Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 1


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One Piece — Только в мире, я

знаю СЮЖЕТ!

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Краткое содержание

Рифан, выбранный Копийным Пространством «Реинкарнатором»

Земли, отправляется в приключение, чтобы стать сильнее в мире,

сюжет которого знает только он.

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Chapter 21: The Devil Fruit

Delivered To The Door, There Is

No Reason Not To Want It.

[Damn, does this Ethan really want to touch our Rifan? ]

[Bald Eagle: What, are you scared? It's useless to be afraid, Ethan has a

sniper rifle and superhuman talent, your Rifan is about to go offline. ]

[Interesting! Upstairs, you have to remember your words carefully. When

Ethan is defeated by Rifan and goes offline, you must not cry. ]

[Bald Eagle: You are the ones who should cry! Tsk tsk, soon, the various

reward items that your Rifan got will also become Ethan's. ]

The things in the reincarnator's inventory are generally impossible for

outsiders to touch.

But if the reincarnators dies, the various props in its props bar may fall


And if he died in the hands of someone who is also a reincarnator, the

probability of the items in the dead reincarnator's inventory being

exploded will be even greater.

To some extent, the copy space wants to inspire the fight among


"I see. I didn't expect that you would have a thing with that man, Ethan."

"Adding the matter of Rivers, this is considered to be an enmity."

"That guy is looking for the descendants of Noland, right?"

"Just right, I originally wanted to go to that guy and have a good chat

with him."

"Little ones, take the men and go with me to avenge Rivers and Ethan."

With a big wave of Bellamy's hand, the Bellamy Pirates immediately

started to move towards the location of Cricket house.

Ethan followed Bellamy and the others, the corners of his mouth couldn't

stop rising.

Although he was surprised that Rifan came to the same island as him.

But now that he knows Rifan's existence, he is only happy.

'Rifan, don't blame me. '

'It's your fault that you chose the same island for our descent. '

'Just let me see what kind of Devil Fruit you got earlier. '

The corner of Ethan's mouth turned up, as if he had seen the scene of him

defeating Rifan and taking the Devil Fruit from Rifan.

Gaya Island, on the peninsula opposite to Mock Town.

"Are you serious?"

Cricket frowned, and asked Rifan in doubt.

"That's right, I believe in the existence of Sky Island."

"So I want to ask you, a descendant of Noland, something."

Rifan nodded slightly and said affirmatively.

"That's really interesting, provided you're not here to amuse me."

Taking a puff of his cigarette, just as he was thinking whether to trust the

young man in front of him, a burst of noisy footsteps came from not far


Cricket looked over at the sound, and after seeing the person coming, his

face immediately became gloomy.

"Bellamy, I told you there's no gold you want here."

Cricket stood up and motioned for Rifan and the three to leave.

It's not because of kindness, but he just doesn't want to involve Rifan and

the women in his affairs.

"Shut up, old man, we will talk about your matter later."

"Now, I'm going to talk to this man over here who attacked my partner."

Bellamy led his crew to stop one meter away from Rifan, and looked at

Rifan and the others with a grim smile.

[Green Pheasant: Come, come, there is a good show to watch. ]

[Hehe, Well let you see how our Rifan will defeat these bastards. ]

[Bald Eagle: Hehe, now your Rifan is being targeted by our Ethan with a

sniper rifle, before he could move, maybe he will die from one headshot!]

[Zebra: That's right! No matter how fast Rifan is, it's impossible for him

to be faster than a bullet, haha. ]

[Goat: The sniper rifle in Ethan's hand is not Blue Star's gun after all, and

Rifan has Observation Haki, so Ethan's sniper may not be effective. ]

[Chollima: Although you Goat and Giant Panda have a good relationship,

it's better not to comfort the people of Giant Panda at this time, haha~]

[Just laugh; the louder you laugh now, the louder the slap you'll feel

afterwards! ]

Dungeon World

"You're not here for me?"

"Brother, did you do anything to the Bellamy Pirates?"

Cricket frowned, and quickly looked at Rifan, Mikita, and Robin.

"Well, I did fight some people before coming here."

"But I didn't know they were from the Bellamy Pirates."

Rifan shook his head and said.

"Bastard, do you think your statement can make me spare you?!"

"No, I'm just telling the truth. If you want to do it, you can continue."

"Heh, you're kind! According to Ethan, a gunner in my pirate crew, he

has a vendetta against you, therefore there is more than one motive to

attack you!"

"Huh? You just said... newcomer Ethan?"

Hearing such a familiar name, Rifan raised his eyebrows, and

immediately looked at the person Bellamy brought.

He even unrolled his Observation Haki just to be on the safe side.

Soon, the breath of a person in a bush three hundred meters away caught

his attention.

Bellamy didn't intend to answer Rifan's question.

He clenched his right fist and punched Rifan's head with lightning speed.

Although he doesn't use the ability of his spring fruit, his fist still arouses

a gust of wind, which shows its great power.

However, before his fist came close to Rifan, it was tightly held by a

slender but exceptionally fair hand.

"You bastard, what do you want to do to my captain?!"

Mikita opened her eyes wide and looked at Bellamy with an angry



Bellamy looked at Mikita who was grabbing his arm in surprise, he never

thought that Mikita, who looked extremely slender in front of him, would

reach out and grab his fist with ease!

"Do it, Mikita!"

Rifan gave the order calmly.

Now that the opponent made a move, he didn't intend to give Bellamy a


Regardless of whether there is Ethan, the reincarnator from Blue Star, in

the other party's pirate group.

He had no reason to give up on the spring fruit that came to him.


Chapter 22: The Confrontation

Between Rifan And Ethan

"Leave it to me, Captain!"

Mikita showed a sinister smile, and stomped on the ground with both


Under the powerful reaction force, Mikita's body instantly rose up.

The same was true for Bellamy, who was being held tightly by her hand.

Not only that, but under the effect of Kilo-Kilo Fruit's ability, Mikita's

body flew higher and higher, reaching a height of hundreds of meters in

the blink of an eye.

"Damn woman, let me go!"

Bellamy roared angrily, and his other hand was about to throw a spring

punch at Mikita!

However, the moment Bellamy's arm changed, Mikita noticed it, and

there was no chance for Bellamy to throw a fist.

"as you wish!"

Mikita grabbed Bellamy's hand and threw it down hard.

Bellamy's body twirled and fell towards the ground.

Bellamy is indeed a battle-tested pirate.

When he was about to fall to the ground, his limbs turned into spring

shapes and pressed to the ground at the same time, so as to dissipate the

kinetic energy of the fall.

However, just when he wanted to use the reaction force brought by the

spring to turn his head and attack Mikita.

Mikita's body had already fallen from the sky, and her legs in high heels

stepped heavily on Bellamy's back.

Rifan, who was relatively close, could even clearly hear the sound of

bones cracking from Bellamy's body.

"It hurts! Damn it, get out of the way, you woman!"

Feeling the heavy blow on his back, Bellamy fell to the ground.

Such a scene made the pirates of the originally confident Bellamy Pirates

stay where they were.

Suddenly forgot to support Bellamy.

Even Ethan, who was hiding in the bushes three hundred meters away,

widened his eyes.

"10,000 kilograms, heavy pressure!"

"Don't resist, you bastard."

"I'm a devil fruit user who is the kilo-kilo devil fruit."

"You have absolutely no way to resist my current weight!"

Mikita covered her mouth and chuckled.

Seeing that she easily knocked down the pirate who offered a reward of

tens of millions of Berry to the ground.

She couldn't help but feel more grateful to Rifan for improving her


Giant Panda Live Broadcast Server (Rifan)

[Awesome, she is really awesome! Unexpectedly, Mikita became so

strong, and Bellamy, who was acting fierce, would be knocked down in

an instant! ]

[How many points did Rifan use for Mikita to strengthen her body? She

is really too strong! ]

[Where are the people from the Bald Eagle, why are they not barking

now? Bellamy you rely on is about to be killed. Hahaha~]

[Bald Eagle J: Bastard upstairs, your Rifan must have spent all his points

on Mikita, he must be very weak himself!]

[Bald Eagle K: That's right, don't get too complacent, the battle is not

over yet. There is more than one person in the Bellamy Pirates! ]

[Bald Eagle L: And Ethan hasn't made a move yet, your Rifan is definitely

not too strong, as long as he finds the right opportunity, Ethan can

definitely snipe him! ]

"Damn it, let go of our captain!"

"Kill that woman, kill them all."

At this time, the rest of the Bellamy Pirates finally reacted.

The vice-captain Sarquiss drew out the long sword at his waist and

rushed straight at Mikita.

But before they could make a five step, Sarquiss and the Bellamy Pirates

body grew arms out of thin air.

Even Bellamy was no exception.

For a moment, all the pirates in front of Rifan couldn't control their

bodies and fell to the ground one after another.


[Hahaha, is this the rest of the Bellamy Pirates you Bald Eagles were

talking about? Didn't they fall all at once? ]

[This ability is the ability of Robin! Damn, I didn't expect her to be so

strong! ]

[Bald Eagle Z: Damn, what's going on with this woman, why didn't she

take the opportunity to deal with Rifan and Mikita? ]

"I thought you wouldn't shoot, Robin."

Rifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Robin in surprise.

"After all, it's up to you to find those Poneglyph."

"And, even if I don't make a move, these people won't be your


Robin smiled slightly.

For her, since the Bellamy Pirates cannot pose a threat to Rifan.

Then she can naturally use it to reduce Rifan's defense against her, so

that she may implement an escape plan later.


At this moment, a gunshot sounded suddenly.

Robin's eyes widened, and her attention was instantly attracted by Rifan's

hand stretched out in front of him and the bullets falling from his palm.

"Damn it, there's actually a sniper!?"

Mikita looked angrily at the direction where the gunshots came from.

Just when she was about to rush towards Ethan, Rifan had already

rushed towards Ethan one step ahead of her.

Ethan's eyes widened, and he quickly pulled the trigger again at Rifan

who was rushing towards him.

However, each of his bullets was tightly held by Rifan with Armament

Haki's right hand.

With the perception bonus of Observation Haki, Ethan's sniping can't

pose a threat to him at all.

It didn't take a moment for Rifan to come to him.

"Are you, Ethan?"

Rifan looked at Ethan who was squatting in the bushes in front of him,

and asked curiously.

"Fuck you!"

Ethan cursed angrily, threw away the sniper rifle in his hand, drew out

the dagger at his waist and stabbed Rifan in the chest.

The sniper rifle did not work at a distance from Rifan.

He thought it would work at such close range.

'There is still a chance, I just need to lower his defense like what I did to

that pirate vice-captain. '

'As long as I use my High-Speed ​​Regeneration to feign death, I can

definitely kill this guy. '

Although he was surprised by the strength of Rifan and Rifan's partners,

Ethan, a special soldier, did not give up hope.

The physique that has been advanced to D-level gave Ethan great

strength and speed.

His dagger came to Rifan almost instantly.

However, the next moment, Rifan grabbed Ethan's arm and twisted his


The dagger fell from Ethan's hand, Rifan caught the dagger and pierced

Ethan's chest with his backhand.


[Tl/n: 100stones = 1 chapter. (Chapter will be added on the next


Chapter 23: Killing Ethan

Rifan didn't care whether the person in front of him was Ethan he knew

or not.

If the person in front of him is really Ethan.

Rifan believes that the Copy Space will give corresponding prompts when

the man in front of him dies.

Maybe, there will be an achievement like 'the first reincarnator to kill a


Therefore, facing Ethan's attack, he decisively chose to end his life.

Ethan's heart was stabbed by the dagger, and he immediately rolled his

eyes and fell to the ground, spitting blood.

Seeing the situation of the man in front of him, Rifan raised his eyebrows

and threw the dagger snatched from Ethan's hand in front of him, then

turned and walked towards the direction he came from.

At this moment, the "dead" Ethan picked up the dagger that Rifan threw

in front of him and stabbed Rifan in the back with a bounce.

'Success! '

Ethan's eyes widened, his face beaming with joy.

Similarly, the Blue Star audience stared at the scene in front of them with

wide-eyed eyes.

This is the first contest between two reincarnators.

Moreover, it is a contest between the reincarnator of Giant Panda and the

Bald Eagle Country, the two big countries of Blue Star.

Almost all civilians and leaders all over the world are paying attention to

the situation here.


Before Ethan could rejoice, Rifan turned around suddenly and grabbed

Ethan's arm.

"Huh?! How is it possible?!"

Ethan's eyes widened, and he looked at the smiling Rifan in horror.

"Sorry, I can't help teasing you when I see you pretending to be dead."

"The sound of your heartbeat has never been hidden from my

Observation Haki perception from the beginning to the end."

Rifan chuckled, and aimed at Ethan with a swirling black mist with his

other hand.

"Hmm... dark water won't work on you."

"But you have the weird High-Speed ​​Regeneration ability."

"So, you really are Ethan, right?"

"The power of this High-Speed ​​Regeneration is your talent, right?"

Dark water failed to work on Ethan, Rifan not only did not feel

disappointed, but was even more happy with the situation in front of


"You bastard, how dare you play with me?!"

With a roar, Ethan pulled out another dagger from his bosom with his

empty hand and stabbed it straight at Rifan's chest.

However, Rifan is faster than that.


Rifan pulled out his dagger and cut off Ethan's hand that was stabbing his

chest with a slash.


The pain of breaking his hand made Ethan scream violently.

But soon, Rifan and himself were surprised to find that his arm, which

had been cut off, began to grow a new palm quickly!

In just a few seconds, a brand new hand appeared on Ethan's body.

"Are you Wolverine?"

"This talent is too powerful."

Rifan raised his eyebrows, looking at the man in front of him in great


"Having said that, judging by the sweat on your face, using such an

ability should consume a lot of stamina."

"Let me see how far you can recover."

After Rifan finished speaking, a black mist spread from Rifan's feet to

Ethan's feet.

"This... what is this, what are you bastards doing?!"

Ethan wanted to back away in horror, but found that he could not freely

control his legs as if he had stepped into a quagmire.

"This trick is called 'Dark Cave Path', enjoy the baptism of darkness."

After Rifan finished speaking, Ethan found himself falling towards the

black hole at his feet with a sudden acceleration.

Before he could react, his whole body had already plunged into darkness.

What followed was a burst of terrifying pressure from all directions.

In less than a second, Ethan lost his consciousness directly.

The next moment, the reminder of the copy space rang in the minds of all

the reincarnations.

The bloody bullet screen of the copy space that was pinned to the top

also appeared in the live broadcast rooms of Blue Star countries.

[Reincarnator Rifan kills Reincarnator Ethan, completes the achievement

of "the first reincarnator to kill another reincarnator", and is specially

rewarded with "Primary Observation Haki Awakening Scroll". Using this

scroll, Observation Haki can be initially awakened. ]

[Bald Eagle: How is it possible, how is this possible, how could Ethan

fail?! ]

[Green Pheasant: It's too scary, what kind of ability is that, that black

hole-like thing actually swallowed Ethan's body directly?!]

[Camel: Dark Fruit, it's so powerful! Damn Giant Panda, Rifan is

obviously a member of our country, you are not qualified to let Rifan

represent your country! ]

[Bald Eagle: Killing beasts, strongly condemn Rifan from Giant Panda,

Giant Panda officials must pay the price for this incident!]

[Fuck you! Fuck your condemnation, what Rifan did is self-defense, your

Ethan shot first you idiot!]

[Hehe, now you know what slapping is. Ethan is a fart, even if he has a

super talent, he can't compare to our Rifan. ]

[And the one from Camel above, why are you so shameless?]

[Hehe, I still want to thank Ethan for sending his head a thousand miles

away and giving Rifan an achievement. Although Rifan has awakened

Observation Haki, this Observation Haki scroll can still be used by his

companions. ]

[People of the Bald Eagle, you should be grateful for the resurrection

coins that your Ethan bought! Otherwise, your Ethan will be completely

screwed. ]

[You say, how about letting Rifan throw his corpse on the sea, so that

Ethan can be eliminated directly. ]

[That's true, he's already made an enemy of Rifan; at the very least, his

corpse may be used as fish feed.]

[Bald Eagle A: You bastards upstairs, aren't you afraid of revenge from

our country?!]

[Come on, who is afraid of whom?! We have a Rifan you idiots.]

As the fact of Ethan's death was shown at the top of the live broadcast

room, the audience in the real world instantly boiled.

This time, not only the people, but even the officials of Giant Panda and

the Bald Eagle began to take certain measures.

But all of this is temporary regardless of Rifan's affairs.

'Crushed directly to ashes by the power of Dark Fruit? '

'Or will the dead reincarnator be turned into ashes and dissipated? '

'Having said that, this guy's talent is good. '

'If he was physically stronger, he might be as tough as the Devil Fruit

user of the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit. '

'This guy got lucky and got a good talent.

'Or do all the reincarnators have perverted talents?'

'I don't know if this guy bought resurrection coins. '

'In the future, we may meet again, Ethan. '

Rifan put away the Darkness around him, and took a deep look at where

Ethan was originally.

Then he turned around and walked towards the direction where Mikita

and Robin were.

As for squatting on Ethan's corpse, he didn't even have a corpse, even if

Rifan wanted to take action, there was nothing he could do.

Rifan opened the communication interface of the reincarnators while

walking forward.

As he had imagined, the chat group had already become lively.

'Let me see if this guy Ethan can still speak in it. '

Rifan thought in his heart.

Chapter 24: Conqueror's Haki Is

Showing Its Power.

[Brown Bear - Tatiana: Has Rifan encountered Ethan, and he actually

killed that world-famous special soldier, which is really admirable. ]

[Giant Panda - Ray: Unexpectedly, Rifan and Ethan will be teleported to

the same place. This situation may not be a special case. In other places,

there may also be two or more reincarnators. ]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: Murderer, this guy is a murderer, we should

unite together to resist this Rifan! ]

[Camel - Nasser: Resist together? Then who will be the leader? You from

Green Pheasant? This Ethan is really a waste, he was killed so easily. I

thought he would be more powerful.]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: That's true, I thought he would be stronger, but I

didn't expect him to be killed so easily. Is Rifan really strong? If we have

a chance, how about we have a passionate wrestling?]

[Elephant - Akua: Tina, wrestling? Could you be the famous woman from

the Bald Eagle who participated in the Death or Alive Fighting Contest? ]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: Oh, do you know me? Are you my fan? ]

[Bald Eagle - Ethan: Damn Tina, and you bastard Nasser from Camel,

what do you know, you don't understand the weirdness of Rifan's ability

at all! And Rifan, this matter is endless, I will definitely avenge this

grudge! ]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: You really bought the resurrection coin. It doesn't

matter, I'll take your word as a dog barking, and I'll wait for your revenge

at any time! ]

[Green Pheasant - Ayane: Ethan, since you said Rifan's ability is weird,

can you share it with us here? ]

[Bald Eagle - Ethan: Alright, you give me your points, and I will give you

the information I know! If other people want it, they can also give me

points to buy it. ]

[Kangaroo - Helena: Points are an important resource, do you think we

will give you points in order to know Rifan's abilities? If you have such

points, you might as well use them to buy Devil Fruit and the 'Primary

Observation Haki Awakening Scroll' from Mr. Rifan. ]

[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka': That's right, Rifan, can you sell me

the 'Primary Observation Haki Awakening Scroll' that you don't need? If

you are willing, I'm willing to do anything for you when I have the honor

to meet you later. (●//▽//●)]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Forget it, I have to use this thing to train my

partners. But if you can have enough points in the future, I can sell you

some props to increase your strength. By the way, people from Giant

Panda can get discount. ]

[Giant Panda - Ray: Thank you for your generosity Rifan. ]

[Giant Panda - Ralph: Thanks, I'll buy the Haki Awakening Scroll from

you when I have enough points. ]

[Giant Panda 'Rody': Observation Haki, Armament Haki, these are like

the internal power in the legend, I'm really curious what kind of power

they are. ]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Good luck everyone, everyone, I believe you will

awaken the same power in the future. ]

Ethan's death and what Rifan said about future tradeable power-ups

brought more reincarnators into the discussion.

A large number of names that did not appear before appeared on the

reincarnators communication interface one by one.

After leaving the message, Rifan turned off the communication interface

between the reincarnators.

However, his complexion looked a little strange.

'Death or Alive Fighting Contest? And that wrestler named Tina. '

'There are also names like Helena and Ralph, this must be a coincidence. '

'The blue star I crossed should not have the characters from the fighting

game Death or Alive before I crossed. Yeah. It might all be a


Rifan shook his head, after shaking the strange thoughts out of his mind,

He quickened his pace and got back to Mikita and Robin.

"Bastard, let us go, my boss is Doflamingo, One of the Seven Warlords of

the Sea!"

"If you do something to me, he will definitely not let you go!"

Bellamy shouted to Rifan in horror.

By now, he has realized that he and his pirate group are no match for

Rifan and Rifan's partners.

In order to save his life, he could only choose to move out his backer,


"Heavenly Yaksha Doflamingo?"

Robin frowned, and looked deeper at Bellamy who was under their


But Mikita, now she is full of confidence in Rifan and herself.

Facing Bellamy's threat, she didn't care at all, instead she stomped on

Bellamy's back happily.


"My captain is not afraid, we already have enmity with Crocodile, also

one of the seven warlords."

"Do you think you can scare us by bringing out Doflamingo's name?"

Mikita said happily while enjoying Bellamy's screams.

When the surrounding pirates heard Bellamy's screams, they were even

more terrified, begging for mercy, or cursing Rifan and others.

"It's really... noisy!"

Rifan glanced at the surrounding pirates, a domineering and crazy aura

suddenly spread from his body and quickly swept away.

The originally noisy atmosphere instantly became extremely quiet.

Within the Bellamy Pirates, all the pirates fell asleep on the spot.

Among them were even the captain and deputy captain of the Bellamy

Pirates who were attacked by Mikita.

The two of them were seriously injured. Even if they could bear Rifan's

Conqueror's Haki at this stage, they couldn't bear it now.

"This is... Conqueror's Haki, you actually have such power?!"

Robin looked at Rifan in shock, and even raised her voice due to surprise.

"Conqueror's Haki, what's that?"

Mikita pressed her chest, calming her beating heart because of Rifan's

Conqueror's Haki hitting her, and asked Robin curiously.

"Conqueror's Haki, that's proof of kingship."

"This is a power that cannot be exercised through training."

"In the legend, everyone who owns Conqueror's Haki has an extremely

remarkable existence."

"Such power, not even Crocodile possessed it!"

Robin said quickly.

At this moment, she seemed to understand that Rifan didn't take her

threat seriously.

In her opinion, people who can awaken Conqueror's Haki must be

arrogant, and it is normal to look down on Shichibukai.

"Even Crocodile doesn't have Conqueror's Haki?"

"Kyahaha~As expected of my captain, you are really amazing!"

Mikita clasped her hands together and looked at Rifan with bright eyes.

At this moment, she felt more and more at ease in following Rifan.

As for Crocodile sending someone after her?

From Mikita's point of view, this is completely a trivial matter.


Chapter 25: Black Pearl Pirate!

[Is this Haki from Conqueror's? It's truly unparalleled and overbearing! ]

[One look, and then all the enemy passed out! Haha, it was too fierce. ]

[ Rifan is so kind. He could have directly stunned Ethan with the

Conqueror's Haki, but for the sake of his self-esteem, Rifan did not use

this method. Haha~]

[Goat: This is the power of momentum, Rifan is really becoming more

and more manly! ]

[Bald Eagle: Hmph, this power is not absolute, as long as one's own will

is strong enough, they will definitely not be affected. ]

[Yes, yes, you are right! But I don't think your Ethan has such a firm will.


[Speaking of which, it's not bad that Rifan didn't show the Conqueror's

Haki in front of Ethan. In this way, even if he can use resurrection coins

to resurrect himself, he does not know Rifan's ability. ]

[Yes! He can no longer share Rifan's ability with other people in the

reincarnated people's communication group. ]

Clap clap!

Cricket clapped his hands and walked over in shock.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect you to have such an aura!"

"Who are you guys, that you can defeat the Bellamy Pirates so easily?"

Cricket said in awe.

"As you can see, we are just a few people who are interested in Sky


Rifan shrugged and said indifferently.

"Hehe, interesting! It's so interesting."

"With such strength and such a strong spirit, you should not come to

tease me, an old fellow who is plagued by diseases."

"Forget it, let me tell you about Sky Island."

Cricket smiled and started talking about what he had learned about Sky


Robin was surprised to find that although what Cricket said was different

from what Rifan said, most of them can overlap.

Coupled with Cricket's identity as a descendant of Noland, Robin couldn't

help but believe in the existence of Sky Island.

Even the Poneglyph Rifan said!

"That's all I know about Sky Island."

"If you want to go to Sky Island, you can wait until this time tomorrow."

"According to my observation, there will be upwelling currents at that


"As for the ship, after my little brothers come back, I can ask them to

prepare the ship for you."

"Also, if you really go to Sky Island, please ring the legendary golden bell

for me to hear."

"Let this old guy listen to the legendary sound in the story of my


After Cricket finished speaking, he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

[Rifan, you have started a new mission - to find the lost golden bell! ]

[Task requirements: Find the golden Shandora, and ring Shandora's

golden bell yourself or by your crew! ]

The voice in his head made Rifan smile again.

"Thanks for telling me about Sky Island, Cricket."

"But we won't bother you to help us prepare our ship."

"For the pirate ship, I have it!"

"Mikita, take Bellamy over there and follow me."

Rifan waved to Mikita and Robin, and walked towards the beach.

Cricket looked at Rifan suspiciously, and driven by curiosity, he also


"Rifan, where is your pirate ship?"

"There don't seem to be any ships here."

Coming to the beach, Robin looked at the empty sea around her, and

looked at Rifan with a smile on her face.

"No, it's here."

Rifan turned his right hand, and a transparent bottle appeared in his


Robin and Mikita took a closer look and found that there was a model

pirate ship sailing in the water in the bottle.

"Rifan, you can really joke, you don't want us to ride on this toy, do you?"

Robin laughed.

Rifan smiled slightly, but did not answer Robin.

Instead, he directly opened the bottle cap, took the pirate ship model out

of it, and threw it into the sea.

Robin, Mikita, and Cricket who had come to the front watched curiously

as the model of the pirate ship flew into the air and finally sank below

the surface of the sea.

"Uh, brother, why don't I prepare a ship for you?

Cricket pinched his cheeks and said with a little embarrassment.

"Hehe, wait a little longer."

Rifan folded his arms, calmly looking at the place where the model of the

pirate ship sank.

Cricket frowned, just when he was about to say something.

There was a sudden noise on the sea.

Following the sound, Cricket quickly looked over.

The next moment, his eyes widened.

Under the surface of the sea, a small three-masted sailboat gradually

floated up from the bottom of the sea.

Its shape is exactly the same as the model of the pirate ship that Rifan

threw around earlier!

[Damn, awesome, is this the pirate ship presented by the copy space? ]

[I underestimated the dungeon space, and thought that the dungeon

space will only provide an ordinary ship, but in the end, a portable pirate

ship that can be enlarged and reduced came!]

[Produced by Copy Space, it must be awesome! Haha, in this way, even if

it is a pirate ship, our Rifan is ahead of other reincarnations. ]

[Zebra: Don't be too complacent, you can get it, but it doesn't mean that

our reincarnators can't get it. ]

[Kangaroo: Yes, yes, our contestant Helena relies on her clever mind, and

now she is doing quite well. One day she will surpass your Rifan. ]

[Hehe, I'm sorry to hear that you guys still have to think about how to

surpass our Ray, hahaha~]

"Yes, Not Bad!"

After Rifan recycled the transparent bottle for storing the pirate ship to

the inventory, he looked at the pirate ship in front of him with

satisfaction, and nodded with a smile.

The size of the pirate ship is about the same as Going Merry.

As for the style of the pirate ship, Rifan refers to the Black Pearl from the

movie "Pirates of Caribbean" that he watched in his previous life.

After all, the name of his pirate group is called the Black Pearl Pirates.

Moreover, the pirate ship given to him by the copy space can also be

enlarged and reduced like the Black Pearl seen in his previous life.

Under such circumstances, Rifan can't decide whether to name it 'Black


Although in terms of scale, his current Black Pearl is much smaller than

the Black Pearl in the Caribbean pirate world.

But Rifan believes that one day, he will be able to own a pirate ship as

strong as the Black Pearl in the pirate world of the Caribbean.

As for the flag of the pirate ship, it is exactly the same as the pattern of

his "Captain's Seal".

'However, I never thought that I could conceive the layout of the room

before summoning the pirate ship. '

'Mikita should be very happy later. '

Think of the small chocolate house, study room and some other rooms

that he conceived when he summoned the Black Pearl.

Rifan turned to Mikita and Robin with a smile on his face.


Chapter 26: The Spring Fruits In

Hand, Mikita's Curiosity.

"Wow! Is this our pirate ship?"

"Captain Rifan, how did you do it?!"

"That toy model ship actually turned into a real pirate ship!"

"It's almost like a dream!"

Mikita dragged Bellamy's legs to Rifan, and looked at Rifan with a pair of

beautiful eyes.

"It is indeed a very good pirate ship."

"I don't know if the passengers can become smaller and bigger with this

pirate ship."

"If you can follow the pirate ship to become smaller."

"Even in the face of the Marine's pursuit, the possibility of escaping will

increase a lot."

Robin rested her chin on one hand and muttered to herself.

"It's just a little trick, don't be too surprised."

"Plus, the ship can only get bigger and smaller with cargo."

"As passengers, there is no way for us to grow bigger and smaller with it."

"Come on, Mikita, Robin, aboard our Black Pearl! We're almost ready to


Rifan raised his hands and patted the shoulders of Mikita and Robin

beside him.

Then he jumped directly to the deck of the Black Pearl.

"Wait a minute, brother, the rising current is tomorrow, and you can't

reach Sky Island even if you go out to sea now."

After being surprised, Cricket hurried forward, wanting to persuade Rifan


"Hehe, even if there is no upwelling current, I have a way to get to Sky


"Robin, Mikita, let's go and see the rooms in the ship first."

"Then we can go."

Rifan waved his hand, and the two boarded the deck. When the two

came to his side, he said something to Robin and Mikita, and then

walked towards the interior of the cabin.

"Really Captain Rifan? That is amazing!"

Mikita now admires Rifan almost infinitely, so she naturally believes

what Rifan said.

As for Robin, although she was puzzled, she still walked up with him.

Soon, the three of them disappeared in front of Cricket.

"What an incredible guy. Maybe he can really find the legendary golden

town of Shandora."

Cricket scratched the back of his head and sighed.

At the same time, on the other side, in the direction of Mock Town.

Blackbeard Teach looked deeply at the peninsula where Rifan and the

others were located.

"Although it's a little weak, that breath should be Conqueror's Haki."

"In the first half of the Grand Line, there are people with such potential?"

"Zehahaha, it's really interesting."

"Although that guy Rifan rejected me, it would be pretty cool if I could

invite someone with Conqueror's Haki to be my crew member."

"Delicious! Damn, the Cherry Pie made by that guy Rifan is really


"It's a pity he doesn't want to be the chef of my pirate team."

Blackbeard laughed loudly, carrying a large bag of cherry pie, and

stuffing pie into his mouth as he walked towards the peninsula where

Rifan was.

he Black Pearl, inside the cabin.

"This is the bookstore, Robin, I will let you take care of it from now on."

"Afterwards you can buy some books you want to read."

"And Mikita, this is a chocolate house, where you can make chocolates,

pastries, etc. in the future."

"Of course, the conditions of the pirate ship are limited, and the size of

the room is still somewhat limited."

"If there is a chance in the future, I can change you to a bigger room."

Rifan pushed open the doors of the cabin and quickly introduced them to

Robin and Mikita.

"No, it's already good, Captain Rifan."

"You are amazing, I love you!"

Mikita threw Bellamy on the deck excitedly, and then ran to her

chocolate shop to look left and right.

Although it was just a chocolate shop on a pirate ship, it was enough to

satisfy Mikita.

Seeing Mikita's happy face, Rifan felt that if her loyalty to him hadn't

reached the point of intimacy.

This chocolate shop alone can once again increase Mikita's loyalty to


'However, I still have to find a way to make Mikita's loyalty 100%. '

'According to the rules of the copy space, as long as the loyalty of the

companion reaches 100%. '

'The captain can gain some abilities from his companions. '

'I don't know if I can get permission to use Mikita's kilo-kilo Fruit by then.


Rifan thought in his heart.

Although the Kilo-Kilo Fruit is not very powerful, there is still a high-

ranking fruit with tons of weight on top of it.

And on the top, there is a Float-Float Fruit pressing on it.

But at least the Kilo-Kilo Fruit can give users the ability to suspend and

float in the air.

Among other things, this mobility alone, Rifan knew it could improve his

chances of surviving in battle.

And in the future, if Mikita and himself can become physical masters like

cp9 agents, the ability to Kilo-Kilo Fruit will definitely bring them

considerable help.

"It's really nice. It's rare that you can build such a room on a small three-

masted sailing ship."

"Speaking of which, did the library room and the chocolate shop exist

when you built this ship, or did you build them just now?"

Robin asked curiously.

"Well, after a little thought in my mind, they came out."

Rifan didn't hide it either, and said it casually.

"Is that so… I've seen objects eat Devil Fruit and gain abilities."

"Could it be that your ship is the product of Devil Fruit ability?"

asked Robin.

"No! But I think it's probably even rarer than a ship that ate Devil Fruit."

Rifan chuckled, and then grabbed the neck of the unconscious Bellamy

and lifted him up.

Seeing this, a light flashed in Robin's eyes.

In her mind, the picture of Rifan getting Mr.5 Devil Fruit came to mind.

Rifan: "Robin, can you give me the pear in your satchel?"

Robin: "My pleasure!"

Robin wants to see if Rifan can really deprive others of their Devil Fruit

ability, after giving the pear to Rifan,

She took a step back, fixed her eyes on Rifan who used the Dark Fruit

ability to wrap himself and Bellamy.

The next moment, Bellamy's miserable screams came from the black mist.

As time passed, Bellamy's screams became weaker and weaker.

When his cry disappeared, the black mist surrounding him and Rifan also

slowly dissipated.

At this time, the appearance of the pear in Rifan's hand has also changed


Not only has the volume increased, but there are also many spiral lines

on the skin.

[Haha, congratulations to Rifan for getting another Devil Fruit! ]

[Dark Fruit is so scary! Rifan's choice is so accurate!]

[However, this time there is no global announcement in the dungeon

space, that's right, after all, the achievement of 'getting Devil Fruit for the

first time' has been achieved. ]

[Although the achievement of obtaining Devil Fruit for the first time has

been achieved, there may be another achievement of obtaining a certain

amount of Devil Fruit for the first time in the future. ]

[If there is such an achievement, it can definitely be achieved with

Rifan's strength. ]

[By the way, why are there no lost dogs and foreigners talking, are they

all dead? ]

[Hehe, those guys probably only dare to watch helplessly now, and they

don't dare to come to our live broadcast room to bark. ]

Just as the audience in Giant Panda thought, all foreign audiences and

officials are watching Rifan's performance with serious expressions.

However, they can't do anything but just watch.

Even if they wanted to get their own or even reincarnated people from

other countries to join forces to deal with Rifan, they couldn't do it

because they couldn't contact the reincarnated people.

In the end, many national officials who were unhappy with Giant Panda

could only vent their grievances on Giant Panda's diplomacy.

It's just that neither ordinary people nor officials in Giant Panda at this

moment care about their threatening diplomatic methods.

At the same time, like the audience.

Robin and Mikita also looked at Rifan and the Devil Fruit in Rifan's hands

in surprise.

'This man can really take away other people's Devil Fruit! '

'What kind of ability is this! '

Robin thought in surprise.

"Is this that bastard Devil Fruit?"

"Captain Rifan is amazing, you really can do anything!"

"Hey, Captain Rifan, if you use your ability, can you take out the Devil

Fruit from my body?"

"And let me eat another more powerful Devil Fruit?"

Mikita asked Rifan admiringly and curiously.


Chapter 27: Strengthening

Partners And Selling Devil Fruit.

"That's a very good question."

"If possible, I also want to help Mikita to replace your Kilo-Kilo Fruit with

Logia or Eudemons Devil Fruit."

"But, those who I use my ability to take away their Devil Fruit will lose

their lives just like Bellamy."

"So I can't replace Devil Fruit for you."

"Maybe, after my strength is more proficient, I can help you replace it."

Rifan put his hand on Mikita's shoulder, and said with some uncertainty.

For things like replacing Devil Fruit, Rifan felt that relying solely on the

power of Dark Fruit is not as good as relying on the power of copy space.

As long as there is a 'Replacement Devil Fruit Scroll' or 'Double Devil

Fruit Scroll' or even a 'Triple Devil Fruit Scroll' in the copy space, it is

quite easy to obtain other fruit abilities.

"Forget it then, I don't want to become like this guy."

Mikita looked at Bellamy, who died miserably, and shook her head


"Replacing Devil Fruit, although I can't do it for you."

"But I can help you further improve your strength."

"Mikita, give me your hand."

While talking, Rifan held out his hand to Mikita.


Mikita's eyes lit up, and she quickly stretched out her hands to hold

Rifan's hand tightly.

With the experience of her strength increasing rapidly last time.

Now Mikita is extremely addicted to Rifan's mysterious power.

At this moment, Mikita was naturally extremely excited when she heard

that there was another chance to become stronger soon.

Rifan nodded slightly, and in the next moment directly used the 'Primary

Observation Haki Awakening Scroll' in the inventory on Mikita through

the communication with copy space.

[You use the 'Primary Observation Haki Awakening Scroll' on Mikita the

'Pastry Chef', Mikita's personal attributes have been refreshed, please

check for yourself.

[Your talent 'Strengthen the crew, equal return' has been activated. Since

you have awakened the primary Observation Haki, this strengthening

conversion is equivalent to 'One of the Marine Six Styles - Iron Body'. ]

[Your personal attribute has been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

'This is really a surprise. '

'Even though I have awakened the primary Observation Haki. '

'Strengthening the crew, my talents can also bring me feedback. '

'The talent transformed by the system is really strong.'

'But why Iron Body? '

'There is no good end for those who practice this thing! '

'And the Haki Awakening Scroll is only transformed into one of the

Marine Six Styles, which is a little bit less. '

Thinking of the scene where many people using 'Iron Body' were beaten

to the ground, the corners of Rifan's mouth twitches uncontrollably.

But soon, Rifan put aside the strange thoughts in his heart.

And secretly opened his own personal attribute panel.

Originally, he thought that since he had awakened Haki, his talent could

no longer feed back the strengthening of Mikita to him.

Although it is only an 'Iron Body' feedback now, it can be regarded as a


'I hope next time, at least I want the feedback to give me a Shaved or

Moonwalk or something. '

Rifan was thinking in his heart while looking at his personal panel.

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates]

[Name: Rifan]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Position: Captain]

[Talent: Strengthen the crew, equal returns]

[Points: 0 points]

[Physical: 2110 points]

[Physical level: D level]

[Devil Fruit: Dark Fruit]

[Skill: Marine Six Styles—— Iron Body]

[Special abilities: Primary Armament Haki, Primary Armament Haki,

Primary Conqueror's Haki]

[Props: teleportation pointer, small three-masted sailboat, explosive fruit,

spring fruit]

[Partner: Mikita]

"Captain Rifan, this...is this the power of the Observation Haki that you

and Robin discussed earlier?"

"I feel that my senses have suddenly become so sharp that I can even hear

the sound outside the ship!"

After carefully feeling the power in her body, Mikita opened her eyes and

looked at Rifan happily.

"That's right, this is the observation Haki."

"Now, you should know why I was able to detect that you and Robin

were pretending to be asleep."

Rifan let go of Mikita's hand, teasingly pinching Mikita's face.

"Then... wasn't I scared then?"

Mikita smiled shyly.

Then she took a deep breath, and hugged Rifan's neck as if mustering up

her courage, leaving a single lip print on Rifan's face again.

"Thank you, Captain Rifan."

"I'm going to get acquainted with this new power of mine."

Mikita let go of Rifan, not even daring to look at Rifan, and quickly ran

to the side.

Rifan looked at Mikita's back with a smile on his face, and felt that the

woman in front of him was extremely cute.

Originally, she was just an object that Rifan invited by chance before

inviting Robin.

But now, he gradually felt that it would be nice to invite such a lovely

and youthful woman.

"It seems that you are very popular with Miss Valentine, Rifan."

Aside, Robin suddenly spoke.

"I'm honored that Mikita likes me. Rather, I'm quite happy to be treated

like this by a girl."

"It's you, Robin, seeing your hesitant expression on your face, is there

anything you want to say to me?"

Rifan asked.

"I'm just a little curious about your power. Even with the power of

Observation Haki, can you help others awaken at will?"

"Why, could it be that Ms. Robin also wants me to awaken her

Observation Haki?"

"If I say yes, will you help me wake up?"

"Of course, as long as you can become my crew."

"Really, do I need to give you a kiss like Miss Valentine?"

"If Robin really wanted to give me a kiss, I'd love to take it."

"Hehe, Mr. Rifan, please help me find the Poneglyph first."

After Robin finished speaking, she chuckled and walked to the other side.

The corner of Rifan's mouth turned up, he smiled slightly, and then fixed

his gaze on his personal attribute panel.

'Physical points have reached 2110 points, and I don't know how many

physical points are needed to reach C-level physical strength. '

'And Devil Fruit! If it's an explosive fruit, it should be pretty good. '

'If it is well developed, it should be stronger than Doflamingo's

subordinates who use exploding devil ability. '

'Perhaps I can reserve this devil fruit for a certain partner for use in the

future. '

'However, the spring fruit is not worth much to eat. '

'Should I use it to trade with other reincarnators?'

Rifan rubbed his chin, thinking in his heart.

Soon, Rifan made a decision.

Following his mind control, the spring fruit that was originally placed on

the prop bar was moved to the trade bar between reincarnators.

In Rifan's opinion, since the spring fruit is useless, it is a good choice to

exchange it for some points.

However, considering that all reincarnators are in their infancy, Rifan did

not dare to set the transaction amount too high.

[Please confirm whether to place the spring fruit at the trading center

among reincarnators for 3000 points for sale. ]

'Add two conditions! First, 2,000 points are enough for reincarnators

from Giant Panda to buy the spring devil fruit. '

Secondly, if the reincarnators of the Bald Eagle Country want to buy

spring devil fruit, it needs 4000 points. '

[The transaction conditions have been confirmed, and your product

'Spring Fruit' has been placed in the transaction center. ]

[When a reincarnated person buys it, the copy space will give you a

reminder! ]


Chapter 28: Threat! Meet

Blackbeard Again!

As the spring fruit is hung in the trading center of the reincarnation.

Soon someone discovered that the number in the trading center that had

always been '0' suddenly changed to '1'.

When everyone clicked in to see it, they were immediately beyond shock.

[Kangaroo - Helena: A Devil Fruit that can turn a part of its body into a

spring? Should it be said that Rifan, have you started uploading Devil

Fruit for sale so soon? ]

[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka: It's a pity that it needs 3000 points,

it's really too expensive for me. Master Rifan, can't it be cheaper? ]

[Giant Panda - Ray: Rifan is indeed worthy of respect, and he still cares

about his countrymen. It's a pity that even if it's 2000 reincarnation

points, I can't get it out for the time being. ]

[Giant Panda - Ralph: 1,000 points less than reincarnators from other

countries is already a huge discount. I will work hard and strive to get

this spring fruit as soon as possible. Its power seems to be able to give me

more development directions in my way of fighting.]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: Hey, hey, it's fine for the reincarnators in Giant Panda

to spend 1,000 less purchase points, but why do we have to spend 1,000

more reincarnation points? Rifan, you are too much of a bully, right?

Unfortunately, I still want to have a passionate wrestling with you. ]

[Bald Eagle - Sarah Bryan: Presumably Rifan blamed us for what

happened to Ethan. ]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: What, why should we take that guy's blame? Ethan,

you bastard killed us!]

[Bald Eagle - Ethan: Shut up woman! Damn Rifan, did you take Bellamy's

Devil Fruit too?!]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: That's right, and thank you for bringing that guy to

me. By the way, the spring fruit this time is considering that everyone

has just arrived in the dungeon world. After waiting for a while, If you

want to buy Devil Fruit from me, it may not be at this price. ]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: Hehe, Rifan, do you think you are amazing?

You just got lucky. Even without you, everyone can become a devil fruit

user. Some get cocky you bastard!]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Is that so, Mr. Otoshi, why don't you become a

devil fruit user first? ]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: You just wait and see, I will become the devil

fruit user that you can't even imagine!]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Since you are so confident, then I will add another

rule, the players named Otoshi of Green Pheasant cannot buy spring fruit.


[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka: Mr. Rifan, please only punish Otoshi

alone, please don't punish an innocent girl like me as well. ]

Koharu Momoko looked at the communication interface worriedly.

She is afraid that Rifan will increase the purchase amount of the

reincarnators of the Green Pheasant just like increasing the purchase

amount of the reincarnation of the Bald Eagle because of Otoshi.

What she didn't know was that Rifan had completely offended the Bald

Eagle officials by killing their special forces.

That's why the transaction amount of all Bald Eagle empire

reincarnations will be increased.

Unless something similar happened between the Green Pheasant

reincarnators and him.

Otherwise, Rifan does not plan to increase the transaction amount of the

overall reincarnators of the Green Pheasant.

After all, points should be earned.

[Bald Eagle - Tina: Yes, Rifan, if you want to punish, just punish Ethan

alone, I am also very interested in spring fruit, can you give me a

discount? ]

['Bald Eagle' Sarah Bryan: I agree! ]

Rifan did not answer Koharu Momo, Tina and Sarah Bryan.

After looking at the name of the reincarnators that appeared in the

communication interface.

He closed the personal panel and refocused on Mikita and Robin.

"It's time to go."

"Robin, Mikita, put down your supplies."

"Then come on deck with me, and I'll take you to Sky Island."

Rifan smiled, carried Bellamy and walked towards the deck.

Upon hearing this, Robin and Mikita naturally followed Rifan's


After putting down the supplies, they came to the deck with Rifan.

"Zehahaha, what a fate, Rifan."

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Is this ship yours? It looks pretty good."

Just after arriving on the deck, a familiar voice came from the island.

Rifan followed the sound and found that it was Blackbeard Teach.

"This guy actually came here."

Rifan muttered to himself, and threw the disabled Bellamy onto the


"We meet again, Teach, what are you doing here?"

After telling Mikita and Robin to get ready to set sail, Rifan lay down on

the side of the ship and asked Teach.

While speaking, a teleportation pointer appeared in Rifan's hand, ready

to leave Gaya Island and Blackbeard at any time.

Right now, he didn't think he was capable of dealing with Blackbeard.

If a battle happened accidentally, he would be the one who was unlucky.

At the same time, Rifan gave Cricket not far away a look, signaling him

to leave quickly.

Cricket is such a good guy, the moment he saw Blackbeard he knew he

was a tough guy.

Receiving a reminder from Rifan at this moment, he naturally turned

around and walked towards the forest not far away.

Blackbeard glanced at Cricket, but didn't pay much attention to him.

He looked meaningfully at the fallen Bellamy Pirates, then looked at

Rifan and asked:

"Rifan, I felt the breath of Conqueror's Haki earlier."

"Can you tell me who cast Conqueror's Haki?"

Hearing this, Rifan immediately understood why Blackbeard came here.

His Conqueror's Haki is only at the Primary level, and once it explodes, it

will pour out uncontrollably.

The expansion range of Conqueror's Haki is naturally beyond his control.

If Blackbeard is not far from here, it is normal to be able to feel it.

"It's the Conqueror's Haki I use."

Rifan nodded slightly, graciously admitting it.

"This is really... I didn't expect you to have such courage!"

"Zehahaha, as expected, you should be my chef, Rifan!"

Blackbeard laughed.

"Sorry, Teach! As you can see, I now have my own pirate ship, and my

current identity is a captain!"

"Zehahaha, it's okay! Since you are a pirate, you should be able to accept

the fight!"

"Fight? Do you want to fight me, Teach?"

"That's right! If I beat you, how about you joining me with your people

and ship?!"

Blackbeard laughed, and streaks of black mist rose up on himself.

The sturdy aura began to erupt from the inside of his body, spreading in

all directions.

Although it's not Conqueror's Haki, Blackbeard's aura honed by fighting

in the New World for many years is still shocking.

Robin and Mikita looked at Rifan strangely when they saw the black mist

on Blackbeard.


Chapter 29 Blackbeard: What,

Rifan Has The Same Ability As


[Green Pheasant: Haha, it's over now, Rifan will go offline soon. ]

[Chollima: It's really a happy scene. If Rifan and Blackbeard fight, it will

definitely expose Dark Fruit's affairs, and he will definitely be beaten to

death by Blackbeard. ]

[Bald Eagle: Hehe, there's something to watch. Let's see how your Rifan

can escape the current predicament. ]

[I said, have you all forgotten that our Rifan has already made plans to

leave just now?]

[These foreigners probably ignore the fact that Rifan has a pointer that

can teleport them because they only want to see what they want to see,

haha. ]

"You bastard, who do you think you are, how dare you talk to my

Captain Rifan like that?"

"Be careful, I will teach you a lesson!"

Mikita rolled up her sleeves, as if planning to do something right away.

"Zehahaha, is this little girl your woman?"

"No, she should only be a partner."

"Little girl, I'm talking to Rifan, you don't have the right to intervene


Blackbeard glared at Mikita fiercely, the fierce gaze made Mikita's heart

skip a beat because of her awakened Observation Haki.

Subconsciously, she began to feel that Blackbeard in front of her was very


Seeing this, Rifan immediately protected Mikita behind her.

"Don't be so aggressive to my crew, Teach."

"Also, Mikita is just very tough on my enemy."

"But to me, she is very gentle."

Rifan said.

"Really, that's a partner suitable for being a woman."

"Rifan, join me."

"If possible, I don't want to do anything to you."

"If you join me, I can give you fame, fortune, or beauty."

Blackbeard stopped at a distance of about 5 meters from the Black Pearl,

and the black mist on his body became more and more dense.

"It's an attractive proposal, but let's forget it."

Rifan shook his head, and clenched the teleportation pointer in his right


"Really, then, let's fight!"

"Dark Cave!"

After Blackbeard finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved a black

mist at the Black Pearl where Rifan was.


With a crisp sound, the teleportation pointer in Rifan's hand shattered.

The next moment, a white ball of light enveloped the Black Pearl on

which Rifan and others were sitting.

As soon as the black mist swung by Blackbeard touched the white ball of

light, it bounced away.

Then, the white ball of light turned into a comet and flew straight into

the sky with its long tail.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared before Blackbeard's eyes.

"Huh?!" Teach blinked in astonishment, "What kind of ability is this?"

[Hahaha, the expression of Blackbeard shown at the end of the screen is

really funny. ]

[That guy was completely stupefied, probably never seen such power

before. ]

[After all, this is a prop from the copy space, how could a local npc like

Blackbeard understand it. ]

[Where are the idiots from other countries barking earlier, didn't you just

say that our Rifan is about to end? Look, are they finished now? ]

[Bald Eagle: Tsk, don't be complacent, there will always be times when

your Rifan stumbles. ]

[Zebra: Exactly! The higher you climb now, the more painful it will be

when you fall later! ]

[Tsk tsk, this sour smell is about to overflow the screen, hahaha. ]

[It's a pity that Rifan has been teleported away now, and we can't see

Teach's next expression. ]

[Wait, something is wrong! Everyone, go to Ethan's live broadcast room!]

[What do you mean? Isn't that guy's live broadcast room always black? ]

[That guy's live broadcast room started to broadcast normally, and that

guy came back to life!]

[What, this bastard is actually resurrected at this time! Damn, if he had

been revived earlier, Rifan would have killed him completely. ]

The news of the rebroadcast of Ethan's live broadcast room caused a

crowd of Giant Panda viewers to flock to Ethan's live broadcast room.

They were surprised to find that Ethan had not only been resurrected.

He still seems to be planning to reach out to Blackbeard!

"It seems that Rifan and I still don't have a fate. Forget it, let's find other

people as companions."

Blackbeard shook his head, retracted the black mist formed by the Dark

Fruit, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Huh? Is there anyone here who hasn't fallen yet?"

"Boy, are you also a member of the Bellamy Pirates?"

Blackbeard looked at Ethan who was standing 100 meters away from

him, and walked over curiously.

In his eyes, Ethan's aura is not strong.

Even worse than many of the fallen Bellamy Pirates.

And such a man was able to not faint from the impact of Rifan's

Conqueror's Haki, and now he was standing here without incident,

Blackbeard would inevitably be a little curious about him.

What Blackbeard didn't know was that the Ethan in front of him was not

unharmed because he is a person who has died and been resurrected


"What, did you get scared by Rifan, or are you dumb?"

Blackbeard walked up to Ethan, looking at Ethan who was still staring

blankly at him, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"You... Your ability just now is the same as Rifan?"

Just when Blackbeard was a little impatient, Ethan suddenly spoke,

speaking with some uncertainty.

"Huh? What did you say? Rifan have the same abilities as me?"

"That's right! I saw Rifan use the black mist that came out of you just

now! He also used that black mist to send me to a place without a trace

of light."

"Boy, are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm absolutely not kidding, I promise you with my life!"

Seeing the black mist rising from Blackbeard's body again, Ethan waved

his hands nervously.

He didn't want to be killed again just after using the resurrection coin to


If that was the case, he would really be dead.

"Use your life, Zehahaha, then you have to abide by this sentence."

After Blackbeard finished speaking, he directly punched Ethan in the


Such a powerful force even made his hand directly penetrate Ethan's



[Chapter Release: 2 chapter a day]

[Bonus Chapters: +100 Stones=1 Chapter

[Power Ranking(Monthly) 1st Rank= 4 Chapters release everyday.

(Bonus Chapter not included.]


[Chapter Release: 2 chapter a day] [Bonus Chapters: +100 Stones=1

Chapter [Power Ranking(Monthly) 1st Rank= 4 Chapters release

everyday. (Bonus Chapter not included.]

Chapter 30: Sky Island

[Hahaha~ congratulations to Ethan for receiving an offline ferry ticket! ]

[He was beaten up by Blackbeard just after he was resurrected, this guy's

luck is really bad enough. Hahaha]

[Bald Eagle: Shut up you bastard above, Ethan were just pierced through

the chest, and Ethan will not die. ]

[That's true, but the question is, wasn't he killed by our Rifan earlier? If

one punch wasn't enough, Blackbeard could have punched another. ]

[Bald Eagle: Hmph! Maybe, later on, Ethan can attract Blackbeard

attention because of his body's High-Speed ​​Regeneration talent. ]

[Damn it, you guys can really do it! The person Rifan doesn't like, you

actually want to let Ethan go! I'm looking forward to Ethan becoming

Blackbeard's partner. I don't know how many waves he can resist from

Ace and Whitebeard pirates! Hahaha~]


"Devil Fruit is unique, and it is impossible for two people with the same

Devil Fruit ability to exist at the same time."

"Boy, this is the price you paid for lying to me...Huh?!"

Blackbeard was talking sarcastically, when he suddenly saw Ethan, who

had already fallen to the ground, his chest pierced by himself was

recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, his injuries fully recovered.

At the same time, Ethan suddenly coughed violently, and some internal

organs flew out of his mouth.

"Interesting, can such an injury recover in an instant?"

"It's somewhat similar to my ability."

"Boy, I'm very interested in you."

"Do you want to be my partner, anyway, your captain is dead."

The corner of Blackbeard's mouth cracked, and he stretched out his hand

to invite Ethan.

"Ahem, I... I am willing!"

Ethan nodded quickly in agreement, for fear that Blackbeard would

punch him again if he didn't answer fast enough.

In that case, he may not have enough physical strength to repair his


"Zehahahaha, then follow me."

"I heard about an interesting wrestler who might become my partner."

Blackbeard laughed out loud, and walked forward with a great stride.

Ethan quickly followed.

After seeing Blackbeard's strength, he didn't dare to run away casually.

Not to mention, now that Bellamy is dead, he really has no reason to


Now, he is a free man who doesn't even have the position of 'crew'.

'This strong man has the same dark power as Rifan. '

'He is definitely involved with Rifan. '

'Could it be that Rifan chose to target him as the coordinates of his

arrival? '

'And his Devil Fruit was just copy-pasted from this guy by some talent? '

Ethan looked at Blackbeard's back, and the more he thought about it, the

more he felt it was possible.

At the same time, he also began to quickly recall in his mind the relevant

character information he had browsed when choosing a character to


After a while, he widened his eyes suddenly, looking at Blackbeard in

front of him in disbelief.

'This guy is a traitor to the Whitebeard Pirates! '

'Rifan, that bastard, actually chose such a dangerous person to descend? !


Surprised, Ethan began to understand the terrifying fruit ability possessed

by Rifan.

' Rifan's ability is definitely Dark Fruit's strength. '

'Blackbeard can betray the Whitebeard Pirates for this fruit. '

'So the Devil Fruit he possesses definitely has a terrifying power!'

'Damn, that bastard Rifan is so lucky. '

'He just got such a terrifying fruit power when he came down. '

Thinking of this, Ethan's fists clenched involuntarily.

[Did this guy really become Blackbeard's partner? ]

[I think so, if this Ethan is really so courageous, maybe he won't choose

Bellamy for the first time. ]

[Bald Eagle: Hmph, maybe Ethan chose Bellamy because your Rifan

chose Blackbeard first. ]

[Ha!? If he had the nerve, even if he couldn't choose Blackbeard, he

could choose some powerful pirates. ]

[Brothers, don't look at Ethan. This guy will probably be dead in a while,

let's go back and see Rifan, he already reached Sky Island! ]

[Damn, the island in the sky, I have to go and take a good look at it! ]

Soon, the audience in Ethan's live broadcast room began to decrease

sharply, and a large number of viewers flooded into Rifan's live broadcast



After a slight tremor, the Black Pearl landed smoothly on the White Sea

above the altitude of 10,000 meters.

Mikita and Robin looked at the pure white surroundings with curious


"In the sky, there really are islands!"

"Speaking of which, that island is made of soil. Could this be the part of

Gaya Island that was blown up by the rising current?"

After Robin looked at the surrounding environment, she quickly looked

on the island of Upper Yard, which is regarded as a "sanctuary" by the

people of Sky Island!

'The sanctuary where Enel lives? The teleportation pointer actually

brought the Black Pearl so close to the sanctuary. '

'That Enel guy, his Observation Haki should have sensed our sudden

appearance. '

Rifan frowned, and his Observation Haki was quickly used to its limit.

According to his original idea, he only needs to teleport to the White Sea,

which is about 7,000 meters above Gaya Island.

At that time, he only needs to pay the entry fee and enter the territory of

Sky Island in a relatively peaceful way.

Then he was going to participate in God's trial and went to see Enel in

the upper yards.

Finally, use the ability of Dark Fruit to catch Enel by surprise.

However, the plan was unable to keep up with current events, with the

Black Pearl appearing directly at Enel's gate, Rifan thinks maybe he

should change his plans.

"Huh?! Robin!"

Suddenly, Rifan's eyes were fixed, and his whole body turned into an

afterimage and rushed towards Robin who had quietly jumped from the

Black Pearl to the ground of the sanctuary.

When Robin heard Rifan's call, she was about to ask.

Rifan had come close to her and grabbed her hand and threw her out.

"Rifan, what are you doing…"


Before Robin finished speaking, a loud thunder suddenly sounded.

Then, a blue-white electric column with a diameter of one meter fell from

the sky and hit Rifan directly!


Chapter 31: T0-Level Devil Fruit


Robin's eyes widened, watching the scene in front of her in disbelief.

When the lightning dissipated, she only saw that a huge pothole had

formed where Rifan was originally.

And Rifan was lying in the pothole covered in scorched black.

Seeing this, Robin ran over quickly, trying to help Rifan up with a

worried look on his face.

Mikita, after a little sluggishness, hurriedly used her Kilo-Kilo devil fruit,

and at the same time launched Observation Haki to observe the


Soon, her eyes locked on the tall man who was walking slowly in front of


"Bastard, you attack captain Rifan?!"

Mikita stood in front of Rifan and said cautiously.

Although she was afraid of the strange falling thunder, but because of her

loyalty to Rifan, she still protected Rifan behind her without hesitation.

And following Mikita's voice, the audience watching the live broadcast


[Damn, damn, what happened, why did a thunderbolt suddenly fall from

the sky! ]

[Holy, where the hell did that thunder column come from? Is it from

nature? ]

[Bald Eagle: There may not be one in Blue Star, but there must be in copy

space. Haha, your Rifan should have been struck by lightning! ]

[Get lost! The live broadcast is still going on, which proves that Rifan is

not dead. ]

[Green Pheasant: Even if he is not dead, he is definitely not far from

death, haha]

However, someone from Green Pheasant had just finished speaking to the


A large amount of black mist suddenly rose from Rifan who was being

held by Robin on her knees, covering him completely.

In a short while, the original coke-like skin on his body recovered


This scene not only stunned the audience, but also surprised Robin,

Mikita and the mysterious figure who came close.

"It hurts! F×ck, why is it so painful!"

Rifan was trembling all over, the pain from the thunder made him cry

out uncontrollably.

When Robin saw Rifan's condition, she was overjoyed and quickly

hugged Rifan in her arms.

"Don't move, or your injuries will worsen!"

Although she still doesn't trust Rifan enough, Rifan was struck by thunder

just because of her.

Robin naturally didn't want Rifan's injury to worsen.

What she didn't know was that Rifan's injuries had been healed due to

Dark Fruit's repair function.

His pain now is entirely due to the side effect of Dark Fruit's double pain.

"Interesting, you were hit by my God's Judgment, but you haven't died


"People from the Blue Sea, report your name."

The mysterious man stood on the edge of the pothole, looking at Rifan

with a cold face, and thunder arcs flashed across his body.

As for Mikita and Robin, they were directly ignored.

Robin noticed the arc of lightning on the mysterious man's body, and

immediately understood that the previous thunder pillar had a great

connection with the man in front of them.

After Rifan took several deep breaths, the pain in his body finally


He stood up with Robin's hand in his hand, and looked at the mysterious

man in front of him with deep eyes.

The familiar attire and unruly eyes made Rifan immediately understand

the identity of the man in front of him - the current ruler of Sky Island,


"Excuse me, did I offend you in any way?"

"The previous attack was performed by you and came towards me."

"If I did something wrong, please allow me to apologize to you."

Before Rifan could speak, Robin spoke first.

In her opinion, although Rifan is tough,

But if the man in front of her could control Thunder as she had guessed,

it would also be a huge threat to herself and others.

So, she wanted to use words to defuse the fight.

Although she doesn't know what method Rifan used to get here.

"Woman, you have violated my law by boarding my sanctuary without


"You should thank the man beside you, otherwise you would have been

killed by my God's Judgment."

Enel gave Robin a cold look, and then his figure turned into a lightning

bolt and quickly passed Mikita to Rifan.

"Man from Blue Sea, I'm very interested in you."

"It just so happens that I'm bored right now."

"If you can pass my test."

"For the time being, I can forgive you for going to my sanctuary without


Enel said.

Seeing Enel in front of him, Rifan raised his mouth and slowly raised his


"Trial? I'm happy to accept your trial."

After the words fell, the 'Dark Water' suddenly started.

Even with the powerful Observation Haki, Enel didn't take Rifan's actions

seriously at all.

And this also prevented him from avoiding the 'dark water' in the first


When he reacted, Rifan's hand covered with Dark Fruit's strength had

already grabbed his shoulder.

"You bastard, what did you do…"


A sharp brilliance flashed.

Before Enel finished speaking, Rifan's dagger embodying Armament Haki

had already pierced Enel's chest.

Enel's eyes widened, and he lowered his head in disbelief at his chest,

which was constantly oozing blood.

"Are you thinking why your ability has failed?"

"But even if I tell you, you won't understand, so die in puzzlement."

Rifan showed a devilish smile, and flipped the hand holding the dagger.

The dagger shattered Enel's heart in an instant.

In an instant, Enel spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body

softened instantly.

"How could I... possibly... just... die!"

Enel reached out, wanting to grab Rifan's neck.

However, his hands never had a chance to touch Rifan's neck after all.

"Mikita, some fruit."

Rifan glanced at Enel whose arm had softened, and then said to Mikita at

the side.

"oh oh!"

Mikita nodded in a daze, quickly took out a piece of fruit from her

convenient pocket and handed it to Rifan.

[Look, look! This is our Rifan! If he says he will kill him, he will kill


[Isn't that thunderbolt guy very strong, he was still easily killed by our

Rifan! ]

[Bald Eagle: Damn it, why was this kid resurrected? Didn't he die after

getting hit by that Thunder Pillar?!]

[Camel: As expected of the man who has a gene from our country. Giant

Panda, shouldn't you return Rifan to us? ]

[What nonsense are you spouting? Even Copy Space recognizes that Rifan

is from our country. What, do you think your Camel is better than Copy

Space? ]

[Chollima: Rifan should not have resurrection coins, does that mean that

Dark Fruit still has the ability to resurrect its user? ]

[Goat: It's really...that's exaggerated. Rifan said the Dark devil fruit power

before. Now I understand why every ability user caught by Rifan can't

use Devil Fruit ability. ]

[Green Pheasant: The more the Dark Fruit abilities show, the more I can

understand why Blackbeard betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates for this

devil fruit. ]

[Bald Eagle: It is doubtful whether it can give the user the power of

resurrection, the power of taking away the Devil Fruit ability of the devil

fruit user, and the power of restraining the devil fruit user. I'm now

hoping that Ethan can actually become a member of Blackbeard's crew,

so that he will definitely be able to gain powerful Devil Fruit power in

the future from Blackbeard.]

[It's a good idea, but you should think about how your Ethan will

survived first in Blackbeard's hands.]

[Kangaroo: If you want to know what the power of Dark Fruit have,

maybe you can also observe Blackbeard through Ethan's live broadcast

room. ]

[Zebra: So what if we observed it, we can't pass on the information here.


[Bald Eagle: Hehe, at least our Ethan can know the shortcomings of Dark

Fruit by observing Blackbeard. ]

[Bald Eagle: Haha, that's wonderful! After Ethan understands the

shortcomings of Dark Fruit, shouldn't it be easier to kill Rifan? ]

[Tsk tsk, if there were such an easy-to-kill flaw, would Blackbeard eat

this fruit? I think you guys are showing off your jealousy. ]

The audience in Blue Star was discussing while watching Rifan in the live

broadcast room use the power of Dark Fruit to surround himself and


Just when people are expecting that Rifan will add another Devil Fruit.

A golden bullet screen suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

[Rifan from Giant Panda, who obtained the T0-level Devil Fruit——Logia

'Thunder Fruit', will be rewarded with 500 points. Congratulations. ]


Chapter 32: Want Thunder Fruit?

Do You Have Ten Thousand


[Tl/n: +1]


[Remarks: Thunder Fruit can enable the user to have the power to

control the thunder, and can release high-voltage current to attack at

will. The unique elemental power of Logia Devil Fruit makes the user

immune to physical attacks, most energy attacks, and non-Haki attacks. ]

[Remarks: T0-level Devil Fruit is the most powerful and rare Devil Fruit.

Every time a reincarnator gets a Devil Fruit, the copy space will give a

certain reward. ]

[Rifan, congratulations on accomplishing the achievement 'The first

reincarnator to obtain T0 level Devil Fruit', special reward 'Primary

Armament Haki Awakening Scroll'. ]

A series of bullet screens that were placed on the top by Copy Space

made the Blue Star audience stunned for a moment.

After a while, everyone reacted.

[Holy Moly, Rifan... No, Brother Rifan has achieved another


[Not only triggering the 'first time' achievement, but also opening a

special channel for reincarnated people to get rewards when they get T0

level Devil Fruit! ]

[Bald Eagle: How is it possible, that dead guy turned out to be a devil

fruit user of T0 level, but how could he be killed so easily?!]

[Chollima: This is unscientific! The copy space clearly says that Thunder

Fruit can be elementalized and immune to most attacks. Why does Rifan's

attack work?!]

[Haha, did you forget it? Our Rifan can use Haki, even Conqueror's Haki!


[So what if he can elementalized? haven't you seen that our Brother

Rifan's Dark Fruit can defeat those with devil fruit! The guy caught by

Brother Rifan must not be able to use elementalization after being touch

by Brother Rifan that's why his face was surprised before he die. ]

[Green Pheasant: Damn it, why is that guy Rifan? That's a T0-level Devil

Fruit! Rifan's ability is not even at the T0 level, so how can he suppress

Thunder Fruit's ability users?!]

[Is it possible that because our Rifan skipped getting the Dark Fruit and

copied the ability directly, so the copy space didn't pop up a reminder

that the Dark Fruit is a T0-level Devil Fruit? Perhaps, Dark Fruit is on the

T0 list? ]

[Goat: Thunder Fruit, can control lightning! Rifan is really enviable. If

such an ability is used by a scientist, I don't know how far it will be

developed. ]

[I'm not interested in this. Now I only care about what Rifan will do with

Thunder Fruit. After all, this reminds all reincarnators to see it. I don't

know what kind of envious and jealous expression they have now. ]

[Haha, I've already watched the live broadcast of Otoshi and Koharu

Momoka, their expressions are quite funny to watch. ]

[I have to check it out, haha. ]

Is this the Devil Fruit ability of this guy? Captain Rifan, what kind of

devil fruit is it?

Mikita looked at the blue-skinned Devil Fruit in Rifan's hand and asked


"If my guess is correct, it should be Thunder Fruit."

"Just like what I guess. Congratulations, Captain Rifan, for getting a

Logia's Devil Fruit."

Robin rested her chin on one hand and spoke.

"What, this turned out to be Logia's Thunder Fruit, so... so amazing!"

Mikita wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and looked at

Thunder Fruit with admiration.

At this moment, she regrets that she is a devil fruit user.

If she didn't have devil fruit power, she felt that Rifan might have given

her this Thunder Fruit to use.

"It is indeed a good harvest."

"But this guy attacked me first, so It can be considered a legitimate


Rifan smiled, put the Thunder Fruit in the props bar, put the Black Pearl

back into the bottle container and also put it in the props bar, and waved

to Mikita and Robin.

"Let's go, you two! Aren't we going to look for the golden city Shandoro

and Poneglyph?"

"They're somewhere on this island, if I guess correctly."

After speaking, Rifan walked forward first.

Robin and Mikita naturally stepped forward and kept pace with Rifan.

'Being able to kill a Thunder Fruit user so easily, no wonder he doesn't

take Crocodile seriously. '

'If Rifan suddenly used his dark power during the battle, Crocodile might

really die without knowing how he died. '

Robin looked at Rifan's back and thought to herself.

Next to her, Mikita had the same thought.

As for Rifan himself, he was lost in thought while looking at the Thunder

Fruit in the inventory.

'A reward for getting a T0 Devil Fruit? It seems that the copy space is to

encourage reincarnation to find T0 Devil Fruit. '

'However, almost every person with the ability to have a Devil Fruit of T0

level is a strong one. '

'It is very difficult to defeat them, not to mention that after defeating

them, they may not be able to get their Devil Fruit. '

'Speaking of which, the Dark Fruit I copied didn't give me the

corresponding achievement, is it because I skipped the process of getting

the Dark Fruit? '

Although he easily defeated Enel this time, Rifan doesn't think he can

replicate this method to deal with those real strong men in the blue sea.

If it were really that simple, Blackbeard in the original book would have

been invincible long ago, at least when fighting against devil fruit users.

Enel will lose, simply because that guy underestimates him too much and

can't use Armament Haki.

If he knew how to use armament haki, Rifan might not have come to Sky

Island to find the Poneglyph at this time.

Shaking his head, Rifan put aside the thoughts in his head, and turned his

gaze to the communication interface.

Sure enough, the communication interface at this moment has become a


[Kangaroo - Helena: Amazing! Mr. Rifan is always capable of

accomplishing the unimaginable! ]

[Elephant - Akua: Devil Fruit of T0 level, and it's still Logia Thunder

Fruit! Suddenly, I feel that I don't want to buy spring fruit. ]

[Giant Panda - Ray: Presumably, Rifan didn't plan to sell such a precious

item as Thunder Fruit. ]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: Why can't he, it's fine if you have enough points. By

the way, Rifan, do you want to sell it, how about selling it to me at a

lower price? ]

[Camel - Nasser: What did this Rifan do, why can this man obtain Devil

Fruits at every turn? ]

[Bald Eagle - Ethan: The power this guy possesses is able to take away

other people's Devil Fruit. It should be the effect of Dark Fruit. This kind

of ability is too cheating, don't you think we should join forces to deal

with him? ]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: You bastard, don't trick me, I still want to get a Devil

Fruit from Rifan! ]

[Green Pheasant - Ayane: It seems that the Bald Eagle is not monolithic

either. ]

[Giant Panda - Rody: Maybe, they're just acting on purpose. ]

[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka: Master Rifan, can you give me the

Thunder Fruit, I am willing to be your 'crew' and be loyal to you for the

rest of my life. ]

[Giant Panda - Ray: Can Reincarnated people become the crew of other

reincarnators? If this is the case, perhaps it would be a good choice to

join Rifan's pirate group. ]

[Giant Panda - Ralph: It's a pity that we don't even know Rifan's location!


[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: You Bitch Momoka, what you're doing is

treason, do you understand treason?! ]

[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka: This little girl doesn't understand

treason, I just likes a powerful man like Rifan. ]

[ Brown Bear - Tatiana: You just like strong men, which means you don't

have any sincerity at all, Koharu Momoka! Moreover, thanks to you being

able to open your mouth, how could Rifan give it to other reincarnators

for free with such power as Thunder Fruit. ]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: Exactly! Even I understand that you need to use points

to buy it, Mr. Rifan, please make a price, I will take care of your Thunder

Fruit, and I will start accumulating points now! ]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Alright, then prepare 10,000 points. ]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: Ten... Ten thousand points? This is too expensive, why

not make it cheaper? ]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Hehe, what do you think? ]

Rifan looked at the messages of Tina, Koharu Momoka and others, and

felt ridiculous.

How could he easily hand over a T0-level Devil Fruit to others?

Not to mention that Tina doesn't have 10,000 points, even if she did,

Rifan wouldn't sell it to her.

He didn't care if this woman was Tina from the Dead or Alive game.

As for Koharu Momoka's allegiance, it's even more ridiculous.

Rifan is more willing to recruit the natives of One Piece World than to

recruit a person from the blue star to be his crew member.

As for her body... Although Rifan has never seen her face, Rifan doesn't

think she can be better than the local beauties in One Piece World.

'However, it is a question of who to hand over the Thunder Fruit to. '

'It's a pity, if Blackbeard's system can be copied, it would be possible to

eat the Thunder Fruit. '

Rifan sighed in his heart, and gradually walked into the depths of the

dense forest.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The sea area near Windmill Village.

Green Pheasant reincarnator Otoshi stared at the description of Thunder

Fruit in his personal interface, and his eyes turned red unknowingly.

'In this world, there are still Devil Fruits of T0 level! '

'Damn it, in this way, even if I win Luffy's Devil Fruit, it's useless! '

Otoshi gritted his teeth, staring fixedly at Luffy who was jumping around

on the boat just because he defeated the Sea King.

At first, Otoshi was delighted to see Luffy use Rubber Fruit to easily

defeat the Sea Kings.

He even imagined the scene where he used Rubber Fruit to kill Rifan

after he successfully seized Luffy's body.

However, this joy disappeared completely after Rifan obtained the

Thunder Fruit.

'Damn it, so what if I got Rubber Fruit. '

'It's not even as good as Thunder Fruit.'

'And the Rubber Fruit is definitely not as good as Rifan's Dark Fruit! '

'Is it really the right choice to pick Luffy? '

Otoshi clenched his fists, and looked at Luffy's back with a flash of


At this moment, he felt that if he chose a more powerful ability user, it

might be better than the current situation.

At first, he took a fancy to Luffy's background, and he also felt that

weaker people would be less wary and more convenient for him to play.

That's why he chose Luffy because he has the talent of "Seizing the


But after seeing Rifan's accomplishment all the way, and even being

prompted by T0 Devil Fruit, Otoshi began to doubt whether his initial

decision was correct.



[Chapter Release: 2 chapter a day] [Bonus Chapters: +100 Stones=1

Chapter [Power Ranking(Monthly) 1st Rank= 4 Chapters release

everyday. (Bonus Chapter not included.]

Chapter 33: Find The Lost Golden

City, Shandora!

Otoshi never imagined that what Luffy in front of him had was not

Rubber Fruit at all.

It's a Mythical Beast Nika that truly belongs to the T0 level.

However, before the awakening of this Devil Fruit ability, he could not

know this information after all.

"Otoshi, you are in a daze again!"

At this time, Luffy's voice brought Otoshi's consciousness back.

"Huh? Sorry Luffy, old problem again."

Otoshi smiled sarcastically, and quickly put on a gentle expression.

"Shishishi, is that so?"

"Compared to this, let's go quickly."

"Hopefully we'll be able to find a restaurant to eat before dark."

Luffy held down his straw hat, showing a sunny smile.

"This... I will try my best."

Otoshi looked at the extremely crude ship under his feet, and sighed


In his opinion, such a boat is not a pirate ship at all.

Otoshi was really skeptical about whether he could reach an island safely

before night.

Having said that, for his own purpose, Otoshi took out the nautical chart

and began to study the route.

On the other side, Sky Island!

Just after Rifan and others walked away, Enel's four priests and the

former god Gan Fall came to the place where Enel died.

"How is it possible, God has been defeated?!"

Gedatsu, one of the four priests, looked at Enel's tragic situation in


"What happened, why did God become like this?"

"Gan Fall, did you do this?"

Priest Shura raised the spear in his hand and pointed it at Gan Fall,

asking gloomily.

"If this old man had such strength, I would have killed Enel back then

when he challenged me."

Gan Fall shook his head, also with shock in his eyes.

"If it is not Gan Fall who did it, not even good is his opponent!?"

"Damn, what happened here?"

"God Enel was actually defeated unknowingly!"

"Gan Fall, have you seen the one who defeated God Enel?"

Priest Ohm clenched the handle of his weapon at his waist, trembling all


I don't know if it's out of anger or out of fear.

"Unfortunately, I just arrived a little earlier than you."

"However, Enel who has the power to destroy Sky Island can be defeated

so easily."

"The strength of a person who defeats him is extraordinary."

"We have to deal with this matter properly."

"Otherwise, Sky Island might really be destroyed."

"Everyone, although we used to be enemies."

"But please let us unite now."

"We must find the man who defeated Enel and ask his purpose."

"Don't fight him."

"And the Shandians, let them not come into conflict with those who

defeated Enel."

Gan Fall said very solemnly.

"It's the only way to do it now."

"Here, let's follow your arrangement for the time being, the previous...


Priest Ohm took a deep breath and looked at Gan Fall with a complicated


Gan Fall nodded slightly, and continued to talk to Ohm and others after a

few words.

He pulled the reins of Pegasus and flew into the air.

He intends to look in the sky to see if he can find any clues.

Meanwhile, in the Village on the edge of Sky Island.

A group of Shandia gathered together in surprise, looking at the girl

named Aisha in front of them.

"Aisha, what you said is true, you heard Enel was killed by someone!?"

Wyper asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"That's right, I'm not mistaken, the Blue Sea man who suddenly appeared

in the sanctuary was hit by Enel's God's Judgment and not only did not

die, "

"He even killed Enel very quickly, and... also, he seems to have got a

strange fruit from Enel's body."

Aisha nodded and said.

"The strange fruit, could it be... the power of Enel?"

Wyper frowned tightly, but he had no doubts about Aisha's words.

But he was deeply worried about the appearance of Rifan and others.

After a while, Wyper seemed to have made some kind of decision, and his

eyes instantly became firm.

"Either way, Enel's death was our chance."

"Everyone, take up your weapons and join us in taking back our


After Wyper finished speaking, many Shandian warriors raised their

hands and shouted.

On the other hand, Rifan, who was not worried about the Shandians and

the priests, took Robin and Mikita to the highest point of Sky Island with

a relaxed expression on his face - a lonely building lifted by huge vines

floating in the Sky.

"We're here, Robin, now you should be able to believe what I say."

Rifan put his hand on Robin's shoulder, admiring Robin's shocked and

surprised expression with a smile on his face.

"There is nothing wrong with these words, it is really a Poneglyph!"

Robin stepped forward excitedly, and raised her hand to touch the text

on the Poneglyph.

Even if she was as calm as her, when she saw the Poneglyph that records

the history, her voice inevitably trembled a little.

"Hmph, now you should trust Captain Rifan."

"Well, isn't it time to fulfill your promise, Robin?"

Mikita folded her arms and said proudly to Robin.

However, Robin's mind was completely on the historical text stele at this

moment, and she didn't hear Mikita's voice at all.

Seeing this, Mikita immediately frowned and wanted to go up to Robin

for an argument.

However, Rifan put his hand on Mikita's shoulder and shook his head.

"For the time being, let her take a good look at the Poneglyph."

"Mikita, go and ring that golden bell."

"This is an opportunity to prove the existence of the legendary Sky


Rifan laughed.

"Leave it to me, Captain."

Mikita let out a laugh, jumped up directly, put her feet together and

kicked towards the huge golden bell.

The next moment, the crisp and melodious bells began to spread in all

directions, and passed all the way to Gaya Island, which is tens of

thousands of meters away from Sky Island.

Cricket, who was still talking about Rifan with his younger brothers,

stood up immediately when he heard the bell, and looked at the sky in


Soon, he showed a gratified smile.

At the same time, after hearing the sound of the bell, the Shandians,

Skypieans and others looked in the direction of the sound in shock.

Afterwards, both sides stepped forward tacitly, and ran towards the

direction where the golden bell was.

[Rifan, your crew rings the golden bell, congratulations on completing

the mission 'Finding the Lost Golden Bell', a special bonus of 500 points. ]


Chapter 34: Robin's Joining And

Double Achievements!

Listening to the prompt in his mind, the corner of Rifan's mouth arched,

feeling much happier again.

Then he fixed his gaze on Robin.

After all, she still has an invitation mission.

After a while, after seeing Robin's dimmed gaze, Rifan walked over with

a smile on his face.

"You seem very disappointed. Is what's written on this Poneglyph not

what you're looking for?"

Rifan looked at Robin knowingly.

He knew that the Poneglyph in front of him recorded information about

the Ancient Weapon 'Poseidon'.

And this is not the century-old Poneglyph that Robin is looking for.

"Well, it's a little different from what I thought."

"But don't worry, since you fulfill your promise."

"I will join you and become a member of your pirate group."

Robin nodded slightly, looking up at Rifan.

Although this operation she did not find the Poneglyph she really


But now, Robin has begun to trust Rifan more in the matter of "knowing

the location of many Poneglyph".

Therefore, she is also willing to act with Rifan temporarily.

[Rifan, you have completed the 'Robin Invitation Mission', a special

reward of 500 points. ]

[Please use the 'Captain's Seal' to engrave a tattoo of the pirate group on

her, and then she will become your partner. ]

"Don't worry, I will take you to find the Poneglyph you want in the


"By the way, where do you want me to put the tattoo?"

Rifan took out the captain's seal and waved it in front of Robin with a


"Where does Captain Rifan want to engrave it?"

"If possible, I hope to engrave it in your heart."

"You really don't hide your desire, Captain Rifan."

"If wanting to make you my true partner is a kind of desire, I am very

happy to have such a desire."

"So that's it. I thought you wanted to engrave it on my chest, so that

every time you strengthen me, you can touch it."

Robin raised the corner of her mouth and said.

"Robin, after you say that, I really want to engrave it on your 'heart'. How

about it, why don't you let me try?"

Rifan laughed.

Perhaps other people would shy away from Robin's teasing.

But for Rifan, as long as Robin dares to let him take advantage of her, he

will never give in.

It's a pity that Rifan's goal fell through in the end.

"Sure enough, it should be engraved at the same position as Mikita."

Robin held out her hand as she spoke.

"What a pity."

Rifan nodded after seeing Robin stretch out her palm, getting a tattoo of

the Pirates on the back of her hand.

On the side, Mikita slightly saw the position of Robin's seal, and

involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes quietly falling on her


The next moment, her cheeks turned into red apples because of the

illusion that Rifan was playing with her chest while strengthening her.

[The position of the pirate group that Robin is suitable for has been

refreshed, please choose by yourself. ]

'Does it need to be said, of course it is an archaeologist. '

[Robin's Pirates position has been successfully fixed as 'Archaeologist', the

position rank had been determined; Expert, and you will be rewarded

with 2000 points. ]

[It was discovered that Robin was originally a crew member of the

Pirates' Destiny of Otoshi from Green Pheasant. You have successfully

captured his crew member, and you will be rewarded with 500 points! ]

[Robin's personal attributes have been refreshed, please check. ]

'Um? Robin is the Destiny crew member of the pirate group where Otoshi

is? '

'So that guy is in the Straw Hat Pirates?! '

'This is really interesting, I didn't expect that capturing members who

belonged to other pirates would also bring rewards. '

'I just don't know if that Otoshi guy will be punished and reminded from

the copy space. '

'So, I have to think more about recruiting people who originally belonged

to the Straw Hat Pirates, while cheating Otoshi. '

'Copy space is trying to encourage the fight between reincarnators. '

'However, should it be said that as expected of Robin? Her talent as an

archaeologist has reached the expert level. '

'It's only one level away from the highest level - Master. '

'Moreover, having an expert-level position ability can actually give you

two thousand points. '

'This time the copy space is really generous. '

'However, I should be considered the first reincarnator to get the position

of 'archaeologist'. '

'There should be a corresponding full notice. '

While thinking, Rifan put his hand on the Poneglyph.

The next moment, a reminder sounded in Rifan's mind.

It also rang in the minds of all reincarnations.

In the same way, golden barrages that were pinned to the top also

appeared in the live broadcast rooms of Blue Star countries.

[Rifan, achieved the hidden achievement "The first reincarnation with an

archaeologist crew", a special reward of 500 points. ]

[Rifan, achieved the achievement "The first reincarnator who touched the

Poneglyph", and the special reward is "Primary Observation Haki

Awakening Scroll". ]

[Remarks: The Poneglyph is a very special existence, which records the

secrets of the world. Every time a reincarnator touches a Poneglyph, he

will be rewarded with 500 points. ]

[Remarks, if a Poneglyph has been touched by a reincarnator, other

reincarnators will not be able to get rewards by touching the same

Poneglyph. ]

'Oh? Touching the Poneglyph can also be rewarded with points? '

'Wait, since I have touched it now, I should be rewarded separately. '

While Rifan was thinking about it.

A reminder sounded alone in his mind.

[You successfully touch a Poneglyph, and you will be rewarded with 500

points. ]

'Haha~ here they come. '

Rifan laughed happily in his heart.


[TL/n: I posted a picture in the Auxiliary Chapters. You can check it out

if you want! LOL.]


[Bonus Chapters: +100 Stones=1 Chapter] ... [TL/n: I posted a

picture in the Auxiliary Chapters. You can check it out if you want!


Chapter 35: The Goal Is To

Capture More Destiny Crew


[Basic operation, everyone, sit down, sit down! Ha ha. ]

[Goat: Rifan is really amazing. ]

[Bald Eagle: Bastard, this Robin turned out to be an expert-level

archaeologist. He invited her to join and provided a total of 2,000 points.

What a lucky bastard!]

[Green Pheasant: Damn it, this Robin is not only an expert archaeologist,

but also a beautiful woman! And Mikita, why does Rifan have two

beautiful crew members!? I'm so jealous!]

[Rather than paying attention to the strength of Mikita and Robin, you

actually pay more attention to their beauty. What an idiot.]

[However, I have to say that those two are indeed very beautiful. ]

Gaya Island, Mock Town.

"Zehahaha, as expected of the man I fancy, I didn't expect him to find Sky


"Are you alright, Ethan?"

Blackbeard recalled the golden bell that rang earlier, and looked at Ethan

with a big smile.

But at this moment, Ethan was completely stunned because he was

listening to the prompt in his mind.

'An expert-level archaeologist, two thousand points? ! '

'How am I going to chase after this, damn it, damn it. '

Thinking about it, Ethan clenched his fists involuntarily.

Although the copy space did not mark the fact that the partner Rifan

invited was Robin.

But correspondingly, the reincarnated people can check the points that

Rifan obtained separately when he successfully invited partners with

position talents twice.

Last time Mikita's joining allowed Rifan to gain 500 points, the

reincarnators were able to accept it calmly.

But the 2,000 points this time filled Ethan and the other reincarnators

with surprise and envy.

Seeing Ethan's appearance, Blackbeard at the side thought that Ethan was

jealous of Rifan's discovery of the Golden Bell, but he didn't care too


Now that he doesn't have a partner, Blackbeard is quite satisfied with the

man in front of him who has good marksmanship and outstanding High-

Speed ​​Regeneration talent.

"Zehahaha, don't be too envious of that guy Rifan."

"He had his adventures, and we have ours."

"You are also pretty good, with the talent of quick recovery that is not the

ability of Devil Fruit."

"Follow me and wait until I find you a powerful Devil Fruit."

"You will become no weaker than that guy Rifan, Zehahaha."

Blackbeard patted Ethan on the shoulder hard, and said with a laugh.

Although Blackbeard's powerful brute force pained Ethan, when he heard

that Blackbeard wanted to prepare a powerful Devil Fruit for himself.

Also make himself comparable to Rifan.

A smile appeared on Ethan's face immediately.

Although because of the pain in his shoulder, his smile looked

particularly ugly.

[Bald Eagle - Tina: Can you get 2000 points by inviting crew members

with an expert level? ! Doesn't this mean that being a captain is the

kingly choice?! As long as you invite a partner with an expert level, you

can buy Rifan's spring fruit?!]

[Bald Eagle - Sarah Bryan: Partners with expert talents may not be so

easy to come across, and you forgot Tina, we need to spend 4000 points

to buy the spring devil fruit. ]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: Damn it, why did you tell me this fact, the reality is

already tough enough, why can't you let me have some fantasy. ]

[Camel - Nasser: Hmph, even if I don't become the captain, I can still

earn enough points through fighting. ]

[Giant Panda - Ralph: Hehe, if you hadn't joined a Pirate group, I'm

afraid it's another way of saying it, Mr. Camel who has awakened the

talent of 'race conversion'. ]

[Camel - Nasser: Bastard, are you underestimating me? ]

[Giant Panda - Ralph: What do you think? ]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: Rifan, you bastard, you actually invited Robin,

she is the destiny archaeologist of my pirate group! ]

[Green Pheasant - Ayane: Destiny archaeologist, what does this mean? ]

['Green Pheasant' Otoshi: Damn it! Just now, the Copy Space gave me a

reminder, saying that Robin, a crew member of the pirate group I

belonged to, was snatched by Rifan! According to the original history of

the dungeon world, that woman should be a crew member of my pirate

group! ]

Otoshi's eyes were red, wishing he could rush to Rifan's side and fight

him desperately.

From his point of view, he was going to take Luffy's body sooner or later.

The crew that belonged to Luffy belonged to him.

Thinking that the two thousand points that should have belonged to him

were taken away like this.

Moreover, it's a great beauty from his pirate group that was lost!

Otoshi couldn't stop the pain in his heart.

[Bald Eagle - Ethan: There is such a thing, and the copy space even made

a special trip to notify this guy! ]

[Kangaroo - Helena: The copy space encourages people to fight. Maybe

something like this will happen to us in the future. ]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Let's talk about this guy Otoshi, can you invite my

archaeologist according to the original historical track of this world? Just

say that you may invite her, but right now I invited her first. This world

is a world that you fight for. If you have the ability, go and try to snatch

my Destiny Crew. Idiot.]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: You Bastard Rifan, you are a reincarnator who

created a pirate group yourself, so you don't even have your destiny

crew. I warn you, give my Robin back or I will never let you go. I will kill

you, and your crew! ]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: The weak will only be incompetent and furious.

You better pray you don't run into me. ]

[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka: Master Rifan, please calm down,

don't think that trash like Otoshi affects your mood. And don't blame

other reincarnators from Green Pheasant because of him. ]

[Green Pheasant - Ayane: Indeed, Rifan, you should just target him alone.


[Bald Eagle - Ethan: Then again, those Destiny crew members who may

join the Pirates in the future, until they are snatched by other

reincarnators, we will not know their information at all, so there is no

way to prevent those destiny crews from being invited by other


[Bald Eagle - Tina: Ethan, are you an idiot? If you look carefully at the

points mall, you won't say such things. There are props in the Points Mall

to know the identity of your Destiny Crew in advance. ]

[Bald Eagle - Sarah Bryan: You're pretty sharp this time, Tina. However,

knowing the identity of a person requires 100 points. Although it is not

expensive, it is not something we can buy at will. ]

[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka: For me, I better resign myself to fate,

even if my destiny crew is taken away by Rifan, I won't care. Rather, I

hopes that Master Rifan can take me away too. ]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: Rifan, you absolutely can't, you can't take my

crew again, understand?!]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Don't worry, you will receive corresponding

information soon. By the way, I got 500 points for inviting Robin. I don't

know if you received any penalty? ]

[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka: There is actually a reward for

inviting a destiny crew from others and the person who was taken away

may have a loss. Even so, I am willing to be deprived by Master Rifan. ]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: Bastard Rifan, and you bitch Koharu Momoka,

I won't let you both go! ]

Rifan looked at the messages of Koharu Momoka and Otoshi, sneered and

closed the personal panel.

Although Otoshi didn't say whether he was punished or not, Rifan was

amused just looking at his crazy appearance.

'Since you are threatening me, don't blame me for continuing to poach

your people. '

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth, thinking silently in his heart.


Chapter 36: Robin's Loyalty And

Alabasta's Historical Text!

After getting 2,000 points from Robin, Rifan also wondered if he

underpriced the spring fruit.

But soon he shook his head.

He knew that if he set the price too high, it would be difficult for

reincarnators to be able to afford the points to buy even the price of

3,000 points for Spring Fruit.

The result of this is that he can't even get the 3000 points.

And the Devil Fruit like spring fruit is considered to be useless in his


Instead of that, it's better to earn two or three thousand points.

At least he can bring some strength to himself and his partners on the

Black Pearl.

After much deliberation, he still gave up the idea of ​​raising the price

of spring fruit.

Then Rifan had a thought and opened his personal attribute panel about


[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates]

[Name: Robin]

[Age: 28 years old]

[Crew number: 02]

[Position: Archaeologist (Expert)]

[Physique: 510]

[Physical level: D level]

[Devil Fruit: Flower-Flower Fruit]

[Special Ability: None]

[Loyalty: 20 (casual acquaintance)]

'Damn! Should it be said that as expected of Robin? even if she joined my

group for the time being. '

'Her loyalty is only a pitiful 20 points. '

'Casual acquaintance, this evaluation is quite vivid. '

Rifan's cheeks twitched, and he looked at Robin in front of him with

some shame.

"What's the matter, Captain, I don't have chocolate sauce on my face you


"Or, even if there is no chocolate sauce, you still want to touch my face?"

Robin smiled slightly and said.

"No, I was just thinking about something else."

"Plus, cheek pinches and stuff are fine for cute Mikita."

"But for a type of intellectual beauty like you, I'm a little bit hesitant to

do it."

Rifan shrugged, reached out and squeezed Robin's hand camly.

As if guessing what Rifan was going to do, Robin didn't resist.

What she guessed was right, as Rifan used the 'Primary Observation Haki

Awakening Scroll'.

Robin obviously felt that the tattoos on her hands were starting to heat

up, followed by the strengthening of her five senses.

Reminiscent of the previous changes in Mikita, Robin immediately

understood that she had awakened an Observation Haki.

At the same time, a reminder came from Rifan's mind.

[You have used the 'Primary Observation Haki Awakening Scroll' on

'Archaeologist' Robin. ]

[Your talent "Strengthen your partner, equal return" is automatically

activated. Since you already have a primary Observation Haki, this

enhancement is equivalent to "Marine Six Styles——Moonwalk"! ]

'Moonwalk, not bad, much better than Iron Body. '

Rifan nodded inwardly, quite satisfied with the awakened skills.

"Captain Rifan is a wonderful man."

"Awakening Observation Haki so easily."

"If the pirates from outside know about it, they will definitely go crazy

and want to join your pirate group."

"But if the Marine finds out, I'm afraid they will do everything possible to

get rid of you."

At this time, Robin let out a sigh, and looked up at Rifan's face.

But she saw Rifan at this moment, looking at her with a strange

expression on his face.

"What's the matter, my captain?"

"Could it be that you want me to imitate Mikita?"

"After your reinforcement, shyly offer you a kiss?"

"Speaking of which, last time I did say that if Captain Rifan helped me

find a Poneglyph..."

"Now I'm considering whether to kiss you like Mikita did."

Robin raised her mouth and raised her hand to stroke his lips.

"Hmm... Although your appearance is far from being shy."

"But if you're willing to give me a passionate kiss, I'd be more than happy

to take it."

Rifan shook his head and said with a smile on his face.

Now he is waiting for her to offer him a kiss or something.

It's just that Robin's almost unchanged loyalty makes Rifan a little


Before the enhancement, Robin's loyalty was 20 points.

And after her strengthening, her loyalty only increased by 6 points to 26


The loyalty evaluation given by Copy Space is still 'casual acquaintance'.

This made Rifan hesitate whether to use points to strengthen Robin.

'It's really complicated. '

'Simply exchanging enhancements for loyalty increases doesn't seem to

work for her. '

'Sure enough, it's better to find some Poneglyph for this woman. '

'Hmmm… For strengthening, let's only do it to Mikita for the time being. '

Thinking of this, Rifan couldn't help turning his head to look at Mikita

who was stroking the golden bell with great interest.

"Captain Rifan, you really are a pervert."

Robin sees Rifan looking at Mikita, and the misunderstanding of Rifan

can't help but deepen again in her heart.

She thinks Rifan is reminding her to learn from Mikita.

Before Rifan could ask what she meant, Robin had already walked up to

Rifan and put her red lips on Rifan's face.

But within a second, Robin took a step back away from Rifan's cheek.

"Although I can't give you a shy kiss, I can give you an intellectual kiss."

"If you want more, Captain, please take me to find more Poneglyph."

"After finding enough Poneglyph, perhaps, I can also satisfy some of your

more excessive demands."

"You said that Alabasta has two Poneglyph, so let's start with those two,



Chapter 37: Advanced C-Level


[Tl/n: +1]


Robin put her index finger next to her red lips, and spoke to Rifan with a

drawn out tone and a slightly seductive tone.

Hearing this, Rifan couldn't help shaking his body.

It's not because he is aroused by her tone, it's just because the voice is too

different from the Robin in his image.

If it were Nami, he might not feel this way.

Just when Rifan wanted to keep Robin in an intellectual state.

A reminder sounded in Rifan's mind again.

[Rifan, you have triggered Robin's advanced invitation task - 'Help Robin

find two Poneglyph of Alabasta'. ]

'Um? Obviously Robin has become a member of the Pirates, but can she

still trigger further invitation tasks? '

'Interesting, as expected of a developmental game, the points are to be

obtained from the crew. '

Rifan stroked his chin, thinking to himself.

At this time, Robin turned her head to look at Mikita who was staring at

her with a pouting mouth and with a sly face, she said:

"Sorry, Mikita."

"This is what Captain Rifan wants."

"If you want to blame someone, please blame Captain Rifan."

Hearing this, Mikita couldn't help but pouted and turned to look at Rifan.

Even she herself was a little surprised, she had known Rifan for less than

a day.

But now she actually feels jealous that Rifan is getting close to other


'I-I, do I really like Captain Rifan?'

Mikita asked herself, her face was soon stained with a blush.

"Robin, don't make fun of Mikita."

"Compared to this, you might as well take a look at these."

"There are still some ancient texts here."

Rifan waved to Robin, raised his finger to the golden base supporting the

golden bell and said to Robin.

"There are really ancient characters!"

Robin followed the direction of Rifan's finger and saw the ancient


"[I came here to lead this text to the last place!]"


"Is this a message from the Pirate King?"

"He's been to Sky Island? But what does he mean by this?"

Robin raised her hand and stroked the ancient characters on the gold

base, muttering in her mouth.

"Obviously, he's been to Sky Island."

"As for the meaning, it may mean that there will be historical truth in the

Raftel. Where the One Piece is located."

Rifan said with a smile on his face.

"There is such a thing!"

"Captain Rifan, can I talk to the locals on this island?"

"If Roger has been to this island, they should know about it."

Robin turned her head and asked Rifan solemnly.

"Of course, it's better to say that they have already come."

Rifan's eyes flashed a red light that only Observation Haki ability users

have, and he turned his head to look not far away.

There, the former god Gan Fall was descending from the sky on a


"People from the blue sea, may I ask if it's you who defeated Enel?"

After Gan Fall got off the Pegasus, he directly expressed his doubts to

Rifan and others.

"Yes, he was indeed killed by me."

"Rest assured, we have no ill intentions towards Sky Island."

"As long as you give us some specialties here and some gold, we will

leave naturally."

"You don't have to worry about what we'll do to you."

"Also, my partner has something to ask you, Sky Islanders."

"Please, and both of you, tell her what happened in detail."

Rifan looked at Gan Fall, then at the Shandian who came up along the

huge vine, and pointed at Robin.

After speaking, he directly pulled Mikita to the side.

Robin just glanced at Rifan and Mikita, then turned her attention to Gan

Fall and the incoming Sandian warriors.

Although the Shandian warriors seemed a little murderous.

But for Robin who has Flower-Flower Fruit and just awakened her

Observation Haki.

The Shandian fighters are no longer a threat to her.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Captain Rifan, you...do you want to do some secret things when you

drag me over?"

Mikita kept rubbing the palms of both of her hands, and whispered with

a blushing face.

"There are indeed some secret things to do."

Rifan answered, and his attention had already been placed on his

personal attribute panel.

"I... I understand, if it's you, Captain Rifan, I-I won't r-r-resist…"

Mikita muttered in a very low voice, raised her head, and squinted her

eyes to look at Rifan.

"Well, let's get started, Mikita."

Rifan didn't notice Mikita's muttering, he held Mikita's hand, and directly

chose to use all his points and the 'Primary Conqueror's Haki Awakening

Scroll' on Mikita.

Mikita's loyalty has reached 80 points.

And the last time she was strengthened, her loyalty has been greatly


Rifan wants to see if this reinforcement can fully fill Mikita's loyalty.

"So hot!"

Mikita's squinted eyes opened wide in surprise at the scorching hot touch

on the back of her hand.

Then she felt the power in her body start to skyrocket again.

Not only that, but she also felt a terrifying power start to revive in her


[You start strengthening Mikita, your 'Pastry Chef'. ]

[Your talent "Strengthen the crew, equal return" is automatically

activated and starts to strengthen yourself. ]

[It has been detected that you have awakened the primary Conqueror's

Haki, the Conqueror's Haki enhancement for Mikita has been converted

into 'Marine Six Styles——Finger Pistol; Marine Six Styles——Tempest

Kick'! ]

[The enhancement of Mikita has been completed, and the personal

attribute has been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

[Your strengthening has been completed, and your personal attributes

have been refreshed, please check it yourself. ]

Hearing the prompt in his mind, Rifan is about to open his personal

attribute to confirm.

But before he could do it,

Brand new prompts rang directly in Rifan's mind and the minds of other


At the same time, Bluestar's major live broadcast rooms also had a brand

new barrage on the top.

[Giant Panda Rifan's physical level has been upgraded to C-level, and the

achievement "The first reincarnation who raised his physical level to C-

level" has been completed, and the special reward is "Primary Armament

Haki Awakening Scroll". ]

As soon as the new notification sound appeared, the reincarnated people

who were busy doing their own things immediately frantically poured

into the communication group.

[Bald Eagle - Tina: Physical level has been upgraded to C level? Damn, I

just upgraded my physical level to D level, how did Rifan enter C level so



Chapter 38: Full Loyalty.

[Tl/n: +1]


[Giant Panda - Ray: Not surprisingly, Rifan has left us far behind again. ]

[Kangaroo - Helena: I'm afraid, Rifan's ability to improve so quickly has

something to do with the points Rifan previously obtained through his

archaeologists. ]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: Impossible, I don't believe it, the gap can't be

so big! ]

[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka: However, the fact is that Master

Rifan has upgraded his physique to C-level. I'm really curious, with such

a strong body, can I satisfy Master Rifan by myself…]

[Camel - Nasser: Hmph, no matter how much you get naked, that Rifan

won't pay attention to you, bitch! ]

Rifan just casually glanced at the information in the communication

column, and then refocused on his personal attribute panel that was just


[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates]

[Name: Rifan]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Position: Captain]

[Talent: Strengthen the crew, equal returns]

[Points: 0 points]

[Physical: 6610 points]

[Physical level: C level]

[Devil Fruit: Dark Fruit]

[Skills: Iron Body, Moonwalk, Tempest Kick, Finger Pistol]

[Special abilities: Primary Armament Haki, Primary Armament Haki,

Primary Conqueror's Haki]

[Props: Small Barque, Explosive Fruit, Thunder Fruit, Primary Armament

Haki Awakening Scroll]

[Partners: Mikita, Robin]

[Trading Center: Spring Fruit (3000 points)]

[Task: Robin's advanced invitation task - to find two historical text stone

tablets of Alabasta]

'Finally break through, I don't know what level I am in the Grand Line

now. '

'I don't know if I can beat cp9's Rob Lucci without using Haki and Devil

Fruit. '

Rifan stroked his chin, and when he was thinking, a domineering aura

suddenly exploded in front of him.

Rifan frowned, and immediately saw Mikita who was trying to use her

newly obtained Conqueror's Haki.

Robin, who was asking Gan Fall and others about Luo Jie, raised his

eyebrows and looked over immediately.

And in front of her, some Shandian warriors immediately went down

because they couldn't bear Mikita's Conqueror's outbreak.

Rifan scratched his cheek, and just as he wanted Mikita to stop, a

reminder caught his attention.

[Rifan, your partner Mikita's loyalty has reached 100. ]

[Congratulations, now you can use Mikita's Devil Fruit ability and job

skills! ]

[Mikita's personal attribute has been refreshed, please check it yourself! ]

'Open Mikita's personal attribute panel! '

[Pirates: Black Pearl Pirates]

[Name: Mikita]

[Age: 22 years old]

[Crew number: 01]

[Position: Pastry Chef (Skilled)]

[Physique: 6600]

[Physical level: C level]

[Devil Fruit: Kilo-Kilo Fruit]

[Special Abilities: Primary Observation Haki, Primary Conqueror's Haki]

[Loyalty: 100 (Life and death go hand in hand)]

Meanwhile, the real world.

[Holy Cow, Mikita is actually using Conqueror's Haki!]

[Obviously, Rifan helped Mikita awaken this power. ]

[Green Pheasant: Damn it, with such power, why does Rifan dare to use

it for a partner, and isn't he afraid of her betrayal? ]

[Hehe, have you seen Mikita's expression when she looks at Rifan now? I

see that this little girl has completely fallen in love with Rifan, how could

she betray him?]

[Bald Eagle: Unreasonable, this is unreasonable! Rifan has always been

helping his partners to strengthen, so he should not have left too many

points for strengthening himself. How could he have entered the C-level

so quickly?!]

[Zebra: Could it be that this guy has other talents that can help him

become stronger quickly?!]

[Chollima: Or is it that Rifan has completed many tasks and gained many

points without our knowledge?]

Rifan's physique level entered C level, and there was an uproar in the real


In a short period of time, reports on this matter were circulated among

major official media and self-media.

It's no wonder, because if Rifan's physical level has only entered the D

level, people still think that there is a certain probability that other

reincarnators can catch up with Rifan.

But after Rifan's physique entered the C-level, no matter how much the

nationals and officials who believed in their own reincarnators began to


Rifan is not clear about the outside world.

At this moment, he was looking at Mikita in front of him with a smile on

his face.

'The loyalty that follows life and death, now I can completely trust

Mikita. '

'It's not in vain that I put so many resources on her. '

'However, the kilo-kilo devil fruit is indeed a bit weak. '

'But instead of worrying about it when I don't have a solution yet, I can

try to teach her the Marine Six Styles I learned first. '

'So that she can become a master of gymnastics. '

'Speaking of which, after the loyalty is full. '

'In addition to the captain being able to use the crew's Devil Fruit ability.


'I can even acquire the knowledge of related positions? '

'No wonder the copy space insists on setting up a 'position' to locate the

crew. '

Rifan thought as he quickly recalled the pastry making knowledge he had

learned from Mikita.

Although his pastry making skills are definitely better than Mikita's.

However, among Mikita's pastry making knowledge, there are indeed

pastry making methods that Rifan has not mastered.

'I see, Mikita likes to make this type of chocolate the most. '

'Maybe I can modify it and teach her later. '

'In this way, her pastry chef skill level can be quickly improved. '

Although Mikita's pastry chef level is only 'proficient', and Rifan's reward

is only proficiency.

But this is not the end.

As long as Mikita's job level can be raised during the next fleet upgrade.

Rifan, who is the captain, will be rewarded.

That's why Rifan wants to help Mikita improve her position rank.

On the other hand, when it comes to Robin who is an archaeologist,

Rifan can't help her.

But Rifan has full confidence in helping Miqita improve her pastry chef


'However, Mikita, this woman, actually has memories of making

chocolates with her upper body bare, and making chocolates all over her

body. '

'How did this woman switch careers and join the Baroque Works when

she is so passionate about making chocolate and opening a chocolate

shop? '

Rifan thought of Mikita's chocolate-making memories that were shared

with him, and looked at Mikita with curiosity.

Of course, Rifan has no plans to tell Mikita about this matter through

knowing Mikita's pastry chef's production knowledge and seeing some of

Mikita's cool outfits.


Chapter 39: Meeting a Navy!

"Captain Rifan, thank you!"

Just when Rifan was thinking, a scent of fragrance rushed into Rifan's


Rifan lowered his head, and Mikita's hands were already tightly hugging

Rifan's neck.

The next moment, Rifan felt the soft touch on his lips.

After a long time, their lips parted, but Mikita still did not let go of Rifan.

Even though her face was flushed, she was still hanging on Rifan's neck.

"Captain Rifan, I feel so strong now."

"I'm so lucky."

"I never thought that I could become so powerful."

Mikita's voice trembled with excitement, and Rifan's figure was reflected

in her eyes.

Rifan smiled, raised his hand and patted Mikita on the back.

"I said, I will help you become stronger."

"Since I said it, I will naturally do it well."

"But you're not yet proficient in the use of Conqueror's Haki."

"If it's not necessary in the future, don't use it anymore."

"In addition, you also need to strengthen your physical training in the

future, Mikita."

Hearing this, Mikita nodded emphatically.

Now all she has in her heart is Rifan, so naturally she won't go against

Rifan's order.

"It seems you guys had a great chat."

At this time, Robin stepped over.

"Yo, did you ask what you wanted to ask, Robin?"

Rifan patted Mikita's hand, took her off his body, and looked at Robin

with a smile on his face.

Mikita proudly puffed out her chest facing Robin with her hands on her


It's normal for her to be proud.

After all, compared to Robin strengthening, Rifan obviously took care of

her a lot.

Subconsciously, Mikita thinks that Rifan likes her more than Robin.

Robin smiled at Mikita, but didn't take it too seriously.

However, Robin thinks that Rifan trusts Mikita more than Rifan likes


That's why he strengthened Mikita unconditionally.

"Thanks to Mikita's help, I had a smooth conversation with those people."

"Also, about gold, supplies, etc."

"They also promised to prepare it for us."

Robin said, and glanced in Gan Fall's direction.

At this moment, they were looking at Mikita in horror.

Apparently they were intimidated by Mikita's Conqueror's Haki.

"Hmph, count them as lucky."

Mikita snorted coldly and said.

"That's good. Let's leave Sky Island after we bring supplies and gold that

our ship can hold."

Rifan smiled and nodded.

"Are you in such a hurry? This is the legendary Sky Island you know."

"Aren't you going to stay here for two more days?"

asked Robin.

"Two days is too long, a few hours is enough for a little shopping."

"Compared to staying here for too long, I would rather help our Miss

Robin find the two Poneglyph in Alabasta."

"Also, our pirate team is too small now."

"I know some places with good crews, and I'm going to check them out."

Rifan said.

Now that the copy space had mentioned the Destiny team, and Otoshi

had been so provocative to him,

And in addition to Nami and others who originally belonged to the Straw

Hat Pirates, they are indeed good enough.

Rifan naturally intends to try to invite Nami and others to join his pirate


Even if Otoshi has successfully seized Luffy body by the time he meets

the Straw Hat Pirates.

Rifan doesn't mind using the Dark Fruit to snatch the Nika Fruit too, so

that Otoshi can experience what it means to be beaten by society.

Rifan felt that when he really got the Nika fruit and the copy space issued

relevant reminders to all reincarnations, Otoshi's expression would

definitely be quite exciting.

"Ah, Captain Rifan is so attentive to my request~"

"However, Captain, are you simply concerned about your crew."

"Or, are you looking forward to some special request from me?"

Robin crossed her arms and looked at Rifan with interest.

"Robin, be careful what comes out of your mouth."

"Let me tell you first, my self-control is not very good."

"If I accidentally do something to you, don't blame me."

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, and he hugged Robin's slender waist

and said.

"Hehe, if Captain really wants to do something to me, I have no way to


"But you should prefer women who take the initiative."

"Also, I know you don't like to force woman."

"If you really wanted to force me, I would already be yours."

Robin put her hands on Rifan's shoulders, without the slightest worry in

his words.

"Then you'd be wrong, Robin."

"I do prefer women who take the initiative."

"But, when it's time to force, I will force it too."

Although Rifan said so, he let go of Robin.

As Robin said, although he is true to his desires.

But forcing women to have sex with him is really not what Rifan likes to


Not to mention, Robin is also his crewmates.

If he really forced her, Rifan knows that it will only last after Robin

achieves her goal of finding Poneglyphs.

The next thing she wants to do is to defect to Rifan's Black Pearl Pirates.

Of course, if it is not a partner, but an enemy.

Even though Rifan doesn't like to force women, but if certain agreements

and conditions are added, Rifan feels that he may make some different


Robin looked at Rifan with a smile on her face, with an expression of "as


And Rifan shrugged indifferently.

He turned his head to look at Gan Fall and the others, and whispered:

"Speaking of which, the races on Sky Island are quite distinctive."

"Robin, do you think there will be a place similar to the pleasure district

here in Sky island?"

Hearing this, the smile on Robin's face was even bigger.

"I don't know. Captain, do you want me to take you to look for it?"

On Sky Island, there is naturally no such street as a red light district.

After Rifan, Robin, and Mikita got enough gold and resources.

They use the unique balloon octopus of Sky Island to drag the Black Pearl

towards the blue sea below 10,000 meters.

Gan Fall and the chief of the Shandia were relieved to see Rifan and

others leave.

"They are finally gone. This man and his partner are really scary."

"Gan Fall, people like us seem to have no resistance in front of these blue

sea people."

The Shandian chief shook his head and sighed.

"Indeed, maybe the fight between us is just a small fight in the eyes of

these powerful blue sea warriors."

"Chief of the Shandians, why don't we reconcile and manage Sky Island

together from now on?"

After sighing for a while, Gan Fall put forward his suggestion to the chief

of the Shandia.

"That's what I want too."

The chief said calmly with a smile on his face.

"Goodbye, Balloon Octopus!"

On the calm blue sea, Rifan waved to the Sky Island specialty octopus

that brought the Black Pearl back to blue sea with a smile on his face.

At this moment, the Sky Island octopus, which has shrunk a circle due to

the air pressure relationship between blue sea and Sky Island, also

waived its tentacles at Rifan in a humane manner.

Seeing this interesting scene, Rifan couldn't help thinking about whether

to bring back the Sky Island octopus as a pet.

"Captain Rifan, there seems to be a ship over there... Wait, it's a Marine


On the observation deck of the Black Pearl, Mikita jumped down and

reminded Rifan right above.

Rifan raised his head, and what caught his eyes was a set of standard

girls' outfits with blue and white stripes.

"Marine warship, I don't know who it will be."

Rifan took the binoculars that Mikita handed over, and looked in the

direction Mikita pointed.

Soon, at the bow of the Marine warship, a woman with pink long hair,

rose red professional attire and Marine's justice shawl, looking

particularly heroic, appeared in front of his eyes.

'This dress, it should be the female Marine Hina. '

'At this period, she should still be Colonel of Naval Headquarters. '

'Hmm. '

Rifan rubbed his chin, and soon there were a series of plans in his mind

around Hina and the Marine warship that Hina and other Marines were



Chapter 40: First Confrontation

With Marine; Confident Hina.

"Are we going to run away, Captain?"

At this time, Robin came to Rifan's side.

"Run? Why should we run?"

"Let's talk about you, Robin, you should also change the idea of ​​

running away when you see a Marine."

"At this time, of course we have to fight."

"I'm looking forward to getting a high reward by fighting the Marine."

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth and said confidently.

Among the conditions for upgrading his fleet, in addition to recruiting a

sufficient number of good enough partners.

There are also requests for rewards for the captain of the pirate group

and the general reward for the pirate group.

And the higher the reward, the higher the chances of the reincarnated

captain as the captain getting a high reward when the fleet is upgraded


Long before, Rifan was already prepared to make big news.

Even, Rifan has the idea of killing Celestial Dragons.

Now that a Naval Headquarters colonel is at his door, how could Rifan

shy away from them?

Not to mention, Rifan also intends to use the ability of a Marine warship

to sail in the Calm Belt to do other things.

"Get ready to fight, Robin, Mikita."

"This is our first fight with the Marine, so don't hold back."

"Robin, you go to the helm."

"Mikita, you and I are going to fight them together."

Rifan rubbed his fists, and quickly issued the captain's order.

Robin's current strength is relatively weak, and it is naturally Rifan's turn

and Mikita's turn to go to the front line.

Robin nodded slightly, she understood why Rifan made such an


Although she was a little worried about fighting the Marine, but

considering the Poneglyph hidden behind Rifan, she still went to the

rudder honestly and steered the Black Pearl towards the Marine warship.

"Captain, I will defeat them all!"

Mikita waved the umbrella in her hand like a stick, her face full of


With the powerful power gained in Sky Island, she now wants to find a

place to make good use of it.

"Hm, I trust you, Mikita."

"But remember not to kill those navies."

"I have other arrangements for them."

"In addition, when you are fighting, you should pay attention when using

your devil fruit ability."

"What is under your skirt is exposed, you know."

Rifan looked at the Marine warship that was getting closer and closer

ahead, and said.

Mikita: "Huh?!"

Rifan: "By the way, instead of blue and white stripes, I think it would be

better to wear only white. After all, pure white suits you quite well."

Mikita's eyes widened, and she immediately realized what Rifan meant,

and her face immediately turned red.

Marine warship.

"Report to Colonel Hina, a pirate group with a pirate flag is spotted


"However, the Marine does not have relevant reward information for that

pirate ship."

"It should be a newly formed pirate group."

A sailor ran up to Hina and made a quick report.

"A new pirate group, Hina understands."

"In that case, let's arrest all the pirates on that pirate ship."

Hina said calmly with a lady's cigarette in her mouth.

Although she was surprised how these pirates didn't run away after they

saw a marine warship,

But this does not hinder Hina's confidence in arresting pirates.

"Yes, Colonel Hina."

After receiving Hina's order, the sailors immediately ran back to their

posts and started making related preparations.

Soon, the Marine warship also aimed its bow at the Black Pearl, and the

distance between the two became closer and closer as time went by.

[It's coming, the first contact between the reincarnator and the copy

space Marine! ]

[Bald Eagle: Hehe, Rifan is a bit too bold for even daring to touch

someone from Marine. ]

[Zebra: Indeed! As mentioned in the copy space, Marine is a super power

that takes root in the first half of the Four Seas and Grand Line. Only

with a sick mind will you touch Marine. ]

[Hehehe, if you don't take the initiative to provoke Marine, Marine will

not catch reincarnators. But don't forget, as soon as the reincarnators

enters the dungeon world, his identity has been fixed as a 'pirate'. ]

[Goat: Although the Marine is strong, it is certainly not for everyone.

This contact between Rifan and Marine may allow us to see the power of

Marine. ]

[Kangaroo: Indeed! All the reincarnators' live broadcasts are about the

Pirates, and this is the first time that someone confronted a Marine. It's

well worth researching. ]

In the discussion and attention of people in the real world, the Marine

warship finally got close to the Black Pearl.

boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by a rush of running, a series of black shells flew from the

direction of the Marine warship to the direction of the Black Pearl.

Facing these cannonballs, Mikita, who had already changed into tight

trousers, jumped.

With the help of her Kilo-Kilo ability, she let herself come to the

cannonball flying to the Black Pearl.

Then used the umbrella as a baseball bat and swung it hard to the


The cannonball carrying huge kinetic energy turned around and fell

towards the Marine warship.

Suddenly, the soldiers on the Marine warship panicked.

Hina frowned, pulled both hands and used her ability to condense two

black thresholds to intercept the shells falling on the Marine warship.

"Hina is very upset that the shell was intercepted and returned."

Hina threw the cannonball she had stopped into the sea, and looked at

Mikita who flew out of the sky with a displeased face.



[Chapter Release: 2 chapter a day] [Bonus Chapters: +200 Stones = 1


Chapter 41: Mikita's Brilliant

Performance, Subduing Hina.

"Kyahahaha, it's useless if you're not happy."

"And in the future, you will be even more unhappy."

The corner of Mikita's mouth raised, and she used the kilo-kilo ability to

fall towards the Marine warship in conjunction with the parasol.

"Enemy attack, fire!"

Seeing Mikita's approach, the Marine soldiers immediately raised their

rifles and fired at Mikita.

However, the firepower of these guns is clearly perceived by even a

novice Observation Haki.

Cooperating with Rifan's C-level physique and her kilo-kilo devil fruit

ability, Mikita moves gracefully in the air, dodging all the bullets very


"Damn it, why can't I hit her!"

The Marine soldiers were surprised to see Mikita landed safely at the bow

of the Marine warship, and their hearts were filled with anger.

But even so, they were not afraid.

After all, in front of them, there is Naval Headquarters Colonel Hina.

After Mikita landed on the Marine warship, Rifan also jumped beside


However, he has no plans to make a move for the time being.

For one thing, he wanted Mikita to fight so that she, as a crew member,

could get a bounty.

On the other hand, he wanted to see if Mikita could fight a Colonel from

Naval Headquarters with her current strength.

So that he can have a general impression of the Marine's power in his

heart, and even the power system of Pirate World.

"To be able to stay in the air for such a long time, you are also a devil

fruit user."

"I guess this is why you dare to challenge the Marine."

"In that case, it's up to Hina to arrest you."

"Lined Cage!"

Hina exhaled a puff of cigarette smoke, and the next moment quickly

raised her hand and swung a fence-like iron branch at Mikita and Rifan!

Although the offensive is fierce, it is not fast for Rifan and Mikita who

have Observation Haki.

Rifan dodged the attack with an easy jump.

As for Mikita, she walked forward and came directly in front of Hina,

waving an umbrella and pulling towards Hina's chest.

"So fast!"

Startled, Hina quickly changed from attack to defense, using Cage-Cage

Fruit to condense a defensive iron branch in front of her.


The parasol hit the iron branch, and the powerful force instantly made

Hina's figure fall backwards, and she didn't stop until she hit the pole of

the Marine warship.

Not only that, Hina was surprised to find that her solid black cage was

slightly distorted by Mikita's attack.

"What a powerful force, Hina was surprised!"

Hina's face turned serious, and she looked at Mikita solemnly.

Mikita's attack has already changed Hina's view of the new pirate group

in front of her.

For the attack just now, even some pirates with a bounty of 50 million

Berry couldn't do it.

"Damn it, how dare you do this to our Colonel Hina!"

"Shoot and kill this woman."

"We must not spare her."

Hina was knocked into the air, obviously stimulating the Marine soldiers

on the warship.

They all raised their guns, pointed at Mikita and pulled the trigger.

As for Rifan, no one was on guard for a while.

'As expected of Hina from Marine. '

'Just like in the original book, her subordinates adore her. '

'However, with just this level of attack, there is no way to hit Mikita. '

The corner of Rifan's mouth was raised, and he smiled and looked at

Mikita, who was walking gracefully amidst the bullets, like a dancing


At the end, Mikita even closed her eyes, opened her hands and walked

through the bullets happily.

[Elegant, really elegant! miss Valentine, she has brought her elegance to

the ultimate level!]

[I thought Ms. Mikita was a bad-tempered girl, but I didn't expect her to

have such an elegant scene. I can only lament the power of Observation

Haki, even a bullet can't hit her.]

[Now I believe more and more that the dungeon world can bring the

power to fight against the abyss. Just imagine, if Mikita came to Blue

Star, the long-range attacks of those low-level abyss monsters would have

no effect on her at all!]

[Green Pheasant: F×ck! This is the strength of a Marine? This is even

worse than the performance of the Bellamy Pirates! ]

[Bald Eagle: These are ordinary soldiers. The one who is really strong

should be the female Marine. She used the ability of a suspected Devil

Fruit just now, and she will definitely be able to catch Rifan and others. ]

[Just her? A person who was easily blown away by Mikita? I advise you

to give up your illusions, you know, Rifan hasn't made a move yet. ]

[Bald Eagle: Maybe she still has a trump card to use and hasn't tried it

yet? ]

The Bald Eagle audience hoped that Rifan, who killed Ethan once, would

be arrested or even killed.

At this moment, they all set their sights on Hina in the corner of the live

broadcast room.

However, to their disappointment, at this moment, Hina did not show the

previous strong aura, but was looking at Mikita's performance with a

shocked expression.

This scene made the Bald Eagle's audience tremble in their hearts, and

they had a bad premonition in their minds.

This power, could it be Observation Haki?!"

"How could there be such a person in the first half of the Grand Line?!"

Hina's brows were tightly furrowed, and her gaze at Mikita was no longer

as relaxed as before.

Just when she was about to stand up and continue to deal with Mikita,

the situation changed again which shocked her.

"Observation Haki is really easy to use."

"Thank you for helping me with my experiment."

"But this also means that you guys are useless."

Mikita smiled amidst the bombardment, and the next moment she stared

at the crowd, the domineering and fierce Conqueror's Haki leaned out


In an instant, the soldiers who were still screaming and cursing angrily

rolled their eyes and fainted on the deck of the warship.

Of the hundreds of people on the warship, in an instant, only Hina was

left standing.

"Co... Conqueror's Haki?! How could you have such power?!"

Hina's eyes were wide open, and she looked at Mikita in front of her in

great surprise.

Even the attack that was intended to be launched against Mikita stopped

in mid air.

"What, surprised? But I just won't tell you."

Mikita enjoyed the surprised eyes from Hina, and felt more and more

happy in her heart.

"Owner of Conqueror's Haki, Hina understands why you dare to attack

the Marine warship."

"You're the captain of the pirates, right?"

"Hina wants to arrest you, you have a Conqueror's Haki, I must not let

you go."

Hina took a deep breath, and rushed towards Mikita with an indomitable

fighting spirit.

As a Marine, she knew that if the pirates of Conqueror's Haki were

allowed to develop, they would definitely become big pirates with a

reward of over 100 million.

At this moment, she had already made up her mind to capture Mikita no

matter what the price.

Even if it is the possibility of falling into the ocean with Mikita.

However, although the idea is good, it is difficult for Hina to implement


In the case that she does not have Observation Haki, but Mikita has

Observation Haki, every attack of Hina is easily dodged by Mikita.

Not only that, every attack of Mikita made Hina feel like being hit by a

heavy hammer.

And within a few breaths, Mikita grabbed Hina's hands and pressed her

heavily on the pole of the Marine warship.


Chapter 42: Mikita Is Not The

Captain? Hina Is Shocked!

"Easy victory…"

"It turns out that Colonel Naval Headquarters has no way to defeat


"If it's in East Blue, Mikita's power should be able to make her walk

without hindrance."

"Well...as long as she doesn't run into that Logia's devil fruit user


Rifan muttered to himself, put his hands behind his head, and leisurely

looked at Hina who was pushed against the pole by Mikita.

I have to say that Mikita's body is really soft.

Except for the chest part, she was able to fit her body completely on

Hina's back at this moment.

Taking a second look, Rifan even saw a beauty named Lily.

Of course, only he himself knows whether he has the idea of ​​changing

positions with Mikita.

"Mikita, she has really become stronger."

"Even a Marine fleet can't stop her."

"That man, to what extent did he strengthen Mikita?"

On the Black Pearl, Robin sighed watching the end of the battle

At the same time, the Blue Star audience sighed when they saw the battle

was over, and either excitedly or angrily left messages in Rifan's live

broadcast room.

[That's it? Hehe, now you know that Marines can't stop Rifan and his

crew. ]

[Even without Rifan, Mikita alone can wipe out a warship. ]

[Haha, Mikita is amazing. Conqueror's Haki is also really fierce, it is

completely a sharp weapon for cleaning up miscellaneous soldiers. ]

[Look at the expression of that pink-haired woman Marine, it's

completely different from the beginning! ]

[Bald Eagle: Impossible, Marine can't be such a waste, it's absolutely


[Goat: That Marine shouldn't be weak! Looking at the situation now, I

think we should all have an answer. Rifan and his partners have become

so powerful that we can hardly imagine. ]

[Bald Eagle: No way! The gap is absolutely impossible to be so big, even

if Rifan's physique has reached C level. ]

[Green Pheasant: There must be strong and weak soldiers in the Marine,

this female Marine is definitely the lowest in the Marine rank! ]

[Chollima: That's right! Just like there are Four Emperors among pirates,

there are three Admirals and Marshals in the Marine. This time Rifan

attacked the Marine, and he will definitely be taken care of in the future.

I believe he will be defeated by the stronger Marine soon!]

[Hehe, Rifan is capable of cleaning up as many people come. Chollima,

your reincarnator Jonelle hasn't joined the Whitebeard Pirates yet. Haha,

if it continues, he definitely will be the one to complete the achievement

of 'The First Reincarnator who can't join a pirate group' Hahaha~]

[Not necessarily, the powerful pirate group is difficult to get in, like Akua

from Elephant who wants to join the Beasts Pirates, and Koharu Momoka

who wants to join the Big Mom Pirate Group, and they will have the

same achievement as Jonelle, hahahaha. ]

[Camel: What's so great, isn't it just fighting Marines! Our reincarnator

Nasser is also fighting a Marine, why don't you pay attention to him? ]

[Green Pheasant: Fighting... Speaking of which, isn't that Nasser of yours

just following the other fish-men pirates to make noise? ]

[Camel: What do you know, that is to make full use of the resources of

the Pirates. As long as he can defeat those Marines, our Nasser will

definitely get a lot of points and quickly catch up with Rifan! ]

Just as the Camel viewers left their messages, a golden bullet screen

suddenly appeared on the top.

[Nasser from Camel country completed the achievement 'Defeat Naval

Headquarters Captain/Marine Division Captain for the first time', a

special reward of 500 points. ]

[Remarks: The position of captain of Naval Headquarters is equivalent to

the colonel of the Marine branch. This time, Nasser has defeated the

captain of Naval Headquarters. ]

[Remarks: The reincarnators of the 'crew' identity needs to defeat the

relevant opponents to obtain the achievement, and the reincarnators of

the 'captain' identity or the crew can obtain the achievement by defeating

the relevant opponents. ]

The sudden appearance of the barrage at the top caused the audience in

the live broadcast room to pause for a moment.

After that, countless barrages poured in quickly.

[Green Pheasant: How come, that guy actually succeeded, and even

achieved his first achievement!]

[Brown Bear: Apart from Ethan and Rifan, this is the third reincarnators

who has achieved the first achievement. I didn't expect that Nasser, who

became a fish-men, could do this. ]

[Damn, that guy is really lucky. I saw it just now, he completely waited

until the other fish-men sank the Marine warship, and took advantage of

the chance when the Marine Captain couldn't reacted to defeat him!]

[Camel: So what, Nasser was originally a member of the Arlong Pirates,

isn't it normal to rely on other members of the Arlong Pirates to get the

chance to defeat the Marine Captain? ]

[Camel: Nasser did a good job. He must have gained a lot of fighting

opportunities after defeating the Marine Captain, and now he has

achieved his first achievement. In this way, he will definitely be able to

grow up quickly. ]

[By the way, since Nasser can get achievements, then our Rifan can also

get achievements. That female Marine should have a higher position than

the Marine Captain that Nassar defeated. ]

[The achievement has not yet been revealed, is it because this female

Marine has not actually lost yet? ]

Thinking of this, everyone turned their attention to Hina who was

controlled by Mikita.

[Camel - Nasser: Hahaha, great, great, this time it's finally my turn to get

the achievement, 500 points, plus the points gained from defeating the

Marine Captain. Now, my pirate journey can finally take a big step

forward! ]

[Elephant - Akua: What a lucky guy, it turns out that fighting a Marine

can also get the first achievement. Damn, I missed my chance. ]

[Bald Eagle - Ethan: This is a good reminder, it seems that we have to

look for opportunities to fight Marine in the future. ]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: That guy is definitely not the Marine captain

who obtained his position by personal strength, because the Naval

Headquarters captain is definitely not that weak. ]

[Camel - Nasser: So what, whether it is relying on partners or other

forces, as long as you can get points, it is the kingly way. Having said

that, Rifan, have you seen that you are not the only one who can achieve

achievements. One day, I will surpass you!]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Hehe, just try to catch up. ]

Rifan chuckled, turned off the personal communication interface, and

turned his attention to Hina, who was controlled by Mikita.

'Hina is a higher rank than Marine Captain, and I should be able to get

the relevant initial achievements as well. '

'It didn't appear at this moment, and it really is this woman who hasn't

given up yet.'

Looking at Hina's unyielding eyes, Rifan thought in his heart.

"Give up, you can't beat me, Marine."

"If it wasn't for my captain not to let me kill you, you would have been

thrown into the sea by me to feed the fish."

"You should also understand that as a devil fruit user, you can't survive in

the sea."

Mikita clasped Hina's hands with one hand, and pressed her head tightly

against the ship pole with the other hand.

But Hina couldn't care about it, because she was taken aback when she

heard Mikita's words.

"What... what did you just say, you are not the captain?"

"Is that man the captain?"

Hina's side face was pressed against the pole of the ship, her eyes fixed

on Rifan who was walking towards them holding the seastone handcuffs

and chains he got from the Marine soldiers.

"I never said I was the captain. It's all just your misunderstanding, female


"How is it possible, you are the one who owns the Conqueror's Haki. Hina

doesn't understand, why aren't you the captain?!"

"That's needless to say, because my captain is a stronger and greater


Speaking of this, Mikita's eyes obviously flickered with admiration.

Although her current state made Hina unable to see Mikita's expression.

But just through Mikita's voice, Hina can imagine Mikita's admiration for

Rifan in her heart.

'This man actually let this woman call him the captain!'

'Could it be that he has more powerful power? '

'Or is it just because this woman adores him? '

A doubt flashed in Hina's mind.

But seeing Rifan getting closer, she knew it was no time to think.

If she is really controlled by seastone handcuffs, she will completely lose

her chance to resist.

Her eyes were fixed, and two black iron rods automatically grew out of

her hands held by Mikita, and they hit Mikita's abdomen directly.

Mikita, who thought the battle was over, didn't pay more attention to

Hina, and even her Observation Haki had already been put away.

Unable to defend, Mikita's body was directly pushed by Hina's black iron

rod made of Cage devil Fruit to move toward the edge of the ship.

And Hina took advantage of this opportunity and rushed straight to Rifan

who was already close at hand.


Chapter 43: Two Conqueror Haki

on the same boat!?

'Since you are the captain, then I will take you down! '

With this thought in mind, Hina's right arm swept towards Rifan's body

like a whip.

As a Cage-Cage Devil Fruit user, when Hina uses her ability, once her

arm passes through another person's body, she can form a solid black

cage on the surface of her opponent's body.

As long as he is caught by a tight enough black threshold, it will be

difficult for a person with great strength to exert his original strength.

However, although Hina has a good idea, how can she succeed in the

face of Rifan who is much stronger than Mikita?


Rifan stretched out the hand that covered Armament Haki, and grabbed

Hina's right hand as fast as lightning.

At the same time, the free hand directly locked the seastone handcuffs on

Hina's body.

Bound by seastone handcuffs, Hina's body immediately limped and fell

into Rifan's arms.

"Hey, ma'am, why are you so careless, do you need me to help you?"

Rifan put his hands on Hina's back with a smile on his face.

"how come..."

Hina raised her head in surprise, and looked at Rifan's face in


"Hehe, why not."

"My mates say I'm the captain."

"You don't think I'm an embroidered pillow, do you?"

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, and Conqueror's Haki erupted


Since Rifan wants to get a high reward, Rifan doesn't mind showing the

fact that he can use Conqueror's Haki in front of a Marine.

Presumably, if there are two people who can use Conqueror's Haki on a

ship, even if it is a rookie pirate group that has just set out to sea, the

Marine will give enough rewards.

Although the consequence of this is that Marine's pursuit will also

increase accordingly.

"Co... Conqueror's Haki?! You can do it too!"

Hina was surprised!

Hina's beautiful eyes widened, she looked at Rifan in disbelief, and then

at Mikita who was walking upright.

"Damn woman, how dare you!"

Mikita came to Hina's side, raised her hand and waved towards Hina's

face angryly.

Rifan raised his eyebrows, and quickly reached out to grab Mikita's hand.


Mikita looked at Rifan puzzled.

"This woman has no way to resist, let's forget about abusing the captives."

"Also, take this battle as a lesson, Mikita."

"At any time, even if you think the enemy has been controlled."

"And don't forget to be vigilant."

Rifan shook his head and said.

"Yes, Captain Rifan."

Mikita pouted and said aggrievedly.

Then he looked at Hina fiercely again.

"Unexpectedly, Captain Rifan is still a good person. As a pirate, are you

not going to abuse your captives?"

"Or, you just simply think that this female Marine is a beauty, "

"And you don't want her to have a disfigured face when you assult her


At this time, Robin jumped onto the deck of the Marine warship from the

Black Pearl.

Walking towards Rifan and Mikita, she said with a dark smile.

When Hina heard this, her heart skipped a beat, and her body struggled

even more violently.

Feeling the subtle resistance of Hina in his hand, Rifan waved Hina to the

railing of the warship.

Immediately, regardless of Hina's resistance, she was directly tied to the

railing with chains.

And as Hina completely lost the power to resist, the prompt sound of the

copy space appeared again.

[Rifan, has complete the achievement "The Reincarnator who defeat a

Colonel from Naval Headquarters.", the special bonus point is 1000

points. ]

[Hahaha, did you see that people from Camel, now you should see the

gap between our Rifan and your Nasser!]

[Camel: Damn it, why does this guy get twice as many points as Nasser?]

[Does it need to be said, because our Rifan defeated the colonel of Naval

Headquarters, and our Rifan defeated her with hard power, and your

Nasser can be said to be only utilizing dirty tactics! ]

[Camel: I don't understand why the Camel viewer upstairs is angry that

Rifan got more points, shouldn't we be angry because Giant Panda didn't

return Rifan to our country? ]

[Fuck off idiot upstairs, why don't you go back and see if your family is

okay? ]

[Giant Panda - Ralph: Well done, Rifan! Nasser, why are you silent? Or is

it because you only got 500 points that your silent? ]

[Brown Bear - Tatiana: Mr. Rifan is still the same Mr. Rifan, who will not

give anyone a chance to surpass himself. ]

[Bald Eagle - Ethan: Damn Rifan, even if you have no battle points as a

captain, do you still want to actively fight Marine? ]

[Bald Eagle - Tina: I don't know why, but I always feel that Nasser's face

hurts a little now. Hehe~]

[Camel - Nasser: You bastards! And Rifan you son of bitch, you did it on

purpose, you must have done it on purpose!]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: I just defeated the Naval Headquarters colonel just

behind you, sorry, I got twice as many points as you, just like Tina said,

Your face must be hurting. ]

[Camel - Nasser: Don't be so complacent you bastard! Let me tell you, I

will have Colonel Nezumi here today, and then I will find a way to teach

that guy a lesson, and then I will be able to get high battle points again.

This is a reward that you, as the 'captain', cannot enjoy! ]

[Giant Panda - Rifan: Really, then you have to work hard. ]

[Green Pheasant - Otoshi: Colonel? Does Nasser have the ability to defeat

a Marine Colonel? ]

[Green Pheasant - Koharu Momoka: I think the Marine Colonel Nasser

mentioned should refer to the Branch Colonel. After all, Rifan is the only

one who can defeat the colonel of the headquarters on his own. ]

Grand Line, above the Marine warship.

Rifan rubbed his chin, a thoughtful light flashed in his eyes.

'Colonel Nezumi, that guy Nasser descended on the Arlong Pirates. '

'This is really... It seems that we need to reach Cocoyashi Village more

quickly. '

'Otherwise, the situation on Nami's side will be complicated. '

Rifan thought in his heart.

Chapter 44: Hina, You Don't Have

To Resist~

"Asshole, what are you going to do to Hina?!"

Although Hina is weak because of the seastone.

But thinking of what Robin said earlier about Rifan assaulting her, she

still wanted to fight back.

"What I will do to you depends on your performance."

Rifan folded his arms, and looked up and down at Hina in front of him

with a pair of eyes.

Hina frowned, only feeling that the eyes of Rifan in front of her were so


'Damn it, is Hina about to be insulted? '

Thinking of the words and behaviors of some pirates she met, and

thinking of Rifan's aggressive eyes, Hina couldn't help but sink into the

bottom of her heart.

However, looking at the fallen soldiers around.

Hina couldn't even bring up the idea of ​​suicide.

She felt that if she died like this, all of her subordinates would probably

not survive.

"Robin, am I putting on the face of a beast?"

"Why do you think I assault her when you see my actions?"

"Could it be that your usual intelligence is just pretending, but in fact,

romance is what you are good at?"

Rifan ignored Hina, but turned to look at Robin speechlessly.

"Hehe, maybe I was influenced by you, Captain."

Robin couldn't deny it, and calmly came to Rifan's side.

"What, you're Nico Robin?!"

Hina's heart, which was depressed because of being captured, was raised

again because of Rifan's words, and she looked at Robin in great surprise.

At the same time, she was also comparing Robin's bounty when she was a

child with her current appearance.

Soon, she found similarities between Robin's photo on the bounty and

what Robin looks like now.

"Really, Captain, you deliberately mentioned my name in front of this

Marine, right?"

"So tie me to your boat."

Robin rested her forehead with one hand and shook her head in distress.

You know, Marine is still issuing a reward order with her childhood


Thanks to the difference between her appearance now and when she was

a child, under normal circumstances, no Marine would recognize her.

But when Rifan mentioned this, Robin felt that if Hina and others


I'm afraid there will be a new reward order for her on the sea soon.

In this way, the possibility of her leaving Rifan's side will be more or less


"That's right, I did it on purpose."

"But I think my idea is somewhat different from your own conjecture."

Rifan smiled and said.

What he wanted was simply a high reward.

If there is a crew member on the pirate group who already offered a

reward of 79 million Berry.

Then he, the captain's bounty must exceed this number, even if it was the

first time he was offered a bounty.

Watching the communication between Rifan and Robin, Hina's face

became more and more gloomy.

'It's really Nico Robin! '

'After hiding for so many years, did she appear again? '

'Such a man will definitely not be a novice pirate. '

'Could it be that they just went to sea? '

'And the Marines didn't capture their information? '

'Could it be that all the pirates and marines who fought against them

have already been dealt with by them? '

Thinking of this, Hina looked gloomy at the Marine soldiers lying on the


This scene made her more sure of the conjecture in her heart.

"Haa... Hina understands."

"If you want to do something to Hina, Hina won't resist."

"Even Hina can cooperate with you."

"But Hina needs you to allow the other Marines to leave!"

After taking a deep breath, Hina said to Rifan with a firm face.

"Hehe, even this beautiful Marine said that."

"Captain, do you need Mikita and I to retreat temporarily to create a

good communication environment for you?"

Robin raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile on her face.

"Robin, you should stop for a while."

"Look, this Miss Marine has already misunderstood."

Rifan shook his head, and looked at Hina with some shame.

At the same time, Rifan was also a little surprised.

Hina, who is so heroic in the original book, would say such a thing.

Although this is for the sake of her own men.

"Misunderstanding?! Are you looking down on Hina's body?!"

"Do you want to kill us all?!"

Hina frowned even tighter, and her tone of voice was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to kill you."

"The premise is that you follow my instructions carefully."

"Then again, since you are ready to sacrifice yourself."

"You don't mind if I take your coat off right?"

The corner of Rifan's mouth raised, and he raised his hand to grab Hina's

rose-colored suit.

"Huh? What are you going to do to Hina…"


Before Hina finished speaking, she felt a strong tearing force coming from

the clothes she was wearing.

She took a closer look, and found that Rifan had torn her suit and

trousers apart through the chains at a speed that could not cover her


As the sea breeze blew, Hina, who was only wearing inner clothes, felt a

burst of coolness on her skin.

On the other hand, the Bluestar live broadcast room, which was

broadcasting Rifan live, also fell into a black screen at the moment before

Hina's skin was exposed.

What will happen next is something Rifan doesn't want people in the real

world to know.


Chapter 45: Sailing on Calm Belt.

"You... damn! Hina will rebel before you release the other Marines!"

"Hina won't let you enjoy her!"

Hina's face instantly turned into a red apple, and her whole body couldn't

help shaking.

"Sigh, Captain was still saying no for a second."

"But now he is doing something wild before us."

Robin rested her chin on one hand and looked at Hina with interest.

Although she had some sympathy for Hina, she didn't express much.

'If I hadn't promised Rifan to be his partner before. '

'Perhaps I will be torn apart like her. '

Robin thought.

Mikita's face was flushed, and Robin's words made Rifan understand that

her impression in her heart of him was once again frozen.

But he can't tell them the reason why he did it, so he can only let Robin

speculate about him at will.

"Robin, there's something I need to discuss with you."

Rifan's expression became serious.

Seeing this, Robin didn't continue to tease, but said seriously:

"Did the Captain make any decisions?"

"That's right. It has to do with what I promised you before. I plan to take

it slow first, I hope you don't mind."

"Captain Rifan, is there any important thing you have to do?"

"That's right! I plan to use this Marine warship to go to East Blue first.

The Marine warship has the power to sail in the Calm Belt. I want to take

advantage of this opportunity."

"To East Blue? Could it be about the partner you mentioned earlier?"

"That's right, I heard that there is a pretty good navigator at East Blue,

and I plan to see if I can invite her over. Also, on that island, I heard that

there is an acquaintance of mine over there. Hmm...the kind that has a

bad relationship."

"I see. If you can cross the Calm Belt, it won't take much time to get to

East Blue. Since you are the captain, I have no way to refute your

decision, but please remember the agreement you made with me,

Captain. "

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you, since I don't want to lose

you as my partner."

Rifan nodded with a smile, and looked back at Hina who looked at Rifan

with a look of disgust.

In any case, now that Nasser among the reincarnators has joined the

Arlong Pirates, Rifan naturally puts the matter of inviting Nami at the top

of the current list of things to do.

Although Nasser is unlikely to do anything to Nami, after all there is

Arlong watching over there.

But for the villagers of Cocosia Village that Nami cares about, and even

her sister Nojiko, the possibility of Nasser doing something is much


And now there happens to be a Marine warship that can pass through the

Calm Belt, so Rifan naturally intends to make good use of it.

However, whether it is knowing that the Marine warship can pass

through the Calm Belt, or knowing that East Blue has excellent

navigators, or an 'old friend' Nasser in Cocosia Village, etc., Rifan, who is

a reincarnation, should not know this.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the privacy mechanism to blacken the

screen of the live broadcast room.

But since there is Hina as an enemy this time, Rifan naturally does not

intend to blacken the screen in the live broadcast room by taking off his


"I have to say that you are in good shape, no wonder your soldiers seem

to like you so much."

"Okay, don't look at me like that."

"I just took a look at your body twice, and it won't lose a few catties."

"After all, the clothes on your body are like swimsuits, so why blush."

"This is very different from your heroic appearance just now you know."

Rifan raised Hina's chin and said with a smile.

"You bastard!"

Gritting her teeth, Hina struggled weakly against the situation in front of


"Okay, stop your useless struggle."

"You heard what we said just now."

"If you want to keep yourself and your men alive."

"Just be honest and send us to East Blue."

"After I reach the destination I want, I will let you go."

Rifan patted Hina on the shoulder and said.

"Asshole, Hina won't do things for pirates!"

"Is that so? If this is the case, there is no other way. We can only throw

these Marines into the sea to feed the sea kings."

"Wait...wait! You… are you really just looking for a navigator in east


"It's just one of the purposes, and the possibility of doing other things is

not ruled out."

"You're not going to loot civilians, are you?!"

"Plundering civilians is too low-level, I'm not interested in doing it. If I

really want to rob, I plan to rob some rich pirates, or rob your Marine."

"Then when you go to East Blue, will you go to Marine Base?"

"I don't have any plans for this at the moment, but I don't rule out the

possibility of going~ Also, you should answer my question, and you

should answer within five seconds. 5, 4, 3…"

"Hina understands, Hina promises you!"


Chapter 46: Hina Has Written

Down This Grudge!

Seeing Rifan counting down, she was afraid that Rifan would really

throw all the Marines into the sea.

And Hina, who herself became Rifan's 'plaything', finally lowered her


"That's a good answer."

Rifan smiled, reached out and removed the chains that bound Hina,

leaving only the seastone handcuffs on her hands.

"Go and change into suitable clothes, then wake up your men and steer

this warship to East Blue."

"Also, I don't need to remind you. You should also understand that you

must hand in all your den-den mushi first."

"Let me tell you first, I have Observation Haki in my hands."

"If you fool me, I will do some terrible things."

The corner of Rifan's mouth turned upwards, at this moment he looked

like a devil in Hina's eyes.

'hateful! Hina must find a way to survive!'

'Whether it's Robin or this dangerous Rifan, their existence must be


'We must not let them continue to hide! '

Hina thought firmly in her heart.

And this is also one of the reasons why she is willing to agree to Rifan's


It goes without saying that Robin is dangerous.

And Rifan was able to recruit Robin, and has a minion with Conqueror's

Haki and Observation Haki.

And he also holds a Conqueror's Haki himself.

Even though Rifan's pirate group seems to be small in number now, Hina

has classified Rifan's pirate group into the extremely dangerous category.

Therefore, she absolutely does not allow Rifan's pirate group to remain


What she didn't know was that Rifan had already planned to expose his

pirate group sooner or later.

And capturing Hina and his party is just an additional means for Rifan to

increase the bounty they will receive.

"Rifan, Hina asks you again!"

"I take you to your destination in East Blue and you'll get us all out


"There are no other conditions attached?"

After the chain was undone, Hina moved her body a little and asked


"Why, do you still want me to impose conditions on you?"

Seeing Hina with a serious face in front of him, Rifan couldn't help being


"This Marine probably thinks that you tore up her clothes but did

nothing, which makes her feel a little uneasy."

Robin rested her chin on one hand, smiling all over her face.

Hina pursed her lips, her feet involuntarily moved together tightly.

Like Robin said, Rifan tore up her clothes and acted interested in her.

But in the end, he didn't do anything, just asked her to take his party to

East Blue, which made Hina wonder whether Rifan would abide by the

agreement in the end.

After all, a person who follows his own desire is, to some extent, easier to

see through than a person who clearly expresses his desire but can

terminate it in time, and it is also easier to abide by the agreement.

"Is that what you want? Then do you want to add a few days of travel

before arriving at East Blue, so that you can sleep with me?"

"Come on, Marine, it's easy to get old if you think too much."

"I won't force you to accompany me, I just hope you can do your job


"I also don't want to see your sailors not be willing to control the warship

to East Blue even if they lose their lives because I force you."

"I'm a person in a hurry, and I'm not interested in delaying business

because of your body."

Rifan waved his hand and said to Hina.

Having read the original One Piece, he knows how much Hina's

subordinates like her.

If Hina is really assaulted, these Marines will be outraged and fight like

madmen, ignoring their lives even if they know it's futile.

It's okay to kill them, but there will be no one to sail the warship.

And Rifan felt that it was inconvenient for the three of them to start a

Marine warship.

"Is that so?"

Hina frowned.

"That's right."

"Okay, you change your clothes."

"Or do you want to just wear this all the time?"

As Rifan said, he slapped Hina on the buttocks directly.

With a clear sound, Rifan clearly felt a springy touch from his hand.

"Ah! You...you… scoundrel!"



But this time, the other half of Hina ass was targeted.

"Not going yet?"

"Or do you want to try again?"

Rifan raised his palm in front of Hina, with a smile on his face.

"Damn, this grudge, Hina will remember this!"

Hina gave a coquettish cry, turned and ran to the cabin of the Marine


"Well, the comparison is perfect."

Rifan looked at the two palm prints behind Hina's ass swinging left and

right as she ran, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart for his control of

strength seeing his work on her big ass.

"Mikita, go and watch that woman, don't let her play tricks."

"Yes, Captain."

As soon as her voice fell, Mikita immediately took a step forward and

came to the back of Hina in an instant.

Chapter 47: As Expected Of

Captain Rifan, He Easily Did What

We Couldn't

"What?! Colonel Hina, are we really going to help these pirates?!"

"Colonel Hina, lead us to fight, we don't want to be your burden!"

"Yes, as long as you give an order, we are not afraid of death!"

On the Marine warship, the awakened Marine soldiers looked at Hina in


They can't believe that Hina would tell them such a thing as taking

pirates to East Blue.

Hina pursed her lips, looking at the performance of the sailors in front of

her, while she was moved, she didn't want anything to happen to them.

"Since you know that Hina is the colonel, follow Hina's orders!"

"Letto, set sail for East Blue, Hina doesn't want to say it a second time!"

Putting on a rose-colored suit again, with her right hand cuffed by

seastone handcuffs, Hina solemnly gave orders to her subordinates.

However, the sailors who used to always obey her orders and could do

anything for her did not choose to obey her orders at this moment.

On the contrary, it became even more noisy, and some people even

clenched their fists, looking like they wanted to rush forward to fight

Rifan and others, snatch the seastone handcuff key from Rifan and others,

and release Hina.

Seeing this, Mikita frowned immediately.

Immediately, she wanted to stand up and teach these Marine soldiers a


"Let me do it, Mikita."

Rifan patted Mikita on the shoulder, and walked to Hina's side.

When the Marine soldiers saw this scene, they all looked at Rifan


Facing everyone's glaring looks, the corners of Rifan's lips arched slightly,

and he raised his hand to embrace Hina in his arms.

"Asshole, let go of Colonel Hina!"

"What do you want to do, pirate!"

"You bastard, let go of Colonel Hina!"

When the Marine soldiers saw Rifan's movements, they immediately ran

forward to attack Rifan.

However, just after everyone ran a few steps, a pair of hands came out

from the deck and grabbed the ankles of the Marine soldiers.

Many Marine soldiers fell to the deck immediately after being caught off


Some even had their teeth knocked out.

"Flower Devil Fruit?"

Hina was very ashamed and angry because of Rifan's actions, but when

she saw the hand growing on the deck, she immediately looked serious.

At this moment, she was even more sure that Robin's identity was the

O'hara survivor who was once offered a reward of 79 million Berry.

"I advise you not to move, otherwise, your beloved Colonel Hina will


While talking, Rifan gently stroked Hina's face with his hand.

Without waiting for the Marines to speak angrily, Rifan went on to say:

"Actually, you are honestly acting according to my ideas…"

"But I didn't kill you all because of Colonel Hina protecting you."

"I'm a man who often visits the Red District."

"It's hard to see a beauty like Colonel Hina even in the Red District."

"If you don't help us, I will be angry."

"And once I get angry, I can't control my beauty-loving character."

"Sailors, you don't want to see Colonel Hina spending the night with me,

do you?"

At the end of his words, Rifan's hand was already at Hina's waist.

At this time, although Hina already knew the purpose of Rifan's words,

But being touched by Rifan, her body still trembled involuntarily.

Even though there is still a layer of clothing between Rifan and her skin.

Rifan looked at the many Marine soldiers who just looked at him

viciously and yelled at him, but didn't nod and agreed to control the

warship to East Blue even with his threat, so he couldn't help but raise

his eyebrows.

The next moment, Rifan turned around, supported Hina's back with both

hands, and kissed her lips directly with his face close to Hina.

This scene instantly made all the sailors including Hina widen their eyes,

as if they saw something unbelievable.

After a few seconds, Rifan let go of Hina, facing many Marine soldiers

and pointing his thumb at himself.

"Haha~ It wasn't any of you who took Hina first kiss, but me, Rifan!"

"I'll give you 10 seconds to make a decision, if you don't make a


"Your Colonel Hina won't just lose her first kiss after killing you all."

Rifan said with a wicked face.

"As expected of Captain, he easily did what we couldn't."

"It makes people excited and admire him."

With a faint smile on her face, Robin clapped her palms as if watching a

good show.

Mikita, on the other hand, looked at Hina enviously.

Rifan glanced at Robin helplessly in his heart hearing her side comments.

Then he looked at Hina who fell on the deck and covered her lips.

'Fortunately, there is no water on deck. '

After confirming that Hina would not have the opportunity to use the

water on the deck to clear the water stains on her lips, Rifan couldn't

help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Bastard, you cunning pirate!"

"Wait bro, don't do anything, it doesn't matter if we die, but don't

implicate Colonel Hina."

"Damn it, this guy is too cunning to threaten us with Colonel Hina! "

Although the Marine soldiers were angry.

But seeing Rifan attacking Hina indifferently, and thinking about what

might happen to Hina if they continue to persist, everyone retreated.

The sense of justice in their hearts makes them unwilling to obey the

orders of the pirates.

But the respect and love for Hina in their hearts forced them to choose to


"Damn pirate, I agree."

"You'd better remember your promise, otherwise, I won't let you go even

if I'm a ghost!"

A marine dressed as an adjutant came out, clenched his fists and said to


"Hehe, wouldn't it be better if it was like this earlier?"

"Then I'll leave it up to you all."

"Remember, my eyes will always be on you, don't think about playing


After Rifan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to pull Hina up

and patted the dirty things on her body, then took her hand and walked

towards a set of deck chairs.

Seeing that Hina was "controlled" by Rifan, many Marines could only

choose to compromise and turn the bow to the Calm Belt between East

Blue and Grand Line with gritted teeth.

[Although because of the black screen, I don't know what happened in

the middle, but Rifan seems to have successfully snatched a Marine

warship. ]

[It's not snatched, he just robbed a warship and took control of this

warship. Rifan is indeed worthy. ]

[Bald Eagle: Hmph, using such disgraceful means to control Marine, what

is there to be proud of?]

[Camel: Exactly, this method is too dirty to watch. ]

[Please, Marines are the enemy. Then again, many of you Camel and Bald

Eagle reincarnators are much more ruthless than our Rifan. ]

[That's right, many reincarnators from their country take advantage of

their identities as pirates to directly kill and loot civilians. Aren't you

ashamed of yourself?!]

[Nasser from Camel, who became a fish-men because of his talent, still

wants to use his identity to rape the woman in Cocoyashi Village. If his

fellow fish-men didn't look down on humans and were suspicious of

Nasser's behavior, Nasser might have rape those poor girls and woman.

What a bastard.]

[Haha, that guy is watched by other fish-men, so he can only marry a

fish-women. ]

[It's a pity that there are no fish-women in the Arlong Pirates, only a

human girl named Nami. ]


Chapter 48: Sand Crocodile Calls

And Questions Robin!

[Speaking of which, Nami seems to be very good. I heard from those fish-

mens that she seems to have become a navigator of the Arlong Pirates

when she was very young. ]

[Camel: You Bastards, Nami is Arlong Pirates member, don't think of

snatching her from Arlong Pirates.]

[Hehe, That girl obviously doesn't like the Arlong Pirates, she will leave

the Arlong Pirates eventually. ]

[ Rifan seems to be going to East Blue with the Marines, it would be great

if he could snatch her over. ]

[Speaking of which, why did Rifan go to East Blue? Could it be because

the East Blue is the weakest sea, and it is easier to develop there? ]

[It's not impossible. With his and his crew current strength, Brother Rifan

may be able to walk without hindrance in East Blue. ]

Without being able to see the communication between Rifan and Hina

during the black screen period, many viewers explained and guessed the

purpose of Rifan's trip.

And Rifan himself lay leisurely on the deck chair, enjoying the natural


Robin and Mikita received orders from Rifan to supervise the Marines to

control the warships.

"This is Hina's chair."

Suddenly, Hina spoke to Rifan.

"Really, do you want to lie down together?"

Rifan smiled and pointed to his arms towards Hina.


Hina smacked her lips and turned her face away in great displeasure.

"Don't just stand there, isn't there fruit over there, help me peel an apple."

"Hina is not your maid!"

"Then you are now!"

"Damn it, Hina is angry!"

Having said that, after seeing Rifan cast his eyes on the working Marine

soldiers, Hina honestly peeled an apple for Rifan.

At this moment, Robin, who was supervising the work of the Marine

soldiers, came over.

In her hand, there was also a den-den mushi that was constantly making


"Captain Rifan, this call from Mr.0, how do you think I should handle it?"

Robin put the den-den mushi in front of Rifan and asked.

She knew that Rifan was a pervert bully who might be monitoring her

anytime, anywhere, so she didn't choose to answer the call from

Crocodile privately.

Rifan: "Mr.0? Let me talk to him."

Robin: "Then I leave it to you, Captain."

Robin smiled slightly, and handed the den-den mushi to Rifan.

Rifan didn't care about Hina who was on the sidelines, and directly chose

to connect the call.

"Miss All Sunday, where are you now, and why haven't Ms. Valentine and

Mr.5 achieved their mission objectives?"

From the other side of den-den mushi, a dull voice sounded.

"If you're looking for Miss All Sunday, it's not convenient to answer your

calls now."

"Huh? Who are you?"

"When asking someone's name, it's the most basic courtesy to report your

name first."

"Miss All Sunday, are you with this man? Tell me what happened."

On the other side of the den-den mushi, Mr.0's voice turned deep when

he heard a voice that's clearly not Robin.

"What an impolite bastard."

"Well, even if you don't introduce yourself, I know who you are, Mr.

Crocodile, one of the Seven Shichibukai."

"The Miss All Sunday you want to talk to has been captured by me, So it's

better not to look for her in the future."

"If you don't believe me, I let her tell you."

Rifan said, then turned to look at Robin.

Robin smiled helplessly, walked to Rifan and said into the microphone of

the den-den mushi:

"I'm sorry boss, just like what this man said, I'm a captive right now."

Alabasta, in a dark office.

Crocodile frowned, his face extremely gloomy.

After hearing what Robin said, he took a long breath, calmed down his

anger a little and said to the den-den mushi:

"Miss All Sunday, you revealed my identity?"

"Sorry Mr.0, I originally wanted to use your identity to intimidate this

man, but the effect was not very good."

"So that's it! Miss All Sunday, we'll talk about your matter later, now let

me have a good talk with the man who captured you."

Hearing this, Rifan said with a smile on his face:

"What do you want to talk to me about, Crocodile?"

While speaking, Rifan couldn't help looking at Hina who accidentally cut

her finger when she heard Crocodile's name.

"Release Robin, or you will die a miserable death!"

"Hehe, as expected of Seven Warlords of the Sea, even in such a situation,

they can say such threatening words."

"You'd better do it, trust me, I have a way to find you."

"I understand, after all, you are the boss of Baroque Works, and your

eyeliner even covers the whole world. But unfortunately, I don't like

being threatened very much."

"You mean, are you going to fight me?"

"Who knows, maybe. Besides, the conversation between us is over, so

don't call my partner in the future."

After Rifan finished speaking, he hung up the den-den mushi in his hand

and threw it into the sea.

On the other side, Alabasta, where the Crocodile is.

"Bastard! Tell me your name!"

"Hello! Hello?!"

Crocodile frowned, looking gloomy at the den-den mushi who was

sending out a beeb that means that the other side was hung up.

"Ha-Ha-Ha! What an interesting bastard!"

Crocodile laughed back angrily, a strong killing intent gushed out of his


A little time passed, after Crocodile calmed down a little.

He raised his hand and dialed a number.

"This is Mr.0, I need to know about Miss All Sunday recent movements,

people she has been in contact with, and everything that has happened!"

"Also, find me the man who kidnapped Miss All Sunday."

"Then report his location to me, and I will unscrew his head myself!"


Chapter 49: Want To Know

Information About Mr0? Let's

Dance First, Ms. Hina

[As expected of Brother Rifan, he is so brave! ]

[Hehe, a Shichibukai? Brother Rifan is not afraid of them!]

[Camel: Not afraid? Idiot! Rifan is playing with his life and it will be not

long before he died a gruesome death!]

[Camel: That's right! He just offended Marine, and now he offend a

Shichibukai thoroughly, tsk tsk, I think Rifan can't live for three days. ]

[Don't speak past tense, friends from other country, be careful to be

slapped in the face again, hahaha. ]

"In this way, Captain, you have completely offended Crocodile."

"As long as you are on the Grand Line, he can find you."

Robin shook her head, sighed and looked at Hina who was a Marine.

How could she fail to see that Rifan called Crocodile's name in front of

Hina on purpose.

And knowing that Crocodile, a Shichibukai, is actually the boss of the

killer organization Baroque Works, some investigative action is bound to

be taken.

Rifan probably wants to use the Marine's power to harass Crocodile.

"You don't need to worry about him. Aren't we going to East Blue?"

"Even if he has contacts in East Blue, it will take a lot of effort to find us."

"Then again, I'm not afraid of that guy either."

"Also, I think Marines should also do some research."

"After all, Baroque Works is notorious on the Grand Line."

Rifan smiled and turned to look at Hina.

"Miss Hina, when will your apple be peeled?"

"Rifan, is what you guys said just now true? Crocodile is the boss behind

Baroque Works?"

"Why would I lie? If you have seen Crocodile and heard him speak, you

should be able to distinguish his voice."

"But, Crocodile is a Shichibukai, why set up a killer organization? Hina

doesn't understand!"

Hina narrowed her eyes and looked at Robin beside her.

She finds that she seems to have misunderstood Robin. It seems that she

just got on Rifans' ship not long ago.

If Rifan hadn't lied, that means Robin is one of Crocodile subordinates.

And a Shichibukai sheltering Nico Robin, a Devil Child, is definitely a

violation of the Shichibukai protocol.

Considering the particularity of Robin, Hina feels that the purpose of

Crocodile's establishment of the Baroque Work Agency is definitely not

too simple.

Of course, even if Robin did not join Rifan's pirate group from the

beginning, this did not reduce the danger of Rifan in her heart.

"About this, you should ask Captain Rifan."

"Or, as Captain Rifan puts it,"

"How about going to Alabasta to investigate in person after you've left


Robin chuckled, turned and walked aside.

Hina squinted her eyes and looked down at Rifan.

"Give me the apple, Hina."

Hina raised her eyebrows and handed the apple to Rifan.

"And the sunglasses on your head."

Hina frowned, but still took off the sunglasses and handed them to Rifan.

"Mmm...it's really pleasant."

Rifan put Hina's sunglasses on his eyes, opened his mouth and took a bite

of the apple, enjoying the sunbath with a relaxed expression.

Seeing such a situation, Hina frowned deeper.

"Rifan, Hina wants to know more about Crocodile."


"In that case, follow me."

Rifan said, got up and walked towards the cabin of the warship.

Seeing this, Hina naturally followed closely behind.

After a while, Rifan and Hina came to Hina's room in the warship.

"Hina doesn't understand, why come here?"

Hina frowned, feeling a little wary of Rifan for no reason.

"I just don't want other people to know what I'm going to say next."

Rifan laughed.

"Others? Hina doesn't understand! my soldiers are doing their jobs, and

no one will hear us."

Hearing this, Hina frowned even tighter.

"I'm not talking about your soldiers."

The corner of Rifan's mouth arched, only he knew that the 'people' he

spoke of deserved to be Blue Star's audience.

The next moment, Rifan grabbed Hina by the collar.

Before Hina could react, a tearing sound reached her ears.

"You... what are you doing?!"

"You said, you won't attack Hina!"

Seeing her suit being torn apart again, Hina immediately yelled at Rifan

in embarrassment.

"Don't get me wrong, I just feel like I'm at a disadvantage for simply

telling you about the Crocodile."

"So, I want you to do something first."

"And, don't you have a spare suit in your room? What's there to care


After confirming that Blue Star's live broadcast room was dark, Rifan

waved to Hina and sat on her bed.

"W-What do you want to do to Hina?!"

Hina covered her front body with both hands, and questioned Rifan with

a blushing face.

"Aren't you a Cage-Cage Devil Fruit user? First make a steel pipe in this


"Then, you can dance around the pole."

"I'm not going to talk about Crocodile until you start dancing on it."

"Conversely, once you stop, I don't think you're interested in Crocodile


Rifan rested his chin on both hands, and said to the beauty in front of

him with great interest.

"Yo-you pervert! Hina doesn't know how to dance like that!"

Hina gritted her silver teeth secretly, her eyes fixed on Rifan.

If eyes could kill, Rifan believes he might have died countless times.

"Really, if that's the case, then I'll leave."

"Sigh~, I was going to tell you, Marine, why Crocodile shelter Robin."

"But since you're not interested, let's forget about it."

After Rifan finished speaking, he stood up, wanting to leave.

"wait wait wait!"

"What, changed your mind?"

"Hina... Hina, w-will dance."

After saying this, Hina's face has completely turned into a red apple.

"Really? I'm not forcing you, you know, but if you like to dance that

much, please start your performance~"

Rifan smiled and took the seat just now.

"Y-y-you shameless bastard!"

'Hina, calm down. It's okay.'

'Anyway, this guy has already seen it, and now he just took a second

look. '

'And the suit has been torn, if you can't get any information from him, it's

definitely your loss…'

Hina took a few deep breaths while making excuses for herself.

She glared fiercely at Rifan who was wearing her own sunglasses, and

after Rifan uncuffed the seastone for her.

Then she raised her hand and used her ability to build a black column in

the room.

As for attacking Rifan while the seastone handcuffs were released!

After seeing Rifan's power, Hina didn't have such thoughts in her mind.

She understands that with her current strength, she is definitely not

Rifan's opponent.

Just when Hina let go of the hands covering her body and put on the iron

pillar she made with her abilities, Rifan's voice sounded again.

"By the way, your trousers are a little in the way, do you need me to tear

them up for you?"

Rifan asked.

"Y-y-you pervert! Hina will handle it herself!"

Hina clenched her fists and shouted at Rifan angrily.


Chapter 50: Maybe, I Will Become

Shichibukai Too~

"Tsk , boring~"

"You're obviously in good shape, but why can't you show off your charm

when you dance?"

"After I release you later, better practise your dancing."

"Otherwise, if you want to get some information from me next time, even

if you take the initiative to dance in front of me, I won't agree."

Rifan raised his hand and patted Hina's shoulder, whose skin was red

from dancing, and said meaningfully.

"Who wants to meet you for a second time you shameless pervert!"

Hina swatted Rifan's hand away, angrily walked to the closet aside and

quickly took out her own suit of the same style.

Rifan shrugged, opened the door and walked out, leaving the space for

Hina temporarily.

However, Rifan did not go far in order to monitor Hina who might take

out a hidden den-den mushi from somewhere.

Hina glanced at the closed door, took a deep breath and quickly changed

her clothes thinking seriously;

'Crocodile invited Nico Robin to find out the information about the

Ancient Weapon in Alabasta. '

'If this matter is true, then this matter must be reported to the upper

echelon of Marine as soon as possible. '

Thinking of this, Hina took a deep breath, walked to the side of the room

and opened the door.

"Rifan, Hina wants to discuss something with you. I want to discuss

Crocodile matter—"


"Huh? Do you know what Hina is going to say?"

"I can guess what you want to say."

"Rifan, Hina will not report that you captured us!"

"Hina, if you want to report Crocodile's matter to the higher authorities

quickly, send us to East Blue as soon as possible, and then you will be


Rifan put his hand on Hina's shoulder and half pushed her towards the


While walking, he said meaningfully:

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that there are some smart people

in the Marine."

"No one knows whether the people above you will guess some

information from my side because of your report."

"I don't want any trouble before I go to East Blue."

"You don't have to worry about me going back on my word."

"Even in the world of pirates, benevolence and promises are important."

"Although not every pirate follows this principle."

"But I am at least willing to pay attention to benevolence and

righteousness, and I am also willing to keep my promise."

"After all, maybe I will have the opportunity to cooperate with you Hina

and you Marine in the future."

"If I don't speak honestly now, it will be very difficult for us to get along

with each other in the future."

Hearing this, Hina couldn't help but sneer.

For her, she just wants to capture Rifan with her own hands one day in

the future and return to Rifan the humiliation she feels today.

As for cooperation? How is this possible?

"Don't make such an expression, maybe I will become a Shichibukai in

the future and become your partner, Ms. Hina~"

Rifan seemed to see what Hina was thinking, and laughed out loud.

"You? Shichibukai? Hina doesn't think so!"

Hina glanced at Rifan's smiling face and said coldly.

"Would you like to take a gamble, Miss Hina?"

"If I really become a Shichibukai someday."

"Just go and practice dancing, and then dance for me for ten days and

half a month, how about it?"

Rifan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smirk on his face.

"Damn it, Hina will never dance like that again!"

Hina made a sound of shame and anger, raised her hand and slapped

Rifan's arm on her shoulder and walked forward quickly.

A few days later, East Blue.

"Colonel Hina, are we just going to watch those nasty pirates leave like


The adjutant came to Hina's side, his eyes fixed on the Black Pearl which

was gradually disappearing on the sea in the distance.

"Even if we catch up, what can we do?"

Hina lit a lady's cigarette and said in a flat tone.


When the adjutant heard this, he couldn't help but fell silent.

As Hina said, even if they catch up, they will just die.

"I didn't expect that man to actually keep his promise."

"Now he's done what he promised."

"If we continue to pursue, he will kill us this time."

"Hina has more important things to do than go after them."

"Everyone, set the destination to Loguetown, let's go there."

Hina exhaled a puff of cigarette smoke and gave the order seriously.

"Yes, Colonel Hina!"

The adjutant saluted and immediately turned and ran towards the other

Marine soldiers.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Aboard the Black Pearl.

"Captain, those Marines didn't catch up, but turned around and went to

other places."

"That direction should be the direction of Loguetown."

Mikita took the binoculars and walked to Rifan's side.

"Loguetown, it seems that she wants to meet her Colonel friend who is

stationed there."

"Don't bother with them from now on, Mikita."

"Go and steer the rudder, and go to the island I told you about earlier."

Hearing Rifan's words, Mikita nodded, picked up the chart and walked to

the helm.

"I didn't expect that Captain would actually keep his promise. I thought

you'd kill those Marines when we arrived on East Blue."

"At the very least, you should do something about that Miss Marine."

"But until the end, you didn't do anything."

Robin crossed her arms and looked at Rifan with interest.

"Well, have you changed your opinions about me, Robin?"

"To some extent, I feel relieved. In this way, the probability of Captain

Rifan keeping his promise with me will be even greater."

"Am I the one in your heart who doesn't keep promises? I suddenly feel a

little heartache, Robin."

"Really, do you want me to rub it for you? Actually, I'm pretty good at


"Really? Then can you help me massage my heart?"

Hearing this, Robin smiled slightly, raised her hand and used her devil

fruit ability to create a pair of hands on Rifan's shoulders and pressed

them against Rifan's chest.

"Tsk, you actually use your devil fruit ability..."

Rifan shook his head, his words were filled with regret.

Having said that, he went to sit down on the recliner and concentrated

on enjoying Robin's professional massage.

Not far away, Mikita, who was controlling the rudder, looked at Robin

and Rifan with her mouth pouted, the envy in her eyes was almost


However, after seeing the islands that Rifan specially marked on the sea

chart, she still chose to concentrate on controlling the ship.

'Excellent navigator, I don't know if this excellent navigator is male or

female! '

'But it's better not another beautiful girl!'

Mikita pursed her lips, thinking in her heart.

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