Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 3


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One Piece — Только в мире, я

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Краткое содержание

Рифан, выбранный Копийным Пространством «Реинкарнатором»

Земли, отправляется в приключение, чтобы стать сильнее в мире,

сюжет которого знает только он.

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Chapter 76: Break Away! The

Black Pearl And Tashigi


As Garp keeps getting closer.

Rifan's Observation Haki can clearly feel Garp's sturdy aura and the

dangerous breath on his fist.

His face was serious, and for no reason flashed in his mind how Marine

Commodore Kibin used Iron Body to block Zephyr's punch that

condensed Armament Haki and almost died from it…

Thinking of this, and considering his current position.

Rifan did not choose to use Iron Body as Garp said, but chose another


'Armament Haki·Emission!'

Rifan stretched his fists forward and aimed at the direction Garp's fist

was coming from.

Vaguely, Rifan's arm seems to have Sakura flower petals fluttering.

Rifan's eyes squinted, and he slammed out his own powerful blow.

"Six Styles Six King Gun·Ryuo!"


Rifan's fists collided with Garp's, causing a thunderous explosion out of

thin air.

A series of invisible fluctuations spread in all directions from the place

where the two fists touched.

Smoker stared at the scene with wide eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to see the air around Rifan and Garp twisting.

And the sea in the port seemed to be pushed by an invisible force, and

the sea water began to roll and flow away from the port.

[It's amazing, what's the situation with this move, it can actually cause

the air to vibrate?!]

[As expected of Brother Rifan, even if he doesn't use the power of Devil

Fruit, he still already has such a powerful power?!]

[Eagle Audience: Both this Rifan and this Garp have shown great

strength. In the dungeon world, a person can have such strength in

punching and kicking! If one can learn these skills, even an abyssal

monster can be crushed with one punch!]

[Chollima Audience: It seems that in the dungeon world, reincarnators

can not only rely on Devil Fruit, but also try to obtain physical skills like

Marine Six Styles like Rifan.]

[Camel Audience: Marine Six Styles, this is the Marine skill mentioned in

the dungeon introduction, right? Where did Rifan learn it from?!]

[Zebra Audience: This guy must have learned it through the copy space,

but it doesn't matter anymore, anyway, this guy has no chance to run

away. ]

[That's not necessarily the case, I think that from just now to before,

everything is developing in the direction that Brother Rifan expected. ]

"Six King Gun, you can use this trick?!"

"Your Armament Haki is also at Emission level too!"

"Boy, it seems I underestimate you!"

Garp grinned, and the force on his right fist suddenly increased.

And the original balance was broken.

Rifan's clenched and outstretched hands clicked and were broken by

Garp's fist.

Rifan himself also flew to a higher sky because of this powerful force.

After finishing all this, Garp allowed himself to fall to the ground, raised

his head and watched with interest Rifan whose arms were gradually

wrapped in black mist.

And watched him finally adjust his posture and fall from the sky, but

landed with difficulty and stood between him and the Black Pearl.

'Hiss! It really... hurts!'

Rifan trembled all over, gritted his teeth and let Dark Fruit's power repair

his arms.

This double pain, even after his arms have been completely repaired, still

remains, constantly stimulating Rifan's pain nerves.

Fortunately, Garp didn't use too much force, and his arm just suffered

multiple fractures.

Compared with being hit by Enel's lightning pillar in Sky Island, Rifan

felt that the pain at this moment was much lighter.

"What, are you going to use your Devil Fruit ability this time, kid?"

Garp saw that Rifan's arm, which had been twisted irregularly, recovered

after being wrapped in a burst of black mist, and couldn't help but

become more interested in Rifan.

"No, you misunderstood, Vice Admiral Garp."

"Since I said that I want you to help me test my Marine Six Styles, then I

have no intention of using the power of the devil fruit to fight you."

"Repairing my arm is just for the convenience of me continuing to ask

you to help me assess my last move."

Rifan took a deep breath, wiped off the sweat left by the pain and said to


"Even the Six Kings Spear has been used, what moves do you want me to

help you assess?"

"It's almost enough, just tell me about Ace honestly."

Garp frowned and said as he walked towards Rifan.

"Hehe, isn't there a trick I haven't used in Marine Six Styles?"

"Although in theory, I don't really want to use Iron Body."

Rifan shook his head, and stood firmly in front of Garp.

The next moment, a metallic luster flashed across Rifan's body,

apparently entering the Iron Body state.

Of course, this is not the end.

With the use of Iron Body, Rifan mobilized the Armament Haki all over

his body to flow and harden his body.

In an instant, Rifan's entire body turned into pitch blackness.

"Iron Body, you don't think you can resist my fist right? Why don't you

give up honestly."

Garp shook his head, raised his hand to his fist and let out a breath, then

walked over to stand in front of Rifan.

"No way, Marine Six Styles has used all the tricks except Iron Body."

"If I don't use this Iron Body in the end, I always feel that it will be a little


Rifan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"Can't tell, you're still a perfectionist. I'd like to know, though, why you

don't like Iron Body?"

"Well... probably because I saw too many people using Iron Body

confidently, but were knocked down by a punch."

"So that's it, then this time, let's see how you get knocked down by my

punch with Iron Body, Kid!"

As soon as Garp finished speaking, his fists were already aimed at Rifan's

hands in front of him.

Hearing a 'boom', Rifan's body directly turned into a flying arrow and

flew towards the Black Pearl.

Garp's powerful punch even caused Rifan's body to smash into the hull of

the Black Pearl.

Let him directly enter the cabin of the Black Pearl.

[Camel Audience: I laughed so hard, I thought Rifan was so good, but he

was beaten to the ground. ]

[Eagle Audience: It can only be said that this Marine Hero Garp is too

strong, it should be said that he is one of the strongest Marines in the

background introduction. ]

[Camel Audience: So, now Rifan is going to die. ]

[You think it's over?! There's something wrong with the head of those

upstairs, haven't you seen that Brother Rifan has returned to the Explorer,

and the next step is to use the teleportation pointer to leave here!]

[Chollima Audience: So, Rifan, from the beginning of the fight with Garp

to the rest of the battle, is it to pave the way for this final blow?!]

[Eagle Audience: What a scheming plan, he didn't show any intention to

board the ship, so Garp didn't see anything unusual and sent Rifan back

to the Explorer!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: If Rifan leaves, won't our Ayane be able to

leave too?]

[Green Pheasant Audience: We didn't even know what happened to

Ayane. What if Rifan already kills her?!]

[Kangaroo Audience: Hasn't your Ayane's live broadcast room been in a

state of darkness for a long time?]

[Green Pheasant Audience: It was in a dark state before, but at least I

could still hear a little sound, but now I can't even hear the sound! Damn

you Rifan!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Bastard Rifan! This guy must be caught, I

want to see him thrown into prison with my own eyes...no, it's


[Eagle Audience: Rifan seems to be in a dizzy state right now, Marine

should have time. ]

[Hehe, with Brother Rifan's self-healing Devil Fruit ability, Marine doesn't

have that chance to catch him, you guys, just admit that brother Rifan

can leave safely. ]

One Piece Dungeon World.

"Now, this kid should be satisfied."

Garp clapped his hands, put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked

towards Rifan's Black Pearl.

"Learning all the Marine Six Styles, is this guy really not related to the

spy organization of the World Government?"

"I'll have to ask this guy a lot later, and about Ace..."

"However, does this kid have masochism?"

"He can still laugh after being beaten by me."

Garp couldn't help muttering to himself when he thought of his last

punch falling on Rifan's defensive hands.

Not far away, Smoker let out a long breath.

"Is the battle finally over? But I didn't expect this guy would last long

against Vice Admiral Garp."

"Huh?! Tashigi, where are you going?"

Smoker was sighing, seeing Tashigi rushing away from him suddenly, he

shouted hastily.

"I'm going to find my sword!"

Tashigi ran towards the direction of the Black Pearl with her fastest speed

leaving the helpless Smoker.

She didn't see her famous sword Shigure in the hands of Rifan and others,

and the demon sword Sandai Kitetsu that Rifan bought in the weapon

shop, and Yubashiri, one of the fifty craftsmen skillful Grade .

Therefore, she guessed that Rifan put the swords into the mysterious

space just like Nami, Robin and others into the dark space.

"Really, you're still thinking about that sword at this moment."

Smoker shook his head, looked at his subordinates who were waking up

not far away, and walked over to regroup the team.

Tashigi was fast as Garp leisurely entered the Black Pearl through the

motion knocked out by Rifan.

Tashigi also leaped into the Black Pearl in one giant stride.

"Yo, you kid hasn't passed out yet."

"Your Iron Body did well to protect you. If you're not a pirate, I'd even

invite you to join the Marine Instructor unit."

Garp looked at Rifan who was leaning against the wall, rubbing his head

and sweating profusely because of the pain, and said.

"Tsk, you're a really powerful old man, that punch of yours almost took

my consciousness away."

"It made my head dizzy for a short time."

'Sure enough, Iron Block is not a good thing.'

'If possible, I don't want to use this move in the future.'

'At least I don't want to use it when facing a major battle.'

Rifan took a long breath, and a nautical pointer suddenly appeared on

the palm of his left hand behind his back.

"Rifan, where is my sword, return my sword to me!"

Tashigi raised her finger to Rifan, and said anxiously.

"Don't worry, girl, your sword will come back after this guy is arrested."

Garp patted Tashigi on the shoulder, turned to look at Rifan and


"Release all your friends, by now you should know that you can't run

away. "

"Also, you need to clarify with me about Ace."

Hearing this, Rifan smiled and nodded:

"Naturally. Vice Admiral Garp has fulfilled my wish, and I should tell you

the relevant information, regardless of circumstances or reason."

"Recently, Ace, the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, is chasing

Blackbeard Teach."

"That man is quite dangerous, Ace will not be his opponent."

"If Ace falls into his hands, I think the subsequent development of things

will definitely not be the situation you want to see."

Hearing these words, Garp frowned:

"Blackbeard Teach, I seem to have heard of this guy... huh?!"

When Garp was thinking, the sound of glass shattering suddenly sounded

where Rifan was, drawing his attention back to Rifan.

The next moment, without waiting for Garp to react.

A pure white light covered Rifan and the entire Black Pearl.

"Not good!"

Garp's eyes widened, although he didn't know what Rifan had done, but

he instinctively felt something was wrong.

With this bad feeling, he took a step forward and rushed towards Rifan.

However, when his steps landed, he found that his foot that should have

landed on the floor of the Black Pearl was directly stepped on by a void.

Subconsciously, Garp directly used Moonwalk and continued to pounce

on Rifan.

However, even with his speed, when he came to Rifan and stretched out

his hand to grab him, he still caught nothing.

With the flash of white light on Rifan and the Black Pearl, the two

disappeared on the coast in an instant.

Only Garp, who kept waving and in a catching motion, was left in


"He... run away?"

Garp looked at his hands, then at the surrounding environment, and froze

on the spot.

"Vice Admiral Garp, what happened?!"

"Where is Rifan, and where is his ship?"

"Wait, where is Tashigi? Why is Tashigi missing?!"

Smoker noticed the disappearance of the Black Pearl, and quickly turned

into smoke and came to Garp.

"Huh? Wait, you mean that little girl?!"

"She disappeared with Rifan?!"

Garp reacted, frowned immediately, and looked at Smoker who was


[Tl/n: Your Welcome. You can leave some of your stone or leave a review

if you want to say thank you.]

Chapter 77: Meeting A Diva On A

Deserted Island!

Naval Headquarters, Office of the Marshal.

"What?! That fellow Rifan suddenly disappeared in front of your eyes?!"

"And Smoker's subordinate, Sergeant Tashigi, also disappeared?!"

"Garp, are you serious?!"

Marine Admiral Sengoku frowned, questioning Garp on the opposite side

of the den-den mushi.

"Sorry, Sengoku, I had already subdued that guy."

"But I didn't expect him to have the power to suddenly disappear with

people and ships out of thin air."

"His speed is so fast that I couldn't react at all."

Garp sighed, looking apologetically at Smoker as he spoke.

He knew that he should have knocked out Rifan right from the start.

Perhaps Rifan was already wearing Seastone handcuffs by now.

At that point, no matter what kind of power he possessed, he wouldn't be

able to resist.

"Damn it! I didn't expect Rifan to have the ability to disappear suddenly!"

"Is that why he put his partners into his ability space first?"

"But why didn't he activate this ability from the beginning?"

"No, Rifan's ability should be to manipulate darkness."

"It's impossible for one person to have two abilities."

"Could there be other people on that ship?"

"No, the ship itself has the power to change its size."

"Could it be that the ship itself ate some kind of Devil Fruit?"

"But if it ate a Devil Fruit, how can it sail on the sea?"

Sengoku slammed a picture onto the desk, frowning as he spoke rapidly.

"Sengoku, no matter what, we need to find Rifan first."

"That guy Smoker can't sit still and is preparing to set sail."

"After all, this matter is my responsibility, and I will go with him."

"Also, update Rifan's bounty."

"To have fought against me to such an extent, his reward of 80 million

Berry is far too low."

"And the new crew member with orange hair named Nami is also quite

capable; she deserves a certain reward," Garp said.

"I understand, Garp."

"Rifan and the others can't have gone too far."

"Begin searching the surrounding islands immediately."

"I will update Rifan's reward and his group's information."

After finishing the conversation, Sengoku hung up the call and turned his

attention to another den-den mushi on the desk that had not been

disconnected yet.

"Hina, Colonel Mouse's investigation has been fruitful."

"For now, you don't need to go to LogueTown."

"You should also participate in the search for Rifan's location."

"But if you find him, do not engage in combat."

"Simply report his location to Garp and me."

Sengoku instructed.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku. I understand," Hina replied.

In East Blue, a Marine warship sailed against the wind at high speed.

Hina hung up the call in her hand and gazed out at the distant sea.

Suddenly, her fists clenched tightly, and her entire body trembled.

"Damn Rifan, he managed to escape!"

"And he took Tashigi with him!"

"Damn it, does he have such a strong preference for beautiful women?!"

On the warship, the nearby Marine soldiers exchanged glances upon

hearing Hina's angry outburst.

They didn't understand why Hina suddenly mentioned Rifan or why she

became so furious all of a sudden.

"All forces turn around and head towards the islands near LogueTown."

"We will continue the investigation to find the whereabouts of the Black

Pearl Pirates."

After taking a deep breath, Hina turned around and raised her hand,

gesturing to the Marine soldiers behind her.

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel Hina!"

[Hahaha, Brother Rifan managed to escape danger. Even a Marine hero

wouldn't be able to catch him!]

[Camel Audience: Damn it, why did they let that guy escape?!]

[Hehe, let's see how you eat your words upstairs!]

[Eagle Audience: Rifan is really lucky. How did he obtain two

teleportation pointers?]

[Goat Audience: Maybe it's because Rifan was the first to become captain

and upgraded his pirate group. If other reincarnators could upgrade their

pirate ship to level 3 first, Rifan might not have gotten the teleportation


[Green Pheasant Audience: Damn Rifan, now that he's out of danger, why

didn't he release Ayane?]

On a deserted island's coast in East Blue, approximately 20,000 meters

away from Logue Town, a flash of light revealed a black pirate ship

beside the coast.

"Phew... Finally, I managed to escape safely."

"That bastard Garp, in the future I will beat him like how he beat me this


Rifan took a deep breath, using the wall behind him for support as he

stood up.

Thanks to the Dark Fruit's abilities, his injuries were not severe.

However, he had exhausted a significant amount of physical strength.

Rifan believed that if Garp were to land even a casual punch, he might

faint from sheer exhaustion.

"What happened?"

"What about Vice Admiral Garp?"

"Rifan, what did you do?!"

Tashigi examined her surroundings and looked through the hole in the

Black Pearl, spotting the unfamiliar island. Sweat started to form on her


Rifan glanced at Tashigi but didn't answer her question.

Instead, he activated the power of the Dark Fruit, reopening the 'Dark


Black mist emanated from Rifan as Nami, Robin, Ayane, and the others

emerged from the darkness, landing on the ship's deck.

To Rifan's surprise, just a moment before he reopened the 'Dark Hole,'

Robin and the others had flown out.

Viewers of Rifan's live broadcast suddenly found themselves facing a

black screen once again.

"Everyone, good work... Huh? What's wrong with your state..."

Rifan began to speak, but he instantly swallowed his words as he saw

Nami, Ayane, and the others with tattered clothing, barely covering their

key parts.

"You still have the nerve to ask, you bastard!"

Ayane held one hand over her chest and placed the other on her lower

abdomen, her voice cold as she shouted at Rifan.

"Ah, Captain Rifan, you're quite cunning."

"On the surface, you made us hide in your ability space."

"But your real intention was to strip off our clothes."

Robin rested her chin on one hand, smiling as she spoke.

Unlike Ayane, she didn't hold back at all. She looked at Rifan with

concern, relieved to see that he wasn't injured. She turned her gaze to

Tashigi, who stood nearby, clearly overwhelmed.

"Captain Rifan, take a good look at my body. Remember to pay me later."

"And all the supplies we bought before were ruined by your ability."

"There are still many clothes I bought in there, so remember to

compensate me as well."

Nami walked up to Rifan, patting him on the shoulder before pulling

Nojiko, who seemed a bit flushed, towards their room, intending to

change into a fresh set of clothes.

Nami assumed that Nojiko blushed because Rifan saw her body, unaware

that Nojiko blushed because she had been exposed in front of her sister.

After all, she still wanted to keep her relationship with Rifan a secret

from Nami.

"That... Captain Rifan, are you okay? Are we safe?" Mikita asked,

blushing and covering her body with her hands as she walked over to

Rifan's side with concern.

"Yes, we're safe, and don't worry I'm fine." Rifan reassured her.

Mikita breathed a sigh of relief when she heard it.

"We're far from LogueTown now. So we can make temporary repairs

here," Rifan continued.

"Also, Mikita, you're about the same size as Miss Ayane over there, please

lend her a suit of clothes later." Rifan pointed to Ayane, who was giving

him a cold look with a slightly red face.

Realizing that Rifan was genuinely fine, Mikita turned around and led

Ayane to her room.

Mikita saw that Rifan was really fine, so she turned around and led

Ayane to her room.

"Use the fruit ability to store us in the dark space first."

"But when we came out, our clothes were all damaged.

"Captain Rifan, you didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

With one hand on her hip, Robin asked Rifan with a smile.

Rifan shrugged helplessly, hearing her teasing words. "Robin, you know

my ability is not for saving people."

"In that space, it will constantly squeeze and knead the people who are

pulled into it."

"I was able to keep the pressure of squeezing and kneading you from

being too great, because my control over the fruit ability is fine enough."

"As for your clothes, I didn't think much about it."

"Hehe, let's just trust Captain Rifan this time."

Robin chuckled then looked at Tashigi, who seemed tense. "However, this

Miss Marine will be brought here by you…Could she be our new recruit,

replacing Hina as our slave?"

Rifan shook his head. "Bringing her here was just a small accident. Let

her stay for now, maybe we can negotiate something with the Marines in

the future."

Tashigi interrupted, shaking her head firmly. "No! Rifan, I won't become

a bargaining chip in your dealings with the Marines!"

Tashigi shook her head, turned around and jumped out of the hole the

Black Pearl had been knocked out of.

"Don't you need to stop her, Captain Rifan?"

Robin looked at the back of Tashigi running towards the interior of the

deserted island, and asked suspiciously.

"Forget it, let's go."

"It looks like a deserted island here, and she doesn't have a den-den


"So she won't be able to notify the Marine of our location."

"Compared to this, do you want to continue to hang around in front of

me like this?"

"Or are you seducing me right now?"

The corner of Rifan's mouth turned up, and he looked up and down at

Robin in front of him.

Robin chuckled hearing his words, turned around and walked forward,

leaving Rifan with a beautiful back view.

After everyone left, Rifan went to the first two parts, and raised his hand

to caress the hole on the Black Pearl that he had knocked out.

"I didn't expect the first damage you will receive was from me."

"Sure enough, the matter of finding a shipbuilder has to be put on the


Rifan shook his head, jumped onto the deck of the Black Pearl through

the hole, dropped the anchor of the Black Pearl into the sea, and then

went to the bow and sat down.

Suddenly, a notification echoed in Rifan's mind.

[Rifan, The Spring Fruit for sale has been purchased by Leigh for 2000

points, and the points have been credited to your account.]

"Someone finally saved up 2000 points," Rifan mused. "Now I can

continue strengthening my partners and myself. I wonder if any

reincarnated individuals would be interested in buying a renowned


With that in mind, Rifan confirmed that the points had been credited and

decided to upload the Skillful Grade Sword Yubashiri. He remembered

that as the first person who sold a famous sword, he should receive a

special reward.

After his recent battle with Garp, Rifan realized that his strength was still

insufficient. Therefore, he aimed to obtain as many points and rewards as

possible from the copy space.

[Rifan, are you sure you want to sell "Yubashiri," one of the fifty Skill

Grade Swords for 2000 points?]

"Let's add a condition. If a reincarnated person from Panda wants to buy

'Yubashiri,' they only need to pay 1000 points," Rifan added.

The conditions were set, and the copy space soon notified the

reincarnated individuals.

[Rifan achieved the "First Reincarnation to Sell a Famous Sword"

achievement. The special reward is the "Elementary Armament Haki

Awakening Scroll," which grants initial Armament Haki awakening upon


—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Finally, an achievement for selling famous knives!]

[Hey trash talker earlier, any more comments now? Our Brother Rifan

not only escaped danger but also received a reward!]

[Damn Rifan, why is his luck always so good?]

[These people still underestimate Rifan's strength.]

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

'Sure enough, it's a scroll like Primary Haki again.'

'But now I have mastered all Marine Six Styles, if I use this scroll on my

partner now.'

'What kind of reward will the copy space give to me?'

'It would be pretty good if I could get a reward like Fish-man Jujutsu.'

'It's impossible to know Fish-man karate but not Fish-man Jujutsu.'

While contemplating, Rifan checked his and his partners' attribute lists.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Tashigi, filled with anger and envy at

Rifan's possession of three famous swords, was more determined to

retrieve her Shigure.

As Tashigi roamed the deserted island in frustration, a distant commotion

caught her attention.

"Quick, catch them! If we can't catch them, the commodore will have our


"Don't let them escape! Who is that purple-haired woman? She even took

the target out of our warship!"

"They ran over there, hurry!"

Intrigued by the voices, Tashigi hesitated for a moment before deciding

to investigate.

Soon, she spotted a beautiful woman with purple hair, a sweet face, and

a good figure leading an eight-year-old girl in yellow clothes. Several

Marines were chasing them.

If Rifan were here, he would have recognized Carina, Nami's friend, with

the purple hair.

"Is... Marine arresting criminals?"

Tashigi frowned, when she was hesitant to help.

Carina has brought the little girl to less than 10 metres away from


Chapter 78: Tashigi Asking For


—•—|Reincarnated People Chat Room|—•—

['Panda' Leigh: Huh?! Rifan got an achievement again? And he also

uploaded another trading product?! So, Mr. Rifan, you are out of


['Green Pheasant' Momiji: Is it true, Ayane? That means you're safe now


['Green Pheasant' Ayane: Well, you can say that, after all, Marine Hero

Garp is not on sight. For now at least.]

['Green Pheasant' Kasumi: That's good to know!]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Damn it, that Garp is a piece of trash, I thought

he would be able to catch Rifan for sure!]

['Camel' Jeyu: Sure enough, relying on Marines is not enough. If we want

to teach Rifan a lesson, we still need to do it ourselves. ]

[Rifan: Waiting for all the reincarnated people who want to take revenge

on me to come to trouble me at any time. If you're not afraid to die, that


['Eagle' Tina: Damn it, I just glanced at the trading interface, and there is

only a sword there, it's one of the fifty skill grade uploaded Rifan, left.

Leigh, did you bought the spring fruit?]

['Panda' Leigh: That's right, it's me! Thank you Mr. Rifan for the half

price, and the price of the famous sword Yubashiri uploaded now is

actually less 1000 than that of reincarnated people from other countries.


['Eagle' Tina: Damn it! Our country will have to spend another 1,000

points because of Ethan!]

['Eagle' Sarah Bryan: You can rest easy this time, Tina. This time, except

for the reincarnators of Panda who have a discount, the reincarnators of

other countries is the same price. ]

['Eagle' Tina: Huh, that's great, I thought I would be impacted by that

bastard Ethan in the future. Rifan, you are really a good man, when will

you come to have a wrestling match with me?]

['Eagle' Ethan: You woman, can't you have some backbone?!]

['Eagle' Tina: Hehe, I'm just a fighter, not a soldier like you. In other

words, I am a commoner, and I have the freedom to do things myself. It's

a pity that I still prefer fists that swords. ]

['Green Pheasant' Rachel: This sword looks good, but it's 2,000 points...

Sure enough, it's too expensive for me now. ]

['Panda' Ray: In that case, let me accept this sword. ]

As Ray's message fell, a reminder immediately sounded in Rifan's mind.

[Rifan, the product you pre-sold, "Yubashiri", one of the 50 skillful

grades, was purchased by Ray with 1000 points, and the points will be

automatically credited to your account.]

Black Pearl.

Where Rifan is.

"Unexpectedly, someone bought it so quickly."

Rifan murmured in a low voice, looking at the 3000 points in his

account, a smile appeared on his face.

['Green Pheasant' Momiji: So fast?!]

['Panda' Ray: Thanks you Rifan, with 1000 points, I can still afford it. ]

['Panda' Rifan: It seems that Mr. Ray is a swordsman. It's a happy

cooperation, you will definitely like Yubashiri. ]

At this time, a sound of footsteps sounded behind Rifan.

Rifan looked back and saw that Nami, Robin, Ayane and others had

already changed their clothes and had come to the deck.

"Captain Rifan, you seem to be very happy."

Robin noticed the smile on his face and said with a smile.

'Can I not be happy, after all, I just got 3000 points.'

Rifan thought to himself, and also smiled at her.

"Captain Rifan, what should we do next, should we go to sea


Mikita led Ayane to Rifan and asked.

"The Black Pearl was damaged earlier because of my battle with Garp."

"Even if we go to sea in this state, it will be quite difficult."

"So we have to repair the ship first. It happens that there are many trees

on this island, and these can be used as materials for repairing the Black


"But we don't know how to build a ship. It may take a while."

Rifan said, turning his head to look in the direction of the deserted


"Hee hee, don't worry, if it's repairing things, I can do some."

"I'm off to log."

Mikita patted her chest confidently, and then flew to the woods on the

deserted island with the power of her devil fruit.

"In that case, let's go hunting."

"After all, because of you, Captain Rifan, all the food we bought was

destroyed by your ability."

Robin smiled at Rifan and turned to look at Nami.

Nami nodded slightly and looked at Nojiko: "Nojiko, do you want to go


"Let Nojiko stay here, Nami." Robin patted Nami's shoulder and looked at

Ayane. "After all, there are strangers here. Let Nojiko stay and take care

of the captain. After all, he has just experienced a big battle."

Hearing this, Rifan nodded immediately.

"Robin is right, let Nojiko stay."

"Nami, Robin, I leave the food to you."

Hearing this, Nami nodded slightly:

"Then we'll go first. Captain Rifan."

"Captain Rifan, please call us if you need anything."

After speaking, Nami and Robin jumped off the deck and walked towards

the deserted island.

After watching the two walk away, Rifan immediately reached out and

pulled Nojiko into his arms.

He put his head on her shoulder and sniffed the fragrance of her body


"Captain Rifan, there are still outsiders here…"

Nojiko pursed her lips, and looked at Ayane who was not far away with

some embarrassment.

"Tch, I almost forgot your existence."

"Speaking of which, Miss Ayane, how long are you going to stay with


"I should have already taken you to a safe place."

Rifan smacked his mouth and turned to look at Ayane.

"I'm really sorry to disturb you two's intimacy."

"However, this place shouldn't be considered safe, Rifan?"

"On this deserted island, I don't think I can leave safely."

Ayane was dressed in Mikita's casual dress, and said to Rifan dissatisfied

with one hand on her hip.

"Well, since you said so, then I'll keep you for a while."

"When we get to the right place, you just need to disembark."

Rifan nodded, just as he was about to end the conversation with Ayane

and focus on Nojiko in front of him.

Ayane took out a pink Devil Fruit out of thin air and handed it to Rifan.

"Slippery fruit, for you."

Ayane said calmly.

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Huh?! This Ayane actually has Devil Fruit!? When did she get it?]

[Friend upstairs, it's because you didn't pay close attention to this

contestant Ayane. So let me tell you, the Devil Fruit was picked up on an

island where she joined the Buggy Pirates. ]

[Damn, her luck is so good! But why did she give the Devil Fruit to


[Green Pheasant Audience: What is she doing?! It's fine if she doesn't

want to eat the Devil Fruit, but why did she give it to Rifan!?]

[Goat Audience: It should be the reward Ayane needs to pay Rifan for

taking her away from LogueTown. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: What!? shouldn't it be free!?]

[Hehe, free? if only there was such a good thing in the world. ]

"You actually have slippery fruit?"

Rifan took the Devil Fruit from Ayane's hand with some surprise.

Through the list of personal attributes provided by the copy space, he

quickly knew that the Devil Fruit in front of him was genuine.

At this time, he suddenly understood why Ayane could so simply agree to

sign the contract.

Now that she already has a Devil Fruit in her hand, she naturally has a

lot of confidence to sign the contract.

"This is really... If I knew you had a Devil Fruit."

"I should have asked you for an extra Devil Fruit for downpayment."

"By the way, since you have such a slippery fruit, why don't you choose

to eat it yourself?"

After being surprised, Rifan quickly accepted the fact that Ayane got the

slippery fruit.

In this world, there are so many reincarnators entering.

Alvida, the fat woman who ate the Slippery Fruit, could naturally be

affected by the butterfly effects, so she couldn't get this Devil Fruit.

"As a ninja, you should fight in any situation."

"Even in the sea."

"I don't want to have the disadvantage of being afraid of sea water just

because of a Devil Fruit."

"Also, Devil Fruit like Slippery Fruit doesn't have much effect."

Ayane said as if it was a matter of course.

"That's right, this slippery fruit can make people's skin extremely smooth,

even so smooth that attacks can be cut from the skin.

"However, that's all."

"If you say the biggest function, maybe it can make an ugly person

handsome or beautiful."

"For you, Ayane, who is already beautiful enough, you really don't need

this plastic surgery fruit."

Rifan smiled, and casually put the slippery fruit into his inventory.

As for giving the slippery fruit to Nojiko who does not own Devil Fruit,

Rifan has no such idea.

After all, he really couldn't think of any powerful skills that the slippery

fruit could develop.

Besides, if any part of Nojiko's body becomes radiant.

When he makes out with her in the future, it will be a question mark

whether he still has such a pleasure.

Some things, the smoother the skin, the better.

As for the cosmetic effect of the slippery fruit, Rifan also does not think

that Nojiko, who is already beautiful enough, needs to use the slippery

fruit to become beautiful.

"Since you accepted this Devil Fruit, I only owe you one Devil Fruit."

"Please follow the contract and take me to a safe place."

Ayane said coldly.

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Damn, Brother Rifan is really amazing, Ayane actually had to give him a

Devil Fruits!]

[Chollima Audience: I understand, this Rifan must have made a contract

with Ayane regarding the authority to enslave reincarnated people. ]

[Eagle Audience: Very likely, Rifan shouldn't just take other reincarnators

as his slave, not to mention that Ayane is also from other country. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: In other words, our Ayane needs to give Rifan

two Devil Fruits, otherwise she will become his slave?]

[Camel Audience: This Rifan is really too cunning to rely on such a

method to obtain Devil Fruit. ]

[Hehe, this is the authority that Brother Rifan has. If you pickle people

refuse to accept it, let people from your own country become the captain

of the pirate group and get the 'authority to enslave reincarnation', haha.


—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

"Of course, but you should be a member of the Buggy Pirates."

"Those guys seem to be arrested now. Doesn't that affect you?"

Rifan asked curiously.

It stands to reason that as a 'crew'.

Reincarnators can re-select a pirate group when their own pirate group is


Like Ethan who chose the Blackbeard Pirates after the Bellamy Pirates

were destroyed.

But if the members and captains of the Pirates were arrested and

imprisoned, Rifan was quite curious about whether Ayane could choose a

Pirates group again.

"I shouldn't have to answer this question for you."

"Compared to this, it seems that someone is coming over here."

"Among them is the woman you let go just now."

Ayane looked over Rifan and looked at the deserted island behind Rifan.

"Worthy of being a ninja, you really have a powerful perception ability."

Rifan smiled, stopped Nojiko's waist with his right hand and turned to

look behind him.

Ayane can sense it, and Rifan, who has the ability of Observation Haki,

can naturally feel the aura of Tashigi who is rushing back behind him.

Although due to the loss of physical strength, his perception ability will

more or less decline.

But the range of perception is still higher than that of Ayane who is a


Even the person dressed as Marine who was left behind by Tashigi and

others has been clearly perceived by Rifan.

'Unexpectedly, I would meet a Marine on this deserted island. '

'I just don't know which Marine it is. '

'Still making Tashigi ask me for help~'

'Speaking of which, this woman...why does she look familiar?'

'Wait, isn't it Nami's best friend, Carina?!'

Seeing the purple long-haired girl running towards this side protected by

Tashigi, Rifan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Having said that, among the positions of the Pirates, there is the position

of singer.

'I can try to invite her as a partner. '

'If Nami comes back to see Carina later, she should be quite surprised.'

Rifan smiled, jumped off the pirate ship with Ayane and Nojiko, and

landed in front of Tashigi, Carina and an eight-year-old girl they were


"Yo, Tashigi, what's wrong with you?"

"Didn't you just leave, why did you come back again?"

Rifan said to Tashigi with his arms around Nojiko with a teasing smile.

"Rifan, help these two, they are being hunted down by a devil fruit user!"

Tashigi pursed her lips and looked at Rifan beggingly.

"That's interesting. If I'm not mistaken, the pursuer is a Marine."

"Tashigi, I'm curious as to why you, a Marine, would ask a pirate like me

to deal with someone who should be your partner."

Rifan said, with an even bigger smile on his face.

Chapter 79: The Contest Of

Stealth Talent vs Color Devil


Tashigi pursed her lips, for a moment she didn't know how to talk to


As Rifan said, as a Marine, she shouldn't have asked Rifan, who is a

pirate, to deal with Marine.

But thinking of what she saw and heard earlier, she was helpless.

She can only stare at Rifan with both teary eyes, hoping that Rifan can

make a move.

"Carina, that's the pirate flag!"

"These guys are pirates, can they really help me?"

Behind Tashigi, the little girl around eight years old after noticing the

pirate flag on the Black Pearl.

She looked at Carina beside her in a panic.

"Abis, let's leave it to Tashigi for now."

"If it wasn't for her just now, we would have been arrested."

"Even pirates can sometimes become umbrellas for us."

After Carina whispered something to the girl named Abis, she walked up

to Tashigi and said to Rifan:

"This Mr. Rifan, please help us."

"Those Marines abducted Abis for the keel of the Millennium Dragon."

"Even want to kill innocent people like me."

"I beg you to save us, after the matter is over, I am willing to pay the

corresponding price!"

Carina put her hands on her chest, looking extremely sincere.

'Abis, the Millennium Dragon?!"

Rifan raised his eyebrows, and the memories related to One Piece he had

seen once came to his mind instantly.

'So that's how it happened, I unexpectedly encountered the plot of the

Millennium Dragon.'

'However, the fact that Carina will appear beside Abis is also due to the

influence of the butterfly effect.'

'Speaking of it, is it possible that the invisible ability user is the color

fruit devil fruit among the treasure hunters who chased and captured

Carina and Nami in the anime?'

A red light of Observation Haki flashed in Rifan's eyes, and he "looked" at

the pursuers who were approaching from a distance.

At the same time, he is also curious and looking forward to the legendary

Millennium Dragon!

The lost golden bell can bring achievement, so the lost millennium

dragon should also be able to bring him achievement.

"Rifan, please help these two."

Tashigi pursed her lips, raised her hand and grabbed Rifan's sleeve, and


Although she was extremely unwilling to ask the pirates.

Though reluctant to ask a pirate for help, Tashigi felt strongly against the

idea of Marines killing innocent people. And she recalled Rifan's promise

to use Berry to buy weapons from the shop owner and let Hina and her

party leave unharmed.

Tashigi couldn't help but think that Rifan might not be as evil as

traditional pirates, and there was a possibility of him assisting Abis and

the others.

This is also the reason why she brought Abis and Carina to ask Rifan for

help after she knew why they were being chased.

After all, on this deserted island, she couldn't find anyone who could help

Carina and Abis except Rifan and his crew.

Rifan patted Tashigi's arm with a smile, and walked up to Carina:

"You just said that as long as I save you, you are willing to pay the

corresponding price, right?"

"In that case, are you interested in becoming my crew?"

Hearing this, Carina was stunned for a moment: "Become your crew

member? Why?"

Rifan smiled and said: "You can take it as you are pleasing to the eye,

how about it, if you agree, I guarantee that you will not be caught by

those guys."

Seeing this, Tashigi on the side hurried away.

"Wait Rifan, please don't force her to become a pirate."

"If you need a reward to make a move, I can pay you accordingly in the


Hearing this, Rifan just smiled softly at Tashigi and didn't reply.

After all, Carina, a thief, had hoped to be invited as a partner.

But Tashigi, who is a Marine, is unlikely to be invited to be a partner.

Although considering Tashigi's mind and swordsmanship level in the

future, Rifan is very interested in developing her into the exclusive

swordsman of the Black Pearl.

Carina frowned beautifully, and looked deeply into Rifan's eyes.

Then she looked at Nojiko and Ayane beside Rifan.

'So that's it, another pirate who likes beautiful women. '

Carina sneered in her heart, and just when she was about to argue with

Rifan tactfully, a gunshot disrupted Carina's thoughts.


Carina was taken aback when she saw the bomb crater suddenly

appeared at her feet, and quickly pulled Abis to hide behind Rifan.

"Mr. Rifan, I agree to your terms."

"As long as you save us, I can be your crew member."

Carina watched a group of Marines with guns running out of the bushes,

and said quickly.

[Rifan, you have triggered the engagement task - save Carina and Abis

from Marines hands. ]

[After completing the contract, you can tattoo her with the Black Pearl

Pirates and develop her into a crew member of the Black Pearl Pirates. ]

"No problem, beautiful lady."

Rifan showed a gentle smile to Carina, took the initiative to protect her

behind him, and turned his head to look at the enemies running towards


'Hmph, when I get to a safe place, I will find a chance to leave.'

Carina looked at Rifan's back and thought to herself.

"Hahaha, I found them, you can't escape."

"Unexpectedly, there are helpers here, and they are pirates."

"Interesting, a Marine is mixed with pirates, so even if we kill that female

Marine, there will be no problem."

"Yes, maybe we can even be rewarded by the commodore."

"Maybe this woman is not a Marine at all, but anyway, since she chose to

protect those two targets, she is our enemy."

The Marines picked up their weapons and walked towards Rifan and the

others with grinning grinning.

"Damn it, what about the justice in the hearts of you Marines, do you

really want to hurt the innocent?!"

Tashigi clenched her fists and shouted angrily at the Marines on the

opposite side.

At the same time, she moved her eyes left and right, constantly searching

for the devil fruit user in the Marine team.

Just now, it was because of the invisible person that she could only

choose to escape with Carina and Abis.

"Hehe, Commodore Nelson's order is our justice."

"That's right, if the Commodore can get the keel of a thousand-year-old

dragon to research the medicine of longevity, maybe we can get

something from it!"

"Stop talking nonsense with them, except for that little girl named Abis,

kill everyone else!"

The Marines grinned grimly, and raised their rifles to attack Tashigi and


Nojiko frowned, and was about to step forward to stop the Marines.

Although since joining Rifan's pirate group, she hasn't done much.

But after actual combat training with Mikita, Rifan and others, she has

the confidence to deal with the Marine in front of her.

However, just when she was about to make a move.

A purple figure passed by her and Rifan, and quickly rushed towards the

Marine soldiers.

It is Ayane.

Rifan raised his eyebrows, he was a little surprised by Ayane's actions,

but soon he realized why Ayane did this.

[Green Pheasant Audience: Huh?! What's going on Ayane, why did she

help Rifan fight?]

[Do you still need to ask, now that Ayane is relying on Rifan to leave this

deserted island, she will naturally have to contribute. ]

[Not only that, she should want to gain points, don't forget that Ayane

who is a reincarnated member of a crew can gain points through battles.


[This Ayane really has a good plan. With Brother Rifan watching from

behind, even if she encounters an enemy she can't fight, Brother Rifan

will have her back. She can fight with her hands free. ]

[I think, Brother Rifan should charge this woman an extra Devil Fruit

later. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Don't be too much, upstairs, isn't it just a little

battle point? Do you know how precious a Devil Fruit is?!]

[Hehe, all I know is that if Brother Rifan wants to get Devil Fruit, he can

get it very easily. ]

When the Marine soldiers saw someone want to attack them, they

immediately chose to target her.

Bullets flew out of their gun barrels one after another, rushing towards

Ayane and Rifan and others behind Ayane at high speed.

But they saw Ayane's body dodging and dodging among the bullets like a

purple butterfly.

The two knives in his hands are either blocking or waving, and those

bullets flying towards her are easily dodged or split.

The bullets that flew towards Rifan and the others from her side were

easily caught by Rifan's palm.

Under Ayane's attack, within a short time, the Marine was killed


"Damn it, what's going on with this woman!"

"Psycho P, you bastard still haven't shot yet?!"

The leading Marine saw his subordinates dying one by one, and shouted

angrily behind him.

As soon as his words fell, bursts of piercing sounds came from a few

meters away out of thin air, and quickly swept towards Ayane.

Ayane raised her brows, relying on her perceptual ability as a ninja for

many years, she quickly dodged to the side and came to the rear.

And just after she dodged, the ground she was standing on suddenly had

some craters and arrows.

"Invisible attack, is it devil fruit power?"

Ayane frowned, and instantly activated her invisibility talent to enter a

stealth state.

"She... disappeared, Psycho P, you actually use your ability on the


"Commodore Nelson hired you treasure hunters to help us, not to let you

help the enemy!"

The leading Marine stood there and shouted angrily. If he hadn't been

unable to see Psycho P, he might have directly attacked Psycho P.

'I see, it's no wonder that the color devil fruit ability user Psycho P who is

a treasure hunter appears here.'

'It turns out that these treasure hunters were also hired by Nelson, the

marine commodore who was looking for the Millennium Dragon. '

'I just don't know if Eric, the sickle devil fruit user who was originally

hired by him, was also hired.'

If they are all employed... now there will be three Devil Fruits. '

Thinking of the color fruit, chain fruit and mercenary Eric's sickle fruit in

the treasure hunter team, the corners of Rifan's mouth curled up


Especially the color fruit! For this Devil Fruit that can help him and the

team become invisible, Rifan is quite excited.

"Stupid, how can I use my ability on the enemy."

"That woman should also be a devil fruit user who ate a transparent fruit

similar to mine."

As a male voice sounded beside the leader Marine, Psycho P and the

treasure hunters led by him appeared in their own shapes.

They saw him holding two paint injectors in both hands, and looking

forward with deep eyes.

"However, even if you can become invisible, it's useless to me."

After finishing speaking, Psycho P pressed the paint injector in his hand

and aimed at the surrounding open space to spray a large amount of


Appearing in shape, Ayane, who had come to the back of Psycho P and

the others while taking advantage of her invisible state, was suddenly

stained with the paint that Psycho P sprayed out.

And Ayane's invisible state was released, and her clothes and body

became covered in graffiti with multiple colors of paint.


Ayane glanced at the state of her body unexpectedly, and quickly backed

away, narrowly avoiding the guns and arrows of Psycho P and other

treasure hunters.

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Green Pheasant Audience: How is it possible, Ayane's invisibility has

been removed, and what kind of ability that guy has and he is holding a

paint spray?!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Is this guy's Devil Fruit not only limited to

invisibility, but can also change the colour of himself and the people

around him?!]

[Good guy, isn't this like a chameleon? ]

[Kangaroo Audience: It's not just as simple as a chameleon, a chameleon

can't make others invisible or change color. ]

[This devil fruit is quite good. If I were Brother Rifan, I would keep the

ability of this devil fruit. In the future, whether it is used for sneak attack

or running away, the ability of this fruit can be released and plays a

considerable value. ]

[I've already seen the word 'death' on that paint guy's head. ]

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

"Hey, Woman, just surrender honestly, you can't defeat us no matter


Psycho P posed as a rapper, and said to Ayane, who was full of artistic

sense, with a leisurely expression.

Ayane frowned, looking at her condition with distaste.

Although as a ninja, she doesn't care much about the issue of


But being transformed into such an 'art' form by other people with their

abilities, Ayane is inevitably still a little unhappy.

"I will kill you!"

Ayane gritted her silver teeth, lowered her waist and looked at Psycho P

and the others in the pose of a hunter.

However, Psycho P just smiled slightly, and then used the ability of the

color fruit to make Ayane's eyes lose their whereabouts.

Chapter 80: An Excellent Thief

And A Nodding Friend~

After Psycho P and others entered the invisible state, Ayane's battle

became much more difficult in an instant.

Although relying on her keen perception as a ninja.

Even if the otherparty enters the invisible state, she can still deal with it

with ease.

But she was worn out in Rifan's Dark Fruit space and consumed a lot of


Facing the sniper attacks of Psycho P and others now, she soon suffered

some injuries.

[Green Pheasant Audience: Damn it, Ayane is bleeding, why that bastard

didn't make a move?!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: That's right, our Ayane is fighting for him,

how can Rifan be so cold-blooded!]

[Hehe, our Rifan never asked Ayane to fight, she asked for all of this

herself. ]

[Kangaroo Audience: Even so, Ayane's performance is still excellent, and

she may be able to take the third place under Rifan and Ethan!]

[Camel Audience: Third place?! Don't joke upstairs, the reincarnator of

our country is stronger than Ethan and Ayane!]

[The idiot upstair is smart enough to not include our Rifan. Now you

understand and admitted that your reincarnator is not as good as Rifan,

hahaha. ]

"Miss Ayane, thank you for your help, but let me do it next."

Seeing more and more injuries on Ayane's body, Rifan came to Ayane's

side in an instant with 'shave', raised his hand and patted her on the


He didn't want to see such a ninja who still owed him a Devil Fruit and

hoped to be enslaved by him die here.

"Damn, I don't want to help you, I just want to help myself."

"And, if it wasn't for staying in your dark space for too long before."

"Even if these people can be invisible, they will not be my opponents!"

Ayayin clenched her fists and said to Rifan with her lips pursed.

She originally wanted to gain points through fighting, but now she has

hard time defeating these people.

And this kind of scene let Rifan see that she couldn't even defeat these

people made her unwilling and dissatisfied with her performance.

It's like the feeling of wanting to pretend in front of your opponent, but

getting slapped in the face in the end.

"I know~"

Rifan waved a black mist to block the arrows and ammunition attacking

him and Ayane. Smiled and nodded to Ayane:

"Being able to kill so many opponents while the other party is invisible."

"Miss Ayane, you're already much better than Ethan and Nasser I met

back then."

"If you are in a full state, I believe you are indeed capable of dealing with

these people."

"But now, these guys are related to my fulfillment of the agreement with

Miss Carina."

"So, leave it to me next."

The invitation condition for Carina given by the copy space is that he or

his crew will deal with the enemies of Carina and Abis.

If all the enemies were killed by Ayane, this invitation mission might end

in failure.

Rifan doesn't want to lose the opportunity and reward of inviting Carina.

After Rifan finished speaking, he dispersed the black mist in front of him,

and walked in front of Ayane.

A red light flashed in his eyes, and he instantly locked Psycho P and

others who were in an invisible state.

"A helper? but no matter how many helper you have, it's useless."

Psycho P's voice sounded out of thin air, echoing faintly in the scene.

"Tsk, your vision is too small."

"Boy, have you heard of Observation Haki?"

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, his legs sank slightly, and his right

fist was put in his waist.

"Observation Haki, what is that?"

"How dare you call me a boy, die your bastard!"

Psycho P sneered, and immediately called his companions to attack


In an instant, a large number of bullets, arrows and even artillery shells

slanted towards Rifan.

Rifan's eyes were fixed, and his right fist slammed into the air towards

Psycho P and others.

"Fish Man Karate · Arabesque Tile True Punch!"

Rifan's fist was like throwing a stone into a calm lake, causing ripples in

the air.

The ammunition and arrows attacking Rifan stayed in the air strangely

under the impact of this ripple.

"What's going on...huh?! Where did this pain come from?!"

When Psycho P was wondering why his and others' attacks stopped in

mid-air, the pain emerging from his body instantly made his face turn


Unconsciously, he disarmed himself of the power of the color fruit.

In an instant, all his partners who had been made transparent by him

showed their figures.

Then, under the surprised gazes of Ayane, Carina and others.

The bodies of Psycho P and others seemed to be squeezed by some

mysterious substance, and their bodies became sunken from the direction

of Rifan's punching.

After the depression reached its limit, Psycho P and everyone else flew

out and hit the ground heavily.

Underneath, all of Rifan's enemies lost their consciousness.

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Green Pheasant Audience: What kind of power is this, so powerful!]

[Eagle Audience: Could it be the 'Six Kings Gun that Rifan used before?!

No, he seemed to said Fish Man karate earlier?!]

[Camel Audience: That's right, it's Fish Man Karate! In Nasser's live

broadcast room, he once performed Fish Man Karate before. ]

[Kangaroo Audience: But how did Rifan learn Fish Man karate? And the

Fish Man karate he performed is completely different from the Fish Man

Karate of the Arlong Pirates!]

[Does it need to be said, Brother Rifan's strength is many times stronger

than those Fish Mans, isn't it normal for the same trick to exert stronger

power? ]

[Camel Audience: Damn Rifan, this guy must have learned this power

through the copy space! Damn it, the Fish Man's karate can exert

extremely powerful power in the sea, it's really cheap for this bastard. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: I don't understand, why can a human being

perform Fish Man karate? Isn't something wrong with this?]

[Camel Audience: Wait, Rifan is a devil fruit user, right? If he is a devil

fruit user, even if he can use Fish Man karate, he can't make excessive use

of sea water, right? Great, this guy can't use this power to it's limit! ]

[Be careful what you say, you might get slapped in the face again later


—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

'Is this the number one among reincarnators? The gap is so big!

Ayane took a deep look at Rifan, although she didn't like Rifan in her


But invisibly, she still admires Rifan's strength.

"Alright, let's call it a day~"

Rifan clapped his hands, and walked over to Psycho P, who had fainted,

and lifted him up.

Then he walked leisurely in front of Carina and the others.

"Miss Carina, in this way, It should be considered to have completed your


Rifan stretched out his hand and waved in front of Carina who was a

little dazed, and asked with a stiff smile on her face.

"This...Of course! I didn't expect Mr. Rifan to be so powerful."

"It seems that I really met a powerful pirate captain."

Carina rolled her eyes, and immediately said to Rifan enthusiastically.

After seeing Rifan's powerful strength, Carina naturally did not dare to

violate the previous agreement.

Even, she had more ideas of using Rifan's power in her heart.

As for Rifan, as Carina nodded in agreement, relevant reminders also

came from his mind.

[Rifan, you have completed Carina's invitation task, a special reward of

500 points.]

[You can already get Carina a tattoo of the Black Pearl Pirates. After the

tattoo is carved, she will officially become a member of the Black Pearl


Rifan raised his mouth, put his hand on Carina's shoulder, and said with

a smile:

"Come with me back to the ship. I need to fill you in on some things

about being part of my group."

"In addition, I also want to know more about why you and this little girl

were chased."

Hearing this, Carina nodded with a smile, and pulled Abis to follow

Rifan's footsteps towards the Black Pearl.

When Rifan passed by Tashigi, he saw Tashigi staring blankly at the

fallen Marine soldier, raised his hand and patted her on the back, and

comforted her:

"Don't overthink it, Tashigi."

"It's like there are scum and good people among ordinary people."

"It's also possible that some moths are present in the Marine."

"Or, those dead Marines are not Marines at all, you just treat them as

ordinary bad guys."

After speaking, Rifan continued to lead Ayane, Carina and others towards

the Black Pearl.

Tashigi pursed her lips, looked at the fallen Marine soldiers, then at the

backs of Rifan and others, and finally at Carina and Abis.

After all, she still couldn't let go of the situation of Carina and Abis, so

she gritted her teeth and followed Rifan back to the Black Pearl.

The Black Pearl, dining room.

"So that's the case, that is to say, the Commodore named Nelson Roy of

the 8th branch of the Marine wants to get the keel of the Millennium

Dragon and research the elixir of longevity."

"So he led marines to capture the little girl Abis who knew the

information about the Millennium Dragon, and even hired treasure

hunters and mercenaries with devil fruit ability."

"And you, Miss Carina, also went to the Battleship Island where Abis is

located because you heard about the Millennium Dragon and were

interested in it."

"Then you were accidentally caught by that Nelson's men together with

this little girl Abis, and escaped by chance."

"Finally brought Abis to this island with a stolen lifeboat, right?"

Rifan propped his hands on the table, looking at Carina and Abis sitting

opposite him with interest.

"That's it. In order to get relevant information, that nasty fat man not

only arrested us, it is said that he even threatened the villagers of

Warship Island."

"Maybe, he has arranged for people to chase us now.

"Captain Rifan, you must help us!"

Carina stood up and crossed the table to hold Rifan's hand tightly, and

said with tears in her eyes.

"How could this be? Nelson is the commodore of the Marine branch."

"How could he attack ordinary villagers for an unbelievable rumor!? "

Tashigi pursed her lips and said in disbelief.

"But it is true in fact, didn't those Marine soldiers attack Abis and the

others just now?"

"Tashigi, you already see this matter with your own eyes."

Rifan glanced at Tashigi, then turned to look at the 'sincere' Carina in

front of him, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, since you agreed to be my crew member."

"Of course I will help you and Abis."

"But now, shouldn't we complete the last procedure of joining my Pirates


After Rifan finished speaking, he took out the tattoo seal of his Pirates

group from his personal inventory and asked Carina chooses where to

carve the tattoo.

"Tattoo..." Carina pursed her lips, thinking about Nami and the pirate

tattoo on Nami's left arm for no reason.

"Captain Rifan, just tattoo it on my left arm."

Carina said with a smile.

"as you wish."

Rifan nodded slightly, raised his hand and stamped the seal on the fair

skin of Carina's left arm exposed to the air.

As the tattoo took shape, reminder from copy space also appeared in

Rifan's mind.

[Rifan, you have successfully invited Carina to become a member of the

Black Pearl Pirates. ]

[The position of the pirate group that Carina is suitable for has been

refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

'Interesting, proficient-level navigator, excellent-level thief, and expert-

level singer.'

'Should I say as expected of a girl who sails alone on the sea.'

'She is really versatile.'

Rifan looked at Carina's properties, and looked at Carina with


Carina responded by giving Rifan a big smile.

'The post of navigator has been taken by Nami. '

'If I choose an excellent level thief, I can get 1000 points.'

'If the color fruit is handed over to Carina later, maybe her thief ability

can be improved.'

'At that time, I will be able to enjoy another points reward.'

If she can master the powerful Observation Haki in the future, Carina

may be able to upgrade her thief rank to a master level.'

'If I choose a singer...with Carina's ability to become the most famous

singer in the entertainment city of the Golden Emperor in the future. '

'Perhaps she can also upgrade the rank of the singer to the master level.'

Rifan narrowed his eyes in thought.

Just when he decided to position Carina as a 'diva', a cute figure wearing

earphones and a costume with feathers suddenly flashed in his mind.

'Uta, the daughter of the red-haired Shanks, Paramecia·Singing fruit

ability user.'

'Although I don't know what her current singing level are.'

'But judging from her performance in the original book, if history does

not change, she will definitely become a singer with master talent level in

the future.'

'If I can invite her to become my singer…'

Rifan frowned slightly, he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

In the original book, Uta appeared two years later, and it is not clear

where she is now.

Even, it is not certain whether this Uta can be successfully invited into

the Black Pearl Pirates.

But after thinking of the pervert-like power of Paramecia Sing-Sing Devil

Fruit, Rifan's heart is still a little hot.

'Sure enough, I still have to take a gamble to see if I can meet Uta and

invite her to the team in the future.'

'Anyway, Carina's talent in 'thief' is not bad, so let's set her position as a


'Having said that, I don't know how generous rewards I, as the captain,

can get if my partner can upgrade their position to the master level. '

Rifan made up his mind, and directly fixed Carina's position on the

column of 'thief'.

[Rifan, you have successfully registered Carina's position. ]

[Ding! Carina's position of 'thief' is detected as 'excellent', you, as the

captain, will be rewarded with 1000 points. ]

[Carina's personal attributes have been refreshed, please check them

yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates]

[Name: Carina]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Crew number: 05]

[Position: Thief (Excellent)]

[Tl/n: Position levels are divided into 5 levels: ordinary, proficient/

skilled, excellent, expert, and Master.]

[Physique: 53]

[Physical level: E level]

[Devil Fruit: None]

[Special Ability: None]

[Loyalty: 19 (friends who nod)]

'Huh?! 19 points of loyalty?! A nodding acquaintances?!'

'Good guy, I saved her no matter what, but her loyalty is still too low. '

'This woman, is she likely to betray me at any time?'

Rifan raised his eyebrows, looking in surprise at Carina who was smiling

brightly at him at the moment.


Chapter 81: If You Want To Get

Benefits, You Have To Pay

Something, Miss Ayane.

You know, even when Robin first joined, her loyalty had reached 20

points, and her evaluation was 'casual acquaintance'.

As a result, when it came to Carina, her loyalty was directly lower than

20 points, and her evaluation was just a 'nodding acquaintance'.

Nodding acquaintances, in other words, isn't that a stranger?

Rifan looked at the enthusiastic Carina in front of him, and couldn't help

but feel speechless.

'With her loyalty only 19 points, if she is given a chance, she will

definitely run away.'

'Sure enough, I have to keep a close eye on her, at least until she has

enough loyalty before letting her move freely.'

After thinking about it, Rifan probably understood why Carina's loyalty

was so low.

How could a woman who was always dealing with people from all walks

of life relying on her ingenuity at sea have such high loyalty.

After all, Rifan is a pirate.

As for why her loyalty will be lower than Robin's initial loyalty, there is a

reason for this.

After all, Robin saw the stele of the historical text that she had been

looking for for a long time.

And Carina... Although Rifan saved them, perhaps in her view, Rifan and

others are still vicious people. As long as they are still on the Black Pearl,

she may feel that she is not out of danger.

Just as Rifan was thinking, the copy space prompt sounded again.

[Rifan achieved the achievement, 'the first captain with thieves', a special

bonus of 500 points. ]

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Hahaha, Brother Rifan is really good at seeing people, and inviting

anyone at will can make a great first achievement! ]

[Brother Rifan didn't just invite her casually, look, this is a crew member

with a position!]

[Speaking of which, how did Brother Rifan see that this woman is worth


[Who knows, we just need to know that Brother Rifan has won an

achievement again!]

[Speaking of which, Brother Rifan found the Sky Island and was able to

achieve the first achievements. With the Millennium Dragon event this

time, will he also achieve the first achievements?]

[It is possible… no. Since it's Brother Rifan, he definitely can do it!]

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

'It's the first achievement again…'

'How far ahead of the others is this man who achieved the achievement

of 'the first reincarnator to become the captain'.'

'If I become the captain of a pirate group in the future, maybe all the first

achievements related to the captain have already been taken up by this


Ayane looked at Rifan's side face and thought silently.

Shaking her head, Ayane opened the communication interface, and sure

enough, she saw that many reincarnators were discussing it because of

Rifan's invitation of the thief.

—•—|Reincarnated People Chat Room|—•—

['Camel' Jeyu: The hateful Rifan has obtained an award again!]

['Green Pheasant' Rachel: Rifan should be with Ayane now, Ayane, do

you know what happened to him?]

['Green Pheasant' Ayane: It's nothing, it's just that this man was lucky

enough to meet a woman who can steal things. ]

['Eagle' Ethan: It's just a thief, and she can't bring him too many rewards.


['Panda' Rifan: Hehe, I don't think so. Let me tell you, the thief I invited is

an 'excellent' level thief. I think you should understand what this means.


['Eagle' Tina: An excellent-level thief?! Doesn't that mean a reward of

2,000 points... No, plus the first-time achievements mentioned earlier,

you've got a total of 1,500 first-time achievements?! ]

['Eagle' Sarah Bryan: This is really...The price of the Devil Fruit that Rifan

sold before was only 3000 points…]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Damn it, if this continues, all the benefits of the

captain's position will be taken by this man!]

['Camel' Nasser: This can't go on like this anymore, no matter who is

good, the reincarnated people who have become captains, can you hurry

up and let that bastard Rifan stop!]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: Sir. Rifan is still as powerful as ever, I

don't think there will be any reincarnator that can affect Sir. Rifan's first

achievement of inviting crew members. ]

['Kangaroo' Helena: And it is not easy to be the captain of a pirate ship,

and the partners you invite may betray you. If you get betrayed, the

reincarnator will be punished. Other reincarnations who have become

captains will also carefully consider the invitation of their partners before

inviting them. So inviting partners is not a random thing. ]

['Green Pheasant' Kasumi: None of the partners that Rifan has invited so

far have betrayed. It seems that Rifan is a captain with insight. ]

['Camel' Jeyu: Bullshit! This man is so eager to invite partners, one day

he will set himself on fire because of such behavior, let's just wait and see

the good show. ]

['Panda' Leigh: Pay attention to your words, upstairs. Maybe it will be

you who will set yourself on fire if you continue your conduct.]

Ayane looked at the interface of reincarnators who were getting noisy,

shook her head and turned it off, then raised her head to look at Rifan.

At this moment, Rifan got up and walked to Carina's side, putting his

hand on her shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Captain Rifan, since I have become your crew member."

"Then can you satisfy my small request?"

Carina raised her head and looked at Rifan sincerely.

"Tell me, Carina."

Rifan laughed.

"That's right, Captain Rifan."

"As you already know, that Nelson is still chasing us."

"Not only Marines, those treasure hunters too."

"And I have a feud with the treasure hunter."

"If possible, I hope Captain Rifan can help Abis and me to get rid of the

troubles caused by Nelson and the treasure hunters." Carina let out.


[Rifan, you have triggered Carina's advanced invitation mission—help

Carina solve the troubles brought by Commodore Nelson and the treasure

hunters. ]

[After completing this task, Carina's loyalty will have a chance to be


The prompt in his mind made Rifan show a big smile to Carina.

"Of course, you are my crew member now."

"No matter what, I'll keep you safe.

"Of course, and our lovely little girl Abis.

Rifan raised his hand and patted Abis on the head, and continued:

"Abis, Carina and I have some separate topics to talk about now."

"Just rest here for now, Tashigi will take care of you."

"I'll leave her to you, Tashigi."

Rifan said, and glanced at Tashigi.

Although Tashigi was a little dazed, but thinking of the current situation,

she still nodded honestly.

"Nojiko, you can follow along."

Rifan took Carina's hand, greeted Nojiko, walked out of the restaurant

door, with the unconscious Psycho P in his other hand, and walked

towards the warehouse.

Seeing this scene, Ayane hesitated a little and then followed up, but

before she can continue,

"What's the matter, miss?"

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Rifan turned his head with interest.

"Rifan, what are you going to do with that man in your hand?"

Ayane asked.

"This should have nothing to do with you, or... are you going to kill this

man with your own hands?"

The corners of Rifan's mouth curled up, thinking of the appearance of

Ayane taking the initiative to start a fight with Psycho P and others

before, he had a faint guess in his heart about the reason why Ayane

wanted to keep up with him.

"That's right. You should not be interested in killing this man with your

own hands."

"For the sake of our joint action now, can you hand him over to me?"

Ayane nodded, and said straight to the point.

Perhaps because she felt that she was taking advantage of this, she

immediately continue:

"As a reward, I can help you when you encounter battles during the


Ayane knew that Rifan, as the captain, could not gain points by killing

Psycho P. On the contrary, if she could kill Psycho P herself, she might be

able to get considerable points.

Although Ayane, who has a strong self-esteem, feels a little ashamed to

ask for help from an opponent like Rifan.

But in order to navigate this dangerous world more safely and return to

Blue Star, Ayane couldn't care less at the moment.

"Compared to getting help in combat, I hope to get Miss Ayane's help in

other aspects."

The corners of Rifan's mouth turned up, and a pair of eyes looked up and

down at Ayane in front of him.

"What do you want me to do?"

Ayane frowned and asked.

"Why don't Miss Ayane try to be my maid."

"This is actually good for you. If you fail to successfully complete the

transaction between you and me in the end."

"You can also adapt to your future life in advance by being a maid now."

"Miss Ayane's appearance should be very suitable for a maid's uniform."

As he said that, Rifan couldn't help but think of the dress-up mechanism

in the "Dead or Alive" game in his previous life.

For a popular character like Ayane, there are quite a lot of official

costumes designed for her.

As for the costumes made by gamers themselves through mods, there are

too many of them, and some of them are too sexy.

Looking at Ayane at this moment, Rifan couldn't help but ask her to

change into the clothes that she had changed into in the Dead or Alive

game that he knew.

Of course, before changing into overly sexy clothes, you have to start

with relatively conservative clothes like maid clothes.

Ayane frowned, instinctively feeling that Rifan was thinking about

something that was not very friendly to her.

But considering her request, she didn't get angry, she just stared at Rifan


As for changing into a maid uniform? How is that possible?

After Rifan looked at Ayane who have a cold face for a while, he smiled

and nodded.

"Forget it, although I don't think I will need to use your strength, but

because of your previous efforts to fight the enemy earlier."

"I will hand over this man to you to dispose of with your own hands."

"Having said that, you might as well really join me. In this way, I

guarantee that you can grow up through a lot of battles."

After Ayane put forward her request, Rifan immediately had an idea of

​​cultivating enslaved reincarnators.

Although he can't get points by killing like other reincarnators, if he can

defeat some powerful pirates in the future, leaving them to a

reincarnated person who has crew position in his ship and has been

enslaved by him is also a choice.

In this way, Rifan felt that he might be able to cultivate a reincarnator

who was not much weaker than himself in the future.

Of course, Rifan wouldn't worry that such a reincarnator would attack


After all, once a reincarnated person becomes a slave, he/she must be

loyal to his master.

If there is malice towards the master, he/she will be punished from the



Chapter 82: Nojiko Medicine

Boxing Technique!

Ayane naturally understood what Rifan meant, she snorted coldly and


"If I can't pay you the remaining Devil Fruit, I'll join you that time."

As she spoke, she walked to Psycho P's side and stabbed him in the heart.

The ruthlessness of her attacks made even Carina, who had seen Ayane's

actions, feel terrified.

While lamenting the loss of her old acquaintance Psycho P in this way,

she secretly decided to stay away from Ayane in the future.

After Ayane dropped Psycho P neatly, she turned around and walked

towards the restaurant satisfied.

'Just treat it as an investment, if she can really become a partner in the

future, it will be worth it. '

'In half a year, even a Devil Fruit, if you're unlucky, you won't be able to

get it, Ms. Ayane.'

Rifan smiled, greeted Nojiko and Carina beside him, and then led Psycho

P into the warehouse.

"Captain Rifan, what are we doing here?"

Carina looked at the slightly dark environment of the warehouse, and the

fact that Psycho P was dead in Rifan's hands made Carina a little worried,

so she couldn't help asking, a little scared.

"It's nothing, I just feel that since you have become a partner."

"Perhaps I can help you increase your strength so that you can feel more

secure when facing that Nelson guy and the remaining treasure hunters."

Although Carina now has an advanced invitation task on her head, this

makes it possible for Rifan to increase Carina's loyalty to him and the

Black Pearl Pirates.

But before completing this task, Rifan also wants to see if helping her

increase her strength can increase her loyalty.

If the method of increasing power can increase her loyalty, Rifan might

have to reform Carina's administration.

"But before that, Carina, please wait for a moment."

Rifan took an apple that Nojiko took out from the restaurant, and

immediately used the ability of Dark Fruit to wrap him and Psycho P in

black mist.

After a while, under Carina's puzzled eyes, the black mist surrounding

Rifan and Psycho P gradually dissipated.

Soon, Carina's eyes were attracted by the colored fruit in Rifan's hand.

"This is... Devil Fruit?!"

"Wait, Captain Rifan, did you take Psycho P's Devil Fruit like this?!"

Carina rubbed her eyes and asked Rifan a question in disbelief.

"That's right, this is the strength of our captain."

"He has the power to steal other people's Devil Fruit."

"Speaking of which, Captain Rifan is a great pirate with a reward of 80

million Berry."

"Carina, haven't you seen the news and rewards about us on the news


Nojiko nodded, and proudly introduced Rifan, her captain and her man,

to Carina.

"A reward of 80 million Berry?!"

Carina exclaimed, and looked at Rifan carefully again.

"That's right, and the reason why we are here."

"It's because Captain Rifan and Marine hero Garp fought."

"After that, we left safely and ended up here by accident."

Nojiko laughed.

"Marine Hero Garp!"

Carina frowned slightly, her eyes were fixed on Nojiko, and Nojiko also

looked at her calmly.

Carina's heart sank suddenly.

She has seen countless people, and she can more or less know whether a

person is lying or not by looking in their eyes.

But Nojiko's eyes are clear, so it is unlikely that she will lie.

This means that Rifan likely got out of Garp's hands unscathed.

Although the stronger Rifan and others are, the more they can help in

defeating the marines and the treasure hunters who were hunting them


But this also means that if she wants to leave Rifan in the future, the

possibility of failure will be much greater!

No wonder Carina felt a little heavy inside.

But when Carina saw Rifan looking at her meaningfully, she quickly

changed her mood, folded her hands and looked at Rifan adoringly.

"It's amazing. It turns out that Captain Rifan still has such power."

"It is said that an ordinary Devil Fruit can sell for at least 100 million


"With Captain Rifan's power, wouldn't he be able to become a wealthy

pirate by hunting down Devil fruit users?"

Hearing this, Rifan shrugged and smiled:

"I don't know if I will be rich or not from doing it, but measuring the

value of Devil Fruit with money would be too wasteful.

"Speaking of which, Carina, I wonder if you are interested in becoming a

devil fruit user."

"Exactly, I have two Devil Fruits here. Why don't you choose?"

Rifan smiled, placed the slippery fruit and the Color fruit in front of

Carina, and told her the functions of the two Devil Fruits.

"Slippery fruit, a fruit that can make people beautiful."

"But I shouldn't need it anymore, I'm already cute."

"Right, Captain Rifan?"

Carina raised her mouth and asked Rifan with a smile on her face.

"Indeed, Carina is indeed a very lovely and beautiful girl so it's not


Rifan nodded and praised Carina without hesitation.

Of course, it may be because the current Carina is only eighteen years

old, so her figure is not as ample as it appeared in the original book, and

it is also not as good as the current Nami.

"So, if I have to choose, I am willing to accept this Color fruit."

"But Captain Rifan, do you really want to give me this devil fruit?"

Carina looked at the color devil fruit in Rifan's hand, and there was a

faint flash of light in her eyes.

She planned to find a chance to leave Rifan's place in the future.

If she has the color devil fruit, then her chances of leaving here will be

much greater.

Of course, she has not forgotten that Rifan seems to have the power to

see through others' invisibility.

"Since I've already said what I said, I naturally don't intend to take it


"Eat it, Carina."

"This Devil Fruit should be useful for you when stealing things later.

As Rifan said, he stuffed the colored fruit into Carina's arms.

"Steal something? Captain Rifan, what are you talking about, I don't quite


Carina was startled at first, and then looked at Rifan with a puzzled


After all, in what she told Rifan earlier.

It didn't include the fact that she was a thief.

"You don't need to be surprised."

"The reason why I invited you to my ship is because of your talent in


"Even, the position I leave for you on the ship is the position of 'thief'."

Rifan waved his hand and smiled.

"Are you good at seeing people?"

Carina frowned slightly, feeling a sense of solemnity in her heart for no


If Rifan can see that she has considerable talent in stealing, wouldn't he

also be able to see that she is just pretending to join the Black Pearl

Pirates now?

However, although Carina has some doubts about what Rifan said,

But she also understands that now is not the time to ask.

After looking at the devil fruit in her hand, she decided that it would be

better to gain strength first.

After making her decision, she opened her Sakura peach colored lips and

bit down on the fruit.

As the fruit enters her belly, her brows frown immediately.

But soon, Carina began to close her eyes and try her own power.

Rifan saw that Carina was getting familiar with the power of Devil Fruit,

so he opened her personal attribute list, wanting to confirm whether

Carina's loyalty had increased.

'Loyalty came to 31, evaluation is a casual acquaintance. '

Fortunately, helping her gain power is useful.

'It seems that an eighteen-year-old girl still yearns for power. '

'Let me see the position level....Yes, eating the corresponding Devil Fruit

really improves the position level.'

'Excellent theft experience combined with the ability to stealth can

already raise Carina's talent in theft to an expert.'

'Afterwards, help her acquire the ability of Observation Haki, so that she

can develop her ability to steal to a master level. '

Even though he thinks so, Rifan also understands that it is not an easy

task to become a thief at the master level.

After all, it is also possible for enemies to have Observation Haki.

If he wants her to steal from the enemy's Observation Haki, he needs

Carina to have a much better Observation Haki than others, let's say

Charlotte Katakuri's future-seeing Observation Haki.

Or else it's…

'If Carina is allowed to master Shanks Conqueror that can 'Kill

Observation Haki', then her stealing ability will definitely reach the level

of a master. "

'However...to learn that skill, the extremely powerful Conqueror's Haki is


'Could it be that Carina has to learn Conqueror's Haki?'

Rifan frowned, thinking about the possibility of Carina's future power


You know, even Rifan's Conqueror's Haki has reached the intermediate


But even so, Rifan has not been able to touch the threshold of killing

observation haki.

Rifan thinks that maybe he needs to upgrade Conqueror's Haki to the

highest level, or maybe he can learn Observation Haki Killer by relying

on the ability of copy space.

'Forget it, let's take one step at a time.'

'At least if the pirate group upgrades later, Carina, who has upgraded her

thieves skills to an expert level, will allow me to get a lot of reward


'It seems that when giving Devil Fruit to the crew in the future, it is best

to distribute it according to their positions. '

'Having said that, I'm really looking forward to the color fruit after

Carina's loyalty is full.

'At that time, I may be able to replace Sanji to realize his dream.'

Rifan smiled with satisfaction, and looked up at Carina who was in an

invisible state.

"Huh?! Captain Rifan can really see me?"

"Is this the power of Observation Haki you told Psycho P earlier?"

"Observation Haki, what kind of power is it?"

"Captain Rifan, can I learn it too?"

Carina reappears and asked Rifan curiously.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and know your enemy, you will

win every battle. Since Carina still plans to leave in her heart.

Naturally, she wanted to understand Rifan's power first.

"The so-called Observation Haki is a power to enhance perception."

"This power is hard to explain verbally, but after you stay on the ship

long enough, I can help you obtain this power."

Rifan said with a smile, as for Carina's thoughts, he can also guess a lot.

"Help me gain power? Is Captain Rifan going to teach me how to use

Observation Haki?"

"Such magical power should be difficult to learn."

Carina shook her head, and didn't feel much hope for the so-called

Observation Haki.

"Instead of teaching you how to learn Observation Haki, I prefer to let

you learn it directly."

"Just like this."

Rifan raised his hand to press the pirate tattoo on Carina's left arm.

[Rifan, you use the 'Primary Armament Haki Awakening Scroll' on 'Thief'

Carina, start strengthening.]

[Rifan, your talent "Strengthen the crew, equal return" has been

activated, start to strengthen. ]

[Carina's strengthening has been completed, and her personal attributes

have been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

[Rifan, it has been detected that you have awakened the primary

Armament Haki, this reinforcement has been automatically converted

into 'Kanpo Kenpo']

[Rifan, your strengthening has been completed, and your personal

attributes have been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

"It's so hot, Captain Rifan, what are you doing... Huh?! What is this


Carina was thinking that Rifan was going to do something bad, but

suddenly found that there was a powerful force in her body.

"This is Armament Haki, a power different from Observation Haki..."

Rifan raised his mouth and introduced to her with a smile.

And when seeing the surprised look on Carina's face and the loyalty that

reached 41 points, Rifan felt more and more happy in his heart.

So what if the loyalty is low, as long as its loyalty can be increased by

increasing its strength.

Low loyalty is not a problem at all for him!

"Having said that, this 'Kanpo Kenpo'... this should be the boxing

technique of that old woman named Nightin who is the boat doctor of

the More-More Fruit ability user. "


Chapter 83: Strength In Exchange

For Loyalty!

This boxing technique is a bit interesting, but what is really interesting is

the accompanying medical skills.

'The copy space is really generous!'

'Just because this boxing method is a boxing method compiled by

combining Nightin's medical skills, it even gave me the relevant medical

skills. '

'Now that no ship doctor has been invited, I can temporarily replace the

ship doctor's duties.'

Rifan's mind flashed the knowledge about boxing and medical skills

carried in the Kanpo Kenpo medicine boxing, and he couldn't help

thinking in his heart.

Rifan thinks that, to some extent, Kanpo Kenpo is somewhat similar to

Chopper's transformation with a blue wave ball.

Among the moves of Kanpo Kenpo, many of them are moves that are

performed by catching herbs.

Just like "Kanpo Kenpo Hiyaku: Dokudami Jigoku", you can use its

extremely bitter characteristics to resist the charm from Hancock.

The poisonous mist of Kanpo Kenpo medicine is quite corrosive,

especially to the clothes that people wear.

Thinking of Nightin use of this trick in the original book to corrode more

than half of Hancock's cheongsam.

Rifan can't wait to find enough herbal medicines to develop a medicine

powder that can cast the 'poison mist' of Kanpo Kenpo.

And when he meets Hina again in the future, he can do this trick to her

and appreciate her shy look.

Of course, Rifan doesn't mind using it once in a while on his partner to

add a bit of flair to their nightlife.

However, what interests Rifan the most is "Kanpo Kenpo Hiyaku: Korai

Shinjin" among the Kanpo Kenpo techniques.

'In the original book, Nightin uses this trick to directly transform from an

eighty-year-old old woman into a beautiful young mature woman.'

'But in my case, I am already young, so I shouldn't need this

characteristic of becoming younger.'

'However, this trick should also have the effect of activating and

enhancing a person's physical fitness.'

'Speaking of which, Nami seems to have complained that it is not easy to

take care of her skin while sailing at sea.'

'Maybe I can use this medical skill from Kanpo Kenpo to make some

sunscreen, face cream, moisturizer and so on for her and other female

crew members.'

'It would be even better if I could help them apply sunscreen, moisturizer,

etc. at that time.'

The corner of Rifan's mouth rose, and he thought to himself.

But before Rifan could fantasize about the future, Carina's excited voice

came beside him that awakened him from his daydream.

"It's so powerful, I feel that even a sword can't hurt me now."

"Hey! Captain Rifan, since you awakened Armament Haki for me, did you

also awaken Observation Haki for me?"

Carina looked at Rifan with bright eyes and asked.

"No, I don't have that ability right now."

Rifan shook his head, and when he was about to persuade Carina to give

up, he saw Carina rushing over and kissed Rifan on the face.

"Do you like it, Captain Rifan?"

"If you help me awaken my Observation Haki, I can do what I just did a

few more times."

Carina touched her red lips with the fingers of her right hand, with a

little blush on her face, and looked at Rifan obsequiously.

"Although I really like it, but like I said, I can't do it, Carina."

Rifan shook his head, there is no item in his inventory that can help his

partner awaken Observation Haki.

Even if he has such props, with Carina's loyalty points.

Rifan does not plan to use it on her.

"Captain Rifan, didn't you say that you wanted Miss Ayane to wear a

maid uniform?"

"If you help me awaken Observation Haki, I can dress in a maid uniform

for you."

"I can also do the work of serving the master like a maid."

"Of course, if you have other clothes you want to see, I can also change


"Don't look at me like that, I also like all kinds of beautiful clothes."

"Captain Rifan said that I am cute and beautiful, don't you want to know

more about me?"

Carina took a step forward and took Rifan's arm tightly into her embrace.

A pair of big watery eyes fixed on Rifan's eyes, as if to see through the


On the side, Nojiko rested her chin with one hand and was interested in

this scene.

For her, who had already made up her mind, she didn't feel jealous

because of Carina's actions.

"I will remember your words, Carina."

"After I help you awaken your Observation Haki later, I will make you

fulfill what you said today."

"As for now, although I can't help you awaken your observation haki, I

can help you strengthen your body first."

Now that he has seen that helping Carina gain power can be exchanged

for loyalty.

So Rifan naturally doesn't mind helping her gain further power in

exchange for more loyalty.

And Rifan always felt that if Carina could defeat the treasure hunter Mad

Treasure herself after gaining power.

Maybe she would be more willing to stay in the Black Pearl Pirates

instead of thinking about leaving quietly one day.

Rifan put his hand on Carina's pirate tattoo.

With a hot feeling that was familiar to Carina, Carina clearly felt a

terrifying force coming from within her body.

A few seconds later, when the strengthening was completed, Carina only

felt that her physical strength had more than doubled in an instant.

[Rifan, your strengthening has been completed, and your attributes have

been updated, please check it yourself. ]

[Rifan, the enhancement of your crew member 'Thief' Carina has been

completed, and the attributes have been updated, please check it

yourself. ]

Opening Carina's list of personal attributes.

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates]

[Name: Carina]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Crew number: 05]

[Position: Thief (Expert)]

[Physical: 3053]

[Physical level: C level]

[Devil Fruit: Color Fruit]

[Special Ability: Primary Armament Haki]

[Loyalty: 59 (friendly exchanges)]

'Loyalty 59, friendly exchanges. '

'It's a pity, if I add a little more, it will be an intimate relationship.'

'Forget it, if I complete Carina's advanced invitation task later, we should

be able to achieve an intimate relationship.'

'It's not bad, these 3000 points are not in vain. '

Rifan looked at Carina's personal attributes and nodded in satisfaction.

"How do you feel, Carina? Although I can't help you get Observation Haki

for the time being."

"But it should be good to help you directly improve your physical


"The you now should be much stronger than Psycho P just now."

"Perhaps, you should be a little bit stronger than the treasure hunter

leader Mad Treasure you are afraid of."

"What do you think, do you want to defeat that guy yourself after

meeting him?"

Rifan patted Carina's white arm with tattoos and said with a big smile.

Rifan has already seen the power of Psycho P.

That level of power is definitely not enough to sail on the Grand Line.

In other words, Psycho P is far, far from the future in the original book.

That being the case, the same may be true of his boss, Mad Treasure, who

has the chain devil fruit ability.

And Carina now has more than 3000 points of physical fitness, and has

the ability of color devil fruit and Armament Haki as a support.

Under such circumstances, Rifan really felt that Carina might have the

strength to defeat Mad Treasure.

"Can I... be able to defeat Mad Treasure?"

Carina looked at her hands and muttered to herself, her heart was

already filled with surprise.

"Rifan, how on earth did you do it?"

"This kind of power is simply not something that ordinary people can


Carina raised her head and looked at Rifan with a very serious


"Obviously, I'm not an ordinary person."

"Speaking of which, just now I helped you awaken your Armament Haki,

you gave me a benefit."

"Now I have helped me get such a big improvement, don't you have to

give me some rewards?"

Rifan first pointed at Carina, then at himself, looked at Carina with a

smile on his face and said.

Carina's face lit up with a smile upon hearing the words. Filled with

excitement, she extended her hands and gently pressed Rifan's cheeks

before leaning in closer to him.

After a while, Carina finally let go of Rifan and took a few steps back

with a smile on her face.

"Really, Captain Rifan, if you touch it, you will cross the line."

"No way, who made Carina so cute?"

"Hee hee, thank you for your compliment. Let's treat it as a special

service this time, and it may not be there in the future."

"Even if I help you awaken Observation Haki, you won't?"

"At that time, I can change into the outfit you like for you. As for the one

just now... Captain Rifan, forget it. I was just so surprised by your

strength that it made me excited."

"Really, then I might feel a little lonely in the future."

Rifan shook his head, full of regret.

Seeing this, Carina couldn't help approaching Nojiko, and asked in a low


"Hey, Nojiko, is our captain always like this?"

Nojiko nodded and said with a smile:

"Captain Rifan is never polite when he can take advantage of it."

"Of course, you don't have to worry that Captain Rifan will attack you

regardless of your wishes."

"He treats the crew with great respect."

Hearing this, Carina nodded knowingly.

"Carina, you go back to the restaurant first, Nojiko and I actually have

some personal things we want to talk about."

"Just right, Abis is clamoring to see you."

Rifan said suddenly.

"Abis, Captain Rifan, how do you know…is it Observation Haki?"

"It really is the power of convenience."

"Then I'll go there first, Captain Rifan."

After Carina winked mischievously at Rifan, she quickly walked out of

the warehouse and walked towards the restaurant.

"Then Nojiko, it's your turn."

Rifan approached Nojiko's side, lowering his hand as he gently traced it

along her abdomen before resting it upon the pirate tattoo on her lower


With Rifan's thought, the points turned into power poured into her body

through the pirate group tattoo.

Nojiko frowned, and immediately felt a familiar hot feeling that make her

breathing rapid.

At the same time, an enhanced reminder sound came from Rifan's mind.

[Rifan, you have started to strengthen your 'Nurse' Nojiko, the

enhancement has been completed, and Nojiko's personal attributes have

been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates]

[Name: Nojiko]

[Age: 20 years old]

[Crew number: 04]

[Position: Nurse (Skilled)]

[Physical: 5533]

[Physical level: C level]

[Devil Fruit: None]

[Special Ability: None]

[Loyalty: 100 (life and death go hand in hand)]


[Your talent 'Strengthen the crew, equal return' has been activated, the

strengthening has been completed, and your personal attributes have

been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 2)]

[Name: Rifan]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Position: Captain]

[Talent: Strengthen the crew, equal returns]

[Points: 0]

[Physical: 22000 points]

[Physical level: B level]

[Devil Fruit: Dark Fruit]

[Skills: Marine Six Styles, Six King Gun, Fish-Man Karate, Kanpo Kenpo]

[Special Abilities: Intermediate Armament Haki, Intermediate

Observation Haki, Intermediate Conqueror's Haki]

[Props: Small Barque, Enhanced Magic Weather Stick, Sandai Kitetsu,

Shigure, Slippery Fruit]

[Partners: Mikita, Nico Robin, Nami, Nojiko, Carina]

"Ahh...it really feels hot."

"It's all your fault, Rifan, if you hadn't engraved the tattoo on this place, I

wouldn't have such an embarrassing feeling."

Nojiko blushed and looked at Rifan shyly.

Perhaps because of the position of the pirate's tattoos, every time the

enhancement makes Nojiko's emotions become elevated unconsciously,

even as calm as her, it is inevitable that she will feel awkward.

If he was alone with Rifan at night, such strengthening might not make

Nojiko feel that there was something wrong.

But now it's broad daylight, and Nami, Robin and others will come back

at any time, so Nojiko feels quite embarrassed in her heart.

The feeling of wanting but not being able to have is constantly tempering

Nojiko's endurance and will.

"Really, I think it's good to be in a position different from others."

"And if you want to do something, you know I will not refuse you, Ms.


Rifan stepped forward, stuck in front of Nojiko, and said with a smile on

his face.

Chapter 84: Tashigi's Confusion!

"Also, Nojiko, I'm sorry I didn't entrust you with the power of Devil Fruit

and Haki earlier."

"Instead, I let Carina obtain Armament Haki and Devil Fruit first."

After Nojiko turned around and leaned against the wall, Rifan put his

head on Nojiko's shoulder and said with a little apology.

"It's okay, Rifan."

"I know you have your own plan."

"As long as it is the best way for you, I will support it."

Nojiko said softly with a rosy face.

"Thank you, Nojiko."

"Don't worry, I will find you a better Devil Fruit in the future."

"I will also allow you to gain enough physical strength to exert the power

of this Devil Fruit."

Rifan brushed Nojiko's hair with his hand, and said.

"I trust you, Captain Rifan."

Feeling Rifan's concern, Nojiko felt a sudden warmth in her heart.

"Speaking of which, Rifan, I once heard Nami mention a girl named


"Since just now, I have been observing that girl Carina you invited."

"And she seems to be very similar to the girl Nami mentioned."

Nojiko suddenly raised her head and said to Rifan.

"Is that so, maybe she really is Nami talking about."

"By the way, forget about her, let's have a good chat too. It just so

happens that it's quite quiet here."

Rifan said with a smile on his face.


On the other side, in the aisle of the cabin of the Black Pearl.

Carina tested her own power, while thinking about the power displayed

by Rifan.

'Observation Haki, can you conduct a wide-ranging investigation with it?'

'Sure enough, it is really difficult to leave this pirate group. '

'However... Rifan's power to make partners stronger quickly…'

'Maybe I can stay by his side first, wait until I am strong enough, and

choose to leave?'

'Looking at Rifan's appearance, he probably likes beautiful girls. '

'No wonder he wanted to invite that girl Ayane before, and he must have

taken a fancy to her too.

'At that time, as long as I give him two more kisses, he shouldn't blame

me... Hehe, it's impossible, he will definitely be angry.'

Carina shook her head, unknowingly she had come to the restaurant.

"Carina, you're back, are you okay?"

Seeing Carina's return, Abis ran over immediately.

"Don't worry, Abis, I'm fine now, better than ever."

"I will take good care of Abis in the future."

Carina touched Abis's small head, and said.

Then, she approached Abis ear and whispered:

"By the way, you have to let me meet the Dragon Lord you mentioned


"I'm very curious about the legend of the Millennium Dragon."

On the one hand, Carina really cares about Apis.

On the other hand, she also wants to see if she can obtain the dragon

bone used for eternal youth in the legend.


Abis laughed happily when she heard Carina's words.

"Sorry, Carina, because of me, you were targeted by that man Rifan."

"Please rest assured, after the matter is over, I will ask Rifan to let you

leave the Pirates safely."

At this time, Tashigi stepped forward and apologized to Carina.

Unbeknownst to Tashigi, Carina is a long-time thief who has been

cheating pirates in East Blue for many years.

At this moment, she only thinks that Carina is an ordinary civilian like


And they just happen to be involved in Commodore Marine Nelson's


"That, it doesn't matter, Tashigi."

"At least we're saved now, aren't we?"

"Although Rifan asked me to join his pirate team, he also promised to

help us."

"We get his help, I pay the price. From this point of view, what Rifan is

asking for is not too much."

Carina smiled and patted Tashigi on the shoulder.

Carina still has a good impression of Miss Marine who stood up when she

and Abis were in danger, and confronted Marine soldiers after learning

about the incident.

In addition, just from the powerful power obtained from Rifan here.

It also made Carina have no complaints about temporarily joining the

Black Pearl Pirates.

Of course, this does not mean that she has no intention of leaving.

"But Miss Carina, you are obviously a commoner, but now you are forced

to become a pirate."

"If you follow Rifan all the time, you will definitely be wanted."

"He only fought against Vice Admiral Garp not long ago."

"His latest reward will definitely not be low."

"Although the rewards for Rifan and other pirates of the Black Pearl

Pirates have not yet been released.

"But the latest bounty must have been distributed all over the world

through Newsbird."

"It's only a matter of time before we know of his reward."

"And the crew members who follow him will definitely receive

considerable attention."

"Miss Carina, if the Marine finds out about your existence, you won't be

able to return to your normal life from now on."

Tashigi put her hands on Carina's shoulders and said anxiously.

"That's right, haha."

Carina smiled mischievously at the excited Tashigi.

Even if she is not wanted by the Marines, she is not living an ordinary


Of course, she wouldn't say that to Tashigi who is a Marine.

"Tashigi, let me figure this out. "

"Your identity is a bit sensitive on this ship."

"Also, you have no way to make Rifan give up on me."

Carina shook her head and said.

Although she doesn't know how Rifan did it, making her stronger must

have cost Rifan something.

Under such circumstances, Carina doesn't think that Tashigi can use

words to make Rifan give up on herself.

Tashigi pursed her lips, and after holding hed breath, he blushed and said

the solution that he had thought for a long time.

"Rifan invited Ms. Carina, he must have taken a fancy to Ms. Carina's


"Although it's a bit self-proclaimed to say so, I'm also a woman, so I

shouldn't be too bad."

"I can trade myself for your freedom, Miss Carina."

Tashigi put her hand on her heart with a very serious expression.

Although Hina did not tell Smoker what happened to her, nor did she

write it in the report to Marine.

But she also said that Rifan is a man who is quite interested in beautiful

women and has a certain desire to play tricks on others.

In addition, the reason why Rifan invited Carina earlier was that he must

fell in love with her.

That's why Tashigi is more sure about Hina's evaluation of Rifan.

Having said that, Tashigi still had a red face when she said this.

"Tashigi, you are a Marine, are you going to betray a Marine?"

"And... your situation..."

Carina was moved and glanced at Tashigi who cared about herself and

even planned to give up her Marine position for herself.

But looking at Tashigi's simple attire, Carina felt that Rifan might not be

able to like Tashigi.

It's not that Carina thinks Tashigi is not beautiful enough, it's just that

Carina has considerable confidence in her appearance.

Even excluding the resources Rifan invested in her, Carina doesn't think

Rifan would be willing to give up her to recruit Tashigi.

Of course, Carina's judgment is only her own.

If Rifan were to judge by himself, Rifan would definitely agree since he

knows Tashigi's potential is astonishing, and she will not lose to Carina in

her two years of development.

Maybe even better than Carina in terms of chest size.

"Carina, what do you want to say?"

Tashigi looked at Carina who was hesitant to speak in front of her, and

tilted her head with some doubts.

"She means you're not as attractive as she is."

"Maybe it doesn't make Rifan interested enough in you."

Ayane took a step forward, walked to Tashigi's side, and said coldly to


"Wh... what?! No charm?!"

Tashigi looked at Ayane in surprise.

"Sister Carina is more fashionable."

"This cool big sister is also very powerful."

"Sister Tashigi's on the other hand…is simple."

Abis pouted, tilted her head and said suddenly.


Tashigi's eyes widened in surprise.

If Ayane's words didn't make her feel too much emotional fluctuations.

But the words of a little girl like Abis forced her to start evaluating

herself again.

'Simplicity, isn't that better?'

'Am I really dressed so badly?!

Tashigi's usual sluggish front, the color of the whole person seems to

have paled a lot.

"Marine, if possible, could I trouble you to go to the deck first?"

"I have some personal matters to discuss with Miss Carina."

Ayane said to Tashigi calmly.


Tashigi nodded involuntarily, walked towards the deck staggeringly as if

losing strength, and disappeared into the dining room.

"It looks like Ms. Tashigi has been hit hard."

"Speaking of which, you don't have to do this."

"Tashigi's condition is still good, but she doesn't seem to be very good at

dressing up."

Carina shook her head, then turned to look at Ayane.

"I'm just telling the truth, her dress is indeed too rustic."

"Besides that Nojiko, beside Rifan, there are several beautiful women."

"Under such circumstances, it will be difficult for her to have the

opportunity to replace you with her own charm."

Ayane shook her head and said.

"Are there any other beautiful women? As expected of Captain Rifan, it's

exactly what I thought."

"By the way, are they as attractive as Ms. Ayane?"

Carina asked curiously.

"My situation is different, please don't compare me."

"Also, you...became very strong, that man Rifan helped you gain great

strength, right?"

At this time, Ayane suddenly changed her tone, and there was a hint of

chill in her words.

After finishing speaking, Ayane also took a good look at the pirate tattoo

on Carina's arm.

"So you know."

"Speaking of which, Rifan also invited you, why didn't you join him?"

"You know his power to make others stronger right?"

Carina turned her head and looked at Ayane curiously.

"I'm not like you, I have my own situation."

"Well, by the way, you are very strong, can you do me a favor, Miss

Ayane. '

"What do you want me to do?"

"Hee hee, you also know that I got power from Rifan, so I want you to

help me familiarize myself with this power. I wanted to find Rifan and

Nojiko, but they seemed to have some personal things to attend to."

"So that's the case, do you want to compete? That's fine, I agree."

Ayane nodded and spoke.

In Ayane's perception, Carina's breath before and after following Rifan's

departure can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

She sent Tashigi away to try Carina's power, so that she can learn more

about Rifan through Carina.

She wants to see how much Rifan can help a new crew member become

stronger at once.

Therefore, at this moment, Ayane would naturally not refuse Carina's


"Great, let's find a place to start then."

Carina said happily.

"No, we can do it here. Just in time, that Marine also left."

As she spoke, Ayane revealed her short sword and was about to stab


"It turned out that you were already ready to duel with me, so you sent

Tashigi away... Hey, wait, why are you so rush!"

Carina opened her eyes wide, and instinctively used Armament Haki to

grab Ayane's short sword.

Chapter 85: Interrupted Interest,

The Arrival Of The Treasure

Hunter Team

Ayane's Short Sword and Carina's palms touched each other, and

immediately there was a sound like metal clashing.

"Hey, Ayane, don't be so anxious to test."

Carina twitched the corners of her mouth and looked at Ayane with some


"Don't worry, even if you can't hide, I can stop my attack in time."

"And, haven't you already caught it?"

Ayane tilted her head and said coldly.

"You...forget it." Carina shook her head and looked at Abis who was on

the side. "Abis, you make way first, I will play with Miss Ayane."

When Abis heard this, she immediately reacted and ran to a distance.

"Then let's begin."

Carina smiled lightly, released Ayane's short sword and instantly

activated the ability of the color devil fruit, entering the invisible state.

'This is... the fruit ability of the guy who died just now?'

'So that's it, this is Rifan's ability to capture Devil Fruit that Ethan


'Really, this ability is so convenient.'

Ayane shook her head, and locked on Carina's position with her ninja's


"Be careful, Miss Carina."

As soon as her words fell, Ayane showed the short sword in her hand to


For a while, the two fought back and forth.

—•—|Ayane Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[No way, Rifan just strengthened this Carina, and she can already fight

Ayane to this extent?!]

[Eagle Audience: Rifan, this bastard, did he use the 1500 points he got

from inviting Carina just now on her?]

[Panda Audience: Not only points, but also the ability of Armament Haki

and Devil Fruit! ]

[Panda Audience: However, this Ayane is really amazing. I thought

Carina could defeat her, but it seems that she is still stronger. ]

[Panda Audience: After all, she is a ninja. After Carina is invisible, Ayane

can also feel her position. After Ayane is invisible, it is difficult for Carina

without Observation Haki to attack Ayane.]

[Panda Audience: However, what is surprising is how strong Carina is

when she has just joined Brother Rifan's pirate group! Brother Rifan is

really generous!]

[Panda Audience: Exactly! I don't know if Ayane will choose to become

Rifan's partner directly after seeing Carina's performance. After all, being

Rifan's partner means that there are a lot of resources that can be used to

make herself stronger. ]

[Fool, Ayane is not that easy to temp!]

[Panda Audience: Upstairs is definitely an idiot. You don't even think

about the abyss problem your country is facing. If Brother Rifan accepts

Ayane as a slave and helps her become stronger. Maybe she can return to

your country to deal with the abyss monster in the future. ]

[Idiot. We have ninjas in our country and Ayanr is from the ninja clan,

we have enough strength to protect our count…Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Yamete Kudasai!! Help meee!!!

[Eagle Audience: Huh?! What's going on upstairs, why are you asking for


[Chollima Audience: It must have been attacked by monsters from the

abyss. Sigh, I'm really annoyed. Do all the monsters from the abyss fall

directly into the city from the sky now? I really hope that the

reincarnators can come back soon. ]

[Ahhh, YAMETE, save me, the abyss monster is chasing me!]

[Eagle Audience: Upstairs, you good?]

[Panda Audience: He should be cold, ordinary people encounter monsters

in the abyss, few can survive. ]

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

After a while, Rifan walked to the gate of the restaurant with an

impatient expression on his face.

And behind him was Nojiko, who was blushing and looking at Rifan with

a smile on her face.

"Rifan?" Ayane caught a glimpse of the expression on Rifan's face, and

quickly stopped attacking Carina. "I'm just practicing with Carina, not

trying to fight her."

Ayane thought that the impatience on Rifan's face was because he was

dissatisfied with what she did to Carina, so she quickly opened her mouth

to explain.

She didn't want Rifan to misunderstand her because of this


Seeing this, Carina quickly helped Ayane explain.

In this regard, Ayane couldn't help feeling a little bit fond of Carina.

"Hee hee, don't worry, Captain Rifan is not angry because of you."

"It made him angry because someone interrupted his good business."

Nojiko covered her mouth and smiled lightly, then looked up at the two

girls explaining themselves.

"Someone disturbed Captain Rifan's good business? Who is it?"

Carina looked at Rifan who was a little angry, and she inevitably felt a

little curious.

After all, since seeing Rifan, she has never seen Rifan showing such an

impatient look.

"Carina, it should be the treasure hunter you mentioned earlier. I see

their ship coming when I use observation haki."

Rifan waved his hand and said unhappily.

Rifan sensed the rivalry between Carina and Ayane with Observation

Haki, and acquiesced in the contest between the two.

Therefore, he would not be angry with Ayane naturally.

In his opinion, even if the strengthened Carina is not Ayane's opponent,

she won't lose.

Even if there is any situation, he can immediately withdraw his gun and

come to the restaurant.

Now he has recovered a lot from the battle with Garp.

If he uses 'shave' with all his strength, he can appear from the warehouse

to the restaurant at an extremely fast speed.

It's just that at that time, his attire might look a little messy and

uncivilized because of his sudden shift from Nojiko.

What really made him angry was the arrival of the treasure hunter group.

It had only been a few minutes since he and Nojiko got together, when

someone came to disturb him.

Any man would feel impatient.

"Treasure Hunter? Is that Mad Treasure?!"

Carina exclaimed.

"Yes, their ship is very close to your previous description."

"Let's go."

"Didn't you get acquainted with the power with Ayane's help?"

"Next, let's clean those guys who disturb me."

Rifan waved to Carina, turned around and walked towards the deck.

"Come on, Carina, don't keep the captain waiting."

Nojiko smiled, and pulled Carina to follow Rifan's footsteps.

The same goes for Ayane and Abis.

However, when everyone followed Rifan to the deck of the Black Pearl,

they couldn't help showing puzzled expressions.

"Hey, Captain Rifan, where is the treasure hunter's ship you mentioned?"

"Why didn't I see it?"

Carina looked at the sea surface around her, and asked Rifan with a

puzzled expression on her face.

When Rifan said that there was an enemy attack, she thought that the

group of treasure hunters had already arrived near the Black Pearl.

However, when they came out, she saw that the sea was calm and there

was nothing at all.

"My Observation Haki can easily see the sea more than ten kilometers


"They are over there now."

Rifan raised his finger and pointed in one direction of the sea, and said


More than ten kilometers away?!

Ayane frowned, and looked at Rifan in shock.

Although she understands that Observation Haki has the power to

enhance the perception of reincarnated people.

But she originally thought that the so-called Observation Haki would not

be much stronger than the ninjutsu that enhanced her perception.

However, Rifan's words of "more than ten kilometers" completely

overturned Ayane's thoughts.

'Sure enough, I still need to find a chance to master Observation Haki.'

Ayane thought to herself.

Carina was also quite surprised.

Even though she was mentally prepared, after learning about the wide

range of Rifan Observation Haki's perception, she still couldn't calm

down for a long time.

Like the two girls, the audience who watched Rifan's live broadcast had

already started a heated discussion because of what Rifan said about

"more than ten kilometers away".

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Shocked, Brother Rifan's Observation Haki can detect such a long

distance, it is simply a humanoid radar!]

[Eagle Audience: Are you kidding, what kind of power is this?! Is it a

straight-line distance detection? Or is it possible to directly detect a range

of more than ten kilometers around him with him as the center?]

[Elephant Audience: Being able to detect such a long distance, if he meets

Ethan in the future, even if he snipe Rifan from a long distance, Rifan

will be able to perceive it in advance. ]

[Chollima Audience: Maybe before Ethan made a move, Rifan could

sense it in advance and rush towards him and kill quickly. ]

[Camel Audience: Damn it, how should they deal with this?]

[Kangaroo Audience: It's very simple, as long as other people also learn

Haki, then it's up to who is more durable. ]

[As expected of Brother Rifan, I don't know if more than ten kilometers is

the limit of Brother Rifan. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: What exactly will the detection of

Observation Haki detect? Is it directly imaging things in the mind? If so,

wouldn't it be perfect to peek into the bathhouse!]

[As expected of you upstairs, you can always think of something special.


[Camel Audience: If this is the case...Damn it, I want to learn Observation

Haki too!]

[Eagle Audience: Perhaps, after the reincarnators come back, we can

learn from them the power from the dungeon world!]

[Chollima Audience: If this is the case, it would be great. First of all, I

would like to state that I have a different idea from that pervert who

want to use observation haki for peeping, I am a woman, and I just want

to use Observation Haki to predict whether the abyss monster will arrive

at my side in advance!]

[This idea is good. If there is Observation Haki, the threat from the

monsters from the abyss can be avoided in advance. Moreover, if one

wants to fight against abyssal monsters, this power can also bring

considerable help. ]

[Goat Audience: That's true. If we Blue Stars have mastered Observation

Haki and Armament Haki, maybe everyone can fight the monsters of the

abyss. ]

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

"Come on, Carina, I'll take you there."

"Go there right now? Are we going to go there by ship?"

"No, I'll just take you to fly there, it's better to solve them directly.

"Fly over?"

Carina blinked and turned to look at Nuo.

"That's right, Captain Rifan has the ability to fly in the air.

Nojiko nodded slightly and explained.

"There is such power... Well, then I'll leave it to you, Captain."

Carina trotted behind Rifan, and naturally climbed onto Rifan's back.

A few years ago, and the previous experience of being chased by treasure

hunters, Carina was already quite unhappy with the treasure hunter


Gaining strength at this moment, Carina naturally wanted to pay back.

Rifan suddenly feels two softness from his back.

With the weight on his back, he raised his eyebrows, and naturally

stretched his hands behind Carina.

As Rifan lifted his hands up, he lifted Carina firmly onto his back.

Even, Rifan could clearly feel the gentle feeling on his hands and back.

Perhaps it is because when Rifan strengthened Carina before, Carina gave

Rifan a reward when she was in a state of excitement.

Perhaps it is because of the loyalty to Rifan's "friendly exchanges" after

gaining power.

After Carina noticed Rifan's little move, she just blushed and smacked her

mouth, and didn't say much.

"Nojiko, please take care of Abis here."

"I'll go with Carina."

After Rifan stabilized Carina on his back, he turned to Nojiko with a


Because of Carina, the depression in his heart that was interrupted by the

treasure hunter team and his development with Nojiko was relieved a


"Don't worry, Captain, I will take good care of Abis."

Nojiko also watched Rifan's small movements with interest, then put her

hand on Abis's little head, and responded.

After receiving Nojiko's reply, Rifan wanted to use Moonwalk to fly

towards the ship of the treasure hunter team.

But at this moment, Ayane suddenly appeared in front of Rifan.

"Is there anything else you need, Miss Ayane?"

"Rifan, I will go with you. I said before I leave your side, I will help you


"Is that so, but I should have said that I don't need you to fight for me. So

why don't you be more sincere and ask me."

Recalling how eager Ayane wanted to kill the color devil fruit ability user

with her own hands.

Rifan knew that Ayane wanted to take this opportunity to fight the

treasure hunter team.

Although Rifan doesn't know exactly how many points Ayane gained by

killing Psycho P.

But thinking of the points he has gained by completing the invitation

tasks with the crew.

Rifan felt that the battle points obtained by Ayane would definitely not

be too low.

This time, if he couldn't get some benefits, he didn't intend to let Ayane

get battle points so easily.

Ayane pursed her lips, looking at Rifan's firm eyes, she also instantly

understood that it was impossible to take advantage like last time.

After some ideological struggle, she finally lowered her head.

"Please, Rifan."

"What are you talking about, Miss Ayane, I can't hear you"

"I said, I'm counting on you!"

Ayane's face was stained with a light blush, she folded her arms around

her chest, turned her head to the side and said proudly.

Chapter 86: Transparent Attack

Igniting The Battle!

"Hmm, at least there is progress."

"Come here, I'll show you around."

"But after this battle is over, remember to change into a maid uniform."

"Don't look at me like that, I don't want you to become a maid

immediately, I just want you to change into this outfit first."

"It's just a suit of clothes, it shouldn't matter."

"Anyway, what you are wearing now is not your clothes, is it?"

Rifan pointed at Ayane's casual clothes from Mikita and smiled.

"It's just...if you change into your clothes, that's fine."

Ayane pursed her lips, but finally nodded.

Hearing this, Rifan smiled even more.

First, she begged honestly, and then agreed to change into a maid

uniform. In Rifan's opinion, as long as she follows this pace step by step,

Ayane may be able to do some maid work in ten days.

Even when Ayane really became his exclusive slave one day, she would

be able to bring her own identity relatively quickly.

"Come here, I'll take you there."

Rifan waved to Ayane and said aloud.

Ayane sighed and walked towards Rifan.

Maybe she was angry with Rifan's previous request, or maybe she was

angry with herself for agreeing so easily, the blush on her face has

surpassed any previous moment.

"Don't mind if I hold you."

Rifan smiled and did not wait for Ayane to answer.

He bent down, put his hands on Ayane's back, and hugged her like a


Of course, Ayane is not Carina after all.

Rifan didn't tease Ayane like he did with Carina.

Rifan, can I go and have a look together?

Seeing that Rifan was about to bring Ayane, Tashigi who came to the

deck first asked suddenly.

"You want to go there together, Tashigi, do you want to get some

information from there?"

Rifan caught a glimpse of Tashigi who was hesitant to speak not far

away, and asked.

"I, I want to use my eyes to confirm whether the treasure hunter is in

collusion with the Marine, can... is it possible?"

Tashigi pursed her lips and said.

Rifan frowned slightly.

Theoretically speaking, if Carina is to fight with treasure hunters and

others later on.

It is inconvenient for Tashigi to see.

Especially when Carina uses the power of the color fruit.

Although Rifan wants to show enough power to the Marines in order to

get enough bounty.

But this display can be done through other methods.

For the time being, Rifan is not ready to show Marine that he can quickly

make his partner stronger and grab other people's Devil Fruit.

If he really showed such power, maybe it wasn't just Marines who would

send troops to trouble him.

Even the world government will send spies from the corresponding cp

organization to find him.

At least, Rifan is not ready to show his means before gaining considerable

power now.

"Can't you, Rifan?"

Tashigi noticed Rifan's expression and immediately asked anxiously.

"It's not that I can't, you saw it too, I don't have room for you."

"Besides, I have to fight over there.

"I don't have that much time to protect you."

Rifan shook his head and refused.

"I can fight too, Rifan!"

"Also, if you want, I can always fight for you from now on!"

Seeing that Rifan was about to leave, Tashigi stepped forward to grab

Rifan's clothe.

Seeing this, Carina couldn't help sighing.

She understood that Tashigi wanted to talk to Rifan about her freedom.

"Hey, listening to what you mean, don't tell me you don't want to be a

Marine, but want to be a pirate with me?"

Rifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Tashigi with interest.

"As long as Rifan can let Carina go, I can...



"I said I refuse, Tashigi, if you want to replace Carina as my partner, just

give up."

"Why? Is it because I'm so earthy?"

"Earthy?!" Rifan glanced at the ashamed and angry Tashigi in

puzzlement, and then at Ayane in front of him.

When his observation haki was observing the situation of the restaurant,

he had captured the conversation between Tashigi and Ayane.

At that time, because he was only busy fighting with Nojiko, he didn't

listen carefully to the conversation of these girls.

Recalling the situation just now, Rifan suddenly understood why Tashigi

said that.

"You misunderstood, Tashigi, you are an innocent type of girl, if you

dress up, you will definitely be lovely."

"Also, I believe in your body potential, and you will be very attractive in

the future."

"As for why I rejected you...I don't intend to invite someone who has a

heart of Marine as my partner."

Rifan shook his head and smiled.

Rifan, who has enough knowledge of the original work, naturally knows

the sense of justice in Tashigi's heart.

Tashigi, who has such a sense of justice, is not suitable for Rifan's pirate


After all, if Rifan really fights with the Marine, he doesn't need to know

which side she will be on.

"However, what you just said touched me a little bit."

"So I decided to fulfill your wish and take you there to have a look."

"But you need to obey my orders."

"You can only open your eyes when I tell you to open them, can you do


Rifan looked into Tashigi's eyes and asked seriously.

"Of course, I would!"

Although Rifan failed to agree to her proposal to replace Carina, Tashigi

did not give up in her heart.

But now she decided to focus on the connection between the treasure

hunter and Commodore Nelson.

"After arriving at the opposite ship, you have to go wherever I tell you to

go. You can do this, right?"

"Of course!"

"After this matter is over, you have to change into a maid uniform, you

can do it right?"


"Then can you wear black silk under the maid uniform?"

"Of course... wait, is this related to going to the treasure hunter?"

Tashigi suddenly realized something was wrong, and quickly asked Rifan.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter whether you agree or not, the important thing is

that you agreed."

"Get ready Tashigi, I'll take you there."

Rifan laughed.

Although Tashigi blushed a little, seeing Rifan finally agreed, she didn't

care about it, and hurried to Rifan's side.

She still had something to be sure of, anyway, she wanted to ask the

treasure hunters if Nelson was going to do something to innocent people.

"That... how do I get there?"

Tashigi looked at Carina hanging on Rifan's back, then at Ayane who was

held by Rifan's arms, and scratched her cheek hesitantly.


Rifan smiled, turned Ayane in his arms, and clamped her directly under

his right arm.

Then he raised his left hand and clamped Tashigi under his left arm.

After the preparations were complete, Rifan jumped and quickly flew

towards the team of treasure hunters across the sea.

His speed was so fast that they flew a distance of nearly ten meters in a

blink of an eye.

Only Nojiko, who was waving her hands, and Abis, who looked shocked,

were left behind.

'Is this, Moonwalk from Marine Six Styles? '

'Although the sound was a little louder when it was cast.'

'But if it is used in the actions of ninjas, it can indeed help a lot.'

'If I stay by this guy side, will he teach me?'

There are also Observation Haki and Armament Haki, these powers don't

seem to necessarily need to be obtained through copy space.

'As long as I master the method of training, I may be able to learn it like

practicing ninjutsu.'

Ayane looked at Rifan's face that was close at hand, her eyes shone


But soon, she shook her head.

'Don't think about it, Ayane!'

'If only I could ask this guy to guide me to learn such a powerful skill as


'But if I ask, I don't know what this guy will ask in return.'

'Maybe it will also increase the amount of Devil Fruit that needs to be

paid. '

'No. I need to rely on my own! '

Ayane threw out the thought of relying on Rifan that flashed through her


Soon she stabilized her mind and turned her gaze to the distant sea.

As the distance drew closer, the treasure hunter's ships that were

originally invisible to the naked eye began to clearly appear in front of

her eyes.

Rifan smiled and glanced at Ayane, whose expression changed from

erratic to finally returning to calm, and then said to Carina who was

lying on his back:

"Carina, get ready."

"Later, we have to teach those treasure hunters who bullied you and Abis

a 'precious' lesson."

Hearing what Rifan said, Carina also showed a sinister smile on her face.

"No problem, my captain."

Rifan originally planned to let Carina use the color fruit to make the

group invisible so that they could sneak in secretly, but saw Tashigi

under his arm.

He still gave up the idea.

However, he relies on the power of his outstanding Observation Haki

+Moonwalk, and the Kilo-Kilo Devil Fruit that can flexibly control his

body in the air.

He still managed to bring a group of people to the opponent ship without

all the treasure hunters noticing.

At the moment, on the deck of the ship.

A man with a bare upper body, red hair, and a wild dress was holding a

den-den mushi and frowning as he listened to the roar of the man

opposite him.

"Mad Treasure! Don't forget what you said!"

"If you can't bring Abis back to me!"

"I will definitely use the power in my hands to offer rewards and arrest

you and your subordinates!"

"At that time, don't think you can hunt for treasure freely in this sea!"

Hearing this, Mad Treasure, who was already defiant, was about to scold

Nelson who was on the opposite side of the den-den mushi.

It's just that Nelson obviously didn't intend to continue communicating

with him, and hung up the phone directly after speaking.

When Made Treasure heard the blind tone from the den-den mushi, veins

popped out on his forehead.

His subordinates, who saw his expression, were so scared that they didn't

dare to go forward.

They didn't even notice at the moment, at this time four people had

already quietly landed on their ship.

And was watching them from the corner of the ship.

"Tashigi, you should have heard the call just now."

"Adding the sailors on this ship, I think you should be able to determine


Rifan, who was in a dormant state, put his hand on Tashigi's shoulder

beside him and whispered.

Tashigi pursed her lips, and after seeing the situation in front of her, the

hope in her heart was completely shattered.

All of a sudden, the whole person becomes negative.

Rifan shook his head, stretched out his other hand and patted Ayane's


"Go ahead, since you want to give it a try, I'll leave it to you for the time


With Rifan's permission, Ayane nodded immediately, pulled out the short

sword from her waist, and walked towards the enemy ahead.

To be on the safe side, she also used her talent 'invisibility'.

Because she have seen Ayane use the power of invisibility to fight Psycho

P before, so Tashigi did not mistake Ayane for Psycho P's devil fruit

ability when she saw Ayane's invisible body

"Boss, we still have no way to contact Brother Psycho P."

At this time, a subordinate of the treasure hunter group walked

tremblingly to Mad Treasure's side.

"That guy, what is he doing!"

Mad Treasure frowned even tighter, looking at the looming island in the

distance with extreme displeasure.

Psycho P's last message was to inform them that he was on that island.

"Get the ship closer to the island first, Treasure."

"That guy Psycho P must have encountered something on that island, so

he delayed the contact."

Naomi Drunk, a sniper in the treasure hunter team, walked up to Mad

Treasure with a bottle of wine.

The collie at the side immediately breathed a sigh of relief when they

saw Naomi's appearance.

When Treasure's attention was attracted by Naomi, he quickly stepped


However, before he took a few steps back, he felt something touch his



The collie grumbled, turned his head and looked behind him, only to find

that there was no one behind him.

Just when he was wondering, he felt his head was hit by a heavy punch.

The powerful force directly caused his body to fly into the air, flew past

Mad Treasure who was talking to Naomi and slammed heavily on the

pole of the distant ship.


Mad Treasure used the chain fruit ability to call out two chains from both

hands, and Naomi immediately bent her bow and put an arrow in the

direction of the sound.

When the other treasure hunters heard Mad Treasure's voice, they also

quickly raised their weapons.

But soon, they began to suffer from invisible attacks, or were bleeding, or

were knocked out by powerful forces.

"The ability to be invisible?! Damn it, Psycho P, did you bastard betray


Mad Treasure yelled angrily.


Chapter 87: Carina's Revenge.

"Captain Rifan, didn't you say that you want to hand over that fellow

Mad Treasure to me?"

"Is it really okay to hand over Mad Treasure and Naomi to that woman

named Ayane?"

"You know she was losing when she fought Psycho P before."

"If she fights with Mad Treasure and Naomi now, she will definitely lose."

At the corner of the ship, after Carina knocked down a treasure hunter

who happened to find them, she asked Rifan suspiciously.

"Hehe, since she wants to try it, let her try it."

"But in the end, it will be up to you to deal with them."

"So let's wait for a while."

Rifan smiled, stretched out his hand to catch a treasure hunter flying

above Tashigi's head by Ayane, and explained to Carina.

Carina nodded slightly, and after taking a deep look at the place where

Ayane was fighting, she followed Rifan's instructions to clean up those

treasure hunters who accidentally strayed into their hiding place.

It wasn't so long ago that she was pursued by these treasure hunters.

Plus Carina knows that these treasure hunters have done a lot of cruel

things in their hunt for treasures.

So at this moment, Carina naturally has no sympathy to talk about.

The powerful strength endowed by her physique with more than 3000

points makes every hit of her slender arms send a treasure hunter far


Seeing how fierce Carina is, Rifan took a look at Mad Treasure, who used

the chain fruit to defend against the transparent Ayane, and was also

happy to hold Tashigi, who was in a state of mindlessness because of

Nelson's call, and they quickly passed through the crowd and entered the


Because of Rifan's extremely fast speed, and everyone's attention is on the

battlefield where Mad Treasure is.

So no one noticed that Rifan and Tashigi had sneaked into their cabin.

"Since you are a treasure hunter, you should have a lot of treasure."

Rifan muttered to himself, relying on Observation Haki, and soon came

to the place where the treasures was hidden in the ship.

"You really are a rich guy, this time Nami and Mikita should be happy


"Well... now we have to add that woman, Carina."

Rifan looked at the shining gems and gold around him, and the corners of

his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Tashigi, don't stand still, come and help me pack my treasure."

Hearing this, Tashigi pursed her lips, and finally followed Rifan's order to


"Don't think too much, Tashigi."

"Since the moths have appeared, it should be good to you, right?"

"Instead of feeling sentimental about a moth in the Marine here."

"So it's better to think about what you can do."

Rifan said to the silent Tashigi while putting the treasure in his pocket.

"Something I can do...I understand."

"Thank you for your comfort, Rifan."

Tashigi smiled softly, raised her head to look at the busy Rifan's back.

"Hey, Rifan, can I ask you a question?"

"What question? Let me hear it. "

"Rifan, you don't seem to be as evil as other pirates. Could it be that you

became a pirate because of some unavoidable reason?"

"Well... it is true that I became a pirate for a special reason."

Rifan said calmly.

After all, after being thrown into this world by the copy space, he has the

identity of a pirate.

Theoretically speaking, he did lose and had to become a pirate.

Of course, Rifan felt that even without the identity restrictions of the

copy space.

Rifan may still go the way of pirates.

"So, you don't really want to be a pirate, right?"

Tashigi put down her work and ran to Rifan quickly, her eyes fixed on


"Tashigi, is this important?"

"Of course it's important, if you don't really want to be a pirate, then I—"

"What can you do? Tashigi, don't forget, I already have a bounty of 80


"But even so, you are a good man."

"Hehe, being a good person in this world is not a good thing. On the

contrary, I prefer to speak with strength."

Rifan shook his head, he never thought that he would be given a good

person card by Tashigi.

Looking at Tashigi who was inexplicably happy and excited, Rifan felt

that it was necessary for her to recognize his true colors.

So Rifan shot quickly and slapped Tashigi's ass.

"You!! W-what are you doing, Rifan!"

The action of Rifan surprised Tashigi, who couldn't help exclaiming, and

touched Rifan's hand behind her with a blushing face.

"Hehe, I'll let you know what will happen if you randomly distribute a

good card."

"Tashigi, don't ever use a good card to predict my actions in the future."

"I'm not as vicious as other pirates, but it doesn't mean I'm not


"Don't expect good things from me."

"Otherwise, you will be disappointed later."

"Okay, let's go to work."

"Don't forget that you said before that you would listen to me and act

according to what I said."

As Rifan said, he shook Tashigi's hand vigorously amidst Tashigi's

exclamation, and then threw himself at Treasure at the side again.

Tashigi pursed her lips and glared at Rifan with a blushing face.

Seeing that Rifan ignored her, she had no choice but to step aside and

continue her work.

A little time passed.

After filling the two big bags of treasure, Rifan left Tashigi to continue

sorting the treasure, and walked to the deck with the two big bags full of


With Rifan's Observation Haki, he can perceive that Carina on the deck at

the moment has entered the state of the color fruit and started the battle.

He naturally didn't intend to let Tashigi follow him back to the deck at

this time.

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Chollima Audience: These treasure hunters are simply sending money to

Rifan. ]

[Elephant: What a lucky guy. Before, there was the golden city from Sky

Island, and now there was the treasure sent by the treasure hunter. Other

reincarnators are always short of money, but this guy spends money like

water. ]

[Kangaroo Audience: If there is enough money, other reincarnations can

buy Devil Fruit. ]

[Hehe, don't be too envious, this is Brother Rifan's luck and strength,

haha. ]

[Green Pheasant Audience: If all these treasures are given to me... I think

I can lie flat and enjoy life with my second-dimensional wife for the rest

of my life. ]

Amid the envy of the Blue Star audience, Rifan quickly returned to the


Immediately, his eyes were attracted by Mad Treasure.

He saw him waving his hands to make the chains rotate around his body

continuously, stirring up waves of wind and waves like small tornadoes.

The strong wind spreads towards the surrounding area causing the lighter

things on the deck to be constantly stirred.

"found it!"

Naomi's eyes were fixed, when she noticed that the wind and waves

stirred by Mad Treasure were blocked by an invisible object less than 3

meters away from her and Mad Treasure.

She immediately shot the three arrows in her hand.

As Naomi thought, the arrow flew a certain distance.

The arrow seemed to hit some metal object, and there was a sound of

iron clashing.

Seeing that her three arrows were blocked, Naomi not only didn't panic,

but the corners of her mouth began to rise unstoppably.

As for Ayane, who was fighting Naomi and Mad Treasure, she didn't

notice the smile on Naomi's face.


Using the gift of 'invisibility', Ayane, who was in an invisible state, used

the Short Sword in her hand to block the arrows, and then quickly

stabbed Naomi's body with it.

In her opinion, after the archer was approached by their opponent, the

only thing left was to be killed.

But at this moment, an inexplicable sense of crisis hit Ayane's heart.

She subconsciously looked at the arrows blocked by her on the left and

right sides, and found that the arrows of these arrows were emitting a

faint purple light!

Just listen to "boom".

The arrow exuding lavender light suddenly exploded violently.

Even though Ayane had noticed and jumped backward to avoid it, she

was still involved in the violent explosion.

Ayane only felt that her chest had been hit by a hammer, and she spit out

a mouthful of blood.


Even if Ayane has not lifted her invisibility at this moment.

But Mad Treasure saw the blood appearing out of nowhere, and knew

that the enemy was here.

He flicked his left and right hands in front of him vigorously, and the two

chains rolled directly towards the invisible Ayane.


Ayane stared, and immediately wanted to dodge, but found that her

attention was attracted by Mad Treasure's attack.

Naomi has already shot the explosive bow and arrow that hurt her again.

Ayane gritted her teeth, just when she was about to launch Forbidden

Technique despite her serious injuries.

A gust of wind passed by her side.

Ayane felt that her body was stopped by a powerful arm, and her body

was also bumped into a broad chest.

Afterwards, she saw that the arrows and chains that were attacking her

were swept away by a strong wind and flew towards the sea beside her.

And after the explosive arrow flew a certain distance, it exploded again

as Ayane thought.

"Miss Ayane, I told you not to be brave."

"Especially when facing opponents with devil fruit ability."

"What's more, the other party is the partner of that color fruit ability


"They must have some experience in dealing with the ability to be


Rifan showed a big smile to Ayane in his arms.

"Thank...thank you."

Ayayin pursed her lips, and thanked Rifan with some embarrassment.

She was the one who took the initiative to launch a battle against Mad

Treasure and Naomi before.

In the end, she needed Rifan to save her.

Thinking of this, Ayane only felt even more embarrassed.

"You bastard, who are you!? Did that traitor hire you as his helper!?"

Mad Treasure looked at Rifan viciously, and asked.

Because Rifan was far away from Carina, he exited the invisible state at

this moment.

"I think some of you may have misunderstood. That guy Psycho P was

defeated by us long ago."

Rifan "looked" at the state of Ayane in his arms with his observation haki,

and directly picked her up, who was still in an invisible state, and walked

to the cabin.

"Psycho P was defeated?"

"There must be a limit to joking!"

"If he is defeated, who is using the power of the color fruit?"

Naomi pointed the arrow at Rifan and said indifferently.

"It's me."

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded from behind Naomi.

Naomi was shocked, she never expected that an enemy would appear

behind her while Rifan appeared.

Without thinking about it, she immediately turned around and wanted to

shoot an arrow in the direction of the voice behind her.

However, just as she moved, she felt a heavy blow to her abdomen.

That pure power directly made Naomi foam at the mouth, roll her eyes,

and flew out quickly.


Seeing this, Mad Treasure quickly waved the chain in his hand to the

place from where Carina spoke.

Seeing this, Carina didn't dodge or evade, and directly raised her right

hand that had blown Naomi away just now and condensed Armament

Haki, and grabbed the chain.


Seeing that his attack not only didn't work, but was even held tightly,

Mad Treasure froze for a moment.

Taking advantage of this time, Rifan has already led Ayane past Mad

Treasure and entered the aisle of the cabin.

"Carina, I leave this to you."

"By the way, I will leave these two bags of treasure here."

"You can take it back later."

Rifan glanced at the two bags of treasure that he had placed at the gate

of the cabin, and said.

"Understood captain, leave it to me!"

Carina glanced at the treasures with bright eyes, then immediately

nodded and said.

Rifan was not worried that Carina would run away with the treasure, but

walked towards the infirmary at a faster pace.

He planned to use the medical skills he learned through the "Kanpo

Kenpo" to clean up the explosion wound on Ayane's body, and to do some

actual medical experiments along the way.

"Carina? Are you the woman who just ran away?"

Mad Treasure glanced at Rifan who had left, and then at his comrades

who had completely collapsed around him, his whole face was extremely


He never thought that this action would be interrupted before landing on

the island.

Even apart from him, everyone in the treasure hunter team has been


"Hee hee, that's right, it's me."

"Mad Treasure, you blocked me and Nami a few years ago, and you

chased me for days and nights."

"And you obstructed me a few days ago."

"We should settle all of this."

Carina releases her invisibility, looks at Mad Treasure with a confident

smile on her face.


Chapter 88 Developing Herbal


Carina may still feel a little nervous about fighting Mad Treasure and

Naomi before.

But after defeating Naomi in a sneak attack, Carina now had the

confidence to win against Mad Treasure.

"It's time to settle things properly."

"It's really you. I didn't expect you to leave here with that little girl called

Abis for so long."

"And found a good helper."

"And... Carina, tell me, why did Psycho P's devil fruit ability come to


Mad Treasure is not an idiot if he can become a treasure hunter rampant

in East Blue.

After such a long time, he also understood that Psycho P did not betray


Rather, his Devil Fruit ability has been transferred to someone else.

Of course, he is still not sure whether the colored devil fruit has come to


After all, Ayane, who was carried away by Rifan, was still invisible at the


He would question Carina like this, it's just a trick, he wants to find out

who the devil color fruit owner is.

"There's no need to try, let me tell you the truth, that guy Psycho P's

Devil Fruit has indeed come to me."

"As for why, you don't need to know."

Carina has a considerable understanding of Mad Treasure, and naturally

knows his character.

She smiled, and instead of entering the invisible state, she suddenly

pulled the chain in her direction with her slender hands.

Even Mad Treasure, who was linked by chains, was pulled over by


"Then die!"

Mad Treasure's eyes widened in surprise at first, but turned cold as he

swung his other hand vigorously, and the chain derived from the palm

quickly wrapped his fist.

When being pulled close by Carina's powerful force, Treasure punched

Carina's head abruptly.

The fierce wind carried by that fist all shows that Mad Treasure is

attacking Carina with the heart of killing.


Carina shouted coquettishly, clenched a fist with her free hand and

condensed it on Armament Haki, aiming at Treasure's fist coming

towards her head.

There was a roar of clash!

And Mad Treasure was horrified to find that his fist felt pain under the

attack of a little girl!

Even the chains surrounding his arms were cracked.

"Hee hee, it seems you're not that scary."

"Looking at you now, even if I don't use my devil fruit to hide, you still

have no way to defeat me."

The corners of Carina's mouth raised, she looked at Mad Treasure with a

mocking smile and said.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How did you become so strong!? Why are your fists stronger than my


Mad Treasure shook his head in disbelief, and snarled at Carina in front

of him.

"Hee hee, Mad Treasure, have you ever heard of Armament Haki?"

After Carina finished speaking, she raised her fist again and aimed at

Mad Treasure's head.

Meanwhile, on the other side.


"Tsk, tsk~I didn't expect these bounty hunters would store medicine


"But it's convenient for me."

"Speaking of which, how long will you remain invisible?"

"Don't you need me to help you treat your wound?"

"To tell you the truth, I still have some experience in medical skills and

how to take care of patients."

From the counter in the infirmary, Rifan took out some herbal medicines

that are effective for trauma, and turned to 'look' at Ayane who was

placed on the hospital bed by him.

Seeing that Ayane didn't release her invisibility because of his words,

Rifan shook his head and said:

"Don't forget that I have Observation Haki, so I know that your clothes

were blown up."

"Also, about your body... I have naturally seen it."

Ayane pursed her lips, and said with a little embarrassment:

"You bastard, I don't need your healing."

It's not that she's ashamed of her body being seen with Observation Haki

as Rifan said.

Instead, she felt ashamed because she took the initiative to fight, but

ended up in a situation that required Rifan's help for medical treatment.

"Don't be brave, and don't think too much."

"There is no charge for treatment."

"Also, if you're not treated properly, who do I ask to collect the Devil

Fruit you owe me?"

While talking, Rifan's hand kept moving, making various herbs into


By the way, he also took the bandage on the side too fast.

"Do you really understand herbal medicine?"

Seeing Rifan's skillful movements, Ayane couldn't help asking in


And after experiencing her own physical strength, she finally chose to

disperse her invisibility state.

Showing her figure.

At this moment, the coat from Mikita on her body has been torn to pieces

by the explosion.

There were even many potholes in the clothes inside, which were

obviously unusable.

It's no wonder, the real world is not anime after all.

Clothes are not a magic weapon.

When attacked, clothing will be the first to be affected and appear


At the same time, because of the clothes on Ayane's body, the live

broadcast of Blue Star World has been turned into a black screen in an


It caused the audience watching Rifan and Ayane's live broadcast room to


"I know a little."

Rifan looked at Ayane with a smile, and raised his eyebrows involuntarily

after seeing Ayane's battle-damaged appearance.

'Hump, let's take it as repaying the kindness of this man for saving me. '

Ayane noticed Rifan's scrutinizing gaze, and frowned at first, but she

calmed down after thinking about it.

As a ninja, once she decides that one thing is okay, she has no scruples


Also, no shyness.

So she casually tore off the torn coat and inner clothing, and exposed the

wounds on her body in front of Rifan.

"I leave it to you, Rifan."

Ayane breathed out and said to Rifan calmly.

"As expected of a ninja, I am impressed by your calmness."

"These herbs may cause you some pain, so bear with it a little bit."

Rifan glanced at Ayane unexpectedly, and then brought the ground herbs

to Ayane.

Perhaps because of the image of Ayane's cold expression, it is rare for

Rifan to have no extra distractions when bandaging her.

Even if you touch something that shouldn't be touched on the way.

"Here, use these bandages to wrap the big pair in front of you."

"If you are a ninja, you should be able to handle such things.

"Of course, if you want me to help you, it's not impossible for me to lend

you a hand~"

After dressing all the wounds, Rifan stuffed the remaining bandages into

Ayane's hands.

Ayane looked at the bandage in her hand, and then at her current


After a little hesitation, she didn't wrap it up like Rifan thought.

Instead, she raised her head, her beautiful eyes fixed on Rifan who was

standing in front of the medical desk and concentrating on playing with

various herbal medicines.

Seeing this scene, Ayane couldn't help being a little surprised.

"I thought that a perverted man like you would not let go of such an


"Or, have I misjudged my own charm?"

Ayane said in a low voice.

"Of course not, Miss Ayane, you are very charming."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked you to wear a maid uniform."

Rifan laughed.

"However, it seems that I am not as attractive as the herbs you have."

Ayane looked at Rifan who was still combining various medicinal

powders, with a trace of curiosity in her eyes.

"Well, it's probably because I have some knowledge to verify."

"It's you, Miss Ayane, you were clearly on guard against me before."

"Why is it that you suddenly opened up now?"

Rifan put down the herbs in his hand, and looked at Ayane with great

interest, his eyes were naturally attracted to the other party's chest that

was covered by her hand.

"Although I don't like it, and I haven't used it, when I was training as a

ninja, I still practiced the charm technique."

"Of course, if I really want to use this charm technique, I don't think it

will work on you."

"And this appearance just prevents the people from Blue Star from

knowing our conversation."

Ayane said while tossing the bandage in her hand.

"I see. It seems that Miss Ayane wants to talk to me alone about


"I just don't know what I can do to help you."

This time, Rifan is also interested.

Of course, after seeing enough, Rifan also buried himself in the work of

making medicine powder again.

The medicine in the "Kanpo Kenpo" that can make people young and

energetic requires a certain amount of effort to complete.

Ayane pursed her lips, as if trying to organize her words.

After a minute she spoke:

"Rifan, on your pirate ship, there were no herbs like this.

"But you're playing with herbs like this skillfully."

"And there are many differences between the plants in this world and the

blue star."

"You can recognize them accurately now."

"Can I understand that you got this knowledge through copy space?"

Hearing this, Rifan raised his eyebrows.

"Ayane, do you want to know this? Or do you want to know as much

information about the copy space as possible from me?"

"I really want to know, so can you tell me?"

"Hehe, Miss Ayane, you should know that information is sometimes more

valuable than jewels."

"I naturally know that. But if you can give me valuable information, I can

give you as many Devil Fruits as you want."

"Please! You still owe me a Devil Fruit, why should I believe that you can

get more Devil Fruit?"

"I can increase the amount!"

"Amount? Do you mean our previous contract?"

"That's right! Don't you want me to be your slave? If I owe you more

Devil Fruit, wouldn't your chances of success be greater?"

Hearing this, Rifan couldn't help but take a deep look at Ayane in front of


After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"Miss Ayane, can I understand that you were stimulated by the previous


"So you want more power from me?"

"What you want should be more than just information."

"If I'm not mistaken, you also want to master the Moonwalk and other

skills I have mastered?"

"You exposed your body to me to prevent the outside world from

knowing that I have a deal with you?"

"Or are you worried about what the people from your country will think

about you?"

Ayane nodded first, then shook her head.

"Yes, I do want to get more power from you."

"Fighting that guy earlier I fully understand my weakness.

"Even as a ninja, I am very weak in this world."

"Although I can also rely on a relatively slow method to achieve a

breakthrough in strength."

"But if I can find a good mentor, maybe I can go faster and become


"If I'm not lucky enough to get a Devil Fruit like a slippery fruit, I will

definitely become your slave in the end."

"On the contrary, if you can get enough power, even if I give you a few

Devil Fruits many times.

"Maybe I can get it too."

"Therefore, I am willing to bet."

"As for what you said, I'm worried about letting the citizens of my

country see this...it doesn't exist."

"I am a person living in the inner world, and I don't care much about

what people outside think."

"I just don't want those people in Ninja Village to know."

After Ayane finished speaking in one breath, she took a deep breath.

It was as if she had made a big decision.

"So that's the case, so you don't want people in your Ninja Village to see


"This is a bit beyond my expectation."

"However, since you want to follow me to learn skills like 'Moonwalk'."

"Then in order not to let the people in your Ninja Village know, don't tell

me you're going naked just to train with me?"

"Don't tell me you really don't mind if I look at you unscrupulously?"

Rifan asked with great interest.

"This time it's because you saved me, so in order to repay you, I let you


"As for the future... as long as I don't wear a coat when in training, the

screen will also be black!"

Ayane said in a low voice.

"Tsk, that's really a pity."

Rifan shook his head regretfully.

But soon, Rifan's face turned serious.

"Miss Ayane, if I say I can teach you Marine Six Styles, how much Devil

Fruit are you willing to give me?"

"You should know that teaching you Marine Six Styles is not just about

teaching you strength."

"You'll also know how to practice Marine Six Styles."

"What if you reveal the method of practice to other reincarnators, or after

you return to Blue Star, reveal it to the people of Ninja Village?"

"Can you afford such a price?"

When Ayane heard this, she couldn't help but fall silent.

Indeed, the two are people from different countries after all.

If Rifan really provided all the methods of cultivation, the price that

Ayane would have to pay would definitely not be able to be calculated

with a few Devil Fruits.

"It seems that you are aware of this too."

"Don't say that you can let me look at your body a few times. Even if you

really commit yourself to me, I won't guide you to practice now."

"Unless you have become my slave, it is possible for me to help you

master Marine Six Styles.

"As for now, at most I can tell you some corresponding information."

"Even if you want to get the chance to kill strong enemies like you did

when you killed Psycho P, I can give it to you."

"However, the corresponding price still needs to be paid."

"You don't have to worry about me asking too high a price, I can assure

you of that."

"But you also have to tell me something you know."

"For example, how many battles and points can the reincarnators who are

a 'crew' get through fighting.

Rifan said.

Chapter 89: Cat Burglar And The


"You can think about it carefully, and then answer me after you think it


Rifan packed the medicinal materials and powders he had sorted out, and

was about to leave the infirmary and walk towards the deck.

"Wait..." Ayane grabbed Rifan's sleeve and said:

"I already decided."

"The practice of Marine Six Styles, I will not force it anymore."

"However, I ask for your help with the relevant information and helping

me kill the strong."

"Before I leave, we can make a new contract on the Devil Fruit I owe


"With your ability, you shouldn't be worried that I will leave without

saying goodbye."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Rifan's face again.

"That's a fair deal."

"Then, let's start with information."

"The medical skills you mentioned earlier... Yes, this is indeed what I

obtained through the copy space."

"To be precise, it comes from a set of boxing techniques."

"As for how I got this technique, it's because of this..."

Seeing Rifan nodding in agreement, Ayane breathed a sigh of relief and

immediately began to listen to Rifan's disclosure of relevant information.

Afterwards, she also began to talk about the specific situation of the

points obtained by the reincarnated crew members.

'So that's the case, no wonder they are so keen on killing the strong. "

'It turns out that as a 'crew', you can get so many points through battles.'

"If I don't have the talent of 'strengthen the crew, return return', maybe I

can only rely on inviting high-quality crew. "

'Only then I can catch up with the points of the reincarnators crew


'In this way, perhaps there will be fewer reincarnators who are willing to

become the captain of the pirate group.'

Rifan walked towards the deck, thinking in his heart.

At the same time, Ayane who wrapped her body with bandages and put

on Rifan's large coat was also thinking.

Combining the information revealed by Rifan, she is considering whether

she will become the captain of the Pirates if she has the opportunity in

the future.

Of course, regarding his talent, Rifan did not disclose it to her.

"Hurry up, Ayane, the battle outside is over."

"Did you hear the thunder just now?"

"If you had been slower, the treasure hunter boss might have been killed

by that lightning strike."

Rifan smiled at Ayane, and immediately quickened his pace.

Now, if Ayane stays with Rifan and kills strong enemies, with his help to

gain points, she will also have to pay Devil Fruit.

Therefore, Rifan is also very happy to let Ayane's debts accumulate more

and more.

When she really can't pay back, Rifan will be able to help harvest a

powerful slave who has already gained considerable points.

Ayane nodded slightly, also quickened her pace, and followed Rifan to

the deck.

As soon as the two came out, they saw Nami and Carina who were

arguing endlessly holding a bag of treasure each.

"Carina, how did a fox like you Captain Rifan's partner, let go of that bag

of treasure, it's mine!"

"Cat Burglar, I really didn't expect you to be my senpai, but I was the one

who contributed in this battle, so these treasures should be mine!"

"Hmph, obviously I rushed here to give that guy Mad Treasure the final


"Nami, even if you don't make a move, the victory belongs to me, and I

still have the devil fruit ability that I haven't used yet."

"Hmph, so what, it didn't change the fact that I defeated Mad Treasure!

Moreover, I am a Logia Thunder Fruit devil fruit user, and my ability is

much stronger than your color fruit."

Seeing that Nami and Carina were arguing, Rifan gestured to Ayane for

Mad Treasure who was struck black by lightning not far away.

Ayane nodded slightly, and walked directly to Mad Treasure's side to end

his life.

And Rifan also used Dark Fruit to deprive the dead Mad Treasure of his

chain fruit.

Even though Ayane was prepared, she still felt a little envious when she

saw that Rifan had an extra Devil Fruit.

After all, according to the previous agreement, the information revealed

by Rifan, plus Mad Treasure's life, is worth a Devil Fruit!

This also means that she now owes Rifan two Devil Fruits.

The movement on Rifan's side finally made Nami and Carina, who were

arguing, look over.

Seeing that it was Rifan, Nami's body turned into a bolt of lightning and

appeared beside Rifan in an instant.

"Captain, why did you invite that woman to be our partner?"

"When we went to prepare supplies, what happened?"

"Captain, please believe me, that woman is a cunning bitch!"

"If you keep her by your side, she will steal your treasure if you are not

careful and run away!"

After Nami finished speaking, Carina also rushed over.

"Captain Rifan, I really didn't expect you to invite Nami."

"Trust me, this woman is a complete thief."

"If you don't keep your eyes on her, she is the one who will take your

treasure away."

After their words fell, Carina and Nami quarreled again.

'Sure enough, once these two women meet, the scene will become lively.'

'It seems that the future sailing trips will not be lonely. '

'However, Carina's loyalty has quite become high.'

'Obviously this woman's advanced task has not been completed yet.'

'Is it because I fought against the treasure hunter Mad Treasure with my

own strength, or is it because she learned that Nami is also in my pirate


Rifan glanced at the loyalty that belongs to Carina on the personal panel,

which has increased to 67 points, and the evaluation has also risen to the

stage of "close friends", and he couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Well, Rifan, what's wrong with them?"

At this time, under Rifan's order, Tashigi, who had sorted out all the

treasures and supplies and dragged them to the deck, walked over with a

puzzled expression.

She couldn't understand why Carina, who was a commoner, would argue

with Nami, who was a pirate.

"It's nothing, it's probably because they hit it off right away, and their

relationship is so good."

Rifan shook his head, just when he was thinking about whether to bring

Tashigi and Ayane back to the Explorer first.

A den-den mushi not far from Mad Treasure's body suddenly rang.

Tashigi knew that this was Commodore Nelson's call, so she looked at it


After thinking for a while, Rifan connected the call.

Soon, a slightly familiar voice came from the opposite side of the den-den


"Mad Treasure…where are you? How long are you going to make me


"Wait, this voice...is the voice of the woman who took the little girl


"It seems that you treasure hunters are quite capable."

"You managed to catch them, so I didn't need to threaten the woman with

the lives of the villagers of Warship Island to bring Abis back."

"Mad Treasure, if you want to get the treasure of the Millennium Dragon,

you all go to Battleship Island and meet me now!"

Hearing this, Rifan raised his eyebrows.

'This voice must be the person who spoke to Mad Treasure earlier.'

'So, this guy is that fat Nelson?'

Rifan thought in his heart.

"This voice, you are that ugly fat man!"

Carina stopped arguing with Nami, frowned and looked at the den-den

mushi in Rifan's hand.

"Call me Admiral Nelson, woman!"

"After Mad Treasure brings you back, I will let you know the price of

offending me!"

Nelson roared angrily, and hung up the call without waiting for Rifan's


In such a scene, Rifan, Carina and others looked at me and I looked at

you, and then they all looked at the fallen treasure hunter.

For a moment, the whole scene fell silent.

Until, Tashigi could no longer restrain the emotions in her heart.

"Damn, how dare he!"

"Not just innocent Abis and Carina."

"It also made Carina forced to become a pirate."

"And now they are going to attack the innocent people of Battleship

Island for the sake of the Millennium Dragon."

"How could such a person become a Marine, and even become the

commodore of Marine's branch!"

Tashigi clenched her fists, trembling uncontrollably with anger.

She raised her head and looked at Carina apologetically, as if she wanted

to apologize to Carina instead of Nelson.

At the end, Tashigi turned to look at Rifan.

She knows that in this place, only Rifan has the ability to help the

villagers of Warship Island.

"Rifan, you will make a shot, right?"

Tashigi pursed her lips and asked Rifan nervously.

Rifan patted Tashigi's shoulder with a smile, turned to look at Nami,

Carina and others.

"Let's go back to the Black Pearl firsr."

"After the ship is repaired, we will set off for Warship Island."

Rifan said.

Tashigi heaved a long sigh of relief when she heard Rifan's words.

"I really didn't expect that something like this would happen while we

were away."

"Captain Rifan has not only fought enemies."

"And it also brought so many supplies and treasures to our pirate group."

"In this way, wouldn't our hunting in the forest be in vain?"

On the Black Pearl, Robin crossed her arms, looked at Mikita who was

arguing with Carina with her hands on his hips, and said to Rifan beside


"How can it be considered a waste? Didn't everyone eat it just now?"

Rifan shook his head and smiled.

"That's right." Robin nodded slightly, "Captain's cooking skills are still as

good as ever."

"You even made a more delicious medicated diet than the ones I have

made before."

"Obviously you've never cooked anything like this before."

"Could it be that this is the treatment of a new crew member named


"Speaking of which, Captain Rifan is really popular with women."

"Even if you come to this deserted island, you can still meet cute girls."

"And this girl has such a good relationship with Nami."

"In this way, your chances of getting her in your pocket will be much


Hearing Robin's words, Rifan was not to be outdone, and raised his arm

to lean on Robin's shoulder.

"Compared to having a little girl like Carina in my bag, I would rather

have a big sister like Robin in my bag."

"Ah, then I'm really honored."

"So, do you want to give me a chance, Big Sister Robin?"

"However, when I gave you a chance last time, you didn't grasp it."

"Yeah, now I particularly regret it, and I often sigh that it would be great

if I had another chance like that time."

"Then wait until Captain Rifan takes me to find another historical text."

Robin covered her mouth and chuckled,

Through her conversation with Rifan in the Cocoyashi Village, she also

understood Rifan's character traits.

She didn't take it seriously because of Rifan's teasing.

"I hope I didn't disturb you two, but I have something here that I want to

show you."

"It's about the latest reward order of our pirate group."

At this moment, Nojiko walked over from not far away with a stack of


Nojiko's voice was like a thunderclap, which directly attracted the

attention of everyone on board.

"Newspapers? Have the newsbirds been here already?"

"Nojiko, do you have my latest bounty?"

Hearing the words 'reward offer', Mikita moved in front of Nojiko almost


At this moment, she forgot for a short time the worries about the addition

of a beautiful girl, Carina, on the Black Pearl.

"Sorry, Mikita. Maybe it's because you and I didn't make a move in


"So we both don't have a new reward order."

"It's all Nami, who was offered a reward of 15 million Berry by the


As Nojiko explained, with a smile on her face, she lifted up a reward

order with Nami's photo.

"Damn it, I should have shot if I knew it earlier!"

Mikita slammed her mouth, looking disappointed.

You know, she is now strengthened by Rifan, and she can now use the

middle-level Conqueror's Haki.

She believes that when she uses such a Haki, the Marine will definitely be

wary of her and offer her a high reward.

'Sure enough, when the next opportunity arises, we need to find a

stronger Marine or pirate to do it."

'Wait, talking about marine, isn't there one here?'

'If I show enough strength in front of her, she can report it after she goes


'Wouldn't I be able to get a high enough reward then?!'

Mikita turned her head to look at Tashigi who was frowning not far

away, watching Rifan and others admiring the reward order, thinking in

her heart.

Unlike Mikita's disappointment, Nami's eyes widened instantly when she

saw the amount on the reward order.

"But...Damn it, didn't I just move once?"

"Why did the Marine give me a reward of 15 million Berries!?"

"I don't want to be offered a reward…"

Nami took over the reward order from Nojiko and collapsed.

"What, Nami was offered a bounty of 15 million Berry?"

"Then if I give Nami to a Marine base, wouldn't I be able to get 15 million


Carina clasped her hands together, her eyes turned into Berry symbols,

staring straight at Nami.

"You woman, you actually want to give me to the Marines?!"

"Don't forget, you are also a pirate now!"

As Nami said, she quarreled with Carina again.

Rifan shook his head and looked at Nojiko.

"Nojiko, what about me, how much reward do they offer for my head?"

Hearing this, Nojiko proudly lifted up a brand new reward order in her


"Captain Rifan, you are now offered a reward of 300 million Berry by the


Chapter 90: Achievement Of

Fame; Codenamed Black Mist

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Damn! A bounty of 300 million berries on his head! Did I hear it right!?]

[No mistake, I checked the photo with my 5.0 eyesight, and the reward

order says it is indeed 300 million Berry!]

[Eagle Audience: Isn't that too exaggerated? It grew 220 million berries

all at once?!]

[Goat Audience: I don't think it's an exaggeration at all. Rifan after all

fought against the Marine hero Garp. ]

[As expected Rifan, now I wonder if there is any reincarnated person who

can catch up with him. ]

[Camel Audience: Isn't it just that he got a relatively high bounty?

Having a high bounty doesn't mean a good thing. It only attracts bounty

hunters all over the globe!]

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

As soon as Nojiko finished speaking, the whole pirate ship fell silent.

Everyone turned their attention to the reward order in Nojiko's hand that

had a photo of Rifan and Garp fighting.

Even Nami and Carina have started silently counting the number behind

Rifan's bounty.

After repeated confirmation several times, the two women realized that

Nojiko had not lied.

"Three...three hundred million Berry, how can there be such a high


"Will there be more Marines coming to catch us in the future?"

"Captain, why did you get such a high reward?!"

Nami held Rifan's arm and kept shaking it, and said pitifully.

"What, isn't this very good, as expected of the captain I fancy."

Mikita clasped her hands together, looking at Rifan, the word worship

was almost engraved in her eyes.

"Ah, now I can't catch up with you, Captain Rifan."

Robin rested her chin on one hand and said with a light smile.

"It's not bad. It seems that the conflict with Garp will be of some use."

"It's rare for Marines to be so generous, so next, let's hold a banquet."

Rifan took the reward order from Nojiko and held it high.

For this, the crew of the Black Pearl naturally cheered loudly.

Not far away, Tashigi and Ayane looked at the members of the Black

Pearl Pirates who were having fun with complicated eyes.

'300 million Berry, in this case, he will have no way to turn back from

the path of pirates no matter what.'

Tashigi sighed, buried her head deeply.

'300 million Berry, maybe I can't catch up with this man no matter how I

chase him.'

Ayane shook her head, sighing secretly in her heart.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Alabasta, the rainy land.

"Boss, I think you need to see this."

Inside Crocodile's underground office, the senior agent of the Baroque

Work held a newly obtained newspaper and placed it in front of him.

"Mr1, is there any news about Miss All Sunday and that bastard Rifan?"

Hearing Mr1's voice, Crocodile raised his head slowly.

At this moment, his face was extremely gloomy, and there was a vague

and cold murderous intent flashing through his eyes.

Because Rifan revealed some information about Baroque Works to

Marine, the actions of Baroque Works have been greatly restrained


Many members of the Baroque Works were arrested, and even senior

agents of the Baroque Work Club were involved.

As a Shichibukai, he was actually secretly being investigated by the


Although no definite information was obtained, Marine came to

investigate as soon as Rifan snatched Robin away, how could Crocodile

not link Marine's investigation with Rifan?

It was also for this reason that Crocodile at this moment wished he could

find Rifan sooner and tear that bastard to pieces.

It's just a pity that the Baroque Work is restrained by Marines, and its

intelligence capabilities are greatly reduced.

So until now, Crocodile has not been able to get any information about

Rifan and Robin.

"Boss, this newspaper contains the latest news about Rifan and Miss All


Mr.1 said in a muffled voice.

"Really, then let me have a good look at it."

Crocodile nodded, picking up the newspaper on the table.

A reward order then fell from the newspaper interlayer.

Crocodile looked down, and the next moment his eyes widened.

"Rifan, bounty 300 million Berry?!"

"Those Marine dogs, did they make a mistake?!"

Even as calm as him, he couldn't help raising his voice when he saw

Rifan's latest reward order.

"According to the newspaper, Rifan seems to have met Marine Hero Garp

in the LogueTown in East Blue."

"Although he was completely beaten, he managed to escape from the

Marine Hero Garp with all his companions."

"The newspaper mentioned that Rifan can skillfully use Marine's Marine

Six Styles, and can use dark energy."

"That should be his Devil Fruit power."

"Also, rumors spread again that Rifan didn't just escape from Garp."

"A marine sergeant was also taken away by him."

"That Marine Sergeant is a woman."

Mr.1 spoke out, and when he mentioned Rifan and Garp, his eyes were

filled with surprise that could not be concealed.

"Even fought Garp, and managed to escape?"

"Interesting, it seems that this man has some strength."

"Since he abducted a Marine in front of Garp."

"The Marine offering him a reward of 300 million Berry, it should have

something to do with this Marine."

Crocodile took a puff of his cigar, and already had an answer in his heart.

"But, women, this Rifan really likes to kidnap women."

"First Miss All Sunday, and then Marine's woman, what a man who is full

of desire."

Crocodile exhaled smoke and said in a deep voice.

"Boss, Marine offered a reward of 300 million Berry to Rifan, are we

going to change our plan for the Black Pearl Pirates?"

"As you can see, even the Marine attaches so much importance to him,

maybe he will be a very dangerous person."

At this time, Mr3 came over from not far away.

In his hand was the exact same newspaper as Crocodile's.

"Mr3, do you think I can't handle Rifan?"

Crocodile looked up and stared at mr3.

In an instant, a strong pressure hit mr3's heart.

"No...that's not the case, boss."

"I just think we should be more focused on the Alabasta thing right now."

Mr3 waved his hands again and again, and said to Crocodile in fear.

"Hmph! The matter of Alabasta will naturally continue to be dealt with."

"But we also need to pay attention to this rookie."

"This guy can be offered a reward of 300 million Berry by the Marine, not

because of how powerful he is."

"Among them, there should be Robin's credits."

"Beyond that, the woman he took may be very important to the Marine."

"That's why Marine offered him a bounty of 300 million Berry."

Crocodile said firmly.

During the time spent with Robin, Crocodile has clearly realized that a

person's reward is not necessarily directly proportional to a person's


And Rifan received such a high reward at one time, which is obviously

abnormal in Crocodile's view.

Therefore, he naturally equated Rifan's bounty with Robin's bounty.

"It turns out...so that's the case, boss is brilliant."

Mr3 smiled embarrassingly, although he still had doubts in his heart, he

didn't dare to say anything at the moment.

"Go out and do things, Mr3, I look forward to your results."

After Crocodile glanced at Mr3, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

After receiving the order, Mr3 breathed a sigh of relief and hurried out of

the office, not daring to continue staying in the same office with


As time passed, Rifan's reward order began to spread gradually, and more

and more local people were surprised by Rifan's appearance.

Even some large pirate groups have cast their eyes on Rifan.

The reincarnators were naturally even more surprised.

Among them is Ethan, who is sailing with Blackbeard Pirates on the sea.

"Rifan, offering a reward of 300 million Berry, how is it possible, is it too


Ethan was holding Rifan's latest reward order, and even the one he was

holding was accidentally knocked to the ground by him.

After making sure that he did not mislead the 0 behind Rifan's reward,

Ethan immediately picked up the newspaper and read it again.

"Haha, Ethan, what surprised you so much?"

Blackbeard noticed Ethan's situation, and walked over with a glass of


"Captain, it's Rifan, it's that guy's new bounty."

"And the report also described a thing that you may not want to see very


Ethan sighed, and handed the newspaper and reward order to


"300 million berries?! Zehahaha, that guy Rifan has really grown into a

great pirate."

Blackbeard laughed, a faint gleam in his eyes.

Then, he looked down at the newspaper.

The next moment, he was completely drawn to the two photos in the


One of the photos was taken when Rifan was fighting Garp with Marine

Six King Gun.

And the other one is a photo of Rifan using the black mist from Dark

Fruit to repair his damaged arm after using the Six King Gun.

"Captain, at this moment, you should completely believe what I say."

Seeing that Blackbeard noticed the photo of Rifan, Ethan said seriously.

"Sorry, Ethan, I shouldn't have shot you back then."

"You're right, that bastard Rifan did use some means to copy my Devil


"Interesting, it's interesting, is it when he makes a pizza for me?"

"So at that time, he was already ready to copy my Devil Fruit?"

"Relying on my ability, this guy even got the codename 'Black Mist'. If I

use my ability in front of a Marine in the future, wouldn't they think my

ability is a copy?! From these two points, Rifan you owe me a lot,


Blackbeard clenched the newspaper in his hand angrily, and streaks of

black mist began to spread from his body.

Dark Fruit is the fruit he got after spending decades in the Whitebeard

Pirates, and finally even killed his friend Thatch.

But Rifan secretly copied his Dark Fruit by some means unknown to him.

How could this not make Blackbeard angry?

"Captain, what are you going to do with Rifan next?"

Ethan sensed the murderous intent overflowing from Blackbeard,

The light in his eyes is even worse.

"Zehahaha, needless to say, Ethan."

"I will never allow anyone to have the same ability as me."

"Since that guy stole my things, naturally he can't be allowed to survive."

"Also...his head worth 300 million Berry must also be able to play a role

in my plan."


Blackbeard laughed out loud, but Ethan didn't think Blackbeard was


The black mist that condensed behind Blackbeard seemed to cover the

sky, and the terrifying aura on Blackbeard's body undoubtedly no longer

proved his murderous intentions for Rifan.

'Hehe, now I want to see how you escape, Rifan.'

'To escape from Garp, he must have used the teleport pointer.'

'When there is no longer a teleportation pointer, I'll see how you run!'

'As long as we catch you, you will definitely die!'

The corner of Ethan's mouth turned upwards. Just as he was thinking

about how to rely on the power of Blackbeard Teach to kill Rifan after

meeting him, a reminder from the copy space suddenly sounded in his


[Rifan, received a bounty of 300 million Berry, and the bounty has been

widely circulated in this world, congratulations to Rifan for achieving the

achievement 'the first bounty of more than 100 million Berry.




Congratulations to Rifan for achieving the achievement of "the first

reincarnation with a bounty of more than 300 million Berry", special

rewards Primary Observation Haki Awakening Scroll, and Primary

Armament Haki Awakening Scroll'. ]

[Use the 'Basic Observation Haki Awakening Scroll' To Awaken

Observation Haki!]

[Use the 'Primary Armament Haki Awakening Scroll' To Awaken

Armament Haki!]

'This Rifan got another reward?!'

Ethan's eyes widened, and he quickly opened the communication

interface between the reincarnators.

['Camel' Nasser: The bounty of 300 million berries is too high. Why on

earth did the Marine post so much bounty to Rifan? Moreover, he got

such a high bounty, can other reincarnators be rewarded?]

['Kangaroo' Helena: Copy space doing, in a way, is also a disguised form

to encourage reincarnators to get higher bounties. Obtaining a higher

bounty will bring higher risk, but it also brings corresponding rewards. ]

['Panda' Leigh: Isn't this obvious? It must be Sir. Rifan's strength shocked

the Marine, so they gave such a reward. As expected of Sir. Rifan, he

completed two initial achievements at once!]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Damn, why is this guy so lucky all the way?

Even if he meets Garp, he can escape successfully!?]

['Eagle' Ethan: Hehe, I have to say that his luck is really good. But he

definitely won't be lucky all the time. One day he will get his retribution.


['Panda' Ray: If you want to talk about retribution, Ethan, you are the one

who should get the retribution, right? ]

['Eagle' Ethan: Hmph, just wait and see for the good show, he already use

his only teleportation pointer, if he encounter trouble again later, Rifan,

you will not have the opportunity to escape. ]

['Panda' Rifan: Compared to me, you should pay more attention to

yourself. The Blackbeard pirates are a very dangerous team, and you

don't have resurrection coins, if you are not careful, you will lose your

life forever. ]

['Eagle' Ethan: We have a long way to go, Rifan. Time will tell which of

us can go further in the future. Next time we meet, I'll make you regret

what you did to me. ]

['Panda' Rifan: Threatening me? I'm so scared~ Sure enough, the people

of the Eagle Country are so scary, it seems that this Paramecia Chain

devil fruit needs to be priced right. ]


Chapter 91: Chain Fruits On The


[Tl/n: I want to say Thank you for those who visited and check on the

new book. Some like the story some not and it's understandable.

Some readers want spoiler since the story is still new and ill give it. I will

write it on my Author Thought. So if you don't want to be spoiled you

just skip it.]




['Eagle' Tina: Wait, what does that mean?]

['Eagle' Sarah Bryan: Rifan just uploaded a Chain Fruit to the trading

interface, it requires 4000-5000 points to buy, but for us, we needs 6000

points. ]

['Eagle' Tina: fuxk, Ethan, you bastard!]

['Eagle' Ethan: No, why are you scolding me?! Shouldn't you be scolding

that bastard Rifan?!]

['Eagle' Tina: It's your fault, you bastard!]

['Camel' Jeyu: Chain Fruit? This is a pretty good Devil Fruit, it can be

used to bind and restrict others. However, Rifan, don't you think your

price is a bit too high? Compared with the spring fruit last time, it's

actually 2,000 points more expensive. ]

['Green Pheasant' Kasumi: Rifan once said that there is a discount for the

first Devil Fruit, maybe 5000 points is the normal price. That… Rifan,

how is Ayane?]

['Camel' Jeyu: What shit is the normal price? I think this Rifan is too

selfish and ignorant!]

['Panda' Leigh: You're just jealous.]

['Kangaroo' Helena: It's really a bit funny. This Jeyu was still shouting at

Rifan earlier, but now he wants Rifan to sell Devil Fruit to him at a low


['Panda' Rifan: Kasumi and Ayane can buy the devil fruit at a low price,

it's fine now! In addition, if the reincarnators of the Camel country want

to buy the Chain Devil Fruit, they need to spend 6000 reincarnation

points. Don't ask me why, if you want to ask, just ask your retard

teammate. ]

['Eagle' Tina: Oh? Seeing not only us, I suddenly feel a lot more balanced.


Following Rifan and Tina's comments, the reincarnators of Camel country

found that the chain fruit originally sold by Rifan worth 5,000 points has

become 6,000 points for them.

All of a sudden, there were a lot of messages cursing Rifan and Jeyu's in

the communication interface.

Rifan was not very interested in the increasingly cluttered

communication interface, and quickly closed the communication panel.

And Jeyu, who is helping Bonney to make related dishes, can't help but

clenched his fists when he saw the messages of his fellow countrymen

reincarnators and reincarnators from other country cursing him.

And quickly curse back on the communication interface.

However, what he didn't notice was that when he was distracted, the

taste of the dish he was making had gradually changed due to the wrong

seasoning he put in.

Until Bonney frowned and poured the dishes he made into his mouth.

"You bastard, are you trying to make trouble for me on purpose?"

"At the beginning, you said that you were good at cooking, so I let you on


"The result, is this the dish you made?"

"If this happened again, don't blame me for throwing you into the sea to

feed the fish!"

Bonney embraced her hands, looking at Jeyu in front of her with a cold


After sailing for a period of time, Bonney can more and more feel Jeyu's

lust for her sometimes.

Therefore, Bonney has accumulated more and more dislikes towards this

bastard who took the initiative to join her crew.

If it weren't for the fact that he still has a good level of cooking, I'm

afraid she wouldn't have endured him for a long time and already killed


"Sorry...sorry, Boss Bonney."

"I'm going to redo it now."

Jeyu glanced at Bonney in fear, and immediately turned and ran to the


He was afraid that he would be turned into a child or an old man by

Bonney using her ability for a second while on the boat.

After Bonney poured the food he made into his mouth, he also knew that

he had indeed put the wrong seasoning.

However, he didn't intend to attribute this responsibility to himself, but

instead attributed it to Rifan who distracted him.

'Damn Rifan, don't let me meet you'

'Otherwise, I will kill you a hundred times!'

'And that woman Bonnie, I will repay you twice as much for the insult

you have done to me!'

Thinking to himself, Jeyu turned around and took a look at the back of

Bonney who was sitting in her seat again, and focused on the newspaper

in hand and the reward order.

Perhaps sensing the gaze behind her, Bonney suddenly turned her head

to look at Jeyu.

Jeyu was taken aback when he saw this, and left the room at a faster

pace, disappearing from Bonney's sight.

But even out of Bonney's sight, Jeyu still has lingering fears.

'This woman, why is she so sharp, has she also awakened Observation


'Damn it, if this woman has been so sensitive, the success rate of drugging

her will be very low. '

'And the system of these people, I don't know how heavy the medicine is

for it to be effective.'

While walking towards his room, Jeyu subconsciously opened his

personal panel.

When he saw his points that had reached 5001, he suddenly thought of

the chain fruit that Rifan hung on the trading interface.

Because of his position on the Bonney pirate ship as a chef, he has always

been well protected.

Therefore, even if he got points, he was not in a hurry to use them to

strengthen himself.

In addition, there are partners to help him fight, so sometimes he can

harvest the head of the enemy without worry about his safety.

Gradually, the points in his hand also accumulated.

'A Devil Fruit that can let chains come out from any part of the body and

operate them freely.'

If he could have this power and control Jewelry Bonney in surprised.

'Her weird Devil Fruit ability probably won't work on me.'

When Jeyu thought of this, the flame in his heart burned uncontrollably.

"Copy space, I want to buy the chain devil fruit!"

[Unfortunately, as a reincarnator of the Camel country, you need 6000

points to buy the chain fruit, please continue to accumulate points. ]


Jeyu exclaimed, startling the passing pirates, and they all looked

strangely at this maverick in the pirate group.

The reminder of the copy space reminded Jeyu of the restriction made by

Rifan earlier.

'Damn it, that bastard Rifan!'

Jeyu gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Although he was angry with Rifan, he thought of the benefits of relying

on his own talent and the benefits of being able to become the captain of

the pirate group when Bonney was brought under control.

Jeyu still held back the anger in his heart and opened the communication


['Camel' Jeyu: Rifan, reduce the price of the chain fruit to 4500 points, I

can pay points to buy now!]

['Green Pheasant' Koharu Momoka: Huh? Isn't this the guy with mental

illness who provoked Rifan, why are you back again?]

['Eagle' Tina: This guy actually already saved so many points? But this

bastard really has a thick skin. He even asked Rifan to lower the price

after saying what he just said earlier.]

['Green Pheasant' Ayane: He actually wants to buy it at a cheaper price,

what an insatiable man. ]

['Camel' Jeyu: I'm doing it for Rifan's benefit. If I don't buy it, who can

get so many points in an instant? Ayane, right? Aren't you with Rifan? Go

tell that guy, just say that I will reluctantly buy it from him, and if he is

sensible, he should lower the price more!]

['Bear' Titiana: Haha~ This retard think too highly of himself~ ]

['Kangaroo' Helena: I have more than 5000 unallocated points,

unfortunately, I just want to strengthen myself first so I didn't buy the

chain fruit. ]

['Panda' Pichan: I have already saved enough points, if it was the original

spring fruit, I would buy it. ]

['Camel' Jeyu: Y-you...you bastards! So what if you have enough points,

you won't buy it anyway! Rifan, come out! And you woman, didn't you

hear me!? Go inform Rifan!]

['Green Pheasant' Ayane: I'm busy and I don't have time to pay attention

to you, presumably Rifan doesn't have the interest to pay attention to you

either. ]

Jeyu stood there not understanding, staring at the personal panel in front

of him.

However, 5 minutes passed then 10 minutes passed, neither Ayane nor

Rifan spoke on the communication interface.

Instead, more and more people began to mock him.

Looking at the dazzling remarks, he punched the wall beside him.

"Damn it!"

Jeyu roared angrily, but didn't notice that Bonney was watching him not

far away at the moment.

"This bastard...."

Frowning slightly, she looked at Jeyu on the opposite side with some

displeasure. Not long after, she shook her head and looked at the latest

newspaper in her hand.

"'Black Mist' Rifan, was able to escape from the Marine Hero Garp in the

LogueTown in East Blue."

"Before he entered the Grand Line, he was rewarded with a reward of

300 million Berry.

"This man...is he really that strong?"

"And the Logue town of East Blue, does that mean this man is about to

enter the Upside Down Mountain?"

"I don't know if I'll run into this man on the Grand Line."

"If I encounter him, maybe I have to be careful."

Bonney muttered to herself, gradually becoming more and more curious

about Rifan, a pirate of the same period.


On the sea, the Black Pearl is rapidly sailing in the direction of Warship

Island under the command of Nami.

Rifan, the captain, was sitting on a treatment table he made relaxed and

Nojiko, the nurse, was licking something under the table.

The various herbs and medicines brought back from the Treasure Hunter

ship were also placed in appropriate places by Rifan.

In addition, he also made some medicinal powder by himself through the

research on Kanpo Kenpo techniques.

However, these powders still need some human experiments before they

can be used.

"Nojiko, if I let Tashigi and Ayane come to try this new medicine, would

they be willing?"

Rifan sat behind the treatment table he set up, propped one hand on the

table, and spoke to Nojiko under the table.

Nojiko: "Well..."

"You agree, Nojiko. That's great, after all, I can't let my crew try this

medicine first."


"Hehe, don't worry, nothing will happen. At most, they will have diarrhea

or some temporary discomfort. It's no big deal.

"Don't worry, those skin care and cosmetic powders and medicines can

still be used directly."


"Speaking of which, what do you think of the Kanpo Kenpo technique I

mentioned earlier?"


"Great, you also think that as a nurse, it is very suitable for you to learn

Kanpo Kenpo, right?

"Mikita learns Marine Six Styles, and you learn Kanpo Kenpo. In this way,

the fighting skills I have mastered can be regarded as successors, haha."

Just when Rifan was imagining how Nojiko used Kanpo Kenpo to fight

against the enemy like Nightin, a knock sounded at the door of the

consulting room.

"It's you, Nami, what's the matter?"

Rifan raised his head and saw that it was Nami, a mysterious smile

appeared on his face immediately.

After Nojiko heard Nami's name, she couldn't help showing a little

nervousness, which Rifan noticed immediately.

Fortunately, she calmed down quickly.

"Captain, I'm here to tell you that we still have about 8 hours to go by sea

before we arrive at Warship Island."

"So that's it, that's great! In this way, we can quickly learn about the

Millennium Dragon and head to the Grand Line."

"Grand Line...Speaking of which, when I was strengthened by you,

Captain Rifan, I gained the knowledge of sailing on the Grand Line. But I

don't have the ability to sail on the Grand Line without a record pointer,

what should I do, captain?"

"Don't worry about this, after we enter the Grand Line, there will be a

chance to get the record pointer, Nami."

"Hearing you say that, I feel more at ease."

Nami said, walking into the consultation room with a smile.

After seeing the various medical configurations around, Nami nodded in


"It turns out that besides your great cooking skills, Captain is also a

Grandmaster in medicine."

"Really, if you have medical skills, you should say it earlier."

"In this way, I can also have more confidence in going out to sail."

"Speaking of which, Captain Rifan, Nojiko, who was called away by you

to clean up the room with you earlier, why didn't I see her here?"

Nami looked around a bit later and asked.

"She has something to do in the other room."

"Better than this, can I bother you with one thing, Nami?"

"I have developed some things here, and I am planning to conduct some

experiments now."

"It would be great if you could call Ayane and Tashigi for me."

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth, and said to Nami with a slightly

strange smile.

"Experiment? Don't tell me you want to do something bad to them,

Captain Rifan?"

"How could it be? I'm not a devil. By the way, I also have a natural skin

care product developed by me. You can try it."

"Really? Then I will not be polite. I still have to command the navigation,

so I will go back first, Ayane and Tashigi, I will call over them for you."

Nami smiled when she saw the natural skin care products in her hand.

After picking up the skin care products, she turned around and walked

out of the consultation room quickly.

She even waved to Rifan politely and closed the door of the consulting


A moment later, as Nami's footsteps faded away.

Nojiko quickly crawled out from under the treatment table where she

was hiding.


Chapter 92: Secret Medicine!




"Are you happy, Captain Rifan?"

Nojiko wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, then looked down at Rifan

sitting in front of her.

"Of course I am happy."

And Rifan raised his head, and looked at Nojiko with a smile on his face.

Until the end, Nojiko finally couldn't bear the shyness in her heart,

turned her head to look away and tidied up her clothes.

The light in Rifan's eyes calmed down. .

But looking at Nojiko's appearance, the smile on his face was even bigger.

"Speaking of which, the nurse uniforms I bought in LogueTown last time

were all damaged by me accidentally using my fruit ability."

"After arriving at Warship Island, let's see if we can buy a brand new

nurse's uniform."

"After all, your position is a 'nurse', so you still need the clothes that you

should have. What do you think, Nojiko?"

Rifan stood up, tidied himself up and put his hand on the shoulder of

Nojiko who was drinking water.

"Rifan, cough...Are you sure you didn't buy those clothes for work and

not for your interest?"

After Nojiko drank several sips of water, she felt that her voice had

recovered a little, and looked at Rifan with some complaints.

No wonder she complained.

Although in Cocosia Village, she said that she would keep the

relationship between the two of them secret from Nami.

And when Rifan said the follow-up words, Nojiko had a premonition that

today's situation might appear.

But after it really appeared, Nojiko still felt a little awkward in her heart.

It's not that she is angry with Rifan, it's just that she don't know how to

face Nami at this moment.

"Hehe~ of course it's both, since you're my nurse, you have to look like a


Rifan said with a smile.

"Do I have a choice? Who told me to meet a man like you?"

Nojiko raised her hand to caress Rifan's cheek, her eyes were full of


And Rifan also raised his hand and took Nojiko into his arms.

Thinking of the Haki awakening scroll obtained through the copy space

earlier, Rifan put his hand on the tattoo on Nojiko's lower body after

thinking for a while.

And used the 'Elementary Observation Haki Awakening Scroll' on her.

[Rifan, you use the 'Elementary Observation Haki Scroll' on Nojiko,

Nojiko's personal attribute has been updated, please check it yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 2)]

[Name: Nojiko]

[Age: 20 years old]

[Crew number: 04]

[047 Position: Nurse (Skilled)]

[Physical: 5533]

[Physical level: C level]

[Devil Fruit: None]

[Special Ability: Primary Observation Haki]

[Loyalty: 100 (Life and death go hand in hand)]

[Rifan, your talent "Strengthen the crew, equal return" has been

activated, and it has been detected that you have awakened Observation

Haki, this enhancement has been converted into 500 physical points. ]

[Your personal attribute has been scrubbed, please check it yourself. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 2)]

[Name: Rifan]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Position: Captain]

[Talent: Strengthen the crew, the national times will return

[Points: 0]

[Physical: 22500 points]

[Physical level: B level]

[Devil Fruit: Dark Fruit]

[Skills: Marine Six Styles, Six King Gun, Fish-Man Karate, Kanpo Kenpo]

[Special Abilities: Intermediate Armament Haki, Intermediate

Observation Haki, Intermediate Conqueror's Haki]

[Bounty: 300 million Berry]

[Props: Small Barque, Enhanced Magic Weather Stick, Third Generation

Onitsu, Shigure, Slippery Fruit, Primary Armament Haki Awakening


[Partners: Mikita, Robin, Nami, Nojiko, Carina]

'This time the enhancement is directly converted to 500 physical points.

'It seems that not every conversion and strengthening can obtain a certain


'Is it because I have acquired enough skills, so the copy space has shifted

the focus of the rewards that can be obtained from strengthening?'

After Rifan glanced at Nojiko and the changes in his own personal

attributes, he thought to himself.

500 physical points is a lot, but for Rifan, who has gained quite a lot of

physical ability through conversion, he thinks it is not equivalent.

Even at his current level, 500 physical points can no longer bring much


'That being said, I still hope to get Fishman Jiu-Jitsu.'

Rifan couldn't help thinking of the picture of Jinbei throwing the sea

water as if it were an entity using Fishman jujitsu.

"Is this Observation Haki? It seems that Captain Rifan has acquired the

power to strengthen his companions without me knowing it."

At this time, Nojiko in Rifan's arms was also familiar with the new power,

and raised her head to look at Rifan in front of her with a sweet smile on

her face.

"Probably because you, Nojiko, made me enjoy it very much, so I

accidentally obtained the enhanced ability. How about it? Do you like the

power called Observation Haki?"

"Captain Rifan is really... But, Observation Haki is indeed a magical


"It's really amazing. When someone gets close to us in the future, I can

also use this power to sense whether Nami has arrived, hehe."

"But if Nami also has this power in the future, what should we do?"

"Isn't Nami out of control now? Moreover, everyone on the ship still

respects me very much, and they will not use their observation to

perceive my situation at will."

"That's good to know."

Nojiko nodded slightly, but somewhat understood why she and Rifan got

along so secretly, even Mikita, who had already awakened her

Observation Haki, didn't know the relationship between the two.

Only Robin, who knew about the situation of the two from the beginning,

knew everything about their relationship.

"By the way, Captain Rifan, don't tell me you didn't awaken Nami's

Observation Haki on purpose, right?"

Nojiko pursed her lips, felt Rifan's hand crawling behind her, and said

with a blushing face.

"Not really, it's just that Nami already has the power of Thunder Fruit,

which is already strong enough."

"So the focus of my strengthening now is you Nojiko."

Rifan said.

"So that's the case, then I will trust Rifan for now, hehe."

"But then again, are you really going to let Ayane and Tashigi come to

test that medicine?"

After a moment of tenderness, Nojiko raised her head and looked at Rifan


"It's natural, we can't let the two of them sail on our ship for nothing."

"And Tashigi said before that she is willing to pay a certain price."

"Now is the time to pay the price."

"However, although I said it's the price, maybe the drugs I've concocted

will be of some benefit to her."

Rifan let go of Nojiko, walked to his own research bench, put away some

bottles and jars, took out some ointment from the drawer and put them

on the platform.

"Could it be that it is a drug that can make a person stronger?"

Thinking of Rifan's miraculous power to make the crew members

stronger, Nojiko couldn't help asking curiously.

"Well... There are still drugs that can make a person's body energetic in a

short period of time."

"I told you before, it's a 'secret medicine'!"

"Its effect can even turn an old man into his young state in a short period

of time.

"However, after my research, this thing can not only change the old man

into the state of his youth."

"It can also make a younger person gain physical growth in a short period

of time. The principle is that this secret medicine has the effect of

activating cells."

"It's like Nami's time in Cocoyashi Village, from a petite body to a mature


"However, the medicinal effect of this thing also has a time limit, and it

can't make you directly obtain the body after two years like Nami."

Rifan picked up a copy of "Secret Medicine•Ginseng Newcomer" and

explained it to Nojiko with a smile on his face.

"I see, can I understand that you, Captain Rifan, have disliked my current


"So you want to have a more mature me?"

Nojiko put her hands on her chest and smiled gently at Rifan.

"How could it be? No matter what Nojiko looks like, I still love you."

"However, if you can mature quickly, it would be pretty good."

Rifan smiled, picked up another ointment and showed it in front of


"As for this ointment, it is a growth secret medicine that I improved from

the secret medicine•Ginseng Newcomer."

"As long as the ointment is used for a long time, a person's body will

mature relatively quickly."

"Of course, it's only the growth of appearance, and it won't grow in terms

of strength."

"But this thing is a new medication, so people need to test it."

"So I would like to ask you two, Tashigi and Ayane."

Rifan said, and turned to look at the gate.

There, Ayane, who was wearing another outfit provided by Mikita, and

Tashigi, who was wearing a maid uniform, were standing by the door.

As for Ayane, she doesn't intend to dress in a maid uniform in front of the

people in Ninja Village in Blue Star.

"So, you asked us to come to test this medicine for you?"

Ayane clasped her arms and walked in impatiently.

Tashigi, who looked a bit at a loss when she put on the maid uniform for

the first time, followed closely behind.

"Being said so, there's no harm in this thing."

"And after that, I can also provide you with pointers for the secret

medicine I made."

"Don't you ninjas pay attention to the use of various poisons?"

"And your body is quite resistant to toxicity."

"So, I thought of letting you try it."

Rifan smiled at Ayane, then turned to look at Tashigi.

"Tashigi, you kept your promise, the maid uniform suits you very well."

Hearing Rifan's words, Tashigi just nodded with a blushing face and

didn't say anything.

"You must have heard what I said just now."

"Let's start with this 'secret medicine for growth'."

"This secret medicine needs to be taken externally and internally at the

same time."

"Because it involves growth, please also apply the ointment to every part

of your body."

"If you adapt well enough to this ointment, and your body still has the

possibility to grow, maybe your body will be able to grow in a very short

period of time~"

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Damn, this medicine of Brother Rifam is so powerful! It can actually

make a person grow up quickly?!]

[Camel Audience: Is such a medicine plausible?]

[Chollima Audience: Upstairs, Can things in the copy space be evaluated

with common sense?]

[Eagle Audience: What Rifan said earlier is that the secret medicine

called 'Ginseng Newcomer' can turn an old man into a young man... I

suddenly hope that Rifan can return to the real world, so that this Potion

will definitely bring good news to us Blue Stars!]

[Brother Rifan also said that this thing only temporarily allows a person

to have a young body... Wait, I am forty years old this year, wouldn't it

be possible to return to my peak state at the age of 20 if I eat this


[Eagle Audience: That's why I said that this medicine can bring good

news. If it has no side effects, the night life between my wife and I will

take a step forward!]

[Brother Rifan, come back soon, I can't wait!]

[Not just the secret medicine of 'Ginseng Newcomer', but also the 'growth

ointment' that Brother Rifan said, if there is no problem with the

ointment developed by Brother Rifan, Brother Rifan will not have to do

other things when he comes back, just open a beauty salon will suffice! ]

[Eagle Audience: If Rifan wants to open a beauty salon, I would be the

first to try it.]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Growth ointment is not necessarily useful.

Rifan said that if a person's body has no possibility of growth, this thing

is completely useless.]

[Eagle Audience: I think I still have a lot of potential for growth. In

addition, even if there is no such growth potential, it would be good if

Rifan can personally apply the ointment for me. ]

[Hey! Upstairs... are you a woman?]

[Eagle Audience: I am a new human!]

[Gah! I don't think Brother Rifan will apply ointment to you!]

After Rifan's words fell, Ayane's brows couldn't help but frown even


"Rifan, don't tell me you intend to take advantage of the opportunity to

smear my body with medicine?"

"If that's what you think, I'll pass."

Ayane shook her head and said.

When Tashigi heard Ayane's words, she couldn't help but think of the

picture of Rifan applying ointment for her whole body…

Suddenly, the blush on her face had reached her neck.

She wanted to refuse like Ayane.

But she thought of Carina who was 'forced' by Rifan to join the Black

Pearl Pirates.

In order to be able to replace her from the Black Pearl Pirates, she dared

not refuse Rifan.

"I didn't say I was going to apply the ointment for you."

"This ointment is for your personal use."

"Of course, there are some other ointments here that need your help to

experiment now."

Rifan shrugged and said.

"I see! However, if you think about what you said earlier, if a person's

body has no possibility of growing up, this ointment of yours is

completely useless."

"Rifan, do you have a way to judge whether a person's body has the

possibility to grow?"

Ayane suddenly asked.

"Of course there is. As long as you take this secret medicine of mine, you

will know whether your body has the possibility of growing."

"How about it, do you want to try it, Ms. Ayane?"

Rifan took out two copies of "Secret Medicine - Ginseng Newcomer" from

behind, and handed them to Ayane and Tashigi with a smile on his face.

Chapter 93: Poisons Will Be Tried

With The Enemy!




Ayane looked at the pink powder in front of her eyes, and immediately


For this kind of drug of unknown origin, her first instinct was to refuse.

After all, the deal between her and Rifan did not state that she will help

Rifan with testing drugs.

As for the kindness of Rifan's previous rescue, she felt that letting Rifan

look at her body once was considered a repayment.

"Let me do it."

Tashigi let out a breath, took a step forward and directly picked up a

potion and poured it into her mouth.

Unlike Ayane, Tashigi thinks that she still owes Rifan's kindness, and she

still needs Rifan's help.

So she doesn't mind testing it.

Seeing this, Ayane raised her eyebrows and looked at Tashigi with


Soon, under Ayane's surprised eyes, Tashigi's body actually began to


In just a few seconds, Tashigi's three-dimensionality has grown


The maid uniform, which was originally very petite and compact for

Tashigi, also became tense in an instant.

With a sound of 'tearing', the maid uniform in front of Tashigi was torn

apart by the pressure, revealing the inner layer of clothes.

The live broadcast room also fell into darkness in an instant.

Tashigi's changes are not over yet.

With the continuous growth of her body, the cracks left by the maid

uniform were added.

All of a sudden, it seems to have a chain reaction.

The sound of tearing began to come from Tashigi's body.

Tashigi's eyes widened in surprise, at this moment, she even felt that the

buttons of the clothes inside the maid uniform were snapped open.

"How about it, the effect is not bad, right?"

"As expected of a secret medicine~."

After Rifan looked up and down at Tashigi's battle-damaged state, he

looked at Nojiko with a smile on his face.

"It's really good, but when taking this medicine, it's better to use

something loosely."

"Or more elastic clothing."

"Captain Rifan, don't tell me it's also you who gives Tashigi her maid

uniform just to see this scene?"

Nojiko clasped her hands together, looking at Rifan as if she had read

Rifan's mind.

"Hey, you're slandering me. It's not my fault, this outfit was prepared by


"If you don't believe me, you can ask her."

Rifan shrugged and said.


Nojiko fell into deep thought, thinking of Robin's character.

She felt that Robin probably did this on purpose, in order to satisfy

Rifan's hobby by the way.

"Is it really possible to make a person grow up in that second?"

"Tashigi, how are you feeling now, is there something wrong?"

Aside, Ayane raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.


Tashigi pouted, wrapped her arms around her body, and said


"There are side effects?!"

Ayane was startled, and immediately frowned and looked at Rifan.

"Don't look at me like that, I don't think that's what she means."

"Maybe she is just not adapting to her current body."

"After all, Tashigi's body shape has changed a lot now."

"Also, it's the so-called embarrassment."

Rifan rested his chin on one hand and looked at Tashigi with interest.

At this moment, Tashigi, apart from still having short hair, has indeed

grown into the state two years later in terms of body.

Rifan looked at Nojiko. At this time, Rifan had already started to imagine

Nojiko growing body after taking the medicine.

"I see."

Ayane nodded, just as she was about to marvel at the magic of the potion

made by Rifan.

Rifan made a sudden move and poured another potion into Ayane's



Ayane's eyes widened, but she saw that Rifan had picked up a glass of

water and poured it down her mouth.

The medicine powder entered Ayane's stomach in an instant with clear


The effect of the medicine came quickly, and as soon as the medicine

powder entered her stomach, Ayane felt a sudden heat coming from the

inside of her body.

With the flow of this heat, she felt that her strength had increased in an


Although this increase is not large, in terms of effect, it is like a person

directly entering the peak state after warming up from the normal state.

But it does have an effect on battles, especially sudden ones.

"Rifan, you bastard, what did you do to me!?"

Ayane wiped the water from the corner of her mouth, and looked at

Rifan coldly.

"Hehe, don't be angry, isn't there no side effect?"

"Speaking of which, isn't this the result of the test?"

"This way, you don't have to use the growth ointment I mentioned


Rifan waved his hand and smiled.

"Don't use it?"

Ayane blinked, and soon realized what he meant.

She lowered her head to look at her body, but found that her body didn't

change at all.

Reminiscent of what Rifan said earlier, how could she not understand

what he meant?

In other words, her body has been fixed, and there is no possibility of


If the age continues to increase, the only possibility left is aging.

"Tsk, boring."

Ayane clasped her arms and turned her head to look elsewhere.

"Hehe, don't be discouraged, your physical condition is already good


Rifan patted Ayane's head with a smile, came to Tashigi and handed the

growth ointment into Tashigi's hand.

"Tashigi, I'll trouble you to use this medicine for a while later."

"Remember to tell me how you feel after using it."

"But if you're embarrassed to talk to me as a man, you can find Nojiko."

"Besides, she is a nurse, so she can also apply the ointment for you."

"Of course, if you want me to do it for you, I won't refuse."

When Tashigi heard this, her face that had recovered a little turned red


"Growth ointment, you can take it back and use it privately later."

"Next, I will trouble you two to help me try these healing and recovery

potions, as well as some ointments for body maintenance."

"Don't worry I won't test you for poison or something."

"Those things, I will find an enemy to test them later, hehe."

Rifan walked back to the counter beside him, opened the cabinet to

reveal various medicines and ointments inside, and smiled gently at the

two women.

Seeing all kinds of ointments, Tashigi and Ayane immediately became

extremely complicated.

"Speaking of which, the sun is quite strong today.

"It's not very good for girls' skin."

"Why don't you try my special sunscreen first, how about it?"

"You two, do you need me to do a press service for you?"

"Whether it's bone setting or other things, I'm pretty good at it, and

there's no charge."

Rifan laughed.

A few hours later, the consulting room.

"So, this is what you call a test ointment."

"Isn't it kind of nice to treat Tashigi like this?"

Nami embraced her hands, looked at Tashigi who was lying on the

hospital bed with her back exposed, and was smeared with various

ointments by Nojiko, and turned her head to look at Rifan and asked.

"If you want to test the medicine, I can also let you replace Tashigi's


"At that time, I would be more than happy to apply the medicine myself."

Rifan shrugged and said.

"Hehe~ If it's you, Captain Rifan, you need to pay me some berries~. But

I pass for now. "

"By the way, I'm here to tell you.

"Now we can see the warship island."

"However, there are many warships docked around the warship island."

"Mikita also saw some villagers caught by some marines on the warship

from the sky, and their attitude was very unfriendly."

"Captain Rifan, shall we sail the ship over now?"

When it came to business, Nami's face became serious.


When Tashigi heard Nami's words, she jumped up from the hospital bed

regardless of her own condition.

And the towel that originally covered her waist also fell down.

Rifan heard the sound and looked, and directly saw the picture that was

far enough to make the screen of the live broadcast room black.

"Although it lacks a little level compared to when she used the 'Secret

Drug' earlier."

"But overall, it's still good~"

Rifan glanced up and down at Tashigi, and gave a rather pertinent


When Tashigi heard this, she also realized his situation, and quickly took

the towel handed over by Nojiko and wrapped herself in it.

"Miss Nami, you said earlier that Marines are arresting civilians, is that


Tashigi asked Nami anxiously.

"That's right, I saw it on my own eyes."

Nami nodded slightly and said calmly.

"Damn Nelson, you really dare to do such a thing!"

"Is he still a Marine?!"

Tashigi gritted her teeth and said, obviously very angry with Nelson.

"Not all Marines are good people, isn't Colonel Mouse the same."

Nojiko couldn't help but speak at this time.

When Tashigi heard this, her face turned red immediately.

I don't know if it's because of being too angry, or because of the shame in

her heart.

"Rifan… "

After a while, Tashigi looked up at Rifan expectantly.

"Hehe, don't worry. Without you saying anything, I will still make a

move. After all, that's what I came here for."

"Change your clothes, Tashigi."

"Also, keep our ship away from those warships, and find a place to dock

in a safe place on the island first."

"By the way, don't let those Marines notice us…"

Hearing Rifan's words, Nami nodded immediately, turned and left the

treatment table, intending to make some preparations.

Just when Rifan was about to keep up with Nami.

Tashigi reached up and grabbed Rifan's shirt.

"Is there anything else, Tashigi?"

"Rifan, can... Can you not hurt those innocent Marines? There must be

innocent Marines in the fleet."

"Tashigi, when they obeyed that trash Nelson order, there wasn't a single

innocent among them."

"Rifan, are you going to kill them all?"

When Tashigi heard Rifan's words, she immediately looked into Rifan's

eyes worriedly.

Rifan and Tashigi looked at each other, and after thinking for a while, he

put his hand on Tashigi's exposed shoulder.

"Let go, Tashigi."

"Although I can't guarantee it, I'm not the one to kill after all. It will

depend on the situation and try to kill as little as possible."

After speaking, Rifan led Nojiko and Ayane out of the room.

Tashigi was stunned.

Blinking, she hastily changed into casual clothes that Nojiko had

prepared earlier.

She quickly ran out of the room to follow the footsteps of Rifan and


When they came to the deck, Tashigi immediately borrowed Mikita's

binoculars, and sure enough, she saw the mighty Marine fleet in the


Of course, she also saw the civilians on Warship Island who were

constantly tied up by Marines and brought onto the warship.

Such a scene made Tashigi's eyes widen.

Tashigi was even more terrified when she saw a Marine raise his rifle and

pointed it at civilians.

"Damn, are those guys really Marine?!"

"He even pointed a gun at civilians?!"

Tashigi gritted her silver teeth, her whole body trembling with anger.

"What, are everyone in the village going to be killed?"

"Sister Carina, Big brother Rifan, please help everyone!"

Abis raised her head and looked at Rifan pitifully.

Carina raised her hand and touched Abis's small head, then turned to

look at the wind.

"Don't worry, we'll save them. Let's go first, Carina."

"Nami, Mikita, you lead everyone to sail our ship to Warship Island."

Rifan walked to Carina's side and carried her on his back as before.

Rifan has not forgotten that Carina still has an advanced invitation task

related to this marines.

After defeating the Treasure Hunter, he only needed to defeat Nelson to

complete the task.

In order to accumulate points and increase Carina's favorability, Rifan

naturally wants to take her to personally deal with Nelson and other


After seeing Ayane's eagerness to move, Rifan said:

"Miss Ayane, you can stay here this time."

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten our agreement."

Rifan just scanned with his Observation Haki, and he could understand

that the number of Marine soldiers on the opposite side was even close to

more than 5,000.

With so many Marines, Rifan didn't intend to let Ayane—kill them all.

Even if Ayane could bear to do such a thing for points.

But Rifan doesn't want to see a thousand people die for the sake of


Moreover, Rifan didn't forget the agreement he had promised Tashigi not

to attack ordinary sailors easily.

Ayane stopped the steps she was about to take. After all, she was

dependent on others, so she could only choose to nod at this time.

On the other hand, Tashigi, when she saw Rifan walking to the edge of

the boat and wanted to use Moonwalk to leave, she ran to Rifan and

grabbed his arm.

"Rifan, I'm going too!"

"Why, are you worried about me, worried that I will kill all Marines?"

"...I...I want to see that man Nelson with my own eyes."

Rifan glanced at Tashigi, not knowing that she was really worried that he

might kill all the Marine soldiers.

He shook his head, reached out and held Tashigi under his arm.

Then he stepped on the deck of the Black Pearl, and rushed towards the

Marine fleet at the opposite port of Warship Island with the help of the

reaction force.


Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. ...

Chapter 94: Tashigi's

Misunderstood Power;




At the port of Warship Island, several warships are docked side by side

along the shore.

And on a warship in the middle.

The fat Commodore Nelson sat on his throne, frowning and looking at the

distant sea, anxiously waiting for the return of the treasure hunter.

Beside him, Eric, a mercenary in a suit, looked at the residents of

Warship Island who were brought to the warship by Nelson's order.

What the two of them and the Marines didn't notice was that.

Just a minute ago, Rifan had sneaked into the watchtower of the warship

with Tashigi and Carina.

At this moment, the three of them were standing on the watchtower and

observing the situation on the deck below.

As for the soldiers stationed on the watchtower, they were naturally

brought down by Rifan.

"Damn it, what happened to those treasure hunters?"

"Why haven't they come back yet?"

"Why did the call come through, but no one answered?!"

Suddenly, Nelson threw the red wine glass in his hand to the ground,

roaring and cursing.

This scene was also watched by Rifan and others who were in an

invisible state.

"Don't worry, 'Admiral', maybe they just encountered some extremely

short weather."

"So it's not convenient to get through to your call now."

Eric, the mercenary and sickle devil fruit user, said calmly while

arranging his hair.

"Hmph, I can't wait any longer."

"You come here, shoot a civilian on the warship island in the next ten


"Until the treasure hunters come back."

"If all these people are dead, then go to Warship Island to catch more


Nelson snorted coldly, dragged his fat body to stand up from his seat, and

walked to the civilians on the island of the warship kneeling on the deck.

"Let's start with you."

Nelson drew his pistol, stood one meter away from an old man among

the civilians and pointed it at his head.

"Damn it, stop it!"

Seeing this, Tashigi no longer cared about hiding, and jumped directly

from the watchtower, landing between Nelson and the civilians of

Warship Island.

"This gitl is still so excited."

Rifan shook his head and murmured in a low voice.

"Tashigi is a kind girl, there is nothing she can do about it."

Carina said with a chuckle.

Carina has seen Tashigi's kindness since Tashigi helped her and Abis

escape from the navy.

So she was not surprised by Tashigi's behavior at the moment.

Meanwhile, the other side.


Startled by Tashigi's presence, Nelson unconsciously pulls the trigger and

fires a bullet.

Fortunately, due to excessive fright, this blow was not accurate at all.

The bullet flew past Tashigi and landed on the deck of the Marine.

This made Rifan, who originally planned to use the flying Finger Pistol to

intercept the bullet, stop what he was doing, and continued to choose to

hide with Carina.

Rifan thought very simply, since Tashigi has gone out.

Then let her learn more about Nelson.

The sickle fruit ability user Eric and everyone were attracted by Tashigi

who suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and they all looked over

with frowns.

Eric, who has a more cautious personality, even raised his head to look in

the direction where Tashigi fell.

But at this moment Carina has unfolded the color fruit to make her and

Rifan transparent.

Eric naturally found nothing.

"You woman, who are you, why are you here?!"

After seeing the surrounding sailors aiming their weapons at Tashigi,

Nelson's surprise slowed down a little, and he yelled at Tashigi sharply.

"I am Marine Ueda Tashigi, a subordinate of Colonel Smoker in Logue


"Commodore Nelson, as a Marine, how can you do anything to innocent


Tashigi clenched his fists and asked Admiral Nelson harshly.

"Are you Marine?"

"Why does the Marine in Logue town appear here?"

Nelson frowned, clearly not believing what Tashigi said.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter how you got here, and it doesn't matter who

you are."

"Since you disturb me, you can die here."

Nelson raised his hand and waved to the sailors on the side.

With the signal, the soldiers who aimed their guns at Tashigi pulled the


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless black bullets flew out of the barrel, aiming at Tashigi.

At this moment, Tashigi didn't have a sword in her hand, and she was at

a loss for a moment when facing the bullets coming down.

Rifan, who was hidden in the watchtower, was speechless seeing her

standing there like a statue, and popped out the flying Finger Pistol

corresponding to the bullet.

The invisible flying Finger Pistol is more powerful than bullets.

After colliding with the bullet, the bullet was actually inserted directly

into the deck.

"What? What happened?!"

Nelson's eyes widened when he saw that Tashigi was safe and sound.

"The bullets fell into the deck, is this woman a devil fruit user?"

The mercenary Eric pushed his sunglasses and looked at Tashigi with


"Devil fruit power?" Nelson frowned, "Damn woman, do you think you

can thwart my plan to find the Millennium Dragon with this ability?!"

"Everyone, kill her!"

Facing his order, the Marine soldiers could only choose to obey the order.

But this time, before they even pulled the trigger, they felt a breathtaking

aura descending from the sky and covering them.

And all the Marine soldiers with guns aimed at Tashigi rolled their eyes

and fainted on the deck.

Tashigi blinked, looking at this extremely familiar scene.

"What's going on, you woman, what method did you use?!"

Because of Rifan's precise control over Conqueror's Haki.

Nelson wasn't affected by Rifan's Conqueror's Haki, so had no idea what

was going on, and thought it was Tashigi using her Devil Fruit's ability.

"It's kind of interesting, even I didn't see it clearly."

"It seems that this woman is a powerful devil fruit user."

Eric pulled his hands out of his pants, and looked at Tashigi with serious


"What? Even you didn't understand?! "

Nelson looked at Eric in shock.

You know, in his eyes, Eric beside him is stronger than the team of

treasure hunters he hired.

Thinking of this, Nelson rolled his eyes, and his expression instantly

became milder.

"Haha, misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding."

"Little girl, you are a Marine."

"You misunderstood me. How could I attack civilians?"

"I am Commodore Nelson of the 8th Branch of East Blue."

"Come here, I can explain it to you."

Nelson laughed and waved to Tashigi with a gentle face.

Tashigi looked at the civilians who were tied up behind her, and then at

Nelson in front of her.

And she didn't believe what Nelson said.

However, just when she wanted to refute and question Nelson.

Behind her, a Marine dressed as a civilian rushed to Tashigi's side and put

a pair of seastone bracelets on her hand.


Tashigi opened her eyes slightly, and immediately wanted to punch the

soldier behind her.

However, Eric suddenly appeared beside her and put his hand on

Tashigi's neck...

"I advise you to stay still, little girl."

"I ate the sickle fruit."

"As long as I wave my arm lightly, I can swing a sharp wind blade."

"If you don't want your head to fall to the ground, just stay still."

After Eric finished speaking, he raised his other hand and waved towards

the distance.

And a wind blade flew out, directly splitting a hole along the side of the


"You bastard Eric, don't do anything to my ship!? "

Nelson snarled and stepped over to Tashigi's side.

"And you, don't be a hero if you don't have the ability."

"I don't care if you are a Marine or not, as long as you stand in the way of

my search for immortality, I will eradicate you!"

"Aren't you trying to save these lowlife lives?"

"In this case, I will let you feel your powerlessness!"

As Nelson spoke, he waved to the soldiers in the distance.

The sailors who received the order immediately understood what Nelson

meant, and ran quickly behind every villager of the warship island who

was bound and kneeling on the ground.

And put the rifle in their hands on the back of their heads.

And all the villagers showed despairing expressions.

"Stop it, they are all innocent, how can you do this!?"

Tashigi yelled at Nelson angrily, but under Eric's control, she was

powerless to resist.

"I should have said just now that everyone who stands in front of me is

my enemy."

"I wanted to kill these guys one by one."

"But you disturbed my interest, so I'm going to get rid of them all at


"After that, just go to the island to catch more."

After Nelson finished speaking, he turned his head and gave his soldiers a


"No! Help them, Rifaaann!"

Seeing that all the Marine soldiers had put their fingers on the triggers of

their rifles, Tashigi quickly raised her head to look at the watchtower.


Eric frowned, and immediately raised his head to look at the sky.

But before he raised his head completely, he felt a gravity fall on his


The powerful force brought Eric's body to hit the deck heavily.

Before he could even see clearly who attacked him, he completely lost

consciousness and fell into a coma.

The sudden occurrence of situation made everyone on the scene stunned

for an instant.

Eric who stared blankly to the end, and Rifan who suddenly appeared

beside Eric and knocked him unconscious.

"Tashigi, now, it's time for you to face reality."

"This fat man named Nelson is indeed not a good Marine."

"Also, didn't we agree before that I will bring you here, and you will obey

my arrangement honestly?"

Rifan rubbed his fist that knocked Eric unconscious, and turned to look at


"I'm sorry Rifan, I'll apologize however you want in the future."

"Can you help them now?"

Tashigi looked at the civilians whose guns were held to their heads by

the sailors and shouted anxiously to Rifan.

Originally, Nelson planned to execute civilians one by one to pass the


But because of Tashigi's appearance, Nelson now plans to execute all the

civilians who are brought on the warship together at the same time.

From Tashigi's point of view, such a situation is entirely her fault.

Tashigi doesn't want this to happen anyway.

But she also understands that even seastone handcuffs have no effect on


But when all the civilians were held to their heads with guns at close

range, except for Rifan, no one at the scene was able to save them safely.

"Rifan?! Wait, you are the big pirate 'Black Mist' Rifan who offered a

reward of 300 million Berry?!"



Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. ...

Chapter 95: The Lost Treasure Of

The Millennium Dragon.




At this moment, Nelson finally recognized Rifan, the character who

caused an uproar in Marine.

He had a frightened expression on his face, and he couldn't help but want

to back away so as to stay away from Rifan.

"That's right, he is the great pirate Rifan who offered a reward of 300

million Berry."

"Now you must be scared, you pig."

At this time, a crisp voice sounded behind Nelson.

Nelson turned his head in horror, and when he realized that the person

behind him was actually Carina who had taken Abis away earlier, his

whole face twisted.

"It's you, woman! How dare you appear in front of me!"

"Hee hee, why should I be scared of appearing in front of you? Also, is it

really okay for you to be so rude, Rifan over there is my current captain."

"What? Rifan is your captain?! Bastard, you brought him here!?"

"That's right, now it's time for us to settle our accounts, Pig."

"No...impossible, how could you have a relationship with Rifan who

offered a reward of 300 million Berry. That's right, you are not Rifan, you

must be pretending. Let me tell you, if you dare to touch me, these

civilians will die!"

Nelson swallowed, and after looking at Eric who was lying on the

ground, he began to step back to the side.

Even if he doesn't want to believe that the Rifan in front of him is the

Rifan who was offered a reward of 300 million Berry.

But in the situation of being easily approached by a man who can easily

defeat Eric, Nelson still couldn't hide his fear.

"Yeah, I don't think so."

Rifan smiled, and his body instantly disappeared in place.

Then, Nelson was horrified to find that the Marine soldiers with their

guns on the heads of civilians all flew into the sky, and finally all fell into

the sea.

Even the Marine adjutant who had previously restrained Tashigi with

seastone handcuffs did the same.

"Thank you Rifan."

Tashigi said excitedly looking at Rifan who unlocked the seastone lock on


"You'd better think about how to repay my kindness, Tashigi."

"Rescuing a Marine, who is an enemy, over and over again, it's almost

time for me to collect the bill."

Rifan patted Tashigi's shoulder and said softly.

When Tashigi heard this, she couldn't help lowering her head.

At this moment, she couldn't help but think of what Rifan said in the

consultation room of the Black Pearl.

'Should I really let Rifan apply growth ointment on me?'

Thinking of this, Tashigi blushed a lot.

"Tashigi, why don't you wait until you get famous swords in the future,

and use those famous swords to pay back the debt."

At this time, Rifan suddenly spoke.

"Famous sword?! No, no, I'd rather let you smear me with ointment than

give you a famous sword!"

Upon hearing the famous sword, Tashigi raised her head excitedly and

said to Rifan.

"Apply ointment? You think you can pay off your debt by doing this?"

"It seems that my kindness is quite cheap."

Rifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Tashigi with interest.

Under Rifan's gaze, Tashigi instantly realized what she said, and her

whole face instantly turned red like a ripe red apple.

"Next, it's your turn."

Rifan looked away and looked at Nelson again.

"What are you going to do, I am 'Admiral' Nelson!"

"I can command tens of thousands of Marine troops."

"If you shoot me, you will definitely not end well."

Seeing Rifan's indifferent gaze, Nelson's legs instantly softened.

The whole person fell directly to the floor.

Even so, none of the Marine soldiers dared to approach Nelson.

After seeing Rifan's strength, the Marines on the warship have already

overlapped Rifan with the Black Mist Rifan with a reward of 300 million


Under such circumstances, they didn't dare to do anything to Rifan at all.

"Tens of thousands of troops? If it's just a normal army, the number of

troops is not an advantage."

Rifan shook his head, and the powerful Conqueror's Haki instantly spread


It attacked the surrounding warships faintly approaching Nelson's


After a while, among all the Marines who could still stand, only Nelson,

who was deliberately left behind by Rifan, was left.

"How...how did this happen, what did you do!?"

Nelson looked at the fallen soldiers on the warship, and asked Rifan in


"You don't need to know anymore."

"Carina, do what you have to do."

Rifan turned his head and said to Carina at the side.

"Hehe~ Thank you captain, I can't wait to teach this fat pig a lesson."

Carina squeezed her fists and walked towards Nelson with a grin.

Afterwards, Admiral Nelson's frightened cries for help and screams began

to resound in the sea.

[Rifan, congratulations on completing Carina's advanced invitation

mission—defeating Treasure Hunter and Admiral Nelson [Special reward

points: 500 points. ]

[Carina's personal attributes have been refreshed, please check with

confidence. ]

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates]

[Name: Carina]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Crew number: 05]

[Position: Diva (Expert)]

[Physical: 3053]

[Physical level: C level]

[Devil Fruit: Color Fruit]

[Special Ability: Primary Armament Haki]

[Loyalty: 79 (close friend)]

'Tsk, one point less from an intimate relationship.'

'This is troublesome, what method should I use to make Carina's loyalty

to me reach 100 marks?'

Rifan looked at Carina's back and thought in his heart.

This is related to whether he can use the color devil fruit in the future, so

Rifan is so concerned about Carina's loyalty.

"Captain Rifan, has everything been resolved?"

Mikita fell from the sky and came to Rifan's side.

Afterwards, Robin, Nami and others also came to Rifan's side one after


After a period of time, the Black Pearl has quietly approached the Marine


"Yes. And that guy is no longer a threat."

"Abis, what are you going to do next?"

Rifan nodded slightly, and looked at Abis, who was brought by Nojiko to

the warship and was communicating with the civilians on the warship

island captured by Nelson.

"Brother Rifan, thank you very much this time."

"If it wasn't for you, I don't know what that fat man would do."

"By the way, Brother Rifan, why don't you come with me to meet

Grandpa Ryu?"

"If it's someone like you, Brother Rifan, Grandpa Ryu will definitely not

reject it."

"If possible, I want Big Brother Rifan to do me a favor for Grandpa Ryu."

Abis walked up to Rifan, raised his head and said.

"Grandpa Ryu? Abis, I can go see Grandpa Ryu too, right?"

When Carina heard what Abis said, she immediately left Nelson, who had

been beaten to death by her using armament haki, and trotted over.

She has not forgotten the original purpose of her contact with Abis.

"Abis, what else do you want from me?"

Rifan touched Abis's small head and said with a smile on his face.

"Grandpa Ryu wants to go back to his hometown, but because of his

memory problem."

"He doesn't quite remember where his hometown is."

"He just remembered that it's called Lost Island."

"I would like to ask Brother Rifan to take Grandpa Ryu to the Lost


"Then help Grandpa Ryu find his hometown."

Abis clasped her hands together and looked at Rifan with big watery


[Rifan, congratulations on triggering the mission!]

[Help Grandpa Ryu find his hometown, and you will get special rewards.


The sudden reminder made Rifan raise his eyebrows.

If someone else receives this task, it may take a lot of effort to complete


But it is different for Rifan who knows the plot of the original One Piece.

He did know that the hometown of the Millennium Dragon was Warship


Now Warship Island cannot be seen to be the hometown of the thousand-

year-old dragon, it is only because Warship Island experiences low tide

every thousand years.

And after the tide, the true appearance of Warship Island, the hometown

of the thousand-year-old dragon, will be revealed.

"Captain Rifan, I also ask you to take us to see the hometown of the

thousand-year-old dragon."

Carina walked up to Rifan, took Rifan's hand in her arms, and looked at

Rifan earnestly.

Rifan smiled, and just about to agree, a relevant reminder came to his

mind again.

[Rifan, you have triggered the advanced invitation mission of Carina - the

lost Millennium Dragon Treasure. ]

[Help Carina learn the truth about the hometown of the Millennium

Dragon, and you will get related rewards. ]

One mission, including two tasks, how could Rifan refuse such a thing?

He nodded with a smile on his face and said:

"Don't worry, since we've already came here."

"I will naturally deal with the matter of the Millennium Dragon together."

"Abis, you go to pick up the dragon with Carina and the others first."

"I still have some things to deal with here."

"After the matter on my side is settled, I will take you and Grandpa Ryu

to see the hometown of the thousand-year-old dragon, I promise. "

Hearing this, Abis tilted her head in doubt.

"Brother Rifan, isn't that bad guy already down?"

"Is there anything else you need to attend to?"

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, and he turned around to look at a

cliff in the distance of Warship Island.

"Although Nelson has been solved, there are still some chores left."

"Besides, there is an old friend coming in that direction, I have to meet

that them first."

When Abis heard this, although she didn't understand, she still nodded


Soon, Abis returned to Warship Island under the leadership of Nami and

Carina, and rushed towards the hiding place of the old dragon.

"Captain Rifan, the old friend you mentioned. Are they enemies?"

Robin came to Rifan and asked curiously.

"Well, she's from the Marines after all."

"You've met her too, Robin. That's Hina who took us to East Blue before."

Rifan nodded slightly.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hina?!"

Tashigi's eyes widened and she looked over in disbelief.

"So that's it. It seems that Ms. Hina is going to be unlucky again."

Robin said with a chuckle.

"Robin, Mikita, and Ayane and Nojiko ."

"I will trouble you guys to bring this mercenary Eric and Admiral Nelson

back to the Black Pearl first."

"I'm going to meet that acquaintance."

"Let's see what they're here for."

After Rifan finished speaking, he jumped up and flew towards the sky

stepping on the Moonwalk. .

"Rifan, you..."

When Tashigi saw Rifan's behavior

She moved, and immediately wanted to speak to Rifan.

However, Robin behind her put her hand on Tashigi's shoulder.

"Don't be too greedy, Miss Marine."

"Don't forget, your current identity is that of a captive."

"At this time, instead of worrying about the safety of another person's

life, you might as well think about yourself."

"Also, hasn't Captain Rifan let these ordinary Marines go?"

As Robin said, she looked up at the fallen Marines around them.

Hearing this, Tashigi followed Robin's line of sight and looked at the

sailors lying on the deck who were stunned by Rifan, and fell silent.

Warship Island, under a hidden cliff, a Marine warship is here.

At the bow of the ship, a mature woman in a rose-colored suit is holding

a den-den mushi and making relevant reports.

"...Yes, Marshal Sengoku, Hina spotted the Black Pearl Pirates on Warship


"They seem to have just defeated Commodore Nelson's fleet."

"I understand. I will monitor their actions from a distance and will not

approach them easily."

With a female cigarette in her mouth, Hina solemnly reported to Marshal

Sengoku on the opposite side of the den-den mushi.

Little did she know, at the moment above her head, Rifan was looking at

her with a smile on his face and eavesdropping on her conversation with


—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Good guy, it's this woman again, she's going to be in trouble now. ]

[Rifan and her are really destined, you said if she is caught by Rifan

again this time, will she fall into autism directly?]

[I guess she will doubt life, and I am afraid that she will turn around and

run away when she sees Rifan in the future. ]

[That's not necessarily true, maybe she won't have the chance to leave

this time. ]

[That's right, Brother Rifan will let her go once, but he may not be able

to let her go a second time. After all, Brother Rifan doesn't necessarily

make an agreement with this woman this time, so naturally he doesn't

have to abide by his promise. ]

[Quickly listen, that Sengoku is talking about Garp again. As long as he

knows Garp's whereabouts, Brother Rifan is safe.]

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

"Hina, Garp is still a certain distance away from Warship Island."

"Even if he rushes to your place with all his strength, it will take close to

a day and a night."

"So don't let the other party know your position. Just follow up with the

Black Pearl Pirates."

"Given their strength, you must not have direct contact with them,


Opposite the den-den mushi, Sengoku reminded again.

Hina nodded slightly, and was about to answer.

However, at this moment, a very familiar voice suddenly sounded above

Hina's head.

"Unfortunately, she has been discovered by me."

"So maybe you can't continue to monitor our whereabouts, Miss Hina~"

Hearing this, Hina immediately raised her head.

"It's you, Rifan! How could you find us!"

Hina was so surprised that she dropped the cigarette from her mouth.

It never occurred to her that Rifan would be able to detect her location

even though she chose a sea area more than ten kilometers away from

the Black Pearl.

"Hehe, things like Observation Haki are very convenient."

A red light flashed in Rifan's eyes, and he stepped hard on the air with

both feet.

With Moonwalk's counterforce, he appeared next to Hina almost instantly

and grabbed her arm holding the den-den mushi.

"Hello, Marshal Sengoku, thank you for telling me about the whereabouts

of Vice Admiral Garp~

Rifan laughed.

"Rifan, you..."

Before Sengoku finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"Okay, the person who hindered our conversation is gone, and we can

have a good talk alone, Ms. Hina."

Rifan stuffed the den-den mushi into his pocket.

He looked at Hina with a smile on his face and the sailors standing

behind Hina looking at him in horror.

"I forgot about you guys."

After Rifan finished speaking, the Conqueror's Haki unfolded instantly,

pouring towards the sailors on the warship.

And all the sailors, except Hina, fell on the deck with their eyes turned




Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. ...

Chapter 96: Sending Tyrant Kuma

Against Rifan.

Naval Headquarters, Office of the Marshal.

"Damn it!"

Sengoku slammed the den-den mushi's microphone on the desk, a vein

popping out on his forehead from being too angry.

"Sengoku, the urgent task now is to send troops to support Hina."

"If Hina is caught again this time, Hina may not be able to come back


In a corner of the office, Marine Chief Staff Officer Tsuru said solemnly.

After Hina's report, Tsuru and Sengoku have analyzed that Rifan is a man

of his words.

As long as the other party fulfills the agreement, Rifan will also act

according to the agreement.

The last time Hina was arrested, because Hina completed the agreement

to take Rifan and others to East Blue, so Rifan let Hina and others go.

But this time, Rifan didn't necessarily ask for anything, so Tsuru felt that

Rifan might really do something to Hina and other marines.

"I know, Tsuru, but the Marine Base closest to Hina is the 8th Branch of

East Blue led by Nelson."

"But you also heard Hina's report just now, that guy Rifan may have

defeated Nelson."

"Although Garp is still in East Blue, judging from the distance between

them and the warship island, there is no way for them to reach the

warship island in a short time."

Sengoku shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Tsuru also frowned, and at the same time her head started

to run wildly, trying to figure out a way to help Hina.

"Sengoku, I remember you said earlier that Tyrant Kuma is also in East

Blue, where is he now?"

"You know his ability. As long as he is not too far away from Warship

Island, he can reach his destination in a short time."

Tsuru said.


Sengoku's eyes lit up, and he immediately picked up the den-den mushi

and started dialing Kuma's number.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The waters near Warship Island.

"Plume Feather Threshold!"

Hina suddenly aimed at Rifan's position and threw a long black


However, in the face of such a blow, Rifan just touched the deck with his

footsteps, used Marine Six Styles 'shave', and instantly came behind Hina.

"Really, Ms. Hina?"

"You should understand that you are not my opponent, right?"

"Is such a useless move really intentional?"

After Rifan finished speaking, Hina did a backspin kick towards Rifan's


However, Rifan just raised his right hand lightly, and grasped the kicked

foot of Hina in his hand.

"Hina won't be caught without a fight!"

Hina fixed her eyes on Rifan, and did not pull back her leg that was held

by Rifan. She directly raised her hands and stabbed at Rifan's abdomen.

However, it was such a blow that made a sound like a metal collision

after hitting Rifan's body.

Rifan was not knocked into the air by the black threshold emanating

from Hina's palm, but Hina herself was sent flying by the ever-extending

black threshold in her palm.

"It seems that for being dishonest, Ms. Hina needs to be punished to a

certain extent."

Rifan shook his head, and after dispelling the Armament Haki on his

body for defense, he stepped on the deck and rushed towards Hina.

Seeing Rifan rushing towards her, Hina quickly crossed her hands, trying

to defend herself against Rifan's attack.

"Kanpo Kenpo medicine— poisonous mist!"

Rifan swallowed the pack of medicine powder he was carrying with him,

and then slammed a breath containing poisonous mist in the direction of


Hina's eyes widened, apparently not expecting Rifan to do this.

Before she could react, she was completely enveloped by the poisonous


After Rifan finished all this, he didn't continue to attack. Instead, he

stopped at the spot and looked at Hina who ran sideways from the

poisonous fog with interest.

"Hina wasn't hurt?"

"Rifan, are you playing Hina?"

Hina didn't feel any pain in her body, she frowned and looked at Rifan.

"The poisonous mist is not an attack that directly acts on your body."

"The poisonous mist is a mist that has a strong corrosive effect on


"And the effect of this trick is to make the opponent fall into a shy state

because of the damaged clothes, so that there is no way to deal with the

enemy well."

"Hina, take a look at your clothes~"

"They're corroding now~"

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth, raised his finger and pointed at the

clothes on Hina, and said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Hina hurriedly lowered her head to look at her body.

Sure enough, she found that her clothes were being corroded at an

extremely fast speed.

Even if she wanted to stop it in a panic, it only took a few seconds.

The clothes on her body have been corroded in all directions.

A lot of skin is exposed.

Even, she had to hold her suit and trousers with both hands, so as not to

let them slip off her body.

"You bastard!"

Hina glared at Rifan viciously, but this time she did not attack again.

After all, if she moved casually, the clothes on her body would really slip


"It looks like you've calmed down."

"In this way, we can finally talk."

"Tell me, Miss Hina, how do you plan to get away from me this time and

keep those subordinates you value?"

Rifan raised his finger and pointed to the sailors behind Hina who were

stunned with the Conqueror's Haki, and said.

Hina pursed her lips, turned her head to look at the sailors around her,

and frowned even tighter for a moment.

"Rifan, please make a condition."

"This time, how do you spare Hina's subordinates?"

Hina took a deep breath, pursed her lips and asked Rifan.

"Well... I don't need you to take me across the Calm Belt this time either."

"It stands to reason that you don't have anything I need here."

Rifan rested his chin with one hand, as if he was thinking.

When Hina heard this, she immediately became nervous.

"If Hina does that dance for you, can you let them go?"

"Oh, it seems that Ms. Hina has been practicing secretly, but I'm sorry, if

it's just that, forget it."

"Then… if Hina gives you her body, it should be enough."

As if to prove her determination, Hina let go of her hands.

And her rose-colored suit fell on deck.

"Hehe, it's still the same bargaining chip as last time."

"Your subordinates should be really happy to have a boss like you."

"But if they know what you have done for them, they will probably feel

guilty and want to commit suicide."

Rifan shook his head with a chuckle, and walked over to Hina, whose

inner clothes were slightly potholed due to the poisonous mist.

"So, did you accept Hina's proposal?"

"After you ask for Hina, I hope you don't tell them about it…"

Resisting the shame in her heart, Hina looked at the sleeping sailors

beside her and said.

"Hehe, compared to forcing you, I suddenly have other ideas.

"Go to my ship with me first, Miss Hina."

Rifan walked up to Hina and put his hands on her waist.

For this, Hina did not refuse either, and let Rifan lead her to fly in the

direction of the Black Pearl.

In her opinion, it would be nice if her crew could wake up and sail away

while Rifan was leaving.

The Black Pearl, cabin aisle.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hina, are you okay!?"

"Did Rifan do anything to you?"

Tashigi saw Hina in revealing clothes following behind Rifan, and ran

over in surprise.

"It's you Tashigi, I'm glad you're fine."

"Rifan didn't do anything outrageous to Hina…for now."

"It's you, this man didn't do anything outrageous to you, right?"

Hina was slightly relieved to see Tashigi's appearance.

However, after thinking about Rifan's character traits, she couldn't help

feeling a little worried.

Rifan is indeed unlikely to force women, but he is also a person who

doesn't mind taking advantage of other.

Hina was able to recover from Rifan's hands and feet. She worried that if

the shy Tashigi was treated unfriendly by Rifan, she might have

psychological problems.

"No...no I'm fine."

Tashigi shook her head hastily, and said,

"Don't chat here, both of you."

"Nojiko, Robin, please take this Ms. Hina to the consultation room first."

"I'll be over in a moment."

Rifan looked at Nojiko behind Tashigi and said.

Nojiko and Robin nodded slightly, and led Hina and Tashigi towards the

consultation room.

Rifan, on the other hand, followed Ayane to the warehouse and

completed the harvest of Eric.

"Congratulations, you got a Devil Fruit again."

Ayane wiped off the blood belonging to Eric and Nelson on the tip of her

blade, looked up and said to Rifan.

"Congratulations too, Ms. Ayane, you won a lot of battle points again."

"But according to the rules set by the two of us, you still owe me 3 Devil


Rifan laughed.

"You don't need to remind me, I know."

"Compared to this, you should have other things to deal with so I'll leave


Ayane put the short sword into the scabbard, took the initiative to carry

the bodies of Eric and Nelson and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, he shrugged.

After putting the sickle fruit into the inventory, he walked into the

consultation room.

When Hina and others in the consulting room heard the sound of the

door being pushed open, they immediately looked over.

"Rifan, just state your conditions directly, Hina doesn't want to wait too

long. "

Sitting on the hospital bed, Hina stared straight at Rifan's eyes.

Perhaps it was because besides her and Tashigi, there were Robin,

Nojiko, and Mikita in the consultation room. Hina, who thought that

Rifan would not attack her in front of her partners, was not as nervous as


However, her idea has just come down.

Rifan asked Robin and Mikita to go to the deck to pick up Nami and


For a while, apart from Rifan, there were only Nojiko, Hina and Tashigi

left in the consulting room.

All of a sudden, a faint worry began to hit Hina's heart.

"Hina, you said you were willing to sacrifice yourself for your

subordinates, right?"

Rifan walked to the medical table, took out a stack of growth ointment,

came to Hina, and said,

"T-that's r-right! Rifan, y-you... what do you want to do first?"

Hina swallowed, and asked nervously.

"It's nothing, I just think that since you have said so, you shouldn't mind

if I try some ointment on you?"

Rifan smiled, and his eyes fell on Hina's remaining silk.

Hearing this, and noticing Rifan's gaze, Hina didn't understand what

Rifan meant.

She even felt that the trial ointments Rifan said were all fake and just his

excuse to ravage her body…

Although she was a little embarrassed in front of Tashigi and Nojiko.

But thinking of her subordinates, she couldn't take much care of them at

this time.

Soon, Hina takes off the last of the satin under Tashigi's surprised gaze.

In this regard, Rifan was not polite, and did not let Nojiko do it, but

began to apply the ointment on Hina himself.

"Rifan, you did the same thing to Tashigi, right?"

Hina insisted on keeping her eyes open and staring at Rifan, while

enduring the strange feeling brought by the ointment and Rifan hand, she

asked Rifan.

"Tashigi? Of course not. I asked Nojiko to do it for her."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Tashigi~"

Rifan shook his head and said.

Hina looked at Tashigi in disbelief, but Tashigi nodded to confirm what

Rifan said.


"You can obviously do something to Tashigi."

"But why didn't you do anything to her?"

"Could it be that you think Hina should be blamed by you?"

Hina resisted Rifan's hand movements, and gritted her teeth to express

her puzzlement.

"Well, it's probably because Tashigi is so innocent, and sometimes looks

like a child, which makes me a little bit reluctant."

"On the other hand, Miss Hina, you are mature enough and have the

feeling of a strong woman, which more or less gave me the desire to


Rifan smiled, and pinched Hina supple skin hard as the ointment grazed

her skin.

The sudden pain made Hina moan unconsciously.

Then she realized that Tashigi was still on the sidelines, and couldn't help

but feel even more embarrassed seeing her staring at her with concern.

Tashigi wanted to help Hina, but she knew that she couldn't do anything

at the moment.

On the contrary, she felt that if she spoke out, it might make Rifan more


"Well, let's talk about business by the way, Miss Hina."

Hina was a little surprised by Rifan's suddenly serious tone, and couldn't

help but look at Rifan in confusion.

"What do you want to talk about, Rifan?"

"Of course it is a question of the freedom of the two of you."

"Are you going to let Hina and Tashigi go?" Hina's eyes widened.

"Naturally, but I'm not letting you two go for nothing. If possible, I hope

that Marines can exchange the two of you with Devil Fruit."



Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. ...

Chapter 97: Trading With


"You want Devil Fruit?"

Hina blinked and asked suspiciously.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Rifan's right hand also brushed

against Hina's sensitive area, causing her to groan again.

"That's right. If you can give me enough Devil Fruit."

"I can let the two of you go."

Rifan looked at Hina's reaction with a smile on his face and said.

Inside Hina's body, there is a Cage-Cage Fruit.

Rifan always feels that it will be a bit of a loss if she is allowed to leave

without an arrangement.

After all, if this Cage Fruit is captured, it can also be auctioned on the

reincarnators trading interface.

However, if the Marine can give more than one Devil Fruit in exchange

for the personal safety of Hina and Tashigi.

Rifan felt that that deal was a good deal.

But soon, Hina gave an answer that Rifan didn't want to hear.

"No. Rifan, Marine and World Government will not allow this to happen,"

"Hina is only a Lieutenant Colonel at Naval Headquarters, and Tashigi is

only a Marine Staff Sergeant."

"The higher up will not allow anyone to exchange precious Devil Fruit for

our lives."

"If all the pirates were doing this, Marines would have messed up a long

time ago."

Hina shook her head and spoke.

Hearing such an answer, Rifan immediately frowned.

But after thinking about it, Rifan also felt that this was normal.

Devil Fruit is precious, even Marines cannot get it easily.

Otherwise, the Marines would already be flooded with devil fruit ability


It is indeed a bit exaggerated to exchange Devil Fruit for the lieutenant

colonel of Naval Headquarters.

"Although it's a pity, what you said makes sense."

"Then let me ask you another thing first, Hina."

"Earlier, you Marine asked me about the senior agent of Baroque Works."

"I want to know, those senior agents, did you catch them?"

Rifan asked with a smile on his face.

"According to Hina's information, Mr.4 of Baroque Works and his partner

Miss Merry Christmas were caught a few days ago."

"Rifan, why are you asking this?"

Hina frowned and asked curiously.

"It's very simple, since Marine won't replace the two of you with Devil


"I think you can consider handing over the two senior agents of the

Baroque Work you captured to me."

"To tell you the truth, I have a deep feud with the Baroque Workers."

"If possible, I want to kill those people with my own hands."

"Two criminals exchange for the two of you, It's a fair deal, isn't it?"

Rifan put his hand on Hina's chest and spoke while feeling her heartbeat.

Since it is impossible to ask for Devil Fruit directly, asking for a person

with Devil Fruit ability can be an alternative.

"Are you asking for criminals?" Hina felt the hand on her heart, biting her

lips, she said:

"This request may be fulfilled."

"But Hina needs to ask the higher ups first."

Hearing this, Rifan nodded, and put the den-den mushi he had snatched

from Hina before into her side.

"In that case, use this den-den mushi to ask Sengoku."

"But you have to tell him not to try to play tricks."

"Don't even try to keep me here and let Garp come and get me in


"Those two agents, I need you to bring a Marine who is not very strong to


"As for the location...he has to wait until I leave Warship."

Thinking of the overheard conversation between Hina and Sengoku,

Rifan spoke to Hina.

Hearing this, Hina took a deep breath, raised her hand and called Naval

Headquarters, and told Sengoku Rifan's request,

"He wants to kill the enemy with your own hands? Although there is no

precedent for this, if it is for the safety of two outstanding Marines, an

exception can still be made."

"Hina, tell Rifan that I agreed to his terms."

"But he has to keep you, Tashigi, and the rest of the Marines safe."

When Hina heard Sengoku's agreeing to the term, she looked up at Rifan

on the opposite side.

After seeing Rifan nodded slightly, Hina passed on Rifan's opinion to


"He actually agreed easily, it makes me suspect that he has ulterior


"What do you think, Ms. Hina?"

After Hina hung up the call, Rifan took the den-den mushi again, staring

directly at Hina's eyes and said.

Although Hina also felt suspicious of how smooth the talk was, she of

course won't talk about it.

"Hmm. Although he is suspicious, I'll just believe Sengoku's words for


"After that, I will trouble Ms. Hina to inform him of the location of the

transaction with the den-den mushi."

"But according to what Sengoku said earlier, I can't touch you and

Tashigi, Miss Hina, what a pity."

Rifan shrugged, although he felt that Sengoku agreed too easily.

But he is also confident in his arrangement, so he still plans to try to

trade with the Marines.

If this transaction is successful, he can continue to use this method to

obtain Devil Fruit in the future.

If there is a change in the Marine, Rifan also believes that as long as he

arranges it properly, he has the ability to terminate the transaction at any

time and go to a safe place.

"Hmph, since that's the case, Hina is going to wash off the ointment on

her body."

Hina snorted coldly, and was about to get up and leave.

"Don't be like that, it's hard to apply this ointment you know and I still

need to record whether your body will react to these ointments."

"And, according to Sengoku, I can't touch you."

"But my assistant and nurse, Nojiko, can do it in my stead."

"Nojiko, I will trouble you next."

"By the way, it's time for Tashigi to change the ointment, too."

Rifan stepped back two steps, reached out and patted Nojiko on the


In this regard, Nojiko had no choice but to stand up.

"Ms. Tashigi, Ms. Hina, I will trouble you to cooperate with me."

Hearing this, Hina looked at Nojiko, then at Rifan who was staring at her

upright, finally took a deep breath, and lay down again.

Now that she has been seen, she doesn't mind letting Rifan watch for a

while longer.

As for Tashigi, under the guidance of Nojiko, she finally came to lie down

next to Hina slowly.

Hina turned sideways to glance at Tashigi's body, a trace of doubt flashed

in her eyes.

"Tashigi, has your body... grown a little?"

As soon as Hina said this, Tashigi blushed immediately.

Naval Headquarters, Office of the Marshal.

"Sengoku, are you really going to make a deal with Rifan?"

Tsuru asked.

"It's just to stabilize that guy temporarily."

"Kuma has set off, and he will be able to reach the location of Warship

Island in a short time."

"As long as Rifan doesn't attack Hina and others during this time, it will

be our victory.

A gleam flashed in Sengoku's eyes, and he spoke.

Hearing this, Tsuru nodded: "Then, what if Rifan and the others have

already left after Kuma arrives?"

When Sengoku heard this, he thought for a moment and said;

"If they've already left, it doesn't hurt to hand over the two captured

agents to Rifan."

"Even, we can deal with Rifan through this trading arrangements."

"Even if it fails in the end, it would be good to get back Hina and Tashigi

in exchange."

Of course, such a result is not what Sengoku wants to see.

"Now that you've made up your mind, do as you say."

"Next, it depends on the performance of the man."

Tsuru rested her chin in both hands, and spoke.

Black Pearl, consultation room.

"Rifan, why are these two enjoying Nojiko's massage?"

"Shouldn't they be captives?"

Mikita walked into the consultation room and asked with some doubts.

"I just let them try the medicine I made and wait until the effect of the

medicine is confirmed."

"Then I can give these things to everyone to use."

"Maybe, it can also make Mikita grow up early like Nami."

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, and he looked at Nami, Carina and

others who followed Mikita into the consultation room.

After the words fell, both Mikita and Carina showed interested eyes.

"Then, can I ask Captain Rifan to apply the ointment for me?"

Mikita folded her hands next to her belly, lowered her head and asked


"Of course, it's better to say that I am happy to do it for you, Mikita."

When Mikita heard Rifan's words, the joy in her eyes almost burst out.

"If there is a chance, I'll let Captain Rifan apply the ointment for me


"But before that, shouldn't we look for the lost island of the Millennium


"Captain Rifan, we have already brought Grandpa Ryu to the Black


Carina took a step forward and stood beside Rifan under Mikita's

displeased gaze.

"Don't worry, we're already close."

Rifan patted Carina on the shoulder, and looked at Abis who was looking

at him expectantly by the door with a smile on his face.

Then he looked at Tashigi and Hina who were exposed on the hospital

bed not far away, and after confirming that the live broadcast room was

in a black screen, he said slowly:

"Actually, I know something about the Millennium Dragon."

"If we want to find the hometown of the thousand-year-old dragon, we

don't need to go to that lost island."

"Just wait here on the warship island..."

As Rifan narrated, the eyes of Abis and Carina opened wider and wider.

The two of them never thought that the hometown of the thousand-year-

old dragon was right under their feet.

"Captain Rifan, is what you said true?"

"As long as we stay here, can we see Grandpa Ryu hometown?"

Carina asked in surprise.

"Hehe, if you don't believe me, I can take you to dive into the sea and

have a look."

"After seeing the rest of the warship island under the sea, I think you will

believe my words."

Rifan put his hands on Carina's shoulders and gave her a thumbs up.

"Tch, Devil fruit user actually wants to take people into the sea, Hina

despises liar very much."

At this moment, Hina, who had already sat up and crossed her legs,

looked at Rifan seriously.

"Hehe, do you want to make a bet, Miss Hina?"

"If I win, how about you doing that dance for me?"

Rifan looked at Hina with a smile all over his face.

He gains Nami's navigation mastery.

This also gave him the ability to sense the weather using his skin.

Therefore, he can know that in the near future, Warship Island will face

low tide, and it will be an extremely violent low tide.

Combined with the analysis of the plot of the original story, Rifan

immediately knew that this was another part of Warship Island that was

about to appear in front of people.


"So, Ms. Hina, are you afraid?"

"Hina has no reason to bet with you."

In the end, Hina turned her head directly and ignored him.

Seeing such a situation, Rifan asked any longer, but just thought it was a

pity in his heart.

"In short, let's wait here for a while."

"I believe we will have an answer soon."

"Everyone, please rest for a while."

"Mikita, come with me."

Rifan waved to Mikita, stepped out of the consultation room, and walked

towards the deck.

Regarding the remaining "Awakening Scroll of Elementary Armament

Haki", Rifan deliberated and decided to hand it over to his first partner.

"Yes, Captain."

When Mikita saw Rifan calling her alone, she immediately followed with

a smile on her face.

Thinking of what Rifan said earlier about applying some skin care

products that don't need to be tested, she felt a little hopeful in her heart.

Therefore, after arriving on the deck, Mikita had to take off her coat


Fortunately, Rifan held her shoulder in time.

"Mikita, what are you doing?"

"Captain, don't you need to apply skin care products, sunscreen and the

like? I'm ready!"

"This... let's take it easy for now, until there are no other males."

"But, apart from you, Captain Rifan, there are no other men here."

Although Mikita was happy that Rifan didn't want her body to be seen by

other men, after looking at the surrounding situation, she couldn't help

being a little puzzled.

"There really isn't another man here besides me.

"However, there is still one male creature."

Rifan put his hands on Mikita's shoulders, and led her to look at the old

dragon who was brought by Carina and Nami to the Black Pearl.

At this moment, he was staring at Rifan and Mikita with a pair of round


Tsk, this old bastard, can't he fall asleep?

Mikita smacked her mouth, and her face instantly became unhappy.

"Alright, alright, let's get down to business.

"I call you here to bestow you the last kind of Haki, the observation


Rifan smiled, and raised his hand to hold Mikita's hand with the tattoo of

the Pirates.

[Rifan, you use the Primary Armament Haki Awakening Scroll on Mikita,

start strengthening. ]

[The strengthening of Mikita has been completed, and her personal

attributes have been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

[Rifan, your talent "Strengthen the crew, equal return" has been


[It has been detected that you already have intermediate-level

Observation Haki, this enhancement has been converted into 500

physical points. ]

[Your personal attribute has been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

'It's another bonus of 500 physical points. In this way, the physical points

will break through the 23000 mark. "

'Wait, the physical level has reached level A?!"

'In other words, will there be related initial achievements?!'

Just when Rifan was thinking.

Suddenly, another reminder sounded in his mind.

[Rifan, to achieve the achievement "The first reincarnator whose physical

level reaches A-level", special reward Intermediate Armament Haki

Awakening Scroll.]


Chapter 98: Tyrant Kuma


[Tl/n: Thank you for th0se who vote. So here an extra chapter.]


The Black Pearl, on the cabin aisle.

Ayane rested her chin on one hand and walked forward with her head


'According to the information given by that guy Rifan, my current

physical points have reached the critical point of C-level.

As long as I work hard, I should be able to advance to the B-level and

catch up with that guy Rifan~.

Thinking of this, Ayano felt faintly excited.

After all, according to Rifan's evaluation, her physique points are close to

B-level, her invisibility talent in coordination and her mastery of ninjutsu

already have the ability to fight and win the battle with a Colonel from

Naval Headquarters.

Assuming, of course, that she doesn't run into someone with the Logia

Devil Fruit ability.

Having said that, Ayane couldn't help feeling a little pressure in her heart

when she thought that two Devil Fruits were used to upgrade her

physique to this level.

'Acting with Rifan, although I'm growing faster. '

'But if it continues like this, I will definitely not be able to pay back all

the Devil Fruits I owe him within half a year.'

'If it is not paid off, with the power of copy space, I will definitely

become his slave irresistibly…'

Ayane pursed her lips, her mind a little heavy.

It will be a matter of time before she surrenders her intelligence,

strength, and even her body.

Even though she thinks Rifan is a good man, Ayane is not ready to

become someone else's wife now.

Especially when Rifan still has thoughts about other women.

In addition to being sensitive to the title of slave, Ayane naturally didn't

want to be unable to repay the debt owed to Rifan.

'When my physique enters B rank, I should also have the power to go to

the Grand Line.'

'At that time, it's time for me to leave Rifan side.'

Ayane thought to herself.

At this moment, a reminder from the copy space made her stop.

[Rifan, achieve the achievement 'The first reincarnation with a physical

level of A-level' special reward, intermediate Armament Haki Awakening

Scroll'. ]

[Using this scroll, you can further awaken Armament Haki; master the

"winding" and "outward release" skills of the armament haki. ]

[Remarks: To use the 'Intermediate Armament Haki Awakening Scroll',

you need to awaken the primary Armament Haki first!]

"That man advanced again?!"

"Why so fast?!"

Ayane's beautiful eyes were wide open, and she rushed to the deck

quickly, just in time to see Rifan raising his hand and touching Mikita's


"Captain Rifan...what, what is this?!"

"Didn't I just awaken my armament haki? Why does it seem to be

strengthened again?!"

"And, it seems like there's more that can be done using it…"

Excitedly, Mikita wrapped the armament around her umbrella, then

swung it like a baseball bat towards the warship led by Nelson not far


Accompanied by a dark crescent, it flew out and passed the mast of the

opposite warship.

The pole of the ship was cut off easily like paper, and fell towards the


"What do you think of your new power?"

Rifan looked at the excited Mikita, and raised his hand to pinch her cute


In this regard, Mikita not only did not pat Rifan's hand away, but showed

an expression of enjoyment.

Rifan chuckled, just now, he had already used the middle-level

Armament Haki Awakening Scroll he got from the copy space on Mikita's

body at once.

In this way, Mikita's strength has also increased a lot.

'Even compared with Nami, she should already be above her. '

'Although she may not be able to catch Nami.'

'Intermediate Armament Haki, no matter how you put it, can be

considered an Emission-level Armament Haki.'

'Even if Mikita's current physique is not high enough, it shouldn't be a

problem to deal with a Naval Headquarters Commodore. "

Rifan thought about it, and opened the personal attribute panel of Mikita.

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 2)]

[Name: Mikita]

[Age: 22 years old]

[Crew number: 01]

[Position: Pastry Chef (Skilled)]

[Physical: 10100]

[Physical level: B level]

[Devil Fruit: Kilo-Kilo Fruit]

[Special abilities: Intermediate Armament Haki, Primary Observation

Haki, Intermediate Conqueror's Haki]

[Loyalty: 100 (Life and death go hand in hand)]

[Bounty: 50 million Berry]

Looking at this excellent attribute panel, Rifan nodded in satisfaction,

and then looked at his own attribute panel that was updated after

converting the primary Armament Haki scroll and the intermediate

Armament Haki awakening scroll.

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates (Level 2)]

[Name: Rifan]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Position: Captain]

[Talent: Strengthen the crew, equal returns]

[Points: 500]

[Physical: 23000 points]

[Physical level: A level]

[Devil Fruit: Dark Fruit]

[Skills: Marine Six Styles, Six King Gun, Fish-Man Karate, Kanpo Kenpo,

New Kama Karate (Ivankov version)]

[Special Abilities: Intermediate Armament Haki, Intermediate

Observation Haki, Intermediate Conqueror's Haki]

[Bounty: 300 million Berry]

[Props: Small Barque, Enhanced Magic Weather Stick, Sandai Kitetsu,

Shigure, Slippery Fruit, Sickle Fruit]

[Partners: Mikita, Robin, Nami, Nojiko, Carina]

[Trading Center: Chain Fruit (4000/5000/6000)]

'The intermediate Armament Haki Awakening Scroll actually gives a new

karate skill, which is still Ivankov's version. "

'Tsk, isn't this the shemale boxing technique?!'

Rifan reviewed the relevant information in his mind about the new kama

karate method obtained this time, and the corners of his mouth twitches


This set of karate methods not only includes Ivankov's karate skills.

It even contains information about his "death wink".

Thinking of the scene where he blinked quickly when he used the "death

wink" in the future, Rifan couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

'Forget it, although this new kama karate is somewhat lacking in


'But it's still useful. '

'It's this death wink... Without the cooperation of the hormonal fruit, I

probably wouldn't be able to cast the advanced version of Death Wink,

the Hell Wink.'

'Speaking of which, this technique is somewhat similar to Kanpo Kenpo.'

'It even handed over the '99 attack cuisines' to me.'

Rifan is quite satisfied with the '99 attack cuisines'.

Regular consumption of cuisines made with the 99 attack cuisines can

help the body build a stronger body.

Of course, Rifan is also curious about the ability of the menu to make

women sexier.

He even felt that if this ability in the menu was combined with the

characteristics of the growth ointment, the bodies of the female members

on the ship would grow faster.

However, before handing over to his partners, Rifan still intends to let

Tashigi and Hina try it out.

"You actually gave Mikita the props you just obtained!"

At this time, seeing Mikita playing with armament haki to familiarize

herself with it, Ayane walked over to Rifan.

"I think I should have the right to control my props freely, Ms. Ayane."

Rifan turned his head and looked at Ayane who had a look of amazement

in front of him with interest.

"I'm just a little surprised that you gave that item to Mikita just after

getting it."

"If you gave it to her easily, that means you already have that ability


"I'm quite curious, how many physical points do you need to upgrade

your physical level to A-level."

Ayane asked curiously.

"Hehe, this should not be within the scope of our negotiation, Miss


"This is suspected of exploring my strength."

Rifan shook his head and said.

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, I won't force it."

"However, I didn't expect that I just felt that I was getting closer to you."

"But you opened the distance again in an instant."

"Now in the communication interface of our group of reincarnators, there

are many people discussing it."

Ayane sighed.

"Really, then I have to take a good look at the faces of these guys."

Rifan chuckled, and opened the communication interface between

reincarnators with interest.

—•—|Reincarnated People Chat Room|—•—

['Camel' Nasser: Grade A?! There must be a limit to joking, this bastard

just upgraded his physical grade not long ago, right?]

['Eagle' Ethan: How is such a speed possible? This guy still uses points to

strengthen his partners. Why does his own physical level upgrade so


['Green Pheasant' Rachel: It's a terrible upgrade speed, I really want to

know how Rifan did it. ]

['Kangaroo' Helena: If there is a protagonist among the reincarnators,

maybe Rifan is the protagonist. ]

['Eagle' Tina: With such a strong physique, if Rifan really wrestled with

me, I would definitely lose cleanly~]

['Eagle' Sarah Bryan: Don't doubt it, maybe he stands still and allows you

to attack, and you can't do anything to him. ]

['Panda' Leigh: Speaking of which, didn't that guy Jeyu want to deal with

Rifan before, now I don't know if he still have such confidence.]

['Camel' Jeyu: Damn it, isn't it just that his upgrade is a little faster, I will

definitely catch up with this guy, you all just wait and see! Rifan, don't

tell me you have the talent to quickly increase your physical points?!]

At this moment, Jeyu couldn't help but think of his talent similar to

'double the training'.

It stands to reason that as long as he has enough opportunities to come

into contact with powerful women, he can forcibly deprive them of their

physical strength to strengthen himself.

And thinking of Robin, Mikita, and Nami who were rewarded on the

Black Pearl Pirates are all beautiful women.

Jeyu couldn't help but begin to suspect that Rifan had awakened the

same talent as himself.


Ayane glanced at Rifan beside her, thoughtful.

'Indeed, the partners around this man are so powerful.'

'He should have spent most of his points and power-ups on his partners. '

'Could it be that there is really some kind of talent that can allow him to

quickly become stronger when he has fewer remaining points?'

At this moment, Ayane couldn't help but recall all of Rifan's performances

since joining Rifan's Black Pearl Pirates.

In terms of training, Rifan's training intensity is not that high.

From the perspective of Ayane, who is a ninja, it's just an ordinary

exercise intensity.

And in daily life, Rifan did not show his special research on strength.

Thinking about it, Ayane couldn't help but think of the scene where Rifan

interacted with the crew of the Black Pearl Pirates many times.

'This man…countless women around him.'

'Even the hostile Marine will not let go.'

'Is it possible that this man can quickly become stronger as long as he

interacts intimately with women?!'

Ayane frowned and thought.

Among the ninjutsu she knows, there are also some related Forbidden

Techniques that need to be practiced through contact with the opposite


At this moment, Ayane couldn't help thinking of Rifan's talent and the

Forbidden Technique she knew.

'If this is the case, it can also explain why this man is so decisive in

attacking the male Marine.'

'But for women Marines like Hina and Tashigi, he has always chosen to

keep a hand.'

'However, this talent should not need to invade the woman's body to

activate it.'

'If this is the case, this man may have already attacked me.'

'Perhaps, it only needs to get close to him to a certain distance, or it can

be activated through physical release.'

The more Ayane thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility

was very high, and at the same time, the way she looked at Rifan became

more and more strange.

Rifan felt Ayane's gaze, and couldn't help but glance at her strangely.

But he didn't care too much.

He didn't respond to Jeyu's inquiry, so he directly closed the

reincarnators communication panel.

"Speaking of which, Miss Ayane, are you really not going to use the

ointment I researched?"

"The climate on the sea is changeable, and a beautiful girl like you

especially needs to take good care of your body."

"If you help me test it now, when you leave, I can give you some

medicine powders and ointments for maintenance and even healing."

Rifan turned around and said to Ayane with a smile on his face.

Ayane raised her eyebrows, her beautiful eyes were closely watching

Rifan's face.

At this moment, she became more and more sure of what she had

thought before, that Rifan could gain strength through being with


So she shook her head and solemnly said to Rifan:

"Rifan, speaking of leaving, there is one thing I want to tell you."

"My current strength has reached a critical point."

"After breaking through this critical point, I plan to leave..."

Before Ayane could finish her sentence, she found that Rifan in front of

her reached out to wrap her waist and led her back quickly.

Just when she was feeling puzzled, a loud rumbling sound suddenly came

from the Black Pearl.

Then came a violent tremor.

Ayane, whose waist was stopped by Rifan, looked back and found that

the deck she was standing on had sunk.

And the sunken deck is like a huge Bear Paw.

In that sunken bear paw, there is another man who is over 6 meters tall,

strong and sturdy.

"Who?!" The sudden shock caused Mikita to quickly turn around and

point the umbrella in her hand at the man who suddenly appeared on the

Black Pearl.

But after seeing the man's appearance, her eyes widened immediately.

"S-Shichibukai—Tyrant Kuma?!"

"Why are you here?!"

Kuma glanced at Mikita, then fixed his gaze on Rifan.

"If you want to travel, where do you want to go?"


Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. ...

Chapter 99: Paw-Paw Devil Fruit

Vs. Newkama Karate!

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Eagle Audience: That guy is…one of the Seven Shichibukai's Tyrant


[Camel Audience: Shichibukai Tyrant Kuma?! Great, now Rifan is dead!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Rifan, this kid, just got a reward, no matter

what, he would never have thought that a Shichibukai would suddenly

fall from the sky, hahaha!]

[Damn! Why did this guy suddenly appear here?! ]

[Don't tell me it's the reinforcements sent by Marines!? That woman Hina

was complaining to Naval Headquarters Sengoku earlier!]

[However, how did this guy come here? I played back the screen of

Brother Rifan and Ayane's live broadcast room, and this guy seemed to

have fallen directly from the sky!]

[Goat Audience: Perhaps, this is Tyrant Kuma's Devil Fruit ability. ]

[Devil Fruit ability? Then I won't have to panic anymore, Brother Rifan's

Dark Fruit can restrain Demon fruit power!]

[Elephant: Don't be complacent, Dark Fruit is not absolute. Seeing the

sudden appearance of this Tyrant Kuma, even Rifan can't catch him with

Dark Fruit. ]

[Hehe, don't be an idiot. Before Tyrant Kuma became Shichibukai, his

bounty was only 296 million Berry. Now Brother Rifan has a bounty of

300 million Berry. From the point of view of rewards alone, Brother

Rifan can hold him down!]

[Green Pheasant Audience: Tyrant Kuma just became a Shichibukai too

early. If he doesn't become a Shichibukai, he will definitely have a higher

reward. Tsk tsk, no matter what, this is a good show to watch. ]

[Don't forget that Ayane is still on Brother Rifan's side. Moreover, Rifan

can use the power of Thunder Fruit, so he is not necessarily weaker than

Tyrant Kuma in terms of speed!]

The sudden appearance of Tyrant Kuma made the audience in the live

broadcast room of Rifan and Ayane instantly excited.

The audience who originally planned to take a break also came to the

screen in an instant, intending to watch the next situation.

—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

"Travel? If I say I want to travel to the final island where One Piece is

buried. Can you take me there [Tyrant Kuma?"

"...change the location, 'Black Mist' Rifan."

"So, is Maiden's Island okay? I heard that it is an island full of women,

and there is also the world's most beautiful empress. I'm very curious

about it."

"...Compared to Maiden Island, I think Impel Down may be more suitable

for you."

"Then you still ask me where to travel and what to do? And... Impel

Down, are you sent by that bastard Sengoku?"

Rifan let go of Ayane's waist, pushed her behind him, and looked at the

tall man in front of her with a serious face.

Although the original reward order of the man in front of him was lower

than his current reward, Rifan dared not underestimate this one.

In Rifan's opinion, even among the Shichibukai, the strength of this man

is at the forefront.

He is definitely not comparable to Moria and the current decadent


Even, Rifan thinks that in the original book, Jewelry Bonney was able to

escape from Marine many times, even from Akainu. Rifan thinks that it

has to do with her father, Kuma.

Perhaps it is because they are worried that the Kuma will go berserk, so

the Marine will repeatedly accommodate his daughter Jewelry Bonney.

Although there may be a relationship between the Marine and the World

Government wanting to study the transformation of Kuma, but if there is

no guard against the power of Kuma, Rifan does not believe it.

"Captain, what happened?"

A blue-white thunder flashed from the interior of the cabin, appeared on

the deck and transformed into Nami's appearance.

Seeing Kuma confronting Rifan, Nami frowned involuntarily.

After Nami, Nojiko, Carina, Robin and even Tashigi and Hina who had

changed their clothes all ran out of the cabin.

"Shichibukai, why is he here?"

Robin frowned and walked quickly behind Rifan.

As a woman who has wandered on the Grand Line for many years, she

still recognizes the image of Kuma.

"I think it was Sengoku's invitation to arrest me."

"Hina, Tashigi, it seems your in trouble now."

"I trade with Marine with a sincere heart,"

"But Sengoku sent Shichibukai to arrest me."

"It made me very sad and heartbroken."

"Even, I don't know how to arrange the two of you in the future."

Rifan looked at Tashigi and Hina, who were standing at the door of the

cabin, looking at Kuma in surprise, and shook his head regretfully.


Tashigi pursed her lips, at this moment, she was a little speechless.

Although Hina didn't say anything, looking at the situation in front of

her, she also felt a little complicated.

Although it is natural for Marine to catch pirates, for Rifan, Hina would

rather catch him after fulfilling their agreement.

'Tyrant Kuma, was he the one sent by Marshal Sengoku?'

Hina took a deep look at Kuma who was flipping through a book, and

thought silently.

"The chat is almost over, so we can start next."

Kuma closed the book in his hand, and his arrogant body suddenly

appeared about two meters behind Rifan with the sound of a balloon


As he slapped forward with a wave of his hand, a powerful bear paw-

shaped shock wave that he used to hit the atmosphere at high speed with

his devil fruit ability quickly rushed towards Rifan and Ayane and Robin

who were very close to Rifan.

Long after the Kuma arrived, Rifan, who had fully opened his

Observation Haki, caught the Kuma's position instantly.

Holding Ayane and Robin in his arms with both hands, he used the

restraint to make his body back quickly.

Because the 'teleportation' speed of Kuma using his devil fruit is too fast,

Rifan can't even use 'dark water' to catch the other party quickly, so he

can only choose to retreat temporarily.

'Death wink!'

Rifan's heart moved, and he quickly used the skills he had just learned

from the Newkama Kenpo to fight back against the pressure cannon hit

by Kuma.

They saw Rifan blinking quickly, releasing a strong blast wave and

crashing into Kuma's pressure cannon.

The two collided, and immediately formed a huge explosion on the Black



Seeing that familiar move, Kuma couldn't help but postpone the next


'It's definitely Ivankov's moves, but how can this man use them?'

Kuma thought strangely in his heart.

"Bastard, you actually attacked our captain! Die!"

Seeing that the battle had started, Mikita angrily wrapped Armament

Haki around her parasol and waved a black crescent moon at Kuma.

At the same time, Nami didn't bother to hide her strength and directly

cast Thunder Fruit. Coordinating with the magic weather wand in her

hand, she swung a large horizontal lightning bird to Kuma.

However, even with such an attack, the Kuma just waved his palm twice


The attack formed by Nami and Mikita was knocked into the sky by his

devil fruit ability.

"How come?!"

Seeing that her attack was defeated so easily, Mikita's eyes widened


The soaring strength gave Mikita the idea of ​​being able to fight

against Crocodile.

Therefore, even facing Tyrant Kuma who is the same Shichibukai as

Crocodile, Mikita is only surprised by it, not afraid.

However, after one blow, Mikita began to feel that her thinking might be

wrong from the beginning.

Kuma ignored Nami and Mikita, after intercepting their attacks.

In order to verify the idea in his heart, he lowered his body slightly and

pointed his palms in Rifan direction.

"Pressure cannon!"

Kuma pushed his hands forward continuously, and the air touched by his

palms turned into countless translucent, bear-like shock waves that hit


Rifan's eyes were fixed, and Armament Haki was instantly wrapped

around his palms, and then he quickly swung forward and stabbed


"Aesthetic Art #44 Secret Technique - Dream-Strike-Condemn-Reverse


Those shock waves that came close to Rifan were hit by Rifan's hand

fingers, and immediately shattered like a balloon being pierced by a


Kuma frowned immediately after seeing Rifan perform Ivankov's move

again, and stopped his attack.

"Mikita, Nami, everyone, don't attack yet."

"Leave it to me for the time being."

Seeing Kuma stop, Rifan immediately stopped Nami, Mikita and the

others who were about to attack Kuma who stopped attacking.

"Kuma, you're here to arrest me on behalf of Sengoku, right?"

While speaking, Rifan came to a place about 2 meters away from Kuma

and stood still, looking at Kuma solemnly.

If he could, he didn't want to fight the man in front of him.

After the first clash, he wasn't confident that he could defeat this

Shichibukai now.

After all, the one in front of him is different from other Shichibukai.

In terms of speed, this guy is really too fast.

Rifan even felt that if Kuma used his devil Fruit with all his strength, he

might be able to compare with his current self who can use Thunder


Therefore, he doesn't want to fight Kuma without any way to keep his

companions safe.

Even if they really fight, at least keep Kuma away from Robin and the

others first.

The reason why Rifan used the 'Death Winking' of Ivankov and Aesthetic

Art #44 Secret Technique - Dream-Strike-Condemn-Reverse Fist' is

because Rifan wanted to see if he could use the tricks of this familiar

partner of Kuma and let the other party stop for a moment.

In order to buy some time to talk to Kuma.

"...that question, I don't need to answer."

Kuma looked at Tashigi and Hina who were not far away, and said in a

muffled voice.

How could Rifan, who has been observing Kuma with Observation Haki,

not notice Kuma's sight.

He smiled, and while observing Kuma with Observation Haki, he turned

his head to look at Tashigi and Hina at the side.

"Miss Tashigi, Ms. Hina."

"Because I now suspect that your Marshal Sengoku may breach the


"So I have to temporarily restrict the freedom of the two of you."

"Nojiko, Carina, Mikita, Robin, and Ayane, please put Tashigi and Hina

down first."

"By the way, in order to prevent any abnormalities between the two of

them, you can use the sleeping pill I made to make them sleep first."

Nojiko, Carina and the others were a little worried when they heard

Rifan's words, but they nodded after seeing Rifan's firm gaze.

Tashigi and Hina also understand the current situation, although they

want to stay and see the outcome of the matter.

But they had no choice but to follow Nojiko, Carina and others back to

the cabin.

Although Mikita and Nami were worried about Rifan's safety, after being

comforted by Robin saying 'Trust Captain Rifan', they followed to the


"Rifan, are you sure there is no problem?"

Ayane took a deep look at Rifan and asked with a frown.

At this moment, she thought that Rifan let them go back to the cabin to

ensure their safety.

After seeing Kuma's speed just now, Ayane also understood that if Kuma

wanted to attack them, it might be difficult for them to resist.

Even someone like Ayane who doesn't know how to use Observation Haki

may not even have a chance to react.

"Don't worry, I have my plan."

"I won't let something happen to you while you're on my ship."

Rifan smiled at Ayane and said.

Ayane stared at Rifan's eyes for a few seconds, and seeing Rifan kept a

sincere look.

She nodded, quickly left the deck and walked into the cabin.

"Let's go to another place."

After Ayane and the others left the deck, Kuma said in a muffled voice.

Before Rifan could answer, he used his ability to fly in the direction of

Warship Island.

Rifan frowned, looked at the figure of Kuma slowing down, and after a

little hesitation, stepped on Moonwalk to follow.


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Chapter 100: Revolution!

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Green Pheasant Audience: Wait What!? How did the development of the

matter differ from what I expected? Shouldn't Tyrant Kuma fight Rifan


[Heh. Tyrant Kuma and Brother Rifan fought two moves earlier. He must

have felt the strength of Brother Rifan, so it is normal to behave more

cautious. ]

[Eagle Audience: Rifan's attack just now was indeed very strong, but this

shouldn't be the reason why Tyrant Kuma is suddenly so gentle. ]

[Goat Audience: Shichibukai is a pirate after all, even if Tyrant Kuma was

arranged by Sengoku, he probably wouldn't go all out. If he felt that

Rifan was too strong to deal with, he might choose to just play for a

while. ]

[Kangaroo Audience: Shichibukai's Sand Crocodile is a dishonest guy, and

this Tyrant Kuma is probably also... Wait, why is the screen black


—•—One Piece Dungeon World—•—

Warship Island, where the sun is hidden and where no one resides.

"What are you doing?"

Kuma watched Rifan take off his coat, only shorts were left in an instant,

and after a few seconds of silence, he asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that it was too hot just now, so I want to cool off."

Rifan waved his hand, and after confirming that the screen in the live

broadcast room was black, he looked at Kuma seriously.

What he is going to say next involves the more secretive identity of


He has no way to explain these things to the outside world.

"It seems that using Ivankov's tactics is still somewhat useful, at least you

didn't continue to attack me."

"Speaking of which, how is the Revolutionary Army doing, Kuma?"

Rifan put his hands on his hips and looked at the Kuma calmly.

Although Rifan's expression was flat, after saying the word 'revolutionary


Rifan's Observation Haki is expanded to the limit.

If Kuma wants to make a move at this moment, he doesn't even mind

using Thunder Devil Fruit to compete with him for speed.

Fortunately for Rifan, though, things didn't go in the direction of a fight.

After pondering for a while, Kuma said to Rifan:

"Rifan, there is a connection between you and Ivankov, Newkama Kenpo,

he should have taught it to you."

"Could it be that you are a member of the revolutionary army he


Hearing this, Rifan shook his head:

"I do have a relationship with Ivankov, and the Newkama Kenpo is

indeed learned through Ivankov."

"But a member of the Revolutionary Army? Because I prefer to be a

pirate, I didn't formally join the Revolutionary Army."

"Of course, although I didn't become a revolutionary army, I still have a

very high opinion of the revolutionary army."

"I even prepared something for everyone in the Revolutionary Army."

He knows that Ivankov is still in Impel Down, and there is almost no

chance of contacting the outside world.

Even if he says that he has some kind of connection with Ivankov, it is

impossible for Kuma to go to Impel Down to find Ivankov to confirm.

And with this relationship with Ivankov, it's possible to have a friendly

conversation with Kuma.

Even if Ivankov comes out of Impel Down in the future, Kuma may have

lost his consciousness due to the transformation of Vegapunk at that

time, and thus lost the opportunity to confirm his connection with


Even if Kuma told Dragon about his existence, and then Dragon of the

revolutionary army confirmed it to Ivankov who came out of Impel

Down, it must be a very long time ago.

At that time, let's not talk about whether the revolutionary army can find


Even if they found him, Rifan believed that at that time, he and the Black

Pearl Pirates were too powerful to be bullied by anyone.

"I see, no wonder you have such perverted behavior."

Kuma looked at the coat that Rifan had hung on a tree branch, nodded

his head and said.

"Heh...heh, would you believe me if I said I'm not a pervert, Kuma?"

Rifan laughed twice and said in a slightly embarrassed tone.

"If you are not a pervert, Ivankov will not teach you Newkama Kenpo."

"Also, I've never seen anyone learn Ivankov's Newkama Kenpo to this


"You can even use his Death Wink."

"Did he train you as the next King of Shemale?"

"He didn't force you to become a member of the Revolutionary Army.

That means he hopes that his country will have a new king to lead it and

it's you, right?"

Kuma looked at Rifan and asked tentatively.

Rifan felt more and more embarrassed about this.

Fortunately, Kuma didn't ask him if he was a man or a woman,

otherwise, Rifan might not want to talk to Kuma anymore and fight


"Let's just skim over the subject, Kuma."

"I want to ask if that guy Sengoku sent you to deal with us."

Speaking of business, Rifan's complexion instantly became serious.

Although he had vaguely guessed it, he still wanted to hear Kuma

mention the answer himself.

"...indeed Sengoku arranged for me to come here. "

"Also asked me to rescue the captured Marine."

"However, since you are an acquaintance of Ivankov, I will not arrest


Kuma said.

He came to Warship Island to capture Rifan, entirely because he was

interested in Rifan, a rising star among pirates, and he was indeed very

close to Warship Island at that time.

So he randomly chose to come here.

If he knew the relationship between Rifan and Ivankov first, he would

probably reject Sengoku directly.

"That Sengoku really broke the contract. It seems that he needs to be

taught a lesson later."

Rifan clenched his fist and said in a cold voice.

"You should think about how to deal with the Marine's pursuit after

leaving this time."

"I heard from Sengoku that you still seem to want to trade those two girls

with him, right?"

"Be careful that they set traps through transactions and make you


"If it were me, I would choose to let go of those marine sailors directly."

"That way it doesn't irritate the Marine too much."

"Also, I'm curious how you met Ivankov."

"Can you tell me something about your relationship with him?"

Kuma said in a muffled voice.

Hearing this, Rifan raised his eyebrows.

He knew that Kuma was probably testing him at the end.

If nothing about Ivankov is revealed, what awaits him is a never-ending


After all, Rifan revealed the identity of Kuma as the Revolutionary Army.

"Don't worry, Kuma, I know what's going on with Marine."

"As for how I and Ivankov met... it's a little bit awkward to talk."

"Compared to this, let's talk about the revolution."

"Although I didn't become a member of the Revolutionary Army, I still

have some personal thoughts on things like revolution."

Rifan waved his hand, and without waiting for Kuma to answer, he

directly talked about some things about the Earth's history that he had

learned before traveling.

At first, Kuma just listened casually.

But with Rifan's deeper narration, Kuma is slowly attracted by what Rifan

said about the idea of ​​the Revolution.

Even at the end, he did not know where to take out a pen and notebook

from his body, intending to record what Rifan said.

Seeing this, Rifan took the pen and notebook from Kuma's hand with a

smile on his face, and continued to tell Kuma while recording the content

of the story.

Rifan told Kuma these ideas, not just to avoid fighting him this time.

He also hopes to use this to build a bridge of friendship between him and

the revolutionary army.

As a pirate, Rifan clearly knows that his enemies are other pirates,

Marines and the World Government.

On the contrary, the Revolutionary Army may not necessarily be his

enemy, but it is also not guaranteed.

But now that he met a revolutionary army cadre like Kuma, Rifan didn't

mind portraying himself as a character with a similar philosophy to the

revolutionary army.

In this way, if something happens in the future, he may also be able to

use the ideas of the revolutionary army.

Moreover, even if he was later exposed for lying about Ivankov, Rifan felt

that relying on this advanced revolutionary concept could prevent the

members of the Revolutionary Army from harboring ill feelings towards


After a while, Rifan kept filling the entire notebook with words, and

finally stopped.

"Well, the concepts I mentioned should be of some help to you."

Rifan handed the notebook full of words to Kuma and said with a smile

on his face.

"I think the other revolutionary army should be very happy to see it."

Kuma took the notebook from Rifan, even though his expression was very

calm, but his heart was quite excited.

As the former king of a kingdom, it is no exaggeration to say that if

possible, he would like to build his country into what Rifan said.

And after getting the idea from Rifan, he didn't ask how Rifan and

Ivankov knew each other.

In his opinion, those who can speak such a theory can already be

regarded as friends.

"I'm going to leave."

"Leave the warship island quickly, too."

"Garp is still on his way here."

"Afterwards I will tell the Marine that you left in a special way."

"And I couldn't stop it."

"That should be enough since you had that record."

As Kuma said that, he glanced at the Black Pearl in the distance.

At the moment on the Black Pearl, Nami and others are watching the

situation on Rifan's side with binoculars.

After seeing that Rifan and Kuma did not fight, they naturally did not sail

the ship to help Rifan.

"Don't worry, it won't be long before we're leaving here for the Grand

Line, too."

Rifan smiled and nodded, and then he thought about the reward order he

saw recently about Bonney, for no reason.

After a little hesitation, in order to deepen his impression in Kuma's heart

again, and also to be able to catch the Vegapunk line through Kuma or

Bonney in the future,

He spoke to Kuma and said:

"Speaking of which, when I was wandering in West Blue, I met a girl

named Jewelry Bonney."

"At that time, I heard her muttering something about 'Bastard Daddy'

while reading the news about you."

"Kuma, do you really not have a daughter?"

As soon as the words fell, Kuma's body visibly vibrated slightly.

Even the originally serious expression changed instantly.

"Looking at you, I think that girl is not lying."

"Speaking of which, haven't you seen her? I think she really wants to find


Rifan stared at Kuma with a pair of clear eyes, and said seriously.

Fortunately, his live broadcast room was in a state of black screen at the


Otherwise, there may be a barrage full of question marks floating in the

live broadcast room.

You know, the pirate group led by Jeyu, the reincarnator of the Camel

country, is the pirate group led by Bonney.

If the people in the live broadcast room hear Rifan's remarks, I am afraid

that the audience of Camel country will have to worry about the safety of

their reincarnated people again.

"Have you met Bonney?"

Kuma was silent for a while, but after all, he didn't say anything to deny

the relationship between him and Bonney.

"I have seen her, but she has not seen me."

"I just happened to overhear her when I was training my Observation


Rifan lied without blushing and blinking.

In a split second, even Rifan thought what he said was true.

"Is that so..."

Kuma muttered to himself, followed by another long silence.

After waiting for a while, as if he had decided to wake up, he turned the

book that he had been holding in his hand to the last page, and began to

write on it with the pen in his hand.

After a few minutes, Kuma closed the book again and handed it to Rifan.

"Rifan, this book is for you."

"If you could see Bonney again someday."

"Just give this book to her.

At this moment, Kuma's expression appeared extremely solemn.

"It's not a problem, it's a very simple thing."

Rifan smiled and nodded.

In this way, even if Kuma is transformed in the future, he can get in

touch with Bonney through this book, and then get in touch with


Rifan is very interested in the scientist who can develop a powerful


If possible, he is even interested in inviting him to his pirate group.

After all, there is also the position of 'scientist' in his pirates group!



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