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One Piece: Луффи разоблачен

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Краткое содержание

В 1520 году по лунному календарю Луффи отправился в

путешествие к морю!

Роджера уже давно казнили, и на морях царил порядок, а флот

комфортно отдыхал в своих штабах.

Но затем внезапная прямая трансляция потрясла весь мир!

Названы десять самых выдающихся сражений!

Топ-10: Гекко Мория против Кошмарного Луффи!

Топ-8: Жестокая схватка с леопардовым Луччи, сражающимся за



Топ-6: Достойный противник, Дофламинго Нового Мира!


Топ-3: эпическое столкновение Paramount War!


Благодаря этому открытию все стали свидетелями замечательного

роста и увеличения силы Луффи.

Даже ВМФ начал осознавать надвигающуюся опасность!

От первоначального презрения и презрения их чувства постепенно

сменились страхом и восхищением.

Может ли это быть будущий Ёнко?

Нет, это будущее... король!!!


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Chapter 51 : The Moon?

Laughter echoed through the sky, accompanied by divine fury.

Enel, who has eaten Logia type devil fruit Goro Goro no mi, materialized

before Sandian, traversing a kilometer as if it were a mere second.

Each step brought destruction, as thunder and lightning either rained

from the heavens or surged from his hands, striking terror into all.

His power extended in a hundred-meter radius and could travel

thousands of meters through the rivers, instantly electrocuting any who

stood in his path.

Enel's attacks reached even the divine soldiers and Shandians engaged in

distant combat, mercilessly ending their lives.

To him, even his own subordinates were insignificant ants, blessed to

meet their end by his thunder and lightning.


"Do such people not care for their comrades?"

"He's unworthy of being the god of Skypiea!"

On a modest pirate vessel, Luffy's face contorted with rage. His bond with

his crewmates was paramount to him.

Enel's mercilessness had taken him by surprise. Enel attacked without

hesitation, disregarding his own allies.

Even behind Luffy, Zoro and Nami were taken aback. Enel's ruthlessness

was beyond their expectations.

Nami had recently joined the Straw Hat Pirates, after helping Luffy defeat

Arlong and liberating Orange Town and its surrounding villages.

The grateful citizens saw them as heroes, and Nami decided to set sail

with Luffy and Zoro on their humble pirate ship.

Nami's arrival resolved a significant challenge for Luffy and Zoro—their

lack of navigational expertise.

As a skilled navigator, Nami took on the responsibility of guiding their

way, much to the relief of the two directionally-challenged pirates.

Time passed slowly, and as Enel continued his relentless assault on the

island's inhabitants, he imposed a grim rule. He aimed to leave only five

individuals on the island within an hour.

Meanwhile, the island's two other priests fell one after another at the

hands of Luffy, Sandia, and their allies.

The price paid for this conflict was steep. The Shandians suffered

substantial losses, leaving only Weber standing, alongside Zoro, Robin,

Nami, and Gan Fall. Luffy's whereabouts remained unknown.

As Enel surveyed the remaining six individuals from his perch on a

floating cloud, he wore a mocking smile and uttered with derision, "I

predicted that there would be only five left here in an hour, but with me,

there are now six."

"The time is nearly up, but there's an extra person. What shall we do?" he


"Is this God's prophecy? We must heed it," he continued, smirking. "Or

would you prefer to eliminate one of your own comrades?"

The cruelty in Enel's words sent shivers down their spines. To him, this

battle was a mere game, and they were insignificant ants.

Zoro sneered, "If we kill you, there will be only five left."

Enel's smile widened, "Fascinating. You're a unique bunch of funny ants."

Gan Fall couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his spear and demanded,

"What is your purpose in all of this?"

Enel chuckled, "To return to where I truly belong, of course."

Their confusion was evident, but Enel pointed to a particular spot in the

night sky and explained, "I speak of an endless expanse, the realm that

only appears at night—a dreamland for this god."

"In a place like Skypiea, I have no interest. Only there is my true


The revelation left them bewildered. Could it be... the moon?

As Zoro, Nami, and the others grappled with this revelation, so did those

watching the live broadcast. Enel was heading to the moon?


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Chapter 52 : Destroying Sky


Marine Headquarters!

The members in the Marine Headquarters, including the admirals and

Warlords, were taken aback by Enel's announcement.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Admiral Kizaru (Borsalino), and Admiral Aokiji

(Kuzan) exchanged surprised glances.

Mihawk, the Warlord known as Hawk-Eye, and Boa Hancock, the Pirate

Empress, were equally astonished.

"Where could this place only appear at night?" wondered Admiral Aokiji.

"In the skies? On a distant island?"

"What if he's talking about... the moon?" chimed in Boa Hancock.

In an instant, everyone grasped the concept - what a brilliant idea! Enel

intended to journey to the moon?

Truly, the mind of a God worked differently from that of mere mortals.

The usually stoic Crocodile was so taken aback that he momentarily

forgot to puff on his cigar, sluggishly uttering, "What a clever notion. I

might even call him a little genius!"

"Didn't he consume the Thunder Fruit... and then get electrocuted by his

own electricity?" questioned Crocodile. "Could this be a side effect of that

Devil Fruit?"

Doflamingo nodded enthusiastically in agreement. "Very likely! After all,

he's constantly enveloped in electricity, and it seems to have affected his


Even the ever-serious Admiral Kizaru (Borsalino) spoke up. "It's not

beyond the realm of possibility. I recall Magellan, who was constantly

suffering from stomach ache due to the side effects of his Devil Fruit."

Admiral Aokiji (Kuzan) sighed. "Such a formidable fruit with side effects

that befuddle the mind."

"Poor kid," commented Crocodile.

Normal individuals were aware that the moon was situated 108,000

miles above the Earth's surface, making it another celestial body.

With Sky Island at their disposal and the Grand Line to explore, why

would Enel wish to venture there? Many considered it an act of madness.

Akainu, Monkey D. Garp, and even Crocodile, Doflamingo, and others

from the Marine Headquarters found Enel's notion of going to the moon

somewhat unrealistic.

But, as it turned out, there was someone who found his idea truly


"Oh?" Shanks exclaimed. "To the moon? What an interesting proposal!"

Kaido's eyes gleamed with interest. It was clear he was genuinely

intrigued by the concept.

Every time he leaped from Sky Island, even the pain of plummeting from

thousands of meters above couldn't dampen his spirits.

But what if he could jump from the moon? Now that sounded


Kaido actually found himself looking forward to the idea, even

contemplating when he might pay a visit to the Sky Island and discuss it

with Enel.

If Enel ever made it to the moon, he certainly planned to make Enel take

him along for the ride.

If the Marine Headquarters learned of Kaido's fascination with the idea,

they'd likely be dumbfounded and give him a standing ovation.

Enel was a little genius, but Kaido might just be a colossal genius!

His idea was even more audacious than Enel's.

[With Nami, Zoro, Gan Fall, Weber, and others stunned...]

[At this moment, Enel was exhilarated, as if he were sharing his dream,

which filled him with immense pride!]

"Listen, mortals, it's impossible for you to comprehend the thoughts of the


"But understand this: it's a land more wondrous than any other, and only

I, as a god, am qualified to go there!"

"And... a place like the Sky Island defies nature itself!"

[When everyone heard this, they became even more perplexed...]

"Do you mean to say you want to destroy the Sky Island?" Gan Fall

tentatively inquired.

Enel smiled, "Indeed, I want to return the entire Sky Island and everyone

on it to the land. The existence of such a place is a deviation!"

"As a god, I must rectify the existence of these anomalies, bringing

everything in line with the laws of nature. Besides, I am about to embark

on an endless journey, and without me, the Sky Island loses its purpose."

[Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions changed instantly!]

"This guy is insane!" Kizaru and Doflamingo, who had previously referred

to Enel as a little genius, were now even more baffled.

Opposing nature, bringing the Sky Island back to the Earth, adhering to

the laws of nature... Did this guy harbor such grandiose ideas? He

actually aimed to return the Sky Island to the Earth?

A harbinger of the laws of nature?

But something still felt odd about it.

Meanwhile, on Onigashima...

"Why do you want to bring down Sky Island? Where will I jump from

then?" Kaido questioned, growing impatient.

For a moment, he entertained the thought of heading to the Sky Island

right away and confronting Enel. After all, it might be an enjoyable way

to pass the time.

Sometimes, jumping and plummeting from the island's heights was rather


If the Sky Island vanished, wouldn't his future be lacking in excitement?

[Gan Fall couldn't stand it any longer. As the former god, he cherished

this land and its inhabitants more than anyone else.]

[He raised his spear and thrust it without hesitation.]

[However, Enel instantly became elemental, rendering the attack


[Simultaneously, he pinched his fingers together, and a surge of thunder

and lightning began to gather.]

[As the lightning continued to accumulate, a fearsome aura emanated

from it.]

"Ten million... volts!"


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Chapter 53 : Enel's Fate?

Sky Island!

At this very moment, on the live broadcast screen, the entire population

of Sky Island, including even the Skypieans and the wandering Conis,

were aware of Enel's scheme...

Shock and deep fear swept through everyone's hearts simultaneously.

Enel... You truly intend to annihilate Sky Island?

What kind of terrible idea is this?

It spells catastrophe for Sky Island as a whole, and for everyone living

upon it!

A sense of helplessness enveloped them all...

They yearned to resist, yet they understood the sheer might of Enel.

Going up against him would only result in one outcome... death!

At this moment, all eyes on Sky Island turned to the sky, offering a

singular prayer:

That the Straw Hat Pirates, where Luffy and his companions resided,

would defeat Enel!

Even if it's something that might only happen in the future, it would be a

beacon of hope in their current dire existence!

At the very least, it could infuse some hope into their lives...

[Enel continued to gather thunder and lightning in his hand, condensing

thousands of volts in a single breath.]

[Then, with a pointed finger, he unleashed the fearsome thunder and

lightning like a sword, striking in an instant.]

[Gan Fall fell to the ground, his helmet pierced by lightning...]

[At this moment, Nami and Zoro's faces changed dramatically!]

[They hadn't expected Enel's mastery of lightning to be so precise!]

[He could concentrate the terrifying thunder and lightning into a single

point with such piercing power!]

[Now, Gan Fall, lying on the ground, remains uncertain of his fate...]

"Now... it's your turn!"

[Enel's face bore a disdainful smile throughout, launching another bolt of

lightning towards Robin.]

[Lightning is one of the most dreadful natural forces, possessing not only

immense destructive power but also terrifying speed!]

[Robin didn't even have a chance to react and was instantly electrocuted

into unconsciousness, collapsing backward...]

Zoro swiftly caught Robin, gently placing her on the ground, then glared

at Enel in anger.

"She's a woman, and you're attacking women!?"

Enel smirked mockingly, "Women... Aren't they just ants? If they're ants,

you can crush them at will!"

Hearing this, Zoro's rage erupted, and he wasted no time, rushing at Enel

with his two knives!

Simultaneously, Wyper, aimed his long-range cannon and joined the



Facing Enel, who had a "Mantra" net, no matter how fast they moved or

how chaotic their attacks were, they couldn't land a hit.

Even after two lightning strikes, Zoro fell to the ground, trampled

beneath Enel's feet.

Wyper, too, found himself incapacitated, held in Enel's grasp, suspended

in mid-air...

Enel's power was absolutely overwhelming!

Just a few moments of combat were enough to make everyone worldwide

watching this broadcast break into a cold sweat.

They felt Enel's madness, his arrogance, and most importantly, his


Among the five, except for Nami, whose combat abilities were slightly

inferior, Zoro, Robin, Wyper, and even Gan Fall were formidable fighters.

However, in the hands of Enel, they were effortlessly dispatched.

How could they possibly confront such a foe?

They couldn't even make Enel exert himself; he casually overcame them

all with just words.

As for Luffy, the protagonist, he was nowhere to be seen.

Could Nami, the last one standing, truly turn the tide of this situation?

The crowd harbored doubts.

Such an adversary was undeniably overwhelming...

The screen resumed...

"A bunch of mortals, daring to rebel against God?"


Enel scoffed, preparing to unleash his power and finish off Wyper, who

still clung to life.

But in the next instant, he was stupefied!

Because he couldn't release his thunderbolts!

What was even more horrifying was an inexplicable sense of

powerlessness coursing through his entire body...

Enel collapsed to the ground, his expression one of disbelief.

This was the first time since his appearance that he'd been taken aback,

or perhaps... frightened!

Wyper sported a triumphant grin as his palm remained pressed against

Enel's body throughout.

"Ever heard of Seastone?"

It turned out that Wyper possessed Seastone in his possession!

He knew that to suppress Enel actively, he'd have no chance at all, thanks

to Enel's Mantra net.

The sole opportunity lay in approaching Enel voluntarily!

Now, that opportunity had finally presented itself!

"Your life... it's over!"

Under Enel's terrified gaze, Wyper's other hand, containing a Sea-Prism

Stone cannonball, inched closer to Enel's heart!


The immense impact caused countless cracks to appear in the ground,

sending Wyper flying several meters.

Enel, on the other hand, looked shocked, his eyes rolling back as his

heart stopped beating, and blood gushed from his mouth.

He remained motionless...


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Chapter 54 : Shocked!

Marine Headquarters!

Upon seeing the scene, Monkey D. Luffy was instantly satisfied.

A smile immediately appeared on Monkey D. Garp's face. "Is he dead?"

At this moment, the weight on his chest finally lifted.

Sengoku was also excited and said incredulously, "Unbelievable! That

man named Wyper actually has a Seastone in his hand!"

"Well done, this is a natural enemy of Devil Fruit abilities!"

"No matter how powerful he is, touching a Seastone renders his abilities


The Seastone possessed the same power as the sea. While it might seem

like an ordinary stone to regular people, for those with Devil Fruit

abilities, it was a formidable weapon.

It could strip them of their powers and weaken them significantly.

What Garp, Sengoku, and others did not anticipate was that the tide of

battle would turn due to a Seastone.

This was an unexpected twist.

Nevertheless, the outcome was favorable.

Struck by such a tremendous impact in the heart, even the strongest

individuals would be incapacitated!

"Luffy's crisis is over..." Both Garp and Sengoku wore smiles on their faces


On the other hand, Admiral Akainu, standing behind them, had a dark


Truth be told, he wished for Luffy and the pirates to meet their end on

that Skypiea!

However, his hopes were dashed...

The Revolutionaries!



Upon seeing this, many Revolutionary officers suddenly grasped the


They didn't anticipate that Wyper, a native of the Skypiea, would possess

a Seastone.

As soon as this object came into play, no matter how powerful Enel was,

he couldn't use his abilities!

And that Shock Cannon...

Its power was even more terrifying!

It could likely shatter even a boulder!

With such a tremendous impact, Enel was probably more than just

unconscious and spitting blood.

If not treated, he might have met his end, his heart ceasing to beat!

Dragon also thought so, and despite the surprise on his face, his tense

heart relaxed slightly.

But for some reason, he couldn't shake the feeling that things weren't that


After all, if it all ended here...

Wouldn't it be too easy?

Windmill Village!

Villagers like Dadan and Makino, after witnessing the spectacle, went

from momentary shock to extreme joy.

Ecstasy appeared on their faces.

Everyone was overwhelmed with relief.

"That island god has been defeated!"

"He lost, he really lost!"

"Luffy, they won, and there's no more danger!"

The crowd erupted in cheers.

Dadan, in particular, shed tears of joy.

Watching the earlier footage when Enel displayed his terrifying power,

she was more anxious than anyone else.

Her only concern was Luffy's safety.

But now, their enemy had been decisively defeated!

Could there be a better outcome?

And yet...

Just as everyone on the seas who cared about Luffy was celebrating and

thinking the danger had passed...

As the footage continued to play, they were left dumbfounded once more.

["Defeated... Is he defeated?"]

[Nami stood frozen in place, looking at Enel, who had fallen to the

ground unconscious a short distance away, blood trickling from the

corner of his mouth.]

[Wyper, exhausted but still confident, said, "If I use the Seastone to

neutralize his powers and then hit him in the heart with an Impact Dial,

he'll surely die!"]

[Hearing this, Nami suddenly relaxed and slumped to the ground.]

[Wyper and Zoro also got to their feet.]

[Though fatigued, they were elated that the enemy had been


[But then...].

[Thud, thud, thud!]

[Dull thuds resounded.]

"What's that sound?"

The remaining three were bewildered and turned their gaze to the fallen

Enel simultaneously.

There, they witnessed Enel, previously unconscious and with a stopped

heart, with electricity swirling inside his chest cavity.

Rhythmic surges of electricity were coursing through him.

Seeing this scene, Zoro, Nami, and Wyper were left utterly flabbergasted.

Before they could even process the situation fully, the sound ceased.

Enel... got back on his feet!

The shock at this moment was no less than having the sky fall!

There was no time for them to think. Wyper and Zoro drew their


But before they could act, they were struck down by Enel's lightning!

In that moment, a dazzling and terrifying cascade of lightning descended,

engulfing everything before it, enveloping Zoro and Wyper.

Enel's mouth still bore traces of blood, but his expression had lost its

previous sadistic and lazy look.

Instead, it was filled with...rage!!!

Everyone was stunned...

What in the world just happened?

Electrocuting himself, CPR?

Is this even possible!?

Those watching the live broadcast were left in disbelief!

Revolutionaries, pirates, the Marine...

Garp, Sengoku, Whitebeard, Shanks, the Seven Warlords, and everyone


...were all left in shock.


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Chapter 55 : Luffy vs Enel



Shanks was stunned, and the sake in his hand spilled onto the ground.

He never expected that the Goro Goro no Mi could have such


It could be used as a cardiac pacemaker for resuscitation!

Honestly, if he weren't on this Skypiea right now, he would have given a

thumbs-up to Enel himself!

The power of this fruit is beyond belief!

It's a medical marvel...

[With a thunderous strike, everything within a radius of tens of meters

was obliterated!]

[Zoro and Wyper were already exhausted, and the thunder's impact left

them lying on the ground...]

"Ants, damn it!"

Enel's face was furious, and for the first time, his eyes showed clear intent

to kill!

Immediately, he turned to Nami, the only survivor present.

Nami had long been frozen in fear, and now, seeing Enel's murderous

expression, she was even more terrified.

Without hesitation, he spoke...

"I support your idea; the Sky islands defy common sense. Only the vast

land is worthy of you."

Hearing Nami's words, Enel was slightly taken aback, and his expression


Whether Nami was telling the truth or not, she was the only one in this

group who had verbally submitted.

The greatness of a god requires witnesses!

In that case... let's not kill her just yet!

Onboard the Straw Hat Pirates' ship...

Nami was stunned. Could she really be intimidated to this extent?

However, considering that among the five present she had the weakest

combat abilities, and with Zoro, Robin, Webb, and Gan Fall defeated,

only she remained...

In such dire circumstances, who wouldn't be intimidated?

After all, this was a matter of life and death, and it was better to comply

than resist...

But when Nami turned around, she found Luffy and Zoro glaring at her

with disdain.

Nami: "..."

Soon after, Enel brought Nami to his secret base...

Here, a colossal ship awaited them...

No, it could only be described as an ark!

According to Enel, it was filled with all the gold he had collected on the

island over the years!

With the power of his Goro Goro no Mi, they could ascend into the sky

and journey to the Land of Dreams...

As soon as this image was revealed, everyone was left dumbfounded.

Did he actually mean it when he said he was going to the moon?

It seemed that he not only thought about it but also acted upon it!

Even an Ark that could fly!

Did he genuinely intend to reach the moon?

His ability to execute and take action...

For a while, no one knew whether to admire or be exasperated with


Just as Enel gazed at his masterpiece, feeling quite pleased...

Suddenly, his expression changed!

"What's this... Another presence?"

Enel's Mantra had just alerted him that, besides himself and Nami, two

other life signatures had appeared on the island suddenly.

They hadn't just arrived; they had been here long before him!

In other words, his earlier assumption of only five people left was wrong,

wasn't it?

No, as a god, he couldn't accept being wrong!

Had this person somehow evaded his Mantra's detection?

It had to be... eliminate him!

This individual's life force was... Luffy's!

He had crawled out of a giant snake's mouth in a daze, revealing that he

had been inside the snake during his disappearance.

It was the giant snake that had concealed Luffy's life force, preventing

him from being detected.

If it weren't for Enel's indiscriminate killing, the snake wouldn't have

been stunned, and Luffy wouldn't have had a chance to escape!

And it was when Luffy did escape that he was instantly caught by Enel's


But the moment Luffy emerged, he was in shock...

Because he saw Zoro, Robin, and the others unconscious on the ground!

"Who did this!?"

Luffy was filled with rage...

But soon, he found a clue and dashed toward the direction Enel and

Nami had gone.

Before long, he reached the ark...

"It's you who hurt Zoro and Robin!?"

Looking at the angry and accusing Luffy, Enel's face displayed his

trademark contemptuous smile.

He didn't answer Luffy's question directly but taunted him instead.

"Are you also a Devil Fruit user... but you're still just an ant!"

"In the face of me, who wields the power of thunder, you can only


"Earlier, you evaded my detection by the Mantra, but now... you can't


As soon as those words left his mouth, Enel waved his palm, releasing

tens of millions of volts directly at Luffy!

At this moment, the two were finally going head-to-head, and the battle

was about to begin...


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Chapter 56 : Luffy in Danger??


Inside the Marine Headquarters, Vice Admiral Garp gazed skyward with a

tense expression. Even his calloused fists couldn't help but clench.

Watching his grandson engage in battle against such a formidable

adversary, claiming that he wasn't worried would be a blatant lie.

However, fretting at this moment would be futile. Garp had no choice but

to place his hopes on Luffy, hoping that he could emerge victorious from

this conflict. Though, the chances were slim.

The other man's intentions were fundamentally different from Garp's.

That man was none other than Sakazuki, Akainu. Right now, Sakazuki's

demeanor remained calm, but beneath that facade, he was smirking.

It seemed Enel hadn't met an easy demise after all. Previously, when Enel

was incapacitated due to shock, Sakazuki had been somewhat


He hadn't expected things to conclude so effortlessly. After all, one who

had mastered the Thunder-Thunder Fruit possessed a strength that the

Straw Hat kid couldn't possibly contend with.

Now, none of Luffy's companions were in any condition to continue

fighting, leaving him to face Enel alone.

How could he possibly emerge victorious? Sakazuki could only hope that

Enel would continue to display his ruthless character and vanquish Luffy.

In doing so, Sakazuki would eliminate the concerns regarding Luffy's

potential growth. After all, Luffy was Garp's grandson, and if he were to

achieve greatness, it could pose a substantial problem.

In any case, Sakazuki firmly believed that Luffy had no chance of

winning against Enel. The possibility of survival seemed exceedingly


"As a horrifying bolt of lightning burst forth, Luffy swiftly evaded with


"The fearsome lightning struck a stone wall a hundred meters away,

instantly shattering a large area."

"Even from her hiding place at a distance, Nami couldn't help but feel

terror when she witnessed this terrifying power."

"With her abilities, she couldn't assist Luffy; all she could do was observe

from afar."

"At the same time, she prayed in her heart that Luffy would overcome

Enel and save everyone."

"Oh? He dodged!"

"But that's alright; let's see this move..."

"For Enel, the failure of his initial attack didn't surprise him in the

slightest. Thunder gathered once again in his hand."

"Sixty million volts!"

"In an instant, even more horrifying lightning accumulated, surpassing

any previous strikes in terms of sheer power."

"A massive thunder dragon had even formed behind him, appearing

monstrous and terrifying."

"The thunder dragon roared and lunged towards Luffy."

"At this moment, Luffy, having just evaded an attack, hadn't yet reacted."

"Despite the rapidly approaching Thunder Dragon, Luffy remained



When Garp witnessed this scene, his eyes widened instantly. This

sentiment was shared by those behind him, including the Two Admirals,

Kizaru, and Aokiji.

Even Mihawk, Law, Moria, and Doflamingo were shocked by Enel's


Sixty million volts... Such terrifying lightning could reduce even rocks to

ashes. No matter how robust one's physique or Haki, it would be difficult

to escape without severe injuries.

At least, in the depiction, Luffy didn't seem to possess the Armament Haki

yet. He was in grave danger.

Sakazuki's heart raced with excitement. He couldn't conceal the

satisfaction creeping onto his face. Could it be that the Straw Hat kid,

this nuisance, was finally meeting his end?


"The terrifying Thunder Dragon struck Luffy."

"The colossal entity pierced right through, leaving a trail of scorched

black destruction in its wake."

"Just when Enel believed that this attack had vanquished Luffy..."

"He turned around, only to be utterly dumbfounded."

"Luffy still stood in place, his expression a mix of bewilderment."

"All that remained were a few faint wisps of green smoke wafting from

his head."

"It was as if the colossal Thunder Dragon that unleashed sixty million

volts had never touched him."


Garp and Sengoku were left utterly dumbstruck. The Three Admirals and

the Warlords shared this sentiment.

Most bewildering of all was Akainu himself. Could it be that the Thunder

Dragon hadn't truly struck the Straw Hat kid?

How was this possible? It couldn't be an illusion; the power contained

within that Thunder Dragon was palpable.

If anyone present had to face it head-on, even with Armament Haki, they

would hesitate to guarantee their safety.

Yet, here was Luffy, unarmed with Haki, seemingly untouched.

It couldn't be an illusion, right?

Enel was momentarily stunned but quickly regained his composure,

maintaining a forced grin on his face.

"Even if I don't understand how you've managed this, it won't make a

difference in the face of sheer power."

"You won't be able to withstand my next move."

"One hundred million... volts!"

Enel shouted, and tremendous lightning surged from his entire being,

enveloping every direction.

He leaped swiftly towards Luffy and discharged all the lightning towards

his head.


The grin on Enel's face grew wider. "Hehe, under the wrath of this godly

thunder, you will meet your end!"

At that moment, the skys roared with a tremendous thunderous sound...


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Chapter 57 : Quiz!

One hundred million volts!?

Everyone gazed at the image as Enel was shrouded in the menacingly

condensed thunder.

At that very moment, they were all utterly dumbfounded!

One hundred million volts of electricity, capable of melting even rock

and steel into molten slag if fully unleashed!

Could a human body truly withstand such a terrifying destructive force?

Just as everyone was deeply shocked...

The image abruptly halted!

In its place, there was an unexpected twist... a quiz!

[Begin answering questions now!]

[Those who choose the correct answer will be rewarded after the end of

the live broadcast...]

[In the upcoming battle between Luffy and Enel, which of the following

scenarios will occur?]

[1. Luffy triumphs against Enel in a desperate struggle!]

[2. Enel unleashes 100 million volts, obliterating Luffy and the entire

Skypiea Island!]

[3. An unknown powerhouse intervenes during the battle, saving Luffy

and his comrades!]

[4. Enel emerges victorious but, instead of killing Luffy's group, departs

Skypiea for the Land of Dreams!]

[You have one minute to make your choice; choose wisely...]


Kaido smirked as he looked to the sky.

"Thinking Straw Hat can defeat Enel is sheer folly!"

"I choose 2!"

"This time, I'm sure to reap the rewards..."

Previously, Garp, Whitebeard, and others had received rewards, which

had left Kaido feeling unsatisfied.

Initially dismissive of the quiz, the promise of a rich reward piqued his

interest, especially with his chosen answer... he was remarkably


Marine Headquarters!

"I pick option 2!"

Akainu chose without hesitation, echoing Kaido's choice. His reasoning

was simple: he wanted Luffy to perish, and he believed Luffy had no

chance of victory!

Aokiji chimed in, "Although the Straw Hat boy is outmatched by Enel, I

don't believe he'll die. I choose 3!"

Kizaru maintained his laid-back demeanor, "Three long, one short; four

short, one long... I'll go with option 4."

Hearing this, the other members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea looked

at Kizaru.

His logic made sense; in multiple-choice questions like this, when you're

unsure, playing it safe is the best strategy!

Moreover, option 4 seemed the most plausible.

Enel defeating Luffy but sparing them...

Upon closer inspection, it did seem like a safe bet!

Subsequently, nearly all the Seven Warlords of the Sea chose the same

answer as Kizaru, option 4!

"Garp, what's your choice?"

Sengoku turned to Garp.

At present, they were the only two who hadn't made their selections.

Garp was serious; he didn't care much about the reward, no matter how

enticing it might be. Protecting his grandson's safety was paramount.

"I choose option 3!"

Sengoku nodded, "In that case, I'll go with that as well..."

None present selected option 1.

They simply couldn't believe that, facing such a formidable adversary and

that tremendous lightning bolt, Luffy had any chance at all.

What were the odds for Luffy?

Whitebeard Pirates!

"Ace... Do you believe Luffy will win this time?"

Whitebeard inquired, seeking Ace's opinion, just as he had before.

Ace appeared torn.

Truthfully, he didn't hold much hope for Luffy's victory.

However, as his brother, he had to offer moral support when he couldn't

be there to help!

"I choose 1!"

"Luffy is a man who can work miracles, and this time, I still believe in


Upon hearing these words, everyone present found it unbelievable.

Even Whitebeard.

They never expected Ace to have such confidence in his brother.

Selecting Luffy to win, despite the overwhelming difference in strength?

It was astonishing...

Soon, the minute passed.

During that time, every faction at sea made their choices.

Even Enel, now on Skypiea Island!

Naturally, the chosen answers were primarily among options 2, 3, and 4.

After all, the footage had made it abundantly clear how formidable Enel


His strength, surpassing that of the Seven Warlords of the Sea,

approached that of the Admirals!

In contrast, Luffy... he was not even as strong as when he faced Moria. He

was just a rookie pirate who had recently set sail.

How could such an individual win this battle?

Unless the world had gone mad!

So, anyone who believed in Luffy's victory and selected option 1...

appeared pitiful!

Only Ace, Zoro, and Nami dared to make that choice!

Even Whitebeard, Shanks, and Garp, who had previously supported

Luffy, did not believe that Luffy could win.

They, as major players, understood better than anyone else the extent of

Enel's strength.

They were more certain than anyone that this battle... left Luffy with no

chance of winning.

And Nami, who shared the same ship with Zoro, foolishly chose option



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Chapter 58 : Hope!

With the time for the prize quiz coming to an end, the screen continued

to broadcast.

"[A full 100 million volts of electricity, directly struck!]"

"The terrifying thunder overwhelmed everything, and Enel personally

directed it at Luffy!"

"Under such an immense onslaught of thunder, even steel would melt,

but Luffy..."

"Remained unharmed!"

"Instead, he glared at Enel, who kept assaulting him with lightning, and

shouted angrily, 'What... What are you doing?'"

"The lightning struck Luffy's body, causing no harm, but it clearly

infuriated him, prompting him to retaliate with a punch!"

"Enel quickly retreated, flashing tens of meters away, and then a

legendary scene unfolded!"

"Enel's expression had transformed into the first-ever 'emoji' in the history

of the Grand Line!"

"How astonishing, how unbelievable..."

Not only was Enel bewildered, but his entire demeanor had turned into

an 'emoji.'

Even the countless viewers watching the live broadcast shared his


Perhaps ordinary viewers and civilians around the world didn't fully

grasp the significance of 100 million volts. However, top figures like

Garp, Whitebeard, Shanks, Dragon, and Kaido understood it perfectly.

With this level of electricity, even if they used their Armament Haki

personally, they wouldn't escape unscathed!

All because of the immense power contained within 100 million volts...

Beyond imagination!

This was the terror of the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder-Thunder Fruit)!

The power to control one of nature's most formidable elements!

But now...

Luffy, who had withstood 100 million volts, emerged unscathed!


Not only did Enel find it hard to believe, but even Garp and Dragon were


"This... This!"

The Marines and Warlords stood dumbfounded, gazing at the sky, then at


No one uttered a word for a long moment.

Garp, too, was perplexed. He couldn't explain it.

Behind him, the same held true for Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea and others shared the same sentiment.

Knowing the power of Enel's attack, they couldn't fathom how this was


As for the Whitebeard Pirates...

Led by Ace, Marco, and several other captains, they sported a range of

emotions on their faces.

Shocked, bewildered, stupefied!

In short, a variety of expressions adorned everyone's faces.

Including those who were well-informed, such as the mighty Whitebeard,

they were equally baffled...

But after a prolonged moment of astonishment, a sudden realization


"Luffy... Gomu Gomu no Mi."

"Enel... Goro Goro no Mi."


The Red-Haired Pirates!

"I've got it!"

Shanks exclaimed, snapping many of his crew members out of their daze

as they gazed at the sky, bewildered.

He wore a surprised expression and continued, "Even though lightning is

nature's most destructive force, rubber can insulate against it, rendering

it powerless!"

"Luffy is the Rubber Man who consumed the Gomu Gomu no Mi!"

"So, no matter how fearsome Enel's lightning may be, it can't harm


At that moment, everyone comprehended and, simultaneously, felt their

amazement deepen.

They had been fixated on a dead-end mindset, forgetting Luffy's ability

all along.

They knew well that the Devil Fruit Luffy had consumed was originally

their Red-Haired Pirate crew's treasure, and thus, everyone was aware

that it was a rubber fruit!

Now it all made sense...

Rubber insulated against lightning!

Thus, no matter how many volts of electricity Enel discharged, it was as

ineffective as a mere punch to Luffy.

No matter how terrifying and destructive Enel's lightning might be!

For Luffy, it was utterly useless!

Luffy, the Rubber Man, was, by nature, Enel's arch-nemesis!

Upon this realization, Shanks and the other Red-Haired Pirates were


It turned out that the turning point in this battle lay here!

Shanks and his crew finally grasped it...

Garp, the World Government officials, Whitebeard, Dragon, and the

major powers of the seas naturally deduced it as well.

They had overlooked Luffy's devil fruit until now.

Now they saw that it was a key advantage!

Even though someone like Enel seemed overwhelmingly strong, it was

not so easy to contend with Luffy in front of him.

Thinking clearly about this, Garp couldn't contain his excitement.

Despite Enel's formidable abilities, he seemed overly reliant on his Devil

Fruit abilities.

Up to this point, he hadn't displayed any significant physical combat


So when his Devil Fruit power became ineffective, his combat prowess

would plummet!

This was a substantial advantage for Luffy!

As for Akainu, he was seething with frustration...

What kind of luck was this?

Running into an opponent on a sky sland who happened to have the

perfect counter for him?

In an instant, Akainu wanted to curse – was this some kind of

protagonist's aura?

Although countless Luffy supporters saw a glimmer of victory, they

couldn't let go of their concerns about Luffy.

Because even if Luffy was inherently superior to Enel, they couldn't

underestimate his other abilities.

His Observation Haki ability was formidable, and there could be more

secrets to uncover.

Sitting in the position of the god of the sky island, Enel's strength couldn't

be that simple!

But at least for now...

There was finally a glimmer of hope!


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Chapter 59 : Weakness?

[Enel never imagined that there were individuals in this world unafraid

of lightning.]

[Is this for real!?]

[However, undeniable facts were before him, leaving him perplexed by

the absence of rubber on this sky island.]

[But that's alright!]

[In an instant, Enel regained his composure, realizing that even without

the Thunder fruit ability, he still possessed formidable physical prowess!]

[Just as Luffy contemplated this, he rushed forward in a fit of rage...]

[**Gomu Gomu no Pistol!**]

[A single punch came close to sending Enel flying!]

["That's something!"]

[Enel was utterly astonished. His years of invincibility had almost caused

him to neglect his physical training, relying entirely on thunder and


[He couldn't dodge such a punch, darn it... This is embarrassing!]

"Well done, Luffy!"

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Garp gazed at the sky with a gleaming expression.

Previously concerned that his grandson might not be able to contend

with such a formidable adversary, it now appeared that Luffy had the

upper hand!

Lightning immunity and physical skills were still in play!

This battle was nothing to be concerned about!

As for the Marines, Kizaru, the Red Dog, Aokiji, and the others, they were

all dumbfounded.

They had never expected the battle to take such a bizarre turn.

Even the Shichibukai behind them wore complex expressions...

In their eyes, Enel, who might have had a chance to confront the Four

Emperors, was actually in such a dire situation?

Who would have thought that the Thunder Fruit, seemingly invincible,

would actually be countered by the seemingly ordinary Gomu-Gomu


And countered so effectively...

It was mind-boggling.

[Enel lay on the ground, taking a moment to recover.]

[At this point, he fully comprehended that when facing Enel, the Rubber

Man, not only was his thunder and lightning ineffective, but his physical

abilities were more than enough.]

[But that was fine!]

[Without the fruit ability, he had another trump card... Mantra!]

[Even if his physical abilities weren't exceptional, with the power of the

Mantra, he should be able to defeat him!]

[Enel immediately activated the Mantra, and in the next moment, he

would know all of Luffy's moves!]

[No matter what kind of attack Luffy unleashed, he effortlessly evaded.]

[Without delay, Enel picked up the golden staff in his hand and swung it


[The tremendous force sent Luffy hurtling backward, crashing heavily

into the ground.]

[Enel swiftly followed up with another strike...]

[With the Mantra in place, Luffy's subsequent attacks barely landed, as he

was constantly on the receiving end.]

[However, despite Enel dominating the battle, the relentless attacks wore

him out!]

[Luffy's resilience to beatings exceeded his wildest expectations!]

[Even though he was exhausted from continuous blows, Luffy remained

sprightly, like an unkillable little powerhouse.]

[This left Enel questioning life...]

"Darn it, he's not being killed like this, but I'm about to die from


Whitebeard Pirates!

Nearly everyone aboard the ship was deeply concerned for Luffy's safety,

more so for Ace.

They watched with bated breath...

Even though Luffy was facing Enel, and his Thunder fruit abilities were

nullified, Luffy was still taking a beating.

This did little to alleviate Ace's anxiety...

"Damn it, isn't Enel's so-called Mantra just too domineering?"

"Why does he have such acute senses and an enhanced sense of smell? He

can even read his inner thoughts."

Listening to Ace's complaints, Whitebeard spoke slowly...

"The reason Enel's senses are unique is all due to the Devil Fruit he


Ace was taken aback, "The Thunder Fruit?"

Whitebeard nodded, "Exactly, I had some doubts before, but now I


"Devil Fruits have unique abilities, and some users develop additional

abilities beyond the standard ones."

"Enel's Thunder Fruit is one such example!"

"As a fruit capable of controlling lightning, Enel must have harnessed

electromagnetic waves in the process of mastering his ability."

"It's precisely due to this utilization of electromagnetic waves that his

senses and sense of smell differ from others, with an expanded range,

enabling him to perfectly peer into his opponents' inner thoughts!"

Hearing this, not only Ace but also everyone else on the ship felt


Yet, their astonishment ran even deeper.

The Thunder Fruit was already a naturally formidable Devil Fruit,

imbued with the power of lightning.

Now, Enel had somehow augmented its effects—truly extraordinary!

With such a potent fruit, how could Enel have consumed it?

At this moment, many on the ship felt a mix of envy and jealousy.

They wished they possessed the Thunder Fruit.

Only Ace was unfazed by this fruit ability.

His primary concern remained Luffy...

As the story continued to unfold...

[On Enel's face, a sinister smile crept in.]

[Enel looked at Luffy with contempt, and slowly spoke. ]

["Rubber boy from Blue Sea, your weakness… I found it! "]

[He fixed his gaze upon Luffy with a look of contempt and spoke slowly.]

"Rubber man from Blue Sea, I've found your weakness!"


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Chapter 60 : Destructive Power?


While Luffy was still puzzled, Enel's face returned to its trademark smirk.

["Luffy saw lightning in Enel's hand, but instead of attacking Luffy, Enel

transferred lighting into his golden staff."]

[In an instant, under the intense heat, the golden staff transformed into a


["Hehe, you're not afraid of lightning, but you fear high temperatures and

sharp weapons, right?"]

As Enel said this, he felt a sense of intellectual superiority in his heart

and wanted Luffy to understand.

["I've found his weakness, and now it's time to for you to die."]]

However, to his surprise, Luffy heard this and nodded directly in


["That's right, I'm a rubber man who ate the Gomu-Gomu Fruit, and I'm

vulnerable to sharp weapons."]

Enel: "..."

In that moment, he was left utterly speechless.

["This man... Is he really that simple-minded?"]]

At the same time...

Countless viewers watching the live broadcast were also impressed by

Luffy's unconventional thinking.

Garp, who stood at the Marine Headquarters, wore a bewildered


He couldn't help but think that his grandson was not just simple-minded

but sometimes lacked strategic thinking as well.

In a life-and-death battle, when an enemy discovers your weakness,

conventional wisdom would suggest either denying it immediately or

feigning composure to make the enemy doubt themselves.

But Luffy had admitted his vulnerability so openly. Wasn't that foolish?

Sengoku, who was standing nearby, glanced at Garp with an amused


"It's your grandson!"

"And he is like you when you were younger... he really took after you!"

Upon hearing this, Garp's face darkened. He couldn't help but feel that

Sengoku was indirectly criticizing him.

Meanwhile, the action in the sky continued to unfold...

["Enel" shook his head, regained his focus, and attacked Luffy without


["The Trident in his hand was surrounded by lightning, and in an instant,

it closed in on Luffy!"]

[Luffy instinctively stepped back and simultaneously extended his arm,

trying to grab the Trident in front of him.]

["After all, their weakness is sharp weapons. Rubber can withstand

lightning, but it can't protect against sharp blades."]

[If struck, he would likely be injured instantly.]

["But the moment he grabbed the Trident with both hands..."]]

Suddenly, an excruciating pain surged through Luffy's body.

Even Luffy's strong will couldn't prevent him from crying out in agony.

["That's because the Trident, just melted by Enel's lightning, was still

scorching hot!"]

[High temperatures were another one of Luffy's weaknesses.]

["After dodging away, Luffy's palms turned red and emitted white


[After witnessing this, the contemptuous smile on Enel's face grew even


["Even if you can resist lightning, you won't survive against this god's


["Now that I've discovered your weakness, you're even more vulnerable!"]


Perhaps feeling that victory was within his grasp, Enel continued to

assault Luffy relentlessly, eventually beating him to the ground.

Instead of pressing the attack further, Enel walked toward the rear and

took a seat on the golden throne of the Ark.

"Although I've decided to eliminate you, before you meet your end..."

["You can witness this glorious moment!"]

["Rejoice, you mere insect! Kneel and give thanks to this god for his


["Enel's golden trident crash heavily into the ground!"]

[Instantly, over a hundred million volts of lightning burst forth and

surged into the machinery nearby.]

["At the same time, this colossal Ark, submerged for so long, began to

ascend into the sky."]

[Simultaneously, the machines inside it, when facing upward, emitted

dark smoke akin to ominous clouds.]

["In the blink of an eye, half of the sky island's sky was shrouded."]

[Thunder constantly flickered within these dark clouds, covering the

entire empty island, as if it were on the brink of destruction.]

["Looking at Luffy and Nami's astonished expressions, Enel felt quite


["This is my grand plan, and it won't be long before thunderclouds

blanket the entire empty island!"]

["At that moment, all the lightning in the sky and the earth will be at my


["The power of the Thunder Fruit will reach its zenith, annihilating the

entire sky island!!!"]

Everyone from Skypiea who witnessed this was in shock.

Not only because this colossal Ark could indeed soar into the sky!

But also due to the words spoken by Enel...

Surprisingly, he had a plan to destroy the entire island from the very


After consuming the Thunder Fruit, he had gained control over lightning.

Even before that, he could obliterate half the island with a casual attack,

as he claimed.

Once this Ark discharged thunderclouds to a certain extent, and he

gathered all the lightning from the heavens and the earth...

Then the lightning strike he unleashed might indeed...

Have the power to obliterate the entire island!

The revolutionary army members and numerous pirates were not the

only ones whose faces turned pale.

At this moment, even Sengoku, a Marine Fleet Admiral was shocked

seeing this scene!

Even many prominent figures like the Admirals were astounded!

Thunder potent enough to annihilate an entire island...

How terrifying would that power be?

If it were directed at the Marine Headquarters, would it obliterate

everything here too?

Could Enel's power truly be this frightening?


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Chapter 61 : Fool Mode

"As the Ark sailed onward, dark clouds loomed over the Sky island,

casting a foreboding shadow upon it.

The entire island was shrouded in thick, never-ending thunderclouds.

Enel wanted Luffy and his companions to understand that he wasn't

bluffing. He casually pointed toward the island, and the dark cloud's

thunder responded at his command, streaking down towards a specific

location on the island.

In an instant...


A town on the Sky island exploded. Luffy and Nami, standing on the Ark,

were shocked by the incredible destructive force they had just witnessed.

The island's inhabitants, along with the Skypieans, were well aware of

the impending disaster. They knew that Enel was hell-bent on destroying

their beloved island. Panic and chaos ensued as everyone ran for their

lives, terror etched across their faces.

"Why, beast? Aren't you supposed to be the god of this island?" Nami

shouted angrily.

To her astonishment, Enel wore a mocking smile and replied, "Because I

am their god, their lives are at my mercy. I decide who lives and who


Nami trembled with rage, unable to find words to respond.

Luffy, on the other hand, remained eerily calm. Those who knew him

well recognized that this facade of serenity masked a burning rage and an

insatiable thirst for battle.

Luffy took off his straw hat and tossed it to Nami, saying, "Pay close

attention. I'll personally deal with this so-called god."

In response, Enel laughed, "Even ants dare to defy gods? I've already

discovered your weakness. Do you really believe you have a chance?"

Luffy didn't speak, but he acted. With lightning speed, he rushed towards

Enel and unleashed a devastating punch.

As the scene unfolded in the sky...

In the real world, the Sky island was in turmoil. Countless islanders,

Skypieans, and even Gan Fall, who hovered above, watched with terror

etched on their faces. Was this the future of the island? Was this the

future of Enel? His cruelty remained unchanged.

Yet, amidst their despair, there remained an unwavering belief that Luffy

would defeat Enel. They couldn't oppose Enel's overwhelming power, but

Luffy, immune to lightning, had become their sole hope.

Even if it was just a glimpse of the future, as long as he could defeat Enel,

the Straw Hat Pirates' arrival meant liberation from oppression.

However, within the temple, Enel also witnessed the events on the Ark. A

sly smile graced his lips.

"I had planned to execute this scheme in a few years, but it seems it's

been exposed prematurely," he mused. "No matter, let these island ants

understand that they can't resist me. This straw hat kid might be immune

to my thunderbolts, but he's more of an annoyance than a threat."

He briefly considered seeking out Luffy, but the sheer size of the Blue Sea

was an obstacle to his lazy disposition. Moreover, Enel believed that

Luffy wouldn't be the one to defeat him.

Immune to lightning or not, Enel believed he'd found Luffy's weakness.

Regardless of his tenacity, he would eventually fall by Enel's hand. The

island would still be destroyed, and Enel would continue his pursuit of

the fabled 'Land of Dreams.'

Luffy and Enel engaged in an extended battle, but it was a one-sided

onslaught. The Mantra's ability to predict Luffy's movements made it

impossible for Luffy to land a blow, despite his incredible speed and

strength. Luffy repeatedly pushed his limits, striving for more power and

speed in each encounter, but all his efforts were in vain.

Every attack was dodged or parried, and Luffy suffered injuries from

Enel's sharp Fang Tian Painting Halberd and the scorching heat of

continuous lightning strikes. In this dire moment, Luffy was gravely hurt,

and it became clear that if this continued, he would either be pierced by

Enel or succumb to exhaustion.

Despair gripped the battlefield, but then, a flicker of realization crossed

Luffy's mind. The Mantra relied on reading his inner thoughts to predict

his moves. If he could prevent Enel from reading his mind, maybe he

could finally hit him.

With this epiphany, Luffy suddenly stopped in his tracks, standing there

like a complete fool. And so, an emoji was born in the annals of

navigation history, second only to Enel's own.

**Fool Mode!!!**"


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Chapter 62 : Combat Genius

In the image, everyone witnessed Luffy's peculiar state.

It left all who watched this live broadcast in utter disbelief...

Now, what's this all about?

Is he deliberately acting like a fool during this pivotal battle?

Is he essentially offering himself up for defeat?

But the very next moment, as the scene continues to play out, the

audience comprehended why Luffy was in this state.

In the process, their initial bewilderment transformed into something

even more profound...

[Luffy wore an utterly bizarre expression and remained motionless in his


[Enel was stupefied, and even Nami, who stood behind him, shared in

the stupefaction, unable to fathom what he was up to!]

[However, Enel swiftly launched another attack!]

[He didn't care about Luffy's intentions; all he desired was to eliminate


[From now on, the only person in the world immune to his own lightning

would fall!]

[Yet, the moment his golden trident thrust forward, he was taken


[Luffy had evaded his strike in an instant, and his own Mantra couldn't

anticipate his movements!]

[His thoughts were impenetrable!]

[No insight into his intentions; his Mantra was rendered futile!]

[Enel's cohorts were left dumbfounded as this was the first instance his

Mantra was incapable of reading thoughts!]

[This supposedly simple Straw Hat kid not only nullified his thunder and

lightning but also negated the effectiveness of his Mantra!]

[How could this be possible?]

[Enel was incensed and relentlessly thrust the golden trident with added


[The speed was astonishing; it even left an afterimage!]

[But, in the face of these attacks, Luffy, now in his fool mode, effortlessly

dodged them one after the other.]

[His body was akin to seaweed in the ocean, undulating continuously,

and remained unscathed...]

At this point, all those watching the live broadcast were as stunned as


They couldn't comprehend how such a battle scenario was possible!?

Nonetheless, individuals like Whitebeard, Shanks, Garp, Sengoku, and

even the Three Admirals did comprehend.

And at this moment, their astonishment reached its pinnacle!

Their expressions were a marvel to behold!

There was only one thought running through everyone's minds!

Can one truly achieve this?

They naturally grasped that Luffy's current Fool Mode allowed him to

empty his mind, leaving no thoughts to be detected.

Thus, he was able to outmaneuver Enel's so-called Mantra.

This method of subverting the Mantra... It was beyond the imagination of

ordinary individuals!

Let's call it... a stroke of genius!

[After launching attacks for a considerable time, even Enel himself was


[He had to cease the assault, panting heavily.]

[Yet, Luffy remained unscathed, standing there with the expressions of a


At this moment, Luffy also snapped out of his fool mode, understanding

that evading Enel's Mantra to avoid attacks was futile.

This couldn't continue!

Although he could outmaneuver Enel's Mantra to avoid harm, he couldn't


This was fundamentally illogical!

Soon, Luffy's mind sparked, and he upgraded his fool mode!

As we all know, Luffy, while usually foolish, boasts exceptional combat


Every time he faces a dire situation, he pushes his strength to new limits!

And now, too...

[After he uncovered this new method to combat Enel's Mantra, Luffy

sprinted away without a glance back.]

This scene once more left Enel baffled...

What is he attempting to achieve!?

Luffy ran towards the ark's wall, his back to Enel, and then he struck the

wall with all his might!

Thanks to his Gomu-Gomu Fruit abilities, Luffy's arms could stretch and

bend limitlessly!

At this moment, Luffy's arm repeatedly hammered against the wall and

then catapulted backward!

He began bombarding indiscriminately in the ark's empty expanse!

Luffy's assaults accelerated, with punch after punch leaving afterimages!

Within a mere second, this half of the field was engulfed in an array of

countless fist shadows!

"What in the world is this?" Enel pondered, unable to grasp Luffy's

intentions and was uninterested in doing so. He simply wanted to

dispatch this bold troublemaker before him.

In his rage, Enel wielded his golden trident and charged towards Luffy.

However, just five steps forward, Enel regretted his decision...

He found himself pummeled relentlessly by the storm of fists!

In a single second, at least fifty punches or more!

Enel's visage contorted grotesquely; he spat out blood and was flung

upside down...

"I can't believe it!"

At this moment, he finally understood why Luffy had pounded his fists

against the wall. So, that's it!

And Luffy's actions left many influential figures watching the live

broadcast in awe!

What an extraordinary battle strategy!

Who would have conceived such a brilliant idea!

In their hearts, they could only articulate one phrase:

This was a genuine stroke of genius!

At this moment, they were all stunned by Luffy's actions, and a sense of

sympathy for Enel couldn't help but emerge in their hearts...

Harnessing such formidable Thunder Fruit powers had proved futile;

instead, he encountered Luffy, a fighting genius who thwarted him with

his unconventional and unpredictable fighting strategies.


If they were in Enel's place, enduring a battle like this,

And being baffled and irritated by Luffy's eccentric fighting notions,

They might just go insane...


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Chapter 63 : To Syrup Village!

Red-haired Pirates!

"Luffy, this kid... What a person!" Shanks exclaimed in amazement as he

gazed at the sky.

Luffy's unorthodox thought processes even gave Shanks a sense of

trepidation. To think that he could unravel a situation as domineering as

this one!

On the entire sea, he might be the only one capable of such

unconventional tactics.

It wasn't just Shanks who was flabbergasted at this moment. Every

member of the Red-Haired Pirate crew, including Beckman and Yasopp,

shared the same expression of wonder and admiration. Luffy's actions in

the picture had left an indelible mark on them.

Powerful adversaries like Enel found themselves powerless when

confronting Luffy, a true combat prodigy.

They couldn't help but be astonished by how he made Enel spit out blood

and send him flying head over heels.

It was nothing short of incredible.

For a moment, many members of the pirate crew began to question their

earlier conclusions. Shouldn't this battle end with Luffy emerging as the


Meanwhile, on the other side of the sea, Luffy, Nami, and Zoro sailed

aboard a makeshift ship that barely deserved the title of a pirate vessel.

Even with Nami's exceptional navigational skills, the treacherous waters

presented a significant challenge. The tattered wooden boat they sailed

on was ill-suited for the perils of the sea. A single storm could easily send

it to the bottom of the ocean.

In their quest to secure a proper pirate ship, they had a clear destination

in mind – they were in search of their next crew member, Usopp.

The first pirate ship of the Straw Hat Pirates was obtained in Usopp's

hometown, Syrup Village. It was not only crucial for their journey but

also the closest location to them at the moment.

"In the earlier depiction, enemies were spotted in Usopp's hometown,"

Nami mentioned, picking up the narrative. "They went by the name...

Black Cat Pirates, I believe."

"Right," Zoro affirmed, "The information we received indicated that the

leader of the Black Cat Pirates had infiltrated a noble family as their

butler. If they've seen that image, they might take action. Whether it's for

the noble family or Usopp, it won't be good. They're no pushovers in

terms of combat capability."

Luffy became visibly determined, rising to his feet and pointing ahead.

"In that case, let's head to Syrup Village as fast as we can to rescue


"Sounds good!" Nami and Zoro replied in unison, fully endorsing their

captain's decision. The trio adjusted the ship's course, steering towards

their next destination – Syrup Village.

At the same time, the live screen picture continued to unfold in the sky...

[Luffy lands hundreds of blows on Enel with unbridled ferocity.]

[Enel, unable to predict Luffy's movements with his Mantra, could not


[The only way for Enel to avoid Luffy's onslaught was to anticipate his

thoughts, but Luffy faced the opposite direction and exploited his rubber

fruit abilities to deliver a barrage of unpredictable attacks.]

[Enel was helpless to dodge.]

[In the midst of Luffy's assault, Enel spewed blood continuously, and then

Luffy continued his relentless advance.]

[Luffy unleashed a rubber-coiled punch squarely into Enel's chest.]

[The blow was devastating, nearly rupturing Enel's insides.]

[Enel, again vomiting blood, endured a secondary bout of agony.]

[His expression was a mix of extreme anger.]

[As a self-proclaimed deity, he had remained unscathed since acquiring

the Goro Goro no Mi.]

[To suffer such severe injuries was unacceptable.]

[With great effort, he steadied himself and focused on the approaching


[Enel cursed angrily, "Insect, you've provoked a god, and now you shall


[With Luffy charging towards him, Enel made a sweeping gesture.]

[He generated an intensely hot golden mass from the molten remains of

the ship behind him, launching it forward.]

[In an instant, a colossal golden sphere, far larger than Luffy,

encapsulated his arm.]

[The overwhelming weight sent Luffy's fist crashing into the ground, and

he, along with the golden mass, tumbled away.]

[What made the situation more dire was the blistering temperature of the

molten gold, causing Luffy immense pain.]

[The gold ensnared his entire arm, and he couldn't free himself.]

[Luffy struggled to escape, but the golden prison held firm, leaving him

to writhe in agony.]

[The ship tilted, sending the massive golden orb rolling off the ark,

dragging Luffy along, plummeting thousands of meters to the sea below.]

[Falling from such heights, Luffy faced a dire fate.]

[Without the ability to stretch his rubber limbs, he would fall


[Even with his desperate efforts to cling to the ship's side, his fate seemed


[Enel watched with a smile, exuding an air of condescension.]

[At this point, everything was under his control.]

[Hadn't Luffy essentially handed himself over for slaughter?]

[Could this be a one-strike kill, putting an end to all future problems?]

Marine Headquarters!

Garp, witnessing Luffy's predicament, underwent an instant

transformation in expression.

His fist involuntarily clenched with a sense of foreboding.

A foreboding that grew into an unmistakable feeling of crisis...


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Chapter 64 : Lightning Wrath!

Monkey D. Luffy, can you still work miracles?

Despite his deep concern, Vice Admiral Garp is feeling extremely

nervous. He's worried that Luffy may get injured, or worse.

But for now, he can only watch as his grandson faces this seemingly

impossible adversary.

Garp, who is a naval hero, feels powerless as he puts his trust in Luffy. He

believes that Luffy can overcome this extraordinary enemy, the "God of

the Sky Island."

"If anything happens to Luffy," Garp asserts with a calm but unmistakably

firm tone, "I will set sail immediately and overturn that entire island to

confront this so-called god."

No one doubts the sincerity of Garp's words. He is known for his strong

character, and Sengoku, his old partner, knows him best. If something

were to befall Luffy, Garp would unquestionably act on his word and

head to the Sky Island without hesitation.

Sengoku places a reassuring hand on Garp's shoulder, silently urging him

to remain composed and not act impulsively. Behind them, Admiral

Akainu watches the situation in the sky with his own motives.

Unlike Garp, Akainu secretly hopes for Luffy's downfall. He views Luffy

as nothing more than a rookie who has just ventured into the Grand Line.

How could he possibly defeat someone wielding the power of the

Thunder-Thunder Fruit? Akainu sees Luffy's defeat as an opportunity to

claim a reward, which would only bolster his strength.

Akainu's heart fills with joy at the prospect of Luffy's failure. He can't

help but think that with so many witnesses, he must suppress the urge to

laugh out loud.

Luffy strains to hold himself upright at the ship's side, struggling to stay

on his feet. Enel, on the other hand, looks down upon him with a smile

tainted by sarcasm and contempt.

Enel could have easily disposed of Luffy with a single blow, ensuring his

future safety, but he chose not to.

Perhaps it's his god-like arrogance that convinces him the battle is

already won and there's no need to hurry. Or maybe he wants Luffy to

witness, with his own eyes, the culmination of Enel's grand plan.

Enel reclines and continues to control the massive Ark, pouring

electricity into it as it ascends further into the sky.

Time passes slowly, marked by a series of unfortunate events. Luffy

struggles with the enormous golden ball, eventually losing his grip,

causing it to crash onto the ground, creating a massive crater.

Usopp and Sanji wake up from their comas and join Nami to challenge

Enel and prevent the impending catastrophe. However, they're not

immune to the devastating electric attacks and are left incapacitated.

Enel continues to bombard the Ark with electricity, resulting in a barrage

of thunderclouds that envelop the entire Sky Island. From the ground, the

thick dark clouds obscure the sky, plunging it into darkness that induces


At this point, the Straw Hat Pirates are unconscious, some are missing,

and all are powerless to resist.

The Skypieans, too, suffer devastating losses. Only one individual

remains on the Ark: Enel. The hope of stopping him from summoning

thunder and lightning capable of obliterating the entire island is


The horrifying sight of the thunderclouds in the sky leaves everyone in

terror, as it seems that no one can defeat Enel or save Skypiea.

At the Marine Headquarters, Akainu relishes the apparent end of Straw

Hat's voyage. He eagerly anticipates the Thunder Island's imminent

destruction, taking with it the entire Straw Hat Pirate crew.

Akainu's eagerness to witness their defeat is met with puzzlement by

fellow admirals Kizaru and Aokiji, who know his absolute justice


The hostility directed towards the Straw Hat Pirates seems unusually

strong, especially considering their lack of any malicious actions thus far.

As for Shichibukai and others who are present, they observe Akainu's

intense desire for the Straw Hats' failure and a growing tension between

him and Garp.

While the Shichibukai and Yonko, such as Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido,

and Big Mom, may have differing views on Luffy, they collectively see

the battle as nearing its end.

Enel's power appears insurmountable, and the inevitable seems


However, just when it appears that hope has faded entirely, the unfolding

scene shocks everyone.

"It's not over yet!" resounds through the entire Sky Island. To their

astonishment, Luffy emerges from the massive crater in the ground,

proving he's still very much alive and full of determination.

Luffy proceeds to drag the enormous golden ball towards the sky,

demonstrating incredible strength. With every step, he approaches the

Ark, towering high above him.

This unexpected turn of events leaves everyone thrilled. It's not over yet;

there's still a chance to thwart Enel's destructive plan.

"Enel, I'm going to beat you! Just you wait!" Luffy shouts, charging

toward the heavens while dragging the colossal golden ball. He appears

unyielding and resolute, an inspiration to everyone watching.

As Luffy makes his way, Enel, seated atop the Ark, wields the golden

trident, and the entire sky island becomes a cauldron of thunderclouds

and lightning. The situation seems dire, but Luffy's determination has

ignited a spark of hope.

"Destroy Skypiea..." Enel begins to declare.

"Lightning Wrath!"

The world watches in amazement as Luffy faces the overwhelming power

of Enel's electric might. The fate of Skypiea hangs in the balance, and

everyone prays for a miracle.


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Chapter 65 : Thunder Greeting!


With Enel's angry shout, he introduced the thunder and lightning in his

hand into the thundercloud!


The thunder in the entire sky began to riot, dancing like a dragon and


Above the thunderclouds that shrouded the entire Sky island, there is an

endless thunderstorm, indiscriminately randomly bombarded!

Its scope is so wide and powerful!

It can only be described as extinction!

A thunderclap at will can make a direct explosion within a radius of 100


Everything that is affected by thunder, the ground, rocks, trees,


All turned into powder, became nothingness, and directly annihilated!

Every second, dozens of such terrifying thunderbolts fall, bombarding

every part of the Sky island…

The Sky island at this moment seems to be unrecognizable, and under the

continuous bombardment of thunder, it is becoming more and more


Countless wails, and fearful emotions, spread everywhere…

The breath of despair pervades heaven and earth!

All the people watching the live screen…

You can feel the horror in it!

You can also feel the despair in it!

This level of destructive power is simply shocking, far beyond the

thunder condensed by Enel himself before!

Looking at the scene in the picture… Even existences like the Admiral

and the Four Emperors changed their faces drastically!

Marine headquarters!

Sengoku and Garp stood in front, looking at the terrifying scene in the

picture, their faces extremely solemn.

"With such power, Enel's strength is beyond our imagination."

"Well, although he used the thundercloud created by the Ark, he has to

admit that it is indeed terrifying!"

"It's really surprising that there are such strong people on the Sky island."

In the picture, the destructive power displayed by that ten thousand


Let the two supreme naval existences of Garp and Sengoku can't help but

feel a little moved.

This so-called ten thousand thunder is not only highly destructive, but

also covers the entire Sky island.

Such a big killer ability… Already has the level of the Four Emperors!

Even if he reached it with the help of external forces, it was still


Including the always proud red dog, they all frowned…

With such power, I am afraid that if I am right, I need to go all out to

defeat it.

If it weren't for the live broadcast screen, I wouldn't know that there was

such a powerful figure on the Sky island.

Kizaru patted his chest and said, "Ou Youyou, what a terrifying scene, it

makes people tremble."

Aokiji did not speak, but the tightened brow was the same as that of


In his heart, he was also surprised by the horror of Enel.

Such an ability, if it appears on the sea, is completely enough to attract

the attention of the world government.

Even if you want to clear it, you have to send admirals…

At least two!

Garp, Sengoku, and even the three admirals were so shocked.

Needless to say, Crocodile and the others…

In addition to the strongest Mihawk, and the tyrant bear Kuma who has

always been stone faced, he is slightly better.

The rest of the people, even the most arrogant Doflamingo, had shock on

their faces.

At least… Such a terrifying destructive power.

Let yourself come, you can't do it!

Whitebeard Pirates!

"What an exaggerated destructive power…"

Whitebeard looked at the sky, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help

but show a curve.

He was amazed at the power of Enel and the invincibility of the Thunder-

Devil Fruit.

To be honest, he had some regrets in his heart at the moment…

If he is dozens of years younger, and Enel is not on the Sky island, but in

Blue Sea.

Then I can't help but want to go to him and compete with him!

Engage with thunder....I've never experienced it myself!

Everyone on the ship, even countless captains, had exactly the same



Even if it's Ace, that's true.

It's just that he, unlike the others, marvels at the power of Enel.

But in his Heart… Still worried about Luffy.

At this moment, he was very sure that Enel's strength might be stronger

than his own

Such an enemy, can Luffy really defeat?

Luffy… Be sure to come on!

Red-Haired Pirates!

Yasoop, Beckman and others have long been dumbfounded…

The thunder that shrouded the entire Sky island and struck every realm


It's terrifying!

Such destructive power is really terrifying…


"It's worthy of this name, it's like ten thousand thunders descending!"

Shanks looked at the sky with a subtle look and muttered.

To be honest, there is no one in the entire sea who does not feel strong

about the terrifying ability displayed by Enel today.

After all, thunder is one of nature's most terrifying forces!

Now under the control of Enel, there are so many thunderclouds

gathered, and there are hundreds of thunders.

These thunderbolts gathered together, if there is a continuous


I'm afraid that it won't be long before the Sky island will really be




In the Monkey D. Dragon's gaze, he couldn't help but feel deeply worried.

By now, he was extremely sure that Luffy couldn't compete with Enel!

The horror of Goro Goro no mi… Those not on the level of the Four

Emperors or Admiral, it is impossible to resist at all!

Although when Luffy was little, the Monkey D. Dragon was always


But he is, in order to lead the Revolutionary Army and resist the World


It doesn't mean that he doesn't love his son…

Now seeing Luffy's future, he will encounter such a terrifying enemy.

The Monkey D. Dragon's heart is tight to the extreme!

"No, you must not let the future Luffy have such a dangerous time on the

way to his adventure…"

Speaking of this, the Monkey D. Dragon did not hesitate at all.

Without even intending to continue watching the picture, he directly

picked up a cloak to cover his face and walked outside…

His whereabouts were not even discovered by Sabo and other cadres.

Only now they are immersed in the screen in the sky!

As for what the Monkey D. Dragon is going to do…

A trip to a Sky island, of course!

Settle… Enel!

Or how to say that Monkey D. Dragon and Garp are father and son, the

two met when they saw Luffy.

When it's dangerous, the idea is the same.

It's just that Monkey D. Dragon and Garp are different.

Garp pulls with Sengoku, but Monkey D. Dragon… But you can go your

own way!

As long as it is for the safety of his son, even if he kills Enel, what about


Although his strength is very strong and he can master the power of

thunder, but…

The Monkey D. Dragon has 100% confidence in killing him!

After all, his own power… It's not weak either!

Otherwise, how to be the leader of the Revolutionary Army?

How can it be regarded as the number one criminal by the World


"Hey, hey…"

The corner of the Monkey D. Dragon's mouth raised an evil smile, and

disappeared in place…

With Enel constantly bombarding every part of the Sky island!

The entire Sky island is suffering terrifying damage, and countless Sky

island residents and Skypieans flee in panic!

Fortunately, they realized in advance that they had evacuated, and

everyone left the town and went to the White Sea.

Otherwise… Don't know how serious the casualties will be!

As Luffy climbs towards the Ark, at the same time, watch the continuous

bombardment of falling thunder!

His heart is also becoming more and more anxious!

"Damn, wait for me to climb up, I must knock you away!"

Enel, who has Mantra, naturally heard what Luffy was thinking in an

instant, and he didn't bother to entangle with Luffy, and randomly

commanded a thunder to blast towards Luffy!

Luffy finally climbed half, and he was smashed straight down again…

"Damn, are you bullying me and I can't fly, you have the ability to come


Luffy looked angry, this large golden ball in his hand really affected his

actions too much.

If it weren't for him, he would have climbed up and beat up Enel, what a

shit god, he would only use some despicable tricks!

Of course, this was heard by Enel again.

Suddenly, his originally lazy expression changed slightly!

"Dare to say that I… am evil? "

Enel laughed angrily, as a god, he did not allow anyone to insult himself.

"I was originally going to let Enel destroy for a while, and then sacrifice

this move, seeing that you want to fight me so much, then…"

"I will start in advance to let you understand that the gap between God

and mortals is irreparable! "

"Feel this despair, Skypiea people! "

Enel stood up directly, and at this moment, above his body, a terrifying

thunder and lightning was exposed!

He almost used the thunder and lightning he could release to the


Then he introduced this terrifying thunder into the thunderclouds above

the sky, and suddenly…"


A heaven-shaking thunder roared out, and the dense dark clouds

scattered at this moment!

A huge to the extreme, like a spherical island, a thunderball composed of

thunder slowly appeared…

The breath emanating from it is destruction!

Even if you just look at it, you can feel the despair!

"This trick is called…"

"Raigo (Thunder Greeting)!!! "

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned!


They never imagined that Lightning Wrath… It's not Enel's strongest

Killing Thunder Fruit Ability!

There is actually an even more terrifying ability…

He's going to prepare… Complete annihilation of everything!?


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Chapter 66 : Ultimate Attack!


[Amidst the thunder and lightning emanating from Enel's body, as he

ascended into the Sky Dome...]

[In this very moment, the perpetual thunderclouds above the sky

underwent a transformation!]

[Their size was immense, comparable to an island, even as they

materialized from the Skys!]

[The myriads of thunderbolts vanished, replaced by an enormous orb of


[Adorning it, was a frenzied, flickering thunder that exuded an aura of

world-ending devastation...]

[Resembling a celestial body, it inexorably descended upon the Sky


[Within it lay a dreadful power, capable of annihilating all in its path...]

[This spherical thunder, brimming with destructive and violent aura, was

Enel's ultimate technique...]


At this instant, anyone observing the live broadcast...

Without exception, was utterly stupefied!

Even through the screen, the magnitude of this terrifying presence was


Should this attack strike the Sky Island, in an instant...

The island would suffer cataclysmic damage!

Not to mention its inhabitants, it seemed they would be incinerated to

ash by searing temperatures, leaving nothing behind!

This attack... surpassed the menace of the previous Raigou!

It was even more dire...

Whitebeard, gazing towards the Skys, narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

This power...

A sensation he hadn't felt in a long time!

As the mightiest individual in the world, Whitebeard had crossed swords

with countless formidable opponents in his lifetime.

With the exception of Gol D. Roger, few could truly contend with him.

The strength of others, relative to his own, scarcely merited


Presently, although he bore injuries, he was more than a match for most

of the powerful figures in this era.

Let alone his prime...

This newfound strength filled Whitebeard with even more confidence,

save for the advancing years!

It reaffirmed his status as the ultimate power, second only to Garp!

However, at this very moment, facing Enel's Raigou, he felt a tremor.

This level of power, this degree of annihilation, presented a worthy


Even though he knew well that Raigou was a manifestation of Enel's

years of work on the Ark, it didn't detract from its potency.

Raigou... was a force to be reckoned with!

Shanks too, displayed a trace of concern on his face.

"Luffy's opponent possesses strength that transcends the norm..."

"Despite Raigou being an attack enabled by an external tool..."

"The fact that he could amplify the power of his Thunder to such a level

attests to his deep mastery of his Devil Fruit!"

In all honesty, as the battle unfolded, Shanks' optimism regarding Luffy's

victory waned.

This level of attack, even if he were to engage personally, warranted

utmost vigilance!

On this matter, he shared Whitebeard's sentiment!

Be it Enel's innate strength or not, this thunder's unleashed potential

matched that of a Four Emperor's full assault!

Of course... it was only a single attack!

But whether Whitebeard or Shanks were to engage Enel, as long as they

endured Raigou, it was likely Enel had no other tricks at his disposal,

rendering him vulnerable.

Nonetheless, this assault was lauded by the two reigning Emperors of the


Not just them, the remaining prominent figures also marveled at the


Garp, Sengoku, Kaido, Big Mom, and even Dragon!

Each of them recognized the terror that was Raigou...

It was clear that this attack was more than impressive.

The dread it evoked convinced Dragon he could not allow this individual

to persist, else his son would be imperiled.

Swiftly, he hastened towards the Sky Island...

Simultaneously, Luffy, Zoro, and Nami, en route to Sirop Village,

witnessed the colossal thunderball in the sky that obscured the horizon.

Nami's legs quaked, her mind went blank.

Could such a fearsome attack really be unleashed?

This man... was set to become her future adversary?


Unless he was insane, what drove him to provoke such a perilous


The reactions of Luffy and Zoro couldn't have been more contrasting.

Though momentarily stunned, they both bore expressions of excitement

and unwavering determination...

In the face of danger and adversaries, the two harbored a shared ethos!

Fear had no place in their lives.

Their life's creed? Challenge and confront!

Whether in battle or on the path to battle, they were unwavering.

"Zoro, it seems our future adventures promise excitement. I'm genuinely

looking forward to that day!"

Zoro grinned in agreement, "Indeed, just the sight of it makes my blood

boil. I can't help but want to unsheathe my blade!"

Nami, on the other hand, was bewildered.

Had she embarked on a pirate's ship?

It felt as though her future was rife with danger...

["Accept the judgment, you mortals, this is the power of a god, hahaha!"]

With the emergence of Raigou, Enel stood atop the Ark and laughed.

His laughter was brimming with madness and exhilaration, tinged with

disdain for the ants before him.

Subsequently, beneath the astonished gazes of Luffy and his companions,

the Sky Island's residents, and the Skypieans...

Raigou descended gently onto the Sea of Clouds, unleashing boundless



In an instant, the colossal power surged unrestrained!

Endless thunder enshrouded a several-mile radius, turning the area into a

frenzied sea of thunder.

Such an astounding and horrifying spectacle might not even spare a


The thunder's devastation transformed everything into nothingness, and

countless plumes of white smoke ascended, unveiling the aftermath of

the cataclysm...

The settlement of the Sky Island's inhabitants had vanished entirely,

replaced by a gaping chasm.

Viewed from above, the Sea of Clouds appeared bottomless, akin to an


All traces of human creation were obliterated.

Even after the detonation, numerous lightning arcs continued to dance


This single strike eradicated the town, rending the Sea of Clouds asunder.

This titanic assault even plunged through the white sea beneath, creating

an unfathomable void.

This illustrated the unfathomable power inherent to Raigou!

Fortunately, the island's residents had evacuated the town.

Otherwise, not only the town, but tens of thousands of inhabitants of the

Sky Island...

"The might of Raigou... It feels just as overwhelming to watch."

"This danger is unprecedented..."

Doflamingo, sweating, fixed his eyes on the scene, his forehead

dampened by beads of perspiration.

The gravity of this spectacle was undeniable!

Shakky, clutching her lit cigar, exuded a profound sense of envy.

"Compared to Raigou, the prior Lightning Wrath was a mere appetizer!"

"No wonder Enel has always been fearless; possessing such a formidable

ace up his sleeve makes him capable of decimating the Sky Island or even

an entirecountry with ease!"

In the Blue Sea, those present, including Baby 5 and Diamante, were left

awestruck and envious.

The Yonko, Blackbeard, Big Mom, Kaido, Moria, and even Mihawk... all

shared the sentiment!

Upon witnessing Raigou's detonation, they realized that this power

transcended their own.

Except for Mihawk, who possessed the confidence to stand against it, the

rest recognized that their all-out assaults were dwarfed by Raigou's


Moria, in particular, stood petrified, his pallid face growing paler, akin to

a ghost.

Now, he comprehended why Luffy had defeated him.

Fighting such a monstrosity without dying was a feat in itself, and Luffy

was likewise a marvel.

Defeat at Luffy's hands... was no disgrace.

In the current situation, it mattered little whether Luffy or Enel emerged


At the very least, Moria, with his own strength, was incapable of facing


Staring at the explosion wrought by Raigou, Moria felt an overwhelming

sense of déjà vu.

He recalled a time when he had challenged Kaido.

The dread evoked by sheer power once more resurfaced...


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Chapter 67 : Dreams!

Just like everyone else, they were astonished by Raigo's terrifying power.

The picture in the sky continued to play…

"The entire White-White Sea trembled from that fierce explosion!"

"The town crumbled, the Cloud-Nine Split asunder…"

"In the abyss that resembles the Devil's Eye, an astounding arc also


"The inhabitants of the Floating Isle, who had already escaped 108,000

miles, could still clearly witness this scene."

"All, without exception, were instantly terror-stricken. They couldn't dare

to think that if they and the rest were still there…"

"I fear not a bone would remain!"

"Is this the full extent of Enel's power? It's simply... hopeless!"

At the same time, Zoro, Nico Robin, and Tony Tony Chopper woke from

their earlier unconsciousness and regrouped.

They didn't know what had transpired previously, but when they beheld

the colossal black hole in the sea of clouds, they were rendered utterly


Nami turned pale. This nightmarish power made her believe that Enel

was unconquerable.

"Luffy, let's get away!"

Nonetheless, in the face of Nami's plea, Monkey D. Luffy stood resolutely

before her.

"I've got to defeat Enel, and furthermore… there's something extremely

important I must do!"

"Above this vine, there's a golden bell!"

Upon hearing this, Nami grew anxious. "At a time like this, do you still

care about that golden bell?"

Even Nami, who regarded wealth as her life, did not dare to be greedy in

the presence of such a perilous adversary.

Although Luffy was still preoccupied with treasure, which comforted

Nami, their lives were of paramount importance.

Furthermore, the gold on his arm was more than enough; it wasn't worth

risking it all again.

However, Nami appeared to have misunderstood Luffy; it wasn't gold that

motivated him.

"Before I came here, I promised Old Chestnut Head that I'd prove the

existence of the Sky Island to everyone for him!"

"Simultaneously, it's to demonstrate to the townspeople who laughed at

us that dreams are real, and we mustn't be ridiculed!"

"Now, only we know about Sky Island's existence, and we've learned

everything about the gold."

"Old Chestnut Head will persist in searching the sea, without finding the

gold until his dying day, and his wish will remain unfulfilled!"

"Reaching the sky and then departing without accomplishing this is


"As soon as we ring the golden bell, everyone below will hear it!"

"This is a pledge among men, and a dream I will never back down from!"

On Gaya Island...

A robust man emerged from the depths of the sea.

Gazing at Luffy's image on the screen, he was moved to tears...

And, judging by the chestnut on his head, it was apparent that he was the

"Old Chestnut Head" Luffy had mentioned!

"Straw Hat Luffy…"

"Old Chestnut Head was deeply moved. Although he hadn't yet met the

Straw Hat Pirates, he knew about their impending intersection.

He was aware that Luffy intended to ascend the vine and ring the golden

bell to announce the existence of Sky Island to Gaya Island and the entire


He now knew that the gold was divided with Gaya Island and transported

to the Sky Island.

But no matter what, everything had been proven, and his fixation had

finally been released...

The two gorilla-like men who accompanied him appeared somewhat

awkward when they saw the boss's tears, so they stood dumbfounded

beside him, attempting to console themselves.

Back on Gaya Island...

Numerous islanders and pirates, even Bellamy and his crew, gawked...

Now they hadn't yet encountered Luffy and the others, but in the images,

they saw everyone in the tavern laughing at him.

It was clear why he hadn't fought back, as he wished to prove the

existence of Sky Island and demonstrate that dreams are real!

Though later on, he was directly struck down by a punch...

This made Bellamy feel humiliated.

However, he had unconsciously developed deep admiration for Luffy and

his crew now!

It wasn't just because they dared to confront such a formidable foe like

Enel, but also because of their unwavering commitment to their dreams!

With Sky Island now conclusively confirmed, the dream was within


Bellamy, along with the tavern patrons who had mocked Luffy, appeared

ridiculous at this moment.

"Luffy's words resonated with everyone..."

"Even Nami and Usopp, who had initially decided to flee, changed their


"At this moment, everyone had only one goal..."

"Bring down Enel and ring the golden bell!"

Luffy began to ascend the vine, and even though the enormous golden

Vearth lump on his hand seriously hindered his movement, he pressed on


Despite the sluggish pace, he climbed resolutely toward the heavens and


Nami contemplated how to direct everyone below to assist Luffy...

As they couldn't resist the lightning and couldn't join the fight on the Ark

to battle Enel, as comrades, they had to explore alternative approaches!

"Sever this vine leading to the sky and send the Ark plummeting!"

Upon hearing this, they found their purpose and were filled with


Zoro, Wyper, Gan Fall, and the rest began to assail the colossal vine, akin

to a Bird's Nest Pillar.

Simultaneously, above in the sky, Enel reached the vine's pinnacle.

Here, he spotted the relic that the Sky Islands and the people of Skypiea

had sought for centuries... the Golden Bell!

"What a magnificent treasure, but now it's mine!"

"Only I, as a god, can possess it!"

Sporting a lazy grin, Enel peered at Luffy's group, still toiling beneath

him, a hint of displeasure in his heart.

"Have these mortals not grasped the gulf between them and the gods?"

"God's will is unassailable, and given this, they are bound for death!"

"These mortals shouldn't think that Raigo... is just one, correct?"

"Hahaha, let's obliterate it..."

As Enel's laughter reverberated through the skies, the dark cloud cover

parted once more.

Among them, a fearsome thunder sphere, identical to before,

materialized once again!

This time, its power surpassed the previous instance!

And this time, Raigo's target was no longer a town or the White Sea, but

everyone below!

Upon witnessing this sight, Nami beneath the vine, Zoro, and his

companions were stricken with shock, a profound sense of peril

enveloping them.

And Luffy, who was scaling upwards, faced Raigo yet again but did not

waver in the least. On the contrary, his expression grew increasingly


"I will definitely knock you down, Enel, just you wait!"

For the sake of the pledge, for the dream, Luffy at this moment erupted

once more...

"Well done!!!

"Go, Luffy, knock him down for me!"

At the Marine Headquarters, the sky broadcast exhilarated Garp, who had

already been on edge.

He forcefully struck the railing before him, shouting with enthusiasm.

Sengoku: "…"

Gazing at the shattered railing pulverized by Garp's punch, he remained


The railings in this assembly hall were crafted from the finest artisan


Garp's punch had likely cost several hundred thousand Berries to replace

the railings, and that was no small sum…

Yet, he couldn't help but acknowledge that his excitement mirrored


If it weren't for the title of Fleet Admiral, he'd have publicly vented his

pent-up enthusiasm with a punch.

Glancing at Garp, who was brimming with excitement, Sengoku's eyes

also bore a glint of admiration.

"Respecting agreements and dreams and unwavering in the face of

formidable foes..."

"Garp, you've got a fine grandson!"


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Chapter 68

[Raigo has reappeared!]

[Enel has instilled all his power, and his thunderball is ominously


[The power and scale this time far surpass the last encounter!]

[If it strikes the White-White Sea, the destruction won't be limited to the

town; it might annihilate everything!]

[The White-White Sea and all it holds dear could be obliterated!]

[The residents of the Sky Island gaze upward, faces drained of hope...]

[The situation is dire, only Luffy and his crew can stand against it!]

[Zoro makes a quick decision, draws his sword, and dashes towards the


"Luffy's heading for the summit; we must buy him the time he needs! We

must act!"

[As these words are spoken, the rest of the crew springs into action...]

[Zoro is about to make a move when he sees Fujiyu...]

[High above, Enel senses it.]

[He won't let Zoro sever the vine. He unleashes a barrage of falling



[A massive explosion resounds, but Zoro avoids it and presses forward!]

"Lion Song!"

[Three swords strike simultaneously, strong enough to cut through steel-

like vines...]

[Yet, the vine, as colossal as a giant's pillar, is too thick; Zoro's blade only

slices it in half!]

[At this point, cutting down the vine is still out of reach!]

[Just as Zoro prepares for another strike, Enel's lightning strikes again,

sealing the path before him.]

[Zoro has no chance to approach the vine or unsheathe his sword...]

[Meanwhile, the increasingly ominous thunder in the sky continues its


[Drawing nearer to the White-White Sea, closer to everyone!]

[Even Nami and the rest of the crew on the ground feel the electricity

crackling above.]

[The crisis is upon them...]


"Zoro, your sword is formidable; you've cut a massive vine in half!"


On their small boat, Luffy stands and cheers.

His eyes gleam with admiration, as though envious of Zoro's


When Zoro hears this, he takes a sip of wine and grins, "It's impressive,

but for now, we must focus on what's at hand."

"But this... It seems my swordsmanship isn't bad after all!"

Nami gapes, looks incredulously at the two, and then scolds them, "Is

your attention misplaced?"

"Lightningis rapidly approaching, and you're concerned about Zoro's


Luffy and Zoro turn to her, startled, as though they're gazing at a fool.

"Why fret about Lightning?"

"The events on Sky Island occurred even before we faced Moria."

"If we perish under Raigo, how will we confront the Warlords?"

"We must conquer Raigo, subdue Enel, or else our survival is in


Nami stands stunned by this revelation, her expression darkening.

It seems to make sense.

But if they only survive, leaving Sky Island destroyed without

vanquishing Enel…

"What if we survive, and Sky Island lies in ruins without Enel's defeat?"

Luffy's laughter disappears instantly; his face becomes serious.

"In that case, we'll return to Sky Island and kick him out!"

"We must fulfill Old Man Chieftain's promise; we won't abandon our


"No matter how formidable the foe, we won't give up, because..."

"I'm going to be the Pirate King!"

At this moment, Nami gazes at Luffy's serious expression, lost in


"Give up the struggle, mortals; the power of God is insurmountable!"

Enel watches from on high, as if he's observing a clown.

Luffy keeps climbing, but the golden sphere in his hand is growing


Although he could initially carry it with brute force, the exertion

gradually weakens him.

Climbing vertically, it becomes almost fatal.

Enel releases a lightning bolt, sending Luffy plummeting to the ground.

Luffy, smashed back to earth, clenches his teeth in frustration but can do


Warrior Cricket steps up, using his cannon to attack the vine, but it has

minimal effect.

Zoro is halted by lightning, denying him the chance to strike a second


All hope seems lost.

As Raigo draws nearer, despair takes hold of everyone.

Yet, a miracle occurs!

With a deafening roar, the colossal snake, previously fried by Enel's

lightning, awakens.

As though comprehending everything, it raises its massive head and

crashes into the vine with all its might.

Even amidst the thunder and lightning, it perseveres with its body.

This unexpected sight takes everyone by surprise, including Enel.

The giant snake's immense size and strength cause the vine to crack when

they collide.

The enormous vine begins to tilt, but it's not enough...

"Now's the time!"

bell bursts forth, reaching the severed vine at incredible speed, his palm

loaded with an impact shell.

A massive impact explodes at this moment!

It becomes the final straw, severing the vine...

The celestial vine, akin to a colossal pillar, finally breaks completely and

rapidly descends to the side.

bell and the giant snake, too, are utterly drained and tumble toward the


"The rest is up to... the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Alright, we've got it!"

Luffy bursts forward, but this time, he's not alone.

This time, with Nami controlling Yunhai bell, they gallop on the still-

falling vines, heading in Enel's direction...

This stunning scene leaves everyone awestruck.

The immersive despair...

It sends shudders through the inhabitants of Skypiea, across countless

nations and to countless civilians.

Simultaneously, with Luffy, bell, the giant snake, working together to fell

the celestial vine...

The profound impact touches everyone's hearts.

A desperate situation...

Especially as they witness Nami, riding Mighty Gallop on the vine,

approaching Enel alongside Luffy.

This sight elicits cheers from all!

"Go, Nami!"

"You've got this, Luffy!"

Topple Enel and save Sky Island!


Luffy's enraged voice echoes in the sky and across the White-White Sea.

Guided by Nami, they draw nearer and nearer to Enel's location.

As the vine tilts and descends, Enel is astonished; Luffy's immunity to

lightning makes him somewhat apprehensive.

So, even as a barrage of ten thousand thunders descends, Enel plans to

blast Nami and bell away!


Ten thousand thunders strike again, resounding with countless lightning

bolts, indiscriminately destroying everything!

Perhaps it's the looming specter of death or bell's newfound awareness,

but Nami feels no fear. She floors the accelerator and races against the

storm, advancing through countless crashing thunders!


"Rubber Pistol!"

Luffy kicks with all his might, seizing the final burst of power from bell,

soaring into the air. He raises his gold-bound arm and strikes into the


However, his target is not Enel but Raigo!

The immense golden sphere, along with Luffy, rushes into the thunder

ying charged with apocalyptic might.

At that moment, before Raigo descends upon the White-White Sea, it is

detonated by Luffy!


Terrifying shockwaves and a cascade of electric arcs sweep in all


Even though Raigo never reaches the White-White Sea, the explosive

impact scatters everything within a several-mile radius.

Even Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Gan Fall, and the unconscious giant snake on

the ground... all go flying!

But Luffy, a man made of rubber, remains unscathed amid the thunder's


He believes that the colossal golden sphere in his hand absorbed the

impact, allowing him to land firmly on the vine, a single step from Enel.

"Loathsome ants, you all deserve to perish!!!"

Enraged, Enel broke Raigo to annihilate Sky Island?

Raigo's attack relied on the thundercloud formed by the Ark. Even he

couldn't recreate it.

Now that it's destroyed, it signifies that Sky Island can't be obliterated!

Fueled by fury, Enel goes berserk, unleashing all of his power...

His body cloaked in endless thunder and lightning transforms into a

massive figure in the sky!

At this moment, the Thunder God descends!


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Chapter 69 : Golden Bell's Chime!

["Insects from Blue Sea, today I shall allow you to be obliterated

completely!" ]

[Enel's voice resounded in the sky, echoing constantly...]

[He had transformed into a new form, enveloped in endless thunder and

lightning, taking the form of a colossal thunder and lightning deity.]

[This massive figure, larger than an ark, was akin to the arrival of the

God of Thunder.]

[In Enel's hands, he wielded two golden tridents, brimming with power.]

[This spectacle sent shockwaves throughout the entire Skypiea, even

reaching Zoro, Nami, and others...]

At this moment, the entirety of Skypiea trembled...

As everyone gazed upon Enel's Thunder God form, their hearts quivered

with shock.

Such formidable power!

Such an overwhelming sense of awe...

It sent shivers down their spines!

Marine Headquarters...

"Could this be... Devil Fruit Awakening?"

A look of astonishment crossed Admiral Aokiji's face.

Even the lethargic Admiral Aokiji, who rarely paid heed to anything, was

taken aback.

This was because of the sheer awe-inspiring appearance of Enel in this


For you see, Devil Fruit Awakening meant taking one's Devil Fruit ability

to its utmost limit.

Mastering it perfectly, thereby unlocking greater power!

Those who could Awaken their Devil Fruits were not to be


Especially with a fruit like the Goro Goro no Mi, known as one of the

nearly invincible Logia Fruits. In this form, Enel could likely hold his own

against even an admiral!

"The electricity coursing through his body has reached at least 200

million volts!"

"If regular folks get too close, they'd be incinerated instantly, and even

we couldn't touch it directly!"

"Indeed, it appears only the rubbery powers of that Straw Hat boy would

dare to approach."

Both Aokiji and Kizaru were amazed, and they marveled at the fact that

indeed one could challenge another Devil Fruit's elemental powers.

The Gomu Gomu no Mi proved to be the perfect counter to the Goro

Goro no Mi.

Unknown Island...

A man with an unsightly face, missing a few teeth, and a somewhat

portly physique stood there.

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to have just escaped a perilous

situation, appearing somewhat disheveled.

But the aura he exuded marked him as a pirate without a doubt, yet...

He didn't have the air of a big-shot, more akin to an ordinary pirate.

But had Ace or the Whitebeard Pirates seen him, they would've erupted

in chaos immediately!

Because, it was none other than Teach, Marshall D. Teach!

At this moment, Teach had just taken down Thatch, the Fourth Division

Commander, claimed the Yami Yami no Mi, and commenced his escape...

Despite his bedraggled state, he was ecstatic!

After twenty long years on Whitebeard's ship, he had finally acquired

what he desired.

However, looking up at the sky and witnessing Enel's Thor-like form,

Teach was momentarily bewildered, his eyes flashing with avarice.

"The Goro Goro no Mi, one of the most nearly invincible Devil Fruits in


"In this form, it seems worthy of that reputation, and it wields incredible


"This fruit can serve as a substitute for my second fruit, hahaha!"


[Though the world watched in awe as Enel unleashed his Thor form]

[Luffy remained unfazed and, upon hearing his words, grew even more


"Rubber Pistol!"

Luffy's fist rocketed towards Enel at incredible speed.

And Enel , not one to back down, thrust his golden tridents forward!

In an instant, Luffy's punch collided forcefully with Enel's face, blood

trickling from his mouth.

Simultaneously, Enel's tridents pierced towards Luffy...

Fortunately, Luffy closed his fist in the nick of time, catching the tridents

and preventing them from plunging too deeply.

Otherwise, with Luffy's sharp weapons, it would've spelled certain doom!

Still, the surging thunder surrounding the tridents made the ordeal

painfully scorching. Though Luffy was unharmed by lightning, the

tridents' heat still got to him.

"Now, you have two choices: persist or let go."

"Keep holding on, and my tridents will slowly impale you, and the

searing heat will torment you."

"But if you release your grip... you'll plummet into the White Sea."

"And I shall summon ten thousand bolts of lightning to lay waste to


"Insects from Blue Sea, what will you choose?"

Enel said, his face bearing a mocking grin...

In his eyes, Luffy seemed like a clown!

The viewers from numerous kingdoms across the seas, staring at their

screens, couldn't help but grow tense.

Luffy was in grave danger!

If he let go... it would be all over!

Nami sent desperate pleas for him to hold on.

He was still on the way to reach the crumbling Heaven's Vine, utilizing

the vine's tilt to ascend to the sky.

If he fell now, there'd be no opportunity to get near Luffy. But if he clung


He'd have to endure the tridents' pain and injuries.

Luffy, what will you choose?

[The persistent high temperature and the piercing tridents inflicted

immense pain upon Luffy.]

[Finally, he released his grip, falling into the air...]

Observing this, Enel burst into laughter, his mocking smile growing


"Insects from Blue Sea, you've made the right choice. After all, compared

to the lives of others, your own is more precious."

"But in the next moment, Luffy's actions left Enel dumbfounded."

Luffy's arm extended as he descended into the White Sea.

Suddenly, his arm shot forward and caught hold of a sea cloud, using the

fall's momentum and his own rubbery elasticity to propel himself

upwards several hundred meters!

With this incredible power, he leaped towards the sky!


With a resounding cry, Luffy unleashed a spiraling punch, his arm

wrapped in a golden sphere.

The sheer power of the fall, the weight of the golden sphere, and the

force of Luffy's rubbery spiral punch...

All of these combined, resulting in a punch of unimaginable destructive


Even though Enel tried to react by blocking with his two tridents, he was

still knocked away instantly!

The massive golden sphere shattered his tridents and sent him flying

across the Ark... and beyond!

The Ark couldn't withstand such destructive power and shattered as well.

Thus, after traversing thousands of meters...

Luffy's punch, together with Enel in his Thor form, crashed into the

Golden Bell that had stood tall for over 400 years!


At that moment, after four centuries, the Golden Bell tolled once more!

The bell's chime resounded throughout the White Sea, even reaching

Skypiea from a height of ten thousand meters!

The bell's resounding clang was incredibly loud and far-reaching.

It reverberated across the world for a long time...

The images kept playing, yet every spectator was in tears...

For those watching, the live broadcast showed the significance of the

Golden Bell's chime.

The return of the Golden Bell not only meant the existence of Skypiea in

the world.

It also symbolized the exoneration of Mont Blanc Noland, who had once

been branded a notorious liar.

His descendants would no longer endure humiliation and scorn.

Now, they could proudly proclaim to the world that their forebearer

wasn't a great deceiver!

Everything he'd spoken of, all his adventures, were genuine truths!

At the same time, the Golden Bell's ringing affirmed Luffy, the Straw Hat

kid's, fulfillment of their agreement and the realization of his dream.

With tangible actions, he'd slapped the faces of those who once laughed

at his aspirations and dreams in the tavern.

Dreams should never be the subject of mockery!

Instead, dreams should endure indefinitely!


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Chapter 70 : Garp's Pride!


The resounding and ethereal bell echoed across the White-White Sea and

reached the depths of the ocean below.

As the bell tolled, it marked the end of everything.

Enel had unleashed Raigo, his strength exhausted.

His Thunder Form, pushed to its limits, had transformed into a mighty

crossbow, and Luffy's punch had shattered it.

Enel had fallen into a deep coma, his Thunder Form dissipating as he

plummeted to the unknown depths.

In the skies above the White-White Sea, the inhabitants of Sky Islands,

the Skypieans, wept tears of joy.

They had never imagined that Enel, the self-proclaimed "God" of Skypiea,

would truly be defeated.

After enduring years of tyranny, their liberation had finally arrived.

Luffy, standing atop the collapsed Maxim vine, cast a distinctive

silhouette visible to all.

This image was etched deeply into the hearts of every observer.

The Skypiean residents prostrated themselves on the ground, expressing

their immeasurable gratitude.

And this scene...

It ignited the viewers across the Grand Line with fervor.

Could it be true? Had Luffy emerged victorious?

The Skypiea's God, Enel, defeated?

It was a spectacle beyond belief.

One would have to see it with their own eyes to trust the veracity of the


The Skypiea Incident had unfolded in ways unimaginable.

It was not just a conflict between adversaries, but a clash of dreams, a

tale of unspoken romance.

The image crystallized with Luffy, standing tall, and the dark clouds

dissipated beneath the 110-foot-deep White-White Sea, replaced by


This vision, both beautiful and hopeful, left an indelible mark not only on

the Skypiean people but also on the live broadcast viewers.

Revolutionary Army!


"How is this possible?"

Betty, the Eastern Army Commander of the Revolutionary Army, was


She had never expected Luffy to emerge victorious in this battle.

As a commander of the Revolutionary Army, Betty possessed formidable

strength, rivaling even that of a Shichibukai.

In combat expertise and strategic insight, she was a formidable force.

Her assessment should have easily discerned the likely outcome of the


Enel was a near-invulnerable "God" with the power of Logia Thumder


His Observation Haki made him even more formidable. His Devil Fruit

powers had also awakened, significantly amplifying his combat abilities.

In contrast, Luffy's crew was vastly outmatched. Apart from Luffy and

Zoro, their combat potential was minimal. Many were incapacitated and

unable to engage in battle.

Moreover, the few with unique abilities were vulnerable in their own


Luffy's sole advantage lay in his rubber body, providing immunity to


But was this one advantage enough to turn the tide of battle?

The battle had already concluded, and in retrospect, it all seemed logical

and natural.

Only upon its conclusion did one realize how surreal it was.

Betty was not alone in her disbelief; the five commanders of the

Revolutionary Army—Lindbergh, Morley, Karasu, and Ivankov—all

shared her sentiment.

They couldn't fathom Luffy and his crew's triumph in this battle.

From the start, they had estimated the odds of Enel eradicating everyone

and destroying Skypiea at 99.9%.

The meager 0.1% rested on Luffy's immunity to lightning.

Yet, against all odds, Luffy seized this single opportunity and achieved


Even now, they found it hard to believe, their emotions still awry.

It all seemed like a dream, too dreamy to be real.

Enel's terrifying power was such that not even the combined strength of

the five commanders could guarantee victory.

Yet Luffy had achieved the impossible.

Sabo, reflecting on the situation, remarked, "Perhaps Luffy possesses the

ability to create miracles!"

"Even the gods seem to favor a man who values his dreams and


Betty and the five commanders exchanged surprised glances, taking

Sabo's words to heart.

Ivankov mused, "The Leader's son is truly exceptional. This battle has

brought us many unexpected surprises."

Karas agreed, "Indeed. Based on this battle, his potential knows no


Betty suggested with a smile, "Luffy's dream of finding the One Piece may

not be so far-fetched after all."

As they watched Luffy standing victoriously in the sky, shock and

admiration filled their eyes.

Sabo, having witnessed Luffy's victory, was equally relieved.

He couldn't help but feel an inexplicable connection with Luffy,

something deeper than mere circumstance.

With the live broadcast concluded, he considered a trip to Windmill

Village. As the Revolutionary Army's Chief of Staff, he couldn't leave the

headquarters without guidance from Dragon.

However, when Sabo turned around, he was taken aback.

"Where's the Commander?"

Betty and the five commanders shared his confusion.

Moments ago, Dragon had stood among them, watching the broadcast.

Now, he was nowhere to be found.


Marine Headquarters:

The scene at the Marine headquarters was starkly different.

Here, silence enveloped the entire compound. Every onlooker stood in

stunned disbelief.

All eyes were fixed on the sky, and a thick, palpable tension hung in the


No one spoke; it was as though time itself had come to a halt.

After what seemed like an eternity, Sengoku, usually the embodiment of

stoicism as a Fleet Admiral, couldn't contain himself any longer.

"What the hell... is this real?" he exclaimed.

Such an outcome was beyond anyone's wildest expectations.

Even Garp couldn't believe his eyes.

From the very beginning, he had rooted for Luffy, but he understood the

bleak reality.

At best, Luffy would be crushed by Enel's overwhelming might, and his

crew would escape Skypiea, defeated but alive, their dignity and dreams


This result would be acceptable, as even the strongest had faced defeat

on their path to greatness.

As long as Luffy survived, Garp would be content. But this…

Had his own grandson really emerged victorious? Had he truly sent Enel

flying with a single punch?

It was inconceivable.

Garp's outward demeanor remained composed, but inside, he couldn't

help but feel a surge of pride. After all, the person in that picture was his


His dear grandson!

Enel, a "God" with immeasurable power, had been defeated, and his

grandson was the one to do it. Luffy had only just set sail and was far

from reaching his full potential.

The implications of this victory were staggering. The future was bound to

hold even greater surprises.

Even Garp couldn't help but laugh out loud.

All his prior anxieties and nervousness had vanished, replaced by joy.

Garp and Sengoku, one laughing heartily, the other lost in a daze,

couldn't return to reality for a long while.

The three Admirals and the Seven Warlords, on the other hand...

Their expressions were just as varied, mirroring the internal turmoil.

Aokiji and Kizaru had no deep animosity toward Luffy, so they were

equally amazed by his victory, finding it unbelievable.

As for Akainu, he scowled deeply, his face as dark as night.

His frustration was immeasurable.

Mihawk, Boa Hancock, Kuma, and Jinbei were equally surprised, but

they handled it with more composure.

As for Crocodile and Doflamingo, they were utterly flabbergasted.

One had dropped his cigar, while the other had one eye popped halfway

out of its socket.

The duo was the epitome of bewilderment.

As for Gecko Moria...

He was on his knees, tears in his eyes.

His lips moved, whispering a single word.



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Chapter 71 : Deafeat!

Whitebeard Pirates!

All the division captains and crew were shocked beyond belief.

Including Whitebeard himself, who is the captain of the ship...

IHe too, find it unbelievable that Luffy emerged victorious from this


Initially, before the battle began, nobody believed that Luffy would

defeat such a formidable Enel!

Judging from Enel's power, most of the division captains aboard the

entire pirate ship believed themselves to be inferior.

The remaining few couldn't guarantee their victory either.

But now...

The outcome is before our very eyes!

Luffy's victory left everyone deeply astounded...

"Luffy... emerged victorious!"

Ace beamed a brilliant smile.

In this moment, joy beyond words filled his heart!

When Luffy faced danger, he worried about Luffy more than anyone else

on the ship, much like Garp.

But now... all his worries had dissipated.

What remained was only elation and excitement!

After a moment of disbelief, Whitebeard, too, broke into a smile...

"Straw Hat Kid, you truly are worthy of being Ace's little brother and

Garp's grandson. You've once again surprised me greatly!"

"To have defeated Enel... it's astonishing!"

"Is your dream to find One Piece?"

"Perhaps... you do possess that potential!"

Red-Haired Pirates!


"Luffy, that kid, may act mischievous most of the time, but his luck is

something else."

"Yes, his ability to nullify Enel's powerful Thunder Fruit with his rubber

fruit was quite fortunate!"

"If not for his immunity to lightning, it could have been dire!"

"Such luck, truly remarkable..."

Many crew members continued to express their amazement.

Most believed Luffy's victory was solely due to his rubber fruit countering

Enel's Thunder Fruit.

But at this moment, Shanks spoke...

"Luck can sometimes be a part of one's strength!"

"If you were to face Enel without immunity to lightning, would you be

certain of victory?"

His words silenced everyone...

Indeed, even if Enel lost his thunder-based abilities, he still possessed his

formidable Mantra, Lightning Wrath, and Thunder God's Descent.

Any of these powers alone could be devastating to Skypiea!

But Luffy not only defeated Enel, he also saved Skypiea from destruction!

The magnitude of his achievement was self-evident...

"Luffy, this kid..."

"He will surely astonish the world in the future!"

"I'll be waiting on the Grand Line, and we will cross paths one day!"

Shanks gazed at Luffy's back in the image with a contented smile...



"He actually won?"

"Hmph, what a waste!"

Kaido scoffed, disagreeing with the outcome of the battle.

He believed that Enel squandered his potent Thunder Fruit abilities.

To think he was defeated by a rookie with a seemingly worthless rubber


It was a disgrace!

Kaido had once considered recruiting Enel, thinking he had potential.

Now, it seemed Enel was unworthy of his attention!

The Marines!

"The Straw Hat... Luffy?"

"Garp's grandson, Dragon's son..."

"I'll remember that name!"

Garp's bulky frame rested amid a pile of desserts.

With his mouth full of pastries, he muttered unintelligibly.

Standing beside him were the three Admirals: Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru.

All three had watched the entire saga of Skypiea, but their reactions


Akainu and Kizaru dismissed it.

They believed that if Luffy could defeat Enel, then this so-called God of


Was mere talk!

Someone among the Marines could deal with it if needed.

However, Aokiji didn't underestimate Luffy and was lost in thought...

Luffy was currently weak and not even afraid of the three Admirals who

were enjoying their sweets.

Defeating Enel was due to the fruit's power compatibility.


This didn't mean Luffy lacked strength.

He saw Luffy's potential!

And he deeply admired Luffy's resolve to face powerful adversaries for

the sake of dreams and promises!

"Such an intriguing person. He's destined to become a formidable figure!"

"I hope to cross paths with him one day..."



"Absolutely impossible!!!"

In the temple, Enel raged, his fury reaching its zenith.

"That Straw Hat kid ruined my plan?"

"And defeated me?"

"It's a fake, it must be a fake!"

Thunder roared...

As Enel screamed, countless lightning bolts erupted, decimating most of

the temple!

The four Priests trembled below, not daring to move a muscle...

"Rubber fruit, Rubber Man?"

Enel's eyes turned red, and he transformed the Golden Bell he held into a

sharp golden trident.

"I'll annihilate this threat from the root!"

"No one can best me!"

"Blue Sea... I'm coming!"

Enel transformed into lightning and vanished in an instant.

He intended to cross the White-White Sea to reach the Blue Sea!

As a god, he couldn't accept being defeated and was determined to

eliminate Luffy before his arrival on Skypiea.

He had learned his lesson from the vision and intended to strike without


First, he'd dispatch the Straw Hat crew members who lacked lightning

immunity, then devise a way to deal with Luffy!

This time... No one would stop him!

At this moment, the world trembled.

Not just the major powers, influential figures, kingdoms, pirates, or

common folk...

Everyone was astounded!

Luffy's victory over Enel was more shocking than his previous clash with

Moria, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!


They etched Luffy's name in their memories.

They remembered the Straw Hat Pirates...

A premonition grew in their hearts; even with the advantage of fruit

compatibility, Luffy had demonstrated his strength.

This was just the beginning...

In the future, he might become even more powerful, beyond anyone's


As the scene continued to unfold, the picture showed:

"With Enel's defeat, the people of Skypiea, who had been oppressed and

ruled for so long, were liberated!"

"At the same time, the four-century-old conflict between the Skypieans

and Shandians came to an end."

"Gan Fall, with the overwhelming support of the people, returned to the

temple, reclaiming his position as a benevolent god."

"In the hearts of the Skypieans, he was the true god who loved Skypiea

and its inhabitants."

"Now, with Enel defeated, and under Gan Fall's leadership, Skypiea

would undoubtedly return to its peaceful and beautiful past."

"The Straw Hats and their allies gathered once more. Though some

sustained injuries, none were life-threatening."

"Under Nami's lead, they collected a vast amount of gold and loaded it

onto the Going Merry."

"This journey could be considered a jackpot!"

"However, at that moment, Gan Fall and the Skypiean people, together

with the Shandians, rushed towards them."

"Seeing this, Luffy and the others were puzzled, but Nami panicked."

"'They're not coming to take the

gold back, are they?'"

"'No way! No way at all! Run!'"

"Nami couldn't bear it and took Luffy and the others, who were

bewildered, and sped off on the Merry at lightning speed."

"Gan Fall and the Skypieans, watching the Merry's rapidly receding

figure, were left in a daze."

"They knew that Luffy and his crew were pirates. They were kind-hearted

and had come to Skypiea in the time of crisis."

"They wanted to show their gratitude."

"When they saw them packing up the gold, they thought that Luffy and

his crew would enjoy such things and decided to help carry the largest

gold pillar on the island."

"In terms of weight, it was dozens of times heavier than the gold Nami

and the others had collected."

"But who could have predicted that they'd leave so suddenly, before the

gifts arrived?"

"Gan Fall and the others sighed, saying, 'They must have thought they'd

taken enough and didn't want the huge gold pillar we were carrying.'"

"'What kind people. I hope we meet them again one day.'"

On unknown seas...

Nami watched the events unfold in utter disbelief.

What had just happened?

The Skypieans had carried the largest gold pillar as a gift for them.

And they fled?

Nami wept and wanted to jump into the picture to shake herself and ask,

"Do you know how much money you're leaving behind?"

Countless Beli, all gone!

However, Luffy and Sanji weren't bothered. In fact, they laughed heartily.

At this moment, they were more than content because...

They had defeated Enel and saved Skypiea.

Their dreams and promises had been fulfilled...


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Chapter 72 : Reward Distribution!

As everyone watched in astonishment...

In the sky, the image reappeared, and the reward inventory was about to


[The Sky Island Chapter's reward inventory has concluded, and now the

list of winners is being announced, along with the opportunity for all

crew members to gather!]

[Following this, the next ranking will be opened...]

[Congratulations to Ace, Zoro, and Nami for successfully choosing the

correct answers!]

[Winners, your rewards are now being revealed!]

[Congratulations to Ace: You have gained enhanced proficiency in Haki

(Color of Observation and Armament Haki)!]

[Congratulations to Zoro: You have unlocked two advanced sword

techniques - 'Ghastly Nine Sword Style: Asura' (Kiki Kyutoryu: Ashura)

and 'Three Sword Style : Great Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds'!]

[Congratulations to Nami: You now possess the Weather Device, a fully

upgraded Weather Stick!]

On the Whitebeard Pirates' ship...

At this moment, Ace gazed at the sky, a sense of wonder filling him.

But something incredible happened - a warm energy coursed through


Suddenly, due to this surge in power, his abilities spiraled out of control,

and flames spontaneously enveloped his body!

In the blink of an eye, the flames vanished.

Ace stared at his hands in shock. He could feel a significant improvement

in his Haki abilities.

Both Color of Observation and Armament Haki had advanced

significantly compared to a moment ago. He could now effortlessly

surpass his former self using Haki.

Even though he had received rewards in the past, the instant boost in

power remained astonishing.

Ace's transformation didn't go unnoticed by the entire crew. Soon, Marco,

Vista, Jozu, Blamenco, Curiel, and other division commanders gathered

around him.

"Hey, Marco, I got another reward!" Ace exclaimed. "I didn't expect my

Haki to improve as well. Your strength is skyrocketing."

"I might not be able to beat you now, even as the First Division

Commander," Marco added humorously.

The other commanders chimed in, expressing their amazement at Ace's

two consecutive rewards, which significantly elevated his combat


However, there was no trace of jealousy among them, including Marco,

the first division commander and Whitebeard's right-hand man. In fact,

he felt that Ace had surpassed him, or at the very least, matched his


Ace responded to their comments with a hearty laugh. The sight of Ace's

camaraderie with his fellow pirates brought a smile to Whitebeard's face.

As a family, they had unshakable trust in one another. It was a

heartwarming sight.

In the uncharted seas...


"Nami, Zoro, you guys got rewards!" Luffy exclaimed as he looked up at

the sky.

He had momentarily mistaken himself for the recipient, but as the

captain, Luffy was genuinely excited for his crew members.

Zoro, too, experienced a warm surge of energy at that moment. Two new

sword techniques inexplicably came to mind, and he felt confident that

he could execute them flawlessly.

Without hesitation, Zoro swung his sword and performed the "Ghastly

Nine Sword Style: Asura" and "Three Sword Style : Great Three Thousand

Great Thousand Worlds" in rapid succession. The power of these sword

techniques was so immense that they shook the tranquil sea.

The tremendous sword energy cleaved through the water, creating a

massive divide hundreds of meters wide, and caused a massive explosion

on the other side.

This display of power left the once-calm sea roiling, and their small boat

teetered dangerously.

Nami jumped up in a mixture of fear and anger, but Zoro seemed

absorbed in his own thoughts.

"Wow! These techniques are incredible!" he murmured to himself. "This

must be the swordsmanship I'll master in the future. It's amazing!"

Because Zoro had executed two powerful sword techniques consecutively,

he was physically exhausted. Nonetheless, he couldn't help but smile. He

knew that these rewards were making him stronger.

Nami, on the other hand, summoned a fully upgraded Weather Stick, a

gift from Usopp, which could unleash an array of weather-based attacks.

Her thoughts buzzed with ideas on how to use this newfound power.

The world was in awe of these rewards, whether pirates or the Navy,

they were all stunned.

Although they couldn't comprehend the strength of Zoro's new sword

techniques or the full potential of Nami's enhanced Weather Stick, it was

evident that they had significantly bolstered their combat prowess.

Yet, it was Ace's reward that left everyone envious and awestruck.

Gaining expertise in two forms of Haki, especially the rare Color of

Observation and Armament Haki, was a dream come true for many. The

sudden surge in Haki abilities was a priceless reward.

As a result, many regretted not choosing Luffy as the winner. They

wished they could have gained such extraordinary rewards.

But there was more to come as the sky image reappeared...

[Special rewards are now available!]

[The Sky Island Chapter's reward inventory has concluded, and special

achievement rewards are being given out!]

[Congratulations to Monkey D. Luffy: Your Devil Fruit powers have been

further developed, and you've unlocked the mastery of the Third Gear!]

"Third Gear?" Luffy hesitated for a moment before a warm sensation

enveloped him. He suddenly comprehended a wealth of information.

"Ah!" Luffy exclaimed, clutching his head. He felt like his mind was about

to explode.

Nami and Zoro watched in concern. "Luffy, what's wrong?"

But Luffy's reaction was swift. "Third Gear! Gomu Gomu no... Giant


He inflated his bones, and his leg shot out, growing into an enormous

size, casting a shadow over the entire area. With a mighty kick, the sea

surface trembled as if it had been hit by a colossal force.

The power of this kick was comparable to Zoro's earlier sword strikes,

and it once again disturbed the calm sea.

Nami was exasperated. "You two! Stop causing trouble, the ship is about

to capsize!"

Unperturbed, Luffy and Zoro continued their antics, but Nami was

determined to reach Sirob Village and find Usopp to maintain the ship.

She couldn't afford to let these two cause any more damage.

This world was filled with excitement, surprise, and disbelief as the

rewards continued to unfold, and the crew's strength continued to grow.


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Chapter 73 : Buster Call!

[Monkey D. Luffy vs Enel, the Top Ten Peak Battles, the Conclusion of

the Sky Island Arc, and the Post-War Recap...]

[This event occurred before the Thriller Bark incident, so the Straw Hat

Pirates were still not fully assembled!]

[Due to the significance of the Sky Island incident, the excitement of the

battles, and its core importance, it takes priority over the Thriller Bark


[Furthermore, very few people are aware of the Sky Island incident, and

the news of Enel's defeat hasn't been reported.]

[So, the bounties for the Straw Hat Pirates have not increased.]

[They still retain the bounties they received after defeating the first of

Seven Warlords before going to the Sky Island.]

[Captain, Monkey D. Luffy, bounty... 100 million Berries!]

[The rest of the crew: Robin, 79 million Berries; Zoro, 60 million


[The other crew members' bounties are insignificant...]

At that moment, the Marine headquarters was in chaos.

As they watched the live broadcast, they had already suspected that the

events on the Sky Island had taken place before their encounter with


After all, Luffy hadn't used Gear Second or Gear Third during that time.

Now, with the confirmation in the picture, their suspicions were


Surprisingly, their speculations were correct.

The shock came from not only the ranking but also the revelation in the

broadcast. Before heading to the Sky Island, Luffy had already defeated

one of the Seven Warlords!

This victory had boosted his bounty to an astonishing 100 million


Now, the discussion in the council chamber turned awkward as they tried

to determine which of the Seven Warlord Luffy had defeated. They ruled

out Moria, Mihawk, and Bartholomew Kuma.

Moria had already been defeated.

Mihawk was considered too powerful for Luffy. Mihawk was Worlds No.1

Swordsman and was on par with the Four Emperors. Fighting against him

can only result in Luffy's defeat or even death. It was more difficult to

achieve than defeating an Admiral.

Bartholomew Kuma had made an appearance at Thriller Bark, so it

couldn't be him.

That left only Doflamingo, Crocodile, Boa Hancock and Jinbei as


All eyes were on those four as they felt the weight of the room's

attention. Boa Hancock, proud and confident, raised her head and

declared, "Any man would fall at the feet of this queen!"

"Defeated men could never be our consorts!"

Jinbei added, "It cannot be me. I am usually in the depths of the sea,

rarely appearing on the surface."

Doflamingo smiled as he toyed with a silk thread in his hand. "It can't be

me either. The Straw Hat boy's strength is insufficient to challenge me,

and his Devil Fruit can't restrain me. I'm no fool like Moria."

These words offended the only remaining candidates. Crocodile who

stood up with anger written on his faces and same was for Moria.

"You're a fool!" Moria retorted.

But Doflamingo was not angered, responding sarcastically, "Your

Shadow-Shadow Fruit might be powerful, but you lost to a rookie pirate

who had just set sail. Is that not foolish?"

"You..." Moria seethed with anger, his usually pale face turning red.

Crocodile then chimed in, "I was the one defeated first?"

Doflamingo continued, "But it can't be me. The Straw Hat boy's power is

not enough to challenge me. After all, his fruit can't restrict me. I'm not a

fool like Moria."

As soon as these words left his mouth, Bartholomew Kuma and

Doflamingo got into a heated argument.

"You're the fool!"

Doflamingo remained unfazed and continued, "Your Shadow-Shadow

Fruit may be powerful, but you were defeated by a rookie pirate setting

sail. Who's the real fool here?"

At this time, Crocodile spoke…

He was holding a cigar with a playful face.


"Then, based on what you've said, it seems impossible for the Straw Hat

kid to defeat you, leaving only me."

"I was defeated first?"

Doflamingo displayed a mocking smile. "But… Right now, you're the only

possible candidate!"

Crocodile's eyes narrowed slightly, and he spoke slowly, "Are you

suggesting that, apart from Moria, I'm the weakest among us?"

Moria: "..."

You two talk as you like, but don't involve me!

Doflamingo continued to wear that mocking expression and spread his

hands out. "Don't you already know about this?"

Crocodile smiled, but there was a hint of menace in his smile.

"We both are Warlords!"

"But, it seems to me that you're weaker than I am, perhaps you should be

the first to fall to the Straw Hat pirates."

"Or... shall we test it?"

Upon hearing this, Doflamingo's smile vanished.

In his hand, several transparent threads slowly emerged.

Simultaneously, beside Crocodile, a swirl of sand materialized...

For a moment, the two of them were tense, as if they were on the brink

of a brawl!

It was at this moment...


The voice of Sengoku resonated, and he had a serious expression on his


"The Shichibukai are personally appointed by the World Government,

and each of you is formidable."

"But then again, it doesn't matter who is defeated first, as it remains


"Besides, you two have been at each other's throats from the start."

"I can't control your actions outside, fight as you please, but remember

this is the Marine Headquarters!"

"If you dare to engage in combat, I guarantee that you won't return to

your own territory, but instead will be incarcerated in Impel Down!"


When Doflamingo and Crocodile heard this, they promptly retracted their


Although they harbored significant animosity towards each other, they

didn't dare to defy the Sengoku, as he could intimidate anyone,

regardless of their identity or strength.

They had no doubt that if they genuinely clashed...

Even without the Sengoku' intervention, the three Admirals, Kizaru,

Aokiji, and Akainu, would unite against them.

The combined might of the three Admirals was enough to drive even the

Four Emperors away.

Regardless of their personal grievances, they weren't foolish enough to

challenge that.

Just as Sengoku observed Crocodile and Doflamingo cease their

confrontation and heaved a sigh of relief, a new predicament arose.

Akainu, who had remained silent until then, stood up. His face was as

dark as a storm cloud, and his words shocked everyone present.

"Fleet Admiral, please permit me to utilize the Buster Call to annihilate

the Straw Hat Pirates and their homeland!"


The moment those words left his lips, shock filled the room.

Sengoku and Aokiji were stunned, and even Kizaru, who had a penchant

for idleness, widened his eyes in disbelief.

As for Crocodile, Doflamingo, and the other Warlords, they were equally

taken aback.

It felt like a surreal hallucination, and everyone wanted Akainu to repeat

his statement.

What did he just say?

Utilize the Buster Call? Seriously?

Is he insane?

As is well known, the Buster Call is authorized by the World Government

for the Marine Headquarters to launch an indiscriminate bombardment

on the designated area!

It's a ruthless attack that spares nothing.

Under the watchful eye of ten warships and numerous elite Marines,

everything is reduced to ashes.

This is arguably the Marine Headquarters' and World Government's most

brutal method!

The Buster Call is used sparingly in the annals of the Marine's history.

But now, Akainu was proposing to decimate the Straw Hat Pirates and

their homeland with a Buster Call?

This is madness!

Especially when Garp, the Straw Hat Pirates' captain's grandfather, stands

right there.

In front of Garp, he request authorization to unleash a Buster Call on his


And on his village?

Luffy's hometown is also Garp's hometown!

Is he out of his mind?

For a moment, Aokiji, Kizaru, Mihawk, Mingge, Crocodile, the Pirate

Empress, and the others all turned their attention to Garp.

And, as expected...


Garp's previously benign countenance contorted into an expression of

pure fury.

Anger consumed his aged features.


A tremendous force descended upon the entire council chamber.

Even the floor beneath him cracked at that moment.

The overwhelming aura left everyone in the room, including the three

Admirals and Mihawk, trembling.

Garp's eyes widened as he stared at Akainu. He uttered each word with

deliberate intensity, "If you dare to deploy the Buster Call..."

"I promise you, I will rip your head off before that!"


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Chapter 74 : Money D. Dragon?

At this moment, the atmosphere in the meeting hall was extremely tense!

Although Garp is only a Vice-Admiral, everyone present knows it clearly.

His status and strength... is No less than that of the admirals!

His strength is only greater than Admirals, not lesser.

Between the explosions of his Haki, everyone present could clearly

perceive the terrifying pressure!

They had no doubt that if Garp really made a move, they were afraid that

this great building would collapse in an instant!

Even everyone present would be affected!

Under this pressure, Doflamingo and Crocodile and the group were even

ready to escape as soon as possible.

As long as the two of them made a move, they would run desperately!

They didn't want to get involved in the battle between the admiral and

this marine hero...



Sengoku stood up and directly blocked between the two.

He knows his old partner's temper best.

With his easy-going personality, almost nothing can anger him, except

one thing!

That is when his homeland and loved ones are at risk...

Akainu wants to issue a Buster Call for Windmill Village. This is a

reckless move!

Sengoku is very sure that if he agrees to it, Garp will not only kill

Sakazuki, but he may also lose his head!

Not to mention...

Sakazuki is being unreasonable, isn't he? Can he issue Buster Calls at


Why is he picking a fight?

However, Akainu seems to be obstinate and very stubborn.

"Fleet Admiral, the threat posed by the Straw Hat kid is too great. If we

let him grow, he will inevitably become a threat to the World


"We must eliminate him completely before he becomes more powerful, to

prevent future problems!"

Hearing this, Garp became even angrier, and even his brows were


As if he was about to strike any moment...

Sengoku was also furious. Does this kid insist on courting death?

You can't handle Garp on your own by doing this!

"Where did you see that Luffy would threaten the World Government?"

"Though he's a pirate, the two battles he's been in were more about

helping others, and not as severe as you claim!"

Akainu quickly added, "But he is still a pirate!"

"Furthermore, everyone's heard that his dream is to find One Piece!"

"While I doubt he'll be the next Roger, he has enormous potential for

growth, and a background that sets him apart from ordinary individuals."

"Vice-Admiral Garp's son is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and

now he's grown to a point where even we can't handle him."

"Do we want to let his grandson grow up to become the second greatest

threat to the World Government, an entity we can't deal with?"

As soon as these words were spoken...

Kizaru was stunned, and Aokiji was also stunned, along with Sengoku...

They were all taken aback.

That's right, the entire Marine Headquarters knows that Dragon, known

as the world's most notorious criminal, is Garp's son!

His growth has reached a point where the Marine Headquarters can't

manage him, and he's the most severe threat to the World Government.

If it weren't for Garp's unique status and being considered a marine hero,

someone else might have questioned Dragon's parentage long ago...

When Dragon rose in the world, no one thought he would become a

threat to the World Government.

But now... it's clear he's growing too fast!

Garp is an absolute powerhouse, and his son has also inherited his talent,

surpassing even his father.

So... Luffy, who also inherited Garp's excellent genes and even those of

Dragon, will he also demonstrate unimaginable growth?

The answer to this question is already clear to everyone.

Defeating Moria, one of the Seven Warlords, Enel, known as the God of

Skypiea, and even overcoming an unknown Warlords...

These achievements already place him among the ranks of the


And this is just the beginning of his journey...

At this moment, Sengoku was lost in thought.

Although he knew in his heart that Luffy valued dreams and agreements,

and as Garp's partner and old friend, he considered Luffy a dear member

of the family.

But as a Fleet Admiral of the Navy, he had to consider the interests of the

Navy and even the World Government.

Luffy... is indeed a highly unpredictable factor!

No one can guarantee that as he grows, he won't pose a threat to the

World Government.

Sengoku remained silent.

Sakazuki waited for Sengoku's response.

Garp, on the other hand, looked intently at Sakazuki.

As for the Kizaru, Aokiji, and the others in the Marine, they watched the

situation carefully while staying ready to protect themselves at any


With that, the atmosphere in the room was tense once more...

Yet at that moment…

[All rewards are distributed!]

[Next, a global conference call will connect key figures from major


[During this time, everyone can communicate freely or have private


[Limited time... Ten minutes!]

At this point, a Transponder Snail appeared in the hands of many

influential figures around the world.

Including the Marine Headquarters...

Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, and even the Seven Warlords.

Thanks to the previous call, everyone wasn't surprised this time.

Picking up the Transponder Snail felt somewhat familiar...

However, the next moment, what no one expected was that the first

person to join the global conference and speak was... Enel!

"Straw Hat, where are you?!"

"This god has descended from Skypiea to the Blue Seas and is now on

Gaya Island!"

"No one can defeat this god, and this time, this god will eliminate you

and obliterate everything!"

This furious and violent voice resonated across the world.

Whitebeard was stunned, Shanks was stunned, and Kaido, Big Mom, and

others were also taken aback.

Including everyone in the Marine Headquarters, they were all surprised...

Enel... Coming to the Blue Seas?

Is he planning to kill Luffy and his crew?

At this moment, Sengoku, Garp, and others were surprised.

But after Akainu's initial shock, a smile crept onto his face.


This is interesting; it seems there's no need to request a Buster Call;

someone is coming to do the job themselves.

With the experience from the live broadcast battle, and Enel's strength,

they are unlikely to make the same mistakes again.

If they're ruthless enough to kill Luffy and his crew, their hometown

might not escape either!

"Isn't it the best outcome to have someone help you out of trouble?"

Akainu was delighted, but Garp and Sengoku were in a panic.

As a Marine Fleet Admiral, he was responsible not only for combating

pirates but also for the safety of civilians at sea.

Given Enel's immense power and temperament, if he were to go into a

rage, he might unleash countless lightning strikes, potentially destroying

numerous islands. Even an entire country could be obliterated because of


In that case, the blame would fall heavily on him.


Garp's anger grew more intense. He hadn't even resolved the situation

Akainu, and now another problem had arisen.

But it was fine; eliminating Enel directly would solve a problem for his

grandson and save him the trouble of visiting the sky island.

Saying this, Garp was prepared to act and set course for Gaya Island

beneath the sky island.

To avoid any further danger, Sengoku immediately issued orders.

"Kizaru, Aokiji, the two of you, lead five warships to Gaya Island."

"Ensure Enel's destruction is halted and capture him."

"If control is impossible... you have permission to kill him!"

Upon hearing this, both of them felt a tightness in their hearts. They had

witnessed Enel's power, which rivaled that of the Four Emperors, and

even under normal circumstances, it would be a challenging battle.

Moreover, his Goro Goro no Mi powers and Mantra posed serious threats.

However, capturing him, or even eliminating him, was something they

were confident they could handle, albeit with some effort. After all, Vice-

Admiral Garp was with them.


As they were about to depart, a voice from the Den Den Mushi once

again shocked everyone in the Marine Headquarters.

"Is it Enel... You don't have to go to Luffy!"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"I'm just an ordinary person. I heard that you're the God of Skypiea and

quite powerful, so I'd like to meet you."

"An ant from the Blue Sea, daring to challenge a God? Go to hell!"

After a brief silence, the sounds of battle erupted from the Den Den

Mushi. The roar of thunder and the howling wind filled the air.

Moments later, Enel's voice returned, but this time with profound


"Who in the world are you!?"

"Remember my name, Monkey D. Dragon!"


This single moment sent shockwaves throughout the world.

Monkey D. Dragon!? The man who had been regarded as the most

notorious criminal in the world had just revealed himself!


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Chapter 75 : Dragon's Might!

Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army!

Because he led the Revolutionary Army to overthrow dozens of kingdoms

oppressed by the World Government, he has become the number one

enemy of the World Government!

Because they are identified as being able to directly threaten or even

overthrow the rule of World Governments.

Nowadays, he is directly identified as… the world's most vicious


This name can be described as dangerous to the extreme, and it also

represents the importance that the World Government attaches to it.

However... What frightens the World Government even more.

The Revolutionary Army has been around for so long, and Dragon has

had a lot of clashes with them, but he is thoughtful and does not leak his


Not only did the World Government suffer big losses one after another,

but even now, they still can't figure out his true strength...

But it is clear that this man is very strong!

The Marine Headquarters, which is controlled by the World Government,

naturally knows about Dragon.

For them, Dragon is even more dangerous than the Four Emperors!

But nobody never expected that such a dangerous figure would actually

appear now...

At this moment, the entire Marine Headquarters is in turmoil!

Even many forces on the entire sea are also in uproar...

Whitebeard Pirates!


"Did that man appear..."

Whitebeard looked at the Den Den Mushi in his hand, and his expression

was inexplicably subtle.

As for the rest of the crew, it is different.

After all, they had only heard legends about Dragon, but they had never

seen his real face.

"Ace, you're Luffy's brother, and Dragon is your father?"

"Yes, tell us what kind of person Dragon is!"

"If it weren't for this live broadcast, we wouldn't even know that you

were a child raised by Garp, after all, you never told us this..."

Out of curiosity, Marco and other captains surrounded Ace to express

their doubts.

However, Ace smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Although Luffy and I are brothers, we are not related, so Dragon... is not

my father."

When talking about his father, Ace's face was obviously slightly stunned,

but he quickly continued: "Besides, I haven't seen Dragon, I guess Luffy

haven't even seen him."

"Because since I was a child, apart from the people in the village and

Grandpa Garp, we have hardly seen anyone else..."

When everyone heard this, they were even more shocked.

Even Ace and Luffy haven't seen Dragon?

Tthe most vicious criminal in the world... It's mysterious enough!

Red-Haired Pirates!

Shanks was also like Whitebeard, and when he heard the name Dragon,

his face was slightly moved.

Just because this is respect for the strong!

At this time, a crew member asked curiously: "Boss, have you seen


Shanks nodded slowly, "Well, when he first traveled on the sea, he met

from afar, and although he didn't say his name, it belonged to the

territory of the Revolutionary Army."

"Even the commanders of the five major armies of the Revolutionary

Army are standing behind him, and the only person who can have such a

status is that man."

"Just feeling his presence is enough to prove that his strength is


When many crew members heard this, they were shocked and even more

curious about Dragon.

After all, there are only a handful of people who can get such a high

evaluation from the captain and the deputy captain in this sea...


"Monkey. D. Dragon?"

When Kaido heard the name, he sat up directly.

Although he had never met him, as one of the Four Emperors, he had

heard many rumors.

Hailed by the World Government as the most vicious criminal in the


It is rare to be called the "best in the world"!

He is also known as the strongest creature in the world!

So who is stronger?

Kaido opened his mouth and slowly grinned a hideous smile.

"If I can find him one day, I must fight!"

Whole Cake Island!

Big Mom is still busy showing off all kinds of desserts.

Including hearing the name and voice of Dragon, it did not stop.

It's not that she's not shocked, but she already knows the horror of

Dragon, and she also knows the end of Enel...

"Monkey. D. Dragon will not leave the territory of the Revolutionary

Army at will; he intends to go to Whole Cake Island."

"Enel is dead; he shouldn't have come down from Skypiea!"

"He can't go back to Sky Island anymore..."

After saying these two words, Big Mom continued to show off the dessert.

When the four sweetgenerals below heard this, they all showed shock.

If even their mother said so… Then this Dragon, I'm afraid it's really

outrageously strong!

Revolutionary Army...


At this moment, all the cadres of the Revolutionary Army, led by Sabo,

were dumbfounded.

They looked blankly at the Den Den Mushi in their hands and then

looked around again.

"When did the chief run outside?"

"He also went far to Gaya Island below Sky Island!"

Everyone stared wide-eyed, no wonder Dragon was still behind before,

and suddenly he was nowhere near they could see.

The feeling has long slipped away...

But soon, everyone understood why Dragon was going outside.

That's preparing to solve the trouble for his son...

Ivankov smiled, "Although the chief has never mentioned his family in all

these years, he still cares about his son."

He knew that Enel was defeated by Luffy in the picture.

But the element of luck is too great, with Enel's brutal character, maybe

he will down from Skypiea to solve the danger in advance.

Now it turns out... That's true!

The leader seemed like a true God, and he advanced swiftly.

Meanwhile, beneath the uninhabited island, Blue Sea, Gaya bird!

All the residents and pirates of Blue Sea gathered outside, gazing at the

sky with astonishment and bewilderment. The reason was simple: two

powerful individuals were locked in a titanic battle in the skys.

It was Monkey D. Dragon versus Enel!

Enel perched upon a floating cloud sphere, sparks of thunder and

lightning flashing around him, exuding an imposing presence.

Opposite him stood a man in a green cloak, concealing most of his

features but radiating an aura of mystery.

However, at this moment, Enel regarded him as a formidable adversary,

his face etched with utmost caution. In their brief exchange, he had been

continuously pushed back and struck, despite already bearing injuries.

This wasn't the typical Devil Fruit showdown he was accustomed to. The

man before him harnessed his own thunder and lightning power, and it

was apparent that he possessed strength beyond imagination.

Enel wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression

contorted with anger.

He hadn't anticipated encountering such a formidable opponent as soon

as he arrived at Blue Sea, facing a challenge like no other.

Could it be that the inhabitants of Blue Sea were all this powerful?

"Monkey D. Dragon?" Enel inquired.

"I've never heard that name before. Who are you?" he demanded.

"I came to Blue Sea to eliminate the Straw Hat boy. Why are you here to

stop me?" Enel continued.

Hearing this, Dragon chuckled. He slowly raised his head to meet Enel's

gaze, his eyes filled with ferocity and a hint of ruthlessness.

"Why am I here to stop you?" Dragon began. "No, you're mistaken. I

didn't come here to stop you."

Enel was bewildered, his curiosity piqued. "Then why did you..."

Before he could finish his question, Dragon interrupted him. "I came here

to kill you."

With those words, Dragon's hands transformed into claw-like shapes, and

the wind around him grew fiercer. Suddenly, the clear sky gave way to a

torrential downpour.

Dragon's figure vanished from sight, and before Enel could react, a

powerful palm had already struck him in the face.

In that moment, Enel was overwhelmed by fear.

Across the world, the den den mushi devices held by the influential

figures transmitted a chilling scream. The mere sound of that voice

painted a vivid picture of the horrors taking place on the other end of the


And then, there was silence – a profound silence, devoid of all sound.

Even the thunder that had been rumbling incessantly, the howling winds,

and the torrential rain were silenced.

In this instant, the headquarters of the Navy, the Four Emperors' pirate

crews, the Revolutionary Army, and many nations worldwide were struck

by an unfathomable terror.

The common thought that struck their hearts was inescapable: had Enel,

an immensely powerful entity, truly been defeated?

Monkey D. Dragon...

When had he become so formidable and terrifying?


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Chapter 76 : No. 8!

Poor Enel, even though he was almost incinerated by Dragon, he couldn't

understand why he had encountered such a monstrous opponent.

He had no idea that the man standing before him was none other than

Monkey D. Dragon, the father he once dreamed of defeating!

Even with Enel's formidable strength, Dragon proved to be even more


The battle concluded swiftly.

Under the relentless rain, the inhabitants of Gaya Island couldn't witness

the entire battle.

Due to the lack of live broadcast screens, people from all over the world

could only hear fragments of the battle.

They had no visual footage of the clash.

However, Enel's final scream left no doubt about the outcome.

In response, the Marines and even the Four Emperors couldn't help but

sigh in their hearts.

He truly deserved his reputation as the world's most dangerous criminal.

His power, just as his name suggested, was nothing short of terrifying.

The shocking events left everyone almost forgetting the present moment.

The entire world fell into a profound silence for a long time.

It was impossible to gauge how much time had passed.

Finally, it was Dragon who broke the silence.

Though he hadn't seen the situation at Marine Headquarters, he had

known of it since Gecko Moria's defeat.

As one of the three Admirals of the Marines, Sakazuki, also known as

Akainu, harbored intentions to go after Luffy.

If not for Red-Haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, he might have

acted already.

Now, with Luffy's victory over Enel on display, it was likely that the idea

of confronting Luffy was intensifying within Akainu.

Known for his unwavering dedication to justice, Akainu's desire to

apprehend Luffy would only grow stronger.

Despite the Navy's Marine Headquarters having Vice-Admiral Garp,

Dragon understood that Garp's identity bore the heavy weight of "justice"

and the title of a Marine hero.

He was respected by all Marines.

Even if Garp could stand up to Akainu, it would be challenging to

confront him directly, should they reach the point of no return.

So this menacing man, who posed a threat even to Akainu, needed to be

handled by the "world's most dangerous criminal" himself. It was the

most fitting choice.

"[Sakazuki, do not go after Luffy, or you will face consequences beyond

your reckoning!]

[I believe not even the World Government wishes to witness that


With these two messages transmitted via Den Den Mushi to the entire

world, the major forces...


What was Dragon implying?

This was an audacious provocation. No!

It was an outright threat to Admiral Akainu!

Even a threat to the World Government!

At this moment, it became clear to everyone that Luffy was Dragon's son.

Dragon was the leader of the Revolutionary Army, currently the most

formidable force in the world, capable of overthrowing the World


If Akainu succeeded in killing Luffy...

Everyone believed that Dragon, in his rage, would inflict unimaginable

damage upon the World Government, even if he couldn't overthrow it


No one questioned Dragon's determination. He possessed the

qualifications to follow through.

Marine Headquarters!

Upon hearing this, Sakazuki erupted in anger!

Clutching the Den Den Mushi in his hand, he bellowed:

"Are you threatening me?"]

"Do you think I'm someone you can threaten?"]

"Monkey D. Dragon, I will not only eliminate the threat of the Straw Hat

Kid, but I'll also capture you!"]

The Den Den Mushi fell silent...

After a dozen heartbeats...

"Oh, if you doubt me, go ahead and try!"]

"By the way, Father, you're on the same side as the upper echelons of the

Marines, right?"]

"You don't need to worry about Luffy. I'll handle it. If I find out the

Marines dare to touch him, heh..."]

"I'll bring consequences that even Marine Headquarters and the World

Government can't bear!"]

"Enel has also been defeated and is currently with me. I'll take him into

custody to ensure he doesn't pose a threat to Luffy."]

"Very well, that settles it. Everything that needed to be said has been

said. Take care of yourself..."]

With that, Dragon terminated the Den Den Mushi connection, leaving

only silence.

Simultaneously, the voice announcing the talk time echoed again.

[Talk time has concluded; communication is now terminated!]

[Next, the eighth rank in the Top Ten Pinnacle Death will be reviewed.

Please wait..."]

At this moment, Den Den Mushis in everyone's hands disappeared.

At the scene, Vice-Admiral Garp was already teary-eyed.

"You brat... It's been years since you spoke to me, and you had so much

to say."

"I thought you'd gone mute."

Sengoku: "..."

He was at a loss for words.

Garp continued crying, wiping his nose and tears away.


Akainu, who was furious and was threatened, at this moment, had a


Kizaru, Aokiji, Mihawk, and the others stood there, stunned. Who would

have expected the legendary Marine hero, who once challenged Gol D.

Roger and clashed with Shiki, to be brought to tears like a child?

Today was truly eye-opening...

However, it wasn't Garp's fault. After all, he and his son held different

positions, and even if they met, their paths rarely crossed.

Even Luffy, who grew up in Windmill Village, hadn't seen his father since

he was a child. Not to mention Garp, stationed at the Marine


Despite their rare encounters, Garp had always missed his son and took

immense pride in Dragon's accomplishments. Finally hearing his son's

voice after so many years moved him deeply.

Sengoku also understood the complicated relationship between the father

and son, so he discreetly handed Garp a piece of paper to wipe his tears,

gently patting his back to offer comfort.

While this emotional scene played out in the quiet corridors of time, the

situation was entirely different on the side of Akainu, who was seething

with anger.

"Monkey D. Dragon!"

"How dare he openly threaten me?"

"A world government-wanted criminal daring to threaten me?"

"Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!"

"I must personally capture him and have him imprisoned in Impel Down!"

Crocodile, Doflamingo, and the others watched Akainu's furious outburst

with disbelief. He was openly calling for the capture of his Dragon's own

son with a Buster Call, and no one dared to threaten him?

In reality, if Dragon were present, he might have carried out the order

without hesitation. Unlike Garp, he was no Navy man, and he could be


Moreover, the fact that Dragon had defeated Enel, one of the Skypiea

arc's powerful foes, in less than a minute, made people wonder about his

true strength.

Enel had been a formidable opponent, capable of rivaling the power of a

Marine Admiral, and yet Dragon had defeated him effortlessly.

Akainu, infuriated by his son's actions, seemed oblivious to the fact that

Dragon was not an ordinary adversary.

"Marshal, please grant permission for a Buster Call!"

"We need to eliminate the threat posed by the Straw Hat Pirate!"

"And also, Monkey D. Dragon. He's on Gaya Island. Let us, the three

Admirals, intercept him!"

When Kizaru and Aokiji heard this, they were left speechless, their

expressions shocked.

Seriously? Don't drag us into this mess!

Monkey D. Dragon isn't a pirate under the Navy's jurisdiction; he's a

matter for the World Government. Keep us out of it.


Sengoku finally intervened, wearing a stern expression. "Sakazuki, as a

Marine Admiral, you should act with prudence and not impulsiveness."

"While the Straw Hat Pirates are pirates, they haven't posed a direct

threat to the Navy or the World Government. I reject your request. Do

not bring it up again."

Akainu was about to protest but found himself silenced by Sengoku's

stern gaze. He clenched his fists, unable to do anything more.

Sengoku felt relief as he watched Akainu's futile attempts to gain support.

He believed in Monkey D. Dragon's words, and for the time being, he

wouldn't allow Akainu to harm Luffy.

Meanwhile, in the sky, the scene shifted once more, leaving the world

once again in shock.

[Next, we'll continue to cover the battle at the Ennies Lobby]

[No. 8: Facing CP9 for the sake of comrades on Enies Lobby Island!]

... The world was once again captivated by the unfolding events.


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Chapter 77 : Nico Robin!

"Enies Lobby?"

"And CP9?"

At this moment, as the sky showed its image, nobles and commoners

around the world were left bewildered.

Not because of shock, but due to a lingering sense of doubt.

Enies Lobby, they knew, was the Navy's trial ground.

But what is CP9?

However, those in the know, such as the Marine headquarters, the Yonko,

and the Revolutionary Army, were struck with astonishment.

These two places held significant importance...

Enies Lobby is a place of judgment directly under the World Government,

acting in accordance with the World Government's will!

Once anyone is escorted to Enies Lobby, they are deemed a prisoner!

This tradition has remained unchanged for the past 800 years.

All those found guilty are led to the massive, cold iron gate in the rear,

symbolizing the absolute justice of the World Government!

It is because of this great importance that Enies Lobby is a vital area for

the World Government.

It not only connects to the World Government's core but also houses a

substantial military presence!

The Marine stationed there numbers in the tens of thousands, a truly

formidable force!

And yet, the Straw Hat kid dared to venture there?

To challenge them?


At this moment, the Marine headquarters erupted with commotion.

Even Garp, renowned for his calm demeanor, had his mouth twitching,

and his eyes widened.

The perplexed expression on the face of the Fleet Admiral went unnoticed

as he glanced at Garp and sighed.

"Your grandson... What a daredevil!"

As for CP9, there's no need for further explanation.

They are an organization of operatives directly under the World

Government's banner, personally trained.

Engaged in various clandestine activities, all of which are aimed at world

criminal organizations that seriously threaten the World Government's


Such as... the Revolutionary Army!

Raised as orphans.

As operatives nurtured by the World Government, they were adopted

from all corners of the globe and subjected to rigorous training

surpassing the limits of ordinary individuals, resulting in their

extraordinary strength.

To the World Government, they are loyal subordinates and sharp swords!

But for those outside...

They are the silent assassins, the most merciless enforcers!

Others may not comprehend, but for high-ranking Marine officers like the

Three Admirals and Garp, they are more than familiar.

Even if they haven't encountered them, they've heard their names

countless times...

For this group of individuals, be it the Three Admirals or Garp, they can

only be described in one word...


"How did they end up at Enies Lobby?"

"How did they come into conflict with CP9!?"

Garp's stare was filled with incredulity.

This is the World Government's organization, and his grandson typically

mingles with pirates.

Even if he turns a blind eye, it's limited to mischief, not taking on the

World Government itself.

How did he get entangled with the World Government's operatives?

If this matter attracts the World Government's attention, it will lead to


Although... Garp cares little for it.

But in this role, he must maintain a facade.

After all, he's still a Marine officer...

Facing Garp's queries, Sengoku was even more flabbergasted, and his

thoughts grew more complicated.


Why is it that your grandson and you're actually asking me the reverse


"Garp, your grandson's in a tight spot..."

"Let's not even consider the repercussions of him going to Enies Lobby

and opposing CP9."

"As far as I know, there's someone within this generation of CP9 who's a

real headache and is hailed as the most flawless operative cultivated by

CP9 in eight hundred years!"

"From the very beginning, they displayed incredible talent, a ruthless

disposition, and a heart of ice!"

"They're also known as... the World Government's Strongest Assassin!"

Garp was taken aback when he heard this, then asked with a hint of

uncertainty, "You mean..."

Sengoku nodded, "That's right, the one who ate the Leopard-Leopard

Fruit, Model: Cheetah... Lucci!"

In the uncharted seas...

At this time, on a small boat, a cloaked dragon sat at its helm, steadily

heading toward the Revolutionary Army's location.

Beside him, there lay an unconscious man.

It was Enel...

As he gazed at the sky, Dragon's expression grew increasingly solemn.

As the leader of the Revolutionary Army, he understood well the

significance of CP9.

Particularly, the one who possessed the Cheetah-Cheetah Fruit, Model:

Leopard... Their strength was truly remarkable!

Compared to the Enel before him...

In a certain sense, far more menacing!

"Luffy, you rascal."

Dragon chuckled and sighed, realizing that his son had a knack for

getting into predicaments. Dealing with enemies truly required a

different kind of wit.

First the Thriller Bark incident, and then the situation on the Sky Island...

And now, it's an encounter with the World Government's secret


Simply unstoppable...

However, this time, Dragon refrained from intervening to help Luffy out

of trouble.

He knew CP9's strength wasn't to be taken lightly, but compared to

dealing with Enel, the threat was considerably less significant.

After all, individuals like Enel, if it weren't for Luffy's specific abilities,

the outcome would be predictably one-sided.

This time, Luffy... had to stand on his own two feet.

To grow strong, one must face adversity and conquer formidable foes.

Dragon believed that his son... would emerge victorious in this battle,

and moreover...

How cool is it to challenge Enies Lobby, a place that represents the face

of the World Government?

In Syrup Village...


"What's that?"

At this time, Luffy and his companions had just landed on the shore. As

soon as they looked up, they spotted the picture in the sky.

"CP9. I'm not sure."

"But isn't Enies Lobby the World Government's trial ground?"

"Where are we actually heading?"

Nami questioned with an incredulous expression.

However, upon hearing this, Luffy became excited.


"The World Government's judgment place should be interesting, right?"

Nami suddenly had a vein popping on her forehead. "Have you grasped

the situation? That's a highly important location for the World


"If we go there, we'll provoke the World Government, and you know how

serious the consequences can be."

"Moreover, CP9, just hearing their name, I sense they're not a simple


But Luffy paid no attention to Nami.

And Zoro, standing nearby, appeared indifferent, as if he cared little for

these matters.

The two of them left Nami feeling utterly exasperated.

"Why did I ever board this ship? It feels like we're straying farther and

farther from our original path of not offending the world..."

Shortly after, Luffy directly grabbed Nami and ran off.

"Let's go; Usopp is still waiting for us!"

After some time, the three of them reached the village of Syrup.

However, as soon as they entered, whether it was Luffy, Zoro, or Nami,

their expressions changed slightly.

There was a clear reason for this, namely, the village was eerily deserted;

there wasn't a soul in sight.

Even on the streets, near the houses, on tree trunks, and even the ground,

they saw signs of a battle as if a fierce conflict had occurred not long ago.

"This... this..."

Nami's face gradually turned pale with fear.

Zoro and Luffy's expressions grew somber and grave.

All three of them knew that there was an enemy in Usopp's hometown

known as the Black Cat Pirates.

Since they had seen the picture, it was safe to assume that the pirates

must have seen it too.

Moreover, the ship's captain was posing as a butler for a wealthy family

in this village. Could it be that they had already taken the initiative and

harmed the villagers?

Nami dared not think further, and instinctively covered her mouth.

Had they arrived a step too late?

"Zoro, Nami, let's go inside and investigate!"


Zoro and Luffy walked straight into the village.

However, when they reached Kaya's house, they were left in awe.

Four people were hanging on a large tree trunk in front of the door at

this moment...

Chouchou, with her slender figure and sharp cat claws, Merry with her

colorful eyes, and two pirates, one portly and one skinny...

Weren't these four individuals members of the Black Cat Pirates who first

attacked Usopp?

At this moment, all four of them hung unconscious on the tree, their

faces swollen and battered, evidently subjected to a severe thrashing not

long ago.

They looked utterly miserable and pitiful!

"What's going on here?"

Nami was bewildered.

Zoro and Luffy were equally puzzled.

However, at that moment, a voice emanated from not far away...

"I expected it would take you at least three days to get here, but now..."

"Sooner than I thought."

Luffy and the others turned towards the voice and were instantly


Because the person before them was none other than Nico Robin!

And behind her, a trembling long-nosed figure.

At that moment, Luffy, Zoro, and Nami were overwhelmed with





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Chapter 78 : Exposed CP9!

Luffy and his three companions gazed in astonishment. They never

expected to find Nico Robin here.

"Robin, how could you..."

However, Robin, who sat perched in a tree, offered a gentle smile.

"Let's go. I'll explain everything."

It turned out that ever since the live broadcast began, Robin had seen her

joining the Straw Hat Pirates as her destiny. She had sensed the

impending betrayal.


Since the destruction of Ohara, she had been under the Navy's watchful

eye, her life marginally safer under the protection of Crocodile. However,

she knew their relationship was one of mutual convenience.

Constantly hiding was not a sustainable strategy. Moreover, the live

broadcast had made it clear she couldn't stay there any longer.

The best place to be was where they would eventually meet the Straw

Hat Pirates.

Robin was aware of the windmill village as a possible destination, but she

knew Luffy wouldn't stay there quietly. He would certainly set sail to find

his friends.

Therefore, rather than heading to the likely vacant windmill village, she

chose to go to the hometowns of the other Straw Hat Pirates and wait.

She deduced their locations from their home villages.

Luffy's likely first destination was Orange Town, while Usopp was in

danger similar to Nami's. Luffy and the others wouldn't be able to rush to

Syrup Village immediately.

So, Robin made a non-stop journey and, fortunately, arrived here by


She encountered the Black Cat Pirates, revealing her true intentions

without hesitation. She planned to protect the entire village of Syrup and

secure the assets of the Kaya family.

Though Usopp fought valiantly to protect Kaya, he was now weak and

battered, his face swollen. Despite his fear, he refused to back down.

Seeing Usopp's unwavering resolve, Robin couldn't help but admire him

and watched from the shadows before taking action.

Robin's strength spoke for itself. Subduing the Black Cat Pirates, who had

bounties of more than 10 million Beli each, was a walk in the park.

Usopp recognized Robin as well, and from that point on, everything

unfolded as it should.

Upon hearing this, Luffy and the others remained silent, while Usopp

exploded with anger.

"You've been here for a while?"

"And you just watched me get beaten up without intervening!"

To this, Robin smiled and replied, "Well, you were displaying your

heroism by protecting Kaya, and I was captivated by your charm."

Usopp fumed, feeling helpless against Robin's wit.

Robin turned her gaze to Luffy, still smiling. "Since I've subdued the

Black Cat Pirates, the villagers here feel safer, thanks to Miss Kaya.

They're having a celebration in her villa's backyard."

"Let's go, my new friends. Although it's our first meeting..."

"From this day forward, I'll always be with you."

The sky above began displaying the next scene. The battle ranked eighth

had begun!

[After Luffy and his crew had resolved their issues with Enel, they made

their way to the Water 7...]

[This was the most prominent area for shipbuilding, attracting the

attention of marines and pirates from all corners of the world.]

[Meanwhile, one of the Straw Hat Pirates' companions hailed from this

place: Franky!]

[However, their initial experiences in Water 7 were far from smooth.]

[The Going Merry had been deemed beyond repair and was nearing the

end of its lifespan...]

[This saddened everyone under Luffy's leadership.]

[After all, the Going Merry had been not just their ship but also their

comrade. Now, it could no longer accompany them on their adventures.]

[Yet, Straw Hat Pirates were different; despite the heaviness in their

hearts and occasional conflicts among themselves, they knew they had to

move forward.]

[They had lost a companion but had also gained another: Water 7's,


During this time, Franky remained a rogue-like figure. He not only had a

large number of younger brothers but also couldn't believe he was

becoming one of the crew of pirates that he hated.


"The Straw Hats have actually arrived in Water 7?"

"I'm really curious about what could convince me to join them..."

Franky was genuinely curious, and he eagerly awaited the unfolding


[In Water 7, in addition to the Going Merry and Franky, Luffy's crew

encountered another group of individuals.]

[They were... CP9!]

[It appeared that the CP9 members had come to Water 7 on a covert

mission to secure the ancient weapon, Pluto's blueprints.]

[Over the past few years, they had taken on various identities, working as

shipwrights, tavern owners, or secretaries...]

[To the outside world, they appeared friendly, simple, and passionate,

blending in like ordinary citizens.]

[However, when their true nature was unveiled, the facade shattered.]

[The warm, kind people vanished, replaced by a cold, ruthless CP9

focused solely on their mission.]

[Looking at Luffy and his crew, they showed only indifference and even


[They apprehended Franky, suspected of having Pluto drawings, and

Robin, a survivor from O'Hara, taking them directly to Enies Lobby.]

[Throughout this process, Robin and Franky offered no resistance,

allowing CP9 to lead them into a dark abyss.]


[Lucci threatened Robin and Franky that if they refused to cooperate, he

would deploy the Buster Call to obliterate the entire Water 7.]

[At that moment, not only the Straw Hats but the entire Water 7 would

face complete destruction.]

[Robin, fully aware of the horrors of Buster Call submitted willingly,

sacrificing herself for her comrades.]

[And though Franky resisted, he ultimately surrendered in the name of

Water 7.]

[Under CP9's escort, they left Water 7, heading for their destination with

no escape: Enies Lobby!]

As the images unfolded...

High-ranking figures across the world were taken aback!

Edward Newgate, Red-Haired Shanks, Kaido, Big Mom, Monkey D.

Dragon, and countless other formidable individuals.

They were all aware of the power of Pluto, a name that sent shivers down

their spines.

Pluto was one of the legendary Three Ancient Weapons, a ship of

unparalleled destruction in the history of shipbuilding!

Rumors spoke of its capability to obliterate an entire island with a single

shot, a power beyond imagination, a true harbinger of doom.

What no one expected was that the Straw Hat Pirates, who appeared

rather ordinary, had such a significant connection.

Were they truly in possession of the Pluto blueprint?

Even if it was just a suspicion, it was enough to capture everyone's


After all, the Pluto was a colossal ancient weapon from the annals of


Witnessing this, Sengoku and Garp couldn't help but sigh.

"Unbelievable. The World Government actually sent CP9's agents to

infiltrate Water 7 just to obtain Pluto."

"We might not even have known about it if it weren't for the live

broadcast feed!"

Meanwhile, in the Water 7 capital:

Lucci, who had been working on repairing a damaged ship at the dock,

came to a halt as he gazed at the images in the sky.

His eyes narrowed slightly as an unusual coldness crept across his face, a

side of him rarely seen by those around.

"It appears we've been exposed."

Ever since the live feed confirmed that the eighth battle was taking place

on Enies Lobby and the name CP9 had been revealed, Lucci had a sinking


Could it be that the Straw Hat Pirates had a new target in mind?

And if that were the case, would their hidden plan be brought to light?

It seemed his suspicions had been confirmed.

"In that case, there's no need for secrecy."

"Let the plan unfold."

With Lucci's command, all the CP9 agents hidden in Water 7 abandoned

their covert identities and revealed their true selves.

Kaku, Rob Lucci, Kalifa, Fukurou, Jabra, and Blueno...

As they reemerged, each donned the standard CP9 black attire.

Lucci, atop his suit, was cloaked in a fur-lined coat, exuding an air of


The seven stood together, radiating an imposing presence.

Lucci's eyes, fixed on the Straw Hat Pirates in the sky, gleamed with


"Let the Straw Hats and their crew bear witness to the might of the elite

organization personally cultivated by the World Government!"

"As CP9, we shall make them taste despair as they have never

experienced in the first two battles..."


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Chapter 79 : Rokushiki!

[Robin and Franky are brought back to Enies Lobby by CP9.]

Knowing that they were tasked with protecting Water 7 and their

precious comrades, Luffy and the crew couldn't just stand by idly.

Even though Enies Lobby was heavily fortified and an incredibly

dangerous place, there was no turning back!

Not only did Luffy and the crew decide to go, but the Franky Family and

the Galley-La shipwrights also joined the mission!

And so, with the Sea Train at full throttle, they sped toward Enies


Luffy boldly took the lead, leaping straight toward the towering walls

that were said to never let any criminals escape!

Tens of thousands of Marines and agents quickly surrounded him...

They recognized that these intruders were the accomplices of the two

recently captured prisoners, but their intentions were clear—they were

here to rescue their comrades. Maybe they were looking in the wrong


"We may have nearly 10,000 people, and you dare come here alone? You

underestimate the might of the World Government's Enies Lobby!"

someone shouted from the crowd.

Luffy, encircled by foes, showed no fear. Instead, he extended his hand

and lowered his hat gently.

"Being alone is more than enough to take you all down!" he declared.

With those words, Luffy initiated his rampage, unleashing a flurry of

rubber attacks that rained down upon the enemy.

Despite being vastly outnumbered, they were soon overwhelmed, forced

to retreat in the face of Luffy's sheer power.

However, Luffy knew that his real target was not these minor foes but the

heart of Enies Lobby itself. He was determined to rescue Franky and


"I'll find Franky and Robin myself! Our true enemies are the CP9!" he


Simultaneously, the Franky Family members and the Galley-La

shipwrights stormed in, their resolve unwavering.

"Luffy, leave this place to us. We'll break through the doors of Enies

Lobby!" they declared.

With those words, they engaged the Marines, throwing the scene into


Seeing this, Luffy sported a bright smile and charged straight into Enies


Little did they know that Enies Lobby, once seen as a symbol of the

World Government's authority, was now under attack by individuals who

weren't even pirates.

Some were employees of shipbuilding companies. This event was a direct

challenge to the World Government's power and authority.

"Damn it! These people are nothing short of a rebellion!"

"The very existence of Water 7 is in question. We should obliterate it

using the Buster Call!"

"Daring to defy the might of the World Government, they all deserve to


Admiral Akainu watched the scene with a stern expression, his words

reflecting the anger of the Navy's headquarters.

Even the admirals Kizaru and Aokiji, who stood beside him, reluctantly

nodded in agreement.

"Well, daring to attack Enies Lobby is indeed a path to their own demise,"

said Vice Admiral Garp.

"Using the Buster Call is a drastic measure, but it can be justified in the

name of suppressing a rebellion."

However, even the Fleet Admiral Sengoku was troubled by the situation.

As the leader of the Navy, his duty extended beyond capturing pirates

and maintaining maritime peace.

He was also responsible for protecting the World Government's authority

from any infringement.

And now, Enies Lobby, the very symbol of the World Government's

judicial authority, had been openly defied and infiltrated by a multitude

of individuals.

"What has your grandson done, Garp? If not for him, all these people

wouldn't dare to challenge Enies Lobby!" Sengoku scolded.

Garp scratched his head with a grin. "Haha, this kid, I can't control him.

Otherwise, he might have joined the Marine, but you know him! Besides,

I've noticed he's not exactly fond of Enies Lobby's ways, so he might just

confront them..."

Sengoku was frustrated but didn't know what to say. After all, Luffy had a

temperament of his own.

In the end, he sighed helplessly.

It seemed like father, like son, and like the grandson. The Monkey family

had a legacy of going their own way.

In Water 7, Franky was initially stunned when he learned that they were

being taken to Enies Lobby. However, when he witnessed his little

brother's courage to storm Enies Lobby, he was moved to tears.

"You guys... you've really..."

"I can't help but cry!" While shedding tears, Franky pulled out his guitar

and started playing a passionate tune. His younger brothers and even the

two square-shaped ladies below him cried along with him.

"As if the scene marked a moment of life and death, the artistic style took

on an unusual appearance...


However, Franky swiftly regained his composure, and his face began to

radiate determination.

"Don't underestimate him. While he usually acts carefree, truth be told,

he's truly intelligent."

Through the image before him, he had already discovered that his future

self had revealed the hidden Pluto blueprints, and CP9 was lurking


"We can't remain in Water 7!"

"If I linger here any longer, I'll not only be unable to save myself, but also

the blueprints entrusted to me by our master!"

Franky knew he had to depart from Water 7 as swiftly as possible, as the

current CP9 had likely abandoned their disguises.

It was perilous...

They were heading in his direction!

"Open the hidden passageway immediately! Everyone must conceal

themselves in the vicinity, and no one should emerge without my


Upon Franky's order, the entire Franky Family's dock underwent a


It was as though they possessed magical abilities, vanishing from sight

with astonishing speed.

Even their inventions were carefully concealed, leaving no trace of their


As an apprentice of the master shipwright, Franky had honed incredible

transformation skills, and the Franky Family had long been prepared for

unforeseen circumstances in the future.

Franky's intuition proved correct!

With CP9 now unmasked, they were closing in, intending to capture

Franky, who possessed the Hades blueprints.

However... their plans were doomed!

Meanwhile, in Syrup Village...

Robin and Usopp had resolved to leave and join Luffy and the others on

their adventure.

Nami's presence was a given!

At this moment, Luffy and his crew finally had a pirate ship to call their


And by now, the Straw Hat Pirates had expanded their crew to five


With the sea beckoning, both Luffy and Usopp were brimming with


But they noticed something odd about Robin... She stood in place, gazing

at the sky with a distant expression.

"Enies Lobby..."

"The Buster Call..."

In her eyes, a fleeting glimmer of fear passed by.

[Luffy bypassed numerous Marine guards, using his rubber abilities to

bound between towering structures.]

[Even the Marines in his path couldn't stop him until...]

["Hold it right there!"]

[A hulking figure with hair resembling horns stood atop a rooftop.]

[Luffy looked at the man before him with a grin. "Oh, it's the barkeep! I

didn't expect you to be the first one to show up."]

Blueno crossed his arms, looking down at Luffy.

"This is Enies Lobby, with tens of thousands of Marines stationed here,

and CP9, directly under the World Government!"

"There's only one outcome for you here, and it's death!"

"So... how long do you plan to cause trouble?"

Upon hearing this, Luffy became deadly serious. "Until we rescue Robin

and Franky!"

Blueno looked down with a mocking smile. "Then you've chosen death!"

Luffy showed no fear as he assumed a combat stance. "Alright, let's get it


Speaking of which, Luffy unleashed a barrage of rubber punches.

Countless fists rained down like a storm, directed at Blueno.

Yet, Blueno made no effort to dodge, his expression filled with contempt.



Luffy's attacks posed no threat at this moment.

Blueno's grin only grew wider.

"Give up. I'm using the Rokushiki!"

"Do you even know what Rokushiki is?"

"It's profound, beyond your comprehension. It's the most advanced

technique I've ever mastered, and it took me decades of dedication to


"In the end, you're going to die today. Hahaha..."

At the Marine Headquarters...

Watching Blueno's smug smile on the monitor, Vice Admiral Garp wore a

puzzled expression.

"Uh... Is this thing really that great?"

The Marines wondered if they had underestimated the Rokushiki

technique. After all, it was initially created as a joke, and Garp had

passed it on to his students without much thought.

Little did they know...

CP9 regarded it as a precious treasure, studying it for decades to master


Sengoku couldn't help but find the situation absurd.

He wished he could rush in and tell Blueno that the Rokushiki he took

pride in was created by the kid's grandfather, Monkey D. Garp.

What a charade!

Blueno was pretending to be superior in front of others...


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Chapter 80 : Gear Second!

[Blueno, now looking at Luffy, his eyes still filled with contempt.]

[Even back when we were at Water 7, utilizing the Navy's Rokushiki

techniques, we could render the Straw Hat Pirates helpless.]

[Just Tekkai was enough to make them lose hope...]

[That's why we were able to capture Robin and Franky so easily!]

[Even if you come to Enies Lobby now, the outcome won't change one


However, despite Blueno's disdain, Luffy remained calm and responded


["I'm different now!"]

As soon as he uttered those words, Luffy unleashed his power, and a

rubber boomerang shot out instantly!

Blueno attempted to block it with Tekkai, but...


He was sent flying.

This tremendous force flung him back several meters, causing him to

slide across the ground.

What was even more terrifying was that his expression contorted in

intense pain upon hitting the ground, and he coughed up blood instantly.

Many onlookers who witnessed this scene were equally astonished.

They had observed the battle in Water 7...

During that time, Luffy struggled to land a hit on the CP9 members.

How could the situation change so drastically now?

Had he undergone such a rapid transformation following his previous


It was hard to believe!

Could he be a combat prodigy?

This notion crossed Blueno's mind as well.

["How is this possible..."]

Blueno gazed at Luffy in disbelief, his eyes now reflecting surprise.

["Back during Water 7, I could easily repel his attack with my Tekkai. But

the power behind this punch is overwhelming!"]

["It's far greater than before!"]

["How did his strength suddenly soar like this?"]

["When we fought before, this kid was clearly not this powerful. What's


Naturally, Luffy had no intention of explaining to him. He didn't stand

still either.

He charged forward with a rubber pistol.

Blueno, having just been pummeled, understood that Luffy was now a

force to be reckoned with.

He knew Luffy was no longer the same as before, and he couldn't afford

to be reckless.

Without hesitation, he employed "Soru," a Rokushiki technique, to make

a swift getaway, aiming to find another opportunity to strike.

However, Blueno was in for an unexpected surprise.

Luffy had already anticipated his move the moment he made it and

rushed forward with a fist.


The impact sent Blueno and the others crashing through a wall.

This time, Blueno sustained even more severe injuries, with blood once

again spurting from his mouth.


"Luffy has grown significantly in terms of combat power since his time in

Water 7!"

Shanks commented while watching the events unfold.

"Yes, he possesses remarkable fighting talent!"

Even the usually reserved Beckman couldn't help but praise Luffy.

Everyone was thrilled for Luffy, and they raised their glasses in


After all, within the Four Emperors Pirate Group, only the Red-Haired

Pirates were as eager as Ace to see Luffy succeed.

The entire crew had grown fond of Luffy, that young lad.

[Meanwhile, Nami, Sanji, Chopper, and Sogeking, along with many

others, arrived at Enies Lobby.]

[Though they lagged slightly behind Luffy, upon setting foot on the

island, they launched into fierce combat.]

[Even in the face of thousands of Marines and CP9 agents, none of them


[Before coming here, the Straw Hat Pirates had already steeled


[Even if it meant death, they were determined to rescue Robin and

Franky from captivity.]

[With more and more comrades joining the fray, Enies Lobby descended

into chaos.]

[In the innermost office, Spandam, the head of CP9, displayed a golden

Den Den Mushi (Transponder Snail) in front of Robin and Franky, who

were restrained.]

[This Den Den Mushi could directly activate the Buster Call and deliver a

catastrophic blow to any location.]

[This superweapon was no ordinary tool; it required authorization from

the World Government's higher-ups.]

[Of course, only those with the approval of an admiral could wield such

power, just like this golden Den Den Mushi.]

"I don't understand why the World Government would entrust a buffoon

like you with the golden Den Den Mushi!"

Robin stared at Spandam with contempt in her eyes.

However, her words and disdainful gaze infuriated Spandam.

"You, the criminal, dare to say such things!"

"I represent the chief of CP9 and the justice of Enies Lobby. When I'm

here, I have the authority over everything!"

"Even if you're innocent, if I say you're guilty, then you're guilty!"

"Once you're here, you're automatically a criminal!"

The justice of the World Government was beyond questioning, according

to Spandam.

With these words, Spandam began to physically abuse the two prisoners,

relishing in their suffering.

He repeatedly acted as though he would press the Buster Call button on

the Den Den Mushi, trying to intimidate Robin and Franky.

However, he nearly triggered it by accident when he tripped, sending a

shiver down his spine.

If he had actually activated it, it would have annihilated the entire Enies


Including himself, there would be no escape.

At the Marine Headquarters...

Marshall Sengoku, along with the admirals and other high-ranking

Marine officers, watched in dismay as they witnessed Spandam's actions

and words.

They were all deeply troubled by his behavior.

How could someone like him, who was so incompetent and

misrepresenting the World Government's sense of justice, have been

entrusted with such power?

Sengoku sighed, shaking his head slowly.

"In the World Government, there are far too many individuals like him

who are utterly incapable and bring disgrace to our name."

When the World Government officials heard this, they also shared a

common concern.

"If there are more individuals like him, it could lead to unimaginable

consequences. It's no surprise that there may be revolutionary forces


Having said that, Sengoku turned their attention to Admiral Aokiji.

"Kuzan, how did you allow such a crucial item like the Golden Den Den

Mushi to fall into the hands of someone like him?"

Hearing this, Aokiji remained silent.

Truth be told, I'm not sure why I handed over the Golden Den Den Mushi

to that man.

After all, this event occurred in the future, and my present self had no

knowledge of a person named Spandam.

But one thing is certain, now that I see that detestable face, if I encounter

it in the future...

Not only will I refuse to give him the Golden Den Den Mushi, but I'll

seize the opportunity to teach him a lesson!

Meanwhile, in Water 7...

Lucci and the other Cipher Pol members were racing toward the Galley-

La Company.

When they caught sight of Spandam's face, they couldn't help but sneer in


To be honest, they couldn't fathom one thing: why would such a self-

absorbed and inept individual become their direct superior?

He possessed neither strength nor intelligence, and his arrogance knew

no bounds.

Frankly, if it weren't for the fact that he held a high position, they would

have gladly parted ways with him.

Lucci averted his gaze and gazed at their imminent destination, issuing

cold orders to the team.

"A few more minutes until we reach Franky's House!"

"After we arrive, we'll eliminate anyone suspected of having the Pluto

Blueprints, except for Franky."

"Leave no survivors!"

[At this moment, Zoro and others along with Franky's younger brothers

were clashing with the Marines on the outskirts.]

[And, of course, Luffy wasn't idle either. After punching Blueno, he

intended to chase after victory.]

[But Blueno was equally determined...]

[CP9 Member]

[Would he really be bested by a mere ten Straw Hat Pirates?]



[Blueno unleashed a vacuum attack with a powerful kick, sweeping aside

everything in its path.]

[Luffy swiftly evaded several of Blueno's powerful kicks, adjusting his

straw hat with a serious expression.]

"I came here for one reason, and one reason only - to retrieve Robin and

rescue my crewmate!"

"When I was in Water 7, I felt utterly powerless. At that moment, I


"If I can't protect my comrades, what right do I have to be their captain?"

"Furthermore, I realized that more perilous challenges await us in the

future. So, I must become stronger!"

"Only then can I safeguard my crew!"

As Luffy spoke to himself, Blueno's perplexed expression slowly


He didn't entirely grasp Luffy's words until the following moment...

"In order to protect my crew, I came up with this!"

"Gear Second!"

At that instant, Luffy's skin turned red, and his aura grew even more



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