Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: ___Waifu_SI2


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Безупречное наследие (Каталог

Waifu SI)

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(15 оценок)

Краткое содержание

Человек получает систему каталогов Waifu и использует ее, чтобы

перевоплотиться в мире Наруто.

Теперь осиротевший Рен Учиха приезжает жить к Фугаку и его


Ждать!? Итачи девочка?

Мито Узумаки, Ринго Амеюри и другие красивые женщины еще


Остальные деревни поняли, какой я крутой, и хотят воевать с


Смотрите, как наш СИ шокирует всех своими способностями и

становится сильнейшим в мире, одновременно привлекая к себе

несколько вайфу на стороне.

Для продвинутых глав: https://[email protected]/ankit1.

Предлагается родительское руководство

Chapter 31- Becoming a Super


Mei Terumi POV

"I just don't understand." She said as she gazed at the devastating battle

in the distance. "Why does Ren even want to become a Jinchuriki?

Doesn't he already have that purple mark thing in his forehead that

supplies him with endless chakra? Plus, his eye Technique also allows

him to fill up his entire chakra reserve in an instant."

"It does't hurt to have more contingencies. Plus, having a Tailed Beast

also gives you a great deal of power." Ringo said, but she could see that

even she was confused by Ren's latest decision, even if she was trying so

hard to pretend otherwise.

"Yes, but that power comes at the expense of control." She pointed out.

"Plus, with how powerful Ren already is, and how much potential he has,

becoming a Jinchuriki seems more like a disadvantage."

"Becoming a Jinchuriki also provides the host with great regenerative

powers." Ringo said, and that statement itself showed that Ringo was

already clutching at straws.

"Regeneration that Ren already has. Plus, when was the last time you

even saw him suffer a wound?" She said.

"Okay. I get it! I don't know why Ren wants to become a Jinchuriki

either!" Ringo snapped, then turned her attention back to the battlefield

as the ground unexpectedly trembled.

In the distance, a giant etherial Samurai was now pummelling the fully

formed 6 tails into the ground with his bare fists.

"That's… not something you get to see everyday." She said slowly.

She was a powerful kunoichi. But if she's ever forced to fight an

experienced Jinchuriki in a 1vs1 battle, then the best she could do is hold

him back for some time before being forced to retreat.

Witnessing Ren effortlessly pummel someone like that filled her with awe

and fear. While she had always been aware of his strength, there was a

difference between knowing and actually witnessing him unleash his


The worst part about this was her absolute certainty that Ren wasn't

using his full power in this battle either.

She suddenly remembered the bet that she and Ringo had made with Ren

in regards to this battle and felt her cheeks go warm.

"Hohoho. This brings me back." The third woman in their group, the one

currently shielding them with a Fuinjutsu barrier, spoke up.

"Brings you back? How? Have you seen such a battle before?" She asked


She still wasn't aware of this Kunoichi's real identity. Even more so since

the woman was currently wearing a blank anbu mask. The only thing she

knew was that the woman was their ally and that Ren treated her with a

lot of respect.

"Yes. Back in my time, I witnessed Hashirama defeating all the Tailed

Beasts and subsequently sealing them in a jar. He then distributed them

among the other villages to uphold balance and peace," The kunoichi said

before shaking her head. "Even at that time, me and Tobirama recognised

this as a mistake. But that stubborn man won't listen."

"Hashirama? Hold on. Are you from the era of the 1st Hokage?" She

asked, her eyes almost bugging out of their sockets in shock.

And here she'd thought that someone like Ringo was old. This lady was

positively ancient.

...and appeared remarkably young, considering that she couldn't see a

single wrinkle on her skin. In fact, her skin looked as smooth as her own.

She resolved to uncover the secrets of this woman's secret to skincare if

it's the last thing she does in her life.

"Yes." The woman replied, and she could just feel that smug smile under

that mask. "Oh. It looks like the battle is over."

She turned her gaze toward the horizon and saw that Ren had impaled

the Tailed Beast to the ground with a dozen colossal swords.

"That must be painful." she winced, observing as Ren, in his Susanoo

form, conjured several more swords and impaled all the thrashing tails of

the Tailed Beast, eventually rendering it completely immobilised.

"That's if the Tailed Beasts can even feel any pain. They're chakra

constructs, remember?" Ringo pointed out.

"They are capable of feeling pain." The old lady said.

"Huh. How do you know that?" Ringo asked but the old woman remained

silent, not giving them a reply.

In that moment, Ren did something which caused the six tails to

gradually shrink and retract back into its host's body. At that point, the

old lady lowered the Fuinjutsu Barrier.

"Let's go. It's time for us to get to work." The old lady said and all three of

them rushed forward at once.


Ren Uchiha POV

Pain encompassed his entire world. Pain, that he hadn't felt in a long

while thanks to his extremely high pain resistance.


You've gained +1 to Pain Resistance!

He ignored the notification and focused on chewing on the piece of metal

Mito had left in his mouth. His teeth left deep dents in the hardened iron,

all the while he made an effort not to break through the straps securing

him to the bed.

Ringo and Mei's soothing voices reached him, but amidst the intense

pain, their words became unintelligible.

And then, at once, the pain subsided and he dropped back to the bed,

thoroughly spent.

He drew a few deep breaths and used Chakra threads to free himself from

the straps that bound his arms and legs. Sitting back up on the bed, he

directed his gaze toward the adjacent bed, where a lifeless body now lay.

The corpse of Utakata, the previous 6 tails Jinchuriki.

The weight of guilt for taking the life of an innocent man sat heavy in his

heart, and he chose not to dismiss this feeling, acknowledging that he

had done something wrong this time.

Utakata hadn't attacked him. He didn't deserve to die like this. Yes, Pain

would've killed him eventually, but that didn't justify what he did.

"We're done here." Mito declared as she draped a white bedsheet over

Utakata's lifeless form. "I have no idea know why anyone would ever

want to become a Jinchurki, but congratulations, you are one now."

He nodded and summoned the Company Device to him.

Unlocking the device, he navigated to the 'Retinue' page, displaying his

Waifus, Familiars, Offsprings, and more. There, he noticed a new

addition to the list beneath his own name.

He released a sigh of relief, grateful that he had succeeded and that all

his efforts hadn't been in vain.

He would have felt like a complete fool if this plan of his had failed.

"Are you alright, Ren?" Ringo asked, looking worried and he nodded, a

huge smile forming on his face.

"Yes. I'm more than alright. I'm fantastic." He said as he stared at the

+60 Waifu Catalog points he just received for Capturing the 6 tails as his

Familiar. His total points were now 83.

Then he paused as he noticed something that he had overlooked before.

Near his name, was a tab which showed his Tier.

And instead of the 6 that should've been there, the tab showed the

number 7.

He quickly realised that this meant.

He had finally reached the vaunted Tier 7. A realm reserved for Super

Kage tier fighters like Hashirama, Madara, Naruto Sasuke and the

Otsutsuki clan members.

"Ren." Mei shook him, her voice tinged with worry. She likely couldn't

perceive the existence of the Waifu Catalog Device and only saw him

gazing into nothingness for a long moment.

"I'm alright." He said to her with a smile. "Just give me a minute, okay? I

need to check something."

Then he opened the Gamer System Status screen and noticed all the new

changes to his Status Window.

At the top, he'd gained a new Title- 'Jinchuriki of Six Tails'.

Below that, was his Level, 97. Which hadn't been there before this.

Meaning that he'd finally unlocked the Level System in his Gamer


And the Free Stat System as well, considering the 485 Free Stats he

suddenly had.


Below his new Level, were his Health and Chakra Points. His Health had

dropped to 90% due to the Tailed Beast transfer, but it was gradually

recuperating. However, his primary attention was on his total Chakra

Points, which had surged by 150%. Not bad. Though he wondered why

that happened since becoming a Jinchuriki shouldn't have increase his

personal Chakra Reserve. Not in the short term at least.

Then his eyes went down to the second set of Chakra Points underneath

his own. Chakra Points, which showed a total reserve that dwarfed his

own chakra reserves by over 400 times.

And he was someone with Kage Level Chakra Reserves.

Tailed Beasts be scary, yo.

Aside from that, nothing much had changed.

His Vitality stat saw a minute increase. His Chakra Control saw a minute

decrease. And his Yin Release affinity had been increased by +10.

Why did that…. Oh.

"A mirror." He said to the three woman in the room. One of them must

have it, yes?

"Hey. Why are all of you looking at me? I don't carry a mirror into a

battle." Mei said, looking rather affronted.

"Nevermind. Here." Ringo said, passing him a kunai with an exceptionally

polished surface.

'Good thinking.' He thought and then used the kunai's polished surface to

look at the reflection of his eyes.

And found that the Shuriken like pattern it once had, had evolved to add

yet another inverted shuriken like pattern with three tomoe in between


Well… that would certainly explain why the world appeared clearer now.

And also explained the sudden surge in his Chakra Reserves as well as the

increase in his Yin Affinity.

He had finally unlocked his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.


It was nighttime, and he lay on his bed, gazing at the ceiling of his room,

with Ringo and Mei sleeping on his right and left.

He reflected on everything he had acquired today, courtesy of his

newfound status as a Jinchuriki. He acknowledged that he gained more

than he ever expected, tet, despite all these gains, a sense of

disappointment lingered within him.

The source of this disappointment stemmed from the fact that, despite

unlocking the 'Level Up System' and 'Free Stats System', he had fallen

short of attaining the one thing he desired most from the Gamer System.

The Party System.

A System that would allow him to share a lesser version of his Gamer

System with others. Something that would've allowed him to empower

his women and allies very quickly.

As things stood, he would have to wait till he reached Tier 8, or god

forbid, Tier 9 to unlock that System. And he had no idea how long it'll

take him to reach that point.


And that feeling made him feel even worse, since he now felt like a rich

brat who got a very expensive RC Car as his birthday gift but was now

whining and crying because the RC car wasn't the latest model in the


He sighed and took out his Company Device and once again stared at the

83 points displayed on the screen.

Now, how to use these points.

The first thing that came to mind, was to buy 'Dragon Heart' in the

'Dragon Heritage' section. It was worth 80 points so it should be within

his current budget.

Not because he wanted to become a Dragon as unlike many other people,

he had never particularly cared about such a thing. Nor was it for the

power it bestowed, given that the power would only elevate him to Tier

6, and he was already at Tier 7, one tier beyond that.

He aimed to purchase the Dragon Heritage Perk because the third option

of the Dragon Heritage, known as Dragon Thrall, was extremely ueful.

This option would grant him the ability to empower his women with his


Sure, the Dragon Thrall perk would only allow him to empower his

women till Tier 7. But for someone like Itachi, Tier 7 was a huge deal.

Hell, Tier 7 would be a huge deal even for someone like Ringo and Mei.

The sole obstacle lay in the fact that to acquire 'Dragon Thrall,' valued at

150 points, he needed to possess both 'Dragon Heart' and 'Dragon Scale',

priced at 80 and 95 points, respectively.

On his own, affording this seemed challenging. He would need to wait

until he captured two or more 6th tier waifus to accumulate the required

150 points for the purchase. However, it was a feasible goal.

Add, the other two options, and buying 'Dragon Thrall' might as well be a

pipe dream for him.

So 'Dragon Heritage' route was a no go for him.

Next, he examied all the Talents, Defences, and other options in the

Catalog. And after thorough consideration, he ultimately reached a


-10 points for Everlasting Talent.

-25 points for Drain Defence.

-5 points for Stress Defence.

-2 points for Sexual Calibration

-10 points for Normalcy.

31 points left.

Everlasting Talent would give Eternal Youth to him and any waifus he

captured. Plus any of his children.

It would also return any of his older waifus to their prime (25 years old),

so it would definitely be useful for someone like Ringo. Or Tsunade-

Sensei, if he were to capture her in the future.

Drain Defence would protect him from any Vitality, Mana, Chakra or

Soul Draining effect.

His primary reason for purchasing it was to safeguard himself against

soul-snatching entities such as the Shinigami summoned with the Reaper

Death Seal or the Human Path used by Nagato.

He couldn't be certain if it would provide 100% defense. Yet, considering

that Orochimaru was able to resist the Shinigami to the extent that it

could only take his hand, this Defense should grant him the capability to

entirely evade its grasp.

Stress Defence needed no explanation. What with him being a solider and

his country currently being at war.

Sexual Calibration, he bought because it was needed to buy the Normalcy


Normalcy Perk he bought because it altered the world so that everyone

would think that him being with his harem of waifus was a normal thing.

It was a perk that would definitely be needed once he gathers a harem of

S-class kunoichi. Because sooner or later, someone would definitely start

to suspect that he was using his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan to mind

control them.

Moreover, it would prove advantageous when he eventually ventures into

a world where having a harem might be considered outdated or illegal.

He contemplated buying Science Talent and Soul Talent as well. They

would definitely help him with Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu training.

They would cost him a total of 30 points, which was manageable.

But thanks to his Gamer System and a liberal use of Shadow Clones, he

didn't really need additional help in improving his Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu

and Genjutsu skills, so he decided against buying them for now.

He felt the temptation to purchase Added Potential (Senjutsu) for 5

points but refrained from doing so. His Chakra Sense was currently at

Level 93, and he wanted to wait and see if he could sense Nature Chakra

when it reached Level 100.

Similarly, he was tempted to acquire Added Potential (Wood Release) but

chose against it. Explaining how he gained access to that bloodline would

be difficult.

Plus, he could also use the Hashirama cells to get Wood Release. Obito

was able to use it, so he should be capable of it as well. Something to

think about later.

After evaluating a few more options and dismissing them, he ultimately

settled on buying 'Teaching Talent'. This choice was motivated by the

prospect of using it to train his waifus, ensuring they were better

equipped to confront potential threats in the future

-5 points for Teaching Talent.

26 points left.

With that, he closed his Company Device and put it away. Feeling

content with the fact that he had finally became nigh invincible in this


Well, aside from Kaguya Otsutsuki and Isshiki Otsutsuki. But he was

confident that he would become strong enough to defeat them


For now, he removed his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes from their

sockets and placed them in glass containers, storing them within his

Inventory. Then, he reclined back on the bed, finally going to his 6 hours

of sleep.

Tomorrow, he would start working on a plan to end this war.


He woke up in a large city, reminisce of the city he used to live in his

past life. Except this city looked like a ruined city from a post apocalypse

movie with not a single person in sight.

'Where am I?' He wondered, as the last thing he remembered was going

to sleep.

He employed "observe" on a nearby object and promptly recognized his


"What a peculiar mindscape I have," he contemplated, finding some

solace in the notion that it was an improvement over Naruto's mindscape,

which resembled an underground sewer.

A moment later, a giant slug like creature walked out from behind a tall

skyscraper, six giant tails the size of 10 storey buildings moving

hypnotically behind it.

"Hello master. I'm Saiken. And it's good to finally meet you."

He stared at the giant creature for a moment before he smiled. "Hello

Saiken. I'm your Jinchuriki. Please, call me Ren."


Minato Namikaze POV

He was woken up in the middle of the night by a loud knock on the door.

"Umm… who is it Minato?" Kushina grumbled in his arms, her face

looking rather scrunched up from having been woken up so late in the


"I'll see." He said and then used his Chakra Sense to find out who was

disturbing their Hokage's sleep like this. And a frown crept over his face

as he sensed the enormous amount of chakra flaring outside his door.

An unknown chakra signature, even though there was something very

familiar about it.

"Kushina. Get up." He said and something in his voice must've alerted her

because she sprang up from the bed instantly. Sensing the chakra

signature, she swiftly left their bedroom and headed towards the nursery,

where one of her Shadow Clones maintained watch over Naruko every


As for himself, he swiftly adorned his Hokage cloak and proceeded

toward the front entrance, prepared for what could be the battle of his


A Shadow Clone of his swung the door open, and he came to a halt upon

seeing what, or rather, who stood before him.

Ren, for who else could it be, stood there, an incredibly potent white coat

of chakra enveloping his body, giving him the appearance of an ethereal

deity rather than a mere mortal.

"Yo." Ren greeted cheerfully. "Sorry for disturbing you like this but I had

something I needed to tell you."

"Ren." He said, feeling the onset of a headache already. "What did you do

to yourself?"

At that moment, Kushina seemed to have sensed something too, as she

swiftly descended the steps and emerged in the living room, cradling a

sleeping Naruko protectively in her arms.

"Ren," she inquired as she approached the young man, a complex

expression on her face. "What is... no, when did you become a



"Yo Sensei." Ren said and then a bubbly face took form over Ren's

shoulder before a strange, distorted voice emanated from it. "Hello

Kurama. Long time no see." Then Ren continued. "As for your answer, I

became Saiken's Jinchuriki just this evening."

…he had so many questions. But he had a feeling that the more he

learned, the worse his headache would become.

"Hold on. Come inside first. And take a seat." He said and once Ren had

done just that, he took a seat for Kushina and himself. "Now… tell us


Over the next hour, Ren revealed how he'd planned to take the 6 tails

from Kiri. Not only to stop the remnants of Kiri from unifying under his

banner. But also because he didn't want Kumo or Iwa to take that Tailed

Beast for themselves.

So… Ren found 6 tails Jinchuriki, defeated him in a battle, and then

transferred and sealed that tailed beast within him, thus becoming a

Jinchuriki himself.

And not just any kind of Jinchuriki. But a Perfect Jinchuriki (whatever

that meant). Right from the get go.

He hadn't even been aware that such a thing could be done. Well, that's

not entirely correct. Ren had told him and Kushina about the huge power

up she could gain once she and Kurama begin to trust one another


However, he had only anticipated a modest increase in power, a bit more

to the one Kushina typically experienced when assuming her fiery red

tailed beast form.

Not… this.

He didn't know just how powerful Ren had become in this instant. But he

had a feeling that if they fought, then he would lose.


And wasn't that thought just terrifying. As he was undoubtedly one of the

strongest shinobi in the elemental nations.

"Ren." He said once the boy finished his side of the story. "Why didn't you

inform us about this plan of yours? Do you have any idea just how

dangerous this was?"

"Nah, it wasn't risky at all. Plus, I just wanted to test my true strength,

you know?" Ren explained, and then sheepishly rubbed his head. "As for

not telling you, I thought you'd try to stop me if I did."

Of course he would stop Ren from becoming a Jinchuriki.

First of all, the term "Jinchuriki" essentially translates to 'Power of

Human Sacrifice,' and he didn't wish that fate upon the boy he held

affection for, despite the numerous headaches the boy caused him.

Second of all, Ren didn't even need the power boost given by a Tailed

Beast. Or that's what he'd thought at least, until he saw Ren in his Perfect

Jinchuriki Chakra mode.

Third… he wasn't sure if this was the case for Ren, but fighting, defeating

and capturing an experienced Jinchuriki is usually a rather risky


He'd heard of entire Jounin teams being wiped out by an out-of-control

Jinchuriki and didn't want the boy to be near someone so dangerous.

But apparently, Jinchurikis have grown rather weak these days, or Ren

was even stronger than he'd thought.

And fourth, there was the fear associated with Jinchuriki, and he desired

the people of Konoha to hold Ren in high regard, as he wanted to pass his

hat over to the boy when the time is right.

"So, this is what you meant when you spoke to me and Rin Nohara about

the Perfect Tailed Beast Mode," Kushina remarked, running her hands

over Ren's Chakra Coat in fascination.

Frankly, he was tempted to do the same. But as the the Hokage, he had

an image to maintain.

After thinking on it for a while, he finally asked. "Ren. Just how strong

are you right now?"

Ren contemplated his question for a moment before he answered.

"Honestly. I don't think there's anyone in the Elemental Nation who can

defeat me as I am. In fact, I had probably become that strong even before

I became a Jinchuriki, but now I'm 100% sure."

"I see." He said, and then got ready for the backlash since his wife was

definitely not going to like this. But as the Hokage of Konoha, he had a

duty to the village. "Then how do you feel about finally going to the


"Minato!?" Kushina gasped, looking outraged and betrayed.

He raised a hand, gesturing for her to be silent, while adopting the

expression he only donned while he was acting as the Hokage.

He understood where Kushina was coming from and he didn't want to

put Ren at the forefront of this war either. But if they can end this war

quickly, then is there really any reason to drag it out?

Especially when dozens of his shinobi were dying everyday in the


"Since the war started because of me, it is only fair that I go there and

end it myself.Honestly, I could likely go there right now, capture all their

leaders, and compel the two villages to reach an agreement with us. But

would that really benefit us in the long run?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"The other villages fear us. Even Suna, who are allied to us. If they learn

about me, and just how strong I've become, then they'll stop this war. But

they'll still continue fighting Konoha in the dark." Ren pointed out. "Any

shinobi we send outside our borders would vanish without any trace. Or

merchants would be harassed. Our trading caravans and ships would be

targeted. And even our diplomatic ties would suffer. Konoha might win

this war, but by doing so, we would unite everyone against us, and then

risk losing everything through a thousand cuts."

He thought about Ren's words and realised that he wasn't wrong.

If other villages discovered that Konoha harboured a monster like him,

they would likely cease the war. However, this could lead to a covert

war, a silent battleground of assassinations where the entire world would

be against Konoha, even their own allies.

And could Konoha really win a war like this? With his and Ren's help,

yes, they could. But at what cost?

"Then what you do think we should do?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm just a 6-year-old. Why are you asking me?"

He controlled the urge to slap the boy in the back of his head.

'Boy, if you were really just a normal 6-year-old child, then would I really

be in such a troublesome situation?'

But… Ren wasn't wrong either. While the boy was extremely strong, he

was also inexperienced in these matters.

"Alright. I'll talk with the others and devise a plan to bring an end to this

war. Until then, remain within the village and refrain from going

anywhere. And if you do plan to go somewhere, notify me beforehand."

"Aye aye captain."

"Now, if there's nothing else…"

"Oh, there was something else I wanted to tell you."

He sighed. "What?"

"Well, you see, I've crafted a plan along with Ringo and Mei. The gist of it

is that I'll employ Hiraishin to transport us behind enemy lines and target

their key economic centers. This would cripple their economy and hinder

their capacity to sustain the war. Do you mind if we go along with this


He took a deep breath and then slowly let it out. "Come and talk to me

tomorrow. I'll have a proper answer prepared for you. Along with a

proper plan."

"Very well, thank you Minato-san. You're the bestest Hokage ever."

"Don't worry about it brat." He said. "Now shoo. I still need my sleep."

Because he had a feeling that tomorrow was going to be really hectic.

And he wasn't sure if he'd be able to get a good night's sleep after all

these revelations.

"Okay. Goodnight Minato-san. Goodnight Sensei. Goodnight Naruko-


"Goodnight Ren." "Goodnight brat." "Dattabayo!"

Oh… Naruko was awake now.

It seems like he won't be getting that much needed sleep after all.


AN:Spoiler: Waifu Catalog Points Spent thus far

Also, MC reaches Tier 7, unlocks Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan plus the

Level Up System and Free Stats System in his Gamer System.

He then talks with Saiken, the 6 tails, and unlocks the Perfect Jinchuriki

form, gaining a huge boost in his overall power level.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ankit1

Have a nice day.

Chapter 32- Grief and a new


Shisui Uchiha POV

"We've given you a check up. And aside from some minor strain in your

eyes and general fatigue, there are no issues with your health." The nurse


"So, does that mean I can leave?" She asked softly.

"Yes, you are free to leave whenever you want. However, I recommend

taking a month off from active duty, considering everything that has


The scenes of her teammates being slaughtered by the Kumo shinobi

played in her mind, but she shook her head and banished those grim


"Alright then. Oh, one more thing. What about the hospital bill?" She


"It's already been paid by your clansman, Ren Uchiha." The nurse said.

She nodded, determined to repay him upon her return.

With that, she left the hospital and went outside to the streets of Konoha,

taking in the peaceful atmosphere within the village.

People walked around without any concern. Children engaged in the

"Shinobi" game along the streets, seemingly oblivious to the ongoing war

within their borders.

It was as if they remained entirely unaware that loyal shinobi were

sacrificing their lives daily to preserve peace in the village. As if her

teammates hadn't just laid down their lives for these very people.

On one hand, this was a good thing, as it showed that they were

succeeding in their goal to give a peaceful life to the children in the


On the other hand, it pissed her off that she was the only one grieving for

her teammates. Why was no one aside from her grieving for their deaths?

Why was everyone acting as if nothing had happened?

She felt a familiar prick in her eyes and realised that she had

unintentionally activated her recently awakened Mangekyo Sharingan.

Whe quickly deactivated it.

She was not Ren Uchiha, who could go around with his Sharingan active

without facing any repercussions. Usually, people weren't allowed to use

their dojutsu in public space without a very good reason.

Once her eyes returned to their ordinary black hue, she linegered in that

place for a while longer, silently observing the people pass by.

She wondered how these people would react if she told them that her

teammates died protecting them. Would they grieve with her? Or they

just not care. Saying stupid stuff like 'Isn't it a shinobi's duty to give their

lives for the village?'

She felt that she was being rather uncharitable with her thoughts today.

But having recently lost a significant part of her life, she found it difficult

to overlook the apparent indifference of everyone around her.

At least in the hospital, the nurses were sympathetic toward her, even if

their fake sympathy sometimes grated on her as well.

But no matter how she feels, nothing would change the truth. Her friends

were dead. And in exchange for their lives, she now possessed a pair of

eyes endowed with formidable power.

Eyes, that she would gladly give up if it would return them to life.

She wondered if her clansmen already knew. If the elders were already

making plans on how to make the best use of her for the glory of the

Uchiha clan.

It was all too much. And she just wanted to curl up in a place and cry.

But she needed to reach her home before she could do that. Even though

a part of her didn't even want to return to the clan compound.

Regardless, she gathered her courage and started walking toward the clan

compound, one step after another, till she stood outside their front gate.

To her great surprise, the guards allowed her to go in without a second


Were they unaware of her newly awakened eyes? She was sure that they

would've treated her differently if they knew about her eye's evolution.

So… did Ren hid it from the clan members? Or did he not realise the

changes? Well, given how perceptive Ren was, it was unlikely that he

didn't notice. Which means that he must've hidden it from the clan for

one reason or another.

She didn't know his reasons but she felt like she owed him another one

for that.

Not wanting to deal with any other of her clansmen, she use Shunshin

and quickly arrived in front of her home. She paused when she saw

someone sitting on her porch.

"Ren." She said, noticing that he was currently practicing Water Chakra

affinity Training. A large human sized water sphere floating in front of

him. Taking different shapes before returning back to its original

spherical form.

"Hi." Ren said as he sent all of that water into the nearby koi pond. "Bye."

He said and then dispersed into a puff of smoke.

'A Shadow Clone then.' She thought, wondering what that was about. But

before she could take another step toward her home, the real Ren

Hiraishined in front of her.

Despite her fondness for Ren, she really wanted to be alone right now.

Grieving for her dead friends/teammates in quiet solitude.

"Ren." She said softly, noticing that there was something… different

about him. His presence seemed heavier, somehow. "What are you doing


"I was worried about you. So I sent a Shadow Clone to wait for you and

notify me upon your return." Ren explained, a furrow of worry marking

his face as he approached, gently clasping her hands in his. "I won't ask

how you're feeling right now. But, understand that I'm here for you if you

need anything."

"Thank you." She said softly. "Though I just want to be alone right now."

Ren furrowed his brow at her words, scrutinizing her with narrowed

eyes. He then turned his gaze towards her dilapidated house.

In her defence, the house had been built by her grandfather and she

hadn't put in the effort to maintain it after her parents passed away.

"No." Ren said, firmly and she raised her eyebrow.


"No. I'm not letting you live all by yourself in this house. That's not

healthy no matter how you may look at it."

"That's not up to you Ren." She told him.

"It is. As your friend, it is up to me to take care of your ass when you

can't do that yourself. Plus, I saved your life. Kinda. So you owe me." Ren

said. "And I'm calling in that favour. Pack your bags. You're moving in to

my house."

Despite her grief, she smirked at him. "Planning to add me to your harem

of powerful kunoichis?"

Ren rolled his eyes at her words. "First. You're not powerful. You may

become so in the future. But for now, you're barely Elite Jounin even

with your Mangekyo Sharingan.

Second." Ren raised his hand, causing her to flinched in shock and

embarrassment as he rested his palm on her budding breast, giving it a

few squeezes. "Too small."

Her eye twitched and she lashed out a kick at Ren's face. Only for him to

expertly dodge her kick and manoeuver behind her before groping her


"Too firm. No give at all." He announced his verdict, prompting her to

launch another barrage of kicks and punches. Yet, he effortlessly dodged

all her attacks without breaking a sweat.

"Let me hit you once, you little bastard." She grunted.

"Hey. I'll let you know that I'm not little. I'm actually tall for my age." He

said as he dodged out of her range, causing her to cease her attacks.

"So says you. I bet that you'll be the shortest Uchiha when you grow up."

"And I bet that you'd still look like a flat board." He said before he paused

and smiled at her. A genuine smile. "Well, looks like I completed my task

of getting a smile out of you."

She paused and then realised that she was actually smiling. Just a few

days since her friends died and she was here, smiling and playing around.

Her expression crumbled in an instant and Ren reached out for her once

again, pulling her into a comforting hug.

"Shh… I know that you're grieving Shisui but you cannot let that define

every aspect of your life. Your friends wouldn't want to see you cry. They

would want to you smile and laugh."

"Doesn't matter what they want. They're gone now." She said with a sniff,

feeling like a loser for taking comfort from a boy who was so young

himself, no matter how mature he usually acted.

"I don't believe that at all. As long as they're in your memories, they're

alive within us." Ren said, "Besides, who's to say they aren't watching you

from the Pure Land right now? Do you really want to mope around right

now? Think of what they would say if they saw you like this."

She did and… they would definitely tease her in order to make her happy

once again. Just like how Ren was doing right now.

A lone tear slid down her cheek and she pulled Ren deeper into the hug.

"Thank you." She said, burying her face into his shoulder. "Thank you

Ren. For being there for me."

"Well… you're my friend so this is the least I could do for you." Ren said

somewhat awkwardly and she smiled before she turned and looked at her

dilapidated house.

The same house where she'd grieved for her parents. The same house

where she'd spent years living alone.

She didn't want to be alone anymore.



"Were you serious about offering me a place in your house?"

"Of course. Have you seen how big that house is? I need all the maids I

can get to keep it in order."

She sighed fondly at his antics. "Give me a moment. I'll pack my


Ten minutes later. She'd packed up all her important luggage, and with a

negligent flare of his chakra, Ren brought them back to his home.

The sound of metal clashing against metal reached her ears and she

turned around to see Ringo Ameyuri sparring with… some other young

woman that she didn't know about. But judging by how that woman was

able to hold her own against Ringo, she must've been S-class Kunoichi as

well. Only…

"Ren. Why are those two wearing those strange outfits?" She asked,

staring at the strange black and white dress the two older Kunoichi were

wearing. Dress that were completely impractical for a spar and only

served to emphasise their… assets.

She was feeling a bit self conscious now.

"Oh, the maids outfit. Well, they challenged me to a bet recently,

claiming I couldn't take down a Veteran Jinchuriki on my own and would

need their assistance. Heh. Scrubs. See how that ended for them."

She paused in the middle of giving him a reply and played that sentence

in her mind once again.

"Ren." She said, slowly turning to face him. "What do you mean when you

say that you defeated a Veteran Jinchuriki on your own?"

"Just what it sounds like." Ren said with a shrug. "I recently fought and

defeated the 6 tails Jinchuriki. It was a nice fight. Though I still wasn't

able to go all out, which was a bit disappointing."

She felt the world spin for a moment before she managed to regain her

composure. "Ren. Isn't the 6 tails Jinchuriki with Kiri. Have they declared

war on us as well?"

Ren paused from blatantly leering at those two kunoichi and turned to

blink at her. "Oh, you don't know? No, hold on. You were in the hospital

for the past few weeks, and we haven't announced this to the public, so

of course you wouldn't know."

"Know about what, Ren?"

"Ah… you see, the Hokage recently led a mission to Kiri. Our main goal

was to assassinate all their Mizukage candidates. As well as kill and

destroy anyone and anything of significance. And the mission was a

complete success." Ren said with a proud grin before he paused. "Oh

wait, I think that was a S-class secret. On second thought though. Meh!

Who cares."

She would've chastised Ren about leaking S-class secrets so easily if her

mind wasn't in so much turmoil right now.

"So… you fought the Six Tails Jinchuriki during that battle?"

"Nah. I found him later on. In that battle, I fought and killed Suikazan

Fuguki, the wielder of Samehada. Then I captured Mei over there, who

was one of their S-class kunoichi." Then he paused as if he remembered

something. "Oh, and I also destroyed all their ships, their main port, their

Mizukage tower, their T&I Department and their R&D

Department.Although, doing that was too easy, and I don't really consider

it much of an accomplishment."

She gazed at the 6-year-old with a sense of disbelief, uncertain whether

he had truly accomplished all the things he claimed or if he was simply

teasing her.

While she had always recognised Ren as a formidable shinobi, the list of

achievements he presented surpassed her expectations by a considerable


But then again, Ren was not the kind of person to lie about his

achievements either so he most likely did these things.

"I see." She finally uttered, as she couldn't think of anything else to say in


"Hmm…" Ren said, casting one last glance at the two Kunoichi before

tugging her along. "Come. I'll show you to your new room."

She nodded. Her eyes also glued to the sparring of the two S-class

Kunoichis… and the way their assets jiggled with each move. She quickly

shook her head and looked away, grateful that Ren hadn't caught her


The teasing would never end otherwise.

Ren eventually took her to the second floor of his mansion and opened a

room besides his own.

The room was bright and had a warm and cozy ambiance to it. It was far

better than her own home. And while it wasn't the traditional home she

was use to living in, she doubted that she would have a problem settling

in here.

"This looks… amazing. Thank you Ren."

"Don't mention it." Ren said with a shrug before he paused and thought of

something. "Though… if you really want to thank me then I have a spare

maid outfit in my-"

She slammed the door in his face, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks

as the vivid image of the two Kunoichis sparring replayed in her mind.

"I'll take that as a no then." Ren said from outside, his voice filled with

mirth. "Lunch will be in an hour. I'll send a clone to fetch you.Take your

time to settle in until then."

She nodded and relaxed as she heard his footsteps leaving the corridor.

Once she was sure he was gone, she threw her luggage aside and slumped

down on the bed, the grief returning back to her, thought it wasn't as all-

encompassing as it once was.

Things were still far from ideal, and it would take some more time to

fully recover from the loss. Nevertheless, she acknowledged that she was

in a better place now.


Pakura POV

She stared at the giant rocky walls that surrounded her former home and

felt a myriad of emotions swirling within her heart.

Grief, for their abandonment. Rage at their treachery. Guilt for what she

was about to do.

A man landed in front of them and then went on his knees. "Lord Sasori,

I've completed my task. Your passage to the village and your exit are


She glared at the shinobi in front of her, hating him for betraying the

village like that. But then again, what right did she had to hate other

people for doing the exact same thing that she did.

'I had good reasons for what I did.' She thought but knew well enough

that the other shinobi might have his own reason for this betrayal as


For all that she'd called Suna her home for a good part of her early life,

she hadn't been unaware of its treacherous nature even then.

She just… hadn't ever suspected that she would fall prey to that treachery

as well.

And while she'd thought that she had moved past that incident a long

time ago. Returning to this village reopened the wounds that she'd

thought long closed.

"Well done." Sasori said, maneuvering his Hiruko puppet through the

hidden passage. "Come along Pakura, we have a Jinchuriki to capture."

'A one-year-old child.' She thought bitterly.

Over the years, she had carried out numerous tasks for the Akatsuki,

many of them unpleasant. However, being assigned a task that would

lead to the death of a baby marked a new low, even for her.

'But... what other choice do I have? I'm too far gone at this point. I've

made too many enemies,' she thought bitterly.

Not to mention that even if she wanted to leave, their leader wouldn't let

her. And as strong as she had become over the years, she was well aware

that she was still no match for him.

So with a heavy heart she nodded to herself and followed Sasori. "Lead

the way."


Ren Uchiha POV

"Is this the place?" Ringo asked him as they hid behind a thick set of

foliage and gazed at the giant mining operation in the distance.

He used Observe to confirm it and then nodded. "Yes. The largest Gold

mine in Lightning Country indeed."

The 40 Chunin and 8 Jounin, and 1 Elite Jouning he could sense

guarding the mine were also as an indication that this was the real thing

and not just a decoy.

"Do you want to infiltrate it and get a look or what?" Ringo asked.

"No. That'll not be necessary. I don't want to alert Kumo to our plans.

Let's move on to the next site." He said and left a Hiraishin seal and the

tree before moving on the the next location that his Shadow Clones had

already scouted for him.

The next location was pretty easy to identify as it was a bustling Port

City. The largest and wealthiest in all of Lightning Country. And if his

information was correct, then 14% of their trade flowed through this


"I've been here before." Ringo told him as he left a Hiraishin seal on a

nearby tree.

"Really. When?"

"About half a decade ago. The lord of this place hired me to guard his life

against his enemies who might send assassins after him." Ringo said and

then shook her head. "It was a ruse. The fat bastard just wanted to seduce

me so that he could get a few powerful shinobi kids out of me."

"Huh… and how did that turn out for him?"

"I left the very day he made the proposal," Ringo said with a shrug. "But I

must admit, his offer was tempting. Tempting enough that quite a few

Chunin and Jounin Rogue Kunoichi chose to accept it over the years. Last

I heard, he had around a dozen rogue kunoichis as his mistresses and a

horde of kids with decent potential. Rumor has it that one of his

concubines even possesses a powerful bloodline."

"Hmm... it's clever of that guy to form his own group of shinobi loyal

only to him. Is this sort of thing common among nobles?"

"No, not really. Most of the time, they tend to look down on shinobi.

Those who do associate with them are often isolated and sabotaged by

other nobles. However, this particular lord is significant and powerful

enough to get away with such actions," Ringo explained. "Still, I wouldn't

be surprised if Kumo or the Lightning Daimyo himself sent assassins after

him. He's playing a very dangerous game here."

He hummed at her words. "So… anything we need to worry about when

attacking this port city?"

"No, not unless he's somehow managed to seduce an S-class kunoichi,

which I highly doubt. Kunoichi of my caliber are exceptionally rare. Not

to mention, proud." Ringo remarked. "However, wealthy nobles like him

typically have extensive protection—samurai guards, private armies,

hired rogue shinobi, and the like."

"I see. Let's move on to the next location."

Following that, they visited half a dozen other crucial economic locations

within Lightning Country, conducting reconnaissance before finally

concluding their day and using Hiraishin to return home.

Upon arrival, he was greeted with the sound of metal clashing against

metal and saw Shisui sparring with Mei in the distance.

Shisui was not winning and it was clear to him that Mei wasn't going all

out in the spar. But Shisui was still doing pretty good thanks to her newly

awakened eye.

"I'm going to join as well. Are you coming?" Ringo asked as she watched

the spar in anticipation.

"Nah. I need to go and meet someone else. You go on ahead without me."

He said, sensing a familiar chakra in the middle of the Uchiha compound.

Ringo nodded and Shunshined to that training ground, announcing her

entrance with a hard kick to Mei's stomach.

He smiled at that. Having such powerful Kunoichi in his group meant

that he didn't have to inspire them to train. They did it all on their own

without him even needing to tell them anything.

This made him optimistic about the future. And he wondered just how

strong they'll become once he unlocks his Party System and is able to

share his Gamer System with them.

Though even without the Party System, he could definitely find or create

other ways to empower them until they have reached the power level of

a Super Kage. It'll take time though.

For now, he took a deep breath and moved toward that familiar chakra


He found Itachi sitting on the veranda with little Satsuki on her lap and

joined her.

"Ren." Itachi greeted him and then gasped in surprise as he pulled her

into a tight hug. He maintained the embrace until Satsuki began to

squirm between them, prompting him to release her.

Being almost one year old now, Satsuki had grown quite a bit in the past

year and was now able to toddle around in the house on her short,

chubby legs. However, Itachi preferred to carry her little sister in her

arms, a habit he found particularly endearing.

Disregarding the exasperated glance Itachi cast his way, he offered her a

cheerful smile. "Back from another mission?"

"Yeah. Just returned an hour ago." Itachi said.

"Alone or with a team?"

"With Rin Nohara and Anko." Itachi said with a huff. "I wasn't allowed to

take missions on my own after that ambush."

"That's good to hear. What was the mission about?"

"You know I cannot tell you such things Ren. Just because you don't care

about mission security doesn't mean that other shinobi don't either." She

said with a deadpanned expression and he chuckled.

"Mah. You're such a stickler for rules."

"And you don't follow them at all." She said, giving him a disapproving


He shrugged. "People who are strong make the rules."

Itachi shook her head, disagreeing with him but not saying anything on

the topic.

"So… how the situation in the borders? Can you tell me that much at


Itachi thought on it for a moment before she spoke up. "The situation is

stable for now. Both the Kumo and Iwa armies have backed off for some

reason. I personally think that they're gathering reinforcements and that

the next time they attack, the war will become even more intense."

'Hmm… Iwa and Kumo must have finally learned about Kiri's

destruction.' He thought.

"Hey Itachi." He said after a moment of silence.


"How would you like to become a Jinchuriki?"

Itachi turned to look at him. "Where did that come from?"

"Just thinking. The likelihood that you'll also unlock your own set of

Mangekyo Sharingan eyes is not high. So I thought that making you a

Jinchuriki would be the next best option.This way, you'll eventually

become an S-class kunoichi, and I won't have to worry as much about


Plus, once she's old enough and he Captures her by seducing her, he'll

also gain a Tier 7 Familiar as an added bonus.

"And where will you get a free Tailed Beast?" Itachi asked with an

amused smiled. "Last I heard, they don't tend to grow on trees."

"I'll just go to Iwa and take one of theirs." He said with a shrug.

"Yes. Because going to the enemy territory and defeating a Jinchuriki is

so easy. No, I don't want you to take that risk on my behalf, Ren." Itachi

said and then paused. "Wait. You said 'also' when talking about

Mangekyo Sharingan eyes. Did someone from our clan unlock those


He nodded and then leaned in to whisper in her ears. "Don't tell this to

anyone. Not even your parents. Or I'll kick your ass."

"I would rather that you not tell me such secrets in the first place. But

okay. Who was it?"


"Shisui?" Itachi frowned. "Isn't she only 4 years older than us?"

"Yes, when you think about it, it is quite remarkable. Aside from me,

she's probably the most talented person in our clan." he remarked. "She's

now living with us since her house is somewhat lonely. You should come

to visit her sometime, maybe have a few spars as well. Bring freeloader

Anko and Thick-senpai along as well if you want."

Itachi sighed in exasperation. "Do you plan to have Shisui join your

harem as well?"

"I don't see what's the harm in asking." He said. "She does have the

potential to become an S-class kunoichi. Just like you."

Itachi looked away from him, a faint dusting of pink in her cheeks.

'Oi oi oi… aren't you too young to blush like this.' He thought but then

remembered how Sakura and Ino broke their friendship because they

both developed a crush on Sasuke. And they were both about 6 years old

when that happened.

He should probably stop comparing the girls of this world with the girls

from back home, as the ones over here tend to mature at a far faster


"You think I can become an S-class kunoichi?" Itachi asked softly.

"Yes, if you survive long enough, then even if you don't unlock your

Mangekyo Sharingan eyes or become a Jinchuriki, I believe you would

still reach that level of strength." He said and then remembered

something. "Oh wait, I brought something for you."

Then he took out a Dango from within his Inventory and handed it to


"This doesn't look like the dango made in any of the shops I know." Itachi

said as she tasted it and hummed in contentment. "It tastes better as well.

Where did you get it from?"

"I made it. Well, one of my shadow clones did. I've been working on

honing mundane day-to-day life skills like these recently," he explained.

"I'm glad you liked it. Here's two more."

Itachi took them with a happy smile. "Thank you."

"Don't mind it."

They sat in silence after that, simply enjoying each other's presence

before he suddenly sensed a chakra signature rushing in their direction.

He remembered this chakra. It was one of Minato's guard.

He got up and waited for this guy to reach him.

"Ren-san. The 4th has asked for you to come to the Hokage office. Asap."

"Why? What happened?"

"I do not know the full details. But Suna has sent a distress message.

Please come quickly."

He nodded and leaned down to plant a kiss on Itachi's forehead, followed

by one on Satsuki's chubby cheeks, before he vanished with Hiraishin and

appeared in front of Minato's desk.

"You called for me?" He asked, ignoring the sudden tenseness of the anbu

in the room before they recognised him and relaxed.

"Yes. Suna was attacked by two of their S-class missing nins. They've

asked for help and I plan to send the two of you there to deal with this

matter." Minato said, gesturing toward Kushina who was standing to his


"Huh… are we really helping Suna? When they didn't even lift a single

finger to help us in our war?" He asked.

"Yes. Any other questions?"

Seeing that Minato was serious about this he just shrugged. "Nah. I'm

good. I take it that Kushina-Sensei will do most of the talking?"

"Yes, and I would appreciate it if you hide your identity when meeting

Suna's shinobi," Minato requested. "Despite rumors about you having

already spread, we don't want to provide them with any concrete

information about your abilities."

"Easily done," he replied, utilizing Tsunade's Permanent Transformation

to assume the Crow-masked Anbu appearance he had during their attack

on Kiri.

"In that case. Gather your supplies and go to Suna as soon as possible."

"As soon as possible?" He asked, showing his Hiraishin tagged kunai.


"Very well, come, Sensei. Let's get there already. I already have all my

supplies prepared, and I suppose you have yours as well?"

Kushina displayed one of her Storage scrolls and nodded.

"We'll return when the mission is finished," he told Minato before taking

Kushina's hand and Hiraishining to a city in the Land of Wind closest to



AN: Shushi gets roped into living with Ren, Ringo and Mei. Pakura and

Sasori attack Suna. Ren scouts the Land of Lightning, meets Itachi and

then gets sent to a mission to Suna.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ankit1

Have a nice day.

Chapter 33- Fighting two Akatsuki


Ren Uchiha POV

He'd never been to a desert before.

Sure, he had sent Shadow Clones to this location. Along with every other

location that he deemed important and needed to be marked with

Hiraishin. But this was the first time he'd stepped into a desert himself. In

both his lives.

He didn't like it very much. And felt that the common saying about sand

being rough and coarse and getting everywhere couldn't have been more


But mission was mission so he stayed silent and continued to run toward

Suna from the nearest town.

The reason he didn't simply Hiraishined to Suna was because he didn't

want to alert them of the fact that he could come into their village and

leave at any time. The same reason for why he wasn't flying.

Still, with his and Kushina's speed, it wasn't long before they were close

to Suna.

The smoke was the first thing they saw. A thick dark plume that rose

above the large stone walls that protected Suna. The smell of burned

corpse was the next thing that assaulted their noses as they reached

closer to the hidden village.

Eventually, they reached the entrance of Suna, and waited for someone

to come and receive them.

No one did.

"The situation here must be worse than we expected if they hadn't even

posted any guards over here own entrace." Kushina-Sensei said with

narrowed eyes before she flared her chakra to alert the sensors of their


Even then, it took Suna Shinobi almost two minutes to arrive at the gates,

and when they did.

"Who're you?" The Suna shinobi asked as they surrounded the two of

them. "And what does Konoha shinobi want from Suna? Can't you see

that we're busy.Whatever your business is, it can wait."

Rude. But it's not like he couldn't understand where they were coming

from. Sure, Konoha and Suna were allies. On paper. But in truth, they

were the type of allies that can turn on each other at a moment's notice.

And right now, Suna was weaker than it had ever been before. Or that's

what he thought at least.

"We received your Kazekage's distress signal an hour ago." Kushina said

succinctly. "Hokage-sama sent us to help."

The leader of this bunch scrutinised them for a long moment before he

gestured to his fellow shinobi to lower their weapons. "Very well then.

Follow me. But no funny business, no sudden movement, and only go

where we tell you to go. Understood?"

He rolled his eyes beneath his mask while his Sensei gave a curt nod.


In no time, the both of them were taken inside Suna and that was when

he saw the true extent of the damage.

Entire swathes of land had turned into glass. And much of the remaining

buildings had either been destroyed, burned to the ground, or were in the

process of burning to the ground.

Charred bodies were scattered across the landscape, or at least as far as

he could see, given that the rising smoke from the debris significantly

decreased their visibility.

He frowned at this as he noticed a few bodies that belonged to children.

This was worse than when Deidara had attacked Suna to steal Gaara. Far

worse. It was as if an entire war had been fought within the village and

they were here to witness the aftermath.

'Not as bad as when Pain destroyed Konoha but close.' He thought. 'And

unlike Konoha, Suna doesn't have plot armour, where the main villain

will simply change his mind due to the hero's talk-no-jutsu and then give

his life to revive everyone he'd killed.'

Suna has suffered a massive blow here, and he wasn't sure if they'll ever

recover from this. In all likelihood, he was currently witnessing the

downfall of the second major shinobi village in the Elemental Nations.

Worst part was that he didn't even know who caused this much

destruction. His guess would've been Deidara and Sasori. But Deidara

must be a young boy at this part in the timeline. Plus, Deidara used

explosives, not Fire Release Jutsu, which was evidently what had the

cause of the destruction before him.

He asked his shinobi escorts about their attacker but they refused to say

anything and beelined toward one of the remaining buildings in the

village. A building that had now been turned into a temporary hospital

amidst the chaos.

Gods… there were so many injured people here.

"I can help your people. I know Iryojutsu." He informed the Shinobi in

the lead.

The guy looked like he really, really wanted to take him up on his offer

but in the end, he simply shook his head.

"You'll meet with the Kazekage, and he'll decide on what you should do."

The shinobi and then led them within the main building. A building that

he guessed must've been the shinobi academy now that he'd taken a

closer look at it.

The interior of the building was chaotic beyond imagination, with injured

shinobi sprawled everywhere in orderly rows, while the limited number

of medics raced around, striving to provide whatever assistance they


The notion of a scenario like this unfolding in Konoha unsettled his

stomach unpleasantly.

He didn't particularly cared about the average person in Konoha, as they

were all but strangers to him. But Konoha was still his home and he

would rather die than see it fall to such a state.

The few people who retained their awareness cast weary, skeptical

glances at him and Kushina but refrained from taking any action, likely

deterred by the vigilant Suna shinobi accompanying them.

Eventually, they arrived in front of a room that was being guarded by

two shinobi.

"Stay here." The leading shinobi told them before he went inside the

room. Two minutes later, he came out and gestured for them to go in.

"No funny business." He told them again. And just like before, he rolled

his eyes behind his mask while Kushina-Sensei gave a curt nod.

The room carried a potent scent of strong medicinal odours, reminiscent

of a hospital, but intensified tenfold.

In the middle of the room, a few medics were tending to Rasa who had

lost his right right hand and had suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns in a

good portion of his body.

The man stared at them, or tired to stare at them at least. But he didn't

seem coherent enough to do even that.

"You're… Konoha." The man said with great difficultly.

"Yes, Kazekage-sama." Kushina-sensei said. "Hokage-sama sent us to help


"Help…" Rasa chuckled but those chuckled quickly morphed into

wheezing coughs that wrecked his entire body.

It didn't seem like this guy would survive past today. Not without the

help of an exceptional medic at least. A medic like Tsunade-Sensei. Or


"Yes, Kazekage-sama." Kushina-sensei said in a grave voice.

"Help… *cough cough* my daughter *cough* they took her." The

Kazekage managed to say before he became too incoherent to talk with


The medics promptly ushered the two of them out, refocusing their

attention on tending to Rasa.

Once outside, Kushina-Sensei turned to the Suna shinobi and asked.

"Your Kazekage asked us to help his daughter. That someone took her.

Who did that? Who did… all of this?"

The Suna shinobi looked hesitant but the one in the lead stepped up and

started telling them about what happened.

People in Black robes with red clouds. Two of them. Both Traitors from

Suna. Sasori of the Sand and Pakura of the Scorch Release. They came

here for revenge against the village that slighted them, and took Gaara in

the aftermath.

Or so these people thought at least. For they still seemed to be under the

impression that Sasori and Pakura (who was still alive, probably due to

Universal Calibration) came here for their revenge and took Gaara only

in a moment of opportunity.

They still weren't aware that Gaara was the main reason why those two

came here in the first place.

Moreover, he was still grappling with the realisation that Gaara was also

a girl.

"We'll do as your Kazekage bid us and retrieve his daughter." Kushina-

Sensei said before casting a glance at him. "But my colleague here is an

accomplished Medic-nin and can provide significant assistance to your

people, if you would allow it."

The shinobi wore a complex expression before releasing a sigh and

lowering his head in a bow. "Please, aid our people, but only to the

extent that won't jeopardize Gaara's rescue."

"You don't need to worry about that." He said and unlocked his Strength

of Hundred Seals. The purple mark in his forehead unfurled and gave him

access to hundreds of times his normal chakra reserves.

'You can always use my chakra if you want more of it.' Saiken, the 6 tails

said from within him.

'I don't want other villages to learn that I've become a Jinchuriki. And

that Konoha took the 6 tails from Kiri as well.' He replied back in his


Then he used the chakra from his mark to create over a thousand Shadow

Clones, each having more chakra than an average Jounin.

The Suna shinobi looked startled at this but before they could react, his

Shadow Clones dispersed, fanning out across the village and offering

assistance to as many people as possible.

With the amount of chakra he'd given them, they could use healing jutsu

nonstop for the next few hours so he wasn't worried that they would be

dispelled anytime soon.

He observed a heightened wariness in the gaze of the Sand shinobi

towards him and Kushina-Sensei, but they refrained from taking any

further action.

"We're done here. Show us the direction in which Pakura and Sasori left.

We'll take it from there." Kushina-sensei said.


"Can you sense them?" His Sensei asked and he shook his head.

"No. They're either hiding inside a Fuinjutsu barrier. Or they've left my

range." He said.

"That's unfortunate." Kushina-Sensei said with a frown. "This would've

been easier if we were able to sense them. Create Shadow Clones and

have them deploy them in a cone formation. We must find them as

quickly as possible. The longer we delay, the more their chances of

escaping with Gaara."

He nodded and created dozens of Shadow clones who each started flying

into the sky and rushed forward.

It didn't take even half an hour for his Shadow Clones to find something.

"I found them." He said and used the Hiraishin mark his Shadow Clone

just made to teleport them to that location.

This new location was in the heart of a dense forest and in front of them

lay a large mountain. A mountain that was covered in Fuinjutsu seals.

The seals being of such quality that if not for his eyes he would've missed

their presence.

"Should we work on removing the seal or should just break in?" He asked.

Kushina-sensei studied the seals for a moment before she gestured for

him to break it.

"Well, move aside for a bit then." He said and then started creating a

Rasegan before filling it with Earth Affinity chakra.

He still hadn't named this Jutsu but it didn't change the Jutsu's

destructive potential in the least.

"Earth Release: Rasegan." He said and threw the S-class Jutsu at the


The ebony sphere of chakra promptly transformed into a black hole,

devouring everything in its vicinity until a colossal void emerged at the

heart of the mountain before the ball dissipated into nothingness.

Kushina-sensei simply stared at the giant hole before she shook her head

and focused herself. "Let's go in. There are two of them. Which one do

you want to fight?"

He thought about it, and considering his high Resistance to Fire, the

answer was easy for him. "Pakura."

"Very well." Kushina-sensei said and then rushed inside the hollow


He encountered the horrifying scene of Gedo Mazo extracting Sukaku

from a one-year-old baby Gaara while the girl cried in pain.

The sight fuelled an intense rage within him, prompting an immediate

rush toward Gaara

Only to be met with a sea of Scorch Release flames.

Uncaring of the heat dove right through the flames, thinking that his Fire

Resistance would take care of it.

It didn't.

-376 HP!

-512 HP!

-869 HP!

-557 H…

In the time it took him to go through those flames, his Health had fallen

by over a fifth of his total health pool. His clothes had been vaporised.

And even his Permanent transfiguration wore off.

A good thing that he had high Resistance to Pain or intense pain from the

3rd degree burns would've knocked him unconscious.

+1 Resistance to Fire Damage!

+1 Resistance to Fire Damage!

+1 Resistance to Fire Damage!

+1 Resistance to Fire Dam…

"Amenonaka" He thought, activating his right eye to instantly heal

himself before he reached Gaara and took her away from the Gedo Mazo,

cutting off the connection between them and putting a stop to the Tailed

Beast Extracting Process at once.

He instantly created a Shadow Clone to take Gaara away from the

battlefield and heal her before he turned to face Pakura.

"You're… just a child." She said in shock before he rushed toward her.

She released another sea of flames at him but he was not underestimating

her anymore and used the first form of Susanoo.

A bright blue rib cage surrounded him and while he still suffered some

burns, it wasn't enough to stop him as he emerged from the flames and

reached Pakura.

A giant spectral hand made out of bones came out of the ribcage and

punched Pakura. She was fast enough to block the attack with her arms

but that wasn't enough to save her as the punch easily overpowered her

and smashed her deep into the ground, creating a large crater.

Out of his peripheral vision, he noticed Kushina-Sensei using her

Adementine Seal chains to destroy Sasori's Hiruko puppet, Sasori's true

body emerging out from within it in all its young glory.

But then he focused back on his battle as he sensed a large build up of

chakra from within the crater. He Hiraishined away just in time and

watched the entire ground in that area turn into liquid magma before it

vaporised completely, leaving nothing behind but a large hole in the

heart of the battlefield.

"Mah, mah. Women these days are so violent." He said teasingly,

selecting another set of clothes from his Inventory and employing the

Equip function to swiftly don the new attire.

He didn't really want to fight her with his small dick jingling out in the

open. Even if she might vaporise his clothes once again in this battle.

"You… I recognise you." Pakura stated as she emerged from the massive

hole. A dozen white orbs of death hovered around her, and a giant purple

bruise forming on her forearms. "You're Ren Uchiha. The boy who

defeated Ringo Ameyuri."

"You're familiar with me. How flattering," he remarked with a smirk. "But

I know about with you as well. You're Panuna of the Ball Release."

Pakura's eye twitched. "I'm Pakura of the Scorch Release," she corrected,

then shook her head. "But never mind. A dead brat like you doesn't need

to know my name."

"So scary." He said with a grin before she launched her flaming balls at


In returned her threw a dozen Kunai around her location. And just as

those flaming balls were about to reach him, he vanished.

And appeared beside Pakura.

She wasn't fast enough to block his punch this time, and his tiny fists

folded her in half before before propelling her like a cannonball straight

through the hole he had created in the mountain.

He retrieved his Hiraishin Kunai and quickly flew behind her.

He found her at the end of a deep trench, covered in dirt and debris as

she coughed blood on the ground.

He was pretty sure he'd broken a few of her ribs with that last punch.

And using Observe confirmed that her Health was less than half.

"Come now Pakura. Weren't you going to kill me?" He asked as he slowly

walked toward her. "Or are you only good at killing babies and helpless


"I didn't mean to..." she uttered amidst wheezing coughs, struggling to

rise. One arm cradled her injured side. "I didn't want to kill those people.

I shouldn't have returned to Suna."

"It's too late for regrets." He told her, his mind replaying the scene of the

vast devastation she'd brought to Suna.

It wasn't like he even cared about Suna. He just didn't like all the death

and destruction caused by her. Which was a bit hypocritical of him,

considering that Konoha did the same to Kiri.

He put those thoughts in the back of his mind and rushed toward her.

Pakura seemed to be prepared for him and launched a tidal wave of Fire

at him. For a moment, it looked like his form was engulfed within the

fire. That illusion lasted until as she witnessed a Kunai landing on the

ground beside her, her body freezing in shock and fear.

In the next moment, he materialised by her side once again. Despite her

heightened readiness this time, it proved insufficient as he effortlessly

sidestepped her defences and delivered a powerful punch to her stomach,

propelling her away once more like a cannonball.

Her body crashed through a dozen trees before she skidded to a halt.

He appeared beside her and noticed that she'd already lost consciousness.

He noticed that her health was in the red and was decreasing rapidly by

the second.

He leaned down and used Medical Jutsu to find that half her internal

organs had been ruptured and the same went for her ribs which had

shattered to pieces and dug into her lungs.

This was probably the one problem with shinobi. They were capable of

doing a great amount of damage, but most of them weren't very durable.

A stray kunai to the brain would put down even an S-class shinobi.

Healing her going to be a bitch and a half. But he couldn't help feel some

pride in the fact that he managed to defeat an S-class kunoichi with just

two punches.

But this really shouldn't surprise him as he'd already defeated Ringo and

Mei, both of which were S-class kunoichi as well. And he'd grown quite a

bit stronger since then.

He created two Shadow Clones to deal with the task of healing her before

he rushed back into the cave in order to help Kushina-sensei with her

fight against Sasori.

He arrived just in time to see Kushina-sensei in her 5 tailed mode

punching away the 3rd Kazekage puppet's metal sand giant iron nail.

'What an uninspired use of the Sand Release.' He thought with

disappointment. 'But then again. Sasori isn't the main wielder of that

bloodline so maybe this is the best he could do with it?'

He ignored these thoughts and threw a kunai at the Kazekage puppet.

Sasori remained engrossed in his battle with Kushina-sensei, oblivious to

his presence until he was right upon the 3rd Kazekage puppet.

He put a hand on the Kazekage puppet and then…


Put the puppet in his Inventory.

Huh… he hadn't expected this trick to work. But… it did.


He used Hiraishin and appeared beside Kushina-Sensei's chakra covered

form and then faced Sasori who was looking at him with a scrutinising


"Where is Pakura?" Sasori asked.

"She left you and ran off." He replied with an amused smirk.

"She will be punished for that when I get my hands on her," Sasori

declared before retrieving another scroll and unraveling it, prepared to

unleash his 100 Puppets from within.

Only for an Earth Spike to emerge out of the ground and tear that Scroll

in half.

"Come now Sasori. I know all of your pretty little tricks. Do you really

think I would let you summon more puppets?" He said with amusement

as he played with Hiraishin marked kunai. "Just surrender. And I promise

to not hand your core over to Orochimaru to study."

Discarding the torn scroll, Sasori then shed his Akatsuki robe, revealing

the complete array of his puppet modifications.

"A fight it is then." He said with a shrug before he turned to Kushina-

Sensei who was in her 3 tails mode, red corrosive chakra bubbling out of

her form. "Do you want to finish this or should I?"

A growl was all he received from her before she rushed forward.

The fight didn't last even 2 minutes, with Sasori's flesh core being turned

into pulp by the end.

A pity as he had wanted to study that thing and learn how Sasori

managed to shove his consciousness into that tiny thing. But never mind.

"What next, Sensei?" He asked once Kushina shed off her red Tailed beast

form and returned back to her human form.

She glanced in the direction where the Gedo Mazo statue had been. The

statue had disappeared as soon as its connection with Gaara was cut off

so there wasn't much they could do about it.

"Is Gaara safe?"

"Yes. The girl suffered some damage to her chakra coils which'll take time

to recover. But aside from that, my Shadow clone healed any other

wound she suffered." He said. "Her Tailed Beast Seal was also a mess so I

repaired that as well. Hoped those Suna stuck-ups won't mind too much."

"What about Pakura?"

"I captured her, obviously."

"Good. We'll take her to Konoha for interrogation." Kushina said and then

paused. "Unless you want to add her to your harem as well, brat?"

"I do. But feel free to interrogate her before that. After all the people she

killed in Suna, I believe she deserves a little punishment. Just don't

damage her mind."

Kushina-sense nodded curtly. Her emotions still a bit aggressive from

having melded with Kurama's chakra. "We'll go back to Suna and return

Gaara to them as well as Sasori's corpse. We'll tell them that Pakura

managed to escape."

"That seems fine to me." He said as he took the half torn Scroll that Sasori

was using to summon his puppets.

Many of its slots were still working, even if the main sealing matrix had

been destroyed.

It'll take some time but he was sure that he would be able to retrieve

those puppets eventually. Giving them to the Hokage should earn him

some points at least.

There was no puppet master in Konoha. But by studying these puppets,

maybe it'll open a new path for people who're interested in this art.

"What about the Kazekage's puppet?" He asked.

Kushina thought on it for a moment before she replied. "We're taking it

with us as well."

"Very well."


That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 34- War intensifies

Minato Namikaze POV

He watched in silence as the Inoichi read Pakura's mind, producing pages

upon pages filled with a wealth of information detailing her life.

They had to go slowly with her mind reading process to make sure that

she doesn't suffer any permanent damage her brain. After all, Ren had

shown a desire to claim the Scorch Release user for himself.

He thought about the moment when the 6-year-old child said those

words to him and sighed in exasperation.

Seriously, that boy.

What made it all the more aggravating was Ren's success. The boy

already had two S-class Kunoichi prepared to join his harem once he

reached adulthood.

And the Uchiha clan will definitely ask any of their S-class Kunoichi to

join his harem as well, if only to produce even more Uchiha of the same

calibre as him in the next generation.

That thought reminded him of a secret report that Jiraiya-Sensei sent to

him from the front lines. A secret report concerning not their enemies but

their allies.

The Uchiha clan.

A clan which now held Six additional S-class shinobi thanks to the

Hashirama cells and Ren's Mangekyo Sharingan. All Six of these were

Elite-class Jounin before they received those gifts. But now, they had

broken through that level and reached the level of a Kage.

No wonder that Kumo's forces were suffering heavy losses on the

battlefield. Especially when those Six S-class shinobi were accompanied

by a cabal of Uchiha Elite Jounin, who had once been Jounins.

He wondered how his councillors would react if they learned about this.

Not positively, he was sure of that.

Already, they have begun complaining to him about the growing

arrogance of the Uchiha clan members. Nothing too bad as Fugaku has

been doing his best to keep them under control. Not to mention that this

was war time. And even the councillors would agree, if reluctantly, that

they needed the power of the Uchiha clan to win this war.

But what would happen once this war ends, and they no longer needed

the Uchiha clan's overwhelming power.

Already, the Uchiha were powerful enough to take on any of the shinobi

village with a decent chance of coming out on top.

Add Fugaku, Ren and his two S-class Kunoichi to that, and they would

have more S-class shinobi than even Konoha, the strongest of the Shinobi


It's no surprise that everyone is concerned about this.

Even he would be worried about their increasing power if not for one

small factor.

His unwavering trust in Ren and Fugaku.

Fugaku was not only his dear friend but also one of his trusted advisors.

Ren, on the other hand, was the student of his own wife and Jiraya-

Sensei. If he couldn't place his trust in them, then whom could he trust?

Sure, he'd made a few contingencies in case the worst happened, as any

sensible shinobi would. But for the most part, he didn't believe that he

would need any of those contingencies.

Fugaku led the dove faction within his clan, advocating for peace and

stronger ties with the village. Meanwhile, Ren has never shown any

interest in political power or influence.

In truth, he doubted whether Ren would even consider assuming the

leadership of the Uchiha clan, let alone coveting the Hokage's position,

which he would willingly relinquish if Ren desired it.

Nevertheless, he should eventually talk with Ren and ask him to not

supply the clan will any more Mangekyo Sharingan eyes. At least not

until the Hawk faction members of his clan have calmed down.

Maybe he would even ask Ren to become his student after this war. Not

that he had anything he could teach the boy at this point. But it would be

good for appearances. Especially once news leaks out that Ren is the

strongest shinobi in Konoha.

Having Ren as his sole disciple would undoubtedly help assuage the

concerns of the war hawks. And serve as solid proof to the Uchiha clan

that he's on their side, unlike the last two Hokage.

Maybe he would even be able to trick the boy into taking the Hokage's

hat. Heh.

On second thought, Ren would definitely not appreciate such trickery.

And his wife would also be upset by his actions so he better stay away

from such things.

"Hokage-sama. We're done." Inoichi said as he removed his hand from

atop Pakura's head.

"So quickly? Didn't you say that this'll take days if not weeks?" Ren asked

from beside him. He had assured the boy that Inoichi would be careful

with Pakura's mind but the boy had decided to come along regardless.

"That I did Ren-sama. But Pakura is being surprisingly cooperative with

us. I sense a considerable amount of guilt from her for attacking and

destroying her former village." Inoichi replied and he blinked in surprise.

Ren-sama? Where did that come from? And was that a slight fear and

awe that he saw in Inoichi's eyes when he looked at Ren.

Huh… it seems like Inoichi witnessed Pakura's battle with Ren in that

mind reading session.

It was understandable. As from what Kushina had told him, the battle

barely even lasted for half a minute before it was over.

This Achievement became even more striking when you add in the fact

that Pakura managed to defeat half of Suna's elite shinobi as well as the

4th Kazekage on her own.

He himself hadn't been as surprised by this news as he'd seen Ren fight

with Mei Terumi during their attack on Kiri. And while he wasn't 100%

sure, he was still pretty confident that Ren had already reached the ranks

of shinobi like Hashirama and Madara. Or was very close to that level at


"Well… did you find out which Organisation she and Sasori were part of.

And why they attacked Suna out of nowhere?" He asked.

"Well, the situation is something like this…" Inoichi said and then went

on tell him about the Akatsuki, their S-class members, their strangely

powerful leader, and their eventual goal to gather all the Tailed Beasts

and use them to create a weapon that'll help them bring eternal peace to

the Elemental Nations.

'This is worrying.' He thought. with a frown.

"Send a more detailed report to my office asap. Especially about this

leader of theirs and the extent of his abilities." He ordered and Inoichi

bowed in return as he left the T&I Department alongside Ren.

He'll also have to remind Inoichi not to reveal the information about

Ren's true capabilities to others in Konoha. He doubted Inoichi would do

it, but better safe than sorry.

Then he took Ren and Hiraishined them back to his office.

He took his Hokage's seat and offered a chair to Ren beside him.

"Well… what do you think?" He asked the boy.

"Think about what? The Akatsuki?"

"Yeah, them."

"Well… Inoichi did say that one of them was an S-class Kunoichi. So I

would probably give them a visit sooner or later." Ren said, looking

highly amused and he held back an exasperated sigh.

Seriously. This boy.

"Ren. Please be serious about this."

"Okay, okay. I'll be more serious now." Ren said with a chuckle as leaned

back on his chair, adopting a thoughtful expression. After a brief silence,

he spoke up. "They are a threat. Even without Pakura and Sasori, they

still have 5 more members, all of whom might be S-class shinobi. With

their leader being powerful enough to keep all of them in line. This

would indeed be worrying, if Konoha wasn't as powerful as it was. As

things stand, I would rate their existence as mildly worrying but nothing

overly problematic."

He let out a soft chuckle at Ren's answer. "Only you would rate a group

of 5 S-class shinobi as only mildly worrying. But, could I ask you to fight

these people if they ever decided to attack Konoha?"

"Of course. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to Konoha." Ren said

with an easy confidence that made him want to give his hat to the brat

even more.

"And what about the war?" He asked.

"What about it?"

"Any advice now what we should do to win this war?" He asked.

Ren shrugged. "Make sure to not lose too many people. I'll eventually

start my plan to destroy Lightning Country's economy. And once that

happens, the Lightning Daimyo will order Raikage to stop the war and

send his shinobi to protect those economic and trade centres. With Kumo

out of the war, Iwa will step back and sue for peace as well."

"And when will you start this plan of yours?" He asked.

"Once Kumo and Iwa restart the fighting. Though, I need to talk with

someone before I get to that."


"Yup Someone. You probably know of her. But I won't say her name right


"Is this someone also an S-class kunoichi?" He asked teasingly and then

blinked in surprise when Ren grinned back at him.

"Ren, are you trying to add this someone to your harem as well?" He

asked with great exasperation.

"I retain my right to remain silent."

"Of course." He said with soft chuckles. However, his laughter abruptly

ceased as the door swung open and a haggard looking Toad jumped and

landed on his table. It handed him a scroll before it went limp from


He unfurled the scroll and all traces of joy vanished from his face as he

read what was written on it.

"What does it say?" Ren asked from the side as he gave some water and a

dango to the poor messenger toad.

"Iwa and Kumo are pushing forward once again. And this time, they're


"Hmm… how many shinobi have they sent to the battlefield?" Ren asked,

looking utterly calm. And he won't ever admit it but Ren's calm

demeanour helped him calm down as well.

"About 10,000 each. Double what we had anticipated," he stated with a

grim expression, pondering how they had overlooked such a significant

deployment. It appeared that their new spymaster was nowhere near as

competent as Danzo had been. "And Jiraiya-Sensei suspects they've also

mobilized their Jinchurikis."

"And how many shinobi do we have in the frontline?"

"About 5000 and 4000 in Iwa and Kumo battlefield." He replied.

"They're really serious about this, aren't they?" Ren said, the smile never

leaving his face. "They must be desperate."

"Or perhaps the fall of Suna has emboldened them." He pointed out

"Before this, they needed to worry about Suna aiding us in this war.

However, with Suna removed from the picture, they can advance without

the fear of encountering another army on their flank."

"Foolish." Ren said with a scoff and then adopted a thoughtful expression.

"Should we use this chance to take their Jinchuriki?"

"Can you do it?"

"Of course," Ren replied casually. "I could target Kumo's forces and

capture both the Two and Eight Tails. Or, I could strike Iwa's army and

secure the Four and Fifth Tails." He paused briefly before continuing,

"Once we have them, we can distribute them to other loyal clans in

Konoha. I know there are concerns about the Uchiha clan's growing

influence. Providing the other clan with Tailed Beasts of their own should

alleviate those concerns, no?"

"That it should. But taking those tailed beast at this instance might force

those villages to go on an all-out war with us." He pointed out. "Even

Akatsuki might join their side in this war, which would be problematic."

Ren nodded in acknowledgement. "I suppose you have your own ideas


He nodded. "Just because we cannot capture their Jinchuriki doesn't

mean that we cannot kill them. Or force them to go on a rampage."

He pressed a button on his desk and waited for his secretary to enter.

Once she did, he instructed her, "Send for my wife, Fugaku, Tsunade, and

Orochimaru. Also… ask Ringo and Mei Terumi to join us as well."

"You're sending all our S-class shinobi to the battlefield?" Ren asked once

his secretary left.

"Not all. Only those who're willing." He said and then added. "And you'll

not go either."

Ren tilted his head in confusion. "Why?"

"Because I need you to protect the village in my absence." He said. He

was far more worried about a surprise attack on Konoha from the

Akatsuki than he was about the upcoming battle. After all, while the

battle was important, protecting the village was even more important.

Ren's eyebrow rose to his hairline. "You're going out to the frontline


"Yes. Raikage and Onoki have been sighted in their army camps so I need

to go out there as well. Raikage can be held back by Sensei or even

Kushina. But Onoki is a more troublesome opponent. I'll go out to deal

with him myself."

"Hmm… very well then. Go and join the war without any worry. I'll keep

Konoha safe in your absence." Ren said. "Though, you wouldn't mind if I

send a few of my Shadow Clones to aid our armies in the war, right?"

"A few?"

"A few thousand," Ren replied, a hint of amusement creeping into his

tone. He glanced at the boy in disbelief for a moment before breaking

into laughter.

"Sure. But only as long as they aren't recognised as you." He said, already

feeling much better about this upcoming battle.

"Easily done."


Ren Uchiha POV

He watched as Minato left for the battle, taking Kushina, Orochimaru,

Tsunade, Fugaku and Ringo with him.

As soon as they departed, he began to feel apprehensive about the weight

of responsibility resting on his shoulders for the entire village. An entire

village that he'll have to protect if it ever got attacked by their enemies.

And while he was confident in being able to defeat any enemy he fought.

Even the 9 tails. He was much less confident in doing that while

protecting an entire village.

If all of Akatsuki attacked Konoha right now, then he knew that he won't

be able to protect everyone.

'So this is what being a Hokage feels like.' He thought to himself. 'It's a

heavy burden.'

"Are you alright?" Mei asked him from the side, giving him a worried


She had opted to remain in Konoha, using the excuse that she wanted to

be there to care for him. However, he understood that the primary reason

she hadn't joined the impending battle was because she still didn't regard

Konoha as her home.

He didn't blame her for that. He only hoped that, in time, she would

come to see Konoha as her home as well.

"Yeah. Just thinking about all the things that can go wrong." He said as

he sank into the Hokage's seat. Then, he glanced at Shukaku, the only

Hokage advisor currently not in the frontlines. "I won't be required to

handle any paperwork, will I?" he inquired, a hint of trepidation seeping

into his voice.

Shukaku chuckled at his words. "Please don't worry about that, Ren-

sama. Me and the others will take care of all the paperwork. You only

need to worry about keeping Konoha safe."

'Well, that's a relief.' He thought as he got up from his seat. 'Though, why

is everyone calling me Ren-sama today. It's kinda weird.'

"I'm going out to get some free air." He said. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"I would strongly advise against that, Ren-sama," Shukaku cautioned.

"Your presence in the Hokage office serves as both a deterrent to our

enemies and a source of reassurance for everyone else in the village."

"It's alright. I'll be back within a minute." He said and used Hirishin to

arrive at the Frontlines.

He saw Konoha's army camp in the distance. He could sense Jiraiya-

Sensei, Kushina-Sensei and all of the Uchiha clan members who would be

personally led by Fugaku in this battle.

Further away, he detected Kumo's army camp. His Chakra Sense was

keen enough to discern the distinct chakra signatures of the Raikage,

Killer Bee, and Yugito Nii.

'This next battle is going to be a brutal one.' he mused, activating the

Strength of Hundred Seal and channeling the surging tsunami of chakra

within him to create a thousand Shadow Clones.

'This much should be enough.' He thought. 'Plus, my shadow clones can

Hiraishin back to Konoha and ask me for further help if the situation

deteriorated.' Though personally, he doubted such a scenario would arise.

Then he vanished from this spot and appeared in the Konoha-Iwa


Here, he could sense the Sarutobi Hiruzen, Minato, Tsunade, Orochimaru

and Ringo along with the 5000 shinobi.

He created a thousand Shadow Clones to aid them in the battle as well

before he returned back to the Hokage Office.

Hiraishin was a really useful skill. And he coming to love it more and

more by the day.

Shukaku raised an eyebrow at how quickly he returned. "Did you

accomplish what you set out to do, Ren-sama?"

"Yes." He said and plopped down on the Hokage's chair. "And now we


"And now we wait." Shukaku agreed with a grim smile.


The next few hours were torturous to say the very least.

Sitting in the Hokage chair with the heavy responsibility of protecting the

village, while also worrying about the massive battle taking place at their


He was almost tempted to leave Konoha and go out to join the battle


But he'd promised Minato that he'd keep the village safe, and he wasn't

about to go back on that promise.

The only thing that made the wait even the least bit bearable was the fact

that one of his Shadow Clones Hiraishined back to his office every now

and dispelled itself to send him the memory of the battle.

And as he'd expected, it was a bloodbath.

Konoha was holding its own surprisingly well on both battlefronts,

largely owing to the greater presence of S-class shinobi in their ranks.

However, this didn't negate the harsh reality that Konoha was also

suffering significant losses among its shinobi.

His clones were diligently performing their duties, teleporting onto the

battlefield to retrieve wounded Konoha shinobi and providing urgent

medical aid.

One group of his shadow clones managed to use Hiraishin to get into the

Kumo's rear lines and slaughtered all their medics as well as their injured


He found himself torn between a sense of pride and a profound horror at

these actions. Nevertheless, he had issued instructions to his Shadow

Clones on the Konoha-Iwa battlefield to execute similar tactics.

In total, the battle raged on for approximately six hours. And by the end

of it, almost all his Shadow Clones had been dispersed.

However, those that remained employed their Chakra Sense to tally the

number of surviving shinobi at the end of the day. The count was as


About 2,200 dead from Iwa. And 1000 more who were severely injured

and might not recover anytime soon, if ever.

About 3,700 dead from Kumo. With about 1,500 severely injured.

And 1,600 dead from Konoha. With 400 shinobi losing one or more of

their limbs, necessitating retirement until Orochimaru completed the

Hashirama Artificial Limb Project.

In the end, all three villages had suffered.

However, the village that experienced the most significant losses in this

battle was undoubtedly Kumo. And that was mostly due to the presence

of his own Clansmen in the battlefield.

The enhanced Uchiha clansmen had slaughtered Kumo shinobi wherever

they went. The situation deteriorated to such an extent that Kumo shifted

entirely to a defensive stance to mitigate further losses.

However, the most significant blow to Kumo in this battle wasn't the loss

of the 5,000 shinobi who would no longer participate in future conflicts,

but rather the young woman currently resting in his basement.

"I mean, I don't understand what she was thinking, charging into our

lines recklessly like that," his shadow clone remarked as he inscribed

Fuinjutsu seals on Yugito Nii's body to prevent her from accessing her

own or her Tailed Beast's chakra. "It was a reckless and foolish move, but

it provided us with the opportunity to capture her and bring her here."

"And prolonged the battle by two entire hours before the losses became

too much and Kumo was forced to retreat." he reprimanded his Shadow

Clone, feeling uneasy about the turn of events.

"Well, what's done is done. What are your next steps?" his Shadow Clone


He thought on it for a moment before he replied. "Frankly, I'm half

tempted to stamp her. Capturing her along with her Tailed Beast should

give me 90 points. 120 points, if I sold her. Which is the most points I'll

ever get from Stamping a waifu in this world."

"Excluding Kaguga." His Shadow Clone pointed out.

"Excluding Kaguya. But I'm not certain if I'll even revive her. With the Six

Tails within me, Kushina possessing the Nine Tails, Rin Nohara with the

Three Tails, Fuu with the Seven Tails, and Gaara possessing the One

Tail," he explained. "Moreover, capturing each Tailed Beast individually

would yield far more points than capturing Kaguya alone."

"Yeah. But Kaguya is a Tier 9 milf." His Shadow Clone pointed out. "Don't

tell me you don't want to bury your face in between those milky thighs of

hers. Or grab onto her two horns as you fuck her from behind."

He gave a deadpanned look to his Shadow Clone. "You're a bad influence

on me."

"I am you. So you're a bad influence on yourself."

"Whatever." He said and dispelled the Shadow Clone before he took out

his Stamp and gazed at it.

To do or not to do.

90 points right now or a Tier 9 milf waifu in the future.

What a difficult choice he had in his hand.


AN: Inoichi reads Pakura's mind and learns about the Akatsuki. And gets

a small glimpse of Ren's true power.

Minato is facing some problems with Uchiha having become so powerful

but things are in hand right now.

Kumo and Iwa learned about Suna's fall. And decided to push their luck

now that Konoha has lost it most powerful ally.

Minato decided to go to the frontlines himself and put Ren in charge of

protecting the village in his absence. Ren helps with the battle by sending

'a few' shadow clones.

Konoha suffered in the battle as well but it was undoubtedly the victor.

With Kumo losing almost half of their entire army as well as Yugito Nii.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 35- Preparing for next


Shisui Uchiha POV

When she got her Mangekyo Sharingan and realised what its ability was,

she knew that one day she might be be asked to use its power to

manipulate someone's mind and alter their memories for the betterment

of her village.

However, she hadn't expected that day to come so quickly. Or for the

request to come from her dear friend.

"So this is her?" She asked as she gazed at the sleeping form of Yugito Nii.

"Yes. And I know what you're thinking. That I brought you to my house

with the sole intention of using you for your ability." Ren said. "I assure

you, that was never my intention. And if you don't want to do this, then

you don't have to. I'll not pressure you into anything, Shisui. You mean

more to me than that."

"That's not what I was thinking." She lied.

The thought had indeed crossed her mind. More than once. But it felt

good that Ren was addressing this and giving her a way out.

A way out that she really wanted to take. Because what she was about to

do, would change the very being of Yugito Nii. It would make her live in

a false reality henceforth, making her think it to be real.

Yet, how could she possibly decline? How could she turn away when Ren

was there to support her after the death of her teammates? When he was

the one who bought those very expensive Hashirama cells for her and

implanted them within her body lest she lose her sight from overusing

her eyes.

How could she, when after all these years, she finally found a place to

call home. A home where she experienced a sense of belonging and

family at long last?

Refusing Ren would feel like she was spitting in the face of everything

that he'd done for her. And she was many things but not ungrateful.

"Think of it this way: Even if we must eventually send her back to Kumo,

she'll serve as a valuable spy for our cause within their ranks," Ren

proposed. "And if that's not the case, we'll gain another formidable S-class


"And you'll have another potential S-class harem member." She said with

a disapproving look. She never really understood Ren's desire to have a

harem. Especially since she'd only ever seen other Nobles engaged in

such practices.

Yes, a handful of shinobi also had harems, but they typically hailed from

bloodline clans on the brink of extinction. And those harems were in

place to revive that bloodline, rather than whatever it was that Ren


She also knew that once she's old enough, Ren might eventually extend

an invitation for her to join his harem. And she was not sure if she would

even reject him. Not when his mansion already felt like home to her.

"And would that really be so bad? You could finally have the elder sister

you always wanted." Ren suggested.

"No. Not like this." She shook her head.

"It's your wish." Ren replied with a nonchalant shrug.

"Did the Hokage-sama really gave you permission to do this?" She asked

once again.

"Of course. I wouldn't lie to you about such a thing, Shisui." Ren said

seriously and she believed him.

She had no idea what Ren had said or done to convince the Hokage-sama

that this was a good idea. However, if the Hokage-sama accepted this

plan, and if Ren was really asking this of her, then could she really reject

both of them?

No, she couldn't.

Her shoulders slumped. "Very well, but this process will take time,

perhaps over a week to a month. I prefer not to rush and would rather

proceed carefully with her memories. It's my first time using my eyes in

this manner, you know."

"Of course, take all the time you need," Ren agreed, removing the sealing

barrier before opening the steel gates to allow her entry.

Ren had put Yugito Nii into deep slumber with his own Mangekyo

Sharingan and woke her up a moment later, employing another Genjutsu

to ensnare her in a trance-like state.

She truly despised having to manipulate someone like this. Yet, she

reminded herself that this woman was an enemy of Konoha, and would

willing slaughter any Konoha shinobi in her path if given the


"What about her Tailed Beast? Would it interfere in the process?" She

asked hesitantly. The prospect of using her power for the first time

already had her feeling uneasy. And the possibility of the Tailed Beast

causing complications added to her apprehension.

"Her name is Matatabi. And no, I've already talked with her. She'll not

interfere in this process. Go ahead whenever you're ready."

She nodded and drew a deep breath before activating her Mangekyo

Sharingan and meeting Yugito Nii's gaze.

A moment later, all of Yugito's memories, from her early childhood to

this very day, started to change.


Mito Uzumaki POV.

Her Golden Chains swirled around her in a lethal dance and pierced

through the hearts of the three Kiri Rogue Shinobi who ventured too

close to her home while escaping the now defunct Kirigakure.

'7824.' A playful voice echoed within her mind as the deity she'd made

that pact with claimed the souls of the fallen Rogue-nins. '2176 more.'

"Yes, yes. Quit reminding me already." She groused before she sealed

their dead bodies and handed over the Storage scroll to one of her

Shadow Clones, to dispose of them in some distant location.

Once her Shadow Clone had departed, she used Hiraishin and swiftly

returned to her home. And then frowned as she sensed someone near her

home. Standing just beyond the barrier she had erected to safeguard the

last of the Uzumakis.

But then she got a better sense of this person's identity and her hostility

and wariness changed to irritation.

She approached him and found him studying the Fuinjutsu Barrier

protecting the last refuge of the Uzumaki clan.

It came as no surprise to her that the Fuinjutsu-induced Genjutsu failed to

affect him, given his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes. Nevertheless, it was

somewhat disheartening.

"Not a bad seal." Ren said as he continued studying the barrier, not even

turning to greet her. The brat. "I can only see three points of failure. And

I'm pretty sure that all three of them are decoys meant to trigger an


"Is that so." She said, mildly worried by this. Because if he could see and

recognise those three failure points, then he was already very close to

unravelling this barrier.

A barrier that took her years of effort to create.

Witnessing Ren's growth was nothing short of scary. And she once again

thought about the proposal he'd made to her.

She doubted that she would ever come to love him.However, considering

the formidable strength of the Uchiha clan and the prospect of Ren

assuming its leadership in the future, she found herself open to the idea

of a political marriage. A marriage for the protection of her remaining

clan members was something she could do.

She had already made such a sacrifice in the past when she married

Hashirama for the sake of her clan's peace and prosperity. So why should

she hesitate to do so again?

But that could wait for later.

"Why are you here?" She asked curtly.

"Good afternoon Mito-san. It's nice to meet you as well."

"Why are you here?" She asked again, not in the mood to play games.

Ren smiled and turned to face her. "Well, you didn't leave me with a way

of contacting you. So I needed to find you myself."

Her frown deepened. "And how did you fine this place?"

After all, she had invested significant effort into ensuring that no one

could trace her back to her home.

To see Ren be able to do just that in such an effortless manner was left

her worried. Sure, Ren was her ally but he could've just as easily been her


And if that were the case…

She shook head of all the negative thoughts and waited for Ren to


"It was simple really. I found you by this." Ren said as he showed her a

stone marked with her Hiraishin seal. It was a stone that she'd left behind

in the Senju compound as she returned there every year to check up on

Tsunade and to pay respects to her deceased husband and children.

"I knew that you would have a Hiraishin marker somewhere in Konoha."

Ren continued. "I searched for it and discovered one in the Senju

Compound. From there, I attuned the seal to gain partial control over it,

allowing me to sense the locations of other Hiraishin markers across the


"And the majority of the Hiraishin markers were positioned around my

home," she remarked with a sigh as realisation sank in, and Ren nodded

in agreement.

She made a note to fix this problem. And to modify her Hiraishin seal to

prevent similar exploits in the future.

"You still haven't told me why you're here." She pointed out.

"Well, how much do you know about the current shinobi war?" Ren asked

her instead.

"I know that Kiri won't be taking part in this war." She said with grim

satisfaction. "I also know that Suna was recently attacked by two of their

S-class Rogue shinobi and suffered greatly. And that Konoha fought a

large scale battle with Kumo and Iwa. But I don't know the details."

"Well, the details are somewhat like this." Ren said and then gave a

detailed account of what happened in the past week, and his own role in

those incidents.

That was… fairly impressive.

Nothing compared to what her own husband was capable of back in his

prime. But she could see that Ren was trying to lay low right now.

"You've accomplished much for your village. Konoha's losses in that

battle were limited to 2000 shinobi, whereas Kumo and Iwa suffered a

combined loss of over 8000," she commended.

"It was mostly due to the efforts of other Konoha shinobi. But I thank you

for the praise regardless." Ren said with a slight nod. "Now, would you

like to hear about my plan regarding Kumo. A plan that I hope would end

to this war once and for all.One that aims to ensure that the Daimyo of

other kingdoms never again support the hidden villages in waging wars

against each other."

"What plan?" She asked curiously. "And why should I take part in it?"

"Well, for one, I know that you hate both Kumo and Iwa for the part they

played in Uzushiogakure's destruction.This could serve as an opportunity

for you to exact your revenge." Ren said. "But more importantly, this

would allow you to kill enemy shinobi and offer more souls to that deity

of yours."

'I approve of this plan.' The playful voice echoed in her mind, but she

ignored it with practiced ease.

"That's not enough. If I wanted to kill those shinobi then I could do it

muself. This is my revenge. I'll take it with my own hands."

"Ah, come now. Don't be stubborn just for the sake of being stubborn.

You know that this is a good deal. Just take it." Ren said.

She thought on it for a moment and realised that she was indeed being

stubborn. Probably because she was annoyed by him coming so close to

unravelling her barrier. Maybe she should take a step back here?

"I admit that this is a good deal. However, I'm not keen on being a mere

pawn in someone else's scheme. What do I have to gain from joining you

in this plan of yours?" She asked.

"The satisfaction of killing Kumo shinobi, your sworn enemies. More

souls to give to your deity. What else do you need?"

"A favour," she countered. "A favour from you, to be called upon in the

future for whatever I want."

Ren's face went blank at that and he shook his head. "No. That's too high

a price for you aid. Especially when I'm only doing this to help you. I can

just as easily do this on my own if I want."

"Well, you're not wrong. And might not be as strong as Hashirama right

now but I know that you're close and would definitely surpass him in the

near future."

"Hm... that's a high praise from a hundred year old GILF."

"I'm only eighty-seven years old brat." She countered, wondering what

the word 'Gilf' meant. Knowing Ren, probably not anything good.

"Whatever you say." Ren said with an uncaring shrug. "But are you

joining me or not. Because I'm going to do this with or without you."

"…I'll join you. But only if you owe me a favour for this. Even a small one

would do."

"No. I'm doing this to help you, you know. I could've just as easily

ignored your existence and have gone about with this mission. Don't take

my kindness for my weakness." Ren warned.

"Perhaps it is a kindness. But that doesn't change the fact that I would, in

fact, be helping you in this mission. And I won't lend out my services


Ren stared at her. "You're one stubborn one, aren't you. Well, then. What

do you want?"

She thought on it for a moment before she gave her reply. "4 pair of your

Mangekyo Sharingan eyes. And enough Hashirama cells to put them to


Ren stared at her. "Do you plan on giving them to your newly found clan


"...something like that." She said. "Now that you've heard my price, do we

have a deal or not?"

Ren stared at her for a long moment before he spoke up. "1 pair of

Mangekyo Sharingan eyes. And only for your personal research. My clan

members would revolt if they learn that I'm handing out these eyes to

someone outside the clan."

"Three." She bargained.

"One pair and no more. Either take it or leave." Ren said, not budging in

the slightest.

She thought on it for a moment before she nodded. "Very well. I accept."

She would kill her enemies and gain a Mangekyo Sharingan in exchange.

Count her in.

"We have a deal then." Ren said and they shook hands. And the next

moment, he used Hiraishin to bring both of them back to his home.

There, she saw Ringo Ameyuri, Mei Terumi, and a young Uchiha girl

waiting for her.

She was still wearing her mask so they didn't recognise her (though she

was ancient enough that they probably wouldn't have recognised her

regardless). But they were certainly curious about her presence and


"Who is she?" Ringo was the first one to ask.

"An ally." Ren said as he went to stand in front of the table which held a

very detailed map of Kumo. "One that'll aid us in this mission."

"We don't need any help in this mission." Ringo said, giving her a

suspicious glance.

"No we don't. But she also has a beef with Kumo. And having more allies

never hurts."

"Who even is she?" Ringo asked.

"An ally. That's all you need to know right now. If she wants to reveal her

identity to you, then she'll do so herself. Till then, we'll call her..."

"Vortex." She said. It wasn't the best name out there, but it'll serve for


"Vortex then." Ringo said grudgingly before staring at her. "Are you an S-

class Kunoichi as well?"

"Yes." She said confidently.

Ringo palmed her blades, looking as if she was going to attack her at any

moment in order to confirm that fact. But the girl managed to control her

impulse at the end and her hands left her blades.

"In that case, I think I can guess why Ren brought you here to join us in

this plan."

"And why is that?" She asked.

"He wants to get inside your pants. The same as us." Ringo said and she

let out an amused hum.

"Is that true, Ren?"

"Of course." Ren said unashamedly. "Though I won't be doing the getting-

inside-your-pants part for a few more years."

"I see." She said before she walked forward and stood beside the table to

take a look at the map and all the areas that have been marked in it as


After studying it for a long moment, she spoke up. "You might want to

attack here, here, and here as well."

"And why is that?" Ren asked as he raised his hand to stop Ringo from

saying anything.

"This area holds all the dangerous prisoners of Kumo. Freeing them up

would undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble to Kumo." She said. "This area

holds a large Emerald mine. And this area holds an industrial town. The

only town in the Land of Lightning that produces high grade glass."

"I see." Ren said as he stared at those marked areas in contemplation.

"Any other areas that we missed?"

"This bridge. This mountain road. This island. And finally…" She made a

large circle in the sea near Kumo. "In this area, you'll find a giant Sea

Turtle. Kill it, and you deal a huge blow to Kumo."

"A giant sea turtle?" Mei said with a sceptical glance.

"I know about it as well." Ren said and she had to stop from staring at

him in surprise. After all, the existence of that turtle was a top-tier secret.

And even she only found it by a great stroke of luck. "Though, I don't feel

comfortable attacking and killing that Turtle."

"You'll have to do a lot of things in your shinobi career that you're not

comfortable with." She pointed out.

"True. But why kill the turtle when I can simply bring it to Konoha? Plus,

that turtle has a place in its back that can be used to train a Jinchuriki.

And we now have four of them. Wouldn't it be great to have Four Perfect


"It would be. But how do you plan to bring that turtle from Kumo to

Konoha?" Ringo asked.

"You leave that problem to me." Ren said with a confident smile.

"If that's what you want, then I'll leave it to you. But are you going to

attack the other places I mentioned?" She asked. Because she would be

rather annoyed after her brought her here and then discarded her advice.

"Of course." Ren said without any hesitation. "Though I'll have to send

out a few Shadow Clones in advance to scout those places and leave a

Hiraishin marker there."

"In that case. When should we start?" She asked.

"Right now." Ren replied.


AN: A reader in the past chapter commented that attacking a Kingdom's

economy instead of a small village is foolish as attacking the economy

would harm far more people. I agree with that guy, but I've already

written the next 8 chapters and can't just rewrite all of them. So it is what

it is.

I just changed the premise a bit so that the main reason why Ren is

attacking a Kingdom instead of the village itself is so that it would

dissuade the Daimyos in the future from pitting the shinobi villages

against one another in hopes of weakening them.

Hope this can solve some of my blunder.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 36- Mito vs Raikage

Raikage POV

"What do you mean you don't know?" He bellowed, slamming his fist

onto the table and shattering it to pieces.

His subordinates flinched back but he was so damn angry that their

reactions meant nothing to him.

He was angry that they lost to Konoha in such a brutal manner. He was

angry at having been forced to retreat with their tails tucked between

their legs. He was angry at the lack of spine among his subordinates. He

was angry at his own failure for failing to kill the damned Toad Sage.

And finally, he was angry that Yugito Nii, the Jinchuriki of the Two tails

and one of Kumo two main weapons was either dead or captured. And he

didn't even know which.

"Find out what happened to her at all any cost. Until then, don't dare

come back!" He ordered and his subordinates quickly shuffled out of the

room until only him and his brother were left.

Only then did he recline in his chair, allowing a semblance of relaxation

to wash over him. Yet, beneath the surface, the flames of anger still

raged, fuelled by the humiliating defeat they had endured at the hands of


He had believed that the joint strength of himself and Bee, bolstered by

their superior numbers, would easily overcome any of Konoha's leaders.

And then they would deal with those uppity Uchiha bastards who had

been slaughtering his shinobi since the start of this war.

However, Jiraiya thwarted his advance, his strength highly enhanced by

the presence of two small toads perched on his shoulders. Meanwhile,

Bee found himself continuously pushed back by the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki

of Konoha.

In the end, neither him nor Bee had been able to support their forces,

leading to those Uchiha tearing their way through Kumo's army. Only

Yugito had been there to help, and now she was missing.

The more pragmatic part of him almost wished that she was dead. At

least then, they wouldn't have to negotiate her return from Konoha.

Something that would undoubtedly undoubtedly be extremely expensive

for Kumo. Both in terms of money and prestige.

But if she was alive, then what?

Would Konoha even return her? They had definitely not returned Kiri's

Three tails back to them. Citing that Kiri were the ones who put it within

one of their shinobi in the first place.

Peh! As if there was anyone stupid enough to believe that story.

He shifted uncomfortable in the chair, a twinge of pain shooting through

his back. Courtesy of a sneak attack from Jiraiya when he had panicked

over the fact that Konoha's forces had infiltrated their back camp and

slaughtered their medics.

And wasn't that one of the worst part about this entire situation.

Not only had he lost over 3000 shinobi during the battle. But he had lost

many more over the next few days as they didn't have any medics to heal

their wounds. And many others whose bodies could've been healed were

now crippled.

Sure, Kumo's medics were nowhere near as good as Tsunade Senju and

her personally trained subordinates. Nevertheless, they were competent

in their duties.

And now they were all dead. All because he wanted to kill a brat on some

stupid rumours.

Even now, they weren't sure if the rumours were accurate. And here he

was. Pissing away the lives of his shinobi as if they meant nothing.

What a shitty leader he'd turned out to be.

If his father were alive, he would face certain execution for his gross


"Yo, in this war, futile, bro,

Just for a single boy, we saw,

Losing many kin, the toll does grow,

Retreat while we can, for Kumo's best,

let it be so!" His brother suddenly spoke up, rhyming in that infuriating

manner of his. But his words weren't any different from what he'd been

thinking either.

He remained silent, unwilling to talk with his brother right now, lest he

lose what remaining temper he has.

His brother didn't deserve the anger for his own failures.

At that instant, the tent flap swung open, and a weary messenger

stumbled in, clutching a scroll. And before he could chastise the guy for

interrupting his rest, the messenger spoke up. "Raikage-sama. Report

from the Konoha-Iwa battle."

"Give it here!" he demanded, seizing the scroll from the messenger's

grasp. With a swift motion, he unfurled it and scanned its contents.

In an instant, a mixture of fury and despair flooded through him as he

comprehended the dire situation unfolding on the other battlefield.

He tore the Scroll to pieces before glaring at the messenger. "Out!"

The messenger fled in terror, and he once again chastised himself for

having so little control over his anger.

Under ordinary circumstances, this might not have been an issue.

However, with the war spiralling out of control and their forces suffering

significant losses, he recognised the urgent need to maintain composure.

He had to be a steadfast beacon of support for his people.

Not this emotional mess he'd turned into.

"Yo, what was in that scroll, big bro?" His brother asked and for a

moment, he contemplated ignoring Bee once again.

But whether he likes it or not, Bee was one of the main pillars of Kumo,

his loyal subordinate and a valuable advisor, if you can look past his

shitty rhymes.

Most of all, Bee was his brother. And perhaps the only one in Kumo who

still had his back after his most recent failures.

"Report from Iwa. They lost their battle as well. Though not nearly as

badly as us." He said.

"Had they Uchiha's fire to excel?

How did they fall, what tale to tell?

With Onoki's might, and two Jinchuriki's swell,

Yet still, they faltered, a shadowy spell." Bee rhymed back again, to his

great irritation. But he understood the gist of it regardless.

(AN: Sorry, I'm shit at writing rhymes.)

"No, there were no Uchiha present on that battlefield. And Konoha's

forces were outnumbered by those of Iwa," he replied with a grunt. "But

they did have the Fourth Hokage, the Third Hokage, the Snake Sannin,

Slug Sannin, and Ringo Ameyuri."

"Two S-class alone, against 5000 they bemoan-"

"Ah, stop your blasted rhyming already. I'll explain damn it!" He snapped.

"The battle was going decently for the most part. But then a group of

shinobi snuck in behind Iwa's lines as well. And slaughtered all their

medics and injured shinobi. Things started going downhill from there.

Iwa's lines faltered. And at the end of the day, Iwa lost over twice as

many shinobi as Konoha. Not as bad as us. But not good either."

Despite their alliance, a part of him couldn't help but feel a sense of relief

at Iwa's defeat. It didn't erase the shame of their own loss, but it provided

him with a semblance of justification to present to his people.

If Onoki, with his decades of experience, could suffer such a defeat, then

what chance did he have, when he hadn't been the Raikage for even a


Though he frankly doubted that any of his counsellors would care to

listen to his pathetic excuses.

It was likely that once they returned back to Kumo, he would have to

give up his hat as the Raikage for this great failure. Though… who would

take the hat from him? He didn't know of anyone who had the strength

to bear this heavy burden.

Well, Bee, perhaps. But he doubted that they would want to replace him

with a Jinchuriki. And one who cannot even speak in straight sentences

at that.Furthermore, he doubted Bee would even entertain the idea of

replacing him. Bee was nothing if not loyal.

Not to mention that replacing a Raikage for his failures would set a very

dangerous precedent.


"How did Konoha grow so strong?" He asked, more to himself than

anyone else.

He'd always known that Konoha was a strong village. The strongest even.

But he was pretty damn sure that Kumo was catching up to them and

would eventually surpass them.

This war had thoroughly disabused him of that notion. And he was left

doubting his own judgement regarding everything.

Yes, in theory, Kumo has only lost about 5000 shinobi and still had three

times that number to call upon. However, a significant portion of those

reserves consisted of inexperienced shinobi, barely at Genin level.

Sending them against the Uchiha would be akin to sending them to the


Yes, they could still continue this war for a while longer. But in reality,

they've already lost.

At that moment, the tent flap opened once again and another messenger


The look of panic on his face made his heart sink. And his mind began to

conjure the most dire of possibilities.

Had Konoha chosen to press forward, pursuing his retreating forces? Had

Iwa sought peace, abandoning them to fend for themselves in the war?

Or had one of their smaller allies defected, aligning themselves with

Konoha instead?

"Raikage-sama!" The messenger said after taking a deep breath. "The

Kizuna Port. It's gone!"

"The Kizuna Port? What do you mean it's gone?" He asked, more confused

than anything. Did Konoha send an army to attack that port? Why? Sure

it was important for trade but at the end of the day, that's all it was.

It wouldn't diminish Kumo's strength in the slightest. Moreover, Konoha

wasn't renowned for openly attacking civilian settlements like this.

"They're also not known for obliterating shinobi villages overnight, as

they did with Kiri," a dark part of him pondered.

"It was attacked, Raikage-sama. By two people. They sunk the port into

the sea and destroyed all the ships harboured there. Lord Kura Kizuna is

said to have perished in the battle against these two attackers."

Kura Kizuna. An arrogant Lord who thought that he could marry a bunch

of kunoichis and raise a minor shinobi village within his own domain. As

if either Kumo or the Lightning Daimyo would ever let that happen.

Ultimately, that lord was slated for death, whether at his or the Daimyo's

hand didn't matter. That he did this way just saved him more work.


"Do you know who these two attackers were?"

"No Raikage-sama. But one of them appears to be a teenage Konoha anbu

sporting a crow mask. It is also reported that he had Sharingan eyes, and

seems to be the one who sunk the port and burned the ships with a large

scale Ninjutsu." The messenger said. "The other was and woman wearing

white kimono and a henya mask to hide her face. She is reported to have

used Golden chains during the battle and slaughtered the 5 Jounin

serving Lord Kuro Kizuna within seconds."

Golden chains, golden chains… ah. The Uzumaki. It seems that Konoha

managed to rescue more of those Fuinjutsu masters than Kumo had

initially assumed. Especially if they had one of such calibre under their


"Just the two of them? Or do they have an army following in their

wake?" He asked, wanting to know if this was the start of a counter-

invasion. He was pretty sure it wasn't, as Konoha wasn't known for

launching attacks from the sea. But it doesn't hurt to ask.

"No Raikage-sama."

"In that case. Send a message to Kumo immediately. Tell them to gather a

hunting party composed of at least 2 Elite Jounin, 50 Jounin and 200

Chunins. Their mission: locate and eliminate these two assailants before

they have a chance to flee the Land of Lightning." He said, knowing well

enough that this is the most Kumo can afford to send out after all the

losses they've recently suffered.

"Yes, Raikage-sama." The messenger nodded and left.

He leaned back on his chair and thought about why Konoha would attack

the port. Was it just to weaken the Land of Lightning? But, attacking just

a single port won't achieve much in the large scale, no matter how

important that port. Or was there something here that he was missing?

Five minutes later. The messenger returned again, looking even more

panicked this time. "Raikage-sama. They attacked and destroyed the

Kuroshio Penitentiary."

He got up from his chair instantly. "Who? And when did this happen?"

"It was the anbu with the crow mask Raikage-sama. He was alone this

time and… all the prisoners inside that prison have been freed."

His eyes narrowed at that piece of information.

So this was their target. Freeing the worst of Kumo's prisoners so that

they could wreck havoc within the Land of Lightning and cause more

trouble for Kumo.

After all, if Kumo is too busy with internal conflicts, then they wouldn't

have the ability to continue their war was Konoha.

But if they really wanted this, then why attack the Port City? It made no


"What about the Saro brothers who were tasked with guarding that

location?" He asked. The Saro brothers were two powerful Jounins whose

special bloodline allowed them to fight against Elite Jounins on equal

footing. And even hold their own against weaker S-class shinobi if they

fought together.

"They were both slain by the crow-masked anbu, Raikage-sama." The

Messenger said and his lips pursed.

If this was indeed true, then this Uchiha anbu was definitely an S-class

threat. One who has now invaded deep into Kumo's territory and was

doing whatever he wanted.

'Though… how did this bastard go from Kizuna Port to the Kuroshio

Penitentiary so swiftly.' He thought and then felt like an idiot for having

such a stupid question.

It was definitely the Fourth Hokage helping them with his Hiraishin


But if this really was the case. Then this meant that those shinobi could

now attack any of Kumo or Land of Lightning's weak points with


His eyes widened at this realisation, but before he could utter another

word, another messenger rushed into the tent.

"Raikage-sama! Emergency message from the Mitsumori Goldfields. They

are under attack and are asking for immediate reinforcements!"

'Fuck.' He thought as he realised the overarching plan of those Konoha

bastards. 'They want to destroy the Land of Lightning's economy and

cripple the entire country.'

"Summon Secretary Mabui at once,." He ordered urgently. "And have her

prepare the Heavenly Transfer Jutsu. I'll go there myself. Also, assemble

all my commanders and advisors. This is an emergency."


Mei Terumi POV

She stared in mild awe and fear as the golden chains swirled in front of

her in a dance of death. Stabbing and slicing at any enemy shinobi that

got within range.

The once-golden chains now bore a crimson hue, stained by the blood of

countless foes. While it undoubtedly facilitated their mission, she couldn't

shake the unease she felt toward this woman introduced to them as


She held a strong suspicion that this woman was the same person who

aided in sealing the Six Tails within Ren. However, along with the

change in the mask, the woman had somehow managed to alter her scent

and chakra signature, making recognition nearly impossible.

As she witnessed the death and destruction wrought by Vortex, she

understood that if the two of them fought, there was no way she would


Where did Ren even find a monster like her?

She used Acid Release to melt down a team of shinobi that tried to attack

them from behind, thinking of her and Shisui as the weak link. And then

she went back to focusing on the battle in front of her, if you could even

call it that.

Over the past few hours, they had destroyed multiple economic centres in

the Land of Lightning. And while the first few targets were easily

destroyed and provided little challenge, as more time passed, they were

now facing heavier and heavier resistance with each subsequent target.

Not that it did anything to stop them. If there were more enemies

between them and their target, then it simply meant that more enemies

would be slaughtered by the time they're done here.

She glanced at Ren as he walked casually within the enemy lines,

slaughtering enemies with such ease that one might mistakenly believe

that he was just out on a stroll in the park and nothing more.

Though, unlike Vortex, Ren didn't terrify her near as much.

After all, she had always known that Ren was a monster since the first

time she fought him and got owned within a minute.

And she was pretty sure that he had become even stronger since that day.

And not by just a small margin either.

It seems like deciding to join him was indeed the right decision.

Given his rapid growth, he might well ascend to the rank of God of

Shinobi long before reaching his teenage years, if he hadn't reached that

status already.

She swiftly evaded a Fuma shuriken, poised to unleash another

devastating Ninjutsu, only for the enemy to be peppered by a dozen

shuriken from his blindspot.

She gave a grateful nod to Shisui, the sole member of their group whose

strength lagged behind hers, with her being deemed 'merely' an Elite


However, that evaluation of her strength had been made before Ren

implanted Hashirama cells into Shisui's body. At present, she wouldn't be

shocked if Shisui had already pushed the boundaries of S-class.

And that's not even mentioning Shisui's terrifying Genjutsu prowess. If

the two of them fought, then she wasn't all that confident in her ability to

win. A single look into Shisui's eyes and she would lose.

So… perhaps Shisui wasn't the weakest link of their group after all.

Considering that she had access to Two power bloodlines, she probably

shouldn't be complaining. But seriously, what the hell is up with these

Uchihas and their broken Genjutsu abilities.

"We're finished here," Vortex declared, as the remaining enemies opted to

flee rather than defend the Industrial Town they were hired to safeguard.

"Indeed," Ren concurred, and with a single hand sign, the entire town

was swallowed into the earth where it was crushed into scrap metal

before being buried beneath a new layer of soil. Not a single trace of the

town remained.

The largest Steel Producing factories in Kumo. Gone, just like that.

And this was just a minor feat compared to all the other things she'd see

Ren do today.

"Let's move on." Vortex said and used her golden chains to wrap around

her and Shisui's waist before Ren used Hiraishin to teleport them to their

next location.

"Hm… this is a surprise." Ren muttered as they saw the opposition

waiting for them outside their next target. Their target being a large

bridge that connected the Land of Lightning to the Land of Hot Springs.

According to the information Ren had gathered, constructing the bridge

had taken a decade and cost over Three billion Ryo. If they were to

destroy it today, it would severely hamper trade between the Land of

Lightning and the Land of Hot Springs for the foreseeable future.

It was undeniably the most crucial bridge for Kumo, serving as their vital

link to the rest of the continent through the Land of Hot Springs.

And it appeared that Kumo had deployed an exceptionally formidable

force to defend it.

"Is that the Raikage?" She asked as she squinted at the tall burly figure

standing in the middle of the forces waiting near the bridge.

"Yes." Ren replied, a calculating look on his face.

"Should we skip this target?" Shisui asked.

Ren fell into silence for a brief moment as their enemies finally caught

sight of them and braced themselves for combat. After a lingering pause,

a grin spread across Ren's face.

"Nah. Since he put in all the effort to come here in person. It would be

impolite of me not to kill him." Ren said and took a step forward before

he paused and turned to face Vortex. "Unless you want to fight him

yourself? Get your revenge and all that."

Vortex stared at Ren for a brief moment before she gave a nod.

"Very well." Ren said before glanced at her and Shisui. "Prepare yourself.

All those enemies are Jounin, with a few being Elite Jounin. This battle

might be difficult for the two of you."

She nearly choked on the information before swiftly redirecting her

attention to the enemies once more. There were... approximately a

hundred of them.

Seriously, had the Raikage mustered every last Jounin remaining in his


She nodded shakily to Ren, who smile back at her before he disappearing

from his position, moving with such speed that her eyes couldn't track his


In the next moment, a resounding boom echoed from the heart of the

enemy forces, and she witnessed the Jounins being hurled around like


But unlike the other enemies they'd fought thus far, these guys didn't

flinch back in fear or even hesitate for a single instant. Half of them

swiftly formed a defensive formation and launched their assault, while

the other half charged toward them.

As for the Raikage. Where was h- CLANG!!!

A golden chain appeared in front of her just in time to block an overhead

attack from the Raikage, making her eyes go wide with fear.

The speed... while not on par with Ren's, was still leagues beyond her


"Your opponent is me." Vortex said in a calm, unbothered voice and

before the Raikage could react, another chain wrapped around him and

threw him away from them.

The Raikage was sent hurtling through the forest, obliterating numerous

trees in his wake. Yet, in the blink of an eye, he regained his footing and

was suddenly atop Vortex, engaging in combat against the dozen golden

chains, each capable of effortlessly cleaving through a Jounin.

"Focus." she heard a voice beside her, and turned to see Shisui drawing

her kunai, a grave expression etched on her features as she surveyed the

approaching enemies.

"Right," she replied, taking a shaky breath before delivering a self-

reprimanding slap to her cheek, steeling herself for what promised to be

the most formidable battle of her life.


Ren Uchiha POV

'What a waste.' He thought with a heavy sigh as he killed the last of

Kumo shinobi and added him to the pile.

Unlike what was shown in the canon story, and despite the outcome of

this battle, Jounin are not actually cannon fodders.

They are the backbone of a shinobi village. The best of the best. The top

5% shinobi. With coordinated teamwork, a group of Jounin is more than

capable of defeating even a low-ranking S-class shinobi.

Furthermore, it requires tens of thousands of hours of rigorous training

for a shinobi to attain the rank of Jounin.

In any other profession, they would have reached the pinnacle of their

craft—a distinguished doctor, a masterful artist, a renowned singer, a

seasoned engineer, and so forth.

And he'd killed over 50 of them in just this single battle.

He felt about as bad at the loss of so many years of hard work and

knowledge as he felt about the loss of human life.

He created a few Shadow Clones to go and demolish the bridge before he

shifted his attention to the two battles taking place in the distance.

The Raikage seemed to be fighting Mito on equal footing, each of their

clashes shattering the terrain around them. Their movements were so

swift that an ordinary shinobi would struggle to comprehend the

intensity of their confrontation.

However, he understood that they weren't evenly matched. With each

exchange, Mito siphoned away a portion of the Raikage's chakra,

bolstering herself while diminishing his strength.

They were named the Adamantine 'Sealing' Chains for a reason. If a dying

Kushina could utilise them to restrain Kurama long enough for Minato to

seal him within Naruto, then he was confident that Mito could achieve

even greater feats with them.

As it was, he had his suspicions that Mito was merely playing with the

Raikage until she got bored enough to finish him. And wasn't that a

terrifying thought.

Furthermore, it dispelled his doubts regarding Mito surpassing Tier 6, the

rank of a Kage, and advancing to Tier 7, the domain of Super Kage.

This didn't surprise him very much, since both Minato Tobirama, users of

Hiraishin who were only mid S-class shinobi themselves, were also

classified as Tier 7. He guessed that the power to teleport around the

battlefield just gave you that large of an advantage over your enemies.

But this battle proved without a shadow of doubt that Mito was a Tier 7

powerhouse, which was one of the main reasons why he wanted her to

join him in this attack in the first place.

Because this means that Capturing her would give him 60 points instead

of 30 points. Which made it even more disappointing that she hadn't

shown much interest in joining his harem.

Nevertheless, given that both he and Mito were now immortal—him due

to Everlasting Talent and her due to her pact with her Deity—he had all

the time in the world to seduce her. There was no rush.

And if she's not interested at all, then that's fine as well. She might be

special in this world, being one of the few kunoichis to ever reach Tier 7.

But in the wider multiverse, there were plenty of waifus who would

stomp her in a second.

Why would he waste more time on her when he could go after them


He then directed his attention to the other battlefield where the

remaining Jounins were launching an assault on a 20-feet-tall Susanoo,

with both Shisui and Mei standing within the green coloured giant.

Mei used her Ninjutsu attacks every now and then in retaliation, but the

Jounin group seemed to have caught onto most of her attack patterns and

were able to dodge her attacks for the most part.

The Susanoo managed to eliminate a few of them, its speed surprisingly

swift despite its bulky form. However, it was also under relentless attack

from all directions by Jounins employing potent Jutsu to breach its


And while all the damage it suffered was repaired almost instantly, he

could see that Shisui was steadily running out of chakra. The same for

Mei who was also on her last legs.

The only reason Shisui had managed to endure this long was due the

additional chakra provided by the Hashirama cells integrated into her

body. Without them, she would have exhausted her chakra reserves long


He sat on the ground and watched the battle unfold. He noticed Mei

giving him a desperate look and gave her a reassuring smile and a

thumbs up.

With his Hiraishin ability, he could appear on her side in an instant so

she wasn't really in any danger in this battle, even if she seemed to

forgotten that.

Eventually, Shisui's chakra ran out, leaving both her and Mei out in the

open against their enemies. But before the Kumo Jounins could take

advantage of that opening, he appeared beside them and used his own

Susanoo to shield them.

His Susanoo dwarfed Shisui's Suanoo by over thirty times, reaching a

colossal height of over 600 feet.

The remaining Jounin took one look at his Susanoo and decided to cut

their losses. Wise of them, really. But he was in no mood for mercy right


The battle didn't last long after that.

"We're increasing your Physical training once we return home." He told

Mei and Shisui before he changed the composition of his chakra,

matching it to their own, and transferred it to them until their reserves

were filled to the brim.

"Thank you." Shisui said politely, looking much better now while Mei

simply sighed and draped herself over him, her budding breasts pressing

into his shoulders.

"Ren-chan~ You're so cruel. Helping us only at the last moment like

that." Mei complained.

"Call me Ren-chan again and I'll spank you until your ass is red." He told

her and Mei squawked in outrage while Shisui chuckled.

Mei was wise enough not to test him on his word, unfortunately. And

with no more enemies in sight, he dispersed his Suanoo and led them to

the battlefield where the Raikage was still fighting Mito. Though the

Raikage's chakra reserve was in the red by this point.

"Vortex. Finish this quickly." He said. "We still have a few more targets to

hit. And I would like to return home before dinner."

Mito didn't show any acknowledgement of his words, but the next

instant, she appeared behind the Raikage, catching him completely off

guard with her sudden use of Hiraishin.

That single moment of shock and hesitation was enough for Mito to

completely cocoon him up in her chains. And he sensed as all of the

Raikage's remaining chakra was soaked up by Mito, lulling him into a

sleep he'll never wake up from.

Mito sealed up the Fourth Raikage's corpse within a storage scroll and

then appeared beside them, making both Mei and Shisui flinch in surprise

and slight fear.

"I'm done here. Do you want the body?" She asked.

"Not really. But someone in Konoha could probably learn a thing or two

by studying it so I don't mind taking it off your hands. Unless you want to

study it yourself?"

Mito shook her head and threw him the storage scroll. "Let's go."

He nodded and Hirashined them to their next target, the bridge

connecting the Land of Lightning to the Land of Hot Water long since

destroyed by his Shadow Clones.


AN: That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 37- Changing Winds

Ringo Ameyuri POV

"How's the situation?" She asked, stepping up beside the Byakugan user,

his gaze fixed on the distant battlefield and the enemy army positioned

across it.

There was a brief pause before the Hyuuga responded. "The same as last

time. However, we received reinforcements of 200 additional shinobi this


"Oh, and how many does that make?"

"We're at about 8,600 shinobi," the Hyuuga answered. "We've surpassed

the numbers of the Iwa army. However, they've separated their forces

into smaller units and spread them across their border. It appears Onoki

doesn't want a direct confrontation anymore."

"Of course he doesn't. Last time, his army outnumbered ours two to one,

and we still kicked his old wrinkly ass." She said with a wide grin,

thinking fondly of the battle that day. Now, that had been a battle the

history books. And one that she would be telling to her children and


A battle where she found herself facing Roshi, the 4-tails Jinchuriki.

Spoiler: Roshi

Truth be told, she hadn't anticipated being able to fend him off alone.

However, the brutal training under Ren for the past six months had made

her stronger than she thought, and she successfully held her ground

against him.

Despite her efforts, she was ultimately pushed back when Roshi

transformed into his colossal Monkey form, unleashing the full power of

the Tailed Beast on the battlefield. However, she countered with a

formidable Kirin Jutsu (with some hidden help from Ren's shadow

clones), and inflicted significant damage on the tailed beast, forcing him

to retreat.

The looks of respect and awe from her fellow Konoha shinobi in the

aftermath had sent her to cloud nine. Until she learned a day later that

Ren and his group left a trail of destruction through the Land of

Lightning and she didn't get the chance to take part in that mission.

Worst of it all was that they managed to kill the Fourth Raikage, the

strongest Lightning Release user in the Elemental Nations, and she didn't

get to witness that fight.

Urgh. She was still pissed off about missing that fight. Especially

considering that Ren could have easily teleported her there in an instant.

In that instant, she detected a subtle shift in the expression of the Hyuuga

and became alert.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"They're retreating." The Hyuuga said. "It's a full retreat. Hold on, I need

to go and report this quickly."

She nodded and watched as the Hyuuga quickly rushed toward the main

tent to report this news.

Having fought in two shinobi wars before this, she understood that a

complete withdrawal from the enemy didn't signal the end of the conflict.

Quite the opposite.

This retreat could serve as a decoy to draw in their forces, with Iwa

preparing to strike from an unexpected direction or regroup for a

counterattack. Or, it might signify the onset of guerrilla warfare, a tactic

that shinobi excelled in.

However, if she had to make a guess, it would be that Onoki finally

learned about just what exactly happened in the Land of Lightning and

realised that he wanted no part of that, choosing to permanently

withdraw from this battlefield.

Wise of him, really.

If she was the leader of a shinobi village, then she wouldn't want to fight

an enemy like Ren either.

However, even if Iwa does want to sue for peace now, they'll have to

send their messengers back and forth multiple times, arrange a meeting

with the Hokage and other higher ups, not turn that meeting into an

ambush/assassination trap, or attack one another in anger. Even under

the best circumstances, it would take months of negotiation to settle


It was a hassle. But thankfully one that she would have to take no part in.

After all, she was still 'technically' just a civilian of Konoha, and had only

joined this battlefield at Ren's insistence. So the Hokage didn't really have

any right to order her around. Meaning that she could leave anytime she


She quickly rushed back to the main tent and found that the Higher ups

having another meeting.

"Yellow hair. If we're done here then I'm going back to Konoha."

Minato looked at her in surprise. "Aren't you going to stay for the


"Nope. Not interested in long-ass talks. I handled my part, you do the

rest. See ya bitches." She laughed at them and then left the main tent

before she poured her chakra into Ren's Hiraishin Kunai.

A split moment later, Ren, or one of his shadow clones, appeared beside

her, quickly the vicinity for any potential threats and then relaxed when

he found none.

"So, did Onoki finally retreat?" Ren asked, looking in the direction where

Iwa's main army was last located.

"Yup! Tucked his tail under his legs like a little bitch and fucked off back

to his home." She said with great amusement.

Ren turned to look at her. And then kept looking at her until she started

to feel a little uncomfortable.

"What?" She asked.

"You're still riding the high on your victory against Roshi," Ren remarked

calmly. "Seems like you've become a tad overconfident in my absence.

Once we return, you'll be joining Mei and Shisui for some additional

physical training."

"Hey! Why do I have to do that? I didn't get my ass beat up in a battle.

They did!" She protested.

Ren paused, fixing his gaze on her. She attempted to meet his stare with

defiance, but eventually faltered, scoffing and turning her gaze aside.

"You'll do so, because I say you'll do so." Ren said calmly. "You live in my

home, so you follow my rules. Besides, didn't my training help you fight

on equal grounds with Roshi?"

She remained silent, feeling annoyed by this entire thing.

"Did it not?" He asked again and she gave a reluctant nod.

Ren continued staring at her for another long moment before he gently

grasped her hand, and in an instant, they were back in Konoha, at the

front yard of their home.

She noticed Mei and Shisui running a lap around the lake while carrying

a heavy long, looking like they were going to drop dead at any moment,

and grimaced.

Adding insult to injury, Ren led the way, effortlessly carrying a colossal

boulder that seemed to weigh thousands of tons. Yet, not a single bead of

sweat adorned his brow, and he appeared as composed as ever.

"You'll join them from tomorrow morning. Take a rest today." Ren said

and she slumped down in relief. That training looked really tough.

However, before she could make her escape, Ren placed a hand on her


"Listen, I understand it may seem harsh of me to push you into this

training," Ren began earnestly. "But believe me, it's for your own benefit.

I don't want you getting a big head and then falling to some opponent

you could have easily handled if you hadn't become overconfident."

She nodded and quickly ran back to the house.


"And then whoosh! The colossal Lightning Dragon emerged from the

clouds, crashing down upon the giant monkey, right on its face. It was

like bam! You should've seen the aftermath!" she exclaimed, recounting

her battle to the two girls over dinner.

"Yeah, that sounds lovely," Mei replied with a forced smile, though her

jealousy was evident.

"Yeah, nice," Shisui chimed in, appearing on the verge of falling asleep

right at the dinner table.

She side glanced at Ren who was sitting at the main seat in the table and

enjoying the strange dish that he'd named 'pizza'. "Ren, why don't you tell

me about how your battles went."

"My Shadow Clones already did that." He said, not even looking up at


"Yeah. But I want to listen to it again."

Ren chewed on the pizza for a few more moments before he nodded and

put down the rest of it. "Very well. It wasn't anywhere near as exciting for

me as it was for you, but I'll tell you if you really want to listen."

She nodded hurriedly and Ren started to tell her about the series of

attacks he'd launched in the Land of Lightning. All of it culminating in his

battle with the Raikage and his group, after which, things had become

significantly easier.

By the time Ren finished telling her about the battles, both Mei and

Shisui had slumped over the table and were snoring loudly.

Ren created two Shadow Clones who carried them to their beds before he

gestured for her to follow him outside once again.

Night had already fallen by this point, and she could see thousands of

stars glimmering in the sky, their reflections shimmering on the tranquil

surface of the lake, creating a picturesque scene.

"So. Why did you bring me out here? Is this the moment where you

finally propose to me?" She asked with a saucy wink but Ren didn't react

to her actions, looking thoughtful instead.

"No. But I have a gift for you."

"Gift. Oh, I love gifts." she exclaimed, her excitement mounting as she

wondered what Ren had in store for her. The last time he gave her a gift

was when he taught her the S-class Lightning Release Jutsu, Kirin.

"Here." Ren said and gave her a scroll. It was large, and heavy. Meaning

that there must a lot of stuff written inside it.

Ugh. She hated reading.

"What is it?" She asked, not caring to open it since she knew that Ren

would tell her anyway.

Ren didn't reply to her question. Instead, the very next instant, he

became enveloped in a burst of blue lightning. The blue chakra covered

his entire form like an etherial armour, with burst of lightning emanating

from it every now and then.

Her jaw fell.

"That's…" She tried to say something else but couldn't find any words.

"The Lightning Release Chakra Mode of the Raikage," Ren stated calmly,

nodding. "It took me a few days to replicate it after observing the Raikage

in battle. But I finally managed to figure out how it works."

"And you want to teach it to me?" She asked, hating how small her voice

sounded in that instant.

" Of course. You still need to refine your control over Lightning Release

Chakra, and we'll need to focus on strengthening your physical body.

However, once you've achieved proficiency in these areas, you should be

more than capable of mastering this jutsu," Ren explained.

"Oh…" She uttered before she knelt down and pulled him into a hug.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as buried her face into the crook of his

neck and sobbed. "Thank you. Thank you."

Ren hugged her back. "It's alright. Though... I have no idea why you're


She chuckled softly, wiping away her tears. "It's just that... the Lightning

Release Chakra Mode is often regarded as the pinnacle of Lightning

Release. And I've yet to encounter a Lightning Release user who didn't

aspire to master it. I was no exception. I just... never imagined that the

day would come when I would actually have the opportunity to learn it."

"I see." Ren said with a nod. "I must warn you that learning this Jutsu is

not going to be easy, even with my help. It might take you months, if not

years to learn it. And decades before you truly master it."

"If it was easy then it wouldn't have been worth the effort. I'm ready. As

long as I'm able to learn this Jutsu, I'll die a happy woman." she declared

with a cheesy grin, eliciting an eye roll from Ren.

"If you say so," Ren replied, turning away before beginning the walk back

to their home. "Come on. We'll commence your training tomorrow. Get

some rest while you can, because starting tomorrow, I'll be putting you

through hell."

She shivered at his words, in half fear and half arousal before she quickly

chased after him.

'Of course, dear husband.' She thought in her heart.


Mito Uzumaki POV

She sat and watched with some guilt as the children played around in the

new Playground that Ren had installed for them.

"They haven't stopped playing in the playground since you built it" he

informed Ren, who sat beside her in his Anbu Crow form. If her voice

cracked while speaking, Ren chose to overlook it.

"That's good," Ren remarked. "Teaching them Fuinjutsu from a young age

is commendable. However, it's important to intersperse studies with

games and free time. It not only serves as a reward for the children but

also helps keep their minds sharp while learning."

She nodded, composing herself. "Thanks for the food as well. The kids

seemed to have loved that Pizza of yours. As did their mothers."

Ren nodded, not saying anything and they fell into silence, simply

observing the kids.

After a long silence, she finally spoke up in a soft voice. "I feel like I've

destroyed their childhood."

Ren turned to look at her. "How so?"

"I kept them trapped in this small part of the village. I forced them to

learn Fuinjutsu despite their protests. I thought I was providing for them

adequately, when in reality, I was only offering the bare essentials for

survival." She said, her voice thick with emotion. "What kind of life have

I given them, if a simple Pizza and a small playground would cheer them

up so much."

Ren remained silent, simply putting a hand over her own as a show of

support and she sniffed.

"I thought I was protecting what was left of my family. When the only

thing I did was blindly chase after vengeance." She sighed deeply. "I

thought I was a good leader. But I neglected their basic needs for so


"You rescued them." Ren pointed out.

"Yes. And then I locked them inside a golden cage." Her lips pursed into a

thin like. "I wonder how many of them would even want to stay in

Uzushio once they're older."

Ren remained silent but that silence was an answer of its own.

She sighed. "Where did I go so wrong?"

"Taking someone's freedom and locking them up in one place is never a

good idea. Even if you're doing so for their own protection." Ren said,

squeezing her hand.

"I can see that now." She admitted, gazing up at the clouds. "I remember

back when Hashirama led Konoha. He made so many mistakes. And I'm

ashamed to admit that I sometimes joined Tobirama in criticising him.I

thought governing a hidden village would be simple. It turns out, I can't

even lead a small group without messing it all up. What a great fool I


"You got too distracted with your vengeance. But now that you have it,

you can focus on become a better leader." Ren said.

"Can I? Can I really?" She asked bitterly.

"We all learn from our mistakes. Some just do it later than others."

That got a chuckle out of her. "Are you calling me a slow learner, Ren?"

"…yes. Yes I am."

She began chuckling, and Ren soon joined in. After they had quieted

down, she spoke up again. "I'm considering returning to Konoha."

Ren looked at her, and despite his mask, she could sense his surprise.

"No. I'll not return to Konoha. Not until I've had my vengeance against

Iwa as well. But, I don't want these children living inside a cage and

growing resentful of me simply because I'm too afraid to let them out into

the world." She sighed. "I allowed fear to dictate my actions once, but I

refuse to let it do so again. Will you help me with this?"

"You want me to take them back to Konoha?"

"Yes. Tsunade would give them a home in the Senju lands. I have no

doubt about that. But… look after them?"

"You're not coming with them to Konoha?"

"I will. Eventually. But I want to complete my revenge first. Besides, I

don't think I'm ready just yet."

"We're never truly ready to take the big steps in our lives." Ren told her.

"But very well. I'll take them back to Konoha. When do you want me to

do it?"

"After Konoha has made peace with Kumo and Iwa."

"…very well."


Minato Namikaze POV

A few months later.

"Is there really nothing you can do?" He asked, despair filling his voice.

Jiraiya squeezed his shoulder in support but for once in his life, that

gesture brought him no comfort.

"I'm afraid not." Tsunade said, giving him a sympathetic look and he

covered his face with his hands, tears slowly forming in his eyes.

"Why did this happen? We've already won, haven't we? Why did Iwa do

this?" He asked.

"We're still not certain that it was Iwa who did this, even though they're

the most probable suspect," his sensei explained, but the words seemed to

hold little meaning for him. It felt as though he were underwater, hearing

but unable to fully grasp the significance of what was being said.

"The Hashirama cells. Can't they-" He started to ask but Tsunade put a

hand on his shoulder, shaking her head before he could even complete

his question.

"The Hashirama cells do not have enough nerves to function in place for

your penis." Tsunade said and it felt like the world was spinning around

him. "Besides, the main problem is in your testicles. And the Hashirama

cells are nowhere near advanced enough to replace 'them'. This poison is

called Bloodline Killer for a good reason, Minato."

"Is there anything you can do?" he inquired, but the shake of Tsunade's

head dashed any hope he had, bringing it crashing down to the ground.

"I'm sorry Minato." Tsunade said before she picked up her Iryojutsu

equipment and left.

He leaned back on the bed and cried. "God. What am I going to tell

Kushina? She is going to be devastated. Would she even want to be with

me anymore?"

"Don't say that Minato." Jiraiya Sensei rebuked him and he let out a

hollow laugh.

"It's the truth Sensei. What woman would want to remain married to a

man who cannot even give her any children. Or have sex with her. How

long until she gets tired of me and leaves me for someone else?"

"She married you for love Minato. And you did give her a daughter." His

Sensei reminded him.

"I don't know if I can do this Sensei." He said before the despair inside

him slowly gave way to anger. "Why? Why would Iwa do this? Didn't

Onoki say that he wanted peace?"

"I don't know about you Minato, but if Onoki really wanted peace, then

he wouldn't have plunged his village into three Shinobi wars, one after

another." His Sensei said.

He sighed heavily. "You're right, Sensei. I was foolish to believe that

others desire peace as much as I do. But why target me in this way? What

would this accomplish? Wouldn't it have been simpler to administer a

lethal poison to end me?"

"We still can't confirm if it was truly Iwa behind this," his Sensei said,

though even he himself sounded doubtful.

"Who else could it be? I attended a meeting with them, and shortly after,

this happened. I'm not a fool, Sensei. And neither are you," he responded.

His Sensei remained silent and the anger within him grew and grew until

it became a towering inferno, making him seethe in rage.

"You know what. Very well. If war is what Onoki wants, then that's what

I'll give to him."


"No, Sensei. You just mentioned how Iwa initiated all three wars against

Konoha, even when we sought no conflict with them. It's high time we

repay their actions with interest," he declared resolutely.

"Minato. You're angry. You're not thinking properly."

"No, Sensei. My mind is clear. In fact, things have never been clearer to

me than they are now. The other villages perceive us as weak, attacking

us without consequence. And when they're done, they simply walk away.

And instead of seeking retribution, we sign peace treaties with them, like

spineless cowards," he asserted.

"Minato, please listen to-"

"No. I've listened to you my entire like Sensei. Now for once, please,

listen to me."

Jiraiya gazed at him, his expression a mixture of pleading and despair,

which tugged at his heartstrings. However, he knew that this had to be

done. This act of treachery needed to be repaid.

"Go and gather all the military commanders. If Iwa wants war, then that's

exactly what I'll give them!"

"Is there nothing I can say to change your mind." Sensei asked, looking


"No." He said. "Not anymore."

Jiraiya Sensei held his gaze for a prolonged moment before closing his

eyes in defeat. When he reopened them, he simply nodded. "As my

Hokage commands," he said, then exited the tent.

A moment later, all the rage left his body and despair filled him once

again. 'God. What am I going to tell Kushina?' He thought once again but

no answer came to him.

The only thing he knew right now, was that he was going to make Iwa

pay for this mistake. And he'll make them pay dearly.


Obito POV

"It is done."

"What's done? Madara." Nagato asked him, looking as emaciated as ever

while Konan stood beside him like a protective guardian.

"The peace talks between Konoha and Iwa are over. They're at war again.

The Hokage executed all of Iwa's prisoners this morning in front of their

entire army to make a statement."

"Oh. And how did you manage to achieve that?"

"Just a spoonful of poison in the right cup." He said, taking credit for the

deed, even though it was Black Zetsu who orchestrated the plan and

White Zetsu who carried it out.

"Hmm... Onoki was a fool for rejecting our offer of alliance. Now that

they're at war again, they'll have no option but to enlist our aid for their

own defense," Nagato mused, speaking more to himself than anyone else.

"However... have you uncovered the identities of the two people who

attacked the Land of Lightning and killed the Raikage?"

"Unfortunately, no," he admitted. "Sasori had been responsible for

overseeing all intelligence in the Land of Lightning. And with him

gone..." He trailed off, leaving the implication hanging that this lapse in

information was Nagato's own fault, rather than that of Zetsu.

He was well aware of the identity of the Crow Anbu. It was none other

than Ren Uchiha, a boy who seemed to be gaining power at an alarming

rate. However, the identity of the other individual still eluded him.

Initially, he had suspected her to be Kushina Uzumaki, but extensive

investigation by Black and White Zetsu unveiled that she was someone

entirely different. The fact that Zetsu still hadn't managed to uncover the

woman's identity frustrated both of them to no end.

"Hmm... it doesn't matter," Nagato replied. "We've already accomplished

our objective of reigniting this war. With Konoha now occupied battling

Iwa once more, we can redirect our attention to gathering the Tailed


"What about Kumo?" Konan interjected suddenly. "Can't we manipulate

them into fighting Konoha as well?"

"The leading candidate for the next Raikage is Killer Bee, the Jinchuriki

of the 8 tails. And despite the death of his brother, it seems like Killer Bee

wants to pursue peace with Konoha and focus on repairing his home and

country." He said. "The only way we can force them to war is by

assassinating him and getting another candidate to take the Raikage's


Nagato looked thoughtful for a moment before he took a deep breath. "In

that case, I'll attack Kumo myself and Capture the 8 tails."

"Won't that be jumping the line too much. Shouldn't we take the other

tailed beasts first?" He asked.

"Targeting others initially would have been ideal, but we'll work with

what we have," Nagato stated. "First, we'll capture the Eight-Tails and

compel Kumo to resume hostilities with Konoha. Then, we'll pursue the

One-Tail and Seven-Tails. After that, if you're capable, we'll pursue the

Six-Tails. Finally, we'll go after the Tailed Beasts held by Konoha and


"Very well then. I'll await the news of your victory against Kumo." He

said, wondering if Nagato would actually be able to do as he said, or if

he'll fail.

Neither outcome concerned him. If Nagato emerged victorious, their plan

would advance. And if Nagato failed, he would claim those eyes and

proceed along this path himself.


AN: The fact that Minato got poisoned with the poison seemed to have

upset some of my Patreon readers. So I'll explain a few things here before

you guys become upset as well.

I wanted this entire situation to be a test for Ren. A moral decision, so to

speak. To either take advantage of situation and make Kushina his waifu.

Or help Minato instead.

Ren wants Kushina, there is no doubt about that. And if she was the wife

of an enemy then he would waste no time in snatching her up. But she is

Minato's wife. And Minato is a bro. So Ren will instead choose to help

heal Minato.

Bros before hoes and all that.

Hope this explain things.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 38- Serving as Temporary


Pakura POV

"It has been more than a month since she was confined to this dim,

solitary cell. Guilt and remorse being her own companion.

'Why did I do it?' She asked herself for the thousandth time. 'Why did I go

back there? Why couldn't I control my anger?'

Launching an assault on Suna was never part of the plan. Their sole

objective was to utilize Sasori's spies to infiltrate and capture Gaara

before making a swift escape.

Maybe they would've fought a few shinobi out, and a few more who gave

chase. But that would be it. Nothing too bloody.

But then… Rasa joined the battle, and the moment she laid eyes on him,

she saw red. The next thing she knew, she was trying to kill an injured

Rasa, while everyone in the village did their best to protect him.

She recalled the intense fury she experienced at that moment. The

overwhelming sense of betrayal she felt as those shinobi opted to shield

Rasa, the man who had betrayed her and orchestrated her death. It was

this seething rage that drove her to retaliate in kind, by reducing them all

to ashes.

Years of hatred that she'd buried deep in her heart came loose in that

instant, and Suna burned for it.

So many people… So many innocents and children.

'I should've never gone back there.' she lamented, haunted by the

devastating consequences of her actions.

The most agonizing aspect of it all was that despite her efforts, Rasa still

managed to survive. She'd killed everyone. Everyone, except the one she

wanted to kill.

The only silver lining about this entire thing was that Sasori hadn't

betrayed her and had helped her fight the villagers. But he too, had only

done so in order to collect new bodies for his 'art'.

'And now, Sasori's probably dead as well. Or captured just like me.' She

thought. 'At least Gaara survived. The poor baby.'

The thought would seem odd to others, considering that she'd been the

one who kidnapped Gaara in the first place. Nevertheless, she found

solace in the fact that the baby survived, and didn't became a victim of

her monstrous actions.


The dark and silence of the cell did nothing good for her mental health,

but it gave her ample time for introspection and self-reflection.

Looking back now, she realised just how many morals she had sacrificed

over the years, all in the pursuit of survival and eventual retribution

against those who betrayed her. By the time she looked back and fully

comprehended the extent of her actions, she couldn't recognise the

person she'd become anymore.

The Pakura that she once knew, the one that was hailed as the hero of

Suna, would never have stooped to sacrificing an innocent baby just so

she could continue living her pathetic life.

'Was any of it truly worth it?' she pondered, yet found herself devoid of


'I should've died the day I was betrayed.' She lamented ruefully. 'That

would've been for the best. For everyone else, and for me.'

She hated Suna. Hated it ever since her own team mates betrayed her

and left her for dead. And even after exacting her revenge, a part of her

still held onto that hatred. Yet, it was also her home once, a place where

her parents had nurtured her with love and care. It was a place that had

once celebrated her as its hero. A place where she had comrades, and a

dear student.

'Are any one them still alive? Or did I kill everyone with my own two

hands?' She wondered morosely. 'I should've never gone back there.'

Her thoughts abruptly ceased as the sound of her prison door being

unlocked pierced the silence. With a screech, it swung open, allowing a

faint glow to penetrate her cell from beyond, revealing the silhouettes of

those who had finally come to visit her.

The Yamanaka mind reader. Some pineapple haired guy. And… the

young boy who had defeated her. Ren Uchiha.

Even a month later, she couldn't get over the fact that she was defeated

by a boy twenty years her junior. That a boy so young, could be so

incredibly strong.

No wonder the other villages had declared war on Konoha. By the time

Ren Uchiha grows up, there will be no force capable of stopping him in

the entire Elemental Nations.

She tried to open her mouth to speak but found her jaw and the rest of

her body being seized by a dark hand, rising from the shadow of the

pineapple head. Ahh… a Nara. She had faced enough of them during the

Third Shinobi War to be well-acquainted with their Shadow techniques.

"No need for that, Shikaku," Ren interjected, prompting the Shadow user

to release her body, granting her control once more.

After working her jaw for a moment, she fixed her gaze on the red,

hypnotic eyes of Ren Uchiha and inquired, "What do you want from me

now? I've already told you everything."

"I do not really care about any of that."Ren replied, his fingers lifting her

chin as he examined her face and then scanned the rest of her body.

"Shoddy seal work." he remarked, more to himself than to her.

"What then? Are you here to torture me for your own amusement?" she

asked, attempting to force a grin but managing only a grimace.

"Not my kink." He said casually before a soothing green light radiated

from his palm and covered her entire body, healing every cut, bruise, and

sore spots.

She released a sigh of relief as the boy finished healing, then tested her

body's movements and quickly realised that she felt as good as she did

before her capture. Perhaps even better.

"An Iryojutsu master along with being a prodigious fighter. You Konoha

guys truly know how to raise monsters, don't you." She remarked with a

chuckle before she met Ren's eyes, ignoring every instinct warning her

against meeting the gaze of an Uchiha. "So… what's next. Gonna make an

example out of me in front of the entire village. Or would you trade me

back to Suna for some benefits?"

"Neither," Ren replied firmly as he unlocked the manacles binding her

arms. "You're coming with me, to my home."

"Do I have a say in this?" she inquired as Ren reached down to unlock the

manacles binding her legs.

"Yes. You can choose to die." The boy said.

"Then that's what I choose." She said without a moment's hesitation. It's

the least of what she deserved after all she has done.

Ren paused, staring at her for a long moment before sighing and shaking

his head. He resumed unlocking her manacles. "In that case, no, you don't

get a choice."

She chuckled. "So young, and already deceiving helpless women. You'll

grow up to be a fine shinobi one day." She cooed, hoping the anger him,

but the boy simply ignored her.

"We're done here. I'll take her back with me. Thanks Inoichi, for being

careful with her. And thanks Shikaku, for not raising too much of a fuss."

"You were the one who captured her. You don't need to thank us for

anything, Ren-sama." Her mind reader replied, being very respectful.

"Troublesome." The other man replied, getting a chuckle out Ren. And


A blinding light assaulted her eyes and she let out a curse before curling

up on the ground.

"Ah, sorry about that. I forgot you've been in darkness for a month" Ren

said and a moment later, the soothing green light covered her once again,

healing the damage to her eyes and helping her adjust to her new


She cautiously opened her eyes and found herself lying on soft, green

grass. As she rose to her feet, she noticed they were now in a different


'How?' she pondered, and the answer struck her immediately. The boy

must have used Hiraishin to bring them here. Wherever 'here' was.

Surveying her surroundings, she spotted a beautiful log mansion atop a

hill, overlooking a garden teeming with verdant plants and a cobblestone

path winding its way toward a shimmering lake.

In the distance, she could make out a fairly expansive training ground.

Half of it was occupied by Ren's Shadow Clones, engaged in various

elemental chakra training. On the other side, she noticed a woman she

recognised as Ringo Ameyuri and a silver-haired teenage boy who bore a

striking resemblance to Sakumo Hatake. Both training their Lightning

chakra control.

It was a peaceful place with a picturesque view. But she still didn't know

why she was brought here. So she decided to do the wise thing and ask.

"Why have you brought me here?" she inquired.

"To live and atone for your sins," the boy replied, motioning for her to

follow as he began walking toward the house. She complied, falling into

step beside him. "You carry guilt for your actions in Suna, and you seek

death as a form of redemption. However, your death won't rectify the

harm you've caused to the people you've wronged," he continued, his

words carrying a weight of truth.

"I don't need a lecture from a little boy." She snapped.

Ren paused and turned to stare at her. "This little boy will bend you over

the knee and spank your ass the next time you disrespect him.


Something in his eyes told him that he was being serious and she wisely

decided to not push the issue.

She didn't mind dying if only to be free of the guilt haunting her since

that day. But she didn't want to be bent over and get spanked by a young


Despite everything, she was still an S-class kunoichi, goddammit. She had

her pride.

So she nodded and shifted the conversation. "What about Sasori? Did you

defeat him?"

"He died fighting Kushina Sensei. The red haired woman who was with


"I understand," she replied, surprised by the twinge of sadness she felt at

Sasori's demise. Though they were not friends, they hailed from the same

village and had been comrades for some time. "So, what is it that you

want from me?"

"I want you to live, to atone for your sins. Not because I want you to do it

but because you desire it yourself. Otherwise, the overwhelming guilt

you're feeling will eat you from inside out, leaving you a hollow shell of

yourself." The boy said, staring at her.

She averted her gaze, resenting how accurate his words felt.

"And how do you want me to do that?" She asked.

"You hurt and killed thousands of people in that attack on Suna. Now,

help thousands of people with your actions.It won't absolve your sins, for

good deeds do not erase the bad. But it may help you find peace within


She sighed, frustrated by the simplicity yet truth in his words. "What

else? It can't be that simple."

"It is. But there's more." The boy said before they finally entered the log

mansion and she took a glance at the living room.

It felt warm and cozy, resembling a true home unlike the caves, tents,

and taverns she had to stay in for the past few years.

She tore her gaze from the captivating sight before her and directed her

attention to Ren. "What do you mean?" she inquired.

The boy motioned for her to follow him inside the house as he continued

speaking. "Given that I was the one who apprehended you, I have the

authority to dictate your fate."

"Alright... and?" she prompted.

"And I've chosen to include you in my harem," the boy declared with a

completely straight face.

She blinked, taken aback by his words. "Hold on. You have a harem?"

The boy nodded. "Ringo Ameyuri and Mei Terumi have already agreed to

join. And both of them are S-class Kunoichi. If you agree as well, you'd be

the third S-class kunoichi in my harem."

"A harem of S-class kunoichi." She mumbled to herself, wondering when

was the last time she ever heard of something so absurd. "How did you

manage to convince them to be part of this foolishness?"

"I beat them up pretty good. And then asked nicely." The boy replied


She couldn't help it. She burst out into laughter. A full belly laughter that

started hurting her sides before she managed to regain composure.

She looked at the boy again. Truly looked at him.

A very powerful shinobi, with a lot of influence and wealth, if this house

and the property around it was anything to go by. And he was still only a

boy. Not even an adult. What kind of man would he become by the time

he grows up.

The answer was simple. The god of shinobi.

Hmm… she could definitely see why those two accepted his offer.

Especially Ringo, who was getting old and probably didn't have any

better prospects in her life.

...and like Ringo, she didn't have any better prospects either. The only

reason why she's still not confined in that dark cell, or been turned into a

broodmare that can pop our powerful Scorch Release babies for Konoha

is because Ren vouched for her.

If she refused his offer, then where would she be? What other choices did

she have?

Well... the other realistic choice she had, would be going back to serve in

the Akatsuki. The very organisation that asked her to kidnap a baby so

that it could be sacrificed.

Apart from that, she could opt to embark on her own path and start her

life as a rogue kunoichi. However, this choice would inevitably lead to

being relentlessly pursued by the Akatsuki, as well as by numerous

bounty hunters eager to claim the sizeable bounty that Suna would place

on her head following her recent actions.

She thought on it for a while and realised that no, she didn't really have

any other choice either.

And now that she thought about it, being the wife of the future God of

Shinobi wasn't really such a bad prospect.

And the boy wasn't that bad looking either. He was cute and would

undoubtedly grow up to be a handsome young man.

Rich, powerful, influential, and handsome. What reason did she have to

really reject him? Especially when she had so few other options.

"Beating up older women and asking them nicely to join your harem.

Does that usually work for you?" She asked.

"It has worked thus far," Ren remarked, eliciting a chuckle from her.

"Well then, it looks like it'll work again." She said before she leaned down

and planted a kiss on her cheeks.


Ren Uchiha POV

The next day.

He sat on the Hokage's seat and gazed at the messenger with utter


"What do you mean Konoha is launching an all-out offensive against Iwa?

Weren't we engaged in peace talks with them just a few days ago?" he


"That we did. Until Onoki decided to poison Minato-sama." The

messenger said, and there was genuine anger in his voice.

Understandable, as Minato was really well loved in the village.

"Poisoned? Is he alright now?" he inquired, aware that Minato shouldn't

be in grave danger given that Tsunade-Sensei was with him, but worried


"He is, but the poison left some... permanent damage. Minato-sama has

chosen to invade the Land of Earth to demonstrate that treachery of this

nature will not be tolerated," the messenger declared with genuine

fervour before handing over a scroll. "Hokage-sama has assigned you the

role of Temporary Hokage and Protector of Konoha for the duration of

this campaign."

His expression fell upon hearing the news.

In his mind, this task of "Protecting Konoha" was only meant to be

temporary, lasting a few days or a few weeks at most until Minato's


Now… it might last indefinitely.

"Is this some kind of joke?" he asked, turning to Shikaku for confirmation.

"I do not think so, Ren-sama," Shikaku responded politely.


For the first time ever, he found himself utterly speechless. "He expects

me, a 6-year-old, to act as the temporary Hokage. How is this not a joke?

Sure, I may be powerful, but I'm still just a child. Who would take me


"I would. And considering that I'm the Jounin-commander of Konoha, I

doubt any Jounin would ever dare disrespect you." Shikaku replied

instantly. "Inoichi and Choza also hold you in great respect. As does

Fugaku-san. And while you might not be aware of this, the other clan

heads have also heard of some of your accomplishments.Your reputation

has already spread among the citizens of Konoha. Moreover, you are the

esteemed student of both Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama. I would be

very surprised if someone raised a voice against you, Ren-sama. So

please, rest assured. No one would look down on you due to your age."

"This… this doesn't feel right. Why do I feel like this is a trap?" He asked,

his eyes narrowing suspiciously. Is Minato, that bastard, trying to trap

him in the Hokage's position?.

"It's all in your mind, Ren-sama." Shikaku said with an all too innocent


He gave the Hokage's advisor a really suspicious look before he

remembered something else.

"Oh, have you informed Kushina-Sensei about her husband's poisoning?"

He asked and the messenger shook his head.

"I was only tasked with delivering this message to you, Ren-sama."

"And did any other messengers come with you?" he pressed, and the

messenger shook his head once more.

"Not to my knowledge, Ren-sama."

He sighed. "In that case, I'll go and speak with Kushina-Sensei myself."

As he rose from his seat to go and talk with her, Shikaku cleared his


He shot the man another suspicious glance. "What?"

"You're serving as the temporary Hokage now, Ren-sama. The Hokage

doesn't seek out others for conversation; they come to him. Otherwise, it

diminishes the prestige of the position." Shikaku explained.

He shot Shikaku a deadpan expression. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, Ren-sama. The Hokage cannot be seen running around the village

whenever he wants to meet someone. Even his own Sensei."

"I'm not the Hokage," he groaned. "But fine. I'll just go and meet her after

I'm done here."

"If that is all, Ren-sama?" The messenger asked with a bow.

"Yes, you're dismissed. Thanks for your service."

The messenger gave another bow before he turned and walked out of the

room. And as soon as he was gone, he fixed his gaze on Shikaku and

glared at him.

"So… Shikaku."

"Yes, Ren-sama?" Shikaku asked, sweating a bit under his intense glare.

"Explain. Everything. Now."


The door opened and instead of the expected face of Kushina, he came

face to face with Mikoto instead.

"Yo, Mikoto-san. Nice to see you here. But where's Kushina-Sensei?" he

inquired as he was welcomed into the house.

"Good to see you too, Ren-kun. Kushina is upstairs with Naruko and

Satsuki. Please, follow me," Mikoto-san replied, leading him to the

second-floor bedroom where Kushina was currently grappling with two

crying toddlers, appearing rather disheveled.

"Oh, Mikoto. Who was at the—" Kushina began, then paused upon

noticing him. "Ren! Please, help me with Naruko and Satsuki-chan," she

pleaded, a look of desperation in her eyes.

"Of course Sensei." He said and then used his Chakra Threads of pick up

the two toddler and make them move around the room.

In a matter of seconds, the children went from crying to displaying looks

of confused awe. Soon, giggles filled the air as he used another Chakra

Thread to tickle them.

Kushina gazed at him with envy before flopping onto the pillow and

kicking her legs in a fit, like a teenage girl throwing a tantrum.

He tried his best not to stare at her ass.

Being an adult in a child's body was hard, as older women often did stuff

like this in front of him that they would never do in front of an older guy.

"Ugh. Ren-kun makes this look so easy." Kushina grumbled, lifting her

head from the pillow to shoot him a dissatisfied pout.

"Fufufu. Come now Kushina. It's not that bad." Mikoto chuckled as she

settled beside Kushina, watching the two airborne children with

amusement. "Plus, I'm quite certain Ren-kun has something to share with


"Hm... he does?" Kushina inquired, casting him a curious glance.

"Of course. Otherwise, how would he ever take the time from his overly

busy schedule to come and two us two old women." Mikoto said with a

theatrical sigh, making Kushina's eyes light up as her inner drama queen

raised her ugly head.

"Exactly! Ren! How dare you neglect to visit me even once in the past

month?" Kushina demanded with a mock scrutinising gaze.

He met her gaze with a deadpan expression of his own and replied, "In

case you've forgotten, Kushina-Sensei, we're currently at war. And you

yourself were fighting in the Konoha-Kumo front until recently."

"Ugh." Kushina ducked her head, as if she'd just remembered that and

gave him a silly apologetic smile.

"And besides," he added, his eyes narrowing at her, "whenever I come

here to see you, you always assign me to babysit Naruko. For the entire


"But… but… I thought you loved Naruko-chan." Kushina said with

another fake pout.

He huffed in response, gently setting down both toddlers in his arms,

their tiny figures appearing large in his six-year-old grip.

"Of course I love Naruko-chan. It's you who keeps annoying me." He said

and then adopted a serious expression. "Besides… I come with bad news

this time."

"Oh. What's the news?" Mikoto asked, putting a hand on Kushina's

shoulder for support.

"Minato-san was poisoned," he announced, choosing to disclose the

information immediately. Before Kushina could fully process those words,

he pressed on, "But he's stable now. Tsunade-Sensei is taking care of


"Oh," Kushina responded, looking dumbfounded before her expression

hardened. "And who was responsible for poisoning him?"

"We don't have definitive evidence of the culprit. And that's where the

second piece of unfortunate news comes in," he explained. "There's

suspicion that Iwa might be the culprit, given Minato-san's personal

negotiation with Onoki before he got poisoned."

There was also the whole 'permanent damage' stuff that the messenger

told him about. But he had no idea what that even was. It could be a

minor change in skin colour for all he knew, or a loss of hair, so he

decided to leave it out for now.

Minato could explain that to Kushina on his own when he returns.

"Onoki using poison, especially during a peace talk? That doesn't sound

like him at all," Mikoto muttered to herself.

He shrugged. "I'm not familiar enough with Onoki to make a judgment.

But I do know he's under immense pressure at the moment. Desperate

men sometimes resort to desperate measures. Regardless, whether he's

responsible or not, the outcome remains the same. Minato-san is

convinced they're behind it. And intends to punish them for this


"Oh. Does that mean we're back at war with Iwa?" Mikoto asked.

"Yes. Though unlike last time, Konoha will be the one invading the Land

of Earth this time."

"Oh, Minato," Kushina sighed, burying her face back into the pillow as

Mikoto offered her a comforting side-hug.

"My husband did inform me that he and the Uchiha clansmen stationed at

the Kumo frontline are being redeployed to the Iwa frontline, but I

assumed it was merely a precautionary measure," Mikoto disclosed.

"Minato-san is sending our clansmen into the Land of Earth?" He asked in

surprise as he hadn't known about that. "Man, he must be really pissed at

Iwa this time."

"Poisoning a fellow Kage during peace negotiations would enrage

anyone." Mikoto said thoughtfully. "However… if Minato is still at the

frontline, then who has he left in charge of the village? Is one of the

Sannin coming back to serve as the temporary Hokage."

He let out a deep sigh at that. "Yeah… about that."

After a deep explanation about his current situation.

"I can't believe Shikaku fooled you like that." Mikoto said, but instead of

looking annoyed on his behalf, she looked highly amused. The traitor. No

more future babysitting services for you.

"Eh, I'm more of a figurehead than anything. The majority of the work is

still handled by Shikaku and the rest of the staff. I'm mainly there to

protect the village in case we get attacked." he explained, handing the

now-calm toddlers back to Kushina and Mikoto. "But I still don't like the

fact that they're trying to groom me for this position."

"Why not?" Mikoto inquired, her smile barely concealed. "I think you'd

look quite dashing wearing the Hokage's hat, Ren-kun. Besides, the

Hokage's main responsibility is to safeguard the village. And you're

already fulfilling that duty."

"Paperwork. So much paperwork." He said, recalling the look of despair

on Minato's face as he was forced to deal with a mountain of paperwork.

"Can't you just use Shadow Clones to handle the paperwork?" Kushina

suggested. "I mean, Minato and past Hokages avoided it because of the

risk of overworking and getting migraines. But as far as I can remember,

you don't seem to have that issue."

That… was a fair point.

"Besides." Kushina continued. "A Hokage is the most important person in

the village.If you become one, all the girls will be chasing after you. And

isn't it your dream to have a large harem?"

"My dream is to have a harem of S-class Kunoichis." He said with a

derisive snort. "I have standards you know. I won't take just anyone."

Mikoto chuckled at his words. "I still can't believe you can say all that

with a straight face. Besides, if the allure of girls doesn't sway you,

consider this: as a Hokage, you'd have unrestricted access to all the

Forbidden Jutsus housed in Konoha. Doesn't that tempt you?"

"I'm confident that I'll be able to develop most of those Forbidden Jutsu

myself eventually. So, not really." He said. "Besides, being a Hokage is a

massive time sink. So it would clash against my true goal of having a

harem since I won't be able to give enough time to my wives."

He had committed the grave sin of seeing the start of Baruto, after all.

And he saw how being a Hokage ended for Naruto. Not having enough

time for his own family.

He didn't want that fate for himself, especially considering that much of

his power came from purchasing abilities from the Waifu Catalog. And he

can only buy more abilities in the future if he had more points. Points

that he can only earn by having his harem fall in love with him.

Yeah, becoming a Hokage might sound enticing to someone else. But to

him, it just sounded like a waste of time. A way to hinder his own


"You and your dream of having a harem," Mikoto remarked with an

exasperated sigh. "Well, if you're not interested, you're not interested. No

one can force this position on you. Just firmly tell that to Shikaku, and

he'll back off."

He nodded. "If there's nothing else then I'll take my leave." And before

either of them could ask him to babysit their babies, he used Hiraishin to

return back to his home.

The village was currently being guarded by over a hundred of his

Shadow Clones, so he didn't need to remain on alert himself.

If anything went awry, his Clones would either manage the situation

themselves or notify him if they couldn't handle it, and he'll go and deal

with it himself.


AN: There's a huge conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes in Konoha. A

conspiracy to make Ren Uchiha the next Hokage of Konoha. Even if Ren

himself has no interest in that position. Poor guy. Let's see if this

conspiracy will find any success or not.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 39- Invasion of Land of


Shisui Uchiha POV

"One last lap. Come on! Only a hundred more meters and then you can

rest! Keep going. Go! Go! Go!" urged Ren's Shadow Clone from behind

her, as she disregarded the pain in her legs and the struggle to breathe,

sprinting towards the finish line at full throttle.

After crossing the finish line, she collapsed, her legs giving out beneath

her. Ren swiftly caught her before she could faceplant, then dispelled the

effects of the Restraint Seal enveloping her body, causing her to suddenly

feel as light as a feather.

"Well done, Shisui. You've shattered another record. This time by 0.13

seconds. Congratulations," Ren remarked, gently carrying her to a nearby

mattress and laying her down beside Mei, who was receiving an Iryojutsu

massage from a clone after her own intense training session.

Ren let her catch her breath and relax before he covered her entire body

with a soothing green chakra, initiating his unique massage technique.

She sensed his chakra permeating her body swiftly, its touch becoming a

gentle massage that worked through every muscle, loosening tension and

promoting healing.

No, not healing, but accelerating the recovery of her muscles and

tendons, ensuring that instead of the usual few days it would take to

recover from such intense training, she would be fully recuperated within

an hour, primed and prepared for further training.

She had been warned that intense training of this nature often resulted in

side effects and premature aging. However, Ren assured her that his

newly developed Yang Release Iryojutsu didn't have any such problems.

And she believed Ren more than the elders who warned her against this

sort of training.

Her confidence in Ren stemmed from the significant progress she had

witnessed in herself since beginning her training under him. Ren assured

her that at this rate of improvement, she would be capable of challenging

S-class opponents within a year.

The prospect of becoming an S-class Kunoichi at the age of Eleven

thrilled her, yet the daunting regimen of training required to attain such

a title also filled her with trepidation.

But she knew that the results would definitely be worth it, so she pushed

herself through the training without any complaints.

The warm and comforting sensation of the Iryojutsu massage, and the

exhaustion from the daily training eventually lulled her to sleep. And she

woke up to Ren snapping his fingers before her face.

Rising from the mattress, she noticed that Mei had resumed her training,

skillfully traversing the lake on her hands while balancing a heavy log

upon her legs.

By the sage, Ren certainly devised the most unconventional training

methods. However, she had long ceased to question his approaches,

recognising their superior effectiveness compared to the conventional

training she had undergone before encountering him.

"So… what's the next training set?" She asked the Shadow Clone.

"Nothing. Take a break, boss wants to meet you in the library."

"Oh, okay." She said, surprised by this as Ren never cut her training short

like this. If he did, it must be due to some important reason.

She quickly went back into the house and then went over to the recently

constructed library that was still only a third filled with scrolls and


She spotted Ren seated by a window, engrossed in what appeared to be

an ancient scroll. "Ren." She said as she went to stand beside him.

"Sit." He said, gesturing toward a nearby chair as he stowed the scroll

away in his Inventory.

"The Clone said you want to see me?" She asked, suddenly feeling a bit

nervous due to Ren's somber expression. Ren usually wasn't so serious. If

he was, it signified that something significant was imminent.

"I did." Ren said with a nod before he flicked his finger, enveloping their

surroundings in a Fuinjutsu barrier. "Don't worry. This is just a

precaution against prying eyes and ears. Now tell me, what do know

about the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan?"

"Um... not much, really," she admitted, caught off guard by the sudden

shift in topic. "I know our ancestor, Madara Uchiha, is rumored to have

possessed Mangekyo Sharingan eyes that never dimmed, so I assume

that's what you're referring to as the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. But

beyond that, nothing."

And if Madara Uchiha was the only person who had the Eternal

Mangekyo Sharingan eyes, then it made sense that so few people knew

about it, considering the taboo surrounding the name "Madara Uchiha"

within the clan. However, Ren seemed to care little about such things.

"Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is the next stage of the standard Mangekyo

Sharingan. And the precursor to Rinnegan, which is the last stage of the

Sharingan eyes." He said, and she blinked, wondering if she'd heard right

and wasn't hallucinating this entire conversation.

"You're saying that the Mangekyo Sharingan has two more evolutions?"

She asked, finding it difficult to grasp such a concept.

"As far as my knowledge extends, yes. However, even I am uncertain

about the 'true' origin of Chakra in our universe. It's entirely possible that

there are further stages of evolution beyond what I currently know and

understand." Ren replied.

"That's… a lot to take in." She said, slumping back on her chair. "Though,

what did you mean by the 'True' Origin of Chakra?"

"I'll tell you when we're stronger. For now, let me tell you about how an

Uchiha can evolve his eyes to Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and beyond.

Listen closely, for I'll not repeat myself."

She nodded eagerly, and in the ensuing minutes, Ren explained the entire

process by which Sharingan eyes undergo their evolution.

"So… Madara Uchiha took his brother's eyes in order to evolve his own

eyes?" She asked, feeling horrified that someone could do such a thing to

his own brother.

"No, Madara's brother willingly bestowed his eyes upon him in his final

moments. Though I can see why you would think otherwise with how

Madara's reputation has been distorted and tainted over the generations."

"But… wasn't Madara an evil guy? I mean, he did try to destroy Konoha,

and would've succeeded as well if not for the First Hokage."

"Perhaps. But I didn't bring you here to discuss morality of a dead man.

Tell me, is there anything else you want to ask about?"

"Yeah. Why do we need Lord Hashirama's cells to awaken the Rinnegan. I

mean, I get it that he was very powerful. But what does that have to do

with us?"

"That's because the Uchiha and Senju clans share a common ancestor.

And that ancestor was none other than the Sage of Six Paths." Ren

revealed, startling her once again.

"Wait a minute. The Sage of Six Paths was real?"

"Yes, and we're his descendants. That's why, by combining the pinnacle of

the Sharingan with the apex of Senju power, you unlock the eyes of the

Sage himself: the Rinnegan," Ren explained, then utilised Genjutsu to

project an image of an man with purple eyes and a pitch black pupils

adorned with concentric black rings around them.

"I see." She murmerred, her entire understanding of the world turned on

its head. Then she realised something. "Why tell me all this? I mean, I

don't have any siblings or parents, making it impossible for me to ever

evolve my eyes into the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan."

"Because I cannot say with absolute certainty that you only need the

Mangekyo Sharingan eyes of a close relative to evolve your eyes. What if

the eyes of a distant relative will do the same? What if-"

"-giving your eyes would help me evolve mine." She finished for him,

realising the true reason he'd called for her.

"Yes. Because if this works, I could assist not only you but also Fugaku-

san. And any other Mangekyo Sharingan wielder in the clan. Plus Itachi,

if she ever awakens her own Mangekyo Sharingan eyes."

"I see. So what do you want me to do?" She asked, now feeling far more

eager than before.

Ren chuckled at her newfound enthusiasm. "I want you to complete the

training regimen I've devised for you."

And just like that, all her enthusiasm bled away. "But… that would take

an entire year." She said with a pout.

"That it would." Ren said, amusement shining through his eyes. "But as it

stands, your chakra is heavily imbalanced toward Yin. No doubt a result

of you unlocking Mangekyo Sharingan at such a young age. Unlocking

your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan would only further exacerbate this

imbalance and might cause you some trouble in the future. So I want you

to work on your physique and increase your Yang chakra before we move

on to the next stage."

"Aww man. And I became so excited as well." She said, feeling highly


Ren chuckled softly. "Well, take this as motivation for your training. The

faster you can complete it, the faster we get to see if your eyes can evolve

to the next stage."

"I see." She said with a heavy sigh, slumping down on her chair. "Was

there anything else?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Yes, there was."

"Oh?" She asked, giving him a curious look.

"Do you know about the Izanagi or Izanami?" Ren asked her.

"Um… no. I think I've heard about them before but I can't recall where."

"Well, let me explain." Ren said and started detailing the nature of these

techniques and their significance, particularly during a past civil war

within the Uchiha clan.

"I see." She said, absorbing his words. "But… why are you telling me

about these Kinjutsu?"

"Because these Kinjutsu were both created by the same man. An ancestor

of ours who was able to able to unlock his Mangekyo Sharingan in his



"And… I'm pretty sure that the secret abilities of his Mangekyo Sharingan

eyes were none other than Izanagi and Izanami."


"Seems a bit far fetched, doesn't it? But I can think of no other

explanation for how a shinobi who had never shown any inclination

toward developing new Jutsu or doing any scientific research was

suddenly able to create two such powerful Forbidden Techniques.Doesn't

that strike you as odd?"

"A bit." She admitted.

"Yes, I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that he never created these

Techniques. He simply figured out a way to let the other Uchiha use the

techniques that he was able to use with his own Mangekyo Sharingan."

"But… that would mean-"

"That our Sharingan eyes are already capable of using all the abilities that

we gain upon unlocking the Mangakyo Sharingan. Whether it's

Amaterasu, Kotoamatsukami, Amenokawa, Soratatsu, or even Susanoo. If

my theory is right, then a normal 3-Tomoe Sharingan should be capable

of using any of these abilities, albeit at a steep cost."

"Going blind." She said, remembering the after effect of using either

Izanagi or Izanami.

"Indeed." Ren said, his face lighting up with excitement. "All of this is just

a theory right now. But if I'm right, then a person who has unlocked the

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and has gained some experience with it

should theoretically be able to wield all techniques ever manifested by

any Mangekyo Sharingan user"

"That… does seem rather far fetched."

"Perhaps. But that's why I wanted your help. I want to see if I'm capable

of using Kotoatsumaki and needed your help to confirm it."

"But… don't you only possess the basic Mangekyo Sharingan as well?"

She asked.

"Nope. Well, I did, till I recently evolved to the Eternal Mangkeyo

Sharingan." Ren said casually.

"But how? I don't think you have any hidden siblings who would give you

their Mangekyo Shraingan. Or did you parents leave their eyes behind for

you?" She asked.

"Nah. My eyes just evolved when I became strong enough."

Her jaw dropped in disbelief at his nonchalant explanation. "That's... such

bullshit. Like, how does that even work?"

"I'm just built different baby." he quipped with a grin.

She facepalmed herself. "Never mind. I'm... not even going to think about

it. Just tell me what I need to do to help you and I'll do it."

"Okay. Now look into my eyes and use Kotoamatsukami to alter my


She gave him a deadpanned glare. "You're my friend Ren. I'm not using

my ability on you."

"Don't worry about it. Your technique won't affect me due to my

secondary bloodline, which grants me immunity to negative mental

effects. I just want to see how it works firsthand."

She gave him a skeptical look but relented. "Very well. But just to be

sure, I'll try to change a very small and insignificant memory of yours.

Tell me when you're ready."

"I'm born ready."

She glared at him. "Take this seriously Ren. I don't want to hurt you by


"Okay, okay. I'm serious now. Please go ahead."

She nodded and cast Kotoamatsukami on him.


Roshi POV

It was a dark, moonless night as he and his squad dashed through the

Land of Fire.

They made sure to give a wide berth to Konoha's invading army. Making

sure to keep a gap of over Fifty kilometres to avoid detection by the

frequent patrols led by those Byakugan fucks.

They couldn't afford to be discovered by Konoha, especially considering

the Hokage's ability to instantly teleport anywhere using his Hiraishin

Jutsu. If they were detected, they would die. Simple as that.

And if they died and this mission failed, then Iwa was doomed.

Konoha has grown too powerful. And now with Kumo crippled, their

entire attention was fixed on Iwa. And no matter what they did, nothing

could stop Konoha's advancement into the Land of Earth.

Their Daimyo had sent his own elite shinobi and samurai squad to help

slow down Konoha's invasion. But those Elite squads hadn't lasted a

single minute against those Uchiha monsters.

Onoki himself had ventured into the battlefield numerous times to hold

the tide, until he eventually got ensnared into a counter-ambush, leaving

him severely injured.

Now, it fell upon Han to lead what remained of their shinobi forces. And

together with the other commanders, they'd given him a suicidal task.

The task of infiltrating deep into the heart of the Land of Fire and

wreaking havoc upon as many of their economic centres as possible. It

was a tactic reminiscent of Konoha's assault on the Land of Lightning,

albeit on a slightly smaller scale.

Their Daimyo had talked with the Land of Fire's Daimyo and promised

them that as long as they do enough damage to the lands owned by the

Daimyo's opposition, the Fire Daimyo would feign outrage and demand

an immediate halt to the war from Konoha.

After all, the Five Major Shinobi Villages acted as counter weights to one

another. And now with Three of those villages damaged beyond repair,

Iwa remained the sole beacon of hope with even the slightest chance of

withstanding Konoha's might.

Once they fell, Konoha would reign supreme in the shinobi world. And

the balance of power would shift, a prospect that deeply unsettled all the


He had always known that the Daimyos liked to puppet them around for

their own gain. And that weakening them was one of the reasons that

they never tried to stop the shinobi villages from going to war with one

another. But seeing them plotting out in the open like this was still


'Seems like those stuck up nobles must be just as desperate as us.' He

thought with some amusement.

"Han-sama, there's an outpost three kilometers south of us," one of his

sensors informed him, prompting a grimace to form on his face.

This was the best sensor-nin that Iwa had after all others got killed in the

war. And his Range was only about a fraction of a typical Jounin from

the Hyuuga clan."

For all he knew, there might be one of those Byakugan fucks inside that

outpost, and Konoha might have already discovered their presence.

'Fuck Konoha and fuck their bloodline users.' He cursed in his heart.

"We're giving this outpost a wide berth as well. Make sure to keep your

chakra suppressed." He told his men as calmly as he could.

And thus, they pressed onward toward the Land of Fire, uncertain

whether they had already been detected. If they had, then they were

walking into a trap from which there would be no escape.

"And then Konoha would assimilate Son Goku, the Four-Tails, into their

roster of Tailed Beasts, just as they did with Kiri's Three-Tails and Kumo's

Two-Tails," he ruminated grimly.

Taking a Tailed Beast from another village like this just wasn't done, as

this would only lead to a further escalation of the war as all other shinobi

villages would realise that one of them was trying to gain too much


But it seems like Konoha didn't care for that kind of stuff anymore. And

considering how easily they had defeated both Kiri and Kumo thus far

and were now in the process of demolishing Iwa, he could understand


'Hey, Son Goku. I might not make it through this mission. And you'll

likely end up sealed within a shinobi from Konoha. How do you feel

about that?' He asked to his companion.

'I don't have any particular feelings about it.' Son Goku rumbled within

his mind. 'Until now, I've been a captive of Iwa. From tomorrow, I'll be a

captive of Konoha. Why should it matter to me who my jailer is? At least

I have hope that Konoha's seals won't be as restrictive as Iwa's Jinchuriki

seals are.'

'…fair enough. And what about me. Would you miss me?' He asked.

Son Goku boisterous laugh was all the answer he received and he shook

his head in mild amusement. 'Dick.'

"Something the matter, Roshi-sama?" One of his shinobi asked, having

seen him shake his head.

"No, just—"

"WATCH OUT!!" The Sensor's urgent cry was the only warning they had

before thousands of paper tags erupted from the ground and detonated

right in front of their faces.


Kisame POV

That was… easy.

He let out a disappointed snort and held Shibuki, the exploding blade on

his shoulder. "You know… I didn't expect them to fall for that trap so

easily. I mean, that trap didn't even take me five minutes to set up.

"Quit your griping. The Jinchuriki is still alive." Juzo Biwa said,

brandishing his own massive blade and surveying the cloud of debris

ahead with a wary gaze.

"And how do you know that smarty pants?" Fuji Kaguya, the former clan

head of Kaguya clan asked.

"Have you ever fought a Jinchuriki before?" Juzo Biwa asked. "Those

bastards are hard to put down."

He was about to voice his own doubts when a red creature leapt out from

within the cloud of debris. He only had enough time to raise his sword

defensively before that creature slammed into him like a freight train and

sent him flying.

After crashing through multiple trees, he eventually came to a stop and

saw the Four tails Jinchurki in his Red Cloak form engaged in battle with

both Juzo Biwa and Fuji Kaguya without an ounce of self preservation.

A bloodthirsty smile formed on his face as he poured his chakra within

his blade, having it produce more and more Explosive Tags for the

upcoming fight.

It seemed like he was going to enjoy himself after all.


Fugaku Uchiha POV

If there was one thing he'd learned over the past few weeks of invading

the Land of Earth, it was that fighting Earth Release users in a Rocky

terrain was worse than fighting Water Release users on a beach.

He finished the last of these Iwa fucks, doing a double tap to make sure

he was truly dead, and then surveyed the rest of the battlefield.

His fellow Uchiha clan members had also concluded their battles. Each

one of them appeared exhausted after so many continuous days of

fighting but , their enthusiasm for the numerous victories and the pride

in their newfound strength remained unmistakable.

It was the reason why they had been given the position at the very front

of the vanguard of their invading forces. The fighting was hard, but

thanks to his clansmen, they were making great progress.

That didn't mean that this would last forever. Onoki was no one's fool

and started to come up with plans after plans to deal with his clansmen.

Already, the causalities were adding up, with three members of his clan

dying in the last week. Though, each one of them got revived

immediately after by sacrificing one of Ren's eyes.

He had to raise the price of a secondary batch of eyes to Twenty million

Ryo, just to make sure that his clan members won't become overly reliant

on Ren's eyes.

There was also the fact that his clansmen were getting to the point of

critical exhaustion from the relentless string of battles. Not only physical

exhaustion but mental one as well. Taking lives weighed heavily on the

psyche, even for a veteran killer. And they had been doing a lot of it ever

since this war started.

Furthermore, he was unsettled by the way other shinobi eyed the Uchiha

clan of late—envy evident in their gazes, for all the glory his clan was

earning. They failed to grasp that without the Uchiha's contributions, the

casualty toll would be significantly higher. Moreover, there was an

underlying fear of their formidable power.

Perhaps they could even arrange a rotation with other Uchiha clan

members stationed in Konoha. While it was unlikely that Ren would join

them, as he was tasked with protecting Konoha, Ringo and Mei might be

amenable to the idea of joining the front lines.

"We're done here. Collect the bodies, and then we'll return to the camp."

He ordered and sent a younger Uchiha as a runner to announce yet

another victory for Konoha's invading force.

An hour later, he found himself in front of a large tent that was reserved

for the Hokage. His forces already sent to the medical tents to be

examined for any wounds or injuries.

It was unlikely that anything would come off it, but people had become

more vigilant about Iwa using poison ever since Minato revealed his

poisoning. People with bloodlines were being extra cautious, as they

should be.

He went inside and saw Minato conversing with Orochimaru about

something with a somber look on his face. He honestly couldn't

remember seeing his friend smile even once ever since that day. And that

worried him.

For once in his life, he found himself wishing Shikaku was here. That

clever guy would likelt know the best course of action for Minato's well


He waited until both Orochimaru and Minato were done talking before

he stepped forward.

"Fugaku." Minato acknowledged with a nod, though the smile that

would've once graced his features upon seeing him never appeared.

"Hokage-sama" He said with a respectful bow, keeping up a respectful

appearance in front of other people. "The Asamori Valley has been

cleared. The Sarutobi clan is now working to secure it and it should be

ready for occupation by tomorrow."

"Well done Fugaku. The bodies?"

"Here." He said, tossing a scroll that Ren had gifted him. A scroll capable

of storing hundreds of bodies inside it. A huge accomplishment, as before

this, as previously, a storage scroll capable of holding a single corpse was

deemed a masterwork.

Had anyone else created this scroll, he would've considered it a miracle.

But this was Ren, so he just took it in stride.

"Thanks for your hard work Fugaku." Minato said before handing over

the scroll to Orochimaru who accepted it with a huge smile before

quickly leaving the tent.

What that man did with those bodies, he didn't know. Nor did he had any

desire to know. He was content to keep this facet of Konoha out of sight

and out of mind.

"The merits and rewards will be given to the Uchiha clan as usual. You

may distribute them to your clansmen however you wish." Minato said

with a tired sigh and he nodded.

"Thank you. But there was something else I needed to talk to you about."

He said and went to take a seat beside Minato.

"Go ahead." Minato said.

"Before we get to that, I wanted to ask you how you're feeling." He said

and raised up a hand before Minato could reply. "And don't say that

you're fine. Any idiot could see that you're a mess, Minato. But keeping

all this bottled inside you is not going to help anyone."

Minato was silent for a moment before he sighed and slumped down on

the chair. "Well… what do you want me to say Fugaku? Yes, I'm a mess

and I know that. But how could I not be, after what happened."

He put a hand on Minato's shoulder. "Minato. You should go home and

spend some time with Kushina. Give the command of this army to

Hiruzen-san or the Snake-sannin. The longer you wait to talk to her, the

worse it'll be."

"And what would I even say to her. That the person she loved with can

no longer have children with her. Or satisfy her in the way that a man

should?" Minato asked, and the despair in his face was painful to watch.

"If that is what you wish to tell her, then yes." He said firmly. "But you

cannot run from this Minato."

"Easy for you to say. It wasn't you who got poisoned! And it's not like you

don't already have two children to dote upon." Minato snapped and then

grimaced, squeezing his eyes shut. "Sorry, that was unbecoming of me."

He squeezed his friend's shoulder in support. "I can have Mikoto tell

Kushina about this if you want."

"No." Minato said quickly. "I'll tell her myself. I just… need more time."

He let out a sigh and nodded. "I also wanted to talk with you about my

clansmen. They have been in high intensity combat one after another

over the past few weeks. If this keeps up, then they'll start slipping. I

would rather have them reassigned before such a thing happens."

"And it would give the other clans and commanders a chance at winning

their own glory." Minato remarked with a touch of sarcasm, shaking his

head in disbelief. "It seems the Uchiha's string of victories has made them

lose sight of the fact that we're still in the midst of war."

"Give them a chance at the vanguard and we'll see if they can maintain

that attitude." He said.

Minato nodded. "Very well. I'll reassign you back to the main camp where

your clansmen will be tasked with patrol duties. You clan's absence

would slow down our advance but I can understand the necessity of it."

He nodded. "Thank you. Now, how about you stop working for now and

have a drink with me."

"I'm the Commander, Fugaku. I cannot-"

He squeezed Minato's shoulder. Hard. "That wasn't a request. You're

coming with me. Put someone else in charge for the rest of the day. The

army can do without you for a day."

"I still-"

"No." He said and dragged Minato outside with him, fully intent on

getting his friend drunk and get his mind away from this recent tragedy.


AN: Ren's helping Shisui become that vaunted S-class Kunoichi, with no

ulterior motives whatsover.

The whole part about Izanagi and Izanami is a bit of an AU on my part.

But in this fanfic, once MC (or anyone for that matter) masters his

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, he'll be able to use the Managekyo

Sharingan techniques of other people that he has studied.

Though it'll take him far more chakra to use the techniques of other


Iwa launchs a secret mission, and falls right into a trap set by Akatsuki.

Why Iwa and Akatsuki aren't working together will be explained later.

But it's basically because Onoki is too injured to make decisions right

now, and the other leaders of Iwa just don't trust a group made up of S-

class missing nins.

We also see Minato being depressed, Orochimaru being his usual creepy

self, and Fugaku being the friend of the year.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 40- Kumo's destruction I

Deva Path POV

He stared at Kumo in the distance, Konan standing beside his Sixe Paths

as a constant, supportive presence.

This… this wasn't the village he wanted to attack. Among the Major

Villages, only Kiri and Kumo refrained from invading his homeland

during the Second and Third shinobi wars.

That didn't free them of blame, of course. But it would fair to say that he

despised them a little less than Konoha, Iwa and Suna.

All the same, they were an obstacle in his goal to bring eternal peace

within the Elemental Nations, and hence, they would be removed from

the equation.

Unless they willingly handed over the 8 tails Jinchuriki to him. But he

doubted that it would happen.

"Let's begin." he said to Konan before launching the Animal Path in the

middle of Kumo. And as soon as she landed, he used her Summoning

ability to summon all other Five paths beside her.

And now it starts.


Shadow Clone POV

"Soru! Take the Tempura and the Sashimi to the Fourth table," instructed

the restaurant owner. He nodded in acknowledgment before picking up

the two bowls.

"Aye, aye boss." He said and went to do his job as a waiter of this recently

established restaurant.

Really, infiltrating this village had been too easy. Though it has less to do

with his lacklustre infiltration skills and more to do with the Raikage's

death and Kumo's current state of turmoil.

And yes, boss' Infiltration skills were lacklustre. Mostly because he never

really went on a mission that required such skills from him.

That's one of the reasons why he was here. To gain experience in how to

infiltrate a village and eventually share that experience with boss.

Though that was only a secondary objective compared to his primary

task of gathering intelligence on Kumo to relay it back to the boss.

A chakra filled seal stuck to his belly would keep him supplied with

chakra for about a month, after which boss would absorb him and gain

his memories before sending in another Shadow Clone with another

chakra filled seal to take his place.

"Here are your orders shinobi-san." He said, as he handed over the two

bowls to a pair of grumpy looking shinobi.

Well, all the shinobi in Kumo looked grumpy these days, mostly due to

how badly they'd lost the entire war. Their mood was further

compounded by the fact that their recently appointed Fifth Raikage was

advocating for peace, despite the steep price they would have to pay in

the negotiation table.

Really, boss had speculated that Killer Bee might ascend to the role of the

Raikage after Fourth Raikage's death. In fact, that was one of the main

reasons he even allowed Mito to kill that guy. But even boss had not

expected Killer Bee to take that position so swiftly.

It was almost like the Fourth Raikage had expected to die in the mission

and had

made arrangements for his succession in advance.

Well... Killer Bee is decent guy and should make for a capable Raikage.

At the very least, he's level-headed enough not to instigate a war with

Konoha without a good reason.

He hummed to himself, ready to head back to the kitchen, when

suddenly the entire building trembled.

No, not just the building but the entirety of Kumo.

His Chakra Sense immediately detected Six powerful yet eerily similar

chakra signatures within the village. He rushed toward the window to

investigate, and was met with the sight of a colossal centipede wreaking

havoc, having just demolished a few buildings across the street.

'Huh… isn't that centipede one of Nagato's summons. Does that mean

Nagato is attacking Kumo? But why?' he pondered, and the answer

dawned on him in an instant.

Nagato was here for the Eight tails. It was the only logical explanation for

this attack.

The shinobi within the restaurant swiftly rushed out to confront the

colossal centipede, while he hurried back to the kitchens.

'Looks like I get to go back to Konoha even earlier than I'd anticipated.'

he mused, before employing Hiraishin to teleport away.


Killer Bee POV

He finished yet another stack of paperwork and let out a tired sigh.

He could finally understand his brother's constant bad mood. The endless

stream of paperwork would drive anyone to madness.

"Raikage-sama." Mabui approached him, placing yet another hefty stack

of papers on his desk with a resounding thud. He held back a grimace,

trying his best to remain stoic in the face of his new enemy.

He should have never heeded his brother's advice to ready himself for

assuming the Raikage's mantle in the event of his death.

He never expected his brother to die. To him 'A' had always seemed

larger than life, a figure so powerful that it seemed like nothing would

bring him low.

Well… that goes to show just how little he knew. Or perhaps, how

powerful Konoha had become in recent years.

He was still in the camp, talking with the other commanders when the

devastating news reached them. His big brother was dead, along with

every single Jounin and Elite Jounin he took with him.

And now here he was, occupying a position that was never meant for


Kumo was weaker that it had ever been before. The Daimyo was highly

displeased with them, especially since the candidate he had personally

sent to become the next Raikage wasn't even considered by the village

council. And most importantly economy of the Land of Lightning was

down in the gutters.

'And now this.' He thought, his hand instinctively reaching for the letter

tucked into his inner pocket.

The letter informed him of the disappearance of Genbu, the colossal

turtle where he had mastered his Tailed Beast form, and guided Yugito

Nii through the same process.

The reason why Genbu was so important to Kumo was because of the

substantial concentration of Nature Chakra amassed on its back.This

Nature Chakra served to pacify the turbulent emotions of the Tailed Beast

within a Jinchuriki, which increased the chances of a Jinchuriki bonding

with his/her tailed beast.

It was one of the main reasons why he was successful in his quest to

become the perfect Jinchuriki. And why Yugito Nii had reached so close

to that realm as well despite her young age.

Truly, if there was ever any suspicions that Konoha had captured Yugito

Nii alive, then this letter put them to rest.

Only a handful of shinobi were privy to the existence of the Turtle, and

Yugito Nii was among them. If Konoha were responsible for the turtle's

disappearance, it would imply they had obtained the information from

Yugito Nii herself.

He suppressed another sigh, pondering the potential torture his fellow

Jinchuriki had endured before Konoha extracted the information from

her mind. Following that, they likely claimed the Two-Tails for

themselves, killing her in the process.

Worst part of it all was that while all the other villages have become

weaker due to this war, Konoha had emerged stronger due to them now

having Three Tailed beasts in their possession compared to the initial


Four, if the missing status of the Six tails Jinchuriki was anything to go


And now they had access to a secret training place which can help those

Jinchuriki become Perfect Jinchuriki as well as the secret knowledge on

how to achieve that state.

Was it any surprise that he was doing his best to bring an end to this war,

despite the ongoing insistence from numerous war hawks to prolong it

until they can get a better deal at the negotiation table.

He sighed, casting a glance back at the towering stacks of paperwork on

his desk. Knowing they wouldn't sign themselves, he resigned himself to

returning to work.

However, just as he prepared to do so, the building trembled.

He sprang to his feet, rushing to the window to investigate the source of

the tremor. And he beheld a sight that chilled him to the bone: half a

dozen colossal Summons wreaking havoc upon his village.

'Bee. Be careful of those summons as well as their summoner.' Gyuki

cautioned him within his mind, and the urgency in his voice filled him

with worry.

"Why?" He asked even as he rushed out of the Raikage's tower to confront

the giant Summons.

"Their eyes. Those are the same eyes as my father."

"The Sage of Six Paths?" He asked, feeling truly alarmed now.

'Yes. And whoever the -WATCH OUT!' Gyuki said and that was all the

warning he received before a dozen missiles slammed into his form.

A quick use of Gyuki's chakra shroud negated most of the damage,

allowing him to land safely on the ground before turning his gaze

towards his assailant.

Some weirdo with far too many piercings on his face and head.

…and the eyes of the Sage of Six paths.

Yeah, he had a very bad feeling about this.


Ren Uchiha POV

He laid still on the Fuinjutsu table, his gaze fixed upon the ceiling while

his Shadow Clones diligently worked on his Jinchuriki seal. They

meticulously erased certain portions and incorporated new elements,

gradually transforming the seal until it bore very little resemblance to its

original form.

Finally, after almost an hour of waiting in boredom, his Shadow Clones

tapped his shoulder.

"It's done boss." the Shadow Clone announced. He rose from the table and

made his way to a nearby mirror to inspect the sealing array adorning his


He scrutinised the seal for a while but found no errors.

'Are you ready Saiken?' He asked and his Familiar gave an excited whoop

inside his mind.

'Am I ready? Of course I'm ready. Do it. Do it now!'

He smiled at his Familiar's enthusiasm before delving into his seal and

grasping hold of its chakra. With focused intent, he started drawing on it.

A crimson miasma began to materialise outside his seal. It start as a fog,

then became more and more solid until it was a basketball sized solid

chakra with enough power within it to power a hundred S-class Jutsu.

'Easy. Easy.' He told his Familiar. 'We're done here. Now, slowly pour

some of your consciousness into it.'

His Familiar made a noise that he equated to 'happy agreement' before

the ball of dense chakra started to change shape.

The process unfolded slowly and awkwardly, akin to an Academy Student

struggling through his first attempts at Transfiguration. But they

eventually succeeded, and were left with a Pikachu-sized Saiken standing

on his table.

Like a Pokemon.

He quickly mixed some of his own chakra with the miniature Saiken and

used that mixed chakra to draw a series of seals in its back.

And then… they were done.

'Can you control it Saiken?' He asked.

'Hm… let me see.' Saiken said within his mind and the miniature Saiken

started moving around. Clumsily at first but then faster and more

graceful as it grew accustomed to its new form. 'Ren! It's working!'

'Good. Can you see through its eyes, feel through its skin, hear through

its ears, and smell through its nose?' He asked.

"I don't have a nose silly." It was the miniature Saiken who replied this

time as it ran over toward him and climbed up his body before coming to

sit over his shoulder. Like a particularly arrogant cat. "But yes. The other

senses are working fine. The world seems so big though. It's somewhat


"Well. You were a mountain sized ball of chakra before, towering over

humans like they were mere ants. But now you're even smaller than

humans. Of course it would take time for you to adjust." He said, before a

hint of concern entered his voice. "Do you not like it?"

"On the contrary, I rather enjoy it. It offers me a new perspective of the

world around me. Plus, I'm free! Well, not free-free. But free enough to

roam around Konoha without any problem."

"Yeah. You don't need to see and feel the world through my senses

anymore and can do it yourself." He said with a smile. "Why don't you go

out and take a look around my property?"

"That's a good idea Ren." Saiken responded with enthusiasm before using

his shoulder as a launching pad and darting off. Breaking a few vases and

statues on his way out, eliciting a wince from him.

Each of those statues and vases had taken his Shadow Clones countless

hours to craft, and if he were inclined to sell them, then they would fetch

tens of millions of Ryo in the market.

But oh well, as long as his familiar is happy, he doesn't mind.

He conjured a Shadow Clone to address the chaos wrought by Saiken

before turning his attention to the Fuinjutsu table. Carefully, he began to

gather the premium Fuinjutsu tools and stow them away in his Inventory.

After completing the task, the contented smile vanished from his face as

he dwelled on something troubling he had recently discovered.

It was about the poison that Minato got afflicted with.

Bloodline Killer. A sinister poison that systematically corrodes one's

reproductive organs. A poison so insidious that even Tsunade cannot

mend its damage.

He wasn't surprised that the Elemental Nations had a poison like this. But

what bothered him was that it was Minato go got hit by it.

Mainly because he had a feeling that it happened due to his Universal

Calibration perk.

This perk basically altered the world around him in a way that would

make the other waifus more accessible to him.

He recalled the death of Hayate Gekko, who happened to be the

boyfriend of Yugao Uzuki, a Tier 5 waifu in Konoha. Suddenly, that death

appeared far less coincidental than it once did.

Kushina was a top-tier milf that he'd always wanted to fuck in his past

life. If he were to rate the milfs in this world, then he would rate her in

the third place, right after Tsunade and Kaguya.

Not only that but she was also a Tier 6 waifu, with a Tier 7 Familiar

inside her.

A woman like her... if he had arrived in this world during the 2nd

Shinobi War when she was still young and single, he would undoubtedly

have pursued her. Alternatively, if Minato had perished during the

Kyuubi attack or the war, he would have pursued her then as well.

In fact, even now, he found himself greatly tempted. He wouldn't even

have to do anything. He'll just have to stand on the side and watch as

their relationship crumbles, before eventually going over to Kushina's

home to 'console' her as her dear disciple, and taking it further from


But... Minato was a bro.

And as much as he wanted Kushina for himself (and he really, really

wanted her). He wasn't about to cuck a bro in order to get her.

Except... if his suspicions regarding his Universal Calibration were

accurate, then this entire situation was his fault. Although unintended,

Minato was now poisoned, and now he must take responsibility for it.

By healing Minato.

The only problem was that while he was gradually surpassing Tsunade as

an Iryojutsu master, he was only a copy paster of existing techniques and

lacked any original ideas in the field.

The only reason why he even ventured into this field was so that he

wouldn't have to rely on other people to heal himself, his waifus,

children, or any of his allies. Meaning that if Tsunade was unable to heal

Minato then it was very likely that he wouldn't be able to do so either.

The other option was… the Party System of the Gamer System.

Considering that he is able to regrow his limbs and eyes after Six hours of

sleep, if this function of Gamer is shared with the Party System as well,

then it should heal Minato completely after Six hours of sleep.

Problem was… he did not have the Party System. And he wasn't sure

when he would unlock it. It could unlocked within a few years or a few

decades. He had no way of knowing.

Furthermore, he harboured doubts about whether the Gamer System

provided through the Party System would indeed heal Minato in the

same manner.

Yes, Han Jee-han had shared his Gamer System with the other waifus in

the manhwa. But he'd only done so during training and dungeon diving.

And they had never seen what would happen if one of his waifus lost an

arm or a leg.

Alternatively, he could give one of his eyes to Minato and have him use

Izanagi to get healed. But Izanagi doesn't work like that. It can only

change your current reality, not a reality of the past. So that idea is a dud

as well.

So… he wanted to help Minato but was lost on how to do so.

Maybe he could focus a bit more on Iryojutsu and come up with ways to

regrow missing limbs on his own. However, Iryojutsu had never been his

passion and he had never delved deeper into the subject beyond what he

had learned from Tsunade.

Furthermore, this would be his first project in the Iryojutsu field, so he

had no idea how long it'll take for him to complete it. It could be a few

months, or a few years. He didn't know.

Would Minato's marriage even last that long?

A part of him almost wished that it wouldn't, so that he would be able to

pursue Kushina without feeling guilty. But he crushed that part of himself


Minato was a bro, he reminded himself. Bros before hoes. Even if he

really, really wanted Kushina. And not just because of who she was but

also because of the 90 points he'll get from her and Kurama's Capture.

He shook his head, feeling frustrated by the conflicting emotions stirring

within him. Determined to clear his mind, he ventured outside for some

fresh air.

As he stepped out of his house, he was greeted by the amusing sight of

Saiken lying on his back, squirming on the ground while Pakura gently

rubbed his belly, wearing a serene smile.

It was the first time he had seen her smile since bringing her to live here.

Otherwise, the burden of guilt from having killed her own people had

weighed heavily on her.

He approached the pair and joined them on the other side of Saiken,

scratching his chin for additional pleasure.

Pakura's smile faltered upon his arrival, but she remained silent and

continued to rub Saiken's belly.

"Do you want me to remove your seals?" he asked, referring to the seals

that kept her chakra suppressed, preventing her from posing a threat to

anyone in his home.

After all, she has been living here for a while now and has never shown

any hostile feelings toward anyone. Moreover, her genuine remorse for

her past actions convinced him that she deserved another chance to

better her life.

Of course, if she was a man then he wouldn't have cared about any of

that and would've executed her a long time ago, much like what

happened with Sasori. However, he acknowledged his hypocrisy in such

matters and remained unapologetic about it.

Pakura looked thoughtful for a moment before she shook her head. "No. I

hurt so many people when I last used my abilities. I would rather not use

them again if possible."

That didn't alter the fact that she was a Tier 6 waifu, which was the

primary reason for bringing her here. Just as Tsunade's Hemophobia and

her inability to fight hadn't affected her tier in the canon timeline.

However, this way of living couldn't be healthy, right?

"Do you want to go to therapy?" He asked. He wasn't sure if Konoha even

had Therapy. But he had heard that the Yamanaka mind readers

sometimes helped traumatised shinobi come to terms with their trauma.

Or something.

"What's therapy?" Pakura asked.

"Well, its like… you talk with people, discuss your feelings and

experiences. And in doing so, over the course of a lengthy period, you

gradually come to terms with past actions or events that have affected

you." He said. "It would help you accept what you've done. And only once

you've accepted your actions can you move past it and make things


Pakura ceased rubbing Saiken's belly and looked at him, her eyes filled

with immense sorrow as she shook her head. "Nothing I can do now

would make things better for the people I've killed. Or their families."

"Well. I'm not denying that. But instead of just moping around all day,

you can strive to do good in this world.Understand that the good deeds

you perform won't erase the past, but they would be a step forward,


Pakura averted her gaze, her expression etched with sadness.

Sensing her distress, Saiken approached and settled in her lap, eliciting a

wistful smile as she began to stroke his back.

Man… Saiken is a natural at this.

The three of them sat in silence like that for the next few minutes before

he got up from the ground. "Well… I need to go to the Hokage tower

now, to serve as the substitute Hokage. But we should continue this talk

once I return. Would you be alright what t-"

His words were abruptly interrupted as one of his Shadow Clones

suddenly appeared beside him using Hiraishin.

The clone had a Fuinjutsu chakra storage tag on its belly, so it must be

one of his long term infiltrators. The fact that it appeared here so

suddenly meaning that something massive must've happened wherever it

was deployed.

"Boss. Kumo is under attack." His clone said immediately and he frowned.

"By whom?" He asked.

"By Pain. I didn't see Konan anywhere, but she's probably nearby as well."

"Pain. Why would h-?" He began to ask before realisation dawned on

him. "The Eight tails."

"What is going on Ren?" Pakura asked, looking concerned.

He gave her a reassuring smile. "Nothing that I cannot handle on my

own. Though, I'll have to leave the village for a while. Will you be alright

on your own?"

"Of course." she replied, then hesitated, glancing down at Saiken resting

lazily in her lap.. "Would you take him with you as well?" She asked with

a reluctant expression.

And he thought he was the lady killer here. Turns out that he can't hold a

candle to his own Tailed Beast.

"Unfortunately, yes. He's still connected to me and cannot go too far from

me so he'll have to come with me. But I'll return soon with him. I


Pakura gave a reluctant nod and released Saiken, who promptly bounced

over to him and perched on his shoulder.

"Let's go Ren! Adventure awaits us!" Saiken shouted in excitement.

He wasn't sure if this could be called an adventure. But very well.


AN: Some of you guys say that the Akatsuki took in the Tailed Beasts by

their numbers, which isn't exactly true as the Akatsuki had already

captured two other Tailed Beasts before they went after Gaara.

Not only that but the canon provided no explanation about why the

tailed beasts have to be taken in a numerical order. So, capturing the tail

beasts numerically is not a thing in my fanfic and Pain is now heading for

Eight Tails.

Aside from that, Ren has now given freedom to Saiken, the Six Tails and

it can now wander around Konoha in its Pokemon form. He'll eventually

do the same with the other tailed beast, allowing them to be more

content with the accomodations, something would would help in the

process of Kushina, Rin Nohara and Yugito Nii becoming the Perfect


Last but not the least, we see a conversation between Ren and Pakura.

Pakura is a mess and her attack on Suna will leave a lasting impression

on her but she'll recover over time.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 41- Kumo and Iwa's


Ren Uchiha POV

Having tasked Kushina, Ringo, Mei, and Shisui with safeguarding the

village during his absence, and deploying a hundred shadow clones for

the same purpose, he finally teleported to Kumo.

And found Pain and Konan wrecking havoc upon the once pristine


Kumo was putting up a resistance, but having lost most of their Jounins

and Elite Jounins during their conflicts with Konoha, they were losing

pretty badly.

So badly that he almost pitied them and considered helping them for a

moment before he banished that foolish idea from his mind.

If Konoha had been attacked by a superior enemy like this, then the other

villages likely would have celebrated it. Plus, since no official peace

treaty has been signed, Konoha and Kumo were still, technically, at war.

In the distance, he observed a partially transformed Killer Bee along with

a cadre of loyal shinobi fighting against three of Pain's Paths. And to his

surprise, they were winning that battle.

That is, until Pain decided that he'd played enough and had his Deva

Path use a Powerful Shinra Tensei, obliterating every single thing within

that section of the village, crushing all the Kumo Shinobi to death and

throwing the injured and broken form of Killer Bee outside the village.

'Hm... what to do here?' He pondered as he sat and watched the battle.

A part of him was tempted to take the Eight Tails for himself. But how?

The Jinchuriki seal in his abdomen was designed to contain only one

Tailed Beast. And while he could modify the seal to hold two Tailed

Beasts within it, studying how to make that modification would take

weeks, if not months to accomplish.

He could have shoved the Tailed beast inside one of his women and

captured it as a Familiar that way. The problem was, none of the women

in his lives had been Captured by him. So they weren't his 'waifu'. Thus,

that plan wouldn't work either.

He could also just ask Ringo or Pakura to become a Jinchuriki. But he

was worried about how that would affect their outlook of him. After all,

most of the shinobi world still saw being a Jinchuriki as a cursed life,

rather than the blessing it actually was.

He contemplated on it a bit more before coming to the realisation that

even if Pain succeeded in taking the Eight tails right now, in the future,

once he has access to his own Rinnegan, he'll gain custody of the Gedo

Mazo. At that point, he could simply extract the Eight Tails and give it to

one of his waifus.

That's kind of what happened in canon, right? The Tailed Beasts managed

to get out from inside the Gedo Mazo, until Madara bitch slapped the

fuck out of all the tailed beasts and dragged them back inside the Gedo

Mazo once again.

After further contemplation, he decided to leave this decision to the

higher ups of Konoha.

He used Transformation Jutsu to take on his Crow-masked Anbu guise

before he Teleported to Minato's side.

Minato reacted swiftly to his sudden appearance, swinging his kunai at

him. However, the kunai merely chipped against his shoulder, as if

striking a stone boulder.

Recognicing him, Minato's demeanour relaxed, and he took this moment

to scan the tent to see if anyone else was present.

To his observation, there was no one else aside from the two Anbu who

hastily entered to assess the situation before departing once Minato

assured them that everything was under control.

"A bit of warning before you appear by my side the next time." Minato

said, looking tense. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"I bring important news, Minato-san."

Minato raised a worried eyebrow. "Did something happen in Konoha?"

"No. Konoha is fine. But Kumo is currently under attack by the leader of

Akatsuki and his subordinate. And from what I saw, they're losing pretty


"Kumo is losing to two S-class shinobi?" Minato asked incredulously.

Understandable, as despite all their losses, Kumo still had Killer Bee and

a large number of Shinobi. In theory, they should have been capable of

holding their own against a pair of S-class enemies.

"Yeah, well, one of those two possesses the Rinnegan, granting him

immense power. Plus, we not only killed the Raikage, and captured

Yugito Nii, but we also gutted most of their Jounin and Elite Jounin.

Right now, they're probably the weakest they've been since the

foundation of their village."

"I see. And… the Akatsuki's purpose for attacking Kumo?"

"Most likely to capture Eight tails." He said.

Minato looked thoughtful for a moment before he clapped his hands. An

anbu appeared and Minato gave his order. "Summon Fugaku to my tent.

Also, ask him to prepare his Uchiha clan members for another battle."

As the anbu left, Minato strode over to a nearby chest, took out his

military gear, and started wearing it.

"So… are we attacking?" He asked. "I can defeat the Rinnegan user and

then we can either help Kumo and turn them into our ally or take the

Eight tails for ourself."

"No. We're not helping Kumo, not after they declared war on us." Minato

declared firmly. "We'll allow the Akatsuki to capture the Eight Tails and

inflict as much damage on Kumo as possible. Then, we'll go inside and

finish off the rest."

His eyes widened at those words. "You want to destroy Kumo

completely." He didn't know why those words even surprised him,

considering that they did something similar to Kiri and were now doing

just that to Iwa.

"Yes." Minato said before the flap of the tent opened and Fugaku arrived

in front of him.

"Hokage-sama. Do you need my help with something?" Fugaku asked,

raising an eyebrow upon noticing his presence in the room as well before

giving him a nod that he returned.

Minato promptly briefed Fugaku on the situation unfolding in Kumo and

outlined his plans for the aftermath.

"Minato… are you sure about this?" Fugaku asked once Minato finished

explaining his plan. "Destroying a major village completely like this is not

something that has ever been done before in the history of the Elemental


"There's always a first in something." Minato said and even he was

surprised by Minato's ruthlessness. "Besides, I was already planning to

annihilate Iwa. Now, they just happen to be the second to receive that


Man… the effect of that poison really must've fucked with Minato's

mindset if he was planning to destroy Iwa because of that. Or was Minato

always this ruthless and he just didn't notice it.

No, Minato had always been ruthless toward his enemies. The guy was

usually such a ball of sunshine that you forgot that Minato ascended to

his Hokage position by climbing on top of a mountain of enemy corpses.

You don't earn the designation of 'Flee on Sight' by being merciful to your


The massacre of Kiri's Mizukage candidates and their superiors was just

one example. Minato was merely taking it a step further with Iwa and

Kumo. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Very well then. I'll summon my men. I assume the both of you will

Hirahsin to take them to Kumo?"

Minato nodded, and Fugaku swiftly departed the tent, leaving Minato

and him enveloped in a heavy silence.

After a moment of contemplation, he broke the silence. "Minato-san."


"You're aware of how my second bloodline has been evolving over the

past few years, right?"

"Yeah. What of it?"

"Well, I wanted to inform you that after the next evolution, or perhaps

the one after that, I'll be capable of sharing my bloodline with others. I

don't think that I'll share all 100% of my abilities. But the ones that I do

share should prove effective enough."

"That... I see," Minato replied, his thoughts racing as he grasped the

potential benefits of such an ability. Being as astute as he was, he swiftly

reached the conclusion he desired. "Then does that mean that you'll be

able to share your ability to recover any lost body part with 6 hours of


"As I mentioned, I'm not entirely certain if I'll be able to share 'that'

ability, but there's a possibility it could happen," he explained before

moving to Minato's side and offering a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder.

"I simply wanted to keep you informed about this so that you won't lose

hope for your future."

"I see." Minato said clenching his fists tightly. "And how long will it take

for your bloodline to evolve to that point?"

"That's where the problem lies." He said, letting out a sigh. "It could be

anywhere from a few years to an entire decade. Perhaps even more. I do

not know."

And he wasn't lying either. So far, his Gamer System had unlocked new

functions whenever his power rose up by 1 tier.

However, each tier represented a tenfold difference in capability. For

instance, if someone reached Tier 7 through improvements in speed

alone, they would need to become ten times faster to attain Tier 8 power,

along with a similar increase in stamina.

Now, given the versatility of his abilities, his stats wouldn't necessarily

need to increase by a factor of 10 each to reach Tier 8. Nevertheless, he'll

still have to become pretty damn powerful in order to reach that tier.

Like… Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha were Tier 7 characters and

they were so much more powerful than Tier 6 characters (Kage level

shinobi) that fighting them didn't even count as a proper battle for them.

But despite all that, he was sure that he'll be able to reach Tier 8 within a

few years. Mostly because he was confident that he would able to learn

and master the use of Nature Chakra by that point. And the combination

of Tailed Beast Mode and Sage Mode represented an incredibly huge


The real problem would come if he reached Tier 8 and still didn't unlock

the Party System.

Because at that point, he'll have to grind his way up to Tier 9 level of

power. And that… would take many, many years. Perhaps even decades.

Unless he takes some sort of shortcut with the Waifu Catalog but even

then, it was going to take a while.

"A few years to a decade or more." Minato said, looking despondent.

"That's… a lot of time. But thank you for your help regardless, Ren. I

appreciate it more than you could know."

He nodded. "Don't worry. I'll also start doing Iryojutsu research on how to

regrow lost body parts. I'm not sure how long it will take, as I've never

conducted such research before, but I know it's possible. So... don't lose

hope, okay?"

"Okay." Minato said, his voice sounding a bit choked up. "Thanks, Ren."

"Don't mention it." He said and then the flap of the tent opened again and

he noticed dozens of Uchiha shinobi waiting outside as Fugaku entered

the tent.

"We're ready, Hokage-sama." Fugaku declared.

"Very well then."

A few moments later, he and Minato teleported to a location some

distance away from Kumo, accompanied by over two dozen Uchiha

shinobi. They were greeted by the sight of Kumo slowly burning to the

ground, with a few battles still taking place in critical locations.

"The smoke is making it hard to see anything." One of the Uchiha shinobi


And he wasn't wrong. His high level of Chakra Sense was the only reason

he could discern what was happening inside the village. Otherwise, the

thick smog severely limited their visibility.

"Where is the leader of Akatsuki and Killer Bee? I cannot sense them

anywhere." Minato said, looking a bit more relaxed since he had

promised to heal him.

"They're engaged in combat a few clicks north of here," he replied,

surprised that Killer Bee had managed to hold out against Nagato for this

long. "Should we go after them?"

"No. That'll not be necessary. For now, we'll sit back and watch." Minato

said and… that's what they did.

Until one of his clones appeared beside him, carrying two women on his


It was the same Shadow Clone he had sent to infiltrate Kumo. The one

who brought him the news about the attack on Kumo.

"Who are they?" Minato inquired, casting a curious glance at his clone as

it set the two women down on the ground, revealing their faces. And he

instantly recognised them.

Mabui and Samui. Two Tier 5 waifus from Kumo.

"Why have you brought them here?" He asked, genuinely confused as

he'd never shown any interest in Tier 5 waifus.

Sure, they were beautiful. But Naruto world didn't have a lack of

beautiful women. And if kept focusing on all of them, then he would

never get any Waifu Catalog Points, which was the main reason why he

wanted a harem in the first place.

"They were about to die at Konan's hand so I decided to rescue them." His

Shadow Clone replied. "I thought that it would be a huge waste if I

allowed that to happen. Plus, Samui can use the Heavenly Transfer

Technique. It would be a useful thing to study."

Well… that was a fair point.

"What about her?" He asked, pointing at Samui.

"Dude. Are you seriously asking me that? Have you seen her tits? They're

as big as Tsunade-Sensei's"

"He's not wrong," one of the Uchiha behind him chimed in, earning a

glare from him. He refocused on his shadow clone, contemplating what

to do with the two women. Since they had already been rescued, killing

them or releasing them seemed wasteful.

"Take them to Konoha. Send them to T&I for interrogation," he instructed

his Shadow Clone. "Tell Inoichi to handle their minds delicately. I'll

decide what to do with them later." The Shadow Clone acknowledged the

orders before disappearing with the captives.

"Taking war brides already?" Minato asked, sounding amused.

"Not really. They're not strong enough to join my harem. I've always

wanted some maids though." He said, getting confused and shocked looks

from the Uchiha clansmen who were shamelessly eavesdropping in on

the conversation.

"Ah, yes. Your dream of having a harem of S-class Kunoichi." Minato said

looking like he was barely holding in a chuckle. "Though, I suppose I

can't say that your dream is unrealistic considering how far you've

already come."

Fugaku looked like he was about to say something as well but he sensed

something at that moment and gestured for everyone to be quiet.

"Killer Bee just got defeated by the Akatsuki's leader." He said.

"And how long has it been since the battle started?" Minato asked.

"About Ten minutes." He said and everyone seemed surprised by this.

After all, defeating a Jinchuriki was no easy feat. And Eight tails was

stronger than all the tailed beasts out there except of Nine tails.

"Should we launch our attack on Kumo now?" Fugaku asked.

"No. We wait until the Akatsuki leave." Minato replied.

"Hmm… Minato-san, are you sure about not rescuing Killer Bee from the

Akatsuki. Having another Jinchuriki on our side would be very useful."

He said.

Minato looked thoughtful at his words. "Can we get the Eight tails at a

later date? I would prefer not to engage the Akatsuki until we've defeated

Iwa and ended this war."

"We can." He said. Though they would have to wait till he evolves his

eyes once again and gets control over Gedo Mazo.

"Then we leave it be for now." Minato said and he nodded.

They waited in silence for the next few minutes before one of the Uchiha

clansman gasped.

"Look over there!" That guy said, pointing up at the sky in the distance.

"Is that man flying?"

He glanced in that direction and observed the Deva Path slowly flying

toward Kumo. And compared to his own flying speed, which could easily

exceed supersonic levels at this point, the Deva Path seemed remarkably


"He's hovering in the sky, not flying." Fugaku pointed out.

"Why is he coming back?" Minato asked, looking alert.

He sensed a large amount of chakra being built up within the Deva Path

and quickly realised what was going to happen upon its arrival at the

centre of Kumo.

"It seems like we'll not have to exert any effort in destroying Kumo today,

Minato-san." He said, wondering why Nagato was even wasting all this

effort on Kumo. Did Nagato sense their presence and want to show off?

Minato turned to look at him. "What do you mea-" But his words were cut

short as Pain unleashed his devastating attack, obliterating Kumo in a

matter of seconds.

"That's…" "Oh Kami…" "How is this even possible?" The Uchiha clansmen

mumbled to themselves, looking quite shocked by what they'd just


And despite having seen similar destruction in canon, he too was taken

aback by the sheer efficiency of the attack.

It's not like he couldn't destroy a village either. In fact, he had dozens of

ways to do so. But there was just something about pointing a hand in the

general direction of a village and then turning it into rubble that just

couldn't be matched by other Ninjutsu techniques.

"So… I'm assuming that this is the power of the Rinnegan?" Minato asked

him, looking very grim.

"Yeah. It's one of the Six abilities that Rinnegan eyes gives its user." He


"He has Five more abilities like this. And you're saying that you can

defeat him in a fight?" Fugaku asked, looking speechless for once.

He smiled confidently. "Trust me, it wouldn't even be a fight."


Minato Namikaze POV

A few months later.

He stood on top of the giant Earth walls surrounding Iwa, the corpse of

Onoki beneath his feet as stared at the burning village in front of him.

This is exactly what he set out to do all those months ago. This is why he

and his village has bled and sacrificed so much over the past few months.

To teach these bastards the price of treachery.

So why. Why did he absolutely feel no satisfaction as he finally achieved

his goal of destroying Iwa?

"Was poisoning me worth it?" He asked the corpse of Onoki. "Was going

to war with Konoha worth it?"

The dead man gave no answers and he let out a tired sigh before he

sealed the corpse inside a Storage scroll. Orochimaru and others in the

Research Department would undoubtedly want to study the body.

They started this war with Five shinobi villages. And now, Two of them

were destroyed while the other Two might take decades to recover,

reduced Minor shinobi villages in all but name.

He had no doubt in his mind that the minor village would start vicious

fights with each other in order to take the position of the next major

village for themselves. And the innocent people will pay the price once

again. All because he couldn't simply go back home without having his


However, it hadn't been just about his revenge. He couldn't allow

someone to disrespect the leader of Konoha like that without any


Regardless of his decision, he knew that the upcoming decade might very

well be the worst decade that the Elemental Nations has ever seen.

A great part of it might even return to the days of the Warring Era.

'Is this the peace I wanted?' He asked himself morosely. 'Yes, I protected

my village and its dignity but at what cost?'

"Hokage-sama." An Anbu arrived beside him at that moment, and he

quickly stopped his moping, wearing the Hokage's stern expression once


"Report." He said to the Anbu.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," the Anbu reported. "As we expected, a significant

portion of the remaining shinobi in Iwa had already deserted long before

our arrival. And Onoki managed to hide away a majority of his village's

secrets somewhere. The Hyuuga, Inuzuka, and Aburame clans are

currently scouring both inside and outside the village for any hidden


"I see. Are there any survivors?" He asked.

"As you instructed, Hokage-sama, we refrained from harming innocent

civilians. However, it appears that most of the civilians had evacuated

the village prior to our arrival," the Anbu reported. "Nevertheless, during

our search, we discovered something—or rather, someone."

He raised an eyebrow. "And who is this someone?"

"Onoki's granddaughter Kurotsuchi. A 4 year old girl with the Lava

Release bloodline."

'Another innocent victim of this war.' He thought morosely.

"Don't harm her. We'll take her back with us to Konoha." He said and the

Anbu departed, leaving him alone with his melancholy.

Clearing the battlefield with take some more time but after that, they

would finally be able to return to Konoha. And he'll have no choice but to

face Kushina and tell her the truth.

Ren's words had lifted him out of the despair he once felt, yet uncertainty

still gnawed at him, eating away at his resolve.

At that moment, another shinobi appeared beside him and stood to the

side, staring at him in silence. He could almost hear the condemnation

the newcomer held inside his thoughts. For causing all this bloodshed

when peace would've served them just fine.

"Sensei." He said, not knowing what else to say to the man who had

raised him with the intentions of bringing peace to the Elemental

Nations. Only for him to become the greatest merchant of death and


"Hokage-sama." Jiraiya-sensei replied, a cold edge to his voice as he

didn't even bother calling him by his name.

The two stood in a long silence after that before Jiraiya-sensei finally

spoke up once again.

"I'll not return with you to Konoha." His Sensei said and despite having

expected something like this to happen, the words still felt like a spike

being driven into his heart.

"Where will you go?" He asked.

"I'm not entirely sure. I intend to travel the world for the next few years,

to witness firsthand the consequences of our actions," Jiraiya-sensei

replied. "Perhaps take a disciple or two along the way."

'Because I, who has brought so much death and destruction could

obviously not be the Child of Prophesy, who was destined to bring peace

to the world.' He thought.

"When would you return?" He asked, unsure if Jiraiya-sensei would even

want to return to Konoha after... all this.

"I don't know. When I'm ready, I guess." His Sensei replied and he


"In that case, I wish you farewell, Sensei. And best of luck in finding your

next student," he said, his thoughts adding, 'Hopefully he'll not be as

much of a fuck-up as I turned out to be.'

His sensei nodded before turning and walking away, leaving him alone

atop the giant walls, staring at the major village he has just destroyed.


AN: Minato is currently seeing the negative consequences of his actions

and has become rather pessimistic because of that.

But would destroying the other major villages truly bring a more

prosperous era in the future?Only time will tell.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 42- Peace at last

Samui POV

Get up early in the morning. Prepare hot water for master and his

women. Clean the house. Go outside. Remove the dead and fallen leaves.

Come back. Have breakfast with Mabui before washing the dishes. And a

dozen more chores around the house before her daily work is finished.

It was… not the life she'd envisioned for herself but what else can you do

when your home is razed to the ground and you're captured by the next

god of shinobi.

The memories of Kumo's invasion surfaced in her mind once again and

she forcefully pushed them back where they belonged. In the past.

No. There was nothing she could have done to alter the outcome, even if

she had tried. Thousands of other shinobi had battled their attacker, all

of them dead by the end.

She released a sigh as she polished the stone statues that adorned the

house. Her mind wondered to what Mabui might be doing right now.

Probably helping Ren-sama study her Heavenly Transfer Technique.

When she learned about Ren-sama's plan to create Fuinjutsu seals based

on Mabui's Heavenly Transfer Jutsu, she had considered it an impossible

venture. After all, if making such a seal was possible, then Kumo

would've undoubtedly made it ages ago.

However, just two days later, Mabui informed her that Ren-sama had

already developed a prototype Fuinjutsu seal capable of transferring an

object from one seal to another within a radius of a few hundred miles.

Since that moment, she decided not to doubt Ren-sama ever again.

Her thought then drifted toward the 3rd Kumo resident in this house.

Yugito Nii.

The poor woman had been completely brainwashed by these people and

now considered herself to be a part of Konoha. It was painful to watch,

and served as a great reminder of what would happen to her if she ever

harboured any treacherous thoughts against Ren-sama or this village.

She went over to polish the next statue and noticed one of the clones

sitting in a nearby chair, engrossed in a thick and heavy tome.

As she begin polishing the statue, she made sure to bend over, offering

the clone a clear view of her shapely fat ass.

Sure, it was just a clone but the clone would eventually share that

memory with Ren-sama. Hopefully, he would gain enough interest in her

body to alleviate her position from that of a lowly maid to a lover or


Yes, seducing a 7 year old boy was not something she'd imagined herself

doing when she became a Kunoichi. But could anyone really blame her

for trying the make the best out of a bad situation?

And bad as her situation currently was, it was still far better than the

worst case scenario she imagined when she woke up in Konoha. And she

was determined to make it better by seducing the next god of shinobi.

She'd already noticed his occasional glances at her 'assets' and knew that

her plan was working.

Once he's old enough, she'll do her best to seduce him into impregnating

her. And once that happens… her life would take a turn for the better.

She was sure of it.

Of course, she could always try to run away from this place. But she

doubted that she'll succeed. And even if she did, where would she even

go? Better to stay here where her life was at least safe and stable.

After completing her work of polishing the statues, she decided to take a

short break and went outside into the garden.

She walked over to the pool and saw a miniature 6 tails lounging on the

grass, while a miniature 3 tails leisurely paddled within the water.

Seeing this sight still filled her with disbelief to this very day. Not only

because those two were 'tailed beasts' but also because of just how

adorable they looked.

If anyone ever doubted her claim of living in the home of the next god of

shinobi, she would simply direct that fool toward these two mini Tailed


The mini 2 tails was also pretty cute. But Yugito Nii has been out of the

village on a secret mission for a while now and she had no idea when

she'll return.

"Saiken-sama, Isobu-sama. Are any of you in need of my services?" She

asked. The services they required mostly included giving belly rubs, back

scratches, cleaning Isobu's shell, playing tag with them or bringing them

delicious food to eat.

She wanted to make sure that she was well liked by the people in this

mansion. If only so that they won't throw her away in case they didn't

need her anymore. And despite their small size, she recognised that the

tailed beasts were some of the most important 'people' in this place.

And they were so easy to please as well.

"Give me belly rubs." Saiken commanded imperiously, rolling around on

the grass to expose his belly.

Her lips twitched in amusement but she followed his order and

obediently sat beside him before gently rubbing his belly.

Saiken's content hums filled the area soon enough, the silence only being

broken by the distant sounds of the spar going on in the distance.

She looked toward the Training ground near the lake, and saw Kakashi

and Ringo-sama engaged in a spar. Both were enveloped in a blue-

coloured chakra that she'd learned was the early stages of the Raikage's

Lightning Cloak.

Kakashi had swiftly mastered the basics of Kumo's most revered Ninjutsu

in the past few months, a feat that would've surprised her if she hadn't

learned that Ren-sama had replicated the entire technique with just one

glance at the 4th Raikage.

The ember of rage within her flared once again at the thought of the 4th

Raikage, the foolish bastard who had plunged her village into a war that

they had no hope of winning.

Ringo-sama was slower in learning that Jutsu, when compared to

Kakashi, but she was making decent progress as well. Though, it would

still take years of training before either of them mastered the Jutsu to a

sufficient level.

"Samui-chan, once you're finished with Saiken, could I trouble you to

bring me some dangos? " Isobu-sama asked, polite as ever.

"Of course, Isobu-sama." She replied, creating a Shadow Clone to fetch a

plate of dango for the mini-tailed beast.

Perhaps one day, when she's in a better standing in this place, she could

ask Ren-sama to teach her the Raikage's Lightning Cloak as well. She

doubted she had the aptitude needed to learn that jutsu, but if she

succeeded, then within a few years or decades, she could become an S-

class kunoichi as well.

"Hey, Samui!" A cheerful voice greeted her and she turned around to see

the only person in the house who greeted her with such enthusiasm.

"Shisui-san," she said with a polite bow as the young (but insanely strong)

girl came and sat beside her, her hands coming over to tickle Saiken's

belly until one of his tails slapped her hand away.

"Hey Saiken. Isobu. How are you to guys doing today?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Isobu replied politely.

"I was doing fine as well until you came along to bother me," Saiken

groused, but there was no real heat in his voice.

"Hey! Don't be like that. Don't you want to play tag with me?" Shisui

asked, her cheerful demeanour belying the fact that she was not just

some random girl out in the streets, but an A-class kunoichi capable of

defeating your average Jounin with just a look.

The fact that even a 10-year-old girl in this house was stronger than her,

a Jounin, spoke volumes.

"No. I just want to be lazy right now," Saiken replied, eliciting a pout

from the Uchiha girl. Shisui then turned to face her, the cheerful smile

never leaving her face.

"Hey, Samui. Do you want to spar with me?"

"Oi. She's still rubbing my belly. Can't you see? Go find someone else to

spar with you, troublesome brat." Saiken said dismissively, making her

lips twitch in amusement.

She also shook her head. "I'm afraid I need to do a few more chores after

this. Maybe later in the evening," she offered, and Shisui nodded in


"I'll see you later then," Shisui said with a huge smile before she

Shunshined off to spar with Ringo and Kakashi, leaving her shaking her

head in disbelief.

Really, what was it with these Uchihas producing monsters one after

another? The girl was going to be an S-class kunoichi within a few years.

There was no doubt in her mind about that.

Not that S-class kunoichis seemed all that rare anymore, not with there

being four of them in this house alone.

Ringo Ameyuri, Mei Terumi, Pakura of the Sand, and Yugito Nii.

All of whom were defeated and brought here by Ren-sama so that he

could marry them when he's old enough to do so.

And Shisui would probably join him as well once she's an S-class

kunoichi and they're both old enough to do the deed.

A young man with five S-class kunoichis as his wives. She once again

mused about the absurdity of it all.

At that moment, her Shadow Clone returned with a plate filled withe

Dango and handed them over to Isobu who started eating them with


"That's enough." Saiken told her, and she nodded before ceasing to rub

his belly. Only to then watch with great amusement as Saiken went over

to Isobu and stole some of his dangos, eliciting a play fight between the

two brothers.

She shook her head and went back to the house, determined to finish her

daily tasks as quickly as possible so that she could spar with Shisui and

get some much needed pointers from her.

Just another day in the house of the future god of shinobi.


Minato Namikaze POV

"—and with our victory, I announce a holiday of three days to mourn the

loved ones we have lost and celebrate our victory over those who would

see us fall and crushed under their boots." he proclaimed, eliciting cheers

from the people of Konoha. With his speech concluded, he turned and

made his way back to his office.

'About eight months.' He thought as he sat in his Hokage chair and gazed

at the solemn faces engraved on the Hokage monument. 'The shortest

Shinobi War in the History of the Elemental Nations, if it would even be

classified as a Shinobi War by the historians.'

At that moment, Ren arrived at his window, tapping gently to request

entry. He nodded and the boy entered the room, taking a seat beside him.

"Ren." He said softly. "Did you want something?"

"Nah. Just here to check up on you. And to tell you that I've already

started working on improving my Irojutsu techniques to heal you."

He nodded, a sense of gratitude swelling within him for all the assistance

Ren had provided.

"Thank you, Ren," he said, his voice catching slightly.

Ren shrugged casually. "Eh, no big deal," he replied. "But you seemed lost

in thought when I got here. Anything on your mind?"

"Just thinking about this war. And how swiftly it ended." He said.

"Oh." Ren said, looking curious, so he decided to explain.

"The First Shinobi War lasted for two years. The Second for three years,

and the Third for seven years. Given this pattern, many expected the

Fourth Shinobi War to last even longer," he explained.

Ren shrugged at his words. "Maybe it would've, if we hadn't crushed all

our enemies so swiftly."

"Yeah. That's true enough." He admitted, leaning back in his chair. "Did

you know that this was the third Shinobi War I've fought in?"

Ren stared at him in surprise. "Really? I didn't know that you fought in

the Second shinobi war as well."

"You wouldn't," he responded with a hint of amusement. "I was just a

Genin back then, barely surviving the war. Unlike the giants like the

Sannin and Sakumo Hatake who faced the major battles and became

legends during that war, I was just a gnat doing my best to survive."

Ren nodded in understanding and maintained the silence, which was

appreciated. Right now, he simply wanted to sit quietly and reflect on the


In the Second Shinobi War, he was a Genin and lost both his two

teammates. In the Third, he was a Jounin and lost Obito, while almost

losing Rin as well. And in the Fourth, he was the Hokage, and lost the

trust of Jiraiya Sensei as well as his manhood.

While he acknowledged that he had suffered less in this war compared to

others, it offered little solace in light of his current circumstances.

Now he only wished that he won't see another Shinobi War for the rest of

his life.

However, it would be naive to believe that the ramifications of this war

had concluded with its end. The war may have officially ended, but its

impact had reshaped the global power dynamics, ensuring that they

would grapple with its consequences for many years, if not decades to


At the moment though, his priority was to address the aftermath within

his own village. This involved bestowing honours upon those who had

made significant contributions to the war effort, providing financial

support to the families of the deceased, and undertaking efforts to revive

the economy from the impact of the war, and a thousand of other tasks.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Ren said, as he took out a scroll from within his

Inventory and threw it at him.

He glanced at the scroll and paused as he read the text written at its


Lightning Release: Chakra Mode Jutsu.

"That's…" his hand shook slightly as he held the scroll. "Isn't this the

Jutsu used by the Third and Fourth Raikage? When did you figure it


"A while ago." Ren said nonchalantly. "Kakashi and Ringo have already

started learning it and are making good progress.You can anticipate

Kakashi becoming a fully-fledged S-class shinobi by the time he reaches

Twenty, perhaps even sooner than that."

"I see." He said, feeling a bit speechless. "Anything else you want to tell


"No, not really," Ren replied. "Although I did plan to continue

collaborating with Kushina and Rin Nohara to refine their Tailed Beast

Mode. Perhaps I'll include Yugito Nii in the training regimen as well,

while I'm at it. I even secured Kumo's training ground for that specific


"Yes… the giant turtle, right? Where is it right now?" He asked,

wondering how Ren could've even stolen such a thing.

"Near the Land of the Whirlpool. That was the only place where I could

keep it without other people learning about its location." Ren said and he


The powerful whirlpools surrounding that island kept ships and

unwelcome visitors at bay. And they had served as a powerful deterrent

against other major villages as well… until they hadn't.

"Very well. But I expect you to bring them back every evening or so. I

don't want Naruko to forget Kushina's face after not seeing her for

months." 'Like she did with me.' He thought somewhat morosely.

"That's no problem." Ren said "No, was there—" Ren was abruptly cut off

by a loud knock on the door.

"Hokage-sama, Lord Third has come to meet you."

"Send him in please." He said and the Third Hokage entered his office, a

deep weariness etched on the old man's face. The old man paused upon

seeing Ren sitting beside him and gave the boy a soft smile before he

took a chair and slumped down on it.

He almost felt bad about his decision to bring the Third back from his

retirement and sending him out to the war, but he had been the best

choice to lead their armies.

"Water?" Ren said, offering the old man a cup of water who gave a nod

and gulped it all down.

He wondered if he should start giving water to his guests as well but

decided against it. Shinobi were a paranoid lot and won't drink from an

unknown source until they're absolutely sure that they could drink from

it. And for good reasons as well.

He'd broken that basic code of a shinobi, by drinking the tea provided to

him by Onoki, and look how that ended for him.

The Third must really trust Ren if he could drink a cup of water from him

without any hesitation.

"Thank you, my child." The 3rd said before turning to him. "Though,

brace yourself Minato. I bring bad news."

He nodded, having already anticipated this. "So I take it that the Fire

Daimyo is not happy with us right now."

"Wait a moment. Should I be here for this meeting? I can leave if you

want?" Ren said and he gestured for the boy to stay.

If anyone in Konoha didn't realise by now that he intended the boy to be

his successor then that person was a fool.

"It's crucial that you grasp the power dynamics of our world, Ren,

especially since your mere presence holds the potential to change it

significantly," he remarked, earning an approving nod from the Third

while Ren couldn't help but emit a groan of despair, eliciting chuckles

from both of them

"Please, continue." He said to the Third Hokage.

"I guess there's no point in dancing around the issue, so I'll be direct. The

Daimyo won't be giving us any financial support. Moreover, he has also

imposed trade sanctions on us." The former Hokage said.

For a brief moment, confusion hung in the air... then fury swept in.

His face went absolutely still as he asked. "Pardon?"

"The Daimyo has decided that we've grown too powerful and is now

actively trying to hinder our growth." Hiruzen said. "It seems that while

we were out at war, he forged a secret alliance with the other Four

Daimyos. All four of them, and their allies have put various sanctions

against us.Even the Wind Daimyo, who once supported us, has redirected

funds solely to his own Hidden Village."

"That's…" Preposterous, he wanted to say. But in truth, it was actually

very reasonable.

Konoha and the Land of Fire weren't friends. They were allies of

convenience. Konoha was the rabid dog that the Daimyo could use to

scare other countries into submission.

Only, now the dog has grown too powerful, and the Daimyo was doing

his best to pull at the leash in an attempt to regain control.

Not realising that the dog could turn around and bite his head off at any


"That is not good." He decided to say in the end. "Due to the war, we are

already short on funds. And now this."

"It's nothing that we cannot endure. Konoha has gone through far worse

before and come out of it stronger." The Third said and he wasn't wrong


If they tighten their belts, then they can definitely endure this.

The problem was… he wasn't the Third Hokage. He wasn't a pacifist. If

someone hurt him or his village, then he wasn't going to take that lying

down. No, he was going to hurt them back.

And the Daimyo was definitely hurting them now. Maybe not directly but

this was a clear attempt at weakening Konoha. One that he won't take

lying down.

A part of him just wanted to go to the Capital of the Land of Fire and

separate the Daimyo's head from his neck. However, he restrained

himself from acting on his initial impulses and instead pondered the

situation carefully.

He recalled all rumours recently brought to him Rumours circulating

around that said that Konoha would now go on to conquer all the other

hidden villages and become the emperor of the entire world.

And he would be dishonest if he claimed that the notion hadn't crossed

his mind. However, conquering other villages necessitated subduing the

kingdoms in which they resided.

To conquer those kingdoms, one must first establish their own kingdom.

And to achieve that, he would need to seize control of the Land of Fire—

an ambition he hadn't entertained... until now.

But conquering a Kingdom was not going to be easy. Far from it, in fact.

Even with all the power he had at his command, it was going to a long

and messy affair. And he had no doubt in his mind that he would have to

put down multiple rebellions even after conquering the Kingdom.

'Should I do it?' He thought to himself, and the answer came


The Daimyo was no friend of theirs. And even if they removed this

Daimyo, there was no guarantee that the next Daimyo would be their

friend either. It was better for the long run to just remove the Daimyo

and put their own puppet in place, or take the entire Land of Fire for


And conquering the Kingdom seemed like a better deal in the long run,

even if it'll cause far more trouble in the short run.

If he were truly committed to seizing control of the Land of Fire,

meticulous planning would be neeeded. The sheer magnitude of

preparations required would demand months, if not years, to execute,

particularly given the dire state of Konoha's current economic situation

Furthermore, there was the looming possibility of failure, however

improbable it might appear at present.

And even if they did succeed, something like a Hidden Village taking

over their Kingdom has never been done before and he had no idea how

it would turn out for them in the long run.

"Is our village's financials really that bad?" Ren asked, bringing him out

of his dark thoughts.

"It's... a complex situation," the Third responded on his behalf.

"Traditionally, the Fire Daimyo has been our main financial supporter,

offering us numerous contracts to safeguard their key economic and trade

hubs. You must have observed this firsthand during your assault on the

Land of Lightning."

Ren nodded thoughtfully as the Third elaborated, "The Fire Daimyo

contributes roughly 30% to our economy, while the nobles contribute

around 20% annually. The remaining 50% comes from merchants,

foreigners, and civilians."

"So... we are looking at a 50% loss in income without the support of the

Daimyo and the nobles?" Ren asked.

"Not completely. Some of the nobles don't have their own armies so they

can't afford to not hire us. And despite his words, the Daimyo's people

will also give us some fundings under the table to continue some of the

more important missions. But yes, a significant part of that 50% would be

lost to us." The 3rd explained.

"And how long can we sustain working with just 50% of our usual

funding?" Ren asked. And the Third looked at him to answer this

question this time.

He did a few mental calculations and came up with an easy enough


"For about One year. Two or even Three years if we tighten our belt. But

after that point we'll have to start doing underhanded deals to get by." 'Or

attack the Daimyo himself and take over the Land of Fire and its entire

economy.' He thought.

"And... do we truly need to rely on external support to maintain our

economy?" Ren inquired.

"What do you mean, Ren-kun?" He asked.

"I mean, couldn't we develop our own products or offer unique services

that traders and nobles wouldn't be able to resist, instead of solely

focusing on protecting their lands and caravans?" Ren asked

"And what would these products or services be?" He asked.

"I don't know. What are the advantages we have? We can sell Fuinjutsu

seals to wealthy nobles. We can cut and sell timber by cutting some of

the trees surrounding our village. Or we could establish our own trading

company by investing in ships or caravans."

'And this is where Ren's inexperience shows.' He thought with a sigh. But

it was understandable as despite his power, Ren was only a Seven year

old child.

"Firstly, we already sell any surplus Fuinjutsu seals we manage to

produce. However, due to the scarcity of Fuinjutsu experts and the high

demand for these seals within our own ranks, excess stock is rare," he

elaborated. "Secondly, the trees surrounding our village serve not only as

a protective barrier but also hold cultural significance for many

traditional clans in Konoha. Harvesting them for timber would no doubt

offend many of the traditional clans in Konoha. And I have no wish to do

such a thing. Third, the idea of buying ships and caravans is not bad

either. And I might look into it. But I'm not sure just how much profit

such a venture would bring us, if any at all."

"Then why don't we create more Fuinjutsu experts?" Ren asked.


"I propose we initiate Fuinjutsu training for students at the Academy and

offer incentives to those displaying talent in the field. This would

cultivate a pool of Fuinjutsu experts over time, allowing us to receive a

percentage of their sales when they distribute seals beyond our village,"

Ren suggested. "Moreover, there's no need to resort to logging the trees

surrounding Konoha. We can utilise the Hashirama cells we possess to

cultivate new trees, establishing a sustainable timber industry."

"That's..." He pondered the potential drawbacks of such a plan. While he

did identify a few challenges, the overall feasibility of the plan seemed

promising. The primary concern, however, was the time it would take to

see tangible results from investing in Fuinjutsu experts. Even if they

began immediately, it would likely be years, if not decades, before they

reaped the rewards of this investment.

Regarding the timber industry, while it's true that there are numerous

Wood Industries globally, none can rival the quality of wood crafted by

the First Hokage. Although the timber produced from Hashirama Cells

may not be identical to the original, it still surpasses ordinary wood by a

significant margin and would sell for a lot of money.

"Possible." The 3rd said. "It's definitely possible. Some of the traditional

clans might still protest but they can be placated."

"Yes, it's definitely possible." He nodded before looking at Ren once

again. "Ren-kun. Do you have any other ideas on how to increase

Konoha's wealth?"

"A few, yes." Ren said before he thought of something and brought out a

large stone and put it on his table.

He noticed the many Fuinjutsu seals carved into the Tablet and raised his

eyebrow. "What is this, Ren-kun?"

"I've named it the Road Maker, and its function is as straightforward as

its name suggests: it constructs roads," Ren explained. "I've heard that

typical shinobi structures tend to deteriorate once the chakra sustaining

them dissipates. So, drawing upon my understanding of Earth Release

Ninjutsu, I integrated it into this Fuinjutsu Stone," he continued. "Now,

all you have to do is place the stone on stable ground and infuse it with

chakra. The result will be a 3-meter by 20-meter stretch of solid stone

road that will endure for decades, if not centuries."

He licked his lips as he realised the significance of such a product. "And

how many of these stone tablets can you produce?" He asked.

"As many as you want. A single Shadow clone can create a dozen of these

in a day. And I can create hundreds of Shadow Clones.However, I would

request a 10% share of the profits derived from the use of these Road


"We'll have to test these out first. But if does work…" He trailed off,

thinking about Konoha shinobi bringing roads to the entire world, and

getting rich while doing that. "Ahem… any other ideas, Ren-kun?"

"We could begin by training additional Medical Shinobi and establishing

hospital branches in major cities," he proposed. "By offering their services

to affluent nobles and wealthy merchants in neighbouring areas, we

could generate a substantial income."

He took out a notepad and jotted it out. He would have to talk with Lady

Tsunade about this but with the war having ended, their medical staff

won't have as much work anymore. It was… doable. Probably.

"Any other ideas?" He asked.

"Sure, here," Ren replied, retrieving another stone tablet from his

Inventory. He couldn't help but wonder just how many stone tablets this

kid had stashed away in there.

"What is this?" He asked, not even studying the Fuinjutsu seals this time.

While he considered himself a Fuinjutsu Master, Ren's level of expertise

seemed to surpass his own to such a degree that none of the seals made

sense to him.

"I created it by studying Mabui's Heavenly Transfer Jutsu. With two of

these tablets, you can transfer an object placed on one to the other within

a range of a few hundred kilometers," Ren explained. "This tablet is still a

work in progress, but I believe that once I'm finished, I'll be able to send

objects from them to anywhere in the world. Just imagine it: with an

array of these devices, we could instantly transport anything from

anywhere to any other place in the world."

"We would easily dominate the Shipping Industry." The Third said, his

tone cautious. "However, we would also make a lot of potential enemies

in doing so.We must exercise extreme caution in deciding if and how to

utilise these tablets."

"Agreed." He said and before looking at Ren once again. The boy looking

more and more like a gold mine the more he talked to him. "Do you have

any other ideas, Ren-kun?" He asked.

"Yeah, I got a dozen more. You wanna listen to all of them."

He brought out his pen and notebook. "Yeah. You can say that." Then he

thought about something. "Though, before we get to that, I have a


"And what's the proposal?" Ren asked, looking at him warily.

"How about you become my Fourth Advisor, Ren-kun." He asked sweetly.

"Yeah, no thanks." Ren replied immediately.


AN: A day in the life of a maid living in Ren's home.

And a day in the life of the Hokage.

As mentioned earlier, the war has reshaped the global power dynamics.

Old alliances have dissolved while new ones have emerged. The Fire

Daimyo, who was already wary of Konoha's growing power has now

become a clear enemy, causing financial troubles to Konoha.

But Ren already has his own plans on how to address these problems.

Let's see how things will evolve from here on out.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 43- Mito’s fear and

Yugito’s new past

Mito Uzumaki POV

Fear gripped her as she stood outside the familiar house. A house that

once belonged to her and her husband. A home where they had raised

their children and grandchildren.

Anxiety twisted in her gut, urging her to flee, to retreat from what lay

ahead. She couldn't bear to confront her granddaughter after abandoning

her like this. This was too much to bear.

A small hand slid into her own and she looked down to see Ren giving

her a supportive look. "You can do this, Mito-san."

She bit her lip and nodded even though she a hair trigger away from

using Hiraishin to flee. Ren must've realised this as well since he didn't

let go of her hand and gently pulled her toward the house.

'I can do this. I need to do this. I can't run away anymore.' She told

herself. And then, they stood just outside the front door of her former


"Tsunade-sensei!" Ren called out, and she steadied herself as the sound of

approaching footsteps echoed. Moments later, the front door slid open,

revealing Tsunade's apprentice, a cheerful smile on her face.

"Ren-kun. What are you doing here?" Shizune inquired before glancing at

her and tilting her head in confusion. "Oh... greetings. Have we met


She shook her head.

"We're here to meet Sensei." Ren spoke on her behalf. "Tell the drunk to

wake up. It's urgent family business."

Shizune glanced at her once more, noticing the scarlet locks cascading

down her back, and nodded. "I'll go wake her up. Please, make yourself

comfortable in the living room until then."

With that, Shizune hurried back into the house, leaving Ren to guide her

to the living room.

The familiarity of the surroundings stirred a bittersweet melancholy

within her heart, prompting her to question whether leaving Konoha had

been the right decision.

But she knew deep in her heart that it had been necessary. If little

monkey discovered her survival, he would never let her leave the village.

He wouldn't tolerate her running around the Elemental Nations,

jeopardising his vaunted peace, all for the sake of rescuing the remnants

of a clan that had ceased to exist.

Or she might be wrong. Maybe he would've understood her and allowed

her to freedom to do whatever she wants. But she doubted it. More likely

than not, she would become the bird trapped inside the golden cage once


Anxious, she tapped her finger nervously while surveying the house.

Several portraits of her family had been taken down, leaving empty

spaces on the walls. Dust had settled in the corners, and the wooden

floors creaked with each step.

All in all, the house seemed to be in a slight state of disrepair. As if it was

falling apart around Tsunade and her granddaughter didn't care enough

to fix it.

'I shouldn't be here. Not after all these years. I have no right.' She thought

to herself. But just as it had been necessary for her to leave. If only to

offer her remaining clansmen a chance at a better life, rather than

keeping them confined to that island like sheep.

Maybe she should have disclosed her survival to Tsunade. However,

Tsunade had Dan Kato by her side during those times, and she believed

her granddaughter no longer required her support. How could she have

foreseen that Dan would pass away so shortly after her departure?

Any further contemplation halted abruptly as the sound of approaching

footsteps reached the living room. Before she could entertain the idea of

fleeing once more, Tsunade entered the room with Shizune, appearing

slightly hungover.

Her breath caught as Tsunade's gaze briefly landed on her hair. Yet,

Tsunade quickly disregarded her presence, turning her attention towards

Ren with a displeased expression.

"Brat. You just woke me up from a really good sleep. This had better be

important or I'll punch you back to the Uchiha compound."

"Mah, mah. So violent. No wonder you're still single, tch." Ren teased,

earning himself a twitch from Tsunade's eye.

"Why are you here brat?" Tsunade asked again before turning to look at

her again. "And who are you?"

She froze like a deer in the headlights. Out of all the possible scenarios

she had imagined for this moment, her own granddaughter not

recognising her hadn't even crossed her mind.

But then... it made sense. How many people could accurately recall the

appearance of their grandparents in their younger years? Even if they

had seen a portrait or two, would they be able to recognise them if a

younger version suddenly appeared before them?

Not many. In fact, after all these decades, she found herself struggling to

recall the faces of her parents, let alone her grandparents. No wonder

Tsunade couldn't recognise her.

But still… this needed to be done.

"I'm Mito. Mito Uzumaki," she said softly, the words hanging heavy in the

air. 'Your grandmother,' she wanted to add, but what right did she have

to claim such a familial bond after all this time?

Tsunade froze, taking another, more discerning look at her. She braced

herself for the expected flood of emotions—tears, hugs, questions, and

ultimately, the possibility of rejection.

But to her surprise, none of that unfolded. Instead, Tsunade merely

cocked her head in confusion. "Like my grandmother? Now that I think

about it, you do bear a resemblance to me. Are you perhaps a distant

cousin or something?" Tsunade inquired, before swiftly redirecting her

attention to Ren. "Brat, where did you find her?"

"Call me daddy, and I might tell you" Ren said, eliciting an almost smile

from her as Tsunade's eye twitched once more.

"Brat, do you have a death wish?" Tsunade retorted sharply.

"Of course. Planning to crush my head between those powerful thighs of

yours?" Ren quipped, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. Tsunade's

expression twisted into one of disgust before she closed her eyes, shaking

her head.

"I should've never introduced you to that damn pervert," Tsunade

muttered, then turned her attention back to her. "So… where did the brat

find you?"

She moistened her lips, uncertain of what to say to Tsunade. However,

before she could utter a word, Ren spoke up for her.

"If you're asking where I met for the first time, then that would be in the

R&D Department of Kiri during our attack on that village."

Instantly, any remnants of Tsunade's hangover vanished, replaced by a

sharpness in her gaze as she fixed her attention on her.

"Repeat that, brat," Tsunade demanded sharply.

"I found her in the R&D Department of Kiri," Ren reiterated. Tsunade fell

silent, her expression going blank as she glanced down at the cup of tea

Shizune had set before them.

A long moment of silence passed before Tsunade nodded. "I see. You have

my thanks for rescuing her from that dreadful place. Ask of me whatever

you wish, and if it's within my power, I'll make it happen."

'That's not how it happened.' She wanted to say but couldn't bring the

words to her lips.

This was wrong. She should tell her granddaughter of what truly

happened. That she had been hunting for other captured Uzumaki. Not

been one herself. But no matter how much she tried, she couldn't say

anything. Couldn't bring herself to tell the truth to her granddaughter

who would no doubt reject her for leaving her when she did.

"I believe there's a misunderstanding here. I did nothing worthy of a

favour. Though, there is something else you need to know." Ren said.

"Rescuing my cousin… or whoever she is, is not nothing." Tsunade said

sharply before her gaze softened slightly. "But please, go on. Tell me

what else I need to know."

Ren gazed at her and gestured for her to take it from here lest there be

any further misunderstandings.

"I… Ren and I have been rescuing other Uzumaki ever since that day in

Kiri." She said, cringing at her own lies and knowing well enough that

they were going to bite her in the ass one day. Nevertheless, she pressed

on. "We've rescued over two dozen of them by this point. We're currently

hiding in the runes of Uzushiogakure. We wanted to return here earlier…

but then the war broke out."

She could sense Ren giving her a deadpan look from the corner of her

eye, but she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze or confess the truth.

Everything was spiraling out of control. Yet, as long as granddaughter

didn't despise her...

"Maybe... just maybe, this could somehow work out," she thought to

herself, though deep down, she knew it was nothing but a delusion.

Tsunade remained silent for a prolonged moment before finally speaking.

"If you wish to come to Konoha, you're welcome to reside in the Senju

compound. There are several vacant houses in the area... though they

may require some repairs."

Tsunade rose from her seat and directed her attention to Shizune.

"Shizune, please inform the Hokage to dispatch an A-rank mission to

repair and tidy up the Senju compound." With that command given, she

turned and began to make her way out.

"Um… where are you going Tsunade-sama?" Shizune inquired, hurrying

to catch up with her Sensei.

"I need a strong drink," Tsunade replied tersely before departing the


With only her and Ren left in the room, she locked eyes with him,

noticing the amusement dancing in his gaze.

"You know that this is going to bite you in the ass in the future, right?"

Ren asked.

She nodded in acknowledgment. She was fully aware that such a lie

couldn't be sustained indefinitely and would eventually unravel.

However, until that moment arrived, she hoped to establish a bond with

her granddaughter. Not as a family member, but as the close friend the

girl definitely needed.

"I understand," she replied, rising from her seat. For the time being, she

had to head back to Uzushiogakure and instruct her people to support

her fabricated story. Perhaps she could manipulate the truth just enough

for them to believe she was a clone of the original Mito Uzumaki or

something similar.

As dreadful as it felt to deceive her own granddaughter, she deemed it

preferable to facing Tsunade's wrath and disappointment, even if the

deception could only be sustained for a few weeks.


Yugito Nii POV

She sat beside Rin Nohara and Kushina inside a dark cave and listened

attentively as Ren-sama instructed them on mastering the Tailed Beast

Chakra Mode.

When she first learned about the existence of such a unique

Transformation, she had been skeptical. That skepticism that lasted right

up until Ren-sama showed them his own Perfect Chakra Mode.

To say that he became a living god walking among the humans in that

Chakra Mode would be an understatement. The surge in power and speed

surpassed anything she had witnessed with the standard Jinchuriki

Transformation she had mastered under Killer Bee's guidance.

Suffice to say, his demonstration on that first day had lit a fire under her

ass and since then she had been doing her best in order to attain her own

Tailed Beast Chakra Mode.

Her perseverance and dedication had finally borne fruit. In the span of

just a few months, she had progressed from having only rudimentary

control over Matatabi's chakra to mastering it to a degree even surpassing

that of Killer Bee.

This level of mastery was what Killer Bee had asserted defined them as

the Perfect Jinchuriki. However, in retrospect, it seemed clear that claim

was either false or based on incomplete knowledge, given that she still

hadn't gained the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode.

She might have been upset by her repeated failures to gain that state, if it

weren't evident to her that she was significantly ahead of both Rin

Nohara and Kushina.

Rin Nohara fell behind because her seal was not as effective as Kushina-

san's or her own. And also because she was new to being a Jinchuriki.

As for Kushina-san, she struggled with her Tailed Beast, Kurama-san, who

had a formidable ego and adamantly resisted her attempts to access his


"Alright. That's enough for today. Take an hour to rest, and then we'll

return to Konoha," Ren stated, prompting her to bow in acknowledgment.

Ren might be younger them all of them but he was also stronger than all

of them and served as their teacher so this level of respect was owed to


Mini Matatabi leaped from her lap and scrambled up onto her shoulder

as she exited the cave, while Rin Nohara cradled mini Isobu in her arms.

However, Kurama, displaying his characteristic arrogance, declined to

accompany Kushina, instead lifting his head haughtily before departing

on his own.

She chuckled at Kurama's behavior, then reached into her Storage scroll

and pulled out a piece of sushi, feeding it to Matatabi who eagerly

devoured it.

As they emerged from the cave, she spotted a clone of Ren-sama

distributing food to the various large animals residing on the Giant

Turtle's back.

Ren-sama had clarified that Genbu, the giant turtle, was a Nature Chakra

user. While not a sage, it possessed a unique ability to naturally

accumulate Nature Chakra from its surroundings, owing to a freak

genetic mutation within its body.

This unique ability accounted for its extraordinary size and longevity, as

well as the mutations observed in the animals residing on its back,

causing them to grow larger than their counterparts on the mainland.

This was also why they chose this location for training to control their

Chakra Beasts. The abundance of Nature Chakra in the area helped to

soothe their Tailed Beasts and fostered improved cooperation between

the two parties.

"Yugito. Do you want to join me in feeding them?" Rin Nohara asked her

as she patted the head of a giant giant rabbit and nuzzled against its


"Perhaps later. I need to talk with Ren-sama." She said, making her way

toward what she believed was Ren-sama's real body.

As she walked, memories of her past flooded her mind.

She had been an orphan, raised in the midst of a war-ravaged city. Every

day was a battle for survival, where she resorted to stealing food from

vendors, risking punishment just to quell the gnawing hunger in her belly

and avoid going to bed on an empty stomach.

She and her fellow orphans were subsequently taken in by Danzo-sama,

who recognized their potential and brought them to his facilities, where

rigorous training commenced.

Only a handful managed to endure until the conclusion of the training,

with her excelling in every test, achieving the highest scores among her


Following that, she became an official Root shinobi and received personal

training from Danzo-sama for a prolonged infiltration mission of

significant importance to Konoha.

Upon completing her specialised training under Danzo-sama's guidance,

she was dispatched to Kumo as a covert operative representing Konoha's


Even her memories had been temporarily locked away by a Yamanaka,

leading her to believe she had always been a member of Kumo.

Following this, she enrolled in Kumo's Shinobi Academy and steadily rose

through the ranks. Her impressive skills and dedication caught the

attention of the higher-ups, ultimately leading to her selection as the next

Jinchuriki of Matatabi.

Subsequently, she dedicated the next few years to training under Killer

Bee, mastering the control of her Tailed Beast, completely unaware of her

true origins.

This state of affairs persisted until Kumo initiated war against Konoha,

prompting Danzo-sama to dispatch another Root infiltrator to unlock

some of her memories and remind her of her true allegiance.

Following that revelation, her path became clearer. And when the

opportunity presented itself, she seized it by launching a suicidal charge

into Konoha's lines, leading to her eventual capture by Ren-sama.

However, contrary to her expectations, Danzo-sama declined to take her

into his service this time. He informed her that her days of living in the

shadows had concluded, and it was now time for her to emerge into the


Though before his untimely death, he entrusted her with one final


To seduce and marry Ren Uchiha. And have many children with him.

It was an unusual mission, particularly since she had never been trained

in the typical seduction skills typically required for such an assignment.

Danzo-sama believed that Ren-sama would emerge as this era's God of

Shinobi. He asserted that the more children Ren had with other

formidable kunoichis, the brighter Konoha's future would be.

And after witnessing Ren-sama's true strength on her own, she realised

that Danzo-sama was right. As always. And she resolved to give her

utmost effort in seducing Ren-sama.

Only… she had no idea how to seduce anyone. Let alone a 7 year old


So after floundering for the past few months, she'd finally come to the

decision that she would let go of all subtlety and ask Ren-sama for his

hand in marriage.

Which is what she was going to do right now.

"Ren-sama, please marry me!" she exclaimed, bowing perfectly at a

ninety-degree angle.

Ren paused from giving belly rubs to mini Saiken and gazed up at her.

"Okay." He said and her eyes widened. Both in shock that he accepted his

request and surprise that that's all he had to say to her.

"Okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I accept your proposal," Ren-sama replied, his expression tinged

with slight guilt for some reason. "Though, you're aware that I'm already

planning to marry Ringo and Mei Terumi as well, right?"

Oh, is that what he was feeling guilty about. "Of course, Ren-sama. I have

no issue with that, as long as you can provide me with many children to

care for."

She felt a bit guilty abusing his trust like this but it was for the good of

Konoha. Plus, it was also the last order Danzo-sama had given her so she

would give it her all.

Ren offered her a strained smile and nodded. "I don't have an issue with

that either, Yugito. Although... perhaps we should take the time to get to

know each other better before we proceed with marriage."

"That's an excellent idea, Ren-sama," she responded, feeling a bit

awkward as she attempted to contain her excitement, akin to an eager

puppy in his presence. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but feel incredibly


"Very well then. Come. Sit beside me." He said and the two of them

started talking about their lives, their hobbies, and ambitions. Just basic

stuff about each other.

She chose not to disclose her mission from Danzo-sama, intending to

keep it hidden for the time being. However, she resolved to eventually

reveal the truth to Ren-sama, acknowledging that a secret of this

magnitude couldn't remain concealed from him indefinitely.

After conversing for about an hour, it was time for them to depart. Before

they left, Ren-sama decided to present her with a gift as a token of their


"Is this Samehada?" she inquired, holding the sword close as it happily

nuzzled against her body, greedily absorbing a significant amount of her

and Matatabi's chakra.

'What a glutton,' she thought with a smile.

"Yes. I have no use for the sword. I initially intended to give it to Itachi

but she has too little chakra to feed it properly. Ringo has her own

swords and Mei mainly rely on Ninjutsu during a battle." He said. "I

believe that this sword would serve you better than any of them."

"I see. But don't you need this sword for yourself Ren-sama? I mean, the

Chakra Metal sword you're using isn't bad either, but this is one of the 7

Legendary swords of Kiri." She said.

"Yes. Samehada is pretty impressive. But I have already figured out how

its Chakra Absorption works and have created Fuinjutsu seals based on

that ability. So I have no need of it anymore."

"If you're certain," she replied before leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.

"And thank you for this sword, Ren-sama. It's the best gift I've ever


"Don't mention it." He said with a smile before his clone came along with

a content looking Rin Nohara who was carrying mini Isobu on her head

and a frazzled looking Kushina-san who seemed to have gotten into a

scuffle with mini Kurama who had a smug look on its tiny fox face.

"Time to go home," Ren-sama announced before he held them with his

chakra strings. In the next moment, they found themselves back in



AN: Mito finally meets up with Tsunade. But a slight misunderstanding

leads to Tsunade believing that Mito is her distant cousin that was

captured and experimented upon by Kiri. Mito chickens out and takes

advantage of this misunderstanding instead of coming out clean with


Well, at least the Uzumaki would now be able to return to Konoha.

We also see what has been done to Yugito Nii with Kotoamatsuki. She

now believes that she has always been a part of Konoha, and that it's her

life mission to seduce Ren and bear his children.

She doesn't love him right now, but that will come with time and


Aside from that, I gave a brief explanation about why Genbu is as big as

he is. And showed that Ren has starting training his fellow Konoha

Jinchuriki in attaining the Perfect Tailed Beast Chakra Mode.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 44- Second Clan Meeting

Kakashi Hatake POV

Blue Chakra flash across his body, accompanied by fleeting sparks of

lightning as he dashed across the field, finally reaching the finish line.

Coming to a sudden stop, he released the chakra enveloping him and

fixed his gaze intensely on Ren's Shadow Clone.

The clone fixed its gaze on the Stopwatch, then slowly pivoted it around

to reveal the result. He had finished the lap in one-fifth of his usual time

while using the Lightning Chakra Cloak.

"Congratulations." Ren said, giving him a content smile. "You've finally

mastered the most basic version of Lightning Chakra Cloak. It is still far

from the full potential of this Jutsu, but you've made good progress."

He sank to the ground with a mixture of relief and exhaustion, grateful

that his months of dedicated effort had finally borne fruit.

"Also, congratulations on becoming an Elite Jounin at only 16 years old."

Ren said, shoving a lollipop in his face.

He batted the lollipop aside and shot Ren a glare before the realization

hit him. "Wait, what? You're saying I'm an Elite Jounin?" he questioned,

his eyes narrowing in suspicion, wondering if this was merely another

one of Ren's pranks.

"I'm saying that you can fight at that level when you use the the most

basic version of the Lightning Cloak." Ren said. "Currently, you can only

do so for about a minute or so, but that will increase with time and

practice. I have confidence that if you maintain your current level of

dedication and effort, you'll achieve S-class status before the age of


"I will." He said, and he meant it. If not for himself then for Obito, who

sacrificed his life to save him.

A moment later, Ringo skidded to a stop beside him as well, her own

cloak flickering a bit more than his own. And he knew that she also

suffered from far more lightning chakra burns than he did. The fact that

she was able to endure such severe burns and carry on as if unaffected

was incredibly impressive. And she had his respect for that, if nothing


"I'm starting to get the hang of it. I believe I'll have mastered the basic

version by the end of this month." Ringo remarked as Ren set about

healing the numerous first and second-degree burns covering her body.

This was probably one of the reasons why not everyone in Kumo tried to

learn this Jutsu. Without a top-tier healer like Ren Uchiha on hand,

capable of effortlessly treating even the most severe burns with just a

touch, the risks of permanent injuries would be far too great.

As always, watching Ren at work was awe inspiring, and made him often

wonder if this is how Obito must've felt when compared to his own

abilities. Remembering Obito brought back that familiar pang of guilt

within him, but he was used to it by this point.

At least he was able to keep his promise to Obito by keeping Rin Nohara

safe. Yes, she got kidnapped and turned into a Jinchuriki by Kiri, but he

was able to save her in the end.

"You better be." Ren said with a fake-annoyed look on his face. "Boss had

to spend Five points to buy Educational Talent just for situations like


He had… absolutely no idea what 'five points' Ren was talking about and

how you can even buy something like Educational Talent. So he just

chalked it up as one of Ren's usual eccentric behaviour and ignored it.

Two minutes later, Ringo was completely healed and he had also

recovered from his exhaustion.

It still surprised him just how quickly he recovered from physical and

chakra exhaustion ever since Ren implanted Hashirama cells within his


And to think that he was against it being implanted in his body. Thinking

that since his father became an S-class shinobi without any assistance, he

should be capable of doing the same.

Good thing that Ren convinced him otherwise. Mostly by giving him a

rather through beating to show just how weak he truly was. It was just

another favour in a long list of favours that he owed to Ren.

"Should we continue?" He asked, rising from the ground.

"Ringo will continue. However, the boss has requested your presence in

his lab." The Shadow Clone said.

"Lab? What for?" He asked, feeling a slightly apprehensive.

Was Ren going to implant something else into his body? And would he

receive another great beating if he refused?

"Boss wants to help you evolve your Sharingan. Take it to the next level,

so to speak." The Shadow Clone said. "That's all I can tell you right now.

Go and talk to the boss if you want to know more."

Upgrading Obito's Sharingan eye.

He wasn't against it, as the eye has evolved over the past few years till it

went from the One-tomoe Sharingan to Three-tomoe Sharingan.

But… "Doing so won't harm the Sharingan, would it?" He asked, not

wanting to lose Obito's eye to one of Ren's experiments. If there was even

a slight chance of the eye being damaged, then he would not allow Ren

to study it, despite how much he owed the boy.

"Boss will explain things to you." The Shadow Clone said, not explaining

anything else and he sighed before he started marching toward the large

house atop the hill.

Ten minutes later.

He found himself covered in a series of Fuinjutsu seals. Most of them

covering the left side of his face and centred around his Sharingan eye.

"Are you sure this will work?" He asked Ren, a twinge of unease lingering

in his gut despite being aware that the boy was a Fuinjutsu expert.

The best one in Konoha, and perhaps even the entire world, if Minato-

Sensei's words were to be believed.

"Yes. Now hold still. I'll pour a steady stream of chakra into your body

until your chakra reserves are filled to the brim. Don't fight it."

"I still don't understand why I need so much chakra." He confessed. "Is the

next level of Sharingan really so chakra intensive?"

He had heard that all the Sharingan wielders sent to the frontline used

the evolved version of Sharingan during the war. It was called Mangekyo

or something, and it was one of the main reasons why Konoha was able

to defeat Kumo and Iwa with such ease.

He hadn't seen those eyes himself, as he hadn't been allowed to join the

war effort. This fact would have greatly annoyed him if he hadn't been

assigned the mission to protect Rin Nohara, along with Minato Sensei's

wife and daughter.

"It isn't. But there is something else about your eyes. Something that I

want to show you and study for myself. 'That' would be chakra intensive."

"It won't harm the eye, would it?" He asked once again.

"I won't lie to you. The thing I'm about to show you would do some

minor damage to your eye." Ren said but then continued before he could

offer up any protest. "However, the Hashirama cells in your body should

be more than capable of repairing it."

"For the record. I'm still not comfortable with this." He said as the

Shadow Clones tightened the strap around his body.

"Come on Kakashi. Go along with this and I won't tell anyone that you

have buckteeth under your mask." Ren said cheekily.

He narrowed his eyes at the boy. "I don't have buckteeth and you know


"Huh… did you say anything." Ren said, giving him a confused glance

and his eyes twitched at Ren using his own usual tactic against Gai.

"No. Just go ahead with the experiment." He said. Ren gave a nod and

then placed a hand on the left side of his face, activating the Fuinjutsu


A sharp prick of pain went through his left Sharigan eye before the world

he could see through that eye became crisp and clear. As if the Sharingan

he'd used till now was slow and faulty.

The world around him seemed to decelerate, as if the Shadow Clones

surrounding him were moving in slow motion. He could discern every

detail of their movements with ease, effortlessly anticipating their next

actions to a much greater degree than before.

If all those Uchiha had eyes like these, then no wonder that Kumo and

Iwa lost the war so badly. Though the fact that not a single Uchiha had

died in the war was still strange.

"There. Now we move on to the next stage of this experiment." Ren said,

able to keep up with him easily enough despite him now seeing things in

slow motion.

He realised that the boy had hastened his movements to match his

slowed perception. Moments later, his Shadow Clones followed suit.

The ease with which Ren accomplished this feat, without apparent effort,

was truly unsettling. And he wondered just how much Ren has to hold

himself back in day to day life to appear like a normal human being.

"Next stage?" He asked, his own mouth moving rather slowly compared

to his perception.

"Yes. It was the Mangekyo ability I told you about. Now hold still." Ren

said and he felt the foreign chakra invading his Sharingan eye before—

The space in front of him twisted in a swirling pattern. The twisting and

swirling getting faster and faster, until a black hole the size of an apple

appeared in front of him.

He felt himself say "What?" in slow motion, a tad bit worried about the

great amount of chakra he was using up to hold… whatever this was.

But then he felt Ren's chakra invading his body once again, easily

merging together with his one chakra and shoring up his reserves, instead

of poisoning him like it should've.

Ren then channeled more chakra through his eyes, causing a thin stream

of blood to trickle down his face as the black void expanded, growing

larger and larger until a peculiar dark space filled with cubes

materialised before him.

But before he could get a better look at it, Ren stopped the flow of chakra

through his eye and the space hole sealed shut. The wound in the fabric

of space healed instantaneously, as if it had never been torn open in the

first place.

The world resumed its usual pace, and he took deep breaths to calm

himself before he turned to Ren and asked, "What was that!?" And if

there was a slight note of panic in his voice then Ren thankfully didn't

acknowledge it.

"That was the Mangekyo Sharingan ability of your eye." Ren said, looking

as calm as ever despite… everything. "And thanks to you, I was able to

study it."

"How did I not know that Obito's eye was capable of something like that?

Wait, how did 'you' know that Obito's eye was capable of something like

that?" He asked.

"I'm Ren Uchiha." The boy answered, and to be fair, it wasn't the wrong

answer, even it felt rather unsatisfactory. "And I would advise against

using it until you possess chakra reserves at Kage level. Otherwise, you'll

deplete your chakra and die."

"Noted." He said, feeling rather drained after this entire experience. "Can

I use the next stage Sharingan at least?"

"You can. But only do so in emergency situations." Ren said. "Now get out

of my lab. I need to see how to replicate this ability of Obito's."

"Wait? You can replicate it?" He asked, feeling a bit numb.

"Of course I can." Ren said with a scoff. "Who do you think I am?"


Ren Uchiha POV

"—the Hokage has granted us many honours. A large share of the loot

Konoha acquired from this war, enough merits to last us a lifetime, a

large tax deduction for any Uchiha Shinobi for the next Twenty years,

along with a lesser deduction for our affiliates. And a dozen other minor

benefits." Fugaku said, prompting murmurs of approval from the clan

members gathered in the Naka Shrine.

This marked the first Uchiha clan meeting convened since the start of the

war. The gatherings had been suspended throughout the conflict as the

most formidable of their shinobi had been deployed to the frontlines.

This was also the second Clan meeting he had joined. And he wouldn't

have joined this one either had Fugaku not come to his house give him a

personal invitation.

"That's promising. It appears the village is beginning to recognise the true

worth of our clan," remarked the First Elder, a prominent member of the

Dove faction. He was also Mikoto's uncle and an ardent supporter of


"The tax benefits would be of great help to our shinobi, traders and

various businesses." The 5th elder said. The was one of the Neutral ones,

more focused on raising wealth for the clan than anything else.

"All of this is unnecessary. Useless trinkets handed out to our clan to

pacify us while our true desires remain unfulfilled!" exclaimed the Second

Elder, leader of the Hawk faction. "Why were we not guaranteed the

position of the Fifth Hokage when we, single-handedly, secured victory in

this entire war for Konoha?"

This guy and his ego... The way he speaks would lead you to believe that

the Uchiha clan alone could win a war against three major villages. And

as strong as the Uchiha clan has recently become, they weren't 'that'

strong. Not without him at least.

There was a difference between confidence and delusion, and this one

seems to have crossed that line a long time ago.

Though… the number people who seemed to be nodding at this guy's

words was worrying. Hell, even some members of the Dove faction were

nodding along as if everything he said made perfect sense.

He sighed, reminded of the proverb: "Pride comes before fall."

He might have to do something, lest these morons think that attacking

Konoha and taking the Hokage's position with force is a smart move.

It probably won't come to it. The Uchiha only planned a coup in the

canon timeline because of how desperate they truly were. But better for

him to act before its too late.

"The Hokage's position is not his own to give away." Fugaku said firmly.

"At best, he can nominate candidates for the position. However, it's

ultimately the ones who prove themselves as the strongest and garner the

most support from the clans, S-class shinobi, and jounins who become the

next Hokage. You all are aware of this."

He paused at that, remembering the clan leaders who respected him, the

S-class shinobi he's friends or acquainted with and all the Jounins he'd

healed during the war time. Not to mention Minato's apparent interest in

pushing him into the Hokage's seat. Ah... shit. This wasn't good.

"Bah! That's all just nonsense. Do you think Hashirama cared about our

opinions when he appointed Tobirama as the Second Hokage? Or

Tobirama cared when he selected Hiruzen Sarutobi for the position?" the

elder exclaimed, rising from his seat and glaring at the rest of the

assembly. "I've said it a thousand times already, and I'll say it again.

Konoha doesn't value us Uchiha as much as they should. Even after we

won the war for them, all we receive are tax breaks and some merits.

Does he think of us as beggars?"

"Mind your manners, Second elder. That's our Hokage you're speaking of.

You may not respect his decisions but you must respect his position as

the Hokage." Fugaku said, showing some steel in his spine for once. He


The elders debated on the matter for a while longer, exchanging

arguments back and forth until it was ultimately decided that Fugaku

would approach Minato to take on an Uchiha clan member as his

disciple, akin to how Hiruzen had mentored the Sannin.

He suspected that either Shisui or Itachi would be chosen for this role,

primarily because he had no interest whatsoever in being involved in

such drama.

"Before we proceed with the meeting, there is something I want to ask

something." Spoke a young Uchiha Jounin as he rose from his seat. This

individual was Naka Uchiha, recognised as one of the most skilled

shinobi of his generation. Someone who was able to unlock his Mangekyo

Sharingan on his own and didn't need a handout from him.

He was from the Hawk faction and had held a high position in the faction

until Fugaku started giving out his eyes and Hashirama cells to the clan

members. Hawk faction still only had three shinobi who got those eyes

and cells (compared to the Dove faction's Eighteen) but that was enough

to deteriorate the large influence and support that Naka once held.

After all, having Mangekyo didn't make you special anymore. It just made

you one among many.

"Please, ask." Fugaku said.

"Why is that boy sitting beside you in the seat of honour, Fugaku-san?"

Naka asked, pointing right at him. And it was as if the entire clan's

attention shifted to him at once. Everyone was now looking at him. "I

also want to ask why he has such a large bounty in his name when he

didn't even join the war. And if there is any truth to the various rumours

going around about him."

Fugaku looked like he was contemplating how to answer this question

before he got up from his seat. "May I answer this question myself,


Fugaku glance at him and nodded.

He glanced at Naka, who already had his Mangekyo Sharingan activated.

This was customary, as every Uchiha was expected to show off their

Sharingan during the duration of the meeting. It served as a

demonstration of the true power of their clan and a means of garnering

more prestige within their ranks.

"Protect yourself." He told Naka.

"What?" Naka asked, frowning at him before he unleashed his Genjutsu


It was surprisingly effortless. Almost too easy. He couldn't tell if it was

because of his exceptionally high skill in Genjutsu or because of his

newly acquired Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

Naka collapsed as if his strings had been abruptly severed, rendered

unconscious by just a single glance from him.

"That, is my answer." He said and took his seat once again.

There was a moment of silence before all three elders and the Jounin of

the Hawk faction rose to their feet, their expressions a mix of anger and

wariness as they regarded him.

Even some members from the Dove and neutral factions appeared

displeased with his actions.

"Attacking a fellow clan member within the Naka is strictly prohibited,"

the First Elder declared before anyone else could interject. "As

punishment, Ren Uchiha will receive a hundred lashes and forfeit a third

of his wealth and property, effective immediately."

The words rang out like a gong in the Naka shrine and he felt bewildered

about why an elder of the Dove faction was punishing him. Wasn't this

guy supposed to be on his side? And then he realised it.

It seems like he had broken some sort of taboo within the clan. A taboo

that stopped someone from attacking another member of the clan within

the Naka shrine. An understandable taboo as everyone had their

Sharingan active during the meeting. And someone with a Mangekyo

Sharingan can do a lot of harm to another person with just a look into

their eyes.

The First elder had probably given him the punishment so that the

members of the Hawk faction won't ask for a harsher punishment. Like

his death or something equally foolish.

However, he wasn't inclined to allow a stranger to punish him just to

uphold decades-old traditions that he cared little about.

So he chuckled at the First elder's words, getting a frown from the old

man and an excited look from the Hawk faction guys.

"Do you find your punishment funny, Ren-kun?" The First elder asked, his

frown deepening. Even Fugaku appeared concerned.

"Yeah. I find it funny that you guys stick to your traditions so closely, yet

forget the number one rule of the Shinobi world."

"Oh, and what rule would that be?" The Second elder asked, looking at

him like he was some kind of prey ready to be devoured.


"That the strong rule over the weak," he declared before he flared his

chakra through his eyes, ensnaring everyone standing in the Shrine

within his Genjutsu.

The effect lasted only a moment.

And then all the members of the Hawk faction slumped to the ground,


A profound silence fell within the compound as everyone watched this

with their mouth hung open.

He had just incapacitated dozens of Jounin with a mere surge of his

chakra, including two Elite Jounin who possessed implanted Mangekyo

Sharingan eyes.

Such a feat should have been technically impossible, yet he accomplished

it effortlessly, without breaking a sweat.

He shot a sidelong glance at the First Elder, who now appeared to be

sweating profusely. "Is the punishment still in effect, First Elder?" he


The First Elder swallowed hard, looking as though he might faint at any

moment, and shook his head. "N-no, Ren-sama," he stammered.

He always found it amusing how quickly these people shifted from

addressing him as Ren-kun to Ren-sama as soon as they heard of his

deeds or witnessed them firsthand.

"That's good to hear." He said and then glanced at Fugaku who looked

throughly exasperated. "Please, Fugaku-san, continue with the meeting."

Now, let's see if the Hawk faction still harbours any desire to go against

the Hokage and Konoha after this.

The meeting became somewhat tense afterward, as everyone was keenly

aware of his presence. The older shinobi regarded him with wariness but

also with respectful eyes, while the younger ones gazed at him in awe.

The less said about the girls his age, the better.

He had a feeling that he was about to acquire his own group of Uchiha

fangirls before the end of this meeting.

The meeting continued for another hour before an Elite Jounin from the

Dove faction stood up and addressed him.

He recognised her immediately. She was Naori Uchiha, one of the few

Uchiha clan members who had successfully activated her Mangekyo

Sharingan. She was among the clan members he had considered marrying

in the future.

Naori bowed to him, eliciting murmurs from the crowd. In the Uchiha

clan, it was customary to bow only to one's parents and the clan leader,

and to no one else.

"If you do not mind, Ren-sama, then I have a question I want to ask." She

said, her voice soft and gentle.

"Please, go ahead." He said.

"With your strength, you are undoubtedly the strongest Uchiha our clan

has produced since the founding of Konoha," Naori said. "So why did you

not fight in the war?"

That raised even more murmurs within the crowd and he caught words

like 'coward' and 'hiding' exchanged between the clan members, making

him feel more amused than annoyed.

Seems like its was time to let the cat out of the bag.

"Why do you assume I didn't fight in the war?" He asked in return, which

seemed to flounder the young woman a bit.

"You… you were not with us in the frontline, Ren-sama." Naori said.

"Fugaku-san, would you mind informing her and the rest of the clan

about my accomplishments?" he requested, feeling uncomfortable with

the idea of boasting about his own achievements.

Fugaku gave him a look, as if asking if he was sure about this. At his nod,

Fugaku turned to face the clan.

"Ren-kun's initial involvement in the war was in the hospital, where he

apprenticed under Lady Tsunade. He absorbed her teachings with such

proficiency that his medical abilities matched those of Lady Tsunade

herself by the end of the month," Fugaku revealed, stunning everyone in

the clan.

After all, being powerful was one thing. But being talented enough to

learn everything from one of Sannins within just a month was something

else altogether.

"There, he or his Shadow Clones healed just as many shinobi as Lady

Tsunade did throughout the entire duration of the war, if not more,"

Fugaku continued. "However, his first direct involvement in the war

occurred when he joined the assault in Kiri."

"I must object, Fugaku-sama," one of the Jounin interjected as he rose

from his seat. "With all due respect, Fugaku-sama, I was one of the few

Elite Jounin who took part in that mission, and Ren-sama wasn't there."

When the clan looked at him in confusion, he swiftly transformed into

the Crow Anbu he had been during the war, then reverted to his original

form, effectively silencing the Jounin.

"I joined that mission while under transformation." He explained, for the

slower minds.

After a moment's pause where those who had taken part in that battle

realised that he had been with them all along, Fugaku continued.

"In that battle, Ren-kun executed his tasks flawlessly, destroying all the

ships and ports in Kiri, as well as their Shinobi Academy, Mizukage

Tower, and R&D Department building," Fugaku recounted. "Afterward, he

aided our allies and assisted Ringo Ameyuri in defeating the S-class

shinobi Fuguki Suikazan. Following that, he supported Hokage-sama in

destroying the Terumi clan, defeating another S-class kunoichi in the


"I was also responsible for transporting our team to the island near Kiri

and back to Konoha after the mission concluded," he added softly.

"Ah yes, Ren-kun also knows the 4th Hokage's signature Jutsu, Hiraishin."

Fugaku said, and the fan girls were looking even more intensely at him.

Hell, even some of the older teenage girls were now looking at him with

evident lust in their eyes.

It was… disconcerting.

"The next part is not documented, but after the destruction of Kiri, Ren-

kun located and defeated the Six Tails Jinchuriki of Kiri. Subsequently,

he extracted the tailed beast and claimed it for himself, for the benefit of

the village and the clan," Fugaku disclosed, as he accentuated his words

by flaring out six glowing tails behind him.

This elicited a few gasps of shock from the audience, as they hadn't been

aware that their clan now possessed a Tailed Beast.

Once the excited murmurs had subsided, Fugaku resumed. "Ren next

participated in the war by creating over a thousand Shadow Clones,

which he deployed to both battlefields. These clones not only eliminated

enemies but also rescued and healed many of our allies. Additionally, he

infiltrated behind enemy lines, destroying their supplies and

incapacitating their medics, compelling them to retreat from battle.

"Wait. That was you!?" One of the Jounin blurted out, before quickly

realizing his mistake and lowering his head. "Sorry, Fugaku-sama, Ren-

sama. But were those shadow clones really you? How did you even

manage to create a thousand Shadow Clones?"

"Yes, it was me," he confirmed. "I created over a thousand shadow clones

with the assistance of the Strength of a Hundred Seals, a technique taught

to me by Tsunade-Sensei. Additionally, my clones also managed to defeat

and capture the Jinchuriki of the Two Tails during that battle. Any other


The clan members remained silent, though he sensed it was more from

the shock of learning about all his accomplishments rather than a lack of


"Ren-kun's next contribution was an act that changed the entire course of

the battle," Fugaku-san announced. "Ren-kun led a team that swept

through the Land of Lightning, decimating all their primary commerce

centers, industrial bases, mines, as well as their vital ports and bridges.

During this blitz attack, Ren-kun's team not only eliminated over a dozen

Elite Jounin and more than 150 Jounin, but they also killed the Fourth

Raikage, resulting in the cessation of hostilities with Kumo."

These words brought a wave of utter silence within the Naka Shrine. He

sensed that his accomplishments had completely stunned their clan

members this time.

Even Mikoto-san, who hadn't been aware of his war achievements, was

now staring at him in utter shock, as if seeing him for the first time in her

life. Same for Itachi, who was sitting on Mikoto's lap.

"With all of this said, the greatest aid Ren-kun provided to the Uchiha

clan was not by defeating our enemies during the war, but by supplying

us with a substantial quantity of Mangekyo Sharingan eyes and

Hashirama cells that he obtained from the Hokage," Fugaku stated. All

the recipients of transplanted eyes in the clan were now fixated on him,

their gazes locking onto his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes and

recognising the resemblance to their own.

"You elders have been curious for the longest time about the source of all

those Mangekyo Sharingan eyes. Well, now you know." Fugaku said, and

then continued before anyone could start asking questions.

"Last but not least, when the Hokage-sama took to the battlefield

personally, he entrusted Ren-kun with the role of temporary village head,

ensuring the village's protection in his absence. These are the

contributions Ren-kun made to this war. Now, with this knowledge, does

anyone have any questions?"

After a long silence, a young teenage girl shyly raised her hand.

"Yes, Kimiko-chan," Fugaku acknowledged, gesturing for the girl to speak,

even though she was only a Chunin and typically not permitted to speak

in meetings like these.

"Is… is Ren-sama in need of a wife?" The girl asked, looking at him


Beside him, he heard Fugaku facepalm before chaos erupted. Every girl

around his age started vying for his attention, some asking to be chosen

as his wife, others as concubines, and a few even offering to teach him

about a woman's body.

Suffice it to say, it was a… memorable clan meeting.


After a long and exhausting meeting that felt like it lasted for years, he

returned home.

To his surprise, his house was shrouded in darkness, and he could sense

the presence of everyone he knew—everyone from the village—inside,

waiting for him.

'What in the world was happening here?' He wondered to himself.

As he entered his house, the lights flicked on instantly, and everyone

erupted into cheers of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY REN!"

Ah... he realized he had turned seven today. Neat!


AN: That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 45- Dealing with the


Ren Uchiha POV

"Is this what you've been working on these days?" Mito asked as she

entered his lab and peered at his Fuinjutsu seals, escorted here by one of

his Shadow Clones.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked.

"You seem to be delving into spatial manipulation, at a pretty high level

as well." Mito remarked, scrutinising the seals. "Whatever you're making

here surpasses even the Hiraishin technique in complexity. But that's all I

can infer with a cursory look." Mito said.

"To learn all that with a single look. Man, you old folks sure are scary."

He chuckled.

"Are you aware that there are dozens of Uchiha shinobi gathered outside

your barrier?" She asked, completely ignoring the remark about her age.

"Yes. Hard to ignore their annoying presence."

"And, you haven't send a single shadow clone to talk with them?"

"I haven't."

"Do you at least know what they want from you?"

"Yes," he replied, initially considering leaving it at that. However, under

Mito's persistent gaze, he chose to divulge, "They want to serve me."

"Serve you?" She asked, looking confused.

"Yeah, I knocked them out once with Genjutsu and somehow, that turned

them into my most devoted followers. No, I do not understand how that

works either."

Mito shrugged. "A powerful man always attract followers."

"I would prefer my followers to be beautiful S-class kunoichis." He

quipped, wiggling his eyes at her.

Mito chuckled at his remark before turning her attention to the rest of

the lab, where dozens of his Shadow Clones were collaborating on

advanced Space-related Fuinjutsu seals.

"I still find it fascinating that you haven't become a dullard from all the

information your Shadow Clones send to your brain." Mito said softly.

"Yeah. My second bloodline is pretty convenient like this. Though I'm

currently developing a Fuinjutsu seal aimed at regulating the information

transfer from Shadow Clones, reducing the risk of brain damage." He

said. "With this seal, even a basic Jounin could safely use several Shadow

Clones on a day to day basis."

"Really?" She asked, looking surprised. "What a fascinating

concept.Although, now I feel a bit foolish for not considering it earlier

myself. Do you need any help with that?"

"Not particularly, but I wouldn't object to having the most skilled GILF in

the Elemental Nations collaborating with me."

"GILF?" Mito asked, looking confused.

"Grandma I would like to fuck." He told her and took great amusement in

how her face scrunched up in confusion and disgust.

"You young people have no shame these days." She said, clicking her

tongue disapprovingly.

He shrugged at her words. "Why are you here, Mito? Did Tsunade finally

learn about your deception and kick you out of her house?" He asked.

Mito's eyes narrowed at him. "Watch it, Ren-kun. I admire your abilities

and skills, but I won't tolerate disrespect."

He smirked. "Has anyone ever told you how hot you look when you're


Mito smirked. "Yes, my husband."

"Okay, now you're just making things awkward. Though I can't say I

didn't deserve that," he chuckled, finding amusement in the exchange.

"But seriously, Mito, why are you here?"

"Can't I simply come to visit my new friend?"

"No. Firstly, we're not merely friends; we're allies. And if we're to

progress our relationship, it would be as husband and wife, not as

friends. There will be no friend-zoning here. I'm no Jiraiya. Secondly,

you're not the type to drop by without a good reason. So, spill it."

Mito gazed at him for a prolonged moment before shaking her head.

Then, her attention shifted to the numerous shadow clones inhabiting his

lab. "You're remarkably mature for your age, Ren-kun. Initially, I

attributed it to a quirk of your personality. However, now I wonder if it's

not a consequence of utilising so many of your Shadow Clones. Their

time in this world is assimilated into your own, elevating your mental

age far beyond that of most adults in this village."

"You're avoiding my question." He observed, stopping his Fuinjutsu work

to give her his complete attention."

Mito hesitated for a moment before he spoke up. "I brought my Uzumaki

clan members to Konoha today. I had to meet up with the Hokage in

order to register my clan. But while doing that, I ended up meeting little

monkey who recognised me. He confronted me afterward, and upon

learning of my situation, asked me to come clean with Tsunade."

"I see. Then just go to her and come clean." he advised, then paused, a

sudden realisation dawning on him. Was she... seeking his advice?

"I'm afraid of how she'll react to my survival and the fact that I left her

behind," Mito confessed, sinking into a chair provided by his Shadow

Clone. "And I'm even more worried by how she'll react once she learns

how I gained my immortality."

"You could always withhold the truth about your immortality from her,"

he suggested. "In fact, considering how you gained it, you should

probably do just that."

Mito shook her head. "If I tell her the truth, then I want to tell her all of


"All shinobi have secrets Mito-san." He said, adopting her formal title

once again. "If you think that Tsunade hadn't concealed numerous

significant matters from you, even when she was under your care, then

you're deluding yourself. Plus, if knowledge about how you gained your

immortality spread out, then it had the potential to do a lot of harm to

the world.I can think of several shinobi in Konoha alone who would

gladly slaughter Ten thousand people for the promise of immortality."

"Tsunade won't tell anyone."

"Perhaps not. But do you truly wish to gamble when the lives of tens of

thousands of people hang in the balance?" he questioned. After a moment

of contemplation, Mito shook her head.

"I understand. And... thank you," she expressed.

"For what?" He asked.

"For not hating me, even after discovering how I achieved immortality."

He shrugged. "That's because I'm biased as fuck. Trust me, if you were

some ugly old guy pulling the same stunt, I would've shanked you ages


Mito chuckled at his blunt honesty. "You're a strange young man, Ren-


"I would say-" He paused as he sensed one of his emergency Hiraishin

kunai flare up in the distance. This particular kunai held significant

importance, as it was situated in Taki, the residence of the Seven-Tails


"Excuse me, Mito-san. But something urgent just came up. Please, feel

free to study my Fuinjutsu seals while I'm gone." He told her before

teleporting away.

Arriving atop a colossal branch of an immense tree, he surveyed the

scene below, where a fierce battle was taking place in the village nestled

within the tree's shelter. Turning to his Shadow Clone, he commanded,


"It's Akatsuki," reported the Permanent Shadow Clone, stationed there to

safeguard the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki.

"Pain and Konan?" he inquired, feeling a sense of anticipation at the

prospect of defeating and capturing that blue haired beauty.

"No, it's Juzo Biwa, Kisame, and Fuji Kaguya," his clone informed him,

prompting a blink of surprise.

"That Kaguya clan leader survived?"

His clone shrugged. "I'm as much in the dark about this as you are. It's

likely he was rescued by Obito, who probably recruited Kisame around

the same time. And Kisame is using the Explosive blade right now, in

case you're wondering."

From the vantage point of the colossal tree branch, he surveyed the chaos

engulfing the village below "Hmm… Kisame is much weaker than he was

during Canon timeline. High A-class at best. Understandable, as canon is

still a decade away. Juzo Biwa is also only A-class. That Kaguya guy is

the only S-class shinobi here."

But despite all odds, the Taki village was actually doing a pretty decent

job of fighting against the Akatsuki clan members.

Unlike canon, where Taki village was shown to be so weak that a simple

rogue Jounin can walk in and capture their leader, this Taki village was

still rather powerful, with over 3000 shinobi to its name.

Of course, the majority of those shinobi were Genin or Chunin, with only

around 50 Jounin among them, along with a handful of Elite Jounin.

It was… not bad for a minor village. But despite their numbers and

coordination, they were finally starting to take some losses now that the

Kaguya guy had started to let loose with his bloodline, not caring that

one of his spikes almost skewered Juzo Biwa.

"Man, these Kaguya guys are crazy." he chuckled, before extending his

chakra senses outward until he could detect the child concealed at the

rear of the village. A child with a giant secondary chakra sealed within


He could sense someone attempting to hide her, but his Chakra Sense

was too good to be fooled by such a weak attempt.

"The Taki aren't finished yet. See the gourd fastened to their leader's

waist?" His clone saked.

He gazed at it, his EMS eyes effortlessly zooming in on the gourd, and

activated his Observation ability, swiftly discerning that it was half-filled

with the Hero Water.

He hummed in contemplation, pondering whether he should steal some

of that water once the battle concluded.

Perhaps he should even bring Fu along with him?

True, the Seven-Tails was technically under the jurisdiction of Taki.

However, he doubted their ability to shield her from Akatsuki. Even if

they somehow emerged victorious from this skirmish, what about the

aftermath? Would they possess the strength to safeguard Fu from other

minor villages? And what if the next assault came from someone like

Kakuzu? Or worse, Pain and Konan.

After contemplating for a moment, he turned to his Shadow Clone. "Go

and ask Minato to come here."

His clone nodded and the vanished.

He refocused his attention on the battle and and noticed that the Kaguya

guy had finally gone all out. He had taken a weird dinosaur form, and

was currently rampaging across the entire village, none of the Taki

shinobi able to put up a decent defence against him.

Even Juzo Biwa and Kisame had temporarily withdrawn from the battle

lest they get in his way.

Using Observe, he noticed that the guy was currently running at -75%


Strange. But none of his concern.

Observing the remainder of the battlefield, he witnessed the Leader of

Taki taking a decisive gulp from the Hero Water, experiencing an

immediate surge in chakra alongside a notable boost in raw strength and

speed. With newfound vigour, the leader charged towards the

transformed Fuji Kaguya.

The other Jounins retreated from the battle as well once the two

juggernauts started battling one another, while he took out a popcorn

from his Inventory and made himself comfortable.

Two minutes within the fight, Minato appeared by his side, and gazed at

the battle below them with a frown.

"The Jinchuriki is over there, in case you're wondering." He said, pointing

at the shack at the other end of the village. "She's a Three-year-old child

with dark skin and mint green hair. She's being protected by Four


Minato nodded and he noticed that there were two faint orange circles

underneath his eyes. Huh… this was the first time he'd seen Minato in

Sage Mode.

He used Observe and… damn, those were some pretty decent boosts to

his base physical stats. Nice.

If Minato fought against Nagato's six paths right now, then he would give

Minato pretty decent odds at winning the fight, even without knowing

Nagato's secret.

It filled him with excitement at the prospect of learning and mastering

his own Sage Mode. He wondered if he'll reach Tier 8 once he masters it.

After observing the entire situation, Minato finally made a decision.

"We're taking the Seven tails Jinchuriki."

"Fu," he interjected, earning a confused look from Minato. "Her name is

Fu," he clarified, and Minato nodded in understanding.

"We're taking Fu with us. Make sure our actions are not traced back to


He nodded, and then watched as Minato hurled his trademark kunai

towards the distant shack. It came as no surprise when Minato

effortlessly dispatched the four Jounins guarding Fu before teleporting

away with her.

Minato had undoubtedly grown more decisive since the Fourth Shinobi

War, showing no hesitation in making tough decisions like this. He

wholeheartedly approved.

He created a Shadow Clone and gave his own order. "Erase that shack

and its surrounding are. Use a Water Ninjutsu and disguise yourself as

Kisame while doing that."

His Shadow Clone nodded and left to follow his order while he returned

his attention back to the ongoing battle. Both Taki leader and Fuji

Kaguya looked pretty injured at this point.

In theory, Konoha was allied with Taki and should have been offering

assistance during their hour of need.

However, Taki had never extended a helping hand during the Fourth

Shinobi War or the wars before it. They had remained on the sidelines,

biding their time until one of the Great Villages weakened enough for

them to claim their spot as the next Great Village.

Konoha had no use for such fair-weather allies.

Not anymore.

He observed the battle for another moment before sensing a significant

buildup of chakra within his shadow clone. Suddenly, a powerful tidal

wave surged from the lake, moving at supersonic speed and annihilating

everything in its path. The corpses of the Jounins were reduced to mere

chunks of flesh. With its task accomplished, his clone, now resembling

Kisame, vanished with a flicker of Shunshin.

He heard the Taki Leader's cry of despair at that before he put even more

effort in battling Fuji Kaguya, not caring about his own life anymore as

he took yet another swig of the Hero Water.

He watched as the two combatants exchanged mortal blows before

Kisame and Juzo Biwa decided to cut their loss and retreat. The Taki

Jounins gave chase but he doubted that they'll succeed.

He dispatched a Shadow Clone to retrieve the remaining Hero Water for

research purposes, then leaned back, pondering their next move now that

their village possessed five of the Tailed Beasts.

More accurately, he contemplated what to do about Akatsuki, who would

undoubtedly come after them following this encounter. Although he

doubted even Nagato was delusional enough to launch a direct assault

despite his claims of godhood.

Should he allow them to continue scheming in the shadows, or should he

confront them and put an end to it once and for all?

He took out a coin and tossed it in the air. Head, he'll deal with them.

Tail, they get to live a bit longer.


Nagato Uzumaki POV

"How did Fuji Kaguya die in a minor village like Taki?" He asked, his

voice grave as his eyes bored holes into the translucent images of the two

Akatsuki members he had dispatched to capture the Seven-Tails.

"The leader of Taki consumed Hero Water, granting him a significant

power boost. With it, he could match the Kaguya in his monstrous form

on equal footing," Juzo Biwa explained. "We had to—"

"I don't see the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki with you," he interjected, cutting

short whatever lengthy tale the swordsman had intended to share. "Did

you fail in that mission as well?"

The two swordsmen shared an uneasy glance with one another before

Kisame spoke up. "A third party interviened. They took my form and

destroy the shack where the Seven tails brat was hiding."

"So you failed." He concluded. This was… disappointing. Fuji Kaguya's

death was acceptable. The man was a mad dog through and through and

would have to be put down sooner or later.

But to learn that they lost the Kaguya and didn't even secure the Seven

tails was disheartening to hear.

"Return to base," he instructed the two of them sternly. "You'll face

punishment for this failure, and then be assigned a new mission."

The two swordsmen were definitely not happy to hear that but they

nodded and cut the connection.

"That was not wise," Zetsu interjected, joining the long-distance meeting.

"Those two are prideful shinobi. Pull too hard on their leash and they

might choose to break it and depart, even at the expense of their own


"Their lives are inconsequential in the presence of a god," he replied,

though he only half-meant it. Their lives did hold some value; otherwise,

he wouldn't have recruited them.

"Be that as it may, it was not their fault that they failed. Not this time at

least." Zetsu said and his eyes snapped toward the creature before they

narrowed into dangerous slits.

"Explain." He demanded.

"I was there. And while I didn't see who exactly killed the shinobi

guarding the 7 tails Jinchuriki, I saw the aftermath, even after that

Kisame lookalike tried to destroy everything. I found the torso of one of

the shinobi in there, and saw a spiral marked damage to his torso." Zetsu

said and he quickly remembered an infamous jutsu that left that kind of


"The Rasengan. You're telling me that Konoha took Seven tails?"

"Yes. And it's highly likely that they also have the Two-Tails Jinchuriki in

their custody," Zetsu confirmed. "Furthermore, the Six-Tails Jinchuriki

has been missing ever since Konoha's attack on Kiri. This suggests that

either the Jinchuriki feared an attack and retreated to hide in a remote

corner of the world, or..."

"Konoha took him too," he responded, realising the gravity of the


If what Zetsu claimed was accurate, it meant that Konoha now possessed

the Two, Three, Six, Seven, and Nine Tails.

That was… worrying.

Strong as he was, even he would struggle to face Konoha's current roster

of S-class shinobi. Add Five Jinchurikis to that, and capturing them

would be… difficult, to say the least.

As if reading his thoughts, Zetsu nodded. "Konoha has become too strong.

I doubt anyone anticipated their swift victories over Iwa, Kumo, and


He contemplated the idea of enlisting Madara's help to garner support

from his clan. Last he heard, the Uchiha clan played a pivotal role in the

devastating losses suffered by Kumo and Iwa on the battlefield. If Madara

could persuade some of them to join Akatsuki, then—

He paused, his wide-area Rain technique allowed him to sense someone

with an immense amount of chakra outside his village.

"Someone is here," he stated, discontinuing the long-distance technique

and refocusing on his own body. His attention shifted to the individual in

the distance, who seemed to be intentionally flaring their chakra to

garner his attention.

He activated a Fuinjutsu seal created by Konan and spoke into it. "Konan.

Come here."

Konan swiftly joined him, hovering protectively with her paper shuriken

forming a defensive formation around them. "What is it, Nagato? Do you

sense something?" she inquired.

"Someone with chakra equal to mine," he replied, focusing on the shinobi

outside Ame. "Someone harbouring a second chakra within him. A


"A Jinchuriki. Here?" Konan asked, looking confused and alert.

"Most likely a trap from Konoha." He said. They were the only ones who

would have the strength and confidence to attack him. Not to mention

use someone as powerful as this person as a bait.

"What's our plan?" Konan asked.

He pondered for a moment before responding. "We'll trigger this trap. It's

probably an ambush from other S-class Konoha shinobi."

"Is that wise?" Konan asked.

"It's either that or allowing them to invade Ame." He said. "Besides, this

close to me, I should be able to exert my full powers through my paths."

Konan still appeared apprehensive, but she didn't voice any objections

and simply nodded in acknowledgment.

Two minutes later, his Six Paths, accompanied by Konan, arrived at the

gates of Konoha. They found that a patrol of Ame shinobi had already

encountered their visitor and had been swiftly knocked out.

Their attacker turned out to be a 7-year-old child, one whom he

recognized immediately.

"Ren Uchiha," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the boy and the six

ethereal tails hovering behind him. It surprised him that Konoha had

turned the boy into a Jinchuriki, but ultimately, it didn't matter. "Why

have you come here?" he demanded.

"The coin landed on Heads," Ren replied, a hint of amusement in his tone

as he began to approach them.

He frowned, dismissing the boy's words as mere nonsensical distractions.

His gaze shifted behind Ren, scanning for other hidden Konoha shinobi

who might be lurking nearby. Perhaps Ren was even carrying a Hiraishin

kunai, ready to summon the Fourth Hokage and other S-class shinobi to

his side.

He considered talking a bit more, but both parties already knew how this

was going to unfold so he decided to act instead.

"Shinra Tensei." He said,unleashing a formidable force toward the boy,

unwilling to allow Ren to get close, especially considering the possibility

that he might be carrying a Hiraishin Kunai.

The attack struck Ren with the might of a god, but to his surprise, the

tails behind the boy enlarged and dug into the ground, acting as anchors

and halting his movement.

Eventually, the force behind his attack dissipated, leaving the boy

completely unharmed. An assault that would have obliterated a normal

Jounin was endured effortlessly.

This was, not good.

"My turn," the boy declared, conjuring dozens of clones. Almost all of

them surged toward Konan, while the main one charged at him,

gathering a massive shuriken shaped wind chakra above his head and

hurling it in his direction.

That attack was lethal. He could sense it without ever having seen

something like it before.

Reacting swiftly, his Preta Path surged forward to absorb the incoming

assault. Meanwhile, his Animal Path conjured forth a giant bull and

centipede summons, while his Asura Path unleashed a barrage of


While his Preta Path began absorbing the attack, the missiles found their

mark on the boy. Only for a giant blue ribcage to materialise around him,

effortlessly blocking the assault. As the smoke from the explosions

dissipated, he saw the boy rush forward to meet two summon animals

charging toward him.

His eyes narrowed into slits as the ribcage transformed, manifesting a

skeletal arm holding an ethereal bale. With two swift swings of his

Susanoo sword, the boy dispatched both summons, cleaving them neatly

in half before pressing onward toward them.

His Deva Path had to wait 5 seconds after each Shinra Tensei attack, but

shinobi battles at the higher level unfold at Supersonic if not hypersonic


The boy reached them long before 5 seconds had passed.

Asura Path surged forward to intercept the boy and…


It vanished into thin air.

The sudden absence of one of his Paths left him disoriented, allowing the

boy to close in on his Preta Path before he could react further.

He got hold of himself just as the boy reached the Preta Path and tried to

use the Preta Path's Chakra Absorbing ability to neutralise the boy. Only

for his Preta Path body to be yoinked away like the Asura Path before it.

The disorientation hit him once again but he was better prepared for it

this time and managed to regain his composure quickly. He quickly

summoned two more giant summons to delay the boy. But the susanoo

blade emerged once again, effortlessly cleaving through the giant

summons and his Animal Path along with them.

Then they boy rushed forward. Not toward his Deva Path but toward his

Naraka Path.

His Naraka Path retreated while his Human Path rushed forward.

His Human Path was one of his most useful Trump cards, with it ability

to take a person's soul with a mere touch.

Or... that was the theory at least. Reality was something different.

Chakra is made up of physical and spiritual energy.Therefore, individuals

with vast chakra reserves naturally possess a significant amount of

spiritual energy, resulting in a larger and more potent soul. And the

larger a person's soul is, the longer it takes for him to extract it.

Someone with the chakra reserves of an S-class shinobi can resist him

long enough to back away from his Human Path, making this technique

useless against them.

As for Ren, whose chakra reserves matched his own, he doubted he

would be capable of extracting the boy's soul, even if the boy didn't offer

any resistance.

But despite knowing all that, he threw his Human Path forward in a

desperate bid to hold him back.While the Human Path was a valuable

asset, it paled in comparison to his Naraka Path, which can use the King

of Hell to repair all his destroyed Paths, enabling them to rejoin the

battle once again.

His Human Path met Ren Uchiha. And then…


It vanished into nothingness.

Without hesitation, the boy dashed towards his Naraka Path the very

next instant. However, buying this much time was sufficient.

Without hesitation, the boy immediately advanced toward his Naraka

Path. However, buying this crucial time was all he needed.

As the five seconds elapsed, he had amassed sufficient chakra within the

Deva Path to execute his next devastating attack. This attack would

damage a good part of the Eastern area of the village, but it was


The boy proved to be a much greater threat than he had imagined.

Worse, the boy somehow knew about the abilities of his Six paths and

had a strange ability of his own to make them vanish with a mere touch.

It was clear that allowing the boy to survive was not an option, even if it

meant forfeiting the Six Tails.

With firm resolve, he infused a vast amount of chakra into his Deva Path

and unleashed the next devastating attack just as the boy reached his

Naraka and Deva Paths.


The destruction wrought by the attack was extensive, rendering this

section of the village uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. However,

the immediate threat posed by the boy had been neutralised.

Turning his gaze into the distance, he witnessed Konan engaged in a

fierce struggle against the dozen Shadow Clones dispatched by the boy.

Explosions illuminated the sky as Konan unleashed a relentless onslaught

of explosive seals. Curiously, the Shadow Clones were flying—a detail to

be pondered later.

The fact that those clones were still around meant that the boy was alive.

Good. He could capture the boy and extract the Six tails. It should make

up for some of the losses his village had—

A punch to the throat made his world go white with pain. He opened his

eyes, wheezing, and found the Ren standing right in front of his real


'What? How!?'

He tried to use his chakra to push the boy away but found himself being

unable to move his chakra properly.

Glancing downward, he beheld a cascade of Fuinjutsu seals emerging

from his throat, the place where the boy had hit him, and spreading to

the rest of his body.

Not good.

He tried to use his Preta Path to absorb the chakra within those seals to

dispel them but without his chakra, his Rinnegan powers just wouldn't


"That should be enough." The boy said and reached for his eyes.

And for the first time in his life ever since his brother-in-all-but-name,

Yahiko died, he felt fear.

He closed his eyelids but the chakra enhanced fingers of the dug right

through them before reaching inside and…

Plop! Plop!


No. No. No. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real.

Through all the pain and despair, he could hear the boy saying

something. About what a disappointing god he turned out to be. But he

was in no position to care for those words.

Then he found himself pinned to the wall behind him. And before he

could react, he felt a warm chakra suffuse into his eyes.

A moment later… he opened his eyes once again, and saw the world once


Despite his blurred and unclear vision, he could discern the boy placing

his Rinnegan eyes into a glass container before making them vanish into

thin air.

Horrified, he glanced at the reflective surface of a metal plate nearby and

realized his Rinnegan eyes had been replaced with ordinary brown ones.

"What have you done?" he asked in disbelief, uncertain whether this was

reality or a nightmare.

"I took your eyes." The boy said, uncaring that he had just killed his

dream of creating a peaceful world.

He cried out in despair and tried to attack the boy. But his chakra

remained unresponsive and his body itself was too weak to do much of


At that moment, a wall beside him shattered, and Konan rushed to his

side. She looked… injured. Had the shadow clones been too much for

her. How? How was this boy so strong?

"Nagato, oh dear Kami," Konan uttered, her eyes filled with horror as she

glimpsed his new eyes. She then turned her gaze toward Ren, but instead

of anger, fear filled her expression.

"What do you want?" Konan asked, positioning herself in front of him,

though he knew it was futile against such a formidable foe.

"A deal," the boy replied, his eyes devoid of emotion. "I'll restore Nagato's

body, and in return, Ame will become a subordinate of Konoha. You will

also put an end to the Akatsuki. What is your answer?"

"That's unacceptable," he tried to say, but Konan silenced him by placing

a hand over his mouth.

"We accept," she said instead, her voice trembling with fear as she looked

at the boy.

"That's—" Ren started to speak, but then paused, his eyes narrowing as

the space in front of them swirled until a hole was created, and Madara

appeared in front of them.



Nagato: *Sees a young Uchiha boy.* He's probably a bait intended to lure

us out.

Ren: No bitch, I'm the trap.

Konon: *Stares at Ren strangely.*

Ren: *Backpaddles* No wait, not that kind of trap.

Also, what sound does eyes make when they're extracted from their


Answer: Plop plop!

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

Chapter 46- Defeating Obito and

buying Science Talent

Ren Uchiha POV


You've gained 815632 Exp for defeating Nagato Uzumaki!


You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

+15 Free Stats!


You've gained +200,000,000 Ryo!

You've gained Adamentine Sealing Chains!

You've gained +30% advancement to your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!


You've gained 12950 Exp for defeating Konan!


You've gained +80,000,000 Ryo!

You've gained +50 High Tier Health Potions!

You've gained +1 Level to all Fuinjutsu skills!


You've gained the Title "Waifu Slayer" for defeating Five Tier 6 Waifus in


+25% to all stats when fighting Tier 6+ waifus!

+25% to Chakra Recovery!

+25% to all Resistance!

+10 to Hidden stat Charisma!

+Slightly Favourable opinion from a Waifu after defeating her!


You've dismantled the Akatsuki Organisation!

You've gained 1,915,022 Exp!


You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

+25 Free stats!


You've gained +100 Free Stats!

You've gained +1 Ton of Chakra Metal!

You've gain +25% advancement to your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!

You've gained +100 High Tier Chakra Recover Potions!

You've gained +20 Free Level up skill disks!


You've gained the Achievement 'Defeater of Akatsuki'!

+10% stats when fighting a shadowy Organisation!

+50% more chances of running into and finding other members of the

Shadowy Organisation you're fighting!

+Slightly Favourable opinion from the Waifus in the organisation!

He felt a slightly pinching in his eyes as the +30% and +25%

advancement to his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan added up till his eye

advancement now sat at over 73%. Only 27% more till his eyes evolve to


This was… a huge boon. And not just in the eye department either but in

the free stats, free money, free Titles and the free favourable opinion

from defeating Waifus from now on.

However, there was now another enemy in front of him: Obito.

He'd expected to face this guy sooner or later, but he hadn't expected it to

be this soon.

Obito stood beside Nagato for a moment before…


He slit Nagato's throat.

Nagato had attempted to shield himself with Shinra Tensei. However,

with Nagato's Rinnegan eyes in his possession, the defensive maneuver

proved futile, resulting in a torrent of blood cascading down his torso.

"NOOO!!!" Konan's anguished cry pierced the air as she hurled her paper

shuriken at Obito, only for them to pass through him effortlessly, as if he

were mere.

He created a Shadow Clone who quickly teleported to Nagato's side and

retrieved his dying body before vanishing from site.

He didn't spare Nagato so that Obito could come and kill him. Even

without his Rinnegan eyes, the guy had enough Chakra to dwarf the

chakra reserves of other S-class shinobi.

Once he had healed Nagato, it shouldn't take him too long to become

accustomed to his new situation and become an S-class shinobi once

again. One who'll rule Ame as Konoha's loyal subordinate.

And if he refused, then the option of using Kotoamatsumaki was always

on the table.

Observing Obito and Konan's brief skirmish (if one could call it that, as

Konan's assaults merely passed through Obito), he discreetly activated

the Kamui technique he had acquired from Kakashi, and swiftly

dispatched several Shadow Clones into that dimension.

Then he created another Shadow Clone who snuck up on Konan and used

Hiraishin to take her back to Konoha where Nagato was now being


With both Nagato and Konan gone it was just him and Obito left. They

shared a tense moment, Obito making a futile attempt at ensnaring him

within a Genjutsu, while he used Observe and studied Obito's


What a mess, this guy is.

A blend of Inferior and God Complex, alongside a huge serving of PTSD.

Top that off with a dash of hypocrisy and delusion, and you have Obito


As he said, what a mess.

"Why kill Nagato?" He asked upon seeing that Obito wasn't going to say


Obito shrugged. "He lost his usefulness."

Okay, wow. That was quite the villainous thing to say about a former

subordinate. And not the smart, ruthless type of villain either, but the

stupid kind of villain. The sort you encounter in a single issue of DC or

Marvel Comics before they disappear forever.

"What about Konan? Were you going to kill her as well?" He asked, more

out of curiosity than anything else.

"She was not the one who lost me my Rinnegan eyes." Obito said "Now,

are you going to return me my eyes. Or do I have to take them from your

corpse, Ren Uchiha."

He chuckled softly. "Your eyes? Come now, Obito. We both know that

isn't true."

Obito froze, taken aback by the ease with which he was recognised.

Then, he snarled. "Death it is then."

Then Obito charged at him and he… dodged those attacks with almost no


"Your Taijutsu sucks and even if it was worth a damn, you're slow as

fuck. Did Madara not teach you anything?" He asked, amused by how the

big bad villain was so… lacking.

With how strong he himself had become, he was pretty confident that he

would be able to fight against Jubii Obito right now. Perhaps not win and

perhaps not even a stalemate. But he wouldn't lose easily and can always

retreat from the fight without any difficulty.

After all, Jubii Obito was able to take on an entire group of Tier 7

shinobi, and almost defeated all of them.

Had Obito possessed greater command over the Ten Tails and not been

hindered by Kishimoto's decision to strip him of his Kamui technique, he

likely would've taken out the entire Shinobi Alliance on his own.

This Obito was a joke in comparison to that. Like he had seen what the

Nightmare difficulty of a game looked like, and was now playing it at

Easy mode.

Especially since, over the years, he had come up with 4 different ways to

negate the Kamui technique.

As Obito persisted in his assault, he skillfully evaded each blow until

Obito finally attempted to draw him into the Kamui Dimension.

Employing Hiraishin, he appeared at a safe distance, still chuckling.

"You know, you're quite lacking for running around with Madara's name.

I mean, don't you have any shame at all?" He asked.

Obito eyes narrowed before he charged at him once again… and ran face

first into a dozen stone spikes erupting from the ground.

The spikes went through him and for a moment, it seemed like he had

sustained no damage.

Only to then suddenly double over on the ground and retch out his lunch,

a fist shaped bruise slowly forming on his stomach. His Shadow Clones

within the Kamui Dimension having executed their task effectively.

"Really, a punch is all it took to take you down." He asked, crouching in

front of a hunched over form of Obito with a mocking smile.

Though in all honesty, with his current strength and Tsunade's technique,

he could likely pulverize a mountain with a single blow. So, perhaps it

wasn't entirely Obito's fault for bending over in pain. A normal jounin's

organs would've turned to mush from that punch.

"H… *cough cough* how?" Obito asked.

"Did you truly believe that you could invade Konoha, attempt to kidnap

my sensei, in order to extract the Kyuubi, and unleash it upon my village

—all while falsely accusing my clan—and I wouldn't devise any

countermeasures against you?" he said, gently patting Obito's cheek,

leaving a Hiraishin mark upon his skin.

Obito's eyebrows furrowed into a venomous snarl as he attempted once

more to employ Kamui against him. Yet again, he effortlessly evaded it

with Hiraishin, teleporting behind Obito and delivering a swift kick to his

face. The force sent Obito skidding across the floor, crashing into the

opposite wall of the room.

"Don't you know that you shouldn't use the same technique twice against

an accomplished shinobi?" He asked, feeling very much like he was

bullying a kid rather than facing the big bad villain of the Naruto world.

Though, he supposed that the title was more suitable for Madara or


"I'll end you!" Obito seethed as he rose from the ground, brushing off the

debris from his body.

"Will you now?" He asked before he created 4 clones who went to each

corner of the room before creating a barrier that enclosed them within it.

"Go on. Try."

Obito gave a wary glance to the Fuinjutsu barrier before he charged at

him, fist cocked, and threw a powerful punch at him that would've

knocked the lights out of your average Jounin.

He stopped it with a finger.

"What!?" Obito asked, horrified by the fact that his Kamui Intangibility

wasn't working anymore.

"A Space Locking Barrier." He explained. "It prevents the use of spatial

techniques such as Hiraishin or Summoning Jutsu within its confines.

And, as you may have guessed by now, interdimensional abilities like

Kamui are rendered useless within its bounds as well."

Obito's eyes widened in shock and then terror as he finally realised just

what, or who exactly he was dealing with.

With swift precision, he delivered another powerful punch to Obito's

stomach, folding him in half and making him cough out blood on the


That punch was powerful enough to tear right through the body of your

typical Elite Jounin. Really, Hashirama cells were bullshit.

"It was Kushina-sensei and Minato-san who devised this Fuinjutsu barrier,

by the way." He remarked casually. "So even if I wasn't here, you would

have never survived a second battle against Minato-san. Because at the

end of the day, Obito, you're nothing more than a one-trick pony."

Obito attempted to crawl away, but he swiftly delivered a kick to his

torso, fracturing a few ribs and making him curl up on the ground in


He sighed. "This is honestly quite sad. What did you even hope to achieve

by coming here?""

Obito whimpered in pain but otherwise remained silent.

He almost felt a twinge of pity for the guy. Leaning down, he applied a

Chakra Sealing fuinjutsu seal to Obito's shoulder. The seal swiftly spread

throughout his body, rendering him incapable of accessing his chakra.

"How?" Obito asked, his voice barely audible.

"What?" He asked.

"How are you so strong?"

He contemplated lying or simply ignoring Obito's words before he

decided to simply tell him the truth. Mostly because he was going to kill

Obito right here and saw it as Obito's last request.

"Waifu Catalog," he admitted, revealing the origin of his formidable

abilities to the first person in this world. "It's the source of my strength.

Without it, I'd likely be just another average Uchiha shinobi. Planning to

escape Konoha before Itachi could get her genocidal boner."

Obito looked at him in confusion, as if not understanding anything that

he'd just said. Which was… fair.

"Well, I've told you the truth. It's not my concern if you failed to

comprehend any of it," he stated calmly before removing Obito's spiral

mask and extracting both of his eyes. One was the Mangekyo Sharingan,

while the other appeared to be a simple three-tomoe Sharingan likely

taken from the remains of a deceased Uchiha.

Plop! Plop!

Obito's cries of pain and despair echoed through the room as he grappled

with the loss of his Kamui Sharingan. In that moment, a mix of pity and

disgust surged within him at Obito's reaction. The bastard had no qualms

about orchestrating the downfall of the Uchiha clan and extracting their

eyes afterward. But when he loses his own eyes, he cries like a bitch.

"What an idiot." He said before he raised his hand and formed a punch.

"Don't worry Obito, I'll take real good care of Rin Nohara in your

absence. Maybe we'll even name a child after you."

The idea amused him so much that he might actually go through with it.

Rin wouldn't mind it either, he was sure of it.

Obito let out a silent whimper upon hearing his words before he brought

his fist down on Obito's head with his entire strength… and spattered his

head all over the floor.

He regretted doing that the very next instant.

'This is going to be a bitch and a half to clean.' He thought.

And then the notifications rolled in.


You've gained 328290 Exp for defeating Obito Uchiha!


You've Levelled up by +1

+5 Free Stats!


You've gained +120,000,000 Ryo!

You've gained +30 Free Stats!

You've gained +10% advancement to your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!

He waited momentarily, anticipating any further notifications, but when

none came, he simply shrugged and used Hiraishin to return to Konoha.

Upon arrival, he discovered Konan standing outside the medical room in

his home, her expression tense with worry as his Shadow Clones

diligently worked on healing Nagato.

Not the cut on Nagano's throat. That had been healed long ago. Right

now they were focused on healing Nagato's spine and legs.

Konan regarded him with barely concealed fear and inquired, "What

happened to Madara?"

"He wasn't Madara. Just an impostor masquerading as him," he replied

before retrieving the glass container containing Obito's eyes from his


Konan immediately recognised the familiar pattern of Obito's Mangekyo

Sharingan eye and gasped.

"You… killed him?"

"Of course. And now we talk about payment."

"Payment?" She asked.

"Yes. That guy wasn't Madara but he was strong compared to you. If I

hadn't intervened, both you and Nagato would've died."

"We wouldn't have been in that position if you hadn't taken Nagato's eyes

to begin with," Konan retorted bitterly.

"And I wouldn't have pursued you if you hadn't begun targeting the

Tailed Beasts to begin with. It all comes full circle, doesn't it? Now..." he

trailed off, his gaze fixated on her. "Let's discuss how you're going to

repay me for saving your lives and then healing Nagato's body."

Konan bit her lip but eventually nodded in agreement.


Ren Uchiha POV

"So... you're Jiraiya-sensei's students?" Minato inquired, addressing Konan

and Nagato, unaware of their true identities as the leaders of the

Akatsuki group that had captured the Fourth, Fifth, and Eight Tailed

Beasts. He preferred to keep it that way, especially considering his plans

to eventually gift those Tailed Beasts to his Captured Waifus.

"Yes," Nagato replied, his complexion appearing considerably healthier

after the twenty-hour long surgery he and his clones had undertaken to

restore the man's body to full health.

"I see. I assume you had a third teammate?" Minato asked gently,

receiving nods from both Nagato and Konan.

"We did," Konan confirmed, offering no further details. Minato nodded in

understanding, his expression tinged with sadness. He likely understood

more than most about the pain of losing a teammate.

"And why are you in Konoha?" Minato inquired, partly to shift the

conversation but also out of genuine curiosity about their presence.

"We're actually the leaders of Ame. At Ren's... request, we've come here

to propose an alliance with Konoha," Nagato explained, oblivious to the

subtle discomfort displayed on Konan's face behind him.

"Ren's request?" Minato asked, giving him a skeptical look. He returned

that look with an innocent one of his own.

"Yes. You may not be aware, but I was completely paralyzed from the

waist down until a few days ago when Ren came and healed me," Nagato

explained, his demeanour notably more polite since losing his Rinnegan

and having a near death experience. "In gratitude for that, and for a few

other reasons, we wish to repay him by forming an alliance with


Minato pondered for a moment before nodding. "Konoha would be

pleased to have you as allies. However, you understand that this won't be

a partnership of equals, correct?"

Nagato cast a brief glance at him before nodding. "We understand."

"Very well. Let's begin discussing the specifics of this alliance. Consider

this meeting informal, so please feel at ease," Minato declared, and with

that, the meeting commenced in earnest.


It was night time once again. . Nagato and Konan had departed for Ame

after finalising the details of their alliance with Minato. They would

return in a few weeks as the leaders of Ame to formalise the alliance


Currently, he lay in bed, his gaze fixed on his Gamer System screen.

Beside him, Ringo and Mei slept soundly, thoroughly exhausted from the

day's training.

With his Teaching Talent, he possessed a keen understanding of how to

motivate them and how far to push them to get them the biggest

improvements. As a result, all the women in his home were trained to

utter exhaustion each evening, ensuring they slept deeply once they

returned to bed.

Mei was drooling a bit on the pillow, which should've looked disgusting.

But given her beauty, it looked adorable instead.

Was it somewhat harsh of him to subject his women to such rigorous

training every day? Perhaps. However, the results spoke for themselves,

and he was sure that within a few years, all his women would ascend to

the pinnacle of Kage-level power.

For now though, he ignored them and stared at the very interesting Loot

he'd gained after the battle with Akatsuki.

The Twenty Level up Skill Disks.

These skill disks were essentially items that increased the level of one of

his skills by one. With twenty of them at his disposal, he could elevate

any single skill by twenty levels, or distribute them among twenty skills

to increase each by one level, or any combination thereof.

And he knew just the skill he wanted to use these Skill Disks on.

He navigated to his Skill Section, where a vast array of skills unfolded

before him. From basic abilities like Running to more intricate ones such

as Architecture Planning, along with the thousands of Jutsus he had

mastered to date.

He quickly scrolled over to one of the earliest skills he'd learned upon

arriving in this world as a baby. A skill that he had learned even before

he learned how to Walk.

The 'Chakra Sense' skill. A skill that had been slowed down greatly after

reaching Level 90 and has been stuck at Level 97 for some time.

He utilized three of his Skill Disks to elevate it to Level 100. Although he

could potentially surpass Level 100, as evidenced by his Fuinjutsu Skill

currently standing at Level 147, it was unnecessary, as he had already

achieved his desired outcome.


Congratulations! You've gained Two new skills for Levelling Up your

Chakra Sense skill to Level 100!

New Skill gained!

Empathic Sense Level 1!

New Skill gained!

Nature Energy Sense Level 1!

He reviewed the details of the two skills, finding them rather

straightforward. Empathic Sense granted him the ability to perceive the

emotions of other people, while Nature Chakra Energy enabled him to

detect the presence of Nature Energy in his vicinity.

Given their low levels, he could only faintly perceive the emotions of

individuals within his Chakra Range—which now extended over 50

kilometers by this point—and barely detect faint traces of Nature energy

around him.

He considered the idea of using four more Level-Up Skill Disks to

advance Nature Energy Sense to Level 5 but ultimately decided against it.

These Level up Skill Disks were extremely valuable and he would rather

not use them unless absolutely necessary.

For now, he generated a dozen Shadow Clones and dispatched them to a

remote location to train the Nature Energy skill.

He chose to send them far away because he wished to avoid the risk of

their chakra returning to his body and potentially petrifying him in the

event of their failure. Only those who had acquired some proficiency in

absorbing Nature Energy without suffering adverse effects would return

their memories and experiences to him, enabling him to safely Level Up

this skill.

He had a feeling that Gamer Body would protect him from turning into a

stone. But better be safe than sorry.

He contemplated going back to sleep after that but found himself too

restless with excitement. So he instead decided to go down to his

underground labs and check up on some of his ongoing experiments.

First, he went to the lab in which a dozen of his clones were

experimenting with his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes.

The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes were being used to find other

Mangekyo Sharingan abilities like Tsukiyomi, Amaterasu, etc.

The Mangekyo Sharingans, on the other hand, were being sealed in a

giant container that he could use in order to access all their powers at


Or that's how the theory went at least. So far, he has found very little

success in this project, and was starting to wonder if he should add

Nagato's Rinnegan to the container as Hamura Otsutsuki had done by

adding his Tenseigan eyes to the Tenseigan Energy Vessel.

After some contemplation, he decided against it, since Black Zetsu was

still out there and might be looking for a way to retrieve Madara's eyes

from him.

Perhaps he should consider relocating some of his projects to the Kamui

dimension. They would undoubtedly be safer there than in their current

location, especially in the event of mishaps occurring during experiments.

For now, he simply sat back and watched his Shadow Clones work

tirelessly to study his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes and create new Fuinjutsu

seals for the container.

He might eventually have to go to the moon and study the Tenseigan

Energy vessel himself, to ensure greater success in this project.

The reason why he was so focused on this was the fact that Sharingan eye

can be used to gain control over the reality. Shown by the Izanagi, as

well his own Techniques Amenokawa and Soratatsu, which all rewrote

reality to accomplish their respective tasks.

He had a feeling that once he figured out how to use the abilities of

hundreds of Mangekyo Sharingan at once, he would be able to rewrite

reality at will.

Maybe not at a large scale (as that would basically make him a god), but

controlling the reality in even a small space would afford him virtually

limitless abilities and power.

If nothing else, he was confident that having that ability would instantly

elevate him to Tier 8. That's just how broken that ability would be.

However, all of this remained theoretical, and progress in this research

field was painstakingly slow, to say the least.

As he reclined in his chair, pondering if there was anything he could do

to aid his Shadow Clones, when suddenly, inspiration struck.

Swiftly, he summoned the Company Device to his side and deftly

navigated through the screen until he located the perk that would be

invaluable in this situation.

Science Talent. Priced at 20 points.

Though costly, given the rarity of these points for him, it still fell within

his current budget of 26 points.

'Should I buy it or not?' He wondered.

After deliberating for some time, he ultimately decided to buy it.

-20 points for Science Talent!

6 points left.

And suddenly, his mind was filled with a deluge of new ideas.

Ideas on Fuinjutsu Seals that would allow him to combine Earth Release

and Yang Release to create Metal and Crystal Release.

Ideas on how to use Fuinjutsu Seals to gather up and store the Nature

Energy around him.

Ideas on… using Fuinjutsu seals to seal his various Ninjutsu Techniques,

giving even an ordinary Genin the ability to use Rasenshuriken by simply

opening up and using a Fuinjutsu scroll.

Ideas on how to simply the Hiraishin seal so that even an ordinary Jounin

would be able to use them.

Ideas on how to seal up his Chakra and blood and use that to temporarily

bestow the Uchiha bloodline to an ordinary shinobi.

So many ideas.

Some of them quite dangerous ones, as one idea allowed him to create a

giant Fuinjutsu seal that would allow him to seal multiple Tailed Beast

Bombs within it, and then eventually use all of them together and

generate enough power to obliterate an entire continent.

He even got a few ideas of how the Reaper Death seal might have

worked. And ideas on how he could develop his own safeguards to

protect his soul.

He entertained ideas on studying the Kamui Dimension and devising seals

to access the myriad other dimensions showcased by Kaguya during her

battle with Naruto and Sasuke.

However, he set aside these thoughts to concentrate on the singular idea

that promised to resolve one of his most pressing issues—a problem that

had plagued him since he defeated Ringo Ameyuri.

He took out the scroll that showed the Seal that allowed him to Lock the

Space around Obito, and started making a few changes on the seal.

It surprised him, just how few changes he needed to make in order to

change the seal on a fundamental level.

He supposed that there was a good reason why some of the Fuijutsu Seals

were called Space-time seals. They might not have anything to do with

time, but the correlation between those two fundamental forces was so

similar that those seals can be changed to serve the other force with just

a few changes.

Once he finished altering the seal, he gained a new Notification in his

Gamer Screen.


Congratulations! You've created a new Fuinjutsu Seal!

Time Lock Barrier Level 1!

He didn't need to look at the Seal's description to know what it did as he

already knew that. Just like how the previous seal Locked the Space

within a barrier, this seal locked time.

He immediately threw a kunai into the air and create a barrier around it

using this seal. And then watched with great fascination, as the kunai

froze in midair.

No, it wasn't completely frozen. But the movement was so slow that it

would only move a fraction of an inch within the next minute.

This was... a groundbreaking discovery, as even the Uzumaki had never

devised a seal capable of controlling Time.

And much like how he could employ various Fuinjutsu seals to traverse

long distances instantly, he could now craft Fuinjutsu seals to accelerate

time within a barrier.

He immediately created a dozen clones to aid him in this and started

working on creating a new seal.

It took him over three entire days, during which he did nothing but focus

on creating this seal. And by the time he finished, he had a marvel in his


Time Acceleration Barrier (Level 1) : Time Acceleration Barrier can be

used to speed up time within the barrier. The more chakra you pour into

the barrier, the faster the time inside will pass.

He smiled. He now basically had a Hyperbolic Time Chamber in his

hands. One that he could use without any restrictions.

He burst out into maniac laughter, at finally succeeding in his goal. And

then create 4 more Shadow Clones.

"Do it." He told them and his Shadow clones nodded before they went in

a square position around him and used the Fuinjutsu seals to create the


Instantly, the world outside slowed down, and he smiled at his success.

The time outside was running at a 1:120 ratio. The fastest he could go

right now with his and Saiken's Natural Chakra Regeneration. Meaning

that for every two minutes he spent inside here, only one second

would've passed in the outside world.

Very useful. And this can definitely be used to accelerate his growth. So

that for every 3 outside days, about a year would've passed inside here.

Only… he didn't want to spend an entire year in this small space on his


Yes, he could train in here and grow extremely strong within just a few

outside days. But that would also be extremely boring and he feared that

he would go mad from the loneliness before he ever achieved any lasting


So he quickly came up with another plan instead.

A plan, to spend time in this place, while doing something productive

and not going mad.

And the plan was simple. He would sleep his way through the time spent

in here. Yes, the plan sounded stupid in theory. After all, how could a

person sleep for an entire year within a time acceleration barrier.

But that problem only lasted time you realise that he had access to the

Gamer System. And this System basically allows him to fall asleep for the

next 6 hours without any problem. And he could just repeat that process

again and again till entire months and years have gone by.

Plus, he could also pluck out his eyes and then regenerate them again

and again, and he would be left with over 1400 eyes before the year has


This was… a good theory. A bold theory. Now, he only needed to see if it

would actually work.

But before that, he would need to go up to his women and tell them

about his absence for the next month. Because once he has started, he

didn't plan to stop until he had gone from 7 to 17 years of age.

An age where he would finally be able to have sex with his women

without making them feel like cradle robbers.

He reached for his connection with the Shadow Clones outside the barrier

and dispelled them, breaking the Time Acceleration Barrier.

Time to go back to his home as well as Minato's home and explain the

situation to them.

It was time for him to finally grow up.



Goku: Uses Hyperbolic Time Chamber to become stronger.

Ren: Uses Hyperbolic Time Chamber to get older so he can finally get


That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

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