Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One_Piec...ard___MCBlackbeard1


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One Piece — Blackbeard — мой


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Краткое содержание

Линь Фэн отправляется в пиратский мир, полный пиратских

приключений и оснащенный уникальной системой выбора


Его цель — усовершенствовать выбранного персонажа.

Выбрав пресловутого Черную Бороду, Маршалла Д. Тича, Лин Фенг

принимает на себя роль антагониста Луффи, стремясь превзойти

Тича в явной смелости.

В этом пиратском мире он стремится переопределить восприятие

Маршалла Д. Тича, доказав, что он не антагонист, а, скорее, главный


Линь Фэн полон решимости показать, что вор все еще может

олицетворять честь и отличие.

«Я мелочный, безжалостный и немного нарушитель спокойствия».

«Создание хаоса — моя сильная сторона. Мне нравится, когда мои

враги злятся».

«Мне нравится, когда меня называют пиратом, особенно когда это

вызывает у людей дрожь».

«Познакомьтесь с Маршаллом Д. Тичем, новым лицом в мире

пиратов. «


_______________ Это мой второй проект,


я надеюсь, что по мере проделанной работы он станет лучше.

Обновления теперь будут выходить по фиксированному графику, со

вторника по субботу (5 глав в неделю), и будут выпускаться в 00:00

GMT+7 по этим дней.



от: Моя Черная Борода - главный герой.

Вы, ребята, можете проверить это по адресу: n@velknights@com


И, конечно же, мне всегда нужна поддержка от вас, ребята, если

хотите, пожалуйста, зайдите сюда, я' Мы добавили расширенную

главу на P@treon, где вы сможете прочитать больше глав раньше


[email protected]/MoonEater18

Общая аудитория

01 Marshall D Teach

The first half of the Grand Line.

The Blackbeard Pirates relax in a cozy tavern in the small town of Banaro


Their captain, Marshall D. Teach, who never needed to sleep, has fallen

asleep on the table.

"It's weird. The captain has never slept before. Why did he just suddenly

fall asleep?"

Lafitte spoke as he glanced at Captain Teach with curiosity

"Perhaps the captain is thinking. He's probably done more thinking in his

life than any of us"

Van Augur remarked, wiping his sniper rifle.

"He sure seemed to be sleeping, almost like he was having a bad dream."

Doc Q cast a quick glance at the sleeping Blackbeard.

At that moment, Blackbeard's brows were furrowed, and his facial

expression was also changing.

"Wieehahaha! Captain even has nightmares! This is really the first time

I've seen it! "

Burgess laughed loudly.

While they were all watching Teach, he suddenly opened his eyes, as if

seeing the world for the first time.

Crystal clear and strangely intriguing.

Burgess's wide eyes abruptly stopped laughing, leaving the Blackbeard

crew members in surprised silence.

At that moment, Teach gave them an odd feeling.

Soon, Teach's eyes became ambitious and eventually settled into


This sudden change made Burgess and the others catch their breath and

feel their hearts race at the same time.

Before Burgess and the others could speak, Teach said, "I'm heading out."

After that, he walked out of the tavern.

During this moment, Blackbeard Teach underwent a transformation. His

body was taken away by Lin Feng from Earth!

He wanted to know what time it was and where he was....

"Surprisingly, Blackbeard soul got taken away"

Lin Feng exclaimed. He found a mirror in the small town and observed

his nearly unrecognizable appearance.

He possessed a thick body, powerful arms, and a savage wild-looking


"This is what a pirate should look like. "

Lin Feng didn't care at all, but was quite satisfied with his current


He raised his hand once more, harnessing the power of the Devil Fruit,

and thick black smoke billowed from his palm.

"The power of the Dark-Dark Fruit..." Lin Feng whispered.

He was originally from Earth, he found himself unexpectedly bound by

the <strong>[Character Selection System]</strong>. It required him

to adopt a body-stealing character from the Pirate World and perfect that

character's journey!

In his opinion , there are two main characters in the pirate world.

One is Luffy, and the other is Blackbeard—the opposite extreme of Luffy!

When Luffy went to sea, it was when Blackbeard obtained the Darkness

Fruit and betrayed the Whitebeard pirates.

They have completely different personalities, use different methods, and

come from varied backgrounds, yet they share a common goal.

One aims to be the Pirate King, seeking freedom across the entire sea!

One aspires to be the Pirate King, desiring to dominate and reign over the

entire sea!

In the world of pirates, Blackbeard looks more like a pirate than Luffy, so

he chose Blackbeard without hesitation!

From this point forward, it seems he made the right decision. Currently,

he possesses the Dark-Dark Fruit, but not the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and

he lacks the title of Shichibukai. In simple terms, his bounty remains at 0,

and he remains an unknown figure in this world!

The next plan is to capture a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million to

take Crocodile's spot in the Shichibukai, paving the way to the peak of

his ambition!

Lin Feng clenched his fist, the darkness smoke vanished, and a smile

played on the corner of his mouth:

"From now on, I'm Marshall D. Teach, a new Teach!"

<em>[Ding! Congratulations to the owner for successfully capturing

Thatch. To assist the owner in adjusting to this role, please complete the

novice task 'Destroy the town where you are'!]</em>

<em>[Finish the task and receive a novice gift pack!]</em>

"Destroy the town? That's exactly what I wanted!"

Teach laughed loudly.

He was ready from the moment he picked this role.

Back at the tavern, his crewmates were enjoying drinks and food.

"Is everyone done eating?" asked Teach.

"Captain, what's the plan?"

Asked Burgess when he see the deviilist smile on Teach mouth


"Destroy this town!"

Teach replied with a laugh.

Upon hearing his words, fear instantly filled the eyes of the people in the


"Sure thing!"

Burgess chuckled, then flipped the dining table in front of him and began

smashing it into the tavern!

The townspeople scattered in panic!

Teach walked out of the tavern, with Burgess and the others following

closely. As they emerged, the tavern behind them collapsed.

"You actually destroyed the only tavern in the town!"

"We fought them! So what if they are pirates, there are only a few of

them! "

The people in the town were holding sticks, obviously trying to drive

them away.

A smile appeared on Teach's lips: They're just a bunch of ants. How can

they resist without strength?"

He reached out and effortlessly lifted a person from the ground. With a

casual flick, the person was tossed out like a feather, crashing into the



Van Augur followed up with a shot that went straight through the man's


The townspeople suddenly lost their fighting spirit and stared at Teach

and the others in horror.

For ordinary people, every member of the Blackbeard Pirates is like a


02 Dark-Dark Fruit Choos Me!

"Black Hole!"

Teach laughed and unleashed the power of the Dark-dark Fruit.

Darkness emanated from his palm and slowly spread across the ground!


"He must be a Devil Fruit user!"

The townspeople began to scatter in fear!

"Quick, run! The captain's using his Devil Fruit power!"

Van Augur quickly ran towards the mountain with Doc Q.

"It's just a small town. Is the boss overdoing it?"

After Burgess spoke, he also made a run for it.

On the other hand, Lafite transformed into his white dove form using the

Bird Fruit. His hands turned into white wings, and he soared into the air.

By now, the black hole had engulfed nearly the entire town!

Before they could react, some people were drawn into the infinite black


The black hole kept expanding until it eventually blanketed the entire


At that moment, Teach could sense the terrifying destructive power

within the black hole!

He directly absorbed the town into the dark void, and in an instant, the

spot where the town once stood was replaced by darkness.

In the people eyes, the darkness converged towards Teach, ultimately

transforming into a black smoke hovering above his head. The town's

original location was now engulfed.

A wasteland!


The original townsfolk gasped, their eyes widening.

"The town is gone!"

"What a terrifying power!"

Unbelievable exclamations echoed.


Teach once again manipulated the black smoke. The town, previously

drawn into the black hole by the dark void, had been dismantled and

reduced to ruins before being released.

"How can this be!"

The survivors in the town stared at the remnants of their once-thriving


If they hadn't witnessed it firsthand, they wouldn't have believed what

they saw.

What kind of strength would it take to do such a terrifying thing?

Their town, gone in an instant...

[Ding! Congratulations to the owner for finishing the novice task and

getting a novice gift pack!]

"Open the novice gift pack."

Teach decided to open it right away. He was curious to see what he could

get in the novice gift pack.

<em>[The novice gift pack is open! Congratulations to the owner for

gaining immunity to pain!]</em>

When Teach heard the news, Teach's eyes grew wilder, and he burst into


"Zeehahaha, interesting, interesting! "

This ability might be useless for other Devil Fruit users, but it is a very

precious ability for him.

With the Dark-Dark Fruit, he can experience pain several times more

intense than ordinary people. With this ability, he can do as he pleases.

Quite a feat!

"Is the captain out of his mind?"

Burgess glanced at Teach, who was laughing, and nervously cleared his


"I can't shake the feeling that the captain has changed..."

Burgess suddenly shivered.

"Captain, what's going on?" Van Augur inquired.

"Try shooting me"

Teach looked at Van Augur and suggested.

"Shoot you?"

Confusion crossed Van Augur's face, as he knew that his captain would

experience pain several times more than ordinary people due to the Dark


"Just shoot!"

Teach insisted.

Feeling the urgency in Teach's words, he suddenly decided to take the



The bullet struck Teach's chest.

Teach could sense a wound forming on his chest, but he couldn't feel any


Then darkness enveloped the wound, and the injury he had just sustained

vanished instantly

Unlike other Logia fruits, the Dark-Dark Fruit cannot evade damage and

do elementalization

Even though his body is a solid entity, he has the ability to absorb

damage. He can take any hit as much as he wants!

Without feeling pain, he can absorb limitless damage.

"The captain didn't cry out in pain!"

Van Augur's eyes suddenly widened!

"What's happening? Doesn't the Dark Fruit make you feel several times

the pain?"

Burgess exclaimed in disbelief.

"As mysterious as the captain's strange body..."

After witnessing it, Doc Q had no choice but to comment.

"Regardless, with this, our captain has become stronger!"

Burgess descended from the air, gazing at Teach with increased respect.

"Zeehahahaha! ! ! "

Teach laughed loudly, and his laughter made people who just ran out of

town feel chills in their backs.

What kind of madman is this?

"Teach, you seem to have acquired quite good abilities..."

At that moment, Ace emerged from behind the ruins.

"It's Captain Ace. I thought I'd have to wait much longer."

Teach looked at Ace with ambition in his eyes.

If he capture Ace and hand him over to the marines , he can ignite a

massive war at Marineford!

Plus, he can reap huge benefits from the Summit War. A win-win!

"Sounds like you've been expecting me?"

Ace's face revealed a hint of surprise.

"Of course, if I catch you and hand you over to the Marines, I can become

a Shichibukai straight away."

Teach responded with a smile.

"Teach, so your goals is to become a Shichibukai? But before, you

obviously didn't want to compete with me for the position of 2nd division


Ace narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Zeehahaha, who wouldn't set their goals on being a Shichibukai?

Obtaining that title is just a step toward my true goal."

Teach said with a faint smile, his words prompting deep contemplation

from Ace.

"You have great ambitions. Could it be that the reason you killed Thatch

was to obtain the Dark-dark Fruit?"

Ace inquired once more.

"Get the Dark-dark Fruit? The Dark-dark Fruit choose me, and only I am

fit to wield this power!"

"I spent decades with the Whitebeard Pirates for this fruit, and just when

I was about to give up, it finally appeared! It's fate!"

Teach laughed loudly while showing his ambition.




03 More Fearless, Less Arrogant

"Teach, I thought after seeing you, you would plead for mercy and

explain. I didn't expect you to show no remorse for killing Thatch!"

Ace's tone gradually turned cold.

"Let's fight and forget about these lofty principles. In a world where the

victor takes all, who cares about the process? I just want to achieve the

results I desire."

Teach smiled, and his expression made Ace's face darken.

"Fireflies, Hibashira!"

Tiny flames suddenly surrounded Teach, and then erupted into explosive


Teach was engulfed in fire!

"Zeehahaha! A pointless attack!"

Teach laughed, and then darkness surged out of his body, engulfing the

flames. All the fire was swallowed up, leaving no injury on his body

because darkness can consume everything!

"Can he absorb damage?"

Ace frowned.

"Since you're so eager to meet your end, I'll make it happen for you."

Teach said, the darkness began to envelop Teach palm.


Gravity erupted in his hand!

Ace's body flew directly towards him, and he firmly gripped Ace's


"Captain Ace, how's that feel?"

After Teach finished speaking, he landed a direct punch to Ace's


"boom! "

Even Logia fruit user, Ace was knocked out hard. As the second division

commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, he was seriously injured by a

single punch!

Ace's expression turned grave. He had no understanding of Teach's ability


"I can absorb the Devil Fruit power from any user's body. Once caught by

me, the fruit ability becomes unusable. How about this Dark Fruit?"

Teach employed Kurouzu once again, and Ace's body was drawn toward

him once more.

"Flame spear!"

A flame spear manifested in each of Ace's hands!

Teach anticipated that Ace was going to use this move, but he chose not

to resist nonetheless.

Just as two flame spears were launched at him and pierced his body, he

grabbed and grabbed Ace, delivering a palm strike to Ace's neck.

Teach couldn't feel any pain, darkness swept over, and his body reverted

to its original state once again.

But Ace's neck was nearly severed by his palm!

A smile played on the corner of Teach's mouth. Before Ace could recover,

Teach chose to launch an active attack this time!

Compared to the previous Teach, he was more fearless but less arrogant!

Before Lin Feng took over, Teach used to be the one getting beaten first

in battles against Ace, Luffy, Magellan, and Sengoku. He was burned by

Ace initially but later emerged victorious.

He was poisoned by Magellan initially, received the antidote from

Shiliew, and then almost got killed again by Magellan.

At first, he was beaten by Sengoku, spitting blood with a single palm, and

then turned the tables by using the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to defeat

Sengoku the Buddha!

His true strength remains a mystery to everyone.

However, he is undoubtedly the one whose strength is most


His arrogance comes from his strength.

As powerful as he may be, a person's body is just a head and a heart. If

he dies, he dies. If not vigilant enough, he'll always be vulnerable.

Therefore, he must be less arrogant than the previous Marshall D. Teach!

"The captain becomes quite scary without feeling pain!"

Burgess exclaimed with a shocked expression.

"Without the burden of pain, the captain's movements won't be restricted,

and his reaction speed will be much faster! In a battle with a powerhouse

like Ace, a single moment is enough to decide everything..."

Van Augur calmly analyzed and explained.

"I have a feeling that the captain's plan will probably start at this


Burgess said.

"This must be another twist of fate."

Doc Q's words sounded a bit metaphysical.

Teach had now reached Ace and employed Kurouzu once more. Ace's

eyes had undergone a complete transformation compared to the calmness

at the beginning.

Before he could react, Teach had caught him again and delivered a

powerful punch to his back!

Ace's body crashed into the ruins, stripped of any fruit ability, as he took

three consecutive hits and sustained serious injuries!

At this point, Ace had already planned to flee.

"Do you want to escape? My initial goal was to capture Monkey D. Luffy

and hand him over to the Marines. I heard he's your brother?!"

As soon as Teach's words left his mouth, flames suddenly erupted in the

ruins, and Ace emerged step by step from the fiery aftermath.

"Who do you want to catch?"

Ace glared at him angrily.

"It's you now. If you run away, it will naturally be Luffy."

Teach has a playful smile on his lips.

In the end, in order to protect Luffy, Ace abandoned the idea of escape

and chose to face him in battle! After a prolonged struggle, the island

was shrouded in darkness, and Ace lay on the ground, dying.

"Captain! Now the planning can begin!"

Burgess said excitedly.

"Ace's life is equal to Luffy's. This marks another turning point in fate..."

Doc Q observed Ace lying on the ground and remarked.

"No matter how fate changes, the result will still be the same and more


Teach's words sounded more like he was speaking to himself. None of his

crew members could fully grasp his meaning.

Then Teach laughed again and said, "Next, we'll see how Sengoku feels

about me, his prey. Probably not interested anymore, Zeehahaha..."




04 The Nameless Pirate,


In the vast Grand Line sea, the Blackbeard Pirates sailed on a simple

wooden raft.

This little raft they called ship carries people it shouldn't carry...

"Captain, I saw a Marine warship up north. Looks like they're on a


Van Augur reported, using his super eyesight to get a closer look at the


"Sail over that way, Burgess. Sengoku will love this gift, Zeehahaha!"

Teach instructed with a grin.

Burgess quickly took the helm and headed up north.

Before long, the raft came into view for the Marines' warship.

On the Marines warship.

"Vice Admirals 'Momousagi'! We found a pirate ship and it's heading

towards us! "

A marine rushed toward Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion and reported.

Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion set down her long legs and stood up. "In

all my years, this is the first time I've come across a pirate willing to

sacrifice their life."

"Considering the size of our warship, most pirate ships avoid it. If

someone comes our way, they're probably not thinking things through"

Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' remarked.

"Is Vice Admirals Momousagi getting ready to do something? It's an

honor to witness her in action!"

The Marines Soldiers eyes showed excitement when they saw Vice

Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion take the initiative to lead the battle

Soon, Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion had arrived in front of the

warship, spotting Teach and the others in her sight.

"What kind of pirate group is this?"

Vice Admiral Momousagi's eyes expressed doubt, as she had never come

across this pirate group before.

"Report! It seems to be a new pirate group, one we've never seen before"

Many Marines officers responsible for gathering pirate group information

reported, shaking their heads.

Blackbeard is still unknown people in the world. No one knows him, and

he's not seen as a threat by anyone.

"Vice Admirals Momousagi, it looks like we're up against a new and

overconfident pirate dreaming of defeating us. They don't realize they're

the fool. Let me handle it"

A handsome Rear Admiral stepped forward on his own, casually slinging

a cannon barrel over his shoulder.

He gazed at Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion with a mix of attentiveness

and admiration in his eyes.

"All right. "

Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion responded calmly.

The handsome-face Rear Admiral walked to the deck and aimed the

barrel at Teach's ship.

"I suggest you think twice before making a move. Our captain has some

business with you"

Burgess called out to the rear admiral.

Before Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion could speak, the handsome Rear

Admiral's expression turned gloomy.

"They're just nameless pirates. If you've got something to say, you might

as well say it in hell!"


He chose to shoot without further ado!

"Augur, finish him off" Teach ordered Van Augur.

Teach, angered by the comment, spoke with a cold tone.

The nameless pirate...

From now on, the world will enter the era of Blackbeard!

Van Augur sensed the anger in Teach's tone, and his gun barrel swiftly

aimed at the pale-faced Rear Admiral.


A sharp gunshot rang out.

The bullet pierced through the oncoming cannonball, then straight

through the forehead of the young, handsome -faced Rear Admiral!

One shot, one kill!

"Rear Admiral Martin!"

"They actually dared to open fire!"

The marines quickly raised their guns in response.

At that moment, Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion raised her palm,

signaling them to hold off on taking action.

"Tell me, what's your deal? Though there's nothing that could make me

let you go free!"

Momousagi said, looking at Teach angrily

When Teach saw her, he didn't expect that the one who would lead this

warship would be Momousagi.

He gripped Ace and grinned, saying: "No need to worry just yet. We

might end up being allies in the future. Who knows, we might even build

a friendship, Zeehahaha!"

"Wieehahahaha, Captain, your words just keep getting more and more

interesting!" Burgess burst into laughter at his captain's words.

Momousagi was on the verge of getting angry, but her expression shifted

to horror as she clearly saw who the person in his hand was!

"That's Fire Fist Ace, the second division commander of the Whitebeard


"That's right, aren't you interested? " Teach said again


Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion snorted coldly, drew the long sword at

her waist, and said coldly: "I just need to bring you all down!"

"Little sister, you should be careful what you say. Do you think I picked

up Ace in the garbage? "

There was a threat in Teach tone, and at the same time his whole aura


Gion's face turned serious. An unknown pirate on the other side had

actually captured Fire Fist Ace alive?

This made her a little shocked. .

This kind of news is as sensational as a rookie pirate defeating the

Shichibukai alive!

"Then let me test your strength! "

Vice Admirals 'Momousagi' Gion tapped her toes and charged forward,

using the steps to exude even more confidence.

"Rabbit kick and chop!"

Momousagi seemed to turn into a rabbit, rolling hard in the air easily, as

a powerful sword strike flew towards Teach!

"Black hole."

Teach grinned, extending his hand as darkness gathered in the center of

his palm, blocking Vice Admiral Momousagi's sword slash.


"This is Vice Admiral Momousagi's attack!"

The Marine officers on the warship were stunned.

Suddenly, a suction force erupted from darkness in Teach palm, and the

sword light was swallowed up, vanishing without a trace.

The Marines eyes widened as if they had seen a ghost!

It's important to note that Vice Admirals Momousagi is a candidate for

Admiral, standing out even among the Vice Admirals.

Even so, her attack was effortlessly neutralized by an unknown pirate!

At that moment, everyone's gaze on Teach underwent a complete shift.

"May I have your name?"

Momousagi asked cautiously, now fixing her gaze directly on Teach.

"The nameless pirate, Blackbeard. But I'm sure you'll hear that name

often and fear it every night"

Teach said with a casual smile.




05 I’ll Pay You Ten Times!

His words brought silence to the scene.

If he had said it before, the marines would have probably laughed.

But now, they felt a chill down their spines!

"Arrogant! Win first, then you can say these big word!"

Gion's eyes narrowed, and she took action again. The armament haki

force instantly covered the renowned sword in her hand.

"Rabbit bites!"

With a sword slash, it appeared as if a giant red-eyed rabbit was


In reality, it was formed by the sheer force of the sword energy!

"As expected of a candidate for the Marines Admiral, this type of attack is

enough to pose a threat to me"

Lafitte remarked with a serious expression, while holding his cane sword

in hand.

"Wieehahaha, what kind of swordsman are you, Lafitte? You're just a


Burgess laughed out loud.

"Rude people tend to speak rudely"

Lafite glanced at him casually, his face showing no signs of anger.

As he spoke, the sword energy had already reached the top of the

wooden ship, yet the faces of the Blackbeard Pirates showed no signs of


At that moment, Teach extended his palm, thick black smoke rising from

his body and directly enveloping the sword slash!

The clash of the two forces didn't cause any fluctuations!

They just stood in a silent stalemate.

"What kind of Devil Fruit power is this!"

"He nullify Vice Admirals Momousagi's attack again!"

Fear was evident on the faces of the Marine officers on the warship.

If Vice Admiral Momousagi couldn't defeat them, would they end up

being killed at sea?

Suddenly, they saw the thick black smoke releasing a powerful attraction


With tremendous force, Vice Admirals Momousagi's sword attack was

finally swallowed up! The hearts of all the navy were chilled.

Momousagi's expression turned serious.

"Do you think this is the end?"

Teach observed everyone's reactions with a smile on his face. He enjoyed

seeing this group of people change from ignoring him to fearing him!

Then black smoke spiraled into a pillar of smoke behind him


As he spoke, the sword slash crushed by the darkness burst out

chaotically from the black smoke!



"Ah!!! My arms!!!"

The warship shaken back and forth as a sword energy directly carved a

crack more than ten meters long, claiming the lives of more than a dozen

marines personnel.

"You all retreat, I'll hold him back!"

Gion shouted to the warship upon witnessing the situation.

"Want to be a hero?"

Teach shook his head at Gion, then looked at his men with a smile and

said, "Seize this warship."

"Wieehahaha, now I can show off my skills!"

Burgess grinned confidently, propelled himself, and leaped onto the


Lafitte spread a pair of wings, soared to the warship, and smiled at the

surrounding marines while saying:"Don't move, or you'll die. Very


"Little sister, it's your turn to face my move"

Teach said, then leaped directly into the air on the wooden raft.

What a great opportunity!

Gion's eyes changed. She knew how to move, and fighting in the air was

very advantageous for her.

Her figure disappeared in a flash, and Teach's fist connected with the

empty air.

"You've exposed your flaws!"

After saying that, Gion reappeared, slashing diagonally in front of Teach

with the long sword in her hand.

Blood burst out!

A smile appeared Gion's lips.

Then she witnessed black smoke emerging, enveloping Teach's body, and

his wounds were completely healed!

Gion's smile suddenly froze.

"You got fooled."

Teach snatched the long sword from Gion's hand, embraced her in mid-

air, and landed on the marines warship, pressing her beneath him.

"Little sister, you're still too young"

Blackbeard looked at Momousagi below and said with a smile.

"Let me go!"

Gion's face turned red as she was pressed under him, and her eyes glared

at him angrily.

"Zeehahaha, now she looks like a woman. What did she look like when

she was fighting and killing before?"

Teach held Momousagi down firmly and laughed.

"You wanna die! Let me go, you beast!"

No matter how hard she struggled, she wasn't as strong as Teach

"Tell me, how much does the Marines pay you per month? If you join me,

I'll pay you ten times that!"

Teach said with a light smile.

"Wieehahaha, boss, you're so funny!"

Burgess laughed heartily.

"Captain, offering 100 times the salary is fine. After all, we're so broke

right now that we can't even afford food to eat! A ha ha ha!"

Lafitte covered his mouth and laughed.


Momousagi spat on Teach's face in anger.

"Pfft, Zeehahaha."

Teach wasn't angry at all. After a moment of surprise, he looked at his

men and laughed again: "Is this an indirect kiss?"

"Hahaha! Cough, cough, cough! Hahaha!!"

This time, even Doc Q laughed out loud, then coughed weakly while still


"No more! Captain, you want to laugh me to death!"

Burgess lay on the ground, and the deck echoed with the thud of his fist.

Soon, Gion was tied up by him and thrown aside.

She looked confused. She had anticipated the worst, but that didn't


After tying her up, he once again ignored her, a stark contrast to the

teasing from before.

The difference between before and after made her find it a bit


The remaining marines on the warship crouched, hands on their heads,

trembling. Ace glared angrily at Teach.

Teach leaned back comfortably in a chair, drinking a small drink.

"Captain, this is the Den-Den Mushi for contacting Marine Headquarters."

Burgess then came over, holding a Den Den Mushi in his hand.

Upon seeing that, Teach wore a devilish smile that sent shivers down the

spines of the marines!




06 Negotiation

Teach reached out to take the Den-Den Mushi, his face wearing an

expressionless demeanor.

Becoming a Shichibukai is a crucial step in his plan. Without it, he

wouldn't be able to approach the underwater prison!

It was also a crucial location where he reached the pinnacle of his life!

"What are you up to?"

Gion looked at Teach's demeanor, always feeling a bit uneasy in her


"As I mentioned before, we might become friends."

Teach smiled at Momousagi, and then he dialed the Den-Den Mushi

number to contact Fleet Admiral Sengoku at Marine Headquarters.

"Puru, Puru, Puru, Puru ~"

The only sound on the warship was the Den-Den Mushi's ringing, and

everyone held their breath.

"This is Marine Headquarters. What's wrong, Momousagi?"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku's voice came through the Den-Den Mushi.


Hearing Sengoku's voice, Teach burst out laughing.

"Huh? Who are you? Where is Vice Admiral Momousagi?!"

Sengoku's voice had noticeably changed and become more vigilant

"Hello, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, you can call me Blackbeard!" Teach


"Blackbeard... who is it?"

Sengoku thought for a moment, but ultimately he had no impression of

this name.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, you have such a noble status but being a

forgetful person. A few days ago, I had Laffitte sneak into Marine

Headquarters and mention something to you during the Shichibukai


Teach said again.

"Laffitte..... are you Teach!?"

Sengoku pondered for a moment, and his voice grew more intense.

"Don't you want to become a Shichibukai? Is this your sincerity?!"

Sengoku's tone turned a bit cold, as if he was talking about Blackbeard

attack on Momousagi..

"You've got it wrong. I'm the one who is the victim here. If I don't do

something, I'll be the one suffering"

Teach explained, glancing at Momousagi, who had a look in his eyes as if

he wanted to devour him.

"Let them go now, otherwise you won't just miss out on becoming a

Shichibukai, but the Admirals will also be sent to hunt you!"

Sengoku's words carried a stern warning.

"The Admirals hunting? That's so scary, Sengoku-san,"

Teach said with a faint smile, then continued playfully: "I have prepared

a big gift for your marines, don't you want it?

Sengoku thought for a moment before asking, "What kind of gift?"

"Fire Fist, Portgas D. Ace, the direct descendant of Roger, the Pirate King,

is in my hand"

Teach declared.


As his words hung in the air, the scene fell into sudden silence.

Ace looked at Teach with wide eyes, a sense of disbelief written all over

his face.

Momousagi and several Marine officers on the ship were utterly stunned!

Even the Blackbeard Pirates crew themselves looked horrified.

The bloodline of Pirate King Roger still exists in the world!

Far away at the Marines headquarters, Sengoku's expression froze, and

his eyes reflected a hint of disbelief.


Garp on the side slammed the table heavily and stood up in a panic

expression .

The Marines officer who just walked past outside the room was startled.

What on earth happened to make the two Marines veterans, who had

always been calm and playful, become like this?

"What do you say? Are you Interested? Zeehahaha!"

Teach laughed heartily.

Whether it was the Marines headquarters and on the warship, the only

sound cutting through the silence was his laughter.

Everyone has not yet recovered from the revelation

"I'm Whitebeard's son! And I only have one father, Whitebeard!"

Ace glared at Teach with anger.

His expression of frustration only strengthened the belief among those

around him that what Teach said was true!

"This is big news!"

Burgess's eyes lit up with enthusiasm.

"Handing over the Pirate King's son to the Marines might be quite


Laffitte said softly, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"This is the moment that changed the world's destiny. The world is on the

brink of change..."

Doc Q said, smiling weakly on top of his sickly horse, Stronger.

"Fire Fist Ace is Roger's son, which is truly unbelievable"

Van Augur spoke in his usual calm tone, as if he has no other expression


"Gulp! "

The Marine officers present were left speechless, gulping to their throats

tight with shock.

"Teach, I agree to the conditions you mentioned earlier!"

After a prolonged silence, the once silent Den-Den Mushi echoed with

Sengoku's voice once more.

"Then, here's to a happy partnership!"

"Zeehahahaha. Since you've got a nice Marine warship, I'll consider it a

return gift from you. I'll personally escort the ship to the Marines

headquarters, albeit reluctantly."

"You wouldn't refuse, would you?"

Teach chuckled through the Den-Den Mushi, imagining Sengoku's serious

expression in his mind.

"No problem, but I expect Momousagi to come back without a scratch!"

"Then it's all up to how well she performs."

After Teach finished speaking, he disconnected the Den-Den Mushi. An

undeniable ambition crept across his face.

Being a Shichibukai, he's destined to start shaping the world!

"Captain, are we heading to the Marines Headquarters too?"

Asked Burgess in worried tone

"Of course, we have to go. We're allies with the Marines now"

Teach responded confidently

"What if they attack us?"

Burgess asked once more.

Teach didn't respond, but Laffitte took the initiative to speak.

"Idiot, we're just being Shichibukai now. Because of that, the Marines and

others won't risk offending other Shichibukai for us. Otherwise, the world

structure will undergo significant changes."

"I don't understand, but it's exciting to be able to go to the Marines

Headquarters with such arrogance! Wieehahaha! ! "

Burgess laughed again, casting aside his previous concern.




07 New Shichibukai, Blackbeard

Shortly after, Blackbeard captured Ace and handed him over to the

Marines. The tale of him becoming a Shichibukai spread across the


The name of Blackbeard appeared in the public eye for the first time!

With the recent defeat of Shichibukai Crocodile, a new replacement has

emerged. People are curious about who this new Shichibukai is.

Countless newspapers continue to flood the streets, spreading the news

far and wide.

The first to catch wind of the news among the Shichibukai were, of

course, the well-informed king of the underground, Joker.

Dressrosa, King Castle

The 'Heavenly Yaksha', as well known as 'the Joker', Donquixote


"Blackbeard? During the Shichibukai meeting, his crew member

infiltrated Marines Headquarter and also said that he wanted to become a

Shichibukai. Unexpectedly, he actually became one within a few days,

which was interesting. "

Doflamingo looked at the newspaper in his hand and spoke.

"Doffy, he captured Whitebeard's second division commander alive and

handed him over to the Marines."

Trebol, with a runny nose, motioned towards him, and Doflamingo

looked at the back of the newspaper.

"Oh? He captured the Fire Fist Ace alive?"

When Doflamingo heard this, there was a hint of interest on his face, and

then he laughed out loud:

"Fufuu Heehahaha… That's very interesting. With Whitebeard's character,

wouldn't he want to start a war with the Marines and get his son back?"

With those words, he sat up on the recliner and added, "Let everyone

calm down; there's a good show coming up!"

"Understood. "

Torebol nodded.


The world's number one swordsman, 'Hawkeye' Dracule Mihawk, sailed

on the sea when a newspaper landed on his boat. As he picked it up and

read the news, his eyes narrowed.

"The pirate who left a scar on Red-Haired Shanks..."

These were Hawkeye's first words upon seeing Teach.

After a moment, he continued, "That man will definitely start a war with

the Marines."

Saying this, a flash of swordlight gleamed before his eyes.

The newspapers had turned into neat strips and scattered in the wind…


Fishman Island, Ryugu Palace

'The Knight of the Sea' Jinbe also received the news, but concern

flickered in his eyes.

It was obvious that he had thought about what would happen next.

"Jinbe, what do you think Whitebeard will do?"

King Neptune of Fishman Island asked Jinbe with uncertain voice

"There will undoubtedly be a war with the Marines Headquarters, and I'm

afraid I have to give up my position as a Shichibukai because Ace is my

friend, and I can't just ignore him!"

Jinbei declared firmly.

"Then our Fishman Island will lose the world government's and marine


Neptune sighed, recognizing the inevitability of the situation.

Jinbei lowered his head once more, fixating on Teach's image in the


In the newspaper, Teach maintained his smile. It was evident from the

image that he was definitely not a good person.

After a long pause, Jinbei spoke in a solemn tone, "I saw him on

Whitebeard's ship before. Compared to then, he's completely different

now! Blackbeard is definitely a dangerous person."


In addition to the Shichibukai, the Emperors of the Sea also took notice

of this matter.

This involved the Red-Haired Pirates...

"Shanks, your guess was indeed correct. Something big has happened.

Fire Fist Ace was captured by Blackbeard and handed over to the

Marines, and he's become a Shichibukai!"

Ban Beckman reported.


Upon hearing this name, Shanks felt a twinge in the scar on his eye.

"His purpose is definitely not that simple. He's just starting to show his


Shanks said with a serious expression.

"This already signals that there will definitely be a major war ahead, a

clash between Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, and the

Marines Headquarters!"

Ben Beckman took a deep drag of his cigarette, his eyelids slightly

drooping, and muttered.

"You're saying becoming a Shichibukai is not his goal; his goal is to start

a war!"

Shanks exclaimed in shock.

Ben Beckman pondered for a moment and replied softly, "Perhaps... or

maybe there's another reason."

Upon hearing his words, the expressions of everyone in the Red-Haired

Pirate crew changed.

It's rare for even Ban Beckman not to be sure about something, be he

knows as the great mind behind Shanks, as his Vice Captain

What in the world is Blackbeard Teach planning to do?!


Compared to them, the other pirate group is as violent as thunder!

This is the Whitebeard Pirates!

The pirates that Blackbeard betrayed by killing 4th Division Commander

Thatch, also a home and family for 2nd Division Commander, Portgas D.

Ace who was about to be executed


Marco stared at the newspaper in his hand, fists clenched, and veins


Anger was evident on everyone's faces aboard the ship.

The white-bearded man in a high position maintained a demeanor devoid

of both happiness and anger.

The crew, witnessing this scene, understood that their father was

extremely angry!


Whitebeard pronounced Teach's name with deliberate emphasis.

Then, a terrifying Conqueror's Haki emanated from Whitebeard, and the

once calm sea suddenly restless, giving rise to turbulent waves.

The sea couldn't handle the anger of the strongest man in the world!




08 Character Panel

The world's strongest man, Whitebeard, was so furious that it seemed as

if he could lay down millions of corpses in an instant.

Whitebeard's rage directly triggered the Tremor-Tremor Fruit's ability,

causing an earthquake with just the force of his voice!

Each action has an impact on the surrounding environment.

This is Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world and the one whom

Teach respected the most, a person who upheld the value of strength.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Immediately after, Whitebeard began to cough violently.

A hint of pain appeared on his face. No matter how powerful he was, he

couldn't withstand the torment brought on by years of illness. The

commotion around him quickly subsided.

Whitebeard is already old, and Teach, someone so fixated on strength,

has already lost respect for him!


The division commanders' faces filled with concern as they quickly

gathered around Whitebeard.

"Get out of here! "

Whitebeard pulled out the syringe on his body, threw it aside, and

shouted: "Inform all the forces under our command that the Whitebeard

Pirates will definitely battle the Marines to rescue our comrade!"

"Bring Ace back!!"

Whitebeard's angry shouts echoed on the Moby Dick, but the faces of the

division commanders present were extremely grave. Only they knew how

severely bad their father's health had become.

The Whitebeard Pirates immediately spread the word that they were

determined to rescue their brother Ace from the Marines and would not

hesitate to wage war for it!


Country of Wano

Kaido was currently flying drunkenly in the air in his dragon form.

He had already burned the newspaper, and a bottle of wine was in his


"Blackbeard Teach, although he has no reputation, I admire his behavior

very much. When he comes to the new world, I can take him as my little



Kaido took a big sip of wine, laughing heartily. "Now that the old man

with the Whitebeard is in danger of losing his life, they will have to clash

with the Marines to get Ace back. I can just reap the benefits! Hahaha!"


Among the other four Emperors, only the Big Mom Pirates remained



As the news spread far and wide, Teach was casually enjoying food and

drink on the Marine ship.

"Come, let's celebrate our boss's success and become a Shichibukai!"

Lafitte said, raising a bowl of wine.

"Being a Shichibukai is no joke. If the Marines are giving us a feast, we

must show respect to the boss!"

Jesus Burgess looked at the table filled with good wine and food, bursting

into laughter.

"Congratulations to the captain for getting closer to his goal."

Van Augur and Doc Q also raised their glasses.


Gion slammed a jar of wine on the table, shooting an angry glare at


"The wine you want!"

After that, she turned around and left without any delay.


Blackbeard laughed loudly, not caring about Gion's anger.

A few pirates openly celebrated on the Marines' warship. It seemed

peculiar that this group of people could find joy in such a situation.

The surrounding Marines dared not speak up. With the status of

Shichibukai, Blackbeard was already equivalent to their ally.

Soon, it was night.

Except for a few Marines on duty, most people had fallen asleep.

However, Blackbeard went out onto the deck, letting the night breeze

sweep over him.

There was still no sign of fatigue or sleepiness on his face.

At this time, there was a data panel in his mind, which recorded the role

of Blackbeard

<em>[Role: Marshall·D·Teach</em>

<em>Character points: 8069 points</em>

<em>Number of souls: 3</em>

<em>Crew link: None (one remaining crew link is unused)</em>

<em>Fruit ability: Dark-Dark Fruit]</em>

Indeed, the number of souls is precisely 3!

After absorbing Blackbeard, he also acquired the abnormal traits of


He learned from the system's introduction that the earlier Teach was

impacted by it during his youth, causing severe psychological trauma!

This trauma led to the fragmentation of his personality, resulting in three

distinct souls within him!

As for why, the system did not introduce it. However, Blackbeard, who

has three souls, not only allows each soul to work alternately without

sleeping, but also It can absorb three fruit abilities!

But Blackbeard who has been taken away now is different. He only has

one personality!

The system didn't provide an explanation for why, but having three souls

enables Blackbeard not only to rotate them for continuous activity

without rest but also to absorb three different fruit abilities!

The essence of strength!

In simpler terms, he can use the Dark Fruit's ability to absorb devil fruit

powers and transfer them to the other two souls!

Now Blackbeard already knows this, and he is focused on the character

points and the description of the crew link.

<em>[Character Point Introduction: By perfecting the character role,

the owner can continuously acquire character points, which can be

exchanged for souls and crew links.]</em>

<em>[Crew Link Introduction: You can establish a link with a crew

member and share fruit abilities with them!]</em>

Now, Blackbeard thought of a single word: limitless plunder!

He can choose to monopolize the fruit ability since there are still two

souls capable of bearing the power of two devil fruits. If that's not

sufficient, he can also use character points to exchange for additional


If there's no need to acquire certain fruit abilities, he can bestow them

upon his crew and utilize Crew Link with them!

This not only enhances the strength of his crew but also allows him to

use their fruit abilities!

Blackbeard turns off the character data and returns to reality, when he

opens his eyes, he reveals even greater ambitions!

Having this ability means he can hunt devil fruit-power users endlessly,

and he doesn't have to be selective about Devil Fruits since he can

acquire any fruit ability he desires!



P.S.: (Let's discuss the settings of Blackbeard's three personalities/souls


In reference to 1: When Blackbeard and Luffy first met, Blackbeard

initially remarked that the cherry pie was delicious. Then, he commented

that "the wine tastes bad." As he concluded with "Human dreams will

never end" and turned to leave, he added, "Today's wine tastes really

good." There's a notable shift in personality here.

In reference to 2: Blackbeard's teeth undergo three changes. Initially,

three are missing, and later, four teeth are absent, with one still

remaining missing.

In reference to 3: There are three skulls on the pirate flag.

In reference to 4: After Brook's death, the Revive-Revive Fruit (Yomi-

Yomi no mi) ability is attached to his soul, not his body. It's also the

reason the story doesn't mention that Blackbeard has three hearts.

09 Could it be that you have a

crush on me?


In a corner of the warship, Gion happened to catch sight of Blackbeard.

Her eyes momentarily faltered, but quickly regained their composure.

In Gion's memories, she had lived in the Marines Headquarters since she

was a child. She had no parents, and she was unaware of their identity.

Having been raised by the Marines, her lifelong goal is to become an

admiral and repay her debt to the organization.

She was extremely talented, she displayed exceptional training talent

from a young age, surpassing ordinary individuals.

No Marines at the same level could defeat her. At that time, children of

the opposite sex stayed away from her.

As she grows older, her feminine charm becomes increasingly apparent

and impossible to conceal.concealed.

Her inherent coldness makes it difficult for people to get close to her.

This is why she has always been single, never having had close contact

with anyone of the opposite sex.

The scene of fighting Blackbeard during the day reappeared in her mind

repeatedly at night, making her unable to sleep.

She had just stepped out of the room and witnessed Blackbeard's

ambitious expression.

"The only ones hiding in the corner and staring at the other are the

hunters who are ready to take action. "

Blackbeard appeared to sense something, then turned around and smiled

at Vice Admiral Momousagi:

"Could it be that you have a crush on me?"

"I want to kill you!"

Gion responded with a cold tone.


Blackbeard burst into laughter, then left under the watchful eyes of Vice

Admiral Momousagi that seemed ready to cut him into pieces.

She didn't know if the reason was for being shy or something else, but he

didn't want to draw special attention from Blackbeard


The next day.

When the first ray of sunlight rose over the sea level, Teach also opened

his eyes on the deck.

As he didn't need to sleep, he utilized the extra time to practice and

improve himself.

Whether it's enhancing physical skills or nurturing the mind, he has

nearly twice the time to surpass ordinary individuals.

At that moment, the sky suddenly changed!


A thunderous explosion echoed.

The dark sky abruptly transformed into daylight!


Hurried footsteps resonated on the warship, as a large number of Marines

appeared one after another.

"What happened?"

Gion appeared first, already gripping her sword and ready for battle

"Captain, what happened? "

Burgess also appeared behind Blackbeard and asked.

"What an amazing thunder. "

Lafite flew out directly, looking at magnificent thunder raging in the


At this time, Blackbeard was looking up at the sky in the distance. There

were some dense thunderclouds in the sky, and there was a golden ark in

the thundercloud!


A spark lit up in Blackbeard's eyes. Witnessing this, the corners of his

mouth couldn't help but gradually curve.

"A ship flying in the sky?"

Gion frowned.

"How can it be! How could the ship fly in the sky!?"

"That's where the thunder and lightning came from!"

The marines officer on the ship exclaimed, looking at the sky in disbelief.

"That ship can actually fly in the sky!"

Doc Q exclaimed, showing a hint of surprise in his weak eyes

"Captain, there's a man on board, and he's gathering thunder and


Van Augur reported, using his exceptional eyesight to spot Enel on the


"I know it already. "

Blackbeard laughed loudly.

Now that Enel is gathering thunder and lightning, he most likely wanted

to use the power of lightning in the thundercloud to power up his Ark

Maxim to reach the moon. Naturally, Blackbeard can't let this

opportunity slip away.

More precisely, he can't afford to let go of the Thunder-Thunder Devil


"Captain, do you have any tasks for me?"

Lafitte extended his wings and spoke while airborne.

"He's too strong for you. Follow me"

Teach told Lafitte, leading the way to the warship.

"Understood. "

Lafitte was stunned for a moment, and then followed Blackbeard's


The surrounding Marines and Burgess stared at Blackbeard as he left. No

one knew what he was going to do.

Before long, Blackbeard reached a room, and Lafitte followed.

"What's the captain's command?"

Lafitte inquired.

"Of course, it's to achieve something big!"

Blackbeard grinned, then opened his character information. He still had

an unused crew link, and now was the perfect time to give it a shot.

Opting for the crew link, Blackbeard found an apple magically appear in

his hand.

"An apple? Magic, really?"

Lafitte exclaimed, eyeing the apple in Teach's hand with astonishment.

"Eat this apple, and I can use your fruit ability without any changes to

you. Want to take the chance?"

Blackbeard extended his hand, offering the apple to Lafitte.

"Captain, you can't be serious...?"

Lafitte's expression turned to surprise. He understood that Blackbeard's

strategy to acquire the abilities of the Gura Gura no Mi involved drawing

the devil's power through the Yami Yami no Mi.

How can eating an apple give the same powers to two people?

"No matter what, when I chose to follow the captain, I already decided to

hand over my life to the Blackbeard Pirates. I will eat this apple! "

Having said that, Lafitte gracefully took the apple in one hand, brought it

to his mouth, and took a bite.


The extremely unpleasant taste hit his taste buds, nearly causing him to

spit it out.

"What kind of apple is this? The taste is even worse than a Devil Fruit!"

Lafitte struggled to swallow a mouthful and stared at the apple in his

hand with a puzzled expression.




10 Borrowing Power

After just one bite, Teach sensed some changes in his body from Lafitte.

With a simple thought, a pair of white wings suddenly materialized

behind him.

Perhaps due to his larger build, the wings on his back were even more

bigger than Lafitte's wings!

"My fruit power!"

Lafitte's eyes widened as he instinctively checked his fruit ability. To his

surprise, there was no change. The same fruit ability existed at the same

time in two people!


Blackbeard laughter resonated through the cabin.

He realizes he not only has Lafitte's devil fruit power but also uncovers

another function of the Crew Link!

If a crew member wants to betray him, the Crew Link will automatically

break, stripping them of their fruit abilities!

That's why he laughs.

His future crew members are destined to be beyond complete control.

With this crew link, it can be said that this hidden danger is directly


Soon, Blackbeard guided Lafitte out of the cabin, and those around could

still see the astonishment on Lafitte's face.

Apart from that, nothing else seemed different.

"Captain, Lafitte, what happened?"

Burgess looked at the two of them with curiosity.

Others followed suit, turning their attention towards them.

"Laffitte. "

Blackbeard said to Lafitte with a faint smile on his face.

Lafitte understood and directly utilized his devil fruit's ability. A pair of

wings appeared behind him, lifting him into the air.

"This is..."

Doc Q and others still don't understand what Blackbeard wants to do

Just as everyone was puzzled, Blackbeard utilized white pigeon form

using the bird-bird fruit, and a pair of wings sprouted on his back too!


The Marine officer on the warship took a deep breath, looking utterly


"How can the same fruit ability show up in two people? And on top of

that, Blackbeard already has fruit abilities!"

Vice Admiral Momousagi looked at Blackbeard in disbelief, sweat

dripping from her forehead in fear.

If everyone is like this, there will be more chaos appeared in the sea in

the future!

"Could it be that, Captain, you've..."

Doc Q asked tentatively, looking solemn.

He was worried that Blackbeard would use the Dark-Dark Fruit to absorb

Lafitte's devil fruitpower.

If this was the case, Blackbeard would have one less chance to choose

another devil fruit's ability.

Van Augur didn't speak, his face was also solemn, and he was also

worried about this problem

"Don't worry, everyone. I'm just borrowing Lafitte's fruit ability"

Blackbeard laughed. It could indeed be described as borrowing, as the

true devil's power wasn't within him.

The Blackbeard Pirates' crews breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the nearby marines were even more shocked!

Can you still borrow the devil fruit's ability?!

They had never heard of such a thing before!

The eyes of those marines looking at Blackbeard have obviously changed.

From an unknown pirate to a Shichibukai, Blackbeard now wielded the

power of two fruit abilities. This brief span of time brought them an

overwhelming shock.


The thunderous sound echoed once more.

There were more and more thunder and lightning in the sky, and he

could clearly see those thunder and lightning gathering towards the

Golden Ark.

Blackbeard narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seemed that Enel had gathered enough Thunder and lightning to fuel

the Golden Ark toward the moon.

But you should stay forever!

A smile spread across Blackbeard's lips. His wings flapped behind his

back as he soared straight towards Enel in the sky.

Enel is indeed gathering thunder and lightning to reach the moon. Even if

he continues using the Thunder-Thunder Fruit ability to fuel the ark, he

will eventually tire out.

While passing through this area, he happened to sense a nearby

thundercloud, leading to this occurrence.

"As long as I gather enough thunder and lightning, I can go to the Moon

sacred place, where God resides!"

Enel laughed heartily, observing the accumulating thunder and lightning.


Suddenly, he felt something. He looked down and saw two figure

approaching rapidly!

"Lowly humans dare to be disrespectful to God!"

Enel's face darkened.

"Six Million Volt: Thunder Dragon!"

Afterward, without hesitation, he employed the golden staff in his hand,

hitting the drum in his backto summon thunder and lightning, directing

it towards Blackbeard.

A thunder dragon, forged from thunder and lightning, descended with a


"Zeehahaha, Enel, you should stay!"

Blackbeard gazed at the thunderous Dragon descending. Thick black

smoke emanated from his body.

The black smoke billowed and eventually completely shrouded the

Thunder Dragon.

Even the fierce thunder and lightning vanished without a trace upon

encountering the darkness.

In the end, the Thunder Dragon vanished as if it had never appeared.


Enel's expression changed. Is he immune to lightning once more?

Just a while ago, he received a lesson from Luffy, and now there's

someone who can ignore his lightning power.

Having faced Luffy before, this encounter made him more cautious.

"Amaru! "

His body gradually expanded and transformed into a god of thunder!


Terrifying thunder and lightning erupted around his body. Even the

thunder and lightning in the thunderclouds were drawn to him, creating

the impression of a god and demon descending upon the world.

"Did you use the power of thunder clouds? "

Blackbeard narrowed his eyes slightly and clenched his fists. The black

smoke behind him rose gradually, resembling a growing black cloud


"Yami ni Shine!"

Soon, the size of the black cloud became comparable to that

thundercloud Enel attracts!

"Is this really humans fighting?"

The marines officer looked at the sky, swallowing hard. Fear evident in

their eyes seeing the big ball of darkness and big ball of thunder clash in

the sky!




11 Darkness Vs Thunder

"How will the battle between darkness and lightning turn out? "

Vice Admiral Momousagi, raised in the Marines headquarters, is well-

informed. She has learned that Blackbeard possesses the Logia: Dark

Fruit. Through deductive reasoning, she concludes that the person

battling Blackbeard wields the Logia Thunder Fruit!



The frightening thunder and lightning continued to descend from the sky,

each strike stirring up turbulent waves.

Numerous giant fish were electrocuted and laying dead on the surfaced.

In comparison to the fierce Thunder Fruit, the Dark Fruit appeared more


"What is he planning?"

"This is the clash between darkness and thunder!"

The Marines on the warship could only observe from a distance. They

weren't qualified to participate in a battle of this magnitude.

At this moment, the dark clouds, devoid of any trace of light, suddenly

emitted a powerful attraction.

People could see with the naked eye that the thunderclouds were

approaching the black clouds.

It seemed as if they were drawn to the darkness.

"He wanted to swallow that thundercloud!"

Momousagi said with a grave tone after witnessing the scene.

Many of these thunderclouds are naturally occurring. Moreover, Enel's

fruit ability intensifies the thunder clouds, making them more

formidable. The energy they contain poses a threat, making Momousagi


Swallowing thunderclouds…

A look of horror gradually appeared on everyone's faces, and their eyes

were fixed on the black clouds in the sky.

Can these black clouds truly swallow thunderclouds?

Doubt lingered in their hearts.

"Hahaha, the captain is getting more and more formidable. Is he really

going to swallow the thundercloud?"

Jesus Burgess laughed heartily.

"Seeing the black clouds unleashed by the captain, it does seem possible

to swallow the thunderclouds."

Van Augur aimed his sniper rifle into the air, observing all the details of

the clash between Blackbeard and Enel.

"Want to swallow thunderclouds? How absurd!"

Enel sneered, attracting the thunder and lightning from the cloud to

strike himself directly. His size surged once more, shooting up into the


"500 million volts: Thunder Spear!"

"Dark Water!"

Blackbeard also sneered, extending his hand and directly catching the


The dark water sprang to life, making the 500 million volts of thunder

and lightning disappear.

Blackbeard unleashed the dark water once more, drawing in the devil

power from Enel's body. With his mighty strength, he reached out and

seized Enel.

"How is this possible!"

Enel's face turned pale. The instant Blackbeard captured him, his fruit

ability became useless.


Blackbeard harnessed his strength and delivered a punch to Enel chest


Despite both being fruit ability users, Enel's physical prowess couldn't

match Ace's might so he couldn't do any resistance

Blackbeard's punch was so powerful it crushed Enel's chest!

Blood sprayed out!

"One punch!"

People were stunned.

"I didn't provoke you, did I? Why do you try to kill me?"

Enel's face displayed fear.

"Because you shouldn't have the Thunder Fruit! You're too weak!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly.

"I can't kill you, but I can make them die with me!"

Enel roared, already set on taking them down together.

The golden ark exploded in an instant, unleashing endless thunder and


A massive ball of lightning formed in the sky!

"<em>Raigo</em>! "

The lightning that could destroy an island fell towards the Marines

warship below.

"Is he going to attack us?!"

The Marines below suddenly panicked.

When a ball of lightning, as large as a small island, descended, there was

no escaping its inevitable fate!

Momousagi looked solemn as she walked through the air. In moments,

she stood beneath the impending thunderstrike, gripping a katana in her

hand. The long sword had turned entirely scarlet.

"Vice Admiral Momousagi!"

"Could it be..."

The Marines seemed to glimpse hope, their faces lighting up with



Blackbeard glanced at Vice Admiral Momousagi with some surprise.

Could she try to destroy the Enel attack?

<em>"The explosive strike of the anxious-eyed rabbit!"</em>

Momousagi words repeated almost in harmony. Her aura suddenly

changed, and the scarlet, violent sword energy was unleashed!

Several massive sword energies rushed chaotically toward a big ball of

thunder! In that moment, time seemed to freeze, and what ensued was

akin to the island-sized lightning being sliced into several pieces.

Thunder and lightning were released from the ball!


The thunder erupted with a massive explosion in the air!

The explosion's shockwaves caused ripples in the sea

Making the warship sway in the waves.

"She is worthy of becoming an Admiral Candidate ..."

Lafitte said in astonishment.

"Wieehahaha, we're saved"

Burgess laughed.

While shaking, Doc Q clutched a wooden stake tightly and said, "I was

rescued by the Marines. Is this a turning point in fate?"

"Zeehahaha, there are indeed many strong people in this world!"

Blackbeard laughed out loud.

"Dark water!"

Enel found himself caught in Blackbeard's hands once again

"My pirate crew almost died by your attack, but it just goes to show the

power of the Thunder Fruit"

Blackbeard said, staring at Enel.

His gaze sent a chill down Enel's spine.


Another punch landed in front of Enel!

This time, Enel's heart was shattered. Even with electrotherapy, there was

no way to shock his heart back, because his heart was destroyed. He was

truly gone.




Note: <em>That what i mean real pirate, no justification before act, just

pure benefit for himself and also pure display of brutality!</em>

<em>*Dark Water = Kurouzu</em>

012 Thunder Fruit - Acquired

After killing Enel, Blackbeard tossed his lifeless body directly towards the


Momousagi exhausted all her strength with one move, and being within

the range of thunder explosion,. She suffered serious injuries and fell

uncontrollably towards the sea.

This brief battle made those present feel like a long amount of time had

gone by.


A figure crashed onto the warship.

Enel was already dead, his chest completely crushed, blood still flowing.


The Marines exchanged glances; this ruthless method instilled fear in


Blackbeard flapped his wings, and in the blink of an eye, he caught the

falling Momousagi, landing swiftly on the warship.

"I can't believe I played the hero and saved a beautiful woman. Gotta cut

that part out of my life. Pretend you didn't see it, Zieehahaha"

Blackbeard laughed at Burgess and the others.

"Hahaha, Captain, you're trying to make me laugh myself to death!"

Burgess laughed wildly.

"Captain, you're right, it's a bit of a character breakdown"

Lafitte wholeheartedly agreed with Blackbeard's words.

"Haha, cough, cough, cough! Hahaha!"

Doc Q laughed as if he had asthma. He wanted to laugh but couldn't.

"Doc Q can save her, it'll be a problem if she dies next to me"

Blackbeard said to Doc Q.

"No... I don't need pirates to save me!"

Momousagi struggled to push herself up and staggered towards her room.

No one from the surrounding Marines dared to step forward to help her.

"Captain, I feel like this woman is perfect for you! "

Burgess laughed loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sharp gaze upon him, and he

stopped laughing immediately.

Momousagi's cold glare just now sent shivers down his spine.

"This kind of woman is not easy to conquer; I prefer a gentler one"

Blackbeard shook his head.

"If you keep talking about this, I'll cut out your tongues!"

Momousagi interrupted in a cold tone.

Blackbeard glanced at her but didn't say anything more. He then asked

Burgess to find him a piece of black cloth.

Having encountered Enel, he decided to advance his plan!

Soon, he covered Enel with a black cloth and set up a light-tight tent.

"What's he going to do? Should we inform Vice Admiral Momousagi?"

A young rear admiral asked another rear admiral, who had a scar on his


"It's just a corpse. You can let Vice Admiral Momousagi know what to do"

The scarred rear admiral said casually.

"Forget it"

The rear admiral who spoke first changed his expression and quickly

waved his hands.

The rest of the Marines exchanged puzzled glances; no matter how hard

they guessed, they couldn't fathom what Blackbeard had in mind.

Blackbeard raised the black cloth and stepped inside. Burgess and the

others eagerly watched as Blackbeard disappeared within.

Entering the black cloth, Blackbeard could still see everything clearly in

the darkness, being the dark man who consumed the dark fruit.

Extending his hand, a small black hole formed in front of his palm.

Gravity emanated from the black hole, piercing through Enel's body.

Soon, a force gravitated towards him, and this force was the power of the

devil fruit!

Blackbeard clearly witnessed the manifestation of devil fruit power

Resembling more of a ball of energy without a distinct entity.

As the devil's power escaped from Enel's body, it sought to flee in the

blink of an eye.

It needed to attach to a new fruit to create a new Thunder Fruit!

"Trying to escape?"

Blackbeard increased the pull of the black hole, and the devil fruit power

was directly swallowed by the black hole

The black hole slowly contracted until it vanished into his body.

Then, a flash of thunder and lightning illuminated before his eyes, and

the corners of his mouth gradually curved into a smile.

The black cloth flew up, revealing Blackbeard's figure once more in

people's sight

On the outside, he didn't appear to have changed at all, and neither did


"Captain, how did it go?"

Burgess asked with wide-eyed eyes, full of expectation

"Yes, Captain!"

Van Augur, who has always been calm, couldn't help but take the

initiative to ask.

"Zieehahaha! Of course, it was a success!" Blackbeard laughed loudly

There were doubts written all over the faces of the marines who were

watching all this.

Blackbeard picked up Enel's body and walked to the side of the ship,

tossing it into the sea.

"Haven't you seen enough?"

He directed this statement towards the Marines on the ship.

He has no intention of revealing his fruit-seizing ability at the moment.

Being able to utilize Laffitte's fruit ability allows him to maneuver

discreetly, but using the Thunder Fruit cannot be easily explained. He

hasn't achieved that goal yet.

He still needs to endure a bit longer before achieving his goal.

Being one of the Shichibukai doesn't satisfy his appetite.

The expressions of all the Marines changed, and they scattered in a hurry,

hoping to keep a safe distance from Blackbeard.

In their opinion, Blackbeard was now like a god of plague!



At night, when everyone else had gone to sleep, Blackbeard found

himself quite bored, so he brought food and wine to share with Ace.

Sure enough, Ace didn't sleep well.


Ace's face darkened upon seeing Blackbeard.

"The victorious become king and the defeated is a bandit, you shouldn't

look at me like this."

Blackbeard said as he walked over to Ace and sat down, placing the wine

and food he brought next to Ace.

"Then how should I talk to you, you despicable person!" Ace said coldly.

"It's a pity people like you won't become my subordinates. I've always

admired the strong, so I brought you some food specially. After all, you

don't have much time left..."


Ace spat in his face.

"Zieehahaha, you're still a child compared to me, so a bit of childishness

is expected. I won't care too much about it"

Blackbeard laughed loudly, then suddenly punched Ace in the abdomen.

"Of course, I won't spoil you, so please choose your words carefully next





013 Pirate is evil, and Marines are


Blackbeard could clearly see that Ace was enduring tremendous pain.

His seemingly ordinary punch was not something that Ace, who was

wearing seastone handcuffs, could withstand.

"You traitor!"

Ace spat out with gritted teeth, blood mixing with his words.

"By the way, we should be from the same clan, all having a 'D' in our

names. You should know something about it, right?" Blackbeard inquired.

There was no memory of Blackbeard in his mind, so he wanted to see if

he could learn something through Ace, especially the mystery of

Blackbeard's life experience!

"I don't know, I'm not interested in what you're talking about. "

Ace replied. After speaking, he closed his eyes, ignoring further


"How about Roger? Are you curious? I know a few things about him"

Blackbeard smiled.

"Go to hell!"

Ace's tone turned colder.

"This is boring"

Blackbeard said, picking up a bottle of wine before turning to leave.

He thought he could learn something from Ace, but it seemed that he

didn't want to talk with him anymore.

He walked out of the room and headed towards the deck again.

When night fell, loneliness crept in.

When he arrived, Blackbeard was suddenly moved and took a big sip of


In that moment, he greatly admired the original Blackbeard!

It's common knowledge that Blackbeard spent 20 years with the

Whitebeard Pirates, all for the sake of waiting for the Dark Fruit.

Little did they know, Blackbeard's unique trait of not needing to sleep

meant his twenty years were more than twice as long as for ordinary

people—equivalent to waiting for about fifty years!

It's a huge gamble!

With that in mind, Blackbeard once again took a big sip of wine.

When he arrived on the deck, he discovered someone was already there.

Momousagi leaned on the guardrail, wearing a Marine coat with his pink

shirt. The coat fluttered in the sea breeze, showing off her feminine


"Vice Admiral Momousagi turned out to be so relaxed and elegant. "

Blackbeard remarked with a hint of surprise.

Momousagi snorted and paid him no attention.

"Let's put aside our identities tonight and have a talk, shall we?

Otherwise, the long night will be boring,"

Blackbeard laughed.

"I've have nothing to talk about with pirates"

Momousagi replied calmly.

"We can talk a little bit. I heard that you were an orphan. You grew up in

the Marines headquarters and later became a marines officer. I don't

know my parents either. The difference is, I grew up wandering the sea,

joined the Whitebeard Pirates, and became a pirate"

After Blackbeard finished speaking, he looked at Momousagi and

laughed: "Speaking of which, we're tied together by the same fate,


"The difference is, the Marines are my family. We uphold justice, while

you pirates embrace evil!"

Momousagi stated coldly.

"Don't bring up justice and evil. Aren't we all capable of being cold-

blooded killers?"

Blackbeard said casually.

"This is different; all I've killed were pirates! No innocent lives were


Momousagi asserted firmly.

"If it's all about innocence, why is the benevolent leader of the

Revolutionary Army, 'Dragon,' who gives people freedom from oppression

considered the most dangerous person by your Marines and even the

World Government?"

Blackbeard raised the corners of his mouth and said sarcastically.

"That's because..."

Momousagi was about to speak, but Blackbeard spoke again.

"Why are the Celestial Dragons who oppress everyone and call themselves

gods, doing whatever they want, was protected by you?"


Momousagi was immediately speechless and could no longer refute.

As an admiral candidate, what she saw and heard naturally exceeded the

experiences of ordinary people. What Blackbeard said had a profound

impact on her.

After a moment of silence, Momousagi spoke again: "I just need to do my

job well and use all my strength to uphold justice!"

"If that's the case, I can also uphold justice and kill a few less people this

year, Zeehahaha!"

Blackbeard's words caused Momousagi's face to turn red.

"Hmph! You and your evil ways, just a lot of nonsense!"

Momousagi snorted coldly, turned around, and left. If she stayed any

longer, she might have been so angry that she would draw her sword and

kill someone!

"Walk slowly you woman"

Blackbeard didn't even look back. After Momousagi walked away, he

sighed: "Well, let's just practice Haki. When can we arrive at the Marines





014 That’s Why He’s a Marine's


Three days later.

Marines Headquarters, Marineford .

The current Marines Fleet Admiral 'The Budha' Sengoku was waiting

outside in person.

Standing next to him is the Marines hero, 'The Fist' Monkey D. Garp

"Garp, it's better if you're not here"

Sengoku advised Garp on the side.

Garp's face was heavy and his eyes were downcast. He understood what

Ace's arrest meant.

"I know..."

Garp took a deep breath, slowly unclenched his fists, and calmly said,

"Don't worry, I just want to meet Ace. Who exactly is the lunatic?"

"Just understand that"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku said, giving Garp a meaningful glance.

The expressions of the surrounding Marines were solemn, and they didn't

even dare to take a deep breath.

On the high building of the Marine headquarters.

"It's strange that he only captured Fire Fist Ace and not Whitebeard. So,

why did he alert Vice Admiral Garp?"

Newly promoted Rear Admiral Smoker asked curiously.

Standing next to him was one of three Admiral, Pillar of Marines

Headquarter, Aokiji!

"It's still a secret, but I can tell you that an unfathomable war is about to

break out"

Murmured Admiral Aokiji.

"What... what!"

Smoker's expression changed drastically. This statement carried immense

weight coming from the admiral!

"Is it because of the Second division commander of Whitebeard pirates,

Portgas D. Ace or the new Shichibukai, Blackbeard?"

Smoker asked again.

"Of course, it's Ace, but without Blackbeard, this war wouldn't start.

Blackbeard is the fuse of the war."

Admiral Aokiji said meaningfully. Evidently, the Marines initiated an

investigation into Blackbeard.

"They are coming"

Aokiji spoke again.

Smoker quickly looked into the distance. At that moment, the Door of

Justice slowly opened, revealing a Marine warship sailing into view.


On the warship, Van Augur looked into the distance through his glasses,

observing the port.

"Captains! Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Marine Hero Garp are waiting for


Van Augur said, a hint of surprise on his face.


Blackbeard burst out laughing upon hearing this.

"Surprisingly, the two Marine veterans were the one who receive us"

Of course, he knows it's not about him but it was all because of Portgas

D. Ace, the descendant of the Pirate King.

Just with this identity, Ace could face death ten thousand times over.

It's the World Government's way of suppressing the Pirate King influence

"I'm not used to being stared at by the Marines' Fleet Admiral"

Jesus Burgess said with the same smile as they soon boarded Marineford.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, we successfully brought Ace. Shichibukai

Blackbeard and his crew are also follow suit"

Momousagi stepped forward and reported to Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

Sengoku nodded, then watched as Blackbeard descended from the

warship, his devilish smile and black coat trailing behind him along with

his crew.


Fleet Admiral Sengoku glanced at Blackbeard and asked, "Do you have

any other business here at Marine Headquarters?"

"There's going to be a big fight here soon, isn't there?"

"You'll be asking me to help your Marines when the time comes. Now

that I've arrived early, shouldn't you welcome me?"

"I can leave at any time if I'm not welcome"

Blackbeard said with a faint smile on his lips.

When he finished saying this, Fleet Admiral Sengoku fell silent before

speaking in a deep voice: "Let's just be honest here, don't make any


"Zeeehahaha, this is the Marine headquarters. What kind of trouble can I,

a newly appointed Shichibukai, could make here?"

Blackbeard laughed out loud in response.

Burgess and the other crew behind him remained calm, but there was a

subtle gleam in their eyes.

Their plan was gradually unfolding.

Soon, Ace was brought from the warship, escorted by a Marine rear

admiral with a seastone collar around his neck, his eyes dim.

Ace's eyes first focused on Garp, his pupils widening.


Garp clenched his fists, and his body disappeared in an instant. When he

reappeared, he was already in front of Ace.

He punched Ace in the face!

"Brat, why don't you listen to me?!"

Garp grabbed Ace's shoulder, looking at him with a grieved expression.

Ace turned his head and stayed silent.


Sengoku said in a deep voice.

Garp tried to calm down, and eventually let go of Ace. In that moment,

he seemed to be much more older.

"Bring Ace to the prison!"

With a command from Fleet Admiral Sengoku, the Marines escorted Ace

onto another warship.

This warship was headed for the underwater prison, Impel Down!

"What a touching scene. As expected of the Marine Hero Garp, he's

capable of bending and stretching his character"

Blackbeard said with a faint smile.


Garp glared at Blackbeard with intense eyes, as if he wanted to take

action immediately.

"Ace is the one your Marines want, but he doesn't concern me,


Blackbeard laughed.

On the contrary, he admired Garp a little, because the other man was

also an emotionally indifferent person.

To be a qualified Marine, he even disregarded Ace, whom he had raised


If he truly has emotions, what's wrong with wearing a Marine's coat? But

for him keeping his Coat of Justice intact is more important even if it

means witnessing the execution of the children he raised. That's why

Garp is a Marine hero!

Those who let emotions rule will lose miserably. Without emotions, there

is no vulnerability.


Next, Blackbeard and his crew were accommodated by the Marines, who

served them delicious food and drinks in their own room.

Just one night later, news of the Marines executing Ace spread around

the world!




015 Ace Execution News

The day after was Blackbeard's first arrival at the Marines Headquarters.

He's already heard the news about Ace's execution.


"The Marines really acted fast"

Blackbeard Laughed. He still underestimated their importance about Ace

execution and efficiency of the marines

"Captain, as a pirate, I never thought I'd enjoy life at the Marines


Jesus Burgess remarked, lying on a soft sofa and eating on the food

provided by the Marines.

"There will be many happier days in the future, and you will never suffer

any loss if you follow me. "

Blackbeard responded.

"Captain, this is a smart move. Not only do we not have to worry about

the Whitebeard Pirates' retaliation here at the Marines Headquarters, but

there are also people dedicated to serving us. This little life is so

comfortable. "

Laffitte said while sipping his tea

"I think Whitebeard is pretty mad at this moment"

Blackbeard said with a slight smile.


The new world, this is Whitebeard's territory.

Earthquakes occur frequently on an island, and the sea waves reach

hundreds of meters high.

At this time, The strongest man in the world, Captain of the legendary

Whitebeard Pirates, Edward Newgate, known as Whitebeard was holding

the latest newspaper in his hand.

The newspaper carried exact news about Ace's execution, and it was

clearly told to the world that the execution would be broadcast live to

the whole world through a Den-Den Mushi.

After Whitebeard received the news, he was naturally furious!

"Oyaji, no wonder we didn't find Blackbeard, it turns out he is at the

Marines Headquarters now!"

"Is commander Ace getting executed that soon?!"

"Hateful! Blackbeard, that cunning beast!"

The Whitebeard Pirates crew were very angry and furious when they get

the news

"Pops, the Marines boldly spreading news of Ace's execution throughout

the world, it could be to draw us in, or it might be..."

First Division Commander of Whitebeard Pirates, 'The Phoenix' Marco

stated with a serious expression.

"No matter what, Ace is our family, and we're going to rescue him, even

if it means stepping into the fire!"

Whitebeard declared firmly.

"Back when Oyaji was around, the Marines wouldn't dare touch Ace, even

if they knew his identity. But who would've thought Blackbeard would

hand Ace over to them!"

Fifth Division commander of Whitebeard, 'Flower Sword' Vista face wore

a grim expression.


After hearing this, 3rd Division commander, 'Diamond' Jozu gritted his


"Alright, no need to say more words. Our top priority now is rescuing


Whitebeard interrupted their conversation and asked: "Is every member

of the Whitebeard Pirates gathered?"

"Pops, we're all ready, the Whitebeard fleet captain also are all here, just

waiting for your command"

Marco stated.

"The Marines will surely set a trap to ambush us and never let us dock

our ship at shore. We need to coat all our main ships. This time, we'll

sneak into Marineford under the sea!"

Whitebeard added.


The Whitebeard Pirates have entered the preparation stage. Tensions are

rising in the New World. The anger of the world's strongest man is clear

to everyone..


Wano Country, Onigashima Island

"Worororo, the Marines move fast. They've set the day for Ace's execution

already? Let's fight! This peaceful world hasn't been this interesting in a

long time!"

Governor General of the Beast Pirate, 'The Strongest Creature' Kaido's

booming laughter echoed across the island.

"Boss, should we also get ready?"

Beast Pirate All-Star, King of the Wildfire, inquired.

"Yes! Boss, it's a golden opportunity!"

Beast All-Star, 'The Plague' Quinn, exclaimed with excitement on his face.

"Of course, we have to participate in this muddy water! Worororo!"

"Gather the crew, we're leaving Wano Country and heading to


Kaido grinned again.

Before long, not only did Whitebeard make a move in the New World,

but Kaido, another of the Four Emperors, also expressed interest in

joining the upcoming battle.


The Red-Haired Pirates.

One of Shanks' crew approached and whispered something in his ear,

making his expression turn serious.

He turned to Ben Beckman.

"Sure enough, your guess was right. Kaido has also made a move."

"That despicable guy Kaido, he probably wants to reap the benefits this


Said Lucky Roo, a fat man holding a pig leg.

"If Kaido really jumps into the war between Whitebeard and the Marines,

the world will truly be in chaos!"

Yasop remarked with a serious expression.

Ben Beckman, with a cigarette in his mouth, looked at Shanks and asked:

"Captain, what's the plan?"

Shanks fell into deep thought. After a while, he stood up and looked into

the distance. A burst of Conqueror's Haki power emanated from him.

"We need to stop Kaido!"

Everyone in the Red-Haired Pirates grinned. Indeed, their captain had

made the expected choice.

Thus, Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, also made his move.

The new world started to become restless, and people from all over the

place were lost in thought as they looked at the newspapers in their

hands, and they all smelled danger coming

The world is about to undergo huge changes…

Every action by a major power triggers a powerful chain reaction,

especially with the central figure in this era. The figure is Whitebeard,

the strongest man in the World!

His actions brought about changes in the world.

When the news of Ace's execution spread, the Shichibukai also received

invitation orders from the Marines headquarters one after another.

In the face of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Marines need to be fully


While the world undergoes huge change, Blackbeard is enjoying a happy

life at the Marines Headquarters.

Blackbeard was taking his men for a walk in the Marines Headquarters,

and the Marines who saw them all looked at them with fear.




016 Vice Admiral Chaton


"Zeehahahaha, I'm afraid those top figures are all worried about this

matter now! "

Blackbeard and Burgess were talking and laughing.

"Now the Whitebeard Pirates must really hate you, Captain!


Burgess said confidently.

"I can't wait any longer"

Laffitte grinned, covering his mouth.

Doc Q and Van Augur both had faint smiles on their faces.

The marines officers in the Marines headquarters were whispering about

Blackbeard and the others.

"Was he the one who filled Crocodile's position?"

"He doesn't look very strong, but he looks very arrogant."

"I heard his bounty was zero before becoming a Shichibukai. Did Fleet

Admiral Sengoku just pick any pirate to boost the numbers?"

Blackbeard's expression remained unchanged as he continued walking

forward. It was beneath his status to bother with attacking these clowns.




Suddenly, the marines who had spoken earlier fainted one after another.

Laffitte grinned at the other Marines and remarked, "If you can't control

your mouth, you'll may end up dead."

"Hey, wake up! "

The fainted marines couldn't be woken up.

One marines picked up a gun and pointed it at Laffitte: "What did you do

to them?!"

"Just let them get some sleep"

Laffitte said casually.


The surrounding Marines remained silent with anger, glaring at

Blackbeard and his crew.

"You hurt someone and still want to run away?!"

A hoarse voice echoed.

Then a hunched-backed Marines man who looked like a mouse blocked

Blackbeard's path.


Van Augur directly raised his sniper rifle, aiming it at the opponent.

"Stand down, you're no match for him"

Blackbeard said.

He walked out of the crowd, and standing before Blackbeard was another

admiral candidate named 'Chaton' Tokikake.

Rumor has it that Chaton pursued Momousagi 100 times but faced

rejection each time.

He's obsessed with Momousagi like a licking dog.

"Does Vice Admiral Chaton have any objections?"

Blackbeard asked with a smile.

"Of course, I have opinions. I heard Momousagi's injury was related to

you. I want to test if the strength of this new Shichibukai is up to


Vice Admiral Chaton remarked mockingly

"It's Vice Admiral Chaton!"

"Now that Blackbeard is in trouble, Vice Admiral Chaton is a candidate

for Admiral, and he is also the strongest among the vice Admirals!"

"Let that Blackbeard pirate suffer a bit for being so arrogant in the

Marines Headquarters!"

After seeing Vice Admiral Chaton, the surrounding Marine officers

appeared to have found a backbone and spoke with increased confidence.

"This dog behaves differently when the owner has come. Each one of

them dares to bark"

Blackbeard remarked, glancing around helplessly.

His words undoubtedly scolded the surrounding marines.

"What, don't you dare compete with me?"

Vice Admiral Chaton looked at Blackbeard with contempt and said.

"Wieehahaha, captain, he's asking for trouble first, so just agree already!"

Burgess laughed out loud.

"We should establish some rules for our fight, right? If things get too

intense, your Marines will probably make their way to deal with me, will


Blackbeard responded.

"Of course, when it comes to a fight, it should be fair game as long as it

doesn't risk lives. But if you end up with a broken arm or leg, well, there's

no guarantees"

Vice Admiral Chaton squinted his eyes and displayed a gentle smile.

"Zeehahahaha! I just like people like you!"

Blackbeard burst into laughter upon hearing this and readily agreed.


Laffitte placed his hand on his forehead and shook his head slightly, the

meaning of which was clear.

Soon, they arrived at the square.

People quickly heard that the newly appointed Shichibukai was going to

fight with Vice Admiral Chaton, and the news spread quickly. attracted a

lot of attention


"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Vice Admiral Chaton is about to face off with

Blackbeard in the square. Do you want to stop this?"

A Marine officer entered Sengoku's office.

"Ah, Vice Admiral Chaton must be doing it because Momousagi, so let

him vent his anger. I can also assess Blackbeard's strength"

Sengoku waved his hands upon hearing this and then walked out. From

the tall building of the Marines Headquarters, he looked down and could

see the huge square.

At this time, a large number of Marine officers had gathered in the square

to watch.


Sengoku turned around and saw that on the right, Aokiji was already

standing outside the building, acting as an observer.

"Aokiji, what do you think about Blackbeard's strength?"

Sengoku asked

"I don't know, but I felt a sense of threat from him"

Aokiji shook his head, not giving a definitive answer.

"We'll find out soon."

Sengoku looked at Blackbeard with a meaningful expression. Aokiji felt

threatened by Blackbeard, and there was a sense of unease in his heart.

In the square, Blackbeard glanced around.

"So many people are watching?"

"Why don't you spare yourself some embarrassment and admit defeat


Vice Admiral Chaton smiled, showing confidence in his own strength.

"Well, since it's a sparring match, you have to give it your best shot"

Blackbeard smiled.

Burgess, Van Augur, and the others exchanged glances. They knew their

captain too well.

Hearing such words from their captain meant he had no good intentions,

Things were going to get ugly!




017 Tokikake Copy Fruit

"This fight has to be fair of course."

"After all, you're also a member of the Shichibukai"

Vice Admiral Chaton said with narrowed eyes, but at the same time he

was sneering in his heart.

<em>"If you dare to hurt Gion, I'll make sure to teach you a lesson for

whatever you do next."</em>

"That's good."

Blackbeard naturally understood that the words of the other party

couldn't be trusted, but he wasn't showing any weakness or deniable

either way

It's not wise to reveal his true strength here at the Marines Headquarters.

Before completing his plan, he needs to remain unpredictable.


Vice Admiral Chaton gestured with an inviting motion.

Blackbeard's eyes narrowed slightly as he observed. The opponent was

certainly not a swordsman, and judging by the opponent's size, he also is

not a physical expert. There was only one possibility. Vice Admiral

Chaton relied on his Devil Fruit ability. And as Admiral candidates, he

definitely possessed the strength of an admiral.

His fists clenched, completely enveloped in darkness. He moved with a

flash and appeared in front of Chaton!

Without any flashy techniques, he threw a punch!

Vice Admiral Chaton saw this and clenched his fist, throwing a punch

with the same posture!

"This is..."

"How can it be!"

Burgess, Laffitte, and other Blackbeard crew widened their eyes.

Because Tokikake's fist also had darkness enveloping it!


The two fists collided, creating a resounding noise.

It was like the collision of two small black holes.

"Blackbeard's Devil Fruit powers are also strange."

Fleet Admiral Sengoku narrowed his eyes slightly. With just one blow, he

witnessed the strange destructive power of the Logia: Dark=Dark Fruit.

"Indeed, but fortunately, it was Tokikake who fought him. After all, his

Devil Fruit ability is really troublesome"

Aokiji nodded.


Blackbeard looked at Chaton with curiosity. Chaton had just used his

Devil Fruit ability.

"Hahaha, look at his expression, he was genuinely frightened by Vice

Admiral Chaton!"

"Vice Admiral Chaton is the most formidable maverick in our Marines. It's

really unfortunate for any devil fruit user to get entangled with him!"

The Marine officers watching the spectacle burst into laughter, pride

evident on their faces.

"I am a copy human who possesses the Paramecia Copy Fruit, allowing

me to replicate any move of my opponent!"

Vice Admiral Chaton said with a faint smile on his face.

The Copying Fruit...

Blackbeard looked at Chaton with a hint of interest, as if he had

discovered something marvelous.

Blackbeard's burning eyes made Chaton look stunned.

"Can you copy this?"

Blackbeard wanted to test the capabilities of the Copy Fruit ability.

"Black Hole!"

The darkness spread around him, with him at the center, directly

enveloping Tokikake.

"My fruit ability has a limited copying range. This kind of range-type

ability can't be copied. However, my ability has another advantage—it

can be stored!"

Vice Admiral Chaton said without changing his expression. Then, his

body transformed into a ray of light and disappeared within the range of

the black hole.

"This time it's the ability of the Light-Light Fruit"

Blackbeard said, looking at Chaton as if he were looking at a treasure.

"Although each move can only be stored once and used once, I can store

more different abilities, like this one!"

After Chaton finished speaking, he crossed his hands in front of him. A

frigid aura gradually rose around him, soon condensing into two ice

spears! This time, it was the ability of the Ice-Ice Fruit!


The ice spears lunged at Blackbeard.

"Black Hole."

Blackbeard's eyes narrowed, and the ice spear was instantly swallowed by

the black hole in his palm

"Can you copy this too?"

"Dark Water!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Blackbeard's mouth, and the attraction

force of the dark water touched Chaton's body, directly absorbing his

Devil Fruit power!

"Of course..."

Chaton was about to speak, but realized that his Devil Fruit ability could

no longer be used.

His devil fruit power has failed!

Chaton, who has always relied on his Devil Fruit ability, is like a wolf

without its teeth now.

His expression showed panic for the first time.

At this moment, Blackbeard's eyes narrowed, a fierce light flashing in


Vice Admiral Chaton's heart beats violently.

This was because Blackbeard's eyes were completely different from


"Not good!"

Although Sengoku didn't know what happened, he felt that Tokikake

would be in danger!

However, everything was too late...

Because this was the opportunity Blackbeard had been waiting for!

His figure flashed, and he had already appeared behind Tokikake. At this

moment, a black hole appeared on one hand, and he directly used it to

swallow one of Tokikake's arms!

The Dark Fruit can devour everything it swallow, destroying all in its


Not to mention an arm without any defense!


Vice Admiral Chaton screamed, and large drops of sweat rolled down his


The cramping pain in his arms brought him to the edge of collapse!


Sengoku shouted.

"Hey, hey..."

Blackbeard retracted the black hole when he heard Sengoku's voice,

while wearing a faint smile on his face.

Immediately afterward, Chaton's arm was exposed for everyone to see.

His arm now naturally hung at his shoulder, and he can no longer have

any feeling in this arm.

Because the bones and meridians of the entire arm were shattered!

Vice Admiral Chaton touched the arm with his other hand, and it felt like

a toy in his grasp...

This scene made the surrounding people fall into strange silence…




Note: <em>When you play with a Viper, be ready to be bit by it;s


018 Unexpected Turn

After a short quiet moment, the place exploded with noise!

"What happened to Vice Admiral Chaton's arm?!"

"What devil fruit powers does he have? Why couldn't Vice Admiral

Chaton move just now? He should be able to keep using his stored fruit


"Vice Admiral Chaton has collected nearly all the fruit-powered abilities

in our marine forces. How could he lose to Blackbeard?"

The expressions of the nearby marines went from proud to grim in an


The battle turned the situation around completely, catching them off


"A really dangerous individual..."

Aokiji looked at Blackbeard from the building with serious eyes. Even he

felt uneasy when Blackbeard unexpectedly unleashed his power just now.

"Capture him! We must take revenge for Vice Admiral Chaton!"

"Go after Blackbeard!"

The marines quickly reacted, surrounding Blackbeard and his pirate crew,

as if they were about to capture them.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Vice Admiral Chaton proposed the fight, and the

rules were alsocreated by him. Are marines really can't handle losing in a

fair fight? Is this how the marines treat their guests?"

Blackbeard's face was calm, and he turned to look at Sengoku on the high

building of the marines headquarters.

Upon hearing these words, Sengoku's face changed from blue to white

and back again.

To put it bluntly, Vice Admiral Chaton was asking for trouble.

Surprisingly, he stirred up trouble and got himself into a messhe created.

Blackbeard stood motionless, looking around the area. He couldn't be

bothered to explain things to the insignificant marines in the plaza.

What's more important is that there is very likely to be a war with the

Whitebeard Pirates in the future.

Right now, Sengoku doesn't want to provoke the Shichibukai, as they will

play a crucial role in assisting the Marines during the war.

If he takes down Blackbeard, will the rest of the Shichibukai still side

with marines in future war with Whitebeard?

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, there is no need to be embarrassed. This is all

because my strength is inferior to him. I admit defeat, and everyone

should leave."

Chaton said with a furious expression, casting a sharp glance at

Blackbeard. And then two medical staff members then stepped forward to

examine his injuries.

"Vice Admiral Chaton is a truly strong person. If I hadn't used that move

just now, I might have been the one on the ground. I'm really sorry, truly


Blackbeard turned around and looked at Chaton. He said it with a serious

expression and a sincere tone.

"No wonder Vice Admiral Chaton paused during the fight. It seems he

was preparing to use a special move..."

Burgess added, understandingly.

"This competition is truly fantastic, fantastic!" Laffitte exclaimed,

applauding enthusiastically.

Blackbeard's crew praised the fight in unison, leaving the surrounding

marines in astonishment.

Did Vice Admiral Chaton truly pose a threat to Blackbeard's life, forcing

Blackbeard to take decisive action?


Chaton snorted coldly, refusing to open his mouth for a rebuttal.

Refuting Blackbeard would only make him appear weaker, wouldn't it?

It's as if someone intentionally cripple his arm, leaving him with a loss

greater than a fair match.

During this moment, the marines who were fighting against injustice for

Admiral Chaton fell silent. Seeing that the Vice Admiral didn't say

anything, they gradually calmed down their anger.


Blackbeard and his crew have come back to their residence.

As soon as the five people walked in the door, laughter burst out in the


"Zeehahahaha! ! !"


"Hahaha! Cough cough cough! ! Ha ha! !"

"The reaction of the Chaton just now was so ridiculous to me. Before I

could react, his arm had already been cripled! Wieehahhaha! !"

"And what about the little act we put on with you captain? Those fools

actually bought it!"

Burgess laughed.

The five of them laughed again, and the laughter lingered for a while

before stopping.

Outside the door, the two marine officers tasked with guarding them

were so scared that they were sweating heavily, too afraid to utter a


"Captain, is Vice Admiral Chaton's left arm truly useless now?" Laffitte


Leaning back in his chair, Blackbeard smiled and said: "He's no expert in

physical combat. Once he loses his fruit ability, he becomes quite

vulnerable. I think he might end up needing his limbs amputated."

"It's exhilarating. We crippled a Vice Admiral's arm right in front of all

the marines, and now they have to serve us. This kind of life is very

comfortable! Wieehahaha!"

Burgess laughed again upon hearing this.

"Now, in the brink of war, Fleet Admiral Sengoku surely wouldn't dare to

provoke Captain, who represents the Shichibukai. Faced with this

situation, it became a insignificant issue and a trivial matter,"

Doc Q said, while lying weakly on the sofa.

Thinking about the war ahead, Van Augur seemed to have a realization

and asked Blackbeard, "Captain, there are still six days until Ace's

execution. How much time do I have to get ready?"

"Absolutely, as long as our plan has to be foolproof!"

A gleam of determination lit up in Blackbeard's eyes. He knew he had to

be fully prepared in the upcoming days because the Summit War is where

he truly rose to power!





The updates will now follow a fixed schedule, from Tuesday to Saturday

(5 chapters per week), releasing at 00:00 GMT+7 on those days.


I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 5+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18


Note: That’s dirty, but I liked it. It’s pirates, who believed someone

who is master at lying and deceiving?

019 Clash Between Emperor

After the announcement of Ace's execution, it has now reached the sixth

day, with only one day remaining before the execution!

On this day, all the major powers are making their move!


Marine Headquarters, conference room.

"Will all the Shichibukai be here tomorrow?"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku asked from his seat in the middle of the

conference room, his expression was very serious

"Blackbeard and Bartholomeow Kuma are already at the headquarters.

Boa Hancock, Moria, and Donquixote Doflamingo are expected to arrive

tomorrow. As for Hawkeye, it's uncertain whether he will come or not"

A Marine officer reported.

"Hmm, better than we thought."

Sengoku nodded and added, "I didn't expect the Pirate Empress choosing

to help us this time, and Jinbei withdrawing from the Shichibukai at this

moment. I hope Hawkeye can make it tomorrow."

"In the New World, aside from Whitebeard pirates, are there any actions

from the other four Emperors?"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku inquired again.

"Report, besides the Big Mom Pirates, Kaido and Red Hair have also made

their move!"

Another Marine responded.

"This is truly troublesome! We must not only be cautious of that

monstrous man named Whitebeard, but also stay wary against all forces.

Keep a close eye on them and report any findings immediately!"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku said with a solemn expression.

"Understood, sir!"

The marines in the conference room nodded collectively. In this critical

time, none of them dared to take things lightly.

Now, the Shichibukai are already on their way to Marineland, and they

will gather in Marineland tomorrow morning

All main ships of the Whitebeard Pirates have been completely coated

and submerged into the seabed, awaiting Ace's execution day.


In the New World, a top-notch showdown unfolded today.

On the route to Marine Headquarters, several pirate ships majestically

sailed towards Marineford. All heading in the same direction, one could

spot numerous Zoan-type fruit ability users on each ship.

This pirate crew is none other than the Beasts Pirates!

"Hahaha, boss, this is truly exhilarating. If we take down Whitebeard, we

eliminate a formidable opponent! This time, I've enhanced the power of

the plague bomb specifically. In a battlefield with a large number of

people, a large number of people will definitely die!"

Beast Pirates top cadre,''The Plague' Quinn laughed.

"The day when the boss will rule the world is not far away!"

Another Beast pirates top cadre, Jack 'The Drought' laughed in


"This time, we'll catch them off guard. We're not just aiming to take down

Whitebeard; we will create chaos at Marine Headquarters!"

Kaido took a sip of wine, speaking with a drunken smile.

"Making a scene at MarinesHeadquarters sounds exciting! " First mate of

Kaido, King the 'Wildfire' said with enthusiasm.

Upon hearing their words, the expressions of the surrounding pirates

became very excited.

The Marines always pursued them, but this time, they could follow

Governor Kaido to attack Marine Headquarters.

What an exhilarating opportunity!

Little did they know, right in front of them, a pirate ship was waiting for

their arrival.

"Ben, are you sure we can wait here for Kaido?"

The sniper of Red-Haired Pirate,'The Chaser' Yassop was looking into the

distance, but even with his sharp eyesight, he couldn't spot any trace of

the pirate ship.

"Hahahaa, if Ben Beckman is wrong, it means even God won't let us stop


Shanks burst into laughter upon hearing Yassop's words. Even now, his

face showed no signs of worry.

"Don't be anxious. Anxiety can easily cloud your judgment. Whether it

comes or not, you'll know the answer shortly"

Ben Beckman said, sitting calmly on the side and smoking his cigarette

"I've been watching it for a while now, and I still don't know what to


Before he could finish speaking, he noticed several black spots emerging

on the distant sea level. Weren't those black spots is a pirate ships?

"It's really here! Ben Beckman, you're amazing!" Yassop exclaimed.

"Hahaha, the slap in the face came too fast!"

"Yassop, it's a bad habit to question the deputy captain!"

Laughter echoed all around from the crew

A faint smile appeared on Shanks' lips. He stood up, walked to the bow of

the ship, looking at the distant sea level, and declared

"Brothers, get ready. We're going to stop Kaido!"


About five minutes later, a pirate on Kaido's ship suddenly exclaimed,

"Boss Kaido, a pirate ship has been spotted ahead! It's heading towards


"Coming towards us?"

Kaido looked stunned. Most people would undoubtedly run away without

looking back when they saw them. Now, someone was actually

approaching his ship?

Who is this pirate daring to challenge him without fear?

"Who is it?"

Kaido asked curiously

"Yes... it's the Red-Haired Pirates!"

The man's face turned a bit serious after clearly seeing the other party's

pirate flag.


"Get ready to fight, you fools!"

When Kaido heard that it was Shanks, his drunkenness vanished, and he

slowly stood up.

Soon, Kaido could see the people on the opposite pirate ship, and his eyes

were instantly locked on Shanks

"Shanks, I didn't come looking for you, but you've willingly offered

yourself to die!"

Kaido said with a heavy expression.

"If you were allowed to join that war, this era would be in chaos..."

Shanks remarked, maintaining a calm expression.

"Are you trying to stop me?"

Kaido's face turned completely gloomy when he heard this.

"Might as well give it a try!"

Shanks calmly stated with a serious expression as his Conqueror's Haki

burst from his body, darkening the sky and stirring up a storm.

With that, the two pirate groups are about to go to war!!!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 5+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18


Note: the one who has the bigger fist dictated them all!

020 Kaido, I Come to Bargain

When Shanks finished saying this, Kaido transformed into an azure

dragon and soared into the air.


A thunderous roar echoed from his mouth, creating an airwave and

dispeled Shanks conqueror Haki.

"Bolo Breath!"

Terrifying flames gathered in his mouth, shooting an energy wave

directly at Shanks' pirate ship.

"Governor Kaido takes action!"

The Beast Pirates crew exclaimed.

"Still so reckless."

Ben Beckman whispered.

Shanks' eyes narrowed as he saw this. He leaped into the air, already

holding the long sword in his hand!

Divine Departure!

A sword light streaked by, splitting the dragon's breath into two,

exploding on both sides of the ship.

"Do you intend to attack as soon as you arrive? I still have something to

say that I haven't finished"

Shanks said coldly.

"Worororor, if you have something to say, go ahead and finish it!"

Kaido laughed loudly, transforming from dragon to half human-dragon.

Clenching the mace in his hand, he swung his Kanabo at Shanks!

Shanks shouted low, slashed with his sword, and chose to confront Kaido



When the sword and the mace clashed, a terrifying power suddenly

erupted with them at the center!

The clash between Shanks' sword and Kaido's mace didn't even touch,

leaving only a few centimeters between their weapons. Red lightning

emanated from the point of clash, creating a storm around them.

The once calm sea surface erupted into waves. The strange thing was that

the waves on both sides of them moved in completely opposite


The sky seemed to split in two, and a massive crack appeared above the

heads of the two.

"Step back, this is a battle between overlords!"

"What a terrifying power!"

Just a simple collision caused a large number of pirates to be unable to

bear the force between the two and faint to the ship deck.

Their first weapon collision lasted for nearly ten minutes before coming

to a stop.

Then the two began to fight directly in the air, engaging in a fierce clash

of weapons.

"He's actually on par with Boss Kaido!"

"They are worthy of being emperors; their strength is truly terrifying"

Exclaimed many pirates of the Beast Pirates.

The pirates crew of the Red-Haired Pirates also wore grim expressions.

For a fight of this level, they could only watch from a distance.

Soon, most of the day had passed...

Kaido once again transformed into a dragon and flew into the air. He

looked down at Shanks and laughed.

"Woorororor, This is so much fun!"

"Can we have a good talk now? I come to bargain, If we want to decide

the outcome, we have to fight for several days and nights"

Shanks said as he landed on the ship.


Kaido smiled.

He also understood that if he continued to fight like this, he would only

be wasting time. Tomorrow is the day of Ace's execution, and he would

never make it there in time.

"I have a Zoan-type spider fruit here. To be precise, it should be an

Ancient Zoan, Spider Spider fruit. Model: Rosamygale Grouvogeli. If you

take it, don't get involved in this matter, or I won't be able to spare you!"

Shanks said, taking out a devil fruit.

"I'm curious as to what makes you want to stop me"

Kaido asked curiously, knowing that Ancient Zoan fruits are rare. To

willingly give one up to make him avoid participating in the war must

have a strong reason, at least in his eyes.

"I'm stopping you because the war that is going to happen tomorrow is

not simple. I don't want you to continue causing trouble. The purpose of

my doing this is to stop another person, and you should have heard of

that person"

Shanks responded with a serious expression.

"Oh? Who is that?" Kaido further asked.

"The new Shichibukai, Blackbeard!"

When Shanks finished saying this, Kaido was stunned for a moment, and

then laughed as if he had heard a joke.

"You won't tell me that you did all this just for that Blackbeard, right?


"He is far from as simple as you think. I am worried that he will take

action tomorrow"

Shanks replied, didn't care about Kaido's ridicule.

"Worororo, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, Shanks. I'll

accept this Devil Fruit. Boys, let's go home!"

After Kaido accepted the Devil Fruit, he transformed back into his human

form and returned to his pirate ship, laughing.

When Kaido left with his men, Shanks immediately asked his crew, "Let's

set out with all our strength. Can we get to Marineford tomorrow?"

"It's probably not too late!"

Ben Beckman responded.

"Then set sail toward Marineford! I hope my hunch is wrong."

Shanks still didn't show any relief on his face.


Meanwhile, on Kaido side

"Boss, do you think Shanks is crazy? This is the Ancient Zoan, Spider-

Spider fruit!"

Quinn said, holding the fruit that Shanks had given him just now.

"Blackbeard? Isn't he just a Shichibukai? What could make him so

frightened? Boss, do you think he has another conspiracy?"

Jack had a look of confusion on his face

"From what I understand, Shanks is not that kind of person. He's just

thinking too suspiciously."

Kaido took a sip of wine and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Moreover, this time he went to sea and earned an Ancient Zoan, Spider-

Spider fruit. Model: Rosamygale Grouvogeli for free.

"It must be different to have an emperor who is just like you, put so much

thought about what he's gonna do, right?"

King pondered for a moment and said.

"Even if there is any difference, it will not threaten us. This should be

what Shanks is worried about"

Kaido waved his hand, still not paying much attention.


The sixth day passed in the blink of an eye, and now it was the day of

Ace's execution. People all over the world were looking forward to this

public execution broadcast by Marines.

Everyone is paying attention to whether the Whitebeard Pirates will

appear rescuing Ace, but secretly Blackbeard has already started his


And the stage had already been set!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 5+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

021 Preparation

Justice Island, Marineford,

At this time, the top officers of the Marines have gathered here along

with 100,000 elite Marines, and the five Shichibukai are also present!

Because of Jinbei's withdrawal and Blackbeard's disappearance, there are

only five Shichibukai remaining: 'Pirate Empress' Boa Hancock, 'Tyrant'

Bartholomew Kuma, 'Heavenly Yaksha' Donquixote Doflamingo,

'Moonlight' Moria, and the strongest swordsman in the world, 'Hawkeye'

Dracule Mihawk.

On a high platform on the Plaza, the one who is gonna be executed,

Portgas D. Ace kneeling while his head hung low and despair etched in

his face. Beside him were Fleet Admiral Sengoku, standing proudly

looking at the sea.

Below the platform, there are three majestic thrones with the marines

highest combat power sitting in there, Admiral Akainu, Aokiji, and


Below the admiral was Shichibukai and elite marines, each of them

gripping their weapon tightly and nervous evident on their face

This formation is awaiting the arrival of Whitebeard, the strongest man

in the world today!

Even though the Marines had such a powerful force, they did not take it

lightly at all. There was no relaxed look on the faces of the more than

100,000 people present.

Outside the Gate of Justice, more than a dozen Marine warships were

circling, looking dignified!


The enemy has not appeared.

The war has not begun.

Yet the atmosphere at the scene has become extremely tense.

At this moment, a Marine ship was approaching a warship guarding the


"A ship? Could it be that the Marines Headquarters sent someone here?"

Confusion appeared on the faces of the marines on the warship when

they discovered a ship approach at this time

Then they saw figures standing on the Marine ship.


"What is he here for?"

Exclaimed the marines officers on the warship. Their faces showed


"Zeehahahaha! Finally, there's no need to hide anymore!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly, his face showing a trace of madness.

He directly used the Thunder Fruit that he seized from Enel, and turned

his body into a bolt of lightning and disappeared.

In an instant, he reappeared on the marine warship, his speed is

extremely fast!

"No, attack him quickly!"

The marines' faces turned pale with urgency.

"Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! !"

"Bang bang bang bang! ! ! "

Fierce gunfire erupted.

However, all the bullets passed through Blackbeard's body.

After obtaining the Thunder Fruit and the Darkness Fruit, Blackbeard

discovered the difference in his body.

He remained a physical being under normal attacks, but when using the

Thunder Fruit alone, his body would transform into elements

automatically when needed.

This power works best against minions. In the face of a true powerhouse,

he relies on the strength of armament haki.

"Thunder Dragon!"

He shouted. A burst of thunder and lightning erupted from his hand,

transforming into a thunderous dragon that instantly enveloped over a

dozen marines.

The electricity knocked all the marines to the ground, with smoke

billowing from their mouths.

"What kind of ability is this?!"

"How can he control lightning?!"

The other marines stared at Blackbeard in terror.

"Captain, I'm here to help you!"

Burgess exclaimed, jumping onto the warship with a wide grin, while

Van Augur and Laffitte followed suit.

The Marines on the warship fell one by one, tossed into the sea. Before

long, they had successfully taken control of the warship.

Blackbeard reached the control room first. A Marine was delivering

information at that moment. Without hesitation, he walked over and

shattered the Den-Den mushi with a punch.

"Youu…. What are you going to do?"

The marines in the control room was so frightened that he was trembling

when he spoke

"Listen to me, otherwise you will die miserably. "

Walking with a smile, he approached the Marines in the control room.

"I...I can't do it!"

After the Marine spoke, he prepared to rush forward and confront him.

Blackbeard grabbed him, and lightning surged through his hand toward

the marines, growing in intensity with each passing moment.

"Ah! Ahh!"

The Marine twitched from the electric shock, the intense pain forcing him

to scream.

Soon, he was charred black by the electricity. As if he had done a normal

thing, Blackbeard casually threw the marines to the ground, and the

marines could no longer move, lying motionless on the ground


The remaining Marines in the control room instinctively swallowed hard,

feeling a chill run down their spines.

What's with the Shichibukai? They are just demons!

Soon after, the Marine warship changed its course, heading straight for

the Gate of Justice in Impel Down.

"Laffitte, stick to the plan and open the door of justice!"

Blackbeard instructed Laffitte.

"Clear, Captain"

Laffitte acknowledged with a nod. He then extended his wings behind his

back and flew away toward the Marine warship.

"Captain, Sengoku must be making quite a face right now. He's been

serving us for days in vain. Feels like I've gained a few pounds with all

that eating and drinking every day! Weihahaha!"

Burgess laughed hard.

"Sengoku surely can't figure out the captain's plan. With the top forces of

the Marines unable to leave, can't we do whatever we want in Impel


Van Augur suggested. Upon hearing this, Blackbeard's expression turned


"Magellan is no pushover either. Even the lion has to use all his strength

to catch a rabbit. We have the advantage of surprise attacks, but don't get

too confident!"

"It's quite uncommon for a captain to think that way"

Doc Q remarked, wearing a happy smile. Arrogance had always been

their captain's trademark, but now seems he have that under control

"Ignorance breeds fearlessness. You'll understand what I mean once you

experience the power of Magellan's devil fruit"

Blackbeard added.

Even though Shiryu could save him from the poison, he preferred not to

leave his life in the hands of others.

Before long, they reached the Gate of Justice leading to Impel Down.

As soon as they arrived, the Gate of Justice had slowly opened.

Entering through the Gate of Justice, Blackbeard looked at the entrance

to Impel Down before him, a slight curl forming at the corners of his


"We've finally got here!"





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chapters ahead of everyone.

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022 Underwater Prison, Impel


Right before Blackbeard entered Impel Down.

Marineford is heavily fortified, with all the might of the Marines

assembled, anticipating Whitebeard's arrival.

However, Fleet Admiral Sengoku hadn't received any news about

Whitebeard. Instead, another message reached him first.

"What is Blackbeard trying to do, hijacking a warship and heading to

Impel Down now?"

Sengoku's expression changed drastically.

In the end, he fell silent, only able to pray in his heart that Magellan

could defend Impel Down.

Because the marines no longer had the extra power to stop him.

Marineford could never have imagined that this loophole would enable

Blackbeard to rise completely!


Impel Down entrance.

The five members of the Blackbeard crew disembarked from the warship

and approached the entrance.

"Impel Down hasn't called for reinforcements. What brings you here?"

The jailer guarding the entrance blocked Blackbeard and his crew.

"Do you even need to ask? Obviously, we're here to cause trouble"

Blackbeard laughed, then directly unleashed the Black Hole, enveloping

all the jailers at the entrance. The darkness continued to spread until it

covered the gate made of Sea Stone.

All the jailers were plunged into darkness, and the gate at the entrance to

the prison was also submerge into the darkness

The remaining jailers hurried to see the situation. Upon witnessing the

scene before them, their faces contorted into expressions of extreme


"What's going on?!"

Blackbeard smiled as black smoke filled the air, and the gate that had

been drawn into the darkness shattered completely.

The jailers were either dead or on the brink of death, leaving the

remaining ones horrified.

Ignoring them, Blackbeard walks all the way into Impel Down. However,

Burgess and Lafitte rushed forward, taking the initiative to eliminate all

the jailers.

The journey was unstoppable.

Before long, Blackbeard reached the fourth floor of Impel Down.

As expected, they encountered the Supernova, Monkey D. Luffy, in Impel


Not only Luffy but also behind him were 'Knight of the Sea' Jinbei, 'Sand'

Crocodile, and other prisoners following the king of the Kamabaka

Kingdom, Emporio Ivankov.

Both parties came to a stop upon seeing each other.

"It's you?"

Luffy's face showed surprise as memories of their first encounter in Mock

Town flashed through his mind.

Jinbei gazed solemnly at Blackbeard and said, "Luffy, he's Blackbeard!"

"Are you the Blackbeard who handed Ace over to the Marines?!"

Luffy glared at him, as if ready to engage in a fight immediately.

"Little brat, I don't have time to play with you"

Blackbeard chose to ignore him outright. If Jinbei and Crocodile weren't

present, he would have been wanted to capture Luffy.

The most crucial task at the moment is to reunite his crew and strengthen

his power!


Luffy shouted at Blackbeard's retreating figure.

Undeterred, Blackbeard sneered and continued moving forward, ignoring

the demand.

"GearSecond! Gomu-Gomu No: Pistol!"

Witnessing this, Luffy activated Second Gear and launched an attack from


Blackbeard had already expected that Luffy would take action, so he

turned around and threw a punch in response.

People need to know that his fists are imbued with Armament Haki!


Luffy was knocked out by the punch and crashed into the wall, falling to

the ground.

By now, blood was already flowing from Luffy's fist.

"Don't die on the battlefield. Your life is still useful to me. Zeehahahaha!"

Blackbeard laughed, leaving a parting remark, and then turned around to

resume his journey toward the dept of Impel Down.

Burgess and the others followed closely, while Crocodile and Jinbei

watched Blackbeard walk away with solemn expressions.

Without uttering a word, Jinbei grabbed Luffy and sprinted towards the

exit of Impel Down!

As Luffy departed, a smile spread across Blackbeard's face.

In his view, Luffy's life was merely a key to unlock the door to another

war. Nothing more, nothing less.

Of course, before that, he wants Luffy to live well.

Because he wants to maximize the value of Luffy's life, which is his

ultimate goal


After the recent encounter, Blackbeard soon crossed paths with Magellan.

Impel Down is known as an iron wall precisely because of the presence of

Magellan and Shiryu.

"Captain, it's Magellan!"

Burgess exclaimed.

"You stand back"

Blackbeard said, stepping forward and gesturing for Burgess and the

others to retreat.

Magellan's Devil Fruit power is at a formidable level.

Without an antidote, his poison can lead to death or disability.

"Poison Dragon!"

Magellan wasted no time in confronting Blackbeard and the others,

immediately unleashing his ultimate move.

A massive dragon, formed from toxins, lunged at Blackbeard.

While most people couldn't react in time, Blackbeard was ready.

"500 million volts! Thunder Dragon!"

Blackbeard employed the power of the Thunder Fruit, summoning a

thunder dragon that clashed with the poisonous dragon.

The high-temperature lightning and poison were neutralizing each other,

completely nullifying Magellan's poisonous dragon!

Shiryu witnessed the scene and walked steadily toward Magellan. Shiryu

stood beside him, smiled and remarked: "Magellan, you've met your


Magellan ignored Shiryu's taunt. He looked at Blackbeard with serious

eyes and asked: "Who are you?"


"Blackbeard, Teach! "

Blackbeard burst into laughter, then he turned toward Shiryu and said:

"Why do I feel such familiarity when I look at this person? Who are you?"

"Shiryu, your level is too low"

Shiryu commented casually, exhaling the smoke from his cigar.

"Isn't that right? I believe we should be like-minded individuals"

Blackbeard chuckled, extending an invitation with his words.





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023 Former Chief Warden, Shiryu

"Blackbeard, Interesting"

Shiryu smiled, casting his gaze upon Blackbeard, Burgess, and the others

behind him.

As Blackbeard mentioned, this prison isn't meant for people like him to

stay for an extended period.

Even though he was the former warden, he had an urge for bloodlust,

often indiscriminately killing prisoners, which led to his imprisonment.

After enduring imprisonment in Impel Down like a pirate for so long, the

notion of becoming a pirate had already crossed his mind.

What kind of person is he? Of course, that's something to figure

Since he's not comfortable being the warden here in Impel Down, why

not become a pirate?

"Shiryu, handle the rest. I'll take care of Blackbeard"

Magellan said, acknowledging Shiryu's capabilities.

In Magellan view, the roles of warden and pirate were incompatible. How

could Shiryu become a pirate?

"Okay, Chief Magellan"

Shiryu replied, drawing the long sword from his waist, a gleam of

determination in his eyes.


The knife struck Magellan in the back, leaving a gruesome wound.

The sword attack surprised Burgess and Laffitte!

Shiryu had actually attacked Magellan?!

"Captain, when will you become a god?"

Van Augur exclaimed in shock.

"It seems we've truly come to the right place. Before even reaching the

sixth level, we've already gained a powerful ally"

Doc Q laughed.

"Shiryu, you're actually..."

Magellan's eyes widened, turning to look at Shiryu in disbelief.

His already pale face grew even paler after being stabbed.

"Director Magellan, the original Shiryu died in the cage long ago. Now,

Shiryu is a crew member of the Blackbeard Pirates"

Shiryu murmured, his hoarse voice sending shivers toward Magellan

"Zeehahahaha! The Blackbeard Pirates never turn away strong men who

want to join!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly upon witnessing the scene.

It was precisely because he understood Shiryu's mindset that Magellan

fell victim to Shiryu's successful attack.

"Even if it costs me my life, I won't let you wreak havoc in Impel Down!"

In this dire situation, Magellan showcased the formidable strength of his

conviction. It was his mission to protect Impel Down City, and he was

ready to risk his own life to fulfill it.

"What a great director!"

Blackbeard laughed heartily upon hearing this.

Black smoke gradually rose from one of his hands, while thunder and

lightning violently crackled in the other.

He look at Shiryu and smiled, saying: "You'll be proud of today's decision.

You will feel honored because the next era belongs to Blackbeard!"

Upon witnessing this scene, Shiryu's pupils suddenly shrank.

Could it be that...?!

"That's right, it's what you think. These are just two Devil Fruit abilities. I

can have more!"

Blackbeard declared proudly.

He then put away his Thunder Fruit ability and, utilizing the powers of

the Dark Fruit, unleashed his skill.

"Dark Water!"

A gravitational force directly nullified Magellan's ability and pulled him


"You better not touch him!"

Seeing this, Shiryu quickly warned him not to touch Magellan. Even he,

with Magellan's body full of toxins, didn't dare to touch it with his hands.

However, his expression immediately froze.

Because Magellan doesn't use his Devil Fruit ability!

On the contrary, Blackbeard delivered a direct punch to Magellan,

causing him to vomit blood!

"This is the power of the Dark Fruit. I can make devil fruit user unable to

use their Devil Fruit ability,"

Blackbeard explained, aware of what Shiryu was thinking.

"Unable to use Devil Fruit abilities..."

Shiryu's expression couldn't help but become horrified!

With his double Devil Fruit and his extraordinary abilities, he and

Magellan could probably be defeated!

Seeing this, he couldn't help but feel a bit fortunate to have joined the

Blackbeard Pirates.

"It seems that my vision is still very accurate. "

Shiryu remarked, his eyes lighting up. Doesn't he need a captain like


Magellan crouched on the ground in pain, his forehead covered in cold


He had never been actively touched by others, and now he was actually

being punched by someone!

"Poison Gas Bomb!"

A poisonous bubble flew out of Magellan's mouth as he attempted to buy

some time.


The bubbles exploded, releasing a large amount of poisonous gas!

Burgess and the others were so frightened that they quickly backed away.

"Black Hole!"

Blackbeard sneered, and a black hole appeared in front of him. The

floating poisonous gas was absorbed into the black hole before it could


Magellan's poisonous gas was of no use to him.

"Give up. I don't want to kill you just yet"

Blackbeard said.

"If you want to cause chaos in Impel Down, you have to step over my

body first!"

"The Giant Poisonous Soldier, the Judgment of Hell!"

Magellan roared angrily, and the toxins in his body exploded,

transforming into a massive skeleton poisonous man!

The venom on his body also changed from purple to bright red!

"Don't come into contact with his venom. Once you're contaminated, it

will gradually spread until you die! And there is no antidote!"

When Shiryu saw this, his face couldn't help but become grave.

Magellan's move frightened countless people!





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chapters ahead of everyone.

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024 Impel Down 6th Floor

Blackbeard sneered when he saw this. He naturally knew that Magellan

had such a killer move.

This is also his last resort.

"Black Hole! "

He squatted down and touched the ground with his palms. The darkness

under his feet quickly spread around him, directly enveloping Magellan.

Then, an attraction appeared in the darkness on the ground, and

Magellan's body gradually fell.


Magellan glared at Blackbeard, his face showing reluctance, but it was to

no avail.

His bulky body could not escape the gravitational pull of the black hole,

and he was soon completely swallowed.

"Magellan was swallowed by darkness!"

Burgess and other crew displayed an excited expression on his face. They

knew the power of the Dark Fruit. The moves may look calm, but the

destructive power within the darkness is extremely terrifying!

"Zeehahahaha! Now we can do whatever we want!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly, and thick black smoke gathered in the air.

After a long time, Magellan was released.

At this time, Magellan had returned to his original form, his whole body

covered with blood, and he had passed out.

"Captain, why don't you kill him?"

Shiryu glanced at Magellan on the ground and asked.

If Blackbeard nodded, he would take action without hesitation.

"No need, his life is still valuable."

Blackbeard looked back at Magellan lying on the ground and didn't care

much for now

He can still absorb a fruit ability now, and this opportunity will be

reserved to absorb the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

Furthermore, he has not yet confirmed a method of plundering the fruit

ability. Once that method is established, the Venom-Venom Fruit must be

one of the fruits he wants to plunder.

At that time, he can use the ability to plunder the fruit to cultivate a

group of powerful subordinates. With the crew linked to him, he won't

have to worry about any of his subordinates rebelling!

After dealing with Magellan, there was no one in Impel Down who could

stop Blackbeard.

Soon, they had reached the sixth floor, where the world's most vicious

criminals were imprisoned.


In Marineford, in the bay in front of the Marines Headquarters, the calm

sea suddenly churned.

Moby-Dick emerged from the ocean floor like a colossal whale.

"I didn't expect that they would choose to come here under the sea! "

Sengoku's expression shifted dramatically.

At this moment, Whitebeard stood at the ship's bow, with numerous

Division Commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates behind him.

Pirate ships surfaced one after another from the ocean depths, leaving all

the present Marines in utter shock!

"Gurararara, Sengoku, it's been a while. Is my son doing alright?"

Whitebeard's hearty voice echoed through the now silent Marineford.

The tension in the entire Marineford has risen to the extreme. What they

were worried about has finally come!

The war is about to begin…

Now, the whole world is watching the war unfold between Whitebeard

pirates against the Marines Headquarter.


The Red-Haired Pirates are also heading to Marineford with all their


"Whitebeard has finally made his move. I really don't know what the next

era will be like"

Shanks said with a heavy voice.

"The entire Whitebeard territory was empty. He has gathered all his

strength and headed to Marineford. I'm afraid..."

Ben Beckman murmured.

"Yes, he was prepared to die!"

Shanks' expression became more serious.

The downfall of an emperor signifies a shift in world power dynamics.

Simply put, the upcoming war will bring in substantial changes to the


"If something were to happen to Whitebeard, his territory would be

plundered by countless pirates. No one dares to imagine the immense

wealth a top emperor would leave behind,"

Yasopp explained.

"I'm afraid it will be divided equally between Big Mom and Kaido. Our

boss doesn't seem to have that in mind"

Lucky Roo remarked between bites of a pig leg.

Shanks listened to his friends' discussion without saying anything because

his mind was not here at all.

After a while, he sighed and said "I don't know why, but the one who

created the fuse of this war, Blackbeard, will also do something,

thismakes me very uneasy."

"With his strength and ambition, he would never willingly be satisfied to

just become a Shichibukai"

Ben Beckman nodded.

"I hope the world won't be too bad after this war" Shanks sighed.

After Shanks finished speaking, he quietly looked at the sea in front of

him. The world has remained stagnant for too long.

Similarly, various hidden dangers have begun to surface, and the world is

on the brink of change.


Descending to the sixth floor of the prison

Blackbeard led the way, with Shiryu, Burgess, and the rest following


Their presence brought the entire sixth floor to life.

"Haha, Impel Down is quite lively today. It's like a party with guests

arriving in groups."

"Oh? Why is Shiryu following that guy? Wasn't he released by Magellan?"

As they entered, the prisoners recalled the commotion surrounding


"I'm now a member of the Blackbeard Pirates, and Warden Shiryu is a

thing of the past,"

Shiryu said casually.

"Oh? Is he Blackbeard, the Blackbeard? Looks pretty weak!"

"Shiryu, we know your tricks. It would be too boring to pull off such a

stunt just to eliminate someone"

Two skeptical voices came from the cage.

"Zeehahaha, have you all been imprisoned for so long and become

stupid? If that's the case, I'll be very disappointed. I initially came here to

recruit some reliable subordinates"

Blackbeard laughed in response after hearing their word

"Looking for subordinates? Let me out and I will be your subordinate!"

"Just set me free, and I'll do anything for you! I'll be your devoted

servant, even if it means being a cow or a horse!"

"I can be your subordinate too!"

Pirates on both sides of the prison talk one after another, but there was

no sincerity in their eyes.

Most of the criminals just smiled and remained silent.

They knew these individuals were more cowardly than others, and only

fools would release them.

"Zeehahaha, no problem, I'll let you out right now!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly and headed straight to a cage.

Darkness emerged in the palm of his hand, swallowing the door of a cage

whole. The prison where the criminals were held was flung wide open.

Not only that, Blackbeard also instructed Shiryu to untie the chains of

these Sea Stones around their hands and feet

The released criminals looked confused, clearly not expecting Blackbeard

to actually set them free so easily

At this moment, the entire sixth floor fell into silence.





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025 Cooperation

The sixth floor was eerily silent.

Who would have imagined that, even after staying here for over a decade

or even longer, they'd witness someone being set free?

And the person who released the criminal clearly seemed like he couldn't

understand the current situation.

It's important for people to be aware that some of the most dangerous sea

criminals are held captive here. Releasing them will surely lead to


Not to mention becoming someone else's subordinate, these people are

also capable of beating someone and killed them

Indeed, when the five criminals were set free, their expressions changed


Their true colors were revealed in that instant.


Blackbeard sighed upon witnessing their transformations, casting a

curious glance at the five newly freed criminals.

He wanted to see what these people were going to do.

"I appreciate being freed from this dreadful place, but I need some time

to consider becoming your subordinate."

"Still want me to be your subordinate? I would like to ask if you are

interested in becoming my subordinate? I'll give you an official rating,

hahahaha! !"

The five criminals exchanged glances, each wearing a strange smile on

their lips.

Besides keeping an eye on Shiryu, they disregarded Blackbeard, Burgess,

and the rest of the Blackbeard crew.

They were once famous pirates on the dreadful sea.

How canpowerful pirates like them become subordinate to those whose

reputation has never been heard of?

"In that case, I can't allow you to leave"

Blackbeard sighed heavily.

How could he not know what these people were thinking? His purpose

was to pick a few losers to intimidate the rest!

In this world, whoever has the strongest fist has the final say.

It crackled, thunder and lightning erupted around him, enveloping the

five criminals instantly.

The intense lightning caused constant twitching among them, fried their

flesh directly

In just a moment, the five criminals who had just been released were

already lying on the ground, motionless.

At this moment, the look of everyone toward Blackbeard changed.

"This level of strength isn't worth being my subordinate"

Blackbeard said with a slight smile, causing those who had

underestimated him to be visibly surprised.

"Our boss, Blackbeard, has come here with good intentions for you. Don't

disappoint him"

Shiryu declared, as a former warden, and the one who previously dealt

with them, his words carrying significant weight in Impel Down.

Everyone here knows his name and reputation, and someone like him

follows this Blackbeard fellow, who's just nameless pirates before!

This time, the expressions on the faces of the present criminals turned

serious. They realized Shiryu wasn't joking; he had indeed become the

subordinate of someone named Blackbeard.

Who is this Blackbeard person that made Shiryu willingly become his


"Tea…ch, why do you look so familiar? I finally remembered who you


Suddenly, a low voice broke the strangeness.

His calm voice hushed the discussions around, bringing about silence.

Several eyes turned towards that direction simultaneously.

As they recognized the person, everyone's expressions shifted to


Even Blackbeard appeared surprised. Could there be someone here who

knows him?

He proceeded towards the sixth floor, and before long, his steps halted in

front of the person who had just spoken.

In this room, there's only one pirate locked in the cage. He possesses a

robust physique with clearly defined muscle lines.

"I wondered who could recognize me in this miserable place, and here it

is, you, Bullet, the former crew member of the Roger Pirates"

Blackbeard said with some curiosity in his eyes

The one who recognizes him is none other than Douglas Bullet, also

known as the Devil Heir, a former member of the Roger Pirates. People

say his power rivals that of Silver Rayleigh, the Vice Captain of the Roger


"Former Roger Pirates crew member?"

Burgess suddenly perked up with interest.

"As expected, the people who locked up here are all monsters"

Laffitte remarked, with Van Augur expressing a bit of surprise as well.

"Weren't you the kid on Whitebeard's ship before? Now that Whitebeard

is at war with the Marines, why you come here to gather subordinates

rather than go to war with your father?,"

Bullet stared at Blackbeard and asked.

"Zeehahaha, Whitebeard is old and no longer worthy of my loyalty"

Blackbeard replied with a smile.

Bullet frowned, then suddenly smiled, "I heard you killed your own

crewmates and handed Ace over to the Marines. Who would dare to be

your subordinate?"

"Shouldn't they be blamed for being too weak? The partner I seek is the

strong one"

Blackbeard replied with a persistent smile.

How could he not understand the meaning behind Bullet's words? The

other party was indirectly mocking him.

"You are truly cruel and ruthless. I never imagined Whitebeard would be

betrayed by his own crew, even worse than Captain Roger..."

Bullet sighed suddenly.

Hearing this, Blackbeard burst into laughter. "On the sea, everything is

decided by the winner. Besides, we're all just pirates. Do we need to play

fair to get what we want?"

"That's true."

Bullet nodded once more. Suddenly, he stood up, and the chains on his

body clattered.

Finally, he looked directly at Blackbeard and asked, "Would you be

interested in cooperating with me?"


Blackbeard's face showed surprise, then he smiled and said, "What value

would cooperating with you bring to me?"

"I've hidden a treasure out there that could drive any pirate crazy!"

After Bullet spoke, a smile spread across his face.





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026 That Doesn’t Interest me

"Drive any pirate crazy..."

When those words come from someone else's mouth, people might not

take it seriously.

However, when spoken by an original member of the Roger Pirates' crew,

the significance naturally changes.

The Roger Pirates can reach the final island, Laugh Tale!

And their captain then hailed as the Pirate King!

As soon as these words came out, all the pirates became interested


Blackbeard looked at Bullet and asked: "What in the world is that?"

"Eternal Log Pose to Laugh Tale."

After Bullet spoke, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, wearing a

confident smile.


The sixth floor erupted in an uproar!

The eyes of all the criminal pirates lit up with excitement!

The Eternal Log Pose to Laugh Tale can truly drive any pirate crazy!

Once this thing surfaces, it will draw the attention of most force in the

world, all trying to snatch it!

His words even piqued the interest of many formidable prisoners on the

sixth floor.

"The Eternal Log Pose to Laugh Tale sounds very interesting, hahaha"

Remarked the corrupt king, Avalo Pizarro.

"If you obtain this thing, can you get the ultimate treasure?"

Asked Crescent Moon Hunter, the infamous female criminal, Catarina


"It turns out he left behind such a good thing"

'Heavy Drinker' Vasco Shot remarkedwith a hint of interest.

"Captain, this is truly a good thing!"

Burgess said to Blackbeard, suggesting that with the Eternal Log Pose,

they could reach the final island just like Roger.

Doc Q and the others remained silent, waiting for Blackbeard's decision.


Upon hearing this, Blackbeard burst into laughter.

His laughter caused Bullet's smile to gradually fade, as he sensed a hint of

mockery in the other party's laughter.

"What do you mean?" Bullet asked in cold tone

"What's the meaning?

A playful smile appeared on his lips. Then he continued

"What's the use of just going to Laugh Tale? If, for example, you weren't

locked up in this broken cage, then Roger wouldn't be dead"

His words once again silenced the criminals on the sixth floor in an



Bullet's expression changed, and he lunged toward Blackbeard with a

swift movement, only to be firmly held back by the Seastone chain.

"I thought you'd come up with something more interesting, but I'm quite

disappointed. It's better to avoid cooperation between us. Just an Eternal

Log Pose to Laugh Tale isn't enough to pique my interest,"

Blackbeard responded with a smile.

After hearing his words, Bullet's face turned livid.

The reason why he followed Roger was because he wanted to surpass


It can be said that he was so proud that, apart from Roger in his life, no

one could make him suffer humiliation

Now, with Blackbeard showing disdain, it seriously hurt his self-esteem!


"He is indeed the man I've been waiting for"

Shiryu said with some admiration upon hearing this.

"You're right. Without strength, everything is in vain. What's the use of

reaching Laugh Tale? Can you gain the power to rule the world? Can you

live forever? If it were possible, then Roger wouldn't be dead"

Laffitte expressed strong agreement.

"The captain's ideas are always a bit strange"

Van Augur remarked.

"An Eternal Log Pose to Laugh Tale would indeed do little to change the

fate the captain desires"

Doc Q added, not refuting. He saw it more thoroughly than the others.

Aren't they following Blackbeard to assist him in achieving his ambition

to rule the world?

On this Grand Line, an Eternal Log Pose can only connect the dots. Even

if the waves don't rise, it doesn't mean your journey will be instantly


After all, they can only achieve this goal by relying on their own


Burgess was the only one who didn't comprehend Blackbeard's actions,

but he remained obedient and didn't refute Blackbeard.

If Blackbeard tells him to go east, he'll never head west.


"He's truly an interesting man..."

Avalo Pizarro, Vasco Shot, Catarina Devon, and even the Colossal

Battleship San Juan Wolf all gazed at Blackbeard with curiosity.

At that moment, Blackbeard stepped forward.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Marshal D. Teach. You can call me


After finishing speaking, Blackbeard stretched out his hands, and the two

fruit abilities of Dark Fruit and Thunder Fruit appeared on his hands



He punched a nearby cage, and lightning surged out.

The criminals in the cage were electrocuted to death before they could


"This is the Logia Thunder Fruit. You've already seen it. Now, let me

show you another ability"

Blackbeard said, wearing a smile, and then activated the power of the

Black Hole.

The boundless darkness spread across the sixth floor, enveloping all the

cages, and the shadow slowly crept up the seastone of each cage

Especially the door!

All the criminals stared in bewilderment at the unfolding scene. They had

no clue about Blackbeard's intentions.

Soon, the darkness started to retract towards Blackbeard.

As the darkness vanished, all the cages on the sixth floor swung open!

Blackbeard cast a glance at the many criminals present, one by one, and

said with a smile:"This is the most powerful logia devil fruit, the Dark

Dark Fruit."

At that moment, everyone's throats collectively tightened, completely


His recent display stirred up quite a commotion on the sixth floor!





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chapters ahead of everyone.

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027 Prove your worth

All the criminals looked horrified.

The way they regarded Blackbeard changed completely.

"With terrifying ambitions, formidable subordinates, and abnormal

strength, will anyone in the world be his future opponent?"

"How can one person have two fruit abilities!"

"What kind of monster is he?!"

"Blackbeard Teach... he might truly have the power to shake the world!"

"Next, I have to kill Whitebeard's and snatch his Tremor-Tremor Fruit. I

never said I can only have the power of two fruits! Zeehahahaha!!!"

Blackbeard laughed once more.

His words struck everyone on the head like a club.

"So you can have multiple fruit abilities?!"

A criminal asked in disbelief.

"Not only that, in the future, I will create a group of pirates with

powerful fruit abilities. Because I have the method to plunder the fruit

abilities, following me is equivalent to following an overlord of the era!"

Blackbeard spoke out his ambitions boldly. Since he wants to recruit

partners who will follow him, he must make those pirates feel that they

can get benefits by following him.

In this world, no one owes anyone anything.

If there's no benefit, why should these notorious criminals follow him?

"It sounds very appealing!"

Catarina Devon spoke up first.


Blackbeard called, looking at him.

With just one look, Shiryu understood his intentions. He stepped forward

and unlocked the Seastone handcuffs restraining Catarina Devon.

"This feeling is truly wonderful"

Catarina Devon said with a smile after stepping out of the cage.

Blackbeard words were very attractive, and the courage he showed was

even more convincing.

With Catarina Devon taking the lead, the others naturally followed suit.

"I also got a little interested..."

The corrupt king Avalo Pizarro smiled.

After witnessing this, Blackbeard still requested Shiryu to unlock the

Seastone handcuffs for him.

As Avalo Pizzaro untied the handcuffs, his clothes transformed, and his

prison uniform changed into normal attire in the blink of an eye.

Blackbeard's eyes underwent a subtle change.

No wonder during the Marineford Summit War, criminals like Catarina

Devon, Vasco Shot, and Sanjuan Wolf, who came out of prison, were all

wearing prison uniforms, while Avalo Pizzaro was dressed in regular


So, he's probably a Logia Fruit user after all...

Soon, a considerable number of criminals on the sixth floor chose to join

the Blackbeard Pirates, and the number reached a lot of people.

"Captain Teach, it's an honor to follow you. With so many powerful

criminals forming a pirate group, who else can stop us?"

"Hahaha, you're right. I believe Captain Blackbeard is someone capable of

great feats. Who among the people would dare to come to this forsaken

place to find a partner? They wish they could stay far away from here."

"Captain Teach, let's fight our way out together!!!"

The released criminals were all incredibly arrogant, eager to follow

Blackbeard to marineford immediately.

"Hey, hey..."

Burgess and Shiryu looked at each other, wearing a strange smile on their


Because they understand that, in Blackbeard's plan, the next step is the


"Zeehahahahaha! ! ! "

Blackbeard laughed immediately upon hearing this, then sneered and

said: "Although you are all extremely wicked criminals imprisoned on the

sixth floor, I don't want everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates."


His words instantly extinguished the newly kindled enthusiasm of these


"Hahaha, what a mad man! Blackbeard!"

Bullet burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"Interesting, interesting!"

'Red Earl' Patrick Redfield, remnant from the same era as Whitebeard,

notorious swordmaster known as Red the Aloof, watching the spectacle

from the sidelines, also became intrigued.

"I didn't expect to meet someone more arrogant than me here!"

After the Golden Lion Shiki was defeated by Luffy and captured again in

Impel Down City, he also laughed upon hearing Blackbeard's words.

Naturally, they didn't want to be under someone else's command, so they

preferred to watch the show from the sidelines.

"What does Captain Blackbeard mean?"

Many criminals eager to follow Blackbeard asked one after another.

"The Blackbeard Pirates only need strong men; I don't need weaklings.

Whoever among you can survive the fight will become my partner."

Blackbeard said with a smile, as if he were stating something very simple.

His words caused the pupils of many criminals to shrink.

Everyone felt a chill down their spines as they realized just how crazy

Blackbeard was!

Compared to his crew, he also has to consider whether these people are


"Hahahaha, I truly admire such a captain. If what you said is true, I'd be

willing to join the Blackbeard Pirates."

Catarina Devon laughed loudly. Strength is a person's courage. She didn't

take the criminals around her seriously at all.

"Then you might as well give it a try!"

Avalo Pizzaro also laughed and took the lead in action. He extended his

hands and created a cone of soil that pierced through the body of the

criminal in front of him.


The criminal had already died in his hand before he could react.

"This is a familiar feeling, hahaha!!"

Avalo Pizzaro smiled, then raised his hands, and several soil cones

formed around his body. With a thought, the soil cones rushed towards

the surrounding criminals!


"Damn you!"

Several screams echoed.

"Fruit ability user!!!"

Among the criminals, people gazed at Avalo Pizarro in fear and became

wary of him.

The most challenging aspect of confronting individuals with Devil Fruit

abilities is not understanding the other party's ability.

After witnessing Avalo Pizzaro in action, Blackbeard displayed a hint of

interest on his face. Judging from his skill, his fruit abilities seemed to be

a Logia-type Earth-earth Fruit!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 5+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

028 Experiment

Blackbeard felt really pleased when he saw it. As long as the logia fruit

ability user used his devil fruit properly, it's a strong force.

Teach Open his own data panel.

<strong><em>"</em></strong><em>Role: Marshall·D·Teach"</


<em>"Character points: 13,069 points"</em>

<em>"Number of souls: 3"</em>

<em>"Crew Link: Connected to Lafitte"</em>

<em>"Possess fruits: Dark Fruit, Thunder Fruit.</


His character points have increased from 8,000 to over 13,000.

When he opens the data panel, he has to use character points to buy a

crew link because he's now interested in Avalo Pizzaro's fruit ability.

He has two fruits now, and both fruits have acquired souls. He still needs

to assign the remaining soul to the Tremor Tremor Fruit.

Therefore, if he wanted to obtain the ability of the Pizarro Devil Fruit, he

had to link up with him using a crew link.

Then he opened the character point on the data panel Shop.

In the character point shop, he can buy crew links, and even buy another

soul for another devil fruit power

[<em>System Shop:</em>

<em>Crew Links: 5,000 character points.</em>

<em>Souls: 20,000 character points</em>.]

If he doesn't have the fruit ability he really wants, the best way is to let

his subordinates eat the fruit, and then he can use the crew link on them.

He not only gains the fruit's ability but also indirectly controls his


When he has enough character points, he naturaly chooses to redeem the

crew link without hesitation.

[<em>Successfully redeemed a crew link, deducting 5,000 character

points, with 8,069 points remaining</em>.]

After redeeming a crew link in advance, Blackbeard closed the data



On the sixth floor, the criminals who wanted to be his crew members

were already fighting and killing each other

In the midst of the brawl, Blackbeard saw a criminal with an zoan-type

ability—a user of both dog and lion fruits.

Now was the perfect moment for an experiment

A test on the ability to steal devil fruits!

"Doc q prepares for the test we are going to do. "

Blackbeard said with a smile.

Even though he took over Blackbeard's body and didn't inherit the

original Blackbeard's memories, in the days spent with Burgess and the

crew, he discovered something incredible.

Among them was the cooperation between Blackbeard and Doflamingo.

Before Blackbeard became a Shichibukai, he encountered Doflamingo in

the same town where he first met Luffy.

During that time, Luffy defeated Bellamy, and after learning about it,

Doflamingo nearly killed Bellamy on the island.

So, on the island at that time, there were the original Blackbeard,

Doflamingo, Luffy, and Bellamy.

He wasn't aware of the exact collaboration between the former

Blackbeard and Doflamingo, but he knew that Blackbeard had learned a

technique from Doflamingo to steal fruit abilities!

"Already prepared"

Doc Q responded, though he didn't appear to take any action.

"Wieehahaha, if what Doflamingo said is true, then I've got to snatch a

fruit ability too"

Burgess chuckled.

"What exactly are you talking about?"

Shiryu, who just joined, doesn't know anything yet.

"You'll find out later"

Blackbeard smiled slightly. Of course, the fewer people who know about

this, the better.

In the One Piece story, he only witnessed Doflamingo's subordinate

Caesar using it, but he didn't pay much attention at the time.

At that time, Caesar wanted to kill the slime that contained a lot of

poisonous gas on Punk Hazard Island, because the poisonous gas from

slime was caused by eating Zoan salamander fruit.

The salamander fruit essentially breathed new life into the poisonous gas.

To avoid wasting the salamander fruit, he thoughtfully prepared a basket

of apples before dealing with the slimes.

After eliminating the slimes with a significant amount of poisonous gas,

salamander fruits rapidly reappeared in his basket of apples!

Similarly, Doc Q had the same setup in his hands. He simply carried a

basket of apples, with some of the poisonous ones strategically placed to

conceal his intentions!

In the following storyline to seize the Flame-flame Fruit, Burgess wanted

to kill Luffy after failing to secure the Flame-flame Fruit.

During that time, he concealed a lot of fruit with a package on his back,

adorned with the devil fruit pattern, but it was actually to hide his

various fruits within!

Now Blackbeard was ready to seize this chance to confirm everything.

"Whoever can kill the lion man will become our partner right away"

Blackbeard declared.

"Fufufufu, I haven't satisfied with my kill yet!"

Catarina Devon chuckled, glancing at the man and brushing off

Blackbeard's words.

Avalo Pizzaro was even more wild and reckless, continuing to killing the

criminals around him

In their eyes, it was just a game for entertainment.


At that moment, Vasco Shot's gaze fixed on the devil fruit user

Blackbeard mentioned.

After he heard it, his figure disappeared in a flash!

Blackbeard eyes were focused. The speed was challenging for him to

follow, but all he could perceive was a blur of a phantom swiftly closing

in on the Zoan lion power user.

Furthermore, the phantom resembled a drunk Vasco Shot, moving in

strange ways.

In a blink, Vasco Shot materialized right in front of the lion fruit user.

The lion fruit user's face twisted in horror, and without hesitation, he

launched an attack at Vasco Shot!

Vasco Shot appeared to anticipate the opponent's attack, effortlessly

tilting his head to dodge.

He followed up by landing a punch to the lion ability user's chest,

infusing it with Armament Haki!

With a loud thud, the lion-powered user was slammed against the wall!

The corners of Blackbeard's mouth curled slightly.

Avalo Pizaro likely possessed the power of a Logia-type Earth Fruit, while

Catarina Devon and Vasco Shot were both skilled martial artists, with

Vasco Shot excelling in fighting knowledge and speed.

These are truly valuable crew members.





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 5+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

029 Pirate Crew: Assemble!

Vasco Shot is also decisive and seems eager to bring the fight to a swift


He charged ahead, engaging in a fierce clash with the lion fruit user.

His speed caused the Lion Zoan user to spin around.

Soon, the Lion fruit user was defeated. However, Vasco Shot showed no

signs of bruising or panting, it seemed that he hadn't used all his strength

in the fight.

"I just need to kill him?"

Vasco Shot asked, glancing at Blackbeard.

"Of course"

Blackbeard responded without changing his expression.

Vasco Shot nodded, reached out his hand, and quickly snapped the neck

of the lion fruit user, causing the head to immediately hang limp.

"Got it! "

Doc Q uncovered the cloth on the fruit basket and discovered that an

apple had transformed into a devil fruit!

Upon hearing his words, Burgess and the others had a smile on their


Blackbeard nodded, affirming that everything Doflamingo had said was

indeed correct.

Then he turned to Vasco Shot and grinned, saying: "Welcome to the

Blackbeard Pirates!"

"I'm quite interested by the plan you mentioned"

Vasco Shot said, looking at Blackbeard.

Vasco Shot has decided to join his pirate crew. As for Catarina Devon and

Avalo Pizarro, they are still fighting and killing the remaining criminals.

In addition to the three of them, Blackbeard also saw his final partner,

the one who they called a huge battleship, Sanjuan Wolf.

However, even though Sanjuan Wolf was big enough at this time, it was

still only comparable to normal giants.

He wasn't as big as the Marine Headquarters building.

Sanjuan Wolf's expression suddenly changed; he was in pain. Due to his

enormous size, many criminals were swarming and attacking him.

"If you harm me, you'll all face death! Gigantic!"

An enraged Gian suddenly shouted, and his body started to expand.

In a short span, the huge Sanjuan Wolf had reached the roof of the sixth

floor of Impel Down.

"How can he be that massive?!"

"He's a devil fruit user too!!!"

"Why did you provoke him? He's a giant battleship. He is not just a giant,

but he also possesses Paramecia: Huge-Huge fruits!"


There were exclamations all around.

Then, a fist the size of a hill swiftly descended!

As the punch landed, four or five people were slammed directly into the

ground. They lay there, bleeding and unable to stand up.

This is sheer raw power, crushing them directly!

Blackbeard smiled after seeing it. Sanjuan Wolf turned out to be a giant

from the giant clan with Paramecia: Huge-Huge fruit ability.

He is also fortunate enough to acquire a devil fruit that suits him well.

If a regular person is ten times bigger, they might not be comparable to

giants. However, if a giant is ten times bigger, that's a behemoth, and a

hundred times bigger is naturally a colossal battleship!

Screams echoed through the sixth floor, and the other criminals in the

cage couldn't help but gulp nervously. In the end, all their eyes were

fixed on Blackbeard.

If those who survived the brawl all joined his crew, how formidable

would the Blackbeard Pirates become!

Soon, the fight came to an end.

The sixth floor was now stained red with blood, and lifeless bodies

littered lay everywhere.

These were the works of the four pirates.

"Hahahaha, this is so much fun!"

Avalo Pizzaro laughed crazily, then turned to Blackbeard and declared:

"If what you said is false, I think I should be the captain!"

"Blackbeard, what do you think of my strength?"

Catarina Devon asked with her devilish smile.

"Captain Blackbeard, if you release me from this place, I'll be by your side

from now on, is that okay?"

Sanjuan Wolf scratched his head, and spoke in stupid manner.

"Fus fus fus fus, I found a lot of wine!"

Vasco Shot's figure flashed. At this moment, he held several bottles of

wine that he had discovered somewhere. The four individuals displayed

completely different attitudes.

"Zeehahaha, you'll never regret the decision you made today!"

Blackbeard laughed, casting a glance at each of them.

Currently, he has nine crew members: Jesus Burgess, Van Augur, Laffitte,

Doc Q, Shiryu, Vasco Shot, Catarina Devon, Sanjuan Wolf and Avalo


He realized that Avalo Pizzaro, with his own ambitions, posed the most

difficult people among them. However, Blackbeard wasn't in a hurry, as

he had a plan to solve Pizzaro's ambitions.

Now that the crew has assembled, it's time to set sail for the Summit


"You just got a few trash with some decent strength. In the pirate world,

you still have to rely on your own strength"

Bullet sneered at Blackbeard.

After hearing this, Blackbeard locked eyes with Bullet. He knew that

Bullet had always been arrogant, and his strength in the Roger Pirates

was comparable to the Vice Captain, the 'Dark King' Rayleigh.

However, Bullet has always been arrogant. He's a simple-minded and

prideful individual.

These two critical flaws, when combined, can't be compensated for no

matter how powerful he is.

"Heh, you can't achieve the feat I'm about to pull off! I'm the one who's

gonna rule the world!"

Blackbeard's eyes sparkled with ambition, and then he waved his hand at

Bullet: "People like you can't understand what people dream about.

Zeehahaha, you better seek your own miracle. Whether you escape or

meet your end down here is entirely up to you."

After that, Blackbeard turned and left without any hesitation.

Burgess and the others quickly followed.

"Weihahaha, Captain, we really gained a lot this time!"

"I'm really looking forward to the captain's next move..."

"I bet the world will be left in terror."

The world's worst crew members have finally made their debut!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

030 The Summit War

Marineford, the Summit War has already broken out.

Ace was about to be executed, and the Whitebeard Pirates began to fight

with all their strength. This battle reached its peak.

Whitebeard faced three admirals single-handedly, despite being seriously

ill and bearing wounds from the intense battle.

The most severe injury was on his abdomen, a massive hole caused by

Akainu's attack. Such a gruesome wound could be fatal to anyone.

He resembled a ferocious demon, growing even more formidable as the

battle raged on.

This battle drew the world's attention in its entirety.

Who will emerge victorious in the war between the World's Strongest

Man and the Marine Headquarters?


At this moment, Blackbeard and his pirates crew had already arrived in

Marineford, hiding themself behind the Marine Headquarters building.

"Captain, it seems like this war is heating up!"

Burgess smiled at Blackbeard.

"Zeehahahaha, let them fight; we'll bide our time and join in when they're

all worn out."

Blackbeard laughed loudly.

After a while, Shiryu, Laffitte, and the others appeared next to

Blackbeard one by one.

"Captain, all the surrounding Marines have been dealt with, our location

is secure"

Shiryu reported as he approached. He wiped his katana carefully and

sighed inwardly.

"My blade has finally had its fill of blood"

"Fus Fus Fus, Captain, two powerful marines were discovered within the

Marine Headquarters. I'm afraid these are reinforcements the Marines

have prepared,"

Vasco Shot said drunkenly.

"Two powerfull Marines? Does one of them happen to be missing an


Blackbeard inquired upon hearing this.

"That's correct"

Vasco Shot nodded.

"He's a Marine admiral candidate with the power to copy Devil Fruit

abilities. Come, let me demonstrate how we plunder these abilities"

Blackbeard smiled and said to Vasco Shot, Catarina Devon, and Avalo


"You mean?"

Avalo Pizzaro understood Blackbeard's implication.

"That's right, let's kill Vice Admiral Chaton"

Blackbeard nodded, then grinned and said: "By the way, let's sneak

around the Marine Headquarters. You might discover something new


Soon, Blackbeard had infiltrated the Marine Headquarters building.

With everyone's attention focused on the battlefield, no one noticed him

sneaking in. Except for Sanjuan Wolf, whom he stationed as a guard

outside, all members of the Blackbeard Pirate crew had followed him into

the building.

"I remember this is the center of the Marines, isn't it?"

Blackbeard took the lead, ascending to the highest floor of the Marine


Despite the ongoing battle between the Marines and Whitebeard, there

were still numerous Marine troops here guarding this area. It indicated

that something highly important was likely on this floor.

"Black Hole!"

Blackbeard utilized the power of the Dark Fruit, causing darkness to

silently spread across the ground.

"Darkness? What's happening?"

"Why has the ground turned black?"

"No, those are Devil Fruit abilities!!!"

By the time the Marines guard reacted, it was already too late. A

powerful gravitational force surged from the darkened ground, and soon,

they were entirely swallowed.

"Go in and see what's they guarding inside."

Blackbeard stepped out of the corridor, and Burgess, Laffitte, and the

others took the lead, charging into the room guarded by the Marines.

"Captain, there are some puzzling documents here!"

Burgess riipped through the various papers in the room.

"Captain, these documents are of no use to us"

Van Augur informed Blackbeard after scrutinizing them for a while.

"Are there any historical records? " Blackbeard asked once more..

After a lengthy search, Laffitte, Van Augur, and others all shook their

heads. No historical records were found among the documents.

"If it's no longer useful for us, just burn it"

Blackbeard appeared somewhat disappointed. He had hoped for a

significant discovery, but instead, he found the room filled with

disorderly Marine documents.

"Captain, it seems I found something valuable!"

Laffitte's eyes focused on an identity file, and he handed it to Blackbeard.

Blackbeard took it and was stunned.

Vice Admiral Momousagi, Gion's identity file?

This file not only record Gion's life experiences but also reveals the

identity of her parents!

Her mother's name is Gina, a renowned singer in a country. She possesses

a beautiful face, a sweet singing voice, and captivating dance moves.

Her father is a general of that country. Their love story is a union

between a military commander and a beautiful woman, bound by the ties

of the heart.

Then, there is a subtle change occurred in Blackbeard's eyes.

It was mentioned that Gion's mother had caught the eye of a Celestial

Dragon during a performance, and he intended to bring her to the Holy

Land to become his wife.

However, Gion's father directly rejected the deman from the Celestial

Dragons, defying their wishes and disobeying their orders.

The next tragic turn of events is that Celestial Dragons not only killing

Gion's father but also killed her mother.

Gion, who lost her parents, was later discovered by the Marines.

She was still a baby and was eventually taken in by a kind-hearted

Marine, growing up within the confines of the Marine Headquarters.

Blackbeard burst into laughter when he seeing this.

"Zeehahahahaha, what a good person to be taken fancy by Celestial

Dragons, but he directly refuse their demand, and disobey their orders!

Zeehahahaa! !"

He could vividly imagine the scenario in his mind.

It must have been the Celestial Dragons who wanted to forcefully take

Gion's mother away.

Gion's father took the initiative to resist upon witnessing the scene, only

to be killed by the Celestial Dragons. Gion's mother, devastated, suffered

a broken heart.

She resisted the Celestial Dragons but, in the end, she was also killed.

What Blackbeard laughed at was the shameless deceit of the Marines,

crafting a false narrative to glorify their kindness about taking care of her

while simultaneously manipulating their own victim into becoming a

devoted Marine officer—an organization that had initially destroyed her

family life in the first place!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

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