Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 1


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Су Ян однажды отправился в мир пиратов и стал капитаном

семнадцатой дивизии полка Белоуса.

Не закреплен за членами команды, не беда, благо система призыва


Мадара, Черный Дракон, Торнадо, Мисака Микото и др. все они

члены семнадцатого отряда Су Яна.

Воюющие Государства: «Я оцепенел, в команде играть труднее, чем с


111 Is Akurolia seasick? (please

ask for full order)

With Emily's voice falling.

Everyone's eyes looked at her.

Then, he started playing again on his own.

Only Su Yang and Diablo watched Emily approach step by step.

Su Yang took off the ink from his eyes and asked.

"Looking for me? It shouldn't be...

Indeed, he has been cut off from the Whitebeard Pirates.

For a while, he really couldn't think of anyone who would call him.

Emily paused, and she didn't connect, so she didn't know who was


"No...I don't know, I think it should be."

With doubts in his heart, Su Yang still took the phone bug in Emily's


Then, clicked on.

Before he could make a sound, the phone bug imitated a familiar face.

Yes, this face is exactly Sabo of the Revolutionary Army.

"Hello, Mr. Su Yang, sorry to bother you."

"The Ace you asked me to find for you last time, we have mastered the

specific location. 55

Su Yang was overjoyed when he heard 430: "Well, I'm sorry to bother

you. 39

"Where, in fact, it's just by the way, because...... I also want to meet Ace,

after all, we haven't seen each other for many years, and I take the liberty

to ask, can I take your boat, Going to go? Sabo asked.

Regarding this matter, Su Yang did not hesitate, and said casually:

"Whatever you want.

Sabo was overjoyed when he heard it. He originally thought that Su Yang

would refuse, but he did not expect that Su Yang readily agreed.

The reason why I wanted to follow Su Yang was mainly for convenience,

because in Su Yang's boat, it was easy to avoid the eyes of the World


"However, Mr. Su Yang, because you are being monitored by Marine

now, I cannot go directly to your ship right now...

Before Sabo could finish speaking, Su Yang interrupted immediately.

"Let's say it first, it's okay to drop by, let me turn around and pick you

up... that's impossible."

As soon as Su Yang's voice fell, Sabo was silent (baeg) for a while, and

then there was laughter: "Mr. Su Yang is really a person with a special

character, don't worry, it's on the way, map you guys There should be."5


"That's good, we are on the nearest island of Sabaody Archipelago. When

the time comes, you sail over, and I will wait for you on the sea."

As soon as Sabo's voice fell, Diablo's voice came from the side.

"Su Yang, hit the fish. 35

When Su Yang heard this, he hurriedly put the phone bug in Emily's hand

back into Emily's hand, and then quickly went to hold the pole.

"Mr. Su Yang?"

Hearing the movement on Su Yang's side, Sabo let out a cry.

"Sir Su Yang is caught in the fish, if you still need to chat, it is estimated

that you will have to wait for a while.

"No need, let Mr. Su Yang work first. 99

Saying so, Sabo hung up the phone bug and went back to the boat.

On Su Yang's side, he was very lucky and caught a big fish estimated to

weigh more than 50 kilograms.

"Tornado, put this big fish back in our tank." Su Yang took off the hook

and looked at the tornado who was fighting the landlord.

Tornado cast a disgusting look at Su Yang, then put the cards in his hand

on the table, and said to Ace Kano and Giorno Chopper.

"I'm the landlord, you two shouldn't secretly change cards when I'm not

here, you already owe me 600 million Bailey. 35

Ace Kano spread his hands and smiled wickedly: "Tsk tsk tsk, look at

what you said, we are not that kind of people.

"Just like you, you even taught Giorno Chopper to cheat." Tornado said


At this moment, Uchiha Madara, who was sitting on the guardrail, said,

"Little devil, do you still owe me 2.3 billion?" (There is absolutely no

cheating with Sharingan/dog head.)

Tornado glanced back at Uchiha Madara, wondering if it was a habit of

the kid calling, but now she is immune.

"Shut up, you win it all, I think you're cheating, but I don't have any

proof. 35

"You bastard who can't afford to lose."

"Come on, Tornado, I'll help you watch. 99

"Come, come, don't rush. 35

After a long time, Su Yang checked the ship's supplies, everything was

complete, and the new ship was better than the previous ship in every


Even, in terms of size, it is four or five times larger than the previous old


Hanging the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates, and then hanging a flag with

the word 17 written on it.

After making all the preparations, Su Yang and the others set sail

according to the position Sabo said.

However, not long after sailing, Akurolia fell.

Because...he was seasick.

And Su Yang also saw this scene, and suddenly sounded flying. The

biggest weakness of this guy in Aknororia is... seasickness.

The crowd gathered in front of Akurolia, looking at him in disbelief.

"real or fake????"

"This is quite a rare thing. I was in good spirits just now, and now it looks

like it is about to die. 55

"Indeed...it's incredible.

Ace Kano groped his chin, looking at Akurollia in an incredible way.

"Lord Akronorlia, you... do you want to drink some water to relieve

yourself? 35

Emily asked nervously. The reason why she was nervous was because, in

it, both she and Anna felt that Akurolia seemed to ignore the two of them

all the time.

Moreover, coupled with the misunderstanding they had just met, the two

of them felt that Akurolia was fierce, and under normal circumstances,

both of them would avoid him.

The new year is here, I hope that all your wishes will come true, and

everything will go smoothly.

In addition, in the new year, readers who think it suits your taste, can

give you a little monthly pass to support, please.

112 Encounter with Ace

ps: Brothers and sisters, for the new month, if you have a monthly pass,

give the author a little bit, woo woo woo, please.

"Emily." Su Yang called out.


Emily looked at Su Yang, and then asked softly.

"What....what's wrong? Lord Su Yang."

"Don't worry about him, Akurolia is just seasick.

Reminding Emily, Su Yang's eyes turned to the extremely distressed

Akurolia leaning on the wall again, and then said flatly.

"Let's go, I'll help you go in to rest and see if I can find any way to get rid

of your seasickness~ in the future.

Saying that, Su Yang stretched out his hand, helped Akurolia up, and

then helped him into the boat.

And after everyone learned that it was just seasickness, what should they

do - they dared to go.

For the next part of the trip, nothing else happened. After picking up

Sabo by the way, they set off towards the position of Master Ace of the

Revolutionary Army.

Time flies, and two days have passed.

Acunorolia was still the same, he had been seasick since the boat started,

and then for two days.

Appetite has been greatly reduced, and his face has become pale, when

Su Yang went to see Akurolia last night.

Acunorolia also said to Su Yang, 'Let me off the boat, I'm going to be

overwhelmed for a few days. infant

And Su Yang must have said, 'It's alright, it's almost there, you're holding


As for the final result, Akurolia did not stay on the boat, but changed into

a dragon form, and he flew with the boat by himself. Although the

process was very boring and tedious, there was no way to do it.

In Akunorolia's eyes, enduring a few days of boredom is a hundred times

better than seasickness...even a thousand times.

"How long will it take to arrive."

On the deck of the ship, Su Yang, who was lying on the deck chair, took

off his sunglasses, turned his head to look in the direction of Sabo and

Koala, and said quietly.

When Sabo heard this, he quickly took out the map from his arms, spread

it out, and analyzed it for a while before answering.

"The sea area we are traveling now is already the area of ​​the island. At

this speed, we will be able to land smoothly in less than an hour."

"Will Ace leave?"

Su Yang asked again. What he was most worried about was not when he

would arrive, but when he arrived, Ace ran away, so... this trip is a waste

of money, and Acunorolia also Bai fainted the boat for two days.

Hearing Su Yang's words, Sabo smiled faintly at Su Yang, and then said

slowly: "Don't worry, Mr. Su Yang, as long as Ace leaves, the

revolutionary army will tell us about the disappearance as soon as

possible. 35

"That's good!"

Su Yang stretched, yawned, raised his head, glanced at Akurolia, who

was soaring in the sky behind him, put on his sunglasses again, and

continued to lie down in a daze.

Sabo and Koala looked back and whispered.

"They have a good relationship."

Listening to Koala's words, Sabo also revealed a satisfied smile: "Yeah,

Ace seems to have made a very good choice, and he also has a group of

very strong teammates. 39

As soon as these words fell, the phone bug that Sabo was carrying started




Sabo didn't hesitate, and soon took out the phone bug and connected it.

Before waiting for Sabo to ask what was going on, the other side spoke


"Sabo Chief of Staff, the Ace you were looking for left the island more

than half an hour ago."

Sabo's face was slightly gloomy when he heard this: "Why did he tell me

now, where did his route depart?"

"Sorry, our capabilities are also limited, and our intelligence personnel

will not track them at any time, because it would be too easy to expose.

As for the route, we do not have a master." "The revolutionary army

intelligence personnel over there moved towards Sabo explained.

After hearing the news, Sabo was depressed, but he did not blame the

intelligence personnel of the Revolutionary Army, because what they said

made sense.

Their intelligence network is very secretive, usually they collect

intelligence from all over the world, and they are good at tracking


·0 for flowers·

"Well, I see. 35

Sabo sighed softly, hung up the phone bug in his hand, and looked at

Koala helplessly.

"I just finished talking... I didn't expect something to go wrong, it's really

a headache.

Koala pouted her face, and then sighed softly, comforting: "Although it is

quite embarrassing, but... there is no way to do it, so I can only tell Su

Yang truthfully. 99

As soon as Koala's voice fell, Su Yang stood up from the reclining chair

and spoke.

"Needless to say, I've heard your phone bug so loud.

Although things are not going well, but....... there is no way to do things,

Su Yang's heart does not have any turbulence, but suffers from Akurolia,

who fainted for two days.

"Then what are you going to do. 35 Sabo asked.

"Show me your map." Su Yang didn't answer Sabo's words, but asked



Sabo nodded, then handed Su Yang his map.

Su Yang glanced at it. Ace met Blackbeard's group on Banaro Island.

According to the map, the island he set off from was still a long way from

Banaro Island.

Although there are many routes to Banaro Island, in general, the most

recent voyage will be selected.

Through Su Yang's judgment, he decided to choose the most likely route.

In this respect, their luck is quite good, because continuing to move

forward is the best route.

"Keep driving." Su Yang murmured, then handed the map to Sabo, who

then lay down on the reclining chair again.

If you go back, there is absolutely no hope, but if you move on, there is

still a high chance that you will meet Ace.

After about ten minutes.

On the sea, a fireboat was approaching Su Yang's ship at a very fast


On the fireboat was a young man with black hair, a normal complexion,

and Madara, a bird on his cheeks.

And he....exactly what Su Yang is looking for, Ace!!

113 It's so nice that

you're not dead

When Su Yang's boat and Ace's fireboat sailed a short distance in the

same sea area at the same time, Ace had already discovered Su Yang's


According to normal circumstances, ordinary ships Ace would not take it

to heart. If he was hungry, then he would secretly board the ship to find

some food.

However, when he saw the flag above, which was the logo of the

Whitebeard Pirates, he was stunned.

"What's the matter? Is it Papa's ship?"

"No...it shouldn't be, how could the ship under the command of the father

come here? Could it be...is it a fake?

Having said that, Ace can basically conclude that the ship of the

Whitebeard Pirates ahead is a fake "447".

Because...the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates will not appear in this sea


Although it is said that the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates are also in

the first half of the Grand Line, they will not hang the flag of the

Whitebeard Pirates, but the flag of their own Pirates.

Through this, Ace dared to conclude at once that the guy in front of him

was a fake Whitebeard pirate.

"It's just bad luck for you to meet me." Ace murmured, and then used his

Devil Fruit ability to increase the energy of his fireboat, and the speed

suddenly soared. Many, quickly sailed in the direction of Su Yang's ship.

Su Yang's side.

At this time, he was already asleep on the reclining chair.

Some of the other crew members were fighting landlords, while others

were sleeping in the boat.

As for Sabo and Koala, they are also in the boat at the moment.

The reason why they can be so relaxed is naturally because there is

someone who is observing the surrounding situation anytime,


"Su Yang....

Accompanied by the fall of this voice, Akurolia, who had transformed

into a dragon, flew over the ship and shouted towards Su Yang below.

Su Yang slowly opened his eyes, then sat up, took off his sunglasses,

rubbed his eyes, and said sleepily: "What's wrong? Akurolia.

Before Aknorollia could speak, Su Yang had already noticed it. Following

that, he quickly got up and walked to the ship's guardrail. As he looked

around, a figure had already descended from the sky.

landed on the deck of the ship.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I can't accept you doing some shameful

things in the name of Whitebeard...because, I don't allow anyone to defile

the Whitebeard Pirates. 35

While speaking, Ace adjusted his hat. Because of the landing, he had to

turn his back to Su Yang at the moment.

After hearing Ace's words, Su Yang was also confused, and finally, a smile

appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ace....what the hell are you talking about?"

When Ace heard it, it seemed that the voice was a little familiar, he

turned around immediately, and then his pupils shrank violently.

"Su.......Su Yang? You.......why are you here????" Ace said incredulously.

"Do you need to ask? Of course, I came here to find you." Su Yang said,

leaning back against the guardrail, and put his hands on it by the way.

"Looking for me? Looking for me for what? 35

Ace looked puzzled, and at this moment, Sabo in the boat seemed to have

heard the movement, so he hurried out.

"Long time no... Ace!

Sabo came out and recognized Ace on the deck at a glance.

And Ace also heard the sound and looked around, but he looked at Sabo

a little familiar, but he didn't recognize it.

Because, in his memory, Sabo...... already died many years ago.

Therefore, I would never have thought that the one standing in front of

me was my former sworn brother, Sabo.0

Ace glanced at Sabo, then turned to look at Su Yang, and said, "Why does

this guy look so familiar, but... I don't remember this guy on our boat.""

Su Yang leaned against the guardrail of the boat and just watched silently

without making a sound.

"Have you forgotten me so soon? Ace!"

"You are..

Before the word 'who?' Sabo took off his hat and looked at Ace with a

smile on his face.

And when Ace saw Sabo's whole face, his heart suddenly moved, and

many memories of him, Sabo and Luffy flashed through his mind.

Then, Ace choked up and looked at Sabo in disbelief. His eyes were

already wet, and he stood there sluggishly, a little overwhelmed.

Seeing Ace's expression, Sabo continued to speak.

"You're not like that, Ace!


Ace shouted with a hint of hoarseness, and in the next second, all the

bewilderment in front of him seemed to disappear without a trace at this


He took a step, rushed directly to Sabo, hugged him, and said choked: "I

thought. 4.6.... thought you were dead. You are not dead. ...wow, that's

really nice!""


Sabo just sighed softly, as if all the bitterness in his heart and some past

sorrows were spit out.

"I... how can I die, Ace."

"Luffy finds out...will be very happy for sure."

"Well, I miss Luffy a lot too."

Su Yang just leaned against the boat guardrail quietly, and did not

disturb Ace and Sabo's encounter.

He grinned and said lightly: "Maybe... I have fulfilled the wishes of all the

sea fans back then."

114 It's not a waste of

time, but I got the summoning

fragments (please complete the


Just like that, Su Yang stood by and watched Ace chat with Sabo for a

long time.

He wasn't in a hurry, anyway, the first half of the Grand Line was for

experience, and the second was because of Whitebeard's instructions, to

come to Ace.

As for the first one, he felt that the experience was enough, and now that

Ace has been found, the purpose of this trip is basically completed.

And Ace, who was chatting, seemed to finally think of something, and

said to Sabo while looking at Su Yang.

"Sabo, come, let me introduce to you, this is a member of the first

division of our Whitebeard Pirates, Su Yang." (Note: Su Yang was the first

division before the seventeenth division was established. players.)

Obviously, after hearing Ace's words, Sabo obviously paused, and then

said with a smile: "Ace, how long have you left the Whitebeard Pirates?

Besides, don't you read newspapers?"

When Ace listened to Sabo's words, he wasn't stupid, he quickly got the

clue, and felt that there was something in some words,

"What.... what happened 10? What happened. 35

Sabo just smiled slightly, then looked at Su Yang and said to Ace: "Let me

introduce you, this... is the Captain of the Seventeenth Division of the

Whitebeard Pirates, Su Yang!" "

"The Seventeenth Division?"

After hearing that, Ace paused for a while. He really didn't know what

happened in New World, because he focused all his attention on chasing


"When did Dad set up the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard

Pirates, I don't even know." Ace's face was full of shock.

"It's been a while.

Su Yang stood on the other side and responded to Ace's words without a


"It's all to blame for that guy Teach. If it weren't for him, you would be

promoted to captain, and I would definitely be there. Although I couldn't

congratulate you at the time, but now I can."

"Congratulations, Su Yang, on becoming the captain of the Seventeenth

Division of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Su Yang smiled lightly, and then said softly: "Thanks! 35

After pausing for a while, Su Yang simply stated his purpose for coming

to Ace.

"This time, I was instructed by Whitebeard to let me help you and bring

that fellow Teach back.


When Ace heard the three words Whitebeard, his eyes flashed slightly,

and the smile that was on his face just now disappeared without a trace

at this moment.

He was silent for a few seconds, and then said calmly, "Did Dad make a

special trip for you to help me?"

Su Yang shook his head, and then said calmly: "Don't get me wrong, the

Seventeenth Division was just established, and I said that I would go

outside to practice, and then Whitebeard asked me to help you by the


Hearing Su Yang's words, Ace breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was

his father who was afraid he couldn't handle it, so he called Su Yang over

to help him.

For dignity, Ace is more concerned.

"You go back and tell my dad, I'll take that guy back with Teach myself.

"With my help, Ace, bring Teach back, you will be more smooth." Su

Yang reminded.

In the original book, Ace went to find Teach alone, was defeated by

Teach, and then handed it over to Marine, which finally triggered the

Summit War, and the Whitebeard Pirates also went to ruin because of


Whitebeard is kind to Su Yang, so Su Yang doesn't want such a thing to

happen, but he wants Whitebeard to die.

It's....repaying Whitebeard for taking care of him over the years.

"Su Yang, you are the captain of the seventeenth division, and I am the

captain of the second division. Teach is my team member. It is my fault

that I did not manage him well. Now, if something like this happens, if If

I don't take him back to my father, I will be ashamed of my father's care

all these years.99

Ace said categorically that he didn't want Su Yang's help, Teach killed his

companions, and as the captain, he also considered himself responsible.

The best way to compensate for this responsibility is to take Teach back

with your own hands.

Su Yang looked at Ace's firm eyes, and he felt that it was useless to say


However, if Whitebeard hadn't told himself, Su Yang really didn't want to

participate in such a thing.

Do you honestly eat, drink, and play?

Su Yang spread out his hands, and then said casually: "Whatever you

want, I wish I could be more relaxed."

"Ace, just let Su Yang follow you, and things will go a lot better this


At this time, Sabo on the side spoke up, because he clearly knew Su

Yang's strength, as long as Su Yang shot, things would be 100%


"Sabo, you don't understand. I don't want other teams to interfere with

our second division." Ace retorted.

"Stop, stop, this topic ends here 447, but, Ace, I still have to persuade

you, be careful, that Teach guy is not as simple as you think.

Su Yang said everything that should be said, and did everything that

should be done. Since Ace doesn't need it, Su Yang naturally won't force

anything. Anyway, even if it follows the development of the original


Su Yang still has 100% confidence to change the outcome of Summit


As for the result of Ace, Su Yang didn't care.

However, just as Su Yang's voice fell, a system prompt sounded in his ear.

[Ding... Detect nearby summon fragments!]

As soon as the system's voice fell, Su Yang saw with his own eyes that the

Summoning Fragment fell from Ace's body.

Seeing this scene, Su Yang was overjoyed. It seemed that the search for

Ace was not a loss, and the Summoning Fragment was dropped when he

found it.

Next, everyone did not continue the topic. After Ace came here, as a

teammate, he still held a grand dinner.

As for the summoning, Su Yang is not in a hurry, because there are a few

outsiders on this boat.

115 New team member Rem,

packaged for Ram? (please order


Time flies, a few days have passed.

Naval Headquarters.

conference room.

"Just yesterday, the fleet of the Beasts Pirates fought against the fleet of

the Whitebeard Pirates, and neither side suffered much. According to the

information from the Master of Information, Whitebeard and Kaido were

not involved. The above is the information of our Marine Master, Marshal

Sengoku. !35

A man with eyes and a piece of intelligence material in his hand is



Crane, who was sitting on the side, sighed softly, and then said calmly: "It

seems that things are still a little different from what we imagined, but I

didn't expect that Kaido guy could hold his breath.


Sengoku nodded too. He thought that after Kaido got the news that Jack

and Quinn were killed, he would be eager to find Whitebeard's troubles.

But...a few days have passed, there has been no major movement from

Kaido, and as the protagonist of this incident, the Whitebeard Pirates

naturally cannot take the initiative to find trouble with Kaido.

You can't kill other people's confidant Admiral, but also take the

initiative to attack others, and then find a strange reason like, "When I

killed your confidant Admiral, my hand was swollen".

What's more, Whitebeard's ambitions are not very big, he doesn't want to

be the pirate king, what he wants... is just 'family'.

Therefore, he is even less likely to take the initiative to find Kaido.

"Hey...Is it possible, we tried our best to exaggerate the news, but the

bamboo basket was empty?" He said a little helplessly.

"No... Such a good opportunity can't be wasted like this." Sengoku

muttered, his eyes flashed slightly, as if he already had a plan in his


"Are you going to do this? Sengoku.""

"Even if they don't take the initiative, then... As a third party, Marine, we

have to find some opportunities to push their contradictions. 35 Sengoku

said slowly.

"Such an opportunity is not easy to find~°.

"I know, but it's better than sitting around and doing nothing."

Su Yang's side.

Since finding Ace, they have stayed on the nearest island.

And Sabo left at noon the next day on the island, because they still had

things to deal with.

As for Ace, he also said goodbye to Su Yang just now, and went on to

look for Teach.

Hmm.... As for Su Yang, everything has been completed, so he is not in a

hurry to go to sea, but intends to be stationed on this island for a while.

Host: Su Yang

Binding: Whitebeard Pirates Episode 17

Abilities: Tough body, Conqueror's Haki (Conqueror's Haki awaits


Special abilities: Wood Style (awakened), Sage Body, Eight Inner Gates

modified version 30% (with the increase of unlocking degree, use will

reduce the loss of body, 100% will be no damage, the final gate will open

fixed consumption of physical strength , does not consume vitality. Note:

The damaged body will appear after a day.)

Summoning value: 0 (0/100) (dropped by random people or things

encountered in Host)

Characters Summoned: Uchiha Madara (55%) Diablo (40%), Ace Kano

(43%) Tornado (38%) Giorno Chopper (35%) Akunorolia (30%) %) The

unlocking progress does not affect the moves. When the unlocking

progress reaches 60, it will reach the peak strength of the original world.

If it exceeds 60, the summoned character will surpass the peak strength

of the original world.

The unlocking progress is related to several events, the host increases the

strength, the summoned learns the world ability, and the summoned

improves by himself.

Warehouse: Summoning Fragments X1

Su Yang glanced at it roughly, and the unlocking degree of various

abilities has improved a little, and the unlocking degree of the team

members has also improved a little.

The only pity is that the summoning fragment dropped this time is just

an ordinary summoning fragment.

However, fortunately, Su Yang's pursuit of strength is not as high as


After taking his eyes back, Su Yang entered the command.

"System, use Summoning Fragments.

【Ding..Are you sure to use the Summoning Fragment!】


[Ding...Congratulations to the successful use of Host, and get 100

Summoning Points. 】

"System, summon."

[Ding. Command received, calling. 】

[Ding Summons successfully, consumes 100 Summoning Points. 】

[Ding...Congratulations to Host for getting Rem from "Re:Zero-Starting

Life in Otherworld". 】


Su Yang paused, then a smile spread across his face.

Yes, Su Yang is no stranger to Rem.

She is the twin maid sister who works for Rosewall and Emilia in

Rosewall's mansion in the original Re:Otherworld life from scratch. She is

omnipotent in housework and has the ability of ghosts, but because the

twins only have one only corners.

Mainly, Rem is omnipotent in housework, and since then, he can also

take turns cooking with Emily and Anna in the future, and the most

enjoyable of them is naturally Su Yang and the others, who can enjoy

delicious food every day.

Although I have suffered a lot when I first came to the world of pirates,

but now... how miserable it was in the past, how happy it is now.

Just as Su Yang was thinking about it, suddenly, the sound of the system

rang in his ears again.

[Ding... There is a special situation in the summoning, and it is detected

that the summoner is a multi-life body. 】

In `Many bodies?'

Su Yang paused, but soon a guess appeared in his mind.

'Could it be because Rem and Rem are twins, so the system detects that

they are multiple life forms'

[Ding....Please make a choice for the host, this summoner 'Rem', the other

half of the life form, 'Ram']

[Ding.... The system can remove the other half of the life form (Mo

Zhao), does the Host need it? 】

"What happens if you don't remove it?" Su Yang asked back.

[Ding...If you don't remove it, it will be summoned together with the

other half of the life form, and the price will be to consume 100

summoning points again. 】


Su Yang rolled his eyes and thought that Ram would pack it and deliver

it, but he didn't expect that the price would be to consume 100

Summoning Points again.

However, the twins are twice as happy, which Su Yang still thinks is

worth it.

"But... the problem is, my current summoning value is not enough."

[Ding....... Host don't worry, consume it today, just make up the

deduction next time, it is equivalent to credit! Negative]

"Can I still have this operation? Can I take more credit?" Su Yang asked

with great interest.

[Ding...you are dreaming Host, only in special circumstances. ].

116 Peaceful life this month


Su Yang smiled lightly, but he didn't care too much in his heart.

All in all, the same sentence, having twins is double the joy.

If only Rem came, Su Yang would feel that something was missing.

Although the next time you need to deduct 100 points of summon value.

However, for Su Yang, he still made a lot of money.

Just when Su Yang felt that he had made a lot of money, suddenly, a

white light came out of Su Yang's body and fell to the side.

Immediately after, the white light was divided into two groups, and the

two groups slowly turned into human figures. Although there was no

color yet, Su Yang could see two attractive bodies, accompanied by two

human figures. Light opened his eyes.

The white light body is being torn apart at a speed that can be seen with

the naked eye, followed by pieces falling to the ground.

The next second, what caught Su Yang's eyes were two wearing black

aprons and white hats on their heads.

The two of them are about 154cm tall. Rem has big eyes and pink lips,

and her face is cute even though her outline is not very clear.

The hairstyle is neck-length short hair, the color is blue, and Ram is pink.

However, the dividing line between Rem and Ram's hair is different. Rem

447's is the front left sea to cover her right eye, and Ram's hair is

different. It is the left eye.

Anyway, except for the direction of the bangs, hair color and eye color,

Rem and Ram look almost exactly the same.

However, it is worth mentioning that Rem's breasts are fuller than his

sister Ram's.

Moreover, the Rem and Ram seen in reality are far cuter and more

attractive than what Su Yang once saw on the screen.

Rem and Ram, who had regained consciousness, stood where they were,

blinking their clear eyes, and looking at Su Yang who was standing in

front of them.

And Su Yang's eyes were also looking at Rem and Ram, and everyone was

silent, making the surrounding atmosphere weird.

"Is something on my face?

Su Yang couldn't help it anymore and asked.

Rem and Ram shook their heads at the same time and responded.

"Lord Su Yang, no."

‘Anyway, let’s continue with that opening sentence, Rem, Ram, welcome

you to a whole new world. Su Yang smiled and said softly.

Rem and Ram nodded their heads lightly, the two of them seemed to be

very curious about this kind of crossing into another world.

"In the future, please give me more advice, Mr. Su Yang."

"Okay, now, I'll take you to meet the other partners, they are all from

different worlds just like you." Su Yang said, turned around, and walked

towards the inside of the boat.

Rem and Ram were stunned for a moment, then took steps and followed.

"Sister, have you heard that there are people from other worlds like us?"

Rem said while walking, moving her pink lips slightly.

"Well, Rem, I heard it, it's really incredible." Ram responded softly.

"However, Lord Su Yang, are you the same? Rem looked at Su Yang's tall

figure and asked.

Su Yang paused for a while, then continued to walk forward, smiling

lightly: "Yeah, just like Rem Ram, I came here from another world.

Next, it was Su Yang who introduced Rem and Ram to other summoners.

However, everyone seems to be used to it, and they are not surprised by

the two newcomers.

Only Emily and Anna were confused.

Rem and Ram's personalities are not as colorful as those of the previous

summoners, Eight Gate, nor do they have any eccentricities like

Akronoria, who disdain human communication.

The two of them have relatively gentle personalities, so in less than

(baeg) a day, their relationship with most people has improved a lot.

As for the special one, the progress is average. If they communicated

normally, it is estimated that they are almost the same. However, after

landing on the shore, they can move freely throughout the whole process,

so most of the time, no one can be seen.

Happy times always go by quickly.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a month has passed.

Since finding Ace, Su Yang has not been out to sea again.

Instead, stay on the island and enjoy a moment of peace.

As for the other members of the ship, they all had a career on the island.

Su Yang wasn't very interested in what they were doing, but he heard it

from their mouths.

Giorno Chopper, Ace Kano, and Tornado have jointly established a

casino, which is said to be to pay back Uchiha Madara's 3 billion baileys.

(Note: Later, Tornado bet with Uchiha Madara again, and obviously lost

the bet again, and Ace Kano and Giorno Chopper owed Tornado again,

and finally the three of them stayed together and started a casino .)

As for Uchiha Madara, Diablo, and Su Yang, I don't know what they were

doing on the island during this time, but they were rarely seen anyway.

Of course, there's another one, Acnorollia, that guy took a phone bug and

left a message, 'Notify me when you leave. Then disappeared.

As for Su Yang, he enjoys it quite a bit, except for the occasional practice,

and then he drinks, and when he gets back on the boat, he enjoys the

food made by Emily, Anna, Rem, and Ram.

However, of course, there are also sacrifices to enjoy. The four little girls

always take Su Yang to go shopping together.

Every time, the people around will cast an envious look at Su Yang.

For example, "This guy...is really happy to be hugging these four superb


"God, please give me a woman of this kind, even if the child is not his

own, it doesn't matter.

"I really envy this guy. At such a young age, he has such a superb

woman, which makes people jealous when they see him."

"It's also two shoulders with a head on it, why...why can he live so well,

while I'm still worrying about the money and salt of my life!!!"

Etc., etc.

In this case, there are many anti-little boys, and Su Yang can't remember.

Recommend a friend's new pirate book, and if you are interested, you can

go to "Bind the Revolutionary Army: Get Dragon Slayer Magic at the

Start" or search for the author's code name pirate.

117 The big news that shakes the


on the deck of the ship.

Su Yang just finished his training, and then stood on the guardrail of the

boat with a glass of juice in his hand, enjoying the taste of the juice while

blowing the sea breeze.

"Lord Su Yang, Lord Su Yang."9

At this time, Anna came over with her bare feet happily carrying a stack

of freshly prepared snacks.

She was wearing a pink maid outfit today, with two small pigtails

braided by Rem for her, wobbly and even cute when she trotted.

Su Yang turned his head and looked at -Anna who was approaching him

step by step thoughtfully.

I didn't pay much attention to it before, but now I look closely, Su Yang

found that Anna's figure is very good, slender white legs, the concave

concave, the convex instead of convex, and the skin is white, tender and

smooth (Su Yang touched it).

With this figure, plus her own appearance, if the full score is 10 points,

Anna will be stable with 9 points.

Seeing the dessert in Anna's hand, Su Yang already understood what was

going on.

"Hey, Mr. Su Yang, have a taste, this is the fruit dessert I made with Mrs.

Rem and the others.

With a soft smile, Anna stretched out her slender hand and carefully

picked up a piece. A small mouth like a Sakura peach pouted slightly,

and then blew it gently before reaching towards Su Yang's mouth. .

"It's just out of the oven, it's still a little hot, I'll blow it for you.""

Just after Su Yang ate it, Anna smiled and looked at him with expectant

eyes and continued to ask, "How is it, how is it, how is the taste? Lord Su


"Not bad, but a little too sweet."

Su Yang responded, and he didn't know if his body had changed since he

came to this world or something. Now, no matter how much or how

much Su Yang eats, his weight is very balanced.

"Is it too sweet?"

Anna murmured, then picked up one by herself, put it in her mouth,

nodded, and smiled sweetly: "It is indeed a little sweet. 35

Saying that, she let Su Yang hold the plate for a while, then she took out

a mini notebook around her waist, bit the cap off, and then rustled and

recorded something.

After writing, he put the notebook back in the distance, brought the

plate, and said with a smile: "Sir Su Yang, wait, we did it for you again."

Su Yang shook his head. He didn't really pick on this kind of thing. He

held the contents of the plate and said gently, "No, it's okay."

"Then... well, Mr. Su Yang, there will be no such simple mistakes next


"By the way, Anna, your family still doesn't know you are safe." Su Yang

asked casually.

Speaking of family members, Anna's expression became a little


Seeing that Anna didn't speak, Su Yang continued: "Go back and report to


"Then...then can I come back?

Anna lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Su Yang.

Su Yang smiled slightly, stroked Anna's head, and then said softly: "This...

look at you, if you want to come back, we also welcome you, if you don't

come back, I won't say anything.

Having said that, Su Yang paused for a while, then continued: "I'll take

you back, it's not too far from Asrad Island."

Su Yang felt that there was nothing to do on his side anyway,

and......Since Anna and Emily got on the boat, they have been working

diligently and have done a lot for Su Yang and the others.

When she heard Su Yang say this, Anna burst into tears of joy, and then

said, "Of course I will come back, because Lord Su Yang is also my

family, I like it here, I like Lord Su Yang, I like it here. a feeling of.

Su Yang continued to touch Anna's head and instructed: "Go and tell

Emily, then prepare, and by the way ask Rem and Ram if they are going.



Anna nodded, then turned around, and ran in a hurry, then just a few

steps away, ran over again and handed the plate to Su Yang.

"Sir Su Yang, you eat first."

"You girl, when you are happy, you become careless when you do things.

·0 for flowers·

"Sorry, Lord Su Yang, I'm so happy."

"Okay, let's go.


Compared with the tranquility on Su Yang's side, Marine's side was not

calm, and Sengoku immediately called an emergency meeting at the Holy

Land Mariejois.

And, this time, basically all of the Marine heavyweights were there.

Sengoku took a prepared document, stood in the C position, and then

reported to everyone present.

"Just yesterday, the Blackbeard Pirates, Marshall D. Teach, handed over

the Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the second division, Ace to the

World government in exchange for the Shichibukai position.

When Sengoku said this, everyone present was shocked who didn't know

the content.

Of course, whoever reacted the most would undoubtedly be Garp sitting

in the corner.

"Whitebeard.... Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates?

"This guy called Marshall D. Teach really threw a hot piece of taro at our


"Yeah, if the guys from the Whitebeard Pirates found out, wouldn't they

have to attack the Holy Land Mariejois again? Or the Naval


"That's right, the last time the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard

Regiment attacked the Holy Land Mariejois, the loss of the World

government was obvious to all. 35

"That's right, if you really push the Whitebeard guy, I'm afraid, it's not the

Seventeenth Division, but the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

"This guy Ace...is a ticking time bomb now.

As soon as these words came out, Sengoku interjected: "Yes, you are

right, Ace is indeed a ticking time bomb now, but... It is also a good thing

that can change the current situation."

If you are recommending another friend's pirate book, if you are

interested, you can also read "I! Marine Boss, Just You Want to Be a


118 A Huge Storm Is Coming

Most of the people looked at him thoughtfully after hearing Sengoku's


Of course, there are people who have understood his guessed purpose

without expressing his intention clearly in Sengoku.

And these people, of course, are Sengoku's old partners, Garp and Crane.

But.... Garp doesn't want to express any opinion on this matter.

After all, although Ace has no blood relationship to him, Garp has long

regarded Ace as his grandson.

may I ask?

Who would help others to make plans to harm their grandson.

Even though Garp is a Marine hero, he cannot be selfless at this moment.

When Sengoku mentioned this, he reminded himself all the time, 'The old

man is a Marine. "

"Four Four Seven" But Crane.... it's different, he has nothing to do with

Ace, and naturally he will wholeheartedly plan to let Ace play to the best

interest he can do for Marine.

"You're trying to... With Ace as a pawn, let us Marine find a reason to

intervene, so as to push the Beasts Pirates who have been doing nothing."

Tsuru held the teacup on the table and looked at Sengoku with a

complicated expression.

Sengoku felt a little emotional about Crane's answer. As expected of

someone who had partnered with him before, he could guess what he

was thinking at a glance.

I saw Sengoku nodded: "Xiaohe is right, the Ace sent by Blackbeard this

time is just the right time, the newspapers have reported this matter

wantonly, and the people of the Whitebeard Pirates will naturally react

to it. Blackbeard has 'special' care, and we Marine are passively accepted,

and their spearheads will not go to great lengths to find us.

"And we can do what we need to do. Once the Whitebeard Pirates want

to rescue Ace, then the Beasts Pirates will never waste such a good

opportunity to attack."

When most of the people heard this, it seemed as if they had opened up

the two veins of Ren and Du, and suddenly realized it.

"Yo yo yo, as expected of Mr. Sengoku, the Ace pawn is really perfect, so

the Whitebeard Pirates are in a dilemma." Kizaru looked at him with a

look of admiration, But there was no turmoil inside.

"The most important thing....it's still up to the Beasts Pirates guys. If

things go well, we can unplug them both, and even if things don't go

well, we can deal with one. 35 Sengoku said in a deep voice. road.

Akainu, who was beside him, was silent, and his eyes occasionally

glanced at Garp.

The reason is naturally that only a very few people know about the

relationship between Garp and Ace, and what Sengoku said, Ace is the

son of Roger, the pirate king.

In addition to the damage caused to him by the 17th Division of the

Whitebeard Regiment, Akainu now hates Ace to the point of Ultimate.

If it wasn't for Sengoku to use him as a pawn, it is estimated that he

might really 'take care' of Ace privately.

But....... Akainu is not stupid, he has a good view of the overall situation,

and conspiracy is naturally not bad. Waiting for the opportunity to

destroy the Whitebeard group, he naturally won't cause too much


"Of course, there is another point, which is decided by the World

government. Presumably, some people in this room already know the

true identity of Ace." Sengoku said while looking at Garp, his eyes

seemed to be in Ask Garp for his opinion.

Although Garp was very concerned, he acted indifferently. He relaxed the

expression on his face and said with a hoarse voice.

"Don't pay attention to me, you can say whatever you want.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Sengoku, waiting for his answer.

Sengoku took a deep breath, and then said calmly: "Ace's father....is One

Piece, Gol·D·Roger!

As soon as these words came out, some Marine officers who didn't know

about it suddenly froze.

"Sea.... One Piece's son?

"It's incredible..."

"That year... Wasn't it already executed back then, why is this guy who

inherited the most evil blood still alive in the world.

Sengoku did not explain too much to them, but said: "Another plan of the

World government is to use the identity of Ace to lure out other members

of the Roger Pirates, and then kill them all!!!

Obviously, World government and Marine have played the Ace pawn to


at the same time.

New World, on the Moby Dick.

Marco hurriedly came to Whitebeard, his face was extremely solemn at

this moment, and the hands holding the newspaper were trembling

slightly at this moment.

"Old....Dad, big....something is bad. Nian

Hearing the sound, Whitebeard glanced at Marco, and seeing his

expression, an uneasy feeling sprouted from the depths of his heart.

However, as their captain and dad, Whitebeard was only allowed to bring

out the best of himself.

Therefore, he suppressed any inappropriate expression on his face and

said with a smile: "Marco, you stinky boy, what are you doing in a hurry,

even if it is a big thing, your father and I Whitebeard are here. , what are

you afraid of?"

Even if Whitebeard said this, Marco's face still had a sad look on his face,

and he said, "Dad. Ace.... Ace was handed over to the World government

by that bastard Teach."

Whitebeard, who was originally calm, gradually showed anger in his eyes

after hearing the two keywords Teach and Ace.

"Marco....what did you say?

"That guy Tee 4.6 gave the Ace to the World government.

"Teach? Teach that bastard again?"

"Yes, Dad.

Marco nodded in response.

This time, Whitebeard was silent.

Now, the situation is not in his favor.

On the one hand, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates are

currently in a state of incompatibility, and the two forces are only one

chance away from fighting.

And now, something like this happened to Ace again. If you don't save

it... It's definitely impossible, but once saved, Beasts Pirates will definitely

not give up such an opportunity.

Now.... Whitebeard feels that the Whitebeard Pirates will usher in the

biggest test since its establishment.

119 This is a man_4women

dating? (please ask for full order)

"Dad....what are we going to do now? Are we going to save Ace from the

world government's upheaval, or... first deal with the Beasts Pirates?"

Marco asked anxiously.

Whitebeard's sharp and gentle eyes just wrapped Marco inside.

However, Jiujiu couldn't say a word, because he knew that the World

Government's wanton propaganda had already made a good deal on their

behalf, waiting for Whitebeard to jump into the pit.

In the rear, the Beasts Pirates naturally would not give up such a good

opportunity, and would definitely attack from the rear.

If one is not handled well, the Whitebeard Pirates will be destroyed.

Whitebeard felt that it was nothing to sacrifice himself, after all, his body

was almost exhausted.

But....my sons and crew, their wonderfulness has just begun.

Of course, when he was young, Whitebeard naturally wouldn't have so

many concerns.

But now, his body does not allow him to do so.

Taking back the anger in his heart and calming himself down,

Whitebeard said with a hint of helplessness in his tone: "Marco, Ace will

definitely save us, but we still have that bastard Kaido behind us, so we

need to think long-term and come up with a solution. Perfect way.

"I listen to you, Dad.

"Now, you are sending some people to find Su Yang, let him bring his

seventeenth division back to the Whitebeard Pirates, and let me all the

pirates affiliated to the Whitebeard Pirates wait for my notice, When the

time came, we immediately shot.

"Got it, Dad!!""

The same is New World, one of the Four Emperors, Kaido's side.

Kaido was overjoyed after hearing the news.

From what he knew about Whitebeard, he naturally knew that if Ace was

not rescued, he would not fight with himself.

Of course, he didn't mean to be afraid of Whitebeard, the reason why

Kaido didn't act these days.

On the one hand, there is no news of Su Yang, on the other hand, he has

not found a chance to deal with New World's Whitebeard. Of course,

another important reason is that he is waiting for his power to expand.

"Edward Newgate, what do you choose now? If you fight with me first,

no matter whether you win or lose, you will not be able to save Ace from

the World government. 99

"But...you have to save Ace first, and it's a dead end, because I won't let

you succeed at all, I'll attack you directly from behind, so that you can

take care of the front, but not the back, and eventually go to

destruction... Hahahahaha .95

It is also the base of the Four Emperors, the red-haired Shanks.

Shanks looked at the newspaper and couldn't calm down for a long time.

The thing he had been most worried about finally happened.

If Whitebeard had let go of his prejudices and accepted his own advice,

things like today would never have happened.

"Boss, don't be sad, since things have already happened, there is nothing

we can do about it, we can only accept it.

"That's right, boss, some things are fundamentally under our control, and

the only thing we control is how to let this uncontrollable thing develop

to the result we want to see.

"Let's all talk a little less, how can the boss not know, if I guessed

correctly, he is trying to deal with it now." Benn Beckman reminded.

"So boss, what are you going to do?"

Shanks frowned slightly, muttered the name Teach in his mouth, then put

away the newspaper, put it aside, and finally pressed it with the small

stone beside him.

"We'll have to see what's going on with Whitebeard, and then see what

we're going to do.

The next day, Asrad Island.

A passenger ship slowly entered the port, and the crowd walked down

from the ship chatting and laughing. Most of the people in the ship came

here for tourism, so when they got off the ship, the small merchants on

the island pushed small pushers. The car was shouting about its own


"It's finally here.

Su Yang walked to the guardrail and glanced around. It looked quite

prosperous here.

"I didn't expect.... We can return here one day, right, Anna. 39 Emily said

to Anna with tears in her eyes.

Today, whether it's Anna, Emily, or Rem and Ram, they're not wearing

maid outfits, but a classy dress. In terms of appearance, with their outfits,

they're going up.

However, Su Yang felt that they were more attractive in maid outfits.

"Hmm, all of this... is given to us by Lord Su Yang.

"Okay, let's go home quickly, I'll go shopping with Rem and the others."

Su Yang said calmly.

"Ah! 35

Obviously, after hearing what 447 said to Su Yang, Anna and Emily were

both stunned, they looked at each other with eyes, and finally said in

unison to Su Yang hesitantly.

"Su...... Lord Su Yang, won't you go back with us?


Su Yang paused, then smiled and said: "What am I going to do, so as not

to disturb your family reunion, don't forget, I am a pirate.

Su Yang said, stroking Anna's head with one hand and Emily's head with

the other.

But....... Emily and Anna also raised their heads, and then said with a

smile: "Hehe, Su Yang, we are also pirates.

Su Yang was stunned.

There's nothing wrong with that....

"You two little girls, you have to tell me to watch your beautiful reunion,

and then I'm so confused... Hey, forget it, anyway, I don't know what's

interesting about Asrad Island, Let's go with you then."

Just as Su Yang was about to leave, Rem tugged at his sleeve with her

slender hands, and then said softly, "Sir Su Yang, that, that hairpin looks


120 Young man, you are crazy,

that is a pirate (please order)

Su Yang's eyes flashed slightly, and his eyes followed the direction that

Rem pointed.

There are various hairpins hanging on a cart not far away. However, in

Su Yang's experience, these are generally A products. Except for the

beautiful style, other aspects are not good. Worth to talk about.

However, A product is A product, since Rem likes it, he doesn't think it's



Su Yang's eyes fell on Rem's blue hair, and then whispered: "You can't use

your short hair!""

Rem nodded lightly: "Sir Su Yang is right, Rem's hair is too short to be

tied up."

"Well, when your hair grows, I'll give you a hairpin that's even prettier

than the one on this cart." Su Yang squinted and held Rem's hair with one


Hearing Su Yang's words, Rem's heart blossomed, and she was in a very

good mood. She stretched out her slender pinky finger with a sweet smile

on her face.

"Pull the hook."

Su Yang smiled when he saw Rem's behavior, if he remembered correctly,

there should be no such thing in the world where Rem lives.

"Okay, if I lie to you, Su Yang is a puppy.

However, no matter where she learned it from, Su Yang still stretched out

her little finger and clasped it with Rem's.


After pulling the tick, Rem showed a satisfied smile.

"Lord Su Yang, Ram also wants to.


"Then I'll pull the tick too.


"Then pull it!"

Su Yang went first to Emily's house, but it's a pity that Emily's house was

empty. According to someone close to the door, Emily's younger brother

was killed after the pirate invasion, and Emily's house was empty. Li was

taken away, her mother couldn't take the blow, and finally went crazy.

Finally, his father took his mother and left here.

When Anna learned of this, she hurried back, while Su Yang asked Rem,

who was the only one who could fight, to follow him. If there was an

emergency, she immediately called the phone bug to inform herself.

"Emily, if you escaped, don't walk around. Now that the pirates have not

left, we also pay a high amount of protection fees every month, and the

pirates have not continued to attack us~ "A scrawny old man, while

sighing, asked Emily.

"Have you left yet?"

Su Yang murmured, but looked at Emily who was squatting on the

ground crying, and the anger in her heart grew little by little.

Of course, now he has made a decision just now, yes, he is going to

pacify this pirate group.

"Is there no country on this island? No army?" Su Yang took his eyes back

from Emily's body and looked at the old man in front of him.

The old man gave a wry smile, looked at Su Yang with those cloudy eyes,

and said helplessly: "You are Emily's friend, so I might as well tell you

bluntly, although the state says it wants to stop these pirates , But....... It's

been a long time, and there is no movement at all.

"Moreover, some people speculate that the reason why the king of this

country did not take action was because the pirates gave half of the

plundered treasure to the royal family.

When Su Yang heard this, he didn't have much trouble in his heart,

because he had seen this kind of thing a lot.

"Then...why don't you leave here.

When Su Yang said this, there was a kind of sadness in the eyes of the old

man, which made Su Yang feel.... things don't seem to be so simple.

Of course, things are exactly as Su Yang guessed, Emily's parents did

leave here.

However, the process is that Emily's parents were looted by pirates as

soon as they went to sea, and people were beaten badly. In the end, they

didn't know if they survived.

And the reason why the old man didn't tell the process is because he was

afraid that Emily would be more sad.

"Grandpa Al..."

While wiping away her tears, Emily stood up with Ram's support.

The old man named Al sighed softly again, and then said kindly: "My

child, you are suffering. 99

At this moment, Su Yang was finally angry enough to Ultimate, for no

other reason. If he couldn't handle this kind of thing well, then he would

be ashamed that Emily had cooked so many delicious meals for him these

days. .

'Do you know where the pirates are?

Su Yang asked the old man, now, he doesn't want to hear what these

pirates did before, all he has to do is to screw their heads off in the past,

and then level the country.

"Of course, who doesn't know the inhabitants of the mainland island? Let

me tell you, those guys are wandering around town all day long, you take

Emily and leave quickly. The old man ordered.

Su Yang was unmoved, he calmed the anger in his heart, and then

continued: "Take me over now.

"What are you doing, boy?"

"Screw their heads off."

The old man became numb when he heard it.

"You're crazy, boy, those guys are pirates, and their pirate group has

thousands of people, and the captain's bounty is as high as 95 million

Bailey. 99

The old man gestured with Su Yang with a serious face, looking at Su

Yang's small body, he couldn't help but sigh again in his heart.

he understands...

Today's young people want to save face in front of their girlfriends.

However, if ordinary things have to save face, that's fine.

However, in such a matter of human life, if you still have to face the

crime, you are simply courting death.

"It doesn't matter."

"Emily, persuade your man well. This is not a joke, life is at stake. The

old man panicked and looked at Su Yang seriously.

Of course, he wasn't worried about Su Yang's safety, just that he would

drag Emily down.

"Grandpa Al, don't get me wrong..." Emily was sobbing as she was busy


121 Su Yang: I'm sorry,

I'm in a hurry (please

order all)

"I misunderstood what, his eyes are serious, it's true. The old man

frowned and said hurriedly.

"Emily, persuade him."

At this time, Ram, who was supporting Emily, spoke.

"Yes, yes, you persuade him, don't ruin your beautiful life because of your

recklessness. The old man continued.

"What I'm calling is, let him persuade you." Ram's mouth twitched a few

times, and he was speechless for a while.

"Huh? 35

The old man paused and looked at a loss, while Su Yang frowned. If

Emily hadn't called him grandpa, Su Yang would have slapped him up

and down and let him speak properly.

"Grandpa El, you can take Mr. Su Yang. He is very powerful. He is the

captain of the 17th division of the Whitebeard Pirates." Emily explained



As soon as he heard these two words, the old man paused, looked a little

flustered, and took a few steps back subconsciously.

"Grandpa El, don't worry, Lord Su Yang won't hurt you." Emily quickly

explained when she saw the old man's appearance.

"Then...then how many people are in your pirate group."

"I don't know, I don't count, it is estimated that the whole regiment has

447 or more than 1600."

Hearing Su Yang say this, the old man was instantly happy, he felt that

the people of this island were about to be saved.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and call someone, I'll wait for

you here.

"It's just us here."

When Su Yang said this, the old man's expression felt that he was in

heaven one second, and the next second, he felt that he was in hell.

"Can I get him to speak well?"

At this moment, Su Yang was a little impatient, and he really had nothing

to do with such an old man who knew nothing.

Ordinary people, who know the situation outside, just hear the three

words Whitebeard, and they are horrified.

"Grandpa Al..."

Emily was also in a hurry at this moment, she was really afraid that Su

Yang would slap him and let him calm down.

"Forget it, goodbye. 35

Since the old man said that the local residents all know where the pirates

are, there is no need for him to hold on to the old man.

After leaving a sentence, Su Yang jumped up and disappeared (baeg)

their sight at an extremely fast speed.

"I know. Emily, your man jumps very high."

"Grandpa Al

Asrad Island, on the street market of the town.

Su Yang stood on the roof, looking down, and soon, he jumped again and

jumped directly from the roof.

"Young people, do you want to be a hero?"

A little boy who was only about ten years old turned his head after

hearing this.

He was wearing white short sleeves and colorful shorts, while licking a

lollipop, snorting from time to time, he looked at Su Yang with a tugging


Su Yang was quite speechless, he sighed inwardly, he planned to give up,

he wanted to arrest anyone, and then beat him up for questioning.

The reason why the target was placed on children who were not too old

was because Su Yang felt that adults generally would not tell themselves

and could only use violence to interrogate them.

But.... Su Yang didn't plan to do that before.

But now, Su Yang has changed his mind.

However, just when Su Yang was about to turn around, the little boy

said: "Of course, when I grow up, I want to be the strongest man who

guards the island of Asrad and kill all the pirates.

"So....do you know where the pirates on the island are?"

"Nonsense, of course I know." The little boy snorted and said firmly.

"Well, don't wait to grow up, I'll make you a hero now. 35

As Su Yang said, he grabbed the little boy and asked him to guide him.

Although the front was frightened and cried, the crowd also thought that

Su Yang was a human trafficker and shouted.

However, Su Yang ignored it, grabbed the little boy and ran wildly while

asking for directions.

"Big brother.... I'm not a hero, let me go back. 39

"No, you are right.

Although he encountered some small twists and turns, under the

guidance of the little boy, Su Yang successfully arrived at the location of

the pirates.

"Boom..." A sound.

Su Yang fell directly from the sky and landed on the ground, and a plume

of smoke rose rapidly.

Leaning on the huge ship on the coast, a group of people looked at the

sound in astonishment.

"What....what the hell fell out of the sky?"

"No...I don't know. I didn't pay attention at all. I only heard a sound, and

there was smoke and dust everywhere."

"Could it be, is it a cannonball?

"Cannonballs? Damn, was it the damned guys in town?

"How daring, how long has it been since we forgot our dominance?"

"Why don't you tell the boss, take advantage of this, go to the town and

do some fishing?"

"This... This is not very good, after all, the boss made an agreement with

the king.

"What are you afraid of, this is a special situation.

"Tsk tsk, it seems to make sense. 99

"Sorry to interrupt, I'm in a hurry.

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly turned their heads, and a tall

man with a ponytail, handsome features, and a tall stature appeared in

their field of vision.

Yes, he is Su Yang, and it is the little boy who is holding Su Yang's thigh.

However, at this moment, Su Yang could clearly feel that his whole body

was shaking, and his face was shaking.

"Well, who is this guy...

"It does seem a little strange.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I'm here to kill you."

"Huh? Come to kill us." One of the men laughed jokingly, then took out

the pistol at his waist and aimed it at Su Yang, and continued: "I can't

hear well with my ears, please say another word."5

Su Yang ignored him, he slowly raised his right hand, and then flicked it

lightly, a green light instantly penetrated into his body.

122 You Made My Crew Cry,

It's the Death Penalty

In the next second, I saw a wooden thorn pierced out of his body at a

speed visible to the naked eye.

The hot blood dripped on the deck of the ship.

After a while, a huge tree stood on the deck of the ship.

When the other pirates saw this scene, their pupils contracted violently,

and after swallowing their saliva, they looked at Su Yang not far away

with a terrified expression.

"This....what the hell did this guy do?"

"It seems to be because of something that popped out of his finger just


"Damn, shouldn't this guy be Demon fruit power!

"Should....should be.

"Cut, what's so great about Demon fruit power, our pirate group has

thousands of people, and one person can drown him with a mouthful of


"Yes, yes, yes."

Although they said so, Su Yang could still see the fear in their eyes.

Of course, there are still some exceptions.

Those....should be newcomers who are not deep in the world. When they

were fooled by the words of the old team members, they really thought

that they could drown Su Yang with a mouthful of saliva.

And as the news came out, more and more pirates came to the deck of

the ship, and they looked at Su Yang because they were a little unclear.

"Hey, stinky boy, don't be too arrogant, but you are lucky, everyone in

our pirate group is here today." The pirate said with a strange expression

on his face. smile.

However, what he never expected was that after hearing what he said, Su

Yang not only had no fear, but also showed a smile.

He chuckled lightly: "In that case, my luck is indeed very good. 35

The reason is also very simple. After all, if thousands of pirates are

scattered, Su Yang will have to find them one by one.

That way, it took time and effort, and now, with them all getting

together, Su Yang can get it straight and complete.

"Hurry up and capture it. Maybe our boss will include you in the group

because you are a Devil Fruit capable." Another pirate continued to


"Is he... worthy? 55

Su Yang gave a cold voice and stretched out his hand again.

When everyone saw this, the fear in their eyes instantly filled.

"Everyone be careful, this guy is going to do that trick again."

As these words fell, everyone started running, thinking that Su Yang

would not be able to hit them.

However, what they didn't expect was that Su Yang didn't plan to use

that slow attack to deal with this group of useless people.

This time, he saw a drop of green light condensed from his fingertips,

followed by the green light dripping onto the deck of the ship.

When the green light dripped into the deck, in an instant, the green light

spread towards the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

Then, on the deck of the ship, countless sharp wooden thorns directly

pushed up, and instantly, hot blood stained the floor.

At this moment, except for Su Yang and the little boy holding Su Yang's

thigh, all the others on the deck were killed.

"Big...Big brother, good....It's amazing."

The little boy who hugged Su Yang's thigh said shiveringly.

Just when Su Yang was about to say something, suddenly, a burly man

with a tattoo on his neck and wearing a kimono walked out.

And behind him, there is a huge hammer on his back.

"What the hell are you guys...

Before he could say the three words, he was frightened by the scene in

front of him. Outside, countless people were strung together by a huge

wooden thorn.

"Ship... Captain, save me..."

At this time, one of the pirates who had not died immediately looked at

his own captain and shouted with difficulty.

With this wailing sound, Dorfa suddenly turned pale, his eyes widened,

and the blue veins on his forehead bulged. He gritted his teeth and

looked at Su Yang grimly.

Immediately, he picked up the sledgehammer on his back, pointed at Su

Yang, and roared: "You bastard, what have you been doing...?

Su Yang looked at him, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"Oh, it turns out that the captain is here, then the next thing will be easy.

"Damn bastard, I want you to go down with my brothers."

Dorfa roared angrily, picked up the big hammer in his hand and charged

towards Su Yang.

·0 Seeking Flowers··

But, right now.

A figure swept past him at an extremely fast speed and brought him to

the sky. With the unstable center of gravity, he fell directly to the


"Boom..." A sound.

A puff of smoke splattered on the ground.

And Su Yang grabbed the little boy and landed smoothly.

However, at this time, his eyes were not looking at Dorfa, but at the huge

ship on the right.

I saw him wave his hand gently, and huge tree roots strung up from all

directions, like a huge python, entangling this huge ship.

In the next second, I saw Su Yang grabbing lightly, countless huge tree

roots began to tighten, and the boat shattered in an instant, and no one

on the boat was spared.

Before, the reason why Su Yang didn't immediately release the large-scale

destruction move was because he wanted to catch the captain alive, and

he didn't know where the captain was at the time, so he didn't use it.

Now, he already knows, so there is no need to be polite to them.


Dorfa saw that his ship and crew were all killed in an instant. He knelt on

the ground and began to roar incompetently.

That's right.... This ship and its crew were all bought by him after years

of painstaking efforts.

But now, it was destroyed in an instant, how could he not collapse after

such a huge blow.

"Damn, I have no grievances with you, why did you want to kill all my


Dorfa looked at Su Yang and said.

As Su Yang approached slowly, he said lightly: "No injustice? Maybe it

was true before, but...now, you're making my crew cry.


These two words instantly appeared in Dorfa's mind.

If it weren't for that, how could a madman do such an extreme thing as

annihilating almost the entire pirate group because he made a person cry.

"I apologise to you, and I'm willing to pay you a lot of money."

However, Dorfa is still a bit rational now, because he doesn't want to die,

as long as he doesn't die, he still has a chance to raise his voice and seek


"Tsk tsk tsk...""

Su Yang pouted and shook his head: "What nonsense are you talking

about." "E.

124 Marine's Decision,

Sen10ced Ace

Watching Su Yang approaching step by step, Dorfa said at this moment

that he was not afraid that it was false,

Because, since the speed at which Su Yang swept him into the air in an

instant, coupled with the fact that he could easily blow up a huge ship, to

be able to do this, his strength is simply beyond his ability to match.

He swallowed his saliva in horror, showing a pitiful look on his face.

"Big brother, as long as you forgive me, I'll do whatever you want me to

do." Dorfa looked at Su Yang with a rich expression on his face, showing

a pitiful look.

But Su Yang didn't talk nonsense with him, he just waved his hand

lightly, and then a few vines suddenly burst out on the ground to wrap

him around.

"What can I need you to do for me? What can you do with your


After leaving this sentence "four four seven", Su Yang didn't talk nonsense

with him, picked him up with one hand and the little boy with the other,

and left here at a very fast speed.

Putting the little boy back in place, Dorfa took Emily back.

"Emily, I brought you here, what do you want to do? Look at you." Su

Yang threw Dorfa on the ground, then stood aside and watched silently.

When Emily saw Dorfa, countless sad images flashed through her mind,

and her anger exploded.

As for Dorfa, he also recognized Emily at a glance. As for why he had the

impression, it was because at that time, he planned to take Emily as his

own, but later because the boss of the trafficker paid more money, the

latter Also sold.

The old man on the side was stunned when he saw this scene. He never

imagined that after Su Yang left for just a while, he would capture the

pirate captain who had recklessly invaded their town.

At this time, the expression on the old man's face also ushered in a 180-

degree change. He looked at Su Yang in disbelief and said, "Young man,

you...you Whitebeard Sea. Are all the thieves so powerful?"

As soon as these words came out, before Su Yang made a sound, Dorfa,

who was lying on the ground, trembled with fright.

"Whitebeard.... of the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates?"

At this moment, Dorfa was stupid. He never dreamed that he would one

day be associated with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates? What kind of pirates is this? I've

never heard of it." The old man frowned and pondered.

Hearing the old man's words, Dorfa was scared out of cold sweat.

"You idiot old man, shut up for me."

Although Dorfa was bound, the shadow he brought to the people in this

town did not dissipate. The old man was so frightened that he stepped

back several steps.

"Lord Su Yang, you decide." After a long time, Emily finally choked out a


Su Yang sighed softly, if he had known that Emily would say so, he

would not have brought the person back and dealt with it directly there.

Seeing his slowly raised hand, a wooden thorn appeared out of thin air in

his palm at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye, and then

another free hand broke it.

Seeing this scene, Dorfa naturally knew what Su Yang needed to do.

"Do not kill me."


With a sound of "swipe...", Su Yang threw the thorn directly, the thorn

passed through his head and stood on the ground.

Bright red blood added a touch of color to the yellowed ground.

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed, the country of this island

was destroyed, and the pirates who sucked the blood of the town were


And Su Yang became the hero of this island. Of course, Su Yang was not

interested in the name of this hero.

The reason why he was known to the people in the town was naturally

because the old man in Al was very much like the old grandmothers who

were sitting at the entrance of the village when Su Yang had not crossed

over here before returning to his hometown for Chinese New Year.

As for Anna's side, she was not as unlucky as Emily's side, his parents

were all right, but a lot of gold and silver treasures were plundered by

the pirates.

And Su Yang, since it has been exposed, he will just do it to the end and

let the people choose a king to take office.0

As for whether it is good or not, it has nothing to do with him.

Meanwhile, the Holy Land Mariejois.

Due to World government scheming, after many decisions, they have

confirmed the execution of Ace in Marineford.

Moreover, the newspapers that executed Ace were also sent all over the


Now, most of the Marine officers have come to the Holy Land Mary and

are discussing the deployment site plan.

However, it is clear that Garp did not participate in this discussion.

"Now, things are developing step by step for the better. The decision of

the World government has accelerated the Whitebeard Pirates' road to

destruction. I believe that in the near future, the Whitebeard Pirates and

the Beasts Pirates will have a big move. "Sengoku sat on the chair and

said slowly.

"Then, we just need to carefully observe the movements of the

Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates. As for us, of course, we have

to make a foolproof plan." He said softly.


Although things seemed to be going well, Sengoku still sighed 4.6, and he

said calmly, "The only thing I'm worried about now is the Seventeenth

Division of the Whitebeard Pirates. Since leaving Sabaody Archipelago,

we have There was no more news of him.

"Mr. Sengoku is right, the strength of the 17th Division of the Whitebeard

Pirates is indeed terrible. Most of us here have suffered from their losses.

Perhaps they are the ones who decide whether we can win this war or

not. A key turning point." Kizaru's rare inner thoughts correspond to his

facial expressions and actions.

Listening to Kizaru's words, Sengoku sighed even more heavily, and

cursed in his mouth: "Damn it, everyone in the Seventeenth Division of

the Whitebeard Pirates is not simple, I really don't know, Su Yang How

on earth did the bastard find so much in such a short period of time."

125 Imam's Dream,

Prophecy or Nightmare?

When Sengoku said this, it seemed to ignite the speculation in the hearts

of a small number of people who had been in contact with Su Yang.

Various images of Su Yang flashed through their minds.

Although Sengoku continued to talk about where they were, they were

both immersed in the picture of memories.


Crane interrupted Sengoku with a sound.

"Sengoku, wait a second."

Hearing the sound, Sengoku looked at the crane, and when she saw the

serious expression of the crane, his eyes flashed slightly.

"What do you want to say, Xiaohe.

"Did you just say, why did Su Yang recruit so many powerful guys in such

a short period of time?"

Facing Crane's question, Sengoku nodded: "What's the matter, is there any

doubt in this?"

Of course, how could Sengoku, known as The Resourceful General, have

no doubts, but he chose to remain silent until it was confirmed.

Now, the reason why he asks the crane is that he also wants to listen to

the crane's views as an outsider.

If, if he were to speak out his doubts, he felt that it might interfere with

Crane's thoughts.

"Actually, I don't think there is anything suspicious about recruiting

powerful partners, but the suspicious thing about him is that the time is

too short, and he gives me a feeling that those partners are already in the

dark. Waiting for Su Yang."

"Of course, there's more than just that. His gang of partners, everyone,

have extraordinary Devil Fruit abilities, maybe even more Devil Fruit

abilities, and it's not ruled out that he has developed his own Devil Fruit.

A certain level of ability to acquire."

"It's weird... It's really too weird. The appearance of the people from the

seventeenth division seems to have occurred in many cases, beyond our


Most of the Marine officers who had no contact with Su Yang were

confused, and only a small number of them were thinking seriously.

"I remember, there was a guy named Ace Kano.

At this time, Akainu, who was quiet, spoke up.

"Well, yes, that guy's ability becomes stronger as his body gets bigger,

and he can even use super-high temperature power. I think you can't

understand that, Sakazuki."

Aokiji explained, and Akainu's expression changed slightly after hearing

this, but he did not refute it, because what Aokiji said was the truth.

"According to Garp's report of his fight with Ace Kano, I summed up one

of his characteristics, that guy doesn't seem to want to get bigger and can

get bigger, it seems that it will only get bigger with time.

"It is estimated that after his ability is activated, it will take a long time

to buffer, and he can also use the buffering power when buffering.

In this meeting, most of the time was basically discussing the members of

the seventeenth division and the analysis of their abilities.

However, there are still too few Masters to come out.

In the end, they couldn't come up with any better plan to deal with Su

Yang and them.

Although they have not made any progress on the question of ability,

they think that in terms of recruiting team members.

It's that Whitebeard's surface hasn't made much movement in the past

few decades. In fact, he is secretly recruiting powerful guys, and Su

Yang's dispatch is responsible for receiving and eventually returning to

the Whitebeard Pirates, and finally begins to shake the earth. plan.

Of course, if Su Yang knew they were guessing like this, he would

definitely say, please don't make up your mind.

At the same time, it is still the Holy Land Mariejois, the deepest part of

the ancient city.

Im lying in the garden, eyes closed.

At this moment, dense beads of sweat were secreted on her forehead.

Yes, at this moment, she is having a nightmare.

in a dream.

In an endless sea, dark clouds covered, thunder and lightning roared, and

the huge waves were like a ferocious beast.

Moreover, following the waves, there were also countless wrecks and

countless corpses.

Above, Im and dozens of black shadows stood in the void. Standing in

front of all the shadows was a shadow with horns and a long knife

hanging from his waist.

"It's time for everything to come to an end." The horned shadow said.

"Where are you from.

When Yimu shouted this sentence, Yimu suddenly opened her eyes, she

sat uneasy and her breathing was a little short.

"This.... what the hell is going on here, I... actually had a dream, but that

dream is so real."

She murmured, and her heart became uneasy at this moment.

Yes, she was afraid of the things in her dreams, 447 became reality.

"Lord Im....39

After seeing Yimu's expression again, the maid who was standing not far

away spoke worriedly.

Im's deep pupils looked at the maid, and finally said calmly: "I am

looking for a man with a pair of horns on his forehead, but if he can

provide clues, he can get 100 million Baileys."

"Okay, Lord Yimu, I'll do it for you. 35 The maid turned around and left

Dia. She didn't dare to inquire about Yimu's affairs, because she only

needed to know that here, only obey orders.

New World, Whitebeard Pirates.

The news that Ace is about to be executed has also been spread here.

"Damn.... Damn, Marine's guys are going to execute Ace." Marko looked

at the newspaper in his hand, and his anger rose directly.

"Those bastards, do you really think I can't see what they're thinking?"

Whitebeard scolded, then picked up the jug and started gulping down his


Yes, Whitebeard could see at a glance that Marine and the World

government did this because they were forcing Whitebeard to act.

126 Captain Su Yang, I finally

found you

- After drinking the wine in the jug, Whitebeard put the jug aside with


"The Marine guys think that we have something to do, that's what he

wants." Whitebeard finally made a decision at this moment.

"Dad, are we going to act?" Joz asked.

Whitebeard nodded with a smile on his face: "Although I know this is

Marine's way of forcing us to act, but... at this moment, we have no


"Do those damn Marines really think we're afraid of him? If so, let's turn

their Marineford upside down." Another squad leader also shouted


"That's right, if Marine's gang wants to start a war so much, then fight


After hearing this, everyone's blood was surging.

"Marko, I'll leave the rest to you. Once it's settled, count the time and set

off immediately. Whitebeard ordered.

Marco nodded and said at the same time, "Dad, I think it's good for you

to start at a good time. We need to invest more manpower in the prison,

but if the Marine guys pull Ace into the execution area, , it is easier to


"What we think, Marine can think too, so we need to use another method,

directly closest to the execution ground." Whitebeard said slowly.

Everyone just stared at their father, waiting for his answer.

"We . . . went directly from the bottom of the sea.

"As expected of the father, this method is good.

"By the way, is there any news from Su Yang?" Whitebeard changed the

subject and asked Marko.

"Not yet, but I have already explained. If there is any news, let him act



Whitebeard nodded, those deep pupils made it difficult to understand.

Whitebeard's side moved, and of course Kaido's side must have followed


They've even started the whole army, just waiting for Whitebeard to go.

Of course, in the Four Emperors, Shanks also made moves. His purpose

was to stop Kaido after he made moves, so that Whitebeard could rescue

Ace smoothly.

Of course, Su Yang on the other side didn't know about all this. He didn't

know that Ace had been handed over to the World government by

Blackbeard, much less that Ace was about to be executed.

The reason is also very simple. In the past, news birds would be sent over

when he was at sea, but now he has never seen it after landing on the


Moreover, he didn't have a fixed idea of ​​understanding the direction

of the world, so he didn't go to the island's newspaper sales office to buy


It has been many days since Su Yang annihilated the pirates and changed

the blood of the island country, and the newly appointed king compared

Su Yang to the savior and wants to build a stone statue of Su Yang in the


And Su Yang and the others, as well as Anna's parents, all entered the

palace to live.

Not to mention, Su Yang would have thought that he was not used to

living in front of him, but, as you can imagine, he lived a very nourishing


Inside the indoor spa.

Su Yang was lying there, enjoying himself.

"This... is life! The me in my previous life was just living. 95

Su Yang sighed with emotion.

It was at this time that the guards' shouts came from outside.

"Sorry, Mr. Su Yang, for disturbing you, the matter is urgent."

Su Yang heard the sound, glanced outside, and said disapprovingly:

"What's the matter. 35

"Outside... A person who calls himself the Whitebeard Pirates came. He

said that he was looking for you in a hurry, and the king immediately

sent me to inform you." The guard explained truthfully.

Originally, the guard said that there was an urgent report, and Su Yang

didn't make any waves. However, after hearing the words of the

Whitebeard Pirates, he immediately launched a campaign and seemed to

have guessed something.

"Okay, I see. 99

About ten minutes later, Su Yang appeared in the splendid palace.

At this time, in the palace, the king was sitting at the top, Rem and Anna

were sitting below, and of course, there was a certain crew member of

the Whitebeard Pirates that the guards said.

"Captain Su Yang, I finally found you.

As soon as Su Yang walked in, Doro who was sitting in the chair

immediately stood up and walked towards Su Yang.

Doro is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco's first team. Although

Su Yang doesn't have much contact with him, he is no stranger to him.

`Doro, how did you come here and find such a place. "Su Yang wondered,

I have to say, this kid probably spent a lot of effort to find this place.

After all, he and Whitebeard had long since lost contact, and no one else

knew except the Revolutionary Army who knew his approximate


"It's so difficult, Captain Su Yang, I basically went to inquire about one

island after another, but fortunately it paid off, and I finally got your

news here." Doro snorted and cried Said that in order to find Su Yang, he

really put a lot of effort into it.

Every day is either running around or on the road, in order to find Su

Yang as soon as possible, for this reason, it has only been a while, and he

seems to be several years old.

"What's the matter, tell me, you are looking for me in such a hurry." Su

Yang didn't tell his guess, but asked.

"Ace.... Ace was handed over to the World government by that guy

Teach, and will be executed in Marineford.


All of this was guessed by Su Yang.

It seems that although he came here, he caused a lot of butterfly effect,

but this butterfly effect is only one aspect, and it did not affect Ace.


Su Yang sighed softly, because it was expected, so after hearing the news,

there was not much negative reaction.

"Captain Su Yang, let's talk as we walk. Originally, what Captain Marko

meant was, let you bring people from the 17th Division to the New

World, but now I'm afraid ours will go directly to Marineford because

tomorrow's Ace will be out. I'm going to be executed." Because of his

anxiety, Doro spoke much faster than before.

Holy crap....so soon?

And after Su Yang heard this, he paused, which was beyond his


127 Red Hair Pirates also act

(please order)

However, if you calculate carefully, it is almost the same, after all, it has

been a long time since meeting Ace.

It's just that Su Yang played too much during this time and didn't pay

attention to the situation outside.

"Since time is of the essence, let's go. 39

Su Yang responded with a Doro, and turned to look at Rem and the

others who were still sitting.

"Go, Rem, Ram.

"Well, okay, Mr. Su Yang."

In response, the two of them quickly came to Su Yang's side.

"No... don't you need to call Emily and the others?" Rem asked curiously.

Su Yang shook his head: "No need, this time the situation is special, it's

useless for them to go."

Indeed, the battle of Marineford was a battle between Marines and

pirates, and the helpless team members like Anna and Emily were not

very helpful.

"Su Yang.... Captain Su Yang, is this a member of the Seventeenth

Division? I don't think I have seen it in the newspapers." Doro glanced at

Rem and Ram, then turned towards Su Yang asked curiously.


Su Yang nodded, and then introduced to Rem and the others: "This is

Doro, a member of the first team."

447 said, and he said to Doro again: "Rem, with Ram.""

"Please give me more advice in the future." Rem and Ram said in unison.

Doro smiled, and then politely Kaidō: "We are all members of the

Whitebeard Pirates, we should help each other.""

While speaking, Doro looked at Su Yang again, and asked again, "Captain

Su Yang, what about the rest of the seventeenth division? 35

"They're not here.

"Ah this..."

Doro was a bit overwhelmed but lacking in strength, and he felt that the

more critical it was, the more unsatisfactory he would be.

"I'll just let them know later, let's go, let's go. 35

After that, Su Yang looked at the king sitting on the throne, and then

calmly said, "Thank you for your hospitality these days.

"Mr. Su Yang is joking, this country can be settled, everything is your

credit, here goes, I hope Mr. Su Yang, everything will be smooth sailing.

The king stood up and bowed to Su Yang to express his greatest gratitude


"Yes. 95

Su Yang gave a small smile, then turned around and waved with his back

to the king.

After leaving the palace, Su Yang called the phone bug and informed

Anna and Emily that he would be away for a while, and would come

back to pick them up afterward.

After solving this matter, Su Yang called the phone bug over tornado


The phone worm just connected, Su Yang has not spoken yet, the tornado

on the other side is the first to speak.

"Okay Su Yang, don't take me when you go out to play.

Su Yang was at a loss for words, and after a few seconds of silence, he

explained with a smile: "What are you talking about? I didn't go out to

play, it was just that Anna and Emily were homesick, I just brought them

back, and then I stayed here again. for a while.99

Tornado originally wanted to continue sarcastic Su Yang, but, after

thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing to sarcastic about.

She curled her lips and said, "You suddenly called me, which gave me a

bad feeling.... Forget it, it doesn't matter, I'll tell you a happy thing, we

made a lot of money. Bailey.

"Oh, is that so, is that paid off to Madara?" Su Yang showed a weird

smile, a bit snarky.

Obviously, after Tornado heard Su Yang's words, he brushed his face, and

there was an earth-shaking change.

"Bastard Su Yang, I'm telling you something happy, what are you doing

with that bastard Madara.

"I didn't hear that you made a lot of Bailey and thought you were so

happy to pay off your debts." Su (baeg) Yang defended.

"I owe Madara that bastard money, and I'm not going to pay it back."

Tsundere said.

Of course, in fact, it has not been paid yet. For Uchiha Madara, it does

not mean much. If it is not paid back, it will definitely be ridiculed in the


"Okay, okay, let's talk about you, why are you calling, I don't think it's

just to ask how we are doing recently.

"You're right, this time, something really happened.


The tornado paused and seemed to have some interest.

"Shouldn't it be... we're going to attack there.

"Almost, now, you quickly inform the others, and immediately go to

Naval Headquarters to join me."

"Naval Headquarters? Sounds like a lot of fun. Well, if that's the case, I'll

let the others know first."

After hanging up the phone bug, under the leadership of Doro, Su Yang

and the others boarded the second ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, and

then sailed away at a very fast speed.

Holy Land Mariejois.

Sengoku's office.

"Report to Marshal Sengoku, the warship we were investigating the

Whitebeard Pirates has been destroyed, and the Whitebeard Pirates are

now missing." The reconnaissance officer took the information from the

Master just now and reported to Sengoku one by one.


Sengoku stroked his forehead lightly, sighed softly, and muttered: "The

speed is still a little too fast, so we won't know their specific whereabouts

that the Master can't, and we can't effectively hit them.

"Sengoku, this kind of information is not very bad. Don't worry too much

about it. At least, the Whitebeard Pirates are still in action, so it is not

very big for our plan." He said slowly.

"What about other information?"

Sengoku continued to ask the reconnaissance officer.

"Beasts Pirates are also dispatched." The scout officer responded.


Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief: "This is good, this is good.



Hearing the reconnaissance officer say this, the keen Sengoku seemed to

have noticed something, and asked a little uneasy: "But what?

"In the information, the Four Emperors Red Hair Pirates are also



Hearing this, Sengoku frowned and said puzzled: "The red-haired guy,

what did he do, maybe he also came to rescue Ace."

128 The 17th Division Assembles

(please complete the order)

Red Hair Pirates came in, although Sengoku had guessed it, but he

thought that the chance was very small, but.... I never thought that such

a small chance would still happen.

Crane also had a sad look on the side. If the Red Hair Pirates join forces

with the Whitebeard Pirates, then...... Marine's plan this time will be a


"Actually, it's normal for the Red Hair Pirates gang to join in, after all,

Ace is Roger's son, and Roger is the once red-haired captain.

"Now.... Roger is dead, and Ace, as Roger's only son, as a former Roger

pirate crew member, how could he stand by and watch Ace be executed

by us?

Of course, Sengoku naturally understood the words of the crane. He

knew very well that this battle was extremely complicated, and no one

could predict what the outcome would be.

"It turned out to be like this.... Only the B plan proposed by the World

government can be launched, because the red hair has been launched, so

it is very likely that the remnants of the Roger Pirates have also come."

Sengoku's face slightly - said stiffly.

Because of these miscellaneous things recently, the white hair on his

head has increased a lot.

As for the Plan B proposed by the World government, when Marine can't

handle it, the Five Elders of the World government will be dispatched.

Of course, their purpose was not to prevent Whitebeard from rescuing

Ace, but to obliterate all the remnants of the Roger Pirates who knew the

100-year history of the blank, and had already controlled the unnecessary

situation from happening.

"Well, it can only be this decision at the moment. I hope that after this

time, the sea will be peaceful." He lay on the sofa and raised his head,

looking at the ceiling with some blurred eyes, full of helplessness.

She is tired...

She spent most of her life on Marine, she knew the dangers of this sea

better than anyone, and she wanted to live a quiet and ordinary life more

than anyone.

Although the world government sometimes does some extreme things, in

the eyes of the crane, it is the only place that can realize the ideal in her


Sengoku continued to look at the intelligence officer and asked, "By the

way, do you have any news about the guys from the Seventeenth Division

of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

The intelligence officer shook his head: "No...no, but what is certain is

that the Seventeenth Division did not appear in the Whitebeard Pirates

when they were operating."

"Although there is no information, my intuition tells me that they will not

be absent. This time, the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates,

the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Red Hair Pirates. This is equal to our

Marine. We have to face three sea emperors." He said slowly.

"Xiaohe.... When you said it, my heart became even more irritable."

Sengoku sighed softly.

The crane rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "Okay, okay, then I'll

talk about another topic, the one you told me.

As soon as Sengoku heard it, he naturally knew what the crane wanted to

say, and immediately shook his head and waved his hand: "That doesn't

work either, it will make me even more distressed.

Of course, Tsuru didn't care whether Sengoku was distressed or not, if he

didn't say it, she only knew that she would be distressed.

"That long...

Before Crane could finish speaking, Sengoku immediately interrupted.

"You go out first, and let me know if there is any progress."

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku."

When the intelligence officer left, Sengoku said calmly: "I'll be honest, I

have the same guess as you, that the shadow that brought the world to

ruin is Su Yang."35

"But...don't you say that the Five Elders say that Su Yang only has one

horn when he changes a certain mode? Also, Su Yang doesn't use a knife,"

Crane analyzed.

"Hey, it's a very eventful time. The Whitebeard thing hasn't been settled

yet, and now there's a prediction from the World government.

Sengoku scolded, he thought Rocks was dead, Roger was dead, and there

would be no more miscellaneous things in the future, but he never

thought that the world would be more complicated and unpredictable.

Crane and Sengoku are both guessing that Su Yang is the guy who

brought the world to ruin as the Five Elders say.

. They did not have any evidence to point to that the son of prophecy was

him, Su Yang.


·0 for flowers ˙

Meanwhile, the first half of the Grand Line.

Since Tornado received Su Yang's words, she immediately told Uchiha

Madara everything Su Yang said.

After the group assembled, they set off immediately.

"Where's Marineford.

On the deck of the ship, Ace Kano asked suspiciously.

Everyone shook their heads one after another, if it wasn't for the word

'Marineford' mentioned in the tornado, they wouldn't even know there

was such a place.

"Su Yang has a map inside, and I'll go get it. 35 Giorno Chopper said, go

in, and take out the map.

After an analysis and calculation, Giorno Chopper concluded that it

would take about three days to start from here, even at the fastest speed

of the ship, to reach Marineford.

"Did Su Yang say when he'll be there?" Akunorolia, who was sitting on

the boat's guardrail, was already dizzy just after the boat started. When

he said this, he was already standing. Get up, ready to transform into

dragon form and fly by yourself.

After hearing this, Tornado paused: "Su Yang didn't say anything. 35

"Three days is too slow, can't the little devil head control the flight of the

ship? Let her control it directly." Uchiha Madara lay on the reclining

chair and said calmly.

In fact, he can't wait to move his tibia, and these days, he's just boring

and moldy.

"Bastard Madara, don't speak to me in a tone of command." Tornado

floated to the side of Uchiha Madara and stomped his feet.

"If you will, then Ace Cano, Giorno Chopper, and the debt you owe me

are all set off.

As soon as Uchiha Madara said this, both Ace Kano and Giorno Chopper

looked at the tornado.

"It doesn't matter whether you are in debt or not, Tornado, the main

thing is to be afraid of being late, Su Yang is not happy." Giorno Chopper

looked at Tornado seriously and said.

"Well, I think so too, if we are late and Marine from Marineford finds Su

Yang, then he and Rem and the others may not be able to deal with it. 39

opening of 129 Summit War

campaign (please order)

"So... Tornado, whether we can support in time or not depends on you."

Giorno Chopper appeared to be very anxious, but in fact, he was secretly

laughing at the moment, after all, whether he could become a free man

today or not depends on the tornado's strength.


Tornado glanced at Giorno Chopper and Ace Kano with contempt, and

then said with a Tsundere face.

"Really, isn't it just a little debt? As for the two of you, don't you even

want to be disciplined??"

"Practice? What is discipline?"

Giorno Chopper looked at Ace Cano beside him.

Ace Kano shrugged and shook his head while spreading his hands: "I

don't know, but I don't think money should be important. 35

Face "Four Four Seven".."

Listening to the two of them, Tornado's eyes were a little dull, and she

saw a green light on her body.

In the next second, the green light quickly enveloped the whole ship, and

then the whole ship flew out of thin air.

Yes...that's exactly the super power of the tornado.

"Madara, it's written off, don't come and gamble with me next time."

Giorno Chopper said calmly, looking at Uchiha Madara lying on the


"Huhuhu. And me, next time I bet, I'll buy it." Ace Kano said with a smile.


Uchiha Madara sneered, but without responding to them, she closed her


Su Yang's side, while rushing to Marineford.

He unexpectedly met the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo.

However, his purpose is to rescue Ace.

However, they did not bring any member of the revolutionary army.

The reason is, because of the mysterious organization of the

Revolutionary Army, Sabo does not want more Revolutionary Army to

participate in it. Of course, if he insists on saying it, then the dragon will

naturally send people to Sabo.

However, Sabo felt that he could not implicate his organization because

of his personal affairs, so he rushed there alone.

"I really didn't expect such a thing to happen. If Ace wasn't so self-willed,

I guess... this kind of thing wouldn't have happened." Sabo also walked to

the ship's guardrail and stared at him. Looking at the endless sea, his face

is full of worry.

After hearing the sound, Su Yang, who was sitting on the guardrail of the

boat blowing the sea breeze, glanced at Sabo beside him, and then

continued to look at the endless sea.

"Maybe, everyone... has to pay for their own willfulness.

"I'm so sorry, this guy Ace has caused you trouble." Sabo took off his hat,

then turned his body towards Su Yang and bowed to him.

"I think your bow should be given to Whitebeard, not me."

Sabo put on his hat and looked at the sea again: "It's all the same, I owe

everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates a bow.

Su Yang just smiled and didn't answer the question again.

In a flash, the next day came.

Ace's public execution day.

At this point, Marineford.

In terms of defense, formation, strategy, etc., Marine has already done


Even, this time, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Boa

Hancock, the three major forces of the Grand Line together with the Four

Emperors and Naval Headquarters were also invited.

Now, they are waiting for the Whitebeard Pirates to show up.

Now, Sengoku is standing next to Ace, the execution platform. Since this

execution is open to the world, after exposing Ace's identity, he is

comforting the Marine soldiers on the battlefield while appeasing the

people of the world.

Brainwash them to have an illusion that Marines will win this war.

Ace bowed his head the whole time, without saying a word, looking

completely embarrassed.

"What do you think? That Whitebeard guy will come to rescue you?"

Sengoku put down the phone bug and looked at Ace, who was kneeling

beside him.

Ace didn't even look up, completely ignoring Sengoku.

In his heart, all this was caused by his willfulness, and whether or not

Whitebeard came to rescue him, he did not complain at all. 0

Seeing that Ace didn't answer, Sengoku just sneered: "You recognized a

good old man.

At the bottom of the execution platform, Garp is looking at the sea with a

sad face. In this war, he naturally hopes that after Whitebeard saves Ace,

he will leave here, because he does not want to have more Marine

because of this. , thereby losing lives.

Of course, he didn't want to see Ace lose his life.


Suddenly, at this moment, a crisp voice came over.

Hearing the familiar voice, Garp knew who it was without looking back.

"Does it really matter? You can choose not to participate in this battle."

He said calmly.

"Old man...... I'm also a Marine. 35

"Promise me, Garp, wait a minute, no matter what happens, you won't

cross the line." Crane ordered.

To be honest, she was very scared that Garp couldn't help but take action

after seeing Ace get hurt.

Garp's eyes turned to the crane on the side, and Garp didn't answer any

of the crane's words.

At this moment, a report sounded from below the execution stand.

"Report Marshal Sengoku, the Gate of Justice did not receive any

instructions from 4.6, it opened automatically, and the power room could

not be contacted?" One of the Marine soldiers said anxiously towards


When Sengoku heard this, his face changed suddenly.

"What did you say?"

And Garp and Crane below, naturally, can hear clearly.

"It seems...that the Whitebeard Pirates are coming."

Garp nodded, agreeing with what Crane said.

At the same time, sirens began to be remembered, resounding from every

corner of Marineford.

What followed was a loud voice.

"Come on, everyone is ready to fight.""

Sengoku, who was standing on the execution platform, frowned, and said

with a surprised look: "What the hell happened, it suddenly appeared,

where did they come from?"

130 Did the 17th Division of Your

Family Steal Your Home?

Huge ships began to appear in everyone's field of vision, but they were

not members of the Whitebeard Pirates, but pirates who joined the

Whitebeard Pirates.

Sengoku's side looked worried, but on the other hand, Shichibukai's side,

Doflamingo was extremely happy.

"It's finally here? Things are starting to get interesting. It's so exciting,


Most of the Marine soldiers tightly held the long knives in their hands or

the long spears in their hands.

Now, their nerves have been tensed, and their hearts have become

impatient, and fear naturally arises from the cracks.

To say not to be afraid....that would be false.

After all, what they have to face is the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the

Four Emperors.

That guy is called the strongest man in the world.

"Grumpy gurgle...

"Grumpy gurgle...

10 At this moment, only a very small number of people noticed that

something was wrong.

However, before they could react, a huge bubble rushed up the closest to

the shore.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Sengoku's face became more

complicated: "Is it possible????"

As soon as the voice fell, ripples swayed on the calm sea, followed

closely, and became bigger and bigger. Accompanied by a black shadow

on the sea, a huge wave rose into the sky and bounced a huge ship. up.

The black engraved skull flag representing the Whitebeard Pirates was

fluttering in the wind.

After falling on the sea surface, it was not over yet, in the bottom of the

sea, two ships popped up again.

"That's...that's, Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates 1st Division, Marco.""

'Captain of the third division, Joz'

"Captain of the Fifth Division, Bista"

"Except for the seventeenth division, all the other captains are here. 35

Hearing this cry, the Seventeenth Division did not appear, but Sengoku

was not happy, but began to worry a little.

Yes, who knows where the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard

Regiment will show up, or maybe what they are doing in the dark.

Sengoku, who did not see the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard

Regiment, was worried, but when he saw the Seventeenth Division of the

Whitebeard Regiment, Sengoku was equally worried.

All in all, the 17th division of the Whitebeard regiment was the existence

that gave Sengoku a headache.



At this moment, on the Moby Dick, there was a sound of weapons hitting

the floor.

The sound was not loud, but the Marine soldiers standing in front could

hear it clearly, and their uneasiness increased a little without being


Holding the weapon, Whitebeard walked up the stairs step by step and

came to the top of the boat.


A burst of laughter resounded throughout Marineford.

Whitebeard looked at Sengoku on the execution platform, and said

calmly, "We haven't seen each other for decades, Sengoku, is my dear son

all right?"39

Whitebeard's aura alone has directly overwhelmed the determination of

most Marine soldiers to win.

And Ace couldn't believe it, not only his father came, but also the other

pirates who joined the Whitebeard Pirates.


Ace looked directly at Whitebeard in front of him, and shouted out the

word 'Daddy' for a long time.

And because of the word 'father', Sengoku's attention shifted to Ace, as if

he wanted to get some information from Ace's mouth.

"You, the seventeenth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, just formed,

didn't come, you are helping Whitebeard on some mission.

"Unfortunately, your little trick has been seen clearly by us.

Ace looked at Sengoku dumbfounded, with a big question mark on his


Does Dad have any big plans?

While rescuing me, you also used this battle to focus the attention of the

World Government and Marine here?

Thinking of this, Ace came up with an idea.

Yes, he definitely can't let Sengoku spoil Daddy's plans.

"You Marines are really suspicious, Su Yang....just on the way."

Of course, Ace said this casually, but...... What he didn't know was that

he was talking casually, and he was right.

"Ace.... your eyes betrayed you, in fact, I understand that the strength of

the seventeenth division, faced with such an important battle, how could

it not appear, not in execution What mission, what else can there be."

Sengoku slowly told Ace of his speculation.

"Then make yourself smart."

Seeing Ace's anxious look, Sengoku just gave a small smile.

He left the execution stand for a while, and asked a Marine to transfer his

ideas to the World government.

The content is very simple, that is, Su Yang is likely to be in a 447 attack

on the Holy Land Mariejois when they fight Whitebeard.

At this time, the news quickly reached the ears of the Five Elders, who

were hiding somewhere in Marineford.

"No one from the Seventeenth Division appeared. If it is true as Sengoku

said, if no one goes up to stop it, then things will be unpredictable." The

old man with a zigzag beard and a Madara birthmark on his forehead


"Indeed, Lord Yimu has been alerted last time. If we do it again, Lord

Yimu's anger will spread to us. Another bald old man who was also one

of the Five Elders added.

"Just in case, let the other one of us go back and see what's going on.

"Agreed, if the Seventeenth Division is left alone, the trouble they have

caused us is unfathomable."

"It's a headache, now...they've grown up, it's not easy for us to remove

them, and our old friends are dying at their hands."

"Damn, we must kill that kid Su Yang this time, wait a minute, no matter

who goes back, once you see the 17th division of the Whitebeard

regiment, immediately inform him, don't go there alone."

131 I, Tornado, Flying in the

Wrong Direction

The four old men nodded and agreed.

After all, they had already experienced the strength of the Seventeenth

Division of the Whitebeard Regiment.

If they had been more cautious before, maybe their old friend would not

have fallen like this.

At the same time, on the main battlefield.

Whitebeard looked at Ace, then said softly, "Ace, wait for me for a while."

Saying that, he directly inserted Cong Yunqie in his hand on the bow of

the boat, and then slightly lowered his body, followed by clenching his

fists, and then waved his fists.


When the fist was swung, Whitebeard seemed to be hitting a white

barrier, and the barrier was cracking at a speed that could be seen with

the naked eye.

Yes, this is exactly Whitebeard's Shock Fruit ability.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to vibrate, and the waves

began to roll.

Moreover, the waves tumbled according to this trend, and it would not

be long before Marineford was swallowed up like a ferocious beast.

Seeing everything Whitebeard did, Ace kneeling on the execution

platform, the last line of defense in his heart was defeated.

He frowned, looking at Whitebeard.



"Obviously I ignored the advice and ran out and refused Su Yang's help,

which led to the current result, you...why didn't you abandon me! All of

this is caused by my stillness what.

When Ace's cry fell, Whitebeard looked at Ace calmly, and said calmly.

"No... Ace, I told you to go."

Listening to his father's words, Ace's face was very complicated, and he

felt inexplicably heavy.

"Stop lying, what nonsense, you clearly stopped me at that time, and I...""

Before Ace could finish speaking, Whitebeard interrupted: "I said I let you

go, right, Marco."35

Marco, who was standing behind Whitebeard, nodded: "Well, I heard that

too. I'm so sorry for making you suffer, Ace."

The reason why Whitebeard said this is also very simple, he didn't want

Ace to feel guilty later because of what they did today.

"In this sea, everyone should know what will happen to our companions.


With Marco's words, all the pirates related to the Whitebeard Pirates


"Of course....we will never let anyone hurt our comrades, Ace.

"Wait for me, Ace, and we'll save you right away."

"Get ready, Marine HQ. 35

Sengoku frowned in the face of the high blood of the pirates.

Of course, some Shichibukai who didn't know the situation started to

laugh evilly.

"Tsk tsk tsk... This is where our Shichibukai and Marine headquarters

have the strongest forces.

"Three Marine Admiral and 100,000 elites, and the other side is the

Whitebeard Pirates and more than 40 pirate ships under its command,

then, I want to know how you Whitebeard will attack.

Gekko Moria laughed.

Hearing this, Crane and Garp, who were standing not far behind, frowned


"This guy doesn't seem to understand the situation at all.

At this time, the crane couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"It's also normal. After all, the Whitebeard Group's Seventeenth Division

was established not long ago, and the scope of the newspaper was not

sent to the whole world, so they didn't understand that in the Whitebeard

Pirates, there was a group of powerful people that made people fear. guy


Garp said solemnly, what he was thinking in his mind was that he hoped

that Su Yang would come and rescue Ace smoothly.

Because, because of his identity...he wants to make a move...it's really too

difficult, too difficult.

At the same time, on the sea area not far from Marin.

A ship under the banner of the Whitebeard Pirates is sailing fast.

Standing in front of the boat, it was Su Yang, the revolutionary army

Sabo, and Doro, a member of the first team.

"How long will it take to get to Marineford."

Su Yang looked at Doro who was on the side and asked.

Doro looked at the pointer in his hand and the map, and finally looked at

the time before returning: "Captain Su Yang, we are already very close to

Marineford. arrived successfully.

`More than ten points?"

Su Yang murmured, and his eyes flashed slightly.

Seeing Su Yang's expression, Sabo thought that Su Yang was worried, and

then said, "Don't worry, Mr. Su Yang, there is still plenty of time, and

there is still a lot of time before Ace's execution?"

Hearing the sound, Su Yang's eyes subconsciously turned to Sabo, and

after a small smile, he didn't give any answer.

From the beginning to the end, Su Yang was not worried about Ace, but

the Whitebeard who took care of him for more than ten years.

Of course, like Su Yang and the others, they were sailing, and of course

Uchiha Madara and the others.

However, in terms of speed, Uchiha Madara far surpassed Su Yang and

the others.


A ship with the Whitebeard pirate flag and the number 17 written on it

flew through the air at an extremely fast speed.

Uchiha Madara sits cross-legged on the top of the boat, his hair still being

blown by the strong wind (Ma Ma Zhao).

Lying beside him was Diablo, and they would have a few negative

conversations from time to time.

Of course, sometimes, Akurolia, who was flying on top of their ship,

would put in a sentence or two.

"I said, can't the two of you go and watch that kid properly? That guy's

business is really worrying." While flying, Akurolia moved towards

Uchiha Madara and Di below. Apollos said.

Yes, in the front, the tornado was flying in the wrong direction and flew

a long distance, but Giorno Chopper found the clue in the back, and then

landed on a passing island before confirming that it was flying. wrong.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't that guy Giorno Chopper there? He's more

reliable than the two of us. If it's me, even if I've been standing beside

that kid, I might not be able to find clues." Uchiha Madara has a heart

like Shisui Road.

132 Su Yu: Am I late? (please


Hearing Uchiha Madara's words, Akurolia couldn't help but laugh.

Indeed, if you ask the two of them to fight, the two of them are

guaranteed to handle it properly.

However, if you want them two to pay attention to something other than

fighting, they are really not very reliable.

However, even if she went in the wrong direction in front of the tornado,

at the speed of the ship she controlled, it was not a long delay.

Time passed minute by minute, and the battle between the Whitebeard

Pirates and Marine began.

The scene was chaotic, and the sound of the collision of guns and guns

was incessant.

The black smoke filled the air, and the body fell one by one, and the

blood flowed down the direction of the lower part of the ground.


Suddenly, at this moment, a figure descended from the sky.

When everyone heard the news, they saw a man with a short beard, a

black top hat with white fluff, a burgundy patterned top, a black vest,

and white trousers.

Yes, he is Mihawk, one of the Shichibukai, one of the three forces of the

Grand Line.

There is no need to question his strength. In the original book, he is

known as the 'world's greatest swordsman', and he is also the lifelong

enemy and friend of the Four Emperors red-haired Shanks, and also

Zoro's lifelong goal.

How could such a man be weak?

Mihawk's personality is calm and calm, and he goes his own way, so now

he suddenly joined the battlefield, which surprised everyone present.

"What, are you going?"

Doflamingo, standing behind Mihawk, grinned.

Mihawk didn't look back, his eyes fixed on Whitebeard in the distance in

front of him, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he responded calmly:

"Just to give it a try, how far is the man in front of us from us. 35

While speaking, Mihawk has slowly stretched out his hand, and then

pulled out the black knife on his back. When Ye Zhi, a sword chirping

sounded quietly.

At this moment, whether it was Marine or Pirate, their eyes were on


"Has Mihawk of Seven Warlords of the Sea finally made his move?"

"It's great that with his (baeg's) strength, he can do us a great favor."5

"Yeah, I feel...we're not far from winning.

"After this battle, it is estimated that many people will be promoted. 99

"Nonsense, if you perform well in this battle, your promotion is


"Hahaha, I'm getting more and more excited.""

"Idiot, although the benefits are great, the risks are also great. The

Whitebeard Pirates are not vegetarians. If you don't pay attention, you

will probably lose your life here.

While these Marine soldiers were discussing, Mihawk finally made his

move, and saw him waving the black knife, Ye, and then a flat A slashed

towards Whitebeard.

Immediately, as the long sword was swung out, a green sword energy

was instantly released towards Whitebeard.

However, facing the blow of the world's most powerful swordsman,

Whitebeard still did not have any waves on his face, just quietly watching

the green sword energy approaching.

However, just when he was still at a distance from Whitebeard, the

captain of the third division, Joz rushed forward, activated his Devil Fruit

ability, and lifted the trajectory of Mihawk's blow into the sky.

Mihawk was slightly startled, but the expression on his face did not

change much, but instead of continuing to attack, he withdrew his sword.

The battle between Pirates and Marine was stopped for a while because

of Mihawk's shot, and soon, the battle continued, and they fought each

other again.

However, at this moment, a scout Marine quickly ran behind Sengoku

with a panicked look on his face.

"Report to Marshal Sengoku that another ship has appeared behind the

Whitebeard Pirates' fleet.

Sengoku turned his head and glanced at the scouting Marine. For some

reason, an uneasy feeling arose in his heart.


"Above... The flag of the Whitebeard Pirates is also hung on it. Standing

in front of the boat is the captain of the 17th division of the Whitebeard

Pirates, Su Yang, and even a person from the Revolutionary Army."

Marine Reports.


Sengoku frowned suddenly, and then said to the scout Marine: "Bring the

telescope here and let me take a look.

"Yes! Marshal Sengoku.

Ace on the side could hear the conversation between them clearly, and

his expression changed again.

"Sabo, Su Yang...Even you guys are here too?

Recalling that when Sabo persuaded him to obey Su Yang's advice and

rejected it, Ace sighed softly. If he had listened to it, I'm afraid such a

thing would not have happened.

And Sengoku, when he got the binoculars to see Su Yang and Sabo, his

face was extremely ugly.

"Damn...is this guy still here? But, what about the other members of the

Seventeenth Division?"

Sengoku was only surprised by the appearance of Sabo. The only thing he

was worried about was the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard


A member of the Whitebeard Pirates who joined the Pirates.

A large and small ship collided at a very fast speed in an instant.

After the pirates on the big ship felt a vibration, they said.

"Damn, what's going on? It's like we got hit in the ass. 99

"No....wouldn't it be the damn Marines attacking from behind?"

"I know, those nasty Marines might actually do it."

"Then go take a look."

After all, a group of pirates quickly ran to the back.

At this moment, just a few voices rushed up and landed on the deck of

the ship.

Before they could react, Su Yang spoke up.

"I'm so sorry that the boat didn't stop because I was in a hurry and hit

your ass. 35


As for Su Yang's identity, the logistics staff of this gang of pirates do not

know at all.

However, this is quite normal, because many of the pirates from the

participating countries are active in the first half of the Grand Line, and

their intelligence is average.

And the one that Su Yang hit, just happened to have been on the island

before and didn't know anything about the outside situation. If it wasn't

for other pirates who contacted them, they wouldn't even know what

happened to the Whitebeard pirates. .

"Don't know me?"

Su Yang gave a wry smile, and then the expression on his face became

serious: "Let me introduce, I, the Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the

seventeenth division, Su Yang."

133 Sengoku: This man is still

here (please order)

"Captain of the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates???"

When everyone heard it, their eyes were a little dull, and the whole

person was stunned there.

Yes, because the Seventeenth Division was established not long ago, and

they paid little attention to the outside world during this time, so,

obviously, they did not know that the Whitebeard Pirates had established

a Seventeenth Division.

"Isn't the Whitebeard Pirates only sixteen divisions? When did a

seventeenth division appear?" A man asked curiously, looking at the man

beside him.

The other man also shook his head: "I...I don't know, maybe this is fake.

"If you say that, it seems to be true, otherwise why did he hit our boat."

"The analysis is correct, it seems to be the case.

"Brother, stop pretending, you were sent by Marine.

Su Yang listened to their troubles, although he was a little speechless, but

it seemed that there was really nothing to refute.

After thinking for a few seconds,- Su Yang gave a small smile.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether it's true or false, you just need to

think we're here to support Whitebeard.

Having said that, Su Yang didn't care about their gaze, but looked at Sabo

and Rem, and said, "Okay, let's go.


Sabo and Rem all nodded.

In the next second, they jumped, and the figure quickly disappeared from

their field of vision.

They left behind a group of unintelligible pirates, you look at me, I look

at you.

Suddenly, there was a 'pop' sound.

One hand grabbed the guardrail of the boat, followed by a figure and

climbed up.

"Captain Su Yang, you take me with you anyway..." Doro said with a look

of grievance.

Yes, when the original Bendo Luo was in front, he already said to slow

down, but Su Yang said, don't slow down, go full speed.

And then hit the big ship, man, and they all jumped on the other ships

without a hitch, leaving only one Doro who didn't know what to do.

Soon, Su Yang and Sabo approached the Moby Dick, and several figures

landed on Whitebeard's side.

Whitebeard turned his head and glanced at it, but before he could say

anything, Su Yang spoke first.

"I'm so sorry, Whitebeard, that I'm late.

Hearing this, Whitebeard burst out laughing.

"Goo la la la..."

"No, you are not late, you are just in time, our battle with Marine has just

begun. 35

"Su Yang, you can do it. It didn't take long for you to go out, and you

came back with a 1.5 billion bounty. Marko walked over and said with a


Su Yang glanced at him, then smiled bitterly: "I didn't do anything, the

World government gave me such a bounty.35

"Come on, you stinky brat, are you still being modest with me here? Last

time I clearly reminded you, don't be too reckless, but you bastard turned

around and poached the ass of other people's World Government

headquarters. , Got a lesson, was chased all the way by others. Marko

teased towards Su Yang.

Su Yang heard Marco's words and knew that he didn't understand the real

outcome of the Battle of Mariejois in the Holy Land.

But...... Su Yang didn't bother to explain anything, he smiled and said, "If

life has always been flat, what's the point? You say so, Marco .

As soon as these words came out, there was no turbulence on Marko's

face, but Whitebeard's eyes flickered slightly, as if an idea had already

appeared in his mind.

"You bastard...what you've done...it's exciting, but it's also extremely

dangerous. If it doesn't work out, it's not Ace but you Su on the execution

stand. Yang, Marco reminded.

Su Yang didn't think so, shrugged and said, "Marco, you are immoral.

Cursing me, Whitebeard, you heard it."

"You two idiots, it's such a time, and you're still making fun here."

Whitebeard complained about Su Yang and Marco, but he liked the

atmosphere very much.

"Ha ha ha ha.....

The two also laughed lightly.

·0 for flowers ·.....

Sabo on the side was very satisfied and sighed inwardly.

"Looks like... Ace is joining a great family. 35


At this moment, Marko suddenly changed the conversation and

continued to say, "Where are the members of your Seventeenth Division?

"Hey, isn't it right here?"

Su Yang gestured to Rem and Ram who were standing beside him with

his eyes.

"Ah? Why aren't these two on the wanted list?

"It's normal to not have a wanted order when I joined the team. Besides, I

was also in the Whitebeard Pirates, and there was no bounty. As for the

other team members, they should be on their way now."

on the execution stand.

Ace looked at Su Yang and Sabo with a very complicated look on his


"Dang bang... dang bang."

He moved his position, and when he was about to call out Sabo's name,

he noticed Sengoku's expression on the side.

At this moment, his face was far more ugly than when Whitebeard landed

before, and his brows were even more furrowed.

"This man.... is still here!"

After that, Sengoku turned his eyes to Ace and asked, "So far, what does

Whitebeard want to do with this 17th Division? Is it possible...he wants

to be like your father, Become One Piece? 35

Ace listened to Sengoku's words and was a little confused. He knew what

Whitebeard was thinking. He was not interested in One Piece, but Ace

always wanted his father to be One Piece.

"what are you talking about?'



Sengoku sneered: "You know what I'm talking about, but you are quite

good at acting. Anyone who knows what Whitebeard wants to do will


"It's just...Unfortunately, only Su Yang from the 17th Division came. I'm

afraid he still can't change the situation."

The reason Sengoku said this is because, at present, only a few people in

Marine know that behind Marineford, the Five Elders also came.

134 If you continue to fight, I will

pick up a piece (please complete

the order)

It's... just speechless.

Ace had absolutely no idea what this guy Sengoku was trying to say.

It seems... from the front, he has been saying some inexplicable things.

But, I can't blame Ace, after all, let alone Ace, and now looking at the

whole world, only Marine knows Su Yang's low.

Everyone else...understands them only from the newspapers.

Below the execution stand, the area where Shichibukai stood.

"Sigh, sigh, sigh...""

Doflamingo smiled evilly: "I know that guy standing under Whitebeard is

the newly established Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Regiment.

It is said that during this period of time, the bounty rose from nothing to

more than one billion. "

"447" "I'm afraid, looking at the whole world, no one has been able to

accomplish such a feat at present, chatter..

When Mihawk heard this, he was not interested in these things at first,

but after hearing Doflamingo's introduction, he felt a little bit of interest

in his heart.

"If you say that, it is indeed a simple guy.

"Sigh, sigh... how about it, do you want to try his strength and see if his

strength is worthy of his bounty?" Brother Doflaming walked towards

Mihawk. an idea.

However, it was clear that Mihawk didn't buy it. Although he was

interested in the man in front of him, he wasn't so strong that he wanted

to test his strength.

"You go...you can go by yourself, you don't need to pull me." Mihawk


Doflamingo smiled evilly again, and didn't say anything, and this topic

ended here.

At this moment, Marine three Admiral's position above, their faces are

similar to Sengoku.

"It seems that things are in trouble. Su Yang is here. However, it seems

that it is only Su Yang. If there is only one of him, it should not be too

troublesome. Kizaru leaned on the chair and said calmly.

Akainu, who was sitting in the middle, was silent, and the moment he

saw Su Yang, the scars on his body began to ache.

Unconsciously, he reached out and touched his chest.



Kizaru glanced at Akainu and sighed softly.

"It can't go on like this. If you want to minimize the loss, you can only

catch the thief and the king first."

As he spoke, Kizaru was already exuding golden light from his entire

body. Following that, his body turned into light particles and drifted into

the distance at an extremely fast speed.

When he appeared again, he was already in the sky.

The dazzling light shines on the earth.

All eyes were attracted by this shining light.


"Kizaru...Is this guy Kizaru going to shoot?

"No, that guy's target seems to be Dad.

"Damn, does that guy want to take a shot at Daddy?"

"Tsk tsk, even if he is three Admiral, so what, our father is called the

strongest man in the world.

"It's not Daddy's turn to take action at all. Don't forget, the captains are

still standing beside Daddy?"9

After Kizaru locks on the target, he starts to activate his Devil Fruit


"Eight-foot Qionggou jade!"

Following Kizaru's words, in an instant, countless golden light particles

were released from his hands.

These golden light particles rushed towards Whitebeard at an extremely

fast speed.

Seeing this scene, Su Yang wanted to shoot, but Marco suddenly used the

Devil Fruit ability.

"Leave it to me, Su Yang!"

After unfolding its wings, it immediately flew in front of Whitebeard.



Above the sky, explosions continued to sound, and a huge heat wave

washed over everything around.

Whitebeard held Cong Yunqie in his hand, staring straight ahead, and the

cloak behind him danced gracefully with the heat wave.

When the attack stops, the movement caused by the collision between the

two sides begins to disappear.0

Both of them were standing on the void, and at this moment, Marco's

whole body was wrapped in blue flames.

"How can.... let you disturb our king right away?" Marko said to Kizaru

with a sneer.

At this moment, Kizaru was a little fortunate. Compared with Su Yang, he

was more willing to fight with Marko.

"How scary? The Whitebeard Pirates.

"Stop talking nonsense.

Taking advantage of this posture, Marko quickly launched an attack.

As for Su Yang at the moment.

He explained to Rem and the others: "Rem, Ram, just stay here, this time

you don't need to participate in the battle, this is the safest place. 35

And Whitebeard was looking at Su Yang. At this moment, for some

reason, he always felt that the man standing in front of him was


"Whitebeard, I'm going!"

"up to you.

Whitebeard replied.

Actually, it's not that Su Yang wants to fight, he's here for another


Yes, Summit War is such a huge battle, he might be able to pick up a lot

of summon fragments here.

As for fighting and killing, Su Yang didn't like it, he liked it even more.

"Lord Su Yang, be careful." Rem reminded Ram.

"Gu la la la... Su 4.6 Yang, where did you find this bitch, but it suits you

very well, and your personality looks very gentle." Whitebeard said with

a big laugh.

When Whitebeard said that, Rem and Ram both blushed slightly, bowed

their heads and said nothing.

"Whitebeard, can't you be serious at this point?"

After complaining, Su Yang jumped and landed on the ice surface. These

ice surfaces were caused by Whitebeard's Shock Fruit ability and caused a

tsunami just now, and then Aokiji used Devil Fruit ability.

After landing on the ice surface, Su Yang was not in a hurry, walking

slowly while looking around. What he most wanted to hear now was that

the system indicated that there were summoning shards around.

135 Best Shichibukai of the Year,

Ming Ge (please complete order)

"Hey hey hey, did you see that guy?"

"Well! I see, this guy is the captain of the newly established 17th Division

of the Whitebeard Pirates, Su Yang, with a bounty of 1.5 billion. 99

"This guy, his whole body is full of flaws? If we can take him down

smoothly, we will definitely be promoted."

"Idiot, that kind of guy, how can we deal with it.

"You're an idiot? I didn't tell you to go over and confront him, don't you

know what you're holding?"

Above the end of the ice, the two Marine soldiers talked while watching

Su Yang who was slowly approaching.

Another Marine looked at the spear in his hand, and then a wicked smile

appeared on his face.

"It seems...it seems quite reasonable, as long as we don't get close to him,

we shoot at a distance and make a lot of money, and we don't lose if we


"Yes, hurry up and prepare, while he is not paying attention, we both

shoot at the same time.

"it is good."

The two Marine soldiers hit it off, and when Su Yang was only a dozen

meters away from them, the two of them saw the opportunity.

"Boom! 35

Two bullets shot towards Su Yang's forehead at a very fast speed.

Although he has sensed the existence of bullets, Su Yang still does not

dodge. In his eyes, he believes that the trouble of dodging bullets is far

better than eating bullets.

After all, his own tough body, bullets, this kind of attack, did not hurt



Two bullets hit Su Yang's forehead, and then they were directly bounced

off the ice.

Seeing this scene, the two Marine soldiers quickly squatted down.

"Damn it, what the hell is that guy? We obviously hit it, but it turned out


"Could it be that that guy's skin can't even hit bullets."

"Damn, it's a pity that I didn't go over to fight him directly, or else my life

would be in danger.

"Yeah, it's too dangerous, you son of a bitch, can you think of something

to live on?

"Look at you like a bear, what are you afraid of? There was a lot of

bullets on the battlefield, and he didn't see the two of us."

Just as the Marine soldier's voice fell, there was a burst of laughter above


"No, I saw you.

As soon as these words came out, the hairs of the two Marine soldiers

stood up, and the moment they looked up and saw that it was Su Yang,

they immediately crawled forward.

"Su....Su Yang!!!

"Are you ready?"

"Bang bang bang!!!!

The two Marines hurriedly pulled the trigger and kept firing at Su Yang

until, when the bullets ran out, they stopped.

But....... Su Yang is still standing there intact.

He slowly looked at the few bullets he had just caught in his hand, then

made a pop gesture and said calmly: "Give it back to you."5

"Whoa!! 99

The bullet pierced through the foreheads of the two of them instantly,

followed closely, and the two of them fell to the ground without even

closing their eyes.


Su Yang prayed, and just wanted to continue walking to the side, when

suddenly, a voice descended from the sky.

After sensing the danger, Su Yang's body quickly dodged.

"Brush!" sounded.

The wall of the bay was instantly cut into three pieces, and then fell

down with a crunch, landing on the ice.

After landing smoothly, Su Yang raised his head slightly, and what

caught his eye was a blond man with sunglasses, bronzed skin, six-pack

abs, a pink feather coat and cropped trousers, and pointed shoes on his


Yes, he is exactly one of Shichibukai, Doflamingo.

Seeing him, Su Yang was quite surprised. It stands to reason that

Shichibukai's people should all avoid fighting, so they would not choose

to shoot, but Doflamingo's move made him unable to figure it out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..

Doflamingo stood on the wall of the bay and smiled evilly at Su Yang:

"Let me meet, the guy who will increase to 1.5 billion in a short time.

Su Yang looked at Doflamingo at a loss for words. Although he was not

weak, Su Yang didn't take him to heart.

Doflamingo took the initiative to attack Su Yang, something the Marines

never expected.

"Brother Doflamingo? Tsk tsk tsk... Really brave. 35 Kizaru stood in the

air, glanced over Su Yang's side, and then grinned.

"Shhh!" sounded.

At this moment when Kizaru was distracted, Marco attacked instantly

and kicked Kizaru in the past.

Although Kizaru defended in time, the impact of this kick made him fall

to the ground.

On Sengoku's side, to be honest, he was still thinking just now, who

would fight this tough guy like Su Yang, but he didn't expect Doflamingo

to shoot.

This could not help but moved him a little, helping himself to delay this

tricky guy.

As for the outcome...Sengoku doesn't care.

To die or not to die does not help Marine.

After all, Doflamingo is only a tool of exploitation in Sengoku's eyes.

Marineford, back.

The remaining three Five Elders are closely watching every move on the


"Previously, I was still thinking about whether or not someone should

hold him back. After all, with that guy's strength, if he doesn't stop him,

Marine will have a lot of losses.

"However, the Celestial Dragons kid has gone. Invisibly, there will be a

result that satisfies us the most." One of the old men stared at the

battlefield with a smile on his face.

Yes, the result he said was not that Doflamingo could defeat Su Yang, but

that Su Yang would definitely kill Doflamingo.

And Doflamingo was killed, which is what the Five Elders most wanted to


The reason is simple, because Doflamingo has one of the most dangerous

hole cards for Celestial Dragons.

Since finding out at Celestial Dragons that he can't be wiped out, they've

been more cooperative.

Although Doflamingo is still a bit useful for the Five Elders right now, he

is more optimistic about the second role than the permanent contact


136 Wood Style Awakening VS

String String Fruit Awakening

Of course, I am also very interested in Doflamingo's attack on Su Yang

and Mihawk, who is not far away.

As Doflamingo said, he wants to see if Su Yang is worth 1.5 billion.

At the same time, I am also observing whether this man...will become the

man I am interested in, so that I, who have been doing my own way, will

make another move.

"Hey hee hee hee...

Gekko Moria's laughter came from the side.

Mihawk just glanced out of the corner of the eye, and didn't take it too


"That guy Doflamingo is really surprising, as Shichibukai, it's okay to

accept Marine's forced summons, and he still works so hard for Marine,

do you think I'm right, Hawkeye... ... Mihawk."9

Mihawk didn't even look at Gekko Moria, just stared straight ahead.

"Damn indifferent guy..."

Gekko Moria groaned and didn't continue the topic, after all, he knew all

too well what would happen to Mihawk.

on the execution stand.

At this moment, Ace unexpectedly took the initiative to talk to Sengoku.

"Hello, Sengoku."


After hearing Ace's words, Sengoku's eyes turned to Ace.

"Tell me, why did you react more panicked when Su Yang came than

when my dad came?"

After Sengoku heard it, he laughed inexplicably, as if he heard a joke,

no.... Ace said a joke.

How tricky is the Seventeenth Division of your special mother's

Whitebeard regiment, don't you have a clue as his crew member??

But....... Ace is really not a bit forced.

Because of Blackbeard, all the attention was paid to Blackbeard.

Although he heard about it in the middle, he didn't take it too seriously.

Until the arrest, the strength of the seventeenth division established by

himself was still unknown.

"Does that guy Whitebeard want to be the Pirate King~"?"

Sengoku didn't answer Ace's question, because, in his eyes, Ace knew Su

Yang and the others' strength, the reason why he asked, just wanted to

laugh at himself, when he saw a squad under his command, he panicked

like this It looks really funny.

"I want Whitebeard to be One Piece."

Ace's eyes firmly said, although he knew that Whitebeard was not

interested in One Piece, but Ace insisted that Whitebeard should be.

"That's why Whitebeard wants Su Yang to be One Piece." Sengoku stared

at Ace and said decisively.

Ace was at a loss for words. Whenever he had a certain communication

with Sengoku, the bastard Sengoku started to say some inexplicable


After one operation, a misunderstanding also occurred.

Ace thought Sengoku was fooling him.

And Sengoku thought Ace was fooling him too.

So, the exchange is over.

On Su Yang's side, his battle with Doflamingo has also begun.



Doflamingo launched a continuous attack on Su Yang.

"You guy... It's really inexplicable."

"What's the point of that? Anyway, you're just my pastime object, sigh...


"Forget it, originally I wanted to play soy sauce for a while, but if you are

going to make a move, I'm just in time, let's take you to exercise. 35

In the next second, Su Yang, who had been dodging all the time, at this

moment directly attacked and attacked.

In the face of Su Yang's sudden counterattack, Doflamingo obviously

paused slightly, but he didn't take it too seriously.

After Xie Mei smiled, he said calmly: "This is decent, the reason I came

here is because everything went so smoothly, it made me feel too boring.

"Hey! 39

As soon as Doflamingo's voice fell, Su Yang had already come to him, his

arms had already covered Armament Haki, and he threw a heavy punch.


Doflamingo was a little dumbfounded, and he was obviously caught off

guard when he faced Su Yang who came to him in an instant.


The next second, Su Yang's fist was directly on his face.

"Pfft! 35

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth instantly, what made him

even more unexpected was that Su Yang's ordinary punch actually made

him spin several times in the air, and then hit the ground heavily.

In `......

Huge plumes of smoke rose up.

Su Yang didn't give Doflamingo a chance to breathe, followed closely,

jumped up, covered Armament Haki on his feet, stepped on his head and

rushed down.

Doflamingo's pupils shrank violently, but he had a lot of fighting

experience, and at this critical moment, he quickly used his Devil Fruit

(awakening) ability.

The ground he was on instantly changed into a transparent line, and then

wrapped Doflamingo at an extremely fast speed.

At the top, all the threads come together to form spikes.

"Bang!" 5

When Su Yang's feet hit the spikes formed by countless threads, a huge

airflow was suddenly generated, and the ground even became turbulent.

The ground around it collapsed directly, and cracks were spreading at an

extremely fast speed.

After the collision continued for a while, Su Yang jumped and landed

smoothly with a backflip.

However, the moment he landed, the ground under his feet suddenly

grew grass and other plants.

Obviously, at this moment, I also entered the Wood Style (a state of


All of this is in Whitebeard's eyes. Through the short battle just now,

Whitebeard already knew that Su Yang's strength at the moment has

changed qualitatively from the original one.

"Hey, Su Yang, what happened after he left me?"

Whitebeard looked at Rem and Ram next to him.

Rem and Ram were stunned after hearing this, look at me, I look at you,

and say something, they have just come to this world.

I don't know what happened before.

137 Sage Body status, see above

(please order)

Rem and Ram shook their heads together, and looked at Whitebeard,

who was many times bigger than him.

"No...I don't know, we have just joined."

Whitebeard's eyes flashed slightly, and his eyes continued to return to the

battlefield, while responding.

"Is that so?

On the battlefield next to Su Yang, a group of Marines were shocked to

see Su Yang's ability.

"This...this guy is also Demon fruit power?

"Isn't what your special mother said nonsense?"

"That is, if it weren't for the Devil Fruit ability, how could it be possible

for the floor tiles to grow grass and other plants."

"Hi.... What kind of Devil Fruit is this Whitebeard regiment's seventeenth

division captain eating, and it has the ability to revive the earth."

"If I knew, would I still be in this position? It's just that, although I

haven't seen the power yet, I feel that it should be very strong."

"Mr. Smoker...

"Hmm! I saw it."

On the side of the Marines, Smoker and Tashigi were watching Su Yang's


"It's amazing, every step seems to make the earth recover 447?" Tashigi

looked at Su Yang in disbelief.

Smoker nodded too, though he hadn't shown his abilities yet, but his

instincts told him it wouldn't be weak.

Meanwhile, Su Yang over there.

Doflamingo got up from the ground, wiped the blood on the corner of his

mouth, and looked at Su Yang who was approaching him step by step

with a serious face.

At this moment... He actually felt a little uneasy, and at the same time

had some regrets, why did he come to this guy all of a sudden to relieve

his boredom.

"You guy...

‘Come on, even if you want to step on one foot and join in, I will fulfill


"Whoa, whoa, whoa․..."

Doflamingo stroked his head lightly and smiled evilly.

"It doesn't matter who wins or loses, you are a little too confident when

you say this so early.

Marine's bounty is not a measure of strength, although Doflamingo's

bounty is not as high as Su Yang's.

He has no specific knowledge of Su Yang's strength, but he believes that

even if he can't beat him, he is 100% sure if he runs away.

Because, in a word, the enemy of the Whitebeard Pirates this time is

Marine, and they won't take all the trouble to put all their energy on


But......It's a pity that Su Yang is not a normal person who plays cards

according to the routine.

Facing Doflamingo's words, Su Yang just smiled and said nothing.

When he walked to a certain distance, the ground did not grow grass or

the like, but was covered with green light. If you look closely, you can

see that the original floor tiles and the wooden objects .

Moreover, the range is rapidly expanding.

"You guy... as expected, you are also awakened.

The blue veins on Doflamingo's forehead bulged, and his expression

became more solemn.

With a wave of Su Yang's hand, on the assimilated ground, a huge

wooden object rose up from the ground and patted it in the direction of


Naturally, Doflamingo didn't sit still, and when he waved his hand,

countless following lines pulled the huge wooden arm that was slapped

towards him.

However, what he didn't expect was that Su Yang waved his hand again,

and a huge wooden arm appeared on the ground again, then clenched his

fist and slammed it towards him.


This time, Doflamingo did not continue to use the line to pull, but

jumped and dodged to a safe distance.


Two huge (baeg) wooden arms fell to the ground, and the ground shook,

and the sand and stones on the floor tiles shook.

"Don't think you're the only one who can do this, I can too, sigh sigh...""

After landing smoothly, Doflamingo reached out and touched the

buildings above the bay, and followed, at a speed that could be seen with

the naked eye, the surrounding buildings and the ground were also

assimilated into transparent lines by him.

He waved his hand to control it, and countless lines gathered together to

form spikes, and he also covered the spikes with Armament Haki, thus

achieving an improvement in defense and attack.

Seeing the huge spikes collide, Su Yang quickly jumped back, adjusted

the distance, and waved it casually. On the ground, the wooden object

rushed out like a python.

The next second, it collided with the spikes launched by Doflamingo.

A huge air current was generated, scouring everything around.



At the source of the collision, black light like lightning flashed


Now, Doflamingo can only concentrate on his devotion. He feels that as

long as he is not careful, his defense will be breached.

But...... Su Yang's side seems to be more relaxed, I saw that he was just

about to wave his hand to create a second round of attacks.

But at this moment, a figure flashed across the sky.

And Qi approached Su Yang with great speed.

"Dark Hound! 35

The hot lava condensed in Akainu's hand, and then pressed against Su

Yang's back.

Before that, when Doflamingo was fighting Su Yang, Akainu had been

looking for a sneak attack.

Now, after finally waiting, he naturally won't have any hesitations.

"Sir Su Yang.

Seeing this scene, Rem and Ram shouted anxiously.

"Su Yang! 99

Even Whitebeard's pupils shrank slightly, at this distance, even if he

activates Devil Fruit ability now, he can't stop things from happening.

With Whitebeard's shout, both Marine and Pirate's eyes turned to Su



With Akainu's punch, the ground Su Yang stood on instantly caused a

violent explosion, and thick smoke engulfed everything around him.

And the wooden objects also disappeared at this moment.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa․..."

Doflamingo laughed when he saw this scene.

"Looks like you lost?"

138 You are a real dog

"I originally thought that you could let me pass the time, but it seems... I

just think too much, Captain of the Seventeenth Division of the

Whitebeard Regiment... Su Yang!!! .....

Speaking of the back, Doflamingo continued to laugh wickedly.

“Su Yang!!!!”

Marco, who was still fighting Kizaru in the air, shouted, and there was

anxiety in his eyes.

However, at this moment, Kizaru didn't take advantage of Marko's

distraction to make a surprise, but - said with a cheap smile.

"Yoyo, you are so worried, are you afraid that Su Yang is seriously


Kizaru had already experienced the strength of the Seventeenth Division

of the Whitebeard Pirates before.

Such as... If it was as bad as what they saw, then the Seventeenth

Division of the Whitebeard Pirates would have long since disappeared

from this world.

"You bastards!!!"

Marco gritted his teeth, his inner anger was rising.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the anger of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates is really

scary. Kizaru continued to speak words that did not match his expression.

Marco frowned, now he doesn't want to get involved with Kizaru, what

he has to do... is to rush to Su Yang's side.

However, if things were to happen, Kizaru naturally wouldn't let him

pass so easily. Not long after Marko rushed towards Su Yang, Kizaru took

advantage of Devil Fruit's movement to come to Marko.

"I'm... not going to let you go."

"Go away!"

Marco was also not angry with Kizaru, and immediately launched an


"Hee hee hee... It's a pity, I was directly punched by the Admiral of

Headquarters, I guess...the captain of the Seventeenth Division of the

Whitebeard Pirates will die immediately.

"Hee hee hee․. If that's the case, it would be such a pity."

Gekko Moria laughed sarcastically. Obviously, if he knew a little more

about the Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, he wouldn't

have said such a thing.

As for Mihawk, who was watching silently, his intuition told him that the

man was not so vulnerable.

On Whitebeard's side, at this moment, he was undoubtedly furious to

Ultimate, and he held the Cong Yunqie in his hand tightly, just about to

step into the battlefield.

At this moment, Rem, who was still worried just now, said, "Sir

Whitebeard, please rest assured, Su Yang is fine."


Whitebeard's eyes looked at the two women who were much shorter than

him in front of him.

"Yes, I saw....

"Gu la la la... I just said, how could that kid Su Yang be defeated so


Of course, Akainu's presence did not satisfy the three Five Elders hiding

behind Marineford.

"Why did this bastard, Sakazuki, come out??" said an old man in a black

suit, with curly white hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on

his left cheek.

Another old man wearing a white Taoist robe, bald head, glasses, and

holding a knife similar to Zoro's Third Generation Ghost also spoke up.

"Yeah, the bastard Sakazuki, the guy from Doflamingo is one step away.

If he hadn't suddenly shot, the guy Su Yang would definitely be able to

eradicate a scourge for us."

Speaking so vigorously, the last old man wearing a dark green suit, bald,

with a splayed beard and a Madara birthmark on his forehead naturally

spoke up.

"That guy, it's more than a failure. When he was in the Holy Land

Mariejois, he was asked to go out to deal with it. The bastard refused to

use the excuse of recuperating, and now he has ruined our plan because

of his unauthorized shot. .99

"The signs, it's like... this Sakazuki is like an undercover agent.

·0 for flowers ˙


The first curly white-haired old man in front of him sighed softly, and

then calmly said: "There is no way, this is the end, we can only accept it


"In this case, our plan will have to be redrawn."

"It's not too late, although it is said that there is already a rough estimate

on the battlefield, but what about outside the battlefield? It's still

uncertain, maybe the remaining members of the Seventeenth Division of

the Whitebeard Regiment will arrive here.

"It is also possible that the remnants of the former Roger Pirates will

come to rescue their former captain's son.



The three old men nodded and stopped discussing, and looked at the


Meanwhile, Su Yang over there.

The huge smoke and dust splashed by the impact just now is slowly

becoming thinner with the passage of time.

Soon, in the center of the smoke and dust, two figures gradually entered

everyone's field of vision.

At the moment Su Yang, a white horn has grown on his forehead, and the

end of the horn is still burning with a reddish flame.

His Armament Haki-covered arm caught Akainu's 'Dark Hound' blow, and

his eyes were looking at Akainu coldly.

"I found out that you are a real dog, a dignified Marine Admiral, who

even engaged in sneak attacks."

Akainu didn't answer, there were beads of sweat on his forehead. He

originally thought that if he could take this opportunity, let alone kill Su

Yang, at least he could leave a deep and eternal memory on him. Scars

that cannot be erased.

But......it backfired, I never imagined that Su Yang would take it down

with one hand.

Seeing that Su Yang is safe and sound, some people are happy, and some

people are worried, the one who is happy is Pirate, and the one who is

worried is Marine.

"The seventeenth.... The captain of the seventeenth took Marine Admiral's

blow so easily."

"Damn, I thought he'd be wiped out by Marine Admiral in an instant?"

139 Ace: This is the Su Yang I


"I...I thought so too, but, I never imagined it would be such a result."

"Ele? When did the captain of the seventeenth division grow a horn on

his forehead? Is it the original one? I didn't seem to see it just now."

"It doesn't seem to be there before, and the horns are still burning with

reddish flames, which looks so weird. 99

"What kind of monster is that guy? Isn't his Devil Fruit ability to

stimulate the growth of all things? Why, now, it seems to be similar to

Zoan Devil Fruit.

"I once heard Garp Vice Admiral say that there is a top-level Zoan Devil

Fruit 'phantom species' that is rarer than Logia, and the Devil Fruit that

guy eats should be the legendary 'phantom species'. 35

"Four six zeros" "Damn...I didn't expect that in the Whitebeard Pirates,

except for the first team leader Marco, who was eating phantom beasts,

there were also people eating them."

"This also explains why he can become the captain of the seventeenth


On the other side of the pirates, it seemed a little excited.

"Wow, is this the real Devil Fruit ability of Captain Su Yang? Although

the horns on his forehead look a bit inconsistent, I personally think it's

really handsome."

"I also think that when I was on the boat with him, I didn't find him so

charming, but now, I find that he is simply cool."

"Having caught Marine Admiral's blow with one hand, is this the same Su

Yang we knew?"

"Yeah, what has Captain Su Yang experienced during these days, and his

strength is so strong.

"Furthermore, not only did Captain Su Yang become very powerful, I

heard my father tell other captains that most of Su Yang's 17th Division

are very strong.

"However, it's a pity that the members of the Seventeenth Division have

not arrived yet. Otherwise, we would be able to witness their strength

with our own eyes."

"Don't say it, Captain Su Yang must have discovered a secret that can

make people stronger quickly."

"After the war is over, I will take the initiative to propose to my father

that I will be transferred to the Seventeenth Division.

"Damn it, this is a good idea, I also want to be transferred to the 17th

Division, the strength has skyrocketed in a short period of time, which

shocked the old man... Hahahaha.

"This guy actually caught Marine Admiral's blow with one hand???" .

"Sigh, sigh, sigh...

He smiled wickedly and continued: "Forget it, Marine Admiral took this

hot potato, so I won't ask for it.

Doflamingo is very grateful to Akainu, Su Yang is so strong, he really

dare not guarantee that he can escape smoothly after Doflamingo.

After muttering a few words, Doflamingo jumped and returned to the

ground where Shichibukai was standing.

Looking at Mihawk's eyes, Doflamingo smiled evilly: "It's not bad, you

can try it."

Mihawk's eyes flickered slightly, I suspect you are trying to trick me, but

I have no proof.

If anyone's face is the most ugly at this moment, it is undoubtedly


good guy?

Laozi came to help you?

why did you run away?

keep me here?

To be honest, Akainu, like Kizaru and the others, didn't want to fight Su

Yang, only a few people in Marine knew that one of the powerful Five

Elders was killed by Su Yang who didn't know what to do. .


Su Yang jumped straight into the air, Armament Haki covered his feet,

and kicked towards Akainu.

Akainu's reaction was also quick, and he immediately stretched out his

hand to block.


The powerful impact caused Akainu to rub directly against the ground

and move to the side continuously, leaving a long deep groove on the


"Sure enough, the body in this mode, whether it is attack, defense, or

strength, has been greatly increased."

Su Yang murmured, then stretched out a finger, a green light spot

condensed, and the next second, a layer of white light suddenly wrapped

around the green light spot.

This is... a natural force that can only be gathered in Sage Body mode.

I saw him flick, and the energy ball wrapped in white light rushed

towards Akainu at an extremely fast speed.

If he were to fight with other people, Akainu would directly confront

him, but he would not dare to fight Su Yang, who was confusing, because

he was afraid of cheating.

In the next second, he jumped and dodged at an extremely fast speed.

The spot of light crossed a gorgeous strand in mid-air, and then landed

exactly on the ground Akainu had just stood on.

The next second, to everyone's surprise, it was clearly just a fist-sized

spot of light, but it caused a violent explosion.

The ground trembled along with it, the sand and stones in the distance

shook, and a mushroom cloud that was neither big nor small rose directly

into the sky.

The heat wave mixed with the airflow began to spread in all directions,

causing some thin Marines or pirates to retreat at this moment.


Immediately following it, a towering tree rose from the ground, standing

still in the middle of this battlefield.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially Akainu.

4.6 It's a pity that he didn't have the brains to go head-to-head with these

weird moves.

His heart was also cursing.

Your mother-in-law said I was a dog?

You are a dog.

Compressing the energy ball to such a level makes people feel weak and

want to pick it up.

Thanks to Laozi's experience, or else you will suffer a lot of losses.

Don't say Akainu is dumbfounded, even Ace standing on the execution

platform is dumbfounded at this moment. At this moment, he seems to

understand why Sengoku is more frowning when he sees Su Yang coming

than when he sees his father No show.

"BA... What's going on with this guy Su Yang? How long have I been

away from the Whitebeard Pirates, and he has become such a terrifying


140 The strongest man in the

world is arrogant (seeking full



When Ace was in the Whitebeard Pirates,

Su Yang has never fought in a war.

Basically it's just a plan.

This is also natural, making people feel that his strength is not good.


good guy,

Looking at it today, it completely refreshed the three views of Ace.

Such awesome strength,

Your mother-in-law has been directing behind the scenes?

Good guy, very good at playing!!!

While muttering, Sengoku, whose ears were sharp, heard it.

He turned his head, and his eyes sank slightly.

for a moment,

in his mind.

There seemed to be a flash of thought.

Of course, he was just guessing.

"You bastard, shouldn't it be true...

"Don't know anything!!!"

When Ace heard this, the originally dim eyes flashed.



Sengoku stroked his forehead and laughed with a self-deprecating look

on his face.

this moment,

10 He understands.

Everything made sense to him.

No wonder before,

When communicating with Ace, I always answer what I ask and what I



You boy, you don't know anything.

"You guy...

"I'm really ashamed of you being the captain of the second division of the

Whitebeard Pirates.

"I don't know anything about my teammates, in order to get some useful

information from your mouth, as a result, I have been talking for a long

time, and there is no useful information at all.

After leaving those words, Sengoku's eyes cast a glance at him, then

turned his head and continued to look far away.

"Hey, you bastard...what are you talking about?"

After Sengoku's output, good guy, directly confused Ace's. He couldn't

wait to hear about Su Yang from Sengoku's mouth.

"You're a dying person, what do you know so much for?"

"I didn't expect it to have such power.

Su Yang looked at the big pit not far away, and the towering tree

standing in the center of the pit at this moment, and sighed with



Just as Su Yang sighed.

not far away,

There was a loud voice.

"The dog bites the red lotus!

Su Yang glanced and saw that at this moment, Akainu turned into a dog-

shaped arm with lava, and then launched towards Su Yang.

In the face of this blow, Su Yang did not dodge.

"Wood Style · Wood Dragon Technique.

I saw him stomping lightly, and the ground instantly turned into wood.

Immediately following, at an extremely fast speed, a huge wooden

dragon with a long hook nose and thorns all over its body emerged from

the ground.

It soared into the air, opened its huge mouth and roared, and then rushed

towards the dog-biting red lotus shot by Akainu.


Above the air, the wooden dragon devoured the red lotus in one bite,

followed closely, opened its huge mouth again, and charged towards



It's because Su Yang's moves are too weird. Facing such a blow, Akainu

didn't dare to take it, but instead dodged.

However, the wooden dragon pursued Akainu relentlessly as if it had life.

And at the same time.

Behind Marineford.

"Outside the battlefield, there is still no news. It seems... we have to

hurry up and kill Su Yang here." The bald, glasses-wearing old man in a

white robe took the lead. own opinion.

In his eyes, Su Yang does not fall to the ground for a moment, the more

variables will become.

"Just so, that's what I'm thinking now. Destroying him as soon as possible

can be considered to complete the mission of Lord Yimu." The old man in

a black suit, white curly hair, and a fluffy white beard also said.

In his eyes, his thoughts were exactly the same as the old man with

glasses in front of him.

"That's the case, then let's implement it, save it.... In the event of a

change, if he can't be dealt with here today, then his growth is limitless,

and the threat to our world government is huge. Yes." said the last old

man who stayed here.

As soon as the voice fell, the three old men disappeared here in an


When he appeared again, he was already at Su Yang's side.

And, three people have surrounded him.

When Su Yang saw the three old men, he was startled.

The pupils involuntarily shrank a few times, and then the complexion

began to become solemn.

Because of this, the wooden dragon chasing Akainu on the battlefield also


When Akainu came back to his senses, he saw that three old men had

surrounded Su Yang.

"Humph! Did you finally make a move? Well, it just saves me trouble."

Akainu murmured, then turned his eyes to other places.

And at the same time.

Whitebeard also seemed to be feeling bad.

Holding Cong Yunqie in his hand, he jumped without saying a word.

joined the battlefield.

With Whitebeard's actions, everything is in Sengoku's eyes.

He shouted at the battlefield.

"The strongest man in the world is going to show his power, stop him. 35

After the voice fell, Akainu, who was closest to Whitebeard, immediately

stood in front of Whitebeard.

"Magma kid, get out of the way."


Whitebeard was not polite, he directly raised the Cong Yunqi in his hand

and slashed towards Akainu.

Faced with the man who is known as the strongest in the world, Akainu

is naturally not careless, and after dodging quickly, he counterattacks.

"Whitebeard, what are you dreaming about, do I think I'll let you go?

That guy Su Yang is destined to escape today.

"Goo la la la... Magma kid, do you think you can stop me?" Whitebeard



Suddenly at this time.

A voice came down from the sky again, Armament Haki covered his

hands and punched Whitebeard.

And Whitebeard's reaction speed was also very fast, he immediately

jumped and stepped back, dodging the blow.

Immediately after that, what caught his eye was a Mo Xigan with a head

shape, a M. beard on the chin, an upgraded version of Mo Xigan's hair, a

strong body, and a coat on the back with a The Marine coat also has the

word justice.

Yes, he is the former Marine. Army Marshal, the current World.

Government. Government. All. Army. Commander.

"What about me? Whitebeard, can I stop you?" Kong asked blankly.

Whitebeard frowned slightly, his face unusually solemn: "Speaking of

which, Kong, we haven't seen each other for decades."

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