dumbledore's stupid things when he was young from

time to time. This indeed made many people murmur in their hearts.

Could it be that... Dumbledore really hid himself?

When Dumbledore was discredited and the Order of the Phoenix made

almost no progress, Xia Ran mainly stayed at Hogwarts to teach and

increase his knowledge in various aspects. During this period, he even

found an excuse to borrow After taking the invisibility cloak in Harry's

hand, absorbing 50 Force points, and relying on the precious magic

potion presented by Snape, Xia Ran's magic level increased by one level,

reaching level 5 (advanced). , now it is only one step away from the top

level of level 6.

As for Dumbledore and Voldemort, they are both legendary level wizards,

at least powerful and terrifying wizards of level 7 or above!

Unfortunately, that magic potion no longer had any effect. Xia Ran

verified this statement with the second bottle of potion obtained from


But at the same time, Xia Ran was lucky enough to improve her level of

knowledge in other areas. Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, and

Herbalism, the four major subjects, had made considerable progress.

[Name: Charan Fremont].

[Age: 27 years old].

[Magic: Level 5 (Advanced)].

[Force points: 0 points].

[Transformation: Level 5 (elementary)].

[Potion Science: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Charms: Level 5 (medium)].

[Herbalism: Level 5 (Elementary)].

[Flying: Level 4 (medium)].

This is the data displayed on Xia Ran's current system panel. Since he

awakened his memory and activated the system panel two years ago, his

progress in the past two years has been very obvious.

Now in the Order of the Phoenix, apart from the legendary white wizard

Dumbledore, the only people in the Order of the Phoenix who can firmly

defeat Xia Ran are Alastor Moody, the second most popular figure in the

Order and the former senior Auror, and two other members of Hogwarts.

Headmasters: Professor McGonagall and Snape.

The three of them are all top wizards with level 6 magic power.

Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff House, and Professor Flitwick,

the head of Ravenclaw House, although they agree with Dumbledore's

words and are willing to obey Dumbledore's orders, they are indeed not

Phoenixes members of the society.

The time soon came to June, and the little wizards were facing the time

point of various examinations. The little wizards were complaining about

it. There were more people in the library instantly, and the professors

were not so busy for the time being.

However, no one knew what happened in the underground kitchen of

Hogwarts, and many house elves experienced abnormal changes.

Make up for yesterday’s arrears

Chapter 130 The Elf Sparkles

On the basement level of Hogwarts, not far from the common room of

Hufflepuff House, is the kitchen of Hogwarts. The house elves live in it

and rarely appear there on weekdays. , only appears throughout the

castle at night to clean up the castle's garbage.

There are about a hundred house elves in Hogwarts, making it the place

with the most house elves in the world.

"Winky, where are you going?" an elf looked at Winky, who was about to

go to Gryffindor Tower with a dull expression, and asked immediately.

Another elf said: "Twinkle, don't run around. Principal Dumbledore

doesn't even know you came to Hogwarts. You have been expelled from

Crouch Manor and want to find another job. We will help you." Yours, for

us house elves, there is no place more suitable for working and

dedicating our lives than Hogwarts. Tomorrow we will take you to see

the headmaster. Dumbledore will definitely agree to your stay. He is

Always very kind and friendly.”

Winky is a dirty house elf. She was once a house elf at Crouch Manor,

and then disappeared. Now she suddenly came to Hogwarts. She must

have accepted Voldemort's orders or control.

After all, upon closer inspection, Shining's expression was actually dull

and sluggish, exactly the same as when he was under the Imperius Curse.

But the house elves didn't pay attention to these things, and they didn't

know that Winky was now a missing person, and her appearance must

have a deeper purpose.

"Thank you," Winky said sharply.

The first elf said: "Okay, you can follow, we elves are just cleaning up

Gryffindor Tower."

So four or five elves went to Gryffindor Tower together, and Winky

blended in without being noticeable at all.

After being separated from the other house elves, he suddenly stopped

walking when he reached a deserted place.

"What's wrong, Twinkle?" The other four elves looked over in confusion.

The light of the waning moon shone in, lengthening the shining shadow.

Her face was shrouded in the darkness of the backlight, and the elves

could not see it clearly.

"Faint! Faint! Faint! Faint!"

Twinkle instantly raised her slender fingers, pointed at four of her own

kin, and fired the stun spell at lightning speed.

The four elves were caught off guard and were all hit by the attack. They

were knocked unconscious by a stun spell from Flash.

Twinkle's expression was still dull, and she stepped over the bodies of the

four elves who were unconscious on the ground, and arrived directly

outside the Gryffindor Tower.

"Password, elf!" the fat lady asked sleepily, yawning.

"Honey grapefruit wine!" Winky said without any fluctuation in her tone.

She knew the entrance and exit orders for Gryffindor Tower from other

house elves.

"Okay, let's go in." The fat lady's portrait rotated and opened, and she

muttered at the same time, "You little elves can obviously enter the

lounge directly, but you still want me to open the door. You really don't

know how to understand the desire at one or two o'clock in the morning.

I am resting.”

Winky entered the Gryffindor common room indifferently, as if she

hadn't heard the Fat Lady's nagging.

There was no one in the lounge, and all the students had gone to bed

long ago. Even though it happened to be exam time in the past two days,

no one would stay up late reading, so it was also very important to keep

up the energy.

Winky seemed to be already familiar with the layout of Gryffindor's

lounge, and walked non-stop down the aisle of the boys' dormitory.

She finally stopped in front of a large door.


Shining touched the door lock with a long finger, and the door opened

immediately. The dormitory was dark, and snoring could be heard.

"Who?" The sound of the door opening seemed to wake up a student in

the dormitory. He half-sited up and asked, groping for the bedside. The

man with a lightning scar on his forehead was none other than Harry


"Harry Potter?" Winky said word by word.

"It's me, are you?" Harry touched his glasses and quickly put them on his

eyes. He looked up and looked over, and was stunned for a moment.


"Harry, who are you talking to?" The conversation between Harry and

Winky woke up the other people in the dormitory. Ron, Neville and

others opened their eyes one after another in a daze.


There was a sudden explosion in the air, and the shining figure

disappeared in an instant, and then appeared on Harry's bed, grabbing

Harry's arm tightly, making him scream in pain.

"Ah, it hurts! What are you doing? I..."


There was another explosion, and Winky and Harry disappeared at the

same time.

"Harry? Harry?" Ron shouted, quickly getting up from the bed and

rushing to Harry's bedside, but there was no one there.

"Harry is missing!"

Ron felt his hands empty and looked at the others blankly.

A look of horror appeared on Neville's round face, and he said in a

trembling voice: "Quickly... inform the professors quickly!"

"Ah, yes, yes!" Ron woke up from a dream and ran out of the dormitory

wearing only his pajamas, shouting as he ran, "Someone, help!"

Neville, Seamus, and Dean also ran out of the dormitory in a hurry.

"What's going on? Who's yelling? You're not letting anyone sleep in the

middle of the night?" Dissatisfied voices came from other dormitories.

But Ron seemed to have grasped the backbone and said loudly: "Percy,

Harry has been captured!"

"Capture Harry? Stop joking, Ron, this is not funny at all. This is

Hogwarts, who will come to capture him?" Percy sneered, but still

opened the door and came out, and immediately saw a face A terrified


He suddenly knew something was wrong.

"Were you really taken away?" He couldn't help asking again.

"Really!" Ron almost jumped up, "All of us saw it, everyone in our


Neville, Seamus, and Dean nodded, indicating that not a word Ron said

was false.

At this time, more or less students from other dormitories came out, most

of them with dissatisfied faces. They had exams tomorrow. They were

sleeping soundly at the moment, but they were woken up abruptly. No

one had a good temper.

Percy immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone, everyone, get up and

gather in the lounge! Prefect, prefect, keep an eye on the order of the

students. I'll notify Professor Dumbledore! Someone else is calling." Wake

up girls, stay in the lounge, don’t run around, and don’t go back to the

dormitory to sleep!”

A voice in the crowd responded loudly.

The students filed out and arrived in the common room in their pajamas,

all looking surprised and a little confused.

At this time, the girls also came down. Most of them were wearing

jackets outside their pajamas, and their faces were confused and a bit


"what happened?"

"Someone was arrested? Who was arrested? And who did it?"

"Harry is missing and was taken away?"

"Who caught him?"

The little wizards were talking a lot, each putting forward their own

guesses, which were all random. Some even said that trolls and goblins

broke in and took Harry away. It was very outrageous.

However, many people still shrank back, as if they were afraid that the

person who captured Harry would come back to arrest others.

Percy quickly called for the teachers.

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Xia Ran, all wearing only loose

pajamas, crossed the passage and entered the Gryffindor lounge. The

young wizards who were having a heated discussion suddenly fell silent,

and all looked at the three of them. professor.

Chapter 131 Resurrection


"Professor, Harry...Harry has been captured." Ron stood up immediately

and said, he had always looked scared and nervous.

Dumbledore asked in a deep voice: "Have you seen clearly who it is?"

"It seems..." Ron, Neville, Seamus, and Dean looked at each other and

said uncertainly, "...a house elf?"

"It looks pretty small anyway, Professor," Neville added.

"House elf?" Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Xia Ran's

expressions all changed.

Although Hogwarts has various protections and forbidden magic, they

are all aimed at wizards, especially the dark magic commonly used by

some dark wizards, but there is no target for the magic of house elves.

"Oh, by the way." Ron clapped his hands and said, "That elf - it should be

a house elf - left by apparating! I heard a very loud explosion... No, two


"That's right, the first time the elf moved to Harry's bed, and the second

time he apparated away with Harry," Neville also said.

"House elf... no wonder." Xia Ran turned around and walked out of the

Gryffindor lounge, and asked the portrait of the Fat Madam, "Fat Madam,

did anyone or an elf go in just now?"

People pricked up their ears and listened.

"Yes!" The fat lady admitted directly and said, "An elf entered the lounge

through the password. Didn't she go to clean the room?"

Xia Ran shook her head and said, "Thank you very much."

He returned to the lounge and said: "Obviously, that elf is the one who

took Harry away. The elf's magic is not subject to any restrictions at

Hogwarts, and Apparition can also be used at will."

"Headmaster, I saw a few unconscious house elves on the way here."

At this time Lupine happened to come over with a few house elves.

"Headmaster." One of the house elves said in fear, "What went wrong?

We...we seemed to have been knocked unconscious by Winky. Did she do


"Winky? You said the elf who knocked you unconscious was called

Winky?" Xia Ran asked quickly. He remembered that the house elf in

Crouch Manor was named Winky.

"Yes, she came to Hogwarts this evening and said she wanted to find a

new job and wanted to meet Principal Dumbledore. Because it was too

late by then, we told her to take her to see the Principal tomorrow

morning. "The four elves answered all at once.

"It's obvious." Xia Ran said in a deep voice, "Barty Crouch Jr. served

Voldemort and was a loyal Death Eater. They controlled Winky and took

away Harry through the special magic of the house elves. , He must be


Although Xia Ran didn't finish his words, Dumbledore, Professor

McGonagall and Lupine all knew what he wanted to say. It must be for

Voldemort's resurrection ceremony!

"Get out first." Dumbledore said, "Percy, please go and inform other

professors that Hogwarts is under martial law tonight and ask all students

to stay in the common room and stop running around! Prefects are

protecting Good order. Elves, please go back to the kitchen first."

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore." Percy immediately puffed up his chest and

strode out of the lounge.

Snapped! Snapped!

The elves apparated directly back to the kitchen on the basement floor of

Hogwarts Castle.

"Professor, what about Harry..." Hermione couldn't help but asked.

Dumbledore consoled him: "Don't worry, we won't sit idly by and do

nothing. We will definitely rescue Harry."

Several people left the Gryffindor common room and walked quickly

down the stairs. As they walked, they talked quickly: "Where do you

think Voldemort will be resurrected?"

"Albus, do you think the mysterious man will ask the elf to take Harry

directly to the place where he was resurrected?" Professor McGonagall


"Yes, because we will definitely discover this matter soon. He must

complete the resurrection ceremony as soon as possible to truly return!"

Dumbledore said solemnly, "Even if Voldemort is resurrected, we can still

deal with him. I am more afraid. It’s…”

Several people's faces darkened. If Voldemort killed Harry directly...

Hope it's not too late!

"Wait a minute!" Xia Ran clapped her hands suddenly and said, "I know

where Voldemort is resurrected, if I'm not wrong."

Voldemort's resurrection place in the original time and space was the

cemetery outside Little Hangleton, where old Tom Riddle, Voldemort's

father, was buried. If nothing unexpected happens this time, Voldemort's

resurrection place should still be in Little Hangleton. Among Hangleton


He happened to have been to Little Hangleton, so he could just

Disapparate on his way, just like Winky did when he took Harry away.

"Really?" Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Lupine's eyes suddenly

lit up.

"It's almost the same." Xia Ran said, "Let's leave Hogwarts first. I can't

apparate here."

"Okay!" said Dumbledore, "just a moment."

He immediately whispered something in a strange language. Xia Ran

knew that it was Dumbledore who was undoing the protection and

banning magic that he had set up on the outside of the castle, so that

they could disapparate directly in the school. , without having to go

outside the school.

"Okay, Xia Ran, you can recite the spell. Maybe so many of us are a bit

heavy on you." Dumbledore said and grabbed Xia Ran's left sleeve.

Professor McGonagall and Lupine both reached out and grabbed it. He

picked up a corner of Xia Ran's pajamas.

"Please draw your wands, we may be facing a fierce battle!"

Xia Ran took a deep breath as she spoke, holding her wand tightly in her

right hand, meditating on Little Hangleton in her mind, and shouted

loudly: "Apparition!"

Snapped! !

With an unusually loud voice, he and several professors disappeared in

an instant.

Harry suddenly felt a sharp pain on his forehead, and he couldn't help

but cry out in pain again.

"Master, Harry Potter is here." A man's voice said.

Owner? Who is the master he is talking about?

The pain in Harry's mind became more and more intense. He reluctantly

raised his head and looked forward. The elf who was holding his arm

firmly at this moment had loosened his grip and stepped aside.

This is a cemetery, dark and gloomy, with only the glow of the bright

moon shining overhead. It is overgrown with weeds and swaying in the

night wind. Behind a tall yew tree on the right is the black outline of a

small church, and on the left is a hill. Harry could vaguely make out an

exquisite old house on the hillside.

A figure was walking towards him step by step among the graves. Harry

couldn't see the man's face clearly, but judging from the way he walked

and the movements of his arms, it seemed that the man was holding


Harry wanted to cast a spell, but he moved his hands and realized that he

was taken directly out of Hogwarts by the house elf, and he did not have

time to hold the wand in his hand.

Oh no!

Chapter 132 Resurrection (Part 1)

Harry's heart suddenly sank. Without the wand, he would have no ability

to deal with danger. After all, there are wizards with considerable

strength who can do without the wand, or legendary wizards such as

Dumbledore and Voldemort. Either a hybrid giant like Hagrid, or a

creature like an elf or a house elf.

He wanted to move and hide behind a tombstone, but suddenly there was

another sharp pain in his forehead.

"Ah!" He covered his forehead tightly and squatted on the ground, his

expression was very painful, his face was twisted, and cold sweat broke

out instantly.

At this time, the man came closer, wearing a hooded cloak, covering his

face. The distance between them was shrinking. Harry reluctantly raised

his head, and there were still waves of burning pain on his forehead, but

He still vaguely recognized what the man was holding. It seemed to be a


"Harry Potter, we finally meet... no, we meet again!"

The man spoke... no, it was not the man wearing a hood and cloak. The

voice was different from the one he heard at the beginning. This time, the

voice was not only cold, but also made him feel chills in his heart.

Was it the thing in that man's arms that spoke?

Harry stared at the approaching figure.

The man stopped in front of a towering marble tombstone, only six or

seven feet away from Harry. At this moment, Harry and the figure looked

at each other.

The lightning scar on Harry's forehead seemed to be burning, and the

pain became more intense, almost like nothing he had ever felt in his life.

"Ah!" Harry screamed again, covering his face with his hands, bending his

legs and falling to the ground. He couldn't see anything in front of him,

and his head felt as if it was about to explode.

"So fragile!" It was still the same cold voice.

"Master, do you want to start now?" A man's voice asked respectfully.

The cold voice replied: "Let's get started, I have been waiting for too long,

and I am no longer willing to wait any longer. By the way, be careful,

Harry Potter is mine, the 'Savior Star'? Ha, I will end Harry Potter


"Yes, Master." The man's voice said respectfully,

The man in the cloak had already put down his baggage, lit his wand,

walked over and grabbed Harry - he was in so much pain that he had no

ability to resist, not to mention he didn't even have a wand - and dragged

Harry towards the marble tombstone. go.

Harry saw a name in the flickering light of his wand before he was

pushed around and his back hit the tombstone.

Tom Riddle!

He seemed to understand something in an instant. He remembered what

happened in the secret room more than a year ago. The mastermind

behind the secret room incident at that time was a diary, but the diary

contained the soul of a wizard. That wizard It was the young Voldemort,

also called Tom Riddle by Dumbledore!

"Voldemort? Is this Voldemort's tomb?" Harry was obviously worried.

After all, he knew that Voldemort was plotting to resurrect. Could it be

that Voldemort was hiding under this tomb?

"Recognize me?" The cold voice seemed to smile and said slowly, "But

you are wrong, Harry Potter. It is not me who is sleeping under this

grave, but my stupid good-for-nothing." My father abandoned my mother

because she was a witch, so I taught him a lesson and he ended up lying


Harry became increasingly nervous. Did Voldemort kill his father? Yes,

he already knew this from the soul fragments in the diary, but Voldemort

was really right in front of him. Although he faced Voldemort once in the

first grade, it was at Hogwarts, and there were Ron and Hermione was

his comrade-in-arms, but now he was alone, and he didn't know where he

was now. Will Ron and Neville find out that he is missing? Will

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Frémont arrive in time

to rescue him?

As for the other two people present besides Harry - Winky is a house elf -

naturally one is Barty Crouch Jr. and the other is Voldemort.

"Rope binding!"

Barty Crouch Jr. used magic to conjure a rope and tied Harry tightly to

the tombstone from his neck to his ankles.

Harry heard steady and excited breathing coming from inside the hood.

He struggled hard, but it was useless. Instead, he was hit hard by Barty

Crouch Jr.

"Ah!" Harry cried in pain.

"Be quiet and don't make me do it." Barty Crouch Jr. said coldly.

Voldemort said leisurely: "Okay, okay, little Barty, give our 'Savior' and

'Boy-Who-Lived' some respect. He is my old enemy, isn't he? Haha."

He said and sneered twice.

"Master, how can such a little wizard qualify to be your old enemy?"

Barty said, "In the entire magical world, only Dumbledore can be called

your enemy, and all the guys in the Ministry of Magic are vulnerable. "

Little Barty has a completely dismissive attitude towards the Ministry of


"What are you going to do?" Harry asked through gritted teeth, trying not

to scream again in order to avoid embarrassing himself in front of the


"What to do?" Voldemort's voice chuckled, "This is a lot, but the most

important thing now... let me be resurrected first! Barty, I'm sorry to

bother you."

"It is my honor to serve the master." Little Barty said in a fanatical tone.

He put away his wand and pushed a heavy object over.

Harry could see clearly that it was a stone cauldron that was pushed to

the edge of the grave by Barty Crouch Jr. The cauldron seemed to be

filled with water - he heard a splashing sound.

This stone cauldron was larger than any cauldron Harry had ever used,

and could almost accommodate a grown man sitting in it.

He didn't know what Barty Crouch Jr. was going to do with the stone

cauldron, but he seemed to have guessed something, and the uneasiness

in his heart suddenly became stronger.

He suddenly heard a sound at his feet, looked down and saw a big snake

snaking on the grass, circling around his tombstone.

"Hiss..." Harry couldn't help but gasp. What a big snake it was. It was

thicker than his waist and more than ten feet long. He felt that this big

snake could swallow him in one bite.

Little Barty used his wand to touch the bottom of the stone crucible, and

a crackling flame suddenly burst out under the crucible, and at this time

the big snake swam into the darkness.

"It's ready, Master."

The things in the bag seemed to be excited, and they couldn't wait to

break free from the shackles or protection of the bag.

"Put me in." Voldemort's cold voice could not conceal his excitement.

At this time, Harry's scar started to hurt, and he suddenly realized that he

didn't want to see what was in the bag, and he didn't want the bag to be


But little Barty had already picked up the baggage he had just placed on

the ground.

Chapter 133 Resurrection (Part 2)


The liquid in the stone crucible seemed to heat up very quickly. Not only

did the surface begin to boil, but sparks also shot out, as if it was about

to burn.

The steam became thicker and thicker, and the figure of little Barty

tending the flames became blurry.

The bundle began to tremble again, and Voldemort inside seemed


"Quick! Now, little Barty, the time is just right!" Voldemort's cold voice


At this moment, sparks flashed on the water in the crucible, as if it were

studded with diamonds, and it was like a starry night sky, giving it a

dreamy and blurred beauty.

"Yes, Master." Little Barty opened the package he was holding and

revealed the contents.

Harry couldn't help but scream.

It's like Barty Crouch Jr. flipped over a rock to reveal a slimy, eyeless

ugly thing underneath it... no, it's even scarier than that!

The thing that little Barty was holding looked like a curled-up baby, but

the dark red skin, which seemed to be covered in scales, was even more


And this baby has a snake face, a flat snake face, with a pair of sparkling

red eyes, shining with excitement.

This thing is what Voldemort looks like now.

Voldemort in this state seemed completely incapable of taking care of

himself. He raised his thin arms and hugged little Barty's neck.

Little Barty carefully held it in his arms. His hood had fallen down, but

Harry did not see any expression of disgust or disgust on Barty's face.

Instead, there was one of fanatical admiration on Barty's face. His

expression was as if he was holding the most precious thing in the world.

This is a Death Eater who is completely loyal to Voldemort!

Harry understood this immediately.

Little Barty carried the thing to the edge of the stone cauldron, and for a

moment Harry saw the sparks dancing on the surface of the potion

illuminating the evil flat snake face.


Little Barty put the thing into the crucible, and with a hissing sound, it

sank. Harry even thought he heard the soft sound of Voldemort's limp

body touching the bottom of the stone crucible.

Let him drown!

Harry thought as the pain in his scar grew almost unbearable.

Please, let him drown!

At this moment, Barty Jr. spoke, his voice was extremely stable, and his

tone was even more enthusiastic and excited.

He raised his wand, widened his eyes, and said to the stone crucible: "My

father's bones, accidentally donated, can regenerate your son!"

Click! !

The tomb opened at Harry's feet, and he was horrified to see a small

plume of dust rise into the air in response to Barty's call, and fall gently

into the crucible. The diamond-like liquid surface burst, hissing, and the

liquid became even thicker. It turns a bright blue and is poisonous at a


Little Barty's tone became more and more fiery, and he pulled out a long

dagger from his cloak. It was shining with silver and the price must be


“The flesh of your servant, given voluntarily, may bring about the rebirth

of your master!”

He stretched out his right hand, his slightly old and wrinkled face full of

excitement. He held the dagger with his left hand and swung it towards

his right hand!

Harry realized what little Barty was going to do at the last second. He

immediately closed his eyes tightly, and there was only a dull groan of

pain from next to the crucible, and then he heard the sound of something

falling to the ground. Barty gasped in pain, followed by another

disgusting plop, and something was thrown into the crucible.

Harry didn't want to look, he might know what it was...but the potion

turned into a dazzling fiery red at this moment, and the bright light

shone into Harry's closed eyes.

Little Barty's heavy breathing gradually became louder. When the hot

breath of the heavy breath hit his face, Harry suddenly realized that

Little Barty had arrived in front of him.

“The blood of your enemies, forced to give, can bring your enemies back

to life!”

Harry's eyes widened in horror. He wanted to dodge and retreat, but he

couldn't move to stop him. He was tied too tightly.

He struggled desperately, trying to break free from the ropes that bound

him. He saw Little Barty's fanatical look, saw Little Barty holding the

shining silver dagger and stabbing it into his arm, blood flowing along

the torn The sleeves of the robe flowed down.

Little Barty immediately used magic to create a small glass bottle and

pressed it firmly on Harry's arm, just below the wound. A lot of blood

immediately flowed into the bottle.

Harry glared at little Barty with angry eyes. He ignored Harry behind

him, took the small glass bottle to the crucible, and poured it all in at



The liquid in the crucible immediately turned dazzling white, and the

fiery red color faded away completely in an instant.

"Healed as before!"

Little Barty completed his task, retreated to the side of the crucible, and

touched his injured arm with his wand. The blood had been stopped by

him just now. At this moment, the wound healed quickly and the pain



The crucible is about to boil, and diamond-like sparks are splashing in all

directions, so bright and dazzling that everything around them turns into

a black velvet color, mysterious and attractive.

Hope he's drowned!

Harry stared at the stone cauldron. He didn't want Voldemort's plan to

succeed, especially since his own blood was used in it, and he felt sick at

the thought of it.

Suddenly, the sparks on the crucible went out, and a stream of white

steam rose up from the crucible, covering up everything in front of

Harry. He couldn't see Barty Jr., and all he could see was a vast expanse

of white water vapor, like a heavy fog. of london.

It would definitely not work, he must have drowned!

But what made him despair was that deep in the white mist, a black

figure of a man slowly rose from the crucible. He was tall and thin,

resembling a skeleton, which made Harry feel a little creepy.

"Give me a robe." A cold and sharp voice said.

Little Barty quickly picked up the black robe he had just used to wrap the

bundle, stepped forward with an extremely enthusiastic expression, and

put the black robe on his master's head.

The tall and thin man stepped out of the cauldron, still staring at Harry.

Harry saw the face that had often appeared in his nightmares for the past

three years. It was paler than the dead, with two big red eyes, a nose as

flat as a snake, and two slits in the nostrils. Harry suspected that he really

had Respiratory system?

Voldemort, the Dark Lord who single-handedly started the Wizarding

War, is resurrected!

"Ah ha, Harry Potter, we finally meet again." He said softly, putting his

surprisingly long fingers into a pocket and taking out a wand. He raised

the wand in front of his eyes. , with an expression of joy.

"Finally...I finally mastered the wand again and had a real body!"

Voldemort said lazily: "You know? The last time we met was almost

thirteen years ago, in Godric's Hollow, where I suffered the most fatal

crisis in my life and almost died... Really, I almost died, but many of my

preparations seemed to have a good effect, so I survived, even if I lived a

humble life, I was worse than a wandering soul!"

"Master, I..." Little Barty seemed to want to say something.

Voldemort waved his hand and interrupted little Barty's words, and said:

"I know what efforts you have made, little Barty, Lord Voldemort has

seen everything. Now that I am back, you will all receive the gifts and

gifts you deserve." Glory! Lord Voldemort is kind, friendly, and

considerate of his companions."

Chapter 134 Confrontation

"Thank you, Master." Little Barty said enthusiastically. He was indeed an

extremely loyal Death Eater.

"Okay, Harry Potter, your mother used a magic... Ah, yes, I have to

admit, I know that magic, but I seem to have ignored the powerful effect

of that magic. I paid for it. The price was heavy, and life was worse than

death." Voldemort said softly, "Really, life was worse than death, but I

survived and finally got my most loyal friend - Barty Crouch Jr."

Little Barty grinned happily.

"Yes, little Barty, Bella, and Lestrange, they are all one of my most loyal

partners." Voldemort seemed to just want to talk and vent his depressed

mood for more than ten years, " After I lost power, they seemed to be the

only ones who made a lot of efforts to find me."

"Master, this is what we should do." Little Barty said.

"I know, yes, I know, little Barty, Lord Voldemort is almost omniscient."

Voldemort said lazily, "Look, the Longbottoms who are still in St.

Mungo's Hospital, aren't they? Your results?"

The Longbottoms?

Harry heard a very familiar name, Longbottom? who are they? Neville's

last name is Longbottom, could he be Neville's parents?

But soon Voldemort gave the answer.

"Ah, I forgot, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom seems to be a

classmate and good friend of our 'Saviour Star', right?" Voldemort looked

at Harry and smiled. Looking at this old enemy he personally selected,

Neville originally also He may be his old enemy, but Harry and

Voldemort are more similar. They are both mixed-blood and come from

wizarding families with ancient and glorious histories. Relatively

speaking, Neville, as a pure-blood, is very different from Voldemort.

So after hearing about Professor Sybill Trelaney's prophecy, Voldemort

ended up marking Harry himself instead of Neville.

"The Longbottoms? Yes, I have to admit that they are a very capable

wizard couple and I am deeply impressed by them." Voldemort nodded to

himself and said.

Little Barty couldn't help but said: "But master, we once captured them,

Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom. They were tortured crazy by us and used the

Cruciatus Curse."

Harry howled like an angry lion, and glared at little Barty with eyes that

could almost breathe fire. Neville was such a gentle, friendly and

confused boy, but his parents were tortured crazy by Death Eaters. Ron

What kind of torture did the Pattons suffer?

How dare they...

Harry understood more and more why Dumbledore and the others

wanted to fight Voldemort to the death.

"Look, I like the power of friendship very much." Voldemort said with a

fierce light in his red eyes, "I also have my own friends, right, little


"Master, I would be honored, if..."

"Of course, of course you are my friend." Voldemort said softly.

"I'm so pleased, Tom, that you're willing to call your followers, the Death

Eaters... friends!"

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came. Voldemort, Barty Jr., and

Harry all suddenly raised their heads and looked around. They saw

several figures running quickly towards the edge of the cemetery. The

first one had white hair and a white beard. He was wearing pajamas,

which was quite disconcerting, but Voldemort's expression changed


"Dumbledore!" Voldemort said every word, his tone full of fear and


"Professor!" Harry couldn't help shouting. He looked at the professors

who had arrived in the cemetery, but his face was filled with excitement.

Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Lupin, and

Professor Frémont, four against one, Voldemort and Barty Crouch Jr. will

definitely not be able to escape!

"Shut up!" Little Barty punched Harry hard. Harry arched his back, his

eyes almost bulging out, and he could only make an extremely painful

hissing sound.

The anger on Dumbledore's face seemed to flash away, and he said:

"Little Barty, I didn't expect that you would cruelly kill your father in the


"That old man deserves to die!" Barty Jr. sneered, "Also, Dumbledore,

don't educate me, you are not qualified! I am no longer a student of

Hogwarts, and I am not your Order of the Phoenix. a member of."

Xia Ran clenched the wand in his right hand, and he looked at Voldemort

not far away. This was the first time he saw Voldemort in his complete

state with his own eyes. After all, Riddle's diary was just a fragment of his


He had just apparated to Little Hangleton with Dumbledore, Professor

McGonagall, and Lupine. Dumbledore easily detected the movement of

dark magic, so they quickly rushed to this cemetery, but soon Apparently

it was a step too late. Voldemort had been resurrected and had a strong

body again!

Looking at the dull-looking house elf Winky standing next to the tomb,

Xia Ran knew that she had been negligent, otherwise Voldemort would

not have had the chance to capture Harry, but this also made Voldemort's

flaw bigger. After all, His resurrection with Harry's blood is bound to

make the already close connection between him and Harry even closer.

Professor McGonagall and Lupine also raised their wands and faced Barty

Jr. head-on. The situation seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.

But Dumbledore and Voldemort looked like they had met while out for

an outing, and they wanted to have a conversation to reminisce about old

times, as if this was not a tense battlefield at all.

Xia Ran can only say that the skilled artist is brave. If he had the most

powerful magic power in the wizarding world, he would not be nervous

at all, instead of staring at Voldemort and Barty Jr. like now, for fear that

they would take advantage of him. Wave your wand and cast Avada


Only when you actually faced Voldemort did you realize how powerful

he was. The evil and terrifying aura was like substance, wrapping around

the entire cemetery, making you almost breathless.

On Xia Ran's side, only Dumbledore can rival them.

Xia Ran is eager to become stronger!

"Tom, as your teacher, I have an unshirkable responsibility for you to

reach this point. I will personally correct this mistake and treat you as an

outsider of people's lives." Dumbledore sighed, remembering that at the

beginning, he used A single fire spell can deter Voldemort. Now even if

he goes all out, he can't tell who will win between him and Voldemort.

Although he believed that Voldemort had gone astray on the path of

being a wizard, this did not prevent Voldemort from possessing the most

powerful magic power in the world and the terrifying and evil knowledge

of black magic.

Voldemort laughed sarcastically and said: "Ah, hypocrisy, what a

disgusting smell! Dumbledore, you have always been so aloof, it seems

that everything you do is right, and others only need to accept your Just

make arrangements, I’m disgusted.”

"Tom, when you make a mistake, you will know what is right and what is

wrong." Dumbledore said sadly. His change came after her sister died.

This was also Dumbledore's change. One of the most embarrassing things

in life.

Chapter 135 Fierce Battle


Voldemort sneered and said: "There has never been right or wrong in the

world. As long as whoever is strong is right, then he is right, and vice

versa is wrong. It's a very simple truth, Dumbledore, don't you

understand? Ah, look at my memory. , I forgot again, what you have

always admired is 'love', is that thing of any use? Haha."

Voldemort smiled coldly, but his red eyes were fixed on Dumbledore, his

pupils shining with bloodthirsty killing light.

"'Love', I admit that I may have underestimated this power." Voldemort

said, "Lily Potter's magic taught me a lesson and made me understand

that there are many mysterious and powerful magics in the wizarding

world. , although I know a lot, it is obvious that I am still a long way

from truly controlling all of this, and I have not yet reached the point

where I can really slack off.”

This is the true thought in Voldemort's heart. He longs for power, is

afraid of death, and even more desires to be powerful and invincible in

the world. Otherwise, why would he travel around the world after

graduation and collect all kinds of mysterious and terrifying black magic?

If he had Join politics, enter the Ministry of Magic, and within a few

years, there is a high probability of becoming the Minister of Magic.

But Voldemort did not do this, because the Ministry of Magic is an

official organization, which would restrict his research on dark magic.

Xia Ran secretly sighed, a less arrogant Voldemort would definitely be

more difficult to deal with.

"Okay, Dumbledore, I have nothing more to say to you. Let's use the

wand to decide the victory." Voldemort interrupted Dumbledore's words

that he seemed to be about to say. He waved his wand suddenly and a

green light came out. Suddenly it shot out and charged straight at


"Avada Kedavra!"

His shouts came only later.

As expected, the dark wizard started with Avada's Kedavra!

Xia Ran secretly complained and stepped aside to avoid the position near

Dumbledore, which was the attack range of Voldemort's spell. He felt

that he could not withstand Voldemort's powerful black magic.

"God's Blade is Shadowless!" Xia Ran used an attack spell on Barty. This is

a magic spell created by Snape, but there are quite a few wizards who

can use it, and the effect is good, especially when used on the enemy. .

"Xia Ran, be careful!" Lu Ping suddenly shouted loudly, raising his wand

to emit a ray of light that hit Xia Ran's side, and waves of cool and cold

breath came from that place.

"Hiss..." A big snake swam out from the dark woods. The snake vomited

softly. A pair of cold vertical pupils stared at Xia Ran. The snake's body

was twisted and twisted, and its tail suddenly swung at him.

"Nagini?!" Xia Ran recognized this big snake. It was Voldemort's pet and

one of his Horcruxes.

I heard that this big snake was a young and beautiful woman decades


Such a thought came to Xia Ran's mind, and he immediately threw it

away. He jumped to the other side, and used his wand to shoot magic

spells with his backhand, such as the Shadowless Blade, the Fire Curse,

the Cruciatus Curse, and the Petrification Curse. use.

However, the serpent Nagini's snake body is extremely hard. The reason

why Neville was able to cut off Nagini's head in the original time and

space, in addition to the surprise attack, also relied on the unparalleled

sharpness of Gryffindor's sword!

The spells he used with level 5 (advanced) magic power were no longer

as sharp and unstoppable as those of Dumbledore and Voldemort.

However, Dumbledore was currently in a fierce battle with Voldemort,

and the two of them even cast spells silently most of the time. However,

they cast all kinds of profound, complicated and mysterious magic spells

in this way, leaving pits everywhere in the cemetery. , the tombstones

were torn apart, and all kinds of bones and corpses were flying around.

Dumbledore intentionally led Voldemort to the woods nearby, while

Voldemort somehow managed to fly high in the sky without the help of a

broomstick. His black robes fluttered in the night wind, his slender

fingers and flat snake face. , it looks even more terrifying.

"Dumbledore, you are old."

He waved his wand and conjured up a solid buckler, which blocked

Dumbledore's attack spell and bounced it back.

Dumbledore suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared at

the edge of a forest, casting another spell.

"Ah, yes, I am indeed old, and time will not forgive anyone after all. Tom,

but I think I can still fight with you."

Voldemort also changed his body position and suddenly returned to the

ground. A large stream of ferocious flames suddenly appeared from the

tip of the wand, rushing towards Dumbledore like a blanket. He used the

Fire Curse.

"Dumbledore, I am immortal, you will not be my opponent after all!"

Voldemort laughed loudly, and flew into the sky without using any

external objects, overlooking Dumbledore who was surrounded by fierce

fire. Several green rays of light shot out from the tip of the wand.

"The water is as clear as a spring!"

Dumbledore's Clear Water Curse was like summoning a big river, and it

was as if seven or eight fire trucks were vigorously spraying water. Even

though the Fire Curse burned nothing, it was still blocked by the surging

water. Stayed on the way out.

"Tom, birth, aging, sickness and death are natural laws, and no one will

be an exception."

As Dumbledore's figure changed, the Fire Curse appeared again. With a

wave of his wand, dozens of large trees around him seemed to come

alive. The branches flapped wildly, forcing Voldemort to retreat to the

open space on the other side.

When Xia Ran was dealing with the big snake Nagini, she took the time

to look at the battle here, and her heart was filled with shock. The battle

between these two legendary wizards was completely unlike a duel that

could happen between wizards. , flying around the world and spreading

magic spells across a wide range, just like gods in ancient legends!

He is indeed a level 7 legendary wizard!

Xia Ran was amazed, but he did not forget his situation. The big snake

Nagini had a hard body and was extremely powerful. Its teeth contained

very strong toxins. Moreover, because of its special type, it was almost

immune to many magics. situation - perhaps not immune to

Dumbledore's spell.

It was very difficult for Xia Ran to deal with it. Fortunately, he already

had level 5 (advanced) magic, level 5 (intermediate) spells, and level 5

(elementary) transfiguration. He was able to withstand Orochi Najib. Ni.

As the headmaster of Gryffindor House, Professor McGonagall has a level

6 magic level. At this moment, he and Barty Crouch Jr. were firing magic

spells at each other, and Lupine took the opportunity to rescue Harry

who was tied to the tombstone.

"Remus, take Harry back first." Professor McGonagall said loudly, and

ordered a boulder to turn into a tiger and pounce on Barty Jr., but Barty

Jr. hit the Avada Kedavra and smashed it to pieces.

"Okay, I'll be here soon!" Lupine also knew that the situation was critical.

Harry was too young and too weak. He didn't have a wand at this time.

Letting him stay here would only harm him. He might be killed if he

wasn't careful. Will his life be taken away by a magic spell from


He first apparated back to Hogwarts with Harry, and then brought other

professors here. Voldemort, Barty Crouch Jr., and the big snake couldn't



Lupine Apparated with Harry.

Chapter 136 Retreat

"Master, the werewolf left, taking Harry Potter with him." While fighting

with Professor McGonagall, little Barty noticed Lupin's movements and

said loudly.

"You stupid old woman...Avada Kedavra!"

The tip of Barty Jr.'s wand shot out a green light, which passed through

the twenty or thirty meters between the two people and hit Professor

McGonagall directly.

Avada Kedavra, as the strongest spell among the three Unforgivable

Curses, has the ability of a law of cause and effect. The person hit will

inevitably die. Perhaps the only exception in history is Harry Potter, but

that mainly relies on Lily. ·The powerful magic cast by Potter.

Although Professor McGonagall is old, she is still very agile in her

movements. She immediately dodged aside and waved her wand to

change the image of the surrounding trees and rocks, like a swarm of

ligers and tigers. The roar was so loud that even the small children in the

distance were The villagers of Hangleton were all awakened.

"All petrified!"

On the other side, Xia Ran's magic hit the big snake Nagini, and the

snake scales made a clanking sound, shattered and fell, and the snake

blood eroded and polluted the soil.

The big snake's eyes flashed with anger. Although it did not suffer much

trauma, it was already in pain. The snake's body twisted wildly and bit

Xia Ran with a sudden bite. Its bloody mouth was bigger than Xia Ran's


"There are many obstacles! Protect yourself with armor! It's


Xia Ran recited three protective spells in succession, and moved his steps

back. The magic hindered the speed of the big snake Nagini, as if it hit an

invisible wall. With a bang, the big snake hit the ground.


ever,, then from where it..." The big snake's vertical eyes were cold and

devoid of any other emotions at all. Like the most cold-blooded and cruel

animal, it stared at Xia Ran closely, looking for his flaw in order to kill

him with a fatal blow.

"Fire is raging!" Xia Ran recited the fire spell, and a large stream of red

flames erupted from the tip of the wand, burning the grass and trees, and

then attacked the big snake Nagini, intending to burn the big snake to


Xia Ran even secretly chanted the Fire Curse after the Fire Curse. The red

flames suddenly swelled and the color changed slightly. The color

became deeper and more ferocious, just like the fierce fire from hell. ,

came to the human world just to burn all living things!

The cold and cruel vertical pupils of the big snake Nagini finally changed,

and a hint of fear appeared.

Although the Fire Curse is an evil black magic, Xia Ran has never been

afraid of these things. As long as it can be used in battle, no matter what

kind of magic it is, she will use it.

However, Xia Ran also has his own bottom line. It is too unreasonable

and he must kill innocent lives to meet the requirements of magic. He

will never perform this kind of black magic - even if he knows the spells

of this kind of magic - such as the method of making Horcruxes. .

"Xia Ran?" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in Xia Ran's ears. Xia Ran's

heart suddenly pounded, and she immediately pulled away without

having time to think about it.

"Avada Kedavra!" A bright green light swept across a distance of several

hundred meters and headed straight for Xia Ran. Xia Ran hid behind a

big rock in embarrassment and just escaped the death curse.

Voldemort's black robe floated, and he flew high in the sky without the

help of a broomstick or other external objects, passing through most of

the cemetery, and came to the place where Xia Ran and Nagini fought.

He waved his hand to break Xia Ran's fire curse. She knows these black

magic better than Xia Ran.

call out!

The big snake Nagini's body bounced slightly, jumped up, and got into

Voldemort's wizard robe.

"Xia Ran, how do you feel about the Fire Curse? Come and try it

yourself!" Voldemort said softly, lowering his wand a little, and fierce fire

spewed out from all over the sky, burning the earth and stones, the bones

and bones in the tomb. The tombstone outside was burned to ashes in an


"The water is as clear as a spring!"

Xia Ran escaped from the shelter of the big stone. He knew that

Voldemort's magic power was unfathomable and his magic skills were

extremely superior. He could only save his life by retreating while

fighting and waiting for Dumbledore to arrive.

Because among the people present, the only one who could confront

Voldemort head-on was Dumbledore, the most powerful white wizard of

our time!

The water he summoned was already quite large. After all, it had level 5

(high-level) magic power. There was no problem filling a pond. However,

in front of the fierce fire unleashed by Voldemort, it was like a cup of

trace spring water, only emitting a small amount of water. With a few

pops of sound, it was completely evaporated.

"So strong!"

Xia Ran's expression changed, and she turned to using the Fire Curse to

break the curse. However, this was a spell used by Voldemort himself.

With his current level of magic, how could he break Voldemort's magic?

"Tom!" Dumbledore broke the trap cast by Voldemort on him and rushed

over as quickly as possible. He also cast the Clear Water Spring Curse, but

this time what came out was river-like water. Even though the fire was

fierce No matter how ferocious it is, it still cannot completely evaporate

this large amount of water in a short period of time.

Voldemort seemed to be about to say something sarcastic, his expression

suddenly changed. As he waved his wand, the fire became more fierce,

and the green light of Avada Kedavra shot out in all directions like rain.

Taking advantage of the moment when Dumbledore and others were on

guard, he moved to Barty Jr.'s side in an instant. He grabbed Barty Jr.'s

collar with his left hand and aimed the wand at Professor McGonagall in

his right hand.

Professor McGonagall's expression suddenly changed.

"Avada Kedavra! Cut out the heart and bones!"

Xia Ran stepped aside when Dumbledore was helping him to block

Voldemort. At this time, seeing Professor McGonagall in danger, she

immediately used two unforgivable curses, the Avada Kedavra and the

Cruciatus Curse.

Faced with the unreasonable Avada Kedavra, Voldemort, no matter how

powerful his magic power is, still needs to retreat or use some object to

block it, instead of forcefully intercepting it.

He pulled little Barty back, dodges Xia Ran's green light magic, and

finally looked at Dumbledore and Xia Ran, his eyes were cold and his

murderous intent was not concealed at all.

Bang bang! !

He cast the Apparition spell and left the Little Hangleton Cemetery, and

Little Barty and the big snake Nagini were taken away by him.

Snapped! !

There was another explosion, and several figures in pajamas appeared in

the field. It was Lupine who arrived with several professors from


"Where is the Dark Lord? Dumbledore, Minerva, and Sharon, are you

okay? Are you not injured?" Professor Flitwick is small, but when he

picks up the wand, he is very intimidating. .

Snape and Professor Sprout also drew their wands and carefully looked


Xia Ran helped Professor McGonagall come over - Professor McGonagall

was hit with a curse by Barty Jr., his face was very pale at the moment,

and his body was shaking slightly uncontrollably - He said: "Professor

McGonagall is injured. ”

"Oh, my God, Minerva." Professor Sprout quickly took Professor

McGonagall's wand and gave it to Professor McGonagall.


Professor McGonagall's face improved slightly.

Chapter 137 Return to Hogwarts

"Minerva, how do you feel?" Snape asked, taking out a bottle of potion

from his pocket and saying, "I brought this here specially to restore

vitality. Drink it first."

Professor McGonagall's hands were still trembling and she was unable to

take the potion bottle.

Professor Sprout hurriedly opened the cap of the potion bottle, fed

Professor McGonagall, and rubbed her back.

"Minerva, are you feeling better?"

At this time, Dumbledore had solved the terrifying fire that was cast by

Voldemort himself and burned the cemetery and the woods - otherwise it

might have spread to the villages on the side - and came over and asked

with concern.

"It's okay." After Professor McGonagall drank Snape's potion, she finally

calmed down and no longer trembled so much. "Thanks to Severus'

potion, and Xia Xia at the last moment. Ran helped me block the Dark


"Oh my God, the Dark Lord...did he really appear?" Professor Sprout

covered his mouth.

"Yes, Pomona, he just apparated away." Dumbledore replied, his

expression was extremely solemn.

"Dumbledore, Sharon, are you not injured?" Professor Flitwick asked.

Xia Ran shook her head and sighed: "No injuries, but we still worry too

much. After all, the black wizard starts with Avada Kedavra, so we often

have to fall into a passive situation."

"Dark magic needs to be used when necessary." Snape said calmly. He

had an in-depth study of dark magic.

"Alas, the mysterious man was finally resurrected." Lupine sighed.

Dumbledore rubbed his forehead and said: "There is no way around it.

After all, Voldemort can always find his enemies, but Harry is special."

Looking at Dumbledore, Xia Ran felt that he might be happier because

Voldemort used Harry's blood to resurrect, which deepened the close

connection between the two.

This was the sound of people shouting from the side yard of the woods,

and it seemed that the villagers of Little Hangleton had finally arrived.

"Okay, let's leave here first and return to Hogwarts. We must inform

Cornelius, the entire magical world, and the Muggle world," Dumbledore


"By the way, take this house elf away with us." Xia Ran said. The house

elf Winky fainted at the edge of the woods nearby. He quickly walked

over and caught Winky.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Several people apparated one after another and returned to Hogwarts.

When the villagers of Little Hangleton came up, they only saw a white

ruins burned by fire.


Hogwarts, the magic school is destined not to be peaceful tonight.

Originally, Harry was taken away by the house elf in the school

dormitory, which surprised the students and teachers. Then Lupine came

back and brought Harry back, even louder Claiming that Voldemort has

been resurrected, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor

Frémont are fighting to the death against Voldemort and his henchmen? !

All the students and teachers were shocked and looked at each other,

wondering whether they should believe what Professor Lu Ping said.

Snapped! ! !

Xia Ran and the others apparated back to Hogwarts. The moment

Dumbledore returned to school, he pointed his wand in the sky and said

some strange words. He was rearranging the protective magic of

Hogwarts. .

In front of the auditorium, there were only a few teachers standing

waiting, and Harry was the only student among them.

Except for Harry, all the other students were safely in the common rooms

of their respective houses under the supervision of the prefects and some

professors, but they were quite restless.

"Dumbledore, you... Hey, Minerva, you..." The professors came up to

meet him, and immediately noticed Professor McGonagall's unusual

expression, and all of them felt nervous.

"Fortunately, the potion taught by Snape is no longer a serious problem."

Professor McGonagall waved her hand weakly and said.

Dumbledore said: "Poppy (the name of Madam Pomfrey, the school

nurse), I hope you can take Minerva to the school hospital for a detailed

examination. I hope she has no sequelae."

"Yes." Madam Pomfrey looked solemn and worried, supporting Professor

McGonagall and quickly left the Great Hall.

"Professor, what happened? The mysterious man..." Hagrid asked, holding

an umbrella in his hand, which was actually his wand.

Lu Ping smiled bitterly and said: "Resurrection, the mysterious man has

finally returned."

Everyone's expressions changed, they instantly became solemn, and their

brows all furrowed tightly.

"His magic is very powerful, not inferior to Dumbledore." Xia Ran sighed,

"Anyway, Professor McGonagall and I, as well as Barty Crouch Jr. who

was present at the time, are far from Voldemort or Dumbledore." Lido’s


He said as he put down the house elf Winky he was holding in his arms.

Several people did not express surprise. After all, Voldemort, the Dark

Lord and the mysterious man, did not get his reputation for nothing. It

mainly relied on his strong strength.

As long as Voldemort returns, people will be afraid and even unwilling to

accept and believe it. The reason is also because of the terrifying magic

power and terrible black magic knowledge that ranks first in the

wizarding world.

"Is this the elf who took Harry away?" Ms. Huo Qi, the flying course

professor, looked at Xia Ran's Twinkle on the ground.

Harry nodded and said, "That's her. She seems to be called Winky. She is

the house elf of Crouch Manor. She just wanted to take me there to

resurrect Voldemort and use my blood."

He stretched out an arm, and there was still blood on it. The wound had

been treated, and judging from his expression, it seemed to be fine.

The eyes of several teachers suddenly showed a hint of disgust.

"Okay, Xia Ran, please take Winky to the campus hospital first, and ask

Poppy to treat this unfortunate house elf." Dumbledore said, "Harry,

you'd better go and let Poppy take a look. Let’s sleep one night in the

campus hospital.”

"But Professor..." Harry couldn't help but retorted.

But he was interrupted by Dumbledore, who waved his hand and said,

"Harry, you are indeed too young to participate in what will happen


"Harry, let's go."

Xia Ran picked up the unconscious Shining again and went to the school

hospital as well.

Harry followed Sharon dejectedly.

Xia Ran said: "Harry, if you want to really do your part..."

"Professor, I am willing to try my best. I am willing to fight against

Voldemort. He killed my parents and killed so many innocent people."

Harry said excitedly.

"Listen to me, Harry." Xia Ran said, "You are young..."

"I am already thirteen years old and will soon turn fourteen." Harry

wanted to say that he is not too young anymore. Each of you should not

say that you are too young to participate in the great cause of fighting

against Voldemort.

"Yeah, almost fourteen, but are you an adult, Harry?"

Harry was speechless. Although the wizarding world was better than the

Muggle world, he still had to be seventeen to reach adulthood.

Xia Ran softened her tone and said: "You have to know, Harry, we are

fighting the Dark Lord. Even if he himself is extremely powerful - only

Dumbledore among all of us can confront him head-on - still He is not

alone. He has an equally evil and powerful team of Death Eaters. Even

creatures such as goblins, giants, vampires, and werewolves may join

Voldemort's camp. Do you think you are strong enough to deal with these

dangers? Don't be impulsive and take your time. Think back and answer

me, I don't want to hear a false answer."

Chapter 138 Dumbledore’s


Harry didn't know how to answer Xia Ran's question. He said from the

bottom of his heart that he understood that he was indeed not strong

enough to participate in this war. How much magic could a third-year

wizard know? How many magic spells do you know about attack,

defense, treatment, etc.?

But Harry didn't want to be rejected by Professor Frémont, because he

was eager to participate in this war and fight against Voldemort and his


"This war will not only last for a short period of time. According to the

situation of the last war." Xia Ran still has one sentence left to say. The

second wizard war in the original time and space only lasted for three

years. ——It took exactly three years from the end of the Goblet of Fire

incident in Harry's fourth grade to the final battle at the end of seventh

grade to end with Voldemort's demise. I don't know how long this time

will last?

"In a word, the war cannot end in a short time. Harry, you - including

Percy, Ron, and Hermione - are all new forces in the wizarding world. It

is not your role to step up now. At that time, when you graduate, you

will be able to truly deal with those vicious Death Eaters, as well as

countless dark creatures, such as giants and vampires." Xia Ran said.

Harry nodded silently. He was determined to study hard... well, at least

in Charms, Combat, and Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

He felt that he still couldn't be as proficient in all subjects as Hermione.

During the conversation, the two of them had arrived at the campus

hospital. The lights in the ward were bright but were going out. Professor

McGonagall was lying on the bed, seemingly asleep.

"I gave Minerva something to calm her nerves. She has fallen asleep.

Please keep your voice down." Madam Pomfrey whispered, "What's the

problem? Oh, yes, this unconscious elf."

Xia Ran followed Madam Pomfrey's instructions and first placed Twinkle

on a bed, which was for humans. The elf lay on it like a three or five-

year-old child.

"Mrs. Pomfrey, this elf is called Winky. He was cast by Voldemort or

someone else under the Imperius Curse, and now he is unconscious. Is

there anything you can do?" Xia Ran said softly.

Madam Pomfrey trembled slightly, as if because she heard the three

words "Voldemort", she carefully checked the elf's physical condition,

breathed out and said: "Fortunately, there is nothing serious, it's just the

soul-stealing thing." Generally speaking, the after-effects of the curse will

last for a period of time, but this also depends on the situation. The elf's

magic resistance is better than that of our wizards, but the person who

cast the spell on her is a wizard with very powerful magic power. I'm

afraid she will have to lie down for three days. It will take two days to

wake up.”

"Poor elf."

Madam Pomfrey finally shook her head pityingly.

"That's good." Xia Ran said with relief, "By the way, Harry, come here and

show Madam Pomfrey how the situation is. His blood was drawn by the

Death Eaters..."

"Professor, I'm fine. Really, I'm fine. Look!" Harry said quickly, raising his

hands to indicate that their injuries were healed and there was no need

to be admitted to the hospital.

"Okay, kid, come here and lie down. I'll check whether you're okay or

not." Madam Pomfrey said. Harry had no choice but to go over and lie

down on the hospital bed.

"Professor, I have an exam tomorrow..." Harry couldn't help but say.

Madam Pomfrey said noncommittally: "It's just an exam, your body is

more important. Besides, with such a big thing happening, whether the

exam will continue tomorrow is a question."

Harry had nothing to say and could only accept his fate and let Madam

Pomfrey check.


At this time, the door to the campus hospital opened, and Lupine and

Hagrid walked in one after another.

"Is he okay, Madam Pomfrey?" Hagrid asked in his usual loud voice.

Madam Pomfrey glared at Hagrid dissatisfiedly and said, "Keep your

voice down, the patients are already asleep."

Hagrid made an apologetic gesture.

"He's fine, but it's better to stay in the hospital for one night." Madam

Pomfrey said after checking. Seeing that Harry opened his mouth to

retort, she added, "It's the same wherever you sleep, and such a big thing

happened tonight. , I’m afraid you can sleep more peacefully here.”

Harry thought the same thing. If he returned to the Gryffindor common

room, there would definitely be countless classmates asking him what

happened, and he might not be able to sleep all night.

With this thought, he lay on the hospital bed with peace of mind, and

sleepiness came over him in an instant. It was already very late, not to

mention that he had experienced so many things, and another bottle of

blood was taken out to be used as the material for Voldemort's

resurrection. , even though I regained my vitality later, sleepiness still

came like a tide.

But at this time, he wanted to hear the conversation between several

professors, so he suppressed his sleepiness.

"Does Dumbledore have any plans, Professor Lupin?" Madam Pomfrey

asked softly.

Lupine replied: "He said he would rush to the Ministry of Magic as soon

as possible to talk to Fudge about this matter face to face - Fudge would

go to his house even if he was not at the Ministry of Magic - Fudge can

no longer be an ostrich, he thinks the mystery is People have never

returned, so won’t the mysterious man return?”

"Obviously, judging from the current results, the mysterious man has

been completely resurrected and returned. Our Ministry of Magic must

inform the entire magical world to remind all wizards to be more

vigilant. It is very likely that everyone who was there more than ten or

twenty years ago is in danger. The situation will happen again!"

Lupine sighed.

He came from that era. At that time, he was a member of the Order of

the Phoenix and fought against the Death Eaters. He knew what it was

like to live in a precarious situation. The Death Eaters might come and

kill him the next day. Or when news of the death of a relative or friend

comes, it is a torturous day.

It was when Xia Ran was attending Hogwarts that she received the news

that her parents had died at the hands of Death Eaters.

Everyone present, except Harry, had experienced the First Wizarding

War, so they all looked solemn and worried when they heard this.

After all, no one wants to wake up and receive news that a relative or

friend is dead, or when they go home, they see a Dark Mark floating over

the manor - that often means that Death Eaters have attacked the place.

There must be casualties - that feeling is enough to make you collapse!

"Last time the mysterious man fell, we won the victory. The same is true

this time. We will definitely win the war!" Hagrid clenched his fists and

said with confidence, "Dumbledore is still there, he is the mysterious

man. The only wizard to be afraid of, the only wizard who can confront

the mysterious man head-on!"

"Yes, Dumbledore..."

A few people relaxed slightly.

What they talked about later, Harry could no longer hear clearly. He was

in a daze, distracted, empty, and fell into a deeper sleep.

Chapter 139 Percy’s decision

After Harry fell asleep, Madam Pomfrey returned to her room and urged

several people to leave quickly so as not to disturb the patient's rest. Xia

Ran, Lupine and Hagrid went to the outside of the great hall, leaving

only Harry. Nap was still waiting here, and the other professors had gone

back to their rooms to sleep. After all, it was very late, and no matter

how tense the situation was, life had to go on as usual.

Snape glanced at Lupine and snorted coldly. He was an old enemy in his

student days. Even though he later became an alliance colleague, he was

still disgusted when he met him. The same was true for Sirius. Only

Lupine was slightly better. The look on his face was that he was not

surprised. Perhaps he had become accustomed to this kind of treatment

over the past ten years.

"Do you think Dumbledore's visit to the Ministry of Magic to meet with

Fudge will achieve any results?" Lupine asked.

Xia Ran shook her head and said, "I'm looking at Xuan."

In the original time and space, Voldemort was truly resurrected and

returned, accompanied by the death of Cedric Diggory, but Cornelius

Fudge still turned a blind eye?

Xia Ran felt that violence was needed to deal with people like Fudge.

Reasoning alone wouldn't make sense. Or, if verbal reasoning didn't make

sense, physical reasoning would.

He doesn't believe it and is stubborn?

That's easy, just give him a beating. When his life is threatened, people

like Fudge can change his tune in the next second.

But Dumbledore is not this kind of person, and Fudge is confident.

At this moment, Dumbledore would come, his expression solemn, and

even more likely to be mixed with a trace of anger.

Xia Ran could tell at a glance that Dumbledore's trip was not going well.

"Professor Dumbledore, how is the situation?" Hagrid took a step forward

and asked.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly and sighed: "Fudge is still stubborn

and thinks that I am announcing the news of Voldemort's return just to

become the Minister of Magic."

"That bastard!" Hagrid punched his palm with his fist, his face looking

very annoyed.

"We can only speak out in newspapers from all sides to alert the

wizarding world and notify the wizards we can contact. We hope they

won't think we are joking." Dumbledore sighed.

"What about tomorrow's exam? Continue?" Snape asked.

Dumbledore thought for a while and replied: "Go on, Voldemort has just

returned from resurrection and will not come to Hogwarts. The students

should try their best to protect him."

"By the way, Remus, you may want to inform Sirius. In two days, I am

going to hold a meeting of the Order of the Phoenix at Grimmauld Place.

We must discuss follow-up countermeasures and arrangements."

Dumbledore looked again Said to Lupine.

Lupine nodded.

"Xia Ran, how is the elf doing?" Dumbledore asked.

Xia Ran replied: "I'm afraid I'll be comatose for two days after being hit

by the Imperius Curse, but other than that, I have no other problems."

"You all should go and rest first. I will also write to contact well-known

wizards in the magical world, hoping that they can come forward... Oh,

Connelly..." Dumbledore said and sighed.


Hogwarts held exams as usual the next day, which made many students

cry and howl. They thought that after yesterday's incident, the last two

exams today could be cancelled.

"Hey, why are they so arrogant? They don't consider the endurance of our

students. It's good to have a few days to slow down." Ron said while

drinking milk listlessly.

Harry had been discharged from the hospital and sat back at the

Gryffindor table. He nodded in agreement: "I think exams are useless, as

long as we really learn the knowledge ourselves."

Hermione snorted.

"Hey, Percy, what's wrong with you? You were dumped by someone, that

Ravenclaw prefect?" George asked with a smile. Percy had a distracted

expression on his face. He didn't look like he was taking an exam. .

Percy waved his hand casually, ignoring his two naughty younger

brothers. This made everyone around him stare. Usually, Percy would

give a warning in the name of the President of the Boys' Student Union.

What happened today? Is it so quiet?

"Hey, Percy, are you stupid?" Fred asked carelessly.

Percy still ignored it and finished his breakfast hastily before packing up

and heading to the examination room.

A group of people at the table looked at each other.

However, Percy found Xia Ran after finishing the exam.

"What's the matter, Percy? How was the exam? I heard that you want to

enter the Ministry of Magic. The requirements for exam results are a bit

high." Xia Ran smiled, sat behind her desk and put down the pen. He was

writing just now. A little something.

Percy seemed a little embarrassed, and closed the door of Xia Ran's office

with his backhand, and said hesitantly: "Oh, that's it, Professor Frémont,

at Christmas time, you - you, Professor Dumbledore and Si Professor

Knapp—didn’t he intend to let me enter the Ministry of Magic as an

undercover agent? I think...well, I think...I may have this idea."

Xia Ran stopped her smile and said in a deep voice: "Have you really

thought about it clearly, Percy? Being an undercover agent is not an easy

task. If you want to gain Fudge's trust and stand in a high position in the

Ministry of Magic, you must Separate yourself from us, or even turn

against your family, to win Fudge's trust, do you think you can endure so

much criticism and strange looks?"

Percy gritted his teeth, nodded and said: "Professor Frémont, I have

thought clearly. Yesterday Harry was captured and the mysterious man

returned from the resurrection. I think we need one person to really

break into the Ministry of Magic, not more or more." Those who are more

or less will always be suspected, and my father and others were even

severely suspected."

Xia Ran stared at Percy. Undercover work is never an easy job. Even if

the undercover Ministry of Magic is not as dangerous as Snape's

undercover Death Eater organization, always walking on the edge of the

cliff, the requirements for Percy are very high and the test is very high.


"Okay, you come with me to see Dumbledore and Professor Snape, he

may be able to teach you something." Xia Ran said, Snape is a perfect

undercover, and the magic that an undercover should be proficient in - -

Occlumency, Snape is a true master, even more powerful than


The principal's office on the eighth floor.

"Percy, are you sure?" Dumbledore came around from behind the table.

Percy said firmly: "Professor, I have decided that I am willing to do my

part for the Order of the Phoenix to fight Voldemort."

"Okay, Percy, you..." Dumbledore seemed to want to say something, but

finally paused and did not say anything. Instead, he looked at Snape and

said, "Severus, most of the back Months, you try to find time to train

Percy, you know, Occlumency..."

"Okay." Snape said with a smile on his gloomy face, "I will train him


Percy couldn't help but shudder.

"Percy, after you joined the Ministry of Magic, you found time to cut off

from us, the kind of irreconcilable one. The person you will contact in the

future will be one of the three of us. It is best for others not to know your

identity. "Dumbledore warned.

Percy nodded, and from now on, he was going to take another path.

Xia Ran said: "Don't contact us unless necessary in the future, so as not to

reveal your secret identity, especially in this situation where Voldemort is

hiding in secret."

Snape's expression suddenly changed.

Chapter 140 Professor

Trelawney’s Dissatisfaction

"Severus?" Dumbledore's eyes changed slightly.

Snape was silent and nodded slightly.

Percy looked confused, but Xia Ran reacted immediately, especially

Snape's slight shaking of his left hand, which was the location of his Dark


"Did Voldemort summon his Death Eaters?" Xia Ran secretly thought.

Snape used to be a Death Eater, and later negotiated with Dumbledore to

continue to hide among the Death Eaters as a spy. If Voldemort

summoned As a Death Eater, Snape would definitely feel it - after all, he

still had the Dark Mark on his body - and he had to rush to the place

where Voldemort held the meeting.

However, what was slightly beyond Xia Ran's expectation was that

shortly after Voldemort was resurrected in the original time and space, he

summoned the Death Eaters through Wormtail's Dark Mark. This time, he

failed to pass through Barty Crouch Jr.'s Dark Mark. The Mark informed

all Death Eaters that their Dark Lord was back. Instead, it was only now

that the Dark Mark was activated to inform all Death Eaters—or former

Death Eaters—that their leader was back!

"Severus." Dumbledore looked at Snape worriedly and said, "You know

what I am going to tell you to do. If you are okay with it...if you are


"No problem." Snape replied, but his face was obviously paler and

gloomier than usual, and his cold black eyes shone with a strange light.

"Well, good luck to you," said Dumbledore, with a worried look on his

face as he watched Snape leave the Headmaster's office through the spiral


Xia Ran watched Snape leave with emotion in her eyes.

Percy was still confused and said, "Professor, then I..."

"You may have to wait for a while, but Professor Snape will concentrate

on teaching you. I hope you will study well with Professor Snape. He

knows a lot of knowledge." Dumbledore said softly, "There is no one else

except the four of us in this matter. Don't tell anyone except yourself,

including Arthur and Molly."

"Um, okay...okay," Percy replied.

"Okay, let's go down. I think all students should know a fact. I must tell

them." Dumbledore said and walked out of the principal's office first.

"Let's go." Sharon said, and Percy followed Dumbledore to the Great Hall.

At this time, the auditorium was almost full of people. All the exams

were completed. The students laughed wildly and seemed particularly

relaxed. The professors were worried about other things, not to mention

that this was not a bad thing. The exams were completed. Well, and

another major event happened in the wizarding world - Voldemort was

truly resurrected and made a comeback! ——Let them have fun and relax

for a while. It doesn't matter, so let the students go.

The professors looked solemn and lowered their voices to whisper from

time to time.

Xia Ran sat down in her seat. On one side, Professor Lupine was still

discussing with Professor Flitwick in a low voice, with worried

expressions on their faces. On the other side was Professor Trelawney.

Her frown also said a lot. .

"Dumbledore... vicious accusation..." Professor Trelawney seemed to be

mumbling something, but Xia Ran didn't hear it clearly.

"What's wrong, Professor Trelawney?" So Xia Ran asked directly.

"Oh, it's nothing." Professor Trelawney said in an airy voice, while

tugging on her shawl and the many strings of shining beads. She seemed

to be unable to hold it in anymore, and couldn't help but whisper,

"Dumbledore Lido, that person... I admit that he is the strongest white

wizard today and is respected by many people, but can't he respect me?

Oh, I understand, he must think that I did not inherit my great-

grandmother's legacy Talent, these rumors have been spread for years by

people who are jealous of me.”

"Um, really?" Xia Ran smiled awkwardly. Speaking of which, he believed

Professor Trelawney's predictions. After all, she did make many

predictions in the original time and space.

"Dumbledore doesn't believe in divination. I've always known this. When

I was interviewed at the Pig's Head Bar - you know, Xia Ran, I didn't have

a job at that time and my funds were tight. Of course I wouldn't

recommend the Pig's Head Bar to anyone else. Go, there are bedbugs - I

can tell, he doesn't like divination." Professor Trelawney still muttered in

a low voice, "But he was still very polite and came to visit me in the hotel

in person, maybe Now he is too lazy to pretend like this anymore..."

"...The third eye never pays attention to things in the human world! That

is not an area worthy of our energy!"

Professor Trelawney said with mock disdain.

Xia Ran knew what happened when Professor Trelawney was

interviewing for the Divination class. In the Pig's Head Bar - a hotel

owned by Dumbledore's brother Aberforth - Professor Trelawney made

the most famous move in the wizarding world at that time. The

prophecy, the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort, was overheard by

Snape, which also led to the subsequent deaths of the Potters and Snape's

change of heart and willingness to be an undercover agent.

It can be said that that prophecy was the beginning of the current

situation in the magic world!

"Dumbledore didn't want me to leave Hogwarts. I wanted to go home

during the holidays, but Dumbledore rejected him directly. I originally

just informed him and didn't ask for his opinion. He How could..."

Professor Trelawney whispered angrily.

On this point, Xia Ran was on Dumbledore's side. The famous prophecy

was made by Professor Trelawney and informed to Dumbledore. This was

a fact that even Voldemort knew.

What Voldemort once knew from Snape was only the first half of the

prophecy, so after Voldemort fell last time, he knew that he had made a

mistake, and he had been eager to hear the complete prophecy!

In the original time and space, he even went into hibernation for a year

for this purpose, and in turn used the bond between Harry and him to

mislead Harry, sneak into the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of

Magic, and help him steal the prophecy ball.

The prophecy ball can only be taken out of the Department of Mysteries

by those who are related to the prophecy.

But that was Professor Trelawney's helpless move because he never left

Hogwarts. After all, there were only two people who knew the prophecy -

Snape only overheard half of the prophecy - one was the one who made

the prophecy. People: Professor Trelawney, one is the person who listens

to the prophecy: Dumbledore, and the prophecy ball that records the


He didn't want to deal with Dumbledore directly so early, and he couldn't

get into Hogwarts for the time being. So if he wanted to know the

complete prophecy, the only way left was to use the prophecy ball in the

Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic.

But if Professor Trelawney takes the initiative to leave Hogwarts,

Voldemort will never let go of such a golden opportunity. Professor

Trelawney will encounter countless dangers, and she will probably not be

able to come back. .

Dumbledore's disapproval of her leaving school was actually due to

Professor Sybill Trelawney's consideration, and not due to distrust of

prophecies or discrimination against divination.

Chapter 141 Discredit

Xia Ran said softly: "Dumbledore has his own considerations. Professor

Trelawney, I think it's best for you not to leave Hogwarts, especially now

that the mysterious man is back."

"I know." Professor Trelawney seemed a little restless.

"Tell me, Sharon, will the Dark Lord break into Hogwarts?" Professor

Trelawney asked secretly.

Xia Ran glanced at the divination professor in surprise and asked, "Why

do you ask that?"

"Well... you may not know that I made a prophecy about that child..."

Professor Trelawney pointed to Harry at the Gryffindor table, "And the

Dark Lord, to be honest - There's nothing shameful about it, who's not

afraid of the Dark Lord? - I'm a little worried."

Xia Ran knew the prophecy and said: "As long as Dumbledore doesn't die

and doesn't leave Hogwarts, the mysterious man will certainly not be

able to break into Hogwarts. After all, Dumbledore is the only

contemporary person who can compete with the mysterious man. A head-

to-head confrontation with the legendary wizard!"

Xia Ran said with some regret. In the magic world, what matters in the

end is strength. Without the strength that tops the magic world, how

could Dumbledore have such prestige now? Without the top level of

magic power and magical knowledge, how could Voldemort be followed

by so many dark wizards and feared by so many wizards?

Although he already possesses level 5 (advanced) magic power and has

considerable magical knowledge, he is still far behind the two legendary


"I think it's because of this that Dumbledore doesn't agree with you

leaving Hogwarts." Xia Ran added at the end. In fact, this is the fact.

Professor Trelawney seemed to feel a little better, and suddenly said:

"Hey, the owl is here."

At this time, countless owls flew into the auditorium, delivering the latest

issue of the Daily Prophet.

Xia Ran also opened a newspaper and read it.

"Liar: Albus Dumbledore? Liar: Harry Potter?"

This is the title of the new issue of "Daily Prophet". Xia Ran frowned

slightly after reading it, but she had already expected it. After all,

Dumbledore had explained Fudge's attitude last night and this morning

and refused to believe that Voldemort had returned. facts, then he

ordered the Daily Prophet. It is also very normal to slander Dumbledore.

But this time, Harry was still involved, which made Xia Ran a little


"According to reliable current reports and an official from the Ministry of

Magic who did not want to reveal his name, in the early hours of this

morning, our famous Dumbledore once again approached the Ministry of

Magic, hoping that the Ministry of Magic would meet Dumbledore's

personal request: to inform the Magic News of the return of the

mysterious man from the world!”

"But we all know that the mysterious man has died long ago. He died

more than ten years ago, leaving only a lightning scar on Harry Potter's

forehead. How can a dead person come back?"

"Did Dumbledore hope that You-Know-Who would return to re-boost his

personal prestige?"

Professor Lu Ping on the side read softly, his expression full of anger.

"Damn Fudge!" he cursed under his breath.

"You haven't finished reading it yet. There are also things related to

Harry later." Xia Ran said, and he finished scanning the newspaper


Lupine skipped over Dumbledore's page and looked back.

"According to the information from the Ministry of Magic official, the

news about the mysterious man's resurrection seems to have come from

Harry Potter - yes, our famous 'Savior Star'. He seems to like this title

very much, and He often calls himself the 'Savior Star' in school to win

the sympathy of many little witches. For details, please refer to page 4, 'Is

Harry Potter a talker or a romantic prince?' - I saw it with my own eyes."

"Yes, that's right, our 'Savior' witnessed and participated in the

mysterious man's resurrection ceremony, and finally returned to

Hogwarts unscathed!"

It ended with a sarcastic expression.

"If he really was a mysterious person, would he be so kind?"

"Oh, Harry Potter, thank you for your help and resurrecting me. To thank

you, I will give you a thousand gold galleons and personally send you

back to Hogwarts. I hope we have a good life." friendship."

"Is this something that a mysterious person can do? I believe that each of

us has a deep understanding of how terrifying and terrifying that person

who cannot even be named was. I believe that each of us has a deep

understanding of it. Let me ask, a person who has just completed his

third grade studies How could the little wizard escape from the

mysterious man? Is it true that as I said before, the mysterious man

personally escorted Harry Potter back to Hogwarts??"

"Ministry of Magic officials revealed that this was all to cater to

Dumbledore's wishes. Harry Potter, the 'big talker' - please allow me to

call him - knew how to cater to the teacher's preferences. In order to gain

Dumbledore's favor, he Favored, he invited the house elves to perform a

play to completely 'confirm' Dumbledore's information, or rumors."

"According to a respected wizard, our 'Savior' Harry Potter has always

been in cahoots with the house elves, so he was not surprised at all that

he could invite the house elves to perform with him."

Xia Ran thinks that this wizard is probably Lucius Malfoy.

"Each of us is full of wisdom - at least not stupid - I believe that each of

us can tell whether the words of Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter are

true. Rumors stop with the wise, They still hope that we will be

frightened by the news about the mysterious person, and that we will

surrender to them and obey their orders. This is an absolutely impossible

wishful thinking!"

"Absurd!" Lupine slapped the newspaper on the table, "Isn't it stupid?

Anyone who believes it is a fool!"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Fortunately, I didn't completely accuse

Dumbledore of evil, saying that he is the third generation Dark Lord."

"Ha." Lupine sneered, "I think Fudge has this idea, but he doesn't dare to

really push Dumbledore too far. He knows that we are tolerant like this

to deal with Voldemort, but if he does this... …”

Judging from the look on Lupine's face, he wished Fudge would do this.

After all, he was Sirius's best friend and he still had the rebellious gene in

his heart.

Xia Ran always believed that at this moment, Fudge would step down

directly and replace an Order member with the position of Minister of

Magic. Even if there would be controversy, it would still be better than

Fudge's behavior of constantly holding back.

However, Dumbledore did not agree with his proposal, so he had no

choice but to give up.

After all, Dumbledore still had to come forward in person for this kind of


"Liar Dumbledore? Is the Daily Prophet kidding? Are you talking about

the big talker Harry Potter? We don't know what kind of person he is?

This is just a rumor!" Someone was filled with indignation.

"But who knows this? No one has seen it with their own eyes. What if it is

really just... you know." Some people also expressed doubts.

The teachers and students in the auditorium were talking a lot. It was not

until Dumbledore stood up and knocked on the tableware that the sound

spread throughout the auditorium, interrupting everyone's discussions.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Dumbledore.

Chapter 142 Announcement

"Another year, it's over!" Dumbledore said, looking at everyone.

The auditorium had fallen silent, and everyone's eyes were on


Xia Ran also put down his knife and fork, but he was thinking about

other things. The next year in the original time and space was Harry's

fourth year - of course, it is still the same now - with the Triwizard


This was a grand event in the European magic world in ancient times.

The three major magic schools in Britain, Germany and France:

Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, will gather in a certain place to

hold a grand event. The contestants are students from the three major

magic schools. These people are called warriors and are the objects of

admiration and admiration by their classmates.

The way to select warriors is the Goblet of Fire, which is a symbol of the

major event of the Triwizard Tournament. Needless to say, Xia Ran can

be 100% sure that the Goblet of Fire must contain a lot of Force points.

"If I could touch the Goblet of Fire once..." Xia Ran's thoughts were

distracted, but he was not sure that now that Voldemort had been

resurrected a year earlier, would the Triwizard Tournament be held as


According to the current temper of the Ministry of Magic, there is no

doubt that the Quidditch World Cup during this summer vacation and the

Triwizard Tournament in the next school year will continue to be held to

illustrate the peace and prosperity of the magical world. Although

Dumbledore's prestige is high , Although powerful, he is only the

principal of a magic school after all, not the minister of the Ministry of

Magic, the top leader of this official organization.

Probably it can still be held as scheduled, right? !

Dumbledore was still speaking: "These are very difficult times!"

He stopped talking and looked at the Gryffindor table. Harry knew that

Dumbledore was looking at him, because he and the principal looked at

each other, and he had a premonition of what the principal was going to

say next.

"We all know that last night, Harry Potter was taken away by a house elf.

That elf was controlled by others and used the Imperius Curse. Many

classmates may know this spell." Dumbledore said, "A black magic spell

specifically used to control other people. It is listed as one of the three

unforgivable curses by the Ministry of Magic!"

"And that person is the one we all know!"

Everyone stared at Dumbledore blankly.

"Harry Potter was taken away by the elves ordered by Voldemort!"

Dumbledore decisively dropped a bomb, which is also true.

There was a nervous murmur in the auditorium, and everyone stared at

Dumbledore in horror and disbelief.

Only a small group of people seemed calm. All the teachers, professors,

and a small number of Gryffindor students such as Harry, Ron, and

Hermione looked at the others and murmured quietly but gradually fell


Xia Ran was listening to Dumbledore's speech while thinking about his

own affairs and plans for the future.

"The Ministry of Magic doesn't want me to tell you this. Just like the

newspaper you got, this news has been labeled as heresy by the Ministry

of Magic." Dumbledore continued, "Some students, including their

parents, may be suspicious of me. They were shocked by what I did -

either because they couldn't believe that Voldemort was really back, or

because they thought I shouldn't make this public and tell everyone so as

not to cause panic in the wizarding world. After all, people like you The

little wizards are still too young - however, I believe it is always better to

tell the truth than to lie, if we try to say that Harry was taken away as an

accident of his own making, or blame it on me The assignment is too

foolish, and it is also an insult to my own intelligence!"

Everyone knew that Dumbledore was referring to the Ministry of Magic.

However, the Ministry of Magic seems to have merit, because many

students are really scared and shocked. After all, Dumbledore really

publicly announced that Voldemort was resurrected! That is the Dark

Lord that almost everyone fears!

Of course, many Slytherin students seemed a little excited. For example,

Harry saw Draco Malfoy whispering to his two followers, Crabbe and


Harry instantly felt a burst of anger welling up in his heart, and he even

forced himself to turn his gaze to Dumbledore.

"In light of what is happening now - in light of Voldemort's return from

the dead - connections and understanding within the wizarding world are

more important than ever!" said Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked at the Hufflepuff table, then at Ravenclaw, and

finally at Gryffindor and Slytherin. Most of the Gryffindor students were

excited and proud, puffing up their chests, and Slytherin. Lin's students

were just the opposite. Many young wizards were even a little scared, as

if they thought Dumbledore would say some harsh words.

"Everyone in this hall." Dumbledore said, his eyes finally resting on the

Slytherin classmates, "As long as you are willing to unite, you are

welcome at any time. Let me say it again to all of you - In view of

Voldemort's resurrection, we will only be strong if we are united. If we

are divided, we will be vulnerable - Voldemort's methods of creating

conflict and hostility are very clever. Only by showing the same

unbreakable friendship and trust can we fight against him to the end. As

long as We have the same goal, open minds, and differences in habits and

language will not be an obstacle to our friendship!"

"I believe - and I sometimes wish I was mistaken - I believe that we are

all going to face dark and difficult times. Some of you in this Hall have

suffered at the hands of Lord Voldemort, and many of your families They

were all torn apart.”

"Please remember those who died because of Voldemort, those innocent,

friendly people, whether wizards or Muggles, they may have just seen

Voldemort, or even done nothing, and were killed by Voldemort and

suffered hardships. Imaginary doom. Please always remember those who

tragically lost their lives!”

After the exam, without waiting for the results to come out, the students

took the Hogwarts Express and all left Hogwarts in one trip.

Harry had tried to propose going to 12 Grimmauld Place during the

summer vacation to live with his godfather Sirius, but in the end he was

unable to do so due to Dumbledore's objections.

"Harry, you must go back to your aunt and uncle's house. You must go

back there until you are an adult!" Dumbledore said in an irrefutable


Harry finally had to board the Hogwarts Express in despair.

Thinking about the changes in the magical world in the next two or three

months, he will know nothing about it, and may not even receive a letter

- it will be difficult for the Dursley family to allow him to maintain

contact with the magical world - haha Lideng became more and more


However, the professors had no time to take care of this child's temper.

At noon the day after seeing off the Hogwarts students, members of the

Order of the Phoenix once again gathered at No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Chapter 143 Argument

As soon as Xia Ran rang the doorbell, Lupine opened the door for him,

stepped into Black's old house, and heard the sound of arguing coming

from the kitchen.

"Dumbledore, I must..." Sirius' voice sounded a little annoyed.

"I know, Sirius, I know what you are going to say, but I also have to tell

you that Harry must go back to his aunt and uncle's house every year

before he reaches adulthood. This is because of a blood connection.

"Sirius, although you are Harry's godfather and care about Harry very

much, after all, you do not have the same blood as Lily." Dumbledore's

voice was calm and calm.

Lupine spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "Harry wanted to

come here during the summer vacation, but Dumbledore refused. Sirius

was very angry when he knew the news."

"Sirius is reckless. Harry should really go back to his aunt and uncle's

house." Xia Ran said. When Voldemort found the Potter family more than

ten years ago because of Professor Trelawney's prophecy, Lily Potter The

magic she cast could protect her child, Harry Potter, but only if Harry

stayed in a place he could call home and share the same bloodline as Lily

and Harry.

Naturally, it can only be the home of Harry's aunt and uncle. After all, his

aunt is his mother's biological sister, Harry's aunt Petunia Dursley, and

his cousin Dudley Dursley. They all share the same blood as Harry and

his mother Lily Potter, which is the source of the magic that Lily Potter


However, very few people know this. So far, only Dumbledore, Snape,

and Xia Ran know about it. Xia Ran only learned about this because he

knew the plot of the Harry Potter world. Dumbledore and Snape didn't

even know he knew this.

Harry may be able to come to 12 Grimmauld Place at the end of the

summer vacation, or go to the Burrow or somewhere else, but he must go

back to the Dursleys to ensure that Lily Potter's magic is still effective

Necessary means, especially now that Voldemort has been completely

resurrected and the danger Harry faces has surged to its peak in an


"But...Dumbledore, Harry is willing...I am also happy for Harry to come

here. I am his godfather and I have the responsibility..." Sirius continued

to talk.

Dumbledore said calmly: "I know, Sirius, you are Harry's godfather and

Harry's relative, but after all, Harry's aunt has the same blood as Harry.

This is an irrefutable fact. "

"But don't you know? They treated Harry very badly, very, very badly!"

Sirius shouted loudly, "If the Dursleys were very nice to Harry, even if

they were just average, then I wouldn't be so angry. But it’s obvious that

the Dursleys don’t treat Harry as their own family member, and have a

very bad attitude. This is Harry’s home, a place where he can be happy,

free and comfortable!”

"After he reaches the age of seventeen, of course he can come here and

live here forever, but he must return to the Dursleys before he reaches

the age of majority." Dumbledore finally ended the topic and said, "Okay,

this is There is no need to continue to struggle with the matter, Harry

will at least have enough food and clothing there, and there will still be

no problems in his life, otherwise he would not recognize it as his home."

Sirius seemed to want to say something more, but Dumbledore had

already sat down on his seat, and most of the others had also taken their

seats. Xia Ran was the latest to arrive.

Mrs. Weasley and the elf Kreacher brought several bottles of butterbeer,

each with a glass in front of them.

The elf Kreacher followed and exited the kitchen, while Mrs. Weasley sat

down next to her husband.

"Okay, let's have a meeting," Dumbledore said.

Sitting at the long table were more than a dozen adult wizards, including

Dumbledore, the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, and Alastor Moody,

the second-in-command, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Sirius, Lupin,

Kingsley, Don Max, Mundungus, Professor McGonagall, Snape and others,

including Xia Ran.

There were also many members of the Order who were not present.

"Albus..." Moody glanced at Dumbledore.

"Voldemort... has indeed been resurrected!" Dumbledore said solemnly.

"After his resurrection, Minerva, Sharon, and Remus, together with

Voldemort and his loyal followers, the Death Eaters, Barty Crouch Jr. and

a big snake had a fierce fight, but they eventually escaped, without much


Everyone had known the news for a long time, so they all acted very


"He has just been resurrected and can he fight with you?" Kingsley


"Yes, his resurrection was successful," Dumbledore said. "He used Harry's

blood, and his relationship with Harry is somewhat special."

"Special?" Sirius asked, "What's the situation?"

"We'll talk about this later," Dumbledore said. "Shacklebolt, what's the

current situation at the Ministry of Magic?"

Kingsley Shacklebolt replied: "Fudge has strictly ordered the Ministry to

discuss any information about the mysterious man, and no one is allowed

to stand up to support you. Anyone who supports you will be directly

expelled from the Ministry of Magic by Fudge."

"He's crazy!" Hagrid slammed the table and said angrily.

"Yes, you are right, Hagrid, he is indeed crazy." Kingsley shrugged.

"We must be careful in the Ministry now and not show any tendency to

support Dumbledore, otherwise we don't know who will report. We can't

confirm everyone's details and thoughts, not to mention that the Ministry

of Magic is already There are countless Death Eaters," Arthur Weasley

said tiredly.

"Thank you for your hard work." Dumbledore also smiled bitterly, "I

didn't expect Fudge to be so afraid of me."

Sirius wanted to say something, looked at Xia Ran, and finally gave up.

"But it's not without gain. At least Scrimgeour has been reporting to

Fudge, hoping to recruit more Aurors to deal with the upcoming crisis.

Fudge is still considering it. I'm going to add fuel to the fire and get

Fudge to agree. Scrimgeour's request," said Kingsley.

Xia Ran knew that this person was now the director of the Auror Office of

the Ministry of Magic. When Fudge stepped down in the original time

and space, it was Scrimgeour who took over the post of Minister of

Magic. Although he had a dispute with Dumbledore, he was still fighting

against Voldemort. In terms of a big stance, the two of them are

completely consistent, but the way they choose and the means they use

to win confidently are different.

But Scrimgeour was eventually captured by Voldemort and forced to

question Harry Potter's whereabouts. In the end, Scrimgeour did not leak

the secret until his death. From a certain perspective, Scrimgeour was

worthy of trust.

Xia Ran thought of the Quidditch World Cup incident during the summer

vacation in the original time and space again, so she asked: "By the way,

what is the opinion of the Ministry of Magic on the Quidditch World


Kingsley, Tonks, and Arthur all looked at each other with helpless smiles.

Chapter 144 Meeting

"Hey, Xia Ran, don't you know Fudge's attitude?" Tonks said depressedly,

"In Fudge's view, the Quidditch World Cup must of course be held as

usual, so that it can show that everything in the magical world is

peaceful and peaceful. And no mysterious person comes back."

Xia Ran shook her head and said: "Fudge is playing with fire. It's easy to

go wrong, especially with so many wizards from all over the world

gathered together. If Voldemort is causing trouble in secret, who will be

responsible when something goes wrong? Fudge will definitely be the

first to shirk responsibility. , looking for a scapegoat to take the blame.”

"But he is now the Minister of Magic." Mr. Weasley said helplessly, "Also,

Ludo Bagman - he is the Director of the Sports Department of the

Ministry of Magic, and he is also the direct leader of the Quidditch World

Cup. ——Too much effort has been put into promoting the World Cup to

be held here, and he will never allow the World Cup to stop."

"In other words, the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic basically

believe that the Quidditch World Cup should continue to be held?" Xia

Ran said.

"That's more or less the case." Kingsley shrugged and said, "Even

Scrimgeour would not object to the Quidditch World Cup being held. You

know, it will bring a lot of revenue to the Ministry of Magic. "

"Have they fallen into the eyes of money?" Sirius said dissatisfiedly, "For

this reason, they ignored and ignored the dangers lurking in the dark."

Lupine smiled bitterly and said, "Well, Sirius, you have to know that

there are still many people in this world who worry about money."

He himself is one of them. Although this year has been much easier

because he has become a professor at Hogwarts, he still vividly

remembers the difficult life of the previous ten years.

"It seems like we have to enter the Quidditch World Cup to do some

protection, just in case." Professor McGonagall said. She actually wanted

to take a look at the Quidditch World Cup. After all, she liked Quidditch

very much. Diqi this sport.

Dumbledore thought for a moment and said: "Then let's do it, Kingsley,

Tonks, Arthur, Remus, Sirius, Sharon, and Minerva, when the Quidditch

World Cup is held , you enter the venue as spectators, and try to work in

groups of two or three to avoid Death Eaters actually appearing."

"Okay." Several people responded.

"By the way, Dumbledore, Bill and Charlie may all come back this time,

and they also want to join the Order of the Phoenix..." Mr. Weasley said.

Dumbledore smiled and said: "Of course, you are welcome at any time.

Only with more like-minded people can we deal with Voldemort better."

"Charlie is coming back?" Hagrid was also overjoyed and said, "I want to

ask him how he feels about raising dragons in Romania. Those are all

cute creatures. I like them very much. And Norbert has been away from

me for two years. too much."

Hagrid had a look full of emotion and nostalgia, while Norbert was a

dragon he once raised. He won it in a bet with a wizard in the Hog's

Head Bar, and was later picked up by Charlie Weasley and brought to

Romania to be raised.

Snape suddenly said: "By the way, Dumbledore, what about the Triwizard


" Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are still determined to continue holding

this event." Dumbledore said with a headache.

"Triwizard Tournament?" A group of people were shocked. Sirius quickly

said: "Triwizard Tournament? Dumbledore, you mean Triwizard

Tournament? That ancient event?"

"Yes." This time it was Kingsley who answered. "As far as I know, the

Department of Magical Sports and Sports in the Ministry, in addition to

preparing for the Quidditch World Cup, is mainly responsible for

promoting the restoration of the Triwizard Tournament. Of course, Yes,

there is also the Department of International Magical Cooperation, which

also plays a big role in this."

"Originally, we have agreed to hold the Triwizard Tournament at

Hogwarts, but now that something like this has happened, we are not

willing to have the teachers and students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

come all the way. There may be some serious problems, and the

mysterious man probably won't let go of such an opportunity." Professor

McGonagall said gloomily.

Seeing the surprised expressions of Xia Ran, Lu Ping and Hagrid, Lu Ping

and Hagrid had no understanding at all, so they looked surprised.

Although Xia Ran knew that the Triwizard Tournament would be held in

the next school year, he did not expect that the discussions were almost

complete by now. He thought it would remain on paper and would be

decided during the summer vacation.

Dumbledore specifically explained: "Only the deans of the four houses

and I know about this matter, and other teachers were not notified until

the matter was completely determined."

"The Triwizard Tournament is held once every five years. Although it was

stopped due to too many deaths, it is really exciting to hold it again after

several centuries. If I were still studying at Hogwarts, I would have How

great?" Sirius sighed, with a very envious look on his face, "It would be

great if I could become a Hogwarts warrior."

"Stop it, Sirius, we don't want to continue holding the Triwizard

Tournament." Professor McGonagall said annoyed.

"Why not hold it?" Sirius said, "Is it possible for Voldemort to come to

Hogwarts to take action? Don't be kidding, Dumbledore is here, he will

never break into Hogwarts, and he still has The fact that he has not

publicly announced his return shows that he actually has other plans and

is happy to see the fight between the Ministry of Magic represented by

Fudge and us. He will never easily stand in front of the stage and provide

the best evidence for our claims. "

"Ignorance!" Snape said with a cold smile.

"What did you say, Snotlout?" Sirius suddenly became furious and stood


"Okay, stop arguing and sit down." Dumbledore said, his head hurt even

more, "Sirius, sit down; Severus, please be quiet for a while."

Sirius stared at Snape and slowly sat on the chair.

Snape had a sneer on his face, but he didn't speak again.

No one else spoke. Everyone knew about the entanglement between the

two and it couldn't be resolved - even Dumbledore couldn't resolve it - so

they were unwilling to wade into this muddy water.

Xia Ran said thoughtfully: "In other words, the relevant parties of the

Triwizard Tournament, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang agree, the

Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of

Magical Sports of the Ministry of Magic also agree, and even we Huo Huo

agree. Gwarts agreed with his position at the beginning, but now he has

changed his position. In general, we are the only ones at Hogwarts who

oppose it now?"

"That's why it's so difficult." Professor McGonagall said, "Because we all

agreed at the beginning, and now we suddenly disagree. The reason is

naturally that the mysterious man has been resurrected, but..." She smiled

bitterly and said: "Others No one wants to believe it!”

"Alas, we can only take it one step at a time." Dumbledore sighed. "The

Triwizard Tournament will continue to be held, but by then we must

strengthen the defense force of Hogwarts."

Chapter 145 Lupine’s situation

As Dumbledore spoke, he looked at several members of the Order of the

Phoenix in the kitchen conference room and said: "Sirius, Mundungus,

and Alastor, I may ask you to stay at Hogwarts when the time comes.

Nearby, in the name of watching the Triwizard Tournament. Kingsley, if

the Ministry of Magic can send some people..."

Kingsley nodded immediately and said: "I know, Dumbledore, I will try

my best to fight for Fudge. Amelia will agree to my request - she believes

in our message and is willing to believe that the mysterious man has

returned. ——If she comes forward, it is impossible for Fudge to disagree.

After all, the Auror Office is a subordinate department of the Department

of Magical Law Enforcement commanded by Amelia, and she is the direct


After a pause, Kingsley continued: "However, maybe the number of

Aurors that Fudge will finally agree to is not too many, at most three or


"It would be a pleasure to have me," said Dumbledore.

Amelia Bones is the director of the Magical Law Enforcement Department

of the Ministry of Magic and Xia Ran's former boss. She is a wizard with a

very sense of justice and courage. She is also from Hufflepuff like Xia


"By the way, news about Voldemort..."

After the meeting of the Order of the Phoenix, Xia Ran returned to

Fremont Manor. He was thinking about how to improve his magic power.

The situation was now turbulent and Voldemort had returned. Naturally,

the higher the level of magic power, the safer it would be. If his The

magic power was stronger than Voldemort's, so what else did he need to

be afraid of?

Unfortunately, it is too difficult to improve the level of magic. Many

people are stuck at level 3 for their entire lives, and even level 4 is not

available. Xia Ran can have level 5 (advanced) magic, which is better

than 99% of those in the magic world. There are many wizards who can

compete with him, or better than him. In the entire magic world,

whether white wizards or black wizards, there are never more than fifty

in total!

This is still an exaggeration.

However, this afternoon Xia Ran received a message from Sirius through

the fireplace floo network, and she felt angry.

"Have you read today's Daily Prophet, Xia Ran?" Sirius asked with a

particularly gloomy look as his head appeared in the green fireworks.

Xia Ran came over and asked, "No, what's wrong?"

Because the "Daily Prophet" has been completely controlled by the

Ministry of Magic and has become a mouthpiece of the Ministry of Magic,

he almost doesn't read the "Daily Prophet" now. Reading a lot of false

news actually affects his mood.

"I have a copy here, take a look." Sirius threw out a copy of the latest

"Daily Prophet" and said viciously and dissatisfiedly, "Fudge is such an

idiot! If he dares to stand in front of me, I will definitely Give him a hard

blow as soon as possible and make him kneel down and surrender, let

him understand what it means to keep a secret!"

Xia Ran was surprised. He knew that Sirius was disgusted with Fudge.

Almost all members of the Order of the Phoenix were disgusted with

Fudge and turned a blind eye to the facts that were happening. Anyone

who came to him would be disgusted and disgusted.

But this is the first time to this extent.

He was a little curious about what the Daily Prophet said.

"Shocked! Hogwarts blatantly hires ferocious werewolves as professors. Is

this a distortion of morality? Or is it the loss of humanity?"

Xia Ran understood everything after just reading the title.

It turned out that it was Fudge who signaled the Daily Prophet to make

Lupine's identity completely public. How could a werewolf be treated

well in the magical world? In particular, Lupine is a professor who

teaches and educates people. He often comes into contact with young

wizards who go to school. Even if Dumbledore, other professors, and

some students stand up to support Luping and say that he is a competent

professor, many students' parents do not think so. , many parents cannot

rest assured that a werewolf serves as their child's teacher.

Even though many people know that the werewolf Lupine is harmless, he

is not a truly vicious werewolf like the werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback.

"It's no wonder other people are involved." Lupine's head appeared next

to Sirius, and he smiled bitterly, "I understand the concerns of those

parents. If my child's teacher was a werewolf, I might not be worried, so I

Understand them.”

"There is always a way. We already have wolfsbane potion, right? It can

suppress the ferocious habits of werewolves after transformation.

Professor Snape is also researching more effective potions." Xia Ran said

with relief.

"That snot-nosed guy? Hmph!" Sirius snorted disdainfully.

Xia Ran said: "Professor Snape is the truly top potions master in today's

magic world. He told me earlier that he may have some ideas, but there

have been too many things during this period, which has delayed the


"Really? I'll have to thank Severus again next time we meet." Lupine


"Too many things? He didn't take it to heart at all. It was just an excuse."

Sirius said disdainfully.

Xia Ran can testify to this. Snape is indeed very busy. He not only has to

deal with the Death Eater gathering held by Voldemort, but also discusses

with Dumbledore how to trick Voldemort - this is something they thought

only they knew, but Xia Ran knew Snape's identity as a spy and had

guessed a lot from his whereabouts. In addition, Snape also had to train

and teach Percy. He really couldn't spare any extra time in the past two

months. do research.

Sirius had indeed wronged Snape.

"Professor Snape may have some results in two months if he has time."

Xia Ran said for Snape.

"I hope." Lupine sighed, "I'm going to live here temporarily with Sirius. I

don't have anywhere to go, and I have to find another job. Alas, being a

werewolf is sometimes... I can't say it's discriminatory. After all,

werewolves are indeed dangerous, and they are uncontrollable dangers."


Seeing Xia Ran's confused face, Lu Ping explained: "I have resigned to

Dumbledore. I can't make it difficult for him, especially when Fudge is

vigorously smearing Dumbledore. I can't give Fudge an excuse." You can

accuse Dumbledore."

Xia Ran sighed slightly in her heart. The werewolf would transform every

full moon and become a ferocious wolf. When it encounters people, it

will bite and attack. This is indeed a time bomb.

But to be honest, most of the werewolves in the magical world did not

want to become werewolves. Almost all of them became werewolves like

Lupin, who was bitten by another werewolf. As a result, they were

ostracized by the magical world and had to seek life in the dark shadows.

Sometimes a werewolf hides his identity and gets a good job, but the

transformation once a month cannot be stopped. Over time, clues will

always be discovered, and then he can only resign and leave, just like

Lupin now As has been done many times before.

But are werewolves like Lupine bad people?

The answer is obviously no. There are many such werewolves. They

themselves are victims. In the end, they become the objects of contempt

and rejection by the magic world. They need to control themselves and

not hurt others.

Xia Ran hopes that Snape's potion research will produce results as soon as


Chapter 146 Spider Tail Alley

"I will find time to ask Professor Snape later to see how the research on

pharmaceuticals in this area is progressing. What if there is any

breakthrough progress during this period?" Xia Ran chuckled.

Although his relationship with Snape could only be regarded as

acceptable, Snape borrowed the Resurrection Stone a few months ago

and took three or four months to return it to him. This led to how much

Snape was willing to give him. To save face, not to mention that studying

this kind of potion would be very beneficial to the people. For Snape

himself, it was also a matter of fame and fortune, but he was not willing

to waste time on it.

When Lupine was a student, he almost killed Snape when he transformed

into a wolf - it was Sirius who deliberately guided Snape, causing Snape

to get into the Shrieking Shack when Lupine transformed. , that was the

place Dumbledore used specifically to transform Lupine into a werewolf -

luckily Harry's father, James Potter, rescued Snape in time, which was a

great shame for Snape. !

After all, James Potter is Snape's love rival, and both of them are suitors

of Lily Evans.

Of course, Xia Ran guessed that it was also for this reason that when

Sirius was wrongly accused of betraying the Potter family by Peter

Pettigrew more than ten years ago, no one expressed any surprise or

disbelief. Who is Sirius? Is he actually such a person who can be said to

act wantonly?

After all, Sirius's plan when he was a student was actually to borrow

Lupine's knife to kill Snape. Instead, James Potter noticed something was

wrong in time. As for what Lupine was thinking?

No one knows, but at least he did not express much doubt more than ten

years ago. Perhaps he also believed that there was indeed a possibility

that Sirius would defect to Voldemort.

The same is true for Dumbledore and others.

You know, after Lupine was bitten by the werewolf leader Fenrir

Greyback when he was a child and turned into a werewolf, he became a

little inferior or sensitive. It is conceivable that Dumbledore was willing

to accept him to study at Hogwarts. Lupine was so grateful and willing to

die for Dumbledore, but if he caused a murder in school, what would

Dumbledore and other professors and teachers think?

Earlier, the young Voldemort released a basilisk, killing Myrtle in the

bathroom, and eventually it was Hagrid who was framed as a pet spider

raised by Hagrid. Even so, Hagrid was still blamed by Hogg. Watts was

expelled. If it weren't for Dumbledore's protection, and Hagrid indeed

had no possibility or motive to kill someone - at the time, people thought

the perpetrator was a spider - he would probably be imprisoned in

Azkaban Prison. .

If Sirius's plan succeeds, then Lupine will kill Snape himself. He will be

expelled from Hogwarts and imprisoned in Azkaban Prison. This is 100%


In the end, Lupine was still friends with Sirius. Xia Ran guessed that it

was mainly James Potter who played a role in preventing this incident

from actually happening and easing Lupine's mood.

However, these things can only be guessed secretly. There is no need to

speak out openly to destroy the atmosphere of unity in the Order of the

Phoenix, especially when Lupine himself has long since stopped pursuing


"Thank you, Xia Ran." Lupine thanked him sincerely, "I think other

werewolves would be grateful if they knew about it... Well, the exception

is Greyback. His dream is to bite people all over the world and let

everyone People turn into werewolves.”

"That crazy fool!" Sirius cursed under his breath.

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows immediately and said, "What's wrong?"

Sirius seemed to have some changes in his attitude towards the werewolf

leader Fenrir Greyback.

Lupine smiled bitterly and said: "We met Greyback a few days ago and

had a fighting conflict with him. Sirius was almost bitten by Greyback."

"He was also injured by me. Don't think about causing trouble in the past

few months." Sirius said.

"Alas, the creatures in the dark world are now active. Perhaps many of

them have received the news about the mysterious man's comeback, or

even seen the mysterious man with his own eyes and made various

promises to them." Lu Ping sighed helplessly. .

Many creatures in the dark world also yearn to walk in the magical world

openly and further fulfill their dreams. For example, the werewolf leader

Fenrir Greyback bit the wizard child to increase the power of the


In addition, goblins pursue freedom that they have never had for

centuries, and various dark creature races such as vampires and giants all

have their pursuits and desires.

These pursuits are absolutely unacceptable to human wizards in the

magical world - Voldemort doesn't care about these. He only cares about

whether he can rule the magical world and enjoy eternal life, so he

makes unscrupulous promises - this basically means It is impossible for

these dark creatures to side with the Order of the Phoenix.

It should be noted that human wizards in ancient times spent countless

efforts and sacrificed many lives to make human beings the leader of the

magical world, and used the "Wizards' Statute of Secrecy" to distinguish

the magical world from the Muggle world. How could future generations

continue to do so? Give up the achievements of the forefathers?

Xia Ran has long suspected that the "Wizard's Secrecy" stored in the

Ministry of Magic must originally contain Force points, but he has no

chance to come into contact with that thing.

Sirius' head disappeared into the green fire for a few breaths, and then

reappeared and said: "No more chatting, Kreacher said someone knocked

on the door and woke up my mother... There is something going on later.

Communicate again.”

"Pay attention to the Ministry of Magic's detection methods." Lupine also

warned, and immediately disappeared into the fire, the green fire turned

red again.

Xia Ran pondered for a while, grabbed a handful of floo powder from the

box next to the fireplace, and sprinkled it into the blazing red fireplace.

With a pop, the flames turned green again.

"Spider's End Alley!"

The fireworks engulfed Xia Ran in an instant. He seemed to be spinning

in the drum of a washing machine, feeling a little uncomfortable both

physically and mentally.

When he could see things again, he had appeared in a small living room.

It felt like a dark cell with soft walls. Several walls were covered with

books, most of which were old. Black or brown leather cover.

A candle-lit lamp hung from the ceiling, casting a dim circle of light in

which a frayed and fluffy sofa, an old armchair, and a rickety table were

crowded together.

This place has a desolate and deserted atmosphere, as if no one usually

lives there.

"Xia Ran, what are you doing here? What's the matter?" Snape was

holding up his wand and pointing it at a man who looked relatively pale

and chanting a spell, that was Percy Weasley.

This is Snape's home.

Chapter 147 Discussion

Xia Ran didn't answer and asked: "How is your training going?"

"Not bad." Snape nodded slightly, withdrew his wand and motioned for

Xia Ran to sit on the sofa.

Xia Ran sat down unceremoniously and took the glass that Snape brought

from a tray, which was filled with mellow-tasting wine.

"Professor Frémont."

Percy sat down on the ground, gasping for air, breathing rapidly, and his

face was particularly pale. He didn't even look at Professor Snape at this


"It seems that Percy adapted very quickly." Xia Ran raised her eyebrows.

Percy Weasley was willing to join the Ministry of Magic as an undercover

agent, and deliberately broke with the Order of the Phoenix and his

family. In order to keep it secret, Percy Weasley He must learn

Occlumency, otherwise if he meets a master who is proficient in

Legilimency, he may be very prone to problems.

Voldemort himself is a top Legilimency master!

As for the magical attainments of Occlumency, Snape was even better

than Dumbledore, not to mention that he was an undercover agent and

was proficient in the art of undercover, so Snape took the time to train


Occlumency is a profound magic that can seal the brain to resist the

invasion and influence of magic. It is a magic that every undercover

agent must master.

As for Legilimency magic, some wizards who are proficient in this magic

can use this magic to learn many useful or useless things from other

people's minds and obtain their emotions and memories.

Snape is an Occlumency Master, and almost no one in the wizarding

world is better at this magic than him.

Although Xia Ran also knew Occlumency and Legilimency magic and had

certain attainments, it was not worth mentioning compared to Snape.

"Stop talking, Professor Frémont, it's too painful." Percy said with a bitter

smile, "Learning Occlumency is really... very uncomfortable... having

those memories read wantonly by others..."

"Hmph." Snape snorted slightly and said, "I did not read your memory. I

am not interested in your memory at all. The sooner you learn

Occlumency, the sooner I will be freed."

Percy suddenly smiled.

"By the way, Xia Ran, what are you doing here?" Snape looked at Xia Ran

and asked, "You came here specifically to inspect?"

Xia Ran waved her hand and said with a smile: "How can you? Professor

Snape's ability is better than mine, not to mention I'm not the leader of

the Order of the Phoenix - that's Dumbledore's position - why am I here

to inspect? "

"Then you come here..."

"It's mainly about the Wolfsbane Potion." Xia Ran said straight to the

point, "Do you know the latest news today? It was published in the Daily


A slight smile appeared on Snape's lips, and he said: "Lupin's identity as a

werewolf was revealed? It will happen sooner or later. No one else is to


He was happy to hear about it.

"The position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is really

cursed by a mysterious person. Every professor can't hold the position for

more than one year. Even a man as knowledgeable as Professor Lupin

cannot escape the power of this curse. "Percy sighed. Like most students

at Hogwarts, he recognized Professor Lupin very much, especially after

experiencing Professor Quirrell and Professor Lockhart.

It is rare to find a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor as dedicated

and capable as Professor Lupine!

"What you said about Wolfsbane Potion is somewhat vague, but

Wolfsbane Potion itself is a very complete potion. It is easier said than

done to improve it?" Snape said.

"Completely solve the problem of werewolf transformation..." Xia Ran


Snape said flatly: "That is absolutely impossible! The transformation of

werewolves is mainly due to the fact that they were bitten by the original

werewolf and have werewolf genes flowing in their bodies. This is a fact

that no medicine can and cannot change."

He paused for a moment before continuing: "At most, it can be like the

wolfsbane potion, which can suppress the ferocious habits of the

werewolf after he transforms."

"Can we go one step further and directly let the werewolf retain the

memory and sanity of his human form after transforming into a

werewolf?" Xia Ran asked expectantly.

"You said it's easy, but it's not that simple?" Snape said coldly,

"Werewolves and werewolves, in wolf form or human form, have

different habits. They can even be said to be two species of life."

"When not transforming, a werewolf is no different from an ordinary

human being. There is no difference at all, and there will be no

difference. But if it transforms into a wolf, it will be ferocious and

violent, and any reason and memory in the human form will be lost.

Then it disappeared, and there may not even be any memory left in my

mind, only the instinct of a wolf is still there.”

"I'm not talking about human instinct, but wolf instinct." Snape said


"You mean..." Xia Ran said thoughtfully, "Werewolves, if they have

different shapes, are even two different lives?"

"That's right."

Snape nodded and said: "Wolfsbane potion can suppress the ferocious

habits of the wolf form. It has been a great invention of potions for

thousands of years. If we want to go one step further and completely

bridge the gap between the human form and the wolf form, There is

almost no hope, and maybe in a few hundred or a thousand years, there

may be a little hope.”

He is not optimistic about it anyway, because he himself is the authority

in the magic world today.

"Human form... wolf form..."

Xia Ran thought: "The human form can retain reason and memory, but

the wolf form has lost reason and memory, but has a strong body. If the

two can truly merge into one, maybe we can truly be called a werewolf."


"What you said makes sense, but how can you maintain the strength and

strong body of the wolf form in the human form, or how can you still

have a clear memory and reason in the wolf form?" Snape shook his head

and said, "I didn't think of any good way anyway. I can only try to

improve the effect of the wolfsbane potion."

Xia Ran rubbed her forehead and felt a headache. This request was very

simple and clear, but the actual operation was unclear at all.

"A werewolf bites a normal person, and then the normal person will have

the shape of a werewolf. It is obvious that the genes have been changed."

Xia Ran said slowly while thinking, "I wonder if we can find out the

genetic template, and Or an altered DNA sequence?"

Snape said angrily: "Have you read too many Muggle books? I admit that

genes and DNA do exist, but if you want to change...how to change? And

how can you ensure that the direction of the change is good? What if it

becomes What's worse? Like actually becoming a wild wolf and never

being human again.

"Surgery on the genetic level is taboo for everyone. It is the domain of the


"Huh?" Xia Ran exclaimed, glanced at Snape in surprise, and said, "I

didn't expect Professor Snape to research the science and technology of

the Muggle world?"

Xia Ran wanted to say, you wouldn't backhand a diploma from the

Department of Biology of Cambridge University and slap it on my face,

would you?

Chapter 148 The beginning of the


Looking at the Potions Professor at Hogwarts, Xia Ran looked slightly


"What's that look in your face?"

Snape frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm not an old-timer who clings to

the past. Of course I understand the changes in the Muggle world."

He himself is a half-blood wizard - and has the title of "half-blood prince"

- his mother is a wizard and his father is a Muggle. It can be said that he

has lived in the Muggle world since he was a child. How could he not

Exposed to a lot of things from the Muggle world?

What's more, Snape was deeply obsessed with potions and had an

excellent talent. He would inevitably encounter many problems during

the research process. Among them, many subject knowledge from the

Muggle world played a certain role in his research. triggering effect.

Although Snape's senses for Muggles were not that good.

Xia Ran smiled, nodded, and said, "That makes sense, Professor Snape.

Knowledge about the Muggle world is indeed quite useful."

He comes from a 21st century with advanced technology. How could he

despise the Muggle world just because he has mastered magic like many

wizards in this world?

After all, no one in the wizarding world can deal with nuclear bombs.

When the Muggle world faces the wizarding world, it is by no means

helpless and can only be slaughtered. Otherwise, is the "Wizards' Statute

of Secrecy" really just a simple matter? Just to separate the wizarding

world from the Muggle world?

If one party occupies a dominant position, how can it eventually evolve

into such a balanced situation? Who doesn’t crave more resources and

higher status?

It can only be said that both sides have many concerns, which is why

today's situation of basically non-interference was formed.

The "pure-blood supremacy" theory advocated by Voldemort - perhaps

just a cover for him - really completely brainwashed the wizarding world,

turned against the Muggle world, and started a war. In the beginning, it

may have relied on the mystery and mobility of magic. , it can catch all

the countries in the Muggle world by surprise, but what happens after the

Muggle world reacts?

There are so many people in the Muggle world, and there are also many

Muggle-born wizards. The most important thing is that the weapons in

the Muggle world are not only as lethal as the spells in the magical

world, but are even more terrifying and terrifying!

Once the nuclear warhead is released, the world will be at peace!

That is a terrifying weapon that can destroy a city and completely change

the ecosystem of a region. Almost everyone knows the dangers of nuclear


Xia Ran felt that the defensive magic in the wizarding world, such as

Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic, Beauxbatons, and Woodstrong, and

other important institutional locations, would definitely not be able to

withstand the explosion of a nuclear warhead.

However, matters in the magical world do not need to involve the

Muggle world. Just as conflicts and contradictions between countries in

the Muggle world will hardly affect the magical world, otherwise the

"Wizards' Statute of Secrecy" would really become a useless article.


Xia Ran coveted this thing very much. He knew that the "Wizard Secrecy

Law" must have contained a lot of force points.

"Gene change is too difficult, and the consequences are unpredictable. I

don't recommend trying this." Snape said, pouring himself another glass

of beer and filling up Xia Ran's glass.

He immediately added: "But it's okay to try it first. If anything

unexpected happens, I will naturally stop in time."

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "A white mouse experiment? In fact, I really

want to know, if a werewolf bites small animals instead of directly eating

them, will these animals change like wizards?"

"I'm quite curious too," Snape said softly.

Percy listened, dumbfounded.

He opened his mouth wide, as if he was wondering if he had heard

wrong just now. Professor Snape and Professor Frémont actually

discussed the academic knowledge of the Muggle world? !

He shook his head, just like a pug that had just emerged from the river

shaking off water drops on its body. He seemed to want to get rid of this

very inconsistent scene in front of him.

If Dad were here, he would listen with great interest and ask the two

professors from time to time, even though Dad might not understand


Percy thought to himself.

After chatting for half an hour - Percy just took the time to take a good

rest - Xia Ran said goodbye and left. Fortunately, Snape's residence was

remote, and he didn't have a good relationship with most people, so

almost no one came to Spider Tail. Guests in the lane, whether members

of the Order of the Phoenix or members of the Death Eater organization.

Xia Ran and Percy's identities were not leaked, which even further

exposed Snape's identity.

Of course, Snape is now a double agent, and they have nothing to do

here, except that it will cause confusion as to when Sharon Frémont and

Percy Weasley will be with Severus Snape. Is the relationship between Pu

and Pu so good?

"Take care." Xia Ran said and returned to Fremont Manor.

Percy nodded solemnly. A lot of time had passed during the summer

vacation, and he had less and less time to study with Professor Snape.

"Okay, don't think about anything else, let's continue practicing

Occlumency." Snape said, taking out the wand from his pocket again and

aiming it at Percy.

Percy's expression froze and he hurriedly said: "Wait a moment, Professor

Snape, let me...ah..."

Snape directly used Legilimency magic.

"Percy Weasley, remember this, the enemy will not prepare you!"

Time passes day by day, and the Quidditch World Cup is getting closer

and closer, but Voldemort and his Death Eaters are still silent, as if

Voldemort's resurrection has never happened, which makes the members

of the Order of the Phoenix They had no choice but to be secretly

vigilant, but Fudge and others were overjoyed and worked even harder to

smear Dumbledore.

Of course, it also discredited Harry Potter by the way. After all, he was

the "star of salvation" in Dumbledore's eyes.

And Percy has entered the Ministry of Magic, which is still the same

Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, but this

time his director is no longer Barty Crouch. After all, this power-hungry

wizard has been replaced by his son. He was killed, and another

respected old wizard took over the position of director of the

International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Percy began to alienate the relationship

with the Weasley family, and they had quarrels from time to time,

making preliminary preparations for him to truly move out of the Burrow

and break into the core of the Ministry of Magic.

Mrs. Weasley was very worried about this, especially after Percy had a

fierce quarrel with Mr. Weasley. She even told several other children at

home not to talk nonsense, let alone let them mention magic too much.

Ministry work matters.

In this regard, Sharon and Snape gave Percy a lot of advice.

"I have decided to move out in the next few days, at most until after the

Quidditch World Cup." Percy said.

Xia Ran shook her head and said: "Okay, now it's mainly up to you to

make your own decisions. It's best for us to have less and less contact in

the future. If we contact you more often, we will be exposed."

"Be careful." Snape cherished his words like gold.

Thus began Percy's preparations for the final big argument.

But before that, Xia Ran received news that Dumbledore hoped that he

could take Harry to the Burrow.

Chapter 149 No. 4, Privet Drive

"That's it... Okay, I'll pick him up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Xia Ran touched her chin and accepted the task assigned by Dumbledore.


The big golden-red bird—Phoenix Fox flapped its wings, chirped twice

happily, turned into a ball of flame and disappeared into Xiaran's

Fremont Manor.

The phoenix is ​​often used by Dumbledore for communication, and it

can be called one of the best communication tools in the new era!

"Xia Ran, Xia Ran!"

Then a voice called from his fireplace.

As he passed by, he happened to see Mr. Weasley's head and upper half

of his body floating in a turquoise flame.

"Charran, Dumbledore asked you to pick up Harry?" Mr. Weasley asked.

Xia Ran nodded and said, "Yes, Phoenix just came to deliver the letter."

There is no need to hide this.

"Well, you know, I got some tickets for the World Cup, and Ron wanted

Harry and Hermione to go there together - they are the best classmates -

and Hermione will be coming to the Burrow in two days, haha Li Ben, we

were going to pick him up in person, but Dumbledore said he wanted you

to pick him up." Mr. Weasley said sheepishly, "So, I hope...Charran, you

know...although the Burrow ...Probably no better than Blake's old


Xia Ran smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will bring him to the Burrow


"I will tell Sirius personally, thank you very much, Xia Ran." Mr. Weasley


"During the Quidditch World Cup, Sirius and the others are a defensive

force and will also rush to the World Cup. In fact, it may be safer for

Harry to follow you." Xia Ran said, "Who knows what Voldemort is

planning secretly? ? I don’t think Voldemort will remain indifferent to

the World Cup, a place where tens of thousands of wizards gather.”

"On the contrary, I hope he will be indifferent." Mr. Weasley said with a

bitter smile, "This is better. After all, there are so many people at the

World Cup. What if..."

He shuddered. If Voldemort really had any plans, the Quidditch World

Cup would have a huge impact. After all, wizards attending the event

were from all over the world, from all over the world.

After Mr. Weasley canceled the Floo fan communication, Xia Ran first

wrote a letter and sent it to No. 4 Privet Street, where it was collected by

Harry Potter.

"It's always good to give advance notice for this kind of door-to-door

visit." Xia Ran thought again, "But this is a letter from the magical world.

Maybe Harry will be scolded by his aunt and uncle again?"

So Xia Ran decided to use the post office to send letters - not an owl post

office, but a post office in the Muggle world - delivering letters through

normal channels.

Four days later, Xia Ran disapparated to London, took a car to Surrey

County in southwest London, and walked to Privet Street, which is also

the address of the Dursley family.

"Boy, don't let me see... the owl... the weird person..."

"I want you to tell them to dress appropriately, those people really can't

say that!"

He heard the roar coming from the house at No. 4 Privet Drive outside

the door.

"Vernon..." The other woman's voice trembled slightly, as if she was

reminding her of something, and the previous man's roar suddenly

weakened in volume.

It seemed that Harry's life was still the same.

Xia Ran thought to herself and rang the doorbell.


A tall, burly, fat man with no neck and a big beard opened the door. He

saw Xia Ran standing outside the door and was stunned.

He seemed to have never seen such a "normal" wizard.

"Hello, Mr. Vernon Dursley? I am Sharon Frémont, Harry's professor."

Sharon smiled and stretched out her right hand. Vernon Dursley shook it

blankly. He raised his hand and looked at his expression, as if he was

very surprised that Xia Ran knew their etiquette!

"Professor." Harry wore a pair of glasses and carried a large suitcase in

his hand. He packed all the things he needed for school soon after

receiving Xia Ran's letter.

Harry was slightly relieved. Fortunately, it was Professor Frémont. He

knew that Professor Frémont was also a half-blood wizard, so he was not

surprised that he knew Muggle etiquette and clothing. If it were Mr.


He thought Uncle Vernon might be in for a shock!

A thin blonde woman and a fat man were sitting on the sofa in the living

room. They were Harry's relatives, Aunt Petunia and Dudley Dursley.

Aunt Petunia crossed her arms, pursed her lips, and frowned tightly. Her

eyes seemed to be looking at Xia Ran to see what was different about this

normal wizard.

Dudley had had contact with wizards before, and as a result, a curled pig

tail grew out of the back of his trousers. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon

had to spend a lot of money to send him to a private hospital in London

to have the tail cut off.

Dudley had just recovered from the fright, so it was no wonder that he

was so nervous now. He kept touching his butt with his hands and tried

his best to hide behind his mother, but this move was doomed. It was in

vain because he was too fat!

"Are you a professor at that school?" Uncle Vernon still looked at Xia Ran

with suspicion, as if he was a liar.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "If it's fake, do you need me to do a little magic

to verify it?" He took out the wand from his pocket.

"Hiss..." Uncle Vernon immediately took a breath of cold air and quickly

backed away from Xia Ran, as if he was worried that Xia Ran would

recite a spell for him, and Dudley's reaction was even greater, almost all

of a sudden. Hiding behind Aunt Petunia.

Aunt Petunia, on the other hand, managed to maintain a calm posture,

even though she looked equally terrified.

"Okay, just kidding." Xia Ran took back her wand, came to the Dursleys'

living room and sat down, and said, "Can I have a glass of water? I've

been thirsty since I took the car all the way here."

Judging from the looks on the Dursleys' faces, they seemed to doubt

whether they knew what a car was.

Xia Ran was speechless and prepared to pour a glass of water by herself.

"Uh, Professor, let me do it." Harry said quickly, poured a glass of water

for Xia Ran, and said, "Professor, when will we..."

"Don't worry, Harry." Xia Ran smiled, and a narrow-minded thought

suddenly appeared in his heart. He looked at Aunt Petunia and said with

a smile, "Harry's aunt? I have heard of your name."

He shook Aunt Petunia's hand.

Aunt Petunia looked confused, obviously not understanding why she was

known to the professor of this magic school.

Harry, Uncle Vernon and Dudley were equally surprised, confused and


"I just went to Spider End Alley a few days ago and met Severus. You

should still have an impression, Petunia." Xia Ran said softly.

These words were like dropping a bomb. Aunt Petunia's expression

changed in an instant and became extremely pale.

Harry, his uncle and Table were even more confused.

"I don't... understand..." Aunt Petunia stammered, "You pick up Harry and

leave. We..."

"Professor, Spider's End, and Snape, they..." Harry asked immediately.

Aunt Petunia didn't seem to know anything about the magical world as

she said.

"Petunia..." Vernon looked at his wife.

Dudley looked around, as if he still didn't understand what was


Chapter 150 Return to the Burrow

"Aunt Petunia, do you know Snape?" Harry asked Aunt Petunia urgently.

He was eager to know what was going on behind the scenes.

Aunt Petunia hated magic so much that even after he went to Hogwarts,

she treated him as if Hogwarts didn't exist. How did she actually know

about Snape? Did he know it from his mother, or...

"No!" Aunt Petunia shook her head first, then hesitated and said, "Don't

ask, your professor is here to pick you up, just leave quickly!"

"But aunt..." Harry wanted to continue asking.

"Okay, boy, didn't you hear what your aunt said? She told you to leave

quickly!" Uncle Vernon said viciously, although he was also very

confused in his heart.

Xia Ran drank all the water in the glass and said with a smile: "Mrs.

Dursley, this is not a big deal. Your sister went to Hogwarts. You can't say

that you don't know anything about the magical world. Understand? This

is unrealistic. I remember Lily was not such a withdrawn person."

"Do you know Lily?" Aunt Petunia was suddenly startled and looked at

Xia Ran with wide eyes.

"My parents know the Potters and have met them several times." Xia Ran

shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile.

His deceased parents were also members of the Order of the Phoenix, so

of course he would know the Potters, who were also members of the


Aunt Petunia's fingers were tangled together. It seemed that Xia Ran's

visit had awakened the dust-laden memories in her mind, and those

emotions of happiness, unwillingness, anger, envy, and jealousy came up

one by one.

When she was a child, she did know Severus Snape. They were

neighbors, and Lily and Snape also knew each other in the same way.

However, Petunia did not have the qualifications to become a wizard.

After Lily received the letter from Hogwarts, She secretly sent a letter to

Hogwarts in private, hoping that Dumbledore would admit her to

Hogwarts, but Dumbledore declined.

It happened that Snape revealed this matter, which resulted in Petunia

being greatly humiliated by Snape. Moreover, Lily also happened to see

her letter. Petunia lost her face and was ridiculed, so she became Gotta

start hating magic.

Later, because of magic, the Evans couple treated their younger daughter

Lily Evans differently and inevitably neglected their eldest daughter.

Although the Evans couple liked both daughters equally, magic was a

novelty after all. No one can suppress their curiosity about things - this

also makes Penny alienate her sister, either envious or jealous.

Especially after the death of Mr. and Mrs. Evans, the relationship

between the two sisters was, to be honest, really average.

However, after Harry was sent to Privet Drive, she still did not refuse this

responsibility. After all, he was her sister's child and adopted him.

Although Harry's treatment was far less than that of Dudley, he still He

grew up normally and even called this place home in his heart, otherwise

the magic that Lily cast before she died would not be effective.

"Mr. and Mrs. Potter..." Vernon Dursley frowned and said, "That crazy

boy? I remember... he seems to be living on relief?"

"Mr. Potter does not receive relief, and he is not crazy, but you two have

nothing in common." Xia Ran spread her hands and said, "The circles of

life are different, that's all. You don't adapt to the magical world, and

most wizards don't adapt either. The Muggle world - especially pure-

blood wizards."

"Uncle, do you know my dad?" Harry asked. He regretted asking the

question later. How could Uncle Vernon not know his dad? He even

remembered that his uncle had mentioned it when he was belittling his

father when he was a child, and that his father had attended his uncle's

and aunt's wedding.

"Nonsense!" Uncle Vernon glared at Harry, then waved his hand and said,

"Boy, don't interrupt."

"Pure blood? You...what..." Vernon Dursley seemed to be recalling Xia

Ran's name.

"Xiaran, Xiaran Fremont."

"Pure blood, what do you mean by pure blood? Do wizards still have

mixed blood?" Vernon Dursley smiled sarcastically.

"There are differences in status between wizards. For example, Harry is a

mixed-race wizard." Xia Ran said.

Aunt Petunia said uneasily: "Um, aren't you leaving? Professor Fremont...

Professor, aren't you here to pick up Harry? Just leave as soon as you

pick him up."

She urged Xia Ran, hoping that Xia Ran would lead Harry away from

Privet Drive as soon as possible.

"Okay." Xia Ran said after looking at Penny who was feeling embarrassed,

"I just hope that you guys will be a little nicer to Harry. After all, he is

your sister's child, isn't he?"

Aunt Petunia's eyes suddenly widened.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Vernon Dursley blushed and

said, "Are we treating him badly?" He turned to look at Harry and said

viciously: "Boy, you are planning your aunt and uncle like this. ? We fed

you, clothed you, and raised you without expecting anything in return. Is

this how you discredit us?"

He made a move to pounce and catch Harry.

Harry quickly and nimbly dragged his suitcase and owl cage to the door.

"It's just my personal request. What kind of attitude you will have

depends on your own thoughts. By the way, I can provide some help if

necessary." Xia Ran smiled, "I am Hogg after all. Professor Watts.”

"Let's go, Harry."

Xia Ran said and smiled politely and exited the Dursley's living room.

The three people in the room seemed to be in a daze, and they didn't

come back to their senses for a long time.

"Harry, grab my arm." Xia Ran stretched out the crook of her left arm.

Harry's eyes lit up and he said, "Professor, do you want to take me to


"Hurry up while there is no one on the road at noon. It will be bad if

Muggles see you." Xia Ran said, "By the way, hold on to your luggage and

the owl."

Harry quickly grabbed the handle of the suitcase and the owl cage, and

grabbed Xia Ran's elbow with the other hand. Suddenly his eyes blurred,

and he felt like he was in a whirlpool. The next second Zhong then

appeared in a familiar place again.

"The Burrow!"

Harry looked at the Burrow not far away with joy. This was one of his

three favorite places, the other two being Hogwarts and Black Mansion.

"Harry? Mom, Harry is here, and Professor Frémont!" A red-haired girl at

the door of the Burrow ran back into the house.

"Harry, let's go in." Sharon said, walking towards the Burrow.

"Oh, Harry, you have lost weight. Eat more today." Mrs. Weasley ran out

of the kitchen, hugged Harry tightly, then looked at Xia Ran and said,

"Thank you, Xia Ran." Of course, why don't you stay and have something

to eat together? Arthur also hopes to come back and chat with you, and

wants you to help persuade Percy. By the way, Bill and Charlie are back,

but they are still driving in the backyard at this time. Goblin. Ginny, go

get your brothers."

She gave Ginny one final command.

Ginny left the kitchen with a blushing face, and Harry pretended that he

hadn't seen her.

"Sit wherever you want, as if you were at home, no need to be

restrained." Mrs. Weasley said, returning to the kitchen, "The food will be

ready soon, just wait a moment."

"There's no rush, Mrs. Weasley, although I'm here just waiting for a good

meal." Xia Ran smiled.

At this time, several young people came into the backyard of the Burrow.

Chapter 151 Breakup!

"Xia Ran, long time no see."

A young man with a long ponytail stretched out his hand and shook Xia

Ran's hand. He also wore an earring with something like a small fan

hanging on it. Unlike other Weasleys, He just looks so cool.

"Bill, long time no see, how is your job at Gringotts Egypt?" Xia Ran

asked with a smile. This young man is Bill Weasley, the eldest son of the

Weasley family. The position of Curse Breaker.

"Fortunately, it's quite interesting, especially when encountering various

evil curses." Bill smiled. He also has a character that pursues interesting


"Xia Ran, how is your job as a professor? I didn't expect you to become a

professor at Hogwarts in the end." A short and stocky man asked, he was

Charlie Weasley.

Charlie is the second son of the Weasley family. He was once the

Quidditch captain of Gryffindor. Now he is raising a dragon in Romania.

He has a broad face like a good gentleman, weathered, and covered with

freckles. He looks almost It turned brown and black, and looked bigger

than his brother Bill.

Charlie's arms were muscular, and there was a large fire burn scar on one

arm. He was shorter than his brother, but also fatter and stronger,

probably because he raised dragons outside.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Great! As you know, Dumbledore rarely

interferes with the professor's teaching arrangements, as long as he

doesn't have any problems, but such a group of little wizards can easily

deal with it."

Bill and Charlie laughed.

"Professor!" the brown-haired girl said dissatisfiedly. Her two front teeth

were relatively large. She was the academic champion of this year's

Hogwarts—Hermione Granger.

"Haha, just kidding." Xia Ran chuckled, "Except for a small number of

professors - the majority of whom are Defense Against the Dark Arts

professors - most of the teachers are very dedicated."

"I wonder who our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is this year?"

George asked.

"I really hope Professor Lupine continues to teach!" Fred said.

"But he is a werewolf..." Ron said, and when he saw a few people looking

at him, he quickly said, "Of course I like Professor Lupine to be our

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but many students don't think

so. , especially Slytherin students, will definitely complain!"

"That's why Professor Lupine took the initiative to resign to Dumbledore,"

Ginny said.

"Damn Fudge!" Fred cursed softly.

"Professor Frémont, do you have any news?" Harry asked. He also liked

Professor Lupin's teachings - especially with the contrast between

Professor Quirrell and Professor Lockhart - so he was very interested in

Lupin's teachings. I feel very sorry for Professor Ping's resignation.

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "You will know when the time comes, and it

will definitely be beyond your expectations." Seeing the frowns on several

people's faces, she smiled and said, "You will definitely recognize that

teacher by then!"

He already knew from Dumbledore that Moody had agreed to

Dumbledore's invitation to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor

for the new semester.

It is said that Dumbledore also resolutely dismissed the wizards Fudge

had arranged from the Ministry of Magic for this reason.

Xia Ran was thinking, a wizard arranged by the Ministry of Magic? Also

teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts? Couldn't it be the Umbridge who

was in Harry's fifth grade in the original time and space?

Of course, now that Dumbledore has firmly rejected him, no one will

dispute Moody's appointment. Is it true that he was the strongest Auror in

the past?

"I asked for leave to come back to watch the Quidditch World Cup, and

by the way, I participated in the protection work of this World Cup. I

applied to Dumbledore, and he agreed." Bill said, "The same goes for

Charlie, but after the Quidditch World Cup, we will still They have to go

back to the countries where they work."

"Your father and I hope that you will all be transferred back to England.

Egypt and Romania are too far away." Mrs. Weasley's voice came from

the kitchen.

"I'm not going to be transferred back. I like raising dragons." Charlie

shook his head and said, "And Dumbledore also needs wizards to stay

abroad and pay close attention to what's going on in the magical world

abroad. I don't think the mysterious man will be willing to stay here all

the time. In the British wizarding world.”

"I think so too," Bill said softly, "But I'm still going to apply for a transfer

back to Gringotts in Diagon Alley. I really hope this transfer order can be

issued as soon as possible."

Xia Ran said: "The mysterious man has not revealed any whereabouts for

the time being, no matter what his secret plan is, but it is obvious that

the mysterious man is not planning to show up in the short term."

"He may have a plan to harm both us and the Ministry of Magic, and he

will finally come out to get a big advantage." Bill guessed.

"Maybe." Xia Ran knew what Voldemort might be doing now, trying to

steal the prophecy ball from the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry

of Magic. Dumbledore, Snape and others also knew about this, so there

was no need for him It would be unnecessary to bring it up again.

But Bill and Charlie had just returned from abroad and were not sure

about this.

"He is looking for something, but..." Xia Ran said, shrugged her shoulders

and said, "Let's talk about it during the meeting. You will know then."

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George sighed with regret. They

wanted to hear more information.

"Then let's not talk about it." Charlie said with a smile, knowing that

there is no need to let the little wizards who are still studying know this

kind of thing.

"Oh, Arthur, what's wrong? Percy..." Mrs. Weasley's voice seemed a little

anxious, and then there were footsteps in the kitchen, and Mrs. Weasley

seemed to have left the kitchen.

A group of people in the living room also came outside.

At the door of the Burrow, Mr. Weasley and Percy both had gloomy or

angry expressions on their faces. The atmosphere between them was very

stiff and not a word was said.

Mrs. Weasley looked anxious and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong? Okay,

let's go back to the room and sit down first. Let's eat and eat. You have to

go to work in the afternoon."

"Don't eat!" Percy said angrily, and walked directly past everyone into the

house without saying hello, as if he didn't see anyone else.

Xia Ran and Percy looked at each other. Percy's eyes remained

unchanged, as if he hadn't noticed, but Xia Ran knew that Percy had

made up his mind to cut off from the Weasley family now in order to

completely penetrate into the core of the Ministry of Magic.

This was what they had discussed in Spider Tail Alley a few days ago.

Xia Ran could only give him a careful look. The only good thing was that

Percy was undercover from the Ministry of Magic, not the undercover

Death Eater organization like Snape.

"Percy, Percy..." Mrs. Weasley shouted.

"Stop calling him!" Mr. Weasley shouted, "If he wants to leave, let him go!

Let me see what he will become after entering the Ministry of Magic? If

he is willing to be Fudge's lackey, let him go!" I act as if I never had this


The sound of packing luggage could be heard upstairs in the Burrow.

"Oh, Arthur, what's going on? What's going on?" Mrs. Weasley asked


Chapter 152 Hurtful words

Mrs. Weasley went upstairs.

Mr. Weasley sat down on a chair angrily, his brows furrowed, and it was

obvious that he was particularly angry. Harry and Hermione had never

seen him so angry.

Several Weasley children, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny, all

showed dissatisfaction with Percy. They more or less guessed the reason

for the dispute between their father and Percy. reason.

After all, Percy has been quarreling with his family more than once in

this period of time.

Xia Ran also knew the reason and the inside story, but she was

determined not to tell it openly. This was also to protect Percy.

"What's the matter, Dad? What did Percy say again?" Bill asked, pouring a

glass of water for Mr. Weasley.

"Leave him alone, Dad, he will understand the bad behavior of the

Ministry of Magic after a while." Charlie also advised.

"I'm sorry, Xia Ran, for letting you see the joke, and Harry and

Hermione..." Mr. Weasley smiled reluctantly.

Xia Ran looked puzzled - he knew the real story - and asked: "Mr.

Weasley, what are you and Percy..."

"Hmph!" Mr. Weasley was extremely angry when he mentioned Percy

Weasley and said in a deep voice, "Let him go! Let him do whatever he

wants. It's enough to give birth to him and raise him. Whatever he wants

to do in the future, then It’s all his business!”

"He still surrendered to the Ministry of Magic for his ambition?" twin

brothers George and Fred asked in disbelief.

Mr. Weasley said nothing and nodded silently.

"What?" Harry and Hermione looked a little unbelievable.

Ginny meowed like an angry cat.

Xia Ran secretly sighed that Percy's situation as an undercover agent was

indeed better than Snape's, but the pressure he faced from his family and

the inner torture he faced were even worse than Snape's.

"Oh, Percy, Percy, mother has something to say to you..." At this time,

Percy and Mrs. Weasley came out of the house. Percy dragged a large

suitcase and an owl cage with an expression on his face. He was so

gloomy and terrifying that he turned a blind eye to the people at the door

and walked outside.

"Stop! Where are you going?" Bill grabbed Percy's arm.

"Didn't you hear mummy trying to talk to you, Percy?" the twin said


Percy suddenly stopped and turned his head. His face looked extremely

scary, showing an expression that was unfamiliar to everyone. He said: "I

have nothing to say to you. From now on, I will part ways with you." ,

each went his own way, as if he had never known each other before!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bill was also angry. He pulled

Percy over and sat at the table, saying, "What's going on? What are you

thinking? Your ambition is so big. Could it be that the news of the

mysterious man's return is... Is it fake?"

Percy sat on the chair, looked at Mrs. Weasley, glanced around, and saw

the anxious, angry, and worried looks of everyone in the room. Finally,

he fixed his eyes on his father and said, "I I have said it, I have said it

many times before, I want to enter the Ministry of Magic..."

"No one will allow you to enter the Ministry of Magic!" Charlie said

angrily, "Dad works in the Ministry of Magic. Kingsley and Tonks also

work in the Ministry of Magic. If you want to enter the Ministry of Magic,

this is what you have always wanted to do." Your hopes and wishes, none

of us will stop you!"

"Ha!" Percy laughed contemptuously.

George got angry and said, "What's your expression?"

"Oh, Percy, you want to enter the Ministry of Magic? It doesn't matter,

we all support you, and as your family, we will support you." Mrs.

Weasley said, wiping away tears.

Hermione and Ginny, two little girls, comforted Mrs. Weasley.

"Don't you understand yet?"

Percy glanced contemptuously and said, "It's because of you that I can't

enter a better department, hold a higher position, and become a truly top

official in the Ministry of Magic!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bill frowned. "As a graduate, you

have just entered the Ministry of Magic. What important position can you

hold? What kind of top official can you be? That will be at least ten or

twenty years later."

Percy sneered: "Is that really the case?"

"What do you mean?" Ron asked angrily.

"Isn't my meaning clear enough?" Percy said with a cold smile, "Because

of you!" He pointed at everyone in the Weasley family and continued:

"Do you really understand what the Ministry of Magic stands for? Won't

you come out? No, you have seen it, but you are unwilling to comply!

The Ministry of Magic requires all employees to sever ties with

Dumbledore, but what about you? But you have a very important

connection with Dumbledore, or the Order of the Phoenix a member of!"

"Please, with a family like you, how can I really get into the heart of the

Ministry of Magic? Do I have to be like my father, an ordinary employee

all my life, and have to save and save even daily expenses?"

"I've had enough of life without money!!" Percy yelled.

Quiet, it's so quiet in the Burrow, you can almost hear a pin drop.

Several Weasley children, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny,

including Harry and Hermione, all looked at Percy with disbelief, as if

this was the first time they had met each other today. Same as Percy.

How dare he...how could he...

Mrs. Weasley wiped her tears sadly and burst into tears.

Mr. Weasley pursed his lips tightly and trembled slightly, as if he had a

lot to say, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Xia Ran sighed secretly in her heart. It was the most difficult moment to

break up with her family like this, especially when Percy didn't really

think so. Maybe he did have similar thoughts sometimes, but they were

forgotten in the blink of an eye and never really took it to heart. .

It is so sad to say this kind of words!

He wondered if Percy was bleeding inside.

Percy still said coldly: "The mysterious man has returned? So what if it's

real or fake? Has it affected us? We are pure-blood wizards and are not

within the scope of the mysterious man's cleaning. What are we afraid


He deliberately avoided Hermione when he spoke. After all, he had a

very good relationship with Hermione when he was at Hogwarts. This

was a friendship between top students.

"Dad, if you want to become a real core official of the Ministry of Magic,

you can't do it without following the minister's footsteps and ideas!"

Percy sneered and said, "Dumbledore? He is so powerful, why doesn't he

hold the position of Minister of Magic? Who knows what he is thinking in

his heart? What have you gained by following Dumbledore, Dad?"

"Money? Honor? Or status?"

Percy said with a cold smile and said, "No! You didn't get anything!"

"We don't follow Dumbledore for these reasons, we follow Dumbledore

for the same ideas and ideas!" Mr. Weasley said angrily.

"But what if you follow the Ministry of Magic, Dad? Money, honor and

status are not easy to come by?" Percy smiled and said, "We have

different ideas. From now on, we will no longer have a father-son

relationship, and I will cut off all contact with you. Contact us!"

Chapter 153 Quidditch World Cup

Really impressive!

Percy's decisive words came out in a barrage, without giving others a

chance to argue. He stood up in a hurry. This time, no one stopped him

when he left the Burrow.

Mr. Weasley's face was pale, his lips were trembling, and he could not

speak a word.

Percy's steps suddenly paused slightly, and Mrs. Weasley's eyes suddenly

lit up, and she continued: "Percy, have you changed your mind? Come in

quickly, let's eat and rest for a while. You and your father will be back in

the afternoon." must go to work."

Percy shook his head and said coldly: "I just want to say...if any of you

have had enough of this life of no money, you can come to London to

find me, and I will be willing to provide you with a little help."

"That's it for now, just take care of yourself!"

Percy dragged his suitcase and owl cage away, and with a snap, he

apparated out of the Burrow.

"Get out of here! None of us are going to find you! You idiot!" Fred,

George and Ron shouted.

Mrs. Weasley burst into tears and was extremely sad.

"Mom, stop crying. It's not worth crying for such an idiot." Ginny

comforted her mother, her words still full of anger and dissatisfaction

with Percy.

"Stop talking about him!" said Mr. Weasley. "From now on, we will act as

if this person does not exist. No one should mention him again!"

Bill and Charlie looked at each other, shook their heads silently, then

went to the kitchen to bring out the food and pastries that Mrs. Weasley

had prepared before, and said, "Everyone is hungry, right? Eat quickly."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm hungry." George said loudly and deliberately, picking up

a piece of steak and eating it deliciously.

"Xiaran, let's eat some together to make you laugh." Bill said, "Harry and

Hermione, you can eat too, don't be polite."

A group of people ate in silence, no one spoke.

Halfway through the meal, Mrs. Weasley put down her knife and fork,

took her wand and walked out of the room. Bill followed Mrs. Weasley,

and soon there was a loud disembodiment sound outside.

Not long after, Mrs. Weasley came back crying. Bill spread his hands and

said softly: "Percy refused to meet us. Mom is so sad."

The children cleared the table and went back to their houses. In this

atmosphere, no one wanted to stay outside any longer.

Xia Ran also said goodbye and left.

"Sorry, Xia Ran." Mr. Weasley said with a forced smile.

"If there's anything I can do to help..." Xia Ran said, smiled

apologetically, and apparated back to Fremont Manor.


Xia Ran sighed and entered her own manor. This time Percy and the

Weasley family broke up. If they wanted to reconcile again and return to

the harmony of the family, they didn't know how many years would pass.

As long as Voldemort is not destroyed, he will not be able to remain


The Burrow, because Bill and Charlie came back, and they occupied Fred

and George's room. Fred and George shared a room with Ron and Harry,

and the two little girls Hermione and Ginny One room.

Originally, Percy had a room by himself. Now that he was gone, Fred and

George could stay in Percy's room, but no one mentioned it.

The room was very quiet, with sunlight streaming in from the window.

Several people were lying on the bed, seemingly taking a nap.

"I still can't stand it. How could Percy say such vicious words? Is his brain

broken?" Ron sat up from the bed with a cry.

"Brother, maybe you finally said the right thing." Fred said harshly,

"Percy's brain is broken!"

"No one in their right mind would say something like that." George

smiled weirdly.

Harry didn't know whether he should say anything or not. He didn't fall

asleep either. He was always thinking about the quarrel that just

happened. How could Percy...

Even though Harry thought Percy was the most difficult to get along with

among the Weasley children, he still didn't expect that Percy would have

such terrible thoughts.

"Harry, what do you think?" Ron looked at Harry and said, "I know you're

not asleep."

"Do you think Percy is a fool or an idiot? Or a fool and an idiot?" Fred


"What a fool!" Harry said softly, "He speaks clearly and clearly, but his

ideas are completely wrong! So he is a big fool!"

"The Quidditch World Cup will be in a few days. Let us use the cheerful

atmosphere of the World Cup to wash away this unhappy incident."

George said, lying down again.

Harry forced a smile. He thought how happy he would be if he had

parents like Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. How could Percy say such a thing?

He was also full of dissatisfaction and anger towards Percy.

Ever since Percy's breakup that day, the atmosphere at the Burrow had

been a bit tense, and other people in the Order of the Phoenix had also

heard about it, and they all expressed their indignation towards Percy.

However, Percy seems to be rising rapidly in the Ministry of Magic. I

don't know if it's because Fudge commended him for his behavior of

drawing a line with Dumbledore, or for some other reason.

And Xia Ran received an invitation from Mr. Weasley, because Mr.

Weasley originally bought tickets for the whole family - only Mrs.

Weasley was not interested in it, so she had one less ticket. Now she still

doesn't want to watch Kuaishou. During the Quidditch World Cup, I often

shed tears at home - after Percy broke up, he got an extra ticket, and he

invited Xia Ran to watch the Quidditch World Cup with him.

Xia Ran didn't have the task of guarding the Quidditch World Cup like

Sirius, Lupin, Moody, Mundungus, Kingsley, Tonks and others, so he

agreed, as long as he had nothing to do during this period. .

What's more, if something happens, he can provide some help at the


Among the members of the Order of the Phoenix, there are many wizards

who buy tickets to watch the Quidditch World Cup to satisfy their desire

to watch the game and to increase their defensive power. Professor

McGonagall is the most typical example!

Xia Ran had never been to the venue where the Quidditch World Cup

was held. He had no local images in his mind and could not apparate

there. He had to apparate to the Burrow first. There was a door key in the

mountains and forests surrounding the Burrow.

The sky was still dark, as if it was only five o'clock in the morning. The

bright moon hung high in the sky, but the scorching sun had not yet


"Xia Ran?" Mrs. Weasley opened the door of the Burrow and said, "You

came so early! Do you want to have something to eat? Arthur, Xia Ran is


In the kitchen, Mr. Weasley was reading a newspaper. He said: "Sit down,

Xia Ran, have something to eat. When you get to the venue, you have to

cook it yourself. If Molly doesn't come, my cooking skills are not good."

"Thank you." Xia Ran said, took a sip of milk, and had some bread and

sandwiches in front of her.

"You guys talk for a while first, and I'll go up and wake up the children."

Mrs. Weasley said, walking up the stairs.

"Bill and Charlie have to rush there at noon. They know that place and

can apparate there." Mr. Weasley explained, "I have been to that place

and can apparate, but because I have to take a few We have a child, so

we can only set off so many hours early.”

Xia Ran chuckled and said, "I haven't been there. If you want to sleep a

little longer, Mr. Weasley, I'll just take a few kids there. You can come

back later."

"Haha, forget it, we're already up anyway." Mr. Weasley smiled,

seemingly forgetting about Percy.

Xia Ran smiled.

At this time, several children came down the stairs, all looking sleepy and

not awake, yawning and stretching.

"Huh? Professor Frémont has arrived?!"

Chapter 154 Poor parents in the


"Professor Frémont?"

The Weasley children, as well as Harry and Hermione all rubbed their

eyes, and in their sleepy state, they saw Xia Ran eating.

"After you wash up, let's have something to eat. Traveling with a portkey

is not a pleasant experience, especially if it's your first time." Xia Ran


"Do you feel uncomfortable?" Harry trembled, his sleepiness obviously


Mr. Weasley smiled and said: "You professors are joking, but it will

indeed be a little uncomfortable if you experience portkey travel for the

first time."

Even Hermione flinched this time.

"Okay, don't scare the children." Mrs. Weasley scolded, "It's just a little

uncomfortable. It's much better with experience the second time. It's not

uncomfortable at all! Okay, eat quickly, children , it’s getting late.”

"It's... getting late??"

Fred, George, and Ron looked at Mrs. Weasley with disbelief. Ginny

pointed to the dim sky outside the window and the half-waning crescent

moon, and couldn't help but said: "Mom, there is still time. It’s so early.”

"Yeah, Mum, Bill and Charlie aren't up yet," Ron muttered.

"But they can go directly by apparating, but you can't." Mrs. Weasley said

lovingly, "So you have to walk to the place where the portkey is dropped,

which is not close."

She was stirring the contents of a large pot on the stove while Mr.

Weasley sat at the table, checking a large ticket made of parchment.

Xia Ran finished the bread in several bites and drank all the milk. Mrs.

Weasley asked: "Xia Ran, do you want some more?"

Of course Xia Ran was disrespectful.

Mrs. Weasley scooped a large spoonful of porridge into his bowl. The

aroma was tangy and appetizing.

Fred shouted: "We can also go there together through apparation. Just let

Bill and Charlie take us, or Professor Frémont..."

"I've never been there." Xia Ran smiled.

"They are not very proficient in Apparition. It doesn't matter if they use it

by themselves. They can bring people with them to Apparate. They can't

do that yet." Mr. Weasley said, "Besides, I think Apparition is sometimes

not a good idea." travel plans.”

"They are still sleeping soundly, but we have to get up so early and have

to hurry." George said angrily.

"Because you are under age, have never learned the Apparition magic,

and have not passed the exam to get the Apparition certificate." Mrs.

Weasley said back to him.

Ginny said with a smile: "Charlie failed the test the first time. He

appeared five miles south of his original target and landed on the head of

a poor old lady who was shopping. Oh, Merlin, finally. Fortunately, there

wasn’t any big trouble.”

"Yeah, but he passed on the second try," said Mr. Weasley, collecting the

ticket and putting it in the pocket of his jeans.

He wore a top that looked like a golf shirt and a pair of old jeans. The

pants were a little too big for him, so he tied them up with a wide

cowhide belt.

It seems that in Mr. Weasley's opinion, this can be closer to Muggle attire.

"By the way, are we going to walk far?" Hermione asked, sipping her


"No, no, that's too far." Mr. Weasley said with a smile, "We only need to

walk a short distance. You know, you want to bring a large number of

wizards - at least tens of thousands - together without causing any

trouble. Attention Muggles, this is a very difficult thing! We have to be

very cautious and choose the best time to go on the road, in such a grand

occasion as the Quidditch World Cup..."

"George!" Mrs. Weasley suddenly shouted, startling everyone.

"What's the matter, Mum?" George asked, pretending that nothing

happened, but this would not fool anyone, especially Mrs. Weasley, who

knew the twin brothers very well.

"What's in your pocket?"


"Don't tell lies to me!"

Mrs. Weasley pointed her wand at George's pocket and said, "Come here!"

She used the fly charm.

Suddenly some colorful baubles jumped out of George's pocket. George

quickly reached out to grab them, but couldn't catch any of them. Like

lively elves, they jumped into Mrs. Weasley's open palm. above.

"Tell you to destroy these things! How many times have I told you!" Mrs.

Weasley said angrily, raising the thing in her hand. It was undoubtedly

another prank product made by the twin brothers.

Xia Ran heard that they had been busy working on this all summer

vacation and had received orders from other people. However, the order

was finally discovered by Mrs. Weasley, who burned it to ashes and

ordered the two brothers to study hard and not do it. These are

unprofessional things.

This was the case in the original time and space. The two brothers

eventually even opened a joke toy store in Diagon Alley, and the business

was extremely prosperous. They made money every day and became

successful businessmen and entrepreneurs.

However, Mrs. Weasley finally reluctantly agreed to the two brothers'

request to open a shop instead of going to the Ministry of Magic to work

regularly. Of course, she is still at the stage of dissatisfaction.

"Tell you to throw away these things! Come on, empty your pockets.

Come on, you two!"

"No!" shouted Fred and George.

"Do you want me to do it myself?" Mrs. Weasley's eyes were like a tiger's.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!"

This is undoubtedly an uncomfortable scene for the twin brothers. In

order to make up for the tragedy of their last order being burned, they

finally seized the opportunity this time and wanted to smuggle out many

prank products from home by participating in the Quidditch World Cup.

As a result, they were Mrs. Weasley found out.

Mrs. Weasley's Flying Hex was so intense that prank products swished out

from all sorts of unexpected places, including the lining of George's jacket

and the cuffs of Fred's jeans.

"It took us half a year to develop these things!" Fred shouted aggrievedly

when he saw his mother throwing the things aside and preparing to

destroy them directly with a magic spell.

"It's great to spend half a year on this!" Mrs. Weasley said sharply, "No

wonder you didn't get a good grade in your O.W.Ls exam!"

The O.W.Ls exam is an ordinary wizard level exam, an exam that all fifth-

year students at Hogwarts have to go through. The Burrow just received

the two brothers' report cards a few days ago. To be honest, it was a bit

unbearable to witness.

"We have our own pursuits, don't we?" Fred shouted.

"You can have your own pursuits, but they can't be this unlearned and

unskilled thing." Mrs. Weasley said sternly.

"Ignorant?" George shouted angrily, "We already have our own

customers, and you burned all our orders! Do you want us to be like

Percy to be satisfied?"

Mrs. Weasley's body immediately trembled, as if she couldn't help but


Mr. Weasley's face was also a little pale, his expression was stiff, and his

lips were trembling slightly.

The atmosphere in the room became silent for a moment, until Xia Ran

spoke up to break the quiet atmosphere.

Chapter 155 Digory and Son

"George! Fred!" Xia Ran said sternly, "Okay, stop talking! Eat quickly, we

will set off after eating!"

George and Fred also knew that they had said something wrong, but they

still could not forgive Mrs. Weasley's behavior. After all, it was the result

of their whole summer. The twin brothers buried their heads and drank

their porridge in silence without saying a word.

Mrs. Weasley's face turned pale, and she did not follow up with any

words of admonishment.

In short, when Xia Ran and his party left the Burrow, the atmosphere was

not very friendly.

Mrs. Weasley still kept a straight face as she kissed Mr. Weasley on the

cheek, but the twins took an even more sour attitude, slinging their

rucksacks onto their backs and walking out without a word to their


"Goodbye, and have a good time!" Mrs. Weasley said loudly, and finally

she shouted at the twin brother's leaving figure, "Behave yourself!"

But the two brothers neither looked back nor answered.

"I'll send Bill and Charlie on their way at noon," Mrs. Weasley said to Mr.


"Xia Ran, please take care of the children." She looked at Xia Ran and


Xia Ran smiled and said: "It's nothing, I was their professor. Okay, Mrs.

Weasley, goodbye, we are leaving now."

With that said, Sharon, Mr. Weasley, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny

walked through the dark courtyard, walked out of the Burrow, and set off

following Fred and George.

Although it was late summer and early autumn, the air in the early

morning still seemed a bit cold, and the moon still hung high in the sky,

casting its cool moonlight.

What was Harry thinking about the Quidditch World Cup? How many

wizards will arrive? What extraordinary abilities do those Quidditch

players who have reached the finals have?

"Mr. Weasley, Professor Frémont, you just said, what kind of thing is a

portkey? How to use it?" Harry asked curiously.

"Portkey, that's a very inconspicuous thing." Mr. Weasley replied, "The

function of this thing is to transport wizards from one place to another

within a specified time. If necessary, If so, it can even transport a large

number of people at once. Because of the Quidditch World Cup, the

Ministry has placed more than two hundred door keys across the UK. The

closest one to us is on the top of Stoat Mountain, and we are now Where

to go.”

Mr. Weasley pointed ahead, where a large shadow rose behind the village

of Ottery St. Catchpole, on the outskirts of which the Burrow lay.

"What kind of thing will the portkey be? A wooden door? A cave? Or

something else?" Harry asked curiously.

"There are all kinds of things." Xia Ran chuckled, "Of course, the first

point of the door key is that the item must be something that looks

inconspicuous, so that Muggles will not pick them up because of their

excitement. It’s just thrown around randomly. They will mistake it for

trash that has been thrown away carelessly!”

While they were talking, the group of people had already walked along

the dark and damp path in the direction of the village. There was silence

everywhere, and they could only hear their own footsteps and the

footsteps of others.

As they passed through the village, the sky gradually became brighter,

the dark night gradually receded, and the morning sun was dimly visible

on the horizon.

However, the hands and feet of several children seemed to be frozen, and

Mr. Weasley kept looking at his watch to confirm the time.

Xia Ran walked silently.

No one spoke, especially when climbing Stoat Mountain. The dark, sticky

grass blades caused a lot of trouble for several people. They often slipped

when they stepped on them, and they had no extra energy to speak.

After walking for a while, everyone finally stepped on the flat ground.

Hermione was the last one to reach the top of the mountain. One of her

hands was tightly holding the skirt of her clothes.


Mr. Weasley took a deep breath, took off his glasses and wiped them with

his jersey, and said, "Yes, we arrived on time, with ten minutes left. We

are not late and missed the allotted time."

"Now we need to look for the door key - the Flying Curse does not work

on the door key - they are not big, they are all inconspicuous gadgets.

Let's go look for them together." Xia Ran said.

Everyone spread out and searched separately. However, they had only

been searching for less than two minutes when they heard a shout

piercing the silent night sky.

Xia Ran knew who that person was, or who those two people were, and it

was also reflected in the original time and space.

"Here, Arthur! Come here, son, we found it!"

On the other side of the mountaintop, two tall figures stood out against

the starry night sky.

"Amos!" said Mr. Weasley, laughing and striding towards the man who

called him, followed by the others.

Mr. Weasley shook hands with a red-faced wizard with a short brown

beard, who held something in his other hand that looked like a moldy old


"Oh, Xia Ran, are you there?" the red-faced wizard said, and shook hands

with Xia Ran.

Xia Ran had worked in the Ministry of Magic for nearly eight years. This

person was almost a colleague of his, so they knew each other.

"Amos, long time no see, how are you doing?" Xia Ran asked with a

smile, greeting.

"Fortunately, everything is fine! It's just that those magical animals have

been more active recently and the workload is heavier." The red-faced

wizard smiled.

"Come on, let me introduce you all! This is Amos Diggory." Mr. Weasley

said. "He works in the Department for the Regulation and Control of

Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic. This is his son Cedric

Diggory." Gorey, I think you all know each other, right? You are all

classmates at Hogwarts."

Cedric Diggory, a student of Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, is about seventeen

years old. He is a very handsome boy. At Hogwarts, he was also the

Quidditch of Hufflepuff House. The captain and seeker of the strange

team, he also led Hufflepuff to defeat Gryffindor last year.

In the original time and space, Cedric was still a warrior at Hogwarts that

year, participated in the Triwizard Tournament, and was one of the final


Harry was thrown into the Goblet of Fire by Barty Crouch Jr., who was

disguised as Moody - using magic to confuse the Goblet of Fire, causing

the Goblet of Fire to think that there were four schools participating - so

Harry did not exist The school's warrior, but Cedric is the true warrior of


"Hello, Professor Frémont," Cedric said, turning to look at his classmates

and smiling, "Hi, hello."

Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, everyone said "Hi", but Fred and George

didn't say anything, just nodded.

Several others knew it because the Hufflepuff Quidditch team led by

Cedric defeated the Gryffindor Quidditch team last year.

A few more pleasantries followed, and Mr. Amos Diggory was surprised

again on Harry's account - Harry was already used to this - and defeated

Harry Potter for his son. I feel extremely proud.

This embarrassed both Harry and Cedric.

"The time is almost up."

Xia Ran said quickly, interrupting Mr. Amos Diggory's proud words and

letting others get out of this embarrassing situation.

"Do you know who we are waiting for? Apart from the Weasley family

and the Diggory family, are there any other wizarding families nearby?"

Chapter 156 Arrival

"No, the Lovegoods were there a week ago, and the Fawcetts didn't get

tickets," said Mr. Diggory. "As far as I know, there's no one else in the

area, right, Arthur?" ?”

"As far as I know, there should be none," Mr. Weasley replied.

"Okay, then there is less than a minute left, let us all take our places." Xia

Ran said.

Harry and Hermione suddenly looked confused.

"You all need to touch the door key, just like this, just hold out a finger -

there are too many of us - everyone squeezes in and tries to let everyone

touch the door key." Xia Ran explained road.

Since everyone was carrying large bulging backpacks, the ten of them

managed to gather around the old boot that Amos Diggory was holding.

This scene looks a little weird.

Ten people, men and women, old and young, including three adults,

gathered tightly in a circle, holding on to a tattered old boot in the dim

light, quietly waiting for something, a cold blast. The breeze blew in the

early morning, and no one said anything, but if a Muggle happened to

walk by at this time, what a weird scene it would be...

"Three..." Mr. Weasley lowered his eyes, glanced at his pocket watch, and

muttered in a low voice, "Two...one..."

Soon after, Xia Ran suddenly felt something pushing hard behind him, or

some rope in front of him pulling him tightly. In an instant, his feet lifted

off the ground and he flew up.

His vision was hazy and he couldn't see anything, but he could feel Ginny

and Cedric beside him, their shoulders bumping against his from time to


Moreover, the old boot seemed to have a magical power - indeed there

was a magic power - pulling him tightly, and the fingers touching the old

boot seemed to be stuck, and he could not get rid of it at all - although

Xia Ran had no idea of ​​getting rid of it. After all, this was a portkey

journey, and there was no place to complain if something went wrong.

At this time, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw countless tents in the

distance, colorful and green, like mountains with bright summer flowers.


He also saw Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny fall to the

ground, and the portkey also fell to the ground.

Xia Ran, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory, and Cedric were barely still standing,

but their hair was disheveled and askew due to the wind.

"Five and seven, from Stoat Mountain." A relatively deep voice said.

Xia Ran raised his eyes and saw that this was a swamp area that was

filled with hazy fog and looked extremely desolate. In front of the group

of people, stood two tired and gloomy wizards. One of them was holding

a large piece of gold. table, the other holding a thick roll of parchment

and a quill.

Both men were dressed like Muggles - what they thought Muggles looked

like - the man with the gold watch wore a tweed suit and a pair of thigh-

high rubber galoshes; his colleague , the man with the parchment and

quill, mixed a Scottish custom skirt with a South American cloak.

"Good morning, Basil," said Mr. Weasley, picking up the old boot and

handing it to the kilted wizard.

The man threw the old boots directly into a large box next to him, which

contained used door keys. Xia Ran also saw an old newspaper, an empty

can and a football full of holes.

"Hello, Arthur." Mr. Basil said tiredly, "Not on duty? Well, good luck,

good luck... We were here all night yesterday, but you'd better get out of

the way, five o'clock A large group of people will be coming from the

Black Forest in a moment."

"Wait a minute, let me find out where your camp is? Weasley...


Mr. Basil searched for it on the parchment list and said: "Go about a

quarter of a mile, and the first field in front is. The camp administrator is

Mr. Roberts. Xia Ran, let me look for your camp... …”

As a former member of the Ministry of Magic, Xia Ran and Basil also

knew each other, although they were not very familiar with him.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "No need to look for it, Basil. I can come to the

Quidditch World Cup because of Mr. Weasley's favor. I am with them."

"I see," said Basil, "Mr. Diggory, you're not coming with us, are you?"

"No, I booked the tickets myself. It's a big bag of gold galleons. It's really

heartbreaking, but the Quidditch World Cup is always worth it," said Mr.


"Okay, Mr. Diggory...well, you are in the second field, looking for Mr.

Payne." Mr. Basil said.

"Thank you, Basil."

The group walked through the desolate swamp area. Thick fog obscured

their vision and almost nothing could be seen.

After walking for about twenty minutes, a door gradually appeared in

front of everyone, and then a small stone house. Behind the stone house,

hundreds of strange-shaped tents were erected, and they went up the

gentle slope of the large field. It extended to the depths of a dark forest

on the horizon.

Sharon and Mr. Weasley said goodbye to Diggory and his son and walked

towards the door of the stone house.

There was a man standing at the door, looking back at the tents. He was

the only real Muggle in this large area.

To be honest, Xia Ran couldn't figure out why the Ministry of Magic

would arrange for a Muggle to be the camp administrator here? Can't

Muggles see the strangeness in the many wizards coming and going?

Wouldn't it be much more convenient to find a random wizard in the

Ministry of Magic to fill this position? There is no need to cast the

forgetting spell at any time.

It can only be said that the planners of the Ministry of Magic have

something in their minds.

The man heard the footsteps of Xia Ran and his group, and immediately

turned his head to look at them.

"Good morning, sir, are you Mr. Roberts?" Xia Ran greeted.

"Good morning." Mr. Weasley looked even more energetic.

"Good morning. That's right, I'm Roberts." Mr. Roberts asked, "Who are


"Weasley - the two tents were booked two days ago, are they available?"

Mr. Weasley said.

"Yes," Mr. Roberts said, looking at a list posted on the door. "You have a

place by the woods where you can stay for only one night, right?"

"Yes," Mr. Weasley replied.

"Well, can you pay it now?" Mr. Roberts said.

"Ah, okay, no problem." Mr. Weasley said. He took a few steps back and

left the small stone house, motioning for Harry to come to him and help

him count the money.

The currency used in the wizarding world is not consistent with the

Muggle world.

Seeing this, Xia Ran shook her head even more at the Ministry of Magic's

decision to use Muggles as administrators.

Don't they know about the Wizarding Statute of Secrecy? Or do they

know and don't mind at all?

However, this is a grand event in the wizarding world, the Quidditch

World Cup. Why should we use Muggle currency to pay fees? Shouldn't it

be wizard currency?

Xia Ran felt that there might be something he didn't understand, but he

was too lazy to think about it. It had nothing to do with him anyway, and

he was no longer an employee of the Ministry of Magic.

Chapter 157 Camp

While Xia Ran was shaking her head inwardly, Harry had already helped

Mr. Weasley identify the Muggle currency in his hand, counted the fees

that needed to be paid, and handed it to the camp manager, Mr. Roberts.

"Are you a foreigner?" Mr. Roberts took the banknote and glanced at Mr.

Weasley suspiciously. He noticed that Mr. Weasley couldn't recognize the

banknote just now.

"Foreigner?" Mr. Weasley seemed surprised.

"You're not the only one who can't figure out the money," said Mr.

Roberts, looking carefully at Mr. Weasley. "Just ten minutes ago, two

people tried to pay me the size of a hubcap. Here are the gold coins.”

"Oh, really?" Mr. Weasley looked a little embarrassed.

Mr. Roberts fumbled for change in a tin can, ready to change.

"There have never been so many people! Never!" Mr. Roberts said

suddenly, turning his eyes again to look at the mist-filled venue with a

puzzled expression. "Hundreds of people have reserved tents, and people

keep coming. But I haven’t heard any news about any big event being

held here.”

"Is something wrong?" Mr. Weasley asked uneasily, reaching out to take

the change, but Mr. Roberts didn't give it to him.

"Yes." Mr. Roberts said thoughtfully, "There are people from everywhere,

you know? Countless foreigners... no, there are many weirdos, I don't

know which country they are from, Do you understand, sir? There's a guy

walking around in a pleated skirt and a South American cape, and I really


"Can't you?" Mr. Weasley asked eagerly.

"Well, it's not that it's not possible, but it's like...I don't know exactly...in

short..." Mr. Roberts frowned and said, "They seem to know each other

and are attending a large party. , but why should the party be held in a

place like this?"


At this moment, a wizard in bloomers suddenly fell from the sky and

landed at the door of Mr. Roberts' stone house.

"Forgotten!" He pointed his wand at Mr. Roberts and muttered, using the

Forgetting Charm.

In the blink of an eye, Mr. Roberts' doubtful eyes disappeared, his brows

relaxed, and his face showed a dazed and indifferent expression. Xia Ran

knew that that was exactly what happened when a person's memory was


"I'll give you a plan of the camp," Mr. Roberts said calmly, "and some

change for you."

"Thank you very much," said Mr. Weasley.

The wizard in bloomers accompanied them towards the gate of the camp.

He looked very tired, his chin was unshaven and livid, and there were

purple shadows under his eyes.

When Mr. Roberts couldn't hear them, the wizard whispered to Sharon

and Mr. Weasley: "He gave me a lot of trouble. In order to keep him in a

good mood and not doubt this or that, I do it every day." The Oblivion

Charm would have to be recited a dozen times. Ludo Bagman would only

be doing a disservice, walking around talking loudly about Bludgers and

the Wraith, completely ignoring the Ministry's injunction to beware of

Muggles and ensure safety. "

"God, I really wish this would end soon! See you later, Arthur and Xia


After he finished complaining, he disappeared and disappeared.

"Why does the Ministry of Magic use Muggles as administrators?" Xia Ran


"Who knows? Maybe for some reason," said Mr. Weasley.

Xia Ran frowned slightly.

"I thought Mr. Bagman was the Director of the Sports Department of the

Ministry of Magic. He should know not to talk about Bludgers around

Muggles, right?" Ginny said in surprise.

"Yeah, that's right." Mr. Weasley smiled, "Ludo has always been a little

insensitive and careless about safety issues, but you can't find a more

passionate person to be in charge of sports." The leader of the Sports

Department! You have to know that he originally played Quidditch for

England, and he is the best batsman in the history of the Wimbourne


While talking, the group passed through the gate and walked into the


They walked slowly on the mist-shrouded field, passing between two long

rows of tents. Most of the tents looked nothing special. It was obvious

that their owners had put a lot of thought into making them as beautiful

as possible. They are just like Muggle tents, but many tents are self-

defeating. They accidentally go too far and add chimneys, weathervanes

and other superfluous features, making them somewhat nondescript.

And there were several tents that were obviously enchanted at first

glance, so it was no wonder that Mr. Roberts became suspicious.

In the center of the venue, there is a tent that is particularly conspicuous.

It is very lavishly made of a large number of strips of silk, and it is like a

small palace. There are also several live peacocks tied at the entrance.

After walking a little further, they saw another tent set up as high as a

four-story building with several turrets beside it. On the other side, there

is a tent with a garden in front of the door. There is a bird bath, a

sundial, and a fountain. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the

internal organs.

"It's always like this," Mr. Weasley said with a smile, "When people get

together, they can't help but want to show off. Ah, here we are, look, this

is our tent."

The group of people came to the edge of the woods at the end of the

field. There was an open space with a small sign on the ground that read:


Apparently, they spelled Weasley wrong, or got it wrong.

Mr. Weasley seemed a little embarrassed, but he didn't care about it for a

moment and said happily: "This place couldn't be better! The golf course

is on the other side of the woods, and it couldn't be any closer."

People took their backpacks off their shoulders and dropped them on the


"Okay." Mr. Weasley said excitedly, "Strictly speaking, no magic is

allowed - there are Ministry regulations, because there are too many

people here - then we have to put up the tent ourselves. . It shouldn’t be

too difficult. I think Muggles do this. They don’t have magic. I’ve always

thought... By the way, Harry and Hermione, you should have experience,

right? Do you think we should Where to start?”

Mr. Weasley in particular seemed to be in high spirits.

Harry and Hermione looked a little embarrassed. Hermione couldn't help

but said: "Mr. Weasley, I have never set up a tent before. My parents did

it before."

Harry also had a look of helplessness on his face. During the holidays, the

Dursleys would not take him out. They would rather leave him with the

neighbor's old lady, Mrs. Figg.

Harry didn't know yet that Mrs. Figg was the one Dumbledore arranged

to protect Harry at Privet Drive.

"That's it." Mr. Weasley said regretfully, and then became excited again,

"It doesn't matter, we just have to find our way slowly. We still have

plenty of time."

"I know better. Come on, help me." Xia Ran smiled. He had used a

Muggle tent to travel before, but that was all a lifetime ago.

"Okay, Xia Ran, let me help you. Do you want this?" Mr. Weasley took

out a pole with great interest.

"No, Mr. Weasley, leave that one alone first and come one by one." Xia

Ran said quickly, "Harry, Hermione, come and help."

He had to call Harry and Hermione, because the tent was completely

built by hand, and Harry and Hermione were a little more familiar with

it. Although the Weasley family were full of enthusiasm, it really made

things worse. Mr. Weasley thought he had to use it every time. When it

came to the tack hammer, I was extremely excited.

In the end, after a lot of effort, they finally set up two two-person tents

that were barely passable.

Xia Ran took a few steps back and admired the masterpieces of the

others. She breathed out and sweat rolled down her forehead. This was

too strenuous.

Chapter 158 Traceless Stretching


"Fortunately, I have been busy for almost an hour and finally successfully

set it up." Xia Ran sighed, it was not easy.

Everyone took a few steps back to admire the fruits of their own hands.

Harry thought to himself that no one who looked at these tents would

guess that they were built by wizards. However, the problem was that

once Bill and Charlie arrived, there would be ten people in total. How

could two tents like this be used? Maybe it can fit ten people?

Hermione also discovered this problem, and she looked at Charlie and

Mr. Weasley with doubtful eyes.

Xia Ran smiled slightly and said, "You'll find out when you get in."

At this time, Mr. Weasley got on all fours and got into the first tent.

"It might get a little crowded," shouted Mr. Weasley, "but I think

everyone can squeeze in and have a look."

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and the twin brothers Fred and George all

got in. Xia Ran heard the exclamations coming from the tent outside, and

he immediately smiled.

Xia Ran bent down and got under the tent curtain. What he walked into

was an old-fashioned three-bedroom apartment with a bathroom and


This tent is impressively cast with a traceless expansion spell, which is a

kind of space magic that can expand the space inside an object by

chanting a spell and casting a spell. For example, this tent looks like it

can only accommodate two or three people, but in the end it doesn't. It

became a three-bedroom apartment.

The Invisible Stretch Charm is very useful in many cases, but the Ministry

of Magic also controls this spell very strictly, and the use of the Invisible

Stretch Charm for private purposes is strictly prohibited.

Of course, the production of tents and other items like this is licensed by

the Ministry of Magic.

Well, the car that Mr. Weasley once modified also used the Traceless

Stretching Charm, but it was not licensed by the Ministry of Magic, so it

was actually illegal. That's why Mrs. Weasley said that if Mr. Weasley If

he leads a team to search his home, he will definitely take him to

Azkaban Prison.

But the only strange thing is that the layout of the tent room is more

suitable for the elderly, and there is even a pungent cat smell in the air.

"Well, the smell is a bit strong, but it's only temporary. We can go back

tomorrow." Mr. Weasley said awkwardly, then looked at the four bunk

beds in the bedroom, shook his head and sighed, " I borrowed it from

Perkins in the office, poor old guy, he had a bad back and can't camp


Xia Ran picked up a dusty kettle from the side, opened the lid and looked

inside, and said, "We need some water..."

"On the map that Muggle gave us, there is a water tap marked on it." Ron

said, taking out the map and looking at it carefully, "On the other side of

the field, who wants to come with me to fetch water?"

He looked at the other people in the tent.

"Okay, then you, Harry and Hermione will go get us some water, and

then..." Xia Ran handed the kettle in her hand to Ron, "...well, the rest of

us need to pick up some. Get firewood and prepare for life, it will be

noon soon.”

"But we have a stove, why..." Ron asked.

However, his question was interrupted by Mr. Weasley. Mr. Weasley said

happily and eagerly: "Ron, don't forget the safety regulations for Muggles.

Real Muggles always stay in the wild when camping." I’ve seen people

lighting fires outdoors, but I’ve never experienced it myself, so it’s just


"Okay." Ron said helplessly. He knew his father's love for Muggles. This

could be seen from the pile of Muggle items in the Burrow's warehouse.

"Let's go visit the girls' tent." Mr. Weasley suggested. They exited the

three-bedroom tent and got into another tent. They found that this tent

was only slightly smaller than the boys' tent. A little bit, but it doesn't

smell like cat at all. Instead, it smells fresher, giving people a relaxed and

happy feeling.

Afterwards, the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione set out across the camp

to fetch water, carrying the kettle and the two stewpots handed to them

by Mr. Weasley.

Xia Ran and Mr. Weasley, as well as the three brothers Fred, George, and

Ginny, entered the woods nearby and began to collect firewood.

At this time, not long after the sun had risen, the mist gradually

dissipated, and Xia Ran saw tents in all directions, as far as the eye could


"So many people!" He couldn't help but sigh.

"This is the Quidditch World Cup, Xia Ran, one of the most important

events in the wizarding world in the world!" Mr. Weasley said with a

smile, having picked up a bundle of dry firewood and hugged it in his


"Quidditch World Cup, I really hope I can participate in this kind of event

one day." Ginny said with bright eyes.

George laughed and said: "Little girl, you are still early, and there are

very few female players in the teams that can enter the Quidditch World

Cup, let alone teams like the Irish team and Bulgaria that have reached

the World Cup finals."

When Xia Ran and the others arrived, the Quidditch World Cup had

already reached the finals, and the two Quidditch teams participating in

the finals were the Irish national team and the Bulgarian national team.

"Just watch, George, I'm going to surprise you, and I hope your jaw won't

drop to the floor by then." Ginny said calmly.

"I'm waiting to watch your game, sister." George said with a smile.

At this time, several people had arrived on a hillside in the woods.

"Ah, is there something wrong with my eyes? Why did everything in that

place turn green?" Fred rubbed his eyes.

In the camping area further away, all the tents were covered with a thick

layer of clover. From where Xia Ran and the others stood, it looked like

countless strange green hills had emerged from the ground.

"The logo of the Irish national team - the clover!" Mr. Weasley said, "I

also support the Irish national team. Of course, Krum of the Bulgarian

national team is also a genius, a truly top Quidditch genius!"

"I think the people in the ministry must be unhappy." Xia Ran smiled.

"Haha, that's for sure." Mr. Weasley laughed and said, "But at this

moment - it's already the finals - what's the big deal about decorating

your own tent? We should always Allow Ireland national team supporters

to express their support boldly!"

"And you see, the Bulgarians also have their tents fully hung."

Mr. Weasley said, pointing to another camp.

Xia Ran looked over and saw that the tents in the camp were filled with

flags. The Bulgarian flag—white, green, and red—fluttered in the breeze.

However, there are no plants covering the tents here. Each tent has the

same poster on it. It shows a very gloomy face with thick black eyebrows.

Xia Ran used a telescope to see clearly. He He handed it to Ginny again -

of course, the wizard's pictures are all movable, they are not dead things,

but this person's picture is very gloomy, and his face only blinks and


"Krum!" Ginny shouted excitedly, "Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker,

one of the most powerful Seekers in the world! And he is still very


"Well, my dear sister, it's time to give me the telescope to take a look at,"

Fred said lazily.

It’s on the shelves. I hope everyone supports genuine subscription. There

will be more updates in the next few days. jinliangduoxiedian

Chapter 159 Lively

"Here you go!" Ginny angrily pushed the telescope into Fred's arms.

"But his look is too gloomy." Xia Ran shook his head. Countless Klum

blinked and frowned, and the people in Bulgaria could bear it. There

really is no limit to chasing stars.

"Gloomy?" George smiled, "Professor Frémont, who cares what Krum

looks like? He is amazing! As long as he can ensure that his level does

not decline, and because he is particularly young, he can at least

maintain There are still more than ten years of peak golden period. If he

can lead the Bulgarian national team to win the Quidditch World Cup

again, the Bulgarians will really worship him like a god!"

"Oh, what a pity, Krum is not from our country." Fred said sadly, "The

England national team didn't even get out of the group line. It's so


When they heard about this, Ginny and George also looked like they

were sighing.

"Okay, kids, don't just chat. The sun has risen. Quickly collect some

firewood and go back. I think Ron, Harry, and Hermione should have

returned from fetching water soon." Weasley said Mr.

They each carried a bundle of firewood back to the camp. When passing

by the surrounding tents, Xia Ran found that many adult wizards had just

gotten up at this time, yawned and came out of the tents, and started to

make breakfast. Some were looking around furtively. When they saw that

there were no Ministry of Magic employees around, they immediately lit

the fire with their wands; some were still striking matches with doubtful

expressions on their faces, as if they thought it would definitely not work.

Seeing the way they were using matches, Xia Ran almost couldn't help

laughing. He tightened his cheeks and hurried over.

In the camp, wizards came from all over the world. There were male

African wizards sitting there chatting and laughing loudly from time to

time. There was something like a hare roasting in the purple bonfire.

There was another group of middle-aged American witches who were

talking in a low voice. A shiny banner hung high between their tents:

Salem Witch Academy.

That's a magic school in another country.

Xia Ran also saw some yellow people speaking various prophecies. When

he passed by an ancient tomb-shaped tent, he heard familiar voices

coming from the tent. He stopped briefly and then left again.

After all, he didn't know the wizard in this tent at all.

When they passed a square tent, a familiar figure of a witch suddenly

emerged from the tent. She was wearing a wizard hat and a pair of

glasses on the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were no longer as serious as


It was Minerva McGonagall, the transfiguration professor at Hogwarts.

"Professor Frémont, Arthur, when did you come?" Professor McGonagall

said hello. She has always liked Quidditch games. When she was in

school, she would attend almost every Quidditch game, such as Of course

she couldn't miss the Quidditch World Cup finals.

"Professor McGonagall," Fred, George, and Ginny called.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "I just came here not long ago, I just arrived this


Professor McGonagall nodded, looked around, and lowered her voice:

"You guys come over here after lunch, Xia Ran, you and Arthur, Bill and

Charlie, then Sirius, Remus, Alastor and the others will be there."

Xia Ran and Mr. Weasley nodded immediately. They had not forgotten

how dangerous things were lurking in the dark. The Quidditch World

Cup was not a time to completely relax.

They then returned to their tent, and the trio of Ron, Harry, and

Hermione had not yet returned from fetching water.

"Okay, let's start making a fire. I have matches here." Mr. Weasley took

out a box of matches from his pocket and said enthusiastically, "Can this

gadget really light a fire?"

He took out a match and eagerly slid it on one side of the matchbox.

"Ouch!" Mr. Weasley struck a match, screamed immediately, and threw it


Xia Ran held her forehead and said, "Mr. Weasley, don't throw it away

after lighting it."

As he spoke, he took a match and lightly struck it on one side of the

matchbox. With a snap, the match ignited immediately. He placed the lit

match under the firewood pile, and the dry firewood and weeds ignited

immediately. got up.

"How amazing!" exclaimed Mr. Weasley.

Xia Ranxin said that if Muggles saw the wizard's actions, they would

think it was magical!

After they lit the fire, they waited for a long time before Ron, Harry, and

Hermione came back, all carrying water.

"Why have you been there for so long?" George couldn't help


"I met a few familiar people." Ron replied, putting down the water,

"What's for lunch? I'm a little hungry."

"Then it took you so long?" Fred rolled his eyes.

By this time, the fire was already quite strong, so they started cooking

rice, frying eggs, and cooking sausages. The aroma immediately filled the

air, and the stomachs of several children were growling.

"Wait a little longer, it will be ready soon." Xia Ran said, flipping the

other side of the eggs to avoid burning them.

Mr. Weasley looked at his watch and said, "Why haven't Bill and Charlie

arrived yet?"

"It's okay, we can still eat more if they don't come. Anyway, they must

have eaten enough at home before coming," Ron said.

"Who said we were full?"

At this time, two figures in the woods walked over quickly, it was Bill

and Charlie.

"Apparated just now, Dad." Charlie said loudly, "Ah, great, there is

delicious food! I'm so hungry!"

"Didn't your mother give you anything to eat?" Mr. Weasley said, taking

out a plate and filling it with Xia Ran's baked eggs.

Bill smiled bitterly: "She said we got up too late and had nothing to eat,

so she asked us to come over and make something to eat."

"Then you come here and eat it directly." Ron rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, brother, step aside and make a place for the second brother."

Charlie said, and a group of people crowded together and sat down


However, while they were grilling sausages and eggs and eating, there

were many ministry officials coming and going from time to time on the

road nearby - their tent was located next to a road leading to the stadium

- those officials enthusiastically greeted Wei Mr. Sly greeted Xia Ran.

Mr. Weasley and Sharon kept making introductions, mainly for Harry and

Hermione. The Weasley children were very familiar with the people in

the Ministry and could not arouse their interest.

"That's Cuthbert Mockridge, the director of the Goblin Liaison Office...

This is Gilbert Whymper, who works on the Experimental Spells

Committee. Ah, you mean those horns on his head? It was an accident

while experimenting with a spell, but it was nothing serious. It had been

going on for a while, and they seemed to want to see what the

subsequent effects of these horns would be..."

"Hello, Arnie...Arnold Peacegood is a memory canceller and a member of

the team that reverses accidental magical events...That's Bode and

Crocker, they are the Silent People..."

"The Silent People? What are the Silent People? What do they mainly

do?" Harry and Hermione asked curiously.

Xia Ran replied: "They are from the Department of Mysteries, top secret! I

don't know what they are doing, but the Department of Mysteries is the

most mysterious department of the Ministry of Magic. What they do may

be quite meaningful!"

Chapter 160 Ludo Bagman

After waiting for the officials from the Ministry of Magic to pass by, most

people began to live and cook in front of their tents. Xia Ran whispered:

"By the way, Bill and Charlie, we will go to the other side of the camp

together later to discuss something."

He was talking about what happened with Professor McGonagall earlier.

"Okay!" Brothers Bill and Charlie nodded. They have also joined the

Order of the Phoenix. After all, they are both adult wizards who have

graduated for many years, and their magic values ​​are not weak.

Fred and George immediately raised their hands and said, "We're going


Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny also moved.

"Nonsense!" Mr. Weasley reprimanded and said, "You can just go to

school and study in peace. These matters are not something you can

interfere with now..." Seeing Fred and George, he wanted to open his

mouth to argue again, and continued: "Wait for you. Let’s talk about it

when we become adults!”

Several people had no choice but to hang their heads in depression and

compete with the grilled sausages in their hands.

"Dad, Xia Ran, who do you think that person is?" Charlie said suddenly.

Xia Ran turned around and looked over, only to see a man striding

towards him. He was very eye-catching. He said hello to other wizards

from time to time on the way. He smiled broadly and seemed to be very


"Haha!" Mr. Weasley said with a smile, "The most important person at the

moment - Ludo Bagman!"

Several children also hurriedly looked over and saw a majestic man

striding over. He was wearing a long Quidditch robe with a wide yellow

and black stripe, and a splash of ink on his chest. Holding a huge wasp, it

seems that his former strong physique has begun to decline.

The robe stretched tightly over his big belly. Just imagine that when he

played Quidditch for England, his belly must not have gained weight!

Ludo Bagman's nose was flat, as if it had been broken by a Bludger in a

Quidditch match, but his round blue eyes and short blond hair, And his

red face made him look like an overly large boy.

"Hoo ho!" Ludo Bagman shouted happily. He walked like a naughty child,

jumping up and down, as if there were springs under his feet. It was

obvious that he was in a state of extreme excitement.

"Arthur, old man! Oh, Xia Ran is here too. I heard that you went to

Hogwarts to become a professor. Congratulations!" Bagman came to the

side of the bonfire and said breathlessly, "What a beautiful weather. Ah!

Look, there are blue skies and white clouds, right? The weather is really

great. Where can you find such weather? There must be no clouds at

night... The preparations for the entire Quidditch World Cup are in good

order... I basically have nothing to do. !”

He is the Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at

the Ministry of Magic.

"Excuse me... Director, give way!" Suddenly a group of haggard-looking

Ministry of Magic officials hurried past. There were signs in the distance

that someone was playing with magic fire, and purple flames jumped up.

More than twenty people feet tall!

"Ah!" Bagman quickly moved to the side of the road.

The Ministry of Magic officials passing by finally seemed to cast resentful

glances at him.

He shook hands with Xia Ran and Mr. Weasley.

"Ah, yes." Mr. Weasley said with a smile, "These are some of my


Bagman looked at Harry and Hermione suspiciously.

"They are not redheads...Arthur, let me ask you...could it be..."

"Of course, of course they are not!" Mr. Weasley introduced, "These red-

haired ones are my children, Fred...ah, no - George, I'm sorry - that's

Fred... …” He had the wrong twin.

"And Bill, Charlie, Ron, my daughter Ginny, this is Ron's friend,

Hermione Granger and Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter?!" Bagman suddenly exclaimed, and his eyes immediately

glanced at the scar on Harry's forehead.

Harry had a look of helplessness. Although he was used to this, he still

felt helpless every time he encountered it. After all, people paid attention

to his lightning scar, which would also cause trouble to him.

Mr. Weasley continued: "Come, let me introduce you all. This is Ludo

Bagman. You know who he is. It is thanks to him that we got such a good

ticket... "

Bagman smiled broadly and waved his hand, as if to say it was nothing.

"Want to place a bet on the game, Arthur? Xia Ran, which team do you

think will win? Who will score the first goal?" Bagman asked eagerly,

jingling the pockets of his yellow and black robe. "I've convinced Roddy

Pontene to bet me that Bulgaria will score the first goal - I gave him very

high odds because I Considering Ireland's number three forward is the

best I've seen in years - little Agatha Timms put up half her Eel Farm

stock on a bet that the game would last a week!"

It turned out that he was looking for gambling friends.

"Oh, okay then." Mr. Weasley seemed to be taken aback and said slowly,

"Let me think about it... Well, I'll bet Ireland to win for a gold galleons,


"One gold Galleon?" Ludo Bagman was obviously a little disappointed,

but he quickly regained his interest, "Very good, very good, willing to

place a bet... Xia Ran, do you want to place a bet?" "

He looked at Xia Ran expectantly.

Xia Ran had no intention of gambling, and he knew that Ludo Bagman

was a big gambler. He disappeared in the original time and space because

he could not pay off his debts, and avoided the angry creditors for a

period of time.

"No, I'm not interested in this." Xia Ran said without interest.

"Okay, okay." Bagman had no choice but to regretfully accept one of Mr.

Weasley's gold galleons. "Is there anyone else willing to bet?"

"They're too young to gamble," said Mr. Weasley. "Molly wouldn't want


"We put down thirty-seven gold galleons, fifteen silver Sickles, and three

copper Knuts!" Fred immediately interrupted his father and said, and he

and George quickly took out their money, " Bet on Ireland to win! But

Viktor Krum will catch the Snitch! Oh, and by the way, we'll also have a

fake wand!"

"Fake wand?" Bagman took the fake wand from Fred's hand. The wand

squeaked loudly and turned into a little rubber ***. Mr. Bagman laughed,

his child-like face full of tears. excited.

"That's great! That's great! I haven't seen such a realistic fake thing in

many years! I'll buy it for five gold galleons!"

"Children," Mr. Weasley said in a low voice, "I don't want you to gamble -

and Molly would not want to see you gambling - this is all your


"Don't be a spoiler, Arthur!" Ludo Bagman said gruffly, rattling the money

in his pockets with excitement, "They have grown up and know what

they want! Do you think Ireland will win, but Klum can catch the Snitch?

No way, kids, no way... Well, I'm going to give you great odds... and add

that funny dick to the mix. The fake wand was exchanged for five gold

galleons, so shall we..."

At this time Xia Ran spoke.

Chapter 161 Goodbye

Xia Ran coughed lightly and said: "Fred, George, are you betting too

much? Gambling should be done in moderation. There is no need to

spend all your savings on it."

He knows the outcome of this Quidditch World Cup - if nothing

unexpected happens, after all, Voldemort is completely resurrected this

time, and there is no guarantee that something unexpected will happen

during the World Cup. Sirius, Lupin, Moody, etc. Therefore, people are on

call at any time. He, Mr. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, and Professor McGonagall

are also members of the Order of the Phoenix within the scope of being

on call - but he is not interested in gambling, so he is unwilling to

participate in Bagh. Mann's bet.

Moreover, according to the original process of time and space, Ludo

Bagman was completely defeated in the end, and even losing almost no

money was not enough. He even had to disappear for a period of time.

From Xia Ran's point of view, it was acceptable for Mr. Weasley to

gamble for fun, but the twin brothers were too impulsive and erroneous

in considering all their savings.

But if they were not allowed to participate in the bet directly, Xia Ran

was not the parents or elders of the twin brothers - not to mention that

what their father, Mr. Weasley, had just said was refuted - so he decided

to persuade the Weasley family in a subtle way. twin brothers.

"It doesn't matter, we are confident. We have been studying this for a

long time this summer." George said with a smile.

"Okay, Fred Weasley, George Weasley..."

Ludo Bagman quickly took out a notebook and quill from the pocket of

his yellow and black robe, and scrawled the names of the twin brothers,

as if he was afraid that they would regret it.

Mr. Weasley looked on helplessly.

Xia Ran also shook her head and simply said no more. Anyway, the twin

brothers were still at Hogwarts and had not yet graduated to find jobs on

their own, so the Weasleys would not be cut off from their pocket money


In daily life at Hogwarts, house elves are busy in the kitchen, and all

kinds of food, snacks and drinks do not cost the teachers and students a


If it doesn't work, just spend money to buy a lesson!

"It's done!" George took the small strip of parchment handed to him by

Bagman and stuffed it into the front of his robe.

Bagman turned back to Mr. Weasley with great joy.

"Can you do me a favor, Arthur? I've been looking for Jerome Patton. My

equal in Bulgaria is giving us advice, but I don't understand a word he

says. Jerome Tom will solve this problem. Although he is not as good at

speaking one hundred and fifty languages ​​as Barty Crouch was before,

he can still speak about forty or fifty languages."

Barty Crouch was the former Director of the Department of International

Magical Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic. He later

died at the hands of his son, Barty Crouch Jr., and his body was not

found. The Ministry of Magic promoted another person with background.

A meritorious wizard came to power and served as the director of the

Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation. His

name was Jerome Barton, and Percy was now working under Barton.

So Mr. Weasley's expression became subtle and he said, "I'll try, but I

haven't seen Jerome Barton today either."

"Please give me a grilled sausage...Thank you, Xia Ran." Bagman sat

down on the grass next to them and said while eating the sausage handed

over by Xia Ran, "It seems that one of your children is here Under Barton,

right? I saw his red hair, and I think except for your Weasley family, the

red-haired wizards from other families are not so conspicuous."

"Uh, yes, yes." Mr. Weasley said a little uneasily.

Family scandals should not be made public. He couldn't just say that

Percy and I had severed our relationship, right?

Bagman said carelessly: "What's his name? He seems quite capable. I

heard Barton talk about him, and he had many compliments."

"Really?" Mr. Weasley forced a smile.

Bagman suddenly looked around, lowered his voice and said, "Arthur, I

have to say something about you. With the current situation in the

Ministry of Magic, I think it's best for you to distance yourself from

Dumbledore... You know , you are pure blood, you should not be limited

to such a small department... You can go to larger departments and

platforms to develop..."

This time Mr. Weasley just smiled without comment and did not answer.

"Okay, it's up to you." Bagman said casually.

At this time Bill handed Bagman a cup of tea.

"Xia Ran, how is your career as a professor? How do you feel about

teaching children?" He suddenly looked at Xia Ran and asked with a

smile, "I was really taken aback when I heard that you resigned to apply

for the Hogwarts professorship. I'm surprised, I didn't expect you to

actually become the combat professor at Hogwarts."

"It's okay." Xia Ran smiled, "It's two completely different feelings from

working in the Ministry of Magic."

"Alas!" Bagman sighed, his round eyes widened a little, showing a

regretful expression, "I'm so sorry that I'm too old, otherwise I would

really have to enter Hogwarts to listen to you. lecture."

"Haha, do you see what I'm capable of?" Xia Ran laughed.

Snapped! Snapped!

There were two sudden snaps on the ground, and the two wizards

apparated and appeared beside their campfire.

"Ha, just as I was talking about you, here you are! Jerome!" Bagman


This middle-aged male wizard formed a very sharp contrast with Ludo

Bagman, who was sitting lazily on the grass wearing the old robes of the


Jerome Barton is a man in his fifties or sixties. His waist is slightly

stooped, but his face is very serious and unsmiling. At first glance, he

looks like a very strict and self-disciplined person.

However, the Weasleys all looked unnatural and felt extremely awkward.

Because next to Jerome Barton there is a tough-looking wizard, who

seems to be imitating Jerome Barton, with the same unsmiling expression

and the same serious expression, turning a blind eye to the Weasley

family who are standing in front of him.

He is none other than Percy Weasley.

After looking at Jerome Barton, the newly appointed Director of the

Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, and

making a vague look at Percy, Xia Ran focused on the barbecue food

again. He was not full yet.

Several members of the Weasley family also pretended to be busy with

their own affairs.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other and pretended not to see


"Sit down and rest, Jerome." Bagman said happily, patting the grass

beside him.

"No, thank you, Ludo." Jerome said, with a hint of impatience in his

voice, "I've been looking for you everywhere, and the Bulgarians insisted

that we add twelve more seats to the top box."

"Oh, it turns out that's what they want." Bagman suddenly said, "I thought

that guy wanted to borrow a pair of tweezers from me. His accent was

too strong."

He shook his head as he spoke.

Chapter 162 Big Event

"Hello Xia Ran." Jerome greeted Xia Ran first, and Xia Ran responded.

Jerome then cast his serious gaze on Mr. Weasley and said: "By the way, I

have always wanted to tell you something, Arthur. Ali Bashir raised a

provocation and he wanted to talk to you. Talk about your ban on flying


Mr. Weasley immediately sighed heavily.

"I sent him an owl last week to talk specifically about this. I've told him a

hundred times that carpets are classified as Muggle artefacts on the

Prohibited Magical Items Register, but he will Do you listen?" Mr.

Weasley said with a wry smile. He is the director of the Office for the

Suppression of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts in the Ministry of Magic.

"I doubt he will." Jerome said still seriously. "He can't wait to export

flying carpets here. He seems to think that Britain will be his next


"Haha, is he kidding?" Bagman laughed. "Flying carpets are good, but

how can they replace flying broomsticks? This is something that will

never happen, right?"

"Alibaba believes there is a niche in the family transportation market,"

Jerome said.

"Okay, let's not talk about the Bulgarians. How about it, are you busy

enough, Jerome?" Bagman's tone seemed very relaxed and cheerful.

"Very busy!" Jerome said in a stiff tone, "It is not an easy task to organize

and arrange door keys on five continents, Ludo."

"I take it you are all keen for this to be over soon?" Mr. Weasley asked.

Ludo Bagman seemed taken aback.

"Would you rather? Oh, no, I have never been so happy! However, there

is no hope ahead, right, Jerome? Well, there are still many activities to

be organized, right, Xia Ran?" Bagman laughed. chuckled.

Jerome immediately raised his eyebrows at Bagman.

"We promise not to announce it to the public until all the details - of

course, Xia Ran is a professor at Hogwarts, he is an insider - are

complete, Ludo..."

"Oh, details." Bagman waved his hand disapprovingly, as if to ward off a

swarm of mosquitoes, "They signed, right? There is no room for regret,

even if Dumbledore... you know, Gerald Hmm...but I'm willing to bet you

that these kids are going to find out about this soon. I mean, this is going

to happen at Hogwarts..."

"Ludo, you should know that we need to meet those Bulgarians!" Jerome

said seriously, interrupting Bagman, "By the way, Percy, don't say hello to

your family. ?"

He finally looked at Percy, who had been staying quietly beside him.

"No, Mr. Barton, I have nothing to do with them anymore!" Percy said

stiffly, still not turning to look at the Weasley family.

The Weasley children: Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry and

Hermione all showed angry looks.

Mr. Weasley looked solemn and said nothing.

"Oh, really?" Jerome seemed to be slightly startled, but then he didn't

care anymore, but stared at Ludo Bagman, waiting for him to get up from

the ground.

Ludo struggled to his feet and drank the tea in one gulp, the gold

galleons clinking happily in his pocket.

"I just said how could Xia Ran... See you later, you are on the top box

with me - I am the commentator of the game!" Bagman blinked and

waved goodbye, while Jerome Barton just said calmly Percy nodded

without any expression.

Following the three of them, they apparated and disappeared.

"That idiot!" George lowered his voice. He didn't name him, but everyone

knew he was talking about Percy.

"George!" Mr. Weasley shouted sternly, glaring at George.

George turned his head away, but seemed to be still mumbling


"What's going on at Hogwarts now, Dad?" Ron changed the subject and

asked curiously, "What did they just say?"

"You'll find out soon enough," Mr. Weasley said with a smile.

Fred looked at Xia Ran and asked hurriedly: "Professor Frémont, Mr.

Barton said you also know that it is still held at Hogwarts. What is that?

What kind of competition?"

Xia Ran smiled slightly. What Jerome, Bagman and Mr. Weasley were

talking about was the restart of the Triwizard Tournament after hundreds

of years.

Due to Voldemort's resurrection and return, Dumbledore originally

intended not to hold the event anymore. Unfortunately, he had

previously agreed to the event on behalf of Hogwarts and signed all the

papers. The Ministry of Magic did not want to waste years of efforts in

vain. The other two magic schools: Both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

expressed their willingness to continue participating in this intensive


There was no other way. Hogwarts had no choice but to continue

participating in the Triwizard Tournament. Dumbledore had made

special arrangements for this matter. By then, many members of the

Order of the Phoenix might have to live in Hogsmeade Village.

Strengthening Hogwarts Watts's garrison to prevent a surprise Death

Eater attack.

"It's a top secret and you don't want to tell us, is it?" Ginny made a bitter

look on her face.

"Haha, it's not top secret." Xia Ran smiled, "But you don't have to worry,

Dumbledore will notify all students when school starts."

"Then Mr. Bagman said that Dumbledore doesn't seem satisfied, right?"

Harry said hesitantly.

"Does Dumbledore disagree with this?" Hermione frowned.

"Don't agree?" Xia Ran shrugged and said, "He originally agreed, but

didn't you hear that he had already signed it? It's just that something

unexpected happened later, which caused Dumbledore to change his


"Accident?" Several people were suddenly confused.

Hermione couldn't help but lost her voice and said: "Mysterious Man! It's

because of Mysterious Man!"

"That's right." Mr. Weasley nodded and said, "The mysterious man has

returned. Dumbledore is worried about problems, so he is unwilling to

continue the event, but..." He smiled bitterly twice and continued: "It

turns out that he The words have been signed, and it’s too late to regret


"Dad, should we go there?" Charlie said suddenly and looked at the time.

"Oh, yes, it's time to go over for the meeting." Mr. Weasley said, after

eating the last bit of food, he gave Fred and George a few words. After

all, Bill and Charlie were also going over for the meeting. Fortunately,

the children Already grown up.

Xia Ran patted his butt and stood up. He, Mr. Weasley, Bill, and Charlie

quickly walked along the side of the camp.

Outside Professor McGonagall's tent, they also saw a witch with bright

red hair, it was Tonks.

Tonks seemed to be talking to Lupine, with a happy expression on her

face, but Luping looked more helpless and haggard. When she saw Xia

Ran and the four of them coming over, it was like seeing a savior.

"Arthur, Xia Ran, you are finally here! And Bill and Charlie, when did

you come back?"

Chapter 163 Meeting

Xia Ran smiled and said, "Professor Luping, how was your chat with


Lupine looked distressed and depressed, and said angrily: "Stop joking!

Also, I have resigned from Hogwarts and am no longer a professor."

Tonks happily greeted Xia Ran and the other four.

"Hello, Tonks, is everyone here yet?" Mr. Weasley asked.

Lu Ping nodded and said: "Everyone has arrived..."

"Arthur? Xia Ran?" A corner of the tent suddenly opened, and a wizard

leaned out half of his body. His hair was messy, and his face looked like

it had been chopped with a knife and axe. Every inch of the skin was

scarred, his mouth was crooked, and his nose was There was also a

section missing and flattened, and his eyes were even more frightening.

One of his eyes is small, black, and shiny, while the other eye is very

large, round like a coin, and is a distinct bright blue.

The blue eye moved without blinking, turning this way and that, looking

this way and that.

This man is none other than Mad-Eye Alastor Moody.

The number two figure in the Order of the Phoenix and the number one

general in the Order after Dumbledore!

Others, even Xia Ran, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Snape, can't

compare to "Mad Eye" Moody in terms of magic power and fighting skills.

Snape even had some fear of Moody in the original time and space.

Of course, the same is true now.

Moody's blue magic eye stared at Xia Ran, then looked at Bill and

Charlie, and said: "Come in!"

Xia Ran opened the curtain of the tent and entered. This tent was much

better than the tent borrowed by Mr. Weasley. It was a large tent with

four bedrooms. It also had bathrooms, kitchens, toilets, etc., and the

living room was also huge. , nearly forty square meters, with three sofas

in one corner, a coffee table and a bookshelf, giving it a casual feel.

Moody walked to a bench and sat down. He seemed not used to sitting on

the soft sofa.

Professor McGonagall, Sirius, and Mundungus were sitting on three sofas

respectively. Professor McGonagall had a book in her hand and was

flipping through it. Tonks sat down next to her.

Lu Ping sat on Sirius's sofa, and Xia Ran and the four of them also

randomly found a free spot to sit down.

"Very good, everyone is here." Moody nodded with satisfaction and said,

"Tonight is the period when the Quidditch World Cup is held. Among

us... Minerva, Sharon, Arthur, Bill and Charlie ..." He pointed to the

people mentioned in his words in turn and continued: "You will enter the

venue and watch the World Cup. At the same time, you must pay

attention to any abnormal movements from all sides."

"Alastor, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult." Xia Ran said helplessly, "In an

occasion like the World Cup, tens of thousands of wizards and many

fanatical Quidditch enthusiasts gather together. No matter what

extraordinary things they do, I think It’s possible!”

"Especially if that team loses the game..." Charlie also said, "The

supporters of that team are probably going crazy! Of course, the

supporters of the winning team are probably going crazy too!"

He was once a Quidditch player and served as the captain of the

Gryffindor Quidditch team. After graduation, although he raised dragons

in Romania and did not continue his Quidditch career, he still often

listened to Quidditch related news. Qi Radio Channel also knows the

destructive power of fanatical fans.

"We can only take one step at a time and see one step at a time."

Professor McGonagall sighed, "And the venue is so big - after all, it can

accommodate nearly 100,000 wizards - there are only a few of us, so we

can only try our best to observe the situation around us. "

"Okay, that's it. Anyway, you are all experienced wizards who will act

according to the situation, so there is no need for me to say more."

Moody continued, "Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Monty and I Dunges is standing

outside, just like those officials from the Ministry of Magic, performing

security duties."

Sirius looked slightly regretful. In fact, he really wanted to see this

Quidditch World Cup.

Then everyone discussed how to deal with various situations, and what

color signals would be emitted under certain circumstances, so that

others could immediately know what the current situation was.

Immediately, the four of Xia Ran left the tent and returned to the

Weasley family's tent. They took a nap to recharge their batteries.

Something might happen in the evening.

It would be best if nothing happened and everything was business as


As the afternoon went by, a sense of excitement spread over the camp

like a palpable cloud, as the start time of the Quidditch World Cup finals

got closer and closer.

At dusk even the silent summer air seemed to tremble with anticipation,

the last vestiges of disguise disappearing as night fell like a curtain over

thousands of eagerly awaiting wizards.

The Ministry of Magic seemed to be succumbing to the inevitable, no

longer fighting against people, no longer requiring people to memorize

the secret code, and allowing obvious signs of magic to appear


Every few steps, apparated vendors descended from the sky, either

carrying trays or pushing trolleys filled with all kinds of weird stuff.

There are glowing rose-shaped badges - green for Ireland, red for

Bulgaria - that scream out the names of the players; there are green high

hats decorated with shamrocks dancing in the wind, which are the Irish

support team There is also a Bulgarian ribbon, and the lion printed on it

can really roar.

In addition, there are many eye-catching gadgets, such as the national

flags of the two countries, which will automatically play their respective

national anthems when waved; there are also small models of Firebolts

that can really fly; there are also collectibles Statues of famous players.

Those small statues can walk around in the palm of your hand, looking

proud of themselves.

Xia Ran bought himself a green sports badge. If he remembered correctly,

the final winner of this Quidditch World Cup was the Irish team.

Bill, Charlie and Ginny also bought green Ireland badges, and Mr.

Weasley held up an Irish flag.

Ron wore a shamrock hat and a green badge, but he also had a small

statue of Viktor Krum of the Bulgarian team. The miniature Krum kept

frowning at the statue above him. with the Ireland team badge and what

looked like binoculars in his hand.

Harry and Hermione also had binoculars in their hands, as well as a

competition manual, and also bought Irish team badges and hats.

Fred and George had no souvenirs and gave Bagman all their savings to


"It's about to begin!" Xia Ran looked into the distance expectantly.

At this time, a deep and deep gong sound came from somewhere far

away in the woods. Immediately, thousands of red and green lanterns

bloomed on the trees, illuminating the road to the arena.

"Okay, kids, let's set off." Mr. Weasley said excitedly, leading the way.

Chapter 164 Prelude

Mr. Weasley led the way. Everyone clutched their purchases and walked

quickly into the woods along the path illuminated by lanterns.

They could hear thousands of people walking around, and various sounds

came and went. Excited shouts, enthusiastic laughter, and high-pitched

singing resounded through the forest.

In the current environment and atmosphere, this kind of fanatical

excitement is very contagious. Xia Ran and the others couldn't help

laughing, with excited expressions on their faces.

They walked in the woods for about twenty minutes, laughing and joking

loudly as they slowly followed the crowd out of the woods. At this time,

they found themselves in the shadow of a huge stadium.

Xia Ran stopped along with the others and looked up. She could only see

part of the magnificent golden wall surrounding the arena, because the

venue was so big that it could seat 100,000 wizards.

Harry and Hermione also had surprised looks on their faces.

"It can accommodate a hundred thousand spectators!" Mr. Weasley

introduced specifically. "Five hundred staff from the Ministry of Magic

have been busy working on this place for a whole year, and every inch of

the land here has been cast with a Muggle expulsion spell. This

Throughout the year, whenever Muggles approach this place

unintentionally, they will suddenly remember urgent matters and walk

away in a hurry... Oh, God bless them!"

He led everyone to the nearest entrance - after all, there must be more

than one entrance to such a large stadium - where there were already

many wizards from various countries shouting and speaking with

different accents.

"First class tickets!" The Ministry of Magic wizard at the entrance looked

at their tickets and said, "Top box! Go all the way upstairs, Arthur, to the


The stairs leading to the stadium were covered with purple-red carpets.

Xia Ran and the crowd climbed up the stairs together. Slowly, the crowds

of people walked into the stands on the left and right respectively.

However, Xia Ran and the others still needed to keep going up, and

finally reached the top of the stairs.

They found themselves in a small box at the highest point of the stadium,

facing the golden goal post.

There are about twenty purple and gold-plated seats in the small box,

divided into two rows.

"Children, let's sit down." Mr. Weasley said, and the group of people sat

in the front row one after another. Xia Ran looked down, and the scene

was very shocking.

More than 100,000 wizards are taking their seats one after another.

Those seats surround the oval stadium and are arranged upward in a

staircase. Everything here is shrouded in a mysterious golden light, which

seems to come from the stadium itself.

From Xia Ran's and the others' vantage point, the arena looked as flat and

smooth as velvet. There were three pitching rings on both sides of the

arena, fifty feet high. To their right, they were almost level with the top

box. At the spot was a huge blackboard, with golden words constantly

flashing on it, as if an invisible giant hand was writing on the blackboard,

and then erasing them all.

But when Xia Ran took a closer look, she realized that those flashing

golden words turned out to be advertisements.

"Such an advertisement must be very expensive!" Xia Ran whispered.

Mr. Weasley smiled and said: "Xia Ran, this is an advertising screen for

100,000 people! There are countless wizards in the world, and there is no

second event except the Quidditch World Cup that can bring together

100,000 wizards at the same time. Competitions or activities can do this,

and merchants and vendors must of course strive to announce their

products to wizards around the world!"

Xia Ran glanced around and saw advertisements for various items

popping up one after another.

"Cornflower: The broomstick for the whole family - safe! Dependable!

With built-in anti-theft buzz alarm!"

"Skoll's All-Purpose Miracle Stain Remover: Removes stains with ease!"

"Fengya brand wizard uniform - London, Paris, Hogsmeade..."

Xia Ran withdrew her gaze and looked back. Apart from their group of

people, no one else had come in and sat down in the box, not even the

house elf who occupied the seat in the original space and time - the

house elf of Crouch Manor. Winky - Gone is Winky, and Winky seems to

be working at Hogwarts now.

Winky was brought to Hogwarts by Xia Ran from the cemetery where

Voldemort was resurrected, and was managed by the school nurse Mrs.

Pomfrey. Because Winky was under the Imperius Curse of Barty Crouch

Jr., no one would pursue her. responsibility.

When Winky had nowhere to go and was confused, Dumbledore offered

her an olive branch, hoping that Winky would work in the kitchen at

Hogwarts and was willing to pay her. She agreed, but she was

determined not to be paid by Dumbledore.

This is also the position of the house elves at Hogwarts. They can help

you work, but they cannot pay us!

Among the house elves, perhaps the only one who knew about their

salary and benefits was Dobby. He was originally a house elf at Malfoy

Manor, but was later rescued by Harry, and Xia Ran helped him along the


"Awesome! Man!"

Ron took out his panoramic telescope and began to adjust it. He looked

at the crowd on the other side of the stadium.

"I can look at the wizard again... again..."

At this time, Hermione opened a book with a tasseled velvet cover, and

Xia Ran caught a glimpse of it being a competition manual.

"There will be performances by the two teams' mascots before the game!"

Hermione read aloud.

Xia Ran suddenly laughed and said: "That is always worth seeing! You

know, every country in the Quidditch World Cup - it must be a

participating country - will bring some rare animals from their own

country. , it’s very interesting to do a show here.”

"Really?" Hermione's eyes lit up and she looked very interested, as if she

couldn't wait to see the mascot's performance later.

In the next half hour or so, the top-level box where they were seated

gradually became filled with people.

Mr. Weasley and Xia Ran kept shaking hands with people - mainly Mr.

Weasley. Although Xia Ran knew them both, after all, they were no

longer employees of the Ministry of Magic, but professors at Hogwarts -

those people Most of them are senior officials and leaders of various

departments of the Ministry of Magic, and they have strong power.

However, with the arrival of Cornelius Fudge, the atmosphere in the box

changed slightly. Fudge turned a blind eye to Xia Ran and others in the

first row, and only nodded casually to Mr. Weasley.

Because of the announcement of Voldemort's return, Fudge and

Dumbledore had a complete falling out, and also ordered the Daily

Prophet to smear Harry. Therefore, Harry, the person involved, was

present, and Xia Ran, who in his opinion clearly belonged to

Dumbledore, was present. The wizard of the Blido camp, if the situation

did not allow it - after all, so many people were watching, and the

Bulgarian Minister of Magic and the cameras of major newspapers were

pointed at this top-level box from time to time - he would have wanted to

give instructions to his men Drive Xia Ran and Harry Potter out.

If he really does this, Xia Ran will not be merciful, because he is the

Minister of the Ministry of Magic, so he does not dare to take action, and

he is the Minister of the Ministry of Magic, so he does not dare to take

action. The box was thrown into the center of the venue, and a few

curses were recited to give Fudge a bloody lesson!

Chapter 165 The match begins!

"Xia Ran."

A witch walked into the box. She was Xia Ran's former boss, named

Amelia Bones. She served as the director of the Department of Magical

Law Enforcement, including the Auror Office, the Office for the

Prohibition of the Abuse of Magic, and the Office for the Prohibition of

the Abuse of Muggles. Departments such as the Items Office fall under

the jurisdiction of the Magical Law Enforcement Division.

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is the largest department of

the Ministry of Magic.

Ms. Bones is also a wizard who hates black magic. One of her family

members died in the First Wizarding War. The original time and space

process, Amelia Bones, was even attacked shortly after Voldemort

returned. Kill.

"Amelia, long time no see." Xia Ran stood up and shook hands with Ms.

Bones, "I didn't expect you to also like to watch Quidditch matches."

"No, I don't like it." Ms. Bones gave the opposite answer, "Hello, Arthur.

It's just that I think I should come to the Quidditch World Cup, maybe..."

She stopped talking at this point, but it was obvious that Xia Ran

understood what she meant.

Compared to the current Minister of Magic Fudge, she believed in

Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, which meant that she believed

that Voldemort had returned. Perhaps because of this, Ms. Bones came to

Quidditch uncharacteristically. The match scene of the World Cup.

"Okay, Amelia, sit down, the game is about to start." Fudge said with a

calm face.

The minister of the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic, wearing a gorgeous

black velvet robe with gold trim, looked like he couldn't understand a

word of English - he actually spoke English, but he pretended to hide it in

the original time and space, and it was not revealed until the end, so he

was teased He asked Fudge - but his expression was more playful.

Ms. Bones sat calmly in her seat, staring at the empty stadium in front of

her, her eyes scanning in various directions from time to time, as if

observing whether there was any dangerous situation.

"Ah, Malfoy is here, sit down quickly." Suddenly Fudge spoke.

A group of people in the front row immediately turned their heads.

Three wizards squeezed into the three still empty seats in the second row

behind Mr. Weasley. They were Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy and

Draco Malfoy.

When Mr. Malfoy saw Xia Ran and Harry, his expression suddenly

became gloomy.

He has not forgotten how his house elf escaped from his home.

And Harry didn't have a good face, because he and Draco Malfoy had

been bitter enemies since they first went to Hogwarts.

Draco Malfoy is a pale-skinned boy with a pointed face and flaxen hair

who looks very much like his father. His mother, Narcissa, also had light

skin and yellow hair. She was not ugly to begin with, but she always put

on a look of disgust, as if she smelled something bad.

The Malfoy family and the Weasley family have never dealt with them.

They each glanced at each other and looked away as if they hadn't seen


"Ah, Fudge." Mr. Malfoy stretched out his hand and said as he passed by

the Minister of Magic, "Hello, I don't think you have met my wife

Narcissa yet? And our son Draco?" ."

"Hello, hello, Lucius." Fudge's gloomy face showed a smile, and he bowed

slightly to Mrs. Malfoy, "Please allow me to introduce you to Mr.

Oberlansk - okay, O'Brien Mr. Baronsk - he's the Bulgarian Minister of

Magic, but it doesn't matter, he doesn't understand what I'm saying

anyway. Let me see who else, Amelia, the one you only know, and

Arthur, Arthur Weasley, do you know him?"

At this moment, the atmosphere in the box became tense again.

Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy had to look at each other. Harry, Ron, and

Hermione still remembered the last time they met. It was at Flourish and

Blotts Bookstore in Diagon Alley, and they fought. Got a fight!

Mr. Malfoy's cold gray eyes glanced past Mr. Weasley back and forth

across the rows of seats.

"Oh my God, Arthur," Mr. Malfoy said softly, "What did you sell to get a

seat in the top box? You must have more than this, right?"

Fudge continued: "Lucius just recently donated a large amount of money

to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies. Arthur, he is

the honored guest I invited."

"Oh, great," said Mr. Weasley with a forced smile.

"Okay, Mr. Malfoy, sit down in your seat, don't stand anywhere." Ms.

Bones suddenly said.

Malfoy had no choice but to continue taunting Mr. Weasley, so he

glanced at Hermione with a cold gaze, his eyes showing undisguised

disgust and disdain.

He is a believer in the theory of "pure blood supremacy". Muggle wizards

such as Hermione are of course the target of his ridicule, and he even

thinks that Muggle wizards are inferior.

Hermione blushed slightly, but looked into Lucius Malfoy's eyes without


Seeing this, Xia Ran turned around, glanced at Lucius Malfoy briefly, and

said, "Lucius Malfoy, do you have something to say?"

"No." Mr. Malfoy whispered, but smiled mockingly.

Xia Ran frowned immediately, but on this occasion, it was impossible for

him to take out his wand and give him a hard blow.

"Then what are you looking at? If I don't sit down at your seat, if..." Xia

Ran smiled slightly and said, "...I might have to defend myself!"

The expression on Mr. Malfoy's face immediately froze, but he had

already known Xia Ran's strength from other channels, and he could

compete with the top wizards, which was beyond his reach!

He snorted coldly and walked to his seat.

Draco glared disdainfully at Harry, Ron and Hermione - deliberately

ignoring Sharon - and sat down between his parents.

"Nasty guy." Ron muttered, and he, Harry, and Hermione turned their

attention to the arena again.

Then Ludo Bagman burst into the box.

"Is everyone ready?" he asked, his round face shining like a giant ball of

cheese. "Minister, can we start?"

"Start as you say, Ludo," Fudge said kindly.

Ludo pulled out his wand, pointed at his throat and said: "Resonant!"

Then his words were like thunder, resounding throughout the packed


His voice echoed throughout the stadium, reaching every corner of the


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! Welcome to watch the 422nd

Quidditch World Cup!"

The audience immediately burst into cheers and applause. Thousands of

flags were waved at the same time, accompanied by the chaotic national

anthem. The scene was lively.

On the blackboard opposite the top balcony, the last line of

advertisements has been erased, and now it reads: Bulgaria: 0, Ireland: 0.

That's the display board showing the scores of the two teams on the field!

Outside the venue, a group of wizards glanced at the magnificent golden

facade with envy. One of the wizards with disheveled hair couldn't help

but sigh: "The Quidditch World Cup finals are being held inside, but we

can only listen to the noise outside? well!"

"Okay, Sirius, stop complaining, cheer up, and let's divide our respective

patrol areas." Another voice said.

Chapter 166 Veela

"Okay, Mad-Eye, I'm just sighing. After all, the Quidditch World Cup is

right in front of you, but you can only hear the voices of the

commentators and the cheers and applause of the audience, but you can't

see it with your own eyes. It's always a It's a pity, isn't it?" Sirius spread

his hands.

Moody's blue magic eyes rolled, without comment, and said in a deep

voice: "Cheer up! This is not the time to regret!"

Sirius shrugged.

"Should we divide into several teams and patrol separately?" Lupine


"You can arrange it, Mad-Eye. The Director also said that we can obey

your orders. You are the Auror hero after all, aren't you?" Kingsley said

with a smile. He also brought an Auror team with him. It looked like

more than ten people.

Most wizards have bought tickets to watch the World Cup, and a small

number of wizards on duty are also inside this huge stadium.

These Aurors were all brought back from vacation during emergencies.

Looking at the circle of wizards and witches around him, Moody nodded

and said: "It is necessary to separate! We are divided into two teams,

Kingsley, and your Auror team, patrol from the left. We Others patrolled

from the right."

"By the way, sending a red signal means encountering an enemy; a blue

signal means everything is normal; a yellow signal means there is

something unusual and requires further investigation..."

"Get your wands out, don't keep them in your pockets!"

Moody gave a final sweep and everyone took out their wands, their

expressions solemn.

Kingsley led his team of Aurors onto the road under the magnificent

golden wall. They all held their wands tightly and were always paying

attention to the movements around them. However, the noise in the

venue was too loud, which affected their judgment and keen perception.

All the Aurors couldn't help but frown, but they could only overcome it.

"See you later." Tonks followed the Auror team. She was originally a

member of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic.

Lu Ping's eyebrows moved slightly, but he still looked away.

"Okay, let's stop procrastinating, be careful and focus." Moody said, using

crutches and started walking along the right side.

Sirius, Lupine, and Mundungus looked at each other and followed

Moody's footsteps. Their eyes were like hawks, scanning the woods where

light and dark lights alternated.

At this moment, there was a deafening sound in the venue.

Xia Ran estimated the time and guessed that Moody and the others

should have started patrolling the area around the venue. Among the

100,000 wizards in the venue, there were many white wizards from the

Order of the Phoenix camp and many dark wizards from the Death Eaters


The Malfoy family behind him are still Death Eaters, but they have not

completely fallen, and there are still opportunities for "rescue".

Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and

Sports at the Ministry of Magic and commentator for the Quidditch

World Cup Final, has begun introducing the mascots of the two countries.

"Okay, without further ado, please allow me to introduce... the mascot of

the Bulgarian national team!" Bagman's voice was extremely loud, and it

spread throughout this super stadium that can accommodate 100,000


On the right side of the stands was a neat bright red square formation,

and loud cheers suddenly erupted.

"Mascot show?!"

"I wonder what they brought?"

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all looked very curious.

Even the adult wizards in the top box, except for a few officials from the

Bulgarian Ministry of Magic, all looked curious.

However, Xia Ran is an exception. He knows what the mascot of the

Bulgarian national team is.

"Huh? Veela!" Mr. Weasley suddenly took off his glasses and wiped them

hastily on his robe.

"What is a Veela?" Harry asked loudly, having to shout as loud as he

could because the noise in the arena was so loud.

"What a strong charm ability!" Xia Ran exclaimed, and saw a hundred

Veela sliding towards the arena. They were all women - of course they

had to be women - their skin was as bright and soft as the moon, and

their Even if there is no wind, their hair is flying behind their heads.

Each of them is the most beautiful woman in the world...

And this charming ability reached its peak in an instant when Veela

started dancing!

The male wizards around Xia Ran looked obsessed, as if they had seen

the most beautiful thing in the world. As long as they could keep seeing

the Veela, it seemed that they would be allowed to pay any price.

Only the witches and wizards looked dissatisfied and frowned.

"Professor Frémont, are you not affected?" Xia Ran heard a voice that

seemed to come from a distant place, it was Hermione speaking.

Xia Ran shook his head, like a pug trying to shake off water droplets on

his body, as if this would get rid of his obsession with Veela.

However, after all, his magic power is strong, reaching level 5 (advanced

level). He has also experienced reincarnation, and his willpower is

stronger than other wizards. Therefore, although he is also affected by

Veela, it is still within a controllable range. , not as ugly as other wizards.

"It's okay, it's okay." Xia Ran rubbed her forehead and said. Veela's ability

to charm is innate and innate, almost as good as a love potion.

"No wonder the wand made of Veela hair is special..."

Xia Ran no longer stared directly at the dancing Veela in the arena. She

would wait until his magic power became stronger again.

"Huh, these people are really..." Ginny pouted, looked at Harry Potter,

and even made a move to dance. It looked like he wanted to jump

directly from the box into the stadium, and compete with those Veela

dance together!

Several witches in the second row also looked dissatisfied.

Finally, the Veela stopped dancing, the music stopped, and they retreated

to the edge of the field.

But the stadium was filled with angry roars. People didn't want the Veela

to leave. They wanted to continue watching the Veela dance and enjoy

the ultimate joy, pure joy. Nothing in the world mattered, as long as they

could keep watching. Just Veela.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Hermione asked.

Harry blinked blankly as he stood with one leg propped up against the

wall of the box. Next to him, Ron even made a gesture as if he was about

to dive from the springboard, and stayed there motionless.

The other wizards who came back to their senses also looked slightly

embarrassed, deliberately not looking at the faces of other people around

them, as if they didn't know.

Many wizards even took off their Irish team badges, Ron was one of


Mr. Weasley took it and smiled: "You will need this later after the Irish

team's performance."

"Huh? Huh!" Ron snorted, still staring at the Veelas with his mouth open,

and they were already lined up in a corner of the field.

Hermione made a loud smacking sound, stretched out her hand to pull

Harry back to his seat, and said, "Oh! Why are you doing this?!"

Chapter 167 Quidditch World Cup

After the Veela, the mascot of the Bulgarian national team, came on stage

to dance, it was the turn of the mascot of the Irish national team.

"Now..." Ludo Bagman's voice rang like a bell, "please raise your wand in

the air... welcome the mascot of the Irish national team!"

Xia Ran looked up and heard a whooshing sound, and a huge green and

gold thing flew into the stadium, like a big comet.

The comet flew around the stadium, and then split into two smaller

comets, which rushed towards a set of goal posts. An arched rainbow

suddenly appeared across the entire stadium, connecting the two big

shining balls. stand up.

"So beautiful!"

The crowd immediately erupted in various exclamations, as if they were

watching a grand fireworks display.

At this time, the rainbow suddenly disappeared again, and the big

shining balls connected with each other, and then merged to form a

huge, shining clover. Just like the Irish team's emblem, the clover rose

high into the sky. It began to circle and dance at the top of the stands.


The sound of something falling.

People looked up and saw a golden rain falling in the venue!


Countless people roared, clovers hovered overhead, and huge gold coins

continued to fall on their heads and seats.

Xia Ran looked at the clover. In fact, it was not a magical creation, but

consisted of countless little people wearing red vests and mustaches. Each

little person was holding a golden or green lamp. Small lights.

"It's the Leprechaun!" said Mr. Weasley to cheers.

While people were cheering, they were still scrambling for gold coins, or

even got under the seats to pick up gold coins.

Xia Ran didn't move. He was not short of money, and he knew that these

leprechaun gold coins would not last long and it would be useless to pick

them up.

However, if Harry and Ron are willing to pick it up, it's up to them.

Anyway, as long as they are happy enough, it is impossible to spend the

leprechaun gold coins in a short time. The most important thing is that

the vendors will definitely not accept such gold!

"The beauty offensive and the money offensive are both good ways to

boost support!" Xia Ran muttered.

After a while, the noisy intensity gradually subsided, and the giant clover

disappeared. The leprechauns slowly fell to the opposite side of the Veela

on the field, sat down with their legs crossed, and prepared to watch the

game that was about to officially start.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, please warmly welcome... the Bulgarian

Quidditch National Team! Let me introduce to you - Dimitrov!" Ludo

Bagman's voice was loud.

A figure in red clothes riding on a broomstick flew into the arena from an

entrance below. He flew so fast that it was difficult to see clearly. He won

wild cheers from supporters of the Bulgarian national team!


A second figure in bright red robes flew out.

"Zograv! Levsky! Volkanov! Volkov! Next is... Viktor Krum!!"

The audience suddenly burst into loud cheers, louder than any previous

member of the Bulgarian national team who came on stage.

"It's him! It's him!" Ron shouted from the side, following Krum with his

telescope, and Harry quickly pointed his telescope at Krum.

"The most powerful young genius! A genius born to play Quidditch!"

Charlie Weasley said in admiration.

"Yeah, he's basically the best Seeker in the world now!" Bill Weasley


The Quidditch game requires a total of seven people, with several

positions: 1 seeker, 3 chasers, 2 beaters and 1 goalkeeper.

Xia Ran tapped the wand and conjured a telescope, and saw that Viktor

Krum was dark and thin, with grayish-yellow skin, a big aquiline nose,

and two thick black eyebrows. Like a very huge eagle, it makes people

believe that he is only eighteen years old!

"Now, let us welcome... the Irish Quidditch national team!" Bagman

shouted equally loudly, "The ones who are coming out are--Connolly!

Ryan! Troy! Mallett! Moran! Quigley! Also! There’s Lin Qi!”

Seven blurry green figures flew towards the arena and flew around the


There are female players in the Irish team, and they are all among the

best in the world at their respective positions!

Moran, for example, is one of the best chasers in the world!

"And our referee today, who flew all the way from Egypt and is the

deeply supported president of the International Quidditch Federation!

Hassan Mustafa!"

A short, lean wizard wearing a pure golden robe that matched the color

of the stadium strode into the arena.

This is also a bald wizard, but the beard is very thick, and there is a silver

whistle sticking out from under his beard. He has a large wooden box

under one arm and himself under the other arm. broomstick.

Hassan Mustafa first stepped on his broomstick, and then kicked the

wooden box away.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Four balls suddenly jumped into the sky, the bright red Quaffle, the two

black Bludgers, and the very small Golden Snitch with a pair of wings!

In just a flash, the golden snitch disappeared.

And only when one team's seeker finds the Golden Snitch will the

Quidditch match come to an end. It's no wonder that there are so many

Quidditch matches lasting four or five days!

Who told the seeker to never find the Golden Snitch!

Team members on both sides are riding broomsticks, looking solemn and

ready to go!

Hassan Mustafa looked around, took a deep breath, blew his whistle, and

followed the balls into the air.

The 422nd Quidditch World Cup finals has officially begun!

The atmosphere in the stadium was extremely heated instantly.

Supporters of the two teams cheered for their own teams, and many

neutral wizards also applauded and cheered. Even wizards like Xia Ran,

who knew only a little about Quidditch, felt excited and heated. As you

can imagine, Know how other people feel.

"Ah, the game has officially started!" Bagman suddenly screamed,

"They're off! This is Mallett! Troy! Moran - the Irish team has the ball -

Dimitrov! Passed to Mallet again! Wright! Troy! Lefsky! Moran!"

What a wonderful game. The commentator's speaking speed was

obviously not enough to explain clearly the situation on the field,

because the players of the two teams were so fast that it was


To be honest, Bagman's ability to accurately name the key figures in such

a short period of time had already attracted Xia Ran's attention. He even

had time to shake his head and follow the figures of the team members

flying around.

Xia Ran didn't know the various tactical formations of Quidditch

matches, but he could feel an exciting atmosphere that filled the entire

stadium and flowed through everyone's veins.


"Troy scores a goal!" Bagman roared with a loud voice, and the whole

audience burst into cheers. The cheers were so thunderous that the

stadium seemed to be shaking, "10:0, the Irish team leads!"

Chapter 168 The powerful Irish


"Beautiful!" Even a layman like Xia Ran couldn't help but applaud when

he saw that goal.

"What?" Harry shouted loudly, his eyes buried behind a pair of panoramic

telescopes, "But the Quaffle was taken away by Levski?!"

His telescope can see the scene more clearly, and there is also an

explanation of the tactical formation, but there is a delay - because the

players are too fast, Harry just turned the slow button on the right side of

the panoramic telescope ——The scenes he saw were all scenes that had

already happened, which almost slowed down the normal progress of the

game in the stadium by two or three seconds.

"Harry, if you don't watch it at normal speed, you're going to miss this

wonderful scene." Hermione said loudly as she clapped her hands. She

jumped up and down excitedly and kept waving her arms because of the

Irish team's performance. Troy flew around the field after scoring the


Xia Ran smiled and said: "Harry, the most exciting scenes must be

watched at normal speed."

At this time, the little leprechauns watching the game on the sidelines

rose into the air again, forming the huge sparkling clover again. The

Veelas on the opposite side of the field had particularly gloomy faces.

"Damn it!" Harry was very angry with himself and quickly adjusted the

speed button back to the normal speed. The game was still in progress.

Although Xia Ran didn't know much about Quidditch, he could still see

how powerful the Irish team's chasers were.

"The best in the world!" Charlie Weasley shouted from the side, "The

three chasers of the Irish team: Troy, Mallet, and Moran, they are all the

best chasers in the world!"

Xia Ran nodded silently. The Irish team's chasers cooperated extremely

well and were very coordinated, as if they were one person.

While flying in the sky, they also made many strange moves, which

looked weird but were useful. They got rid of the members of the

Bulgarian national team and avoided the bludgers hit hard by the

Bulgarian players.

"Troy! Mallet! Moran!"

The green rose-shaped badge on his chest was screaming the names of

several Irish chasers.

Within ten minutes, the Irish team scored two more goals, rewriting the

score to 30:0. The supporters of the Irish team in green cheered like an


Bulgaria still failed to score a point.

The game became more intense and cruel as Bulgaria's batsmen Volkov

and Volkanov used their strength to knock Bludgers into Ireland's Chasers

and prevent them from using some of their best moves. Good offensive.

The Irish team's chasers had to disperse. Finally, Bulgaria's chaser

Ivanova finally broke through the Irish team's blockade, and finally

evaded the Irish team's goalkeeper Ryan under the gaze of a hundred

thousand wizards. , scored the first goal for the Bulgarian national team!

"Hurry up and plug your ears with your fingers!" Xia Ran quickly

reminded loudly, because the Veela on the edge of the field had already

started dancing to celebrate.

The others immediately closed their eyes tightly, even Ron. They wanted

to focus all their attention on this wonderful game and were not willing

to be distracted by Veela, even though every Veela was very good.

Beautiful and pretty.

"Okay!" Xia Ran was more resistant. After a few seconds, she saw that the

Veela had stopped dancing, so she reminded everyone again.

At this moment, the Quaffle is already in the hands of the Bulgarian


"Dimitrov! Levsky! Dimitrov! Moran - the Irish intercepted the Quaffle -

oh, my God!" said Bagman in his booming voice.

"Have they discovered the Golden Snitch?!" Bagman's voice was

particularly excited.

Everyone in the field waited with bated breath, watching the two seekers

- Viktor Krum of the Bulgarian team and Linzi of the Irish team - they fell

quickly among the chasers, the speed was too fast. It was fast, as if the

gravity from the ground was ten times stronger than usual in an instant.

Xia Ran found no trace of the Golden Snitch, but recalling the Quidditch

World Cup in the original time and space, she couldn't help but shake her


"They're going to fall to the ground!" Hermione exclaimed, covering her


"No! Klum can't, but Lin Qi can!" Xia Ran said.

Sure enough, at the last second, Krum stopped his dive, rose again, and

flew away in a circle, while Linqi fell heavily to the ground. With a bang,

the whole stadium seemed to shake. There was a sigh of relief from the

Irish audience.

"Fool!" complained Mr. Weasley, "Krum is faking!"

"Wonsky's fake move - involving the dangerous seeker! Create a period of

time for yourself that is not affected by any opponent's players!" Charlie

said, "Krum lied to Linzi just to be like this now. Interfering with the time

to find the Golden Snitch, you see.”

Klum's eyes were almost unblinking. He took advantage of the time when

Lin Qi fell to the ground and began to fly freely in the air, scanning all

corners of the arena in order to find the Golden Snitch.

"The game is suspended!" Bagman shouted at this time. "The well-trained

on-field doctors rushed to the field to check Aidan Linzi's injury! I hope

he is not seriously injured, oh, God bless!"

Ludo Bagman is a loyal supporter of the Irish team.

"He's fine. He just used too much force just now and was deceived by

Klum's fake move." Bill comforted Ginny. Ginny moved to the side of the

box with a look of horror on her face. Lin Qi's face was full of it. Blood.

"Of course, this is exactly what Krum wants to achieve!"

"I hope Lin Qi is fine, otherwise..." Charlie said worriedly.

Xia Ran said: "It should be fine, not to mention that at this time, no

matter what, you have to persevere, Aidan Linqi will not be willing to be


Finally, Lin Qi stood up under the treatment of several wizard doctors,

and then soared into the sky amidst the loud cheers of supporters in

green clothes.

Linzi's recovery seemed to give the Irish team members more confidence.

When referee Hassan Mustafa blew the whistle again, the Irish team's

chasers quickly organized an offensive. Their skills He is so superb that

he can be called the strongest in the world!

After another 20 minutes of intense competition, the Irish team scored

ten goals in succession. They now lead 130:10 by a large margin. After a

while, Krum may find the Golden Snitch first, giving Bulgaria a chance to

win. Even if the team adds 150 points, it still cannot make up for the

score gap between the Bulgarian and Irish teams.

The Irish team's chasers are so strong!

When faced with such a powerful chaser, even the seeker who is

supposed to be a sea-fixing needle has its role greatly reduced. Unless the

golden snitch can be found from the beginning, the chasers will not be

given time to score goals. , otherwise even if the opponent's Seeker finds

the Golden Snitch, he still cannot save the team's defeat.

Such a chaser can truly establish a winning streak!

Troy! Mallette! Moran!

The best chaser in the world! And Mallet and Moran are both female

Quidditch players!

Chapter 169 Conflict

"The members of the Bulgarian team are already anxious!" Xia Ran

sighed. Because they were too far behind, the score was now 130:10. Less

than an hour after the start of the game, the Bulgarian team was already

120 points behind the Irish team. After a while, , I'm afraid it will go

above 150 points.

A Golden Snitch is worth 150 points. When the time comes, even if the

Bulgarian team's Seeker Viktor Krum catches the Golden Snitch, it will

still be difficult to save the defeat!

The Irish team is almost truly victorious!

The Bulgarian players have begun to use all means to hinder the Irish

team's chasers, especially the two women Mallet and Moran, who are

their first choice targets.

"Oh my God!"

The witches in the box suddenly exclaimed in low voices, all showing

undisguised disgust.

"Too bad! Bulgaria violated the rules of fair competition!"

When the Irish team's chaser Mallet rushed towards the goal post again

with the Quaffle under his arm, Bulgaria's goalkeeper Zograf flew out and

faced her directly. Everything happened so fast that no one saw it. As

soon as the ball cleared, referee Hassan Mustafa blew a long, harsh


There were angry shouts from the Irish audience.

"Mustafa scolded the Bulgarian goalkeeper for hitting someone - it seems

that Mallet is barely okay, I hope she is okay - the elbow movement was

too big!" Bagman said to the noisy and turbulent audience, "Ah, yes,

Ireland Team free throw!"

Mallett frowned, and Moran took the free throw opportunity.

The leprechauns, the Irish team's mascots, rose angrily into the air like a

group of shiny bumblebees. Now that they heard the referee's decision,

they quickly formed the words "Ha! Ha! Ha!" together, with all their

might. The power of ridicule!

The Veelas across the field jumped up, shook their hair angrily, and

started dancing again.

"Oh, spare us." Charlie sighed, immediately blocked his ears with his

fingers, and looked away, not paying attention to that place.

The other wizards also made the same move in unison.

Xia Ran narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the referee Hassan

Mustafa who had no time to plug his ears. He was confused by the Veela

and landed in front of the dancing Veela. His behavior was very strange,

bending and stretching his limbs. Showing off his muscles and stroking

his beard excitedly.

At this time, most people had seen the referee's abnormal actions, and

bursts of laughter came from the stadium.

"Oh, that won't work!" Ludo Bagman said, but judging from his tone, he

found this very interesting. "Who's close enough to go up and give our

referee a slap in the face to wake him up!"

A doctor on the field plugged his ears with his fingers, rushed into the

field, and kicked Mustafa's calf several times. Mustafa seemed to have

finally come to his senses, facing the laughter of the entire audience. He

looked particularly embarrassed and had no choice but to yell at the

Veelas to cover up his embarrassment and his rude behavior just now.

The Veelas stopped dancing and looked very unconvinced.

Mustafa felt that he was even more shameless, and stretched out his hand

to signal the Veela to leave.

"I was also wrong!" Bagman's voice was very strange, as if he was

suppressing a laugh. "Our referee actually wanted to send the Bulgarian

team's mascot home?! Oh, I have never seen such a situation before.

Haven’t seen that… well, the game could get a little more uncivilized!”

He was right. Bulgaria's batsmen Volkov and Volkanov landed on either

side of Mustafa and began arguing angrily with him, gesturing towards

the leprechauns. The leprechaun happily formed "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

But Musta, livid and indifferent to the Bulgarian players' protests, raised

a finger in the air to signal the two batsmen to take off again.

When they refused, Mustafa whistled twice.

"Two free throws for Ireland!" Bagman yelled as the Bulgarian crowd

roared angrily. "Volkov and Volkanov better get on the broomsticks or

they'll have to take another free throw." , gave the Irish team a chance to

score in vain...Okay, they rode on..."

Three free throw opportunities were taken by Moran, who scored two

free throws. The score reached 150:10, and the cheers of the supporters

of the Irish team became louder.

"What they just did was very unwise!" Charlie couldn't help but ramble.

He was a former Quidditch player and the captain of the Gryffindor

Quidditch team. He was very skilled. If he hadn't raised a dragon, he

would have Which Quidditch club will you join to play?

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Who told their mascot to be sent off by the


"The referee is so bad! He puts his fault on Bulgaria's mascot Veela."

Hermione said dissatisfied.

"Who calls him the chairman of Quidditch and the referee of this game?"

Xia Ran shrugged.

"The Irish team's chasers are really amazing!" Harry couldn't help but

praise repeatedly, "It's great to have such chasers!"

"Now it's up to Krum! He is Bulgaria's last chance to make a comeback!"

In Xia Ran's eyes, both Krum and Lin Qi were scanning the sky and the

earth, waiting to discover the golden snitch before the other party did.

"Troy got the ball...it was intercepted, Ivanova, no, Moran..." Bagman's

voice was loud.

The game has now reached a level of ferocious confrontation. It is no

longer a Quidditch match, but a boxing match. The batters on both sides

have shown no mercy, especially Bulgaria's Volkov and Voka. Nov, they

don't care whether the sticks in their hands hit the ball or the person.

Anyway, they just swing wildly and beat them wildly, and just pay

attention to avoid teammates wearing the same color clothes.

When Moran rushed towards the goal post with the Quaffle, Dimitrov

rushed towards her, knocking her so hard that she almost fell off the

broomstick, which was forty or fifty meters high. Sky.

"Foul!" the supporters of the Irish team shouted in unison. They stood up

in unison at this moment, forming a huge green wave.

"Foul!" Ludo Bagman also repeated these two words, "Dimirov hit Moran,

yes, that's right, a foul! An obvious foul! Ah, the referee blew the whistle,

A free throw!"

The leprechauns all rose into the air, this time forming a giant hand, and

made a very rude gesture towards the Veela across the field.

When the Veela saw this, they were already upset because their team was

lagging behind. They completely lost control. They all flew up as well.

Instead of dancing, they crossed the field directly and began to fire one

by one like flames. A handful of things were thrown at the leprechauns.

Everyone can see that the Veela are not beautiful at all now. Their faces

have elongated and turned into pointed bird heads with sharp beaks. A

pair of long wings covered with scales are rising from popped up on their


It seems that this is their true form.

Many people sighed with regret.

"Understood, kids." Mr. Weasley raised his voice, barely covering the

noise of the crowd below, "So you can never just pursue appearances!"

Chapter 170 Champion

"Wizards from the Ministry of Magic intervened." Xia Ran said, and saw

wizard officials from the Ministry rushing into the arena one after

another, trying to separate the Veela and the leprechaun, but with little


The competition in the sky has already reached an even more intense


The Quaffle was like a bullet, being passed around by the players almost

unseen by the audience. Even the commentator Ludo Bagman only had

time to name the players, but could not comment on the game. Explain

the situation accurately.

It's not that Ludo Bagman couldn't understand, or that he lacked spoken

language when explaining, it was just that the situation was changing

rapidly and there was no time to speak.

"Lefsky! Dimitrov - no, Moran - Troy - Mallet - Moran! It's Moran again,

she scored again!" Bagman shouted.

However, the cheers of the Irish team supporters were almost obscured

by the abnormal noises from other places. The screams of the Veela, the

popping sound of the ministry officials' wands, and the angry roars of the

Bulgarians. The entire game has been over. It became a mess!

"It's so confusing!" Mr. Weasley shook his head repeatedly.

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "The Bulgarians have no chance, and the

game is basically lost. They have to give them a place to vent their


"The game is back on!" Bagman said at the same time. "Lefsky has the

Quaffle now... Oh my God, Krum!"

At this moment, Quigley, the Irish team's batter, used all his strength to

hit a flying Bludger towards Crum. Crum was unable to dodge and was

hit head-on by the Bludger. superior.

Deafening complaints suddenly came from the Bulgarian audience. Even

many Irish team spectators were complaining - there were many Krum

supporters - Krum's nose seemed to be broken and blood was everywhere.

All, but referee Hassan Mustafa did not blow the whistle.

But we can't blame him. A Veela threw a fire at our referee and lit the tail

of his broom. At this time, he was flying dozens of meters in the sky!

Even though most of the people in the top box were supporters of the

Irish team, they still hoped that others would discover Krum's injury as

soon as possible and stop the game.

Krum is the most exciting player on the field!

"Pause! If this continues, something will happen to Krum. I wonder if he

can really see ahead?" Charlie yelled.

The blood had almost covered Krum's face, making it difficult for him to

see far.

"Hassan Mustafa probably forgot about the game, but there's no way to

blame him," Bill said.

Xia Ran suddenly turned his eyes. Harry followed his gaze and was

stunned for a moment. Then he couldn't help shouting: "Look at Lin Qi!"

I saw the Irish team's seeker suddenly swooping down, his eyes fixed on a

certain place in front of him. Xia Ran was sure that this was definitely

not a fake move by Wronsky, this time it was real!

"He saw the Golden Snitch!" Xia Ran shouted: "Aidan Linzi, if he catches

the Golden Snitch, the game will be over!"

At this time, almost half of the audience noticed Aidan Linzi's actions and

immediately realized what was going on.

The Irish supporters rose to their feet, creating a green wave and

screaming loudly for their Seeker!

But Krum followed closely behind him. He had no time to deal with his

injuries, and blood splashed in the air. Could he really see the situation in

front of him?

Xia Ran expressed doubts about this.

Krum's flying skills were so good, Xia Ran thought they were at least

level 6, or even level 7. Even if there was blood blocking his vision, he

still caught up with Aidan very quickly. ·Lin Qi, the two of them were

now in a parallel state, diving towards the ground again.

"They're going to fall to the floor!" Hermione screamed.

"No!" shouted Ron.

"No! Lin Qi will do it!" Harry shouted.

Sure enough, Lin Qi fell heavily to the ground for the second time. Even

though there was a loud noise in the venue at this moment, it was still

possible to hear the loud noise, and everyone seemed to feel the seat

under their buttocks shaking.

But almost all the audience stood up.

The Veela and the leprechauns no longer cared about fighting, and they

all gathered around him like swarms of swarms.

"Where is the Golden Snitch? Where is the Golden Snitch? Which of the

two caught the Golden Snitch?" Charlie Weasley shouted, he just wanted

to fly over and see with his own eyes.

"He caught it! Krum, he caught the Golden Snitch! The game is over!"

Harry saw the situation over there clearly through the telescope and

shouted immediately.

Xia Ran also squinted his eyes and looked over, and saw spots of

nosebleeds flashing on Krum's bright red robe. He rose lightly into the

air, raised a fist high, and a bright golden light appeared between his

fingers. .

That's the glow of the Golden Snitch!

Krum caught the Golden Snitch!

The score on the scoreboard suddenly jumped significantly, Bulgaria:

160, Ireland: 170.

However, the audience seemed to be still confused and did not realize

what was going on. Then, people slowly came to their senses, like a

jumbo jet accelerating, and the Irish team supporters were talking The

sound got louder and louder, the cheers got louder and louder, and

finally broke out into countless shouts of extreme joy!

Bulgaria's supporters could only hang their heads in despair.

"The Irish team won the game! In the 422nd Quidditch World Cup, the

Irish team won the World Cup!" Ludo Bagman, who likes the Irish team,

couldn't help shouting, "Krum caught the Golden Snitch at the last

moment, But the Irish team won and won the championship by 10 points.

This was a situation that none of us expected...well, not everyone...in

short, the Irish team is the champion!"

"Let's congratulate Team Ireland! World Champions!"

The cheers and applause in the Irish team's auditorium became even

louder and louder. People like Xia Ran and others in the top box were

also applauding to congratulate the Irish team on winning the World


"Why did he want to catch the Golden Snitch? As long as he doesn't let

Lin Qi catch him, even if he catches the Golden Snitch, Bulgaria still can't

win the championship!" Although Ginny jumped up and down excitedly,

she couldn't help but Cheers, but still feeling confused.

"Yeah, he ended the game when the Irish team was 160 points ahead. It

was really stupid! He could wait a little longer. If they got within 150

points, that's when he caught the Golden Snitch. Best time!" Ron also

shouted loudly.

Xia Ran also stood up and applauded, saying: "But Krum knows that the

Bulgarian team can never catch up! The Irish team's chasers: Moran,

Mallet, Troy, they are all great! The best in the world Chaser! If you

continue to wait, the score gap will only get wider and wider!"

"He just wanted to end the game based on his own situation," Charlie

said. "It was a really dramatic ending! Krum caught the Snitch, but

Ireland won the game!"

"People will talk about this game for many years!" Xia Ran nodded and


Chapter 171 The End

"This ending is indeed too dramatic!" Xia Ran applauded, "The Bulgarian

seeker finally lost to the Irish team's chaser!"

"But he's very brave, isn't he?" Hermione leaned forward and watched

Krum land on the ground. A large group of doctors on the field whistled

to drive away the leprechauns and Veela who were still struggling

together, asking them to Make a way for Krum.

"But he looks so miserable!"

"It's just no big problem," said Mr. Weasley.

Xia Ran looked down and saw the little leprechauns, the Irish team's

mascots, walking ecstatically across the field, cheering loudly that they

had won the world championship!

Krum's face became even more gloomy. He waved his hand and refused

to let the doctor clean his wound. He simply wiped the blood. His

teammates also landed next to him, shaking their heads and looking

dejected. look.

Not far away, the players of the Irish team landed, dancing with joy, and

their mascot threw countless gold coins to them, as if it was a golden


Green flags were waved throughout the stadium and Ireland's national

anthem blared from all directions, with many Ireland supporters singing

along and singing loudly.

The Veela returned to their original beautiful appearance, but all of them

looked sad and downcast.

"If you ask me, we still fought very bravely, even if we lost in the end." A

heavy voice said in the top box. Xia Ran turned around and saw that it

was the Minister of the Ministry of Magic of Bulgaria who was speaking.

"You speak English?!" Fudge said coldly, and then said in a very annoyed

tone, "But you made me sign here all day long!"

"Hey, that's fun." The Bulgarian minister shrugged and said indifferently.

Xia Ran smiled slightly and turned away.

"Now, the members of the Irish team are walking around the field

accompanied by their mascots, and the Quidditch World Cup trophy has

been sent to the top box!" Ludo Bagman continued to say in his loud


A dazzling bright light suddenly illuminated the top box, allowing all the

spectators in the stands to see what was going on inside the box.

Xia Ran pointed her magic wand at her eyes and muttered a spell in a

low voice. Suddenly, she felt that the bright light was no longer dazzling

and returned to the normal intensity that the human eye could accept.

He saw two panting wizards carrying a large gold cup into the box,

which was the Quidditch World Championship trophy.

When Cornelius Fudge received the trophy, he still looked very unhappy,

because he had been gesticulating all day in vain, like a monkey, just to

make the Bulgarians understand what he said.

"Let us applaud warmly and welcome the Bulgarian players to the stage

despite their defeat!" Bagman shouted.

The seven defeated Bulgarian players went upstairs and entered the box.

The audience below applauded and cheered - even the supporters of the

Irish team were no exception. Bulgaria is indeed a respectable opponent -

to express their appreciation.

The lenses of countless panoramic telescopes flashed towards the top

balcony, almost blinding people's eyes.

One by one, the Bulgarian team members walked into the two rows of

seats in the box and took turns shaking hands with their ministers and

Fudge. Bagman shouted out everyone's name, and the audience burst into

cheers, especially the Bulgarian Seeker Wei. But when Dole Krum came,

the cheers were especially loud.

Krum still looked embarrassed, with two dark circles under his eyes

standing out on his blood-stained face. He still held the Golden Snitch

tightly in his hand, with only a glimmer of golden light showing through.

Xia Ran noticed - many people noticed - that once he landed on the

ground, his movements did not look as coordinated as they did in the

sky. His legs were a bit splayed out, and his shoulders were obviously

bent forward. , but when Bagman revealed Krum's name, the entire

stadium - no matter which team's supporters they were - gave him

extremely warm and deafening cheers!

Next on the stage were the members of the Irish team, who were the

champions of this Quidditch World Cup!

Seeker Aidan Linzi looked dazed, his eyes were scattered, and he looked

extremely confused, but when Troy and Quigley raised the trophy high,

the audience burst into thunderous applause and cheers, Lin Qi also


Finally, the Irish team left the box, mounted their broomsticks and

Firebolts again, and began flying around the field to greet the cheers of

the audience.

At this moment, Ludo Bagman pointed his wand at his throat and

whispered, "Whisper."

It’s the counter-curse of “loud voice.”

"This game is so exciting and dramatic. It will be talked about for many

years until the next Quidditch World Cup!" Bagman said with a slightly

hoarse voice, as if the long-term commentator job was still there. It had

an impact on him, "In the end, it was Bulgaria's Viktor Krum who caught

the Golden Snitch. Who would have thought? It's a pity that the game

didn't last longer. It would have been best if it could have lasted three to

five hours. It couldn't be better! Ah, by the way, yes, I should give

you...well, how many gold coins?"

Fred and George had rolled over the backs of their chairs and were

standing in front of Ludo Bagman.

The twin brothers smiled happily and held out their open palms.

They won this bet.

Not long after, Xia Ran and the others left the top-level box and walked

out of the Quidditch World Cup match. An unknown number of wizards

also came out, with different expressions.

"Don't tell your mother about your gambling." Mr. Weasley said as he

walked away, looking at the twin brothers.

"Don't worry, Dad." Fred said happily, "We have many grand plans for

this money, and we don't want it to be confiscated by Mom."

Mr. Weasley seemed to hesitate for a moment, probably wanting to ask

what their grand plan was, but then he thought about it and seemed to

think it was better not to ask.

Xia Ran looked around and didn't see Lupine or Sirius, but nothing

happened during the game. Maybe Voldemort didn't have any conspiracy

against this Quidditch World Cup.

"There should be nothing wrong." Bill said softly.

"Okay, let's go back first. There are too many people here." Xia Ran said

as she turned to look at the tide of people returning to the camp from the


Soon, the crowd surrounded them, and as they walked back along the

lantern-lit passage, rough singing came from the night sky, and the

leprechauns kept flying above everyone's heads. They were flying around,

waving the lanterns in their hands, and laughing.

Finally, they finally reached the tent. Because the surroundings were too

noisy, Mr. Weasley suggested that everyone drink a glass of chocolate

milk before entering the tent.

"Arthur, can you give us a drink? I haven't watched such a wonderful

game, so I still need a glass of chocolate milk." A familiar man's voice


Xia Ran and the others turned around and saw that "Mad-Eye" Moody,

Lupin, Sirius, and Mundungus walked out of the shadows of the woods,

hid their wands, and arrived at the Weasley family's tent. edge.

Chapter 172 Attack

Xia Ran asked in a low voice: "Is nothing wrong?"

"No." Lu Ping shook his head and said, "A few of us were in a group. We

happened to be near here. Nothing happened. There were too many

people celebrating, so we just came over and had a drink."

"Haha, we also support the Irish team." Sirius smiled and took a cup of

hot chocolate milk, "Thanks, Bill."


When Harry saw his godfather, he stood up and hugged him heavily.

Mundungus looked regretful and said: "Oh, it's such a shame that I

couldn't see the Irish team win the championship with my own eyes!"

He gave Moody a reproachful look.

After Moody sat down, the blue magic eye continued to move, looking at

everyone passing by. He said: "Don't be careless. Night may be a good

time for them to take action."

At this moment, a group of people had begun to discuss the game just

now. Regarding the issue of collision fouls, Mr. Weasley and Charlie had

a heated argument, while Sirius and Mundungus sighed repeatedly.

They really wanted to see the Quidditch World Cup with their own eyes,

but it was very frustrating to think that they were patrolling outside the

stadium when the game started.

Xia Ran asked Moody about a magic spell. "Mad Eye" Moody can be

called a legendary Auror. His magic power has reached level 6, which is

indeed one or two levels stronger than the current Xia Ran. .

From the other side of the camp, loud singing and strange crashing

sounds were heard, echoing in the night sky for a long time.

"It's so lucky that I'm not on duty." Mr. Weasley muttered. "If I were to

ask the Irish to stop celebrating their victory, it would be unimaginable

and it would cost lives!"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "You won the game, World Cup champion..."

He suddenly stopped talking and looked up at the camp on the other

side. Vaguely, he felt that something was wrong.

Moody Yi stared straight in that direction and said, "You also noticed it,

Xia Ran?"

"What's wrong?" Mr. Weasley asked doubtfully and looked up, but found


Lu Ping narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "There's something wrong.

The night is so dark in that place!"

A group of people looked over and saw that the direction Xia Ran and

Moody were looking at seemed to be blackened, and almost no light

could be seen. However, the place just now was still brightly lit, and

countless supporters of the Irish team were celebrating. victory.

"Hold your wand, something may have happened." Xia Ran said, taking

out the wand from her arms, "A few children are here, Bill and Charlie

stay and watch them, the rest of us go over and take a look."

"No!" Fred and George said eagerly, "Let's go there together!"

"No!" Mr. Weasley flatly refused and said, "You can't go over, Charlie, you

stay and look after your brothers and sisters, Bill, you..."


A cry for help came from where they were looking, and then several

silvery-white lights lit up, and were soon swallowed up by darkness.

At this moment, the sounds in the camp changed, and everyone noticed

the abnormal situation in that direction. The crowd began to commotion,

and some people began to run in panic, just to stay away from that dark


Xia Ran recognized the silver-white object that lit up just now. He

couldn't help but said in shock: "That's... the patron saint?! Dementors

attacked the World Cup camp?!"


Everyone else was shocked, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny looked

at each other with lingering fear. The scene when the Dementors

searched the Hogwarts Express and guarded the Hogwarts Castle last

year, they still feel... Unforgettable.

It feels like falling into an ice cellar, with your soul almost frozen. Just

thinking about it makes you want to give up.

"Why did the Dementors who guarded Azkaban Prison end up at the

Quidditch World Cup camp?" Lupine asked in confusion.

Bill said: "I'm afraid the prisoner escaped, a large-scale prison break!"

Several people suddenly realized, yes, what does the Quidditch World

Cup have to do with Voldemort? He took this opportunity to help his

Death Eaters escape from prison, and escaping from Azkaban Prison was

the most likely thing to happen!

"But Dementors are different from wizards and cannot be bribed. How

could..." Mr. Weasley couldn't help but say.

Xia Ran sneered and said: "How can an Azkaban prison compare to the

Quidditch World Cup where a hundred thousand wizards gather? You

know, dementors live on the happiness of wizards, and those prisoners

have long been tortured It’s almost done.”

"The festive atmosphere of the Irish is the dementors' favorite delicious

food!" Sirius also said.

Several people suddenly realized that this might be the place where

Voldemort promised to hunt dementors.

"Let's go there quickly. If someone is kissed by a dementor..." Xia Ran

said and shook her head, hoping that such a thing has not happened yet.

Everyone's expressions were solemn. The Dementor's kiss was a fatal

attack, swallowing up the wizard's soul. From then on, he was as dumb as

a living dead.

"Charlie, take care of your brothers and sisters." Mr. Weasley instructed,

and Charlie nodded. Although he was determined to follow everyone to

the dark area, drive away the dementors, and save the besieged wizards,

Fred, George, as well as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, had low

magic power and had no ability to resist when facing the dementors. He

could not leave.

This time, brothers Fred and George didn't ask to go together. After all,

they had come into contact with Dementors and knew how powerful they

were. They couldn't deal with them.

"Follow me." Charlie said, leading a few minor wizards away, trying to

stay as far away from the dark area as possible.

Xia Ran and the rest of the group held magic wands and headed towards

the dark area.

Along the way, countless wizards looked horrified and ran towards the

woods farther away from the dark area in order to avoid the spreading

dark area.

Xia Ran crossed the crowd and quickly arrived at the edge of the dark

zone - in fact, the dark zone was spreading rapidly, no slower than his

speed. The two sides charged at each other - the tip of his wand lit up,

and just at a glance , couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"So many dementors!" he said in shock.

I saw countless tall figures in black cloaks floating all over the sky. The

faces of all the dementors were completely hidden under their hoods.

Countless hands stretched out from under the cloaks, gray and white, and

shining eerily, as if It was covered with viscous liquid, and there were

many spots like death spots, just like a corpse rotting in the water after


The dementors floated in the air, taking a long and slow breath, making a

gurgling sound in their throats, as if they had sucked in more than just

the surrounding air.

A biting chill swept through Xia Ran, just like the twelfth lunar month of

winter. Standing in the ice and snow wearing only a single coat, he

almost felt like he was out of breath. The cold penetrated into his body

and began to invade him. Chest, heart and even brain and soul.

"Calling the Gods to protect you!" Xia Ran read loudly, and pointed out

his wand. A milky-white light jumped out of his wand, and he got down

on all fours, carrying a large silvery-white glow, and rushed towards the

attacking soul-hunting soul. The strange group also dispelled the infinite

chill in his body.

Chapter 173 Dementors

Xia Ran used the Patron Saint Spell to summon his own Patron Saint,

which first dispelled the bone-chilling chill that had invaded his body.

Then Xia Ran turned his wand and the Patron Saint began to attack the


"Call the gods to protect you!"

Moody, Sirius, Lupine, Mundungus, Mr. Weasley, and Bill all recited the

Patronus Charm one after another, and their respective Patronus

appeared in the void, cooperating to attack the group of Dementors.

Although their patron saints are not weak, especially Xia Ran and Moody,

the two patron saints took away seven or eight dementors, but the

number of dementors is too many, at least four to five hundred

dementors. , it is really difficult for just a few patron saints to completely

stop and drive away these dementors.

There are naturally a large number of wizards in the camp, but not many

know how to use the Patronus Charm. There are very few wizards who

can use the Patronus Charm under the coercion of such a large group of

dementors, maybe even a hundred. None left.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

There are also wizards in several other places chanting spells, recalling

the happy past despite the coldness of hundreds of dementors, and must

successfully summon the patron saint, which is not easy at all.

It may be okay for many wizards to face one or two dementors, but four

to five hundred dementors... forget it and run away as soon as possible to

avoid the kiss of the dementors.

"Where are the wizards from the Ministry of Magic? Why haven't they

arrived yet?" Xia Ran frowned. It would be difficult for them alone to

stop the progress of this group of dementors for a long time.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There were several sudden explosions, and a group of wizard officials

from the Ministry of Magic descended from the sky. They all looked

solemn and recited the Patronus Charm in unison, but not everyone

successfully performed magic.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Cornelius Fudge cursed, "Get back! Guard

your Azkaban prison!"

His magic power is not weak, and he is also one of the wizards who

successfully summoned the patron saint.

The dementors did not respond to Fudge. It seemed that the former big

boss was no longer recognized by them, especially when facing the tens

of thousands of firefly-like wizards in the woods not far away...

The Dementor's urge to eat became stronger.

Xia Ran and his group looked at Fudge coldly, and controlled the patron

saint to start going deep into the group of dementors. After all, there

were wizards within the area covered by the dark zone just now.

"We found someone!" Lu Ping suddenly shouted, "Many people, more

than a dozen of them, are unconscious. We must take them out of the

attack range of the dementors!"

"We rush in, remember to cover us!" Moody shouted, "Xia Ran, let's go!"

Xia Ran's thoughts moved slightly, and his patron saint ran back and

circled around him. He followed "Mad Eye" Moody into the dark area.

Moody had his own reasons for asking Xia Ran to go with him. After all,

among the large group of wizards at the scene, Xia Ran was the most

powerful besides him.

Xia Ran would not refuse. Although it was more dangerous to go deep

into the dark area, he was still sure of saving his life. The top priority

now was to rescue the unconscious wizards. He just hoped that they had

not been kissed by the dementors.

After all, there were so many people present, and the dementors might

not have the patience to kiss them one by one.

Now we can only hope for this.

Sirius, Lupine, Mundungus, Mr. Weasley and Bill all controlled their

patron saints to help Moody and Sharon clear the way, trying to push

back the Dementors on the way.

Amelia Bones said in a deep voice: "Those who can summon the Patron

Saint stay where they are, and those who cannot successfully use the

Patron Saint Spell retreat and go to maintain order in the camp!"

Immediately a group of wizards retreated.

"See clearly the direction Moody and Xia Ran are heading, and which

direction all the patron saints are moving closer to!" Ms. Amelia Bones


So nearly ten wizards' patron saints moved closer to Xia Ran and the two.

The dementors had no choice but to retreat to both sides, as if they

wanted to bypass this group of wizards and throw themselves into the

woods behind.

That is the place they dream of and desperately want to wreak havoc on!

Fudge's face was livid, his lips moved slightly, but he did not refute Ms.

Bones's order. However, looking at his eyes, it seemed that he wished Xia

Ran and the two of them were lost deep in the dark zone created by the


Xia Ran was walking deep in the dark zone. Although there was a silver-

white glow around him, which was like the light radiating from the

depths of his soul, giving him a sense of warmth, the icy coldness

naturally carried by the dementors around him still seemed to be

freezing. His body and mind are ordinary.

He remained silent, and as he breathed, the chill in his body was

dissipated by the fluorescent light. He tightened his wand and followed

Moody to the group of unconscious wizards.

"Carry it out!" Moody said solemnly.

Xia Ran nodded, carrying a not too old wizard on his back, and turned

around. A silver-white passage appeared in front of him, with various

patron saints flying on both sides to resist the dementors.

"Hurry up!" Moody said, carrying a wizard on his back and speeding


Xia Ran followed closely, and his patronus ran in the air, slapping away

several dementors who were trying to suck Xia Ran away.

The two quickly returned to their original place, put down the

unconscious wizard, pointed their wands, and said: "Resuscitate quickly!"

But what made everyone's hearts sink was that the wizard did not wake

up, but only twitched his body.

Xia Ran's expression changed slightly, no way...


"Resuscitate quickly!"

Xia Ran used several healing spells together, but the wizard still didn't

wake up, and the situation seemed to be very clear.

Everyone's expressions darkened.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from the camp on the other side. The

voice was old but full of anger.

"That's..." Lupine suddenly turned his head, with joy on his face,

"Dumbledore! He's here!"


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief - only Fudge's face turned livid - after

all, Dumbledore is the most powerful white wizard in the world and a

powerful wizard of legendary level. His arrival will have a calming effect

on people's hearts. , even if he is not an official leader of the Ministry of


A silver-white light curtain swept over, as if the rising sun had driven

away all the darkness and haze in the world. That blurry light and

shadow carried a ray of light like the sun, and instantly drove away

hundreds of soul-catchers. Strange.

The power of the level 7 legendary wizard is so terrifying!

Xia Ran waved his wand, and the patron saint turned into a ball of light

and disappeared into the tip of his wand.

And many of the patron saints in the sky also disappeared.

I saw a tall old wizard with silver hair and beard striding towards Xia

Ran and the others. His expression was very solemn, and there was

endless anger in his eyebrows.

It was Albus Dumbledore!

Dumbledore waved the Elder Wand, and his Patronus chased the

dementors away, away from where people were.

"Dumbledore!" Xia Ran stood up and said, "Take a look at the situation of

these people first. Is there anything you can do?"

Chapter 174 Dispute and


Xia Ran used multiple healing spells on the unconscious wizard, but they

still had no obvious effect.

He felt that the wizard had probably been kissed by a dementor and had

his soul sucked, which was no different from death. However, maybe

things could turn around. After all, if the wizard fell into a deep slumber,

his magic would not wake him up. It's not impossible.

Dumbledore looked solemnly and looked around. There were

unconscious people lying in many places, men and women, old and

young. They were all innocent people who had been attacked by

dementors and had their happy memories swallowed up.

The anger in his heart could no longer be concealed.

"Dumbledore, these people must be sent to St. Mungo's Hospital of Magic

immediately. Every one of them can be treated," Xia Ran said.

Dumbledore nodded, squatted down, pointed his wand lightly at the

sleeping wizard, and said: "Resume quickly!"

The light at the tip of the wand disappeared briefly, but the wizard still

did not wake up, and his body only twitched slightly.

Xia Ran secretly sighed, it seemed that this man's soul had been sucked

by the dementors.

"Dumbledore..." Fudge's face was livid. When he saw Dumbledore, his

eyes seemed to be seeing an enemy, and he turned a blind eye to the

people who were being attacked on the ground.

"Alastor, Minerva, please see if you can wake these people up as soon as

possible. I have notified St. Mungo's Hospital. They will be here soon."

Dumbledore said and stood up. , looked directly at Fudge, not hiding his

anger and disappointment, "Connelly, you made a huge mistake! You

were blinded by power!"

"Hmph!" Fudge snorted, "I am the Minister of Magic, I don't need you to

lecture me, Dumbledore."

But it seemed that Dumbledore's actions reminded him. Fudge turned his

head, looked at the wizard officials from the Ministry of Magic behind

him, and ordered: "Treat these wounded with all your strength, and be

sure to save every one of them!"

Wizard officials from the Ministry of Magic, including Mr. Weasley,

Auror Kingsley, Tonks, as well as Moody, Professor McGonagall, Lupin,

Sirius, Mundungus, Bill and others from the Order of the Phoenix, They

all went out to treat the wounded who had been attacked by dementors.

Xia Ran reluctantly gave up on the sleeping wizard who carried him out

of the dementor's circle, took a regretful look, and sighed.

"Let's see if St. Mungo's can do anything." He sighed.

Lupine also sighed: "The Dementors... they were guarding Azkaban

Prison, so why did they riot? And they also came to the Quidditch World

Cup camp?"

He was confused.

"Let's take a look at tomorrow's news. There will always be an

explanation, but I don't know if it is the truth." Xia Ran shrugged and

said, and went to resuscitate other innocent innocent people.

The conversation between Dumbledore and Fudge continued.

"You saw, Connelly, the dementors have rioted. For what reason, I

believe you know very well." Dumbledore said, "Voldemort..."

Fudge said irritably: "I know the reason. It's just that the prisoners in

Azkaban are all prisoners, and they don't have any happy thoughts, so

the dementors are hungry and thirsty - I can understand, they have asked

many times before. I've reacted to this - breaking into the Quidditch

World Cup camp, I can understand it."

Dumbledore looked at Fudge sadly. Is this all you saw behind the

dementor riot? Or is this all you want to see?

Fudge was still talking, as if he was convincing Dumbledore, and also

seemed to be convincing himself, saying: "I will teach the dementors a

lesson and make them calm down. Such bad things will definitely not

happen in the future."

"Are you going to continue to use Dementors?" Dumbledore said sadly.

"After Voldemort returned, Dementors were no longer trustworthy. He

promised them permission to hunt and eat freely, which we will never

allow. . Dementors will never turn to us, they are natural allies of the

dark wizards!"

"I can control them." Fudge was very confident in himself, and then

frowned, "The mysterious man is dead. He died more than ten years ago.

Don't talk about resurrection all day long, Dumbledore, I I’m tired of

hearing this.”

He looked completely bored.

Dumbledore shook his head, still hoping to convince Fudge. After all, as

he said, he was the Minister of Magic and the supreme leader of the

official organization of the British wizarding community.

"Stupid!" Xia Ran whispered, hearing the conversation between

Dumbledore and Fudge.

The middle-aged man who had just woken up looked confused. He

looked at himself and saw that he had just been attacked by dementors.

How could he be so stupid? Otherwise, you say I am weak... Well, okay,

it feels just as uncomfortable...

"I'm not talking about you." Xia Ran waved her hand, stood up and went

to the next unconscious wizard.

"Resuscitate quickly!"


Lu Ping was not far from Xia Ran. To be precise, the two were right next

to each other. He heard Xia Ran's whisper and knew who Xia Ran was

talking about. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Dumbledore has his

difficulties, no matter what Well, Fudge is always the Minister for Magic."

"That's why I said stupid!" Xia Ran snorted.

Lupine was speechless.

"The number of casualties due to the dementor riot tonight must be in the

thousands!" Xia Ran said angrily, "Even if it cannot be avoided, we can

try to minimize the number of casualties..."

Lupine looked gloomy. Indeed, if the Ministry of Magic stopped hosting

this World Cup, or gave up the right to host it, and handed it over to

other countries to host it, would there be such a heavy casualty accident

caused by a dementor attack?

You must know that Voldemort's target has always been the British

wizarding world. Even in his heyday, the entire Europe had to be

subdued by the wizarding world, but Voldemort's main activities were

still concentrated in Britain, and other countries were actually not very


If you go to other continents, the danger is almost gone.

Now that Voldemort is back, all grand events and important events must

be put aside. The top priority now is how to defeat the dark wizard

forces. This is by no means a free and easy thing!

The dark wizards will never stop leading various attacks just because the

magic world is singing and dancing. They will even intensify, and various

attacks will occur one after another.

This dementor riot may be just the beginning.

"Okay, don't say any more. Let's rescue these wounded first, and we'll talk

about other things later." Mr. Weasley said.

Xia Ran and Lu Ping stopped talking and began to devote themselves to

healing work. Although they were not specialized healing wizards, they

still had a good grasp of many simple healing magics.

Among the comatose people, some were in good health or with high

magic power and strong resistance. After waking up, they took a short

rest and ate a piece of chocolate, and then basically recovered.

Some people looked very weak, pale as paper, and in a daze, even after

eating energy-replenishing chocolate. They could only wait for doctors

from St. Mungo's Hospital to arrive and take them to St. Mungo's Hospital

for follow-up treatment.

The last small group of people had their souls sucked by the dementors

and were completely unable to awaken them, or in other words, they

were so stupid that they no longer responded to the outside world.

While Xia Ran and the others sighed, they could only wait for the team of

doctors from St. Mungo's Hospital to arrive as soon as possible.

Chapter 175 Leaving

It didn't take long for the doctor from St. Mungo's Hospital to apparate

over. After witnessing the scene, he could only sigh.

St. Mungo's doctors took away the wounded who were in a daze, as well

as the "dead" who could not be revived at all.

The conversation between Dumbledore and Fudge also ended in a

dispute. Fudge left with a livid face and a group of wizard officials from

the Ministry of Magic.

Amelia Bones, Ludo Bagman, Jerome Barton, Kingsley and others said

hello to Dumbledore before leaving.

Mr. Weasley left without him.

"I'm still on vacation, Fudge has no control over me, and Amelia is my

immediate boss." Mr. Weasley said, looking at the back of his third son

Percy as he followed the others away, his expression slightly grim.


"That's it for today. Nothing will happen in the future. We'll have another

meeting in a few days." Dumbledore said, and with a snap, he apparated


Xia Ran and the other members of the Order of the Phoenix looked at

each other, their faces solemn, and they looked worried.

After saying good night to each other, Sharon, Mr. Weasley, and Bill

separated from Moody, Lupin, Sirius, Mundungus, and Professor


"I hope nothing happened to the children. It was so chaotic just now..."

Mr. Weasley said worriedly.

Xia Ran comforted: "Don't worry, Charlie is here, nothing will happen."

Indeed, as Xia Ran said, when they returned to the tent, Charlie, Fred,

George, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny had already returned first, and

they were all fine. Several children except Charlie seemed a little


"Dad, are you okay?" Charlie asked.

Mr. Weasley waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's just... alas!" Thinking

of the innocent people whose souls were sucked by the dementors, he

couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong?" Several children, including Charlie, looked confused.

Bill sighed and talked about the situation just now.


"The soul...was eaten by dementors?!"

Several people were immediately shocked. Harry couldn't help but said:

"How is it possible? Aren't the Dementors controlled by the Ministry of

Magic? Why..."

Bill smiled bitterly and said: "As a dark creature, how can Dementors

really obey the orders of the Ministry of Magic? Especially at this

moment, the mysterious man has been back for several months."

Harry and the others understood what Bill meant.

"You mean, the Dementors are controlled by a mysterious man?" Ron said

in disbelief, "Does the Ministry of Magic have no means at all?"

Mr. Weasley said tiredly: "Fudge can't give the Dementors too good

conditions, but the mysterious man can, and that's enough."

Seeing that Harry, Ron and others still looked confused, Xia Ran

explained: "Dementors feed on human happiness. How many people can

there be in Azkaban Prison? They are all extremely vicious prisoners." , it

doesn’t matter whether they have any too happy memories, and if they

come to the outside world, billions of people will become their food


After saying that, Xia Ran shrugged again and said: "Of course, this is too

alarmist. If we really go to this step, the confidentiality regulations and

the package of wizard regulations will have no effect. Dementors They

can only be killed and eliminated by wizards! But it is true that the

outside world is a richer hunting ground for dementors!"

"Why weren't the dementors eliminated?" Hermione asked puzzledly.

"Since the dementors are such a threat, and the dementors are not

creatures like dragons and unicorns anyway, it shouldn't matter if they

are eliminated, right?" ?”

"Who knows?" Xia Ran spread her hands and said, "Maybe it is a race of

life after all. It would be too cruel to eliminate it directly."

While several children were still confused and surprised, Mr. Weasley

clapped his hands and said: "Okay, children, too many things happened

today. Let's go to bed early and leave here early tomorrow morning. If

Molly hears She must have been worried to death after hearing these

things. We took the time to sleep for a few hours, then got the door key

and went back early to reassure her."

Xia Ran lay down on the bunk bed. When he closed his eyes, the faces of

the victims reappeared in front of him. They were dumbfounded and in a

trance. They had no reaction to any movement from the outside world, as

if they had lost their souls. .

They have indeed lost their souls.

He knew that he was already very sleepy. After all, it was late at night

and he was exhausted after so many things in the night, but he just

couldn't fall asleep and even felt very awake.

If you persist, Fudge will step down...

Xia Ran took a deep breath and stopped thinking about these things. It

seemed that it was no longer helpful.

However, he had an idea, but it had to be supported by Dumbledore, and

he decided to bring it up at the next meeting at the Order's headquarters.

He finally fell asleep.

After only sleeping for a few hours, Xia Ran woke up. He was not the first

to wake up. Mr. Weasley was already dressed.

The two woke up the others, and the two girls crawled out of the girls'

tent. Mr. Weasley used magic to close up the tents and put them into

backpacks, and then the group left the camp as quickly as possible.

On the way, I saw Mr. Roberts standing at the door of his small stone

house. Mr. Roberts looked equally strange, in a daze, but his brows were

furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

"The Ministry of Magic must have cast a forgetting spell on him! So that

he could forget what happened last night. After all, Dementors are not

something Muggles should know about." Mr. Weasley whispered.

"Is he going to be okay?" Hermione asked worriedly.

Xia Ran said softly: "He will be fine! But sometimes, when a person's

memory has been modified, it is inevitable that he will be a little

confused, but it is only temporary and he will recover after a while."

As they approached the place where the portkey was kept, they heard

many people making an anxious noise. A large number of wizards

surrounded Basil, the portkey keeper, and they were all clamoring to

leave the camp as soon as possible.

Many people were frightened by the dementor's attack on the camp last


Mr. Weasley and Basil discussed it in a few words, and then everyone

stood in the queue and finally received an old tire just as the sun was

rising, which they could rely on to return to Stoat Mountain.

Although Xia Ran can apparate, he would find it unbearable when there

are too many people. After all, apparation and apparation consume very

much magic power.

In the faint breeze of the early morning, the group passed through the

village of Ottery St. Catchpole and walked along the wet path towards

the burrow. They rarely spoke along the way because everyone was

extremely tired and full of stomach problems. Hungry again - they had

set off straight away when they woke up, without eating anything at all -

and were looking forward to returning to the Burrow for a good meal.

Xia Ran just went along with the past.

When they turned the last corner, the Burrow appeared in front of them,

and there was a shout from the end of the path.

"Oh, thank God, you are finally back! Thank God!"

Chapter 176 Big News

Xia Ran opened her eyes and saw Mrs. Weasley, who was pale and

nervous. She was holding a rolled-up copy of the Daily Prophet in her

hand. She was still wearing the slippers she wore in the bedroom. At this

moment, she saw a group of people. When I came back, I finally seemed

more relaxed.

"Arthur... I'm so worried, so worried... I'm afraid of you... The newspaper

said that the World Cup camp was attacked by dementors... When I saw

the news, I was just... oh, thank God, You are all back safely!"

She hugged Mr. Weasley's neck, and the "Daily Prophet" slipped from her

weak hands to the ground. Xia Ran lowered her head and saw that the

title was: "Horrifying Scenes at the Quidditch World Cup!"

There are also flashy black-and-white photos of dementors gathering to

create large areas of darkness.

"You are all fine, great!" Mrs. Weasley was still in shock, murmuring,

letting go of Mr. Weasley, and looking at the others one by one with a

pair of red eyes, "You are all alive, nothing happened to anyone. …Oh,


To everyone's surprise, she grabbed Fred and George and hugged them

hard. She seemed to use too much force, and the twin brothers' heads

slammed together with a thud.

"Ouch! Mom, you are going to strangle us to death!" the twins protested


"I was yelling at you before you left." Mrs. Weasley couldn't help crying

as her tears fell. "I've been thinking about this. If you unfortunately

encounter a dementor, And the last thing I said to you was that your

O.W.Ls test scores were not satisfactory? Oh my God...Fred...George..."

"Okay, okay, Molly, we are all safe and sound." Mr. Weasley comforted

him, deciding not to mention the innocent victims. He pulled out a pair

of twins from her arms and led the She walked toward the house.

"By the way, Bill, pick up that newspaper, I want to see what it says." Mr.

Weasley said in a low voice.

"Xia Ran, come in quickly, I'll let you see the joke." Mrs. Weasley wiped

away her tears and said sheepishly.

Xia Ran smiled slightly and said: "How could it be? I will continue to

trouble you, Mrs. Weasley, I'm here to eat again."

"Welcome, welcome! Sharon, you are always welcome to the Burrow!"

Mrs. Weasley said.

"You guys sit down first, things will be ready soon. Children, make a cup

of tea for Dad and the professor." Mrs. Weasley looked at the children

and said, turned and walked into the kitchen.

Xia Ran followed the others and squeezed into the small kitchen.

Hermione first made Mrs. Weasley a cup of strong tea - "Oh, thank you,

Hermione." Mrs. Weasley said movedly, Hermione didn't She smiled

sheepishly - and then she poured Mr. Weasley and Sharon a cup of tea,

which was not that strong, but Mr. Weasley insisted on pouring a little

Ogden aged firewhiskey into his teacup.

Bill came in at this moment with the newspaper.

"Bill, what did the newspaper say? What lies did Fudge tell the Daily

Prophet to tell?" Xia Ran said while sipping tea.

Bill immediately laughed and said, "Xia Ran, you didn't even look at it, so

you said it was a lie?"

He opened the newspaper, glanced at it a few times, frowned tightly, and

hummed: "But I have to say, you are right, Xia Ran."

He handed the newspaper to Mr. Weasley.

Mr. Weasley hurriedly browsed the first page of the newspaper, Xia Ran

peered in and looked around, and several children stood behind Mr.

Weasley and looked over his shoulder.

"...In the 422nd Quidditch World Cup, the Irish team won the

championship. Viktor Krum caught the Golden Snitch. Moran and Mallet

performed well and deserved to be the world's strongest chasers..."

News related to the World Cup was at the bottom of the first page,

occupying less than one-sixth of a small space. It was not at all what the

Quidditch World Cup should have been.

Most of the first page was devoted to last night's dementor attack!

Xia Ran looked up.

"Shocked! Dementors appear at the World Cup camp!"

"The World Cup is over, and when people - mainly supporters of the Irish

team - are celebrating, the Dementors who were supposed to be on the

prison island of Azkaban suddenly appear at the World Cup camp and

cause a very unusual situation. Huge casualties!”

"It is reported that more than 4,000 people were attacked by dementors,

more than 700 of them were seriously injured, and 35 people suffered

from the dementors sucking their souls..."

"Oh, my God!" Hermione and Ginny immediately covered their mouths,

"How could..."

Harry also looked embarrassed and asked, "Mr. Weasley, Professor, are so

many people really... dead?"

Xia Ran looked solemn, but shook her head and replied: "Probably not

that many."

"Should it?" George even asked, "Does that mean someone was indeed

kissed by a dementor?"

Xia Ran nodded and sighed.

"Oh my God!" Several children looked sad. Originally, those people came

to watch the Quidditch World Cup, but in the end they lost their souls

and lives in the Quidditch World Cup camp. If their families could get

Got this sad news...

"...According to this newspaper's understanding, Dumbledore showed up

at a critical moment. Why couldn't he show up earlier? Is it to increase

his reputation? After all, gratitude in desperate moments is more real and


"The Ministry of Magic is panicking and has lost control of the

Dementors. Our Minister also had a fierce quarrel with Albus

Dumbledore. For this reason, we boldly guess that maybe this matter is

Both parties had known about it for a long time? But in the end the

situation got out of control, and both Fudge and Dumbledore wanted to

shirk their own responsibilities and let others take the blame!"

"The facts are unknown, but this incident has brought shame to the

country and sadness to the people. Who will be responsible for this?

Fudge? Or...Dumbledore"

Mr. Weasley read a paragraph from the newspaper and said angrily,

"That's nonsense! Are there no limits to getting attention? Who wrote

this...ah, Rita Skeeter, no wonder!"

"Dumbledore also arrived at the World Cup camp last night?" Several

children were surprised.

Bill nodded and said, "Yes, otherwise it may take a while to drive away

the dementors, and we don't know how many innocent people will be


He sighed in tone.

"Dumbledore was very angry about this and had a big fight with Fudge,"

Mr. Weasley said.

"It seems that some things must be put on the agenda. I have to bring it

up again at the next meeting." Xia Ran said softly.

Mr. Weasley glanced at Xia Ran uneasily and guessed what his proposal

would be.

"Okay, Xia Ran...well, I won't comment too much..."

Mr. Weasley looked embarrassed; he was, after all, an official of the

Ministry of Magic.

Chapter 177 Interview

Xia Ran said: "The price paid by so many people is already heavy


"I know, but... well, we'll talk about it later." Mr. Weasley said uneasily.

"Dad, what are you and the professor talking about?" Ron couldn't help


Mrs. Weasley shouted: "Adults speak, children don't interrupt!" She also

guessed what point Xia Ran was going to put forward at the next

meeting, and it was really best for children not to get involved in this

kind of thing.

Xia Ran suddenly frowned and said: "What I want to know is that the

Dementors rioted collectively and invaded the Quidditch World Cup

camp. Why is there no news about Azkaban Prison? Are the prisoners just

peaceful like this? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them!”

"Let me take a look." Mr. Weasley said, unfolding the newspaper and

flipping through it, shaking his head, "No, except for mentioning the

Azkaban prison when telling the news about the dementor riots, there is

nothing There was a reference to Azkaban Prison."

Charlie looked solemn and said: "As Xia Ran said, will the prisoners and

dark wizards in the prison ignore the dementors who have left the prison

and not do any unnecessary actions? For example... jailbreak !”

"It seems that Fudge ordered the Daily Prophet to conceal relevant

information again." Xia Ran rubbed her forehead and said.

"Confused!" Mr. Weasley slapped him hard, startling several children,

"How can such a thing be concealed and not reported? Those are

extremely vicious criminals, dark wizards with bloody hands! Fugui's

brain is in trouble Is there water?”

He looked furious.

"In order to reduce the harm of the Dementor incident as much as

possible, it seems that Fudge has resorted to any means. Even things that

happened under his rule will be treated as if they have never happened."

Xia Ran sneered, "The dark wizards ran out , have reunited under the

mysterious man, everyone in the magical world is bound to be in danger,

Fudge has to step down because of his stupid behavior in the past few

months, and he will definitely not allow this to happen!"

"But a dark wizard would kill innocent people?!" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Do you think Fudge will care?" Bill said coldly, "He will always only care

about the power in his hands. As long as he can guarantee his position as

Minister of Magic, I think he might even be able to surrender to the

mysterious man."

"Is he crazy?" Hermione asked.

Xia Ran said coldly: "Yes, Hermione, you are right, Fudge has gone crazy

for the power in his hands!"

"No!" Mr. Weasley said suddenly, "I have to go back to the office to

confirm the situation in Azkaban. I hope there is nothing...sigh."

He said with a sigh.

"Arthur, but you are still on vacation." Mrs. Weasley was slightly

surprised and said, "And this matter has nothing to do with your

department. It is the task of the Aurors and the Department of Fantastic

Beasts. Without you, they It can be handled well, right?”

"I have to go back, Molly." Mr. Weasley said. "It's best to return to work

at this time. I believe Dumbledore will agree with my decision here. Well,

I will go upstairs and change my Just put on your robe and leave.”

"Eat something before leaving. You must be hungry." Mrs. Weasley said,

"You haven't worked overtime since the day You-Know-Who lost power."

"I'll eat while walking later." Mr. Weasley walked up the stairs in three

steps at a time.

Mrs. Weasley glanced at her husband's back worriedly, looked away, and

said: "Xia Ran, and the children, let's eat something, don't get hungry."

She brought a few eggs and sausages up, and gave each person a

Everyone has a glass of milk.

After Xia Ran had breakfast, Mr. Weasley came downstairs to leave the

Burrow, and the two of them went out together.

"Be careful, Mr. Weasley, don't reveal your position too much, even if

Fudge may have already guessed." Xia Ran said.

"Well, I will ask Kingsley and Tonks first." Mr. Weasley nodded and

disapparated with a snap.

Xia Ran followed the Apparition back to her Fremont Manor.

"Fuji...ha..." Xia Ran smiled coldly.


In the following days, the dementor attacks began to cool down rapidly.

As for the situation in Azkaban Prison, no one mentioned it, not even a

word was mentioned in the Daily Prophet.

This is obviously abnormal. Such a bad incident happened on such an

important occasion, and the associated effects were extremely serious. As

a result, the newspaper only published it for two days and then stopped

publishing? !

Anyone with a discerning eye knows who is behind this. Apart from the

Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, who can put such pressure on the

Daily Prophet?

But just because there was no report in the newspapers, it doesn't mean

that there was no news circulating privately.

After all, the situation in Azkaban Prison spread in a small area, and

spread rapidly. Finally, almost the entire magical world knew about it.

For this reason, people in the magical world were panicked, and trading

places such as Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade Village , everything

suddenly became deserted. Even if people had needs, they would come in

a hurry, buy what they needed, and then leave quickly.

Rumor has it that dozens of dark wizards escaped from Azkaban Prison!

More and more people are beginning to believe Dumbledore's words.

Although the Daily Prophet is still continuing to smear Dumbledore, what

is the reality? Such a big bad incident has happened, and the Ministry of

Magic has continuously They couldn't come up with any countermeasures

or methods. They only knew how to smear Dumbledore and blame

Dumbledore. Almost everyone was extremely disappointed with the

Ministry of Magic.

However, Dumbledore's voice could not be heard by people in the

wizarding world. After all, newspapers were controlled by the Ministry of

Magic. Fortunately, there was still a newspaper called "The Quibbler" that

openly stood up to support Dumbledore and reported on the Azkaban

prison break. and the dementor attack on the World Cup camp, which

seemed to make Fudge very angry, and strictly banned the "Quiet" and

did not allow the newspaper to continue to operate.

But at this time, there are so many wizards who are willing to buy "The

Quibbler". Almost all wizards in the British wizarding world have ordered

"The Quibbler". It is said that Mr. Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of "The

Quibbler", is still troubled because it appears in their newspaper. The

amount of space devoted to the harassment rogues and other creatures

whose existence is unknown is inevitably reduced.

"Yes, I admit that I am annoyed." Mr. Lovegood said to Xia Ran, "But to a

certain extent, it is indeed a good thing, isn't it? After all, the sales

volume has increased several times."

This is located in the Burrow. Xia Ran was invited to be a guest and

accepted an exclusive interview with "The Quibbler" magazine.

"Hello, Mr. Lovegood." Xia Ran shook hands with the white-haired


He is Xenophilius Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler"

magazine. He looks a bit like each other, with marshmallow-like white

hair hanging on his shoulders, the tassel on his hat hanging straight in

front of his nose, and wearing a The egg-yellow robe is dazzling in color,

and a gold chain hangs around his neck, with a strange symbol shining

on it, much like a triangular eye.

Xia Ran knew what it was, the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. The

Resurrection Stone was in his hand, and he also knew the whereabouts of

the Elder Wand and the Invisibility Cloak.

Chapter 178 Luna Lovegood

"Actually, I wanted to interview Albus Dumbledore. You know, he is the

protagonist after all." Xenophilius Lovegood regretted, "But

unfortunately, he did not agree to my invitation for an interview. , and

Professor Frémont, as my daughter’s teacher, you were also a member of

the scene at that time, but you are not an official of the Ministry of

Magic, so I can only invite you for an exclusive interview."

He said with great regret, he could definitely dig out a lot of news from


"Then I'm really sorry." Xia Ran laughed.

"Okay, no more chatting, let's get started." Mr. Lovegood looked at the

Weasleys beside him and said, "Arthur and Molly, it should be okay to

borrow your yard. ?”

"It's okay, we just happened to be listening." Mr. Weasley smiled. He was

an employee of the Ministry of Magic and could not express his opinion

on this matter.

Several Weasley children, as well as Harry and Hermione, were all in the

courtyard of the Burrow. They had just been driving away the goblins -

and now the goblins were still laughing and laughing outside the yard -

and now they all surrounded them. Come here, I have never experienced

this kind of exclusive interview report, although the subject of the

exclusive interview is Professor Frémont.

"Luna, come here quickly and take a picture for us first." Mr. Lovegood

waved to the goblin and shouted.

A girl who looked a little weird ran over. She had unkempt, dirty, waist-

length blond hair, very light eyebrows, and two bulging eyes, which gave

her a kind of Surprised expression.

As a professor at Hogwarts, Xia Ran naturally knew this "crazy girl" Luna

Lovegood. As for Harry and others who were watching, only Ginny got

acquainted with her because she was in the same grade as Luna.

Everyone else didn't recognize Luna yet, but their eyes looked strange.

Hermione and Mrs. Weasley frowned more frequently.

Because Luna's outfit is so weird.

She had a crazy energy all over her body. Perhaps just to be on the safe

side, she actually inserted the wand behind her left ear, and then wore a

necklace made of butterbeer corks. Luna looked at it. It seems more


The two little girls, Ginny and Luna, greeted each other.

"Hello, Professor," Luna said cheerfully.

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "Hello, Luna."

Luna had a camera hung around her neck, but she did not start taking

pictures immediately. Instead, she raised a finger and said, "Dad, look...a

goblin actually bit me just now!"

"That's great!" Mr. Lovegood seemed to have forgotten about the

interview. With a happy look on his face, he grabbed Luna's outstretched

finger, carefully looked at the bleeding spot, and said, "Luna, my dear, If

you feel any talent emerging today - perhaps a sudden urge to sing opera

or recite in the language of mermaids - don't suppress it! It may be a

talent gifted to you by the sappers!"

"What?" Fred and George looked at each other as they listened, as if they

suspected there was something wrong with their ears.

Ron crossed his arms and snorted loudly from his nose.

"You can laugh all you want!" Luna said calmly as she picked up the

camera. "But my father has done a lot of research on engineer magic."

"Excuse me, Sapper?" Bill asked politely.

Mr. Lovegood replied: "Gnomes, they are very cute! Few wizards

understand how much useful things we can learn from clever little

goblins. Oh, by the way, their correct name is - Garden Engineers!"

Charlie shrugged and said, "Our goblins know a lot of great curse words,

but I guess Fred and George taught them that."

"Hey, my dear brother, don't talk nonsense!" George said immediately.

"We will not allow you to slander your good brother's reputation!" Fred

also said.

Mrs. Weasley's eyes seemed to sweep over the twin brothers, so sharp

that the twins couldn't help but tremble.

Ginny burst out laughing, barely holding back under Mrs. Weasley's

disapproving gaze.

"Luna, don't you need some medicine?" Xia Ran asked. He knew Luna and

her father's weird temperament - I can't say it's weird, I can only say that

their father and daughter are very different from ordinary people, and

they view the world very differently. The angle was very tricky - so he

wouldn't be as surprised as the others.

"Oh, it's okay." Luna said, sucking her fingers like a baby, looking at Xia

Ran up and down, not shying away from him at all because he was a

professor, "Professor, I'm really surprised that you would agree to dad's

invitation for an interview. ! I thought you were not interested in any of

this and were indifferent to fame and fortune."

"After all, this matter is too big." Xia Ran said softly.

"Luna, take a picture! Arthur, Molly, do you want to get into the frame

together?" Mr. Lovegood urged.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley looked at each other, shook their heads and said,

"No, if people from the Ministry of Magic see it, Arthur will be easily


After all, Mr. Weasley is still an official of the Ministry of Magic. Under

the strict concealment order of the leading minister, wizard officials in

the Ministry are not allowed to talk about the dementor attack and the

situation in Azkaban prison. If he goes on camera, The influence of "The

Quibbler" is very bad!

He might even be fired directly by Fudge!

Naturally, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley didn't want to take the risk.

Xia Ran doesn't care because he belongs to Hogwarts and is not under the

jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic. Besides, Xia Ran is very confident.

Is he afraid of Fudge?

If Fudge wasn't the Minister of Magic and held a high position, Xia Ran

wouldn't have given Fudge a few curses to teach him a lesson.

Now, we have to make some more plans.


"Okay," Luna said happily, putting down the camera.

"Ahem, Mr. Lovegood, let's get started." Xia Ran said with a slight cough.

Mr. Lovegood took out a quill pen from his arms, opened a notebook, and

turned to the latest blank page. Xia Ran vaguely saw many strange

animal images on it.

"The Daily Prophet said that everything is business as usual in Azkaban

Prison. Professor Frémont, what do you think of this?" Mr. Lovegood


Xia Ran sneered and said: "Fudge's lie! Almost all of us know it - of

course, a very small number of wizards are willing to believe that the

Ministry of Magic just pretends that I didn't say it - let me ask, as a prison

guard, the dementors If we all run away together, will everything be

business as usual in Azkaban Prison? If you think about it, you will know

that this is impossible!"

"What is that, Azkaban? The wizarding prison of the wizarding world!"

"There are some extremely vicious dark wizards imprisoned there, and

they are all insane. I believe many people in the wizarding world have

suffered from them. As a result, the Ministry of Magic issued a statement:

'Azkaban Prison is very good, and all those prisoners are still

incarcerated. On the prison island. 'Does Fudge think we are stupid? If a

dark wizard doesn't seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he will just

stay in prison and wait to die?"

"Does Fudge think dark wizards are idiots, or do we the rest of us?"

Chapter 179 Interview

Xia Ran said it very rudely.

But looking at the expressions of everyone on the sidelines, they all

nodded in agreement, except Mr. Weasley who was a little helpless.

"So Professor Frémont, do you think Fudge's response and the Ministry of

Magic's approach are wrong?" Mr. Lovegood's quills were flying.

"Do I still think so?" Xia Ran sneered, "I'll bet - a thousand gold galleons -

that more than 80% of the wizards in the magic world are interested in

Cornelius Fudge and The Ministry of Magic under his leadership has very

strong opinions!"

"Dangerous creatures like dementors can easily appear in the Quidditch

World Cup camp, so where will they appear next? Diagon Alley?

Hogwarts? Hogsmeade? Or St. Mungo's? Hospital?"

"That's right!" Mr. Lovegood nodded and said, "That's what I think. Fudge

is a wizard with strong ambitions - oh, of course, I'm not saying this is

wrong - Fudge has always been planning Take over Gringotts and control

the flow of money in the magical world..."

"Sorry." Bill said in surprise, "You mean Fudge wants to control Gringotts

Wizarding Bank?"

"Bill is a curse-breaker at Gringotts," Mrs. Weasley added.

"Bill Weasley, the excellent wizard, I know you, Shaggy, sorry, that was

your nickname in the Daily Prophet." Mr. Lovegood said.

Bill frowned and said, "I know, it's all the fault of that terrible woman,

Rita Skeeter..."

"Seriously, son, your hair is too long. Rita Skeeter never does good deeds

and only catches the wind, but I think she is right about this." Mrs.

Weasley stroked her hand in a friendly manner. His own magic wand, "As

long as you let me do something with your hair, it will be completely

solved with just one touch, and you will have no worries at all."

"Mom, I don't know how to cut it." Bill said helplessly. Ever since he

came home, Mrs. Weasley had been forcing him to cut his hair.

Ginny supported Bill and said, "Mom, you are so out of date.

Dumbledore's hair is longer than this."

"Mr. Lovegood, why do you think so?" Billian changed the subject, "By

the way, I am the Curse Breaker of Gringotts in Egypt, but I am planning

to apply to be transferred back to Gringotts in England. Fudge has this An

idea... You know, apart from us curse breakers, Gringotts mainly has

goblins making the decisions. Will they agree to Fudge's request?"

"So Fudge is the goblin killer!" Luna said in a dreamy and ethereal tone.


Everyone was shocked and then confused. Fudge was a goblin killer. Why

had they never heard of such rumors?

Xia Ran secretly smiled. The strange tempers and words of the Lovegoods

could always shock people, whether they were acquaintances or


Of course, the whole thing about Fudge Goblin Killer is a lie. After all, he

is the minister of the Ministry of Magic. How can he do such a thing of

killing the lives of other races?

However, the consequences of many of Fudge's behavioral decisions are

no better than if he had done it himself. For example, the Quidditch

World Cup camp was attacked by a group of dementors. If he had taken

Dumbledore's warning to heart, I don’t say that this incident will

definitely be prevented from happening, but at least there won’t be as

many casualties as there are now. There are only about thirty wizards

whose souls have disappeared, and hundreds of other wizards whose

souls have been traumatized!

During this time, the medical staff at St. Mungo's Hospital of Witchcraft

and Wizardry worked overtime every day and hated Fudge to death.

"An insider from the Ministry of Magic said that Fudge was always

discussing how to deal with goblins, and was also loudly showing off how

he killed some poor goblins, threw them into the water and drowned

them, pushed them from tall buildings and fell to their death, and fell

down. Some were poisoned to death, some were baked into pies, and it is

said that Fudge even ate a few." Mr. Lovegood said calmly.

"Inside the Ministry of Magic?" Mr. Weasley was a little uneasy. "Can you

tell who it is? Sorry, I shouldn't ask, but I think... Fudge hasn't reached

this stage yet, right?"

"Really?" Mr. Lovegood raised his eyebrows and said, "If you knew all the

bad things Fudge had done, would you still think so?"

"Of course, many people think that The Quibbler is talking nonsense, but

every article we publish has a scientific basis and has been carefully

studied and considered."

Mr. Lovegood said proudly: "I dare say that the Daily Prophet is not as

dedicated as the Quibbler!"

Harry, Ron, and Ginny had strange expressions and seemed to be

suppressing their laughter.

Hermione and Mrs. Weasley frowned and wanted to say something to

refute Mr. Lovegood's remarks, but gave up after thinking about it.

"Uh, Mr. Lovegood, let's get back to the interview." Xia Ran said


"Oh, yes." Mr. Lovegood said as he woke up from his dream, "Professor

Frémont, what kind of wizard do you think Dumbledore is? Will he be a

good wizard leader in the magical world? Please Forgive me, Fudge is not

the leader of the wizarding world in my opinion, Dumbledore is."

"I agree with you on this point." Mr. Weasley nodded immediately.

Xia Ran pondered for a moment and said: "Dumbledore is the most

powerful white wizard in the contemporary era. Whether he wants it or

not, he is a flag in the magical world and a flag against dark wizards! He

is also the only person who is feared by the mysterious man. Fudge can't

compare to this alone."

"The leader of the wizarding world is not necessarily the strongest, but he

can't fall out of the top five, right? Fudge? He can't even get into the top


Xia Ran smiled and said: "Fudge is the most failed Minister of Magic!"

It seems that the final conclusion has been reached.

Later, Mr. Lovegood talked with Xia Ran about other topics, such as the

topic of molesting flies. Mr. Lovegood always believed that molesting

flies existed.

"Professor, the mole fly must be 100% real! It is an invisible little

creature that floats into people's heads and confuses their brains. Fudge is

probably poisoned by the mole fly!" Lovegu Mr. De stands by his


Xia Ran smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe, harassing flies? It is indeed

possible that it really exists."

After all, harassing flies is something that cannot be falsified.

"Okay, Luna, say goodbye to your friends. It's time for us to go back." Mr.

Lovegood stood up and shook hands with Xia Ran.

Mr. Weasley invited: "Let's go after dinner, Xenophilius. Your family

doesn't live far anyway."

The Lovegood family and the Weasley family both lived on the outskirts

of St. Catchpole Village, but in different directions.

Mrs. Weasley was already busy in the kitchen at this time. She stuck her

head out and shouted: "And Xia Ran, you can stay and eat too."

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Mrs. Weasley, I won't be polite. You invited me

and I agreed."

"Welcome, Sharon." Mr. Weasley said, "Children, hello Luna. Sharon,

Xenophilius, let's go in and chat. Bill, make us a pot of tea. Charlie, go

help your mother. ."

Chapter 180 Meeting

When they left the Burrow, it was already dark. Xia Ran said goodbye to

the Weasley family and the Lovegoods, and used Apparition to leave.

The next day, "The Quibbler" published as usual, publishing this


A sensation in the magic world! Shock!

Even though people have already speculated on what Xia Ran said, some

well-informed people know the basics and specific circumstances, but

they still don't have the courage and courage to stand up and refute the

Ministry of Magic.

And Xia Ran is teaching the combat class at Hogwarts, and people are

talking about it. Could it be that... Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic

have completely broken off? !

This is a huge event!

All eyes were on the Ministry of Magic, anticipating Fudge's reaction.

Fudge was furious and reportedly reprimanded many wizarding officials

within the Ministry of Magic, and ordered the Daily Prophet to respond

to this "smear" incident. He himself came directly to the stage and also

reprimanded Xia Ran for his behavior, saying that he had destroyed the

peace of the magic world and made people panic, so that no one could

work with peace of mind.

"Xiaran, you used to be an official of the Ministry of Magic. After working

under Dumbledore for two years, have you forgotten the purpose of the

Ministry of Magic? Peace and tranquility in the wizarding world are

hard-won. We will never allow any People destroy! No one is an

exception!" Fudge said.

Xia Ran saw the news in the newspaper and just smiled.


Can there be peace after Voldemort returns? What do the more than

thirty people who died count? The so-called small price for peace?

Xia Ran didn't even bother to refute.

And because of this sudden interview report, Fudge had to put down

what he was doing - he had planned to join others in impeaching

Dumbledore and make Dumbledore step down as the principal of

Hogwarts. Lucius Malfoy put a lot of effort into this matter - he devoted

all his energy to how to reverse the unfavorable situation and the huge

pressure of public opinion. For this reason, he was so anxious that he

often got angry. The wizards in the Ministry of Magic were easily

reluctant to meet Fudge. .

Fudge wants to block "The Quibbler", but the problem is that "The

Quibbler" is purely a private magazine, and the Ministry of Magic's orders

have no control over "The Quibbler". During this time, countless people

in the wizarding world have , are all ordering "The Quibbler."

While Mr. Lovegood was happy, he also mixed in some private goods and

published articles about strange creatures such as harassing flies in the

Quibbler, hoping to attract more like-minded wizards.

Xia Ran is also one of the people who subscribed to "The Quibbler".

But he came to London just before school started, because the latest

Order of the Phoenix meeting was held.

"Xia Ran, well done!" Sirius gave a thumbs up and handed over a glass of


Xia Ran took a sip of the beer and said with a smile, "Fuji is just


"Hey, if it weren't for the fact that I was cleared of charges, I wouldn't be

able to openly express my opinion - mainly because Dumbledore doesn't

agree - otherwise I would have to pay for an exclusive interview with Mr.

Lovegood. "Sirius laughed happily.

Xia Ran was dumbfounded. Sirius inherited the Black family's legacy and

was a real rich man, one of the richest wizards in the magic world!

Mundungus laughed and said: "Then Sirius, how about you fund a

newspaper yourself and publish whatever articles you want to write, as

long as I can publish a few articles on it. Hehe, The remuneration cannot

be less!”

"Haha, it's too much trouble to run a newspaper or something. I'm not in

the mood." Sirius shook his head.

"Sirius, man, what era is this from?" Mundungus picked up a silver

tableware and wiped it, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if he had the urge

to carry it away.

Sirius glanced at it casually and said, "My grandfather made it custom-

made for decades..."

Xia Ran glanced around and saw that there were many people attending

this Order of the Phoenix gathering. In addition to him, Sirius, and

Mundungus, there were also Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, Lupin,

and Moody. Kingsley, Tonks and other wizards from the Ministry of

Magic also arrived, and finally Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall,

Professor Snape, and Hagrid arrived together, and the meeting officially

began immediately.

"Let us first observe three minutes of silence for the victims at the

Quidditch World Cup camp." Dumbledore stood up, bowed his head

slightly, and recited something in a low voice.

Xia Ran also stood up to observe silence.

Three minutes passed and everyone sat down one after another. The

kitchen of Black's old house was so full that it was almost full. Kreacher

was not in the kitchen and went upstairs.

After looking at everyone, Dumbledore said: "This meeting is mainly to

fight against the arrest of dark wizards. According to reliable intelligence,

when the Dementors attacked the Quidditch World Cup camp, a riot

broke out in Azkaban Prison at the same time. Dozens of dark wizards

escaped from Azkaban and are still at large."

"Of course, we all know that those dark wizards must have returned to

Voldemort's command."

Many people looked a little unnatural.

"It is confirmed that Hogwarts will hold the Triwizard Tournament in the

new school year. Our current objections are invalid. After all, we also

signed and agreed to it." Dumbledore said solemnly, "At that time, Miller

and I will The energy of Wa, Snape, as well as Sharon, Rubeus, and

Alastor must be focused on Hogwarts to prevent the students from being

persecuted by dark wizards."

He looked at the group of Order members present and said, "You will

have to worry about the situation outside by then."

"Don't worry, Dumbledore." Lupine said, "I have contacted the werewolf

army. They are skeptical about joining the Death Eater organization. I

think they are a force that can be fought for." After a pause , sighed:

"Werewolves are mostly innocent victims, and except for full moon

nights, they are basically harmless at other times."

Lupine's mission is to infiltrate the werewolves and try to get as many

werewolves to stay away from this war, or to turn to the Order of the

Phoenix, at least not to join Voldemort.

Xia Ran glanced at Snape, who shook his head slightly. It was obvious

that the development of a drug to remove the werewolf's disease

characteristics was not going well.

"By the way, Hagrid, regarding the giant matter, you may have to take

action personally." Dumbledore said.

Hagrid is a hybrid giant, so he is naturally more likely to come into

contact with giants, and ordinary wizards will usually fight when they

get close.

Hagrid nodded.

"Sirius, how is the situation with the vampires?"

Sirius suddenly frowned and shook his head: "Not too optimistic. They

seem to be more willing to follow Voldemort, because Voldemort will not

have any restrictions on them, and we ask them to ban sucking human

blood. Vampires think this is absolutely impossible. Conditions


Dumbledore rubbed his forehead and said: "Put aside the vampires for

now. They basically don't set foot in England. Now they mainly focus on

the goblins. Bill, is there any news about the goblins?"

Chapter 181 Proposal

Bill smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said: "There are some rumors,

but I think the goblins are mainly testing, and..." After a brief pause, he

continued helplessly: "The mysterious man can provide the freedom that

the goblins dream of. This It’s the most exciting promise for fairies, and

it’s impossible for us to promise freedom to fairies!”

Bill works at Gringotts Bank and often interacts with goblins - most of

Gringotts' employees are goblins - so he is best suited to spy on goblins.

"Yes, there were many wars between wizards and goblins in ancient

times. We finally won, but we also paid a price of countless blood."

Professor McGonagall sighed, "So, how is it possible that in the new era,

we will bring our ancestors together again?" Are all our efforts in vain?"

Xia Ran nodded slightly. Indeed, the war between wizards and goblins

was protracted. The wizards finally won, completely suppressing the

goblins and restricting their freedom. Although they controlled Gringotts,

the goblins actually had no other rights.

As the younger generation, how can they turn a blind eye to the struggles

and bloodshed of countless ancestors?

Voldemort can do things regardless of the interests of wizards because in

his eyes, only he is the most important. Other wizards and goblins are

irrelevant, but Xia Ran and the others cannot.

Moreover, the goblins' desire for freedom has never stopped. This can be

seen from the goblin rebellions that have occurred many times in history.

"Try your best," Dumbledore said. "However, Bill, you can't show your

attitude too obviously. We must have our own personnel in Gringotts."

"Yeah, I understand." Bill nodded.

After talking about the regular tasks, it is now the turn of the most

important topic of today's meeting.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to be a little more solemn.

"So, Dumbledore, what do you think about the Ministry of Magic and

Fudge?" Sirius asked. He had previously talked to Xia Ran about the

Ministry of Magic and agreed with Xia Ran's view. He decided Be the first

to stand up.

"what about you?"

Sirius smiled and said: "The leadership of the Ministry of Magic has

become corrupt, there is no need to keep them..."

"You want to kill them?" Tonks said in horror.

"How is that possible?" Sirius asked, "It's just that people like Fudge no

longer have any need to stay in the leadership of the Ministry of Magic,

and they should all step down!"

"I agree with Sirius' statement." Xia Ran said, "Fudge continues to serve as

the Minister of Magic. Dementor attacks such as the Quidditch World Cup

will only happen one after another. Instead of letting Fudge hold us back,

we have to make There are many things that will make Voldemort happy,

so why not just strike first and capture Fudge!"

He smiled coldly and said: "For those people whose souls were sucked at

the World Cup camp, Fudge must bear at least 20% of the blame for their

death! He should go to Azkaban Prison. That will be the most difficult

thing for Fudge in the rest of his life." Great place to stay!”

"Isn't it a bit too much?" Lu Ping frowned.

"Passed?" Xia Ran sneered and said, "Then who are the more than 30

people who died to talk to? If Fudge took our reminder seriously, he

would not even hold the Quidditch World Cup, or hand over the right to

host it. If it were given to other countries, there would be a high

probability that such a tragedy would not happen!"

"I think it's best to kill Fudge directly." Sirius said, noticing the eyes of

everyone looking at him, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's okay

not to kill him, sending him to Azkaban is a must!"

Moody gave his crutch a heavy tap and said, "I agree."

The blue magic eyes in his eyes turned, and he said in a deep voice: "At

the critical moment, you can't procrastinate or be long-winded. Just do

what you have to do. If Cornelius Fudge makes a mistake, then step

down. We don't have time to give him a chance." He makes amends."

Now Xia Ran, Sirius, and Moody are supporting it, and no one else has

expressed their stance yet.

Dumbledore said tiredly: "What do you think?"

Snape chuckled lightly and said: "Xia Ran's suggestion makes some sense.

Indeed, Fudge, a pure politician with no ability, is not qualified to be the

leader of the wizarding world. But the problem is...if Fudge Now that he

has stepped down, who should come to power?"

Although he questioned it, he actually agreed to Xia Ran's proposal, and

he gave Xia Ran and the others a chance to explain clearly their

subsequent plans and intentions. Otherwise, others would inevitably be

suspicious and hesitant, and they might not succeed in the end.

"It's very simple!" Xia Ran said, pointed at Kingsley and said, "Isn't

Kingsley a very good candidate?"

"Me?!" Kingsley was stunned. He was still thinking, but the topic came to

him? !

Xia Ran had his own reason for saying this, because after defeating

Voldemort in the original time and space, the position of Minister of

Magic was held by Kingsley, and Hermione finally succeeded him.

Hermione is too young and is still in the fourth grade at Hogwarts, so

Kingsley is the best choice. He can serve as the Minister of Magic in the

original time and space, which shows that Kingsley has this ability, but it

is just a matter of time. Just a few years ahead of schedule.

Scrimgeour, the Minister of Magic who replaced Cornelius Fudge in the

original time and space, is also within Xia Ran's reference range.

Scrimgeour spared no effort in combating dark magic crimes. Even

though he had many conflicts with Dumbledore, the two sides had not

changed their stance on fighting Voldemort, but the methods they used

were different.

But since there is a choice, wouldn't Kingsley be the better candidate?

But the only shortcoming is that although Kingsley's official position is

not low, he is not the director of the Auror Office after all, Scrimgeour is.

"I believe Kingsley can become a better Minister of Magic than Fudge!"

Xia Ran said accurately.

After looking at Xia Ran, Kingsley was speechless.

I'm not even that confident in myself. Well, where do you get the

confidence to support me in taking over the position of Minister of


Bill and Charlie looked at each other, then looked at their parents, raised

their hands and said, "We agree with Xia Ran's proposal."

Snape clasped his hands and said softly: "Kingsley? It is indeed a good


I also agreed to this proposal from a side perspective.

Mundungus, Hagrid, and Tonks also expressed their agreement one after


"I calculated that among the people present at the meeting, I, Xia Ran,

Alastor, Bill, Charlie, Dunge, Hagrid, Tonks, and..." Sirius wanted to say

Snivellus, but thought about it It is not easy to cause internal conflicts at

this time, so he immediately changed his mind, "Who? A total of nine of

us agreed. Dumbledore, only your opinion is left? Remus, what about


Lupine nodded slowly.

"Okay, that's ten people." Sirius clapped his hands.

Professor McGonagall frowned. Judging from the current situation, only

she, Dumbledore, and the Weasleys had yet to express their opinions.

Seeing that Dumbledore was still hesitating, Xia Ran said: "Dumbledore,

the tragedy at the Quidditch World Cup camp happened once is enough.

None of us want it to happen again, but if Fudge continues to lead the

wizarding world, it will He comprehensively suppressed us and ignored

Voldemort's strategy. Do you think this kind of tragedy will really only

happen once?"

"I don't believe it anyway." Xia Ran said and shook her head.

Chapter 182 Plan

"Dumbledore, what do you think?" Xia Ran asked at the end.

Dumbledore remained silent, with a thoughtful look on his face.

No one spoke anymore, everyone was equally silent, only looking at Xia

Ran or Dumbledore.

Kingsley felt very strange, why did my client have no sense of existence

at all?

Xia Ran didn't say much. He had already said what he needed to say.

Now he just had to wait for Dumbledore's decision. So, what would

Dumbledore make in the end?

After a long while, Dumbledore smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, you win,

Xia Ran, yes, I agree."

As soon as this statement came out, many people present were slightly


If Dumbledore was behind this matter, it would be almost foolproof, but

it still had to be guarded against the dark wizards being aware of it.

Many people were thoughtful.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Dumbledore, you won't regret it. Fudge must

not see the future of the magical world as clearly as we do!"

He was quite sure of this!

After all, Fudge only cares about fighting against Dumbledore - he is a

pure-blood wizard anyway - so how can he care about the dangerous

state of the wizarding world?

"I hope so." Dumbledore was a man who had gone through many storms

after all. He quickly regained his composure, looked at Kingsley, and

said, "Kingsley, you may need to pay more attention in the future, try

your best... sigh , now you’d better keep a low profile to avoid getting

into other people’s eyes.”

He also has great trust and respect for the candidate chosen by Xia Ran

for the Minister of Magic - Kingsley Shacklebolt. He is a member of the

Auror Office and is directly under Tonks. He is far away from the Auror

Office. The position of director is only one step away.

It can also be seen from this aspect that Kingsley's personal ability is

indeed outstanding.

After all, Auror is not something that ordinary wizards can serve, let

alone a leader and general of the Auror office?

"You are thinking of me now?" Kingsley glanced at Xia Ran resentfully.

As the person involved, he hadn't even had time to say a word.

"Haha! Okay, Kingsley, this is a great thing, be happy!" Sirius laughed.

Xia Ran just spread her hands.

Kingsley was very depressed. Indeed, this was a great good thing for him.

Even though the risks were not small, as an Auror, he was faced with

risks. It was a common occurrence and it did not scare him. Withdraw.

But, why didn't Xia Ran and Dumbledore think of asking me first?

Of course, he also knew the temperaments of Xia Ran and Dumbledore,

what rights and prestige they had. In fact, neither of them valued it at all.

Dumbledore valued peace and tranquility, while Xia Ran seemed to value

her own strength very much?

Kingsley is not sure. Although he has known Xia Ran for more than ten

years, he really doesn't know Xia Ran too deeply.

Anyway, he only needs to be sure that if he really becomes the Minister

of Magic, neither Dumbledore nor Sharon will interfere too much with

his governance.

Xia Ran indeed values ​​his own strength more. His biggest goal is to

advance to level 7 and become a powerful wizard at the legendary level!

Minister of Magic? Can it help him increase his magic level?


"Eh, that's not right!" Xia Ran suddenly had a thought in his mind. There

are a lot of good things in the Ministry of Magic. After all, it is the official

organization of the British magical world. If he had the opportunity to

come into contact with many ancient objects that have gone through


Xia Ran's heart suddenly pounded.

To him, those are all Force points! This means that his magic power and

knowledge level have increased!

But now that the proposal has been passed, there is no way he can

withdraw it again. Besides, he really doesn't want to be the Minister of

Magic, which is a waste of time, effort, and unflattering!

With that time and energy, wouldn't it be better if he spent it on

meditation and reading magic books?

Anyway, he doesn’t necessarily need to be the Minister of Magic to get

access to those things. Can he just find an excuse and ask for a approval


He only needed to touch the ancient magic item containing Force points

for one second to absorb the Force points. There was no way to pluck the

wool back and forth for this kind of thing. The Force points were certain

and would be gone after being sucked away.

"This matter cannot be rushed and must be carefully planned." Lu Ping

said, "Mysterious people and Death Eaters are lurking in the dark. If our

methods are too rough, it will easily lead to an unstable situation and

give the dark wizards too many opportunities. Take advantage of the


"Yes, let's take a long-term view." Professor McGonagall spoke up and

said, "It is best to keep people's perception of Fudge to the lowest point,

so that when the new Minister of Magic comes to power, it will be

welcomed by everyone, and no one will have any objections!"

"His prestige has almost dropped." Sirius sneered. "The Dementor incident

and the Azkaban incident have caused many people who originally

supported Fudge to return to a wait-and-see state."

"not enough!"

Xia Ran shook his head and said: "After all, Fudge has been the Minister

of Magic for more than ten years. People are accustomed to Fudge

appearing as the Minister of Magic, unless... there is another major


"No!" Dumbledore said, "The price of everything is the lives of innocent

people. We cannot use this as a threat to coerce the people to force Fudge

to abdicate. Otherwise, how will we be different from the dark wizards?"

This is something that the members of the Order of the Phoenix are

unwilling to do. Even if they may not be required to take the initiative to

do anything, they just stand by and watch at critical moments, but this is

not their philosophy!

Why do they want Fudge to step down? Isn't it just to better integrate the

power of the magical world to fight against the dark wizards under

Voldemort's leadership?

Of course, Xia Ran couldn't agree with this approach.

Without the same philosophy, they cannot become comrades in the same


"There is no need to stand by and let the dark wizard run rampant." Xia

Ran said with a smile and said, "We just need to pretend."

"You mean..." Sirius's eyes lit up, "We pretend to be a dark wizard to

create an incident? But what if there are casualties..."

Xia Ran immediately waved his hand and said, "No casualties are


Seeing the confused expressions on everyone's faces, he smiled and said,

"What do you think would happen to the magic world if the mysterious

man appeared in public?"

Everyone's expressions suddenly became strange.

Voldemort? The second generation Dark Lord, the super dark wizard?

Impersonate him?

"Anyway, we are not alarmists." Xia Ran shrugged and said with a smile,

"We all know that the mysterious man has indeed been resurrected.

Pretending to be him will only remind people in the magic world that the

current situation is not safe. There is no peace and stability, and there are

terrifying dark wizards lurking in the dark, waiting to riot and kill at any


"We don't think this is fake, do we? The mysterious man will be angry

when he finds out, because someone dares to impersonate him."

Xia Ran glanced around and said: "What do you think of this idea? The

person pretending to be the mysterious man does not need to do anything

more, or even say a word. He only needs to be dark and cold. He will

appear with Dumbledore. The imposter can just disapparate immediately,

and no one will be able to find out the clues!"

"Well, of course, except for the mysterious man himself!" he added.

Chapter 183 Return to school

Regarding the method proposed by Xia Ran, everyone looked quite


Impersonating Voldemort?

This is so bold!

"How about it, isn't this a good idea?" Xia Ran grinned.

"Great!" Hagrid was the first to give a thumbs up and praised, "Xia Ran,

just pretend to be a mysterious person, you happen to be strong enough."

Xia Ran's face suddenly turned dark.

Hagrid, are you cheating on me?

To impersonate Voldemort, there is no doubt that one must be strong

enough! Originally, Dumbledore was the best choice. He would not lose

to Voldemort. Unfortunately, when the fake Voldemort appeared,

Dumbledore had to show up immediately to "force away" the fake

Voldemort, so this matter only happened. Let the rest of the Order of the

Phoenix take on the responsibility.

Xia Ran felt that she was still a little behind.

"Ahem..." He coughed lightly and said, "I'm too far away from the

mysterious man. In terms of magic power, don't I think Mad Eye is just


Moody's blue magic eyes turned, locked on Xia Ran, and said calmly:

"You are no worse than me, Xia Ran, and you are still young. I think you

are the best choice."

"Yes, Xia Ran, just go ahead." Lu Ping said with a smile.

"It happened to be your suggestion," Kingsley said with a smile.

Xia Ran's expression froze, and she was extremely depressed. "Mad Eye"

Moody was jealous of his enemies. He was also the number two figure in

the Order of the Phoenix. He was more powerful than Professor

McGonagall and Snape. He was obviously the best person to pretend to

be Voldemort. Good choice!

Are you guys working together to trick me?

He glanced at everyone.

The expressions of a group of people were very sincere, as if they were

digging into their hearts.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Dumbledore stopped everyone's actions and

said, "Who will pretend to be Voldemort? We will talk about this later.

There is no need to rush it."

"Our goal now is to prepare for the upcoming Triwizard Tournament!"

Everyone's expressions suddenly straightened up and their expressions

calmed down.

"The Triwizard Tournament? Beauxbatons is fine, but Durmstrang..."

Kingsley said, "There are a lot of dark wizards coming out of that place!"

Xia Ran noticed that Dumbledore and Snape looked at each other


Something to do with Voldemort?

He thought thoughtfully. The current principal of Durmstrang seemed to

have been a Death Eater. When Voldemort fell more than ten years ago,

in order to escape from prison, he reported many Death Eaters. I'm afraid

Voldemort There, he didn't dare to go back.

In the original time and space, he finally died at the hands of Voldemort

or the Death Eater after several months of absconding.

"It doesn't matter." Dumbledore waved his hand and said, "Karkaroff

dares and cannot turn to Voldemort because of what he has done.

Although he is not trustworthy, at least you don't have to worry too


"I know that guy," Moody said coldly, "I caught him, but he got away

with it in the end."

"He did a lot of credit, didn't he?" Bill said, "I mean, he confessed so many

people, he should have saved the Ministry of Magic a lot of time and

energy, right?"

"That was his struggle and effort to save his life and not go to Azkaban

Prison." Mr. Weasley said, "But he was not put in prison because he

confessed too many dark wizards back then. , I think after the mysterious

man returns, I am afraid he will not be happy to see the former traitor as

the principal of the magic school, with a high position. The Death Eaters

who were betrayed by him must also be very angry!"

"Hey, let's put it this way, Karkaroff is a good bait. If he can lure Death

Eaters or even mysterious people..." Xia Ran pondered.

Dumbledore thought for a while and said: "Forget it, since the Ministry of

Magic has acquitted Karkaroff, and he has paid for his mistakes and

contributed to defeating the dark wizard, we cannot use him as a

criminal." Use it as bait.”

Xia Ran was noncommittal.

"The first event of the Triwizard Tournament is dragons. Take away the

dragon eggs. After a while, we should collectively control the dragons

and come to Hogwarts." Charlie said, he raised dragons in Romania, and

he also Unlike his brother Bill, who was ready to resign and return to

England, he loved the work of raising dragons, which could only be

achieved in Romania.

Gringotts England where Bill works also has one. Gringotts Bank in

Diagon Alley has existed for who knows how many years.

Besides, he believed that the Order of the Phoenix also needed a member

to collect intelligence abroad.

"By the way, Charlie, when will you return to Romania?" Sirius asked.

Charlie replied: "Just these two days, Romania is too far away from

Hogwarts, the dragon farm needs a lot of preparations in advance, and

many people will be needed to help along the way. Some wizard officials

from the Ministry of Magic will accompany them. "

"Be careful, and remember to inform us if there is any news." Lu Ping


Xia Ran suddenly remembered a question.

"Dumbledore, will the Goblet of Fire be tampered with?" he asked.

Moody, disguised as Barty Crouch Jr. in the original time and space,

enchanted the Goblet of Fire, causing Harry to be selected and become

the non-existent third person. The four warriors of the magic school must

prevent such a situation from happening this time.

Voldemort is lurking in the dark, and as Harry Potter has a special

relationship with him, it is not a wise choice to rush into the Triwizard


What's more, Harry actually has not reached the age limit set by

Dumbledore. This time, no one is secretly controlling Harry's fate. It is a

good situation that he will not be the second warrior of Hogwarts.

To be honest, the current fourth-year Harry is definitely no match for the

sixth-year Cedric Diggory.

"I will check carefully." Dumbledore nodded.

After the Order of the Phoenix meeting, Xia Ran, Lupine, and Mundungus

had dinner at the Black Mansion - everyone else left early - Kreacher, as a

house elf, his cooking skills are indeed Nothing to say.

After returning home, Xia Ran only roughly packed her things, fed the

owl - in fact, it also went out to hunt for food on its own - and then went

to bed. Tomorrow is the first day of school, and she hopes nothing

unusual will happen.

At noon the next day, Xia Ran left Fremont Manor and arrived at her

office in Hogwarts Castle via the Floo Network. Although she had not

been back for several months, she was still as tidy as new, and she was

clearly well-fed. The elf cleans from time to time.

"If Hermione knew about it, I'm afraid she would reprimand her again."

Xia Ran thought to herself.

In order to protect the rights and interests of house elves, Hermione

established an organization during the summer vacation, called s.p.e.w,

which means the Society for the Promotion of House Elves' Rights. She

also gave an explanation to everyone at the Burrow, hoping that they

would pay attention to house elves. Elves, and work to change the bad

situation of house elves.

However, to join this association, you need to spend two silver coins to

purchase a badge, and Xia Ran also bought one.

But he forgot where he lost the badge.

The rights and interests of house elves cannot be changed by these few

people. Unless the Ministry of Magic, as an official organization, makes

explicit legal provisions, everything else is false.

After all, those who can have house elves are ancient wizarding families.

Pure-blood families such as the Weasley family do not have a house elf.

Xia Ran didn't go downstairs until evening and arrived at the auditorium.

Chapter 184 Another new


"heavy rain."

When Xia Ran walked downstairs, she heard a familiar voice. She turned

around and saw Sybill Trelawney, the professor of divination class,

shaking out the brightly colored robe she was wearing and speaking in

what she thought was the most beautiful way. Go downstairs gracefully.

"Professor Trelawney."

"Ah, it turns out to be Professor Frémont." Professor Trelawney said with

an expression as if he had just seen Xia Ran, "I read your interview report

in "The Quibbler" - yes, I I also subscribed to that newspaper, even

though a lot of the stuff is boring, such as the harassment bug - you are

so brave, blatantly making up the Minister of Magic."

Xia Ran raised her eyebrows and replied: "Is that considered an

arrangement? It's just telling the truth." But she was thinking in her heart,

because you are bold to speak out like this. If you know what we are

planning now, wouldn't you be frightened and faint immediately? past?

It was raining heavily outside, the sky was dark, and carriages began to

appear at the end of the line of sight.

"The cart is being pulled by a Thestral. How can such an ominous

creature appear openly in front of the students?" Professor Trelawney


Xia Ran looked sideways and saw carriages approaching. The one pulling

the carriage was the Thestral, a magical animal that only those who have

seen death can look directly at. Because of this, the Thestral Often

regarded as an ominous creature by wizards.

Thestrals had no flesh at all on their bodies, and their black fur stuck

tightly to their skeletons. Every bone was clearly visible. Their heads

looked a bit like the heads of fire dragons. Their eyes without pupils were

white and stared straight ahead. Wings sprouted from the ridge between

the Thestral's shoulder bones—big, black, tough wings that seemed

indestructible and looked like giant bats.

"It's not their fault." Professor Flitwick said as he took small steps

downstairs. "Death is an inevitable destination, and none of us can be

exempted from it. This does not mean that it is unlucky."

"Hmph, whatever you say." Professor Trelawney hummed, turning around

and entering the auditorium.

Professor Flitwick looked at Xia Ran and said, "Long time no see, Xia

Ran, are you okay? I see you made a big fuss."

Xia Ran just shrugged her shoulders.

"Come on, let's go in, the students will be arriving soon." Professor

Flitwick smiled.

Xia Ran sat in her chair. Several teachers were already sitting there,

chatting to themselves.

After a while, screams rang out in the foyer outside the auditorium, as if

the students had been frightened. Then came Professor McGonagall's

roar: "Peeves! Peeves! Give it to me right now." Come down!"

It turns out that Peeves, the ghost from Hogwarts, is causing trouble.

The students screamed uncontrollably, pushed each other, and poured

into the auditorium. Their bodies were covered with rainwater, and they

looked like drowned rats. They looked so miserable.

Xia Ran was secretly glad that fortunately I was a teacher and didn't need

to take that train.

"Peeves! Get down now!" Professor McGonagall's roar passed into the


"I didn't do anything!" Peeves chuckled. Xia Ran vaguely saw him

through the door of the auditorium as he fired another water bomb at

several senior girls. The girls screamed in fear and rushed into the


"They're already wet anyway, right? Hey, little kid! Give me a shot!"

Peeves picked up another water bomb and aimed it at a group of lower-

level students who had just come in.

"I'm going to call the Headmaster!" Professor McGonagall threatened

loudly, "I'm warning you, Peeves..."

Peeves stuck out his tongue, threw the last few water bombs into the air,

and then swooped up the marble stairs, laughing crazily.

The group of junior students below were in bad luck, and they all became

drowned rats again.

"Okay, let's go quickly!" Professor McGonagall said sternly to the students

who were soaked in the rain. "Enter the auditorium, hurry up, don't block

the students behind!"

They had no choice but to enter the auditorium with sad faces.

Fortunately, the magnificent auditorium soothed the injured hearts of the

junior students. For the new semester banquet, the auditorium was

specially decorated. Hundreds of candles were suspended above the

tables, making the gold plates and goblets shine. Shine.

The four long college tables were already filled with chattering students,

and at the top of the auditorium, there was a fifth table. Professors and

teachers such as Xia Ran were sitting here, sitting on the inside, facing

their students.

"This year's events... Hey, to be honest, I can't wait." Professor Flitwick

said, "You know which event it is!"

He was talking about the Triwizard Tournament.

"I wonder who the champion of Hogwarts will be?"

"I guess..." Xia Ran chuckled, "Maybe it will be Cedric Diggory?"

"Cedric?" Professor Sprout from the Herbology class smiled slightly and

said, "He is indeed a very talented student, and he also has a very bright


Cedric Diggory is a student of Hufflepuff. As the dean of Hufflepuff

College, Professor Sprout knows the outstanding students of his college

very well.

When Xia Ran was still studying at Hogwarts, Professor Sprout was the

Herbology Professor at Hogwarts and the Head of Hufflepuff.

The other professors also nodded slightly. Indeed, in terms of the

possibility of becoming a warrior, Cedric Diggory has the best chance. If

Harry Potter were two years older, he might still be able to compete with

Cedric. Now, Harry is still a little behind, as is Hermione and other

outstanding students.

"By the way, hasn't our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor arrived

yet?" Professor Sinistra from the astronomy class asked. On the staff

table, except for Professors Hagrid and McGonagall who went out to

greet the new students, there was only one The empty chair was

obviously the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's seat.

Dumbledore sat in the middle of the table, with long flowing silver-white

hair and a silver-white beard that shone in the candlelight. His luxurious

dark green robe was embroidered with many stars and moons, looking

mysterious and ethereal, full of excitement. A mysterious and

unpredictable feeling.

The fingertips of Dumbledore's two slender hands touched together, his

chin rested on the fingertips, and his eyes looked at the ceiling above

through the half-moon lenses - the ceiling was enchanted and looked just

like the outside. The sky was exactly the same, with heavy wind and rain,

and black and purple clouds rolling above. As there was a burst of

thunder outside, a fork-shaped lightning flashed across the ceiling at the

same time - as if deep in thought, until Professor Sinistra asked a

question , only to wake him up.

"Alastor, he might be late because he has something to do."

Xia Ran moved the golden plate and said, "Whenever Hagrid comes with

the new students, I'm so hungry that I can't wait."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the auditorium, which had

been closed just now, opened, and everyone immediately fell silent.

Professor McGonagall led a row of first-year freshmen to the top of the

auditorium and stopped not far from the staff table.

Xia Ran almost couldn't help laughing when she looked at these first-year

freshmen, but she felt a sweeping gaze and immediately held it back.

Chapter 185 New Song

Xia Ran looked at the pitiful appearance of the new students and couldn't

help but sigh to herself: "Hogwarts is so stingy! They don't even give

them a new ship! Well, that's a tradition, so it can't be abolished!"

According to the tradition of Hogwarts, the freshmen got off the

Hogwarts Express and took a boat across the lake to the square outside

the castle. Because of the bad weather this year, with heavy rain and

thunder, all the freshmen I was soaked in the rain and looked like a

drowned rat. I was so pitiful that there was no dry place on my body.

It seemed that they did not cross the lake by boat, but swam directly

from the lake, and even fought with water monsters on the way.

The reason why Hogwarts has such a tradition is because more than a

thousand years ago, the four giants of Hogwarts: Helga Hufflepuff, Godric

Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw rowed a boat across

the lake and arrived at the current location of Hogwarts Castle,

establishing the oldest magic school in Europe.

Since then, it has become a tradition for freshmen to take a boat across

the lake.

When Xia Ran first came to Hogwarts, Hagrid also took him across the

lake by boat, but he had better luck. He remembered that the sky was

clear and the moon was bright, but there was no such heavy rain. .

The freshmen stood in a row along the staff table, stopped, and faced the

senior classmates in the school.

They were cold, hungry, and all nervous and shivering, except for a few


At this time, Professor McGonagall took out the sorting hat and placed it

on a three-legged stool. The first-year students were all stunned when

they looked at the tattered, dirty, and patched hat.

Others in the auditorium also looked at it, and for a moment, there was

silence in the auditorium.

Suddenly, a crack near the brim opened like a human mouth, and the

Sorting Hat suddenly sang.

A long time ago I had a new hat,

Hogwarts hadn't been built yet,

The four founders of Noble Academy,

Thought they would never part ways.

The same goal unites them,

Each other's wishes are so consistent:

To build the best magic school in the world,

Let their knowledge be passed on and continued.

“We will build schools together and teach together!”

The four friends were very determined.

However, they never dreamed that

One day they will be divided from each other,

What kind of friends are there in this world?

Better than Slytherin and Gryffindor?

Unless you count another pair of close friends——

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?

How could such a good thing go wrong?

How could such a friendship be written off in one stroke?

Alas, I witnessed this sad story with my own eyes,

So I can tell you about it here.

Slytherin said: "The students we teach,

Their bloodline must be the purest. "

Ravenclaw said: "The students we teach,

Their intelligence must be superior to others. "

Gryffindor said: "The students we teach,

You must be brave and courageous, regardless of your own safety.”

Hufflepuff said: "I have many people to teach,

And treat them all equally. "

These differences emerged for the first time,

It caused a small quarrel.

Each of the four founders owns a college,

Only recruit the boys they want.

Slytherin recruits wizards like himself,

Pure blood, full of tricks.

Only those younger generations with the sharpest minds,

Only then can you listen to the teachings of Ravenclaw.

If anyone is bold and adventurous,

He was admitted into the academy by the brave Gryffindor.

The rest were taken in by kind-hearted Hufflepuffs,

She taught them all her skills,

In this way, the four colleges and their founders maintain a strong and

sincere friendship.

In those many happy years,

Teaching at Hogwarts is enjoyable and harmonious.

But then slowly a split appeared,

And fueled by our shortcomings and fears.

The four colleges are like four stone pillars,

He once held our school firmly in place.

Now they are against each other and have constant disputes.

Everyone wants to monopolize power.

There was a time,

The school seemed to be dying.

Countless noises, countless fights,

Former good friends turned against each other.

Then finally one morning,

The old Slytherin suddenly ran away,

Although the dispute had subsided by then,

He still left us in despair.

Only three of the four founders remain,

From then on, the situation of the four colleges,

I no longer want to be like what I imagined in the past,

Live in harmony and be united.

Now the Sorting Hat is in front of you,

You all know the origin of the matter:

I divide you into each student,

Because my duties cannot be changed.

But this year I want to say a few more words,

Please listen carefully to my new song:

Though I am destined to divide you,

But I'm afraid that's not the right thing to do.

Although I must fulfill my duties,

Divide the new students each year into four parts,

But I worry about such classification,

Would lead to the collapse I feared.

Oh, know the danger, read the signs,

The lessons of history give us warnings,

Our Hogwarts is in danger,

Enemies outside the school are watching.

We must be united internally,

Otherwise everything will fall apart from within.

I have told you plainly,

I have sounded the alarm for you,

Now let's start sorting.

After the hat finished singing, he stopped moving, and there were

scattered applause everywhere, mixed with whispers.

Throughout the auditorium, students were whispering to the people

sitting next to them, talking in lowered voices. Even the professors

seemed embarrassed.

Xia Ran didn't pay much attention and just looked at the Sorting Hat

repeatedly. If I absorbed the Sorting Hat's Force points...

The Sorting Hat has a full 150 Force points!

Xia Ran felt that she could definitely use this to push her magic level to

level 6, which was the level of the four deans of Hogwarts!

"Alas!" He suddenly sighed secretly in his heart. The Sorting Hat is a

magical item with intelligence. What if the Force points are sucked away

and the Sorting Hat's ability is affected?

Although according to his research and past experience of absorbing

Force points, the absorption of Force points will not have a big impact on

the magic item, but this does not mean that it will disappear. Dead

objects may not be a problem, such as the Sorting Hat. Such spiritual

items still require extreme caution.

"It looks a little different." Professor Trelawney whispered, looking at the

Sorting Hat, "The Sorting Hat also has language ability? Or does it know

something from the principal?"

"It's not like this has never happened before." Professor Sprout whispered,

"More than ten or twenty years ago, when the mysterious man gained

power, the Sorting Hat would warn us every year..."

Usually, the Sorting Hat only describes the different qualities valued by

the four houses of Hogwarts and its own tasks for sorting new students,

and rarely openly gives advice to the school and students.

When this kind of situation occurred in the past, it was when Voldemort

was at his peak.

However, the professors had already known about Dumbledore's warning

and believed in Dumbledore's words, so they didn't think it was anything.

However, the students were greatly surprised.

Chapter 186 Speech

"The sorting has begun." Xia Ran said, still staring at the sorting hat.

Before the teachers and students could continue to talk too much,

Professor McGonagall unfolded a large roll of parchment.

"Whoever's name I call will put the hat on his head and sit on the stool."

Professor McGonagall said to the first-year students, "When the hat

announces the house, go and sit at the corresponding table. "

"Stuart Ackley!"

A boy walked forward. It could be seen that he was shaking from head to

toe. He picked up the sorting hat, put it on his head, and sat on the stool.

"Ravenclaw!" the Sorting Hat shouted without seeming to think.

Stuart Ackley took off his hat and hurried to a seat at the Ravenclaw

table, where everyone at the table welcomed him with applause.

The sorting ceremony went quickly, and the number of first-year

freshmen quickly dwindled, while warm applause sounded from time to

time on the four long tables, welcoming another little wizard to their


There is no doubt that Hufflepuff has the most new students, and this has

always been the norm. This is clear from the lyrics sung by the Sorting


Slytherin said: "The students we teach must have the purest blood."

Ravenclaw said: "The students we teach must be intellectually superior to


Gryffindor said: "The students we teach must be brave and courageous,

regardless of their own safety."

Hufflepuff said: "I will teach many people and treat them all equally."

Gryffindor chooses brave and fearless people, Slytherin chooses people

with pure blood and ambition, Ravenclaw chooses people with smart

minds and outstanding intelligence, but Hufflepuff never chooses

students based on any characteristics. As long as they are students, she

will accept them, treat them equally, and teach them carefully.

"There is no distinction between education..." Xia Ran secretly thought.

He himself graduated from Hufflepuff House. Of course, in his opinion,

the one he respects the most among the four giants of Hogwarts is Helga

Hufflepuff. .

The common room of Hufflepuff House is not far from the underground

kitchen of the house elves. When Xia Ran was still studying at Hogwarts,

she would often sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night to find


Now that he is a professor, he doesn't need to be so sneaky.

"But Hufflepuff's golden cup..." Xia Ran frowned. It was a relic belonging

to Hufflepuff. It must also contain ancient magic items with Force points,

but it was made into a Horcrux by Voldemort. The original time and

space appeared in Gringotts in Diagon Alley, in the vault of the Lestrange


Sirius's cousin Bellatrix Black married Rodolphus Lestrange and changed

her name to Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Well, if I remember correctly, Bellatrix and Voldemort seem to have a

daughter, her name is Delphire Riddle..." Xia Ran said secretly, looking

over Rodolphus Lestrange's head. It’s a prairie!

Does he know that he was cheated by his so-called master?

Finally, the sorting ceremony ended, and with the shout that Kevin

Whitby was sorted into Hufflepuff House, there was fierce applause on

the Hufflepuff table.

Professor McGonagall packed up the Sorting Hat and the stool and took

them away.

Xia Ran was not yet determined to "take action" on the Sorting Hat and

absorb the Force points, so she simply looked away and kept out of sight.

Dumbledore stood up, looked at all the students with a smile, and opened

his arms in a welcoming gesture.

"I only have two words to say to you." Dumbledore's loud voice echoed in

the auditorium, "Eat!"

Every plate on the five tables was suddenly and magically filled with


Xia Ran put a lot of her favorite things on her plate.

"Professor Frémont, would you like some mashed potatoes and steak?"

Hagrid said in a deep voice.

"Let's have some mashed potatoes." Xia Ran handed over the plate.

The heavy rain was still pounding heavily on the tall, dark windows.

Another burst of thunder made the glass windows rattle. A lightning bolt

flashed on the hazy ceiling, illuminating the golden plates. The remaining

first course of food quickly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye the

plate was filled with various desserts.

Xia Ran didn't like sweets very much, so she ate the food on the plate

happily and ignored the dessert in front of her.

Professor Trelawney and Professor Sprout seemed to like it very much.

Finally, the desserts were mostly cleared away, and the last remaining

crumbs disappeared from the plate, which was once again clean and


Xia Ran burped and sighed, the food at Hogwarts is better!

At this time, Dumbledore stood up again, and the buzzing voices in the

hall suddenly stopped. Only the howling of the wind and the pounding of

heavy rain could be heard outside.

"Okay, now we are all full and full." Dumbledore looked at everyone with

a smile and said, "I must ask everyone to pay attention again. I have a

few announcements to make."

"Mr. Filch, the administrator, would like me to tell you that this year,

several more items are prohibited in the castle. They are the Screaming

Ball, the Wolf Fang Flying Saucer and the Combo Boomerang. The entire

list includes approximately four hundred and three Seventeen items can

be seen in Mr. Filch’s office, and those who are interested can check them


As he spoke, the corners of Dumbledore's mouth twitched a few times.

Filch's prohibited list is too outrageous!

But he continued: "As before, I want to remind everyone that students are

not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the venue,

and in Hogsmeade Village, no students below the third grade are allowed

to visit!"

After a pause, he glanced at all the wizards in the room, and said with a

solemn expression: "Excuse me, I have to continue to say a few words,

before Voldemort..."

In an instant, countless people shivered, and the entire auditorium went


"...Today when we return, our four colleges must unite and resolutely

fight against the dark wizard camp! But that is a matter for adult wizards.

As students, you should still focus on your studies, especially those in

fourth grade and above!" Deng Bullido said.

Xia Ran glanced at it and found that most of the Gryffindor students were

full of fighting spirit and seemed eager to fight against the dark wizards;

the Slytherin students basically sneered. Many of them may have

someone in their family who is a Death Eater and follows them.

Voldemort, of course, would not take kindly to this.

Ravenclaw House has an indifferent attitude. What is a white wizard or a

black wizard? Is it important to have knowledge?

The Hufflepuffs looked at Dumbledore eagerly, as if expecting him to

finish his speech and go back to sleep.

"In addition, I would like to tell you with great regret that the College

Cup Quidditch competition will not be held this year!" Dumbledore



"Are you kidding me, Principal?!"

Many students immediately came back to their senses from the strange

and silent atmosphere just now, and shouted loudly, mostly Quidditch

players from various colleges, as well as loyal Quidditch game spectators,

Harry, Fred, and George all stared at Dumbledore silently with their

mouths wide open, as if they were too surprised to speak.

Chapter 187 New Professor and

New Competition

"This is because there is a big event that starts in October and runs

throughout the school year, which takes up a lot of teachers' time and

energy, but I'm sure you will all have a lot of fun doing it."

Dumbledore faced all the students and announced: "I am very pleased to

announce to you that this year at Hogwarts..."


At this moment, a deafening thunder roared, and then the door of the

auditorium was slammed open.

Everyone immediately looked forward to it.

A man stood in the doorway, leaning on a long cane and wrapped in a

black traveling cloak.

"Who is he?" Many people in the auditorium were whispering.

Boom! Boom!

The man removed his hood, revealing long gray hair, and began walking

toward the staff table.

This person is none other than "Mad Eye" Alastor Moody.

"It's the same opening as in the original time and space. Could it be that

Moody has been replaced by Barty Crouch Jr.?" Xia Ran couldn't help but

secretly guess, but the possibility is very small. After all, Voldemort has

been resurrected. Barty Crouch Jr. no longer needs to disguise himself as

Moody and infiltrate Hogwarts.

What's more, due to the news of Voldemort's return and the restart of the

Order of the Phoenix, Moody is more vigilant than before. Unless

Voldemort personally goes out, Barty Crouch Jr. will not be able to

subdue him, even if he adds one or two death eaters. The same goes for


Because Moody's appearance was too scary, no students made any

comments at this time, and they all stared at him blankly.

Moody walked directly to Dumbledore and stretched out a hand. That

hand was also scarred and was a medal from his former Auror career.

Dumbledore shook hands with him and whispered something. Xia Ran

didn't hear it clearly, but he was probably asking about something that

had been arranged for Moody. Moody shook his head and answered in a

low voice, still No smile.

Dumbledore nodded slightly and motioned for Moody to take an empty

seat to his right.

Moody sat down, shook his head, and shook his long gray hair away from

his face, then pulled a plate of sausages, raised it to his incomplete nose

and smelled it.

He then took out a knife from his pocket, poked one end of a sausage in,

and ate it.

His blue magic eyes were still turning around all the time, looking at the

auditorium and the students and teachers.

"Please allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts

teacher." Dumbledore broke the silence with a cheerful voice and said,

"Professor Moody!"

Normally, when a new teacher meets everyone, everyone will applaud

and welcome him, but now, except for Dumbledore, Hagrid and Xia Ran,

no teacher or student applauded.

Xia Ran and the other three clapped their hands a few times, and found

that the applause seemed lonely in the silent auditorium, so they put

down their hands knowingly.

The others seemed stunned by Moody's strange appearance and stared at

him intently.

Moody's seemed unmoved by the lukewarm response.

"Xia Ran, please pass that thing to me." Moody said to Xia Ran, pointing

to a plate in front of him that still had some food left.

Xia Ran handed it over.

"Okay, why are you late?" Xia Ran asked.

Moody smelled the meat on the plate, cut some and ate, and replied: "It's

okay, it's been solved. I still have to ask you what you taught in the

combat class. My Defense Against the Dark Arts class is a must. To teach

something new, you cannot teach the same knowledge over and over


"Okay, no problem." Xia Ran nodded.

And then Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"Ahem..." He looked at the many students in front of him with a smile

and said, "As I just said, in the next few months, we will be very honored

to host a very exciting event. This event It has not been held for over a

century. I am here to tell you with great pleasure that the Triwizard

Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year!"

The atmosphere in the auditorium changed again, and it suddenly

became noisy.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Fred Weasley shouted.

Dumbledore laughed happily and said: "Are you kidding? No, I am not

joking, Mr. Weasley, but since you mentioned a joke, I do know a

wonderful joke about a troll and a mother. Yaksha and a little

leprechaun, they both entered the same tavern..."

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat loudly and deliberately.

"Oh, it's a little inappropriate to say this now...well, it's not appropriate."

Dumbledore said, "Well, where did I just say it?"

"Ah, by the way, the Triwizard Tournament!"

Dumbledore smiled and said: "Some of you still don't know what this

competition is about, so I hope those who know the situation can forgive

me for explaining a little here, and I allow their minds to open up for a

while. Difference."

"The Triwizard Tournament was founded about seven hundred years ago

as a friendly competition between the three largest wizarding schools in

Europe. The three schools are: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmster

Lang, each school selects a warrior, and then the three warriors compete

in three magic projects. The Triwizard Tournament was originally held

every five years, and the three schools took turns hosting it. Everyone

agreed that this was a competition between young wizards from different

countries. It was an excellent way for them to build friendship - but it

backfired, and later the Triwizard Tournament had to be interrupted

because there were so many deaths."

"The number of deaths?" Many students - mainly the little witches - were


However, most of the students were still excited and whispering among

themselves. They were eager to hear the specific details of the Triwizard

Tournament and were not interested in those who died more than a

hundred years ago.

Young people are always like this.

Xia Ran shook her head and smiled when she saw this.

"Over the centuries, people have tried several times to revive the

Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore paused briefly before continuing,

"But none of them were successful. However, our Department of Magical

Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic and the International The

Department of Magical Cooperation believes that the time is ripe for

another attempt. We have done a lot of work this summer to ensure that

every warrior's life will not be in danger."

"In October, the headmasters of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will come

with their carefully selected contenders, and the selection ceremony will

be held on Halloween. An impartial referee will decide which students

are the most qualified. Participate in the Triwizard Tournament, win

honor for your school, and personally receive a thousand galleons in

prize money!"

As Dumbledore finished speaking, the crowd became even more excited.

"A thousand gold galleons?"

"I want to participate! I want to participate!"

I don’t know how many students are eager to try.

"Goblet of Fire..." Xia Ran's eyes flashed. He was very interested in this

thing that had carried the changes of the Triwizard Tournament for

hundreds of years.

Force points!

He didn't even need to touch it personally to be 100% sure that the

Goblet of Fire must contain Force points! And it’s definitely not low!

Chapter 188 Plan

"It's Halloween, right?" Xia Ran secretly made up her mind, "At that

time... I must find a chance to touch the Goblet of Fire!"

It's been a long time since he earned any Force points.

If Xia Ran wants to reach level 6 magic power, she still has to rely on

Force points, otherwise her hope will be too slim, at least in the short


"I know you are all eager to win the Triwizard Championship trophy for

Hogwarts!" Dumbledore said to everyone.

All the Hogwarts students in the auditorium had excited faces and their

eyes were shining, as if they had seen themselves becoming Hogwarts

warriors and holding the Triwizard Championship trophy!

There are many students who dream of becoming a Hogwarts warrior!

Basically, at every table in the house, there was someone watching

Dumbledore feverishly, or whispering excitedly to the usher.

It wasn't until Dumbledore spoke again that the auditorium reluctantly

became quiet.

"Due to the suspension of the Triwizard Tournament a century ago, the

participating schools and the Ministry of Magic agreed that an age limit

should be set for this year's competitors. Only those who are seventeen

years old - that is, seventeen years old or above - Students are only

allowed to register for consideration, we feel..."

Dumbledore had to raise his voice because some people immediately

protested angrily after hearing his speech, such as the Weasley brothers,

who suddenly became angry.

"...This measure is necessary because the events of the competition are

still very difficult and dangerous. No matter how many precautions we

take, it is simply impossible for students below sixth and seventh grade to

cope with it. I will personally guarantee that there will be no An

underage student can deceive our impartial judges and become a

champion of Hogwarts."

As he spoke, Dumbledore paused briefly, and his blue eyes glanced

around the auditorium, especially for a moment on the dissatisfied and

angry faces, with a meaningful light shining in his blue eyes.

"So if you are under seventeen, I suggest you don't waste your time


"Delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at Hogwarts

in October and spend most of the school year with us. I know that while

our foreign dignitaries are here, You will all be warm and friendly, and

once the Champion of Hogwarts is chosen, you will support him or her


"Okay, it's getting late now, and it's very important that you walk into

class tomorrow morning refreshed and clear-headed. Go to bed, hurry


Dumbledore sat down, turned to talk to Moody, and seemed to ask

something in a low voice.

The auditorium was filled with rattling and pinging noises as the students

stood up one after another and rushed to a double door and entered the


"They can't do this!" George Weasley did not follow the crowd towards

the door, but stood there and glared at Dumbledore angrily, "We will be

seventeen next April. Why don’t we give it a try?”

"They can't stop me from participating." Fred said stubbornly, and glared

at the guest of honor seat angrily, "Being a warrior, you can do many

things that you are not allowed to do normally, and you will also have a

thousand gold galleons. Here’s the bonus!”

"Yes." Ron murmured, with a dazed look on his face, "Yes, a thousand

gold galleons..."

Harry is not tempted by a thousand gold galleons - he inherited his

parents' inheritance, and there is a small vault under Gringotts. He may

be richer than the Weasley family - but if he really becomes Hogwarts


Harry quickly poked his head around and looked around, only to find

that the Ravenclaw girl Qiu Zhang had already left. He suddenly felt a

little regretful and hadn't said a word yet.

"Let's go." Hermione stood up and said, "If you don't leave, we will be the

only ones left here."

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George began to walk towards the

entrance hall. Along the way, Fred and George kept arguing about what

Dumbledore would do to prevent students under the age of seventeen

from attending. Triwizard Tournament.

"Who will be the impartial judge of who is a warrior?" Harry asked


"I don't know." Fred said, "But he is the person we want to deceive. I

think a drop or two of age-enhancing agent will work, George..."

"But Dumbledore knows you are not old enough," Ron said.

"Yeah, but it's not up to him to decide who becomes the warrior. He's not

a referee, isn't he?" Fred chuckled, "It sounds to me like the referee will

decide who wants to participate. A school picks the best, and he doesn't

care how old they are. What Dumbledore really did was to stop us from

signing up."

"But a lot of people died. Didn't you hear what Dumbledore said? A

century ago, the Triwizard Tournament had to be suspended because

there were so many dead people." Hermione said in a very worried tone.

At this time, they passed through a door hidden behind the tapestry and

walked up a narrower staircase.

"Yeah, you're right, a lot of people died." Fred said nonchalantly, "But

that was all many years ago, right? Who cares? Besides, if there is no

risk, , what fun would that have? It would be boring!"

"Hey, Ron, Harry, if we can deceive Dumbledore, do you want to

participate?" George said.

"What do you think?" Ron asked Harry, "It would be great if you could

participate, wouldn't it? But I guess they want someone older... I don't

know if we have learned enough... "

"It's definitely not enough!" Hermione vowed, "otherwise Dumbledore

wouldn't do the age requirement!"

Harry also felt hesitant. He knew that he had only a half-knowledge of

many things, but if he could really become a Hogwarts warrior...

His heart skipped a beat again.

"If...well, if we can really hide it, it means we have a lot of knowledge,

right? It can be considered as meeting the requirements, right?" He said

this way.

"Yes, very correct!" Ron, Fred, and George nodded in succession.

Hermione frowned and glanced at Harry.

Harry deliberately didn't look at Hermione.

"That referee..." George said thoughtfully, "I think the professor must


"Which professor do you mean to ask for advice?" Fred's eyes lit up, "Now

that we know the referee's information, we can make targeted plans."

Ron said: "Professor Frémont! He will tell us!"

"Hmph, don't be wishful thinking, Professor Frémont is not that kind of

person." Hermione snorted.

"There's nothing wrong with giving it a try, right?" Harry said.


Hermione tossed her hair and slipped into the Gryffindor common room,

ignoring the boys.

Chapter 189 Patronus Curse

Indeed, as several people said, they really raised questions in Xia Ran's

combat class, but they were quite restrained at first.

"Who can tell me what the Patronus Charm is, or... what type of magic it

has, and what kind of magic it has?" Xia Ran asked. He was teaching

fourth grade students because of the Quidditch World Cup. During the

Dementor attack, he decided to teach the students the Patronus Charm in


In unison, a large number of arms were raised.

Xia Ran was a little surprised. In the past, Hermione was usually the one

who took the initiative, but it was rare for the group to be so


He looked at it and decided not to ask Hermione to get up to answer the

question this time, and said: "Neville, you tell me."

Neville stood up nervously, raising his hands without even thinking about


"You don't have to stand up, just sit down and answer." Xia Ran chuckled.

Neville sat back again and said slightly nervously: "Well, Professor, the

Patronus Spell, the spell is to call... to call the God of Guard. It is

specially used to deal with dementors. It requires the happy memory in

people's hearts as the source of magic power."

"Not bad!" Xia Ran nodded appreciatively and said, "Because of Mr.

Longbottom's answer, five points for Gryffindor!"

Neville smiled sheepishly and happily.

The Gryffindor student quietly gave a thumbs up.

"The Patronus Charm, if done correctly, will create a Patronus." Xia Ran

explained, "It is the nemesis of the dementors - well, I think you all know

what kind of creatures a dementor is, right? What happened last year,

and what happened in the World Cup - the Patronus can drive away or

even destroy the Dementors, or it can act like a shield and stand between

you and the Dementors."

After a pause, Xia Ran continued: "The patron saint is a positive and

happy force, which is the embodiment of the things that dementors rely

on for survival - hope, happiness, joy, and the desire to survive - but it

Unlike real people who can feel despair, the Dementors who feed on

happy memories cannot do anything to it. However, I must remind you

that the Patronus Charm is a very advanced spell. Many adult wizards

cannot master it. I cannot guarantee that Each of you can master it.”

"It can even be said that I will be very happy if one or two students from

your two houses - Slytherin and Hufflepuff - can successfully master the

Patronus Charm." Xia Ran said.

"Professor, what does a Patronus look like?" Harry asked curiously.

Because of what happened last school year - the only student who was

knocked unconscious by a dementor, he was ridiculed by Malfoy for a

long time - he was extremely Eager to learn this magic spell.

Originally, when he was in third grade in the original space and time, he

learned the Patronus Charm under the guidance of Lupine. However, due

to Xia Ran, the plot changed, Sirius' grievances were cleared, and the

dementors evacuated Hogwarts en masse. There is no need to learn the

Patronus Charm.

"Each patron saint is unique to the wizard who created it." Xia Ran said,

"Of course, there will be some wizards who have the same patron saint,

such as father and son, mother and daughter, husband and wife, brothers

and sisters. "

He didn't say a word. Wizards who have a crush on others will also have

the same patron saint as others. Regarding this, Severus Snape, the

potions professor at Hogwarts, is the best. illustration.

Of course, it would not look good to ask Snape.

"Professor, how did you change it?" a little witch asked curiously.

"To chant a spell, you must focus everyone's thoughts on a moment that

you think is particularly pleasant, so that the spell will take effect." Xia

Ran explained, "The patron saint is the embodiment of happy memories.

There is no happy memory. Humans cannot use the Patronus Charm."

"Okay, first think about a time when you were happy."

Everyone frowned tightly, racking their brains to think of a happy

moment, and many people even laughed stupidly because of it.

"Ahem..." Xia Ran cleared her throat, woke up a group of students, and

said, "Okay, remember this feeling in your hearts now."

"The spell is...call for divine protection!"

He waved his wand, and a silver-white animal jumped out from the tip of

his wand and ran around the classroom, causing the students to whisper

in surprise.

Xia Ran withdrew her patron saint and asked: "Get familiar with the spell

and try to recall happy moments."

"Calling God to Protect..."

"Calling God to Protect..."

All the students in the classroom began to whisper the mantra.

"Miss Granger, yes, you have responded. Three points for Gryffindor." Xia

Ran nodded with satisfaction, and a string of silvery white mist emerged

from the tip of Hermione's wand. She was the first student to respond.

Hermione's face was bright red, trying not to look too proud.

"Mr. Potter, focus on your pleasant memories!"

"Mr. Longbottom, read it out loud and it's still early for you to cast the

spell silently!"

"Malfoy, don't be lazy!"

Xia Ran walked around the classroom and returned to the podium. There

was a large wardrobe beside it.

"Okay, stop for a moment," he said.

The students stopped chanting mantras one after another.

"There is a Boggart in this closet. I will change the image of being afraid

of things in my mind. At that time, this Boggart will turn into a dementor

and appear in our classroom." Xia Ran said, and paused. After a pause,

many people in the classroom immediately looked worried and fearful.

"Don't be afraid, this is not a real Dementor, it is just a transformation of

Boggart, and it is also the best object for you to practice." Xia Ran said

softly, "Then, who wants to be the first to come? "

He looked at the whole class. This time, no one raised their hands, even

Hermione shrank her head.

The bad feeling caused by the Dementors was still fresh in my mind.

"No one is willing to stand up?" Xia Ran smiled, "Then I can only choose

a classmate at random."

He glanced around, and all the students immediately avoided his gaze, as

if they were afraid that Xia Ran would call his name.

"In that case, let's...Mr. Neville Longbottom!"

"Ah, me?!" Neville was shocked and pointed at himself blankly, as if he

suspected that Professor Frémont had pronounced the wrong name, such

as Harry or Hermione.

Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't be afraid, come up, Neville." Xia Ran said, motioning for the others

to stand back and make room.

Neville had no choice but to step forward with a grimace. The classmates

around Neville laughed and pushed him.

"Get in line! Students in the back, don't snicker. After Neville, you have to

come forward, no one can escape!" Xia Ran said loudly, and suddenly the

smiling faces of the group turned into bitter faces, and they laughed. The

child disappeared without a trace.

Neville suddenly felt his inner balance, took a deep breath, and walked to

Xia Ran's side.

"Very good." Xia Ran looked at Neville and said, "So, Neville, are you

ready? The dementors are coming out soon."

Neville nodded nervously.

Chapter 190 Neville’s


"very good!"

Xia Ran held the wand in his right hand, raised it and tapped his head

lightly. At this time, he used Occlumency to deliberately change the

image of the thing he was afraid of into the appearance of a dementor,

and then stood facing the big wardrobe. .

"Neville, stand up further."

"Gudong..." Neville swallowed and nervously took two small steps


"So...are you ready?" Xia Ran asked with a chuckle.

"Okay, Professor." Neville said, clenching his wand so tightly that he was

sweating. From the looks of it, he seemed to be trying to recall pleasant


Xia Ran said with relief: "Don't be stressed, this is not a real dementor, it

is just a transformation of a Boggart."

He said, grabbing the handle of the wardrobe and pulling hard.

A dementor slowly floated out of the cabinet. Its hooded face turned

towards Neville, and a cold, mangy hand grasped the cloak. It seemed to

appear in the classroom. A black hole, the light coming from the

windows and doors was absorbed completely in an instant, as if it was

the darkest night.

The dementors came out of the closet quietly, and only the rich darkness

that swept over them showed the traces of the dementors' existence.

The group of students behind them all backed away, their faces showing


All the happy memories in their minds dissipated, and only the most

painful and heartbreaking memories surfaced in their minds. Many

students turned pale and their legs trembled, as if they were suffocating.

Neville's pupils also dilated, showing a very frightened expression. He

seemed to remember the tortured memories he had forgotten.

The dementors began to rapidly approach Neville, making low grunting

sounds at the same time. A chill that penetrated the bone marrow

enveloped Neville.

"Recall the happy memories and recite the incantation! Neville!" Xia Ran

reminded loudly.

Neville woke up from a dream and shouted: "Call God for protection! Call

God for protection! Call God..."

However, both the classroom and the dementors were disappearing, and

Neville felt himself falling into a thick white mist. The painful screams of

his parents echoed in his ears, as well as the wild and wanton laughter of

several men and women.

"Look! Our Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix, can't they

bear this little pain?" Neville remembered the maniacal laughter of a

woman. This woman was called Bellatrix Lay. Strange, she once

personally released the Cruciatus Curse on the Longbottoms, causing

them to be tortured and crazy.

There were several other accomplices, also laughing wildly.

"What a disappointment!" A man's voice said disdainfully, "It seems that

they have no chance of knowing the whereabouts of the master. Bella,

kill them?"

"No!" the woman at the beginning laughed crazily, "continue to torture! I

believe... to cut out the bones!"

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"


Another very shrill howl.


Neville woke up suddenly. He lay on his back on the floor. The light in

the classroom was bright again. He didn't need to ask what had just


Yes, no need to ask, he obviously couldn't deal with the Dementor, even

if it was just a Dementor transformed by a Boggart.

"I'm sorry." Neville whispered, sitting up and feeling his clothes wet with

cold sweat.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?" Xia Ran asked, feeling a little guilty.

When Neville was a child, he witnessed his parents being tortured and

went crazy. This left him with too painful memories, just like baby Harry.

During this period, he witnessed his mother being killed by Voldemort.

Even though they were just babies at the time and would normally not be

able to remember those scenes at all, weird creatures like dementors can

make a person recall the most painful memories. Even if those memories

are forgotten by the person involved, they can still remember them. It

makes the person involved think back instantly.

"Restore vitality!" Xia Ran thought.

Neville suddenly felt that his body was full of energy, and he was in a

better state than he had been after breakfast this morning.

"Thank you, Professor." Neville said, raised his head and said, "Professor,

I want to try again."

He stood up.

Looking at Neville, whose round face was full of tenacity, Xia Ran agreed

and said: "Okay, don't think about the painful memories. Those are all in

the past. We have to focus on the future. I think that That’s what they

want to see.”

He also knew the Longbottoms.

Neville nodded.

"Don't be nervous, take your time. I actually didn't expect you to succeed

in one go." Xia Ran said, facing all the students. They witnessed Neville's

distorted face just now, and they all backed away again. They were

leaning against the wall. If it weren't for the fact that they were not

allowed to leave the classroom during class, they might have had

someone run out of the classroom just now.

"Remember, happy memory, this is your only source of strength to fight

against the dementors!"

"It's starting! Neville, pay attention!"

Xia Ran said and opened the big closet again. The Dementor reappeared

in the classroom. The light dimmed instantly and the temperature

dropped sharply.

"Calling for God's protection! Calling for God's protection!" Neville's

expression was firm as he kept chanting the Patronus Charm.

"Memory, happy memory!" Xia Ran's reminder voice seemed to come

from far away.

Neville thought of his mother's appearance two years ago when she could

accurately pronounce his name, and his father's silly smile beside him...

"Call the gods to protect you!"

A huge, blurry silver-white shadow suddenly emerged from the tip of

Neville's wand, hanging between him and the Dementor. Although

Neville was exhausted - yes, the vitality he had just restored seemed to be

far away in an instant. He left - his feet were weak, and he was not sure

he could stand again.

"Funny!" Xia Ran strode forward, waved the wand, and with a snap, the

dementor disappeared, and Neville's patron saint also disappeared - if

that vague shadow can also be called a patron saint - He suddenly fell to

the ground, exhausted, more tired than if he had run around the castle.

Xia Ran drove the Boggart back into the closet, and then said: "Yes,

Neville, very good! A fourth-grade wizard can use the Patronus. Even if it

is still very vague, it is already a very rare thing. Something happened!"

Neville scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

"Rejuvenate!" Xia Ran chanted a spell and said, "Okay, Neville, go back to

your classmates. Who else is willing to take the initiative to come


He looked at all the students.

There were still almost no people raising their hands.

The reason why I say it's close is because two people did raise their


Harry and Hermione both raised their hands, even though they looked


"Well...Hermione, come up and give it a try first." Xia Ran said.

"Okay, Professor." Hermione gripped her wand, took a deep breath, and

stepped forward.

"Come on, Hermione." Neville whispered, returning to the crowd.

Hermione forced a smile.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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