Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 12


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One Piece: Луффи разоблачен

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Краткое содержание

В 1520 году по лунному календарю Луффи отправился в

путешествие к морю!

Роджера уже давно казнили, и на морях царил порядок, а флот

комфортно отдыхал в своих штабах.

Но затем внезапная прямая трансляция потрясла весь мир!

Названы десять самых выдающихся сражений!

Топ-10: Гекко Мория против Кошмарного Луффи!

Топ-8: Жестокая схватка с леопардовым Луччи, сражающимся за



Топ-6: Достойный противник, Дофламинго Нового Света!


Топ-3: эпическое столкновение Paramount War!


Благодаря этому открытию все стали свидетелями замечательного

роста и увеличения силы Луффи.

Даже ВМФ начал осознавать надвигающуюся опасность!

От первоначального презрения и презрения их чувства постепенно

сменились страхом и восхищением.

Может ли это быть будущий Ёнко?

Нет, это будущее... король!!!


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Chapter 111 : World Attention!

That's right, Chopper is by the port!

Starting from Drum Island, he naturally arrived here before Luffy and the


To ensure Luffy could find him, Chopper decided to practice medicine

directly in the port, treating passers-by for simple injuries.

After all, CP9 had been causing trouble in Water 7. Many people,

including innocent bystanders, were injured on the way to find Franky.


Upon landing, Luffy and the others quickly greeted Chopper. When

Chopper saw them, he instantly burst into tears and ran towards them.

From Chopper's account, Luffy and the others learned about the current

situation in Water 7.

Chopper had just arrived less than an hour ago. In that short time, he not

only healed countless passers-by but also gathered a lot of information.

Since CP9 was exposed, they abandoned all pretense, arresting everyone

from the shipbuilding company, including Franky's senior brother,


French, who had been hiding in the shadows, was exposed when Lucci

threatened Iceburg and his brothers. Franky went out in response, but his

current whereabouts were unknown.

The CP9 members were likely still at the shipbuilding company, waiting

for Luffy and the others to arrive.

Hearing Chopper's words, Nami and the others fell into deep thought.

"Chopper, you shouldn't be treating people in the port."


Chopper was stunned. Nami explained, "Now that CP9 controls the entire

Water 7 is within their reach and your presence is known to the whole

world. You might be exposed as soon as you appear."

"If my guess is correct, whether they're hiding nearby or on their way

here, we need to be cautious."

"We don't have much time to act, Chopper. I'm prepared to set up traps

along the way!" Usopp added.

Chopper was completely caught off guard. He hadn't considered this


Luckily, he had only been there for less than an hour. If he had arrived

earlier, he might have been captured alive.

However, Luffy wasn't concerned. He clenched his fists and said, "Even if

they discover us right away, I'll send them flying!"

"They came to us, and we'll find them first..."

However, that's just a glimpse into the future. Today, Luffy is embarking

on his journey to the sea, even if rewards come one after another.

He may be a novice pirate, but CP9's previous failure was largely due to

underestimating the enemy. This time, they've learned from their

mistakes, and dealing with them will be more challenging.

The concern of Sengoku lies in whether the World Government can

control CP9 when they cause harm to civilians on a large scale. Acting

covertly would be fine under normal circumstances, but the entire world

is now focused on Water 7.

If civilians are harmed there, it won't just affect the World Government

but the entire Marine's reputation.

"Damn, we can't get a visual of Water 7 at all!"

"Now we can only rely on the Marine stationed there to use the Den Den

Mushi to keep us informed."

Garp looked nervous. "Luffy, he might already be in Water 7. I hope he

can handle them like in the picture!"

Sengoku: "..."

You're also a Marine officer; focus on your duties and stop worrying

about your grandson!


Sabo and other Revolutionary Army cadres were aware of Luffy's journey

to Water 7. Several expressed their concerns.

"Can Luffy and his crew really take on CP9?"

"After all, he's the Chief's son. If something happens, the Chief will be


"He's impulsive. Even with rewards, he should avoid direct conflict for

now and gain experience first."

"But not caring about his partners wouldn't be like Luffy..."

"Should we send our people to check? I recall we have a few cadres

hidden near Water 7. They might be able to assist Luffy and his crew."

Just as Sabo was discussing with the commanders of the five major

armies, a sudden voice interrupted.

"No need. I'm confident Luffy will succeed!"

All eyes turned to the speaker—Dragon!

He was still draped in a dark green cloak, carrying Enel, the Thunder

Fruit user, like a defeated chicken boy.

Witnessing this, others were astonished...

The god of Skypiea, Enel, was defeated by their own leader after

consuming the Thunder Fruit, and brought to the headquarters!

"Chief, are you sure we shouldn't help Luffy?"

Sabo asked anxiously.

Dragon slowly shook his head. "No need. He's my son, and I trust him."

"Just have our people there observe from the shadows and report any

news back promptly..."

Whitebeard Pirates!


Ace's gaze shifted towards Water 7, his expression somewhat stunned.

Now that the live broadcast screen was no longer available, he was

completely unaware of Luffy's current situation.

All he knew was that when Luffy had last spoken, Luffy had been

preparing to head to Water 7.

As an older brother, Ace couldn't help but feel worried.

However, the distance between their location and Water 7 was too vast,

making it impossible for them to intervene. All they could do was silently

hope for Luffy's success.

"Ace, don't worry."

The white-bearded man at the helm spoke, attempting to reassure him.

"I've reached out to an old friend over there who will update us on the

Straw Hat's battle against CP9."

"As his older brother, do you not believe that your younger brother will

emerge victorious in this conflict?"

"After all, he has already defeated CP9 once..."

Observing the slight smile on Whitebeard's face, Ace couldn't help but

smile in return.

"Of course, I believe in Luffy..."

Among the Red-Haired Pirates...

"Captain, should we head over and see for ourselves?"

"After all, we're relatively close to Water 7 and could arrive within a


Beckman inquired.

However, Shanks shook his head slowly, "Their battle will be resolved in

a day, and by the time we arrive, it might be concluded."

"I have faith that Luffy will emerge victorious; there's no doubt about it!"

"So, let's patiently wait here for good news, hahaha..."

Shanks' hearty laughter resonated, spreading joy among the crew


Indeed, Luffy had defeated Lucci once before; what cause for concern


Moreover, the Straw Hat Pirates had reaped the rewards from numerous

questions, with many crew members significantly enhancing their


Surely, they could handle CP9 with ease.

It was just regrettable that they couldn't witness such a magnificent


Numerous forces were keeping a watchful eye on Luffy and Lucci's


Although they couldn't witness every detail, one thing was certain...

They all relied on their connections, eagerly awaiting updates via the Den

Den Mushi regarding the course of the battle.

Despite Luffy's prior victory, he was still not universally favored.

After all, CP9's defeat was attributed to underestimation.

A small faction staunchly believed in Luffy, confident in his inevitable


In Water 7, just as Nami had anticipated!

In a matter of minutes, Luffy and his companions hadn't even left the

street when CP9 emerged at the end of the road.

Dressed in black suits and exuding a dangerous aura, the likes of Lucci,

Kalifa, Kaku, Blueno, Kumadori, and Fukuro stood there.

Their appearance caused the few pedestrians on the street to scatter in


Within moments, the road was deserted, leaving only Luffy's group and


"No need for pleasantries, Straw Hat Kid!"

"You may have defeated me once, even if that event lies in the future and

has yet to transpire!"

"But it remains a stain on my record. Today, I will defeat you honorably,

leaving no room for excuses. I want you to grasp the gap between us!"

"Let's begin..."

Lucci declared with a stern expression, addressing Luffy.

Immediately, he activated his Devil Fruit ability.

In an instant, his size increased rapidly, transforming him into a

formidable leopard chief.

Luffy tightened his fists, knuckles audibly cracking.

"Oh! Your sentiments align perfectly with mine!"

"In the future, I'll defeat you once, and now..."

"I can still knock you down!"

The atmosphere grew tense. A grand battle was about to commence...


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Chapter 112.1 : Robin vs Blueno!

Lucci, transformed into a leopard, grinned wickedly.

"Straw Hat Kid, if you want to save your friends, you'll have to defeat us!"

"And, if you lose, not only will your friends fail to return, but..."

"All of them will die!"

As Lucci's words echoed, a group of Cipher Pol agents emerged from the

shadows, dragging a bound Franky with them.

Franky's hair had lost its vitality, and he appeared visibly drained of

energy. His body bore the scars of a fierce battle, undoubtedly against

CP9, and the outcome was clear – a defeat.

Not only Franky but also Iceberg and all the shipbuilding company

members, including Franky's younger brother, were captured.

Witnessing this scene fueled deep anger in Luffy and the others.


"I'll make you pay!"

Lucci smirked. "We'll see about that."

At this moment, CP9 assembled in full force!

Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, Blueno, Jabra, Fukuro, Kumadori – all standing

against the Straw Hat Pirates!

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Chopper, Usopp – a direct confrontation,

seven against seven!

Having learned from their past mistakes, CP9 was no longer as carefree

as they appeared in the live broadcast.

The battle commenced, and CP9 unleashed their full power!

Jabra transformed into a wolf, and Fukuro began regenerating his life.

Everyone was on high alert.


As the gaze of the CP9 fell upon little Chopper, a visible shiver ran down

their spine.

Evidently, they recalled the monstrous Chopper from the image, the

memory of being slapped by him lingering in their minds.

It cast a shadow over them.

"You should've avoided eating that fruit!"

Zoro remarked, eyeing Kaku nearby, unable to shake off the nausea at

the thought of the strange giraffe appearance.

Kaku, with a wry expression, had a black line forming on his face.

Honestly, consuming the Devil Fruit has indeed heightened his own

power, but the transformation is truly unappealing.

Yet, it's inconsequential. Having learned from past mistakes, he certainly

won't partake in any fruit offered by Spandam.

Not to mention... His actions have stirred a catastrophe that the World

Government cannot ignore.

Henceforth, whether Spandam is his boss or not is uncertain...!!!

The pleasantries have ended, and the skirmish is imminent!

Luffy swiftly activated Gear Second, clashing head-on with Lucci, and the

two collided fiercely!

They began exchanging blows in the streets, on rooftops, and even mid-


The velocity was so rapid that observers could only catch glimpses of


Zoro unsheathed three blades, engaging in combat with Kaku, unleashing

a barrage of four-sword techniques!

As for the rest, they found their adversaries following the established

patterns in the future scenario...

Chopper vs. Kumadori, Sanji vs. Jabra, Nami vs. Kalifa.

Robin faced off against Blueno, and Usopp confronted Fukuro...

Soon, time slipped away!

Despite the initial intensity of the battle, it must be acknowledged...

The strength of certain Straw Hat Pirates members has surpassed their

previous limits!

Whether it's their inherent strength or the enhancement from their

rewards, they are no longer on par with everyone in CP9.

Take Robin, for instance!

Although Blueno's Door-Door Fruit is quite formidable, enabling him to

open doors to evade attacks and launch surprise attacks, he initially

struggled against Luffy but now he fell to Robin... Tink!

Thanks to the powers of the Flower-Flower Fruit, a series of arms

sprouted directly from Blueno's body!

They twisted and contorted, folding his entire being into a knot!

Robin, having mastered her fruit abilities, swiftly employed them.

Before the pain-ridden Blueno could react, numerous arms materialized

in front of him, seamlessly merging...

Forming a colossal palm! Striking forcefully!

At this juncture, Blueno's visage was bathed in blood, mirroring the live

broadcast screen, marking him as the first to be eliminated!

Regrettably, despite his individual strength and the advantage of the

Door-Door Fruit, he met his match in Robin!

The hidden forces in the distance transmitted the news back to the world

promptly through the Den Den Mushi...

"[CP9 member Blueno, the first to fall, defeated by Robin of the Straw

Hat Pirates!]"

This revelation sent shockwaves through countless factions!

It mirrors the live broadcast screen... CP9's first casualty?

Lucci, engrossed in his battle with Luffy, spared a disdainful glance.


"Two bouts, and this is the result? Truly worthless!"

However, he had no time for further complaints, as Luffy swiftly pulled

him back into the fray. Although the Straw Hat Pirates boasted

formidable members, there were also individuals whose strength didn't

measure up at this stage.

Like, what… Sanji and Chopper!

Their combat effectiveness, in both initial mode and after, hasn't

improved at all.

One can only execute simple kicks, the other can only heal and barely

maneuver with the Blue Ball.

When facing an opponent like CP9, they are obviously unable to keep up

and end up being pressed and beaten...

But that's okay!

Robin, who had long resolved the battle, stepped in!...

And in less than ten minutes!

Jabra, cornered by Sanji and Chopper, was defeated with Robin's



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Chapter 112.2 : Defeated CP9!

Nami, now proficient with the Clima-Tact, displays greater strength than

seen on the live broadcast screen.

On the other hand, Kalifa, lacking a Devil Fruit power-up, finds her

strength not even comparable to her initial state.

So, the direction of the battle is not hard to predict... As Nami summons a

bolt of lightning, Kalifa is defeated!

Usopp, equipped with the Black Kabuto, has also experienced a

significant boost in strength!

A few plant seeds were shot, immobilizing the opponent...

This way, Usopp emerges victorious!

Now only Luffy and Zoro remained to conclude their battles.

And their opponents are none other than the two strongest members of


"Heh, your four-sword style isn't bad, but my strength is obviously a bit

stronger than yours!"

Zoro gazes at Kaku in front of him and says slowly.

Kaku remains stern, "Do you really think you can defeat me with a single

sword technique, as seen in the pictures? Didn't you get a reward? Use it,

let me see how strong it is!"

Zoro laughs, "That... I'm afraid if you use it, you won't have a chance to

make a single sword stroke!"

Kaku looks disdainful, "Do you really think a single sword technique can

defeat me?"

Hearing this, Zoro is pleased...

This guy clearly doesn't understand the power of the three sword

techniques he possesses!

These three sword techniques, even in his own hands in the future, are all

finishing moves and even qualify as major techniques!

At this moment, he wanted to ask, were you always this brave?

"Well, if you're so eager to experience it, then... As you wish!"

Zoro's eyes gleam!

The three swords begin to rotate constantly in his hand!

"Three Thousand Worlds!"

Yes, what he intends to use is a momentary projection of a giant world,

and a terrifying sensation fills the arena!

As he slashes towards Kaku, to be honest, he regrets it... However, it's

already too late!

Snap Wipe!

With the sound of flesh and blood cracking, Kaku didn't even have a

chance to react, and his chest transformed into a deep bloodstain!

And that's the end...

"Is that all?"

This time, it's Zoro who looks disdainful...

Even though he used Three Thousand Worlds, it wasn't a complete

rendition, but a simplified version.

He couldn't bear to unleash its full potential before learning the ropes, if

he did, wouldn't it be overkill against Kaku?

"Captain, it's just you!"

Zoro, Robin, and the others stood their ground, smiling at Luffy, who

continued his battle with Lucci above.

Lucci was stunned...

He realized he had miscalculated...

He thought that with the Straw Hats, who had recently set sail, their

strength would have an absolute advantage.

But it seemed to be the opposite... It was even more intense than


Moreover, his own battle was at a significant disadvantage!

Luffy, having activated Gear Second without any side effects, was truly a

monster, an indefatigable monster!

And then there was Haki....

Lucci hadn't master that kind of thing!

Because ofobservation Haki's, he couldn't land a single hit! Was this the

gap between himself and Luffy...

At this moment, Lucci couldn't help but feel a hint of desperation.

"It's time to end this. My crew is still waiting for me."

"Rubber Giant Tomahawk!!!"

Luffy suddenly leaped into the air, one foot swiftly enlarging. He then

brought it down heavily from the sky!

Thunderous!!! Lucci was crushed beneath!

When his foot lifted, amidst the ruins, Lucci, in his leopard form, was

foaming at the mouth.

Once again, he... was defeated by Luffy!

In this moment, there was only despair in his heart, nothing else.

Simultaneously, more news was breaking...

[CP9 defeated, Lucci defeated by Luffy, and the time it took... Less than

five minutes!]


This news caused a tremendous shock among all factions!

In an instant, countless faces changed drastically!

CP9 not only didn't wipe away the shame, as they had expected, but they

also posed great challenges to the Straw Hats.

Yet, they were defeated outright! In five minutes?

What's the difference between this speed and wiping out a school of trash


Has the Straw Hat crew's strength opened such a vast gap with all the

CP9 members?

However, just as everyone was in shock, the live broadcast screen seemed

to be waiting for the end of the battle...

The moment Luffy emerged victorious, the live screen displayed...

[Top7: His Majesty the Seven Warlords, Doflamingo!]

[The battle video will start in ten minutes, please wait..."]


As soon as these words were spoken, everyone already in shock was

immediately thrown into further astonishment! Even more stunned...


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Chapter 113.1 : Doflamingo?

His Majesty, the Warlord of the Sea, Doflamingo!?

At that moment, people all around the world were left in awe...

The seventh clash in the peak battle turned out to be a confrontation

with His Majesty, Shichibukai of the World Government!

Doflamingo was left dumbfounded, fear gripping him so intensely that he

almost lost focus, staring into the sky with wide eyes.

Even Moria, Crocodile, the Pirate Empress, Mihawk, Jinbei, and others at

the sidelines paid attention.

Sengoku, Garp and the three Admirals were equally captivated...

All eyes instantly fixated on him.

Doflamingo appeared petrified, rooted in place.

It took him an unknown amount of time before he exclaimed as if waking

from a dream!

"Could it be that I was the first Shichibukai to be defeated!?"

As everyone knew, the live broadcast had already revealed, even before

Moria's defeat, that he wasn't the first to be defeated from the Seven

Warlords. The Straw Hat crew had already bested one of the Seven

Warlords, preceding their perilous encounter with the terrifying


Otherwise, the World Government wouldn't have concealed the news and

dispatched the formidable Tyrant Kuma to deal with them.

Earlier, curiosity abounded about who was the first to be defeated.

Most vocal about it was Doflamingo himself! But now...

He never anticipated becoming the subject of gossip! Could it be that he

was the initial victim?

How was that possible!?


"Hahahahaha... 12..."

Just when Doflamingo was stupefied to the extreme, a burst of laughter


Searching for the source, it was none other than Crocodile!

Crocodile doubling over, laughing uncontrollably.

In that moment, the cigars in his mouth fell out, and the massive fur on

his body quivered, almost bringing him to his knees.

Onlookers were genuinely concerned, fearing that Crocodile might laugh

himself into an early grave.

If he were to become the Warlord who laughed himself to death, it would

undoubtedly be a historic first!

Even Moria, hardly one to express joy, could only manage a snicker in

the corner.

You... Isn't that too conspicuous?

In truth, I don't blame Crocodile. Starting from scratch, Doflamingo was

the one person he had the least patience for.

Whoever opens their mouth first, the other must raise the stakes!

In the seventh battle, if it were any of the Seven Warlords of the Sea,

they would, at most, taunt with just two words and then quietly watch

the excitement unfold. But this was Doflamingo...

At this moment, Crocodile couldn't help but feel that this situation was

even more enjoyable than being the emperor himself. It was just not very


"Doflamingo, I just told you that among us, you are the weakest. Do you

still doubt it?"

"Now it's confirmed. You were defeated before Moria!"

"You are the weakest and most fragile among us, hahaha..."

Crocodile continued to laugh, his mocking expression infuriating

Doflamingo. Doflamingo's face grew dark, almost dripping with darkness.

"No, this can't be!"

"How could the Straw Hat kid defeat me?"

"Even if he overcame Moria, Enel, and CP9, he cannot possibly match my


"I know my own strength better than anyone. He will never surpass me!"

Crocodile smiled again and said, "Oh, why argue? If you lose, you lose.

It's not that humiliating, but... it does seem quite embarrassing."


Doflamingo's anger flared, and he wanted to kill Crocodile.

"Don't laugh!"

With a wave of his hand, five invisible silk threads quickly flew towards

Crocodile. Although the threads appeared gentle, they held unimaginable


Before the threads reached Crocodile, they were frozen into five ice sticks

in mid-air. It was Aokiji, one of the three Admirals, who made the move.

Grim-faced, he warned Doflamingo, "This is Marine Headquarters. I warn

you again, if you act, you will face the judgment of all high-ranking

Marine officials."

Although Doflamingo was seething with anger, he hadn't lost his senses.

Facing the top echelons of the Marine...

Not only himself, even the Four Emperors might not escape unscathed.

Despite his anger, he retracted the silk threads, giving a murderous look

to Crocodile.

Yet, deep down, he couldn't believe that he would be defeated by the

Straw Hat Pirates. Being the first to lose was absolutely inconceivable...

Revolutionary Army!

"Doflamingo, another Warlord of the Sea..."

Dragon gazed at the sky and spoke casually.

Beside him, Sabo asked, "We've dealt with Doflamingo before. He's

formidable. Can Luffy win?"

Dragon smiled, "I've come to realize something during my travels. Do you

know what it is?"

When Sabo heard this, he was intrigued. "What?"

"Luffy's potential is inherent, and he will face trials and tribulations time

and again."

"And, he consistently performs miracles. The only thing we can do..."

"Is believe in him. This time, I still believe in him!"

Sabo fell silent, then nodded. "Understood."

"By the way, what about Enel?"

Sabo replied, "Don't worry, Chief. His hands and feet are restrained by

Sea-Prism Stone, and he's closely guarded in the prison."

Dragon smiled, "That's good!"

"I've got this guy, and he's quite useful…"


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Chapter 113.2 : Franky Rescued!

Whitebeard Pirates!

"Another Warlord?"

"Ace, your brother sure knows how to stir things up!"

"Yes, it's Doflamingo again. I've heard he's a tricky one."

"And a bit crazy too. I amworried he might cause a lot of trouble by

messing with him!"

"Hey, when is Luffy ever afraid of causing trouble? But going against this

guy is really dangerous…"

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates gathered around Ace, one after

another, expressing their emotions and shock.

Ace's head couldn't help but swell...

As the captain of the second division, Ace naturally knew Doflamingo.

The fruit this man ate is the same as Luffy's, the superhuman lineage


At first glance, it seems unremarkable, as if there's nothing special about

it, but without a doubt…

Under Doflamingo's development, his fruit ability became very tricky.

Developing an ordinary fruit to that extent was proof of his strength!

For a moment, Ace became a little worried again.

"Luffy, this time too…"

"You're not going to let me down, are you?"

Red-haired Pirates!

"Fighting isn't a good idea, it's not a good idea at all…"

Beckman kept shaking his head, his expression showing seriousness.

Seeing this, everyone looked over…

Beckman said slowly: "I've met this guy with the captain before; he's a

really crazy and formidable person."

"The Devil Fruit he ate might not seem outstanding, but it's incredibly

powerful with his development!"

"His fruit development, looking across the entire sea, is top-notch…"

So strong?

When everyone heard this, they were a little surprised.

Shanks also nodded and grinned: "Luffy, this kid, is truly a troublemaker,

encountering such a complicated person."

"Although Doflamingo is nowhere near my level, if Luffy and him... the

battle won't be easy to predict."

"In a way, it's not too bad for him to be in seventh place. He's more of a

threat than the last three…"

Everyone was shocked again.

Even the captain saying so indicates that Doflamingo is genuinely strong.

Can Luffy win this time?

At sea!

…Water 7!

After defeating CP9, the World Government agents also arrived.

They didn't say much, not even exchanging a word with Luffy.

They simply took the unconscious CP9 and left Water 7...

And Luffy and the others rescued Franky, Iceburg, and the rest.

At this moment, Franky was brimming with excitement!

Upon witnessing all his comrades rallying to rescue him, a resolute

decision ignited within his heart.

He had chosen to unite with the Straw Hat crew!

Luffy and the rest naturally welcomed Franky's decision with open arms.

After all, they had journeyed to the Water 7 with the purpose of rescuing


But before departing, Franky had one more mission to fulfill...

The creation of the "Thousand Sunny"!

He was determined to construct his dream ship and bring it along on

their adventures.

Luffy and the others enthusiastically raised their hands in agreement.

Thus, plans were set to linger in this locale for a while.

Guided by Franky and Iceburg, construction of the Thousand Sunny

commenced at a breakneck pace.

During this period, Nami, fueled by curiosity, questioned Franky about

the whereabouts of the Pluto blueprints.

Franky, without hesitation, disclosed that he had incinerated the

drawings in front of everyone when he went solo to confront CP9.

This revelation clarified why CP9 had lingered here for so long; the

absence of the drawings meant they couldn't report to the World


Suddenly, the sky flickered.


"Our next adversary is Warlord once more!"

Luffy exclaimed in surprise.

Zoro, Nami, Robin, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Franky, and others were

equally stirred.

Unexpectedly, their next foe was none other than Doflamingo!

Franky couldn't help but jest, "Why is our opponent even more eccentric

this time? I sense our pirate crew has a knack for stirring up trouble!"

Nami chuckled and replied, "Just realizing that now? With Luffy as our

captain, we might encounter such situations more often in the future!"

Franky laughed heartily, "But I like it!"

Witnessing this, everyone joined in the laughter.

Even in the face of the infamous Doflamingo, none of them felt an ounce

of fear.

Because, as long as they stood united, they believed any adversary could

be overcome!


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Chapter 114: Future Straw Hat


With the seventh battle of the pinnacle, news of battle with Doflamingo

shocked the world!

Suddenly, amazement echoed across the globe. Countless civilians found

it hard to believe that the Straw Hat Pirates could cause such a

commotion. Observing the unfolding events, none of the four battles

seemed to be a walk in the park.

Even the bigwigs couldn't help but be intrigued. Though not everyone

paid equal attention to the sky's projection – after all, Doflamingo's might

wasn't comparable to them.

As the world gasped, the image above the sky began to play.

[The scene unfolds at the beginning with Luffy and the others already in

the second half of the Grand Line...]

[New World!]

[Almost all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates have arrived, and

compared to the Enies Lobby incident, Brook has reappeared.]

[From their clothing and appearance, it's evident...]

[At this point, they have grown immensely, presenting a stark contrast to

their former selves!]

[Though Luffy remains slender, he exudes a newfound maturity, instilling

a sense of reassurance.]

[Robin and Nami have blossomed into even more beautiful and graceful


[Usopp is no longer thin but considerably stronger, and Chopper is even

more adorable!]

[Brook sports a new look, resembling a singing star.]

[Franky's body size has increased, showcasing further transformations!]

[Yet, the most significant change lies with Zoro...]

[Everyone noticed a swordsman's fierceness emanating from him. One

eye shut, adorned with a scar.]

[But even with these marks, far from diminishing his demeanor, they add

a touch of dominance!]

[In summary, Luffy and his crew have undergone substantial changes,

immediately noticeable!]

[Today, they appear much more mature and reliable!]

[A group of individuals resembling intimidating pirates...]

Marine headquarters!

Garp and others were equally astounded witnessing Luffy in the image.

Undoubtedly, Luffy and his crew had undergone profound


A complete metamorphosis!

Whether in appearance, physique, or the aura they emitted.

Everything was utterly distinct from before!

In this moment, compared to the past, they more closely resembled a

pirate crew with bounties exceeding 100 million. Garp was instantly

moved to tears, a glisten in his eyes.

Observing Luffy's image, he slowly spoke, "My grandson, is this the


"He appears reliable, entirely different from the kid I once scolded."

Sengoku chuckled helplessly on the side.

Wasn't that expected?

People inevitably evolve; can Luffy remain unchanged?

"Isn't it heartwarming to see Luffy like this in the future?"

Garp suddenly smiled, "Of course, after all, he's my grandson in the


The two exchanged smiles and turned their attention back to the sky.

At this moment, whether Garp or Sengoku, joy painted their faces as they

observed Luffy and his crew.

After all, in the eyes of Sengoku, Luffy was also like a junior.

Setting aside his Marine marshal status, watching him grow to this point

brought genuine happiness!

However, among the onlookers, the three admirals, including Akainu,

held a different perspective.

Akainu harbored the belief that Luffy was a pirate—a criminal of the sea!

If he couldn't bring him to justice personally, then Luffy would

undoubtedly pose a threat to marine safety!

Of course, among the present company, one face was even more grim

than Akainu's – Doflamingo's.

Despite wearing glasses, his face remained unattractive to the naked eye.

"Straw Hat Kid Luffy..."

"You've ventured into my territory, let's see what trouble you can stir up."

"But... be cautious. Don't let me be the one to end you!"


The Whitebeard Pirates!

"Oh, Luffy!"

Upon seeing Luffy's image, Ace couldn't contain his excitement. A grin

adorned his face.

Is this what lies ahead for his brother? He appears much stronger now!

His comrades, too, seem more dependable than ever.

It seems his brother is set for a good life in the coming years!

Beside them stood Whitebeard Pirates captains like Marco, Jozu, and


They encircled Ace, expressing, "Ace, your brother looks more like a true

pirate now!"

"Yes, indeed. Judging by this aura, it's as if the Seven Warlords have


"I suspect they've caused quite a ruckus in recent years!"

"After all, Ace's younger brother Luffy is a full-fledged troublemaker,


The banter continued, laughter echoing through the sky.

Even Whitebeard himself, seated in the center, couldn't help but chuckle

at such a sight.

Of course, it was all in good spirits. This jovial atmosphere defined the

Whitebeard Pirates, and Ace was equally elated.

Observing Luffy's figure, Ace couldn't help but daydream about their

future encounters.

"I can't wait to meet Luffy in the future!"

"I wonder, how formidable will he become?"

"Will he still be the mischievous one from our days in the Windmill


The Red-Haired Pirates!

Shanks and all the Red-Haired Pirates' officers also took note of the


Their collective gaze fell upon the new Straw Hat Pirate crew, leaving

everyone momentarily stunned.

The transformations of Luffy and the others in the image were too

significant to ignore.

Even the usually carefree Shanks was momentarily speechless, failing to

recognize them immediately.

After a pause, he finally exclaimed, "Luffy has become this handsome in

the future?"

"It seems he might even surpass me!"

Upon hearing this, Beckman and the rest of the crew were left speechless.

Their captain truly had a penchant for narcissism.

"Hahaha, just kidding, just kidding!"

Shanks laughed, waving off his comment.

Those around him wore expressions of exasperation; the joke wasn't

amusing at all.

Nevertheless, the changes in Luffy and the others' future appearances did

leave everyone slightly shocked.

"At least now, they no longer appear as naive and weak as they used to

be! It's truly a glimpse into the meaning of becoming a sea powerhouse.

"Luffy, have you reached the New World?"

"It seems that in the future, we'll be very close!"

"Now you finally seem to grasp a bit of Captain Roger's spirit..." Shanks'

gaze was profound as he spoke.

As if reflecting on the past, he fell silent...

Windmill Village!

Dadan and Makino's group caught sight of Luffy's image on the picture.

"In that moment, everyone's eyes lit up, and joy spread across their faces."

"Ah, this is what Luffy will look like in the future!"

"Save one for me!"

When Dadan said this, tears unconsciously welled up in her eyes, a

deeply satisfying feeling...

After all, she raised Luffy from a young age.

Garp, being away most of the year, almost ignored Luffy.

Though not bound by blood, their bond was like that of family.

Seeing Luffy grow up like this... it was more reassuring for her than


Even the villagers, like Makino, were overjoyed for Luffy.

After setting sail, he went through one adventure after another...

Seemingly more and more like a true man!

It appeared... he had a pretty good life in recent years!... Water Capital!

Since Franky wanted to build the Thousand Sunny, Luffy and his crew

naturally stayed for a while.

Though busy constructing ships, they also took a moment to observe the

sky's depiction.

Seeing their own future...

Luffy, Usopp, Sanji, and all the Straw Hat Pirates were elated.

Luffy pointed to the sky, excitedly saying to the others, "Oh! Usopp,

you've become so strong in the future!"

"And Sanji, you've become even more handsome!"

"Nami and Robin have also become more beautiful, but..."

"Why does Zoro have one eye closed?"

Everyone was intrigued by their future selves' appearances.

Upon close inspection, smiles appeared on everyone's faces...

Because their future selves had undergone some changes.

Becoming more mature, attractive, and powerful!

The most significant change, however, was Zoro... Why was one of his

eyes closed?

Could it be an injury sustained in battle? This, along with the eyepatch,

was somewhat surprising.

He couldn't help but touch his eye.

But soon, he smiled...

"In battle, some damage is inevitable!"

"It's just an eye; it doesn't matter!"

"As long as it makes me stronger, I will become the world's greatest

swordsman in the future!"

"All of this is not a problem... Accept it."


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Chapter 115 : Ace Future Dead!?!!

The scene unfolds...

[The Straw Hats sailed the seas, with an exception – a select few among


[Another group, distinct in its composition, shared the same ship...]

[Luffy and the crew sought passage through the treacherous waters

towards Dressrosa!]

[Their destination: a confrontation with one of His Majesty, Doflamingo's,

Seven Warlords of the Sea!]

[Luffy and Law, two of the Worst Generation, united in alliance.]

[Their shared objective: toppling Doflamingo!]

[To achieve this, a strategic plan was conceived...]

[Or rather, it was Law who devised the master plan!]

[They apprehended Caesar, conducting covert research under the

watchful eyes of Doflamingo!]

[Their objective: coerce Doflamingo into relinquishing his Seven

Warlords status voluntarily...]

[For beneath, lie a network of black markets and clandestine


[Doflamingo skillfully uses his Seven Warlords status to shield his illicit


[Without it, he'd be exposed like any ordinary pirate...]

[Leaving him vulnerable to the World Government's reprisal!]

[Simultaneously, failure to complete the black market transaction would

draw the ire of Kaido, one of the Four Emperors...]

[Thus, Law's quest to bring down Doflamingo was halfway


[Cesar posed a threat due to his crucial role in Doflamingo's clandestine


[Doflamingo wouldn't easily allow him to be taken away...]

[To reclaim him, and avoid the World Government's scrutiny, Doflamingo

would have to abandon his Seven Warlords title...]

[In this aspect, Law was resolute!]

Marine Headquarters!


Doflamingo's expression contorted upon seeing Law in the image! A

mixture of rage, malevolence, and a thirst for vengeance washed over


At that moment, he understood why the Straw Hats and their allies had

chosen to oppose him.

It turns out that Law, the little ghost, is behind all this chaos!

While others might be unaware, no one is more aware of the forbidden

nature of his actions than Law himself. What he has been doing over the

years is known only to him.

He harbors a deep self-hatred, and even when he managed to sneak away

from himself, he relentlessly targeted his own existence.

However, like a cunning gutter rat, he has never given his pursuers a

chance to catch him.

"Unexpectedly, in the future, not only was I unable to kill you, but you

also rose to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Seas!"

"It's beyond imagination..."

The others had heard bits about the enmity between Law and

Doflamingo. Though not fully understanding the details, they could sense

the deep resentment on Doflamingo's face.

Observing the actions of Luffy and Law in the unfolding events, some

could vaguely deduce the cause and effect – Doflamingo was in trouble!

However, what shocked everyone was the revelation that the future

location of the Warlords had changed.

As the name suggests, Warlords has seven positions in total. Introducing

new individuals implies that others will inevitably be replaced.

In the future, Law becomes one of the new Seven Warlords of the Sea,

signifying his strength and influence.

So... who was replaced? Could it be Moria?

All eyes turned towards Moria, and in an instant, his expression


It was a feeling worse than consuming something indescribably


On the other hand, Crocodile was delightfully observing Doflamingo.

The angrier Doflamingo became, the uglier his face got, and the more

satisfaction Crocodile derived from the spectacle.

After all... there's nothing more gratifying than witnessing his distress...

Meanwhile, on the Grand Line, an unnamed island!

Law, donned in a spotted hat and carrying a knife, rested on the coast.

Surrounding him were the ships and pirates of the Red Hearts Pirate

Group under his command.

From the beginning of the live broadcast, he closely monitored every

move of Luffy.

After all, how could something so bizarre not pique his interest? Yet, Law

Wan never anticipated that when it came to the climax of the seventh

battle... could he have his own affairs?

It turns out that Law, the little ghost, is the mastermind behind all this


While others might be oblivious, no one understands the forbidden

nature of his actions better than Law himself. His deeds over the years

remain a secret known only to him.

Bearing a profound self-hatred, even when he manages to distance

himself, he relentlessly targets his own existence.

However, like a crafty gutter rat, he has never given his pursuers a

chance to catch him.

"Unexpectedly, in the future, not only could I not eliminate you, but you

also ascended to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

"It's beyond imagination..."

Others had heard snippets about the animosity between Law and

Doflamingo. Though not fully comprehending the details, they could

sense the deep resentment on Doflamingo's face.

Observing the actions of Luffy and Law in the unfolding events, some

could vaguely deduce the cause and effect – Doflamingo was in trouble!

However, what stunned everyone was the revelation that the future

location of the Warlords had changed.

As the name suggests, the Warlords have seven positions in total.

Introducing new individuals implies that others will inevitably be


In the future, Law becomes one of the new Seven Warlords of the Sea,

symbolizing his strength and influence.

So... who was replaced? Could it be Moria?

All eyes turned towards Moria, and in an instant, his expression


It was a feeling worse than consuming something indescribably


On the other hand, Crocodile was gleefully observing Doflamingo.

The angrier Doflamingo became, the uglier his face got, and the more

satisfaction Crocodile derived from the spectacle.

After all... there's nothing more gratifying than witnessing his distress...

Meanwhile, on the Grand Line, on an unnamed island!

Law, wearing a spotted hat and carrying a knife, rested on the coast.

Surrounding him were the ships and pirates of the Red Hearts Pirate

Group under his command.

From the beginning of the live broadcast, he closely monitored every

move of Luffy.

After all, how could something so bizarre not pique his interest? Yet, Law

never anticipated that when it came to the climax of the seventh battle...

could he have his own affairs?

["Straw Hat Kid, I have something in my hand that I believe will pique

your interest!"]

["I'm just unsure of how you'll react when you see it in the future."]

After saying this, Doflamingo hung up the phone.

[Just as Luffy and the others were left wondering, on the other side...]

[Doflamingo produced a fist-sized treasure box, and inside it, a Devil

Fruit was nestled!]

[I watched as he slowly opened it...]

[This Devil Fruit had an unusual appearance, resembling a raging fire!]

[As Doflamingo gazed at the Devil Fruit, a wicked smile formed at the

corner of his mouth!]

"With this Devil Fruit, Straw Hat Kid... I don't believe you'll stay away!"

Simultaneously, people worldwide witnessed this scene, each with a

varied reaction.

Countless viewers were intrigued... How would Luffy and Law's story


And what power did Doflamingo's Devil Fruit hold? Why did Luffy need

to be involved?

Of course, the mystery stemmed from the unknown nature of the Devil


Its type remained unclear to everyone.

However, certain special forces immediately recognized the Devil Fruit in

Doflamingo's possession!

It was the Logia Devil Fruit!

Simultaneously, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second team, Fire

Fist Ace, owned...

The Mera Mera no Mi!

In that moment, countless factions trembled!

The Whitebeard Pirates!

"This... this is..."

Upon seeing the Devil Fruit in Doflamingo's hand clearly, Whitebeard,

Marco, Jozu, Vista, and the others underwent a dramatic change in


From the beginning of the broadcast regarding Luffy, their faces had

never shifted so dramatically!

The reason was simple—they identified it as the Flame-Flame Fruit!

And the current bearer of the Flame-Flame Fruit, Ace, was equally

stunned upon witnessing the scene...

As everyone knew, numerous Devil Fruits hid across the seas!

They possessed diverse types and abilities, and the number of categories

remained unknown.

But one thing was certain...

Each ability granted by a Devil Fruit was unique!

There would never be duplicates, and certainly not two individuals with

the same ability!

For instance, once Luffy consumed the Gum-Gum Fruit, no more Gum-

Gum Fruits would appear; as long as Luffy lived, the Gum-Gum Fruit

wouldn't reemerge!

The only way for the Gum-Gum Fruit to resurface was Luffy's demise...

Meaning, only upon his departure would the Devil Fruit reappear in the

world, awaiting its next chosen bearer.

The one who wielded the Flame-Flame Fruit was Ace, a fact known

throughout the seas.

And now...

In the hands of Doflamingo, it surfaced once more—the Flame-Flame


Did this signify Ace's demise in the future? How could this be possible!?

At this moment, the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group was in utter shock!

Disbelief was etched across everyone's faces.


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Chapter 116 : Fujitora!

"Ace… He's dead?"

Whitebeard's entire being was stunned, and his face instantly froze.

Even the entire Whitebeard Pirates group, everyone… But soon!

The expression on Whitebeard's face gradually changed from stiffness to


"Who the hell killed Ace?"


He thundered…

Whitebeard stood up, and at this moment, the terrifying aura spread

directly under the impetus of anger!

Even the deck showed the slightest crack!

Since the Flame fruit appeared in Doflamingo's hands, does that mean

Ace's death is related to him?

All the captains and crew members of the entire Whitebeard Pirates were

enraged at this moment. Everyone on the ship was their own family!

What's more, Ace, as the captain of the second divison, had a close

relationship with many people.

But now, he was suspected of being killed as soon as he appeared…

In this case, how could the Whitebeard Pirates not be furious?

Including Ace himself, when looking at the sky live screen at this

moment, he fell into silence…

But soon, a smile appeared on his face again.

"Who is sure about the future?"

"Maybe it's not a Flame fruit, it's just a bit more similar."

"Instead of dwelling on it, let's talk about Luffy's future, what it is,


Meanwhile, at the Marine Headquarters! Garp was stunned…

He looked at the Flame fruit in the picture, his face full of visible shock.


Although Ace is not his biological grandson, Garp has long regarded him

as a family member after spending a long time together.

Even if Ace has become a pirate now.

He is still the captain of the famous second division of the Whitebeard

Pirates at sea, but Garp still regards him as a grandson!

But now…

He just came back to his senses from Luffy's joy of growing up, and he

saw Ace's death.

How could this not shock Garp?

On the other hand, Doflamingo is completely confused at the moment…

As someone who holds countless dark estates and also allows Caesar to

study artificial fruits, how can he not be familiar with Devil Fruits?

At a glance, he recognized that the treasure chest contained Devil


"How did that Devil Fruit end up in my hands?"

"I can't believe it!"

Everyone else is dumbfounded…

Who is Ace?

That's the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, the

third in command! Favored by the world's strongest man, Whitebeard!

And his strength is also very impressive; if he hadn't refused, he would

have been fully capable of becoming a member of the Seven Warlords of

the Sea!

The most important thing is, how did such a person die?

And more importantly, if he dies, the fruit appears in your hands.

Doesn't this mean that, until things are clarified, Fire Fist Ace's death is

related to himself!

Damn it…

Whitebeard can't cut himself into eight segments?

Although Doflamingo is eccentric, he is not stupid, and his strength is

completely unable to compete with Whitebeard.

Even more unable to compete with the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group!

Originally, I thought that this live broadcast was almost the same, and it

was time to go back.

After all, it is not comfortable to stay at the headquarters of the Marine

all the time; it is better to go back and lie comfortably and watch.

Now it seems…

Before you clear your suspicions, you'd better not move around.

Otherwise, if you encounter the Whitebeard who is chasing and killing at

sea, you really can't tell with your mouth…

At this time, Garp also happened to look towards the rear and looked at


When Doflamingo saw the killing intent in Garp's eyes, it was only for a

moment! His hair stood upside down, and everyone was almost scared


"It's none of my business, I don't know what's going on!"

"What's more, the strength of Fire Fist Ace is so strong, with my strength

alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill him!"

Doflamingo said a bunch of words in a second.

Garp still stared at him deadly and did not speak…

He is not stupid, and although Doflamingo is not weak, he is not strong

enough to kill Ace under the protection of Whitebeard.

Ace's strength is better known to him.

So he was ready to continue to see, if he found out that Ace's death had

something to do with Doflamingo, even if it was not his own hands…

He will not hesitate to ignore anyone and blast him on the spot!

At the same time, Crocodile, the female emperor, Moria, and others on

the side looked at Doflamingo with subtle eyes.

Now it seems that at the beginning of this matter… It just got interesting!

[After Doflamingo withdrew from the ranks of the Seven Warlords Seas,

Luffy and his party also went towards the Kingdom of Dressrosa.]

[In order to completely destroy Doflamingo's dark industry, the group

divided into three ways!]

[Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, and Kinemon are in a group of five, and the

target is to rescue Kanjuro's team.]

[Law, Usopp, and Robin in a group of three, took Caesar to go to

Doflamingo to complete the transaction in exchange for Caesar.]

[Nami, Chopper, Brook, and Momonosuke are in groups of four, staying

in place to guard the ship.]

[The most important task is naturally Luffy and Zoro's team.]

[In order to successfully complete the mission and not be discovered by

Doflamingo's subordinates, the five people all disguised themselves and

lived like five old men!]

[Of course, because of Luffy…]

[As soon as the five-person group entered the town, they directly found a

restaurant to prepare for dinner.]

[They also met a very interesting person here,and he was blind in both

eyes and had a scar on his forehead, which looked very ordinary.]

[Because of the gambling money, some of these little minions bullied him

blindly, obviously gambling right, but deliberately said that the bet was


[Luffy on the side couldn't stand it and directly came over to debunk it.]

[This made this group of minions angry, and they were about to move

towards Luffy, but…"

[Before they can do anything, the blind man directly pulls out the


[But it is not to slash others, but a terrifying gravitational force, which

explodes instantly!]

[In an instant, a meteorite directly fell from the sky, smashing the ground

out of a huge deep pit!]

[This power scared everyone present…]

This scene naturally made many viewers around the world stunned.

Such power… It's devastating!

Especially the headquarters of the Marine…

Sengoku looked at the appearance of Fujitora in the picture and said with

some solemnity:.

"This person has a calm breath and extremely strong strength; I am afraid

to have the strength of Admiral."

"Such a person, could it be that such a powerful pirate will appear in the


Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru looked at the appearance of Fujitora, and their

eyes were cold.

Although he only shot once in the picture, the power he brought was to

make them understand…

This is a very powerful person!

If he is really a pirate, then it is really a tricky thing for the entire Marine


Of course, Fujitora in the picture is not wearing a Marine uniform, just

ordinary clothes, so naturally his identity cannot be exposed.

But his appearance made many people feel that his strength was strong.

[Fujitora did not leave his name and left directly…]

[And Luffy and Franky, in order to find out the news, specially arrested

the little minions just now.]

[From his mouth, the two got shocking news…]

[Tomorrow, there will be a contest in the city that allows anyone to


[And the prize for the winner is… Flame fruit!]

[The moment he heard this, Luffy was stunned…]

"The fruit of Ace."]

"This is Ace's only relic; I must get him!"]

"I will sign up for the competition!"]

["It is impossible to give the Flame fruit to others! "]

Through Luffy's words, let everyone in the world know…

It turned out that the devil fruit in Doflamingo's hand was a Logia devil

fruit Flame fruit!

But soon, many people were stunned…

Isn't the Flame Fruit the Devil Fruit once wielded by Fire Fist Ace?

How did it surface in the Dressrosa showdown and end up as a prize?


At this moment, fans worldwide pondered a chilling possibility.


Numerous influential factions had also thoroughly verified that this fruit

was indeed the Flame Fruit!

This revelation shattered previous assumptions, merely resembling what

Ace had claimed. Whitebeard and his crew were incensed!

On the grand pirate ship, one after another, figures exuded a formidable

presence. Even the sea kings fled in fear of their unchecked fury.

Ace, however, remained composed. Even if it was the Flame Fruit? It was

a matter for the future.

What has yet to unfold requires no concern.

It's Luffy...

"This guy, I didn't expect him to care about my fruit at a time like this."

"Nevertheless, if what I left behind in the end falls into Luffy's hands..."

"It might not be a bad choice after all!"

[Although Luffy and Franky both sense that the Flame Fruit is likely a


[Its purpose is to draw their group into the snare!]

[After all, everyone knows that Fire Fist Ace is Straw Hat Luffy's


[If there's anyone who can't resist this prize, it's Luffy!]

[But this is the only legacy left by Fire Fist Ace, and even if it's a trap...]

[Luffy will never back down!]


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Chapter 117 : Celestial Dragon!

[The next day swiftly arrived...]

[Luffy, following his desires, participated in the competition but adopted

the alias Lucy to conceal his identity!]

[Franky continued to roam the competition, seeking information on the

target's detention location...]

[This event is truly heating up!]

[The prize, a Flame-Flame Fruit, attracted numerous participants!]

[Initially, most of my opponents were mere lackeys...]

[Luffy, relying solely on his strength without even tapping into the power

of the fruit, forged ahead!]

[After an undisclosed period of battling, I finally encountered my first

formidable opponent...]

[Don Chinjao, Chinjao the Drill!]

[His strength is formidable, and he takes pride in his Armament Haki,

especially the impervious, awl-like head!]

[However, at this moment, for some reason, his head appeared sunken...]

[Yet, his threat remained formidable!]

Marine headquarters!

Upon witnessing a scene in the broadcast, Garp couldn't help but burst

into laughter!

"Don Chinjao?"

"It's really him. It seems that after all these years, his head hasn't fully



Sengoku, upon hearing this, couldn't help but shake his head.

As Garp's old partner, he was well aware of the history between Garp and

Don Chinjao.

Both were renowned for their proficiency in Armament Haki—one with

his head, the other with his fists.

In a bid to determine who was superior, Garp challenged him to a

confrontation. The outcome was evident...

Garp emerged victorious, but the cost was the destruction of Don

Chinjao's drill-like head.

Not only did it diminish his offensive capabilities, but it was also

aesthetically displeasing... Over the years, Don Chinjao must have

harbored intense resentment.

"Why are you still laughing? If he finds out that Luffy is your grandson,

he might go berserk!"

Garp, nonchalant, dismissed the concern.

"Don't worry, without his drill head, he's nothing to fear."

"Luffy will surely triumph, hahaha..."

[In the subsequent battles...]

[Don Chinjao discovered Luffy's true identity and erupted in fury, aiming

to kill Luffy on the spot.]

[Fortunately, his subordinates intervened, convincing him to settle the

score with Luffy in the ring...]

[Soon after, pandemonium erupted in the arena!]

[Many were eliminated, but amidst the chaos, numerous formidable

contenders emerged.]

[Examples include Bartolomeo, wielding the power of the Barrier-Barrier

Fruit, and Cavendish, whose mere presence sent shockwaves through the


[And Hack, a member of the Revolutionary Army and a friend of


This series of events has left the world in awe.

For instance, members of the Warlord, such as Jinbe...

Seeing so many familiar faces in this competition was a shock for many!

Bartolomeo, of course, was the happiest.

He had already gathered numerous younger brothers in Rogue Town,

built all the pirate ships, and was ready to set sail.

Upon spotting his own figure in a picture...


Bartolomeo instantly turned into a fervent fan, nearly dropping to his

knees on the spot in worship.

"So, the future me really encounters Luffy-senpai right before my eyes."

"I just didn't recognize Luffy-senpai's disguise; it's truly disrespectful!"

"I'll definitely obtain the Flame Fruit and present the relics of Luffy's

brother to him…"

[At the same time, Law, Usopp, and Robin had escorted Caesar to the

designated trade location…]

[But soon, they discovered something shocking!] ]

[From the start, they fell into Doflamingo's trap! ] ]

[The information he spread was false, and he still held the identity of

Seven Warlords! ] ]

[Protected by the World Government, the Marine couldn't lay a finger on

him! ] ]

[A large Marine warship arrived, accompanied by the World

Government's CP0 organization! ] ]

[And Law lost his Seven Warlords status due to colluding with the Straw

Hat Pirates…]

[What made Law even more desperate was that, among the countless

Marine forces accompanying Doflamingo, there was actually an admiral!

] ]

[He was utterly shocked…]

[If Doflamingo was just a Shichibukai, he wouldn't have such tremendous

influence! ] ]

[Another revocation of Seven Warlords status, another CP0 mobilization,

and aid from admirals! ] ]

[At this point, he recalled a rumor from the past…]

[Could it be that Doflamingo is truly a Celestial Dragon!? ] ]

[To this, Doflamingo still grinned maliciously, offering no denial


[He himself is a Celestial Dragon! ] ]

[Simultaneously, an admiral appeared…]

[Blind and wielding a wooden sword, the same uncle Luffy encountered

in the restaurant before! ] ]

[Except now, he sported a cloak with the word "Justice" written on it! ] ]

[And he was one of the three admirals of the Marine… Fujitora! ]

At this moment, the world was shaken once more.

From this depiction, everyone learned two incredibly shocking


Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords, was actually a Celestial Dragon?

Almost no one knew about this!

Do you understand the significance of a Celestial Dragon?

They are the world's nobility, descendants of the twenty kings

constituting the World Government, who consider themselves

descendants of the God and enjoy all privileges!

Once offended, both the Admirals and CP0 must prioritize protecting


But how could a Celestial Dragon live in the Holy Land of Mary Geoise…

One more thing.

That uncle, blind in both eyes and fond of gambling, was actually an

admiral? It's truly hard to believe…

No wonder his strength was so formidable, directly summoning

meteorites to unleash such terrifying destructive power.

Marine Headquarters…

After learning that Doflamingo was a Celestial Dragon, the expressions of

the other six Warlords suddenly changed when they looked at him.

It became somewhat subtle, even complicated…

But only the Empress, her gaze shifted from initially flat to slightly angry.

As if she wanted to strike at Doflamingo.

This left Mihawk, who noticed it on the side, feeling a bit perplexed…

But Doflamingo seemed very unwilling to be exposed.

When the live broadcast screen announced that he was a Celestial

Dragon, his face visibly darkened…

As for Sengoku and the others, they didn't seem to care.

It was as if his identity had been known for a long time…

Especially Garp, upon hearing his Celestial Dragon identity, displayed

palpable disdain on his face.

Compared to Doflamingo's identity…

The Marine was evidently more interested in Fujitora.

"Oh? I didn't expect this; in the future, he'll actually be an admiral..."

Whether it was Garp or Sengoku, they were taken aback.

Even the bystanders, like Crocodile, Moria, and Mihawk, wore

expressions of surprise.

Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu were equally stunned.

Earlier, they had been contemplating the potential troubles that would

arise if someone with such strength became a pirate. Little did they

anticipate that he was affiliated with the Marine, and not just any rank

but an admiral!


Kizaru scratched his chin, mumbling the name to himself.

"It fits the Admiral's naming style perfectly!"

While everyone felt relieved that Fujitora was on the side of the Marine,

a lingering doubt emerged.

The Marine only had three admirals, and introducing a new one meant

either a promotion or a replacement.

In the upcoming three major promotions, someone would either ascend

or be replaced.

Who would it be?

The three admirals were formidable, making it uncertain who Fujitora

would replace.

However, if one of them ascended to the position of Fleet Admiral, then

Sengoku would retire, representing the World Government in the


This scenario seemed increasingly likely, especially considering the

advanced age of Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

At this moment, whether it was Sengoku, Garp, or the three admirals,

they were all intrigued by Fujitora's strength.

What kind of terrifying power would he display next?

After all, without ample strength, sitting in the position of the three

admirals was no easy feat.

[Fujitora's gravity kicks in again, instantly...]

[A larger meteorite hurtles towards the ground, surrounded by a thick

burning flame.]

[The unimaginable power astounds both Law and Doflamingo; their

expressions change drastically!]

[If not for the unique properties of Law's Devil Fruit, he might have been

incapacitated by the direct blow...]

[Following this, Law escapes into the forest, pursued by Doflamingo!]

[Meanwhile, on the other side...]

[As Doflamingo was already aware of Luffy and his crew's movements...]

[He knew they had split into three groups and devised a plan...]

[Sanji, Nami, and the others guarding the ship found themselves under

attack by members of the Doflamingo family!]

[Moreover, these attackers possessed Devil Fruit abilities, making the

situation even more troublesome.]

[Nami's group faced an impending crisis...]

[Worse yet...]

[Luffy, participating in the competition, found himself in dire straits!]

[Because when confronting the enemy, he couldn't resist using his rubber

fruit abilities.]

[The entire world knows that Luffy wields the power of the Gum-Gum


[This move instantly unveiled his identity...]

[Tens of thousands of spectators at the event immediately recognized



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Chapter 118 : Sabo Appears, Luffy


[Although Luffy's identity has been exposed, it doesn't deter him from

persisting in the ring!]

[Facing a succession of adversaries...]

[Luffy, with his extraordinary strength, systematically dispatched each


[Even when confronted by a multitude of miscellaneous soldiers!]

[He even unleashed the Conqueror's Haki, overpowering everyone in an


This spectacle once again astounded countless viewers across the globe!

As we all know, Haki is categorized into three forms!

Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and the formidable Conqueror's Haki!

While many formidable individuals have manifested the first two Haki...

The last, Conqueror's Haki, is exceptionally rare!

For anyone who awakens the Conqueror's Haki, it signifies the potential

of a King!

It symbolizes strength and limitless possibilities!

What no one anticipated was that Luffy had indeed mastered this Haki!


Upon witnessing this scene, Admiral Akainu at the Marine Headquarters

wore a displeased expression.

He realized that Monkey D. Luffy, the Straw Hat Kid, seemed to be

surpassing his expectations in terms of growth...

He is not merely a criminal or a pirate; he possesses the potential to

claim the title of king in the future!

Hence, the threat he poses is even more significant... Such a presence

must be eradicated!

Otherwise, it poses a threat to the World Government and to everyone

navigating the seas!

As for Vice Admiral Garp...

Observing Luffy exhibit his Conqueror's Haki, he couldn't help but feel


"Good lad! I'm amazed you've mastered the Conqueror's Haki!"


Laughter resonated throughout the Marine Headquarters.

On the sidelines, Fleet Admiral Sengoku was somewhat lost in thought...

He couldn't help but acknowledge that this guy was incredibly fortunate!

Both of his grandsons, Ace and Luffy, are not only formidable but have

also mastered the Conqueror's Haki!

This implies that his two grandsons possess formidable potential!

Unfortunately, both grandchildren are pirates.

It's a bit of a headache...

[Finally, after Luffy triumphed over one cunning adversary after

another.] ]

[In the entire arena, only two contenders remain...]

[One is Luffy himself, and the other is Don Chinjao!]

Don Chinjao fixed his gaze on Luffy, eyes filled with anger and a

murderous aura.

He had been awaiting this chance for a long time!

If it weren't for Garp, his once-drill head wouldn't have turned as ugly as

it is now!

Since he couldn't defeat Garp, he would take out his frustration on his


Without hesitation, Don Chinjao launched a direct attack on Luffy, and

the two immediately clashed.

Don Chinjao not only possessed a formidable Armament Haki but also

showcased his Conqueror's Haki!

At this moment, as Luffy and Don Chinjao collided...

A thunderous roar echoed in the minds of the spectators throughout the

arena, causing many to faint.

Don Chinjao struck again, his head covered with a layer of Armament

Haki, yelling as he charged toward Luffy.

"As Garp's grandson, you will now pay the debt he owed me long ago!"

"Die, Straw Hat Kid!"

Luffy, tormented by the relentless assault from the old man, was losing


"I have nothing to do with him! My goal is to seize Ace's only keepsake,

the Flame fruit!"

But Don Chinjao persisted, relentlessly pursuing him.

Luffy, unable to comprehend the old man's vendetta against him, grew

increasingly infuriated. He ascended into the sky, activating Gear Third!

In an instant, his fist enlarged significantly, covered in Armament Haki.

With tremendous power, he unleashed a devastating blow towards Don



The immense force sent Don Chinjao crashing heavily onto the ring, but

astonishingly, his head, initially concaved, popped back into its original


This spectacle left the audience in disbelief.

Could Don Chinjao's head really be hammered back into shape? Even

Garp himself seemed puzzled.

Laughter erupted, acknowledging that Luffy truly inherited his

grandfather's unique style.

Most thrilled by this sight was Don Chinjao himself. Watching the live

footage, the revelation that Luffy was Garp's grandson fueled a new surge

of anger within him.

Unable to contain his excitement, Don Chinjao shouted, "Quick! Take me

to see the Straw Hat Kid!"

"Let me experience the same as in the picture and receive a punch from


The surrounding onlookers were immediately shocked at Don Chinjao's

unexpected reaction.

You can't be serious, can you?

Who volunteers to ask others to hit themselves?

And with a hammer, no less!

Aren't you afraid of looking like a total fool with a hammer to the head?

But it seems that Don Chinjao is dead serious.

Because he dreamt of and desired to restore his awl-like head.

However, at this moment, he doesn't even know where Luffy and the

others are...

[Meanwhile, Law continues battling Fujitora and Doflamingo on the


[With the power of his Devil Fruit, Law can barely hold his own against


[But he needs the Straw Hats' help, so he informs Nami and the others to

bring the ship over...]

[On the other side, Nami and the rest successfully defeat the Doflamingo

family members with their cunning.]

[They head straight for Law's position...]

[But the strength of Doflamingo and Fujitora is overwhelming, and Law

is on the verge of collapse.]

[Even the newly arrived Straw Hat Pirates are almost overwhelmed by


[If it weren't for Sanji's timely arrival, the pirate ship would have been

sliced by his string...]

[Even so, Sanji is in serious jeopardy.]

[He's suspended in the air by Doflamingo's strings, about to be cut

directly by them...]

[Fortunately, Law intervenes just in time, using his Devil Fruit ability to

save him again.]

[And he negotiates with the captured Doflamingo family members for his


[This rescues Nami and her group, and himself, from imminent danger.]

[No matter how ruthless Doflamingo is, there's one thing he still cares


[That is, he prioritizes the safety of his family...]

Red-Haired Pirates!

"That Devil Fruit, are you sure it's the Ope Ope no Mi?" Shanks asked


Beckman nodded, "Indeed, creating a spherical space, cutting sections in

the space at will, and exchanging hearts—this must be the Ope Ope no


Shanks sighed, "I didn't expect such a powerful fruit to be in the hands of

a man named Law."

His astonishment stems from the uniqueness of the Ope Ope no Mi.

As a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, it's arguably the most coveted and

sought-after fruit.

Not only for its metamorphic abilities but also because it can grant

humanity the potential for immortality—albeit at the cost of the user's

life. This makes it highly desirable and sought after by many.

If only his captain could have obtained the Ope Ope no Mi, perhaps his

body wouldn't have decayed so quickly...

With this thought, regret flickered in Shanks' eyes.

[Meanwhile, Franky, Zoro, and the others discovered the inhabitants of

the city.]

[They're gearing up to confront Doflamingo!]

[Moreover, they've uncovered the truth about the toys in the city...]

[These toys were once human, transformed into toys by Doflamingo's


[Now, they're banding together to take down Doflamingo!]

[On the other side...]

[The battle has entered a brief intermission!]

[Bartolomeo finally meets his idol, Luffy!]

[Despite being nearly speechless with excitement, he's genuinely


[He knows Luffy is participating in the tournament to claim the Mera

Mera no Mi!]

["Luffy Senpai, I'll help you secure the Flame-Flame Fruit!"]

[But at that moment...]

[A voice interrupts, "Straw Hat Luffy, I won't let you get the Flame


[Bartolomeo, enraged, demands, "Who's that? How dare they speak to

Luffy senpai like that!"]

[Luffy eyes the speaker suspiciously, trying to figure out...]

["Why don't you recognize me?"]

[As soon as these words are spoken, Luffy is suddenly stunned...]

[His eyes tremble, unable to believe it. The person standing before him


["Long time no see, Luffy..."]

[At this moment, Luffy can't contain himself, tears streaming down his




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Chapter 119 : Three Brothers!

[At this moment, Luffy cried like a child, tears streaming down


[From setting sail until now, apart from Ace's demise, he had never

experienced such profound sorrow...]

[He leaped onto Sabo's neck, clutching him tightly while shedding tears!]

[Luffy's cries echoed through the entire arena tunnel...]

[In this moment, he vocalized more than a decade's worth of suppressed

thoughts, unwillingness, and grievances...]

[He initially believed Sabo was gone, Ace was gone, and only he

remained, but now witnessing Sabo's reappearance...]

[Luffy finally grasped that he wasn't alone; he had an older brother...]

[Sabo, on the other hand, smiled, enduring Luffy's tight hold despite the

tears and mucus covering him...]


[As an older brother, he, too, longed for his younger brother...]

As the scene unfolds...

The entire world was shocked once again!

Observing the image of Luffy crying like a child left countless spectators

in awe...

From the tenth pinnacle battle to the ninth, eighth, and seventh...

Regardless of the enemy faced or the threats encountered, no matter the


Luffy never shed a tear...

Furthermore, to cry with such intense sorrow now!

Could it be... is this person named Sabo crucial to him!?

Countless viewers were both stunned and puzzled simultaneously.

The image showed only Luffy, seeing Sabo in tears, with no dialogue

between them.

Hence, the audience remained oblivious to the connection between Sabo

and Luffy... Though some were aware of Sabo's true identity.

Upon witnessing Sabo in the picture, even those who knew Sabo as the

second-in-command of the revolutionary army were bewildered.

This man... wasn't he the second-in-command of the revolutionary army?

Could he have some connection with Luffy?

Why did he reappear in the arena for the duel? Did he also seek the Devil


Question after question surfaced in the minds of everyone.

Even those familiar with Sabo only recognized him as the second

generation of the revolutionary army.

However, they were unaware of Sabo's additional identity...

He hailed from the windmill village!

And he was the brother of both Luffy and Ace!

While most of the world remained perplexed about Sabo's identity...

There were two individuals who could never forget...

Upon seeing Sabo's face, they froze instantaneously!

Tears welled up in their eyes, mirroring Luffy in the image, and a

profound surge of emotions stirred within them!

And those two individuals were Luffy and Ace!

Whitebeard Pirates!

"Sa... Sabo."

Ace gazed at Sabo's figure in the image…

At that moment, his expression visibly stiffened, and his eyes widened to

their full extent!

As if he had witnessed something utterly unbelievable...

Due to the overwhelming emotional turmoil, Ace's body trembled


Tears gushed from his eyes instantaneously...

In this moment, Ace wept like a child! How closely did that expression

resemble Luffy in the picture?

Observing this scene, Whitebeard, Marco, Vista, Jozu, and numerous

other crew members gathered around, their concern evident.

"Ace, what's the matter?"

"What in the world is happening? Ace, why are you crying?"

"Could it be that the person in the picture is someone you know?"

"Speak up, Ace, what's wrong with you? Don't just cry without saying


"Yeah, you're really worrying us a lot..."

Under the collective care and inquiries, Ace managed to temporarily rein

in his emotions.

Yet, his eyes remained red, tears lingering...

Eventually, when he glimpsed Sabo's figure in the image once more, he


A bright, joyful smile!

It was a smile that radiated sheer happiness!

Then, akin to introducing Luffy earlier, he proudly declared to everyone,

"Sabo... is same as Luffy!"

"All my brothers..."

As soon as these words escaped Ace's lips!

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were utterly shocked!

An endless chorus of "eh" echoed!

The second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army was Ace's younger

brother!? How come he never mentioned it!

Naturally, the details of Sabo's death had always been a hidden secret

within Ace's heart. Hence, he never disclosed it to the rest of the crew.

Had he not seen Sabo's face just now, he might never have realized that

the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army was actually his

younger brother!

After all, he had only heard of Sabo's name and never laid eyes on the

real person.

He had always assumed it was merely a shared name with his deceased

brother, but now...

It turned out he had known about Sabo for a long time, unaware that he

was still alive.

He hadn't realized that the Sabo of the Revolutionary Army was the same

Sabo he held dear in his heart! At this moment, Ace's heart surged with


He couldn't wait to reunite with Sabo and Luffy, reminiscing about their


The smile on his face grew brighter and more radiant.

Increasingly gentle...

Ace gazed at the sky with teary eyes and murmured softly, "Sabo, I

originally thought I would live your portion."

"But now it seems unnecessary..."

"The three of us will meet again someday!"


Water 7!

With Franky and others toiling day and night to construct the Thousand


Almost all members of the Straw Hat Pirates were involved in the


Even if you can't help with shipbuilding, you can contribute by assisting

with materials, pounding nails, or something of the sort.

After all, the abilities and strength of Robin, Chopper, and Franky are

still quite useful. It's essential to shorten the construction period as much

as possible, given that there are still comrades waiting to witness their

own and others' salvation.

Everyone willingly put in the effort to work and help, with one notable

exception—Luffy. Given his reputation as a king of sabotage and

troublemaker, even if he wanted to help, no one dared to let him. They

feared that the Thousand Sunny, painstakingly built, would be torn apart

by him.

So, Luffy found himself bored and could only watch the live broadcast

from the sky to pass the time. However, when he saw a figure crying in

the picture, leaning on Sabo's neck like a child, he was taken aback.

He recognized Sabo's face in an instant. Despite the passage of years,

Sabo had grown up. But the scars on his face, the familiar smile, the

gentle tone, and the childhood memories were all there.

In Luffy's mind, Sabo's face reappeared.


Luffy was stunned, and his expression mirrored Ace's stiffness. He never

imagined that Sabo was alive after all these years. Finally seeing him

again brought tears to Luffy's eyes.

In the blink of an eye, he resembled the figure in the picture, crying like

a child. Even the matter of whether Ace was alive or not was

momentarily forgotten. Luffy kept wiping his tears and chanting Sabo's


His body trembled with sobs.

Watching this scene, Nami, Sanji, Yamaji, and the others were puzzled.

Though they were also following the sky broadcast, they didn't know the

exact relationship between Sabo and Luffy. When Luffy burst into tears

upon seeing the picture, they were still trying to understand the


However, in the next moment, Luffy in the real world also burst into

tears. His cries were so loud that nearly the entire dock could hear it.

Everyone stopped their work and rushed over.

"Luffy, what's wrong with you?"

Despite the concern from his crewmates, Luffy paid no attention. He

continued crying like a child, wiping tears away.

After crying for an unknown amount of time, he spoke with a trembling


"Sabo, Sabo is still alive... to see him alive makes me so happy! Sabo is

just like Ace... both are my brothers!"


Upon hearing these words, Sanji, Nami, and the others exclaimed. The

reaction was akin to when Marco and the Whitebeard Pirates learned that

Ace had a younger brother named Sabo. They never thought Luffy had an

older brother aside from Ace.

This brother, as it turns out, is the second-in-command of the

Revolutionary Army!

The shock of this revelation was no less than when they learned that Vice

Admiral Garp is Luffy's grandfather, the Revolutionary Army's leader is

Luffy's father, and so on.

As everyone was absorbing this shocking news, they suddenly realized

that their captain's background, from his father and grandfather down to

his two brothers, was outrageously formidable.


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Chapter 120 : Troublesome


Marine Headquarters!

Garp naturally recognized Sabo, and he was immediately surprised...

After all, when they were young, Luffy, Ace, and Sabo were the most

mischievous and often caused their own share of headaches!

Originally, Garp thought this little guy was dead, but he didn't expect

him to be alive! For a moment, Garp was genuinely happy.

"This guy, Dragon, saved Sabo and didn't say a word to me, it's true..."

Sengoku and others on the side were very curious.

"What is the relationship between your grandson and this second-in-

command of the revolutionary army?"

"You know about this too?"

Garp looked at Sengoku mysteriously and smiled slightly.

"Just watch for a while; won't you figure it out?"

Sengoku suddenly had a bewildered expression, thinking that this guy

was trying to be mysterious...


To say the most shocking part, it naturally happened at the headquarters

of the revolutionary army!

When Sabo appeared in the image, many revolutionary army cadres led

by Betty were utterly stunned.

"Eh! Sabo, you're actually in it?"

"Unexpectedly, Sabo was also interested in the Flame-Flame Fruit and

actually appeared in the competition."

"In other words, Sabo, aren't you afraid of revealing your identity and

alerting the Marine?"

Sabo himself wondered. It stands to reason that as a member of the

revolutionary army, he was still a high-ranking cadre. He wouldn't be

dispatched so casually; after all, if discovered by the Marine, it could

jeopardize the secret of the Flame-Flame Fruit.

However, the next image made everyone even more astonished.

As Luffy cried bitterly, Sabo in the image remained very gentle. The

commanders of the five major armies were all dumbfounded.

"Sabo, you know Luffy, the Straw Hat?"

"Could it be that in the future the leader brought his son and got

acquainted with us?"

"No, even if Luffy is familiar with him, he wouldn't be so excited to see


Betty and the others said suspiciously, but soon, they thought of a

possibility! Everyone in the Revolutionary Army knew that Sabo had lost

his memory and couldn't recall everything from his childhood.

But now, in the image... Everyone immediately exclaimed!

"Sabo, have you recovered your lost memory!?"

"Looking at the situation, Sabo and Straw Hat Luffy knew each other as


"Yes, it seems that the relationship is not simple, at least very close!"

"Sabo's memory finally has a clue..."

Including Sabo himself, he was stunned when he looked at the sky in the


No wonder I've always felt a connection with Luffy; it seems... it's truly


I have always cherished my lost memories and can't wait to reclaim


Now there is finally a clue!

Since Luffy is the son of the chief...

Sabo rushed straight towards Dragon's house.

He can't wait to learn everything about himself from Dragon's mouth!

[After Luffy and Sabo shared their memories, the two also agreed on a


[Now that Sabo is here, Luffy doesn't have to continue fighting for Ace's

only relic and the Flame-Flame Fruit.]

[He can now help Franky and the others fight against Doflamingo!]

[And so...]

[Sabo assumed Luffy's identity, donned his attire, and made his way to

the arena!]

[Adopting the name Lucy, he continued to strive for the Mera Mera no


[Without delay, Luffy departed, leaving Sabo and Bartolomeo behind.]

[Bartolomeo, at this moment, couldn't contain his excitement!]

[He was an absolute Straw Hats fanatic!]

[Upon discovering Sabo's true identity, his admiration naturally extended

to Sabo!]

[Everyone observed them, walking together towards the arena, with

constant verbal praises.]

["Senior Sabo, I never expected you to be Senior Luffy's older brother!"]

["I'm truly honored to compete alongside his brother!"]

["I never imagined Senior Luffy had another brother aside from Senior


["In any case, Senior Sabo, I'll give my all in this match!"]

["I'll help you claim Ace senpai's only relic and present you the Mera

Mera no Mi!"]

[Seeing Bartolomeo's almost fanatical adoration, Sabo could only smile


[He hadn't anticipated his brother having such a devoted admirer.]

[Though the fervor was a bit overwhelming, he had to admit...]

[His die-hard fan brother seemed to be quite remarkable!]

"Thank you, Bartolomeo!"

[As soon as these words were uttered, Bartolomeo nearly fainted with


[Senior Sabo, now that you've recalled your name, it's truly a blessing!]

[Soon, the two arrived at the edge of the arena...]

[Sabo gazed at the Devil Fruit atop and declared with determination:]

"Ace, I apologize for being late!"

"My memories returned only after your passing, and this time, I will

obtain your sole relic!"

"From now on, I'll carry on your will, living in your stead!"

"I'll also protect Luffy diligently and fulfill my duties as an older


As this unfolded, Sabo's true identity was finally revealed!

Audiences worldwide now knew.

Sabo wasn't just the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army but

also Ace and Luffy's brother!

It turned out Straw Hat Luffy had more than one older brother... two, in


The revelation caused a worldwide sensation! What was the story with

these three brothers?

Each possessed extraordinary talent!

Straw Hat Luffy, the most promising rising pirate at sea.

Along the way, he defeated countless powerful foes, becoming the most

dazzling figure!

Ace, as an older brother, captained the second division of the Whitebeard

Pirates! The world's strongest man, Whitebeard's third-in-command!

And the other brother, Sabo, whose origins should not be


He was the cause of headaches for the World Government, the second-in-

command of the Revolutionary Army!

Any one of these three brothers, randomly chosen, was enough to shock

the world, whether in strength or background!

But the most terrifying part was...

These three were brothers!?

If these three united, it would undoubtedly send shockwaves throughout

the world!

Such a revelation stunned the entire globe... Every viewer found it hard

to believe!


As the scenes played out, Luffy, far away in Water 7, and Ace, in the

Whitebeard Pirates.

Both looked to the sky, shielding their eyes once more... The two's

reactions were nearly identical!

Luffy gazed at the sky, wiping away tears, "Sabo, you scoundrel, you

were still alive, why didn't you show up sooner?"

"I've been mourning for so long, but... I'm glad you're alive, idiot!"

On the other side, Ace was smiling...

"Will you inherit my will, Sabo?"

"But it's fine, after your death, I'll take up your part of the living world!"

"And if... In the future, something happens to me, and I hope you become

Luffy's only remaining brother."

"Truly guard him as you say..."

A hint of sadness flickered in Ace's eyes.

Despite his apparent nonchalance about the revival of the Mera Mera no

Mi and the possibility of his future demise, he contemplated it deeply


It didn't take long for these thoughts to be pushed aside.

After all, who can predict what lies ahead?

Perhaps, after enduring the events depicted in this tableau, he would be

able to evade fatal threats in the future.

I won't die...

I'll strive to survive!

After all, there's a sincere desire to lie down one day.

To reunite with Luffy and Sabo!

To share a drink again, just like in childhood... in the Marine



"Sabo of the Revolutionary Army is actually Luffy's brother?"

As these words were uttered, everyone in the hall was stunned!

Sengoku, Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, and even the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

They all gazed at Garp with incredulous expressions...

The World Government leaders were even more furious. "You've known

for a long time; why didn't you reveal it sooner?"

Garp chuckled and, scratching his head, replied, "I didn't know Sabo was

alive. I only just found out. How could I have told you earlier?"

Upon hearing this, the Marine leaders were left dumbfounded.

This old man, realizing it only now... Garp's family background is indeed


Apart from this old guy serving in the Marine, the rest of his family

consists of individuals highly dangerous to the World Government.

The World Government leaders couldn't help but question.

Is there something wrong with this guy's family upbringing? Why did the

Marine Hero train individuals with such threatening potential?

Glancing at Garp, Sengoku became even more convinced of his

suspicions. Given this guy's character, there's no way he could train good-

natured individuals!

And on the side, Akainu's face grew even darker to the extreme! Straw

Hat Luffy is already an incredibly threatening figure... But the more I

delve into this tableau, the more I realize.

The relatives around him are simply more perilous!


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Chapter 121 : Abolish Warlords


His father, Dragon, remained silent...

The threat posed by this individual now transcends his jurisdiction; this is

a presence that jeopardizes the entire World Government.

That's not all!

Surprisingly, his two older brothers weren't any less formidable.

One commands the Whitebeard Pirates, and the other serves as the

second-in-command of the revolutionary army.

Even Akainu found himself at a loss for words...

In this moment, a surge of murderous intent welled up in his heart. Luffy

must be eliminated!

If he truly becomes the preeminent force among pirates in the future,

dealing with him again would likely prove too late...

His background and connections would undoubtedly unleash a colossal

storm at sea! Allowing him to persist in his growth is not an option!

He is a threat not only to the Marine headquarters but to the

governments of the entire world... posing unimaginable dangers!!!

...Windmill Village!

As the inhabitants of Windmill Village witnessed the scene, tears welled

in everyone's eyes.

With tearful eyes, Dadan exclaimed, "Sabo, we thought this kid was long

gone. I thought he perished ages ago."

"Really, he's alive! Why didn't you come back to see me, you wretched

little ghost!"

Despite Dadan's curses, tears streamed down her face.

Back when Luffy, Ace, and Sabo were children, Dadan had looked after

them, treating Sabo as part of her own family.

Though years ago, an accident led Windmill Village to believe Sabo had

met his end, Dadan never forgot him.

Now, seeing that Sabo was alive and thriving, becoming a dependable

man, Dadan couldn't contain her joy.

Even Marcino on the side shared in the heartfelt happiness, wiping away


The entire Windmill Village rejoiced at the revelation that Sabo was


[Simultaneously, Franky, Usopp, and others were in the company of the

little Terrans and a multitude of toys.]]

[They deliberated on how to confront Doflamingo.]]

[Through the accounts of the little Terrans, Franky and his companions

learned the reason behind the town's abundance of toys.]]

[It all stemmed from the Doflamingo family's ability, wielded by a

member named Sugar!]]

[Her Devil Fruit, Hobi Hobi no Mi, had the power to transform

individuals into toys and erase memories of them!]]

[Effectively, it meant complete eradication from the world, reduced to a

thoughtless toy...]]

[If you wish to rally all the toys and turn them into a formidable force

against Doflamingo, you must locate and defeat her!]

[This is the path to rescue all the toys…]

[With the plan in motion, numerous toys, along with Franky and the

others, set off immediately]

[Heading towards the Doflamingo family's base camp…]

[En route to his destination, Franky encountered another high-ranking

member of the Doflamingo family.]

[It was none other than… Senior Pink!]

[Senior Pink possessed the power of a Swim Devil Fruit, allowing him to

move effortlessly through objects as if swimming!]

[In addition to his eccentric attire, he was an exceptionally formidable


[Initially, Franky suffered some setbacks at his hands…]

[However, after Franky's growth and transformation, he no longer lacked

the means to counterattack as he did initially.]

[With a raised palm, he unleashed a powerful wind cannon, creating a

massive gap in the street before him…]

[The sheer horror of that power could only be described as awe-


[Meanwhile, in the arena…]

[The remaining contestants were heating up the competition!]

[Cavendish, one of the tournament's seeded winners, showcased his true

strength at this crucial moment!]

[He fell asleep and transformed into a 'demon' on the spot.]

[Not only did his appearance become exceptionally menacing, but his

speed was also incredibly unpredictable, swiftly defeating most

opponents present!]

[This spectacle astonished many onlookers…]

[After dispatching everyone, Cavendish succumbed to exhaustion and fell

into a deep slumber.]

[The competition soon entered its final stage!]

[At this juncture, Sabo, playing the role of Lucy…]

[Finally made his debut…]


As the scenes unfolded, back at the headquarters of the Revolutionary

Army, after discovering his connection to Luffy:

To unravel the mysteries of his lost memories, Sabo promptly sought out

the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon.

After all, Dragon was Luffy's father, and the reason Sabo joined the

Revolutionary Army in the first place was that Dragon had saved him as

a child.

But the truth of his past remained elusive…

Upon questioning Dragon about his memory loss, Sabo was


Dragon appeared equally puzzled...

The expression on his face said it all—He didn't know!

Simultaneously, the playback of the scenes once again captured their


After witnessing the images, both were left in a state of shock.

Sabo and the others were dumbfounded.

He never anticipated that he would turn out to be Luffy's brother—or was

it Ace's brother!?

Even Dragon was left stupefied...

He never anticipated that the child he rescued in the beginning was

actually Luffy's childhood companion, Ace's playmate!

Since the formation of the Revolutionary Army, he hadn't returned to the

windmill village, and thus, he remained unaware of Sabo being Luffy's


When he rescued Sabo and brought him back to the Revolutionary Army,

he observed the youth's tender age and couldn't bear the thought of him

meeting a tragic end outside.

Little did he expect... He had casually saved his son's sibling? The two

locked eyes.

In their gaze, a profound shock mirrored each other's realization.

The Red-Haired Pirates!

"Luffy, you have an older brother!"

"I never saw it coming..."

"And he's the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army?"

"Things just got interesting..."

Shanks gazed at the sky, sipping wine as he spoke.

His face wore a smile, yet a subtle astonishment lingered. He hadn't

anticipated the magnitude of Luffy's connections surrounding this


Whether Ace or Sabo, both brothers proved to be formidable characters.

Not to mention, his father and grandfather...

It appeared that the kid with the straw hat, self-proclaimed as hope and

agreement, carried even more formidable backing than initially thought!

Shanks knew well that these influences...

They would fuel Luffy's journey to becoming the future Pirate King.

"Presumably, his relatives will stand by Luffy in the future."

"Let's see if you can carry on Roger's will."

"To achieve what once belonged to him..."

In that moment, Shanks found himself increasingly intrigued by the

future path Luffy would tread.

He couldn't wait to witness the ensuing scenes unfold once again.

[Simultaneously, with Sabo's entrance on the other side...]

[The conflict between Franky and Senior Pink intensified.]

[Though Franky today displayed heightened diversity and power.]

[Senior Pink skillfully used his Devil Fruit ability to burrow underground,

dodging Frankie's physical assaults.]

[This added complexity to their battle...]

[Simultaneously, another cadre from the Doflamingo family appeared:


[With a Ton Fruit Ability, he could levitate in mid-air, allowing his

weight to drop for devastating attacks.]

[While these two posed challenges, Franky remained undaunted.]

[Robin and Usopp shadowed the villains, infiltrating the palace's


[Luffy, having switched places with Sabo, moved with Zoro towards the


[In this moment, the Straw Hat Pirates worked in silence.]

[Their goal: defeat Doflamingo and advance.]

[Simultaneously, within the palace...]

[Doflamingo, seated with Trebol, listened to Fujitora express his inner


[As an Admiral, his arrival with a Marine warship wasn't to protect

Doflamingo's Celestial Dragon identity.]

[Rather, he knew that the Straw Hats confronting Doflamingo would lead

to unimaginable chaos.]

[This would harm the innocent civilians here!]

[His aim: arrest the Straw Hats quickly to prevent harm to the civilians.]

[Post Straw Hat resolution, he planned to handle Doflamingo personally.]

[At these words, Doflamingo was immediately taken aback...]

[Aren't the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Marine allies?]

[Are you going to confront me?]

[Faced with this, he sneered.]

"Warlords itself is a system that should not exist!"

"At the upcoming World Government Conference, I, as an Admiral, will

strive to abolish the Seven Warlords!"

"From now on, you will remain pirates, and I..."

"I will apprehend you with my own hands!"

[With these words, Doflamingo erupted in fury, delivering an unexpected


[Yet, Fujitora had foreseen this move, blocking it skillfully with a drawn


[The tension between them escalated...]

[It seemed they would have a significant showdown before resolving

Luffy and the others!]


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Chapter 122 : Battle Begins!


Upon witnessing the words uttered by Fujitora in the sky, the entire

Revolutionary Army couldn't help but be slightly stunned!

They hadn't anticipated the existence of such an individual among the

admirals. Dragon, in particular, revealed a subtle smile at the corner of

his mouth.

"Fujitora, a prospective admiral of the Marine?"

"It's intriguing that you harbor intentions to abolish the Seven


"In the Marine, there's finally someone slightly more reasonable…"

According to Dragon, the Shichibukai organization shouldn't even exist

After all, as pirates, they were being recruited by the World Government.

It was just that they were engaging in covert dealings behind their backs,

even using the power granted by the World Government to protect


Isn't such a dark industry the greatest exploitation of the world's

civilians? Naturally, Dragon found it unacceptable what the World

Government was doing...

It was precisely due to one unfair event after another that he conceived

the idea of forming a Revolutionary Army to overthrow the World


And now...

Fujitora's words allowed him to finally see.

Among the three admirals, there was finally someone sensible, someone

who wouldn't blindly follow the World Government's orders.

A mysterious smile reappeared on Dragon's face.

He believed that although this person was an admiral, there must be

something in his heart that disagreed with the World Government's


Perhaps in the future, if an opportunity arises...

He might have the chance to cooperate with this admiral named

Fujitora... at Marine Headquarters!

The three top Admirals, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu, all had their

expressions changed due to Fujitora's words.

Sengoku's face became solemn...

Although he himself also believed that the existence of the Shichibukai

was somewhat unreasonable.

But as a Marine Fleet Admiral, it was necessary to strictly carry out the

orders of the World Government. Since decisions had been made, they

could only comply...

So over the years, he had hidden his thoughts in his heart. Now, hearing

what Fujitora said, there was a hint of agreement.

The Shichibukai... perhaps it really shouldn't have existed; it should have

been erased a long time ago! On the other hand, Garp laughed.

"What this guy said isn't bad, I like it!"

"Among the three admirals, there's finally a guy I look at somewhat


Garp was known to be the least rule-abiding and the least willing to be

bound by regulations, even though he was part of the Marine and subject

to the government's jurisdiction.

But in his eyes, the World Government, and even the Celestial Dragons,

were all a farce!

And the three admirals who strictly implemented the orders of the World

Government were something he couldn't stand. In his opinion, many of

the World Government's orders were tailored for the Celestial Dragons.

When the Celestial Dragons were threatened, CP0 and the Admiral had to

protect them unconditionally—such a rule was absurd!

Want to protect the Celestial Dragons? Dream on!

He'd rather not be an admiral than protect the Celestial Dragons!

On the other hand, Aokiji and Kizaru were helpless after hearing Garp's


"No wonder Vice Admiral Garp doesn't view us favorably."


Akainu was very disdainful and snorted coldly.

"This person isn't worthy of being an admiral!"

In his eyes, an admiral represented the highest combat power of the

Marine Headquarters, with the sole responsibility of strictly carrying out

the orders given by the World Government!

But now, does he really intend to oppose the nullification of the Seven

Warlords Treaty set by the World Government?

For an Admiral, harboring such thoughts is perilous... On the other hand,

faces on the side of the Warlords displayed profound changes!

To be frank, some among them are not eager to partake in the Warlords'

affairs, such as Mihawk, the Empress, and even Jinbe...

However, for others like Doflamingo, Crocodile, and the rest, the Seven

Warlords' authority has granted them significant advantages, allowing

them to cloak their enterprises in darkness!

If he forfeits his Warlord identity, he becomes nothing more than an

ordinary pirate!

This would undoubtedly deal a severe blow to their respective


So, at this moment, their gazes turned unkind as they observed the

Fujitora in the image, advocating for the abolition of the Shichibukai.

Their disdain for his appearance grew.

Simultaneously, the sky projection continued...

[In the midst of Fujitora and Doflamingo's confrontation in the palace,

tension thickens...]

[On the other front, the arena match is reaching its peak!]

[Bartolomeo and Sabo have entered the scene!]

[This marks the final showdown and their opportunity to seize the Flame-

Flame Fruit!]

[Among the four participants, not only must they defeat each other to

determine the winner, but they also have to overcome a cadre chosen by

the Doflamingo family!]

[Only then can they vie for the Flame-Flame Fruit...]

[This cadre, named... Diamante!]

[What makes this game even stranger is that, aside from facing numerous


[The surrounding waters are teeming with swift betta fish!]

[The treasure chest containing the Flame-Flame Fruit is on one of


[All contestants and Diamante himself must be regarded with caution!]

[Especially Diamante, with the ability to manipulate the Ripple Fruit.]

[He can turn anything he touches as hard as steel or as soft as silk!]

[His ability is extremely tricky!]

[However, Sabo remains undaunted, having made up his mind!]

[He must obtain Ace's last legacy!]

[The Flame-Flame Fruit cannot fall into someone else's hands!]

[Meanwhile, Luffy Zoro's group, preparing to infiltrate the palace,

encounters the other cadres of the Doflamingo family!]

[One of them, Pika, is a prominent member of the Doflamingo family

with the Paramecia Stone Fruit ability.]

[His power enables him to assimilate and control rocks, making him a

formidable adversary.]

[Luffy and Zoro, meeting for the first time, face each other like


[At this moment, Sabo is not the only one in battle; Luffy is also


Marine Headquarters!

Doflamingo's expression darkened as he stared intently at the image.

The next moment, an evil smile crept onto the corner of his mouth...

Despite past grievances, he felt a surge of confidence in his family!

It's crucial to note that his family members are elites from various corners

of the world.

Each one possesses cunning and formidable abilities!

Not like Moria, Enel, or CP9...

In addition to his personal trump card, every member of the family poses

a significant threat to the Straw Hats.

"Straw Hat Kid, are you looking for Sugar?"

"It's absurd; I doubt even my basic cadres can be easily surpassed!"

"Still harboring illusions about infiltrating the palace? All of you will

meet your end outside, he…"

"Let me introduce you to despair!"

Doflamingo's smile carried a hint of sadness, his laughter echoing like a

ghost's cry in the still of the night. Moria and Crocodile, standing beside

him, wore displeased expressions.

"Your laughter is too chilling; rein it in!"

"In the three battles Straw Hat Kid has faced so far, no one has been

optimistic about him."

"But he's turned defeat into victory each time. I suggest you prepare

yourselves mentally!"

"If you underestimate him, you might end up defeated by him too…"

As Crocodile spoke, a mischievous smile played on his lips.

This only deepened Doflamingo's irritation.

"The Straw Hat Kid is destined to taste defeat in Dressrosa!"

"I've said it; don't doubt it!"

Crocodile snorted coldly, dismissing Doflamingo.

Despite acknowledging that Straw Hat Kid has grown significantly, he

doubted his current strength against Doflamingo.

Even though he despised seeing Doflamingo, there was a secret hope in

his heart—that the Straw Hat Kid would emerge victorious, dealing a

blow to Doflamingo's arrogance.

Thinking of Doflamingo's gloomy expression, it brought a mysterious joy

to his heart...

[Zoro, Luffy, and Pika, a member of the Doflamingo family cadre, clashed

in a fierce battle!]

[Under Pika's control, the rock-strewn ground in the entire tunnel

undulated like a flowing stream!]

[Taking on various forms, the rocks attacked the two relentlessly...]

[Even a colossal rock giant emerged in the middle of the passage!]

[Zoro, unwilling to show any slack, drew his sword and sliced through

the rocks!]

[Despite his efforts, the rocks seemed inexhaustible, launching a

continuous barrage of attacks...]

[The two found themselves completely halted, unable to proceed!]

[Zoro made the decision to face this adversary himself, allowing Luffy to


[Time passed, but the battle raged on. Regardless of Zoro's sword swings,

the rocks regenerated, becoming weapons once again...]

[This infuriated Zoro!]

"Damn it, if you're this stubborn, I'll defeat you with this trick!"

[In this battle, Zoro unsheathed his three swords for the first time.]

[The three sword flows manifested at that moment!]

[Simultaneously, a terrifying momentum emanated from him...]


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Chapter 123 : Sugar Defeated?

["Three Sword Style, Billion Fold World!"]

[Zoro swiftly wielded his sword, and suddenly, a fearsome power surged


[Three azure sword waves seamlessly merged, giving rise to a formidable

sword aura akin to a violent gale, sweeping ahead!]

[En route, everything touched, even the rocks, would shatter into


[Including the colossal stone giant before him—it suffered the same fate!]

[Yet, when this technique cleared the immediate surroundings...]

[After a pause, the stone giant slowly rose from the ground again, and

myriad stones reassembled, persisting in their assault...]

[In that moment, Zoro gritted his teeth, finally comprehending.]

[Pica himself wasn't directly confronting him; it was a manifestation of

his ability, with Pica hiding in the shadows!]

[No matter how many rocks Zoro severed, he couldn't truly harm him!]

[To conclude the battle, he needed to locate Pica...]

[Simultaneously, on the opposite side, Usopp followed the diminutive

Dwarves to the castle's innermost sanctum.]

[There, they encountered the Doflamingo family's two pivotal members,

Sugar and Trebol!]

[Initially thinking that locating them would free all the toys...]

[However, it soon became apparent that they were mistaken...]

[Discovering them didn't guarantee their group could defeat them...]

[With her powers of the Hobi Hobi no Mi, Sugar could turn anyone into

toys and control them.]

[Trebol, with his Goo Goo no Mi abilities, could unleash a highly

destructive slime and adhere it to opponents, often proving fatal!]

[Even with the assistance of Usopp and Robin, they faced near


[Half the group was transformed into toys, and the remainder suffered

severe injuries...]

[Yet, from the mouths of the two cadres, Usopp learned most of the truth,

unraveling why the Dwarves were fixated on defeating Sugar.]

[It wasn't just about liberating the toys; it concerned the little Dwarves...]

[The manipulated toys, devoid of memories, had been clandestinely

aiding the Doflamingo family's illicit enterprises.]

[Under coercion, the Dwarves were aiding Doflamingo in cultivating

artificial Devil Fruits.]

[Dressrosa, ostensibly a land of love and toys, concealed a darker


[A realm controlled by the Doflamingo family, concealing a sinister

industry that sent shockwaves across the world!]

[Poor Dressrosa civilians, victims of intense brainwashing, embraced


[This scene left global audiences in awe...]

[So, Dressrosa, touted as a haven of love and toys, harbored such


[This revelation, captured in images, reshaped many people's


[Simultaneously, it mercilessly laid bare Doflamingo's nefarious deeds.]

[All his clandestine operations were fueled by crushing innocents into


[Furthermore, he compelled Dwarves to toil ceaselessly in creating

artificial Devil Fruits! Such a person was a demon!]

[What heightened the repugnance was that he enjoyed protection from

the world government!]

[In that moment, countless civilians seethed with anger.]

[In their hearts, they yearned for the Straw Hats to depose Doflamingo

and rescue the innocent...]

[The Dwarves were vanquished, including Robin, who succumbed to

being transformed into a toy by Sugar.]

[Sugar and Trebol proved too formidable...]

[Their strength left everyone feeling despondent!]

[As Usopp contemplated fleeing, his confidence crumbled...]

[Turning away, he seemed set on escaping—who would sacrifice their life

for the hero's title?]

[With Usopp's retreat, only the incapacitated Dwarves remained at the


[Even now, they clung to the belief that Usopp was the legendary hero!]

Certainly! Here's the translated version:

[As a hero, Usopp will surely return to rescue them!]

[However, in the face of the villain's contemplative and taunting words,

Trebol seems eager to shatter their confidence!]

[His mouth is constantly spewing mockery.]

["What hero? It's just a waste!"]

"He has already fled!"

[Yet the Dwarves refuse to believe him, countering hoarsely!]

"Usopp is a hero!"

[And at this moment, in the ruins, a Den Den Mushi activates...]

[Their conversation carries to this area and coincidentally reaches the

ears of the escaping Usopp!]

[At this moment, his footsteps abruptly come to a halt...]

[His heart is tangled, torn between wanting to save his own life and the

Dwarves' trust in him!]

[Finally, after a moment of internal struggle, he steps forward!]

[He was, panic-stricken, rushing back and standing directly in front of


[With a slingshot in hand, he roars!]

"I am the hero of the little people!"

"If I die, remember to erect a monument for me!"

[Afterward, Usopp moves toward the opposing attack...]

[However, as the scene transitions...]

[He kneels on the ground, his face covered in blood!]

[Usopp's strength is still far too weak compared to Trebol!]

[As everyone on the scene is knocked down, Sugar also relaxes her guard

and approaches Usopp.]

[She looks at Usopp curiously and even takes out the blue balls made by

the little people using extremely spicy peppers.]

[Sugar says, "Since this is what they want to use against me, then let's

return it to them now!"]

[She feed one of these balls to Usopp...]

[In an instant, the intense spiciness almost makes Usopp jump!]

[However, stuck by mucus, he can't break free, and his face distorts to

the extreme at this moment!]

[It's terrifying!]

[Observing Usopp's pained expression up close, Sugar is also frightened

by his sudden change!]

[Thus, one of the famous memes in the history of navigation is born...

Sugar's expression changes!]

[In a great panic, Sugar actually faints on the spot...]

[Then, her Hobby fruit ability becomes ineffective.]

[Throughout the kingdom, all those turned into toys by her powers are

restored at this moment!]

[Doflamingo likely never imagined Sugar would be defeated in this


[As all toys revert to their human forms, though Dwarves and Usopp are

knocked down, it also means, in a disguised form, that their plan has


At this particular moment, the global audience was left in awe.

They never expected such a tactical maneuver to be possible.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but express admiration with a

hearty applause.

Usopp truly lives up to his reputation; the strategy is indeed formidable!

Desperate Usopp, no empty boasts here... Meanwhile, at the Navy


Witnessing Sugar's fear-induced loss of control over the Devil Fruit

powers, transforming all the toys back into their original human forms...

Doflamingo 's countenance visibly darkened.

On the sidelines, Crocodile seized the opportunity to jest.

"What kind of subordinates do you have? Still susceptible to fear?"

"This is the first time such an unconventional defeat has occurred in the


"You've truly hit the jackpot, hahaha!"

Doflamingo's face was already gloomy, and it sank further upon hearing

Crocodile's taunts.

At this moment, he harbored thoughts of retribution...

[With countless toys reverting to their human forms,]

[They naturally regained their consciousness, freed from the constraints

of the Doflamingo family.]

[Consequently, within the kingdom at this moment,]

[Many covert Doflamingo industries were directly incapacitated...]

[In the palace, Doflamingo, upon receiving the reports from his

subordinates, underwent an instantaneous transformation of his entire


[He realized he had underestimated the Straw Hats...]

[Simultaneously, as the toys regained their human forms,]

[It was inevitable that the opposition against Doflamingo would surge

once again!]

[The toy accompanying Luffy has also regained his true form at this


[And he is none other than the valiant land warrior of the kingdom...


[His strength is comparable to the cadres under the Doflamingo family!]

[Exiting the toy state implies the restoration of his combat prowess!]

[Thus, in the battle against Doflamingo, another ray of hope emerges...]


[In the coliseum, the clash between Sabo, Bartolomeo, and others for the

Flame-Flame Fruit intensifies...]

[While the other two contestants pose considerable challenges, Diamante

proves equally formidable.]

[However, Sabo seems to handle them effortlessly.]

[In this moment, spotting the beta fish containing the treasure chest of

the Flame-Flame Fruit,]

[His eyes light up, and he promptly kicks Diamante aside, charging


[Just a bit more, just a bit more, and the Flame-Flame Fruit will be his!]

[At that moment, Ace's will shall be passed down to him...]


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Chapter 124 : Birdcage!

[Kyros, fully recovered from his toy form, displayed unwavering


[Without a moment's hesitation, he forcefully kicked open the door,

brandishing his longsword as he advanced towards Doflamingo in the

conference room!]

[His speed was so astonishing that no one had time to react...]

[And in that very moment, the entire nation remembered him!]

[Everyone remembered him—the kingdom's foremost warrior!]

[Kyros's strength was so formidable that, with a single stroke, he severed

Doflamingo's head!]

[Instantaneous disintegration!]

[With the shattering of Sugar's ability, the ten-year conspiracy of the

Doflamingo family gradually crumbled at this critical juncture!]

[The conspiracy that had enshrouded the entire kingdom was now

unraveling before their eyes.]

[The people's counterattack against the Doflamingo family officially

commenced at this pivotal moment!]

Viewers worldwide, witnessing this scene, were exhilarated to the core.

For so long, they had been well aware of the Doflamingo family's


They understood the oppression the entire kingdom suffered under his


In their hearts, everyone prayed for Luffy and his crew to defeat

Doflamingo and rescue the country entangled in conspiracy!

At this moment, people from all corners of the world... were all tuned in

to the live broadcast from the skies!

And it was precisely at this moment that the narrative continued to


Revealing the tale to everyone!

[As Doflamingo's conspiracy was gradually laid bare...]

[At this moment, the entire kingdom recollected the atrocities committed

by Doflamingo!]

[Previously, due to Sugar's ability, memories had been erased, turning

everyone into toys.]

[But now, with the ability nullified, everyone remembered Doflamingo's

heinous deeds!]

[Throughout the kingdom's streets, countless people pursued and

confronted Doflamingo's henchmen...]

[Across the Dressrosa, numerous civilians wrecked industries associated

with Doflamingo!]

[Simultaneously, inside the palace...]

[Despite Kyros beheading Doflamingo with a swift stroke, the next scene

unveiled a chilling sight!]

[Doflamingo, head severed and lying on the ground, not only survived

but also wore a malevolent grin.]

"Straw hat boy, you're more formidable than I anticipated!"

"It actually pushed me to this extent; it seems I underestimated you from

the beginning!"

This revelation startled Luffy—his head detached, and yet he could


He wasn't a Logia Devil Fruit user; could someone with a severed head

still be alive?

Observing Doflamingo with an indifferent expression, facing Kyros, Luffy,

Law, and the others...

"What kind of attack is that kick?"

"Allow me to demonstrate what a real attack is!"

Immediately, beside Doflamingo, another identical figure emerged!

At that moment, everyone realized that the Doflamingo they saw earlier

was his clone!

A mere illusion outlined with threads!

But before the shock could settle...

Doflamingo extended his legs and delivered a powerful, sweeping kick!

In an instant!

The tremendous force engulfed the surroundings, slicing through the

entire palace!

This kick's power was immense and far-reaching, spanning hundreds of


If not for Luffy's quick reaction, everyone present would have been sent

sprawling to the ground.

In an instant, they would have been scattered, unable to react at all...

Doflamingo's strength left everyone present in awe!

At that moment, they understood that they had underestimated the might

of the Warlords from the very beginning!

His seemingly casual strike unleashed unimaginable destructive power...

Red-Haired Pirates!

Shanks gazed at the sky with a calm demeanor.

Even though Doflamingo's attack appeared exaggerated on the live


A single kick cleaved the palace open, but to the Four Emperors in his

circle, it was just a minor inconvenience!

What intrigued him, however, was the notion that Doflamingo seemed to

have mastered... Did he genuinely develop his Devil Fruit abilities?

"He can navigate the clouds using silk threads, soaring into the sky."

"His avatar can recondense, and his Devil Fruit development appears

quite advanced."

"The Paramecia String Fruit isn't inherently potent."

"But in his hands, it wields immense destructive power, suggesting a

perfect match!"

"I'm even looking forward to the upcoming battle..."

Shanks wasn't the only one pondering. The Red-Haired Pirates, including

Beckman, Jesus, and others, shared the curiosity.

In this world...

There are no worthless Devil Fruits, only useless users!

Every Devil Fruit carries unimaginable potential and power. The Red-

Haired Pirates might not heavily rely on Devil Fruits, but they

understand their capabilities well.

Someone who maximizes the potential of a Devil Fruit... How formidable

they can become!

Doflamingo seems to be one of them!

Against such a foe, can Luffy emerge victorious?

"[Doflamingo's kick left everyone present in awe!]"

"[It nearly paralyzed many onlookers, freezing them in place...]"

"But Luffy faced it without fear; He throw a punch, charging at


"However, even with Armament Haki, Doflamingo effortlessly thwarted

Luffy's attack."

"He casually kicked Luffy back into place..."

"Originally, his strength could have vanquished everyone, maybe even

killed them all at that moment!"

"But Doflamingo wasn't ready to end the game so hastily..."

"Because he wanted to make a grand spectacle!"

"Today, the Straw Hats dared to cause a ruckus in their territory, leading

to Sugar's defeat!"

"They exposed the Hobby Fruit's powers, revealing the truth to the

kingdom's commoners!"

"If he simply killed them..."

"Wouldn't that be too easy?"

"Instead, he opted for slow torture, allowing them to experience primal


"So, Doflamingo commanded his subordinates to throw everyone out of

the palace!"

"Then, his nearby clone burst in an instant!"

"A torrent of threads gushed out, scattering into the sky!"

"How spectacular the kingdom's sky looked in that moment, capturing

everyone's attention with surprise and curiosity!"

"But soon, a horrifying scene unfolded..."

"These threads, reaching the highest altitude, spread in all directions!"

"Enveloping the entire kingdom, leaving no space for escape!"

"It was like a cage, trapping everyone inside..."

"This is Doflamingo's mastery of the String Fruit, taken to the extreme!"

"And it's his ultimate move..."


At the Marine Headquarters!

Several Warlords couldn't help but be slightly alarmed at the sight of

Doflamingo's Birdcage in the image.

Their strength had reached such heights that merely observing it revealed

the power inherent in these abilities.

So naturally, and very clearly...

Wrapping the entire kingdom required an incredible amount of power!

Even Crocodile couldn't help but glance at Doflamingo with surprise.

"I didn't expect you to develop the String Fruit to such an extent."

"What a shock!"

Doflamingo smirked disdainfully, then spoke slowly, "What shocks you

will come later..."

"The Straw Hats are destined to lose in my hands!"

"They dared to provoke me and will pay a terrible price!"

Although he appeared nonchalant while uttering these words, in reality,

his heart was undergoing a massive shock!

He understood his strength very well!

Even in the live screen, he intended to play a game and torment

everyone, but only when he was sufficiently enraged did he unleash the

Birdcage across the entire kingdom!

Using Birdcage also meant that the kingdom would be devastated by his

own hand!

His meticulously laid plans would crumble in that moment! It seemed...

The Straw Hat Kid posed an even greater threat than he initially thought!

To force him to this extent.

With this realization, Doflamingo entertained thoughts similar to

Akainu's... Finding an opportunity to secretly eliminate Luffy and his


But if he were to kill Luffy...

His two brothers, along with his grandfather and father, would likely not

let him off the hook.

As Doflamingo grappled with these thoughts, the sky image continued to


"At this moment, Doflamingo has gone completely mad!"

"To eliminate Luffy and his group, he's willing to sacrifice everyone in the


"The Birdcage is gradually shrinking, its sharp threads cutting through


"The ground, the buildings, and even... city itself!"

"When the Birdcage reaches its limit, everything within will be severed,

leaving no room for survival!"

"Faced with this spectacle, everyone was stupefied!"

"Many faces reflected deep-seated fear!"

"Only Luffy remained fearless, clenching his fists with determination!"

"Since he's trapped, let's break free!"

"Doflamingo, I'll fly after all!!!"


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Chapter 125 : Fire Fist!

[As the birdcage envelops the entire kingdom, panic spreads among the


[Many attempted to flee, but the moment they approached, sharp lines

slashed at them directly!]

[Countless civilians find themselves in despair at this critical moment...]

[Unfazed by the chaos, the eccentric Doflamingo has no intentions of

halting; instead, he plans to elevate the stakes of this game once more!]

[Within the palace, he unleashes countless silk threads from his hand...]

[These strands fall indiscriminately upon those outside, instantly

ensnaring them!]

[Manipulated by Doflamingo, the entrapped individuals, like puppets,

find themselves engaged in acts of sabotage, seemingly without


[It's as if they've become marionettes, entirely bereft of self-control...]

[This situation transforms the already tumultuous kingdom into an even

greater state of disorder!]

[From his vantage point in the palace, Doflamingo, sporting sunglasses,

gazes upon the chaos below, a cruel smile playing on his lips...]

"Everyone, meet your demise..."

"Since you desire to play, relish the game I've bestowed upon you!"

Doflamingo's madness leaves viewers worldwide in shock.

In his quest to eliminate Luffy and his companions, he's willing to lay

waste to the entire kingdom—a true embodiment of malevolence!

Even individuals like Garp and Sengoku, who generally show restraint,

cannot stomach this; their disdain for Doflamingo is palpable, evident in

their stern gaze.

At this juncture, the desire to apprehend Doflamingo and deliver justice

is overwhelming for the two, though Doflamingo remains unfazed!

Observing the unfolding events, even he finds his emotions surging,

gripped by intense anger!

Though the depicted scenes are yet to occur, the live broadcast is

witnessed by the entire world, including Dressrosa.

As the imagery unfolds, the carefully crafted image built over the years

begins to crumble!

Upon returning to Dressrosa, Doflamingo anticipates resistance from the


Yet, he's resolute; even if they discover his true identity, so be it!

Upon resolving matters here, a return to Dressrosa is imminent.

Anyone who dares oppose him will be transformed into toys by Sugar—

stripped of memory and autonomy.

No mercy... All shall perish!

His sole concern now is whether the live broadcast will unveil the hidden

secret buried within Dressrosa.

[Simultaneously, as the birdcage ensnares all of Dressrosa...]

[Within the central arena, oblivious to the events outside, spectators

remain unaware...]

[Sabo and Bartolomeo continue their battle within the ring...]

[Perhaps feeling the battle has lingered or simply desiring a change...]

[Disguised as Lucy, Sabo's countenance becomes serious for the first


[His hands morph into dragon claws, shrouded in black Haki...]

[Not targeting anyone present, he smashes directly at the entire ring...]


[In an instant, the immense force shatters the ring, and the once sturdy

structure crumbles...]

[The force even causes the surrounding waters to erupt, producing an

earth-shattering roar...]

"I've won! Everyone's out of the ring!"

Sabo grins, surveying the scene.

With the ring in ruins, all participants, including Bartolomeo, find

themselves outside.

While the rules only state that falling out of the ring constitutes a loss,

they don't prohibit destroying the ring itself...

Sabo's unconventional approach and overwhelming power leave tens of

thousands of spectators in the arena stunned!

They hadn't anticipated such immense strength within Sabo's slender


Even the Doflamingo family cadres stand motionless, bewildered...

During this moment, a betta fish leaps out of the water, disturbed by the


Coincidentally, it's the fighting fish carrying the treasure chest containing

the Flame-Flame Fruit!

Seizing the moment when everyone is caught off guard, Sabo leaps

forward and snatches the treasure chest from the betta's back with a swift


By the time everyone regains their senses, the Flame-Flame Fruit,

resembling a burning flame, rests securely in Sabo's hands!

Whitebeard Pirates!

Ace gazed at Sabo in the image, a joyful smile forming on his face


"Sabo, after all these years, you've become stronger."

Everyone witnessed it in astonishment as he obliterated the entire arena

with a single punch, even extending to a vast area of water.

Such power transcends mere commoners...

Achieving this effortlessly certifies Sabo as undeniably formidable!

Observing this, several captains on the sidelines couldn't help but sigh in

succession, "Being the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, his

strength is truly commendable!"

"Indeed, Ace, it seems your two younger brothers are extraordinary, each

surpassing the other."

"This mastery of Armament Haki is impressive, coupled with that unique

martial technique; I doubt I could match it."

"If you ask me, Ace should establish a pirate crew just for the three

brothers, and I've even thought of a name – the Three Brothers Pirate



Laughter echoed on the ship, creating a warm and harmonious

atmosphere, including Whitebeard himself, reveling in the camaraderie of

this large family.

However, soon, as the smiles faded, a grave expression replaced them on

Whitebeard's face...

In the live broadcast, Ace indeed meets his demise in the future.

Luffy, Ace's younger brother, wouldn't be so determined to obtain the

fruit, and Sabo wouldn't have appeared if Ace were still alive.

Now, Whitebeard yearns to uncover Ace's killer!

Once he identifies the murderer, he vows to muster the entire might of

the Whitebeard Pirates!

Invoke the power of the Four Emperors!

Hunt down this murderer and eliminate the threat to avenge Ace...

["I've won, Flame fruit..."]

"It's mine!"

[Sabo held the fruit in his hand and bit into it before everyone's eyes!]

But the next moment, his expression changed dramatically.

"Ugh, it's so unpalatable!"

Witnessing Sabo's nearly vomit-inducing reaction, Ace couldn't help but

smile wryly.

As the current possessor of the Flame-Flame Fruit, no one understands its

taste better than Ace.

"Devil Fruit... truly unpalatable."

"Sabo's reaction is just like mine was at the beginning..."

At this moment, everyone present, including the Doflamingo family's

cadres, also reacted!

Their faces turned pale; the Flame-Flame Fruit had been consumed!

Diamante had the most extreme reaction, given that he was there to

prevent the contestants from obtaining the Flame-Flame Fruit on

Doflamingo's orders.

It was merely bait to lure the Straw Hats; it was never meant to be a

genuine prize!

Yet now, seeing 'Lucy' consuming the fruit, Diamante's eyes were on the

verge of popping out!

"Don't you already possess a Rubber Fruit ability, and yet you dare to eat

the Flame-Flame Fruit?"

"Eating two fruits, do you wish to die!?"

But the next moment...

"Who told you I'm Luffy?"

After acquiring the Flame-Flame Fruit, Sabo dropped the charade,

revealing his true identity!

"I'm Luffy's brother and Ace's brother..."


In that instant, everyone present was shocked again...

Diamante's eyes nearly bulged for the second time; as a Doflamingo

family cadre, how could he not recognize Sabo?

Even if he hadn't seen him in person, he was familiar with the

intelligence reports.

After all, Sabo was the second-in-command of the revolutionary army!

He never anticipated that the person he assumed was Luffy was, in fact,


What had gone wrong with Doflamingo's orders?

Countless onlookers were also stunned by Sabo's revelation, including

Rebecca, who stared at the man before her in disbelief...

He was actually Straw Hat Luffy's younger brother?

The deceased Fire Fist Ace's brother?

The second-in-command of the revolutionary army and two pirates were


This identity had never crossed anyone's mind, making Sabo's revelation

all the more astonishing!

In the midst of it all...

Sabo raised his fist, imbued with the Flame-Flame Fruit's power, and the

next moment,

A blazing flame enveloped his hand.

Observing the flame in his grasp, Sabo had a tear in the corner of his eye

and muttered,

"Ace, your power... I've inherited it."

"Next, I'll carry on your will..."

Then, the tear disappeared!

Sabo's countenance transformed, replaced by an expression of

unwavering determination!

He gazed at everyone present and brandished his fist without reservation.

"Fire Fist!!!"


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Chapter 126 : Usopp, Saviour?

["Fire Fist!!!"]

[In that instant, flames erupted from Sabo's hand!]

[Gathering into a colossal pillar of fire, charging straight ahead!]

[Not only were Doflamingo family elites and Diamante scorched directly,

the immense power...]

[It tore through the entire underground, exposing the concealed trading

ground beneath Dressrosa!]

[Observing this, Sabo chuckled...]

[His visit to Dressrosa wasn't solely to seize the Flame-Flame Fruit this


[There was another purpose—to obliterate Doflamingo's illicit operations

with the Revolutionary Army's resolve...]

"Fire... Fist!"

In the Water 7, Luffy sat on a pillar, staring in astonishment at the scene.

In this moment, he was once again halted...

"It's Ace's Fire Fist."

Finally recovering from the shock of Sabo being alive, he also entertained

the ominous thought of Ace potentially facing death.

Despite Luffy's usual goofy demeanor, he wasn't foolish.

He knew well that a Devil Fruit wouldn't reappear unless its host


As time passed and people changed, it became more challenging to

witness... Ace was truly gone!

Both Sabo and Ace held immense significance in Luffy's heart!

While Sabo's survival brought joy, the prospect of Ace's demise invoked a

solemn determination.

"I won't allow it!"

Wiping away his tears, Luffy's expression became more resolute than


"No matter who causes Ace's death in the future, that's just the future!"

"Now that I know, I won't let it happen."

"I'll strive to become stronger!"

"Ace won't die!"

In this moment, Luffy made a steadfast decision to prevent this looming

tragedy at any cost.

He refused to witness his brother's demise before his eyes...


[The colossal Hajrudin and a band of warriors, now reverted from toys to

humans, reached the underground passage.]

[Here, they discovered the unconscious Usopp!]

[Numerous villains lay defeated on the ground...]

[Long before, the voice of the Den Den Mushi had spread through nearly

half the kingdom!]

[Thus, Hajrudin and the others were already informed before returning to

their human forms...]

[It was Usopp's victory over Sugar that enabled them to shed their toy

forms and regain their humanity!]

"He's a hero!!!"

[None understood better than them the strength of Sugar and the

Doflamingo family elites!]

[Even though Usopp vanquished Sugar, other elites remained!]

[Fearing for the safety of their benefactor, Hajrudin and the others

wasted no time!]

[Upon recovery, they hurried to the scene...]

[True to their expectations, Usopp lay unconscious...]

[As a giant, Hajrudin walked over, lifting Usopp's arm with both hands,

and raised him above his head!]

[Addressing the others behind him, he spoke with utmost seriousness!]

"He saved us, the one who restored us as human!"

"He is our hero!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the crowd erupted in cheers!

I could see their intense emotions as they repeatedly shouted Usopp's


Even though, at this moment, Usopp's face was covered in blood...

In their eyes, he was nothing short of a hero!

Coincidentally, at that very moment, Sabo consumed the Flame-Flame

Fruit, causing a fiery fist to open up the underground passage!

And at this moment...

Sunlight from the sky penetrated through the ground, illuminating

Usopp, who was being lifted up!

The vibrant sunlight cast a rainbow of colors on his body, creating the

illusion that he was an angel!

It was as if he had been sent by heaven to rescue everyone!

Everyone stood in awe...

Including Hajrudin, who was holding him!

In the eyes of the onlookers, this resembled the posture of a legendary


Usopp was not just a hero; he was a savior!

The cascade of sunlight felt nothing short of providence!

"This is a great man!"

Many people looked extremely excited, some were crying, others were in


They were all shouting at Usopp!

"Savior, you are the Savior!"

However, at Usopp's moment of triumph, things were almost at their end.

He had been severely beaten by the Doflamingo family executives.

Later, he was force-fed the ball meant for the Sugar, and all the chili

peppers turned out to be secretly crafted pills!

He had long been tortured into a delirium...

Covered in extreme pain, being lifted into the sky by Hajrudin was

beyond uncomfortable!

Usopp rolled his eyes, subconsciously trying to say something...

He wanted Hajrudin to put him down because being lifted hurt so much!

But at this moment, he couldn't utter a word; he could only mouth them


When everyone below witnessed this scene, they were also stunned!

Although they couldn't hear the sound, they tried to interpret it


Finally, a clever individual stood up and shouted loudly!

"The Savior is saying, 'I will lead you to the right path!'"

Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly understood!

Did he really say that!?

Suddenly, everyone cried again, their excitement reaching its peak!

He truly was the savior!

Even in his beaten and comatose state, he still thought of leading his


This was a hero who could move people to tears!

Suddenly, in the underground passage, many giants and strong

individuals, including Hajrudin...

All of them bowed to Usopp, his face covered in blood, eyes rolled back!

The moment this image appeared, viewers who knew the truth behind

everything and were watching the live broadcast had perplexed


This was truly... an indescribable event!

At this moment, whether it was the revolutionary army, the pirate crew,

or the navy headquarters...

Everyone was left speechless.

Even Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and others watching the broadcast in the Water

7 had the same reaction.

The individual who spoke first and 'guessed' what Usopp intended to say

—what a little genius, simply invincible...

As everyone bowed down, Usopp was about to burp for real...

Because amidst Hajrudin's kneeling, his body was still shaking, causing

the lifted Usopp to be tossed and flung about...

This pain... it was doubled in an instant!

Usopp, in his delirium, couldn't speak.

Otherwise, he would probably have scolded everyone on the spot,

suspecting that these people were attempting to murder him!

His entire body was in excruciating pain, and he just wanted to lie

quietly on the ground and rest...

Why were they lifting him up one by one and throwing him around...

And bowing down to him!

What did it all mean?

When numerous onlookers witnessed this, laughter and tears mingled...

At this moment, their sentiments towards Usopp were torn between

amusement and sympathy.

You claim he's in pain, but he clearly exerted no effort—it was just a

matter of frightening Sugar.

The rescue was purely coincidental, yet everyone deemed him a grand

hero, gaining numerous admirers for no apparent reason.

Don't be disheartened...

He's quite pitiable at the moment, enduring such misery while being

tossed around by this group of people.

It's truly tough...

[Just as everyone bowed to Usopp, lamenting his indomitable spirit!]]

[Sabo and Koala also leaped through the ring-pierced gap...]

[They paid no mind to the group from Hajrudin and dashed directly

toward the underground factory through the subterranean passage. ]]


[Sabo reunited with Haku, a comrade from the Revolutionary Army and

a participant in the competition. ]

[Accompanied by Camp Becca, Robin, and Bartolomeo!]]

[At this juncture, Sabo disclosed the true purpose of their mission—to

obliterate Doflamingo's underground factory, their primary objective

here! ]

[Over the years, Doflamingo utilized the power of the Seven Warlords to

conceal his illicit operations in Dressrosa. ]]

[Simultaneously, he dispatched weapons worldwide, inciting numerous

conflicts and inflicting harm upon civilians globally! ]

[Hence, as members of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo and others

naturally couldn't stand idly by! ]

[Now, they stand here...]

[Dismantling all of Doflamingo's illicit enterprises and putting an end to

the perpetuation of war!]]

[In Dressrosa, an increasing number of people yearned to overthrow

Doflamingo! ]

[It's as if everything is converging for the better...]

[This infuriated Doflamingo within the palace, prompting him to

abandon all pretenses! ]

[He grabbed the Den Den Mushi, allowing his voice to resonate

throughout every corner of Dressrosa...]

["Now that you all know the truth, aware of my deeds over the years! "]

"Naturally, I won't let you off the hook, but I won't eliminate everyone

directly. "]

"We... Let's play a game! "]

["Do you see the birdcage outside? It will gradually constrict under my

control!"] "]

"I'll make you witness everything around you being sliced to pieces."

"Thus, for the remaining days, live in fear of impending death! "]

[However, if you wish to halt the birdcage, there's no way..."]

["The first option: kill me!"] "]

["The second option:... Kill the Straw Hats! "]


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Chapter 127 : Doflamingo, Kill


"Yo, this is the game..."

Crocodile glanced at the sky's image, taking a puff of his cigar as he

began to mock.

Doflamingo, using the threat of a birdcage, forced Dressrosa into a dire

situation—either he dies or the Straw Hats do. The choice was clear for

those with discerning eyes. It was evident that Doflamingo had subjected

Luffy and his crew to torment, exploiting the darker aspects of human


The plan was to use Luffy's desire to protect people against him, turning

him into an unwitting executioner.

Crocodile's laughter echoed, and Doflamingo responded with a sinister

smile. "Offend me, and even in death, despair shall be your companion.

Straw Hats, savor the gift I've bestowed upon you. This time, escaping

Dressrosa is not an option."

At that moment, Garp, who had been observing quietly, turned his head,

his face etched with anger. Doflamingo was momentarily taken aback,

shutting his mouth hastily. Celestial Dragon or not, facing Garp was no

laughing matter.

[On the colossal screen in the Dressrosa sky, an image of the Straw Hats,

including Sabo and the revolutionary army groups, flashed.]

[Each person's bounty was prominently displayed below their picture,

tempting would-be assailants with Doflamingo's rewards.]

[Killing Luffy, Sabo, and the others not only promised freedom from the

birdcage but also individual bounties bestowed by Doflamingo.]

[This tempting offer prompted a mass defection in the city, including

civilians and those who had just regained their identities.]

[Franky and others found themselves under attack, though the assaults

were mere nuisances, they were disheartening.]

[Despite defeating Sugar and saving them, the citizens had turned


[Franky, distressed by the situation, couldn't harm the civilians, opting to

retreat quickly.]

[Meanwhile, with Luffy...]

[Law, rescued but troubled, discovered that the unfolding events had

strayed far from their planned course.]

[Originally, the plan involved destroying Doflamingo's factory, causing a

rift between the Four Emperors Kaido and Doflamingo.]

[However, the factory remained intact, and they found themselves in a

dire predicament against Doflamingo's overwhelming strength.]

[Escape was the priority, according to Law, but Luffy outright rejected

the idea.]

"No, I'm going to fight Doflamingo!"

"Otherwise, the people in this kingdom will continue to be oppressed by


Law was furious.

"Doflamingo's strength is formidable. With our current strength alone, the

chances of winning are no more than three percent!"

"And haven't you witnessed the city's situation today? Those people we

just saved are now chasing and attacking us in return!"

Luffy grinned, unconcerned. "But half of them are still grateful to us and

are standing against Doflamingo!"

"Even for their sake, I won't run away!"

In that moment, Law was deeply moved, his expression freezing. Whether

it was Luffy's words or his charisma that left an impression, Law

eventually smiled.

"In that case, you can only face Doflamingo."

"It might sound crazy, but let's confront him directly!"

Without hesitation, Luffy, Law, and Zoro rushed out from the shadows.

Unfortunately, as soon as they appeared, they found themselves

surrounded by countless pirates and civilians eager to claim their bounty.

Admiral Fujitora was also present.

Whitebeard Pirates!

Whitebeard sat on the boat, shaking his head and sighing.

Having witnessed the entire live broadcast, he understood Luffy and the

others' intentions. They sought to defeat Doflamingo to save the kingdom

entangled in intrigue.

Even at this point, the hardships they faced were unimaginable. To defeat

Sugar and rescue all the toys, Usopp and the Dwarves almost perished.

The rest were engaged in battles against Doflamingo's family executives.

Yet, despite their efforts, the majority of the kingdom's commoners, even

those who had been liberated from being toys, turned their knives

towards their saviors due to the birdcage threat and bounty temptation.

While not everyone acted this way, it was disheartening enough.

Even so, the Straw Hats were reluctant to harm them. They tried to push

them aside and escape.

Putting himself in Luffy's shoes, Whitebeard recognized the rising anger.

He handed a big knife to everyone present, symbolizing the gravity of the


Marco, expressing his disdain, remarked to Ace, "Your brother is too

kind-hearted. If it were me, even if I didn't kill them, they would leave

without looking back."

Ace, understanding Luffy best, smiled as he observed Luffy's determined


"Luffy is that kind of person. Even without support, he'll unwaveringly

confront Doflamingo."

"Moreover, half of Dressrosa supports and follows him."

"So, Luffy won't back down. As an older brother, I firmly believe they can

defeat Doflamingo."

"After all, my two younger brothers are there!"

Meanwhile, the sky picture continued to play, shifting to another place of


Here, Doflamingo sat on a wooden box, uncomfortably holding a red

wine glass.

[And facing him were numerous crew members, as well as members of

the family cadre.]

[Naturally, Diamante and Trebol, who had suffered defeat earlier, were

also among them...]

[One failed to protect the Flame fruit, while the other let the sugar fall


[Both were filled with fear, yet they bravely stood and voluntarily

admitted their mistakes.]

[However, Doflamingo refrained from punishing them. The two, being

veteran members of the family, had committed a grave error.]

[Given the current circumstances, punishment was futile; it was better to

contemplate how to navigate the situation.]

[At this juncture, another cadre, Pica, rose to speak.]

"The Straw Hats are manageable, but now there's an admiral in the city."

"He's in Dressrosa and likely privy to all our secrets."

"If he returns to Marine headquarters after this affair, he'll carry back this


"It could spell trouble for us."

[Upon hearing this, Doflamingo's expression turned fierce, and he

forcefully crushed the red wine glass in his hand.]

[The cadre's concerns were valid, and...]

[He recalled what Fujitora had mentioned earlier in the palace – his

desire to abolish the Seven Warlords!]

"Fujitora, this admiral, is causing trouble everywhere!"

"Not only does he express disdain for the Seven Warlords, but he's also

uncovered all our secrets."

"If we allow him to return, it will indeed be detrimental to us."

"But don't fret about him!"

[At this point, Doflamingo's face bore a cruel smile.]

"After dealing with the Straw Hats..."

"Fujitora, you won't escape!"

"Regardless, when the time comes, we'll inform the World Government

that he was slain by the Straw Hats and the Revolutionary Army!"

"Everyone in Dressrosa will perish, including Fujitora, without


This statement was broadcasted instantly!

A global uproar ensued! People were astonished by Doflamingo's

audacity – was he insane?

Wanting to eliminate the Straw Hats was one thing, but annihilating an

entire kingdom... and plotting the death of an admiral?

Admirals represented the highest combat power in the Marine, a revered

force even in the World Government.

Such actions were a blatant challenge to the authority of the Marine and

the World Government!

Even the Revolutionary Army hadn't dared to undertake such a bold


At this moment, viewers worldwide perceived Doflamingo, this member

of the Seven Warlords...

As utterly mad! Meanwhile...

At Marine headquarters!

The live broadcast was naturally witnessed by all Marine personnel.

Even Fleet Admiral Sengoku, and the three admirals gazed at


Crocodile, also a member of the Seven Warlords, took a step back upon

seeing the situation.

Then, he gave a thumbs up to Doflamingo.

"To dare plot against an admiral, that's true boldness..."

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room became tense.

The air was thick with tension, resembling the scent of gunpowder.

Even Doflamingo himself noticed this, and a bead of cold sweat formed

on his forehead...


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Chapter 128 : Pica!

Looking at the Garp, Sengoku, there were unkind glares from the three

admirals, including Admiral Akainu.

Doflamingo, who had always been a nobody, couldn't help but feel a bit

uneasy at this moment.

Doflamingo was well aware that, given his personality, he truly desired

to eliminate Admiral Fujitora. However, doing so in the open…

Killing an admiral was a private matter, not something to be discussed


Now, directly in front of the entire world, wasn't this courting trouble?

Facing the scrutinizing gazes of several top brass in the Marine,

Doflamingo could only wave his hand with an embarrassed smile.

"Just kidding, it's all talk in the heat of the moment."

"I wouldn't really kill an admiral, right?"

"Besides, if such a thing were to happen in the future, it's not something

I'm discussing now..."

Sengoku wore a stern expression and spoke slowly, "Whether you harbor

such thoughts in your heart, you know best."

"But, Doflamingo, I warn you. If you dare to make a move against the


"Don't talk about admirals; even if it's an ordinary Marine soldier, I have

the authority to immediately report to the world government."

"Strip you of your Seven Warlords of the Sea status and promptly escort

you to Impel Down!"

"Furthermore, your private dealings over the years... Once this matter is

settled, I'll deal with you properly!"

Observing the imposing aura of the Sengoku, Crocodile and the other

Seven Warlords watched with amusement.

They were almost worried that the situation wouldn't escalate enough.

Crocodile even took out a melon seed drink, prepared to enjoy the


On the other hand, Doflamingo remained silent, though his eyes behind

the sunglasses revealed his anger.

After all, this was the territory of the Marine, and causing trouble here

might lead to dire consequences.

Simultaneously, his resentment towards Luffy and his crew grew. What

were they doing in his territory?

The carefully laid-out plans that kept him concealed for years were now

exposed, putting him in a tight spot.

Not only did the Sengoku target him, but it might also be connected to

the senseless death of Fire Fist Ace on his turf.

Outside, Whitebeard might also be keeping an eye on him.

It was a mess, a predicament of his own making.

[The scene shifts back to Luffy...]

[Luffy, Law, and Zoro had just appeared, encountering numerous pirates

and Doflamingo's underlings.]

[Even two executives from the Doflamingo Family crossed their paths.]

[Shaking them off proved difficult. As if that wasn't enough, a more

formidable adversary emerged!]

[Fujitora, donned in the attire of a Marine admiral, made a slow


[His towering figure alone emitted a terrifying pressure...]

[Yet, faced with Fujitora, Luffy displayed no fear, even shouting at him,]

"Hey, blind guy, step aside! I'm going to take down Doflamingo!"

[Fujitora remained silent, unsheathing his sword in response...]

[In an instant, a formidable gravitational force descended!]

[Luffy sensed the impending danger through observation and quickly

dodged towards the rear!]

[The spot where he had just stood was instantly pressed into a depression

by the overwhelming gravity...]

[It was unimaginable; had Luffy not dodged, he would likely be

immobilized now!]

[Fujitora's strength made Luffy and the others realize the power of the

admiral in front of them!]

[Zoro, without hesitation, unsheathed his twin blades and charged


"Lion Song!"

[A powerful sword technique was unleashed...]

[However, Fujitora effortlessly blocked Zoro's attack...]

[Luffy also charged in, fists brimming with strength.]

"Rubber Pistol!"

[Under the immense gravitational force, Fujitora was finally pushed


[However, it was only a momentary retreat!]

[In the very next instant, he summoned gravity once again, collapsing

everything within a radius of hundreds of meters!]

[Under this overwhelming gravitational field...]

[Zoro and Luffy finally comprehended the terrifying nature of the general

before them!]

[His strength surpassed even that of Doflamingo...]

[Much more formidable!!!]

The Red-Haired Pirates!


"The future Admiral, Fujitora..."

"This strength is impressive!"

As one of the Four Emperors, Shanks possessed an extraordinary


Despite the live broadcast's limited coverage of Fujitora's actions, Shanks

easily discerned the strength of the adversary.

Even when facing Luffy and Zoro, Fujitora was not exerting his full

power, yet the battle remained intense.

Benn Beckman remarked, "Well, his strength is comparable to the Kizaru

and Aokiji."

Jesus Burgess inquired, "He has an ability; it seems he can manipulate

gravity. What kind of Devil Fruit ability is this?"

Beckman pondered for a moment, expressing some uncertainty,

"Controlling gravity is somewhat akin to the Paramecia line in the Devil

Fruit Encyclopedia, the Paramecia type of Devil Fruit known as the Press-

Press Fruit.'"

"The ability of this fruit allows the user to manipulate the strength and

direction of gravity at will."

"It can even influence gravity at an altitude of tens of thousands of


"In summary, a potent Devil Fruit power!"

Upon hearing this, those around them were slightly surprised,

acknowledging that the strength of someone who attains the rank of

Admiral is undoubtedly remarkable. Shanks added, "Considering his

blindness in both eyes, I'm curious about his Observation Haki."

"It must be formidable for him to pinpoint Luffy and the others' locations

so easily."


"Judging by his demeanor, it seems he's not entirely committed to

enforcing the order to capture Luffy and his crew."

"Wasn't he supposed to aid Doflamingo?"

Even with Fujitora's power, if he had used his full strength from the

beginning, Luffy and Zoro, despite their growth, would likely have been

unable to contend.

However, despite the intense struggle, they remained unscathed.

Fujitora's behavior was perplexing...

Shanks and the Red-Haired Pirates couldn't decipher it, and only by

observing the unfolding events could they grasp Fujitora's true intentions.

What exactly...

[While Luffy and Zoro continued their battle against Fujitora...]

[On the opposite side, Robin, Usopp, Sabo, and the others were making

their way outside.]

[Behind them, a horde of bounty-hunting pirates pursued them


[This group of individuals evoked annoyance in everyone...]

[However, Sabo couldn't tolerate it any longer. He and his companions

had important tasks at hand, and trailing behind such a group was

proving to be too much of an impediment!]

["Those who pursue and kill savior for the bounty don't deserve any


Sabo declared coldly before unleashing a fiery fist towards the rear!]

[In an instant, the group of miscreants was sent flying!]

[It dawned on them that the reason Sabo and the others hadn't resisted

earlier wasn't out of fear but rather indifference!]

[Now, these individuals, bewildered by the bounty, understood that Sabo

and the others possessed a formidable power beyond their reckoning!]

[Regrettably, it was too late, and one by one, these individuals fell to the

ground, unconscious...]

Witnessing this scene, viewers from around the world erupted in

applause! It was a long overdue reckoning!

This group of miscreants deserved to be dealt with a single punch!

Those blinded by greed failed to appreciate the concept of gratitude.

Chasing and harming those who once saved them, their demise was well-


The screen continued to unfold...

[Right at that moment!]

[Dressrosa began to violently tremble!]

[The ground, walls, and houses quivered...]

[It resembled an earthquake in its intensity!]

[This sudden upheaval captured everyone's attention.]

[Including Luffy, Zoro, Sabo, and Fujitora...]

[All eyes turned towards the source of the disturbance, and they were left

utterly astounded...]

[In the not-so-distant vicinity, an enormous stone giant, towering at a

staggering 790 people and dwarfing even the largest of giants, emerged!]

[Its colossal form was truly earth-shattering!]

[Countless towering structures and castles appeared as mere toys before


[Its height surpassed even the clouds!]

[Merely gazing at it induced an almost suffocating sense of oppression,

an unparalleled horror...]

[At this moment, the entire population of Dressrosa was paralyzed with


[Even Luffy and his companions were shocked to their cores, their

expressions undergoing a drastic change!]

[The sheer size of this creature was beyond belief!]

The shockwaves extended to countless viewers worldwide. The scale of

this entity was truly beyond comprehension!

The sheer mass of it could potentially level a city with a single punch.

How would the Straw Hats confront such a monstrous adversary?

Not only the civilians but even prominent figures couldn't help but

marvel at the enormity of this creature. It surpassed even Oz in its

outrageous proportions...

While the strength remained unknown, the visual impact alone was

incredibly potent!

[This stone giant is one of the Doflamingo family's top cadres!]

[Consuming the stone fruit made him Stone man... Pica!]

["Daring to defy Doflamingo, you shall all perish!"]

[Surprisingly, Pica's voice was in stark contrast to his rugged appearance,

even sharper than a young girl's, eliciting laughter from Luffy and


[The oppressive aura from its size dissipated instantly!]

[Pica particularly loathed mockery of his voice, fueling his sudden rage!]

[Raising a fist larger than a meteorite, he brought it down towards Luffy

and his companions...]

[At this moment, the formidable power was accompanied by an intense

air pressure!]

[Should this punch connect, it was likely that a significant portion of

Dressrosa would be obliterated.]


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Chapter 129 : Sabo vs Fujitora!


[With unparalleled strength, the terrifying stone giant descended, its

massive hand smashing down!]

[In an instant...]

[A tremendous force erupted before Luffy and the others!]

[Countless houses were razed and reduced to rubble!]

[On the ground, a colossal crater, like a fallen meteorite, materialized...]

[Fortunately, Luffy reacted swiftly, utilizing his rubber properties to

extract Law and Zoro just in time.]

[Otherwise, under this formidable blow alone, Luffy and the trio would

have been instantaneously flattened into meatloaf!]

Pica's formidable power also astounded countless spectators watching the

live broadcast.

This is more terrifying than a meteorite's descent!

A mere member of the Doflamingo family can unleash such a devastating

force. How can Luffy and his group hope to defeat Doflamingo?

At this moment, many viewers harbor little optimism for Luffy.

While they wish for Doflamingo's defeat...

Reality is as it is!

The entire Dressrosa remains ensnared in a birdcage!

Even as this threat persists, one crisis after another surfaces.

Luffy and the others' situation...

Doesn't look promising.

[Having narrowly escaped Pica's onslaught, Luffy and the three found

themselves backed into a corner.]

[Here, they encountered several individuals...]

[Cavendish, Sai, Bartolomeo, Gambia, Leo, Orlumbus, Ideo, and others...]

[All formidable contenders from the previous arena competition, each a

force to be reckoned with.]

[Having been rescued by Luffy's group from Doflamingo's clutches, they

rallied to assist Luffy.]

[Together, they aimed to take down Doflamingo!]

[With the addition of these allies...]

[The strength on Luffy's side notably increased!]

[Countless pirates, pursued for their bounties, knelt beneath the

onslaught of Cavendish, Bartolomeo, and the rest!]

[For these ungrateful foes, mercy was in short supply!]

[Now, the most imposing adversary before them was the colossal and

incomprehensible Pica.]

[Zoro and Luffy charged forward, engaging in fierce combat.]


[Pica's arrival disrupted the battle, prompting Luffy and the others to

make a swift exit.]

[Fujitora, leading a group of Marines, pursued relentlessly...]

[However, just as they neared Luffy's location...]

[A raging inferno blocked their path!]

[Fujitora and the other Marines were left in astonishment.]

[In the next moment, Sabo... emerged before their eyes.]

["You intend to disrupt Luffy; I cannot stand idly by..."]


"Sabo has made his entrance!"

At the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, a sudden wave of

excitement swept through the room.

"Who would've thought that the future Sabo had the strength to go toe-

to-toe with Admiral?" Betty exclaimed with a playful smile.

The other commanders burst into laughter upon hearing this.

They had previously seen Sabo in action and had their doubts. Sabo,

holding a pivotal position in the Revolutionary Army, shouldn't have

advanced so recklessly. After all, his capture by the World Government

would deal a severe blow to the entire Revolutionary Army, despite the

importance of obtaining the Mera Mera no Mi.

Now, it became apparent that Sabo's journey to Dressrosa was a well-

thought-out plan for the Revolutionary Army. What surprised everyone

was the revelation that future Sabo was several times stronger than his

present self.

His performance in the ring showcased his prowess, but it was

understandable. After all, Sabo was personally trained by Dragon and

displayed extraordinary combat talent since childhood. As the second-in-

command of the Revolutionary Army, it wasn't too surprising for him to

go head-to-head with Admiral in the future.

"Over the years, we've been monitoring Doflamingo's underground

activities," Betty began. "His presence poses a threat to the safety of many

parts of the world. We just hadn't found the right opportunity to act."

In this future time period, it seemed they had finally seized that

opportunity. The hearts of everyone present were a mix of joy and


If Sabo managed to dismantle Doflamingo's underground empire, it

would significantly reduce the threat to the world, allowing the

Revolutionary Army to continue growing. However, Dressrosa wasn't just

home to Doflamingo; the Seven Warlords of the Sea and his powerful

family cadres posed additional challenges. Moreover, there was an

admiral on the island.

While they believed in Sabo's growth and strength, a sense of worry


"I only hope that the brothers Sabo and Luffy join forces to overcome all

challenges," Betty expressed. "I believe in them; they will triumph over


[The screen continues to play...]

[Sabo stands unwavering before everyone, refusing to yield.]

[At that moment, Fujitora behind Fujitora stepped forward...]

"A Revolutionary Army daring to appear in front of us proactively, what

audacity!" Fujitora taunted.

"If captured, the losses for the Revolutionary Army would be immense,

wouldn't they?" he continued.

In the face of this provocation, Fujitora smiled confidently.

"You can try!" he retorted.

The next moment, Fujitora moved...

A massive blade swung down, its force severing dozens of surrounding


Yet, as the second strike descended...

Sabo's dragon claw intercepted and crushed it effortlessly.

The sight left Fujitora and everyone present stunned.

[At this moment, they realized with certainty that the second-in-

command of the Revolutionary Army was, in fact, even more formidable

than anticipated!]

[Sabo executed another kick, forcefully sending Fujitora flying.]

[In the midst of this, Fujitora spoke...]

"You shouldn't be here. Who are you to Luffy?"

[Since Fujitora and the others weren't in the ring earlier, they naturally

didn't know the connection between Sabo and Luffy.]

[Curiosity sparked. Why would Sabo, a member of the Revolutionary

Army, willingly aid the Straw Hats and obstruct their path?]

[Sabo stated plainly: "Luffy is my brother!"]

[As soon as these words were uttered, even Fujitora was stunned. "The

deceased Fire Fist Ace..."]

"He is indeed my brother. Ace is my brother, just like Luffy!"

[At this moment, all the Marine officers were utterly shocked...]

[What is the background of these three brothers?]

[One is the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, one is the

second division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the other is a

notorious pirate with a bounty exceeding 100 million!]

[The might of these three brothers surpassed imagination...]

[Though Fujitora was astonished, he understood deep down.]

"Straw Hat Luffy's brother, truly extraordinary. No wonder..."

[Now, Sabo's expression turned gravely serious as he looked at Fujitora

and spoke deliberately:]

"When Ace perished, I couldn't do anything; it was the pain of my life."

"But now, having consumed the Flame-Flame Fruit, I will uphold Ace's

legacy and live on in his stead!"

"From this moment onward, whenever Luffy requires aid!"

"No matter where I am in the world, even if I relinquish all my titles, I

will hasten to Luffy's side to assist him!"

"I absolutely refuse to experience the agony of losing my brother again..."

[Sabo's words resonated with many instantly! At this very moment!]

[Countless people across the world were moved to tears! Of course, the

most profound emotional response came from...]

[Naturally, the two brothers, Ace and Luffy!]

The Whitebeard Pirates!


"You rascal..."

Though Ace maintained a smile, tears welled up in his eyes.

Seeing that Sabo embraced such a commitment and chose to carry on his

will, Ace felt an immense sense of relief.

A myriad of emotions surged within Ace, rendering him momentarily


After a prolonged silence, he gazed at Sabo's figure in the sky and spoke


"The Flame-Flame Fruit is now yours to wield; it's the best decision."

"In that case, please, protect Luffy in the days to come..."

Initially, Ace was quite emotional.

The audience, including Marco, Vista, and others, was moved to tears by

what they heard.

As a result, Whitebeard ceased his laughter abruptly!

His colossal figure rose to its full height, and he bellowed out, "What


"Ace, my son, I will not allow you to die!"

"I will stop at nothing to uncover the reason and eliminate any threat to


"As long as I, Whitebeard, draw breath, I will not let my son perish before


"Absolutely not!"

"If you utter such disheartening words again, I'll toss you into the sea to

feed the fish!"

Overwhelmed by his emotions, Whitebeard unconsciously unleashed his

awe-inspiring power and dominance!

In an instant, the entire sea began to churn, and darkness blanketed the


The entire pirate ship trembled as the sea roared, frightening the entire


Even Ace, who had been deep in sorrow, was startled.

Without saying a word, he sharply nodded, conveying his understanding.

He believed in Whitebeard's determination. Satisfied with this response,

Whitebeard settled back into his seat.

Deep within his heart, he had resolved to ensure Ace's safety, leaving no

room for compromise.

On the live broadcast, the truth behind Ace's death must be unraveled!

Ace, on the other hand, felt a sense of relief. Though shocked, he

understood the depth of his father's concern. This lifted him from his


After all, who wishes for death?

If avoiding it is an option, it is undeniably the best choice. Or perhaps...

"Luffy, Sabo, I eagerly await the day when the three of us brothers can

reunite and share a drink, just like in our childhood days."


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Chapter 130 : Chaos!

Water 7!

Upon seeing the scenic sky, Luffy was visibly moved.

"Sabo, Ace..."

From the days in Windmill Village, the trio had looked out for each other

when Sabo and Ace were younger.

And to this day, that bond remained unbroken.

This is the essence of brotherhood...

Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and others witnessed this poignant moment.

They sighed in unison.

"Luffy's two brothers are so good to him..."

"Yes, both Ace and Sabo have taken excellent care of their younger


"Damn, I suddenly envy the captain. I really wish I had two brothers!"

Suddenly, everyone noticed Luffy standing alone in front of them.

Nami initially wanted to step forward to console Luffy but was halted by


"Let Luffy calm down on his own. A true man doesn't need comfort, just

as Sanji doesn't need to quit smoking."

"I rarely agree with Zoro, but he's right."

"Well, that's true. Although we don't know how Ace died, I believe..."

"Luffy will definitely prevent it from happening. And we, as his

crewmates, will do our best to help him."

[Though Fujitora was blind, he sensed Sabo's serious expression.]

["Seems like talking won't change anything. You won't budge..."]

Sabo returned to his smiling demeanor. "It appears you're not interested

in this story."

[Fujitora slowly unsheathed his sword.]

"The story is touching, but this old man is not in the mood to listen. The

straw hat boy must be captured!"

[Sabo held the water pipe behind him.]

"Then there's nothing more to say. Luffy is my younger brother. No

matter what, I will protect him!"

["Doflamingo will be dealt with by him. I believe he can win!"]

"As for you... I'll handle you!"

[With these words, Fujitora suddenly drew his sword, and a menacing

gravity crashed down!]

[Meanwhile, Sabo's water pipe was enveloped in a bearish fire!]

[Despite the gravitational force, it wasn't greatly affected, heading

straight for Fujitora!]

[Sword and water pipe collided fiercely!]

[The shockwave sent numerous nearby Marines scrambling backward.

This battle between the admiral and the second-in-command of the

revolutionary army was beyond their league.]

[Sabo and Fujitora made it clear: no one was to interfere as gravity and

flames clashed in the area!]

[As the battle intensified, the impact it generated became increasingly


[Fujitora was undeniably powerful, wielding near-terrifying gravity.]

[However, whenever he employed gravity against Sabo, the latter would

evade through elementalization and retaliate with the water pipe.]

[Unable to rely solely on gravity, Fujitora engaged in hand-to-hand

combat, utilizing his sword skills against Sabo.]

[At times, Fujitora showed signs of being suppressed.]

[The battle raged on, both opponents inseparable, each refusing to yield.]

"It truly befits the second-in-command of the revolutionary army!"

"To contend with an admiral, his strength is remarkable..."

At the Navy headquarters, Hawkeye mused to himself.

Jinbei nodded beside him. "Ace's younger brother... I didn't expect his

strength to be no less than his brother's."

Luffy and Ace had been comrades for many years, and now they were

face-to-face with Sabo.

Naturally, there was a sense of familiarity.

However, something about it felt a bit strange to him...

The weapon wielded by Ace's younger brother appeared to be quite


It was, surprisingly, a water pipe!


It seemed that the strong were truly not confined to any particular type

of weapon!

Up ahead, Garp, standing alongside Sengoku, appeared visibly excited.


"After all these years, young Sabo has become quite the reliable


"With him aiding Luffy, the old man can rest easy..."


Sengoku, on the other hand, wore a troubled expression.

"How many times must I remind you that you are part of the Navy!"

"Sabo is a member of the Revolutionary Army. Even if he's your

grandson, show a bit of restraint, alright?"

Upon hearing this, Garp paused for a moment, then asked directly,

"What's restraint for?"

"Restraint for whom?"

"The old man is just delighted, hahaha..."

Garp laughed heartily, even shooting a grin at Sengoku, seemingly

worried he wouldn't hear it.

Sengoku: "..."

[As chaos engulfed all of Dressrosa...]

[Luffy, accompanied by Law and aided by Bartolomeo, Cavendish, and

numerous followers, continued their ascent.]

[They traversed the first, second, and third layers...]

[Finally arriving at the palace where Doflamingo resided!]

[Simultaneously, Law, previously shackled by Seastone, obtained the


[With the removal of his restraints, his combat capabilities were fully


[Gazing at the looming palace, Law's face was etched with anger!]

"Corazon, today I will avenge you..."

[Luffy and Law displayed unwavering determination as they sprinted

towards their objective!]

[Rebecca halted Luffy from behind, expressing concern.]

"Lucy, are you really going to defeat Doflamingo?"

Luffy turned around, wearing a broad smile.

"Yes, I'll personally defeat Doflamingo!"

"And I'm not Lucie, I'm Luffy!"

"In the future, I'll be the man who finds One Piece..."

[With that, under Rebecca's adoring and entranced gaze, Luffy ventured

into the palace.]

[In this moment, the two carried the hopes of everyone.]

[Shouldering the aspirations of the entire Dressrosa, the people oppressed

by Doflamingo...]

This was the moment!

Viewers from around the world, watching the live broadcast, were

immersed in the intense excitement!

The air was filled with enthusiastic cheers: "Go, Luffy! Bring down


"Fight with all your might and rescue the people of Dressrosa!"

"To become the Pirate King, victory is certain!"

Excitement echoed everywhere!


[Meanwhile, on Sabo's side…]

[The clash between Fujitora and Sabo escalated! ]

[Whether due to holding back or sheer strength, their battle reached a

point where no one could intervene.]

[After a prolonged struggle, Fujitora couldn't bear it and initiated a

change in his attack.]

[He holding his long Sword horizontally, as gravity flowed into it.]


[Under the Sword's force, gravity surged!]

[Not only gravity's oppression but also the sharpness of the blade!]

[The Sword descended...]

[Countless nearby houses were carved into deep ravines!]

[Even the air seemed severed under gravity's pressure!]

[Such an extravagant attack marked Sabo's extreme seriousness!]

[Evading through elementalization once again, Sabo altered his attack.]

[He materialized directly above Fujitora's head!]

[Above his hands, an infinite blaze gathered and descended directly!]


[In an instant, a terrifying explosion erupted, and countless flames swept

like a storm!]

[All the marines were enveloped...]

[This move's fluctuation was so significant that even Zoro and others in

the distance took notice!]

[Yet, no one knew it was Fujitora and Sabo in combat...]

[In the meantime…]

[Luffy and Law, infiltrating the palace, finally confronted the puppeteers

behind the kingdom...]


[Doflamingo manipulated Bellamy to taunt Luffy.]

[He succeeded...]

[Luffy, fueled by anger, rushed to eliminate Doflamingo.]

[A fiery punch in an instant!]

[Originally, Doflamingo could easily dodge, but...]

[Law seized the right moment, using his ability to swap positions with


[Doflamingo, caught off guard, endured Luffy's punch!]

[Instantly, blood was expelled!]

[The battle had just begun, and Doflamingo was already wounded...]

Observing this, the initially expectant audience erupted in even greater

excitement, cheering continuously!

It seemed that the odds of victory were quite promising!

Doflamingo initiated a lottery, a novelty in previous battles!

Perhaps, this battle would be Luffy's easiest victory!

With Law's formidable assistance, expectations soared even higher...

[Simultaneously, at this moment...]

[King Riku's appearance snapped those blinded by bounties back to


[Only then did they realize that Luffy and his group were their saviors!]

[Rather than aiding Luffy, they were aiding the demon Doflamingo!]

[Grief and indignation enveloped everyone, fueling their determination

to storm the palace!]

[Yet, King Riku intervened.]

[He gazed towards the palace, his expression grave as he spoke.]

"At this moment, there are heroes fighting for us!"

"We, the people, should refrain from adding unnecessary trouble!"

"Therefore, we must believe in our heroes; they will surely defeat


"Save us all..."


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Chapter 131 : What is it?

[Accompanied by Luffy and Law, the clash with Doflamingo in the palace

officially commences!]

[No one outside remains idle!]

[Solon, along with others and the Doflamingo family's executives, engage

in intense combat...]

[Sabo and Fujitora, in their duel, wreak havoc upon the surrounding


[Fortunately, no civilians are present, but the Marine bears the brunt...]

[Their arrival alongside the Admiral inadvertently escalates the conflict.]

[Gravity pressure crushes skulls, and flames consume hair, leaving

destruction in their wake.]

[Feeling the toll on themselves and others, they emerge as the most

severely wounded...]

[After a heated exchange, Fujitora and Sabo realize that neither can assist

the other and decide to halt.]

[Fujitora sheaths his sword and utters an enigmatic statement.]

"Doflamingo was a tyrant who plunged the kingdom into peril and


"But the Marine isn't much different from Doflamingo!"

"The old man can't control the execution of orders..."

"So the one to halt all this won't be us, but the Straw Hat."

[Hearing this, Sabo is taken aback...]

[Although Fujitora's words are cryptic, it's clear that he harbors

dissatisfaction towards those who ordered him to protect Doflamingo.]

[Or... perhaps, it's dissatisfaction with the entire world government!]

[Such sentiments are rare in the Marine...]

[Sabo laughs.]

"Indeed, the strong won't be so feeble. It seems you truly haven't exerted

your full strength before!"

[Fujitora also smiles, "As the second-in-command of the Revolutionary

Army, aren't you the same?"]

[Following this, Fujitora sits down on the spot and retrieves his favorite


[He holds it, shakes it for a moment, and then rolls it on the ground.]

"This time, I wager on the Straw Hat's wish!"

"Save Dressrosa, please..."

Marine Headquarters!

The scene on the live screen astonishes everyone present. One moment,

it's intense, the next, no strikes are landing?

And... What does Fujitora mean?

Akainu immediately flares up, his anger reaching its peak!


"He's openly defying the world government's orders!"

"He wants to aid the Straw Hat pirates; such a person isn't fit for the

Marine, let alone Admiral!"

Kizaru, with a lazy demeanor, remarks, "No need to get worked up.

Acting on one's own is fine."

Akainu, thoughtful, says, "Perhaps, due to the orders binding them, they

can't directly confront Doflamingo, so they choose to pin their hopes on

the Straw Hat?"

"This Fujitora is an intriguing individual..."

The three admirals respond differently to Fujitora's actions.

Undoubtedly, Akainu is the most furious.

After all, in his eyes, anyone tolerating evil deserves punishment!

Furthermore, Fujitora, being an Admiral, shouldn't be aiding the Straw

Hats. Despite Doflamingo also being a pirate, he's still a Shichibukai,

after all!

Sheltered by the World Government!

His actions were undeniably an open rebellion!

Garp was even more delighted, "This guy is interesting; I like it!"

"That Sengoku, quickly find out if there's someone named Fujitora and if

he's currently a marine or something."

"Hurry up and promote him to Admiral, and feel free to dismiss any of

the current three admirals."

"His demeanor is quite appealing to the old man, hahaha..."

Sengoku suddenly had a perplexed expression, "You might as well be a

white radish. If you want to make changes, consider Kizaru and Akainu

next to him. Suddenly, there's a disgrace."

Akainu completely ignored Garp's words...

As for Doflamingo, one of the protagonists of the Live screen.

Squatting in the corner, his face was already gloomy and about to drip


The Straw Hats pirates was causing trouble in their own territory.

Unexpectedly, even the Admiral he had summoned as a Celestial Dragon

voluntarily withdrew his hand against everyone... Is everyone against


... Headquarters of the Revolutionary Army!

Observing Fujitora's actions made Dragon more confident in his thoughts.

"This person is indeed a bit interesting..."

"Among the top ranks of the Marine, except for my dad, who doesn't care

about anything."

"He's the only one I've seen who can clearly see the dark side of the

World Government."

"Perhaps in the future, I can really find opportunities to cooperate with


As Dragon spoke, a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

And outside...

The commanders of the five major armies and others were also

astonished by Fujitora's actions.

"Eh, he actually gave up the attack on his own initiative?"

"It seems that in his heart, he also sees Doflamingo as the evil side."

"Under the constraints of orders, he can't make a move against

Doflamingo, who is a Shichibukai, but he can choose not to strike at


"This admiral is an interesting person; he's the most pleasing one I've


"Hahaha, with Sabo and Luffy, Doflamingo will definitely be defeated!"

[After cooperating with Luffy and dealing a heavy blow to Doflamingo.]]

[Activating the ability again, Law quickly cut the only remaining

executive, Trebol, into several segments! ]]

[Trebol was dumbfounded; he realized he couldn't regenerate after being

cut into several pieces! ]]

[This is Law's ability; in this field, he can cut everything at will, including

living people! ]]

[Even if Trebol doesn't fall, he won't be able to join the battle for a


[He can only stand by...]

[On the other hand, Doflamingo, though initially taken aback by Law and

Luffy's cooperation...]

[Ended up sustaining a powerful blow, but it meant little to him!]

[Swiftly recovering, he transformed into a duplicate, controlled by


[He manipulated this avatar to assail Luffy...]

[No matter how Luffy attacked, the damage to the avatar was instantly

compensated by the strings!]

[It was like facing an undying Doflamingo, a perpetual threat to Luffy!]

[As Doflamingo manipulated the doppelganger, occasional interference

added to Luffy's plight!]

[This dual assault by the Ming brothers momentarily subdued Luffy!]

[Sustaining one injury after another...]

[Law seized the opportunity amidst their clash and targeted Trebol once


[This move aimed to completely eliminate the eldest cadre of the

Doflamingo family!]

[Yet, just as his blade was about to reach Trebol...]

[Doflamingo arrived in the nick of time, rescued Trebol, and

incapacitated Law with a swift kick!]

[At this moment, Law realized...]

[Not far away, with minimal movement, Luffy was already ensnared by

the strings, rendering him unable to fight!]

[Doflamingo regarded the two from a superior position, wearing an

arrogant expression:]

["Did I create an illusion, making you think you could challenge me?"]

["You're a laughable little ghost, lacking the qualifications to face me


["Because I possess the most noble bloodline in the world!"]

["I am a Celestial Dragon!"]


[Doflamingo's arrogant and mocking smile echoed through the palace.]

[On the flip side, Luffy's expression changed dramatically.]

[It wasn't shock over Doflamingo Celestial Dragon's identity but...]

[Just like his grandfather Garp, he harbors the utmost disdain for

Celestial Dragons!]

[In his mind, Celestial Dragons are irredeemably wicked...]

[Though viewers have long known that Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon,

hearing the admission in person was still shocking.]

[And witnessing his arrogant demeanor sent shivers down everyone's


[Celestial Dragons... Could they truly be this conceited?]

[Initially, many believed that Luffy and Law dealt Doflamingo a severe

blow, predicting a swift end to the battle.]

[However, it seems they were overly optimistic.]

Doflamingo, as a formidable figure as a Shichibukai, is no ordinary

powerhouse! How long has this battle been raging?

Law and Luffy were both overpowered. Could it be that he is truly this

formidable to defeat?

[Doflamingo burst into maniacal laughter, but soon, his expression

twisted back into a visage of hatred.]

["Detestable Celestial Dragon, since my expulsion, if I can't relish it..."]

"I'll dismantle the very world they uphold!"]

[Law felt deeply perplexed; he was once part of the Doflamingo family.]

[He possess extensive knowledge about the Doflamingo family, yet he've

never heard him acknowledge being a Celestial Dragon.]

[Now, he openly confesses it, only to vehemently reproach the Celestial


[Having been expelled from the Celestial Dragon ranks, how does he still

wield his privileges?]

[Summoning CP0 and having the admiral personally guard him?]

[To Law's questioning gaze, Doflamingo did not evade the inquiry.]

[In his eyes, the two before him were mere lambs awaiting slaughter,

with only one inevitable fate.]

[Even if they knew, it made no difference...]

"Because, within my grasp, lies something that the world government


[For this reason, even having lost my Celestial Dragon identity and


"They still find it prudent to collaborate with me!"]

[Law and Luffy were simultaneously taken aback. What could evoke fear

in the world government, compelling them to willingly collaborate?]

["What is it?"]

[The sinister grin on Doflamingo's face grew more pronounced...]


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Chapter 132 : Ancient Weapon?

[In the eyes of Doflamingo, Law and Luffy both stand as the dearly


[In this dire situation, revealing the truth wouldn't make a dent!]

["What I possess is intelligence regarding a national treasure within Mary


"It's precisely because of this that the World Government, which seeks my

demise, dare not lay a finger on me!"]

["Though I haven't fully mastered it yet..."]

"Indeed, I could have gained complete control, and all of this is thanks to

you, Law!"]

"If you hadn't seized the spoils of the operation, I would have effortlessly

grasped the reins of the World Government decades ago!"]

["To wield authority over the true power of this world!"]

[Hearing Doflamingo's revelation, Law was left utterly stunned...]

"Because of me?"]

[He had always known that Doflamingo had relentlessly pursued the

Operation Fruitmany years ago.]

[However, to cure his ailment, Corazon pilfered the operation fruit for

personal consumption.]

[This drove Doflamingo into madness, leading him to seek out and kill


[But Law had never understood why Doflamingo coveted the operation


[Now, it seemed these fruits were detrimental to him... of great


[Law's visage betrayed an extreme expression of anger!]

"So... you killed Corazon for this?"]

"Did you murder your own brother!?"

"Is it for this so-called secret treasure, to claim dominion over the true

power of the World Government?"]

"Did you kill your only kin for this!?"

[With each word from Law, the rage within him intensified, reaching its

zenith against Doflamingo!]

The unfolding scene in the narrative left global audiences astounded!

What in the world?

Doflamingo possesses something that sends tremors through the World

Government? What could this be?

And moreover... he actually murdered his own brother? All for the sake

of the surgical fruits?

At this moment, countless viewers were left dumbfounded.

They couldn't comprehend the madness of Doflamingo but were also

shaken to the core by it!

Of course, the masses worldwide failed to grasp Mingo's revelations.

They were simply struck by his insanity, but...

Many influential figures across the globe found themselves immersed in

profound contemplation due to these disclosures.

Even... horror!

Whitebeard Pirates!

"The world government fears something..."

Whitebeard muttered these words, sinking into deep contemplation.

He couldn't fathom what Doflamingo possessed that elicited fear from the

world government.

"What could be in Doflamingo's control that causes such apprehension?"

Whitebeard wondered aloud.

"News about the Three Ancient Weapons?"

Shanks and Whitebeard shared the same thought.

The mere idea sent shockwaves through their minds.

Three ancient weapons, each rumored to possess the power to annihilate

the world and be unstoppable!

However, these weapons had not surfaced in many years.

Pluto, a super warship capable of obliterating a country in an instant,

was in the hands of Franky but only a blueprint.

Poseidon, associated with the deep sea, would never appear in Dressrosa.

Whitebeard's brows furrowed as a sudden realization crossed his mind.

"Could Doflamingo be in control of Uranus?"

As the Red-haired pirates discussed the matter, Shanks expressed his

concern, "Could news of the Ancient Weapons be in Dressrosa?"

"Does Doflamingo possess information about it, making the world

government fearful?"


The commanders of the five major armies were startled.

"Chief, are you saying the Ancient Weapon is in Dressrosa?"

"Impossible! Does Doflamingo truly hold information about the Ancient

Weapon? Does he possess the power to change the world?"

The shock and speculation reverberated among them.

The dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, slowly shook his head.

"I cannot confirm, but it's the only reasoning that makes the world

government tremble."

"Doflamingo, even as a celestial dragon, renounced his identity along

with his father, relinquishing power."

"The world government will protect him, unaware of his past."

"Only news of the Ancient Weapon could instill fear in the world


Ivankov exclaimed in horror, "We must act swiftly! If Doflamingo

controls the Ancient Weapon, a global crisis awaits us!"

The dragon shook his head once more, stating, "He shouldn't have

mastered it yet; otherwise, he'll alter the true power of the World

Government, as he claimed!"

"While it remains uncertain whether Doflamingo possesses information

about the Ancient Weapon, it's not surprising that the results of the

surgery play a crucial role."

"Everyone is well aware that the operation fruit is renowned as the

ultimate fruit, capable of bestowing eternal life! However, the cost is the

user's own demise."

"It's deduced that Doflamingo desires the operation fruit, aiming for

eternal life. Yet, the question remains: Is eternal life connected to the

Ancient Weapon?"

The dragon was clueless, much like everyone in the Revolutionary Army.

The Ancient Weapon remained an enigma, distinct from the other two

ancient weapons.

He was always shrouded in mystery!

What's certain now is that Law possesses the operation fruit. Given his

animosity towards Doflamingo, he would never sacrifice his own life to

grant eternal life to his enemy.

As for whether the Ancient Weapon is in Dressrosa or not, further

investigation is needed.

The world's influential figures aren't fools. From Doflamingo's words in

the transmission, it's apparent that only a few things can instill fear in the

World Government.

The most likely among them are the three ancient weapons.

So, the unanimous belief is that the Ancient Weapon is the key!

However, since no one has seen this entity, his powers and connection

with the operation fruit remain unknown.

The fact that Doflamingo asserted the plan couldn't proceed smoothly

without the operation fruit indicates the Ancient Weapon's importance.

Meanwhile, at the Marine Headquarters...

Garp showed no interest, solely concerned about Luffy. However,

Sengoku, Akainu, Kizaru, and others were all attentive.

Even several members of the Shichibukai watched Doflamingo with

curiosity, as if expecting him to reveal what the World Government


At this moment, Doflamingo's expression was more distressed than ever.

He genuinely wanted to curse!

Did the live broadcast screen have to expose all his secrets? And why did

he disclose this information to the Straw Hat boy?

Doflamingo harbored thoughts of annihilation.

Facing the scrutinizing gazes in the conference room, he suddenly


"No need to speculate about what I hold in my hands..."

"Because, you know, it won't bode well for you!"

"As for Sengoku..."

"News need not flow through me."

"If doubt clouds your mind, inquire with the pinnacle of the World


"They possess knowledge, yet…"

"Would you like me to tell you? I'm in the dark!"

As Doflamingo's words resounded, everyone present, barring Garp, felt a

profound shock!

While he refrained from confirming his grip on the king, one certainty


His collaboration with the World Government had commenced, even

preceding this moment!

Even the Marine Marshal of Sengoku was oblivious!

In this instant, doubt crept into everyone's minds...

Could it be that the Ancient Weapon, an ancient weapon, truly conceals

itself within Dressrosa?

Does Doflamingo truly hold information about him?

Else, why would the World Government fear him enough to join forces...

Even if the intel remains unverified, an inadvertent realization settled

upon everyone there, suggesting the presence of a formidable weapon in

his possession!

A weapon of such magnitude that the World Government deems it a

concern! Except, of course, for Garp...

In his eyes, only Luffy matters; everything else is mere noise.

Even Crocodile, who consistently clashed with Doflamingo, couldn't help

but pause momentarily.

Never did he anticipate the terrifying presence of Ancient Weapon within

Doflamingo's grasp.

For a moment, he took a step back, jealousy flickering within...

Conversely, Doflamingo's smile transformed into a sinister expression.

Even his sunglasses failed to conceal the malevolence in his eyes!

His hidden truths unravel on the live broadcast screen, courtesy of the

Straw Hat Kid and Law causing havoc!

It seems... retribution is in order!"


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Chapter 133 : Law's Anger!

[Law's intense hatred for Doflamingo had reached its peak!]

[However, in the face of Law's taunts, Doflamingo remained indifferent.]

["Even if I were to kill him, it's because he betrayed me, and he deserves

to die!"]

[Upon hearing this, Law could no longer bear it. He forced himself to

endure the pain and stood up resolutely!]

[Grasping the sword tightly in his hand, he lunged at Doflamingo!]

[In an instant, Law had already closed in on Doflamingo!]

[A long sword pointed directly at his head!]

[Yet, in the face of Law's blade, Doflamingo casually opened his five

fingers, effortlessly blocking it…]

[Law's sword hovered in mid-air, unable to advance the slightest, as if

frozen in time!]

[However, upon closer inspection, it became apparent…]

[Doflamingo had several transparent threads in his hands, deceptively

delicate yet possessing unimaginable toughness!]

["After all these years, it seems like you've grown..."

["Unfortunately, I had hoped to groom you as my successor!"]

["But you betrayed me, just like Corazon. You deserve to die!"]

[Doflamingo grinned maliciously, gazing at Law and speaking slowly.]

[Law's anger intensified, "Corazon is different from you. He was

righteous, but you embrace evil!"]

[Following this, Law leaped away once again, flipping the long sword

and stabbing at a tricky angle!]

[This furious strike even severed Doflamingo's threads!]

[Yet, Doflamingo remained unruffled. His hands flicked again, and the

threads reappeared...]

[This time, unlike the previous transparent threads, they were vibrant

and colorful!]

[Evidently, their toughness and sharpness were even more formidable!]

[Not only did they block Law's sword, but they also instantly grazed his


[Doflamingo continued to look at Law, speaking with a sinister smile:]

["What is integrity? What is evil?"]

["As my younger brother, as a Celestial Dragon, he actually joined the


[He deserves to die!!!"]

[As he said this, visible rage contorted Doflamingo's face!]

[Clearly, he had always harbored concerns about Corazon defecting to

the Marine and betraying him!]

["He's been with the Marine from the start, and you believe you're part of

the evil!"]

["Corazon guided me to the righteous path, and now, I will avenge him!"]

["I'll kill you with my own hands!"]

[Upon hearing this, Doflamingo chuckled angrily, "Then let me see if you

have the qualifications!"]

[Law swiftly retrieved the sword, activating his ability with unparalleled


[His intention was clear—he aimed to seize Doflamingo's heart and crush

it mercilessly!]

[However, it was evident that Doflamingo had long anticipated his


[Before Law's hand could reach its target, it was seized by Doflamingo!]

[The immense force immobilized Law's arm completely!]

[In the blink of an eye…]

[Swift lines sliced through the air!]

[Law's arm responded to the sound, soaring through the air before

landing on the ground, a spray of blood accompanying its fall…]


[Law collapsed to the ground, emitting a scream of agony.]

This unexpected turn of events shocked everyone. Law had actually lost

his arm? Does this imply that he has now become ineffective in combat?

No one foresaw such a severe blow at the outset of the battle.

Doflamingo's moves were unexpectedly sharp—how would Luffy and the

others manage to overcome this? Meanwhile...

At Marine Headquarters!

Sengoku, standing staunchly beside Garp on the strongest front, fell into

profound silence. A faint teardrop welled in his eye.

"Is this the child you sacrificed your life to save?"


Indeed, the outsider world remains unaware.

Corazon, the younger brother of Doflamingo... and also the relationship

that runs deep. What everyone knows is that Corazon is a Marine

undercover agent. However, the world is oblivious to the fact that he

holds another layer of identity—Marshal of the Marine, Sengoku's son!

To be precise, Adopted Son!

Despite being Doflamingo's own brother, their personalities greatly differ.

Doflamingo has exhibited inhuman cruelty since childhood, harboring

deep hatred for everything. On the contrary, Corazon bears kindness in

his heart...

Disapproving of his brother's actions, Corazon fled at a tender age. Later,

he encountered Sengoku, who, in turn, adopted him as his son. Their

relationship was impeccable, transcending that of father and son!

However, in a bid to halt his brother's nefarious deeds, Corazon

volunteered to go undercover.

Henceforth, all information about the Doflamingo family was supplied to

the Marine by him...

Until eventually, in an attempt to save Law, he unhesitatingly stole the

Ope-Ope no Mi, exposed his identity, and met his demise at the hands of

his own brother, Doflamingo!

Countless times Sengoku has regretted his decision to allow Corazon to

return to Doflamingo. Had he intervened, would this tragedy have been


Though his hatred for Doflamingo was fueled by the death of his son, he,

as a Marine Marshal, was obligated to uphold his duties. This internal

conflict remained an enduring source of anguish for Sengoku! He wished

for Luffy and Law to defeat Doflamingo independently. In doing so, it

would serve as revenge for Corazon...

"Corazon, the child you saved with your life has grown admirably!"

"He inherits your spirit, and I believe..."

"He will surely triumph and avenge you!"

[Having severed one of Law's arms, Doflamingo advanced slowly.]

[He drew a gun from his waist and aimed it at Law's head...]

["This gun is the very one that killed Corazon!"]

["If you miss him so much, I'll send you to meet him!"]

[At that moment, despair filled Law's face.]

[Bound by Doflamingo's lines, he couldn't break free at all.]

[Is this how he will meet his end?]

[Doflamingo, is defeating him really this challenging?]

[In Law's heart, a thick unwillingness surged.]

[I haven't avenged Corazon yet; how can I die so easily?]

[Yet, the current situation seemed inevitable...]

[Doflamingo grinned maliciously and slowly pulled the trigger!]

Marine Headquarters!

Sengoku's heart tightened.


He refused to believe that Law would meet such an easy demise!

This child, saved by his righteous son at the cost of his life.

How could he die in vain?

Meanwhile, Doflamingo, witnessing the scene, wore a sinister smile,

reminiscent of the one in the picture.

"Law... after all these years."

"You're finally going to die by my hands!"

"When you die, the fruits of our operation will return to the sea."

"Though finding it again may be troublesome, it's better than being under

your possession, unable to use it."

Meanwhile, in an unknown sea!

Law, wearing a spotted hat, gazed at the sky, brows furrowed.


"His strength remains as formidable as ever!"

"Damn, is this truly the end of it..."

He wasn't afraid of death, but he feared dying before avenging Corazon,

the most significant person in his life.

Corazon not only saved him but also guided him onto the right path—a

person influencing his whole lifetime!

Hence, he must personally kill Doflamingo to avenge him!

[The screen continues to play...]

[As Doflamingo was about to pull the trigger!]

[A massive hole suddenly tore open in the ground!]

[Luffy's enormous Gear Three fist pierced through everything!]

[Forcing Doflamingo to retreat...]

[This not only temporarily saved Law but also allowed him to break free

from the binding lines...]

[The reason for all this wasn't Luffy's strategic timing.]

[It was entirely coincidental!]

[Luffy had been battling Doflamingo's doppelganger, crafted from lines,

on the lower level.]

[Though the avatar lacked 100% of Doflamingo's strength, it was still


[Luffy, irritated, activated Gear Third and delivered a colossal fist!]

[Not only did it obliterate Doflamingo's doppelganger, but it also

punctured a hole to the next layer...]

[Confused, it saved Law's life...]

[Doflamingo stood there, stunned...]

[Law seized this opportunity, charging towards Doflamingo at lightning


[He stepped on Doflamingo's foot to prevent escape...]

[In his other hand, he held the long sword backward!]

[Displaying his ability, he unleashed his greatest strength towards

Doflamingo's chest!]

[Doflamingo, unprepared, had no defense...]

[In this moment, his biggest flaw was exposed!]

"It's over, Doflamingo!!!"

[Law's anger erupted completely at this moment!]

[All the power condensed into a stabbing motion...]

"It worked!?"

As countless viewers witnessed this scene, their eyes lit up!

Will it all conclude here?

Will Doflamingo be utterly defeated?


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Chapter 134 : Hakuba??

Just as everyone anticipated Law's attack would swiftly end Doflamingo,

concluding the battle abruptly.

However, in the very next moment, an unexpected turn of events


Law, brimming with anger, wielded a sword that pierced through all


A golden opportunity presented itself to vanquish Doflamingo on the spot

or, at the very least, inflict severe injuries.

Doflamingo, initially dazed, found himself unable to evade. Yet, through

the manipulation of his thread fruit, he skillfully redirected Law's arm

with a swift pull.

The sword veered off course, missing Doflamingo entirely, slipping

through harmlessly.


Doflamingo seized the opportunity, delivering a powerful kick to Law's

body and once again subduing him underfoot!

A golden opportunity squandered, turning into a perilous situation for


Regret filled Law's heart as Doflamingo's sinister smile persisted.

The balance of the battle, once more, tilted in Doflamingo's favor.

Witnessing this scene, viewers worldwide wore expressions of dismay.

Meanwhile, Luffy remained entangled with Doflamingo's doppelganger,

not in a position to rescue Law as in the previous stroke of luck.


The screen continued to unfold, but the focus shifted from the clash

between Law, Luffy, and Doflamingo to the skirmish between Cavendish,

Bartolomeo, and others against the Doflamingo family cadres.

Franky and Senior Pink admired each other's resilience, and the battle

remained evenly matched.

Zoro engaged in a fierce duel against the colossal Pica, whose rock giants

wreaked havoc.

Zoro, nimble and armed with three knives, skillfully disrupted Pica's

attacks, preventing the stone giant from unleashing its true power.

Despite the prolonged confrontation, Zoro's excitement grew with every

slash against the gigantic target.


Meanwhile, Kyros, reverting to his true form, clashed with Diamanti, a

seasoned cadre, fueled by deep-seated grudges.

[Before Kyros was transformed into a toy, he held the title of Dressrosa's

mightiest gladiator, earning him the undefeated moniker!]

[Diamanti, too, gained the reputation of being the unrivaled champion in

the arena after Doflamingo took control of Dressrosa, and he, too,

remained undefeated...]

[The true unbeatable champion will be revealed after their imminent


[Confronting each other on the sunflower-filled grass, they executed fatal

moves, leaving no room for hesitation...]

[Meanwhile, Doflamingo family's other two executives, Lao G and Baby5,

found themselves in a bizarre situation during their duel against Sai.]

[Baby5, unable to refuse any request, unintentionally fell in love with


[In an unexpected turn of events, before the battle concluded, a powerful

Doflamingo family executive defected, becoming Sai's wife...]

[In his haste, Sai kicked Don Chinjao's proud awl head to prevent any

attacks on Baby5...]

[Don Chinjao, tears streaming, not only wasn't angered but was thrilled

to the core, boldly proclaiming Sai had finally surpassed him as a man!]

[On the spot, Don Chinjao handed over leadership of theHappo Marine to

Sai, acknowledging him as the new leader!]

[In this moment, Sai not only embraced his newfound beauty but also

inherited a formidable force!]

[This unexpected turn left even Sai bewildered by the unfolding events!]

[Viewers watching the live broadcast were equally stunned—what in the

world was happening?]

[Sai, this guy, seemed to be winning at life! He not only had a stunning

wife but also gained a significant power boost! This luck was unheard


[Ignoring the size and strength of theHappo Marine, the defection of a

Doflamingo family executive, especially someone as capable as Baby5,

was a stroke of incredible luck!]

[Baby5, with her beauty and versatile weapon-summoning abilities,

proved to be a valuable asset. Her obedience only added to the incredible

twist of events, leaving viewers in disbelief...]

[Even the Revolutionary Army, the Four Emperors Pirates, and the

Marine headquarters were left speechless after witnessing the unfolding


[It seemed as though Sai had devoured the Luck Fruit itself. His fortunes

were enviable...]

[Sai, embracing his newfound beauty, experienced a significant boost in

combat prowess...]

[Even facing the formidable Lao G, Sai emerged victorious, overcoming

the opponent's strength under the surge of newfound power...]

[This victory against Lao G further lessened the pressure on the group by

reducing the Doflamingo family's cadre count...]

[Simultaneously, on another front, the giant Hajrudin confronted

Machvise, a user of the Ton-Ton fruit ability...]

[Machvise, capable of manipulating his weight to reach tens of tons,

posed a considerable threat to Hajrudin...]

[Despite initial struggles, with Hajrudin enduring severe damage and

immobility, he tapped into his strong willpower, fueled by the admiration

of Luffy and others...]

[In a desperate turn of events, Hajrudin unleashed all his power, defying

the odds.]

[At this moment, the formidable might of the giant race was boldly


[Unexpectedly, opposing the massive weight of Machvise, tens of tons in

stature, he punched it skyward!]

[Dressrosa found itself enclosed by Doflamingo's lines!]

[Machvise soared into the air, colliding head-on with the birdcage...]

[A razor-sharp silk thread swiftly morphed and severed it open!]

[With a splatter of blood, there was no room for doubt...]

[He joined the ranks of the Doflamingo family cadres eliminated,

following Sai's conquest of Baby5 and victory over Lao G!]

[Though Hajrudin was also fatigued and couldn't help but slump to the


[Without a doubt, the reduction of Doflamingo family cadres once more

tilted the balance in this battle...]

[For Luffy's side, a slight leaning again...]

In just a few frames, the Doflamingo family cadre members lost three:

Baby5, Lao G, and Machvise!

This also revealed a glimmer of victory to everyone!

While the outlook for the battle against Doflamingo wasn't optimistic

with Law and Luffy present,

At least, in these factions...

The tide was gradually turning! This realization dawned on everyone!

It turned out that those Doflamingo family cadre members, who initially

appeared invincible,

were not without vulnerabilities!

At least, with the unwavering efforts of Sai, Hajrudin, and others who

followed Luffy with devotion, they were striving to rescue Dressrosa and

defeat Doflamingo!

Although... Baby5's defection was somewhat surprising!

Yet, turning enemies into allies was also a commendable feat!

[Apart from Luffy and Law, the most intense battle occurred on

Bartolomeo and Cavendish side!]

[Although both of them were formidable, even exceptionally so!]

[They faced Gladius!]

[With explosive fruit abilities, Gladius was, among the Doflamingo family

cadres, quite a challenge...]

[Second only to sugar and pica, his powers were tricky!]

[Gladius could move freely in any direction]

[Bartolomeo struggled, relying on his own barrier fruit powers...]

[However, Cavendish rushed forward to defeat him in a haste to

showcase his skills!]


[Evidently, confronted with the constant explosions from Gladius's

abilities, Cavendish fell straight to the ground as soon as he engaged.]

[This left Bartolomeo feeling both anxious and speechless.]

[But in the next moment...]

[A terrifying scene unfolded!]

[Cavendish, who was knocked unconscious, slowly rose again.]

[Yet, at this moment, he lacked the nobility and grace of the prince from


[Instead, he bore a demonic countenance that instilled unparalleled

dread, just a glance enough to make one shiver!]

[At this moment, Bartolomeo suddenly recalled a similar incident in the


[The demon within him... was unleashed!]

[This meant that Cavendish's true strength would now be boldly



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Chapter 135 : Barrier Pistol!

Witness the astonishing visage of Cavendish in the image!

Even numerous onlookers were left in awe!

Having observed the entire live stream, they were already well aware.

Cavendish is a stunning supernova of the New World! His bounty has

skyrocketed to a staggering 280 million!

You see, once a bounty exceeds 100 million, it earns the title of a super

rookie! And here we have a colossal sum of 200 million...

The title of supernova signifies that Cavendish is the most renowned

figure among the new generation of pirates in the New World!

Endowed with immense potential!

This, in itself, is a testament to his strength!

Moreover, it signifies that Cavendish, as a pirate, is acknowledged as a

threat by the World Government! However, the most disconcerting aspect

is not Cavendish himself but... his second personality!

"I'm approaching, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"I witnessed it in the arena, and his state during nightmares is genuinely


"That countenance is akin to a demon!"

"The state he enters when asleep is worth at least double his bounty when


Many viewers watched with wide eyes, simultaneously feeling a sense of

unease in their hearts.

After all, the state in which Cavendish falls asleep is undeniably


[Due to the explosion of Gladius, the area was shrouded in smoke.]

[Bartolomeo maintains the barrier without any knowledge of the

situation outside.]

[It remains unclear what has transpired with Cavendish now!]

[Only his second personality surfaced and vanished...]

[Even Gladius is clueless about his whereabouts, or he too comprehends

the terror of Cavendish in his second state.]

[Intentionally concealed...]

[Coincidentally, at this juncture, another member of the Doflamingo

family, the half-fish man Dellinger, ascended to the upper level.]

[At this moment, having defeated a group following Luffy, he unwittingly

reached the upper level.]

[But in the next instant...]

[A flash of white light!]


[A streak of blood suddenly appeared on Dellinger's body!]

[He was horrified, what is happening?]

[He couldn't even discern the foe clearly, why was he struck with a

sudden attack?]

[Suddenly, the nightmarish visage of Cavendish loomed before his eyes.]

[Confronted with this devil-like countenance, Dellinger was petrified...]

[In an instant, Cavendish moved, his speed so swift the naked eye

couldn't keep pace!]

[In less than a second, he unleashed a flurry of hundreds of slashes!]

[Poor Dellinger, bereft of a chance to react, succumbed to panic...]

[Cut into ribbons, he collapsed to the ground in despair.]

[Rendered entirely combat ineffective...]

This spectacle once again left many people astounded... Countless

spectators were dumbfounded.

"This, this... This prowess is even more formidable than when he was in

the arena."

"I can't believe it, Dellinger was knocked down, and I barely saw it!"

"Cavendish truly lives up to being a supernova; his strength is truly


"No, it's safe to say that his second personality's strength is unparalleled,

and his combat effectiveness is simply terrifying!"

"Such an individual is nothing short of a demon, not just in terms of

strength, merely seeing his face frightened me..."

Cavendish's strength in the state of sleeping frightened many people.

The cadre members of the Doflamingo family were known for their

formidable strength. Even Dellinger, a half-fish man whose appearance

seemed unorthodox, possessed strength that was by no means weak.

However, this formidable individual was directly vanquished by

Cavendish in his Nightmare state, a fact that struck fear into the hearts of


In the capital of water...

"Is this the supernova of the future?"


Robin gazed at the sky and couldn't help but smile and sigh.

Cavendish also left a deep impression on most of the Straw Hats' crew.

The overwhelming sense of oppression emanating from him was simply

too strong.

Sanji casually smoked a cigarette and asked, "Green algae head, both he

and you wield swords. How do you assess his strength?"

Zoro's expression turned serious, "Under normal conditions, I can easily

overpower him in combat."

"But when his second personality emerges... his combat effectiveness is

doubled instantly!"

"Whether it's speed or sword control, it's pinpoint accurate!"

"If I were to face him..."

"With my current strength, winning might prove a bit challenging."

These words didn't surprise anyone. After all, Zoro, aside from Luffy, was

considered the strongest member of the entire Straw Hat Pirates. If even

he admitted that Cavendish was formidable and posed a challenge, then

Cavendish's strength was undeniably significant.

However, the crew members weren't disheartened by this revelation.

Today's Zoro far surpassed their expectations. As newcomers, they

understood that the level shown on the live broadcast screen was


They believed that as they grew and developed, they would eventually

reach a point where even facing a supernova like Cavendish would result

in a resounding victory.

"[Cavendish's strength in the second personality state is truly terrifying!]"

[But the only drawback is..."]

[He can't distinguish between friend and foe!]

[At this moment, he seems to be targeting everyone, whether friend or


[After dealing with Dellinger, his focus shifted to Bartolomeo, not far


[Seeing this, Bartolomeo was immediately taken aback!]

[Cavendish appeared before him in an instant, and with a swift motion,

he wielded his knife!]


[Bartolomeo had always maintained his barrier!]

[This impregnable barrier seemed impenetrable, no matter how powerful

Cavendish was.]

[This brought him relief...]


[At that moment, on the towering rock wall above, Robin utilized the

powers of flowers and fruits.]

[Hands sprouted one after another from the sheer rock surface, climbing

upwards with the intention of assisting Luffy and the others.]

[Cavendish couldn't affect Bartolomeo, so he turned his attention to



[Cavendish in the second personality state moved so swiftly that he

disappeared in the blink of an eye.]

[At that moment, Bartolomeo panicked!]

[His greatest admiration was reserved for Luffy, along with everyone in

the Straw Hat Pirates!]

[Seeing that Robin was in imminent danger, but unable to assist


[Fortunately, Robin's abilities were not to be underestimated!]

[No matter how fast Cavendish was, in an instant, several arms grew

from Robin's body.]

[They tightly restrained him, rendering him unable to move!]

[Fortunately, at this moment, the subdued Cavendish finally came to his


[Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief…]

[Gladius has appeared…]

[Didn't know when, on the rock wall behind Robin and Cavendish, he

created a massive bomb!]

[Moreover, he himself became a bomb and approached Bartolomeo…]

["As a user of the exploding fruit power, I can turn everything into a

bomb, including myself!"]

["Although your barrier fruit is indestructible, it can only protect one


["As long as I detonate myself, then the bomb on the wall will also be


["Now, are you going to protect Robin and Cavendish or yourself…"]

[A mischievous smile appeared on Gladius's face.]

[If Bartolomeo uses his ability to protect Robin and the two, then he

himself will be blown up!]

[But if he protects himself, his idol Robin will die…]

[This is a difficult choice, and it is also a test of humanity!]

When countless viewers saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel


The choices Bartolomeo faces now are ten difficult ones!

On one side is his own life, on the other hand is his own idol worship

life! What exactly should he choose?

Although along the way, everyone saw Bartolomeo's worship of the Straw

Hat Pirates.

That level of worship can be called obsession…

Now, however, it is up to his life as a choice.

Can he give up his safety for the sake of his admirers? Nobody knows…

But at this moment, a small group feels that Bartolomeo will choose to

protect Robin.

But most people think that he will use the barrier to protect himself…

After all, in front of life, everything is a floating cloud!

Even if he avoids choosing to save his life, no one will say anything…

However, the picture of the next scene surprised everyone!

[After Bartolomeo heard Gladius's words, he didn't have the slightest



[In an instant, he activated the barrier ability!]

[Not to protect himself, not to protect Robin, but…]

[Directly wrapped himself in it with Gladius!]

["Cavendish, hurry up and take Robin Senpai to safety!"]

["Leave it to me here!"]

[He knows very well that no matter which choice, the enemy will not


[So he intends to control the explosion within this barrier, sacrificing his

own safety… To die with the enemy!]

[As for Robin… He firmly believes that as his idol, she will never fall!]

[With the help of Cavendish, the two of them will definitely be able to


[Bartolomeo at this moment, don't mention how many men there are…]

[Gladius was also shocked, but now the explosion has begun and cannot

be stopped.]


[With an earth-shattering explosion, he and the bomb on the rock wall

detonated simultaneously!]

[Creating a deafening sound!]

[Fortunately, Robin, with the help of Cavendish, barely climbed the rock

wall with all her strength and was not affected by the explosion.]

[But within the barrier…]

[Bartolomeo and Gladius were both seriously injured and dying]

[The two fell to the ground, covered in injuries, and were extremely


[But as a user of the fruit ability, Gladius is slightly better, managing to

stand up despite being accidentally injured by his own bomb.]

[And in the direction of Robin and the others, slowly walked…]

[He wants to continue using his explosive ability to bring down the two

people on the rock wall!]

[Bartolomeo lying on the ground, moving a little…]

[But for the sake of his predecessors, for his idols, he stood up again!]

[Even though he kept panting, his face had an unshakable firmness!]

["Luffy-Senpai, you have always been my goal to move forward!"]

["It is my greatest motivation to come to this sea!"]

["This time, lend me your power!"]

["Let me defeat the enemy in front of me!"]

[Bartolomeo used his last strength to focus the barrier ability in his fist!]

[Then jumped high towards Gladius!]

[At this moment, he used Luffy's signature move…]

["Barrier barriers… Pistol!!!"]

[Bartolomeo at this time, poured all his strength and will into it!]

[For all the worship and admiration of Luffy, let him punch this punch!]

[This unanimously honors his idol… One punch!]


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Chapter 136 : Zoro's Attack!

["This punch of mine carries the will of Luffy-Senpai!"]

"I will never lose to you!!!"

[Bartolomeo roared, using all his strength and smashing out fiercely!]


[This punch landed, and in an instant, blood sprayed everywhere!]

[Gladius fell to the ground, motionless...]

[Although he is a man of explosions, being confined in a small space by

Bartolomeo's self-sacrificing technique.]

[Also, he suffered a lot of damage...]

[So, at this moment, he is undoubtedly at the mercy of the powerful

crossbow, and he will be completely unconscious with just a little more


[Now, under Bartolomeo's tribute fist...]

[He finally couldn't bear it at all and was eliminated directly!]

[And Bartolomeo, after throwing this punch, was also completely


[The whole person knelt on the ground and muttered:]

["Luffy-senpai, I did it…"

Water 7!

"This kid…"

When Zoro and Sanji saw this scene, they couldn't help but show a smile

on their faces: "It's truly enough!"

"Doflamingo's subordinate who ate the explosive fruit is very strong."

"I didn't expect him to defeat it single-handedly!"

"Yes, although it looks a little miserable, I have to say…"

"What a battle!"

Luffy sat in front of him, looking at Bartolomeo's back, and also gave a

thumbs up with a brilliant face!

"Barto… In the future, we will meet!"

"At that time, I will definitely thank you fiercely, I will be so supportive!"

At the same time, in unknown seas!

A pirate ship is slowly setting sail…

Although this pirate group looks very large and magnificent! And it

seems that there are many little brothers on the ship, but...

But they all seemed very flustered!

It seems that whether it is sailing, steering, or knowing the direction of

the sea!

The first man with a green head was anxiously holding a Den Den Mushi,

calling someone.

"Grandma, Grandma, we just went to sea now!"

"This boat hit by the waves is too swaying, what should I do?"

"Then by the way, how to get to the Grand Line?"

"To the left or to the right…"

This man is the number one fan brother of Luffy and the others…

Bartolomeo! Whether he is the captain or the other younger brothers on


They are all bullies in the small town, and they don't know anything

about going to sea.

Everything depends on the phone worm to contact the village granny…

However, at this moment, a little brother suddenly exclaimed towards


"Boss, boss..."

Bartolomeo's anger surged, and he slapped it forcefully.

"Didn't you see me talking to Grandma on the phone?"

"How many times do I have to say it? Call me Captain!"

The younger brother looked upset. "Yes, Captain. I just wanted you to see

the live sky screen."

Upon hearing this, Bartolomeo immediately raised his gaze. After reading

about himself sacrificing to buy time for Robin-senpai and paying tribute

to Luffy, he knocked down Gladius with a single punch.

He was moved to tears instantly.


"It's truly an honor to be able to lift the danger for Robin senpai. I didn't

expect that I would use Luffy-Senpai's signature move."

"Although it's not as impressive as Luffy-Senpai, I have to say..."

"I'm so charming!"

"I must set sail quickly and meet Luffy-senpai!"

"Little brothers, set sail quickly. Our goal: Grand Line..."

With Bartolomeo's shout, everyone was suddenly motivated.

Although it all seemed rushed, it must be said...

They managed to stabilize the ship and set sail leisurely...

[With Gladius defeated...]

[Now, several cadres of the Doflamingo family have lost more than half!]

[The battle between the two real men, Franky and Senior Pink, is also

nearing its end...]

[Although Franky was initially beaten, with the ability of swim fruit...]

[But later, Franky suddenly broke out, revealing his powerful arsenal...]

[He turned defeat into victory and defeated Senior Pink...]

[At the same time, he earned his respect!]

[As a cadre of the Doflamingo family, Senior Pink is evidently unique...]

[Despite their fierce battle, they recognized each other and became both

enemies and friends!]

[On the other side...]

[Dwarves also rescued their own princess.]

[For this, all members of the Dwarves clan are extremely happy!]

[Fujitora, as Admiral, may not be able to fight Doflamingo.]

[But since he chose to bet on Luffy, it is only natural that he cannot stand

idly by!]

[Facing the now chaotic Dressrosa, he led his Marine soldiers.]

[Across the land, rescuing the masses affected by the ongoing conflict...]

[Simultaneously, on the upper floor of the palace...]

[The confrontation between Kyros and Diamante intensifies!]

[Initially challenged by Diamante's ripple fruit abilities, Kyros found

himself at a disadvantage.]

[However, with Robin's timely arrival and the aid of the Flower Fruit

ability, the tide turned instantly!]

[Kyros, spurred on by Rebecca, grasped his sword and unleashed the

mightiest strike of his life!]

[Under the impact of this strike...]

[Diamante, taken aback, dared not make a move, conceding momentum

to Kyros!]

[Ultimately, he was brought down by the force of the sword!]

[Crashing to the ground, his fate uncertain...]

[Interestingly, the spot where Diamante fell coincided with the location

where Rebecca's mother had previously fallen.]

[At this moment, all grievances were resolved!]

[Kyros's long-held grudges were entirely released at this moment!]

[Diamante, the high-ranking Doflamingo family member, suffered a

complete defeat and could no longer continue the fight...]

As the scene unfolds,

Members of the Doflamingo family's cadre fall one after another...

Cheers erupt from the global audience! Now, thanks to the collective


With the exception of the Pica and Trebol cadres, all Doflamingo family

cadres have been defeated!

Violet and Baby5, once at odds, have now allied themselves with the

Straw Hat crew...

Everything is looking increasingly favorable!

It's as if the scales of victory are tipping in Luffy's favor!

Countless individuals around the world, hoping for Luffy's triumph to

save Dressrosa, rejoice in their hearts!


Many influential figures from various factions, despite witnessing this

situation, remain concerned and refrain from excessive excitement.

It's not that they don't desire Luffy's victory, but...

They are well aware that Luffy and his allies are confronting their most

formidable adversary.

The Doflamingo family's cadre, formidable as they may be, collectively

pale in comparison to their leader—Doflamingo!

This individual represents the most significant threat!

Until Luffy and Law overcome him, all the efforts of everyone else will be

in vain!

At least, that's the current perspective...

The ongoing battle between Luffy and Law doesn't look promising.

One of them is ensnared by a doppelganger, and the other is severely

injured and on the brink of defeat! As for Doflamingo, aside from taking

a punch in the opening moments...

There were hardly any injuries.

The outcome of this battle, the winners and losers, remained unclear...

[Battles unfolding in every corner of Dressrosa.]

[Communicated to all present by Violet through her unique ability...]

[This revelation exposed the repeated failures of Doflamingo family's


[Joy filled everyone, even King Riku!]

[At this moment, they finally grasped...]

[Luffy and his comrades possessed the potential to defeat Doflamingo!]

[This realization also brought intense shame to those who had previously

pursued Luffy and his crew for the bounty...]

[Their actions were truly outrageous...]

[Rather than being grateful to their saviors, they were blinded by the

allure of the bounty!]

[Such behavior, truly beastly and forever etched in their hearts...]

[Even if they were to awaken now, the shame would persist!]

[Pica, engaged in battle with Zoro, had an extensive view due to

transforming into a stone giant.]

[Naturally, he witnessed the various events in Dressrosa and the repeated

failures of the executives.]

[He also observed Violet and King Riku, along with the cheers for


[In that moment, he realized that his objective wasn't merely tangling

with Zoro!]

[Rather, he aimed to use his colossal size to crush these conspicuous


[So, he headed towards King Riku and the others...]

[Due to the vast difference in size, Pica moved swiftly, and Zoro couldn't

keep up!]

[Even if Zoro continued slashing, in the next second, Pica's stone body

would regenerate!]

[Zoro's expression turned extremely serious...]

[He understood that if Pica reached Violet and Usopp, everyone would be

reduced to a pulp!]

[I must halt him before he wreaks complete havoc!]

[In this life-and-death crisis for his comrades, Zoro unleashed his full


[With the combined strength of his allies, he propelled Pica high into the

air, aiming him at Pica's head!]

[Three swords whirled in Zoro's hands and mouth...]

[A terrifying force began to surge...]

[He resolved to execute his most formidable technique to date!]

["Three Blades Flow Mystery. Grand Version. Three Thousand Worlds.

The Boundless Universe!!!"]

The roar echoed with an immensely fearsome sword shadow, and at that

moment... it erupted over Dressrosa!

A colossal power that swept away everything!

This devastating strike left everyone plunged into profound shock!


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Chapter 137 : Law, Dead?

"This sword..."

"Already possesses the prowess of the world's top swords!"

"There are qualifications worthy of facing me head-on!"

Hawkeye observed as Zoro swung his sword in the live screen, his

expression grave.

These words also caught everyone around off guard...

After all, Hawkeye, as the world's top swordsman, held absolute authority

over swords!

The fact that he deemed it worth confronting was proof enough that after

several major battles...

Zoro, the second in command of the Straw Hat Pirates and their

swordsman, had made significant strides!

They vividly recalled that during the clash with Moria, Hawkeye's

assessment of Zoro was merely acknowledging potential.

Against Enel, the evaluation barely caught the eye.

By the time CP9 arrived, the evaluation had improved somewhat,

catching the attention of those witnessing his growth.

And now...

In just the seventh of the ten peak battles, Zoro had already caught the

eye of Hawkeye! The growth of Zoro... It was substantial!

In fact, everyone present could see the power of this sword!

The sheer momentum was terrifying, enough to command the attention

of most present!

Jinbei, too, clasped his hands over his chest, expressing surprise: "It

seems genuinely challenging for you to provide such an evaluation."

"This swordsman with green hair seems to harbor great potential."

Hawkeye nodded slowly, "He has matured rapidly. Though he still falls

short of me, I believe..."

"With his potential, he might genuinely become an opponent who

compels me to be serious in the future!"

"Although, I'm uncertain about the timeframe..."

As he spoke, a faint excitement flashed in Hawkeye's eyes.

He had long yearned for worthy adversaries...

Apart from the red-haired Shanks, there were few swordsmen on these

seas who could genuinely engage him.

Now, witnessing someone with the potential to reach that echelon once

more, it was impossible not to be thrilled...


[With Zoro's sword swing!]

[Instantly, the formidable sword aura carried an unparalleled power,

sweeping through everything!]

[Even Pica's immensely colossal form succumbed to this slash...]

[Cutting through it directly!]

[This spectacle astonished everyone, including King Riku and Violet


[They hadn't anticipated Zoro's swordsmanship proficiency being so


[Unexpectedly, even the colossal stone giant was sliced directly, covering

a range of at least hundreds of meters...]

[However, even so, it didn't mean Pica had been defeated!]

[The properties of his Devil Fruit enabled him to conceal himself

anywhere within the stone.]

[Even if the colossal stone figure he embodied was cleaved open, he

could instantly hide within the remaining stones, unaffected by the


[This, Zoro naturally understood...]

[He knew he mustn't let Pica touch the ground, or else he'd burrow

underground again!]

[Although numerous stones stood before him, Zoro remained undeterred,

declaring, "Just cut them all off!"]

[Zoro, once again, unleashed his strength, brandishing three knives in the

air with relentless vigor!]

[With each breath, countless stones crumbled into pieces smaller than a


[Eventually, there was no escape for Pica, compelling him to make his

presence known.]

[Upon appearing, he promptly unleashed his Armament Haki, intending

to counter Zoro's onslaught and drive him to the ground.]

[However, as soon as the surface was touched, countless colossal stone

figures could be summoned again...]

[But Zoro was determined not to let him have his way.]

["Do you think Armament Haki alone can block me?"]

["How naive..."]

[Zoro grinned wickedly, his words dripping with mockery.]

[Pica, insulted as the highest-ranking member of the Doflamingo family,

seethed with anger.]

[Suddenly, he took the initiative to advance!]

[Zoro responded by activating his Armament Haki, enveloping both arms

and the sword itself.]

[And then, the black sword emerged...]

["Three Thousand Worlds!"]

[In that moment, a terrifying sword light flashed once more!]

[Pica, despite using Armament Haki, was like a radish, vulnerable under

the force of the sword...]

[As the highest-ranking cadre of the Mingge family, he lay defeated...]

[Rendered completely ineffective in combat!]

[Amidst the falling stones from the sky, he crumpled to the ground,

lacking the strength to stand.]

[At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded...]

[Countless people hadn't expected such a formidable adversary to be

defeated so effortlessly by Zoro!]

[It turned out that, in addition to Captain Luffy...]

[The entire Straw Hat Pirates possessed such a formidable crew!]

[At this moment, the hope for victory in the battle surged once again...]


Marine headquarters!

"Black sword?"

Hawkeye observed the scene, momentarily surprised.

But soon, a smile graced his face...

"It seems I underestimated this kid earlier. His swordsmanship has

improved significantly since then..."

"It's not just a little stronger; he has even condensed the black sword,

earning the right to be called a Sword Master!"

A true swordsman, regardless of their swordsmanship, needs to protect

their sword. The black sword, an imposing manifestation of Haki, not

only enhances the sword's strength but also shields it from harm in battle.

It amplifies the sword's power even further!

The ability to condense the sword into a black form signifies true

strength as a swordsman!

At this point, Zoro was undoubtedly a swordsman to be proud of

worldwide. Hawkeye, as the world's top swordsman, wasn't usually

swayed by the abilities of the black sword.

If he witnessed other swordsmen wielding the black sword, he might not

react at all.

However, observing Zoro's rapid growth, from initially swinging his

swords recklessly to seamlessly integrating them into every aspect of

combat, surprised and excited him!

This kid's talent surpassed expectations!


Hawkeye was unaware that Zoro's technique of condensing the black

sword was taught by him personally!

It's just that it wasn't shown on the live broadcast screen, so he remained

unaware... Strictly speaking, Zoro is also half his disciple!

Mihawk cultivated him to challenge himself in the future as a

swordsman... Meanwhile!

While Hawkeye was still amazed by Zoro's remarkable progress, the

others were astonished by this sword...

Doflamingo, who crouched behind table, wore an extremely dark

expression on his face... Presently, on the live broadcast screen,

his subordinates were falling one after another.

Even the formidable Pica has been slashed and incapacitated.

Only Trebol remains standing.

Could it be that his own subordinates are so feeble?

But soon, Doflamingo's gloomy face revealed a sinister smile.

However, his smiling face looked terrifying!

Even if the subordinates lose their combat effectiveness one by one, so

what? As long as they are alive, the Straw Hats and their gang won't be

able to stir up any storms! Even... the whole Dressrosa!

No winds or waves can be stirred!

Under their own birdcage, everyone will perish! No one can escape their


[At this moment, Luffy is still entangled by Doflamingo's doppelganger! ]

[Even Bellamy, who was brainwashed by Doflamingo! ]

[Luffy has always regarded Bellamy as a friend, so he is reluctant to hurt

him! ]

[But right now, watching him hurt himself even if he didn't hesitate to

hurt himself, but also to prove himself like Doflamingo, he was finally


"My goal is to bring down Doflamingo and save the whole of Dressrosa!"

["I'm not here to accompany you..."]

["Since you are so unconscious, then I will wake you up!"]

[When Bellamy bounced over with all his strength, Luffy punched


[Huge power, directly let Bellamy fall into a baby-like sleep.]

[No matter how fancy he plays, in the face of absolute power, everything

is in vain!]

[How similar this scene is to the scene on Gaya Island under the empty


[At the same time, on the upper floor of the palace!]

[Law was also completely subdued by Doflamingo, and he didn't have the

slightest power to resist at all!]

[Doflamingo looked at him playfully, "Although your end is only a dead

end, it is better to..."]

["Before you die, how about using the power of your surgical fruit to give

me eternal life?"]

["In exchange, I can promise you any conditions..."]

[Law smiled, "Okay, then you can resurrect Corazon, and by the way,

kowtow to the entire people of Dressrosa on your knees and confess your


[At this moment, Doflamingo is angry...]

[He found himself talking well again and again, but in exchange for the

ridicule of the other party!]

[Do you really think you are good-tempered?]

["Corazon, Corazon, since you like him so much, then I will send you to

meet him!"]

[Doflamingo directly pulled the trigger in his hand, and the gun sounded

and hit Law's body.]

[Shot after shot, until all the bullets are fired...]

[At this moment, Law has already been shot several times in his body,

falling in a pool of blood, motionless]

Seeing this scene, all the audience in the world was stunned... Law...


No way...

But if he is not dead, how can he explain the blood on his body? Is

Doflamingo really invincible...

Now that only Luffy is left, he can really trip Doflamingo.

Save the whole of Dressrosa...


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Chapter 139 : Over??

Doflamingo, I fear it's utterly hopeless... The cheers for Luffy and Law's

triumph echoed everywhere! However...

Whitebeard, seated in the center, refrained from joining the jubilation.

His gaze fixed upon the sky, an inscrutable expression etched on his

solemn countenance...

As the paramount figurehead, he shared the same sentiment as the

dragon. This battle felt far from its conclusion.

Doflamingo's prowess was all too familiar to him...

If he truly succumbed in such a straightforward manner, it would appear

a tad too predictable... The capital of water!

"Luffy, have we emerged victorious?"

Nami's excitement prompted her to leap into the air. Even Smoker,

Tashigi, and the others wore smiles.

Dressrosa's trials had been arduous.

Throughout the journey, even the Mingge Family's executives proved

formidable adversaries! Yet, in the end, it was all worthwhile!

Doflamingo, in the end, had indeed been vanquished...

However, Luffy's demeanor remained serious, casting a somber mood

upon the celebration. As soon as he spoke, a hush fell over everyone.

"No, the battle is far from over!"

"Doflamingo stated that with his demise, the birdcage would vanish."

"But as of now, the birdcage persists..."

Upon hearing this, a collective bewilderment settled in, and all eyes

turned upward. In the image, although Doflamingo lay prone on the

ground, the all-encompassing birdcage surrounding Dressrosa continued

its gradual constricting! If he had truly lost, why hadn't the birdcage


Could it be... He's not yet deceased? Unthinkable...

Even if Law had shattered his heart completely, if he couldn't perish in

such a state...

Would he still be considered human?

...Red-Haired Pirates!

As the most closely aligned pirate crew with Luffy, the entire Red-Haired

Pirates eagerly anticipated witnessing Luffy and his comrades triumph

over Brother Ming!

Upon witnessing Brother Ming's collapse, the crew erupted in joy.

In a moment, raised glasses poised for celebration, Shanks and Beckman

remained fixated on the sky.

"What are your thoughts?"

Shanks inquired aloud.

After a moment of contemplation, Beckman responded, "It seems it's not

over yet."

Shanks nodded, "Indeed, that's the impression I get..."

"In the preceding three battles, there was always a twist with rewards!"

"Yet, here in Dressrosa, it remains absent..."

Beckman concurred, "True, considering Doflamingo's strength, he

shouldn't lose so easily!"

"I've seen him master his Devil Fruit ability to near perfection!"

"But in this current conflict, he hasn't fully unleashed it, I suspect..."

"Now is not the time for celebration."

Ghost Island!


"Doflamingo, this lad, defeated so effortlessly?"

"How is this possible..."

Kaido, witnessing the scene, stood dumbfounded.

He couldn't fathom that Luffy and his allies could prevail so effortlessly.

However, the undeniable truth lay before him, forcing him to

acknowledge it!

Despite their business ties, with Doflamingo's demise, wouldn't his

interests crumble?

Suddenly, Kaido seethed with rage.

He unleashed his fury... Universally!

Auntie, caught off guard, couldn't believe her eyes.

In utter disbelief, she even neglected the cake in her mouth.

"It's inconceivable..."

"Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords, losing to these two upstarts."

"He's not as useless as Moria."

"This outcome, it's unthinkable."

The three generals standing beside Auntie shared her astonishment.

Even Coby, who had always held Luffy in high regard, stood

dumbfounded at this turn of events... Unanticipated.

"This battle..."

"It's peculiar..."


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Chapter 140 : Conqueror Haki?

Marine Headquarters!

Amidst the widespread reactions, the atmosphere here crackled with the

highest level of excitement. Crocodile casually puffed on a cigar, his

expression deadpan as he scrutinized Doflamingo.

"Are you already dead?"

Upon hearing these words from Doflamingo, his initially grim face

suddenly contorted with frustration.

"Am I really dead?"

After muttering this, he glanced at the sky with a sigh.

Muttering to himself, "Law, this kid, I haven't seen him in so many years,

and it seems he's mastered the abilities of the Ope-Ope no Mi quite well."

"He can pull off so many incredible tricks, but..."

"Just attempting to finish me off with this..."

"Is insufficient!"

As a concernedindividual, no one understood Doflamingo better than


A shattered heart—so what?

But don't forget the Devil Fruit powers he possesses...

Just as the perplexed audience listened to Doflamingo's words, the sky

projection resumed.

"[Law and Luffy are drained.]"

"[Yet, as they gaze at each other, a smile graces their faces.]"

"[Because the current adversary has finally been utterly defeated...]"

"At the same time, the entire population of Dressrosa witnesses this

through Violet's ability."

"The moment they see Doflamingo fell..."

"The crowd erupts into thunderous cheers!"

"Many are moved to tears because of this."

"Doflamingo has finally been toppled!"


"Just when everyone is jubilant, believing it's all over..."

"A horrifying scene unfolds!"

"Doflamingo, confirmed to have his heart shattered by Law, lies in a pool

of blood, yet he rises..."

"At this instant, all the viewers watching the live broadcast screen... are

utterly dumbfounded!"

"How is this possible!"

"He... Is he not dead!?"

"Remember, Doflamingo was pierced in the heart by Law's gamma sword,

annihilating everything inside his body..."

"He isn't dead? Does he possess an immortal body!?"

Facing the audience's skepticism, the next moment...

The live broadcast screen flickers to life once more, providing everyone

with the answer!

[Doflamingo rose once more, a sight that sent shockwaves through both

Luffy and Law!]

[Even Violet and all the inhabitants of Dressrosa were left


[They couldn't fathom the reason behind it... How could he be alive!?]

[Law, naturally, was the most astonished. As the one who thrust the

gamma sword into Doflamingo's body, he understood the severity of the

damage he had inflicted!]

[Under the effects of the Gamma sword, his heart should have long

ceased to function!]

[Countless internal organs within his body had been shattered!]

[In such a state, his survival and rise to his feet were incomprehensible...]

[Could he be... not human!?]

[At this moment, Doflamingo wore a cruel and triumphant smile on his


[Highly conspicuous, he reveled in Law's stunned expression!]

[In their elated state, they could address the confusion...]

["I must admit, Law, your ability has left an impression on me..."]

["Under your assault, my body is in shambles!"]

["If it were someone else, they might genuinely be dead, but

unfortunately for you, you encountered me!"]

["I have pushed the String Fruit ability to its limits!"]

["Given enough time, I can mend shattered internal organs with the

String Fruit!"]

["Your last chance to kill me has vanished, and now..."]

["It's my turn!"]

Hearing Doflamingo's words in the scene, not only did the global

audience gasp in astonishment, but the dignitaries of numerous factions

were equally flabbergasted. Stitching up broken internal organs with


This ability was nothing short of miraculous!

In the Devil Fruit encyclopedia, the String Fruit was considered

commonplace, even mundane. However, nobody anticipated its

extraordinary potential when wielded by Doflamingo.

Not only did it boast a devastating weapon like the birdcage, but it also

possessed the capability to self-treat and repair internal organs. Truly, it

justified the maxim of developing the String Fruit to its absolute extreme!

Observing this revelation, whether it was Whitebeard, Shanks, Big Mom,

Kaido, or others, none of them could suppress a sigh.

Indeed, there were no truly worthless fruits in this world, only those yet

to be fully explored...

Yet, simultaneously, Whitebeard and Shanks harbored concerns for Luffy

once again.

The window of opportunity they had striven to create failed to vanquish


So, what would happen next? Was there still a genuine chance?

Just as everyone was eager for the ensuing scenes, poised to witness the

unfolding drama at the earliest possible moment, a surprising

interruption occurred!

[Prize quiz, now underway!]

[Select the correct answer for a reward, to be distributed upon

completion of the list!]

[Time to choose... One minute!]

[In the upcoming battle, what is the likely outcome?]

[1: Law utilizes his old technique, employs the gamma sword once more,

and collaboratively with Luffy, conclusively defeats Doflamingo! ]]

[2: Doflamingo utterly overpowers and eliminates both Law and Luffy,

resulting in the complete destruction of Dressrosa! ]]

[3: Luffy breaks free, vanquishes Doflamingo, and rescues the entirety of

Dressrosa! ]]

[4: Doflamingo takes down Law, but the Straw Hats dismantle the

birdcage and make their escape! ]]

As the sky became visible once more, numerous factions couldn't help but

be in awe.

Indeed, the moment has finally arrived!

The previous rewards had already sparked intense desire in everyone's

eyes! Even the mighty Four Emperors couldn't help but feel a twinge of


Atonement for past misjudgments!

This time, the choice had to be made carefully to reap the rewards!

Within the Marine headquarters:

"The old man picks option 3!"

"Luffy will surely conquer the foe and safeguard the kingdom; I believe in


Vice Admiral Garp wasted no time in making his selection!

After all, Luffy was his own grandson, and regardless of the

circumstances, he would stand by him! However, among the others...

Almost all the members of the Seven Warlords chose option 4!

Even Aokiji and the Kizaru joined the majority, with only Admiral

Akainu opting for option 2.

His wish was for Luffy's demise!

None present shared the same choice as Vice Admiral Garp.

Even Admiral Sengoku, who leaned towards Luffy prevailing, hesitated...

He knew all too well that the prime opportunity to defeat Doflamingo

was when Law wielded the gamma sword!

A substantial part of the success lay in Doflamingo's lack of anticipation!

Having suffered a setback, he would not fall for the same trick again.

Consequently, option 1 was scarcely feasible, and as for option 2...

Luffy wouldn't have met his end so easily; otherwise, why would this

battle be ranked seventh?

That left only two viable options: 3 and 4.

After careful consideration, Admiral Sengoku still favored option 4.

Considering the ongoing developments in the battle, the likelihood of

Luffy prevailing against Doflamingo seemed minimal!

Simultaneously, numerous formidable individuals made their choices

following contemplation.

The majority sided with option 4!

Their reasoning closely aligned with the Warlords, deeming it the most

probable outcome.

After all, even the gamma sword failed to dispatch Doflamingo, and with

his capacity to recover from internal injuries, an alternative strategy

seemed inconceivable.

Even figures as eminent as Whitebeard, Shanks, and even Dragon….

All selected option four !

Ace, who always unwaveringly believed that Luffy would emerge

victorious, naturally chose Luffy to win!

But, behold... a twisted choice!

He opted for option 1!

Similar to Ace, the numerous companions of the Straw Hat Pirates also

made option 1 their choice, excluding Sanji, Zoro, and Franky, who chose

option 3.

[One minute has arrived! ]

[The quiz with prizes has concluded, and the live broadcast continues…]

[In the face of Doflamingo's explanation, Law lying on the ground was in

utter despair.]

[He never anticipated that Doflamingo's strength had evolved compared

to more than ten years ago…]

[It's actually becoming more formidable!]

[Can such a formidable foe truly be defeated?]

[Simultaneously, the resurrected Doflamingo couldn't help but speak,

kicking Luffy in front of him fiercely!]

[Then, with determined steps, he approached Law, who couldn't move.]

["Law, allow me to personally send you on your way!"]

[Saying that, Doflamingo raised his foot, aiming it at Law's head…]

[If this kick connects, Law, currently extremely weakened, might truly be

completely finished!]

[And in the face of such a dire situation, Law couldn't help but close his

eyes in despair…]

[Doflamingo, brimming with strength, covered in Armanent Haki,

forcefully stomped down!]

[However, at this very moment!]

[Luffy… has returned!]

[He extended a foot, blocking Doflamingo's foot deadly, preventing it

from descending even a fraction more!]

[At this moment, Doflamingo was stunned…]

[But soon, an evil smile reappeared on his face!]


"Trying to save him?"]

["Then it depends on whether you have the qualifications…"]

[Doflamingo's foot exerted force, simultaneously releasing Conqueror

Haki at this moment!]

[He not only intended to eliminate Law but also to completely overpower

Luffy in terms of momentum!]

[However, what he didn't anticipate was…]

[Luffy's eyes widened, not only resisting the force on his feet but also

emanating the same… Conqueror Haki!]

[The clash of the two overlord colors produced a dark red hue visible to

the naked eye!]

[The formidable momentum swept across the entire sky at this moment!]

At this juncture, countless viewers were once again astonished…

Luffy actually possesses… Conqueror Haki!?


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