Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Наруто - Минато Намикадзе СИ2


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Наруто - Минато Намикадзе СИ



Трансмигрировал в Самовставку Минато Намикадзе с бонусом Пика

Пика Но Ми, а также особым телом из мира One Piece с Чакрой.

Patre-on: RaccoonLeague


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– id: 14311955

31. Chapter 31

As you know, I have my , and I am making the chapters available for free

that I will post on this platform on the same day; they will always be

released 3-2 hours earlier, so you can subscribe to my page and read with

early access.

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/ RaccoonLeague

32. Chapter 32

[Chapter Size: 1400 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 33.



At the dawn of the last day of the academic year, Minato woke up with a

mix of satisfaction and anticipation. The day had finally arrived, marking

the end of another year at the academy. Although there wasn't as much

public as last year, Minato was determined to maintain his prominent

position in the class.

Minato chose a simple and functional outfit for the last day of school. He

wore a clean, well-fitted white T-shirt. Complementing the shirt, Minato

wore black shorts that fell comfortably above the knees, creating a visual

balance that was both discreet and elegant.

After dressing and eating with the other kids in the kitchen, he picked up

his Fuinjutsu manual and other materials for one last review. Upon

arriving at the academy, he felt the lively atmosphere. Students were torn

between excitement for the imminent holidays and anxiety for the final

results. Conversations and laughter filled the air, as Minato passed by

other students from various years and classes.

In the classroom, he felt a climate of anticipation among his peers.

Minato sat next to his friends, all immersed in the unique atmosphere of

the day. The teacher began the class with reviews of the year, rekindling

memories and lessons learned. Soon after, he distributed the written test,

marking the beginning of the final exams.

While working on the test, Tsuna spoke to Minato.

"I heard we're going to start learning jutsus next year," Tsuna murmured.

"They're basic jutsus, we learn them easily in our clans..." Mikoto joined

the conversation.

Minato couldn't help but mutter softly, "Lucky you..." He spoke more to

himself than to the others. Unlike his classmates, Minato didn't have a

clan or a family to teach him. The older children from the orphanage

were all he had, and even that option was not ideal.

Turning his attention back to the test, Minato delved into the questions.

He reflected internally on the simplicity of the subjects, noting how some

questions could be solved using formulas unknown in this world. Yet, he

answered each question with ease.

As the first part of the day came to an end with the conclusion of the

written test, it was no surprise to anyone that Minato was the first to

finish, achieving a maximum score. His exemplary performance was

expected as usual by everyone.

After lunch, the practical exams came. The courtyard was reserved for

the second-year students, and Minato stood out once again. He

dominated the physical test, demonstrated almost perfect accuracy with

the kunai on 95% of the targets, and won all the taijutsu fights, including

a particularly challenging one against Akame Uchiha and his Sharingan.

He finished the day again as the number one student.

At the end of the day, Choza approached him, "Hey, Minato. Do you want

to go to the steakhouse with us?" Choza asked suddenly.

"Hm... Sure, why not." Minato thought for a bit; he had nothing to lose

that day, after accepting to hang out a bit with his classmates, he turned

to Tsuna.

"Do you want to go too?" He asked the Senju girl.

"Sure, let's go!" She replied easily.

"And you, Mikoto? Want to come too?" Minato turned to Mikoto as well.

Mikoto, however, hesitated, her expression mixing the desire to join and

the obligation she felt. "Sorry, my father is waiting for me at the clan, I

won't be able to accompany you..." Her voice carried a note of regret.

Minato nodded in understanding. "It's okay, we'll do something next

year," he replied with a small smile.

With the class over, Minato approached Professor Aburame after

coordinating with his classmates, carrying the Fuinjutsu book that had

been so fundamental in his studies.

"Professor, thank you for lending me the book. I've studied it well and

believe I could train on my own from now on, as the basics are learning

calligraphy and some easy-to-execute seals."

The professor, recognizing Minato's dedication and skill, responded with

sincerity and a touch of pride. "That's good. I don't know if I will be that

teacher next year, but if you need, you can come to look for me."

With a "Ok, thanks, professor!" Minato said goodbye and left the room to

join his classmates. Shikaku, Choza, Inoichi, and Tsuna were already

gathered with others.

Shikaku, always practical, murmured, "Let's go already, I want to sleep

early today..." noticing Minato's arrival.

They headed to the local steakhouse, a popular spot among Konoha's

youth to celebrate special occasions. The atmosphere was light and full of

laughter, a welcome contrast to the usual tension of ninja training and


He spent most of the time with Tsuna, sharing laughs, stories, and plans

for the future. They talked animatedly, with Minato occasionally

exchanging words and jokes with the rest of the group. It was an unusual

scene in Minato's life since he dedicated most of his time to training, only

exchanging conversations with Tsuna and Mikoto.

Choza, known for his insatiable appetite, was already eyeing the biggest

piece of meat on the grill. His eyes gleamed as he reached out, but

suddenly, he leaned a bit too far and almost fell from the chair. The

whole table erupted in laughter.

Choza, regaining his balance, said with an embarrassed smile: "I was

just... checking if the chair was sturdy!"

Shikaku, always the lazy one, just shook his head with a lazy smile.

"Sure, Choza, you were testing the chair... with your stomach!"

Inoichi, the most reserved of the group, watched the scene with a faint


Tsuna, not wanting to be left out, decided to further instigate the

situation. With an outrageously animated expression, she exclaimed:

"Choza, you should try balance jutsus instead of eating so much! Maybe

you'll become Konoha's most agile ninja?"

Tsuna's suggestion sparked another round of laughter and banter among

the group. Choza, pretending to be offended, crossed his arms and

grumbled something about "appreciating the local cuisine."

As the night progressed and 8 pm approached, the group acknowledged

that it was time to head home. Each one said their goodbyes, promising

to repeat the gathering next year, and departed for their respective


Minato, arriving later than usual at the orphanage, found Madame Gorete

waiting for him. With her arms crossed and an expression of mild

reproach, she commented on his lateness: "You're late..." Minato, aware

that he had lingered longer than planned, smiled in an attempt to soften

the situation. "Sorry, I was with some classmates."

Madame Gorete, though strict, said: "Be that as it may, go rest, since I

know you'll just train while there are no classes."

The next day, Minato began his holidays while some other children still

had classes at the academy; he went to his training spot reflecting on his

improvements this year.

He continued to be the top of his class, got a job to afford some things he

needed. In terms of strength, he greatly improved his physical body,

despite having reached the limit of his development at that age. Minato

started to study new areas to better his yields from this year. He refined

even more his chakra control and completely mastered 3 shadow clones.

Besides that, he is almost ready to master a new level of observation haki

which increases his range and started learning Fuinjutsu thanks to his


'It's a pity I still can't use my Pika Pika no Mi...' Minato reflected as he

arrived at his usual training spot.

'But this year I will master it if my predictions are right, the war will start

in the coming years, and I would have at most 2 years before becoming a

genin.' Minato reflected.

'Then in this next year, I intend to quickly master the basic jutsus,

focusing on my fruit and observation haki, in the coming years I plan to

start studying the six styles to have a better chance of surviving the war.

Minato did exactly that in the original, but I am not him, so my path is

quite unpredictable, not to mention that I am being watched every week

by someone, and I have no doubt that someone like Danzou would kill

me if I represent a threat to him. So I must be discreet.' Minato

concluded, ready to start his training alone in that forest location.

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!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

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33. Chapter 33

[Chapter Size: 1600 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 34.



Konoha awoke to the familiarity of a common day. Shopkeepers

meticulously prepared their stores for another day of commerce, while

families walked the streets, holding hands with their children, breathing

in the fresh morning air. The village's soft buzz created a comforting

backdrop. In this scene, an 8-year-old boy with uncomplicated blond hair

strolled calmly, his hand casually behind his head, almost as if he were

trying to understand and absorb every detail of the village he now called

home. Minato walked with an uncommon serenity for his age, reflecting

on his life in that world. "It will be 2 years since I entered this world...,"

Minato murmured to himself, his low voice almost getting lost in the

village's murmur. "I'm still surprised by what it's like to live here, not just

seeing everything behind a screen with an image or a manga page..." His

reflection had a mix of admiration and wonder for everything Konoha

represented and everything he had experienced until then.

As he walked, his blue eyes caught something that caught his attention.

"Hm?" He stopped for a moment, his curiosity piqued. In front of him was

a building that, although common at first glance, sparked a special

memory in his mind. "Wait, isn't this the Ramen Ichiraku?" He asked

himself, looking at the still-closed building, the place that would become

one of the most iconic and beloved spots in the village. "Maybe in the

next few years... It opens, I can't wait to try their food," Minato

murmured, a playful smile on his lips as he thought about the future. The

idea of tasting the ramen that almost every Naruto fan wanted to try was

one of his priorities.

Minato was immersed in his thoughts when a familiar voice pulled him

out of his reflection. He turned to find Mikoto. She was dressed

practically for a day in the village, with small shorts that allowed

freedom of movement, essential for a young ninja in training. A pouch

was skillfully tied to her leg, perhaps containing important items or ninja

tools. Her long-sleeved shirt was dark with the symbol of her clan on the

back, reflecting her understated style. "Hey, what are you talking about?"

Mikoto asked with a light curiosity in her voice. Minato smiled slightly.

"Hello, Mikoto. I'm just thinking out loud, what are you doing here so

early?" "I was walking to reflect a bit, I believe it's something you'd be

doing right now as well..." Mikoto looked at him, her eyes reflecting an

interest similar to his. "Yes, I was thinking about a few things before

going to my training spot." Minato confirmed. "That's good since I was

planning to visit you in your training area, let's go together then." Mikoto

spoke, opening a small smile. "Let's go then." Minato agreed, heading in

the opposite direction of the village center. The two young people began

to walk side by side towards the training site, the conversation flowing

naturally between them.

Arriving at the training site, a quiet and secluded area, Minato

immediately headed to the weapon stock. He picked up some kunais to

practice with Mikoto, after a while, the 8-year-old boy thought of making

a bold move, feeling the weight and balance of each one before choosing

the ones he would use for training. Mikoto watched, her expression a mix

of anticipation and curiosity about what Minato planned with this. With

the kunais in hand, Minato positioned himself. He closed his eyes for a

moment, taking a deep breath. It was a practice to center himself, focus

his mind, and his chakra. When he reopened his eyes, there was a clear

determination in his gaze. With a chakra burst in his feet, he jumped high

in the air, his figure outlined against the clear sky.

At the apex of his jump, Minato began to throw the kunais with surgical

precision. Each flew towards the targets, embedding itself in the center

with precise impact. Mikoto watched, impressed with the skill and

control he demonstrated. Then came the most impressive move: Minato

needed to hit a target hidden behind a tree. He threw two kunais, one to

collide with the other at a calculated angle, redirecting its trajectory

exactly as intended. The second kunai veered, spinning in the air and

hitting almost the center of the hidden target.

Mikoto couldn't contain her admiration. "Minato... That was amazing!"

she exclaimed, her voice mixing surprise and admiration. Minato, landing

lightly on the ground, turned to her with a modest smile. "You saw, but I

still don't have 100% accuracy," he commented. It was an

acknowledgment of his skills, but also an admission that there was

always room for improvement.

"Even so, I've never seen anyone do something like that! It was

incredible, you were so bad with kunais, but now you've even surpassed

me..." Her words were unusual, given her generally more reserved and

indifferent nature. "Thanks, I guess..." He murmured, thoughts of Itachi,

his future son, and his perfect kunai skills passing through his mind.

Decided to continue his training, Minato then created some shadow

clones. One was assigned to practice chakra refinement and calligraphy.

Another clone was sent to work in the grocery store. The original Minato,

however, dedicated himself to training with Mikoto, a moment they both


The training between them began with a sparing, a small fight to test

their skills and reflexes. Mikoto, specialized in small blades, had begun to

swap her kunais for large needles, a choice reflecting her precision and

unique style. In the end, Minato managed to take down Mikoto, a

maneuver that caught her by surprise and resulted in her defeat in the

fight. "Damn, I really can't beat you, Minato..." She was panting. "But

you're getting stronger, there's no denying that." He looked at her

acknowledging her progress.

Mikoto looked at the ground, her fatigue mixed with an emotional

weight. "I know, but it's still not enough, my father has been putting

pressure on me lately." Her voice was low, almost as if she was admitting

a weakness she rarely showed. Minato, surprised and concerned. "Why is

that? You're only going to be 8 years old." To him, childhood should be a

time of learning and growth, not of overwhelming expectations.

Mikoto sighed, "I know, but with Akame releasing the Sharingan at just 6

years old, everyone thinks that the patriarch's daughter is a failure, this

reflects how my father is seen..." Her confession revealed how she was

viewed even within one of the most powerful clans of Konoha.

"You're not a failure, Mikoto. Everyone has their own time and way to

grow. What Akame did doesn't define your abilities or your worth." His

words were sincere.

Mikoto looked at Minato, a glimpse of gratitude in her eyes, but there

was still a glint of disappointment. Minato, seeing that the girl was still

not at ease. "Let me tell you a secret about the Sharingan..." Minato

began, "To unlock it, you need to have a powerful emotion, it's usually

hatred when something precious to you is lost, your love turns into

hatred and this triggers something in the brain, activating the Sharingan."

"What?! How do you know these things?" Mikoto asked, alarmed as

Minato was talking about things not even the Uchihas talked about and

bringing it up in the middle of the conversation, making her skeptical of

Minato's words.

"Don't ask me how I know these things, just trust me." Minato spoke and

continued. "But to activate the Sharingan, you don't necessarily need to


"Mikoto, knowing that to activate the power of your lineage now, the key

to unlocking the Sharingan isn't just in pain or loss, but in any intense

emotion that shakes your being. It can be hatred, yes, but it can also be a

deep love, an unwavering determination, or even a burning desire to

protect someone."

Mikoto, still a bit skeptical but clearly interested, leaned forward. "So,

you're saying there's a way?"

"Exactly," Minato nodded. "See, the Uchihas are known for their intense

passions. This doesn't mean you need to lose yourself in darkness to

awaken your power. Instead, you can channel a powerful and positive

emotion. Think of something or someone you desperately want to

protect, or a goal you want to achieve more than anything in the world.

That intense emotion, when focused, can be the key to unlocking your


Mikoto pondered Minato's words, her mind buzzing with the possibilities.

"But how do I do this in practice?"

"Practice concentration and meditation, I would initially recommend

putting you in a genjutsu, but you will have to suffer for that," Minato

suggested. "Try focusing on a memory or goal that evokes an intense

emotion in you. Train your mind to cling to that emotion and channel it.

With time and practice, this intense emotional state can help trigger the

activation of the Sharingan."

Mikoto nodded, a mix of determination and hope in her eyes. "I'll try,"

she said, "but, Minato, how do you know so much about this?"

Minato just smiled mysteriously. "Let's just say I've done a lot of research.

And Mikoto, remember, the path to activating the Sharingan is as unique

as the person who possesses it. Your journey will be only yours."

With that, both went back to training for the rest of the morning before

Mikoto returned to the clan and Minato stayed to practice more.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

34. Chapter 34

[Chapter Size: 1600 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 34.



After the intense training and conversation with Minato, Mikoto bid

farewell and began walking back to the Uchiha clan complex, located in

the heart of Konoha. The complex was a vast area that served as home

for all clan members, as the Uchihas at this time were known for their

importance and influence in the village.

As she approached, the traditional characteristics of Uchiha architecture

became evident. Large wooden gates with the clan's symbol marked the

entrance, and inside, the buildings were arranged in a way that reflected

both the strength and elegance of the clan.

The complex was always bustling, with clan members coming and going,

training or simply taking care of their daily lives. Children walked and

played in the Uchiha style, while the elders conversed or observed,

maintaining order and tradition.

As she walked, Mikoto felt the gazes of some clan members on her. There

was a mix of expectation and judgment in those looks, a constant

reminder of the pressure she faced as the daughter of the patriarch. Yet,

she walked with her head held high, determined not to let these

expectations define who she was or what she could become.

As she neared her home, she knew she would face more training, more

expectations, and perhaps even some reprimands for not living up to the

achievements of other clan members. However, the conversation with

Minato and the training they shared had given her a new perspective and

a renewed sense of determination.

Upon entering her home within the Uchiha complex, Mikoto was

immediately greeted by the imposing presence of her father. He stood

erect, his posture and serious gaze reflecting the authority and discipline

inherent to a clan leader. His eyes met hers as soon as she entered.

"Where have you been this morning, Mikoto?" His voice was firm. This

was Mazu Uchiha (OC), the clan leader at this time, and Mikoto bore

many of his features.

Mikoto maintained her composure, knowing honesty was the best

approach with her father. "I was training, Father," she began, her voice

calm and confident. "I went to practice and reflect a bit on my own and

then met a friend."

"A friend?" he asked, a slight suspicion in his tone. "Would this friend be

that Minato Namikaze?"

The mention of Minato's name made Mikoto hesitate for a brief moment.

However, she nodded, confirming his suspicions. "Yes, Father. Minato has

been helping me with training. He's a good friend and a great training


Mikoto's father's gaze intensified. "The top rookie of his generation, not

even the child Akame can beat him with the activated Sharingan." He

reflected and then turned back to Mikoto. "Do you know anything about

his strange prediction abilities?" He asked seriously.

"No father, I don't know how Minato can do that..." She murmured.

Her father nodded after a while and spoke, "I won't deprive you of

knowing an orphan, but make sure you are learning the right skills and

maintaining focus on the traditions and techniques of our clan, Mikoto.

Friendships are valuable, but they should not divert you from your path."

Mikoto nodded in understanding and respect. "I understand, Father. I

promise to maintain the balance and honor our clan in everything I do."

Mikoto's father gave a subtle nod, a gesture of approval mixed with the

constant vigilance he maintained over his daughter and her future. "Now

go get ready, just because you trained with your friend doesn't mean you

won't go through clan training this afternoon." He said and turned to

leave, Mikoto nodded going to her room before grabbing something to

eat prior to the training led by her father.

Mikoto began her daily training routine at the Uchiha clan complex. The

place was filled with young and old practicing, each absorbed in their

own journey to perfect their skills. She found a quiet space where she

could concentrate without interruptions and started her usual exercises,

moving with precision and focus.

As she practiced, Minato's words echoed in her mind. He had spoken

about activating the Sharingan through intense emotions, a method that

differed from the traditional and sometimes painful approaches she

knew. Mikoto felt a mix of curiosity and skepticism about these claims.

How could Minato, someone from outside the clan, know so much about

the Sharingan, a secret so closely guarded by the Uchiha?

She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to connect with the deep

emotions Minato mentioned. She thought about the challenges she faced,

the pressure of being the patriarch's daughter, and the expectations that

came with her surname. Mikoto tried to channel all these emotions,

focusing on something that truly mattered to her, something that would

ignite a burning passion within her being.

The practice continued, and Mikoto moved with renewed determination,

each strike and movement imbued with a deeper purpose. She wasn't just

training to improve her physical skills; she was trying to awaken

something within herself, something she believed to be the key to her

evolution as a ninja and as an Uchiha.

As the training progressed, Mikoto allowed herself to feel a full range of

emotions, from frustration and the desire to prove her worth to the love

and dedication she felt for her clan and family. She knew that activating

the Sharingan wouldn't be an easy task, and it might not happen

immediately, but she was determined to explore this new perspective,

questioning the limits of what she knew and seeking to grow beyond


Mikoto finished her training with a sense of accomplishment mixed with

restlessness. Minato's words had planted a seed of curiosity and challenge

within her, and she was ready to pursue this path, no matter how

uncertain or difficult it might be.

Mikoto stopped training and sat down under a secluded tree. She closed

her eyes and began to meditate, knowing she needed to find a focus,

something that would evoke a strong enough emotional response to

potentially trigger the awakening of her Sharingan. She scoured her

memories and feelings, searching for that trigger.

Her thoughts wandered to a certain blond-haired, blue-eyed boy -

Minato. Mikoto remembered how she had met him and how he became

increasingly strong and a little distant from her, but he always had his

encouraging smile, and how he believed in her more than anyone else.

She thought about his determination, his strength, and how he faced his

own challenges with courage, despite his more humble origins. A wave of

emotions flooded her - admiration, gratitude, perhaps even something


As these feelings grew within her, Mikoto felt something shift. Her body

reacted instinctively, and she focused all her attention on that whirlwind

of emotions. She wanted to protect that bond, wanted to live up to

Minato's expectations, wanted to be strong. It was a mix of love, respect,

and a burning desire not to be left behind.

Suddenly, a sharp and powerful sensation coursed through her eyes.

Mikoto opened them slowly, and the world around her seemed different.

Colors and movements were sharper, and she could feel a new depth in

her perception. She stood up and ran to a lake near the training area

without looking at anyone, running with anxiety. As she approached the

water, reflected in it were two intense red eyes, with a single tomoe in

each. The Sharingan was finally activated.

Mikoto was agape, surprised and thrilled with her success. She had

managed it, and the thought of Minato, the boy with blond hair and blue

eyes, had been the key to unlocking her latent power. With the Sharingan

active, Mikoto felt a new wave of determination. She had finally

awakened the Sharingan just a few hours after talking to Minato,

something no one would believe, but she was the real proof that it


As Mikoto moved away from the lake, where the reflection of her newly

activated Sharingan eyes still shimmered on the water's surface, she felt a

tumultuous mix of emotions. There was a sense of triumph and revelation

pulsing through her, an energy that felt both new and ancient at the same

time. It was the power of her clan, finally awakened within her, all

thanks to a conversation with Minato.

"This is incredible," she whispered to herself, her voice laden with

admiration and a hint of incredulity. "Minato was really right about the

Sharingan!" The words he shared, the ideas he proposed about activating

the Sharingan through intense emotions, had proven true in a way she

never expected.

However, with this realization, came a sharp concern. If Minato's

knowledge about the Sharingan became known, it could bring unwanted

trouble for him, especially considering the secret and sacred nature of

this information within the Uchiha clan. "But I mustn't tell anyone about

what he told me," she decided firmly. "It could be dangerous for him, so

I'll keep it as my own secret." She knew that protecting Minato was as

important as honoring her own clan.

And then, a gentle warmth emerged in her chest, a feeling of gratitude

and affection that she rarely allowed to blossom so freely. She placed a

hand over her heart, feeling the steady beat and the warmth of the

emotions growing within her. "But I'm so glad to know him..." She

couldn't deny the impact that Minato had on her life. Somehow, he had

become an important part of her journey, not just as a training partner

but as someone who challenged her to see the world, and herself, in a

different way.

The emotions she felt about Minato were complex and deep, blooming

intensely within her, like a carefully guarded flame that had been fueled

by words of encouragement and acts of friendship.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

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Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

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Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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35. Chapter 35

[Chapter Size: 1600 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 34.



Dawn bathed Konoha in its gentle light, heralding the start of a new

academic year at the ninja academy. Minato, now entering his third year,

was already accustomed to the feelings of the start of the school year. He

had spent the holidays dedicating himself to rigorous training and in-

depth studies, with a few casual meetings among his friends, even though

Mikoto had not appeared anymore after that conversation about the

Sharingan he had with her.

But he hoped to see her as he walked towards the academy; other than

that, Minato continued walking and mentally reviewing his goals for the

year. He wanted to refine his techniques, learn all the basic jutsus, and

continue to strengthen his body and mind. His third year in this world

promised to be more demanding than the others.

As he approached the academy, the familiar wooden and stone structure

rose before him, the fire symbol stamped on the gate in Kanji. Students of

all ages were already there, all gathered in a whirlwind of activity and


Minato entered the third-year classroom, his eyes sweeping the space for

familiar faces. Soon, his gaze found Mikoto arguing with Tsuna about

something; he walked to his usual place.

As Minato got closer, the discussion between Mikoto and Tsuna became

clearer. The two were engaged in a heated debate, while many students

looked on with interest, already accustomed to the fierce competition

between the two 8-year-old girls.

Tsuna, with a defiant posture, taunted Mikoto, her Senju spirit evident in

every word. "What do you think, Uchiha? I'm going to beat you badly this


Mikoto responded with a sharp look, the typical serenity of the Uchiha

present even amid the provocation. "Tsk, Senju, you're always such a wild


The response made Tsuna frown, her fighting spirit more ignited than

ever. "What did you say? Want to get beaten up?" She stepped forward,

the challenge clear in her tone.

Mikoto sighed lightly, as if Tsuna's bravado was something she had come

to expect. "Please, Tsuna, you know it's not a matter of 'wanting.' It's a

matter of 'can.' And we all know that, when it comes to technique and

control, the Uchiha have the edge."

Tsuna laughed, crossing her arms. "Oh, yes, the famous eyes of the

Uchiha. But don't forget, Mikoto, the strength and stamina of the Senju

are not something to be underestimated. This year, I'll show you the true

power of our clan!"

Mikoto kept her gaze fixed on Tsuna, the challenge and confidence

clearly etched on her face. "I'm looking forward to it, Tsuna. You'll be

surprised how much I've evolved, prepare to cry with your defeat." Her

words were firm, but the small smile playing on her lips softened the

threat, turning it into a friendly promise of competition.

"I see you guys are already excited…" The moment Minato intervened,

both turned towards him. "Minato, you finally showed up!" Tsuna greeted

him with a broad smile, her usual vibrant energy making her greeting

warm and welcoming.

Mikoto, on the other hand, seemed momentarily taken aback. As soon as

she saw him, a slight blush tinted her cheeks, and she averted her gaze,

murmuring a shy, "Minato..." It was a subtle reaction, and neither of the

other two noticed.

Minato continued his way and sat next to them; he asked a basic

question. "Ready to start the year?" He maintained a cheerful smile for

both of them on each side.

"Of course..." Mikoto replied, still avoiding direct eye contact with

Minato, her voice calm and somewhat distant.

"Let's rock it!" Tsuna responded with her usual enthusiasm, her

contagious energy filling the space around her. While Minato and Tsuna

continued to chat, Mikoto remained a bit more reserved, participating

when necessary but clearly lost in her own thoughts, somewhat avoiding

Minato. The conversation was interrupted by the start of the class, with

the arrival of a familiar teacher. "Hello third-year students, we're together

once again!" Maki Fuuma announced, entering the room with an

energetic vibe, surprising all the students.

"Did we get a new teacher again?" asked a student, their curiosity

echoing the sentiment of the class.

"Yes, I'm back with you this year," Fuuma responded with a small smile,

clarifying the situation and the reason for the change. "Professor

Aburame has been promoted to Jonin, no longer needing to teach and

serving Konoha elsewhere with his abilities."

"Amazing! Aburame-Sensei became a Jonin!" The room filled with

murmurs about the promotion of the former teacher, many liked him last

year, and Minato was one, as nobody helped Minato more than Aburame-

sensei with the beginner's book for fuinjutsu.

But attention quickly turned to Fuuma as he continued. "Anyway, let's

start the class. As I'm already familiar with everyone, let's continue what

we're going to learn." With that, the class officially began, all eyes turned

to the teacher.

Inoichi, always curious and eager, raised a question that was on many

minds. "Are we really going to finally learn jutsus this year?" His voice

was full of anticipation.

Fuuma smiled, aware of the students' anticipation. "Yes, we will learn the

basics this year. You're classified as an elite class, which means that in

addition to higher-quality lessons, greater results than other classes are

also expected from you, so I want you to strive for that. You need to

learn the three basic techniques by the end of the year. In the coming

years, with the elite program, you'll learn basic elemental jutsus with a

Jonin a few days a week."

The announcement triggered a wave of excitement. "Hahahaha! We're

going to learn jutsus!" exclaimed a student, his joy reflecting the

collective feeling.

"This is so cool!" said another, almost jumping out of his chair with


"I was classified as a fire element, I can't wait to spit fire!" commented a

third student, imagining their future abilities.

"I was with an affinity for water, I can't wait to launch amazing jutsus!"

another shared, their eyes sparkling with possibilities.

The revelation that they would learn elemental jutsus still in the academy

left Minato genuinely surprised. "Incredible, we're going to learn

elemental jutsus in the academy?!" He knew this wasn't common, in fact,

he never expected something like this, even though he was surprised by

the affinity test in the first year. Minato was still recalling that, in the

original Naruto work, almost no genin was taught outside their clan.

Konoha's academy was evidently taking a new direction with this class.

Tsuna, always well-informed, confirmed his suspicions. "Yes, my mom

said that this is usually not taught by the academy, you really only

practice when you're a chunnin or don't have a clan behind you. But our

class is part of a special program from the village, with our results over

the last two years, the village's higher-ups decided to put us with new

jutsus beyond the basic ones to test if the village can create a stronger


Mikoto, curious, questioned Tsuna about how she knew so many details.

"How do you know all this?"

Tsuna replied as if it were obvious, "My mother is a student of the

Hokage. The Third Hokage personally asked her opinion about the

program, and many parents were called in for this, your father must have

been involved as well, since he's the patriarch of your clan." Mikoto was a

little surprised and perhaps disappointed that her own father hadn't

discussed these changes with her. "I see... He didn't tell me about these

things," she murmured.

"Anyway, isn't this a great opportunity for all of us? We're going to learn

elemental jutsus." He was particularly excited, thinking about exploring

his affinities with wind, lightning, and fire elements. "Even though we

learn some in our clans, it's good to practice in the academy, my father

says that the earlier we practice, the greater our chakra reserves will

develop." Mikoto spoke.

"The Uchiha is right, I personally haven't started practicing elemental

jutsus yet to focus on chakra refinement and control with my mother, but

next year will be a good opportunity to start." Tsuna spoke and turned

back to look at her classmates. "What are your affinities? Mine are earth

and water, I plan to focus on water initially."

"Fire, like any Uchiha." Mikoto spoke.

"Wind, fire, lightning, and Yang. I want to develop Yang and lightning."

Minato responded, leaving the girls shocked.

"Wait, now that I remember, you became famous for having 3 affinities,

but Yang too?" Tsuna expressed.

"4 affinities? I knew you were special, Minato, but that's amazing!"

Mikoto looked at Minato with admiration.

"I became famous? Yes, I didn't do the test with a special affinity paper,

but I know I have an advanced affinity in Yang, it's by far my main

affinity." Minato spoke calmly, even though he had never developed his

fruit, he felt that his power was there, dormant.

"I hope you master them all!" Mikoto spoke surprisingly in a supportive

tone for Minato.

"I hope so too... but I won't be left behind!" Tsuna spoke.

As the day progressed, Professor Fuuma started the class with the basic

concepts for the year, followed by a practical lesson. Minato, although

physically present, had his mind divided. He had created four clones that

were training in his personal training space, along with Tsuna's clones.

The capacity had evolved to the point where Minato could create five

clones, only surpassed by the six that Tsuna could create, yet he and the

girl used their clones to multiply their opportunities for training and




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

36. Chapter 36

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 34.



After the first day of class, the following months of the third year at the

Konoha ninja academy passed like a blur for Minato. Each day was an

opportunity to hone his skills, and he dived into his training with tireless

dedication. The focus of the third year was firmly established on chakra

control exercises, with exercises like sticking a leaf to the forehead and

even applying chakra to ink for common seals with fuinjutsu.

Under the attentive guidance of Professor Fuuma and with the constant

motivation from his friends Mikoto and Tsuna, Minato spent hours

practicing refining his chakra.

Half a year since the academy started, and Minato continued the usual

routine, Mikoto was more distant this year than usual, saying she was

training new skills that she had awakened and would focus on that until

she was accustomed.

Tsuna also spent more time studying medicine with her mother along

with chakra control but occasionally sent a clone to train with Minato in

the usual spot. Minato noted even more improvement in his control, his

calligraphy was getting better each day, and he could now execute 6

shadow clones with the whole day activated and up to 20 clones for 1

hour activated.

It was after all these months with the professor focusing on training the

students' refinement and chakra control that the awaited day began,

some students had already mastered these techniques after learning them

from their clan, but the majority had never trained them until then.

One morning at the start of the second half of the third year, Professor

Fuuma began the class on the Transformation Jutsu. "This jutsu," he

began, "is fundamental for deceiving the enemy and for espionage. With

it, you can transform into anything, from another person to an object."

He demonstrated by quickly transforming into a colleague and then into

a table similar to his, placed side by side with the object. Some students

watched fascinated, eager to try.

The professor explained the importance of observing the transformation

target in detail, emphasizing precision in every detail, from the color of

the eyes to the texture of the skin as well as characteristics of non-living

objects. After going through the fundamentals of the technique and hand

seals, Minato and others practiced, making mistakes and adjusting, until

they managed convincing transformations of each other.

When Professor Fuuma introduced the Substitution Jutsu, the room was

filled with cushions and wooden logs. "This jutsu," he explained, "is about

perception and speed. You must be quick enough to replace yourself with

an object before being hit." He demonstrated, asking a student to attack

him with kunais, who, in the blink of an eye, was replaced by a log.

The students practiced in pairs, one attacking while the other tried to

substitute in time. Minato found a rhythm, focusing on sensing the right

moment to make the switch. With practice, he and his classmates began

to execute the jutsu with more skill.

In an afternoon, Professor Fuuma gathered the class to teach the Clone

Jutsu. "This jutsu creates illusory copies of yourself," he explained.

"They're not physical, but can be used to confuse the enemy and create

openings for attack." He created several clones of himself, making them

move in sync.

The students practiced, focusing on dividing their chakra and controlling

multiple entities at the same time. Minato didn't find the jutsu

challenging initially, he quickly mastered it, but as it was just a practical

class, he didn't show off much.

'Naruto had immense difficulty performing this jutsu, when the multi-

shadow clone jutsu was learned by him in a few hours. It all indicates

that he, possessing a large amount of chakra for being an Uzumaki and

Jinchuricki, had difficulty in its control. But here I am doing it easily, of

course, I can't even get close to the number of clones that Naruto could

create, but this only reinforces that he just didn't have chakra control and

nobody helped him with that, something hard to believe that everyone

was oblivious to Naruto's difficulty, only that no one wanted to help him.'

Minato reflected.

With each new class practicing the basic jutsus, Professor Fuuma offered

tips, corrected postures, and encouraged the students to understand not

just the movements but the logic and strategy behind each jutsu.

Minato approached the training of each basic jutsu with tireless

dedication and a sharp mind, always seeking to understand not only the

execution but the essence and practical application of each technique. On

the training field with the Transformation Jutsu practice, Minato began

by carefully observing the world around him, memorizing details of

people, animals, and objects. He practiced transforming into classmates

with shadow clones, then into smaller items like stones and branches,

and finally into more complex things, such as moving animals. With each

transformation, he became faster and more precise, adjusting every detail

until it was virtually indistinguishable from the original.

When it came to the Substitution Jutsu, Minato understood that the key

was anticipation and speed. He started practicing with slow attacks,

gradually increasing the speed as his perception and reaction time

improved. He also experimented with different objects for substitution,

learning to choose the most suitable one for different situations. Over

time, Minato's ability to perform the Kawarimi no Jutsu in a fraction of a

few seconds became notable.

The Clone Jutsu was particularly easy, and he didn't need to perform

them much to fully master the technique, opting to continue using the

shadow clones that were much better for training.

His progress did not go unnoticed. Minato once again became someone to

be followed by example, as he easily became the first to fully master the

jutsu, even among students who had already been trained by their

parents and clans, Minato easily surpassed everyone.

After two months of intense training in basic jutsus, Minato realized that

he had mastered these techniques to the point where he no longer saw

the need to focus exclusively on them. He decided, then, to direct his

attention to more advanced and challenging areas, including mastering

his fruit, which granted him unique abilities.

On a particularly productive afternoon, Minato was training taijutsu with

a clone. He had blindfolded his eyes to sharpen his other senses and

make the training more challenging. The combat between him and the

clone was frenetic and intense, each movement full of purpose and

strength. It was during one of these rapid exchanges that something

extraordinary happened.

The clone landed a solid kick on Minato's shoulder. Instead of feeling the

usual impact, Minato felt a strange sensation and saw, upon removing the

blindfold, that the area hit was glowing intensely. His shoulder had

turned into light, making it intangible and allowing the clone's strike to

pass straight through.

"This!? Finally, after almost 3 years!" Minato couldn't help but exclaim,

his voice full of excitement and disbelief. His fruit, the source of his

unique power, had finally manifested in a way he had never experienced


He laughed out loud, a laugh that echoed across the training field.

"Hahahahahahaha! Am I the light man now? Finally, will I live up to my

future nickname, Yellow Flash?" He was excited about the possibilities,

about fully mastering this ability and using it in ways no one had ever


Wanting to test his newfound power further, Minato looked at the clone

and ordered. "Quick, punch me in the stomach!" The clone, without

hesitation, lunged forward and landed a strong punch on his abdomen.

However, instead of the sensation of intangibility that he expected,

Minato felt the complete blow, a sharp and sudden pain that made him

kneel. "AHHHH! That hurt!" he complained, surprised and a bit


"Well, it seems the fruit isn't under control yet..." The clone murmured,

observing Minato still recovering from the punch.

Minato nodded, still feeling the pain from the punch. He knew that

mastering the ability to become intangible wouldn't be an easy task and

would require much more practice and understanding. But he also knew

that he was on the right path and that every step forward, even those

involving pain and surprises, brought him closer to becoming the ninja

he aspired to be.

With the initial experience of his transformation into light, an

unwavering determination took over Minato. From that moment on, he

dedicated himself even more fervently to his training, seeking to

understand and control the extraordinary power that resided within him.

Day after day, he challenged himself, pushing his limits and accepting

pain as part of the process. With every new injury, every bruise or cut, he

saw a sign of progress, a testament to his commitment.

To others, Minato's new approach to training seemed almost masochistic.

He returned from the training fields visibly more bruised than usual, with

bruises and scratches marking his skin. The sight was enough to worry

any friend, and both Mikoto and Tsuna expressed their unease. They

watched him with concerned glances, questioning him about his constant

battered conditions.

"Minato, are you okay? This is looking extreme," Tsuna would say, a

wrinkle of concern marking her forehead.

Mikoto, with a serious expression and a tone laden with care, would add,

"You don't need to push yourself so hard. What are you trying to


Each time, Minato would just smile and reassure them, assuring them he

was fine. "I'm just training a lot lately," he would insist. "It's necessary to

master what I need to learn."

Although his friends remained skeptical, they recognized the

determination and passion that shone in Minato's eyes. Then, a month

after the start of this intense journey, it happened. During a particularly

long and exhausting training session, Minato felt something change. A

wave of energy, more powerful and clear than ever before, flooded his

body. He stopped, recognizing the sign of something significant


Opening his eyes, he looked at his arm and saw a sight that left him

breathless. His arm was glowing intensely, bathed in an almost blinding

light. He had transformed into pure light, a physical and visible

manifestation of the fruit's power. The energy flowed through him,

pulsating and alive, a sensation that was both strange and wonderfully


Minato was stunned by the phenomenon unfolding before his eyes. His

arm, now an entity of pure light, moved in harmony with his commands,

a luminous and intangible extension of his own being. He lifted it,

turning and flexing, amazed at the fluidity and grace with which the light

followed each movement. There was greater control this time, a deeper

connection between his will and the manifestation of his ability.

With a mix of curiosity and daring, Minato began to experiment. He

touched objects around him, fascinated by the strange sensation that

coursed through his being. Where his light arm met matter, there was no

resistance, just a smooth and ethereal passage. It was a disconcerting

feeling, the absence of solidity, but also incredibly exciting. The

possibilities that this power opened up were vast and varied, extending

far beyond combat – although its application in battle was undoubtedly


At that moment, the image of Kizaru, the admiral from "One Piece"

known for his ability to transform and move at the speed of light, came

to his mind. Minato imagined himself executing similar movements,

gliding across the battlefield with unmatched speed and grace. The idea

of emulating such feats, of becoming such an agile and powerful force,

filled him with fervent excitement.

He knew, however, that he had a long way to go. The initial

manifestation of his power was just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg

in an ocean of potential yet to be explored. Mastering this ability

completely would require time, patience, and an unwavering will to

overcome the inevitable challenges.

With a new sense of purpose and possibility, Minato continued his

training with renewed vigor. He told himself that each day, he would

delve deeper into the reach and limits of his ability, testing and

expanding the boundaries of what was possible. And with each

advancement, he came closer to becoming the legend he was destined to

be – the "Yellow Flash" of Konoha, a ninja whose speed and power would

be celebrated for generations.

As the light of dusk gave way to the mantle of night, Minato trained

tirelessly, an illuminated figure moving with determination and hope. He

was on the threshold of something grand, and nothing in the world could

halt his advance. The journey would be long and full of challenges, but

Minato was ready. And the future, a bright and swift future, was calling.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!


37. Chapter 37

[Chapter Size: 1400 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 34.



In the training field, surrounded by the quiet of the morning, Minato was

immersed in solitary and intense training. The light emitted by his arm

illuminated the area around him, creating a spectacle of shadows and

clarity that danced to the rhythm of his movements, even during the

daylight. He was focused on a clear objective: maintaining the light state

of his arm and trying to mold it, understanding the nuances and limits of

this unique form.

With the help of clones, Minato tested the intangibility of his arm. One

clone punched while another threw kunais, each blow passing straight

through his luminous form. He watched, fascinated and attentive, as his

ability reacted under different angles and intensities. The feeling of

becoming immune to physical attacks was both exciting and disorienting.

"If my body is immune to physical attacks, I won't be able to receive any

more attacks, and that will be difficult to explain when someone from the

higher-ups realizes this..." Minato murmured to himself, his low voice lost

in the morning breeze. He was fully aware of the implications of his

abilities. Being immune to physical attacks was an incredible power, but

it also brought with it a series of complications, especially in a world

where beings with extraordinary abilities were often seen as threats or

opportunities for study.

Minato knew that he didn't want to become a subject of study, an

experiment in the hands of others. He also didn't wish to be branded as a

renegade, forced to flee from the village that he now considered his home

and had sworn to protect when he decided to follow the shinobi path.

These prospects led him to a clear conclusion: he needed to hide his

ability to become intangible until he was in a position of sufficient

strength and influence.

"For now, I will continue to hone my skills in secret," he thought,

determined. "When I have powerful allies and sufficient merits, then I can

reveal my true power without consequences."

With that thought in mind, Minato continued his training, each

movement and experiment shaping his abilities. He knew that the path

ahead would be filled with challenges and difficult decisions. After all, he

wouldn't just be a ninja; he would be Minato, the future Yellow Flash of

Konoha, and he was determined to carve his own path, illuminated by

the light of his convictions and the brilliance of his power.

Minato, with his arm still emitting a soft and continuous glow, decided to

take his training a step further. Inspired by the abilities of characters he

knew from his memories, he focused intensely, trying to feel and direct

the energy flowing through him. Then, with iron determination, Minato

attempted to take a step forward while maintaining his arm in the form

of light. However, instead of the fluid and fast movement he expected,

his body hesitated, faltering between physical and luminous forms.

Minato tried again, this time attempting to run. He imagined his entire

form becoming light, moving with the speed and grace that his power

promised. However, the reality was much different. He became

unbalanced, stumbling and almost falling. Each attempt to move as light

resulted in a struggle, an uncomfortable disconnection between his mind,

his body, and the energy he was trying to manipulate.

Frustrated but not discouraged, Minato paused to reflect on the

difficulties he was facing. He knew his goals were ambitious, perhaps

even premature, considering his current level of understanding and

control over his fruit.

"The transformation into light is very complex, challenging not just the

laws of physics but also the very nature of my physical existence," Minato

murmured, looking at his arm of light. "I'm not there yet," he admitted to

himself, taking a deep breath to calm down. "But that doesn't mean it's

impossible. It just means I need more practice, more understanding."

"The good thing about this is that I don't use chakra to maintain this

form... It comes directly from my physical energy, and having a body

with the potential of people from One Piece gives me a significant

advantage in stamina compared to people with chakra bodies from this

world," Minato reflected, as he had the advantage of using two energies.

Unlike taijutsu specialists in this world, he could use physical energy to

emit explosions and move at the speed of light with mastery of his


Minato resumed his training, returning to more basic exercises of control

and transformation, trying to master his power even if it takes years of

training. During not just that day, he continued training his fruit every

day. Unfortunately, he could only train with his original body with the

Pika Pika no Mi, as no clone could use this power, but it doesn't mean he

wouldn't train, putting clones to practice his calligraphy, chakra control,

and even observation haki since his experience with the clones could

contribute to the increase of his perception.

Minato made the most of the day until it finally darkened, he had put a

clone to the academy and one to work, so the clones dispersed, Minato

returned to the orphanage. He greeted everyone and rested for the next


When he returned to the training site and was about to enter his state of

light, he felt a presence approaching. It was Tsuna, her haki was sharper

than before, taking a distance of 20 meters around her. If he had to

classify the level of observation haki, he would say he has 10 levels, and

currently, Minato is at level 2, which is a great achievement for an 8-

year-old boy. Even in One Piece, he would be considered a great genius.

"Tsuna?" Minato called out to the approaching girl.

"Damn it, Minato, I can't even scare you, you're a damn sensor!" She

growled, seeing that Minato had easily discovered her.

"Yes, I'm a sensor," Minato said, rolling his eyes, what else could he say?

"Minato, I could have talked to your clone, but you wouldn't know in

time, so I sent this clone of mine to talk to you," she said.

"And what's so urgent that you needed to seek my original?" Minato

raised an eyebrow.

"Because I want to invite you to my house tonight!" She said with a bright


"Hm?! Why so sudden?" Minato was a little stunned by Tsuna's invitation;

he had never been to her house, he never imagined her inviting him,

especially on a night, for what seems like a dinner.

Tsuna took a deep breath, clearly trying to gather courage. "Well, my

mother is home for a few days. She wants to meet my closest friends,

and... you're my closest friend! Well, so I wanted to invite you to dinner

at the Senju residence tonight. It would be an honor for me if you came."

Tsuna was blushing greatly and continued even redder. "But remember,

don't think this is a date or anything, just a dinner to meet my family!"

Minato was still surprised by the invitation but completely ignored the

part about the date mentioned by Tsuna. Dinner with Tsuna's family,

especially being the daughter of Tsunade and the great-granddaughter of

Mito-sama. Tsunade was a living legend in Konoha, known for her

phenomenal strength and unparalleled medical abilities, even at this time

when she is still not considered a legendary Sannin. And there was also

the possibility of meeting Mito-Sama, someone Minato imagined meeting

only after Kushina's arrival.

"Well, this is quite sudden, but yes, I accept the invitation, Tsuna,"

Minato replied with a genuine smile. "It would be a pleasure to dine with

your family. Thank you for inviting me."

Tsuna exhaled, relieved and happy. "Great! It will be tonight. I'll wait for

you at the entrance of the academy about 3 hours after the classes, and

we'll go together, okay?"

"Yes, let's meet at that time then," Minato agreed.

"Great, goodbye!" Tsuna, still a bit red, dispersed her clone the next

moment before Minato could react.


"She didn't even let me ask what kind of clothes I should wear..." Minato

murmured to the dissipating smoke.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

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Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

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RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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38. Chapter 38

[Chapter Size: 1600 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 34.



Minato continued training with his main body using the Pika Pika no Mi,

but still without success in moving with the power of light. When he

realized it, it was already time to leave the place to get ready for Tsuna's

dinner. Returning to the orphanage, the boy informed Madame Gorete

that he would be dining at the Senjus' house, which left her a bit

surprised, but she didn't prevent him from going.

"Just don't come back too late, otherwise, I'll send a Chunin after you,"

she warned seriously.

"I'll be here before you know it," Minato agreed.

He ended up wearing normal clothes, after all, he didn't have many

clothes for special occasions, even though he earned some money from

his work at the warehouse, he still had expenses to train his fuinjutsu.

Wearing simple but suitable clothes for a social dinner, he left the

orphanage as it began to darken, arriving in front of the academy, where

he found Tsuna dressed up quite nicely for an 8-year-old girl.

"Hello, Minato!" She said a bit shyly.

"Hi, Tsuna," Minato greeted.

"Shall we go?" She said hastily, and Minato agreed. Tsuna guided the two

through Konoha to the village center, where the Senju complex was

located, as one of the main clans.

"Welcome to the Senju clan, you've never been here, have you?" She

asked with a smile, no longer so shy but excited.

"No, it's my first time coming here," Minato said, but not without being

impressed with one of the richest places in the village, the residences

where the first and second Hokages lived.

Entering the complex, Minato noticed some activity in the place, but

Tsuna pulled him straight to the main house. The place was imposing,

with traditional architecture and a well-maintained garden that reflected

the status and history of the family.

"Here we go!" Tsuna grabbed Minato and pulled him inside quickly.

"We're here!" Tsuna announced, removing her shoes at the door, and

Minato did the same.

"Don't be noisy, Tsuna," Minato heard a voice coming from inside the

place, imagining it was Tsuna's mother.

"Don't be like that, mother!" Tsuna said with a smile as she approached

the kitchen with Minato right behind.

Minato entered the Senju residence, feeling a bit nervous but deeply

honored to have been invited to dine with such a renowned family. The

room where he was received was cozy, with a rich table prepared for

dinner. As his eyes settled on the people around the table, he

immediately recognized some important figures.

Dam was there, Tsuna's father, whose kindness in the past had left a

positive impression on Minato. Nawaki, her uncle, was also present;

Minato remembered well their somewhat hostile first encounter when

Nawaki threw two kunais in his direction, creating a tense situation. The

two women at the table were unmistakable. Tsunade was setting plates

on the table, and a lady in quite traditional clothing whom Minato

immediately recognized by her red hair. Despite her old age, the color

didn't seem to lose its luster with age. This was Mito Senju, from the

Uzumaki clan. She had a kind and wise look, whose eyes reflected the

wisdom of many years. As for Tsunade, Minato could not fail to know

who she was, already with her small mark on her forehead, Tsunade

Senju had a fierce look and eyed Minato as if spotting prey.

"This is my family, Minato," Tsuna announced proudly as they looked at

each other, "this is Tsunade, my mother; Dam, my father; Nawaki, my

uncle; and Mito, my great-grandmother!"

"It's a great honor to be here. Thank you for having me in your home,"

Minato said, his voice carrying a mix of nervousness and respect.

Tsunade, with her penetrating and fierce gaze, evaluated Minato. "I've

heard a lot about you, Minato. Tsuna often talks about your adventures,

abilities, and your character. We are happy to have you with us tonight, I

hope you're treating my daughter very well." Her final words carried a

tone that could be interpreted as both advice and a veiled threat.

Internally, Minato squirmed a bit at the insinuation, thinking, 'What kind

of question is that?'. He knew Tsunade was an imposing figure with a

fierce protective instinct, especially when it came to her daughter.

"Tsuna is a great friend, and I have the utmost respect for her

achievements. Our friendship is based on mutual respect and support,"

Minato replied, hoping to alleviate any concerns Tsunade might have.

"That sounds like boyfriends..." Nawaki murmured, causing Tsuna to


"Don't say those things!" She shouted at her teenage uncle.

Mito, with a gentle smile and welcoming eyes, intervened to ease the

atmosphere. "We are happy to welcome you, Minato. I've also heard a lot

about you, come, young ones, sit at the table." Mito requested, and both

Minato and Tsuna went to their places.

Dam, with his easy smile and gentle manner, was one of the first to strike

up a conversation with Minato after the initial tension subsided.

"Minato, Tsuna told us about your incredible abilities," Dam began, a

glint of genuine interest in his eyes. "It's always a pleasure to see talented

young people growing in our village. You are the number one rookie,

aren't you?"

"I am always looking to improve and learn more. Every day that a new

chance arises to surpass my limits, I take it to improve," he replied


Nawaki, always analytical and perceptive, asked, "And what is the

famous number one rookie of the elite class up to these days?"

"Uncle..." Tsuna murmured, not liking Nawaki's tone.

"Don't be like that, Tsuna. I'm just curious. Many talk about Minato

Namikaze, but few really know about him," he said, looking at Minato.

"I train basic things, I'm learning simple Fuinjutsu seals, and I'm focused

on physical training," Minato said.

"Physical training?" Nawaki made a face.

"Don't talk like that. Minato has the best results in the academy. He can

even use chakra to strengthen his body," Tsuna defended him before

Minato could respond.

"Hohohoho. It seems little Tsuna likes to defend her friend," Mito said,

laughing, leaving Tsuna a bit red since she couldn't respond to her great-


Mito, who had been listening attentively until then, smiled at Minato

with a warm and open expression. "I've heard that you are a prodigy,

perhaps the only one born in a generation. The village is indeed blessed

with someone like you, but I'm surprised by your interest in fuinjutsu.

Tsuna mentioned that you're training. It's good to see someone young

interested in the art of seals; you won't regret it in the future."

"Thank you. I also believe that. I have great expectations in that area, and

I'm willing to work hard to reach them," Minato spoke with conviction.

Tsunade, who had been observing the conversation, finally joined in.

"Well, if you keep working hard and maintain that attitude, I'm sure you

will achieve what you desire. Just don't forget to take care of yourself in

the process," she advised, a touch of softness in her voice, very different

from the predator look from before.

As everyone sat down for dinner, Minato found himself immersed in

conversations about everything from ninja techniques to stories of the

Senju clan. He listened intently, learning not just about Tsuna's family

but also about the history of Konoha and the responsibilities and honors

that came with being part of one of the founding clans.

As the evening progressed, Minato felt a growing connection with

everyone at the table. The initial nervousness gave way to a sense of

belonging and friendship. Minato felt like he was being introduced into

the Senju family that night, Tsuna was cheerful and Minato conversed a

lot with each member there.

"I still remember when I threw two kunais at your boyfriend, Tsuna!"

Nawaki said with a smile in the midst of a conversation.

The sentence made Tsuna instantly blush, her cheeks tinting red as she

shot a reproachful look at Nawaki. "Nawaki! Don't be silly, he's just a

very good friend and a training partner."

The dinner continued, however, as the night advanced, Minato realized it

was getting late. He remembered that Madame Gorete might start

worrying if he took too long to return. Despite enjoying every moment

with the Senju family, he knew he needed to be responsible and consider

the concerns of those who cared for him.

"I really appreciate the hospitality and wonderful company," Minato said,

standing up from the table. "But I think I need to leave now. Madame

Gorete might start to worry if I get back too late."

Tsunade nodded with understanding. "Of course, Minato. We can

understand that. Feel free to visit us again whenever you want."

Dam extended his hand for a firm shake. "It was a pleasure to meet you,

Minato. You are always welcome here."

Tsuna smiled and accompanied him to the door. "Thanks for coming,

Minato. Let's talk at the academy tomorrow, okay?"

"It's a pity, young man, I would have liked to show you some of my

scrolls, as it's always good to guide the young, but we can leave that for

another time, I hope to see you again here, Minato Namikaze," Mito said

with a gentle smile.

Minato smiled, thanking everyone again before leaving the Senju house

and walking under Konoha's night sky. Minato quickly returned to the

orphanage and found the woman waiting for him, warming his heart

with the concern of the woman who not only took care of him but the

entire orphanage.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

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Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

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RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

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39. Chapter 39

[Chapter Size: 1600 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 34.



The next day, Tsuna brought a book on fuinjutsu given by Mito-Sama

herself, which left Minato extremely surprised; this book was an

intermediate guide on seals. He was excited to learn about these new

seals and start applying them as soon as he was ready.

The last months of the school year were of absolute dedication and

commitment for Minato. Each day was a new opportunity to advance and

refine his skills, and he committed to making the most of the remaining

time before the end of classes.

Training his fruit continued to be a challenge, but he kept it in mind

every day. He made some significant breakthroughs, learning to better

control the transformation into light.

Now with a more advanced book from the Uzumaki clan, considered a

treasure in Minato's opinion given by Mito, his interest in Fuinjutsu was

fueled by valuable tips from Mito during the dinner at the Senju

residence. Her wisdom and experience in seals and techniques were

invaluable, and Minato absorbed all he could. He spent hours deciphering

the complex seals and theories, practicing tirelessly to incorporate these

seals even as a means of extra income.

The continuous refinement of his chakra control allowed Minato to now

produce up to six shadow clones. This advancement significantly

increased his training and multitasking capabilities, allowing him to

explore and practice multiple techniques simultaneously.

Basic jutsus from the academy had been mastered by Minato months ago

– Transformation, Substitution, and Clone Jutsus – were something he

even had to set aside.

As the last day of class approached, Minato looked back and saw how

much he had changed and grown. He was no longer the same student

who entered the academy. Now, he was equipped with vast knowledge,

refined skills, and an unwavering determination to continue growing and

becoming a ninja who would make a difference in Konoha and the ninja


The last day of class at the ninja academy was dedicated to final tests, a

crucial day that would determine each student's progress and proficiency

in the knowledge and skills they had learned throughout the year.

The morning began with written tests, where students were challenged

with questions about ninja theory, mathematics, strategy, Konoha

history, and theoretical knowledge of jutsus. Minato, with his sharp mind

and memory, breezed through the questions, quickly finishing with a

perfect score.

In the afternoon, students gathered in the training field for practical

evaluations, starting with basic jutsus. When it was Minato's turn, he

positioned himself calmly in front of the class, his gaze focused and


First, he performed the Clone Jutsu, but instead of creating one or two,

he surprised everyone by forming several clones simultaneously. The

class and the teacher watched, astonished, as Minato's clones lined up

perfectly beside him.

Without wasting time, each clone, along with Minato, began to perform

the Transformation Jutsu. In an instant, the field was filled with identical

replicas of each of Minato's classmates, each transformation a perfect

copy of the original. Murmurs of surprise and admiration ran through the

class as they watched the impressive display.

Finally, to demonstrate the Substitution Jutsu, Minato and his clones

coordinated a movement where each one was attacked and replaced by a

wooden log, all disappearing and reappearing in different locations of the

field almost instantly with a quick execution of substitution. The

execution was so fast and fluid that it left the class and even the teacher

in awe.

After the demonstration, the teacher approached Minato, a smile of

approval on his face. "Incredible, Minato! Your ability to create and

control so many clones, and still perform jutsus with each one of them, is

a testament to your immense amount of chakra and refined control. You

have not only mastered the basic jutsus but elevated them to a new


Minato's classmates, still recovering from the initial shock, began to

applaud and praise, recognizing the talent and effort he had

demonstrated. Minato's performance not only secured him the top grade

in the class but also set a new standard of excellence and dedication.

The end of the day at the ninja academy was reserved for physical exams,

a series of tests designed to assess each student's fitness, agility, and

accuracy. Minato, already confident after his impressive demonstrations

of basic jutsus, was ready to showcase his physical abilities.

The first challenge was the usual obstacle course, an elaborate track with

various physical challenges that tested speed, agility, and endurance.

Minato positioned himself at the starting line, concentrating his chakra to

strengthen his body. He knew that with the ability to control and direct

his chakra with precision, he could enhance his movements and reactions

with his powerful body.

When the signal was given, Minato shot off. He navigated the course with

impressive speed and grace, jumping over barriers, climbing walls, and

traversing tricky stretches with notable efficiency. He crossed the finish

line in first place, by a considerable margin from the second place,

receiving applause and admiring looks from classmates and teachers.

The next test was the kunai throwing accuracy. Targets were positioned

at various distances, and each student had to demonstrate their skill in

hitting them. Minato, with concentrated calm, picked up the kunais and

began throwing them. One by one, each kunai found its target with

impeccable precision. His movements were so precise and controlled that

it seemed like he and the kunais were in perfect sync. In the end, he

achieved a score of 100%, once again securing the first place tied with


Finally came the sparrings, where students had to demonstrate their

combat skills by facing each other in controlled fights. Minato faced each

opponent with a mix of refined technique, strategy, and an intuitive

understanding of the opponent's movement and intention. Now able to

use the basic jutsus, he used his clones to confuse and disorient, while

calculating the exact moment to attack and defend. Each fight ended with

Minato as the clear winner.

After Minato's impressive demonstrations, it was time for Tsuna and

Mikoto to showcase their abilities in a scheduled sparring. The fight

between the two friends was anticipated with great expectation, as both

were known for their dedication and talent as rivals, each representing

their own clan.

As the fight began with both using the basic jutsus, something surprising

happened. In the middle of the fight, while Tsuna was launching a series

of attacks, Mikoto closed her eyes for a brief moment. When she

reopened them, instead of the usual dark eyes, two bright red eyes with a

single tomoe in each stared back at Tsuna and everyone present. The

Sharingan, the legendary copy-eye of the Uchiha clan, was active and

glowing on her face.

A murmur of surprise and admiration ran through the crowd of students

and teachers, as at 8 years old, Mikoto could be a prodigy, even

surpassing Akame, as he had an advantage over Mikoto thanks to his

sharingan, but now it seems not to be the case anymore. No one expected

Mikoto to be able to activate the Sharingan yet, and the revelation of her

hidden power left everyone stunned. Tsuna, for a moment, was also

surprised, but she soon resumed her combat stance, recognizing the

additional challenge she now faced.

With the Sharingan activated, Mikoto could predict and react to Tsuna's

movements with even greater accuracy. She dodged and counterattacked

with surprising efficiency, using her enhanced perceptual abilities to gain

an advantage. The fight continued intense and balanced, but now with

Mikoto demonstrating renewed confidence and skill.

Finally, after a series of impressive exchanges, Mikoto managed to

overcome Tsuna, using a combination of jutsus and strategy enhanced by

the Sharingan. When Tsuna was declared unable to continue, the fight

ended, and Mikoto was named the winner.

As she caught her breath, Mikoto looked at her classmates and teachers,

her voice firm and full of determination. "I spent the whole year training,

striving not to fall behind Minato. I knew I needed to push myself harder,

and today, I managed to show a part of the result of that effort."

As the last day of the third year at the Konoha ninja academy came to an

end, following the exams and final demonstrations, the students gathered

for a closing ceremony. Professor Fuuma, along with other instructors,

shared words of encouragement and wisdom, acknowledging everyone's

efforts and achievements during the year.

"Damn, you beat me this time, but I'll surpass that eye of yours soon,

Uchiha!" Tsuna declared at the end of the class.

"That was amazing, Mikoto. Is that why you distanced yourself so much

this year, you were training your Sharingan?" Minato couldn't help but

ask, curious.

"Yes, I needed to get used to it, so I trained in secret, even from my

father, to improve chakra control to use the Sharingan without it

draining too much of my chakra," she said with pride and then turned to


"You know you won't be able to beat me now, accept the defeat, Senju,"

Mikoto said with an arrogant smile.

"Damn it! I swear I'll kick your butt!" Tsuna growled.

After this exchange outside the academy, with the sunset tinting the sky

with vibrant colors, Minato, Tsuna, and Mikoto went their separate ways

home. They promised to train during the holidays and make the fourth

year much more productive for everyone.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

40. Chapter 40

[Chapter Size: 1400 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



It was the 35th year since the foundation of Konoha, and this year would

be marked by significant changes in the geopolitics of the great nations,

but no one knew that at this moment. Meanwhile, Konoha was living in

its peaceful atmosphere as the shadows of war quickly approached all

corners of the continent.

The citizens were going about their routines peacefully, while in a corner

of the village, in a training area on this beautiful spring day, Minato and

Tsuna were in one of the village's training fields, practicing intensely.

They had become frequent partners, pushing each other to new heights

and sharing both laughter and sweat.

After a fight between the two, Tsuna prepared to leave. "I need to go

home early today," she said. "We will have an important visit from the

Uzumaki Village. It seems someone special is coming to Konoha, and the

Senju clan will have to receive them." She informed him.

Minato, grabbing a towel to wipe off his sweat, looked at Tsuna, curious.

"A visit from the Uzumakis? That sounds important." His mind began to

work, connecting pieces from his memories.

"Yes," Tsuna confirmed, collecting her training gear. "I don't have all the

details, but my mother mentioned that it's someone who will play a

significant role in Konoha."

'It must be Kushina, she's finally coming to the village...' Knowing the

future, he already guessed the reason for this visit. Since there's the fact

that Mito Uzumaki, the current jinchuriki of the Kyuubi, was aging, he

knew Kushina Uzumaki would be the next jinchuriki to replace Mito.

'There are so many theories, there is one that Kushina was sent to Konoha

to escape the war, but Uzumaki would only be attacked before the third

war in a time of peace, so it doesn't make sense here...' Minato reasoned.

"Understand... Anyway, I need to go," said Tsuna, beginning to move

away. "Shall we train together again tomorrow?"

"Of course," Minato replied with a nod. "I'll continue a little more here

and then return to the orphanage."

As Tsuna walked away, Minato resumed his training, but his mind was

restless, thinking about the Uzumakis' visit. He positioned himself in the

center of the field, closing his eyes for a moment to center and

concentrate himself. Now was the time to dedicate himself entirely to

training his fruit without Tsuna around.

Minato began focusing intensely, channeling his physical energy and

focusing on the unique sensation that came with activating his fruit. He

clearly remembered the first time he transformed his arm into light and

was trying to move at the speed of light.

Initially, he tried to transform just a part of his body, his arm or leg, and

move it at the desired speed. There were moments of success, where for a

fraction of a second, he felt the dizzying acceleration and saw the world

around him blurring in a tangle of colors and shapes. But these moments

were fleeting and often followed by loss of control or disorientation. But

Minato persisted, adjusting his technique and concentration with each


He kept up this training until he began to really make a movement, with

a glow his body shot forward, however, this lasted only a second before

he fell unbalanced; first, he is not accustomed to this speed, even making

him vomit in the first attempts, second he still does not have much

control, this movement lasts only a second before he loses speed and

starts to feel his body numb.

When he finally stopped, the sky was already darkening, and Minato was

covered in sweat, breathing heavily, but with a glow of achievement in

his eyes. He had still made significant progress, although he knew there

was still a long way to go.

He finally stood up, stretching his tired muscles and preparing to return

to the orphanage. As Minato stood up and prepared to leave the training

field, a familiar sensation ran down his spine. It was a sensation he had

learned to recognize immediately: the presence of someone watching. His

observation haki, now more refined and potent, alerted him to a more

powerful intruder nearby.

Discreetly, he swept the area with his gaze, his posture seemingly

relaxed, but his mind working quickly. He noticed a ninja whose

presence was subtle but definitely there. Minato analyzed the situation


Since the end of the third year, he had noticed an increase in surveillance

over him. What were once chunnins were now jonin Anbu, elite ninjas

spying on his training.

'My results in the academy surely attracted attention...' Minato thought.

Being the student with the most potential in a class that the village is

investing in to be its biggest project is something that would make

anyone look seriously, as he was the unmatched talent among his peers,

even with two Uchihas with sharingan or Tsuna possessing immense

chakra, he was at the forefront among all these children.

'I hope the third hokage doesn't have that ability to spy at this time,

otherwise it would be quite problematic, since I wouldn't be able to

notice with haki, but limiting myself all the time with eyes on me would

make me delay my training...' He murmured.

Aware of the Jonin Anbu's presence, Minato decided not to pay much

attention and continued arranging his things, maintaining his usual

routine. He knew that any excessive reaction could raise unnecessary

suspicions. Instead, he opted to maintain the appearance of a talented,

but ordinary, ninja student, conducting his training diligently and


The Jonin Anbu, hidden in the shadows, watched every move of Minato.

So far, all he had seen were shadow clone techniques, something that,

while impressive for a boy of Minato's age, was not uncommon among

skilled ninjas. The Anbu had no idea of Minato's true powers or his

attempts to move at the speed of light. To him, Minato was just another

promising youth of Konoha.

After concluding his training, Minato returned to the orphanage, already

planning how he could further utilize his time to enhance his skills. With

an idea in mind, he created several clones to perform different tasks

simultaneously. Some were responsible for practicing calligraphy, a

crucial element for mastering more advanced Fuinjutsu techniques, while

others worked on perfecting seals and studying the explosive seals of

intermediate Fuinjutsu. Minato thought that if he mastered these

techniques, he might start selling seals to ninja stores and perhaps leave

his current job.

As the clones worked through the night, Minato took the opportunity to

sleep, it was the first time he would test this, leaving clones to train. The

next morning, when Minato woke up, he was greeted by complaints from

his own clones, expressing their tiredness and frustration. "Original! You

damn, you're abusing us!" said one of the clones, exasperated.

Minato, surprised by the complaint, replied: "What? You're a clone..." He

raised his eyebrows, staring at the clone. Even knowing that the clones

shared his memories and feelings, it was strange to be reprimanded by an

extension of himself.

The discussion among the clones was becoming increasingly heated and

absurd, with each one trying to argue about their rights and status.

Minato watched, somewhat astonished, as his own clones debated among


"Even so, we have to have rights!" insisted the clone labeled as Clone 3.

"Clone 3 is right, we stayed up all night for you to just sleep! We're tired!"

another clone added, supporting the claim.

"Why am I clone 3? I should be the 1!" the first clone complained, clearly

dissatisfied with his arbitrary designation.

"Because you're the weakest of us!" retorted one of the other clones,

further provoking the argument.

"We're equal clones, what logic is this?!" clone 3 replied, frustrated.

The bickering continued, with each clone presenting their arguments and

grievances, creating a chaos of voices and complaints that echoed

through the orphanage. Minato, initially surprised by the intensity of the

discussion, quickly began to feel his patience wearing thin.

"Can you stop!" Minato finally got irritated, his voice raised over the

clamor. He made the hand seal to cancel the clones, a decisive and final

gesture. One by one, the clones dissipated, leaving behind only a sense of

relief and silence.

'This is better,' Minato thought, shaking his head in disbelief at the

surreal debate he had just witnessed. 'Let's prepare to eat something. And

continue training...' He murmured to himself, deciding to go back inside

the orphanage.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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Extra Content Already Available:

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Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

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41. Chapter 41

[Chapter Size: 1600 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



Time passed, and the last few weeks had been lonely; Tsuna and Mikoto,

for their own reasons, had not been able to join Minato in the usual

training. Despite this, he had not slowed down, continuing his rigorous

practice alone, always seeking to improve his skills and knowledge.

On this day, marked with the start of the fourth year, Minato felt a mix of

excitement and curiosity about what the new school year would bring.

He adjusted his equipment bag, ensuring he had everything he needed -

kunais, scrolls, and of course, his intermediate Fuinjutsu book given by


Walking through the streets of Konoha towards the academy, Minato

watched the village wake up. Merchants prepared their shops, shinobis

ran past with missions for the day, and children, like him, headed for

another day of learning. There was a palpable energy in the air, a sense

of community and purpose that always filled him with pride for being

part of this village.

Upon arriving in the classroom, he looked around, searching for Tsuna

and Mikoto, hoping they would also be in their usual spot. His eyes found

Mikoto sitting alone at the usual table, while Tsuna was in another part

of the room, isolated and seemingly absorbed in her own thoughts.

Surprised and a bit confused by this change in the usual pattern, Minato

approached Mikoto, curious to understand what was happening. "Hi,

Mikoto," he greeted. "Why is Tsuna over there? It's not common to see

you two separated, no matter how much you argue with each other."

Mikoto looked at him with a calm expression. "Hi, Minato," she replied.

"Tsuna is a bit distant this year. She said she's going to sit with the new

student living at her house."

Minato arched an eyebrow, surprised by the news. "A new student... so

soon..." Minato murmured already understanding the situation.

"Yes," Mikoto confirmed. "It seems she came from another village and is

now under the care of Tsuna's family. Tsuna mentioned that she is quite

special and needs some time to adjust. That's why she wants to be there

to support her."

Minato nodded, understanding the situation. "I see. That's very kind of

her. I hope we can all meet and train together soon."

Mikoto gave a slight smile. "Yes, that would be good. I think Tsuna really

wants us all to get along."

As the students settled into their places and the murmuring conversation

decreased, the classroom door opened, announcing the arrival of

Professor Fuuma again. He entered the room with his usual air of calm

authority, but today, there was something different. At his side, a new

figure, a girl with bright red hair, entered the room timidly.

"Silence, please," announced Professor Fuuma, as everyone in the room

directed their attention to him and the new student at his side. "Today,

we're starting a new year and have a new student joining us. So I will

start the class by introducing her to everyone. She comes from the

Uzumaki Village and will be with us from now on. Please, welcome

Kushina Uzumaki."

The mention of the name 'Uzumaki' caused a buzz to run through the

room. The Uzumakis were known to be a precious ally of the village.

Everyone knew of their longevity, their sealing abilities, and, of course,

their notable lineage, which was linked to the wife of Konoha's founder.

Minato, upon hearing the name, immediately recognized the significance

of the girl. Kushina Uzumaki, his likely future wife.

Kushina, for her part, seemed a bit overwhelmed with all the attention

turned towards her. Her bright red hair was a distinct mark, and her

posture, though a bit shy, seemed to gain some courage. She waved

timidly to the class, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Hi," she said with a voice that, despite being nervous, she shouted out

strangely as she closed her eyes. "I'm happy to be here. I hope we can get

along, dattebane!"

"That's good, Kushina. Can you tell what your goals are to your

classmates?" Professor Fuuma continued speaking.

Meanwhile, a growing murmur ran through the class. Her unique

appearance, especially the vibrant red hair, drew looks and comments.

The children, curious and some a bit cruel in their youth, began to

whisper among themselves, the same way they did when they saw

Minato in the first year.

"Did you see her hair? It's so... red," whispered a child, unable to hide

their surprise.

"Yes, I've never seen anything like it. She's really weird," another agreed,

looking at Kushina with a mix of curiosity and disdain.

The words "weird" and "different" floated through the air, some said in

jest, others with a hint of malice. It was the natural reaction of children

facing something or someone that didn't fit into their usual norms.

Minato, however, remained aloof from this wave of judgments and

comments. He observed Kushina with a serene look, indifferent to the

opinions of others. He knew, more than most, that appearance said little

about a person's true character and potential. Besides, he was well aware

of the esteem and respect that the Uzumaki lineage held and the notable

abilities that Kushina might possess.

As the murmurs and stares persisted, Kushina tried to maintain her

composure, her face tinting a red that rivaled her hair. She was clearly

aware of all the comments and judgments, and the tension grew within

her with each whisper and muffled laugh.

Finally, reaching her limit, Kushina stood up abruptly, her face now a

mask of determination and indignation. "Enough!" she shouted, her voice

cutting through the room's noise like a blade. A surprised silence fell over

the class, all eyes now fixed on her.

With all eyes on her, Kushina took a deep breath, her posture firm and

defiant. "I don't care what you think about my appearance or where I

come from. I am Kushina Uzumaki, and I will become the first female

Hokage of Konoha, dattebane!"

Her declaration echoed through the room, silencing all the gossip about

her appearance, a silence established in the next moment, even the

teacher was stunned by this. However, this silence was abruptly broken

by an explosion of laughter and mockery from some of her classmates.

Kushina's courage and determination, instead of inspiring respect, seemed

to have become the target of ridicule.

"She, the Hokage? What a joke!" a boy shouted, triggering more laughter.

"A weird girl like Hokage? It'll never happen!" another child added, with

a reckless cruelty so common in childhood.

"Did you hear her, what's with that dattebane?" Another child laughed.

"What a weird girl, she should go back where she came from!" another


"Why is she in the elite class? How can she be among us?" a child


Humiliating phrases and sneers continued to be hurled towards Kushina,

each trying to outdo the other in cruelty. She stood there, visibly shaken,

her face a mix of shame and anger, the words cutting deeper than any


Minato, who had been watching with a growing sense of disgust and

anger, could no longer contain himself. The disrespect and cruelty of his

classmates were intolerable. Just like him, Tsuna was also extremely

irritated by how the students were treating Kushina, the girl she had met

a few days ago, her great-grandmother had asked her to personally take

care of the girl, but when she was about to explode to make the other

children respect Kushina.

A boy with blond hair stood up abruptly before her, his chair falling

backward with a crash, he faced the class with a cold and controlled fury.

"Shut up!" he shouted, his voice loaded with authority and indignation. A

shocked silence fell over the room, all eyes now turned to him. "How

dare you laugh and mock someone's dreams or someone's appearance?

Do you think that's funny? Do you think it's right to humiliate someone

like that?"

His reprimand echoed through the room, and many of the students

looked away, ashamed. Minato, usually calm and controlled, rarely

showed such fury, and his discontent was a powerful indicator of how

unacceptable he considered their behavior.

He then turned to Kushina, his gaze softening. "Don't listen to them,

Kushina Uzumaki. Your dream is valuable and possible. Don't let anyone

tell you otherwise. You need only have the strength and determination to

make it a reality."

As soon as Minato said these words, a new silence took over the

atmosphere of the room, Mikoto looked at Minato bewildered by her

side, and even Tsuna looked at him the same way, even Kushina amidst

these humiliations, was surprised by the boy defending her.

Professor Fuuma, who had also been stunned and let the situation get out

of control, decided to intervene, quickly taking control of the situation.

"Enough! All of you!" he announced, his firm and authoritative voice

restoring order in the room. "This kind of behavior is unacceptable. You

must not treat a fellow Konoha classmate this way, Kushina, please sit

next to Tsuna."

Kushina, still shaken by the harsh words of her classmates but also

touched by Minato's unexpected support, walked silently to the table

where Tsuna was sitting. Tsuna, who had already known and talked with

Kushina in the past few days, cast a welcoming and supportive glance at

Kushina, moving her things aside to make space for the new student.

As Kushina sat down, her gaze met Minato's. There was a mix of

emotions in her eyes - surprise, gratitude, and perhaps a glimpse of

admiration. She wasn't used to being the center of attention in

Uzushiogakure, so being the target of mockery for being different in a

strange village was quite uncomfortable, but having someone so openly

defend her was a new and impactful experience. She had no words, but

her look conveyed a silent message of thanks.

Minato, now a bit calmer but still irritated with his classmates' attitude,

just nodded subtly in acknowledgment of Kushina's gaze. He hadn't

defended Kushina seeking gratitude; he did it because it was the right

thing to do.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

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Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

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Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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42. Chapter 42

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



After restoring order in the room, Professor Fuuma looked at his students

with a serious yet understanding expression. "Now that we're all

attentive, let's focus on what really matters here. This year, the fourth

year, will be a crucial period in your training as shinobis in the elite

program. You will be introduced to elemental jutsus, a fundamental basis

for any ninja now that you've mastered the basics last year,

unfortunately, some were unable to meet the expectations and left the

class." The professor referred to a few empty chairs in the room, but they

were very few.

He walked to the board and drew symbols representing the five basic

elements: fire, water, earth, air, and lightning. "Each of you has a natural

affinity with one of these elements. Discovering and honing that affinity

will allow you to shape your chakra in specific ways, creating powerful

and unique jutsus."

The room's interest seemed renewed now, the previous incident

temporarily forgotten as curiosity about the elemental jutsus took over.

"You will undergo tests to discover your elemental affinities again. Once

identified, we will begin working on developing these skills. Remember,

mastering an element not only expands your arsenal but also deepens

your understanding of chakra and how to use it."

Many students exchanged excited glances, while Minato observed with a

thoughtful expression, pondering the possibilities that this new

knowledge would bring. Kushina, now sitting next to Tsuna, was excited

to learn jutsus too, she was a year younger than all the children here, but

her large amount of chakra and her future as Jinchuriki made the

village's high ranks introduce her into the program.

"Let's start today with a theoretical introduction," continued Professor

Fuuma. "Fire jutsus are known for their offensive power and ability to

cause great destruction. Water jutsus, in turn, are versatile and can be

used for both attack and defense. Earth jutsus offer solidity and

resistance, creating barriers and altering the terrain in your favor. Air

jutsus are extremely rare, but some of you have an affinity, they are fast

and unpredictable, and lightning jutsus are intensely powerful and fast,

capable of paralyzing an enemy with their speed and having a

penetrating and powerful attack power."

The students listened attentively, some already imagining how they could

use these jutsus in combat. Professor Fuuma continued explaining the

basic principles of each style and how they interrelate and oppose each


As the class proceeded, detailing the intricate aspects of elemental jutsus,

Minato couldn't help but notice Kushina's gaze occasionally landing on

him. He tried to maintain his focus on the professor's explanation, but her

gaze was unsettling, making him question what was going through the

mind of the new student. Tsuna, sitting next to Kushina, noticed this

exchange of glances and subtly nudged Minato, whispering something

about the attention he was receiving, provoking a half-smile on his face.

The morning advanced, and the introduction to elemental jutsus

extended until noon, capturing the children's imagination with

possibilities and promises of power. When the bell finally rang for the

break, there was a flurry of activity, with the students spreading out to

enjoy their free time.

Minato, seeking a moment of tranquility, met with Mikoto under one of

the large trees in the academy courtyard. They talked quietly, discussing

their expectations for the elemental jutsus, when Tsuna approached,

bringing Kushina with her.

"Minato, Uchiha!" Tsuna greeted, with an energy that seemed to try to

dispel the tension of the previous incident.

"Senju, and the new student. The Uzumaki," Mikoto responded, with a

tone that carried a hint of arrogance.

"Don't mind her, she's always grumpy," Tsuna retorted, casting a playful

look at Mikoto before turning to Kushina. "This is Mikoto Uchiha."

Kushina, whose face still carried the blush of the tumultuous morning,

seemed a bit lost in the group dynamics, more focused on Minato than

the discussion between Tsuna and Mikoto. She watched him with a mix

of curiosity and something more that she seemed unable to disguise.

"This is Minato Namikaze, the boy who defended you," Tsuna continued,

trying to facilitate the interaction between them.

Kushina, facing Minato directly now, seemed to struggle to find the right

words. Then, with a sigh that carried a mix of nervousness and gratitude,

she closed her eyes and burst out.

"Thank you for earlier, Dattebane!" Kushina exclaimed, her voice laden

with genuine emotion. Her expression, when she opened her eyes again,

was one of relief, as if thanking Minato had been an important task she

needed to complete.

The group fell into a brief silence, with each processing the interaction

differently. Minato, surprised by Kushina's sudden outburst, just nodded,

a smile of understanding on his lips.

"Well, it was nothing..." Minato replied, running his hand through his

hair and scratching his head. He avoided looking directly at Kushina, but

their eyes inevitably met. In that brief moment of eye contact, something

inexplicable hung in the air between them.

The awkward atmosphere did not go unnoticed by Tsuna and Mikoto,

who watched the exchange of glances with increasing surprise and

confusion. Tsuna, who had known Minato for years, had never seen him

interact in this way with someone. And Mikoto, always so observant and

reserved, felt an inexplicable twinge at seeing Minato looking at the new




Neither of them seemed able to break the silence, lost in their own

thoughts and unrecognized emotions. Time seemed to have slowed down,

and even the sounds of the courtyard full of playing children seemed

distant and muffled.

"HEY, why are you two looking at each other like that!" Tsuna finally

burst out, unable to contain her curiosity and discomfort with the

situation. Her sharp voice broke the spell, making Minato and Kushina

quickly avert their gaze, as if they had been caught in a forbidden act.

Meanwhile, Mikoto, with her usual self-control, tried to disguise her

discomfort, but her face revealed a glimpse of incomprehension and,

perhaps, slight irritation. 'Is Minato taking a liking to Kushina? Am I

jealous?' Tsuna wondered, alarmed at her own reaction. 'Am I jealous of

the Uzumaki girl?' Mikoto questioned herself, feeling a strange and

uncomfortable emotion bubbling inside her.

*Cough.* Minato coughed lightly. He felt the weight of Tsuna and

Mikoto's gazes on him, which only increased his embarrassment. "Hi,

Kushina, I'm Minato Namikaze," he spoke, his voice soft, trying to convey

a calm he didn't fully feel. A shy and somewhat uncertain smile formed

on his lips as he extended his hand toward Kushina, an offer of friendship

and perhaps a silent apology for the awkwardness of the moment.

"I'm Kushina Uzumaki, it's a pleasure..." Kushina responded, her voice low

and a bit hesitant. She extended her hand and shook Minato's, a simple

gesture, but laden with meaning. Their fingers briefly touched, and both

felt strange about it.

Meanwhile, Tsuna and Mikoto observed with mixed feelings. Tsuna,

known for her expressiveness and impulsiveness, slightly furrowed her

brow, her thoughts racing as she considered the situation. Mikoto, on the

other hand, maintained a more controlled posture, but her discomfort

was evident in the stiffness of her shoulders and the way her eyes

narrowed slightly.

Feeling the need to interrupt what she perceived as a potentially

awkward moment, Tsuna decided to change the focus of the

conversation. "So, Kushina, your Uzumaki family is quite well-known,"

she began, her voice a little louder than necessary, trying to infuse a dose

of normalcy into the conversation. "They're famous for their sealing

jutsus, right? It must be amazing to be part of such a respected lineage

like my great-grandmother's."

Kushina, a bit surprised by the sudden change of topic, released Minato's

hand and turned to Tsuna, grateful for the opportunity to talk about

something familiar and safe. "Yes, the Uzumaki are known for that. I'm

still learning, but I hope to one day be able to master those techniques as

well from my clan."

As the conversation about the Uzumaki lineage and their sealing

techniques unfolded, the group gradually began to feel more at ease.

Tsuna continued to encourage Kushina to open up to them, asking about

the peculiarities of Kushina's homeland, Uzushiogakure. "Is it true that

Uzushiogakure has large spiral structures as its symbol? I read something

about that once."

Kushina, excited to share something about her homeland, nodded

affirmatively. "Yes, it's true. Our village is known for its large spiral-

shaped buildings. They are said to represent the longevity and

perseverance of the Uzumaki people, Dattebane!" Her voice carried a

tone of pride when talking about her village, and for a brief moment, the

sadness and shyness seemed to disappear from her face.

Mikoto, usually more reserved, also got involved in the conversation,

asking about the differences between the lifestyles of Konoha and

Uzushiogakure. "What's it like adapting here in Konoha? Are the

traditions and lifestyle very different?"

Kushina shrugged, a bitter smile forming on her lips. "It's... different, for

sure. Everything here is so new to me, and sometimes I feel out of place.

But I'm trying to adapt. After all, it's an opportunity to grow and learn,

Tsuna, your family, and even Mito-Sama are helping me."

"Konoha has a lot to offer, Kushina. I'm sure you'll find your place here,"

Minato said, offering an encouraging smile.

The bell for the end of the break rang at that moment, signaling that it

was time to return to the classroom. The group stood up, gathering their

belongings. "Well, I guess it's time to go back," said Tsuna, stretching.

"Let's go, we have a lot to learn yet, especially about the elemental


They walked back to the classroom together, the conversation now

shifting to expectations about the upcoming elemental affinity tests.

Kushina, although still somewhat reserved, seemed more integrated into

the group, sharing laughs and comments as they walked.

The rest of the day at the academy was intensive and informative.

Professor Fuuma dedicated the first part of the afternoon to explaining

the schedule and goals for the upcoming classes. He detailed the various

types of jutsus that the students would learn, emphasizing the importance

of understanding the fundamentals of chakra and how it is manipulated

in different forms of jutsu. "Mastering the elements is a crucial step to

becoming a complete shinobi," he explained, going through each element

with examples of notable jutsus associated with them.

As the afternoon progressed, Professor Fuuma moved from theory to

practice. "Now, let's test your chakra control," he announced. "Having

refined control is essential for performing jutsus effectively and

accurately." One by one, the students were called to the front of the room

to demonstrate their current chakra control abilities.

Minato was calm, but Tsuna, Mikoto, and Kushina watched their peers

perform the task, each with their own anxiety and expectation. When it

was their turn, they demonstrated their abilities with varying degrees of

success. Minato, with his usual competence, showed impressive chakra

control, earning a nod of approval from the professor. Tsuna and Mikoto,

each with their strengths, also made solid demonstrations. Kushina,

nervous but determined, did the best she could, her chakra control still

unstable but showing potential as she was the child with the largest

amount of chakra now.

As the sun began to set, the last activity of the day came to an end.

Professor Fuuma congratulated the class for their efforts and reminded

them of the importance of regular practice. "Chakra control is like a

muscle," he said. "The more you practice, the stronger it will become.

Keep working hard. You've mastered the first techniques to advance to

more advanced ones before we start utilizing jutsus."

After that, Minato's group said their goodbyes and went their separate

ways home, with only Tsuna and Kushina returning together.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!



These are my new projects for when I stabilize the frequency of all

current fanfics. Give me your opinion!

- House of Dragon - North Dragon. – Daemon Targaryen has a bastard

with a Stark; the boy finds himself in this world, but he is fortunate that

his father does not know about him and explores the world after leaving

Winterfell, where he was kept hidden.

- Star Wars - Galen Marek Model. – A Self-Insert with Cal Kestis while he

was hiding from the empire that was hunting down surviving Jedis from

order 66. He was working in a junkyard when his soul is filled by a mind

from another world and gains the abilities of Galen Marek (If you know

him, he is so powerful that he isn't even canonical, since he could take

down a Imperial Star Destroyer just by using the power of the force.)

- Harry Potter - Legacy. Waking up as Harry Potter with the power of his

character in the game, Hogwarts Legacy.

- Cyberpunk - David Martinez SI. – Waking up as David Martinez, V

realizes he is in a different time after he had died after living 6 months

with Panam. However, he is not alone, Jonny Silverhand continues to

accompany him on this new journey.

- Game of Thrones - King of the North – Eivor from the game AC –

Valhalla, is born in a world different from his own, he was named Eddard

Stark, son of Rickard Stark!

- Avatar – Senju Hashirama! The young man wakes up in the world of

Avatar with a unique element in the world, the wood element.

43. Chapter 43

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



Minato was walking through Konoha the next day. Using shadow clones,

while one clone attended classes and interacted with his peers, others

dedicated themselves to the arduous training of chakra control in his

usual training spot. The original Minato, however, had something else to

do at that time. That day, he was walking towards the grocery store

where he used to work, a job that provided him with some money for his


As soon as he arrived at the place, he found the owner sweeping the

entrance floor and reentering, he wasted no time and went to greet him.

"Hello, Mr. Emirnio," Minato greeted the owner as he entered the store.

The bell above the door tinkled, announcing his arrival.

"Hello, boy. So you're really leaving?" Emirnio replied with a friendly

tone, but there was more in his voice, after all, he had been there for 2

years, so he had formed a bond with the man. He was a middle-aged man

with a gentle nature. Having settled in Konoha in his early youth,

Emirnio had built an entire life in the village. He married a local civilian,

and together, they opened the grocery store ten years ago. The man had a

daughter who was now in her twenties, a respected chunin in the village.

When Minato applied for the job years ago, after seeing the ad in the

grocery store window, Emirnio asked the boy many questions, who at the

time was only seven years old. Initially suspicious, the man soon realized

that Minato was a dedicated and responsible worker over time and never

complained about him. The salary was modest, but for Minato, who lived

a simple life and knew the harsh realities of being an orphan in Konoha,

it was enough. He was already grateful for the opportunity to work,

something that not all children had, even in a world that often neglected

the notions of childhood and child labor.

Minato learned a lot from Emirnio, not just about how to run a grocery

store, but also about everyday life and the challenges faced by Konoha's

civilians. And most importantly, he valued the friendship and guidance

the man provided him over the years.

"Yes, I have been training more and studying new jutsus. I need to focus

more on this now," Minato explained, a little apprehensive about how

Ermínio would react.

"I always knew this day would come, Minato. Wait, you said jutsus?

You're training to be a ninja, Minato?" He raised an eyebrow at that.

"Yes, I'm focusing on the academy and need time now," Minato smiled.

"Academy? You studied at the academy the whole time?" Emirnio asked,

a wrinkle of surprise forming on his forehead. The revelation caught him

off guard; Minato always seemed so dedicated to work that he assumed

the boy was one of those who did not fit into Konoha's rigorous academic

system and failed the test.

"Actually, I send a clone. Haha." Minato admitted with a somewhat

awkward smile, his hand scratching the back of his neck in a typical

gesture of discomfort. He knew it was time to reveal the truth; Emirnio

deserved to know, especially after all these years of support and


"Clone?! What do you mean, boy?" Emirnio questioned, his expression

mixing confusion and curiosity. Minato, realizing the need to

demonstrate, crossed his fingers and concentrated. *Boof!* In an instant,

an exact clone of him was by his side.

"You can make clones, really!?" Emirnio exclaimed, his eyes wide with

surprise. He knew the capabilities of ninjas, of course, but seeing a young

so skilled was something he did not expect. The idea that Minato, a child

who worked in his grocery store, could perform feats that even his

daughter chunin found challenging was impressive.

"Of course, I'm the best from a program with the best students of my

generation." Minato replied. He usually preferred to keep a modest

profile, but at that moment, he felt the need to reinforce the truth of his


Old Emirnio, recovering from the initial shock, smiled with a mix of pride

and sadness. "Well, that just shows that you really are special, Minato. I

always knew there was something more about you. Just promise me one

thing, boy. No matter how far you go or how amazing you become, don't

forget to dedicate yourself with all your strength, no matter what you


Minato, looking at the man, responded with gratitude. "I promise, Mr.

Emirnio. I will never forget."

The two talked a bit more, reminiscing about memorable moments and

laughing at funny incidents that happened over the years. When it finally

came time for Minato to leave, he promised to visit whenever he could

and thanked Emirnio for everything.

"I want to thank you for everything in these 2 years, thanks to the money

from work, I was able to buy necessary things for training," Minato

spoke, his gratitude sincere and deep. He knew that without the financial

help from the job, many aspects of his training would have been much

more difficult.

"I thank you too, boy. Here, a bonus for your help over the years. Good

luck in your ninja career." Emirnio said, handing Minato an envelope

with extra money. It was a generous gesture, reflecting the respect and

affection he had for the young man.

Minato accepted the envelope, a feeling of appreciation and resolve

growing within him. "Thank you, Mr. Emirnio. I won't forget what I

learned here, and I'll always be grateful," he said, his voice firm and full

of promise.

Leaving the grocery store, Minato felt a mix of emotions but soon focused

on his training. As soon as he left Emirnio's grocery store, Minato

returned to his training field. The place was quiet; none of the girls had

sent a clone to join him that day, so he concentrated entirely on his

training. The sun was moving west as he worked with his pika pika no mi


"I can move a few meters without destabilizing, but it's quite time-

consuming..." Minato murmured, assessing his performance. He was

becoming more skilled in controlling light, but patience was not easy for

a young man as ambitious as he. 'I can't complain when I'm just a 9-year-

old kid, can I?' He thought, trying to put things in perspective.

Determined to keep improving, Minato undid his training clones and

created seven more, each with a specific task. He positioned them in a

circle around him, each with a leaf on their forehead, a classic exercise to

improve chakra control. They were focused, their expressions serious and

determined, a reflection of Minato himself.

As the sun began to hide, the field filled with murmurs and subtle

movements, each Minato clone fully immersed in the control exercise.

"I'm getting good at this, in a while I could start training to walk on trees

and move with my feet over water..." Minato murmured to himself as he

watched his clones practice. This skill was an important milestone for any

shinobi, and he knew that the academy would soon start teaching it.

However, with his memories from a past life and the experience he was

accumulating, he had the advantage of starting this training earlier.

Despite being only 9 years old, he felt he should have already mastered

these techniques. However, dividing his time between training his ability

with the fruit, enhancing his body with Observation Haki, meant his

progress was not as fast as he would like. Still, he knew he was on the

right track and that his strength was within the expected range for his


After a full day of training and with his academy clones finally

dissipating, Minato decided to take a walk through the village in the late

afternoon. He wanted to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of Konoha,

absorb the peaceful energy the night brought, and perhaps reflect a bit on

the day. As he walked, his observations of the village and its inhabitants

were interrupted when he saw a familiar figure traversing the downtown

streets: it was Kushina Uzumaki.

He remembered, through the memories of his clone, that the class had

been normal that day, no fights, just chakra training and theory. Kushina

was surprised when Tsuna commented that that Minato in the room was

a clone, and that the real Minato rarely went to class, opting to send a

shadow substitute on most days.

"You?!" Kushina noticed Minato and looked at him with an expression of

surprise and a hint of suspicion. "Is it a clone or are you real, Dattebane?"

She asked, using her characteristic catchphrase, her tone indicating a mix

of curiosity and a slight playful accusation.

"I'm real, Kushina," Minato smiled at the girl, trying to convey calmness

and friendship through his gaze. Kushina observed him in silence,

evaluating him with her penetrating and inquisitive eyes.

"What are you doing here alone? Where's Tsuna?" Minato asked.

Kushina's solitary presence in the center of the village at dusk was


"She went to train, and I wanted to see the village. It was boring with

everyone doing something, even Mito had a meeting with the Hokage

this afternoon, so I decided to walk and I didn't want to be accompanied

by a clone!" She explained, her voice a bit cautious at first but clearly

expressing frustration at the end.

"Hm... I see, I'm walking too, do you want to accompany me?" Minato

asked, and Kushina looked at him a little surprised by the offer.

"I... I guess so..." She commented, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks.

There was a mix of hesitation and willingness in her voice.

"Great, then come with me," Minato approached Kushina and gently

pulled her to the opposite side.

"But I just came from there, Dattebane!" She immediately complained,

her tone mixing protest and surprise.

"Come on, I bet you haven't seen everything. I'll show you some places I

know on this side of the village." Minato confidently smiled at Kushina,

who felt a bit embarrassed but curious about the offer.

"Minato... Why are you so nice to me?" She suddenly asked as they

walked side by side. Her question made Minato stop and look at the 8-

year-old girl more attentively.

"What do you mean?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

"You're different from other people... Besides the kids who always look at

me as if I were a total stranger, Tsuna is nice. But you're different, I can't

explain. You're... a bit strange." Kushina's words made Minato stumble

slightly, surprised by her honesty and insight.

"Strange...? You think I'm strange?!" Minato asked, a bit alarmed by the

unexpected description. He wasn't used to being called that, especially in

a way that seemed more of an observation than a critique.

"That's not what I meant, Dattebane!" Kushina shouted the last part as if

it were an apology, her voice showing signs of panic mixed with

frustration. She didn't want to offend Minato, but her words seemed to

come out wrong.

"It's just... you look at me strangely, you always smile when I look at

you..." She explained, her cheeks tinged with red.

"Well... I like you, Kushina." Minato commented, trying to ease the

tension. He was about to continue, explaining what he meant, but a quick

punch came in his direction. His Observation Haki activated at that

moment, and he easily dodged the attack.

"Hey, why are you doing that?" Minato was surprised by the sudden

aggression. He didn't expect Kushina to react that way.

"You... You..." Kushina murmured, with her head lowered, clearly

struggling to control her emotions. When she finally raised her head, her

hair began to lift as if possessed, her face was the color of her hair, and

her eyes were white with indignation, an expression Minato had never

seen on Kushina.


JUST MET, DATTEBANE?!" Kushina shouted with all her might, leaving

Minato even more stunned and confused.

"What?! I didn't mean those things, Kushina! We're just kids, for

Ridukou's sake..." Minato tried to explain, a bit frustrated with the

misunderstanding. "In 10 years, I might make a romantic declaration, but

not now!" He crossed his arms, trying to appear indignant, but saw

Kushina still redder as she tried to punch him rapidly.

"Don't say those things either!" She yelled, each word accompanied by a

new attack that Minato skillfully avoided.

The villagers passing by the street were stunned by the unusual scene of

two children fighting in the middle of the path. The red-haired girl was

trying incessantly to punch the blond-haired boy, who seemed to predict

all the girl's attacks, who was clearly beside herself.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

44. Chapter 44

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



The tense and emotion-laden atmosphere that prevailed between Minato

and Kushina gives way to a relative calm. The sun begins to set in

Konoha, casting a gentle golden light over the village streets, and with it,

Kushina, still somewhat agitated but significantly calmer after the

outburst of anger and confusion, walks alongside Minato. They take a less

busy path, away from the curious gazes of the villagers. They are walking

in silence, just walking.

Minato decides to break the silence. "Kushina," he begins, his voice soft

and cautious, "I didn't mean to make you angry."

Kushina, still a bit embarrassed by her own explosive behavior, looks

away, observing the elongated shadows of the trees on the road. "I

know... maybe I overreacted. I'm just not used to this kind of thing," she

admits, her voice lower, almost a whisper. "And I'm not used to someone

being so... nice to me since I arrived."

They continue walking, Minato guiding Kushina to a quieter part of the

village, where nature predominates and the noise of the main streets

gives way to the gentle sound of leaves rustling in the wind. It's a place

he often goes to think or just to escape from training sometimes.

Minato looks at Kushina and begins: "You know, Kushina, Konoha has

many tranquil places like this. Sometimes, when things get too hectic, I

come here just to think."

Kushina, her steps echoing softly beside his, responds a bit timidly: "It's

beautiful here... So Konoha has places like this..."

Minato and Kushina continue their walk through the village, now with a

lighter and more relaxed atmosphere between them. Minato takes on the

role of guide to show Kushina the interesting places in Konoha that he's

discovered over the years.

"See that tree there," Minato points to an ancient cherry tree with

branches gracefully extending into the sky. "It's one of the oldest in the

village, they say the first Hokage himself planted it. During spring, it's

covered in pink flowers. It's one of my favorite spots to relax."

Kushina looks on with admiration, her expression softening as she

imagines the tree in full bloom. "It must be beautiful," she comments, a

glint of anticipation in her eyes. "I'd love to see it."

"I'll bring you here when spring comes," Minato comments with a small


They continue walking, and Minato leads Kushina to a small bridge

crossing a serene stream. "This stream comes from the forest to the north.

Sometimes, you can find small fish or even frogs here. I used to come

here to try and catch them when I was younger."

Kushina leans over the railing, looking into the clear water. "I never did

something like this in Uzushiogakure. It seems fun."

Minato smiles, remembering his youthful antics. "Maybe one day I can

show you how to do it. It's harder than it looks!"

They proceed to an area with various shops and stalls, the smell of food

and the sound of laughter filling the air. "This is the central market,"

Minato explains. "You can find almost anything here. Food, clothes, ninja

tools... And sometimes, they have game stalls during festivals."

Kushina observes with interest, her eyes scanning the various stalls and

shops. "It's so busy and colorful," she says, a smile forming. "It's very

different from Uzushiogakure, but I like it."

Minato waves to a familiar dango vendor and buys some for them,

explaining: "You have to try this. It's one of the best things here!" Kushina

accepts, tasting the sweet with a look of delight.

"I like ramen more, but I don't dislike dango," Kushina comments, eating

her food with a smile.

"Do you want to eat? There's a stall near here." Minato suggests, it wasn't

Ramen Ichiraku, as it hadn't been opened during that time, so they went

to another one he had tried last year. Thus, Minato and Kushina entered

the stall to eat, Minato paid for everything without any problem with his


As the day gives way to night, the two leave the ramen stall with Kushina

happy, and Minato shows her more special places: a small park where

children play, a lookout offering an impressive view of the village, and

even a secret hideout that he discovered 2 years ago. With each new

place, Kushina feels more connected to the village and to Minato, grateful

to have someone who cares enough to share these places with her.

At the end of the tour, both feel closer to each other, as if they had

shared not just the sites of Konoha but pieces of their own stories.

Minato, happy to have alleviated the earlier misunderstanding, and

Kushina, finding comfort and friendship in the place she now calls home.

In the end, Minato decides to take Kushina to a location that has special

significance not just for him but for the entire Village of the Leaf - the

Hokage Rock.

"There's one last place I want to show you before it gets completely dark,"

Minato says, a glow of pride and a hint of mystery in his voice. Kushina,

curious and excited about the prospect of discovering another special

spot in Konoha, follows him without hesitation.

They walk through quieter streets now, as the day begins to give way to

night, and the shadows lengthen on the sidewalks. The noise from the

central market and the busier areas of the village gradually fades,

replaced by the gentle sound of their footsteps and the occasional

chirping of a night bird.

Finally, they arrive at the foot of a large mountain, where the faces of the

Hokages are carved into the stone, looking out over the village with a

silent, eternal dignity. The Hokage Rock is a symbol of the spirit and

history of Konoha, representing not just the leaders of the past but also

the ideals and legacy each one left behind.

"This is the place," Minato says, stopping and looking up at the imposing

faces carved into the rock. "The Hokage Rock."

Kushina looks up, impressed by the magnitude and beauty of the

monument. "It's amazing... seeing it up close," she murmurs, her voice full

of wonder.

"Let's go up there," Minato suggests.

"Can we go there?" Kushina expresses her surprise.

"Almost no one goes, but there's a path for it. Let's go!" Minato smiles,

and they move forward.

Entering through a side entrance of the mountain, they quietly follow the

path until they ascend tens of meters to the line of heads, and Minato

jumps onto Hashirama's head with Kushina following him.

"Is this Mito's husband?" Kushina expresses her words with a laugh as she

jumps onto Hashirama's head with joy.

"Yes, Hashirama and even his brother were great leaders, though I agree

with some of their actions..." Minato comments and murmurs at the end.

"And the third Hokage?" Kushina, hearing the first part, asks curiously as

Minato doesn't mention the current Hokage.

"It's complicated..." Minato murmurs and continues. "But all three are

very strong, they always protected and guided the village through

difficult times. For most of Konoha, they are heroes." Minato explains,

looking in the direction of the entire village.

Kushina doesn't ask any more questions and takes a few steps to stand

beside Minato, who is looking at the village at that moment.

They stand there for a moment, in silence, looking over the entire village,

circled with its great wall, lost in their own thoughts. As twilight

envelops the village with its cozy homes lit by soft lights, the quiet streets

now dotted only by a few residents returning home, and the outline of

trees and buildings drawing a peaceful and familiar landscape.

Minato looks at the village and speaks to Kushina, "Look, Kushina,"

Minato says, pointing to the view in front of them. "Konoha is really

beautiful at night, isn't it?"

Kushina, observing the village she now also calls home, can't help but

agree. "It's beautiful..." she murmurs, her voice carrying a mix of wonder

and a twinge of nostalgia. "It reminds me of Uzushiogakure. The way the

lights shine at night, the sense of peace... I miss it."

She falls silent for a moment, lost in memories of her native village, of

the Uzumaki, and of a life that now seems both familiar and distant,

having been forced to come to Konoha to be trained as the new host of

the nine-tails. The longing in her heart is evident in her expression, a soft

sadness that colors her eyes.

Minato notices the change in her mood and places a comforting hand on

her shoulder. "It must be hard, leaving behind everything you knew. But

Kushina, Uzushiogakure will always be a part of who you are. And now,

Konoha too. You have a new place to call home, new friends... And I'm

here if you need anything."

Kushina looks at Minato, grateful for his words and the understanding he

offers. "Thank you, Minato. That means a lot to me. Most kids don't like

me or mock me, but it's good to know I'm not alone here; I have Tsuna,

you, and even Mikoto with her strange ways, but she doesn't have the

disgust that others show."

They stand there, side by side, looking over the village stretched out

below them. The night is fully established now, and the stars begin to

appear in the sky, each shining like a promise of hope and continuity.

The view of Konoha, with its tranquil and welcoming beauty, offers them

a moment of peace and reflection.

Minato decides to break the silence once more, making sure Kushina is

listening, then continues. "The people here, we're strong because we

support each other. We grow together, learn together, and face our

challenges together as ninjas of Konoha. You're not alone here, Kushina.

You're a part of us now, and that means you'll always have someone to

lean on."

Kushina looks at Minato, his words slowly dissipating the cloud of

sadness that enveloped her. "And I want you to know," Minato adds, "that

whenever you need a friend, or someone to listen, or even just someone

to walk in silence beside you, I'll be here. We all face tough times, but

together we're stronger. Together, we can find the light, even on the

darkest night." Minato speaks and thinks socratically as he is now the

man of light.

Minato's words are not just a consolation but a promise - a promise of

friendship, support, and understanding. Kushina feels a warmth in her

heart, a sense that, despite all she has lost, she has also gained something

invaluable that day. She smiles, a shy but genuine smile, and nods her

head, accepting Minato's words.

"Thank you, Minato," she says, her voice steady, though still carrying a

trace of emotion. "I think... I'm starting to see that Konoha can be a home

for me too. And I'm glad to have you as my friend." She speaks and

touches on another subject.

"Do you think that someday...," Kushina begins, hesitantly, "one of us

could be carved into that mountain too?" She asks timidly, knowing

already that Minato's dream was also to become Hokage, and he held his

dream firmly, even advocating for her, who should be his rival.

Minato looks at her, an encouraging smile on his lips. "I wouldn't doubt

it. You have a strong and powerful spirit, Kushina. And I... Well, I have

my own dreams too."

Kushina smiles back, a feeling of determination growing within her.

"Then, let's work hard. Together. From today we are rivals for the title of

Hokage, Dattebane!" She declares, shouting.

"That..." Minato is surprised by this; he didn't expect to create this kind of

relationship with Kushina, as the night finally falls over the village.

Minato and Kushina make their way back home, each with their own

dreams and ambitions but with the understanding that they have in each

other a friend and ally on the path they have chosen to follow.

"Just say yes, let's promise that one of us will become Hokage!" She

insists, and Minato sighs.

"Alright, let's promise that one of us will become Hokage," Minato


"Great, but we should promise this with our pinky fingers, Dattebane!"

She says, approaching and extending her finger to Minato at that


Minato sighs and extends his finger too, sealing that pact made by the


Silence falls on them again, but now it's a comfortable silence, filled with

the promise of mutual support and a newly strengthened friendship. They

continue to watch the village, now not just as two individuals lost in their

own longings but as friends who share a common path and a future full

of possibilities.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

45. Chapter 45

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



As night deepened in Konoha, Minato and Kushina left the Hokage stones

to return to the village, taking the same path they had climbed up the

mountain. They returned to the village, and Minato escorted Kushina to

the Senju mansion.

"Then we'll see each other another time," Minato said with a smile, and

Kushina looked at him suspiciously.

"Are you going to send a clone to school again?" she asked.

"On days without theoretical lessons, I intend to do just that. I plan to

leave my original to train other important things; the clones can absorb

the lesson and train in chakra refinement that teacher Fuumi will give

us," Minato explained, scratching his head.

"I understand... But anyway, thanks for the walk, I enjoyed it much more

than I imagined, so we'll go another time, Minato!" She said with a shy

smile and went to the entrance of the complex. Minato nodded and

headed back to the orphanage.

After briefly explaining to Madame Gorete about his delay, he did his

things before resting for the next day.

As the weeks in Konoha unfolded, filled with learning and growth,

Minato continued to hone his skills and knowledge with the help of his

clones at his usual training ground.

"I think I can start this kind of training today..." Minato murmured,

looking at his goal for the day.

It was a sunny day with the sun already high in the sky, and the wind

gently blowing through the leaves. Minato found himself in a clearing

surrounded by tall, robust trees. He looked up, observing how the

branches intertwined, forming a complex pattern against the blue sky.

This is where he would test himself, where he would learn to climb.

'This hasn't been taught at the academy yet, but as I remember, you need

to concentrate your chakra in the soles of your feet in a balanced way... I

already know how to distribute chakra throughout my body to enhance

physical conditions, however, this is a bit more complex...' Minato

reasoned before crossing his hands in a seal.

Focusing deeply, Minato began the exercise. He knew that the key to

success was meticulous control of the chakra he had been training for a

long time, allowing him to adhere to the tree's surface without using his

hands or feet.

After feeling the chakra in his feet and trying to regulate its amount,

Minato lifted his foot to the tree before starting to walk. He managed to

fix his feet and was climbing.

'This isn't so difficult...hm?' At that moment, his foot sank into the tree,

causing him to lose balance and fall from the tree.

He didn't hurt himself, landing on his feet, but he wouldn't have bothered

otherwise, as his body enters a state of light at any damage.

He tried again, going in a slightly longer direction before having the

same result.

"I think I understand how this works now, I just need to practice..."

Minato thought before crossing his arms but then noticed something with

his observation haki.

'Someone is coming at high speed, but it's not an anbu like my spies, this

one is certainly not making an effort to hide his presence.' Minato

analyzed the person coming at speed and it didn't take long for them to

arrive, but the identity left Minato quite surprised.

It was Jiraiya, his face was young, he was wearing his normal village

headband instead of the sage one he had in classic and Shippuden


"Hmm...? What do we have here? A young ninja training?!" He said with

a smile, and Minato almost rolled his eyes, he knew this meeting wasn't

by chance, Jiraiya already knew he would find Minato here.

"Who are you?" Minato asked with narrowed eyes; he couldn't say, hello


"Hm? The boy doesn't know the famous Jiraiya?" Jiraiya asked as if

Minato had committed a crime.

"No." Minato replied calmly, he wasn't lying, after all, he only knew a 2D

character, not a real one.

"What? The famous Jiraiya is unknown to an academy child, but we can

resolve that!"

"You don't know the disciples of the current Hokage?" Jiraiya asked with

a growl, hoping Minato would know.

"Of course, there's Tsuna's mother, Tsunade Senju, some weird guy

named Orochimaru, I think that's his name..." Minato said, hand on chin.

"Yes, yes, and the last one?" Jiraiya maintained his expectant face in his


"I think that's all, I don't know any others..." Minato finally spoke.

This made Jiraiya fall to the ground in depression.

"Are you okay, uncle?" Minato asked worriedly, but inside he was

laughing at the situation.

"I am, it's just that I didn't expect to be not so famous..." Jiraiya lamented.

"So who are you?" Minato asked with a curious tone.

"I guess I'll have to introduce myself..." He said still in a sad tone, but

when the last word left his mouth, he changed the tone to someone more


With a dramatic movement, Jiraiya adopts a heroic pose, and,

mysteriously, a pompous and theatrical sound seems to emerge from

nowhere, filling the air around him.

'Where is that sound coming from?!' Minato wonders, clearly intrigued.

He had never heard anything like it, and for a moment, wonders if

Jiraiya is capable of more than he appears.

"I am the successful ninja writer, whose novels will soon be best-sellers in

all bookstores of Konoha and beyond!" Jiraiya begins with a flourish, his

tone full of pride and a glint of enthusiasm in his eyes. "But writing is just

one of my many facets!"

He pauses dramatically, allowing his words to settle in the air before

continuing. "I am also known as the Sage of the Mountain, whose feats

are spoken of throughout the country, whose strength and wisdom are


His voice grows in enthusiasm, almost as if he himself is being carried

away by the stories he tells. "And let's not forget, of course, my

reputation among women, particularly those who frequent the

bathhouse. Ah, it's a hard life being so adored," he says with a roguish

smile, adding a note of irreverent charm to his presentation.

Minato becomes increasingly dazed by this character and his poses and


"But above all, I am Jiraiya, the direct disciple of the Third Hokage and

an apprentice of the wise toads of Mount Myōboku. I am destined for

great deeds and epic adventures!"

His presentation ends with another dramatic pose and the mysterious

sound resonating once more, as a final touch to his words. Minato

watches, speechless.

"Well... what's your name again?" Minato asked again, wanting to forget

everything he saw, causing Jiraiya to fall to the ground again.

"How can you forget my name after my epic presentation, it's Jiraiya!"

Jiraiya shouted at Minato.

"Well... then it's a pleasure, Jiraiya..." Minato honestly didn't know what

to say.

"Well, I said my name, what's yours?" He crossed his arms.

"Minato Namikaze..." Minato murmured.

"Minato? The one who is the prodigy of the academy in the elite/prodigy

class?" Jiraiya asked pretending to be a little surprised.

"I guess so..." Minato replied calmly.

"Wait, shouldn't you be at the academy at this moment?" Jiraiya raised

the issue.

"I send a shadow clone; theoretical lessons can be dealt with clones."

Minato responds easily, he has no reason to hide this from Jiraiya,

moreover, Jiraiya must have observed him out of his reach of haki, he

just didn't expect Jiraiya to see him using his light ability.

"Shadow clone? At 9 years old, that seems to be a great feat! I saw you

are starting the tree climbing training, as one of the most powerful ninjas

in Konoha, I noticed your difficulties and will assist you with that!" He

said seeming quite helpful.

'Is he being nice to me? Well, maybe he's already interested in me, after

all, I will be part of his team in the future.' Minato wouldn't waste a

teaching from Jiraiya, so he agreed with a few words, since it still wasn't

taught in the academy and he only had the knowledge from the work in

the Naruto era.

With a nod of approval, Jiraiya approaches Minato, ready to share his

wisdom and experience with a smile.

"Minato, climbing trees using chakra control is a fundamental skill for

any shinobi. It's not just about strength or the amount of chakra, but

about fine control and perception," Jiraiya begins, his tone now

completely focused on training.

"You need to feel the tree, sense how the chakra interacts with it. It's as if

you're asking permission to climb, not forcing your way," he explains,

walking up to the base of one of the trees and placing his hand on the


Watching closely, Minato sees Jiraiya concentrate a small amount of

chakra in the palm of his hand, which glows softly against the tree. "See,

it's gentle, almost like a dance. You need to balance your chakra in such a

way that it's strong enough to support you but not so strong that it

damages the tree or throws you off balance."

Jiraiya then steps back and, with surprising grace, begins to climb the

tree, each step carefully measured and controlled. Minato watches,

impressed by the ease and fluidity of Jiraiya's movements as an elite


"You also need to be aware of your own body, Minato. Every movement

should be precise and intentional. Any hesitation or excess force, and

you'll lose your balance," Jiraiya continues, now speaking from above,

easily balanced in the tree.

Minato nods, absorbing every word. He then focuses, attempting to

mimic the technique Jiraiya demonstrated. Initially, he still finds it

challenging, but with Jiraiya's guidance and his own relentless

determination, he begins to make visible progress.

"That's it, Minato! Just like that. Feel the flow of chakra, feel the tree. It's

a delicate balance, but you're getting the hang of it," Jiraiya encourages,

watching from the heights as Minato practices.

With the unexpected help of Jiraiya, Minato feels a new surge of

confidence and understanding. He continues to practice, each attempt

taking him a little higher, each movement becoming a bit more natural.

As the training session progresses that afternoon, Minato not only

improves his tree-climbing ability but also gains a new perspective on

chakra control. And, perhaps more importantly, he gains a new respect

for Jiraiya, not just as a colorful and flamboyant figure, but as a skilled

shinobi and a generous future mentor.

When he finally masters the technique after an hour of training, Minato

looks up at Jiraiya with gratitude and respect. "Thank you, Jiraiya. I

learned a lot today," he said atop the tree, maintaining the proper flow of

chakra in the soles of his feet.

Jiraiya just smiles, shrugging with false modesty. "Ah, it was nothing.

Just doing my part to help the next generation. But remember, Minato,

the path of the shinobi is long and filled with challenges. Keep training,

keep learning, and who knows? One day, you might even surpass me,"

Jiraiya spoke with a smile and turned around.

"I'm off now; I need to do some research... I mean, the Hokage is calling

me!" He said and left, jumping between the trees.

Minato knew he was going to spy on the women's hot springs, but he felt

grateful for Jiraiya's support in their first encounter.



!Raccoon here!:

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- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

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46. Chapter 46

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



After Jiraiya left, Minato resumed his training with renewed enthusiasm.

He summoned several shadow clones, each beginning to climb the trees

around. Surprised, Minato realized he could now create 15 clones, three

more than in the morning after his training. He watched each of their

movements closely, absorbing the lessons his clones learned as they


"This is amazing..." he murmured to himself, amazed at his own rapid

learning ability and adaptability. An hour later, he made an even more

exciting discovery after perfecting the technique: he could now sustain 20

shadow clones throughout the day, a significant improvement in his

capacity and endurance.

Energized by these advancements, he decided to start the other training,

and Minato headed to the tranquil river near the training site. Without

wasting a second, he summoned 80 clones, each ready to face the next

challenge: learning to walk on water. The first steps were uncertain. The

clones repeatedly sank, causing waves and splashes. Minato continued

training, insisting on learning and developing the technique on the same


The afternoon passed quickly as he and his clones practiced tirelessly,

and, by dusk, he felt profound exhaustion but also immense satisfaction.

Dissolving the clones, a flurry of experiences and learnings flowed back

to him. He felt crammed with new information and a sense of

accomplishment, as the accumulation of experience at that moment gave

him many discoveries and mistakes with points of views the original

hadn't noticed. Although exhausted, Minato smiled, aware that his hard

work was paying off. He had advanced significantly in just one day and

was very close to mastering the technique now.

As Minato contemplated the next step to finally learn the technique,

hidden in the dense foliage of a distant tree in the forest, a man with

distinctive white hair watched Minato from afar. He hadn't left as Minato

assumed but had stayed, curiosity keeping him bound to the training

scene of the boy. Jiraiya, with a thoughtful expression, whispers to

himself while keeping his eyes fixed on the young man's actions.

"This kid... can create dozens of shadow clones and still knows how to

use them to their full potential. He's not just a prodigy; he's a little

monster..." Jiraiya murmurs, impressed with Minato's natural ability and

fierce determination. "He learned to climb trees and is already almost

mastering walking on water. It took me more than a week to achieve that

when I was 13..."

Jiraiya continued his analysis. "And there's more, the boy is a type of

sensor. He sensed me tens of meters before I got to him. You're surprising

me more and more, kid," he admits with a knowing look.

Realizing he'd seen enough and that Minato was preparing to end the

day, Jiraiya finally decided to withdraw from his hiding spot,

disappearing silently among the forest's shadows.

Meanwhile, Minato, unaware of the secret observer, prepared to end the

day. "This was very good, just with this experience, it won't take long to

learn the technique," he thought aloud, satisfied with his progress. With a

plan in mind, he created 10 clones with what remained of his chakra

reserves to continue training throughout the night.

"Original, this is unfair!"

"You're going to rest while we stay up all night!"

After a brief farewell, in which the clones joked about the unfairness of

working while the original rested, Minato walked away, returning to the

orphanage to recover his energy for another day of learning and growth.

Minato ignored the complaints of his clones and returned to the

orphanage. Tomorrow, he would return, ready to continue his training.

The next day he woke up receiving all the information from the clones

that trained through the early hours, all of them had mastered the

techniques and continued to do so for hours. He was satisfied and felt he

could put 30 clones to train for him all day long.

He sent his clone to class and went to train again, Kushina appeared that

day since the girl decided she would train with him.

"Hey, can you already do this?!" She exclaimed as she saw Minato

training on the water to test his skill's effectiveness.

"Yes, I started yesterday and trained with my clones." Minato murmured

excitedly while walking on the water on his first attempt, this even

awakened his childish side as he jumped to test his effectiveness.

"Damn it, Minato, I won't lose to you, Dattebane!" Kushina shouted and

made a hand seal, creating 50 eight-year-old Kushinas.

'Wow, how much chakra she has... She hasn't even learned exercises that

help her refine and control chakra, and she already has this number of

clones? Although she has training in Fuinjutsu.' Minato pondered.

"Hey, Kushina. I may not have been physically in class, but my clones are

seeing you beat up all the boys who mock you." Minato suddenly spoke.

"Yes, they mock my hair, and I beat them, Dattebane!" She said with


"Hahaha. But your hair is beautiful." Minato was sincere and innocent


"DON'T SAY THAT TO PEOPLE, DATTEBANE!" All 50 clones shouted at

the same time with red faces.

"HEY, forget about that. Let's train taijutsu." Minato wanted to get to this

point, not to anger multiple clones of Kushina, because that would be too


"Alright..." Her original spoke, and they moved away while the clones

trained in other aspects, Minato.

Minato and Kushina trained together, fighting each other. Minato and

Kushina, now side by side, were ready to train taijutsu, now it was time

to focus on honing their hand-to-hand combat skills.

Kushina looks at Minato with a competitive glint in her eyes. "Are you

ready, Minato?" she asks, assuming a combat stance. "I won't go easy just

because you're my friend."

Minato smiles, excited by the prospect of the challenge. "I wouldn't

expect any less from you, Kushina. Let's see what you've got."

They both engage in combat, Minato always smoother and more precise

against an aggressive Kushina, she even added chakra to her legs and

arms to become even faster and quicker. This training continued for

hours, and they finally stopped.

Kushina, with a look of mild frustration, murmured, "Damn it, Minato!

You didn't let me beat you once..." Her words reflected the competitive

nature of the young Uzumaki.

Minato, with a friendly smile, replied: "I was lucky, it was good training."

His response was not just courtesy but a sincere acknowledgment of

Kushina's effort and skill. "Luck... dattebane..." she mocked, not

completely convinced, but unable to hide a reluctant smile.

Changing the subject, Minato brought up a question that had been

weighing on his mind. "Kushina, can you help me with a question?" He

asked, capturing her attention. "What is it?" Kushina replied, curious.

"Well... now that I'm unemployed, I'll have to make money in another

way. I'm thinking of creating exploding tags to sell to ninja stores... Could

you help me?" Minato explained, aware of Kushina's talent in fuinjutsu

and hoping the girl could assist him.

Kushina frowned, concerned. "Do you know how dangerous this is? You

should do this when you're at a high intermediate level..." she

reprimanded him, the responsibility evident in her voice.

Minato, having already considered the risks, assured her: "It may be, but

I'll use my clones to create them. If something goes wrong, the clone

explodes, and I learn. It's quite an advantage." Minato informed.

Kushina, still hesitant but recognizing Minato's logic, relented. "Well...

alright... let me know when you need me." She declared and with a

mischievous laugh, she added, "Anyway, it's time for me to go. Tsuna

doesn't even know she's been next to a clone the whole time, dattebane!"

The revelation brought a mischievous twinkle to her eyes.

She walked away, leaving Minato alone with his thoughts and plans. As

Kushina disappeared from sight, Minato bid farewell, returning to finish

his training.

Minato continued his training with the clones doing some seals and other

exercises, and he returned to the orphanage as night fell.

At dawn the next day, Minato was determined to start a new phase of his

training. He planned to finally produce exploding tags. However, for that,

he needed to acquire special chakra ink, a notoriously expensive

material. Despite the significant cost that would consume almost all his

savings, Minato saw this as an essential investment for a new income.

Walking through the village at an unusual time for an academy student,

he chose to pass through a vacant lot to cut through. That's when he

witnessed something unexpected and inspiring. A teenager was training

intensely, but it was no ordinary training. The young man was doing

upside-down push-ups with energy and vigor that immediately captivated


"1998...1999...2000!" The teenager counted his push-ups, each number

marked by visible effort. Upon reaching the 2000 mark, he burst out in

an enthusiastic yell, "Long live the power of youth!" The passion and

fervor were palpable, even contagious.

Minato couldn't help but be surprised and impressed. The young man

before him was Might Duy, a legendary figure in his teens. Minato knows

this guy is mocked in the village and will be so for many years, he is only

recognized when he dies, which he always thought was terribly unfair.

Minato knew Duy's story, that he was the one who developed the Eight

Gates technique and how, in a legendary fight, he faced the 7 swordsmen

of the mist and emerged as a hero saving his son and other ninjas and

killing 4 of the 7 sword lords of Kiri.

Inspired and curious, Minato felt it was time to approach. "It's time to

meet a true genius of the village," he thought, an expectant smile on his

face. Might Duy was among the people Minato most wished to meet, and

now, fate had arranged an encounter between them, as he never met him

in the last years.

With a light step and a heart full of admiration, Minato approached Duy.

He knew this interaction could be the beginning of a unique alliance

between two individuals who shared a passion for taijutsu. Minato, with

plans to develop his own style, incorporating the six styles of the navy

and Armament Haki, saw in Duy a possible mentor and ally.



!Raccoon here!:

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

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47. Chapter 47

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



Minato, with silent and determined steps, approached the spot where

Might Duy was training. The intensity of Duy's training was such that he

didn't even notice Minato approaching, completely engrossed in his

counting and the energy of his upside-down push-ups.

Minato approached cautiously and called out with a polite smile,

"Impressive training!" His voice broke the silence, and Duy quickly stood

up, surprised but not alarmed by Minato's presence.

"Hey, what do we have here?" Duy exclaimed, the energy vibrating in his

voice. "A young man from the village has come to visit me in my

training? Tell me, young shinobi, what brings you to my humble training


Minato, still slightly disconcerted by Duy's immense enthusiasm and

welcoming aura, couldn't help but smile in response. "Hello, I am Minato.

I saw you training here and couldn't help but be impressed. You are

Might Duy, right? I've heard about your abilities and... well, I'm also

training to be a great shinobi too."

Duy, always encouraging and eager to share the spirit of youth and

growth, leaned forward with interest. "Ah, Minato! So you've heard of

me? HAHAHA That's wonderful! Yes, I am Might Duy, and I'm here every

day seeking to surpass my limits. The power of youth is a marvelous

thing, isn't it?" His enthusiasm was contagious, and Minato could feel it.

Minato, nodding, spoke, "Yes, it's true. I'm also trying to surpass my own

limits. I was thinking... maybe we could train together sometime? I've

always heard of a Genin who can't cast jutsus, but he's a genius when it

comes to physical training."

Duy, quite surprised that a child said this to him since everyone is more

interested in casting jutsus than physical training, looked at the child in

front of him with stars in his eyes. "You're really interested in my

training?" Duy asked, a glint of hope and surprise in his eyes. "That

sounds like an exciting journey, Minato! Yes, let's train together. Youth is

about overcoming challenges and growing stronger!"

Minato nodded, pleased with Duy's acceptance. Unfortunately, he

couldn't train with Duy today, but that didn't stop him from scheduling a

training session and having a conversation to assist him with his

afternoon practice. "Yes, I am. I believe that taijutsu is a crucial part of

being a shinobi!" He said and responded to Duy's comment, "And thank

you, that's great, I won't be able to today, but I want to explain some

things about my training if you can help me..." Minato said.

Explaining his interest in taijutsu and his admiration for Duy, Minato

expressed a desire to learn and perhaps even train together. He

mentioned his own plans to develop a unique style, combining taijutsu

with other techniques.

Minato was enthusiastic about the prospect of enhancing his skills and

adding new techniques to his repertoire. Among the skills he wished to

master were "Soru" and "Geppo," techniques that would allow rapid

movements and the ability to "walk" in the air, characteristic of One

Piece. However, he knew that these techniques were not common in this

world and that Might Duy, despite being a connoisseur of taijutsu,

probably wouldn't have all his knowledge at this time, but Minato

wanted to learn what he could from this man.

"Duy, I was thinking... could you help me with training to strengthen my

body? There are some techniques I want to learn that require exceptional

agility and strength," Minato explained, without going into details about

Soru and Geppo.

Duy, nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, Minato! Strengthening the body

is fundamental for any shinobi. I can show you routines and exercises

that will increase your strength, speed, and endurance. Let's make you

one of the fastest and most agile shinobis Konoha has ever seen!"

Minato smiled, grateful for Duy's willingness and enthusiasm. "That

would be great. I'm especially interested in enhancing my speed and

movement ability."

They discussed the principles of training, the specific areas of the body

that would need attention, and the routines Minato should follow. Duy

emphasized the importance of knowing your own limits and gradually

surpassing them. Minato was surprised that even at this time, which he

doubted Duy would be beginning to develop the Eight Gates, Duy still

had great knowledge of anatomy, explaining which exercises would be

good for specific muscles, something not found in books of this era. This

proved that Duy had been studying for many years and was combining

his knowledge for use in training.

After Minato created a mental list of what he should start practicing after

a 40-minute conversation with Duy, he was genuinely pleased and eager

to begin his new training.

"You are very promising, Duy," Minato said sincerely, after listening to

Duy's words. "No matter what others say, it may not seem much from a

child, but I know there's great potential in you. Your dedication and

strength are evident, and I believe you will prove them all wrong."

Minato's words deeply touched Duy's heart. For so long he had struggled

alone, his only company being the determination and hope that burned

within him. To hear a young man, one he had just met, recognize and

validate his journey was more than he could have hoped for.

Tears began to form in Duy's eyes, a mixture of emotions overflowing. He

quickly wiped them away, a bright and grateful smile appearing on his

face. "Young man, your words mean more to me than you can imagine.

Many see me just as a foolish dreamer, a ninja who chose the hardest

path with no chance of success. But you... you saw the youth within me.

Thank you."

Duy took a deep breath. "I promise, Young Minato, I won't disappoint

you. I will continue training, improving, and one day, I will show

everyone the true power of taijutsu," he said with tears.

Minato nodded, impressed with this character and his personality. "I

believe in you, Duy. And I'm looking forward to training and learning


After an enriching conversation and plans made for future training,

Minato prepared to bid farewell to Might Duy. "It was great talking to

you, Duy. I'm looking forward to our training," said Minato, extending his

hand in a gesture of friendship.

Duy, with a radiant smile and eyes full of determination, firmly shook

Minato's hand. "Likewise, Minato. I'll prepare a training that will

challenge us both! Until then, keep striving!"

With a nod, Minato turned and left. He walked through the quiet streets

of the village, his next destination being the village market, where he

intended to buy the chakra ink necessary for producing explosive tags.

Minato entered a district in the center of the village, where the main

clans were. He went to the shops that provided military equipment for

ninjas and found a store specializing in seals, stocked with Uzumaki

equipment from their village to the east of the Land of Fire, likely

managed by the Senju family.

Upon arriving at the store, Minato entered, his eyes immediately

searching for the specialized ink he needed. He was greeted by the

merchant, a knowledgeable man who recognized Minato as a young but

serious customer.

"Good morning, young man. What brings you here?" asked the merchant

with a friendly smile, seeing the young man entering the store, which

was unusual.

"I'm here to buy intermediate chakra ink," Minato replied, briefly

explaining his project to produce explosive tags.

The merchant, hearing the request, frowned slightly. "Chakra ink? My

young man, that's not a common commodity. It's powerful and dangerous

in the wrong hands. It's not something for children," he replied, clearly

hesitant to sell such an item to someone so young.

Minato felt a bit frustrated with the idea of not being able to purchase,

understanding why they wouldn't sell it to a child, but he would have to

find another way. Before he could attempt to insist, the door of the store

opened, and an imposing figure entered. It was Tsunade Senju.

Tsunade, noticing Minato, the young friend of her daughter, asked, "What

are you doing here, brat?" her voice carrying a natural authority.

"Tsunade..." Minato murmured.

"Hello Princess Tsunade! This young man wants to buy chakra ink, but

I..." the merchant began to speak before being interrupted by Tsunade.

"Chakra ink? And what do you plan to do with it, Minato?" Tsunade

asked, turning to the young shinobi with an inquisitive look.

"I need it to create intermediate seals I've been studying from the book I

received from Mito last year, I'm almost ready to develop them." Minato

was honest; this was an important step for him when it comes to


"You're at the intermediate level? Kid, you're a genius even in this area..."

Tsunade muttered, her daughter was almost reaching the threshold of

intermediate and specialist level. But seeing Minato learning and

reaching this level at his age without the resources the Senju family

provides Tsuna is truly fantastic for a boy without a clan.

Tsunade, after listening attentively, nodded. "Well, it seems you really

need this. And I know you're not an ordinary boy, Minato." She turned to

the merchant. "I will buy the ink for him. I'm sure the brat here can

handle it."

The merchant, though still hesitant, couldn't argue with a Senju. He

prepared the chakra ink, which Tsunade paid for without hesitation.

Minato, still stunned by the unexpected intervention and support, only

managed to stammer a thank you. "Thank you, Tsunade Senju. I promise

I will be careful."

Tsunade just smiled, a glint of approval in her eyes. "I'll be watching you,

Minato. Make good use of it and continue growing and don't let my

daughter down."

Although Minato was a bit wary of her final words, he smiled and left the

store to return to the training site.

He then headed to the training site, eager to start working on his

explosive tags. Sending a clone to school, as usual, Minato focused

entirely on his new task. As a first test, he made a clone and began

analyzing it after taking a bit of ink sufficient for a few seals and moving

away from the site.

The process was meticulous and demanding, each movement precise and

calculated. Finally, after 10 minutes of focused work, Minato's clone

completed the seal and raised it with a triumphant smile. "I did it!" the

clone exclaimed, a sense of accomplishment filling it.

However, the celebration was brief. The seal, without any explanation,

caught fire, and the clone was abruptly engulfed in an explosion,

disappearing instantly in a cloud of smoke and debris created in the


"..." Minato just stood there, watching the clone being destroyed after

celebrating, not knowing what to say about it.

"Well... It seems this won't be easy... I hope Kushina can help me..."

Minato just murmured, while the explosion still echoed through the




!Raccoon here!:

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

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48. Chapter 48

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



It was another day over Konoha, Minato was still immersed in his latest

project. A clone of Minato was sitting in the center of the training field,

surrounded by scrolls, chakra inks, and an expression of intense

concentration. He was about to try creating a new bomb seal, a task that

had already proven to be more challenging and dangerous than Minato

had initially foreseen.

The clone picked up a brush, carefully dipped it in the chakra ink, and

began drawing the seal on a scroll using his chakra in the brush. Every

movement was precise, each line drawn with utmost attention. After a

few minutes of meticulous work, the seal was complete.

"Will it work this time?" murmured the clone to himself, stepping back a

bit, ready to run at any sign of danger, even for a clone, it wasn't pleasant

being caught in an explosion.

He activated the seal, eagerly waiting to see the result of this seal. For a

brief moment, nothing happened, and the clone began to approach,

thinking maybe he had failed at something. But, the next instant, the seal

began to spark and, without warning, exploded into a cloud of smoke and


Minato's clone was engulfed by the explosion, disappearing instantly,

while a shockwave swept across the training field. Nearby trees shook

with the impact, and a small hole formed in the ground where the scroll

had been placed.

On the other side of the field, the original Minato watched, absorbing the

memories of the clone. He frowned, thoughtful. "It's still not it, this is

getting difficult," he said out loud.

"I see that, dattebane! Hahahahahahahahaha!" Another voice entered

Minato's ear, but he didn't seem to care, as this woman had been mocking

him all afternoon.

Behind him was Kushina Uzumaki, accompanied by Tsuna and Mikoto.

Kushina, with her flaming red hair, was laughing loudly, almost

breathless, as she watched the remnants of the explosions caused by

Minato's clones. With each new explosion during his attempts, her

laughter turned against Minato as if it were the funniest thing in the

world, seeing the clones of the blond boy scared.

Tsuna, with a gentle smile on her face, watched the scene with

amusement too. She knew well the effort and seriousness of Minato in his

training and projects, but she couldn't help finding the situation a bit

comical, as she saw Minato failing all the time while he kept placing

more clones to continue trying.

Mikoto, usually more reserved, allowed a small smile to appear on her

lips. The sight of Minato's clones striving tirelessly, despite the explosive

results, was undeniably funny.

"Minato, did you see that?" Kushina exclaimed between laughs, pointing

to one of the places where a clone had just been involved in the

explosion. "Your clones are as determined as you, but it seems they still

have a long way to go!"

"Yes, it seems so," Minato replied with a smile, joining in the laughter. He

didn't mind the mistakes, as long as he kept improving. 'Each explosion

teaches me something new. Eventually, I'll get it right.' He thought to

himself, and remembering something, he turned to Kushina, whose

laughter was beginning to subside, and said, "Kushina, you're the best in

fuinjutsu among us and have mastery over the explosive seal, don't you?

Can you help me with this?"

Kushina, still smiling, looked at Minato with a playful expression, "Of

course, Minato! Looks like you could really use the help of an expert," she

replied, still trying to contain her laughter.

She extended her hand with the shadow clone seal, quickly she used the

jutsu, summoning several clones. "These clones can help you," said


Kushina's clones approached the place where Minato's clones were

working scattered around the training field. They quickly examined the

area, observing the scrolls, the partially completed seals, and the traces of

the previous explosions.

Minato watched, grateful for the help. He knew that Kushina's experience

with fuinjutsu would be invaluable for his success.

As Kushina's clones, or "Kushiclones," took charge, instructing Minato's

"Minaclones," the scene became somewhat comical. One of the

Kushiclones, annoyed with Mianto's error in his scroll, slapped the clone

making it disappear.

Minato turned to look at Kushina with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry about that, my clones sometimes come with a difficult personality

to handle..." She commented timidly. Turning his attention back to the

field, Minato saw a Kushina clone with almost maternal patience,

showing a Minaclone how to draw a complicated seal.

"No, no, you have to be more precise on this curve... And be careful with

the amount of chakra!" the Kushiclone instructed.

The Minaclone, focused and a bit tense, tried to follow the instructions

but was clearly struggling. "Like this?" he asked, showing the seal.

Before the Kushiclone could respond, the paper began to alarmingly

spark. "No, no, NO!" yelled the Kushiclone, realizing something was

wrong and the paper was going to explode. "You put too much chakra!


The expression of the Minaclone changed from concentration to panic in

a fraction of a second. "What? But I only..." He barely had time to finish

the sentence.

Suddenly, the seal exploded with surprising force, engulfing both clones

in a cloud of smoke and debris. The Kushiclone was still screaming in

despair with a comical expression of terror on its face as it was caught in

the explosion.

On the other side of the field, Minato, Kushina, Tsuna, and Mikoto

watched the scene with a mix of shock and muffled laughter. Kushina

covered her mouth with her hand, trying to contain her laughter. "Ah, my

clones... They are so dramatic!"

Tsuna shook her head, still smiling. "Well, that's one way to learn, I


Mikoto, with an ironic smile, added, "At least they are being... explosively


Minato, although a bit worried about the safety of his clones, couldn't

help but laugh at the situation. "I guess we have a lot of work ahead," he


The clones continued to play their role, "You have to be more subtle

here," advised another Kushiclone, pointing to a part of the seal.

"Remember, fuinjutsu is about precision and chakra control."

The Minaclone tried to do so, but for a millisecond his chakra became

unstable. "I'm almost there..." The clone couldn't finish the sentence, the

seal began to glow intensely, a clear sign of too much chakra again.

"Wait, no!" shouted the Kushiclone, realizing the error too late. *BOOOM!


After another explosive training session with the clones Tsuna and

Mikoto had already left while only Minato and Kushina were still training

towards the end of the afternoon, Kushina approached Minato, somewhat

exasperated without her previous laughter. "Minato, you know that every

time one of my clones is caught in an explosion, I feel all their

desperation, right?" She exuded a mix of frustration and amusement.

"You need to get this right soon, or I'll start thinking you're doing this on

purpose just to see me scream!" And I have to go now, Mito-Sama is

waiting for me.

Minato gave an apologetic smile, "I'll try harder to work on this. And I

really appreciate the help from your clones. They are... well, explosive in

more than one sense."

The next day, at the academy, there was an atmosphere of expectation. It

would be a day of practical lessons, and Minato was present without

clones. After Professor Fuuma asked everyone to do chakra control

exercises, during sparring, Minato faced Akuma Uchiha again. And even

with the 9-year-old boy's activated Sharingan, Minato emerged victorious

to the boy's frustration.

Besides, Minato watched with admiration and a bit of surprise how

Kushina dealt with those who spoke ill of her. Whenever someone

mocked her red hair or made some unpleasant comment, Kushina

responded with strength and skill, quickly making them regret their

words. These demonstrations of strength and determination began to give

rise to the nickname "Red Hot Blooded-Habanero" in the classroom, as he

remembered from the anime.

"The Red Hot Blooded-Habanero is worse than Tsuna!"

Minato sighed, he could beat that boy for this, but it would be childish of

him to hit children for acting like children, and Kushina could easily

handle them all. Since the strongest in the class didn't seem to care much

about her, apart from Minato, Tsuna, and Mikoto.

The next day, under a clear and sunny Konoha sky, Minato met with

Might Duy to begin their joint training. Duy, surprised to see Minato,

immediately questioned him: "Minato, what are you doing here?

Shouldn't you be at the academy?"

Minato smiled lightly before responding. "Today, I sent a clone to school.

I am the original here, because I wanted to train with you personally," he

explained, his voice reflecting his determination.

Duy was visibly impressed by Minato's response. "You sent a clone to the

academy so you could train? That's incredible dedication, young man!"

exclaimed Duy, his admiration for the boy growing. "It's rare to see such

a young ninja with such passion and seriousness for training."

Minato, maintaining his resolute posture, looked directly at Duy. "Duy, I

would never miss a training session with you, you are even above the

hokage when it comes to the admiration I have for people from the

village." Minato spoke sincerely, this man had to die to be recognized,

and when he learns the Eight Gates technique, he could kill the Hokage

in a life-or-death fight, of course, he would die afterwards, but it doesn't

take away the fact that his strength could be superior to a kage.

Minato's words had a profound impact on Duy. He was used to being

underestimated and seen as a second-level shinobi due to his inability to

use jutsus. The sincere recognition and respect from Minato for his

abilities and dedication to taijutsu touched his heart.

"Minato, you honor me with your words," said Duy, a glimmer of emotion

in his tearful eyes. "I will do my best to teach you everything I know.

Let's work together to push beyond our limits!"

As the training with Might Duy began, Minato saw the perfect

opportunity to offer something that could significantly benefit both of

their training. He pulled out some weight seals from his bag – items that

Duy, given his limited financial conditions, couldn't afford.

"I brought something that might help us," said Minato, extending the

weight seals to Duy. "I believe these can make our training even more


Duy, surprised and a little confused, took the weight seals. "Minato, these

are... weight seals? But how? They are expensive and..."

Minato interrupted with a calm smile. "I know they can be costly, but I

want our training to be the best it can be. And I thought you could use


"This is unexpected, but thank you, I will surely make good use of them,

together, our youth will shine!" Duy exclaimed.

With that, they began their training. Duy guided Minato through a series

of rigorous exercises, focusing on strength, speed, and endurance. Minato

followed each instruction attentively, absorbing the knowledge and

experience of Duy, which he recognized was far better than his previous


Throughout the day, as they sweated and challenged each other under

the hot sun on that wasteland where Minato first met Duy, a true

camaraderie developed between them. Duy saw in Minato a kindred

spirit, a young shinobi who shared his passion for taijutsu and personal


When the training came to an end, both were exhausted but satisfied.

They knew this was just the beginning of a challenging and rewarding

journey. Minato left the training field thinking about the possibilities

with his own physical techniques that he would develop in the future and

with even greater respect for Duy, recognizing that when it comes to

taijutsu, there is no one in the world like him.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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49. Chapter 49

[Chapter Size: 2400 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



In the weeks that followed, Minato dedicated himself intensely to

training with Might Duy and to the explosive seal with some clones of

Kushina, but Minato was surprised by Duy's training, yielding results a

few weeks later.

"Minato, what are you..." Duy commented, seeing the boy's evolution in

front of him, becoming faster and stronger just with his physique.

"I..." Minato was about to make an excuse to avoid saying that he had an

alien body, which is why his evolution was so remarkable, but before he

could make an excuse, as much as he hated lying to Duy, he was

interrupted by him.

"Minato I know! Your youth burns brighter than anything! I have never

seen a talent like yours, your potential is much higher than mine, how

happy I am to pass on the teachings of my youth to a genius!" Duy began

to cry.

"..." Minato was speechless at Duy's personality.

After that, they returned to training and more time passed in Konoha.

The combination of rigorous physical training with Duy and in-depth

study of fuinjutsu created a perfect balance for Minato. As he honed his

strength, speed, and endurance, he also focused on refining his skills with

explosive seals, getting closer to mastering the seal.

However, for the students' lives in Konoha, it was peaceful and carefree

as the children grew stronger, but for the adults and the village's higher-

ups, the scenario was one of contrast, with attacks on the border or even

within the Land of Fire. Missions were failing due to looting by other

ninjas from major nations; the world was in chaos, reaching the limit of

what was known in recent years as a time of peace.

On a quiet night on the eastern border of the Land of Fire, near the

Uzumaki village, a patrol of shinobis traveled the borders as any other

day, with the increase in hostilities between the major nations, they

maintained constant vigilance. It was a routine task, intended to ensure

security and peace within the country's borders, founded over 30 years

ago. However, this particular night was about to become a significant

turning point in the history of the ninja world. The Konoha shinobis,

patrolling the borders, quickly went into combat mode, facing the sudden


"We're under attack! Call for reinforcements!" shouted a chunin, but

before he could react properly, a precisely thrown kunai hit his neck,

silencing him instantly.

The environment in the forest became chaotic. The trees and the darkness

of the night provided perfect cover for ambushes. The Konoha ninjas,

though caught by surprise, showed resilience and skill in quickly

responding to the attack.

"Regroup, all patrols, we are under attack!" ordered a jonin team leader,

skillfully dodging the kunais coming in his direction. He moved with

impressive agility, avoiding lethal blows while coordinating his team.

The Kirigakure ninjas spared no strength, an enemy jonin appeared and

quickly moved his hand with Dragon, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Goat seals.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu!" Concentrating chakra in his hands, he

formed a Water Dragon from the river behind him, launching it forcefully

towards the Konoha shinobis. The serpentine figure of water advanced

with a roar, its undulating and powerful form threatening to engulf the


The Konoha shinobis, recognizing the need for a quick response,

counterattacked. "Doton: Doryūheki!" He took the lead in the fight, with

a quick hand movement making Tiger, Snake, Ram, he created an earth

wall with the ground rising in front of him for protection against water


*CRACKKK!* The water dragon collided with the wall but did not break


Taking advantage of the confusion, another Konoha ninja, specialists in

other Earth Jutsus, quickly created a protective earth barrier to shelter

some of the less experienced companions. The barrier rose from the

ground, providing solid defense against the continuous attacks of the


12 Konoha ninjas quickly jumped over the barrier for a counterattack,

moving their hands in sync, Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" Multiple fireballs were launched against the

Kirigakure ninjas in the trees, illuminating the entire landscape in front

of them.

The Kiri ninjas didn't lag behind, creating multiple group seals with a

quick response, Tiger, Ox, Ram. "Suiton: Mizurappa!" Water burst from

the ninjas' mouths towards the flames.

Fire and water battled each other, heating the water and creating a

curtain of steam covering the entire fight area. The clash intensified, with

the ninjas from both sides displaying their skills and techniques. Kunais

and shurikens sliced through the air with some steam still lingering,

while jutsus of various natures were launched in an attempt to overcome

the opponent amidst explosions with paper bombs. The Konoha shinobis,

although initially taken by surprise, fought with fierce determination,

defending their land against the unexpected invasion.

The battle on the eastern border of the Land of Fire became an example

of the intensity and brutality that would mark this new phase of the next

ninja war. Despite the resistance and skill of Konoha's defenders, the tide

of the battle changed drastically with the arrival of massive

reinforcement from Kirigakure.

Suddenly, a wave of Kiri ninjas, armed and ready for battle, emerged

from the shadows of the night. They attacked with a ferocity and

efficiency that caught the already exhausted Konoha shinobis off guard.

Kunais and shurikens cut through the air, while devastating jutsus were

launched in rapid succession.

"We are outnumbered and outpowered!" shouted one of the Konoha team

leaders, realizing the gravity of the situation. "We need to send a report

to Konoha immediately!"

With the battle turning against them, the Konoha shinobis regrouped,

struggling to maintain a defensive line while one of them, an agile and

determined ninja, was entrusted with a crucial mission: to carry a scroll

with information about the attack to Konoha, a mission classified as S-

level due to its importance and danger.

"Take this to Konoha, quickly!" the leader ordered, handing the scroll to

the chosen ninja. "Inform the Hokage about the attack! Do not fail!"

The ninja nodded, understanding the gravity of the task, and disappeared

into the night, moving with astonishing speed, avoiding combat while

focusing on his critical mission.

Meanwhile, the Konoha shinobis, despite fighting bravely, were quickly

overwhelmed by the overwhelming force of the enemy. One after

another, they fell under the relentless attack of the Kiri ninjas. The forest,

once a place of vigil and protection, became a brutal battlefield,

witnessing the loss of many valiant shinobis.

As the battle unfolded on the borders of Konoha, a similar and equally

intense conflict occurred on the northern border of the Cloud Village.

This attack, however, had a unique feature: the presence of the Raikage

himself, the leader of the Hidden Cloud Village, commanding the defense

of his village.

The Cloud Village, known for its strong shinobis skilled in hand-to-hand

combat, caught the Konoha ninjas on the northern border by surprise

with a normal attack to dominate and gain ground in the Land of Fire.

The aggression was fierce and planned to cause maximum damage and


"Enemy attack!" A Konoha jonin shouted before his head separated from

his neck after the Raikage passed by him.

"It's the Raikage! We are under attack by the Raikage! Use jutsus to stop

his advance!" The leader shouted.

10 ninjas quickly prepared with seals, Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse,

Tiger. "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu" multiple small fireballs were

continuously launched against the Raikage, but this seemed to have no

effect against his lightning armor.

The attacks were quickly repelled and before they realized it, the Raikage

was upon them, killing them all. Some Konoha ninjas tried to escape to

pass the information to Konoha and the Hokage, but Cloud Village ninjas

caught up with them in far superior numbers, and all were killed without

being able to inform Konoha about this attack.

The battle at the northern border was marked by a total loss that Konoha

would only discover due to the lost contact with the border troops.

A few days after the surprise attack on Konoha's borders, an urgent

meeting was convened in the village. Under the leadership of the Hokage,

the main ninjas and key figures of Konoha gathered to discuss the

response and future security measures. The meeting included the

presence of Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Sakumo Hatake, and other

renowned shinobis, each bringing their expertise and experience.

"We were attacked by Kiri in the eastern area, and our northern border

teams disappeared, intelligence indicates that it was Kumo, unfortunately

much later than the other news..." Hiruzen spoke to everyone gathered.

The Hokage began the meeting by highlighting the seriousness of the

situation and the need for a robust strategy to ensure the village's

security. He expressed his concern about the recent wave of attacks and

the possible escalation of tensions among the major shinobi nations.

Jiraiya took the floor, his serious expression reflecting the gravity of the

situation: "Intelligence reports indicate that the Stone Country, in alliance

with the Wind Country, invaded the Rain Village. They seem to be

moving toward our borders."

One of the ninjas present, aware of the reputation of the Stone Country's

leader, commented: "I doubt that Hanzo, the Salamander, will let this

happen without resistance. He is known as the most powerful ninja


Tsunade, with a worried expression, emphasized the need for medical

preparation: "We need to reinforce our medical teams and train more

ninjas in this specialty. The war will bring casualties, and we need to be

ready to care for them."

Sakumo Hatake, known for his wisdom and strategy, added: "It is also

vital to strengthen our defenses and develop tactics against enemy

espionage. We cannot underestimate the cunning of our adversaries."

After intense debate and considerations from all present, the Hokage

concluded the meeting: "I thank everyone for their contributions. The

strength and unity of Konoha will be crucial in these challenging times.

We need to be prepared to enter war against all nations, if necessary."

He looked at each of them, his determination clear in his words: "We will

call upon the Uzumaki as our allies. Together, we will face these

challenges and protect our village and our people."

Turning to Jiraiya, he continued: "Jiraiya, you will be responsible for

establishing communication with the Uzumaki Village. We need their

expertise in sealing techniques and combat capabilities to strengthen our

front lines."

Jiraiya nodded, his serious expression indicating the gravity of his new

mission. "Understood, Hokage-sama. I will make immediate contact and

secure their alliance."

Hiruzen then turned to Tsunade and Orochimaru. "You two are tasked

with strengthening our defenses on the west side of the country. We need

you in the Rain Village to prevent a joint attack from two villages at the

same time against the Land of Fire."

Tsunade and Orochimaru nodded. Finally, the Hokage addressed Sakumo

Hatake. "Your task is to reinforce our security on the northern borders, I

will send Danzo's force to the east, thus protecting all sides of the


The declaration of war by Konoha marked the beginning of a tumultuous

period in the shinobi world. The village was preparing for a conflict that

would test its strength, strategies, and alliances. As tensions rose, every

Konoha shinobi knew they were about to enter one of the most

challenging periods in their history. The war would demand sacrifices,

but it was also an opportunity for Konoha to demonstrate its strength and

resilience in the face of unprecedented adversity.

The day after the decision to enter the war, the atmosphere in Konoha

was palpably tense. News of the village's imminent involvement in the

Second Ninja War had spread rapidly, creating a mix of anxiety and fear

among the inhabitants and shinobis.

In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi, surrounded by his loyal disciples

Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, opened a critical discussion about the

roles they would play in the impending war. The scenario was grim, with

the threat of conflict looming over Konoha.

"We are facing an unprecedented challenge," Hiruzen began, his voice

reflecting the seriousness of the situation. "And, unfortunately, we will

need our young shinobis, including those in the academy, to prepare for

combat sooner than we had hoped."

Tsunade, known for her temperament, reacted immediately, her face

marked by concern. "Sensei, you can't be serious! They are just children.

My daughter... she's not ready to face the reality of a war," she protested,

her voice trembling with emotion.

Hiruzen looked at Tsunade with understanding but maintained his firm

tone. "I understand your concerns, Tsunade. But war does not distinguish

by age. It's a harsh reality, but everyone must be ready to defend our


Orochimaru intervened with his calm and controlled tone. "While I share

Tsunade's concerns, Hiruzen is correct. We must utilize all available

resources, including our young talents."

Jiraiya, with his usual seriousness mixed with a hint of optimism, added:

"I will ensure that any youngster under my tutelage is more than

prepared for the challenges to come. In fact, I already have plans to train

Minato Namikaze."

Orochimaru, with a glint of interest in his eyes, commented: "Minato,

hm? The top talent from the elite program? I was thinking of taking him

as my student."

Jiraiya, quickly, retorted: "Minato is already under my guidance,

Orochimaru. He has a potential that I intend to develop to the fullest."

Hiruzen, seeking to maintain order in the conversation, concluded: "Then

it's decided. Jiraiya, you will train Minato. Tsunade, you will take care of

the medical preparation and supervision of the young shinobis. And

Orochimaru, choose the students you deem most fit for your style of


"I will take my daughter with me. That's non-negotiable," Tsunade said

firmly, and Hiruzen agreed.

"I will let the children complete this year and will give them until the

middle of next year to prepare, after that we may have to dispatch them

to war if necessary," the Third Hokage said, and everyone nodded in

agreement at the end.

The Hokage observed the dynamics among his disciples, who left to

strengthen the border and alliances according to their missions assigned

the previous day in the meeting. Konoha was finally entering the war and

it would be against all nations simultaneously.



!Raccoon here!:

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

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50. Chapter 50

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



Minato, walking towards school, noticed the palpable tension among the

inhabitants of Konoha. The streets were filled with whispers and worries

about the impending war.

"Have you heard? We're going into war?" a merchant asked, his voice


"Don't worry, the Hokage will protect us!" replied an old man, trying to

instill some confidence in the anxiety-laden air.

Minato, absorbing the conversations around him, felt a weight in his

heart. 'The war has really started...' he thought, worried about what the

future might bring.

Despite having achieved extraordinary abilities, like his Body of Light

and progress in his training, Minato knew he still had a long way to go,

especially in dealing with a real conflict.

He proceeded to the academy and upon entering the classroom, Minato

greeted his classmates, trying to maintain normality amidst the chaos

spreading through the village.

"Hello Minato..." Shikaku Nara responded, his voice a mix of laziness and


"Minato," Inoichi Yamanaka greeted him, his expression calm, but his

eyes revealing underlying restlessness.

"Good morning, Minato... Do you want a cookie?" Chōza Akimichi

offered, trying to keep lightness amidst the growing tension.

"No, thank you," Minato replied, appreciating Chōza's friendly gesture.

As Minato continued greeting other classmates, a sudden commotion

caught his attention. He saw a boy roll on the ground before falling

dazed and immediately knew who was behind it.

"Hope you remember this! Don't mock me, Dattebane!" Kushina

exclaimed, her voice loud and full of vigor echoing through the room.

Minato, with a slight smile on his face, approached her. "Hello Kushina,"

he said.

"Hello Minato!" She smiled back, contradicting her expression until now

as she chided her classmates.

"Tsuna, Mikoto." Minato greeted the rest of his friends.


"Minato, good morning!"

Sitting in his place, conversations about the war soon filled the topics

among the children.

"The war has started..." Tsuna commented at the table next to Kushina.

"I heard we're going to be sent to war." Mikoto remarked.

"..." Kushina was nervous.

"We can expect anything in the coming months." Minato spoke in a

serious tone.

At that moment, Professor Fuuma entered the room. "Hello children,

well... I could start the day normally, but I know you've been asking me

this, but Konoha has declared it will go to war against the other villages."

He said and the room burst into exclamations.

"Are we going to participate too?" A student asked a bit fearfully, after

all, he was still a child.

"I'd love to participate and kill other enemy ninjas!" Said another boy,

one of the Uchihas in the room.

"Silence!" The teacher shouted amid the murmurs to bring some order.

"Yes, we are at war, for now, we don't know anything, but this year our


will continue as usual and by the Hokage's order, we will advance your

learning. We will start advanced Chakra control training." He referred to

exercises like walking on trees and water.

'Well, I've already been through this... So I can keep sending clones until

the teachers teach jutsus.' Minato thought.

The class continued, but the fact of the war weighed on everyone, no one

really paid attention to the lesson.

In the afternoon, Professor Fuuma taught how to practice the exercises.

Minato on his first attempt had already climbed up the tree.

"Why am I surprised..." The teacher murmured to the number 1 student.

It wasn't just him, Tsuna and Kushina also showed chakra mastery, as she

already had a natural and refined control over her own chakras.

The next day, after class, Minato headed to his training with Might Duy,

determined to divide his time efficiently. While his original body

dedicated itself to enhancing his power of light and to the demanding

physical training with Duy, he kept a clone at the academy to participate

in the chakra control practices. Simultaneously, 28 clones were engaged

in developing explosive seals, with guidance from some of Kushina's


The routine was always intense, but Minato adapted well to the

challenge, skillfully balancing his responsibilities and training. He felt

that with each day he was getting closer to mastering his abilities, a

crucial preparation for the times of war that were approaching.

A week later, an impressive scene unfolded on the main street of Konoha.

A large crowd had gathered, creating a sea of curious and worried faces.

They watched a historic scene: thousands of Konoha ninjas, dressed in

their battle uniforms, marched towards the village gates to represent the

village to their villagers, ready to join the war effort.

On a high rooftop, 4 children looked on with curiosity. Minato watched

the scene with a mix of admiration and sobriety. He saw experienced

ninjas, many of whom he only knew by name or reputation in recent

years. He knew that many of them would not return, as this was the

weight of the reality of ninja war.

Kushina, with a distant look, shared information she had received a few

days ago. "Mito-sama told me that our clan, the Uzumakis, will join

Konoha in the fight against Kiri in the east of the country of fire," she

revealed, her voice carrying a mix of pride and apprehension.

Mikoto, with her usually calm expression, added: "Most of the Uchihas,

including my father, have been summoned to the front in the north. It

seems that the situation there is quite tense."

"My mother and the other Hokage students are going to the country of

rain. They said that the village of stone and the village of wind have

formed an alliance and are advancing there," Tsuna commented.

"The country of rain is under the command of Hanzo, isn't it? He is

known as 'Salamander', an extremely powerful ninja," Mikoto raised an


"Yes, it's true," Tsuna confirmed. "It's a dangerous situation. I heard that

the village of rain is being crushed between the two great nations."

Kushina, looking thoughtful, questioned: "And the Hokage, is he going to

the front line too?"

Tsuna shook her head. "From what my mother said, he plans to stay in

Konoha to coordinate the village's defense and strategy. But he is ready

to move to any battlefront that needs his presence."

Kushina sighed, a look of

determination in her eyes. "If I go to war, I want to go to the east with

the Uzumakis," Kushina murmured, and Minato felt a bit sorry for the

girl. He knew she would never leave the village again, even before

becoming a Jinchuuriki, Konoha would not allow it.

As they talked, the atmosphere in the village was charged with tension

and emotion. Groups of ninjas passed through the streets, their

expressions serious and determined reflecting the gravity of the situation.

The residents of Konoha clustered along the streets, waving and shouting

words of encouragement.

"You are the pride of Konoha! Win for us!" a merchant shouted.

"Show them the power of Konoha!" echoed the voice of a mother, holding

her young son's hand firmly, who looked with large, admiring eyes at the


Minato watched the scene, feeling the weight of the conflict in the

village. "This war... it's going to change a lot of things for all of us," he

murmured, more to himself than to the others.

Kushina nodded, her expression serious. "We will also have a role to play.

I don't know when, but I feel our time is coming, Dattebane!"

Tsuna, with a worried look, added: "I just hope everyone comes back

safely. War... it spares no one."

Mikoto, usually reserved, spoke in a low voice: "Let's train more. We need

to be ready for anything."

As they conversed, various groups of ninjas passed through the streets

while people shouted encouraging things to them, that Konoha would get

through this crisis and defeat all enemies.

Minato and the girls saw many ninjas passing by them too on the

rooftops. "Anyway, Mikoto is right, we need to get stronger, war is no

joke, especially when you're a ninja," he said, and the girls agreed.

As the weeks passed, the village of Konoha was in constant motion, with

more and more ninjas being sent to the front lines. Each day, the

situation seemed to grow more serious, and the rumors circulating among

the residents only increased the tension in the village. Minato, aware of

the gravity of the situation, intensified his training with Might Duy,

although he knew that this routine could soon be interrupted.

Duy, despite being a genin, had not yet been called to war. However,

Minato could feel that this would change soon. "Duy, do you think you'll

be called to the war soon?" Minato asked during one of their training


Duy, always optimistic, replied with a smile. "Whatever the call, I'll be

ready. But until then, let's continue our training and get stronger with

our power of youth!"

After a month since the children had been training exercises of walking

on trees and water, Professor Fuuma finally decided to put the class into

the next stage.

Professor Fuuma entered the classroom pushing a cart full of rolled-up

scrolls. His eyes scanned the excited class, and with a smile, he

announced: "Today is a special day, students. We will start training with

C-rank jutsus. Some of you already have knowledge in jutsus taught by

your clans. However, after consulting your parents, I have selected jutsus

that you have not yet learned."

The students buzzed with excitement, especially those who had never

learned jutsus before. Professor Fuuma began distributing the scrolls,

with some students receiving two and notably, Minato receiving three.

A student, with a look of confusion, asked: "Professor Fuuma, why did

some of us receive two scrolls and others just one? And why does Minato

have three?"

Professor Fuuma, patiently, replied: "Each of you received scrolls based

on the number of elements with which you have an affinity. Some of you

have an affinity with two elements and therefore received two scrolls.

Minato, with his exceptional affinity in three elements, received three

corresponding scrolls."

The classroom was filled with murmurs of admiration and surprise as the

students contemplated the three scrolls in front of Minato. "Three

elements, huh? Minato always surprising us," commented a student,

looking at him with a mix of respect and curiosity.

Shikaku Nara, always inclined to laziness, yawned and commented: "How

troublesome... now everyone will want to compete with Minato." He

leaned back in his chair, observing the room with an uninterested look.

In the corner, Akuma Uchiha murmured with a tone of envy, "Damn

Minato...", his eyes fixed on his classmate's scrolls.

Minato nodded humbly, preferring not to elaborate on the subject. He

opened and looked at the scrolls in his hand, his interest clearly piqued.

Professor Fuuma spoke up again at that moment. "Remember, these

scrolls are confidential and exclusive to the training of each of you. Do

not share them and, above all, take good care of them." He said before

the bell signaling the end of the class for that day began to ring.

Minato, holding his three scrolls, felt more motivated than ever. He stood

up, ready to leave the room and head straight to the training field.

"Finally, something really interesting," he thought, finally going with the

idea of learning to perform elemental jutsus


"You're going to start practicing right now, aren't you, Minato?" Tsuna

asked, leaving the room at his side.

"Of course, I'm not going to waste any time!" replied Minato, his voice

full of determination.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

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51. Chapter 51

[Chapter Size: 2400 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



Before the day ended in Konoha, Minato firmly carried the scrolls of

Rank C jutsus in his arms and headed to his training field, arriving at the

location without interruptions. He quickly opened the scrolls with the

three elemental jutsus he received: one for each of the wind, fire, and

lightning elements.

Scroll 1 - Wind Jutsu - "Fūton: Reppūken" (Wind Blade): This jutsu

creates a sharp blade of air that can be launched towards a target. Luffy

focused on memorizing the necessary hand seals: Tiger, Ox, Rabbit, and


Scroll 2 - Fire Jutsu - "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu" (Phoenix Flower

Technique): This jutsu allows the user to create multiple small fireballs,

shooting them towards the opponent. Minato looked at the hand seals -

Snake, Tiger, Monkey, Boar, Horse, and Tiger.

Scroll 3 - Lightning Jutsu - "Raiton: Jibashi" (Electric Strike): This jutsu is

used to generate an electrical discharge that can be directed to a specific

target or area at a short distance. Minato learned the hand seals - Tiger,

Rabbit, and Ox.

Minato looked at the three jutsus excitedly, but before he could start

practicing, even as a child, he knew he needed to perform nature

transformation, especially with the wind jutsus, which were the hardest

to learn.

Minato quickly read each nature transformation in each of the elements

in the introduction of the scrolls and created 90 clones to train all of

them quickly, 30 for each clone.

It took 2 hours of training to become good enough to execute a Rank C

jutsu in one of them, Minato was exhausted, but he succeeded with the

fire element.

Determined and focused, he picked up the fire scroll, which was the

element he found easiest to perform nature transformation, to try

executing his first jutsus.

Excited by the initial success, Minato proceeded to the fire jutsu, "Katon:

Hōsenka no Jutsu" (Phoenix Flower Technique).

Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu - Executing the hand seals Snake, Tiger,

Monkey, Boar, Horse, and Tiger, he began to practice. At first, the

fireballs were small and uncontrolled. However, with practice and

concentration on the flow of his chakra, Minato quickly improved. His

fireballs became larger, more numerous, and precise, forming an

impressive pyrotechnic spectacle.

Minato's training showed that he had a natural talent for nature jutsus,

which also surprised him with the ease with which he learned the jutsu

at first. It was already night while Naruto tried not to burn his mouth

with each jutsu launched, illuminating his training area.

"I think that's good enough, I should head back," Minato murmured. He

was exhausted, his chakra pool was at its limit after he made multiple

clones, still using the remainder to make at least 30 attempts at the Rank

C jutsu.

Minato returned to the center of Konoha while reflecting on his newly

developed abilities in elemental jutsus. He couldn't help but feel surprised

and, in a way, impressed with his own talent in this area.

'It's incredible how quickly I get the hang of these jutsus,' he thought,

feeling a mix of pride and amazement.

'It seems I have a natural affinity with elements, perhaps even more than

with other aspects of ninjutsu.'

After Minato returned to the orphanage and explained his situation to

Madame Gorete, he went to rest and woke up for another day just

sending clones to school. Over the following weeks, Minato dedicated

himself intensely to the training of his new elemental jutsus. While most

of the children in the class were focusing on nature transformation,

Minato, with a combination of natural talent and a potion of hard work

plus clones, advanced in mastering his techniques with impressive speed.

Every day in the training field was an opportunity for Minato to perfect

his skills. He started with the "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu". Minato

approached it with dedication and enthusiasm. He trained daily, honing

his ability to create multiple fireballs, each hitting its target with

remarkable precision and even learning to hide thrown weapons like

kunais and shurikens within the flames.

Next, Minato focused on "Fūton: Reppūshō", a wind jutsu that allowed

him to create gusts of air capable of destabilizing his opponents. With

fluid and precise movements, he learned to control the intensity and

direction of the wind, adapting the jutsu for various situations. Despite

the wind element being the most difficult to train, it was the second jutsu

that Minato mastered.

Finally, Minato turned his attention to "Raiton: Jibashi", a complex ability

that allowed for generating electrical discharges. This technique was

particularly challenging, requiring a delicate balance between power and

control. However, for Minato, each challenge was an opportunity for

growth. He worked tirelessly, adjusting his chakra flow to achieve the

desired level of electrical intensity.

By the end of these weeks, Minato had not only mastered these three

jutsus and refined them as he wanted, but he also began experimenting

with combinations and variations, seeking ways to integrate them more

effectively in combat. His peers and teachers were once again impressed

with his progress in a new area, many acknowledging that the young

shinobi was becoming an unreachable talent in elemental jutsus.

It was in this context of continuous progress and determination that

Minato found himself in a training duel with Tsuna today. As the sun

painted Konoha's blue sky, on the training field, Minato and Tsuna were

engaged in an intense training duel. Tsuna, known for her prowess with

water and earth jutsus, was preparing to defend against an imminent

attack from Minato.

Minato, focused and with a determined look, quickly began forming the

hand seals for the "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu", a technique that allowed

launching multiple fireballs in rapid succession. He knew Tsuna was a

skilled opponent and that he would need precision and speed to

overcome her.

"Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu!" exclaimed Minato, launching a series of small

but intense fireballs towards Tsuna.

Tsuna, anticipating Minato's move, was already prepared with her

counterattack. She quickly formed the hand seals for her water jutsu,

aiming to create a defensive barrier that could absorb and extinguish the

fire attack.

"Suiton: Mizu no Tate!" Tsuna shouted, and a wall of water emerged in

front of her, intercepting Minato's flames. The fireballs hit the water wall,

creating clouds of steam as they were extinguished by the opposing

element's force.

Minato watched, impressed with Tsuna's effective defense. He knew that

this exchange of jutsus was excellent practice for both, helping them to

hone their skills and reflexes.

"Good defense," Minato commented, as he prepared for his next move.

"But it's not over yet!"

"Raiton: Jibashi!" Minato formed the hand seals and an electrical charge

shot out from him directly into the water. Tsuna, seeing this, widened her

eyes and before she

could jump away from the water barrier, Minato's electric currents

reached her jutsu. Conducted by the water, the electric sparks hit Tsuna.

However, Tsuna's body turned into smoke and a log appeared in her

place, with the 9-year-old girl now on the other side of the training field.

"I had time to activate that jutsu..." Tsuna sighed.

Minato looked at Tsuna and initiated the attack with a sequence of

kunais. He threw the weapons with precision, but Tsuna, equally agile,

easily dodged, using the substitution jutsu again to appear behind


Minato felt the change in the air and quickly created a shadow clone to

distract Tsuna, while he positioned himself for a counter-attack. Tsuna,

realizing the trick, launched "Doton: Doroku Gaeshi" this time, creating

an earth wall that absorbed the impact of another subsequent "Katon:

Hōsenka no Jutsu" from Minato.

The fight continued at a frenetic pace. Minato, using his agility and

techniques he had been training with Duy, launched 12 clones at Tsuna,

who responded in kind. The clones began to fight each other, but despite

Minato always being superior thanks to his observation haki, the clones

didn't have this, leading to a draw with all clones dissolving equally.

Minato had trained a lot with Duy and with his special body, he had an

advantage, but fighting against a Senju who used the same taijutsu as the

first Hokage was difficult for him to win without his original body's


Seeing that the fight was without a winner, at a critical moment, Minato

launched a "Fūton: Reppūshō", a powerful gust of wind, trying to

unbalance Tsuna. However, Tsuna, with a quick movement, used "Suiton:

Teppōdama", firing water spheres that collided with the wind attack,

creating a dispersed mist that temporarily obscured vision.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Minato attempted a surprise attack,

emerging from the mist with a series of shurikens. Tsuna, however, was

prepared and evaded the attack with a series of acrobatic evasive


Minato threw a special Kunai, Tsuna was going to defend, but saw what

kind of Kunais it was and quickly made a set of seals. "Doton: Dangan no

Jutsu" She opened her hand and a stone emerged from her palm against

the kunai, as soon as they collided with each other, an explosion was

created in the middle of the battlefield.


"Damn it, Minato, you managed to make the exploding tag?!" Tsuna

exclaimed a bit surprised, exploding tags were quite expensive especially

in a period of the beginning of war, she knew Minato wouldn't throw one

in this fight by chance, he must have created it for this.

"You liked it? That was one of my first successes!" Minato laughed.

"Congratulations..." She admitted without leaving her fighting stance,

Minato looked at her and made 20 more shadow clones and Tsuna

responded with the same amount, both ran with their clones for a final


The fight continued with taijutsu, despite Tsuna having her inheritance,

it was not enough to finish Minato and his mastery of haki, making him

finally win the fight.

"I guess you won..." She fell exhausted.

"It was a great fight, are you okay?" Minato asked, breathing a bit tired

while looking at the girl with some concern.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing, my mother told me that I should

punch boys who look too much at my body!" Tsuna growled and Minato

raised his hands.

"It's not my intention, I just wanted to see if you were injured." Minato

scratched his head with that.

"It's okay... I guess..." She said with a red face.

Tsuna got up a bit, they didn't have class today, Kushina was doing

something with Mito, so Tsuna took advantage of this day to stay with

Minato with some training.

"Minato," Tsuna resumed speaking and Minato looked at her again, her

tone still a bit accelerated by the recent activity, "My great-grandmother

mentioned that she would like to see you again. She has only heard of

you through me and Kush

ina. How about coming to dinner at the Senju house tonight?"

Minato, still recovering and wiping the sweat from his forehead, looked

at Tsuna with a mix of surprise. "Really? It would be an honor. I would

be happy to accept the invitation."

Tsuna nodded with a smile, clearly pleased with Minato's response.

"Great! You still know where my house is, right? Then arrive around 8


"Okay..." He confirmed calmly.

Tsuna left after she and Minato exchanged a few more words, mainly

discussing their viewpoints on the fight to help each other. When evening

arrived, dinner at the Senju house was a warm and welcoming experience

as always for Minato. Tsunade and Dan were not present, as they were on

the war front, so the table was filled by Nawaki, Tsuna, Kushina, and the

cheerful Mito.

Despite Nawaki's teasing of Minato with Tsuna and even Kushina, causing

the latter to punch him angrily, Minato took advantage of the evening to

exchange some fuinjutsu tips with Mito. Minato was just a few details

away from mastering the explosive seal and even though Kushina was

talented, Mito's teachings were unquestionable in this area.

At the end of the dinner, Minato felt grateful for the opportunity and for

the hospitality of the Senju and Mito Uzumaki. He left with a sense of

having gained more knowledge and it was always good to spend time

with his friends and people he hadn't seen in a long time.

As the months progressed, the class at the Konoha academy was absorbed

in learning new jutsus, while Minato devoted his time to focusing on the

development of his fruit. They were approaching the end of the academic

year, and everyone's progress was notable, with most children excelling.

Minato, in particular, demonstrated exceptional ability, having mastered

the taught jutsus with ease that surprised his classmates and teachers.

During this time, Minato dedicated a significant portion of his time to

physical training with Might Duy. Focused on enhancing his strength,

speed, and endurance, over the months, Minato showed impressive

physical development, reaching a level of preparation that rivaled many

jonins, despite his young age.

Duy, in turn, was constantly amazed by Minato's physical growth.

Initially, Duy saw Minato as a promising young student, but as the

training progressed, he began to realize that Minato was a rare talent

with some kind of special body, even without using chakra he was

already so powerful. Minato's ability to absorb and apply the training

exceeded all expectations, even making an experienced warrior like Duy

feel dazed, but always shouting with joy in the end with Minato's power

of youth.

Minato was not ashamed to train with Duy despite everyone speaking

poorly of him. He sometimes participated in training around the village

on days when there were no classes. This progress of Minato was so

notable that it began to attract the attention of other shinobis in the

village who remained in the village. They observed, intrigued, this young

boy who, even before turning ten years old, exhibited a physical and

technical preparation that promised a bright future as a ninja.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

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Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

52. Chapter 52

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



The final day of final exams at the Konoha Academy had arrived, and

much had happened this year. The war had started, but the conflict was

still brewing, with only small-scale attacks here and there. For Minato,

this day marked the beginning of a challenging period. From now on, he

could no longer afford the luxury of training, with the war ready to erupt

at any moment and the likelihood of being called up with his colleagues.

The atmosphere in the academy was thick with anticipation and

nervousness among the students. Professor Fuuma, with his stern posture

and strict attitude, distributed the written exams. Each sheet of paper

represented a new challenge, testing the children's knowledge year after


Minato, seated at his desk, received his exam calmly. He quickly scanned

the questionnaire, covering a range of topics from combat strategies and

the history of the ninja world to questions on shinobi ethics and chakra

manipulation. He began answering the questions with surprising speed,

as he had in previous years, and once again, he was the first to complete

the exam. When the exams were graded and the scores announced,

Minato achieved the highest mark.

Professor Fuuma couldn't help but express a rare smile of approval when

announcing Minato's result. Minato was an exemplary student and a role

model for the class, with many following his calm and focused style.

After the written exam, Professor Fuuma began the next phase: the

practical demonstration of basic jutsus in the classroom. The same test

they had taken at the end of last year, one by one, the students were

called to the front of the room to demonstrate their competence in the

basic jutsus of transformation, substitution, and clone.

When it was Minato's turn, he stood up with the same calm and

confidence he had shown in the written exam. He demonstrated the same

amount of chakra and mastery of the jutsus as last year, taking first place

again, even surpassing Tsuna and Kushina, who had more chakra but not

as much mastery of the techniques as Minato.

"Perfect score!" Fuuma nodded in satisfaction.

Minato nodded and left the room for lunch with his lunchbox, soon

joined by the girls.

"Did you hear? It seems we will have some people observing our

performance this afternoon," Kushina said.

"My mother mentioned something like that. He arrived in Konoha a few

weeks ago from the border to deal with some things with the medical

teams and the hospital," Tsuna said.

"We are the class that the village has invested in the most since its

foundation. It's very likely that the Hokage will appear, as this is our last

year," Mikoto said.

"I agree with Mikoto, it's very likely that high-ranking people will watch

us," Minato said.

After lunch, Professor Fuuma took them to a special field outside the

academy used for Chuunin and Jonin training, as the next phase of the

exam was physical and elemental ninjutsu tests. The students shared their

expectations and anxieties about this part of the test, a crucial evaluation

of their physical and combat abilities for their future careers. Professor

Fuuma had emphasized the importance of these tests, reminding the

students that they would be decisive for their final ranking and future

placements as shinobis.

The professor gave an overview of what would happen, and an

unexpected and exciting surprise occurred for most of the ninja academy

students when they noticed the presence of the Hokage, Hiruzen

Sarutobi, accompanied by his students, Jiraiya and Tsunade. The

appearance of the village leader immediately generated a buzz among the


"This year, Hokage-Sama will personally see your performance," Professor

Fuuma said with a certain pride, exciting many of the children.

Hiruzen, with his imposing presence and serene gaze, watched the young

future shinobis gathered. He raised his hand, asking for silence, and when

the children quieted down, he began to speak.

"Dear students, the future of Konoha is in your hands, and it is important

for me to see the progress you have made," said the Hokage, his voice

resonating clearly.

He then made an announcement that raised the level of expectation and

excitement among the students. "This year, we have decided to recognize

the top performers in the final exams with special awards. It will be a

way to honor the effort and dedication you have shown over the past


Immediately, eyes turned to Minato, whose performance was well known

to everyone. The expectation was that he would undoubtedly be the top


Jiraiya, standing next to the Hokage, watched the scene with a particular

interest in Minato, smiling at his future student. The students, now even

more motivated by the Hokage's presence and the promise of rewards,

prepared for the start of the physical and elemental jutsu tests.

The first physical test of the day was a challenging circuit, designed to be

more rigorous and demanding than in previous years. Minato, with his

exceptional physical ability and technique, navigated the course with a

dexterity he had acquired from Might Duy in recent months, overcoming

obstacles with ease and impressive speed. His performance not only

confirmed his reputation as the best in his class but also left the

onlookers, including the Hokage and the Sannin, deeply impressed.

On the sidelines of the test field, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade

discussed Minato. The boy's physical ability was a topic of particular

interest, especially given the rumors circulating about him.

"He is extraordinary, isn't he?" commented Hiruzen, watching Minato

complete the circuit with almost inhuman ease. "He didn't even use

chakra, it was just physical strength, he seems to have a special body like

the Senjus... but his physical conditioning is also remarkable for his age."

Jiraiya, with a thoughtful look, added: "There are rumors that he has

been using a clone to attend the academy, while the original trains with a

gennin from the village, Might Duy, who is famous for not being able to

use ninjutsus, only taijutsus. That would explain this level of physical


"Might Duy... It's unusual for an academy student to seek additional

training with a gennin, especially the brat who could get help both from

you, Jiraiya, or have asked for our help in the Senju clan, since he is a

close friend of Kushina and my daughter. But if Minato is seeking to train

with this gennin, Duy must have something special."

Hiruzen nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, this is intriguing. Perhaps I should

pay attention to this Duy?" The Hokage posed the question to himself.

As the conversation continued, Minato completed the circuit and

prepared for the next test, unaware of the special attention he was

receiving from Konoha's higher echelons. The next test for the young

Academy students was kunai throwing.

Minato positioned himself confidently, holding the kunais with precision

that reflected years of practice and dedication. He threw each one with

impeccable technique after much training, hitting the target with

unwavering accuracy. His score was an impressive 100%, a notable

improvement compared to his first year, scoring 40% hits, recorded when

he joined the academy more than three years ago.

After Minato's exceptional performance in the kunai throwing test, other

students also demonstrated notable skills. Tsuna Senju, daughter of

Tsunade, showed impressive precision, hitting 100% of the targets.

Mikoto Uchiha and Akuma Uchiha, both from the prestigious Uchiha

clan, equally achieved 100%, demonstrating the dexterity and rigorous

training of their clan.

Kushina Uzumaki, on the other hand, scored 80%. As she collected her

kunais, Minato approached the girl. "Kushina, you did well, but let me

give you a tip to improve your score," he said, gently showing her how to

adjust her grip and posture for a more efficient throw. Kushina, who

trusted Minato, accepted his help.

As Minato helped Kushina, the Hokage observed the scene with growing

interest. He noticed Minato's closeness to Kushina, who would soon

become the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi. Hiruzen saw this as a strategic

opportunity. 'If Minato continues to be close to Kushina, it could ensure

his continued loyalty to the village,' he thought. 'With Minato's talent and

potential, he will be a crucial shinobi for Konoha's future.' Hiruzen

watched with a calculating look as Minato gave advice to Kushina.

In the next test, the students were challenged to demonstrate their skills

in ninjutsu. The students showed different levels of mastery among the

jutsus they had received. Some failed to have even minimal control due

to their low chakra pool or energy control, while others demonstrated the

jutsu with moderate to perfect mastery.

Finally, it was Minato's turn to step forward and perform his jutsus.

Starting with the fire element, Minato executed the "Katon: Hōsenka no

Jutsu," creating multiple fireballs that he accurately launched at the

targets. He then transitioned to the lightning element. With a quick series

of hand seals, Minato channeled lightning chakra into his hands and

unleashed the "Raiton: Jibashi," creating an electric discharge that hit the

designated targets. Lastly, Minato focused on the wind element, the most

challenging of all. He performed the seals with incredible fluidity and

precision, and then released the "Fūton: Reppūshō," creating a powerful

gust of wind that not only hit the targets set by the instructors.

"The boy has an impressive talent for ninjutsu, three elements? Even with

natural affinity, it's extremely difficult. He even reminds me of the time I

sweated to master all five elements," the Hokage murmured with

satisfaction as he watched Minato's performance.

He didn't possess the crystal ball technique at this time, so he only heard

from the teachers about the prodigy's performance, and seeing it in

person was satisfying for the village's greatest ninja in such a dark time.

As soon as Minato finished, the test that everyone had been eagerly

awaiting was about to begin: the sparring matches.

"Now, something quite interesting," Jiraiya spoke, looking at the children,

eager to see how they would fare with their new jutsus in a real combat.

The air was electric with anticipation as the academy students prepared

for the sparring matches.

"Let's start the sparring matches," announced Professor Fuuma.

"Remember, this is a test of your skills and knowledge. We want to see

how you apply what you've learned in a real combat situation."

The professor spoke and announced the first match.

"Namikaze Minato vs. Uchiha Mikoto!" He declared, and everyone

wanted to see this fight. Mikoto had surpassed Akuma Uchiha this year,

making her one of the top students, tied with Tsuna Senju. Now, she

would fight the most talented student in the class and her precious




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

53. Chapter 53

[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



Professor Fuuma asked Minato and Mikoto to approach the center of the

field where they would fight, and both walked to the spot under

everyone's gaze. They looked at each other, preparing for the battle.

Mikoto, with her determined eyes, exuded a silent confidence. She was

known for her exceptional kunai throwing skills and for mastering three

C-rank fire jutsus, in addition to the shadow clone technique. Despite her

not vast chakra reserve, her precision and technique made up for this


Minato, on the other hand, maintained his calm and focused expression,

a trait that made him famous among his peers and teachers. He was a

prodigy, not just in elemental ninjutsu, but also in strategy and chakra

control. His mastery over the elements of wind, fire, and lightning placed

him at a high level, even among the most talented since the foundation of


"Minato, may the best strategy win," said Mikoto, giving a small smile,

but not activating her sharingan.

"So be it, Mikoto. Let's do our best," Minato replied, with a slight smile.

Professor Fuuma, watching attentively from the side of the ring, raised

his hand, signaling the start of the fight. "Begin!"

Immediately, Minato made the first move, quickly forming hand seals

and summoning a shadow clone, creating an initial distraction. Mikoto,

not being fooled, prepared her kunais, throwing them precisely at the

clone, while keeping her focus on the real Minato.

Minato's clones, despite not having observation haki and light body, were

still fast and agile. He used his speed to dodge Mikoto's kunai attacks,

while launching strategic counterattacks. He quickly formed hand seals,

releasing a sequence of "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu", creating a series of

fireballs that flew towards Mikoto.

Mikoto responded with "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu", releasing a large

fireball that clashed against Minato's flames, creating an explosion of

sparks and smoke, but since Mikoto's ball was larger, it forced Minato to

retreat a bit from the invading flames.

Mikoto wasted no time and used the same Jutsu that Minato did before

with a sequence of seals. "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu", Minato countered

the fireballs with his wind-style jutsu, "Fūton: Reppūshō" causing the

balls to disperse in the air, and shurikens appeared inside them, hitting

Minato's clones, while the main one easily dodged with his haki, even

aware of the shurikens.

Jumping to the side, Minato used seals at high speed and again used

"Fūton: Reppūshō", not only going towards Mikoto who didn't use any

jutsu to defend herself, just dodged to save chakra, but the wind also

dissipated all the smoke created by the fire jutsus.

Seeing her dodging, Minato made a seal and created 2 clones and ran

towards Mikoto to fight against her Uchiha taijutsu. Even though she

normally had an advantage over Minato with her Taijutsu, it was 3

against one while she tried to attack after being on the defensive.

Mikoto realized she needed to step up her game to face Minato on equal

terms. With determination in her eyes, she decided to unleash the next

phase of her Sharingan, one tomoe while her eyes turned red.

"It's time to show what I'm capable of," said Mikoto, her voice firm and


Mikoto quickly responded to the clones and Minato, giving a kick to the

chin of one clone and a punch to the face of another, as she became

much more agile now. The original Minato managed to dodge her attacks

while kicking Mikoto, making her retreat a bit. Minato looked at his

friend with satisfaction as his clones disappeared in smoke after Uchiha's


Minato looked at Mikoto's Sharingan, nodded with respect. "Impressive,

Mikoto. I'm looking forward to seeing what you're capable of."

"Next round?" The girl gave a small smile, and Minato nodded.

The Hokage watched the fight between Minato and Mikoto with great

interest. Jiraiya and Tsunade were commenting on the confrontation.

"Look at Mikoto's precision with the kunais," Tsunade remarked,

impressed. "She really inherited the talent of the Uchiha clan."

Jiraiya nodded, watching attentively. "Yes, and she's using the Sharingan

with great skill. It seems the Uchiha clan has two great talents in this

generation." Akuma was also known for unlocking his sharingan at 6

years old.

Jiraiya continued, "But Minato is not to be underestimated. He is quick

and his jutsus are exceptional. He's balancing the fight even against the

Sharingan, even the powerful blood limit of the Uchiha doesn't seem to

have an effect on the boy."

Hiruzen looked at Minato and Mikoto facing each other. "This is the kind

of talent we need in Konoha, especially now. Minato and Mikoto show

that the next generation is ready to face the challenges that will come."

In the second round of the fight, Minato and Mikoto positioned

themselves, ready for the clash. Mikoto, now with her Sharingan,

displayed a new layer of determination. Minato, in turn, relied on his

observation Haki, a skill that gave him a unique advantage, even over the


The fight restarted with an explosion of movement. Minato advanced

with speed, his fists and feet moving in a blur of agility and strength.

Mikoto, with her Sharingan eyes, followed each movement, her

sharpened reflexes allowing her to block or dodge Minato's rapid strikes.

The taijutsu duel was a spectacle. Minato utilized a mix of fighting styles,

each attack a fluid combination of technique and brute force. Mikoto, not

lagging behind, responded with precise strikes, targeting key points she

had learned from her clan.

In a critical moment, Minato made an aggressive move, launching a

straight punch. Mikoto, anticipating the attack, used the substitution

jutsu, swapping places with a wooden log that appeared where she had

been. Minato, realizing the switch at the last second, spun in the air and

landed gracefully, already seeking Mikoto with his observation Haki.

She reappeared behind Minato, ready for a surprise attack, but he, using

his Haki, turned in time to block the kick she had directed at his back.

The fight continued at this frenetic pace, with both ninjas using

everything in their arsenal.

Each used the substitution jutsu several times, creating a series of

maneuvers and counter-maneuvers that left the spectators in awe. The

battlefield was filled with signs of their exchanges: fragmented wooden

logs, marks on the ground, and clouds of dust created by their rapid


As the fight went on, it became clear that in the end, the combination of

observation Haki and Minato's incredible physical training began to tip

the balance in his favor. Mikoto was running low on chakra now, at a

crucial moment, Mikoto attempted a surprise attack with one of her fire

jutsus with the remainder of her pool, launching a series of small fireballs

at Minato. He, anticipating the move, skillfully dodged each one, closing

the distance between them quickly.

Mikoto, realizing the imminent approach, prepared for a direct

confrontation. However, Minato's speed and strength, enhanced by

months of rigorous training with Duy, were too much for her. In a fluid

motion, Minato dodged a final strike from Mikoto and, taking advantage

of an opening, placed a kunai at her neck, signaling the end of the fight.

"It's over," Minato said, stepping back respectfully.

Mikoto, panting and with a look of admiration, nodded in

acknowledgment. "You won, Minato. Well played."

The audience erupted in applause, impressed with the skill of both

competitors. Professor Fuuma announced the result. "Victory for

Namikaze Minato. An excellent demonstration from both students!"

Minato offered his hand to Mikoto, helping her to her feet. "It was a great

fight, Mikoto. You're getting incredibly strong."

She accepted his hand, smiling. "Thank you, Minato. I'm looking forward

to another fight with you in the future."

As they left the ring, the Hokage and his students discussed among

themselves. "It seems that Minato will come out on top in all grades and

beating all his previous records..." Hiruzen said.

"I expected no less..." Jiraiya spoke proudly.

After the exciting fight between Minato and Mikoto, both stepped away

from the ring, allowing the other fights of the day to proceed. Tsuna

Senju was the next to enter the ring. With confidence and skill, she faced

one of the academy students, demonstrating excellent chakra control and

ninjutsu skills. Her fight, though less intense than Minato and Mikoto's,

was technically flawless, resulting in a clear victory for Tsuna.

"Your daughter is very good, Tsunade..." Jiraiya spoke approvingly.

"I expected no less from Tsuna." Tsunade had a look of proud


Kushina Uzumaki, known for her energetic and powerful nature, faced

another girl in her fight. With her chaotic and unpredictable style,

Kushina dominated the fight from the beginning. Her attacks were fast

and fierce, and her skill with water jutsus and fuinjutsu made her a

formidable opponent. The fight ended with Kushina as the victor.

The atmosphere at the training field was filled with each student giving

their best, knowing that the eyes of the Hokage and the Sannin were

upon them. Although some fights didn't have the same level of intensity

as the first, the respect and pride each student had for their skills and the

training received in Konoha were evident.

At the end of the day, all the academy students gathered, exhausted but

satisfied with their performances. Professor Fuuma, along with the

Hokage and the Sannin, congratulated the students for their effort and

dedication, reaffirming the importance of each one of them for the future

of Konoha, especially in times of imminent war.

"Young ninjas of Konoha," began Hiruzen, his voice resonating with

authority and the warmth he normally had. "Today, you have completed

another crucial stage in your journeys as protectors of this village. We are

living in dark times, with war casting its shadow over our lives. But it is

in moments like this that the true spirit of Konoha shines brightest,

where the flames of new leaves emit more lights in the darkness."

He paused, looking at the attentive faces of the children. "Each one of

you represents the light and the future of Konoha. The courage,

determination, and strength you demonstrated today are testimonies to

the power and resilience of our village. Remember, regardless of the

challenges we face, it is our unity and our faith in each other that keeps

us strong."

The Hokage continued, emphasizing the importance of staying true to

Konoha's values and supporting each other in the difficulties to come. His

speech was inspiring, infusing the young ones with a sense of

responsibility and a renewed sense of purpose. Minato, understanding the

ideologies behind it, remained calm, knowing he had much to do and

simply listened.

In the end, Hiruzen made an announcement that piqued everyone's

curiosity and excitement. "In the coming days, I would like the

outstanding students of this class to visit me in my office. You, who have

shown exceptional skills and achievements, will receive a special reward

for your effort and dedication. You are the pride of Konoha, and it's

important that you know how much we value your accomplishments."

The students exchanged looks of surprise and anticipation. Minato,

Tsuna, Kushina, Mikoto, and a few other students looked at each other,

knowing they would likely be among those chosen for such an honor.

The end of the academic year at Konoha's academy had arrived. To

celebrate the end of the year and their achievements, Minato,

accompanied by Tsuna Senju, Kushina Uzumaki, Mikoto Uchiha, and a

few other classmates, decided to go to a local barbecue restaurant as in

the past years.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was one of joy and camaraderie. As

they savored the barbecue, Minato and his friends discussed recent events

at the academy, the fights in the final exam, and their own journeys of

personal growth and skill. Kushina, always energetic, told stories of her

pranks at the academy with contagious vivacity. Tsuna, more reserved,

shared her reflections on the lessons learned and how they could be

applied on the battlefield. Mikoto, calm yet perceptive, offered insights

into technique and strategy, while also expressing her thoughts on the

uncertain future awaiting them, as Konoha was now at war and many

clans had already been dispatched.

"From now on, things are going to change," Minato murmured to himself,

with a mix of anticipation and determination. The war unfolding around

them was a constant reminder that, despite still being a child, he would

soon be in the midst of conflicts far greater than anything he had faced in

the academy.

He knew that he would soon become a genin and didn't need to wait

until the end of the next year for that; with that, the real challenges

would begin.

'But I'll be ready,' thought Minato, a confident smile appearing on his

face. Upon arriving at the orphanage after saying goodbye to his friends

and classmates, Minato stopped in front of the orphanage's door and

looked up at the night sky once more, feeling a sense of gratitude and

responsibility. "I will become a shinobi that the whole world will fear,

even you, hiding under the earth at this moment, will know my name in

this war, I look forward to fighting you in the future, Uchiha Madara!" he

said silently. With that determination in his heart, he entered the

orphanage, ready to rest and prepare for the new chapter of his life in




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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54. Chapter 52 - Fourth Year 15

[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



On a peaceful morning, Minato Namikaze found himself in his training

field, engaged in the task of creating exploding tags. After several

attempts over the year and under the watchful supervision of Kushina, as

well as valuable tips from Mito Uzumaki, Minato finally began to reap

the fruits of his dedication and effort with some of his clones.

With precise and concentrated movements, he applied special ink using

deep chakra control. Kushina, who appeared to help him, watched from

the side, proud and impressed with Minato's progress. "You really got the

hang of it, Minato," she commented with a smile. "Mito-sama would be


Minato just smiled in response, keeping his focus on his work. With each

exploding tag he finished, a feeling of satisfaction filled him. Finally, the

last drop of special ink was used, completing the seal without exploding.

Minato looked at the collection of exploding tags before him, feeling a

mix of pride and relief. He had created a significant amount, enough to

be considered a small fortune for a child his age and in the current times,

as during the war, exploding seals were a valuable commodity.

"This is going to be very useful," thought Minato, already considering the

numerous tactical applications for the exploding tags. With the end of the

fuinjutsu training for that day, Minato carefully stored the exploding

tags. "Now I'm going, you're doing very well, keep it up." Kushina said.

"Can I stop by, is Mito available?" Minato asked about the whereabouts of

the original Kushina. "My original planned to stay with Mito-Sama all

day, so they are likely at the Senju residence," she said before dissipating

into smoke.

After finishing his training with the exploding tags, Minato headed to the

Senju house to propose a trade for his work. He knew that Mito Uzumaki,

with her vast experience in fuinjutsu, would be able to properly assess

the quality of his work, so he asked Kushina to ask Mita to help him. In

addition, he hoped the Senjus would be interested in acquiring the

exploding tags for their own purposes in some of their stores.

Upon arriving at the Senju house, he was greeted with a warm welcome

by Kushina, who was there. "Minato! You finally arrived!" She said with a

radiant smile.

"Hello, original Kushina." Minato joked, and they both laughed.

Kushina, always excited by Minato's presence, led him to where Mito

was. The matriarch of the Senjus looked at Minato with a curious and

welcoming gaze.

"Minato, it's always a pleasure to see you. Kushina told me about your

visit and your performance with seals, are you here for the exploding

tags?" Mito asked, with a gentle voice that always reflected her wisdom

and experience.

Minato, with reverent respect, presented the exploding tags to Mito. "I

have been working on these exploding tags and would like you to assess

them. Also, I am thinking of offering them in exchange for some

resources or additional training in fuinjutsu."

Mito examined the exploding tags with an attentive look, her experienced

hands evaluating the quality of Minato's work. She nodded, impressed.

"You have done an excellent job for your age, Minato. It's evident that

you have a natural talent for fuinjutsu. Let's talk about what you need

and how we can help you."

The conversation between them flowed naturally, with Minato expressing

his needs and Mito offering her guidance. It was clear that Minato had

earned the respect and admiration of Mito, although not having a talent

like Kushina, Minato presented something even better than Tsuna,

despite Tsuna having started her training much earlier, Minato could

surpass her in a few years.

"You are doing well, Minato. Your effort and skill are clear, but there is

still room for improvement. Your exploding tags are good, but not

perfect. They can be sold as second category," she explained.

Minato listened intently, absorbing every word. Although he knew there

was still room for improvement, he felt encouraged by the feedback.

Selling the exploding tags as second-category products would still be

advantageous. It meant he could earn enough money not only to continue

producing and improving the exploding tags but also to have resources

for other needs like his physical training.

"I understand, Mito-sama. I appreciate the honest assessment. I'll work on

improving them. And selling the current production as second category

will help me finance more training and resources," Minato replied with a

small smile.

Mito nodded. "That's the spirit, Boy. Learning from feedback and using it

to grow is a valuable quality. If you need more guidance, I'm here to


"You can stop by our stores and take what you want, we won't charge

anything for it, and they will reimburse you for your exploding tags, most

of our suppliers are from my old clan, but as they are going into war,

your tags will also be valuable," Mito said, and Minato was a bit

surprised, as he had not expected this.

"But Mito-Sama, I can pay for this..." Minato didn't like receiving too

much help, and help always comes at a price.

"I know, boy, but you will be helping me with many things, especially in

the future," she commented and continued, "You still can't know, but

Kushina's future won't be easy, I want her to have someone she can rely

on." She looked at him with some appreciation.

"Kushina..." Minato murmured... he secretly knew that Kushina would be

the new jinchuuriki, but Kushina had no idea that Minato knew this


"Yes, in the future you will know, Kushina speaks very highly of you and

I see how she looks at you, you defended her in the early days and that

left a good impression of you," she spoke, looking towards the door,

Kushina must be outside waiting for them to finish. "In the future,

Kushina will need someone, no, she needs the strongest feeling in this

world, love," she said, leaving Minato a bit disconcerted.

"Well... I don't know if I'm ready for that..." Minato said, he was a boy

who would soon turn 10, maybe in about 6 years he would start to think

about these things.

"I'm not talking about now, but I want you not to leave Kushina alone,

love in our world is born young and is seldom forgotten. I still remember

meeting Hashirama when I was 10 years old on one of his visits to the

village with his father and I fell in love with him that day, even though

he seemed like quite an idiotic boy, I laughed, had fun with him, and was

charmed by his strength and Mokuton ability, the political marriage was

just a way to be with him," she said in a dreamy tone, making even

Minato appreciate her story.

"I want you to take care of her, she will need love, and receiving it from

someone she loves is the best possible experience," Mito spoke, looking


"Anyway, you will have many trials, I also see my great-granddaughter

looking at you, you will be contested either way, I would like to be alive

to see this soap opera, especially since I hear you have a close friendship

with a Uchiha too...Fufufufu." She laughed softly.

"Mito-sama..." Minato didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to

react to the love Mito spoke of or her boldness about a possible love

triangle or quadrangle in his life.

After leaving Mito's room quite embarrassed, Kushina approached.

"Minato, are you okay? You're a bit red," she asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, Kushina, thank you, I'm going now, I have to stop by the Senju

stores!" Minato quickly said goodbye and left the place, not wanting to

talk to Kushina, as the only things on his mind now were Mito's strange


"What's up with him…" Kushina murmured, watching Minato hurry


Minato continued on his way to a store with a letter from Mito. He was

quickly attended to and managed to get all his things. He left with

equipment in a storage scroll and quite a bit of money. Now with a smile

of satisfaction on his face, Minato headed to the Hokage Tower.

The Hokage Tower always imposed a certain respect and admiration in

Minato. He always looked at it while walking through the village, but he

never got close. It was the heart of Konoha's leadership, a place where

crucial decisions were made, and the future of the village was shaped.

Upon entering, Minato was greeted by an assistant of the Hokage. The

secretary nodded and went to the door. "Hokage-sama, Minato Namikaze

is here to see you," she announced. Minato approached, sensing many

hidden presences in the room, some so well hidden that even his haki

couldn't fully see them at his current level.

There was a brief pause before the Hokage's voice responded, calm and

clear: "Please, let him in."

Minato walked to Hiruzen Sarutobi's office and opened the door.

Entering, he saw the middle-aged Hokage sitting behind his desk, with an

air of seriousness and wisdom that always characterized him.

"Minato, you came. I must congratulate you again for your excellent

performance in the academy," said Hiruzen with a welcoming smile. "You

have excelled impressively and shown abilities that exceed expectations

for a student your age, breaking all records."

Minato bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Hokage-sama. It is an honor for

me to see that my efforts have yielded results." Minato had to be

respectful here, even if he didn't agree much with this Hokage.

"Minato, you have demonstrated exceptional potential. Your dedication

and skill are admirable," began Hiruzen, leaning his elbows on the table

and interlacing his fingers. "How do you feel about your future as a


Minato, maintaining his composure, replied: "I am determined to become

strong, Hokage-sama, not just for myself, but also to protect the village

and those I love. My goal is to be a shinobi of whom Konoha can be

proud." He didn't lie, this was his home, there were many people he

would like to protect here now, and he would fight for that.

Hiruzen smiled, pleased with the response. "That is commendable,

Minato. Konoha needs shinobis with your determination and strength of

character. You are on the right path."

Hiruzen continued, "Your skill with ninjutsu, especially with elemental

jutsus, is remarkable. I've heard about your advances with physical

training too. It speaks volumes about your dedication and your ability to


Minato felt a wave of pride but remained humble. "Thank you, Hokage-

sama. I will continue to train hard."

"Very well, as recognition for achieving the highest rank, you may choose

a jutsu that interests you. Would you like to see the list?" The Hokage


"Can I choose any jutsu, Hokage?" Minato asked, a bit excited.

"If it's available, yes." Hiruzen said, interested in which jutsu Minato

would choose. He seemed to have one in mind even without looking at

the book he wanted the boy to open.

"I've heard many stories of the Second Hokage and the jutsus he created.

I heard he had a space-time jutsu, is it available?" Minato asked. This

jutsu would be an identity for him in the future, so it would be very

useful for him to already have it at 9 years old.

The Hokage, slightly surprised by Minato's request, raised an eyebrow.

"The Second Hokage's teleportation jutsu? That is an advanced technique,

Minato, an S-class jutsu. Why are you interested in it?"

Minato, with a determined expression, explained: "I want to learn

techniques that allow me to protect the village more effectively. I believe

the teleportation jutsu could be a crucial tool for that."

Hiruzen pondered for a moment, assessing the seriousness and

determination on the young boy's face. "That jutsu requires exceptional

chakra control and an advanced understanding of space-time. It's a

technique few can master, in fact, no one has been able to learn it since

the Second Hokage, and there have been many."

"I am willing to make the necessary effort, Hokage-sama. I know it will

be difficult, but I am ready for the challenge," Minato replied confidently.

"Unfortunately, I cannot hand over that jutsu to a child, Minato, I'm

sorry," Hiruzen said.

But Minato didn't seem to give up so easily. "Hokage-Sama, what if I earn

more credits with you? Can I use them to exchange for the jutsu?"

"Well... I see you are persistent. Yes, I will hand over the jutsu if you

contribute to the village. This dark time will be a good opportunity to

earn credits," he said, and Minato nodded, understanding what he meant.

"Then I will not take any jutsu, I will focus on increasing my

contributions to earn the jutsu," Minato said.

"I can't let you leave empty-handed, at least take an elemental jutsu for

each of your affinities with rank B," the Hokage offered, and Minato was

quite surprised by this.

"Thank you, Hokage-Sama!" He couldn't help but thank.

Hiruzen Sarutobi handed Minato a set of scrolls containing Rank B

elemental jutsus. Minato looked at the scrolls with a sparkle of

excitement in his eyes. "These jutsus will be a great addition to my

arsenal," he thought, thanking the Hokage.

"These are more advanced jutsus, Minato. I am confident that you will

make good use of them," said Hiruzen, observing Minato's reaction.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. I promise I will make good use of them,"

Minato responded, holding the scrolls firmly as he left the room.

Minato was already planning the next steps of his training. He was

determined to obtain the Flying Thunder God scroll, so he would start

developing an A-rank jutsu on his own to exchange for the Second

Hokage's jutsu. His goal was to create the Rasengan, which at least could

negotiate with the Hokage to learn the jutsu he most wanted at the


With this goal in mind, Minato left the Hokage Tower to go to one of the

stores to buy many balloons!



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- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

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55. Chapter 53 - Fourth Year 16

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



The next day, Minato fervently dedicated himself to the challenge of

developing the Rasengan. He took out thousands of balloons from his

storage scrolls that he had also bought the day before, and created clones

to fill them with air by the river.

He quickly spread clones out, some to train in circulating chakra to pop

the balloons, in one corner of the training field, a group of Minato's

clones practiced the Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu. They concentrated

intensely, manipulating and expanding their chakra to form increasingly

larger and more intense fire spheres. The flames grew and twisted with

each breath, illuminating the space with their dancing light and

scorching heat.

Not too far away, another set of clones worked on Fūton: Daitoppa. This

jutsu was a test of control and precision, with the clones learning to blow

large gusts of wind, capable of knocking down both enemies and physical

obstacles, or even crushing them with air pressure. With each exhalation,

a powerful wave of air was released, causing the leaves of nearby trees to

vibrate with the force of the wind.

At the other end of the field, a third group of clones dedicated themselves

to Raiton: Ikazuchi no Kiba. They trained to fire precise and powerful

lightning bolts. Combining the Tiger, Rabbit, and Monkey hand seals, the

clones released electric sparks that transformed into lightning fangs,

striking designated targets with surgical precision.

In a few hours, Minato was learning to do all the jutsus after gathering

experience from the clones and redoing them again with everything he

learned. The same happened with the 12 clones trying to pop the

balloons. Minato could not distribute many clones with his limited

chakra pool, there were 12 clones for the balloons, 5 for fire jutsus, 5 for

water jutsus, 5 for lightning jutsus while another 13 created paper


The training field turned into a chaotic noise for anyone who approached

with the explosions of various jutsus. However, Minato continued

without detecting anyone nearby while he was becoming increasingly

skilled in his tasks, Minato himself was training his fruit, he transformed

his body into light moving quickly forward a few dozen meters in an

instant, trying to adapt to the speed and control.

Some time after hearing that the clones were out of chakra and not

wanting to hear a crowd of himself complaining, he dispelled the clones

and had finished his training for today, as he had exhausted all his

strength. But not before picking up one of the water balloons and lifting

it in front of his eyes, he concentrated chakra in his hand trying to pop it

just with the force of the chakra's rotation.

Exhausted with his almost empty chakra pool, Minato sought rest under

the shade of a nearby tree as he always did, even imagining Kushina

appearing drooling on his shoulder when he woke up.

Some time later, he was awakened by a familiar voice. He opened his

eyes, but instead of Kushina, he saw a man with white hair looking at

him, Jiraiya.

"You had quite the fun here, kid," Jiraiya commented while looking at the

partially destroyed training area.

"You... Who are you?" Minato asked, feigning curiosity and as he

expected, Jiraiya took on a gloomy mood as if it was raining over his


"You... you don't remember me?" He said comically and Minato was

laughing inside.

"You... you're that one!" Minato spoke as if he had remembered

something and Jiraiya saw some hope there, but Minato returned to a

bored face. "Sorry, who are you again?"

"Jiraiya, it's Jiraiya! The sage of the mountain, the pervert from the

women's bathroom, I mean, the researcher of inspirations for my book,

the famous writer and most powerful student of the current Hokage, the

pride of the Leaf Village!" He said, getting tangled in his words, but

pleading for Minato to recognize him.

"You're the famous pervert from the women's bathroom?!" Minato looked

surprised at him.

"You only heard that?!" Jiraiya made a comical face.

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" Minato couldn't hold back anymore and started

to laugh and then burst out laughing.

"You! You little rascal, you do this on purpose, don't you?!" Jiraiya

looked at him with veins on his forehead before punching Minato in the


Minato swiftly dodged the blow. "Agile as always..." Jiraiya commented,

and Minato looked amused, although he would have had his body

transformed into light by Jiraiya's strike, and he didn't want to explain

something like that.

Jiraiya sighed and spoke normally again, "So, what's going on here with

all these balloons?" Jiraiya asked, looking around the training field where

several burst balloons were scattered, some still filled with water.

Minato stood up, now trying to clear the fog of sleep. "Ah, I was

training... trying to master a chakra rotation technique," he explained, a

bit hesitant to reveal his plans, but then again, it was Jiraiya in front of


Jiraiya raised an eyebrow, clearly interested. "Chakra rotation, huh?

That's advanced for someone your age. You're always full of surprises,

Minato. What do you hope to achieve with this?"

"I'm developing a jutsu, so I'm training," Minato revealed.

"A jutsu? That's serious?" Jiraiya was quite astonished by this, before

Kakashi, no child would come up saying they created a jutsu. "What kind

of jutsu is it?"

"I read about the bijuu in a book in the library with one of my clones. It

detailed some things about the tailed beasts, I saw that they form a ball

of pure chakra that can cause great destruction when exploded, even

changing the landscape of a region or enveloping an entire village and

decimating it the next moment. I want to replicate the Bijuu-dama with

my own chakra in a form of high-density rotation," Minato said, he

indeed saw a book, there were still public information about tailed beasts

at that time.

Jiraiya, with his eyes shining with curiosity, approached Minato,

bombarding him with a series of questions about the jutsu he was

developing. "You really got me intrigued, Minato. Can you show me how

you're doing this?"

Minato nodded. "Sure, Jiraiya-sama. The first part of the training is to

control the chakra to burst the balloon without using physical force or

direct ninjutsu."

With a focused look and picking up a water balloon still on the ground,

Minato began concentrating his chakra in his hand. He explained the

process as he did it, "I concentrate the chakra in the palm of my hand and

then make it rotate rapidly. The goal is to create a centrifugal force

strong enough to burst the balloon."

Jiraiya watched attentively, his analytical eyes following every

movement of Minato. After a few seconds of intense concentration, the

balloon in Minato's hand began to expand before bursting with a loud


Jiraiya whistled, impressed. "That's quite sophisticated for someone your

age. You're basically outdoing everyone we've ever called prodigies in the

past, even my friend Orochimaru, despite me being stronger than him,

everyone called him a prodigy and you're outdoing him from what I see."

Minato had to admit that this kid was a monster among monsters, he was

only 9 years old.

Minato looked directly at Jiraiya, his eyes full of determination.

"Actually, Jiraiya, there's a specific jutsu I want to learn, so I'm

developing this to make a trade with the Hokage. It's an S-level jutsu of

the Second Hokage, the Hiraishin no Jutsu," he said, thinking he could

use Jiraiya to help him get the Hokage to make this jutsu available.

Jiraiya arched an eyebrow, surprised by the young boy's ambition.

"Hiraishin, huh? That's a space-time technique, Minato. What makes you

think you can learn something like that? Did you know that no one has

learned it after the Second Hokage?"

"I believe that with the jutsu I am developing now, and this technique, it

will be a powerful combination and I have confidence that I can learn

space-time techniques. I tried to create a storage scroll, although I

couldn't do it, since it requires a master level in fuinjutsu, still I realized

my affinity with space," Minato said.

"That might be possible, perhaps a combination with your lightning and

wind affinity?" Jiraiya commented in an analytical tone. Jiraiya then

smiled, impressed by the boy's audacity and confidence. "You're

ambitious, Minato. I like that. Well, if you're determined to train this

technique, I'll help you. My teacher owes me a few favors, make the jutsu

and I'll take care of the rest!"

Minato felt a wave of gratitude and excitement. Having one of the future

legendary Sannin as a mentor was more than he could ask for. "Thank

you, Jiraiya. I'm sure I can do it."

"You can call me Sensei from now on," Jiraiya winked at Minato.


"Yes, I'm going to take you as my student next year, so it won't be a big

surprise for you to call me that," Jiraiya said with a smile.

"I guess that's okay then, Sensei," Minato said, seeing it made sense.

"Anyway, you did the water rotation controlling your chakra, do you

have plans for the next step?" Jiraiya asked curiously.

"Yes, the next step is related to air balloons, my goal is to train with this

type of balloon and burst it in the same way," Minato explained.

"That seems logical, can you try it now?" the young Jiraiya asked.

"Yes." Minato created 15 clones, as his chakra pool was not yet fully

replenished, and the clones began to fill the balloons with air. After a

while, they were all trying to burst the balloons by holding only the

chakra in their motionless hands.

Jiraiya then began to observe Minato more closely, giving him tips and

advice on how to perfect chakra control. "Focus on the stability of the

chakra. Your rotation needs to be constant and controlled," Jiraiya

guided, despite not knowing the jutsu, he understood the concept.

"Also focus on rotating in just one direction, let me see your hair, usually

the rotation of the hair makes it easier to determine your best direction,"

Jiraiya continued to give tips.

Minato absorbed every word, every piece of advice. He continued

training, this time with the assistance of Jiraiya, who occasionally

demonstrated his own techniques to inspire and motivate the young ninja

for the rest of the day.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink,

Jiraiya looked at Minato and his furiously moving balloons, until Minato

dispelled the clones. "I think I can't anymore, I'm at my limit..." he


"I understand, anyway, your balloons have improved a lot since the

beginning, you could develop this until the end of tomorrow," Jiraiya

spoke with an impressed tone.

"Anyway, I'm going back, I want to rest," Minato said, and Jiraiya put his

hand on his shoulder.

"You're really good, Minato, I'm proud as your future teacher," he

expressed pride in his voice.

"Thank you... Sensei..." Minato smiled before Jiraiya nodded and jumped

among the trees in a direction opposite to where Minato was returning to

the orphanage.



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- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

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56. Chapter 54 - Fourth Year 17

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



Minato was returning to the center of the village, lost in thought, 'That

was quite easy. I learned 3 rank B jutsus, mastered the first stage of the

Rasengan on the first day, and started the second stage... Even though I

only showed the theory to Jiraya Sensei, he quickly grasped the

mechanics behind the jutsu and I was able to learn from his words.'

Minato reflected with satisfaction.

"I will just refine the jutsus and focus on learning the Rasengan from

tomorrow," Minato said, heading towards the orphanage. He stopped

walking and started jumping across the rooftops to get back quickly.

Minato arrived early at the place where Madame Gorete was taking care

of the children. Seeing Minato approach, all the children ran towards

him, as he was an inspiration to most of them. For four consecutive

years, he had been the best student among all the children of the clan,

the only civilian in a class of elites. Minato was not only famous among

the people of the orphanage, but many ninjas and clans sometimes

discussed the prodigious child of this generation among so many talents.

The fact that he came from an orphanage made his feats even more

impressive. He was also known for his connection with the Senjus and

there were even rumors of a future engagement with Tsunade's daughter.

"Minato! Can you train me?!"

"Minato, is it true that you're going to war?"

"Minato, show me a jutsu!"

"Minato, can I be like you one day?"

"Next year I'm going to the academy, I'll be as good as Minato!"

"Hey, hey, don't push..." Minato complained with a smile while

surrounded by children.

He had proven his strength, even the older ones had tried to challenge

him a few years back, but Minato had dealt with all of them, none could

compare to the little prodigy.

"HEY, kids, leave Minato alone, can't you see he's been training again. Let

him rest," Madame Gorete immediately told the children to leave Minato,

and they reluctantly moved away.

"Thank you... for that..." Minato commented.

"Yes, it's getting harder and harder to deal with them with your fame in

the village, as everyone looks up to you. But still, you train day after day,

year after year, you're troublesome, kid. But I'm proud of what you've

accomplished over these years," she spoke with a tone of pride.

"Thank you, I'm trying my best, but it's still not enough," Minato said.

"Just remember our talk a few years back, don't push yourself so hard

that you forget about relationships," she advised.

"Yes, I know. Anyway, I have this here, take it." Minato handed her an

envelope with money.

"This, this is a lot of money, Minato. Did you make this with those paper

bombs you created? You should keep this money, it's yours," she said, a

bit surprised.

"Yes, I created them and the Senjus helped me sell them, don't worry

about it, I have some money and the equipment I need, I've already

bought it," Minato said, being financed by the Senjus thanks to Mito. So

he had some money saved up, why wouldn't he help with the orphanage


"Well, if you insist, I'll use it for the other children, maybe buy some toy

kunais, since that's all they think about these days," she joked and Minato

smiled before going in to rest after that day.

The next day, Minato was training again, he had separated his clones to

train his jutsu and was trying to pop the air balloon.

*Pop!* The balloon burst in his hand for the first time, "I did it!" he

exclaimed with satisfaction.

"What do you think, Jiraya-Sensei?" Minato looked towards a tree in the

distance, before it rustled and Jiraya appeared in front of Minato.

"You're a very good sensor," Jiraya complimented.

Minato had extended the range of his Observation Haki, he was already

finding Jiraya hidden in one of the nearby trees.

"I see you did it," Jiraiya said with a certain pride.

"Finally, now I have to concentrate on pure chakra, I will be able to do it

in the next few days," Minato said calmly.

"That's good, keep it up and look for me when you're done, I'll take you

to see my teacher..." Jiraya spoke and Minato nodded.

They talked for a while, and Jiraya left sometime later. Minato used this

time to try and generate a Rasengan ball in his hand. It began to form

and grow rapidly, spinning swiftly in its pure form. He remembered

Naruto in the fight against Tsunade, his ball was equally unstable, trying

to maintain it until it exploded in his hand.

"Well, this is the first attempt. I'm sure I can master this much faster than

my future son would." Minato wasn't lying; he had mastered the jutsu

from scratch to this stage in just 2 days, while Naruto took a month.

The days went by, and Minato was more focused on training than ever.

He improved the elemental transformation in his jutsus to greatly

enhance their current level. One day, feeling ready enough to take on an

S-rank jutsu, he went looking for Jiraya, usually found in the women's

bathroom of the hot springs.

"Hey, Ero-Sensei," Minato greeted.

"Ah... Minato, I see you're here," Jiraya spoke without looking at his

student while writing something and peeking through a hole in the wall.

"..." Jiraya stopped for a moment and finally turned to look at Minato

behind him, surprised.

"Minato?! How did you find me!" He jumped, startled.

"It wasn't hard; you asked me to look for you, right?" Minato raised an


"Yes... but I'm surprised you found me so quickly... and here... doing my

research for my book..." He stumbled over his words.

"Come on, Sensei, you're a pervert, just admit it," Minato said, crossing

his arms.

"How can you talk about your sensei like that, I'm just a researcher!" He


Minato looked calmly at him before threatening, "Sensei, if you do this

with any woman I know, I will kill you... and believe me, I will do it."

Minato smiled calmly, but his tone was threatening.

Jiraya, hearing this, shivered down his spine, as he felt Minato could do

it. "How-How can you say that, Minato, that's not in my nature!" Jiraya

stuttered, remembering the time he once tried to peep on Tsunade in the

bathroom and nearly died a few years ago.

"Anyway, what can I do for you..." Jiraya quickly changed the subject.

"I want to present my jutsu to the Hokage, to exchange for the S-rank

Jutsu," Minato said excitedly.

"Already?! Then let's go! I wanted that jutsu, but since you're going to

show it to the Hokage, let's see him there," Jiraya said, equally excited,

trusting the boy when he said he had completed the jutsu.

Thus, Jiraya and Minato headed to the Hokage Tower, jumping across

houses and buildings, with Jiraya entering through the window and

Minato following behind.

"Jiraya? And Minato? I see you two know each other," the Hokage said,

taking the pipe out of his mouth and setting aside his papers and

responsibilities to face the duo.

"Hello, Sensei. I brought Minato because he told me about his interest in

a specific jutsu from the jutsu scroll. He developed a jutsu to exchange

with you. I would like this to happen for some favors you owe me!"

Jiraya said, winking at Minato, indicating he had something to help

Minato get the jutsu.

"I see... But I'm surprised, it's only been 5 days since Minato was here.

How could he have developed a Jutsu, and how could a child have done

this? This is indeed interesting!" Hiruzen commented, looking attentively

at the boy.

"It's a jutsu I've been planning for a few years, but now I focused on

learning it," Minato murmured.

"And what kind of jutsu is it?" The Hokage was fully attentive to Minato

at that moment.

"It's an offensive A-rank jutsu, given the difficulty of learning it. Let me

show you." Minato spoke and raised his hand, his chakra beginning to

swell from it, spinning into a sphere forming a brightly rotating ball.

"This... is incredible..." Jiraya was the first to speak, looking at the

spinning sphere in Minato's hand.

"This is truly unexpected, I have never seen a talent like yours, Minato.

Do you have the jutsu scroll for me to take a look?" Minato nodded and

handed over a scroll detailing the process of creating the jutsu after

dispelling the Rasengan.

"Hmm... this is, indeed, interesting. It will contribute to the war, no

doubt. However, an A-level jutsu is still not sufficient to exchange for the

Second Hokage's S-level jutsu, even considering some outstanding favors,

Jiraiya," said Hiruzen with a serious expression.

Jiraiya, somewhat disconcerted by the Hokage's response, tried to

disguise his surprise. "I was confident that this might be enough," he

murmured, more to himself than to the others present. He was sure he

could secure the jutsu for Minato.

"What if I offer a second Jutsu? Another A-level Jutsu that I developed

these days?" Minato suddenly spoke, grabbing everyone's attention, and

he could even feel the surprise from the hidden Anbu in the room.

"You developed a second A-rank Jutsu?" Both Hiruzen and Jiraiya were

stunned at that moment.

"Yes, watch." Minato began to perform the hand seals right there, Rat →

Horse → Monkey → Horse → Rabbit. Placing one open hand downward

while the other held his wrist, lightning began to emerge and he executed

the Chidori, a Jutsu he developed in the last 3 days after improving in

nature transformation with the jutsu's element.

Both the Hokage, Jiraiya, and the Anbu watched the 10-year-old boy

holding lightning in his hands, illuminating the entire room.




The only sound in the room was from Minato's lightning. After Minato

canceled the jutsu and looked at the pairs of astounded eyes, he picked

up a scroll and threw it at the Hokage, who caught it by reflex.

Without opening it, the Hokage looked at the scroll and analyzed the

information Minato put on it. Minato had stolen the jutsu from Kakashi,

who had not yet been born as far as he knew, but he was willing to be an

original thief if it resulted in him getting Raijin sooner, as great doors

would open for him from that moment.

"You can take the S-level jutsu by giving these 2 A-level jutsus and all the

favors I owe Jiraiya..." Hirozen admitted, even surprising Jiraiya. He

looked at Minato.

"Are you sure you want to learn the Second Hokage's jutsu? It's a

technique that no one has been able to master so far. There are no

guarantees that you will be able to learn it. Are you sure about this?" The

Hokage asked, his voice laden with seriousness.

Minato, without hesitation, answered firmly: "Yes, I am willing to take

that risk. I am confident in my ability to learn and master this technique."

Hiruzen nodded, impressed with the boy's determination. "Well, if you

are truly willing to risk so much to learn this jutsu, I will grant it to you.

But first, I want to test the effectiveness of your A-level jutsus."

With that, the Hokage stood up from his chair, indicating they would go

to training ground 7 for a practical demonstration. Jiraiya and Minato

followed the Hokage, crossing the office to the window, from where they

would depart for the test site.

Minato, following them, felt satisfied and confident. He believed that,

before the end of the day, he would have in his hands the knowledge of

the Raijin jutsu, a gigantic step in his journey as a shinobi. His gaze was

fixed on the future, full of possibilities and challenges he was more than

ready to face.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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57. Chapter 55 - Forth Year 17

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 35.



On the way to Training Ground 7, Minato leaped across houses alongside

Jiraiya and the Hokage. For anyone in this village, it would be an honor

to be beside the Hokage and his student, but Minato had a focused mind

at the moment. He was about to achieve the Raijin. As they moved, some

Anbus could be noticed, discreetly following at a safe distance, ensuring

the Hokage's protection.

Upon arriving at the training ground, the place was empty except for the

three of them and the hidden Anbu. Minato quickly went to the center of

the field to finish this quickly.

The Hokage, with an air of expectation, addressed Minato: "We are ready

to see your skills, Minato. Show us the jutsus you've developed in


Minato nodded, concentrating. He was aware that each of his movements

would be observed and analyzed by the highest ranks of Konoha.

Minato sighed and, raising his hand, the Rasengan began to form at high

speed, emitting a growing hum that filled the air. The chakra sphere, now

fully formed, became a perfect Rasengan. Minato, holding the spinning

sphere of pure chakra, advanced towards a set of rocks and nearby trees.

With a quick and precise movement, he hit the rocks with the Rasengan.

The impact was immense - an explosion of energy that sent rock

fragments flying in all directions. He did the same with the trees, which

shook violently from the force of the impact, some of them breaking and

falling under the power of the technique.

On the side of the training ground, the Hokage, Jiraiya, and the Anbu

were closely observing the results of Minato's attack. They analyzed the

destroyed rocks and trees, impressed with the devastating power of the


Hiruzen Sarutobi approached the impact site, examining the debris. "Look

at the rotational force of this jutsu," he commented, pointing to the

circular patterns engraved on the broken rocks. "It's a technique that

combines a high level of chakra control with intense rotation, resulting in

concentrated destructive power, but it's also devastating for internal


Jiraiya, observing the broken trees and the marks left by the Rasengan,

also commented: "The most impressive is the potential for internal

damage. This attack not only physically destroys, but the rotational

impact can cause severe internal damage to the target. It's a technique

that can be decisive in combat."

The Hokage turned to Minato thoughtfully. "Minato, you've exceeded

expectations. The Rasengan is a powerful addition to Konoha's arsenal. I

am convinced that your contribution to the village will be immense. I

hope more ninjas learn to perform such a jutsu."

Minato nodded, somewhat proud to have developed this technique in less

than 3 days, since in another 2 days he developed the Chidori.

"Let's see your second Jutsu, kid," Jiraiya spoke, and Minato nodded.

There, he performed the hand seals and put his hand down, before sparks

began to emerge and lightning manifested. Minato, with the Chidori in

hand, quickly advanced towards a row of trees and rocks. The speed at

which he moved was impressive. As he approached his target, the sound

of the Chidori echoed through the field, increasing in intensity.

With a determined shout, Minato attacked. The Chidori collided with a

tree, and the penetrating force of the jutsu was immediately apparent.

The tree was literally split in half, with the electricity of the jutsu leaving

burn marks and wood fragments flying in all directions.

Turning to a block of stone, Minato repeated the attack. The Chidori hit

the rock with tremendous force, piercing it completely and leaving a

clean, smoking hole. The penetrating power of the jutsu was undeniable;

the stone, which would normally resist common attacks, seemed almost

fragile under the impact of the Chidori.

The Hokage and Jiraiya watched, once again impressed with the

demonstration of power. "This is incredible," commented Hiruzen, the

Hokage, with an expression of admiration. "The Chidori combines speed

and power in a striking and penetrating attack. Its ability to pierce solid

targets makes it an extremely lethal jutsu in combat, worthy of being an

A-rank jutsu."

Jiraiya, looking at Minato, couldn't contain a proud smile. "Minato,

you've really developed something special. These jutsus show not just

your talent, but also your deep understanding of chakra and its


"Thank you, sensei," Minato said with a small smile.

"Minato, I'm genuinely impressed with the jutsus you've developed on

your own," said Hiruzen, looking at Minato with a mix of pride and

expectation. "You've shown remarkable creativity and skill for your age.

I'm convinced that you will become one of the greatest shinobis Konoha

has ever seen."

Minato listened attentively, nodding proudly of his years of practice

yielding notable results beyond the skills he continued to conceal.

Hiruzen continued, "In recognition of your hard work and the potential

you've demonstrated, I'll be passing on the Second Hokage's jutsu to you

in the coming days. I'll be eager to see how you integrate it with your

already impressive abilities."

Minato nodded with gratitude and respect. "Thank you, Hokage-Sama. I

will master and make good use of the jutsu and continue working hard to

contribute to the village."

With a nod of his head, Minato bid farewell to Hiruzen and Jiraiya,

leaving the training ground and heading back to the village. As Minato

departed, Jiraiya and Hiruzen remained in the training field, discussing

the young ninja's promising future.

"Look sensei, there's someone even more talented than your Orochimaru

in this generation," Jiraiya joked.

"I must admit, I thought the boy would be an elite jonin, but I see that

I'm underestimating him."

Jiraiya looked at his teacher, "Since the day I knew of Minato's existence,

I realized he had unbelievable potential," commented Jiraiya, looking in

the direction Minato had taken. "I believe he might very well be the child

of the prophecy I've been searching for. His talent and determination are


Hiruzen, reflecting on Jiraiya's words, nodded in agreement. "It's true.

Minato is not just a rare talent but also has a good character in his

record; he never let his talent go to his head and is always evolving and

working hard from what I've heard. Who knows, maybe a substitute for

my position in the future?" He commented, reflecting on the future of the


"Perhaps, but I'm eager to see how far he'll go," said Jiraiya, with a tone

of pride in his voice. "He might well change the shinobi world."

The two continued talking about Minato's future, while Minato walked

back to the center of the village, a familiar figure landed gracefully in

front of him. It was Kushina, with her bright red hair and an excited

expression on her face.

"Minato! I've been looking everywhere for you!" exclaimed Kushina, a bit

out of breath.

Minato smiled, surprised and pleased by the unexpected encounter. "Hi,

Kushina. Why are you looking for me?"

Kushina, a bit hesitant, began to speak. "Well, I... I wanted to ask you if

you'd like to go with me to a new restaurant that's opening today. But,

just to be clear, it's not a date!" She quickly added, her face turning red.

Minato immediately realized what she was talking about. "You're talking

about Ichiraku Ramen, aren't you? I heard they're opening today. Sure,

I'd love to go with you."

Kushina, relieved and still blushing, nodded enthusiastically. "Great! I've

heard so many good things about this place. They say the ramen is the

most delicious in Konoha."

"Then, let's find out," said Minato, walking alongside her towards the


As they walked, the conversation flowed naturally between them.

Kushina talked animatedly about her recent adventures and trainings,

while Minato shared some of his own experiences from the last few days.

Minato decided he would celebrate his recent achievements with

Kushina, as it seemed the perfect way to end such a significant day.

Upon arriving at Ichiraku Ramen, they were greeted by the inviting

aroma of ramen broth being prepared.

Minato looked at Kushina. "This seems like a great place, the smell is

really good."

Kushina returned with a smile. "Yes! And I'm really curious to try this

ramen everyone's talking about."

They sat together, choosing their dishes with excitement. Minato noticed

a young and enthusiastic Teuchi. While they waited, they continued their

conversation. When the ramen arrived, both expressed their surprise and

delight at the taste and quality of the dish. Minato realized that this

flavor lived up to what he had seen in the anime.

"This is so good, Dattebane!" Kushina practically shouted.

"I'm glad you liked it, girl," Teuchi responded.

"Kushina, thank you for bringing me here. This really made my day," said

Minato, with a genuine smile.

Kushina blushed slightly and replied, "I should be thanking you for

coming with me. It's always nice to spend time with you, Minato."

As the conversation flowed between the two, the day soon began to

darken. Minato ended up talking a bit about his day with the girl.

"You were with the Hokage and one of his students like Tsunade? That's

incredible, Minato!" Kushina exclaimed, surprised and impressed.

Minato told her about the exchange of jutsus, trying to keep the

conversation light and not delve into complicated details.

"You are really amazing, but I will still be the Hokage," she said at the

end, laughing.

"I'm sure you will be a powerful Kunoichi," Minato said.

After finishing their meal, Minato accompanied Kushina to the Senjus. "It

was a great evening, Kushina." As Minato was about to say goodbye,

Kushina approached Minato and kissed him on the cheek, taking Minato

by surprise as she ran inside with her face as red as her hair.

"Well... that was unexpected..." Minato commented, touching his cheek.

With no further choice, he decided to return to the orphanage, putting

aside the scene of the kiss. While walking, Minato reflected on the recent

events: his achievement with the Hokage, he was already planning how

he would use his Raijin, he could do anything with it once he mastered it.

Upon arriving at the orphanage, Minato was greeted with the usual

affection and joy of the children and Madame Gorete. He briefly shared

about the new ramen restaurant, promising the children that he would

take them there one day. Then, he retired to his room, reflecting on the


In the silence of his room, Minato felt satisfied and content. Another year

had passed, and he was very close to becoming a Genin and going to war,

but he would be very well prepared for almost anything he encountered

on the battlefield.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

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to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

58. Chapter 56 - Last Year 01

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 36.



Months had passed and Minato was returning from one of his sales with

the paper bombs. He had made a lot of money from this for a while, and

today, he was especially happy, going to buy some things. He went to a

less privileged area of the village and arrived at a house.

There lived a sick woman with a 4-year-old boy. She was Duy's wife, and

the boy was Guy. After training for a while with Duy, Minato eventually

met his family.

"Minato-san!" the boy exclaimed from the window as Minato approached,

looking very happy to see him.

Minato, with a smile on his face, had become a kind of godfather to the

child. Now that Duy had been dispatched to the war, he visited his family

more frequently and always helped financially with the explosive seals.

"Hello Guy. How are things?" Minato approached.

"I'm fine, I started training my body. I want to be as strong as you and

dad!" the boy exclaimed. He sometimes saw Minato and his father

training, which inspired him a lot.

"I'm sure of it, little Guy," Minato ruffled his bowl-cut hair.

The boy looked at Minato and seemed hesitant for a moment before

speaking. "Minato-San, I heard some people saying the other day that my

dad was useless... is that true? Why do people treat him badly?" the boy

asked innocently.

Minato sighed and crouched beside the boy. "Don't worry about what

people say. Your father is a strong man and will surprise everyone in the

future. He's a hidden diamond in the village and will be even stronger

than the current Hokage, mark my words," Minato commented with a

small smile.

"Really? He will be stronger than the current Hokage?" Guy asked in


"Yes, I'm sure of it. Hasn't he been studying the human body lately? I'm

sure he plans to create a unique technique," Minato said dreamily,

knowing that Duy was studying the Eight Gates, not that he was

interested in the technique for himself since it wasn't his style. However,

that didn't stop the technique from being classified as legendary.

"Yes, he studies every night. If Minato-San, considered the village's

greatest genius, says so, then it's true! I will also inherit my father's

power of youth!" the boy said excitedly.

Minato was a bit embarrassed by the boy's declaration, as the rumor of

the greatest talent appearing in the village now belonged to him, and

many talked about it. Even Madame Gorete was receiving many more

visitors at the orphanage, and some had tried to adopt Minato, but he

refused. With the Hokage's help, it was not possible.

"That's good, I'm sure you will be a great and powerful Taijutsu user,"

Minato spoke confidently.

"Haha! Yes, I will prove my power to everyone!" Little Guy acted like any

child, even starting to do push-ups on the ground, claiming he would do

100, which left Minato a bit lost, wondering if it was healthy for a 4-

year-old boy.

After leaving little Guy to his activity, Minato went to the kitchen where

Duy's wife was.

"Minato, you're here," she smiled.

"I came to bring some money for you," he said, handing over an envelope.

"You don't need to do this, Minato. You should save this money for

yourself," she said, not wanting to accept the money.

"I insist, you know I've been making a lot of money lately and can take

care of myself with what's left. I'm doing this because Duy has helped me

a lot, so it's the least I can do," Minato said, leaving the envelope on the


"Alright... Then at least stay for some coffee," she commented, and

Minato ended up spending some time chatting with her and little Guy.

After leaving the place, Minato headed to the orphanage. He was about

to move for the first time, as the Hokage had provided an apartment for

him. So, he would finally have his own home.

He gathered his belongings at the orphanage, said goodbye to the

children and Madame Gorete.

"Good luck, boy, I'm sure you'll have a bright future!" she said proudly.

"Thank you, I'll do my best!" Minato replied confidently.

Minato left the orphanage with his few belongings, arriving at his new

apartment. He was impressed. It was a modest space, but well-organized

and comfortable, ideal for one person. He began to organize his things,

finding a place for each item he had brought with him.

While arranging his belongings, Minato heard a noise coming from the

bedroom. Curious, he approached and, to his surprise, found Tsuna

sitting on his bed.

"Tsuna, what are you doing here?" asked Minato, a bit surprised by her


Tsuna, with a mischievous smile, replied: "I heard you were moving

today and wanted to surprise you. Plus, I brought something to celebrate

your new house."

She showed a small box of sweets, a simple gift, but Minato would not

fail to thank her for it.

"This looks delicious, so let me finish up and we'll eat." Minato said,

storing his things.

Tsuna helped him and Minato couldn't help but notice something in her

he hadn't seen before. "Your hair, why did you dye it?" He asked


"I dyed the tips of my hair, do you like it?" She asked with a twinkle in

her eye.

"It's different, but I like the look." Minato admitted.

"It's good that you liked it, otherwise you would be in a hole in the wall,"

she said smiling and joking, and Minato just shook his head.

"You're finally living alone," Tsuna said, eating the sweets she brought,

sitting comfortably on Minato's bed, with a slightly teasing smile.

Minato laughed. "Yes, to be honest, it's a new experience away from all

those screaming kids all the time. It seems like a big step, but I'm ready

for it."

"Hmm, I just hope you don't become one of those lonely and mysterious

shinobis. You know, the type that gets obsessed with missions only and

forgets to live life," Tsuna joked, but there was a hint of concern in her


Minato shook his head, smiling. "Don't worry, Tsuna. I have many plans

besides being a shinobi. And I won't forget my friends."

Tsuna looked at him with an evaluating gaze. "Well, you've always been

different from the others. Just... just promise you won't change too much,


Minato nodded. "I promise."

At that moment, a different atmosphere began to form between Minato

and Tsuna, something more intimate and personal than the usual

friendship they shared. They were sitting close to each other, talking and

laughing, but gradually the tone of the conversation changed. There was

a comfortable silence, and they found themselves looking at each other in

a way they had never done before.

Tsuna, usually confident and assertive, seemed a bit hesitant, but there

was a sparkle in her eyes that Minato couldn't ignore. He, in turn,

couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster as he looked at the girl.

Slowly, almost imperceptibly, they drew closer. Tsuna's eyes met

Minato's, and there was an undeniable attraction between them. Minato

could feel her breath, and for a moment, everything else seemed to


They were just inches apart, their eyes slowly closing, ready for what

seemed to be an inevitable kiss. However, at the last second, there was a

hesitation. Minato's body moved on its own, but he knew it wouldn't be

right to kiss the girl like that.

"Tsuna, I..." Minato began, but couldn't find the right words.

Tsuna smiled slightly, a bit embarrassed, and drew back a little. "I think...

maybe this was a mistake. I don't want to ruin our friendship, and you

already have Kushina," she said, her voice low.

Minato nodded, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. "Yes, our

friendship is important. I don't want to lose that."

They tried to resume the conversation, but there was a new barrier

between them, a recognition that perhaps there was more to their

relationship than just friendship.

"I think I better go, it's getting late and Mito asked me to accompany her

and Kushina for dinner," she said a bit shyly.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Minato asked.

"No! It's okay, see you tomorrow on the first day of class, Minato.

Goodbye!" Tsuna practically ran out, leaving only Minato alone in the

room, not knowing what to think.

"Good night, Tsuna," Minato murmured, but the girl had already gone.

'Geez, dealing with so many women is so difficult, is it wrong for me to

feel this attraction for more than one woman? I don't think polygamy is

wrong in this world, but still, it's very new to me, and I'm afraid of

messing up my relationships.' Minato couldn't help but debate this

internally, he liked Kushina and would make her his wife, but he had

known Tsuna for so many years,

he liked Mikoto, but Tsuna seemed to stir his feelings even more.

"I hope I don't have to choose between Kushina and Tsuna, can I have

both in the future, can't I?" He asked no one in particular while

continuing to lie in bed.

Some hours had passed, and Tsuna also seemed equally lost, sitting

outside her room.

"Looks like you're quite distracted today, Tsuna." A voice called her, and

she quickly looked up to see Mito approaching the girl.

"Great-grandmother... I was just..." She murmured.

"Thinking, but I wonder what you are thinking about. Usually, you're not

like this, but I believe there must be a good reason for it... perhaps

involving feelings?" Mito joked, and Tsuna blushed.

"I heard you went to see Minato this afternoon. Did something happen

between you two?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I... I don't know, we almost kissed..." She admitted.

"Hm... it's normal for a boy and a girl to like each other and express those

feelings through affection. I remember how I used to hit Hashirama in my

youth when he messed up," she said nostalgically.

"That's not what I mean, I don't hit Minato and I can't even do that to

start a conversation." Tsuna said.

"Hohoho. Of course not, there are many ways to express your affection,

but if you like him or love him, don't let him slip away," she said.

"But he has Kushina, I see how the two of them act when they're

together... I shouldn't get involved..." She spoke with a hint of sadness.

"Little Tsuna, Minato will be a strong boy, I'm sure there will be places

for you and Kushina in his heart, if you love him, don't let him escape,

I'm sure Kushina won't be the only competitor," Mito spoke.

"Are you saying he can marry two women?" Tsuna asked. Polygamy was

uncommon among ninjas, it happened with nobles, but rarely a ninja had

two wives at the same time.

"If you love him and he feels the same, I'm sure there will be room for

you and Kushina, maybe even more, who knows. But it would be good to

think about this after 15 years, you're still very young for a relationship,"

Mito spoke now in a more stern tone despite using kind words.

"Thank you, great-grandmother. I'm going to sleep now, I have the

academy tomorrow," Tsuna said goodbye with a kiss and went back to

her room.

"You heard that, our girl is growing up," Mito said with a small smile, and

a shadow jumped next to Mito; it was Tsunade.

"Hm... First she dyes her hair and now talks about boys... My daughter is

really becoming problematic," Tsunade said in a disapproving tone.

"She's talking about her future husband," Mito said.

"That boy better not hurt my daughter, otherwise, I'll carve a hole in the

Hokage's rock with his face," Tsunade threatened.

Mito just laughed, and they returned to their rooms. The next day, the

first day of the academy started as usual, but while the kids were

gossiping, the atmosphere between Minato and Tsuna was visibly

different. They avoided eye contact and barely spoke, a drastic change

from their usual interaction. This did not go unnoticed by their friends,

especially Kushina and Mikoto, who were used to the closeness and

camaraderie that normally existed between the two.

Kushina, always direct and straightforward, was the first to address the

issue. "Hey, what's going on with you two, Dattebane? You're acting

weird today," she questioned, looking alternately at Minato and Tsuna.

Tsuna, caught off guard by Kushina's direct question, stuttered a bit

before answering. "Oh, it's nothing, Kushina. Just... tiredness from the

first day of class," she tried to disguise, looking away.

Mikoto, observing the scene, also noticed the tension. She knew Minato

and Tsuna well and knew something had happened. "You've hardly

spoken to each other since you arrived. That's not normal," she

commented, looking suspiciously.

Minato, feeling a bit pressured, tried to ease the situation. "Really, it's just

tiredness. You know, the first day of class and all that..." he said, trying to

appear unconcerned.

Kushina and Mikoto heard that, but they clearly did not believe those

words for the rest of the day.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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59. Chapter 57 - Last Year 02

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 36.



Even with Kushina and Mikoto being viewed with suspicion by their

friends, this was only interrupted when Professor Fuuma, with his usual

serious demeanor and firm voice, addressed the students. The room was

filled with familiar faces from the past years.

"Students, welcome to another year at the academy," began Professor

Fuuma. "This year promises to be full of challenges and learning. I am

happy to be here again to guide you on your journey as shinobis."

He paused, looking around the room before continuing. "We have a new

student joining us this year. She comes from a renowned clan that some

of you belong to, and I am sure you will all welcome her well." Fuuma

gestured towards the door, where a young girl, with the distinctive pearl-

like eyes of the Hyuuga, entered.

"This is Hanabi Hyuuga," introduced Fuuma. "She has transferred to our

class from another group due to her excellent performance and will

undoubtedly be a great addition."

Hanabi, with a confident yet reserved posture, walked to the middle of

the room. She briefly looked at Hiashi and Hizashi Hyuuga, who nodded


As usual, she had to make an introduction, but what she said was simple,

"I hope to learn a lot from all of you," she said, her voice soft but firm,

reflecting the discipline and training of the Hyuuga clan.

Looking for a place to sit, Hanabi noticed there were few spaces

available. Her eyes fixed on a spot next to Minato and Mikoto at the back

of the room, who seemed to be quietly conversing. With slight hesitation,

she headed there and sat down, greeting them with a discreet nod.

Minato and Mikoto nodded back and allowed the young girl to join them.

Professor Fuuma began the day's activities, marking the start of a year

and probably the last for everyone with the war situation, and it was no

secret that they might be dispatched in the middle of the year.

The professor went on to detail the plans for the academic year. "This

year, our focus continues to be on preparing you not only for the exams

but also for the real challenges a shinobi might face on the battlefield,"

Fuuma started. "The war on the eastern and western fronts continues,

with minor conflicts, but our village has been regaining ground lost

during the Raikage's attack in the north."

He paused, allowing the words to sink in. "Although we are in a time of

war, our mission here at the academy is to ensure that you are ready for

any eventuality. We will intensify our training in ninjutsu and taijutsu, as

well as combat strategies and survival."

"I hope everyone takes this year seriously. What you learn here could

save your lives and the lives of your comrades in the future," Fuuma

concluded, his tone emphasizing the seriousness of his words, starting the


As the class progressed, Minato couldn't help but notice Hanabi Hyuuga's

isolation. She remained silent, not interacting with him and Mikoto, and

even the other clan members, Hiashi and Hizashi, stayed distant.

During the break, Minato, Mikoto, Tsuna, and Kushina stayed together,

despite Minato and Tsuna barely being able to look at each other for

long, quickly averting their gaze. But this didn't stop Tsuna from teasing

Mikoto. "Did you see the new student? She looks a bit like you, Uchiha,

all anti-social," said Tsuna.

"Sorry if I'm not as scandalous as you, Senju," Mikoto retorted.

"Hm? You want to fight?"

"Bring it on."

"Can you both stop, Dattebane!" Kushina wanted to hit both of them.

Meanwhile, Minato stood by silently, but couldn't help but look at the

girl eating alone on a bench far from everyone, as if she wanted to

distance herself from everyone.

The day at the academy proceeded with a familiar rhythm, the teacher

began by reviewing everything they had done in the previous year, and

this was quite demanding for Minato, realizing that all the complaints

from his clones in the past years were real. Time flowed and the

announcement of the end of class quickly motivated Minato to leave for

his training.

Minato headed to his usual training field, where Jiraiya would not be

present, as he had been dispatched to the western border of the Land of

Rain. While he was training, all his friends were also busy - Kushina with

training with Mito, Tsuna with her mother honing her techniques,

especially now that she had departed for the war, leaving a lot of tasks

for Tsuna. Mikoto, on the other hand, had training with her clan.

Minato knew he would hardly see his friends this year. He had more

acquaintances, but none as close as the girls, and Minato was known for

being the most talented of his generation, surrounded by a fan club, even

though he didn't consider the girls as his fan-girls, as none of them

behaved that way, even if sometimes there was a certain atmosphere

with one or another.

Minato arrived at his usual training field alone. His training regimen was

intense and meticulously planned, from the concepts he picked up from

Guy to what he learned from Mito and Kushina, alternating between

enhancing his physical abilities and developing his ninjutsu techniques.

In addition, he continued making exploding tags, an activity that had

become not just a source of income but also a practice to refine his

chakra control and precision, with the boy finally moving from the

intermediate stage to becoming a specialist.

At the end of the day, exhausted but satisfied with his progress, Minato

returned to his new apartment. He had achieved a significant milestone

by mastering both Rasengan and Chidori.

"It's time to take the next step…" Minato murmured, lying in his bed.

He was aware that the war was intensifying at the borders and that soon,

he might be called to fight. This made him eager to seek an even more

powerful technique, something that could give him a significant

advantage on the battlefield along with his Raijin.

The technique he had in mind was the Rasenshuriken, an advanced and

much more powerful variation of Rasengan, something that Naruto

would create in the future. Minato knew that this jutsu combined the

basic formation of Rasengan with a specific nature transformation,

creating a devastating attack capable of inflicting cellular-level damage.

The challenge in mastering such a technique was immense, classified as

rank S, but Minato was determined to face this challenge.

He spent the night analyzing the theories behind Rasengan and how he

could add a nature transformation to it, as what he saw on TV wasn't

exactly practical. He had already noticed this when he created his own

Rasengan and Chidori. Knowing that the wind element was the most

challenging to manipulate due to its unstable and unpredictable nature,

Minato was aware that the task would require an extraordinary amount

of chakra control and concentration.

The boy began writing in a notebook on his bedside table, outlining a

training plan directly with the wind nature transformation for the coming

days. He decided to dedicate his mornings to enhancing his elemental

skills, focusing on manipulating the wind element, while the afternoons

would be reserved for Raijin, two techniques that would make him a

legend on the battlefield.

At dawn, Minato was already at his training field, having sent a clone to

the academy. He created 50 clones, the maximum he could maintain

without compromising the quality of training for an entire day. Each

clone worked on manipulating wind, trying to understand and control the

subtleties of this element, starting with cutting water, as the leaf cutting

and tree slicing were things he did to master his wind jutsus.

Unlike Naruto, who could create a thousand clones in the original work,

Minato had to settle for a much smaller number. However, he

compensated for this limitation with a deep understanding and a talent in

ninjutsu that only he possessed.

In the afternoon, Minato finally picked a specific scroll from his storage

scroll; he would start training with Raijin.

Days turned into weeks, and each training session brought Minato closer

to his goal. He spent hours observing the movement of the leaves in the

wind, feeling the breeze on his skin, and trying to replicate this

naturalness in his chakra manipulation.

"Finally, we will learn this technique..." Minato murmured, looking at the


As Minato unrolled the scroll, he could feel the history and power

contained within that paper. The scroll detailed the fundamentals of the

technique: how to create and use the special seals necessary for

teleportation, and how to link these seals to objects, living beings, or

even the air. The Second Hokage, with his genius, had developed this

remarkable technique, but Minato realized there was untapped potential.

"He was limited," Minato thought. "Perhaps by his time, or perhaps by his

own limitations in chakra and concentration."

Minato reflected on the possible limitations the Second Hokage faced.

The technique, as described, showed limitations in terms of range, the

number of seals that could be created and maintained, and the speed of

activation. "These are challenges I can overcome, like Minato did in the

original, I will do better," murmured Minato with determination.

The young shinobi began theorizing about how he could expand the

limits of the technique. 'If I could create multiple marks simultaneously,

and at a greater range, but I need to improve a level of my Fuinjutsu,

Minato from the original work was never a master in Fuinjutsu, but he

was at least a specialist, I believe.' Minato thought to himself, outlining a


He was not just aiming to learn a jutsu that no one else had executed for

decades but to enhance it and reach a new level.

"I will take the Hiraishin no Jutsu to new heights," Minato promised

himself, as he rerolled the scroll. Having read and memorized everything

he could, it was now time to put it into practice.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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60. Chapter 58 - Last Year 03

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 36.



Weeks had passed, and Minato continued his intense training. He kept up

the routine of maintaining clones for theoretical lessons while training

his nature transformation and refining the spatial jutsu compression of

the Second Hokage with fuinjutsu. He had finally reached the expert

stage. Besides training, he always stopped by Duy's house and visited the

orphanage on weekends.

"Little Minato." Minato had gone to the Senju clan complex today to see

Mito, who greeted him with a warm smile.

"Mita-Sama." Minato greeted her back.

"Kushina told me you've improved your Fuinjutsu. You want one of my

books, don't you?" she said.

"Well, I do want one, but I can't just ask like that, can I?" Minato said,

scratching his head.

"Well, if it were anyone else, the answer would be no, but you can have

it. Here it is." She handed him the book she had created, and Minato was

very grateful for it.

Minato said goodbye and left the complex towards his training area. He

took a different path from the Senju clan to shorten the distance and

ended up passing through other training areas.

As he walked through the forest, he stumbled upon someone training

there. Approaching, Minato, a bit surprised, watched Hanabi Hyuuga

intensely focused on her solitary training. The girl, who was always

reserved, displayed deep concentration, striking the air with palms that

released concentric waves of chakra. It was a spectacle of precision and

control, but the atmosphere around her was undeniably cold, almost


She struck the space in front of her with rapid movements as Minato

recognized the Hyuuga style. Seeing that it would be rude to watch

someone training in secret, he began to withdraw, leaving the girl in

peace. "Is spying on others something a genius does now?" Minato, who

was leaving, stopped upon hearing the girl's voice.

She looked at him with her Byakugan activated, and Minato sighed a bit,

realizing she must have seen him since he approached, after all, the

Byakugan covers 360 degrees like Observation Haki.

"Sorry about that, I was just passing through." Minato moved away,

having been discovered.

"Then go away," she simply said.

"Alright, I won't bother you anymore, but let me ask you something."

Minato said and continued. "Why train out here away from your clan?"

He asked, curious, since the Hyuuga clan was very strict.

"Because it's better to train here, there isn't someone reminding me of my

destiny all the time." She replied honestly, though there was no warmth

in her tone.

"Destiny... you mean that..." Minato looked a bit surprised.

"I'm from the branch family. My destiny is to serve the main family since

I received my mark on the forehead." She said, pointing to the forehead

covered with a cloth she always wore.

'She reminds me of the same things Neji used to say...' Minato couldn't

help but think to himself.

"I see..." Minato commented, not knowing what to say about that, after

all, he wasn't Naruto to shout about changing the Hyuuga clan when he

becomes Hokage.

"Is that something a non-Hyuuga can understand?" Hanabi spoke coldly,

perhaps out of frustration.

"No, you're right..." Minato ended up saying in a serious tone to the girl

and continued. "But don't let what you define as your destiny define you."

Minato might not have known what he was saying, since this was a

Hyuuga tradition going back many generations, but he disliked someone

talking about being a slave in the future. The Hyuuga clan was the clan

Minato disliked the most in the Leaf Village. It's no wonder he, despite

being one of the strongest, never stood out like the Uchihas or Senjus,

even though he had the blood of Kaguya and her eyes.

Minato didn't wait for the girl to speak and simply left the area. He didn't

want to stay any longer, leaving only Hanabi watching him depart.

In the following days, dozens of Minatos were training water slicing; he

and his classmates had received a few more C-rank elemental jutsus at

the beginning of the year. Minato, unsurprisingly, mastered them quickly,

and a month after starting classes, he was finally making progress. A few

days later, he had mastered the control of nature chakra ideal for an S-

level technique.

Minato began focusing on the Rasenshuriken, attempting to add wind

element chakra to it. He didn't need clones like Naruto to form the

Rasengan, so he tried to do the same with the Rasenshuriken, but still

had difficulty controlling the amount of chakra to add to the jutsu as it

formed in his hand.

As he concentrated wind element chakra into the Rasengan, cutting wind

helices began to form around the sphere, producing a sharp and piercing

sound. The created wind was so turbulent that even Minato's clones,

dedicated to creating bomb tags and perfecting fuinjutsu techniques,

found themselves in trouble.

"Hey, original. Stop that!" one of the clones protested, struggling to

concentrate amid the chaos.

"I can't focus like this!" complained another.

"You made me spill the ink," lamented a third, as he tried to salvage the

work he had done.

"Practice that somewhere else!" they advised in unison, clearly disturbed

by the disruption caused by Minato's intensive training.

The clones kept complaining, and Minato ended up sighing as he

canceled the jutsu to let his clones work. He left there and ended up

going to the place where he had encountered Hanabi.

Seeing that there was no one nearby, he began to concentrate on his

Jutsu, creating a Rasengan. The sphere vibrated in his hand before he

began to add wind element chakra, creating the small helices and trying

to focus on adding more chakra to complete the jutsu without it



The inevitable happened. The sphere exploded, throwing Minato back

with the force of the impact. Moving quickly in a line of light back to the

middle of the area and quickly, thanks to his Logia nature protecting him

from injuries, he positioned himself to try again. The advantage of being

a Logia allowed him to experiment without the fear of getting hurt.

Forming the Rasengan again, the sonorous vibration filled the air,

creating a small whirlwind around him. Concentrating more intensely, he

tried to control the amount of wind chakra. The sphere exploded again,

but this time, Minato felt he was closer to completely controlling the

jutsu. It was a shame his clones couldn't perform this jutsu at this time, as

it required an astronomical amount of chakra, so much that he used

clones only to train his fuinjutsu.

Again he concentrated, and the vibrant sound appeared once more in his

hand, creating a gale around the area as the characteristics of the jutsu

emerged for the third time. He maintained the flow of chakra to expand

the sphere's power.

'Let's maintain this volume of chakra...' Minato thought as the helices

increased around the jutsu and the sound seemed even more vibrant.

"No, focus..." At one moment, Minato felt the loss of control of the jutsu.

The jutsu seemed to expand until it exploded again, even more powerful

than the last time, creating a crater of debris in the middle of the area as

dust rose.

'That was quite explosive.' Minato admitted, observing the debris while

his body emitted light where it should have been injured. As things

calmed down, Minato was about to perform the jutsu again, but he felt

something close to him.

"It's rude to spy on others, or do the Hyugas act like this now?" Minato

commented to no one in particular, smiling ironically.

Hanabi emerged from the trees looking at him, "You have senses as sharp

as a Byakugan, as expected from the genius of this generation..." She

commented as if she were someone older and continued. "I came here to

train but ended up hearing a rather strange sound from afar and used my

Byakugan to find my stalker from the last few days performing a quite

interesting jutsu with his hands." She commented in a neutral tone.

"Stalker? I only looked once." Minato raised an eyebrow at her.

"Anyway, it seems like an interesting jutsu. But tell me one thing..." She

looked at him with some interest. "Besides the jutsu, how did I see you

glow and reappear in the middle of the training field?" She asked with a

tone of curiosity, after all, she saw him using the power of the light fruit.

"That's a jutsu I'm training..." Minato tried to give an excuse.

"I saw your body heal with light, and you didn't even seem injured, what

the hell are you." She insisted, looking at him with a calculating gaze.

"That's my secret, I'd prefer if you didn't meddle in others' affairs." Minato

spoke in a quite hostile tone, he didn't want to reveal about his akuma no

mi, after all, it's an unknown power in the ninja world.

"I understand... you're right, sorry about that." In the end, she admitted

she was being quite nosy.

"Anyway, I'm leaving." Minato wanted to leave there to continue his


"Wait." She stopped him.

"Hm? What is it?" Minato looked at her suspiciously.

"I saw with my Byakugan what you were doing, I can help you

concentrate a certain amount of chakra without making your jutsu

explode..." She comments, suggesting she could help him.

The boy looked at her for a few seconds. She had seen him use some of

his hidden abilities, and she would see more of this with him trying to do

the jutsu, but she had already seen that, what would be the point in

hiding it? He thought it would be faster to learn with a Byakugan

advising on the amount of chakra to prevent the jutsu from exploding

and him getting used to it, so he agreed to it.

"Alright. I accept your help." He admitted.



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images and significant decisions for the stories.

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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61. Chapter 59 - Last Year 04

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 36.



Minato began to concentrate his chakra again, creating a vortex of energy

with wind chakra.

"Keep more chakra flowing to your hands..." Hanabi commented a few

meters away, watching Minato's jutsu attentively as her hair was thrown

back by the wind.

Hearing Hanabi, Minato continued to add more chakra, the sound grew

more intense as he tried to maintain consistency.

"That's too much, reduce the chakra flow a bit." She spoke while keeping

the Byakugan on Minato's jutsu.

"I'm losing control..." Minato murmured as he saw his jutsu explode in his

own hand.


He was once again thrown back, getting up and returning to his spot as if

nothing had happened. He received an intense look from Hanabi, since

Minato didn't even have a scratch, but since this was the boy's secret in

front of her, she kept her tongue tied.

The attempts continued, and Minato tried to maintain an adequate

chakra flow to create the jutsu without destabilizing it, under the

guidance of someone with Byakugan. This lasted for hours, and at one

point Minato started to get the hang of it.

"I'm almost out of chakra, but I believe this is it." Minato commented,

quite tired and with dirty clothes after so many explosions with debris

and dust.

In his hand was a Rasengan with wind style chakra spiraling around it in

a mesmerizing manner, the sound was more unstable, but still sharp and

loud, creating the same whirlwind.

"Is this the jutsu you wanted to create...?" Hanabi asked, looking at

Minato's hand.

"It's not ready yet, I need to get used to the stability and try to expand it,

and now I'm out of chakra for that, but I've made great progress, it would

take a week to do this if it weren't for you, so I owe you one." Minato

spoke as he canceled the jutsu.

"You don't owe me a favor, I did it because I wanted to." She said softly

with Minato raising an eyebrow.

"It's getting late, you haven't trained because of me, let me at least take

you out to eat something." Minato suggested, he wouldn't be so

ungrateful either.

"I..." Hanabi seemed uncertain.

"Come on, it's just ramen, it's the least I can do." Minato had greatly

improved his opinion of Hanabi, she went from an arrogant person with

all that talk of destiny to someone friendly in Minato's terms, and he

didn't want to owe her anything.

"I can't do that, my clan is quite strict about members going out in public

places." She commented.

Minato raised an eyebrow and sighed. "How about coming to my place, I

know how to make some really tasty food, how about that?" Minato tried

another approach.

"If it's not too late..." She commented, and Minato nodded.

"Then let's go, you'll be the first person to eat my cooking, I hope you like

it." Minato smiled, he had moved in a few days ago and despite having

knowledge from another life, he had never made food for someone other

than himself, Hanabi would be his first guinea pig.

He and Hanabi jumped between trees and houses until they found

Minato's apartment in a middle-class area, they entered the place and

Minato welcomed her.

"Welcome to my little spot. Make yourself at home." He said as he took

off his sandals.

Hanabi just nodded, and Minato quickly began to take out pots from the

cupboard and gather ingredients with 3 clones, while one started to

prepare the fire with rice, another shredded some beef from the fridge,

and another made a special sauce.

"Did you get this place from the village?" Hanabi broke the silence while

watching Minato prepare dinner.

"Yes, the Hokage released it to me." Minato responded without looking at

the girl.

"So you left the orphanage then." He commented, though obvious Minato

still asked, "You knew I was in an orphanage?"

"Of course, how could I not know about the greatest talent that has

emerged since the village was founded, everyone just talks about you,

even in the Hyuuga clan." She commented, sitting at the table.

"Really? I didn't know that even such a talkative clan would bring my

name up for discussion." Minato joked.

"You talk as if you like your popularity," she murmured.

"Less than you might think, it's true it opens many opportunities, but

there are also many eyes on you too," Minato commented as he began to

put the meat in the frying pan. "The world is full of geniuses... but few of

them manage to survive," Minato concluded.

"You're quite different from what I imagined," she murmured.

"Why do you say that, you don't see how I act with others," Minato asked,

a bit confused, he always acted friendly and was never arrogant.

"In fact, I have seen, but I never paid attention, I'm not a person who has

friends, so everything for me is just thinking about getting stronger and

not disappointing my family," she commented.

"That talk of destiny again?" Minato murmured, disliking that.

"In the Hyuuga, we have our destiny marked from birth, from the

moment we put this mark on our forehead," she said, showing the mark

to Minato, he found her a beautiful girl, but that mark was repugnant,

not that he blamed her for it.

"You know, of all the clans in this village, the Hyuuga are the ones I hate

the most," Minato spoke disdainfully.

"..." Hanabi didn't say anything but was surprised by Minato's words.

He continued to cook while the atmosphere turned silent, the only sound

was of Minato cooking at that moment. He and his clones continued until

he dispelled them, and only the original continued at the stove.

With the main ingredients ready, Minato focused on the sauce. He

combined fresh ingredients, balancing flavors to complement the

shredded beef. A pinch of sugar to cut the acidity, a bit of soy sauce for

depth, and a touch of garlic and ginger for an extra flavor. The aroma

that began to fill the kitchen was inviting and promised a delicious dish.

When everything was ready, Minato skillfully assembled the dishes. He

placed a generous portion of rice on each plate, topped it with the

shredded beef, and drizzled with the homemade sauce. The result was a

visually appealing and aromatic dish that promised to satisfy any palate.

He placed the dishes on the table, along with some chopsticks, and called

Hanabi to join him. "I hope you like it," said Minato with a modest smile,

but confident in the quality of the meal he prepared.

Surprised by the smell of Minato's cooking, Hanabi joined him on the

other side of the table. The first bite confirmed what the aroma promised:

the dish was delicious. The meat was juicy and flavorful, the rice was just

right, and the sauce tied all the flavors together harmoniously.

Hanabi brought the fork full of meat and rice to her mouth, and the

flavorful sensation quickly filled her mouth, making her eyes open wide.

"What is this, I've never eaten anything like this before..." she murmured

a bit dazed.

"I'm glad you liked it," Minato commented with a smile, glad she enjoyed

it. "Make yourself at home."

Hanabi did not hesitate after the first forkful, the aroma and taste of

Minato's food were so inviting that she began to eat with an enthusiasm

she rarely showed. Each bite seemed better than the previous one,

Minato looked satisfied and began to eat his part, both ate in silence,

though Hanabi seemed the noisier of the two as her fork clanked against

the plate.

She finally finished, repeating what Minato had left in the center of the

table and was satisfied in the end, she looked at Minato staring at her

with a smile and a blush appeared on her face.

"Sorry about that," she said, embarrassed.

"Relax, it's just us here, you can be at ease, I'm glad you liked my food,

you're the first to try it," Minato commented with certain enthusiasm.

"That was really good, I've never eaten anything like it," she said, still

reminiscing the taste. "You're an excellent cook, Minato. Have you ever

thought about leaving the life of a ninja to open a restaurant?" she asked

with a smile, making a joke.

"Haha. You even know how to make a joke." Minato had to comment,

and the girl seemed more embarrassed. Minato continued. "But can you

tell me about the taste you felt, the sensation?" Minato asked some

peculiar questions, and Hanabi, a bit hesitant on how to respond, started

talking about what she thought.

"Hmm... interesting... this is good, maybe a bit more salt and seasoning..."

While Hanabi was speaking, she didn't look at Minato, but now seeing

the boy, she saw him jotting things down in a small notebook.

"What's that?" She asked curiously.

"This is my recipe book, I like to mark down everything I do and get

feedback, you're my first guinea pig, so it's good to hear your opinion."

"I see... Anyway, thanks for dinner, it's getting late and I better go." she

said, standing up to leave.

"Of course, you're welcome," Minato responded, walking her to the door.

"Until next time."

"Don't you want me to walk you to the Hyuuga compound?" He asked at

the door, it wasn't late, but it was already night.

"No, I can go by myself, anyway, thanks for everything." She said a bit


"Sure, what are friends for?" Minato commented at the end, leaving her a

bit surprised and she started to walk quickly to her home leaving Minato

a bit surprised and confused by that.

"Why did she leave so hurriedly?" He scratched his head.

"Young people these days..." Minato heard a voice and on the other side

of the apartment, a lady appeared at the door.

"Hm? Hello?" Minato was once again confused by this woman.

"This is the second woman you've brought home, these young people are

so active these days..." She commented with a little laugh.

"I'm 11 years old... Can't you see I'm a child?" He murmured to the

clueless woman as he tried to close the door.

"If I were about 40 years younger, I'd make you fall in love with me,

handsome boy." The old woman commented with a toothless smile at

Minato while licking her lips and staring at Minato like prey.

'Who is this crazy woman?! Even if she were 40 years younger, she'd still

be old!' He screamed in his mind and quickly closed the door, thinking he

had moved into a place with a lecherous neighbor.

That night, Minato created a clone to stand guard at the door.

"What?! You want me to stand guard while you sleep! That's unfair!" The

clone complained.

"Just do it! It's a matter of our dignity!" Minato ordered, leaving no room

for negotiation.

Meanwhile, Hanabi entered the clan's compound.

"I'm home," she announced.

"Hanabi...? Did you sneak out to train outside the clan again... But why

so late...?" An elder appeared.

"Hello, Grandpa... I... made a friend... I think..." She said, a bit surprised.

"A friend? That's new, I hope you're not too strict... it's good to relax a

bit." The old man had the Uchiha clan's eye and was quite old, but he

looked at his granddaughter somewhat happily that she had mentioned

making a friend, which was new.

"I'll try..." She murmured and went to her Japanese bed, she couldn't help

but dwell on Minato's last words.

"Friend... so this is what it's like to have one?" She murmured a bit before

falling asleep.

Raccoon here:

What do you think, is Hanabi's development too rushed?



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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images and significant decisions for the stories.

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Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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62. Chapter 60 - Last Year 05

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 36.



The next day, being the more practical squid, Minato had arrived early,

taking his place beside Mikoto, while Kushina and Tsuna joined the table

next to them, forming a small group. They conversed normally among

themselves when Hanabi Hyuuga entered the room. She walked to her

usual spot, beside Mikoto at the end of the table where Uchiha and

Minato sat.

"Good morning, Minato," she approached and said with a slight blush as

she sat at the table.

Mikoto, Kushina, and Tsuna paused their conversation and looked at the

girl oddly, while Minato responded with a welcoming smile. "Good

morning, Hanabi. How are you?"

"I'm fine," she said, turning her attention to the notebook she just opened.

The group watched the exchange, visibly surprised. Kushina and Tsuna

exchanged looks, while Mikoto raised an eyebrow, as Hanabi had always

been quite quiet and anti-social to the girls. Her taking the initiative to

talk to Minato was a big surprise to the girls.

"Since when are you two so close?" Tsuna couldn't help but ask quietly.

"We met by chance; she helped me with the training I was doing," Minato

commented. He didn't mention the dinner because that could lead to

wrong thoughts.

This earned some pretty sharp looks for the boy. Minato just smiled and

continued with his things as class began as soon as Professor Fuuma

entered the room. The day was normal, with some fights and exercises as

everyone demonstrated their ability with the new jutsus until, at the end,

as soon as Minato left the academy and went to his training space, but

not alone, Kushina was following him with a clone, which Minato found

really strange for the girl to think she could bypass his observation haki.

"What is this?!" She couldn't hold back and approached while he was

making a small rasenshuriken with one hand.

"This is my new jutsu I'm working on. I created that A-rank jutsu, now

I'm trying to make it enter S-rank by adding nature chakra to it," Minato

spoke, though his voice was a bit muffled by the sharp sound of the


"That's amazing, did that Hanabi help with this?" She asked a bit


"True, she used the Byakugan quite usefully," Minato spoke and canceled

the jutsu while looking at Kushina with a playful look. "You're not

jealous, are you?"

"Who's jealous of you, Dattebane!" Kushina immediately turned red and

tried to hit Minato with a punch, but the ninja was faster.

"Hahaha. Hey, Kushina. Why don't you come with your original to my

house, I can prepare a special ramen for you, how about it?" Minato


"You cook?" She asked a bit surprised.

"I've never made ramen, but I have the recipe, how about you come and


"Alright!" Kushina yelled, turning a bit red at the idea of going to

Minato's house for dinner. She soon dispelled her jutsu, leaving Minato

alone and a bit confused.

Seeing that she had left, he continued his training until the moment he

went home. He found Kushina quite dressed up for a casual dinner but

didn't complain.

"You look very beautiful, Kushina. Let's go in. I'll take a shower before

preparing something for us to eat," Minato spoke calmly, as Kushina

blushed at his comment and saw him entering, following him shortly


After cleaning all the dust from his training, Minato returned to the

kitchen while preparing dinner for a waiting Kushina. She seemed so

embarrassed that Minato turned his attention to her with a slightly raised


"Are you okay, Kushina? You're so quiet..." He commented.

"I'm fine... just hungry..." She commented. Minato didn't know, but for

her, being with the boy she had learned to love over the last few years,

alone in his house, was quite disconcerting.

Minato didn't care much after she said that and went back to cooking his

seasoned spaghetti. He had picked up a recipe book in a bookstore,

hoping he would get it right the first time making this kind of food.

Finishing his dish, the aroma began to fill the atmosphere of the kitchen.

"That smells so good, Dattebane!" Even a quite embarrassed Kushina had

to admit this out loud.

"I'm glad you like the smell, it's almost ready. Let's try it and see if it

really turned out good!" Minato said as he finished his dish, placing it on

the table.

Kushina and Minato began to serve themselves, Kushina seemed quite

excited as she twirled the spaghetti on her chopsticks and put it in her

mouth to taste.

"This is so good, Minato!" She exclaimed joyfully.

"Hmmm... Really, I didn't think it would turn out this good since it's my

first time making this dish." Minato commented, pleased, enjoying the

taste of his own cooking.

Kushina ate her bowl and quickly went for seconds and thirds until she

was really satisfied, and Minato also ate a second bowl with satisfaction.

"This really was good." Kushina said, now a bit embarrassed thinking she

might have overdone it and Minato could have a bad impression of her.

"I'm glad you liked it, I didn't even know I could be such a great cook."

Minato admitted, but was happy that Kushina enjoyed it.

They talked a bit more before Minato took Kushina home, after he left

her at the Senju complex, he returned to his apartment and encountered

that old lady again.

"Hmmm... a third girl... is there a place for me in this too?!" She said as

Minato quickly entered and didn't respond, just making another clone

that complained just as much as the night before.

Minato's cooking wasn't just with Kushina and Hanabi, as the next day

while he was training and sending a clone to school, he was approached

by Tsuna and Mikoto demanding his cooking. Minato had no choice but

to take them to his apartment, making a barbecue for the girls, who

seemed to love the food and ate as much as the last two. The woman

showed up again at the end of the night and made more comments about

Minato not being satisfied with just one woman.

"Minato..." The next day, Minato was approached by a shadow while he

was sitting at his desk, Chōza was looking at him like a hawk.

"Hello, Chōza, what can I do for you?" Minato commented, feeling a bad

premonition about this.

"I'm thinking of having a dinner at your house, would you like to attend?"

She asked.




Minato didn't know how to respond, wondering if he had heard right.

"What kind of question is that?!" Tsuna wanted to hit Chōza with that.

"Come on Minato, I invite you to go to your house, to make the dinner

everyone says you can create!" He said excitedly.

"I... okay..." Minato said.

A rumor of Minato being a great cook began to circulate in the

classroom, and people who had never spoken to him before started

coming up to ask for food. Minato was really having his worst time at the

academy, but in the end, he took more than 10 people to his apartment

that day and made a big barbecue, something everyone ended up loving,

with Minato wondering how his cooking could be so special, he seemed

to do just the normal.

Minato didn't go to class the next day and went to a training field he

usually didn't visit, where Hanabi was training.

"Hello." Minato greeted her.

"Minato?" She looked at him curiously.

"You just greet me every day, I thought you would come to my house

yesterday like everyone else." Minato asked, he usually wouldn't care

about the girl, but he seemed to care about this Hyuuga after hearing a

bit of her story and her thoughts.

"I... thought I wouldn't be welcome." She admitted.

"Well, you thought wrong, after all, aren't we friends? The house is mine

too." Minato spoke.

"I..." She seemed lost and looked at Minato a bit seriously. "Are we really

friends? I don't think we are friends like that, just acquaintances." She


"Why can't it seem so simple? Friends like being in each other's presence

and they help each other, to me, that defines a friendship. I like you,

Hanabi, even though I find your concept of destiny that you seem to say

you're trapped in, stupid, you still helped me." Minato spoke.

"You speak as if I could escape from my prison." She speaks with disdain

suddenly, she might be surprised by Minato's words, but when she heard

that he spoke as if she had a choice, she really got angry.

"Let's do it this way, then, I'll free you from that destiny, I will have that

mark on your forehead removed from you." Minato spoke firmly, making

the girl really shocked by those words.

"You can't be serious. You can't change the Hyuuga clan, my destiny is to

serve the main family." She said with a somber tone.

"Well..." Minato smiled and his body turned into light, he appeared in

front of her in an instant before she could react. "I'm Minato Namikaze,

the man who will do extraordinary things in this world and put my name

in the history of this world, not even a Kage will stop me or even a

village, much less a clan, mark my words, in a few years I will end this

tradition of the Hyuuga clan and remove that mark from your forehead,

after all, what are friends for?" Minato commented, leaving the girl wide-


It wasn't a surprise that Minato didn't like the Hyuuga clan and he

planned to remove it when he became Hokage, but now that he had met

Hanabi and saw how this ideology had been ingrained in the girl's mind,

he decided to act in the coming years.

Raccoon here:

Am I rushing things? I think we're going to start accelerating this year so

that Minato finally goes to war as a Genin.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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63. Chapter 61 - Last Year 06

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Konoha, Year 36.



Several days had passed, Minato was fighting Hanabi in the middle of the

training field. As they exchanged blows at high speed, their hands were

agile. While Hanabi possessed the techniques of the Hyuuga clan, Minato

used basic taijutsu but had his body strengthened by his own and Duy's


The strikes from both made a sound due to Hanabi's fists emitting chakra.

She was extremely fast, and Minato could only keep up with her thanks

to his observation haki.

"You're so fast... I can't believe you can keep up with me in such close

combat..." Hanabi commented as she aimed for the chakra points on

Minato's body, but Minato managed to dodge them while Hyuuga's palm

emitted chakra.

"I have my own skills," Minato commented while looking at Hanabi's

activated Byakugan.

"It's really amazing, Minato. No wonder even Hiashi can't surpass you,"

she commented as they continued to exchange blows.

Minato had never lost a fight since his first year at the academy. One day,

Hanabi saw Minato and Hiashi fighting in the training field, and Minato

won quite easily. In addition to his observation haki, he was proficient in

many jutsus, making it difficult even for the Hyuugas to approach him.

"Anyway, let's finish this," Minato said and became more aggressive with

his punches. Hanabi felt the pressure and began to retreat in surprise. In

a moment, he created an opening that not even she could act upon, even

with her Byakugan seeing it, her body wasn't as fast as Minato's.

With a punch to the chest, Hanabi fell to the ground defeated. As Minato

approached her, "Are you okay?" he asked, checking if she was alright.

"I... am..." She said with a blush as Minato came close and touched her. In

the Hyuuga clan, when they fall defeated, no one thinks of helping them

and expects them to do it on their own, so Hanabi wasn't used to Minato's

approach, even though she ended up accepting the idea of him being her

friend and loved his food.

"I hope so, let me help you," Minato said, lifting her up while she still felt

a bit embarrassed.

"Hanabi," Minato spoke again, and the girl looked at him. "I would like to

test something. I wouldn't do this easily, but I trust you," he said, and she

was about to ask what it would be, but he continued.

"I want you to hit me. I want to see if you can block my chakra," Minato

said, and she looked a bit strange.

"What do you mean you want me to hit you to see if I can block your

chakra?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Just try, I need to test something," Minato said, exposing his chest to


"Alright... but don't regret it later!" she said, concentrating her chakra in

her fist.

With a swift movement, she tried to hit Minato's solar plexus, a small

sound of chakra was emitted from her palm, and she quickly withdrew

her hand.

"What is this?!" She asked, startled. Where she had attacked Minato, a

mark of yellow light was in place and began to dissipate, showing

Minato's untouched part.

"It seems I'm immune to that too... Which makes sense," Minato

murmured. He knew he was immune to physical attacks but wanted to

test if his chakra points could be blocked. However, it seemed not, as

touching him would be required for that, and his pika pika no mi

wouldn't allow it.

Minato looked at Hanabi, who was stunned, and commented, scratching

his head. "This is one of my abilities, think of it as a kekkei genkai,"

Minato said. This girl had already seen him using his light abilities, so he

didn't need to hide his skills from her much.

"Wait, you never got hurt with that jutsu when we met, and now you're

even immune to my fist. Are you immune to physical attacks?" She asked,


"You could say that..." He commented with a small smile.

"Incredible, doesn't that make you invincible?" She asked, quite shocked.

She had never heard of someone like that. Minato was famous for being

talented, the prodigy among the elite class, with his chakra control and

ease of performing jutsus, his ability to predict attacks, and have a 360-

degree awareness, which could surpass even the Sharingan and

Byakugan. But to see this ability she witnessed when she met him and

know he could be untouchable, what kind of monster was Minato

Namikaze, the boy standing in front of her, declaring himself her friend?

"Just don't tell this to people, it's an ability I keep hidden for now. You've

seen it, and it has remained a secret, so I trust you. You're the only

person who has seen it, in fact," Minato spoke confidently.

"Me? Even your friends? I thought they were your girlfriends!" Hanabi


"Girlfriends? No. We're 11 years old, I think it's too early for that. And

yes, only you know about my secret, so I'll trust you, Hanabi," Minato

commented. He would no longer hide the fact that he was interested in

one, two, three, and maybe 4 girls he knew. After all, he wants to have a

family in this world, but it's still a bit early.

"I see..." Hanabi lowered her head, and Minato didn't know what might

be going through the girl's head at that moment.

"Anyway..." She turned back to him, "I'm going home, my grandfather

must be waiting for me. It was good to train with you, Minato. See you

tomorrow in practical class!" She said and started hopping between the

trees heading towards the Hyuuga clan complex.

Minato looked a bit dazed at Hanabi's disappearance and turned his

attention to his things. He went to his usual training field and found his

clones making seals.

"How are the seals?" He asked.

"This is hard!"

"Yes, something is stopping us from continuing."

"While we're here working, you're going out with your girls."

"I also want to go out with some girl!"

His clones started to complain, and Minato really wanted to shoot light

rays at them but sighed, trying to ignore them, and picked up a seal,

analyzing it carefully.

"Hmm... it looks like we've hit a problem..." He murmured and returned

to the clones.

"You guys keep making bomb seals; I'll take care of this seal," He said and

ignored further complaints as he started hopping between the trees,

leaving the training field and arriving in the village.

"Hello, may I speak with Mito-Sama?" Minato arrived at the Senju

complex and asked a servant.

"Yes, one moment to see if she's available," said the servant, and Minato


Minato waited a few seconds before the servant returned and said he

could follow, walking to Mito's room. He entered and found her seated on

her knees, looking at him with a small smile and wearing her usual


"Minato, my boy, what happened that you appear at this moment?

Kushina and Tsuna are still in class."

"Mito-Sama, I'm training a special seal, but I'm having difficulty. Could

you help me?" He asked respectfully.

"Let me see..." She said, and Minato handed over the seal.

"This?! How did you get this jutsu?" Mito asked in surprise. She

understood the seal very well, having helped Tobirama make it when he

was still alive.

"I traded it with the Hokage for 2 A-rank jutsus that I developed myself.

I'm confident I could learn this jutsu," Minato commented, scratching his


"You developed two A-rank jutsus? My boy, why do you keep surprising

this old lady? But interesting, this jutsu was a creation of my brother-in-

law, and I helped with some things," she commented with a smile. "I'll

perform the jutsu, and you will stay with me this afternoon until you

learn it. This old lady has been quite lonely lately, with the last members

of this clan going to war. It's good to have a bright boy as company once

in a while. HOHOHOHO," she said cheerfully, laughing. Minato was a bit

embarrassed by this but accepted Mito-Sama's tutelage, which is


During the rest of the afternoon, Minato sat next to Mito, and he began to

attempt the seal, which was much more complex than the bomb seals he

had been making. After a few attempts, he had overcome his difficulty

with tips from Mito and started to find other blocks and overcoming

them after a few tries.

"We're home!" Kushina and Tsuna entered the house and went to greet

Mito as they always do after coming back from class.

"Minato!" Tsuna looked at the boy surrounded by scrolls and Mito by his

side watching him make seals.

"Hello, Girls." Minato greeted, albeit oddly, without even looking at the

girls, focusing solely on the seals.

Both exchanged glances, as Minato never called them "girls," while Mito

laughed at this. "Hohoho. The boy is concentrated. Prepare dinner; we

will have your two's boyfriend over for dinner." Mito said as Kushina and

Tsuna blushed, while the boyfriend himself seemed not to care, for he

didn't even hear her while trying to seal the deal.

"I finally did it!" Minato exclaimed loudly with a victory smile. Hours had

passed, and dinner was ready.

"That's good, now let's eat something," Mito said, and they went to the


There were just the four of them in the house and some servants who

were leaving. "Why are you two blushing?" Minato asked curiously to the

girls who usually talked all the time but were now quite embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, my boy, they're just tired. I think I'll start calling

you Grandson, what do you think?" Mito declared with a small smile and

a wink, further teasing the girls at the table.

"Grandson? Well, I don't see a problem with that..." Minato commented

with a smile, unaware of how the girls on the other side of the table were

blushing even more.

Since Minato had had a very productive day, he had finally learned to

create the Raijin seal, allowing him to start training the technique from

the next day to master it in the coming weeks.



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