Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One_Piece Я владею громом и молнией5


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One Piece: Я владею громом и


Аниме и комиксы

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(18 оценок)

Краткое содержание

Юноша с Земли случайно оказался в королевстве пиратов, где он

участвовал в битвах и рисковал среди бурных морей.

В этом мире не существовало ни легендарной системы, ни

несравненной магии — только громовой плод, дарованная ему сила.

В ту эпоху Четыре Императора все еще плавали на одном корабле, а

неуловимому One Piece еще предстояло утвердить свое господство

над морями.

Морским пехотинцем командовали два чрезвычайно

могущественных адмирала.

Теперь я, Альберт Николас, клянусь вписать свое имя в анналы

истории, распространив его повсюду по бескрайним просторам этого


Примечание автора [Дайте мне свои камни силы, и я дам вам главы.

Кстати, я оставлю этот LN бесплатным, так что не беспокойтесь]

Я перевожу этот замечательный LN.

Оригинальное название этой серии:


пожалуйста, поддержите оригинального автора

Общая аудитория

Little guy, do you want to

challenge me?

Chocolate Island, located on the outskirts of the Totoland Archipelago in

the Totoland Sea, is governed by Big Mom's eldest son, the powerful

Charlotte Perospero.

Recently, as more and more guests arrived for the tea party, this island

was designated as one of the reception points. Invited guests would dock

here, verify their identities, and then be guided to Cake Island, the

central hub of the Whole Cake Chateau.

At this moment, the harbor was adorned with decorations, and the

Homies, sentient plants and trees, swayed in the wind, singing various

songs to welcome the arriving guests.

"Perospero, how many batches of guests have arrived today?" On the pier,

three figures stood side by side. To the left was Charlotte Compote, the

eldest daughter of the Charlotte family, who resembled Charlotte Linlin.

Watching a ship that had been inspected sail away, she turned to

Perospero in the middle and asked.

"I believe this is the fourth batch," Perospero, slim and wearing a hat,

extended his unusually long tongue to lick his candy cane.

"There have been many changes in the past few days due to the battle

between Mother and the Whitebeard Pirates. Many guests have changed

their minds. After all, that guy Whitebeard is second only to Roger and

the Golden Lion in these seas. But regardless of whether the number of

guests in the next two days is many or few, pay extra attention. We can't

afford to lose face for Big Mom's pirate crew."

"Yes, Brother Perospero," Charlotte Compote replied.

"Oh, and Katakuri, I know the incident with Brulee had a big impact on

you, but..." Just as Perospero was speaking to the young child next to

him, who was wearing a white scarf, black gloves, black jeans, and

spiked black boots and carried a trident on his back, his waist emitted a

"blurp blurp" sound. Perospero took out a Den Den Mushi and, after

listening for a while, furrowed his brow.

"What's wrong, Brother Perospero?" Compote couldn't help but ask, even

Katakuri, who had been silent all along, turned to look.

"The Sea Slug just sent a message. Another ship from the southeast is

approaching, but..." Perospero hesitated. "But judging from the pirate flag

on the ship, it seems to be Nicholas' pirate crew..."

"Nicholas?" Both Compote and Katakuri were startled. Compote narrowed

her eyes, a hint of confusion in her gaze. "If I remember correctly,

Nicholas is the guy who used to be with Mother in the Rocks Pirates,


"Yes, that's him," Perospero nodded solemnly, while Katakuri, who had

not spoken before, sneered, "Whoever that guy is, this is Totoland! Even

if it's Nicholas himself, if he wants to harm my family, I'll pierce him with

my Spear of Elbaf without hesitation."

Especially when this guy, who is about the same age as himself and

stands at the top of the world's seas, has stirred up Katakuri's fighting


"Looks like a troublesome guy has come knocking." As Perospero recalled

the various disturbances in Totoland over the past two months and the

arrival of Nicholas at this moment, his mood turned increasingly foul.

Meanwhile, Katakuri suddenly looked up at the distance, grasping the

handle of his spear, and said lightly, "He's here."

Perospero and Compote turned to look, and sure enough, they saw a ship

approaching, with a young man sitting cross-legged at the bow.

"Is this supposed to be Linlin's Whole Cake?" Nicholas couldn't help but

comment as he observed the still-under-construction island.

On the bow of the Sea Sovereignty, everyone stood behind Nicholas,

watching the island growing closer. Vista, looking at the buildings

constructed from various sweets, couldn't help but be curious. "I heard

that many islands in Whole Cake are made of edible materials. Is that


<strong>[AN- I will change the name of the ship from "Sea monarchy"

to "Sea Sovereignty" because they have similar meaning and the second

one sounds better, But do tell me if you beg to differ]</strong>

"It is true," Nicholas nodded with a smile. "Not only the buildings, but

when you enter Cake Island, you'll find that even the trees and flowers

along the road are edible, some can even talk, and you'll see quite a few

biscuit soldiers."

"Really?" Brook's eyes lit up at this revelation. "Trees that can talk?"

For Brook, who had lived as a living skeleton for over a decade, although

he still felt like an oddity when surrounded by normal people, hearing

about talking trees and soldiers made of biscuits seemed to make his own

situation less unusual.

"Hehe, indeed," Nicholas chuckled. "And speaking of which, Captain, if a

large force were to attack here, we wouldn't have to worry about supply


Simon seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but speak


"Haha, true," Nicholas agreed, laughing. In a jesting tone looking at

katakuri on the island far away, he added, "Looks like we've got a

challenger, don't we?"

The feeling of looking down at a future strongman was truly enjoyable.

As the Sea Sovereignty approached Chocolate Island, the distance

between them grew shorter and shorter. After about four or five minutes,

they finally docked at the pier, but before anyone could disembark, they

were astonished to see a large group of animated plants and trees

swaying on the dock, singing songs to welcome them. The three figures

leading the group looked like children, but the people around them

clearly showed them exceptional respect.

"Respected Captain Nicholas, Totoland welcomes your arrival," Perospero

removed his hat and bowed respectfully.

Nicholas' gaze swept over the faces of the three people on the shore,

easily recognizing their identities. After all, the features of the Charlotte

family members were too distinctive to forget after a single glance.

These three individuals were Charlotte Perospero, Charlotte Compote,

and Charlotte Katakuri, respectively. However, they still seemed

somewhat inexperienced at this moment, unable to conceal their inner

thoughts before Nicholas.

"Little guy, do you want to challenge me?" Nicholas lowered his head to

speak to Katakuri.

As he imagined, the feeling of looking down at a future strongman was

indeed enjoyable.

Upon hearing Nicholas' words, Perospero's forehead broke into a cold

sweat, and his eyes flickered to his brother, hoping he wouldn't say

anything inappropriate.

Snake folk

As Nicholas spoke, the crew of the Sea Sovereign turned their gaze

towards Katakuri, who stood there with a scarf wrapped around his neck.

Even Vista, emanating his Haoshoku Haki, erupted with a commanding

presence from within.

The Homies, who had been swaying and singing around, were all

trembling in fear, clearly reminded of the aura that Charlotte Linlin

emitted when she was angry.

"Captain Nicholas, is this a misunderstanding?"

Under immense pressure, Spero spoke up, clearly unwilling to lose his life

just like that.

"You are strong, so strong that I don't have the courage to act against you

for now."

Katakuri, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke up, his hand gripping

the handle of his Trident.

"But I will be stronger in the future. One day, I will challenge you!"

Earlier, when he had used his Observation Haki to sense Nicholas, the

latter had detected it almost instantly.

Despite being only in his teens, he didn't have the qualifications to boast

about defeating Nicholas, who was on par with the top figures of


"Ha ha ha! The kid has ideals and the potential to become a king."

Nicholas laughed heartily and reached out to pat Katakuri's shoulder,

wearing an expression of approval.

Meanwhile, Compote and Perospero could only offer forced smiles from

the sidelines.

Katakuri, however, looked shocked. He hadn't shared the fact that he

possessed Haoshoku Haki with even his closest companions. How did this

guy know?

"Are you the Nicholas that Linlin has been talking about?"

As Katakuri pondered, a cold voice suddenly echoed from not far away,

and a figure emerged.

The most striking feature of this figure was his long, slender neck, taking

up three meters of his nine-meter height.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the figure, Perospero stepped forward

with a warning tone, "Lord Snake, these are guests invited by Mother.

Don't cause trouble."

However, Snake ignored Perospero and took a step forward, a cold and

indifferent gaze fixed on Nicholas:

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

Upon hearing Nicholas' reply, Snake's eyes grew even colder. "Whatever

you intend to do, I warn you, Linlin is mine."

Understandably, the onlookers' gazes towards Nicholas changed

immediately. Even Stussy and Simon couldn't help but smile. However,

Spearo, Compote, and Katakuri's expressions were filled with shock.

Especially Spearo and Compote, their gazes towards Nicholas seemed

different now. They began to ponder how they would address Nicholas in

the future. After all, for Linlin, most of those spouses were treated as

lovers. However, with Nicholas, who was almost as powerful as

themselves, the treatment might be different.

Do they have to call Nicholas 'Dad' in the future?

"You're out of your mind, aren't you? I don't have your preferences, and I

don't drive private cars. Am I running a maritime bus service?"

Nicholas laughed, feeling irritated. It seemed that Linlin's spouses were

all a bit eccentric. Perhaps it was because of love? After all, goddesses in

the eyes of sycophants were always perfect.

Understanding Nicholas' words, Brook and Simon immediately showed

sly smiles. Stussy's face under the mask even blushed.

Ignoring the commotion, Snake drew his sword abruptly, the renowned

"White Fish" gleaming under the sunlight.

"Nicholas, let me see if you're worthy of being Linlin's bedfellow!"

Snake's voice was cold, his words deliberate:

"Defeat me! If you can defeat me, I'll acknowledge your strength and

personally take you to Cake Castle to meet the others. Otherwise, get

back to wherever you came from!"

As soon as the words fell, a fierce aura emanated from Snake's body, akin

to a venomous snake ready to strike, making everyone wary.

Nicholas was momentarily taken aback. This guy seemed to be a bit

crazy. However, seeing the way he looked...

Nicholas decided to give him a lesson. Lightning formed a long sword in

his right hand.

"Acknowledging my strength? You're overestimating yourself! And, can't

you understand human speech?"

With a deep and forceful voice, Nicholas' eyes turned cold. Then, he

slashed towards Snake without hesitation.


The surrounding air vibrated as two sword energies clashed. In that

instant, Nicholas' attack seemed to crush Snake's, which disintegrated

almost instantaneously. Nicholas' sword energy remained undeterred,

continuing its momentum towards Snake.


In the terrifying turbulence, Snake had no time to dodge. He could only

muster all his strength to block with his sword, "White Fish". However, it

barely lasted half a second before he felt as if a huge ship had collided

with him. He couldn't withstand it any longer, screaming as he was sent

flying, crashing into a Homie tree dozens of meters away and spitting out

a mouthful of blood.

"Snake, Sir!"

"Snake, no!"

"Snake, hiss!"

The snake people who followed Snake rushed over, one on each side,

helping Snake up. As the most handsome of the snake people, Snake was

their foundation in Cake Island. They couldn't afford any mishaps. One of

the snake people turned pale and shouted to the surrounding soldiers:

"Stop all of you!"

He couldn't let anything happen to Snake, who was practically the

cornerstone of their status on Cake Island.


The soldiers swiftly surrounded the members of the Freedom Pirates,

preparing to attack. However, before they could strike, a commanding

voice stopped them:

"Hold your positions!"

It was Perospero. As the eldest son of Big Mom, he couldn't afford to let

Totoland clash with Nicholas. After all, Totoland had already been in

conflict with Whitebeard, Kaido, and other major pirates in the New

World. Offending Nicholas would only complicate matters further.

"Perospero, what are you trying to do?"

A snake person questioned Perospero's decision loudly. He knew that as

Big Mom's eldest son, this kid's position among the Totoland soldiers was

much higher than his own.

"What do I want to do? I should be asking you what you want to do! Do

you want to provoke a powerful enemy for Totoland!?"

Perospero said sternly, his young age notwithstanding, his imposing aura

had intimidated the snake people.

Ultimately, the snake people left with Snake, their heads hanging low.

"You're welcome to Totoland, Captain Nicholas. Allow me to escort you

to Cake Island!"

Once the snake people had left, Perospero smiled and offered to take

Nicholas and his crew to Cake Island.

<strong>[AN- Currently big mom has not become ugly yet that's why

everyone is trying to Explore her cave]</strong>

BIG MOM's Path to Dominance

Under the guidance of the two Cake Ships, the Sea Sovereignty sailed

from Chocolate Island Harbor towards Cake Island, located at the centre.

"Captain, does that kid really have the potential to become a king? Is he

like Vista?" remarked Simon, stroking his gun on board the Sea

Sovereignty. "It's unbelievable that such a young kid already possesses

Conqueror's Haki. He's truly a little monster."

"Conqueror's Haki... I've only heard Captain Yorki mention it before. It's

said to be something that only manifests in one among millions of people,

a sign of having the 'potential of a king,'" added Brook, washing his bones

with a brush to make them shinier.

"Captain, why do you look so gloomy?" Katie couldn't help but ask,

noticing Nicholas's increasingly troubled expression.

"Children shouldn't pry into adult matters," Nicholas replied with a hint

of frustration. Conqueror's Haki, he couldn't help but yearn for it.

However, his was not as strong as those monsters.

Stussy seemed to notice Nicholas's melancholy and reached out to pat his

head in comfort.

As the most optimistic member of the crew, Brook couldn't resist making

a joke: "Vista, do you think your Conqueror's Haki is stronger, or is

Charlotte Linlin's stronger?"

"It depends on the timing," Vista replied vaguely.

"What about you, Brook? Do you think your swordsmanship is stronger,

or Roger's?" Vista asked in return.

Brook shook his head vigorously in response. "If what you guys describe

is true, I'd probably be sliced into bone fragments by just one strike. But

hey, I'll keep practicing and aim to withstand at least two strikes, yo-ho-


"When will you be able to knock out Roger with one punch, a Golden

Lion with one sword, and a Whitebeard with one kick, Captain?" Simon

joined in with a chuckle.

"Hahahaha, probably soon," Nicholas replied, amused by Vista and

Brook's banter. It was astounding how they viewed figures like Roger and


However, he couldn't help but feel a bit envious of their progress. While

he occasionally mentored Simon in swordsmanship, the latter and Brook

had made remarkable advancements. Brook had become a formidable

swordsman, especially with his lightning-fast strikes, a trait that had

improved significantly after he became a skeleton.

Meanwhile, Nicholas's gaze drifted towards the distant horizon, where

Cake Island's outline was becoming visible. They had been sailing for

some time now, and the grand Cake Castle was already within sight.

Meanwhile, on Cake Island itself...

As the Tea Party was still two days away, many of the invited guests

were exploring the island's shores, observing the arrival of new guests

escorted by the Cake Ships.

"Wow, those newcomers have quite the grandeur. Dressed in suits and

armed with the latest weapons. Are they from one of the underground

syndicates?" remarked a tall man with a single eyeglass, amazed by the


"They're probably from the Western Sea's syndicates. Only they fancy

such ostentatious displays, and they're the biggest arms dealers

underground. Nearly half of the weapons in the Grand Line come from

there," replied an elderly man, recognizing the identity of the arriving


"Indeed, the Western Sea syndicates aren't much. Their only value to BIG

MOM's Pirates is the funds and weapons they provide. Even in Charlotte

Linlin's eyes, they're not as important as her male concubines," another

guest chuckled, sharing some gossip.

Meanwhile, a familiar figure emerged from the grand gates of the Cake

Castle, towering over the soldiers as he made his way towards the harbor.

"If that isn't...?" several guests murmured in surprise. "Why would he

come out personally? Is there a threat approaching?"

"Wasn't he always kept within the castle after Charlotte Linlin recognized

his potential? Why is he heading towards the harbor?"

"He's going towards the harbor," observed another guest. "Could it be that

a significant figure has arrived?"

"It's hard to imagine, aside from other major pirate crews, what force

would command BIG MOM's respect to the extent of letting her favorite

male concubine greet them."

For many who understood the situation in the World Government, they

were aware of Charlotte Linlin's intentions: to build the most powerful

pirate crew by combining her formidable bloodline with other

exceptional genes to produce superior offspring.

This was the path of dominance chosen by Charlotte Linlin.

Buckingham Stussy

Soon, two cake ships sailed side by side into the harbor, followed by an

unfamiliar large ship anchored there.

"Standing on the cake ship... is Minister of Candies, Perospero!" Some

sharp-eyed guests had already spotted Perospero disembarking from the

cake ship and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"What! It's really Perospero!"

With more attention drawn, the entire shoreline erupted into a


Especially when they saw the figure coming from the castle towards the

large ship, the surprise deepened.

"To have Minister Perospero leading the way... It's unbelievable,"

someone muttered in disbelief, lowering their voice instinctively, "And

with the other big shot getting alarmed, what kind of people are on that

pirate ship?"

His question quickly found an answer as Nicholas and his crew

disembarked from their ship, causing many people's expressions to


"It's Nicholas!"

Some couldn't contain their shock and exclaimed, "Nicholas and his pirate

crew! How can such big shots appear here!?"

"Yeah, this guy is said to have had some issues with other division

commanders when he was with the Rox Pirates," someone added

unconsciously, but then realized they were on Cake Island and wisely fell


But the implication of his words was clear to others, and in fact, it was

the same doubt lingering in their minds at the moment.

It could be said that the seas were currently in a state of internal conflict

within the Rox Pirates, with figures like Shiki, Whitebeard, Charlotte

Linlin, and the emerging Kaido being former members.

Especially after the recent battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the

BIG MOM Pirates, despite the latter's defeat, the former suffered

considerable losses, shaking the entire New World.

This was also why many factions chose to wait and see rather than attend

the tea party on Cake Island.

The presence of such monsters on the island raised concerns among the

guests. Whether they were here to ally with the BIG MOM Pirates or

cause trouble, it would be a significant event that would resonate

throughout the New World.

If the two sides were to form an alliance, it would undoubtedly shake the

balance of power in the New World. And if there were any conflicts, it

would only further destabilize the already chaotic situation...

Realizing this, the guests fell into silence, with some exchanging

meaningful glances, seeing the gravity in each other's eyes. Many had

already begun instructing their subordinates to prepare to leave. After all,

if these monsters were to clash, there would be no safe place on the



On the fourth floor of the Cake Castle, in a sunny and luxurious guest

room, a figure stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the

harbor where Nicholas and his crew were.

"Haha, this is quite lively!" The woman who spoke had short golden hair

and an elegant figure. Her blue eyes reflected the image of Nicholas's face

as she murmured to herself:

"With this guy around, it seems that Linlin's tea party won't be so simple."

Being able to call Big Mom "Linlin," this seemingly young woman with

short golden hair was obviously not as simple as she appeared.

Indeed, she was Stussy, known as the "Queen of Joy" in the pleasure

district, one of the emperors of the underworld.

She was on Rocks's crew with the codename "JUNE"

Of course, this was only on the surface. Her true identity was a secret

member of CP0, the world's highest intelligence agency, responsible for

gathering first-hand information for the World Government.

After all, as one of the world's largest entertainment venues, Joy District

had guests from all over the world every day. Coupled with its unique

nature, it was undoubtedly a hub for intelligence.

Glancing at Stussy, who was dressed as a plague doctor and part of

Nicholas's team, her expression grew icy and menacing.

"It's really intriguing," Stussy's gaze wandered over Nicholas, her face

flushing slightly.

However, while she observed Nicholas secretly, he seemed to sense

something and suddenly turned his head. His sharp gaze crossed

thousands of meters to meet hers directly.

"This guy has such a perceptive Observation Haki..."

Stussy was startled internally, but there was no panic on her face. Instead

of looking away, she licked her lips and gave Nicholas a gentle and sweet

smile before gracefully turning away from the window.


"Captain Nicholas?"

Noticing Nicholas suddenly stopping, Perospero, who was leading the

way, couldn't help but be curious and followed his gaze upwards, but saw


"What's the matter?" Perospero licked his candy cane curiously.

"Oh, just a thought that occurred to me when I saw that Snake guy,

Snek," Nicholas replied casually.

"Oh, what thought?" Perospero asked, intrigued.

"I was wondering if snakes have two 'things' since they have two heads,"

Nicholas said, causing Perospero to gape in disbelief. What kind of

question is that?

"Forget it, you probably wouldn't understand, little guy. But if they do

have two 'things,' it means Linlin's kitty will have double the fun, right?

No wonder that guy was so cocky earlier. Turns out he has considerable


Nicholas felt like he had discovered something profound, and the more

he thought about it, the more it made sense.

As he pondered this, the group followed Perospero and the oversized

version of Katakuri into the interior of the castle.

It could be said that the castle was built entirely like a fairy tale.

The decorations in the lobby were luxurious and elegant, but the most

eye-catching were the homies.

It could be said that the candles, lampshades, tables, chairs, doors,

windows, and even the stairs all had souls infused within them. When

people stepped on them, the wooden boards of the stairs would sing one

after another, and even the characters in the oil paintings on the walls

danced or curiously watched the unfamiliar Nicholas and his crew.

The reason fairy tales were fairy tales was because they didn't happen in

reality. And when fairy tales intertwined with reality, it couldn't help but

feel absurd.

The guest rooms arranged for them were on the third floor, all luxurious

suites. It's worth noting that only people of a certain status could stay in

the Cake Castle, while other guests were mostly arranged elsewhere on

Cake Island, and only the tea party could enter the Cake Castle.


"Ma ma ma ma! So many people have arrived, it's truly lively!"

In the top floor of the Cake Castle, within an extremely spacious and

luxurious bedroom, Charlotte Linlin was kneeling on a specially made

luxurious bed. A man underneath her was looking at the bedroom door

with a weary expression.

How he wished for a good friend to come in and help him; he was really


With a shiver running through his body, a tear rolled down the man's


"Ma ma ma~ I wonder if there's still a chance to create a perfect

masterpiece like Katakuri, but for now, I need to go and meet my guests."

Charlotte Linlin glanced at the man on the bed, then stood up without

caring about the liquid dripping down her thighs.

To her, these so-called male pets were either brought to gain favor with

certain races or to produce powerful offspring to fulfill her dreams of


With the help of several Homies, Charlotte Linlin got dressed again and

left the room. She was tall and well-built, her lips painted with thick

lipstick, her eyes adorned with light purple eyeshadow, and she wore a

pirate captain's hat and a deep red captain's suit.

At this moment, she appeared like a young Caucasian girl from a cold

region, still within her expiration date. It's hard to imagine that in a few

decades, she, once one of the world's most famous beauties, would

become a grotesque and obese woman.


Upon exiting the room, Charlotte Linlin turned her head and looked at

her eldest son, who was respectfully standing outside the bedroom door,

and said joyfully, "How is it, Perospero? Have all the invited guests

arrived? Can we announce the tea party starting soon?"

"We're almost there, Mom," Perospero said softly. "Most of the guests

have arrived, with only three or four groups still on their way. Some

guests have expressed their inability to come."

Upon hearing Perospero's words, Charlotte Linlin's expression changed

slightly, and her imposing aura even made Perospero break into a cold


Although to outsiders he was the eldest son of the Charlotte Family, the

child of the most powerful woman at sea, Charlotte Linlin, Perospero

knew that in her eyes, he and his siblings were not that important. They

were more like well-trained henchmen, even the entire Big Mom Pirates,

with only two real core members: Charlotte Linlin herself and the head

chef of Totto Land, a guy called Streusen, who had been with Charlotte

Linlin all along.

And he knew that he didn't show as much potential as Katakuri and the

others, but his sharp intellect allowed him to become the designated

brain for the Charlotte Family, deeply trusted by Big Mom.

In Charlotte Family, you couldn't feel Big Mom's maternal love. To

survive better, you needed to show your potential.

"Anyway, if those guys don't want to come, we'll organize the fleet to

attack them after the tea party ends."

Charlotte Linlin said indifferently. To her, being invited to the tea party

meant becoming an ally. If the other party refused her goodwill, then

only blood could wash away the shame they brought to the Charlotte


And it would also demonstrate to the world the terror of the Charlotte


At this moment, the graceful figure of June appeared at the entrance of

the corridor. Charlotte Linlin's expression changed to a smile as she

greeted June, "Ma ma ma ma, why are you coming now, June? Hurry up,

let me have a good look at you!"

[AN- I will continue to call her by her codename "June" to avoid mixup

between original and our stussy]

"Linlin, I missed you so much!"

Hearing Charlotte Linlin's call, June didn't hesitate to step through the

corridor, gracefully walking up to Big Mom's side, her charming face

showing a sweet smile. "This time I specially spent a lot of favors to bring

you some treats from the islands of Bampaku. Linlin."

"Well, you're not late. I didn't mean to blame you," Big Mom waved her

hand carelessly, showing a brilliant smile, "Ma ma ma ma, thank you

June, I can't wait to see the gift you brought."

Charlotte Linlin said eagerly.

June is considered one of the first underground emperors to release

goodwill to the World Government, and even during the construction of

Totto Land, she provided a lot of funding. Although Charlotte Linlin also

knew that she also provided some benefits to Whitebeard and the others

in order to seek asylum, it didn't affect her relationship with June.

"Oh, by the way, Linlin. I heard that you had a war with Whitebeard not

long ago. Is everything okay?"

June continued to probe for some information.

For outsiders, although they all knew that there was a war between the

Big Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, they didn't know the

specifics. After all, these kind of battles involving the World

Government's undercover agents were not easy to get involved in.

Hearing June's words, Charlotte Linlin's expression turned a bit sour.

"One day I will kill that old man, Whitebeard!"

Apparently, in the previous battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, the

Charlotte Family didn't have the upper hand. If it weren't for the fact that

the members and executives of the Whitebeard Pirates were too trashy,

that battle might have destroyed Whole Cake Island.

"By the way how could Nicholas suddenly come to participate? I

remember you said before, Linlin, that he didn't seem to get along with

you when you were in the Rocks Pirates?"

June continued to inquire about some information.

"I'm not sure, after all, I didn't expect that guy to really come. But that

annoying guy is sometimes even more annoying than Whitebeard and


While Charlotte Linlin was speaking, the two of them inadvertently

arrived at the third floor.

"Hey, talking behind people's backs isn't a good habit, you two."

Suddenly, a teasing voice sounded.

Upon hearing this, Charlotte Linlin and June both turned to look at the

source of the voice, only to find a figure leaning against the corridor,

looking at them.


June looked at Nicholas and spoke.

As the Queen of Joy, a secret member of CP0 of the World Government,

information about Nicholas had always been highly valued by June.

Raising an eyebrow, June showed an interested expression. She had seen

and met many potential figures on the high seas, but it seemed to be the

first time she had seen someone so young with such strength.

"Wait, Nicholas. What's with 'Lightning Boy' nickname? Can't you guys

have a cooler nickname from the start? Lightning Dominator? Thunder

God? Thunderous Sovereign? F*ck Boy would even do, but Lightning Boy

sounds like a nickname for small fries. What's up with that?"

And Charlotte Linlin and June, obviously, did not understand Nicholas's


After Nicholas finished speaking, the atmosphere between them even fell

into a strange silence. This oppressive atmosphere even made June's

nerves tense, until a moment later, Big Mom's face suddenly broke into a

smile, breaking the silence:

"Ma ma ma ma, Nicholas, Lightning Boy was actually called by

Whitebeard first. If you don't want it, how about the two of us teaming


Nicholas gave a small laugh, but he remained silent in response to

Charlotte Linlin. Rather, he pivoted and looked absentmindedly at June

beside Charlotte Linlin.


[AN- I call the original Stussy "June" and the one on Nicholas's crew

"Stussy." Based on what I've heard about your discussion about the two

Stussy, may I continue to refer to Original Stussy as "June" and our Stussy

as "Stussy" or Our Stussy as "June" and the Original Stussy as Stussy? i'd

like to hear your thoughts]

As Nicholas looked at the aggressive gaze, June not only didn't avoid it at

all, but instead sent a flirtatious look back at Nicholas.

For her, these were just basic maneuvers learned during her training to

become a member of CP0.

However, these gestures seemed somewhat out of place in Nicholas' eyes.

After all, he knew her true identity, yet she still seemed to believe that he

was unaware of it, making her performance seem somewhat discordant.

"Hahaha! Nicholas, are you smitten with June?" Charlotte Linlin,

observing the scene, chuckled.

"Linlin..." June playfully chided, seemingly surprised by the joke.

"Don't misunderstand, I'm not interested," Nicholas said dismissively,

heading towards his room. He had come out simply because he had seen

something he shouldn't have inside the castle and wanted to take a stroll,

not expecting to encounter these two.

As Nicholas turned to leave, June's demeanor turned cold for a moment,

but then she quickly put on a sweet smile.

"What a boring fellow. Linlin, shall we go to your garden? I heard you've

collected some rare flowers again," June suggested, trying to change the



Two days later, in the lavishly decorated venue, Big Mom stood up from

her luxurious sofa and laughed joyfully as she addressed the assembled


"It seems everyone is here. Well then, let the Tea Party of Whole Cake

Island officially begin!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

As Big Mom's words fell, soldiers around the venue fired cannons into the

sky, and the Homies used for decoration sang loudly. The applause from

the guests and residents of Whole Cake Island thundered like a storm,

pausing everything else as they applauded enthusiastically, even the

children of the Charlotte Family.

Meanwhile, Katakuri, noticing his brother's strange expressions since

earlier, approached him with concern.

"Katakuri, you've been acting strange since earlier. Is something

bothering you?" Charlotte Daifuku inquired.

"Yes, Katakuri, you seem odd today," Charlotte Oven added.

At the same time, a girl with purple hair and bandages on her face sitting

at the same table also looked worriedly at Katakuri.

"It's nothing, maybe I just didn't get enough rest last night. Brulee, don't

worry," Katakuri replied, smiling and tousling Brulee's hair.

"Ugh, Katakuri, you messed up my hair," Brulee complained, but seeing

Katakuri's response, she smiled, knowing she was special to him.

But why this feeling of unease?

Suddenly, Nicholas' image appeared in Katakuri's mind.

However, Nicholas was unaware of Katakuri's thoughts. At that moment,

Nicholas and his group were pondering something at their table,

oblivious to the rest of the world. The atmosphere at the Tea Party was

becoming more festive, with guests engaging in lively conversations.

The Tea Party was indeed an excellent opportunity for many guests,

especially leaders of underground factions, to meet other major players in

the dark world.

"Cough, Captain, are you really going to do this?" Simon asked nervously,

noticing Nicholas' actions.

"Yes, Captain, are you sure about this?" Brook added.

Nicholas, however, simply lifted the wine glass on the table and took a

sip before speaking, "What are you two worried about? If things go south

and a fight breaks out, Brook, you handle the kids' table over there with

Katie. Simon, just cover for us. As for Charlotte Linlin, leave her to me,

and Vista will deal with the rest."

"Captain, don't worry. Katie and I can handle the kids' table," Brook

reassured confidently, busy with a slice of strawberry cake.

As Nicholas and his crew discussed, June, who happened to pass by their

table, overheard their conversation. Surprised, she covered her mouth

awkwardly and said, "Uh, did I hear anything? Do you trust me if I did?"

"What did you hear?" Nicholas' gaze turned cold as he stared at her.

"Since you heard it all, are you going to expose us?"

"Expose? Expose what? I don't know anything," June quickly responded,

wrapping her shawl around herself, trying to appear harmless.

Hearing June's words, Nicholas' face showed a playful expression. But

before he could speak, Bellemere pulled June down to sit with them.

Initially startled by Bellemere's action, June chose silence decisively,

knowing that leaving abruptly would likely lead to something terrifying.

Meanwhile, when the Tea Party was almost over, Nicholas suddenly

stood up.

"Now that the Tea Party has begun, it's time for me to present my gift.

This gift is the ten islands at the border between the territories of the Big

Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, now under my control! And I'll

be coming for the eight islands on Whitebeard's side later!" Nicholas


As Nicholas spoke, the entire venue erupted into a frenzy of shock and

concern. Everyone could foresee the disastrous consequences of Nicholas'

announcement spreading worldwide, potentially leading to war between

the Big Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Mother..." Perospero realized the gravity of the situation and was about

to step forward to intervene, but Big Mom was already laughing heartily,

her laughter tinged with anger.

As Big Mom's laughter rang out, the previously quiet venue erupted into


Big news


"Did I hear that right? Oh my goodness!"

"Does this mean the New World is about to erupt into war again?"


"Hey hey, what's going on?"

One guest couldn't help but ask their tablemate in a low voice, "Weren't

Nicholas and his group invited to the banquet? Why does it look like

they're about to start a fight?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

The person being asked responded irritably, then urged their companion,

"Hey, have we contacted the ships at the port yet? Remember, as soon as

we reach them, get them ready to sail. When we arrive, we'll set sail

immediately. My goodness, is the New World about to see the rise of

another power?"


At a table where the Charlotte family's children were gathered:

"What on earth is he saying!?"

Charlotte's second daughter, Monde, was first surprised, then turned to

her older sister, Compote, with an incredulous look, "Does he want to

start a full-scale war with the Big Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard


"I... I don't know."

Compote was also puzzled. As someone who resembled Big Mom a lot in

her childhood, thanks to inheriting Big Mom's powerful mutated genes,

she knew very well about her strength. And now, this guy named

Nicholas dared to make unreasonable demands to one of the strongest

women on the seas and one of the most powerful pirate crews in the New

World, the Big Mom Pirates.


"This is a groundbreaking news that will shake the New World!"

"It seems coming here wasn't in vain after all!"

"The landscape of the New World is about to change again!"

"This news will shake the entire world!"


Amidst the commotion,

Big Mom went from initial shock to sudden anger, and finally to a

chilling calmness. Her gaze turned icy cold.

Not far away, Katakuri, who observed the changes in both sides, had a

complex expression. He quietly tightened his grip on his trident, Mogura.

"Daifuku, Oven, and Brulee, get out of here."

Katakuri whispered to Brulee beside him.

"Nicholas, do you know what you're saying?"

Charlotte Linlin turned her head, her gaze piercing as she looked at


With that statement, the once noisy banquet hall fell into silence again.

"What? Can't understand?" Nicholas met her gaze, his demeanor calm,

but his tone unyielding, "Let me repeat it for you. The islands in the

border area between your and Whitebeard's territories – I'm taking them!"

As Nicholas's words fell,

Countless pairs of eyes shifted between Nicholas and Charlotte Linlin,

watching as the anger in Charlotte Linlin's eyes grew.

"You, what, do, you, want!?"

Big Mom finally spoke, her gaze icy as she stared down at Nicholas, each

word enunciated with deliberate force.

"Is my message not clear enough?"

If it were any other person facing Charlotte Linlin's might, they might

have already cowered. But Nicholas stood his ground, staring back at her.

This head-on confrontation, without any regard for losing face, made

many guests gasp in astonishment.

The leaders of some underground factions began to regret why they had

stepped into this mess. With the stand-off between the two sides, the

guards of Whole Cake Chateau, and members of the Big Mom Pirates had

already begun to encroach.

On Nicholas's side, the group exchanged a silent glance after Nicholas

made his stance clear. Each of them discreetly gripped their weapons,

prepared for battle at Nicholas's command.

Once Nicholas gave the order, they would dare to engage directly.

"How dare you" Seeing the attack from Charlotte Linlin aimed at

Nicholas, the situation escalated rapidly.

A great lightning bolt, accompanied by flames, descended upon Nicholas.

The sheer force seemed to shake the very space itself.

"Heavenly Fire!"

Compared to the dazzling and terrifying thunder and flames earlier, this

punch's impact range was noticeably smaller. However, with Zeus and

Prometheus augmenting it, and the terrifying strength of Big Mom, the

destructive power of this blow was even more terrifying.


The massive fist missed its target, crashing heavily into the ground.

Countless cracks spread out, and within seconds, the ground shattered,

revealing the layer beneath Whole Cake Castle.


Witnessing the enormous crater, many guests forgot everything else and

fled towards the harbor.

As for the tea party?

What use was a tea party when one's life was at stake? Those who

roamed the New World understood this well. This level of combat, even

as bystanders, carried the risk of losing one's life.

At the same time, some individuals confident in their own strength chose

to stay behind to watch the spectacle. After all, regardless of the outcome

of this battle, they would get the latest information first-hand.

Meanwhile, other members of the Big Mom Pirates, seeing their captain

engaging, began to draw their weapons.

Bigmom vs Nicholas

Countless thunder and flames ravaged and surged in the sky,

accompanied by occasional explosions in the air, and faintly visible were

two figures constantly colliding and clashing.

The ground within thousands of square kilometers around the two had

long turned into scorched earth, cracks spreading from the ground to the

surroundings, making the upper half of the Cake Castle seem precarious,

as if it could collapse at any moment.

As the two fought, the once clear sky became densely clouded,

accompanied by huge thunderous roars as lightning snakes surged

through the sea of clouds.

"Thunder Brat!!!"

A sharp roar resounded, almost echoing throughout the entire Cake

Island, and the terrifying sound accompanying it made many weaker

guests and members of the BIG·MOM Pirates covering their ears in pain.

Big Mom took the opportunity to rush towards Nicholas with a fist, her

fist adorned with various rings serving as her most powerful weapon.

Nicholas, on the other hand, remained unfazed, covering his fist with

armament Haki as he punched back at her.


The two fists clashed head-on, instantly unleashing countless thunder and

flames, and the violent shockwaves caused hurricane-force winds to

sweep through the surroundings, destroying several buildings near the

Cake Castle, reducing them to rubble.

The clash even affected the nearby Homies, who were unable to emit a

sound and were instantly pulverized by the terrifying destructive force,

dissipating into the air.

With a loud bang, after a moment of deadlock, the two fists

simultaneously separated. Nicholas was pushed back by the shockwave,

retreating more than ten meters before stomping his foot on the ground

to stabilize himself.

On the other hand, Big Mom, due to her height and weight advantage,

only retreated four or five steps before coming to a halt.

"You have truly terrifying brute strength."

After stabilizing himself, Nicholas looked towards Big Mom and grinned

slightly. "You indeed possess an immensely powerful innate talent."

This future Yonko had displayed terrifying potential from a young age.

According to the negotiations between Caramel and the World

Government at the time, Charlotte Linlin was seen as having the potential

to become a member of CP0 or a top fighter in the Marines.

Although she didn't join the World Government camp due to special

circumstances, Charlotte Linlin quickly rose to fame on the sea with her

monstrous physique. However, in Nicholas's eyes, Charlotte Linlin was

completely wasting her talent.

She had hardly undergone any training throughout her life, spending

most of her time either pregnant or on the path to pregnancy. Compared

to others, she relied solely on the abilities of her Soul-Soul Fruit and her

monstrous body in battle.

If this monster had been obtained and systematically trained by the

World Government, it would undoubtedly have become the most

terrifying weapon of war.

"Not bad yourself, little brat..."

Big Mom snorted coldly, casting a glance at Nicholas. She squinted and

said, "I initially thought you only relied on your Devil Fruit ability, but

your strength and physique are equally terrifying."

"However, hahaha..."

Charlotte Linlin's tone shifted, and a cruel, savage smile appeared on her

face. "Your Devil Fruit ability has little effect on me, and your strength

and physique are no match for mine. So, are you prepared to be defeated

or even killed!?"

In the next moment, Big Mom reached up and grabbed the captain's hat,

Napoleon, which was originally worn on her head. It instantly

transformed into an extremely wide giant blade, firmly held in her hand.

"Little brat! The fun and games end here."

Big Mom chuckled coldly.

"Next, let me show you what true power is!"

"Ikoku Sovereignty!"

As the angry roar resounded, Charlotte Linlin raised the blade high, and

then, with terrifying speed, swung it towards Nicholas's position!


With Charlotte Linlin's attack, the surrounding air seemed to solidify, and

a terrifying force emanated from Napoleon.

The air within dozens of meters around gathered at the tip of Napoleon,

forming a terrifying sword aura.

Although the slash had not yet been fully executed, the suffocating

momentum was already rushing forward. Then, a huge and incomparable

sword aura appeared.

"Is that a special technique unique to the giants of Elbaf?"

Watching the blade that Big Mom was swinging towards him, Nicholas

remained unchanged.

For Nicholas, although he could withstand Ikoku Sovereignty, there was

no need to.

After all, this battle was not child's play. Why choose to confront an

attack that he could easily evade?

It's important to note that in the end, victory or defeat in battle often

comes down to stamina.


With the Elbaf technique's terrifying attack, accompanied by a deafening

roar, it swept through like a hurricane.

It even crossed the entire Cake Island and affected the waters near the

harbor, causing the previously calm sea to become turbulent.


The battle on the Cake Castle not only shocked the members of the

Charlotte Family but also astonished the guests who had come to the tea

party, revealing faces full of astonishment.

They knew of Big Mom's strength, but the appearance of Nicholas seemed

to match her in sheer brute force.

Combining his previous words, it's likely that Totoland, the Whitebeard

Pirates, and Nicholas's forces would be plunged into a prolonged period

of war.

"These photos... Kong will surely be satisfied!"

Behind a huge rock, a man wearing a waistcoat, a top hat, and two red

glows on his face was frantically taking photos from various angles with

his camera.

"The position of Chief Photographer at Marine Headquarters will surely

be mine!"

"Huh, why did I forget to take off the lens cap again?"


South-eastern Port of the Cake Island.

On an ordinary pirate ship, after carefully confirming that there was no

one else around, a figure took out a anti-listening beetle snail, activated

it, placed it next to another snail, and dialed a secret number.

"Blub blub..."

Normally, this number couldn't be dialed within the Cake's domain, as it

risked eavesdropping and leaking secrets.

After all, what the Marines and the World Government could do, certain

major powers on the sea could do as well.


The phone connected, and a familiar voice with a hint of confusion came

from the other end. "Have you already left Cake Island? Why did you call

so soon? Has the tea party ended?"

"No, we haven't left yet. A war has broken out on Cake Island!"

At this moment, this Marine undercover agent spoke, glancing anxiously

towards the direction of the Cake Castle, his expression filled with worry,

and even in his urgency, his speech seemed somewhat disjointed.

"A war!? What's going on?"

Hearing this news from the Marine Headquarters, Sengoku's calm mood

was also stirred.

"It's... it's a big deal! Nicholas and his underlings on Cake Island have

officially declared war on the BIG·MOM Pirates!"



A tremendous roar echoed continuously from the central Cake Castle on

Cake Island, hardly ceasing for a moment. In just a few minutes, Big

Mom and Nicholas had already engaged in hundreds of rounds of combat

in the air.

It can be said that each attack by the two could make the hearts of the

people on the island tremble, and even the sky became particularly

oppressive due to their battle.

Compared to when they first started fighting, it seemed that the two had

warmed up and entered a state of intense combat.

Nicholas' clothes showed no signs of damage, just some sweat on his


As for Big Mom, although her body showed no signs of injury, her clothes

had become tattered. After all, this wasn't anime; there weren't clothes

that wouldn't be damaged no matter how much destruction they faced.

Her makeup had also smeared due to the intense battle.

However, Prometheus and Zeus, hovering nearby, were still spirited.

Apparently, this level of combat had no effect on them.

In other words, for opponents like Big Mom and Nicholas, it was

impossible to determine a winner in a short time without outside

intervention. After all, they were both figures standing at the pinnacle of

the sea. Though there might be differences in their combat capabilities, it

was unlikely that a winner could be determined within half an hour of


From the surface, it seemed that there was no clear winner between the


But at this moment, only the two opponents themselves knew that Big

Mom had a slight advantage in the current situation.

Although Zeus had little effect on Nicholas, the attacks unleashed by

Nicholas's Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder-Thunder Fruit) were somewhat

weakened by Zeus.

And Big Mom's attacks, whether using Prometheus or Napoleon, were

powerful, enough to deter Nicholas from directly confronting her, despite

his monstrous strength and mastery of Armament Haki.

The main point was the difference in stamina between the two.

Attacks, defense, and the use of Devil Fruit abilities all consumed


Big Mom's abnormal physique and skin toughness made her defense

almost flawless. Additionally, her monstrous stamina allowed her to

endure prolonged battles.

However, even in this situation, Nicholas showed no signs of fear or

retreat. Instead, his fighting spirit burned brightly, for only by fighting

against the strong could he continue to surpass himself.

He then gripped tightly the longsword materializing in his palm and took

a step forward, smiling slightly at Big Mom. "You're quite a tough

opponent, huh."

"Hehehe! Do you think it might be too late now?" Big Mom's eyes glared

at Nicholas like a demon, laughing cruelly. Her aura became more

terrifying, almost tangible.

"As for you, kid, your day ends here!" she proclaimed.

With these words, a surge of soul power poured into Napoleon. The

sword emitted a dazzling light, making it look like a divine weapon.

"Ikoku Sovereignty maximum!" she bellowed.

With a thunderous roar, the blade of Napoleon surged with power,

slashing towards Nicholas.

At the moment when the attack was launched, the sky, previously

covered in dark clouds, suddenly changed. The black clouds subsided,

and the thunder ceased, as if a true emperor had descended!

"Perfect timing!" Nicholas, witnessing this scene, maintained his fighting

spirit. He muttered, then swung his own sword towards Big Mom!


The thunderous roar, many times more terrifying than before, resounded

throughout the entire sky in an instant!

Amidst the raging airflow, torrents of rain poured down from the sky,

resembling the Milky Way pouring down, soaking all the people on Cake

Island, while the sea surrounding Cake Island churned with furious

waves, crashing against the island's shores.

At this moment, whether it was everyone on Cake Island or those who

had already set sail, they all felt as if they were witnessing a miracle.

After a brief silence, a tremendous will emerged from the Cake Castle,

stirring the heavens and swiftly sweeping towards the surroundings.

Wherever it passed, the weak collapsed and fainted, while those who

remained conscious looked towards the direction of the Cake Castle with

fear in their eyes.

"Is that the Conqueror's Haki of that monster? It's truly terrifying."

"It's hard to imagine what kind of person could fight with Charlotte Linlin

like this."

"But he's probably done for. How could an ordinary person contend with

such a monster..."

But at that moment!

Suddenly, someone rubbed their eyes and screamed.

"Look!! In the center of the thunderclouds!!"


Following their words, everyone looked towards the sky, only to see that

the thunderclouds seemed to be drawn towards the center, converging

into a huge vortex.

At the same time, lightning bolts, resembling thunderous dragons,

continuously struck downwards from the vortex towards the Cake Castle



With a deafening sound, the position of the Cake Castle expanded

continuously, while lightning dragons surrounded the figure, presenting a

scene reminiscent of a thunder god descending, leaving all the spectators


For a moment, that apocalyptic scene completely stunned everyone.

Many people couldn't help but have the same thought: that guy doesn't

seem like an ordinary person either. It's really hard to say who will win

in this monster's battle.

"Is this your trump card, Nicholas?" Big Mom, facing the colossal thunder

god nearly a hundred meters tall in front of her, spoke with a dark

expression. Even she could feel the immense energy contained within the

thunderous body materialized from lightning.

"A trump card, perhaps."

The massive thunder god, hearing Nicholas's voice emanating from

below, left Big Mom speechless.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, there was no doubt that Nicholas

was an opponent on par with her.

On the southern side of the Cake Castle, a wide area.

At this moment, two battlefields were in the midst of chaos.

"Young man, it's not gentlemanly to be so ruthless to a lady," Brook said

seriously as he blocked a strike from Katakuri towards Katie.

And almost in an instant, Katakuri's head turned aside, and a smoking

bullet hole appeared on the ground next to him.

"What a troublesome guy."

Glancing at Simon in the distance, Katakuri couldn't help but curse


It could be said that after so long in the battle, he had already figured it

out. These guys were completely training that girl with the dual swords.

If it weren't for the fact that this girl was distracting the skeleton and the

sniper in the distance, they would really be suffering heavy casualties.

Although they all inherited the genes of Big Mom, they might have

potential in the future, but for now, they were just a group of kids in

their teens.

And that big guy who could split heads with one axe, and the woman

standing together with the crow-masked, also seemed difficult to deal


Just as Katakuri prayed for Charlotte Linlin to resolve her opponent as

soon as possible.

At this moment a terrifying aura emanating from afar made everyone,

whether they were members of the Freedom Pirates or the Charlotte

Family, instinctively look up and glance at the battlefield at the Cake

Castle, what they saw made them fall into a brief stupor.

And those guests further away, because they could see more clearly, were

even more terrified. They didn't even care about the heavy rain pouring

down from the sky, standing like wooden chickens in the pouring rain,

letting the rain soak their clothes.

Is this... the extent of human combat?

Thunder god

"Tsk, is that guy's strength really that terrifying? No wonder he dares to

challenge Mama."

After snapping out of his daze, Oven glanced at the majestic thunder god

atop Cake Castle, his face full of gloom. "Although it's very likely that

he'll be taken down by Mama in the end, with such destructive power,

the reconstruction of Cake Island after the battle is going to be a huge



As he finished speaking, a cold light suddenly flashed before his eyes.

Oven's heart skipped a beat as he swiftly leaned to the side, narrowly

avoiding the sword strike. However, his red cloak was grazed by the

sword light, and the rope at the chest broke, causing the cloak to fall to

the ground.

"Yohohoho, are these the offspring of the Charlotte family? Can't even

maintain basic focus during a battle?" A voice, irritating enough to make

one want to hit someone, sounded from beside Oven. Turning, Oven saw

Brook, holding his cane sword, staring at him.

"Kukuku, picking on kids isn't a skill, you know."

At this moment, a figure appeared, and though Brook looked around

bewilderedly, he couldn't find the source of the voice. Sensing trouble,

Brook became vigilant. An opponent who could only be heard but not

seen was definitely skilled.

"Hey, what are you looking at!?"

The owner of the voice seemed impatient.

Brook looked in the direction of the voice and finally spotted a small man

standing in front of him.

"Hehehe, sorry, you're too short, I didn't see you. Ah, even though I don't

have eyes."

"Long Bread, this is our fight, don't interfere!" Seeing Long Bread and

Brook shifting their attention to him, Oven frowned unhappily.

But before he could finish, Long Bread kicked him, sending him flying.

Then, he shouted loudly to Katakuri in the distance, "Katakuri, control

your stupid brother."

Meanwhile, Oven, planning to get up and settle the score with Long

Bread, was intercepted by Katakuri's trident.

Seeing Brook engaged with Long Bread, Oven immediately turned his

gaze to Katie, who was battling the Snake Sisters, and rolled up his

sleeves, intending to help them.

However, Katakuri grabbed him by the head and pressed him down to

the ground.

"Katakuri, what are you doing!?" Oven looked puzzled as he lay on the


"Can't you see that woman over there and the sniper have been watching

the battlefield? And if that little girl dies at our hands, facing Nicholas's

wrath, how do you think Mama will react?" Katakuri whispered lowly in

Oven's ear.

In the world of pirates, especially for powerful pirate crews, they

generally avoid killing high-ranking members of the opposing crew if

they can help it. You never know when you might fall into the enemy's

hands. As for the cannon fodder, they're expendable.

"Katakuri, you're right, just keep me down like this!"

Listening to Katakuri, Oven spoke solemnly.

On another part of the battlefield,

Countless Homies soldiers, tall and armored, surged like an endless wave

from all directions, launching wave after wave of attacks towards Vista in

the center. Among them were also members of other races like the Snake

Tribe, Longarm Tribe, and Longleg Tribe.

Surrounded by a large number of enemy soldiers, Vista remained calm

and composed. Gripping his giant axe with muscles honed by Nicholas's

daily practice of swinging ten thousand times each day, he continuously

cleaved through the oncoming enemies, effortlessly reducing them to


"Hahaha, such a strong body, and your proficiency in Busoshoku Haki is

not bad."

"But, what does that matter? Strength alone won't suffice. Can you swing

your axe ten times, a hundred times? Can you still swing it a thousand

times, ten thousand times, in the face of these endless soldiers?"

"Facing this endless army, your stamina will eventually run out, and


"it will be your end! I can't wait to see the expression on your face when

you die, hiss~"

Two Snake Necks, favorites of Big Mom, stood at the outermost edge of

the soldiers, taunting Vista. However, Vista was Vista. Having been

trained by Nicholas to swing his axe towards the sun ten thousand times

every day, his demeanor remained unruffled.

His honest, unassuming face showed no signs of annoyance, and he didn't

even bother to respond to his opponents. His axe continued to swing, as

if operating on autopilot, continuously harvesting the soldiers swarming

around him.

"Tsk, what a boring guy."

Feeling bored, Snake Neck sneered before falling silent, hoping to find an

opportunity for a fatal blow hiding behind the soldiers.

However, the Homies soldiers kept emerging one after another,

seemingly endless, impossible to eradicate completely.

"What kind of trump cards do you have?"

Standing beside him, June looked at the quiet girl next to her and

couldn't help but ask.

"We don't have any trump cards. The reason we dare to engage Big Mom

head-on is because we're confident that even if we can't defeat her, we

can still ensure a safe retreat. But I'm curious, has CP0's infiltration of the

underworld reached this level?" Stussy replied, causing June's expression

to change instantly.

For her, her identity was the biggest secret, and she could be sure that

her identity was an absolute secret even within CP0. She didn't expect to

be exposed by the girl in front of her.

"What are you talking about? What CP0?" June seemed to still want to

feign ignorance, while secretly considering whether there might be a

traitor in CP0. But no matter the situation, she continued to ponder.

June watched as Stussy, who had hidden her fingers behind her back,

began to gather energy secretly.

"Don't pretend to be clueless anymore. And stop your little tricks, or I

might misunderstand." Hearing Stussy's words, June laughed lightly

behind her hand, hiding any traces of her previous murderous intent.

"The Charlotte family has indeed encountered an incredible opponent this


With June's words, the Cake Castle, which had already shown signs of

damage, became even more dilapidated under the impact of Nicholas and

Charlotte Linlin's battle, eventually collapsing layer by layer!

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Muffled sounds reverberated, shaking the entire island.

As the landmark of Whole Cake Island collapsed, it meant that there was

no turning back. Although there was hardly any chance of turning back

from the moment Nicholas and Charlotte Linlin began fighting.


[AN- ⚠️Guys this is a major announcement ⚠️ Many of you guys told

me to make our Stussy as June and call the original Stussy as Stussy. In

my opinion this a valid recommendation because the name Stussy is very

popular so the disguise she wears does nothing to hide her identity. So i

decided to call our Stussy as "June" and call the OG Stussy as her original

name. I am sorry if it causes any inconvenience.]


In the densely clouded sky, countless huge crimson fireballs suddenly

whistled down from the dark clouds, like a rain of fire descending from

the heavens, interweaving into a dense and terrifying death zone. Each

fireball that crashed onto the ground shattered the earth below, leaving

behind craters filled with molten lava, forming large burning areas.

In the midst of these devastating fireballs, the towering figure of Nicolas,

transformed into the Thunder God, stood like a war god, wielding a

thunderous spear in one hand and a lightning shield in the other,

smashing the red fireballs that fell from the sky.

"Nicolas, you brat!!!"

The furious roar reverberated in the high sky as Big Mom stood on top of

Zeus, her face distorted with rage as she summoned flames from the sky

and controlled them to attack Nicolas below.

"I'll kill you, you bastard!"

At this moment, she had entered a frenzy, different from the frenzy of her

Food-Lust Syndrome.

When afflicted by the Food-Lust Syndrome, Charlotte Linlin would fall

into a madness, losing all rationality and wreaking havoc in search of her

desired food. In such a state, defeating her or providing her with the food

she craved were the only ways to restore her sanity, as she would not

listen to anyone.

However, the frenzy Charlotte Linlin entered now was even more

terrifying than her Food-Lust Syndrome. Despite being enraged, she still

retained a shred of rationality, meaning she could unleash her full power

in battle and even surpass her usual limits due to her anger.

The reason for her rage was simple. Charlotte Linlin, riding on Zeus, had

sustained numerous injuries, though her regenerative abilities had

already healed most of them. The bloodstains on her tattered clothes,

however, indicated that the Steel Balloon had indeed been breached

during her battle with Nicolas.

Yet, these injuries were acceptable to Charlotte Linlin. Compared to her

own injuries, the state Nicolas was in at the moment was even worse.

Though he maintained the form of the Thunder God, with no visible

injuries, the prolonged maintenance of his elemental form consumed a

tremendous amount of his energy.

It was known that among the three types of Devil Fruits, the Logia type

was considered powerful due to the pseudo-invulnerability conferred by

its elemental form. In this state, coupled with advanced Observation

Haki, no one could harm a user of the Logia type directly.

Yet, to defeat a Logia-type user, one had to exhaust their energy,

preventing them from maintaining their elemental form. Otherwise, if

they were determined to escape, there was little one could do.

From the beginning of the battle until now, only slightly over an hour

had passed since Nicolas and Big Mom had clashed. Both sides still held

their trump cards, yet to be revealed.

It could even be said that the revelation of their true power was far from

being unveiled!

With these thoughts in mind, Nicolas suddenly extended his hand,

summoning a gigantic and immensely powerful Thunder Dragon that

crackled with energy. This dragon roared ferociously as it soared towards

Big Mom on top of Zeus.


Seeing the enormous Thunder Dragon charging towards her, Big Mom

patted Zeus beneath her.

"Don't worry, Mom!"

As Zeus spoke, the volume of the thunderclouds expanded once again.

Soon, the Thunder Dragon summoned by Nicolas disappeared into the


As Zeus returned to its original size, it seemed to have become somewhat

sluggish, he was just able to absorb a tiny bit of the thunder dragon.

"What's wrong with you, Zeus?"

As she looked at the lethargic Zeus, Charlotte Linlin hadn't spoken yet

when Prometheus, beside her, was the first to speak up, loudly


"Buuurp, ate too much, got bloated."

Zeus burped and then a stream of electricity dripped from its mouth,

splashing onto the ground below and shattering countless rubble in the


In the midst of her rage, Big Mom felt the terrifying aura emanating from

the Thunder Dragon. She couldn't help but contract her pupils, revealing

a hint of seriousness.

However, there was no room for her to evade. As the queen of Totto

Land, her dignity did not allow her to do anything that would

compromise her authority.

"Spear of Elbaf... Hegemon!"

With a furious roar, she gripped the hilt of Napoleon with both hands,

covering the entire blade with Armament Haki. Once the entire blade

was enveloped in Armament Haki, a black and crimson lightning danced

around Napoleon.

Then, using all her strength, she swung the blade forward towards the

unstoppable Thunder Dragon!


As the blade descended, a beam of milky white light, with a diameter of

tens of meters, soared into the sky, containing a sharpness that seemed to

engulf everything in its path!

If the destructive power of Napoleon was enough to deter a nation, then

the destructive power of Hegemon was undoubtedly enough to destroy a



Boom! Boom! Boom!

Two majestic attacks clashed in mid-air, creating a suffocatingly

terrifying ripple in the sky. The sheer energy emitted by both attacks

made it seem as though they were locked in a stalemate in the air when

viewed from a distance.

However, this standoff was merely an illusion. With a tremendous roar,

the radius of a thousand meters around the two colliding attacks seemed

to tremble.

Even the people on Cake Island, both in the midst of battle and observing

from afar, were affected by the shock. Almost everyone had to stop their

actions and stabilize themselves to avoid falling.

The powerful shockwave even sent some of the weaker civilians on Cake

Island tumbling, unable to stand up for a while.

At this moment...

If the events unfolding across Cake Island were compared to a grand

performance, then all the people on the island were nothing more than

supporting roles with varying degrees of importance.

The true protagonists, all along, were the two figures colliding in the

center of Cake Island!


After who knows how long, the violent phenomenon caused by the

collision between the imbued Conqueror's Haki wielded by Charlotte

Linlin and the Thunder Spear from Nicholas gradually subsided. The

battle in the sky also became clearer.

On the ground, many people, after stabilizing themselves, looked towards

the direction of the Cake Castle, only to see that both Big Mom and

Nicholas were not in great shape.

Big Mom's Zeus could be clearly seen to have shrunk by half compared to

before, and she was now gasping for air, her hair disheveled as she knelt

half on Zeus.

As for Nicholas, he had dispelled his Thunder God form, and it was

evident that the previous clash had taken its toll on him as well.

Clearly, both parties had expended considerable energy during the

terrifying exchange.

"To think that even Mom's Conqueror's Haki could be resisted..."

Looking at the direction where Nicholas and Big Mom were, Oven, who

was pinned down, felt even more fortunate that he had been restrained

by Katakuri.

The thought of facing Nicholas's terrifying strike made him shudder.

"This is trouble. Mom probably won't be able to take down that guy for

some time. Daifuku, take Oven and find a safe place."

Katakuri spoke to Daifuku, who had returned from somewhere at some


"No way!"

Daifuku and Oven both exclaimed simultaneously, indicating that they

couldn't abandon Katakuri and the others. In fact, after escorting Brulee

to safety, Daifuku immediately returned to the battlefield here.

Looking around, Katakuri glanced at the heavily damaged Cake Island

and the two ominous figures emitting terrifying auras at the Cake Castle.

He made a decision: "You staying here will only distract us. I'll try to

capture that little girl as quickly as possible, then use her as a hostage to

help Mom end the battle swiftly!"

In Katakuri's view, this was the easiest way to help Big Mom achieve

victory. In crucial moments of battles between powerhouses, even the

slightest distraction could determine the outcome.

Although such behavior was despicable, not doing so would mean that

even if the battle between Nicholas and Big Mom ended with Big Mom's

victory, Cake Island would likely have been completely devastated by

then. After all, the destructive power of battles between top-tier

powerhouses was quite astonishing.

During the intense exchange between the two, Prometheus intermittently

spat flames to disrupt Nicholas, while Nicholas sent out various

thunderbolt weapons from behind to counter the flames or shoot towards

Big Mom.


Two weapons clashed together, and both parties poured all their strength

into their arms, resulting in a continuous stalemate between the two


"Very impressive, little brat. You managed to hold your ground without

even having to unleash Conqueror's Haki."

Big Mom's eyes turned bloodshot as she glared at Nicholas, her once

graceful face now twisted with ferocity and savagery.

But Nicholas, biting down hard on his teeth, suddenly exerted force with

his arms, forcing back Napoleon held by Charlotte Linlin. Then, changing

the sword's momentum into a stab, he thrust the electrified blade directly

at Big Mom's chest!


Nicholas's sudden attack was too fast. Although Big Mom reacted, it was

too late to defend. Her steel-like skin was pierced almost instantaneously,

and blood flowed along the blade. The pain made her scream in agony,

her face contorted.

"You little rascal!"

Grasping the blade tightly with her arm covered in Armament Haki, Big

Mom's other hand, holding Napoleon, swung down directly towards


In a critical moment, Nicholas leaped up, his entire body exerting force

on Charlotte Linlin, using the recoil to withdraw his weapon and evade

the incoming strike.

"Nicholas, you bastard!!!"

Charlotte Linlin, clutching her chest, glared at Nicholas with crimson


Nicholas looked at Charlotte Linlin, her hand clutching her chest, with

regret. If it wasn't for that massive bun in the way, the lightning-

enhanced blade from earlier might have pierced Charlotte Linlin's heart.

And as the battle on Cake Island became more intense...

In the sea hundreds of miles away from Cake Island, a colossal figure was

skimming across the waves, heading towards Cake Island at full speed.

Mother caramel's dark history


A figure plummeted from the sky, revealing that it was Nicholas who had

been slammed into the ground by Big Mom's sword.

"Thunder brat, has your strength weakened!?" Big Mom, riding on Zeus,

laughed fiercely.

"Hehe, is this level of attack not satisfying for you?" Nicholas stood up

from the rubble, refusing to admit defeat even after being beaten down.

"Focus on yourself, you little brat!" Big Mom continued to swing her

sword at Nicholas below, each strike carrying immense power.

Nicholas didn't back down either. For him, he was beginning to enjoy this


Boom! Boom!

Each collision between the two seemed like massive explosions, splitting

the earth and churning the sea.

"This gal is really something else," Nicholas thought to himself. In a battle

of endurance, he was truly no match for Big Mom, especially with her

ironclad body. If they continued like this, she would likely emerge


"It seems I have to use that move!" Nicholas took a deep breath and

shouted loudly at Big Mom.

"Charlotte Linlin, do you know? Your most respected nun is just a human

trafficker. Her kindness towards you is merely because she saw your

talent and wanted to sell you for a high price."

"What are you saying!? You scoundrel!!" Big Mom's face twisted with

rage upon hearing Nicholas' words.

"Do you even know what you're talking about?" For Charlotte Linlin, the

nun was the warmest memory she had. After being abandoned by her

parents, the nun gave her a new home and taught her the warmth of


"Where did I go wrong?" Nicholas taunted, "Do you ever wonder why the

place the nun provided for you was called 'Lamb's House'? It's because all

the children she took in were lambs to be slaughtered! Don't you find it

strange how your companions disappear every now and then?

They weren't being adopted by kind people; they were being sold to the

World Government. And Mother Carmel, in the world and even among

the giants, is known as the 'Holy Mother.' But in the world of human

trafficking, she's famous as the 'Mountain Witch.'"

"Shut up! How could someone like you understand the greatness of

'Mother'?!" Big Mom retorted furiously.

"Greatness?" Nicholas looked at Charlotte Linlin with pity, "If it weren't

for the incident in the giant village back then, you would have long been

sold to the government and become a member of CP0."

"Ah!!!" Big Mom let out a strange roar of anger and charged towards

Nicholas, "I will, I will kill you for sure!"

"Is that so? Since you value her so much, how about I tell you another

secret..." Nicholas' voice was like a demon's whisper, "about why Mother

Carmel and those children suddenly disappeared after your birthday


Hearing Nicholas' words, Big Mom's movements involuntarily slowed


For her, Mother Carmel's disappearance had always been a thorn in her


"Have you ever thought about why the nun's abilities suddenly

manifested in you? Remember, you never ate a Devil Fruit!" Nicholas

continued, his voice filled with pity, "It's because Mother Carmel and

those children were... eaten by you!"

"Eaten... eaten..."

Nicholas' words echoed in Big Mom's mind, and she became stunned, her

breath even weakening.

Then, Nicholas' brilliant strike, infused with all his strength, slashed

towards her head without any resistance!



Zeus, Napoleon, and Prometheus, the three homies created by Big Mom,

witnessed this scene and were filled with despair.

Big Mom screamed, spewing a mouthful of blood as she was sent flying

backward by the blow, caught by the panicked Zeus.

Prometheus and Napoleon unleashed their strongest attacks to stop

Nicholas' pursuit.

Big Mom, kneeling on Zeus, coughed violently, blood gushing from a

huge gash in her neck, her blood vessels and muscle tissue visible

through the torn wound, a terrifying sight.

But she hadn't fallen under that one strike. Despite her severe injuries,

her consciousness remained clear. With her hand covering the bleeding

neck, she struggled to stand up.

That single strike from Nicholas was the most dangerous moment she had

ever faced in her life.

If it weren't for her instinctive awareness of the possibility of her death at

the last moment, her instinctive defense, that strike would have severed

her head.

On the other side, feeling a sense of regret after that terrifying blow,

Nicholas gazed at Charlotte Linlin, who was barely standing with a

distorted face.

It was just a little bit. If it weren't for Charlotte Linlin's instinctive

defense, his sword would have severed her neck.

"However, if one strike isn't enough, then I'll strike again," Nicholas said

with a smile of resignation, holding his longsword and looking at Big

Mom, who was struggling to stand with heavy injuries, his expression

revealing his acceptance.

It could be said that after Nicholas delivered that blow, the outcome was

already decided!

Charlotte Linlin, who had been able to contend with him moments ago,

now had no chance of turning the tables after suffering severe injuries.

And at that moment, everyone watching the battlefield wore expressions

of disbelief. They had expected Nicholas to lose to Charlotte Linlin in

their eyes. After all, in terms of fame, and even in terms of time spent

sailing the seas, Nicholas was not Charlotte Linlin's match.

Moreover, Charlotte Linlin's strength had reached its peak at this

moment, while Nicholas had not yet reached his.

Yet the result now was that Charlotte Linlin was severely injured by


And it seemed she was about to be killed by Nicholas himself!


Seeing this scene, all the members of Big Mom's crew were anxious. After

all, their ability to become a major force on the seas depended mainly on

Charlotte Linlin's terrifying strength. Once Charlotte Linlin fell, they

would inevitably lose their foundation in the world.

By then, there would surely be a large number of enemies chasing them,

and even for Katalkuri and the others, whether they could grow up was

uncertain, after all, Big Mom's crew would have no deterrent without

Charlotte Linlin.


Seeing this scene, Streusen, who was fighting with Brook, immediately

wanted to go to Charlotte Linlin's aid. Although he knew that he wouldn't

be able to reach her easily over such a long distance, he wouldn't know

unless he tried.

"Your opponent is me."

Just as Streusen was about to go to Big Mom's aid, Brook's figure blocked

his path.

And the others who were originally besieging Vista were all blocked by


The members of Big Mom's crew could only watch helplessly as Nicholas

effortlessly blocked Napoleon and Prometheus's attacks and approached

closer to Charlotte Linlin.

Just as they were desperate!


A scorching breath, spanning thousands of meters, came from the

direction of the sea, directly spewing towards Nicholas.

Immediately, in the astonished gazes of everyone, a giant dragon came

from the sea, stepping on flames, approaching rapidly.


After the eruption, a crack appeared in the location of Cake Castle,

stretching for hundreds of meters and tens of meters wide. Due to the

high temperature from the eruption, the rocks and soil in the crack had

turned into scorching magma.

In the sky.

At this moment, behind the floating dragon, clusters of dark clouds

gathered in an instant.

The dragon's icy eyes swept over the ground, its demeanor disdainful

towards the insignificant ants below.

But when the heavily injured Big Mom came into view, the dragon's

expression suddenly changed, its pupils shrinking sharply.


The weather changed.

Just as clouds follow the dragon, wind follows the tiger.

The ominous black clouds and thunder gathered swiftly around the

massive dragon's body, eventually disappearing into the surrounding dark

clouds, bursting out with dazzling light.


Without warning, a thick bolt of lightning shot out from the clouds,

striking towards a certain direction in the ruins of Cake Castle.

The purple-tinged lightning struck the ground, dispersing into flashes of

lightning, completely enveloping the small area.

"Kaido, you really have no brains, huh? Using lightning against me, did

you not get beaten enough last time?"

With a voice, Nicholas emerged unscathed from the lightning, even the

lightning bolt from the dragon now seemed like a puppy seeing its

owner, compressed by Nicholas and played with in his hand.

In the air.

Kaido, in the dragon form, immediately sensed Nicholas's presence.

On the fierce and indifferent dragon eyes, a huge killing intent emerged.

Dragon Kaido looked down at Nicholas, coldly saying, "Nicholas, you

always manage to annoy people, huh? As for that lightning, it was just a

way of saying hello."

"Ohoho... Open your eyes wide and watch carefully. Get ready to recieve

my even more enthusiastic hello!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the dragon's sinuous body hovered in the

air, sharp wind blades began to coil around it as it danced in the air.

Dragon Twister!

As the massive dragon body turned, it released long and sharp wind

blades, attacking Nicholas below.

In order to prevent Nicholas from dodging the attack with his lightning

abilities, Kaido's wind blades were so densely packed, almost like

raindrops, completely blocking any space for evasion.

For Kaido, he knew that the best way to defeat a natural ability user or to

kill the opponent was to exhaust their stamina. Even if his attacks

couldn't cause effective damage, as long as he could force Nicholas to use

his elemental flash to dodge, it would be worth it.

And taking advantage of Nicholas being delayed, with Linlin's abnormal

physique and the special abilities of the Soul-Soul Fruit, he was fully

confident in restoring his combat power in a short time.

These wind blades were extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they

arrived in front of Nicholas, completely engulfing his figure.

And the Cake Castle, already ruined due to the battle between Big Mom

and Nicholas, was completely erased under Kaido's attack.


At this moment, Kaido suddenly stopped rotating in the air, his sinuous

dragon body suspended in the air, his eyes filled with deep confusion as

he looked down at the battlefield engulfed in dust.

Because in his perception, there was no longer any trace of Nicholas in

the dust.


With the sound of metal clashing, it immediately caught Kaido's

attention. It turned out that Nicholas, at some point, had already escaped

the range of the wind blades and appeared next to Big Mom, who was

undergoing emergency treatment.

The sound of the metal clash just now was the sound of Charlotte Linlin's

Homie Napoleon clashing with Nicholas during their battle.

And taking advantage of Napoleon's obstruction, Zeus had already flown

with Charlotte Linlin towards the distance again.

On top of Zeus, Charlotte Linlin, whose neck was almost severed, was

staring at Nicholas, and at the wound on her neck, there was a group of

Homies stitching up her blood vessels and muscles like sewing needles. It

wouldn't take long for them to completely suture the severed blood

vessels and muscles.

"You, you!"

Seeing Nicholas launching an attack in front of him, Kaido was

immediately furious. Did this guy not take him seriously?

Facing the charging Kaido, in almost an instant, Nicholas stretched out

his fingers, a white lightning streaked across the sky, and in an instant, it

appeared in front of Kaido.

The target of the lightning attack was directly aimed at Kaido's eyes.

Compared to Kaido's beastly body, his eyes would naturally be more


Therefore, without knowing Nicholas's attack, even Kaido didn't dare to

be careless, quickly closing his eyelids.


The lightning struck Kaido's closed eyelids, bursting into a spark.

And just when Kaido thought the attack was over, and was preparing to

open his eyes.

Nicholas's figure disappeared from a distance.

Hey, Earthworm!

With the lightning as the anchor, Nicholas instantly crossed thousands of

kilometers, appearing on top of Kaido's dragon head.

The long knife in his hand was held on his shoulder, making a hacking


Rokushiki- Strengthening!

The muscles in his arms holding the knife suddenly expanded by a circle.

Lightning - Thunder Stimulation!

Accompanied by the stimulation of the lightning, the bioelectricity in his

body became active, and lightning-like patterns even appeared on his


Armament Haki - Strengthening - Coiling!

With a buzzing sound, Armament Haki instantly coiled around his arms

and covered the blade.

In an instant, Nicholas completed a triple enhancement.

When Kaido opened his eyelids, what he saw was Nicholas, who had

completed his power-up, and his long knife slashing towards him.

With the roar of thunder, the long knife slashed on Kaido's dragon head.

A dazzling white light burst from the blade and Kaido's head, sending out

a visible violent air wave that swept towards the surroundings.

In an instant, the sky, originally covered with dark clouds, was

illuminated under this blow.

The violent aura spread wildly, spreading towards the surroundings of

Cake Island.

"This bastard..."

Feeling the continuously flowing violent power from above, as well as

the bone-piercing pain, Kaido couldn't help but feel a bit trance-like.

The next moment, Kaido's huge body fell to the ground like a meteor.


The mighty and unparalleled dragon body landed heavily, accompanied

by a terrifying impact force that smashed the ground into a huge crater.

The impact stirred up a large amount of dust, covering the scene inside

the deep pit.

Watching the power of Nicholas's slash from a distance, Streusen, who

blocked Brook's Speed Sword attack with his weapon, was speechless, his

face full of shock.

It's worth noting that the reason why he was so calm after Nicholas and

Charlotte Linlin started their battle was because Big Mom's pirate group

had Kaido as a trump card.

It can be said that as the current intellectual leader of Big Mom's pirate

group, shortly after the dissolution of the Rocks Pirates, he formed an

alliance with Kaido in the name of Big Mom.

After all, at this point in the New World, neither Roger nor Whitebeard

nor the Golden Lion are opponents that can confront Big Mom and Kaido

combined alone.

And if the two of them cooperate, they can completely contend with

those three monsters, let alone whether Big Mom's ideal of a thousand

countries or Kaido needs time to develop.

So when Nicholas and others appeared in Totoland, he sent a message to

Kaido, inviting him to come just in case.

After Kaido rushed to the battlefield, Streusen thought he had the upper

hand, and even thought he could leave Nicholas out of his mind.

Mommy and Kaido formation

"You're not worried about your captain at all? That kind of injury isn't

enough to be fatal for someone like Kaido, you know."

Stussy smiled as she spoke to June, her gaze shifting towards the sky.

[AN- For those who missed announcement, From now on I will call OG

stussy as stussy and our one as June]

Above the high altitude.

Nicholas hovered there, looking down at the deep pit where Kaido had

fallen, surrounded by billowing smoke.


As the smoke gradually dissipated, a tall figure emerged.

Realizing that his Azure Dragon form was likely to be beaten unilaterally,

he chose to transform into his strongest Beastman form to confront the


After all, the Azure Dragon form's body was too bulky, and while it could

be overwhelming for those weaker than himself, it felt somewhat

awkward in a fight against an evenly matched opponent.

In this Beastman form, Kaido's body was covered with dragon scales from

his head to his back, even his arms had turned into dragon claws, and a

huge dragon tail swung behind him.

There was a deep, visible cut on his forehead, and even in his Beastman

form, the scales near the wound had not healed, still oozing blood. In his

hand, he held a menacing wolf-tooth club, crackling with electricity.

However, at this point, the wolf-tooth club was clearly not yet at its peak

power, and it had not become the super rookie killer it would later be

known as.

"Ah, it hurts. It's been a while since I last bled... Ohohoho, it seems like

this time, we've got a real challenger."

Kaido touched the wound on his head, then brought his blood-stained

palm to his mouth, licking it with his tongue. Clearly, he wasn't

concerned about the wound on his forehead, but rather about the

individual, Nicholas, who could inflict such damage.

After licking the blood off his palm, Kaido's expression turned ferocious,

and he raised the wolf-tooth club, crackling with lightning, adopting a

stance reminiscent of the Eight Trigrams of Thunder.

In his fierce dragon eyes, a hint of red appeared.

Then, accompanied by his draconic aura and his own beast-like presence,

Kaido's imposing aura spread unabated, causing the surrounding ground

to tremble.

Kaido looked at Nicholas, his rugged face suddenly filled with intense

fighting spirit.

Only by facing strong opponents could he have the opportunity to grow


And in his Beastman form, Kaido could be said to be at his strongest


The wolf-tooth club, surrounded by purple lightning, emitted an even

more palpable sense of danger as Kaido's aura continued to rise.

Thunder Bagua!

Kaido suddenly moved, his figure disappearing into thin air.

It was a speed completely incongruent with his massive body!

The purple electric light coiled around the wolf-tooth club was

compressed into a purple line rushing towards Nicholas in an instant.


There was no "then". Almost as soon as Kaido's Thunder Bagua closed in,

Nicholas elementalized, avoiding Kaido's lightning strike.

With a clang!!!

Nicholas appeared again, blocking Kaido's subsequent strike with his


The collision of forces from different directions created shockwaves that

shattered the surrounding ground into countless cracks.

The commotion caused by this head-on clash made all those watching the

battle on Cake Island and the surrounding waters involuntarily tense up.

"This is... the power of those monsters!"

"They're truly terrifying."

"These monsters are no longer opponents that ordinary humans can

contend with."

"And Nicholas, fighting two monsters in a row, he..."

As they watched Nicholas and Kaido locked in confrontation on the

battlefield, beads of sweat formed on the spectators' foreheads.

In this level of battle, they couldn't even intervene; staying within the

range of the fighting opponents could be life-threatening.

"Ohohoho, impressive power indeed. But after fighting with Charlotte

Linlin for so long, your stamina must be running low, right?"


Accompanied by a deafening blast of air, Kaido exerted force with his

arms, sending Nicholas flying.

Boom boom—

The force was so overwhelming that visible shockwaves trailed behind

Nicholas as he flew hundreds of meters away.

Just by listening to the continuous blasts, one could gauge how terrifying

the force applied to Nicholas was.

"You're indeed a monster on par with Charlotte Linlin. Your brute

strength is truly terrifying. However, you're still far from your peak,


In the blink of an eye, Nicholas appeared unscathed in the air.

Then, a massive slash was aimed directly at Kaido.

Facing this slash, Kaido swung his wolf-tooth club to shatter the crescent-

shaped attack coming at him.

Thunder Bagua!

Without warning, Kaido launched another attack.

His colossal figure charged towards Nicholas.

At such incredible speed, the ground below couldn't keep up, raising

billowing dust.

In the face of such speed, Observation Haki without sufficient depth was

utterly useless.

Before the spectators could understand what was happening, Kaido's

figure emerged tens of meters behind Nicholas, still holding the posture

of swinging the wolf-tooth club.

And behind him, Nicholas was dispersing into lightning, reassembling

into form.

"You, you're just going to dodge all the time!?"

At this moment, Kaido appeared particularly furious, evidently provoked

by Nicholas's evasive tactics that countered his preference for direct

confrontation. Perhaps it could be said that Kaido, he was losing his


"Is it my fault for not confronting the Awakened Zoan or Mythical Zoan

ability users head-on, or is it your fault for having a brainless fighting


In response to Kaido's words, Nicholas replied sarcastically, knowing that

provoking the opponent to lose their rationality in battle was

undoubtedly one of the methods to win.

As Nicholas's words fell, his figure disappeared in an instant.

Then, the dust around Kaido stirred without wind, and a flickering figure

moved continuously around him.

Kaido's eyes flashed red as he fully utilized his Observation Haki,

continuously tracking Nicholas's movements.

Suddenly, his arm surged with force, swinging the wolf-tooth club

towards an empty space where no one was present.

Unfortunately, if Nicholas's Observation Haki wasn't as strong as Kaido's,

then Kaido's preemptive strike would have accurately hit Nicholas's head.

However, the unpredictability of Observation Haki lies in the mind

games. It's about whether you predict my prediction, or I predict your

prediction of my prediction, or perhaps I predict your prediction of my

prediction of your prediction.

So, Kaido's strike ended up hitting nothing but air.

Almost immediately after Kaido's swing missed, Nicholas appeared

behind Kaido.

A slash aimed at Kaido's nape.

However, although Kaido was at a moment of exhaustion, his Armament

Haki almost instantly covered his neck as soon as he thought about it.

Coupled with the dragon scales on his body, it was as if he had put on a

layer of black armor.


As the attack failed, Nicholas's figure once again distanced itself from


After this repeated several times, Kaido suddenly burst into laughter,

then stared at Nicholas with a cold smile. "Ohohoho... You've realized it,

haven't you? Then you should know what you'll face next, right?"


Echoing Kaido's voice was Big Mom's furious roar and a dazzling white

cylindrical shockwave emanating from afar.

It was Charlotte Linlin's Conqueror's Haki.

After Nicholas clashed with Charlotte Linlin's Conqueror's Haki, what he

saw was Big Mom, wielding Napoleon burning with flames, standing side

by side with Kaido on Zeus, the thundercloud.

The Mom-Kaido combination was now on the scene.


"Linlin, you look really miserable."

Kaido's voice, tinged with sarcasm, came from the side.


Charlotte Linlin suppressed her anger, casting a cold glance at Kaido

beside her. "You don't need to meddle. Even without you, I wouldn't be in


"Ohohoho, if I hadn't arrived in time, you would have been beheaded by

Nicholas just now, Linlin!"

Kaido glanced at the centipede-like wound on Charlotte Linlin's neck,

adding mockery to his tone as he looked towards Nicholas in the


Obviously, he was unaware that Nicholas had shattered Charlotte Linlin's

psychological defenses with words, striking her when she was vulnerable.

If it weren't for Charlotte Linlin's instinctual reaction, he might have


So, Kaido mistakenly thought Nicholas nearly beheaded Charlotte Linlin

solely based on his own strength.

"What a joke...!!!"

Upon hearing Kaido's words, Charlotte Linlin's expression turned grim.

Despite her reluctance to admit it, her battle with Nicholas was

undoubtedly the most dangerous she had ever faced. In fact, she felt

Nicholas posed a greater threat, considering how he knew about what

happened at the Sheep's House.

As Charlotte Linlin contemplated, Kaido hoisted his club onto his

shoulder, addressing her.

"Face the facts, Linlin."

Kaido's eyes gleamed with killing intent, his club pulsating with black

and red lightning.

"That guy's threat is much greater than those others'!"

In Kaido's view, while Charlotte Linlin might not match those others in

combat, even if they could defeat her, killing her would be nearly

impossible. However, Nicholas almost succeeded, making Kaido value his

alliance with Charlotte Linlin, knowing their fates were intertwined.


Charlotte Linlin's gaze turned terrifying, indicating she knew why

Nicholas targeted her. However, she couldn't reveal it to anyone else,

constantly denying Nicholas's previous words in her mind.

"Ohohoho... Linlin."

"What's wrong?"

Kaido, gripping his club, flexed his bones, sounding excited. "Remember

the move you taught me?"

Charlotte Linlin glanced at Kaido's movements, then understood.

"Well, of course. That was a move I taught you myself."

Upon hearing Kaido's words, Charlotte Linlin's anger somewhat subsided,

and a smile appeared on her face.

"Then... let's use that move to teach him a lesson!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Charlotte Linlin and Kaido's movements almost

mirrored each other, one lifting Napoleon, the other raising the wolf-

tooth club.

This was—

The starting posture of the Yonko combination technique.

Flames and lightning, two potent natural elements, danced around

Charlotte Linlin.

Napoleon, bathed in Prometheus's flames and Zeus's lightning, was raised


With Charlotte Linlin's movement, a terrifying aura emanated from her.

As if a fierce beast lurked behind her, silently roaring.

Beside Charlotte Linlin, Kaido in his beastly form also surged with power,

a monstrous dragon head seeming to silently roar behind him.

For strong individuals, they each had their pride. The clash of their auras

was like water and fire.

At this moment, instead of conflicting, the auras of Kaido and Charlotte

Linlin seemed to merge, amplifying their presence beyond what they

individually possessed.

Simultaneously, black and red lightning crackled around them, imbuing

Napoleon and the wolf-tooth club with a dominating will, aside from

Armament Haki.

At this moment, the two formidable fighters gathered their strength,

preparing for a terrifying assault.

Witnessing Charlotte Linlin and Kaido's formation, Nicholas keenly

sensed an unprecedented pressure, feeling as if he faced not them but a

devouring monster. It seemed he might be crushed into powder in the

next moment.

Even the flow of time seemed to slow down in their presence.

Nicholas was certain—something terrifying was coming!

Faced with such a dominant attack, should he confront it head-on or

dodge its edge?

With hardly a moment's hesitation, Nicholas decided to confront the

combined attack head-on.

Since he already knew he might face formidable enemies, shying away

from their combined technique now would be cowardice.

Nicholas gripped his sword, raising it on his shoulder, assuming the


"Rokushiki: Strengthening!"

"Haki Enhancement: Full body adamant!"

"Electric Stimulus!"

With a burst of power, Nicholas seemed surrounded by thunder.

The silhouette of a thunder god roared at the beastly shadow behind

Kaido and Charlotte Linlin!

At the same time, red light glimmered in Nicholas's eyes.

"Hehe, are we going to hurt each other equally?"

As he murmured softly, Nicholas's movements were observed by

Charlotte Linlin and Kaido.

"Ohohoho... Planning to confront it head-on?"

"Hehehe... What a foolish decision."


"Take him down!"

The flow and fusion of their auras made Kaido and Charlotte Linlin's

synchrony reach a high level.

This was a prerequisite for any combined technique.

Either they synchronized their thoughts, understood each other's

intentions, or...


As their intertwined aura surged, Charlotte Linlin and Kaido

simultaneously attacked.

Napoleon, wrapped in flames and lightning, and the wolf-tooth club

crackling with lightning, struck out with almost identical power and

speed toward Nicholas, carrying an aura of destruction.

Dazzling light illuminated the heavens and earth.

Wherever the shockwave passed, even the air wailed in agony.


Knowing the power of this move, a grin appeared on Nicholas's face.

For the bystanders witnessing this technique for the first time, they were

all stunned.

It was their first time seeing Kaido and Charlotte Linlin team up.

The terrifying aura of impending destruction, even though they were at a

safe distance, made their hearts race.

At that moment, many people had the same thought.

"Nicholas is done for."

Just witnessing the terrifying aura of the attack, many already envisioned

Nicholas's fate.

Even if it didn't kill him instantly, it would undoubtedly leave him

severely injured. And at this moment, what was the difference between

severe injury and death?

Meanwhile, Nicholas also felt a tremendous threat as he faced the

overwhelming attack.

This large-scale attack, entwined with Conqueror's Haki, would inevitably

inflict damage even if he utilized Elementalization.

It was undoubtedly the most powerful attack he had ever encountered.


Watching the shockwave sweeping towards him, annihilating all

obstacles in its path, Nicholas unexpectedly saw a familiar shadow in the

technique of Hakai or "Ocean Sovereignty." After all, Hakai looked like an

enhanced version of a combined technique, especially with its

shockwave-like attack, which was almost identical to the move Dory and

Brogy, used to pierce through the Goldfish in Little Garden.

But the power was clearly more terrifying when used by Kaido and

Charlotte Linlin, especially since they added various enhancements such

as Conqueror's Haki, Armament Haki, and other additives to the Hakai


So, why not give that move a try!

Without much thought, Nicholas released all his energy, and an invisible

wave spread rapidly from him, while his previously charged attack was

also released.

A pillar-shaped shockwave generated as Nicholas swung his sword.

Then, it surged towards the direction where Kaido and Charlotte Linlin


In terms of momentum alone, it seemed much weaker than the Hakai


In the blink of an eye, the shockwave generated by Nicholas's slash

collided with the one generated by Kaido and Charlotte Linlin's combined



At the moment when the two shockwaves collided, everyone's ears on

Whole Cake Island bled.

Immediately afterward, a blinding light rose from the center of the


All the onlookers subconsciously closed their eyes to avoid the blinding

light, which was impossible to look at directly.

In the next moment, a rush of air emanated from the center of Whole

Cake Island like an invisible giant hand, sweeping away debris and

various building fragments towards the outskirts of the island.

Many spectators were pushed back by the surging air, akin to the

aftermath of a hurricane.

"What's happening!?"

All the people observing the scene stood firm against the wind, shielding

their eyes from the dust.

They squinted, looking towards the collision center filled with a

terrifying atmosphere.

The first thing that caught their eyes was the layers of visible air waves

accompanied by the intense light.

Even just looking at it filled them with fear.

"Kaido and Charlotte Linlin's joint technique was actually blocked...?!"

Streusen, who was fighting alongside Brook, couldn't believe what he was

seeing. His eyes almost popped out in shock. In fact, due to his

astonishment, he was caught off guard and got stabbed in the shoulder by


"Yo-ho-ho-ho! You can't lose focus on the battlefield."

Brook struck successfully, leaving Streusen scrambling to defend himself.

"Hehe, even you would be shocked to see such a scene. Oh, I forgot,

where did you get those eyeballs from, you bone rack?"

Streusen, blocking and talking, replied.

"Yo-ho-ho-ho! Although I don't have eyeballs, I can still see clearly."

After a swift strike with his cane-sword, Brook's eye sockets suddenly lit

up with two green flames.

"The reason I'm not distracted is simply because I trust Captain Nicholas."

To be honest, after witnessing the attack launched by Nicholas and the

collision with Kaido and Charlotte Linlin's combined attack, Brook was

quite shocked too. Due to the nature of his Devil Fruit, he could sense the

malevolence towards living beings in that attack.

But later, he clearly saw that the attack launched by Kaido and Charlotte

Linlin was distorted when it approached Nicholas. Although it was

invisible to the naked eye, he, thanks to his unique perception, knew that

Nicholas had the confidence to take on their attack.

And as expected, Nicholas managed to withstand their combined attack.

"It was blocked!"

"Katakuri Brother, what are you saying... How could such a terrifying

move be blocked?!"

At this moment, Oven, who was still lying on the ground, couldn't accept

the reality.

He couldn't believe that Nicholas could withstand the combined attack of

his mother and Kaido.

It's impossible!


Katakuri first glanced at Oven, who was unwilling to accept the truth,

then turned his attention to Perospero.

As the brainchild of the Charlotte Family, Perospero held considerable

influence, especially in such critical moments.

At this moment, Perospero's face was pale, his lips trembling.

"That's... that's Mother and Kaido, after all!"

The unimaginable result that was unfolding before his eyes left Perospero

feeling extremely unsettled.

Now, the Big Mom Pirates' top combatants were limited. With only

Charlotte Linlin as the true top-tier combatant, they were severely

lacking in mid-to-high-tier combatants. Otherwise, they wouldn't have

formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Kaido.

While he was thinking, Perospero had yet to make a decision.

After all, he knew that although the trio looked as if they were at their

limits, if he were to intervene, he would probably end up dead.

He was still young, hadn't experienced love, and hadn't... if he died, it

would be a pity.

Suppressing the urge to take down all three, Perospero refrained from

making a move.

And many spectators were also hesitating.

They were weighing the benefits and losses, and in the end, almost

everyone chose to continue watching from the sidelines.

Inside the battlefield, Nicholas took a deep breath, then casually wiped

the blood from the corner of his mouth with his free left hand.

After all, it was a combined technique from two top-tier powerhouses of

the sea, so even though he managed to intercept it, it wasn't easy.

"However, that move seems to be getting closer to perfection."

Nicholas's lips curled up slightly, indicating that he gained something

significant from the recent clash.

At the same time, Kaido and Charlotte Linlin also looked at Nicholas with

suspicion, even ignoring the pain in their bodies.

"Hey, Kaido, did you notice something in Nicholas's attack?"

Charlotte Linlin stared at Kaido with a grim expression.


Kaido snorted, his face equally grim.

"I don't know how he did it, but that guy's attack carries the aura of our

Hakai technique. And you also noticed that strange feeling, right? It's like

our attack was distorted."

Charlotte Linlin's gaze turned fierce as she looked at Nicholas.

After their attack approached Nicholas, Charlotte Linlin clearly felt that

their Hakai attack was distorted, and much of its energy dissipated.

Otherwise, their Hakai attack wouldn't have had such an effect.

"Don't worry, I still have the strength to finish off that guy!"

Charlotte Linlin's voice was icy as she spoke.

Viral news!

Facing the murderous intent emanating from Kaido and Charlotte Linlin

across from him, Nicholas propped himself up with his sword and stood


Obviously, the electromagnetic field he had just used had placed a

considerable burden on his body. Otherwise, if he hadn't used it against

the " Ocean Sovereignty," it wouldn't have been just a slash; there would

have been terrifying lightning as well.

"That's enough for today; I've had my fun."

After uttering those words, "I've had my fun," Nicholas intended to turn

around and leave under the gaze of countless eyes.

Stopped playing?


What's the meaning of this? After causing such a commotion at Whole

Cake Island, is he just planning to leave after wreaking havoc and

rubbing Big Mom's face in the dirt?

With Nicholas's words falling, Charlotte Linlin's anger surged instantly.

After all, she had invited him to the tea party, but this guy came to

Whole Cake Island just to cause chaos, not only ruining the tea party but

also almost beheading her. And now he's not playing anymore? He wants

to leave?

Did he consider her feelings at all?

Although Charlotte Linlin didn't speak, everyone seemed to sense her

boiling rage, perhaps partly due to Prometheus hovering over her head,

creating a sense of illusion.

Nicholas didn't care about the reaction of the enemies. For him, his

purpose had already been mostly achieved, and the battle had yielded

quite good results. At least in terms of Armament Haki, he had already

felt signs of a breakthrough.

Nicholas's thoughts stirred slightly, and he saw Kaido transforming

directly into a giant dragon, angrily opening his huge mouth in the air,

glowing with deep red light, obviously gathering energy.

At the same time, visible whirlwinds emerged around the dragon's body.

This was Kaido's response, more powerful than any words.

Charlotte Linlin was the same, raising her left hand, covering it rapidly

with Armament Haki.


With Napoleon in her right hand and her left fist covered in Armament

Haki, Charlotte Linlin charged towards Nicholas riding on Zeus.

The body containing terrifying power exuded an aura that warned people

to stay away.

Obviously, for the two of them, it wasn't so easy to cause chaos and then

just leave!

As Charlotte Linlin stepped over the deep pit left by their collision, her

body in the air, Kaido, transformed into a dragon, had finished gathering


A hot breath containing terrifying heat gushed out from his wide-open

mouth, while the wind blades around his body also rushed towards

Nicholas with a whistle. The hot breath and numerous wind blades

merged along the way, forming a high-speed rotating fire tornado, even

distorting the air with its high temperature.

From top to bottom, it swept towards Nicholas.

Facing Kaido's attack, Nicholas looked up, his eyes reflecting the

scorching light of the spiraling hot breath.

Facing this terrifying blow, Nicholas made no movement. Instead, he

looked up at the sky behind the dragon.

At some point, the originally cloudy sky had unexpectedly cleared up,

and a warm sunlight was shining through the cracks in the clouds.

"The sun feels nice."

As Nicholas's words fell, a tall figure descended from the sky, directly

blocking in front of him. Then, this figure raised the giant axe in his hand

and struck directly at the spiral hot breath coming towards them.

The spiral hot breath, infused with wind blades, was split in half by the

axe from the middle and flew past Vista and Nicholas on both sides.

The scorching airflow blew their clothes rustling.


The split spiral hot breath eventually landed far behind Nicholas, causing

a violent explosion.

Nicholas remained unaffected, just calmly watching the dragon flying in

the sky.

"Are you sure you want to continue this?"

As Nicholas's words fell, the momentum on Vista's body continued to rise,

even giving Kaido and Charlotte Linlin a feeling that Vista was constantly

getting stronger.

Facing the calm Nicholas and the rising momentum of Vista, Charlotte

Linlin fell silent.

It could be said that Nicholas had already proven with his actions that he

was as formidable as their powerful enemies. He could even contend with

the combination of herself and Kaido alone.

Now, with the sudden appearance of Vista, who was strong enough to

match Kaido, Charlotte Linlin hesitated.

After all, while she and Kaido might be able to keep Nicholas on Whole

Cake Island at the cost of themselves, with another powerful ally, she had

no confidence in a two-on-two situation.

In the end, Nicholas and his group were able to easily retreat aboard the

Sea Sovereign.

Watching the Sea Sovereign sailing away on the sea, Charlotte Linlin felt

like a volcano about to erupt in her chest but had nowhere to vent.

Intense anger, intense discomfort.

Her once-beautiful face twisted into a grimace.


Almost grinding her teeth to the point of creaking, her roar echoed over

the broken island.

And all the onlookers who witnessed the entire process could be said to

be shocked, looking at each other in silence.

Apart from Charlotte Linlin's angry roar, the scene fell into dead silence.

[AN- Mc just casually arrives at bigmom's home, Casually picked a fight

with her, Destroyed whole cake island, Refused to elaborate, Leaves... 🗿]

Soon, the battle that erupted on Whole Cake Island finally spread

throughout the world through various major powers' intelligence

networks and newspapers one night after the other, starting from dawn

the next day.

The speed at which this news appeared in newspapers was quite fast.

Similarly, the related reports about this battle were also very detailed,

not only explaining the causes and consequences of the entire war and its

final outcome but also featuring many firsthand high-definition photos.

These photos contained too many shocking messages, not only scenes

where Big mom almost got beheaded by a single sword, but also photos

of Nicholas and Big Mom, Kaido launching the combined technique "

Ocean Sovereignty," Vista splitting Kaido's hot breath with an axe, photos

of the devastated Whole Cake Island...

For a while.

The whole world was in an uproar!


Marine Headquarters, Mariejois.

In the office at the top of the fortress, after reading the newspaper in his

hand, Sengoku tossed it back onto the desk in front of him. At this

moment, a pile of scattered photos lay on the desk.

Sengoku's expression could be described as extremely ugly:

"What the hell are those guys in the Intelligence Department eating!? If it

weren't for our spies taking photos, we would have to rely on newspapers

for our information???" "Can't help it."

Sitting across from him was Admiral Tsuru. At this moment, she also

looked helpless, rubbing her temples:

"The scale of the battle erupting on Whole Cake Island was too

astonishing. Ordinary people couldn't even approach the battlefield. And

if it weren't for Big Mom's pirates being distracted, the people from the

Intelligence Department wouldn't have been able to get the news out."


At this moment, the other figure sitting silently on the sofa finally spoke,

his tone low and slow:

"Let's put aside the issue with the Intelligence Department for now. Let's

focus on the matter at hand."

"Well, indeed, the matter at hand is more important."

Sengoku nodded slightly, and then pushed his glasses up,

with a somewhat complicated expression, he said: "The situation in the

New World has become more chaotic with Nicholas's entry. By directly

crippling Big Mom, even resisting the combined forces of Big Mom and

Kaido, and reducing Whole Cake Island to ruins, causing heavy casualties

to the Charlotte family... And most importantly, being able to withdraw

safely in the end."

Hearing Sengoku's words, Tsuru didn't waste words either, speaking in a

low voice: "Nicholas's actions undoubtedly indicate that he intends to

intervene in the power struggle in the New World. If this continues, a

new formidable force may emerge in the New World."

"In my opinion, regardless of what Nicholas does in the New World, his

impact on us is minimal. As Dragon said before, in the New World where

those monsters roam, the Navy's power is ultimately limited. Instead of

that, let those guys wreak havoc in the New World, and what we need to

do is to stabilize the first half of the Grand Line and the Four Blues.

As long as we control the Four Blues and the first half of the Grand Line,

the pirates won't be able to make much trouble." Tsuru spoke calmly.

Shaking the entire world!

Sabaody Archipelago, at a pier in the Uncharted Zone.

A pirate ship docks by the shore, with several shipwrights bustling

around, clearly belonging to a pirate crew about to venture into the New


Not far from the ship, a group of people gathers by the shore, taking

turns reading two newly bought newspapers.

They are none other than the Naguri Pirates, who have just arrived in

Sabaody after several months of sailing.

"Captain, I never imagined that guy named Nicholas would be so young

and yet so terrifyingly powerful."

A tall, thin man with a mohawk hairstyle, after reading the report in his

hand, passes it to his nearby companion, unable to help but exclaim:

"Even though I'm not much older than him, he's already become a top-tier

powerhouse in the seas. Meanwhile, I'm still a nobody. The gap is just too



The others standing nearby express their agreement, "With such strength,

there are probably very few people in the world who can compare!"

Big Mom Charlotte Linlin, Kaido.

Although they haven't entered the second half of the Grand Line yet,

which is the New World, these names are not unfamiliar to them.

These are truly terrifying figures standing at the pinnacle of the ocean.

Besides a few other powerful individuals, there are only a handful of

people, such as the Marines' admirals and vice admirals, who can be

mentioned in the same breath.

And now, even against Nicholas, Charlotte Linlin, and Kaido fighting

together, they couldn't gain the upper hand.

In fact, if it weren't for the timely arrival of reinforcements, Big Mom

would likely have been defeated by Nicholas!

"Everyone, don't forget, our goal is the Roger Pirates! Didn't we set sail to

challenge them?"

Finally, the captain, who had been silent all along, speaks up, his eyes

shining strangely, his hand trembling slightly as he clutches the

newspaper, clearly not as calm inside as he appears.

Even though they haven't witnessed the battle on Cake Island firsthand,

the reports and photos in the newspaper are enough to imagine the

intensity of the fight.

Although they've sailed through the East Blue and made it to Sabaody

Archipelago with triumph, are they truly a match for these monsters?

Just the likes of Nicholas, Charlotte Linlin, and Kaido have already left

them feeling hopeless. So, how terrifying must Roger's strength, which

still looms over them, be?

"Hahaha, yes, our goal is the Roger Pirates!"

"That's right, Captain has the legendary Conqueror's Haki."

"When we enter the New World, we'll make sure the flag of the Naguri

Pirates flies over islands across the New World!"

Listening to the crew's words, Naguri looks into the distant sky, chuckling

softly after a moment of silence:

"The New World, huh? I'm starting to look forward to it more and more."


New World, on the Moby Dick, flagship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

A crew member stands at the ship's railing, waving to a passing News


Soon, a News Coo lands on the railing, pulling a newspaper out of its

pouch with its beak, while the pirate hands over some berries.

As for the fee, if it were another case, they could simply snatch it away.

However, News Coos usually come in flocks. If you dare not pay, the

entire flock of News Coos would blacklist the pirate crew and their ships.

After that, no News Coo would ever deliver the latest news to that pirate

crew again.

Once the News Coo leaves, the pirate opens the newspaper, and cold

sweat instantly drips down his forehead.

"Captain... something big's happened!"

Picking up the newspaper, he rushes to find Whitebeard.

"Hey hey hey, what's this all about?"

Seeing the frantic crew member, Whitebeard asks as he raises a jug of

wine to drink while speaking.

The pirate, panting, says, "Big news, big news, and it's related to Big

Mom, Nicholas, and Kaido!"

"Oh? Let me see."

Upon hearing this, Whitebeard's spirits rise, and he takes the newspaper

from his subordinate, skimming through the headline news before

bursting into laughter.

"Hahaha, didn't expect the Lightning Boy to stir up such trouble so


As other crew members finish reading the report, many of them remain

stunned for over ten seconds before managing to speak, some struggling

to believe, "Really? That guy can actually hold his own against Kaido and

Big Mom teaming up?"

Many of these crew members participated in the battle against the World

Government, so they are well aware of Big Mom's might. After all, if

Whitebeard hadn't completely suppressed Big Mom back then, they

would have suffered heavy losses in the battle against the World


"Captain, that guy said he wants our territorial islands. Is he declaring

war on us?"

One crew member can't help but ask. For someone to demand the

protection of islands, it's undoubtedly a provocation.

After all, if the other party chose to submit under Whitebeard's flag and

pay tribute every year, then the Whitebeard Pirates should provide

protection to the other party.

"Hahaha, if that kid wants them, give them to him. For those islands, it's

just a change of flag."

Whitebeard says indifferently, not caring about power, which he doesn't

pursue. In his view, fighting to the death for power on the high seas is far

from the pleasure of collecting sons everywhere.


"Hehehe, Whitebeard's in trouble this time."

Onboard the Oro Jackson, Gaban chuckles as he reads the newspaper,

clearly delighted at the prospect of his old rival facing a setback.

"I never thought that kid would grow so fast. In just this short amount of

time, he's become this strong, and he clearly has room to grow. Seeing

him, I feel like I'm getting old."

Leaning against the ship's railing, Rayleigh takes out a bottle of liquor

and drinks while looking at the distant sea with a face full of emotion.

"Rayleigh! Rayleigh!"

Just as Rayleigh is lost in thought, Roger's voice suddenly rings out from

the cabin.

"These two are at it again, come and take a look."

With Roger's shout, the faint sound of a baby crying comes from the


"I'm coming."

Rayleigh responds and walks towards the cabin, feeling somewhat



On a desolate island in the New World.

Below this island lies a massive space filled with various instruments. A

woman with short golden hair and wearing a leopard-print coat stands in

front of an experiment table, continuously operating something.

At this moment, a bizarre creature, with the body of an ape, tiger limbs,

wings of an eagle, and the head of a crocodile, carrying a newspaper in

its mouth, walks into the laboratory.

"Hehe, Kaido and his lot, huh? One day, I'll create something that will

shock everyone!"

As the entire world stirs up a storm due to the battle on Cake Island.

After sailing through wind and waves for several days, the Sea Sovereign,

traveling through the intersection of the World Government and the

Whitebeard faction, finally enters that area of the sea.

Along the way, they encountered some pirate crews. However, upon

seeing the Sea Sovereign, they quickly changed course to escape.

As the saying goes, a person's name can cast a shadow. Many times, the

size of one's fist is the truth.

Assemblance of the revolutionary


Grand Line, first half, Akxing Sea, Fulin Island.

The once tranquil sea was shattered by gunfire and screams, turning the

azure waters red with blood. The smell of burning ships and bodies filled

the air, nauseating anyone who dared to breathe it in.

Beneath the waves, carnivorous sea creatures lurked, waiting for the

opportune moment to feast on the aftermath of war.

"Westlin, Vidogo, how dare you openly attack the Marines and the World

Government! Aren't you afraid that Headquarters will mobilize fleets to

hunt you down? If you retreat now, I can pretend like nothing happened,

otherwise, you will face utter destruction!"

With a glance at Vice Admiral Wallace, who suffered heavy casualties on

the warship, Commander Wilson felt an extra pang of pain. Originally,

assisting the World Government in transporting Celestial Gold seemed

like an easy task to him.

But little did he expect that the people on Fulin Island had set up an

ambush long before their arrival. When they disembarked to collect the

Celestial Gold, the World Government officials were immediately killed

by the crowds surrounding the port, using brutal means beyond


Aware of the dire situation and attempting to retreat, Vice Admiral

Wallace discovered that their fleet, outnumbered and outgunned, was

blocked in the harbor by multiple enemy ships. Even worse, defense

cannons on the shore joined in the attack. Amidst the chaos, Wallace

even saw ordinary civilians aiding in the assault by ferrying ammunition.

In a desperate attempt to break free, only his ship managed to escape the

siege. However, now the heavily damaged warship was being pursued by

the enemy, with the inevitable outcome clear to all.

"Still unable to contact nearby Marine branches?"

Wallace asked heavily, turning to the Marine beside him. Normally, his

adjutant would handle such matters, but in the heat of battle, his

adjutant had tragically perished, leaving Wallace to appoint a temporary


"Report, Vice Admiral. The enemy has jammed our communications. We

cannot... cannot reach nearby branches or Headquarters."

Despite trying to appear fearless, the temporary adjutant's words

betrayed his inner fear.

Unable to communicate meant no reinforcements, and no reinforcements

meant they were likely facing death.

Watching the youthful faces of his crew, Wallace felt immense pain.

These young sailors were the future of the Marines; they should not be

dying in vain like this.

He had indeed been careless this time. He never imagined that an island

under the direct control of the World Government's allied nations would

openly attack the World Government and the Marines.

While pirate attacks on the Marines were not uncommon in the New

World, this was a direct challenge to the World Government's authority,

happening in a region where the Marines and the World Government

wielded significant control—the first half of the Grand Line.

Such actions were deemed an intolerable crime by the World

Government. Failure to respond swiftly would undoubtedly undermine

the Government's rule.

Thus, anyone daring to defy the authority of the World Government

would be swiftly eradicated to preserve the Government's reputation.

Wallace believed these individuals must be aware of the consequences.

"You're naive! If we let you go, how can we justify the deaths of the

innocent people of Fulin Island who have suffered under the oppression

of the World Government for so many years? This is just us collecting

some interest!"

Westlin retorted to Wallace's words with a sneer.

Witnessing the sorry state of the Marines, who had once been complicit

in the oppression by the World Government, was a source of great

satisfaction for the people aboard the enemy ships.

"Vice Admiral Wallace, you need not concern yourself with what comes

next. We have already decided that once we finish this business, we will

directly enter the New World. If your Marines have the guts, you can try

to join us in that realm reserved only for the strong," Vidogo said


"However, once we reach the New World, who captures whom remains to

be seen!"

"For the sake of sparing the ordinary residents on the island?" Wallace

asked, facing the figures on the large ships in the distance.

Upon Wallace's inquiry, both Westlin and Vidogo fell into silence.

Eventually, it was Westlin who spoke. "Although it pains us, for the sake

of everyone, we must ensure you all rest in the depths of this sea!"

With Westlin's words, the two sides plunged back into fierce combat!

For Westlin's group, their objective was to annihilate Wallace and his

forces, then masquerade the attack as an ambush on them. This would

divert the attention of the Marines and the World Government away from

themselves. Otherwise, they could expect the enraged World Government

to rain down their fury on Fulin Island.

For Vice Admiral Wallace, his goal was to lead his young Marines to


So, there was hardly any room for reconciliation between the two sides.

Above the bloody and brutal battlefield, nobody noticed a giant raven

hovering overhead, carrying a man who observed the chaos below.

"Another rebellion against the oppression of the World Government?" the

man murmured with a crow-shaped amplifier.

As he pondered, his cloak, like black flames, seemed to come alive. Just

as he was about to take action, a breeze swept by, and a hand pressed

firmly on his shoulder.

"Who goes there!"

Startled, Karas turned to see who had approached him. Considering he

was at an altitude of kilometers, it was inconceivable for someone to

sneak up on him undetected.

He then noticed the face hidden beneath the cloak.


Karas exclaimed in disbelief, then his expression darkened.

"Are you here to arrest me?"

"Karas, of unknown origin, recently attacked several nobles from World

Government allied nations and annihilated a World Government tax

collection squad in the Carmen Island waters..."

Dragon listed each incident.

"What do you mean?"

Karas looked at Dragon and asked in a deep voice.

"Just seeing your dissatisfaction with the current state of the world. Are

you willing to join me in changing this world?"

With a sincere smile, Dragon extended his right hand towards Karas.

Looking up at Dragon's sincere expression and the outstretched hand,

Karas was stunned.

According to the intelligence he had, this Vice Admiral, who had already

gained his title, was practically a supernova under Marine training.

Under normal circumstances, he would be a prime candidate for

promotion to Admiral. Yet now, he was leading a rebellion?

After a moment of hesitation, Karas smiled. Changing the world,

overthrowing the oppressive nobles and the World Government sounded

like an interesting proposition.

"Gahaha! Overthrowing the World Government and changing the world?

Count me in." Karas let out a strange laugh, then reached out his right

hand to firmly grip Dragon's.

Woo~ woo~ woo~

Soon, a strong wind swept across the once calm sea, diverting the forces

of the two warring factions in different directions.

Throughout the bloody and ruthless battlefield, no one noticed a figure

silently observing the conflict from above.


"Vice Admiral Wallace, communication has been restored!"

The Marine serving as temporary adjutant handed Wallace a Den Den



"I am Vice Admiral Wallace. We have been ambushed. Only my ship has

managed to escape. The attackers were former residents of Fulin Island,

Westlin and Vidogo..."

After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Wallace sighed as he looked

towards Fulin Island. There was nothing more he could do.

6 years

Although Raijin Island is a small island, its area is considerable, and its

terrain is quite unique, resembling an altar.

The island is surrounded by flat beaches, making it easy to land on from

any direction.

Moving inland from the beaches, one would pass through a forest, after

which the terrain abruptly rises like a towering wall.

Climbing over this wall leads to another forest, followed by another wall-

like cliff.

This pattern repeats nine times on the island, with vibrant life visible up

to the fifth layer. Beyond the fifth layer, there are hardly any green plants

or animals, and lightning strikes from above, leaving craters in the


With each higher layer, the frequency of lightning increases, culminating

in a forest almost constantly ablaze with lightning on the top layer,

making it uninhabitable for humans.

In Simon's words, it's the perfect place to obliterate any evidence—

anything thrown in there won't leave a trace, not even bones.

This island is one of the many islands Nicholas seized from Whitebeard

and Charlotte Linlin.

Although the environment at the top layer is extremely harsh, the lower

layers are quite fertile.

The residents of the island call it the Island of Divine Gift, symbolizing it

as a gift from the gods.

The first layer is mostly forested, the second layer is used for farming,

and although the third layer cannot be cultivated, it nurtures lush


Due to the abundant natural grass, the islanders raise many cattle and

sheep on the third layer to meet their daily needs.

For the islanders, they once thought that losing Whitebeard's protection

would bring a ruthless ruler, but to their surprise, except for the initial

arrival of a magical ship that stayed for a while, no one else appeared.

Their lives remained unchanged, without any significant alterations.

"Sometimes backward places have their advantages," Simon remarked as

he watched shepherds grazing in the distance.

Having spent some time here, Simon's assessment of the island was that it

was "a great place to retire."

"I wonder how long the captain will take this time," Simon said, lying on

the grass and looking at the lightning-laden mountaintop.

Since the end of the battle on Cake Island, Nicholas had come to this

island for training, leaving the affairs of the pirate crew to June, while

Simon was stationed here.

One day, on the grasslands of the third layer, herds of sheep moved in a

direction, emitting unusual bleating sounds.

At the center of these herds, a huge rock was slowly undulating. A closer

look would reveal a person carrying a huge rock, doing push-ups on the

grass with both hands.

The process of physical training was always monotonous, regardless of

the method used.

For physical training, the most important thing was not the method but


If one did not possess innate monstrous physical abilities like Kaido,

Charlotte Linlin, or even Whitebeard, the best way was consistent,

relentless training.

For Simon, although snipers didn't necessarily need the same monstrous

physical abilities, they still needed a certain level of self-defense,

especially since close-quarters combat required good physical

conditioning. Moreover, good physical fitness was essential for executing

close-range marksmanship.

He also agreed with Nicholas' statement that "a sniper who can't fight is

an imperfect sniper."


Just as everyone thought that Nicholas and the others would quickly

expand their influence after the battle on Cake Island, it was

unexpectedly quiet, with no major actions taken, only occupying several

islands mentioned earlier from Charlotte Linlin and Whitebeard.

There were no other moves afterwards.

Instead, Kaido and Big Mom began a frenzy of expansion, especially Big

Mom's pirate crew, which went on several expeditions led by Big Mom

herself, clearly aimed at acquiring Devil Fruits to rapidly strengthen their

crew's power.

As for the Marines, apart from raising the bounties, there were no other

actions, seeming to abandon the New World and let these guys wreak

havoc in it.

Although there were no major moves, all the forces couldn't help but

focus on the Freedom Pirates, speculating on the meaning behind their


After all, the Freedom Pirates had become one of the strongest forces in

the world, possessing the capital to stand on the pinnacle stage and

compete for the title of Emperor of the Sea alongside other pirate crews.

Not to mention, in terms of top combat power within the pirate crew, the

Freedom Pirates were not inferior to the others.

Not only did they have Nicholas, who nearly beheaded Big Mom in a

one-on-one battle, facing Big Mom and Kaido without fear, but also Vista,

who displayed such strength in the battle on Cake Island that the world

was amazed.

Although their strength in the middle and lower levels was not enough,

for a pirate crew with top-notch powerhouses, it was not a problem. After

all, the pirates in the New World were like fish in a river, as long as they

showed their strength, there were plenty of pirates willing to join them

under their command.

After all, a pirate crew with the protection of powerhouses meant that

they could roam freely in the New World, except for a few other top

pirate crews.


So it went.

Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, six years had passed.

Looking back on the past six years, there have been many major events in

the world, some of which have even caught the attention of countless


These include Donquixote family abandoning their celestial dragon

identity and leaving Mariejois with their family to settle in the North


And the family of Admiral Zephyr was brutally killed by pirates while on

their way home for a family visit, infuriating Admiral Zephyr. In his

anger, he destroyed the pirates and the island where they were hiding,

turning them to ash.

Afterward, he was immediately transferred to a newly established elite

training camp in the Marines as the chief instructor. It was more of a

protection than a punishment, given Zephyr's status and the embarrassing

act of destroying an island.

Thus, the Marines found themselves in an unprecedentedly awkward

situation, with only one high-end combat force, Admiral, in their ranks.

Although the World Government and even the Fleet Admiral offered to

appoint Zephyr as Admiral multiple times, he refused each time.

The Marines officially entered a one Fleet Admiral-one Admiral mode.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku: ...

Admiral Zephyr: ...

Donquixote family

An island in the North Sea that is not a member of the World


"Hey, you guys go over there and take a look."

"You guys go to the other end of the street."

"Today, we must catch those two guys, we absolutely can't let them

escape! Today, we must teach those two scoundrels a lesson!"

A group of adults wielding sticks searched relentlessly in an alleyway,

cursing loudly from time to time.

Meanwhile, in the foul-smelling sewer, two children who looked to be

only eight or nine years old were tightly curled up. The younger child

trembled incessantly, tears mixing with the filth of the sewer.

The older child, wearing sunglasses, held the younger one close, covering

his mouth with his hand to stifle any cries that might attract the attention

of the people outside.

Carefully peering through the cracks in the sewer, he observed the

movements of the people outside.

"Hey, did you find them?"

The voice from above made both children tense up. The younger child,

with hair covering his eyes, trembled even more violently, while the

older child with sunglasses showed signs of nervousness, gripping the

makeshift spike made from a steel rod tightly in his hand.

"We couldn't find them. I don't know where those two brats could have

run off to. We searched every trash can, and they were nowhere to be

found. Are you sure those two bastards even came into this alley?"

Several people who had been blocking the other end of the alley

approached, looking displeased.

"If we can't find them, forget it. This town isn't that big anyway. We'll

teach them a lesson next time we run into those two brats!"

"Heh heh heh, I never thought we'd see this day. Those high and mighty

figures are no different from pigs and dogs after all."

"To be honest, we can only take advantage of them with our fists. Those

who went to the mansion first got a lot of wealth."

"Tsk tsk, that woman wasn't bad-looking, but unfortunately, she's sick. If

you're not afraid of death, you could try your luck. It's quite thrilling to

trample on those once high and mighty figures."

"Why don't you go try it then!"

In the sewer, amidst the filth and stench, the boy with sunglasses

clenched the makeshift weapon in his hand, his veins bulging on his


"Rosinante, stop crying. Get up quickly; Mom is waiting for us to bring

food back."

The boy with sunglasses wiped away Rosinante's tears and the filth from

his face, then cautiously lifted the sewer lid, keeping a wary eye outside

to ensure nobody was around before emerging from the sewer.

In the southeastern corner of the island, among piles of trash, two

children made their way toward a house constructed from wooden

boards and various discarded items.

As soon as they saw the house, the younger Rosinante rushed toward it,

while the boy with sunglasses first stripped off his wet, foul-smelling

clothes, then approached a makeshift basin made from discarded bottles

nearby. He scooped up seawater and poured it over his head.

Cough cough~

Hearing the intense coughing from inside the house, the boy with

sunglasses, now bare-chested, patted his face to put on a smile before

cautiously entering the house.

"Doffy, you're back."

As he entered, a tall, thin man with golden hair and two beard streaks

greeted him with a smile.

However, Doffy didn't pay attention to the man but looked toward the

only bed in the room, where a woman sat looking haggard.

"Cough... Doffy, I'm sorry."

The woman coughed while gently stroking Rosinante, who had buried his

head in her lap.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Rosinante and I found a lot of good

food today. Once you eat and get better, you'll recover soon!"

Hearing the woman's words, Doffy suddenly looked panicked, constantly

pleading with her.

"Mom, eat."

Upon hearing this, Rosinante hurriedly reached into his embrace and

took out a half-piece of bread, which already emitted a foul odor, and

handed it to the woman.


Watching the woman eat, both Doffy and Rosinante showed smiles. For

them, being able to eat meant they wouldn't die. After all, only the living



"I never thought things would escalate to this point. Not all humans are

human after all; they are more like demons than demons. We just

arrived, and the treasure we brought was all plundered by those guys.

They even burned down our house..."

"My friend, I am so naive... Please, my friend, I will do anything, even if

you let my child and wife return to Mary Geoise first. My wife is

seriously ill; if she doesn't receive treatment soon, she will die! Please, if

we stay here, our whole family will be killed!"

At night, Homing used his preserved Den Den Mushi to make a call to a

friend known to Mary Geoise.

"Homing, this is the life you chose. Once something is abandoned, there's

no turning back. When we advised you before, you told us you had

always been human. You voluntarily abandoned your divine status and

chose to become human.

Even when I suggested you keep your identity chips as Celestial Dragons,

you didn't care; you even discarded all your family's identity chips. If you

only abandoned your own identity chip, and your wife and child still had

theirs, then I could have tried to petition the Highest Council to let your

wife and child return to Mary Geoise.

But unfortunately, you didn't heed this advice. Since you chose to consort

with those humans, you must face the consequences.

You, a mere human, shouldn't call us anymore."


As the Den Den Mushi was hung up, Homing's last hope was shattered.

What Homing didn't know was that this phone call planted the seeds of

demons in Doffy's heart.


"Celestial gold? Is that the legendary Celestial gold that can grant eternal

life?" Brook widened his eyes in astonishment. Even he hadn't expected

that the treasure mentioned in today's meeting would be this legendary


"We only have some information at the moment, nothing confirmed yet.

But according to the intelligence provided by the captain, that giant

lantern fish that was sighted might very well be the enormous island-

eating fish that caused Alchemy to perish."

June looked at the others calmly as she spoke.

"But does Celestial gold really exist? The idea of something granting

immortality always sounds strange," Simon voiced his doubts.

The legend of Celestial gold spread widely after Alchemy disappeared,

but the information about it granting eternal life came from an unknown

source. After all, pirates, treasures, vanished islands, and giant monsters

are practically the four main elements of maritime folklore.

"The legend of Celestial gold does indeed exist, but the island of

Alchemy, where Celestial gold was supposedly refined, disappeared over

a hundred years ago. Nobody knows if this rumor is true or false. When I

was sailing, many people still believed that finding the lost Alchemy

could grant immortality," Brook added.

Sitting at the far end, Katie tried to look mature as she pondered,

"Moreover, Celestial gold is said to grant humans eternal life, but

according to the principle of equivalent exchange, there must be some

unknown drawbacks to this eternal life."

"It's indeed hard to say. It's been too long, and no research materials

related to it have been circulated. So, no one really knows the principle

behind this legendary metal granting eternal life to humans," June


"Yo ho ho ho! Eternal life is indeed a tempting concept," Brook, the

skeleton musician, chuckled. The others cast disdainful glances at Brook

because, after all, this guy who had eaten the Yomi Yomi no Mi probably

didn't even know when he would die.

Just then, the door to the meeting room opened, and a man nearly two

meters tall, with messy long hair and explosive power hidden beneath his

clothes, walked in.

"Celestial gold isn't actually that complicated. It's simply the essence

extracted from a large amount of gold through special means, mixed with

other materials. It influences the wearer's body with the inert

characteristics of the metal, slowing down cell aging, thus achieving the

goal of immortality. However, the price to pay is that it's challenging for

the wearer's strength to improve while wearing Celestial gold ornaments."


Seeing the newcomer, everyone in the meeting room stood up excitedly.

It was unexpected for Nicholas to attend the meeting of the Freedom

Pirates, considering he had chosen to seclude himself in training on

Raijin Island, which was covered with thunderstorms for most of the

year, since the end of the Cake Island battle.

However, nobody complained about it. After all, for the New World

pirates, the captain's strength was the best deterrent. The stronger the

captain, the more transcendent the pirate group's position.

"Yeah, please be seated."

Nicholas sat in the main seat and addressed the others.

"However, this kind of eternal life is more like pseudo-immortality. After

all, a person's lifetime cell division is limited. Although Celestial gold can

delay this process, ultimately, death is inevitable."

As the ship's manager and ship's doctor, June had a significant say.

Upon hearing June's words, Simon expressed his disdain, "So, it's not real

eternal life. I thought that Celestial gold could truly grant immortality. In

that case, I might as well hope for Brook to awaken his fruit before I die.

Then, when I die, he can just bring me back from the Underworld."

"Yo ho ho ho! Rest assured, I'll do my best. When the time comes, we'll

all sail together as skeletons," Brook joked. However, both June and Katie

immediately rejected the idea. For young girls, becoming a skeleton was

worse than being killed directly.

"So, Captain, are we going to fish for that giant lantern fish?" Katie

looked at Nicholas with anticipation. After all, the liver of the lantern

fish, especially one as enormous as that, was a delicacy. Its ingredients

must be even more delicious.

"But how do we fish for it? For such a monstrous creature, the bait

needed to lure it must be massive, right?" Katie thought of the giant

lantern fish's size and felt somewhat at a loss. Fishing for such a large

creature would be different from fishing for other fish.

"It's not that complicated. Based on my speculation, the reason that giant

lantern fish swallowed Alchemy island might have been attracted by the

light of Celestial gold. So, if we gather enough gold, we might be able to

lure that lantern fish out."


"That's right."

"But there's one more thing: we must find the approximate range where

that lantern fish usually appears. Otherwise, no matter how dazzling the

light is, it won't be able to attract it across the vast ocean."


Several days later, in a vast sea area, the water churned violently.

The pirates on board were all in a panic, barely able to look down at the

sea below.

However, one glance almost scared them out of their wits.

Underneath the sea surface, there appeared an enormous black shadow.

This monstrous size even surpassed that of large sea king species, making

their ships seem like mere shrimps in comparison.

"What kind of monster is this? Help!"

"Quick, flee!"

"Send a message to Lord Simon!"

Then, the enormous shadow gradually emerged from the sea surface, so

immense that it was even larger than a medium-sized island.

Finally, they could see clearly—it was a giant lantern fish.

What's even stranger was that its lantern was shimmering with dazzling


At the same time, a huge ship raced towards them from a distance, so fast

that it seemed to split the ocean apart.

The five figures on the deck, including one skeleton, showed no fear in

the face of this creature almost as large as a medium-sized island.

"What an impressive creature," Vista, holding an axe, tightened his grip,

as if he could chop down this behemoth with his axe. After all, for those

who wielded blades, facing such a large creature made them want to take

a few swings.

"Fish of this size are challenging to deal with," Katie, standing beside

Vista with twin swords at her waist, said with a troubled expression.

After all, such a massive size would make it inconvenient even to cut

with Flying Slash attacks.

As they spoke, the enormous lantern fish, shimmering with dazzling light,

finally opened its gaping maw to swallow the entire sea.

Meanwhile, the Sea sovereign ship was speeding towards the mouth of

the giant lantern fish.

For Nicholas and his crew, even if they were swallowed, there wouldn't

be much danger.

As for the pirates responsible for searching for the lantern fish, after some

contemplation, surprisingly, not many of them chose to escape from the

giant lantern fish's swallowing range.

Evidently, upon seeing Nicholas and his crew's actions, these people also

realized that there was something extraordinary inside the lantern fish.

Without greed, without desire, would they be pirates?


Facing the abyssal maw that seemed like a black hole, Nicholas stood at

the bow of the ship without a trace of fear.

In the end, the pirate ship and a large amount of seawater that appeared

in this area were all swallowed by a gigantic lantern fish.

Then, this enormous lantern fish contentedly swam towards the deep sea.

Like drifting along, entering the mouth of the lantern fish, they followed

the huge water currents from the throat of the gigantic lantern fish into

its esophagus, and finally slid into its stomach.

Because the lantern fish's lantern light was very strong, strong enough to

penetrate the body and illuminate the interior, so what the people saw

after falling down was not darkness.

"Ah! What is this, it hurts, it's so hot!"

"Help, someone help... me... ahh!"

"The ship is melting, we need to find a way out quickly!"

The lantern fish had three enormous stomachs, each filled with many

small islands, all of which had been swallowed by this gigantic lantern

fish over hundreds of years, and flowing between the islands was the

highly corrosive stomach acid.

This stomach acid could corrode even metals given enough time, let

alone human bodies. Pirates unlucky enough to fall into the stomach acid

would be dissolved into nothingness in a matter of seconds!

Without flight capabilities or sturdy enough ships, there was simply no

chance of escaping from here. They could only silently wait for death on

the islands within the gigantic lantern fish's stomach.

Furthermore, because this gigantic lantern fish contained Celestial gold,

even if one wanted to die, it wasn't so easy. All that awaited them was

endless suffering.

"Hey hey, am I seeing things?"

"Oh my god, is that...!"

Many lucky pirates who hadn't fallen into the stomach acid regained

their senses and looked at the distant islands with disbelief.

Before their eyes, the beaches of those islands were all covered in golden

sand, with various precious gems scattered on top.

So, after realizing this, the pirates who had narrowly escaped disaster

rowed desperately towards the nearby islands.

Fortunes awaited them today; these treasures were comparable to the

legendary treasures of some infamous pirates!


"According to the speculation, the island of Alchemy, where the Celestial

gold is located, should be in the deepest third stomach. And where we

are now is the edge of the first stomach, which means we still need to go

further down."

June said lightly while sitting on a chair on the deck of the Sea


After a while, Nicholas and his companions finally arrived at Alchemy

Island in the third stomach.

After easily destroying the mechanisms along the way, Nicholas and his

companions entered the laboratory, where the first thing that caught

their eye was fist-sized Celestial gold shining in cylindrical vessels.

"So, this is Celestial gold? It doesn't look any different from regular gold."

Brook marveled as he examined this metal that was said to grant


"Gold that shines by itself!" Simon exclaimed in amazement. Although he

didn't fully believe the legends about Celestial gold, seeing it before his

eyes left him no choice but to believe.

"Heh, if it weren't for the need for Celestial gold to accomplish our plan, I

wouldn't even bother acquiring this pseudo-immortality."

Nicholas looked at the Celestial gold in the cylindrical vessel in his hand,

which could drive countless powerful figures crazy, and said disdainfully.

For him, Celestial gold might grant someone a long life, but it would also

imprison the holder's power. And in this vast ocean, what good was a

long life without strength? Sometimes, immortality was also a form of


After taking all the treasure Nicholas tore the fish's stomach, and they left

towards a special place


The Land of Wano is a rare and special island in the New World.

It is surrounded by sea currents and waterfalls, making it a naturally

fortified stronghold.

It can be said that this special geographical environment has kept Wano

almost constantly closed off.

After all, even ordinary pirate crews would be deterred by the sea

currents and waterfalls. Even with a large fleet, it would be difficult to

climb up from the sea currents and attack Wano, let alone launching an

attack on Wano itself.

However, this kind of highly desirable defensive advantage, in front of

the Sea Sovereign on the sea, is like a paper tiger.

With the ability to fly, the Sea Sovereign doesn't even need to climb the

sea currents and waterfalls to effortlessly arrive above Wano.

"This should be the Flower Capital of Wano. It's really prosperous."

Simon couldn't help but speak as they flew over the city.

Nicholas stood against the wind at high altitude, looking down at the city

streets and the bustling scenery of the Flower Capital without saying a


The scenery of the Flower Capital was indeed incredibly prosperous, but

the rest of Wano was not as good. At least the lives of the people in other

areas were not as good.

The Castle, built on the mountaintop and surrounded by giant pine trees,

was too conspicuous. The construction of such magnificent buildings

undoubtedly required a huge amount of money, as well as a large amount

of labor to complete.

It's unknown if it's a unified plan by the royal families of this world, but

they always build their castles at the highest point of their territories to

showcase their unique status.

Even Fish-Man Island, located tens of thousands of meters below the sea,

hangs Ryugu Palace high above.

Soon, Nicholas and his companions anchored the ship in a secluded area

of Wano's inland sea, leaving Brook and Vista to watch the ship while the

others went to the Flower Capital.

The reason for leaving the two behind is that their features are too

conspicuous. Although it's difficult for Wano to get news from the outside

world due to its closed nature, it's still better to avoid trouble if possible.

Walking on the streets of the Flower Capital, it must be said that the

happiness index of those living in the Flower Capital is quite high. At

least Nicholas, who has traveled all the way, has found that everywhere

in the Flower Capital is bustling with prosperity.

Soon, as Nicholas walked on the street, he suddenly stopped and turned

around to look back.

It was a good thing he turned around. When he did, he saw the face of

the person reaching out to him, and Nicholas was stunned for a moment.

Then, he quickly reacted, regained his normal expression, but the shock

in his heart could not be dispelled for a while.

The person standing behind him, who had followed him for a long time,

was a stranger in his twenties. He had short black hair, wore Wano

clothing, stepped on Wano-style wooden clogs, and held a light brown

wooden staff.

What particularly caught the eye were his tightly closed eyes, and on the

left side of his forehead, there were two intersecting scars, each crossing

his left and right eyes.

His face was filled with sorrow, and if it were an ordinary person, they

would probably only see him as a young man who had unfortunately lost

his sight and was melancholic.

But how could Nicholas not recognize that the person before him was

none other than Fujitora, who would become one of the three admirals of

the Navy after the Summit War in the original timeline!

Of course, the name Fujitora is similar in meaning to Kizaru Aokiji

Akainu. It is a special code name for the Navy admiral. The real name of

the blind youth before him should be Issho.

"I wonder what the gentleman has been following me for all this time?"

Nicholas looked at the future great figure, Issho, and asked calmly.

Although Issho's strength would be incredibly formidable in the future,

Nicholas, at this moment, wasn't afraid in the least, even against the

future Admiral Fujitora.

"Please don't misunderstand. I only noticed the deep animosity you

harbor towards this country, so I wanted to ask what exactly you intend

to do?"

Issho made a slight bow.

The gesture he made seemed to be too low-key. Nicholas looked at Issho,

who had lost his sight, and said calmly, "I don't intend to do anything to

this country. I simply loathe it."


Upon hearing Nicholas's words, Issho was momentarily stunned, then

repeated Nicholas's words in a murmuring voice.


"Yes, it's loathing," Nicholas affirmed.

With that, Nicholas turned to leave, and Issho, using a cane, followed

Nicholas's footsteps.

"Didn't I make it clear enough? And with your strong Observation Haki, is

it necessary to pretend to be blind? Don't you know how disrespectful it

is to those who are truly blind?" Nicholas asked, slightly irritated.

However, Issho shook his head lightly and earnestly replied to Nicholas,

"I have never pretended to be blind, and as for Observation Haki, I have

not used it."

Inner demons? Nicholas thought but didn't comment, understanding that

Issho's blindness might be a result of inner turmoil, especially given

Issho's current state, before becoming the Admiral Fujitora.

"Anyway, if you want to follow, then follow," Nicholas continued, moving


Soon, Nicholas and his group arrived at a luxurious tavern in the Flower


Nicholas even generously treated Issho to a meal. However, to his

surprise, Issho's expression turned hesitant after tasting a piece of

sashimi. Issho looked around the table with his blind eyes, showing signs

of indecision.

"What's wrong, brother?" Katie, who was eating lobster nearby, asked in

confusion. "Is there something wrong with the food?"

"It's the food, but it's not just the food," Issho replied with a troubled

expression. After pondering for a while, he turned to Nicholas and

earnestly said, "I apologize for the intrusion, but I feel compelled to speak

my mind."

"Go ahead, your words are yours, but whether I listen or not is up to me,"

Nicholas replied nonchalantly.

"Though I lead a humble life, if I'm not mistaken, these dishes are made

from top-grade ingredients. The cost of this one dish could cover a family

of four for a month, right?" Issho sighed and continued, "Do you know

how many poor people in Wano go hungry and lack proper clothing?"

Nicholas listened quietly, understanding Issho's point.

"Fine, I know. But what does that have to do with me?" Nicholas replied


Issho was momentarily taken aback by Nicholas's response. "But..."

Before Issho could continue, Nicholas interrupted, "I'm not the ruler of

this country. Why should I care about the lives of ordinary people?

Moreover, if those people can't feed themselves, why don't they reclaim

what's rightfully theirs from those who exploit them? I'm not a saint; I'm

not that compassionate."

"I was wrong," Issho murmured, realizing that changing Nicholas's

perspective wouldn't be easy.

Issho sighed and continued, "It's ironic. I blinded myself to escape the

ugliness of the world, thinking that blindness would give me clarity. But

now, I see that I was naive. Although blind, I was only deceiving myself."

Issho then shared his encounters with the ruling elite of Wano, who cared

little for the common people's suffering, which only deepened his


Nicholas remained silent, prompting Issho to conclude that his methods

might have been flawed.

"I've also calmed down and pondered whether I've been too hasty. In the

following years, I traversed the entire Wano and actively observed the

nobility. However, almost without exception, these nobles are all

indulgent and arrogant. They disregard the lives of commoners, caring

only for their own interests. In their eyes, the lives of ordinary people are

worth less than that of a hunting dog! In some places, samurais even take

pleasure in using commoners for sword practice."

"It's incredibly disappointing!"

After finishing speaking, Issho intended to leave, considering the starving

children he had witnessed and feeling guilty for indulging in such

extravagant food.


After some thought, Nicholas felt he couldn't let Issho leave so easily and

quickly called out to him.

As Issho turned around, Nicholas said, "Since you've said so much, have

you ever thought about what methods to use to change the situation of

ordinary people in this world?"

"Of course, I have," Issho replied, somewhat surprised by Nicholas's

question. "As I mentioned before, I've tried to approach the Wano general

to offer suggestions, but unfortunately, he ignored me."

"If those methods didn't work, have you considered that your approach

might be flawed?" Nicholas asked.

"Approach?" Issho's brow furrowed.

"Yes, approach. If the gentle approach doesn't work, why not try the

forceful one? Simply use your strength to tell Oden Kozuki that if he

doesn't listen to your advice, you'll find someone else to be the general."

"But since ancient times, the general of Wano has been from the Kozuki

family. If I were to do that, I'd be opposing the entire country," Issho said,

feeling conflicted.

"You want to empower those downtrodden, so why fear such a

confrontation? It seems you've been brainwashed by the Kozuki family,"

Nicholas observed.

Feeling lost, Issho recounted his futile attempts to reason with Oden

Kozuki, who dismissed his proposals based on tradition.

Nicholas suggested that Issho join the Marines, believing that serving

there would broaden Issho's perspective and possibly change his outlook.

He even offered his connections to help Issho join the Marines.

After considering Nicholas's proposal, Issho reluctantly agreed.

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