Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Я другой Луффи!2


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One Piece — Я другой Луффи!



Выбран для переселения в роли Луффи (OC) для первого эпизода

работы с пожеланиями ОП. Мне всегда было интересно, каким будет

приключение Луффи с самым могущественным и серьезным

персонажем, поэтому я создал эту историю. Ямато, Сирахоси, Куина

и Трафальгар Лами с самого начала с Луффи! Это Луффи с: Моа Моа

но ми и Эйкон Эйкон Но ми: Хаос Ифрит. Patre-on: RaccoonLeague


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- Опубликовано:

02.12.2023, 11:06:58

- id: 14303756

151. Chapter 151

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



As Luffy, in his Ifrit form, observes Titan Hugo in front of him, he can't

help but notice the imposingness of the earth giant. Even in his Ifrit form,

Luffy finds himself looking up, acknowledging the monumental scale of

his opponent who was twice his size.

"Wow, Hugo, you're really tall like this, huh? But I can do better than

this." Luffy would smile if it were possible at that moment, he wanted to

test his combined fruits, and now with better control over Ifrit, he could

test many of his powers, when he used his strength 40 times in his last

punch, he himself was stunned with the power gain.

Now with a determined smile and a gleam of challenge in his flaming

eyes, Luffy decides to take the battle to the next level. He activates the

Moa Moa no Mi ability in an aspect he almost never used.

"Moa Moa no Mi: Mass, apply 4 times!" He used it on himself, the only

time he did that was to sleep with Yamato, now he was testing it in a real


Intending to use 10% of the fruit's growth on living beings, the flames

around Luffy begin to stir more fiercely, and his body starts to grow

exponentially. In a few moments, he reaches an impressive height of 200

meters, quadrupling his previous size. Now, as a true giant of flames,

Luffy faces Hugo as a dwarf looking down, his presence on the battlefield

more formidable than ever.

"This is what I'm talking about! Let's see how you handle this, Hugo!"

As Luffy increases his own stature to surpass that of Titan Hugo,

becoming a 200-meter flame giant, the rebels who were previously

advancing determinedly towards the capital now find themselves

paralyzed by shock and disbelief since the arrival of the first giant. The

sight of two beings of titanic size and power ready to face each other is

enough to make even the bravest heart tremble with fear and want to flee

from there.

"This... this is impossible! They're like monsters from some ancient


"We need to get out of here! We can't stay near this fight; it will be our


"Forget the coup, I want to live first! Let's go!"

The horses, sensing the fear and tension of their riders, start to neigh and

agitate, desperate to flee the scene now. The sound of hooves beating

against the desert ground becomes a frenzy as the rebels try to move

away from the area while bumping into each other as they leave the site

where the two colossi are about to face off.

"Fall back! Everyone, fall back now! We are nothing before this battle!"

"Our weapons, our swords... none of that matters now. This is power that

defies the very gods!"

"What kind of things are these? Why did they appear here and now?!"

As the rebels move away, some still cast fascinated and terrified glances

back, unable to completely turn away from the scene. They whisper

among themselves, questioning whether their fight for freedom has led

them to a confrontation with forces beyond their understanding.

While in the fight between the two giants, the flames of Ifrit began to

dance fiercely on his skin.

"Time to end this, Hugo. I don't want to hurt you too much, but I need

you to come out of this wild state." Luffy murmured, despite his mouth

not moving, his voice was heard.

*Crack!* The Titan seemed to have accepted the challenge as he

positioned himself, breaking the sandy ground with his foot.

Luffy's flames intensify as he advances, gliding through the sand as if

skating with his flames. Ifrit moves with an impressive speed for his

scale, every tens of meters he passed, made the earth burn and tremble.

Even in colossal form, Luffy's agility and dexterity are evident, a sign of

how his control over the Ifrit form and his skills as a fighter were getting

better and better.

As Luffy approaches, Titan Hugo prepares to face him. Despite his

reduced size compared to Luffy, Hugo's presence is still incredibly

powerful, the energy of the earth emanating from him as a palpable

force. His eyes, though clouded by uncontrolled fury, show a glimpse of

recognition upon seeing Luffy approaching, and his instincts are ready to


Luffy doesn't hesitate. He knows that the key to bringing Hugo back is to

subdue him without causing severe injuries as he did with Nami. It's a

delicate balance, facing a friend in such a wild state, but if anyone can do

it, it's Luffy.

As Luffy draws near, the two colossi raise their fists, symbols of their

strength and element; one accumulates flames in his fist, while the other

creates a layer of earth as both launch against each other in a powerful

and decisive movement.

The clash of their fists is cataclysmic. A shockwave radiates through the

desert, causing the sand to rise in a storm, and the sound of the impact

echoes like thunder, creating a wind that runs in all directions, lifting

sand. Despite Hugo's formidable power, it is Luffy who prevails. His mass,

amplified by the Moa Moa no Mi, makes Ifrit grow not just in size, but

his strength and even defense is equivalent to his size, his Akuma no Mi

is at an unprecedented level now.

The fist with the excess size presses down on the smaller one, and with a

roar of flames and force, Luffy pushes Hugo back. The Titan is sent

backward with tremendous force, flying through the air and leaving a

trail of destruction in its wake. His massive body crashes into the desert,

causing the earth to tremble and split under the impact.

Luffy, after launching Hugo away, stands firm, the flames around him

oscillating with his energy. He knows the battle is not over yet and needs

to keep pressing to bring his friend back to reason.

Meanwhile, the rebels and other distant spectators watch the scene with

a mix of fear and admiration. They have just witnessed a display of

strength that defies all comprehension and logic in their lives.


The Titan begins to rise from the cloud of sand, looking at Luffy, but

suddenly, balls of purple flames are sent towards him before he could act.






Luffy raised a hand, and flames began to be launched from it toward Ifrit

with force, the flames exploded on the titan's chest, making him fall

backward awkwardly as more flames exploded on him.

Luffy wastes no time after seeing Hugo explode backward, knowing that

this won't deal with it alone; the Titan has more powerful strength and

defense of the Eikons with his earth element. As the adversary tries to

rise again, Luffy knows he needs to act quickly to bring his friend back to

reason before more destruction is caused.

Luffy advances skating among his fire on his feet again. Luffy quickly is

upon Hugo, but it's just the beginning, he quickly draws back his arm

where he would initiate his beating of the Titan. Then he began to

deliver his punches to the titan still on the ground with some of his


With a series of precise and controlled blows, he explodes the ground

with the titan still down, each impact accompanied by the roar of the

flames and the resounding sound of his force colliding with Hugo's body

of rock and earth. The desert around them becomes a chaotic battlefield,

marked by the struggle between these two powerful beings.

Despite the fury and strength of the Titan, Luffy continues his offensive,

blow after blow without letting the titan even get up, each punch and

explosion designed to weaken Hugo and force him to revert his

transformation. Luffy's flames illuminate the scene, casting a sinister glow

over the fight.

The titan tried everything to get out of there, trying to kick and punch

Ifrit, but Luffy now being twice his size, continued to withstand Hugo's

uncontrolled powerful blows while the latter became increasingly injured

by it.

Finally, after an intense exchange of blows, Hugo begins to show signs of

defeat; his punches start to weaken as he still remains on the ground,

Luffy hit him so much that he began to create a colossal hole in the area,

lifting tons of sand.

Luffy realizes that he has finally given in and stops punching his

opponent, the titanic form begins to falter and shimmer in brown, the

energy sustaining it beginning to dissipate. Luffy, noticing this,

concentrates his strength in one last powerful attack.

With a final roar and a decisive blow, Luffy strikes Hugo, and the Titan's

transformation begins to undo. The colossal figure shrinks, the earth

energy forming it dissolving into a cloud of dust and debris.

As the dust settles, Hugo is back in his human form, unconscious, but

alive and, most importantly, safe. Luffy, now also returning to his normal

form, approaches his fallen friend, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

Hugo lay there in the middle of the crater they had created with his body

all battered while having blood all over him.

"Sorry, Hugo. But I must say it was fun." Luffy couldn't lie, it was so

satisfying to have a fight between megazords as he himself calls it, since

he fought with Nami, he hadn't had any other experience like this, so he

got excited after a fight with Hugo, especially since he proved to be much

stronger with his combined fruits.

Around them, the desert is marked by the scars of the battle, a silent

testament to the clash between the two Straw Hats. The fight is over, and

now it's time to tend to the wounds and move on with their plans, Luffy

looks at Hugo and thinks of the rebel army now distanced from the area

after witnessing this fight.

He walked up to his companion on the ground and placed him over his

shoulder multiplying his recovery by 30 times, he jumped with geppo out

of the crater which should be at least 50 meters deep that was opened by

pressing the Titan's body with the earth through punches.

Looking around, he saw all the damage caused, there were many flames

still burning over the area, Luffy couldn't help but think of some

important things with this.

'This fruit... it's really amazing. The Moa Moa no Mi isn't just about

increasing size. I can multiply my strength, my speed, my endurance. It

gives me so many options in a fight. In my colossal form, unlike the last

time I fought with Nami and had to keep her in mind aspects not to lose

control of Ifrit. Now I used it freely and was able to quickly fight against

the Titan and defeat him.' Luffy thought.

'I can't imagine how strong I will make Ifrit with armament haki when I

learn to use it, it will be interesting...' Luffy smiles.

He lands outside the crater and throws Hugo on the ground, giving him a

slap as his usual way of waking people up.

"Hm?!" Hugo woke up startled.

"Good afternoon, sleepyhead." Luffy smiles at him.

"Hm?! What happened?" Hugo asked dazedly looking around at all the

destruction and feeling his body all battered, he had broken his arm and

many bones in his body.

"Yes, you lost control, but we'll talk about that later, first I want to deal

with the rebels, let's go." Luffy speaks as he jumps into the air towards

where the rebels fled and were regrouping, he just needed to talk to them

because he knew his form of intimidation worked better than he thought.

"..." Despite being quite dazed, Hugo looks at his captain jumping into the

air and follows him using geppo too since he doesn't have much choice.



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152. Chapter 152

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



After a titanic battle that shook the foundations of the Alabasta desert,

the conflict between the two giants finally calmed down. The sand,

previously raised in huge clouds by the fury of the combatants, now

began to settle, revealing the scenery devastated by the fight. The ground

was marked by deep craters, and the air still vibrated with the echo of

the powerful impacts. The rebels, who had arrived with hearts full of

determination and anger, now found themselves paralyzed, watching

aghast at the consequences of the clash between beings of unimaginable


The flame giant had managed to subdue the other titan, the shock,

admiration, and fear dominating the faces of the rebels as they witnessed

the end of the confrontation with the two monsters disappearing. This

left them cautious, as the scene of the giants fighting each other gave

way to just the wind of the desert with some flames still burning in the

place with several holes.

The rebels, who witnessed a power that defied reality, began to question

their own position in this increasingly mysterious and fragile world. The

fight had ended, but the disappearance of the giants did not calm them

down, because this gave way to more doubts than what they had

witnessed in this place.

"What was that? It looked like the end of the world!" One of them broke

the silence, scared, rubbing his eyes trying to understand what he had

just witnessed.

"I've never seen anything like it... They were giants, monsters!" Another

rebel, with a pale face of fear, looks at the place where the battle


"This changes everything. How are we going to continue our attack on

the capital after this?" A third rebel, worried, questions his companions,

looking for answers.

"I don't think they are enemies... It looked like one was trying to stop the

other." Another comments, being an observer, tries to make sense of the


"But what if they come back? What if they decide to attack the cities?

Can anyone stop them?" A young man, fearful, looks around to see if the

others share his concern.

"We can't continue with the plan now. We need to go back and rethink

our strategy." The Leader of the Rebels, with a serious and determined

expression, signals to the group.

"You're right. We don't know what they are or what they want. It's better

to retreat for now." A commander of the forces, agreeing with the leader,

begins to move away.

Together, the rebels begin to retreat slowly, occasionally looking back at

the site of the fight hoping that another giant would appear again. Many

are confused, some still fearful, but all are reevaluating their position and

their plans.

Luffy approaches the rebels at high speed without them noticing, and

before they can react, he falls like a rocket in front of the rebel leader,

who is startled trying to calm his also scared horse.


"What is this?! An enemy attack?" Someone shouts.

"Yo!" A shadow appears from the raised sand, and Luffy appears with his

hat on his head.

"Hm?! Who are you?!" The leader of the rebels shouts a little alarmed.

"So you're Koza? Vivi's childhood friend?" Luffy approaches nonchalantly.

"Who are you?!" He asks again, pointing his gun at Luffy.

"Such a bad mood... Well anyway, I'm stopping your attack." Luffy speaks

calmly; he's not afraid of a bullet, none of that has an effect on him.

Koza was very cautious; after all that confusion with colossal monsters,

this man emerges from nowhere, saying he won't make the coup

anymore? But before the man could react, Luffy released his Haki; the

wave expanded throughout the area, it wasn't strong enough to affect all

40,000, but 10,000 people fell to the ground kneeling while their horses

collapsed unconscious.

"I see you quickly dealt with them, captain..." Hugo appeared next to

Luffy, but no longer with his usual cheerful demeanor.

"Yes, but there are still 30,000 to deal with behind these..." Luffy speaks

and amplifies his voice to echo through the entire army.

"I am Monkey D. Luffy, captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. And you just

saw what happened in a fight between me and another crew member."

His tone travels through the entire army, and everyone becomes aware

that the giant monster was actually a man? This alarms them.

"He... he's a pirate? But that power... how is it possible for a man to

become that monster?" This was the talk of many.

"I'm not here to fight you. I came to stop the conflict in Alabasta. Now,

tell me, will you continue this fight knowing what you might face?"

The 30,000 who were not affected by the conqueror's Haki, exchange

uncertain looks, while the 10,000 that Luffy hit with his aura, no longer

had the will to fight against the pirate. Luffy's presence, combined with

the reminder of the power he and Hugo demonstrated, makes them

reconsider their next steps.

"We... we just want justice for our people. We've been suffering for

years!" It was Koza who shouted at Luffy, even affected by the Haki and

kneeling, he still raised his voice.

Luffy nods, understanding their position. He knows that more needs to be

done to resolve the issues in Alabasta, but for now, he would avoid

further bloodshed.

"Let me tell you some things you don't know, I defeated Crocodile. He

was responsible for the drought and your suffering. We have proof of all

his schemes, he wanted to become the king of Alabasta. And now,

Alabasta is my territory." Luffy declares to all of them, knowing that it

would not be so easily accepted with just these words.

The rebels murmur among themselves, uncomfortable and suspicious of

Luffy's declaration. It was shocking enough what he told them about

Crocodile and they didn't believe him. But the idea of a pirate claiming

the country as his territory is something they cannot accept.

"We cannot accept this! You are a pirate, if what you said is true, what

guarantees us that you won't be like Crocodile or worse?"

Luffy realizes the distrust and fear in their eyes, the concern for the

future of their country is palpable. He knows that words will not be

enough to convince them, so he decides to show the seriousness of his

determination and the weight of his authority.

"I'm not like Crocodile. I protect what's mine. I don't want to rule you,

but as long as Alabasta is my territory, I'll protect it. From other pirates,

from the Marines, from anyone who threatens its peace. That I promise."

"I am a pirate. I do what I want. I'm warning you for one reason only:

Vivi asked me. Otherwise..."

His voice becomes graver, and he raises his hand, where a small flame

begins to dance in his palm. Using his Moa Moa no Mi ability, he

increases the intensity of the flame, which grows and transforms into a

colossal fireball. The rebels look up, terrified, as the fireball illuminates

Luffy's face with a sinister glow.

"...I wouldn't have so much patience."

With a quick and precise movement, Luffy launches the giant fireball into

the sky. It rises, a burning star against the blue of the desert, before

exploding in a thunderous boom that echoes for miles. The explosion is a

spectacle of light and sound, a demonstration of power that leaves an

indelible mark on the desert horizon.

The rebels, startled by this, realize that this pirate's power could

annihilate the entire army. Who could fight against that?

"I could end your coup with this, but I'm doing a favor to a crewmate, but

don't test me, if it's to maintain peace in this country, I'll eliminate all of

you. I'm not saying your lives will continue the same, but wait a few

more days, all the truth will be revealed and without Crocodile and his

schemes, the rain will return to the country."

"..." A silence began to echo through the rebel army, not wanting to face

what they had just witnessed.

"I give up! I don't want to be part of this coup!"

"Yes, if you speak the truth, we don't want to fight anymore!"

"I surrender!"

"Please, spare us, I don't want to die like this!"

"We... understand. Alabasta is now under your protection." Koza finally

spoke, kneeling, struggling to face Luffy and speak.

Luffy, satisfied with the response, extinguishes the last flames from his

hand and looks up at the sky, where the smoke from the explosion still


"Good. As long as nobody threatens the peace of Alabasta, there won't be

any problems. But if someone tries... I'll be here."

With that, Luffy looks at Hugo. "Let's go back, I'm heading to the capital

to resolve Crocodile's last schemes, and you," Luffy turned back to the

rebel leader, "wait a few more days, you'll know I'm telling the truth

anyway." He starts jumping into the air with Hugo following him back to

the Black Pearl, leaving the rebels behind to contemplate all they saw

and heard in this place.

As Luffy approached the Black Pearl with Hugo, the silhouette of the ship

stands out against the desert horizon. Onboard, the crew has already

noticed them and gather on the deck to receive Luffy and Hugo. Chopper,

the crew's doctor, is particularly eager to check on Hugo's condition after

seeing him behind Luffy, injured with a broken arm.

"Luffy, how is he? What happened out there?"

"Hahaha. We fought in that form, and I went a little overboard." Luffy

scratches his head.

"Luffy... being Luffy..." Lami mocks.

"Come on, my doctor. I also took a nice punch, how about you take care

of me?" Luffy smiles approaching Lami.

"Your womanizing captain, I know exactly what you want, get lost!" Lami

yells at Luffy.

Some laugh at this interaction.

"Nee... It seems everything turned out alright in the end, that's great!"

Hachi seems to be crying with joy.

"Hey, Luffy! What was that explosion a little while ago, did you deal with

the rebel army? You didn't create a massacre transformed into that

monster, did you?" Vivi approaches Luffy anxiously and demands


Luffy looks at Vivi, his usual smile appearing on his face. He knows his

actions may have been extreme, but they were necessary to ensure

Alabasta's safety and assert his presence as a force to be reckoned with.

"That was just a bit of what I can do. I wanted everyone to know that

Alabasta is under my protection now. And about the rebels, well, I just

showed them that it's not worth challenging me."

Vivi absorbs Luffy's words, she knows his actions are controversial, but

she can't deny that he managed to achieve something that seemed

impossible and when he says he ended the coup, she trusts him.

"You really overdo it, but I can't deny it was amazing, Luffy, even if many

don't understand your methods." She admitted with a blush on her face

and then asks, "But is it over, is Alabasta now out of danger?"

"We just need to disclose the evidence against Crocodile, but we'll do that

when we are in the capital, I doubt the marines will stand still after

finding out we are holding a vice admiral, they'll try to rescue him and

we'll make that exchange at that moment." Luffy declares and Vivi nods.

"Thank you, Luffy..." Vivi speaks with some tears in her eyes, thinking

that it's finally ending.

"No need to thank me, Vivi. That's what crewmates do, right?" Luffy

crosses his arms.

Everyone in the crew looks at that with a smile on their face, as they

agreed with the captain.

"So to the capital, Luffy?" Usopp asked.

"Yes, Hachi direct us to the capital, just follow the vivre card of Nami I

gave you." Luffy instructed and the fish-man accepted.

"Look Megalo, we are finally going to see Vivi's home!" Shirahoshi

exclaims happily.



"Karoo is also missing home..." Vivi looks at her duck with a happy smile.

"Shall we train, Luffy?" Kuina asked, knowing they didn't have much to

do here.

"Sure, we have some time before we reach the capital, we can't waste it,

can we?" Luffy smiles and everyone goes to the training room after

stabilizing the Black Pearl in the direction of the capital.

The Black Pearl continues its journey, leaving behind the desert and the

tumultuous events. With this, the crew went to train and strengthen

again, knowing that finally, Alabasta may be at peace for now.

153. Chapter 153

[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]

Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



The Black Pearl advances through the desert, the arid landscape

beginning to reveal the capital of the country, elevated on a kind of large

rock, giving it a unique architecture.

"Get ready, folks! We're arriving in Alubarna!" Vivi yells happily.

"KAROOOO!" Her duck seems equally excited.

Vivi's words are met with nods. Their week-long journey in Alabasta is

finally coming to an end. As the Black Pearl approaches the capital, Luffy

notices shadows appearing in the sky.

"You took too long!" Nami says dissatisfied while crossing her arms.

"Hahahaha, did you get outnumbered?!" Yamato comments laughing,

looking at the addition to the crew like Broggy and Dorry with Chopper

in a corner afraid of the two newcomers.

"We've been holed up in that palace these last few days, just training and

dodging some of the king's assassins..." Nami comments dissatisfied.

"Hm.. no need to be like that, I'll relieve your boredom soon." Luffy with

super speed appears behind them before grabbing them by the waist and

whispering in their ears with a smile so no one else hears.

"Hm... I'd like that!" Yamato responds with a smile.

"I hope this makes it worth being away from you for 2 weeks!" Nami said

dissatisfied, but with a blush on her face.

Luffy smiles, satisfied; "Anyway, let's go. I have some new crew and fleet

members to introduce." Luffy says and takes them to the crew.

The Black Pearl approaches Alubarna, the ship did not go unnoticed by

the people at the gates, Yamato and Nami had already commented that

Luffy and his crew were approaching, but for some people, it was a

surprise. The ship stopped near the entrance and the crew disembarked

for Luffy to store it in his pocket, before they continued.

Now Luffy, Yamato, Shirahoshi, Megalo, Zoro, Lami, Bepo, Chouchou,

Usopp, Nami, Reiju, Hugo, Nojiko, Hachi, Kuina, Alvida, Laboon, Vivi,

Karoo, Nico Robin, Choopper, Broggy, and Dorry also, follow to the city

on foot.

"Who are you?!" One of the guards goes on alert, as Yamato had warned

the king that Luffy was coming and had gone out to meet him, no gate

guards had been notified, hence the expression of caution with the group.

"Vivi..." Luffy murmurs and Vivi steps forward.

"I am Princess Vivi, I'm going to meet my father. I would like you to open

the gate," Vivi said.

"Princess Vivi...?" Said one of the guards.

"It's really her!" Another exclaimed, recognizing her. It was no surprise to

anyone Vivi's unique features to the country, even more in the capital


"Let's do this, Princess Vivi-sama. Do you want an escort to the palace?" A

guard asked.

"No need to worry, I'm quite safe with them, let's go, folks!" Vivi

exclaimed and they entered the city after climbing the stairs.

Luffy's group passed through the streets while everyone walked and made

comments here and there about the place, the people noticing the strange

group, couldn't help but be surprised by it, making similar comments to

when they were in Loguetown, some recognized Luffy as the captain of

the Straw Hats and exclaimed in shock, after all, it was a pirate band

with almost half a million, what kind of crime they must have committed

to have that bounty on their heads.

Upon arriving at the palace, they are received by guards who quickly

recognize the crew that fought alongside their princess. They are led

through opulent corridors, decorated with tapestries and artifacts that

speak of the rich history and culture of Alabasta. Finally, they enter the

main hall, where King Cobra awaits them. The king, a man of noble

posture and gentle expression, receives them with a warm thank you as

he rises from his throne to greet them.

"Captain Monkey D. Luffy and his crew, welcome to the royal palace of

Alabasta, I am aware of everything you've done and Alabasta is in debt to


"No need to thank us, King Cobra. Helping Alabasta was our choice,"

Luffy responds with an unpretentious smile.

"Even so, it's disturbing how our country was being covered with a

shadow that we couldn't do anything about and how you, along with my

daughter, emerged and helped this kingdom out of a crisis," the king

praises, looking at the diverse crew.

"That's just what we do, King Cobra. Besides, Vivi is part of our crew. We

couldn't leave one of our territories in danger," Luffy continues,

indicating Vivi with a hand gesture.

"Vivi my daughter..." King Cobra approaches his daughter and hugs her,

his gaze full of admiration for his most precious possession.

"Hello daddy." She says with a smile.

"Now tell me everything that happened and your plans." He turned his

attention back to Luffy, who nodded.

They exchange information, with Luffy reporting the attack against

Crocodile, confrontation with the rebels, and the declaration of Alabasta

as his territory. King Cobra listens attentively, recognizing the complexity

of the new reality that his nation faces.

"Your support and protection mean a lot to us. Alabasta will face many

challenges ahead, but with friends like you, I have hope for the future."

Luffy, with a confident smile, responds:

"We'll always be here if you need us. Alabasta is part of our journey


"You plan to spend a few days here, right? Let's arrange a room for


And with that, the Straw Hat crew spends some time in the palace,

resting, recovering from the journey, when night falls, a grand banquet is

prepared in honor of their heroism in the country. They celebrate the

victory over Crocodile and the restored peace. And as always, the group

is quite peculiar, especially at the joint banquet.

The hall of the Alabasta palace is lit by torches and chandeliers, creating

a welcoming atmosphere for the banquet in honor of the Straw Hat

Pirates and their allies. The table is filled with local delicacies, exotic

fruits, and succulent meats. The sound of music and laughter fills the air

as crew members and kingdom guests mingle and celebrate.

Luffy, already with a full plate, yells excitedly: "This is amazing! It's not

better than Reiju's food, but it's so tasty!" He tries to balance a giant piece

of meat in his mouth, he used a lot of his energy in the last days, so he

needed to replenish his energies.

Yamato, sitting next to Luffy, laughs: "Don't forget to chew, Luffy. We

don't want you to choke." She herself can't resist and grabs a chicken leg.

Shirahoshi, a little shy amidst the crowd, looks at the dishes with

curiosity. "So much food I've never tried before! Can I really taste

everything?" Megalo, by her side, makes a noise of approval: "Sharky!"

Zoro, trying to get up to get more sake, ends up getting lost and going in

the opposite direction. "Hey, this isn't the way to the kitchen," he

murmurs confused.

Lami, watching from afar, comments with Bepo: "Those two never

change, do they? Always getting lost or eating too much." Bepo just

smiles and agrees with a nod.

Chouchou, lying at Luffy's feet, barks happily whenever a piece of food

falls from the table. Luffy laughs and gives him a special piece of meat.

Usopp, trying to impress some palace guests, exaggerates in his stories:

"And then, with a single shot, I defeated a giant beast!" Chopper,

listening, nods enthusiastically, totally convinced.

Reiju, preparing some special dishes in the kitchen, calls Terracotta, the

palace's cook: "Come taste this. You as a chef will love it!" Terracotta,

moved, rushes to taste and praises: "It's amazing! You have a natural


Hugo, with his calm manner, chats with Nojiko and Hachi about the

different cultures they encountered on their travels. Kuina, the young

swordsman, listens attentively, dreaming of her own adventures.

Alvida, always trying to draw Luffy's attention, offers him the juiciest

piece of meat. "Luffy, dear, try this!" Luffy, distracted, accepts without

realizing her intention, continuing to have fun with the others.

Nami, glued to the side of Luffy like Yamato, puts another piece in the

captain's mouth. Meanwhile, Broggy and Dorry share stories of their epic

fights with others, making everyone around laugh and ask for more


The night advances with food, drink, and many stories. King Cobra,

watching the scene, smiles, knowing that his kingdom has gained strong

allies and unique friends. And, in the middle of it all, the cheerful sound

of Luffy's laughter echoes, uniting everyone in a memorable celebration.

As everyone settles down, King Cobra proposes a toast. "To the health of

the Straw Hat Pirates, to the heroes of Alabasta and to lasting friendship

Everyone raises their glasses in a toast. The laughter and stories being

shared continue with an overall feeling of camaraderie and relief.

"Luffy, thank you again. You not only saved Alabasta but also brought joy

and hope back to our people." Vivi approached wearing a blue dress.

"It's nothing, Vivi! All this is very good, and you look beautiful." Luffy

spoke but turned his attention to the food, Nami, and Yamato, who

seemed to be glued to him at that moment. Vivi blushed but soon joined


Sometime later, Luffy leaves the banquet and heads to the throne room,

where the king called him for a private conversation. He finally meets

King Cobra.

King Cobra, sitting on his throne with the posture of a leader who carries

the weight of an entire country, looks seriously at Luffy. Despite being

grateful, there is a clear concern in his eyes, a father's worry.

"Captain Monkey D. Luffy, I want to thank you again for what you did for

Alabasta. But there's something we need to discuss - about my daughter,


Luffy, with his usual casualness, nods, indicating he's listening.

"Vivi mentioned an agreement between you. She chose to join your crew

to help her people, but that also means she's more under your protection,


"That's right! Vivi is my crewmate, of course, she will be protected," Luffy

speaks calmly.

"And nothing more? Monkey D. Luffy, I don't want to seem intrusive, but

as a father, there's something that has been weighing on my mind." He

said seriously.

Luffy tilts his head, indicating for the king to proceed. There was

something in the seriousness of the king's gaze that made him pay


"You and Vivi have spent a lot of time together, facing dangers and

sharing victories. She talks a lot about you and your companions. I can

see... she has special fondness for you. And I, as a father, cannot help but

worry about what this might mean for her future, and potentially for the

future of our lineage."

Luffy scratches his head, wondering where the king was going with this,

but played dumb. "Well, Vivi is amazing! We all like her."

"Yes, but it's not just that," King Cobra insists, choosing his words

carefully. "Luffy, you are a young man, on a path that leads to many

dangers and discoveries. Vivi, as your companion, will be at your side on

this path. But what will happen if, one day, this closeness leads to

something more... If she chooses to start a family with you?"

The word "family" makes Luffy stop for a moment. He imagined having

several children in the future, but that only after his journey when he

becomes a conqueror and has a safer life to give attention to the children,

after all, he wanted to raise his own children with their mothers.

"I... I don't know," Luffy admits. "I haven't thought much about it now, as

I intend to finish my journey before building a family."

"Even so, accidents can happen and I'm talking about something like

children, Captain Monkey D. Luffy. My grandchildren. The future heir to

the throne of Alabasta," King Cobra explains. "If Vivi chooses this path

with you, she will be choosing a life very different from what she could

have here. And that worries me, not just as a king, but as a father. Will

she be happy? Will she and the children be safe in such an uncertain


Luffy falls silent, pondering the King's words. He had never considered

the idea of having children or the impact his lifestyle could have on


"About that, I will create a world where I can protect my wives and my

children. I don't know what the future holds, but I know that we won't

leave our friends or our family behind. That's what we do, isn't it?" Luffy

says with a determination that even surprises King Cobra.

The king sighs, a mix of concern and confidence shining in his eyes. "I

just hope you're right, Luffy. And I hope that Vivi finds the happiness she

deserves, whether in Alabasta or sailing the seas with you."

Luffy nods, the king's words echoing in his mind. He knows there is much

to consider and that today's choices will shape tomorrow, for him, for

Vivi, and for any future they may create together.

They continue to talk a little more about the future of Alabasta and the

plans of the Straw Hats. When the conversation ends, Luffy stands up,

ready to join two specific companions. He bids farewell to the king with a

nod and goes to one of the palace's rooms, in this place there were two

women waiting for him with no surprise, Nami and Yamato had expelled

Alvida and Nojiko to have a night alone with Luffy, wanting to catch up

on two weeks of not sleeping with their man, Luffy sighed before

entering because this night would be one filled with activities to satisfy

two beauties.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

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Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

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RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

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Visit our for more!

154. Chapter 154

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



The following morning, Luffy's vibrant energy was palpable as he left the

room, accompanied by his companions. Lack of sleep didn't seem to

affect him; he was more concerned about having a cold beer as he

headed to the great hall where his crewmates were already gathered.

Entering the room with an enthusiastic "Good morning!", he was greeted

with a mix of salutations and exclamations.

"Good morning, Captain!", "Good morning, Luffy!", "Good morning,

husband!", echoed through the hall. The variety of greetings reflected the

diversity and closeness of his crew.

"So you're the captain?" During the lively meal, a woman bearing a

striking resemblance to Igaram emerged.

"Yes, you're Igaram's wife, aren't you?" Luffy asked.

"That's right. May I know why my Husband hasn't returned to Alabasta?"

She inquired.

"He's handling some stuff for me in Whisky Peak, don't worry, he'll be

back soon." Luffy responds. His answer seemed to reassure her, and she

returned to the kitchen.

"Captain! What are we going to do now?" Zoro asked in his typical style.

"Hey, how can you drink rum for breakfast?!" Usopp yells at Zoro

drinking from a barrel.

"We're going to stay here for a few days, as I said. When the navy arrives,

we'll leave. During these days, we'll train and enjoy the city." Luffy

declares his plans and everyone nods.

After breakfast, Luffy heads to the castle courtyard, he takes the Black

Pearl from his pocket and throws it into the yard. Using his Moa Moa no

Mi ability to bring it back to normal size, a 50-meter ship falls to the

ground creating an impact in the castle.

"Damn pirates!"

"What's happening?!"

"I'm hungry, nobody feeds us for hours!"

Among screams of surprise and complaints of hunger from the prisoners

in the prison feeling the ship's impact, Luffy couldn't hear them. With the

Black Pearl now in the courtyard, Luffy and his crew prepare for the

coming days with extensive training and hobbies around the city

enjoying their extended stay in Alaburna.

"Let's go, it's time to train!" Luffy speaks and everyone enters the training

area to focus on training and improving their skills.

"Come on, guys! I want to see everyone improving!"

Luffy, as the leader, established a simple routine for the coming days -

training and enjoying the city. The crew agreed. The training sessions

were intense and focused on the six styles and haki. Luffy encouraged

everyone in his usual way, pushing them to improve and hone their

skills. Yamato, Shirahoshi, Megalo, Zoro, Lami, Bepo, Chouchou, Usopp,

Nami, Reiju, Hugo, Nojiko, Hachi, Kuina, Alvida, Laboon, Vivi, Karoo,

Nico Robin, Choopper, Broggy, Dorry, and even Pell participated in this

rigorous training. Between training sessions, the crew explored Alubarna.

They marveled at the unique architecture, strolled through bustling

markets, and interacted with the locals. The evenings were filled with

laughter and a customary feast, with Luffy ending his night spending

time with 4 women and then sneaking off to Robin's room in the middle

of the night.

After intense days of training and sightseeing, Luffy realizes it's time to

address the last pending issues with King Cobra before the navy arrives.

He understands the importance of establishing a solid foundation for the

territories now under his influence and protection.

Luffy, accompanied by key members of his crew, meets with King Cobra

in his office with some main ministers.

"King Cobra, as Alabasta is now part of the territories we protect, I want

to discuss an alliance."

"Continue, Captain Monkey D. Luffy."

"Please, call me Luffy from now on." Luffy suggested.

"Luffy then." Cobra spoke, and Luffy continued his explanation.

"We have an alliance among various kingdoms and places that have

become our territories. Including Goa Kingdom, Cocoyasi, Syrup, a

company in Loguetown, Whisky Peak, Drum, and now Alabasta. I want

all of them to have an exclusive commercial and military agreement

among themselves."

King Cobra, aware of the power and influence such an alliance would

bring, ponders the implications.

"This would bring stability and security to Alabasta and the other

involved kingdoms. But how exactly would it work?"

"Well, we will all support each other. If one kingdom is in danger, the

others will help. And we will all exchange things with free trade and no

taxation on some things, like food, medicine, technology, and weapons...

This way, everyone gets stronger and safer."

The king nods, understanding the logic and strength behind the proposal.

"This sounds promising, Luffy. Alabasta would be honored to be part of

this alliance. I will discuss with my advisors and handle the details with

you and your crew. But what about the world government? They

certainly won't let this happen."

"Yes, but you can do all this with all these countries, islands, and trading

companies, it will take some time until they discover our connection and

when that happens, I will have enough power to threaten them before

they try to do anything against any of my territories, don't worry." Luffy

spoke. He had a plan that he would execute in a few months that would

make the 5 elders rethink a little before attacking any kingdom under his


The meeting continues with discussions on how to implement and

manage this alliance, addressing issues like communication between the

kingdoms, mutual defense, and stimulating trade and cooperation. Luffy,

although not fond of details and formalities, understands the importance

of ensuring that his friends and territories are safe and prosperous.

Bepo, the polar bear Mink who is much more than just a cute member of

the crew, plays a crucial role in planning and structuring the alliance

proposed by Luffy. With his astute mind for economics and politics, he

has become an essential piece in creating a solid and sustainable plan for

the alliance between the territories, while Luffy and Bepo discuss their

plans with the council of Alabasta.

During the meeting with King Cobra, Bepo is present alongside Luffy,

carrying documents, maps, and charts illustrating possible trade routes,

defense agreements, and economic development plans for the allied


"Look, King Cobra, by establishing direct trade routes between Alabasta

and the other territories, we can reduce costs and increase trade

efficiency. Additionally, with a common defense fund, we can ensure

mutual security against external threats. I think a port being built on this

side of the country will help trade with the drum kingdom, Whisky Peak,

and with the entrance of the Grand Line."

King Cobra, impressed with the depth of knowledge and strategic skill of

Bepo, listens attentively and asks questions. Bepo responds with a clear

vision of how these relations can benefit everyone involved.

"Impressive, Bepo. Your knowledge is extremely valuable, we can

structure all this in a way that benefits everyone."

"Thank you... I'm sorry..." Bepo blushes and mutters apologies as always.

Over the following days, Luffy let Bepo work tirelessly, consulting with

economists and politicians from Alabasta and the other territories,

refining the agreements and ensuring that all aspects of the alliance are

considered and optimized. He also coordinates with Nami, the navigator

and treasurer of the group, to ensure that the trade routes are not only

economically viable but also safe and efficient.

With Bepo at the forefront of economic and political structuring, the

alliance promoted by Luffy has a solid foundation for success,

demonstrating that the Straw Hat Pirates are not just a powerful force on

the seas but also a positive and constructive influence on the territories

they choose to protect and ally with.

After the details of the alliance are discussed and plans are well

underway, King Cobra decides it's time to share one of Alabasta's most

closely guarded secrets with Luffy and Nico Robin, one that Luffy had

already asked him for. He invites them for a visit to the royal cemetery, a

place that holds much of the kingdom's history and where a Poneglyph


They walk towards a discreet entrance leading underground. As they

descend, Luffy creates a flame that hovers in the air, lighting the way. At

the center of the room rests the Poneglyph.

"This is one of the great secrets of Alabasta, a Poneglyph. For generations,

my family has protected this relic and the knowledge it contains. Despite

the knowledge on it still being a mystery to me."

Robin approaches, her eyes shining with the excitement of an

archaeologist before another valuable discovery. She reads exactly what

Luffy told her two weeks ago, as if he were some kind of seer, making her

look at the man she loves and think even more about who he could be

and how he has all that knowledge.

"Luffy, this Poneglyph... It talks about Pluton, exactly as you said. Even

its location..." She murmurs a bit dazed.

Luffy calmly nods and turns to Cobra,

"King Cobra, this Poneglyph is very dangerous for Alabasta. If the World

Government or other pirates discover you have information about Pluton,

they won't hesitate to attack. Alabasta could become the target of a

Buster Call. Crocodile was already looking for it, there's no doubt this

information could fall into the hands of others."

King Cobra looks at Luffy, recognizing the sincerity in his words. He

knows well the ruthless reputation of the World Government when it

comes to secrets that threaten their power.

"What do you suggest, then?" Cobra inquires, the concern evident in his


"Well, my suggestion is that we take the Poneglyph with us on the Black

Pearl. If it's under our protection, Alabasta won't be associated with it

and will be free of suspicion. This way, we can ensure it doesn't fall into

the wrong hands and that your kingdom remains safe and far from

imminent dangers."

"Luffy is right," interrupts Robin, her voice carrying a serious and somber

tone. "It's prudent to keep the Poneglyph on the move and away from

ambitious eyes. I saw what happened to Ohara, my homeland, and I don't

wish for any other nation to suffer the same fate." The fear of the buster

call has haunted her since she was 8 years old, a memory that burns like

an eternal flame in her heart.

King Cobra remains silent for a long moment, the weight of the decision

weighing on his shoulders. Finally, he nods, adopting the resolute

expression of a leader who recognizes what must be done for the greater

good of his people.

"If this is the best way to ensure the safety of Alabasta and its people,

then I agree. I place my trust in you, Straw Hat Pirates, to protect this

ancient legacy."

"Don't worry, King Cobra. We will protect the Poneglyph with our lives

and ensure that Alabasta stays safe from any threat. Nothing will

happen!" Luffy responds with an ironclad determination, promising not

only the safety of the artifact but also the peace for the desert kingdom.

With a plan in action and a new cargo on board, Luffy returned to his


"We're leaving Alabasta soon, King Cobra said the navy is coming here,

our time is running out so finish up any pending business and we'll

depart soon." Luffy mentioned and the next day in the middle of the

desert, a group of marines was approaching Alabarna at that moment.

"Captain Smoker! We are arriving at the capital!" Tashigi spoke.

"Great, let's wait for the commodores to decide our next steps." He said,

since he wasn't the highest rank there, he has to follow the orders of one

of the commodores of the group.

"Let's move forward, inform everyone to prepare for battle, we must

rescue the vice admiral and the warlord!" Said the commodore in front of

the whole group.

"Yes, for justice!"

"For justice!"

All the marines would fight against the Straw Hats even knowing their

strength, fighting for their ideal, they would willingly sacrifice

themselves to defeat the evil.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

155. Chapter 155

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



On one morning, Luffy was informed that the marines were approaching

the town.

"A group of commodores with Captain Smoker, the White Hunter of the

Navy, has arrived at the capital! He is here to rescue Vice-Admiral


Luffy, who was relaxing in the palace courtyard, stands up abruptly, the

news igniting a spark of interest in his eyes.

"Smoker, is it? It's about time then. Let's get ready to receive them!"

"Folks, let's wrap up our stay here in Alabasta. Let's prepare the Black

Pearl and set sail as soon as we finish negotiations with the navy."

Everyone nodded, and began to prepare their things, taking them to the

ship. Luffy, seeing this and always with a peculiar plan in mind, decides

he needs a special memento of his victory in Alabasta.

With a mischievous smile, he heads to some members of his crew still


"Zoro, Hugo, and Usopp. Go to the prison and fetch Jimbei, Momonga,

and Crocodile!" Luffy suggests, and they do just that, while he began to

pick up large logs from the castle's storage and buried them in front of

the castle.

"Hey, what is Straw Hat doing...?" Asked one of the guards looking at

Luffy's strange action.

"I don't know, they say he's quite peculiar..." Said another beside him.

"So this is how a 200 million pirate behaves?" Another spoke.

"Look, they had prisoners..." One of them points to the ship with Zoro,

Usopp, and Hugo taking 3 prisoners out.

"It's just 2 shichibukai and one navy vice-admiral..." Another speaks





"What?!" They scream alarmed, who could say that Luffy had such

important prisoners on that ship in the courtyard the whole time? They

scream frightened.

Luffy ignoring the guards, waits for the prisoners to arrive at him.

"What does this mean?"



"What a bad mood, I'm just going to take a picture with you, no need to

be so grumpy, we are saying goodbye soon." Luffy informs and before the

3 could react, Luffy activated his speed 40 times and quickly tied them to

the posts.

"How did he do that so fast?!" Everyone shouted with a comical face.

Luffy looked at all his crew and shouted. "Hey, guys! Let's take a photo in

front of the palace! It's going to be an epic memento!" The prisoners,

although clearly displeased and reluctant, have no choice but to be part

of Luffy's plan.

"Hey, guard. Come here and take our picture!" Luffy called one of the

palace guards, who was stunned but eventually did it.

"Hey, Luffy. Is this really necessary? This is going to cause us even more

trouble!" Nami complained.

"Of course, it is! How are we going to remember this epic adventure

without a picture with our trophies? I'll even make the whole world see

it," He said with a mischievous smile.

"Am I going to be famous?!" Chopper shouted happily.

"GRRRR!" Laboon was also excited.


"I don't think it's that kind of attention we're going to get..." Kuina

murmurs, but follows to the photo.

Laughing and joking, the crew starts to gather for the photo. Some are

excited about the idea, while others just shake their heads, accepting the

antics of their captain.

"This is going to be interesting. Can't wait to see the face of the World

Government when this gets published." Zoro speaks.

"This is going to be an epic tale! 'The great Usopp and his companions

capture three powerful enemies!'" Usopp exclaimed excitedly.

Robin, with a slight smile, watches the scene, she would usually be afraid

to do something like this, but Luffy has given her a sense of security since

she met him. "A peculiar memento, but certainly unforgettable."

Finally, everyone is ready. The guard adjusts the camera and joins the

group, while a prepared member of the crew presses the button. With a

bright flash, the moment is captured forever with the photography den

den mushi.

"This will make the front page! The whole world will see how amazing

we are!" Luffy laughed loudly.

The photo captures a unique moment full of distinct personalities. In the

center, Luffy, with his mischievous and confident smile, stands with one

arm raised as if celebrating his victory. On one side of him, Yamato poses

proudly, her smile revealing the satisfaction of a well-fought battle. On

the other side, Shirahoshi tries to smile, still a bit shy, with Megalo by

her side.

Zoro stands with a serious expression, but a slight smile betrays his pride,

while Lami, next to him, displays a satisfied grin. Bepo looks happy to be

included, and Chouchou, loyal as ever, sits beside him. Usopp is striking

a heroic pose, trying to appear more imposing than he really feels.

Nami, with a confident expression, is close to Reiju, who smiles calmly at

the camera. Hugo, with his imposing physique, stands a bit behind,

trying not to overshadow the others. Nojiko is next to Nami, sharing a

warm smile with her sister. Hachi, with his tentacles, happily waves at

the camera.

Kuina, though young, stands with the firm posture of a swordsman, while

Alvida, with her beauty and arrogance, poses seductively. Laboon tries to

fit into the photo next to a cheerful Luffy, Vivi, and Karoo are together,

representing Alabasta with an air of gratitude.

Nico Robin stands a bit apart, with a gentle smile and eyes reflecting the

depth of her knowledge. Chopper, in his small form, seems excited to be

included. Lastly, Broggy and Dorry, the giant warriors, are kneeling to fit

in the photo, each with an expression of contentment, Luffy made them

grow to normal size with the intention of being more intimidating.

In the lower center of the photo, right at the front, Jimbei, Crocodile, and

Momonga are tied up and clearly displeased, but they are a crucial

addition to the image Luffy wanted to create. They represent the victory

and audacity of the Straw Hat Pirates. The result is a vibrant photo, full

of energy and personality, a memento of their journey in Alabasta.

After the photo, the Navy, led by commodores, arrives at the castle with

an imposing presence, determined to fight the pirate crew again. Smoker,

with his characteristically stern expression, steps forward in the

vanguard, his determination clear in every step.

As soon as they arrived, the marines were shocked to see their Vice-

Admiral Momonga and two Shichibukai, notorious and feared figures,

tied to imposing pillars in front of the castle. The scene provoked a mix

of anger and disbelief. "Damn pirates! How can they be so bold?!" One of

them exclaimed, voice trembling with fury.

"Vice-Admiral Momonga!" A commodore, with a face pale with concern,

shouted, trying to understand the chaotic situation.

"Look, there are two Shichibukai and not just Crocodile!" Someone

observed, pointing to the captive figures. The crowd of marines fell silent

for a moment, shocked by the revelation.

"WHATTTTT?" Collective disbelief echoed through the air.

"That... Is Jinbei! How could he have become a prisoner too?!" The

confusion and fear were palpable as they contemplated the legendary

triton shichibukai, now imprisoned as a trophy.

"What will we do? It's more serious than we anticipated." Concern was

stamped on each face as the gravity of their mission became apparent.

"Mugiwara! In the name of Navy Justice, I demand that you release Vice-

Admiral Momonga and the Shichibukais immediately!" Smoker, always

imposing and unyielding, shouted with authority, his voice cutting

through the tension like a sword.

Luffy then appeared in front of all the marines. He showed no concern for

the commodores and other ranks; the only one who really caught his

attention was Smoker. With his usual confident smile, Luffy assessed

Smoker, appearing surprisingly calm considering the volatile situation.

"Alright, Smoker. I'll release Momonga." His casual response left the crew

and the marines present visibly surprised. Without hesitation and with a

nonchalant posture, Luffy approached where Momonga was being held.

With a casual gesture and an uninterested expression, he untied the Vice-

Admiral's bonds, almost as if he were performing a daily task.

As Momonga falls from the pillar and stands up, still a bit surprised by

the sudden change of events, Luffy pulls some papers out of his pocket

and hands them to him. The papers seem official, with stamps and


"Here are some proofs that a certain shichibukai was looking to take over

a country."

Momonga, regaining his composure, takes the papers and looks at Luffy

with a mix of reluctance, but he does exactly that as he begins to read the

papers the pirate handed him.

The papers Luffy hands to Momonga are a detailed dossier, meticulously

prepared by Robin. These documents contain information and irrefutable

evidence of Crocodile's corrupt schemes and his actions against the

people of Alabasta.

Momonga, upon receiving the papers, frowns as he begins to leaf through

the content. Each page reveals more about the extent of Crocodile's

betrayal and manipulation. There are detailed reports, financial records,

testimonies, and reports from Baroque Works agents, and even

incriminating photographs.

"This is... overly thorough. Crocodile was involved in more than we

imagined. How did the Navy not see this before?"

He looks up at Crocodile still tied up, who watches Luffy with a look of


"This is frustrating, but also useful..." Momonga was in great doubt about

trying to capture Luffy, but thought it would be nearly impossible with

Yamato here, even with the help of 2 shichibukai, but now he discovered

that Crocodile is a criminal too, he might have the World Government's

approval for a lot of things, but this was too much.

Sighing, Momonga had no choice. "We from the Navy will investigate

every detail. Crocodile won't escape justice this time."

Luffy just smiles, pleased to have thrown a bit more chaos into the world

and at the same time ensured the safety of Alabasta.

"Tell Sengoku that I'm doing this only because he paid the money that

was demanded in Cocoyasi, otherwise this would be in the newspaper the

next day, now you can blame us and make them a hero, after all, that's

how the navy manipulates the news." Luffy openly mocked, leaving

Momonga scowling, but he couldn't deny those words because that's how

the newspaper would publish the news the next day.

"We demand that you hand over Crocodile and Jimbei." Momonga finally


"Well, Crocodile can be done, Jimbei, I still want to keep him until we

leave Alabasta." Luffy shrugged and Momonga looked frustrated. Before

handing Crocodile over to the Navy, Luffy, always unpredictable and

cunning, approaches the defeated Shichibukai with a bold proposal.

"Hey, Crocodile, since you're out of a job now after being fired from the

government, how about joining us? It's going to be more fun than rotting

in Impel Down."

Crocodile, surprised by the offer, looks at Luffy with a mix of disdain and

resentment. The idea of joining the young pirate who defeated him is

something he would never consider.

"You must be joking. I'd prefer a thousand times the darkness of Impel

Down than to sail under the flag of a kid like you. Mugiwara."

"Alright then. It was just an offer. See you around, Crocodile." Luffy

shrugs and goes towards Jimbei to take him to the ship.

Luffy, showing no sign of disappointment, hands Crocodile over to the

marines. With Jimbei still aboard and Crocodile handed over to the Navy,

Luffy and his crew prepare to leave.

"Vice-Admiral, are we really going to let them leave like this?" A marine

asks Momonga who now had his sword again after Luffy handed it over.

"We can't do anything with them, we have to take care of Crocodile's

schemes too, if the news of this gets out from here, it'll be a hard blow for

the navy." He informs and they all start to move away.

"You managed to get out of here once more, Mugiwara. But next time... I

will capture you!" Smoker growls.

With everyone aboard, Luffy, instead of slowing down the ship, launches

the nitro of the ship, making it take off from the courtyard of the ship to

the desert heading east to finally leave the country. Luffy is on the deck,

looking at the horizon with a smile on his face as the ship sails back

through the sands. He's ready for the next adventure, to face new

challenges, and to continue his journey to become the emperor of the sea.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

156. Chapter 156

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere in the sea, First Half of Grandline.



After a whole day of sailing from the sandy shores of Alabasta, the Black

Pearl finds itself in the open waters of the ocean, a solitary point distant

from any land. The crew, though tired from intense training, was vibrant,

each member immersed in their tasks and hobbies, keeping the ship and

their things laughing and chatting with each other.

Luffy, standing at the bow, observes the sea ahead with a solemn gaze,

nostalgic for the salty smell of the sea breeze after days of traveling the


His attention was abruptly diverted when a dark shadow began to grow

alongside the ship. With a mix of surprise and calm, Luffy watched as the

water around began to churn violently. Suddenly, with an explosion of

foam, a huge sea monster emerged next to the Black Pearl. The creature,

resembling a serpent covered in fur, with just its head being twice the

size of the ship, rose menacingly, its eyes fixed on the crew.

"These monsters are getting stranger and stranger..." Luffy murmured

with his calm voice, finding the sea monster very strange.

"A Sea King, the sea is so scary!" Chopper shouted, visibly scared, while

Vivi tried to calm her loyal duck, Karoo, who was running frantically

across the deck.

Luffy, in a calm movement, turned to the rest of the crew. His gaze

landed on Reiju, the pink-haired woman delivering refreshments to Kuina

and Alvida. "Hey, Reiju. How's our meat supply?" he asked, seemingly

unconcerned with the monster beside the ship.

"Hm... it's quite full, Luffy…" She replied, surprised by the captain's


Luffy nodded and then turned his attention to Shirahoshi, the princess

beside Hachi. "Shira, want to send this Sea King away?"

"Hmm… okay… Luffy-sama, I'll try the first way!" Shirahoshi spoke

timidly, her voice almost a whisper but determined. She began to move

toward the Sea King, the imposing presence of the Sea King contrasting

with the gentle nature of the mermaid.

Everyone aboard the Black Pearl watched, a mix of fear and fascination,

as the sea princess approached the monster. The Sea King glared

furiously at Shirahoshi, questioning with its gaze why she dared to

challenge it.

The answer came in the form of a deafening *ROOOOOAAAARRRRR*.

The sea monster expressed its fury and defiance with a roar that echoed

through the air and made the waves around it churn violently.

Shirahoshi turned to Luffy, a shadow of concern passing through her

usually tranquil eyes. "Luffy-sama? He doesn't want to obey? Should I use

the second method?" Her voice trembled slightly, indicating the gravity

of the situation.

Luffy, standing firm on the deck, nodded calmly. "Yes, Shirahoshi. You

can use the other method."

"Hm... I'm sorry... Sea King-sama... but... hm?!" Shirahoshi began, but

before she could finish her sentence, the monster lunged. In a quick and

violent movement, the huge creature swallowed her in the air.

A shocking silence took over the ship, a moment of pure horror and

disbelief. Then, the silence was broken.



"Luffy, save her quickly!"

"Nee... Princess-sama!" The crew shouted in despair, their voices blending

into a cacophony of fear and panic.

But then, the unimaginable happened. Above the monster's head, an

explosion of blood burst like a bomb. The Sea King stopped abruptly, its

body trembling before becoming motionless. And then, to the shock and

relief of all, Shirahoshi emerged through the hole she created in the

creature's head, her hand coated in Haki.

"Hm... sorry, Sea King-sama, but I had to deal with you like this..." She

murmured timidly, a blush of sadness on her cheeks.

"She just killed a Sea King..." Some murmured, surprised by the unknown

strength of Shirahoshi. The news that she dominated Haki was unknown

to most, and her demonstration of power left everyone aboard in silent


"Damn, she's so ahead of me, I can't even do that..." Zoro complained,

realizing he was left behind by Shirahoshi, even Luffy was showing

greater talent than him.

"She's better than me too, Zoro..." Luffy murmured.

"Hey, Reiju, can you find a spot in the fridge to put the monster's

carcass?" Luffy asks.

"Tsk... I'll try to arrange it." She grumbles.

"Do you want me to shrink it?" Luffy suggests.

"What for? If you get defeated, it'll destroy my kitchen!" She growls at the


"Alright then..." Luffy murmurs and turns to Shirahoshi. "Well done,

Shira! You're getting stronger and stronger!" Luffy celebrates.

"Thank you, Luffy-sama..." She responded timidly and returned to the


"Hey, a seagull delivering newspapers is approaching!" Yamato comments

and points to one side.

"Great, will I get my reward if the news comes out?" Bepo asks excitedly.

"Let's see..." Nami speaks and waits for the seagull to arrive, it didn't take

long for it to appear and Nami to grab a newspaper.

"Well... it looks like we're on the front page again." Nami comments,

looking at the photo and the headline title.

"Hey Luffy, how do you manage this, I thought this photo was exclusive

to us..." Nojiko asks beside him.

"I said I have a contact in the newspaper." Luffy declared, he always

sends good photos to shock the world.

The photo was the last one the whole crew took with 2 Shichibukais and

a vice admiral as trophies. Nami began to read the newspaper in her


The title read, "Chaos in Alabasta! The Unstoppable Rise of Monkey D.

Luffy's Crew - Capturing Two Shichibukais and a Vice Admiral

Challenging the Power that the Navy and the World Government So Pride

Themselves On Falling into the Hands of a Rookie Pirate! Are we still

talking about rookies who entered the Grand Line a month ago? Can

anyone still stop the crew that plays with Shichibukais?!"

In the article, "In a shocking twist that is shaking the foundations of the

known world, the crew of Monkey D. Luffy, already known for their

daring feats and powerful connections, has catapulted themselves into

the limelight once again. This time, the stage of their unbelievable feat

was in the kingdom of Alabasta, a place already turbulent from its own

internal struggles. What no one expected was that Luffy and his crew

would leave such an indelible and dramatic mark.

The news spread like wildfire: two Shichibukais and a Vice Admiral of

the Navy, revered and feared figures around the world, were captured

and displayed simply as trophies by the Straw Hat crew. This feat is not

just a testament to their growing strength but also a bold statement

against the established authorities.

But who is Monkey D. Luffy, this young captain who defies the world?

Entering the Grand Line just a month ago, he's already challenging the

world order, creating chaos wherever he goes. Luffy, with his confident

smile, makes many wonder how far he will go? Will the sea change with

his name? What do we expect in the future with his rising ascent?

The capture of the Shichibukais and the Vice Admiral was not just a

victory; it was a statement. The Straw Hat crew isn't just playing the

game known as the great pirate era - they're changing the rules.

As the world reads this news with a mix of admiration and fear, one

question hangs in the air: who, if any, can stop the meteoric rise of

Monkey D. Luffy? As the World Government and the Navy digest this

humiliating defeat, the world watches, fascinated and terrified, to see

what the future holds for this young pirate and his intrepid companions."

Nami finished reading, and everyone fell silent, now they were really at

the center of the world, what they did was too big.

"That's quite exaggerated. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Morgan likes to cause

chaos." Luffy was the first to break the silence, laughing at those

somewhat forced news from the mind of the writer who did that, like he

could really be everything that's written there, but his potential is too

hidden for someone to declare, firstly that he's a double akuma no mi, no

one should know that.

"Luffy, take this seriously, we're in quite a bit of trouble here." Vivi

reprimanded him.

"I want to see the wanted posters!" Usopp shouted hopefully.

Nami pulled behind the newspaper the new wanted posters and there

was the crew.

[Monkey D. Luffy: 500,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Luffy on the bow of the Black Pearl, torso bare to display tattoos,

cloak billowing in the wind, one hand holding onto his hat on his head.)

[Roronoa Zoro: 80,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Zoro using geppo and defeating a Navy commodore.)

[Trafalgar D. Lami: 100,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Lami using her ope ope no mi and simultaneously cutting


[Yamato: 150,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Yamato striking a commodore with her weapon, sending him

flying in Loguetown.)

[Nami: 50,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: She is in front of a shop with her sister beside her, her hand

glowing in a green hue, creating a hurricane to send Buggy's pirates

flying into the sky.)

[Shirahoshi: 5,000,000 Berries – Only Alive.]

(IMG: Shirahoshi sitting next to Megalo.)

[Bepo: 30,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Bepo in a martial arts pose, surrounded by defeated enemies.)

[Usopp: 25,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Usopp shooting at some members of the Baroque Works.)

[Reiju: 80,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Reiju kicking some Navy commodores.)

[Nojiko: 40,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Nojiko using the bomb fruit on top of a sailor while using geppo

and soru.)

[Hachi: 15,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Hachi cooking Takoyaki with his many arms, a serious expression

on his face.)

[Kuina: 40,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Kuina cutting enemies in Rainbase with her unique sword.)

[Alvida: 20,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Alvida lounging on a deck, her mace resting beside her.)

[Nico Robin: 79,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Robin reading a book in the ruins, with several arms holding off


[Tony Tony Chopper: 5 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Chopper eating cotton candy.)

[Broggy and Dorry: 100,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: The giant warriors standing back to back, their weapons clashing

against Marines.)

[Laboon: 5 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Laboon playing on the ship with the others.)

[Hugo: 150,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Hugo standing calmly with his arms crossed.)

[Chouchou: 100,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.]

(IMG: Chouchou crossing paths with a female dog in an alley in the first

city Luffy stopped at in Alabasta.)

After Nami revealed the wanted posters, a wave of reactions took over

the deck of the Black Pearl.

"500 million?!" Luffy exclaimed, his smile widening. "Am I expensive,


Zoro, looking at his own poster with a value of 80 million, let out a

grunt. "Not bad, but I was expecting more after all this."

Lami, with a sly smile, commented on her 100 million reward: "Looks

like my skills are being recognized. Watch out, Luffy, I might overtake


Yamato, observing his poster, seemed satisfied. "150 million... Not a bad

reputation to start with."

Nami, holding her 50 million poster, said relieved. "They didn't change it

this time, at least."

Shirahoshi, with a shy expression, looked at her 5 million poster. "I didn't

want to cause trouble..."

"5 for Chopper? Is that a joke?" Usopp laughed, despite his own value of

25 million. "5 berries?!" Chopper seemed shocked.

Reiju, with an indifferent expression, observed her 80 million reward.

"Seems like I have to be more cautious now... still, I'm 20 million below

that gothic woman..."

Nojiko looked at her 40 million poster and sighed. "This is going to bring

more trouble than I expected."

Hachi, with his 15 million value, just smiled. "I just want to make

takoyaki in peace."

Kuina, with a determined expression, looked at her 40 million poster.

"This won't stop me from continuing my path."

Alvida, as vain as ever, looked at her 20 million value. "They must have

forgotten to add a zero."

Robin, with a mysterious smile, observed her 79 million poster. "Seems

like my bounty hasn't changed, besides associating me with Luffy and the


Bepo, excited, asked about his reward. "25 million! My bounty!"

Broggy and Dorry, the giant warriors, laughed together. "100 million is

an honor for a warrior!"

Laboon, playing on the ship, had no idea of his value of 5 Berries, but

everyone laughed at the irony.

Hugo, with his arms crossed, just nodded to his 150 million value. "This

is unexpected, but I haven't done anything..."

Chouchou, the valiant dog of 100 million, barked, clearly confused but

liking that he was famous along with the others.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

157. Chapter 157

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere in the sea, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy, holding the newly received wanted posters, frowned as he

pondered the bounties. "This is strange..." He murmured more to himself

than to the others, but his voice was enough to draw Nojiko's attention.

"What is it, Luffy?" Nojiko asked, approaching with a curious look.

Luffy held up Hugo's poster. "I can understand that Nami and Yamato

didn't have a change, or that Vivi and Karoo aren't in the bounties

because the Marines still believe Vivi is the princess of Alabasta. But

what I find strange is Hugo's bounty. He didn't do anything to deserve

150 million..."

Hugo, who was close enough to hear, nodded with a thoughtful look. "It's

true, I just fought against some marines and Baroque Works agents and...

wait!" A sudden realization seemed to hit him.

Luffy completed Hugo's line of thought. "Exactly, they found out about

our fight in the desert. Probably a rebel took a photo, it's very likely that

our fight will appear in the newspaper tomorrow. Two Mythical Akuma

no Mi in the same crew like ours, would certainly shock the world..."

Robin, who approached with her usual calmness, intervened. "This will

be worse for us, we already have a quite large amount of bounties on our

heads." Her voice was soft.

Luffy nodded in agreement. "Yes, but we can't do anything anyway. Just

strengthen ourselves to face whatever they send for us." His

determination was clear.

At that moment, Kuina, with her poster in hand, joined the group. "And

what will we do now?" Her question was direct, reflecting the curiosity

and anxiety of the entire crew.

Luffy looked at his companions, a smile forming on his lips. "You can

enjoy and celebrate your bounties. We will have another feast without

training this day to celebrate." His statement was met with a mix of relief

and excitement. While many seemed happy, others, like Chopper, cried in

a corner, complaining about their small bounties.

The day passed with a great celebration, however, the tranquility lasted

only one night. The next morning, shocking news from the newspaper

rocked the ship.

Luffy, with the newspaper in hand, laughed at the photo on the cover. It

was him in his Ifrit form, immense and powerful, fighting the Titan in the

Alabasta desert. Even before growing to 200 meters, he was an

impressive sight, a force of nature ablaze before the sand giant. However,

the headline was what really caught attention:

"A crew with two Mythical Zoans?! Disagreements among the Straw Hat

members, the kind of argument that shocks the world! How a fight

between the captain and one of his members, Hugo, turned into a brawl

between mythical creatures!"

The article detailed the battle in the desert, speculating on the reasons for

the confrontation and describing with admiration and fear the powers of

Luffy and Hugo. It talked about Luffy's transformation into Ifrit and how

he demonstrated similar abilities in Loguetown, in addition to trying to

dissect the mysterious and fearsome powers of Hugo.

"Don't believe everything you read," Luffy said with a smile, folding the

newspaper. "But it's good to know that they recognize our strength."

The day passed with training this time, as they ignored the newspaper,

expecting something like this, but the next day came what happened in


However, the routine of training was interrupted the next day by more

news from Alabasta. Luffy, holding the new newspaper, gathered the

crew on deck to share the latest information. The main headline "Chaos

in Alabasta" immediately captured everyone's attention. With a calm

expression, Luffy began to read aloud.

"As soon as Luffy and his crew captured the vice admiral and two

Shichibukais," Luffy read, his voice amused. "The Marines who were in

the country gathered to fight the Straw Hats and rescue the prisoners.

With the help of half a dozen commodores and Smoker, they managed to

free them."

"And along with all the marines and Shichibukais, justice managed to

expel the Straw Hats from Alabasta." The crew listened in silence, some

with somber expressions, others with defiant looks. The article painted a

picture of an epic battle where the Marines, supposedly united in

strength and purpose, had risen en masse to confront and, ultimately,

repel the infamous pirates from their territory.

Luffy paused for a moment, his eyes sweeping the crew before

continuing. "But not just that," he continued, "Smoker discovered a

greedy scheme of Crocodile in the country, and they obtained evidence

for the Shichibukai's criminal actions, arresting him and removing him

from the organization."

The news that it was Smoker who had unearthed and exposed Crocodile's

nefarious plans in the country and obtained sufficient evidence to ensure

his arrest and removal from the position of Shichibukai sounded like

something straight out of a twisted fairy tale.

"What a lie! I didn't know that marine would take all the credit!" Vivi

seemed dissatisfied and shook her head in disgust. "How can they twist

the truth like this?"

"They can write whatever they want," he declared, "but we know the

truth. Also, don't judge Smoker like that, he's better than this, I'm sure he

wouldn't agree with this if asked beforehand." Luffy commented, knowing

how Smoker thought.

"It seems we are just villains now..." Yamato commented curiously.

"Well, my dear, we're pirates and outlaws, we're never going to come out

as heroes in the newspaper." Luffy said with a small smile.

Shirahoshi, always the voice of innocence and justice, couldn't hide her

disappointment. "But that's unfair!" She commented, her soft voice

trembling with the strength of her emotions. The idea of being painted as

villains, despite their good intentions and courageous actions, was hard

to accept.

Alvida, with her experience and hardened skepticism, cast an

understanding glance toward the sea princess. "The world is unfair..." She


Luffy, sensing the need to shift focus, intervened with determination.

"Anyway, let's get back to training. This doesn't matter to us anymore."

His voice was firm.

In the spacious training room of the Black Pearl, the Straw Hat crew

gathered in a semicircle around Luffy, who stood with a thick, ancient

book in hand. "Listen up, everyone!" He began. "Some of us have already

started training with Haki, but now that most of you have learned

sufficient techniques from the six styles and are just refining them, we're

going to start developing Haki with you."

Luffy opened the book, its pages filled with detailed notes and sketches

that Luffy has been studying to learn in the best possible way, he

continued. "With the money I got from Crocodile's casino that's in our

vault, there was something left to buy more equipment that might help

you with these techniques." He gestured to a collection of newly acquired

equipment arranged next to the room: special weights, headbands with

insignias, attack machines, and other mysterious items, each designed to

assist in the awakening and strengthening of Haki.

"I'll start the introduction for some of you." Luffy continued, his gaze

sweeping the crew. "The only ones who were training Conqueror's Haki

are me and a few others who possess the conqueror's haki, but now it's

time to train you like Usopp in Observation Haki and Hugo in Armament,

for example." Usopp and Hugo, upon hearing their names, straightened

up, nodding positively.

Luffy then turned his attention to the newest members of the crew. "The

only ones who won't train yet will be the most recent, like Alvida, Robin,

Vivi, Chopper, and others." His gentle eyes encouraged those mentioned.

"You will continue learning the six styles and familiarizing yourself with

the basics. We all start from somewhere, and I'll be here to guide you."

Thus, they continued in intense training, Luffy making discoveries with

armament and conqueror's haki, the others trying to develop their own

strengths, and others starting after hearing a lecture on each of the hakis.

Luffy knew that by focusing on those with more affinities, they could

easily develop and awaken even before the war with this training.

After three days of sailing and intense training, Luffy, standing at the

bow of the ship, gazed at the horizon with a contemplative look, sporting

a thoughtful expression. He was aware that the world was vast and filled

with wonders and dangers he had yet to encounter. Inspired by the desire

to see more than the adventures he knew from stories and anime, he

wanted to explore and discover more places he saw in the anime, so he

made a decision to go to a new place before heading to Jaya, wanting to

explore this sea further and see its wonders.

"Nami! What's nearby on the maps and eternal pose? Any cool place

before we go to Jaya?" Luffy went to Nami's cabin, who was drawing the

topography of Alabasta at the moment.

Nami heard her captain and put down her drawing, going to another

table in her office to focus on her maps and nautical charts, looking at

Luffy with a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm, let's see," she murmured, her fingers sliding over the paper,

tracing routes and possibilities. "Ah, here." She pointed to an area not too

far from their current location.

"They call this island 'Lumenarquia'(Fictitious Island)," Nami began, "It's

known for its unbelievable wealth and natural beauty. They say the

beaches are made of golden sand and that the trees have silver leaves."

Luffy leaned over the map, his interest clearly piqued. "Sounds


"Yes, but it's not just that." Nami continued, her gaze fixed on the map.

"The island is unique because of its main city, 'Cintilância'. It's built

entirely on a huge crystal mountain that glows day and night. They say

that at night, the entire city twinkles under the moon, as if stars had

descended to the earth."

"But that's not all," Nami added, a sly smile forming. "They say the island

is so wealthy that even the most common coins are made of pure gold."

Luffy's eyes lit up even more, and Nami, recognizing her captain's look,

said, "You're going to loot the city, aren't you?"

Luffy thumped the map with enthusiasm. "Depends! Let's go to


Luffy announced his plans to the crew right after.

"Nojiko, what do you know about the island?"

Nojiko, who was organizing some provisions in the corner, looked up

upon hearing her name. She approached the map, looking intently at the

point Nami had indicated. "Lumenarquia, huh?" She murmured, her eyes


"Yes, I've read some things about this island. Besides the beauty and

wealth that Nami mentioned, Lumenarquia is famous for a large auction

that attracts people from all over the world. It's not an ordinary auction;

it's known for trading rare and valuable items, many of which are linked

to the underworld and black market." Nojiko paused, looking at the crew.

"The auctions are held at the House of Cintilância, in the heart of the

city. They say the auction room is a spectacle in itself, with high crystal

ceilings and jewel-encrusted walls. But what really draws attention are

the items on offer. Rare items, slaves, and Devil Fruits."

Robin, who was listening to the conversation, nodded in agreement. "Yes,

the underworld has a strong presence in Lumenarquia. It's a place where

the beauty and wealth on the surface hide a much darker reality."

Luffy, looking at the map, "A rich and dark place... Why do I like this...?"

"Because it's easier to steal?" Lami crossed her arms;

"Because the captain's morals don't weigh as much when he's looting?"

Reiju said, lighting a cigarette.

"Hey, when did you two join forces to mock me?" Luffy raised an


"We're just competing to see who speaks the truth about the captain."

Lami shrugged.

"Tsk. Anyway, we're going to this place to participate in that auction,

pirates need to do things like this too! Our next stop is Lumenarquia."

Luffy smiled and declared.

As the ship turned its course, the news about Luffy was still traveling the

world one after the other in recent days.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

158. Chapter 158

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

In many places of the world



The news of the meteoric rise and exploits of Monkey D. Luffy and his

Straw Hat crew spread like a gale, crossing all oceans and islands,

reaching the most distant and unexpected places in the world. The stories

of their adventures in Alabasta and beyond sparked a shockwave that

reverberated around the globe, eliciting a variety of reactions among




In a bustling port of a large commercial city in the South Blue, amidst the

noise and bustle of merchants and sailors, news of Luffy circulated from

mouth to mouth. "Have you heard about Straw Hat? He captured a Vice

Admiral and two Shichibukais on an island at the beginning of the Grand

Line!" exclaimed a sailor while unloading boxes from a ship. His

colleagues paused for a moment, their expressions ranging from

astonishment to disbelief. In such a world-connected city, the news of a

rookie pirate so boldly defying the authorities was both terrifying and


In the same sea, in a small, unknown fishing village on a time-worn pier,

a group of elderly fishermen examined the newspaper, their expressions

varying between shock and admiration. "Look at this! That kid Luffy is

turning the world upside down," commented one, his eyes wide behind

foggy glasses.

"Imagine, capturing a vice-admiral and two Shichibukais! What will

become of us if he shows up here?" questioned another, fear clear in his


"Don't be foolish, he's on the Grand Line... Why would he come here?!"

exclaimed another elder.



In a small village in the interior of a peaceful island in the West Blue, far

from the chaos of the big centers, news of Luffy arrived more slowly but

still made a significant impact. "They say he has the power to turn into a

fire demon," commented an elder, sitting in the shade of a tree while

children around listened with wide eyes. The stories of Luffy and his crew

turned into legends, inspiring both fear and admiration in the villagers'


In a bustling market on a commercial island, merchants and buyers

bustled among stalls of exotic fruits and colorful fabrics, but

conversations were dominated by a single topic. "Luffy, the Straw Hat...

Is he really going to bring changes to the world?" questioned a merchant

as he passed oranges to a customer.

"Who knows? But one thing is certain, he's causing quite a stir,"

responded the customer, their eyes quickly scanning the newspaper they




In a Marine academy somewhere in the North Blue, even among those

who swore to defeat piracy, stories of Luffy caused a frenzy. "Have you

heard? He's got a bounty of 500 million now!" said a young recruit, his

eyes glowing with a mix of fear and excitement. "Will we ever have to

face him?" questioned another, the idea of pursuing such a notorious

pirate both terrifying and exhilarating.

In a tavern on the sea on a winter island, rough and fierce pirates

gathered around wooden tables, drinking and discussing the latest news.

"You heard? That kid Luffy is making waves. They say he even captured

Jimbei and Crocodile as a trophy!" said one, a crooked smile on his face.

"That's insanity. Those Grand Line pirates are on another level..."

responded another, his face somber in the candlelight.



In a gloomy pirate den somewhere on the Grand Line, even among the

most feared and respected pirates in the world, Luffy's actions caused

unrest. "This kid is causing too much trouble. Maybe it's time someone

showed him how things work around here," growled a notoriously cruel

pirate, as his companions murmured in agreement. Luffy's feats

challenged not only the Navy and the World Government but also stirred

the delicate balance of power among the pirates themselves.

In an isolated mountainous village on the same sea, "Did you see this,

mom?" a young boy ran up to his mother, holding a worn newspaper.

"This pirate Luffy is doing incredible things!"

The mother, a woman with a gentle face and hands calloused from work,

looked at the newspaper and sighed. "Pirates will always be pirates. I

hope he doesn't bring trouble to our village."

Around the world, in taverns and halls, in markets and palaces, news of

Luffy and his companions traveled fast and provoked a myriad of

reactions. Some saw him as a hero, a symbol of freedom and defiance

against oppressive power. Others saw him as a threat, a danger that

needed to be eliminated. Regardless of how people perceived him.



In the East Blue, a sea previously known for its relative calm compared to

the imminent dangers of the Grand Line, it had caught the world's

attention thanks to the actions of a young pirate. However, things calmed

down as soon as the same pirate entered the Grand Line, but what people

didn't expect was how Luffy's actions would mark the world once again,

and the East Blue was in a frenzy at that moment.

Monkey D. Luffy's recent actions in Alabasta, along with his previous

exploits, shook the region to its core. Every town, village, and port was in

uproar with the news that arrived, with each new report adding more

fuel to the fire of speculation and rumors.



In Loguetown, the city of the beginning and end of pirates, was especially

agitated. It was as if Luffy's very essence had permeated the air since his

last destructive visit. "He challenged the Navy and the World Government

right here, shouted that he would dominate the seas where Gol D. Roger

was executed!" exclaimed a local citizen to a group of newcomers,

pointing to where the platform was, the site was still under

reconstruction since the battle of Garp, Dragon, and Luffy. "And now, he's

captured a Vice Admiral and two Shichibukais in Alabasta!" People

around shook their heads in disbelief, murmuring about the audacious

young pirate who had begun his journey right there.

In the same town, in a more secluded place, where the streets still

whispered about Monkey D. Luffy's legendary departure, one man, in

particular, was agitated with almost religious fervor. Bartolomeo, a pirate

whose respect for Luffy already bordered on adoration, was in the midst

of establishing the first and, as far as he knew, the only fan club

dedicated to the pirate. The news from Alabasta only intensified his

devotion and fascination.

Bartolomeo had transformed a corner of Loguetown into a shrine

dedicated to Luffy. Posters, newspaper clippings, and even drawings

made by himself covered the walls with the members of the crew. Every

new feat of Luffy was added with palpable excitement and even had

Luffy's routes.

"Look at this! Luffy-senpai captured a Vice Admiral and two Shichibukais!

He's amazing! He's the greatest of all!" Bartolomeo exclaimed to anyone

who passed by, showing the latest edition of the newspaper with an

almost manic gleam in his eyes.

Around him, other pirates and citizens of Loguetown watched with a mix

of curiosity and caution. Some thought he was crazy, others were secretly

attracted to the idea of such a powerful and defiant hero as Luffy.

Bartolomeo spent hours talking about Luffy's adventures, describing each

fight, each escape as if they were sacred. He debated theories about

Luffy's next moves and argued fervently with anyone who dared to

diminish the feats of his idol.

As news of his fan club spread, other fans of Luffy, though not as fervent

as Bartolomeo, began to join. The place became a meeting point for those

fascinated by the pirate who defied the world.



In the Kingdom of Goa, where injustice once prevailed, the population

was still recovering from the shock of the king's assassination and the

subsequent destruction. Luffy's actions, though violent, made the

kingdom begin to progress with alliances with other islands, something

that had not happened before, and trade increased significantly because

of it. Now, with the news of his exploits in Alabasta, many wondered if

Luffy was a hero or a villain. "He killed the king and now he's challenging

the whole world!" commented a pompous citizen of Goa, oscillating

between admiration and terror.

The people of Goa lived discussing in the middle of the city, meanwhile,

an unusual and recurring situation worried the kingdom's ministers: their

queen, Makino, a woman of free spirit and kindness, had the peculiar

habit of escaping the palace to work in a bar in Foosha Village, a small

community on the other side of the island. This practice, although known

by many, never ceased to surprise and frustrate the high-ranking

members of the kingdom.

On a typical day, the ministers, dressed in their formal attire and

expressions laden with concern, traversed the village in search of their

queen. The streets of Fuuji Village were full of life and colors, with

citizens going about their daily tasks, oblivious to the frantic search of

the ministers.

Upon arriving at the bar where Makino worked, the ministers

encountered a scene they had witnessed countless times before: the

queen, dressed in a simple apron, serving customers with a welcoming

and genuine smile.

"Your Majesty, please, we implore you to return to the palace. It is

unbecoming of a queen to behave in this manner," pleaded the oldest

minister, his voice trembling with the urgency of the situation.

Makino, turning to face her ministers with a calm smile, replied: "I

understand your concerns, but this place brings me peace. Here, I am just

Makino, not the queen. People treat me as an equal, and that's all I want

at the moment."

As the ministers continued to plead, Makino noticed a stack of

newspapers in the corner of the bar. Curiously, she approached and

picked up the latest edition, her eyes immediately finding the headlines

about Luffy and his feats in Alabasta. Her face lit up with an even

broader smile.

"Look at this! Luffy is causing a big stir again," exclaimed Makino, clearly

proud and joyful. "He's always been so brave and determined. It's

wonderful to see how much he's grown."

"Luffy! You're shaming the village, I mean... shaming the entire

kingdom!" shouted one of the ministers, none other than Woop Slap

dressed in an elegant suit.

Resigned, the ministers sat at the bar, deciding to take a brief rest.

Makino served them drinks and continued to talk about the news, sharing

stories of Luffy when he was younger with her new group of customers.



At the naval bases in the East Blue, the atmosphere was tense and urgent.

The officers and soldiers were on high alert, Luffy's past actions in the

East Blue still fresh in their memories. "He destroyed two of our bases

and killed two commanders," murmured a young recruit, looking out to

sea with apprehension. "And now he's doing the same in other seas." The

atmosphere was intense, "Stop this gloom, we are justice. We must fight

against evil, otherwise, it will always reign!" said an officer. "Yes, we are

justice!" all the recruits shouted, gaining new ambition to fight against

pirates and evil on the seas.



Among the pirates and criminals of the East Blue, there was a mix of

respect, envy, and fear. Luffy had done what many dreamed of but never

dared to try. "Does he really think he can challenge the entire world?"

questioned a veteran pirate, drinking in a gloomy tavern. "He represents

the East Blue, he's one of us, a true pirate!" exclaimed another, raising his

drink in a toast to the young man who was turning the world upside

down. "As if we could do something like that..." another mocked without

joining the celebration.

Throughout the East Blue, stories of Luffy circulated with impressive

speed, each new narrative increasing his reputation as a figure of

immense power and courage. His acts of defiance and freedom instilled

fear in the hearts of his enemies and inspired those who dreamed of

following their own paths. For better or for worse, Luffy had left an

indelible mark on the East Blue, and the waves of his actions would

continue to spread for a long time.

Raccoon here: I know the chapter didn't move forward, but my draft here

ended up with 8k words just to cover all the reactions from various

places around the world, so I decided to split it into 3 parts. I don't know

about you, but I've always enjoyed chapters where the world reacts to the




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

159. Chapter 159

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV

In many places of the world



The news about Luffy didn't stop, and more parts of the East Blue woke

up in recent days to them. In Cocoyasi village, the news of Luffy and his

crew's feats caused a significant stir among the villagers, especially in the

mayor's office, which was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Genzo

stood, holding the latest editions of the newspapers, his hands trembling

with the revelation of the new bounties - now Nami wasn't the only one,

Nojiko had earned her own bounty.

"50 million for Nami and now 40 million for Nojiko? This boy is going

crazy! He better take good care of them!" he yelled, his voice echoing

through the walls of the office.

The news quickly spread through the streets of Cocoyasi, with villagers

gathering in small groups to discuss the matter. Many shared the shock

and concern of the mayor, but there was a subliminal sense of pride.

Despite being considered dangerous criminals by the rest of the world,

this village had only improved since the arrival of these pirates.

Cocoyasi was transforming, partly thanks to Luffy's planning. With the

billion berries obtained from the navy, people had invested in the village

and the new city. New buildings were being constructed, and the port,

once an area destroyed by the fight between Luffy and Nami, was turning

into a breathtaking city and structure. Merchants from faraway places

began to visit, attracted by the stories of a small village becoming an

important spot on the map.

"These kids... they cause nothing but trouble. But those are our girls...

Luffy, you are a pirate, a criminal in the eyes of the world, but please,

protect them," the mayor murmured to himself, looking towards the

horizon where the sea met the sky.



In the quiet Syrup Village, which was slowly transforming into a

prosperous town thanks to financial aid from the Goa Kingdom and

contributions from Caya herself, the news of Usopp's new bounty caused

considerable stir. The streets were busier than usual, with residents

commenting on the latest development involving the local "hero."

Caya, walking through the town accompanied by her butler, Merry,

discussed the recent news as they headed towards the clinic she had

made, as her dream was to be a doctor.

"25 million berries, Miss Caya... It seems Mr. Usopp is becoming quite

famous," the butler commented, holding an edition of the newspaper that

highlighted Usopp's bounty.

Caya sighed, a mix of worry and pride on her face. "Yes, I saw. Usopp

always dreamed of being a brave warrior of the seas. It seems he's

achieving his dream." She looked at Usopp's picture in the newspaper, a

nostalgic expression on her face.

"They call him 'The deadly weapon of the Straw Hats' now," continued

the butler, "They say his precision and skills are unmatched. He's truly

become someone extraordinary."

Caya smiled faintly. "Yes, I hope he's safe and happy while following his


As they walked through the streets, it was evident that Syrup Village was

thriving. New constructions were underway, and the local economy was

more robust, diversifying what was once the island's only business - boat

building from Caya's family. Now with merchants and travelers visiting

more frequently, the place seemed much happier.

"Miss Caya, I believe Mr. Usopp is following his dream as best he can. He

always wanted to be recognized as a brave warrior. Now, the whole

world knows his name," said the butler with a smile.

Caya nodded, looking around at the growing town. "Yes, you're right.

Usopp is living the adventure he always wanted. I can't fall behind either;

I will follow my own ambitions."

The village didn't lag behind. Despite Usopp always having a bad

reputation among the villagers, seeing him in the newspaper as a

powerful sharpshooter worth 25 million was something everyone

cheerfully talked about and said they "always expected this from the boy,

that he had a future."



At the famous floating restaurant Baratie, known for attracting a diverse

crowd from sailors to pirates, the chefs were more excited than usual.

The vibrant and joyful energy filled the kitchen as they prepared exotic

and delicious dishes. The reason for such effervescence was not a new

dish or a famous client but rather the recent news about a regular at the

restaurant: Reiju.

"Have you seen this? Reiju now has a bounty of 80 million berries!"

exclaimed one of the chefs, holding a newspaper featuring Reiju's image.

"I knew that girl would go far!" commented another, skillfully chopping


"Hahahahaha. Our Reiju becoming so famous! I'm so proud!" Patty

started to cry.

Chef Zeff looked at the newspaper with bright eyes. "She always had an

adventurous spirit. Seems like she's found companions who share the

same," Zeff remarked, a paternal and subtle smile appearing on his stern




Back in Loguetown, a couple of merchants were particularly happy while

reading the latest news about Monkey D. Luffy's feats. They were in one

of their stores, which had started to become a chain of branches

throughout the city, selling a variety of goods, from basic foodstuffs to

small maritime artifacts.

"Jurnegon rȳ bisa, jorrāelagon! luffy iksis causing iā rōva ruckus isse se

vys arlī!" said the woman, holding the newspaper discussing the pirate's

latest feats.

Her husband glanced over the counter where he was organizing some

items. "That kid really doesn't know how to stay quiet, does he? But

somehow, this doesn't surprise me. He always causes a stir, wherever he




Somewhere at the entrance of the Grand Line, the infamous clown pirate

Buggy was aboard his ship, surrounded by his colorful and disorganized

crew. He held a crumpled newspaper in one hand and a map in the other,

his expression a volatile mix of anger and determination.

"That damned Luffy! He thinks he can just keep causing trouble around

and be impervious to the mighty Buggy's wrath?! I'll show him!" Buggy

roared, throwing the newspaper to the floor. His eyes were bloodshot,

and his cheeks puffed up in fury.

His crew members exchanged nervous glances. They were accustomed to

Buggy's fits of rage, but the idea of hunting someone like Luffy, who was

now notorious around the world, was another story.

"Uh, Captain Buggy..." started one of the crew, a skinny man with a hat

far too big for his head. "Are you sure we can handle... those monsters

that appear in the newspapers? I mean, Luffy has those mythical

creatures and all..."

The other crew members murmured in agreement, looking anxiously

towards Buggy, waiting for his reaction. They had seen the images in the

newspaper, immense and powerful creatures fighting one another, one of

them being Monkey D. Luffy himself, and the idea of facing them was


Buggy spun around, his cape flying dramatically as he pointed at the

crew member who spoke. "Of course, we can! Are you doubting the great

Buggy? I've faced that brat before, and he's nothing I can't handle again!"

The crew exchanged uncertain glances. They respected and feared Buggy,

but the growing reputation of Luffy and his crew made them question

whether it was really a good idea.

As Buggy's ship sailed towards unknown danger, the crew members

silently wondered what the future held for them.



In an elegant and imposing mansion in the North Blue, the Vinsmoke

family was gathered in one of the sumptuous rooms, with decor reflecting

both their power and wealth. They were a lineage of renown, known for

their involvement in political and military affairs in this sea. However, at

that moment, everyone's attention was focused on a newspaper resting on

the marble table.

The patriarchal figure of the family, Judge Vinsmoke, a tall and imposing

man with blond hair and a severe expression, held the newspaper firmly.

His eyes, usually cold and calculating, displayed a rare spark of emotion

as he looked at a specific image on the page - a young woman with curly

eyebrows and pink hair.

"It's her... Reiju..." he murmured, almost to himself, but loud enough for

the others in the room to hear. Around him, his other sons - all men of

tough and determined appearance - moved closer to get a better look at

the image.

"She's alive... I can't believe it," said one of them, his voice mixing

surprise. They had long believed Reiju was dead.

Judge placed the newspaper carefully on the table, his mind working

rapidly as he considered the implications of this discovery. He stood up,

his expression stern. "I'm going to make some calls. We need more

information, and then we'll decide what to do." As Judge retreated to his

office, the other members of the Vinsmoke family exchanged emotionless




In a small, tall house overlooking the sea on a distant island, a young girl

was sitting alone in a room lit by sunlight, holding a crumpled newspaper

in her trembling hands, her eyes fixed on an image that seemed to

capture all her attention and emotion. It was a photo of Monkey D. Luffy,

the notorious pirate who was now the center of conversations worldwide.

The girl, with long hair of two colors falling over her shoulders, began to

sing softly. Her voice was sweet but laden with sadness and longing. The

melody she sang was like an ancient lullaby, one that spoke of separation

and tragedy.

"Luffy..." she murmured, the words barely more than a whisper. Tears

began to form in her eyes, reflecting against the day's sun, as she

continued to look at the image in the newspaper.

The tears now ran freely, marking the paper with damp spots. She held

the newspaper as if it were a precious treasure, a fragile but essential

bond with the person she clearly missed.

The sadness in her tone was palpable, a mix of love, loss, and a deep

desire for reunion. She rocked herself slightly back and forth, as if the

movement could somehow ease the pain in her heart.



News was still being spread all over the world, not just iconic figures, but

many ordinary people dealing with the new newspapers.



In a bustling tavern on an East Blue island, customers gathered around a

table looked at the newspaper with wide eyes and expressions of shock.

"Are you seeing this?" exclaimed a middle-aged man, pointing at the

headline announcing Luffy's 300 million berries bounty. "A rookie doing

all this? In Alabasta, no less!"



In the central square of a town in the North Blue, a group of children

reenacted Luffy's epic battles, each wanting to be the fearless captain of

the Straw Hats. "I'm Luffy!" yelled one boy, jumping off a bench. "No, I'm

Luffy!" retorted another, brandishing a stick as if it were a sword.



In a busy port of the West Blue, merchants and sailors discussed the

news, some in fear, others in admiration. "Did you hear? They say he can

transform into some kind of demon!" said a sailor, looking nervously at

the sea. "Nonsense!" replied a merchant.



On a peaceful island in the South Blue, an elderly woman sighed as she

read the newspaper. "Oh, these young pirates today..." she murmured,

shaking her head. "In my time, they weren't so bold... or so dangerous."

Her grandson, sitting at her feet, looked up, his eyes full of admiration

and curiosity. "Grandma, do you think that Monkey D. Luffy will be the

next Pirate King?"



In the streets of an island in the Grand Line, the news of Luffy and his

deeds caused a frenzy. In a crowded market, vendors seized the

opportunity to sell Straw Hat-themed merchandise. "Get your Straw Hat

here, just like the future Pirate King!" yelled a street vendor, as a crowd

gathered around his stall.



In a Marine HQ facility, officers gathered in a meeting room, the tension

palpable. "How did we let this happen right under our noses?" questioned

a vice admiral, his expression serious. "He's just a rookie, but he's making

the World Government look like a fool!" added another, his face red with




On an unknown island, a group of veteran pirates raised glasses in a

toast. "To Luffy!" they shouted, the drink foaming and overflowing. "He

may be a rookie, but he's already causing more trouble than many of us

combined!" laughed the captain, his gaze wild and joyous.



Across the world, from small villages to large cities, in taverns, markets,

Marine bases, and lonely ships on the vast sea, the news about Luffy and

his Straw Hat crew spread like wildfire, stirring fear, admiration,

discussions, and dreams. The world was watching, and everyone

wondered the same thing: what would this young pirate do next?

But of course, it wasn't just iconic people and ordinary citizens; now all

the most powerful figures in the world had their newspaper in front of

them, looking attentively at the headline with interest.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

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Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

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160. Chapter 160

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161. Chapter 161

[Chapter Size: 2800 Words.]

Third Person POV

In many places of the world



While ordinary people and acquaintances of Luffy were attentive to his

news, the eyes of the most influential people and even more iconic

individuals were on the newspapers of recent days.

Especially when those eyes belonged to the end of the first part of the

Grand Line and the New World.

In one of the strongest and most respected bastions of the Navy, known

as Marine Ford, one figure stood out among the other recruits, sweating

and striving under the merciless sun while her body stretched in the

midst of training. This figure was quite famous among everyone in this

place, in addition to being the notable granddaughter of the hero Garp,

and her quite iconic and silly nature, Monkey D. Lucy was a beauty in

everyone's eyes, but the girl seemed oblivious to it, as she only had one

thought at that moment.

She was a young and determined sailor, whose eyes burned with a flame

of determination and ambition. With each precise and powerful

movement, she demonstrated not only her physical ability but also her

iron will under her grandfather's training.

"Come on, Lucy, you can do better than that." This voice belonged to

none other than Zephyr, who came to Marine Fort a few days ago and did

Garp the favor of training his granddaughter with the six styles.

"Yes, instructor," Lucy said determinedly using soru, as her body turned a

red tone and steam came out of her all the time. She had developed a

technique called Gear2 by learning Soru.

"You have developed your fruit well, keep it up and in the future, you

might become a big name in the navy like your grandfather," Zephyr

commented, fiddling with his dark glasses.

Lucy stopped training and went to the side to wipe the sweat from the

workout, some sailors came to her side with the newspaper "Lucy! Have

you seen today's newspaper? More news about your brother!" he

exclaimed, extending the newspaper to her. She had received news in the

last two days about Luffy in Alabasta. The headlines screamed about

Luffy's recent exploits and his impact on Alabasta. A photo of Luffy, with

his iconic straw hat and a confident smile, occupied most of the page for

the last 3 days.

Lucy took the newspaper and her eyes quickly scanned the words. Her

heart was pounding, not just because of the training, but also because of

the mix of emotions the news of her brother evoked in her. Pride,

frustration, determination - all these feelings intertwined within her.

"The sailors managed to save Vice Admiral Momonga, and they drove the

pirates out of Alabasta! Not to mention that Captain Smoker discovered a

shocking scheme by Crocodile!" The sailor exclaimed with today's news.

With a determined sigh, she folded the newspaper and handed it back to

her colleague. "Yes, I saw. And that only tells me one thing with Luffy

still out there," she began, her eyes shining with unwavering resolve. "As

a sailor, I will find Luffy. And not only that, I will become stronger than

him. I will surpass him and bring him to justice." She was determined.

Her colleague watched her, impressed and a bit intimidated by her

conviction. Lucy then returned to her training with renewed energy, each

strike and movement reflecting her promise to herself. She wasn't just

seeking to capture her brother; she aimed to prove herself, to show that

she could match him. Lately, Lucy felt much weaker than her brother;

she loved him, but being left behind was a bad feeling.

And while Lucy trained, in an office on the other side of Marinefort, in a

spacious and well-organized office within the Navy headquarters, the

legendary Vice Admiral Garp, known as "The Hero of the Navy," sat

behind his desk, with a mischievous smile on his face as he read the

latest newspaper.

"What nonsense, Luffy wouldn't be defeated after what he caused. This is

just a smokescreen..." He murmured, looking at the newspaper.

The news about the chaos in Alabasta and the exploits of a certain straw-

hatted pirate dominated the headlines, but what really caught Garp's

attention was the mention of the increase in the bounty of his grandson,

Monkey D. Luffy, and his impressive transformation into Ifrit.

Garp let out a thunderous laugh, echoing through the walls of the office

and probably down the nearby corridors. He shook his head, amused and

at the same time impressed by Luffy's antics. "500 million, huh? That boy

really knows how to play pirate," he commented to himself, a proud

twinkle in his eyes.

Colleagues and subordinates passing by the corridor outside the office

could hear Garp's laughter and weren't quite sure of the source of the

good humor. But this was a familiar scene for them: Garp, despite being a

symbol of justice and strength in the Navy, always had a peculiar

reaction when it came to his notorious grandson.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a younger officer entered, holding more

documents and reports. He glanced at Garp, who was still laughing and

shaking the newspaper in the air. "Vice-Admiral Garp, sir, I have...," he

began but was interrupted by another burst of laughter from Garp.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, it's just my little grandson again doing his crazy things,"

Garp said, trying to contain his amusement. "Did you see this? My

grandson is now worth 500 million and apparently can transform into a

fire demon or something of the sort! Ah, this kid is going to give me a

heart attack one of these days. Buhahahahahahaha!"

"I…" The young man wasn't quite sure what to say in front of the vice-

admiral acting this way, he would be severely reprimanded by Sengoku if

he saw this scene, family or not, Garp was celebrating a pirate causing so

much trouble.

Garp finally calmed down and looked at the papers, the amused

expression giving way to seriousness. "Ah, sorry about that, was just

practicing for when I meet my grandson, you understand?"

"Vice-Admiral Garp…"

"Did you get that I was just practicing and not celebrating my grandson

being a 500 million criminal?!" Garp looked at him with serious eyes,

causing the sailor to start sweating.

"I… understood! I saw you just practicing, not celebrating Monkey D.

Luffy's bounty!" He finally spoke.

"That's good. Now give me those papers. Buhahahahahahaha!" Garp

replaced seriousness with his iconic laughter. And with that, Garp

returned to his work, but the smile remained on his face.

On an island with bubbles constantly rising in the air, a man with silver

hair and a sharp gaze was sitting in a rustic bar. Silvers Rayleigh, the

legendary Dark King, former first mate of Pirate King Gol D. Roger, held

the latest newspaper in his hands, his face lit up with an expression of

interest and amusement.

"After all he's done, the navy suddenly manages to detain them with just

a few commodores and a captain?" He commented with a smile at the


"That's clearly to avoid saying the navy lost to a rookie to the masses. But

I'm surprised how this Luffy-boy captured 2 Shichibukais and a vice

admiral. This is really unprecedented." Shakky approached, holding her


"This kid really keeps surprising me," he murmured.

"What else is he going to do until he gets here, what do you think Ray?"

Shakky asked, placing a new bottle of sake on the table.

"I don't know when, but I feel this kid is going to do a lot in this sea

before landing on this island, it's going to be very interesting. His bounty

now is 500 million, in just one month in the first part of the Grand Line,

he became the..." He broke into a smile.

Elsewhere, below the water, in the magnificent and mysterious Fish-Man

Island, located in the depths of the ocean, King Neptune was with a

forehead mixed with concern and disbelief.

"What's this?" murmured Neptune, holding the newspaper with his large,

calloused hands. The photo showed his daughter, Princess Shirahoshi,

alongside a group of infamous pirates, led by none other than Monkey D.

Luffy. Worse yet, the newspaper indicated that even Jimbei, who he had

sent to rescue his daughter from the humans, had been captured and

displayed as a trophy.

Neptune felt a mix of anger and concern. "How did Shirahoshi get

involved with these pirates? And Jimbei, captured? This is unacceptable!"

He was used to dealing with state matters and internal threats, but seeing

his daughter directly involved with such dangers was something he never

expected to face, let alone how things unfolded.

"Sister...!" The brothers had worried expressions about the youngest as

they also looked at the newspaper next to their father.

"Send a message to Whitebeard," ordered Neptune. "We need to know

what to do in a situation like this and how to deal with the Straw Hats."

Somewhere in the vast ocean, on the ship of Yonko Whitebeard, the crew

was gathered, each holding a copy of the same newspaper that had

reached Neptune's hands. The atmosphere was charged, irritation and

disbelief evident on the faces of the crew.

"How dare they capture Jimbei and treat him like a trophy?!" exclaimed

Marco, the commander of the first division, his expression a mix of fury

and concern.

Whitebeard, or Edward Newgate, a giant among men, sat calmly, an open

newspaper in his hands. He looked at the picture with a thoughtful

expression, the smoke from his cigar rising in spirals. "Luffy, huh? That

kid really has no limits."

Around him, the crew discussed fervently, some clamoring for vengeance,

others trying to understand the situation better before acting. Whitebeard

knew he needed to make a decision, but he also knew that hasty actions

could lead to disastrous consequences.

"Ace... What is your brother doing?!" They opened a call with Ace's den

den mushi.

"Well... I'm also surprised by him, but Luffy won't harm Jimbei, the news

is false, probably Luffy is still with Jimbei on his ship and he assured me

that he would release him in the middle of the sea without harming him,"

Ace spoke calmly on the den den mushi.

"I hope you're right, Ace," said one of the commanders.

Meanwhile, on a laid-back island where joy and party seemed to be the

norm, Shanks, the red-haired Yonkou, was sitting with his crew on the

beach of the island with several stocks of drinks, with an amused smile

on his face as he read the same newspaper. Around him, the crew

laughed and joked, but all eyes were turned to the captain, waiting for

his reaction.

"Ha! Luffy, you really know how to make an impression," said Shanks,

laughing. "Capturing Jimbei, Crocodile, and Momonga and causing all

this uproar... You're playing a dangerous game. Dahahahahahaha!"

"Look at this crew that the boy managed to get, this Hugo can transform

into a colossal monster! That seems dangerous!" One of Shanks'

commanders commented.

"Let's see how far you go, Luffy," murmured Shanks, a glint of expectation

in his eyes. He raised his drink in a silent toast to the young pirate and

his feats, knowing that, one way or another, the world was about to be


On a remote island, known only by a few and feared by many, Big Mom

sat on her luxuriously adorned throne. Her eyes, filled with cunning and

ambition, shone with peculiar interest as she leafed through the newly

arrived newspaper. "Hmm, interesting, I hated seeing that boy in the

newspaper, but now things are getting quite amusing," she murmured,

her voice resonating with power and authority through the grand hall.

Around her, her subordinates and children waited in silence. "Monkey D.

Luffy... A bold young pirate with a bounty of 500 million and not one,

but two Mythical Zoan Akuma no Mi users in his crew. This could be

useful for me," she pondered, a sly smile forming on her lips.

Meanwhile, in an imposing place known as Onigashima, Kaido was

visibly shaken. The news in the newspaper had hit him like a blow, not

because of Luffy's bounty, but because of the revelation of two Mythical

Zoans in his crew.

"Both those fire lizards and the stone giant..." Kaido murmured, the cup

of sake in his hand trembling slightly.

Kaido stood up, his dominant presence filling the room. "Two Mythical

Zoans... This cannot be ignored, it's perfect for my crew, they might even

become disasters! I want them! Tell Jack to capture them immediately!"

He shouted, and his subordinates rushed to make a call to Jack.

In paradise, Jack received the call.

"Yes, we'll do that! Let's head to the beginning of the Grand Line!" He

gave the order.

Back to Marineford, the fortress of the Navy and bastion of justice, an

atmosphere of tension and urgency dominated the large meeting hall.

Seated at the head of the long and imposing table was Sengoku, the

respected and feared leader of the Navy. At his signal, high-ranking

officers and prominent figures from the organization gathered, each

aware of the gravity of the moment.

"Gentlemen," he began, his voice resonating with authority through the

hall, "we are faced with a growing threat that cannot be ignored. Monkey

D. Luffy and his crew are proving to be more than mere rookie pirates."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. Around the table, the faces of

the officers reflected a mix of concern and determination. "Kuzan has

already departed to deal with this threat," continued Sengoku, "but we

must be prepared to take additional measures. Luffy has already shown

he has the capacity to directly challenge the Navy and the World


The hall remained silent. "It is imperative that he be contained before

reaching the New World. There, the alliances he could form and the

chaos he could cause are unpredictable and potentially devastating if he


"Garp's grandson is becoming more and more dangerous, scary..."

"Damn pirates, we must eliminate them all!"

"I will contact the remaining Shichibukai. They must be aware of the

danger Luffy represents and be prepared to act. And I want all of you to

be ready to act against this rookie." Sengoku looked at the admirals and

vice admirals present.

With the meeting concluded, Sengoku headed to his office. Sitting in

front of the Den Den Mushi, he began making the necessary calls.

"Fufufufu. You're quite worried about a rookie, Sengoku."

"Tsk. You think I'll lose to a pirate who just entered the Grand Line?"

"Hm. Just one man, all fall before me."

"These youngsters are growing fast, I'm really interested where Roronoa

Zoro might reach..."


All the Shichibukai responded in their unique way.

"Damn arrogant ones!" Sengoku growled, but he couldn't say much.

Meanwhile, an even more important meeting was taking place.

In the sacred heart of Mariejois, the city that shines above the rest of the

world, five venerable figures gathered in a luxurious room, whose walls

were covered with tapestries depicting the long and dark history of the

World Government. They were the Gorosei, the five elders, the true

powers behind the highest commands of the world by the World

Government, their words shaping the fate of nations and individuals.

"Monkey D. Luffy," began one of them, his voice as ancient as time, "this

name has been a constant in our discussions. The news of his exploits in

Alabasta and the capture of a vice admiral and two Shichibukais are


"Yes," agreed another, adjusting his glasses. "He is not just an ordinary

pirate. With the strength and influence he has demonstrated and his Devil

Fruit, it's clear that Luffy and his crew are rapidly becoming a significant

threat to the world's balance."

"We must also consider the presence of two Mythical Zoans in his crew

besides the captain, Momonga reported that the crew's dog has a

mythical Zoan as well along with that Hugo." added a third elder, his

voice stiff and cold. "This is not a coincidence or a minor feat. They have

the potential to cause major disruption."

"We cannot allow them to continue unchecked. Their influence is

growing, and if we don't act now, it might be too late." Said a fourth.

The fifth elder, who had remained silent until then, finally spoke. "So it's

decided. We must employ a more dire measure to deal with this

emerging threat. It's time to send one of our Sacred Knights."

"We don't even do this to fight against a Yonkou and his crew, but Luffy

is beyond being just a son of the Tenryuubito assassin, he might even be

the cause of their death, and we are pointing to the wrong side," said

another with a serious face.

The other elders nodded in agreement. Sending one of the Sacred Knights

seemed reasonable. With this, they didn't call the CP0 as they usually did,

but a group even more dangerous than the Cipher Pol could represent.

Do you want to read chapters faster?

As you all know, I have my , and I am making available for free the

chapters that I will post on this platform on the same day; they will

always be released 3 to 2 hours before here, so you can subscribe to my

page and read with early access, many chapters with images that I

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!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

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Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

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162. Chapter 162

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Lumenarquia, First Half of Grandline.



As the Black Pearl approached Lumenarquia, some members of the Straw

Hats crew, the most eager for new sights, gathered on the deck, observing

the island emerging on the horizon. The island shone under the sun,

reflecting light on its golden sandy beaches and silver-leaved trees,

creating a dazzling spectacle that left everyone on board awestruck.

"This is amazing!" exclaimed Usopp, his eyes wide with admiration.

"Nee... Let's see what this island has to offer!" said Hachi, a gleam of

excitement in his eyes.

As the crew prepared to anchor while the island got closer and closer,

Luffy headed to the ship's prison, where Jimbei was detained.

"Mugiwara-Chan!" Bon Clay shouted excitedly as always when Luffy

appears in the prison.

"Good morning my friend, how are you?" Luffy greeted.

"I'm fine, Mugiwara-Chan called me a friend! What joy!" He began to

dance ballet.

"Hey, straw hat, we saw the trophy that swordsman brought, with

Crocodile detained, what do you plan to do with us?" Mr.3 asked

cautiously, as they were in the hands of these pirates whose intentions

were still unknown.

"I have a plan for you, you are weak, but I intend to strengthen everyone.

You will be members of the Straw Hat fleet." Jon announced, shocking


"Fleet?" Mikita asked.

"Exactly, I will make all of you powerful members of our pirates."

"Why would we accept this?" Mr.3 asked.

"I will accept! I will join Mugiwara-chan's group! Since Crocodile was

defeated, there is no more Baroque Works."

"Well, Mr.3. You don't have much choice, but don't worry. None of you

will regret this." Luffy warned and turned his attention to the last cell.

"Hello again Jimbei..." Upon reaching the cell, he found Jimbei sitting

calmly, as if he had been waiting for the captain's visit.

"Jimbei, it's time to go up to the deck," said Luffy with a confident smile.

Jimbei looked at Luffy and nodded without resisting, as he couldn't do

much. Luffy opened the cell and helped Jimbei to stand up. Together,

they walked towards the deck, where the crew was already gathering,

eager to explore Lumenarquia.

Upon reaching the deck, Luffy's crew looked at Jimbei, surprised and

curious. Some, like Usopp and Chopper, seemed worried about the

presence of the Shichibukai.

"Luffy, what are you planning?" asked Nami, approaching the captain.

Luffy, with his characteristic smile, replied: "I'm going to release Jimbei

as I promised my brother. It's time to say goodbye to him. Come on guys,

say a last word to our friend who accompanied us last week."

"Goodbye...Jimbei..." The chorus was so weak that the only ones who

were sincere were Shirahoshi and Hachi.

"AT LEAST BE SINCERE!" Jimbei shouted with his comical face.

"Hahahahahaha. It's because you're not part of the crew, are you sure you

don't want to join the band?" Luffy asked the blue fish-man again.

"I'll decline." He said dryly and Luffy sighed.

"Alright, you're free now..." Luffy said as he removed the last chains.

Jimbei, now free, looked straight at Luffy, with a serious expression.

"Luffy, I won't join your crew, but I have a request. Take good care of

Shirahoshi-Sama. You may not have kidnapped her in the way we

thought, but you have the responsibility to protect her. And the island of

fish-men will never forgive you if she gets hurt on your boat."

Luffy nodded with a confident smile. "Don't worry, Jimbei. Shira is my

companion and we'll take care of each other. She's already part of my


Shirahoshi turned extremely red with Luffy mentioning "Companion" and

"My family," taking it differently from what Luffy meant. She looked at

Jimbei with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Jimbei... I... thank you for

worrying about me. I'll be fine with Luffy and tell dad and my brothers

that I miss them and that I love them very much, but now I have to stay

with Luffy-Sama." She finished looking at Luffy even redder. Vivi, beside

her, was shocked by Shirahoshi's behavior, already seeing what it meant.

Jimbei smiled gently at her. "You've grown up a lot, Shirahoshi-Sama.

Your father would be proud, well... it's time for me to go."

With those words, Jimbei bid farewell, diving into the depths of the sea,

leaving the Straw Hat crew looking towards the horizon. Luffy, looking at

Shirahoshi, said, "Well, let's continue our adventure, folks! Next stop,


The crew, excited, returned to their activities, while Shirahoshi watched

the sea, thoughtful but with a slight smile on her face. She knew she was

safe and valued among the Straw Hats.

As the Black Pearl approached the illuminated Lumenarquia, the

imposing silhouette of the ship cut against the horizon, announcing its

arrival. The island's port, normally a bustling and cheerful place of trade,

began to stir with the news of the infamous Straw Hat Pirates' approach.

The inhabitants of Lumenarquia, known for their wealth and tranquility

despite the trafficking of arms and slaves, were protected by one of the

biggest names in the underworld. Thus, the citizens were not accustomed

to visits from hostile notorious pirates. As the ship neared, the port

workers, merchants, and citizens stopped their activities, looking

fearfully towards the sea. The news of the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates

spread quickly, stirring a mix of fear and curiosity among the population.

"Mugiwaras here in Lumenarquia?" murmured a merchant, not overly

concerned, as many pirates stopped in this realm, but none caused


"It can't be! They are the pirates who captured a vice admiral and two

Shichibukais!" exclaimed another, recalling the recent stories that had

circulated through the seas.

"Will they cause us trouble?" a guard asked, arriving at the port.

"Of course not, he can't not know that this island belongs to an

underworld trade." another said.

"Even so, haven't you heard that they captured 2 shichibukai, the

government must be grinding their teeth with this and sending their main

forces to catch them. Do you think this pirate fears the underworld?" A

third spoke reasonably.

As the Black Pearl approached the dazzling Lumenarquia, the Straw Hat

crew gathered on deck, their expressions varying between excitement and

curiosity. The island glowed in the distance, like a twinkling treasure

amidst the vast ocean.

"Wow, look at that!" exclaimed Usopp, pointing at the island with eyes

wide in admiration. "I've never seen anything like it!"

Nami, with an analytical gaze, held her map and observed the island. "It's

incredible," she commented. "The way the light reflects off that crystal

mountain... it's like the island itself is alive. And that crystal looks like it's

worth a lot of money!" Nami had dollar signs in her eyes at that moment.

Luffy stood at the ship's railing, a huge smile on his face. "This is going to

be fun! I'm thinking of stealing that giant crystal!" He was already

planning his heist.

Beside him, Zoro crossed his arms and looked into the distance, a serious

look, but not without a hint of interest. "I just hope we get some

interesting fight," he said.

Chopper was perched on Robin's shoulder, his eyes shining with

excitement. "Do they have different sweets there?" he asked, with a

thought typical of a child.

Robin, with a subtle smile, stroked Chopper's head. "They must have.

Fufufu. I had heard of the island, but this is the first time I see it."

Shirahoshi, accompanied by Megalo, looked at the island with an

expression of pure enchantment. "It's so beautiful! I've never seen

anything like this under the sea," she said with admiration.

Bepo, next to Lami, analyzed the horizon. "Looks like an important


Lami, with a keen look, nodded in agreement with Bepo. "Yes, places like

this usually attract all kinds of people."

Vivi and Karoo exchanged excited glances, while the princess held her

duck firmly. "Karoo, what a beautiful place!" she commented with a

smile. "KAROOOO!" The duck raised its hand in agreement.

Reiju observed the island with an air of calm confidence. "Something tells

me we're going to cause another chaos on this entire island," she


Chouchou, the crew's little dog, played happily with Laboon and Megalo.

He ran excitedly, while Laboon, the whale, splashed water and Megalo,

the shark, did acrobatics beside the ship. The other members of the crew

also shared this mix of excitement and readiness for what they would

find in Lumenarquia.

As the ship neared the port, the crew prepared to disembark. The Black

Pearl, majestic in its structure with sails billowing in the wind, slowly

approached the port of Lumenarquia. The Straw Hat crew, gathered on

the deck, watched with anticipation the bustling docks of the island,

where the commotion was visible even from a distance.

"Prepare to anchor!" shouted Nami, as the crew members moved with

their tasks of lowering the sail and anchor while the ship lost speed

beside the port. Usopp and Hugo, working together, lowered the sails,

while Zoro and Chopper in his muscular form, firmly held the ropes,

ready to tie the ship to the dock.

When the ship stopped at the port, many people stopped to see the

notorious pirates with bounties totaling over one billion, amounting to

1,245,000,010 Berries.

"It's that flag! The Straw Hats are here!" someone shouted, causing a buzz

among the crowd with those who did not know of the approaching ship.

Luffy, standing at the bow, looked at the gathered crowd with a broad

smile. "Seems like we're already famous around here," he commented,

excited by the reception.

The ship finally docked, and the ropes were thrown, tying it firmly to the

dock. The crew, now ready to disembark, joined Luffy at the bow.

"Let's go, guys! Let's see what this island has to offer!" Luffy declared

enthusiastically, leading the way as they descended from the ship in front

of the island's port enveloped with a gigantic crystal.

As the crew stepped onto the dock, a mix of fear and admiration

emanated from the locals. Some stepped back, while others approached,

curious to see the famous pirates up close. Some women screamed at

Luffy, seeing a handsome, strong, and famous pirate.

The arrival of the Straw Hats in Lumenarquia caused uncertainty among

the island's people, wondering if their arrival would bring chaos or if

they would depart in peace without interfering with their business.

In the royal palace of Lumenarquia, the king, a man of distinctive

appearance with a prominent nose, received the news of the Straw Hats'

arrival with a mix of surprise and apprehension. Seated on his ornate

throne, he frowned as he listened to his advisor report the recent feats of

the notorious pirate Monkey D. Luffy.

"They captured two Shichibukais and a Vice-Admiral?" the king repeated,

incredulously. His fixed gaze on the advisor reflected the seriousness of

the situation. "And now they are here, in Lumenarquia..."

Without wasting time, the king picked up the Den Den Mushi and dialed

a number known only to a few - the number of "Joker," the infamous

Doflamingo, king of the underworld, whose influence extended across

many islands and nations.

The phone rang, and after a brief moment, Doflamingo's characteristic

laughter echoed from the other side of the line. "Fufufu, I hear we have

some interesting visitors in Lumenarquia," Doflamingo spoke with his

usual tone of sadistic amusement.

"Yes, it's the pirate Luffy and his crew. They've just arrived," informed the

king, trying to maintain his composure despite the tense situation.

"Ah, Luffy... That name has been popping up quite a bit lately,"

Doflamingo commented, clearly entertained. "Who would have thought

the little pirate would cause such a stir?"

"What should we do, Joker? They are dangerous, and I don't want trouble

in Lumenarquia," the king expressed his concern.

Doflamingo laughed again before responding. "Leave them be for now. In

fact, I would like to speak with the Straw Hats personally when I get the

chance. Maybe they are more useful than we imagine."

The king hesitated for a moment, but knew that contradicting

Doflamingo was not an option. "As you wish, Joker."

"Great. Keep me informed about their movements. And don't interfere,

unless absolutely necessary, also invite them to the auction." Doflamingo

instructed before hanging up.

The king placed the phone back on the hook and sighed deeply. As he

observed his kingdom through the palace windows, he couldn't help but

worry about what the presence of the Straw Hats might mean for

Lumenarquia and whether the underworld name Joker would prevent

any action by Luffy against the kingdom.

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Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

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163. Chapter 163

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV

Lumenarquia, First Half of Grandline.



With the crew at the harbor, Luffy gazed at the city and the crystal

mountain with some admiration.

'This world never ceases to amaze me...' he murmured.

"Wow! Luffy, are we going to steal all that crystal?" Yamato asked


"Hahaha. Most likely, though I don't know how I'll shrink it down that

much," Luffy murmured. "Anyway, that's a concern for another time..."

Luffy, with his usual enthusiasm, addressed his crew gathered at the

harbor under the gaze of hundreds of curious onlookers wondering

whether the pirates would start looting the kingdom or not. "Alright,

guys!" he began, with a confident smile and his gaze sweeping over the

faces of his companions. "Feel free to explore the island and do whatever

you want with a day off. Just remember one thing: meet back here at

dusk. We have an underworld auction to attend."

"Hey little one, what's an underworld auction, do you know, Dorry?"

Broggy asked, as the giants were still unaware of Luffy's plans.

"I don't know, Broggy, tell us, captain, what's an underworld auction?"

Dorry inquired.

"It's a place where rare and sometimes dangerous items are sold," Robin

explained. "There's a lot of money and powerful people in that place."

"Hm... are there strong people there, Dorry?" Broggy murmured.

Zoro, crossing his arms, added, "I'm expecting a good fight here; haven't

found any worthy opponent since entering the grand line."

"Look at the guards who came to greet us, do you think this island has

any strength?" Reiju spoke, pointing to the men at the harbor with spears

and weapons.

Seeing the crew pointing at them, the guard who seemed to be the

captain stepped forward a bit cautiously about the intentions of these

pirates and spoke directly to Luffy.

"Your Excellency, Straw Hat. May we know what you plan on this

island?" He asked Luffy, who was somewhat disconcerted by the overly

formal approach, as he was not used to it.

"We're just enjoying the island and what it has to offer, so don't worry

about us... during the day..." Luffy murmured the last part softly.

The guards seemed relieved and made way for Luffy and his crew to pass.

The rest of the crew expressed their excitement and curiosity in various

ways, some eager to explore the island, others more interested in the

auction that would take place at night.

"Make sure to come back here before dusk. I don't want to leave anyone

behind," Luffy finally said, giving them a nod. With that, the Straw Hat

crew dispersed, each following their path to explore the charms and

mysteries of Lumenarchy.

As the Straw Hat crew dispersed to explore Lumenarchy, Luffy decided to

stay with Robin and Nami. They walked through the vibrant streets of

the city, where every corner revealed a junction with the city and the

crystals that characterized the island.

Luffy, walking leisurely with his girls, was just looking with interest at

the structure of the island, and nothing else seemed worthy in his eyes at

the moment.

Robin, with her usual calm, smiled softly while looking at the shop

windows. "You want that necklace, Robin," Luffy asked, seeing her blue

eyes on the object.

"I... don't need it, Luffy..." she commented timidly.

"Hey, Luffy. Are you only offering to her? What about me?" Nami

exclaimed quite dissatisfied.

"Hey, if you want it, I'll give it to you. I only mentioned it because I saw

Robin's interest in the object," Luffy calmly commented.

"That's strange, why are you being so helpful to her? I also noticed you

sneaking out at night sometimes, you're not sleeping together, are you?"

Nami had a critical look.

While Robin seemed to have committed a crime and was blushing, Luffy

just smiled and shrugged before entering the store. "Yes, we are," Luffy

says and opens the door of the shop to buy the necklaces with island


"You're lucky I love you and you're going to give me a beautiful

necklace..." Nami murmured irritably as she entered the shop, because it

seemed that Luffy was going to get involved with all the women in the

crew, which would make him pay less attention to her.

Sometime later, the trio was walking through the city again while Nami

and Robin had shiny necklaces around their necks. Nami didn't seem as

irritated as before, but Robin was still shy after Luffy's revelation.

The Straw Hat crew spread throughout Lumenarchy, each member

delighting in the city's unique offerings and attractions. The streets were

filled with shops selling everything from sparkling jewelry to exotic

artifacts, while the tempting aromas of street food filled the air. Amidst

the fun, the crew noticed posters of the island's king everywhere. The

king had a long, distinctive nose, which led to a recurring joke among

them. "Could the king be related to Usopp?" Luffy asked, laughing. Even

Usopp, surprised by the resemblance in another part of the island, asked

bewilderedly, "Could I have a lost uncle here?"

As the sun set over Lumenarchy, the Straw Hat crew prepared for the

exclusive event of the night - the auction. After meeting back at the ship

still docked at the harbor, the Straw Hat crew dressed up for the

underworld event. The men, including Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Bepo, Hugo,

Hachi, Broggy, and Dorry, dressed elegantly for the occasion. Luffy, in a

classic black suit, kept his distinctive straw hat, adding a touch of

personality to the formal attire; all members wore similar outfits. Only

Chopper had a small Smoker matching him in his smaller form.

The women of the crew, including Nami, Lami, Robin, Reiju, Nojiko,

Kuina, Alvida, Shirahoshi, and Vivi, engaged in a friendly competition to

choose the most stunning dresses. Nami opted for an elegant orange

dress, emphasizing her curves, while Robin chose a long blue dress with a

subtle floral pattern. Reiju shone in a bold red dress while competing

with Lami in a black dress, capturing everyone's attention. Nojiko and

Kuina chose styles reflecting their unique personalities, with Nojiko in

calm blue tones and Kuina in a dress honoring her swordsmanship skills.

Alvida, with her confident stance, chose a red dress. Shirahoshi dazzled

with a dress reflecting the beauty of the ocean, leaving her tail exposed,

and Vivi presented herself with characteristic royal elegance. The only

odd one out was Yamato, still wearing her Wano attire, refusing to


Together, they formed a diverse and impressive group, ready to make

their mark at the auction. Luffy left the animals on the ship docked in the

harbor so they could act from that side; Karoo, Laboon, and Chouchou

would act as soon as they received the signal from Luffy. The competition

heated up as they decided who would accompany Luffy to the event.

Nami, Yamato, Alvida, each tried to convince Luffy to choose her as his

partner for the night, while Nojiko and Robin calmly watched the

situation with a hint of amusement.

Luffy, clearly uncomfortable with the attention, just laughed and tried to

calm the situation. Eventually, he proposed a Solomonic solution: he

would alternate walking with each of them throughout the night. So the

Straw Hat crew set off for the auction, a mix of elegance and anticipation

in the air. As they walked through the illuminated streets of Lumenarchy,

they attracted everyone's attention - a sight of strength, mystery, and

charm, prepared for a night that would shake the island's foundations.

Upon entering the auction venue, an imposing house filled with rustic

decorations and crystals, the crew immediately became the center of

attention as they headed for the entrance. The luxurious hall was filled

with underworld criminals and nobles from various kingdoms, all

elegantly dressed and immersed in whispered conversations and

negotiations. When Luffy and his crew entered, a momentary silence fell

over the crowd. All eyes turned to them, some in admiration, others in

fear, and many with a mix of both feelings. The fact that Luffy had a

bounty of 300 million berries weighed in the air, making even the most

powerful criminals and nobles feel a chill of respect and apprehension.

Whispers began to spread quickly through the hall. "It's Monkey D.

Luffy... The son of the world's greatest criminal and grandson of the naval

hero, Garp," was heard whispering, as curious eyes assessed each member

of the crew, from the imposing Zoro to the elegant Nami. The recent

exploits of the Straw Hats in Alabasta, especially the capture of two

Shichibukais and a vice admiral, had spread like wildfire, increasing their

fame and fearsomeness in all parts of the world.

"It's really him, Monkey D. Luffy. They say he defeated two Shichibukais

and a vice-admiral. Such audacity!"

"This group... they're not mere rookie pirates. There's something about

them that exudes danger and strength. We need to keep an eye on them,"

some whispered, while others looked on in admiration. "He's even more

impressive in person..." some women commented, fascinated by the

young pirate's presence. "The most handsome man I've ever seen..." a lady

murmured, unable to take her eyes off Luffy.

The women of the crew did not go unnoticed. "How can they be so

beautiful?" several attendees questioned, impressed with Nami's elegance,

Robin's grace, Reiju's boldness, and Shirahoshi's natural beauty. "And

that's a real mermaid! I've never seen such beauty!" someone exclaimed,

pointing to Shirahoshi.

Hachi, the fish-man, received mixed looks. Some showed disgust due to

prejudice against his species, but most agreed that it was better not to

provoke a member of the Straw Hats. "Better not mess with them..." a

noble whispered, aware of the power and fame the group carried.

Luffy, with his confident and relaxed smile, seemed indifferent to the

whispers and stares. He walked with a carelessness that starkly

contrasted with the room's tension. His demeanor not only reaffirmed his

reputation but also heightened the aura of mystery and power around


As Luffy and his crew began to mingle among those present at the

auction, the event manager, a man of elegant posture and shrewd gaze

with a short stature, approached them. With a diplomatic smile, he

bowed respectfully and spoke in a polite tone:

"Captain Monkey D. Luffy, it's an honor to have you here at our auction.

In light of your recent feats and notoriety, we've prepared a special VIP

room for you and your companions."

Luffy, with his usual carefree smile, looked at the manager and nodded.

"Sounds fun, let's go!"

The manager led the crew through the hall filled with criminals and

nobles, taking them to a more secluded and elevated area. The VIP room

offered a privileged view of the auction stage through a glass, with

comfortable velvet armchairs and a table laden with delicacies and fine


The crew members looked around, settling in as they drank and ate the

food provided by the auction house.

Luffy, walking up to the room's window, observed the auction below. "I

hope there's something interesting to bid on," he murmured, owning a

store that could buy almost anything in this world, but participating in an

auction was a good diversion.

The auction didn't take long to start, with a series of rare and valuable

items being presented and eagerly bid on by the attendees. "Nothing

interesting, where are the swords..." Zoro complained.

"It's an auction, there's everything. Be patient, Zoro," Kuina murmured.

Luffy and his crew watched with varying interest. Nami and Robin

seemed particularly attentive to the more valuable items, while Zoro

remained uninterested, more focused on the drink in his hand. Usopp and

Chopper were amazed by each new item revealed, commenting among

themselves about their rarity and value.

As the auction progressed, the atmosphere began to change. The

presenter, a man with a powerful voice and imposing presence,

announced that the next part of the auction would be dedicated to "living

goods." A murmur ran through the crowd, and the Straw Hats'

expressions hardened.

One after another, slaves were brought onto the stage. They were human

men, women, and even children, some clearly frightened and others

resigned to their cruel fate. Bids began, with voices rising to make offers

for these human lives.

Luffy, whose normally cheerful expression had turned somber, clenched

his fists in anger. The injustice before his eyes deeply infuriated him. The

rest of the crew also showed clear signs of disgust.

"This is disgusting," Nami murmured, her face showing contempt.

Robin, with her usual calm, added, "It's a grim reminder of how cruel this

world can be."

The crew's eyes turned to Luffy, waiting for his reaction. The captain of

the Straw Hats stared intently at the stage, his hardened gaze suggesting

he was pondering an action. "We won't act yet, we have time."

Meanwhile, they were about to receive a visit in their VIP room from the

king himself, holding a specific den den mushi, wearing glasses, and with

an iconic smile.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

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Visit our for more!

164. Chapter 164

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Lumenarquia, First Half of Grandline.



As human slaves were brought onto the stage, the auctioneer, with a

voice echoing authority and greed, announced each of the slaves,

describing them as if they were mere commodities.

The first to be presented were men and women of various ages and

nationalities. Some seemed to have been fishermen or rural workers,

captured and forced into a terrible fate. Others looked like people who

had already lost all hope, their gazes empty and resigned.

Bids started to be made, with values varying, but quickly reaching

exorbitant figures. The bids for these male human beings reached up to 2

million berries among the strongest.

Nami, whose own history was stained by slavery and loss, felt each bid as

a personal blow. "How can they treat people this way?" she wondered in

a low voice, her expression a mix of anger and sadness.

"This is so cruel…" Shirahoshi commented, frightened.

The crew represented freedom at sea, seeing such a scene was

abominable to him.

As the auction continued, an even more disturbing situation unfolded.

Semi-nude women were brought onto the stage, displayed in a degrading

manner before the ravenous crowd of buyers. These women, some young

and others older, were presented with a vulgarity that only served to

accentuate the obscenity of the event.

The auctioneers described each woman lasciviously, highlighting their

physical characteristics and suggesting indecent uses for them. Bids for

these women started high and quickly escalated, with some reaching the

figure of 5 million berries. It was a scene that distilled the purest form of

exploitation and dehumanization.

"This is sick," Luffy said aloud, unable to hide his disgust.

"Do we still have to watch all of this?" Vivi complained, not appreciating

any of what she witnessed.

Hugo, whose past was also marked by slavery, felt a wave of

overwhelming anger. His fists were clenched so tightly that rocks began

to form from his akuma no mi power.

Luffy turned to his companion. "Calm down, Hugo. We'll sort this out, but

we can't lose our heads," he said in a low but firm tone, trying to calm his


Many other crew members had distastes, some looked indifferent, but the

gleam in their eyes said it wasn't a scene appreciated, Chopper and Vivi

almost cried seeing this.

At the height of the tension in the VIP room, an unexpected moment

interrupted the growing indignation of the Straw Hat crew. The doors

opened and the king of Lumenarquia, who they saw on the posters,

entered, his imposing presence and prominent nose immediately drawing

attention. He approached Luffy with a diplomatic smile, but his eyes

betrayed a hidden urgency. Luffy looked at him indifferently, wondering

what that guy was doing invading his crew's space without asking if he

was welcome or not, whether a king or not.

Soon his guards entered with him, and the auction manager stood by his

side. "Excellency Monkey D. Luffy, this is King Javier Lumen VII of

Lumenarquia," the manager said, "We're here because a very important

guest from the underworld wishes to speak with you. He's known as

Joker," the king suddenly announced, watching the Straw Hat captain's

reaction closely.

Luffy, who was indifferent, not liking the approach, narrowed his eyes

upon hearing the name. He knew exactly who this "Joker" was -

Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai and a notorious figure in the new

world. A member of the crew frowned at that moment, Lami, clenching

her fist, as this was someone she wanted to kill.

"Joker, huh? Seems like he's interested in us," Luffy murmured, his casual

tone hiding the strategic calculation in his mind. He knew that any

involvement with Doflamingo could lead to complications, but it was also

an opportunity to state his position regarding the current king of


Lami approached Luffy and whispered, "Be careful, Luffy. Doflamingo

isn't someone to be trifled with. He's dangerous and unpredictable."

The king, sensing the tension in the air, tried to ease the situation. "Don't

worry, he just wants to talk. It will be in a safe place."

Luffy nodded slowly, his mind already working on different scenarios.

"Alright, let's see what he wants," he said, stepping forward. The VIP

room of the auction fell into silence as Luffy answered the den den

mushi. All eyes were on him, curiosity in the air. The king of

Lumenarquia handed the transmitter to Luffy, who didn't hesitate to

answer it.


On the other side of the line, Doflamingo greeted Luffy with his

characteristic laugh and honeyed voice. "Fufufufu. Monkey D. Luffy, it's a

pleasure to finally speak with you."

Luffy, without any trace of hesitation and with a provocative smile,

responded immediately, already angry from those slaves: "Hello Joker,

it's a surprise for me to be talking to you here, since it's not every day we

talk to Kaido's dog." The room, already steeped in silence, seemed to

freeze even more. The crew members exchanged surprised and nervous

glances, while the king of Lumenarquia swallowed hard, not expecting

this development.

Doflamingo, on the other side of the line, maintained his composure, but

the tone of his voice revealed a slight trace of surprise and irritation.

"You're more audacious than I imagined, mugiwara. But be careful,

insolence can cost you dearly."

Luffy, unperturbed, kept his smile. "I'm just telling the truth. So, Joker,

what do you want?"

"... First answer me, how do you know about my involvement with

Kaido?" His voice remained as annoying as ever.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you and fuck what you think about it." Luffy

spoke, leaving both the king and the manager stunned by Luffy's


The voice of Doflamingo, transmitted through the den den mushi, took

on a threatening tone, marked by a chill. "I wanted to negotiate some

things with you, Mugiwara. But you have no idea who you're dealing

with. Underestimating me and the forces behind me will be your biggest


Luffy, defiant and fearless, didn't miss the chance to mock Doflamingo.

With an ironic smile, he replied: "Ah, I'm trembling... Not. You're just

another Shichibukai, and I've dealt with them before."

"I'll give you one more chance, hand over Trafalgar D. Lami from your

crew and I can save you from your imminent destruction," Joker spoke

with a tone of anger and demand.

"Do you talk such nonsense there in Dressrosa? How did you become a

king like that? Demanding one of my crewmates is the same as asking to

die, are you wanting that so much, Doflamingo?"

The room remained silent, the crew members watching the interaction,

alternating between tension and admiration for Luffy's audacity. Luffy's

provocation clearly irritated Doflamingo, but he maintained control,

responding with a cold and calculating voice.

"Be careful, Luffy. My patience has limits. Don't provoke a sleeping


Luffy shrugged, unconcerned. "Dragon or not, I don't care. I was here to

have fun, but then I saw your living items in the hall and the audacity of

this king and the manager to invade the space where me and my crew

were, so I'm not in a good mood anymore." This left the men who were

not from the crew quite nervous about their mistake.

"I could save you, but I see that you are just an arrogant kid, your time is

running out and the one you said is my master has already sent forces to

hunt you in this sea," Doflamingo mocked.

"I see... That should be expected." Luffy understood what Doflamingo

meant by that, after all, Yamato is in his crew, and her image in the

newspaper and on the wanted posters would reach Kaido one way or

another. He was always aware that he would be hunted.

"Joker or Doflamingo, I should thank you for this information, Kaido

couldn't come to this sea without bringing a fleet, which would take a lot

of time, King is essential to be with Kaido, Queen wouldn't leave the new

world so easily, so the person who is pursuing us must be Jack, the

drought or some members of the flying six," Luffy commented calmly.

"That old bastard, I'll beat him when I get to Wano!" Yamato exclaimed

furiously in the background.

"Yamato's father is Kaido?!" Vivi exclaimed in shock, as she still didn't

know this fact, just like Robin who looked shocked at the woman dressed

in Wano's attire.

Luffy turned back to the den den mushi and began to laugh when he saw

a silence from Doflamingo. He started to laugh openly at the prospect of

facing such a formidable opponent, Luffy expressed his excitement for the

imminent hunt. "So, Jack is after us? This is going to be interesting!" he

said, without a hint of fear or hesitation.

On the other side of the line, Doflamingo frowned, realizing that Luffy

was not an ordinary pirate. Luffy's lack of fear and his willingness to face

the forces of Kaido, one of the most feared names in the world as if it

were an adventure, was disconcerting even to him. Doflamingo, well

aware of Kaido's ferocity and his subordinates, was impressed and even a

bit disturbed by Luffy's courage.

Luffy spoke again into the silent communication device with Joker's face.

"So, Joker, since we're enemies, it's okay if I loot this auction house,

right? You won't mind that?"

On the other side of the line, Doflamingo visibly gets irritated with

Luffy's audacity. "If you dare to do this, Mugiwara, I swear you will pay

dearly! Don't underestimate what I can do!" Doflamingo threatens, his

voice laden with fury and authority.

Luffy, however, doesn't seem the least bit intimidated by the threat. With

an even wider smile, he responds in a challenging tone: "I'm looking

forward to seeing what you can do, Joker. You won't be the first

Shichibukai I take down." And, with a carefree click, Luffy hangs up the

Den Den Mushi, cutting off the connection abruptly.

The room, which was in tense silence, Luffy looks at the king and the

manager, openly disturbed, and speaks with his arms crossed, "Well,

folks, it looks like we have a looting party ahead!"

Many crew members, initially shocked by Luffy's audacity in challenging

Doflamingo and even Kaido, soon follow with a sharp look. They prepare

for what promises to be an exciting night at the auction house, ready to

follow their captain into yet another audacious raid and end these


Luffy, with a confident and challenging smile, breaks the glass, drawing

everyone's attention while they were bidding on a frightened, crying girl

on the stage, and announces, loud and clear, not just to his crew, but to

the entire auction house: "Everyone, listen up! Now, we, the Straw Hat

Pirates, are going to start a raid! We're going to steal everything and

everyone present here! So please behave while we're robbing all of you."

His statement echoes through the hall, causing a mix of shock and panic

among those present. And with the charged atmosphere, the Straw Hat

crew prepares for the inevitable confrontation. Zoro, with a determined

look, adjusts his swords, while Usopp, though nervous, seems ready for

battle. Hugo, still containing his anger, positions himself strategically,

ready to use his power and physical strength to protect his comrades and

the oppressed. Nami looks around, her expression reflecting a mix of

anger and determination in the face of the injustice of the slaves. Bepo,

Hachi, and Kuina quickly face off against the king's guards. Lami looks at

Luffy with some admiration for defending her and prepares her sword

while opening her room.

Chopper, in his human form, seems ready to offer combat support. His

eyes show a mix of determination with Luffy's words. Alvida, with her

confident smile and mace in hand, is ready to face any challenge. Nojiko,

standing next to her sister Nami, keeps a serious expression, her fists

seeming ready to explode at any moment.

Shirahoshi, still frightened, keeps her gaze fixed on Luffy, showing

admiration and trust. Vivi and Robin exchange understanding glances,

knowing the time to act had come. Reiju, as elegant as ever, displays a

confident smile, prepared for what's to come while taking a cigarette out

of her pocket. Yamato moves to Luffy's side. The giants Broggy and Dorry

seem very excited as they talk to each other. The crew is finally ready to




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

165. Chapter 165

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Lumenarquia, First Half of Grandline.



As the turmoil takes over the auction, the Straw Hat Pirates spring into

action, ready to unleash chaos. "Yamato." Luffy, with a determined look,

calls for Yamato, who promptly responds with a smile. With mutual

understanding, they both release their King's Haki auras, a wave of power

that spreads through the place.

Immediately, guards and nobles, as well as the criminals present,

succumb to the overwhelming power of the King's Haki, falling

unconscious one after another. The room, once filled with voices and

agitation, is now dominated by a muffled silence, interrupted only by the

moans of the faint.

King Javier Lumen VII of Lumenarchy remains conscious, but clearly

stunned and terrified by the power displayed by Luffy and Yamato.

"What's going on?!" he exclaims, his voice trembling with fear and


Luffy approaches the king with a mischievous smile, revealing his plan.

"Don't worry, king. You need to stay conscious to guide us in this

auction," he says in a playful tone, but with a menacing glint in his eyes.

Javier Lumen VII, realizing the seriousness of the situation, quickly

responds, fear evident in his voice. "What do you plan to do?!"

With a sinister smile, Luffy replies, "You're going to obey us. I've killed a

king before, so you better cooperate if you want to get out of here alive.

Don't worry, I only kill kings who annoy me."

The king's immediate response is pure fear and submission. "Yes, I'll do

anything!" he agrees promptly, aware of the fate that awaits him if he

challenges the notorious pirate. The atmosphere in the room is now a mix

of tension and expectation, with the Straw Hats in control.

Luffy then turns to his crew, distributing tasks efficiently. "Hugo, you and

the others free all the slaves. Leave no one behind," he orders, his serious

tone indicating the gravity of the situation.

"Lami, use your Room to collect all the jewels and valuable items. I want

you to clean this place out," Luffy continues, looking at Lami, who nods

and begins to execute his task with surgical precision.

"Nami, you're in charge of organizing and counting all the gold. Make

sure nothing is left behind," Luffy says, knowing that Nami is the best

suited for the task.

Luffy then

addresses his fighters. "Zoro, Usopp, Reiju, Kuina, you four, defend the

entrance. No one gets in, no one gets out, until we're done here," Luffy


"And Yamato, you're coming with me. We need the king to guide us to

the vault," Luffy concludes, giving a meaningful look to Yamato, who

nods in understanding.

Yamato, with his imposing stature and Wano attire, follows alongside

Luffy. The king, visibly nervous, leads the way, guiding them through the

auction's corridors towards the vault.

Outside the auction, a group of soldiers is on high alert, aware of the

chaos unfolding inside.

"The Straw Hat Pirates have taken over the auction house and are

holding hostages inside!" shouts one of the soldiers, his voice laden with


"We can't just stand here! We have to act now!" exclaims another, looking

around frantically.

"Damn, how can we face pirates of this caliber?" questions a third,

anxiety evident on his face.

"Someone call for Marine reinforcements, quick!" demands a fourth

soldier, knowing that only they could handle a threat of this level.

Meanwhile, an observer points towards the entrance of the auction

house. "Look, people are coming out!"

It's a group of four - two men and two women - clearly recognized as

members of the Straw Hats. Zoro, with an expression of slight

disappointment, comments: "Looks like we're facing just soldiers and

guards after all."

"Don't complain, Zoro. Our job is to keep anyone from getting in,"

responds Usopp, already preparing his peculiar arsenal.

Meanwhile, inside the auction, Luffy whistled, impressed with the

reinforced structure he found. "Wow, this is really impressive," he said,

assessing the robust vault door.

Yamato, by his side, looked at Luffy with an amused expression. "Do you

have a plan to open this, Luffy?" she asked.

Luffy, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, replied, "Of course I do! Let's

show them how the Straw Hats do a heist!" He then turned to the

trembling king. "And you, king, you know how to open this, don't you?"

"No, your excellency Mugiwara, only a few men of Joker have access to

this, and they are not present," he said almost pleadingly, and Luffy saw

at least sincerity in that.

"I see. Yamato, let's blow this door up!" He said and went to the door

with his girl to punch it.

The king watched stunned as Luffy and Yamato punched the door, Luffy

with increased strength and Yamato with haki. In no time, the door caved

in with force, pushed by both their strengths, and the place filled with

gold and berries quickly appeared to them.

Luffy wasted no time and took all the gold for the system, leaving the

king stunned as the gold and money disappeared from his sight.

"Let's go, we have more things to steal." Luffy and Yamato moved on

without paying any more attention to the king and went to meet the

others at the auction stage.

All the slaves were freed, many with explosive collars, but getting the

keys was quite easy since there was no one to stop them inside.

Everyone looked gratefully at the crew, and Luffy approached the piles of

gold Nami was counting.

"Let's go, this gold I won't put in the system, keep it for yourselves to

divide, later." Luffy said, and Nami quickly rejoiced, after everything was

ready, they began to leave the

auction with the ex-slaves, and Luffy encountered almost all of the

kingdom's soldiers fallen due to the fight by Reiju, Kuina, Zoro, and


Upon leaving the auction house, Luffy addressed King Javier Lumen VII

of Lumenarchy, who was still trembling with fear and uncertainty. "Your

Majesty," Luffy called, his voice firm and full of authority. The king, with

a nervous nod, responded: "Yes-Yes, what do you wish?"

Luffy, looking around the bright and sparkling island, declared

confidently with a smile: "I'm leaving, but I'm charmed by this island. I've

decided I want it as my territory. I'll be back soon to claim it, taking it

from Joker's clutches."

The king, still trying to process the situation, couldn't hide his surprise.

"But... what do you mean? This is Joker's territory, you can't just..."

Before he could finish, Vivi interrupted, her expression a mix of curiosity

and concern. "Luffy, weren't you going to steal the island's crystal? Why

did you change your mind?"

Luffy, with a carefree shrug, replied: "Initially, yes, but then I thought

better of it. This island is much more valuable than just its crystal. I'll

leave the crystal here for now. It'll be more interesting to conquer the

entire island."

Meanwhile, at the port: *BOOOOOOOMMMM!*

The booming explosion at the port reverberated through the air, drawing

everyone's attention. In a desperate act, the soldiers tried to capture the

Straw Hat Pirates' ship to negotiate the release of the hostages. However,

they were greeted by a frightening sight - a colossal three-headed

monster emerging from the Black Pearl, spewing furious flames upon

them. The resulting explosion echoed across the island, casting a mantle

of fear over all present.

"Run! A monster!" the soldiers screamed in panic, as they vainly tried to

protect themselves from the relentless fire.

Luffy, watching the scene from afar, couldn't help but smile amusedly.

"Looks like Chouchou is really having fun," he commented. Panic and

chaos ensued among the soldiers, each seeking shelter from the imminent


The entire town was in chaos, realizing that no one could stop the pirate

crew. Beside Luffy, Shirahoshi looked sadly at the island of Lumenarchy,

her eyes filled with admiration for its beauty. "Are we leaving already,

Luffy-Sama? The island is so beautiful..." she lamented, her soft voice

reflecting her sadness at leaving such a place.

Luffy, with a confident look, assured the mermaid princess: "Don't worry,

Shira. This island will be ours, and you can enjoy it as much as you want

when we come back." He already considered this place his, wanting to

take it from Joker's hands.

As the Straw Hat crew approached the Black Pearl, Chouchou continued

to repel anyone who tried to approach the ship. Luffy, using his King's

Haki aura, caused the remaining soldiers at the port to fall unconscious,

ensuring a safe departure for his crew.

With an excited look, Luffy announced the crew's next destination. "Let's

go, we have an interesting place to go to - it's called Sky Island!" The

statement aroused surprise and curiosity among the crew members, who

exchanged questioning glances. But without time to ask, everyone started

boarding while Luffy took a miniature ship from his safe for the ex-slaves

who followed him to the port.

Thus, the Black Pearl set off from Lumenarchy towards Jaya as Luffy

instructed Nami. The freed and grateful slaves entered a second ship that

was towed by the Black Pearl, which was the ship Luffy took from the

Goa kingdom and thought to use here until he saw what he would do

with those people.

While all the chaos was happening that night, in another part of the sea,

crossing the red line, there was a country that everyone said was the

country of fairies, where love infects all its population, and in a palace on

a huge mountain, the atmosphere did not seem to represent the country.

This country is Dressrosa, and on its opulent and imposing throne,

Doflamingo sits enveloped in anger and irritation. His normally

controlled and malicious expression is now marked by untamable fury.

He had already heard of Luffy's looting in Lumenarchy, and each word

about the chaos unleashed by the Straw Hat only increases his discontent

after losing the slaves and the auction treasure that he had not taken for

2 months and was scheduled to take the gold the following week.

"That Mugiwara will pay for every act of insolence," Doflamingo growled,

his teeth grinding in fury. Viola, watching from a safe distance, couldn't

help but be stunned. She had never seen Doflamingo so furious; she had

never seen anyone stand up to Doflamingo; she thought no one was bold

enough for that, but this Monkey D. Luffy didn't even care if Doflamingo

had connections with Kaido.

"He thinks he can challenge my power and get away with it? I will show

him the true power of a Shichibukai. He's full of himself just because he

defeated Crocodile and Jimbei. Does he not fear Kaido or Jack? I won't

even let Jack get to him first!" Doflamingo declared, his voice laden with

a deadly threat. He stood up, his posture exuding authority and danger.

"I'm heading to the beginning of the Grand Line. I will take care of this

insolent pirate myself."

Viola observed, her heart racing, wondering what would happen, while

other members of Doflamingo's crew asked if they could accompany him.

However, Doflamingo said he didn't need them. Doflamingo walked to

the palace window and jumped out, casting his strings towards the clouds

and pulling himself to fly through the sky towards the first half of the

Grand Line.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

166. Chapter 166

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere in sea, First Half of Grandline.



After several days of sailing, the Black Pearl, along with a second ship

filled with people who were slaves, found itself stationary in the calm

waters near Jaya. The crew, accustomed to their captain's impulsive

style, gathered on deck, curious about the sudden stop and their captain

summoning the entire crew to discuss their plans.

Nami, with an expression of perplexity and curiosity, turned to Luffy,

who stood on the bow of the Black Pearl. The sea around them was a vast

expanse of blue, calm and endless. "Why have we stopped here, Luffy?"

she asked, with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Luffy, with his iconic straw hat firmly in place, slowly turned to the crew.

His face was lit up with an enigmatic smile and eyes shining with

excitement. "There's something I need to say. We're no longer going to

Jaya," he announced, his voice filled with intriguing certainty.

Nojiko, with an expression of surprise, interrupted: "We're not going? But

we're so close, why change your mind now?" Her voice reflected the

confusion spreading among the crew.

Luffy, enjoying everyone's attention, pulled out a small, mysterious object

from his pocket and tossed it to Nami. "Look at this and tell me where it

points," he said.

Nami, catching the Eternal Pose with a nimble movement, examined it

closely. Her eyes widened in surprise. "It's... pointing up?!" she exclaimed.

Luffy nodded, his smile widening even more. "Exactly. Many have asked

about the Sky Island in recent days. I decided it was time to reveal our

true destination."

A chorus of exclamations echoed across the deck. Usopp, with eyes

shining with excitement, exclaimed: "An island in the sky? That's

amazing, Luffy! How are we going to get there?"

Zoro cast a challenging gaze toward the sky. "It doesn't matter where it

is, as long as I can continue my training to get stronger. But an island in

the sky... that sounds like an interesting challenge," he murmured, a

slight smile of anticipation appearing.

Reiju, the voice of reason and experience, looked at Luffy with a slight

smile. "An island in the sky, huh? That sounds like a worthy adventure.

I'm curious to see what awaits us," she said.

Lami looked at her with arrogance. "I thought you would be scared of

such a thing..."

As the two argued, Hachi shouted excitedly. "Nee... The captain always

takes us to the most amazing places! I can't wait to see the sky!"

Robin, with her usual calm demeanor but a glint of curiosity in her eyes,

asked softly, "So, are we really going to this island now?"

Luffy looked at everyone and nodded, "Yes, I even thought of going to

Jaya, but the place is just a

haven of weak pirates and we would only become some kind of celebrity

there, as it would just be a place to beat up some extras who mess with

us, so I decided not to enter the island now," Luffy explained.

Chopper, with an expression of childlike curiosity, tilted his head to the

side. "Extras? What does that mean, Luffy?" he asked, his voice filled with

genuine confusion.

"So, we are going to the sky, how high?" Kuina raised the question before

Luffy could respond to Chopper.

"10,000 meters. There's a phenomenon in these waters that makes ships

rise known as Knock Up Stream, but we won't be following that route."

"And how do you plan to make the ship rise 10,000 meters?" Vivi asked


Luffy, with a confident smile, revealed his plan. "With my Moa Moa no

mi, I can manipulate gravity and weight. I've improved my ability, and

now I can use two applications at the same time. I will take our ship to

the sky," he explained, his voice full of pride in his recent progress.

In recent days, as the team trained, Luffy improved the performance of

his fruit and gained new benefits. Now he could set the applications at 50

times and divide it into two categories, which made him extremely OP,

he could put strength and speed at 25 times each in a fight.

Luffy could also simply shrink everyone down and fly with his wings to

the sky, but that idea seemed too easy and without any adventure while

his crew could share the feeling of seeing the ship rise higher and higher.

"That's amazing, captain," Bepo shouted excitedly.

Luffy, pleased with his powers, said, "Yes, with my enhanced Moa Moa

no Mi, we can make the Black Pearl fly. And with Nami controlling

Garuda's winds to propel the ship, we'll reach Sky Island in the blink of

an eye," he explained, his words infusing new vigor into the crew as he

continued. "So, it's to Sky Island we go! Everyone get ready!" declared

Luffy, his voice resonating with authority and adventure.

"Yes, captain!" came the unanimous response from everyone.

Activity buzzed on the Black Pearl, with the crew engaged in adjusting

sails and ropes, optimizing the ship to better propel it upwards.

Meanwhile, Luffy headed to the second ship, which they had been towing

since Lumenarchy. On board, the former slaves, now dressed in clothes

provided by the ship of the Kingdom of Goa, eagerly awaited the next

plan of these pirates who had saved them.

With everyone noticing Luffy approaching in the air, they all gathered on

the deck. "You are no longer slaves, but we still need to take you to a safe

place. Anywhere we leave you, you are subject to being captured. We're

going to a very special place and I can't leave you here. You need to

come with us," began Luffy, his confident and calm tone conveying


The looks of the former slaves varied between uncertainty and hope. One

of them, a middle-aged man with the marks of a hard life, asked

hesitantly, "Where will you take us, sir?"

Luffy smiled. "To Sky Island. But for that, I need to shrink this ship and

store it for a while. It will be a unique experience, but I promise you'll be


A young woman spoke timidly: "Sir, we trust you. You saved us and we

are willing to follow wherever you lead."

Luffy nodded, touched by the trust placed in him. "I will ensure your

safety. It will be just for a few hours. Then, we will be in a place where

the sky is the limit."

Luffy then shrank the ship with everyone inside and placed them in a safe

place, returning to the Black Pearl, where everyone looked prepared for

the next journey.

Back on the Black Pearl, the atmosphere was palpably excited.

Shirahoshi, with eyes shining with adventure, couldn't contain her joy.


going to see Sky Island, Megalo!" she exclaimed, hugging the shark who

grunted in response, sharing her excitement.

Vivi, with a contagious smile, joined the festive atmosphere. "It must be

amazing to fly to the sky!" she commented, observing the final


Luffy, firmly positioning himself, focused on the Black Pearl. "Time to

start," he announced confidently as he placed his hands on the deck of

the ship. With deep concentration, he activated the power of his Moa

Moa no Mi, reducing the weight of the ship to below 1% and doing the

same with gravity. Almost immediately, the Black Pearl began to levitate

over the waters, to the surprise and admiration of everyone on board.

"Wow, the Black Pearl can even fly!" Yamato exclaimed, his eyes glowing

with admiration and a touch of pride.

Alvida, standing beside Luffy, watched the scene with a smile. "This ship

really never ceases to amaze us," she commented, admiring her husband's


"Well, let's continue! Nami." Luffy turned to his navigator who nodded.

The ship was slowly rising, about 50 meters above the sea. Nami released

her wings and went under the ship, using her own hands to tilt it

diagonally. She then moved to the back of the ship, positioning it so that

its upward angle wouldn't affect the crew.

"Let's first release the ship's nitro and Nami will do the rest." Luffy spoke

and the ship gained momentum, taking off with the energy used behind

the ship. As it flew, Nami released her tornadoes with her hands to

propel the ship, gaining even more speed.

Dorry, standing next to Broggy, couldn't hide his excitement. "This is

incredible, Broggy! I've never seen anything like it!" he exclaimed, his

eyes wide.

Broggy, equally impressed, simply agreed, "True, Dorry, our young

captain always surprises us."

Shirahoshi, clinging to Megalo, screamed with joy. "We're flying, Megalo!

Flying to the sky!" The mermaid princess was clearly ecstatic with the


Zoro, watching the scene with his arms crossed, couldn't help but express

his admiration. "Well, this is really amazing..." he admitted, impressed by

Luffy and Nami's abilities.

Nojiko approached Nami, concerned. "Is everything alright, Nami? Can

you control all this?" she asked, watching her sister's concentration.

Nami, without losing focus, confidently replied, "Of course, Nojiko. I've

faced bigger challenges before," said Nami, easily maintaining her power.

"Clouds above!" Bepo shouted as the ship invaded a massive quantity of


"These clouds are so big, this must be Sky Island!" Luffy commented,

noting its gigantic size, large enough to fit three or four islands. The ship

entered the area, and all they could see was white, filled with clouds as

they continued to ascend.

The Black Pearl, after emerging from the sea of clouds, revealed a

spectacular panorama that left everyone on board speechless. The sky

was lit by a radiant sun, whose rays reflected off the clouds below,

creating a spectacle of twinkling lights. The clouds, thick and soft,

formed a vast white sea beneath the Black Pearl.

"I'll remove all the effects from the ship, Nami, you can rest, and

everyone prepare for the descent," Luffy announced before releasing the

ship from the effects of his akuma no mi, and it began to fall. With a

small thud on the clouds, the ship didn't sink but remained atop the

clouds as if it were on the sea.

Usopp, always ready for an adventure, couldn't contain his excitement.

"Look at this place, everyone! It's like we're in a dream!" he said, pointing

to the white, undulating expanse of clouds below them.

"Look at this place!" Reiju said, quite fascinated by the location.

"Incredible," murmured Lami, usually restrained in his emotions, but

clearly impressed with the scene before them. She looked around,

absorbing the surreal landscape.

Vivi, with a sparkle in her eyes, expressed her admiration. "Really, this

place exists! It's like something out of a legend or a fairy tale," she said,

her voice reflecting a mix of joy and astonishment.

"Looks like cotton candy! Can you eat it?" Chopper shouted excitedly.

"Let's move forward," Luffy announced.

Then the Black Pearl finally moved forward, cutting through the clouds

in the sea of clouds. As the crew was still admiring the environment, a

structure began to appear on the horizon.

"A gate?!" Nami asked.

"There's someone there..." Yamato said.

"An angel?!" Usopp shouted, looking through a magnifying glass.

"Must be a guard," Kuina said, a bit perplexed.

As the ship approached, an elderly woman with small wings on her back

looked at them from in front of that welcoming gate.

"Visitors? It's been a long time since we've seen any... This is Heaven's

Gate. All visitors must pay 1,000,000,000 Extol to enter Sky Island."

"1 Billion?!" Nami shouted in fury.

"Calm down, Nami, it's not Berries, this currency is

worth thousands of times less than a Berry," Luffy soothed her and turned

to the lady at the gate.

"Sorry, ma'am, but we don't plan to pay the fee, since this island belongs

to the Straw Hats," Luffy spoke with an arrogant tone, making the

gatekeeper's eyes widen at what was about to happen.

Luffy also knew what was going to happen; he didn't want to waste time

in this place and quickly enter into conflict with Enel, as it would save

time for his plans.

Yamato looked up before everyone else as a lightning bolt started to fall

towards the ship, so large it could destroy not just the ship but the entire

gate. Luffy, anticipating this, simply smiled.

"It seems we're about to start our fight, Enel," he said, seeing the

lightning heading their way unconcernedly.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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167. Chapter 167

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



As the threatening attack approached the Black Pearl, illuminating

everything, the crew panicked. Luffy raised his hand calmly, a vibrant

flame emerging, a result of his Akuma no Mi powers, shooting skyward in

a bright arc. The shot, so powerful, made the ship sink slightly in the

cloud sea, sounding like a cannon.

This flame was like when Luffy attacked Baroque Works outside Whisky

Peak. It shot up at high speed to meet Enel's lightning. Their clash, Luffy's

chaos flame against Enel's lightning, was cataclysmic. The collision

neutralized both attacks, creating a monumental shockwave, a spectacle

of light and sound, violently rocking the Black Pearl, almost submerging



The explosion reverberated across Skypiea, a deafening detonation

echoing through the skies, shaking the island. Surrounding clouds were

lit by a blinding light, and the shockwave spread in all directions,

reaching even the city of angels.

In the city, inhabitants looked up, stunned and alarmed. "What is that?!"

a resident with small wings on his back exclaimed in shock.

"God Enel is angry!" another shouted, voice trembling with fear.

"What was that explosion?!" a third asked, as the city was enveloped in

shadows by the huge smoke cloud.

The city of angels trembled, structures swaying from the impact, people

crowding the streets, looking up in a mix of fear and fascination. The sky

battle between Luffy and Enel was just beginning, and nobody knew

what was happening with the impact between flames, rocks, and

lightning, but everyone in Skypiea felt they were about to witness an epic


Beyond the sky, the explosion even echoed in the sea below, making

many look up with curiosity while sailing.

Meanwhile, aboard the Black Pearl, Luffy's crew finally reacted to the

colossal explosion. Each member reacted with a mix of shock and


Chopper let out a sharp scream, "AHHHHHHHHH!", hiding behind a

cannon, his eyes wide with fear.

Karoo, Vivi's loyal duck, clucked frantically, clearly disturbed by the

sudden boom and ensuing turmoil as Vivi ran after him.

Nojiko, with a worried expression, quickly turned to Luffy. "Luffy, what

the heck was that?!" she demanded, seeking answers about the source of

the frightening explosion.

Zoro, always ready for battle, immediately grabbed his swords, bracing

for any imminent threat. "An enemy?!" he questioned aloud.

Yamato, cautious, approached Luffy, asking seriously, "Luffy, who is this?

Why did he attack us?" Her expression was of someone ready to face any

danger, anticipating a possible confrontation.

"Ahhhhh! Enel is furious!" The old lady with wings at the gate didn't care

about Luffy anymore as

she jumped into a boat and began to row away with all her strength.

Ignoring the old lady, Luffy turned to his crew before looking up again.

"This self-proclaimed God of this place, his name is Enel," Luffy said,

looking at the destruction with solemn eyes, a slight trace of disdain in

his words.

Hachi couldn't hide his nervousness. "Nee... A god?!" he exclaimed,

anxiety evident in his voice.

Nami approached Luffy with a questioning expression. "But you don't

seem to believe he's really a god, do you?" she inquired, seeking to better

understand the situation.

Luffy replied with an ironic smile. "He's not a god. Just a guy with the

Logia of thunder, powerful, but far from a god as he claims. He's more

like an arrogant mayor," Luffy explained, clearly belittling the attacker.

As he finished, another lightning bolt came from the sky, and Luffy

responded with another shot of his flames.


"Luffy, the thunder Logia is a disaster-category fruit!" Robin exclaimed,


"It's okay. We can handle it. It's powerful, but I'll deal with that guy,"

Luffy decided, turning to Yamato. "Yamato, besides me, you might be the

only one who can handle his lightning on our ship. Can you stay here to

protect it?" He asked. He could let Yamato handle it, but as the captain

and someone who watched the original work, would he leave dealing

with the legendary Enel to a third party? Of course not.

"Yes, Luffy. I can do that," Yamato replied, and Luffy nodded.

"Nami and Hugo. You want to come along to use your powers? There are

some priests you can handle," Luffy said, knowing Enel could hear every

word, but not caring. Nami and Hugo agreed.

"I want to fight too!" Zoro immediately wanted to join.

"Zoro, you should train with this lightning. The world's greatest

swordsman can even cut lightning," Luffy suggested, and Zoro agreed

after some thought.

"I think you're right!" He said.

"I guess we're useless here..." Reiju commented.

"We're just spectators..." Lami remarked.

"Luffy-Sama. Stay safe!" Shirahoshi said worriedly.

"It's going to be fine. I'll go ahead, you catch up later. The rest can go to

the city of angels and enjoy the place. I can handle Enel," Luffy said

before releasing a speed 50 times faster and disappeared, practically

flying while jumping in the air with Geppo.

Luffy immediately passed the city of angels, watching people frightened

by Enel's lightning falling while Luffy exploded them with his flames. In

the air, lightning bolts started falling towards him; he smiled, dodging

them while jumping. Mid-flight, Luffy transformed his body into flames

to disintegrate approaching lightning. Each threatening bolt was met

with a "Soru" to move at almost imperceptible speed, appearing meters

ahead in the air, always a step ahead.


With a bolt cutting the sky towards him, Luffy dodged at the last second

with a "Soru," laughing loudly with the thrill of the chase.


Again, another bolt tried to hit him, but Luffy, with a mix of grace and

power, leapt sideways, easily dodging.


A third bolt followed a similar pattern,

but Luffy, now anticipating the movement, lunged forward, avoiding the



Each "Soru" was an aerial ballet, a dance of quick reflexes and calculated












Laughing euphorically, Luffy shouted to the sky, "Hahahahahaha! This is

so much fun, Enel! But I have to admit, the speed of lightning is

impressive. Even with my increased speed, I still need 'Soru' to keep safe!"

The lightning continued to strike, each one a challenge met with laughter

and evasion, a dangerous game only he could play. He was a near-

mythical figure, a pirate challenging a god, dancing among the sky's

lightning bolts.



Luffy looked at his destination, an island with a huge tree and the golden

bell. This is Skypiea's main area and one of its most sacred. Known as

Upper Yard, it's the largest land area in Skypiea.

"Who would have thought this island belonged to the lower sea, but was

raised here by the Knock Up Stream," Luffy murmured quietly as he

dodged another lightning strike, his eyes scanning the area covered by a

dense forest with diverse geography, including ancient ruins, lakes, and

mountains. Upper Yard is also the site of the "Golden City," Shandora.

Becoming bored with Enel's incessant attacks, Luffy decided to confront

the self-proclaimed god directly. With a challenging smile, he firmly

positioned himself in the air, creating wings on his back.

"Enel! You cowardly fool, will you keep hiding, launching these weak

lightning strikes?! Are you such a weak god?!" Luffy changed his Speed

ability to sound in mid-air, his voice heard throughout the islands.

'With this, I'm sure Enel won't stay put. He's too proud to stay in his place

after everyone hears this...' Luffy reasoned.

And he was right, Enel's response was immediate with lightning emerging

from a temple in the forest, known as God's Shrine. The bolt moved

toward Luffy in the air but stopped 200 meters away while he used his

feet to stay airborne with Geppo.

Enel appeared in front of him, just as Luffy imagined, with his large ears,

drums on his back, and iconic look.

Enel looked at Luffy with a frown. His sharp, blade-like eyes fixed on

Luffy, frowning in a mix of interest and disdain. The sudden appearance

of the Black Pearl, a ship from the lower sea, in his heavenly kingdom,

initially piqued his curiosity. However, the mortal's arrogance, openly

declaring Skypiea now belonged to the Straw Hats, quickly turned Enel's

curiosity into fury.

With an impetuous movement, Enel conjured a devastating lightning

bolt, aiming to annihilate Luffy and his ship in one stroke. Electricity

buzzed in the air, charged with lethal intent. But to his surprise, Luffy not

only withstood but also confronted the lightning. Enel watched, almost in

disbelief, as his attack was interrupted by flames produced by the pirate

and successfully combated by the man in front of him. Luffy's ability to

deal with the lightning seemed beyond luck; but as he tried to destroy

the ship, the lightning was effortlessly stopped by this man in front. It

was a direct challenge to Enel's authority and power.

But what enraged him even more was this pirate openly saying he wasn't

a god and even calling him a mayor, a front to his divine existence. As

the pirate approached, even launching lightning at him in the air, Enel

tried to destroy the ship. A man attempted to cut his lightning but was

struck, and when he thought he would destroy the mortal's companions,

his lightning was repelled by a horned woman.

Enel's frustrations only increased as this man seemed to enjoy evading his

attacks, and the peak of his wrath came when he loudly declared for the

entire island that he was a coward and questioned his God status. Enel

immediately flew toward him, teeth clenched at the mocking look of the


Facing Luffy with a furious glare, Enel roared, "You, you foolish mortal! I

will destroy you!"

Luffy, unflappable and with a defiant smile, responded disdainfully. "Oh?

I'd like to see that, little lightning. Your fruit is powerful, but that makes

you nothing more than a fool with some power." Luffy's words echoed

through the air, laden with audacity.

The battle between the captain of the Straw Hats and the self-proclaimed

god of Skypiea was about to unfold shortly after Luffy arrived in this




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

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Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

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RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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168. Chapter 168

[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



The area around was in turmoil, with flames licking at the trees and a

thick curtain of smoke rising into the sky. Beneath the ground, where

Enel had been buried by the impact of Luffy's punch, there was a sudden

explosion. A bolt of lightning shot upwards, and Enel emerged from the

rubble, visibly more injured. His face was bloody, and one of his eyes

was purple, clearly marked by Luffy's strike.

Enel stared at Luffy, who was still on the ground in the same place he

had attacked him, with an expression of pure hatred. Without saying a

word, he unleashed a series of lightning attacks towards Luffy.

The lightning bolts flew towards Luffy, who looked at them with an

expression of amusement. He began to dodge the attacks while the

ground exploded in debris around him, reminiscent of the fight between

Nika and Kaido, where the original Luffy launched the lightning bolts

with his own hands from the sky against the mighty Yonkou. The fight

between Luffy and Enel created spectacular explosions all over the island,

a true show of lights and energy.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the Black Pearl was approaching the city of

angels. The people in the city were scared, running from one side to the

other, trying to take shelter. They looked at the fight in the distance,

watching the spectacle of light created by the two powerful elements in

conflict. Fear was etched in their eyes, and they sought refuge as the

battle between Luffy and Enel continued, marking the sky of Skypiea

with their fury and power with each explosion between the two elements.

In the city of angels, chaos reigned as the battle between Luffy and Enel

intensified. The normally quiet streets were now filled with panicked


"The god Enel is furious! We have to protect ourselves!" shouted one of

the residents, his voice trembling with fear as he ran, seeking refuge.

"Let's run, we don't want to be destroyed by him!" exclaimed another,

pushing a cart with hastily packed belongings.

"Let's run, mom!" a child held the hand of his mother, both running

among the desperate crowd. Men, women, and children of all ages

hurried through the streets, some seeking shelter in their homes, others

opting to leave the city entirely.

Aboard the Black Pearl, which was approaching the city, Vivi watched

the scene with concern. "They seem really scared," she commented,

observing the commotion below.

Nojiko, beside her, added: "They haven't even noticed us. They are more

worried about hiding in their homes or even leaving the city..."

Suddenly, a deafening sound cut through the air.


The explosion came from afar, a powerful reminder of the fierce battle

that was happening at that moment. The shockwaves could be felt even

in the city, causing windows to tremble and some weaker structures to

sway. The inhabitants of Skypiea looked up at the sky, their faces marked

by fear and desperation, as they witnessed the clash between two

unimaginable powers.

"But Luffy is also going overboard..." Kuina grumbled, hearing the

explosions in the distance. She looked at the sky, where the battle

between Luffy and Enel created distant thunders.

"He's fighting against a user of the logia fruit of thunder," Robin

commented, emphasizing the magnitude of the opposing power the

captain was facing.


Alvida, with a look of relief, added: "At least that 'God' has stopped

launching those lightning bolts at us." She recalled how lightning bolts

constantly fell on the ship to destroy them as soon as Luffy flew away.

Kuina looked at Zoro, who was lying on the ground, his body marked by

burns while some lightning appeared around him. "Good for Zoro..." she

said, recalling when he tried to cut one of the lightning bolts in half but

ended up being hit without managing to cut the bolt as he wanted.

Despite the swordsman's talk of cutting the lightning, Yamato managed to

repel Enel's power with his haki-coated weapon right after.



"Next time I'll manage to cut the lightning..." Zoro murmured, his voice

low but full of determination despite his injuries.

"Stop talking!" Chopper reprimanded, a little irritated with Zoro's

recklessness, while tending to the swordsman's wounds. He worked

meticulously, bandaging the burns.

Hachi, visibly scared by the situation, looked at the others. "Nee...

Anyway, what are we going to do now?" he asked, his voice trembling


Yamato assumed the posture of a confident leader. "We'll wait for Luffy to

finish his fight. Nami and Hugo are with him, so everything will be fine.

We can explore the city," she said, with the calm of a vice-captain.

Shirahoshi, excited and oblivious to the gravity of the situation, jumped

with enthusiasm. "Yay! Let's explore the city of angels!" she shouted,

confident that Luffy would emerge victorious, regardless of the challenge

he faced.





The explosions continued to echo through the sky, a symphony of chaos

that made the island's inhabitants wonder what was happening and how

someone could confront the god of the sky.

In the temple, the Priests Ohm, Satori, Shura, and Gedatsu watched the

battle with expressions loaded with concern. "What's happening...?"

murmured Ohm, gripping his sword tightly.

"Someone is fighting against Enel-Sama!" exclaimed Satori, his eyes wide

with surprise.

"He just left the temple and went to face whoever had the courage for it,"

commented Shura, with a hint of arrogance in his voice.

"Should we go help?" Gedatsu suggested, looking at the other priests.

Before they could make a decision, something unexpected happened. A

shadow emerged from the forest, hitting the temple walls with a violent


"AHHHHHHH!" the screams of Enel's women resonated as they began to

flee in panic.

"Hey, hey, what's this?!" Satori exclaimed, shielding his face from the

dust raised by the explosion.

The priests looked at each other, realizing the situation was rapidly

spiraling out of control. Not just with their god, but something began

happening to them too.

As the smoke began to dissipate, the immense figure of Nola, the giant

snake, became visible. She was impaled on the temple, her massive body

sinking into the structure.

"This... is Nola!" Ohm exclaimed, surprised and confused by the

unexpected appearance of the snake.

"What's happening..." murmured one of the priests, still trying to

understand the situation. But before they could react, two figures

emerged from where Nola had been launched.

A man covered in glowing rocks and a woman with orange hair, with

luminous green lines running through her body and large white wings on

her back, positioned themselves in front of the four priests.

"Who-Who are you?!" one of the priests shouted, clearly surprised and

frightened by the sudden appearance.

With a determined expression, Nami replied while floating in the air.

"We're the Straw Hat Pirates! We've come from the sea below, and our

captain has given us a mission to end any soldier of that false god. Are

you them?"

"False god?! How dare you commit heresy against Enel-Sama?!" one of

the priests retorted, his voice trembling with anger.

Hugo, already on the ground and ready for combat, spoke confidently.

"Looks like they are. Let's finish this quickly!"

Nami nodded, sharing Hugo's enthusiasm. "Yes, I want to enjoy this

island and map it as soon as possible. So let's finish this," she declared,

taking the lead to initiate the attack.

The priests prepared to confront the invaders, each assuming a combat

stance. But before the priests could process the attack in front of them,

they were quickly overwhelmed by a storm of attacks. Hurricanes arose

within the temple, created by powerful winds and giant claws that tore

through the air. Rocks rose from the ground, hurled with brutal force.

The priests, caught off guard, barely had time to react to the surprise


CRAAAAAACCCCKKKKK! The temple of Enel began to crumble under the

relentless assault.

Meanwhile, moments before, Enel, consumed by rage, intensified his

attack against Luffy. Lightning and the direct attack "El Thor" rained

down on Luffy, who was on the ground.




The sounds of explosions and lightning filled the air. Luffy, for his part,

dodged each one, testing the limits of his speed, now faster than the

speed of lightning itself.

In a swift movement, Luffy kicked the ground, causing an explosion that

launched him directly towards Enel in the air. Enel, realizing Luffy's

approach, fired a lightning bolt directly at him. Luffy, without hesitation,

countered with a powerful flame, flapping his wings to gain altitude and

confront Enel face to face.

The clash of the two powers, flames and lightning, created a spectacle of

light and sound, a duel of giants in the sky of Skypiea once again. Enel,

enveloped in lightning, hurled himself at Luffy with divine fury. Luffy, in

his transformed form, radiated flames that danced around him, an aura of

power and challenge.

Each of Enel's movements was like lightning, fast and lethal, but Luffy

met him at every turn, his agility and enhanced reflexes allowing him to

dodge and counterattack with equal ferocity. Enel's lightning bolts cut

through the sky, an electric network incessantly seeking its target. Luffy,

on the other hand, moved with the grace of a flame, weaving through

and piercing the electrical storm.

Every time Luffy counter-attacked, flames clashed against lightning,

creating explosions that resonated throughout the island. Enel, despite

his divine nature, was beginning to feel the pressure of the confrontation.

To him, this stranger claiming to be Monkey D. Luffy and emperor of the

sea, a mere arrogant mortal, was now challenging a god, surprising and

frustrating him. He increased the intensity of his attacks, with denser and

faster lightning bolts sprouting from his hands.

Luffy, however, did not back down. He advanced against the storm, his

flames growing in intensity. With every dodged blow and blocked attack,

Luffy drew closer to Enel, decreasing the distance between them.

At one moment, Luffy got close to Enel despite his attempts to distance

himself using his body as a lightning bolt, but Luffy kicked him from

behind, sending him crashing down to the island's ground again like a


"Again?!" Enel shouted in pain as his body collided once more with the



He emerged from the wreckage, frustrated with the pain in his back,

when suddenly a sound caught his attention and he realized with his

mantra that his temple was being destroyed. He quickly flew to the sky

and saw the chaos unfolding at his place of residence.

"What is this?!" he exclaimed, feeling the presence of two unknown

individuals attacking his sacred place. He recognized them as allies of the

stranger he was facing, infuriating him even more.

Enel's fury was immediate. "How dare they!" he roared, seeing his priests

being overwhelmed in combat. In a fit of rage, he diverted his attention

from Luffy and launched a powerful lightning bolt towards the temple.

This oversight proved fatal, as Luffy seized the opportunity to attack.

With a swift charge, Luffy appeared beside Enel in the air and hit Enel

with a Haki-charged punch stronger than the previous attacks, sending

the self-proclaimed god crashing to the ground again, blood escaping

from his mouth.

In the temple, Enel's lightning bolt headed towards Nami and Hugo. They

had already been warned by Luffy about the possibility of such an attack

and were prepared. Both unleashed their transformations: Nami

enveloped herself in a gigantic hurricane that shook the entire island, and

Hugo transformed into a colossal figure, rising like a mountain from the



Enel's lightning bolt hit them, but the resistance they had acquired in

their transformed forms protected them, making the attack not affect

them on a large scale.


Emitting powerful roars, Nami and Hugo demonstrated total control over

their new and imposing forms. One of the priests, still conscious, shouted

in alarm at seeing the colossal figures above them. When Titan Hugo took

a step beside the priests, the mere impact of his leg was enough to send

them flying, showing the immense power now at play in the battle.

"We must get out of here! They are monsters!" shouted another priest,

panic in his voice. But before they could flee, Nami acted quickly,

releasing a powerful gust of wind that knocked out all the remaining

priests, sending them falling 300 meters away.

"This lightning hurt a little..." Nami complained, feeling the effect of

Enel's attack. Her body was enveloped in the hurricane she had created, a

demonstration of the control she now possessed over her Devil Fruit.

"Yes, but it wasn't serious. And now we have better control of our fruits,"

responded Hugo, maintaining the imposing expression of his Titan form.

Nami had trained in the use of her fruit in the Alabarna desert along with

Yamato, learning to control her transformed form. She knew that the

transformations of the Einkons could be uncontrolled at first, but now felt

she had better mastery over her own. Similarly, Hugo had reached a new

level of control after the chaos in the desert.

They remembered Luffy's words, instructing them to remain in their

transformed forms as long as they could, to thus achieve true control of

their powers. It was a crucial step to becoming accustomed to their

abilities, which had not yet reached their highest level.

Meanwhile, Enel, lying on the ground and spitting blood, realized the

grave mistake he had made by ignoring Luffy to attack the invaders of his

temple. He stopped his coughing and looked towards where he had

launched the lightning bolts, alarmed by the colossal roars coming from

there. His eyes widened at the sight of the giants emerging, a scene that

defied his understanding of the world.

"What's happening!?" exclaimed Enel, shocked and confused by the turn

of events.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

169. Chapter 169

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



The Shandies watched with astonishment and admiration the colossal

transformations of Nami and Hugo. Their expressions varied between

disbelief and reverence in the face of the display of power that defied

everything they knew.

"What are these creatures?!" exclaimed one of the warriors, his eyes wide

as he observed the immense figure of Hugo rising like a mountain and

creating small tremors as he stepped on the ground. The warrior held his

weapon firmly, but his hand trembled slightly in the face of the power he


"This is... incredible," murmured another warrior, a mix of fear and

fascination in her voice. She had never seen anything like the hurricane

controlled by Nami, which seemed to have a life of its own, spinning and

roaring with stormy force.

Wyper, a leader among the Shandies, watched closely, trying to

understand the implications of those transformations. "They are some

kind of demon..." he said more to himself than to the others. "They are

also attacking Enel..." The temple where Enel was located was now


Some Shandie children, hidden behind their parents, peeked with

curiosity and fear. They whispered among themselves, scared by the sight

of the giants.

Beyond the Shandie warriors, the inhabitants of the city of angels

witnessed the two gigantic figures emerging in the center of the island at

a distance, visible even from afar. The population of the city stopped, the

streets full of people looking up at the sky, agape at the sight of the

colossal creatures.

"What are those things?!" shouted a man, pointing in the direction of the

distant giant figures. His voice trembled as much as his hands. "Mommy,

look, they're giants!" exclaimed a child, pointing with a mix of fear and


"Could they be enemies of god Enel?" asked a woman, her voice laden

with worry. The uncertainty about the intentions of the giant creatures

added a layer of tension to the existing fear, in addition to Enel fighting

someone in another corner of the island.

"Could they be enemies of god?"

"What's going to happen to us?"

"Should we leave here and get away, it's not safe!"

The voices repeated in the city, meanwhile, the crew had already

disembarked and was walking against the crowd of the city, they walked

calmly as if they were on vacation.

"What is this?" Shirahoshi asked, picking up an object from a store, while

the seller hid behind the counter trembling, he looked at the mermaid

unbelieving that she wanted to buy a shell in the midst of that chaos.

"SHARKY!" Megalo arrived next curious.

"GRRRRR!" Laboon was also curious.


"What are you doing Karoo?" Vivi asked her curious duck.

"Wooolf Wooolf."

All the animals were exploring the city with the members while looking

at everything curiously.

Elsewhere, Gan Fall, the former God of Skypiea, approached the

epicenter of chaos mounted on his loyal winged horse, Pierre. His eyes

widened in alarm as he watched the scene below. The forest was on fire,

the flames consuming the trees with the relentless voracity of one side

where Enel was, while two gigantic creatures dominated the scene at

Enel's temple.

Gan Fall's expression was a mix of concern and disbelief. "What is

happening here? Who are these monsters and the person who is fighting

Enel?" he murmured to himself, his voice almost lost in the noise of the

battle. His gaze was fixed on the flames, the giant creatures, and the

ruined temple, looking for clues that could explain the turmoil and

destruction that had taken over Skypiea.

Luffy, watching from above, noticed Enel fallen on the ground, clearly

dazed and confused by the transformations of Eikons unfolding before

him. The sight of Enel, a being who proclaimed himself a god, stunned

and vulnerable, was amusing to Luffy.

With an intense glint in his eyes, Luffy focused on Enel. Without

hesitation, Luffy propelled himself downward, turning into a true human

meteor as his body enveloped in flames, leaving a luminous trail in his


Enel, still on the ground, raised his eyes just in time to see the flaming

figure of Luffy approaching rapidly. Fear and surprise were evident on his

face, an indication that his shell of superiority was crumbling.

Luffy knew he couldn't hurt him with that, but he still wanted to play in

the fight, while not hitting the logia with haki. Luffy went straight to

where Enel was and exploded the entire area with the force of his body.


The entire area around exploded, cracking a significant part of the forest

and even causing the island to tremble slightly. Enel emerged soon after

with lightning, but Luffy appeared right behind him with an amethyst

glow, punching the God once more.

"Why can he hurt me?!" He shouted in even more pain, he was quite

battered by the situation, having received blows after blows and not

hurting the enemy once.

Angry, he appeared in front of Luffy, who was standing in the place

where he hit Enel, and the god used his maximum force. "200 million

volts!" He shouted and Luffy was covered by a devastating lightning bolt

destroying everything in its path and disintegrating with the force of the


"It's a beautiful strike..." A voice emerged when Enel seemed sure he had

hit Luffy this time.

But as soon as everything calmed down, Luffy appeared in the middle of

the devastated field without backing down an inch while staring at Enel

with a playful look. His form in phase 2 plus 50 times his defense made

his body withstand the attack, while his body was enveloped not only by

flames but also by lightning that tried to electrocute him.

"How...?" He asked, dazed, while Luffy punched him once again.

*BOOOOMMMMM!* Enel flew to the ground, devastating a part of the


"I... I can't lose here!" Enel roared, he was bleeding, desperate, and aware

of his imminent defeat, then decided to play his last card. With a wild

look of determination, he gathered his strength and flew into the sky,

preparing to release an attack that could destroy the entire island and

everyone on it.

"I won't lose, so I'll use my final attack to destroy you along with

everyone!" Enel shouted, his voice echoing through the sky. "Raigou!"

The clouds above him began to stir, forming a gigantic sphere of

electrical energy, a sign of the devastating power that was about to be


Luffy, watching from below, immediately realized the gravity of the

situation. "This... so he intends to release all his power...!" Luffy said in a

carefree tone.

The entire sun in Skypiea was covered by dark clouds, forming a

darkness for all who only had Luffy's flames and Enel's lightning to light

up the kingdom. People panicked, wondering what Enel was trying to do,

until a ball began to appear above Luffy for all observers.

"Luffy, what does he intend?" Garuda/Nami asked a little far away

looking at Luffy.

"It's okay, I can handle this..." Luffy spoke.

Meanwhile, Enel, floating in the sky, looked angrily after Luffy's words.

'He can handle this? I'll show the power of a god!' He smiled

malevolently, believing his final attack would ensure his victory, killing

this inferior mortal.

The sphere began to grow by the moment in front of him, it had

increased to a size that could say it was a small blue and electric sun,

everyone was panicking, whether Shandies, the inhabitants of the city of

angels, and Gan Fall trying to dodge the lightning in the sky.

"It looks like things are serious..." Yamato admitted in the city.

"Luffy can handle this..." Nojiko spoke confidently.

"I hope he doesn't overdo it." Kuina murmured.

"How scary!" Usopp shouted a little afraid of that hugging Bepo who was

also looking at it with a desperate tone.

Witnessing the magnitude of Enel's power, Luffy realized that only his

maximum level of strength would be sufficient to repel that. He decided

to initiate his transformation to phase 3, the most powerful and

destructive form of the Eikon Eikon no Mi: Chaos Ifrit.

Luffy began to transform, as intense and violent flames began to form

around him, a pillar of purple fire exploded rivaling the brightness of

Enel's sphere, who looked a bit dazed at this development.

As the flames calmed down, Luffy's final transformation was revealed. He

was now a colossal figure, a true drake, with burned skin, amethyst

armor, and curved horns. The flames vibrated on his gigantic body, now

50 meters tall. His presence was as imposing as an ancient demon,

emanating a power that seemed capable of being a unique force of


Luffy, in his Ifrit form, stomped on the ground and roared loudly.


"What?! He can also transform into one of those creatures...?" Enel

questioned from above with a surprised look.

'Let's see who has the most devastating attack, Enel...' Luffy thought,

looking at the sphere in the sky. The demon made of purple flames did

not go unnoticed; everyone looked at it in surprise, as a third creature

appeared on the island and was about to face the god of Skypiea in his

most powerful strike.

Luffy knew he was ready to face Enel's devastating attack. With absolute

control over the element of fire, Luffy prepared to launch a counter-

attack capable of destroying Enel's threat. The black, now colossal wings

that manifested on his back rose as he raised both hands, concentrating

his flames in them.

The purple flames surrounding him began to concentrate between his

hands, swirling and coalescing into a sphere growing from a small form

to something much more immense. The flames, fueled by Luffy's strength

and determination, grew in size and intensity, forming a burning sphere

that rivaled the thunder sphere in the sky above.

The fire sphere became a manifestation of Ifrit's destructive power. It

pulsed and shone with intense light, the flames dancing violently on its

surface like a sun. The heat emitted was so intense that it could be felt at

a considerable distance, causing even the most distant observers to step

back. Skypiea was no longer in darkness.

Enel, watching from the air, was incredulous as the purple flames formed

and grew in Luffy's hands. The intensity and size of the fire sphere were

such that Enel began to question if his own attack would be enough.

"Impossible... How can he...?" murmured Enel, his voice betrayed by

uncertainty, unable to imagine that a mere mortal could also reach such

a level of power.

"No, he is just a mortal! I will destroy him!" Enel returned to his


Enel looked to destroy the one who dared challenge him. "Goodbye

mortal! Goodbye, Skypiea!" he exclaimed, launching the gigantic electric

sphere towards the island.

Luffy looked at it and as soon as his sphere was ready, he flapped his

wings and flew up with his chaos flame sphere to face the lightning

sphere, sending his attack with his own body as if holding a colossal

rasengan with one hand.

When the two colossal spheres – one of lightning and the other of flames

– met in the sky of Skypiea, the impact was monumental. At the moment

the spheres collided, an explosion of unimaginable energy erupted in the

sky. The collision released shockwaves that shook all of Skypiea. The sky

was illuminated by a dazzling flash, a mix of electric blue and flaming

purple, painting an apocalyptic picture while everyone tried to protect


The sound of the explosion was deafening, a combination of thunder and

fire, echoing throughout the island. The inhabitants of Skypiea, the

Shandies, and even the animals were stunned, watching the fight of the

titans in the skies. Many protected themselves as best they could, fearing

for their lives in the face of the devastating power being unleashed.

The clouds above dispersed violently, as if torn apart by the force of the

impact. The air vibrated with the released energy, and the ground

trembled under the feet of the island's inhabitants. Below the attack, trees

were uprooted, and fragile structures collapsed under the force of the


Even Titan and Garuda transformed, had to use their arms to protect

their eyes from the force of the attack. Gan Fall, mounted on Pierre,

watched the scene with a mix of horror and admiration, as his horse was

thrown away. He knew he was witnessing an unprecedented event, a

battle that would decide the fate of Skypiea.

Luffy's crew, who had disembarked in the city, looked up at the sky,

worried, but confident in their captain's strength. "My husband can

handle this..." Alvida spoke confidently, trying to reassure the others.

The impact of the spheres was both a terrifying and impressive spectacle.

An energy cloud formed where they collided. It was a battle of a God and

a Demon, fought by a pirate and a being who believed himself divine, a

fight that would be remembered for a thousand years by the inhabitants

of this place, regardless of the outcome of the confrontation.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

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170. Chapter 170

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



As the two colossal spheres - one of fire and the other of lightning -

clashed in the sky of Skypiea, a massive shockwave was released,

sweeping the entire islands with relentless force. The impact of this

titanic encounter was not limited to the collision site, but reverberated

throughout Skypiea, shaking the island to its core.

In the forests, gigantic trees trembled and swayed, some being uprooted.

The houses and structures in the city of angels vibrated, with objects

falling from shelves and windows shuddering. The Shandies held on

firmly to whatever they could, eyes wide and faces marked by fear and

admiration in a corner of the forest.

In the sky, the collision of the spheres created a spectacle of light and

energy that illuminated the entire island. Luffy's purple flames fiercely

battled against Enel's blue lightning. The intense glow was so dazzling

that many inhabitants of Skypiea had to shield their eyes, while others

watched hypnotized, unable to look away from the celestial battle.

Gan Fall, mounted on his winged horse Pierre, watched the scene with an

expression of deep concern. He knew that the outcome of this battle

would define the future of Skypiea. Children, the elderly, warriors, and

ordinary citizens - all the inhabitants of Skypiea felt the magnitude of the


"It looks like the captain is having fun..." Reiju commented with her face

to the side due to the wind.

"How can you say he's having fun?!" Vivi complained.

"It's so beautiful..." Shirahoshi commented, looking at the dance of purple

and blue colors in the sky.

"It's not beautiful, but worrying... Everything is being affected by this

fight." Kuina complained beside her.

"We must protect ourselves!" Chopper shouted, scared.

"Stop with this kind of scandal, the captain will soon win this fight..."

Lami comments as she starts to walk, avoiding the wind, and the others

ended up following her, most of them reluctantly.

In the clouds above, the spheres continued their fierce fight. The energy

released was so intense that it seemed to create distortions in the air, as

the spheres fought against each other. The battle between Ifrit and Enel

reached its dramatic climax.

Luffy, transformed into his colossal form of Ifrit, used just one arm to

push the gigantic sphere of purple flames upwards, in an act of

superhuman strength and determination. His purple flames, emanating a

heat and power that seemed to defy the very laws of nature, pressed

against the sphere of lightning with an unyielding force.

Meanwhile, Enel, behind his own sphere of lightning, was concentrating

all his power, using both hands to direct his gigantic electric sphere

against the purple fire demon. His expression was a mix of intense effort

and growing despair, as he channeled all his energy in an attempt to

overpower Luffy.

As the battle of the two colossal forces - fire and lightning - clashed with

ferocity, a surprising phenomenon began to occur. Luffy's chaos flames,

which formed the gigantic sphere of purple fire, had an extraordinary

property of the chaos flames, they began to consume the lightning

molecules of Enel's sphere. It was as if the flames themselves had a will of

their own, desiring to dominate the opposing energy.

As the fight between the spheres continued, Luffy's sphere of flames

gradually gained an advantage. The purple flames advanced, enveloping

and disintegrating Enel's electric energy. It was a spectacle for all who

were watching at that moment; the chaos flames devoured the electrical

energy, making Enel's sphere seem as if it were being eaten away each

time Luffy's sphere penetrated the lightning energy.

Enel, seeing his sphere being consumed by Luffy's flames, struggled

desperately to maintain control. His face displayed a mix of shock and

disbelief. "How is this possible?! I am a god!" he screamed, unable to

believe that his powerful attack was being devoured by the strange

flames. Luffy's sphere of fire became even more intense, the impact of

this phenomenon was so great that the light emitted by the flames began

to outshine the lightning sphere itself.

The spectators in Skypiea watched, amazed and astonished, as the

battlefield shifted. The fire sphere now dominated the sky, a clear

demonstration of Luffy's immense power and advantage against his self-

proclaimed God. His sphere of lightning, once an immense manifestation

of his divine power, was now being consumed by Luffy's chaos flames.

The electric blue of the sphere began to fade, being replaced by the

vibrant purple of Luffy's flames.

Enel desperately tried to salvage his attack, but it seemed futile. He

watched the remnants of his sphere disappear as a colossal ball of fire

headed his way. He looked at it with a dead gaze, knowing he could not

be harmed by the huge sphere, but he felt lost. Everything he had done in

the fight was useless, the other part hurt him and ended his attacks, no

matter how he tried to deal with that man who named himself Monkey

D. Luffy.

"This is a nightmare, that's what it is... I hope to wake up soon." He came

to this conclusion, waiting for the sphere to hit him to wake up from this

supposed dream.

Just when the sphere was about to hit him, under everyone's gaze, it

dissolved, emitting heat throughout Skypiea. Enel was also surprised, but

before he could formulate a reaction, completely absorbed in his shock

and surprise, he didn't see Ifrit emerge from the flames of the sphere and

quickly approach in the air.

With a flap of his wings, Ifrit flew through his flames to reach Enel. Luffy

filled his fist with a bit of Armament Haki and leaned in for the final

attack. Enel couldn't react as Luffy used his colossal fist and Haki to

punch the Logia user in the air with devastating force.

Luffy's giant hand, wrapped in purple flames and Haki, struck Enel with

such impact that it violently launched him towards the island below. As

Enel flew through the air, his expression was a mix of pain and disbelief,

as he bled and lost consciousness from the attack, flying to the ground.

The inhabitants of Skypiea, still recovering from the spectacle of the

colossal spheres, now witnessed Enel being launched to the island like a

falling meteor. His body crossed the sky, a trail of electric energy and

blood following his trajectory, until finally colliding with the island with

a resounding boom.


The impact of Enel on the island was so powerful that it created a wave

in that area like an earthquake, raising dust and debris and causing a

tremor that could be felt at various points in the Upper Yard. Enel lay

there, knocked out and motionless, defeated by the hands of Luffy.

"It seems it's over..." Luffy murmured as his body in the air began to glow

and his transformation was being undone, returning to his common form

while his cloak and hat fluttered in the air.

With Luffy's final impact on Enel, the battle that dominated the sky of

Skypiea came to an end. The dark clouds that had formed during the

confrontation began to dissipate, allowing the daylight to return, bathing

the island with the soft glow of the sun again. The sky, which moments

before witnessed a clash of almost divine forces, now returned to its

usual serenity.

Throughout Skypiea, the inhabitants emerged from their hideouts and

places of refuge, looking around with a mix of relief and confusion. They

wondered what exactly had happened, trying to process the surreal

events they had just witnessed without understanding anything. "What

was that? What happened? Where is Enel?" they asked each other, while

looking at the now clear sky, searching for answers.

Meanwhile, Luffy still maintained his wings flying in the sky, with an

expression of satisfaction, he flew down to the area devastated by Enel

and landed gently on the island's soil, near where Enel had fallen.

Enel lay on the ground, defeated and injured. His body was covered with

wounds and marks from the confrontation since the beginning of the

fight. "You don't seem so divine now, do you..." Luffy didn't miss a chance

to mock as he approached and picked up some seastone chains and


As soon as he placed the handcuffs on Enel and saw him securely

restrained, his gaze returned to the sky where two figures were

approaching. Nami and Hugo, in their normal forms after undoing their

colossal transformations, landed near Luffy.

Nami, with her orange hair gently swaying in the wind, had a look of

relief and curiosity on her face. "Did you defeat him? It was quite a flashy

fight, Luffy..." She looked at him a bit worried, searching for any injuries

on her captain.

"It was fun, but quite easy for me." Luffy shrugged, as he had even

extended the fight waiting for some challenge from Enel, but he was

already much stronger to face him.

"What shall we do now, captain?" Hugo asked.

"We'll wait for some interesting guests to approach, in the meantime let

the rest of the crew do what they want in the city of angels, then we'll

explore the island." Luffy spoke, thinking that the Shandies and even Gan

Fall would approach with Enel defeated and wanting to know our


"You didn't kill him, any reason?" Hugo asked with interest, since Luffy

could very well have killed Enel.

"This guy's name is Enel, he might be a fool with great power, but he's

quite useful beyond his fruit, I'll have a chat with him when he wakes

up." Luffy commented, wanting to ask Enel some questions and try to

recruit him for his crew. If he was successful and sure the man wouldn't

betray him, he would have a powerful force more; otherwise, he could

not let him live and would try to reallocate his fruit to someone else.

Luffy sighed amid the wreckage and couldn't help but think, looking at

the beanstalk-like structure rising to the sky in the middle of the island.

'A few months ago, when I was in the East Blue, I thought I would have a

few days to finish things on this island, but it seems I did it in just a few

hours...' Luffy thought.

A while later, while he was hugging Nami trying to play hard to get to

provoke her, a winged horse emerged from the sky, and Gan Fall

approached while in the forest, numerous people with small wings on

their backs appeared, coming from the place.

The Shandies, along with Gan Fall, watched the scene from a distance as

they approached the devastated area with trees and rocks scattered

everywhere. They looked at the trio, especially at Luffy next to a defeated

and injured Enel, with eyes full of suspicion and fascination, trying to

understand who these strangers were that had defeated Enel.

Luffy, still sporting his two huge black wings, looked like a mythical

figure, a black angel out of an ancient legend even in this place. His

wings, much larger than those of any inhabitant of Skypiea, gave him an

imposing and mysterious aura. The Shandies, accustomed to the modest

white wings that adorned their own backs, watched with a mix of respect

and fear.

Gan Fall, the former God of Skypiea, mounted on his winged horse Pierre

and holding his spear, examined Luffy with a discerning look. He knew

that Luffy was not an ordinary being, and his curiosity about Luffy's

intentions and origins grew. "Who are these outsiders? They possess a

power I've never seen before," Gan Fall murmured to himself, as he

cautiously approached.

"It looks like our guests have finally arrived." Luffy commented, after all,

he should declare that Skypiea is now his territory and he would spend a

good time here to strengthen his entire crew before starting to shock the

world below. This place would mark the beginning of Luffy's true plans,

plans that would make him and his crew, a real force in the sea.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

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Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

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RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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171. Chapter 171

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



The atmosphere at the destroyed site between Luffy and the spectators

was tense, uncertainty hanging in the air. The Shandies, led by Wyper, a

fearless and respected warrior among his tribe, watched Luffy with

evident caution beside Enel in a state they could never have imagined,

knocked out and injured. Everyone, still haunted by the recent battle,

waited eagerly to hear the intentions of the one who had easily defeated

their self-proclaimed invincible god, as besides some dust on his clothes,

Luffy showed no injuries from the fight.

Wyper stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Luffy with a bit of caution.

"Who are you, why did you enter into conflict against Enel, and what do

you intend to do now?" he asked, his voice laden with a mix of curiosity

and challenge. The other Shandies and inhabitants of Skypiea waited in

silence, attentive to the response of this man who made Enel seem quite


Luffy, with a calm and confident expression, observed the group gathered

before him. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy, I am a pirate from the lower

sea, and from today onwards, Skypiea is my territory," declared Luffy, his

voice resonating with authority.

Luffy's announcement caused an immediate buzz among the Shandies and

Gan Fall narrowed his eyes at Luffy. Some looked surprised, others

seemed uncertain about how to react to the bold declaration. The idea of

Skypiea, going from the hands of one tyrant to another even more

powerful, didn't seem to bring joy to them.

"Your territory?! What does that mean? Will you be like Enel was to us?

We don't intend to give up our home, not even Enel could get rid of us!"

A Shandie shouted from the crowd and others also agreed, picking up

strange weapons used by the people of Skypiea.

"They don't seem to take it very well, captain..." Hugo commented the


"It's okay, just a haki to end their wills..." Luffy murmured, but before he

could use it, a voice from above spoke in a firm tone.

"Calm down! Haven't you seen what he can do, besides becoming that

monster in front of everyone, Enel was completely defeated by him and

you think you can deal with this man from the lower sea? You will just

lose your lives without knowing his real intentions with your words!"

Gan Fall shouted and those most eager to fight against Luffy thought a bit

and saw that it wouldn't be the smartest option without hearing the other


Gan Fall, who observed the crowd calming down, turned his attention to

Luffy alongside his companions with Enel fallen, he knew the stories of

pirates from the lower sea and was aware of a bit of what Luffy had said.

"And what does that mean for Skypiea and its people? Are you going to

govern our peoples like Enel?" asked Gan Fall, his voice still maintaining

a bit of respect.

Luffy looked at Gan Fall and the Shandies. "It means that I won't interfere

in internal affairs of the kingdom and that you will have freedom to

choose who will govern you, and you will be under the protection of my

flag, I will protect this place and its inhabitants. Nobody will threaten

Skypiea while it is under my name," Luffy affirmed, showing a strong

determination. "And Enel will no longer be a problem for you."

"But that has a cost, doesn't it?" Gan Fall spoke, expecting Luffy to state

what it would cost his people.

"That's true, I bet you're just another Enel, wanting to enslave us with

your tyranny!" exclaimed one of the Shandies, echoing the sentiment of

many present. The fear of being subjugated by another authoritarian

leader was among the crowd.

Luffy, understanding the tension and fear in their eyes, raised his hand to

silence the crowd. "I am not here to enslave or oppress anyone. My

interest is not in the internal power of your kingdom," he explained, his

voice firm and convincing. "What I want is to establish a development

agenda here. I will use a part of Skypiea to train me and my people, of

course, as my territory and under my protection, there will be a tribute to

my flag."

Luffy's words brought a new element to the discussion. For Gan Fall, the

idea of having the protection of a group of powerful pirates like these

was something many on the island had never considered, something like

this could have even prevented the rise of Enel, as there was no one who

could deal with him, but that could change if they had help from the blue


Gan Fall, reflecting on Luffy's words, saw an opportunity for a new

beginning in Skypiea. "If your intentions are true and you respect the

autonomy and freedom of our people, perhaps we can find a way to

peaceful coexistence and I believe others may agree with this," he said,


"Are we really going to do this?"

"Are you sure he won't be like Enel?"

"He said he won't get involved with us."

"If we had this, Enel could never have risen."

"Gan Fall! How can you sell us out like this?!"

"It's true, we are Shandies, we bow to no one!"

"We won't hand Skypiea over to people from the blue sea!"

Luffy's proposal sparked discussions, some saw something positive in it,

but soon those who didn't like the idea voiced their concerns, after all,

they never backed down or gave up during Enel's regime, they wouldn't

trust a stranger so easily. They remained skeptical and wary, unable to

fully trust the words of a pirate, even after witnessing his strength and

Enel's defeat.

Realizing that words wouldn't be enough to dispel their doubts and fears,

Luffy decided to demonstrate his power more directly. A wave emanated

from him, releasing his Conqueror's Haki. The aura emitted by Luffy was

so powerful and oppressive that none of them had ever witnessed

anything like it, and it began to physically affect those around him.

Suddenly, many of those present, especially the weaker ones, felt the

overwhelming pressure of Luffy's Haki, causing them to involuntarily

kneel, even the greatest warriors were affected, dropping their weapons.

The effect was immediate and impressive. All the Shandies except for a

few, now kneeling, looked at Luffy with a mixture of renewed respect

and fear. Gan Fall, observing the scene, felt a mix of admiration and

concern. He knew that Conqueror's Haki was a characteristic of

exceptional and powerful individuals from the lower sea as he saw some

decades ago, when a pirate Gol D. Roger arrived on the sky island and

brought all of Gan Fall's forces at that time to their knees, and Luffy's

display confirmed that he also possessed this strange power.

[Author here: I don't know what really happened, but I think something

similar might have occurred, since Gol D. Roger walked through Skypiea

as if on vacation and I don't think the inhabitants would have taken that

very well.]

After the Haki display, Luffy spoke again, this time with unquestionable

authority. "I don't want to rule Skypiea with fear. I want you to see that

the protection I offer is real and that together we can create a better

place, you may not trust me now, but in a few years, you will see great

results," he said, now with the crowd's full attention.

Seeing that no one else was speaking, even Wyper and Gan Fall silent,

Luffy continued, "I will talk to all of you later, Gan Fall you better calm

the people of the City of Angels and Shandies, we will have a meeting

tomorrow, for now, I will sort some things out with my crew, but

remember, whether you like it or not, Skypiea now belongs to my

territory, to the Straw Hat Pirates," he declared, with an authority that

left no room for questioning.

Luffy's final statement was direct and to the point, making it clear that,

regardless of their opinions or feelings, the island was under his

dominion. He no longer sought to convince or calm; instead, he asserted

a reality that everyone in Skypiea would have to accept.

The inhabitants and Shandies exchanged glances among themselves,

some with expressions of resignation, others still showing signs of

discontent. The imposing presence of Luffy and the reality of the power

he held were undeniable; the conqueror's haki was far more convincing

than the logia of thunder.

"Now I'm going to see my crew, Hugo, Nami, let's go," Luffy said,

grabbing the unconscious Enel and flying into the air with his huge black

wings, heading towards the City of Angels where the Black Pearl was.

Upon arriving at the ship, Luffy was greeted by Chouchou who had

returned to the ship to stay as a guard with a "Woof Woof!". After petting

the dog, he first went to the cabin where there was a ship that he had left

in miniature since they began climbing to Skypiea, he didn't put them

back to normal size as soon as they arrived because with Enel's shots,

they could have been eliminated.

Stepping out with the boat in hand, Luffy threw it beside the ship into

the sea of clouds and immediately used the ability of the Moa Moa No

Mi, which granted him the power to manipulate the size of things, to

return the boat to its original size.

As the boat grew, the former slaves aboard began to emerge from the

cabins, astonished by the sudden transformation. Luffy asked them to

leave the ship and go to the city of angels, looking around in surprise as

they still couldn't believe they were in the sky. They obeyed Luffy and

stayed in a corner of the port until Gan Fall arrived in the city, who,

according to Luffy, would take care of their stay here.

After dealing with the former slaves of the Goa kingdom's ship, Luffy

picked up Enel again and took him to the ship's prison alone while Nami,

Hugo, and Chouchou waited on the deck. Reaching the prison, Lucius

encountered the former members of Baroque Works who had been

previously captured in the same cells. They stared at him, surprised by

the captain's arrival with a new prisoner, who was quite peculiar with

drums on his back and giant ears.

Bon Clay greeted Luffy as usual, and after Luffy locked Enel in the former

cell of Jimbei, he turned his attention to the other prisoners, addressing

them at this moment. "The time has come to release you," he announced,

immediately capturing everyone's attention.

"What?! You're going to release us?" Mr.3 looked suspiciously at Luffy.

"Mugi-channnnn!" Bon Clay twirled happily.

"Please, get me out of here! We've been in this place for a month!" Mikita


"Well... I offer you a choice," continued Lucius, looking straight at each

one of them. "You can join my official fleet that will carry my flag and be

summoned when we need you. If you accept, you will start intensive

training here in Skypiea to become truly strong. It will be an opportunity

to start a new life, away from the mistakes of the past and under a new


Silence filled the room as the prisoners processed the offer. Some

prisoners exchanged glances among themselves, pondering the decision.

"I accept, Mugi-channnn!" Bon Clay was the first to shout. Baroque Works

no longer existed, why should he be loyal to them now? Besides, Bon

Clay liked Luffy a lot as a friend he made in the last month.

"I want to as well! Please, get us out of here!" Mikita spoke with a

glimmer of hope.

"I'm in!" Miss Merry Christmas and Mr.4 also nodded.

"Please, get me out of here! We've been in this place for a month! I'm in

your fleet too, I just want to take a bath!" Mikita begged.

"I'm in too," said Galdino, still a bit hesitant, but clearly curious about

what the future might hold, which would probably be better by accepting

to join this pirate's organization.

Little by little, everyone accepted the offer. Their organization was no

more, Crocodile had been captured and was in prison, what choice did

they have?

With their decision, the former members of Baroque Works became part

of the growing Straw Hat fleet, ready to embark on a new journey under

Luffy's flag, and strengthening in the realms of Skypiea would be just the

beginning of their journey with the iconic flag featuring the straw hat. A

new era of adventures and transformations awaited each of them, now

allies of one of the most promising crews of the seas.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

172. Chapter 172

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



After opening all the cells, the former members of Baroque Works

followed Luffy outside, leaving only Enel as the sole prisoner in the jail.

"You decided to free them, captain," Hugo said.

"I hope they don't cause trouble," Nami said, crossing her arms.

"Don't worry, I'll give them my vote of confidence. I hope we can trust

each other. They will be a good addition to the fleet I'm creating," Luffy

comments on some of his reasons.

"Freedom!" Mr. 2, always cheerful, immediately shouted excitedly, while

the others also seemed quite relieved after leaving for the first time in a

month, isolated in prison.

"Let's talk now," Luffy announces in front of the members of his main

crew and the new 5 members of the fleet. Luffy began to share his plans

with the new members and the part of the crew that was present.

"Let's talk about the future," Luffy started, with a tone of voice that mixed

seriousness and enthusiasm. "Skypiea will not just be our base; it will be

the heart of our expansion and strengthening here. We will use this place,

out of the sight of most of the world, to strengthen ourselves in the

coming months before continuing our journey." Luffy said, war was

coming, as his brother would still go after Teach, so he needed to

strengthen his crew like never before.

The 3 main crew members looked at Luffy, already expecting something

like this, even though they still didn't know about the coming war, their

captain had always given priority to their training while they sailed the


He looked at the new recruits, Bentham, Babe, Galdino, Marianne,

Mikita, and Miss Merry Christmas. "Welcome to the Straw Hat fleet, those

of you who have joined us, this is an opportunity to start anew. We will

use each of your skills in the best possible way. You will be so powerful

when you come out of this training that you'll even be able to beat

Crocodile, your former boss," Luffy smiled at their surprised expressions.

"Can we really do that?! Luffy-Channnnn!" Bentham shouted.

"Yes, I'm sure you'll all be powerful when I'm done with you," Luffy

smiled while the former Baroque Works members were oblivious to what

they were in for, Hugo, Nami, and Chouchou felt sorry for them.

At that moment, Yamato approached, sensing that Luffy had returned to

the ship with his haki, "Luffy, is everything alright here? I saw the fight

from afar, it seems like you handled that lightning user well."

Luffy smiled at her, reassuring her. "Everything is under control, Yamato.

How are the others?"

"They are all exploring the city, but the people are quite scared," she said.

"That's to be expected, anyway, Gan Fall, the former ruler of this place,

should be arriving to control the population," Luffy crossed his arms.

"This is Yamato, the vice-captain of the group," Luffy introduced her to

the new members as he had done with them to Yamato.

After the greetings, Luffy resumed speaking. "Everything is fine now.

Things here are over, at least for today. Let's enjoy the City of Angels and

relax a bit. There's a lot to explore and enjoy here in Skypiea," he said,

encouraging everyone to enjoy the moment of calm after the clash with

Enel, whose followers were also killed by Nami and Hugo. Enel was not a

man who needed an army, so there were no more enemies.

Luffy went to the edge of the ship and jumped onto the sea of clouds port

in the city. "Let's go. I want to see what this city has to offer as well." His

smile was contagious, and everyone followed him into the city.

Luffy, accompanied by Hugo, Nami, and Yamato, walked towards the

City of Angels in Skypiea. With them, followed the freed former slaves

and the newly integrated members of Baroque Works, the group

attracting curious looks from the local inhabitants, many still hiding in

their homes.

The former slaves and members of Baroque Works, now free, looked

around with a mix of disbelief. They marveled at the unique structures of

this kingdom and the winged inhabitants of Skypiea.

As Luffy and his group explored the City of Angels, a commotion began

to form in one of the main squares with a crowd being formed with most

of the city's inhabitants. The crowd gathered, attracted by the sudden

presence of Gan Fall, who emerged to address the citizens of Skypiea.

With a serene but authoritative posture, Gan Fall began to speak.

"People of Skypiea, a significant change has occurred today," Gan Fall

announced, his firm voice echoing through the square. "Enel, who for so

long imposed his reign of tyranny over us, has been defeated."

A murmur of surprise and relief swept through the crowd. Faces that

previously exhibited fear and uncertainty now lit up with hope, but still,

the doubt of their self-proclaimed god having been defeated made

everyone wonder who could have done such a thing.

Seizing the moment, Luffy approached with his group. "The one who

defeated Enel was a pirate from the lower sea, that one there with the

straw hat," Gan Fall announced, pointing to Luffy approaching with his


This immediately made the crowd look back in surprise at this pirate and

the revelation that it was he who defeated Enel. At that moment, the

crowd stirred with murmurs of surprise while looking with some fear at

the man at the front of this group. Then Luffy stepped forward, a

confident smile on his face and impressive black wings growing on his

back at that moment.

"Hello everyone!" Luffy exclaimed, his voice echoing through the square.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy. From now on, I'm taking responsibility for Skypiea,

but don't worry, I'm not here to rule or impose tyrannical rules. I'm here

to ensure that this kingdom prospers and I'll use this place to train my

crew for a while without affecting your lives, with this place becoming

my territory, as long as I'm alive, no other Enel will appear and you can

even consider me as one of you!" Luffy declared, his voice full of

sincerity, while black wings sprouted from his back lifting his cloak, to

make the people more accustomed to him.

As he spoke, majestic black wings unfolded behind Luffy, elevating his

cloak and creating an impressive silhouette that caused murmurs of

admiration and surprise among the crowd. The contrasting sight of his

dark wings with the white and modest wings of Skypiea's inhabitants was

a spectacle in itself.

Nami, watching closely, couldn't help but comment with a sigh of disdain

mixed with a smile: "Show-off…" Beside her, some women from the town

looked at Luffy almost with reverence, impressed by his charismatic and

powerful presence.

Bon Clay, also present, did not hide his enthusiasm. "That's so cool! Luffy-

Channnnn!" he exclaimed, delighted with his friend's transformation.

Luffy, observing the crowd's reaction, continued with his message: "I

want to assure all of you that, as long as I live, no tyrant like Enel will

threaten this place again. Skypiea will be a safe sanctuary, a refuge under

my watch." He paused, allowing his words to echo among the listeners.

"Additionally, I've brought some people with me who need a home." Luffy

pointed to the group of former slaves behind him. "They are just looking

for a peaceful place to start over. Gan Fall, could you accommodate them

here in the city, right?"

Gan Fall, watching everything closely, nodded in agreement, recognizing

Luffy's noble gesture.

Luffy ended his speech with a warm wave to the crowd, who now looked

at him with a mix of curiosity, respect, and a hint of admiration. "Now, if

you'll excuse me, I will find the rest of my crew. We have a lot to explore

and enjoy in this beautiful city!" With these words, he turned and joined

his companions, ready to discover the charms of Skypiea.

Gan Fall would take care of other matters without Luffy and convince the

people of Skypiea about the changes this kingdom would undergo now

that it is territory of the crew.

Luffy walked to join the rest of his crew. When he found them, his group

of nearly 20 people were gathered looking at various shells that only the

sky island could offer. As Luffy approached, Shirahoshi, with her

innocent and curious look, held a shell-shaped device, clearly enchanted

by the technological wonders of Skypiea, as were Kuina, Nojiko, and

Robin. Beside her, Vivi was discussing animatedly with Chopper and

Usopp about the peculiarities of the local architecture.

Upon reaching the group, Luffy was greeted with a chorus of greetings.

"Luffy, you finally arrived!" Usopp exclaimed, with his usual enthusiasm.

Chopper, carrying a pile of exotic fruits, waved cheerfully.

"Look, Luffy-Sama!" Shirahoshi approached with a shell-shaped device

and pressed a button.

"Look, Luffy-Sama!" the shell repeated what Shirahoshi had said, finding

it incredible.

"I see you're having fun. Here, there are many things we don't find in the

sea below, so enjoy and spend your money as you like. By the way, the

currency in this place is quite inflated... I think I'll have to change that,

it's much more devalued than berries. I'll talk to Gan Fall about it later,"

Luffy murmured.

After meeting with Gan Fall and the crowd, Luffy joined the rest of his

crew to enjoy everything the City of Angels had to offer. The atmosphere

in the city was now one of celebration and relief, a welcome change after

the tension of the battle against Enel.

Luffy, with his characteristic enthusiasm, led the group through the city

while people looked at them with curiosity. Besides being outsiders from

the blue sea, their captain was the one who had defeated Enel.

"Let's stop here; let's have a feast. The city center is big enough for this,"

Luffy said and took out Black Pearl from his pocket, throwing it in front

of the square, causing a large explosion to arise from its weight.

"It's time to celebrate our victory and the freedom of the new members of

our fleet," his enthusiastic voice echoed through the square, infecting

everyone around.





The animals got excited, and quickly, the team began to organize the

party. Hugo and Zoro took care of the drinks, bringing the best wines and

exotic juices found in the city. Bentham, always cheerful, took on the role

of entertainment, putting on an improvised dance show that drew

laughter and applause from the local inhabitants.

Nojiko, Hachi, and Rieju organized the food. They gathered a variety of

local and exotic delicacies, setting up a table full of colorful and aromatic

dishes that whetted everyone's appetite.

The atmosphere in the square transformed. What was once a city of

tension and fear under Enel's rule now filled with music, laughter, and

joy. The inhabitants of Skypiea, initially hesitant, began to join the

celebration, drawn by the infectious energy of the party.

The members of Baroque Works, now free and part of the Straw Hat fleet

along with the giants Broggy and Dorry, mingled with the crew and the

locals, sharing stories and laughter. The initial distrust gave way to lively

conversations and unexpected friendships.

As the sun set, the square lit up with colorful lanterns made by Skypiea's

devices, creating a magical setting. The music continued, now with

Chopper and Usopp joining in with their improvised instruments, which

they clearly didn't know how to play, adding more joy to the party.

Luffy, observing everything from a corner, smiled contentedly. It was

more than a celebration; it was the beginning of a new era for Skypiea

and for his crew.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

173. Chapter 173

[Chapter Size: 1500 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



The following day, under the clear sky of Skypiea, Luffy, now also known

as the pirate who had ended Enel's regime, got up early from a bed filled

with deeply sleeping women, determined to start the new day with his

expanded crew and the newly integrated former members of Baroque


The crew's ship was still in the middle of the city, Luffy gathered

everyone on the deck of the Black Pearl, presenting himself with the

posture of a born leader. "It's time to go to the Upper Yard, let's discover

the City of Gold!" Luffy announced, exciting both the main crew and the

fleet members. Luffy wanted to begin his grandest plan, which he had in

mind as soon as his memories of his past life were reintroduced in that

solitary barrel in the East Blue.

After the meeting, Luffy used his power to change the ship's gravity and

weight, with Nami behind him using her wind, the ship started to fly

towards another island of Skypiea. The group flew over the forest and the

areas destroyed by the fight between Luffy and Enel, while Luffy asked

Nami to head towards the City of Gold.

The city's inhabitants watched the ship flying away with wide eyes,

leaving the square empty after a great party the previous day. They had

become accustomed to the presence of this group and even made friends

with some of them.

As they neared the City of Gold, anticipation grew. Luffy, standing at the

ship's bow, pointed forward, where a dense mass of clouds hid their

destination in the center of the island.

After crossing much of the Upper Yard, the Black Pearl arrived at the

location where Shandora was supposed to be. They landed below the

enormous fern-like tree reaching upwards.

"Nami stop here, I'm going to lower the ship." The ship landed on the

ground, and the crew followed Luffy.

"Luffy, is this where the City of Gold is?" Robin asked.

"It's beneath us, the clouds are preventing us from seeing the city, and

they are solid. Zoro, Kuina, and Hachi, can you cut through the clouds?"

The trio took out their swords and began cutting through the clouds

beside the ferns. It didn't take long with their enhanced skills to reach the

city, with the clouds falling like blocks, the city was finally revealed,

Shandora appeared before everyone, made of gold and filled with ferns

that had grown over time.

The city, lost amidst a lower elevation than the terrain above, was a

spectacle of majestic and golden ruins. Covered by the passage of time, it

still retained traces of its ancient glory.

"Let's go!" Luffy announced, jumping into the hole made by the

swordsmen, and everyone followed him. The city was not just made of

gold; there were sculptures and reliefs carved into the walls that told

stories of gods, warriors, and ancient myths, while inscriptions in an

ancient language decorated the entrances of temples. Temples and

buildings, although in ruins, displayed a complex and refined

architecture of a people from many eras. Stone walls and columns were

adorned with gold ornaments, reflecting the sun's rays after so long

without sunlight penetrating there.

In the center of the city, there was a fern-like tree reaching up to the sky.

Luffy recognized it as the location of the golden bell.

The reaction of Luffy's crew upon seeing the City of Gold of Shandora

was pure amazement and admiration. Nami, with her eyes shining with

excitement and visible dollar signs, was clearly impressed by the

incalculable wealth the city represented. "Look at all this gold!" she

exclaimed, almost hypnotized by the amount of gold adorning the ruins.

The idea of so much wealth in one place seemed to ignite a spark of

ambition and excitement in her.

Shirahoshi and Vivi were also enchanted, their expressions reflecting a

mix of reverence and wonder. Shirahoshi, with her large and bright eyes,

looked around with an expression of pure wonder. "It's so beautiful, I

never stop being amazed by the things of the surface!" she said softly, her

voice full of admiration. The mermaid princess was clearly enchanted by

the shine and magnificence of the place.

Vivi, with her interest in history, was equally fascinated. Just like Robin,

who touched the ruins while walking through the streets, carefully

observing the sculptures and inscriptions on the walls. "Just think of the

history behind all of this..." she commented, her tone full of curiosity and

appreciation for the culture and past of the city.

The other crew members also showed their own reactions of fascination.

Zoro looked around with casual interest, more focused on the structure

and design of the city than the gold itself. Usopp, always the storyteller,

was already beginning to imagine and create heroic legends involving the

lost city for his future listeners.

The members of Baroque Works were practically drooling over the gold;

they worked for money in the organization, so it was an expected

reaction when seeing all that gold. The giants, however, looked at the

gold with little interest.

Luffy, in turn, smiled with satisfaction, as all that gold would be very

welcome for his system. He walked through the city with an air of

excitement and curiosity, looking with great admiration at the place.

Luffy, with a mischievous and characteristic smile, looked at his crew

gathered in the City of Gold and made an enthusiastic announcement:

"Guys, feel free to explore the city and take whatever you want!" His

voice was full of enthusiasm, not caring how much gold his crew could

get from the city. "The rule is simple, take as much gold as you can

carry!" He announced, leaving some members, especially the new ones,

with wide eyes and open mouths at Luffy's generosity.

Nami was the first to react, her eyes shining even more intensely upon

hearing Luffy's words. "Thank you, Luffy!" she exclaimed, already starting

to plan which treasures she might collect. The idea of taking a part of

that wealth for herself was irresistible.

Everyone began to scatter around the city looking for things that

interested them,

Bentham expressed his joy and excitement with a series of dramatic poses

and enthusiastic declarations. "Oh, what a wonder! Look at all this gold!"

he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with the prospect of freedom and


Galdino examined the structures and artifacts, pondering how they could

be useful or valuable. "There's a lot of wealth here,"

Marianne, instead of looking for gold, took out her easel and began to

paint the city. "This will be worth a lot of money!" She murmured.

Meanwhile, the other members were collecting gold around the place,

Luffy stayed inside the city, not too excited to see the ruins; he would

collect the gold soon for the system. The giants ended up staying with

him and Zoro.

After hours of exploring the magnificent City of Gold of Skypiea, Luffy's

crew members returned to the meeting point, carrying not only bags

filled with gold and valuable artifacts but also adorned with jewels that

reflected the wealth and history of that legendary city. The excitement

and contentment were visible on each face, as they shared their

discoveries and achievements.

"I think we've collected enough," announced Luffy, capturing everyone's

attention. "Now, we need to discuss something of utmost importance,

something that will define our future." His voice, heavy with seriousness,

silenced the animated chatter of the group.

Gathered around Luffy, the crew members waited expectantly. "I'm going

to show you something impressive," Luffy said, a sly smile on his lips. He

extended his hand towards the golden ground of the city. In the next

moment, an unbelievable scene unfolded before their eyes: the space

around the city began to distort strangely, and like a voracious whirlpool,

the gold and artifacts began to be sucked towards Luffy.

The legendary city of gold disappeared, absorbed by an invisible force

emanating from Luffy, leaving behind only a vast empty area.

"Hahahaha, look at this... I practically cleaned out the city with this

system," Luffy laughed, observing the areas now devoid of their golden


The group looked at Luffy with a mix of admiration and fear. "I can't

believe it... I fell in love with my greatest adversary..." Nami murmured,

perplexed by the demonstration of power.

"The captain is really relentless..." commented Bepo, a little dazed by

what he had just witnessed.

"Luffy always goes over the top..." Kuina added, shaking her head.

"It's actually incredible…" Chopper, usually the most innocent, couldn't

contain an expression of admiration.

Luffy, pleased with his companions' reactions, didn't lose focus. "Now, let

me explain how we are going to use this treasure." His eyes sparkled as

he consulted the store system in his mind.

[Store System, Points: 51,460,000,000.00 Berries]

He observed the impressive amount he had accumulated, knowing that

soon, this number would decrease drastically as he invested in

purchasing Devil Fruits and other essential items to strengthen his crew.

It was a decisive moment, a crucial step towards the grand future he

planned for himself and those who followed him.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

174. Chapter 174

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



After the dazzling spectacle of turning a large part of the City of Gold

into digital riches, Luffy calmly turned to his still-stunned crew. All eyes

were fixed on him, still processing what they had just witnessed with

open mouths and eyes the size of an egg.

Luffy smiled, he decided it was the ideal moment to discuss the future

plans of the Straw Hat Crew.

"Everyone, pay attention!" called Luffy, his voice carrying a natural


"What you just saw is just a fund-raising to strengthen our crew," Luffy

began, looking at each of them.

Nami, always practical, intervened: "Luffy, with all this gold you've

absorbed, what are your plans? How will this help us?"

"Our ultimate goal," Luffy continued, "is to dominate the seas. Not to rule

with tyranny, but to ensure freedom and safety for all of us and for those

under our protection, I've never hidden this, I intend to overthrow the

world government, since with it, how could I be the emperor of the sea?"

Luffy said, leaving everyone even more surprised by this.

"The world government?!" Usopp shouted as usual.

"Luffy, you can't be serious!" Vivi practically screamed in alarm.

"This..." Even Robin was stunned.

"Well... that makes sense, but it's a surprise to hear this, how many

people can say that." Reiju said calmly.

"I hope this doesn't bring us trouble." Alvida spoke.

"What do you mean it won't cause trouble? This is a big problem!" Kuina


"I liked it." Hugo crossed his arms.

"Me too." Zoro said.

"Do you intend to join the revolutionaries?" Lami asked, seeing that the

goals intertwine.

"They are allies, since my father is the leader and my foster brother is

also a high official, so it's quite possible we'll be together in the final

battle." Luffy comments, responding to Lami.

"Wait Mugi-Chan! Are we going to face the whole government?" Bom-

Clay asked a bit worried, the crew members mostly already expected this

from their captain, but the new intriguing members of the fleet were

quite frightened.

"This seems fun, doesn't it Broggy."

"Of course, we can face powerful opponents, Dorry!"

All but 2, Luffy looked at everyone and continued. "The plan is the

following, something big will happen in the next few months at most,

something that will change the world," Luffy announces, leaving

everyone a bit surprised by this statement.

"Something that will change the world?" Nojiko commented.

"What's going to happen, captain?!" Bepo exclaimed with some fear.

"A war that will change the era, the era of pirates is about to end." Luffy

said confidently.

"The great era of pirates?" Chopper asked a bit surprised.

"Karooo?" Vivi's duck was also confused.

"Yes, and we will act right in the middle of the storm, after that, some

time after that, we will start a war in the new world behind territories to

get our own place in that sea." Luffy spoke.

"Woolf! Woolf!" Chouchou barked excitedly.

"Grrrr!" Laboon joined his friend.

"This seems dangerous..." Nami commented.

"Will we be ready?" Yamato asked.

"Don't worry, we will train a lot in this kingdom before continuing our

journey, when I'm done with you... you all will be so powerful that you

can face the marine headquarters with all its forces and survive it." Luffy

had a sadistic smile at this moment, sending a shiver to all of them, they

now knew they would train like never before.

"I don't like this..." Mikita murmured.

"Me neither, I just hope he respects the elders!" Miss Merry Christmas


Luffy continued, "We are powerful, we have some members with Haki,

like Shirahoshi and Yamato, powerful mythical zoan fruits, like Me,

Yamato, Nami, Chouchou, and Hugo, but this strength is still not enough.

This time will be dedicated to intensive training, especially in Haki. The

challenges we will face from now on will be enormous, and we need to

be prepared."

The crew nodded in agreement, aware of the seriousness of Luffy's words.

Some, like Zoro and Yamato, seemed particularly eager for the rigorous

training that was to come.

"We will face powerful enemies, governments, other pirates, and maybe

even the forces of nature," said Luffy. "Each one of you will have to

surpass your limits. We will train hard, learn to control and enhance our

skills, and become stronger together."

"We'll make Skypiea our temporary headquarters. Here, we have the

freedom and space we need to grow. When we leave, we will be a force

the world will have to recognize," he emphasized this part again.

"Now let's start the next topic." Luffy announced, opening a screen in

front of him.

Luffy, with his eyes fixed on the system before him, began to carefully

select the items he would buy with his 50 billion berries. The screen

displayed an impressive variety of options, but he knew exactly what his

crew needed to strengthen on his wish list.

First, he selected the mythical Akuma no Mi:

- "[Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Phoenix. Price: 5,000,000,000 Berries.]"

This mythical Zoan-type fruit, gender-neutral, of the Phoenix, with a fire

element, would be perfect for a crew member who needed regenerative

abilities and fire manipulation.

- "[Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Shiva. Price: 5,000,000,000 Berries.]" This

mythical Zoan-type fruit, female gender, of Shiva, with an ice element,

offers the user freezing ability and creation of massive objects.

- "[Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Bahamut. Price: 5,000,000,000 Berries.]" A

mythical Zoan-type male Akuma no Mi of Bahamut, with a light element,

ideal for someone with extraordinary offensive and defensive abilities at


- "[Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Leviathan. Price: 5,000,000,000 Berries.]"

A mythical Zoan-type female Akuma no Mi of Leviathan, with a water

element, suitable for someone with a natural affinity with the sea and the

ability to manipulate water; this fruit was the only one in the world

without weakness in the sea.

- "[Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Odin. Price: 5,000,000,000 Berries.]" A

mythical Zoan-type male Akuma no Mi of Odin, with a darkness element,

offering a powerful set of dark abilities.

Next, Luffy selected a legendary weapon:

- "[Supreme Grade Sword, Ace. Price: 10,000,000,000 Berries.]" The last

sword used by Gol D. Roger, currently without a possessor. A powerful

addition to the crew's arsenal.

Finally, he opted for a rare Logia fruit:

- "Wind Logia [2,000,000,000 Berries]." A Logia-type Akuma no Mi that

grants the power to control and transform into wind, a strategic ability

for the team.

Luffy spent a total of 37 billion berries on the purchases, after these

purchases, he still had a remaining balance of 14 billion berries. Luffy

confirmed the purchases, feeling satisfied with his choices. He knew these

items would be crucial in elevating his crew's power to new heights,

preparing them for future challenges.

As he finalized the purchases in the system, the items began to

materialize in front of him, to the astonishment and admiration of all

those present. One by one, the objects appeared, each wrapped in an aura

of mystery and power.

First, the four Eikon Eikon no Mi fruits emerged, shining with distinct

colors and energies. The Phoenix model fruit emanated a warmth and a

flame glow, the Bahamut had a white glow reminiscent of pure light, the

Leviathan fruit exhaled a deep and tranquil blue, and the Odin seemed to

absorb light around it, with a dark reddish and enigmatic glow. Each

fruit had a unique aspect, reflecting their mythical powers.

Next, the supreme sword Ace appeared, known for having been used by

Gol D. Roger. The blade gleamed with an imposing aura, its sheath and

handle were of simple elegance but emanated a sense of power and

history. Everyone in the crew looked at the sword stunned, for those who

did not know the weapon, its aura was evident, especially to Zoro and


Finally, the Wind Logia materialized as a constantly moving air sphere, a

visual representation of the wind power it conferred.

The crew, now surrounded by these incredible treasures, was left

speechless. They looked from one item to another, "These fruits..." Nami

commented, sensing the familiarity of the fruits with her own.

"Yes, they are almost all the Eikons. There is just one I've set aside for

now." Luffy had specific plans for the last Eikon, he would buy it later

and put it in the ship's vault.

With a serious yet excited expression, Luffy began to pick up the fruits

and throw them to specific crew members. He had already planned who

would get each fruit.

For Shirahoshi, he handed the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model Leviathan. "This

fruit will transform you into a majestic creature of the ocean. Your power

will be unmatched in the waters, it's perfect for you, and you won't lose

the ability to swim with it," said Luffy, acknowledging Shirahoshi's

natural connection with the sea.

"This is for me, Luffy-Sama..." Shirahoshi looked at the fruit carefully.

Zoro received the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model Odin. "This fruit will give

you dark and mysterious power, perfect for a swordsman of your caliber,"

Luffy said, knowing that Zoro could make the most of this dark power.

"The power of darkness..." Zoro murmured, thoughtful about eating the


Usopp was gifted the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model Bahamut. "This will turn

you into a legendary giant, Usopp. Your ability as a shooter will only

grow, being able to launch rays of light instead of bullets," Luffy said,

encouraging Usopp to accept the challenge.

"What?! I will be able to shoot laser beams?!" Usopp shouted excitedly,

and Chopper had starry eyes beside him.

Reiju was graced with the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model Phoenix. "With this,

you gain the power of regeneration and control over flames. It will make

you almost unbeatable," Luffy stated, impressed with the capabilities of

the fruit.

"Regeneration? I don't want to be a medic, we already have the gothic

girl and Chopper." Reiju murmured, "What did you call me!?" Lami

shouted from the background. "But I like the flame part, and I'll be able

to transform into a giant beast... that sounds interesting." Reiju spoke,

nodding about the fruit.

Kuina was chosen for the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model Shiva. "This fruit will

give you incredible destructive powers, Kuina. In addition to freezing and

creation of objects, it will enhance your fencing skills," Luffy said,

confident in Kuina's ability to use these new ice powers.

"The power of ice..." She commented, looking at her sword, Tensa


Vivi received the Wind Logia. "This fruit will give you control over the

wind. Imagine the possibilities in battle and exploration," Luffy observed,

thinking about how Vivi could use the power to assist the crew.

"The wind Logia?!" Vivi was impressed, she knew Crocodile also had a

Logia, now she had her own.

Luffy handed out the fruits, each with tremendous potential, knowing his

companions would use them to further strengthen the crew and help in

the battles to come.

"So, we will start training from tomorrow, I'll be with you for a week

before sorting out some things below us. So you better be prepared for

the worst training of your lives!" Luffy announced.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

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Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

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175. Chapter 175

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy looked satisfied at the members of his crew, especially those

holding a fruit in their hands.

"I will lose the ability to swim if I eat this fruit, right?" Zoro raised the


"Exactly, except for Shira's fruit since it's from an aquatic beast, you'll

have my weaknesses. Well... I'm not forcing you to eat them, but I believe

it would be suitable for you to have this power," Luffy spoke, he would

be disappointed if they didn't want the fruits, but he wouldn't force

anyone to eat them.

"... If this is going to help me become the greatest swordsman in the

world... then so be it! I'll sacrifice my ability to swim and get stronger!"

Zoro said and immediately ate his fruit.

"What a horrible taste!" He immediately spat it out with a grimace.

"It can't be that bad..." Vivi said, biting into the logia. "This is awful!" She

looked like she was going to vomit the next moment.

"How terrible! I'll remember this so I never make a dish like this!"

"What is this?! It's the worst taste I've experienced. Zoro was right! This is


"Ahh this fruit-Sama is so bad!"

"If this will make me a brave warrior of the sea, I'll endure the horrible

taste!" "Ahhh! Chopper, help me, I'm dying!"

Seeing that everyone had eaten, Luffy smiled, he picked up the last item,

the sword called Ace, and replaced the weapon he had borrowed from


"Zoro, take your weapon, now I have my own," Luffy announced,

throwing Benihime back to Zoro while placing Ace on his waist.

"I see you have a special sword, Luffy," Zoro said after getting over the

taste of his fruit and looked with interest at the weapon on Luffy's waist.

"You have no idea..." Luffy smiled.

"Anyway, you're free to do whatever you want in the upper garden, some

residents might not want our presence and attack you, so just... don't kill

them," Luffy said. The Shandies probably wouldn't accept their presence

as easily as the inhabitants of the city of angels and might attack them,

but Luffy was more than sure that everyone could handle these guys, now

that his entire crew was powerful, except Karoo, but Vivi would protect


"Speaking of them, look who showed up..." Luffy looked up at the hole

that the group's swordsmen had created, and a group of people were

looking at them, Gan Fall also accompanying them.

"I'll deal with them alone, you guys can take the day off, just avoid using

your transformations with the new powers, every Eikon gets out of

control the first time, so be careful," Luffy announced and jumped into

the air to deal with the visitors while his crew discussed how to spend

the day without the usual hellish training.

Luffy landed in front of the group of curious onlookers, who immediately

stepped back, fearing this man more powerful than their god. He wasn't

arrogant enough to provoke them and belittle them, but that smile on his

face made them shiver after seeing the pirate's capabilities.

"Let's discuss the future of Skypiea, do you want to do it here or

somewhere else?" Luffy asked.

"Can we do it in my tribe?" Wapel commented, and Luffy nodded, they

set off for the village, which turned out not to be very far from there.

"You have quite a lot of people here, there must be at least 2,000," Luffy

saw almost a city of Shandies, much more than he had seen in the work.

The people looked at him with curiosity and fear, the children pointed to

Luffy as if he were some idol while other children ran.

"Are you the man who defeated Enel?!" A girl appeared in front of the

group, coming out of the crowd.

"You could say that. What's your name?" Luffy looked at the girl with a

smile, he knew the girl, but still asked her name to not seem strange.

"I'm Aisa!" She shouted happily.

"You can say that Enel is no longer a problem," Luffy announced, shaking

his cap, and continued with the others to a larger tent.

They gathered in a circle, the Shandies led by Wyper, and Gan Fall

waited, their expressions mixing caution and anticipation. Luffy calmly

sat down to discuss the future plans for Skypiea.

Wyper was the first to break the silence. "You say that Skypiea is now

your territory, but we demand that you hand over Enel to us," Wyper

spoke firmly, representing the wishes of the Shandies. "He has been the

source of our suffering for years."

Luffy, with a calm look, replied, "I understand the pain he caused, but

handing over Enel is not an option. He is under my custody now and will

be more useful alive, under my conditions."

Gan Fall, with a worried expression, intervened: "This might cause

discontent among our people. They have been expecting justice for years

of oppression."

"I know," Luffy agreed, "but I need you to trust me. My crew and I will

stay in Skypiea for the coming years. We are not here to rule or interfere

in your internal affairs. I will deal with Enel in my way, what I can give

you is your freedom, and I will further improve the living conditions for

all the inhabitants of the kingdom."

Wyper, still cautious, asked, "So, what is your plan for Skypiea if not to


"We'll use this time to train and grow stronger," Luffy explained. "And I

want Skypiea to follow a development agenda. We'll create ties with

kingdoms from the blue sea and strengthen the island's economy,

improve living conditions, and ensure a safe place against external


"That sounds promising," Gan Fall commented, "but how do you plan to

implement this agenda? And what is this about creating ties with the blue

sea, that's never happened before in Skypiea's history."

"Skypiea is just one of my territories, and in each territory, I establish a

system that benefits both the local inhabitants and my crew. Some of

these places were ruled by tyrants or were in chaos. I changed that,"

Luffy said with a tone of pride. "I freed them, and now they thrive under

our protection and the alliances I've interwoven with other of my


Gan Fall and the Shandies listened intently, wondering about the

complexity of Luffy's influence in the world. They knew little of the

outside world, which made them think Luffy was a king of the world or

something. He would laugh at them if he knew their thoughts. But one

thing was certain, Luffy was not just a powerful pirate; he was a leader

who created and maintained a delicate balance between power,

protection, and prosperity. Not just that, he was preparing all territories

for a big war in the future. He might be the strongest man in the world,

but he would still need armies from the territories and his own fleet.

"In Skypiea, it will be no different. You will have our protection and

support, but I also expect this place to contribute to the wider Straw Hat

network," Luffy continued. "You will have autonomy, but as part of my

territory, Skypiea will play a crucial role in my future plans."

He emphasized the importance of Skypiea as a strategic location, situated

above the Blue Sea. The island could function as a control point in the

Grand Line, a base for operations while he trains his crew and recruits

more members for his fleet.

"We will work together on this," Luffy assured. "The idea is for Skypiea to

thrive and its people never to fear a tyrant like Enel again."

Wyper, still doubtful, said, "That requires a lot of trust on our part..."

"And I am willing to earn that trust," Luffy declared firmly. "Skypiea is

now part of my territory, and I will take care of it. You have the freedom

to govern, but we need to collaborate for the greater good of the island."

Gan Fall reflected for a moment before responding: "I see wisdom and

strength in your words, Monkey D. Luffy. I agree with these conditions.

This offers us an opportunity to rebuild and prosper under the protection

of your crew, which is much more favorable than living in uncertainty

and fear under Enel's regime."

Wapel, reluctantly, spoke. "As much as I dislike this, do we have a

choice? So, I hope you keep your word." He said with some reluctance.

Luffy smiled, pleased with Gan Fall's response. "Great. Working together,

we can make Skypiea a better place for all its inhabitants and create

great warriors who might even defeat an Enel among you."

The Shandies, though initially hesitant, also agreed, as they had no

choice. But the promise of a peaceful and prosperous future, free from

the threat of another tyrant like Enel, was too attractive to ignore. They

accepted Luffy's proposal, realizing that despite his unconventional ways,

he offered a real chance at a better future for Skypiea, better than going

to war with the titanic creatures they saw in the fight against the former


"Great, let's talk more about this in the coming days, now do you know

what's important at this moment?" Luffy looked seriously at everyone


"What's most important...?" Someone from the crowd murmured.

Luffy stood up, satisfied with the outcome of the meeting, and smiled at

the people asking the question.

"A great feast, of course!" Luffy announced.

"A feast? Didn't you just have one yesterday in the city of angels?" Gan

Fall asked, a bit suspicious.

"Let me tell you a pirate rule, Gan Fall. Have feasts at every opportunity

you get, and two feasts are better than one!" Luffy spoke confidently.

"Now let's prepare something big for the whole tribe with the good

news!" Luffy laughed, and everyone, with no choice, began to do exactly

that, preparing a large party in the center of the tribe.

Luffy looked around, realizing it was time to announce something

important. He stood up, stretched out his hand, and, using the power of

the Moa Moa No Mi, amplified his voice so that everyone in Skypiea

could hear him.


voice echoed throughout the island, clear and powerful. "TONIGHT,



His statement resonated through the air, reaching every corner of

Skypiea. Everyone stopped what they were doing, surprised by the voice

that seemed to come from the heavens, startling all the people around.

"He is the one who defeated Enel!"

"He can talk to the whole island?"

"He is a god! I knew it!"

"He says he is a pirate, not a god."

"He can defeat Enel, turn into some kind of demon, and do things even

Enel can't, like talk to everyone on the island, if he is not a god, what is


Conversations like this began to be discussed while Luffy was oblivious to

all this.

"He wants us to do what?" An "angel" asked, confused.

"Looks like we're having another party," another replied, a smile

beginning to form.

"Damn husband! He wants me, his wife, to carry the boat alone?!" Nami


"Nami, are you really getting used to calling him husband like Alvida?"

Nojiko asked with a small smile.

"Of course, we plan to have children together, so I can call him husband."

Nami commented with a blush on her face.

"Well, anyway, you can easily get the ship." Nojiko said.

"Yes, but Luffy could be a knight sometimes!" Nami continued to


Meanwhile, the other crew members couldn't help but look towards the

voice of their captain, already expecting something like this.

Back at the Shandy tribe, after recovering from the shock of Luffy's voice

reaching the entire island, they were already in motion, again preparing

for the approaching feast.

"Alright, everyone! Let's make this an unforgettable night!" Luffy

exclaimed, enthusiastic about the idea of another celebration.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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Visit our for more!

176. Chapter 176

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



After a night full of feasting, the entire crew gathered with the fleet

members in a remote corner of Skypiea, where Luffy began intensive

training. He chose a spacious location, surrounded by the lush vegetation

of the island and more secluded, perfect for the type of training he had in


"Everyone, pay attention!" Luffy called to the group, forming a semi-circle

in front of him. "We are going to intensify our training. I will use my

ability to increase everyone's training speed by five times. As you know, I

plan to do some things, but I will stay with you for a week."

Luffy looked at all of them, Yamato, Shirahoshi, Megalo, Roronoa Zoro,

Lami, Bepo, Chouchou, Usopp, Nami, Reiju, Hugo, Nojiko, Hachi, Kuina,

Alvida, Laboon, Vivi, Karoo, Nico Robin, Tony Tony Chopper, Bentham

(Mr. 2 Bon Clay), Babe (Mr. 4), Galdino (Mr. 3), Marianne (Miss

Goldenweek), Mikita (Miss Valentine), Miss Merry Christmas, Broggy,

and Dorry nodded. They weren't the only ones; Wapol and Gan Fall also

received a summons from Luffy to train with personal attention, as he

needed to strengthen this realm and wanted to recruit many talents for

his fleet. Everyone waited for him to continue, then Luffy began dividing

his training.

Luffy continued, "For those who are starting, let's focus on the six styles. I

want everyone to master at least 3 or 4 techniques. And for the more

advanced, let's improve our Haki, especially the users of Conqueror's


The crew members looked at each other, knowing the next days would be

of rigorous training, but they were ready for the challenge their sadistic

captain would give them, at least those who knew his personality.

"Let's start!" Luffy exclaimed, picking up his two books worth 7 billion

berries, and immediately the place was filled with activity. He began

instructing each crew member, demonstrating techniques and correcting

their postures and movements. The concentration and determination of

everyone were palpable.

While some practiced the strikes and blocks of the six styles, others

focused on releasing and controlling their Haki, under Luffy's attentive

guidance with the manual. The atmosphere was of hard work and

constant progress.

Broggy and Dorry, with their colossal strength and original size against

each other, trained separately but with the same intensity, taking the

opportunity to further hone their warrior skills.

Luffy supervised every aspect of the training, offering advice and

encouragement to everyone. He knew the future would bring even

greater challenges, and he wanted each team member to be prepared to

face them.

As the day progressed and the sun began to set, exhaustion took over

Luffy's team members. Their clothes were soaked with sweat, and the

surrounding area was devastated, a testament to the rigorous training

they had undergone. They begged for a break.

"Hubby, please! We need a break!" Alvida gasped, leaning on her club.

"Luffy-Chan, you're so cruel!" Bon-Clay lamented, while trying to catch

his breath, but strangely cheerful.

"What kind of training is this? I can't take it anymore!" Mikita

complained, collapsing on her knees.

"I want to go home..." Chopper murmured, visibly exhausted with tears in

his eyes.

"Karoo" Karoo cried.

"Sharky Sharky!"


"This captain is a sadist," Robin commented, still maintaining her

composure, but clearly tired.

Luffy, however, showed no mercy. "What? Are you already tired on the

first day?! Let's continue, we still have a lot of time before the day is

over!" he declared, staring at the team with a challenging look.

"But Luffy..." Vivi tried to argue, but was interrupted.

"Stop slacking off, continue the training!" Luffy insisted, his voice

implacable, echoing through the area.

The team members looked at each other, knowing there was no escape.

With a collective sigh, they resumed training, driven by the

determination of their relentless captain. Night fell over Skypiea, but the

training of Luffy and his team was far from over; he didn't even seem to

care that the day had ended.

When the first day ended, most of them were lying motionless on the

ground. "These people from the Blue Sea, they are so merciless..." one of

the Shandians lying on the ground said, looking at Luffy with fear. "I'm

already missing Enel..." another commented. Gan Fall and Wapol with

their groups were not far behind, as Luffy supervised their training


"That's enough for today!" Luffy announced, "Tomorrow we will double

your training." Luffy said with satisfaction, eliciting a comical

exclamation from everyone. "HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE

THAT!" All of them had shark teeth and white eyes as they screamed in


"HAHAHAHAHA!" Yamato, one of the few still fine, laughed alongside

Luffy at everyone's reaction.

"They may complain, but they will thank me for this in the future." Luffy

said. His crew had a doubled bonus with the system, combined with the

moa moa no mi, they reached 10 times, meaning that this intense day of

training was equivalent to 10 days. Although Luffy had set up an

inhuman training to improve their progress even more, at the end of the

day he increased their recovery by 50 times, so as the night passed, they

were able to get up from the ground, recovering very quickly.

They had a feast that night, everyone ate and rested, and the next day,

Luffy repeated the same intensity, and the days passed like this. A week

later, although many did not have the system bonus to increase their

training speed, a week equaled 35 days of training, improving their

strengths by leaps and bounds, surprising everyone who was not familiar

with the effects of his training. They were almost mastering one of the six

styles and greatly improving the effects for those who are users of fruits,

with Luffy giving more creative tips on how they can increase their


For the main crew, a week equaled 70 days. The initial users of haki

training finally began to show visible performance with armament haki,

and the members who still lacked the six styles began to master the

techniques, like Robin and Vivi who finally learned mobility techniques

with Geppo and Soru. Luffy made sure they also learned Tekkai as a

fourth technique for those who already had 3, improving their defense

while not using haki.

"It's good... but there's still a lot of work..." Luffy murmured, looking at

all the bodies thrown on the ground. He was thinking about how to

improve the training even more. He also didn't just stay as an instructor;

he was constantly training and even when everyone was resting at night,

he was still training, with Yamato accompanying him since she always

came out the least harmed from the training. He was so immersed in it

that he no longer slept with his girls, only when one said she was stressed

and needed to relax, Luffy would take her to a corner for a "quickie."

"The armament haki training is good, but they need to do observation

haki and conqueror's haki..." Of all the hakis, observation was the most

neglected. Luffy had talked to Gan Fall about the mantra used in this

kingdom to define this haki, but it was a bit outdated compared to the

manual he had, and little was used, since even though there were people

born with this haki from childhood here, which would be considered

monsters by the marines and pirates, there were no powerful users here,

no one could feel people's emotions with haki or see the future.

In the second week, Luffy started a different training. He stayed with the

fruits of the group and observation haki with those who still had not

learned to use it. The first few days started with Eikon users.

During the second week of training in Skypiea, everyone in the kingdom

witnessed various terrifying things in those days. Giant beasts appeared

every day, and always that purple fire demon beat them, since Luffy had

to control his beastification the first time, which was always


Shirahoshi, now the bearer of the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Leviathan,

transformed into a giant sea serpent. Her new form, immense and

elegant, glided through the air with ease, commanding the water around

her. She created gigantic waves and powerful currents with a simple

movement, displaying incredible mastery over the element.

Usopp, after consuming the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Bahamut, took the

form of a colossal dragon with a gray coloration and a fierce expression.

Rays of light emanated from his body, and in the fight against Luffy, he

had caused great chaos before the captain managed to knock out the

giant beast.

Kuina, transformed by the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Shiva, exhibited

the power of ice created just by air molecules. She could generate

gigantic pillars trying to hit Luffy while out of control. As a giant, she

froze everything in her path, creating ice sculptures and causing

snowstorms with a simple breath.

Reiju, upon consuming the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Phoenix, became a

phoenix of monumental proportions, with red flames enveloping her

body. Her transformation was so majestic that it surpassed in size and

splendor Marco's form, another known user of the phoenix-type fruit, by

hundreds of times.

Zoro, now the holder of the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Odin, transformed

into a dark knight of colossal stature. His power of darkness manifested

in black and red cuts, tearing the air and the ground with supernatural

force. Of all, he was the most difficult for Luffy to knock out.

After this, they began their beastifications with more control. Skypiea

had become a home to colossal creatures that roamed the upper yard as if

it were a small terrain for them. Every day, people saw the beasts

training, as Luffy wanted them to get used to using haki and the six styles

in their transformations, which was very frightening, like Hugo, in his

titan form, jumping into the air with geppo in his 100-meter form.

It was not only the Eikon members who benefited from Luffy's last

purchase in the system. Vivi could now control the wind, becoming a

powerful user who generated devastating hurricanes across the area in

front of her. She herself couldn't believe her current power, while she

fought without fear of getting hurt, combining her six-style ability with

the fruit, making the Vivi of the past just a shadow of the power she has


Luffy picked up his new weapon and began to practice. He bought a

fencing manual, as just fighting against Mihawk and Momonga wasn't

enough for him to reach an acceptable level. He trained with Zoro and

Kuina in those days, and the dance of elements they could create was a

good spectacle in the swordsmen's fight.

"I think they're good enough to learn on their own in the next few

weeks..." Luffy murmured, as he wanted to get the crew ready to

continue training on their own. He would soon descend to the Blue Sea

alone to resolve some things, while the crew continued training and

developing on their own in this place. It was no surprise that many forces

were trying to capture him, and he would have to deal with them to

make it clear that he was no longer a pirate they could easily handle with

a force greater than they tried in Alabasta. He knew that according to the

original story, Kuzan would probably be after him at this part of the

Grand Line, as well as Doflamingo and even Jack, so he would soon find

out if he was powerful enough to deal with them all.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

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Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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177. Chapter 177

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



The sunlight bathed Skypiea like never before, enhancing the natural

beauty of the island while a new regime had been established in the

kingdom following the fall of Enel, with Gan Fall being chosen as the

new sovereign to govern over the entire population after officially

acquiring the protection of Luffy and declaring Skypiea as a territory of

the Straw Hat pirates.

Days had been passing, and Skypiea began to get used to a much more

bustling kingdom than anyone remembered, with the Straw Hat crew and

the newly integrated members of the fleet continuing their rigorous

training regimen under Luffy's relentless leadership. Each new day, the

crew strove to surpass their own limits, showing visible progress that

even the captain acknowledged with pride.

Broggy and Dorry, the colossal figures, had mastered a second technique

of the six styles, an impressive feat that reflected not only their brute

strength but also their adaptability and desire to grow as warriors. They

boasted that upon their return to Elbaf, they would be the greatest

warriors of the kingdom. Their movements, once guided mainly by

strength, were now enhanced by a new layer of technique and precision

using Sorru and Geppo.

Meanwhile, the other new members of the fleet, although still getting

familiar with the first technique of the six styles, since they started their

training a week ago, exhibited tireless dedication. Luffy had spent the last

week and a half preparing their bodies and minds for the rigorous

training, and the results were beginning to show. Each of them, from

Bentham to Galdino, showed a noticeable improvement, promising to

become a force to be reckoned with.

"This is very good..." Luffy murmured, jumping back as his eyes moved

across the island where his companions were training with each other to

get used to their techniques in real combat.

In the landscape a little above Skypiea, an epic battle unfolded between

Zoro and Kuina, both in their phase 1 transformations. The fight was a

spectacle of strength and skill, combining ice and darkness in an

impressive duel.

Zoro, in his Odin phase, sported armor of darkness that pulsed with a

dark red energy. Each of his movements was accompanied by streaks of

black and red light, creating an undeniable aura of power. He

maneuvered with incredible speed, almost a shadow amid daylight, while

his sword cut the air, leaving dark and red trails that seemed to absorb

the light around.

Kuina, transformed into the same phase by the power of the Eikon Eikon

no Mi, Model: Shiva, was the personification of winter. Wearing a

characteristic cape of her transformation with bright blue eyes, the ice

that surrounded her seemed alive, reacting to her movements and

emotions. With a gesture, besides sending freezing cuts with her sword,

she conjured razor-sharp ice blades that flew towards Zoro with deadly

precision. Her agility was accentuated by the lightness that the ice

conferred, allowing her to dodge Zoro's attacks with almost ballet-like


With each clash of their swords, an explosion of ice and darkness

erupted, sending bright fragments into the sky. Zoro, with a roar,

released a wave of dark energy that swept the battlefield, only to be met

and frozen mid-way by a wall of ice created by Kuina.

*BOOOMM!* Elsewhere in Skypiea, above the floating island and even

higher than Zoro and Kuina's battle, the sky was the stage for a dazzling

spectacle, marked by vibrant explosions of fire and light. Reiju and

Usopp, both transformed by their Akuma no Mi, engaged in a training

battle at a new level of the planet's atmosphere.

Reiju, now in the colossal form of a Phoenix, her red flames shining

intensely, cut through the sky with elegance and power reminiscent of

the majesty of an ancient deity. Each of her movements triggered waves

of flames that lit up the skies, creating a stunning visual effect that could

be seen from the entire island.

On the other hand, Usopp, transformed into a radiant immense dragon,

displayed his own grandeur. His body, emitting dazzling rays of light,

moved with impressive agility for his size. Each of Usopp's light shots was

a demonstration of strength and precision, intended to test the reflexes

and resilience of Reiju, who also used her healing power to recover from

any attack.

On the ground, the inhabitants of Skypiea watched in awe. It was an

extraordinary sight: two beings of ancient legends battling in the skies.

Children pointed upwards, mesmerized, while adults watched with a mix

of admiration and reverent fear.

With each collision between fire and light, a vibrant shockwave was sent

through the skies, accompanied by a thunderous sound that echoed

throughout the island. It was a dance of elemental powers, a contest

between two forces of nature incarnated in the forms of Reiju and Usopp.

*Slash* *Slash* Hachi was launching slashes at Bepo, who was using soru

and geppo to fly and dodge, while responding with kicks of the six styles,


*BOOOOM!* Vivi and Nami were fighting against each other while using

their wind powers, creating hurricanes in the middle of the island. Nami

now wielded a spear that Luffy had bought in the system, and she had

her own ability with the non-grade spear, but as powerful as a high-grade

one. Vivi was struggling to keep up with Nami, as the Cocoyasi girl had

been training a month earlier, and Vivi was still getting used to her


*Booom!* *Booom!* *Booom!* *Booom!* *Booom!* *Booom!* Robin

had created more than 200 arms with hands, forming a pistol with all the

hands, launching hundreds of Shigan like a burst of air simulating shots.

Meanwhile, Alvida was deflecting all the attacks with her club. "You're

doing very well for a lover," Alvida taunted Robin, but the latter

continued launching attacks without caring about the provocations.

*BOOOOM!* Debris flew everywhere in a corner of the island.

Transformed Chouchou was fighting against Hugo, while fire, lightning,

and ice flew towards the man in the first phase of his transformation, his

body covered in bright and sharp rocks, creating defenses against the

crew dog's elemental powers with his earth power.

Lami had activated his [room] while fighting against Nojiko. The latter

tried to dodge his attacks using her first acquired ability, Kamie, to bend

her body and avoid the cuts that would remove parts of their bodies.

Lami was in control of the situation but had to be careful with Nojiko's

speed, which combined her bomb fruit on the feet with her soru, giving

her a speed that even Lami could not follow.

Shirahoshi and Megalo were fighting each other. Although it was the

calmest fight, Megalo tried using Tekkai to protect himself from his

friend's attacks, trying to learn to use the power of his water element

fruit. She now used a trident that Luffy bought for her, a weapon called

Nejibana, which made her very happy, as it was the weapon her father

and brothers also used. The fight usually ended when Shirahoshi used her

haki and broke through Megalo's Tekkai defense.

Laboon and Chopper had a balanced fight, one against the other, both

still using few techniques. Megalo had his strength, but it was reduced by

his current size due to the Moa moa no mi, and Chopper had his fruit.

Luffy suggested that Chopper use the most powerful transformation to

start having control over it. Reluctantly, Chopper used it and always got

out of control, but Luffy easily knocked him out, which always made the

little doctor wake up angry and bandaged in recent days.

"Pay attention to our fight, Luffy!" Yamato shouted from the sky, making

Luffy divert his attention from everyone to look at his wife sending an

attack directly at him with Haki and transformed into her phase 1.

*BOOOOM!* Luffy in his phase 2, jumped back and dodged the attack.

He saw Yamato not giving up and attacking him directly. He wrapped his

arm in haki, a constant evolution of himself in relation to his abilities.

Luffy had become much stronger in these last 11 days and managed to

increase another level with his Moa moa no mi, allowing him to multiply

60 times. His 11 days of training became 122 days, which made him

grow a lot in armament, conqueror, and even start training with

observation haki.

Yamato wrapped her body in haki, now she was much more powerful,

even able to add the conqueror's haki to her attacks. The two fists

collided wrapped in Haki, creating a shockwave that made the entire

upper garden tremble. Luffy compensated for Yamato's advantage of

wrapping her attacks with armament and conqueror with his

multiplication to balance or even be stronger than his wife. There was no

doubt that Luffy was the most powerful member of the crew, taking this

title from Yamato at that moment.



The fight between the two was much more wild, even affecting the

battles of others with the shockwaves between Luffy and Yamato.

Everyone in Skypiea could hear the explosions between the two, not just

that, every day at this time, the entire crew would engage in battles

against each other, with the fight between Luffy's purple flames and

Yamato's ice devastating the largest area.

"Show-offs as always..." Wapel looked enviously at all the main crew

members fighting. They had started training with Luffy last week, which

proved to be quite beneficial for everyone involved, despite being quite

rigorous. Everyone had become much stronger and finally learned a

technique they had trained for, as their bodies were strong enough for it.

However, compared to the main members who were fighting each other

around the island, they seemed so weak. Wapel and other Shandies

recognized that many of them were stronger than Enel, not just Luffy,

making them wonder where so many monsters came from.

The whole day was filled with fights and enhancements of their abilities,

so that at the end of the day, Luffy would gather everyone for a grand


"Feast-Chann!" Bon-Clay, always cheerful, performed his act, even though

he was injured from the day's training.

"Captain, may I bake a beautiful cake for you, you can even... eat me...

Kyahahahaha!" Mikita grabbed Luffy and teased him.

"Get away from him, you bitch!" Nami kicked Mikita's butt, making her

fly, but she stabilized in the air, controlling her weight.

"You damn woman, I'll teach you a lesson one day!" Mikita angrily spoke

to Nami, nursing her kicked butt.

"Rum!" Nami just crossed her arms and made an arrogant sound.

"Hey hey, now let's continue our long-awaited feast, everyone get ready!"

Luffy announced, and everyone prepared alongside Black Pearl for

another common night among the group.

After another night of partying, Luffy left the captain's room where he

had left Nami, Nojiko, Yamato, Alvida, and Robin, who had finally joined

them, and went to the deck. There, he found Zoro drinking his sake.

"Hello Zoro, I'm thinking of visiting our prisoner, how is he?" Luffy asked.

"Captain! Well, I left food for him, but he doesn't touch it, just like the

last few times this week, he just doesn't eat and doesn't talk to me," Zoro

spoke, drinking more of his drink.

"I see, it seems his defeat has really shaken him. Do you think he wants

suicide?" Luffy asked.

"I don't think so, he's just denying reality I guess, it happens to many

warriors, but if he doesn't accept it and move forward, he will die, for

sure," Zoro spoke calmly.

"I understand, it's time to see him for the first time after our fight, let's

see how he is and make some proposals," Luffy smiled.

"Do you intend to recruit him to the fleet?" Zoro asked, raising an


"No, I intend to recruit him to join the main crew," Luffy smiled

excitedly. The lightning fruit could easily be acquired, but who would fill

it? Luffy had no one in his main crew suitable for the fruit. Enel ate it

and trained it for many years, even possessing power to destroy the

whole Skypiea, not only that, he is a talented engineer, leaving him alive

was much more useful than killing him and taking his fruit.

The people of Skypiea might protest about this, but Luffy wouldn't care

about it and would end any protest they would make against him and his

plans. He wasn't a good Samaritan and always made that clear, he is a

person with ambitions and dreams, and even if he is a villain for it, he

will realize them. He himself has the mentality that he would burn the

world to achieve his goals, he would just think before if his crew, family,

and his people were safe, as long as that was okay, he would do


Luffy thought calmly about the positives as he headed alone to the prison

that morning, "We're going to have a long talk, Enel."



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

178. Chapter 178

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy entered the ship's prison, the sounds of his footsteps echoing off the

metallic walls, creating a somber atmosphere. The dim light from the

lamps illuminated the path to the cell where Enel was detained.

Approaching, Luffy observed Enel's figure, chained and visibly downcast,

with his head low and eyes fixed on nothing, yet conscious.

Enel, still conscious, didn't bother to raise his gaze to face Luffy. His face

showed signs of exhaustion and dejection, highlighted by lack of sleep

and food. The atmosphere in the cell was laden with a mix of defeat and

resignation, a contrasting sight from the first time Luffy met that user of

the Goro Goro no Mi.

Luffy stopped in front of the bars, silently observing Enel for a moment.

"Enel," Luffy called, but there was no response. The former God of

Skypiea remained still, as if lost in his own thoughts and defeats.

Luffy sighed, realizing Enel's state of mind. "You haven't eaten anything

since you were brought here, huh? I came here to talk to you, I've

decided what I'm going to do with you." Luffy commented, but still, Enel

remained silent, his expression unchanged.

Finally, Enel lifted his head, facing Luffy with a look mixing curiosity and

disdain. For a moment, Luffy couldn't help but be a bit perplexed.

"Hm? I expected to find someone angry and full of hate for me, hurling

insults at me, not someone... with a defeated expression..." Luffy

commented, crossing his arms. He was still surprised by Enel's expression.

"What do you want, demon. Have you come to mock me?" Enel spoke for

the first time, but his tone wasn't as arrogant as it used to be.

"Enel, listen carefully. I'm not here to mock your defeat." Luffy spoke

dryly after recovering from the initial surprise.

Enel, with his empty and defeated gaze, met Luffy's eyes. "I've lost

everything... My divinity, my power... What else is left for me now, what

do you want?"

"You lost a fight, even I can't win them all, why are you so downcast?"

"I lost, I'm no longer a god! Are you happy now? I'm a fraud." Enel said,

sounding like a boy losing his favorite toy.

"Hm?! So you take this thing even more seriously than I could imagine!"

Luffy wanted to slap him at that moment. He expected someone arrogant,

but Enel seemed just a shell of what he used to be, after losing a fight.

Luffy put his fingers to his chin and thought about how to deal with a

guy like this.

"You might have lost the fight, Enel, but that doesn't completely define

you. Defeat is just a path to becoming stronger, we humans always learn

from our mistakes and move forward improving, that's what makes us so

special." Luffy said, adopting a thoughtful tone.

"I was a god, not a human..." Enel murmured.

"Whatever..." Luffy was holding himself back from punching this guy.

Enel, looking back down, replied, "To lose to a mere pirate who arrived

on the same day... I am not worthy of being a god."

"You may have lost our fight, but do you still want to be a god, can you

still be one?" Luffy asked casually, trying not to hit the guy.

Enel looked at him with some surprise. "I could? I'm no longer

invincible." He grumbled.

"As I said, defeat is part of the path and the ladder. Enel, want your title

of god back? Then defeat me in a fight, join me on my journey to the top

of the world, and beat me by then, you will be considered a god again.

To be a god, you have to be at the top of this world, and if you don't

defeat my future self, you will never be the strongest in the world," Luffy

spoke calmly, imagining he would be among the most powerful forces in

the world.

"What would I gain by joining you and why would I do that?" Enel spoke

in a slightly surprised tone.

"You'll gain power, fame, and riches, everything a god can gain, and not

just in Skypiea. Your abilities are not yet at their peak, you can become

much more powerful than now. There will be many powerful adversaries

in that time, adversaries you couldn't even imagine beyond me. This

journey is not just for you to grow stronger, but to reach the pinnacle of

the planet, isn't that what you desire, Enel?" Luffy argued.

"This..." Enel was somewhat lost.

"Moreover, you've only lived on the sky island, you don't know the

vastness of the blue sea. I'm giving you a chance to truly know this

world, your chance to see and evolve your knowledge and strength, like a

true god." Luffy decided to take this quite strange approach in his

opinion, but if it results in a new powerful companion, he will do it, as he

has approached some members of his crew in a very strange way too. He

looked at Enel before the latter could respond and continued.

"But don't think it will be easy here, it will be a gain-gain proposition,

you help me and I help you, aiming to conquer the entire blue sea of this

world. In the end, you beat me and become a god again, recognized not

just by this realm, but by a number of people thousands of times greater

than the inhabitants of Skypiea." Luffy concluded.

Enel, surprised by the unusual and intriguing proposal of this demon,

Enel called him that because of Luffy's final form, so he nicknamed him

that in the end and saw only Luffy using his human form to hide that

beast inside him. Enel pondered for a moment, his empty eyes reflecting

a mix of doubt and despair. However, even in his defeat, the flame of

ambition still burned within him.

"Are you... serious?" Enel asked cautiously.

"Absolutely," Luffy replied confidently. "I believe we all evolve

constantly, in overcoming defeats, you'll become stronger and stronger. If

you wish to be a god again, then accept the challenge. Prove yourself, not

just to me, but to yourself. A god isn't the most powerful being if I reach

the top of this world and you defeat me, who would dare deny your


Enel, though hesitant, seemed to consider the proposal. He raised his

head, a glint of determination returning to his eyes.

"I accept the challenge, demon. I will be your ally, but only until the top

of the world. And when the time comes, I will surpass you and reclaim

my place as a true god!"

Luffy cracked a knowing smile, recognizing the spark of resolve in Enel.

"Great, then it will be an interesting journey, Enel. Get ready for what's to

come, because you've had an easy life here, from this moment, you'll

know what it's like to work hard to get stronger."

Enel, still cautious, agreed with a nod. "But don't think this is a forever

alliance. The moment we reach the top, it will be my time to claim my

place as a true god."

"Understood, Enel. Our alliance is until then," Luffy replied, maintaining

his casual tone.

[System - Crew: Enel has joined as a member of your crew!]

'This is very good.' Luffy thought, now he had a second logia in his crew.

"Eat this and let's go outside." Luffy asked him to at least eat and Enel did

just that, Luffy waited for him and as soon as the man had eaten his first

meal in days, the new captain of the former god released him from his

chains, asking him to follow him outside.

As soon as they left the ship, the main crew and fleet were on deck

having their first meal, everyone looked surprised to see Luffy

accompanied by Enel right behind him, astonishing people with this new

character, if there had been one of the Shandies at that moment, they

probably would have attacked Enel.

"I see you've recruited him, Captain," Zoro spoke from a corner, a bit


"Luffy and his charisma are unbeatable..." Nojiko commented.

"He must have been threatened," Nami said jokingly, mocking Luffy.

"Hello Prisoner-Sama, are you a new member of the crew?" Shirahoshi

asked, approaching Luffy.

Enel, still adjusting to his new position, looked at the mermaid princess.

"Yes, it seems so," he replied, his voice still carrying a trace of his former


The crew's reaction varied between surprise, mistrust, and curiosity. Enel,

noticing the stares, raised his voice, attempting to reaffirm his

superiority. "Listen well, mortals, I am still Enel, the god of thunder. I am

here not by defeat, but by choice. This... pirate," he said, pointing to

Luffy, "proposed a challenge I could not refuse."

"Are you threatening Luffy-Sama?" Shirahoshi asked, a bit cautious.

"Yes, I will defeat him and reclaim my title as a god! So, I will eventually

defeat him," Enel said firmly, but before he could respond, a punch

enveloped in Haki struck him.

The other god once again fell unconscious on the deck. Enel was so

exhausted from not eating and sleeping in the last few days that he

couldn't react to the mermaid's punch beside Luffy.






The deck fell silent after that. Shirahoshi had just defeated the terrible

and arrogant god with a single move.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! You don't need to act like that, Shira. We have an

agreement that he must defeat me as long as he works with us from now

on," Luffy commented, laughing.

"It seems this god is nothing..." Mikita murmured, looking at the fallen

Enel in a corner.

"Anyway, Chopper, take care of him," Luffy spoke to his only doctor


"Yes, Luffy!" Chopper rushed to check on Enel.

"Hugo. As soon as Enel wakes up, get him familiar with the crew's

operation and each member, and if he causes trouble, you can beat him,"

Luffy turned to his companion. Hugo had already mastered Armament

Haki, something he had shown talent for.

"Leave it to me, Captain. I'm sure the god and I can become great

friends!" Hugo said, cracking his knuckles, already imagining that he

might have to hit Enel a few times.

"That's good. Anyway, I'm noticing some of you are missing, where are

Reiju and Lami?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Reiju prepared breakfast and left with Lami, they had some kind of

competition, as usual..." Vivi murmured.

Everyone knew how competitive they were with each other, ever since

they started training in this realm. They had been competing at various

times of the day in some corner of the upper garden, and Luffy had to

call them for training; otherwise, they would spend all day competing

and insulting each other.

"I see..." Luffy murmured and walked off to a corner.

"I'll deal with them, you guys can start the daily training, and Hugo, beat

Enel until he loses his arrogance, it would be annoying to have someone

talking like that all the time during our journey." Luffy said and jumped

into the air, heading towards where his companions were at the moment,

determined to end their competition in a way that he practiced with all

his women when he was dissatisfied with something.

Raccoon here: I used the same approach I did in the Brook fanfic for

dealing with Enel, hope it was convincing.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

179. Chapter 179 - Smut 18

[Chapter Size: 1400 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



In a specific corner of Skypiea, in a secluded place away from everyone,

explosions occurred as two people fought each other at that moment.

"You think you're better than me?" shouted a frustrated voice as her body

was engulfed in flames.

"I am better!" said another feminine voice in the midst of a blue space,

dodging fire attacks while switching places with various objects in the


"Don't get cocky, gothic woman!"

"Come on then, woman with curly eyebrows."

The two attacked each other at that moment in a never-ending

competition that had started in the last few days. With kicks and sword

strikes, both fought with all their strength, and explosions were heard for


"Try to escape this!" Reiju said, covering her foot with Haki and the

power of the Phoenix, while Lami enveloped her sword in armament

Haki and the slash of the Ope Ope no Mi. As they were about to collide

head-on, something happened at a speed neither could react to; a shadow

emerged from the sky, flying directly into the middle of their attack.

Luffy wasted no time and punched both of their heads, sending them

flying to the ground immediately.



Debris flew as two holes appeared on the scene.

"Ahhh, that hurt, Captain!" Reiju complained, emerging from the hole

with a lump on her head.

"Damn Luffy..." Lami commented, coming out of the other hole with the

same lump.

"Were you skipping training again to have this childish fight?!" Luffy

commented, still in the air, crossing his arms.



Neither of them responded, and Luffy just sighed. "You can be

competitive, but don't get so addicted to it, it's disrupting the training,

and training is sacred," Luffy said.


"I find it hard to end this since I have to make clear my superiority."

"Superior to whom? Certainly not to me!"

"I can prove it!"

"Then come."

"Let's compete!"

Luffy just shook his head and decided to act. He simply used his speed 60

times and disappeared. Before Reiju and Lami could react, they were

enveloped by Luffy in a hug, and he took off to his.

"What are you doing?"

"Captain, what does this mean?!"

Before they could process with the speed of the wind, Luffy reached a

waterfall on the island in an even more secluded part and threw them

directly into the water, but he did something before letting them go.

Luffy burned all their clothes, making the women fall naked into that


"My clothes?! You damn womanizer, what do you think you're doing?!"

Reiju appeared on the surface of the water covering her breasts. Lami

exploded from the water next door also demanding what he was doing

burning his clothes like that. "You better explain this, because I want to

kill you now!"

Luffy fell in front of the two and grabbed them naked while they couldn't

even react.

"Let's get this over with, we've been together for months and it's time to

make you my women." Luffy smiled at the two women around him.

"Who wants to be the wife of a womanizing captain who already sleeps

with 5 women... Hm?! Mmmmmmm!" Lami complained, but Luffy kissed

her suddenly, her lips disconnected from Lami's and went to a stunned

Reiju who couldn't even react. "Hmmmmmmm!"

"Ahh that's refreshing!" Luffy commented with a smile after kissing them


"Captain! What is that!"

"I'll kill him."

They both screamed with red faces while there was drool on their lips.

"Before that, I'm deciding who kiss better, it's hard to say because I liked

them both..." Luffy commented before they acted.

This sparked a certain reaction in both of them, making Lami not even

care that she was naked. "Of course it was me, I'm a better kisser!" She

said crossing her arms while her face was red.

"What nonsense, my kiss was the best, you didn't see how the captain

liked it." Equally red Reiju said without caring that her breasts were in

front of Luffy on display.

Luffy just smiled, 'This is going to be a long day.'

A while later, Luffy was sitting on the edge of the waterfall, meanwhile,

two women were sucking his dick as a competition.


"Give...space...to me...the captain...likes...more...my...mouth!"

Meanwhile Luffy was enjoying every lick on his cock, while these women

did it with such ferocity that he considered it the best blowjobs he had

ever gotten in his life.

Luffy didn't even care as he reached his limit and came on both their

faces after 10 minutes of competition, "That's good, looks like we have a

draw..." Luffy smiled as they looked at each other with his seed dripping

down their faces .

"Don't look at it like that, let's compete in another way to break the tie."

Luffy smiled and picked them both up, laying them on the rocks and

running his hands over both their bodies until he reached their pussies.

"The next competition will be whoever lasts the longest, whoever cums

first loses, how about that." Luffy smiled.

"I've never done this, but I'm going to win...Hm?! Ahhhhh!" Reiju started

to moan when Luffy started to run his hot finger inside her virgin pussy.

"Will be I that go will... Ahhhhhh... Win!" Lami moaned equally with a

sensation she had never felt in her life.

Luffy played with those hot and wet holes as he gave these women a

feeling of pleasure they had never felt in their lives.

The game continued and he made her cum together, making them

scream. Luffy appealed, playing with his tongue right after their orgasms,

making each one cum at least twice.

"Captain... you damn... That feels so good..." Reiju commented, trying to

breathe normally.

"I might be enjoying this... but just a little..." Lami plays hard to get.

"Let's go to the next competition, now I'm going to fuck all you, is better

que you are ready, because the fun starts now." Luffy announced while

maintaining his shameless smile.

So he began his action by fucking each of those pussies with force and

speed, making the women cum equally with the pleasure their captain

was going through, hours passed and those waterfalls were involved in

constant moans, Luffy didn't just limit himself to a few positions, he

fucked Reiju and Lami in every way that could even make them compete

for whoever rode him hard, making them jump on top of him as if his life

depended on them to beat his opponent, meanwhile, Luffy just took

advantage while his penis was attacked by both women.

In the end, Luffy laughed looking at the women who even managed to

kiss each other in pleasure while one mounted Luffy and he sucked

another's pussy.

"I don't think that's enough..." Luffy commented looking at his erect dick,

he hadn't even gotten 100% while both Reiju and Lami fell to the ground

in a faint.

"Looks like I'm going to have to use it." Luffy commented and looked

towards a corner of the forest, where not only could he smell a familiar

scent of a person, but his observation haki began to manifest and he

could sense presences.

He used his speed and appeared naked in front of a blonde-haired woman

spying on Luffy eating Reiju and Lami while he masturbated.

"In addition to skipping training to come here, do you still masturbate

while watching others have sex? What should I do with you, huh?" Luffy

commented looking at Mikita.

"I was just passing by... Kyahahaha" She laughed awkwardly and quietly,

while on her face there was the shadow of Luffy's penis.

"I'm going to punish her now." Luffy announced and removed her clothes,

a moment later while Reiju and Lami were lying on the rocks, Mikita was

on top of them while Luffy fucked her in a doggy style position.

A while later, she fell to the ground too. "I'm still not satisfied..." He

commented, as he had only cum 5 times, and was happy when shadows

appeared from the sky and the other women appeared after noticing that

the captain hadn't shown up at training all day.

Luffy wasted no time, he fucked more Yamato, Nami, Nojiko, Robin and

Alvida while he was not satisfied, while he fucked one, others appeared

to see why Luffy was taking so long, he at the end of the day had turned

that waterfall into a sex zone that he practiced for hours on end.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!


180. Chapter 180

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy stood in front of all his crew members, each of them giving their

captain strange looks.

"So you'll disappear for a month?!" Vivi asked, trying to understand what

her captain had just said.

"As I mentioned over a week ago, I am going to head out alone to the

Grand Line to sort out some things. I'll return as soon as everything is

resolved, and then we can continue our journey."

"Are you sure, Luffy? You are a pirate with a bounty of 500 million. With

the events at Alabasta, who's to say an admiral isn't after you right now?"

Nojiko spoke up.

"Look, that's very likely, but it doesn't matter. I'll see if I'm strong enough

to handle an admiral. I'm confident," Luffy commented with a smile. He

had made significant progress in both Armament Haki and Conqueror's

Haki, albeit haphazardly, and had begun training in Observation Haki.

He possessed a small arsenal of abilities as powerful as any of the top

commanders of the most powerful Yonkous.

"And we'll stay here training?" Zoro raised the question.

"Exactly. I've memorized the book on Haki over the last week, so I can

train on my own. Meanwhile, you guys will continue your training with

it. I know it'll be slow compared to the effects of my moa moa no mi, but

I'll be back soon, and we'll finish training before returning to the sea as a

crew," Luffy explained.

"We've already had to go two weeks without you, and now you're

disappearing for a month?" Nami complained, and Yamato agreed.

"It's true, Husband. A month is a long time..." Alvida commented.

"Don't worry, it will pass in the blink of an eye," Luffy said confidently.

"I wonder how many women you're going to bring back here..." Nami

continued to mutter.

"Maybe one or two at most. But when I return, we could even get married

here," Luffy commented.

"Married?!" Yamato, Nami, Nojiko, Alvida, Robin, even Vivi and

Shirahoshi looked at Luffy, stunned.

"He wants to marry us?" Reiju commented.

"After what he did to us, the least he could do is take responsibility,"

Lami spoke.

"You talk as if it were a bad thing. You were moaning like a bitch," Reiju


"Of course, I was seducing, didn't you see that I'm better in bed than you."

"You think you'll be a better wife than who?! I can cook, have you ever

seen a housewife who can't? Maybe you'll be the first!" Reiju mocked.

"You can cook, but I'll take care of my husband. Can you do that?!" Lami


"What's going on here..." Bepo murmured, lost amidst these routine

squabbles, but over a topic he never imagined hearing.

"Anyway, I'm off!" Luffy said before any of the women, surprised by his

words, could respond. Wings sprouted from his back, and he took off into

the sky.

As he soared through the clouds, the horizon tinged blue came into view.

He descended rapidly, aided by his wings and gravity. As he fell, a

thunderous sound appeared beside him, and Enel, surrounded by

thunder, joined him. Luffy had summoned him to descend together,

considering it a good experience for the arrogant god.

"So we're going to see the mortals of the blue sea?" Enel said arrogantly,

and Luffy already wanted to hit him.

"Listen, Enel, you can't act like you're invincible. You were beaten by a

girl who was scared until recently and got thrashed by Hugo. Haven't you

learned your lesson?" Luffy commented.

"Tsk. They have powers I've never seen before. That doesn't mean I'll lose

to everyone. After all, I am a god, and I've discovered I'm getting stronger

with each defeat," Enel admitted with some recognition.

"I can agree with the second part, but the first is hard to trust. We're

going to meet very powerful people on this journey. Be prepared," Luffy

advised and continued.

"Anyway, let's see who gets there first, Lord of Thunder," Luffy

challenged, his wings blazing with fire before he used the power of his

fruit and shot off before Enel could react.

"Worthy of being my rival. I will defeat him and become a god!" Enel

confidently followed Luffy.

It was a shame they descended in broad daylight, for it would have been

a spectacular sight to see a purple meteor and a

blue lightning bolt racing down the sky at high speed.

Luffy was much faster than Enel and hadn't even used the full power of

his fruit abilities. His physique had reached a new level, and he was

pleased with that.

After descending to about 300 meters above the sea, Luffy veered off in a

direction following an eternal pose on his wrist. He was prepared to visit

a few islands during this time, with his ultimate goal being Shiki.

However, he could venture to some islands for now.

Enel followed Luffy behind, and they traveled across the sea using their

elements until an island appeared on the horizon. Luffy had a smile on

his face; he wanted to provoke someone in particular and chose some

islands around Jaya, known for an underworld smuggling network.

The island was a peaceful place with a serene atmosphere at the moment,

where inhabitants went about their daily lives engaged in activities like

fishing, trading, and harmonious living. This routine was a stark contrast

to the other type of trade happening in one of the island's large

structures, serving as a warehouse for underworld goods being unloaded

to be transported elsewhere.

Suddenly, the people stopped their activities to look up as their

tranquility was disrupted by a terrifying phenomenon. A massive bolt of

lightning tore through the sky, followed by a deafening boom. The

inhabitants looked up, alarmed, as a figure enveloped in electricity

appeared in the sky. It was Enel, the user of the lightning logia,

descending towards the island at impressive speed, his presence exuding

power and danger.

Almost simultaneously, a flaming object resembling a meteor appeared in

the sky. It was Luffy, whose wings burned with purple flames, diving

towards the island at breakneck speed. The intensity of his descent

created a bright trail in the sky, resembling a shooting star in daylight.

The islanders quickly ran for shelter, fearing the worst. Soon, there was

an explosion at the city's port, the impact of Luffy and Enel hitting the

ground so powerful it caused a tremendous explosion, sending dust and

debris flying everywhere, breaking the area where they had landed.

When the dust settled, Luffy and Enel emerged from the craters they had


As the dust settled and Luffy confidently walked through the town, the

island's inhabitants, still stunned by the sudden and spectacular landing

of the two individuals, began to recognize the figure moving among

them. Shock and surprise were evident on their faces, and whispers

quickly spread through the crowd.

"Can it be... is that him? Monkey D. Luffy?!"

"That pirate with a bounty of 500 million?!"

"The same one who took down Crocodile and Jinbei, and even faced a

vice admiral of the Navy?"

The whispers grew in volume and intensity as the residents gathered to

get a better view of the infamous pirate. Luffy, however, showed no

interest in his fame or the stir he was causing. His focus was on the

weapon depots and human trafficking he knew to be part of the illicit

operations controlled by Donquixote Doflamingo in these waters.

Ignoring the frightened and admiring glances of the residents, Luffy

continued on his path, with Enel following close behind. Realizing the

pirate's intentions, the island's inhabitants began to distance themselves,

fearing what might happen next. Everyone was aware of the activities

happening on the island, but no one wanted to get involved, as anyone

there would be killed. So, the inhabitants went about their lives while

turning a blind eye to what happened in that depot.

"He's heading for the building of that organization... what does he plan to


"This is going to bring trouble to the island... but who can stop someone

like him?" A resident spoke, knowing this would not go unnoticed by the

criminals, and as Luffy walked towards the place, he was clearly an

enemy wanting to cause chaos.

"Should we destroy this place?" Enel asked, looking at the large building,

while a crowd of men in front of the place pointed their guns at the two.

"Pirate Monkey D. Luffy! What are you doing here? If you're here to

cause trouble, know that this place is protected by Joker, the king of the

underworld," a man shouted.

"Don't destroy the place until we loot everything in it, but you can attack

these people," Luffy commented, completely ignoring the guard who

yelled at him.


*Lightning* Before the men could react, Enel launched a bolt of lightning

at them, pulverizing everyone.

Those who witnessed this couldn't help but be surprised. Meanwhile,

Luffy walked up to the building before blowing up the wall with a punch

enveloped in flames.


With Luffy and Enel united by a common goal, they launched into

destruction inside the underworld smuggling building. The island soon

began to hear the explosions from both of their powers.

Luffy entered the building through the hole he created, and Enel

followed. Sounds of explosions inside the building, walls being destroyed

with thunder and flames, windows breaking, and people running out

seeking anywhere but there, could be heard from outside.

The defenders of the place, although heavily armed, were caught off

guard by the sudden invasion and the overwhelming power of the duo.

They were completely powerless. Despite their desperate efforts to

protect the operations, each attempt at resistance was futile against the

combination of brute force and skill of the two pirates.

"They are destroying everything... No one can stop them!"

"Who is that alongside Mugiwara? His power is terrifying... He controls

lightning as if they were toys!"

People continued to comment from outside, while Luffy, first, headed to

the weapon depots. Using a combination of physical strength and the

intense heat of his purple flames, Luffy dismantled the depots. The

structures that once housed an illegal arsenal were now nothing but

smoldering ruins.

Next, Luffy focused on the human trafficking sites. Upon arriving, he

used brute force to break locks and chains, freeing the captives.

"You're free now! Get out of here and find a safe place!" Luffy told the

former slaves, guiding them out of the facilities. The freed, initially

confused and fearful, began to run outside.

Lastly, Luffy headed to Doflamingo's secret vault. With a powerful punch,

reinforced by armament haki, he burst open the vault door. Inside, he

found a vast amount of money, valuable items, and some documents.

Without hesitation, Luffy began looting the vault, collecting everything.

After that, he began to head towards the exit without any resistance and

encountered Enel electrocuting a group of enemies with pistols and rifles

trying to harm Enel, but he was a logia.

"We've done all we should here; let's get out of this place," Luffy said, and

Enel nodded, following him.

"I thought we would find powerful adversaries here. I could kill everyone

here with one strike," Enel spoke arrogantly.

"Yes, you could, but we came here to do something else. And we are just

starting in the blue sea, don't think everything will be like this island or

the next. As soon as you see the guy we are provoking, you'll see the

strength of someone even stronger than you," Luffy said as he headed for

the exit.

"Stronger than me? That's nonsense," Enel retorted, and Luffy remained

silent, continuing towards the exit.

As soon as they both stepped outside, Luffy and Enel distanced

themselves from the building before Luffy raised his hands and launched

a fireball into the middle of the place, lighting up the town with flames

engulfing the entire place in an explosion.


The town shook as onlookers began to run, thinking Luffy would destroy

the entire city. "A beautiful explosion..." Enel commented.

"Let's go, we have 5 more islands to visit with these depots," Luffy

ignored Enel's comment and moved on, spreading his wings and taking

off into the sky. He had gathered information from the vault of

Lumenarquia and wanted to start his journey by provoking Doflamingo's

wrath even more, hoping to encounter him here.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as images and significant

decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

181. Chapter 181

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere, First Half of Grandline.



Enel followed Luffy to various islands in the region, destroying smuggling

bases, which didn't take long for this information to reach important ears.

"What are you saying?!" Doflamingo spoke, furrowing his brow at this.

"Lord Doflamingo! Our bases are being attacked! And it's not just Luffy,

the user of the lightning logia is with him!" A subordinate spoke into the

den den mushi in desperation, one didn't need to be a big figure to know

what a logia could do and identify its properties.

"The lightning logia?" A voice was heard next to Doflamingo, sounding


"It seems we've found our target." Doflamingo said, they had been looking

for Luffy for a while and thought he had gone to the center of the

grandline, but it seems they were wrong and Luffy was hiding somewhere

in that area and decided to show up now.

"Shall we go, are you leading the way?" Jack asked, since Doflamingo

could move through the air.

"I'll go to Jaya and wait for you there, I don't want to fight against the

straw hats and the thunder logia user at the same time. It doesn't seem


Doflamingo flew into the sky and Jack with his crew followed in that


Meanwhile, on one of the islands Luffy attacked, two marine ships

docked at the port.

"It seems Mugiwara created chaos here..." Smoker said in a dark tone.

"Hina thinks we should capture this pirate soon." The pink-haired woman

said beside him while smoking a cigarette.

"And this story of a lightning user?" Tashigi commented beside.

"What do you think?" Smoker turned to the person behind them as they

looked at the destruction in a specific building on the island.

"If it's really a lightning logia, its user has been without the power for

hundreds of years, so it will be quite troublesome." Kuzan commented

with his cold breath.

"Hina finds it strange, why did they attack just this building? And more

than 5 islands were targeted in the same way..."

"This was a smuggling depot, a place used by the underworld to trade

illegal weapons and slaves." Kuzan said looking at the place, as an

admiral, he had to have this information memorized, the marines knew

about it, but since it's under the name of a shichibukai, they couldn't act

so easily.

"That's terrible..." Tashigi commented.

The marines were patrolling the area, looking for survivors and removing

some debris, they found drugs and weapons in the destroyed structures,

even leading to the arrest of some of the local guards.

"At least, Garp's grandson didn't destroy the city." Kuzan admitted, but

soon felt something with his observation haki and looked up at the sky.

"Anyway, let's capture, mugiwaras is a half-billion criminal." Smoker said.

"Hina just needs to find him." Hina said and Fullbody next to her looked

with hearts in his eyes at his superior. No one had noticed the admiral's

behavior behind them who continued to look at the sky, until he decided

to speak.

"That's not necessary, he's already found us." Kuzan commented and at

that moment a meteor fell from the sky in front of them.


"What is this?!" Tashigi commented, shielding her eyes with her sword

from the debris created by the explosion.

"Look who's here..." A voice came from the debris and Smoker looked

surprised, already recognizing the owner of the voice.

Hina and Tashigi prepared for whoever had arrived and Kuzan frowned,

not expecting that this pirate would take the action to attack him so


Luffy emerged from the debris with his cape flying in the wind and

walked towards the marines with a smile on his face, it was no surprise

to him while everyone looked scared at the pirate as he walked towards

Admiral Kuzan.

"Hello, frozen admiral." Luffy announced without losing his smile and

lightning struck beside him, Enel arrived soon after, looking at the others

with his usual arrogance.

"Monkey D. Luffy, a 500 million pirate and Garp's grandson..." Kuzan

commented seeing this figure for the first time.

"Look Smoker, as always, good to see you. And who might this lady be,

would you like to go out with me sometime, miss?" Luffy greeted

everyone and joked, he wasn't serious with Hina, but it was an

opportunity to flirt with the enemy.

"Hina doesn't go out with pirates." She said. Luffy had no reaction to this

and looked to the side seeing Fullbody as a subordinate of Hina as

Tashigi with Smoker.

"Fullbody, it's been a while, decided to leave EastBlue?" Luffy commented

and Fullbody had veins on his face, "You damn pirate!" He yelled.

"Are these people strong?" Enel asked, still trying to find someone

powerful since he came down with Luffy, but they all seemed weak.

"Not all of them, that big guy over there can easily defeat you, I want you

to take care of those two." Luffy pointed to Hina and Smoker.

"Mugiwara, you will be arrested!" Smoker said, looking at Luffy.

"First, take care of Enel, he's a logia like you, while I'll fight the admiral, I

want to see if he lives up to his reputation, you're okay with that, aren't

you, Admiral Kuzan?" Luffy commented with a smile.

The marines around them were surprised to see Luffy walking fearlessly

and challenging an admiral, as it represented the highest power of the


"Did I hear that right..."

"This is really a bit disconcerting..."

"Did that pirate really come to challenge the admiral?"

"What are we going to do?"

Luffy continued walking towards them, even passing by Smoker and Hina

who had furrowed brows as the pirate treated them like nothing more

than air. He continued, but no one stopped him until he was face to face

with Kuzan.

"You admirals are really tall, mega admiral, how is my sister doing in

Marinefort? I hope she's getting strong, I miss her already." Luffy

commented nonchalantly while looking at the man who, even at 210 cm,

was still not taller than an admiral of 266 cm.

Kuzan observed Luffy with a calm expression, though his eyes showed a

hint of curiosity. He didn't seem surprised by Luffy's direct and

challenging approach, but there was an implicit caution in his look.

"Your sister is doing well. She's becoming a strong and capable sailor

with the training my teacher is giving her and with her grandfather also

taking care of her," Kuzan responded, maintaining his serene tone.

Luffy laughed. "That's good to hear. I knew she would be in good hands.

So, Admiral Kuzan, ready for a little confrontation?"

Kuzan raised an eyebrow. "You're quite an upfront person. But know that

I will not hold back just because you are Garp's grandson."

Luffy nodded, still smiling. "I wouldn't expect anything less from an

admiral. But before we start, I have a question."

"What is it?" Kuzan asked, his expression still relaxed.

"What do you think of the current state of the navy? Are they really

doing the right thing, fiercely pursuing pirates and you turn a blind eye

to criminal shichibukais out there?" Luffy asked, his voice carrying a

more serious tone than usual.

The people beside fell silent in this conversation, not even breathing as

Luffy talked with the admiral. Kuzan paused for a moment, reflecting on

the question. "The navy has its flaws, like any organization. I may not

always agree with the decisions made by superiors, but that doesn't

change the fact that pirates like you are a threat to the world."

"Really, you execute any order like a good soldier, don't you? Is that what

happened with Ohara?" Luffy commented, and the atmosphere

immediately turned cold.

Luffy and Kuzan stared at each other, each assessing the other. Kuzan,

without any sudden movement, caused the ground under Luffy's feet to

start freezing. The ice quickly spread, rising up Luffy's feet. Surprisingly,

Luffy made no move to escape or counter-attack. He remained still,

allowing the freezing to cover his entire body.

As the ice enveloped Luffy, turning him into a frozen statue, a calm and

confident expression remained on his face in front of the admiral. It was

as if Luffy had control and confidence in his ability to escape from that

situation at any moment.

Kuzan, observing the scene, showed no surprise. His eyes reflected a mix

of respect and curiosity. "You didn't even move... do you really think you

can escape from my ice?" said Kuzan, his voice tranquil.

The spectators around, watched in silence, intrigued and a little anxious.

They knew Luffy was not an ordinary pirate and that his abilities were

extraordinary from the newspaper reports. The question was: how would

he respond to Admiral Kuzan's ice power?

Luffy, encased in ice, remained motionless for a brief moment, but then a

dramatic change occurred. Suddenly, purple flames erupted from his

body, shattering the ice with an intense and vibrant explosion. The

flames melted the ice at an impressive speed, freeing Luffy from his

frozen prison in milliseconds and sending steam in all directions.

Before Kuzan could react, Luffy was already in motion. With a surprising

speed that broke the ground beneath him, he rushed towards the

Admiral. His fist, wrapped in a dense black aura of Armament Haki, was

launched towards Kuzan with brutal force.

Kuzan, sensing the imminent threat, quickly went into a defensive stance,

but even with his abilities, he wasn't fully prepared for the impact of

Luffy's punch. The punch hit him with overwhelming power, sending him

flying backward like a rocket.

Kuzan soared through the air, crossing the space of the port, and crashing

into the sea with a loud splash. Upon hitting the water, he caused the

entire sea in that small area to surge. A moment later, the sea began to

freeze, and in an instant, a vast area of the sea transformed into a frozen,

crystalline field.

The scene left everyone present astonished. The strength of Luffy, capable

of sending a Navy Admiral flying with a single punch, and the subsequent

reaction of the sea freezing, were testimonies to the extraordinary level

of power of Admiral Kuzan.

The marines, shocked by the turn of events, quickly regrouped. They

surrounded Luffy at the port, with their weapons pointed directly at him.

The tension was palpable in the air, and the sound of triggers being

cocked echoed around the area. The eyes of every marine were fixed on

the pirate, ready to shoot at any sign of threat.

Luffy was hit by bullets, which simply did not penetrate his body,

stopping upon contact with his skin. "You know that won't work against

me, right?" Luffy commented, looking around while remaining calm. He

turned to Enel, who was watching everything with his usual expression of

arrogance. "Enel," Luffy called, drawing the attention of the former God

of Skypiea. "I need you to deal with these marines. But remember, I don't

want you to kill anyone."

Enel nodded in agreement. He then raised his hands, and an electrical

aura began to form around him. With a swift movement, he released a

series of controlled electrical discharges towards the marines. The

discharges were powerful enough to incapacitate the soldiers without

causing fatal damage.

The marines, caught off guard by the speed and precision of Enel's

attacks, began to fall one after the other, struck by the electricity. The

gunfire stopped, and weapons fell from the hands of the unconscious


At that moment, a force emerged in the air to confront Enel, only Smoker

and Hina remained in combat and went to face Enel. At that moment,

Kuzan surfaced above the frozen sea, his figure emerging from the icy

waters. He had a thin line of blood running down his forehead, a clear

sign of the impact of the blow that Luffy had struck.

"He's more skilled in haki than Momonga had detailed in his report..." he

commented, looking at the blood on his forehead, yet his expression was

calm and lazy.

Luffy wasted no time and leaped into the air, leaving the port behind and

landing smoothly in front of him, sporting a confident smile. "So, frozen

admiral," Luffy said, looking straight into Kuzan's eyes, "our fight is about

to begin."



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

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Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

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182. Chapter 182

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere, First Half of Grandline.



Kuzan watched Luffy, whose body was now enveloped in dancing purple

flames in front of him, as the ice beneath him began to melt. "You are

certainly more dangerous than the reports suggested, Monkey D. Luffy,"

said Kuzan, closely observing the flames. "Your proficiency in Haki is

dangerous, despite being far from the strongest, yet your mythical Zoan

fruit grants you great explosive power... both impressive and troublesome

at the same time..." Kuzan continued to speak, no longer as lazily as he

might have.

With a confident smile, Luffy replied, "I'm just getting started, Admiral. I

was never the pirate you guys have in those reports, after all, I never had

to use all my strength to deal with the navy, maybe you'll be the first?"

Luffy suggested.

Kuzan gave a slight nod, acknowledging the truth in Luffy's words.

"That's evident. But don't underestimate the Navy or an Admiral,

grandson of Garp."

The flames around Luffy increased in intensity, reflecting his will to fight.

"I don't underestimate anyone, Kuzan. But I don't intend to be

underestimated either. Let's see how far an Admiral's strength goes, I

could just ignore you while passing through the region, but I want to see

where my current level is."

"Then come, show me the power of the greatest rookie of this

generation," he said as his body began to wrap in ice.

Without further words, Luffy quickly advanced towards Kuzan, closing

the distance between them in the blink of an eye. Putting his Moa Moa

no Mi ability into speed and strength, he was thirty times more powerful

in these two aspects.

Both crossed their fists against each other, Kuzan who always passively

freezes his opponents, had to be more aggressive in this fight and he

opted to use Haki too. The admiral's fist and the pirate's created an

impact above the ice, breaking everything and creating a powerful blast

with dark rays tinged with red, from the armament Haki.


The fists seemed to clash in the attack with neither of them backing

down. Kuzan had more mastery of the armament Haki than Luffy, but he

couldn't take advantage of the pirate, his fist continued in the impact

wrapped in Haki with ice covering various parts of his arm, on the other

side Luffy had his fist against Kuzan while flames exploded against the

enemy, but he couldn't take advantage either. He might be below Kuzan

in armament Haki, but had his Moa Moa no Mi to compensate for

deficiencies against this type of opponent.

An explosion occurred when the fists reached their limit, everything

within more than 100 meters exploded between the two elements, and

Luffy and Kuzan were thrown to opposite sides of each other.

While Kuzan appeared like an ice sculpture, Luffy spread his wings and

flew upwards, facing Kuzan and now they would show a battle of

elements as he formed fireballs, throwing them at the admiral.

In the next few minutes, that side went into a frenzy with explosions and

sounds of ice forming and breaking, the battle was a dance of fire and

ice. Luffy, with his punches wrapped in flames and Haki, tried to break

Kuzan's ice defenses, while the latter used his ability to create massive ice

sculptures and launch icy attacks. With every punch from Luffy, the ice

vaporized under the intense heat, only to be quickly reformed by Kuzan's

power, giving Luffy a real advantage against the admiral.

At various times, Luffy managed to land direct hits on Kuzan, who used

his Haki to minimize the damage. Kuzan, with his superior experience

and Haki skill, was able to predict and dodge many of Luffy's attacks, but

Luffy's enhanced speed and strength from the Moa Moa no Mi were a

constant challenge.

The battle was fierce and balanced, with each fighter testing the other's

limits. For Kuzan, it was like fighting a Yonko commander, which put

pressure on him. He no longer saw Luffy as a mere rookie pirate; this boy

was worthy of being Garp's grandson.

The confrontation continued, with the island and its inhabitants

witnessing a combat that would surely enter the history of this island in

that frozen sea in front of the city.

At the height of this round between Luffy and Kuzan, the people of the

city saw a huge purple fire tornado explode from the ice. The intense and

voracious flames swirled around the place, forming a vortex that rose to

the skies, visible from the entire island, even making the city feel the


Kuzan, responding to the growing threat, intensified his own power. The

frozen sea around them began to crack and explode, sending shards of ice

and cold vapor into the air. Kuzan manipulated the ice with unmatched

skill, creating complex structures and huge ice spears that clashed against

Luffy's flames, creating a thermal shock.

With each impact between fire and ice, massive explosions occurred,

sending waves of heat and cold in all directions. The island trembled

with the force of the confrontation, and the inhabitants looked up at the

sky, wondering if those two natural forces were real. Luffy's flames and

Kuzan's ice continued to intertwine in a destructive dance, where fire met

cold, creating a symphony of explosions and vapor.

As the battle escalated, Luffy decided to increase the intensity of the

confrontation. He entered Phase 2 of his Akuma no Mi, transforming into

an even more powerful and threatening version.

"So, this is the power that Momonga reported..." Kuzan recognized that

Luffy was stronger than the report indicated in the fight against

Momonga and Crocodile, but he knew that Luffy had now entered a new

level of power with his akuma no mi.

Luffy advanced with superior speed and strength, keeping his moa moa

no mi activated, becoming almost invisible to the eyes of onlookers. The

flames enveloping him intensified, becoming wilder and uncontrollable,

spreading across the already destroyed ice field and creating a trail of


Kuzan, recognizing the gravity of the situation, responded with an

equivalent increase in his own intensity. The air around him cooled

drastically, and immense ice structures began to emerge from nowhere,

forming barriers and gigantic spears that projected towards Luffy.

Luffy, moving with agility, used geppo and his own flames on his feet to

further boost speed and mobility, dodging the admiral's attacks while

exploding some, melting everything in his path. In a moment, jumping

into the air, Luffy formed a huge sphere and fired it at Kuzan, causing

great destruction that destroyed all the ice around and the island

trembled once again, witnessing the great explosion.

Kuzan, who responded with a massive wall of ice to block the attack, was

thrown backward.

"Hey, hey. This is problematic..." He murmured, seeing all the vapor

formed by the explosion of the pirate's attack, even his vision was

obstructed with the smoke, but he could still feel Luffy with his Haki.

"Come on, admiral, this is getting fun!" Luffy appeared above Kuzan and

launched a punch with flames, Kuzan responded with Haki, and their

fists collided, resulting in another stalemate.

"How about a fight with fencing?" Luffy suggested, drawing Ace from its

sheath for the first time.

"That looks like an interesting sword," Kuzan remarked. He wasn't a

swordsman, but he recognized the sword as a supreme grade just by

looking at it. He didn't know Ace, so he didn't realize what weapon was

in Luffy's hand.

Kuzan opened his hand, and an ice sword formed. He covered it with

Haki to strengthen it and advanced towards Luffy.

The swords clashed, wrapped in Haki, and another shock wave with cuts

flew in all directions.


The people on the island once again watched the fight between Luffy and

Kuzan with a mix of admiration and fear. Now the fight had shifted to

weapon impacts, creating explosions in the air above the ice, which for

the most part was already destroyed, giving way to the sea water.

One citizen, with an incredulous look, couldn't hide his admiration mixed

with a touch of fear. "How is this possible? A pirate fighting on equal

terms with an admiral?" he murmured, his voice almost lost in the

surrounding noise.

Another observer, with a furrowed brow in concern, expressed his fear

out loud: "This is unbelievable. If even an admiral can be challenged like

this, what does that mean for us? What will happen to the navy if he


Some, still skeptical, clung to the belief in the navy's unshakeable

supremacy. "There's no way an admiral can lose. They are the navy's

greatest force, after all. This pirate, no matter how strong, can't beat

him," commented an older man, trying to reassure himself and those

around him.

Meanwhile, a young man pointed to the chaos at the port, where Enel

faced Smoker. "But look there, the fight isn't just between the admiral

and the pirate. That other one, with the lightning... he's fighting one of

the navy officers!" he exclaimed, indicating the smaller, but equally

intense battle happening separately.

On the side of the port, with less intense but still significant explosions,

Enel continued his fight against the navy, or specifically against one of


Enel, with his characteristic arrogance, was facing Smoker. Hina was

already on the ground, unconscious from the intensity of Enel's electric

attacks. Smoker, on the other hand, resisted tenaciously, his ability to

turn into smoke allowing him to avoid much of Enel's electric assault.

Enel mocked Smoker as they fought, throwing arrogant and provocative

comments. "Is that all you've got, 'Smoke Man'?" he taunted, circling

around Smoker with supernatural speed. Smoker could only rely on his

Logia ability to continue the fight. "I thought the Logia users of this sea

would be more challenging. It seems I was wrong." Luffy had told him

about his powers, and after some denial, Enel acknowledged his ability.

Smoker, focused and serious, didn't let Enel's provocations affect him. He

responded with calculated attacks, trying to hit Enel with his weapon

that would work against Logia. Despite Enel being clearly the more

powerful aggressor, Smoker didn't seem to give up on the fight.

Each time Enel launched a lightning bolt, Smoker turned into smoke,

avoiding the blow and counter-attacking with quick and precise jabs. The

fight between them was a game of cat and mouse, but no one seemed to

be able to harm the other in this confrontation of Logias.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

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decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

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Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

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Visit our for more!

183. Chapter 183

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere on sea, First Half of Grandline.



Explosions continued to echo in the sky above the sea of water and ice,

both using Geppo and their Haki-coated swords, exchanging blows that

created explosions with shock waves.

After clashing with Kuzan's ice sword, Luffy concentrated his flames in

his free hand and punched towards the admiral, expanding his flames

like a flamethrower. Kuzan responded by creating a massive ice dragon,

which collided with the fire torrent in the air, causing a colossal

explosion that lit up the entire sky, followed by a deafening roar, creating

a cloud of steam above the sea.

The fight continued amid explosions in the midst of all that cold smoke.







The two combatants moved with superhuman speed and precision,

exchanging blows in the middle of the sky. Luffy, with his speed

enhanced by the Moa Moa no Mi, tried to overcome Kuzan's defense,

while the Admiral, with his superior Haki, blocked and counter-attacked

with icy precision.

The sound of their punches and crossed swords was like thunder, echoing

across the island and making the ground tremble. This lasted for the next

few hours as ice and flames were being created in the sky, the marines

were waking up, but Luffy did not want to worry about reinforcements

arriving in his fight, so he occasionally released his King's aura to knock

out anyone who could report the situation to the superiors in the midst of

this fight.

"Conqueror's Haki... I'm not surprised... but it's quite troublesome..."

Kuzan commented, looking more injured from the fight.

"Don't pay attention to that," Luffy said, appearing in his phase form to

continue the fight, equally injured, as fighting an admiral was quite

problematic. The fight in these last hours was frenetic and it seemed they

would fight for days at this rate, the sea below him was frozen and ablaze

with steam creating a smoke curtain in front of the village.

"You have in your crew, Nico Robin, right?" As the blows continued

against each other, Kuzan commented, making Luffy raise an eyebrow at


"That's true, Robin became a valuable companion even before we entered

Alabasta," Luffy said, parrying Kuzan's blows.

"You should get rid of that woman," Kuzan mentioned, and Luffy just


"Why would I do that? She is quite precious and trustworthy."

"All the crews she joined were destroyed, yours will be no different," he

said seriously, Luffy recognized that this was the reason for Kuzan finding

him as in the original work.

"That may be true, but Robin has proven to be trustworthy and I believe

in her, as do all my companions. We have a common goal and I am

interested in the history of the lost century," Luffy commented with a

smile, making Kuzan frown.

"You can't be serious, the World Government would never let you go free

after discovering this ambition of yours."

"You don't understand, do you?" Luffy appeared, surprising Kuzan with

his speed, and delivered a punch to the admiral's stomach, sending him

flying hundreds of meters before stabilizing again.

Luffy looked at him with a smile and said, "This is my journey, my

adventure, I'm a pirate and I do what I want, I don't care what the

government thinks of me and my ambitions, I won't bow down to these

organizations and no one." Luffy spoke confidently.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Garp's grandson," Kuzan still


"Let me tell you something, admiral. I've already killed a Tenryuubito in

the East Blue, do you think I'm afraid of the government?" Luffy

admitted, knowing that Kuzan wouldn't easily disclose this information

and it wouldn't be long before the world also knew about it, so it was just

a matter of time.

"You killed that Tenryuubito?" Kuzan wondered in shock, everything

indicated that it was Monkey D. Dragon and wanted to capture Luffy to

use him as a method of catching Luffy, ironically, Luffy was the author of

the murder.

"Oh yes, if that doesn't prove to you that I'll keep Robin with me and I'm

not afraid of any report you talk about her, I don't know what can

convince you..." Luffy spoke firmly, he had Robin as his woman, how

could he let someone speak ill of her.

"I understand..." Kuzan admitted.

The fight continued for another 2 hours with explosions as they each

injured the other in a clash of Haki and elements. Luffy, breathing

heavily but still full of energy, paused the fight and looked directly at

Kuzan. "You know, Admiral, I think this could last for days. Don't you

think it would be better to continue this at another time? I don't see

either of us winning right now, and I have other things to do. I wanted to

test my skills against you and I've seen what I'm capable of compared to a

marine admiral," Luffy suggested, maintaining a slightly playful but

serious tone.

"You have a point, Monkey D. Luffy," Kuzan responded in a weary tone,

he wasn't here to defeat Luffy, just to see the rookie and talk to him

about Robin, the girl he once spared. "This fight could indeed last for

days, and we both have other responsibilities. I'll take your suggestion

and let you go for now. But remember, this isn't a truce, just a


Luffy nodded, satisfied with Kuzan's response, as he sheathed Ace and

Kuzan dissolved his ice sword. "Understood, Admiral. Let's leave our next

meeting for another day. It will be a pleasure to face you again," Luffy

said, with a confident smile.

Kuzan, acknowledging the end of the fight, retreated to the island behind

all that steam surrounding them, and Luffy followed him to the city to

look for Enel. Reaching Enel, who was still in a fierce clash with Smoker,

who was visibly tired, despite not being injured, he was having difficulty

breathing after hours.

"You really are a persistent mortal..." Enel mocked, and Smoker growled.

"Don't you get tired of talking that nonsense?!" The former captain, who

was promoted to commodore after Alabasta, exclaimed.

"Enel, that's enough," Luffy called, drawing the attention of the Goro

Goro no Mi user. "Let's get out of here," Luffy commented, and Kuzan was

a bit away telling Smoker to stop as well.

Enel, somewhat reluctant to interrupt the fight, cast a last defiant look at

Smoker before turning to Luffy. "Fine, demon. But I was having fun with

the smoke man," he replied, with a tone of voice mixing frustration and


"Tsk," Smoker clicked his tongue hearing that.

"With that, we're leaving. Tell my grandfather and sister I miss them,"

Luffy said to Kuzan, but he didn't respond.

Knowing this was a confirmation, Luffy shot into the air and Enel

followed him turning into a bolt of lightning, "We're letting him go?"

Smoker commented, looking towards where Luffy and Enel had left.

"I have no choice, the pirate Monkey D. Luffy is at the level of an

admiral..." Kuzan had to admit.

"What?! How can a rookie be at this level?!" Smoker exclaimed, alarmed

by this information.

"I don't know, Garp's grandson is much more powerful than the reports

showed. And Momonga had spoken of him as a Haki beginner, what I

saw today was more than that, and it's only been 3 weeks since he left

Alabasta..." Kuzan was thinking.

"I can understand that he's strong for defeating Shichibukais and a vice

admiral, but to be at an admiral's strength... he can't be getting stronger

in such a short time, can he?" Smoker spoke in a reluctant tone, not

wanting to believe that someone could become so strong so quickly.

"I don't know... but it's strange... he's hiding something, beyond his

growth, the reports from Garp and Momonga detail his explosion of

strength and speed that not even his Haki of observation can identify...

They are theorizing that Luffy is a dual user of Akuma no Mi and I'm

starting to believe that after our fight," Kuzan admitted, looking up at the


"Dual Akuma no Mi user?! Really?" Smoker couldn't believe it.

"So troublesome, his crew already has 4 mythical Zoan users and they all

have techniques of their styles. If Garp's grandson continues to grow at

this pace and he really is a dual Akuma no Mi user, I believe the sea will

become very turbulent from now on," Kuzan spoke. If he thought Nico

Robin would be the downfall of the crew, now he feared Luffy, the boy

who didn't even seem to be 20 years old was a threat like he had never

seen. The World Government and the Marines would be using all their

forces to eliminate him with the information Kuzan had.

"What are we going to do now?" Smoker asked.

"I'm going back to the headquarters and report how I failed to capture

Monkey D. Luffy," Kuzan yawned.

"Can I... go too?" Smoker commented.

"Hm? You want to go back there finally?" Kuzan asked, curious about his


"I realized I'm too weak. I received training manuals from Garp, but I'm

not ready to defeat the Straw Hats... I need to get stronger," Smoker


"That's good, we should return then," Kuzan said, and they began to wake

the other marines and calm the town, before returning directly to the


Meanwhile, in the air, Luffy and Enel were traveling through the sky

towards their next destination, Jaya.

"Hm?!" Enel spoke beside Luffy.

"What is it?" Luffy looked at him curiously. Enel had a range of

observation Haki that even Luffy envied with his fruit.

"Something is approaching us at high speed through the sky," Enel

pointed out, and Luffy and he stopped in the air.

"That..." Luffy looked in the direction where Enel pointed. He might not

identify the person approaching, but he had a very bad feeling about it.

On the other side, a blond-haired man wearing an astronaut helmet and

exotic clothing like a Tenryuubito, holding a sword, flew towards Luffy

and Enel through the air with Geppo at high speed. He had finally

discovered the location of Straw Hat fighting against the Navy and

headed in that direction.

"I finally found you," he said without a smile, just heading towards Luffy

in the sky, like a Holy Knight, he exuded an aura of authority and threat.

It was evident he was not there for a casual conversation; he had a clear

goal, and Luffy was the target. After hunting him for weeks, he finally

saw him in the distance with his advanced observation Haki.

Luffy had no idea he was being hunted by an elite of the World

Government, and he would soon know what a Holy Knight could do after

having fought for a few hours with a Navy admiral.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron. As a token of gratitude, I offer access to more than

110 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the same time, along with

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Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a few hours

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RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

Notice: We now have 3 more active fanfics! -

New Fanfics - (They will stay on until reaching 30 chapters)

Naruto - Light Ninja!

The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara!

Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch!

Game of Thrones: DragonBorn!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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184. Chapter 184

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere on sea, First Half of Grandline.



I will create a character card for this holy knight.

Name: Saint Julius Armango.

Age: 36 years.

Appearance: Blonde hair, strange hairstyle with a quiff up, and clothes of

a tenryuubito with a sword in hand.

Status: Tenryuubito, Holy Knight.

Specialties: Assassination.

Equivalent reward for power: 1 billion.

Abilities: Fencing, six styles, Hakis.

While the wind of the sky hit the faces of Luffy and Enel at that height.

"Who would come like this...?" Luffy murmured, he was caught off guard

by this presence and felt that whoever is coming, is dangerous.

"Aren't you scared?" Enel mocked.

"Say what you want, just be careful, this person is a challenge, whether

you like it or not." Luffy said without taking his eyes off that area.

"Tsk." Enel scoffed.

A moment later, a small dot appeared in the space and it approached

quickly to where Enel and Luffy were, it did not take long for the figure

to approach, Luffy just observed seeing that even with a hostile feeling

from this person, he seemed to just observe initially and did not attack

them directly.

"Monkey D. Luffy. Pirate with 500 million on your head, a pretty high

number for a rookie who entered the grandline almost 2 months ago."

This person spoke with arrogance and disdain.

"Are you a tenryuubito?" Luffy asked confused, this man did not look

anything like the lazy and weak stereotype, after all, he gave a dangerous

sensation, although not as much as Kuzan, certainly more dangerous than

the Shichibukais and a vice-admiral of the navy. Luffy concluded him to

be a tenryuubito by the clothes and arrogance he exuded.

"Tenryuubito, those who call themselves gods of this world that you

mentioned before?" Enel raised an eyebrow, he was intrigued that in the

blue sea, there was a group of people who claimed to be gods of this

world, this angered him, after all, he did not want competition.

"Watch your words, stranger." The man spoke in the same tone looking at

Enel as if he was unworthy of his attention and turned back to Luffy.

"Yes, I am a tenryuubito, my name is Saint Julius Armango, one of the 20

holy knights of Merry geoise" He said making Luffy raise an eyebrow.

"That's really quite unexpected, I didn't know your kind had warriors..."

Luffy commented.

"We are superior to all creatures of this world, but it doesn't mean we

can't have powerful warriors among us, after all, in the holy knights, we

are tenryuubitos chosen to train when we are not the heir sons of the

families." He said.

Before Luffy could respond, he was surprised that the holy knights were

Tenryuubitos, but Enel made a move and went directly to him, tired of

his arrogance, his body approached the holy knight.

Saint Julius did not seem worried about this, with a movement, he

dodged Enel's swift attack and delivered a punch, making the god spit

saliva, while flying to the opposite side, but his neck was grabbed by the

Tenryuubito taking his sword out of the sheath with the other hand, it

was a high-grade sword.

"I must admit, I am surprised with the logia user of thunder, it has been

lost for centuries, but don't worry, I won't kill you, after all, this fruit is

dangerous to be reborn anywhere." He said and pointed his weapon at

Enel's chest with the intention of injuring him and taking him out of


But before he could do that, Luffy appeared in front of him with Ace

embedded with Haki, intending to kill him. The tenryuubito was quick in

anticipating the attack directing Enel's sword towards Luffy quickly, the

impact seemed to make him uncomfortable as he felt Luffy's strength and

made him retreat backwards.

"Hm?! You are stronger than I expected, pirate. I am also surprised that

you did not seem to hesitate in killing me. Even though I am a

tenryuubito, a being much superior to you." He commented.

"You wouldn't be the first I killed." Luffy commented.

"So it was you..." He said with a dark face, Luffy knew he was talking too

much about this to everyone, but he no longer needed to hide it, after all

everyone would know in the next few months.

Luffy did not respond and cut the air holding his sword around haki. He

quickly reached the holy knight and the swords clashed.

"You have a beautiful sword there... It's Ace, isn't it? The sword of Gold

Roger." He spoke while counterattacking.

Luffy parried his attack with equal intensity and smiled. "Yes, I hope to

improve my fencing with you, since Kuzan didn't help me much with

that, despite our fights." Luffy said and quickly increased the speed of his


Explosions started to appear in that space with the clashing of swords,

Luffy had never fought with such a skilled user of the six styles, as this

tenryuubito had spent decades working on the enhanced techniques.

"Is that... you possess the same techniques that I do?" The tenryuubito

seemed quite surprised, after all, only the holy knights could possess such

techniques, and the pirate in front of him had the same evolved


"Who knows why..." Luffy just murmured without bothering to answer

the man while launching more attacks.

Luffy began to dodge shingan made by the holy knight with his fists, he

increased his speed and strength by 30 times and seemed to take the fight

with an advantage.

Enel recovered a bit from the previous attack and just watched the fight

from that distance, with slightly frustrated eyes, since he had lost so

pathetically to another being who claimed to be a god and the Demon

seemed to fight the other part so easily.

As the blows rapidly exchanged in the air, Luffy and Saint Julius

Armango, the Holy Knight, engaged in an intense and fierce battle. Luffy,

with his ability enhanced by the Moa Moa no Mi, managed to keep up

with the fast-paced battle, using a combination of fencing and six styles.

The tenryuubito, though surprised at Luffy's ability to match his

techniques, was not shaken. With his high-grade sword in hand, he

executed precise and rapid movements, forcing Luffy to dodge and block

attacks with incredible agility.

The two combatants engaged in an aerial ballet of attacks and

counterattacks, the metallic sound of the swords clashing echoed through

the sky, creating a symphony of combat.

Suddenly, Luffy surprised Saint Julius with an abrupt increase in the

intensity of his attacks. He propelled himself with Geppo, combining it

with his increased strength, and unleashed a series of rapid and powerful

cuts. Saint Julius could barely keep up, retreating while blocking each

blow with tekkai and armament haki.

Luffy, noticing an opening, accelerated even more, wrapping his sword in

purple flames and hitting the Holy Knight's defense with full force. Saint

Julius' sword vibrated with the impact, and he was forced to step back,

surprised by the strength of the blow.

"This is getting tough..." The tenryuubito had to admit quietly, this pirate

was not easy to deal with alone.

On the other side, Luffy was thinking, they were still quite close to where

Kuzan was, "If the fight drags on, Kuzan might intervene as soon as he

feels the battle with his haki, I'll have to finish him quickly." Luffy

murmured softly.

He took a deep breath, focusing intensely. His muscles tensed as he

prepared to release all his power and end this fight quickly. An

impressive aura emanated from Luffy. His body began to transform,

assuming the final form of his Akuma no Mi. A burst of purple flames

erupted around him, forming a fierce and dominating aura. The holy

knight was thrown back by the impact and heat.

Saint Julius Armango, stopping a distance away and observing the

transformation, widened his eyes in surprise and caution. He had never

witnessed the pirate's power, although it was in the reports, seeing it

personally was quite shocking as Ifrit manifested in that sky.

"He finally transformed into the demon..." Enel commented, looking at

the distance.

Luffy looked down at the now ant in front of him, as flames danced

around his body. He wasted no time and prepared to launch his colossal

body against his distant enemy. Despite the loss of speed due to the

transformation, he skillfully compensated with the power of his Moa Moa

no Mi, multiplying his speed by sixty times. This combination of brute

force and speed in his 50-meter form.

With a burst of energy, Luffy advanced towards Saint Julius. The space

around him distorted with the intensity of his flame trails, as he cut the

air with almost imperceptible speed. Saint Julius, despite his skill and

training as a Holy Knight, barely had time to react to Luffy's sudden

increase in speed.

The Holy Knight tried to defend himself, blocking the attacks with his

sword and using the six styles, but Luffy's agility and strength were too

oppressive in this form. Each blow from the pirate was like lightning,

relentless and precise, forcing Saint Julius to constantly retreat while

suffering burns.

"I can't keep this up..." He murmured as his clothes caught fire. Realizing

the growing disadvantage, he increased the intensity of his

counterattacks. He moved agilely, trying to find an opening in Luffy's

defenses. However, the pirate did not seem to make his task any easier.

Luffy's purple flames expanded across the sky, and Saint Julius, despite

fighting with all his strength, began to feel the pressure of the combat.

Finally, finding a gap in Saint Julius' defense, Luffy delivered a powerful

punch. The impact was so strong that it created a shockwave in the air,

sending Saint Julius flying backward at a dizzying speed. The Holy

Knight was hurled through the sky, losing control of his trajectory.

Luffy propelled his wings on his back and skated through the sky after his

enemy. He concentrated armament haki and his flames around his hand,

aiming directly at the Holy Knight.

"What?!" Saint Julius barely had time to react, just managing to raise an

arm in an attempt to block the blow as he covered his entire body with

armament haki. Concentrating all his strength and energy, his punch

exploded on top of the tenryuubito who didn't even know how he died

because he was disintegrated the moment the flames with the punch

caught him.

The ensuing explosion was colossal and thunderous. A wave of energy

and fire expanded, illuminating the sky and the sea with intense light in

the middle of the day. The flames of Ifrit consumed everything around,

leaving a scorching mark in the air.

"Hm?!" Meanwhile, on the other side, Kuzan was heading to the

headquarters with Smoker and Hina when the flames lit up the sky in the


"Those flames..." Smoker murmured.

"Yes, something happened over there, but there are no islands... there. So

that attack was at sea."

"Hina is concerned, shouldn't that scale of attack destroy an entire


"You're right, but not even I can defeat that pirate, let's wait for

headquarters to decide what to do." Kuzan spoke, unconcerned. He knew

that Luffy was not an ordinary pirate from paradise, and was at the level

of an admiral in power, but what could he do? He just put on his

eyeprotector and went to sleep.

When the light dissipated, Saint Julius Armango lay defeated, his body

had turned to ashes in the air, the eyes of Ifrit observed this while he

canceled his transformation.

"It looks like you won... Demon" Enel spoke, looking at the chaos created

by Luffy's flames and the sea turned to vapor by the intensity of the heat,

as Luffy had used enough power to blow up a medium-sized island.

"Yes, let's go now, I'm sure we'll have other fights soon." Luffy was not

foolish in knowing that the World Government would learn of the death

of a Holy Knight, and he would soon face Jack and Doflamingo. That's

why he didn't bring his crew; he wanted to face these people without

risking any of them dying in battle, after all, they were still not ready for

these forces and needed to focus on Skypiea.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

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These are my new projects for when I stabilize the frequency of all

current fanfics. Give me your opinion!

- House of Dragon - North Dragon. – Daemon Targaryen has a bastard

with a Stark; the boy finds himself in this world, but he is fortunate that

his father does not know about him and explores the world after leaving

Winterfell, where he was kept hidden.

- Star Wars - Galen Marek Model. – A Self-Insert with Cal Kestis while he

was hiding from the empire that was hunting down surviving Jedis from

order 66. He was working in a junkyard when his soul is filled by a mind

from another world and gains the abilities of Galen Marek (If you know

him, he is so powerful that he isn't even canonical, since he could take

down a Imperial Star Destroyer just by using the power of the force.)

- Harry Potter - Legacy. Waking up as Harry Potter with the power of his

character in the game, Hogwarts Legacy.

- Cyberpunk - David Martinez SI. – Waking up as David Martinez, V

realizes he is in a different time after he had died after living 6 months

with Panam. However, he is not alone, Jonny Silverhand continues to

accompany him on this new journey.

- Game of Thrones - King of the North – Eivor from the game AC –

Valhalla, is born in a world different from his own, he was named Eddard

Stark, son of Rickard Stark!

- Avatar – Senju Hashirama! The young man wakes up in the world of

Avatar with a unique element in the world, the wood element.

185. Chapter 185

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere on sea, First Half of Grandline.



In the vast and opulent hall of one of the buildings of Mary Geoise, a

tense silence hung in the air, interrupted only by the subtle sound of

hurried footsteps and the murmur of worried conversations. Leaders from

the highest echelons of the World Government were gathered, all with

grim expressions, as their eyes turned to a specific object on a central

ornate table. There should have been a Vivre Card, which had burned to


"Saint Julius Armango..." said one of the agents.

"He's dead..." said another.

Shock and disbelief took over the room. A second Tenryuubito had been

killed in such a short span of time. It was something that had not

happened for hundreds of years and was not even recorded.

"Not just a Tenryuubito, but a holy knight, one of the highest levels of the

World Government, second only to the 5 elders in combat strength," said


Meanwhile, footsteps entered the room, and all the high-ranking officials

fell silent, 7 people dressed in the same manner as Saint Julius entered

the hall. Everyone bowed their heads at that moment.

"They are... the 7 most powerful holy knights," said a short agent.

"Yes, all of them have the strength of a navy admiral."

"What will happen from here on out?"

"Let's just bow our heads, they are all Tenryuubito, but also a force that

only the 5 elders can command..." another spoke.

The 7 mentioned people walked up to one of the 20 stands with the 20

Vivre Cards of all the holy knights, now this number had dropped to 19.

"Saint Julius died to the pirate he was hunting? How can this be

possible?" said a female voice.

"It seems so, Saint Venus," said Saint Mercurio, an elderly man by her


"What are the orders from our superiors?" spoke a tall, thin man, known

as Saint Marte.

"They are discussing what to do, even though the pirate Monkey D. Luffy

has defeated 2 Shichibukais and a Vice-Admiral, Saint Julius's strength

should have been enough to destroy him, but that's not what happened,"

said Saint Urano.

"Shouldn't we go destroy him?" Saint Jupiter spoke while posing with her

feminine body.

"Let's wait for the orders," said Saint Terra.

"What a drag, we've already lost 2 Tenryuubito, these insignificant beings

think they got away with this?" said Saint Venus.

"Anyway, let's wait, but I doubt this pirate will last long when we are

dispatched," concluded Saint Neptune.

Elsewhere. "Are you saying that not even Kuzan can stop him?!" Saint

Saturn, one of the former holy knights, growled into the den den mushi.

"That's what I'm saying... we had a failure in gathering information..."

Sengoku said on the other side with quite a bit of frustration and

continued. "Kuzan reported that he fought for a few hours, but, Monkey

D. Luffy could be slightly below Kuzan, but his flames gave him an

advantage against the admiral's ice..."

"You're hesitating... what else?" Saint Marcus Mars spoke next to him,

stroking his beard analytically.

"It seems the pirate is a dual akuma no mi user..." When Sengoku said

these words, the room froze a bit.

"A dual akuma no mi... that seems to be problematic, what leads to this

hypothesis." Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro asked with his sword sheathed

in front of him.

"All reports show an explosive boost in strength and speed, Monkey D.

Luffy has the ability to shrink objects and people, something his zoan

fruit shouldn't do," Sengoku spoke.

"First he has this fruit that we've never seen before, a creature of purple

fire, along with the other fruits of his crew now he has the ability to

possess a second fruit?" said Topman Warcury.

"This is concerning and according to this information, it can't be that

fruit, right?" Saint Marcus Mars asked.

"..." Sengoku remained silent.

"We must see this, call Impel Down, we need to see if its user is dead. If

he is... it's that fruit," Saint Shepherd Ju Peter speaks severely.

"Yes!" Sengoku responds and immediately hangs up to make a call to

Impel Down and speak with its director.

"But these capabilities... it's a bit different from what we know..."

Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro comments.

"Then he developed the fruit... Which still makes him more dangerous,"

Shepherd Ju Peter says, looking out the window.

"Not to mention the user of the thunder logia..." Marcus Mars comments.

"So many powerful and unknown fruits in a single rookie crew..." Another

elder comments.

"Should we act?" Topman Warcury asks.

"I don't know if it would be wise, the existence of the holy knights has

always been a hidden force to act in the shadows besides CP0 and to

protect the holy land, but putting so much effort into this might reveal

their power to the world and many of the World Government's enemies

could use this to their advantage," Jaygarcia Saturn comments.

"Then let's wait for now, the news of the Tenryuubitos' deaths are still a

secret from the world. But we won't tolerate this for much longer, this

has just proved that Monkey D. Luffy killed that first Tenryuubito. As

soon as we have the chance, we'll act," Ethanbaron comments at the end

and everyone nods in agreement.

Meanwhile, in Sengoku's room, his den den mushi rings. *Katcha!*

"Fleet Admiral... We went down to level 6 to investigate that frozen

being," Magellan commented, the former user of the Moa Moa no Mi was

so powerful that he was frozen because of him dying and the fruit falling

into the hands of a user who might be an enemy of the government and


"Is he still alive?" Sengoku asks a bit cautiously.

"No... he's dead," Magellan delivers the news.

"This complicates things..." Sengoku concludes with a furrowed brow.

Elsewhere, in an outlaw city known as Jaya, not far from where Luffy

fought against the holy knight, the city seemed anxious, everyone

gathered in the square to see the big shots of the world.

First, there was Doflamingo in the middle of the place beating a man

among all the fallen bodies on the ground, whom he was beating at that

moment was Eustass Kid, a rookie pirate with a bounty of 150 million, he

came to Jaya and left his course in the Grand Line to search for the Straw

Hats, he wanted their fame and wanted to show his strength, despite his

crew not thinking they could beat the colossal monsters from the


Eustass Kid entered Jaya and ended up picking a fight with Bellamy,

which made Kid beat him without the other party being able to react. As

soon as Doflamingo arrived, he knew about this and attacked Kid, his

entire crew was beaten.

Doflamingo was frustrated, he immediately knew that his bases were

being destroyed one after another in this sea, resulting in his wealth

being stolen and losses with his business stopping, he wanted very much

to go kill Monkey D. Luffy, but when he learned of a user of the thunder

logia along with the pirate, he became cautious, even he should know

that he could not fight against the two alone, so he waited in Jaya for


In the tense and charged atmosphere, the crowd of criminals continued to

gather, everyone's eyes fixed on the brutal scene unfolding before them.

Doflamingo was delivering blow after blow to Kid, a man who, until a

few days ago, exuded confidence and pride. Now, reduced to a pitiable

state, Kid was covered in wounds and blood all over the street.

*Heavy footsteps* resonated in the air at that moment, with a figure

appearing near Doflamingo, capturing the attention of the crowd. The

murmurs grew in intensity and speculation.

"Look, it's Jack, one of Kaido's 3 calamities!" exclaimed someone in the

crowd, pointing to the imposing figure that approached. The revelation

caused an immediate buzz among those present.

"Is he that powerful?" questioned another, not knowing much about the

pirates of the New World.

"You're an idiot, he has a bounty of 1 billion and is one of the strongest

forces of a Yonkou!" someone responded, emphasizing the magnitude of

the danger that Jack represented.

"1 Billion?!" the exclamation was almost collective, with many eyes

widening and several mouths opening in astonishment.

"They are on a much higher level than us, but what are these figures

doing here..." pondered another voice.

"We don't know, but something big is going to happen..." someone

concluded gloomily.

As people murmured around, Jack continued his relentless march toward

Doflamingo. He continued until he stopped in front of Joker with an

intense look.

"Joker, let's get out of here and go after the pirate, didn't you hear the

explosion? I'm sure it's him somehow," Jack said impatiently.

"Tsk. You're right, it's better to hunt him down." Doflamingo got off Kid

and pointed a thread at him that would decapitate him there, but both

Doflamingo, Jack, and Page One next to Jack, looked up at that moment.

Before anyone in the crowd could react or question the behavior of the

big shots, the sky lit up and was abruptly torn apart by a chaotic force of

a lightning bolt and a flaming meteor, crashing down onto one of the

streets of the city nearby, causing the crowd to run and wonder what was



The explosion was titanic, causing the city to shake violently, sending a

cloud of dust and debris into the air with some houses and buildings

being destroyed.

As the dust began to settle, a silhouette emerged from the wreckage. A

man advanced, his figure cutting through the curtain of dust. He wore a

billowing cape, adorned with the image of his Jolly Roger on the back.

The emblem, recognized by all, belonged to Monkey D. Luffy, the pirate

with a 500 million bounty.

The crowd, momentarily stunned by the impact, catches their breath

upon recognizing the figure who now stands out before them, as this

pirate was very famous lately in these waters. Murmurs turn into

exclamations of shock and admiration.

"It's the pirate Monkey D. Luffy, of 500 million!" Someone shouts, their

voice cutting through the post-explosion silence like a gunshot.

Luffy, with a bandit's smile plastered on his face, shows no fear or

hesitation. His eyes gleam, and he advances with confidence, his resolute

steps echoing on the still-warm ground from the impacts as he

approaches the big shots on the island, since the crowd had already made

a way for him.

Ahead of him, Jack and Doflamingo, watch Luffy's approach a bit

surprised and while the pirate continued walking with a smile and

confidence towards them.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!



These are my new projects for when I stabilize the frequency of all

current fanfics. Give me your opinion!

- House of Dragon - North Dragon. – Daemon Targaryen has a bastard

with a Stark; the boy finds himself in this world, but he is fortunate that

his father does not know about him and explores the world after leaving

Winterfell, where he was kept hidden.

- Star Wars - Galen Marek Model. – A Self-Insert with Cal Kestis while he

was hiding from the empire that was hunting down surviving Jedis from

order 66. He was working in a junkyard when his soul is filled by a mind

from another world and gains the abilities of Galen Marek (If you know

him, he is so powerful that he isn't even canonical, since he could take

down a Imperial Star Destroyer just by using the power of the force.)

- Harry Potter - Legacy. Waking up as Harry Potter with the power of his

character in the game, Hogwarts Legacy.

- Cyberpunk - David Martinez SI. – Waking up as David Martinez, V

realizes he is in a different time after he had died after living 6 months

with Panam. However, he is not alone, Jonny Silverhand continues to

accompany him on this new journey.

- Game of Thrones - King of the North – Eivor from the game AC –

Valhalla, is born in a world different from his own, he was named Eddard

Stark, son of Rickard Stark!

- Avatar – Senju Hashirama! The young man wakes up in the world of

Avatar with a unique element in the world, the wood element.

186. Chapter 186

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Jaya, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy continued walking ahead of everyone as his cape fluttered in the

wind. Enel also appeared by his side, a bit battered from the fight with

the holy knight, but Luffy led the way, passing through the entire crowd.

Jaya is known to be a lawless island, where criminals of various kinds

gather. The island is always full of fights and parties causing the death of

one here and there, however, today was different. Everyone was silent,

watching a new figure emerge in this already chaotic field.

The star of the moment from the first half of the Grand Line, the pirate

with a bounty of half a billion berries after destroying various marine

bases in the East Blue, revealed to be the grandson of Garp, the marine

hero, and the son of Monkey D. Dragon, the world's worst criminal,

defeating 2 Shichibukai and a vice-admiral, causing chaos in Alabasta

and disappearing for 2 weeks, was in that town walking calmly towards

where Jack, the drought, and Doflamingo, another Shichibukai, were.

Everyone was silent at that moment, nobody could breathe while the

only sound in the place was of Luffy walking to the center of the place

without hesitation, everyone was wondering what would happen.

"Fufufufu. Look who showed up, we were going after you, Straw Hat."

Doflamingo said, laughing excitedly.

"..." Jack just stayed silent watching the pirate approaching. Page One, at

his side, had a serious look, he believed that Kaido's missions are

absolute, and he would do it even if he had to destroy the whole town.

Luffy continued walking until he approached them. Enel had arrogance

on his side as always and was not intimidated by the size of Jack, and

even stared them down like mere ants.

"Hey, he's not stopping..."

"It's true...what does he plan?"

People murmured as Luffy continued walking forward without stopping

as they expected before any fight, and he kept approaching almost

sticking to them.

"He... they are passing by them!"

"He disdains them that much?"

"So this is the arrogance of the half-million pirate?"

Luffy had passed by a stunned Jack and Doflamingo while continuing on

his way, he was looking at a person in the crowd.

"Hm? Zehahahaha. Why do I think this supernova is coming towards

me?" A dark-skinned man in the crowd laughed with iconic people by his


"You! How dare you disrespect Doflamingo-Sama!" Bellamy emerged

from the crowd, he was battered after Kid beat him, but even so, he was

enraged by his young master being disrespected in that way by the


"Hm? Doflamingo? He's just a dog of Kaido, I'm not interested in that

kind of animal right now, there are more interesting people here at the

moment." Luffy commented, shrugging.








Everyone without exception opened their mouths and eyes wide at Luffy's

comment, while Doflamingo himself had a vein in his forehead almost

bursting in anger.

"Mr. Jack... does Mr. Doflamingo have a dog zoan or something?" Page

One asked a bit more timidly to Jack innocently.

"Straw Hat..." Hearing this was the last straw for Doflamingo, he

launched two threads with his fingers towards Luffy, who in turn,

pointed his arm back and fired two finger shots with his hand in the

shape of a pistol, destroying and burning Doflamingo's attack.

"I'm here to talk to someone here, take care of you later, dog." Luffy said

without turning around as he continued to walk forward, the crowd was

even more stunned.

"It seems this is the first time we've met, Teach, or should I say

Blackbeard." Luffy looked at the man in front of him with interest.

"Zehahahahaha. You know me? Pirate Monkey D. Luffy." Teach laughed

and looked with interest at Luffy.

"I do know you, my brother Ace, is looking for you, it's a pity he wants to

hunt you down alone, otherwise, you wouldn't end up well." Luffy said

and continued. "But still, if you want to fight me, you can come,

however, I might not hold back and end up leaving Ace without his

prey." Luffy commented, looking at the man.

"You're the commander's brother? Zehahahaha. No, I don't want to fight

you. I know I'm not ready for that." Teach had to admit, he wasn't

foolish, he couldn't face this pirate at his current level.

"That's good because I still want compensation." Luffy spoke unabashedly,

taking out his sword and a devil fruit. Teach frowned at this gesture, and

Luffy continued before the other could ask what that meant.

"Use your darkness and transfer the fruit's power to the sword, that's all I

ask." Luffy said, leaving everyone even more stunned. Nobody

understood what he meant by that, Teach looked for a moment with dark

eyes, "How do you know about this...?" Luffy just shrugged. "I know

many things, but one reason you'll end up dying if we fight now, so I'm

giving you a choice." Luffy spoke, maintaining his gaze with a small

smile, he would beat Teach if necessary, but he wanted to put that fruit

in Ace.

Teach clicked his tongue and ended up doing it. Everyone was surprised

when the black hand emerged, and Teach didn't even need to grab the

items to absorb in that direction, sucking the sword and fruit into his

hand. 10 seconds later, the sword returned with a dried fruit falling to

the ground.

"Here..." Teach said frustrated, but he still did it, if it meant not facing

Monkey D. Luffy right now.

"Thank you, I knew I could count on you, Teach..." He said, looking at the

sword with satisfaction, feeling the power emanating from it.

'Now Ace looks like a weapon above all other supreme grade ones.' Luffy

thought, his attention returned to Teach with a confident tone. "Teach, I

have faith in almost no pirate here, but in you, I expect a challenge at the

top, you have the potential to be at the top of this world, and I hope to

meet you there for a challenge in my journey." Luffy said, he always saw

Teach as a challenge he would face, the sea would be more interesting

that way.

"Hm?! Well... that's unexpected... Zehahahahaha!" Teach seemed to

change his mood with Luffy's words as his companions just looked on at

the exchange between the two like the whole town.

"I will surely reach the top, nothing can stop me, Zehahahahahaha!"

Teach continued declaring, now loudly for the entire town, and many

began to wonder who this man was, unknown to all, but gaining the

recognition from Monkey D. Luffy to be at the top of the sea, while he

ignored Jack and Doflamingo just to talk to this man and say those


"People's dreams never end!" Teach declared at the end.

Luffy smiled and left Teach behind, turning towards Jack and Doflamingo

who were staring at him with intense eyes. Luffy sheathed Ace again and

walked in their direction, Enel was still by his side, just accompanying


"It's true, people's dreams never end!" Luffy also declared loudly to the

entire crowd with open arms and faced his opponents, "And if people's

dreams never end... why should I stop?" Luffy finished as purple flames

began to burst from his body.

The whole place fell silent once again, watching this human torch facing

two notorious pirates of the new world, while his flames indicated he was

ready to fight. Enel didn't stay behind, making sparks flying from his

body, he faced his opponents, "Is it against these inferiors that we must

fight?" He asked with disdain.

"What's going to happen... One is fire and the other lightning?"

"This island won't be safe for us..."

As people murmured, Jack stepped forward, cracking the ground as he

stared at the flickering flames. "Monkey D. Luffy, where is Lady Yamato?"

Jack asked loudly, and everyone wondered why he would be asking

about the vice-captain of the Straw Hats.

"You're here for her, right? Kaido sent you, which makes a lot of sense..."

Luffy smiled and continued. "But tell Kaido that Yamato isn't his

property, she's my woman now, so tell your father-in-law I won't even

invite him to the wedding." Luffy declared.

As Luffy proclaimed his final words, a shockwave ran through the crowd,

silencing the conversations and fixing all eyes on him. First

understanding that this Yamato, the vice-captain with a bounty of 150

million berries is actually Kaido's daughter, and Monkey D. Luffy called

Kaido, the strongest creature in the world, father-in-law. Luffy's

statement seemed not just a direct affront to the powerful adversaries in

front of him but a declaration of war against a Yonkou himself.

Jack, known for his brutality and unwavering loyalty to Kaido, narrowed

his eyes, surprised by the half-billion pirate's audacity. His normally

relentless demeanor gave way to furious eyes, "Miss Yamato, your

woman...?" Jack murmured to himself.

Doflamingo, on the other hand, seemed surprised by this, now not

knowing whether it was because Kaido had a daughter or because Luffy

declared the same as his woman, he still did not know the real reason

Jack was looking for the crew of the Straw Hat pirates, but now he

understood the reason beyond being after the mythical zoan users.

Enel, standing beside Luffy, looked around with disdain, his mocking

expression as always. "These mortals... so fragile in their convictions," he


The crowd was divided between fear and admiration. Some started what

they had heard, if that was true, Monkey D. Luffy had become Kaido's

son-in-law, and he even called the Yonkou father-in-law, something they

could never imagine hearing in their lives, but Monkey D. Luffy had

declared it, even earning the respect of everyone with the audacity to

steal a daughter from one of the world's four greatest pirates.

"Zehahahaha! This guy is really interesting! I'll be looking forward to the

day our paths cross again," Teach declared, his laughter echoing

throughout the place.

After this declaration, the fight was on the verge of starting, Jack would

never let Luffy go after those words, meanwhile, Luffy was ready to

throw that mammoth into the sea.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

187. Chapter 187

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Jaya, First Half of Grandline.



The tension was heavy in the atmosphere of that street, all the outlaws of

Jaya had never managed to emit any sound while Luffy stared down Jack

after using such words. His gaze, previously calm and confident, now

shone with fierce determination.

"Are we finally going to fight?" Enel asked calmly at his side, already

accustomed to Luffy being eccentric.

"Yes, we're going to fight." Luffy commented, not a full day had passed

and he had already faced a navy admiral, a holy knight, and now was

ready to take on a Yonkou commander and one of the strongest


Keeping his head directly facing Jack and Doflamingo, Luffy began to

transform. It wasn't just a physical change, but an alteration in the very

atmosphere around him as his flames manifested.

The purple flames, previously just sparks around his body, now erupted

into a vortex, enveloping him completely. The energy was emanated by

Luffy, as he entered Phase 2 of his Akuma no Mi, his figure becoming

more muscular and with his skin in a purple hue, his two horns with his

scarlet eye giving him a dangerous aspect to anyone there with his more

dominating aura.

Jack watched with a mix of surprise and reluctant admiration. "So this is

your Zoan, Kaido still wants you very much in his ranks, boy, don't mock

luck, you're just a rookie." Jack stared at Luffy's transformation with

interest, but he was not known as someone who could hold back in a


"Then, let's see if you can live up to your fame, Mugiwara," Doflamingo

taunted, his threads already dancing around him in anticipation.

Jack stomped on the ground forcefully, as the ground began to crack he

bent his knees to make the first move. Luffy, now completely

transformed, faced his opponents with a defiant smile. "Let's get straight

to the point, let's begin," he said, his voice distorted by the


The next moment, Luffy advanced, the purple flames leaving a trail of

light and heat in the air. Enel, at his side, prepared to join the battle, the

air charged with electricity.

Seeing Luffy approaching, Jack wasted no time and lunged against the

half-billion pirate, believing he would easily handle this rookie, but he

didn't count on Luffy advancing activating his Moa Moa no Mi sixty

times. The counterattack was instant and overwhelming; Luffy launched

a punch loaded with power and fire directly at Jack with an explosion

that only Jack managed to notice at the last moment with his Haki.

The impact was catastrophic. Jack, caught by Luffy's fiery fist, was

launched like a meteor, the force of the blow catapulting him through

buildings and structures as a projectile. Every house in Jack's path was

reduced to rubble, a line of destruction marking his uncontrollable flight

until he finally collided with a distant mountain and out of the city, the

force of the impact echoing like thunder, raising a cloud of dust and

debris, while the entire island felt it.

Chaos ensued instantly among the spectators. The crowd, which until

then had watched the battle with a mix of fear and expectation,

panicked, seeking refuge from the unleashed destruction. Screams and

exclamations of shock filled the air, as everyone tried to process the

magnitude of the power of the beings in front of them.

"What is this?!"

"We can't stay here!"

"The island is going to be destroyed!"

"Is this the power of New World pirates? This is absurd!"

"We are just ants, let's leave the island before we get caught in the fight."

"Is this the power of Straw Hat? He sent a Yonkou commander flying!"

"What!" Doflamingo and Page One could not hide their surprise at what

they witnessed in front of them, they knew Jack would not fall just by

that, but seeing such a scene was really surprising.

"This... this was..." Doflamingo, with his usual expression of nonchalance,

now sported a look of genuine surprise, "He actually launched Mr.

Jack..." while Page One showed a rare hesitation looking at Luffy landing

on the ground after launching Jack.

Luffy looked at the two remaining in front of him and gave a small smile.

"Enel, take care of the guy with the purple hair. I'll handle the pink-

haired guy."

Enel did not respond to Luffy but looked with interest at his potential

opponent. Luffy wasted no more time; he rushed toward Doflamingo. In

the blink of an eye, he adjusted the power of the Moa Moa no Mi, shifting

the focus from brute force to staggering speed, multiplying it again by

sixty times. The change was instantaneous; Luffy became a blur even to

his adversaries, his speed so extreme that the space around him seemed

to distort, and Doflamingo's Haki could not keep up with his speed.

Doflamingo tried to prepare, however, Luffy's speed was such that

Doflamingo barely had time to react before receiving an explosive punch.

The impact sent the Shichibukai flying like Jack, though not out of the

city, buildings were destroyed with Joker's body.

"Doflamingo!" Bellamy watched the scene in disbelief while shouting.

Page One, on the side, tried to attack Luffy since he had no choice, but at

that moment, a lightning bolt struck directly on top of him.


"I hope our fight does not end here, mortal." Enel appeared in the sky

with a flash and looked at the spot where he had struck Page One with


He emerged from the wreckage quite singed but still well, his body with

an ancient Zoan giving him a lot of resistance to that attack from Enel.

"You're going to pay for this!" He said as his body transformed into his

dinosaur Zoan.

Mont Blanc Cricket, a resident distant from the hustle and bustle of the

city and immersed in his own explorations and studies on the legendary

golden city, felt the earth tremble under his feet in a corner of the island,

followed by an explosion. Initially, he attributed the phenomenon to

something natural, perhaps an isolated earthquake. But, as the vibrations

became more intense and the frequency of explosions increased, Cricket

realized that this was something out of the ordinary.

Rising from his map spread out on the table, he walked to the entrance of

his dwelling, looking in the direction of the city. The horizon was marked

by columns of smoke and the occasional glow of distant explosions,

illuminating the sky like lightning in a nighttime storm. The mountain on

the side of the island was collapsing.

"What the hell is going on there?" he muttered to himself. "Is it the

marines? Or another band of pirates causing havoc?" He asked, but he

was not keen to find out, as he saw that was a battlefield not meant for


Meanwhile, in the center of the chaos, as people still frightened ran

looking for shelter, Doflamingo burst out of the debris from where he had

fallen, taking off to the sky. He had a bleeding forehead and his clothes

were quite dirty from the punch by Luffy enhanced with Haki and his

devil fruit.

"Mugiwara..." Doflamingo grumbled as he seemed a bit battered by the

last hit.

"Come on, Joker, I hope you didn't leave the New World just to get

beaten up, did you?" Luffy commented with a smile from the ground, as

the flames burned in his transformation.

"This is madness... We need to get out of here while we can!" shouted one

of the inhabitants, his voice laden with panic as he ran to take cover.

"Where is the navy when we need them? These pirates are going to

destroy everything we have!" exclaimed another, expressing the

frustration and fear he felt as he saw his home and life being destroyed

by a fight that transcended his understanding.

"But you're a pirate too, you idiot!" another exclaimed as he ran.

"I said this island wasn't safe with these people around... These pirates

are monsters, destroying everything in their path!" lamented another


"I've never seen anything like this... Mugiwara is a pirate worth over 500

million, his bounty can't be right! And he's not even alone... who's that

other one controlling the lightning?" questioned a young man.

Beside Luffy, the ground exploded, but his gaze did not leave Doflamingo

nor was he bothered by what was happening around him; the fight

between Enel and Page One intensified around them. Enel was trying to

immobilize the transformed renegade, but Page One had speed and

strength with his Haki.

Taking advantage of a moment of distraction from the logia user of

lightning, Page One concentrated Haki in his fist, mercilessly heading

towards Enel. The attack caught Enel by surprise, feeling his stomach

sink with the force of the boy in front of him as he fell backward.

"Hey, you're going to lose again, Enel, 3 fights and no wins since you

came to this sea, that's disappointing for a man who claimed to be a god

until recently and remains arrogant." Luffy mocked him, as Enel emerged

from the debris created by his body.

"Tsk... I don't know how you people down here can do these things, but

I'm not going to lose!" He growled as his body enveloped in lightning and

launched back into the fight against his current adversary.

An explosion happened outside the city, and Jack emerged from that

mountain he had been thrown into in his mammoth transformation,

running towards the fight at that very moment.

"This is getting interesting." Luffy smiled watching the mammoth crossing

the city, destroying everything in its path, making a way to face Luffy

with all his strength, while everyone ran to not be crushed by the


Doflamingo did not stay behind, he twisted some threads in the air and

launched an attack against Luffy, who just gave a sidelong glance to the

attacks coming in his direction. Luffy distributed his strength and speed

30 times for each aspect and lunged forward.

The city began to enter into fire explosions on one side while on the

other the force of ancient zoans and a paramecia user of threads tried to

fight against the two opposing elements.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

188. Chapter 188

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Jaya, First Half of Grandline.



The battle between Luffy, Doflamingo, and Jack intensified over the next

few hours, transforming the city of Jaya into a chaotic battlefield where

the devastating power of the pirates was unleashed without restraint. As

the fight progressed, destruction spread, buildings collapsed under the

colossal power of the combatants, and the inhabitants fled in despair,

unable to remain in that kind of fight, with many taking their boats and

leaving Jaya immediately.







Titanic explosions were heard throughout the island as it experienced

minor tremors, debris and smoke rose in the midst of the chaos-ridden

city, when suddenly Luffy was sent flying like a projectile, colliding with

one of the few structures still standing in that part of the city.

"That was a nice headbutt..." Luffy murmured as he rose from the debris,

suddenly threads started to move towards him, cutting everything in

their path, he quickly stood up and exploded everything around him with

flames, dodging the threads and burning some.

The space around that building exploded into a hot tornado of purple

flames, and soon after, a mammoth ran to that location. Luffy saw Jack

approaching as he filled his head with armament haki, Luffy, seeing the

mammoth almost upon him, planted his feet on the ground while using

his arms to hold back that calamity.

Jack's impact was like a shockwave, where Luffy had distributed his moa

moa no mi in defense and strength this time, he was dragged across the

ground while trying to hold Jack, the ground beneath him began to dig

with his own feet as he was dragged.

Jack seemed to have accepted the pirate's challenge and did not seem

bothered by the flames on his skin as he fought against the opposing

force of the rookie, dragging him out of the structure and colliding with

everything in his path, heading towards the part of the city not yet

affected by the fight.

"Run, they're coming this way!"

"Quick, to the boat!"

"We have to leave the island!"

As people entered into despair, buildings and houses exploded with Jack

dragging Luffy while the latter tried to stop the advance, people were

thrown away with the force of the impact.

At one moment, Jack realized he was losing speed.

"Impossible...!" He murmured.

"It seems I'm getting the hang of it, you're really powerful, Kaido's

commander." Luffy commented as he was stopping Jack.

Finally, he managed to stop Jack just by using strength against the

mammoth after making a line through the city, Luffy's muscles seemed to

increase as he stood with Jack using his strength, the mammoth began to

lift off the ground.

"!" Jack could not believe what was happening.

"You're strong and heavy, but I can overcome that." Luffy commented

with a small smile.

The people who were still watching this scene, opened their eyes wide

and looked with comic expressions at it, while the mammoth was lifted

off the ground followed by the 2.1 meters tall man.

"WHAT!?" The scream was collective.

Even Doflamingo from a distance seemed with a furrowed brow.

Elsewhere, as all this happened, Page One and Enel fought intensely, the

fight was not as large in scale as Luffy's, but Enel knew how to put on a

show with lightning constantly falling from the sky onto the transformed


Both seemed injured, despite Page One not having as much destructive

power, his body was powerful, and he had good mastery over haki,

making even the thunder logia have quite a hard time dealing with it and

even taking many hits.

"I can't believe there are so many powerful mortals in this sea..." Enel had

to admit, until now, with Luffy and him destroying the underworld bases,

everything was quiet, but the moment Luffy started facing strong

opponents, Enel had never won a fight, in some they fought until it

mattered, in others he lost badly, he wasn't even facing the worst of

enemies at the moment and seemed to be at a stalemate against this

lizard for the last few hours.

"No! I will not lose to this inferior lizard!" Enel growled, and the sky

thundered with a rain of lightning over Page One.






While the lightning fell on one side of the island and everyone seemed

quite scared by it, Luffy still held Jack above the ground.

"Have you ever heard of Dumbo, Jack?" Luffy asked.

"Dumbo?" Jack questioned.

"Yes, the story of the flying elephant, would you like to be one too?"

"I am a Mammoth!"

"Whatever, just fly!"

With those words, Luffy used all his accumulated strength and launched

Jack into the air, who was quite dazed as he flew upwards.

Luffy, watching Jack ascend, began to accumulate power and flames

started to surround him, while a hurricane of flames manifested hundreds

of meters high, even covering Enel's lightning with amethyst light.

"What is this?!"

"What's happening..."

Many pirate ships that fled from Jaya looked towards the city where that

torrent of fire had been created.

Suddenly, with a huge cloud of smoke and debris, a giant shadow

appears within it.

"That's the mythical zoan transformation from the newspaper!"

"Monkey D. Luffy has transformed into his giant beast!"

"Zehahahahaha! This guy is really powerful, I can't wait to lay my hands

on that power too." Teach in his canoe with his companions said

excitedly, he knew he could not face that monster now, but in the future,

it would be different and he would take Monkey D. Luffy's power.


Ifrit roared in the middle of the island making everyone cover their ears

as they didn't want their ears bleeding with the booming sound.

Lifting his head, he saw Jack still flying upwards and reaching the limit,

he just watched Jack returning with gravity to the ground, Jack, in

addition to still falling, was more dazed by the 50 meters transformation

in front of him, much larger than him with his 10 meters.

Luffy wanted to finish Jack, but had to take care of Doflamingo so he

wouldn't interfere, he charged a flame in his hand and threw it directly at

the Shichibukai in the air, the flames quickly divided and Doflamingo

tried to dodge that attack, but after the first ones, he could not dodge the

colossal fireballs hitting him and throwing him to the ground like a



With Doflamingo out of commission for the moment, Ifrit lifted his head

and waited for Jack to approach, Luffy opened his mouth and began to

accumulate flames.

"What is he doing?!" Jack, seeing this, became alarmed, flames began to

accumulate for a big Ifrit strike and Jack could do nothing but fall, since

he didn't know techniques like Geppo.

Luffy charged his power in his mouth and as soon as Jack was in front of

him, he released a stream of fire illuminating the entire island while the

flames flew towards the horizon even after passing the entire island.

Jack saw that strike coming towards him without being able to do

anything but be covered by the scalding heat of the flames while he

covered his body with haki to protect himself.

The explosion generated by Luffy was so powerful and luminous that

everything around became insignificant in comparison. The light emitted

by his purple flames outshone the sun, bathing the island of Jaya and the

surrounding waters in a surreal amethyst light. The sea reflected every

spark and flame, creating a visual spectacle that seemed to connect the

sky and the sea.

People, both on the island and on boats that hurriedly moved away,

stopped to witness this moment of unimaginable power as the purple line

of flames cut across the sky. Many wondered if they were witnessing the

power of a deity, while others feared that the end of all of them was

near. The explosion of the flames of chaos even distorted the air, as they

consumed even the air atoms.

"This... He did this to a New World pirate?!" exclaimed one of the

spectators, his voice trembling. "I've never seen anything like it..."

murmured another, his eyes wide reflecting the purple flames that lit up

the sky.

The flames continued like lightning until Ifrit stopped launching them,

kilometers away from the island, where the flames still traveled, a Jack

appeared in his untransformed form, he fell while his body was charred

but still intact, he seemed unconscious as he fell into the sea.

With just a small explosion of water, Jack sank into the sea. Back on the

island, while Luffy looked at the man falling into the sea, a group of

pirates who stayed on the island wearing barbaric clothes, which were

the symbol of the beast pirates, were shocked by this development.

"Mr. Jack... flew into the sea?"

"He was defeated..."

"What will we do..."

"What can we do? Do you think we can face that thing?" One of them

pointed towards Luffy still in his transformation covering the entire city.

"Call boss Kaido, we must ask for instructions!" said another.

Luffy, oblivious to all the conversation on the beast pirates' boat, looked

towards another part of the city, where purple flames were spreading,

there a severely injured Doflamingo emerged, with a furrowed brow.


Suddenly, the ground trembled behind Doflamingo, and he saw the huge

shadow looking at him at that moment, he had made a great mistake, if

he thought he could handle the Straw Hat crew and even more so with

Jack by his side before, he realized now that he was quite mistaken, as

Monkey D. Luffy had shown himself to be a power above a Yonko

commander and the only thing Doflamingo could do now was try to

escape, but the problem was how that creature was looking at him with

its scarlet eyes, as if seeing his prey defenseless for a slaughter.

On the other side, when Luffy's explosion happened, carrying Jack

straight to the sea. Page One looked alarmed.

"Mr. Jack!" He shouted a bit scared, and that was his mistake, while he

had been distracted at that moment with the explosion of Ifrit, Enel took

advantage of this time to appear behind him and play his drums, one his

gold staff, he launched his point-blank attack against Page One.

"100 million volts!" A lightning laser covered the dinosaur entirely,

making him be hit forcefully and fly directly to the middle of the city

unconscious and falling defeated while the lightning continued

destroying everything in its path.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

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189. Chapter 189

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Jaya, First Half of Grandline.



As Enel's attack lights up the island and Page One loses consciousness in

the air after taking the hit, his body now a mere object in free fall, drops

amidst all the destruction, on the other side of the town, standing before

Doflamingo, rising like a mountain of fire and fury, is Ifrit. Luffy calmly

stares him down, flames breathing out of his nostrils in this


Doflamingo, always confident in his abilities, refuses to succumb to fear.

With a defiant smile still clinging to his lips, he prepares to fight this

monster. The air around him vibrates with the tension of his conqueror's

haki, as he launches sharp threads towards the fire giant.

However, the power difference is now clear with Luffy in this form, not

even moving to receive Doflamingo's attacks. The threads hit his skin, but

Ifrit's rocks do not even suffer damage, making the shichibukai frown

even more at this. Seeing it was futile, he only thought of one thing. 'I

must escape!'

He soared into the sky with the intention of leaving the island, but the

flaming shadow stood in his way. Before Doflamingo could react, Luffy

punched him with haki and flames, sending him flying back to the

ground like a projectile, lifting the entire street and creating a hole. But

Luffy didn't stop there; as he approached the ground, he immediately

punched the ground where Doflamingo was, each of Luffy's punches like

a meteor strike, charged with armament haki, making the city tremble.

Luffy stopped punching the crater for a bit, no longer feeling

Doflamingo's presence there, and saw him emerge from the ground

elsewhere. He transformed his body into flames and charged at the man,

preventing Doflamingo from escaping.

Doflamingo emerged from the ground, bleeding and growling at Luffy

amidst the city, already devastated by the battle. The few spectators now,

but already scared and still fleeing, looked back only to see the silhouette

of Doflamingo being subdued like an ant.

Frustrated by the futility of his resistance, Doflamingo attempts his last

play: the creation of thread clones in an evasive maneuver, hoping

somehow to find a way to escape the island. Many copies fly towards

Luffy, trying to confuse him, as Doflamingo noticed that Luffy didn't seem

to master the observation haki very well, and he flies into the sky. But, as

if fate conspired against him, Enel appears in a lightning bolt in front of

him. Even wounded by previous battles, Enel looks at him with disdain,

beating his drums, he launches a direct attack at Doflamingo.

"100 million volts," Enel announces and then releases his electrical fury

on the man. The electricity envelops Doflamingo's body, making him fall

back to the city ground with a crash.


The explosion lights up the city once again, and a cloud of smoke once

again covers half the city. Luffy approached near the explosion after

dealing with Doflamingo's clones, he didn't like people meddling in his

fights, but he wouldn't complain to Enel about it.

Everything seemed to calm down for a moment while Doflamingo was

still inside the hole created by the lightning and his body. "Damn... How

is he getting beaten like this!?" He growls, buried and frustrated.

A wave of conqueror's haki launches out of the hole with Enel's

frustration, and everything around starts to turn into lines, he had

awakened his fruit in this desperate moment. Doflamingo comes out of

the hole still injured and launches his lines made from the city's debris

towards Luffy, approaching with his heavy steps.

Unfazed, Ifrit opens its mouth, like a flamethrower, it unleashes a roar

with a torrent of violet flames. The flames collide with Doflamingo's

threads, consuming them with a surprising ease. "Again and again?!"

Doflamingo continues to growl, nothing he did seemed to have any effect

against this rookie, if he could even call him that now.

Frustration was a mistake; he didn't even see it as Luffy approached with

super speed, slamming him back down to the city as his body lifted parts

of the city and the island shook once again with the force of the impact.

Doflamingo returned to the fight once more, but in the sky, he began to

summon his power, and Jaya started to create threads in all areas of the

island, intending to launch one of his largest attacks, enveloping the

island in a cage.

"Do you think I'll let you complete that?!" Ifrit appeared above

Doflamingo. This ability of Doflamingo required some time to charge,

allowing Luffy to rapidly close the distance with his speed, determined to

finish the fight right then and there.

With a gleam of determination in his eyes, Luffy concentrated his

strength, amplifying it sixty-fold as his fist was enveloped in haki. Luffy

struck Doflamingo without a chance for him to dodge due to Luffy's

sudden appearance and his focus on his last resort, sending him flying

across the island, where the tyrant of Dressrosa destroyed an entire

mountain with his cataclysmic impact.

The island trembled with the impact, even the edges of the island lifted,

creating a tsunami with the force that it sank into the center of the place.

"What's this?!"

"A giant wave!"

"The island is lifting!"

"What is this, how can humans have so much power?!"

As ships tried to escape the wave and looked upon the unique sight of an

island being affected by the force of such a battle, while people on the

island attempted to flee and balance themselves with the change in angle,

the land began to lower, normalizing its height, but now there were

cracks everywhere, which would permanently change the island's


Luffy watched the spectacle while suspended in the air, he went towards

the colossal cloud of smoke as his transformation wore off and entered it.

Some time later, he emerged flying with his wings in human form, lifting

Doflamingo's unconscious body, returning to the city.

As he landed, still carrying Doflamingo and approaching Page One who

had also fallen. The Beast Pirates, in a frantic attempt, tried to retrieve

Page One, as they were trying to drag him back to the ship. "Hey, what

do you think you're doing with my prisoner?" Luffy raised his voice to

them, his presence still unnoticed by the pirates dressed as barbarians.

"He's here..."

"What do we do..."

"Let's run! We can't face him, we must call boss Kaido!"

"Do you-do you know what you're doing?" One of them gathered courage

and pointed at Luffy.

"Yes, I'm stealing a member of Kaido's crew, you should be more worried

about Jack in the sea, I think you should rescue him, even though he's a

fishman..." Luffy commented.

"You're attacking the Beast Pirates, Kaido will never let you go!" Said

another with more courage.

"Tell the old man I'll be visiting him in Wano as soon as I can." Luffy

commented and started to launch flames at those men, who had to flee

after Luffy's attack.

As they screamed and ran, Luffy approached Page One, Enel appeared

beside him with lightning striking from the sky.

"You defeated him, congratulations, since you couldn't beat anyone."

Luffy mocked Enel.

"Tsk. I just had a bit of bad luck." Enel responded arrogantly.

Luffy ignored Enel and picked up Page One with his other free hand, and

began to walk through the now completely destroyed city. The few who

remained watched Luffy walking alongside Enel while carrying the two

bodies as if they were nothing more than bags after shopping, Kid's

expression not hiding his disgust with the situation.

"I don't know why you're here, but it seems like you almost died," Luffy

commented with an acknowledgment.

"Tsk. Mugiwara!" Kid growled, his goal when he deviated from his route

through the Grand Line was the same, thinking that defeating him could

bring great fame at sea, but seeing how he was an ant compared to the

adversaries that Monkey D. Luffy fought and nearly destroyed the island

to defeat them, he had to acknowledge that he wasn't at that level yet.

"Release Doflamingo!" A voice was heard, and Luffy turned to the other

side. Bellamy, still injured and clearly shaken by recent events, demands

that Luffy release Doflamingo. Bellamy's loyalty, despite the

circumstances, is always unwavering. However, Luffy just mocks the


"You're so devoted to your master, look how strong he is," Luffy mocked,

lifting the inert Doflamingo with one hand.

"How dare you!" Bellamy screams, rushing forward, but Enel strikes him

with lightning, electrocuting him and making him fall heavily to the


"I would even take you into my fleet, but you're sickly devoted to your

young master," Luffy taunted and continued on his way.

They continued until no one else was in sight, taking the two bodies, he

used his moa moa no mi on them and began to shrink their sizes, making

them so small that Luffy put them in a Sea-Stone cage and stored them in

his pocket.

"I guess we fought quite a bit in less than a day, an admiral, a holy

knight, a shichibukai, and a Yonkou commander, I hope my resume

increases after this," Luffy comments with a smile, and Enel just looks at

him without saying anything.

"Do you see how weak you are, Enel? Do you still think you're a god?"

Luffy commented, noticing that Enel didn't respond.

"These people of this sea use a strange power," he admitted, but it didn't

diminish his arrogance.

"You see, the people of the blue sea are much more powerful than you

imagined, it's time for us to go train a bit. We've made quite a noise and

it's better to lay low without many eyes on us, though I doubt there are

no vivre cards on our prisoners, we'll be fine until we get out of this

training," Luffy commented and took off into the sky.

Luffy decided to head for the Calm Belt. Since he has plans to train there

with Enel, seeking to further hone their skills and prepare for future




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

190. Chapter 190

[Chapter Size: 2500 Words.]

Third Person POV

In several locations at sea, First Half of Grandline.



Several days after the titanic clash, the island of Jaya had been

transformed from a devastated scene, not only by the city in ruins but

even the geography of the island underwent changes with huge craters

and mountains missing in its landscape.

The battle between Luffy, Enel, Doflamingo, and the forces of the Beast

Pirates had turned the place into ruins. Many people returned to the

island after the battle to pick up and loot things. However, the event was

so significant that the Navy arrived on the second day to report the

situation to their superiors and heard from some witnesses, capturing

some pirates with a bounty on their heads.

The news of the devastation in Jaya spread like wildfire across the sea,

capturing the attention of neighboring islands and all nearby maritime

factions. Hearing the reports, they began to fear for their own safety. The

possibility of their island or kingdom being the next place with such

conflict left everyone alarmed, and the governments of these kingdoms

were struggling to contain the situation. The Navy even had to be called

in to provide some sense of security, as no one wanted to see the same

destruction in their homes.

The Navy, in turn, intensified its operations in the region, filling these

waters with Navy ships patrolling, looking for any sign of the involved

parties, even fearing to deal with these forces, they still had to follow

their orders and the ideology of the Navy.

The pirates captured by the Navy who had been on the island told of a

fire giant dominating the battlefield, lightning falling from the sky, and

shockwaves so powerful that the island itself seemed to twist under its

impact while trembling, a line of fire tearing through the sky and the

island rising with the final impact of the fight. These reports, though they

seemed exaggerated to some, were enough to leave even the most

experienced sailors quite frightened by the power of the pirates who

fought in Jaya.

Elsewhere, out of the eyes of the Navy, since they destroyed all ships that

tried to board them, the ship of the Beast Pirates was sailing with a

somewhat injured Jack at the center, hours after Luffy made them flee,

they finally managed to rescue Jack from the bottom of the sea, who was

thrown by Luffy's blow. Found in a semi-conscious state and severely

injured, Jack was brought back to the surface and immediately taken to

his ship, where he began to recover from his physical wounds and the

blow to his pride.

On this ship, the atmosphere was quite tense, no one said anything or

tried to breathe while looking at Jack, the calamity was in a bad mood,

and the Beast Pirates knew they could die if someone irritated him. Jack

was furious; he had been defeated by a rookie who said he would take

him to Kaido along with Miss Yamato, but was defeated in such a

humiliating way, and Page One was taken by the same. He didn't even

have the face to face Boss Kaido with that.

"Jack... Don't be so moody; it wasn't your fault," the den den mushi in

front of him spoke.

"It wasn't my fault? I was defeated by a damn kid, Doflamingo, and Page

One are in his hands," Jack spoke in a gloomy tone.

"Wait," advised King, "reinforcements are on the way for the rescue of

Page One. And Kaido can't lose Doflamingo; he's too important to us after

all. In fact, I'm trying to hold him back, but the boss wants to go to

paradise to sort this out anyway," King commented a bit worried.

After they talked for a while, Jack returned to his crew trembling with

rage. "Tsk, I need to find someone to take my frustration out on, let's go

to some island where I can destroy things!" Jack spoke, and the crew

quickly started to move with the order of the calamity.

While the ship of the Beast Pirates was crossing the waters to find some

kingdom that would be its victim, a tense meeting was occurring under

the Marine Headquarters. Sengoku, the Fleet Admiral, found himself in a

particularly nervous situation. Before him, an assembly of Shichibukais

had been convened, a meeting that happened periodically to discuss

matters of importance to the balance of power in the seas. However, this

meeting was different; it was charged with an urgency and tension that

was rarely seen.

Doflamingo was supposed to be present at this meeting, which is why he

didn't hesitate to leave Dressrosa to go to paradise to meet Luffy. After

dealing with the rookie, he planned to head to Marineford, but Luffy

disappeared for weeks, and as soon as he found him a few days ago, he

was defeated by the rookie.

Besides the capture of Doflamingo, Sengoku was a bit angry about the

empty chairs at the table, now having only 6 Shichibukai with one

vacancy open, another two were absent, Hancock and Jimbei, with only

Gecko Moria, Bartholomew Kuma, and Mihawk seated in their places

alongside the marines.

"Even though I said this meeting was important, only 3 showed up..."

Sengoku murmured and turned back to the attendees, vice admirals,

admirals, and the Shichibukai. "Let's start the meeting." He began and

captured everyone's attention.

"As you know, the rookie Monkey D. Luffy is proving to be an

unprecedented threat," Sengoku started, with a tone of frustration in his

voice. "His ability to grow and his current strength almost toppled half of

the Shichibukai. Now he has not only defeated Doflamingo but fought

against Jack and threw him into the sea, capturing an important member

of Kaido right after. He has the Logia user of thunder by his side, an

unknown that Luffy calls Enel, with no records of him in any fight, it's as

if he emerged out of nowhere. Besides this powerful nature user who

might rival or even surpass the admirals in power, he doesn't seem very

strong or have mastery of Haki, but the biggest problem is the pirate

Monkey D. Luffy, despite being a rookie who entered the sea a few

months ago, he has the same power as an admiral." Sengoku finished his

introduction, and the room seemed a bit disturbed.

"A rookie with the power of an admiral?!" A vice admiral commented.

"I'm sure he wasn't that strong when I met him in Alabasta," Momonga

commented, quite frustrated.

"Are you saying Garp's grandson is getting this strong in just 2 weeks?"

Another vice admiral said.

"How scary..." Kizaru commented on the side.

"How strange, I was sure he didn't have that strength when I met him..."

Mihawk commented.

"You met him?!" Akainu looked at Mihawk, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, in the East Blue, he was just a rookie, but I saw his mythical Zoan in

action, it was a bit strange, we fought, he and his vice captain, both users

of mythical Zoans, their transformations were quite intriguing. I defeated

them with some ease, but I could not lie that they have gigantic

potential, perhaps the greatest I've seen in a rookie. They also had an

interesting swordsman," Mihawk spoke calmly, not caring about the

menacing look from Akainu at him at that moment.

"You said Yamato possesses a mythical Zoan too?!" Sengoku raised an

eyebrow at that.

"Yes, some kind of white wolf that can launch ice," he commented.

"What's going on?! Since when do mythical Zoans seem so common?!" A

vice admiral commented, frustrated.

"Why am I still surprised, this crew possesses 4 mythical Zoans, Garp,

how did you raise this grandson of yours, I just want to arrest him for

that!" Sengoku commented, frustrated with himself, Garp was not at the

meeting, saying he would take his granddaughter to train on a dangerous

island a week ago.

"Should we increase the crew's bounty?!" One suggested.

"1 billion after the victory over the calamity?" Another said.

"1 billion?!" Moria seemed frustrated with that, Kuma just stayed silent

with an indifferent face.

"This is absurd for a rookie who hasn't even entered the New World, I

refuse to give that reward, let's increase to 750 million or stay at 500

million, because besides rumors, nothing was published in the

newspaper, we can muffle the chaos and Kuzan is arriving at Marineford

to give more details about the pirate," Sengoku spoke and looked at

everyone with a more serious tone than before. "But regardless of the

bounty of the pirate Monkey D. Luffy and his crew, one thing is certain,

they are a threat that we must eliminate with all our forces, and for that,

we need a coordinated response," Sengoku asserted, "and you, as

Shichibukai, will play a crucial role in this offensive." He stated with a

sharp look.

The meeting continued with them discussing other topics, including how

to deal with Jack still in paradise and if the Beast Pirates would make a

move, since they have the information that Luffy took a main crew

member from Kaido.

"Shouldn't we let them kill each other? This is good for us," one of them


"Yes, but at what cost, a war devastating many islands? We are justice,

we must protect the people, and we cannot let them cause chaos and

terror at sea!" A vice admiral spoke.

"Tsk... Garp's grandson is turning the ocean of paradise into chaos, it will

be catastrophic if a Yonkou decides to attack this sea..." Sengoku

murmured a bit frustrated.

At that moment, the meeting room door opened and a sailor entered with

a newspaper. "I apologize for interrupting the meeting, but something has

happened!" This was one of Sengoku's secretaries, and for him to enter

the meeting, something big had happened.

Sengoku took the newspaper and frowned at that moment at the

headline. "I believed that Morgan wouldn't publish anything about the

event after the government threatened him... Now there's no hiding it, he

is once again causing chaos in the world and becoming a threat that we

must stop soon," Sengoku said frustrated, looking at the newspaper.

On the front page, there was an image of Monkey D. Luffy dragging

Doflamingo and Page One in a state of defeat and humiliation, making it

clear that this figure was once again at the center of another storm,

involving another Shichibukai and even the Beast Pirates, of Kaido.

The article continued not only with Luffy defeating the two in the photo

but even Jack, one of the calamities and main forces of Kaido fell before

the rising pirate, but also that he was thrown into the sea, toasted by a

devastating fire attack cutting through the sky. This act was not just a

display of brute power; it was a direct declaration of war against one of

the Yonkou of the New World, Kaido, often described as the strongest

creature on the planet. Luffy's audacity in challenging such a figure,

known for his unparalleled strength and feared influence, on his territory,

reverberated through the world like an earthquake, shaking the

foundations of the established power balance.

Throughout society, from the humblest villages on remote islands to the

corridors of power in Mariejois. Pirates, marines, revolutionaries, and

ordinary citizens — all found themselves in a mix of disbelief,

admiration, and fear. Luffy's boldness in confronting the force of a

Yonkou even before entering the new world was something that shocked

everyone, fear was in every corner of the world, as this was an event that

could cause a war and shake the balance of the world and the security of

the kingdoms in paradise.

In the effervescent editorial office of Morgans, the media mogul and

president of the World Economic Journal, the atmosphere was of

palpable excitement. Surrounded by vibrant posters and spectacular

images of Luffy's recent fight in Jaya, secretly captured by one of his

most daring employees who had infiltrated the island, Morgans could not

contain his enthusiasm. Each photograph captured a moment of the epic

battle, with the dominant image of Luffy dragging Doflamingo and Page

One further solidifying the dramatic narrative that was unfolding.

Meanwhile, the person responsible for this headline was sitting in his

office, screaming with joy and laughing with a satisfaction only the

prospect of record sales that this headline would bring. Morgans, seated

in his chair, contemplated the images with a shrewd gaze. "Monkey D.

Luffy is, without a doubt, the star of the moment," he declared. "We will

not miss any of the moves of this young pirate and rising rookie. He is

redefining the rules of the game at sea, and we will be there to document

every step, every victory, every challenge, everything will be documented

and published!"

Morgan had already directed his attention to the young pirate in the East

Blue, his audacity and strength demonstrated were a clear representation

of his potential, and Morgans was becoming increasingly interested in the

pirate. After the events of Loguetown, he had already been tracking the

crew's route, and after Alabasta, he had placed employees on all the

nearby islands to start reporting on the crew's activities. He was almost

losing hope of finding them in these waters when they finally emerged,

destroying underworld bases on several islands, fighting an admiral and

escaping, causing a gigantic explosion at sea, although Morgan did not

know what happened, it was probably an enemy faced by Luffy.

Then in Jaya, things got really interesting. Morgan was surrounded by

images of Luffy fighting against Jack and Doflamingo while that Enel

fought against Page On. There were images of Luffy transformed in his

final phase, striking Jack in the air.

"This is so fantastic, it's a shame I could only publish a few photos, I

wanted to publish them all!" Morgans laughed as he looked at the cover

photo and then a few more photos with Luffy stopping Jack using his

arms in transformation level 2, a photo of him staring down the enemy

forces before the fight, and another photo of him in his colossal form, in

the middle of the destroyed city, sending Jack flying with his breath of

purple flames.

He laughed and looked at other photos on the table, with satisfaction.

"You haven't seen anything yet," Morgans proclaimed to himself, and

continued. "Tomorrow's story is going to shake the world even more than

it already is." His confidence in the news that was to come made his eyes

gleam. On the table, there was a photo of Yamato, one that would be

published in the newspaper the next day.

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!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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Visit our for more!

191. Chapter 191

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

In several locations at sea, New Word.



In the new world, a kingdom seemed gloomy with the news, or at least

part of it.

"Hahahahahaha! Doflamingo has been defeated!" Shouted a toy in the

middle of the street, joyous over the defeat of the man responsible for

losing everything.

"This..." Commented a frightened citizen. "Doflamingo was captured on

the other side of the Grand Line?"

"How could this happen!" Screamed another. "He's a Shichibukai and our


"Look who captured him, it's that evil pirate, Monkey D. Luffy. It's not the

first time he's done this, can't anyone stop him in that sea?"

"He also captured an official member of Kaido and defeated a calamity,

isn't this a declaration of war?" Another spoke.

"What's going to happen? Will Doflamingo's men act?"

"Of course they will! They'll never let this go, but I doubt they can do

much, this pirate even defeated Jack!"

Meanwhile, in the palace, the atmosphere was quite gloomy with all the

crew members of Doflamingo's pirates, the Donquixote pirates.

"This is bad!" Buffalo shouted.

"Damn that straw hat, I should have been the one to defeat the master!"

Baby 5 shouted.

"We must act!" Pica said with his high-pitched voice, making some

present try not to laugh at it.

"But can we fight against him?" Dellinger asked a bit nervously.

"Contact Vergo, we need more information from the marines." Diamante

gave the order, they had Joker's vivre card, which still indicated the

direction of where he would be.

On the other side of the country, two women sat together in a corner of

the Colosseum.

"Is it true... someone defeated Doflamingo?!" Rebecca looked with bright

eyes at the photo in the newspaper.

"Yes... It seems Doflamingo met someone crazier than him..." Violet said

with a smile she hadn't shown for years, she looked at Luffy as a hero she

had always sought.

"Also contact the beast pirates." He concluded.

In Wano, more specifically in Onigashima, chaos was everywhere.

"My brother! He captured my brother!" Ulti screamed, punching the walls

of the place.

"Calm down Ulti!" Black Maria spoke trying to calm the woman.

"How can I calm down! I must go to that sea and catch that Monkey D.

Luffy! Page One needs his big sister!" Ulti spoke frustrated.

"This pirate, he defeated Jack, what can you do?" Sasaki commented on

the side and Ulti could only get frustrated.

From the other room, Kaido drank his sake while crying.

"He defeated Jack and captured Doflamingo and Page One! He even told

Jack that I was his father-in-law!" Kaido exclaimed looking at the small

newspaper and the headline with Luffy.

"He won't even invite me to the wedding!" Kaido growled, seeming to

have lost something precious with that and his members surrounding him

and trembling were in doubt if he took it seriously.

"He dares to say now my daughter belongs to him!" He shouted again


"Lord Kaido, calm down, we'll solve this! I told Jack we would send

reinforcements!" King spoke fearing Kaido would act recklessly.

"Yes, you're right!" Kaido spoke wiping his tears. "I will send

reinforcements, but those reinforcements will be me!" He said drunk and

stood up, King tried to stop him from acting, but it was too late.

Kaido broke the ceiling while transforming into a blue Chinese dragon

and took off to the sky while the people in the room tried not to be

crushed by the stones from the broken ceiling.

"King..." Queen looked towards where Kaido was going and disappearing

into the sky.

"I know... He took the wrong direction..." King said as he leapt into the

air to follow Kaido, transforming into his ancient zoan.

Elsewhere, in the same sea of the new world, a meeting was happening at

that moment, it was not a simple meeting, a ship with a Yonkou was

approaching another ship with another Yonkou, the ship called Red

Force, was approaching the Moby Dick.

"He came personally?!" A crew member of the Whitebeard pirates


"It seems so, what are we going to do, pops?" Marco looked at the ship

and then turned his attention to the great man in the middle of the boat,


"Let that brat come to me, let's see what he wants." Whitebeard


It didn't take long for Shanks' ship to approach the other, while the crew

of Moby Dick waited and saw one of the strongest men in the world jump

from that ship to theirs with a barrel of sake on his back, everyone fell

silent as the man walked to the center of the ship, but something started

to happen, pieces of the Moby Dick's crew began to faint.

"Hey, what's happening?!" Said one looking at his fainted companion.

"He's using Conqueror's Haki. He'll be fine, for those with weak spirits,

stay back if you don't want to faint too," said a commander.

Shanks approached the man at the center, Whitebeard looked at him

calmly, they said nothing to each other, just stared, Shanks simply tossed

the sake barrel and Whitebeard caught it, without a word, they served

themselves while Shanks had his own Japanese-style cup, Whitebeard

drank from the barrel.

"You know..." Whitebeard was the first to break the silence. "Everyone

was surprised when they heard that a strong man like you returned from

the East Blue without an arm, what kind of enemy did you encounter in

those waters?" Whitebeard had a hint of interest.

"I..." Shanks touched his severed arm. "bet it on the new generation." He


"You're referring to the owner of that old straw hat." Marco appeared

next to Whitebeard and showed the newspaper to Shanks. "It seems he's

been quite active lately, he's practically declaring war with Kaido, but to

take down Jack being just a rookie, I must admit that's unprecedented."

Marco spoke, showing yesterday's newspaper.

"Luffy... I saw, I'm quite surprised by it too, I didn't expect the kid to

become so strong, I wonder what kind of chaos he'll cause when he

reaches the New World." Shanks spoke, he was quite surprised by it too,

screaming what Luffy had in mind when he received the newspaper, but

laughed at the child's audacity.

"Yes, but have you seen today's newspaper? This is the reason why Jack

got into a fight with Luffy. I'm sure Kaido won't stop now that I know his

real reason for hunting a rookie in the first half of the Grand Line."

Marco showed another newspaper, one that came a little before the Red

Force appeared, on it was the photo of Yamato with the article.

"This... WHAT?!" Shanks lost his serious demeanor and made a shocked



HIS FATHER-IN-LAW!" Shanks shouted flabbergasted.

"Gurarararara. That brat has guts, I admit. But this is his recklessness,

nobody knew Kaido had a daughter all this time and now a rookie takes

her and says he's his son-in-law?" Newgate laughed at the rookie's


"This is unexpected... Luffy has always been reckless, should have figured

that this would reflect on women as he grew up." Shanks commented.

"Anyway..." Shanks drank his sake once again. "I didn't come to talk

about Luffy, but about his brother." Shanks returned with his serious face.

"What about my son?" Whitebeard asked with a sharp look.

"Tell Ace to return, Blackbeard is more dangerous than you imagine,

something bad will happen if Ace continues with his hunt and knowing

him, he won't ask his brother for help in paradise." Shanks spoke


"You want to know better how I take care of my family?" Whitebeard

spoke in a sharp tone that even made Marco step away from the two.

"You know something bad is going to happen, Whitebeard. Send him

back, before it's too late." Shanks insisted.

"..." Whitebeard did not respond, there would be no more conversation

between them, now they would speak as pirates.

Shanks sighed as he stood up and threw away his sake cup, while

drawing his sword from its sheath, Whitebeard threw away his barrel and

picked up his Bisento.

In a movement with everyone holding their breath, the weapons clashed

against each other, a wave of Conqueror's Haki went out from the impact

messing everything around while the sky was split in half.

While all this was happening in the New World, the rest of the planet

discussed and feared a war in the first half of the Grand Line.

The news in question that came out today would shock the world again

with a new piece of information. In today's edition of the World

Economic Journal, the dominant headline captured the gazes and

imaginations of readers around the world, with one of the most explosive

and shocking stories of the year. The front page displayed a stunning

photograph of Yamato and Luffy, side by side, highlighting the striking

physical differences between them - Yamato, a taller woman dressed in

her Wano attire, with her yellow and red horns, and Luffy, wearing his

usual cloak and displaying his bandit smile. The next photo focused on

Yamato's smiling face with her weapon over her shoulder.

The headline proclaimed: "Bombshell Revelation: Yamato, Vice-Captain

of the Straw Hats and Officially Declared by the Captain Himself as His

Lover, Is Actually the Biological Daughter of Kaido, Known as the

Strongest Creature in the World! Monkey D. Luffy Declared in Jaya

Before the Island's Destruction That Kaido Was Now His Father-in-Law

and Would Not Invite Him to the Wedding!" The subtitle added, "In a

Bold Move, Luffy Steals the Daughter of the World's Strongest Creature

and Announces Wedding Plans, Leaving Kaido Out!"

A third photo appeared on the front page of the newspaper, Yamato on

one side and Kaido on the other, it was clear that they were really similar

in many aspects, their appearance was not so similar in coloring, but they

used the same weapons, had horns, and had the same postures.

This revelation was not just limited to the disclosure of Yamato being the

biological daughter of one of the world's most powerful people, but how

the Straw Hat seemed to want a war against a Yonkou even before

arriving in the New World, that even though he had defeated Jack and

nearly half of the Shichibukai, most people were skeptical that the Straw

Hats could actually fight a Yonkou.

The rest of the newspaper talked about Luffy and his journey with

Yamato, how they already seemed to be together, leading to speculation

that Yamato had run away from her father and met him in the East Blue

and joined up to form the crew and have a romantic adventure.

Many forces in the world were watching this with caution, defeating and

capturing a crew member was one thing, but stealing Kaido's daughter

was a completely different matter that no one knew until then, the

doubts about why Jack had entered paradise or why he had come into

conflict with the Straw Hats were unraveling with this new information,

now they understood why the Beast Pirates had made Monkey D. Luffy a


Meanwhile, 10,000 meters in the air, Yamato was fighting against Kuina

with both transformed into their mythical zoans in an ice versus ice

battle while changing the landscape of that side of the upper garden.

After the fight, the two took a break in the transformed glacier


Suddenly, Yamato sneezed strongly.

"You're not cold, are you?" Kuina asked in an amused tone.

"Of course not, someone must be talking about me," she commented,

scratching her nose, unaware that the whole world was talking exactly

about her.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

192. Chapter 192

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



As the world was shocked by the revelation of Yamato being Kaido's

biological daughter, on an isolated island in the Calm Belt days later,

where the waters are known to harbor fearsome sea monsters and

unpredictable currents with its islands hosting powerful animals, Luffy

and Enel had found a perfect refuge for uninterrupted training.

The island was being bombarded by explosions. Enel lay on the ground

injured while a gorilla seemed to be celebrating victory over the former

god of Skypeia.

"Damn... how can I beat this creature without my powers?! Get this off

me!" Enel demanded from a Luffy beside him.

"Stop complaining, I'm using the same handcuffs as you to fight the

creatures without my powers and I'm still winning. You rely too much on

your abilities, which is a big mistake. You need to learn Haki, given your

poor performance, do you still think you can become a god this way?"

Luffy commented with disdain in his tone.

He had put on handcuffs to restrict all Devil Fruit powers so they could

only use Haki against the island's creatures. While Enel was getting

beaten up by the gorilla, in front of Luffy lay an elephant, a snake, and a

lion on the ground after he defeated them. Luffy did not win easily, after

all, these animals were not simple, but in the end, he won with some


"Why can't I beat them..." Enel complained. He could be a great user of

observation Haki, but with armament Haki, he was quite bad.

"Watch how it's done." Luffy said, and using Soru, he appeared in front of

the gorilla and with his fist wrapped in Haki, he punched the animal,

sending it flying backwards with the impact and falling unconscious.

"I think I'll have to look for an island with stronger animals..." Luffy

commented, looking at the fallen animal, and turned his attention to a

frustrated Enel.

"Enel, I'll leave you here for a while, I think it's better for you to train and

learn from this book," Luffy commented. The real reason for taking Enel

from Skypiea was the tension he could bring, since he killed so many

people from that place, the inhabitants would not like him training with

them, and Luffy wanted to greatly strengthen that kingdom for the future

war, so putting Enel on this island to learn about Haki and the six styles

while training would be a good option while he continues his journey

until he returns to the crew.

"You can't be serious." Enel commented a bit cautiously.

"Yes, I'm serious, don't you want to become a god? Or are you afraid of a

little island, if you can't survive here without using your powers and

become stronger, you would never be worthy of achieving your goals."

Luffy spoke, and Enel just snorted but found his own determination.

"Fine then, I'll read this book and get stronger as you say." He spoke, and

Luffy threw the book to him. Luffy handed over some basic survival items

to Enel, but the big-eared man was to be responsible for his own survival


After that, Luffy removed his own handcuffs but left Enel with his, his

training was to not rely so much on his fruit and to strengthen his body

with new techniques.

"With that, I'll say goodbye. I'll return as soon as I can, I hope you won't

disappoint me, Enel," Luffy commented, creating his wings to fly even


"Tsk. When you see me again, I'll be more powerful than you, demon,"

Enel spoke with his usual arrogance, but Luffy did not believe his words.

Luffy did not respond and leaped from the ground into the air, quickly

beginning to ascend above the island.

"Where should I go, I must train on an island stronger than this one

before seeking my target..." Luffy murmured. He was in the middle of the

Calm Belt, so he could choose any direction; he then picked one and

began to fly towards it, not worried about Enel and his location since he

had his Vivre card.

Luffy traveled for hours using his increased speed until he found another

island and headed in that direction. But in the sea between Luffy in the

air and the island, a certain boat was navigating those waters at that

time, with two giant snakes carrying the ship and the Kuja pirates'

symbol on its flag.

On that boat, sailing smoothly even through the treacherous waters of

the Calm Belt, at the bow of the ship, a woman with long legs walked

along the wooden deck while the women around stopped what they were

doing to watch her approach.

"Hancock-Sama!" Most shouted.

"Sister?" Boa Sandersonia looked surprised at her older sister next to Boa


"Is something wrong, sister, for you to come out of your room?" Marigold

asked curiously.

"Someone is approaching..." She commented with her arrogant tone and

looked up at the sky, where Luffy was flying at high speed.

"Hm?" He noticed the ship below him for the first time and with his

vision saw the identity of the flag. "Kuja Pirates? I didn't expect to

encounter Hancock so soon..." He commented. "But anyway, since we're

here, let's say hello." With that, his wings flapped, and he headed in that


Boa Hancock looked at the man approaching, while her sisters quickly

prepared as soon as they felt his presence, the pirates not proficient in

Haki were doubtful and confused about the behavior of the 3 sisters.

"Prepare yourselves, an enemy is approaching!" Shouted a woman with

dark hair, with slightly better Haki.

Luffy appeared 50 meters above the ship blocking the sun with his black

wings, looking at the Kuja pirates' ship with interest.

"So you're Boa Hancock, one of the Shichibukais." Luffy commented in a

playful tone.

At that moment, however, a pink heart-shaped beam headed towards

him, with a flash, he flapped his wings and dodged the beam at the last


"Is this how you greet someone, Hancock?" Luffy commented in the same

playful tone, watching the beam fly into the sky.

"..." Boa Hancock just stared at him, putting her hands in a heart shape to

petrify him.

"He is the pirate Monkey D. Luffy, with a bounty of 750 million!"

Sandersonia commented, picking up some papers with a newspaper.

"Hm? 750 million? It went up even more? Let me see that!" Luffy

commented with shining eyes while looking at the papers in the woman's


He quickly started flying towards the ship, Boa Hancock began to launch

her attack seeing this.

"Mero mero!" The pink beams flew towards Luffy, he didn't know what

could happen, so the best option was to dodge them, after all, he couldn't

deny his attraction to Hancock despite finding Yamato even prettier.

Luffy continued dodging the beams. "Tsk." Hancock frowned as she

couldn't hit him, and before anyone could react, Luffy appeared in front

of her sister.

"Hello!" Luffy greeted Sandersonia before she could react, but in that

time, Hancock ran across the deck and jumped to kick Luffy.

"Hm?" Luffy was a bit surprised by the long legs coming towards him, he

quickly dodged the attack by ducking. "No panties? At least you take care

of its appearance." Luffy commented, looking under Hancock's leg and

inside her dress.

"You damned man!" Hancock seemed enraged at that moment, as a man

dares to speak so easily of her private parts.

Luffy dodged another kick and just smiled. "Don't get angry, you really

are one of the most beautiful women in the world, but there are others

like you, so don't act like you're the center of the world." Luffy might

have been smiling, but he said it with disdain. He personally did not like

Hancock's arrogant personality.

"What did you say!" Hancock seemed even more irritated, throwing many

kicks in Luffy's direction, but he started to dodge them and moved past


All this happened in a matter of milliseconds, while the other women

could barely react to all of it. Luffy returned to Sandersonia and grabbed

the newspaper in her hand before dodging new rays with the power of

the pirate medusa. This beam even hit other crew members, petrifying

them, but Hancock was more concerned about hitting Luffy and venting

the anger that this damned man had instilled in her.

Luffy moved away from the ship again, looking with a small smile at the

beams passing by him. While Hancock looked at him with so much anger

that no one had gained so much anger since she fled from the


"Sister! Be careful, he has already taken down 3 Shichibukais!" Marigold

commented with concern while looking up where Luffy was passing with

his wings open.

"This man, he's now coming after our sister?!" Sandersonia said with

some anger.

"Prepare yourselves, we'll take down this man and protect our queen,

Hancock-Sama!" The Kuja pirates who were not petrified, went into

combat mode, ready to face Luffy, using bows and arrows.

"This damned man! How dare he, how does he treat me this way! I am

the most beautiful woman in the world..." She was angry and thought

about approaching the man differently, she replaced the ugly face of

hatred with something more seductive, "Beautiful man, couldn't you

come here to speak with this beautiful woman?" She said, striking a

unique pose.

"Sister... He's not looking at you..." Sandersonia commented with


Hancock had her eyes closed while tossing her head back in her pose,

when she opened her eyes, she saw the man looking at the newspaper

with interest, completely ignoring her. "How dare he again!" She said


Meanwhile, Luffy was looking at the newspaper and two new wanted

posters. "This is interesting, there's yesterday's news about my fight, this

picture turned out great!" Luffy said, laughing looking at the photo where

he was dragging Doflamingo and Page One in a state of defeat in the

middle of the destroyed Jaya by their fight. "But this last news is also

surprising, I never thought they would publish something like this when I

talked to Jack." Luffy commented, looking at the news of Yamato being

Kaido's daughter and how the family was having internal problems, as

the news reported that Yamato was fleeing from her father to marry the

man she loved.

"Hahahahaha. I bet Morgans did this on purpose... but my new bounty is

really cool!" Luffy laughed, looking at his poster, with the same photo

from the newspaper, him triumphing against powerful pirates as he

walked victoriously. There were his poster, Enel's, and even Yamato's.

[Monkey D. Luffy: 750,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.] (IMG: Luffy

dragging Doflamingo and Page One in defeat amidst the destruction of

Jaya by their fight and Jack.)

[Enel: 200,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.] (IMG: Enel smiling

arrogantly surrounded by lightning.)

[Yamato: 400,000,000 Berries – Dead or Alive.] (IMG: Yamato with her

weapon on her shoulder while smiling, her other hand on her waist,

wearing her Wano clothes.)



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

193. Chapter 193

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



As Luffy flipped through the newspaper, completely absorbed in his own

bounty and the news, utterly oblivious to the chaos he had instigated on

the Kuja Pirates' ship, Boa Hancock experienced a level of fury she

seldom felt towards a man. In all past instances, she could simply turn

them to stone, but this pirate was faster than she was, which already

infuriated her, and to see herself being ignored...

A vein appeared on her forehead. The Pirate Queen, known for her

beauty considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world, was not

accustomed to being ignored, much less scorned.

"How dare he ignore my presence, my beauty!" Hancock murmured to

herself, her eyes fixed on Luffy with a burning intensity. The other

pirates, noticing their queen's indignation, quickly rallied to her defense,

hurling a barrage of insults towards the carefree pirate.

"Despicable!" shouted one of the younger pirates, a haki arrow ready on

her bow.

"Insolent!" echoed another, as she prepared her own attack, determined

to protect their leader's honor.

Hancock, trying to maintain an appearance of calm and control, raised a

hand, signaling her subordinates to calm down. "Leave him to me," she

said, her voice a mix of calm and coldness. "This man... This 'Monkey D.

Luffy' will learn to respect the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Sister...?" One of her sisters looked towards Hancock cautiously, after all,

she knew Luffy was not a common enemy they would encounter in


Without saying anything more, Hancock advanced towards Luffy,

determined to subjugate him. She began to leap into the air, using the

geppo technique she had learned on her own.

[I believe she cannot use Geppo, but I think it's a technique that can be

added to her here.]

Meanwhile, Luffy was oblivious to a scorned woman approaching him as

there was a flurry of complaints on the ship below, Luffy remained

focused on the newspapers in his hands. He laughed loudly, his joy at

seeing new bounties as his laughter spread through the sky. "750 million,

huh? That's amazing! But why didn't it reach 1 billion?" he asked

curiously, his expression becoming a bit disappointed. "I defeated a

billion-bounty pirate, that's not fair..." His joy turned into complaint.

"Hm? What's that?" He diverted his attention from the newspaper feeling

a danger approaching with his developing observation haki.

He looked down and noticed Hancock approaching with hatred in her

gaze. "Why is she so angry..." Luffy murmured and received a kick,

dodging it, forced to drop the newspaper.

"Hey, don't disturb others in their reading." Luffy commented.

"You, you damned man! This queen will teach you a lesson and break

you when you turn to stone!" She said, starting a combo of kicks at Luffy.

"Hancock, you should wear panties, I can see everything from here." Luffy

commented, dodging the attacks again. "And I only like women who I

have exclusivities with, it bothers me if someone else can see something

that only I should." Luffy commented calmly.

"You! What are you implying with that, I will kill you!" She snarled.

"Your arrogant personality is also a turn-off..." He said, making her

intensify her strikes even more, Luffy was the most hated man for

Hancock at that moment.

"You're really sensitive, aren't you?" Luffy complains with a kick passing

just milliseconds from his head. 'This is getting dangerous, I'll have to

fight back too.' He comments internally, as his arms wrap in haki, and

began to hit Hancock's feet with his attacks, forming a fight of punches

and kicks, with haki, at least he wasn't turning into stone.

Luffy, on the other hand, used his agility and haki ability to dodge and

counter-attack, his punches targeting Hancock with precision. The duel

between the two was not just physical, but also a confrontation of wills,

where Hancock's fury collided with Luffy's uncommitted joy.

Luffy and Hancock began to exchange blows, causing a disturbance in the

air with the sonic explosions of both forces, Luffy could not beat her in

his usual form just with wings, but at least he could defend himself for

the moment.






As the two continued to fight, the confrontation became increasingly

intense, both moving like shadows, their limbs in motion as if they were

dancing in front of each other. The Kuja Pirates were in shock, while

Hancock's sisters were deeply concerned about how the fight was

progressing, as the man seemed undeterred by the woman known as the

most beautiful in the world.

At one moment, Hancock decided to add a different twist to the fight

using her fruit, fighting only with her legs against Luffy. She moved her

arms and formed a heart with her hands in front of Luffy. Seeing this,

Luffy was quite surprised, knowing he could fall right there to this point-

blank beam, as Hancock wouldn't let him escape easily.

"Mero Mero no Mi... Hm?!" Hancock, smiling triumphantly, noticed a

change in Luffy. A burst of purple flames occurred, and she was thrown

backward as she launched her beam.

*FLAMES* The sound of flames covered the sky, and Hancock's beam

went straight to the center.

Hancock frowned, looking at a spot inside the flames where her attack

hadn't reached. Luffy had managed to escape her point-blank shot.

When the flames dissipated, a Phase 2 Luffy was shown to all, his body

having changed.

"So this is your mythical Zoan..." Hancock commented, not foolish

enough to be unaware of Luffy's powers. This pirate was taking down all

the Shichibukais, and she had to be cautious with him too after the news

of Doflamingo and Jack's fall.

"That was close..." Luffy commented while in his transformation. He

looked at Hancock and cracked a small smile. In an instant, he advanced

directly towards the pirate empress, wanting to test her strength.

Luffy dodged the Mero Mero no Mi beams as he approached, Hancock

had no choice but to face him head-on.






Once again, the fight between arms and legs began anew, but Hancock

found some difficulty in combating her enemy now, though it wasn't so

visible to the eyes of others.

The Kuja Pirates, still shocked on the ship below, raised their thoughts

seeking answers. "Can a man transform into this purple thing?!" one of

the younger ones asked, looking bewildered. "How can he move so fast?!"

exclaimed one of the older ones, her eyes wide in surprise as she

followed the nearly invisible movements of Luffy and her empress. "Can

he really fight on par with our queen?!" Another fangirl couldn't help but

exclaim, for her, Hancock was invincible, and no one could say


Some of the younger pirates began to scream in support of their queen.

"Finish him, finish that man, Hancock-Sama!" "Show him the power of

the Kuja Pirates!" Meanwhile, the more experienced exchanged worried

glances with Hancock's sisters, aware that the fight was not so simple.

With every move of Hancock, trying to corner Luffy with her Love Rays,

the crew reacted with palpable tension. And when Luffy used his

increased speed to dodge, a murmur of astonishment swept across the

deck of the ship. Luffy's flames began to affect the women on the ship,

forcing them to start moving away from the hot flames intensifying in the


"I think your crew will be in a bad state if we continue our fight here."

Luffy commented while punching Hancock's feathers, launching an

explosion with a radius of armament haki around them with a shock


"..." Hancock didn't say anything, just continued trying to get through the

man's defense while he attempted to hit her so she would turn to stone.

Luffy backed away a bit and looked towards the island he had already

planned to go to anyway, before flapping his wings and flying in that


"Do you intend to flee from this empress?" Hancock practically shouted,

watching Luffy move away. She would not let this happen. Still boiling

with rage for having been challenged and, in her perception, disrespected

by this man, she was not willing to let Luffy escape so easily.

Though she recognized he was strong, perhaps stronger than her, and in

speed, he had already surpassed her, she was confident she could defeat

him by turning him into stone. Then, using Geppo, she started to follow

him in the air towards the island.

"She's following me... That's good." Luffy looked back to see Hancock

stepping through the air trying to approach him. He wanted to talk to her

alone, and now he would have a chance, while on the Kuja pirates' ship,

everyone watched dumbfounded as the two moved away.

Luffy flew over the island and found a deserted beach on the other side

with ample space to fight without affecting the beasts within the forests,

and this would give time until the Kuja pirates could circumnavigate the

island to reach them.

Luffy landed softly on the white sand, turning to wait for Hancock, who

soon landed elegantly near him, her expression still laden with fury but

also with a hint of curiosity about Luffy's intentions, knowing the pirate

had lured her here on purpose.

"Damned man, why did you bring me here?" Hancock demanded,

maintaining her arrogant composure.

Luffy, with his characteristic ease, replied: "I think we were going too far

back on the ship. Maybe here we can talk better, without everyone

watching. I don't want to hurt you or your ship... or your crew."

"Do you think you can do that?!" She said angrily and charged at him.

Luffy dodged her kick, he punched her in an opening making her retreat

several meters, when she was about to return to the fight and attack

again, she realized Luffy was above her, as flames swirled like a tornado

around his right arm as he clenched his fist to attack her. Hancock had to

go on the defensive seeing that she could not dodge him.

The flames exploded before that beach, lifting sand all over the place.

*BOOOOOOM!* the explosion of purple flames exploded all over the

place as Luffy canceled his transformation and maintained his "human"


When the flames and dust settled, a Hancock appeared in the middle of a

crater, she was fine while keeping her arms crossed in a defensive

position, however, the same could not be said about her clothes, because

she was completely naked.

"I'm sure she's going to try to kill me without even listening after this, but

I must say, she really is one of the most beautiful women in the world."

Luffy comments looking at Hancock.

He was right, Hancock had never experienced such humiliation since she

left her life as a slave; she had been ignored, mocked, and now

humiliated by this man, she wanted to kill him once and for all because

now he could see the mark on her back, so now she would kill him

mercilessly as she looked at him with eyes filled with hatred.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

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to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

194. Chapter 194

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



"You... I'm going to kill you!" Hancock was so enraged that her haki

began to emanate from her body. Seeing this, Luffy expanded his haki as

well, and the energy was released against Hancock's energy that spread

throughout the beach. The two hakis met, causing them to collide with

each other, creating a wall of energy while yellow lightning appeared in

the air.

The Haki of both expanded, sweeping the island and even turning the

day dark as they clashed against each other.

"He's a user of Conqueror's Haki too... but it's not a surprise given his

background..." Hancock commented as she watched her haki clash with

Luffy's to see which would subdue the other. She might be angry at this

man to the point of wanting him dead, but that didn't stop her from

looking cautiously at him. This Luffy was dangerous, and with his clothes

burned, he would see the mark on her back, needing to eliminate him

before he leaves the island.

Luffy watched the hakis clash while everything was affected by them; the

sea began to recede from the shock as the island's trees leaned back with

the beach's sand dust blowing towards the sea and forest. He didn't have

his observation haki strong enough to see the forest, but he could tell that

various animals were falling unconscious at that moment.

"My haki has improved a lot in the last few months, but I'm surprised it's

reached Hancock's level, though I've never seen her using this power in

the original work..." Luffy comments softly as one haki tries to dominate

the other in the wall, yet both are in a stalemate.

"We don't need to continue this, Hancock, neither of our hakis will win

over the other, but even if one does, nothing will change." Luffy declares

out loud, since even if one of them wins the haki at this moment, neither

will be affected by the other.

"Shut up!" Luffy heard the naked woman growling at him regardless of

her current state and looked fiercely.

"I'm not your enemy. I did this for a purpose, can you hear me?" Luffy


"I said... to shut up!" Hancock screams and with super-speed, she

advances towards Luffy while her body was still naked.

"..." Luffy sighs as he sees the woman coming towards him, but he can't

help but be amazed by her bouncing breasts. "It's a good view... Moa Moa

no Mi: speed, apply 60 times." He said, canceling his Conqueror's Haki.

He moves his body, and Hancock's kick passes by him a moment later, he

could even see the mark of the tattoo on her back at that moment.

Hancock could no longer hide it and just wanted to kill him quickly so

she could keep her secret.

"..." Luffy didn't comment as another kick passed by him.

Hancock just growled, launching another kick, and Luffy moving his head

to avoid it.

He was dodging at high speed, while Hancock tried to hit him at any

cost. "Stand still so I can kill you!" She growled, and Luffy just laughed at

the irrational suggestion.

"Are you furious because I saw the slave mark on your back?" Luffy

commented while seeming like a flash dodging the blows. He felt

Hancock hesitating a bit, her body trembled with negative emotions at

that moment.

"I can help you remove it, if you want." Luffy commented once more,

making the woman lose her composure and land on the ground while

looking at him intensely.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked with hatred, but there was also a

mix of fear and curiosity in her tone.

Luffy looked at her calmly, shifting his gaze from her body to her blue

eyes. "I can remove that mark. I have a crew member with healing

abilities; we can remove the skin and use his power to regenerate new

skin." Luffy commented. He had good doctors in his crew, Chopper and

Lami, but now he had a member who could do something none of them

could, or at least not as quickly... which is to regenerate.

"Are you serious?!" She shouted in conflict.

"Yes, I know you don't trust me, and think I will expose this information

to someone outside this place, but the Tenryuubito are also my enemies."

Luffy commented, making Hancock stare at him intensely.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Who are you to say they are

your enemies?" She practically scoffed at the man's words.

"I've killed two of them since I started my journey. I'm sure if it wasn't for

hiding this information from the worlds, they would send all the admirals

and government forces after me, although they are already doing that,

not as urgently as I expected..." Luffy commented, reflecting on the last

part. He was certain that the Five Elders had already discovered that he

eliminated two Tenryuubito.

"You can't be serious..." Hancock spoke with a bit of conflict, not knowing

if she could believe such absurdity.

"Whether you want to believe it or not, it doesn't matter now..." Luffy

scoffed, "But don't you want to take revenge on them, on the

Tenryuubito, the World Government? I can also give you a chance for

that." Luffy spoke, looking her in the eyes.

"What do you mean by that now?" She looked at him once more. She

didn't know why, but the man's words intrigued her more and more with

each moment they spoke.

"What I want, Hancock," Luffy raised his hand towards her, pointing his

finger at the naked woman. "I want allies, allies for the war in the future,

where I plan to overthrow the World Government and give autonomy

back to all the countries of the world, but also at the end of my

adventure, I will be known as the emperor of all the seas of this world."

Luffy declared with a confident tone, leaving Hancock a bit disconcerted,

even forgetting her hatred for the man.

"You want to overthrow the World Government?!" She shouted in


"Yes, as I said, I will become the emperor of the seas, and me and the

government will never coexist when that happens, one must destroy the

other. So believe me when I say that such a thing will happen." Luffy

commented, leaving the woman speechless.

"There are still people like that..." Hancock murmured softly,

remembering Fisher Tiger, the fish-man who decided to stand up against

the Celestial Dragons and freed many slaves while burning the holy land.

She always thought no one would dare to speak such words against the

gods of this world, but this man spoke it openly, although it was just the

two of them, it was unbelievable words for Hancock's ears.

"Anyway, think about what I said. You might think I will talk about your

slave mark when I leave here, but we have a common enemy. I can

remove the mark on your back, and we can be future allies in the future

when I start the war that will involve the whole world. For now, I came

to train on this island, so take this." Luffy simply spoke. He had already

done and said everything he wanted with Hancock, but he didn't hope

that she would just accept his words, hoping that this would happen after

the war, if it happens.

He opened the system in front of him, while Hancock, still dazed, tried to

understand the words of the man who didn't seem shaken while speaking

such things. He didn't even seem to care if he was in front of the most

beautiful woman in the world, his power seemed to really affect him, but

he knew how to control his emotions as he ignored her to click with his

finger in the middle of the air without Hancock being able to understand

what he was doing.

Suddenly, a set of clothes appeared in front of him, he picked it up a bit

surprised to find something like "Hancock's Clothes" in the store. He took

it and looked at the woman standing a few meters away, before throwing

the clothes on her. "Take this, your crew must be arriving soon, let's say

goodbye, as I wanted to come to this island even before meeting you, I'm

on a training journey, think about what I said, and we'll meet in the

future." Luffy commented and started walking towards the forest,

thinking he should first make a camp while the animals were likely still

passed out in the forests.

Meanwhile, Hancock, who had let the clothes fall over her shoulder,

didn't take her eyes off where Luffy had been until recently, still thinking

about everything the man had spoken to her.

'Can he remove my curse?'

'Did he say he killed 2 Tenryuubito, did he really do something like that?'

'He plans to become the sea emperor and face the World Government?

Was he not just lying?'

'He's planning a world war? He wants this empress as his ally?'

'Where is he?' Hancock snapped out of her thoughts and looked to the

side, as Luffy had started walking towards the forest without caring about

her any longer.

'He didn't even care about the beauty of this empress?' She murmured in

the end.

Luffy walked through the forest looking for a suitable place to set up a

camp for the coming weeks. He felt a presence by his side, at least there

was no longer the hostility from before, and he didn't need to worry

about someone attacking him now, but that didn't make the woman any

less arrogant.

"Wait, you damn man. I need to talk to you before I decide whether to

kill you or not, since you've seen all the secrets of this empress." She said

by his side.

"Do you at least want to talk? I'm willing, but don't interrupt my

training." Luffy shrugged and continued walking ahead, making his way

through the brush. He could burn the place down, but he took his sword

still strapped to his waist and began cutting vines.

'Hahaha. What would Gol D. Roger say if he saw me using his famous

sword to cut grass and make a path through the brush?' Luffy thought,

laughing inwardly.

"You can't treat this empress this way, damn man." She continued with a

tone of hostility, but at least she wasn't trying to kick Luffy anymore,

even though he was just inches away from the naked woman.

"Hey, at least put on the clothes I gave you. If you stay like that, I'll think

you're trying to seduce me." Luffy commented, looking into her eyes and

then at her body. "Not that I'd find that bad." He said with a grin like a

rogue, looking at Hancock, who blushed and realized she was still naked.

"How can he act so calmly and even be bold..." Hancock commented

while stopping to put on the dresses, which she found so similar to her

own, wondering how Luffy managed to get something like that.

Soon after, she was following the man, asking so many questions and

becoming frustrated because he still ignored her and treated her like

anyone else while finding a place in the middle of that island.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

195. Chapter 195

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



The Kuja Pirates' ship began to land on the beach where the fight was


"Where is Hancock-Sama?" An Amazon asked worriedly.

The beach was heavily devastated from the fight between Hancock and

Luffy, and as they were coming to this side of the island, they felt the

clash of Conqueror's Haki.

"You all stay here, that man is not an ordinary pirate, he even faced off

against the older sister's Haki. Sandersonia and I will check the situation,"

Marigold said, and the two immediately jumped from the boat onto the


"Be careful!" The women shouted from the ship.

"They're in the forest," Sandersonia commented.

"Strange... no more fighting?" Marigold whispered.

"Something must have happened, let's hurry!" Sandersonia said with a

tone of concern.

The sisters entered the island and it didn't take long for them to feel the

presence of the two further ahead in a kind of spacious clearing.

"This...?" Marigold wondered if she was correctly sensing their presence

with her Haki.

"Let's check and see if it's really them," Sandersonia spoke, frowning.

They finally arrived at a place where there was a kind of camp that Luffy

had set up, with a tent, a bonfire, and a pot on the fire. The sisters had

already found this strange, because the man had done something like this

not long after being in a fight with Hancock in a battle where their older

sister tried to kill him. However, as soon as they saw the next scene, they

opened their mouths and their eyes widened.

The man, Monkey D. Luffy, was sitting with a bowl of soup in hand while

Hancock, dressed in different clothes, was sitting close to him with

another bowl in her hand, but she seemed not to be eating, she appeared

to be yelling at the man with a tone of anger.

"Tell me! You didn't say anything before, answer before this empress

turns you into stone, damn man!" Hancock had veins on her forehead and

struggled not to kick Luffy at that moment while the pirate in front of her

refused to keep explaining himself all the time.

"Stop talking. Just eat your food, I had to pay a lot for the ingredients,"

Luffy shrugged while putting a spoon of his soup into his mouth.

"You damn!" Hancock shouted, and she moved her leg without leaving

the spot and Luffy simply moved his head to avoid the blow.

"Stop being annoying, how are you going to get married with that kind of

personality..." Luffy commented, putting a second spoon in his mouth.

Sandersonia and Marigold looked at their enraged sister at that moment,

while she had veins on her forehead, white eyes, and her hand trembled

with the carefree words of this man.

"Sandersonia, what are we seeing, sister?" One asked without taking her

eyes off the scene.

"I also want to know, sister..." the other replied, lost.

"I think this needs more pepper..." Luffy commented and looked back at

the two sisters. "Do you want some too? Your sister here is wasting my

food and breaking several utensils, I hope you behave better." Luffy

commented, and Hancock next to him broke her pot with her soup.

"..." The two snake sisters didn't know what to say. They had never seen

their older sister treated in that way; the man seemed clearly afraid of

her ability, but he didn't behave like a man in love and even mocked


A moment later, the two sisters found themselves joining them as they sat

on some wooden benches while Luffy served his dish, Hancock was

beside him with her arms crossed and eyes closed, clearly in a bad mood.

They still didn't know how to react to this, conflicted on whether they

should eat the soup prepared by the man or ask for guidance from their

sister, sitting at a distance unwilling to talk to anyone.

"Sister-sama... What's happening?" Marigold broke the ice. Hancock took

a while to respond and opened her eyes still in a bad mood.

"He saw my mark," she commented with a calmness that Hancock only

spoke with when she was serious.

This made the other two sisters turn pale, it didn't take long for them to

stand up and get into a combat stance against Luffy. "What?! We must

eliminate him!" They shouted.

Luffy looked at them with annoyance as he saw the containers he had

given the sisters broken on the floor. "You wasted the soup. Does none of

you have any manners with food!" Luffy commented with a certain anger.



The sisters paused for a moment, and their eyes went to Hancock, who

had closed her eyes again. "Sister? Shouldn't we kill this man?!" Marigold

asked, lost, as her sister seemed not to care that the man had seen the

slave mark.

"I tried, but I couldn't... He... This damn man... Said he could remove the

mark..." She replied.

"What?! He can do that?!" They turned back to Luffy trying to ignore the

sisters because he wanted to beat all 3 of them at that moment.

"Can you really do that?!" Sandersonia now asked with a tone of hope.

"QUIET! Can you let me eat in peace, I want to recover my energy when

the animals of this island wake up so I can start my training." Luffy

shouted at them and ducked before a long leg passed over him. The leg

hit the pot of his soup, causing it to fall to the ground and spill all the



Luffy looked at this before a vein appeared on his forehead, he looked at

Hancock, who just crossed her arms and pointed her nose up as if she

was doing him a favor.

"You damn woman, I'm going to beat you for this!" Now Luffy had

become irritated.

"Come at me, you damn man, who do you think you are to talk to my

sisters like that, and the soup wasn't even that good..." Hancock spoke

arrogantly and then lifted her leg and kicked Luffy's fist that had gone in

her direction, with the pirate's irritation exceeding the limits.














They started exchanging blows with Armament Haki against each other,

while the whole terrain exploded with the confrontation, Sandersonia

and Marigold looked dazed at this kind of situation, not knowing what to

say as the dust rose and trees broke.

"You damn woman, what kind of personality is this, you're going to stay

single for the rest of your life, your fruit should be called the fruit of

arrogance instead of the fruit of love." Luffy shouted.

"This empress has decided, you're going to die you wretched man, you

are the worst man I've ever met, and that's saying something since all

men are despicable!"

"Come then, I didn't want to do this, but you've irritated me, I'm going to

beat you until you become a sweet woman." Luffy shouted.

"I'm going to turn you into stone and break every piece of your body!"

Hancock replied angrily.

"Bring it on!"

"I'm going to kill you!"





20 minutes later, the fight finally calmed down, Hancock sat beside her

sisters while Luffy was making another soup, glancing occasionally at

Hancock with a look of anger, while Hancock seemed to be mocking


"This damn man, he's suffering, this empress is unstoppable." Hancock

whispered proudly while staring at Luffy and her sisters seemed lost

watching this scene while looking at each other.

"What should we do?"

"I don't know, but if that man is telling the truth, wouldn't it change our


"We should ask the older sister..."


"Wait, I want to see him suffer more, it's so good to take revenge on this

man after so many humiliations this empress has suffered." Hancock

silenced her sisters while still looking at Luffy with a satisfied smile, since

this man had ignored, scorned, and humiliated her, now she had a taste

of revenge since she couldn't turn him into stone. In the end, the younger

sisters just looked at each other and sighed.

Luffy made another dish, as he had not recovered his strength and was

hungry, 'I miss Reiju so much...' He couldn't help but murmur, thinking

about the food and the curves he barely got to enjoy, since he had been

with her for just one day.

As Luffy could not buy ready-made food from the system, he had to

prepare with what he could, still resentful of Hancock for knocking over

the pot of soup.

When he finally finished without Hancock bothering him again, he

returned to the sisters. "As you know, I said I would remove the mark

from your sister's back, I can do it, but not now while a member of my

crew is not with me. I would do it another time, but you can trust me, I

want to make an alliance with the Kuja pirates." Luffy declared, he

wanted to be alone now, as he would start his personal training.

"Sister... shall we trust him? Do you really think he can do it?" Marigold


"I don't know..." Hancock admitted, "But he at least seems confident in his

words, but I don't even know if we can deal with him even if we could,

he also did not belittle me for my mark and instead wants an alliance to

one day fight against the government and the Tenryuubito." Hancock

admitted, leaving her younger sisters stunned.

"Are we going to leave him here like this, sister?" Sandersonia asked

worriedly seeing that he knew of the slave mark.

"We have no choice but to let him go for now..." Hancock spoke with

disgust, standing up. "Let's return to the ship, I'm a bit tired." She

commented, preparing to leave.

Seeing this, Luffy nodded, hoping to meet her in the future to honor his

words. "Well, you can think as much as you want, but don't worry, I'll

keep my words the next time we meet, you can go now, as I'm going to

start my training on this island for a while, so see you around." Luffy

commented as he tossed his cape aside to stretch while displaying his

athletic chest with his movements.

His words stopped Hancock who was on her way out. She slowly turned

towards the man stretching. "Hm?! You're sending us away?!" Hancock

turned her attention to Luffy at that moment.

"Hm?" Luffy stopped his stretching and looked at her. "Weren't you going

to leave anyway?" He said, confused.

"I was going to leave, but I don't need a man to tell me that!" She spoke

with disdain and started walking towards Luffy who was still confused.

"Sister...?" One of her sisters asked Hancock turning back to the man.

"I've decided, I'll stay a bit longer!" Hancock spoke.

"Hey, why? I'm training here, weren't you going to leave?" Luffy raised an

eyebrow at the woman.

"I was going to, but not because a man asked me to, you think you can

order this empress around." Hancock put her finger on Luffy's nose and

spoke arrogantly. She might even try to petrify him, but Luffy could be

someone who would free her from the curse, so she'd risk trusting this

pirate for the time being.

"I'm not ordering, just saying goodbye!" Luffy commented, he hadn't said

anything wrong.

"You did order!" Hancock retorted.

"You and your damn ego, fine, do whatever you want." Luffy said with


"Are you ordering this empress to stay, by any chance?" She countered,

pinching Luffy's nose with her hands.

"Are you an idiot or something?" Luffy retorted angrily, not liking that.

"Who are you calling an idiot! Turn to stone!" Hancock shouted angrily.

"Shut up, you damn narcissist! You can be worse than me!" Luffy






Sandersonia and Marigold once again looked lost at that, while Luffy and

Hancock exchanged blows again while destroying that part of the forest.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

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196. Chapter 196

[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



"This Empress has made up her mind; she will stay here because she

wants to, and no man will command her!" Hancock declared as she

walked through the forest.

"You could stop being so annoying." Luffy commented dissatisfied by her

side, beginning to regret his decision to come to the Kuja pirates' ship at

this moment, unaware that he would have this thorn in his side while he

trained Haki on this island.

"Who are you calling annoying, damned man!" Hancock exclaimed as she

kicked a stone, shattering it with her anger.

"..." Luffy attempted to ignore the woman as he continued walking

through the forest.

Hancock's sisters were lost a few meters from the two, wanting to return

to the ship with their older sister, but she seemed to be behaving

strangely, having never seen her interact with a man, though this one

didn't seem to enjoy her company.

"You can go back, I will stay a bit longer and train with this man as well.

Because this Empress is interested in the training," she spoke arrogantly,

striking a pose.

"..." Marigold looked at her sister.

"What should we do?"

"I don't know..."

"But if we leave our older sister, will she be okay with this pirate?"

"Speaking of the pirate..."

The sisters spoke and looked towards Hancock's side where Luffy was

supposed to be, but as Hancock struck her odd pose, Luffy ignored her

and continued walking into the forest.

"Hm?!" Hancock also noticed his absence.

"This damned man, he's ignoring this beauty?" Hancock growled and

started walking with heavy steps and a strange gait towards where Luffy

had disappeared into the forest.

Luffy had encountered a giant lion; he paused for a moment as he

observed the animal without hiding his presence, the lion noticed him

and growled at Luffy.

"How should I start my training..." He murmured, looking at the beast,

not wanting to use his fruit and was about to put on his seastone

handcuff at that moment, but a narcissistic woman emerged from the

forest behind him and flew at the lion, kicking the creature and turning it

into stone.

"..." Luffy looked at the stone-transformed lion and then at the woman

who landed in an odd pose, waiting for him to praise her, while she held

her handcuff in hand.

"You took too long to deal with a small beast, were you scared? Don't

worry, this Empress will help you," Hancock taunted as if he needed any

help dealing with the animals around him.

Luffy, with a vein on his forehead, thought it would be a good idea to

teach this woman a lesson. He approached her as he saw another group

of lions emerging from the forest, growling at them.

"Of course, how could I deny the world's most beautiful woman?" Luffy

spread his arms and pretended to approach Hancock.

"Hm? It seems you've finally recognized the beauty of this woman!"

Hancock seemed to have won a sort of premium seeing Luffy's reaction

and pointed at herself with pride.

"Hm?" Hancock felt something on her wrist and opened her eyes to find

herself handcuffed with seastone. Luffy appeared in front of her with a

mischievous smile.

"Well, if you want to participate in this training, you can't use Haki, don't

worry I'll remove the handcuff as soon as you want to leave, until then,

good luck," Luffy said, still keeping his mischievous smile.

"What have you done, you damned man!" She shouted and tried to kick

Luffy, but even without Haki, he defended himself, now that she couldn't

use her power to turn him into stone.

"Hahaha. Come on Hancock, you have to deal with the lions without

using your fruit power, I'll train you since you're so weak at the moment,"

Luffy mocked the arrogant woman at that moment.

"You..." Hancock began to growl and started kicking Luffy, but he used

his moa moa no mi in defense and started to mock. "This is a good

massage, Hancock," he laughed.

Increasingly frustrated, Hancock continued kicking the man as the lions

approached, he looked at the relaxed man and had a gleam in her eye,

without Luffy being able to react he felt something on his wrist.

"Hm?" Luffy looked to the other side of the handcuff attached to his wrist,

Hancock was smiling devilishly at him at that moment, seeing that she

couldn't deal with him, she thought to put him in the same situation as

her by attaching the other part of the handcuff to his arm.

She took advantage of Luffy's stun and kicked him, now without the

effect of the moa moa no mi, he felt the woman's strike.

"It seems you don't look so imposing anymore, do you?" Hancock

mocked, and Luffy, angered, kicked the Empress's behind as well, making

her feel the pain too.

"You! You damned man!" Hancock retaliated, hitting her sore buttocks

with her free hand.

As Hancock was about to kick Luffy, a huge shadow appeared above

them, and a lion attacked. Without a choice, both jumped away, though

in opposite directions, they still managed to escape.

"This isn't working; I'm taking these handcuffs off," Luffy commented,

grabbing the keys and going to unlock the handcuffs. Seeing this,

Hancock simply kicked Luffy's hand, making the handcuff fly.

"Why did you do that?!" Luffy growled at the woman.

"Hm? I thought you were going to train, but so pathetic that at a moment

of weakness, you want to run? I expected more from the man who said

he wanted to take down the World Government..." Hancock mocked

deliciously, she wanted to find all reasons to belittle this damned man

and found one at that moment.

"I swear I'll deal with you later, but don't interfere while I fight the lions,"

Luffy commented, turning his attention away from Hancock and towards

the 3 lions growling at them next to the lion turned into stone.

"Tsk. You think you can command this Empress?" Hancock mocked.

With no other choice, both leaped side by side into the group of lions,

they fought as they could, despite often hindering each other, they began

to punch the lions with Haki and it didn't take long to leave the 3 animals

lying on the ground.

"It seems we're done here, let's get the key to get rid of this handcuff, if

you want to train, you'll have one and I the other while we're apart,"

Luffy commented, turning back while Hancock just snorted.

"Hancock..." Luffy commented and the woman looked at him, seeing him

pointing ahead.

"Hm?" She looked in that direction and saw some kind of ferret that had

emerged from the ground, it was a strange mole, but what was more

shocking was that the mole had taken the handcuff key and looked at it

with eyes shining like a treasure.

"This can't be that bad, can it?" Luffy commented more to himself than

asking Hancock.

"This Empress has a bad feeling..." Hancock murmured, stunned.

Before they could react, the mole sank into the ground with the key.

"..." Luffy.

"..." Hancock.

They remained silent, no longer sensing the mole with their observation

Haki. Both turned their heads to each other and looked at each other for

several moments.


Sandersonia and Marigold, who were still approaching, worried about

their sister, heard the shouts coming from afar, both from their sister and

the man, and ran to see what was happening.

When they arrived at the place, besides the lion turned into stone and

another 3 lying on the ground, they saw a strange scene, their sister was

handcuffed with Luffy on the other side, and both were hitting each other

in a kind of strange fight, since neither could move away from the other.

"This is your fault!"

"Your fault, you kicked the key out of my hand."

"You should have taken care of the key!"

"Me? Sorry, I'm stuck with the most arrogant woman I've ever met in my


"Says the most shameless man I've ever encountered. I should have

turned you into stone!"

"Try then, you damned Medusa!"

"What's a Medusa? What are you calling me?"

"It's a snake woman, like you, who's arrogant and narcissistic!"

"What did you say, you idiot!"








Both sisters watched the fight as they entered the forest, hitting each

other without them being able to react while they stood there.

After 2 hours of traversing the island and hitting each other or any

animal that appeared, they stopped.

"Great, now we're lost..." Luffy commented, looking at their surroundings.

"Why do you look so beaten up, we can use Geppo, you know the

technique as well, don't you?" Hancock crossed her arms.

Both were in dirty clothes, Luffy had left his cloak at the camp, his

hunting attire was quite dirty and torn while Hancock's dress was also

torn from the fight.

"Try using it." Luffy challenged her, and Hancock looked at him like a

hawk, trying to understand why this pirate was challenging her. She

attempted to jump in the air but couldn't perform a second leap, which

left her surprised.

"These chains are special, didn't you notice how your Haki diminished?"

Luffy remarked. He had bought chains that even reduced physical

strength, which is why he received Hancock's attacks without doing

anything before, just using the moa moa no mi, since this woman could

even defeat Yamato. He couldn't even access the store with the handcuffs


"So what do you plan to do, Man?" Hancock asked dissatisfied.

"I don't know yet... Let's first find a place to sleep." Luffy said, the sun

was already beginning to set, and Luffy doubted he would find the camp

he set up during the night...

"This queen first needs to find a place to bathe. This Empress refuses to

sleep in this state!" She declared with her usual arrogance.

Luffy looked at her for a moment, already tired of her spiel. "Fine, let's

find a place to bathe then." He said, and they began to walk through the

forest as if they were holding hands.

Some time after fighting off some other nocturnal animals, they found a

small lake and beat up the snake that inhabited the place for them to take


"Finally something good after spending hours with this man." Hancock

declared, taking off her clothes beside Luffy and entering the water.

Luffy, who had to stay glued to this woman, also took off his clothes

since he needed a bath and didn't want to wet his garments.

"Did I give you permission to get naked in front of this beauty?" Hancock

growled, seeing him remove his pants, but she couldn't help but look over

his entire body out of curiosity, since she never saw a man with her

hatred for them.

"I don't care what you think, just get in, I also want to bathe." Luffy

commented, shrugging, leaving Hancock with a vein popping on her

forehead. Both naked, they entered the water and sat next to each other,

as there were no other choices.

Luffy relaxed while Hancock began to scrub her body, her gaze drifting to

Luffy now and then, as the pirate kept his eyes closed at that moment,

ignoring Hancock.

'This man, I'm naked with my breasts in front of him, why doesn't he look

at me like all men and turn to stone?' Hancock thought dissatisfied.

She began to seductively move her hands over her breasts while in front

of the man.

Luffy opened his eyes and saw Hancock teasing him; she gave him a

seductive look, wanting to make this man fall like the others while she

moved her hands over her breasts and squeezed them.

"They are beautiful, I admit they are among the best I've seen, but you

can stop that, I don't just stare at breasts unless I'm in the mood to eat

them." Luffy murmured and closed his eyes again, leaving Hancock


"You don't have the desire to eat me?!" Hancock shouted indignantly,

refusing to believe there would be someone who would refuse her and

her body. In a moment of anger, her free hand went into the water and

touched Luffy's dick.

"..." She touched it and was surprised.

"What are you doing?!" Luffy murmured, stunned, feeling his weapon

being touched like that.

Hancock switched her stunned look for a cunning and victorious one.

"If you don't want this Empress and she doesn't please you, why is your

weapon so erect, are you going to say you didn't want this beautiful

body?" Hancock made an innocent and seductive voice.

"Shut up and let go of my cock!" Luffy growled, trying to remove

Hancock's hand but ended up squeezing her breast.

"..." Luffy.

"..." Hancock.

"Get your hands off me!" Hancock shouted and slapped Luffy's face.

The next scene was Luffy with a red face while Hancock continued to

bathe and scrub her body, both with their faces flushed, Luffy couldn't

even imagine that his days were just beginning in this mess.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

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197. Chapter 197

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



Luffy woke up the next day and looked at the woman staring at him.

"Good morning?" Luffy raised an eyebrow.

"..." She didn't respond.

"Still mute, well at least don't be a boring woman." Luffy smiled.

She had another vein on her forehead but kept silent. They didn't speak

for the rest of the night and ended up sleeping turned away from each


"Well, anyway, we have to look for something to eat." Luffy got up, and

Hancock stood still.

"Hm? Come on, you might not like me, but at least let's do the basics

right?" Hancock didn't respond, but her stomach growled at that moment.

"See, your stomach is more honest than you! Hahaha!" Luffy laughed

while Hancock became a bit embarrassed and ended up standing up as


Seeing this, Luffy led the duo until they found a weird tree. "We have this

here! This is great." He murmured and began to break the shell of a tree.

"What are you doing?" Hancock asked curiously, her tone of voice no

longer as arrogant as usual.

"This? My grandpa used to throw me in the jungle when I was a kid, I

had to learn to survive, my sister was with me too, but she was so slow it

didn't count. So I ended up adapting." Luffy smiled as he took a yellow

fruit from inside the broken shell.

"Your grandpa threw you in the jungle as a child?" She asked curiously.

Luffy looked at her strangely, where was that ungrateful witch from

yesterday? "Yes... he's Garp, you might understand that?" He said a bit


"Yes, the marine hero..." She commented and looked at the fruit unsure

what to do with it.

"Don't bite, the shell is hard, you have to remove the stem and the shell

falls apart," Luffy said as he removed the stem holding it with the

handcuff hand with Hancock and pulled it off with his free hand, "There,

now you have to be careful because it will squirt if you pull too fast...

Hm?!" Luffy didn't have time to react as Hancock's fruit exploded,

soaking both Luffy and her with the juice.

"..." Luffy.

"..." Hancock.

They looked at each other for a while without saying anything to each

other, until Luffy snorted with a bit of humor.



Both began to laugh finding the situation quite relaxed, "I guess we have

to go back to the lake." Hancock ended up saying laughing without

thinking and looked at Luffy who stopped laughing at that moment, both

stared at each other.

"Well... Let's get more fruits. Then we'll see about that." Luffy commented

finding the situation strange again, because he expected this woman to be

the same woman who got him into a lot of trouble, but she seemed

different today.

"Yes, you're right..." She said with a normal tone, but without the

arrogance she usually showed.

Luffy picked another fruit and opened the stem before carefully opening

it and joining Hancock in eating. He picked some more fruits and took

them to the side of the lake where they had bathed, sitting while they ate


"What are we going to do today?" She asked breaking the silence.

"The ideal would be to find the camp, but I doubt we can do that easily,

we have to wait for your sisters..." He commented.

"You didn't come to train? Then let's do that." She said calmly, leaving

Luffy even more confused with her behavior today.

"What? You want that? You seemed to hate it yesterday." He looked at

her with a small smile.

"Didn't you see how I fought yesterday? But maybe this empress has

changed her mind today..." She commented with a blush looking a bit

embarrassed admitting something like that.

"Alright, then. I want to see you keep up then. Let's do that as soon as we

finish eating." Luffy commented without losing his smile while Hancock

just snorted.

They ate in silence until they seemed satisfied, "All set?" He said, and she

nodded. Luffy stood up, and Hancock accompanied him. They had

clothes a bit torn, but they seemed relaxed while walking through the


"Looks like we found some little friends..." Luffy commented looking at a

spot full of gorillas.

He looked at Hancock by his side and thought of something. "How about

seeing who can beat more of them?" He suggested, and Hancock looked

at him with a glint of challenge in her eyes.

"Do you think you can beat this empress?" She commented with a small

smile accepting the challenge.

Luffy didn't respond, and he simply took the initiative and ran, with

Hancock not wanting to be left behind. The gorillas witnessed a strange

scene of two humans running hand in hand as they approached, looking

at them as prey. In the next moment, the area turned into chaos with the

gorillas enraged after being attacked by strangers.

It was only after 2 hours of intense fighting that Luffy and Hancock stood

in a field of knocked-out giant animals.

"20." Luffy announced.

"Tsk. 20." Hancock murmured, a bit dissatisfied.

"Looks like it's a tie, how about we move on to the next group of

animals?" Luffy commented, and Hancock nodded.

For the rest of the day, neither Hancock nor Luffy seemed interested in

returning to the camp. They continued to explore the island,

encountering a group of giant snakes.


"... 10"

"Shall we move on to the next group then?"

Encountering a group of giant wolves.



Giant zebras.



Giant leopards.



Giant lions.



They stopped fighting only at night. Luffy picked some more hidden

fruits and a wolf, grabbing a piece of wood and imbuing it with haki, he

began to cut the wolf to prepare dinner. He had the sword, but it was in a

small version in his pocket, so he couldn't increase its size with the

handcuff on.

"This is good." Hancock had to admit while eating the meat after Luffy

heated it on a fire he created.

"Glad you liked it. Unfortunately, I can't put any seasoning on the food."

Luffy commented, pointing to the handcuffs.

"Yes, we'll have to stay like this a bit longer..." Hancock commented, not

seeming dissatisfied.

She ate in silence next to Luffy, and as soon as she finished, she looked

up at the starry sky in the middle of the forest. "You know, my sisters also

have the slave seal like me..." Hancock spoke, and Luffy looked at her a

bit surprised. Since he already knew this information, he didn't expect

Hancock to take the initiative to tell him here.

She stopped looking at the sky and looked at him, "Can you really get rid

of it for me and my sisters?" She looked with a glimmer of hope.

Luffy was silent for a while. "Yes, as I said, I'll do exactly what I said."

Luffy said confidently.

"Did you really kill two Celestial Dragons?" She asked another question.


"But how? Doesn't the government know about this? How can they let

you roam free?" She asked, bewildered.

"It's hard to say, they must surely know, and I thought I would have the

CP0 and other forces on my tail, but they are strangely quiet..." Luffy

commented, looking ahead, still unsure why the government hadn't sent

major forces after him yet.

"Do you think you can survive?"

"Yes, I would do something like that. It won't be the government that will

stop my goal, which is to become the Emperor of the Sea..." Luffy spoke

with a sparkle in his eyes, something that caught Hancock's attention.

Hancock looked at him for a while. "Emperor of the Sea..." She

murmured, before starting to laugh. "Hahahahahaha. You really are a

fool, Monkey D. Luffy." Luffy looked a bit displeased by her laughter but

was also surprised that she called him by his full name.

"But you know... I like that." She smiled at him at that moment, and both

looked at each other for several seconds.

There was something emerging there, and neither of them knew what to

do at that moment. Luffy was a ladies' man, but it wasn't right to lay

hands on a woman who was handcuffed and almost naked in front of

him, especially since she had been looking down on him until the day

before. He was torn between his desire to kiss this woman and his pride

in not being with someone who had insulted him so much.

"I think it's better if we sleep, we have to break our tie in our little game."

Hancock broke the tension, most likely because Luffy did not take the

initiative and also because she was lost, having never had to deal with

this kind of situation before.

"You're right, let's sleep." Luffy agreed, and they both lay down on a bed

made of leaves on the ground, against each other while their hands

remained joined.

As Luffy lay down to sleep, he was unaware of the internal conflict his

bed partner was having at that moment.

Behind Luffy, Hancock had a blush on her face; she was in conflict.

'Why am I acting like this?! I should hate this man!' She screamed


'But I've been like this since he touched me, I should be disgusted by that

man, but my heart is racing and I can't stop thinking about him!'

'Moreover... why can't I stay mad at him anymore?! Did he do something

to me?'

'Yet, I feel happy here... I should hate this place, being trapped with this

pirate, but I seem so well...'

'And now I'm believing his words, when he says he will remove my mark

and my sisters'... I feel I can trust him... I wish I knew what's happening...'

Hancock was making a series of inquiries about her situation, unaware

that she was contracting the most fatal disease a queen of the Amazon

Lily could acquire. Perhaps it was Luffy's promise, perhaps because he

was not enchanted by her beauty like all the others, perhaps it was his

strength, his conversation and ambitions, or even his beauty, because

Hancock had to admit that Luffy was the most handsome man she had

ever seen. But one thing was certain, Hancock had been struck by the

arrow of love just one day after meeting this man, and her condition

would only worsen being so close to the person her heart began to

develop a passion for.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 10 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 5 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

198. Chapter 198

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



Luffy and Hancock spent their days training, each day ending in a draw

without Luffy being able to use his fruit to enhance his status. However,

he was satisfied that his body was naturally as powerful as this


"Do you like these clothes? We now look like some kind of Adam and

Eve," Luffy commented with a smile to the woman in front of him. Both

were wearing garments made from trees, covering only their private


"Adam and Eve?" Hancock asked, unaware of whom Luffy was talking


"Never mind, it's just a story from a not very well-known religion in this

world," Luffy commented.

"Tell me now," she demanded, but without her usual arrogance.

"Okay, in the beginning, there was nothing in the universe..." Luffy began

to tell the biblical story from his past life.

"So, this woman, Eve, was tempted to eat the fruit from the forbidden

tree and made Adam do the same?" Hancock recounted the story as they

walked together through the forest.

"Yes, and then they say sin came, and both Adam and Eve lost paradise

with the wrath of God."

"What a weak woman, she should never have listened to that snake,"

Hancock murmured as she glanced at Luffy, her face hiding an evident

blush. "One should not betray their man..." she said softly.

"Anyway, it's a lost story, let's continue our competition," Luffy

commented, and they continued to encounter creatures in the forest.

Many of them already knew the couple from the last few days, where

they were constantly beaten and would run away as soon as they saw the

crazy pair.

The animals began to run through the forest as the two chased after them

at high speed, beating any within their reach.

Eventually, at a certain place, dozens of animals were cornered against a

cliff, and the beating began once again.

"We're done..." Luffy looked at the crowd of animals lying on the ground,

crying and unconscious. Choosing one, he went to it and took its life to

bring the carcass back to camp.

Returning to the makeshift camp, Luffy and Hancock prepared food, with

the woman also helping. In recent days, her behavior had changed

significantly; she had become sweeter and started taking initiatives so

Luffy wouldn't have to do everything alone.

Luffy knew he had developed some sort of relationship with Hancock

during these days. He wasn't foolish not to notice her looking at him

often, as if trying to unravel a mystery. He tried to handle the situation

without getting too involved, but lately, it had been difficult, especially

since he hadn't slept with anyone in almost two weeks.

Hancock was a very attractive woman, fitting her title of the world's most

beautiful woman, even though he had someone to place before her in

terms of beauty. Not that he thought beauty was everything because, of

all the women, Robin was the one he felt most affectionate towards, if he

excluded Lucy from the equation. Nonetheless, he would never deny any

of them love and would do everything to make them happy by his side,

trusting them all to be good wives and great mothers.

"Here, why don't you try my broth?" Hancock approached with a broth

she had created herself, quite haphazardly, based on what she had seen

Luffy do. Luffy took it with a small smile and tasted it, while Hancock

looked on with a gleam of expectation almost pressed against him.

Luffy tasted it and nearly choked, 'This is horrible!' he screamed

internally, his gaze shifting to Hancock, who looked at him expectantly.

He forced a smile. "It's great..." He said, not wanting to discourage the

woman looking at him that way, "However, it needs some adjustments..."

He did not fail to mention.

"Really? That's good, but what does it need?"

Luffy began to explain the entire recipe, and Hancock seemed not to

realize that she had to start from scratch to make her food good.

Luffy and Hancock went to their lake again to wash off the sweat from

the day's fight. Another thing happening was that neither of them had

gone to the bathroom since they had been together, and neither seemed

bothered by it.

As they stood side by side, Luffy looked at his hand as it turned black

with Haki. "I may not have my Momo Momo no Mi to speed up training,

but these days haven't been wasted," Luffy commented. He had

significantly improved his proficiency with Armament Haki, but it was

his Observation Haki that had developed the most during this time.

"I can't deny it's been beneficial, perhaps it will make me less dependent

on my fruit..." she commented beside him and looked at Luffy, "Since not

everyone can be charmed by my beauty."

Luffy looked at her for a moment and couldn't help but say, "Not

everyone can act like an idiot around you, but that doesn't mean they

can't be charmed either..." Luffy murmured, looking into her eyes.

Hancock felt her heart beat faster than usual, 'What do I do?! Did he say

he's also charmed by this empress?! Is this a declaration?! Is this man

finally succumbing to my charms, but why am I so nervous about this!?'

Hancock screamed internally, not knowing what to do, as her chest sped

up and her face turned red.

'Damn, why did I say something so cliché...' Luffy commented,

embarrassed by what he had said, impulsively, 'But why does she seem so

happy...' Luffy noticed the sparkle igniting in Hancock's eyes as if she had

received something very special.

'You know what... Screw it.' Luffy decided, he couldn't stand another day

without sex with this naked woman in front of him, she was no longer

repulsive, and he would take her as his woman, not knowing what would

happen next.

Luffy approached without saying anything, Hancock was a bit surprised

by this, but she didn't back away and let Luffy come closer to her lips.

She felt her first kiss with a dazed look but soon closed her eyes, letting

her natural instincts take over and her emotions control her behavior.

They quickly progressed to more intense kisses as Luffy made her feel

new emotions while he began to run his hand over her body, kissing her

neck, eliciting moans from the pirate empress. Luffy moved from her

neck to her breasts, wetting them with his mouth while one hand went to

Hancock's groin.

The empress moaned at this, never having felt anything like it in her life.

She hated men, but on this night, she was giving herself to one her heart

had fallen for, body and soul.

Feeling that he had aroused her greatly, he picked her up and placed her

on the edge of the lake. "What are you doing...? Hm?! What is this!"

Hancock, lying naked on her back on the ground, asked what Luffy was

doing as he, still in the lake, spread her legs to perform oral.

Hancock was stunned but soon lost control of her body, becoming

increasingly heated. "AHHHHH!" She moaned.

"What is this?!" She exclaimed again, experiencing her first orgasm in life.

Luffy smiled satisfied and emerged from the lake, approaching with his

erect penis to the woman's groin. "Do you want to continue?" He asked,

since she was still a virgin and they were doing this in the middle of the


She looked at him with the blush of her first orgasm and even more

intense emotions and nodded positively. Luffy then penetrated her,

carefully breaking her hymen, and once she got used to the penetration,

he began to move faster as their emotions were reflected in their moans

of pleasure and even love.

Luffy was thrilled at the sight of one of the most beautiful women in the

world from above as her breasts swung up and down vigorously while he

felt the heat and pleasure inside her, making her moan madly.

"I'm feeling it again...!" Hancock exclaimed, looking at him while

moaning with her mouth open, experiencing her second orgasm as Luffy

increased his pace to join her.

They climaxed together at that moment. Luffy let her rest a bit and then

took her to the lake again. Hancock was now completely submissive to

anything Luffy would do; they had sex in the water in various positions:

doggy style, standing up, and sideways.

"Let me do it now!" Hancock, after hours of having sex and now

accustomed to it, took the initiative, looking at Luffy with love. She

pressed him against the side of the lake and mounted him while looking

at him. Instinctively, she began to bounce on his penis, feeling it enter


For the next 2 hours, Hancock slapped her buttocks against the water

without either of them climaxing as they looked at each other,

strengthening the bond between them as they both gave in to carnal

pleasure and the beginning of love they started to feel for one another.

Their sex was unique, even for Luffy, who already had a harem. Hancock

and he didn't stop there; the sun had risen on the horizon, and they

continued changing positions to have more sex. They didn't even care

about eating anything, just having sex with each other as the day went

by, from moonlight to bright sun while they were still moaning. More

hours passed without realizing the day had ended; they only finished the

following morning.

Luffy was lying on the ground, and Hancock was beside him, struggling

to breathe.

"That was over 30 hours of sex..." He commented in disbelief. He had

spent 12 hours having sex with Yamato and Nami, but 30 hours was

something he hadn't expected with the woman he met a few days ago.

"That was... I've never felt anything like it before..." Hancock had to

admit as she felt her private part burning after all that sex but was


"We better eat something," Luffy said, and he prepared their breakfast.

Both slept a bit and continued their training; at night, they didn't think

twice before attacking each other to have sex. The couple's routine was to

train and have sex, even forgetting to eat or sleep sometimes. This lasted

for another 4 days, and they even walked hand in hand with a certain

affection for each other.

But soon, they decided it was time to return. Luffy and Hancock scoured

the forest and finally found the place where the mole had taken the key

to the handcuffs, in a cave with many precious items, ignoring the other,

which must have belonged to castaways on the island. He grabbed the

key and finally released the handcuffs that bound them.

But it was strange for both of them. They returned, and Hancock acted

weirdly. Luffy had mentioned he had wives, and this seemed to upset her

a bit.

"Sister!" Both sisters exclaimed when they saw them coming out of the

forest dressed in clean clothes, since Luffy had unlocked the store after

removing the handcuffs and bought appropriate clothes.

"Sandersonia and Marigold, let's go," she said calmly, leaving the girls


The girls were a bit confused, wondering what was going on; their sister

didn't seem so arrogant anymore but even seemed upset with the man.

"Goodbye, Luffy," she looked at him still with a conflicted gaze.

"Goodbye, Hancock," Luffy also said goodbye in the same tone.

As the sisters were forced to follow their sister, casting questioning

glances at Luffy, the pirate stayed at the camp.

"Sister..." Sandersonia was going to speak, but Hancock just raised her

hand, silencing them.

"I don't want to talk about it and don't ask me what happened, I just need

to think," she said, not explaining what was happening, but her voice

conveyed a certain sadness.

She had her pride; learning that Luffy had women affected her, but her

heart still wanted that man more than anything in life. She had to think

about what she should do. She needed to seek advice, and Gloriosa would

be her best option when she returned to the kingdom, and her emotions

were quite strange.

Luffy had also given her a special, untraceable Den Den Mushi. She

would contact him for their alliance and any other matter, so she wasn't

worried about not being able to talk to this man. However, there was

sadness in leaving him, which caused her great pain in her chest just with

the thought of leaving the island.

The sisters returned to the ship, relieving the crew members that

Hancock was back well after a week trapped on that island with that


"Directly to Amazon Lily!" Hancock gave the order and entered her room

without time for anyone to react.

She lay down on her arm and felt her chest hurt. 'What is this? Why do I

feel so empty... I should leave... I must go to Amazon Lily, Gloriosa will

tell me what to do...' She murmured until, at a moment, she felt

something strange and vomited next to the bed without knowing what it

was and wondering if she had contracted a disease.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

199. Chapter 199

[Chapter Size: 2600 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



"How strange... I hope things turn out well between us..." Luffy

commented, watching Hancock leave. He hadn't liked the woman much

when he first met her, but ended up relating to her like any other

woman. He knew she was upset because he said he had future wives and

would stay with all of them. He knew this woman had her own pride and

just hoped they would have the same kind of relationship once they saw

each other again after she had some time to think about their

relationship beyond the already established alliance.

Luffy went back to his torn pants he had brought from the forest, put his

hand in his pocket, and began to take out things he had left there last

week. He took his sword and put it on his waist; he hadn't tested Ace

since he made Teach put a fruit in it. He also took out a cage and made it

grow; in this small cage that turned into a prison, Doflamingo and Page-

One appeared in normal size, both looking thinner than usual.

"Hello, sorry I took so long, I was solving some problems. Any of you

hungry?" Luffy smiled at the two men who stared back at him.

"..." Doflamingo didn't respond, just growled seeing that his situation was

not good. Page-One, on the other hand, seemed more affected.

"You, pirate! Big sister and boss Kaido won't let this go!" Page-One said, a

bit frustrated.

Luffy shrugged and threw a piece of meat to them. "Eat this, at least you

won't die of hunger because of me," he said, going back to eating.

"Mugiwara... you really aren't afraid of anyone, but if I say it's not just

Kaido I have protection from..." Doflamingo spoke for the first time, not

wanting to touch the meat, while Page-One was eating without care,

being very hungry after spending a week in the darkness of Luffy's


"Are you talking about your crew in Dressrosa or your connection to the

Holy Land, former Tenryuubito?" Luffy mocked, earning a raised eyebrow

from Doflamingo.

"Lami told you about this? My brother must have spoken to her..." He


"Maybe, but I know you know a secret of the Celestial Dragons that can

even make demands of the Five Elders, wouldn't you like to share that

with me?" Luffy looked at him and smiled, waiting for a positive


"You can't be serious..." Although Doflamingo was a bit surprised that

Luffy knew this information, he was stunned that this pirate expected

him to share his secrets.

"What a pity." Luffy might have looked hopeful for a response, but he

already knew Doflamingo would never share it, and he shrugged, going

back to his food.

"You know, Doflamingo, my crew is still missing a maid. I had one a

while back, but she became my navigator... I hope one shows up for me

to recruit soon..." Luffy commented without turning his face while

thinking of a certain woman ideal for the job.

"What are you planning?!" Doflamingo growled, understanding that Luffy

was talking about Baby-5.

"Nothing much, just hoping your crew will come to rescue you, after all,

you're their captain." Luffy commented, wanting Buffalo and Baby-5 to

come here, and they would do so even knowing that Luffy defeated


Luffy went back to the cage, and shrunk it again with Page-One

complaining, Doflamingo hadn't eaten, and Luffy didn't care about him.

He put them back in his pocket and started to stretch.

"Well... now let's train Haki with my multiplication for another week

here, even though I initially didn't like being stuck with Hancock without

using my powers, that last week gave me a solid foundation for Haki

training, and that's beneficial for me to learn even faster." Luffy

commented and started walking towards the forest.

He trained all day but realized he had conquered the entire island. So, he

left before dusk, looking for another island and found a larger one after

traveling at high speed for 2 hours. Here, the animals were truly more


Three days later, with intense training, in addition to his Haki, his Devil

Fruit had leveled up, reaching 70 times its maximum power, which Luffy

wasted no time in developing. That particular day, his suspicions were

confirmed when a shadow appeared over him, and Luffy saw two

members of the Donquixote Pirates flying over the island.

"You damn pirate! Give back Joker, because I want to kill him!" shouted

the woman, transforming her arm into a machine gun and firing at Luffy.

The bullets exploded the ground around him while he stood still. After

the dust settled, Luffy appeared to be in the same place, seemingly

unharmed by the woman's attack.

"He's still okay!" Buffalo shouted.

"Take this!" Baby-5 transformed all her limbs into cannons and rocket

launchers, firing directly at Luffy, who didn't move as the missiles

advanced towards him.





The explosion subsided, and Luffy appeared just looking at them from the

middle of the crater. "They are persistent, I admit. What do you think,

Greg?" Luffy commented, turning his head to look at a gorilla looking a

bit lost. This was Greg, an animal that Luffy ended up making his pet

while he was beating and taming him.

"GRRR?" The gorilla didn't know what to say about this human, who had

received those explosions and seemed to be fine.

"Greg, can you take care of the flying man? I want to see how strong you

are after training you. I've told you that a pirate also needs a monkey,

and I ended up choosing you, but I don't want a weak monkey," Luffy

said with a threat in his tone, and Greg, afraid of becoming this man's

meal, advanced to the sky after much training in the past few days.

Buffalo didn't even know where that giant who jumped in the air and

appeared next to him came from. Before he could react, Greg punched

him, sending him to the ground knocked out.

"Buffalo?!" Baby-5, a bit surprised by this, didn't even see Luffy next to

her in the air.

"I wouldn't be too worried about him..." Luffy commented and smiled at

the stunned woman.

Luffy grabbed her by the waist and looked into her eyes before she could

attack him. "I need you, Baby-5," he said, leaving the woman speechless.

She looked at him for a while before asking.

"You need me?!" She was alarmed and happy at the same time.

"Yes, I need a maid on my ship, and you are perfect!" He said, and she

quickly exclaimed.

"Yes! You need me!" She agreed quickly.

"That's great..." Luffy smiled at the woman, despite there being no system

message that she had really joined his crew.

Luffy landed on the ground, let go of the woman's waist, and went to

where Buffalo had fallen, defeated by Greg. "You took too long to defeat

him, I'm going to make you train three times harder," Luffy looked at him


"GRRR!" Greg started crying, already imagining the hell his training

would be in the coming days.

Meanwhile, the Kuja pirates' ship finally arrived at Amazon Lily.

"Hancock-sama has arrived!" The women shouted at the port, finally

seeing the ship anchoring.

Hancock had stayed in her room the entire time at sea, not going out for

anything but to order food. Her sisters were very worried about her.

Hancock was behaving strangely, and they noticed that sometimes she

seemed dejected with nausea on her face.

But even when asking and trying to understand their sister, Hancock

refused to speak about anything or accept their help.

"Sister..." Marigold saw Hancock leaving her room heading for the port.

"Let's go straight to the palace, later I want to see Gloriosa," she said,

leaving through the port, leading the way with a stern face. As she

continued on her way, the women shouted her name with hearts in their

eyes, but Hancock ignored it all, an elderly lady among the crowd saw

something strange in Hancock with a newspaper in her hands.

"What happened to her?!" Gloriosa exclaimed, watching the empress

heading towards the palace.

Hancock wasted no time taking a bath and locking herself in her room,

lying on the bed still pondering over her experiences from the last week,

the new experiences, and emotions she had gone through.

"Why do I still think about that man! Why do I still wish I had stayed on

that island with him." She murmured.

"Why do I miss him so much, and why does it hurt so much to be away

from him..." Hancock murmured, creating tears in her eyes, her sadness

and chest pain were quite intense as she thought about what she had

lived through.

"Hm?!" Once again, she felt nauseous, turning to vomit next to the bed

without being able to go anywhere else.

"Now this, I've been like this for days, is this because I'm away from him?

What's happening." She murmured, and on the other side of the room,

Hancock's sisters finally decided to call Gloriosa when night fell.

"Are you saying Hancock has been like this since she was chained to a

man with a seastone cuff for a week in a forest?! After fighting with the

notorious Monkey D. Luffy who is taking all the world's attention

today?!" Gloriosa couldn't believe what she was hearing, shouting

alarmed, first about the encounter between Luffy and the Kuja pirates in

the Calm Belt, second that Hancock for some reason, spent days with this

pirate alone in the forest and returned strange.

"Yes..." Sandersonia commented, lost.

"We don't know what's happening with her... we are quite worried, and

she has been having a lot of nausea, she must be sick..." Marigold


"Nausea-nausea?!" Gloriosa shouted alarmed while stuttering.

"Is it very serious, Gloriosa?!" Sandersonia asked, worried.

"Yes, it's very serious, let me see her immediately!" Gloriosa demanded,

and they went to the bedroom door.

"Sister! Gloriosa is here to see you!" Marigold said.

"Some other time, I'm not well enough to see her now, later!" Hancock

said from the other side, but before Marigold could respond, the old lady

jumped and kicked the door open forcefully.

"Hancock!" Gloriosa announced her arrival.

"What do you want, you old woman, I said I would see you later!"

Hancock complained, but her voice was very weak.

"Hancock... your condition..." She looked alarmed at the woman and saw

the vomit by the side of the bed, leaving her trembling. "I can't believe

what I'm seeing!" Gloriosa shouted alarmed, not knowing if what she was

seeing and feeling was real or not.

Hancock looked at her frustrated, she didn't want the old woman to see

her in that state, but she realized she didn't know what to do, and with

trembling hands clutching the sheet, struggling to breathe, tears began to

run down her face. Her sisters entered and were stunned by Hancock's

condition, they had never seen her so fragile since...

"Tell me then what's happening to me, what's wrong..." Hancock

exclaimed, crying.

"Hancock, what happened between you and that man on that island...?"

Gloriosa asked, still dazed, but already knowing the answer to that.

"What do you mean what happened between the two, Gloriosa? Did that

man do something wrong to the sister!?" Sandersonia and Marigold spoke

with anger and concern.

"..." Hancock didn't respond, she didn't know what to say about her days,

but ended up speaking without being able to control her voice. "I spent...

the best days of my life..." She said hesitating, but when she said the last

part, her face, even though still in tears, became radiant, there was a

glow that none of those present had ever seen in Hancock before.

Both Gloriosa and the sisters made comical faces when they heard this,

looking at Hancock, Gloriosa saw Hancock return to her sad and

conflicted face again and sighed.

"Hancock, you've contracted a unique illness and it could kill you,"

Gloriosa spoke softly, still lost.

"The elder sister could die?!" Marigold shouted, coming out of her daze.

"Yes, Hancock, you..." She looked at Hancock, who had started to tear up

again while looking at Gloriosa with very sad eyes.

"You have the disease that every empress of this kingdom acquires at

some point in their life. You have the disease of love. You're in love with

Monkey D. Luffy, aren't you?" She said softly.

"In love..." Hancock murmured, looking at her hands as tears fell on

them. 'Do I love that man...?' She asked herself, even though she already

knew the answer when she felt her heart ache upon hearing the question.

"..." Both Sandersonia and Marigold had wide eyes and open mouths upon

hearing what they just heard.

"It seems a man has finally caught your attention, Hancock. But now you

must make a decision between choosing love and your responsibilities as

the Empress of Amazon Lily..."

"Do I have to choose... between Luffy and this kingdom?" She looked at

Gloriosa with a lost gaze.

"Yes, however, all the previous queens who chose their responsibility

died shortly after, as love consumed them..." Gloriosa spoke in a serious


"The elder sister is going to die?!" The sisters exclaimed upon hearing

this, looking worriedly at Hancock.

"Yes..." Gloriosa spoke sincerely.

"But... he already has other women..." Hancock finally spoke, her pride

wounded. She knew deep down that she loved this man from the day she

gave herself to him, but the idea that she had to share him irritated her

like never before.

"What do you expect? From what I've heard, he is someone who appeared

on the sea unprecedentedly and is growing like never before, the

government will do everything to eliminate him." Gloriosa thought about

all the chaos Monkey D. Luffy is causing in this sea.

"What?! They're going to try to kill him?!" Hancock shouted at that

moment, releasing her Haki in anger that she rarely had, an anger she

only had when Luffy discovered about her brand.

"Calm down, Hancock, it doesn't mean he's going to die. You know of his

achievements; he was not a man so easily defeated... you know this!"

Gloriosa shouted, fighting against Hancock's Haki, as all the other women

in the castle began to faint, because Hancock didn't control it, she just

released it with her anger.

"But he's in danger, isn't he?!" Hancock asked, concerned, she really cared

about Luffy's safety at that moment.

"See, Hancock, even though you still have your pride, you love him and

care for him..." Gloriosa commented.

"..." Hancock didn't respond.

"Even if you don't want to share him, you must make this decision, decide

to live with the man you love and his other wives, or live and even die

with a wounded heart denying your love, but either way, you and he are

already connected..." Gloriosa commented seriously.

"What do you mean...?" Hancock looked at her and followed the old

woman's gaze to her belly.

"Your nausea, it's not an illness. You are pregnant, there are two children

growing in your womb at this moment." She finished serenely, feeling the

lives forming with her observation Haki.

"..." Marigold.

"..." Sandersonia.

The two sisters had comic eyes with huge mouths at that moment, while

Gloriosa closed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I'm pregnant...?" Hancock looked at her stomach while placing her

delicate hand over her skin.


was collective as everyone in Amazon Lily heard.

Raccoon here:

Do you want a reaction of Shakuyaku and Rayleigh hearing this news?



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

200. Chapter 200

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



In a bar on a part of the Sabaody Archipelago, a bar dawned quiet with

only two people inside before the establishment opened.

"I don't know why, but I feel like my day is going to change in the next

few minutes..." Rayleigh commented while drinking his first bottle of

alcohol of the day.

"You're always so pessimistic..." Shakuyaku commented beside him.

"Anyway..." Just as Rayleigh was about to comment, the den den mushi

behind the bar counter began to ring.

"Hm? Gloriosa?" Shakuyaku asked, looking at the den den mushi.


As soon as the signal went off, Gloriosa spoke from the other side.

"Shakuyaku, is that you?" She asked with a tone that was uncommon for

the lady to speak.

"Yes, what's up, did something happen?" Shakuyaku asked, and Rayleigh

stopped drinking to listen to what seemed urgent.

"Listen, something happened, something big!" The woman said.

"What happened?" Shakuyaku asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Listen! Hancock is pregnant with twins!" Gloriosa exclaimed.

"..." Shakuyaku

"..." Rayleigh

A silence settled in the bar at that moment, "Can you repeat that, I think I

didn't understand." Shakuyaku had to ask again.

"She's pregnant, by the pirate Monkey D. Luffy, I don't know many

details, but they were stranded on an island for a week, that was the

result!" Gloriosa exclaimed.

"..." Shakuyaku.

"Hahahahahaha!" Rayleigh began to laugh upon hearing this.

"How is that possible, that woman hates men!" Shakuyaku asked with a

quite surprised tone.

"Like I said, I don't know the details, but that's what happened, and

Hancock is freaking out here." Gloriosa said.

"What? What are you doing, where is the father?" the woman exclaimed.

"The father doesn't even know Hancock is pregnant, he's somewhere in

the Calm Belt from what they told me, but let me tell you what happened

with Hancock..."

*Start of the Flashback.*

"I'm pregnant?" Hancock murmured, looking at her belly as she touched it

after hearing the news.

"Sister..." Marigold was dazed beside her brother.

"Leave me!" Hancock immediately shouted, she wanted to be alone after

learning about this.

"But sister..." Her other sister was going to speak.

"Just leave me, I want to be alone, we'll talk tomorrow!" Hancock

exclaimed and the two sisters along with Gloriosa, had to leave the room,

Gloriosa ended up staying in the castle that night and waited until the

morning when Hancock finally came out of the room.

The woman walked with closed eyes and sat in front of her sisters and

the lady.

"I've made up my mind." She spoke still with her eyes closed.

The other 3 women swallowed hard waiting for the pirate empress to


"We will continue with an alliance with the Monkey D. Luffy pirates, and

as with any alliance, the best way to cement it... is with a marriage!" She

opened her eyes and Hancock spoke with a tone never heard before and

her face looked like a girl in love. As she placed her hand on her cheek

saying the possible names of her daughters, since all the women of

Amazon Lily give birth to girls.




All 3 women listening to this and seeing how Hancock acted, were


*End of the Flashback.*

"That's what happened!" Gloriosa commented on the den den mushi.

"Well... that's quite unexpected..." Shakuyaku said a bit lost.

"It seems they formed an alliance, this is very interesting! Hahahaha.

Who would have thought the boy would even charm that woman. And it

looks like he already has Kaido's daughter! Hahahahahaha." Rayleigh

seemed in good spirits, his intuition was right, but his day got better and

not worse with this.

"What is she trying to do now?" Shakuyaku asked.

"Well... she is..." Gloriosa spoke cautiously, because on her side, the

sisters were holding Hancock back as she tried to reach the den den

mushi in front of her.

"Stop sister! He must be busy." Marigold pleaded.

"No! I need to talk to him, if he doesn't want this empress, why doesn't he

answer the phone, did I do something wrong and he's mad? This empress

should not have left him! And if he doesn't want to marry me? Our

children cannot be bastards!" Hancock spoke like a girl while trying to

call Luffy, but he wasn't answering.

Meanwhile, on an island in the Calm Belt, Luffy had no idea how his life

would be turned upside down upon learning he became a father, but as

he was oblivious to this fact, he was sitting at his camp eating and

reading, while a woman dressed as a maid fanned him.

"My maid... can you put away this coffee cup?" Luffy casually asked.

"Of course, Master Luffy!" She said excitedly, as Luffy needed her.

But as soon as she took the cup, her expression changed, and she threw

the cup on the ground, breaking it, while her arm transformed into a

cannon pointed directly at Luffy.

Without having time to react, she fired the cannon at point-blank range

at Luffy, the explosion lifted dust all over the place, and Luffy appeared

fine, even his chair was still undamaged... "Good thing I bought a more

durable chair, otherwise, it would have ended up like the last 10 I had to

buy." Luffy commented while looking satisfied.

In recent days, he had been enjoying his days with Baby-5, training with

his assistant, she made his life easier, he did not stop training her either.

"You damaged my newspaper... I'm going to have to punish you in

training." Luffy spoke seriously.

"Noooooooo!" Baby-5 screamed while kneeling on the ground. "Why is

the master immune to blades, bullets, cannonballs, missiles... nothing I

do can hurt him... He's going to punish me again!" She cried while

already spanking herself, anticipating what was to happen to her.

"Anyway... Today will be our last day of training on this island. We're

going back... I need to stop by Skypiea before making a final stop..." Luffy

spoke and took the crying maid to train another day again.

As soon as he finished, he checked his den den mushi and saw 30 missed

calls from Hancock.

"What's this? Did something happen?" Luffy commented and picked up

the den den mushi.



"LUFFY!" Hancock shouted from the other side with a tone that surprised


"Hancock? Did something happen?" He asked, bewildered.

"Yes!" Hancock spoke in the same tone, on the other side of the line,

Hancock's sisters saw her suddenly shift from her love-struck face to a

more serious one as she narrowed her eyes and seemed to revert to her

old self.

"We need to meet to solidify our alliance." She said in a more arrogant


"We need to meet? Why? We can say we're already allies..." Luffy was

confused, it wasn't necessary to solidify the alliance between him and the

Kuja pirates. He ignored Hancock's change in tone, already used to the

very volatile woman.

"No! We need to meet!" She was firm.

"Alright... but let me finish some business, we'll meet as soon as I'm done

with everything." Luffy spoke.

"Okay! Until our meeting." Hancock spoke in an arrogant tone, and Luffy

hung up the den den mushi.

As soon as the den den mushi was hung up in the castle on Amazon Lily.

The onlookers looked at Hancock unsure of what to say, with her strange


"..." Gloriosa

"..." Marigold

"..." Sandersonia

"He agreed! Does this mean we're going to get married at our meeting?!"

Hancock switched her posture from an arrogant woman to a love-struck

woman, placing her hands on her cheeks like a teenager.

"Hancock, why didn't you tell him you're pregnant with his child?"

Gloriosa asked, confused.

"Isn't it obvious, it'll be a surprise!" She said with the same face. "We

should choose the names for our daughters, maybe Luffa and Hancocka!

That's it!" She said excitedly while Sandersonia and Marigold just sighed

at this.

"I still think Hancock is hiding something..." Luffy commented while

putting away his den den mushi and looked at the woman quite hurt by

his side from the training.

"Let's go Baby-5, it's time to go back." Luffy approached and began to heal

his maid.

"Of course, Master." She said with a blush after her punishment.

Luffy then left the island, he had to return to Skypiea before doing

something big, as he needed Bepo for this. He took off with Baby-5 in his

arms. Buffalo, Doflamingo, and Page-one continued in his pocket.

It was all calm as Luffy flew at high speed, until he encountered a very

familiar ship. "This is Foxy!" He exclaimed.

"Do you know him, Master?" Baby-5 spoke in his lap, she had a pistol

pointed at Luffy's head, as she tried to kill him several times while they

flew, but Luffy was not hurt by it and did not care for her as if she was

just another mosquito trying to bite him.

"Yes, let's catch them!" Luffy announced and flew towards the ship at that


"Captain! There's a man approaching flying!" A crew member said while

looking at Luffy approaching them with his enormous wings.

"Hm?! Who dares! Noro Noro no Mi!" He shouted and launched a beam at

Luffy. Who dodged it with ease.

"How aggressive, let's finish this quickly." Luffy commented before

releasing his new level of Conqueror's Haki that he managed to achieve

in the last few days.

The explosion made everyone, even Foxy, fall to the ground unconscious.

"Amazing..." Baby-5 couldn't help but comment from the side.

"That was pretty easy..." Luffy said, satisfied with his new power.

He approached the ship and shrunk it to a small size to fit in his pocket.

"Great, Foxy will be a good addition to the fleet." Luffy commented, and

went back to flying.

They didn't take long to finally spot the sky island. "Let's go, maid, let's

meet our crew." Luffy spoke satisfactorily as he looked at the island in the

distance with some colossal creatures fighting one another.

"What are those monsters!" Baby-5 exclaimed.

"Luffy?!" Yamato approached excitedly and looked at Baby-5. "Who is this


"Hello Yamato, let's have a feast, my coming here is brief, I need to

return, I'm placing a new crew I recruited and our ship's maid here!"

Luffy smiled.

After his arrival, everyone gathered, asking Luffy about what he had

done, he had to buy another newspaper on the way, since Baby-5

destroyed the one he had stolen from the Kuja pirates, his feats had left

everyone astonished with that.

But after the surprise and the details, Luffy had a feast with his crew and


"HEY, Luffy! Where is Enel, he went down with you, right? Usopp asked,

he was much stronger and confident, he didn't seem like the Usopp from

the same time in the original.

"I left him on an island in the Calm Belt with a seastone to train, I hope

he comes out at least with her armament Haki." Luffy commented.

The night continued, and Luffy finally went to the cabin with all his

women to catch up on his weeks without them. He did not sleep that

night and had to use his powers to cover the sound, He woke up in bed

with several naked women spread out, even with Baby-5 among them,

since she seemed to have fallen in love after being saved by Luffy several

times, but that didn't stop her from trying to kill him at times. Luffy had

breakfast with his crew and made another announcement.

"I'm leaving for a few days, will return as soon as I finish our last things,

and you should continue training." Luffy declared, he left Foxy and

Baby-5 for his crew to take care of them.

"Now I will take one of you with me." Luffy spoke again and while

everyone was confused, he picked up Bepo, who was scared by the

captain, and flew into the sky.

"I'm taking Bepo with me because I'm going to need him. See you in a

week!" Luffy announced and cut through the clouds again as Bepo

screamed in fear of the height and the speed of Luffy increased by 70


Luffy had a goal at this moment, the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

201. Chapter 201

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



In some sky islands, not being Skypiea and near the East Blue, a bird-man

carrying a large polar bear by the arm arrived at the islands from a


"Captain! Can we stop? I can't take it anymore!" Bepo complained, crying

while looking quite dazed, being carried by Luffy through the sky for the

last few days at several kilometers per hour.

Luffy looked at him and let go. "Bepo, I'm going to fight someone

powerful here, I need you to take some distance because this fight will be

quite dangerous for you..." Luffy commented while looking at the islands.

Bepo, falling, quickly used geppo and looked at the captain with a bit of

fear. "Someone powerful? What place is this?" He finally noticed the

islands flying in the sky.

"This is where Shiki, one of the relics of the past, has been hiding in

recent years." Luffy said with a smile.

"Shiki? The golden lion?!" Bepo realized at that moment, knowing the

records of his fruit.

"Yes. I will fight him, you take some distance and stay until the fight is

over." Luffy said, preparing to head to the islands.

"Wait a moment captain! You can fight against Shiki?! He was very

powerful, and why am I here, you still haven't told me!" Bepo exclaimed,

but when he saw Luffy's look at him. "I'm sorry!" He shouted again.

"Why are you apologizing..." Luffy murmured and went back to speaking.

"Listen, Bepo. He is now just a shadow of his past, he has lost much

strength, in addition to his age, when he cut his feet..." Luffy commented

and without waiting for Bepo to respond, he raised his wings and shot

towards the islands.

Luffy quickly approached the place and looked at the floating structures,

thinking how he could lure Shiki out of them.

Shiki was sitting in an empty room when suddenly, he looked up, feeling

a very strange presence in the air. "What is this? Someone is invading my

territory?!" He murmured with a slight growl.

Before Shiki could react, an explosion of conqueror's haki came from the






WORLD!" Luffy shouted. He would have no mercy on Shiki, the man is

planning to send all these islands to the East Blue and destroy them with

the impact and monsters, all because he had not forgotten his old

boyfriend, Gol D. Roger.

Shiki blew the roof of his house and took off into the air. "Who are you?

How do you know I'm here!" Shiki growled at the man with large wings

waiting for him to approach.

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy, today I am a hunter and you are my prey."

Luffy spoke in a threatening tone.

"I am your prey? You're just a brat who came here to die." Shiki

commented and looked at Luffy more closely. "Monkey D.? Isn't that the

same surname as Garp?" He asked.

"Yes, Garp is my grandfather." Luffy shrugged.

"That's good, after all, I can tell Garp that I killed his grandson, I can't

wait to see his face when he finds out, Shihahaha!" Shiki exclaimed,


"You should at least consider if you could do it and not boast, but I

understand, you haven't received newspapers for months, otherwise you

would know that you will die here, at the hands of a man from the East

Blue." Luffy provoked with a smile.

Shiki stopped laughing and looked at Luffy raising an eyebrow. "These

young people today don't even know Shiki, the golden lion, the one who

terrorized the sea one day." He exclaimed.

"Yes, one day. But now he is just a relic, a shadow of his past." Luffy

continued to retort.

"Tsk, it looks like I'll have to finish you quickly!" Shiki commented and

launched an attack on Luffy, he moved two giant stones standing near

him and launched them towards the pirate in the air.

Luffy didn't move seeing the huge rocks coming towards him, he would

fight differently against Shiki at that moment, using his moa moa no mi,

he made his body start to grow 7 times.

"What? The growth fruit? Then why does he have wings? Or is it a

special zoan?" Shiki murmured, looking at a 15-meter tall Luffy. The

rocks approached, and Luffy punched them with his bare hands,

exploding them into boulders, as it wasn't just his size that grew, his

strength increased as well.

"Let's start, Shiki, I hope you show some of your power." Luffy

commented, knowing he could beat Shiki, but wanting a more interesting


Luffy flew towards Shiki before he could respond and punched him with

a haki-infused fist, causing Shiki to go into a defensive position, but the

impact was too great as he was launched backward, flying to the ground

of the island from which he had emerged.


His body exploded against the ground, raising a large amount of dust.

"Boss Shiki!" A group of men rushed to the site, shouting worriedly for

their captain.

"Who is this invader! Shoot the giant!" One of the men yelled before

pointing a gun towards Luffy and starting to shoot.

Luffy just stood still, some bullets passed close to him, but the distance

was so great that he doubted it would hurt even an animal there.

"Stop shooting!" A voice emerged from the crater, and Shiki climbed out

of the hole a bit injured. He glared at Luffy while blood dripped from his

forehead. "You have enraged me, Boy. I admit you are strong and know

Haki, but I want to see you survive this!" Shiki announced, and the

islands around began to move, making a sound echoing through the

region as if there was an earthquake.

"What is this?!" Bepo watched from afar with a mix of admiration and

terror as the floating islands began to move. He was on a small cloud,

using his geppo ability to stay elevated and safe as his captain had asked.

Even from afar, the view was impressive and frightening; the islands,

which before seemed serene and immobile, now spun and moved on top

of each other.

"The captain is really going to fight someone capable of doing this...?", he

murmured to himself, his tone showing doubt and fear.

Suddenly, the giant islands began to move even faster, and purple lights

began to obscure the sunlight as they exploded against the ground at that


Bepo now saw his captain fighting a type of battle he had never

witnessed before. He watched, the shockwaves spreading through the

sky, distorting the light around and sending clouds racing. Many of the

islands, now fragmented by Luffy's power, looked like runaway comets,

creating trails of dust and debris in the air. It was an aerial battlefield,

where gravity seemed to have been forgotten.

"Captain, please, be okay!" Bepo exclaimed, hoping Luffy would be fine.

He would enter the fight, but this was too much for him as he watched

all the chaos, now a large dust cloud in the midst of it with purple

explosions emerging in the middle.

On the islands, Shiki's soldiers and animals seemed even more scared,

because chaos had covered them at that moment.

"Watch out!"


A rock fell close to them after Luffy exploded the tip of an island with his


"Look!" The man shouted before a giant gorilla fell on top of him from

another island.

Both men and animals were in trouble as they fell from the islands or

exploded in flames while Luffy fired upon them.



What was stranger was a giant sending flames and a man with swords in

place of his legs laughing amidst all that chaos.

"This is really fun!" Luffy commented amidst the smoke cloud that his

flames created after exploding many islands.

"Indeed, it's been a while since I've had this much fun!" Shiki exclaimed,

always a lover of chaos, seeing him fight with everything while the

opponent seemed to be on par with him was refreshing, reminding him of

his old times.








Luffy continued to explode everything that came near him, his flames

were 7 times larger, due to his increased size, so he could really cause

chaos with all those rocks coming towards him.

Sensing Shiki with his observation haki, he fired a fireball at him,

ignoring the approaching islands.

"Shihahaha! Hm?" Shiki laughed, but felt danger coming from a light

approaching in the midst of the dust clouds, he moved two huge rocks to

protect himself quickly.


The rocks exploded, but that didn't prevent Luffy's explosion from

reaching Shiki, the impact hit him, throwing him far away.

"Ah, that hurt..." Shiki murmured after stabilizing in the air, feeling the

heat of the flames that hit him.

"Come on Shiki! I'm right here!" Luffy said approaching, and Shiki looked

at him, sending new rocks.

"Don't underestimate this legend!" Shiki shouted and sent various

mountains towards Luffy, who quickly exploded them, sending debris in

all directions. Luffy continued flying towards him, dodging by the side of

another mountain that Shiki moved towards him, reaching it after

circling and punching the man again, making him explode into the same

mountain in the air.


Shiki entered the mountain before it exploded again, showing the pirate

even more injured. "Damn, you're good, kid, better than I imagined, but

I'm still Shiki, the golden lion! I used to kill arrogant brats like you every

day in my time!" He exclaimed, releasing his conqueror's haki, but much

weakened than it once was.

"I understand your determination, Shiki, I may not like you and want to

kill you, but I still respect you as an opponent and what you once were."

Luffy commented as he deactivated his size, returning to 210 centimeters.

Shiki looked at him with a bit of curiosity, despite being quite injured

and wanting to kill this boy. "You talk as if you could already kill me..."

He commented.

"Well. If you can't resist this, then you will die, I'm going to change my

fighting style, it's time to test this sword with the akuma no mi I put in

it." Luffy commented as he took his sword out of his pocket and made it

grow back to its original size.

"Wait?! That sword! HOW DID YOU GET IT?!" Shiki could never mistake

the hilt of that sword, he recognized it anywhere.

"Yes, this is Ace, the sword that your old boyfriend used, it's time for me

to test it and reap your life..." Luffy commented as he grabbed the hilt

and drew it from its sheath.

The legendary sword shone against the sunlight that still passed through

all that destruction, Luffy gripped it, and suddenly, it began to emit

thunder around it, according to the power of the paramecia-type akuma

no mi that Luffy had placed in it.

Raccoon Here:

What do you think about Luffy putting the thunder paramecia in Ace, do

you have a better suggestion?



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

202. Chapter 202

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



Luffy let the power of the Devil Fruit in Ace flow, yellow thunders began

to surround it with red color, it was a special fruit that Luffy found for 2

billion in the store and found it quite interesting to fuse it with the

sword, his main reason for going to Jaya was to find Teach, seeing

Doflamingo and Jack was a bit surprising, but that didn't stop him from

enjoying the situation.

He looked at Shiki quite shocked, looking at the sword strangely. "You

have this sword... Do you think you are worthy to wield it, Rookie!" Shiki

exclaimed angrily as he released a bit of weakened Conqueror's Haki, due

to his current condition.

"Stop crying over your boyfriend, let's continue the fight, you might even

get the sword if you kill me." Luffy smiled as the thunders intensified

around the metal.

Then Luffy saw Shiki making his first move, heading towards him, he

lifted his foot and attacked Luffy with his sword instead of the limb.

*Metal Sound.*

Luffy just lifted Ace. "Let's see how I am as a swordsman these days..." He

murmured and counter-attacked, Shiki did not fall behind.

Even weakened, Shiki was fast, Luffy and Shiki began to repel each other

in the sky, large rocks and islands rushed at Luffy at that moment, but he

began to cut the large stones and dodge the islands with his super-speed.

The battle was a show between two swordsmen, but at one point Luffy

decided to use the power of the sword, an island was coming towards

him and he moved away from Shiki to concentrate the power of the

Paramecia in Ace, the sword began to emit a huge thunder coming from

it and spreading to all sides.

Luffy leaned the sword back and launched it forward releasing its power.

"What is this?" Shikii was scared for a moment, feeling quite a danger

coming from it and got out of the way.

The explosion flew like a lightning bolt to the island, it was as fast as

lightning, when it reached the island, a spectacle of destruction

happened, with a flash covering the entire sky, a scarlet electrical

explosion exploded from the island, which grew devastating all the land

it touched while the inhabitants and animals on that island tried to

escape the attack, but it was too late.


The explosion then covered the entire island, affecting everything

around. Shiki was thrown through the sky while stabilizing himself, when

he stopped, he looked at the immense clouds of dust with red lightning

appearing around.

"What is this?!" the people around the island were shocked trying to

protect themselves from the gigantic explosion happening at that


They became even more alarmed when they saw just debris in the air of

what would be a huge island until a while ago.

"He... destroyed the entire island?" Shiki could not be more shocked.

His gaze returned to where Luffy should be, but he was no longer there

and feeling his presence, he was even more shocked that Luffy was next

to him.

"It was a good fight Shiki, but I am stronger than you, but thank you for

giving me an opportunity to use this power on your islands instead of an

island in the lower sea, it would be quite problematic." Luffy commented

casually and advanced against Shiki.

He tried to defend himself while Luffy continued moving his sword

quickly. But Shiki began to retreat as Luffy was gaining the upper hand.

*Cut* In a moment, Luffy hit Shiki from the shoulder to his waist with a

diagonal cut.

"AHHHH!" He screamed as the blood spread. Shiki looked at him with

clenched eyes and teeth.

Luffy said nothing and continued advancing. Shiki was even more

weakened while using his swords in place of legs to try to defend himself,

but Luffy hit him at one point in the heart.

"!" Shiki looked at the sword embedded in his chest feeling a lot of pain

as he began to feel his life draining.

"Shihahahahaha. You really beat me, kid." He suddenly started laughing

looking at Luffy, but he didn't seem to resist anymore at that moment.

"Who would have thought that I, the golden lion, would die to an

unknown in the middle of nowhere, a shame the world will not know of

our fight." He lamented, as always, Shiki was eccentric and always

imagined a grandiose death.

"I understand, and I respect you for that, you were a great pirate in your

era, however, times change and a new generation emerges to cover the

old." Luffy said in a somewhat melancholic tone.

"A new generation emerges..." Shiki commented while coughing up

blood. He looked at Luffy with a gleam in his eyes in his final moments.

"You said you plan to conquer all the seas? You want to be greater than

Roger?" He asked.

"I will surpass the Pirate King, no, I will destroy the World Government

and declare myself the emperor of all seas," Luffy commented. He

planned to be the emperor of the sea, as the supreme pirate, but he did

not have the ambition to control the world as the government does, he

just wants to free the countries and let them be independent, but let the

world know that the sea belongs to him.

"Shihahahahha!" Shiki started laughing again. "That's very good, I hope

that as the man who defeated me, you achieve your goals, boy. My era is

over." He gave a final statement while pushing the sword with his body

to fall onto an island below.

"Don't worry, I'll achieve that goal... And I'll take your fruit too, the world

will never forget the power of the golden lion while one of my crewmates

has its power," Luffy commented while watching the pirate fall, he

noticed a small smile on Shiki as he finally died after hearing this.

Luffy sighed and took his attention from the falling pirate, looking

towards a cloud in the distance. "Bepo! Come here!" His voice was

amplified and it didn't take long for a white ball with a purple jumpsuit

and the symbol of the straw hats on his clothes to arrive close by while

dodging all the floating debris.

"Captain! Are you okay?" Bepo asked cautiously, he was a bit scared of

his captain after seeing him destroying an entire island with that attack,

even Bepo at a distance had difficulty stabilizing.

"I'm fine. Take this and eat it," Luffy threw a Devil Fruit that he had just

bought in the store for 6 billion.

"What is this, captain?!" Bepo asked, looking at the fruit.

"Just eat it, we don't have much time," Luffy commanded again.

"I'm sorry!" Bepo yelled and ate the entire fruit, afraid of the captain.

"What a horrible taste!" He shouted while holding his throat with disgust.

"You just ate the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi. You've received the power of Shiki,"

Luffy said with satisfaction.

"What?! I have the power of the legendary Golden Lion?!" Bepo couldn't

believe those words.

Luffy was going to respond, but suddenly, a thunderous sound started

from all sides, the islands were losing the effect of Shiki's power as soon

as he died.

"What's happening?!" Indigo shouted alarmed on the main island.

"The islands are falling!" Scarlet shouted alarmed, looking around.

"We're going to die!" A soldier screamed, running in fear.

"Where is the captain, do something!" Another said.

"If the islands are falling, it means Shiki is dead..." Shiki's Doctor


"That's impossible!" Scarlet shouted.

"Did you see that explosion that wiped out an entire island? The person

who killed Shiki is really powerful... now we're going to die," the Doctor

commented, already accepting his fate.

Meanwhile, on several islands, animals ran from one side to the other

looking for shelter, but they were in a situation where nothing could be


"Captain! What should we do?!" Bepo shouted alarmed, looking at the

islands starting their free fall.

"You need to use your power, Bepo, I will help you lift all the islands,"

Luffy commented, grabbing Bepo's jumpsuit while activating his speed 70

times, disappearing the next moment.

He made his way to all the islands making Bepo touch and all the pieces

of land while the islands.

"What should I do, captain?!" Bepo, even touching all the islands, was

still lost.

"You have to try to use your power, you must have received something in

your subconscious to use the ability, try to do it," Luffy instructed, and

Bepo closed his eyes concentrating, suddenly, all the falling islands began

to slow down until they stabilized.

"This..." Shiki's Doctor looked around, stunned as everything seemed

stable again. He was sure that Shiki had died for the effect to stop.

"Wait! Does this mean Captain Shiki is still alive?!" Indigo shouted with


"The captain is alive!" The men celebrated after those words.

"Shiki is dead." A voice emerged behind the men at that moment, and

they saw Luffy next to Bepo.

Everyone immediately pointed their weapons at them, and Luffy used his

Conqueror's Haki to bring everyone to their knees.

"I'll give you a chance." Luffy lifted the dead body of Shiki and threw it in

front of all of them. "You join my fleet, or you will be thrown off this

island." Luffy smiled like a demon, even Bepo beside him was frightened.

"What... The captain died..." Indigo said, crying while looking at the body

of his captain.

"It seems I was right..." the Doctor commented.

"What will we do..." the men murmured while they were on their knees,

unable to muster the will to stand.

"Anyway... I'll give you one day to think about it." Luffy said, crossing his

arms and looked at the scientist who conducted experiments for Shiki,

where he had modified all the animals on the islands. "You're the doctor

who created these animals, right?" Luffy asked.

"Yes..." The man spoke submissively, still under the effect of Luffy's

Conqueror's Haki.

"Well, I want to see your research; I'm quite interested in it." Luffy

commented. He could use these animals to train his crew; they would be

perfect for it, and he could talk to Chopper, a drug specialist, to have him

further refine these animals. They would be good for training and even

for his future army.

Luffy turned his attention to Bepo. "Take the islands to Skypiea. I'm going

to make a call before I start looking into the research." Luffy commented,

following the doctor inside the facilities after Luffy released him from his

pressure. Meanwhile, he was calling Hancock to schedule their meeting

to see what that woman wanted so much to meet him for, hoping she was

missing them, and they would have to solve it with many hours of sex.


"Hello!" Luffy spoke.

"Luffy!" Hancock exclaimed like a love-struck girl, before her voice

changed to someone more serious. "It's you..." She said now as if he were

just anyone, and Luffy just scratched his head trying to understand why

she was acting like this.

"Well, you wanted to meet with me; I'm still in the Calm Belt." He said.

"Yes! Let's meet!" She returned to her excited tone.

Luffy and she scheduled a place while Bepo steered the islands to that

position. Hancock's mood changed, sometimes seeming like a love-struck

girl, other times like someone arrogant. Luffy didn't know how to deal

with her or her real intentions for the meeting but hung up the Den Den

Mushi to meet her soon.

"He accepted! I can't wait to tell him we'll have children! We're going to

get married!" Hancock screamed in her cabin while her sisters still looked

at her, lost. She had been destroying the room since Luffy talked to her

days ago because she was in front of the Den Den Mushi this whole time

waiting for his call. However, they still looked at her strangely because

their sister seemed like two people at the same time. She switched

personalities all the time while talking with Luffy, while the pirate went

to see Shiki's research and the Doctor, unaware that he would receive the

biggest shock of his life in the coming days.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

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RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

203. Chapter 203

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



Bepo led all the islands in the direction his captain had instructed, to

make a brief stop before continuing. Luffy was in the scientist's

laboratory while this was happening, since he was quite interested in the

research on how they transformed the animals from these islands that

Shiki had captured into powerful beasts.

It seemed that all those who wanted to avenge Shiki were contained, and

the next day they ended up joining Luffy's fleet since they didn't have

much choice. But Luffy smiled satisfied; there were at least 1000 men

that Shiki had secretly recruited, and this would make a good army if

they were properly trained.

Finally, the islands arrived at the agreed location, and Luffy left the

island and descended to the sea, where the Kuja pirates' ship was

stationed. Approaching, he saw the people waiting for his arrival,

Hancock looked at him with sparkles in her eyes while standing next to

her sisters.

Luffy landed softly, despite some pirates questioning why he was there,

they did not raise the issue seeing Hancock waiting for him.

"Hello..." Luffy commented after landing.

"Luffy!" She exclaimed, before coughing and trying to appear tougher,

placing her hand on her waist, her voice shifted from excited to a more

forced tone as if she was trying to talk normally, but at the same time, it

was noticeable that she was forcing it. "I'm glad you've arrived, Monkey

D. Luffy, we need to talk!" She said as her sisters sighed, accustomed to

Hancock's volatile behavior over the last few days.

"Yes, I'm here for that..." Luffy spoke, a bit lost, not knowing why

Hancock was acting like this, if she liked him as he imagined, there was

no reason to act so tough and in such a forced manner.

"Come with me." She said in a final tone, to follow her to the cabin.

"Sister... are you going to talk to him alone?" Marigold asked.

"Yes, this is a matter that only concerns me and him." Hancock spoke,

and Luffy scratched his head even more at what seemed to be a mystery

beyond the possible alliance made between them.

Luffy followed Hancock, and in the room, a small table with chairs,

where Hancock was going to sit, however, what caught Luffy's attention

were the posters of him hanging on the wall of the empress's room and

even some sheets with stick figure drawings of a couple and two children

looking happy.

'Hey, what's going on here?!' Luffy was a bit scared to be honest.

"Sit down..." Hancock spoke with the same forced voice, and Luffy calmly

sat in front of her.

"I'll be honest, we are interested in our alliance, but there's a condition..."

Hancock spoke.

"I'm listening, Hancock." Luffy spoke, and this seemed like an arrow

through Hancock's heart.

'He called me by my name!' She said internally while striking a pose,

feeling her heart being hit.

'She is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, but this is

definitely strange and hard to get used to...' Luffy murmured, observing

Hancock's reaction.

"Well, like any alliance, there is only one way to conclude the pact..."

Hancock spoke, looking at Luffy with bright eyes. "Which is a marriage!"

She again had the passionate voice she always had.

"Well, that's expected since we spent days on that island, I always

intended to marry you, Hancock." Luffy spoke with a smile to the woman

this time, he intended to make her his wife, so he was not surprised.

"You accepted?" She asked, almost shocked, not believing what she


"Yes. Let's get married." Luffy shrugged.

"Happiness!" Hancock shouted as she jumped across the table to sit in

Luffy's lap.

Luffy did not reject Hancock, letting her 'attack' him, after a while with

her seeming quite happy, and he looked at her grabbing his hand and

placing it on her stomach. "This is good, because we're going to have

children." She simply said with a bright smile.

"..." Luffy stopped looking at her at that moment, he was still processing

what this woman was talking about, instinctively he felt his hand on her

stomach and sensed something in her womb with Haki, it was true, there

were presences forming.

"I'm going to be a father...?" Luffy seemed quite shocked by this, as it was

the most surprising news he had ever received in this world.

"Yes, we're going to have two children!" Hancock said excitedly.

"What are we waiting for then! Let's get married right here, immediately!

How are you taking care of the children?" Luffy spoke quickly, not

wanting to waste time.

"Well, we can do it on Amazon Lily if you want, but we don't need a best

man or anything like that." Hancock, although happy and excited,


"Best man? I have Bepo, let's do this now!" Luffy didn't want to waste

time, since he was going to be a father, it was his responsibility not to

leave the children without his name.

"Yes!" Hancock also didn't want to waste time.

They continued discussing, but now they were more like a couple excited

about the news, they talked about how this would be planned and ended

up choosing Amazon Lily itself for the celebration.

Bepo appeared after Luffy called him with a Den Den Mushi, and he came

quite curious about what his captain wanted, then Hancock stepped out

of the cabin and announced that she would marry Luffy, saying it was an

alliance, which shocked everyone, even Bepo was taken by surprise.

The polar bear touched the ship's side and began to levitate it towards

Amazon Lily with the floating islands, meanwhile, Luffy had already

started his honeymoon in advance, isolating the room's sound and

spending his days without eating, drinking, just taking baths with his

future wife and mother of his two daughters.

"They've been in that room for days..." Sandersonia commented looking

at the room...

"There's nothing we can do about it, our sister is going to get married, I

still can't believe that up until a few weeks ago, she hated men, now she's

in love and pregnant with one..." Merigold commented beside her.

"At least she seems happy and if he keeps his word, we'll be rid of these

marks." Sandersonia said with some hope.

The other crew members were processing everything they were hearing

about the marriage, not even the fact that the ship was flying with the

snakes was more surprising than Hancock's marriage.

Soon they arrived at Amazon Lily and Luffy and Hancock finally came

out of the room, full of dark circles under their eyes and asking for food,

a lot of it to replenish their energies.

On an island thousands of kilometers away, even in the Calm Belt, an old

man was hitting a girl.

"It hurts, grandpa!" Lucy shouted as she felt a callus forming on her


"Come on, Lucy! This is the fist of love, you're not strong enough yet,

how do you plan to face your brother! Haven't you seen the news from

the past few weeks?" Garp shouted at Lucy.

"I know, I'll catch him!" Lucy said with determination.

"It's still not enough!" Garp shouted, punching Lucy, who used Haki to

defend against her grandfather's attack but was thrown back, bouncing

like a rubber ball.

"I can't take it anymore..." Lucy commented defeated, she had lost count

of how many times she had been hit today.

"Rest, we'll continue in a few hours." Garp commented and began to walk

squarely back to the camp he had set up to train his granddaughter. He

had brought her to this island weeks ago to teach her the six styles and

Haki, to turn her into a powerful marine, she learned the basics of Haki

really fast, although there was still a long way to go before saying she

was adequate, Garp also brought his other students and they were passed

out somewhere on the island, bleeding on the ground, since his training

was very rigorous.

On the beach of the island, the iconic ship of the vice admiral was

stationed with his team, and a specific Den Den Mushi rang at that

moment, causing a commodore to enter the room and pick it up before

answering it right there.

After being shocked by what happened, he quickly left the ship and went

to the island using Geppo.

"Vice Admiral Garp!" He greeted his superior quickly.

"Hm? What is it?" Garp asked, seeing the Den Den Mushi in his hand.

"It's better if you see for yourself." The man said, passing the phone to


"Hello?" Garp asked.

"Grandpa!" The voice on the other side was quite excited.


shouted immediately, seeing his delinquent grandson again.

"Did you see my bounty?! Tell Sengoku that 1 billion would be very

welcome!" Luffy laughed and commented on the phone.

"Luffy, you damned outlaw, you shouldn't be happy being a pirate worth

750 million," Garp yelled again.

"Hahahahahaha! How are you?" Luffy asked, changing the subject.

"You're asking how your grandfather is? Buahahaha. My little grandson is

worried about me!" Garp shouted, laughing heartily, leaving the

commodore beside him confused, as he had been speaking in anger just a

moment ago; how had one question changed the vice admiral's mood?

"But I'm fine! I'm training your sister to capture you!" He changed his

voice to be more stern.

"That's good, I miss you guys, I hope we can meet soon, I want to kick

your butt again, grandpa," Luffy said, laughing.

"Buahahahaha!" Garp laughed with a blush when Luffy said he missed

them, but his voice became severe again with a sharp look. "You think

you're ready to kick this old man's butt, wait because soon I'll judge you

with justice!" Garp said.

"Anyway... Why did you call and seem so happy, did something happen?"

Garp asked, more calmly, while wiping his nose.

"Yes, grandpa, you're going to be a great-grandfather! I'm going to be a

father!" Luffy announced with the same cheerful tone.

"Wait... WHAT?!" Garp seemed shocked.

"I told you, I'm going to be the father of two girls!" Luffy was very


"Luffy, you better be joking, even though that's not a good joke!" Garp


"It's true, grandpa, I'm going to be a father. I'm serious," Luffy insisted.

"You damn! How dare you have my great-granddaughters when you've

become an outlaw! I swear I'm going to teach you a lesson!" Garp yelled

at Luffy at that moment.

"Anyway, I have to marry their mother here urgently, so I just called to

let you know that the Monkey D. family is going to increase soon!" Luffy

said and hung up the phone at that moment.

"That Luffy!" Garp seemed furious.

"Vice admiral..." The commodore was quite lost listening to all this.

"He, he didn't even invite me to the wedding! I should be the godfather of

my great-granddaughters!" Garp started to cry with rage and swore he

would beat Luffy so much with his fists of love the next time they met.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

204. Chapter 204

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV

Amazon Lily, First Half of GrandLine.



The floating islands finally stabilized above Amazon Lily.

"Captain, do I have to be part of this? I heard the women of Amazon Lily

kill any man who approaches the island! Will we be okay, captain?" Beto

asked, quite worried as he steered the ship down with the snakes.

"Don't worry, your captain is going to marry the queen of the Amazons,

won't I also be the king of this place?" Luffy joked.

"Alright..." Bepo murmured. "Just don't get us killed... captain..." Luffy

looked strangely at Bepo, still scared, wondering if his companion is

aware that he now has the power to destroy any island in this world, but

that would be a matter for another time.

Then the ship left the sky and finally returned to the sea as it headed

towards the kingdom's gate.

"Luffy! We're arriving!" Hancock exclaimed beside him, her demeanor no

longer forced, leaving room only for a girl hopelessly in love.

"That's true, but we have to resolve this quicker than I wish, since I still

need to do some things." Luffy smiled at her, making her nod, as Luffy

had explained the situation to the pirate empress.

As soon as the ship entered, a crowd of women awaited the return of

their empress, even though they didn't know why she had suddenly left.

"Captain, we're going to be killed!" Bepo shouted beside him, scared as he


"Why do hairy men seem to be so fearful?" An Amazon from the deck

asked, looking at Bepo acting as he was.

Bepo continued trembling, Luffy looked at him and just shook his head,

thinking his companion was exaggerating.

As soon as the ship arrived at the island's port. Luffy and Hancock

stepped out through the bow into the midst of the crowd of Amazons,

some of whom pointed at Luffy asking who she was, since Luffy was not

wearing clothes and they wondered why he had such hard and small

chest in a strange shape.

"Who is that?"

"Do you know her?"

"Why does she dress so strangely?"

"That hat she wears is so funny!"

"She looks so poorly dressed!"

The exclamations started while the island's inhabitants didn't know it was

Luffy and the Kuja pirates seemed unwilling to speak of him. Luffy

looked at Hancock and smiled. "Your people are quite funny..."

"Don't pay much attention to them, they never see men, so they don't

know how to differentiate one." Hancock commented in a sweet tone as

she led Luffy to the castle.

"Look at that bear?!" An Amazon from the city pointed at Bepo.

"What happened to her?! Why is she full of white fur?!"

"It must be a disease..."

"That's not a woman, it's a bear!" clarified the last one.

"Come on, Mr. Bear, no one will attack you, I promise." Marigold

commented while trying to calm the fearful bear, hoping to be attacked

by arrows.

As soon as they arrived at the palace, Luffy and Hancock went in to

organize their wedding.

It didn't take long for an elderly woman to appear in front of the pirate.

"So you are Monkey D. Luffy... Interesting, since you've had the eyes of

the world on you since you came to the sea..." She commented, analyzing

as she circled him.

"And you must be Gloriosa, the former empress of this kingdom..." Luffy

commented calmly.

"You're not wrong, let's see... good muscles... your skin color is stable...

seems healthy, my verdict is the children will be born very well." She

announced after inspecting Luffy thoroughly.

"Really!?" Hancock shouted beside him, excited.

Luffy looked unsure what to say, as this was even too much for him.

"Anyway, let's get organized." Luffy asked to focus.

"Yes, you're right!" Hancock spoke and turned her attention to the sisters,

"Gather the entire kingdom tomorrow morning, we will announce the

news, for now place Luffy's crewmate in his room and I will speak with

my future husband tonight alone!" She announced brightly.

Her sisters just sighed, knowing what kind of talk they would have, even

with Luffy muffling the moans.

The night passed and Luffy and Hancock spent another sleepless night,

the next day after breakfast, Hancock appeared on the balcony.

"Hancock-Sama!" The women screamed excitedly seeing Hancock and

looked at her lovingly as a common occurrence.

"Listen, people of Amazon Lily!" Hancock started as her people calmed

down. "I am here today to announce something important..." She had a

serious face when she closed her eyes and when she opened them, she

was a woman lost in love. "I've come to announce that I'm getting

married!" She shouted excitedly.

"..." all the Amazons fell silent at that moment, trying to process

everything they had heard.

"Did I hear right?" said a tall woman.

"Hancock-Sama said she would marry?" A chubby one asked beside her.

"She said marry, like, with a real man?" A blonde asked.

"Hancock-Sama, you're going to marry a man?" Someone asked loudly,

quite shocked.

Hancock looked at them and nodded excitedly, "Yes, this empress has

finally found her happiness! So, I will start my family!" She said.

"Hancock-Sama seems so happy..." Someone commented.

"She is so beautiful saying that... I'm in love!" Another person


"If she's happy... we should be too, right?" Another Amazon.

"Even though I've never seen a man... if Hancock-Sama is happy with it,

then I support her!" Another Amazon commented joyfully.

"Yes, Hancock-Sama is going to marry!" Another shouted.

Soon the crowd began to cheer the announcement, and everyone shouted

in support, Hancock looked satisfied at the crowd; "Thank you for

cheering for this Empress's happiness!" She shouted.

After that, Luffy sighed as the country entered a festive mood, nobody

knew it was Luffy the man who would marry the empress, since they just

thought he was a girl with hard and strange chest while displaying them

to everyone.

Bepo, calmer after seeing that nobody attacked him, managed to sigh

while getting ready for the wedding, since Luffy forced him to be the best

man, it would be either Bepo or a chimpanzee that worked with Shiki at

the time.

So, a large stage was set up in Amazon Lily, Luffy wore a tuxedo and

came out to the country with many women realizing he was the man.

"You are a man!" The women accused Luffy.

"You're going to marry our empress! You better take good care of her,

otherwise..." A woman showed a knife, and Luffy just shrugged.

He went to the place and Gloriosa would perform the ceremony, "Didn't

you dress up?" Luffy raised the question to the woman.

"Do I need to? Spare me, young man!" She said mockingly and continued.

"Anyway, your future wife is coming." She pointed behind.

Luffy saw Hancock wearing a long white wedding dress, being led by her

two sisters to the stage. Luffy waited for her to approach, coming with a

shy look looking at Luffy as if he was a dream, like any woman in love.

Gloriosa waited for Hancock to approach and stand beside Luffy as she

started the ceremony. Gloriosa, with her clear voice, began the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two souls. A union

that started with a possible alliance and now they are about to have their

lives intertwined with one another."

She then turned to Luffy. "Monkey D. Luffy, do you take Boa Hancock to

be your life partner, to protect her as you navigate the stormy seas and

explore unknown horizons together?"

Luffy, with an iconic smile, replied without hesitation, "Yes, I do!"

Turning to Hancock, Gloriosa asked, "Boa Hancock, do you take Monkey

D. Luffy to be your life partner, to stand by his side through the

adventures that await and face the challenges of the seas together?"

Hancock, with tears of happiness in her eyes, replied softly, "Yes, I do."

"Then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and

wife. May your journey together be long and full of adventures. You may

seal this union with a kiss."

Luffy and Hancock moved closer, and the kiss they shared was a

testament to the pact they had just formed. The crowd of Amazons

exploded in applause and cheers, celebrating the happiness of their

empress and the union before them.

The celebration began in the kingdom with a grand party, the women

discovered Bepo was a man and asked if all men were like him, ignoring

the existence of Luffy, the polar bear even became quite embarrassed

with the attention he received.

Luffy and Hancock sat at the main table as the official couple while

Hancock fed him by her initiative, saying she was training to be a good

wife, Luffy couldn't complain much, despite not liking to be pampered or

treated like a child, he let it happen on this day.

After a while, Luffy took his first wife in this world and flew her to the

castle through the sky. He spent the rest of the night without sleep again.

"Captain... so I should go without you?" Bepo asked cautiously.

"Yes, you just have to follow the Vivre Card to Skypiea and lead the

islands to that side," Luffy commented on the side.

He left the room after taking a shower the next day and went to find his

companion, asking him to return to Skypiea without him for the time


"But what if those men from Shiki attack me?!" Bepo was scared.

"Listen, Bepo, you can beat them all. You have a power that the World

Government fears, you can send meteors the size of islands to any place

in the world," Luffy tried to put some reasoning into the bear's head.

"I can?!" Bepo asked, surprised.

"Yes, you can."


"Stop being pessimistic, take this!" Luffy had to resort to his last card.

He took out an item from the store, a very special item, as it was an afro

that he used in Whisky Peak to fight against Baroque Works.

"This?!" Bepo froze when Luffy placed the afro on his head.

"Tell me, Bepo, does the undefeated Bepo fear anything?" Luffy asked,

crossing his arms.

Bepo, who had a shocked look, quickly turned it into a determined one.

"Of course not, Captain!" He said.

"That's very good. Now go to the sky and lead the islands to Skypiea, you

must show who's boss if anyone dares to challenge the Undefeated Bepo!"

Luffy commented, making Bepo's eyes shine.

"Yes, Captain!" He said and flew out the window to the sky.

"What a strange change of personality..." Luffy commented, and Gloriosa,

seeing this from a distance, could not help but comment, "You really

know how to handle your crew, from what I see," she murmured.

"It's true, however, now I must deal with my wife," Luffy commented and

left the place, returning to Hancock's room, as their honeymoon was just


5 days passed while Luffy and Hancock did not leave the room, the snake

sisters always asked if they needed to eat, but the only responses were

moans, making them run away in shame.

One day Luffy finally left the room with Hancock. "What kind of animals

are you!" Gloriosa shouted, seeing their leaner state.

"Hahahahaha. Give me food, and lots of it!" Luffy laughed and requested.

After spending 2 hours returning to his normal state, Luffy had to leave

the island.

"As we agreed, my wife. You must take care of these children for now, I

will return after training with my crew and stay alert for big events

happening, the seas will change soon..." Luffy commented, holding the

woman's face, after all, he had to take care of her for the rest of his life.

"I know, I understood what you said, but it's still so hard to see you going

away," she commented sadly.

"I know, but we'll meet in the next 2 months, so wait for me a little

longer, okay?" Luffy spoke softly.

"Alright..." Hancock had to accept in the end.

"Goodbye everyone, we'll meet again soon!" Luffy announced and flew to

the sky, as soon as he was above the island, instead of heading to

Skypiea, he flew at his maximum speed to the South Blue, after all, there

was a person there he had made a promise to many years ago, he had to

see if that person still wanted to keep it.

Raccoon here:

Let's see Uta then...



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

205. Chapter 205

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



Attention: I am doing Luffy going to Elegia, but there is nothing that

proves his actual location, so I will say it is in the South Blue, close to the

red wall in the center of the world.

After becoming a married man, Luffy wasted no time and flew towards

the South Blue. There was someone specific he needed to meet before

rejoining his crew. He sliced through the sky, maneuvering among the

clouds with agility at a speed increased by seventy times.

Enemies following the Vivre Cards of Doflamingo and Page-on found

themselves forced to change course repeatedly, trying to guess where

Luffy was heading to confuse their pursuers, not that he thought anyone

too powerful for him to handle would come after him at this time. He

still kept them in his pocket, to negotiate their freedom in the future,

earning some money from the world government.

His journey continued over the vast sea, passing through various islands

after crossing the Calm Belt and finally entering the southern sea, where

the climate was much calmer than the Grand Line.

He followed the eternal pose to Elegia and headed in that direction for

the next few days without rest as he approached the place, finally seeing

it one day as a small point on the horizon.

This country is known worldwide as the capital of music, but something

terrible happened a few years ago, announced as Shanks, the redhead,

being the main cause of this disaster when he visited the island. Time

passed, and in Elegia, after the island had gone through this disaster, it

had risen again, the city of music had started to sing joyfully again after

more than a decade in construction, the city was bustling with commerce

again. Besides the basics like food, the trade in musical instruments was

quite large here.

Luffy arrived on the island and landed out of sight of everyone before

entering the city. He put on a cloak to cover his face so as not to be

identified. It wasn't his style to hide, but he just wanted to stroll around

peacefully before finding the person he wanted here since he would be

easily recognized and could cause the entire kingdom to panic with a

pirate of 750 million berries walking through the streets.

Entering the crowd of people on the main street, he walked calmly.

"Shanks was here a long time ago... It's a link to the kingdom..." Luffy had

to admit as he looked around, there were giant, shining crystals while a

huge stage was under construction, people were singing and playing

instruments all over the place, turning this place into a true country of


"Come see, come hear! Guitars with strings that capture the essence of

the wind, flutes that whisper the stories of the seas! Each note a journey,

each melody an adventure!" A seller announced as Luffy passed by.

Another exclaimed nearby, selling local food. "Sweet melodies for your

ears and sweet flavors for your soul! Try the melody cake, a recipe passed

down for generations, as sweet as the songs of Elegia!"

With a guitar in hand and a voice echoing through the streets, an artist

sang: "Oh, Elegia, land of music and magic, your beauty reborn, stronger

with each day!" The crowd around stopped to listen, some shiny coins

being thrown in his direction in appreciation.

A man tried to approach Luffy at that moment, showing off a green

crystal. "Elegia crystals, straight from our mines! Not just beautiful, but

capable of amplifying the beauty of your music. A touch of magic for

every musician's home!" But Luffy just ignored him and kept walking.

As Luffy wandered and looked at everything this country had to offer, he

felt a presence approaching him directly, suddenly, a peculiar melody cut

through the air, distinct from the other songs filling the streets. It was an

incredibly beautiful voice, so captivating that for a brief moment, Luffy

found himself caught up in the music, his feet moving almost against his

will. Luffy realized someone was trying to control him with this music,

which, besides being beautiful, had a power behind the melody trying to

enchant him.

He stopped abruptly, his quick reaction surprising the source of the

melody. The person behind him did not expect their attempt at

enchantment to fail, nor did they expect Luffy to be able to discern the

hidden intention in the music.

Luffy spun on his heels with astonishing speed, ready to confront the

source of this mysterious music. He reached out to grab the person's arm

and discover their intentions. But then, the female voice of the person

soared, the melody intensifying in an effort to disorient him. It had some

effect on Luffy, as the person managed to slip from his grasp and run

scared to the other side while running through the streets.

"Can she affect me a bit?" Luffy commented, a bit surprised to see that

the person had escaped and was running at that moment. Luffy looked at

the person from under his cloak, who also had their own cloak hiding

their face, while they continued to run looking scared. He began to

question who it could be, and only one person came to his mind at that


"Could it be...?" He murmured, looking at the person and decided to take


"Wait!" He shouted as the person ran through the crowd with many

looking at them in surprise.

He ran after the person and would quickly catch up, but she released her

melody, making him fall behind or causing people to get in his way. He

could deal with that, but he didn't want to scare her if it was who he

thought it might be. So, he decided on another approach.

The fleeing person looked back while running and singing, she saw that

the cloaked stranger was no longer following her, which relieved her

greatly, but she continued to run and sing so that the people around her

would help her without realizing it.

She darted through the streets and entered an alley in the city, emerging

into a garden and entering a forest. After running another 2 kilometers,

she finally found a kind of cave with a lake, laughed, and crystals, where

she used this place to calm down.

"What was that..." The person murmured with a bit of fear.

"He wasn't enchanted and almost caught me... I'll have to deal with him

in another way, I can't let a pirate wander freely on this island." She

continued talking to herself.

She lifted her cloak, and her two-colored hair fell out. This girl was a

resident of this country since there had been a disaster, a possessor of the

uta uta no mi, she has abilities that not only enhance her singing and

convey her feelings through her voice but can confuse senses, create

illusions, and even create an illusory world.

She ended up falling in love with this country after being abandoned by

her father. And always defended this place, as always, trying to get rid of

pirates that enter the kingdom, she can sense their auras, although not

seeing the real extent of them, she can see how a person may have done

bad things and Luffy was no different, he did what he wanted, and he

ended up threatening, stealing, and killing as he progressed on his

journey, as he always said he was not a good person.

When Luffy entered the city, Uta, who was strolling hidden, saw his aura

and wanted to rid of that person she noticed was a pirate hidden in a

cloak, approaching him, she began to sing, to lead him into a corner and

get rid of him, but it seems this one was quite different from the previous

ones, he not only resisted her singing with some difficulty but also

pursued her, making the girl have to flee and use her powers to aid her


She had no idea that there was someone above her at that moment,

watching her closely. Meanwhile, the same girl sat down after breathing

a sigh of relief in front of a small lake, hoping she wouldn't encounter

that person again and started to sing a small melody to ease her racing


She sang something that reminded her of a brief time she lived in the

East Blue, where she had met two brothers, one of whom had made a

promise with a childhood passion. Her melody turned sad, and all the

plants seemed to shrink around her with it.

She liked to think of that time as something happy, but it soon became

something sad, as she had lost everything shortly after and would never

return to that place or see those people again, her father, and Luffy.

"Why do I still sing this song when it brings me so many thoughts of

everything I've lost. I miss it so much..." She murmured, stopping her

singing as she wiped her tears and looked at her reflection in the water.

"I still remember this song when you liked to sing it for me and my sister.

I miss that time a lot too... Uta." A voice emerged behind the girl, and she

turned around alarmed, seeing that it was the person who was wearing

the same cloak that chased her, but his face was no longer covered.

"No... you!?" Surprise and disbelief took over her expression. Before her

stood Luffy, no longer the boy from her memories, but the man she had

seen in the newspapers in recent months.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you, Uta..." Luffy commented,

looking at the woman he hadn't seen in more than 10 years, a girl he had

always loved since he was a child and became furious when Shanks told

him she had died, where the whole incident with the Yonkou losing his

arm happened.

"Is it really you?!" She murmured with a broken heart, letting more tears

stream down her eyes.

"Yes, Shanks told me you died more than 10 years ago, but I'm glad that

never happened..." Luffy opened a small melancholic smile seeing his old




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

206. Chapter 206

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV

Elegia, South Blue.



"Luffy..." Uta seemed to move on her own and didn't know when she had

started running towards Luffy at that moment.

Luffy let the emotional girl hug him as she jumped on him with quite a

bit of force, hugging him back while his arms went around her back.

"Luffy!" She cried out while squeezing his neck.

"Uta..." Luffy calmly commented.

"I'm so happy to see you, to see you after all these years... are you really

real?" Uta continued to exclaim, and Luffy thought about how she had

been in a complicated situation over the last few years, and he didn't

need to be an expert in observation Haki to see the darkness that

surrounded her from blaming herself all this time.

"Me too, Uta. I'm really happy to see you again, after all this time." Luffy

cracked a small smile.

They stayed embraced for a while, feeling each other's body heat. It was

only after 10 minutes that Luffy picked her up by the waist and moved

her back a bit while they looked into each other's eyes the whole time.

"Let's sit down, you have a beautiful place here, why not enjoy it a bit."

Luffy invited, and Uta followed him to sit in front of the place.

"I still can't believe it's you... but you are real, that's what matters..." She

said, sitting down next to him and leaning her shoulder against the old

friend as if he would escape at any moment.

"Yes, I found this island after a few days of traveling." Luffy wasn't

bothered at all by Uta invading his space.

"But how did you find me? How did you know you would find me here,

no one has ever shown up..." She said with a sad tone.

"Look, Uta... I couldn't have come here before, and Shanks never talked

about it, I only found out a few months ago, so I came here as soon as I

could, I didn't want to leave you here alone anymore." He commented in

a tone he usually didn't use, Luffy really cared for Uta and didn't want

her to stay here.

"You don't want to leave me here alone?" She asked.

"Yes, I want to take you with me." Luffy got straight to the point.

"What?! No, you can't just come here and say something like that!" Uta

looked at him surprised.

"Uta, let's talk about this later, okay? I just want to see how an old friend

is doing..." Luffy wanted to first talk with her before discussing his plans.

Uta sighed and nodded. "Alright, tell me how your life has been, how is

Lucy? I saw in the newspaper that she was a marine..." Uta asked


Luffy began to tell her about his life, how Shanks had given him the hat,

and his subsequent years with Curly Dadan.

"What? You were raised by mountain bandits?" Uta laughed at that.

"Yes, you should have seen, we suffered when Lucy ate all the food, and

we tried to make her spit it all out again." Luffy smiled.

"So, you ended up having other brothers..." She commented, placing her

hands on her chin while looking at the lake.

"Yes, Ace and Sabo, they're still around, I met Ace recently and beat him

up, I will meet Sabo soon..." Luffy commented.

"You're always so violent..." She commented, displeased.

"Didn't you see my bounty? I'm a pirate worth 750 million." Luffy

laughed proudly.

"You really became a pirate... it's no wonder I saw your aura when I

found you in town." Uta still sounded dissatisfied.

"That's how I am, Uta, you knew that before even wanting to make a

promise with me, remember? I shouted that I would dominate all the seas

of this world." Luffy mentioned with a smile.

Mentioning that made Uta quite embarrassed as a blush appeared on her

face. "You remember the promise..." she murmured but then lowered her

head. "I doubt we can fulfill it, you already have a woman, that Yamato

from the newspaper..." Her voice broke at the end, like a broken heart.

"..." Luffy remained silent. Until he sighed and took the girl's hand, "How

about we have a date today, this island seems quite interesting, no past,

no commitments, just you and me?" He asked.

"A date?" She seemed surprised by that.

"Yes, however, I will have to wear a mask, I don't want to be recognized

as an evil pirate here, it wouldn't be nice..." Luffy commented.

"Phew! Hahahahaha. You're right, people would start running." Uta began

to laugh, imagining the scene.

"So, that's a yes." Luffy commented, leaving the girl flustered.

"You've become much bolder than I remember, you were much more shy

and innocent, where did that boy I met go, huh?" She finally said and

continued. "Alright, a date tonight." Even in conflict, she ended up

accepting to go out with her old childhood crush.

Luffy smiled at Uta's response, he helped her up, and together, they

started walking towards her house as she led the way. Uta was entrusted

to the protection under the king of the music realm, but she lived in a

separate house by her own choice, being a house on a small hill. Both

Luffy and Uta put on cloaks again and began to walk through the city,

while Uta took the initiative to grab Luffy's hand and lead him to her


Arriving at Uta's house after leaving the city, they entered the place, and

Luffy almost laughed at so many feminine things and musical

instruments. Luffy looked around with interest. "You've made a beautiful

home here, Uta. It has a very personal touch."

"Thank you, I wanted to make a place to call my own." Uta said.

"Hey, Uta, do you still play that violin? I remember you practicing on the

ship's deck..." Luffy asked, looking at the small and quite old object in a

corner, he still remembered the girl playing a similar one during his time

with Shanks.

"Oh, yes, I still play. Actually, I've been composing some music. Maybe I

can play for you later..." Uta replied, a shy smile forming on her lips.

"Hey, is this me and Lucy?" Luffy pointed to a paper on the wall where

there were stick figures of children.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Uta quickly ran and removed

the paper from the wall before Luffy could see more.

"Hahahaha. No need to be so embarrassed." Luffy smiled at her.

"I'll get ready, wait for me, you can take a shower after me." She

mentioned, grabbing a towel and heading for the shower.

She came out a while later and went to her room wrapped in a towel

with a blush on her face, Luffy entered the bathroom the next moment,

taking a shower and buying some clothes from the store to wear.

While Uta was still in her room, Luffy stayed in the living room, waiting

for the girl to get ready. She came out soon after and was surprised by

Luffy as soon as she saw him.

Luffy, despite his usually carefree nature, had his own style and surprised

the girl by choosing an elegant outfit for the date with Uta. He wore a

white T-shirt with a black jacket and dark pants with boots of the same

color, still wearing the hat, he put on a Japanese mask of a red demon,

hiding his face.

"You chose a nice outfit, but that mask is scary..." Uta commented while

crossing her arms around her breasts.

"Don't mind that, it's style. Besides, you look very beautiful." Luffy smiled

at the girl.

Uta, for her part, chose a dress that hugged her curves, it had a baby blue

fabric that made her look quite beautiful in it. Her hair, notable for its

two distinct colors, was loose, falling over her shoulders in soft waves.

Uta's mask was of a peacock with feathers, quite elegant for the girl.

"So you're quite famous here?" Luffy asked, approaching her.

"Why do you think I hid in the crowd today?" She said, waiting for him to

come closer.

"I doubt you can hide just with a mask, but shall we go?" Luffy

commented, waiting for her to take his hand.

As soon as Uta took his hand, he led her out of the house, heading

towards the city for a night just between the two of them, forgetting their

past and problems.

They walked together through the island, drawing attention from people

walking through the city night, recognizing the couple in masks with

elegant clothes.

"That hair color... It's Uta-San!" someone shouted in surprise. Uta was

much more famous than Luffy had imagined, as she was an idol here.

"Who's that? He's such a tall man!" Someone exclaimed since Luffy was

2.10 meters tall and Uta only 170.

"Uta-San is dating!" A young man cried.

"It seems so... I would never have imagined this, Uta-San has always been

so reserved, but I still wonder who is the handsome guy behind the

mask." A young woman murmured.

"You're quite famous, aren't you..." Luffy commented.

"I sing every weekend, the island gets a lot of tourists on that day, so I'm

quite well-known." She commented.

"I see, you deserve your success then." Luffy smiled behind the mask.

"My dream is to make my music reach everyone in this world, I'm sure I

will achieve it and I will create an ideal world where everyone will be

happy!" She exclaimed and Luffy didn't say anything to that.

Imagining the future she would encounter, today she is a bit different

from her self 2 years in the future, but that would soon change if Luffy

didn't take her away from this place.

They finally arrived at an elegant place as requested by Uta, who liked

this place, Luffy ordered two tables at the highest spot facing the sea and

they sat down to talk.

"What can I bring for you?" The waiter asked and Luffy ordered some


Luffy and Uta continued to talk like old friends about all the subjects they

hadn't yet discussed, Luffy talked about his journey and the people, but

that he won in the East Blue, Uta talked about her life on the island and

how she made friends with some of them, everyone loved the girl. Uta

got a bit loose with the wine while Luffy managed to resist better.

"Tell me, Luffy. Do you still love me?" She suddenly asked, which made

Luffy raise an eyebrow.

"You're drunk, I won't have this kind of conversation with you." Luffy


"But our promise was to stay together! You're married, you broke our

promise..." She murmured in the last part.

"Do you love me, Uta?" Luffy asked.

"Of course I do... I've always loved you, I wished we could stay together

maybe even in that small village in the East Blue, but so much happened,

still, I had hoped you would come here to take me after Shanks left me...

But when you finally come... you have someone else..." She said quite sad

with the effect of the drink. The few people that were there, looked

surprised at Uta's words.

"Sorry about that..." She realized her words and apologized. "I'm

exaggerating, can you take me home?" She said and Luffy sighed, it

seems this night wasn't as pleasant as he imagined, but he respected Uta.

Luffy paid the bill and they left the restaurant, "Can you carry me on

your back?" Uta suddenly asked.

"On my back? How about we fly a bit?" Luffy asked.

"Fly? Can you do that?" She asks surprised and before she could react,

Luffy grabbed her like a princess and flew into the sky.

"This is amazing..." She murmured fearlessly as she looked at the island

below them and the moon in the sky. Luffy made this kind of trip until

her house, landing softly at the door.

"I've never flown before!" She said excitedly, at least she had a moment of

fun and without drama during that night.

"I'm glad you liked it..." Luffy gave a small smile.

"Let's go inside, you'll sleep here tonight." She said and opened the door.

"I'll sleep on the couch then..." Luffy commented as he arranged the space

in the living room while the girl entered the bedroom without saying


"Luffy, you don't need to sleep on the couch..." Luffy heard Uta open the

door and saw her naked looking at him while covering her breasts.

"You, I want you, Luffy... I want at least one night with the man I love."

She said timidly, but with some courage.

Luffy would talk to her tomorrow about these things, he wanted her as

his woman too in this life, and would speak when she was more sober,

but seeing her naked looking with desire, even with a bit of alcohol for

courage, how could Luffy refuse this woman?

Raccoon here:

Do you think their development was too rushed in your opinion? I

wanted to create a quick drama before starting the romance between

them, but I don't want to drag it out for too long.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

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207. Chapter 207

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Elegia, South Blue.



Luffy stood up calmly and approached the naked Uta...

"You really want this, I don't want to take advantage of you while you're

drunk, we can talk about it tomorrow." He said as he stood a few

centimeters from the girl still covering her breasts.

"I want you Luffy. Maybe we can't be together, but I want you for tonight

and I want you to be the person I sleep with. So at least give me that."

She said with a big blush on her face.

"Fine, but don't think it'll be just one night or that I'll leave you after

making you mine." Luffy commented openly, he had never intended to let

this woman walk out of his life.

Uta looked at him shyly, but didn't speak, thinking that Luffy was only

saying it to please her, but she didn't think it was bad either, even if it

was a lie, she fell for the pirate's sweet words.

She took the initiative and kissed him passionately, and Luffy put the girl

at ease as he took hold of her waist. She had never kissed anyone before

in her life and Luffy sensed this in her awkward kiss, but led her on to

make the most of his oldest friend.

Luffy caught her calmly getting up and going into her room while not

disconnecting from her mouth and led her to the bed, she let go of him

looking at him with a saliva of desire on her lips. "Take off your shirt..."

She ordered and Luffy removed his night clothes as he went on top of the

girl, seeing her staring at him with difficulty breathing while there was a

glint of desire in those purple eyes had made Luffy quite aroused, he

attacked her the next moment as he pressed his chest against her breasts

and crushed her with another kiss.

"Ah..." She moaned as Luffy took his mouth away to kiss her neck,

making the girl shiver with excitement, his lips moving past her neck as

he began to explore her body.

Serious goose bumps broke out as Luffy massaged him, "Ahhhh" Uta

moaned. "Luffy, what are you doing... Ahhhhh."

He went on to feel her whole body until he reached her crotch with his

hand, calmly passing over her pussy, she tried to close it feeling the

touch, but Luffy could feel how wet and hot she was.

He kissed her again and made her spread her legs again, while he calmly

ran his hand over her private parts. Uta felt this and clenched Luffy's

back with her nails, but she couldn't even scratch the man's skin.

"I want you Luffy... Make me your wife tonight." Uta murmured,

drowning in the desire her body was feeling right now, she wanted him

more than ever.

"Let me play with your body first." Luffy smiled and left her face to go to

her crotch.

"LUFFY!" Uta exclaimed, feeling her insides being kissed by Luffy's lips,

making her cry out with excitement, having never felt anything like it.

"What are you doing...!" She continued talking helplessly while Luffy said

nothing but continued his work down there, making her think she was

about to pee.

"Luffy, stop! I feel something coming!" She exclaimed in fright, not

wanting to do something like that to Luffy, but the pirate seemed even

faster with his pussy and Uta could do nothing but let his bodily fluids

leave her body.

However, instead of pissing, as she thought, her pussy came, making her

feel something like never before and her legs almost convulse with it.

"Looks like you've had a lot of fun..." Luffy commented with a satisfied


"What was that...?" She exclaimed without knowing what was happening

to her body.

"This is normal, do you want to continue?" Luffy asked, he saw how she

didn't know anything about sex, so he didn't even force her to give him a

blowjob and asked her if she wanted to continue.

"Yes, I want you inside me, I told you to make me your wife tonight!" She

said, hoping that Luffy would continue, even though she felt quite weak.

He looked at her with a loving tone, spreading his legs and taking out his

penis, Luffy spat on it, since she wouldn't lubricate it and moved closer to

put it inside Uta.

He ran his head over the skin rubbing against her hymen, put a hand on

her belly to increase the girl's recovery and began to thrust inside her.

"Luffy!" she exclaimed with a moan, feeling Luffy's skin boiling inside her,

making her body feel even more pleasure, with her even looking at him

in surprise.

"That hurts, but it feels so good..." She said, looking up at him, and he

approached her in a frontal position and kissed her.

"I'm going to start, tell me if it hurts..." He commented and began to

move his hips.

"AHH!" She cried out in pleasure again as Luffy moved calmly, when he

noticed that she was getting used to and recovering quickly with her

powers, she began to speed up, slamming hard against his hip.

"Ahhh" She kept moaning as Luffy kept speeding up, and Luffy looked at

her to see if everything was all right, while she returned his gaze with

desire and pulled him into a kiss.

They stayed like that for five minutes without stopping, while Luffy

pounded into her and his groin made a wet sound as he slapped her ass.

Uta finally felt the same movement of her body, she was going to release

her fluids once again. "AAHHHH!"

With the second spurt, she felt like she was about to pass out... "Give me

a break Luffy, you men should release your seed too, I want to make you

feel good too..." She commented with tender words and Luffy gave her a

small smile as he kissed her.

10 minutes into their kiss, Uta took the initiative as she turned Luffy over

and carefully mounted on top of him, she looked up at him as she placed

her hands against his chest and began to move her hips feeling Luffy's

penis inside her.

"This is so good, I really love you..." She murmured, feeling her ass slap

against Luffy's as the man's cock heated up inside her, making her melt

with emotion as her body moved of its own accord.

Luffy didn't say anything and let her mount him and ride him, he

watched her as he squeezed her large breasts and felt her two colors of

hair hit his face. Uta looked wilder as Luffy squeezed her breasts hard,

making her drown in desire once again as she began to stop rolling over

and start humping Luffy.

Even outside, one could hear the sound of the girl moaning as a slapping

sound was emitted with the friction between Luffy and Uta each time the

girl slammed her ass into Luffy.

Luffy was just lying there, satisfied as he felt the girl do everything,

feeling his penis against his skin inside her, feeling a lot of pleasure with

each thrust of the girl.

"Under the cloak of distant stars," Uta began to sing as she moaned,

making Luffy look at her a little surprised.

She was just happy and let her emotions take over as she felt pleasure

and made her sing in the middle of that sex. "On the vast ocean, our

hearts meet."

"Sails to the wind, towards the unknown,"

She sang without losing the rhythm of the song as she moved up and

down. "But together, we're never lost."

"And in the sea breeze, I feel it,

Your whisper, sweet and infinite.

In the waves, your laughter echoes,

In every port, my love, I see you."

"Because it's with you that I want to sail,

On cold nights, in your arms I rest.

And even if the world tries to keep us apart,

Our love is the beacon to guide us."

She continued singing while Luffy just enjoyed both the pleasure of her

touch and her song sounded more like a confession of love between

them. That night, both he and Uta were more connected than they had

ever been.

"And under the moon, promises to whisper,

On this sea of love, we'll always sail.

Through all the nights, until the end of days,

I'll love you, my sweet melody."

As soon as she finished the song, Luffy began to come inside her.

"!" Uta felt Luffy's seed spurt inside her, making her cum at the feel of it.

"AHHHHH!" She moaned as she stopped humping Luffy's cock and let her

bodily fluids join those of the man she loved.

"I'm so tired Luffy, but so happy..." She commented with a smile as she

looked at the pirate, she still kept her hands on his chest, taking one and

placing it on his belly. "If we had a son, what should we call him?" She

joked happily, even though it was a deep desire of hers, after all, 99% of

women in this world want to be mothers one day.

"We can think about it when it happens, right now you need to rest."

Luffy soothed, pulling her into an embrace as he pulled his cock out of

her pussy, semen gushing and dripping from it.

"I still want to continue, that was so good Luffy. I want to enjoy it

more..." She said with difficulty breathing and drunk on strong emotions

at that moment.

"Yes, come on. I'll do as much as you want, but let's take a break." He said

wanting her to rest a little before continuing, after all they had many

hours before daylight.

"Yes..." She said, putting her head against Luffy's chest, while he hugged

her back with the hand underneath and squeezed her ass with one hand,

feeling her serious breasts crush against his chest.

They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's body heat,

after an hour, they had started all over again, Luffy took advantage of

Uta as best he could, he taught her how to do all sorts of pleasures, while

the room went into a sequence of moans as Uta and Luffy came for the

next few hours, the sun finally came out sweeping away the night as they

continued to enjoy each other's time as man and woman.

Raccoon Here:

If I have a lot of spelling mistakes here, please let me know!



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 15 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

208. Chapter 208

[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]

Third Person POV

Elegia, South Blue.



Luffy woke up the next morning next to Uta, the girl was naked while he

embraced her in his arms after a great session of sex between them, she

seemed quite tired, but at the same time, carefree.

"It seems we are finally together..." Luffy thought, as he enjoyed having

her in his arms. After all, he still remembered the promise they made as

children to live together no matter what happens, so he was a little

excited about it.

At that moment, Uta began to wake up, fluttering her eyelashes, as she

looked against the morning light into her room and found herself in the

arms that enveloped her chest and stomach, making her memories

immediately surface about what happened last night with quite a


She was a bit scared, seeing that even though it was great and she really

wanted Luffy with the help of alcohol, they had done all those things

despite him being a married man, after all, he had not denied that fact.

Worried, Uta looked at Luffy's hands where she felt his hands squeezing

her bare breasts. "Luffy..." She broke the silence between them. "What we

did yesterday wasn't right, I was drunk..." She commented with a certain

tone of regret, although Luffy felt sadness, he was surprised and even a

bit disappointed hearing that.

Luffy calmly looked at her hair while lying behind her, "That's strange,

you seemed to have liked it a lot..." He said, seeing that it relieved the

mood, not wanting to appear disappointed now.

She did not disagree with his words, leaving her with a great blush on

her face without Luffy being able to hear, but at the same time wanting

to slap that guy, while she still felt her breasts being crushed by his

hands. "Luffy, you have a wife! How can you say something like that?"

She exclaimed dissatisfied, after all, what would she be? Just his


"Yes, you're right, I have a wife, however... it's not who you imagine if

you're thinking of Yamato." Luffy commented in a neutral tone, and Uta

was a bit surprised.

"Yamato and I have a relationship, but I haven't married her yet, I got

married a few days ago in Amazon Lily with Boa Hancock, the pirate

empress, and we formed an alliance." Luffy commented and continued.

"As you can see Uta, I intend to have many wives, after all, I am a selfish

man with a big family."

"How can you say something like that..." Uta commented, she was

familiar with polygamy, but it was still hard to get used to since it was

practiced only in some parts of the world and by great nobles, even great

ones like Gol D. Roger, Monkey D. Garp had monogamous relationships.

"I'm simply saying that I'm a selfish man, and I want you with me. You've

always had a place with me, ever since we were children." Luffy spoke. "I

never lied when I said I would take you with me. I would like you by my

side before we leave the island and sail together."

Uta turned her face surprised, wondering if Luffy was telling the truth.

She sighed with a sad heart. "Luffy, you really are that kind of man..."

Luffy remained expressionless and simply replied calmly. "What can I

say... you're talking to the man who wants to conquer the entire sea, you

know I've always been selfish and ambitious, yes I have women I love by

my side, that's always been something I planned and you've always had

your place with me, ever since I found out about your whereabouts, I've

always hoped you would come with me. This island doesn't do you well

Uta and you know it." He said.

She turned against him, staring at him with a certain anger no longer

caring about her naked body, "Luffy, I can't just go away, this is all so

sudden I can't just go with you." She spoke while Luffy just stared at her

with still a neutral face.

Luffy didn't know how truly divided Uta was... After everything she

remembered from last night, his words, the feelings she felt while they

were making love, the carefree emotion upon waking up in the arms of

the man she always loved.

Uta was torn, on one side there was the promise she had made along

with her feelings, on the other, she had built her life here and did not

want to lose everything again like what happened when she was a child

while also struggling with the jealousy of Luffy having other women he

claimed to love.

This made her turn her face away and start to have tears in her eyes,

"Uta..." Luffy spoke again seeing her crying, "I don't want to leave you,

you should be by my side."

"It's not right, Luffy..." She said amidst the tears. "You're a pirate wanted

all over the world, you know how much I hate that, I don't want that

kind of life... I hate violence... You and I can't be together..." She

exclaimed. "I..." She began, seeming like her heart was starting to shatter

with the following words. "I want you to go away." Even though it felt

like there were needles in her heart with each of those words, Uta said

this through her tears.

"..." Luffy was silent for a while, then he simply lifted her from his arms

and began to rise from the bed. "I guess you're right." He said as he was

going to grab his clothes to leave.

Uta remained frozen on the bed as soon as Luffy left her, trembling

without knowing what she had said.

"I'm leaving." Luffy said in a tone that was even a bit tired, Uta remained

on the bed while her world seemed to collapse with her there frozen

"Goodbye Uta, I hope you achieve everything you aim for in life." Luffy

commented and left the room.

Luffy went to the door, knowing that once he passed through there,

everything between him and Uta was over and they would just be

strangers. Walking to the door and pulling the handle, something stopped


"I'm sorry!" He felt his back being pressed with the girl hugging him

while trembling.

"Sorry..." She said again while her jacket was getting wet with her tears,

"Sorry..." She repeated and Luffy said nothing with his hand on the

handle. "Sorry!" She shouted waiting for a response from Luffy who still

hadn't said anything. "Please... sorry... talk to me... I don't want you to

leave!" She continued exclaiming while trembling and crying hugging his


"Sorry! I don't want you to go away, I don't want you to leave me, I don't

want to lose you too! I lost everything one day and you are someone I

don't want to leave me. I thought you leaving would be better for both of

us, but I'm mistaken... I can't stand to see you go away... I'll be your

wife... I'll accept your other women, I'll accept that you're a pirate... but

don't leave me, I love you, I've always loved you... I don't want anyone

else in my life but you... Luffy... so don't leave me..." She said as her tears

continued to pour.

Luffy turned to face her for the first time, he let go of the handle and

looked at her, while she looked back at him with fear, as if he was going

to disappear and never appear again, something that Luffy planned as

soon as he was scorned by this woman, he would never accept someone

like that again.

"I spoke the truth, Uta." He began speaking for the first time. "I want you

in my life and we have a promise, one that I was willing to fulfill, but

you know what kind of life I have, you know what kind of person I am. I

have my own ambitions, you know that I will go to war with the world if

necessary to achieve my goals and that will probably happen." Luffy

spoke and continued.

"Everything you hate, I'm going to do, I'm not a lover of peace, I'm not a

good Samaritan, I'm not a good person, you are a good person, not me."

He sighed and continued. "You want to build a happy world, I want to

build a world of Freedom and for that to happen, it will only happen on a

mountain of blood and many people will die for my ambitions, do you

really want to go through that by my side?" Luffy said in a serious tone

while looking into Uta's trembling eyes. "Because if that's not the case, I'll

walk out that door and we'll never see each other again... If you really

want to be with me, you have to be prepared to go through all of this."

"Are you really willing to endure everything I'm going to do, even being

what you hate the most?" He asked with the same serious tone.

Uta continued crying, just looking and listening to everything Luffy was

saying. She was a bit torn, despite her heart still screaming to follow this

man. After a second of hesitation, she finally decided, hugging him

tightly. "I will stay with you, I will follow you no matter what happens...

Don't leave me... I don't want to lose you again." She kept crying. "No

matter the path you choose... I will be by your side."

Luffy stared at her for a moment... making sure her words were true...

that she would indeed endure the atrocities he would do in the future.

Then, for the first time, Luffy returned the hug, covering her naked body


In the end, time passed in that house, and the Sun continued to rise that

morning until it reached midday. Luffy and Uta were having coffee after

talking a bit more, the crying had been replaced by laughter with each

other, like a couple in love. In the end, she sat on his lap to have coffee

while he hugged her. They seemed to have come out of a honeymoon,

very different from the atmosphere that almost broke this bond forever.

"Haha, you remind me of Lucy," Uta said, watching Luffy devour the

food. "I might be a glutton, but I still can't outeat my sister, you know

that," he said with a small smile.

At that moment, a knock on the door was heard. Uta looked a bit

surprised, as almost no one comes to bother her in the morning. Now she

was already dressed, though only wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

She went to the door, opened it, and was surprised, for it was the King of

Elegia, Gordon. He was there to see her, after hearing a rumor that Uta

had gone to dinner with a man, which left him quite surprised and even

cautious, since Uta never cared for the boys on the island, knowing that

she was going out with someone surprised him.

So, he came to check for himself but was even more shocked to see the

man sitting in a chair in Uta's kitchen. And it was not just any man, but a

pirate worth 750,000,000 berries. A pirate who had caused big news in

the world and now was there, eating at Uta's table.

"What is this? Isn't this the pirate Monkey D. Luffy?" Gordon commented,

and Uta looked for a moment before speaking:

"Yes, he is Monkey D. Luffy, and my childhood friend," she said,

surprising the King, since he did not know that Uta had a connection

with this pirate from the Monkey D. family.

Monkey D. Luffy got up from the table and approached the King of Elegia

with a characteristic smile.

"Hello, I am Monkey D. Luffy, the man who will conquer all evils. And

you are the King of this country, aren't you?" Uta wanted to hit Luffy at

that moment as she stared at him seriously.

Gordon was once again surprised by the man's statement. "Well, this is a

surprise to see you here. Are you here to visit a friend?" he asked Luffy,

but Luffy just smiled.

"No, I'm here to pick up my woman," Luffy spoke confidently, leaving the

man even more stunned.

"What does that mean, Uta?" He turned to the girl as she seemed quite


"It's true. Luffy and I are more than friends... I've always loved him and

waited for him for years. Now, because he appeared, I am willing to go

with him." She said still shyly, a bit reluctant to say this to the man who

raised her.

Elegia looked at his adoptive daughter quite surprised and then at Luffy,

and turning back to her, he asked seriously: "Do you really want this?"

She answered, her heart guiding her: "Yes, I want to be with him."

"Will you really take care of her?" He looked at Luffy at that moment also

asking seriously.

"Yes, but things are still not settled, since I still have a demon to kill on

this island..." Luffy commented, thinking of the creature that caused

chaos years ago and Luffy had to finish what Shanks couldn't complete

more than a decade ago, the origin of all the pain in Uta.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

209. Chapter 209

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Elegia, South Blue.



[I'm creating an AU here, I didn't know how to deal with Tot Musica, so I

made him in a different way just to destroy him.]

After Luffy had declared his intention, the room fell silent...

"Are you serious?!" Gordon asked alarmed, breaking the silence, and Uta

was surprised by Luffy.

Luffy looked at him and said calmly, "I wanted to solve a problem once

and for all." Shrugging with both being quite surprised by this, then Luffy

reveals, "I know the demon is still trapped and I know that in the future it

could free itself. Shanks couldn't destroy them many years ago, but I can,

with my powers." Luffy said confidently.

Gordon was a bit cautious about this. "Are you sure about this? Do you

know what you're getting into? This could cause the destruction of the


"Yes, I know. That's why I want to destroy it; it will be dangerous for the

next eras, when the uta uta no mi falls into the hands of another user..."

he said, looking at Uta.

Gordon looked at him for a while before turning his eyes to Uta, who

seemed to hesitate against it, as she wasn't foolish enough not to know

the truth of what happened many years ago, even if she doesn't know


Luffy breaks the silence. "I don't want to waste any more time with this,"

he speaks. "I intend to destroy it today. I just need you to evacuate the

area of the sanctuary." He said and turned to Uta. "You will come with

me to summon, and I will destroy it. Don't worry, we will finish this."

Luffy said, approaching, Uta looked scared. "Don't worry... I'll destroy it."

Luffy said, taking her hand. "Trust me."

Despite the reluctance, Gordon ended up accepting, as this seems to be a

pirate capable of doing so. Given his fame in the newspaper, while Uta

trusts Luffy's words.

"Let's go." Luffy picks up Uta and Gordon was going to make an

announcement for everyone to leave a certain area of the island.

Luffy and Uta fly to a certain area below the Elegia crystals, there was a

wall with a scripture, one that Uta found many years ago and was

enchanted with the lettering and began to sing, causing the demon's


"Let's wait a bit, as people need to leave the area while Gordon makes the

announcement." He said, sitting down in a place and asking Uta to stay

by his side.

"Luffy, will everything be okay?" She asked still cautious.

"Yes, I'll take care of this, don't worry too much about it." Luffy

comments, as Uta leans on his shoulder and begins to sing a melody

without lyrics.

1 hour later, Luffy sighs. "I think it's time for us to start, Gordon must

have done his job in clearing the area. Let's begin..." Luffy comments, and

Uta nods, approaching the area where there was the stone with the music

that only Uta could read and sing.

"I trust you, Luffy." she sighs and starts to sing the song, Luffy remains

quiet in a corner, just listening and even enjoying the music.

As the music was sung, Uta didn't seem very comfortable, but continued

to sing anyway. As soon as it reached a certain part of the song, the

entire wall began to glow and started emitting a blinding light while

everything began to tremble.

"Luffy?" She asked worriedly.

"You can stop, the creature is coming out..." He comments, looking at the

crystal above the door, starting to crack as a shadow begins to emerge

from it.

Then the crystal explodes, flying pieces everywhere, Luffy quickly grabs

Uta and dodges the debris while placing her in a safe area far away.

A shadow falls from the crystal and lands on the ground... over 100

meters tall with an iconic appearance.

The colossal creature quickly roared: "I am free," with its dark and

powerful voice. The entire island heard it and was frightened. The

creature looked around with a smile, saying: "Now, that I am free, I will

destroy you for imprisoning me again here more than 12 years ago!" It

laughed loudly, but didn't notice the small figure approaching its head at

an almost imperceptible speed coming from below.

This figure looked at its chin, approaching, pulling back its fist as the

Haki coating did its job. Then, it delivered a punch with an explosive

sound, echoing throughout the area when the demon hadn't even noticed

its approach. The demon felt the pain of the impact, making it shoot up

into the sky, a few meters, feeling dazed by such a sudden attack.

Before the demon could try to balance itself, Luffy appeared in front of it.

"So you're the one they call Tot Musica?" Luffy asks in front of its face

using Geppo.

"Who are you?!" Tot Musica murmurs a bit dazed.

"..." Luffy doesn't respond and prepares to launch another punch at the

demon. His Haki training wasn't limited to Skypiea, but through the

training he had on the calm belt islands, he evolved much more than

anyone else in this world in a short period.

Before the demon could react, Luffy ran towards it, punching it so hard

that once again it was launched backward, but now falling to the ground

in a mountainous area with forests outside the city area, exploding the

entire area with its body, even making the island tremble.

And Luffy didn't stop there, he concentrated as flames began to cover

him, transforming into Ifrit with an explosion of light in the middle of the

sky, as soon as the purple flames left the air, Luffy in his final form was

seen by the entire island.

The inhabitants, already scared of Tot Musica, became even more

alarmed with another creature appearing.

"What's happening!"

"That's the demon from 12 years ago!"

"Who is that creature?!"

"I remember, it's Monkey D. Luffy, I saw in the newspaper that he can

transform into a demon of purple flames!"

"King Gordon told us to stay away... but can we escape from these


Luffy used a part of his moa moa no mi to double his size and match

against the creature, and then flies to where Tot Musica had fallen.

Tot Musica was getting up when he saw another creature falling on top of

him, devastating the entire area immediately.

"You damn!" Tot Musica yells, but takes a punch from Luffy flying

backward and destroying trees.

He gets up and angrily tries to punch Ifrit, but Luffy grabbed his arm in a

moment, and then moves his other hand and a punch to the chin made

the creature spit blood flying backward again. After receiving the punch

to the chin, the demon made a pained expression, and before it could

speak, another punch from Luffy hit it. He tried to retaliate the punches

from Ifrit, but Luffy moved his head, avoiding it, and then received two

punches to the chest: a right jab and a left jab, making the creature fly

backward and devastate a forest until it collided with a mountain near

the coast.

Luffy thought about how he could kill this creature besides just beating it

up. Then, he looked at the crystal in the middle of the island and had an

idea. If the crystal could trap the demon, then it could also hurt it. He

spread his wings and flew toward the large crystal while Tot Musica was

still within the mountain.

Ifrit flew and grabbed it with its flaming claws and used its strength to

increase the pressure trying to separate a tip of the crystals from the

entire body. The crystal immediately began to crack, with the sound of

glass breaking, and the cracks continued until they enveloped the entire

crystal. At that part where Luffy grabbed it, with another snap, he

released the crystal from the rest.

The demon was still on the ground trying to get up, but then saw a ball

of flames in the sky coming towards it. It was Luffy with the crystal, and

sensing a certain danger, wondered how this was happening, now that it

was finally free, how it seemed to be getting beaten by an unknown

creature. Luffy then hurled the crystal at it, flying like a meteor towards

the ground. However, the demon used all its power trying to stop the

crystal as it approached its chest.

"I won't let this happen," the demon growled, using all its strength to stop

the crystal, which, in the end, collided with its flames. Luffy said nothing,

just continued pushing the crystal against its chest, trying to force it.

Little by little, the demon began to yield to Luffy's strength, which was

much stronger. Luffy managed to push the crystal into the chest of the

demon, making the ground around tremble and explode as the crystal

pierced the creature's chest.

With the creature screaming "Impossible! I cannot die here!" But Luffy

said nothing and saw that not even the crystal could kill him, so he opted

to unleash his flames of chaos.

With an opening in his chest, Luffy launched his flames into it, intending

to destroy the creature from the inside out.

Tot Musica began screaming in pain, asking how this was happening. His

skin began to turn grey, disintegrating near the crystal and flames

entering him, and it began to spread throughout the rest of his body, he

knew for the first time that he was dying. In the end, the last part of his

body disintegrated and turned to dust by the flames of chaos, leaving

Luffy just sticking the crystal into the ground, making the whole area of

the forest tremble and crack, as if Whitebeard himself was there.

Luffy landed softly on the ground, still with the crystal in hand. He

looked at where he had finished with the creature and sighed. His body

began to glow, and his transformation undone, returning to the form of a

small human. Falling to the ground and looking satisfied, he thought:

"That was easy." Luffy had to admit, since he finished Tot Musica without

destroying much of the island.

Luffy then returned to where he had left Uta. Upon arriving, he found her

with a worried look.

"It's over..." Luffy comments, making the girl look at him in surprise.

"Luffy! Are you okay?" She approaches quickly, but Luffy was fine.

"Yes, it's all over now, Uta. There's no more demon putting this island in

danger." Luffy comments.

Uta hugged him and started to cry, saying repeatedly, "Thank you." Luffy

just smiled at her. Then, he took her home. Gordon, who had been

waiting for them, worried, was informed that Luffy had destroyed the

demon that had been pressuring them and that they would never need to

worry about it again.

"So it's all over..." He said in the end with relief, although some parts of

the island were destroyed, everything had ended quickly, he then turned

back to Uta.

"Are you leaving then?" He asks, and she nods with a hint of sadness.

"We're going to stay one more day here, I think Uta needs to say goodbye

to everyone before we leave." Luffy comments and Gordon nods.

She spent the day with Luffy and packing her things to travel with her

man, Gordon went to notify everyone on the island about Uta's

departure, since Uta was well known for her talent, many already knew

of the situation and knew that Monkey D. Luffy was on the island, since

his Ifrit form appeared many times in the newspapers and only one

person could cast purple flames in the world. The next day, a crowd of

people came to say goodbye to Uta in front of her isolated house, she

began to thank everyone and everyone was also thanking Luffy after

finding out that he had destroyed the demon that caused chaos on the

island more than 12 years ago, with them finally getting rid of that fear

of all. Luffy nodded to everyone thanking them and waited in a corner

while Uta talked to people she had known for many years. After a while,

she returned to where Luffy was waiting. He nodded and grabbed her,

before opening his wings to the sky.

"It's time," Luffy said, "for us to leave."

Then all of Elegia saw Luffy and Uta departing into the sky, Luffy took

off, heading to the next step of his plans excited to have a person he

loved by his side now.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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210. Chapter 210

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



Luffy quickly traveled to the Grand Line, carrying Uta the entire way.

Their luggage was significantly reduced thanks to Luffy's power while

being kept in his pocket.

"This is fun!" Uta couldn't help but exclaim, as they flew at high speed,

leaving the South Blue and entering the Calm Belt.

Some time later, the sky began to form small clouds, and a cold wind hit

Luffy's face. "Looks like we're in for a storm..." Luffy commented, sensing

the change in weather, typical of the Grand Line, known for its chaos and


Soon, the sky darkened with clouds covering the sun, and a strong wind

began to beat against Luffy and Uta.

"Luffy..." Uta immediately said, getting a bit scared by it.

Soon a heavy rain began to fall, and the scenery changed from a sunny

day to a powerful storm with lightning falling with the rain and

hurricanes forming all over the place, taking over the entire environment.

With Luffy still frightened, Luffy continued into the storm, and suddenly

his haki alerted him about lightning coming in his direction, Luffy

quickly changed his direction and dodged the lightning while Uta

screamed in fear.

"Luffy, this is getting dangerous!" she shouted, quite scared. He couldn't

blame her, since she was never a fighter and hardly ever faced dangers,

so Luffy nodded and decided to leave there, probably it had already

turned night by the time they were in the storm.

Luffy just smiled and flew upwards this time, going against the clouds in

the sky, in this path, more lightning began to fall while Luffy started

dodging them and going against the wind. A huge hurricane appeared in

front of him and he released his power over the wind, causing a huge

explosion in the middle of the storm and lighting up the area.


Other hurricanes appeared in this path and he continued destroying them

with his flames, causing colossal explosions.




Uta was still very scared in that chaos and clung to Luffy to make sure he

wouldn't leave her. Luffy still continued the path to the clouds and it

didn't take long for him to reach them.

His visibility was limited, and he felt the humidity of the substance with

a slightly low temperature. "It's the first time I enter a cloud, but it wasn't

the experience I imagined!" Uta exclaimed and Luffy wanted to laugh.

His haki alerted him once more, as an electric current began to form

inside the cloud before discharging outside, Luffy saw the line of

electricity and began to dodge from right to left and vice versa, dodging

that current.

He continued in this while dodging the entire time from the electric

currents forming, until he reached the edge of the storm before emerging

into the sky above it. The environment changed, and Uta looked at the

place with bright eyes, as they saw a scenery of a starry sky with a huge

full moon in the sky. Below them, there was still a sea of clouds casting

lightning in favor of gravity.

"So beautiful..." Uta murmured admiringly at the scenery.

Luffy just smiled and continued their journey over the storm. They

followed for the next hours of the night in that scenery through the Calm

Belt, leaving it and entering the Grand Line, Luffy saw an island with a

small kingdom and decided to stop there to rest and continue the journey

the next day.

After putting on disguises and choosing a small inn in a kingdom, they

slept together again, repeating their intercourse from the previous night,

and the next day they immediately left that kingdom in the same


Luffy continued following the Vivre Card towards Skypiea. After a few

hours, he finally found an archipelago of islands floating in that direction

heading to the sky kingdom. Knowing it was Bepo, he went straight in

that direction, while Uta was still amazed by it, wondering how islands

flew in the sky. "How incredible..." She was seeing things she had never

witnessed before.

Meanwhile, at Shiki's former base, Bepo was taking care of the place. He

had become quite brave after putting on his wig, and he began beating

up everyone who still tried to rebel or seek revenge on the former

captain. There were hundreds of bodies lying on the ground, all injured,

and everyone looked at Bepo with fear, as he crossed his arms and with a

calculating look surveyed everyone, while they all trembled and averted

their eyes to avoid being beaten again. Even the gorillas were lying on

the ground beaten. He had quickly taken control of the place in the last

few days.

Luffy approached and couldn't help whistling, seeing the situation and

understanding with just one glance, "I see you've taken control of this

place, Bepo," Luffy suddenly appeared behind him, with Uta in his arms.

Bepo looked at him excitedly. "Captain, you're finally back. I've taken

care of everything as you asked." Bepo spoke with pride, and Luffy

nodded with a smile while putting Uta down.

"Well, this is quite moving," Luffy comments with a satisfied smile and

continues. "Now we're getting close to Skypiea, so let's get ready to see

the rest of the crew," Luffy comments before introducing Uta, and they

settle in while Bepo leaves the islands, heading to the place. Luffy spent

the next two days with Uta, reviewing the doctor's research and seeing

how he could use it to his advantage.

In Skypiea, the crew, as well as the fleet members and the population of

Skypiea itself, were training at full steam. In the last month, even though

Luffy only appeared once to deliver new fleet members, they still

continued training and evolving, feeling stronger and stronger.

However, one day, in the middle of training, shadows began to appear in

Skypiea. Everyone immediately looked up alarmed at the number of

floating islands approaching the place, not understanding how this was


"This... looks like the power of the fuwa fuwa no mi! Is Shiki invading

Skypiea?!" Nojiko comments while fighting against her sister in a corner

of the island. She had absorbed a lot of knowledge in the last months, so

she was aware of all the possible information.

"We better check, I don't think he could find us like this..." Nami


Luffy hadn't told his real reason for taking Bepo with him, so this

surprised them, although some with strong observation haki felt Luffy

like Yamato and even Usopp.

But the inhabitants of Skypiea were frightened by this, wondering where

those bunches of floating rocks came from and what would happen to

them. To avoid any misunderstanding, Luffy quickly approached them,

and shouting with his tone amplified to warn everyone about what was

happening. His voice reached everyone, saying that these islands

belonged to the Straw Hat crew and that they would be part of Skypiea

from that moment on.

Luffy looked satisfied and asked for Bepo to bring Uta while he

approached Black Pearl on the ground of the island, where they used to

sleep and have a party around the ship. "Luffy, you finally came back. I

hope you're here to stay, right?" Nami approached, crossing her arms,

somewhat dissatisfied.

Luffy just smiled. "Of course, I'm here to stay now."

It didn't take long for more and more crew members to join them while

he was waiting on the ship. All the official and unofficial members

appeared, even the former God of Skypiea and the Shandians members

came to greet Luffy. Pleased with the crowd that formed, he began to

speak: "Hello, everyone. Now my travels are over. I've settled all the

pending matters I had, and we'll spend some more time training before

returning to the blue sea," Luffy commented.

"LUFFY!" Chopper cried.

"You look stronger captain... I see you haven't stopped training..." Hugo

commented with a calculating look.

"Captain, I want to fight with you to see if we are still far apart in

strength," Zoro declares from the side, with a challenging glint in his eye.

Luffy looked pleased. "That's good. Let's do that later. But first, let me

introduce some people and what happened while I was away," he begins.

"To start, these floating islands are thanks to Bepo's power," Luffy said, as

Bepo approached and Uta was placed on top of a rock that the polar bear

had set her on. Everyone was surprised by this, since they hadn't

imagined Bepo would use this ability.

"Wait, Luffy. Isn't that Shiki the Golden Lion's ability? He could make

things float," Lami comments, all amazed.

"Exactly. I had to kill Shiki and gave his fruit to Bepo. Now we have a

new force in the group," Luffy said satisfied, looking at Bepo, without his

wig at the moment, he seemed quite shy.

"That's amazing! And to think that our assistant can send meteors from

the sky, can't he?" Usopp spoke with admiration, while Bepo was

embarrassed, almost apologizing for the attention and gazes.

"You're amazing, Bepo-Sama!" Shirahoshi said.

Luffy waited for the members to finish expressing themselves and

continued. "Second point, this is another new member of the crew, our

official ship singer," Luffy said, pointing to the girl who looked at

everyone carefully, mainly analyzing the women Luffy was relating to on

this ship.

The women, knowing how Uta looked at Luffy, knew that something was

between them.

"A singer? That's what our ship needed," Vivi said excitedly.

"That Luffy... it's clear she's more than a singer to him," Nami said

dissatisfied, looking surely for his interaction, while Nojiko just smiled

without caring too much about it on the side.

"Well, and third and not least, I got married," Luffy declared with a smile,

making all the crew members look shocked at him.

"What do you mean, Luffy, you got married?" Vivi commented, looking

stunned, even leaving Luffy a bit curious about her reaction.

"I ended up meeting someone and made a pact with her. We ended up

spending time on an island and... Well, she got pregnant," Luffy

commented, murmuring, while leaving everyone even more shocked.

"Luffy, what do you mean by 'got pregnant'?" Nami seemed shocked.

"It's a long story, but as it ended up happening, we got married, since I

won't have any illegitimate child," Luffy declares, while all the women

wanted to hit him. Even Uta, who didn't know about this, looked angry,

but Luffy shrugged. He would take care of them later.

"Well, we have alliances and new fleet members, now let's talk about the

next plans. We're going to stay together the whole time and I'll be here

with you for 1 more month, and we'll go to the Blue Sea as soon as the

time is up, because big things are going to happen. And I have a

Shichibukai and an important member of a Yonko as prisoners. So, it

won't be long before powerful people come here to find Skypiea,

something I don't want. I believe we still have a month before sorting

things out," Luffy comments, and everyone feels reassured by this.

"Now, I need to know how things are," Luffy comments, looking at

Yamato. The girl thinks for a bit and starts to speak. "As you planned,

Luffy, all the fleet members are evolving, even those you brought after

giving them a beating, they started training and seem to integrate into

the crew. They began to be obedient," Yamato comments, and Luffy looks

towards where Foxy and the others should be, all of them just nodding

their heads, since they suffered a lot in the last days.

Luffy looks satisfied. His next plan was to train a lot, since he was

preparing for war. "Good, then let's start training," Luffy declares, as now

he would use all the power of his moa moa no mi to drastically increase

everyone's evolution, making them so powerful that, in the war, the

entire world would be astonished by the strength of this crew.

"Now where is my pirate captain monkey?" Luffy comments while far

from the ship, there was a huge chimpanzee hiding from Luffy.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

211. Chapter 211 - A Month of


[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of GrandLine.



Days began to pass since Luffy started his training, first by putting

Chopper to work with Doctor to improve the genetics of already modified

animals with a type of new drug.

He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he wanted to make the animals even

more powerful for training after the war, if that happens, he will really

be quite useful before Luffy invades the new world.

But that didn't stop his crew from enjoying the current modified animals,

especially the fleet that was on the island training, the members of the

Baroque Works, the giants, key members of Skypiea, and Foxy's crew

with Shiki's, were suffering at the hands of those animals while exploring

the floating islands.

Shiki had done a great job with those animals, despite his macabre plan

which was based on destroying the East Blue to take revenge on Roger,

Luffy made great use of them after his death and would make a

considerable force in the world in this location, even without his main


He had at least 10,000 members training, 6,000 soldiers from Skypiea to

defend the kingdom, and 4,000 summing all the additions he put in his

fleet. The fleet was learning the 6 styles, making a force as powerful as

the navy elite, while the captains in the fleet or main soldiers, learned the

six styles and were training with Haki.

Every member who already had high strength, had increased at least,

tens of times with their current strength. Six styles, fruits, and Haki, this

was Luffy's rigorous training.

Of course, Luffy had this result because there was no mercy from anyone

while he trained them hard, making everyone reach their limit every day.

Luffy was also satisfied with the main crew, there were no more weak

people among them, even the animals seemed a force to be reckoned

with, it was fun to see the dog, whale, duck fighting each other while

unleashing an entire forest area.

As Luffy had spent a month and Luffy managed to further increase the

power of his fruits, moa moa no mi had increased to 80 times its scope

and when Luffy increased his training speed by 8 times, the system

doubled that with the crew, achieving a result of 16 times, which in a

month, more than a year of training, even those who were not talented

with Haki and his fruit, had exponential growth.

Many people from the sea during this period, reported explosions in the

sky below Skypiea and even saw explosions at night, mainly in Jaya, but

no one could investigate. After all the results and the strength of the crew

currently, the training was finally ending and they were preparing to

return to their journey, at least the main crew.

Today in particular, Luffy was in a fight. The sky was clear while the sun

bathed all the islands with its light, however, at the top, at a higher

altitude, a flame flew through the sky. From afar, it looked small, but it

was 4 km above Skypeia. This flame was heading towards another dark

red energy, which approached the purple flame.

At the same time, when they collided, a huge explosion emerged from the

sky between the 2 forces, exploding and affecting everything around,

even kilometers away. As the nearby clouds dissipated or moved away,

even in Skype, the islands were trembling with the force of the 2 energies

colliding. On one side, Zoro carried his 3 swords, imbued with Odin's

dark energy, while Luffy, using Ace, fought against Zoro using the power

of chaos flames. They had launched this attack at a distance between the

2 forces, after the collision, the explosion happened, forming a cloud of

smoke, but that didn't stop the 2 from advancing against each other at

supersonic speed as a blur in the sky, with the strength of the last

month's training. Luffy and Zoro had reached a new level of strength.

Then, a moment later, the three-sword style, santoryu, collides with

Luffy's one-sword style, ittoryu. The impact in the air between the two

cracked, as their swords were coated with Haki, the sound of metal along

with the force of the speed they used, created a force, causing another

impact explosion, spreading the air in all directions.

A moment later, Luffy and Zoro spring into action again, just backing off

a bit. Their swords began to collide rapidly, against each other. Soon,

that space became an explosion of clashing cuts, hundreds of meters

away. Even the seafarers of the Grand Line could hear the explosions of

the swords, colliding in the distance.

"Luffy-Chan and Zoro-Chan are quite excited," Bentham commented,

doing his characteristic ballet spin while shouting and looking up at the


"Are we safe here...?" Mr.3 commented beside him, trying to shield

himself from the wind generated by the fight.

"I just hope they don't destroy the island," Kuina complained beside them,

as she clutched her sword, waiting for any attack escaping from them and

heading towards the islands.

"It looks like you're right," Reiju commented, smoking a cigarette, as she

saw one of Luffy and Zoro's attacks fall among them, heading towards


Kuina sighed and calmly drew her sword from the sheath, Tensa

Zangetsu, and a cold energy began to emanate from her weapon. She

quickly sliced through the air, launching an attack against the energy

coming towards the Upper Yard. The energies collided in the air,

generating another explosion.


Meanwhile, the fight between Zoro and Luffy continues in the sky. It was

just a friendly fight. However, Luffy wanted to test using his current

sword skills with the most powerful swordsman on his ship. The

movement between the two was so fast that both were even smiling,

enjoying the fight as they raced through space before colliding with their

swords and launching attacks with their energies at each other.

Explosions happened all the time, and they kept at it for 12 hours, until

nightfall, and the sky glowed with both of their attacks, Luffy's amethyst

flame explosions and Zoro's darkness.

As they fought, Luffy at one point stopped moving his sword and Zoro

quickly did the same.

"I think that's enough for today. It was fun," Luffy commented with a


"You're right, Captain. It was a great fight," Zoro said, laughing.

Luffy was satisfied with his current power in fencing, he could say he was

above Momonga, still below Zoro and Kuina, but he could use his powers

to surpass them despite his deficiency, Luffy didn't fight seriously with

Zoro, he just wanted to test his skills in this combat, that's why they

didn't even transform into their Eikons.

After sheathing Ace and Zoro doing the same, Luffy spoke while looking

at the moon. "Let's go back. We have a banquet to make," Luffy says, then

lets gravity do the work as he lets his body fall to return to Skypiea.

Zoro nods and begins to descend as well. Everyone was waiting for them,

since no one could have peace while the explosions happened in the air

and Kuina and even Yamato had to combat the attacks coming down.

"Well... I guess we'll celebrate a bit." Luffy announces after landing before

Zoro. Then the banquet started again, a quite recurring event in the last

month to relieve the days of hard training, where everyone participated

and Luffy had a large stock of food, even if that stock was on the old

islands of Shiki.

"Luffy! Try this!" Vivi approached handing him some food, she seemed

much more attentive to Luffy in the last month, this wasn't surprising for

Luffy, since they end up having sex at one point with Vivi declaring

herself to Luffy wanting to have a family with him as well, Luffy wasn't

foolish not to have seen the girl's signs of attraction towards him, but was

surprised that she took the initiative to approach him as soon as they had

some alone time.

"Try this too Luffy!" Uta appeared by his side while leaning on her

captain and man.

"This is really good..." Luffy said quietly with a smile, he knew why they

were acting like this, since after Luffy had announced that he got

married, the girls were quite unsatisfied and demanded that from him as


Then he had to prepare to marry all of them there before leaving

Skypeia, a requirement made by all. So they were training to be good

wives, in their own words, which Luffy didn't mind and just enjoyed

being surrounded by beautiful women wanting to catch his attention.

With Hancock, Luffy had to give her special attention, as she called him

every day, saying she missed him and demanding that they see each

other, but Luffy said he needed to train a bit longer and they would meet

soon, but he always asked how her pregnancy was going and if she

needed anything or how the babies were, he had to admit he was quite

paranoid about it, but they were his first children and he had never been

a father, so he believed it was normal.

"Listen everyone!" Luffy got up from his chair surrounded by his future

wives and looked at everyone who was at the banquet, thousands of

people around the ship were around large bonfires in the area, listening

to Luffy's voice everyone stopped at that moment to look at the pirate


"We are in our last days here, I will depart with my crew in the next few

days, the fleet will continue training on these islands, since Bepo will be

able to keep the islands in the air, no matter where he is." Luffy spoke in

his amplified tone and continued.

"This era is about to end and I want to keep our strength hidden from the

world for now, not wanting to attract attention. However, at the turn of

the era, we will act, we will show our power to the entire world, since

this will be the beginning of our era and we will shake the world when

we invade the new world!" Luffy said with an ambitious smile.

Quickly thousands of people shouted agreeing with the fleet captain,

many might have been there by force, but ended up joining the fleet

wholeheartedly after seeing their strength increase and Luffy's charisma

seemed to affect them with the promise of conquering the new world and

all of them wanted to participate in such a thing when they are on the

winning side.

After that, Uta used the snails of Skypeia and began to sing for everyone

on the island, as she had finally managed to get that technology and

started to use it at banquets, winning thousands of fans with her songs.

The night continued on that floating island while the world was unaware

of the force emerging there hidden from everyone, and the main powers

of the world would be shocked by this force as soon as it appeared in the




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

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Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

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212. Chapter 212 - The Grand


[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of GrandLine.



Several more days were spent in Skypeia. Luffy was organizing all his

plans and fleet to leave with his main crew from the kingdom. At this

moment, he was in the Doctor's laboratory, together with the Doctor

himself, and also with Chopper, looking at the Doctor's research and the

results of the last month. Chopper, as a specialist in drugs and genetics,

ended up accepting Luffy's request to help improve the work that Shiki

had been doing for years along with his crew, so he was working hard in

this laboratory when he wasn't training with the crew.

Luffy picked up the sheets of the reports and looked satisfied at the

research, even though he was not a scientist he was still a smart man to

read graphs and side effects. Everything was almost complete and they

would start implementing the drugs in animals soon. Probably, in a few

months, they would have the first results. It would be good training with

the new modified species, which would help a lot in the post-war before

invading the New World.

"Very well, you've done a good job, Doctor. And you too, Chopper. As

expected of my doctor," Luffy smiled, touching his doctor's head.

When Chopper heard this, he automatically twisted his body looking like

he was using kami-e, while dancing and saying: "You think you can buy

me with this, you bastard?" But speaking in a cute tone. Luffy just smiled

and let them continue working.

Luffy then left through the door of Shiki's former main base and jumped

into the air while all the soldiers were training around that island, he

flew to Skypeia, since he had some more matters to attend to.

Heading towards the City of Angels, he landed softly on one of its streets

with his large wings, while the people there recognized and greeted him

respectfully. Since many considered him a god, despite his denials, he

couldn't do much about it.

He continued walking until he reached a large house that was built

recently, where Gan Fall was monitoring the kingdom. Luffy entered

calmly through the gate of the residence and the Winged Horse also

greeted him in the courtyard.

Gan Fall came out of the door already feeling Luffy's presence

approaching. "Hello, so you've come to me to sort out the last things,

haven't you?" He asked respectfully.

Luffy nodded. "Yes, we are leaving soon. Just need to make the final

preparations to leave. I want to leave things with you, since you will

continue to be responsible for this kingdom," he said.

"Alright, let's go inside," so Luffy and Gan Fall entered the house.

The conversation was mostly about what they plan to do in the coming

months. Luffy made it clear to the entire fleet that they should continue

training and even giants would take care of most problems, should

someone start to make them.

"And about Enel?" Gan Fall asked, a bit cautiously.

"I've left him stranded on an island. I hope he gets stronger, but he won't

be a problem for you. I will even keep him away from here, but he is

useful to me, and I will continue making my decision. I can take care of

him in any case, so I'm not worried," Luffy said.

"I see. I will trust you, since you can take care of him..." Gan Fall said in

the end.

They discussed the last matters and left some papers with the plans. After

saying goodbye to the man, Luffy left the house and went to look for a

specific person. He didn't have a Haki as powerful as Enel's to cover the

whole island, so he had to search manually.

Using his wings, he flew to the sky of the City of Angels and went to the

Upper Yard, looking for this specific person. It's not because he didn't

have Enel's Observation Haki that he couldn't sense some people

kilometers away. In a short time, after feeling some members of his crew

training in various locations and hearing the explosions, while some were

quite flashy as they transformed into their final form of their eikon to

fight each other, Luffy felt a person training in a corner, covered by

rocks. Luffy then approached the site quietly. But he surprised 2

princesses who were with the person he wanted to look for while she was

reading a book.

"Luffy-Sama!" Shirahoshi greeted him with her usual joy.

"Luffy!" Vivi also smiled.

"Sharky!" Megalo, who was also there, greeted.

"Hello, girls and Megalo, how's everything?" Luffy greeted everyone, and

they all responded.

Luffy then looked at Robin, who closed her book and looked at him. "Did

you come looking for me?" She said with a small smile.

"Yes, it's time for us to go to that place," he said calmly.

The place he wanted to take Robin to was the golden bell; Robin had

already heard from Luffy about the poneglyph. But she wanted to go with

him, even if it would take a few months to see something so close to her,

after all, she was used to seeing the stones with him, making her even

consider him as a good luck charm. Knowing this, Luffy invited her in the

morning to go to the place, so the moment had come.

"Luffy, I can't fly, not like you," she commented, with a shy smile. Luffy

nodded and picked her up by the waist as he took off into the air after

saying goodbye to the princesses.

They flew quickly to what Luffy calls, the great beanstalk above Skypeia.

Quickly landing in front of the giant Golden Bell, where, besides that

large gold structure, there was also the poneglyph with the location of

Poseidon, which ironically was present in Skypeia at that moment.

They went in front of the gold poneglyph next to it, while Luffy began to

look surprised as Robin talked about the name of Gol D. Roger having

inscribed his own words in the ancient language, wondering if he also

knew it.

"Did he know the ancient language?" She murmured.

"No... He has something special, called the voice of all things, it's an

ability even rarer than the conqueror's Haki..." He commented.

"How do you know about this... Forget it..." Robin commented already

knowing that Luffy had knowledge that no one else had, but she

respected him.

"I also possess this ability, it can hear about anything, it seems like

everything in this world has its own memory, I can see the life of a stone

in the middle of the road or even hear the sound of sea kings talking... it's

quite strange and complex... and I haven't even awakened this ability..."

Luffy commented.

Robin looked surprised after Luffy said that, but nodded in silence at the

end, already knowing that this man was incredible.

Luffy looked at the ancient words and ended up looking at Robin, asking,

"Robin, can you teach me the ancient language?" Luffy asked curiously,

wanting to learn as well, after all, he would have plenty of time later,

after the war, and could improve his knowledge even more.

Robin looked stunned but had a bright smile on her face. "Of course," she

said with the same smile, since she could carry that burden, which is

dangerous, with a man she loved.

After Luffy and Robin decided to leave, Luffy didn't take the bell with

him; he left it there. But before that, he went up to the bell and punched

it so hard that it immediately recoiled to the opposite side, striking the

first toll. And then, against gravity, striking the second, third, fourth... All

of Skypeia heard the Golden Bell. Even the people of the Blue Sea could

hear it. In Jaya, a man who lived in isolation, even with all the

devastation that the island had now, looked up in surprise hearing that

bell, wondering if he wasn't dreaming about it.

After that, Luffy returned to his crew. He had one more matter to resolve,

which was a grand wedding that he had promised to many of his women.

So he had to prepare for the wedding.

The next day, a grand event happened in the gold city itself or what was

left of it in the Upper Yard. Luffy would marry all his current women in a

unique event, since it was a requirement after they found out he had

already married another woman while he was away.

On the Black Pearl, the future wives were meeting in the same place after

dressing for the occasion. "Finally, my husband is going to be my

husband," Alvida murmured in a white dress, with satisfaction.

"Nami, you look beautiful in that dress," Nojiko said in her blue dress

matching her hair, while Nami was in the same style in an orange dress.

"Thank you, you too. That dress matches almost as well as Vivi's," she

commented, pointing to the princess of Alabasta in a slightly more sky-

blue dress.

"I have a better dress than you," a voice emerged amid the compliments,

and it was Reiju, pointing at Lami.

"What nonsense, that pink does not suit you at all," Lami replied, crossing

her arms.

"The girl in a black dress is speaking. You do know this is a wedding,

right? You'll never be a wife because of that," Reiju declared with a


"Why are you always fighting and competing?" Vivi complained from the


"Kyahahahahaha," Mikita laughed on the side, wearing a yellow dress,

since she had also become one of Luffy's partners, thus she would marry

him as well.

"Fu fu fu, can't you stop even at your own wedding...?" Robin chuckled

on the side, wearing a white dress like Alvida.

"What a bunch of weirdos..." Uta murmured to the side, wearing a purple

dress matching her eyes.

"Hey, we should go," Yamato's voice was heard, and everyone looked at

her, shouting, "Why are you dressed like that?" all exclaimed, since

Yamato was still wearing her Wano attire without any decoration for the


"I like this outfit, so I'll wear it!" She declared with determination, leaving

all the women just sighing.

"Let's go, we should already be there." Nojiko spoke, then, all ten women

went to the venue, which ended up being an event that gathered the

entire population of Skypeia, as it was a grand wedding.

Gan Fall, would be the person officiating the ceremony. The event then

started with the entry of the brides in different dresses, and all the

women approached Luffy standing while Bepo once again was Luffy's

best man.

"They are so beautiful..." Shirahoshi said in a corner watching the women

approaching Luffy with a sparkle in her eye.

"You wanted to be there too, didn't you?" Kuina asked beside her.

"I... first have to ask daddy's permission before marrying Luffy-Sama..."

Shirahoshi commented.

As the women arrived on stage, they ended up forming a line and one by

one joined Luffy for Gan Fall to continue the wedding vows, one by one

all went through the ritual sealing a kiss with their captain.

"I declare, Husband and Wives!" Gan Fall finished as soon as they were

all done, and they proceeded to a platform where Bepo levitated them to

a deserted floating archipelago island for them to spend the next days on

a long honeymoon in a house that Luffy had built with the system.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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images and significant decisions for the stories.

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RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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213. Chapter 213 - Mugiwaras are


[Chapter Size: 1600 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of GrandLine.



Luffy stayed with his women on honeymoon for 3 days, with Baby-5

joining them. Luffy didn't marry her because she wasn't yet an official

member, despite her seeming quite in love with him, even though

sometimes she tried to kill him. But his reinforced body felt nothing from

her attempts.

Now, with everything ready, all the crew members waiting for him, he

was finally ready to get back to handling the main crew. Adjusting his

cloak, placing Ace on his waist and his pistol, a new one he had recently

bought for 1 billion berries on the other, fixing his hat, and looking into

the mirror in his cabin satisfied, he turned his attention to the door of

this place. His bed was much larger than it used to be, but it was empty

at this moment, since everyone was waiting outside.

Luffy left his cabin and went to the ship's deck through the main hallway

and finally emerged outside, he saw everyone waiting for him, but he

kept walking, passing by Yamato, Shirahoshi, Megalo, Zoro, Kuina, Lami,

Bepo, Nami, Usopp, Reiju, Chouchou, Hugo, Nojiko, Hachi, Alvida, Vivi,

Laboon, Karoo, Robin, Chopper, Uta, and Baby-5, who now completed his

main crew.

'Maybe I can get two or more members on this trip...' Luffy thought with


He continued walking until he found his spot, the prow of the ship, he

landed on Ifrit's head and looked over his entire crew waiting for him to

speak. Luffy had a small satisfied smile on his face.

"We've been off the sea for a few months, it's time for us to return to the

sea below us and show our power to the world." He said, and many

smiled, looking forward to showing their new strength to the world. He

had all those official crew members before arriving at Skypiea and added

3 more members, but Enel was in his personal training on an island of

Calm Belt.

He turned his attention to the city and the crowd that was looking at the

ship, currently Black Pearl was in the port of the city of angels while

everyone came to bid them farewell, they would remain here training

and doing some important things, while the main crew would participate

in the conquest of the first half of the grandline.

There were some things that some people here needed to do, some

members of the old baroque works would return to Alabasta and reunite

the organization that Crocodile commanded, with Luffy aiming to turn it

into an information network in this sea and protect the kingdoms he

declared as his territory.

All the others would remain here and stay with the research and

becoming stronger.

He then decided to finalize his stay in this kingdom. Looking at Usopp

and Hachi, "Let's depart, raise the anchor and steer the ship out of this

kingdom!" He declared.

Then, Usopp quickly raised the anchor effortlessly with his current

strength, while Hachi headed to the helm, Black Pearl finally began to

move away from the island of angels and headed towards the cloud sea,

while everyone shouted and said goodbye, Black Pearl headed for the

gate of heaven.

It didn't take long to pass through the welcome structure and reach the

borders of the divided territory, as they passed through the entire

archipelago of floating islands, where Bepo had permanently left in this

place until they returned. The ship soon reached the limit of the cloud

sea and encountered the 10,000-meter drop, turning sharply as if it were

a waterfall towards gravity, but it didn't immediately fall, as Bepo had

already used his power on Black Pearl. The ship began to float.

"This is amazing...!" Shirahoshi commented, some looked at her as if she

couldn't already fly, wondering why she would be so surprised by the

ship flying.

Luffy was a traditional pirate by nature, so he wanted to travel by water

instead of by air on his journey, so the ship continued descending until it

hit the sea water and finally stabilized, continuing on its way with the


Luffy laughed with joy. "We're finally back," he shouted from the prow of

the ship. Soon, the routine from months ago returned again, while each

member went back to their daily activities, when they were not training

on that ship, although some continued to train in the training room to

improve their skills using seastone handcuffs, since they did not want to

destroy the ship.

Luffy also made himself comfortable while wearing shorts and

sunbathing while drinking a juice that Reiju brought him saying that she

was being a better wife than the emo woman, Nami approached him.

"Luffy, where should we go now?" She asked.

"Let's head straight to Water Seven. Set the log pose on the helm and let

Hachi steer the ship there," Luffy ordered, and his navigator nodded

doing so. The ship moved forward.

In the late afternoon, Luffy left the crew and went down to the ship's

prison, where there were 2 beings chained in that place.

"How are you feeling?" he commented, looking at Doflamingo and Page

On in each cell. "I know it's been a tough month for you. But I'm sure

you'll soon be free again," Luffy crossed his arms.

When Luffy had captured Doflamingo, he expected Lami to try to kill him

and he would gladly give that to his wife, even if it enraged Kaido, but

Luffy already had his daughter, so he was not worried about the Yonkou.

However, when Lami heard this, she was surprised, but declined as soon

as Luffy spoke, because she herself wanted to end him in another way,

not like this, as it would be too easy.

Seeing that he couldn't do much against him, then he decided to leave it

to negotiate his life and make some money, since his was currently

running out after spending so much.

"Mugiwara..." Doflamingo growled at Luffy.

"Hey, don't be so angry. I'm sure the world government will soon get in

touch so we can make a trade," Luffy commented, waiting for that.

As he returned to Page On, "Hey, how about you work for me? You seem

competent, despite being quite wild." Luffy commented, and Page On did

not respond.

After seeing the prisoners, he returned to his captain's cabin, where his

documents and a large map of his journey drawn by Nami were.

He sat in his armchair and began to quickly mark on a board his current


Captain: Luffy.

Vice-Captain: Yamato.

Swordsmen: Zoro, Kuina.

Tankers: Alvida, Hugo.

Cooks: Reiju, Hachi

Doctors: Lami, Chopper.


Secretary: Vivi.

Sharpshooters: Usopp.

Maid: Baby-5.

Ship Guard: Chouchou.

Mascots: Laboon, Karoo, and Megalo.

Marine Support: Shirahoshi.

Musicians: Uta.

Archaeologists: Robin.

Economist: Bepo

Informant: Nojiko.

Navigator: Nami

Engineers: Enel.

Luffy looked at the list; he just didn't have a member for one official role,

which was the helmsman, but he believed that Jimbei would become his

official member for this role. He still had Franky, another engineer, and

Brook, another musician, to recruit on this journey, and he was confident

he could do it. Franky would be the most troublesome to convince, but

Luffy would give him an Adam Tree to make the Sunny GO.

Yes, Luffy planned to build the ship anyway, it wouldn't be the official

one, but still, it would be an addition to the collection of ships he had

been accumulating in his vault. He could have spent another 1 billion to

take Black Pearl to the next level, but it would be as big as Moby Dick,

and Luffy didn't want it to be that size at the moment; its current state

was in the best shape for the group.

Looking back at all the members, Luffy was excited to face the forces of

this sea. He didn't know what Kaido was doing, since he hadn't shown up

even with those two as prisoners, but surely there were some assassins

following him. However, he managed to divert their attention when he

went to see Uta, so he would meet them soon. Now, his goal was Water

Seven and to hunt down CP9 and recruit Franky. Why would he hunt

CP9? Simple, he planned to increase the bargaining against the

government, getting more milk from the cow.

Luffy was immersed in his thoughts when he felt a presence at the door.

"Baby-5, what are you doing there, come in." He ordered, and his official

maid entered with a shy tone.

"Do you need me, captain?" She said with a mix of shyness and hope.

"Of course, come here." Luffy commented with a smile.

She approached, still shy, but her expression changed as her hand turned

into a weapon. "Then die!" and Luffy just looked at her pointing the

barrel at him, shooting point-blank.

"I think you do this on purpose, don't you?" Luffy commented as the

bullet fell from his forehead without hurting him and continued looking

at the woman.

"I don't know what the captain is talking about... But your maid is

behaving so badly... I think she must be punished!" She murmured

timidly while lifting her skirt to show her bottom.

Luffy sighed; he still couldn't get used to this masochistic woman, but

Luffy shrugged as he would punish her and have his way with her at that




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

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Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

214. Chapter 214 - Jack

AgainGreen Bull

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere on sea, First Half of Grandline.



The sea was calm, while a ship stood still upon it at this moment, its flag

waving with the wind, and its flag with a wild and powerful symbol

made anyone immediately flee, after all, these were the Beast Pirates.

However, even carrying that name, the atmosphere on the ship didn't

seem very good; they are doing basic things but still without much

willingness as they sail.

Jack was sitting in a chair on the deck, he has been waiting for

reinforcements for more than a month. But he had achieved nothing, and

Queen, the only one who had spoken to him during this time, said that

Kaido went to an unknown place and King after him to stop him and

return, but it has been a month and he could not take his group of men to

the first half of the Grand Line, not while Kaido and King do not return,

which was worrying, since Kaido had taken the 6-month supply stock

with him from looting.

"Mr. Jack..." A man dressed in the beasts' uniforms approached


"What is it?!" Jack spoke in a bad mood, making the man afraid.

"A ship..." He began, but Jack was impatient.

"We've sunk hundreds of them in the last month, destroy that one too!"

Jack ordered angrily.

"But..." The man seemed to want to say more.

"What is it?!" Jack looked at him.

"The ship's flag... it's the Straw Hats!" The man finally said and Jack

quickly stood up.

"Is it them! Are they here!?" He went to the side of the ship and saw the

speck in the sea approaching.

"This is my chance! I will have my revenge on you! Straw Hat!" Jack

growled as soon as he saw the ship's flag with a magnifying glass grabbed

by his men.

On the Black Pearl, another person was looking at Jack's ship with a

magnifying glass. He saw the ship and frowned before turning his

attention back to the deck of the ship, where Luffy was sunbathing with

his wives and while Chopper and the other animals were running around

chasing each other.

"I Luffy!" Usopp shouted, making Luffy move his sunglasses and look at

his marksman. "There's a ship in our way! And it's the Beast Pirates!" He


"My father?!" Yamato asked beside him while wearing a bikini.

"It must be Jack, I'm surprised he's still here..." Luffy comments and looks

back at Usopp.

"Can you take them down?" Luffy asks.

"ME?! But isn't Jack one of Kaido's calamities?!" Usopp gets scared for a


"Come on Usopp, you're a brave warrior of the sea! You must show your

power!" Luffy encourages him and Usopp seemed to have gained courage

after that.

"YES! I am a brave warrior of the sea!" He said and went to his cabin,

coming out of it with a huge weapon that Luffy gave the design for him

to create.

"UOOOO!" Chopper shouted excitedly seeing Usopp pulling out the


Soon many of the crew came to see the marksman placing the weapon on

the edge of the Black Pearl as he prepared to launch a shot at the ship on

the other side.

He positioned the weapon while having a great aim, Jack on the other

side looked at a small reflection on the ship with the sunlight being

reflected on Usopp's sight, wondering what that was.

Usopp prepared to shoot, but instead of pulling the trigger, wings grew

on his back, releasing the power of Bahamut. A bright blue energy began

to circle the weapon, and it was charging little by little as everyone on

the Black Pearl's crew stopped what they were doing to watch Usopp

preparing his shot.

Jack on the other side felt that something bad was going to happen,

frowning wondering what that feeling was.

"Let's show the power of a brave warrior of the sea!" Usopp said and

pulled the trigger, with an explosion that even made him recoil a few

meters, his light shot flew to the ship 5 kilometers away.

The shot traveled as fast as a Kizaru attack, Jack only saw the light

coming and reached his ship quickly, as soon as it hit the wood of the

ship, it immediately exploded.


The explosion grew disintegrating all the water around while steam rose,

Jack and his ship were totally covered by the explosion.

"Hey, didn't you overdo it?!" Kuina said from the side.

"I..." Usopp scratched his head, looking at the explosion in the distance,

large enough to destroy an entire city.

"Very good, Usopp, you just threw a calamity into the air!" Luffy said,

clapping. He knew that shot couldn't destroy Jack, but surely the

mammoth was now sinking into the sea.

"How beautiful!" Shirahoshi also clapped for the explosion.

"Well, now I'm going back to my things..." Luffy said, reading a book as

he returned to sit in his chair.

His routine was peaceful in the following days; he didn't demand any

training from the crew at that time because they were quite prepared for

the big enemies, and they could simply enjoy the journey without

worrying about it for the time being.

Luffy ended up liking this style; he spent the entire night with his

women, which demanded a lot from him, even using the moa moa no mi

to make all the women quite satisfied and sleep peacefully. He would

wake up in the morning and have some sword fighting training with Zoro

and Kuina, then go to Reiju for something to eat and spend the morning

reading books. Now, during the afternoon, he would enter the ship and

enter a room where a person was waiting for him while reading a book


"You finally arrived." She said with a seductive tone.

"Of course, I'm here, professor." Luffy smiled, looking at Robin. She began

to teach reading the poneglyphs. Robin is always quite reserved, but

when alone, she always lets loose with him.

"You can't wear such a short skirt to teach someone..." Luffy commented,

looking at the woman's clothes.

"Didn't you like it?" She teased once again.

"Of course, I liked it, but seeing you like this, my desire is to fuck you

before we start anything..." He commented, not that he thought it bad his

woman trying to seduce him while they are alone.

She walked up to him, leaving her chair, and threw him into another

while mounting Luffy. "We can have a fuck before we start, you know we

hardly have time alone, so let's enjoy it." She commented as she began to

take off her cloak and lift her skirt, showing she was without panties.

Luffy was already quite accustomed to having sex all over the ship; all

the women who managed to get some free time with him seemed

obsessed with having sex, and Luffy, as a good husband, didn't deny it,

using any part of the ship, from Nami's map room, Nojiko's library,

Reiju's kitchen, Lami's infirmary, the training room, the vault, the

storage, the sauna, and even his own cabin.

Luffy let it happen and had sex with Robin for a while in that room. Then

both were studying the ancient language with the copies taken from the

poneglyphs they already had, with Robin giving an explanation. Luffy

was learning quickly everything he could about the lost language, using

his moa moa no mi, in a few days, he was achieving a result of months.

After studying and training a bit more in the afternoon, Luffy completed

the night with a big banquet among them. This was the routine without

many changes, while the ship continued to sail. However, one day, Usopp

again alerted about another ship approaching.

"What's this?!" He said curiously.

"What's up?" Hugo approached.

"There's a man pedaling a strange boat coming towards our direction." He

commented, and Luffy, curious, picked up a magnifying glass and saw the

man, quite surprised by who was approaching.

"It seems that before he didn't join the navy, he was some kind of

mercenary?" Luffy murmured, looking at the man, since this was one of

the future navy admirals, and it seemed he was hunting them, probably

to rescue Doflamingo who was imprisoned on the ship.

Luffy wasn't wrong, the man received a proposal of 2 billion to hunt

Monkey D. Luffy and his crew, rescuing Joker and Page on. Attracted by

the money as a mercenary that he is, this man quickly set out to sea. He

was one of the greatest hunters of the underworld, so his employer

entrusted him with Doflamingo's Vivre Card, and he followed it.

However, this turned out to be one of his major problems. The Vivre

Card, which pointed towards the Calm Belt that lies between the Grand

Line and the East Blue, shifted southwards, and he followed it to the

Calm Belt between the Grand Line and the South Blue, having to face

various Sea Kings of those waters. And at the moment he saw the Vivre

Card indicating he was close, a huge storm erupted! (Remember the

storm that Luffy and Uta caught?), so he ended up losing his ship and

was left with only a boat that he had to pedal to move on the sea.

This made him spend weeks until he could get out of the Calm Belt with

so many Sea Kings attacking him. He finally emerged in the Grand Line

frustrated and still did not give up, but today he finally managed to find

his target. The man who will one day be known as Aramaki, the

Ryokugyū. In other words, the admiral known as the Green Bull. Was

now pedaling at full steam towards the Black Pearl wanting to finalize his

hunting mission.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

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215. Chapter 215 - Green Bull 01

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere on sea, First Half of Grandline.



Ryokugyu continued pedaling towards the ship, now having his target in

sight. Luffy glanced at him for a moment and then returned to his crew.

"Do you know him, Luffy?" Yamato approached.

"A bit, this man is on the level of a navy admiral," he said.


"An admiral!"

"Should we run away?"

"He seems to be hunting us!"


Hearing Luffy's words, some crew members panicked, but the captain just

shrugged it off. "It would really be hard to deal with him alone, even

with our training," Luffy acknowledged the power of the forest logia and

how troublesome it is. "But, look around us, who in the world could face

us alone." He said with a smile.

"This is a good test for all of us, I don't like fighting together against just

one opponent, but since he came to our ship, let's show him our

combined power," Luffy declared, making everyone nod in agreement.

"Hm?!" Ryokugyu noticed a movement on the ship and saw a man with a

long nose holding a weapon, pointing at him.

"Eieiei. This looks dangerous..." He murmured and then couldn't even

react when Usopp launched another shot of light in his direction,


The explosion once again disintegrated the water, but unlike Jack,

Ryokugyu could fly, appearing above the explosion with a flower

spinning on his back, allowing him to glide in the air.

"He can fly with a giant flower?!" Usopp murmured after taking his

weapon off aim, Luffy next to him slapped his back.

"Why don't you fight him?" He asked.

"Me?" Usopp seemed unsure.

"Don't be like that, show your training power, you made Jack, a calamity,

sink into the sea, you can freely show your power against him, besides,

you're not alone," he said, wanting to see the extent of his sniper's power,

one of the few Luffy had yet to see in full action.

Usopp nodded and still with the wings on his back from the attack he had

made, he flew up, leaving the Black Pearl and meeting the man in the air.

"Hey, Luffy. Will he be okay?" Nami approached.

"Usopp is very strong now, he can take care of himself," Luffy spoke and

continued, "I don't think Usopp can beat him, but he will surely put on a

good show." Luffy smiled.

In the air, Ryokugyu looked, narrowing his eyes behind his glasses at the

long-nosed man flying with wings towards him. 'I don't remember seeing

this power in the report... so it must be a recent power.' He murmured.

Raising his hand, his fingers began to transform into spikes, launching

them at Usopp, who quickly saw the movement and opened his wings,

generating balls of light and launching them at the man in the sky.

The spikes and streaks of light collided, but Usopp had the advantage, as

in addition to disintegrating with the streaks of light, the shots continued

flying towards Ryokugyu. Without much time to react, since he didn't

have much mobility in the air, they collided with his body.





A bunch of explosions occurred on that side, and Usopp kept an eye on

the man, feeling with his observation haki that his attack didn't even

affect the logia, Ryokugyu appeared after the smoke dissipated,

appearing with parts of his body missing but regrowing like a kind of

growing plant.

"What ability is this?" Vivi asked Luffy on the Black Pearl.

"This is the mori mori no mi, the forest fruit, Ryokugyu is the forest man

with this logia," Luffy spoke.

"A forest logia... his abilities are so versatile that he can even create a

forest in Alabasta," Robin added.

"A forest in Alabasta..." Vivi murmured, as that would be quite useful for

the citizens.

"Well... anyway, let's see how Usopp will deal with him," Luffy comments

and sees Usopp pulling his pistols from his waist.

Using dual pistols, Usopp's body begins to glow and he disappears the

next moment, appearing above the man, where Usopp kicks him making

him fly while still recovering, with him falling, Usopp points the pistols

and starts firing shots of light.



Another part of Ryokugyu's body is destroyed, as he falls to the ground.

"He really got him good..." Kuina comments as she watches Ryokugyu's

body being destroyed, only for a sprout to emerge from the light, falling

towards the sea before hitting the ground. Roots began to emerge from it,

spreading across the sea at that moment and expanding in all directions.

"Can he create roots in the sea?" Nojiko was surprised.

"It seems quite similar to Kuzan." Luffy adds, and Robin nods in


The roots continued to expand across the water's surface, and plants and

trees began to emerge from them, turning the area into a forest, even

hiding the sea beneath it all.

The Black Pearl shuddered, "This guy... he's targeting us too..." Hugo

commented, looking around as he felt the roots covering the ship's hull

and spreading upwards.

"AHHHHHH!" Chopper cried out as he saw a root emerging and chasing

after him, but Luffy grabbed it before it could reach Chopper and quickly

burned it with his purple flames.

"Chouchou, use your ice and freeze the sea around the ship, to prevent

these roots from emerging so easily." Luffy ordered, and Chouchou

transformed into Cerberus, biting the emerging roots before one of its

heads opened its mouth and produced a white beam into the sea,

immediately freezing it.

As soon as he saw the frozen sea, Luffy nodded in satisfaction, knowing

he wouldn't have to worry about an attack from below, but the roots

continued to expand until reaching the ice. That's when a powerful attack

came from the sky, halting the advance of the mori mori no mi. Usopp

began to bombard the roots as they grew.

A tree emerged with a cut in the middle of the rising forest. "That's huge!"

Hachi exclaimed upon seeing it.

"Wow!" Shirahoshi seemed fascinated.

"That's scary!" Usopp shouted from above, finding the huge face on the

tree quite bizarre while shooting at it with a grimace.

Suddenly, the face on the tree looked at him, causing him to lose courage

with those eyes. "Usopp, you can do better than that!" Luffy shouted from

the ship, finding his crewmate cowering over little when he hadn't even

used all his power.

"Luffy's right, I'll face him!" Usopp shouted with determination.

The tree looked at him, ignoring the Black Pearl, since Ryokugyu wanted

to eliminate this troublesome individual and capture the Straw Hats.

From the forest, giant hands began to grow in the form of fists and were

launched at Usopp, who aimed his pistols at the attack.







Ryokugyu had evolved his fruit so much that fire, being the greatest

weakness of the forest, ended up making it resistant to this type of

element, the same could be said of light, as the wooden spikes came out

of the explosion with some parts missing and heading for Usopp in the

air, who had to use his agility to dodge the attacks.

Seeing no other choice, Usopp then dashed forward, going towards

Ryokugyu transformed into that huge tree.

He faced the fists, but Usopp had Geppo, his wings, and the element of

light for movement, so he descended zigzagging through the air while

dodging the fists and getting close to his enemy. As soon as he was in

front of the tree, Usopp transformed with a burst of Light into Bahamut!

His shadow covered the tree, and he clamped his claws onto the trunks

while biting a stunned Ryokugyu for seeing this giant dragon taking him

down hard.

For the crew, it was an incredible scene as the dragon grabbed the huge

tree with its giant body and bit its trunk.

"Get out of here!" Ryokugyu said while creating fists to push Usopp away.

But the dragon didn't let go and continued biting his trunk, with a light

beginning to emerge in its mouth.

"You think that will work against me?!" Ryokugyu spoke, still surprised

that this shooter was a mythical zoan of a dragon he had never heard of.

Usopp didn't stop, unleashing his power while biting the huge tree.


His power ran like a huge beam of light, disintegrating everything in its

path, causing half of the tree to disappear along with the forest behind it.

"How strong!" Uta exclaimed on the deck, covering her eyes as the energy

light traveled and even covered the sunlight.

After a while with the enormous sound, things began to calm down as a

part of the sea was left without water, and with the force of gravity, the

sides began to flood the middle part.

Bahamut was still caught in the tree, however, a huge tree hand with

Haki hit him, sending him flying back, feeling the impact of the punch.

Ryokugyu had returned again while the tree returned to normal, now

with him using Haki.

"That hurt..." Usopp exclaimed in his dragon form as he spat out blood,

he opened his wings, and white light balls appeared again, he was going

to fight again.

Releasing his energy, he shot towards the tree, while Ryokugyu didn't

stay behind, building trees with fists to attack as well. The light and the

trees collided with each other, generating numerous explosions in that

area, but Usopp was at a disadvantage and was thrown back, however, he

flew up launching energy directly at Ryokugyu.




"Luffy... Usopp could only use Armament Haki, something he is not yet

proficient in..." Zoro commented.

"It's true, but we should let Usopp fight this fight, it will be good training

for him." He said, looking at the fight.

The fight between the forest and the dragon continued as Usopp and

Ryokugyu kept up a tremendous clash in this area of the sea, attacks of

light and trees continued for the next hour, however, Usopp began to be

at a disadvantage, receiving many hits from Ryokugyu with Haki.

In the end, Usopp lost his transformation and fell unconscious into the

forest, Ryokugyu did not stop there, wanting to suck Usopp's energy, he

used his roots to advance against the fainted shooter, but could not catch

him, after all, he had disappeared from the place, with Lami using Room

and swapping him to bring Usopp back to the ship.

"It was a beautiful fight..." Luffy spoke satisfied and looked at Lami.

"Send us there." He said, and she raised her finger.

Ryokugyu, a bit frustrated for losing his prey, saw new opponents

arriving at that moment, Luffy, Yamato, Reiju, Nami, Shirahoshi, Zoro,

Kuina, and Hugo appeared in the middle of the forest created by


Luffy took his first step, "let's do this, let's see who defeats him using their

transformation." Luffy smiled excitedly, as his arms turned to haki and

flames began to emerge around him, the same could be said of his

companions, each releasing their element, ready to fight against the giant

tree that scowled at them as prey.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

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RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

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Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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Visit our for more!

216. Chapter 216 - Green Bull 02

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere on sea, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy was looking at Ryokugyu with a solemn gaze, while the tree itself

did not like how all those pirates were looking at it, as if they were

competing among themselves for who would deliver the final blow.

"It's a beautiful tree, it will be satisfying to cut it down." Zoro

commented, drawing his katanas from their sheaths.

"This guy has a funny face." Yamato murmured, looking strangely.

"He's big, but seems so easy to beat." Hugo commented with crossed


"It's a shame that my rival isn't here, I could beat her in this competition."

Reiju commented with a cigarette in her mouth.

"What beautiful flowers, the forest is so vast!" Shirahoshi ignored the tree

and started to observe the effect of the mori mori no mi.

"..." Luffy remained silent.

"..." Kuina also made no comment.

"Hey, you should be paying attention to our enemy!" Nami said.

"Yes, Nami-Sama!" Shirahoshi spoke, now looking at the tree.

"You all seem very calm." The tree spoke for the first time, observing


"Because we are calm, you spinach." Zoro replied, placing his last weapon

in his mouth.

"Then try to get rid of this!" Ryokugyu and countless roots grew under

the crew members' feet, but all disappeared at that moment, escaping the

reach of the forest and appearing in the sky.

"Hey, Zoro initiated the attack!" Kuina murmured, as Zoro was already in

front of the tree with his swords.

Seeing this, Ryokugyu launched an attack while using haki to defend and

attack the swordsman, the swords and a fist with bakery and haki clashed

against each other, creating an explosion of red lightning.

"You might have beaten Usopp, but that's because he's not a specialist in

armament haki!" Zoro commented and forced his swords against the fist,

cutting it.

"What?! Your haki beat mine?" Ryokugyu wasn't fighting seriously yet,

but was surprised by this development.

"You should be paying attention to your surroundings." A voice emerged

from beside the tree.

"Hm?" Ryokugyu looked to the side and saw Kaido's daughter with her

weapon, launching it against him, his face immediately flew back with

the force of Yamato's haki.

"That hurt!" He murmured, as he fell, new trees began to grow from the

ground and flew towards Yamato, who began to dodge and punch, but

could no longer get close to him, Zoro on the other side began to cut

down the trees.

"This isn't good..." Ryokugyu commented and started to press the pirates

even more, with the forest still growing.

Suddenly, numerous attacks, ice, red fire, purple fire, wind, water, and

stones, began to bombard the forest.

"!" Ryokugyu was surprised as his forest began to be reduced by the


"Are they overdoing it?!" Vivi asked from the boat seeing everything

being bombarded.

In the sky, Luffy launched his flames, Reiju the phoenix flames kicking

with fire cuts, Shirahoshi created a water ball with her hands and threw

them turning into water dragons, Nami created winds with her hands,

Hugo created giant stones and launched them with his fists, and Kuina

sliced the air sending cold energy.

The forest turned into a series of elemental explosions, while below,

Yamato ran through the explosions heading towards Ryokugyu to launch

another attack, and Zoro sent cuts eliminating all the fist trees.

Ryokugyu was really under pressure, when he ended up losing his

posture and the swordsman took advantage of his open side and launched

a cut. The tree was cut in half, but Ryokugyu managed to escape, while

another tree emerged further away.

However, a line of blood appeared on his face. "That's it!" Ryokugyu

seemed quite frustrated, so much so that he didn't even notice the pink-

haired woman using Geppo and approaching while her feet filled with

flames with a spin and hitting another side of the tree's cheek.

The tree felt the haki and flames on Reiju's feet and was thrown to the

opposite side, while it flew breaking everything in the forest.

"I will kill you all!" Ryokugyu exclaimed again, but his sound was

muffled as soon as Nami flew with her Garuda wings in front of him and

using both hands, enveloped the forest within a hurricane.

Ryokugyu tried to hold his forest against that wind, a heavy man landed

in front of him in the midst of the woods, Hugo propelled himself even

with that wind and jumped on Ryokugyu, closing his hand with Haki and

punching his chin before the tree could react much.

Ryokugyu immediately flew into the sky with the force of Hugo along

with Nami's wind. He finally found himself outside of the hurricane while

his face was already bleeding. Shirahoshi appeared at that moment in

front of him.

"Tree-Sama, I will fight against you," Shirahoshi spoke, somewhat shyly,

and with a movement of her two hands, she created water using oxygen

molecules and a huge water sphere to trap Ryokugyu inside, Kuina made

her move appearing beside Shirahoshi and using her sword cut, the water

ball turned into spiky ice.

"It looks like it's my turn..." Luffy was even further above everyone, he

raised his fist behind... and everyone feeling this, began to move away,

even Yamato, Hugo, Zoro, and Nami in the forest started to retreat.

The flames rocks began to grow through Luffy's fist and expanded until it

became a massive flame, running like a vortex, until Luffy flew towards

the ice sphere with his fist with those flames and punched it.

The ice sphere caught fire and flew downwards like a purple meteor,

colliding with the forest above the sea, what happened after it fell was an

endless explosion of Luffy's flames, which like a meteor, began to run

everything around.

The forest was entirely covered by the flames and disintegrating



The explosion stopped only 30 seconds later while the smoke and steam

from the sea rose covering everything in it.

"Damn captain... did you win?" Zoro murmured.

"You know I didn't, Zoro." Luffy commented before feeling something.

The sea appeared full of debris from what was left of the forest scattered

everywhere, while the water was returning to normal, a sprout emerged

and spread again like the first time, and another forest emerged again

with the central tree.

Ryokugyu finally emerged, but not as well as before, his face was toasted

to charcoal, his nose was broken, faces cut, and a bit sunken from the

previous attacks.

"It's quite a sight... He managed to become even uglier..." Hugo


"Hahaha. He looks angry." Luffy smiled.

"..." Ryokugyu couldn't exclaim in front of the beating he took, he could

only growl and start attacking them again. His forest followed to the sky

with fist trees and he tried to hit the group that began to dodge again and

go in his direction.

Again, the fight continued with Luffy and the others not combining

attacks anymore, going into a direct confrontation against the forest


The crew on the Black Pearl continued to watch the show of elements

that followed in the next 20 minutes.

"They're giving him a beating." Alvida said, looking at the fight.







"At least some seem the animals seem so happy." Nojiko laughed, seeing

the animals with Bepo and Chopper cheering for Luffy and the others.

In the end, the forest once again was destroyed and Ryokugyu was even

worse off. "Why... why am I losing so badly to a group of rookies!"

Ryokugyu growled, he really could not do beyond trying to defend, one

of his eyes was already closed while more blood dripped from his nose

and mouth, suffering numerous attacks with Haki.

"I think we should finish him." Luffy commented.

"Luffy-Sama! Can I try something?" Shirahoshi suddenly said.

"Hm? Sure... I guess you can." Luffy commented, wondering what she

wanted to do, seeing the forest emerging again, Shirahoshi stood in front

of the group swimming through the air.

She took a deep breath and looked at the tree with a much fiercer look

than usual.

Ryokugyu immediately felt that something bad was going to happen,

Shirahoshi then shouted. "COME!" She said, and a sound wave emerged

from her.

The sea immediately entered a tidal wave, leaving everyone surprised.

"What is this?!" Ryokugyu asked, frowning.

"HEY, what's happening?!" Vivi asked worried while Chopper started to

run away crying in fear.

"I don't know..." Nojiko commented.

"What's happening?" Robin also asked.

"This...?" Usopp finally woke up and looked around, moving to the side of

the ship. "It's like what happened in the East Blue!" He exclaimed.

"She's using that!" The crew members who had seen that scene before

were surprised, and even Luffy looked on with a raised eyebrow as the

entire horizon trembled after Shirahoshi made her call.

Around the forest, a huge shadow began to emerge from the water, and

before Ryokugyu could react, the sea rose between the forest and began

to cover it.

"WHAT IS THIS!?" Ryokugyu was scared.

"We should get out of here!" Luffy said, seeing that they would also be

enveloped by the shadow. He used his increased speed and grabbed the

mermaid by the waist with a cry of surprise, and started kicking

everyone's butt so they flew to the ship like projectiles while screaming,

Luffy ended up leaving last with Shirahoshi.

The shadow began to rise, and Luffy escaped before he and Shirahoshi

were swallowed.

"A monster!" Bepo shouted from the ship, seeing how it was insignificant

compared to that.

Everyone was also stunned, even those who wanted to scold Luffy for

receiving his kick in their buttocks.

In the end, a huge sea monster swallowed Ryokugyu's forest without

catching the Black Pearl. Luffy looked at the creature with the huge eye,

making even Laboon, who was already large, seem small.

The monster looked back, mainly at the mermaid who looked at it with

curiosity, "Thank you for coming! Now you can go back!" Shirahoshi

exclaimed, and Luffy frowned, after all, they almost got swallowed too.

The sea king seemed to listen to Shirahoshi, and the next moment,

returned to the sea generating a huge wave, but without harming anyone


Luffy returned to the deck, landing softly in the middle while everyone

gathered, the ship was still rocking from the turbulent sea, but soon it

was calming down,

"I won the competition, didn't I?!" Shirahoshi had a victorious smile, one

that not even her friend Megalo could share, since this innocent mermaid

had awakened her power that had swallowed at least 200 meters of forest

along with a man who could be classified as a navy admiral.

"I guess so..." Luffy answered, letting her go and looked at everyone,

Reiju was scratching her butt while looking at him grumpily along with

Kuina and Nami.

"Well, I guess we better continue our journey, it seems we won't be seeing

forest man anytime soon, if he survives, that is..." Luffy said awkwardly

and everyone went back to their journey to Water Seven.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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217. Chapter 217 - Water Seven


[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Water Seven, First Half of Grandline.



In a location in the Grand Line, more than halfway across, a large

structure stood in the sea. Water Seven was a unique place among all the

seas. The city pulled water from the sea and threw it upwards like a

colossal fountain, with the water falling back down, it quickly began to

run through the city, passing through the streets as it made its way back

to meet the sea. Despite having salt water running through its streets, the

houses did not seem to be damaged by the salt in the air, made of

materials that could resist the corrosion caused by constant exposure to

salt and humidity. This is possible through the use of materials like

corrosion-resistant fiber-reinforced concrete, stainless steel, and other

special alloys.

The structure was not only known for its iconic shape that stood out, but

the true specialty of the place was its famous shipbuilding, as great ships

left its docks, sailing the seven seas and being recognized all over the

world. The shipyards of Water Seven were composed of various key

facilities, each playing a vital role in ship construction. Among these

structures were:

Dry Docks: Specialized areas where ships were built or repaired.

Equipped with gates that could be closed to drain the water and make

room for work on the ship's hulls below the waterline.

Carpentry Workshops: In these workshops, skilled craftsmen worked with

wood to create the skeleton and cladding of the ships. They used resistant

and treated woods to ensure the durability and resistance of the ships to

adverse maritime conditions.

Furnaces and Foundries: Spaces dedicated to molding and forging metals.

Here, metals were transformed into essential parts for the structure of the

ships, such as nails, chains, anchors, and reinforcement plates.

Sail and Rigging Workshops: Places where sails were carefully sewn and

rigging was braided. The quality of the sails and ropes was fundamental

for navigation, requiring resistant materials that could withstand strong

winds and salt erosion.

Naval Design Studios: Here, naval architects and engineers worked

together on the design of the ships, ensuring that they were not only

robust and safe but also efficient and aesthetically pleasing.

Supply Warehouses: Large deposits where construction materials, tools,

and supplies necessary for the construction and maintenance of the ships

were stored. These warehouses ensured that all necessary materials were

always available.

Testing and Launch Areas: Spaces along the coast where ships were

launched into the sea for the first time. These areas allowed for

buoyancy, stability, and performance tests before the ships were

delivered to their owners.

Administration Offices: Where all aspects of shipbuilding were

coordinated, from hiring workers to project management and contact

with clients.

With all this, countless companies were in constant activity in the city.

Among them, there was one that was more required, since its owner was

the most important person in the city, besides already having a great

fame for ending all outlaws that approach.

At this place, a commotion was already happening. "Give us the ship for

free, otherwise, we will kill everyone!" A pirate holding a gun, pointing

at a blonde woman spoke.

"You should take it, that was our agreement." A blue-haired man spoke,

narrowing his eyes.

"We paid half the value of the ship! But the other half will be for free!"

The pirate spoke, and his other 20 companions shouted; "THAT'S IT!"

While pointing their firearms at the company.

The name of this company was Galley-La Company, led by the mayor

himself, the blue-haired man named Iceburg.

The person who had the pistol pointed at her was Mia Khalifa, Iceburg's

personal secretary, who looked at the gun with disdain, not caring about

it. "You better lower that, otherwise, I will make you regret being born."

She spoke in a threatening tone.

"What did you say, woman?! You have a gun pointed at you at this

moment, so shut up!" The pirate spoke angrily.

Iceburg saw this and sighed. "You really aren't going to pay, are you?" He

said calmly.

"Of course not!" The pirate spoke, and in the next moment, Kalifa kicked

him with a powerful kick, sending him a few meters away while the

other pirates were surprised, but not for long, because at that moment,

the carpenters who had just been watching while everyone pointed their

guns at them began to act.

The pirates didn't even have time as they were kicked by all of them, and

Iceberg just watched the pirates being beaten up by everyone.

"What?!" The pirates were surprised to see their companions being beaten

so easily while they began to point their guns.





They kept shooting, but the members of the Galley-La Company were

much more than simple builders, dodging bullets while punching and

kicking all the pirates who tried this scam.

It didn't take long for all the pirates to be on the ground, beaten, and

knocked out. "Take their weapons and tie them up, we should call the

navy, let's auction their ship, since they're not going to pay the other half,

we'll get the money at the auction." Iceberg commented, and everyone


"Did you see that!" The citizens shouted, watching the show from outside.

"Yes, they are unbeatable, as expected of the mayor!" Another spoke.

"ICEBERG-SAMA!" Some women screamed.

This was the atmosphere of the upper part of the city, but this could not

summarize Water Seven as a whole, because on a beach at the lowest

point of the city-fountain, there was a dump with everything people

threw away, mainly from ships that were destroyed and parts that had to

be replaced and disposed of the old ones, everything was accumulated on

this side of the beach.

"Come on, we should throw this ugly ship's bow away!" Said a man who

worked at a construction company on the lower side of the city.

"This thing, who makes something like this..." The other murmured,

looking at the sculpture that was the beak of a ship.

"You had to see the person who was the captain of this, he was crazy!"

The other murmured.

"I don't doubt it, who puts a person wearing a straw hat on the bow of

the ship... it even looks like that pirate who is becoming famous." The

other commented as they strained to move that bow.

They had to throw it in the lower part of the city, on the beach, so they

carried the pieces to the edge of the place and pushed for it to fall.

"Hahaha. This man had green hair and he seemed to be really a fan of

that pirate, but he didn't have much experience at sea and almost sank,

so he had to change the mast, he went crazy when we couldn't make a

ship's bow like it and he had to use another from our stock." The man

laughed, commenting on what happened.

"Whatever, let's keep pushing this thing!" They nodded and threw that

bow off the edge, and it fell straight onto the beach.

As soon as they did that, they returned to their company to do their

work, while the ship's bow fell among other debris, it didn't take long for

a group of 3 men to see the ship's bow and look at it with interest from

one side of the beach.

"This looks good!" One man spoke with satisfaction.

"Franky is going to love this!" Another said while the last one just


Then climbing onto the debris, they began to remove that ship's bow and

loaded it onto a cart they brought, as soon as they fitted it into the cart,

they began to take the ship's part to one side of the beach.

They arrived at a corner of the beach where there was a house with

neons, titled Franky's House. After pushing the cart to the entrance, they

entered and saw Franky drinking his cola.

"Franky! We found something you're going to be interested in!" Said the


"Hm? What would that be?!" Franky wearing only his swim trunks said

with interest.

"Come see!" his subordinate spoke, and Franky followed him outside.

"What is this!?" Franky was shocked by the mast.

"Did you like it?!" Said a man waiting for a positive response.

"Of course not! You idiot." Franky spoke loudly. "This is nothing super-

perverted!" He spoke with disappointment, still wondering who would

use a ship's bow in that way, looking at the image of the man with a

straw hat crookedly.

"Forget it, just leave it aside, it's not enough for the super-ship I'm

planning to make," he said as the men grew disheartened, and Franky

went back inside to drink more cola, still hoping for an opportunity to

create his perfect ship.

Meanwhile, at the port, the workers continued their service, hammering

the wood of the ships. The day was quite peaceful, with no one in this

city expecting what would happen next because at sea, a small shadow

appeared on the horizon.

"Hm? Why do I feel something strange when I look at that ship so far

away?" one of the working men murmured, seeing the small shadow.

"Hey, Lucas! What are you doing? Keep hammering that mast!" another

man warned.

"Wait, can you get the magnifying glass? I want to see who is coming to

town!" the same man said.

"Hm?! Why do you want to see a new visitor? It doesn't matter who it is;

if it's a pirate, Iceberg can deal with him with his men."

"But it's strange... I feel something wrong with that ship. Can you get the

magnifying glass!?" the man insisted.

"What a pain, Lucas!" he complained and went to the side of the ship

under construction, picking up the magnifying glass on the table, "Let me

see what kind of ship is scaring Lucas so much..." the man said

disdainfully as he prepared to laugh at his friend while pointing the

magnifying glass to the sea, expecting to see a random pirate.

"What is that?" The distant shadow finally seemed clear to him, and he

saw a large black ship coming at high speed to the city, its flag making

him lose the sensation of standing on the ground, because that ship was

not just any pirate, but a super crew with more than 2 billion for all their


Who wouldn't recognize that flag in this part of the sea and not pee in

fear? Now that infamous pirate group causing chaos in the world was

coming to Water Seven.

"Hey, man, are you okay?!" Lucas, the simple worker, saw his friend

paralyzed on the spot.

The man looked at him with a pale face. "We must warn the city! The

Straw Hats are coming here!" the man with the magnifying glass shouted,

not only catching Lucas by surprise but all the workers on the ship, who

immediately stopped what they were doing after hearing this.






That ship was just the beginning of the chaos that would follow in Water


At sea, the Black Pearl continued sailing towards the city with force. All

the Straw Hats were looking at the structure somehow, some enchanted

by the city, others with a neutral tone, some hoping to find a fight. Luffy

was in the middle of all this just smiling, after all, he had more people to

capture in the city.

"Since I'm here, let's start a call to begin negotiating..." Luffy said, taking

a den den mushi out of his pocket and started dialing a specific number.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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218. Chapter 218 - Water Seven


I'm posting two chapters of One Piece because I want to focus on the 3

from DanMachi tomorrow.

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Water Seven, First Half of Grandline.



The Black Pearl was getting ever closer to its next stop, slicing through

the sea but without the rush Luffy usually imposed on the ship with his


"Luffy, the town seems to already know we're coming..." Usopp said,

using a technological lens on his eye after Luffy passed on a Vegapunk

project for the sniper to create with the Doctor in Skypiea. It was an item

he had only finished a few days ago, and Usopp could now see things

from afar much faster than by looking through a magnifying glass.

"Let them, we can't do anything about it, after all, we are a superpower in

this sea, it's normal to arrive anywhere and scare people," Luffy


"Are we scary now, Luffy-Sama?!" Shirahoshi seemed horrified by this.

"We are pirates, I guess it's very normal," Vivi commented on the side.

"Anyway..." Luffy commented and looked at Hugo. "I need you to hunt

someone down in that city," Luffy said and began to explain. "He is not

hard to find, he's at a bar as the owner, his hair is iconic with 2 looking

like horns, he uses the power of the door fruit, so you have to be faster

than him as soon as he sees you as a threat, got it?" Luffy laid out the

instructions on how to capture Bueno.

"That will be easy, captain," Hugo spoke calmly.

"That's good," Luffy nodded and turned his attention to his pocket, where

he took out his den den mushi. Dialing a call, the phone started ringing.


"Hello," a familiar voice came from the other side.

"Hello, grandpa," Luffy said calmly.



"I'm missing you, can't a grandson call to ask how you are?" Luffy asked.

"You think you can catch me with that again!?" The den den mushi

screamed, but there was a blush knowing Garp was holding back.


suddenly stopped.

'He was going to say great-grandchildren, but he hid that from someone

in the middle of the call when he was about to pronounce those words,'

Luffy thought and gave a small smile.

"So you're in front of Sengoku, aren't you? That's good, I need to talk to

him," Luffy said with Garp's silence.

"GIVE ME THAT, GARP!" Sengoku, not knowing why Garp did not

continue, asked for the den den mushi.

"PIRATE MONKEY D. LUFFY!" Sengoku shouted into the den den mushi,

while Luffy's crew was all listening to the conversation in silence.

"Hello, Sengoku. It's good to talk to you," Luffy smiled.

"You have a Shichibukai still in captivity! You better release him

immediately, otherwise, I will send the entire force of the navy to catch

you!" Sengoku immediately threatened him.

"Good that you brought that up," Luffy said, "let's negotiate, after all, the

capture of a Shichibukai is not your only concern," Luffy spoke

mysteriously, making Sengoku have a bad feeling and growl.

"What do you mean!?" He asked cautiously.

"Give me a few minutes," Luffy spoke and turned to Hugo. "Hugo, grab

that man I asked for. You can stop at the harbor and enjoy the city, but

we will leave in a few days, after all, we have a big negotiation with the

navy," Luffy spoke and quickly jumped into the air with Hugo following

him and flew towards Water Seven immediately.

They raced through the air, without the city realizing that Luffy was

already arriving before his ship, by this time people were already

spreading the shocking news of a 750 million pirate approaching the city.

"What are we going to do?!" screamed a woman.

"Notify the mayor immediately!"

"Should we call the navy?"

People screamed in fear, Luffy was portrayed as a bloodthirsty demon

that destroyed entire islands and thousands of people paid with their

lives when that happened, everyone in the city was seeking shelters,

workers left the docks, citizens docked in houses closing all doors.

Iceberg frowned as soon as he heard about the Straw Hat pirates

approaching the city, while his employees looked on, some with a look of


"FEAR!" "FEAR!" Robb Lucci's pigeon said scared while he frowned, after

all, even CP9 had to recognize Luffy's strength as depicted in the

newspapers, which of them could deal with a power that could devastate

an island, even the talented Robb Lucci had doubts.

Robb Lucci exchanged glances with the other members as they pondered

what to do. "What should we do, Iceburg?" Paulie raised the question

while everyone was silent.

"Let's stay calm. If we need to deal with them causing trouble, we should

try to stop them," Iceburg said.

"You talk as if we're dealing with ordinary pirates. You know we can't

face those pirates; have you seen what they can turn into in the

newspaper?!" Paulie said in frustration.

"Even so, we can't let them destroy Water Seven. Kalifa, contact the navy

immediately," Iceburg said.

However, something happened. As they were discussing, a high-speed

meteor fell from the sky, exploding the ground in front of the company,

while everyone quickly went on alert.

From the debris, Luffy emerged with his cape fluttering, flaunting his

symbol while smiling at them with the den den mushi still in his hand.

He looked at Iceburg and the others as if they were his prey, while they

all frowned at this pirate arriving in such a manner.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the town, in a specific bar, Bueno was

somewhat cautious. The city had plunged into chaos, and his customers

quickly ran to their homes intending to hide; some even went to the port

to flee the place.

He was wondering whether he should wait to see what happened or go

after the others. 'This might compromise our disguise; I should stay here

and wait for things to calm down.' He decided in the end, after all, his

mission had been carried out for years; he wouldn't like to lose it at this

moment with uncertainty.

However, at that moment, he heard the bar's doorbell opening and was

surprised to see a large man entering. He was a member of CP9; he had

to be aware of all possible information and it wasn't hard to realize that

this man was Hugo, one of the Straw Hat pirates.

Hugo looked at him and soon began to move towards the counter. Bueno

just tried to appear calm as he watched him approaching; Hugo simply

sat at the counter and looked at him. "Give me your best loot," he said,

and Bueno nodded, taking a bottle with a glass while pouring the alcohol

into the glass and placing it on the table for Hugo to drink. Bueno could

feel a pressure, indicating that something bad might happen, but he kept

as calm as he could.

Hugo picked up the glass and drank calmly. As soon as he finished,

downing it all in one gulp, he looked at the bartender, "You know, when

my captain asked me to look for a man with cow-like hair and named

Bueno, I didn't expect to find him in the first bar I entered. I guess I'm a

lucky man," Hugo spoke with a small smile.

"..." Bueno just looked at him for a while, his demeanor appearing almost

calm, but inside he was nervous. He stared at Hugo for a few seconds

while the man gazed back with a smile.

Bueno moved his finger, and a door materialized beside him. However, as

he was about to touch the doorknob, a huge hand grabbed him by the

neck, breaking the counter while Hugo appeared in front of him.

Bueno immediately spat saliva and could no longer move as he felt his

breathing stop with the grip on his neck. "Sorry, but my order is to

capture you; my captain asked for it, and I don't intend to disappoint

him," Hugo commented calmly.

Bueno, unable to do anything to escape the grip on his neck as his body

was lifted, pointed his finger at Hugo's head, launching a shigan.

A small impact was heard, while Hugo just calmly looked at the finger.

He didn't even need to use haki to defend himself because it didn't even

tickle his skin hardened by the titan.

Hugo just smiled and raised another hand, slapping the man, making

some teeth come out of his mouth as he fainted with a swollen and

bleeding face after receiving just one slap. As soon as Hugo saw him

passed out, he shrugged, took the bottle that had been served from the

stock, and left drinking while dragging the man, his door created by the

akuma no mi had already disappeared.

As Hugo left the bar and jumped into the air to find his captain, Luffy

was staring down all the men of the Galley-La Company.

"Answer me, Monkey D. Luffy! What do you mean by that!" Sengoku

shouted into the den den mushi, since Luffy had yet to respond to him.

"Simple, Sengoku." Luffy ignored the men in front of him, smiling at the

den den mushi. "Because I'm in Water Seven, you know what that

means?" He said calmly.

"..." Sengoku was silent for a while, until he spoke again, "No... you can't

be serious..." Sengoku could not believe what he was hearing, how did

Monkey D. Luffy have such precious information?

"I am, I'm now capturing the entire CP9, so you better give me a fair

value for the exchange!" Luffy said, smiling.

Silence took over the place, Iceburg was trying to understand what was

happening, while the CP9 members themselves were quite alarmed now.

Lucci immediately looked at the other CP9 members, knowing their cover

was blown and they were about to act, but before they could, Luffy

released his Conqueror's Haki, which immediately flew out in all

directions at that dock,

"Do you think I'll let you escape so easily?" Luffy asked while seeing

everyone feel the pressure of his king, immediately everyone began to

kneel, unable to handle his current strength.

"You are a little better, but still, you're weak. Is this the talent of the best

talent to emerge in 500 years in Cipher Pol?" Luffy said as yellow

lightning covered the dock and his gaze went to Robb Lucci kneeling

with one knee and trying to fight against the pressure.

"How do you know all this?! How do you know us, pirate?!" Robb spoke

with difficulty while growling, but he could not move, Luffy was

extremely strong here.

Iceburg, kneeling with the others who didn't know the true identity of the

CP9 agents, were shocked to hear Robb Lucci speak for the first time,

since he had always been mute and his pigeon spoke for him.

Luffy didn't immediately respond and looked at all the people kneeling at

the site, making sure none fainted yet, he looked amused especially at the

agents of the feared CP9, appearing just weak while they couldn't even

deal with his Conqueror's Haki.

'Luffy originally couldn't even deal with them at this part of the journey,

this shows the difference between my current crew and the original

Straw Hat members when they landed in Water Seven.' Luffy couldn't

help but compare his strength, satisfied.

"You hear that, Sengoku. I'm capturing all the members of the CP9, I'll be

in touch soon so we can negotiate my terms." Luffy said.

"You bastard!" Sengoku shouted angrily, but Luffy simply hung up the

den den mushi, cutting off his voice. He now had to deal with his new




!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

219. Chapter 219 - Water Seven


[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Water Seven, First Half of Grandline.



"GARP! Your grandson is causing trouble again!" Sengoku growled at

Garp, still in the room.

"Luffy..." Garp growled silently, but couldn't say more.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to inform the government that your

plan, made many years ago, placing agents in Water Seven, has just been

destroyed. You can imagine how furious they will be about this, can't

you?" Sengoku said, and Garp just nodded grumpily without even picking

up his den den mushi again.

Sengoku then picks up another den den mushi and starts calling the Five

Elders, already knowing what would happen next.

Meanwhile, in Water Seven. Luffy was looking at all the Galley-La

Company workers kneeling under his pressure.

"What are you doing?!" The man with blue hair finally spoke through

gritted teeth.

Luffy turned to him, who was standing next to a blonde woman dressed

like a secretary. With an even wider smile, Luffy spoke. "So you're

Iceberg? How interesting to meet like this. Well, as you can see, you have

three government agents infiltrated in your company. I'm just capturing

them, since the government will have to pay a good price for their

heads," Luffy said.

"What do you mean by that, pirate!" A blond man growled wanting to

shut Luffy's mouth, not believing his words.

Meanwhile, Rob Lucci, Kaku, and Kalifa were actually frowning at this

moment. "No matter what you think," Luffy ignored him and went to Rob

Lucci using seastone handcuffs reinforced that could even limit the

physical strength and Haki of the prisoner.

"I know you can transform into a tiger, seems like a waste of your talent

with a common Zoan fruit, maybe the government is afraid of you, that's

why they gave you such a fruit. Anyway, you're not my opponent, so just

stay quiet like a little kitty," he said his arrogant words while the pigeon

was already passed out on the floor, not withstanding the pressure and

Rob Lucci just looked at Luffy with hatred.

He put the handcuffs on Rob Lucci's arm, preventing him from

transforming and even using the six styles. Luffy finished by slapping the

man on the head, making him fall down passed out, while Kaku and

Kalifa had dazed eyes and a glint of fear with what was happening.

"Now it's your turn!" Luffy said approaching Kaku still looking at him


"What do you think you're doing, Pirate!" The carpenters were angry at

Luffy while he continued putting the handcuffs and slapping Kaku on the

head, making him also pass out.

"What do you mean by government agent?" Iceberg commented still

kneeling, looking at his two employees fallen on the ground passed out,

still not believing Luffy's words.

"You've been investigated for years, Iceburg," Luffy now said approaching

him, "You think the government, after Tom's death, would give up on the

Pluton project? You're a fool if you think so," Luffy spoke getting closer.

"WHAT?!" Iceburg now said alarmed, knowing what that meant.

"Yes, you had agents looking for those blueprints all the time, closer than

you could imagine, but you were lucky that the project isn't with you all

the time, isn't it?" Luffy spoke, opening another smile, leaving Iceburg

even more stunned.

"How do you know this? How did you know there was an agent here?

And what proof do you have that they are really what they are?" He

demanded in a dark tone.

"You're not in a position to demand anything from me, Mayor of Water

Seven," Luffy spoke with a tone of disdain.

"What are you doing?" Iceburg asked, seeing Luffy above him and moving

his hand.

"I'm taking your secretary," he said, grabbing Kalifa's arm.

"What are you doing?! Pirate! Hm?!" She exclaimed angrily, but Luffy

gave her a slight tap on the head, causing her to faint the next moment.

"You see, I have three agents from the famous CP9, something that makes

me proud," Luffy celebrated as he put another pair of handcuffs on Kalifa

and placed her with the other agents.

At that moment, a heavy landing was heard, and Hugo appeared carrying

a fainted Bueno.

"BUENO?!" Some of the workers knew the bar owner and were surprised

to see him being captured like this.

Nodding with satisfaction, Luffy said, "Good, put these on him." He threw

the handcuffs to Hugo, who quickly placed them on Bueno before tossing

him among the others.

Luffy stopped releasing his Haki and turned his attention to the den den

mushi. Making a call in front of everyone, who still couldn't move.

"Hello." Luffy heard the frustrated voice of Sengoku on the other side,

confirming that the den den mushi was still with the fleet admiral.

"Hello, Sengoku, I have Rob Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, and Bueno captured in

front of me," Luffy announced, and Iceberg couldn't help but look

stunned, if Luffy's words were indeed true, the one speaking would

confirm it at this moment.

"How much do you want for them and Doflamingo with the member of

Kaido's crew?" Sengoku did not deny, still with a frustrated voice.

"They were agents all this time?!" Iceberg looked stunned at the four

captives, but something else also bothered him more, this pirate knew

that the Pluton blueprints were not with him, meaning he also knew they

were with Franky. Pirate or government, he could not let what Tom

sacrificed his life to protect fall into their hands.

"The pirate from Kaido is non-negotiable, but I want 3 billion for their

lives," Luffy declared.

"Impossible, 1 billion, we are willing to pay that at most," Sengoku


"2 billion, otherwise you won't see them until you accept this amount,"

Luffy decreed.

Sengoku was silent for a while, until he spoke. "Alright. 2 billion, the

exchange will be in Water Seven," he said.

"No, the exchange will be in Enies Lobby," Luffy said, knowing that this

negotiation would not be peaceful, a conflict could destroy Water Seven,

so even though he was a pirate, he didn't want to see this place


"Alright... In Enies Lobby," Sengoku thought in the same line of reasoning

and accepted, seeing that the judicial island was close to Water Seven.

"That's good, then we'll talk in 4 days. I hope to see this money at the

meeting," Luffy said and hung up the den den mushi.

Luffy turned his attention back to his audience on the ground, some

people were watching from outside the company at this moment,

terrified to see the city's great heroes fallen on the ground while the

pirates seemed to do as they pleased.

"You see, Mayor. You had government agents right here, we'll be taking

them, and we'll spend a few days in this place. We won't cause any more

trouble in the city, so don't bother us during our stay," Luffy said.

"What are you planning?" Iceburg asked cautiously, after all, Luffy still

had information about the Pluton blueprints, and Luffy was no longer

even concerned with him or asking about their location, proof that this

pirate really knew where they were.

"I'm going to see a future nakama of my crew," Luffy said and returned to


"Can you take them to put in the ship's prison? Tell the others they have

4 days to enjoy the city," Luffy said, and Hugo nodded, taking the bunch

of them and leaping into the air to descend to the city.

"They took them..." Some workers murmured still on the ground, still

processing that their friends of years were government agents, after all,

they couldn't go against the interest of the fleet admiral and this 750

million bounty pirate.

"So, I'm off. You can tell the city that we won't cause trouble, my

companions like to explore places and will respect your laws if not

provoked," Luffy spoke and started to walk away.

"Wait! You're going to the junkyard, aren't you?!" Iceburg exclaimed with

a nervous heart, knowing he would lose Tom's blueprints.

"Don't worry, soon, those blueprints will no longer exist," Luffy said and

disappeared, flying towards the junkyard.

At the Franky House, the news about the Straw Hats finally reached

them, "Franky! The city is in danger!" Some men from his gang who were

in the city arrived yelling scared while opening the door.

"Hm?! What now? Can't you see I'm drinking my cola! If it's to show me

another ridiculous ship figurehead, I swear I'll hit you!" Franky growled.

"No! The Straw Hats are coming to Water Seven! The city is in danger!"

They finally clarified their fears.

"That crew?!" Franky also got a bit scared, after all, who didn't know

Luffy and his crew after they went devastating several islands in the

Grand Line.

"What, Monkey D. Luffy, the man who can defeat 3 Warlords, 1 Vice-

Admiral, and a Yonko's Calamity?!"

"We're screwed!"

Franky's people immediately became scared, running in panic. "What if

he turns into a monster like in the newspaper?!" Someone spoke in


However, at that moment, the door opened with someone kicking it in,

Black Pearl was now arriving at the port, seeing this person there, they

became even more alarmed wondering what he was doing here.

Luffy had finally arrived, and he looked at the perverted cyborg with his

mouth open and eyes wide, since his hat was unique.

"I heard you guys have a good stock of cola here, can I try some?" Luffy

said, since in this world there was no Coca-Cola, a product he hadn't

eaten in a long time, so this famous cola that Franky drinks piqued his


No one answered, in fact, no one could breathe, while Luffy walked into

the place with a characteristic smile.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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images and significant decisions for the stories.

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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220. Chapter 220 - Water Seven


[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Water Seven, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy continued walking until he reached where Franky was, looking at

him cautiously.

He said nothing as he walked, it was only when he sat down in front of

the famous bully known throughout Water Seven that he greeted him.

"So you're the famous Franky," he said and continued. "Like you, my

name is Monkey D. Luffy. Do you mind if I drink your cola?" Luffy

suggested and didn't even wait for the other's response before grabbing

the cola bottle and bringing it to him.

The place was in utter silence, as everyone watched Luffy taking the

bottle and opening it with the sound of gas, nobody moved a muscle, it

didn't seem anymore like they were in a bustling place like the Franky

House, after all who would dare breathe in the presence of this monster?

Luffy drank the cola calmly, not caring about what was happening

around him. "You know... this is a bit disappointing, I was expecting a

different taste, this seems more like Pepsi..." Luffy murmured with a tone

of dissatisfaction, "Still, it's a nostalgic taste..." He said, drinking the rest

of the container.

"Ahhh," he released the gas-filled breath and turned back to the pervert

in front of him. "I just made a visit with your friend, Iceburg. A very nice

guy, however, naive, I took some of his staff."

"Iceburg?" Franky finally snapped out of his shock upon hearing Luffy's

words. "What did you do to him?" He asked worriedly.

"I did nothing to him, but there were some government agents looking for

a kind of weapon, they hoped Iceburg had it..." Luffy gave a small smile,

while Franky began to sweat. "It's a shame they looked in the wrong

place, isn't it?" When Luffy said these words, a deadly silence took over

the place more than ever.

Franky seemed to have lost his footing at that moment, paralyzed by

Luffy's words, after all what was being discussed was the Pluton plans

with him at that moment.

A moment passed and Franky finally made a move, jumping back, "I

WILL NEVER HAND THIS OVER TO YOU!" He said gaining some courage

and pointed his arm with a barrel in the middle of the palm at Luffy, who

just looked amused at the cyborg.

Before Franky could shoot at Luffy, a hand grabbed him by the neck

lifting him off the ground while Luffy was already in front of him like a


"You know you can't resist this..." He said calmly as Franky struggled to

break free.

"Boss Franky!" His companions at the site shouted desperately at that.

"We should stop him!" One spoke up quickly.

"Even if we die here, we'll fight!" Another said.

Luffy was not bothered by them and around him, a wave of haki was

released, making everyone there faint the next moment.

Franky, already scared, became even more alarmed seeing all his

colleagues fallen on the ground, with no one else conscious.

Luffy used his free hand to open the cyborg's elbow, while he struggled,

but in vain, Luffy took the papers inside him and threw him on the

ground the next moment.

Franky fell stunned looking fearfully at Luffy as he looked at the papers.

'Let's at least read this...' Luffy thought and used his moa moa no mi to

read everything quickly in less than 20 seconds and memorize

everything, he at least wanted to understand a bit about this weapon, it

might be useful for him to do some things with this information.

He didn't intend to build a second Pluton, after all, there's already one

under Wano and if his theory was correct, the key to activating the

military ship, which should be considered a nuclear ship, would

somehow be Vivi, after all, everything indicates that the Nefertari D.

blood has to do with the weapon. But Luffy is still curious about the

weapon's skeleton and how it works.

He finished reading and looked at Franky still glaring at him with

clenched teeth. "This weapon is too dangerous to keep, you should have

destroyed it a long time ago." He concluded and picked up a den den


Pointing the den den mushi at the paper while he dialed, "Sengoku, send

this video to the World Government, your chances of getting your hands

on Pluton end here," he said, and the papers in his hand quickly caught

fire, disappearing into ashes. Luffy looked satisfied and hung up the den

den mushi, this call would be sent and using his intuition, he could tell

what he did was indeed real.

"You see, Franky... I just did something that could have ended your life,"

Luffy said, crossing his arms to the man still on the ground.

"You destroyed all the plans..." He murmured in disbelief, after all, he

could not believe that Luffy had absorbed it all.

"Yes. Now let's see the others. I have to introduce you to your new

crewmates," Luffy said.

"What do you mean by that? Hm?!" He didn't finish when Luffy grabbed

him by the clothes and started to leave while Franky tried once more to

get out of his grip, at least it wasn't by the neck now.

"Hey answer me! Why are you carrying me like this!" Franky tried to

speak, but Luffy ignored him while kicking the exit door and flying into

the air, heading towards the port.

"The city is quite empty... I guess that's normal due to our reputation, but

it's kind of boring... it's not like we were going to destroy every place we

dock," Luffy commented looking at the closed houses, feeling all the

people in the city scared of them.

He went towards the Black Pearl anchoring in the port at that moment

and approached in the air. "AHHHHHH LET ME GO, NO, DON'T LET ME


ME ON THE GROUND!" Franky screamed as he was carried, his crew

looked towards the screams in the air and saw Luffy landing on the deck

with a man in swimwear, floral clothing, and blue hair.

"Luffy, what is this?" Vivi asked wanting to understand.

"This is our new companion, just like Enel, he will be our engineer," Luffy

said with a small smile.

"Who said I'm your engineer!?" Franky shouted with a comical face after

hearing that, despite the scare he took.

"Companion?! This is just a pervert," Nami crossed her arms and looked


"Thanks for the supeerrrr-compliment!" Franky seemed happy with that.

"THAT WAS NOT A COMPLIMENT!" Nami shouted with a comical face.

"Luffy... what have you brought to the crew now..." Lami commented on

the side with eyes on the captain.

"Don't worry, he's trustworthy, despite being a weakling now, he can be

very strong in the future," Luffy slapped Franky on the back who was

getting up from the ground, making him fly with Luffy's slap going

towards the ship's door.

At that moment, Hugo appeared opening the door and saw a man in

swimwear flying towards him while screaming. "Hm?!" He looked

strangely at that and kicked the man, who flew before hitting the mast

and falling unconscious.

"Did you kill him!?" Usopp shouted stunned.

"He's our crewmate? He's injured! Call a doctor!" Chopper was scared.

"WOOLF! WOOLF!" Chouchou barked.

"AHHH that's right! I'm a doctor!" Chopper said and went to treat Franky.

"Hahahaha. It's good that we're still in a good mood," Luffy laughed

seeing this interaction and turned back to Hugo. "How are our prisoners?"

"Placed in their cells, no chance of escaping," He said and Luffy nodded.

"Luffy! I wanted to see this city, but... where is everybody?!" Uta said

pointing to the empty city.

"It seems the world is afraid of us... So it's better to get used to it, told the

mayor we're going to stay a few days and we don't intend to cause

trouble unless necessary, soon the city will function again," Luffy said.

"So I would like to see this place," Robin commented.

"Yes, I also want to see, I haven't seen a city like this!" Shirahoshi shouted


"You all can go, as Hugo said, we have 4 days. I'll deal with Franky, you

can do whatever you want," Luffy said and went to the cyborg all

bandaged up by Chopper.

Seeing this, many of the crew decided to head to the city, especially the

women going to clothing stores and riding carts through the city's rivers,

while Zoro, Kuina, and Chouchou stayed with Luffy, some to train and

others to sleep as Luffy saw Chouchou lying on the deck peacefully.

Luffy approached the bandaged Franky and slapped him on the head.

"Hm?! I swear I had a strange dream that I was kidnapped by a pirate and

he made me join his crew..." He murmured waking up, but seeing Luffy

in front of him, he started to sweat.

"Yo!" He said with a small smile.

"What do you want?! I'm not going to join your crew!" Franky spoke


"You know you don't have a choice, you were with the Pluton plans, do

you really think the government won't go after you after knowing this,

hoping you read the contents that Tom sacrificed his life to protect?"

Luffy asked calmly, and Franky seemed to clench his teeth.

"They wouldn't do that..." Franky spoke, and Luffy wanted to laugh at


"Yes, they would, trust me, I have many crew members who hate them to

a degree that even scares me," Luffy joked, but there were some whose

hatred surprised him after what they had been through, and he didn't

blame them.

"Why do you want me to go with you?" Franky asked sincerely, he didn't

seem to see much value in himself as this pirate looked at him, after all,

this crew was made of monsters, he would be a useless guy.

"Don't underestimate your value, Franky... You have potential, more

important than your strength, is your talent. You can come on our

journey, we need good engineers, look at this ship, wouldn't you like to

study it?" Luffy suggested, pointing to the Black Pearl.

"I..." He would be lying if he said he wasn't enchanted by this ship, which

had already appeared in the newspaper a few times with its name.

Looking closely, it was quite impressive with its 50 meters.

"Moreover, wouldn't you like to build a ship for me, I need someone to

make a secondary ship for the crew, can you make this ship for me, I'm

willing to provide all sorts of material, how about it?" Luffy asked, and

Franky finally had a positive look.

"I can build a ship for you?!" Franky was surprised, after all, no one

wanted his skills, and he ended up being a gangster in Water Seven. If

this pirate wants his work, this is an opportunity for him to fulfill his

dream of building the perfect ship!



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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Visit our for more!

221. Chapter 221 - Water Seven


[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV

Water Seven, First Half of Grandline.



"This?!" Iceburg exclaimed, bewildered as he watched what was

happening in front of him.

"Usopp! Hand me that tool!" Franky shouted as Hugo lifted a huge base of

adam wood, the most durable in the known world, effortlessly while they

used a construction base next to Black Pearl to make what Luffy believed

to be, the Sunny Go.

Iceburg was worried about what could have happened to Franky, so he

immediately went to his house, concerned that Monkey D. Luffy would

get his hands on the plans for Pluton, and became even more scared

when he saw that Luffy had arrived there and kidnapped Franky.

However, as soon as he went to the dock where the pirate ship was, he

came across a strange scene, Franky was commanding the construction of

a ship at that very moment, as an experienced shipbuilder after years of

learning with Tom before even creating his own company, he could

identify all those materials they were using. Luffy bought them through

his store spending a bit of his money, but for a good use.

Luffy had called some of his companions for the construction of a new

ship as soon as he planned with Franky what the ship would be like. The

male members were interested, and the place was filled by Hachi, Bepo,

Usopp, Hugo, Chopper, and even Zoro, who came at Luffy's call.

"THIS WILL BE SUPERRR-COOL!" Franky shouted excitedly.

"Franky!" Iceburg couldn't help but call out to his old friend.

"Hm?! Iceburg?" Franky looked towards the mayor and smiled as he

jumped from the skeleton of the ship to approach the old acquaintance.

"Look at this Iceburg! I'm building the perfect ship!" He declared,

pointing to the Straw Hats working.

Iceburg frowned. "What do you mean by building a perfect ship. And the

blueprints, that pirate knew you had them, didn't he?" He said nervously,

not caring that Luffy might be listening to their whole conversation.

"About that... Yes, he took them." Franky spoke, scratching his head.



HANDS OF A PIRATE!" Iceburg practically begged.

"About that, the pirate destroyed them in front of me... And now I can't

stay here... The government will come after me as soon as they find out I

had the blueprints." He said.

"What do you mean?" Iceburg was surprised that Luffy destroyed them, at

least it was better that these blueprints no longer existed than someone

having them with the intention of using them, but was surprised by

Franky saying he could no longer stay.

"I'm leaving, it's complicated, but I've become a pirate of the Straw Hats

and will be departing with them soon." He said, it's not like he accepted it

right away, but Luffy convinced him, seeing that he could be pursued,

and now he was realizing his dream.

"You can't be serious..." What shocked Iceburg the most wasn't the fact

that Luffy knew the location of the blueprints, but how he convinced

Franky to join the pirates before even he could leave his company until

he finally found him.

"It's true, Franky has a lot of potential." Luffy intervened with his calm

and distant tone, causing Iceburg to frown. "He's a member of my crew

now, so we'll take care of him." Luffy said calmly.

Putting that aside, Luffy returned to the construction of the ship's

skeleton, he saw someone approaching. "Master, you need me." Baby-5

approached in her maid dress.

"Yes, I want you to use your power to weld some things here." Luffy

pointed to some iron joining with the adam wood.

"Then die!" Baby-5, as always, changed her personality and pointed a

missile at Luffy's head, making everyone look at them, the crew was

already accustomed to this behavior and Luffy told everyone not to

interfere since any joke the girl plays on him is useless.

"If you shoot me, and it only affects me, it'll be fine, but if you destroy

any part of this construction, I'll make you regret it." Luffy said calmly

looking at the missile in front of him, but his voice carried a threat that

Baby-5 had never heard before, after all, he never really had to

reprimand this woman.

Baby-5, with a determined face, became a bit nervous at that and quickly

transformed her hand back to normal, having a shy expression. "I'm sorry

for upsetting you, master. I'll do it right now!" She said cheerfully in the

end and went to weld what Luffy asked with one of her hands turning

into a blowtorch.

The construction on the ship continued, the girls walked around the

town, but as the whole town was scared, almost no shop was open for

them, so it was more of a sightseeing trip than a shopping spree.

Many inhabitants came to Iceburg asking about the pirates' intentions, he

ended up saying that as long as they don't cause trouble for them, they

will be peaceful. The first day of construction was quite invigorating, the

skeleton of the ship was all structured before the real construction began,

thanks to the strength and power of the members.

"This is superrrr-done!" Franky shouted with joy as he fitted the anti-arms

in a characteristic pose of his.

"Hey, how did you get him to join so quickly, Luffy?" Uta asked curiously,

after all, that guy didn't seem very willing at the beginning to join the


"The husband knows how to use his charisma," Alvida said beside.

"Amazing, Luffy-Sama!" Shirahoshi said.


"Let's celebrate with a feast!" Luffy said as they prepared that Dock into a

big party.

Far from the location, members of Franky's gang looked on from a

distance. "Franky-Aniki is in danger!" Said one.

"I don't think so. Look at him." He pointed to Franky jumping, drinking

cola, and laughing, pointing at the ship.

"What are we going to do?" Said a woman with a Black Power hairstyle.

"What if they've bewitched him or something?" Said another woman

identical to the last.

Luffy looked at that group from a distance and returned to Franky,

"Franky, go talk to your people, I wouldn't like to receive an attack and

destroy your precious ship," Luffy said.

"Hm?! True, I'll talk to my superr-companions!" He said, going to the


"You recruited him so quickly..." Zoro approached with alcohol while

Luffy was with Nojiko at his side.

"Hahaha. You're right, I thought it would be much more difficult, but in

the end, we got our engineer," Luffy said, looking at the system in front

of him.

[System: You have recruited Franky as a member of your crew.]

Putting the system aside, Luffy continued with his crew while many

people looked from afar at the pirates having a party, but no one

approached. Franky's group ended up joining them that night, after

clearing things up. In the end, the feast grew, and Franky's gang mingled

with them for the rest of the night.

The next day, Luffy returned to the work of the ship, and Iceburg

appeared with his company, "I didn't like how you did things, however, I

still recognize that you helped us, so we will help you with the ship, if

you don't mind," He said, and Luffy nodded.

"I still can't believe Lucci was a government agent, but I still recognize

that you helped us!" Paulie said.

The group also gathered around the skeleton of the ship, even Franky's

gang helped, while Franky was the chief engineer who eventually gave

way to Iceburg.

In the town, citizens began to leave their houses, seeing that the pirates

were just building a ship with the mayor and Franky, shops began to

open, and the girls were able to enjoy their stay in the city better, but

this could not be said for new visitors, as soon as they saw the

characteristic black ship of the Straw Hats in the port, they turned ship to

escape from that city.

At the end of that day, another banquet was made by the crew. The

routine continued and the city finally got used to the pirates and didn't

seem to be afraid, although they trembled in fear when Nami asked for a

discount in their shops, even making clothes or anything she wanted for

free, making the navigator leave the shops very happy.

"This is the train Luffy-sama talked about!" Shirahoshi pointed to a means

of transport approaching the location.

"Luffy..." Usopp approached, feeling something coming from that train.

"Yes, there's a government agent on that train to spy on us, Hugo, can

you take him out?" Luffy spoke calmly, sensing a very dark aura,

probably an assassin, maybe even CP0. Hugo, someone who enjoyed

killing anyone related to the government, seemed happy with this kind of

job and went into the city.

After a while, there was a small explosion somewhere as Luffy carried

wood for the ship, but he knew Hugo had done his job.

Another day, an agent tried to approach using Geppo, "Usopp, take him

down." Luffy said, and Usopp looked up at the blue sky before grabbing

his gigantic rifle and shooting with his light power, killing the agent

trying to infiltrate the city.

"Next time, let me handle them!" Zoro complained in the end, having no

chance to take care of any agents. But his chance was denied as on the

last day, they were having a farewell party and, unexpectedly, the city

joined them, eating and drinking merrily with the pirates.

"Our last day here, soon we will set off to the sea, as we have a big

negotiation to make!" Luffy declared and looked at the ship, which was

still not ready and needed a few more days. "Franky will stay to meet up

with us, Usopp and Bepo. You can stay here and help him with the

finishing touches and then meet up with us after Enies Lobby." Luffy

suggested, Usopp would be more useful here than on the legal island, and

Bepo could levitate the ship to catch up to them faster, not wanting the

government to find out now that his crew possesses the power of the

fuwa fuwa no mi.

"Yes, Luffy."

"Yes, captain!"

"And those who have been with me since Alabasta, we haven't had a

direct confrontation with the government together, but make no mistake!

At Enies Lobby, we will face some admirals and powerful forces, so

prepare yourselves for this great meeting!" Luffy announced, and those

fascinated with fighting were happy to hear this, after all, it was a chance

to show once again their growth, and the event with the green bull hadn't

done that very well.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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222. Chapter 222 - Preparations

for battle 01

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Marinefort, First Half of Grandline.



Sengoku adjusted his cape, straightened his clothes underneath, ran his

hand through his long beard, and adjusted his glasses by pressing them

closer to his face with a finger.

He looked into the mirror of his office and gazed at his reflection with

satisfaction before turning around and beginning to leave the office. A

group of soldiers was waiting for him as soon as he stepped out.

"Fleet Admiral!" They saluted respectfully as their hands went to their

foreheads while the other hand remained clenched into a fist behind their


"Come on, we're already late," Sengoku spoke and continued down the

hallway as the navy soldiers followed closely behind.

"Is everyone already in the square?" Sengoku asked along the way.

"Yes, Fleet Admiral Sengoku," one of them spoke.

"Then let's head there immediately," he said, and continuing their path

through Marineford and descending the grand structure, they finally

emerged from one of its exits, a special one leading to the execution

platform in front of the entire square.

However, today would not be a day for a public execution, as there was

no prisoner to execute. Instead, the only being on that platform was an

old man sitting at its edge, quietly eating his biscuit.

"Garp," Sengoku greeted as he approached with the sailors in tow.

"You've finally arrived, the sailors down there are getting restless waiting

for you to show up," he said calmly while chewing on a new biscuit.

"Hm... hand me that den den mushi," he said and took the den den mushi

placed next to Garp.

"You locked this thing up; it was a good opportunity to share my jokes,

my students would certainly love to hear them. Buwhahahahaha," Garp

laughed, spitting out his biscuit, which fell from that height, landing

below and hitting a navy cap. The cap's owner was infuriated with the

biscuit pieces falling on him, but he said nothing more while puffing on

his cigarette.

"Akainu is getting furious with you..." Sengoku pointed out. "And that's

exactly why I lock the microphone, so you don't end up embarrassing the

navy," Sengoku growled soon after.

Ignoring Garp who laughed, he deactivated the microphone with a

personal password and looked over all the men waiting for his speech.

There were at least 10,000 sailors down there, all standing rigidly, with

all the families of those sailors circling the square, bidding them farewell,

as it might be the last time they would see each other.

Sengoku took a deep breath and began to speak, "Today, justice has

gathered all of you here because it needs to put an end to a threat in

these seas," Sengoku started.

People in the middle of the crowd like Coby, Helmeppo, and even

Monkey D. Lucy were listening attentively to Sengoku's speech.

"The navy has been suffering great losses since this pirate group entered

the East Blue, destroying navy bases and killing its commanders, yet still

coming out unscathed," he began and took out a paper with the entire

history of their target.

"It started with branch base number 153, killing Captain Morgan."

Helmeppo shuddered upon hearing this. "Then there was a major

destruction in Orange Town, they attacked a sergeant destroying his ship

at sea, and it didn't stop there, base number 16 in the East Blue was also

destroyed, killing Captain Nezumi as well," he continued as everyone

listened and clenched their fists, with someone after doing all this, still

roaming the seas, their blood screamed for justice. Sengoku also wouldn't

say that Nezumi was a criminal, so he treated him as a victim here to add

to the crimes of this group.

"They also captured Captain Smoker, making him a hostage, after that,

for the first time in that sea, a king was assassinated by a pirate, no less

than the captain of this group. Garp tried to stop them, but they managed

to escape and once again met in Loguetown, which resulted in the

destruction of a large part of the city," Sengoku spoke before taking a

breath and continuing.

"They entered the Grand Line; there was a sighting of a large explosion

near Whisky Peak, they appeared in Alabasta, and the navy spoke again,

they attacked Lumenarchy, other islands after some time disappeared, the

captain destroyed Jaya. With all this, government agents became their

prisoners, their last contact was in Water Seven, capturing other

government agents," Sengoku paused to give more weight to his next


Garp remained silent, Luffy could not be forgotten after all these crimes

he committed, he is bringing the whole world into chaos with his feats.

Obviously, the navy would respond accordingly.

Sengoku also did not know all of Luffy's movements, because if he did, he

would be even more surprised, after all, the pirate had killed two

Celestial Dragons.

Lucy looked at each of the reports with a furrowed brow, seeing that the

brother she always loved was causing chaos in the sea fighting against

everything she believed in.

"We can no longer let this evil force continue sailing in this sea, so we

will negotiate with this pirate gang to recover some government agents,

one of them being a captured Shichibukai, therefore our force is

assembling 1 admiral, 10 vice-admirals, 10,000 elite sailors with a Buster

Call of 50 ships! If we enter into conflict during the negotiation, we will

eliminate this threat from the sea!" Sengoku spoke and continued before

they could celebrate. "You have the mission to eradicate the Straw Hats

in Enies Lobby!" his voice echoed across the square.

"OWWWWW!" the crowd of sailors seemed frenzied with the idea of

eliminating such a threat after causing so much chaos in the sea.

"No matter what kind of monsters are on that ship! We will eliminate

them!" A man shouted.

"Yes, justice will prevail!" Another sailor from the crowd said.

"No matter the beasts we've seen in the newspaper, we have an admiral

and 10 vice-admirals!"

"Buster Call! We will be called with a force that can destroy an island!"

Another said, celebrating.

Lucy remained silent as everyone celebrated; she was not too excited

about eliminating her brother. So she remained silent, just like Coby,

doubting that they could really stop Luffy there in Enies Lobby.

Garp continued in silence seeing people shouting below, wanting to kill

his biological grandson. "Garp... you know you're not participating in this

mission, right? I called Tsuru to take care of it," Sengoku spoke calmly.

"I understand... My students can handle it," he said, but without much

humor now, as he stood up and walked away without saying anything.

Sengoku saw movement below the platform and saw Akainu standing up

from his chair, knocking off the biscuit pieces that Garp had thrown at

him while spitting and laughing before.

He approached as everyone stopped roaring, seeing that the admiral in

charge of the mission finally made a move. "Listen, everyone!" He began,

getting heated.

"No matter what happens, we will not fail in this mission, justice will not

accept any failure, so we will eliminate this threat in Enies Lobby!" He

spoke growling, not entertaining any outcome other than killing Monkey

D. Luffy, this could be seen as he was holding the pirates' wanted posters

in his hands, making them burn while clenching them, turning into ashes.

"Let's board the ships, it's time to head to Enies Lobby!" Akainu spoke and

jumped from the platform, landing on the ground and heading to the

ships waiting for all of them, the sailors left their ranks and began

marching behind the vice-admirals towards the 50 ships with the power

to destroy an island, with Tsuru's ship waiting for them at sea.

Sengoku watched everyone quickly settling on the ships and beginning to

depart with civilians and military companions bidding them farewell in

the square.

"Good luck!"

"Fight for justice!"

"Destroy the evil pirates!"

Satisfied with this, Sengoku turned around, trusting Akainu to do his job,

after all, they didn't just want to save the agents and Doflamingo, Akainu

was summoned because everyone knows his personality, and Sengoku

wanted to end this threat that was growing by the day at sea.

As the dozens of warships departed for Enies Lobby, on an island a few

thousand kilometers from Marineford, in the middle of the Grand Line, a

village was being attacked.

"Zihahahahaha!" Teach laughed as he destroyed everything in the place

with his companions, testing his powers.

But not far from there, in the middle of the sea, a boat catching fire at

high speed was tearing through the sea at that moment, the Whitebeard

tattoo shining on his back as he held his hat so it wouldn't fly off at the

high speed.

"Finally, I know where you are, Teach!" Ace growled as he headed in that

direction, his target finally within reach, he would finally confront and

punish Teach for his unforgivable crime, a pity that Ace was too

confident to know the danger he was putting himself into.

Elsewhere, Luffy was saying goodbye to everyone in the town, it seemed

that they had finally become friends with those people, looking

completely opposite to when the Black Pearl had arrived in the town.

"Goodbye, Pirate Luffy!"

"Straw Hat!"

"Goodbye, pirates!"

"This is unexpected..." Uta commented at the bow.

"Thank you, everyone-sama!" Shirahoshi waved her hands as a farewell.

"It was really a nice city to visit, it's a shame we must leave..." Nojiko


"We're ready to depart, captain!" Hachi spoke at the helm.

"Understood, Hugo, raise the sails, let's depart!" He said, and Hugo began

to lower the sails with the pirate flag on the main mast as the ship finally

began to move away from the port.

"Nami, all set for reaching Enies Lobby?" He asked, and his navigator


"We're on course!" She said confidently. Then the Black Pearl began to

move away from Water Seven as a train cut the sea beside them, their

next stop would be in a small war between the Mugiwara and the navy.

Raccoon here:

What do you think of the navy's force, enough or too weak for the data

they have on Luffy's feats, after all, the navy doesn't know Luffy's real


I would put 10,000 men on 10 ships like the original Buster Call, but for

10,000 men I thought it was too little, so I increased it to 50 ships.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

223. Chapter 223 - Preparations

for battle 02

[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Somewhere on Sea, First Half of Grandline.



On the same island in the middle of the Grand Line, Teach was laughing

as he walked with his group through the abandoned town.

"Ziahahahaha! Let's go, men!" He said excitedly while laughing and

walking out of the village, unaware that he was being watched by

someone who had just arrived on the same island.

"Teach." The single word was uttered by this man, and Teach quickly

turned to look.

"Hm?" He narrowed his eyes until he finally saw who it was on the roof

of that house. "ACE?!" Teach raised his voice excitedly.

"I finally found you, Teach... You left our ship with a debt, and I've

finally found you to settle it." Ace spoke calmly.

"Ziahahahaha! We finally meet, captain. Your brother told me you were

looking for me, I just didn't imagine we'd meet here! Ziahahahaha!"

Teach laughed.

"Luffy?" Ace raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, that unpleasant little guy and very powerful." Teach grumbled. "But

speaking of him, my men caught something interesting in a marine call,

did you know Luffy is about to enter a small war with the navy at Enies

Lobby? I heard the navy wasn't taking it easy sending an admiral and 50

warships to destroy the island. Ziahahahaha!" He said, spreading his


"Luffy is going to war with the navy?!" Ace was surprised by this.

"Yes, I was thinking of stopping by there, if he survives that, he certainly

won't be in good shape, so we can capture him while he's weak!

Ziahahahaha!" Teach announced.

"Capture him?! All the more reason for me not to let you go." Ace spoke

with a dark tone, not wanting Teach to go after Luffy.

"Hey, captain, how about joining me?" Teach suggested, but Ace just

looked at him with the same dark tone.

"I'm here to kill you, Teach, not for your nonsense." Ace spoke, and in the

next moment, took two shots from Blackbeard's sniper.

The shots in Ace opened holes filled with the fire of his logia. Then Ace

closed the holes and simulated his pistols with his hand, shooting at the

sniper who began to run from the attack, Burgers did not stay behind,

picking up an entire house while throwing it on Ace, but the commander

of the second division of the Whitebeard pirates used his power and

created a fire pillar breaking the house, while Burgers got a bit burned.

"Hot, hot, hot!" He suddenly said, extinguishing the fire near his

champion belt.

"He's a logia, you guys back off, I can handle him." Teach said and his

companions started running from there, leaving only Teach and Ace.

"Let me show you my power, captain! The power of darkness!" Teach said

and everything around him was filled with darkness emanating from his


The battle between Ace and Teach began, with Ace being surprised as he

was grabbed by Teach after launching a black hole and sucking him in,

but Ace still fought injuring Teach several times, in the end, the island

was being filled by a giant sun of fire and a huge ball of darkness fighting

each other.

It was only after 2 hours that the fight ended.

"Ziahahahaha!" Teach laughed seeing Ace fallen on the ground

unconscious while his body bled everywhere.

"Captain!" Teach's members approached.

"Look, we caught a big fish! Ziahahahaha!" He laughed with satisfaction.

"Are we going to Enies Lobby?" Burgers asked.

"No, we have something more interesting here, let's go to Marineford!"

Teach said and they left.

A day had passed, while in a place at sea, there was a certain island

floating in the middle of a hole while the water fell before reaching it, as

if this place had physical laws different from the rest of the world,

considered one of the 3 great structures of the government, Enies Lobby

was the point where all the great criminals were judged by a Judge

before taking them to Impel Down, as they already call it, a judicial


"Those damn pirates!" A cup broke as it crashed against the wall.

"Spandam, don't get so enraged..." Said a huge body.

"How can I stay calm, Fukurou?! Years thrown away, by a pirate who

emerged and simply destroyed everything!" Spandam growled with so

much hate.

"Boss, let's get them! We are receiving reinforcements!" Jabra said,

shaking his mustache.

"Yes, we'll eliminate them!" Spandam said confidently. "They will pay for

ruining my promotion that I ended up losing because of this!" Spandam

said, clenching his fists.

"What should we do, chief?" Kumadori asked, approaching.

Now with Spandam more composed, "Let's get ready. Gather all 10,000

soldiers of Enies Lobby!" He said, and the CP9 agents started to leave.

"Damn you all! You will pay for daring to challenge the World

Government, Straw Hats!" Spandam cursed, news about Luffy sending the

video destroying the plans had already reached him, so his mission could

already be considered a failure, what remains is to take down this pirate

crew along with the navy to save his career.

Time passed while Spandam remained silent, looking around as he drank

wine, until a sailor approached that room, "Agent Spandam! The

reinforcements are arriving!" The man said, and Spandam looked up with


"That's great, let's see our guests!" He said a bit more excitedly as he was

going to the port of Enies Lobby on the way that would lead to Impel


As soon as he left, he saw the large fleet with 50 navy warships

approaching the island. "Hahaha! Look at this, do you think any pirate in

this world could resist this force?!" The man was shouting, looking at the


"I don't think so, Agent Spandam..." The sailor next to him also got

excited about this force.

The ships approached and started to anchor in the port, the first was the

admiral's, stepping off the ship with some officers right behind, Akainu

always showed a closed atmosphere, not letting anyone easily approach

him, then he raised his head surprised when he saw a man stopping him.

"Admiral Sakazuki, it's a pleasure to be working with you, I've already

commanded all the island's forces to prepare for battle! I'm Commander

Spandam, by the way!" The man said still with an excited tone.

"Hm?!" Akainu smoked his cigar looking at that small man for a while

before dismissing him like any subordinate. "Get out of my way!" He said

growling, while pushing a surprised Spandam.

"Wait, what is this?! I take care of Enies Lobby, this mission is mine!"

Spandam said, surprised by the disrespect.

"It doesn't matter, I'm in charge now, justice must be commanded by

those who know how to guide it to eliminate all pirates." Akainu didn't

say anything else as he brushed Spandam aside.

"No, this can't be happening...!" He growled, losing control of Enies Lobby

so easily, "I can't let this happen!" He said before a shadow appeared

above him.

"Get out of the way!" Said a vice-admiral, kicking Spandam, who ended

up tripping and falling from the bridge of the port, into the water below.

"Help!" He screamed as he fell into the water and the currents moving

towards the big hole below the island.

Akainu then began to organize the entire island taking control of it, while

all the navy's elite summoned, began to be dispatched with the warships,

as they remained in the water with cannons pointed at the island.

The place was becoming increasingly militarily fortified, while the

10,000 soldiers already on the island, turned into 20,000.

"Do you think we can beat him, Lucy?" Coby approached Lucy making

her rounds in a place on the island.

"I don't know, but definitely, I am much stronger than the last time we

met, I hope to beat Luffy this time." She commented, but there was a

nostalgic smile on her lips with the desire to meet her brother after

months without seeing him.

"Yes, I also want to show my strength to him!" Coby spoke firmly, he

couldn't do anything with Luffy in Loguetown, just watch the chaos in

the square without doing anything, even still not being at that level, he

still wanted to show his growth.

"Yes, I'm sure Luffy will like that." Lucy said, and soon they were

interrupted by something. All the loudspeakers on the island began to

emit the sound of an alarm.

"Attention everyone, the Straw Hat ship is approaching the island, repeat,

attention, a black ship with the Straw Hat flag is approaching!" The

announcer spoke as his voice echoed throughout the island.

"They're finally here..." Coby said, almost not believing what was about to


"Yes, let's go." Lucy spoke.

The voice returned over all the loudspeakers. "Everyone to your posts! I

repeat, everyone to your posts!"

As the island went into a frenzy with more than 20,000 soldiers

preparing for the possible battle, loading their ammunition, checking

their weapons, sharpening their swords, everyone was anticipating

everything that could happen in this organization. Meanwhile, in the

island's tower, Akainu looked in the direction Luffy was coming with the

others, smoking his cigar more than usual.

His eyes narrowed. "You've finally arrived, a threat that I will eliminate

today and here. Son of Dragon." He growled.

Not far from him was Spandam , after being saved from falling into the

island's hole, he returned to the tower of the judicial island but ended up

just observing as the admiral and vice admirals commanded everything

in his place, leaving him quite frustrated.

"They are here. I want to laugh at Rob Lucci for being captured." Jabra

said with crossed arms.

At least Spandam was in command of his team. "Yes, they've arrived! It's

our chance to save our team by eliminating the pirates and even earning

a promotion for it!" Spandam said with some hope.

On the Black Pearl, the ship did not seem intimidated as more than 50

navy ships were on the other side of the island they were approaching at

full speed.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

224. Chapter 224 - Enies Lobby


[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.



Before the meeting of Lucy and Coby, the ship was still amidst the sea,

"We are getting closer, Luffy!" Nami spoke, looking into the distance,

with the island becoming a larger point on the horizon.

"That's good, it's time for us to go get our prisoners." Luffy commented,

entering the ship and heading to the ship's prison along with Zoro and


Doflamingo, Page-on, and all the captured CP9 agents looked towards the

door opening with Luffy entering along with two others. Luffy looked at

everyone, Doflamingo and Page-on were being fed now, so their

condition wasn't as extreme as the last time Luffy visited them, the CP9

members, despite being a bit downtrodden besides Rob Lucci, were fine,

having been captured just a few days ago.

"Hello everyone!" Luffy announced with a small smile, but there was no

response back.

"They don't seem to like you, captain." Zoro commented, noticing the

silence. Nobody had responded to Luffy's greeting, after all, everyone was

angry at that man.

"It's alright, but soon they'll be happy, since we are going to release them

in exchange for enriching us." Luffy commented with a smile as the

prisoners looked a bit surprised.

"Are we going to be released?" Bueno asked in his cell calmly.

"That's right, we are arriving at the meeting point, so it's better to take

you guys out there." Hugo commented.

Without adding anything more, Luffy began opening their cells and

taking out his prisoners, with the help of his other companions, they

brought everyone to the deck while keeping them in seastone handcuffs.

As soon as they left the interior of the ship, the prisoners finally saw that

they were in front of the judicial island, with Black Pearl even closer,

they were a bit surprised by this, but the scenery looked chaotic,

warships everywhere as if a great battle was going to erupt there.

"What is this..." Kalifa murmured quietly.

"Fufufu. It seems the government has prepared very well for this

negotiation." Doflamingo commented with a characteristic smile.

"That's true, I hope they at least bring the agreed money." Luffy

commented while crossing his arms also satisfied with what he was

seeing, he expected no less.

Black Pearls continued sailing towards the island non-stop, while the

local alarm was sounded at that moment.

"So loud." Uta commented looking over the edge of the ship.

"Is all this for us? How interesting." Alvida said, placing her club on her


From the ship, everyone could see movements on the island, with

thousands of soldiers getting ready.

"Look at that island! It flies in the middle of a hole!" Vivi commented,

pointing at the island and Uta with Shirahoshi joining her.

"Do you think we'll find Lucy there?" Nojiko approached Luffy.

"Lucy?! I would love to see her again!" Uta heard the mention and spoke


"Lucy-Sama!" Shirahoshi also expressed her desire to find her.

"Yes." Luffy simply said with a smile. "I feel we can find her there." He


The ship continued approaching until the port was right in front of it

before falling into the hole, with various navy soldiers looking at them

cautiously all around, the ship finally arrived at the port, anchoring


"It's really quite a sight..." Kuina commented.

Luffy left the strange structure of the island behind and looked towards

the port, "Hm?!" He looked down and saw who was the person there to

receive him, quite surprised. He didn't speak to her immediately, but

looked at his crew.

"The ones who will take part in this negotiation will be Yamato, Zoro,

Kuina, Hugo, Nami, Nojiko, Lami, Reiju, Alvida, and Vivi." He said to

each of these members before continuing, "While Uta, Shirahoshi, Hachi,

Chouchou, Robin, Chopper, and the rest of the animals will stay to

protect the ship." Luffy wanted to keep the ship safe and having some

members with affinity with water would be the best choice.

Everyone nodded while the members who were going started to take the

prisoners, as Luffy left first, jumping from the ship to talk a bit with the

person waiting for him down below.

He jumped with a smile from the ship while his cape swung with gravity,

landing calmly in front of the person. He looked at this person and

greeted her with the same smile. "To think that a vice admiral like you

would be here to receive me, this is an honor, Miss Tsuru..." Luffy


The lady herself looked at Luffy with interest. "So, you are Garp's other

grandson, the troublesome one..." She spoke calmly, looking at him while

all the sailors around just nervously watched this interaction. Behind

Tsuru, there was a group of women.

"That's true, I like to grab the world's attention." Luffy spoke arrogantly

and looked around. "I thought you would film something like this, since

you are about to tackle the biggest rookie of this generation." Luffy kept

his tone while turning back to Tsuru.

"The navy is doing this secretly, our intention here is an exchange, not a

war." She spoke, but Luffy almost scoffed, knowing it didn't seem like

that, however, he changed the subject. "And my sister? She's here, isn't

she?" Luffy asked, and Tsuru nodded.

"Yes, a lovely girl, why can't you follow her path?" She asked with


"I've always liked the path where I was free, I have my own justice and I

think I wouldn't like to go against it because of orders from superiors."

Luffy comments.

"The navy's justice is always the right one." She commented, looking him

in the eyes as if those words were unshakable.

"Don't think so, the navy is funded and that means it has a boss, if you

receive an order that you must destroy an island for the interest of the

World Government, even if it kills innocents, you will do it, or have you

forgotten what happened in Ohara, I have a living witness on my ship."

Luffy commented, no longer holding back his mockery of the justice she

believes to be unshakable.

Tsuru trembled a bit at his words but said nothing more while everyone

else watched in silence, "Anyway, let's go to the negotiation site, do you

mind if it's in the middle of the island?" She said, and Luffy nodded, in

the middle of the island or at sea, it was all the same to him.

It didn't take long for the other crew members to jump off the ship,

reaching the port. "You have some interesting people, I didn't know the

princess of Alabasta had become a pirate." She commented, looking at


Vivi stayed silent, and Luffy shrugged, "She doesn't trust the navy and the

government much after what happened with her country." Luffy said.

"And this is Kaido's daughter... No one knew he had a biological

daughter, it was quite surprising that you had her all this time, but you

are very bold to pick this kind of fight, I don't know how Kaido has not

invaded this side of the Grand Line yet." She commented, and Luffy just


"It seems I will have to meet him in the New World, what else can I do, I

still keep a member of his crew with me." He spoke, and then his crew

followed him as he continued with Tsuru into the judicial island.

They kept going while Luffy encountered more and more marines

throughout the place, his group was not bothered, but certainly was

watched waiting to make any move from the pirates for them to act.

Luffy could sense their emotions.

"They are here..."

"So this is what a 750 million bounty pirate looks like... Never seen one


"Will we soon have to fight these monsters?"

"This is a negotiation, not a war!"

"Do you think what will happen if the negotiation fails?"

"Look, it's Doflamingo."

"To think that a Shichibukai would be humiliated like this..."

"There are also the captured government agents, I heard they are


"Almost everyone in that group has their own bounties..."

The amount of conversation among the crowd of marines was huge, and

Luffy didn't want to listen to everything, so he stopped paying attention

to them while he continued looking forward where Vice Admiral Tsuru

was leading them. There were several giants too.

"Hahaha. It seems quite exciting what will happen here." Zoro said,

placing his hand on his sheath.

"That's true, I'm willing to exchange a few punches with giants." Hugo


"There are surely many good swordsmen here, I hope to have the chance

to face them." Kuina commented.

It didn't take long for them to arrive in the middle of the island where

there was a large space in the middle of the road, there was a group of

personnel waiting for them.

Luffy looked with interest at the group, after all, there was a man

smoking a navy cigar with his cape swinging with the wind and 10

people behind them, one he recognized as Momonga, while the others he

had never seen, but he knew some of their identities from the original


His group continued following while all the vice admirals, admiral, and

even the CP9 members were waiting for them.

"Fufufufufu. What an interesting reception!" Doflamingo commented with

an excited smile.

"That's true... I'm looking forward to meeting such unique characters."

Luffy laughed, while Tsuru just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You really are unique, Monkey D. Luffy. Let's see if you will continue to

be so in front of the pride of justice." She commented.

"It's not like I haven't faced an admiral before." Luffy shrugged.

"Hey, gloomy. If we get into a fight here, let's see who defeats more

marines?" Reiju teased Lami.

"Tsk, of course, but don't cry after you lose to me." Lami said arrogantly.

As always, they always competed with everything, even in bed with

Luffy, since her husband had to endure their competitions.

Then they continued until they finally arrived at the site, Luffy could feel

the burning gaze of Akainu staring at him with murderous intent.

Tsuru approached the group of marines and continued walking while

Luffy and the others stopped, after all, the negotiations were about to

start at this moment, he was just 12, while thousands of marine soldiers

surrounded them like an anthill, outside the island, dozens of ships still

continued to keep their cannons aimed at the island, ready to fire at any


Luffy was not intimidated, he just kept his bandit smile and looked at

Akainu and his murderous gaze. "This is going to be interesting."



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

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I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

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- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

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- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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225. Chapter 225 - Enies Lobby


[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.



Akainu looked at Luffy, still holding his gaze. "This is the first time we've

met, Pirate Monkey D. Luffy!" Akainu spoke while growling, his cigar

emitting an even more intense smoke with his words.

"True. I didn't imagine we would meet so soon, Admiral Akainu," Luffy

said, without a hint of fear.

He turned to the others behind the admiral, Vice-Admiral Tsuru

positioned herself alongside her colleagues while Akainu led the

negotiation as the admiral.

"At the same time, I can say the same about all of you, even though I

don't know the vast majority, but it's good to see you again, Vice-Admiral

Momonga." Luffy spoke calmly as if he were in a pub with friends rather

than in front of dozens of people who wanted to kill him.

All the admirals were looking, keeping a neutral face to Luffy's words,

but curious as they looked not just at Luffy, but the entire group behind

him. Except for the princess of Alabasta, all the pirates maintained a

rather calm look towards the admirals.

While the high-ranking navy members maintained an alert stance to

engage in combat with the pirate group at any moment, the same could

be said of the pirates, closely watching for any movement from the


It was a unique sight as the sailors saw these groups facing each other.

"Admirals and Vice-Admirals on one side and the Straw Hat pirates on

the other..." Coby commented from a distance as he stood in the crowd

with all the other elite sailors.

"Luffy..." Lucy looked at her brother from a distance leading his group

and exchanging a few words with the navy. Luffy had also felt Lucy's

presence from that distance among the sailors, but he just smiled

thinking of his sister, he had something more important to deal with


"This..." Coby suddenly saw a strange movement and Lucy noticed it too.

A bit close to the vice-admirals, CP9 was also gathered, as Spandam

wanted to be part of this war and earn his own merits. He was looking

from a distance, eager to act quickly to get his credits, then saw when

Luffy exchanged some words with the navy members trying to find a

chance to defeat him and come out with a promotion from Enies Lobby.

He looked intently as he touched his pistol at his waist loaded with

Seastone bullets. The other vice-admirals noticed this with their

Observation Haki, and the same could be said for the pirates. But nobody


"What is he doing?" Jabra asked, bewildered. He wanted to laugh at Lucci

being treated like a prisoner, but saw that these two groups were so

powerful that he couldn't even breathe, after all, he had to acknowledge

Rob Lucci's strength and seeing him so easily defeated was a warning of

how powerful their enemies were. But seeing Spandam's movement, he


"I don't know, but it wouldn't be good," said another CP9 member,

Fukurou, fearfully.

"I'm going to be promoted!" Spandam shouted and wasted no time. He

gripped the handle of his pistol and drew it, aiming directly at Luffy.

However, before he could squeeze the trigger, Luffy just looked at him

for a moment and, in a glance, launched waves of the Conqueror's Haki

directly at him while the space seemed to change color on another plane.

The wave passed through Spartan as his eyes turned white and he

dropped the gun, falling unconscious the next moment.

"Conqueror's Haki," said one of the vice-admirals.

"What did you expect? Look at his record, look at his family," another

vice-admiral shrugged.

"He has become much stronger than before," Momonga spoke in a somber

tone. Now their instincts screamed to stay away from Luffy, even though

he hadn't entered that form he used to defeat him in Alabasta.

"Well, one less rat to bother us. Now, let's get down to business," Luffy

said and stared at Akainu in front of him, who maintained his usual gaze.

Akainu looked at him for a while, holding himself back from attacking

just yet, as his hand tightened and heated up, it was like Akainu didn't

want to hand over the money, it was a challenge for Luffy. "And what if I

no longer want to do business with you?" He asked.

Luffy just smiled. "Well, then you'll have to hire the new Shichibukai,"

Luffy said, swiftly pulling his pistol from his waist and aiming right at the

head of Donquixote Doflamingo, the closest prisoner to him. Doflamingo

had a powerful body, but with the Sea Stone added to Luffy's power,

Doflamingo's head would be blown off as soon as he pulled the trigger.

Luffy didn't take his eyes off Akainu for a moment while keeping the

pistol raised, seeing if he really dared him to continue before killing

Doflamingo, even if Nami would be a little upset.

Doflamingo liked it the least, feeling that he could die right there, which

was not good for his already wounded pride.

Luffy saw that Akainu said nothing, so he decided to break the silence. "I

know you don't care about him. In fact, you yourself would like him

dead. However, your boss wants him delivered, doesn't he? So let's

resolve this. Hand over the money, otherwise, the people above you will

be very displeased," Luffy said arrogantly.

Akainu looked for a while longer, gritting his teeth for having to do

exactly what a pirate wanted, then spoke with a severe voice. "Bring the

money," he said.

Some cadets who were nearby the groups quickly obeyed, going to the

corner behind the vice-admirals and bringing ten briefcases, placing them

and approaching the group.

"Open all of them." Luffy said still with the pistol raised towards the


The cadets hesitated and looked at the admiral. "Do what he says,"

Akainu growled with disgust.

After opening them, Luffy looked and smiled at that, since it was all the


"Put the briefcases all behind the prisoners," Nami suggested, and seeing

that no one from the marines said anything, the cadets did exactly that:

placed them carefully among the pirates and quickly ran away from


Luffy looked at his group. "Release all of them," he said, and quickly his

crew obeyed, releasing all the CP9 members and the Shichibukai.

"Well, you can go now. It was nice our time together," Luffy joked, as the

agents snarled and began to walk towards the side of the high-ranking

marines, having lost their mission thanks to this pirate and returning

defeated and humiliated by the enemy.

Doflamingo, despite having his pride quite hurt for almost 2 months,

didn't seem to care much now. He just laughed as he walked toward the

marines in his strange way.

Meanwhile, all the soldiers surrounding them looked surprised at that,

after all, it seemed that everything was going well without entering into


"Good thing. I thought we'd have to face them," said a sailor.

"It seems it all went well then. I can see my family again," said a second.

"How can you say that?! We are justice and must eliminate evil!" Said a

third angrily.

"Yes, we should be killing them now!" Another agreed while others

seemed relieved.

"Now we just have to wait for them to leave the island and hope these

pirates never come back," said another, praying that the pirates would go

away. After all, many of them were giant monsters, and they did not

want to see these monsters as enemies when they are just ants to be


Luffy hadn't moved an inch to go back; his stance remained the same as

before. He looked at Akainu with a smile, after all, this was just the


"Come on, Akainu. That was way too easy and quick. Are you waiting for

us to leave so you can attack us from behind, or shall we start this fight

right here?" Luffy commented, looking the admiral in the eyes.

All the vice-admirals tensed at that moment with Luffy's words, after all,

some of them believed it would be just a negotiation. But Luffy was no

fool, knowing Akainu and his personality, now, without the hostages

with them, the battle would be inevitable as this admiral would do

everything to kill them, even if it meant killing most of the marines here.

So, why wouldn't Luffy face him head-on instead of waiting for a shot in

the back?

"You're smart, pirate. I really would never let you go," Akainu admitted.

After all, that was his personality and this was his final order from his

superiors. He had to eliminate this pirate group, no matter the outcome.

"Good, at least you admitted it," Luffy said, laughing, as the whole place

tensed up feeling the heavy atmosphere with Luffy's cheerful laughter, for

this was the cue for the beginning of the battle that was about to start.

Akainu growled at Luffy as he was laughing so comfortably, while his

hand began to emit smoke, transforming into lava and growing, forming

a large fist.

"Son of Dragon, you will be eliminated today, along with your crew,"

Akainu decreed, as if seeing the future, and Luffy stopped laughing just to

maintain his small smile.

"Big words, lava man, but can you back them up?" Luffy said arrogantly.

The next moment, both Luffy and Akainu moved together. They would

initiate a clash: a fist of lava against a fist of purple flames. As they

collided the next moment, both using armament haki, sending waves in

all directions while everything trembled. This was the beginning of the

battle between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Marines at Enies Lobby.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

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images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

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Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

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to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

226. Chapter 226 - Enies Lobby


I'm changing Kuina's sword, it better be Hyōrinmaru.

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.



The heat of the lava and the purple flames collided against each other,

exploding everything around as soon as the collision happened, the earth

was lifted, and a vortex of wind spread to all sides. All the vice-admirals

felt the impact as their capes flew against the wind, but they were

already prepared to fight, while the Straw Hats also did not lag behind,

getting ready for the next clash.

However, neither of the two groups moved, just looking at the clash

between Luffy and Akainu, both disputing with each other while their

powers illuminated the whole island. The collision made the whole place

tremble while all the more distant sailors felt the pressure and the heat of

their fruits.

"They started to fight!" A sailor shouted.

"What's going to happen?" Another spoke with a tone of fear.

"Luffy..." Lucy commented, protecting herself from the wind and looking

at the force of the impact from a distance, the battle continues between

the two until it generated an explosion, with a tie of the two flames,

creating a huge smoke while the ground cracked, however, those who

were within the explosion remained in the same place still.

The explosion echoed throughout the island until the smoke began to

disappear and Luffy appeared at that moment in front of his companions,

looking with interest, Akainu also appeared without any mark of damage,

he looked at Luffy with some glint of surprise.

"You resisted my lava?" He murmured as he clenched his fist in anger,

"My heat should have burned you." He said.

"I have the flames of Ifrit, the flames of chaos. It's not the heat of lava

that will manage to burn me," Luffy taunted.

Akainu gritted his teeth and looked at the pirate. "So be it. I will kill you

anyway," he said. And, without turning his face, he issued the order to

everyone on the island: "Attention marines! Attack the Straw Hat pirates

and eliminate them!" He gave the order and all the sailors around, began

to make their move, even with some scared, there was still justice for

them to do.

"Well, it looks like we're going to have a fight," Zoro commented,

unconcerned, with thousands of marines running towards them with

weapons and swords. He touched his sheath, and his look was on the row

of marines behind Akainu, after all, the thousands of soldiers around him

were nothing compared to those 11 behind the admiral.

"Wow, there are many of them," Yamato laughed as he looked around the


"I think we should first worry about the vice-admirals, after all, all of

them are looking at us," Kuina commented as she began to draw her

sword, Hyōrinmaru.

"It looks like we're going to clash..." Vice-Admiral Tsuru commented with

her aged voice.

"It doesn't matter, we have to eliminate them anyway." Doberman,

another vice-admiral spoke as he drew his wife.

"You don't mind if I act first, right? I want to see what this group is made

of." A vice-admiral named Dalmatian, who fought with his fists and

dressed up as a Dalmatian dog said, he didn't wait for an answer from his

colleagues and kicked the ground

The next moment, he disappeared, passing over Akainu and Luffy using

Soru, they didn't even care about it as they continued to stare at each

other, Dalmatian appeared above the pirates, making the first move while

preparing his fists to attack them.

When he launched the attack, no one moved, but the air changed above

the pirates and a powerful vortex hit him in the air, making him

unbalance, while the force propelled him backwards, and he used Geppo

to stabilize in the air, looking curiously at who had made the attack. In

the reports, there was a wind user among them, but who he was seeing,

attacking was not the girl with orange hair as he read in the papers while

preparing for this mission, but rather the princess of Alabasta.

Vivi looked confidently at the enemy in the air as her hand had created

that wind, she was no longer a defenseless princess, in addition to

receiving a unique fruit, she also participated in the training in Skypiea

and could be considered a great force in the group, Luffy also trusted his

life with her, and she wanted to honor her husband's trust.

Then, her body began to transform into wind, and she flew upward,

flying toward the vice admiral.

"Wait, is that a Wind Logia?" A vice admiral, Onigumo, commented, a bit


"So, a Wind Logia user with them too? Doesn't that make them have two

Logias in the crew. This group is quite troublesome. I wonder how they

manage to get so many powerful fruits every day? Mythical Zoans,

Logias... Moreover, where is that Enel also? He didn't know haki, so this

is a good chance to eliminate him, before he becomes troublesome with

that fruit," commented Vice Admiral Strawberry, holding a pink sword.

He was a bit worried, after all, the lightning fruit is the most powerful of

all the Logias.

"So many marines died today in this fight..." Yamakaji, a vice admiral

leaning more towards Kuzan, commented.

"This is our job, these pirates could do something worse, and these people

died to end the chaos in the sea, at least we have to honor them after this

battle," Stainless said, grabbing his katana.

"I don't like Doflamingo, but these pirates are even more dangerous, so

we must defeat them here," Vice Admiral Momonga said, drawing his

sword as well, wanting his rematch against Luffy and the others.

"Tsk," Vice Admiral Cancer clicked his tongue while smoking his cigar,

preparing better for the battle.

Vice Admiral Bastille put his weapon on his shoulder and began to take

some steps, "No matter what happens, we will finish off Garp's grandson."

"They have a big guy there... let's see if he can match my fists," Maynard,

a muscular vice admiral said while clapping fist against his other hand,

looking at Hugo.

Tsuru listened to her colleagues' comments and analyzed the whole

situation, as she was a great strategic mind that created many paths to

victory for the marines. She looked at Strawberry, who had mentioned

Enel, the missing Logia user still.

"About that Enel, we should be concerned. He might appear at any

moment, after all, he is a lightning user, possibly hovering above this

island the entire time," Tesoro commented, despite none of them

knowing that he himself was trapped on an island in the calm belt at that

moment, in training. But Tsuru worked with possibilities, so she could

not neglect this possibility as well.

"Anyway, it's better we don't just stand here," Another vice admiral

commented, and everyone nodded, quickly starting to move towards the

enemy group with everyone kicking the ground.

Luffy was still standing in front of Akainu without moving an inch,

waiting for them to initiate a new attack. For him, their fight was just

beginning. Above them, a group with 10 vice admirals quickly passed to

face their other pirate companions, but were quickly surprised with the

appearance of the pirates, using the same techniques as them, stopping

the vice admiral group, while the first blows were exchanged against

each other in the air.

Yamato looked at her opponent, Vice Admiral Bastille, and used her

weapon against his blade. The vice admiral was surprised by the strength

of Kaido's daughter and was quickly losing ground in the air, as he was

pushed back. "She is very strong," he commented in surprise, since it

seemed he was not strong enough to fight her.

"It's better you leave her to me," A voice emerged beside him and Tsuru

appeared, swapping places with him, as she tried to strike Yamato.

Yamato balanced herself in the air using Geppo and looked at the lady

with curiosity.

"I will be your opponent as well, daughter of Kaido," Tsuru said calmly.

"Alright, ma'am." Yamato smiled, and soon the two were attacking each

other with force again, while Bastille also joined the fight against Kaido's


Zoro immediately exchanged sword blows with Vice Admiral Strawberry.

Their blades clashed in the air against each other while they were


Kuina exchanged sword blows with Vice Admiral Momonga.

Nojiko used her fruit, blowing up the ground below her and quickly

reached Vice Admiral Dalmatian, trying to punch the vice admiral and

exploding the air.

Alvida did not stay behind, as she used her club to try to strike Vice

Admiral Cancer. She also exploded the ground with the force of her knees

and launched a brute attack against the vice admiral.

Nami created wings and went head-on with her fists wrapped in a green

wind vortex against Vice Admiral Doberman.

Reiju quickly enveloped herself in flames and flew toward Vice Admiral

Yamakaji to kick him.

Lami raised her hands and used her power to appear in front of Vice

Admiral Onigumo, while using her sword.

Hugo and Maynard clashed against each other using their styles.

Luffy, seeing all his companions facing their own opponent, while they

were surrounded by enemies, did not waste time. Both moved in sync as

soon as the first decided to act, Luffy took the initiative to attack Akainu,

wrapping his arm in Haki and punching him once more. Once again their

fists connected creating explosions of attacks that made everyone feel on

that island.

Doflamingo saw this and began to laugh, but also saw the chance for

revenge for what happened to him. So, he would also interfere along with

the navy to defeat the Straw Hats, and CP-9 also did not stay behind.

"What are we going to do?" Bueno asked. Everyone looked at Jack

Spartan, who was lying on the ground unconscious.

"We can't face them in this kind of battle. This battle is beyond us," Jabra


"We can take their weak point," Rob Lucci commented and looked

towards the horizon at the end of the island while the fights were already

happening. There, Black Pearl and the rest of the crew were standing.

"After all, the most powerful members should be these. So, we could use

the weaker members to weaken their main force," he commented with a

dark look, after all, if they cannot face the strongest point, then they

should start with the weakest link.

Battles -

Yamato against Vice Admiral Bastille and Vice Admiral Tsuru

Zoro against Vice Admiral Strawberry

Kuina against Vice Admiral Momonga

Nojiko against Vice Admiral Mozambia

Vivi against Vice Admiral Dalmatian

Alvida against Vice Admiral Cancer

Nami against Vice Admiral Doberman

Reiju against Vice Admiral Yamakaji

Lami against Vice Admiral Onigumo

Hugo against Vice Admiral Maynard

Luffy against Admiral Akainu



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

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227. Chapter 227 - Enies Lobby


[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.








The island shook with explosions, with bright lights outshining the sun

itself. Meanwhile, on the Straw Hats' ship in the harbor, the rest of the

crew watched the explosions wondering what was happening, as even the

Black Pearl trembled.

"It's better we stay alert, it seems the negotiation went wrong," Rubin

commented calmly on the deck.

"Are we going to fight against the navy?" Shirahoshi murmured, a bit


"Sharky, sharky, sharky," Megalo said next to her, wanting to protect his


"GRRRRRR!", Laboon emitted his whale sound.

"Karooo!", Karoo was scared while trying to hide somewhere on the ship,

running around.

"Neee... It looks like we will have to face them soon," Hachi commented.

Uta remained silent, looking towards the island with the bright lights

fighting one another. "The heat reaches here..." she murmured at last.

"Wollf! Woolf!" Chouchou barked dangerously towards the island.

It didn't take long to see numerous people running towards the ship in

white uniforms wielding weapons, just appearing as ants in the distance.

"We're being attacked, we're being attacked," Chopper said while crying

and running.

Suddenly, an explosion sound happened, not from the island, but from

outside of it, a moment later, from the side of the ship, the water


"They're aiming cannonballs at us!" Uta alerted.

"More cannonballs are coming," Chopper pointed his paw towards the

sky, and there were two projectiles coming in their direction. Hachi

decided to act now, grabbing his swords with the 6-sword style, he

quickly sliced the air sending flying slashes with Rankyaku towards the

cannonballs, making them split before exploding in the air.


Robin wasted no time and began using her fruit, making eyes appear all

around the coast. She didn't take long to spy on everything that was

happening and returned to the others. "We will be attacked soon, there

are at least 2000 navy soldiers coming towards us, besides the 50 ships,

and some are approaching this side already," she pointed to a corner

where there were 10 ships coming towards them.

"Leave it to me! I'll handle the ships," Shirahoshi took initiative while

speaking and quickly jumped into the water.

Meanwhile, on the ships, a man with a magnifying glass looked towards

the movement of the Straw Hat's mermaid. "That mermaid... She jumped

into the water. Get ready to capture her!" he said, and everyone nodded,

preparing to launch new cannonballs at the ship and take care of the

mermaid approaching.

"She's a mermaid, what can she do coming towards us?" said one sailor,


"I heard she's one of the most beautiful women in the world. I'd like to

see her," another man spoke.

Meanwhile, the same man with the magnifying glass continued looking

and saw a shadow in the water approaching, but it wasn't quite a shadow

of a mermaid, or at least she had changed from a mermaid and suddenly

began to grow more and more, covering the whole area. "What is this?"

he asked, with a surprised look, seeing those huge shadows heading

towards the navy ships.

"Careful," someone spoke, pointing to shadows emerging under the ships.

Suddenly, the waters explode and a huge Leviathan appears, biting the

hull of the ship and throwing it away with a movement of its head.

"Help," the sailors screamed, but the Leviathan didn't stop, as everyone

was frozen, watching a ship flying and the Leviathan now looking

towards them.

The mermaid princess, in the form of a Leviathan, opened her mouth and

began to suck in a blue energy, preparing a devastating attack.

"Shoot, shoot at her before she attacks us," the sailors shouted and began

to act against the leviathan.

"What is this? Since when can sea monsters be so dangerous?" a man


"Strangers, we use technologies to keep them at bay. I don't know what's

happening. Who is this sea monster? Could it be one with a... could it?"

another asked, considering the possibility of it being a Devil Fruit user.

They began to fire cannonballs at the transformed mermaid princess, but

the leviathan's hulls were resilient, covering her entire body, and the

balls simply bounced off her without harm as they exploded.

Shirahoshi finally charged all her power and with a roar, launched a blue

water energy at the ships, devastating them instantly as they were blown


"Impossible! She destroyed 3 navy warships with that attack. What is this

sea monster? Why is it attacking us?" shouted another man on a ship still


Shirahoshi did not stop. She began to fight against the sailors as they

tried to use some techniques of the Six Styles, after all, they are the elite

of the navy. But Shirahoshi, even before eating her fruit, had started her

training since she began sailing with Luffy, and she was the most talented

in the crew with Haki. Dodging their attacks and even withstanding some

without care, while she began to devour the sailors and launch water

from her mouth, biting the other ships. More and more ships began to

explode with the power of her Eikon.

From afar, one could still see 6 ships fighting against the giant serpent, as

more and more ships were blown up and sinking, while the screams of

terror from the sailors could be heard.

"It seems she is handling those ships well," Robin commented.

"We should be more concerned about that army," Uta said and pointed to

the harbor where there were several thousands of marines running

towards them with weapons and swords, shouting that they would defeat

the Straw Hats.

"Woolf! Woolf!" Chouchou decided to act. Then, he barked and jumped

off the deck, saying he would fight the sailors in the language of dogs.

"Go, Chouchou!" Chopper shouted excitedly, understanding his friend.

Chouchou landed in the harbor and began to run towards the marines,

who looked surprised, while descending to the harbor with the intention

of attacking the ship, they saw a dog barking at them angrily as it


"A dog?" a marine asked surprised in the front.

"You idiot, that's the Straw Hat's dog. Don't you know he is very

dangerous? He almost devoured Vice Admiral Momonga! Don't be fooled

by the poor and mangy appearance of that dog," another spoke.

Chouchou heard this perfectly, getting even angrier at these marines for

the insults. Then, he didn't waste time, as he jumped in the air, his

transformation happened, turning him into a large Cerberus, touching the

ground with his legs as the place cracked under his new weight and he

growled with his 3 heads at all the marines who stopped at that moment,

stunned and fearful in their eyes.

But Chouchou was too upset after what he heard. He opened the 3

mouths, 3 elements began to emerge and he didn't waste time launching

his attack against all 2000 marines, causing explosions as the ground was

destroyed in ice, fire, and lightning, devastating the entire port in that





Debris flew everywhere, and in the sky, a group of people flew past it,

dodging while Chouchou didn't let any sailor pass on the ground.

The crew on the ship quickly noticed the movement in the sky, "Neeee...

It looks like they are coming this way," Hachi commented, but everyone

already knew while keeping their heads attentive to the sky.

"Aren't those our former prisoners?" Chopper pointed out.

"Yes. It seems that after they were released, they came after us," Uta said.

It was CP9. They observed the explosions happening in the port and on

the water, ignoring them for the moment, as their goal was to capture the

weaker members of the pirate crew.

They finally approached the ship and paused for a moment while looking

at the rest of the crew: there were Hachi, Uta, Robin, Chopper, Laboon,

and Karoo hidden inside the ship.

"CP 9," Rubin commented, looking at them as they also looked back at


"You're the demon child... Nico Robin," Rob Lucci said as he faced her.

"It seems we can have some important people from the group and use

them as hostages," Bueno commented.

"Two women, a fish-man, and some mangy animals for our team to

handle... What a shame for us," Jabra commented, dissatisfied.

"No matter, a weakness is a weakness. Now, let's attack them," Rob Lucci

commented and advanced towards the ship. However, Hachi, Uta, Robin,

and Chopper responded in kind, also using Geppo and Soru quickly,

surprising everyone.

With their strikes, they made everyone from CP9 immediately retreat

with that attack, quite surprised because they did not have information

on many of the Straw Hats beyond the main members. Then, seeing

others using their own techniques, even superior ones, was quite

startling. The battle on this side was just beginning.

All the Straw Hats were involved in this battle, meanwhile in the sky, a

bird quickly appeared, using a camera. This was none other than

Morgans, learning about the operation and he didn't want to miss it, so

he personally went to Enies Lobby.

"This is really great!" He screamed excitedly. "Explosions and more

explosions! Fighting between a type of pirates against a whole squadron

of vice admirals led by an admiral intending to exterminate this band of

supernovas!" He celebrated. "I'm rooting for the Straw Hats. If they win

this fight, they will become an unparalleled legend on their journey

before going to the New World!" Morgans shouted joyfully.

"Now let's try to capture all the fights! Because all of them seem so

interesting!" He said and went back to filming from that height.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

Thank you very much for being part of this journey! I hope you continue

to enjoy the story and that it brings even more joy to your life!

Visit our for more!

228. Chapter 228 - Enies Lobby


[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]

Third Person POV

Enies Lobby, First Half of Grandline.



Baby-5 was scrubbing the Captain's room, as he had asked her to clean it

as soon as they arrived in Enies Lobby. He had put his maid to do it,

precisely so as not to bother him in the negotiation, since it was

Doflamingo after all, and he didn't know how the woman would react to


'The master will surely like his room!' She exclaimed internally, 'How he

always needs me!'. She said satisfied, and looked at the place shining,

clean floor, sheets changed, scented environment.

"Maybe I should break something, he could punish me tonight!" She

exclaimed like a love-struck girl, but something happened at that

moment, she saw a vase she had cleaned from the captain as a decoration

of his room and thought about knocking it down to break it, however,

the ship suddenly began to shake, and that vase she planned to break,

suddenly swayed and fell from the dresser, breaking on the floor.

She was at a loss for words for a while as she saw the broken shards

scattered around the place, just watching the mess without saying

anything, until a shard moved towards her feet, which she quickly

crushed with her heel, her calm look turned into a wild and stern gaze as

the whole atmosphere around her darkened while veins appeared on her

forehead, she began to scream with all her might:

"Who dares mess up the master's room!?" She shouted angrily, as she

clenched her fist and started to leave the room heading towards the

outside of the ship. She walked through the corridors with long strides

while letting her mop fall and quickly opened the deck door, facing a war

happening on all sides.

There were explosions, roars of monsters, and people hitting each other

in various directions, but Baby-5 was not shaken by this, she just looked

at some members of her crew fighting in the air against a group of

strange people using Geppo. At the port, the place was destroyed by

Chouchou transformed into Cerberus while launching elemental attacks

on the scared sailors trying to escape and not die. In the sea, a giant

serpent was finishing off the last ships, blowing them up and sinking all,

to head towards the other ships on the other side of the island, still

launching cannonballs.

Baby-5 also noticed explosions happening on the side of the ship

launched by those ships that Shirahoshi intends to destroy, some bullets

were flying towards the Black Pearl at that moment, but she noticed both

Megalo, Laboon, and Karoo protecting the ship at that time, Karoo,

despite the fear, used air cuts exploding the cannonballs, Megalo used

Shigan and Laboon Tekkai while the bullets exploded on his head

without affecting him.

Baby Five, still irritated, ignored the cannonballs, not letting herself be

shaken by the war on all sides; she just wanted to destroy someone and

find the responsible for messing up the captain's room. Turning her gaze

upwards, seeing that some of her companions were still fighting against

enemies, she decided they would be the first to feel her wrath.

She walked to the middle of the deck and bent her knees, before jumping

off the deck, exploding the place, while flying into the sky. Her feet

became a kind of proportion engine that Luffy had suggested while they

were training, making her propel with more speed in the air, looking like

a blur if she added some techniques of the six styles she learned.

Kaku was fighting at that moment against Uta, when he felt someone

coming in his direction at high speed. When he noticed, Baby-5 was

already above him, while her expression showed fury. "You damn

bastard!" She shouted, and he was stunned without understanding why

this maid-dressed woman appeared enraged.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Uta asked, stunned, since this was her

chance to prove that she had become strong, but now Baby-5 had

interfered in her fight.

Baby-5 ignored Uta's protest, while looking furiously at her target,

transforming her arm into an impact weapon, like a shotgun, and fired

point-blank at the man who couldn't even react, feeling immense pain

sinking into his belly and flying backwards with the force of the impact.

"One is not enough, I will kill them all!" Baby-5 shouted, as those around

her were surprised by the rage of this woman who had just appeared.

Baby-5 looked at each one of them. "You broke and messed up the

Captain's room!" She exclaimed with a look of rage, leaving everyone,

both allies and enemies, stunned. She began to transform into various

weapons with her arm and started firing shots, making it difficult for CP9

to approach the Straw Hats.

"Who is this crazy lady?!" Kalifa asked, and these words were followed by

a hawk-like glare from Baby-5, as her arms turned into blades. She kicked

the air with the technique she had perfected after a month of training

with Luffy. Her body used to be weak, relying essentially on her fruit, but

she learned to become strong in a month of training with the power of

the moa moa no mi, since it was worth several months with Luffy's

multiplication. Kalifa was scared by the crazy woman appearing in front

of her with blades ready to cut her.

The CP9 group, already thinking it would be easy to deal with the

members of the ship who were already fighting, had a big surprise with

this woman starting to attack them, even Rob Lucci, who prided himself

on being a special weapon, was fighting against Robin herself, and

having difficulty facing her, even after transforming into his zoan, but

Robin was stronger than him now, she could punch him, transforming

her arm into a giant, something Luffy suggested Lucy could do with her

gomu gomu no mi.

He received this giant punch from the girl making him fly in the air with

pain. Bueno opened a door behind Robin and tried to surprise her, but 6

hands grew on Robin's ribs and launched Shigan while air bullets flew

towards Bueno, without Robin turning around, hitting him as he fell

bleeding. She may not have learned haki yet, but after learning the six

styles, she became a powerful warrior.

"Damn, how can this be so strong? Isn't there anyone weak here?!" Jabra

said indignant and wounded by Hachi, who easily cut him.

Meanwhile, at the Port, Chouchou was unforgiving of the enemies,

launching attacks in all directions. The port was already completely

devastated, while the sailors made every effort possible to try to stop

him, launching their weapons and cannon shots, which simply hit an

animal and then exploded. But, as the smoke dissipated, Cerberus seemed

not to care about the damage, as they began to launch more elements in

all directions.

"What can we do with this dog? We can't face it!" a scared sailor shouted.

"Help!" another screamed, as the ground in front of them exploded and

he was enveloped by the flames of one of its heads.

"Help!" Some sailors also screamed before being turned into ice

sculptures with its freezing rage.

"Reinforcements, call for reinforcements!" another shouted, as he tried to

escape and the ground behind him exploded with lightning.

"Mr. Commodore, we need reinforcements at the Port! I repeat, we need

reinforcements!" An officer spoke, while looking at the chaos that the

three-headed dog was creating in the distance.

"Call for reinforcements!" Another was yelling into the den den mushi.

Meanwhile, in the water, the ships continued to fire at the Black Pearl

from the side of the island. "Fire at that ship! Sink it!" An officer ordered,

while pulling the cannon's rope, which exploded, launching new bullets

towards that side.

However, the bullets exploded above the ship, not damaging it, being

protected by all 3 animals. "Damn, how can it be intact after so many

shots? Who is stopping our bullets?" They spoke, not knowing that there

were 3 animals protecting the ship at that moment.

"My lord, and those 10 ships that sank on the other side, wasn't there a

sea monster there?!" A sailor asked worriedly.

"Yes, we no longer see the monster, but stay alert, it returned to the

water and might be coming for us!" Another man spoke with a lot of

concern in his tone.

"The monster! It's here!" Those ships realized a giant shadow that was

beneath them.

"Fire at the monster! Don't let it get close!" Some screamed while

exploding cannonballs in the water.

But the leviathan didn't seem to care about it while already being in the

midst of all those ships.

"Damn! Don't let it get close!" Said a captain before a huge shadow

emerged behind him with the sea water rising over him and blocking the

sunlight. "This..." The man turned cautiously, as the leviathan stared at

him with fierce eyes, no longer bearing any trace of the gentle mermaid

princess that was Shirahoshi.

All the ships were scared while screaming together. "She's here," before

the war began on that side as Shirahoshi attacked the first ships in front

of her. A group of commodores advanced towards the serpent using

Geppo to prevent her from destroying the warships, which also began to

fight against them.

"We need reinforcements here!" said a sailor on a den den mushi while

looking at the serpent with fear.

As all this was happening, on the island, the calls were passed to the

commanders, watching the entire battle from strategic locations, but all

frowned. Even Tsuru, who was fighting with Bastille against Yamato,

heard everything on the radio on her waist.

"This fight is not what we expected..." Tsuru frowned, as it seemed that

the Navy was losing on all fronts to the pirates and Straw Hats.



!Raccoon here!:

!Important Notice! Changed from Dazeraccoon to RaccoonLeague!

I deeply appreciate your support since the beginning of this exciting


I hope each chapter has provided incredible moments. If you like my

work and would like to support the continuation of this fanfic, consider

becoming a patron with plans starting at $2!. As a token of gratitude, I

offer access to more than 165 extra chapters with 8 active fanfics at the

same time, along with other exclusive benefits on my profile, such as

images and significant decisions for the stories.

Even if you are not a patron, I am making chapters available a 3-4 hours

earlier here, so become a free member on the platform!

RaccoonLeague | Patre/on

Visit our for more: RaccoonLeague

Extra Content Already Available:

- Naruto - Light Ninja! 20 extra chapters! (Complete fanfic for any

subscription level.)

- One Piece - I Am a Different Luffy!: 30 extra chapters!

- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!: 30 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic!: 20 extra chapters!

- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: 30 extra chapters!

- The Witcher - As Uchiha Madara! 20 extra chapters!

- Harry Potter - Shadow Monarch! 20 extra chapters!

- Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! 10 extra chapters!

- Star Wars - The Gray Jedi! (New)

- Harry Potter - Ancient Magic! (NEW)

- Cyberpunk: V Reborn! (NEW)

Except for One Piece with daily chapters and DragonBorn once a week,

all fanfics are updated 3 times a week, there's just a pause in updating in

the week, only to create drafts for the week's chapters.

In addition to the extra chapters, daily chapters are posted and 25

chapters per week!

Your support is very important and makes all the difference in keeping

these stories alive.

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