Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 3


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Су Ян однажды отправился в мир пиратов и стал капитаном

семнадцатой дивизии полка Белоуса.

Не закреплен за членами команды, не беда, благо система призыва


Мадара, Черный Дракон, Торнадо, Мисака Микото и др. все они

члены семнадцатого отряда Су Яна.

Воюющие Государства: «Я оцепенел, в команде играть труднее, чем с


171 Summons Again! New Team

Member: Chao Meng (please


[Ding... Detect nearby summon fragments!]

Just when everyone was happy that Aknolia was not seasick, a system

prompt sounded in Su Yang's ear.

"Oh? There are fragments here? 35

After hearing the sound of the system, Su Yang was a little surprised, and

said to himself with the same expression on his face: "Interesting! 35

According to the previous system showing the urine quality, Su Yang

swept his eyes to the direction of the Kid Pirates ship.

as predicted!

Beside the dead supernovae Kid and Apu, two glowing light spheres


"This is... double the joy!

Seeing that two groups of summoning fragments appeared this time, a

smile appeared at the corner of Su Yang's mouth.

Although by looking at the luster and wink of the light group, he has

already judged that these two fragments are only ordinary summon


But no matter how small mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

And after the Summit War, Su Yang broke away from the Whitebeard

group and established his own dimensional pirate group. He felt that he

was one step closer to being a leisurely and permanent salted fish.

If it wasn't for this fashion and he didn't know what other trump cards

this guy was hiding, he would have wanted to directly pull a boatload of

people into the Celestial Dragons Holy Land to make a fuss.

Hit him directly!!!

However, Celestial Dragons, as the top of the world, has ruled the world

for 800 years.

Eight hundred years of heritage... It is indeed not to be underestimated!

So Su Yang also felt cautious at this time, and waited for his own growth

and development to see if he could bring some help from the heavens

and the world in the next days.

After he is so powerful that he is invincible in the world, he will fight

Celestial Dragons again and again, and directly push the crystal.

After solving the biggest scourge of Im, can he enjoy his eternal life as a

salted fish.

I saw Su Yang's feet move, and took the lead to come to Apu's body,

stretched out his hand, and a shiny summoning fragment was in his hand.

【Ding... Items worth 100 Summoning Points detected! 】

[Ding... In view of the fact that the credit for the last Host summon has

not been returned, this item has been automatically deducted 100

summon points! 】

Before Su Yang warmed the summoning fragments in his hand, the

system prompt sounded at the right time.

It's just that the movement this time is straight-faced Su Yang's teeth



Damn capitalism!

After a long time, a piece of Summoning Fragment appeared, and it was

simply and rudely swept away and deducted by the system?

What's the difference between such a shameless act and Su Yang's rude

behavior in his previous life when he automatically deducted money

from Ma's father every month???

Su Yang's heart instantly had a feeling that even after crossing the road,

he was still living under the exploitation and maiming of capital.

"Forget it, you always have to pay it back when you come out~*!"

"Anyway, I've paid off the debt, and I also have a chance to summon.

"It's a big deal in the next days to do more things, kill supernovas when

you have nothing to do, you can always earn it back!

Remembering that he quarreled with the system last time and didn't win,

in order not to be mad at the system, Su Yang forced himself to relax and

comforted himself.

At the same time, Su Yang didn't stop, and he came to Kid's corpse again,

picked up the summoned fragment that fell on the ground and put it in

the system warehouse.

The good thing is that this time the system didn't make any more plans to

increase the interest, and what else to fix.

Adhering to the philosophy that only the summoning fragments that he

has used are his own, as soon as Su Yang returned to the ship, he turned

on the system to prepare for the summoning.

Host: Su Yang

Binding: Dimensional Pirates

Abilities: Tough Body, Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Conqueror's


Special abilities: Wood Style (awakened), Sage Body, Eight Inner Gates

modified version 50% (with the increase of unlocking degree, use will

reduce the loss of body, 100% will be no damage, the final gate is opened

and fixed consumption of physical strength, Does not consume vitality.

Note: The damaged body will appear after a day.)

Summoning value: 0 (0/100) (dropped by random people or things

encountered in Host)

Summoned characters: Uchiha Madara (58%), Diablo (45%), Ace Kano

(48%), Tornado

(41%), Giorno Chopper (35%), Aknolia (35%), Rem (30%), Ram (30%)

The unlocking progress does not affect the moves, and the unlocking

progress reaches 60 reaches the peak strength of the original world,

beyond 60, the summoned character will surpass the peak strength of the

original world, the unlocking degree is related to several events, and the

host enhances the strength

The summoned learns the world ability, and the summoned improves it

by himself.

Binding item: Shura.

Warehouse: Summoning Fragments X1

After a cursory glance at the panel, Su Yang found that the major events

he had experienced during this period of time had improved everyone's

unlocking degree. While nodding secretly, he entered a command into

the system.

`System! Use Summoning Fragments!

[Ding...Are you sure to use the Summoning Fragment!]

66 yes!

[Ding...Congratulations to the successful trial of the Host, and get 100

summon points. 】

"System, summon."

[Ding. Command received, is calling. 】

[Ding. The summoning is successful, consuming 100 summoning points.

[Ding...Congratulations to Host for getting Super Dream from "Pokémon".

"Huh? Didn't they all summon humans from various anime planes before?

"Why did you summon the super dream in Pokémon this time?"

After hearing the system's broadcast, Su Yang's face was also a little


He always thought that the system could only summon normal ones for


I didn't expect this wave to summon a Pokémon for myself!

As a tech nerd in his previous life, Su Yang is no stranger to big IPs like


Whether it is anime or various (mano good) games, he is slightly

involved in farming.

In particular, Chao Meng, a well-known and popular player, is more

familiar with him.

As a man-made Pokémon, it not only possesses the powerful strength of a

beast, but also possesses a super IQ far beyond that of humans.

In a certain theatrical version, Chao Meng used his own power to build a

fortress with super technical content.

Using the technology in this fortress, he not only cloned the rest of the

Pokémon in batches, but also created a Super Dream Ball that completely

exploded the performance of the Master Ball.

Just as Su Yang was surprised, he saw a white light detached from his

body and fell to the side.

In the blink of an eye, the white light gradually transformed into a

human form.

When the people around the deck saw this scene, they didn't notice

anything at all. After all, they all came this way.

Instead, they were very curious to watch and discuss, what kind of

person will this new member be?

172 Mew2's Mission: Iron


"Oh? It even has a tail, it seems that the newcomer here is a bit


Seeing that a tail slowly grew out of the buttocks that began to transform

into a shape of light, Uchiha Madara said with his arms folded in front of

his chest.

As soon as Uchiha's voice fell, Diablo, who was raising the bar every day,

also raised the bar unceremoniously:

"Heh... an ignorant guy! A long tail makes you look a little better?"

"I've seen many guys who came out of magical creations, but their

strength is rubbish!

Just as the two were talking, the white light body was also torn apart at a

speed visible to the naked eye, and fell to the ground piece by piece.

The next second, what caught everyone's eyes was a strange-looking...


I saw that this newcomer had a strange appearance and a thin body;

The whole body is hairless, and the skin color of most of the limbs and

torso is silvery white, which is very different from ordinary people's skin


Only the belly and the thick tail at the back of his butt are lavender;

On his back, there are two organs similar to blood vessels that protrude

from the body and are directly connected to his brain through the back of

the neck;


As Chao Meng's eyes opened, a powerful wave of super energy burst out

of his body, exerting pressure on the surroundings.

It was noon at this time, and it was the time when Ace Kano called 493


After feeling the superpower pressure exerted by Chaomeng, he also put

his hands on his hips, and looked like he could make Laozi's ox bad, and

commented on it: "Hey~ This newcomer is not tall and has a bad temper.



"It's noon, but I've driven you to hell!"

"I see if you will call yourself "Dad" to the newcomer at night, hee hee

hee hee!"

The tornado floating aside also laughed at it.

And Uchiha Madara and Diablo, who also looked like they were watching

the fun, were coaxing by the side.

Although when he was summoned, that mysterious voice told him


However, I saw with my own eyes that everyone was able to play freely

without being affected by the super power fluctuations that were

comparable to the coercion of the divine beasts that they released,

causing the super dream with an IQ beyond ordinary people to shed

unconsciously. A drop of cold sweat.

What kind of existence are these guys...?

Looking at Chaomeng's somewhat suspicious look of life, Su Yang also

spoke in disgust:

"Super dream! I know your experience, make you have doubts and hatred

for the attitude of human beings! (baeg)

"But it's a new world, and you can think of it as your new life here!

"So... let go of the hatred in your heart and start all over again.

"The opening remarks, Chao Meng, welcome to a whole new world!"

Su Bai smiled when he spoke, and looked at Chaomeng with full of

kindness in his eyes.

With the influence of the system, Chaomeng still maintains a very close

feeling to Su Yang, so after hearing Su Yang's words, he lowered his head

and said, "Please advise me in the future! Su Yang!""

Hearing Mewtwo calling his name, Su Yang didn't care much.

After all, he didn't really care about that.

And Chaomeng's many experiences have created its heart that yearns for

freedom and equality.

So after hearing what Mewtwo said, he kept a smile on his face and

began to point to Uchiha Madara and others to introduce Mewtwo:

"Okay, now I'll introduce you to other partners, they are all like you,

from different worlds. 35

"This is Uchiha Madara, this is Diablo, this is Tornado...

Because the world of Pokémon is a setting of world shuttle and time and

space shuttle, it is not difficult for Mewtwo to accept that these "partners"

in Su Yang's mouth come from other worlds.

However, his good attitude towards Su Yang stemmed from the influence

of the system.

And against Uchiha Madara, Diablo, Ace Kano, and several guys with

different personalities, he seemed a lot colder.

Only when facing the four daughters of Emily, Anna, Rem, and Ram, did

his aloofness restrain a lot.

Come to think of it, not only because the four women were originally

easy to get along with, but also because their four strengths did not

surpass Mewtwo, so Mewtwo could perceive their minds through their

superpowers and discern the reason for their great kindness.

Until Mewtwo and Aknolia met, there was a little accident.

I don't know if it's because Aknolia brought dragon slayer magic to


When they saw Su Yang introducing Chao Meng to each other, the two

seemed to have some serious illness, and they released their own coercive

aura to each other at the same time.

That look... It's like two beasts, preparing to compete for their own


If Su Yang hadn't released Conqueror's Haki, which he had acquired not

long ago, at the right time and attracted the attention of the two of them,

there might have been a big mess.

Of course, although the two people's momentum confrontation was

stopped, the two people looked at each other's non-confrontational

energy, as long as anyone could see it.

To describe it with the words of the people eating melons tornado on the

side, it is: "Go! There is another pair of deadly enemies on the boat!".

The arrival of Mewtwo has not only added a new look to the Dimensional

Pirates, but also brought a new development direction to the Dimensional



In the world of pirates, technology is definitely one of the main themes of

the sea!

Whether it is Vegapunk, which Marine claims to be "five hundred years

ahead of the world", Germa 66 and Guy Sa of the pirate forces, and the

southern army commander of the Revolutionary Army, they are all

famous for their technology.

Not to mention Franky in the original protagonist group, who is the

"legendary" shipmaker who directly made the Transformers Gundam.

The previous Dimensional Pirates had no talent in this area, so Su Yang

never paid much attention to this aspect, and he didn't need it.

But... Now the arrival of Chaomeng has also made Su Yang set his sights

in this direction.

At this time, the Dimensional Pirates have a great reputation, and they

are very popular.

The members Emily and Anna are just ordinary people, with no ability to

protect themselves, and can't stand the storm of any battle.

But the emergence of technology can make up for this shortcoming for


Su Yang couldn't help but start to imagine, if someone took aim at Emily

and Anna during the battle, when they really thought they could pick up

the persimmons, Emily and Anna put on a suit of steel battle suits.


Although the style of painting has changed a bit, Su Yang felt that this

would be a good choice.

Thinking of this, Su Yang immediately talked to Chao Meng about his

idea, and directly took Iron Man's iron suit as an example.

At the same time, if you say something about Mewtwo, just follow this

standard! The people in the boat will do their best to help.

173 Marine Conference! World


New Marine Headquarters

"Um...I get it!!"

Marshal Naval Headquarters, Buddha Sengoku hung up the phone bug in

his hand with a sad look on his face.

But in this solemn atmosphere, the sound of "slag, slag" eating senbei was


Sengoku didn't even have to lift his head to know that the one who could

still make such a movement at this time must be the big-hearted guy

from Garp.

Garp ate the senbei without anyone else, until he felt Sengoku looking at

him, and then stopped eating the senbei in his hand.

I saw that he handed the bag containing the senbei to Sengoku, shook it,

and said, "Have a headache? Eat one first to suppress the shock?"5

"Idiot!!! Who wants to eat your senbei!!!

Seeing Garp act like this, Sengoku's face became even more ugly, and he


However... scold after scold, Sengoku snatched the senbei bag from

Garp's hand, took a piece of it - put it in his mouth and chewed it.

"Hahahahahaha! Sengoku, I knew you were such a virtuous person!

Looking at Sengoku's actions, Garp laughed instead.

Garp knew in his heart that since the Summit War, his old buddy's

situation has become more and more difficult.

Just by looking at his white head overnight, you can see how much of a

headache the swells at sea have given him since the Summit War.

Coupled with the Battle of the Summit War, Marine and the World

government were hit too hard, especially the death of the Five Elders,

which caused internal turmoil and caused a lot of right and wrong.

If it weren't for the "Kong" air force who was the president of the three

armed forces, he would stand on the platform of Sengoku, support him to

continue to serve as the Marine Marshal, and personally sit in the Marine

headquarters until the headquarters moved to a new location.

Then inside Marine, the situation on the sea will be even more out of

control due to factional disputes.

"The BIG·MOM Pirates have a new action!

Suddenly, Sengoku changed the subject.

Hearing that he was about to start talking about business, Garp restrained

the emotion on his face and sat quietly in his seat, waiting for Sengoku to

say the next words.

"According to the latest news I have received, recently, the BIG·MOM

Pirates have fully attacked the territory of the original Whitebeard

Pirates! To this end... they have slaughtered an island in New World that

originally belonged to the Whitebeard Pirates! ""

Sengoku's words shocked everyone!

Slaughter Island?

And it's a New World island!!!

New World is different from the "paradise" in the first half of the Grand

Line, where super criminals and big pirates gallop.

Rewards for wanted criminals worth over 100 million can be described as

innumerable like carps crossing the river!

For a country that is still standing on an island in such a turbulent zone,

any country in the first half of the first half of the country can be

slaughtered by pulling out any national defense force.

But it is such an existence, under the attack of the BIG·MOM pirates, only

the island will be slaughtered and the country will be destroyed...

"Ah Lielie Lie! It's really scary... It actually slaughtered the island... wiped

out the country...

Such appalling things made Kizaru, who seemed to not care about

everything, turn a little bit more serious.

The reason why they are a bit serious is not because of the BIG·MOM

pirates, but because of their cruel and inhumane practices.


At this moment, Akainu, who was covered in bandages, slapped the table.

He stood up imposingly, looked at Sengoku with sharp eyes, and shouted

to him:

"Sengoku! I've already said that Marine's top priority is to gather most of

the people in New World and put them in the first half of the Grand Line

to stabilize the world! That small part of New World is left to those pirate

dogs! ""

Akainu's presumptuous performance naturally fell into the eyes of

everyone in the conference room.

But the people in the conference room did not speak out and accuse

Akainu of being presumptuous.

One Akainu is Marine San Admiral, who has the power and power to

almost be side by side with Sengoku.

The second is also because Akainu represents the hawk among the three

Marine factions.

These days, the battle for power between Marine Doves and Eagles is

heating up.

So many scenes like this have happened at this time, so that everyone has

begun to get used to it.

"Sakazuki! There are countless innocent people living in New World!

They need Marine's protection!" Sengoku rubbed his sore brows, looked

at the imposing Akainu, and said to him.

"Humph! Absolute justice must have sacrifices! 35

"What's more, the sacrifice is the sinful dirty place of the New World! 95

"Sengoku, Marine will be engulfed by those vicious pirates sooner or later

under your cowardly leadership!"

Akainu snorted in response.

"Alright, alright! Put your quarrel aside for now!

·0 for flowers.‥........

"What we are discussing now is the matter of the BIG·MOM pirates

fighting for the territory of the former Whitebeard pirates! 99

"Since Sakazuki has come up with a plan, Marine doesn't care about it, let

the pirates bite the dog, then we will use a vote to decide!"

Seeing that Sengoku and Akainu were together again, Tsuru, who was

Marine's chief of staff, also stood up at this time to coordinate.

And take out Akainu's proposal and let the sixty Marine generals present

vote to decide whether to implement it?

And this is also the rule that Marine makes decisions when encountering

major events.

"I agree with Sakazuki's plan! 35

"I agree! 35

"I disagree! This is cruel!

"Cruel? They are pirates, they should let the pirates bite the dog, I agree!

"I agree!

As the crane's voice fell, everyone in the conference room also expressed

their thoughts.

The Eagle Marine generals headed by Akainu, as well as a small number

of Marines belonging to the neutral faction, all chose to agree.

Only the doves composed of Sengoku, Aokiji, and others expressed their


But after some statistics, the votes were thirty-three to twenty-seven!

The Hawks are the best after all!

"Huh... Since most of you agree with Sakazuki's proposal!

"Then about the BIG·MOM Pirates' move to seize the site of the original

Whitebeard Pirates, we Marine will watch the fire from the other side!""

"Let those pirates...dog bite dog..."

After seeing the final votes, Sengoku couldn't help but feel sour.

He clearly knew that this decision would mean that countless innocent

people in the New World would be implicated.

But Marine's ruling rules are like this, and in such important matters, he

will not be able to make a statement just because he is Marine Marshal.

After Sengoku let out a faint sigh, he glanced at Crane and motioned her

to take his place and continue this meeting.

As an old friend, Crane is also very aware of Sengoku's tiredness.

So she also stood up from her seat and said to everyone in the conference

room word by word:

"Then let's move on to the next item!"

"In view of the current situation where pirates are rampant in the sea,

Marine's strength is not enough to suppress the sea!

"To this end, our staff has made a proposal: Marine World

Conscription!!!" .

174 The meaning of Whitebeard!

In the next few days, Su Yang basically tied up with Chaomeng, telling

him about the many movies and animations he had seen in his previous


Whether it's steel suits, anti-Hulk armor, Transformers, Gundam, he can

think of basically being said over and over again.

No wonder Su Yang was so concerned about this.

If Mewtwo can really tinker with the steel battle suit, then the safety of

Emily and Anna will not only be guaranteed.

Even after that, they can rely on the industrial automation assembly line

to mass-produce steel troops, and in a short period of time, a group of

powerful and loyal subordinates can be produced.

What's more, this is a mecha!!!

Romance only for men!

Who can say no to one, and in no time at all, a fighter jet can be created

with a hail of bullets?

Even now, Su Yang came to the world of pirates and obtained powerful

strengths such as "four nine three" Sage Body through the system.

But remembering the sentence "All fear stems from lack of firepower, and

justice is just under the lip!" he read in his previous life, Su Yang can still

feel a kind of excitement that comes from the bone marrow.

"Blu blu blu...

"Blu blu blu...

Just when Su Yang talked about artificial intelligences such as "Jarvis",

"White Queen" and "Ultron" to Chaomeng, a phone bug in his arms

suddenly rang.

Since the number of people on board has increased, Su Yang has

equipped the Shura and everyone with telephone bugs.

And the phone bug that rang at this time was his personal phone bug.

"I'm Su Yang!"

I was curious about who would contact me at this time, and Su Yang still

picked it up.

"It's me, Marco."

As Su Yang picked up the phone, the phone bug's face instantly changed

to a pineapple head, and at the same time, Marco's voice sounded from

the phone bug's mouth.

From the phone bug's expression, Su Yang could see that Marco's

expression was good at this time, so he also teased him:

"It's Brother Marko!

"I heard from Bista that you ended up sneaking to his hometown, living

in seclusion with him, and becoming a country doctor!"

"What? Is retirement too boring, or is he swindling you again?


As Su Yang knows the plot, after the Whitebeard Pirates disbanded,

Marco went to Whitebeard's hometown.

The only difference is that the current Whitebeard is still alive because of

Su Yang.

Because of the unique emotional ties, after seeing that Marko also made

the choice of "retirement", Whitebeard, who returned to his hometown

first, did not "stubbornly" continue to drive him away this time.

As a result, Marco, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates

in the famous town of the sea, the ship doctor, the Zoan Devil Fruit, the

phantom beast type phoenix fruit ability, and the person who sent him

the nickname "Phoenix" began to work as a village doctor. .

Together with Whitebeard, the two lived in seclusion in their hometown

and retired.

Hearing Su Yang's ridicule, the expression on Marco's face revealed by

the phone bug was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, he didn't expect that he secretly went to find Father

Whitebeard, so many people would know about it.

But when he remembered that Su Yang was the most caring person in the

Whitebeard Pirates, he quickly said with relief:

"Haha! You don't know what kind of temper Dad is?"

"When I was on the boat, I rubbed everyone's wine to drink, just to send

his share of the treasure!"

"Now I came back and found that there is no wine here, so I started to

make my own! 35

"I couldn't even persuade him to drink less, but now I sell it myself!"

In this world, there are not many people who can make Su Yang care.

Whitebeard must be one of them.

He was relieved to hear that Whitebeard's retirement had been so

"colorful" from Marko's lips.

Afterwards, he stopped entangled in this issue, and instead asked:

"As long as he is happy, what is Marco doing to me today?"

"It's not a big deal, I'm just here to ask, are you in New World or in the

first half?"

Hearing that Su Yang started to get to the point, Marko stopped chatting

and asked him.

"Just finished replenishing a wave of supplies from Sabaody Island, and it

is still in the first half of the position! What happened? Marko, you can

speak directly!

Although it is not clear why Marco suddenly asked this matter, Su Yang

answered directly.

"That's it, I recently received news that the BIG·MOM pirates have

recently invaded our former territory!"

"And...they slaughtered an island that didn't want to be loyal to Big Mom!


"Although the Whitebeard Pirates have been disbanded now, and you

have established your own Pirates"

"But we hope you can take over the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates

and take care of those old friends!"

"Firstly, this is what Dad meant, and secondly, you will eventually go

further in the future, and now is a good time to show your strength!""

After learning about Su Yang's location, which was not far from New

World, he also said to Su Yang word by word.0

Listening to Marco's words, Su Yang was silent for a moment without


As he said, in order to achieve his goals, he will eventually go further in

the future.

And after the Summit War battle, his group has long become a thorn in

the side of Marine and the World government.

Especially when he didn't know what trump cards Yimu still had,

although Su Yang was not afraid of their pursuit, no one wanted to be

chased like a dog.

Therefore, the top priority is to improve the strength of his group as soon

as possible.

Uchiha Madara, Diablo and the others who have been summoned, the

fastest way to improve their strength is to fight.

Only by fighting with more powerhouses can they quickly promote the

percentage of their own strength to unblock, and even go further in the


4.6 And Su Yang's own strength growth is nothing more than finding

more summoning fragments, summoning more powerful people from

other worlds, and gaining more abilities through the increase of


After so much brainstorming, Su Yang quickly made a decision.

Go to New World!!!

Moreover, when they entered the New World this wave, they not only

had to chop off the claws that were stretched out by those forces one by

one, but also took back the territory that originally belonged to the

Whitebeard Pirates, and put them under the name of their Dimensional


During this period, you must improve your strength through battles, find

summon fragments, and make your group stronger.

Immediately, Su Yang also took the receiver and said to Marko over


"I know, Marco, those territories that once belonged to the Whitebeard

Pirates, from today onwards, are covered by me!!!"

175 Aunt and Kaido join forces

(please order)

New World, Ghost Island

"Kaido-sama, the BOG·MOM Pirates have already swallowed the territory

of the Whitebeard Pirates! 35

"If we don't take the opportunity to snatch some more, then the bargain

will be taken by BIG·MOM!"

Fuzz Fu, who was originally from CP9 and now works in the Kaido

Pirates as an intelligence officer, bowed and reported to Kaido, who was

sitting on the throne.

After hearing Foz Fu's report, Kaido snorted coldly after taking a big

mouthful of wine from the gourd:

"Linlin? Humph! That old woman really has ambitions as big as her


The meaning is self-evident!

At this time, seeing Charlotte Linlin taking advantage of the opportunity

to make a lot of money, how could he not want to mix in the previous

one and make a big one.

"Lord Kaido! I'm not optimistic about such an action! 99

At this time, someone in the hall raised different opinions.

Everyone looked at the person who spoke out against it, it was the "Jin"

who escaped from Su Yang, Uchiha Madara and the others a few days


On that day, Jin fled with serious injuries, and because of the failure of

the operation, he felt ashamed to come back to see Kaido, so he hid on an

island to heal his wounds.

But in the end, Kaido ordered Foz Fu and Black Maria to find and bring

them back.


After being brought back, he is still one of the three disasters.

But the status is really not as good as before.

He basically attended the meetings about Beasts Pirates, but most of

them were in a state of punching in and going to work, and he rarely

spoke or expressed his position.

Only this time, he opened his mouth for the first time.

Seeing that it was Jhin, one of the three disasters, who raised the

objection, Kaido glanced at him, put down the wine gourd in his hand,

spit out a breath of alcohol, and asked, "Huh... tell me the reason!

"Su Yang!"

After hearing Kaido's words, Jhin didn't say much, just slowly said Su

Yang's name.

As soon as these words came out, Kaido looked at him silently, and did

not speak for the first time. Instead, he was a chubby man with two sharp

fangs, full of green hair, and a head inlaid with two long yellow horns.

Sasaki stepped forward and said:

"That Su Yang was just a squad leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, even if

they killed Lord Jack and Quinn!"

"In my opinion, it's just that they used some shady methods!"

"Lord Jhin, I think you're just because you were scared of being beaten by

that guy, that you're here to destroy your own ambition and promote the

prestige of others!

"It is an insult to the title of "Three Disasters" for someone like you who

has been scared to death!"

Kaido's Beasts Pirates are pretty much all about the strong.

After the death of Jack and Quinn, the vacated "Three Disasters" position

did not hang for too long.

After a lot of fighting, Sasaki and Black Maria, who are "Liukong Liuzi"

(also translated Fei Liupu, Zhenta), stood out and won the position of the

three disasters with their powerful strength.

Sasaki's personality is arrogant.

Especially after winning the position of the three disasters, it is even

more floating!

In addition, Jhin's previous mission failed and he did not return to the

Pirates, which made him look down on him, so he had little respect for

Jhin's attitude.

"Maria! What do you think?"

Jhin didn't pay any attention to an arrogant and arrogant guy like Sasaki.

Instead, he turned his attention to a tall, sexy woman wearing a sexy

kimono and holding a pipe.

This person is Black Maria who was promoted to the new three plagues

together with Sasaki.

Black Maria put down the cigarette holder that was smashed in her

mouth, and gently exhaled a curl of smoke before saying:

"Huh... Judging from the intelligence, Su Yang and his Whitebeard 17th

Division are really not easy to mess with!"

"If you really face them, whether it's our Beasts Pirates or the BIG·MOM

pirates, whoever faces them alone will not be better off!

As Black Maria said!

Except for a guy like Sasaki who has a bad mind and is extremely

arrogant, anyone with a discerning eye can see the strength of Su Yang

and his 17th Division.

What's more, the Beasts Pirates have already had two three-disaster-level

powerhouses killed in their hands.

Under the strong strength shown by Su Yang and the 17th Division, even

if Kaido is acting, he is a bit out of luck!

The words of Black Maria made Kaido's eyes light up.

"Since it's not enough to face it alone, let's face it together!"

Kaido made a final decision and announced his decision.

In the face of such a large site left by the Whitebeard Pirates, he still has

to take action to share a wave of dividends!

But not the Beasts Pirates alone against Su Yang and his 17th Division!

After speaking, Kaido took out a phone bug from his pocket and dialed it.

He took out a phone bug and called someone.



Soon the phone worm was connected.

"Mmmmm~ Kaido! It's amazing that you would contact me!"

The phone worm was quickly connected, and Charlotte Linlin's

characteristic face appeared on the phone worm's face, and she let out a


"Yeah! I never forget what I said before, if I see you, I will definitely kill

you!!! Linlin!!!

Kaido, who took the initiative to contact Charlotte Linlin, also took a sip

of wine and shouted to the phone bug with great momentum.

As Kaido finished speaking, he clearly heard a loud noise from the phone


Obviously, this sudden connection also brought a lot of pressure to the

BIG·MOM Pirates.

"Kaido! You bastard, are you here to declare war on me?"

Soon, Charlotte Linlin's voice sounded again, and the meaning of her

words shocked everyone on the Beasts Pirates side of the phone.

"I won't contact you for that kind of boring thing. Now, the Whitebeard

guy has disbanded the pirate group. Let's win his territory equally, and if

Su Yang's seventeenth division comes to disrupt the situation, we will

Destroy them together! Unite! Linlin! 95

As the captain of the Pirates, Kaido's thoughts are very clear, he said to

Charlotte Linlin on the other end of the phone.

"What nonsense are you talking about, who would be afraid of that kid

named Su Yang! 493"

"Old woman, do you think I'm joking with you? If you underestimate that

guy, just wait for him to settle your territory.

"Then he needs Su Yang to have this ability.

"Old woman, don't keep thinking about your dessert, just observe the

situation outside, you bastard."

After arguing for a long time, after being explained by Katakuri on

Charlotte Linlin's side, Charlotte Linlin agreed to join forces temporarily.

The Beasts Pirates join forces with Charlotte Linlin's pirates, and the crew

of both pirates go quiet.

Even... after some brains were brighter and realized what was about to

happen, their bodies had already begun to tremble with excitement.

"Well... Kaido, it should have been decades since our last collaboration."

Charlotte Linlin smiled wickedly.

"Hmph, we just get what we want." Kaido snorted coldly.


"United... United!!!!!!

Instantly, members of the Charlotte Linlin Pirates, and members of the

Beasts Pirates, on both ends of the phone, were shocked to hear that

Charlotte Linlin and Kaido had joined forces.

This is not your ordinary pirate alliance.

This is an alliance between two pirates of the Four Emperors level!

The alliance of these two powerful and terrifying forces is enough to

bring a landslide and tsunami-like impact to the world!!!

The sea is going to be chaotic!!!.

176 The fish men island makes

waves! (please ask for full order)

At the same time that Charlotte Linlin and Kaido used the phone to form

an alliance from the sky, on an island in the New World, the Red Hair

Pirates, who were usually the same as the Four Emperors level pirates,

were having a banquet.

Yu Hongfa's disinterested temperament, when friends come from afar,

naturally wants to hold a banquet.

At this time, he was sipping wine with Mihawk.

"Boss! The BIG·MOM Pirates are attacking the Whitebeard Pirates'

territory! 55

Just when the redhead was eating meat and drinking alcohol, Yasopp

came to him and reported to him.

Unexpectedly, the redhead who heard the news of Yasopp was still

drinking "tons and tons" without any reaction at all.

"The Whitebeard Pirates have disbanded, and their territory in the New

World is not small!

"Now that the old woman has made her move, Kaido will probably follow


"You are such a person who likes to join in the fun, but you can't help but

not join in the fun?" Seeing that the redhead did not respond at all,

"Hawkeye" Mihawk put down the wine glass in his hand and asked the


As soon as Mihawk finished speaking, he waved his red hair and said

with a grin:

"Hiccup~ Although the Whitebeard Pirates disbanded, the members of

the Whitebeard Pirates are still alive!"

"Of course there are people who should inherit, go and inherit those

islands! I'm not the son and crew of that Whitebeard guy, what am I

doing in the fun?"

The redhead was burping his wine while saying that with no concern on

his face.

However, as a close friend and confidant, Mihawk also heard what the

red speech meant and said:

"Shanks, the person you said should be Su Yang!"

"Indeed! Not only is he a strong individual, but the crew members of the

17th Division are also very strong!

"Their state makes me think of the Rocks Pirate you mentioned to me in

the sea!""

"It's no exaggeration to say that I think there must be Su Yang in the

position of the Four Emperors, and even... one day they will surpass


After hearing that Mihawk gave Su Yang and the others such evaluation,

while approving in his heart, he put on a shocked expression and said to

Mihawk with a bitter look: "Huh? You are so rude to us. confidence!


"It's not that I don't have confidence in you!"

"But I saw something in the 17th Division of Su Yang and the others that

the Rocks Pirate didn't have, unity!!!

"Because they have the unity, the emotional bond that the Rocks don't

have, they're stronger than the Rocks! 35

Although he knew that his best friend was pretending to be joking,

Mihawk still spoke to the redhead.

The red hair nodded and agreed with Mihawk's point of view.

Then he slowly raised his neck again, looked at the sky above his head,

and pondered: "If Su Yang can really do that, then it's a good thing for

the sea...".

New World, The fish men island

At this time, the singing and dancing in the Dragon Palace will no longer

be the same as before.

King Neptune frowned as he looked at the thick stack of memorials on

the case in front of him, and the minister of the left side was chattering

about the recent chaos on The fish men island.

After the top battle, Whitebeard's move to disband the pirate group

undoubtedly set off a huge wave on the sea.

As the link between Sabaody Island and the New World, The fish men

island, the gateway of the New World, naturally became the first victim

of the impact under the huge waves.

Because of ethnicity, The fish men island is not well recognized by the

World government, so it cannot obtain the protection provided by


It was because of Neptune's friendship with Whitebeard before that The

fish men island was blessed by the Whitebeard Pirates, allowing those

pirates who had just passed the Grand Line and entered the New World

to cast their teeth.

The fish men island, which has lost its protective umbrella at this

moment, is no different from a sweet cake in the eyes of the vicious


In the slave market of the underground world, the price of merman is

always high.

Therefore, these days, there are frequent disappearance cases of

mermaids, and there is an endless stream of pirates who come to The fish

men island to make trouble.

If it wasn't for the "Sea Man" Jinbei, who was one of the Seven Warlords

of the Sea, leading the Sun Pirates to return in time, and personally

sitting in the fishmen street, then the chaos on The fish men island would

not have been known at this time. ...

"Your Majesty Neptune! Baron Ball and Pokemus of the BIG·MOM Pirates

have arrived! 35

"After the Boss Jinbei got the news, he has already taken Aladdin and the

others there. Do you see if the Dragon Palace will send someone to meet


Just when Neptune was having a headache over the status quo of The

fish men island, the right minister, who was a seahorse fish man,

hurriedly came to report with a few dragon palace guards.

"I see!"

Hearing the words, Nipton pondered for a while and then opened his

mouth to instruct the minister on the right: "Then let Shaxing and his two

younger brothers go to meet him! 35

"Yes! His Majesty Neptune! 35

Hearing Neptune's orders, the right minister also led the order to turn

around and go to inform Prince Shaoxing.

Looking at the back of the right minister leaving, Nipton rubbed the

bridge of his red nose like rosacea, turned to look at the left minister and

asked: 66 `Have the final conditions for the BIG·MOM Pirates been



Hearing the words, Minister Zuo respectfully came to Neptune a few

times before Neptune's case with his crutches. He found a copy from the

thick memorial and handed it to Neptune.

After taking the memorial, Neptune opened it and took a look. His brows,

which had just been relieved, could not help but wrinkle deeper.

I saw that on the memorial, it recorded in detail several major conditions

set by the BIG·MOM pirates.

1. The fish men island needs to establish a dessert factory to provide 10

tons of desserts for the BIG·MOM pirates every month.

2. The fish men island needs to pay the protection fee to the BIG·MOM

pirates every year.

3. "Sea Man" Jinbei needs to lead the Sun Pirates to join BIG·MOM and

become its affiliated pirate group.

4. Jinbei, the captain of the Sun Pirates, and Aladdin, the vice-captain,

must marry a daughter of BIG MOM, a farmer, according to the rules of

the BIG·MOM pirate group.

The fish men island needs to complete the above conditions before the

BIG·MOM pirates will provide the corresponding shelter for The fish men


Such conditions are not unreasonable!

Not to mention the desserts that require ten tons a month.

That is to say, the sky-high price Bailey has to pay every year will bring a

great burden to the economy of The fish men island.

Not to mention, the BIG·MOM Pirates also requested that Jinbei bring the

Sun Pirates to join them as an affiliated Pirates.

"Minister of the Left! You said... We The fish men island really can only

seek the blessing of BIG·MOM? Is there no other way out? 35

After sighing heavily, Nepton put down the memorial in his hand and

asked the Minister Zuo who was standing beside the case.

PS: Opened a new book, the type of summons from the old era. If you are

interested, you can go and see the "Old Times: My Crew Is Stronger than

a Billion".

177 The fish men island's

countermeasures! Kurakon!

(please order)

"His Majesty Neptune... In fact... there is another faction that can be



The Minister of the Left, the old god, thought for a while and replied to



"What force! Minister Zuo, please tell me! 35

After hearing the words of Minister Zuo, Nipton was also overjoyed and

hurriedly asked.

"Yesterday, after that Muir came back from the New World, he met the

old minister in Fishman Street!"

"During the chat, he revealed a message to the old minister! 35

"Su Yang, the captain of Whitebeard's 17th Division, who shined in

Summit War, established his own Dimensional Pirates!

As soon as Neptune's voice fell, Minister Zuo also slowly told Nepton a

piece of news that he only learned yesterday.

"What! Su Yang took the original Whitebeard 17th Division to form a

new pirate group!!!"

"That's an amazing bunch of guys..."

Neptune, who heard the heavy news from Minister Zuo, was also

surprised, and he shouted in surprise.

After digesting the news, he immediately made a decision.

"Secretary Zuo, go to Fishman Street to find Muir immediately and see if

he can contact Su Yang?"

"If we can obtain the protection of Su Yang, and have the strong

background of the seventeenth division, we The fish men island will have

no worries in the future!"

Hearing Neptune's words, the left minister was also shocked.

He knew clearly in his heart that Duke Dandan and Pokemus, who were

the officials of the BIG·MOM Pirates, came here to finally agree on this


This wave is just talk.

If the two of them can't talk about this trip, it is estimated that the

BIG·MOM Pirates will send one of the four generals to lead people around

The fish men island for martial arts...

Immediately, the left minister asked Neptune: "Your Majesty Neptune,

what about Baron Ball and Pokemus?"


"Drag over there first, and when Shaoxing and the others meet people,

they will be taken directly to the Dragon Palace for a banquet!

"Taking advantage of this time, Minister Zuo, quickly get in touch with

Su Yang and the others and ask if we can get his blessing?

"If he doesn't want to, then we'll just have to agree to what Charlotte

Linlin offered..."

"If he wants to, for Newgate's sake, the conditions should be more relaxed

than Charlotte Linlin's!

After all, it is the Mermaid King who has been in power for many years,

Neptune set the tone very boldly, and opened his mouth to instruct the

Minister of the Left.

And when Minister Zuo heard Nepton's thoughtful plan, how could he

have any idea of ​​refuting it, he immediately bowed to Neptune and

said, "Your Majesty Nepton is wise! you!

As soon as the words fell, Minister Zuo also hurriedly left the Dragon

Palace and hurried towards the fishmen street.

What Neptune and Minister Zuo, who were trying their best to plan for

The fish men island, did not know that the foreign aid they hoped to find

was already driving the Shura to the bottom of the sea, on the way to

The fish men island.

However, they encountered some small "trouble" at this time, and the

ship was blocked by the orange-yellow, huge octopus sea beast


Of course, the huge Kulaken is basically a disaster, a nightmare and a

synonym for those pirate groups with poor strength.

Kulaken only needs to draw a whisker, and he can destroy the direct

group with the ship and the people.

But it was in front of the Dimensional Pirates, and that was the

ingredients that he brought to his door.

Uchiha Madara threw an illusion in the blood wheel eye, and Kulaken

had no resistance at all, so he just stopped.

“Octopus is better if it is made into takoyaki!”

"Rude guy, octopus has to be fried on a hot plate to be delicious! 35

No, Uchiha Madara and Diablo started a new round of disputes over how

to cook octopus deliciously.

"I'll bet 10,000 Baileys and they'll have another hour in this (baeg) fight!"

Watching these two guys rise up again, the tornado floating in the air

spoke to Ace Kano, Giorno Chopper, and Aknolia who were on the side.

"One hour? I see them at least three hours! Ten thousand baileys with

you, and I will add another ten thousand baileys!"

As soon as the tornado's voice fell, Ace Kano raised three fingers and


"I don't think they will last that long this time, it's just food after all! I bet

twenty thousand, two hours! 35

Giorno Chopper also did not miss the bet this time. After estimating the

stalemate between Uchiha Madara and Diablo in the past few days, he

said in a steady manner.

"Thirty thousand! Five hours! 35

Aknolia crossed her arms in front of her chest and made a bet.

Rem was not surprised by the behavior of the pirates in the pirate group.

After serving a dessert to Su Yang with her sister Ram, she also said to Su

Yang with a curious expression: "Sir Su Yang, you Guess how long

Madara-sama and the others will last this time?"

Su Yang, who was also watching the crew's bet, took two desserts and

smiled mysteriously at the two sisters after hearing Rem's words.

Then he turned his head to the tornado and shouted: "I bet less than ten



Hearing Su Yang's astonishing words, the betting people directly cast

their surprised eyes.

"Lord Su Yang, Lord Madara, they can't last for an hour or two. Would

ten minutes be too fast!"

Ram also looked at Su Yang worriedly and reminded him.

Su Yang raised his hand and rubbed Ram's pink hair. After scooping out

the dessert with a spoon and putting it in his mouth, he also raised his

hand and pointed in one direction.

Everyone looked in the direction of Su Yang's finger, and they saw

Chaomeng, who was addicted to scientific research and couldn't extricate

himself. At this time, he came out of his research room, and stood at the

bow of the boat, watching quietly. Illusion Kulaken.

And Emily and Anna, also wearing white coats, holding pen and paper,

stood behind Chaomeng.

"Humph! Pretending to be mysterious!"

Looking at Mewtwo, who was clearly preparing to do something,

Aknolia, who was most at odds with him, snorted coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the super dreamy eyes that

were standing straight on the bow also cast a glance at him and said:

"Backward lizard! Today, let you open your eyes to this stinky lizard, and

see what the power of technology is! 55

After Mewtwo finished speaking, he ignored Aknolia who instantly

turned into a dragon man.

He took out a ball-shaped object with a black body and an eye in the

middle, and threw it at Kuraken without a word.


Under the blessing of Mewtwo's super power, the spherical object flew

straight towards Kuraken.

The moment it touched Kulaken, the spherical object instantly separated

from the middle, and Kuraken also turned into a white light with the

entire octopus, and the entire object was accommodated by the spherical


178 I The fish men island is

covered by Su Yang! (please order


The words of Pokemus made many people on the Mermaid Island side in

the Dragon Palace clenched their fists.

Even the "Sea Man" Jinbei, who was sitting next to him, looked at

Pokermus with a hostile look in his eyes.

As if feeling the change in the atmosphere in the Dragon Palace, Baron

Dandan, who had been sitting on the Diaoyutai without speaking, said:

"King Neptune, it's not that we are going to overwhelm people with


"Now that the Whitebeard Pirates have disbanded, the situation in the

New World has fallen into chaos again!"

"In the entire New World, the islands that want to be sheltered by our

BIG·MOM pirates are unknown!"

"Two days ago, there was a country that didn't know the good and the

bad, blatantly refused our asylum, and was directly slaughtered by Lord

Owen in a fit of anger!

"Now that you Mermaid Island can have such an opportunity, I still hope

that King Neptune will consider it carefully!

The words of Baron Dandan, "493", are indeed more euphemistic than

that of Pokemus, but the meaning of threat is stronger.

In this way, the pressure was completely put on Neptune's side.

At this time, Minister Zuo slowly walked in from outside the Dragon

Palace, and came to a corner of the Dragon Palace.

After feeling the look in Nepton's eyes, Minister Zuo also nodded slightly

to Neptune, indicating that the matter was done.

The moment he saw Minister Zuo's actions, Nepton only felt that his

heart that had been hanging all this time was like a big stone falling to

the ground, and finally let it go.

Even at this time, he looked at Baron Dandan and Pokemus with a bit of


The small movements between Neptune and the Minister of the Left were

not discovered by Baron Eggy and Pokemus.

"King Neptune, sir, I will ask you one last time!"

"Agree to the conditions of our BIG·MOM Pirates! Or refuse? Seeing that

Neptune still doesn't make a statement, the more reckless Pokemus can

no longer sit still, and he said to him unceremoniously. .

"I refuse! And our The fish men island has been sheltered by the

Dimensional Pirates!"

"If you really do something to The fish men island, then I believe the

Dimensional Pirates will go to Charlotte Linlin! 99

After hearing Pokemus' words, Neptune, who had endured for a long

time, finally broke out and shouted directly to Pokemus.

The mermaid king Neptune spoke astonishingly.

Not only Baron Eggy and Pokemus didn't think of it.

Even the Prince Shark Star, Minister Right, Jinbei and others on the

Dragon Palace side were all shocked by Neptune's words and had found a

pirate group for The fish men island that could shelter them.

And not only did he refuse the shelter condition of the Four Emperors

Pirates for this reason, but... he even meant to have a bad relationship

with it.


"Nipton, how dare you provoke our BIG·MOM Pirates!""

"Okay, okay! I'll report to the three adults, Daifuku, Cracker, and Snug!

"My lord, I want to see how the Dimensional Pirates that you are talking

about is looking for trouble with our BIG·MOM Pirates!"

After hearing Nepton's words, Bokmus didn't know where he got the

courage to make him dare to be so brave, but the bottom line also made

him very angry and shouted to Neptune. .

Saying that, he stood up and walked away.

"King Neptune! You will surely regret this decision!

"As for that little-known dimensional pirate group, our BIG·MOM pirate

group will definitely destroy it! Just do it yourself!

And Baron Eggy also looked at Neptune angrily, and after leaving a few

words, he left with Pokemus.

Seeing how the two of them left in anger, everyone who didn't know the

details of the Dimensional Pirates looked at Nipton anxiously.

"Your Majesty Neptune! This is a great injustice!

"That's the Four Emperors Pirates after all!"

"And listening to the meaning of Baron Dandan, they have already done

the island slaughter thing before!"

"Now they're going to report to two dim sum generals, and I think they'll

be attacking The fish men island soon!

"I would like to lead the Dragon Palace Guards to drag them and take

advantage of this time... Your Majesty should take some princes and

princesses to escape! 99

The right minister stood up first, and after giving Neptune a salute, he

spoke with a decided look on his face.

"Alas... Your Majesty Neptune, the old man will also take the Sun Pirates

to block them alone!

"Hurry up and escape with His Royal Highness Shark Star, Princess

Shirahoshi and the others!"

Before the Minister Right spoke, Jinbei also sighed and took a step

forward, speaking to Neptune.0

"Hahahahaha! Who said I was going to run away?"

"I'm just staying at The fish men island and not going anywhere!!!"

Seeing that everyone was so determined, Neptune was moved, but he

also laughed out loud.

This time, everyone in the Dragon Palace except the Minister Zuo was


what's wrong?

Neptune is this evil?

Originally good, how can you say crazy to crazy???

"Cough...cough...the old minister will explain it to you!

Minister Zuo, who was standing on the side and couldn't stand it any

longer, coughed softly at this time, and stood up to answer questions for


Everyone saw that it was the most wily Minister Zuo who had always

behaved, and combined with Neptune's somewhat unreasonable

performance, they also understood a little.

Obviously, that dimensional pirate group, I'm afraid it was Neptune and

the left minister who found "thighs" for The fish men island!

Later, Minister Zuo learned from Namuer that Su Yang took the

seventeenth division of the Whitebeard Pirates and established a pirate

group called "Dimensional Pirates".

And just now, he got in touch with Su Yang through Namuer, and on the

phone, he has sought shelter from the Dimensional Pirates for The fish

men island.

And in the conversation, he had already learned about Su Yang and

everyone in the Dimension Pirates who were already on the way to The

fish men island.

It is impossible to say that during the 4.6 period when they had just

negotiated with Baron Dandan and Pokemus, Su Yang and the others had

already arrived at The fish men island!

Unlike those who don't know exactly what happened after Summit War.

Jinbei was a participant in the war, and he saw with his own eyes the

terrifying power of Su Yang, Uchiha Madara of the 17th Division, Diablo

and others.

Therefore, after listening to Minister Zuo's remarks, Jinbei breathed a

sigh of relief and said with a relaxed expression:

"Huh...that's how it is!"

"I didn't expect the Dimension Pirates to be Su Yang and his 17th


"Your Majesty Neptune, as long as you survive this time, with the

protection of the Dimensional Pirates, The fish men island will be worry-

free in the future!"

"I'm going to convene the Sun Pirates, we must block the attack of the

BIG·MOM Pirates and drag them to the Dimension Pirates!

180 Cracker: I want bloodbath

The fish men island! (please order


On the cake boat, Charlotte Daifuku, the third son of Charlotte Linlin, the

"bean minister", sat on the main seat.

The ten sons Cracker and the twenty-five sons Snage, who are also known

as the "Four Stars of Dessert", are under him.

The three of them looked at Pokemus and Baron Dandan who had just

returned from Ryugu angrily.

"Lord Daifuku! Lord Cracker! Lord Snag!

"That Mermaid King Neptune is so ignorant!

"I just told them about the arrival of the three adults, but he not only

directly rejected our invitation, but also took the initiative to provoke our

BIG·MOM Pirates!""

"They also said that if we move The fish men island, what dimensional

pirate group is behind them, it will definitely make us go away without

eating Kabuto!""

As soon as he returned to Pokermus on the boat, after seeing the three of

Charlotte Daifuku, he began to cry, and his words were extremely


"What! There is such a thing!!!"

"That old guy from Neptune dared to provoke his mother and provoke

our BIG·MOM pirates!"

"Brother Dafu, I'll take my biscuit soldiers to the Dragon Palace, and let

that old Neptune kneel down for my mother to atone for it!

After hearing what Pokemus said, Daifuku, one of the four generals with

a long beard, a strong build, and a biscuit-like armor on his right hand,

held a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right, "The Biscuit

Minister" Charlotte Cracker said. .

"Brother Cracker is right!

“The fish men island is so arrogant and unforgivable!!!”

"Brother Dafu, let me slaughter The fish men island with ordinary

chessmen soldiers, and teach this arrogant guy a lesson!"

At the same time, on the left side of Daifuku, Charlotte Snag, the "Fry

Minister" with a chubby hairstyle, a long hooked nose, a red and white

striped scarf, a chubby body, and a huge samurai sword on his back, also


Seeing that Pokemus brought back such news, Charlotte Daifuku's brows,

which were originally "囧" faces, were even more wrinkled.

With a relatively calm personality, he naturally heard the meaning of

sowing discord and telling lies in Pokemus' words.

At the same time, he also believed that the time had come. As long as the

Mermaid King Neptune was not crazy, he would not have made such an

unwise choice to provoke their Four Emperors Pirates.

But there is no wind and no waves, and it is impossible for Pokemus to

distort the facts too much in this matter.

So in order to verify the truth of the matter, he still waved his hand to

persuade his two angry brothers, and asked Baron Eggy who was beside

him: "Baron Eggy, is what Pokemus said true?"


Baron Dandan, who had not spoken much before, after hearing Charlotte

Daifuku asking himself, he also held up the pink teacup on his head as a

salute, and answered at the same time:

"Good afternoon, Lord Daifuku, Lord Cracker, and Lord Snag!"

"As Pokermus said, the Mermaid King Neptune has indeed rejected our


"And also arrogantly expressed that once we attack Mermaid Island, the

Dimension Pirates, the sheltering force they found, will also come to

trouble us!"

Charlotte Daifuku fell silent after hearing Baron Dandan's words.

In the entire BIG·MOM pirate group, Baron Dandan is a guy who has a

bigger picture.

Even he said so, want to come... That Mermaid King Neptune did indeed

do these seemingly "unwise" things.

But the more this happened, the more Charlotte Daifuku became more


There must be some "extremely important" reason for a king like Neptune

to make such a strange move.

Just as Dafu was thinking about it, Cracker and Snag on the side could no

longer restrain the anger and impulse in their hearts.

For them, Neptune's behavior can be said to be a slap in the face of their

BIG·MOM pirates.

Seeing that Dafu did not speak at this time, the two of them also stood up

from their seats and advised Dafu:

"Brother Dafu, what kind of bullshit dimensional pirate group, I have

never heard of it, I am here to call biscuits soldiers, bloodbath The fish

men island!!!99

"Yeah! Big brother Dafuku, the majesty of mother is not to be challenged!

The majesty of our BIG·MOM Pirates is not to be challenged either!"

The two of you exhorted and shouted at each other, directly interrupting

Dafu's train of thought.

Looking at the two angry younger brothers in front of him, Dafu

considered their own powerful strengths, plus himself, Pokemus, and

Dandan Baron.

With such combat power, even if the three disasters of Kaido Beasts

Pirates come together, it is not without the power of a battle.

Thinking of this, Charlotte Daifuku also frowned and said to her two

younger brothers:

"Humph! Since Neptune and the others committed suicide and provoked

the majesty of their mother, then we will bloodbath The fish men island


Hearing that Daifuku had agreed to the proposal, Cracker and Snag

immediately began to gather their men.

In less than three or five minutes, a large number of pawns were already

holding weapons and standing in front of the three of Dafuku.

The Dragon Palace guards, who had been left at the pier by Shaoxing and

others at all times to observe the movements of the BIG·MOM Pirates,

were already on guard.


When Charlotte Dafu gave an order, the imposing chess pieces and pawns

rushed towards The fish men island.

'"Fire!!! Meet the enemy!!!"

"The Minister Right, Boss Jinbei, and the brothers of the Sun Pirates will

arrive in a little while! 35

"Behind us are the compatriots of The fish men island, we must stop them

here and kill!!!"

Seeing that the BIG·MOM pirates really attacked The fish men island, the

general of the Ryugu guards who stayed here also shouted to the

surrounding Ryugu guards.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Defend The fish men island! Kill!!!35

Along with the roaring cannons in the phalanx, the fish people who were

the guards of the Dragon Palace also took up their weapons in their

hands, roaring in their mouths to meet the chessmen who were charging.

"Hahahaha! Today I'm going to bloodbath The fish men island!!!"

“Cookie Soldiers!!!”

Charlotte Cracker grinned with a big mouth and swung the giant sword

in her right hand, and a puff of dust swept up from behind him.

And in this dust and smoke, one after another, huge biscuit soldiers who

were tall, dressed in biscuit armor, held a shield and a giant sword, and

had the same face as him were created by him using his Devil Fruit


"Boom boom~"

"Boom boom~"

The tall biscuit soldiers who looked like giants, led by Charlotte Cracker,

stomped on the ground with a bang, striding towards the Ryugu guards.

A battle involving the life and death of The fish men island broke out!

181 Yuzan of Namur???

The fighting at the dock of The fish men island opened the prelude to the


Even though fishmen's physical fitness is generally stronger than that of

ordinary humans, how can the dragon palace guards of The fish men

island be the opponents of the BIG·MOM pirates?

What's more, at this time, the high-end combat power of The fish men

island was absent, so that the battlefield resulted in a one-sided massacre.

"Hahahaha! Only blood can be called the majesty of our BIG·MOM


"You weak murloc scum, give me a quick death!"

"You can only blame you for following an arrogant king!"

Charlotte Snag slashed through the crowd with a huge katana in her

hand, taking the life of one or two murlocs with each knife.

"Hit the water!!!

Just as Charlotte Snug was waving the huge samurai sword in his hand,

preparing to split the Dragon Palace Guard soldiers in front of him from

top to bottom, he heard a loud boom from behind him.


At the same time, an attack broke through the air, smashing straight

towards the back of Charlotte Snag's head.


Feeling the attack from the back of her head, Charlotte Snag turned

slightly sideways and didn't even turn her head back, she just turned the

big knife in her hand, the light of the knife flashed, and then split the

attack from it.

Just as Charlotte Snugger broke the attack that was coming towards her,

a figure rushed towards him from his side at the same time.

"Murloc Karate・Three Thousand Wa Zhengquan!!!"

Hearing a loud shout, a bluish-white fist smashed straight into Charlotte

Snag's face.


Charlotte Snag was too late to defend and was thrown aside by the blow.

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of Charlotte Daifuku,

who had been watching the battle from behind since the battle started.

I saw that the person who attacked Charlotte Snag was a murloc with

garlic hair, full of shark fangs, a short stature, wearing a blue long-

sleeved white shirt and jeans, and a number 8 tattooed on the lower right

side of his neck.

As the third son of Charlotte Linlin, Daifuku, the "Douda~" minister of

the BIG·MOM pirate group, naturally recognized the identity of the

person at a glance.

Former Whitebeard Pirates 8th Division Commander Sharkman Namur!!!


Seeing that Muir attacked his brother, Charlotte Daifuku naturally would

not continue to watch, but instead placed his hands on the belt around

his waist and began to rub it as hard as he could.

With the friction of Charlotte Daifuku's hands, a cloud of smoke slowly

emerged from the golden belt at the position of his belly button, and then

at a speed visible to the naked eye, it turned into a dark blue skin demon

with a strong body and a knife. people.

"Hey~~~ I am a lamp demon!!!"

"Quickly die!!! 35

After the demon's upper body materialized, he only heard a loud shout

from its mouth, and he waved the pipe in his hand and flew towards Na

Muer quickly.

"Magic hunter!!!

When the devil came to Na Muer, he heard a loud snort from his mouth

again, and the pipe in his hand also slashed the Guan Dao from top to

bottom in a posture of slicing Huashan.

"Armed Color!"

"Murloc Karate・5,000 Wazheng Fist!!!"

Feeling the power of the magic man closing the sword, Na Muir quickly

used Armament Haki, wrapped his arms around him, and threw a fist at

the blade cut off by the devil man.


A loud crash sounded from where Muir's fist collided with the blade of

Majinguan's knife.

"You dare to attack me! Die for me!!!"

"One-knife flow · Iai!!!"

At the moment when Namuir and the devil were deadlocked, Charlotte

Snag, who had just been sneaked back by Namuir, also wielded the huge

samurai sword in his hand, which was a horizontal slash to Namuir.


Seeing that Snag's sneak attack was about to come, that Muir snorted

coldly, instead of holding a stalemate with the devil, his right fist hit the

huge force attached to the devil's blade, making himself dodge aside.

However, Snug was already quite powerful, and Muir was a sneak attack

just now, so he had the upper hand.

Now even though he borrowed some of the great power of the devil to

escape, Snag's unparalleled speed still caught up with Na Muer.

With a single knife, the T-shirt on Muir's body was cut, and a deep

incision was left on his chest and abdomen.

"The devil is finely broken!!!"

Seeing that Muir couldn't dodge and was injured, Charlotte Daifuku also

controlled the devil to bully him and pursued Na Muir.

"Seeing the color!!!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!""

With the help of Observation Haki, Muir narrowly avoided the demon's

continuous slashing.

The empty blade smashed into the ground, leaving a mess of large and

small on the ground of The fish men island pier, as if it had just

experienced an earthquake.

"Yi Dao Liu · Yan Hui!!! 99

Before that Muir could catch his breath, Snag's loud drink was heard in

his ears again.

The sword light flickered, and Muir added new injuries.

Charlotte Daifuku, Charlotte Snugger's continuous attack brought great

pressure to Namur.

Speaking of which, it's not that Muir's combat power water, but the one

who besieged him is the super-powerful general of the BIG·MOM pirate

group, and the other is the backbone of the pirate group.

`Yeah! Is this the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates? In addition to sneak

attacks and face-to-face battles, it's really vulnerable!

Seeing that Muir was gasping for breath, Snag sneered while carrying his

huge samurai sword.

That Muir gasped heavily, glanced at the devil who was staring at him,

and he was also angry with himself.

Just hold on for a while longer!

Soon, Jinbei, the Minister of the Right and the others will be able to

come over!

And then...you can wait until Su Yang and his Dimensional Pirates come

here to support!!!

Seeing that Muir was already scarred and could not last long, and

Cracker, who was "killing" in the crowd with the Biscuit (Menuohao)

soldiers beside him, Snug only felt that he had only one thing in his

heart. All patience was worn away.

"I've been dragged by this guy long enough, Big Brother Dafu, let's get rid

of other farmers together!

Snug shouted to Charlotte Daifuku, who was beside him, and then swung

a huge samurai sword towards Namur.

"Hu... hu... hu..."

"The fish men island...not a place where you can be arrogant! 35

"Murloc Karate・Eight Thousand Wazheng Fist!!!"

Namuir gasped for breath, and after shouting at Snug, he also charged at

him with his teeth raised and his fists raised.

"Devil Slash!!!"

It's just, that Muir's punch was blocked by Charlotte Daifuku's control of

the demon before it could touch Snag.

Seeing his fists being held up and the samurai sword slashed by Snug, Na

Muir sighed in his heart.

It seems that I... can only... hold on to this!.

182 Dimensional Pirates

Participation (please complete



Just when Namur was about to close his eyes and wait to die, a crisp

sound of steel crashing came from his ear.

I saw that Muir's body at this time was being protected by a transparent


And the huge samurai blade in Snug's hand was slashing above the light

shield, and he couldn't go any further.


At the same time, above the sky, a huge ship broke through the bubbles

far outside The fish men island, landed head-on from the sky, and landed

on the ground of the battlefield.

For a time, the dock battlefield was dusty, and the thick smoke engulfed

the ship.

Only the pirate flags that floated on the ship without wind and

automatically showed their true identities.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him and the mysterious mask

protecting him, Muir already had the answer in his heart.

Su Yang...here we come!

Dimensional Pirates...Arrived!!!

"What... what, just fell from the sky?"

"I don't know! But it looks like it's a pirate ship!""

"Don't be ridiculous, this is the seabed below 10,000 meters, who's boat

can shuttle across the seabed without coating, and then float in the air

after breaking out of the sea!!!

Regarding these 493 unexpected guests, both the Dragon Palace Guards

and the chess pieces were all talking about them.

And the "bean minister" Charlotte Daifuku, who was focusing on rubbing

her waist, became extremely ugly after seeing this scene.

The intelligence work of the BIG·MOM Pirates is among the best in the

entire New World Pirates.

As the third son of Charlotte Linlin and the "Minister of Beans" of the

BIG·MOM Pirates, he naturally learned about the entire process of the

Summit War.

He clearly knew that in this world, in addition to the powerful people

who once dominated the sea and those with the ability of Paramecia

Devil Fruit Lion Fruit, there are still a group of people who can make

their ships "fly".

That is the 17th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates led by Su Yang!!!

While watching the pirate flag fluttering on the ship, Charlotte Daifuku's

mind was also going through this brainstorming.

"This...how did these guys come here at this time?"

"Wait! Could it be that... the Dimensional Pirates in the mouth of that old

guy from Neptune...is the former 17th Division???"

"Damn.(baeg)..Damn it! Got slapped by that old thing! They actually

hugged Su Yang's thigh!!!"

Suddenly, a terrible thought came to his mind, and this guess also made

his face with the word "囧" look extremely ugly.

"That Muir! It's been a long time since you've been beaten so badly!"

At this time, a gentle voice came from the ship in the dust.

At the same time, Namur, who was protected by the mask, was wrapped

by an invisible force, and pulled him from the battlefield to the direction

of the ship.

"Humph! Don't even think about leaving!!!"

"One-knife flow · Iai!!!"

Seeing that Muir was about to be rescued like this, Charlotte Snag

snorted coldly, and at the same time, she continued to chop at Muir.


Just as Charlotte Snuggle shot Namur again, a dark shadow came out

from the ship in the fog.


The steel crash sounded again, Charlotte Snag's huge katana being held

by a sickle.

"I heard that in the BIG·MOM pirates, there are four guys who are called

dessert stars and they are all good!"

"Boy! Why do I feel that you, a general star, are somewhat unworthy of

the name! 35

It was Uchiha Madara who stopped Charlotte Snug. He looked down at

Snug and spoke to him with disdain.

"Huh... Uchiha Madara?"

"Who am I here, I didn't expect it to be the Seventeenth Division of the

Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Cookie soldiers, shred them for me!!!"

Watching Uchiha Madara appear and block Snug's attack, Charlotte

Cracker, who was on the side, laughed and controlled the huge cookie

soldier, rushing towards Uchiha Madara.

As soon as Charlotte Cracker finished speaking, another shadow jumped

up and down from the Shura.

When the dust cleared, Diablo in a black dress stood in the way of

Charlotte Cracker and the giant biscuit soldiers.

"I heard that you are also one of the four generals of the BIG·MOM


"Now that Madara has chosen a general, how can I be left behind!

"Sorry, this road is blocked!!!"

The successive appearances of the strong men of the Seventeenth Division

of the Whitebeard Regiment increased the pressure on Charlotte Daifuku.

He knew in his heart that he could not drag on any longer at this time.

He had to resolve the battle quickly, and then hurry up and retreat.

Otherwise, their BIG·MOM Pirates may suffer heavy losses in today's


"Wipe~ Wipe~ Wipe~"

Thinking in his mind, Charlotte Daifuku also accelerated the rubbing

speed of her hands on her waist.

"Huh~~~ The devil is finely broken!!!

The blue lantern who was being controlled also shouted loudly at this

time, and attacked Uchiha Madara who had already started fighting with

Charlotte Snag.


On the Shura, another black shadow flew out.

Only this time it's not a human being, but Ace Kano's axe Rita!

Charlotte Daifuku, who had already read some of the information on the

17th Division, knew in her heart that Ace Kano's divine axe, Rita, was


So he also controlled the blue lamp demon and turned it into a puff of

blue smoke, making the divine axe Rita pass through.


The divine axe Rita passed through the smoke and fell to the ground,

smashing the ground through a crack of nearly ten meters.

By the time the Blue Lantern Demon controlled by Charlotte Daifuku

reunited, Ace Kano had already arrived on the battlefield.

"It's not good to take advantage of the opportunity."

He picked up the divine axe Rita that had been chopped on the ground,

put it on his shoulders, and said with a smile.

"Lord Daifuku! Lord Cracker! Lord Snag!"

Seeing the familiar seventeenth division powerhouses entangle the three

of Charlotte Daifuku, Pokermus and Baron Dandan, who were originally

leading the chessmen to fight, shouted unconsciously.

Unexpectedly, the two of them shouted, but also exposed the two cadres

who were incompatible with the chessmen in terms of clothing, shape,

species and chess pieces.

I saw Tornado at this time with his hands on his hips, looking at Pokemus

and Baron Dan angrily, and said:

"Humph! Madara and the three guys have robbed all the good players,

I'm mad at me!!!"

"Since the two of you are the only ones who seem to be able to fight, then

I'm going to fight the two of you today and take this group out!!!

After speaking, regardless of what Baron Pokemus thinks, he will start a

fight if he disagrees!

183 The Controversy Between

Mew2 and Akunorolia

Uchiha Madara, Diablo, and Ace Kano of the Dimension Pirates met

Snug, Cracker, and Daifuku successively.

Tornado also shot, hanging and beating Pokermus, Baron Dandan, and a

group of pawn soldiers.

And the seriously injured Muir has also drifted to the Shura.

Floating over the guardrail of the Shura's eaves, Namur saw Su Yang and


"Cough...cough...Su Yang, long time no see!

"This time... let you see a joke!"

Seeing Su Yang's gentle smile as before, Muir coughed a few mouthfuls of

blood before greeting him even weaker.

"I don't see much of a joke, those guys are the better ones out of Charlotte

Linlin's sons!

"It's not bad to be able to persist until now!"

"I promise you, just wait a little longer, and the fate of these guys will be

much worse than you! 35

The smile on Su Yang's face remained unchanged, and after a few words

of relief to Na Muir, he also assured him.

Na Muir, who has experienced the Summit War, has seen with his own

eyes how pervert the strength of the guys who have just been spoiled by

Su Yang, so he has no doubts about Su Yang's words.

While the two of them were talking, the mask that had just shrouded Na

Muir slowly dissipated like ice and snow melting.

Feeling the peculiarity of the power fluctuation that just "helped" him

and saved his life, Na Muir quickly used the perception of Observation

Haki in his body to find the source of releasing this wave.

It was an unfamiliar and weird face.

That Muir hadn't seen it during Summit War!

But just from the fact that the energy mask can block the attack of

Charlotte Snag, the "Four Dessert Star", so that he can't slash into the

slightest, it can be seen that the guy who can perform such a move will

definitely not be weak. .

This... how long has it been?

This guy, Su Yang, actually rowed such a formidable powerhouse on his

boat again.

After that Muir glanced at Su Yang in shock, he still turned his head to

that, at this time holding a "savior" with a spoon almost the size of his



"Just now...Thank you for getting along, brother, my Muir owes you a

life! Cough...․Cough cough!

That Muir looked at Mewtwo's alien-like face, with a grateful expression

and sincere thanks to him.

·0 for flowers·.........

Just after saying a few words, Muir coughed a few more times.

When coughing, countless tiny blood droplets are also coughed out by

the coughing sound.

Mewtwo was as cold as ever, and for Muir's thanks, he just nodded

slightly and didn't speak.

On the other hand, Akunorolia, who was unhappy because he started a

little late and was robbed by Uchiha Madara, Diablo, and Ace Kano for

the chance to meet people, saw this. Behind the scenes, he pouted in


He crossed his hands on his chest and said to Chao Meng, who was not

dealing with him: "Cut! What the hell is that stinky cat!

I don't know if these two people had some unknown deep hatred in their

previous lives.

Mewtwo, who has always shown people with aloofness, lost her sensible

and calm state after hearing Akurolia's voice, and cast a glance at him

with her cat-like slender and sharp eyes.

Mewtwo threw a "you can do it" look at Aknolia, and replied:

"At least I saved people!"

"And some stupid and ignorant lizard can't even grab the chance to shoot!

Hehe..." A.

184 The Whitebeard Pirates Have


As Mewtwo ended with that soft laugh, Aknolia's anger ignited directly.

He, who was originally very angry, was provoked by his mortal enemy,

and he could no longer restrain his anger, and he instantly turned into a

half-human, half-dragon dragon, and shouted at Chaomeng: "Stinky cat, I

think you are not happy for a long time. Now! Believe it or not, a

dragon's breath will blow you into scum!!!


"Oh... I'm afraid you won't succeed? 99

"Four Nine Three" Chao Meng chuckled and looked at Akunoria with

sharp eyes, and at the same time a powerful wave of thought power

emanated from the spoon in his hand.

"Okay, okay! There are still friends on the boat, and now is not the time

for you to compete!""

Seeing that the two went together again, Su Yang also shook his head

with a wry smile, and said to Mewtwo and Aknolia.

"Humph! You stinky cat, wait for me!""

"Cut! I'm waiting, stupid lizard! 35

With the captain Su Yang speaking out and making peace, Aknolia and

Mewtwo also ended their confrontation, and went their separate ways

after exchanging harsh words.

"Su Yang, the crew relationship on your ship is really good, just like

when we were on Daddy's ship! Cough...cough..."

The Muir on the side looked at the tit-for-tat appearance of Aknolia and

Mewtwo, and a smile appeared on his face, recalling the beauty of the

Whitebeard Pirates in his mind.

Just at the end of the speech, that Muir's face finally became a bit lonely.

The Whitebeard Pirates... finally... disbanded...

Seeing that Muir's face became lonely, and he was coughing up blood

continuously, Su Yang also said to him:

"That Muir, Whitebeard just retired!"

"And I spoke to Marco just before I came, and he told me that old

Whitebeard had his own pub!

"When he was on the boat, he rubbed wine with us all kinds of times, and

now it's even worse, and he directly produces and sells it himself! The

days are coming!"

Su Yang patted Muir on the shoulder and told him what he knew.

After many days, I heard the news about Father Whitebeard again, and it

grabbed Na Muir's heart at once.

Especially after learning that Marco not only found Father Whitebeard,

but also stayed by his side.

This made Na Muer relieved a lot, and his complexion eased a lot.

"Looking at your condition, I'm afraid you just injured your lung lobe. I'll

let Giorno Chopper take a look at it for you and get a new one!"

Seeing that Muir looked better, Su Yang looked at Giorno Chopper again

after saying something to him.

"Then leave it to me! 35

Giorno Chopper nodded at Su Yang, and also walked towards that Muir

to prepare for his treatment.

At this moment, a rough voice came from a distance.

"Hahahaha! Brother Su Yang, I didn't expect you to come so soon!"

Hearing this movement, everyone on the Shura boat looked in the

direction of the 4.6 sound, as if Jinbei with a big blue head was stepping

on his clogs.

At the same time, there are not only the murloc pirates of the Sun Pirates

who follow him.

Even the "mermaid king" Neptune was riding his blue whale at this time,

and came with the right minister and the three brothers Shaoxing with a

large number of dragon palace guards.

185 The 17th Division has no 1 to

mess with

The situation that Jinbei and Nepton brought people over was also seen

by Charlotte Daifuku in the battle.

However, at this time, he was already entangled by Ace Kano.

Especially when he found out that this guy Ace Kano didn't know what

kind of medicine he was taking. As the battle time progressed, this guy's

strength not only did not lose the slightest, but even improved.

That feeling, as if Ace Kano was getting stronger every minute and every


"Sad guy..., who gave you the courage to challenge the Dimension Pirates

and challenge the man who stands at the top of all races?"

Ace Kano, who once again waved his arm to open the knife in the hands

of the lantern demon, held the divine axe Rita, and said to Charlotte

Daifuku indifferently.

"Dimensional Pirates? Look at 10 years ago, that old Neptune really

hugged Su Yang's thighs!

At this time, Charlotte Daifuku, who was trying her best to rub her belt,

frowned on her "囧" face, and murmured in a deep voice.

He was even more anxious in his heart, and couldn't help but glanced


At this glance, I found that Charlotte Snag, who was closest to me, was

being beaten by Uchiha Madara at this time.

"Humph! You are still distracted when you are fighting against me, how

much do you look down on me!!! 35

"I am the sun!!!

Charlotte Daifuku's small actions were caught in the eyes of Ace Kano,

but Ace Kano's temper suddenly exploded.

For the arrogant him.

Under the oppression of her own powerful strength, what Charlotte

Daifuku needs to do is either to concentrate on her every attack, or just

be at a loss and panic and wait to die!

But now he is still able to separate out a cent of God to pay attention to

other battlefields!

Such a reaction shows that the strength that he has shown cannot bring

enough pressure to him.

This is simply an insult to one's own strength!!!

With Ace Kano's gloomy face, he stretched out his right hand, and a

fireball like the sun appeared out of thin air.

In the next second, the fireball instantly expanded, becoming an

incomparably huge fireball.

"The relentless sun!!!

With Ace Kano's loud drink, he threw it directly at Charlotte Daifuku and

his Lantern.

Watching this terrifying "sun" flying in, Charlotte Daifuku's pressure

instantly increased, and she no longer had time to take care of other


Feeling the speed of the fireball, Charlotte Dafu knew that she could

never dodge it, so she could only control the lantern man with all her

strength to see if he could split it.

"Huh~ Armed Color・Magic Severe Break!!!"

Armament Haki, who was glowing with black iron, was instantly

wrapped around the blade of the lantern man's knife, and with his loud

shout, he looked towards the galloping fireball.


When Mo and the others closed the blade, the moment they were loaded

with the giant Great Fireball, a huge explosion sounded.

The surrounding temperature also rose rapidly at this moment.

Even not far away, some wooden things have already started to

spontaneously combust.

Originally, Charlotte Daifuku thought that her all-out 493 blow would

definitely cut the fireball into pieces.

But what he never expected was that the impact of this wave was so

powerful that even if there was a lantern man standing in front of him,

he could not resist it, and he let him fly out like a cannonball.

It didn't stop until Charlotte Daifuku's back dragged on the ground for a


It's just the power of this blow that directly caused Charlotte Daifuku to

suffer internal injuries, and the external body is also tattered and full of


The lantern man who had just been summoned was even smashed to


If it weren't for its special properties, it would have completely turned

into a fog at this time...

"Sure enough... the Seventeenth Division has no one to mess with!"

186 Surrender to me who is as

powerful as the sun!

In the big pit in the dust and smoke, the embarrassed Charlotte Daifuku

slowly got up, and could not help but let out a sigh.

But before he finished speaking, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

I saw Ace Kano carrying the divine axe Rita in one hand and a new

fireball in the other.

Under the name of the blazing fireball, Ace Kano's figure is like a ghost!

"O pathetic weakling! Begin to regret it!

"I regret that I challenged the Dimension Pirates, and I regret that I

challenged the man who stood at the top of all races!"9

Ace Kano looked down at Charlotte Daifuku, and said slowly in an

arrogant tone.

After he finished speaking, I saw him wave his hand slightly.

"The sun without mercy!!!"


The fireball in Ace Cano's hand floated out and threw it in the direction

of Charlotte Daifuku.

Soon, the fireball was like a bomb, and the moment it landed, it instantly

caused a violent explosion.

Everything around was engulfed by the flaming flames, causing the earth

to shake.

There was not much time, the flames gradually dissipated, and the big

hole that Charlotte Daifuku had smashed had completely turned into a

dry man-made lake at this time.

And Charlotte Dafu was like a dead dog, completely collapsed and lying

on the edge of the man-made lake.

Apparently, he backed away from this strike by Ace Kano!

The moment Ace Kano threw the fireball in his hand, he chose to escape.

Not only did he use all the Armament Haki he could mobilize in his body,

but he wrapped his entire body.

He even resorted to the Marine Six Styles "~"shaved", which he taught to

some younger brothers by himself, but he never liked very much.

In this way, he still did not completely escape the blow of Ace Kano, and

was still affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

Fortunately, under his various reactions, he escaped from death, and was

not directly killed by this "fireball" of Ace Kano...

Seeing that Charlotte Daifuku escaped, and cast a fearful and resentful

expression to herself.

Ace Cano couldn't help laughing, and continued to raise his high head,

and said arrogantly to Charlotte Daifuku:

66 `Hahahaha! Idiot weakling...I am so satisfied with your expression


"Yes! In the face of me who is as strong as the sun, I should run away!


"Given the experience that a certain guy gave me, capable people like

you cannot be killed by some conventional means!

"As your reward for being alive, let you see my newly learned power!

"Armed Color!!!"

(Good Mano) As soon as Ace Kano's voice fell, Armament Haki appeared

on his arm and wrapped around towards the divine axe Rita.

In the blink of an eye, the divine axe Rita, which was still shining with a

golden luster, turned into a black iron color exuding a faint luster.

After that, Ace Kano flicked his arm, and the divine axe Rita wrapped by

Armament Haki flew towards Charlotte Daifuku's neck.

I beg to subscribe.

187 Is the Star Wars so powerful?

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Giant Black Sword・One Sword・Iai!!!"

Charlotte Snag looked at the man with the spiky head and long hair in

front of him, dressed in a black tight combat uniform, with a red layered

armor on the outside, and while a drop of sweat dripped from his cheeks,

he also charged up with a knife.

The black iron-colored armed color has long wrapped the huge samurai

sword in his hand, making it a "black sword".

"Oh? Have you used your armament?"

"Then I'll try too!"

Looking at the "black knife" of 493 in Charlotte Snag's hand, Uchiha

Madara looked at the two chains in his hand, and after he murmured a

word, he also used Armament Haki, which he had recently mastered.

Before Su Yang introduced them to the knowledge of three kinds of Haki:

armed color, seeing and hearing color, and Conqueror's.

Let him know that Armament Haki can bless and protect the weapons in

the hand.

It is said that only magic can defeat magic.

In order not to be entangled in the fist or weapon possessed by

Armament Haki in future battles, and damage their own ninja gear.

At the same time, when encountering the Logia Demon fruit power, there

will be no situations where you can't hit people or Immune to Death.

So since the last time Su Yang taught everyone on board the two-color

Haki's physiognomy, he started to try it.

Uchiha Madara originally belonged to the first few people who were

summoned to this world by Su Yang.

Having experienced more battles and unlocked his strength one step

faster than others, he was the first to become Master Armament Haki and

Observation Haki.

Although Diablo and Ace Kano followed closely and mastered the two-

color Haki one by one, the record of being the first master to practice

made him happy.

At least in this one, he can beat that fellow Diablo!

As Uchiha Madara drank lightly, the black iron Armament Haki (bag)

wrapped and wrapped the scythe in his hand.

At this time, Charlotte Snag, who was holding a huge samurai sword, had

already bullied herself up and slashed at Uchiha Madara with the sword

in her hand.


There was a loud crash of steel, and Uchiha Madara's black scythe, also

wrapped around Armament Haki, blocked Charlotte Snag's knife.


Seeing that her sword was blocked, Charlotte Snag snorted coldly,

changed her hand, and swung the huge samurai sword as if it had no

weight, slashing towards Uchiha Madara like catkins.

"When! When! When!""

"When! When! When! 95

There was a continuous steel crash, and Charlotte Snag's attack was

easily parried by Uchiha Madara.

"Your physical skills are far worse than that guy! 35

"Or... even that bastard Diablo can hang you!"

"Is your BIG·MOM pirate team's strength really so watery? 35

While blocking Charlotte Snager's attack, Uchiha Madara also looked at

him contemptuously, and asked Charlotte Snager in a disdainful and

suspicious tone.

As soon as this statement came out, it naturally made Charlotte Snugger


"Damn it! You are not allowed to insult our BIG·MOM Pirates! You are

not allowed to insult Mom!!!"

"Huge Underworld, One Blade Style, Blue Rain!!!"

188 Susanoo Reappearance

(please order)

Charlotte Snag shouted, waving the huge samurai sword in her hand, and

slashing out one after another as if she didn't want money.

The blue slash came from the sky like rain.

And Uchiha Madara took out the fan pinned to his waist with the same

expression, and waved at the flying slash.

"Uchiha Bounce!!!

As Uchiha Madara's voice fell, Charlotte Snag's slashes spun around in the

air. Instead, they were swept up by an invisible force, and they returned

in the opposite direction.

As Uchiha Madara, who has rich practical experience, he did not waste

the opportunity to beat the underdog at this time.

"Give you more food! 99

"Fire Style · Extinguishing Fire!-!!'

After listening to a loud drink in his mouth, the surging flame poured out

from his mouth in the direction of Charlotte Snag.

The flame temperature is extremely high, and the area is very large.

The surrounding temperature rose rapidly, and the heat wave washed

over everything around.

Charlotte Snag was depressed from the moment her slash was bounced

back by Uchiha Madara in that weird way.

Now there is another flame like a sea of ​​fire, hitting him.

Makes Charlotte Snug even more irritated.

"Giant gangster・Yichiru・Dragon-kun!!!"

With his loud shout, he saw his feet stomping quickly, and the whole

person, together with the huge samurai sword, spun rapidly like a

spinning top.

In an instant, the fast-spinning Charlotte Snugger turned into a tornado

herself, rushing towards the slashes and flames that had been bounced


"Ding! Ding! Ding!

"When! When! When!"

The blue slashes like raindrops were quickly swallowed up by the

tornado, and the sea of ​​fire created by Uchiha Madara was actually

absorbed and wrapped by the tornado created by Charlotte Snag.

For a time, the tornado had turned into a terrifying existence that

contained sword slashes and flames.

"Finally interesting!

"Since that's the case, then I have to come up with some unique skills to

repay you!"

Looking at the tornado created by Charlotte Snag and rushing towards

him, Uchiha Madara said with a twitch.

As soon as his voice fell, the gouyu at the pupil of Uchiha Madara's eyes

began to rotate at a high speed, directly advancing from the state of

Sharingan to the eternal Mangekyō!

Then a blue light instantly shone from the surface of his body, and when

his whole body was wrapped in blue light, a blue giant rose from the


·0 for flowers·.........

Uchiha Madara opened Susanoo, and the body also entered Susanoo's


I saw his hands folded in front of his chest, condescending, looking down

at the fire tornado that swept in front of him like a sword-blade storm.

Then, Uchiha Madara manipulated Susanoo, causing a blue light to

emerge from his hands.

The blue light quickly solidified into a bow and arrow.

Susanoo reached out and pulled.

A huge blue arrow shot out instantly and flew towards the spinning



The moment the blue arrow and the flame tornado met, a huge roar


It was like a bomb exploded, causing a violent explosion in an instant.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Seemingly dissatisfied with the result of his attack, Susanoo, controlled

by Uchiha Madara, drew his bow again to shoot arrows, and let the huge

blue arrows shoot out one after another, bombarding the center of the


The arrow flies off the string, bringing surprises to Charlotte Snugger at

the center of the explosion.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, the sound of the explosion resounded through the battlefield

like firecrackers.

189 Lis10 to Su Yang...I can kill


"Listen to Su Yang...I can kill you!"

Looking at the huge Charlotte Cracker in front of him, Diablo smiled and

pushed his glasses, took a very gentleman's posture, and said the most

hated words in a calm manner.

"Even if you are a guy from the Seventeenth Division, you are still very

early if you want my life!!!

"Cookie soldier, kill him for me!!!

Charlotte Cracker looked at the man with black short hair and short

black hair, with orange pupils like the sunset, wearing a black suit with a

layer of purple and white shirt, and a bat-like black winged man behind

her, and couldn't help but shout. .

Following the point of his sword, those biscuit soldiers who were as huge

as him also charged towards Diablo with their swords and shields in their


"Tack! Tack! Tack! Tack!

"Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh! 35

The biscuit soldiers swung their swords together in perfect coordination,

waving the swords in their hands like a dense net, gathering towards


Diablo, on the other hand, was like a dancing dark elf, elegantly and

dexterously avoiding the attacks of the biscuit soldiers.

"Tsk... Observation Haki is surprisingly easy to use!

"But... fool me with this kind of stuff and think I'm that Madara guy?"

Diablo murmured softly while dodging the attack of the biscuit soldiers.

"Armed Color!"

Saying that, Diablo also used Armament Haki, wrapping his hands

around him, giving him a pair of fists glowing with a black iron luster.

I saw his foot move, and his figure instantly disappeared on the spot.

When Diablo reappeared, he had already appeared in front of one of the

biscuit soldiers.

I saw him waving his right fist wrapped around Armament Haki and

punching it away.



Diablo smashed his body with a punch, directly smashing the

incomparably hard armor on the chest of the biscuit soldier.


It's just that the biscuit soldier is not a living creature, but a puppet made

of a biscuit, so Diablo's blow was not effective, and he still slashed

towards Diablo with one knife.

Diablo has a lot of fighting experience, so naturally he won't stand there

and let the cookie soldier slash.

I saw that his feet moved again, and the figure disappeared and appeared


This time, he appeared above the biscuit soldier's head.

I saw him punch again and again, directly hitting the top of the biscuit

soldier's head.



Diablo's blow directly shattered the biscuit soldier from his head to his


"Boom! Boom! Boom!""

"Boom! Boom! Boom!""


Then Diablo raised his fists and dropped his fists, from the end of the

biscuit soldiers to the other end of the biscuit soldiers.

He kept blasting all the biscuit soldiers in front of him into scum before

he stopped.

"Hahahahaha! Do you think this will work?"

"Resurrection! Cookie Soldiers! 4.6!!"

Charlotte Cracker didn't feel distressed at all for Diablo's punching like a

child and destroying his team of biscuit soldiers. Instead, she said to

Diablo with a laugh.

"Clap clap~"

"Clap clap~

I saw him raise his hands again and start clapping.

Along with the applause, a plume of smoke rose from behind him again.

190 You are getting an axe at the

class door! (Please complete the


The biscuit crumbs that had been smashed to the ground by Diablo

quickly disintegrated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then they regrouped into one tall, identical-looking biscuit soldier after


"Oh? Can this thing still be summoned repeatedly?"

"Like... that multiple Shadow Clone Technique from the Madara guy!

"If that's the case, then I'll have to kill you all at once!

Watching Charlotte Cracker make another wave of summons, Diablo

smiled and stretched out his hand, directly summoning a group of flames,

and then tossing it in the direction of the biscuit soldier.


The monstrous sea of ​​​​fire appeared instantly, and a wave turned

directly, rolling those biscuit soldiers in.

Under the burning of this hot and extremely high temperature flame, the

biscuit soldiers began to become scorched and black at a speed visible to

the naked eye.

In a short time, the biscuit soldiers were completely buried in the

scourge, turned into flying ashes, and disappeared into the flames.

Looking at the biscuit soldier he had just summoned, he couldn't even

resist Diablo's flames, and was directly burned to ashes and dissipated in

the wind.

Charlotte Cracker no longer continued to summon, but instead activated

the Armament Haki in her body and wrapped it around the blade in her


Then he saw the blade in his hand, and instantly began to spin at a high


"Roll · Pretzels!"

As Charlotte Cracker snorted loudly, he stabbed his sword like a drill at

Diablo's heart.

"Heh... the little trick of carving insects, how dare you make an axe!"

Diablo saw through Charlotte Cracker's sneak attack at a glance, so at the

moment when he approached him like a drill, while sneering, he also

waved his dark and iron-colored fists to meet him. bumped together.


The huge force collided, creating a huge storm around the two of them.

For a time, the two of them were smuggled with sand and dust.

"You can withstand the attack of one arm, if you have a few more, I don't

think you can withstand it! 99

Feeling the terrifying power coming from her own blade, Charlotte

Cracker's square old face showed a wicked smile.

At the same time, as soon as his voice fell, he saw his left hand pat each

of his left and right shoulders a few times.



As Charlotte Crete slapped her arm, arms were born out of nothing.

Moreover, each of them is holding a weapon that is extremely sharp, and

the blade is still blazing with cold light.

It looks like a spelling Xixi version of the eight-armed Nezha.

"Hey...the attack is coming! 35'

Charlotte 493 Cracker said, the octopus-like arm also moved at the right

time, and began to attack Diablo continuously.

For such a dense attack, Diablo stretched out his other arm, waving it left

and right, opening the "king and eight punches" that Charlotte Cracker

attacked in turn.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!""

"When! When! When!""

Like a piece of music, the continuous metal collision sound is


Seeing her delay in breaking Diablo's defense, Charlotte Cracker couldn't

help but quicken her hand.

At this moment, there were several loud roars in their ears.

191 The real body is exposed!

(Please complete the order)

Because those huge roars did not come from the same direction, Diablo

also looked slightly sideways.

Well, Uchiha Madara on the left battlefield has turned into Susanoo and

is drawing a bow and shooting arrows.

On the battlefield on the right, Ace Kano was carrying the divine axe

Rita, holding a fireball in one hand and playing bombing there.

Even the tornado that went to deal with the miscellaneous soldiers was

manipulating his own psychic power to hang and beat the Duke of


It was only then that Diablo reacted, as if...the only one who paddled


The appearance of this idea made Diablo unable to remain calm.

He has to settle the fight ASAP!

Otherwise...the guy Uchiha Madara will definitely get ridiculed later.

Practice two-color Haki competition before that, which has given that

guy a step ahead.

If there is anything or nothing, just dangle in front of you, and talk about

yourself being the first to succeed in practice.

Even if I don't want to make such comparisons with such a naive guy.

But after a long time, there is always such a number one person talking

about this thing, it sounds annoying, doesn't it?

Diablo's expression changed.

He is serious!

Just listen to him say to Charlotte Cracker: "I've been playing with you

long enough, it's over!!~*!


Before Charlotte Cracker could react, Diablo disappeared from his sight.


As if teleporting, Diablo appeared directly in front of Charlotte Cracker.

At this time, his right hand is no longer the fist before, but the claws

wrapped in the dark Armament Haki!

The sharp claws were gleaming and extremely sharp, and they were

swaying with great power, and they slammed heavily towards Charlotte

Cracker's chest.



With the sonic boom of the sharp claws rubbing against the air, Diablo's

sharp claws struck Charlotte Cracker's chest with lightning speed.

The thick, steel-like biscuit armor, under his sharp claws, was smashed

into slag like light and thin paper without defense.


The armor and body made of biscuit shells also shattered instantly.

It's just the fragmentation of this body, and there is not a trace of blood.

Instead, it exposed the body that Charlotte Cracker has been hiding in

that huge shell.

`Heh... a little trick of carving insects!

"Since the real body is exposed, then die with your armor!!!"

Diablo wasn't at all surprised by Charlotte Cracker's disguise.

In addition to being the Demon King, he is well-informed, and the

Observation Haki given to him by Professor Su Yang also made him

understand the real situation of the battle against Vice Admiral Charlotte


As soon as his voice fell, his body moved again, and a pair of sharp claws

slashed towards Charlotte Cracker's real body (Mano Hao) again.

"My real body is rarely exposed!"

"Damn you, how dare you reveal the secret that I have been hiding for so

many years!!!

Charlotte Cracker also looked furious after her real body was revealed.

After seeing Diablo rushing towards him without saying a word, the

anger on his face became even stronger, he pointed the tip of his saber at

Diablo, and shouted again:

"Swing Pretzel!!!" Nong.

192 Cracker, die!!! (please order)

As soon as Charlotte Cracker's voice fell, the sword in his hand spun at

high speed again.

At the same time, sword energy lingered from the high-speed rotating


Charlotte Cracker greeted Diablo, who was also rushing towards her,

with a grim smile on her face.

In the blink of an eye, the high-speed rotating blade in his hand and the

shock wave generated by the sword energy met Diablo's sharp claws.



At the moment when the two met, a violent explosion sounded, the

ground collapsed, and a powerful airflow swept through everything

around 493.

Soon, the noise dissipated, the dust fell, and the position where the two

were fighting revealed their true bodies.

Diablo stood still elegantly on the spot.

And Charlotte Cracker?

His sword is broken!

At the position of the heart of the chest, there is also a fist-sized through

hole, and blood is flowing out of it.

With his weak breathing, the mouth will also spit out the air with blood.

But soon, his weak breathing stopped abruptly.


With a thud, Charlotte Cracker's body slowly (baeg) fell, unable to stand

up again.

"Heh...it looks like I won this time! 35


Watching Charlotte Cracker fall to the ground dead, Diablo chuckled.

After he finished speaking, the wings on his back suddenly flapped, and

the whole person took off quickly, flying towards the Susanoo who just

shot the last arrow not far away.

Obviously, he was going to ridicule the energy that he had been holding

back for the past few days.

At the same time, Uchiha Madara controlled Susanoo and slowly lowered

his bow and arrow, ready to see what happened to Charlotte Snag?

"How long does it take for such an opponent?"

"It seems that some people are stupid and can't catch up with the speed of


At this time, a familiar and annoying voice entered Uchiha Madara's ears.

Of course, Uchiha Madara didn't even have to look back for this familiar

tone and tone, and his mind had already added that Diablo fluttered his

wings, maintaining his self-assured sassy look.

Uchiha Madara turned to look.

as predicted!

Just like the picture in his mind, Diablo fluttered his wings and looked at

himself with a smile.

It's just that the smile looked in Uchiha Madara's eyes, and she was



"Did you think I'd be as troubled as you bastard?

"I just want to make the BIG·MOM Pirates and the world more aware of

the strength of our Dimensional Pirates!"

"In battle, you must have the momentum of battle. Like me and Ace

Kano, the bigger the movement, the better!"

Uchiha Madara also wouldn't let Diablo taunt him, only to see him folded

his arms in front of his chest and said to Diablo.

"Oh? Really? Sounds reasonable!

"But I've already killed people over there!"

"And you... it seems that you still have such a breath!"

Diablo raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, then

pointed to Uchiha Madara not far away and said slowly.

The smoke dissipated at this point, revealing Charlotte Snag, who had

been attacked by Susanoo's consecutive arrows.

I saw that his seven orifices were bleeding, and his body was covered in

bruises. Although he was also venting a lot and taking in less air, he still

had the last breath to hang, and he didn't die right away.

193 Great Fortune, Ability


Seeing that Charlotte Snag was not dead at the moment, but was

extremely strong and held a sigh of relief.

Uchiha Madara rolled her eyes at Diablo in the air, and then looked at

Charlotte Snag, her teeth tickled with anger.

Die when you're damned!

At this time, you don't need to show your willpower here, hey!!!

"Oops, it seems that I took the lead in the fight against the Big Mom


Just when Uchiha Madara was thinking about whether to control

Susanoo and give Charlotte Snag another shot, and then kill Diablo with

full firepower, it was Diablo's soft voice again. words into the ear.

"Asshole!!! 9

When Uchiha Madara heard the words, her teeth itch with anger.

In particular, the tone and style of Diablo's speech just now was exactly

what he said when he was dangling in front of his eyes these past two


This wave of anti-taunting from Diablo made Uchiha Madara's anger

surging in his chest.

Don't hesitate!

First raise his hand to give that guy Charlotte Snag an arrow, and then

control Susanoo to shoot Diablo out and kill him directly, so that his time

in the future will be clean-!!!

Uchiha Madara made the decision in an instant.

I saw that he controlled Susanoo to raise his hand, when he was about to

mobilize Chakra to show the blue arrow.

The lingering Charlotte Snugger couldn't hold on any longer, and directly

lowered her head and breathed.

"I'm so special!!!39

Watching Charlotte Snag die without waiting for her to do it herself,

Uchiha Madara only felt that there were tens of thousands of five people

roaring past in her heart, and she couldn't help but scolded softly in her


"What? Are you going to whip the corpse to cover up the embarrassment

of your lack of strength? Uchiha two Madara (like)!

At the same time, Diablo spoke softly to Uchiha Madara.

"I killed you bastard!!!"

Hearing Diablo's words, Uchiha Madara replied directly, and at the same

time controlled Susanoo to stab Diablo.


Susanoo's sword swing was easily dodged by Diablo.

Watching Uchiha Madara angrily control Susanoo to give himself such a

knife, the smile on Diablo's face became even brighter.

As an opponent who has been with each other and fought tit for tat for a

long time.

·0 Seeking flowers......

After seeing Uchiha Madara's behavior at this time, Diablo understood.

He is in a hurry!!!

Dodging several consecutive stabs from Uchiha Madara one by one, and

looking at Uchiha Madara's gloomy face, Diablo only felt that he was

refreshed and refreshed at this time.

While Uchiha Madara and Diablo were "playing" there, Ace Kano was

nearing the end.

Ace Cannon wrapped around Armament Haki's divine axe Rita, but in the

end it didn't cut Charlotte Daifuku's body.

I saw a giant man with a black iron color all over his body blocking the

path of the divine axe Rita with his hands.

And the appearance of the giant man is exactly the same as the lamp

devil summoned by Charlotte Dafuku's belt before.

The only difference may be that the lower body of the previous Lantern

Man is in a foggy state and is connected to Charlotte Daifuku's belt.

The brawny man who appeared at the moment has a complete and strong

lower body.


At the time of life and death, under the strong pressure of death,

Charlotte Daifuku's fruit ability awakened!!!

194 This is thanks to you

The strong man of the lamp devil in front of Ace Kano is the fruit of his

awakening of the oil lamp fruit.

A lantern who shares Charlotte Daifuku Armament Haki, Observation

Haki, has legs, is out of scope, and has an independent mind but is

completely loyal to him!!!

Moreover, after his awakening, he is connected with the life state of the

lantern man.

That is to say, as long as he summons the lantern devil, all the damage he

has experienced and suffered during this period of "four-nine-three" will

be directly transferred to the lantern devil.

So if you want to kill Charlotte Daifuku at this time, you can really kill

him only if you kill that lantern man.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

"I didn't expect it, Ace Kano, under your pressure, my fruit ability has


"Go! Lamp Demon, kill him for me!!!

Looking at the lantern man standing in front of her, Charlotte Daifuku

laughed and shouted to Ace Kano.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the muscles of the Lantern

Demon's arms bulge, and he threw the blade of the divine axe Rita


The divine axe Rita was thrown back by the Lantern Demon at an

extremely terrifying speed.



At this time, the sun has been fighting for a while, and has climbed to a

certain distance. Ace Kano looked at the divine axe Rita, whose muscles

were even more bulging, and raised his hand to receive the divine axe

with ease. Rita catches.

At this time, it was already close to noon from the morning, and Ace

Kano's strength had begun to soar towards his peak state.

The attitude when speaking is also closer to the state of "heaven and

earth, honor me!".

"Fruit Awakening?

"Heh... rubbish is rubbish after all!"

"The slight increase in your strength is only a short delay in the moment

of your own death!"

"Humble and weak... don't forget, you are facing a man who stands at the

top of all races!!!35

Ace Kano carried the divine axe Rita, cast a disdainful glance at the

Lantern Man who became independent because of the fruit awakening,

and condescendingly condescended to Charlotte Daifuku who was like a

dead dog over there.

"Tread! Tread! Tread! Tread!"

After all, Ace Kano is also a fast walk, carrying the divine axe Rita and

rushing towards the lamp devil.

"Hey~~~ go to hell!!!

Seeing Ace Kano rushing in, the lantern man also waved his right hand,

and instantly manifested his big knife, and also rushed towards Ace Kano.

In an instant, Ace Kano and Lantern Demon, who each held a weapon,

intertwined and fought together.

The scene where the two of them were fighting at this time was like the

Titans who killed each other in myths and legends.

If you don't fight until either side is out of breath, it will never stop!

Same muscle expansion, same power output.

There are not so many moves and skills, it is purely the collision of

physical strength!

Axe and Knife!

Ace Kano and the Lantern!

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!""

"When! When! When! When!" "4.6

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! 35

The sound of steel collisions is continuous, and every time the weapons

collide, there will be a huge sonic boom.

If it weren't for the two of them at this time, they were in the ocean

under 10,000 meters.

Then just listening to the thunderous roar, it would make people think

that they came to the Thunder Island with continuous thunder and

lightning like New World.

195 Dafu shock!

Taking advantage of the gap between the Lantern Man and Ace Kano

who were fighting like wild beasts, Charlotte Daifuku also took time to

take a look at the surrounding situation.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, just startled.

I saw the two of the Dimensional Pirates, Uchiha Madara and Diablo,

who were fighting with him just now, were actually fighting like a joke.

What about Snag and Cracker?

Is it defeated?

Charlotte Daifuku was so nervous at the time, she quickly got up from

the ground and looked around.

Standing up, he finally saw clearly the fate of his two younger brothers.

A ragged, seven orifice bleeding died.

The other one, although most of the body is still intact, has a large hole

cut through at the location of the heart.

In such a situation, Charlotte Daifuku's body, which was already

reluctantly standing up, swayed instantly.


all dead!!!

A strong sense of sadness rose from Charlotte Daifuku's heart.

The expression on the face with the character "囧" also became distorted

with grief.

Their BIG·MOM Pirates are different from those on the sea, the backbone

and backbone are all Charlotte Linlin's sons and daughters.

It is not an exaggeration to even say that BIG·MOM is the top family

power in the pirate world.

Of course, because Charlotte Linlin only cares about life, not


As brothers, Perospero, Katakuri, Daifuku, and Owen also shouldered the

responsibility of protecting and caring for their younger siblings.

Therefore, in the Charlotte family, there may be intrigue, bullying and

hostility among the juniors.

But Perospero, Katakuri, Daifuku, and Owen are the oldest brothers of

the generation. They are not only majestic, but they also care about their

younger brothers and sisters while being embraced by their younger


At this moment, watching Charlotte Snugger and Charlotte Cracker die

on the spot, his heart is naturally very sad.

With a sad mood, he looked at Pokemus and Baron Eggy who were still


At this time, Pokemus had been abused by the tornado and activated his

Zoan Devil Fruit, indented into the turtle shell that had changed on his

back, and was controlled by the tornado, smashing the ground like a

walnut. .

At this time, Baron Eggy had also been smashed by the tornado, and the

protection of the eggshell had already been smashed into the form of a

juvenile viscount, barely supporting under the attack of the tornado.

As for the chessmen soldiers they brought, the casualties were even more

severe at this time.

Except for a few king and queen 493 pawns who had been given longer

lifespans and were more powerful still alive, the remaining pawn soldiers

were almost wiped out, basically shattered into pieces after pieces, piled

up in mountains.

Looking at the situation in front of him, it was already so bad.

Charlotte Daifuku's heart is not only sad, but also a kind of fear.

Two generals of the BIG·MOM pirates, a minister who was slightly

stronger than them after awakening, two knight-level combatants, and

two chessmen soldiers on board.

Just such a configuration, put it in front of any force in the New World, it

is definitely enough to give them a headache!

But when I got to the Dimensional Pirates, everything changed...

196 Send you a happy 1!

four people!

There are only four people out there!!!

This is still in a state where the captain has not even shot.

They have such a powerful and gorgeous lineup, and they were so

easily...killed and beaten by four people in this mere rut!

What a difference this is!!!

What a shame again???

Just how terrifying the strength of the Dimensional Pirates is!!!

Not to mention, in the information they collected, in addition to the

captain, there were at least six people in the Dimension Pirates who did

not take action.

Four of them were enough to hammer them, and they were almost wiped


If the remaining six people and their captain Su Yang are allowed to take

action together, can the BIG·MOM pirates really hold up?

Such doubts are like a boulder pressing heavily in Charlotte Daifuku's


Who is Charlotte Linlin's third son, the "bean minister" who is in the

decision-making circle of the BIG·MOM pirates, Charlotte Daifuku has

determined his thoughts in an instant.

Can't fight them anymore!

I absolutely cannot die here now!

I must bring this news back to the BIG·MOM Pirates!

When I go back, I must convince my mother to form an alliance with

Kaido, who also has a grudge against Su Bai and the others.

Only the BIG·MOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates can resist such a

powerful Dimensional Pirates.

Charlotte Daifuku, who had a decision and an idea in her heart, glanced

guiltily not far away, who was fighting against Ace Kano's strength.


Charlotte Daifuku decides to sacrifice her lantern to get a chance for her


That was a skill he realized when he was awakened.

When he encounters an irresistible enemy, he can use his mind to control

the lamp devil to detonate the power in his body at the cost of his ten

years of life and the loyalty of the lamp devil.

And because he is the owner of the lantern devil, or because he and the

lantern devil are one body, the explosion energy generated by detonating

the energy in the body of the lantern devil and achieving the effect of

self-destruction will not harm or affect him.

To put it simply, at the cost of his ten-year lifespan and the loyalty of the

lantern devil, he can make the lantern devil blew himself up once.

Moreover, this kind of self-destruction will only injure other people, and

he himself can be unaffected by the self-destruction and remain intact

under the self-destruction.

Charlotte Daifuku looked around.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara and Diablo are still playing like a fight,

and Tornado is still playing with Pokemus and Viscount Chick.

And Su Yang and the others on the Shura had just met Jinbei, Neptune

and others.

Ace Kano was fighting close to the lantern man again. If the lantern man

blew himself up at this time, he would definitely suffer the most damage.

Maybe... I can really replace one with the self-destruction of the lantern


With such a good opportunity, Charlotte Dafuku, who had no choice but

to sacrifice everything to escape, was delighted.

Immediately, he stared at the direction of Ace Kano and the lantern man,

and silently recited a word in his heart:


Just as Charlotte Dafuku was meditating in her heart, the aura in the

body of the lantern demon who was fighting with Ace Kano (Li's Zhao)

was also agitated instantly as if it were boiling.

And the mutated state of the lantern man was also perceived by Ace

Kano, he immediately raised his head and said arrogantly:

"Heh...Poor puppet...I finally realized that my weak strength can no

longer be compared with me, who stands on the top of the race?

"It's been a long time since I fought someone so well!"

"For the sake of warming up with me, I'll give you a treat!!! Level 35.

197 Lamp Demon, blew himself



As soon as Ace Kano's voice fell, the violent energy in the lantern man's

body could no longer be restrained, and the majestic energy exploded.

Like a nuclear explosion, the entire sky of The fish men island was


There is only the center of the explosion between the heavens and the

earth, and there is a light shining brightly like the sun.

Gorgeous sparks and energy intertwined, wrapped in supreme force,

sweeping away like an overwhelming sea.

In an instant, the mountains shook, the sky collapsed, and the huge roar

filled people's ears, causing many of the dragon palace guards and fish

people who came to support them to become deaf.

In this terrifying scene like World Destruction 507, Charlotte Daifuku

used her milk strength to rush away quickly.

And the rest of the people who were in the center of the explosion and

within the range of the explosion also had magical powers like the Eight

Immortals crossing the sea.

Uchiha Madara was not only under the protection of Susanoo, but also

protected Diablo next to him in the palm of his hand when the explosion


While Diablo was being protected by Susanoo's big hand, he also

launched a defensive magic barrier, adding another layer of barrier to the

two of them.

Tornado, who was fighting with Pokemus and Viscount Chick, also used

his psychic power to lift himself up quickly and kept himself away from

the source of the explosion as soon as he sensed the danger.

As for the Shura, only Su Yang who was on the ship shouted loudly:

"Wood Style Wood Expulsion Jutsu!!!"

As soon as Su Yang's voice fell, a wooden shield with a green face and

fangs grimacing was pulled up instantly.

The huge and thick grimace shield directly protected the entire Shura, as

well as the Sun Pirates and Dragon Palace Guards who had just arrived

on the side of the Shura.

The violent explosion produced by the lantern man was blocked by the

grimace shield summoned by Su Yang's Wood Style.

Look at the fire on the other side of the shield, and the deafening


Protected on the side of the shield, nothing happened, and the fish people

who were not affected by any attack (baeg) were talking about each


"Is this the battle of the 17th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, the

world's top fighting force? It's really terrifying!"

"Yeah! If they didn't have such a strong strength, how could they have

retreated after attacking Marine, making a scene of Celestial Dragons,

and destroying Naval Headquarters? The World government has already

listed them as the most dangerous group of people in the world. now!"

"Listening to His Majesty Neptune and Boss Jinbei, our The fish men

island has been approved by Lord Su Yang, and then our The fish men

island will be sheltered by them! Thinking of this, I suddenly feel like I

am in heaven!"

"Yeah! With the protection of so many powerful adults, we will no longer

have to be bullied by anyone in the future! What a powerful and reliable

group of adults!!!

The explosion of the lantern man didn't last long, and it soon ended, and

the ghost-faced giant shield summoned by Su Yang's Wood Style, like a

deflated balloon, instantly withered and retracted to the ground.

After the ghost-faced shield was retracted to the ground, the scene at the

battlefield once again shocked the Sun Pirates and the murlocs of the

Dragon Palace Guards.

The former fish-man's wharf no longer looks like a wharf.

On the battlefield, there was a huge pit with a length of fifty meters.

198 ended! The victory of 4


Inside and outside the pit are all broken walls, and none of the buildings

are still intact.

At the very center of the pothole, stood a muscular man with a golden

axe in his left hand.

The man's broad and strong chest rose and fell violently, as if he was

breathing heavily.

After he took a few heavy breaths, he turned around and strode toward

the direction of the Shura.

Until this moment, after seeing the man's face, some fish people who had

read the wanted notice also recognized his identity Ace Kano!

The fish people couldn't imagine how Ace Kano was able to block this

terrifying explosion, and it looked - still unscathed.

Only the people of the Dimensional Pirates who really know Ace Kano

are also secretly grateful for Ace Kano.

Luckily it's daytime and it's almost noon!

If it was afternoon or evening, then Ace Kano might not be able to handle


Just when everyone cast their eyes on Ace Kano, a Loli-faced woman

with green curly hair and a black slit gown slowly landed from the air.

It was only then that everyone realized that the members of the

Dimensional Pirates within the explosion range were not only Ace Kano.

The tornado that floated over at this time was also one of the people who

had just fought.

So everyone looked around, and in the big crater that exploded, there

was a tall, armored, blue-colored giant standing with a mask on.

As if feeling the projected gaze, a white light instantly lit up on the mask

above the blue giant's head.

In the ray of light, a circular magic circle appeared in rotation, and

instantly sent several strings of spell-like words in several directions of

the mask.

As the words of the spell were engraved on the mask, the mask gradually


At the same time, Uchiha Madara, who was in Susanoo, also released his

ninjutsu, fell to the ground with Diablo, and swept back to the Shura at a

very fast speed.

All the members of the Dimensional Pirates assembled again, and no one

was absent.

And the BIG·MOM pirates who came to attack The fish men island this

time are not considered heavy casualties, that is, there are no bones left.

After all, what Daifuku detonated was not just buildings and land, but

also the corpses of Charlotte Snugger, Charlotte Cracker and those

chessmen soldiers.

·0 for flowers

On the Shura, looking at Ace Kano, who was gasping for breath, seeing

that all the crew were unharmed, and even just at the center of the

explosion, the Mermaid King Neptune sighed unconsciously:

"Little friend Su Yang, it is indeed you who can abuse the BIG·MOM

Pirates to this extent!"

"The old man is very convinced at this moment that with such terrifying

strength, you will definitely be able to surpass that old fellow in

Newgate! 55


"In order to express my gratitude to the Dimension Pirates, the old man

has just arranged for Minister Zuo to prepare in the Dragon Palace!

"The old man wants to invite Su Yang and your crew to the Dragon

Palace and hold a banquet to celebrate today's victory for you, ha ha ha

ha! 99

At the end of the day, Neptune, the banquet madman, left a glutton of

saliva at the corner of his mouth.

"Uncle Nepton sincerely invites me, I have no reason to refuse!"

Hearing Neptune's words, the smile on Su Yang's face remained the same.

After replying to him in a gentle way, he also turned his head and

laughed at Uchiha Madara, who had been working hard, "Brothers, let's

go to the Dragon Palace for a banquet. La!!! Hahahaha!" 5.

199 The scheming of Akunorolia!

When I heard that I was going to hold a banquet in the Dragon Palace to

celebrate, everyone in the Dimension Pirates had a bit of a smile on their


Especially Tornado, Emily, Anna, Rem, and Ram's children.

Women are born with a strong interest in words such as "mermaid" and

"dragon palace"

Hearing that they can not only go there to visit, but also have a banquet

to eat and drink in it, he is naturally happier.


"Shh~shh~"five zero seven" shh~"

At the same time, a huge gray-white moray eel with a turtle-shell-like

house on its back floated slowly from the horizon.

And outside the turtle shell house on the back of the moray, there are

three words "Dragon Palace City" printed on it.

This huge moray eel, the excursion boat of the royal family of The fish

men island, quickly floated to the side of the Shura from far and near.

"Captain Su Yang, you and your crew can take an excursion boat to the

Dragon Palace!"

"The cruise ship is equipped with enough sightseeing equipment, so that

you can see the scenery of The fish men island on the way to the Dragon


"As for your ships...you can stop here first, and I will let the Dragon

Palace guards watch the ships for you!"

Seeing the giant moray floating, Shaoxing, the great prince of Ryugu, also

stepped forward, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation

to Su Yang, and said to him.

"Dorami trembles~ The scenery of The fish men island is very beautiful,

it will definitely make Captain Su Yang and you fall!"

As soon as the eldest brother's voice fell, the second prince Wang Xing

also came up and said to Su Yang and others, singing and talking.

"Red rollover ~ roll over ~ see the perfect scene, then go to the Dragon

Palace for a banquet! It's fun to be able to dance together and think about


And the third prince, Carpup Star, was also on the side with his mouth

wide open, twisting his body and jumping while talking there.

Su Yang had met the three Sharksing brothers when he was in the first

team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

What's more, the guys in their Dimensional Pirates are not "normal"

human beings, so they have long been used to the strange behavior of

their three brothers.

"So...then we don't..."

Su Yang nodded, ready to agree, but before he could finish his

disrespectful sentence, he was interrupted by the sound of someone



"Well, Captain Su Yang, I think it would be better for us to follow them in

the Shura!"

"One thing, this place has already been damaged by the battle of

Madara's guys, so it's really inconvenient to stop the ship!"

"The second Shura can float in the air by itself, and it won't be too


Su Yang looked for the sound, and a clear expression appeared on his

face after seeing the person who made the sound.0


The person who spoke at this time was Acnorollia!

As if feeling the strange eyes projected by Su Yang and other members of

the pirate group, Aknororia raised her hand and scratched her face with

her fingers uncomfortably.


Just as Akurolia's voice fell, a very disdainful voice came from the people

of the Dimensional Pirates.

Naturally, the person who will demolish Akurolia at this time is naturally

his nemesis 4.6 Mewtwo!

However, Akurolia, who heard Mewtwo's voice like this, did not start a

war of words with Mewtwo as usual.

He just glared at Chao Meng with his own eyes.

Obviously, he kept this account in his heart, and planned to settle the

account with Chaomeng later.

The people around the Dimension Pirates saw this scene, and their faces

were even more smiling and novel.

200 Giorno Chopper's


"Of course, if Tornado, Rem, and Ram don't feel comfortable sightseeing,

you can take a cruise!

"Just leave me on the boat to control the boat and follow the cruise ship!"

"You can travel with peace of mind, don't worry about me!

The changes in the expressions of the companions were naturally seen by

Acunorolia, but at this time he was very uncomfortable, but when he

thought of some of his own hidden things, Acunorolia said with gritted


"Tsk... No wonder the defenses of lizard-like creatures are good! 39

"It turns out that it is purely based on the thickness of the skin!"

"Anna, 10 write down this point, such a discovery will play a key role in

the development of our battle armor in the future!

As soon as Akunorolia's voice fell, Yanran was not going to let go of her

nemesis, Chaomeng. The tone commanded the person behind him.

Standing behind Chaomeng, Anna, who was wearing a white coat, also

immediately took out her notebook and pen, which squeaked down what

Chaomeng just said.

"Anna! If this stupid cat's brain is caught in the door, you don't have to

remember it!"

"And... the thickness of the lizard skin has something to do with your

ability to develop battle armor! 35

"Stinky cat, I have endured you for a long time!!!

"It's my magnanimity to not care about you just now, don't try to make

an inch!"

Finally, the long-suffering Aknororia finally broke out. After saying a

word to Anna with extreme restraint, she turned her head and roared in

the direction of Mewtwo.

Listening to the contrasting words and Akunoroli's angry expression,

everyone in the Dimensional Pirates nodded secretly.

That neat appearance seems to be saying: "Well! This is the correct way

to open it! The one just now.. It's so unreal, it's like a dream!"


Seeing that Akurolia was about to fight Mewtwo again, Su Yang also said


"If that's the case, Aknororia, drive the Shura and follow behind!

"Let's take a cruise ship to the Dragon Palace!"

Having said that, Su Yang is also ready to take Lime, Cam, Tornado and a

few girls, whose eyes are already full of excitement and anticipation, to

the cruise ship.

"Captain, you go first!

"I am on the boat to treat Mr. Namur and the friends of the Ryugu Guards

who were injured in the battle just now!

It was at this moment that Giorno Chopper, who had not spoken until

now, spoke up.

"Hahaha! Forgot that Mr. Giorno Chopper is a genius doctor!"

"Your Majesty Neptune, allow me to introduce to you!

"Mr. Giorno Chopper, 507 Su Yang's ship doctor, has incredible abilities!

"He can not only regenerate a severed limb, but also treat internal

injuries caused by shocks, and even necrotic internal organs!"

As soon as Giorno Chopper finished speaking, Jinbei next to the Mermaid

King Neptune also stood up with a big laugh and introduced Neptune

very enthusiastically.

Listening to what Jinbei said, Na Muir also stood up for Giorno Chopper

and said:

"Cough...cough...His Majesty Neptune, as Jinbei said!"

"After the top battle, Mr. Giorno Chopper used his amazing ability to

rescue many brothers in the pirate group! Very reliable!"

201 Treatment still uses an

operating table?

For Giorno Chopper Nanon's first speech at this time, saying that he was

going to stay on the ship to heal the wounded Namur and many murlocs

of the Ryugu garrison, the murloc king Neptune was very gratitude and


The addition of Jinbei and Namuer's team added to Giorno Chopper's


Therefore, after hearing these words, Neptune showed a very grateful

expression to Giorno Chopper and said to him:

"Unexpectedly... Mr. Giorno Chopper is a genius doctor!

"Mr. Giorno Chopperna, these murloc brothers of the Dragon Palace

Guards, all gave their blood and tears for our The fish men island!

"On behalf of the Dragon Palace and the thousands of people on The fish

men island, I would like to thank Mr. Giorno Chopper for his help!"

Saying that, Neptune also bent down and expressed his gratitude to

Giorno Chopper.

"Your Majesty Neptune doesn't have to do this, I just follow the captain's

instructions and do what I can do~`!

Seeing Neptune like this, Giorno Chopper waved his hand and said in a

neither humble nor arrogant manner.

"Giorno Chopper If you want to, let it go! 35

"We can wait for you a little longer!"

"Anyway, with your ability, it won't take long to cure them!

At this moment, Su Yang also came to Giorno Chopper's side, patted his

shoulder, and said to him.

Giorno Chopper heard the words and smiled and nodded at Su Yang.

"Dr. Giorno Chopper, simple medical room and operating table in the

excursion boat!"

"Do we need to advance the patient for surgery?"

At this time, the great prince Shark Star also came to Giorno Chopper's

side and asked him respectfully and politely.


Giorno Chopper was also a little stunned when faced with the words of

the Great Prince Shark.

After all, for him, things like the medical room and the operating table

would not be too helpful for him to use his ability to treat those injuries.

"This...don't need to use it, my healing ability is rather special, not a

traditional technique!

"Prince Shark Star only needs to have someone push the wounded in

front of me!

As if seeing Shaoxing's even more astonished expression, Giorno Chopper

explained with a wry smile.

66` ah? 39

'No...no need for a medical room and an operating table? 39

After Shaoxing heard this sentence, the surprise on his face became even


It was the first time he heard the doctor say that he did not even need a

medical room or an operating table to treat those injured patients who

lacked arms and legs.

"Doctor Giorno Chopper, those seriously injured dragon palace guards are

in serious condition! Doraimi is trembling~"

"Red rollover ~ rollover ~ that kind of injury, even if the doctor from

The fish men island comes, will need the assistance of surgical

equipment! Does Dr. Giorno Chopper really need it?

As Shaoxing's voice fell, the second prince Huangxing and the third

prince Roverstar also spoke one after another.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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