Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Одна часть Король Луффи


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Одна часть: Король Луффи.

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Luffy encountered a large vortex when he went to sea and drowned in a

wooden barrel.

A Blue Star Soul, took this luck by chance. Occupying Luffy's body, and

becoming the new Luffy.

As the Background king of the sea, Luffy originally thought this was the

beginning of His plot armour maxed, but he never expected the big

adventure system to come!

On this day, the sun god awakened in the East Blue!

“Savage monkeys from the Kingdom of Goa are rampant in the East


“The vicious straw hat pirates have entered the great route!”

“The despicable straw hats have destroyed the island of justice!”

“Admiral of the Straw Hat Fleet, Monkey D. Luffy is approaching the

Chambord Islands!”

“Your Majesty the Supreme Sun God, arrived at your faithful Marie Gioia


When Luffy completed the dominance of the great route, he faced the

news interview.

“You are the king of the world now, what do you want to say to the


“I would like to thank the crew members who accompanied me along the

way. They supported me silently under my body.”

The reporter looked behind Luffy, and the girls of Ying and Yan

snickering at Luffy. He couldn't help imagining what it meant and

scolding secretly in his heart.

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# think of this as a parallel world where Luffy's soul is replaced by

someone with greater plot luck leading to such a tragedy thus occupying

his body and becoming one.

# Casual read

#author -dolly and dot

Luffy vs Garp, Grandson, Father,

Grandfather, A Family Of Three


"Grandfather, are you trying to stop me?"

Upon hearing Luffy's address, the crowd in the square was stunned one

by one.

"What's going on?!"

"He suddenly appeared yesterday and became the pirate with the highest

bounty in East Blue. Is he Vice Admiral Garp's grandson!?"

Tashigi stood still, her mouth slightly open, with a dumbfounded

expression on her face.

The scene remained silent for more than ten seconds, and finally erupted

into a burst of exclamations.


Garp laughed loudly from above, looking down:

"Hahaha, stop? If you want to enter the Grand Line, you have to pass my

test first, you foolish grandson! It's been a while since we last met, have

you forgotten your grandfather's iron fist of love?"

He jumped down from the execution platform, grinning and waving his

fist the size of a cooking pot.

Seeing this, Luffy didn't hesitate and immediately launched a


"I'm not the same person I used to be, grandfather!"


The two fists, both imbued with Haki, clashed and immediately

determined the outcome.

Amidst the booming sound of the clash, Garp's expression froze for a

moment, and then he was pushed back by Luffy's punch, flying and

crashing into the execution platform.(note:Garp will obviously not use his

full strength)

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

Tashigi was shocked and pale.

["This was a Marine hero, a Vice Admiral at Marine Headquarters! He

actually lost in a test of strength?"]

["Indeed, he's an old man now. That's why I need to protect Mr Garp!"]

["Tashigi, it's your time to step forward now!!"]

"To attack your own grandfather with such force! Don't you care about

family ties? You despicable pirate!"

Tashigi gripped her sword, Meito Shigure, and assumed a fighting stance

facing Luffy.

Despite this, her body was trembling slightly.

Luffy: "..."

He was rendered speechless by this woman's innocence.

"Get away from here quickly if you don't want to get involved," he calmly

reminded her.

As soon as he finished speaking.

With a loud bang, Garp stood up and walked towards them with a smile

on his face.

"You've grown, Luffy. When did you awaken Haki?"

He used the term "awaken."

This was only natural.

Generally, even if one has outstanding talent, it takes at least a year to

practice and master Armament Haki.

But awakening is different. Perhaps at a certain moment, one suddenly

comprehends it, and then with targeted training, they can quickly master

it, greatly reducing the time needed.

The last time he saw his grandson was less than a year ago.

"Haha, grandfather, you can't stop me," Luffy laughed.

"Hahaha, you foolish grandson, let me teach you about Haki...!" Garp also

laughed, but before he finished speaking, his figure disappeared in an


"...The way to use it!"

When the voice resounded again, Garp was already close.

Fast, too fast.

Even though Luffy activated Observation Haki and locked onto Garp, he

almost didn't react in time.

From the side? Left side?

The body's reaction is faster than the brain.

There's no time to think, or rather, the answer to the thought hasn't had a

chance to be fed back to the body, and the body acts reflexively.

As Luffy took a half step back with his left foot, his left calf seemed to be

a pressure pump, instantly entering second gear.

His fist struck again.


Unlike before, this clash of Busoshoku Haki created black lightning in the


As Earth Coiling unleashed a hurricane, in an instant, the people within

several tens of meters were blown away by the powerful impact.

"What is this...!"

Tashigi widened her beautiful eyes, attempting to raise her hand to

defend herself, but her feet couldn't grip the ground. With an "ah," she

was swept away.

Two fists came to a stalemate, and the shockwaves continued to ripple in

all directions.

The ground beneath Luffy's feet suddenly collapsed in a circle, and cracks

spread where he stood.

Level 2? Luffy thought.

The Armament Haki used by Garp should only be at level 2, or maybe

just 1.5, just slightly stronger than him.(note:Garp is trying to match

Luffy's strength according to his understanding, I saw some people

getting confused over it, Garp is obviously one of the strongest Armament

haki user if not the strongest)

Thinking of this, Luffy's gaze sharpened, and his Conqueror's Haki

suddenly erupted.


Garp immediately felt the power transmitted through his fist, and a look

of astonishment appeared on his face.

["Conqueror's Haki?!"]

["this brat! already awakened Conqueror's Haki?!"]

Garp felt both surprised and happy, Luffy's power surpassed his at this

moment, and he punched him in the face.

Garp lost his stable balance and was sent flying, crashing straight into the

high-rise wall on the edge of the square.

With a loud bang, the wall shattered.

But the next second, Garp was completely fine, standing up from the hole

in the wall with a grin on his face.

"Armament Haki, Conqueror's... have you even mastered Observation


Without Observation Haki, one wouldn't be able to react to the previous


Armament Haki and Observation Haki can be put aside for now; this is a

power that can be obtained through desperate training.

But Conqueror's Haki is a qualification possessed by only one in millions

of people, a proof of being a conqueror.

Anyone who wants to reach the pinnacle of strength in this world must

possess this power.

Garp's smile became even brighter.

Thinking of his revolutionary son and looking at his grandson who wants

to become the Pirate King, he laughed while holding his forehead, tears

almost coming out. "Hahaha... I really can't do anything about you guys!"

Grandfather, father, and grandson, the three Generation, a family of three


Can the will of a conqueror be changed?

No, it cannot.

You can defeat the opponent, you can kill the opponent, but a conqueror

will not submit.

Luffy remained calm. "Grandpa, you can't stop me."

The same words, but at this moment, they conveyed completely different


"Yes, grandpa,can't stop you."

Garp sighed, and then a wave of Conqueror's Haki surged towards Luffy

overwhelmingly. "But, I am Marine Vice Admiral Garp. Pirate Luffy, if

you want to enter the Grand Line, you must first ask my fist!"

["Are you moving again?!"]

["Does this old man ever stop?"]

You just tested my strength a little, and you really want to capture me?

Luffy couldn't bear it and released his Conqueror's Haki from within.


The two Conqueror's Haki clashed in mid-air, as if two domains were

squeezing each other, filling the entire square.

In an instant, a storm raged.

Even though the people had already escaped to the outside of the square,

the leakage of power from this clash of Conqueror's Haki caused

countless people to roll their eyes and faint.

The next moment.

Both of them launched their attacks at the same time.

In mid-air, their fists clashed once again.

Boom rumble rumble!

Like thunder on a clear day, the sound echoed through the sky.



Garp is obviously stronger than luffy without Nika form, So I hope no

one gets confused. Garp must be holding back

Silver figure!

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom!

The booming sound coming from the execution square, a famous

attraction in Logue Town, has been continuous.

This sound has almost spread throughout the entire town, but no one can

get close. The impact generated by the collision of two Conqueror's Haki

is so powerful that anyone who gets close to a certain distance will be

swept into it.

In front of the Marine Base gate.

"Is it a festival today? The sound of Drum is so loud here..." Sanji dragged

the unconscious Krieg and the two of them to this place.

He looked up in the direction of the execution square, and the huge

commotion transmitted here was reduced to a thunderous roar.

"Halt!" The marine guard in front of the base gate immediately shouted.

"I'm here to exchange bounties. Are these two pirates worth any money?"

Sanji withdrew his gaze and said calmly.

Only then did the guard carefully look at them, and when he saw Krieg's

face, he was shocked.

"Admiral Krieg of the Krieg Pirates... and the 'Man Demon' Gin!"

These are all notorious pirates in East Blue, and they were actually

captured, alive!

"Are you a bounty hunter?" The soldier changed his attitude, his tone

became more respectful. "Please wait, I will immediately report to

Colonel Smoker."

He turned and entered the base.

He left in a hurry, and returned in a hurry.

"Colonel Smoker is not here. Please follow me, I will take you to see


Sanji followed swaggeringly. After meeting a Marine captain, he

successfully received the bounty.

A total of 29 million berries, packed in a suitcase.

Before leaving, Sanji curiously asked, "Is there a festival today?"

"Just an ordinary day."

"Then what's the booming sound outside?"

"We have sent people to investigate. Colonel Smoker is guarding this city,

so you can rest assured that no pirate can cause trouble here! Your

money is safe!" The captain said confidently.

After hesitating for a moment, he added, "However, if you see members

of the underworld, please try to avoid conflicts. If there are any

problems, you can contact our Marines."

The underworld?

Sanji shook his head and left the Marine Base with a large sum of money.

"Next, let's go buy some ingredients. The food on the ship is too


Sanji started to stroll around with great enthusiasm.


Zoro walked out of the "Sell a Sword" weapon shop and touched the three

swords on his waist, feeling satisfied.

"It's reassuring to have three swords. Surprisingly, the boss is a good

person. He actually gave me two swords for free," he said with a smile.

"Sell a Sword is the boss's name."

Johnny covered his face and said, "Zoro, did you forget about your

bounty? Your wanted poster was posted in the shop just now!"

Yosaku nodded repeatedly, "Yeah, yeah, at first the boss just wanted to

give you two random swords, but you picked the 'Demon Blade' Third

Generation Kitetsu at a glance, so he changed his mind and gave you the

shop's treasure, the named sword 'Yuki Hashiri'."

"You guys really don't understand anything... Giving me two swords

means he's a good person!"

Zoro grinned, "Next, let's find a tavern to drink."

"Oh, drinking! Drinking!" Johnny and Yosaku raised their hands in


"You guys won't have a chance to drink."

Suddenly, a deep voice came from behind the three.

Zoro paused and turned around.

There was a silver-haired man with three cigars in his mouth, appearing

bare-chested in front of the three.

"Marine... Colonel Smoker!" Johnny was startled and looked surprised.

"Zoro, this guy is the Marine officer in charge here!" Yosaku immediately

drew his weapon.

Zoro frowned slightly, "Colonel Smoker, is there something you need?"

"A stupid question. Marines catch pirates, do we need a reason?"

Smoker's arms began to turn into smoke, and thick fog quickly enveloped

the three of them.

"Where is your captain, Straw Hat Luffy?"

"I can't tell you that."

Zoro chuckled lightly and drew the Third Generation Kitetsu, "Johnny,

Yosaku, step back!"

It looked like a fight was about to break out.


A distant rumble came.

Smoker's face changed: "That direction... the execution platform! Is it...

over there!"

In an instant, thick smoke billowed, and he abandoned Zoro and flew

towards the execution square.

"Is it Luffy?"

Zoro also paused for a moment, then immediately chased after him:

"Wait, Marine Colonel! Your opponent is me!"

"Wrong, wrong! Zoro, the direction is wrong!"

Yosaku shouted anxiously and caught up with their footsteps.


Execution square.

The battle between Luffy and Garp continued.

The vast arena was now empty, with no one standing.

Tashigi hid in a distant corner, watching the extraordinary battle

between the two without blinking.


Suddenly, there was another clash of Conqueror's Haki, and a huge wave

of energy swept in all directions.

Tashigi immediately grabbed onto the wall to stabilize herself and

prevent herself from being blown away.

The strong wind made it almost impossible for her to open her eyes.

"Monsters... both the grandfather and grandson are like monsters in terms

of strength!" She gritted her teeth and thought, "Vice Admiral Garp, can

he win?"

In this situation, ordinary people wouldn't even dare to get close, let

alone intervene.

Therefore, she did not contact the base to request support.

In the alley next to her hiding place, there was another man.

Wearing a nose ring, with a demonic face and a black wing-shaped half-

circle tattoo on his chest, he was also shocked as he watched the battle

between the two.

His name was Bartolomeo, the leader of over 150 towns in the


But at this moment, he had none of the demeanor of a leader, instead

looking at the two on the battlefield with a childlike admiration.

More accurately, he was looking at Luffy.

"Hahaha, Luffy, how long can you hold on with your Haki? It's already


Amidst his laughter, Garp punched Luffy, sending him flying.


Luffy landed on the ground and patted his pants as he stood up.

He couldn't even withstand the second level combined with Conqueror's


Garp had perfect control over his power, just slightly stronger than him.

Rather than trying to capture him, it seemed more like he was teaching

him how to use Haki.

"Grandpa, I have my reasons. It's okay to tell you now..."

Luffy's Observation Haki reached its limit, and nearby, there were only

two remaining conscious auras.

"After all, there's no one else who can see it. Please help me keep it a

secret afterwards."

Fifth gear!!

In an instant, a silver figure appeared.

Flames surrounded his body, and his hair resembled burning white

flames, exuding a sense of mystery in the sunlight.

What is this?

Garp's face was filled with astonishment.

Luffy's Devil Fruit is called the Rubber Fruit, of course he knew that.

The scene before him was the awakened state of a Devil Fruit user, which

he could also understand.

But is this how the Rubber Fruit awakens?!

"Grandpa, I will defeat you here, and then enter the Grand Line!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luffy slightly bent his knees and

squatted down to gather power.

In the next moment, he disappeared from his original position.

The ground seemed like a trampoline, launching him forward.


In a lightning-fast movement, Garp maintained a stunned expression

without evading or dodging, and took a solid punch to the abdomen.

This punch went through his body.

With a muffled groan, Garp was sent flying, directly breaking the

execution platform of the Pirate King, and then piercing through one

high-rise building after another.

In an instant, he disappeared from the square.

This scene left a deep impression on Bartolomeo and Tashigi.

The silver figure, like the god of the sun!

Admirers And Glasses Girls, New

Crew Join

The silver figure shone brightly under the sun.

Tashigi couldn't believe it and covered her mouth, not daring to breathe.

Luffy exhaled and activated the power of the Sunlight Fruit, quickly

recovering his depleted strength.

His gaze slightly shifted and locked onto Tashigi, who was hiding in a

small alley outside the square.

She had been discovered!

Tashigi's body immediately froze in place.

Such oppressive force... just being locked onto by his gaze rendered her

unable to move!

"The punch I just threw, even my grandfather probably wouldn't have

fared well. Glasses girl, tell him to keep it a secret," Luffy said calmly.

He bent down to pick up his straw hat, dusted off the dirt, and put it

back on his head.

Then, he walked straight towards the direction of the harbor.

It was only when he left the square that Tashigi's tense body finally


She covered her chest and gasped for breath, her suspended heart

gradually calming down.

["What glasses girl!? She bit her lip, feeling a sense of humiliation."]

["To be scared motionless by just a look from the other party, Tashigi, oh

Tashigi, how can you uphold your own justice like this?"]

["But indeed, he was too powerful, especially when he turned silver..."]

["What was that?"]

["Why would someone who possesses strength as Vice Admiral Garp's go

so far as to become a pirate?"]

No one answered her inner doubts.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

She snapped back to her senses and immediately ran towards the

direction where Garp was sent flying.

Inside a building hundreds of meters away from the square, Garp lay on

the ground without getting up.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. After wiping it

away with his hand, he couldn't help but grin and mutter to himself,

"That punch hurt a bit!"

What happened in the past year?

Luffy's strength underwent a tremendous change, awakening Conqueror's

Haki, and even awakening his Devil Fruit!

But after not seeing each other for nearly a year, he couldn't imagine

what his grandson had experienced to undergo such a huge


"Vice Admiral Garp!"

Tashigi's voice came.

"Tashigi Chan?" Garp patted his butt and got up, rubbing the back of his

head with a laugh. "Hahaha, it's really unacceptable to be defeated by my

own grandson."

"Are you okay?"

Tashigi asked with concern.

["He didn't seem to be in any trouble. Really, what's the deal with you

two, grandfather and grandson? Are your bodies made of steel?"]

"Where's Luffy?"

"Straw Hat Luffy left, and I didn't dare to stop him, I'm sorry. He asked

me to give you a message..." Tashigi's mood was complicated. Why did

she have to help a pirate deliver a message, and he even called her

glasses girl?

But in the end, she still honestly said, "Keep it a secret."

So the problem lies with the Rubber Fruit?

Garp pondered in his heart. It seemed necessary to investigate what

exactly the Rubber Fruit that Red-Haired gave Luffy was.

The punch he took earlier caused his body to become rubberized at the

point of impact, and the fist even went through his chest.

This is not an ordinary fruit awakening!

"Is that so? Then I'll leave it to you, little Tashigi. What you saw just now

must be kept a secret."

"K-keep it a secret? I... I understand!"

Tashigi was stunned for a moment, then nodded earnestly.

Although she didn't know the reason behind it, if Vice Admiral Garp said

so, then she would keep it a secret.

"Good child, haha."

Garp laughed satisfactorily, feeling quite good.

The problem is, there's still one person!

Immediately, he walked out, and the Color of Observation instantly

enveloped the entire city.


Luffy walked through the countless unconscious crowd and headed

towards the harbor.

Shouts came from behind.

"Just wait a moment, Straw Hat Luffy... No, Luffy-sama!"

A green-haired man with an accent quickly caught up.

Excitedly, he ran ahead of Luffy.

"What's up?"

Luffy looked at the man. It was Bartolomeo. Because of his distinctive

appearance and hair color, Luffy had noticed him early on.

In the original work, this guy was a die-hard fan of the Straw Hat Crew.

"Hehehe... I saw everything just now. You were amazing!"

Bartolomeo seemed a little embarrassed, like he had just met his idol. His

face blushed with a hint of shyness, and his eyes were filled with


"Then please keep it a secret," Luffy smiled.

"Yes! Um... I have a lifelong request, Luffy-sama! Please accept me as

your subordinate!"

With a thud, Bartolomeo got down on all fours and said fervently, "Please

let me be your little brother!"

Hearing this, Luffy raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to go to the Grand Line with me?"

"Yes! Although I don't have any special talents, after watching your

previous battles, especially that silver-white figure, my blood is boiling!

Luffy-sama, you are the man who will become the Pirate King!"

Afraid of being rejected, Bartolomeo's emotions became even more


Luffy chuckled lightly and continued walking towards the port.

Bartolomeo stood still, his passionate heart suddenly chilled.

But the next moment, a voice from behind sounded like a heavenly


"Follow me."

"Yes, Luffy-sama!"

Bartolomeo was overjoyed, got up in a dog-like stance, and couldn't

contain his excitement.

Suddenly, a white smoke appeared in the distance.

The pale smoke flew rapidly like a long snake.

Smoker saw the tragic situation.

Countless people lay on the streets with their eyes rolled back, and the

only two standing were casually walking through the corpses.

"Straw Hat Luffy!!" Smoker was furious, his killing intent undisguised.



From behind, Zoro ran over quickly, followed by Johnny and Yosaku.

"Hey, Zoro, get ready to set sail. My grandpa is here," Luffy greeted.

"None of you can leave!"

Veins popped on Smoker's forehead. "If I let you go after killing so many

people, what right do I have to wear the Marine uniform?"

White Wind!!

In an instant, his whole body turned into white smoke, surrounding Luffy

like a cage.

"Luffy-sama, please go ahead. Leave this to me. I've dealt with this guy

before!" Bartolomeo quickly made a strange hand gesture, crossing his

middle finger with his index finger.


Luffy stopped him with a raised hand and smiled.

"A Logia user as weak as you is rare."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luffy instantly captured Smoker in his

Observation Haki.

Luffy leaped up and threw a punch towards the thick smoke.

"Go back and train for another two years!"


With Armament Haki enveloping his attack, Luffy directly knocked

Smoker's true body out.

"Wow!" Smoker spat out stomach acid, his eyes bulging. He was knocked

down hard and lay on the ground.

"Cough... Cough..." Smoker coughed on the ground, as if all his strength

had been drained. He stared at Luffy and said, "You bastard... How did

you hit me!?"

Logia users have fluid bodies and are immune to physical attacks.

He hadn't been injured or felt pain for many years.

"Go ask your teacher."

Luffy wasn't interested in dealing with him and waved his hand to signal

everyone, "Let's go, it's time to go to the Grand Line!"


Garp was holding back and luffy took him by surprise, resulting in his

little injury. I hope this clear some people's doubt. Of course Nika luffy

is already very strong, plus with the sun fruit his stamina is almost

unlimited in the day time

Heading To The Grand Line (End

Of East Blue Chapter)

Smoker, knocked down to the ground, could do nothing to stop the Straw

Hat Crew from leaving. He watched helplessly, his frustration growing.

The feeling of powerlessness made him clench his fist tightly.

After a while, a Marine captain arrived with a large group of soldiers.


"Don't worry about me! Chase after them! We mustn't let the Straw Hat

Crew escape!" Smoker gritted his teeth and issued the order. "Pirates are

pirates, even if they are descendants of heroes. Once they set sail, they

turn into indiscriminate killers..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a medical officer examining the

wounded cried out, "Captain, the civilians are fine, they just fainted."

Smoker and the captain exchanged stunned glances.

The commotion at the execution square, along with the Marines' massive

mobilization, finally alerted the people of Logue Town, who had enjoyed

several years of peace, that something was amiss.

"The Straw Hat Crew has landed!"

"Run for your lives! If you don't want to die, run!"

"That's the highest bounty and the most notorious pirate in East Blue...

And the Marines? Where's Colonel Smoker?"

Panic began to spread like wildfire.

Countless citizens started to flee, turning the once bustling streets into a

frenzy of activity.

Luffy walked through the chaotic streets, and whenever people spotted

them, they screamed and scattered as if they had seen ghosts.

This treatment was vastly different from what they'd experienced


"Am I really that frightening?" Luffy wondered aloud.

He hadn't done anything villainous. On the contrary, he had performed

numerous heroic deeds. How had news of him spread so wildly?

Bartolomeo, the crew's number one fan, chimed in, "Luffy-sama, you're as

terrifying as a ghost, hehehe... People should be afraid and then run away

in panic!"

Luffy rolled his eyes at Bartolomeo's enthusiasm.

"I was about to ask, who's this guy?" Zoro glanced at him and inquired.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Zoro-sama of the Straw Hat Crew, right? I

saw your bounty poster yesterday!" Bartolomeo approached Zoro, bowed

deeply, and introduced himself. "I am Luffy-sama's loyal crewmate, the

rookie Bartolomeo. Pleased to make your acquaintance!"

Zoro looked utterly unimpressed and said, "Get out of the way."

"Yes, Zoro-sama!"

Bartolomeo, brimming with excitement, had boundless energy.

Just then, the sound of running footsteps in formation approached from


"The Marines are here!" Johnny turned around and exclaimed in alarm.

"Luffy!!!" Garp sprinted forward, followed by a contingent of Marines,

armed with rifles and even rocket launchers, probably loaded with Sea-

Prism Stone projectiles.

"Run!" Luffy laughed and took off first.

As they neared the port, Nami, who had been out shopping, was

returning with bags in her hands.

"Luffy!" she called out. "I heard a loud noise earlier, and I knew you guys

were exposed."

"Get on the ship, Nami. My grandpa's chasing us!"

"Huh?! Grandpa?"

Nami's anxiety spiked as she glanced behind Luffy, spotting a Marine

officer in a cape who was grinning and chasing after them.

Is that really Luffy's grandpa? Should I... should I say hello?

Before she could decide, Luffy reached out and pulled her, ushering the

three women onto the Sunny.

The rest of the crew boarded the Merry hastily.

"You guys are back?" Sanji was the first to return. When he looked up and

saw the approaching Marines, he smirked. "I knew it; that booming sound

was definitely not a good sign."

After a brief pause, Sanji noticed Bartolomeo and inquired, "Who's this


With no time for introductions, Luffy promptly ordered, "Raise anchor

and set sail. Is everyone on board?"

"Yes, Luffy-sama, everyone's here."

The crew quickly hoisted the anchor and unfurled the sails.

The two ships slowly moved away from the harbor into open waters.

On the shore, the Marines stopped at the port, and Garp grinned.

"Think you can escape like this? Fetch me some cannonballs!"

He picked up a hefty cannonball and hurled it with his bare hands.

With a whoosh, the cannonball soared towards the Sunny, possessing

more force than a warship's main cannon.


Luffy swung his arm and shattered it.

"It's about time you give up, Grandpa!"

"Hahaha... Once you enter the Grand Line, the Marines will be hot on

your trail, Pirate Luffy. It's not too late to turn back now!"

Garp laughed heartily.

Upon closer inspection, this young brat was accompanied by three

women. Has he finally matured? Garp would have been happier if he'd

made him a great-grandfather sooner, rather than let him pursue the title

of Pirate King.

"Goodbye, Grandpa. See you in the Grand Line!"

Luffy waved with a smile.

"Vice Admiral Garp..." Tashigi spoke softly.

"He got away," Garp shrugged and laughed, his arms crossed. "He's

always been a troublesome grandson. Now I'll have to face Sengoku's

scolding when I return. Hahaha!"

His laughter was filled with pride.


On the deck of the Merry Go.

The crew exchanged puzzled glances.

"Did we forget something?"

"What could we have forgotten?"

"Oh, that's right, we forgot something..."

"Usopp is missing, Zoro."

"Right, where's Usopp?"

Several crew members' faces darkened.

Just then, at the port of Logue Town, a long-nosed man carrying a

massive bundle chased after them, shouting:

"Luffy! Did you forget? I'm still not on the ship! Let me on quickly!"

On the Sunny.

Kaya covered her mouth in surprise. "It's Mr. Usopp."

Luffy reached out and pulled Usopp back onto the ship.

Usopp, now safely back on board, pinched Luffy's neck and wept, tears

streaming down his face.

"Luffy, you scoundrel! Did you forget about me on purpose because I

didn't join you earlier? You monster! Demon!"

"No, no, it was an accident. It was all a mistake."

Luffy laughed heartily.

Kaya attempted to defuse the situation. "Stop choking him, Mr. Usopp.

Luffy is going to die."

Nami ignored the commotion, taking out the Grand Line sea map.

"From now on, listen to my commands. Hard to port, heading at seven

o'clock, full sails ahead!"

Amidst laughter, noise, and chaos, the two ships embarked on their

journey into the Grand Line.



To Dominate The Grand Line!

There is still some distance to go from Logue Town to the entrance of the

Grand Line.

The closer we get to Reverse Mountain, the worse the weather becomes.

It was sunny not long ago, but as we get closer, the climate gradually

becomes strange, with dark clouds looming.

The Thousand Sunny is leading the way, sailing ahead.

In the field of vision, a wall of red earth stretches across the ocean, with

no end in sight.

"So that's the Red Line? It's a sight that people in Cocoyasi Village can

never see in their lifetime," Nami said with emotion.

"The ocean currents are not right..."

Nami leaned over the ship's rail, observing the increasingly rapid ocean

currents, muttering, "At this rate, we will collide with the Red Line.

What's wrong? Is the position on the sea map incorrect?"

Driven by strong winds and ocean currents, the Thousand Sunny is like a

speeding train that can't stop.

Once it collides with the Red Line...

"Don't worry, Nami. Believe in yourself."

Luffy said softly as he walked to the bow of the ship, gazing at the distant


Although they can already see the Red Line, there is still a long way to go

in reality.

He took the opportunity to tally up their gains during this period.

[You have sailed in East Blue for 6 days, rewarded with 60 adventure


[You have arrived at the new island, Logue Town, rewarded with 100

adventure coins.]

[Recruited crew member Bartolomeo, a qualified devil fruit ability user,

rewarded with 300 adventure coins.]

Including the previous stock of 1755...

[Adventure Coins]: 2215!

Easy, really easy.

The goal of 2200 adventure coins was easily achieved.

Equivalent to eleven Haki fruits, it can raise his Conqueror's Haki to the

advanced stage of level 5.

The only problem is that Haki fruits don't appear every day.

"Let's see what good things are available today."

Today's luck is good. After many days, another Haki fruit appears.

Bought on the spot, -200 adventure coins.

In addition,

[Six-style fruit (boxed)]: A gift box that combines six fruits, stronger than

six individual ones. Selling price: 1000 adventure coins, today's special

offer: 500 adventure coins.

["Why does a box of six-style fruits cost 1000 when six individual ones

cost 100 each?"]

["Is the strength in the price of the box?"]

Luffy silently complained in his heart.

Of course, this is just a small complaint. In reality, it is indeed better than

buying them individually.

After all, it's not guaranteed to get six fruits in a month. It's like buying

time at a high price, the earlier you buy, the earlier you can enjoy.

Mainly because it's on sale, buying six for 500 is still a profit.

["Why isn't it a Haki gift box? Do they think I don't have enough


He complained again in his heart, but still bought it, deducting another

500 adventure coins.

After a rough scan of the remaining goods, they were good, but until he

achieves financial freedom with adventure coins, he doesn't have any

extra money to spend.

A flash of white light, a black fruit and a box of six-style fruits appeared

in his hand.

After eating the Haki fruit, his Armament Haki level 1 immediately

advanced to level 2.

It was another day of reaping the rewards of hard training.

Satisfied, Luffy thought to himself and couldn't resist the joy he felt in his

heart. He turned to shout, "Nami!"

"What's wrong?" Nami asked with a puzzled expression as she walked

over, her eyes filled with curiosity and affection.

"Here, this is for you," Luffy said with a loving glint in his eyes.

Taking the gift box, Nami blinked happily. She felt a deep sense of joy

and love welling up inside her as she received a gift from Luffy, no

matter what it was.

Perhaps it was a gift bought in Logue Town?

With a sweet smile that radiated love, she asked, "What is this?" Her

voice carried a tender tone that melted Luffy's heart. "Can I open it?"

"Go ahead," Luffy replied.

The wooden gift box was exquisitely crafted, just like the precious bond

between them. Nami opened it and saw six neatly arranged fruits in two

rows. Her eyes widened, and she couldn't help but cover her mouth,

almost screaming with happiness and love for the man who had gifted

her this wonderful surprise.

There were so many of these precious fruits!

"Luffy, where did you get these? Can you really give me all of them?" she

asked incredulously.

There were so many of these precious fruits, and Nami couldn't believe

her eyes.

"Luffy," she began, her voice overflowing with affection and gratitude,

"where on earth did you find all of these? Can you truly give them to

me?" Her gaze was a radiant mix of fondness and admiration as she

locked eyes with the man who had just filled her heart with an

abundance of love.

Taken by surprise, Luffy pondered for a moment before playfully


"My grandpa gave them to me. He heard that my wife is too weak, so he

gave me these. How about that, are you happy?"

"Very happy."

Nami's smile was radiant, not because of the six fruits, but because of

being called a wife.

Her Grandfather-in-law was really great! She should have greeted him

properly before!

She didn't even care that her sister Nojiko and Miss Kaya were on the

deck. Excitedly, she hugged Luffy and gave him a passionate kiss.

Luffy, of course, wouldn't refuse the advances of a beautiful woman.

Immediately kissed her cherry lips, sucking her tongue and having a

passionate kiss with Nami, while his dishonest hands groped her butt

feeling ecstatic.

Nojiko turned her head and happened to see this scene. She immediately

smiled and said, "You're really bold, Nami."

"Miss Nami...!"

Kaya shyly covered her eyes, but she opened her fingers slightly and

secretly watched.

Half an hour later.

The Red Line was within reach, and the inverted mountain was visible to

the naked eye.

Only when you get closer can you appreciate the towering and majestic

Red Line.

The red wall started from sea level and extended upwards, disappearing

into the clouds, with no end in sight.

Luffy stood at the bow of the ship, quietly feeling its ancient aura. The

overwhelming sense of oppression that came rushing towards him was a

sight he had never seen in his previous life!

At the same time, it was also a wall of sighs, separating countless people

from the four seas.

Not only Luffy, but also the three women on the ship, and even the

people on the Merry Go following behind the The Thousand Sunny, were

amazed by the scene before them.

"Look! That's the waterway... the seawater is flowing upstream!?"

Suddenly, Nami noticed the reverse current at the foot of the inverted


Under the powerful impact of the current, the seawater climbed up the

mountain, all the way up, towards an unknown end.

"I understand now, so this is how we go up!" Nami exclaimed in surprise.

"When we reach the highest point, the sea currents from the four seas

converge and then flow back down, leading to the direction of the Grand

Line! It's truly a spectacle!"

Luffy's voice rang out, vibrant and full of boundless enthusiasm, as he

exclaimed, "The Grand Line is right before us! Tell me, what are your

dreams, everyone?"

The male crew members aboard the Merry Go were electrified by his

question, their eyes gleaming with fervor.

Zoro's determination shone through as his gaze sharpened, declaring, "To

become the world's greatest swordsman!"

"To become a fearless warrior of the sea!" Usopp beamed, his elongated

nose thrusting toward the boundless sky, his eyes filled with unwavering


"For the All Blue, where the sea is an ocean of miracles!" Sanji's voice

soared, carrying the dreams of a thousand chefs.

"To stand by Captain Luffy and witness the birth of the Pirate King!"

Bartolomeo roared.

"To repay the debt of saving my life!" Yosaku's declaration echoed

"To embark on grand adventures beyond imagination!" Johnny resonated

with excitement as he joined in.

Listening to the thunderous shouts of the men, the three women aboard

the Thousand Sunny shared a glance, their smiles radiant.

"To chart the uncharted corners of the world, alongside my partner!"

Nami's eyes gleamed with boundless love and ambition, her spirit aflame

with determination.

"To soar freely across the endless skies like birds!" Kaya's serene voice

held a sense of wonder for the mysteries that lay ahead.

"To leave behind the shadows of our past and wholeheartedly embrace

the future!" Nojiko's words carried the promise of a bright tomorrow.

Energized by their dreams, the Thousand Sunny surged forward, riding

the ferocious current up the towering Reverse Mountain.

Luffy thrust his fist into the air, a grin spreading across his face like a

beacon of unwavering determination.

"To conquer the Grand Line!"



Vivi Who Steals The Fruit

The Thousand Sunny climbed up the mountain sea current, and Nami

shouted excitedly.

Luffy, on the other hand, remained calm. He immediately retracted the

sails to prevent the ship from deviating from the sea current under the

force of the wind and colliding with the mountains on both sides.

At the same time, he shouted:

"Zoro! Retract the sails, adjust the direction, aim for the mountain sea

current, and don't collide with the Red Line!"


Usopp's voice responded.

In the midst of the chaos, the Merry also narrowly entered the Reverse

Mountain canal.

It was only at this moment that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Sanji lit a cigarette and said:

"I've heard that half of the ships that go from East Blue to the Grand Line

end up buried at sea, probably because they collide with the Red Line."

"It's really terrifying! Do we have to eliminate half of the ships at the

entrance? What kind of devil sea is the Grand Line?"

Usopp covered his head with both hands.

"Hehehe, if we had collided just now, the ship would have been


"Say something auspicious, rookie."

"Sorry, Captain Johnny."

"Hahahaha... It's good that you know."

Appreciating the scenery along the way, everyone gathered at the bow of

the ship.

The mountain sea current was almost at a forty-five degree angle


The Sunny, Luffy observed the Reverse Mountain left and right:

"Is this really naturally formed?"

"Of course not, it must be a man-made canal. The people in the past were

truly great."

Nami sighed, the scale of this project was unimaginable, and she

wondered how many people had to sacrifice their lives to complete this


With the five canals of Reverse Mountain, the Four Seas and the Grand

Line could be connected.

Luffy shook his head.

He wasn't talking about the canals, but about this Reverse Mountain.

The Grand Line and the Red Line intersect at these two points, one being

Reverse Mountain and the other being the holy land of the World Nobles,

Mariejois, where the World Government is located.

This question obviously had no answer.

Before long, the ships passed through the clouds.

The four mountain sea currents from the east, south, west, and north

finally converged at the peak and merged into a downstream sea current

leading to the Grand Line.

Luffy remembered that at the end of the downstream sea current, there

was a giant whale, over 400 meters long, which looked like a mountain

from a distance.

It was unknown whether they were lucky or not, but the whale, Laboon,

did not block the entrance.

The Sunny and the Merry successfully entered the Grand Line!

On both sides of the exit, there were two lighthouses.

The crew docked the ship on the left bank, disembarked one after

another, and below the lighthouse, they saw an old man.

The old man had a hairstyle like a saffron flower, wearing a pair of round

glasses, and dressed in colorful and cool clothes.

He sat under a parasol, crossed his legs, and cast a sharp gaze.

"Where are you from?"

His expression was serious, exuding an aura of "I am a strong one".

Nami stepped forward and said:

"We are from East Blue, the Straw Hat Pirates..."

"My name is Crocus."

The old man interrupted suddenly.

"Oh... Oh!" Nami nodded subconsciously and asked, "Mr. Crocus, may I

ask where this place is?"

Upon hearing this, Crocus glared and said in a deep voice, "Before asking

others, shouldn't you introduce yourselves first? Are pirates nowadays so

impolite?"( ps: what! Are pirates polite, then what kind of pirates)

Nami's forehead formed a cross, and she clenched her fist.

"We are from East Blue, the Straw Hat Pirates. I am the navigator,


"This is Twin Capes, and I am the lighthouse keeper here."

Interrupted once again, Nami transformed into a shark's mouth. "Listen

carefully to what others say, you old fart!"

Seemingly provoked by Nami's words, Crocus immediately put on a stern


"Do you want to fight?" Zoro immediately gripped his sword handle.

Crocus remained silent for a while and then said, "Please speak."

Everyone: "..."

Please speak without making such a scary expression!!

Everyone felt the urge to punch someone.

"Hahaha... Crocus."

Luffy laughed, "I am Monkey D. Luffy, I have heard of your name."


Crocus finally shifted his gaze to Luffy, or more accurately, he saw the

straw hat on his head.

"It brings back memories." His expression softened, revealing a hint of


"Memories? Well, your feeling is correct. This straw hat belongs to

Roger." Luffy chuckled.

Crocus was stunned.

"Roger gave the hat to Shanks, and Shanks gave it to me. I also heard

your name from Shanks. You were the ship doctor of the Pirate King, the

one who saved his life at the end. Without you, Roger wouldn't have

made it to the final island."

The Straw Hat crew was shocked.

Was this infuriating old man really a member of the Pirate King's crew?

"Wait, Luffy!" Zoro suddenly realized something, "Why do you still know

people here in the Grand Line!?"

Such a comment!

But it's too early, there's more to come!

Don't you understand what it means to be the King of Backgrounds~

Luffy smiled and said, "Crocus, can you give us a Log Pose?"

Upon hearing this, Crocus also smiled.

Captain Roger, after all these years, is the person you've been waiting for


Thinking in his heart, he stood up and walked towards the lighthouse:

"Luffy, right? Come with me, I'm happy today. I'll treat you to a drink,

and I'll give you what you want."

Everyone looked at Luffy one after another, unable to help but sigh in

their hearts, it's great to have Connections~

Luffy laughed and said, "Let's go... Huh?"

Suddenly, he made a soft sound and turned to look at the coast.


A small boat approached the Sunny in a sneaky manner, and two figures

agilely climbed onto the deck.

"It seems luck is on our side, Mr. 9!"

The person speaking in a low voice was a young and beautiful woman.

She tied her long, aqua-blue hair into a ponytail and had the demeanor of

a bad girl.

"You're right, Miss Wednesday! We've been waiting for three days and

haven't seen that big whale surface. Luckily, a group of pirates came.

There must be plenty of food on this luxurious ship. If we don't take some

back, the people at Whisky Peak will starve to death!"

The person responding was a man dressed in green clothes and wearing a


The two glanced at each other and quickly sneaked into the cabin.

The hungry duo immediately began searching for food.

Mr. 9 went straight to the refrigerator.

Miss Wednesday, on the other hand, discovered an exquisite box.

The box was quietly placed on the sofa in the lounge. She immediately

walked over and opened it, finding two fruits inside.

They looked like small apples, originally there should have been six

because the box had six slots.

"The packaging is so exquisite, it must be delicious."

Her stomach growled, and her mouth started salivating.

She picked up the two fruits and stuffed them into her mouth. The taste

was extremely sweet, the most exquisite fruit she had ever eaten!


Suddenly, she widened her eyes, covered her throat, and a look of

disbelief flashed in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Miss Wednesday?"

Mr. 9 was startled and came out of the kitchen to the lounge.

Just as he came out, he was horrified to find a man wearing a straw hat

standing at the doorway.

"Hehehe... So you ate it, you actually ate the 'forbidden fruit'."

Luffy looked at "Princess Vivi" and couldn't help but laugh mischievously,

"This can't be settled with money..."

Showdown Between "Bad Women"

Nami, who appeared shortly after, also discovered that her two Rokushiki

fruits had been stolen and eaten.

Her heart instantly turned cold.


She let out a scream and quickly approached Vivi, grabbing her collar in


"Spit it out, spit it out! That was a gift from Luffy to me!"

As she spoke, she shook Vivi back and forth.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Vivi, who was being shaken, was both digesting the power of the fruit

and continuously apologizing in her mouth.

"What's wrong, Nami?"

Nojiko returned to the Thousand Sunny and, looking at her sister's

appearance, couldn't help but say, "Did a thief come in?"

Nami threw herself into Nojiko's arms. "Originally... originally, I wanted

to save it for you, Nojiko, but it was stolen!"

On one hand, it was a gift from Luffy, something she cherished.

On the other hand, she have mastered the Rokushiki with just four out of

the six fruits and planned to share the remaining two with her sister.

But before she had the chance, someone else ate them.

Just thinking about this made her very angry.

Seeing more and more people returning, Mr. 9 became nervous.

"Miss Wednesday, what are you still doing here? Get ready to fight!

Hmph, it's your bad luck to encounter us, pirates!"

He pulled out a baseball bat from behind and launched an attack towards


Luffy lacked interest in dodging or defending and watched as it was

about to hit him.

"Protective barrier!"

A transparent barrier unfolded in front of Luffy, and Mr. 9's head collided

with it, causing himself to bleed and his nose to collapse.

Bartolomeo, with his middle finger and index finger crossed, walked in

with an angry expression.

"Who do you think you are, daring to attack Luffy-sama? You're really

asking for a beating! Barrier Sandwich!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a square barrier appeared behind Mr. 9.

The two barriers sandwiched Mr. 9 forcefully, and with a loud bang, he

let out a scream, his whole body being squeezed in the center, almost

flattening his face.

"Mr. 9!?" Vivi was shocked. Are they ability users?

Zoro's face turned cold. "Luffy, how should we deal with them? Throw

them into the sea as fish food?"

Johnny's expression was unfriendly. "Zoro, we're letting them off too

easily. They dared to steal Nami's things. They should be tied to a rock

and sunk to the bottom of the sea!"

Hearing these terrifying remarks, Vivi was scared and trembling.

Luffy laughed. "Tie them up. These two are agents of the Baroque Works."

Baroque Works?

Zoro frowned. He seemed to have heard of this organization before and

was even invited by them.

"I'll do it!"

Nami took matters into her own hands and slowly approached Vivi. She

also used her villainous tone and revealed a terrifying smile.

"Don't even think about resisting, little girl. You ate two of them, so you

should understand, right? Techniques like the Rokushiki are part of it."

Vivi swallowed her saliva, looking like a little white rabbit being stared

at by an eagle, her face filled with despair.

Because she had eaten them, she understood that resistance was


"I... I'll compensate you with money," she weakly said.

Then, she was tightly bound.

The other Mr. 9 had already been knocked out, and after Bartolomeo

deactivated his ability, he also tied him up like a dumpling.

"I'll leave them to you. I'm going to check on Kaya's condition."

Luffy said a word and then turned and left.

The crowd carried Mr.9 out of the Sunny, while Nami stayed behind.

She sat on the sofa, assuming a bad woman's posture:

"Now, it's interrogation time, little girl. Tell me, what's your name? Who

sent you here? What is this Baroque Works that Luffy mentioned just


On the other side, the Merry Go.

Johnny poured a bucket of cold water, waking up Mr.9.

Bartolomeo grinned, revealing a row of sharp teeth:

"answer me, obediently tell us your purpose, don't think about making up

stories. You two will be interrogated separately! Understand? Hehehe..."


At the Twin Capes, next to the lighthouse, there was a small house.

Seeing Luffy return, Kaya immediately asked with concern, "What

happened, Mr. Luffy?"

"Two thieves came, but they have been subdued, no need to worry."

Luffy turned to the pirate doctor and asked, "Crocus, how is her


"It's a congenital genetic disease, if you want to treat it..."

Crocus shook his head, took out a piece of paper, wrote a few words, and

handed it to Luffy, saying, "I don't have the necessary medicinal materials

here, at most I have some painkillers. You should go to Drum Island and

find an old witch, I know her. Give her this note, she will help."

Luffy took the note.

Kaya nervously held her skirt and whispered, "Will... will it be very


"Miss Kaya, don't worry, this is the pirate king's doctor. Since he said so,

it will definitely be cured." Sanji comforted her.

Crocus smiled and said, "Little girl, don't be nervous. Your illness is not

incurable. You will be cured when you go to Drum Island. The premise

is... your captain chooses which route."

"Which route?" Usopp looked puzzled.

"It's different from the East Blue where you came from. The islands in the

Grand Line have magnetic properties. To navigate here, you need to rely

on log poses."

While explaining, Crocus stood up and took out two log poses from the


"In this sea area, past sailing experience is completely useless. The only

thing you can trust is this."

He placed the two log poses on the table:

"One is a permanent pose pointing to Whisky Peak, and Drum Island is on

this route;"

"The other is a log pose that hasn't stored any magnetic force yet. You

can decide which route to take yourself. The range of the lighthouse is

large, different areas record different routes, a total of seven."

"Straw Hat Luffy, I can only give you one of them."

The others looked at Luffy one after another, waiting for the captain's


Luffy didn't hesitate, he picked up the permanent log pose and smiled,

"There's no need to ask about this, thanks, Crocus. Are you interested in

joining my crew?"

"Hahaha, I'm already old, adventures belong to you young people, and

besides, there's something I can't rest assured about here..."

Crocus couldn't help but laugh. Did they really choose this route? Is it for

the sake of curing this little girl, or is it fate's arrangement?


Suddenly, a low and long sound rang out, vibrating the eardrums.

"What is this sound?" Sanji's face changed slightly. "Some kind of beast!?"

Crocus also tensed up and without saying a word, rushed out.

"It's the cry of an island whale, a very big whale."

Luffy said a word and followed him out.


Another Companion, Island

Whale Laboon Joins

"Wow, it's huge!!!"

Following Luffy's lead, everyone exited the lighthouse cottage and came

face to face with an enormous whale. The whale's head alone, emerging

from the water, resembled a small mountain.

Sanji couldn't help but exclaim, "Why is its head covered in scars?"

"It's called Laboon... It's determined to shatter the Red Line!" Crocus

explained with a solemn tone, sharing a tale from many years past.

Upon hearing the story, the group couldn't help but express their

admiration. Laboon was indeed a whale with profound emotions. Could it

be that it sought to break through the Red Line in search of its former


"But it's been so many years, that pirate crew, they're probably... that was

over fifty years ago!" Usopp said with a sad expression, feeling empathy

for the whale.

Human lifespans are short, and over fifty years, they would have long

since died.

"I think so too, that's why every time it tries to collide with the Red Line,

I have to inject it with a sedative, otherwise it would die sooner or later."

Saying that, Crocus quickly ran over and leaped onto the whale's head.

"Is it the Rumbar Pirates?" Luffy asked, feigning thoughtfulness.

After a brief pause, Luffy walked to the shoreline and addressed Laboon,

"They're still alive."

Laboon's roar abruptly ceased, and its colossal eyes shifted downward,

gazing at the tiny humans.

Crocus, who had been preparing to administer the injection inside

Laboon, turned around in astonishment. "You know about the Rumbar


Luffy nodded, disclosing his background. "My grandfather is Vice Admiral

Monkey D. Garp of the Marine Headquarters. I've had access to some

classified Marine intelligence."

Over fifty years ago, Laboon had been a young and small whale. It had

grown fond of the Rumbar Pirates, a group of musicians, and decided to

follow them into the treacherous Grand Line. The Rumbar Pirates,

recognizing the danger of the Grand Line, had made a promise with

Laboon—they would reunite after circumnavigating the world.

However, the outcome had been a tragedy. The Rumbar Pirates' captain

had fallen gravely ill during their voyage. After his demise, the Rumbar

Pirates had clashed with another group of pirates, ultimately meeting

their end.

Everyone perished.

Only one person named Brook, who had eaten the "Yomi Yomi no Mi"

fruit before his death, had his soul return from the afterlife and lived a

second life.

And because his body had already decayed and turned into a skeleton,

Brook became a living skeleton.

He no longer had the limitations of lifespan and, in a sense, was a form of


Now, this skeleton-like person was wandering in the Florian Triangle like

a ghost.


After listening, Laboon let out another piercing roar.

Luffy couldn't help but pause, his expression becoming subtle.

"Are you saying... you want to follow me and find him?"

Something was off with this script.

"Hey, Luffy, how can you understand what the whale is saying?!" Usopp

couldn't help but comment.

"It's not that I understand, I just roughly guessed the meaning behind its


Luffy shook his head. He hadn't awakened the ability to "hear the voice of

all things" yet, but he could somehow sense what Laboon was trying to


If only Chopper were here, he could translate it accurately.


Laboon roared again, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

Luffy smiled, "Aren't you afraid I'll deceive you?"

Upon hearing this, Laboon's expression immediately turned fierce.

"Of course it's true, I'm not deceiving you."

Teasing the giant whale for a moment, Luffy pondered for a moment

before nodding and saying, "Alright, I'll take you to find him. From today

onwards, you are a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. If you agree, just

nod your head."

Laboon immediately started shaking its head, nodding back and forth.

Crocus, who was on top of its head, was shocked and had to grab onto

something to avoid being shaken off.

The rest of the crew also showed expressions of disbelief.

"Wait a minute, Luffy!" Usopp danced around, describing the size of the

whale. "How can we possibly sail with such a huge whale?"

"Usopp makes a good point, Luffy. Have you thought about how much

food it will need every day?" Sanji showed a look of despair.

"I'm the one who cooks!!"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. It can find its own food. Regular Sea Kings are

no match for it."

Luffy laughed.

Of course, the most important thing is:

[Invite crew member Laboon, a qualified island whale, reward 200

adventure coins]

Even the system approves!

Adventure coins for free, can't let them go to waste.

Thinking of this, Luffy looked up at Laboon:

"When we go ashore, you stay in the nearby waters. When we sail, you

follow underwater. If we encounter shallow waters, you have to go

around. If you get hungry, you have to find your own food. Do you


Very troublesome.

Laboon is over 400 meters long and over a hundred meters tall.

Not all seas have depths of several thousand or tens of thousands of

meters. Shallow waters may only be one or two hundred meters...

But Laboon still nodded.

Although it couldn't understand, the others could feel Laboon's firm


"I understand, then come along!"

Luffy grinned and turned to his companions, "Do any of you have any


"Luffy, since you've said it like that, there's nothing else we can do."

Usopp helplessly rubbed his forehead.

Kaya chuckled, remembering how Mr. Luffy had tirelessly brought her to

the Grand Line for medical treatment.

No one had any objections.

Zoro's expression was serious, "You're the captain, your decision doesn't

need our input. As long as you've thought it through!"

Truly reliable captain.

Luffy smiled slightly and immediately had Usopp go to the ship to get a

paintbrush and paint.

He personally drew a huge Straw Hat Pirates flag on Laboon's head,

declaring it as a member of the Straw Hat crew!

After everything was done.

"Goodbye, Crocus, we're setting sail."

"Don't let Laboon die, Luffy!"

"Why don't you come along?"

"Hahaha, I'm already old. If you need a doctor, go to Drum Island."

On the shore, Crocus waved continuously, watching as the two ships and

the whale gradually drifted away.

Monkey D. Luffy, just like Roger, one of the D clan...


Princess Vivi's Despair

The Thousand Sunny set sail from the Twin Cape, bidding farewell to

Crocus, and slowly headed towards the first stop on the Grand Line,

Whisky Peak.

Luffy walked into the activity room and immediately saw Nami

interrogating Vivi.

Facing the "fierce" Nami, Vivi weakly confessed everything, even

revealing her true identity.

"So you're a princess? The princess of Alabasta..." Nami's expression

gradually softened, and a symbol of beli appeared in her eyes.

The Six Styles Fruit were eaten, there was no way to turn back time, so

now they had to recover the damage.

A princess was a very suitable target for extortion... and compensation!

When Vivi saw Luffy, she became even more afraid and quickly said, "I...

I will compensate... I was just too hungry and wanted to find something

to eat. I didn't know it was... something magical, like a Devil Fruit."

Nami immediately put on a friendly smile and said, "So, Princess Vivi,

how much money are you willing to compensate?"

"Fi... Fifty thousand beli, what do you think?" Vivi's voice became smaller

and smaller, almost inaudible.

"Fifty thousand?!" Nami grabbed Vivi's collar again, transforming into a

shark's mouth, shaking her back and forth. "Are you an idiot? If you

could buy something like that for fifty thousand, I would buy a whole

room of it!"

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... that's all my savings."

Vivi felt like crying but had no tears. Her head was hurting from being


"I was the idiot who had a moment of hope for you just now. If you were

rich, would you come here to steal food because you were hungry?"


Vivi's stomach cooperated and made a growling sound. The young girl's

face turned red.

Luffy watched the two girls arguing and couldn't help but laugh.

He sat down next to Nami and asked vivi, "Which two techniques did you


"Moonwalk and Finger Pistol..."

Vivi bit her lip. She knew that the person in front of her was the real

decision-maker, the captain. "Please don't throw me into the sea to feed

the fish. When I return to the kingdom, I will definitely compensate you


["When you return to the kingdom, you're probably going to be taken out

by Baroque Works halfway!"]

Luffy thought to himself and smiled, "The Nefertari family of Alabasta,

your country is currently in rebellion, in chaos. I'm afraid there won't be

much money for compensation. Besides, the Six Styles fruit is something

that money can't buy."

"How should we deal with her, Luffy?" Nami sighed helplessly.

"Selling the princess as a slave should fetch a good price." Luffy smirked.

"That's a good idea, as expected of Luffy~" Nami's eyes lit up, full of


The two of them sang in harmony, scaring Vivi pale.

"I'm sorry!! Please, not that... I'm willing to do anything, please spare


The fate of being sold as a slave was self-evident for a princess.


Luffy couldn't help but laugh. It was amusing to scare the little girl.

Nami glared at him and sighed, "I was just teasing you. We're not those

low-level pirates who do such boring things."

"Thank you!" Vivi immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"But you still have to compensate! Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep at


"I... I understand, I will find a way..."

Vivi nodded vigorously, afraid that these two bad men and bad woman

would change their minds.

Luffy shook his head and said, "The black market price for a Devil Fruit is

at least one hundred million beli, and the Six Powers fruit is even rarer

and has no side effects. Its price will only be higher, not low."

One hundred million!!

Vivi's heart almost stopped beating. If it was the old Alabasta, it wouldn't

be a problem to come up with that money, but now...

"As far as I know, Alabasta is now being targeted by Crocodile. It won't

be long before you're not a princess anymore, but a princess of a fallen

kingdom, with no money for compensation."

Hearing this suddenly, Vivi trembled and stared at him in disbelief,

"How... How do you know? Who are you?"

"I am Monkey D. Luffy, my grandfather is Monkey D. Garp, Vice Admiral

of the Naval Headquarters."

"The grandson of a Marine hero?"

Vivi's mouth dropped open, realizing that this identity might not be

lower than that of a princess... In fact, in a certain sense, it might even be


That's the core high-ranking figure of the Three Great Powers of the

Grand Line, a prominent figure in the Marines!

"Crocodile?" Nami asked in confusion.

"Just like the hawk-eyed guy we met before, he is one of the Seven

Warlords of the Sea, nicknamed 'Sand Crocodile'," Luffy explained.

Vivi stared at Luffy in a daze, her little head in complete chaos.

After a while, she became excited:

"What does this mean?!"

"Do you know what Crocodile did in Alabasta? Did you find out from the


"If that's the case, why didn't the Marines take action?!"

Ah, you have discovered a blind spot, you're quite clever.

Luffy chuckled lightly.

Crocodile is a pirate. A pirate who went to Alabasta and became a hero.

If you say he turned over a new leaf and started a new life, even the Five

Elders would probably laugh their heads off.

He must be planning something, but considering that he is a Shichibukai,

a lapdog of the government, they just can't be bothered.

"I know you're anxious, but don't forget that you're currently my prisoner,

Princess Vivi."

Luffy raised his hand and explained to her the rules of how this world


After listening, Vivi muttered in a daze:

"No wonder when I reported to the Marines, I never received any

feedback... No one came to take a look, no one cared about what was

happening in Alabasta!"

They know, or rather, they can guess some of the situations, but they

can't intervene, and they don't want to.

After all, the Marines are said to be one of the Three Great Powers of the

Grand Line, but to put it bluntly, they are still dogs of the World


Without the government's approval, the Marines can't move against the


Even if Vivi were to go to Sengoku and present all the evidence of what

Crocodile did, there would be no results.

Vivi, who was struck by this, had tears welling up in her eyes, falling

down one by one.

She bit her lip tightly, drawing blood.

["Alabasta... the rebellious army deceived by Crocodile, the suffering

people... do they have no hope?"]

She clenched her fist, but there was only deep helplessness.

At the age of 14, she abandoned her princess status and infiltrated

Baroque Works to investigate the mastermind behind the domestic


After two years, she finally learned a name.

Behind everything, it was that Shichibukai, Sir Crocodile.

She finally saw a glimmer of hope. As long as she could obtain solid

evidence and submit it to the Marines, everything that Alabasta had

suffered would pass, the suffering would end, and the country would

welcome hope.

However, now someone was telling her, "You're too naive."

"Haha... Luffy, don't bully her," Nami sighed deeply, looking at the pitiful

Vivi and feeling empathy.

Luffy spread his hands. "I'm just helping you vent, that's all. Whose side

are you on, Nami?"

She gave him a disdainful look.

Nami embraced Vivi, patting her head and comforting her with a smile.

"Don't cry. Although he's been scaring you all this time, when he says

something like this, he actually wants to help you!"


Vivi was stunned, her tearful eyes looking at Nami, then at Luffy.

Luffy propped his cheek with one hand and chuckled.

"Don't make it sound like I'm a good-for-nothing. It's just that Crocodile is

a bit too arrogant. It's unreasonable. I have to teach him a lesson."


10 Times Reward! Arrive At

Whiskey Peak



Vivi stared blankly at Luffy, knowing that she had just stolen something

precious from them.

Could it be that he unexpectedly is a good person?

Knowing that he is a Shichibukai, he still wants to help her and her

country face such a powerful enemy.

Sadness, touched, confused, puzzled.

In an instant, Vivi experienced a variety of complex emotions, her mind

in chaos.


She sneezed suddenly.

So cold!

"So cold!" Nami also felt the chill, her gaze turned to the window, her

mouth wide open in astonishment.

Outside the window, a thick fog had appeared at some point.

The fog poured in from the doorway, and the temperature inside the

cabin dropped rapidly, approaching freezing point.

"What's going on?" Nami stood up suddenly, leaned against the window,

and exclaimed in shock, "It was daytime just now, the sun..."

The sun was gone, obscured by the dense fog.

On the Merry Go, following behind the Sunny, Sanji and the others also

noticed that something was wrong.

Standing on the deck, it was difficult to see the Sunny, which was more

than ten meters away.

"Luffy!" Sanji shouted.

Usopp panicked and said, "No, it's getting harder and harder to see, we

might lose sight of it! The Log Pose... the Log Pose is in Luffy's hands!"

"Leave it to me, I won't lose it!"

At a critical moment, Bartolomeo stepped forward. He activated the

barrier fruit ability and built a barrier bridge between the bows and

sterns of the two ships.

"You guys keep an eye on that prisoner, I'll go check on Luffy's side."

Zoro immediately jumped onto the barrier bridge.

When he arrived on the deck, Luffy, Nami, and the others had already

come out of the cabin.

Vivi had also been untied, and she hurriedly said,

"You've just arrived in the Grand Line, maybe you don't know yet, the

weather here is like a child, one moment it's noon, the next moment it

could be pitch black!"

As soon as she finished speaking, clatter clatter clatter.

Hail started falling from the sky, as if someone was standing in the sky,

pouring a basin full of crushed ice over their heads.

"Ouch!" Nami was hit, and immediately cried out in pain.

"Everyone, get into the cabin."

Luffy handed the Log Pose to Nami, "Here, the only thing we can trust is


"Log Pose!" Vivi breathed a sigh of relief, "It's pointing to... Whisky Peak,

the Drum Island!"

Vivi's body trembled.

"Zoro, you came at the right time, protect the ship, who knows what will

fall from the sky!"

As the captain, Luffy quickly started to organize.

Everyone suddenly became busy.

Encountering the unpredictable weather changes of the Grand Line for

the first time, everyone was inexperienced and inevitably a bit flustered.

It started with dense fog, followed by hail, and the temperature dropped

sharply, as if in the depths of winter.

After persisting for half an hour, they crossed through the dense fog and

encountered volcanic ash falling from the sky, not knowing where it

came from. It was a dark mass, and if they didn't know better, they

would have thought it was a dark cloud.

After that, there was a heavy rain.

The entire day, everyone on the ship was busy dealing with various

unexpected situations.

Fortunately, everyone's strength was not weak, and they finally made it

through without any major incidents.

The next day, the temperature on the sea remained below freezing.

As the ship gradually approached its destination, it gradually warmed up.

"Luffy, I can see the island!"

Nami, wearing a thick coat, wore the Log Pose on her left wrist. She

looked at the island gradually appearing in the distance and finally

breathed a sigh of relief.

"Really, compared to the climate in East Blue, my sailing experience is

completely useless!" She couldn't help but sigh.

The island that appeared in their field of vision was very peculiar.

A river ran through the center, dividing the island into two parts.

On both sides of the island were enormous cacti, or rather, mountains

that looked similar to cacti!

They extended from the foot of the mountain all the way to the coast,

forming a small town inhabited by humans.

"You sailed in the Sea of Paradise for a day, rewarded with 100

Adventure Coins."

"You have arrived at the new island, Whisky Peak, rewarded with 1000

Adventure Coins."

Luffy looked at the system prompt, secretly surprised.

Ten times!

It's actually ten times that of East Blue!

His brain quickly calculated.

If he continued sailing at a normal speed, he would reach the end of the

Sea of Paradise, the last island in the first half of the Grand Line, Sabaody


It would take about three months, and just the adventure coin rewards

from sailing on the sea would be around ten thousand!

"What if it's in the New World?" Luffy couldn't help but think, "On top of

this, it increases by another ten times?!"

Financial freedom!

From now on, he could buy whatever he wanted.

What? Not satisfied with the daily loot? Just use adventure coins to

refresh the shop!

First, arm himself, max out his Haki, and equip all the crew members

with the basic six styles.


While thinking about this, two ships entered the river of Cactus Island

one after another.

People were everywhere on both sides, each with a smile full of

enthusiasm, waving and greeting Luffy and the others.

"Hey, pirates!"

"Welcome to Whisky Peak!"

"Brave sailors, welcome to the town belonging to pirates!"

Cheers and congratulations kept coming.

On the Merry Go, on the deck.

Usopp looked around in confusion, "What's going on? They're actually

welcoming pirates."

Mr. 9, who had been left in the warehouse, sneered. He also heard the

cheers and cursed the fools in his heart.

On the Sunny Go.

Vivi covered her mouth and immediately sold these people.

"This is the gathering place for bounty hunters, specifically... specifically

hunting new pirate rookies who have just entered the Grand Line," she


Her tone was quite embarrassing, after all, she was one of them.

"At the same time, this is also the base of the Baroque Works!"

Nami's mouth curled up slightly, her tone becoming playful, "I see, so

that's how it is. Coming here without knowing anything, you'll definitely

fall into their trap, right, Luffy?"

Luffy snapped out of his thoughts from the sudden increase in adventure

coin rewards.

"Let's dock."

The ships slowly docked at the port, and everyone disembarked one after


Except for Mr. 9, who had been completely forgotten.

The people here warmly welcomed them and gave them enthusiastic


Clap clap clap clap~


"Having overcome numerous difficulties and arriving here,


"Congratulations! You are all amazing, daring to challenge this

treacherous sea!"

They were so popular that even Usopp, who knew they were bounty

hunters, felt a bit elated.

At this moment, a tall man with golden wavy hair walked out of the


"Welcome... cough cough, we~lco~me to the pirate town. I am the

mayor here."

He cleared his throat before speaking, with a serious speech impediment.

His demeanor was more like that of a secluded nobleman trying to

imitate the manners of high nobility, completely different from the

ordinary people around him.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Vivi stepped forward.

"Vi... cough cough, we~lco~me, Miss Wednesday, is it you who led this

group of brave sea heroes here? Well done!"

He smiled as usual.

Upon hearing this, Luffy and the others burst into laughter, their laughter

gradually becoming unrestrained.

Vivi covered her face, no, please stop, it's too embarrassing! Mr. Igaram,

they all know now!

Luffy walked forward and patted Igaram on the shoulder.

"Bring out the delicious food quickly, Captain of the Guard. Welcome

should be done properly. Am I right? "

Captain of the Guard!?

Igaram was struck by lightning, frozen in place like a statue, completely



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It's Interesting To Watch Women


Whisky peak is a small town known for its brewing and music.

In the cafeteria, the Straw Hat Crew was warmly welcomed.

Delicious food and fragrant drinks were continuously brought to the


Everyone was not polite at all and immediately started eating.

"Just wait! This is the den of bounty hunters. It's not impossible for the

food to be poisoned. Luffy, please let me taste it first!" Bartolomeo stood

up faithfully.

Nojiko was taken aback and praised, "Good vigilance, very reliable,


"Oh...you're too kind, Miss Nojiko. When I used to be in the underworld, I

was poisoned many times by enemies. I have a lot of experience."

Bartolomeo scratched his head awkwardly and quickly took a small

portion from each plate and tasted it.

Naturally, there was no poison, so everyone started eating.


On the other side.

Igaram took Vivi to a corner and lowered his voice, "Princess Vivi, what's

going on...? How do these pirates know my identity?"

"I...I told them," Vivi said.

Vivi briefly explained the cause and effect of the matter.

"Mr. Luffy and his crew will help us defeat Crocodile and save Alabasta!"

As soon as he heard this, Igaram was dumbfounded.

Princess Vivi was too easily deceived because of her young age. How

could she believe what pirates said?

"Princess Vivi, do you know their background? Even if we assume that

these pirates who have just entered the Grand Line can defeat that

Shichibukai!" Igaram advised earnestly. "Crocodile, one of the Seven

Warlords of the Sea, had a bounty of 81 million berries before becoming

a Shichibukai! How much bounty can that guy with the straw hat have

on his head?"

"71 million," Vivi answered seriously.

Igaram: "..."

Wait, something's not right.

Why would a pirate who has just entered the Grand Line have such a

high bounty??

"Luffy's grandfather is Marine Vice Admiral Garp, his full name is Monkey

D. Luffy." Vivi added again.Ikarim was instantly stunned.

Monkey D. Luffy!!

So it was this guy, no wonder he looked familiar before.

The pirate who appeared a few days ago had a "only alive" requirement

on his bounty poster!

Because it was so rare, it was remembered at once.

"I see...so that's how it is. No wonder it's only alive. He's the descendant

of a Marine hero, it makes sense!" Igaram murmured.

"Mr. Igaram, I believe in them, they really are..." Vivi said.

"It's worthy of Princess Vivi to find such strong reinforcements!"

Igaram's face changed instantly, and his speed was astonishing. "As long

as Mr. Luffy explains the situation of Alabasta to his grandfather, the

Marines will definitely take action!"

Alabasta is saved!


Outside the cafeteria.

Many bounty hunters were already on standby.

"Hehehe...looks like the banquet inside is lively."

"Don't worry, wait for Mr. 8's signal! When the signal sounds, we'll rush

in and deal with those pirates!"

"But are these rookie pirates really worth anything? They look like a

bunch of idiots. Whoever has a bounty, go and see if there's a match!"

A group of people whispered to each other.

Just then, a man and a woman walked up from behind.

The man looked like an explosive-haired rock singer, wearing a pink scarf

around his chest, and walking with his hands in his coat pockets, very


The woman had a tall figure, with short golden hair. She held a parasol

and wore a light yellow dress and white high heels. Her walking posture

was very graceful, with a pair of swaying buttocks.

"Hahahaha, you guys..."

The woman's laughter startled the bounty hunters.

When they turned to look:"M...Mr. 5! Miss Valentine!"

"They are high-level spies!"

"Why are you appearing here?"

They swallowed their saliva, their expressions unable to hide their fear.

"We are not looking for you. Where are Mr.8 and Miss. Wednesday?" Mr.

5 with an explosive hairstyle asked coldly.

The crowd pointed to the cafeteria ahead.

"They are dealing with 'prey' inside."


Inside the cafeteria.

Everyone else was eating happily.

Nami, however, looked at the log pose in her hand with a puzzled

expression and said, "Why isn't it moving? Doesn't the log pose point to

the next island after storing enough magnetic force? There are no signs of

that at all. Luffy?"

"That's a permanent log pose, it doesn't refresh the magnetic force," Luffy

answered while eating.

"Eh? Then how do we go to the next island??" Nami exclaimed in


"Don't worry, someone will take us there."

Luffy wiped his mouth and smiled, "They're coming now."


Suddenly, an explosion sounded.

The cafeteria door was blasted open, and amidst the fire and smoke, a

man walked in with a graceful stride.

"Mr. 8, come out and see me."

Mr. 5 spoke in a indifferent tone.

His gaze quickly swept across the cafeteria, barely stopping on the Straw

Hat Crew, and then he saw Igaram and Vivi in the corner.

"I found you, Miss. Wednesday... No, would it be better to address you as

Princess Vivi?"

He grinned and stepped towards the two.

"Mr. 5!"Exposed?!

Igaram was shocked and quickly said, "Princess Vivi, you should leave

with Mr. Luffy and the others. I'll hold him back!"

Honestly, he protected Vivi behind him and simultaneously spread his

arms apart.

In the next moment, gun barrels emerged from his curly hair.

The sound of gunfire rang out continuously as bullets poured towards Mr.



Igaram shouted.

Vivi's body stiffened, and she immediately took out a weapon from her

sleeve, a peacock-shaped wooden staff.

"No, Igaram, I have eaten the Six Styles fruit, I can win...!"


The ceiling suddenly exploded, and a figure descended from above.

"5000 kilograms!"

Miss. Valentine descended from the sky, her legs curled up, and she

forcefully fell on top of Igaram's head, directly crushing him to the

ground, unable to move.


Igaram spat out a mouthful of blood, instantly losing consciousness.

"Igaram!" Vivi's pupils contracted.

At the dining table.

"...Can't even have a quiet drink." Zoro put down his wine glass and was

about to get up.

"You enjoy your drink in peace, I'll handle this," Nami giggled as she

gracefully rose from her spot beside Luffy. "The log pose is on them,

right, Luffy?"

"Yes, and be careful."

"I know."

Chapter 55: Easily Defeated!

Sanji: It's Scary When Women


"Igaram, Igaram!"

Vivi squatted down, shaking Igaram with a worried expression.


Miss. Valentine's laughter echoed sharply in the cafeteria as she floated in

the air with a small umbrella.

"I am a person with the Weight-Weight Fruit, and that last attack was a

whopping 5000 kilograms. Even Mr. 8... no, Captain Igaram of the

Alabasta Royal Guard, he must be dead, right?"

Listening to this woman's boastful voice, the Straw Hat crew watched the

scene while eating.

["A woman who flies in the air wearing a short skirt without fear of

exposing herself, she's really bold."]

Usopp muttered in his heart, then turned his head and noticed that Sanji's

eyes had turned into hearts.

["Ah, a perverted kappa."] Usopp shouted.

Luffy was chatting with Nami as if nothing was happening, seemingly

immune to the commotion.

"Miss. Valentine!!"

Vivi raised her head in anger, and her fair neck flushed with anger.

"Vivi... Your Highness... Run!" Igaram weakly spoke up.

"If you let them escape, the two of us will be killed, Princess Vivi..."

A cold male voice sounded.

Only to see the explosion-haired man who had been shot by Igaram

earlier standing there as if nothing had happened.

He skillfully picked his nose and flicked it towards Vivi:

"Please die, Booger Fantasia Cannon!"

Although his movements were very suave and skilled, in the eyes of the

Straw Hat crew, he instantly went from being an assassin to a booger


A tiny booger flew rapidly towards Vivi.


Suddenly, a figure intercepted it.

Nami raised her slender leg and kicked the booger away, but to her

surprise, the booger exploded upon contact.

For a moment, thick smoke filled the air.

"What?" The booger man squinted his eyes.Screams came from the


"Ah, ah, ah, my shoes are ruined!"

Nami, as if avoiding a plague, kicked her shoes aside. "So disgusting, I

touched a booger that exploded! These were my favorite pair!"

She was so angry she wanted to hit someone.

"Nami..." Vivi was taken aback.

The booger man's face turned grim, and he coldly asked, "Woman, who

are you?"

Before Nami could answer, he once again picked out a booger.

"Never mind, who you are doesn't matter. If you get in the way, you can

die together!"


The booger bomb was launched again.

Nami, disregarding her disgust, forcefully stepped on her fair foot, and

her figure instantly leaped into the air.


Without any leverage in the air, her stomping on the air made a muffled

sound, and then she flew towards the booger man.

Seeing this scene, the booger man's face went blank.

Moving in the air...!?

"Air Blast!"

Without time to think, he took a deep breath, inhaling a large amount of

air, and then forcefully exhaled.

The air he exhaled was like an air cannonball, heading towards Nami.

Nami continuously changed her trajectory in the air, evading the attacks

time and time again.

Boom boom boom!

The air bombs that lost their target kept causing explosions, but they

couldn't hit her at all.

In the instant when those fair feet touched the ground again, Nami's

figure suddenly disappeared.


The booger man's pupils contracted.

Disappeared?What's going on? What ability is this? Where did this

woman come from?

A bunch of doubts arose in the depths of my heart, and the next moment,

a woman's voice sounded behind me.

"What kind of ability user are you? Can you explode just by exhaling?

Will your body explode too?"


The booger-nosed man showed an incredulous expression and quickly

rolled forward, turning his head at the same time.

In his field of vision, Nami's figure indeed appeared.

An ability user with teleportation powers?

His face turned ugly as he spoke, "I am Mr. 5, the explosive man who ate

the Bomb-Bomb Fruit. Any part of my body can explode. Woman, you're

also an ability user, right? I advise you not to meddle in other people's

business with your abilities..."

"Tempest Kick."

Nami swiftly kicked, and her strike hit Mr. 5 in mid-air.

In an instant, a gush of blood spurted out, and Mr. 5 was sent flying by

the strike, crashing into the wall of the cafeteria with a miserable scream.


The strike passed through him, leaving a long gap in the wall.

"Mr. 5..."

In mid-air, Miss Valentine's eyes went blank.

Everything happened too quickly. In just a few breaths, her partner was

taken out with a single move.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Nami, "What the hell is going on with

you, woman?"

"He said it himself, any part of his body can explode. Just don't touch

him, and you'll be fine."

Nami stood with one hand on her hip, looking at the other person with a

sly smile. "I'm sorry, assassin, can you give us your record pointer? We

don't have one, and we're having a headache because of it."

"It's not... for this princess?"

Valentine suddenly felt a ridiculous anger.

What a mess. They were going to attack the high-level agents of the

Baroque Works just for a mere record pointer?!


Suddenly, Vivi leaped into the air, using the same technique to appear

above Valentine.

"For Igaram's revenge!" Vivi's eyes were filled with tears as she angrily


Finger Pistol!With a sound, a finger pierced into Valentine's back like a

gunshot, instantly.

Her pupils dilated, and as the pain spread, she fell from mid-air.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

A miserable scream rang out.

Sanji, who was still infatuated, shivered at the sight.

Women fighting is really terrifying!

Just then, Luffy raised his head slightly and looked at Miss Valentine,

who appeared through the broken ceiling.

"You drew well." He praised.

At the gap in the ceiling, a Otter and a bald Vulture with black feathers

watched the battle intently.

In the Otter's hand, there was a portrait of Nami.

"The Unlucky Duo!" Vivi finally noticed and her expression changed.

The Otter calmly put away the portrait and jumped onto the bald

Vulture's back, quickly flying away.



Cactus Island, near the sea.

A giant turtle emitted a mysterious aura, and a woman holding a portrait

looked at it quietly.

Beside her were the combination of the bald eagle and the raccoon.

"Failed? I see, I understand."

The woman revealed a charming smile, admiring the portrait of Nami.

"To defeat Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, your skills are really impressive."

She casually threw away the portrait.

The Otter immediately jumped up to catch it.

"I'll report to the boss and handle the rest myself."

Receiving the order, the bald Vulture carried the Otter and flew away


Chapter 56: Elegant And

Mysterious Atmosphere, Nico

Robin Appeared

The battle in the cafeteria has come to an end.

The two assassins who rushed over were defeated by Nami and Vivi.

They are now tied up and being guarded by Bartolomeo.

Usopp is bandaging Igaram's wounds.

"Your body is really tough, curly-haired old man."

"Cough... I used to be the captain of the Alabasta Royal Guard. These

injuries won't kill me."

Igaramm's face is slightly pale.

Nami is fiddling with the recording pointer she snatched from Miss

Valentine. Unlike the permanent pointer she wears, this new pointer is

actually storing magnetism, and the magnetic needle inside the glass ball

is slightly shaking.

"How long does it take to store the magnetism?"

"The time varies depending on the island. Some only take a few hours,

while others may take a year."

Ikarim explains, "Here, it will probably be fully charged by seven or eight

in the evening."

"Is that so? That's good," Nami nods.

It's hard to imagine what would happen if it took a year. Luffy definitely

doesn't have that patience.

"By the way, what were those two animals just now?" she curiously asks


"They are the Unluckies... They are the punishment agents and

messengers of the Baroque Works. They will probably report the

information here to the boss, and then new assassins will come."

Yosaku knocks his fist against his palm, suddenly realizing, "So, Nami,

they will take your portrait back, and you will be targeted too."

Nami is not happy at all, "Why didn't you say that earlier! If I had known,

I would have knocked them down!"

Being targeted by a Shichibukai right after entering the Grand Line is

really unlucky!

She throws herself into Nojiko's arms, seeking comfort with a sad


Her sister, Nojiko, can't help but smile and pat her head, comforting her,

"It's okay, we have Luffy, so everything will be fine."

Luffy's face is full of teasing as he jokes, "Crocodile's bounty was 81

million before he became a Shichibukai, but that was over twenty years

ago. Now, without considering his Shichibukai title, his bounty would be

close to 2 billion."

Pausing for a moment, he adds, "Don't worry, he's not as powerful as the

3.5 billion bounty Hawkeye. Even you might be able to defeat him,


Upon hearing this, Nami angrily pinches Luffy's cheek, "Why are you so

happy about this!"

Scared? Not at all. With Luffy by her side, she doesn't even know the

meaning of fear!

Having a reliable man by her side is what gives her confidence!

2 billion? The rest of the Straw Hat crew feels a sense of urgency.

For Luffy, maybe he can fight, and they all believe that Luffy can win.

But what about themselves? They can't keep hiding behind the captain all

the time. They must find a way to become stronger!

At this moment, Igaram staggers to his feet, plops down, and kneels in

front of Luffy.

"Igaram!" Vivi is shocked.

"Luffy-sama! I have already heard from Princess Vivi about your

situation. I have an earnest request!"

Igaram bows his head to the ground, showing his utmost respect.

For Alabasta, for the ten million citizens, for King Cobra, even if it means

kneeling or sacrificing his life, he will not hesitate to do so.

The Straw Hat crew members exchange glances and all look at Luffy.

Luffy smiles and says, "Kneeling is worthless. Don't think I will give up on

my claim. Your princess ate my my precious."

"No, if it's compensation, we will find a way to satisfy you."

Igaram doesn't lift his head and speaks solemnly, "You are Vice Admiral

Garp's grandson. I would like to ask you to contact the Naval

Headquarters and explain to the higher-ups what has happened in


Upon hearing this, Luffy raises an eyebrow and looks at Vivi.

Vivi clenches her teeth and says, "Luffy-san, I have seriously considered

it. I can't let you all get involved in danger and risk your lives fighting

Crocodile. I want to try again..."

["Naive little princess..."]

Luffy secretly rolls his eyes. He had made it clear before that it's pointless

to find the Marines, but she still doesn't believe it.

"I suggest you find the Five Elders instead. The Shichibukai and the

Marines are the two major institutions under the World Government.

Although the Shichibukai cooperate with the Marines, it's not uncommon

for them to act on their own. Not to mention, without orders, its

impossible for marine's to take action against a Shichibukai."

The marines cannot do that. If the Marines dare to act against the

Shichibukai, the Five Elders will definitely hold them accountable

afterwards. Even if they have sufficient reasons, it's a red line that cannot

be crossed.

Without orders, don't make decisions for the government on your own!

Are you the boss, or is it a problem with the boss? It's a matter of core

interest for the World Government, and there's no room for compromise.

As for overthrowing a country as a Shichibukai? Compared to this, that's

a small issue.

Similarly, if the Marines want to take action against a pirate crew at the

level of the Four Emperors, they also need the government's orders. It's

not like Sengoku can just decide on a whim to fight Whitebeard today

and go after Kaido tomorrow.

"Can you contact the Five Elders?"

Igaram looked up suddenly, filled with excitement.

Although Alabasta is also a member of the World Government alliance,

even King Cobra himself only has the opportunity to meet the Five Elders

during the World Summit.


Luffy had no words to respond.

Why are these high-ranking officials so naive?

"Just forget what I said earlier."

Shaking his head, Luffy gave up on explaining to them.

Come to think of it, it might be even more troublesome to involve the

Five Elders.

After all, Vivi's ancestor, a queen named Lily, had a history of conflict

with the true master of the World Government, Im.

"Since you all want to try..."

With this in mind, Luffy took out a Den Den Mushi from his pocket and

dialed a number.

After a moment.

"Grandpa, it's me."


The Den Den Mushi imitated the expression of the person on the other

end of the call, looking completely shocked.

Then he laughed and said, "Hahaha, you miss grandpa after just two or

three days?"

"Grandpa, tell me Sengoku's contact number. I have something to discuss

with him."

Luffy didn't waste any words and went straight to the point.

The expressions of the people gradually became subtle.

Why does this scene feel so strange... a pirate asking for the contact

information of a Vice Admiral at Marine Headquarters, and saying that

he has something to discuss with the Fleet Admiral.

"Hahaha, it's amusing no matter how many times I see it." Zoro couldn't

help but laugh.

Garp scratched his head on the other end of the Den Den Mushi.

Luffy wants to find Sengoku?

What a mess!

"You stupid grandson! What nonsense are you talking about? How could

a pirate like you get the contact number of the Fleet Admiral!"

The Den Den Mushi sprayed Luffy with saliva. "Listen, I don't know what

you're up to, but don't do anything out of line!"

"Got it, I'm just trying to do a good deed." Luffy took a step back with a

disgusted look on his face. "So what's the number?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end before a grunt came

through. "You brat, you better not be thinking of something weird. Don't

let me catch you next time!"

Then, he recited a string of numbers and hung up.

Such a tsundere old man.

Luffy smiled and immediately dialed Sengoku's contact number.

Vivi and Igaram were dumbfounded.

The higher-ups in the Marines... this is too high, reaching the level of

Fleet Admiral!

No, no wonder he's Vice Admiral Garp's grandson!!

Thinking this, the Den Den Mushi connected again, and a deep voice

came from the other end.

"Who is this?"

"It's Luffy, good afternoon, Fleet Admiral." Luffy greeted, "No, it's evening

over there, right? Good evening, Sengoku."


Naval Headquarters, Fleet Admiral's office.

Sengoku was dumbfounded.


A little brat who became a pirate actually called him?

No, more importantly, how does this kid have his number?


You bastard, how dare you leak something like this!

"What's the matter?" Sengoku's forehead formed a cross.

"Princess of Alabasta is looking for you."

Luffy handed the Den Den Mushi to Vivi, saying, "Go ahead and talk, but

I advise you not to expect anything."

"Thank you very much, Luffy-San. Alabasta will never forget your


Vivi happily took the Den Den Mushi, and Igaram also looked hopeful.

"Admiral Sengoku, I am Nefertari Vivi. My father is Nefertari Cobra, the

king of Alabasta." She switched to princess mode and began her self-


On the other side, Sengoku couldn't help but frown.

Alabasta... It is one of the world's most advanced civilizations, with a

population in the tens of millions and a long history.

"Princess Vivi, what's the matter?"


Vivi's small hand holding the Den Den Mushi trembled slightly as she

reported Crocodile's evil deeds to the top brass of the Marines.

After listening, Sengoku's frown deepened.

"I know about this matter. I will arrange for people to investigate

Alabasta. You can explain the situation in detail to them later. Now,

please give the Den Den Mushi to that kid."

Vivi was stunned for a moment, unable to help but be a little dazed.

Luffy took the Den Den Mushi and said, "What can I do for you,


"You've caused a lot of trouble in East Blue, and you've given me a lot of


"You're welcome, Fleet Admiral." Luffy smiled and said, "We're all family.

If you want to give me an 'Advanced Pirate' medal, I wouldn't mind."

Who said we're family? Don't get too familiar with me!

Sengoku's mouth twitched, and he coldly snorted, "There better not be a

next time. If there's a similar situation, report it directly to your


It was just a matter of a few words, but he had to go and kill two Marine

colonels without authorization.

This made the Marines very passive.

Sengoku, who was getting more and more annoyed as he thought about

it, didn't bother to waste any more words and hung up directly.

Luffy couldn't help but mutter to himself. If he reported it, they would

have to go to the Marine court. And He bet those two wouldn't die.

As for Colonel Nezumi. He had to kill that rat, otherwise, he would be

letting Nami down.


Luffy looked up at the stunned Vivi and said, "Did you think that by

making a phone call, a Marine Admiral would come? They will definitely

send people to investigate first and gather solid evidence..."

"Will an Admiral come afterwards?" Vivi's eyes were hopeful.

Luffy shook his head, "The Marines will explain the situation to the

World Government first, and then it will be up to the government to

decide whether to arrest Crocodile."

Will they arrest him?

Luffy didn't know. He wasn't one of the Five Elders, so he couldn't guess

what those five old men were thinking.

"Even if they want to arrest Crocodile, a Marine Admiral won't come. The

most likely scenario is... another Shichibukai will come to deal with it."

Luffy suddenly thought of something.

What if he mentioned the "Pluton" thing? The World Government would

definitely be very anxious, and the Marine Admiral might take action.

Crocodile would be finished.

But then, Alabasta would be targeted.

At that time, they could come up with a reason to protect Alabasta, and

the government would send the spy agency CPO to secretly obtain


No... That's not right. A smarter approach would be to not solve the

Crocodile problem right away, and even use it to their advantage until

the very end, when they would step forward and claim victory, taking the

fruit and seizing Pluton.

How sinister!

It's definitely something the Five Elders would do!

Naval Headquarters.

After cutting off communication, Sengoku immediately called for Tsuru.

"Crocodile is subverting the government in Alabasta and trying to steal

the country's power."

Vice Admiral Crane sat on the sofa and couldn't help shaking his head

when he heard the words: "Doflamingo did something similar back then,

and he succeeded. Sengoku, what do you think we should do?"

"He was hailed as a 'hero' by the people in Alabasta." Sengoku's face

turned serious. "First, we need sufficient evidence before I can present the

seriousness of the situation to the Five Elders."

Pausing for a moment, he asked, "Who is currently near Alabasta?"

Crane pondered for a moment.

"'Black Cage' Hina."

Cactus Island, Whisky Peak.

"Is all we can do is to, just wait?"

Vivi sighed.

After a while, she finally accepted this outcome.

Seeing her sad expression, Nami gently patted her head.

"What are you saying? By the time the Marines make a move, it'll be too

late. Don't forget, your identity has been exposed, and I've also been


"Nami... I'm sorry."

Vivi held her head, feeling complicated.

"Although the scale may be different, my hometown has also experienced

similar things!"

Nami hugged Vivi with enthusiasm. "Don't worry, Vivi! Before, Luffy and

the others helped me, and this time, we will help you too!"

["They've only been together for a day or two, and their relationship is

already so good..."]

Luffy muttered to himself.

"Thank you, Nami!" Vivi was deeply moved.

"Of course, once we help you deal with Crocodile, the reward must be 1


Hmm, it's the Nami I know, no doubt about it!

Luffy smiled. "Let's hear everyone's opinions for now."

"Luffy, your decision is the will of all of us." Zoro grinned. "If we defeat a

Shichibukai, we'll definitely become stronger."

"Please rest assured, Miss Vivi. Your knight, Sanji, will protect your


"I... I agree, of course. As brave warriors of the sea, what is a mere

Shichibukai? Luffy, I leave it to you!"

Usopp nervously uttered embarrassing words.

"Ah, you're really full of energy."

Suddenly, a pleasant and charming female voice sounded.

The voice carried a sense of playfulness and joy.

All eyes were drawn to the cafeteria window, where a tall woman sat

with an air of casual grace. Her legs were crossed, one elbow rested on

her knee, while her chin was gently cradled by one hand. Her eyes, a

captivating shade reminiscent of crescent moons, bore a beguiling curve,

and her lips held a captivating smile.

Her attire was dominated by hues of deep purple, from her stylish denim

hat to her cropped jacket that flirtatiously revealed her belly button, and

down to her sleek pencil skirt. Completing the ensemble were knee-high

boots in the same rich shade of purple.

Luffy couldn't help but be reminded of another woman and a famous

saying that echoed in his mind.

"A glamorous woman is always elegant, but she also possesses an air of

mystery and excitement. She's dramatic-almost untouchable."

The woman before him exuded that very essence—a mysterious and

elegant embodiment of femininity.

"Miss All Sunday!" Vivi trembled all over and gritted her teeth as she

uttered the opponent's code name.

Nami was surprised. "Who is her partner this time?"

"It must be Crocodile," Zoro guessed, his hand already gripping the hilt of

his sword.

Everyone felt a sense of impending danger.

Usopp took out his slingshot, Bartolomeo gestured to activate his ability,

Johnny and Yosaku stood up one after another.

Even Sanji, who usually had a crush on women, had a slightly serious


"Don't be so nervous, I'm not here to fight you."

The woman smiled slightly, her eyes shifting, her smile undiminished.

"Then why are you here? Answer me, Miss All Sunday!" Vivi's voice was

high-pitched, full of hostility.

"You found some helpers, Miss Wednesday. I'm glad." The woman's right

hand, supporting her chin, lightly swayed, tapping her cheek.

The mysterious woman's smile grew even more pronounced.

"After all, I deliberately let you track me so that you could find out the

true identity of the BOSS~"

A Woman's Reserve? Nico Robin


"Actually, I intentionally let you follow me," the mysterious woman

revealed with a playful lilt in her voice, "so that you could uncover the

true identity of the BOSS~"

Nami, taken aback by this revelation, turned to Vivi with a puzzled

expression. "What's happening here?"

Vivi, her determination shining through, responded, "What she's saying is

true... but don't be fooled by her! Afterwards, we must inform the BOSS

that this woman has exposed his identity!"

Nami's confusion deepened. She couldn't fathom what was going on, and

it seemed that even Vivi was struggling to comprehend the mysterious

woman's motives. Just as she had initially appeared, the woman

remained a mysterious and elegant figure.

"You are the one who defeated Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine..."

The mysterious woman's eyes wandered, her gaze fell on Nami, and then

swept across the people present, finally stopping on Luffy.

"You are the Straw Hat Pirates, and you are the captain of the Straw Hat

Pirates who has gained fame in the weakest sea, East Blue~ Monkey D.


"Good afternoon." Luffy chuckled lightly.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a flower was dancing in the air above their


The mysterious woman at the window waved her hand, and the straw hat

on Luffy's head flew over and landed on her fingertip.

"You are such a polite child. Good afternoon, Captain Straw Hat. It's quite

impressive to have a bounty of 71 million in the weakest sea, East Blue~"

She extended a finger and twirled the straw hat in her hand, then put it

back on her own head.

Luffy: ("_")

He was always the one teasing others, but today he was being teased by

someone else.

This was unbearable.

"What do you want to do to!?" Zoro's eyes sharpened as he drew his


"You, stinky woman, how dare you insult Luffy-sama!" Bartolomeo, the

number one subordinate, couldn't bear it either.

"Is this straw hat special? Why are you so nervous... It's really rude to call

me a stinky woman~"

Once again, flower petals appeared and danced in the air. In the next

moment, everyone's weapons fell from their hands.

Usopp's slingshot, Zoro's swords, and even Bartolomeo's head were all hit,

leaving them dumbfounded.

Luffy's mouth curled up slightly, forming a smile that was not quite a


"That straw hat belonged to the Pirate King, Roger, and later to the Four

Emperors, Red-Haired Shanks, and now it's mine. You still have time to

apologize, Nico Robin."

As her real name was revealed in one breath, Robin's delicate figure

stiffened slightly.

But compared to her own name, the other two names were even more


Pirate King Roger? Four Emperors Shanks?

Could this inconspicuous straw hat have such an important legacy?

"Nico Robin?" Vivi was stunned. "I seem to have heard this name


"Twenty years ago, on the scholar island of Ohara, which was wiped out

by the Marine with a Buster Call, she was one of the survivors of the

incident, a devil fruit user with a bounty of 79 million at the age of only


Luffy smiled and looked at Robin, revealing her background in detail.

["Teasing me, let's see if you can handle it!"]

However, everyone's focus was clearly different.

The rest of the Straw Hat crew, including Vivi, were shocked by the

bounty of 79 million at the age of 8.

Her bounty is higher than Luffy's!

"...How do you know?"

Robin didn't disappoint, changed her previous attitude. Her smile

disappeared completely, and her expression became calm and terrifying.

Twenty years ago, when she was still young, she lived in the dark world,

experiencing all kinds of betrayals.

Gradually, she learned to betray others before being betrayed.

That's how she survived.

In order to survive, she had to learn to disguise herself. Because she was

weak, she created her unique Haki of disguise.

But at this moment, she slightly let go of a part of her disguise.

"In the Ohara incident twenty years ago, Admiral Sengoku, who is now

The Fleet Admiral along with Aokiji and Akainu, launched the Buster

Call. Aokiji and Akainu were two of the five Vice Admirals who

participated in the Buster Call back then."

Luffy spoke expressionlessly, "Isn't it strange to know about such a

sensational news?"

Upon hearing the titles Aokiji and Akainu again, Robin's expression

became somewhat unnatural.

The events of that year had become a psychological shadow, scenes from

that time would appear in her nightmares at night.

The kind-hearted Dr. Clover, the archaeologists who celebrated her

birthday with the Tree of Knowledge, the innocent civilians on the island,

and the g*...

The faces of the people who perished in the artillery fire, their painful

expressions, once again appeared in Robin's mind.

The sound of a virtual scream echoed in their ears...

Nico Robin felt immense pressure, struggling to breathe.

She returned the straw hat to Luffy and gasped, saying,

"Your next destination is Prehistoric Island Little Garden. It's not a good

place. The Unluckies has already reported the situation here to the boss,

and the assassins will catch up soon."

As she spoke, she took out a permanent pointer from her chest and threw

it to Nami.

"This is the closest uninhabited island to Alabasta, a route that even the

boss doesn't know about..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Luffy reached out and stopped

Nami, taking the permanent pointer instead.

Then, with a bang!

It shattered.

Nami was stunned.

Robin was also stunned, asking, "What are you doing?"

Rarely did she help others, and pointed a safe route for them.

"The adventurous journey will eventually reach its end. Why rush to take


"Is that so..."

Robin hesitated for a moment, finding the ambitious man interesting. She

regained a smile and said, "Then, good luck to you, Captain Straw Hat."

With that, she was about to leave.

Vivi, seeing this, hurriedly shouted, "What are you here for, Miss


"I just saw how serious you all are, sincerely wanting to defeat Crocodile,

so I unconsciously helped you this time."

This was not an answer, and the others still couldn't understand her


Taking a hostile stance but doing the work of an ally.

Deliberately reminding them of the pursuers, and even giving them a

permanent pointer with a safe route.

But not entirely an ally... she was truly a mysterious woman!

"I also wish you and your country good luck, Princess Vivi. Well then,


Robin smiled and was about to leave the dining room.

"You can't leave."

Just then, Luffy flashed and instantly squatted on the window sill.

He leaned close to Robin's face, almost within reach, their breaths

blowing on each other's faces.

Robin's pupils contracted.

How fast... when did he come over!?

What greeted her was a faint smile.

"Since you're going to betray Crocodile anyway, why not join my crew?"

Luffy made the invitation on the spot.

And of course, he would.

As long as he wanted to dominate the Grand Line and reach the final

island, Nico Robin was an important force.

Without her, they wouldn't stand a chance!

After all, she may be the only person in the world who could decipher

ancient texts.

Hmm, no, wait, there seems to be one more person? But that person is

just an alternative, with a much lower priority than Robin.

Upon hearing these words, Robin's expression became blank.

What is this man talking about? He knows her identity and still invites

her, or rather, he's trying to steal her away. At this moment, she is still a

subordinate of Crocodile, or more accurately, a collaborator.

"What if I refuse..."

"You only have two options: to accept or to agree."

There it is! A choice between two options!

Nami recalled the first time she met Luffy.

Although she didn't know why Luffy invited this woman, she felt that

there must be a reason behind it.

Because she was the third person to be actively invited.

The first was her, the second was Zoro, and the third was this woman.

"Are you serious?"

Robin took a deep breath, gazing at Luffy, who was so close, and asked,

"Do you know what burden I carry?"

"Do you know what burden I carry?" Robin's eyes flashed with confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You are simply being pursued because you can read the true history and

potentially uncover the 800-year-old history that the World Government

has buried," Luffy explained.

"And I have consumed a god-level Devil Fruit that the World Government

has hidden for 800 years.

"You pose a threat to the World Government as you may uncover their

dark history."

"And I possess the power to bring down the Celestial Dragons from their


Although Robin didn't fully understand the significance of the World

Government's pursuit of the 800-year-old Devil Fruit, she grasped the

general meaning that Luffy was trying to convey.

In short, they both shared the same plight.

["Is this man sympathizing with me?"]

["No, not purely."]

["Like Crocodile, he also needs my knowledge to decipher the true


After thinking this, Robin regained some confidence.

"I see, but do you know what Crocodile wants?"

"He simply wants Pluton, but I can tell you for certain that Pluton is not

in Alabasta."

Luffy jumped down from the window and returned to the table.

Although Robin wasn't stopped from leaving, she didn't rush to go.

She turned around and followed Luffy's gaze, saying with interest, "You

seem to know everything, Captain Straw Hat."

She took a step forward and walked to the opposite side of Luffy, smiling

at Sanji.

"May I sit here for a moment?"

Sanji's heart raced, unable to resist the charm of a mature older sister.

He immediately stood up and made a gentlemanly gesture.

"Thank you."

Robin thanked him and sat down, once again propping up her chin and

gazing intently at Luffy.

Luffy picked up an empty teacup and handed it to Nami, who promptly

poured a cup of sobering tea.

"Luffy, what is this Pluton you mentioned?" she asked curiously.

"One of the three Ancient Weapons, Pluton," Luffy casually answered,

taking a sip of tea before continuing, "Pluton is in Wano Country. You

can go back and tell Crocodile that."

"You don't want me to join your crew?"

"Well, you already called me captain," Luffy laughed, "You're already my

crewmate. Don't be shy, you can boldly call me Luffy from now on."

["I clearly called him Captain Straw Hat..."]

Robin couldn't help but laugh. She had never encountered someone so

familiar before.

["Truly interesting."]

"You were under Crocodile's command and did many bad things in

Alabasta, but you felt guilty in your heart. When you saw Vivi fighting so

hard to save her country, you deliberately exposed Crocodile's identity to

her. Is that right?"

"Afterward, when you saw her find allies, which is us, you gave her a

permanent pose and wanted to help her again."

"You have already betrayed him, and even prepared yourself to be killed

by Crocodile!"

Upon hearing this analysis, Vivi and the others were stunned.

"So you're actually a good person!" Usopp exclaimed in surprise.

Robin was not happy. The feeling of having her inner thoughts exposed

made her very uneasy.

She didn't want to be a good person. Good people couldn't survive in the

dark world!

"I hate it when you say it like that."

"Even if my joining will make you a target of the World Government?

Even if I have carried the darkness for 20 years, you still want to invite

me? Are you... willing to be enemies with the World Government?"

Robin's expression turned serious.

"I don't care," Luffy smiled slightly. "No one is born to be alone. In this

vast sea, there will always be someone willing to accept you. You don't

have to be so pessimistic."

Just like what Saul said...

Robin's expression became distant, her thoughts returning to a day 20

years ago, when flames soared into the sky.

The cries of her savior echoed deep in her mind:

"Even if you're alone now, one day you will definitely meet companions.

The sea is boundless, and there will always be someone willing to protect


Being born in this world means never being alone forever!

Snapping back to reality, Robin revealed a charming smile. She grabbed

Luffy's hand and pulled out a pen from somewhere, writing a series of

numbers in the palm of her hand.

After finishing, she got up and left.

As she reached the door, she turned back and made a phone gesture.

"I'll consider it, Captain! I'll convey your words to Crocodile. So, see you

in Alabasta~"

Her tone was light and cheerful, even throwing a flirtatious look.

Luffy: "....."

Intentional, definitely intentional.

Nami glared at her, wondering what this woman was up to.

"What do you mean 'consider'? Stupid woman, what attitude do you have

towards Luffy-sama!"

Bartolomeo couldn't stand it. "You should kneel down and request to join,

and then Luffy-sama, in his great compassion, will agree!"

Upon hearing this, Luffy couldn't help but laugh.

She was prepared to die, how could she possibly kneel down and


Shaking his head, he noted down the Den Den Mushi number in his palm.

Robin's attitude just now meant that she had already agreed, seeing

through the surface to the essence.

If she didn't agree, she wouldn't have given her contact information.

Could it be a woman's reserve? A woman's pride?

"Get ready, once the Log Pose is fully charged, we'll set sail for the next


Several hours later, around 7 o'clock in the evening.

The fully rested Straw Hat Crew returned to the ship, ready to set sail.

Vivi had a permanent pointer pointing directly to Alabasta, but she

handed it to Igaram.

For safety reasons, the captain of the royal guards chose to split the

group and set off early as a decoy.

Vivi finally agreed to his request.

Luffy didn't care about this at all. He didn't want to head straight to

Alabasta, after all, the islands along the way offered adventure rewards!

Besides, that country was already in ruins, a few more days wouldn't

make a difference.

Unlike the original story, Robin didn't go to bomb Igaram this time, so

Vivi and the other members of the Straw Hat Crew didn't have such

animosity towards her.

In fact, Robin had really helped Vivi a lot.

Once everyone was gathered, a duck appeared on the Merry Go. It was

Vivi's mount, and it came along as well.

When Luffy saw this thing, he couldn't help but marvel at the high

intelligence of animals in this world, almost on par with humans.

This time, it stayed on the Merry Go as well.

"Very well, everyone is here. Raise the sails, set sail!!"



On the other side, in the Drum Kingdom.

"If a pirate named Luffy lands here later, remember to tell him that I'll be

waiting for him in Alabasta for 10 days."

Ace, wearing a brown windbreaker in the icy snow, said to a few men.

"Pirate Luffy? Oh, what's your name?"

"I'm Ace. If you say it like that, he'll understand. Well then, goodbye."

Ace made a cool gesture and turned to leave.

At this moment, the owner of the restaurant rushed out, shouting, "Catch

that guy, this bastard ate without paying!"

"If it's money you want, ask Luffy. Goodbye!"

Ace looked cool for only three seconds before quickly running away,

disappearing into the snowy night.

Chapter 58 Haki lv4! Set Foot On

Prehistoric Island

Two days later.

Logue town, Marine Base.

"The power that injured you is called Haki."

In the courtyard of the base, Garp sat casually on a chair, eating senbei in

his hand, with crumbs all over his mouth.

Upon hearing this, Tashigi, who was beside him, pushed her glasses and

said softly, "So, your grandson, Straw Hat Luffy, was able to catch Vice

Admiral Smoker's true form using Haki? Even if his body turns into

smoke, he can still be hit. That's really unfair!"

"It's the Logia ability users who are unfair, Tashigi-Chan. As long as they

eat a fruit like that, they are almost invincible against enemies without

Armament Haki," Garp said with a smirk. "But relying too much on

abilities is not good. Smoker, didn't your teacher Zephyr teach you that?

You don't even know Haki."

He looked towards the center of the courtyard.

Smoker covered his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Begin."

In front of him, a Marine soldier held a wooden stick, looking

embarrassed and unsure whether to strike or not.

After learning about the power of Haki, Smoker wanted to learn it


This was training in Observation Haki.

Blindfolded, he had to dodge unknown attacks. According to Garp, when

he could completely dodge and sense the aura of the person swinging the

stick, he would have mastered the basics.

Of course, it was only the basics.

"I told you to begin, didn't you hear?" Smoker urged sternly when the

attack didn't move.


The soldier answered with a stiff face and prepared to swing the stick.

At this moment, many Marine soldiers walked in and came to Garp.

"Bogart, how is the situation being handled?"

Garp saw his subordinates, the commanding officer who had been sent to

Shells Town to handle affairs.

"Mr. Garp, everything has been arranged properly."

Colonel Bogart reported, "After Shells Town, a new colonel will be sent to

guard it. All personnel from the 863rd branch who were involved in

accepting bribes from pirates have been taken down. Currently, the

warship is ready to return. Please give your orders!"

"Then let's go back."

Garp stood up, leading the people to leave. But just as he took a few

steps, he suddenly stopped. " Tashigi-Chan, come with us to

headquarters. Smoker, your subordinate has been taken away by the


Tashigi was stunned for a moment, but quickly replied, "Yes, Vice

Admiral Garp!"

She didn't know why Garp wanted to take her away, but she wasn't really

stupid and had some idea about the secret of that Straw Hat Luffy... that

silver-white form.

Regarding this, Smoker didn't object, nor did he have the position to


Tashigi would go to headquarters for further training, which was a good


Continue with the training of Observation Haki.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In just a few minutes, Smoker was covered in bruises from the sticks.

He gritted his teeth and took off the blindfold. "Completely useless!"

"Colonel... Colonel Smoker," the soldier said with an awkward smile.

"Help me submit an application to headquarters. I want to enter the

Grand Line!"

Smoker took a deep breath and said coldly, "In a place like the East Blue,

there's no decent opponent! Straw Hat Luffy, I will repay him for that

punch sooner or later!"

"Yes, sir!"

Grand Line, a certain vacation island.

Next to an outdoor pool, were men and women in swimsuits.

On a beach chair, a tall and thin man held a cup of tea, leisurely savoring


"Ah~ such a relaxing life. Only I, as a high-ranking agent, can enjoy life

like this in a place like this. Those low-level members with code names

below 5 are now busy making money for the organization. Poor guys."

Listening to this arrogant remark, a little girl standing beside the man

licked her lollipop expressionlessly.

"Mr. 3, sir..."

"Don't call me by my code name in public, Miss Goldenweek."

The little girl looked up and stared at the man's hairstyle.

A number "3".

["If you don't want to be exposed, don't keep this kind of hair. Clearly, he

is very proud of his status."]

She silently criticized in her heart, but still showed no expression on the



"You've been quiet since yesterday. It's a rare day off. Are there any

interesting news in the newspaper that you've been staring at?"

Mr.3 took a sip of tea and spoke with the confidence of a winner in life.

"It's not the newspaper, it's the boss's task instructions."

"I see, it's the boss... Why didn't you say so earlier!?"


Mr.3 sprayed the tea out, coughed, and snatched the paper from the little

girl's hand, quickly scanning it with his eyes.

"Mr.5 got taken out? It's not surprising at all that this idiot who only

knows how to rely on his fruit abilities would end up like this."

Mocking, he pointed to his own head. "As a professional criminal, you

have to use your brain. It's really impossible to work well with these


Being taken out by a woman, what a pathetic waste.

If I had to be taken out, why couldn't it be Mr... Then I could get

promoted without doing anything!

Mr.3 muttered in his heart, got up, collected the task instructions, and

took a final sip of tea.

"There's work to be done, Miss Golden Week... Of course, it has to be Earl

Grey for the tea!"

The Merry, on the deck.

"Does anyone need my special drinks?"

Sanji walked out of the cabin with a tray of drinks.

"Me! Me!"

"Quack! Quack!"

Usopp, who was chasing after Karoo, raised his hand immediately, and

the duck also responded.

Sanji handed out the drinks to them, then looked at Luffy sitting on the

sheep's figurehead.

"Luffy, do you want one?"

"Thanks, Sanji. Take some to Nami and the others too."

Luffy nodded and extended his arm to grab a cup of drink from the tray.

Upon hearing that he could go on the Sunny, Sanji became excited and

was about to run over.

Unfortunately, Bartolomeo stopped him.

"Sanji, the Sunny is Luffy-sama's harem ship. Men are not allowed to step

on it. Leave this to me, the little brother!"

"Why? Aren't you a man too?" Sanji transformed into a shark's mouth.

"I am Luffy-sama's loyal little brother. I'm different from you, a perverted


"Who are you calling a perverted kappa!? Ah, the newcomer is getting

more and more arrogant! You big-nosed freak!"

"Who are you calling a big-nosed freak!"

"Take this, flying kick!"

The two of them immediately started fighting.

Incredibly, during the fight, the tray in Sanji's hand remained steady as a


Luffy sighed and rubbed his forehead.

He just wanted to separate the male and female crew members, but to

call it a harem ship, he really dared to say it.

This was done to protect the privacy of the female crew members,

absolutely no lewd intentions!

As the captain, he was such an upright person!

The world misunderstood him too deeply.

Ignoring the two clowns, Luffy opened the system and counted his gains

from the past two days.

[Invite crew member Nico Robin, a qualified ability user and

archaeologist, reward: 500 adventure coins]

The same reward as Nami.

[You have sailed in the Sea of Paradise for 2 days, reward: 20 daily

rewards multiplied by 10, so comfortable~]

[Adventure coins: 3515!]

Unknowingly, he had saved up so much...

Luffy thought with emotion and decided to spend some of it.

Open the store today, close after three seconds.

Very good, still didn't get the Haki fruit today.

This won't do, Luffy doesn't believe his luck is so bad.

[Would you like to spend 10 adventure coins to refresh the store?]

[Would you like to spend 20 adventure coins to refresh the store?]

40... 80...

Each time you refresh, the price doubles.

After refreshing four times, I finally saw the desired items, and they were

in bulk, two at a time.

[Haki Fruit (Boxed): 5-in-1 gift box, priced at 2000 adventure coins.]

[Six-Style Fruit (Boxed): 6-in-1 gift box, priced at 1000 adventure coins.]

Because the rewards for sailing in the amusement park have increased

tenfold, Luffy now sees prices in the four digits and doesn't feel much,

even thinking it's a good deal.

Small change, buy it.

A box of Haki fruit, eat it on the spot.

[Observation Haki]: Iv1 → lv2

[Armament Haki]: Iv2 → Iv4

[Conqueror's Haki]: v2 → Iv4

"With just one level difference in Armament and Conqueror's, I can

master a new skill."

Luffy nodded in satisfaction, it's just a matter of waiting a few days, he'll

eventually eat them all.

Wait, can he really eat them all? The system didn't say that Iv5 is the

highest level...

After thinking for a moment, he spent another thousand to buy the Six-

Style gift box.

[Adventure Coins]: 3515 → 365

"Who should I give the new six fruits to? Sanji? Usopp? Joseph? Zoro?

Johnny? Chopper? Nojiko? Or Robin?"

Why not give one to each person?

Nami has already eaten all the six styles fruit, and at the same time, Luffy

also understands that eating the system's fruits will not provide feedback

for crew member development rewards.

No bugs to exploit... what a pity.

As for Kaya and Vivi, they are not members of the Straw Hat crew, at

least not now.

He can't give things to people outside the crew.

Just as he was thinking, Nami's voice came from the Sunny.

"Luffy! Everyone! We can already see the island!"

As soon as they heard about a new island, everyone became excited and

gathered at the bow of the ship.

"Oh!! It's an island! We can see it!" Usopp shouted excitedly.

"Quack! Quack quack quack!"

"Why are you so excited, you duck!"

Zoro stopped his training, covered in sweat, and walked out of the cabin

to look at the distant island.

"Luffy, I sense the presence of fierce beasts. There seems to be something

on the island!" he said seriously.

"Hmm? Has your Observation Haki awakened?" Luffy turned around in


Sanji and Bartolomeo, who were fighting, also suddenly stopped and

instantly formed a united front.

"No way! Absolutely not! The first person to comprehend Haki should be


"No no no, only I, who is deeply trusted by Luffy-sama, should be the first

to comprehend! Even if it's Captain Zoro, I can't give in!"

What are these two idiots talking about?

Zoro's eye twitched fiercely.

Luffy glanced at the system, confirming that he didn't miss any prompts.

If Zoro comprehends it, he should receive a large reward.

"You should be close to awakening, don't forget this feeling. But I thought

you would awaken Armament Haki first, I didn't expect it to be

Observation Haki..."

Considering Zoro's natural beast-like fighting intuition, it's not too


Soon, the two ships approached Prehistoric Island.

There is a river channel extending deep into the island, with lush forests

on both sides, and the roar of wild beasts can be heard.

"Is this Little Garden? It's such a big island. I wonder who named it,"

Nami complained.

"What a dense forest. I hope it's not an uninhabited island," she


"Listening to the roar of wild beasts... I... I have contracted a disease that

prevents me from going ashore!" Usopp exclaimed, clutching his heart in


"Now that we're here, why not explore?" Luffy teased.

"No, I'll stay on the ship with zoro, Right, Zoro? You'll be staying on the

ship to train anyway..." Usopp said.

Zoro, with one foot on the ship's edge, preparing to jump, heard Usopp's

words and responded, "I'll go and hunt some wild beasts to get some

exercise. Usopp, you want to come too?"

Usopp shook his head vigorously.

Sanji chimed in, "By the way, we don't have much food left on the ship.

Bring some back."

"Okay, it will definitely a huge creature that you won't be able to hunt,

Curly eyebrows."

"What did you say, curly eyebrows?" Sanji immediately became indignant

and jumped off the ship, rolling up his sleeves. "Perfect, let's have a

competition! Let's see who can bring back more meat. You know how

much Luffy consumes in a day, right? We need to bring back several

thousand kilograms at least!"

"Oh, did I mishear? Isn't it several tons? You're such a useless perverted

chef!" Zoro retorted.

"You're really provoking me. If I win, you have to step down from the

Vice captain's position!" Sanji challenged.

"No, you can't!" Zoro protested.

As the two argued, they walked deeper into the jungle.

Nojiko laughed and said, "I really can't tell if these two have a good

relationship or if their personalities just clash."

Luffy interjected, "Several thousand kilograms and several tons are not

the same thing. Your math teacher would cry, hey!"

"I declare free time. Nami, are you going ashore?" Luffy asked.

"You guys go ahead, I'll stay here and guard the ship," Nami shook her


Nojiko also chose to stay behind, saying, "I'll keep Nami company."

"Anyway, do as you please. I'm going for a walk," Luffy jumped off the


"Luffy-sama, I'll come with you," Bartolomeo followed suit.

Seeing this, Vivi suddenly said, "Can I come too?"

"Huh? Vivi, are you going ashore?" Nami was surprised. "It's all jungle,

and there are wild beast roars everywhere. There's not much to see."

"I've been staying on the ship for too long and I feel a bit restless. I want

to go for a walk," Vivi pursed her lips. "And, if I follow Mr. Luffy, I'll be


"Maybe we'll see prehistoric creatures like dinosaurs. Nami, don't you

want to see?" Luffy smiled.

Nami thought for a moment and shook her head.

Luffy didn't insist and immediately headed towards the depths of the

forest with Vivi and Bartolomeo.

"Prehistoric island..." Vivi admired the scenery along the way and

explained, "Traveling between islands in the Grand Line is very

inconvenient, which has led to a peculiar phenomenon."

Some islands are inhabited by humans, with developed countries, towns,

and technology, thriving and prosperous.

Some islands are rarely visited by humans, seemingly frozen in time, with

little change for thousands of years.

"Moreover, due to the problem of magnetic disturbances, the climate on

each island is completely different," Vivi continued.

"It can be simply classified into four types: spring, summer, autumn, and

winter islands. Each type of island has its own four seasons, so there are a

total of 16 different seasons."

"This island should be a spring island, and it's currently spring and

summer," Vivi said.

Upon hearing this, Luffy chuckled and said, "You're becoming more

cheerful, Princess Vivi."

"Just call me Vivi. Thank you for all the trouble with Alabasta, Mr. Luffy.

You've been a great help," Vivi said.

"Even without you, I would have gone to meet Crocodile and helped you

solve your so-called trouble," Luffy replied.

"Are you trying to comfort me? Mr. Luffy, you're really a good person,"

Vivi smiled.

Bartolomeo, who was following behind them, fell into deep thought.

Am I... am I a third wheel?

Chapter 59: Uncle Luffy, Is My

Tea To Your Liking, Mistress?

The docking point of the Sunny.

Watching Luffy and the others walk away, Nojiko leaned on the ship's rail

and turned to look at her sister, smiling.

"Are you really not going up with them?"

"Somebody has to stay behind, there are still a few prisoners on the ship."

Nami shook her head.

"Mr. 9, Mr. 5, Miss Valentine, they're all locked up in Merry's hold."

Nojiko gave her a disdainful look, walked over, and flicked her sister's


"You fool, he's your man, you should keep a closer eye on him."


Nami looked confused.

"Men are like hunters who are never satisfied, they won't stop hunting."

Nojiko said this in a tone of someone who knows, but in reality, she had

no experience in love.

But in front of her sister, she had to pretend to be the Experienced.

Nami laughed. "Luffy is not like that."

"He might not be, but with other people clinging to him, you really

doesn't have a sense of urgency, Nami."

Nojiko was speechless about this.

However, in this world, there is no system of one man and one woman,

she was just afraid that her sister would be abandoned.

That kind of blow would be really hard to take.

Nami smiled gently. "Your worries are unnecessary. And besides, I

promised Luffy that as long as he doesn't drive me away, I will always be

his navigator. From the first time we met."

Nojiko sighed. "You foolish romantic, if you get hurt, don't come crying

to your big sister."

She ran over and ruffled Nami's hair, and the two sisters started playfully


In the depths of the jungle.

"There are rare creatures everywhere, if this place became a zoo, it would

definitely be popular."

Luffy walked all the way, seeing various ancient creatures.

Pterosaurs flying in the sky, long-necked herbivorous dinosaurs,

tyrannosaurus rex, saber-toothed tigers, triceratops...

Not only were there many of these fierce ancient creatures, they also

formed groups from time to time.

He understood why there was no human kingdom on this island.

It simply wasn't suitable for human survival, the environment was too

harsh. Even if you ignored the attacks from wild beasts, the complex

jungle environment alone would breed various poisonous insects and


Not to mention, there were several active volcanoes on the island, ready

to erupt at any time.

After all, there were two giants on this island, and they would signal each

other with volcanic eruptions, competing every day.

They had been fighting for a hundred years!

As he was pondering, boom!

A loud noise came.

Volcanic eruption.

Vivi was startled and instinctively moved closer to Luffy.

"It's just a volcanic eruption, no need to panic. Even if this island

suddenly sinks, I can take you safely away."

Luffy said softly, using his Observation Haki to sense everything around

him, then changed direction.

"It's this way."

"Yes, Mr. Luffy."

Vivi quickly followed his footsteps, carefully avoiding some thorny


Ten meters away from the two, Bartolomeo silently followed, like a loyal

bodyguard, not making a sound unless absolutely necessary.

To the point that Vivi forgot there was a third person present.

"Mr. Luffy."

"What's wrong?"

"Since just now, you've been walking in a very purposeful direction...

maybe it's just my imagination."

"Your feeling is right. And also, you don't have to be so polite."

Luffy nodded casually and said, "There are people on this island."


"Probably high-level agents from Baroque Works."

Upon setting foot on the island, Luffy had already used his Observation

Haki to sense a part of the area.

His Observation Haki had reached level 2.

With a broader range of perception than before, he could almost cover a

quarter of the island.

"To avoid trouble, let's deal with them first. Besides, they happen to have

something I need."

Vivi looked surprised.

["So it was a detailed plan, pretending to take a walk but with a


["He really is a reliable captain~"]

["He gives people a very reassuring feeling, as if listening to him would

solve any problem."]

Vivi smiled and said, "No wonder everyone is willing to follow you."

"As a leader, you need a clear mind. Being a captain is also tiring. Your

decision affects the fate of many people."

Luffy shook his head and suddenly smiled, "Let me test you. What will be

the first thing you do when we arrive in Alabasta?"

The first thing... the most important thing...

Vivi subconsciously thought about this question. To be honest, she hadn't

had time to consider these things before.

"Find the Marine contact and give them the evidence of Crocodile's


"60 points."


Vivi pouted cutely, somewhat dissatisfied, and asked, "And what about

you, Luffy-san?"

"As for me, of course, I will find Crocodile as soon as possible and beat

him up, making him realize how weak he really is."

"That doesn't count! I don't have the same powerful strength as you!"

"That's why you get 60 points."


"Before solving Alabasta's troubles, my strength is your strength. You

need to learn to borrow the power, position, and authority of others to

solve problems you can't solve on your own."

Luffy laughed, "You would rather go through the trouble of finding the

Marines, which may not even yield results, than find a way to directly

use the power around you. You're too kind, too kind of a person to be a

good ruler, the future queen."

Vivi was moved and embarrassed by these words.

"Foul! It doesn't count! Luffy-san didn't give a specific explanation in the


"Then I win."

"What do you mean I win? No, let's change the question!"

Gradually forgetting their original purpose, Vivi's mood became much

more relaxed as they walked and talked.

Behind them, Bartolomeo watched in astonishment.

["Luffy-sama really has a way, I'm truly unnecessary third wheel..."]

He fell behind a little more.

After walking for about half an hour, a white house appeared in their

field of vision.

"Found it."

Luffy didn't tease Princess Vivi anymore and looked at the house not far


"How can there be such a house in the depths of this jungle? It's too

suspicious!" Vivi lowered her voice and said, "I know it's Mr. 3!"

Baroque Works' high-level agent, Paramecia·Wax-Wax Fruit user, with a

bounty of 24 million berries!

"It's a house made by Mr. 3's ability! He is..." Vivi wanted to explain.

Luffy raised his hand to stop her and took the lead towards the wax


Faint voices could be heard from inside the house.

Inside the house.

Mr. 3, with the number 3 on his head, was happily looking at the wanted

poster in his hand.

"I really have to thank those two idiots, Mr. 5, otherwise I wouldn't have

received this mission or come to this island. It's truly the favor of fate~"

The little girl beside him ate a senbei expressionlessly, taking small bites

and said, "Do you have a plan? Judging by the time, Princess Vivi, who

the boss called for, should be here soon."

"Let's not worry about them for now! The focus is on these two!"

Mr. 3 slammed the wanted posters on the table, revealing a cunning

smile: "Prehistoric island Little Garden, where two giants reside, the

rumored leaders of the Giant Warrior Pirates."

"Blue Ogre" Dorry!

"Red Ogre" Brogy!

"The Giant Warrior Pirates are a rare pirate crew with two captains. Each

of these giants has a bounty of 100 million berries on their heads,

totaling 200 million!"

"Are you going to take action against them, Mr. 3?" the little girl's voice

was calm.

"Of course, why not take the money that comes to us? That's 200

million!" Mr. 3 replied.

Just think about how long it would take for those low-ranking members

who earned money at Whisky Peak to earn 200 million.

If we can successfully capture these two giants and also complete the

mission requested by the boss.

In this way, he will have a chance for a promotion!

"The problem is that these two giants are quite strong. It's probably not a

match to confront them head-on. I need to come up with a plan to make

them fight each other and also eliminate Princess Vivi and the help she

brought!" Mr. 3 picked up his tea, took a sip, and laughed wildly.

"My motto is to achieve big things with little money. Professional

criminals rely on their brains, unlike fools who only know how to use

force... Pfft!"

Before he could finish his triumphant words, suddenly, the door of the

wax house was pushed open, and a man and a woman appeared at the


Mr. 3 immediately sprayed the red tea from his mouth.

"Cough, cough, cough... Vivi, Princess Vivi?"

He stared at the woman outside the door with wide eyes, then lowered

his head to look at the photo on the table.

It's exactly the same!

Miss Wednesday!

"Sorry, your conspiracy was too loud. I could hear it from outside the

door," Luffy said with a half-smile.

"You are..."

Mr. 3's expression instantly became serious. "I remember now, you are

the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy! So, you are the

help Princess Vivi brought, the Straw Hat Crew."

"You flatter me. I didn't expect to become a recognizable person too."

"A bounty of 71 million, doesn't look that impressive..." He looked Luffy

up and down, squinting his eyes. "But you are the prey that came to me,

saving me some effort!"

As he spoke, white wax formed in his palm and quickly fell to the

ground, spreading towards Luffy like a living creature.

This action was carried out quietly, talking and launching a surprise

attack at the same time.

In an instant, Luffy and Vivi's feet were bound by the white wax liquid,

freezing them to the ground.

"Hahaha, what idiots! They actually walked in so openly. If I were you, I

would have launched a sneak attack and not given the opponent a chance

to resist!" Mr. 3 mocked, feeling proud of his successful move.

Vivi's face changed slightly. "Mr. Luffy!"

Unable to move!

After the wax solidified, it completely blocked her movements,

preventing her from even using Moonwalk.

"Oh, don't waste your energy struggling. It's meaningless. Once my wax

solidifies, its hardness can rival steel! Hahaha!" Mr. 3 stood up from the

wax chair and laughed.

But his laughter froze on his face the next second.

Luffy's legs turned pitch black, and with a kick, the solidified wax


"No... it's impossible!" His eyes bulged out, screaming in disbelief.

That was the hardness of iron!

What are this person's feet made of?!

Without time to think further, Mr. 3 immediately swung his right hand

towards Luffy, and endless white wax gushed out from his palm.

The wax took the shape of a spear in the air and suddenly stabbed

towards Luffy.

"Armament Haki, Hardening."

With a single swing of his arm, Luffy shattered the spear of white wax as

if swatting away a buzzing fly.

In the next moment, he threw a punch towards Mr. 3...

Mr.3 attacked fiercely.

"Candle wall! Candle wall! Candle wall!"

In panic and fear, Mr.3 clapped his hands and instantly created three wax

walls in front of him.

However, boom!

A punch pierced through the three walls, which were as strong as steel,

and brutally hit him in the face.


With one punch, Mr.3 was hit so hard that he vomited blood and lost

seven teeth. His whole body spun three and a half times in mid-air and

his head slammed into the wall behind him.


The little girl showed a change in expression for the first time and was


She looked at Luffy with fear.

Luffy showed a kind smile and said, "Don't worry, I won't hit little girls."

Miss Goldenweek was just about to breathe a sigh of relief.

But then, the man's knife hand fell on top of her head.

With a bang, the little girl immediately lost consciousness and fell down

with her eyes rolled back.

"You were fooled. You're so easily trusting. Are you all members of a

criminal organization?" Luffy shook his head.

Vivi finally came to her senses and thought to herself, "How cunning!"

"Luffy, can you help me? I can't move," Vivi asked.

Luffy casually struck and shattered the wax on Vivi's feet.

"Wake this guy up and ask him something," Luffy said.

"Yes, Luffy-sama!"

Only at this moment did Bartolomeo, who had been waiting outside the

door, rush in like a gust of wind.

Ten minutes later.

Luffy, Vivi, and Bartolomeo sat on white wax chairs.

In front of them, Mr.3 was smiling and brewing a pot of Earl Grey tea.

When he smiled, he revealed two rows of teeth missing seven of them.

Luffy picked up the red tea, took a sip, and showed a surprised


Seeing this, Mr.3 scratched the back of his head and awkwardly said,

"Hehehe... Does the tea I brewed suit your taste, Luffy-sama?"

"Not bad, you have good skills," Luffy praised, "But what were you

planning just now? Were you trying to deal with the Straw Hat Crew and


"No way, you must have misunderstood!" Mr.3 knelt on the ground with

a thud, crying without tears, "It was all Mr. O who forced me to do it!"

Vivi... She held the red tea, unsure if she should drink it.

Are all the high-ranking members of the organization like this?

"Ah?!" Bartolomeo tilted his mouth, stood up with a rub, and slammed

the table, angrily spraying the other person's face, "You doubt that Luffy-

sama misheard? Luffy-sama can't be wrong. If there's a mistake, it's your


"I'm sorry, please spare me!" Mr.3 had no backbone and was like a kite,

drifting wherever the wind blew.

At this moment, he was prostrating on the ground, begging for mercy.

Luffy looked at Bartolomeo dissatisfiedly and said, "Watch your tone,

Barto. We are righteous pirates, not involved in mafia-style intimidation."

"Yes, Luffy-sama!"

Bartolomeo immediately put on a friendly expression, helped Mr.3 up,

and gently said, "You scoundrel, confess honestly, or else I'll feed you to

the fish in the sea. You have the ability, right? No need to tie stones to


Mr.3 trembled all over. Compared to this guy, he, a member of a criminal

organization, seemed as innocent as a good person.

He quickly let his bruised and swollen face reveal an ugly smile.

"Luffy-sama, please feel free to give me any orders!"

Vivi Becomes A Little Girl?

Crocodile: Straw Hat Luffy, You


Mr.3 fully realized the gap.

The man who could shatter his three-layered candle wall with a single

punch, he had no intention of escaping.

Indeed, this pirate who reached a bounty of 71 million on his first

wanted poster was not someone an ordinary person could contend with.

He was finished.

As someone who failed the mission, he would definitely be eliminated by

the organization. The beautiful vision of promotion and salary increase

could only be a dream.

Now, all he hoped for was to save his own life!

"Do you have a record pointer here?"

Luffy elegantly drank his grape count, secretly praising the other person

in his heart, giving him the title of "Red Tea Hermit."

"Ah? Didn't you hear Luffy-sama's question?!" Seeing Mr.3 in a daze,

Bartolomeo grabbed his collar.

"As for the record pointer..."

Mr.3 looked towards the bamboo basket on the table.

Vivi immediately put down her red tea and lifted the lid of the bamboo

basket. Sure enough, she found a record pointer inside.

"Luffy-san." She handed the pointer to Luffy. "Is this what you're looking



Luffy shook his head. On the wooden frame of the pointer, the place

name "Little Garden" was marked.

Seeing him shake his head, Mr.3's heart jumped in fear and he quickly


"This is the permanent pointer for Little Garden, and there is another

record pointer that stores the magnetic force of a nearby resort island."

Pausing for a moment, he revealed a smile even uglier than crying.

"Master Luffy, what do you want?"

"I want the pointer to Drum Island, the Drum Kingdom."

Luffy frowned slightly.

"Drum Island... is the next island after this one. The Drum Kingdom on

the island is a world-class medical country." Mr.3 suddenly realized and

then looked embarrassed.

His heart sank.

He was done for! Would he be killed?

Vivi was startled, remembering Miss Kaya on the ship.

That delicate young lady is not in good health. She only occasionally

leaves her room during the day, and I have only seen her a few times.

Most of the time, she silently reads medical books in the Sunny Library.

"Mr. Luffy, if you want to go to Drum Island, all you have to do is store

enough magnetism here, and the compass will point to the next island,"

she said.

Upon hearing this, Luffy glanced at her helplessly.

The quietness in the air is what people fear the most.

Vivi blushed and wondered, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

["It takes a year to store enough magnetism on this island" ]

Mr. 3 chuckled awkwardly and suddenly remembered something. It was

as if he had found a lifeline and quickly said, "There are two giants on

the island, Lord Luffy. They must have the pointers you need! Rumor has

it that these two giants have been living on this island for a very long

time. The name 'Little Garden' comes from an explorer who came here

and discovered the existence of the giants. He named the island and

wrote a widely circulated travelogue."

For humans, this island is not small; in fact, it can be considered quite


But for giants, it's just right, just like Little Garden.

Hearing this, Vivi was shocked. Giants? Are we going to snatch the

pointers from the giants?

She secretly looked at Luffy.

Luffy fell into deep thought.

If I remember correctly, the giants don't have the Drum Island's record

pointer. They only have a permanent pointer that points to their

homeland, Elbaf.

He fell silent.

To stay on this island for a year in order to go to Drum Island? That is

certainly not a feasible option. Time is running out.

With this in mind, Luffy calmly drank his tea.

It seems like I need to find the "helpful" Shichibukai, Crocodile.


Squelch, squelch~

The sound of a Den Den Mushi came from the basket on the table.

Luffy decisively picked up the receiver.

A deep and slightly hoarse male voice came through, "Mr. 3, your mission

report is taking too long."

It's Mr.0!!

The behind-the-scenes boss of Baroque Works!

Mr.3 trembled all over.

"Crocodile?" Luffy laughed. He was about to contact him proactively, but

he didn't expect the other party to be so anxious.

When he heard his name being mentioned, Crocodile's expression

changed on the other end of the phone.

"...Who are you?" He remained silent for a long time. "You're not Mr.3!"

He rarely showed himself. All the orders of Baroque Works had always

been conveyed through Nico Robin.

The members below couldn't possibly know his true identity.

If it weren't for the fact that the plan was nearing its end, he wouldn't

have personally contacted him.

"I am Monkey D. Luffy, captain of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy crossed his legs and spoke slowly, "I heard that you've been up to

no good in Alabasta these years, trying to seize the power of this country.

Let me give you some advice. You should consult with Doflamingo. He

only took one night to seize the political power of Dressrosa and obtain

the position of king."


In a dark room.

Crocodile sat on a soft and comfortable boss chair, his face terrifyingly


One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Donquixote Doflamingo?

The country he sought was just a small country with a population of a

few hundred thousand!

What is Alabasta? It is a large country with a population of tens of

millions, and it has a standing army of 600,000!

"Is that so? The helper the princess found is you!"

Crocodile narrowed his eyes, his gaze filled with killing intent. "The

woman who defeated Mr.5, she's also your subordinate, right? And you

killed that useless Mr.3..."

There was no need to guess how the other party knew his identity and

purpose. It must have been revealed by Princess Vivi.

"Do you want to kill us?" Luffy laughed. "I'll give you a chance. I'm

currently in Little Garden. You can come in person. I'll be waiting for


Beside him, Vivi was so scared that she pinched his arm.

Unfortunately, he was made of rubber, so it didn't hurt at all.

Mr. 3 trembled all over. The boss of Baroque Works, it turns out he's a


This is really bad, now we're really done for!

If we don't die at the hands of Crocodile, we'll die at the hands of the

Straw Hat Crew!

What a lunatic, daring to provoke the Shichibukai!

On the other side, Crocodile crushed the wine glass.

To be precise, the glass suddenly turned into quicksand and scattered

from his fingertips.

"A boring provocation."

"My grandfather is Garp."


Upon hearing this, Crocodile's heart skipped a beat.

The Marine hero, Monkey D. Garp!

This kid just called himself Monkey D. Luffy, and his name is also on the

wanted poster. Even the Marines' demand is "capture alive"!

This is trouble!

Crocodile's face looked very ugly.

Sure enough, the next sentence from the other party confirmed his


"I have evidence of your crimes, Crocodile. You don't want the Marines to

know, do you?"

"...What do you mean?" Crocodile gritted his teeth.

"I'll give you a chance. As long as you deliver a permanent pointer from

Drum Kingdom to Little Garden before nightfall, I won't temporarily

reveal your crimes to the Marines."

Luffy said with a smile, "After all, we're all comrades of the sea, good

brothers in the same camp."

Pausing for a moment, he added, "You have a duo called the 'Unluckies'

under you, let them come flying over. Hurry up, time is running out."

After saying that, he hung up with a snap.


"Mr. Luffy!"

Just as the communication was cut off, Vivi couldn't help but grab Luffy's

arm and shake him vigorously.

"Don't shake, don't shake, you're going to make me smell bad."

"What exactly do you want to do? You actually voluntarily exposed your

whereabouts to Crocodile!"

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be impatient for now."

Helplessly rolling his eyes, Luffy calmly drank his tea.

"Damn brat!"

Crocodile's face was incredibly gloomy.

The busy tone coming from the receiver left him at a loss, feeling

extremely annoyed.

Mr. 3 is really useless!

Standing up and walking to the huge glass tank, Crocodile stared at the

banana crocodile in the water.

It was an extremely large crocodile, and in the three years of drought in

the entire country of Alabasta, he had raised seven or eight of them in

the tank.

"The grandson of a Marine hero... If this identity is true, it's troublesome!"

The identity is probably true.

As a Shichibukai, he could easily verify this kind of news, it would only

take a few minutes.

"Has Marine already found out about Alabasta?"

Crocodile's brain quickly considered countermeasures.

Judging from the other party's request, this group of people is indeed on

Little Garden, and Drum Island is the next island.

At the same time, he also knew that it would take one year for magnetic

storage to be completed there, so seeking a permanent pointer was also a

reasonable motive.

He could rush over now and cruelly kill this group of people, and he

could arrive in the fastest seven or eight days, a round trip would only

take half a month!

But the plan is at a critical stage, and he doesn't have half a month!

Moreover, if Marine already knows and comes to Alabasta during his

absence, then even if he kills this group of people, it would be


Of course, he is not afraid of Marine alone.

Marine can't do anything to him for the time being!

What he fears is the exposure of "Pluton," which would attract the

hostility of the World Government, and his title as a Shichibukai would

be stripped away immediately!

Standing quietly in front of the water tank for a long ten minutes.

"You did a great job, you little brat, perfectly hitting my weak spot!"

Crocodile's eyelids slightly drooped, casting a shadow over half of his


He turned around and returned to his boss's desk, picking up a Den Den

Mushi and dialing a number.

"Nico Robin."

The call connected, and a mature woman's voice came from the other


"Can you stop calling me that? Mr. O."

"Where are you now?"

"On my way back to Alabasta."

Upon hearing this, Crocodile frowned. "Immediately inform Mr. 1 and the

others to go to Drum Kingdom and eliminate Vivi and the Straw Hat



Robin on the other end immediately sensed that something was wrong.

Then, Crocodile continued giving instructions. "Notify the Unlucky duo to

prepare a permanent pointer for Drum Kingdom and send it to Little


Little Garden... I see.

As a woman who had been in the dark world for 20 years, Robin could

guess a few things from these words and phrases.

Calculating the time, Captain Luffy should be arriving at Little Garden


"...Notify Mr. 2 to gather in the rain area. Hurry back, the plan needs to

be advanced!"

Finally, Crocodile gave one last order and hung up the call.

Sending Robin to Drum Kingdom was impossible; he needed her to

decipher the poneglyph!

Therefore, he could only urge her to come back quickly.

After hearing these words, Robin revealed a charming smile.

"How interesting, what has Captain Luffy done to make Crocodile so

anxious? It's the first time I've seen him like this."

With that in mind, she quickly followed the orders and contacted the


In the room, Crocodile put down the Den Den Mushi and reached out to

pick up the topmost bounty poster on the thick stack on the table.

Monkey D. Luffy

Only allowed to capture alive

Bounty: 71,000,000!

We are now racing against time.

If Mr. 1 can successfully deal with the Straw Hat Crew in Drum Kingdom,

everything will proceed according to the original plan.

If it fails, then let's advance the plan!

There is a 5-day journey between Drum Kingdom and Alabasta!

5 days is enough!

"Monkey....... Luffy!"

Crocodile stared at the smiling face in the photo and coldly snorted:

"Hmph! You win this round with your move!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bounty poster turned into flowing

sand and dissipated in the wind.

Wax House.

Luffy savored the finest tea, Earl Gray.

"So, will there be assassins targeting us in Drum Kingdom?" Vivi

murmured softly.

"Maybe Crocodile will come in person too, although the possibility is very

small. The plan is more important to him.

To be precise, it's Pluton.

Luffy put down his teacup, his expression full of confidence: "So, no need

to rush. Just intimidate him a little and see how he reacts."

In the game of Go, it's called testing the opponent's skill. Just a little test,

and it doesn't cost anything.

You might even get a free permanent pointer.

"Will they really send it?" Vivi asked, somewhat unclear about the


Luffy replied with certainty.

Who is Crocodile?

This guy spent several years planning to seize a country and the

legendary Ancient Weapon.

How could someone like this act impulsively? He must consider all

aspects and make the most suitable judgment for the current situation.

Garp's grandson wants to report his evil deeds?

Regardless of whether there is a report or not, we must stabilize the

situation first and find a way to eliminate him.

At the same time, considering the possibility of failure, let's execute the

plan as soon as possible. Even if the World Government finds out after

obtaining Pluton, what can they do?

In the end, they will have to negotiate with him and acknowledge his


After explaining all this to Vivi, of course, I didn't tell her about the


Vivi felt a touch of admiration in her heart.

Humans are creatures that admire strength, and women are no exception.

It's not admiration for physical strength, but for intelligence. The feeling

of being in control of everything is very admirable to her.

"You're amazing, Mr. Luffy~"

"It's just that I know about him, but he doesn't know about my


Luffy modestly shook his head.

What intelligence? It's just information. Anyone could do it, and even do

it better.

Of course, he also knows one of Crocodile's secrets.

Although he doesn't know the specifics, as long as he reveals it, it will

make Crocodile uneasy.

"Let's go, let's go see those two giants. They're probably having a fierce


Luffy got up and walked towards the outside of the house, instructing

Bartolomeo behind him:

"Barto, you stay here and wait for the Unlucky Duo to bring the Eternal

Pointer Seed."

"Yes, Lord Luffy!"

Bartolomeo also had a face full of admiration, no, fanaticism.

He truly deserves to be the man who will become the Pirate King. He can

easily handle even the Shichibukai.

"Wait for me, Mr. Luffy~"

Vivi immediately followed his footsteps, showing signs of becoming a

little fangirl.

Luffy: It's Okay, I'm God!

Prehistoric island, there is a circular lake in the center.

A lost Moss head is dragging a triceratops ten times its size, and for the

third time, it emerges from the jungle and arrives at the same lake.

"What's going on with this island? There are lakes everywhere! This is

already the third one, and they all look similar!"

How amazing.

Zoro's face darkens.

This island is simply a maze!


Suddenly, a loud noise comes from not far away.

The sound of metal collision sweeps over in the form of a shockwave.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~

Like a hurricane passing through, the towering trees around the lake

bend under the pressure of the airwaves, and the ripples on the lake

surface roll up from one side, like waves crashing towards the other side.

Unfortunately, Zoro is by the shore and gets splashed in the face by the

waves, becoming completely drenched.

Water droplets slide off his cheeks, and Zoro's mood is as turbulent as the


"What on earth is that sound? It has been going on since the volcano

erupted earlier."

He looks up in the direction of the commotion.

However, the trees here are too tall and obstruct the view.

Leaving the triceratops that he killed behind, Zoro walks along the edge

of the lake.

After passing through a patch of jungle, a creature appears in his field of

vision, with a shape identical to that of a human, except that it is at least

ten times taller than him.

"Gia... giant?!"

Zoro's expression is stunned.

Both giants have a body size of over twenty meters. They each hold a

shield in their left hand and a giant axe in their right hand, while the

Japanese person wields a long sword.


The two weapons clash fiercely, producing a sound that can almost

shatter one's eardrums.

Due to their battle, the forest within a hundred meters is destroyed, and a

bald circular area appears in the dense jungle.

It's like their arena!

"The Grand Line really has everything... I can actually see the giant race

from fairy tales."

Zoro looked up, paying attention to both sides of the battle.

It can only be said that the two sides were evenly matched, neither able

to do anything to the other.

Just as he was thinking, the person wielding the giant axe blocked the

enemy's sword swing, and while being forced back, he stepped back with

his right foot.

Zoro's expression stiffened, quickly moving to the side to avoid it.


Several tall trees were crushed underfoot.


It seemed that the giant with the axe noticed something small at his feet,

and he paused for a moment, glancing over.

The other giant with the long sword also noticed the unexpected visitor:


The two giants simultaneously stopped fighting, looking at each other.

The giant with the axe burst into laughter:

"Gababababababa!, 73466 rounds."

"Gegyagyagyagya!, 73466 draw!"

Both of them sat down, panting, and looked at Zoro.

Zoro instinctively gripped the hilt of his sword.

"It's been a while since we've seen a new guest, human. I smell the scent

of alcohol," the giant with the axe greeted with a smile.

If it were an ordinary person, they would have obediently brought out

the alcohol by now.

But Zoro was clearly not an ordinary person.

He took off the gourd hanging from his waist and drank a sip in front of

the other person.

"Sorry, I've already finished it."

The giant with the axe: "..."

The giant with the long sword:


At this moment, a hearty laughter came from not far away.

Zoro and the giants all looked over.

They saw Luffy slowly walking over with Vivi, as if taking a leisurely


Luffy was laughing uncontrollably, saying, "You truly are something,


"Luffy!" Zoro raised an eyebrow, not knowing what he was laughing


"Hey, giant from Elbaf, we have alcohol on our ship, but right now we

only have black tea."

Luffy shook his head, asking Zoro for alcohol was like asking for death, it

would be strange if he gave it to him.

Vivi, who was standing beside them, looked at the giant and nervously

lifted the teapot in her hand.

Earlier at Wax House, Luffy deliberately asked her to bring the teapot,

and she didn't understand at first, but now she knew.

"Do you know Elbaf?" The longsword giant showed a surprised look.

"The Elbaf Kingdom, known as the world's strongest country, anyone who

sails the seas has heard of it."

The longsword giant laughed heartily, with a very generous tone:

"Gegyagyagyagya!, I like you, human. I am Dorry, a warrior from Elbaf."

The other person also laughed and said, "Gababababababa!, I am Brogy,

from the same hometown."

"I am Luffy, captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, this is my first mate, Zoro,

and she is Vivi, the princess of Alabasta."

There are several giant kingdoms, and the most famous one is naturally

the Elbaf Kingdom.

Some giants have gentle personalities, but Elbaf is not like that. They are

synonymous with roughness and ferocity.

Of course, the two giants in front of them are not ferocious, but more

enthusiastic and generous.

And they have a simple-minded nature.

For the sake of a little girl's words, the former captains of the Giant

Warrior Pirates fought for a hundred years.

"So you're pirates. The last time I saw pirates challenging the Grand Line

was a long time ago."

Brogy reminisced and warmly said, "Gababababababa!, let me take you to

my place and entertain the guests who have come from afar."

"Wait, we should go to my place."

"No, my place has delicious grilled meat!"

Seeing the two giants about to fight over this, Luffy immediately said

with a smile, "Let me treat you to a cup of black tea first. Vivi."


Vivi immediately poured two cups of tea and held them up to the two


Dorry and Brogy both took them curiously.

However... what was a cup of tea for humans was held between two

fingers for giants, so it was hard to notice without careful observation.

After drinking it, the Dorry's eyes lit up.

"The taste is different from alcohol, it's really good, just too little!"

"Another cup."

Vivi quickly refilled their cups, but in the end, the tea pot didn't last long.

The giants were still not satisfied and, to thank Luffy, extended another


But neither of them would back down. "Let's just have a barbecue here,"

they decided in the end.

Zoro contributed the triceratops he hunted.

The group gathered around the bonfire, enjoying the barbecue and


"Mr. Dorry, Mr. Brogy, why did you fight?" Vivi asked curiously.

Both of them were stunned for a moment, then laughed and answered in


"We forgot!"

Brogy grinned, "We've been fighting for a hundred years, the reason

doesn't matter anymore. Now, we just want to determine the winner and

take the record pointer back to Elbaf."

"What about the loser?" Vivi widened her eyes.

"Who knows, but I won't lose."

"For the glory of Elbaf, I won't lose either!"

"No, it's me who is favored by the gods of Elbaf, Brogy. The one who wins

in the end will definitely be me!"

Their heads collided, their gazes crossed, as if sparks were flying in the


Vivi couldn't understand at all.

Since there is a permanent pointer, why don't the two of them go back


At this moment, Luffy stood up.

"Wait a minute, you mentioned the gods of Elbaf..."

While speaking, he instantly transformed into Gear Five.

"Is that so?"

The two arguing individuals fell silent.

Vivi, who had never seen the silver-white figure before, covered her

mouth in surprise.

Zoro had seen it a few times before, so he wasn't surprised, but what did

it have to do with the God of Elbaf?

Dorry and Brogy exchanged glances, their eyes scrutinizing Luffy's Sun

God form, their brows furrowing.

"It looks somewhat similar... It's a bit like the statue I saw, but not exactly

the same. What do you think, Dorry?"

"It does look somewhat similar. Your name is Luffy? What's the meaning

behind your appearance?"

A statue?

Is there a statue of the God of Elbaf in Elbaf?

Luffy returned to his normal form and laughed, saying, "It seems I'm not

your God of Elbaf. This appearance of mine is called the Sun God. Do you

know the legend of Nika?"

"Nika? The Liberation Warrior, Nika?"

"Isn't that just a legend? So it really exists!"

Both of them were shocked.

"Am I not standing right in front of you alive? Of course, I am a Second


Luffy rolled his eyes.

"Ah, I see. So you're a god, a truly remarkable figure! I apologize for my


"Hahaha, as the Sun God, I bless you, two honorable warriors of Elbaf,

and I hope you can return to your homeland soon."


"Ah, I see!"

All three of them burst into laughter.

Zoro also laughed along, impressed by Luffy's ability to easily get along

with two giants.

Vivi had a bewildered expression, not understanding what was so funny

about the men's laughter, so she silently helped with the barbecue.

"By the way, I heard that Elbaf has some powerful techniques. Like the

Elbaf Spear? Or the Conqueror's Haki?" Luffy asked.

"The Elbaf Spear... that is indeed a powerful technique!"

After getting familiar with each other, Dorry, who usually speaks his

mind, scratched his head awkwardly this time and said, "I only mastered


This is a unique technique of the giant race, swinging weapons to create

powerful shockwaves, with extremely strong power.

You can tell a thing or two from the name of the technique.

One of the Four Emperors of the New World, BIG·MOM, has mastered

another technique called "Hakai".

Two years later, the Four Emperors Kaido and BIG·MOM teamed up to

use "Hakai", and Zoro attempted to stop them but was instantly heavily


As someone who wants to dominate the treacherous sea of the Grand

Line, Luffy felt it necessary to learn a trick or two.

Unfortunately, these two don't know it.

Thinking of this, he immediately said:

"I want to experience the power of your Elbaf spear."

Upon hearing this, Dorry and Brogy were both stunned.

"Young man, you will die."

"That's right, the power of the Elbaf spear is no joke."

Of course, Luffy knew this.

In the waters near this Prehistoric Island, there is a gigantic goldfish

called "Shokuyoku Island Monster".

Its excrement is called "Barren Island".

The giants used to think it was an island and actually landed on it, only

to find out that it was the excrement of the Shokuyoku Island Monster.

But even such a creature was instantly defeated by the combined Hakoku

of Dorry and Brogy...

From this, you can see the power of the technique.

"It's okay, I am a god." Luffy smiled slightly. "Please, give it your all!"

Being asked again, Dorry and Brogy were both astonished.

After a moment, the two burst into laughter.

"Kabababa, is that so? Yes, you are a god."

"Here, here, here, since you said that, we can't let down the glory of

Elbaf! Alright, we'll show you!"

The two immediately picked up their weapons and stood up together.

Luffy took off his straw hat and put it on Vivi's head.

"Could you please take care of this for me?"

"Wait... wait a moment, Mr. Luffy, isn't it too dangerous?" Vivi said


Luffy waved his hand and walked away without looking back.

"Zoro, pay close attention, it should be very helpful for you."

Zoro focused and silently followed.

Vivi was going crazy, what's wrong with these men... she could only

follow their footsteps.

Not long after.

In order to make himself an easier target, Luffy jumped to the top of a

tree that was twenty meters tall.

"Come on!"

Upon hearing this, Dorry and Brogy nodded and raised their weapons.

Their power quickly gathered.

The giant axe began to emit a crimson light, it was "Red Ogre" Dorry!

The long sword was wrapped in a blue-green light, it was "Blue Ogre"


The two didn't say much, and indeed followed Luffy's request, using all

their strength.

As the charging began, the momentum of the two giants became urgent.


Luffy stood at the top of the tree crown, not surprised by this, "It's indeed

a technique that activates Haki."

In the next moment, he erupted with Armament Haki, forming an

invisible armor on his body.


Suddenly, with a loud shout from the two, their weapons instantly

released a powerful shockwave.

All their power converged into one strike.

In an instant, the dense forest in front was uprooted, and the ground

seemed to be lifted open.

The terrifying impact, like a raging bull, ruthlessly destroyed everything

in its path.

In the distance, Zoro stared wide-eyed, shocked by the scene.

The shockwave was like an indestructible spear, wiping out everything in

front, rushing out of the island, and splitting the ocean.

However, within this, the area where Luffy stood, as well as the area

behind him, seemed to be protected by an invisible wall.

Safe and sound, Luffy endured it all!

Dorry and Brogy's combined attack, Elbaf Spear, couldn't penetrate

Luffy's Haki!

"He blocked it....!" Zoro whispered in shock, as if he had suddenly

realized something.


Like a passing typhoon, the shockwave raged for more than ten seconds.

After everything gradually calmed down, Vivi was finally able to look up

at the battlefield.

In the dense forest, a row of bald areas appeared, extending all the way

to Luffy's feet, and then splitting in two, spreading further away.

She sighed with relief, clutching her chest.

The weapons in Dorry and Brogy's hands shattered and fell.

But they had no time to care about that and burst into laughter:

"Truly worthy of a god, being able to withstand our combined Hakoku

head-on. It's the first time we've seen it, clack clack clack clack, amazing


"Gegyagyagyagya!, little guy, do you want to learn this move? But it's not

so easy to master by just enduring and experiencing it with your body.

Let me teach you!"

Dorry looked at Luffy with admiration.

Luffy jumped down from the treetops and said with a smile, "Teaching

one is teaching, can I teach two?"

"It's fine, you can teach as many as you want! You've earned our respect,

clack clack clack clack!"

Next, Luffy and Zoro both accepted the giants' teachings.

Hakoku, as a technique of the Elbaf Spear, was obviously difficult to train

in. Even in the warrior village of Elbaf, not everyone could master it.

No, to be precise, giants who could master Hakoku were already

extremely rare.

They learned from daytime until evening.

Later, Bartolomeo found Luffy with the Eternal Pose of Drum Kingdom,

and the two of them finished their training.

"It seems like you're about to leave?" Dorry grinned, "We've taught you

the essence of the technique, but it's not easy to truly use it."

"Thanks, you two. I hope we can meet again in the New World."

Luffy bid farewell to the giants with a smile and returned with his crew.

They had obtained the log pose, so there was no need to stay any longer.

Before leaving, he had someone leave alcohol on the ship as a gift for the

two giants.

Four Emperors Fun, Landed In

The Drum Kingdom

Night falls.

The fully loaded Sunny and Merry, one after another, raised their sails

and slowly sailed down the river towards the sea.

On the deck of the Merry.

"It's unbelievable, coming back empty-handed. Moss Head, it seems that

I, Sanji, am the winner of the hunting competition!"

"Uh...!? My prey was just eaten! Anyway, it was definitely bigger than


"Ah, it's truly unbelievable, still making excuses. Are you even fit to be

the captain of the second team? Give it to me!"

"Perfect! I'll use the newly learned Elbaf Spear to stab you to death right


They argued as usual.

Inside the warehouse.

The newly arrived prisoner, Mr. 3, and his partner, Miss Goldenweek,

along with the old prisoners Mr. 5, Miss Valentine, and Mr. 9, looked at

each other in silence.

If it weren't for all five of them being securely tied up, there was also a

green-haired man with a pig nose guarding them at the warehouse


People who didn't know would think this was a meeting of the Baroque

Works executives.

"Yo... Yo, Mr. 5." Mr. 3 awkwardly greeted.

"Isn't this Mr. 3? You're here." Mr. 5 replied with a fake smile.

"Hahaha, who will be next?" Miss Valentine even joked.

When you see others in the same predicament as yourself, your mood

suddenly improves.

It's not that we're weak, it's all because the enemy is too cunning!

Who will be next?

Mr. 3's mouth twitched violently. Could it be that even Mr. 0, the

Shichibukai Crocodile who has always hidden his identity, will be


"Next... is Mr. 1." He remembered what happened earlier in the wax

house and suddenly blended into the environment, starting to look

forward to it.

"Mr. 1? That's really something to look forward to."

"Hahaha, when the time comes, what kind of expression should we use to

welcome him?"

All three of them had the ability to break free, but when the man with

the bull nose at the door glared at them, they were too scared to make a


When you can't resist, it's better to find amusement in others suffering.

Mr. 9 and Miss Goldenweek looked at each other and felt speechless

about it.

The mouth of the river, by the shore.

Dorry and Brogy bid farewell here, watching the two ships gradually

disappear into the moonlight, both with a smile on their faces.

"Will it come out? That food island monster. Forgot to remind them."

"It will definitely come out, but we don't need to worry. With Luffy,

there's no problem. He will definitely finds a way."

The two laughed heartily, each holding a bucket of wine and drinking


"Gababababababa!... Nika, the Sun God!"

"Gegyagyagyagya!... The Liberation Warriors have appeared in this era.

Indeed, the legends passed down in Elbaf are true!"


"Yes, it's not the time to continue fighting now. The era is about to

undergo a change, Brogy!"

"Let the outcome be decided later, Gababababababa!."

"It's time to return to our homeland, Gegyagyagyagya!~"

The two raised their buckets of wine and wished together:

"May the fortunes of war be with us, Sun God!"

The Thousand Sunny.

"Luffy, what are you doing standing at the bow of the ship? Dinner is

ready, it's your favorite."

Nami shouted at Luffy's back.

Luffy stood at the figurehead of the Thousand Sunny, hands in his

pockets, waiting silently.

"It's coming."

The sea ahead suddenly became turbulent, and a massive black shadow

gradually emerged.

It was a giant goldfish, opening its huge mouth and swallowing seawater.

As the thousand Sunny moved with the flow of the sea, it gradually

approached the creature, seemingly about to be swallowed in one gulp.


Luffy's gaze sharpened, and in an instant, his Conqueror's Haki was

unleashed, the power of his indomitable will impacting the creature's


The overwhelming pressure destroyed the monster's will in an instant.

Fear appeared in its eyes, and its open mouth instinctively closed.

Finally, as if avoiding a natural enemy, it disappeared from the surface of

the sea in the blink of an eye.

"What was that just now?" Nami exclaimed, her mouth wide open in


Luffy leaped off the figurehead of the ship and walked over, giving her a

kiss before laughing, "Just a mischievous little goldfish, it's gone now.

Let's go eat."

Nami blushed and touched her mouth, shyly following him into the


After dinner, Kaya returned to her room. Her health was not good, and

she needed to get enough sleep.

Luffy asked Nami to call the crew of the Merry Go.

At this time, in the Thousand Sunny activity room.

The Straw Hat Pirates gathered together.

Female members: Nami, Nojiko. (Kaya has not joined as a member yet)

Male members: Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Johnny, Yosaku, Bartolomeo

In addition to them, there was also Vivi, who was not a crew member.

Because he rarely had the chance to come on this ship, Sanji was very

excited. He even wanted to light a cigarette to suppress his restless heart.

"No smoking here, Sanji," Nami said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Miss Nami," Sanji quickly extinguished the cigarette and

asked, "Luffy, why did you gather us here?"

Upon hearing this, Luffy took out a box of six-style Devil Fruits and

placed it on the table.

"This is..." Vivi exclaimed.

She remembered this thing very well. It was because she had stolen and

eaten two Devil Fruits that she had become acquainted with Luffy and

the others, and now they were all companions.

"These are six-style Devil Fruits," Luffy said.

Luffy opened the box, and the six fruits were neatly arranged in two


Everyone was shocked.

Usopp widened his eyes and said, "Luffy, how many of these do you


"I've said it before, you might not believe it, but creating a fruit like this

requires me to sacrifice ten years of my life," Luffy said.

Nami gave him a disdainful look.

He was still bringing up the past when he used to tease her.

"So, are you going to distribute it to everyone?" She brought the topic


Luffy nodded and said seriously, "After eating this kind of fruit, you will

randomly gain mastery over one of the six styles, and it will also

strengthen your physique.

Usopp, who was most interested, looked around. "Nami has already

mastered all six styles, so she doesn't count, but there are eight of us...


Upon hearing this, Vivi quickly waved her hand. "I... I ate two of them

before without permission! Mr. Luffy, please exclude me!"

["I wasn't planning on giving it to you in the first place."]

["Of course, I can't say that, it would make others feel awkward."]

Luffy sat casually, supporting his cheek with one hand, and said, "Nami,

you explain the specific six styles to them first. Whether they want to eat

it or not is up to them. Of course, it's not a Devil Fruit, so there won't be

any side effects of turning into a dry duck."

Nami nodded in response and began to explain the six styles she knew in


After listening, everyone was very excited.

They are truly superhuman!

Even in the Grand Line, where monsters abound, once you master the six

styles, you will become a skilled fighter.

Moreover, after mastering the basic six styles, you can develop different

techniques based on your own training, making it highly adaptable.

"Tempest Kick?"

Zoro was most interested in this move and grinned, "Since you can kick

out slashes, you can also use a sword to slash out flying slashes, just like

Hawk-Eye once cut the sea with a single slash."

Saying that, he got up from the table.

"I won't use it, Luffy. Since I'm the captain of the first team , I won't

compete with a certain perverted kappa. I'm going to train. I just came up

with a good idea!"

Sanji's forehead immediately formed a cross, and he clenched his fist!

"Hahaha, then it's perfect, one fruit for each of the six of us. Sanji, do you

want to eat it?" Luffy nudged him with a sly smile.

"Eat it? Of course I will!" Sanji's hair was on fire as he picked up one and

took a bite, resentfully saying, "After I finish eating, I'll send him to hell!

What does the moss head think of himself, it's like he's looking down on


Nami shook her head speechlessly at this and picked up the remaining

fruits, distributing them to everyone. The last one was given to her sister,


"I also got one, is it really okay?" Nojiko was both surprised and hesitant.

"Let's eat, eventually all the crew members will master the six styles. This

is the basic configuration of our Straw Hat Pirates. Nojiko, aren't you my

crew member?" Luffy laughed.

Upon hearing him say this, Nojiko reluctantly smiled.

No wonder Nami is so infatuated with him, she has become a love-struck

fool. He is indeed a man that is hard to resist.

What an annoying guy~ How can she refuse when he says that!

"Eat, sister." Nami rarely called out "sister."

"I'll start!" Usopp decisively ate, swallowing even the fruit core in one


The rest of the people also began to eat.

In the next moment, the six people present widened their eyes, digesting

the knowledge flooding into their minds.


[You have arrived at a new island, Prehistoric Island Little Garden.

Reward: 1000 adventure coins.]

[You have sailed in the Sea of Paradise for 3 days. Reward: 300

adventure coins.]

[You have arrived at a new island, Drum Island. Reward: 1000 adventure


[Adventure coins: 365 → 2665]

The dried-up wallet swelled up once again.

Three days later, Drum Island.

This is the third island Luffy encountered after entering the Grand Line.

It is a winter island, from a distance it looks like it is covered in a layer of

silver-white snow. The most distinctive feature is the three cylindrical

peaks on the island.

It is precisely because of this that the peaks on the island resemble

drums, hence the name "Drum Island."

When the ship sailed into the island from the river mouth, everyone

gathered on the deck.

"What a beautiful island."

Kaya, dressed in a white fur coat, admired the snowy scenery with a face

full of astonishment.

This kind of scenery is something that can never be seen in Syrup Village.

At the same time, this is her destination in the Grand Line.

"Now that you are going to be cured are you happy?"

Luffy sat on the edge of the ship, turned around and smiled at Kaya.

"Thank you, Mr. Luffy, I'm very happy~" Kaya revealed a brilliant smile,

as if it could melt the snowflakes of winter.

"But, the people here... seem to not welcome us very much."

Nami stood beside Luffy, her hands gripping the ship's railing, looking at

the soldiers on both sides.

No, they're not soldiers, their attire is just that of ordinary civilians, but

they're holding guns.

Everyone looks at the Straw Hat Crew with a mixture of fear and disgust.

"This is the treatment pirates should receive, the situation in Whisky Peak

was an exception, an exception!" Nami said with a laugh, completely


Luffy, on the other hand, knew what was going on and being unwelcome

was expected.

"Go back, pirates!"

"We don't welcome you here!"

"If you continue to dock, we will shoot and kill you!"

A scolding voice came from the militia, and many people had already

raised their guns.

Among them, a man with a square face, wearing a green winter coat, and

carrying a giant iron shovel on his back.

"Pirates, go back, don't force us to take action!" he shouted.

On the deck of the Merry Go.

Yosalu shouted in dissatisfaction, "We're not here to plunder the city, we

just want to find a doctor..."


The sound of a gunshot rang out, and a bullet suddenly shot out.

Yosaku was startled, his pupils shrinking.

"Iron Body!"

He instinctively tensed his body, the bullet hitting his shoulder, but it

sounded as if it had hit steel and was instead defected.

The area where he was hit had a hole in his clothes, but his skin

underneath was unharmed.

"What?! The gun didn't work!" The militiaman who fired the shot was

shocked and immediately looked at the leader beside him.

The man with the square face had a solemn expression.

Nami helplessly said, "What should we do, Luffy?"

"Its okay, watch me perform," Luffy grinned.

In the next moment, he had disappeared from his original position.

When he reappeared, he was already standing in front of the man with a

square face.

Hundreds of militiamen were shocked and turned their guns towards



"Do you know me?" Dalton took a step back, looking at Luffy with


"I am Monkey D. Luffy, an acquaintance of Dr. Kureha. I came here just

to treat a patient."

"That old witch..."

Dalton paused for a moment.

Immediately, he waved his hand, instructing the militiamen to lower

their guns.

At the same time, he looked towards two pirate ships, and on the deck of

the Sunny, he saw Kaya.

The young lady looked weak and needed the support of another woman.

It must be her.

"I understand. I was very rude just now, I apologize."

After a moment of contemplation, Dalton apologized for his previous


Dr. Kureha, the old witch, was already over 140 years old and the only

doctor on the island.

Everyone had received her care to some extent, so if they were

acquaintances of the old witch, they were considered guests.


These pirates weren't even afraid of gunfire. If a real conflict were to

break out, their side would suffer heavy casualties.

No, it would be more accurate to say that not retaliating in anger and

showing a friendly attitude was already a display of goodwill.

"Follow me, I'll take you to the village."

Luffy turned around and smiled at everyone, saying, "Get off the ship."

Immediately, the crew of the Sunny and the Merry lowered their sails

and dropped anchor, one after another stepping onto the snowy ground.

The crowd followed Dalton and walked towards the nearest village.

He explained, "A few months ago, a group of pirates called Blackbeard

landed on this island and destroyed this country."

"Oh, no wonder you guys are so nervous," Yosaku immediately forgave

the other party.

"Blackbeard?" Zoro frowned.

"Yeah, just five people, and they destroyed our country! It happened

almost instantly!"

Five people?!

The crowd was slightly shocked.

Luffy shook his head and said, "I know them. The captain of the

Blackbeard Pirates is Marshall D. Teach. He used to be a member of the

Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates. After killing his comrades, he

betrayed and formed his own pirate crew."

"I see," Bartolomeo suddenly realized, "No wonder, Luffy-sama, you know


"The crew of the Four Emperors... the Whitebeard Pirates!" Usopp


"Hahaha, speaking of which, Whitebeard was an interesting person. He

really liked leopard prints, so he made the female nurses on his ship wear

leopard print stockings. Otherwise, he would get angry and refuse to get


Luffy laughed and shared stories about the Four Emperors.

"And there's Benn Beckman, the vice captain of the Red Hair Pirates. This

guy is also a pervert, he really likes women. Sanji, you'll definitely have

something in common with him when you meet!"

"Well, maybe he wil take Sanji to visit a brothel," Luffy laughed.

Everyone burst into laughter.

As they chatted along the way, Dalton was completely confused.

What's going on with these pirates?!

They casually mentioned the Four Emperors, the Shichibukai, and even

dared to make fun of the Marine Fleet Admiral and Marine Admirals.

Because the topics were too high-level, he couldn't join in the

conversation and could only silently act as a guide.

Soon, a small village covered in white snow came into view.

"Here is our village, called Shoucho Village!"

Pausing for a moment, Dalton smiled again and said, "Welcome to Drum


The Old Witch And The Reindeer,

The Killer In The Snowy Night


Under Dalton's leadership, everyone arrived at his residence, a small

house with a fireplace.

"Then it's up to you, Mr. Dalton. If there are any problems, please gather

us immediately."

The militiamen greeted each other and returned to their respective


Dalton has a high reputation here, and the people in the village would

greet him with a smile.

"Mr. Dalton we support you..for the election. "

After dealing with the enthusiastic villagers, Dalton finally led everyone

into the house.

"What does the election mean?"

As soon as they entered the house, it became much warmer.

Dalton brewed a pot of hot tea for everyone and heard Usopp ask this


"As I mentioned earlier, a few months ago, a group of pirates called

Blackbeard landed, and at that time, the king abandoned the country and

fled to the sea as soon as he learned about it. So, there is no king on this

island now."

He explained in a low voice.

"The so-called election is to choose a new king."

Upon hearing this, the Straw Hat Crew frowned.

Vivi was even stunned and angrily gritted her teeth, saying, "Is this

considered a ruler of a country? He actually abandoned his people and


In her opinion, it was simply unreasonable. A king who couldn't protect

his people didn't deserve to be called a king.

Luffy, on the other hand, could understand this girl's feelings.

This little girl dared to go undercover in Baroque Works at the age of 14,

living up to her princess status and the words she spoke at this moment.

The king's name is Wapol, and this country used to be called Drum


Perhaps influenced by Vivi's words, Dalton unconsciously said a few more

words, "It used to be one of the world's leading medical countries, but

this person drove away all the doctors in the country for the sake of his

own rule, leaving only 20 people to serve him. And if the citizens want

medical treatment, they have to beg him, '957'!"

It's outrageous. Can someone like this really be a king?!

Vivi was so angry that she clenched her fists.

"Wait, doesn't that mean there are no doctors here now!?" Usopp

discovered a loophole.

"No, there is still one, Dr. Kureha."

Dalton pointed outside the window and whispered, "Can you see the

three mountains? The one in the middle is the king's palace, and that old

witch is living there now.

Sanji squinted his eyes and gazed for a moment. Through the thick snow,

he could barely see the shadow of a castle.

"How can we get up there with such height? Even if we use Moonwalk,

we will run out of strength halfway..."

There should be some kind of cable car or mountain climbing facility,

right? After all, it's the king's palace, there must be a convenient way to

go up the mountain.

"I'll go." Luffy smiled and said, "Kaya, I'll take you up, as for you guys...

just stay here for now."

"Oh, Luffy, it's up to you." Zoro sat on the side, holding a cup of hot tea,

nodding leisurely.

Dalton immediately said, "If you want to go up the mountain, it's best to

go from the back of the mountain. If you go up from the front of the

village, you will encounter Raban..."

Before he could finish, Kaya had already followed Luffy out of the house.

"What is Raban?" Nami asked curiously.

"It's a ferocious rabbit."

"A rabbit? Then it's okay."

"No... it's a ferocious one..."

Dalton opened his mouth, but saw that this group of people had no sense

of panic at all and had great trust in Luffy.

Not to mention the idle talk inside the house.

Kaya followed Luffy and walked towards the central peak, braving the

wind and snow.

After leaving the Syrup Village, the snow on the ground became thicker

and thicker. With each step, it could even reach the knees.

Kaya, who was weak and sickly, had already started to pant with a red

face after walking less than a hundred meters.

Luffy had to turn around and said with a speechless face, "Let me carry

you. If you walk by yourself, it will be dark by the time we get there."

Kaya blushed slightly, looked at Luffy who was already ready to carry

her, and without being too coy, gently leaned on Luffy's back, her hands

wrapped around his neck.

"You're so light..." Luffy said in surprise, much lighter than Nami.

"I'm sorry..."

"Why apologize?"

Luffy carried Kaya on his back and walked calmly.

"I'm causing you trouble again, Mr. Luffy."

"Indeed, how should you thank me?"

Kaya's heart raced, and she suddenly dared not speak further.

As they walked, in the wind and snow ahead, rabbits with red eyes and

standing on their hind legs suddenly appeared.

The rabbits were large in size and had a very fierce expression.

"Mr. Luffy!" Kaya held on even tighter, feeling nervous.

Luffy continued walking without stopping, leaving footprints behind, and

at the same time, his Conqueror's Haki instantly intimidated the

surrounding area for kilometers.

In an instant, nearby creatures all fainted.

"Wow, amazing~" Kaya blinked her eyes. "Is this Conqueror's Haki?"

Having traveled from East Blue to the Grand Line, she didn't have a very

clear understanding of Luffy's strength, only knowing that he was strong

and formidable.

This time, witnessing Conqueror's Haki firsthand, she truly understood

that Mr. Luffy was even more formidable than she had imagined.

"After your recovery, what do you want to do in the future?" Luffy

smiled, so that the girl wouldn't feel bored, he decided to chat with her a

bit more.

"Plans for the future?" Kaya tilted her head and thought for a moment,

then lightly smiled and said, "I want to become a doctor."

"Only those who have tasted the bitterness of pain can understand the

importance of showing kindness to others. Miss Kaya, you are a gentle


Kaya widened her beautiful eyes in surprise. Occasionally, Mr. Luffy

would say something that struck a chord in her heart.

She felt a kind of understanding.

She covered her mouth and chuckled, "Mr. Luffy, why did you want to

bring me to the Grand Line to seek medical treatment when we were in

Syrup Village? I can't do anything on the ship, I'm really just a burden to


As she said that, she leaned her head against Luffy's shoulder and softly

murmured, like a mosquito:

"Mr. Luffy, you are the True Gentleman."

Upon hearing this, Luffy chuckled silently.

You see, if he were Usopp, Kaya would already be a mother by now.(a

certain someone : tmd.. You say that but, when will you attack nojiko)

When the two arrived at the foot of the mountain, the blizzard grew

stronger, and they could hardly see the scenery a few meters away.

Feeling the trembling on her back, the cold pierced through her coat, and

the bone-chilling cold turned Kaya's face red.

She raised her head slightly and looked at the mountain peak ahead.

The almost vertical mountain wall extended upward at a ninety-degree

angle from the ground, disappearing into the blizzard.

["So high... If I were alone, I wouldn't have a clue how to get up there."]

"Hold on tight."

With a single thought, Luffy instantly transformed into Nika Form.

His hair turned into white flames, burning brightly.

Lying on Luffy's back, Kaya felt the coldness disappear and instinctively

held on tighter, seeking more warmth.

"So warm~"


Unlike her reaction, Luffy could only complain that it wasn't Nami


"Let's go!"

With a reminder, the snow beneath Luffy's feet turned into rubber. He

slightly bent his knees and then leaped up, shooting into the air.


Like a bolt of lightning, he shot straight up!


Overwhelmed by the excitement, Kaya let out a cry of surprise.

As the bouncing force gradually weakened, white flame clouds formed

beneath Luffy's feet. With another burst of power, he soared to the

mountaintop in one breath.

"Huff... huff..."

Kaya, frightened, closed her eyes and breathed lightly through her

mouth. Only when she felt stable did she dare to slowly open her eyes.

"We're here."

"What a beautiful castle!"

Kaya exclaimed in awe.

Before their eyes was a large castle covered in snow, just as exquisite as

they had imagined.

Luffy walked up to the castle gate and knocked a few times.

After waiting for quite a while, a door crack opened from inside.

Then, a horn and half of a deer's head poked out from the door crack.

"A reindeer?" Kaya blinked her eyes.

It was a reindeer with a blue nose, wearing a round red hat on its head.

It seems like the reindeer was scared, with cold sweat appearing on his


In the next moment, he arched his nose and with a bang, closed the door.

"He got scared," Luffy laughed.

"Is, is that so?" Kaya quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, please open the door."

"Maybe it's a tanuki, I heard tanukis are socially anxious."

As soon as the words fell, the door was opened again.

"I'm a reindeer! I'm definitely not a tanuki! Can't you see that I'm a


He opened his mouth to express his dissatisfaction, then let out a sigh

and hid behind the door.

"He... he spoke!" Kaya exclaimed, covering her mouth.

Luffy pushed the door open and the reindeer couldn't stop him at all.

Panicking, he stepped back and shouted, "Who... who are you? What are

you doing here?"

"I'm Luffy, she's Kaya. We're here to find a doctor named Dr. Kureha. This

is a token given to her by an acquaintance."

As he spoke, Luffy took out the paper that Crocus gave him at Twin Cape

and showed it to the reindeer.

The reindeer stared at it for a moment and was immediately stunned.

Then, he picked up the paper with his mouth, turned around quickly, and

ran off.

"Wait here, I'll go get Dr. Kureha!"

Leaving the two behind.

Kaya said in surprise, "There really are animals that can talk in the

world... how cute~ I wonder what kind of person the witch here is."

Not long after, the two met the so-called old friend.

An energetic old lady, wearing a purple jacket, purple leather pants, and

two decorative glasses on her head.

"Crocus sent you, right? Follow me."

The two followed her and arrived at a room.

It's not really a nursingroom, but rather a relatively large bedroom.

Dr. Kureha glanced at Luffy and said, "It's quite impressive that you

climbed up here in the blizzard, but it's about time to put the patient

down. From my perspective, she's not so sick that she can't walk."

Upon hearing this, Kaya blushed like a monkey's butt. She hadn't even

thought about getting off Luffy's back because it was so warm.

"I'm sorry, please, please put me down, Mr. Luffy!"

Luffy put her down and also released his Nika form...

He said to Kureha, "Please help check on her condition."

Kureha had Kaya sit down and began to inquire about her illness.

Kaya cooperated well.

Luffy suddenly had nothing to do.

He turned his head and saw a little deer head poking out at the door,

curiously observing.

Unlike its previous form at the castle gate, the deer was now standing on

two feet and had transformed into a cat size.

Luffy grinned and immediately walked towards it.

The deer got scared and quickly hid.

However, while it hid its head, its body was still exposed, making its

actions look very funny.

"What's your name?"

Luffy squatted down and asked with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Chopper said dumbfoundedly, "My name is

Tony Tony Chopper."

"Why should I be afraid? You're a talking raccoon cat who ate the

Human-Human Fruit. There's nothing strange about that."

"I'm not a raccoon cat, I'm a reindeer!"

Chopper immediately transformed into a shark mouth and retorted.

"Hahaha, so cute. Do you want to come on my ship?"

"Even if you praise me, I won't be happy, you jerk~"

Because he was too happy, his whole body twisted.

At this moment, the voice of Kureha, who was treating Kaya, came


"Just like Chopper, you're also a Devil Fruit user, right? The sudden

change earlier, was it a Zoan type?"

"That's right, I ate a Zoan type Devil Fruit too."

Chopper was shocked and felt excited to see someone like him: "Did you

also turn into an animal?"

Suddenly, he felt a sense of familiarity!

"I am a human, I ate the Zoan type Devil Fruit, Human-Human Fruit,

Model: Nika."

"Model: Nika? That's even rarer than Logia!"

Kureha glanced at Luffy unexpectedly, lost in thought.

Chopper felt like he was struck by lightning!! Why is there such a big

difference between everyone who ate the Zoan type Devil Fruit?

The sense of familiarity... disappeared!

"Hahaha." Luffy laughed and reached out to rub Chopper's head.

"Chopper, come on my ship. The outside world is very big, you happen to

be a doctor too."


Chopper wanted to run away, but obviously couldn't escape Luffy's grasp.

With a stretch of his hand, he was pulled back.

Kaya watched the two of them playfully and smiled, saying to Kureha:

"Um, about my illness..."

"Hmm? Little girl, are you asking me the secret to eternal youth?"

"Uh... I heard you're already over 140 years old."

"You shouldn't say things like that casually, little girl. I'm still youthful

and beautiful at 139!"

Kureha showed a terrifying expression.

Kaya was scared and sweating profusely. "Yes, yes!"

That night.

Dawn Island.

The snowstorm outside had stopped.

Inside Dalton's house, the burning fireplace brought warmth.

As a guest, Sanji took the initiative to help with cooking.

"I wonder how Kaya and the others are doing..." Nami said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Nami-chan. With Luffy-niichan here, everything will be

fine!" Johnny said with absolute trust.

Dalton smiled and said, "The blizzard has stopped now. If you want to go

up the mountain, you can take the mountain path on the back and take

the cable car up."

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Zoro, who was drinking warm wine, frowned and

looked in a certain direction.

"What's wrong, Zoro?" Usopp leisurely sipped his tea.

"There's some presence approaching our ship."

Zoro's gaze slightly narrowed, and he immediately got up and walked

towards the door. "I'll go check. It might be the Baroque Works assassins."

Sanji, who was cooking, was shocked. "I can't accept this! Is it really

possible for this moss head to awaken and use Observation Haki from

such a distance? It's quite far away!"

"Usopp, you should go with him too. He might get lost," Nami quickly


"Understood. Hey, Zoro, wait for me. Don't wander off, or you'll get lost!"

Usopp said.

Just as Zoro was about to leave, he turned back. "Who would get lost!"

At the same time, at the docking point of the Sunny and the Merry.

In the Merry's warehouse.

A tall woman appeared at the door.

"So everyone's here?" She raised her eyebrows. "These people are really

slack. They didn't even send anyone to guard."

The sleeping prisoners all opened their eyes.

"Miss Doublefinger!" Mr. 3's eyes lit up. "Did the boss send you to rescue


"No, I just came to take a look," the woman kicked her leg and cut the

ropes that bound the prisoners. With one hand on her waist, she said,

"Now, listen to my orders. Let's go together and deal with the Straw Hat

Crew, as well as the little princess!"

Upon hearing this, the recently freed prisoners all turned pale.

In the next second, the three of them re-tied the broken ropes around


Miss Doublefinger: "..."

["What are these idiots doing?"]

The prisoners said in unison, "I think it's pretty good here!"

Chapter 64 Chopper Joins.

"Zoro, you absolutely have to stay close to me. I don't want to be

searching for people in the snow at night!"

"Don't underestimate me! Do you think I would get lost? I'm not a child."

Under the cover of night, Usopp walked ahead, leading the way.

Suddenly, Zoro's footsteps halted, his right hand gripping the hilt of his

sword, and he swiftly slashed forward.

At the same time, his left hand grabbed Usopp's collar and pulled him


A dark figure suddenly darted out from the snow ahead, its right hand

with four fingers bearing sharp blades.

Lurking beneath the snow, taking advantage of the night's cover, the

target of this deadly strike was none other than Usopp's throat.

The assassin sought only one fatal blow!

However, Zoro's sword blocked this surprise attack.


The sound of metal collision rang out.

It was only at this moment that Usopp's face turned pale, realizing what

had just happened.

I-I almost died!

"The assassin from the Baroque Works? Which number?"

Zoro grinned, his sword blade locked with the assassin's fingers, and they

were momentarily locked in a stalemate.

As the assassin's attack missed, his left leg immediately swept out.

In the instant of the kick, a sharp blade grew out of his lower leg.

Indeed, he was a Devil Fruit user!

Zoro released Usopp, drew out a second sword with his other hand, and

held it to his right side.

Another clash of swords resounded.

"I can hear it! Your breathing rhythm, your attack pattern! As an

opponent to pass the time, you're just right," Zoro squinted slightly.

The assassin immediately retreated, creating some distance between


At this moment, the two finally saw each other's appearance.

It was a tall man with a shaved head, dressed in a monk-like attire. The

sides of his chest had snake patterns, and a Japanese character was

tattooed on his chest.

"Number one?"

Zoro, who was practically illiterate, recognized the character.

Mr. 1 remained silent, his gaze first landing on Zoro, then quickly

shifting to Usopp.

Roronoa Zoro, member of the Straw Hat Pirates, with a bounty of 19

million, and a pirate hunter.

The long-nosed one next to him if not on the wanted list.

Rather than dealing with a slightly more formidable opponent, he

prioritized taking care of the other one.

With this thought in mind, he swiftly darted forward, closing in on Zoro.

Zoro immediately counterattacked, his blade slashing from the upper

right to the lower left.

However, Mr. 1 didn't dodge or evade, instead using his body to

withstand the attack, while his right palm, like a dagger, stabbed straight

towards Usopp's chest.

"Is your target me?!"

Usopp exclaimed, bending backwards and propping himself up with his


The sharp fingers barely grazed his abdomen, almost cutting through his


"What do you mean?"

Zoro's expression turned sour, and he immediately thrust his sword held

in his left hand.


As if sparks were flying, Mr. 1 was pushed back several meters by the

sword strike, rolling twice in the snow before quickly standing upright


"So tough! What is that?"

Zoro frowned and said, "Usopp, step back."

"Oh, leave the support to me!" Usopp rolled and crawled, quickly moving

to a safe distance and hiding behind a tree.

He took out his slingshot, ready to support Zoro at any moment.

"Roronoa Zoro, with your sword, you can't harm me."

Mr. 1 spoke for the first time, his tone calm. "I am Mr. 1, who ate the

Dice-Dice Fruit. Any part of my body can turn into a blade."

"Your whole body is made of iron? Ha, I don't see you being any harder

than Yosaku's Iron Body."

Zoro sneered. These ability users were very proud of their powers and

would willingly explain them to their enemies to demonstrate their


For the past few days, he had been using Joseph as a training partner to

achieve the state of "cutting iron."

"Don't be too arrogant, pirate!"

Mr. 1 had no interest in small talk. His only mission was to kill all the

members of the Straw Hat Crew, as well as the princess.

With a step of his right foot, the accumulated snow instantly burst open,

and he flew towards Zoro like an arrow, swiftly gliding through the air.

Seeing this, Zoro put away his two swords and drew Wado Ichimonji,

whispering to himself,

"The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind are the six senses of a

person! Along with good, evil, and neutrality! Each of them has its own

tranquility and pollution, making a total of thirty-six afflictions in one's


He swung his sword through the air.

"Three-Sword Style: Thirty-Six Calamities Phoenix!"

Like a silver light descending, the flying slash under the night sky was

akin to the Tempest Kick in the Six Styles, with the sword energy

radiating like spikes.

Mr. 1's pupils contracted, and he immediately changed his posture,

crossing his arms in front of his chest.


The sword energy landed on his forearms, instantly sending him flying.

A trace of blood streaked across the air.

Rolling on the snowy ground, Mr. 1 continuously flipped his body,

dissipating the impact.

"You have actually reached the realm of cutting iron!" After stabilizing

his posture, he half-squatted and exclaimed in astonishment.

Why does such a swordsman only have a bounty of 19 million?!

It should be noted that even he, relying on the power of the Devil Fruit,

cannot cut through steel.

And his bounty is as high as 75 million!

"I failed... It seems that my flying slash is not enough to cut through

iron," Zoro expressed his dissatisfaction with the result.

Mr. 1 snorted coldly, raised his hand and glanced at the back of it, where

a small wound was bleeding.

He stuck out his tongue and licked it.

The taste of blood made him become ferocious.

"I take back what I said earlier. You seem quite strong, pirate. I

apologize. If your swordsmanship improves a bit more, maybe you won't

have to die here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he charged forward again.

His feet turned into blades, like ice skates, swiftly approaching on the

snowy ground.

"Dustless Swift Blade!"

Both hands and all ten fingers opened up, even the palms turned into

sharp blades.

"Just a frog at the bottom of a well."

Zoro sheathed his sword with precision, the blade sliding smoothly into

its scabbard. In a seamless motion, he assumed a stance for Iaido, a

martial art that showcased his exceptional expertise. His posture was

unwavering, and his eyes focused intently on his imaginary opponent,

ready to draw his sword with lightning speed.

He even closed his eyes.

The pressure made him boil on this snowy night.

Losing meant instant death.

"Zoro!!" Usopp gasped, "He's going to die!"

"No, I won't lose!"

Zoro grinned, still keeping his eyes shut. In the darkness, he relied on his

other senses. He could hear his opponent's breath, each inhalation and

exhalation like a drumbeat in the silence. With his keen instincts, he

"saw" their figure in his mind's eye, a shadowy presence poised for

confrontation. Zoro's confidence grew as he prepared to strike with his

unparalleled swordsmanship.

Is this the power of Observation Haki?


In a low chant, the two engaged in a lightning-fast clash.


Mr. 1's charging posture froze as a deep, bone-visible wound extended

from his lower right abdomen to his upper left, blood gushing out. At

that critical moment, Zoro's deep voice resounded:

"Ichidō-ryū Iai: Shishi Sonson!"

With blinding speed, Zoro unleashed his devastating Iaido technique,

"Shishi Sonson," slicing through the air and delivering a fatal blow to his


The castle.

[Crew member Zoro awakens Observation Haki, rewarded with 3000

adventure coins]

Luffy, who was playing with Chopper, suddenly saw a system


He paused for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"As expected of the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, well done."

[Adventure Coins]: 2665 → 5665

Getting rich~~

He really looked forward to when Zoro would awaken Conqueror's Haki,

wondering how much reward he would receive.

Dr. Kureha's voice sounded:

"Your illness can be easily resolved."

"Really?" Kaya exclaimed in surprise.

"It's not easy to solve either."

"Ah?" Kaya was stunned.

What could it be?

Kureha laughed sharply, like a witch: "Healing is a long process. Besides

medication, you also need to go out and see the beauty of this world,

adjust your mood, and not keep yourself locked in a room all the time.

Making it difficult for you to recover."

"How do you know?" Kaya looked astonished.

"Because I am a doctor," Kureha giggled mischievously, getting up and

saying, "Luffy, that's your name, right?"

"Monkey D. Luffy." Luffy put down Chopper and stated his full name.

"Is that so? Monkey D. Garp is your relative?"

"He's my grandfather."

"Hehe... the descendant of a hero, huh?" The old witch beckoned for

Chopper to come over. "You said you ate the Gum Gum Fruit, the Sun

God Nika's legendary fruit. It has been passed down among the suffering

people in the world, but for some reason, the government has erased a lot

of related information."

Luffy raised an eyebrow and chuckled lightly, "You really are a wise old

witch, having lived for over a hundred years."

"The 'old' part is unnecessary! I'm still young!" Kureha glared at him.

"Chopper, come with me and prepare some medicine for this young lady."

"Yes, Doctor Kureha."

Finally breaking free from Luffy's grasp, Chopper immediately followed.

Not long after, they returned, one human and one reindeer.

Chopper brewed the medicine once and handed it to Kaya, instructing,

"Drink it and go to bed early. You have to drink it every day until your

body is no longer weak, then we can switch to a new medicine."


Kaya's face lit up with a radiant smile as she delicately sipped the

medicine. She had braced herself for bitterness, but to her pleasant

surprise, it carried a subtle hint of sweetness.

Chopper chimed in, "I decided to add a touch of sweetness to it. I hope

you find it more enjoyable this way."

"Thank you, Doctor Chopper."

"Joe!, Dr. Chopper...! Despite your words, I am definitely not happy, you


His happiness was evident as he squirmed with delight.

Kaya smiled lightly and lay down on the bed according to the doctor's


Luffy walked over and covered her with a blanket.

"Don't disturb the patient's rest. Let's talk about the medical fees.

Chopper, you come with me."

Dr. Kureha called the two of them and left the ward.

They arrived at the castle's dining room.

The old witch even prepared a sumptuous meal.

Luffy didn't hesitate and happened to have not eaten dinner.

"You're a pirate, right?"

"I'm the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Is there a doctor missing on your ship?"

"Isn't that obvious? If there was a doctor on my ship, would I come here?"

Luffy rolled his eyes.

"Hehehe... You have a point."

Dr. Kureha chuckled a few times, not angry. "The girl's condition is not

easy to handle. It requires years of recuperation and a dedicated doctor

to continuously monitor her condition."

Saying this, she pointed to Chopper happily eating cotton candy on the


"This kid's medical skills are not worse than mine. I can let him join your



Chopper felt like a lightning bolt had struck him, tears welling up in his

eyes. "Dr. Kureha, do you really not need me anymore?"

"You dear simpleton, I'm assigning you to a crucial medical mission. Just

return once the girl's ailment is under control."

The elderly witch, who cherished Chopper like family, understood his

character all too well.

With just a few words, Chopper found acceptance in his heart.

"So, it's a medical mission, then? Does this mean I'm becoming an

independent doctor? But, I'll miss you, Dr. Kureha."

"You're truly a lovable fool. You can use a Den Den Mushi to stay

connected with me!"

In just a few words, Chopper was completely fooled and lost his bearings.

The old witch chuckled and said, "So, shall we proceed with the


RE: "..."

Encountered an opponent!

The old witch is quite formidable!

I'm afraid it's going to cost a lot!

How much money do we have?

Because Nami has always been in charge of the ship's finances, he doesn't

know, but it should be in the tens of millions.

The one billion berries that Nami saved up before were all left to the

villagers of Cocoyasi Village.

However, the money issue is not a big problem.

"Please go ahead."

"Money means nothing to me," said Dr. Kureha, crossing her legs and

extending two fingers. "I have only two requests."

"First, I don't know why the government wants to erase the legend of

Nika, but there must be some huge problem behind it. I don't care about

your life or death, but I don't want Chopper to die on your ship."

"Second, if possible, help him with his dream."

Just knowing a little about the legend of Nika and the fact that the

government buried it can infer some problems.

Luffy couldn't help but think that when the old witch was young, she

might have been a notorious and ruthless character.

As for Chopper's dream... to develop a universal medicine!

"I understand, and I promise."

"Hehehe... then, for now, I'll trust you, Garp's grandson."

"Do you know my grandfather?"

"No, I only used to come across that name in newspapers when I was


"You're still youthful, Dr. Kureha."

"You do have a way with words, young one~"

The next day.

In the early morning, Luffy departed from the palace alongside Kaya.

Dr. Kureha and Chopper joined them, with Chopper embarking on a

"medical mission" that would last several years, bidding farewell to the

old witch.

Though Chopper had been tricked into it by the old witch, he reluctantly

came to terms with the necessity of his departure.

Upon their arrival at Big Horn Village, Dalton relayed the news that the

Straw Hat Crew had already returned to the ship.

Afterwards, Dalton accompanied a few people to the docking point of the


As soon as they met, Nami told him that there were two more prisoners

on the ship.

"Last night, Luffy, Mr. 1 totally got his butt handed to him by Zoro,"

Nami said with an affectionate grin. "And you won't believe what

happened with Miss Doublefinger. She thought she'd be all heroic and set

those prisoners free. But guess what? Those prisoners, they had other

plans. They held their ground and gave her quite the surprise."

The most unbelievable part of the situation? They weren't eager to flee.

Instead, they opted to remain where they were, exercising caution and

avoiding any unnecessary entanglements.

Mr. 5 suggested taking the Straw Hat's Merry Go and escaping directly

from the sea.

But one sentence from Mr. 9 scared them off.

If they didn't want to be eaten, they should stay put.

So the prisoners were all very obedient.

They worked together to defeat Miss Doublefinger, successfully gaining

one more prisoner.

"Not bad, very obedient. Sanji, give them an extra chicken leg today,"

Luffy ordered with a smile, then introduced Chopper to everyone, "This is

our new crew member, the skilled doctor, Tony Tony Chopper."

At the same time...

Grand Line, Sandy Island, Alabasta, Rain City, the largest casino, Rain


The underground space of Rain Dinners.

Crocodile sat behind the table, with a cigar in his mouth.

The clock on the table showed that it was ten in the morning.

The time for the mission report had already passed.

"It seems that Mr. 1 has also failed."

A shadow fell over his eyes as he spoke coldly, "Let's move the plan

forward, Miss All Sunday."

"Yes, Mr. O."

Robin nodded, smiled, and picked up a Den Den Mushi to contact the

other members...

Chapter 65 Advanced Armament

Haki, Emission! A Silver Light

Across The Sky

The Straw Hat Crew warmly welcomed the arrival of the ship's doctor.

Having a doctor on board was truly reassuring, and Chopper, the talking

reindeer, was especially popular.

While everyone was welcoming Chopper, Luffy approached Nami with a

question, "Nami, is the magnetic force on this island fully charged?"

Nami glanced at her Grand Compass and nodded, "After one night, the

compass has stabilized. We can set sail anytime. Luffy, are we leaving


"Let's go," Luffy replied. He turned around, smiling at Dr. Kureha and Mr.

Dalton who were seeing them off.

"Thank you, Dr. Kureha, Mr. Dalton," Luffy said with gratitude.

"Have a safe journey," Kureha smiled, and Dalton offered his blessings.

Then, he remembered something and quickly added, "A pirate named Ace

came here before. He entrusted me with a message for someone named

Luffy. He will be waiting in Alabasta for ten days. That person should be

you, right?"

"It's me," Luffy confirmed.

Sanji, who was pulling up the anchor, looked curious and asked, "Ace?

Who's that?"

Luffy explained casually, "He's the son of the Pirate King, Roger. He is my

adopted brother, and now he's the captain of the second division of the

Four Emperors, Whitebeard Pirates."

The scene fell silent, the only sound being the howling wind and

snow.Learning that Luffy had a brotherly connection with the son of the

Pirate King left them all in shock.

Usopp couldn't accept it and exclaimed, "Ah, ah, ah, ah!! The son of the

Pirate King?! Luffy! How many incredible relatives do you have!?"

Luffy laughed and waved his hand, beckoning everyone to board the

ship. "Alright, everyone, let's set sail!"

The group was still in disbelief. Dalton was dumbfounded, his mind

overloaded by this revelation.

"That kid who ate the free meal turns out to be Roger's son?" Dalton

muttered incredulously, shaking his head.

Dr. Kureha thoughtfully remarked, "It's unbelievable. The government

back then killed countless pregnant women around the world, including

some newborn babies, all wiped out. They actually left behind


After some preparations, the four of them were ready to set sail.

At that moment, a strangely shaped large ship approached from the river.

Its oval-shaped hull resembled a hippo's head with a crown. The ship had

a mast, flying the pirate flag, and gear-like structures on both sides,

indicating it was a steamship capable of sailing without wind.

A man wearing thick winter clothing jumped down from the ship, and he

was none other than Wapol, the former king.

"I'm finally back, my homeland, my beautiful country, your king has

returned! Cheer!" Wapol exclaimed.

Seeing Wapol, Dalton's expression turned ugly. "You have the audacity to

come back!"

Soldiers from the ship gathered behind Wapol, and he noticed Dalton

among the crowd, mocking, "Isn't this the captain of my kingdom's


The bearded man with an explosive hairstyle behind Wapol reprimanded,

"What's wrong with you people? When you see His Majesty the King, why

aren't you kneeling and paying respects?"

Vivi couldn't contain her anger, "You have the nerve to come back? The

country was attacked by pirates, but you abandoned the citizens and fled

to sea with your people. You have no right to call yourself a king!"

"Who is this woman?" Wapol frowned, feeling somewhat familiar.

Luffy patted Vivi's shoulder and walked towards Wapol, saying, "You

guys better not mess with him. He's a king recognized by the World

Government. It's okay; I'll lend you a hand, after all... I'm a pirate."

Soldiers behind Wapol, as well as two fighters, stepped forward, but

before they could make any moves, a wave of Conqueror's Haki swept

through the crowd.

In an instant, everyone except Wapol fell to the ground with their eyes

rolled back.

"Who... who are you?!" Wapol was shocked. "Daring to attack me, do you

know what you're doing? I am the king of the Drum Kingdom..."

"I am your father!" Luffy grinned and unleashed a punch imbued with

Armament Haki, smashing Wapol's round chin.

Wapol spat blood, screaming in agony, and was sent flying, landing

directly in the sea, sinking as a Devil Fruit user.

Dalton stood there with his mouth agape in shock.

"No need to thank me. You can report to the World Government that the

Straw Hat Pirates attacked the Drum Kingdom and killed the former king,


Luffy waved his hand and leaped onto the Sunny, saying with a smile,

"Goodbye, future king of Drum Island. The rest of you can handle it

however you want."

Dalton was shaken in his heart. "Mr. Luffy..."

"Hehehe~" Dr. Kureha chuckled and rubbed her forehead. "Such pirate-

like style. Goodbye, Monkey D. Luffy. Stay healthy, Chopper!"

Chopper burst into tears, crying and howling towards the sky.

Luffy grinned. "Set sail, everyone!"

Three days later, in the morning, Luffy walked onto the deck, stretching

lazily in the sea breeze. According to Vivi's estimation, it would take

about 2 more days to reach Alabasta.

He opened the adventure shop and, after many days, finally found a Haki

fruit. He bought and ate it.

[Armament Haki]: Iv4→lv5

This time, not only did his Haki increase, but he also mastered a new

ability: "Emission." Clasping his fist, he wrapped Haki around it, and the

red Haki seemed to flow. It was similar to Observation Haki and was

called "Mind Network" on Sky Island.

Luffy's combat power had undergone a significant change with "Internal

Destruction," an advanced way of using Armament Haki that could

destroy an object's interior, ignoring its defense.

[Internal Destruction]: It can emit Armament Haki, penetrate the surface

of an object, and directly destroy its interior. It was a game-changing


Kaido, a famous figure in the New World, had once said: "Haki surpasses


Nami, Vivi, and Luffy discussed the situation regarding Alabasta, and

Luffy decided to fly Vivi to Alabasta to help her father. He reassured

them that he could maintain his Nika form indefinitely as long as there

was sunlight.

With that, Luffy transformed and took off with Vivi, leaving the crew to

sail to Alabasta.

In Alabasta's capital, Alubarna, tensions rose as the rebellion escalated.

King Cobra faced questions from the Marines, and "Black Cage" Hina

expressed concern over the situation.

In a port city called Oil Flower Port, Ace was dining at a restaurant when

he heard commotion outside about the rebellion. Ignoring the chaos, he

continued eating until he suddenly fell face-first into his plate.

As Ace slept soundly in his plate, the owner, realizing that Ace was just

asleep, decided to leave him be and hurriedly left the restaurant.

Chapter 66 Luffy Meets Ace, Ace:

Is This My Sister-In-Law?

In a certain place above the sea water.

Luffy cradled Vivi in his arms, his muscles rippling as they soared

through the skies toward the Alabasta Kingdom from an altitude of over

4,000 meters.

With each step, a white flame erupted beneath their feet, propelling them

at an incredible velocity, leaving a distinct trail across the heavens.

They maintained this extraordinary speed for a brief moment before

gradually decelerating and leaping again, repeating the process.

For the Going Merry and the Thousand Sunny, the journey would span

two days and two nights, but with Luffy in his Gear Second form, they

would reach their destination in a mere twenty minutes.

Even this was a deliberate reduction in speed, as Luffy could, if he

wished, disregard his physical limits and make the trip in as little as five


"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah~~~"

Vivi tightly shut her eyes and let out a terrified scream.

She buried her head in Luffy's chest, her voice trembling as she said, "L-

Luffy-san, could you please slow down a bit? It's too fast!"

With a playful grin, Luffy responded, "If you don't squeeze me so tight, I

can go even faster."

However, he did ease up a little. After all, if the princess wasn't in a

hurry, neither was he.

Feeling the wind's force diminishing, Vivi caught her breath and gingerly

cracked her eyes open.

The first thing she saw was the face of the man holding her.

His gaze remained unwavering, his forehead glistening with sweat, and

his breath slightly heavier from the exertion.

Vivi bit her lip, a tender emotion tugging at her heart. She understood

the tremendous danger he was putting himself in. As a Devil Fruit user,

he risked falling into the sea if he overexerted his stamina.

The consequences of such a fall would be beyond imagination.

However, despite this dire situation, he hadn't hesitated for a moment.

He had carried her away swiftly, selflessly.

"I'm sorry, Luffy-san. I must be causing you a lot of trouble," Vivi said,

her voice gentle, like a refreshing spring. "I'm scared myself."

"I'm not tired," Luffy replied with a laugh, shaking his head. He wiped

away some sweat from his forehead. The real reason for his sweat was

the warmth from their close embrace. Vivi had been holding on tightly,

and it was only natural for both of them to feel the heat.

But when Vivi heard his response, it took on a deeper meaning.

["are you trying to be strong, not wanting to worry me."]

Vivi felt deeply touched. If it weren't for her pretense of being

preoccupied with national affairs, she would have been even more


["I understand now, I won't be afraid! This height is nothing!" she said,

taking a deep breath and sounding more determined.]

"Mr. Luffy, please accelerate to the fullest, I can handle any speed!" she


"Are you sure? Even I might not be able to control it if I go all out, I

might end up hurting you," Luffy replied.

"Please accelerate!" Vivi said earnestly.

["If you run out of stamina , I'll carry you!"] she thought to herself. She

knew the Moonwalk technique, although she had never tried carrying

someone while using it. But if something unexpected happened, she

would definitely endure it.

"In that case, I'll speed up," Luffy said.

With a thought from Luffy, Haki formed an invisible shield around him.

In an instant, a white flame cloud appeared beneath their feet, larger

than before.


After a loud roar, their speed reached a new limit.

The sound couldn't catch up with them at this moment and was left


Supersonic speed!

But it only lasted for less than a second before quickly fading.

Vivi nervously held her breath and looked down at the sea below. In the

blink of an eye, the Sea Kings that had surfaced disappeared.

But she didn't feel the wind pressure; it was blocked by Haki.

Vivi's eyes trembled slightly. She gradually withdrew her gaze and stared

blankly at the face that was close to her. Then she closed her eyes and

rested her head on his chest.

In silence, time passed.

"I can see it, Alabasta," Luffy said softly.

The distant island rapidly expanded in their field of vision until, with a

loud crash, they collided with it directly.

To be precise, it collided with a building.

A port city. Inside a restaurant.

Ace suddenly raised his head, his face covered in grains of fried rice from

the desert.

He rubbed his eyes and became slightly more awake.

"Not good, I fell asleep again. Huh? Where's the boss?"

Not seeing the boss, he didn't pay much attention and lifted the spoon to

his mouth.

While chewing the delicious fried rice, he silently released his

observation haki.

He heard many sounds.

The panicked voices of the people, sweet words from some individuals,

the sound of the military running in formation, and in the distance, the

sound of horse hooves.

"It's really chaotic. When will Luffy come? Maybe he didn't take this

magnetic route? Only a one in seven chance."

Departing from wisky peak, among the seven magnetic routes, only one

route passes through Alabasta.

"Just a few more days... Huh?"

Ace was about to put away his observation haki when suddenly, a

tremendous aura entered his detection range, as if a sun had appeared in

the dark night, impossible to ignore.

His eating motion froze.

"What is it?"

He looked up in astonishment, towards the position above and to the


In that instant.


The ceiling of the restaurant shattered, and a figure fell, raising a cloud

of dust.

Everything happened too quickly.

From sensing the intruding aura with his observation haki, to looking up

towards the position above and to the side.

In just that short motion, the other party had already arrived in front of


The bar counter in the restaurant shattered from the impact, and the food

on the table fell to the ground.

"So fast!!!"

Ace maintained the motion of lifting the spoon, stunned for several

seconds before suddenly snapping back to reality, his sharp gaze fixed on

the back of the bar counter.

The dust began to settle, revealing the intruders bit by bit.

There were two of them—a man and a woman.

The man held the woman protectively, landing gracefully with slightly

bent knees to absorb the impact. Astonishingly, despite the intense force,

the ground beneath them remained undamaged.

No, it was more than that—it was as if the ground had temporarily

softened. It resembled rubber, yielding to the force and sinking slightly

before slowly bouncing back, returning to its original state.

Ace's mouth hung open in astonishment, his gaze slowly shifting upward,

all his attention focused on the man.


His eyes widened, and he instinctively called out Luffy's name.

But the word "ffy" couldn't come out and he stopped again.

The silver figure resembled Luffy from his memory, but also different.


Luffy also paused for a moment, only then did he notice someone sitting

next to his landing point.


Ace blurted out in disbelief, "Is it really you?"

Luffy was equally surprised to have run into him.

Vivi, trembling with her two delicate eyebrows, slowly opened her eyes

and happened to see Ace.

"Mr. Luffy, have we... arrived?" she asked in a low voice, still shaken.

It was only when she spoke that Ace finally shifted his attention to her.

The man held the woman, and the woman held the man.

Anyone would think the same in this situation.

"Is this my sister-in-law?"

Ace was first taken aback, then grinned.

After three years, his idiot little brother actually had a woman, no, it

should be said, a woman who liked Luffy?!


["As the older brother, it is important to have manners at this time and

leave a good impression on my sister-in-law. I can't ruin my younger

brother's relationship."]

Thinking of this, he quickly stood up and bowed ninety degrees:

"Hello, I'm Ace. It seems you've been looking after my not-so-competent

younger brother."


Vivi looked confused and instinctively waved her hand, saying blankly,

"Actually, Mr. Luffy has been the one taking care of me."

After speaking, she cast a bewildered look at Luffy, silently seeking his


Luffy was silent for a while before speaking:

"Why don't you come down first?"

"Ah, sorry~"

Vivi blushed and quickly got out of Luffy's arms.

"This is Ace. I mentioned him briefly on Drum Island. He is my brother

from when I was a child."

Luffy explained to Vivi first, then introduced Ace: "She is Princess Vivi of



Pirates and princesses?

Ace looked surprised. Could it be that this guy kidnapped her?

One of the things pirates love to do is go and capture princesses.

It's not uncommon for princesses to be kidnapped by pirates and sold as


However, upon closer inspection, these two seem to have a good

relationship and a close attitude.

["I'm overthinking it.

How could Luffy do such a thing!"]

"Long time no see, Luffy!"

Whether she is a princess or not, it doesn't matter. Ace grinned and

reached out his hand.

"Long time no see."

Luffy slapped his hand and shook hands with him.

At the next moment, the two began to compete in grip strength.

But obviously, facing Luffy in his Nika form, Ace was no match at all.

"You've grown, Luffy. By the way, what's with your appearance?"

"It's a long story, and I doubt you're interested."

While saying this, Luffy released his Nika form.

Ace didn't ask further, "I'm tracking a man and happened to stop nearby,

so I thought I'd drop by to see you."

["It was you who triggered the Summit War! What kind of strength do

you have to dare to go after Blackbeard..."]

Luffy shook his head, "I don't have time to chat right now. There's

something important I need to do."

Saying this, he glanced at Vivi.

Vivi, who understood the signal, immediately spoke up, "I'm sorry, Mr.

Luffy, Mr. Ace. You've just reunited, and I'm sure you have a lot to talk


She explained the situation in Alabasta.

Ace couldn't bear it when he heard this!

His sister-in-law's matter was his matter!


"A Shichibukai, huh?"]

["What kind of little thief?!"]

"Let's go, Luffy! Vivi! That bastard Crocodile dared to do such a thing, it's


He took the lead and walked towards the door.

Vivi blinked her eyes, wondering how there suddenly was another helper,

and why they were more enthusiastic than her...

"Mr. Luffy, is your brother very strong?"

"He's a Logia user with the Mera-mera Fruit ability, with a bounty of 575

million berries."

Luffy laughed, "He's just average, not as strong as me!"

"I can't just overlook that, Luffy. Once we've handled Crocodile, I'll

challenge you to a match to assess how much you've developed over

these past three years!" Ace's voice resonated from beyond the door.

"Let's go."

Luffy smiled slightly and pulled Vivi along.

It was a completely subconscious action.

Vivi was completely unaware and naturally followed along.

The three of them walked side by side on the street.

The three of them strolled together down the street. As Ace observed

them holding hands, he nodded in silence.

"Hmm, so she must indeed be my sister-in-law. I must have misjudged the

situation. This kid wouldn't resort to kidnapping a princess," Ace mused.

"But then again, how did I miss this earlier? This kid possesses such an

ability?" he wondered.

"Men truly change after three years apart. I must see him in a new light!"

Ace thought to himself.

The sheer strength that had descended from the sky earlier had been

enough to astonish him. It was possible that he might not even be able to

surpass Luffy at this point.

"So, my brother, you're the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' Second

Division now, right?"

"That's right, what about it? Do you wanna join too?"

Hearing Luffy's question, Ace smiled and extended an invitation.

["I'm not interested in being someone's son. I already have a no where to

be seen dad"]

"Listen to my advice, quickly resign from the position of the Second

Division captain," Luffy said seriously.

"Why?" Ace was taken aback.

"Do you know who the previous Second Division captain was?"

"Kozuki Oden."

When Ace first took over as captain, he didn't know who the previous

captain was, but he got the info later.

He looked at Luffy in confusion.

"Kozuki Oden. Do you dare to take on this position? This position is


Luffy shook his head.

How did Kozuki Oden die? He was boiled in oil and shot.

How did Ace die? In the Summit War, he was punched through the chest

by Admiral Akainu while protecting Luffy.

But this is just superficial!

In reality, both of them can be said to die useless or stupid death.

If Ace didn't block that attack, Luffy definitely wouldn't die. How could

the protagonist die? Maybe he would awaken the Sun God on the spot!

He doesn't have to die either.

The position of the vice captain of the second team must be cursed.

The two of them chatted along the way, and Vivi just listened silently,

not daring to interrupt.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that Luffy had been holding

her hand all along, and her face turned red as she started to daydream,

losing interest in interrupting.

"Speaking of which, where are you taking us?"

After walking for a while, Luffy suddenly asked.

"I've only been in this country for a few days too. Where is Crocodile?"

"what the! you don't know the way and still lead us around, Ace, you're

an idiot."

"Hahaha, don't worry, that guy's goal is to steal this country, right? He'll

definitely show up in the capital. Let's go there directly and wait for


Ace laughed, "By the way, we can also meet Vivi's father. You should

behave well then, good luck!"

Upon hearing this, Vivi finally came to her senses and immediately

remembered her father being assassinated yesterday.

"I'm very worried about my father's situation. If we want go to Alubarna

from here, it's in this direction...."

She pointed to the north.

"It's about 220 kilometers to reach the capital. Mr. Luffy, let's go to the

capital first!"

Luffy had no objections to this.

"Then let's go."

Immediately, the three of them headed towards the direction of the

capital on foot.

Thinking about Vivi's father... Nefertari Cobra.

No, the correct name is Nefertari D. Cobra.

Luffy also happened to have a place he was very interested in and wanted

to ask about it.

This question was more interesting than Crocodile.

Chapter 67 Ace's Shock! Mera-

Mera Fruit, Dogs Don't Eat

Alabasta is a desert country. After leaving the port city, it didn't take long

to enter the vast desert.

Even in the morning, the sun in the sky still made people sweat

profusely, with temperatures reaching forty to fifty degrees.

The sunlight shining on the sand dunes created a mirage-like distortion in

the atmosphere.

Luffy had to take off his coat, leaving only a relatively cool outfit.

"Luffy, let me carry it for you."

Vivi took the clothes that Luffy had taken off.

Luffy, of course, didn't hesitate to hand over the coat to Vivi.

Seeing the girl's troubled face, he said, "Don't worry, your father will be


"Yes, thank you for your kind words."

"Crocodile has two goals, one is this country, and the other is the Ancient

Weapon Pluton buried in this country. He won't kill your father not until

he gets what he wants."

Luffy added a sentence.

He mentioned the Pluton matter when he met Robin at Whisky Peak.

Vivi certainly knew, but only knew a little bit.

Now, hearing him say this, she immediately felt much better. At least for

a short time, her father wouldn't be in danger.

At this moment, Ace couldn't help but say, "Is it still far?"

"According to our speed, we should arrive at the capital tomorrow


Vivi held Luffy's coat and whispered, "If we can find a few camels or

horses, we could arrive by three or four in the afternoon."

In the vast desert, there were obviously no camels, let alone horses.

There was only sand in the desert, as far as the eye could see.

Ace looked at Luffy and grinned, "Luffy, let's have a race, just like when

we were kids, let's see who can reach the capital first!"

"Just a race isn't interesting enough. The loser has to promise the winner

a condition," Luffy also laughed.

["You think you can beat me? With your limited heat version Mera-Mera


3...2...1!" Ace laughed heartily and, as the countdown ended, he ran out


["You foolish brother, you even have to bring a girl with you. I've already


["What conditions should I propose?"]

Ace, who took the first step, has already started thinking about the

reward after winning.

"Mr. Luffy..." Vivi said dumbfoundedly.

Luffy has already assumed a half-squat position and turned around to

signal, "What are you waiting for, come up quickly."


["Do you want to compete with your brother, while carrying me on your


Vivi glanced at Ace, who had already run a distance, and immediately

leaned on Luffy's back, her delicate face slightly blushing:

"I'm sorry, if we lose, let me take the punishment instead~"

"I won't lose!" Luffy exerted force under his feet and instantly rushed out.

Ace, who was originally in the lead, turned his head and saw that Luffy

had caught up with his sister-in-law on his back.

"Luffy! When did you become so fast!?" Ace widened his eyes.

"Hahaha, you're a Logia, and you want to compete with me, a Zoan, in

terms of physical ability?"


In the time it took to say a sentence, he had already surpassed Ace.

"Aren't you the one who ate the Rubber Fruit?" Ace was dumbfounded.

"It's the Zoan·Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika. Rubber Fruit is another

name for it."

Luffy's voice came, but his figure was getting farther away.

Damn, this is too unfair! Not only a Zoan, but also a Mythical one!

Ace was surprised. After three years of not seeing each other, was he

going to lose to that Luffy, the one who had never beaten him before?

This is unacceptable!

Where will the big brother's face go?

"Flame Car!"

In an instant, his body burst into flames, like a flaming car accelerating

and sprinting.

In the blink of an eye, not only did he catch up with Luffy, but he also

surpassed him.

"Hahaha, don't accuse me of cheating, Luffy. Zoan inherently strengthens

the physique, it's like you using your ability, me using it once is not

considered cheating. In the end, I'm still the winner!"

Very well, you forced me.

Fifth gear, engage!

Luffy instantly entered Gear Second, his silver-white form resembling a

gust of wind, and quickly caught up to Ace.

"Sorry, Ace, I have already awakened. You can't possibly beat me."

He wasn't leading by much, just a little faster than Ace.

Just like back in Loguetown, where Garp's Haki was only slightly

stronger than his.

Awakening? Devil Fruit awakening!?

Ace's eyes widened.

"That form you used in the restaurant just now, it was your awakened


He was totally shocked.

In just three years, Luffy had awakened his Devil Fruit!

No, I can't lose!

Ace gritted his teeth and accelerated again, holding onto Luffy tightly,

refusing to be shaken off.

Occasionally, he would surpass Luffy, but quickly be overtaken again.

The two of them chased each other, running towards the direction of the


They could compete in a race while chatting.

Clearly, neither of them had truly exerted their full power.

Vivi, who was lying on Luffy's back, was also infected by the relaxed

atmosphere between the two, and her anxiety gradually disappeared,

replaced by a smile on her face.

"Go, Mr. Luffy!"

Several hours later, at noon.

Alubarna, the capital of the kingdom.

As the capital of the kingdom, this city was built on high ground.

The surrounding walls were towering, with only four long staircases in

the southeast, northwest directions leading to the elevated city.

As an ancient city with a long history, Alabasta's capital naturally had a

history of thousands of years.

Due to the assassination attempt on the king yesterday, the capital was

currently under martial law, with heavy guards stationed at the entrance

of the southern gate.

Suddenly, a thick sandstorm came from the distance in the desert, and

two figures rapidly approached.

The captain of the royal army responsible for guarding the southern gate

immediately became nervous.

"All units, attention!"

He issued a loud command, and all the soldiers assumed a vigilant


"Stop right there! The capital has been under martial law for the past few

days. No one is allowed to enter...?"

Before the squad leader could finish speaking, the two figures had

already passed through the soldiers' formation like a gust of wind.

"Wait!" The squad leader exclaimed in shock, immediately shouting,

"Chase them!"

Lying on Luffy's back, Vivi turned around and shouted, "I'm sorry, please

continue to hold your positions!"

"Vivi... Princess Vivi!?"

Only now did the soldiers recognize Vivi, and they looked at each other

in disbelief.

The princess who had been missing for two years... had returned?

Not to mention the guards' reactions.

Carrying Vivi on his back, Luffy was the first to set foot on the ground of

the capital.

"I won, Ace."

He didn't cheat either. He didn't use the power of the Sun Fruit to restore

his strength, so he was really out of breath at the moment.

Ace was also tired, supporting himself with his hands on his knees, and

smiled, "I'm really impressed. Mythical Zoan users are indeed monsters in

terms of stamina."

Vivi got off Luffy's back and became anxious, "Mr. Luffy, Mr. Ace, let's go

to the palace to see my father first."

The three of them quickly arrived at the front of the palace.

After Vivi revealed her identity, she was immediately invited into the


And this scene happened to be seen by nearby Marines.

"Colonel Hina, that's Princess Vivi, Straw Hat Luffy, and Fire Fist Ace!" a

Marine exclaimed in surprise.

What kind of lineup is this?

The princess and the pirates together?

And not only the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp, the captain of the Straw

Hat Pirates, but also the captain of the Second Division of the Four

Emperors Whitebeard's crew?

Hina, with a cigarette in her mouth, watched the three of them enter the


"Princess Vivi is the informant. Admiral Sengoku asked me to contact her.

She has evidence of Crocodile's crimes."

"But what about the pirates?"

Hina was very puzzled~

Hina frowned, wondering what exactly was happening in this country.

"You all stay here!" she said, leaving the others behind as she followed


The palace.

The grand bathhouse.

Since they were covered in sweat, Vivi arranged a nice bath for Luffy and


Meanwhile, Vivi herself was anxious to see her father and confirm the

king's safety.

The two of them soaked in the cool pool water, finally feeling relieved

from the heat.

"It seems like the king is fine," Ace said with a satisfied tone, finally

relieved from the scorching heat.

As users of Devil Fruit abilities, would feel weakened if half of their

bodies were submerged in water, as the water in this world contained a

substance, which was the natural enemy of Devil Fruit ability.

Of course, both Ace and Luffy had a certain level of resistance to it, so it

wasn't a big problem.

Especially Luffy, who had eaten the Awakened Nika fruit, had a high

level of resistance to this substance.

Even if his whole body was submerged in water, he could still have the

ability to move for a short period of time.

"No, the king might not be safe," Luffy continued to use his Observation

Haki, paying attention to the situation inside the palace.

"There are many undercover agents in the palace guard," he said.

Ace was taken aback and also used his Observation Haki, hearing some

subtle voices.

"It's Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat Luffy!"

"What a perfect opportunity! Let's kill Princess Vivi and frame these two


"Impressive, Mr. 2!"

The voices came from the direction of the king's palace.

"Oh no, Vivi is in danger!" Ace's expression changed.

"It's Mr. 2, the user of the Clone-Clone Fruit. He perfectly replicated the

situation in Wano Country," Luffy chuckled, getting up from the bath.

"Ace, I'll take care of it. Join me after you finish bathing," he said.

"Do you need help?"

"It's just a little rat."

Luffy put on the clothes prepared by Vivi for them and then walked out.

The royal palace.

The palace where the king usually receives guests.


Vivi looked at the unharmed Cobra, and her nervousness instantly


Cobra stood up from the king's throne, walked down the steps with an

excited face, and said,

"Vivi, you're finally back! I thought something happened to you!"

"I'm sorry, father. Two years ago, I infiltrated an organization with

Igaram and investigated some truths about the domestic rebellion."

Vivi said angrily,

"Behind all this, is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile!"

"In these years, there have been constant appearances of pirates, and

every time he intervened and resolved the situation, the people also

regarded him as a hero."

"But this is just a facade. It's his plan. He secretly controls a criminal

organization called Baroque Works, with the goal of stealing the power of

this country!"

"He also used a banned substance called Dance Powder to block all the

rainwater in the country, causing the country to have no rain for three


"The purpose is to make the people resent and be dissatisfied with you,


Vivi emotionally exposed Crocodile's conspiracy and tricks.

Cobra was showed surprise after hearing this.

"Is that so? So that's how it is."

He walked down the stairs and came in front of Vivi.

"I know, I know. I'm really grateful to them for escorting you all the way

back to me!"

Cobra's mouth gradually curved upwards, and his expression became evil.

"Boss already guessed it would turn out like this, so please die, Princess


While saying this, Cobra suddenly made a move.

"Transvestite Fist: Exploding Swan!"

A kick from under his loose robe, targeting Vivi's forehead.


Vivi's pupils contracted. No, this is not father, this is... an assassin from

Baroque Works!


This kick abruptly stopped five centimeters in front of Vivi.

"Mr. Luffy!" Vivi exclaimed in shock.

Luffy calmly held onto the foot that was kicked towards him. "The

Baroque Works is everywhere in this palace. The king must have been

taken away."


Mr. 2's face twisted in pain.

He tried to retract his leg, but the opponent's grip was terrifyingly strong,

as if being held by a pair of steel pliers, rendering him unable to move.

"You are Mr. 2, Bentham," Luffy grinned. "Where is your boss? Where is

Vivi's father?"

How did he expose himself?

Mr. 2 was extremely puzzled. He had just made a move, and the

opponent appeared.

This couldn't be a coincidence. It meant that he had been exposed from

the beginning. Perhaps the opponent had been hiding on the side,

waiting for him to make a move.

"How did you know...!"

He reverted to his original appearance by dispelling his transformation.

In a ballet costume, he appeared as a man but was dressed as a

transvestite, sporting heavy makeup on his face and false eyelashes.

Unleashing his move, he shouted, "Transvestite Fist: Tip Kick!" Bentham

aimed to use an offensive approach as a defense to push Luffy back.

However, Luffy swiftly seized him and flung Bentham around like a rag,

forcefully slamming him into the ground with a resounding bang. The

impact caused the ground to crack, leaving Bentham with a bruised and

swollen face.

"Tell me, where is Crocodile?"

Faced with the questioning, Bentham grimaced in pain, showing no

interest in answering.

Luffy, on the other hand, appreciated this loyal subordinate and promptly

gave him a kick as a reward.

Haki: Coating!


The kick landed on Bentham's stomach.

With a splutter, he suddenly spat out blood and fainted on the spot.

"Do you think I have no other choice, than asking you?Who do you think

you're looking down on?"

Luffy took out the Den Den Mushi he carried with him and dialed a


"Mr. Luffy..." It was only at this moment that Vivi snapped out of her

daze, sweating nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm here. You won't have any problems, relax."

In the midst of their conversation, the Den Den Mushi connected.

"Who is it?"

"Where are you?"

"Captain Luffy?"

The voice became slightly cheerful, then quickly answered, "In the

underground mausoleum of the palace, Mr. Cobra is here too."


With that, the call was ended.

Turning to Vivi, Luffy asked, "Where is the underground mausoleum of

the palace?"

["That was Miss Robin!"]

Vivi thought to herself and hurriedly said, "I know, Mr. Luffy, come with


She took the initiative to hold Luffy's hand and led him towards the

underground mausoleum.

After experiencing a life-threatening ordeal just now, Vivi only felt safe

when she was holding onto Luffy.

After they left,

Vice Admiral Hina barged in and immediately noticed Bentham lying on

the ground, unconscious and coughing up blood.

"This guy... a bounty of 32 million!"

Thinking this, she suddenly turned around.

"Portgas D. Ace!" Hina gritted her teeth. "Did you do this? What is your


Ace: ( 0...0)

["Luffy, where is he?"]

In the underground mausoleum of the palace.

Crocodile had a cigar in his mouth and narrowed his eyes with a

malicious gaze, glancing at his capable subordinate.

"Who were you talking to, Nico Robin?"

"It's... nothing."

Robin smiled slightly, revealing her enchanting charm.

Chaoter 68 Beating Shichibukai

Violently, So you Are Called Sand

Bag Crocodile?

Crocodile is not deaf.

Between the conversation, he listened attentively and understood every


Revealing his whereabouts to someone?

Crocodile's expression turned cold.

"Straw Hat Luffy?"


Robin didn't hide anything and had a faint smile on her face.

Having long since become indifferent to life and lacking much will to

survive, she also wanted to see what kind of expression Crocodile would


As she expected.

Crocodile's face darkened.

In the past 20 years, as a woman who survived by betraying others, she

was now betraying him again, and he didn't even have any unexpected


As a pirate who dared to seek national power, he never trusted anyone,

including Nico Robin.


No, not really.

They were just in a cooperative relationship.

He needed her knowledge, and she needed the protection of his

Shichibukai title.

Crocodile didn't immediately turn hostile, but instead sneered.

"From Drum Island to Alabasta, even the fastest sailing ship would take

four or five days. What can that kid do even if he knows? He's should still

be drifting on the sea."

"That's true."

Robin nodded, thinking the same. "Back in Whisky Peak, the Straw Hat

captain asked me to tell you something, but I forgot to mention it


After a pause, she lightly laughed. "Pluton is not in Alabasta, it's in Wano


Wano Country, a large country in the New World, is a closed-off nation.

Robin didn't know, but Crocodile did.

That country is currently occupied by one of the Four Emperors, the

Beasts Pirates!

Crocodile's expression became even more unpleasant.

He didn't believe this nonsense, but the other party actually knew about

Pluton, and even knew his purpose for "such a shit".

In an instant, his murderous aura erupted.

Crocodile stared at Robin intently.

"Did you tell him?"

"No, I'm also curious about where he found out. Princess Vivi never knew

about Pluton."

Robin crossed her arms and remained calm.

What's going on?

Crocodile furrowed his brow deeply. Judging from Robin's tone and

expression, she wasn't lying, but of course, it could also be acting.

["If it wasn't this woman who leaked the information, then where did the

Straw Hat find out?"]

["Is Pluton in Wano Country?"]

"Do you believe it?"

Robin's lips curled slightly, finding the current situation very interesting.

The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates is truly an interesting person.

Crocodile snorted disdainfully. "A low level thief, the answer will be

revealed soon enough."

Just a few words almost disrupted his rhythm, truly ridiculous.

He shifted his gaze back to Cobra.

"Where is the historical text?"

"I've already told you, it's in this underground tomb."

Cobra's hands were nailed to the wall, blood flowing from his palms. His

face was pale, and his voice weak. "As for Pluton, this country doesn't

have such a thing. No matter how many times you ask, I will answer the


Crocodile grabbed his neck, the moisture in Cobra's body rapidly

depleting. His skin became dry and wrinkled.

"I'll ask again, where is the historical text?"

He needed a specific location.

This underground tomb was extremely vast. As a burial place for the

royal family throughout history, its structure was complex. It wouldn't be

easy to find a stone tablet, and it would waste a lot of time.

Losing a significant amount of moisture, Cobra's voice became hoarse:

"Pluton, what do you plan to do once you have it in your hands? You've

taken this country, what else do you want?"

"At this point, what's the point of asking these questions?"

Crocodile, confident in his victory, laughed. "What I want is not money or

status, but military power! The rumored Ancient Weapon, Pluton, is said

to be a invincible warship capable of destroying an entire island with a

single shot. With it, the World Government can't touch me. I will turn

Alabasta into a military nation."

Most people have never even heard of them, and those who have heard

of them can't be sure if they really exist.

But Crocodile can!

He believed the ancient weapon must be too powerful.

After the laughter, his tone instantly turned cold.

"Do you understand?"

"...Is your goal the World Government?"

Cobra felt shocked.

He had thought that pirates only wanted power, women, money, or

maybe the secret treasure, One Piece.

But Crocodile's ambition clearly went beyond that.

"I have placed a bomb in the capital that is capable of destroying the

entire city. With a killing range of five kilometers, it can instantly wipe

out millions of people living in this city."

Crocodile's tone was icy. "Don't test my patience, Nefertari Cobra."

Upon hearing this, Cobra's expression changed drastically.

"I understand, I will take you there..."

Upon hearing this, Nico Robin crossed her hands in front of her chest.

In the next moment, two hands grew out of the wall and removed the

nail that had been driven into Cobra's palm.

"Lead the way," Robin said with a smile.

"In the deepest part..."

Not long after, Cobra led the two of them to a secret room.

The spacious secret room had only one entrance.

In the center, there was a square stone tablet, covered with ancient

characters that ordinary people couldn't understand, facing the entrance.

"Nico Robin," Crocodile called out.

"Don't call me by that name."

Robin's eyes trembled slightly as she walked slowly to the front of the

historical text, reaching out to touch the ancient court official depicted

on it.

"What does it say on there?"

"It tells an interesting story from history."

Without turning her head, Robin became engrossed in deciphering the


Crocodile clearly wasn't satisfied with this answer and coldly snorted,


"That's not what I asked. Where is Pluton?"

After a moment of silence, Robin nodded slowly and said, "Yes, it

contains information about Pluton. But I'm afraid it will disappoint you.

Straw Hat Captain was right, Pluton is sleeping in Wano Country."

Because someone had informed her of this beforehand, Robin didn't hide

the contents of the historical text at this moment.

She didn't intentionally say irrelevant things like in the original story to

deceive Crocodile.

"What did you say?!"

Crocodile's face turned very ugly. "I'll give you another chance, Nico

Robin. Where is Pluton?"

By this time, Robin had finished reading the contents of the stone tablet.

She turned around slowly, her expression remaining calm, and replied,

"No matter how many times you ask, my answer remains unchanged.

Pluton is located in Wano Country, as recorded here, Crocodile."

Crocodile inhaled deeply, and veins began to protrude on his forehead.

His murderous intent was no longer concealed.

"When?" he demanded.

Robin raised an eyebrow, unperturbed. "When did you join forces with

the Straw Hat Crew?" Crocodile's right palm displayed quicksand flowing

through it.

"I see. So that's how it is. Indeed, your reaction is as expected," Robin

chuckled. "Do you think I'm deceiving you? That I've joined forces with

the Straw Hat Crew with the intention of seizing Pluton for myself. It's

rather amusing."

Robin had no regrets witnessing such an interesting turn of events before

her death.

Next, everything would come to an end.

Crocodile, unable to secure Pluton, had descended into madness. He was

destined to lose his title of Shichibukai.

Would he face imprisonment, attempt an escape, or meet his defeat at the

hands of the Straw Hat captain who would arrive in two days? Regardless

of the outcome, this country would find salvation.

In a fit of rage, Crocodile mercilessly attacked, bellowing, "Die, Nico


His assault with the "Desert Spada," a sand blade formed by his right arm,

possessed the power to cut through steel. Robin, however, made no

attempt to resist. She closed her eyes, reminiscing about her childhood.

Having spent two decades living as a fugitive, the thought of meeting her

end here seemed almost like a release. But suddenly, a hand reached out

and yanked her away, causing the sand blade to miss its mark and slice

through historical texts, leaving no trace.

"What?!" Crocodile's pupils shrink, slowly turning to look at the entrance.

A young man wearing a straw hat has just retracted his extended arm and

saved Nico Robin, whom he wanted to kill.

"Impossible!" he says incredulously, "At least two more days, Straw Hat


Not only is he shocked, but Nico Robin herself is also surprised, her

mouth wide open.

"Captain Luffy?"

Luffy takes off his straw hat and casually throws it to Robin, then walks

towards Crocodile with a smile on his face.

"I've actually been here for quite a while, just wanted to see your reaction

when you found out the result. It's really boring, Crocodile."

As he speaks, another woman rushes out from behind him and quickly

runs to the side of King Cobra.

"Father!" Vivi anxiously looks at her father, who has almost turned into a



"Father!!" Vivi's face is filled with tears.

"He won't die, just give him some water."

Luffy glanced at her and continued to approach Crocodile: "So you're

called Sand Bag Crocodile?"

As he spoke, he stepped forward and entered second gear.

Steam overflowed from his body, and in the next second, he fiercely

attacked Crocodile.

"Although I don't know how you managed to get here in three days, what

can you do...?!"

Crocodile lacked even the interest to dodge, with a mocking smile on his


However, when his fist hit his face, it didn't go through his body as he

had imagined.


A punch shattered his nose, and Crocodile hung like a sandbag, swaying

behind the historical monument.

The back of his head hit the incredibly hard monument, and blood slid

down the monument.

"I can beat you."

Luffy's tone was calm as he continued towards Crocodile: "Stop

pretending to be dead, Shichibukai. Although it's easy to crush an ant, it's

not fun that way. Get up!"


Conqueror's Haki crushed towards Crocodile.

Iv4's Conqueror's Haki erupted with full force, to the extent that it could

even have physical effects.

The entire secret room trembled, dust falling from the ceiling, and the

ground slightly shaking.

Robin was stunned.

Holding the straw hat in her hand, she looked incredulously at

everything happening before her.

Cobra struggled to widen his eyes, staring in astonishment at Luffy's


Who is that?

"Cough... cough... cough..."

Crocodile slid down from the monument, covering his injured face, and

muttered through gritted teeth: "Haki!!"

In this sea area, in the first half of the Grand Line, in a place like

Alabasta, he actually encountered a user of Haki!

Monkey D. Luffy!

This guy is different from ordinary rookie pirates!

This bastard comes from a prestigious family, his grandfather is even a

Marine hero, so it's normal for him to master Haki!

"Don't get too arrogant, you newcomer!" Crocodile's eyes gleamed with

sharpness, and in the blink of an eye, his body dispersed like flowing


Upon reappearing, he had already positioned himself behind Luffy.

"Crescent Moon Sand Dune!"

With a swing of his single arm, an area swept by his arm generated a

crescent-shaped sand blade.

"Is that all?" Luffy responded with a palm strike from a distance.

Empowering his attack with Armament Haki, the release of his Haki

instantly shattered the sand blade and pierced through Crocodile's chest.


Crocodile coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"You're too weak. Where's the aura you had when you faced the Demon

Heir Bullet?"

As he spoke, Luffy delivered another kick.


Crocodile flew out like a ball, flying hundreds of meters away from the

secret room, passing by Robin, and breaking several stone pillars along

the way.

Robin had a stunned expression on her face.

"Captain Luffy."

Seeing Luffy walk past her and continue towards Crocodile, Robin

instinctively called out.

"If you want to die, why not come with me to find the complete history

and die together?"

Luffy took the straw hat from Robin's hand and put it on her head.

"I'll mark you. You're already mine. Don't go looking for death so easily.

If you die, it'll give me a headache."

["Without you, how am I supposed to find Laugh Tale?"]

["Should I go find Kozuki Oden's grave?"]

Without wasting any more words, Luffy continued to pursue Crocodile as

if he were taking a leisurely stroll.

Robin touched the straw hat on her head, looking somewhat absent-


Although they had only met once before, this was their second encounter.

But there was a strange sense of familiarity.

It was as if the other person had known her for a long time.

Coming back to her senses, Robin took out a can of water and walked up

to Vivi.

"Here let him drink some water."

"Miss Robin, thank you!"

On the other side.

Crocodile, who had been beaten up, was in a critical condition.

After breaking several stone pillars in succession, he was lying on the

ground in pain, his face contorted.

"How is this possible! It's actually such a powerful Armament Haki!"

He covered his chest, supporting his body with one hand, while spitting

blood and angrily thinking.

At his age, how did he cultivate Armament Haki to an advanced level?

And this brat even has Conqueror's Haki!

Haki was not unfamiliar to him.

20 years ago, he had mastered this power.

However, over the years, he had been lurking in the Grand Line, without

any enemies that required him to use Haki.

Just the Logia Sand-Sand Fruit alone was enough to crush anyone who

opposed him.

Logia was synonymous with invincibility in front of those without Haki.

However, the more one relied on Devil Fruit powers, the more negligent

they became in training Haki, like rowing against the current, falling

behind instead of advancing.

Now, he had even forgotten how to use the most basic Observation Haki

and Armament Haki.

He looked up and saw Luffy, wearing the straw hat, approaching step by


Crocodile endured the pain all over his body and staggered to his feet.

"Don't be too arrogant, you Lowly pirate!"

Chapter 69 Defense-Breaking

Crocodile! Luffy And The Ace

Brothers Infighting?

After catching its prey, a cat usually plays around with it, treating the

prey as a toy.

Crocodile was extremely angry. He knew that he was now being treated

as a toy on the spot.

This kid had the power to defeat him in the first move.

With advanced Armament Haki, once he used a technique that caused

internal damage, it would be enough to crush his internal organs.

"Don't be too arrogant, lowly pirate!"

Crocodile staggered to his feet, raising his hand to wipe away the blood

from the corner of his mouth, his face gloomy.

"You, in your current state, dare to call others lowly ?"

Luffy was not only not angry, but he even wanted to laugh.

The only place this guy could show off was with his mouth.

"Do you know, Crocodile, there is a very interesting behavior in

psychology." Luffy remained calm and approached the other person

slowly. "The words that are unconsciously spoken when someone's

defenses are broken are often the ones that hurt themselves the most.

The person who insults others naively believes that the words that hurt

them the most can also hurt others equally.

In the online flame wars of the past, whenever someone's defenses were

broken, this kind of spectacle could often be seen.

"It's you who is arrogant, Crocodile. Deep down, you believe that you are

a lowly pirate, no, you are afraid of being called a lowly pirate by


With this analysis, Luffy suddenly discovered a blind spot and asked with

great interest,

"Who insulted you before? Who hurt you?"

Lies don't hurt, the truth does!

Crocodile's temples throbbed.

The pain he felt from being hit just now was only physical, but these few

words felt like a sharp blade piercing his heart.

"It seems like you really want to die!"

His voice was cold. He pressed his right hand against the ground and

launched his ultimate move without hesitation.

"Erosion Reincarnation!"

Having established an underground tomb for at least eight hundred

years, at this moment, the power of the sandstorm began to spread from

the ground his palm touched.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth shook and the mountains trembled.

The power to turn heavy walls and pillars into sand, even pulverizing

rocks, turned everything around into a world of sand.

Sand, that was his reign!

"Desert King's Treasure Sword!"

In the next moment, Crocodile swung his right arm forcefully.

The desert-like ground suddenly began to flow, as if there was something

beneath the sand. In an instant, it shot out and transformed into a huge

sand blade, approaching Luffy.

Not only did it possess the power to cut through steel, but it could also

instantly turn any object it touched into sand.

Nothing is invincible!

However, Luffy simply extended his hand and easily blocked the sand


"Attacks like this can be easily suppressed with just one hand. Is there

anything new?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luffy's five fingers suddenly clenched.

With a loud bang, he crushed the sand blade in his hand.

Desert Great Sword!"

Crocodile's body suddenly disintegrated into sand, merging with the

surrounding sand.

Immediately, the sand under Luffy's feet bound his ankles tightly, like a

black hole.

At the same time, the flowing sand in the surrounding area turned into

four sharp blades, converging from the front, back, left, and right

directions to attack Luffy in the center.

The move that cut Akainu in half from the summit war?

The attack speed was very fast, but that was all.

With a slight movement, Luffy easily broke free from the restraints. The

four desert great swords converged together, but they had already lost

their target.

Underground tomb.


The ground suddenly turned into sand, quickly condensing into the form

of Crocodile.

The cigar in his mouth had already been knocked away by Luffy, and his

face was covered in blood as he covered his wounds and tried to escape.

"Little thief... You're really tough! That move just now probably won't

work, at most it can only hold him back for a few seconds!"

["Fight? Can't win."]

In the moment Luffy displayed his advanced armament haki, Crocodile


With his current strength, he couldn't possibly win.

Unless he went back 20 years ago, when he was still a spirited newcomer,

maybe then he could have a showdown.

But over the years, Haki's neglect has caused his strength to decline.

Bullying those who don't possess ArmamentHaki is one thing, but going

up against Straw Hat Luffy, who has mastered advanced Armament Haki,

he wouldn't stand a chance even after a hundred fights.

Alabasta is no longer a place to stay.

"Pluton... Could it really be in Wano Country?"

That place is Four Emperors Kaido's territory. It seems necessary to

infiltrate and investigate.

Contemplating his next move, Crocodile gasped for breath and quickly

fled the tomb.

However, just as the exit was within sight, a figure flashed before him,

and Straw Hat Luffy appeared.

"Do you really think you can escape?"

Luffy's mouth curled into a mocking smile.

Playing cat and mouse, it would be a joke if the mouse managed to


Crocodile paused, his face turning ugly.

Just then, a sound came from not far away.

"Even if I bet my Marine uniform, I won't let you get away, Fire Fist Ace!"

It was a female voice.

Luffy glanced sideways.

Ace was quickly running towards them, shouting as he ran,

"Luffy, there you are! I found you!"

Then, he saw Crocodile and grinned.

"It seems I'm not late. Step aside, Luffy. I'll take care of this guy! Consider

it a welcome gift for my sister-in-law!"


Luffy was momentarily stunned. Was he talking about Vivi?

"Fire Fist!"

Ace leaped into the air and landed a powerful punch with his right fist,

creating a massive flaming fist that descended upon Crocodile.


In an instant, the flames that fell from the sky engulfed the surroundings

in a blaze.

"Ace, this is someone's grave. Are you going to disturb Vivi's family

tomb?" Luffy looked helpless.

Lightly falling in front of him, Ace raised his head and adjusted the

smiley face and crying face hat on his head. He grinned and said, "Let's

switch opponents, I'll leave that Marine to you! Don't worry, I'll leave him


Even in his prime state, Crocodile probably wouldn't be a match for Ace,

let alone now that he's heavily injured. After all, Ace has Conqueror's


Of course, like Crocodile, Ace also has a flaw of relying too much on his

Devil Fruit power and not focusing enough on Haki.

Shaking his head, Luffy turned around and faced the Marines.

The two brothers stood back to back, each dealing with their own


"Straw Hat Luffy!"

Hina quickly ran over and when she saw Luffy, her expression wasn't

very good.

As the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp, she was only allowed to capture


She didn't want to get entangled with someone like him, she just wanted

to arrest Ace.


Her figure flashed and suddenly accelerated, trying to pass Luffy.

However, Luffy was faster than her.

In the midst of his movement, he intercepted her with the same high-

speed movement.

"Don't get in the way, Marine."

Luffy swept his leg.

Hina's expression changed, she crossed her hands in front of her chest,

and then she felt a tremendous force in her arms, and was instantly

kicked back.

Flying backwards, she hadn't landed yet.

With a swoosh, Luffy had already caught up, grabbed her wrist forcefully,

and then suddenly twisted it, changing her posture from facing the

ground to facing the sky.

The next moment.


The two landed, Luffy held onto her wrist, and at the same time, he sat

on her back.

"Black Cage Hina?"

Luffy recognized this female colonel, a contemporary of Smoker, a top


"Sengoku sent you?"

Hina's hands were bound, her body was pinned down, and she couldn't

move at all.

"What is your purpose with Fire Fist Ace?"

"Just sending a Colonel over, you guys really underestimate Crocodile."

Luffy was too bored to retort.

Even if it's for investigating evidence, they should at least send a Vice


He doesn't consider Crocodile as a person because he can beat him easily.

A mere Colonel like her would probably be taken out by Crocodile in an


Compared to the real monsters on the sea, being one of the Seven

Warlords of the Sea, he's not that impressive, but compared to these

Marine Colonels, he's invincible.

Deep down, he immediately sensed Hina's desire to resist, so he twisted

her wrist, causing her to cry out in pain.

"Don't move, I know your ability, you can turn any part of your body into

iron bars."

Luffy spoke casually.

As he spoke, he stood up and pulled Hina up from the ground.

It hurts!

Hina gritted her teeth in pain.

"You have seastone handcuffs, right?"

Saying that, Luffy felt around her, but didn't find any.

It makes sense.

This woman is a Devil Fruit user herself, so it's unlikely she would carry

seastone with her.

"What do you want to do?" Hina asked through clenched teeth, feeling


"Take me to get them!"

Ignoring the battle between Ace and Crocodile for now, Luffy led Hina

out of the palace.

As a Marine Colonel, of course, he couldn't go without a soldier.

At the temporary Marine base outside the palace, Luffy successfully

obtained two pairs of seastone handcuffs from Hina's subordinates.

These things are specifically used to deal with Devil Fruit users and are

controlled items of the World Government. They are not easy to obtain in

places other than the Marines.

Seastone, this kind of thing, is only produced in the waters near Wano


The majority of Marine's seastone is obtained from the World

Government, and the government, in turn, trades with Kaido.

Amazing, too amazing.

The Four Emperors and the World Government are trading.

Even though they are in a hostile position, this world is just that real.

Having obtained what he wanted, Luffy released Hina, not interested in

getting too involved with her, and immediately returned to the palace.

"Colonel Hina!" Her subordinates immediately surrounded her.

Hina moved her sore wrists and stared at Luffy as he walked away.

"Do you want to take action, Colonel?" one of her subordinates angrily


"Are you an idiot?"

Hina glanced at him and took out a cigarette, lighting it.

She calmly started thinking.

This guy took the seastone handcuffs, probably to deal with Crocodile.

If Crocodile is taken care of by these two pirates, what about her


Her mission is to investigate the criminal evidence against Crocodile,

preferably directly from Princess Vivi.

If Crocodile is taken care of, it seems like her actions would be


"Bring me the Den Den Mushi."

With this in mind, Hina immediately dialed the contact number for the

Naval Headquarters.

Admiral? It's me, Hina.

The battle that erupted in the palace didn't last long.

Crocodile, who was heavily injured, was no match for Ace and was easily


Luffy used the newly acquired seastone handcuffs to handcuff the

unconscious Crocodile.

Of course, there was also another ability user, Mr. 2 Bentham.

The old brothers were going to be in perfect order.

They also took the opportunity to clear out the Baroque Works spies

lurking in the palace.

On the other side...

Robin, who survived, also gave up on the idea of dying.

Together with Vivi, they rescued King Cobra from the underground tomb.

After drinking the water given by Robin, Cobra began to recover from his

mummified state, but his injuries would take some time to heal.

At this time, it was a little after 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

In the banquet hall of the royal palace.

Cobra prepared a sumptuous feast to entertain Luffy and the others.

Luffy, who hadn't eaten anything all day, naturally didn't hold back.

"Luffy, Captain, here's your hat." Robin, also at the table, returned the

straw hat to Luffy.

She still found it a bit unbelievable that she, who was clearly the vice

president of Baroque Works and the capable subordinate of the

mastermind behind the plot to take over the country, was now being

treated as an honored guest by the king.

As for that mastermind, Crocodile, he was currently locked up in a cell

with Mr. 2.

"Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace..."

Cobra solemnly thanked the two of them, "Thank you for your great help.

If it weren't for you, I don't know what would have happened to this


Pausing for a moment, he added, "And thank you for protecting my

daughter all the way, Mr. Luffy."

He had already learned everything from Vivi.

"Verbal thanks are worthless. Vivi ate two of my special Fruits, remember

to pay up."

"Hahaha, of course." Cobra nodded with a smile. "I will definitely prepare

enough compensation and gratitude."

"One billion for each Devil Fruit, and for resolving the crisis of the

country's destruction, let's say ten billion, a total of twelve billion per


Cobra's smile froze.

Twelve billion berries!?

In the past, this amount of money would have been nothing.

But now, because of what Crocodile had done, the people in the country

were suffering, and rebellions were breaking out everywhere.

He hadn't even paid the military expenses of the royal army for half a



Ace couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Truly worthy of Luffy, asking his father-in-law for money without any


"What are you laughing at, Ace?"

"No... nothing."

Ace grinned, his smile unchanged. Suddenly, he remembered something

and took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, handing it to Luffy,


"Here, this is for you."

"A vivre Card?"

"You know about it, that makes it easier. Luffy, this Life Card will guide

us to meet again."

Having eaten his fill, Ace stood up and said, "The matters here are

resolved. Next, I'm going to find a traitor. The person who killed our

comrades on the ship, I must bring him back."

Upon hearing this, Luffy's chewing motion paused slightly.

He's going to go hand over himselfto Blackbeard.

Well, it's not entirely accurate to say that.

With Ace's strength, even if he can't defeat Blackbeard, he should be able

to escape if he wants to.

However, in the original story, Ace heard about Blackbeard's intention to

capture Luffy, so he insisted on confronting him for the safety of his

younger brother.

And now, Luffy has a bounty of 71 million berries, specifically for

capturing him alive.

It's highly likely that Blackbeard has set his sights on him.

The outcome probably won't be any different from the original.

"Don't go, you can't beat him," Luffy casually tried to stop him.


Ace raised an eyebrow, "What are you saying, Luffy?"

"The person you want to pursue is called Blackbeard, right? I heard

Shanks mention him before. This guy was already formidable back then,

leaving three scars on Shanks' face."

"Luffy, you have your own adventures, and I have mine. But this person,

no matter what, I must bring him back. Don't stop me!"

Ace's tone was unusually serious.

Since he put it that way, Luffy couldn't do anything about it.

Should he break his legs or something?

In the banquet hall, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The others fell silent.

Cobra, Vivi, Robin, one by one, they dared not speak.

Could they end up fighting?

Vivi nervously wondered...

Chapter 70 Straw Hat Luffy,

Famous All Over The World!

The atmosphere turnedtense.

Ace didn't leave either, just looking at Luffy, seemingly concerned about

why Luffy wanted to stop him.

Time really can change a lot, even that idiot Luffy would say something

like "Don't go, you can't beat him."

He has become calmer, no longer acting recklessly like before.

Watching his younger brother grow up so much, Ace felt relieved, but not

going was impossible!

Meanwhile, Luffy was deep in thought.

Unless he breaks Ace's leg and ties him up, otherwise Ace will definitely


Once he goes, he will most likely be defeated by Blackbeard and handed

over to the Marines in exchange for the title of Shichibukai.

After that, the Summit War will erupt.

Should he go and save him then?

[In the world of pirates, once you eat the "Nika Fruit," your friends and

enemies are determined.]

He remembered a post he had seen in his previous life.

Ace clearly belongs to the friend camp, and because of Ace, the Four

Emperors Whitebeard Pirates can also be classified into the same camp.

So, if he can save him, he will.

Of course, aside from these considerations of interest, Ace and this body

have a brotherly relationship.

It would be a bit unreasonable not to save him.

Of course, how to save him is also a technical matter.

Thinking of this, Luffy turned his head to look at Cobra and Vivi, and

smiled, saying:

"This Crocodile, I'll take care of him, any objections?"

Cobra was stunned for a moment.

"That Shichibukai was defeated by you, so it's only right for you to

handle it as you please," Cobra replied with a smile.

Nodding, Luffy then put away Ace's vivre card and advised Ace:

"You should practice Haki more in the future, Ace."

He reached out his hand.

Ace hesitated for a moment, then shook hands with him, grinning.

"Next time we meet, let me see your companions too, Luffy!"

Gathering and parting.

Ace set off on his journey to find Blackbeard, contented.

The few of them watched him leave the banquet hall.

Robin rested her chin on her hand and smiled slightly, "I thought you

would break his legs."

"Am I that fierce? Robin, do you have any misconceptions about me?"

Luffy rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Is it a misconception? I feel like if I were to run, you would break my

legs, and even if you have to tie me up, you would forcefully keep me by

your side~"

Robin's tone was filled with teasing from an older sister.

Luffy: "Don't say it, you're really good at reading people!"

If Robin were to run, he would use violence to bring her back.

"It's different, you guys are different." He smiled helplessly.

"I had planned to die there, but since you saved me, you have to take

responsibility, Captain Luffy~"

["Is she doing it on purpose? Does she enjoy teasing me like this?"]

Luffy grumbled in his heart. This mature older sister has been like this

since the first time they met, maybe Robin enjoys it.

"Just call me Luffy."

As he said that, Luffy took out a Den Den Mushi and quickly dialed a


"Hello, Grandpa?"


Compared to the last time they spoke, Garp was clearly not as happy

when he received the call this time.

"What trouble are you causing now, Luffy?"

Luffy chuckled awkwardly. What's with these people, they're all so good

at reading others!

"Grandpa, the next question is crucial."

"Did you cause trouble?"

"Just asking a question, does Marine Headquarters know what I ate... the


"Deliberately omitting the word 'rubber'."

"After all, phone bugs are not 100% secure and there is a possibility of

being eavesdropped on."

"And also considering Garp's reception environment."

Regarding this question, Garp remained silent for a moment.

"At least, the fact that you are a Devil Fruit user, our Marine intelligence

department knows."

In other words, if Marine doesn't know that it was the Rubber Fruit he

ate, it means that the World Government doesn't know temporarily


"Thanks, Grandpa."

After expressing his gratitude, Luffy cut off the communication.

"What are you planning, Luffy?" Robin smiled lightly, her beautiful eyes

continuing to focus on Luffy.

"For the sake of world peace, I've been racking my brains."

Luffy shook his head and continued to enjoy the delicious food.

At this moment, a soldier from the guard team arrived at the entrance of

the banquet hall. He didn't come in, but saluted and said:

"Your Majesty, Colonel Hina from Naval Headquarters requests an


Marine Colonel?

Cobra was taken aback, glanced at Luffy, and refused, saying, "I am

entertaining guests, please let her..."

"Let her in, I also have something to discuss with her." Luffy suggested.

Seeing him say this, Cobra immediately changed his mind, nodded, and

gave the order.

Not long after, Hina walked into the banquet hall with several marines.

"What's the matter, Colonel?" Cobra invited Hina to take a seat and then

asked directly.

"Your Majesty Cobra, I hope to hand over the criminal Crocodile to our

Marine." Hina made a serious request, "Although it's not good to say this,

it concerns the government's face."

Upon hearing this, Cobra immediately frowned.

Vivi gritted her teeth, her favorable impression of Marine plummeted.

After reporting for so long, Marine hasn't solved any problems. When Mr.

Luffy and Mr. Ace defeated Crocodile, they suddenly came forward to

take him.

"Marine!" Vivi couldn't help but say, "Crocodile is a Shichibukai, what do

you want to do with him?"

" He is no longer a Shichibukai. The World Government has stripped him

of his title, regarding the crimes he committed in Alabasta..."

Hina is also helpless. She previously reported the situation to Sengoku,

who then provided feedback to the World Government.

Considering the face of the World Government, the Five Elders demanded

that Crocodile must be brought back.

How to bring him back?

Hina can only go to see the king.

She looks at Vivi apologetically and says, "Princess Vivi, I hope you can

provide evidence of Crocodile's crimes."

Luffy laughs and says, "The face of the government? Is it because he

committed many crimes in Alabasta that he was stripped of his title? Or

is it because he, a Shichibukai, was defeated by pirates and lost his


There is no need to think about this question. Of course, it is the latter.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea are recognized by the World Government

as pirates with the legitimate authority to plunder.

Each of them possesses immense power that can rival that of a country.

Now, even a rookie pirate cannot defeat him. What use is he?

Even considering the face of the World Government, they still have to

cover for Crocodile.

At the very least, the incident in Alabasta cannot be reported truthfully,

or the news content needs to be altered to portray the government in a

favorable light.

"What do you want to say, Straw Hat Luffy?" Hina furrows her brows.

"I have a proposal."

Luffy says, "If a rookie pirate defeats a Shichibukai, it will indeed

embarrass the World Government. But if this pirate become the new

Shichibukai, wouldn't it be a brilliant move by the government!"

As soon as these words are spoken, everyone present is stunned.

"You want to take Crocodile's place?" Hina says in astonishment.

"Why not? If even someone like him can be a Shichibukai, why not me?I

am much stronger than him."



Of course, it is to conveniently save Ace.

You see, in the Summit War, the people closest to the execution platform

are Garp and Sengoku.

Next are the three Marine Admirals in front of the execution platform.

And then, the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

As long as he participates in the war as a member of the "Marine's Side,"

when the three Admirals leave their seats, he can immediately turn

against them and easily rescue Ace.

After all, Garp is a mole, so it would be easy to pretend and save


When saving someone, strategy is also important.

It would be foolish to participate in the battle as a member of the "Piarate

Faction" and go through five obstacles and defeat six generals.

In the end, he would have to fight against three Admirals and break

through their defense line. Even if there is Uncle Kizaru and Uncle Aokiji

inside, it would still be time-consuming and laborious.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that he has eaten the Rubber

Fruit without the government knowing.

So, he needs to ask Garp.

Otherwise, it would not be a participation in the war, but a participation

in their victory banquet.

As for becoming a Shichibukai, he would have to obey the World

Government's orders...

That's just a joke.

The next collective action of the Shichibukai will be the Summit War in

over two months.

After the Summit War, he would just leave without caring about a useless


Besides, there is another potential benefit.

Once he becomes a Shichibukai, Blackbeard might change his target. If

he changes his target, Ace might be able to run away if he can't win, and

he wouldn't choose to fight to the end for his brother.

Then there would be no need to fight the Summit War or save anyone.

Of course, this possibility is very small.

"I can't make this decision," Hina shook her head.

"Then let someone who can make the decision come and talk to me,"

Luffy casually continued enjoying his food. "Before that, Crocodile won't

be handed over to you guys."

Pausing for a moment, he teasingly taunted her, "Or maybe you can try to

take him by force? Of course, I suggest you at least send some one with

strength preferably an Admiral level."

Upon hearing this, Hina glared at him in anger.

"I understand, I will report to the higher-ups. Well then, King Cobra,

Princess Vivi, goodbye."

After saying that, she left the banquet hall.

As soon as she stepped out of the palace, she stomped her foot in

frustration and lit a cigarette.

"So, being Vice Admiral Garp's grandson is quite something, huh? So

arrogant! It's really infuriating!" Hina was very angry.

Well, this guy does indeed have the capital to be arrogant.

Even the wanted posters only allow for capturing alive, she has no means

to deal with them.

"Colonel Hina!"

The subordinates waiting outside all rushed forward.

"Give me the Den Den Mushi!"

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Marshal's office.

Sengoku rubbed his temples with a headache and said irritably,

"Garp's grandson, this kid causes too much trouble!"

On the sofa, Vice Admiral Tsuru calmly drank her tea.

"Crocodile was taken care of?"

"According to Hina's report, he was defeated by Fire Fist Ace, but before

that, he was already injured by Straw Hat Luffy."

"He can injure a Logia... Has he mastered Armament Haki? The rookies

nowadays are truly remarkable." Tsuru smiled slightly, worthy of being

Garp's grandson. "But what is the relationship between Fire Fist Ace and

these two?"

"I'm not sure yet, but at least they are not enemies."

Sengoku pondered, "Fire Fist Ace is chasing after a traitor. This

information from the New World shouldn't be wrong. This might be an


Others may not know, but how could he not know?

Fire Fist Ace is the son of Pirate King Roger.

However, before this, they were all in the New World, under the

protection of Whitebeard's name, so it wasn't easy to touch them.

"Put aside the matter of Fire Fist Ace. Straw Hat Luffy has made a


Sengoku explained the situation with the Shichibukai.

Vice Admiral Tsuru was immediately stunned.

This kid really knows how to cause trouble. She even suspected that the

child might have been eyeing the title of Shichibukai from the beginning,

deliberately taking down one to make room for himself...

It's not impossible.

Perhaps resolving the Alabasta incident was just a side effort.

"No matter what his intentions are, he has indeed helped us. Following

the procedures, it would be troublesome to deal with Crocodile, and it

would waste a lot of time."

Vice Admiral Tsuru sighed, "At least he did a good deed."

Although they had different positions, she quite admired Garp's grandson.

"Making him a Shichibukai would perfectly resolve the situation in


Because they don't know if the Summit War will break out in the future,

from any perspective, this is a good thing for Vice Admiral Crane.

Even the gods couldn't predict it.

Straw Hat Luffy specifically went to make dumplings just for that bit of


If one could guess that, then..

"What do you think, Sengoku?"

Upon hearing this, Sengoku shook his head helplessly. "Garp's whole

family is a bunch of troublemakers! Lets report it to the Five Elders."

Nominating someone as a Shichibukai is something he has to personally

go to Mariejois for.

Fortunately, these two places are originally very close.

Not long after.

At the peak of the Red Line, the location of the World Government, the

Holy Land, Mariejois.

The headquarters building of the World Government, Pang Gu City.

Between powers.

Five elders stood or sat, frowning as they listened to the report from

Marine Admiral Sengoku.

"So you're saying Crocodile really did those things?"

The speaker was dressed in a black suit, with white curly hair, a fluffy

white beard, and a flat hat. He had a scar on his left cheek.

He is one of the highest authorities in the world, one of the Five Elders,


Jaygarcia Saturn!

"The evidence is conclusive. Princess Nefertari Vivi of Alabasta personally

infiltrated Baroque Works and investigated for two years," Sengoku


"The Nefertari family..."

Saint Saturn shook his head.

This family was originally Celestial Dragons, and their ancestors were

one of the 20 kings who founded the World Government.

The other four Five Elders sneered.

"So you're saying he planned this for at least five years?"

"Calculating the time, it was after Doflamingo stole the power of


"That bastard Doflamingo started it!"

"Imitation criminals? How ridiculous!"

Doflamingo's success is because he is a Shichibukai, a Celestial Dragon.

800 years ago, the Donquixote Family was the royal family of Dressrosa.

Who do you think he is, Crocodile, to steal a country? Especially a big

country like Alabasta!

Even if he succeed, he won't be able to escape the consequences.

At this moment, the Five Elders are quite disdainful of Crocodile's


They don't know about the relationship between Pluton and Alabasta.

At this time, Sengoku ponders and says,

"Straw Hat Luffy, Garp's grandson, how strong is he?"

"Garp fought him in Logue Town. His grandson has mastered Conqueror's

Haki and is also a Devil Fruit user. His combat power surpasses


Sengoku answers truthfully, without hiding anything.

"Conqueror's Haki?!"

The Five Elders are all surprised.

The rest doesn't matter; the key is the user of Conqueror's Haki.

"Will the events from over 20 years ago repeat themselves?"

"Garp's son went to join the Revolutionary Army back then, and now he's

causing us trouble!"

"But considering his combat power, he is indeed a suitable candidate."

"If he becomes a Shichibukai, it would indeed be a more perfect solution

to the Alabasta situation."

The key is to preserve the World Government's reputation.

A rookie pirate defeating a Shichibukai.

And a new Shichibukai defeating an old Shichibukai, the public opinion

will be totally different.

As for Alabasta, it doesn't really matter.

Just make a few changes to the newspapers.

Sengoku quietly waits for the decision of the Five Elders.

After some contemplation, one by one, they agreed to the request.

The next day, news about the new and old Shichibukai, as well as the

situation in Alabasta, appears in the newspapers.

On this day, Monkey D. Luffy's name resounds throughout the world!

Chapter 71 The World Focuses On

The Straw Hats! Uta: Huh? Luffy!


Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy, caused a sensation worldwide

when he appeared for the second time in the World Economic News.

As a rookie pirate with a bounty of 71 million, he defeated Sand

Crocodile in less than half a month and became the new generation

Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"He really is a hot topic! My judgment is never wrong!"

After receiving news material provided by the World Government, "News

King" Morgans felt proud of his foresight.

He waved his feathered hand and immediately issued instructions to all

branches around the world:

"Spread this news worldwide within a day!"

The massive media machine started running, and millions of news birds

flapped their wings, distributing freshly printed newspapers all over the


In a certain area of the Grand Line,

Still on the way, preparing to meet Four Emperors Shanks, Hawkeye

looked at the newspaper in his hand, confused.

The front page headline featured two side-by-side photos.

Former Shichibukai, Sand Crocodile.

New Shichibukai, Monkey D. Luffy!

He looked at the previous bounty poster and laughed.

He hadn't even had a drink with Red-Haired Shanks, and the old bounty

had already expired.

"Straw Hat Luffy... He started right after entering the Grand Line?"

His traveling speed couldn't keep up with the news updates.

"Crocodile was taken down."

Hawkeye wasn't surprised. He was very familiar with that kid's strength

from their previous encounter.

The growth trajectory of the current Shichibukai and Monkey D. Luffy

had some similarities.

Crocodile, 24 years ago, at the age of 20, made a name for himself in the

sea, with an initial bounty of 81 million. He quickly became a

Shichibukai and was the first pirate to be recruited by the government.

Of course, they weren't called the Seven Warlords of the Sea back then.

The establishment of the Shichibukai was after the first World Summit

following the death of Pirate King Roger. In order to deal with the chaos

of the times and the rapid increase in the number of pirates, it was

officially established by unanimous vote of the representatives of the 50

affiliated countries.

Afterward, 11 years ago, at the age of 18, Pirate Empress Boa Hancock,

with a bounty of 80 million, quickly became one of the Seven Warlords

of the Sea after a single expedition.

Three years ago, the super rookie "Fire Fist" Ace made a name for himself

as soon as he entered the Grand Line and was quickly invited by the

government to join the Shichibukai, only to be rejected.

And now:

Coming from the weakest sea, East Blue, Straw Hat Luffy, with an initial

bounty of 71 million, defeated the former Shichibukai and became the

new generation Shichibukai!

From the experiences of these people, those who can make it to the world

stage will demonstrate exceptional strength even when they are still


Hm " Must find Shanks and have a few drinks!"

Hawkeye folded up the newspaper, showing no interest in the matter of


Grand Line, New World, a tropical island.

A fat man rushed towards a cave.

"Boss! Boss! It's Luffy! Big news about Luffy!"

He held a piece of meat in one hand and waved the newspaper in the



In front of the cave, the vice captain who loved beautiful women, Benn

Beckman, looked up and smiled in surprise, "Luffy? What happened to


"Luffy has become a Shichibukai!" the fat man shouted.


With exclamations, a figure with red hair swiftly rushed out of the cave.

In the scorching weather, Shanks was originally taking shelter in the

cave, but upon hearing Luffy's name, he couldn't wait to come out.

He snatched the newspaper and eagerly looked at the news report.

"I can't stand this guy..." Beckman muttered quietly.

Then, the surrounding members of the Four Emperors' crew began to

shout and exclaim.

"What? What? Luffy? How did Luffy become a Shichibukai?"

"I really miss the time we spent in the Windmill Village. Is Luffy doing


"Didn't this guy get his bounty of 71 million just recently?"

"Luffy becoming a Shichibukai, I can't believe my eyes, Captain~"

A group of people surrounded Red-Haired, reading the newspaper and

making fun of it.

"He defeated Crocodile? Hahaha!"

Shanks laughed loudly and raised the newspaper, "Prepare for a feast,



"We must celebrate for Luffy!"

"Wait, wait a minute, Shanks!" Seeing that this group of people was about

to forget about the main matter, Beckman had to step forward, "It's fine if

you want to celebrate, but next, aren't we supposed to go meet


After a pause, he said helplessly, "For this matter, we have sunk several


"Ah... I almost forgot."

Shanks only then remembered the serious matter.

He had to go see Whitebeard.

It wasn't easy for the two Four Emperors to meet.

Unlike the first half of the Grand Line, where there was the Paradise Sea,

in the New World, the Four Emperors each had their own territories.

Running to someone else's territory and starting a war was not a good


In addition, the Marine's surveillance ships were also annoying. They had

to take out those surveillance warships first, then deliver the letter, and

only then could they enter someone else's territory.

After thinking for a full three seconds, Shanks decisively gave up on


"Then let Whitebeard wait a few more days. Hahaha, let the party begin!

Cheers to Luffy!"

"Oh!! Gab, bring out the alcohol!"

With the captain's order, the crew members of the Red Hair Pirates began

to busy themselves.

They lit a bonfire, brought out wine and food, and the lively party began.

Beckman sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"I can't stand these people..."

The joy of the party was theirs, but he was responsible for the aftermath.

On the other side.

In a certain sea area in the New World.

The Whitebeard Pirates' Moby Dick .

Pineapple Head received a free newspaper from a news bird.

"Eh!? Isn't this Ace's little brother?"

He exclaimed, shocked by the content of the newspaper.

Beside him, Vista, sitting leisurely on the steps of the deck, asked


"Marco, what's wrong? Ace's little brother?"

"Luffy! I've heard this name so many times, my ears are calloused!"

"Luffy? Ah, Ace would mention him every time we drank. What

happened to this kid?"

"Defeated Sand Crocodile, becoming the new generation Shichibukai..."

Marco had a bewildered expression on his face: "Last time I saw him, his

bounty was only 71 million, and now, in such a short time, the

newcomers are really something! They're even more 'super' than Ace back


"Hahaha, truly worthy of being Ace's brother!" Jozu, the captain of the

3rd division, laughed heartily, crossing his arms.

At this moment, a tall man walked over.

He was shirtless, revealing his muscular physique, and had a red-sleeved

white coat draped over his shoulders.

With an astonishing height of 6 meters 66, he could be called a little


Known as the "World's Strongest Man," one of the Four Emperors,

Whitebeard Edward Newgate!

"What's the big deal, Marco?"


Marco walked over and handed the newspaper to Whitebeard, saying

with his hands on his hips, "Ace's brother suddenly became a Shichibukai,

it's really surprising."

Whitebeard squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the photo on the

front page of the news.

Monkey D. Luffy, the newly appointed Seven Warlords of the Sea, with

an original bounty of 71 million berries!

"Crocodile was defeated? Gu ra ra ra ra~....."

He was not unfamiliar with the sand crocodile.

However, at this moment, when he saw Luffy, he thought of Ace.

Whitebeard's smile disappeared slightly.

"It's been a while since he went after Teach...."

Whitebeard's uneasy feeling grew stronger.

"By the way, hasn't that red-haired brat arrived yet?" Suddenly, he

remembered this and asked.

"Just now, Beckman sent a message, saying that the scheduled meeting

has been postponed. Really, that red-haired bunch of people really have

no sense. They even used a Den Den Mushi directly, not afraid of being

eavesdropped by the Marines." Marco complained.

Even if they sank some of the Marine's surveillance ships, there might

still be some fish that slipped through the net.

Upon hearing this, a cross appeared on Whitebeard's forehead.

"What does that brat want?"

New World, Wano Country.

On Onigashima, the Skull Castle.

Kaido, known as the "World's Strongest Creature," was squinting at the


"Monkey D? It's D again!"

As soon as Kaido saw the name D, he became extremely displeased.

He chugged down a barrel of alcohol.

"Ohohoho.... Shichibukai? Boring!"

He crumpled up the newspaper and casually threw it away.

New World, Cake Island.

"Mom, there's a new Shichibukai."

"Huh? Who?"

"It's a newcomer, Straw Hat Luffy. He defeated Crocodile and took his


"A Devil Fruit user?"

"I don't know, the news didn't mention it."

New World, Dressrosa.

One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the head of the Donquixote Family,

the intermediary of the underworld, and the current king of Dressrosa.

The Heavenly Yaksha, Donquixote Doflamingo.

"Fuffuffuffu.... That bastard Crocodile was taken down by a newcomer."

Laughs to death!

Grand Line, a certain sea area.

The Kuja Pirates had set upon a merchant ship in a surprise attack, busily

looting its valuable cargo. Scattered across the deck of the merchant ship

lay meticulously crafted stone sculptures, each one depicting a different

infatuated man in intricate detail.

As a pirate group under the command of the Shichibukai, Kuja Pirates

had the qualification to legally plunder. Therefore, even if a nearby

warship happened to pass by, they would pretend not to see it.

The female pirates found a newspaper on the merchant ship and quickly

handed it over to the Empress of Amazon Lily and captain of the Kuja


The world's most beautiful woman, the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock.

"Sister, a Shichibukai was taken down," said Marigold, her sister, in


The Empress clenched the newspaper in her hand, her delicate face

showing no expression.

Her bright and captivating eyes gazed at the photo of the newcomer.

"A Shichibukai...."

Monkey D. Luffy!

The sensation caused by the news is rapidly spreading as time goes by.

Whether it's the Grand Line or the Four Seas, the Morgans Network is

spreading this news without regard for cost.

Even on uninhabited islands, news birds will deliver newspapers.

And with such intensity, finally, a lost news bird coincidentally dropped

a newspaper on a beach that was not its intended destination.

On the beach.

A girl with red and white hair, wearing a simple T-shirt, danced barefoot

on the sandy ground.

Her singing voice was captivating, like a heavenly sound.

This is an uninhabited island.

No, to be precise, it is an "uninhabited island" where only two people

live: the girl and her music teacher.

At the same time, it is also a place forgotten by the world, a place of


But it used to be a world-famous music capital with a resounding name:


In her long solitude, the girl often sings on the beach.

And on this day, a newspaper fell in front of her.


The girl's singing voice paused, and her braided hair, like rabbit ears,

stood up in excitement as she eagerly called out:

"Wait! Bird! Wait a moment! I'm Uta~"

Wanting someone to talk to, but unfortunately, the news bird clearly had

no interest in the girl.

After dropping the newspaper, it flew away.

The girl named Uta, her hair that stood up, drooped weakly.

"It flew away... sigh."

With a sigh, the girl squatted down in frustration and curiously looked at

the newspaper on the ground.

She had a great curiosity about the outside world.

For ten years, she had been tormented by loneliness to the point of


"Huh? Luffy!?"

When the girl saw the profile picture clearly, her eyes burst with

astonishing colors, and her ears perked up again.

Grand Line, Alabasta.

A reception room.

Luffy sat on the sofa, with his legs crossed, looking at the newspaper sent

by Hina.

"Your request has been fulfilled. Can you hand over the person to me

now?" Colonel Hina crossed her arms and sat on the opposite sofa.

"You're quick." Luffy nodded and looked at Vivi beside him.

Vivi immediately had the prisoner brought in.

Crocodile, with seastone handcuffs on his hands, walked into the

reception room under the escort of two soldiers.

"Straw Hat!"

As soon as Crocodile saw Luffy, his expression turned ugly.

Afterwards, his gaze turning towards the Marines.

He squinted his eyes, "What does this mean?"

"The ceremony for transferring prisoners."

Luffy laughed and said, "Thanks, Sand Crocodile. Thanks to you, I am

now a Shichibukai."


He instantly understood the situation and became extremely unhappy.

This kid actually used him as a bargaining chip!

Hina frowned slightly, "Is there only one? You also captured another

person, right?"

"You mean Mr. 2? I never said I would hand this person over to you."

Indeed, he never said it!

But everyone thought that this additional person would also be handed

over to them, right?

Forget it, he's just a minor character anyway.

Hina took a deep breath, stood up and said, "Crocodile, you are no longer

a Shichibukai. Due to the crimes you have committed, you will be

escorted to Impel Down!"

"Ha ha ha, do you Marines think you're qualified to judge me?"

Crocodile sneered.

He couldn't defeat Luffy and lost. Although he was very unhappy, that's


For this Marine in front of him, he felt complete contempt.

"You talk tough, bastard!"

Hina took a step forward and swept her leg.

After kicking Crocodile, her right leg continued through, and at the point

of contact, thick black chains as thick as arms immediately bound

Crocodile completely.

"Take him away!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

Two Marines immediately grabbed Crocodile's arms and forcefully

dragged him out.

"Straw Hat!!"

Crocodile's voice came from outside the door: "Is that thing really in

Wano Country?"

Seemingly unwilling, he asked one last question.

"You! Guess!"

Luffy laughed, thinking, I won't tell you, you can continue to suffer.

After that, there was no sound from Crocodile.


On the sofa, Vivi let out a sigh of relief and exclaimed, "Finally, it's over.

Thank you, Mr. Luffy~"

"What are you talking about? Are you sure It's over?"

Luffy stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the scenery outside

the palace.

"It's just the beginning."

"Huh?" Vivi was stunned. "What?"

"The rebellion army!"

Upon hearing this, Vivi's pupils suddenly contracted.

She had forgotten!

The arrest of Crocodile did not mean the end of the internal turmoil in

the country.

And there... are 500,000 rebel soldiers!

Chapter 72 Princess Vivi's Love~.

Defeat 500,000 People In An


Thinking about the 500,000 rebel soldiers, Vivi couldn't catch her breath

for a moment.

"I've already sent Robin, waiting for her reply," Luffy stood by the

window, gazing at Crocodile being escorted away.

"Miss Robin?" Vivi was taken aback.

Pururu~ Pururu~ The sound of the Den Den Mushi rang out.

"Luffy," it was Robin's voice from the other side.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in Katorea."

Luffy turned his gaze to Vivi, and Vivi immediately explained,

"It's a city east of Nanohana, and it's the headquarters of the rebel army!"

Then, they heard Robin continue,

"Sorry, Luffy, the rebel army can no longer be stopped."

"Why?" Vivi asked anxiously, "Miss Robin, are your words no longer


Robin used to be the vice president of Baroque Works.

Because Crocodile rarely showed himself, almost all orders were

conveyed by Robin.

Therefore, Baroque Works basically listened to her.

Robin's voice sounded a bit helpless,

"It's not a problem with Baroque Works. It's because the leader of the

rebel army, a man named Koza, was assassinated the day before

yesterday. He held on until this morning and died from his injuries."


Upon hearing this name, Vivi suddenly remembered this person and was


The leader of the rebel army was assassinated. It would be strange if the

rebel army didn't go crazy!

"Koza is dead?" she widened her eyes.

"Hmm? Do you know him?" Robin sensed the difference in tone.

"He was a childhood friend I haven't seen for so long."

Vivi felt a sense of sadness for the loss of her friend.

Being kind-hearted, she didn't even want anyone to die in the war, let

alone a childhood friend.

"I'm sorry..."

Robin apologized: "The order was given by me. Crocodile's plan was to

create chaos nationwide, so two days ago, he sent people to assassinate

'King Cobra' and the leader of the rebellion, completely igniting the gun


Mr. 2 Bentham was the one who assassinated Cobra.

Of course, the intention was not to actually kill Cobra, but to carry out an

operation disguised as the rebels. After the assassination was completed,

he also impersonated the king and took control of the palace.

On the other hand, Mr. 4 and his partner Miss Merry Christmas were the

ones who assassinated the leader of the rebellion.

Although they didn't kill each other immediately, they severely injured

Koza, ultimately leading to the death of this young leader today.

After listening to Robin's explanation, Vivi took a deep breath and put

aside her feelings of sadness.

"This is not Miss Robin's fault, it's the Sand Crocodile! The most

important thing now is to stop the rebellion..."

At this moment, Luffy asked proactively, "Robin, what's the situation with

the rebellion now?"

"They are gathering all their forces, preparing to avenge their leader and

storm the palace to kill the king..."

Robin said in a calm tone, speaking terrifying words.

"To be honest, no matter how we explain it now, it's useless. The

rebellion has gone completely mad. If they capture Cobra, they might

even dismember him."

Telling them that it wasn't Cobra's doing, it was Crocodile. It's useless, no

one will listen.

When the emotions of the masses rise, explanations are just a cover-up.

The masses are generally blind followers. When the true leader is gone,

things will become even more chaotic.

Luffy is not very surprised by this.

It's much harder to refute rumors than to spread them!

Not to mention, in the news reports, the World Government didn't fully

disclose what Crocodile had done in order to save face.

They simply said that this person used banned dance powder and stole

rainwater from other places.

"I understand, you can come back now." Nodding, Luffy ended the


Vivi immediately grabbed his hand and asked, "What should we do, Mr.


"Don't worry, it's a small problem. Sending Robin there is just a trial. If

communication doesn't work, then we'll use violence to suppress them."

It's just 500,000 people.

Back on the sofa, Luffy could even leisurely drink tea.

"But, I cannot watch so many people die. Everyone is just being

deceived." Vivi clenched her teeth. "There must be a solution..."

She racked her brains, deep in thought.

"They won't die, at most just pass out."

"Won't die... huh?"

Vivi's face showed a cute and dumbfounded expression.

In the next moment, her eyes filled with hope, she grabbed Luffy's arm

and asked anxiously,

"Mr. Luffy, do you have a way?"

Luffy couldn't help but laugh, "When these people rush over, I'll just use

Conqueror's Haki to knock them out. No need to hurry so much."

Upon hearing this, Vivi was momentarily dazed.

"Did you forget what I said before?" Luffy shook his head, "You're going

to be a queen in the future. You need to know how to use other people's

strength, position, and power to solve problems that you can't solve on

your own. Being kind-hearted alone won't make you a good queen."

Memories of their time on Little Garden flooded Vivi's mind.

Perhaps a sense of dependence had grown between them, and Vivi's

initial unease had started to fade.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Luffy, for bothering you once more," she said


"It's not a free service, either. Please be prepared with a reward of 1

billion berries," Luffy grinned as he sipped his tea. He couldn't help but

think, "Move a bit, and earning 1 billion is so simple."

And with the inclusion of the previous two Special Fruits, the reward

would amount to 1.2 billion.

Upon hearing this, Vivi looked troubled, biting her crimson lips, and

whispered softly,

"Um, Mr. Luffy, I just found out that my father has owed the royal army

half a year's military expenses... Maybe, we can't come up with that


The further she went, the quieter her voice became.

Luffy: "That's impossible, right? This is Alabasta! A world power with a

standing army of 600,000! If we calculate the minimum monthly military

expenses of 50,000 berries per soldier, just the military expenses alone

would be..."

"Tens of billions!"

"You can't even come up with a mere 1 billion? How can the king be so


Luffy looked bewildered.

Suddenly, a moist sensation came to his cheek.

Luffy was taken aback and saw Vivi suddenly kissing his cheek, her face

blushing, speaking softly,

"Can this save us from all that money... Please, Mr. Luffy, the country

really has no money left..."

She was both shy and embarrassed, feeling that she owed him too much.

"I hate women who tease and then run away!" He moved, and then kissed

her hard and forcefully.

"Huh?" Immediately after, Vivi let out a sound of surprise and was

pressed onto the sofa.

Vivi did not expect that Luffy would suddenly kiss her, and her body

went soft. The other party's aggressive momentum made this little

Princess who was still a Virgin feel nervous, as if a prey has encountered

its natural predator. Vivi didn't know what to do, her eyes widened in

confusion, and she didn't know where to put her hands. Luffy sucked

Vivi's red and soft lips hard, as if sucking some honey out of them. Vivi's

lips were soft and red, with a touch of slipperiness. Luffy was a little

addicted to it and refused to let go. and the latter gradually became

confused amd immersed by Luffy's forceful kiss. Her soft body also

relaxed a little. Gradually, she closed her eyes.

Outside the door.

The soldiers immediately turned around, silently praying in their hearts,

"I didn't see anything!"

At this moment, King Cobra hurriedly walked over.

He had just received a report from his subordinates that the rebel army

was gathering all their forces, preparing to launch a full-scale attack on

the capital.

At the thought of the casualties of war, King Cobra didn't dare to slack off

for a moment and immediately thought of seeking help from Luffy.

But just as he reached the door...


He saw the scene on the sofa and was dumbfounded.

"Your...!" The soldier at the door wanted to salute.

King Cobra immediately regained his senses, made a gesture for silence,

and quickly waved his hand, signaling the two to leave.

Then, he quietly moved his steps, trying not to disturb his daughter's

intimate moment.

"Vivi has grown up too."

It wasn't until he had walked a considerable distance that he let out a

sigh as a father.

He was getting older himself and it was time to consider the issue of


However, pirates...

Thinking of this, King Cobra had a headache.

Luffy's grandfather is the Marine hero, Garp, and he takes pride in the

fact that they are a good match.

But Luffy is a pirate, and moreover, a Shichibukai.

Should he hand over the throne to a Shichibukai?

That wouldn't be appropriate!

Vivi is the only descendant of the Nefertari family in this generation.

According to the general inheritance system,

The most suitable person is Vivi's child, who will directly inherit the

position when he is too old to work.

Next is Vivi's husband, who will inherit the power.

Lastly, it is Vivi herself, unless her husband is completely useless, in

which case this option comes after the first two.

But considering the current situation, the answer naturally is...

The child.

Next is Vivi, and lastly, Luffy.

"No, I'm overthinking. It's a good thing that this girl has someone she

likes, but we don't know what the future holds."

The worried old father, Cobra, thought to himself.

We also have to consider Luffy's character.

"Your Majesty."

Suddenly, a young man wearing an Arabian-style headscarf and a white

robe hurriedly approached and knelt down to pay his respects.

He is the vice officer of the kingdom's guard, who was sent out by the

fake king two days ago to suppress the rebel army and has just returned


"Pell, how is the situation with the rebel army?" Cobra regained his

composure from his worries.

"It's very bad. They are expected to reach the capital by three o'clock this


Pell replied with a serious tone and added, "I heard that the princess has

already returned. Is Princess Vivi alright?"

["That girl is really getting intimate with her loved one..."] Cobra thought


"For now, Vivi has some matters to attend to. Let's not worry about her.

Pell, gather the troops and prepare for the final attack against the rebel


"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Luffy doesn't care about the 1 billion.

He is not seeking any rewards. He was just teasing Vivi. But the reward

made him happy.

He also dislikes women flirting with him and then running away without

taking responsibility.

Therefore, he gave Vivi a harsh lesson.

He only let go of the girl when she was almost out of breath.

To be honest, she was too inexperienced. She didn't even know how to

catch her breath. When Luffy did it for the first time, he instantly

mastered this technique.

I will really need to teach her.

"Hoo... hoo..."

Vivi blushed, panting, her long eyelashes trembling.

"Mr. Luffy!" she exclaimed angrily.

"It's only natural for me to kiss you back right," Luffy laughed.

"No... um..."

It wasn't a refusal; she had already accepted him. She was just afraid of

being seen, so she pushed him away.

Seeing through the girl's thoughts, Luffy teased, saying,

"Your dad came by earlier and then left."

"Ah, ah, ah~!"

Vivi screamed, covering her face, her cheeks turning as red as ripe


"Hahaha, let's go. They seem to be discussing a battle strategy."

Luffy couldn't help but laugh as he pulled her up from the couch.

["No, I can't go. How can I face my father!"]

Vivi resisted strongly, but when she thought about the rebellion, she

gritted her teeth and followed his footsteps.

Arriving at the door of the meeting room, she took a deep breath, trying

to keep herself calm.

She pushed the door open.

Cobra looked up and saw his daughter's unnatural expression. He

immediately smiled and said,

"Vivi, Luffy, you're here. We're just about to discuss our


He acted as if nothing had happened.

In the meeting room, besides Cobra, there were two other people.

"Princess Vivi!"

Upon hearing this, Vivi finally regained her composure. She greeted her

father first and then introduced Luffy,

"They are the vice-captains of the Royal Guard, Pell and Chaka. They are

the guardians of our Alabasta."

Pell, the one in white, had the Zoan-type Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Falcon,

one of the five fruits that grant flight ability.

Chaka had the Zoan-type Dog-Dog Fruit, Model:Wolf . Since Captain

Igaram was not present, he was currently the acting captain.

The powers of these two have been passed down in Alabasta for


When the current user of the power dies, the fruit will be reborn

somewhere in the country, giving birth to a new user who becomes the

guardian of the kingdom once again.

This situation is extremely rare. These Zoan fruits embodies willpower!

"Pell, Caka, he is Luffy, the hero who saved this country!" Vivi introduced

the two again with a smile.

Regarding this matter, the two vice-captains were obviously already


Caka stood up and bowed, expressing his gratitude:

"Luffy-sama, thank you very much for protecting His Majesty the King!

The two of us were deceived and almost became criminals in Alabasta!"

"That's right, please accept my gratitude for this matter!"

Pell, dressed in white, had a serious expression on his face as he stood up

and knelt down.

Luffy glanced at Vivi and said helplessly:

"No need, I've already received the rewards."

Upon hearing this, Vivi's face turned slightly red, a mix of happiness and


"Regarding the rebel army, please listen to me."

Luffy couldn't be bothered with small talk and went straight to the point:

"If you trust me, let's do it like this..."

With a command from King Cobra, the million citizens of the capital

were evacuated to designated safe zones.

As for the entrances in all four directions, they were completely open

without any defense.

In the afternoon, around three o'clock.

Luffy sat cross-legged on the palace wall, leisurely drinking tea, waiting


Behind him stood Vivi, King Cobra, and others.

Although everyone trusted Luffy, there was still a hint of nervousness

when it came down to the actual situation.

The problem with the rebel army was about suppressing them with

minimal casualties.

Neither King Cobra nor Vivi wanted to see a large number of casualties.

As for Pell and Caka, they were even more concerned about the safety of

the king and princess.

Therefore, the best solution was for Luffy to take action.

When the clock hand reached the half-hour mark, the ground began to


"They're here!" Pell took a long breath and said in a deep voice, "It's the

sound of hooves!"

The thundering sound of hooves, the galloping of thousands of horses,

even though there was still a long distance, the vibrations could still be


That was 500,000 people!

With the intention of tearing the king apart, they rushed all the way to

the capital.

"Luffy-sama, I'm counting on you!" Caka entrusted with a serious

expression on his face.

Luffy waved his hand, signaling everyone to stay calm.

Soon, the tremors became stronger as the rebellious army poured in from

the south gate, rampaging through the capital and heading straight

towards the palace square.

Luffy activated his Observation Haki, instantly enveloping the entire

capital, including the surrounding areas.

The air was filled with dense and chaotic auras, brimming with killing



Suddenly, a voice filled with hatred resounded, and the vanguard finally

arrived at the square.

The rebel soldiers looked up and saw the people on the city walls.

"Rebel soldiers! Listen to me..." Vivi immediately wanted to explain.

Luffy touched her hair and said, "It's useless. We can deal with it later."

As he spoke, his gaze became focused.


In an instant, it felt as if the sky darkened.

Terrifying Conqueror's Haki emanated from him, covering all the rebel

soldiers like a blanket.

It was as if he had established his dominion, and within this range, those

with weak wills couldn't even hold on for a second.

Before the vanguard of the rebel soldiers, who had just entered the

square, could condemn the king for his "sins"...

Conqueror's Haki descended like a devastating blow.

In an instant, it was as if they were wheat in autumn, and the people on

horseback fell one after another.

In the blink of an eye, everyone, including the horses, fainted.

Then, Conqueror's Haki spread to the outer areas.

The entire capital fell within Luffy's striking range.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

1 vs. 500,000!

Duration: 3 seconds...!

The victor: Monkey D. Luffy!

"It's done."

Haki came and went quickly. Luffy patted his butt as he stood up from

the city wall, taking a sip of water.

Vivi and the others had expressions of disbelief.

Is it over just like that?

Chapter 73: 18+ Awakening

Haki, Emperor-Level Combat

Power! Alabasta's Last Hours

Is this it? Is it over?

Half a million people, and solved just like that?

Even though they knew in advance, at this moment, everyone is still

shocked to the point of numbness.

Vivi leaned against the wall and looked down at the scene below.

In front of the palace square, there were many rebel soldiers lying in

disarray, their eyes rolled back.

These people were the vanguard troops, riding warhorses adapted to

desert terrain.

Even the horses fainted!


The capital is very quiet at this moment. Compared to the previous

thunderous cries of thousands of horses, there was a pin drop silence.

Pell gasped for breath.

"This is Conqueror's Haki? The power possessed by only one person out of

millions, the power of a king!?"

"I've heard about it before, but witnessing it for the first time is

astounding!" Chaka was equally amazed.

To this, Luffy could only nod.

Initially, it was only an unconscious use triggered by a burst of emotions.

Through subsequent training, he learned to control the range, target, and


To be able to instantly incapacitate half a million people like that, only a

select few can achieve such mastery.

After all, Luffy's Conqueror's Haki had already reached Iv4, and another

level-up would allow him to master Conqueror's Coating.

"I used almost indiscriminate attacks, so some civilians were probably

affected. The rest is up to you."

Luffy wasn't interested in getting involved and turned to leave.

The aftermath work is more troublesome.

To collect the weapons and equipment of the half a million unconscious

rebel soldiers, to clear them out and settle them elsewhere, and to inform

them of the truth and appease them afterwards.

This is not something that can be done in a day or two.

Fortunately, Luffy doesn't need to worry about all this. His mission is

already complete. "huh." Vivi wanted to help, but was rejected by Cobra,

who asked her to accompany the hero.

Someone accompanied him, and of course Luffy wouldn't refuse. The two

of them wandered around the palace, and the afternoon passed by.

No one came to disturb them, as the machinery of the Alabasta kingdom

was busy.

Night fell.

At the highest point of the palace, on top of a tower.

Luffy looked up at the starry sky.

The stars twinkled on the deep blue canopy of the sky, like countless

pairs of eyes, blinking.

"When I was a child, I used to climb up here often, and every time I

would be scolded by my father."

With the country's affairs finally resolved, Vivi's mood lightened. Taking

a cue from Luffy, she gazed up at the myriad stars in the night sky, her

face lit up with a joyful smile, and she began to share childhood


Being the sole princess, she had always been treated with great care, as if

she were a fragile treasure, one that might shatter if held too tightly and

melt if kept too close.

Until a few years ago, the country encountered problems, and Crocodile

appeared as a hero.

In the following year, not a drop of rain fell in the entire country, and a

severe food crisis occurred in various places.

The original oasis turned into a desert.

Countless people died of hunger.

At that time, she was only 14 years old.

But she resolutely abandoned her princess status and was determined to

infiltrate a criminal organization to investigate the source of the crisis.

"Now that I think about it, I really didn't consider anything back then. I

only knew that I should do something, but I didn't know what was the

best way to do it," Vivi sighed softly.

"No, you are already amazing!"

To have such determination at the age of 14, she is as brave as Kozuki

Hiyori or even more, at least in Luffy's opinion.

Looking back at the many princesses that appeared in the original story,

Vivi is one of them whom he liked and admired from the beginning.

"Thank you, Mr. Luffy~" Vivi turned around, and a genuine smile

appeared on her delicate face.

Innocent and radiant, it was a brilliant smile befitting a girl who was

about to turn 16.

"As for the reward, Alabasta doesn't have that much money left, so I can't

pay you 1.2 billion." She put on a charming expression and playfully

acted like a spoiled child in that moment.

Luffy chuckled and shook his head.

He wasn't a devil, but he still insisted on deducting money from others

even though he knew they didn't have any.

"Never mind, consider it a debt for now. When Alabasta returns to its

former prosperity one day, remember to pay me back."

"Yes! I will remember!" Vivi smiled sweetly.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent for a while.

"Tomorrow, will the Straw Hat crew arrive?" she whispered.

Luffy nodded. It had been two days and he also misses his crew.

"After that, will you leave?" Vivi's voice became even softer.

"Of course, we won't stop until we reach the final island." In order to gain

access to the permanent free adventure shop, he must dominate the

Grand Line, and one of the indicators is finding Raftel.

If he couldn't even find Raftel, how could he dominate?

"Mr. Luffy!"

Suddenly, Vivi's tone became more serious, her shining eyes staring at the

person beside her.

Luffy turned around, and a soft body threw itself into his arms, the wind

brushing his face.

"I like you~"

The little fangirl took the initiative to give a sweet kiss.

Luffy was a little shocked! Vivi's body fragrance was lingering in his nose,

and it also aroused a deep and strong desire in Luffy's heart.

Vivi only wore a white gauze spring skirt, lined with a flesh-hugging

waistcoat, and a pair of green gauze pants, which vaguely showed the

skin underneath and silver panties. She wore snow-white trousers on her

feet. socks, dragging a pair of exquisite embroidered shoes, red and white

contrasting, extremely bright.

A pretty face that was originally so beautiful, looks even whiter and more

tender under the moonlight. A head of blue and bright hair falls

vertically like a waterfall. Her whole body exudes an elegant and young

fragrance. The little girl was full of charm not fitting her age, no man can

resist such temptation.

Luffy hugged her tightly moved his lips to kiss her lips. He sucked her

small lilac tongue slowly into his mouth, soft, warm and smooth. Her

lilac tongue and the unique fragrance in her mouth aroused his heart,

making him even hot.

Luffy put his hand on the breast of the beautiful princess, carefully

caressing the soft and tender nipples, feeling the pink, tender and soft

touch. Vivi moved uneasily in his arms, feeling her lilac tongue being

sucked and the rough hands caressing her breast. She hummed "Uh-ah"

and thin moan came from her nose from time to time, teasing the heat in

Luffy's heart to grow stronger.

After a while, Luffy felt as if his body was on fire. He couldn't bear it any

longer. He pulled off the ribbon on the beautiful girl's slender waist,

parted her spring shirt, and quickly took off her clothes.

Soon, all that was left of the beautiful girl was a pair of tiny trousers, her

smooth and soft belly, her wait thin and slender waist, and her round,

white and flawless legs. Full of beautiful curves.

Luffy stared at Vivi's thighs, the smooth legs exposed in front of his eyes.

They were white and flawless, plump and straight, pink and moist, so

smooth that it seemed like water could be squeezed out.

At this point, Luffy simply let go of his hands and feet and took off the

tight bra she was wearing. Vivi closed her eyes tightly, her cheeks were

pink, and her chest was rising and falling. Soft moans of pain and joy

constantly escaping from her lips. As soon as the bra was removed, the

white, round breast jumped out defying gravity, and the two bright red

nipples on the chest were beating incessantly. Luffy's heart was full of

heat, Luffy lowered his head and took one in his mouth, flicking it

quickly with the tip of his tongue while twisting the soft and elastic

breasts. Shy moans escape through Vivi's throat. Luffy wrapped his arms

around her slender waist and pulled her up hard. Vivi opened her eyes,

saw Luffy looking at her with a smile, and buried her head in his arms in


Luffy hugged her shoulders and squeezed her slippery plump breasts with

the strong and solid muscles on his chest. He felt the two cherries

gradually become erect in the gentleness, which made his heart tremble.

Vivi was nervous and agitated at the same time, and crystal beads of

sweat oozed from her warm skin.

Luffy slowly laid her down on the roof, and gently licked her breasts and

arms, but his hand secretly slipped into her panties, and his fingertips

lightly traced the two mysterious and slippery lips between her legs. Her

beautiful vaginal lips were already warm and moist. Luffy's mouth felt

dry and his heart was beating fast. Vivi trembled all over and moaned,

her smooth thighs clamped tightly. Luffy gently raised her slender waist,

held her buttocks and took off her panties. Vivi was biting her bright

lower lip with her little teeth, ashamed to open her eyes.

He held one of her thighs, moved it slightly apart, and looked down. He

saw the smooth pink hole, two crystal pink plum lips tightly clamping the

tender slit, her lower abdomen was round and firm, and her waist was

slender. Holding it in hand, the round buttocks are plump and smooth,

Luffy can't help but admire the exquisiteness of the creation.

He stretched out his fingers and gently slid them along the red and pink

flesh slit, while. Opening her eyes wide Vivi's face was as red hot,

"um...um... " constant moans escaping her mouth. Her round buttocks

trembling slightly, love juices slowly flowed out from her pink hole,

staining Luffy's fingers, shining with lustful light.

Luffy couldn't wait to take off his underwear, his penis was already

reaching the sky, and a little bit of transparent liquid was dripping from

the horse's eye. He spread her round firm and smooth legs left and right

and moved closer to her. Vivi was so embarrassed that her pretty face full

of crimson blush.

Luffy slowly straightened his waist, letting the huge brown-red glans

gently move on the plump and tender pussy lips. Vici couldn't bear the

heat of his glans.

"ah.." moaning softly and nervously, Vivi raised her buttocks as if to cater

to Luffy. The two sticky pussy lips were filled with crystal clear liquid,

which wetted the tip of the cock in a short time. Luffy felt the blood all

over his body boiling, his huge cock was swollen and itchy, and it felt

like his heart was itching too. He stretched out his hand and gently

parted Vivi's fleshly pink lips, guided his glans to the mysterious and

narrow mouth of the pink vagina, moving his waist to thrust in. Vivi

knew what was about to happen, her face was hot red, and her chest

heaved rapidly. She looked at Luffy who was leaning down, and suddenly

said with a trembling voice: "Luffy, I... this.. I am scared, you... you... …"

Luffy leaned over Vivi's beautiful body, kissed her soft red lips, and said

gently: "Vivi, don't worry, I like you,I will let you have the best


Vivi stared deeply at Luffy's confident and gentle face and said

infatuatedly: "Luffy, I like you too, no I love you. Come, fall in love with


He slowly entered Vivi body. Vivi trembled, shuddered, and kept

moaning in pain,"Agh...um.."

Luffy stopped with pity, leaned over and kissed Vivi's soft lips,

intertwining with her mouth and tongue. When her body felt relaxed, he

used another force to pierce through the barrier and completely enter

Vivi's body. Along with Vivi's delicate cry, suddenly, dots of falling red

dyed the roof under her buttocks, like falling flowers, exceptionally eye-


"ahh, Luffy!"

Vivi yelled, a string of crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes, her

hands tightly hugged Luffy's waist, her whole body trembled violently,

tears escaping her eyes.

Luffy gently kissed away the tears on Vivi's face and said softly: "Don't

cry, Vivi, I will love you forever!"

Vivi raised her pretty face, which was stained with tears, and punched

Luffy in the chest several times softly, and said cutely: "Luffy it hurts, you

are too rough."

Then with deep affection in her eyes, Vivi said affectionately: "Luffy, I am

so happy. I am finally yours. What about you? "

Luffy kissed Vivi's soft lips and said gently: "Of course I am happy!. Vivi,

do you know how happy I am? To have a beautiful princess like you"

Vivi smiled and said with deep affection: "Your words are so intoxicating!

I am really happy to be with you! After so many years, I am finally

feeling happy"

After a pause, her face turned red, and she whispered: "Luffy, fall in love

with me!"

Luffy thrusts slowly. Vivi's dimples turned red, her brows frowned, her

lips slightly parted, her beautiful eyes lightly closed, showing an alluring

and charming look. endured the impact, moaning non-stop in her mouth,

which sounded like pain and joy. Her beautiful moans were like a song

but not a song, like a seductive voice, constantly stirring Luffy's heart,

and arousing his desire even more.

Luffy became more and more excited, and his movements became more

and more intense, constantly penetrating Vivi's delicate pink hole turning

it red and swollen. Vivi was panting and moaning, as if she couldn't bear

the abuse, but her delicate body was tightly wrapped around Luffy like a

sea snake, constantly moving to accommodate Luffy.

Luffy felt that Vivi's vagina was constantly contracting and squirming, as

if there were countless small mouths sucking his dick asking for milk.

Waves of extremely numb feeling came from the sexual organs, which

stimulated him to move more and more violently!

Vivi felt waves of extremely pleasant, sweet, extremely intense pleasure

rushing towards her. Under the stimulation of this kind of intoxicating,

and ecstatic pleasure, Vivi's mind went blank. Her soft, naked and

beautiful body felt unspeakably wonderful under Luffy's thrusting. Her

crimson hole gushing love juice constantly .

Her beautiful arms were sore and uncontrollably trembling. Ten delicate,

slender, fingers on her milky little hands trying to find support on the


Their movements became more and more intense, they were covered in

sweat, panting rapidly. Waves of intense pleasure like electric currents

constantly coming from the sexual intercourse between the two of them.

Their bodies were numb in heat. Both of them were filled with

excitement, and Vivi couldn't help but let out melodious moans.

".um...um...ah...uh...uh...uuuu" Her moans were melodious, exciting, and

made people feel numb all over. It aroused Luffy's extreme desire! He

moved violently, moving with strength. The strong and fiery dick pressed

against Vivi's soft and warm cervix wall again and again! The extreme

pleasure made Vivi's whole body tremble. She was in a daze, shaking her

head violently, her long beautiful hair flying, and she let out a high-

pitched and sharp scream. "uuuuuh~"

The two of them were making love intensely, their minds went blank,

and they forgot everything.

"Uuuuuuh" suddenly Vivi let out a burst of high pitched scream, her body

twitched violently, her hands tightly hugged Luffy waist, tears streaming

down her face, she reached the peak of her pleasure! Releasing a burst of

warm liquid.

Luffy was already very hot. Feeling the warm love essence released by

Vivi's tight hole constantly sucking and contracting his dick. He couldn't

bear it any longer, pushing his dick deep into her . A burst of hot essence

surged out, ejaculating deep into Vivi's womb. With a violent shake Vivi

couldn't help releasing love essence two to three more times.

Afterwards, the two hugged each other tightly, panting heavily, touching

each other and kissing each other passionately, embracing each other


Vivi was naturally beautiful, but now after being nourished by Luffy, she

was emitting a mature charm.

Luffy was so drunk that he couldn't take his eyes off it. Seeing Luffy being

so fascinated by her, Vivi felt a sweet feeling in her heart. She rolled her

eyes at Luffy charmingly, and kissed him. Luffy stared lovingly at the

baby in his arms, his heart full of happiness and satisfaction. He gently

stroked Vivi's hair and said softly: "Vivi, are you happy?"

Hearing this Vivi punched him shyly, and then sighed with satisfaction:

"Luffy, I'm so happy! I didn't expect that things between men and women

can be so wonderful!

When she said this, her expression was elegant and peaceful, but the

corners of her eyebrows and eyes inadvertently revealed a charm, full of

the lustful atmosphere of a young girl turned into a mature woman. Luffy

felt the amazing provocativeness of this beautiful woman, the desire in

his chest burned fiercely again, his stamina was full and his still erect

dick inside her tight hole throbbed with blood. Vivi felt it immediately,

her cheeks were flushed.

Luffy whispered in her ear: "Vivi, didn't you say that the love between

men and women is so wonderful? Let's enjoy it again! This time you take

the initiative, come on, get on top!"

Vivi was so embarrassed, but she couldn't resist Luffy, so she had to shyly

step on Luffy's waist and sit down slowly.

Luffy lay on his back and reached out to caress Vivi's unusually plump

and soft breasts, feeling very happy. He patted her plump buttocks and

said with a grin: "Vivi, why are you still not moving?"

Vivi's face turned red. After hesitating for a while, she leaned down and

slightly supported herself, moving her other arm towards the bulging

weapon her buttocks gently swayed, and then burst of extremely intense

pleasure filled both of them.

Vivi's slender waist kept moving, she bit her teeth lightly, her eyebrows

were slightly wrinkled, and her beautiful eyes were blurred, with

pleasure. Soon her face was flushed and dripping with sweat. Her

beautiful face was completely replaced by lustful thoughts and

coquettishness, and she kept making seductive moans from her mouth.

Perhaps she thought of Luffy leaving Alabasta, she gave her all. With a

misture of wet and constant sound of "pa..pah..pa~" she was swaying her

round elastic buttocks up and down mixed with sweat and love juices...

The nights in Alabasta were also hot, typical of a desert country.


The next day.

Luffy woke up from the soft bed, but Vivi was nowhere to be seen.

He got up, washed up, and went to the large bath, soaking in the cool

water, silently enjoying his leisure time.

Recalling last night's battle, moving from the roof to the bathroom and to

the bed.

Altough it was her first time, Vivi was so wild enduring the whole night.

But this behavior made him feel a little uneasy.

It's probably a sign that she's preparing to say goodbye to him.

As a princess, and the only child, Vivi clearly needs to stay in Alabasta.

"Sleeping with me and then wanting to run away?"

Luffy couldn't help but think, what a heartless woman. She's less than 16

years old, and still a week away from her 16th birthday, yet she's already

this heartless. What will she be like when she grows up?

"Then I'll just have to tie her up and take her back with me. "

After all, he's a pirate, and kidnapping a princess is one of the things

pirates love to do, right?

With his mind made up, Luffy, as usual, opened the adventure shop.

Great, he finally saw another Haki fruit.

Buy it!

[Observation Haki]: Lv2 → Lv3

"A one-third chance, what luck?"

Refresh! Refresh! Refresh!

After refreshing three times, he finally saw the second one.

Buy it, eat it.

[Observation Haki]: Lv3 → Lv4

This is unbearable.

Continue refreshing, refresh again.

The third Haki fruit.

[Conqueror's Haki]: Lv4 → Lv5

In that instant, the techniques of using "Conqueror's Coils" awakened in

Luffy's mind.

As if it was innate, he naturally mastered this ability.

He tried clenching his fist, and the Conqueror's Coils appeared on his

right fist, with black and red lightning flowing in the air.

"Finally reached this level."

Luffy was very satisfied.

With Haki, he could confidently say that he had completely reached

Emperor-level combat power!

"This is all the result of mt sweat and perseverance!"

"Hmm, without my persistence in refreshing the shop, would I have

awakened Haki today?"

That would have taken several more days!

Luffy looked at the adventure shop again, considering whether to refresh

another Haki fruit.

But after thinking about it, he decided to give up for now.

After refreshing the shop five times, continuing to refresh would cost 640

adventure coins, and then 1280...

Forget it, forget it.

[You have arrived at a new island, Alabasta, and received a reward of

1000 adventure coins.]

[Adventure Coins: 4545→ 5545]

Closing the adventure shop, Luffy got up and left the bathhouse. After

dressing, he followed the servant to the restaurant.

Not seeing Vivi, he asked,

"Where is Vivi?"

"She is dealing with the aftermath of the rebellion," the servant replied.

"Princess Vivi instructed me to serve you once you woke up. What would

you like for breakfast, Luffy-sama?"

"Give me some of Alabasta's specialty cuisine."

Luffy nodded and asked again,

"By the way, have you seen a woman with a white cowboy hat?"

"Are you referring to your companion? Miss Robin?" The servant shook

his head.

Where did she run off to?

Luffy picked up the phone and dialed Robin's contact number.

The port city, Oil Flower.

The Sunny and Merry docked at the port one after another.

Nami and the others got off the ship and saw Robin.

"Ah~ Whisky Peak's beautiful lady~" Sanji immediately became


"Miss..." Usopp opened his mouth but couldn't remember for a moment.

"Just call me Robin, that code name is no longer necessary." Robin smiled

slightly and said, "I am here for you guys. Mr. Swordsman, there's no

need to be so nervous, I am already your companion."

Zoro gripped the hilt of his sword he didn't trust this woman very much.

He frowned and asked, "Where's Luffy?"

"Luffy is in the capital of Alabasta. I just spoke with him and he asked me

to bring you all there."

"Then we're counting on you!" Sanji immediately pledged his loyalty.

Nami's face darkened. "Wait, I still can't trust you. I want to talk directly

to Luffy!"

"Nami-san, the matter with Crocodile has already been resolved. Haven't

you seen the news?" Robin thought for a moment and took out a bag of

gems from her pocket. "These are what I found in Crocodile's treasury. I

don't know how to handle them..."

Seeing the sparkling gems, Nami's eyes turned into the symbol for beli.

She pressed her hands against her cheeks and shamelessly exclaimed,

"Robin-neesan, let me handle it for you~"

Robin chuckled lightly and gave all the gems to Nami.

Afterwards, she noticed Chopper and was slightly surprised. "A face I

haven't seen before?"

"He's our ship's doctor, Tony Tony Chopper. He joined us as a doctor on

Drum Island," Bartolomeo introduced.

"A doctor?" Robin couldn't resist cute things. The socially anxious

Chopper hid behind Usopp, which gave her some mischievous idea.

"Dr. Chopper, nice to meet you. I'm Robin, the archaeologist of the Straw

Hat Pirates," she said, lifting her hand lightly.

Immediately, an arm grew on Chopper's body and started scratching him.

"As you can see, I have the ability of the Flower-Flower Fruit. I can make

any part of my body bloom like a flower and grow on any tangible


"Hahaha! Stop it! Don't scratch me!"

Chopper was itching and rolling on the ground.

Robin smiled and released her power.

"Let's go, I have prepared transportation, we can reach the capital by


Upon hearing this, Nami immediately remembered something: "What

about the prisoners?"

"Bring them along."

Soon, the group brought down several prisoners from the Merry Go.

Everyone boarded the transportation prepared by Robin, three large

carriages, one for men, one for women, and one for the prisoners.

Bartolomeo served as the guard and rode with the prisoners.

In the ladies' carriage.

Nami curiously asked, "Robin, what was the news you mentioned earlier?

How is Crocodile? Is everything resolved? Is Luffy okay?"

A series of questions followed, Robin had anticipated them and

immediately handed out yesterday's newspaper.

"Luffy has become a Shichibukai."


The ladies were shocked.

At noon, the Straw Hat group finally arrived at the capital.

Upon learning that they were Luffy's companions, Cobra made time to

meet everyone.

In the banquet hall.

After being separated for two days, the group finally saw their captain.

"Hey, how are you?" Luffy greeted with a smile.

"Luffy, you idiot, running off by yourself, don't make people worry!" Sanji

couldn't help but say.

Then, they saw Vivi sitting next to Luffy.

"Ah~ Haven't seen you in a few days, Miss Vivi, you are still as beautiful

and charming, no, even more beautiful and charming than before~"

["Of course, that's natural, after all, she has been nourished."]

Luffy secretly thought to himself, this is all his hard work.

Vivi politely smiled and felt guilty when she saw Nami...

Vivi knows about her relationship with Luffy.

But last night, emotions got the better of her and she took a step forward


But it's okay, they will soon part ways, although Vivi felt a little reluctant

to part.

She comforted herself.

"Miss Nami, and everyone, welcome to Alabasta!"


Nami happily went up to her best friend and held her hands.

The two of them had a friendly conversation.

Luffy glanced at everyone and smiled, saying, "The situation in Alabasta

has been resolved, sorry for making you worry."

After a long time, Zoro finally got to drink alcohol again and immediately

started chugging it down.

With a satisfied sound from his mouth, he said,

"So, when the log pose is fully charged, we can go to the next island,

right? We should buy more alcohol then, we gave all the previous alcohol

to those two giants."

Upon hearing this, Vivi immediately said, "It will take five days to fully


"No, seven days," Luffy shook his head and said, "In seven days, it will be

Vivi's coming-of-age ceremony, the princess's adulthood ceremony. You

don't want to miss it, right?"

Everyone showed an interested expression.

"Oh, the princess's coming-of-age ceremony, what will it be like?" Usopp

asked curiously.

To this, Luffy smiled and remained silent.

Of course, this is merely the surface reason. The true motive is his

intention to take Vivi with him and have her celebrate her coming-of-age

ceremony alongside her father. When they meet again, it might be a year

or even two years later. His plan is a secret known only to himself.

Vivi, however, is very touched. She also wants everyone to participate in

her coming-of-age ceremony to commemorate the end of this journey.

Therefore, she is very happy.

"Now, let me take you all around this city."

Chapter 74 Vivi's Farewell,

Shichibukai Is Robbing The

Princess! !

After having lunch in the palace, Vivi took on the role of a guide, leading

everyone on a tour of the capital city.

The Straw Hat Crew was filled with joy, but a few members chose to

remain behind.

Zoro, Bartolomeo, and Robin stayed in the palace while the others

ventured out for the tour.

As the crew enjoyed their day out...

"Hey, Luffy," Zoro asked with genuine curiosity at the table, "Why did

you suddenly become a Shichibukai? It doesn't really match your

personality, does it?"

Luffy chuckled to himself, impressed by moss head's observation.

Bartolomeo had an expression of admiration on his face, "Indeed, Luffy-

sama, being a Shichibukai is nothing worth mentioning!"

Robin chuckled lightly, "Is it because of Ace?"

The others didn't know, but she was there at the scene and had some

guesses about it.

"Sort of. The situation is a bit complicated, and you guys wouldn't be able

to comprehend it. You'll know in the future."

Luffy smiled and said, "You guys, since you've come all the way to

Alabasta, why not go sightseeing together?"

Upon hearing this, Zoro grinned and said, as long as there's alcohol, it's


The few of them weren't interested.

"Luffy-sama, how should we deal with those prisoners?" Bartolomeo

asked, "Should we send them to the Marines for a reward?"

"Now that things have settled down, we do need to take care of those

prisoners. You guys bring them out first. Robin, I'll leave it to you."

"Yes, Luffy."

Immediately, the three of them got up and left the banquet hall.

Luffy turned to look at King Cobra.

Now Luffy truly is his son in law.

"King Cobra..."

"Luffy, no need to be polite."

King Cobra smiled.

As the king, how could he possibly not know what happened in the

palace roof.

Regarding Luffy and Vivi's matter, he wouldn't stop it or interfere.

Everything should go with the flow.

After all, it was his daughter's own choice, and he respected Vivi's

personal will.

After pondering for a moment, Luffy directly asked,

"The Nefertari family, they are the descendants of the 20 royal families

who established the World Government 800 years ago."

King Cobra was taken aback.

"Not many people know about this."

Considering that Luffy comes from a prestigious family, it doesn't seem

too strange that he knows about this.

He waits quietly for the continuation.

Luffy nods and says, "What I'm about to tell you might surprise you, and

if it spreads to the outside world, it could bring about a serious crisis."

"Please go on!" Kobra's expression becomes serious.

"Among the 20 kings of the past, there was a person named 'Nerona Imu.'

It might be him, or it might not be."

Luffy says with a tone of uncertainty, "This person has been alive for 800

years and is still the true ruler of the World Government."

Although Cobra was somewhat mentally prepared, he still shows a

shocked expression.

For a moment, he doesn't know what to say.

"At the headquarters of the World Government, there is a vacant throne

that symbolizes the unattainable. It represents the 'equality' among the 20

kings internally, but that is just a facade. In reality, Imu, the king of the

Celestial Dragons, has always been the owner of the throne, and the Five

Elders obey his commands."

"800 years ago, there was indeed a king named Nerona Imu.." Kobra

takes a deep breath and is astonished by what Luffy has said.

If this information were to leak to the outside world, it would definitely

cause a global shock.

"Luffy, how did you find out about these things? Was it Garp?"

"My father is Monkey D. Dragon."

Luffy decided to use his background.


He is dumbfounded.

Monkey D. Dragon!?

Is it that Dragon?

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, listed by the World Government

as the "world's most dangerous criminal"!

What's the deal with this family?

Grandfather is a Marine hero, son is the leader of the Revolutionary

Army, and grandson is a pirate.

Is it really okay to be related to this family?

"What I said earlier was all background information, just setting the


Luffy reassures his father-in-law and says, "Actually, what I want to say

is, your Nefertari family was once part of the D clan, right?"

The D clan, also known as the natural enemies of the gods, and the so-

called gods refer to the group of world nobles, the Celestial Dragons.

Of course, Imu.

Cobra remains silent for a moment and nods.

"This is something Vivi doesn't know either. Luffy, what exactly do you

want to ask?"

"I want to ask..."

Luffy wanted to ask if he could take a look at the letter left by Queen

Nefertari D. Lili.

Nefertari D. Lili, one of the 20 kings from 800 years ago.

Back then, she chose not to go to Mariejois and become a Celestial


Instead, she returned to her homeland, Alabasta.

But the strange thing is, the person who later inherited the throne was

her younger brother.

And she herself, as if in a "blank hundred years," disappeared.

She only left behind a letter.

Luffy was quite curious about the contents of this letter.

But upon careful consideration, it doesn't seem appropriate to ask Cobra

directly now.

It might make his father-in-law overthink things.

After all, only Cobra himself knows about the letter. Besides him, there is

no one else.

"No, there's nothing I want to ask."

Luffy shook his head, got up, and smiled, "Cobra, if you ever have the

chance to meet the Five Elders, don't ask anything about the blank

hundred years. It will bring disaster upon you."

Saying that, he left the banquet hall.

When he reached the door, he paused for a moment.

"As for history, I will know everything when I reach Raftel. At that time, I

will let...tell you."

["Let your daughter tell you in person."]

["This father in law is really bold to ask the Five Elders himself..."]

["You're very brave! Father in law"]

["But if you continue you'll die without any value."]

Cobra watched Luffy leave in a daze, lost in thought.

["So that was a reminder!"]


Cobra furrowed his brows deeply.

He was indeed searching for the truth about his ancestor, Queen

Nefertari D. Lili

If it weren't for Luffy's words, he would have really gone to ask the Five




After leaving the banquet hall, Luffy saw Karoo outside.

This big duck was drinking water with a straw, it's really amazing that a

duck can use a straw.

"Quack! Quack!" Karoo saw Luffy approaching and immediately called

out to him twice.

Luffy smiled and touched its feathers, "Are you offering me a drink? Who

wants to drink what you've already drunk? Karoo, do you want to come

with me on an adventure?"


"Your owner really wants to go on an adventure, but also loves this

country too much to leave. I'll take her away, do you want to come with



Karoo was startled.

Karoo: (*•Δ•)["Quack you! Actually wants to quack my princess! And

quack me to join too?"]

Karu took three seconds to think, then nodded vigorously.

Wherever its owner goes, it will go!

At this moment, Robin and the others came over with the prisoners.


Luffy turned around and looked at the prisoners for a moment.

Mr.1, Miss Doublefinger.


Mr.3, Miss Goldenweek.

Mr.5, Miss Valentine.


A total of eight people, five men and three women.

When the eight people saw Luffy, they all looked somewhat fearful.

They had read the newspaper and knew that this person in front of them

was already one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

When they first received the mission, they never expected that their

target would turn out to be such a formidable character.

Luffy calmly said, "Your Baroque Works' Mr.0, also known as the former

Shichibukai Crocodile, has already been sent to prison by me."

"How do you plan to deal with us, Straw Hat Luffy!" Mr.1 remained very


His loyal subordinate, Bartolomeo, immediately punched him and said,

"Watch your tone, prisoner, show some respect to Luffy-sama!"

Mr.3 smirked and said, "Lord Luffy, you don't plan to send us to prison

too, do you?"

"What's the benefit of sending you all to prison? It's just a small bounty."

"The Marines won't kill you, since each of you is a Devil Fruit user."

The ultimate result will definitely be imprisonment in Impel Down, and

who knows, maybe two months later, Blackbeard will cause chaos in

Impel Down and they will all come out again.

"I'll give you two choices."

Luffy chuckled lightly and held up two fingers.

"The first option is to be thrown into the sea and fed to the fish."

"The second option is to seek forgiveness from Vivi, join the Straw Hat

crew, and become a member of the second team."

No one would consider the first option.

As for the second one, seeking forgiveness from Princess Vivi?

Is that even possible?

These people have done countless bad things in the past. If they can be

forgiven, Vivi must be a saint!

"What if we're not forgiven?" Miss. Valentine trembled.

"Then, of course, I'll send you to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish,"

Luffy said matter-of-factly.

This is not a threat.

He doesn't lack a few more fighters. He's just giving Vivi the decision-

making power.

If Vivi can truly forgive this group of people, then she will take on the

position of the second team captain.

If she can't forgive them, then they will be thrown into the sea.

Giving them to the Marines for a bounty exchange is completely out of

the question. If they were sent over, these people wouldn't die, and they

might even cause trouble in the future.

In short, there are only two choices.

Either kill them or recruit them.

The decision lies with Vivi!

Time flies, and a week passes in the blink of an eye.

The palace, dressing room.

"Princess Vivi, you've grown up. You look exactly like Lady Titi from

back then."

"Is that so? I've only seen my mother's appearance in photos."

"It's almost time for your coming-of-age ceremony. The Queen would be

very happy to see you now."

The head maid in charge of taking care of Vivi said with a smile on her


She has watched Vivi grow up, almost like a half-daughter.

"Actually, the coming-of-age ceremony should have been held when you

were 14, but it was delayed for a while..."

"Don't worry, Alabasta will recover soon!"

"We have to thank Mr. Luffy. Without him, I really don't know what

would have happened to this country."

"Yes, Mr. Luffy is a very gentle person," Vivi said with a bright smile

when Luffy's name was mentioned.

As someone who has the experience, the head maid could naturally

understood and laughed along.

At this moment, the voice of Igaram came from outside the door.

The captain of the guard had returned to Alabasta five days ago, and

when he came back, everything had already settled.

At this moment, he stood outside the dressing room.

"Princess Vivi, the speech will begin at 10 o'clock. A large number of

people have already gathered in front of the palace square."

"I understand, Igaram, I'll be there soon."

"No need to rush, this is your coming-of-age ceremony. You must present

your best to the people."


In front of the palace square, tens of thousands of people crowded the


Countless people eagerly looked towards the entrance of the palace.

Above the entrance, a platform was built on the city wall. In a few

minutes, the princess of Alabasta would appear.

Everyone was very excited.

And on the best viewing platform.

At the top of a building directly facing the podium.

The members of the Straw Hat Crew stood or sat, waiting for Vivi with

smiles on their faces.

"Ah! Vivi is coming out!" Usopp exclaimed.

They saw a girl with long sea-blue hair, wearing a simple dress, exuding

a youthful aura, slowly appearing in their sight.

Vivi, who appeared on the podium, scanned the crowd with her eyes and

finally spotted the Straw Hat Crew directly opposite.

She saw Luffy, smiled slightly, and her eyes turned into crescents.

"Princess Vivi! Princess Vivi! The jewel of Alabasta!"

The crowd in the square cheered.

Vivi took hold of the microphone, and her melodious voice, akin to a

lark's song, resonated and enveloped the entire country through the Den

Den Mushi device.

"Recently, I embarked on a great adventure!"

The moment she uttered the first sentence, silence descended across the


"It was a journey across the shadowed seas, navigating through days of


"Upon leaving our homeland,"

"I came to realize the vastness of the ocean!"

"It's home to countless wondrous, bustling islands!"

"Teeming with unseen creatures,"

"And adorned with surreal landscapes!"

"The ocean's melodies,"

"Occasionally soothing and harmonious,"

"Embracing my minor troubles,"

"Gracefully transforming them into flowing tides!"

"At times tempestuous and surging,"

"Shattering my delicate soul,"

"Mocking my timidity!"

Vivi's voice bore the hues of her memories, her speech devoid of scripts

and technique, flowing purely from her heart.

"During a tempestuous storm,"

"On a day of desperate hunger,"

"I encountered two humble boats,"

"Manned by those who rode the winds and conquered the waves."

"They gently laid their hands on my shoulder and spoke,"

"Do you see that glimmer?"

"This is the unsinkable little boat that steers through even the darkest of


"Dancing over one colossal wave after another."

"They harbor no fear of the sea,"

"Even when faced with opposing winds,"

"Their bows ever pointing resolutely ahead."

"Later, one of them gestured towards the horizon and told me,"

"Too much gentleness isn't fitting for a princess."

"All I could muster was an apologetic smile."

"He grinned and tousled my hair once more,"

"See, that is hope."

Though history may label it a mirage,"

"For me,"

"This is the undeniable truth."

Vivi smiled, her eyes shimmering with tears, fixed upon the Straw Hat

crew seated opposite her.

"Today, I must still say, I'm sorry..."

She couldn't continue with the words that followed.

For at that moment, a figure interrupted this deeply moving speech.

Luffy appeared on the stage.

Vivi had a stunned expression and instinctively shouted,


There was a commotion in the square below.

Luffy pulled Vivi over and snatched the microphone from her hand with

a smile.

"Hey hey, people of Alabasta, good morning. I am Monkey D. Luffy, one

of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and also the new 'hero' who helped you

defeat that old man Crocodile."

"To be honest, all of you are a bunch of idiots, being played around by


"Everything that happened in this country was planned by him. Dance

Powder? Rebel Army? Assassinations? War?"

"Don't doubt it, he did it all."

"Of course, you don't need to thank me, and I don't need your thanks


"I just want to teach you all a lesson, pirates are pirates. Before, a

despicable Shichibukai came here, wanting to take away your country."

"Today, another Shichibukai has come, and he wants to take away your


"Hahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha~."

Luffy laughed and threw away the microphone, carrying Vivi as he

leaped over the heads of the people in the square.

"Goodbye, people of Alabasta."

"Goodbye, King Cobra."

"I've taken your daughter!"

Everything happened so shockingly.

To the point where everyone's brains were still in a state of shutdown.

Vivi was the same, being held with a bewildered expression.

"W-Wait, Luffy!"

"I can't wait any longer, guys, it's time to set sail!"

Luffy shouted to his companions.


Chapter 75 Admiral Aokiji Is

Dispatched With The Highest

Combat Power In Naval



The door to the room was violently pushed open.

Captain of the guards, Igaram, rushed in anxiously.

"Your Majesty, Princess Vivi has been kidnapped!"

On the single sofa by the window, King Cobra, dressed in a burgundy

robe, held a glass of red wine in his hand.

He smiled as he watched the commotion outside the window.

Upon hearing Igaram's urgent voice, he turned his head and said,

"No need to panic, Igaram."

"But, Your Majesty, princess Vivi..."

"She will be fine."

Cobra smiled.

If it were any other pirate, he would have been worried. A kidnapped

princess would either become a bargaining chip for blackmailing the king

or a plaything in the slave market.

But if it was Luffy who took Vivi, he believed it wouldn't be like that.

Firstly, he was the grandson of a Marine hero, and he was also the hero

who saved this country. Moreover, he was Vivi's beloved.

Secondly, the Straw Hat Pirates were Shichibukai, and their bounties

were frozen. There wouldn't be any bounty hunters targeting them, and

the Marines wouldn't pursue the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Vivi must have been eager to go on an adventure, right? Let her go. She

must have been suffering for this country for the past two years."

Cobra stood up and walked to the window, looking at Vivi, who was

taken away by Luffy, and said softly,

"After experiencing a broader world, when she returns, she will definitely

become a qualified queen."

"Your Majesty..."

Igaram's face was blank, but influenced by Cobra, he quickly calmed


"I'm a little reluctant. Will Princess Vivi be able to eat well on this

journey? What if she gets sick? Can Doctor Chopper cure her? Will she

have conflicts with Miss Robin?"

"Hahaha, you're overthinking, Igaram. Vivi has grown up. After her

coming-of-age ceremony, she has become an extraordinary princess!"

Cobra laughed heartily.

Looking at Vivi gradually disappearing from view outside the window,

the old father muttered blessings in his heart.

[Be healthy and happy, Vivi!]

"Luffy, please, please put me down!"

Being held by Luffy, and in front of tens of thousands of citizens, Vivi's

face turned bright red, and she could only resist with her voice.

"No, if I put you down, you won't follow me."

Luffy grinned.

Now being held, Vivi was in a state where she couldn't resist and could

only accept it.

Once she was put down, she would become someone who couldn't

abandon her country, saying, "I am a princess, I cannot abandon this

country." He doesn't want her to be in such dilemma, as a good husband

he directly helped her choose.

"The sea is vast, and there are many adventures waiting for you ahead.

The Emerald City, Sky Island, the Fishman Kingdom under the sea, the

giant tribe's Elbaf... don't you want to see them?"

Listening to the temptation of her loved one, Vivi bit her lip and angrily

said, "You're really cunning, Luffy!"

"See, even your dad agreed."


Vivi turned her head and looked towards the direction of the palace,

seeing her father's smiling face through a small window.

Her dad didn't stop her...

But the citizens were shouting:

"Damn Shichibukai! Let go of Princess Vivi!"

"We won't spare you! Damn pirates, how dare you take away our Princess


"Chase them! We absolutely cannot let Alabasta's gem be taken away!"

A massive crowd, the people spontaneously chased after the Straw Hat


"It seems like everyone really likes you. If I get caught, will they beat me

to death?" Luffy laughed.

"They will definitely beat you up!"

Vivi chuckled.

"Well then, I can't let them catch me."

Vivi gradually tightened her grip around his neck, and her resistance in

her mind became submissive as they moved further away from the



"What's wrong?"

"I deeply love this country, but I also love you. Take me with you!" Vivi

buried her head in his embrace, her eyes curved like a crescent moon,

and she spoke touching words full of happiness.

Luffy paused for a moment, grinned, and said, "Then hold on tight."

A wavering princess sometimes only needs a little push to take a brave

step forward.

We are a hundred steps apart, and you have already taken 99 steps. I

don't want to disappoint you in this last step either.

Vivi thought happily in her heart, and her slender and delicate arms

tightened around him.

With thousands of people chasing after them, Luffy carried Vivi and

rushed out of the royal palace.

The people loved the princess very much. Even though some would drop

out due to exhaustion, there would always be new citizens joining the


Running and talking at the same time.

After a grand crowd of people ran for hours, they arrived at a beach to

the east of the capital.

The Sunny and Merry were both docked here.

"We've been waiting for you, Luffy, Vivi..." Nami stood at the ship's edge,

hands on her hips, and smiled.

"Ah~ Miss Vivi! You've finally came!" Sanji called out enthusiastically.

"Get on the ship." Zoro grinned.

"Nice to see you again, Princess Vivi." Robin smiled gently and spoke.

"Anyway, let's hurry and run, hahaha." Usopp laughed heartily.

"Welcome back, Miss Vivi." Kaya expressed her welcome.

"Luffy-Sama, I'll stop the pursuers behind us!" Bartolomeo made a gesture

to activate his ability.

In the next moment, a huge barrier opened up, blocking countless people

behind Luffy and Vivi.

On the coast, Luffy leaped lightly and finally jumped onto the Sunny,

holding Vivi in his arms.

"Set sail!"

He immediately gave the captain's order.

In the next moment, both ships quickly lowered their sails and slowly

moved away from the coast.

"Damn it! Why does a place like this have walls?"

"Devil Fruit user! Damn it!"

"Princess Vivi!"

The crowd gasped for breath, pounding on the barrier.

"Look, it's the Marines!" someone spotted a warship approaching from the


"Hey, Marines! Pirates are trying to steal our princess!"

Countless people shouted in unison, placing their hopes on the passing


"Marines? Indeed," Usopp's face turned green with fear.


The Marines heard the cries of the crowd and saw two pirate ships, as

well as the princess being held by the pirates.

"Colonel Smoker, it's Straw Hat Luffy," a lookout put down his binoculars

and quickly reported the situation.

Smoker, who had left Logue Town and come to the Grand Line to pursue

greater strength, took the cigar out of his mouth and frowned as he

snatched the binoculars.

"Straw Hat Luffy! And... the princess of Alabasta! What are those people


"Colonel, it seems they're shouting that Straw Hat Luffy has taken their

princess... and they want us to retrieve her," a Marine was a bit confused.


Smoker, full of righteousness, coldly gave the order, "Warning shots! You

go and negotiate, tell him to hand over the princess!"

The Marines on the warship looked dumbfounded.

"We... we can't do that, Colonel Smoker. He's a Shichibukai!" a captain

immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"So what if he's a Shichibukai? Are my orders useless? Shouldn't it be

your duty to watch a princess being taken away right?" Smoker's face


The captain immediately fell silent.

Firing at a Shichibukai... no, before that, that guy is Vice Admiral Garp's


No, no!

Absolutely not!

Without orders from above, attacking a Shichibukai, once done, the

Colonel would be in deep trouble, and might even have to go to the

Marine court.

Hmph, what a bunch of useless people.

Smoker's face was full of displeasure as he threw his binoculars to the

captain and walked to the bow of the ship, shouting,

"Straw Hat Luffy!"


Luffy put Vivi down and raised an eyebrow.

This guy came to the Grand Line too?

"Even if you're a Shichibukai, kidnapping a princess from an allied

country is still illegal!!" Smoker warned.

The key word here is "allied country".

Marine can't interfere with non-allied countries.

Luffy laughed, "Long time no see, have you improved your skills?"

Daring to shout in front of him, it seems that the previous punch was too


"What do you mean long time no see?!"

Smoker's face turned ugly as he threatened loudly, "Hand over the

princess! Otherwise, I will report your criminal activities to the

government and your Shichibukai title will be revoked!"

Unlike the situation with Crocodile, Luffy is caught in the act.

It is indeed illegal, but whether his title will be revoked is hard to say.

Luffy's mouth curled up, he didn't care at all. Don't you understand what

background means?

It's just kidnapping a princess, even her father is willing, what are you?

Oh shit he is really a Marine?

However, he remained calm and composed, while Vivi was anxious.

She quickly stepped forward and shouted, "I'm doing this willingly!"


Citizens: "..."

"What are you saying, Princess Vivi!" the citizens exclaimed in shock.

"Were you threatened?"

Vivi shook her head and smiled, shouting to the citizens,

"I'm sorry, everyone, please go back. I want to continue this adventure for

a while longer. And please apologize to my father for me. I want to truly

experience the vastness of the sea. It will definitely be a journey full of


It doesn't seem like a threat, but a sincere call.

The people who have managed to make it here are the ones who truly

care about and protect the princess.

Everyone looked at each other and ultimately chose to respect the will of

Her Royal Highness.

"Since Princess Vivi said so... then there's nothing we can do."

"Princess Vivi, please stay safe."

"Monkey D. Luffy, you bastard, you better protect the princess. If

anything happens to her, the people of Alabasta will never forgive you!"

As the commotion gradually subsided, Luffy chuckled lightly.

"Alright, guys, let's set sail!"

The ship changed its course and, guided by Nami, headed towards the

deep sea.

"Goodbye, Smoker. I hope the next time we meet, you'll be a little

stronger. Otherwise, your threats just like your fruit will turn into gas

and disappear."

On the warship,

Upon hearing Luffy's mockery, Smoker's face turned red with anger.


What does it mean voluntary? Am I just a clown?

He clenched his fist in frustration.

"Colonel..." the captain cautiously called out.

[That's why I said, don't get involved in Shichibukai's affairs if it's not

necessary. It's not something a colonel should be concerned about.

If you want to communicate on an equal footing with the Shichibukai,

you should at least be a vice admiral in the Marine Headquarters.]


Smoker took a deep breath and calmly gave the order, "I'm going to see

the king."

Whether it's voluntary or not doesn't matter. What matters is the king's


If the king wants to investigate, he must report to the Marine


As for the king not wanting to investigate, it's really not his concern.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is unnecessary, but it is his sense of


Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

A military ship docked in the inner bay, and Marine Admiral, known as

"Aokiji" and real name Kuzan, with the ability of the Logia Frozen Fruit,

let out a sigh and walked down from the ship's plank.

Naval Headquarters, the highest combat power!

"Aokiji Admiral!"

As soon as he got off the ship, the many marines in front of the military

port immediately saluted, their eyes filled with admiration.

"Arara, why are so many people gathered here? Did pirates attack


Aokiji scratched his head.

"Don't joke around... How could pirates possibly attack headquarters?"

A colonel, with a speechless expression, saluted and said, "You just

returned from the New World, it must have been a tough journey."

After a pause, he continued, "The Fleet Admiral asked me to wait here for


Sengoku wants to see me?

Aokiji's face showed a disgusted expression. He had just completed a

mission and returned.

Ah, being an Admiral is such a busy life. No wonder Mr. Garp has always

refused promotion.

"I understand, its really..."

Helpless, Aokiji had no choice but to go to the headquarters fortress.

Although that's the case, he could delay for a second. He first went to his

own Admiral's office and sat for a while, lying down and sleeping for half

an hour. After being reminded multiple times by his subordinates, he

reluctantly went upstairs to the Wind Temple.

As soon as Sengoku saw Aokiji enter, he said in a displeased tone, "You're

too lazy, Kuzan!"

"The two Four Emperors in the New World are about to meet, and I

almost couldn't come back." Aokiji sat on the sofa, poured himself a cup

of tea, and said, "Can you let me rest for a bit?"

"What's the situation?"

Sengoku's expression became serious when it came to the Four Emperors.

Aokiji answered, "Most of the surveillance ships over there have been

sunk, so we can't get close to monitor or observe. The specific reason is

unknown. And the Red Hair Pirates came specifically to warn me."

[Admiral, no matter how strong you are, you are still just one person. On

the other side, there is a complete Four Emperors pirate crew.

If you don't leave, then we'll fight.]

Of course, Aokiji cannot fight with Red Hair and the others, so he can

only retreat to a safe distance.

And then, he was called back.

Sengoku fell into deep thought.

Why would Red Hair and Whitebeard make contact? Could it affect the

stability of the world?

The movements of these two Four Emperors are not ordinary. The main

task of the Marines is to maintain the balance of the Grand Line.

"So, why did you call me back?" Aokiji yawned and lay on the sofa,

pulling down the eye mask on his forehead. "If there's nothing, I'll go

back to sleep."

"It's Nico Robin!"

With a sudden movement, Aokiji sat up, took off his eye mask, and had a

surprised expression on his face.

Sengoku continued, "This woman used to hide behind Crocodile, but now

that Crocodile is gone, she has infiltrated the Straw Hat pirate crew."

"The Straw Hat pirate crew?" Aokiji frowned.

Of course, he knew about this newly emerged pirate crew.

The captain, Monkey D. Luffy, is Garp's grandson, and he is now a

Shichibukai. It's impossible not to know about him.

"Aokiji, you need to capture Nico Robin. It's a request from higher up."

"What about Straw Hat Luffy?"

"I don't care about him. Just bring back that woman."

"What I mean is, if he tries to stop me, what should I do? How far can I


"Don't kill anyone!"

Sengoku's face was serious. "That's also taken into consideration by

higher-ups. Understand? The Devil's Child, Nico Robin, must be brought

back. Even if Straw Hat Luffy has potential, he is still far from being able

to stop you!"

After a pause, thinking about Aokiji's relationship with Garp as master

and disciple, Sengoku warned again with seriousness, "I don't need to

repeat the importance of this matter, right? That woman holds the key to

unlocking the devil!"

Upon hearing this, Aokiji scratched his head, got up, and walked out of

the office.

"Understood, I'll do my best..."

Not long after, the Marine Admiral's warship set sail from Marineford,

approaching the route of the Straw Hat Crew.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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