Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 5


CHAPTER 97~ Naruto the menace to the society


Naruto's POV



Looking at my beautiful, I smiled in my heart as she searched for Isshiki.

Well, it couldn't be helped; the more I looked at her, the more beautiful

she became. I shook my thoughts, activating my eyes.

I started to look for any evidence that I may find if I am lucky.

I couldn't see outside of the Elemental Nations; if he is in another

dimension, then only Hinata could find him.

'Maybe I could find something interesting.'

The perception of time slowed down; I could only move my eyes and

receive information as I started to watch every single person.

'Ohoohoo… they have gathered all of their troops.'

Looking at the going and coming ninjas, a smile formed on my face. Well,

to be honest, I don't care about the cannon fodder; if they die in the war,

it's their fault for being weak.

"Interesting" I called out loud as I looked at a fair-skinned and short,

spiky brown-haired girl. She wore a flak jacket that is standard among

ninja. I looked at her headband that had the Iwa symbol engraved on it

and a diamond-shaped mark on her left cheek.

'The granddaughter of the third Tsuchikage.'

'Such strong hatred towards me,' I mused. It's been a while since someone

had this much hatred towards me.

'I haven't done anything to her,' I went through my memories and found


She is trying so hard to kill me; it couldn't be helped. I looked at her

relentlessly practicing.

I gazed at Hinata; I shivered slightly as I thought about what would

happen to this girl if she found out about her.

I laughed inwardly. It's not like I care about that girl's well-being or

anything; she wanted to kill me, and she had to pay the price. It depends

on her luck, whether she met me or Hinata.

'I should pay her a visit and fuel her anger… hehe.'

'It will be fun watching her struggle against an unstopable force…'

'Am I being arrogant?' I couldn't help but think.


'That old man is going to have a heart attack.' I looked at Hinata with a

mischievous smile on my face. She looked at me and asked, "Are you

going to mess with someone?"

"You know me very well," I said as I got closer to her and kissed her

forehead. "I will be back in no time," I whispered in her ear as I inhaled

her sweet fragrance.

Disappearing from there, I looked at the girl who was training in her

camp while her grandpa was observing her.

"That's enough for today," I heard Onoki saying to her.

"No, Grandpa, I have to train more. I have to kill that bastard's son," she

said with determination and hate present in her eyes.

Hearing her, I knew she was talking about my father and me. As she said

that word about my father, I felt my chakra spike a little. It happened

subconsciously, and I know the reason. I may not like my father that

much, but even I didn't disrespect him.

And someone in front of me said such blunt words towards him. If her

words were only for me, it was acceptable, but not for my family. This is

pure blasphemy.

I may be a hypocrite, but it was only my right to say something about my

father, not some random maggot.

Due to my chakra spike, she became alerted and looked upwards.

"How nice of you... are you cursing my father or me?" I asked her,

appearing on the ground.

"Both of you," she said, looking at me, fully on guard. From her gaze, it

was clear she didn't understand how I appeared in front of her.

'This insolent girl needs some punishment.'

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"You bastard… you kill our ninjas," she said while grabbing her kunai,

and soon Onoki, the short old man, appeared beside her. I didn't pay any

attention to him.

"Oh, that's the fine reason…" I said as a grin started to appear on my lips.

Although they were the clones of White Zetsu, I found it irrelevant to tell


"You shameless… you didn't even try to defend yourself," she yelled

angrily, and I could tell that she just wanted to punch me in the face.

"Hehe…" I chuckled, "Why should I defend myself? To tell you the truth,

it was fun killing them…" I laughed sinisterly.

"You…" But before she could say anything else, Onoki said, "How can you

appear so suddenly… what's your purpose?"

I looked left and right as if I was searching for something, then suddenly

gazed downwards, "Pardon my insolence, Tsuchikage-sama, I haven't

noticed you until now," I said in an apologetic tone while looking down

at him.

His face became red, feeling that I just mocked him for his short height,

and I could feel his blood was boiling.

"And for my purpose in coming here is simple…" I gazed at Kurotsuchi.

"What are you looking at…" From her words, I could tell she didn't like

my gaze. How could she like it at all? After all, I was looking at her as if I

was mocking her, challenging her authority, and seeing her as a source of


"Your hatred is not enough, girl," I said in an amused tone.

"Let me give you enough reason to hate me," I said as I took out some

kunai from my pouch and held them in each of my fingers.

And from Onoki's gaze, he knew something bad was about to happen.

"Shadow Shuriken Jutsu."

I threw them in all directions, and as they flew, they became hundreds

and hit the ground and walls all around the training ground.

And to their horror, I used my god-level substitution jutsu and mixed it

with Fire Style for the visual effect.

And lo and behold, as I used my substitution jutsu, there was a flash of

yellow remains in my place as I appeared in front of Kurotsuchi.

"What!" she exclaimed as a yellow flash appeared on her left side, and

before she could think, she was flying in the air as I punched her in the


Of course, I held back, or she would have already died.

It's always fun to traumatize people, using substitution with Fire Style

that looks like a flying thunder god.

"Hehehe… is that all you've got?" I mocked the girl as I looked at her.

From another corner of my eye, I was looking at Onoki. He had put his

hands in a triangular position, and a white cube started to appear in his


In the blink of an eye, the white cube was in front of me. 'The speed of

Dust Release is truly terrifying,' I thought as I caught the white cube in

my hand.

With my mastery over all the elements, I controlled the cube in my hand

as it was getting more violent every second.

And with brute force, I crushed the white cube in front of their

astonished gaze.

If I myself didn't know about the Dust Release and tried to perform this

stunt, I would have been a goner.

"What!" they both shouted at the same time, there was a tinge of horror

in their voices.

"It's truly worthy of being called the most destructive kekkei tota," I said

as I examined my hand. The upper layer of my palm was gone, and blood

started to drip on the ground.

Raising my hand, I licked a drop of blood, "salty," I said as I tasted my

own blood for the first time.

And in front of their horror-stricken eyes, my hand was already healed.

"Monster…" the girl yelled as she started to perform some hand signs. I

think my little act had scared her.

"Hey… old man," I whispered in Onoki's ear as I appeared behind him,

and before he could react, I coated my left hand with lightning chakra

and Bitchslapped him on the back. I could see my handprint on his back

as he was sent flying through the walls.

'Am I bullying the old man now,' I thought.

But before I could amuse myself and admire my handiwork, a wave of

lava was heading towards me at breakneck speed. To add more power,

she combined her Water Style, and the wave of quicklime spread all over

the place. The water was hardening the lava like cement; if someone was

caught in it, they would become a sculpture.

And before the wave of quicklime could hit me, I saw a smile forming on

her face.

'How naive,'

But I had to shatter her happiness as I appeared behind her. Due to her

instincts, she swung her kunai in an arc to injure me, but what she met

was air.

"You are pathetic," I whispered in her ear as I appeared behind her.

"You bastard," she cursed me again as she swung her kunai and hit


She was getting angrier and angrier as she was not even able to touch

me. I think this was humiliating for her, hehe.

At this moment, I felt that Onoki had come out from the rubble. His back

was burnt, and some of his bones were cracked; after all, he is an old


"You hate me and my father so much, old man; he just killed thousands

of your ninja," I said as his anger started to rise up.

Then I gazed at Kurotsuchi, "What will you do if I kidnap your

granddaughter… wouldn't it make me more heinous than my father," I

said with a chuckle.

And before they could do anything, I appeared behind Kurotsuchi and

placed my palm on her back, then disappeared from there and

reappeared 500 meters in the sky.

Using the force of attraction on my palm, I held her in place. Her eyes

were horrified as she felt her chakra being suppressed.

She looked into my eyes as mine glowed red, and I directly looked at her

soul. 'She will be traumatized after this, or she will become strong,' I


My eyes will haunt her forever.

"Just as I told you before, if you want to kill me, your power is not

enough. Have you ever thought about what would happen if you failed to

kill me, what I should do to you…" I said as a grin appeared on my face. I

think she hadn't considered it in her overconfidence that she could kill


"But... reality is often disappointing."

Now she hung in the air, kidnapped, at the mercy of the man she wanted

to kill.

"Guess what… I could kill your grandfather, taking you as a hostage.

Wouldn't that be fun?" I chuckled at her horrified face. Reality was

hitting her hard, but I wasn't done yet.

"Yes… this is the look… hate me like your life depends on it."

"You..." She wanted to say something, but I stopped her by sending a jolt

of electricity.

"Have you ever thought I could sell you on the underground market?

What will they do to you?"

"What if I chopped your limbs bit by bit and feed them to some random


"What if I sell you as a slave in some brothel or make you my sex slave,

what will you do then?" I said as I gazed at her body, although I have no

lust for random girls.

"Look at you, pathetic. Be strong, or be a slave to the strong," I said as I

dropped her.

I looked at the falling girl. She deserved this, I initially thought it would

be some entertainment, but her disrespect towards him was not what I

was expecting. "Well, she wanted to kill me... I am being merciful here," I


If she becomes powerful, I will crush her again. She will eventually find

out there is no hope for her, and the only things that will remain in her

heart are despair, fear, and hatred.

I disappeared from there and appeared in front of My Hinata. She looked

at me with a sweet smile and asked, "Did you have fun?"

"Of course, my dear," I replied.

Hinata giggled at my answer; she knows what I mean.

"So, did you find his location?" I asked.

She nodded to me



A/N~ At the end of the chapter, what was your favorite scene...

Catching the Dust Release in his hand?

Licking his own blood?

Or traumatizing Korotsuchi?"



if you like the chapter do comments and give me your powerstones..

chapter 98 Fight with Otsutsuki

Part 1

Naruto gave a lovable smile to Hinata, to which she responded with her

innocent and charming smile, causing Naruto's heart to melt.

Looking at her, he said, "I wish I could keep you tied up with me all the


Hinata smiled at him, and a mischievous expression appeared on her

face. "You can tie me up however you want. I am all yours," Hinata


"Hehe... of course, you're all mine. Now, shall we proceed?" Naruto said

to her.

She nodded to him, focusing her gaze in front of her, and a purple portal

started to appear in front of them.

Hinata had discovered the current location of Otsutsuki. She had been

searching for him for some time, and with her Jougan, nothing could


Soon, the portal materialized in front of them, and without any hesitation

or delay, Naruto entered the portal, with Hinata following him.

Deep in the dimension, a man stood in front of a creature. He extended

his hands and began to absorb the creature's chakra. His hands bore black

markings, specifically Karma Seals.

This man was none other than Isshiki Otsutsuki in his vessel- Jigen.

He was wearing a simple dark robe with a high collar and long sleeves.

He had short, dark hair that was slicked back.

Jigen had sensed that someone was interfering with his dimension,

searching for something or someone.

As an Otsutsuki, he could feel the ripples in space and the vibrations in

the barriers of the dimensions.

He possessed two dojutsu, one was unique, and the other was the

Byakugan. With his right eye, he could see that someone was interfering

with his dimension.

He had lain dormant for thousands of years, and no one was aware of his

existence. Now, someone wanted to enter his dimension.

This was unforgivable.

Soon, a purple portal started to appear some distance from him, and

Naruto stepped out from the portal. Shortly after, Hinata followed him.

At this moment, Jigen had absorbed all the chakra he needed.

Naruto looked at the man in front of him, his eyes glowing slightly as he

observed the man in front of him.

With his eyes and sensory abilities, Naruto could feel the sheer density of

the chakra emanating from Jigen. It had surpassed anything he had ever

encountered before.

Naruto focused solely on sensing this chakra; he had no desire to

scrutinize the inner workings of the man's organs or the construction of

his body. Naruto understood that the figure before him was not the true

Otsutsuki but merely a vessel, yet the vessel exuded an immense and

overwhelming power.

A faint smile began to appear on Naruto's face.

Despite his own chakra being less potent than his opponent's, he had a

clear purpose in this confrontation: he was here to obtain Isshiki's DNA.

Naruto knew the man was far stronger than him, but he was confident

that he could defeat him. In truth, Naruto hadn't had a chance to fully

release his powers until now, and this was his opportunity.

Hinata eyed the man and sensed the malevolent chakra. Like Naruto,

Hinata also hadn't had a chance to fully unleash her powers. To them, the

man in front of them would serve as their training target.

Jigen looked at Naruto and Hinata, then focused his gaze on Naruto.

"Naruto Uzumaki... the descendant of Kaguya Otsutsuki."

Naruto raised his eyebrows; he hadn't expected him to know his name.

"You know me?"

Jigen looked at him, a slight smirk appearing on his face. "Of course...

even if you had perfectly concealed your chakra, your chakra is like a

candle flickering in the midst of the darkness."

"Is that so... and do you know why we are here?"

Jigen looked at him, his expression indifferent. "I don't know why you are

here... and it doesn't matter."

Having seen Naruto's potent chakra, Jigen had a different thought.

Naruto had surpassed conventional means, and if he could somehow

implant a Karma Seal on him, Jigen believed he could regain his peak

strength. His current vessel wasn't strong enough to contain his full

powers, but that could change if he successfully implanted the Karma

Seal on Naruto.

Naruto sensed the shifting emotions within Isshiki. He knew that this

battle was destined to be epic and his heart pick up the pace.

Naruto's chakra surged forth, his eyes glowed, and his chakra started to

leak out as he allowed his chakra to radiate freely. There was no need to

conceal his power anymore, and the ground beneath him began to crack

under the pressure.

On the other side, Hinata's Jougan was activated, lightning crackling

around her feet and a set of paper kunai, sharper than anything else,

hovered behind her. These wind-coated kunai crackled with sparks of


A strong wind started to swirl around them, causing their hair to sway in

the air.

Jigen made no attempt to hide his power, and his long sleeves fluttered

in the turbulent air.

He looked at Hinata, slightly surprised. His voice echoed in the vicinity,

"Pure Eye."

He obviously knew about it; he was a high-class Otsutsuki member.


In the blink of an eye, three black chakra rods materialized in front of

Naruto, To Isshiki's shock they stopped mere inches away from his heart.

Naruto stepped forward, and the three chakra rods retreated, maintaining

a two-inch distance. He knew there was no room for mistakes.


The three chakra rods dropped to the ground with a heavy thud.

Jigen squinted his eyes, a hint of surprise in his expression. "Space


Naruto nodded in response. "Yep."

"But this won't save you for long," Jigen warned.

"I know..." Naruto replied. He knew he couldn't use his natural affinity in

front of the man. Jigen could also use space-time ninjutsu, and he would

eventually find a solution to counter his ability.

Before anyone could say more, countless paper kunai, imbued with wind

and lightning, hurtled towards Jigen with lightning speed.



The kunai bombarded everything in their path. The ground shattered,

and pits formed wherever the kunai struck.

In response to the incoming projectiles, a long staff materialized in

Jigen's hand. With precision and accuracy, he began to deflect every

projectile directed at him.

The speed of incoming paper kunai was beyond what normal eyes could

track. With lightning coating, each kunai became so fast that ordinary

eyes couldn't perceive them, and with the sharpness of the wind, they

tore through the rocks.


Jigen swung his staff with efficiency, deflecting the deadly kunai.

However, their relentless onslaught showed no sign of ending.

Naruto pointed his two fingers at Jigen, creating a highly compressed

Rasengan that crackled with immense chakra. He poured a staggering

amount of chakra into the condensed sphere.


With a deafening sonic boom and powerful recoil, the Rasengan sliced

through the air, howling with ferocity.

Jigen, while still in the midst of deflecting the kunai, sensed danger to his


Before he could react, the Rasengan struck his shoulder. His feet left the

ground, and he was propelled through the air like a rocket, the

compressed Rasengan's force was overwhelming.

Jigen soared at breakneck speed and crashed into a boulder, shattering it

into fragments.

Debris scattered in all directions as Jigen emerged from the wreckage.

A small hole appeared in Jigen's shoulder, and blood gushed from the

wound where the Rasengan had pierced through.

"You..." Jigen scowled.

"That was my SECOND fastest Rasengan... how does it taste?" Naruto

taunted with a mocking tone.

The hole in Jigen's shoulder began to heal. Naruto wasn't surprised; he

knew that every Otsutsuki possessed some level of regeneration, some

has very slow, some has fast and some has very fast.

"I'll show you what true power feels like," Jigen vowed.

But before he could say more, a miniature portal materialized to his left,

and a fist coated with black chakra in form of a loin burst through the

portal, striking Jigen in the head. For a brief moment, his chakra was

suppressed upon impact.

With a resounding crash, Jigen collided with another boulder.

Hinata withdrew her hand from the portal, and it closed.

Naruto and Hinata stood side by side.

"That was a clean shot," Naruto remarked.

"Hmm," Hinata hummed in agreement, their eyes fixed on the shattered


They knew this was not enough to take down the man. This was just the

beginning of the fight.



A/N~ End of the chapter, how was it, i hope you like it.


vote up the book and comment your thoughts on the chapter.

chapter 99 Fight with Otsutsuki

part 2

Naruto looked at the man who was standing up from the rubble. He knew

that it wouldn't be easy to kill him.

Jigen emerged from the rubble, a slight bruise mark on his face that was

slowly healing. He looked at Hinata and remarked, "<strong>What a

good way to use your eyes." </strong>

He wasn't worried that he would lose the fight.

Hinata simply ignored him. The light beneath her feet crackled, and she

disappeared from there, reappearing in front of Jigen.

The lion head in Hinata's hand flickered, and she assumed the Gentle Fist

stance. With everything in her field of vision, she declared, "8 Trigrams

128 Palms."

With her shout, the relentless assault began . Their hand movements

were a blur of speed. Jigen countered with his own taijutsu style. Each

time her palm connected with his body, a jolt of pain coursed through


When the lion head came into contact, her jutsu suppressed and absorbed

his chakra. This was the specialty of her technique—it drained an

opponent's chakra and suppressed it.

As the onslaught continued, Jigen realized there was no escape through

conventional means.

Thousands of black chakra rods materialized behind him, and with a

mental command, they shot out at lightning speed.


All of the chakra rods launched directly at Hinata, aiming to kill her in


"Rotation!" she exclaimed, and in an instant, a high-speed rotating chakra

dome formed around her. The dome was one meter wide, crackling with

lightning, and it expertly deflected all the incoming chakra rods and hit


The speed at which Hinata activated "Rotation" was extraordinary.

Jigen flipped in mid-air and stabilized himself, gracefully landing on the

ground. The earth beneath him cracked upon impact.

However, before he could think or react further, Jigen sensed imminent

danger at his neck. With instincts honed by battle, he ducked, narrowly

evading Naruto's roundhouse kick imbued with lightning chakra.

Naruto landed on the ground and commented, "Your instincts are quite


The rings around Naruto's wrists flew out and transformed into a staff.

The Truth-Seeking Balls were always with him. Two of them merged with

each other and transformed into a staff.


Naruto struck the staff onto the ground, causing the earth beneath him to

crack, and some of it even erased.

Jigen looked at his weapon and commented in a nonchalant voice,

"Truth-Seeking Ball, the mixture of all 7 chakra natures."

Without pause, Naruto flicked his fingers, disappearing from his current

spot and reappearing behind Jigen. With all his might, he swung his staff

at an incredible speed, cutting through the air with a resounding howl.

Jigen twisted his body, conjuring a similar staff in his hand. Although it

was not made of Truth-Seeking orbs, it held immense power.

Jigen placed the staff in front of him to protect himself.


The two weapons clashed into each other, and with a loud boom, the

staff in Jigen's hand shattered, sending him flying with the sheer force

behind Naruto's swing.

Jigen was in the air when he felt a burning sensation on his back, and he

was sent flying in another direction. Hinata landed on the ground.

Jigen flipped in the air and stabilized himself. It was getting harder and

harder for him to fight them; their teamwork was flawless.

Squinting his eyes, Jigen summoned three chakra rods in front of Naruto.

Their speed was incredible, yet they stopped just two inches away from

his body.

In a burst of speed, Jigen disappeared from his position and reappeared

behind Naruto. He twisted his body, delivering a powerful axe kick.

Naruto turned around and crossed his arms in an 'X' shape. With a force

greater than he had ever felt, Jigen's kick stopped just an inch away from

his body. Naruto was sent flying with breakneck speed, even though the

kick didn't make contact. He could still feel the force behind the kick.

'If I continue to use my Space barrier, my focus will be divided between

maintaining the barrier and fighting with him,'

"Fuck it... I'm going all out," Naruto said in a low voice, emerging from

the shattered stones.

He closed his eyes slightly, and lightning chakra surged forth from his

body, with lightning cracking all around him.

With a sprint, he became a blur, and the ground beneath his steps

shattered. Naruto appeared in front of Jigen, his left hand moving with

incredible speed to strike his face. Jigen slightly shifted his head to avoid

the punch and thrust his right hand. Naruto blocked his punch with his

empty hand.

Jigen attempted to move his body to create distance, but to his shock, he

couldn't move. He quickly looked down, his eyes widening.

"Shadow Binding," he called out. Jigen's shadow was bound by Naruto's.


But before Jigen could break the bindings of his shadow with brute force,

a brutal kick struck his head. He registered the pain; the kick was so

brutal that it shattered the shadow binding and sent Jigen flying away,

crashing into the ground and creating a large crater. Hinata landed

beside Naruto.

Jigan touched his head, he was bleeding. He looked at his blood.

"Damn you…. I will kill you"

He roared in anger, and the ground around him was pushed away by his


Naruto felt the chakra pulses coming from Jigen. His chakra started to

rise with incredible speed, and the black lining started to appear on

Jigen's body as he activated his Karma seal. Due to this, his chakra rose


"I think he is getting serious," Hinata commented.

"Sure he is," Naruto replied while sensing Jigen's rising chakra.


Before Naruto could react, a punch struck him in the chest, sending him

flying like a cannon and destroying all the ground and boulders in his


Hinata crossed her arms in front of her, and without any delay, a kick hit

her forearms. She lifted from the ground, and with a sonic boom, she was

sent flying, crashing into the rocks.

Naruto emerged from the cave he had created, a slight trickle of blood

running from the corner of his mouth. The bruise on his chest had

already healed.

"Are you all right, Hinata?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied.

Jigen didn't wait; he appeared in front of Naruto. Naruto's eyes glowed

slightly, and everything around him seemed to slow down. The world

became segmented, and Jigen was now moving at a normal pace in this

slowed-down world.

He was surprised that Naruto could see his moves. Naruto's eyes followed

Jigen's every movement.

Naruto's eyes were sending too much information to his brain. He infused

lightning chakra all over his body to help him keep up with his eyes.

Naruto deflected the punch aimed at his head, lightning crackling around

his left leg. With a swift turn, Naruto landed a powerful kick on Jigen's

right hand, but Jigen managed to block Naruto's kick with a chakra rod.


The sheer force behind Naruto's kick was tremendous, causing the ground

beneath them to shatter. Jigen was sent hurtling away from Naruto,

landing in the opposite direction.

As this happened, everything returned to normal speed. Naruto felt a

slight headache as his eyes had processed an overwhelming amount of

information in just a few seconds, but his healing chakra quickly

alleviated it.

"Your reflexes are good," Jigen commented, shocked that Naruto could

keep up with him.

"Hah... you haven't seen anything yet," Naruto said as two Rasengans

began to appear in his hands. The temperature started to rise, and his fire

chakra seeped into the Rasengan, making its core turn black with fiery

red rings rotating around it. {image}

Naruto vanished from his spot and reappeared behind Jigen. "Fire Style:

Rasengan!" Naruto announced, slamming two Rasengans into Jigen's



Jigen's clothes burned, and two bruises appeared on his back as he was

sent crashing away.

Naruto flicked his hands, and the Rasengans hit the ground. Where the

Rasengan hit the ground, it melted away, leaving nothing but ashes.

"Your body is really tough," Naruto said while looking at Jigen's burns

Naruto extended two fingers toward Jigen. "Repel," he commanded. A

repulsion force struck Jigen in the chest, sending him soaring into the air.

Hinata appeared in front of him with Storm Release crackling in her

hand. With all her might, she slapped Jigen on his back.


Jigen hit the ground with a loud bang, and dust rose high into the sky.

He created a pit where his body had struck the ground, and there was a

palm print on his back.

He had been Bitchslapped to the ground, and he couldn't tolerate such

disrespect any longer.

"You... I will kill both of you," he said as his Karma seal started to

blacken. The black lines crawled all around his body, and a horn

appeared on his left side of his head, circling around his head to the right

and pointing upwards.

Naruto looked at the new transformation. "He's getting serious again."

"Be ready..." Hinata said while observing Jigen's new appearance.



AN~ Two chapters today, enjoy.

Chapter 100 Fight with Otsutsuki

Part 3

In the crater, the dust rose high into the sky as Jigen underwent his

second-to-last transformation.

The winds picked up, and Naruto could sense the incredible density of

Jigen's chakra, surpassing even his own.

Without hesitation, he began forming a Rasengan in his hand, infusing it

with wind chakra that made the air itself razor-sharp. Naruto spun on his

feet and, with all his might, launched it.


The white Rasenshuriken tore through the air and vanished into the dust

cloud, but there was no explosion as they had expected.

In that moment, Naruto sensed an overwhelming sense of danger.

A red beam of immense chakra shot out from the dust cloud with

incredible speed and power. Naruto quickly transformed the Truth-

Seeking Ball in his hand into a shield, but even so, the impact of the red

beam sent him flying backward with a deafening bang.

As Rasenshuriken entered the dust cloud, Jigen had absorbed its power

and, amplified by his Karma Seal, shot out an even more potent chakra

beam at Naruto.

The amount of chakra used in Rasenshuriken was immense, nearly

equivalent to a Jonin's chakra reserves. If an ordinary Jonin attempted to

use Rasenshuriken, they would likely die from chakra exhaustion.

Naruto hit the boulders behind him, shattering them. He was safe within

his black dome made of Truth-Seeking Balls.

Jigen appeared in front of Hinata. She looked at him with her Jougan,

and as his punch was about to hit her, she scattered into countless

flurries of papers.

The countless papers obstructed Jigen's vision, causing him to quickly

duck to avoid the incoming strike of Juken palm.

He twisted his body and thrust the chakra rod, attempting to stab Hinata

in the heart. However, before he could make contact, she vanished, and

in her place, papers were floating.

Countless papers flew around the battlefield. They were made of Hinata's

chakra, and she was connected to them. With an academy jutsu, she

could substitute herself with any of these papers, making her very hard to


Jigen was annoyed by this. "You annoying brat..."

But before he could move toward Hinata, he felt a powerful surge of

chakra and looked in Naruto's direction.

Naruto was performing hand signs, and as he completed them, he

stomped his left foot on the ground, pouring all of his chakra into the

earth. The ground beneath him started to wiggle, and the tides seemed to

rise within the ground.

The entire area shook as Naruto moved his hand, causing a colossal

dragon made of rock to rise from the earth and charge towards Jigen.

The sheer size of the dragon was intimidating, making everyone else look

like ants in comparison. With surprising speed for its enormous size, the

dragon tore through the ground and struck Jigen on the head.


The dragon hit the ground where Jigen was standing, causing massive

destruction. Soon, the dragon's body also hit the ground with a loud


Jigen appeared from a portal at his previous location where the dragon

had struck. This was the first time Jigen had used his dimension-traveling


"Your way of using Earth Style is very impressive," he commented,

squinting his eyes at Naruto.

Before Naruto could react, three chakra rods pierced through his

stomach, creating a sickening sound as they pierced through flesh.

This was one of Jigen's abilities. He could shrink any object to a

molecular level, as long as it wasn't a living being or connected to any

living being.

These chakra rods had been shrunk to a molecular level and then

expanded rapidly in front of their target, making it a deadly move. Their

speed far exceeded the speed of sound.

"Naruto!" Hinata reformed herself and looked at Naruto with a worried


"Hah... these were nothing but scratches," Naruto said as he pulled the

chakra rods from his stomach. As he yanked them out, the wounds began

to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hinata looked at him with worry in her eyes, but her focus remained on

the ongoing battle. "Be careful."

Naruto nodded to her, and in an instant, they both vanished. Hundreds of

chakra rods plummeted to the ground where they had been standing just

moments ago.

"I know it will be hard to kill you," Jigan said as he evaded a barrage of

paper kunai infused with her Storm Release, making them as deadly as

his chakra rods.

"Now, Hinata!" Naruto yelled. The shadows under his feet rippled like

water, spreading across the battlefield. Jigan leaped into the sky but his

shadow remained bound to the ground by Naruto.

He was suspended in mid-air, his movements restricted, and it was all

Hinata needed.

Hinata materialized above Jigan's head, summoning all her power to

invoke her Storm Release. Tremendous lightning crackled in her hands,

and the air around her withered, the temperature soaring to the highest

degree, affecting the entire surroundings.

"Haaaaa!!!!" she yelled, lowering her hands, and what followed was

nothing short of a force of nature.

Thousands of bolts of lightning shot forth from her hands with incredible

speed, their heat immeasurable. Every single one of them struck Jigan


Upon impact, his horn shattered, and with a deafening bang, he crashed

to the ground, shattering the earth, causing dust to billow high into the


Hinata scattered into countless pieces of paper, then reformed herself

beside Naruto. "That really did a number on him," he commented.

The power she had exerted was colossal, enough to annihilate many S-

rank ninjas in a single move, but they weren't facing ordinary S-rank

ninjas; they were up against an Otsutsuki.

As the dust settled, Jigan emerged from the crater, his horn broken, his

clothes in tatters, his skin scorched, and blood pouring from his wounds.

He glared at Hinata with eyes filled with rage and hatred.

Raising his hands, hundreds of cubes materialized in the sky, causing the

space around them to distort, making teleportation impossible.

These enormous cubes, constructed from an unknown material, hung

ominously above their heads. They were colossal and incredibly resilient;

not even a Rasengan could disintegrate them.

The entire sky became shrouded in these imposing cubes as Jigan

lowered his hand. They fell at incredible speed, leaving no escape.

Naruto faced the incoming cubes, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Raising both hands in front of him in a unique hand sign, his voice

resonated through the surroundings, "Dismantle... Cleave."

Jigen, who had been watching in disbelief, exclaimed, "How can you cut

my cubes like this?"

Naruto fixed his gaze on Jigen and slammed his palm into the ground,

shouting, "Dismantle."

The ground in front of him was cleaved, and multiple parallel lines

materialized, swiftly advancing towards Jigen, slicing through everything

in their path—earth, rocks, and even the very air itself.

"You finally used your most dangerous attack," Hinata remarked, gazing

at the sliced ground.

Naruto also inspected his handiwork, acknowledging her statement with

a hum.

This attack was no ordinary one. Naruto had used his mastery over the

Time element to manipulate time strings.

Within the countless web of time strings, he had the ability to control

them at will. In this particular attack, he utilized these time strings to cut

through anything, making it an absolute and unstoppable technique.

While there were numerous applications for these time strings, the cost

wasn't only Naruto's chakra, but his stamina and physical endurance. He

could see and interact with the time strings due to his eyes, and to

manipulate them according to his will required both stamina and

physical exertion. By imbuing them with his chakra, he made them

capable of cutting through anything in their path. This attack was distinct

from chakra-based techniques because it utilized pre-existing time

strings, rather than creating them from scratch.

Jigen sensed the overwhelming force behind the attack and realized he

couldn't stop it. His only recourse was to create a portal behind him and

vanish from the danger.

A portal appeared in front of them, and Jigen emerged from it. Despite

his battered state from Hinata's earlier attack, he looked at Naruto and

said, "Your attack didn't work on chakra."

Naruto replied mockingly, "Your senses are keen after all these years of


Jigen, unfazed by Naruto's provocation, contemplated to himself. If

Naruto's attack didn't use chakra, he couldn't absorb it. After a moment of

thought, realization struck him, and he looked at Naruto as if the truth

had just dawned on him. "Did you use Time Threads?"

"Bingo!! You got me," Naruto responded. "But don't worry, you won't be

able to tell anyone about this because dead men tell no tales."

"Don't get cocky, brat," Jigen retorted. As a member of the Otsutsuki clan,

he had the knowledge about time powers. He was aware of Momoshiki's

ability to halt time across entire dimensions, and what Naruto had just

displayed was a distinct yet deadly technique within the realm of time




An~ End of the chapter.

I have uploaded two chapters today so you can enjoy the fight. Now do

50 comments to read the next chapter. Well this is a request.

Only two chapters are left and this fight will be over. So I will not upload

tomorrow, but two chapters the day after tomorrow.


Could you please give me some power stones, man? It's frustrating to

see that my book didn't even rank, while some books with only 10

chapters are ranked very high. Do you think my book is bad? I don't

think so, because some books worse than mine have more power

stones. I don't understand the algorithm of Webnovel, but it's just


chapter 101 Fight with Otsutsuki

Part 4

A/N* Long chapter Enjoy, [Words-4100]


Chapter 0101~ Fight with Otsutsuki Part 4




Everything fell silent for a brief moment before Naruto swung his hand in

a claw-like motion, attempting to tear through everything in his path.

The time strings responded to his command, ripping through everything

in their way.

Jigen raised his hands, summoning a colossal cube in front of him, but it

provided no resistance; it was sliced cleanly in five. Just as the time

strings were about to reach him, Jigen opened a portal and vanished.

Hinata had her Jougan activated, and before Jigen could reappear on the

battlefield, his face was struck by a thick bolt of lightning, sending him

flying from the portal.

He glared at Hinata with eyes filled with hatred and muttered, "Damn


He disappeared from there and appeared in front of Hinata. He punched

her with all of his might, but before his punch hit her, she was scattered

into countless papers and appeared beside Naruto.

Jigen's speed was too great to follow. If they hadn't been using their

lightning release continuously, they would have been killed already.

Naruto looked at Jigen, his face filled with anger. He was ready to kill

anyone. "I think you've pissed him off," he said.


The air ripped apart, and the sound reached their ears a few moments

later. Three chakra rods impaled Naruto once more, this time in his

stomach, suppressing his chakra to some degree.

~~Drip Drip~~

Blood drops fell to the ground as Naruto pulled out the chakra rods. His

wounds began to heal once again. The speed of the chakra rods was too

fast to follow, and they were too small to see. Even with his eyes, he

could detect the incoming projectiles, but his body couldn't react fast

enough, even after infusing it with lightning chakra.

"It's not that I'm weak, but that man is just too fast," Naruto thought to


Jigen gazed at them and leaped into the air, spreading his hands.

Thousands of chakra rods materialized behind him, poised for an attack.

With a swift motion of his hands, the chakra rods tore through the air,

descending at incredible speed. From above, Jigan wore a smug smirk,

leaving no space for escape.

Seeing the incoming projectiles, Hinata stepped forward and extended

her hand. A purple portal appeared in front of them, and all the incoming

chakra rods were engulfed into the portal.

"You're starting to irritate me, girl," Jigen snarled, raising his hand for

another assault.

Before he could make another move, Naruto appeared behind him, his

leg enveloped in lightning-charged chakra, utilizing his teleportation

ability. "No, you don't."

Before Jigen could react, the lightning-infused kick struck his back.

The kick was so fast that it shattered the sound barrier, creating a sonic

boom as Jigen crashed to the ground, a leg-shaped imprint left on his


The ground was devastated, and the dust rose in the skies, but this time

Naruto didn't give his opponent a chance. He extended his hand, and a

Rasengan began to form in his palm. Fire, wind, and earth chakra started

to seep into it, with a pure black core and swirling wind rings around it.

"Dai Rasengan"


The Rasengan in Naruto's hands fell like a shooting star.


A deafening explosion erupted, creating a dome of high-speed rotating

chakra on the battlefield. The chakra dome rapidly expanded outward,

erasing everything down to the atomic level. The white chakra dome

covered an area of 1000 meters, leaving behind only a massive crater.

Jigen, who found himself trapped in the midst of the explosion,

attempted to absorb the inhumane level of chakra. However, there was a

limit to everything. He managed to absorb 95% of the jutsu, and just

before his body started to crack under the strain, he opened a portal and


This jutsu could erase everything in kilometers.

Hinata tilted her head, and soon a portal appeared, with Jigen emerging

from it. He extended his hand toward Naruto.

The immense chakra he had absorbed needed to be released, or his

current vessel would break down. This wasn't his original body; it was

merely a vessel.

When Jigen extended his hand toward Naruto, Naruto sensed the chakra.

He knew that if he were hit by it, he would be gravely injured. All seven

Truth-Seeking Balls appeared in front of him. Naruto appeared in front of

Hinata, and the Truth-Seeking Balls expanded and formed a black spear

around them. And then it happened.


The attack was wide-reaching, the red cannon of chakra covering

everything. It was the absorbed chakra, and amplified by him. The red

cannon collided with the black spear, causing it to shake violently and

heat up, turning it red due to the intense heat.

Naruto touched the surface of the spear. "Ice Release."

Instantly, everything cooled down. The attack came to an end, and Jigan

gazed at the floating spear in the air. Soon after, Naruto reappeared, and

the spear transformed back into its seven individual spheres.


Naruto looked at the black spears; two of them cracked and crumbled

away, leaving only five black spears remaining.

"I have to make more of them," he said.

"I see you survived that attack," Jigan commented.

Naruto remained silent. With a mental command, the five spears

transformed into thousands of piercing needles.

With a wave of his hand, thousands of needles surged through the air.

However, just before they could reach Jigen, a black and red cube

materialized in front of him, blocking all the needles.

Then, Jigen heard a voice, "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu." He looked up at

the sky, which was now filled with smoke, and he heard the sound of

wind howling.

In the sky, thousands of clones appeared, freefalling from above. A

multitude of voices echoed, "Rasengan," "Rasenshuriken," "Massive

Rasengan," "Fire Style: Rasengan," "Water Style: Water Sphere,"

"Adamantium Chain."


A massive Rasengan struck Jigen, and he began to absorb it. Another

massive Rasengan hit him from behind, and one shadow clone wielded a

black staff.


With all his might, the clone swung the staff, and Jigen blocked it with

his chakra rod.

A chain emerged from beneath the ground and coiled around Jigen's

ankles, suppressing his chakra to some extent.

A lightning-coated punch struck his face, but it didn't send him flying


"Shadow Possession Jutsu!" one of the clones shouted. Suddenly, the

ground turned black, with only Jigen's movements restricted. All the

clones moved freely on the darkened ground.

A punch to the face, a punch to the guts, a kick to his shin, a knee to his

stomach, and a Truth-Seeking Ball hit his back. Jigen was brought to his


Original Naruto stood in the sky. He extended his hands, pointed his

fingers, and gripped his right wrist with his left arm. He steadied himself

and looked at Hinata, who nodded to him.

A small portal appeared in front of Naruto's finger, two feet away.

Hundreds of small portals appeared all around Jigan, facing him.

A small Rasengan started to form on Naruto's fingertips. The chakra was

immense, ready to shoot. With a sonic boom, it tore through the air and

entered the portal.


The mini Rasengan shot out from one of the portals surrounding Jigen.


The Rasengan hit Jigen in the back, and blood gushed out.

Another Rasengan appeared on Naruto's fingertip, and with a boom, it

entered the portal. This time it exited from the portal above Jigan's head.


The mini Rasengan struck Jigen on the head, causing the ground to

shatter beneath his feet. However, he was still confined by the Shadow






Naruto continued to fire miniature Rasengans from his fingertips like a

rifle. In just a few seconds, numerous projectiles were unleashed.

Jigen was having a really hard time dealing with the onslaught of mini

Rasengans and the clones spamming massive Rasengans as if their lives

depended on it.

He was confined by the shadows, and there were many bloody holes on

his body, with blood gushing out like a fountain. The clones didn't give

him a moment to even think.

"His body is something else. If there was anyone in his place, they would

be dead already," Naruto commented, his breath heavy and 70% of his

chakra depleted—1000 shadow clones and the continuous bombardment

of mini Rasengans.

"You're right. How long do you think he will endure?" she asked him.

"I think it's time," Naruto commented.

"Arghhh!" Jigen yelled with his lungs, sending the clones flying away due

to the sheer air pressure.

"Enough of this," he roared in an angry voice. The ground beneath him

shattered, and all of the black bindings disappeared. There was a calm

before the storm.


The sound of something cracking could be heard, and everything was

engulfed in a white flash. Then, Isshiki appeared in his real form—his

white skin, the Byakugan in his left eye, and a unique dojutsu with a

wheel-like pattern in his right eye. He wore a white open high-collared

robe with some tomoe on it. This was the real Isshiki Otsutsuki.

This was the real deal; his chakra far surpassed Naruto's in volume and

density. He was exerting pressure all around him.

Naruto activated his eyes and saw the man's inner workings. His chakra

was too dense, and his chakra pathways were designed in a way that

could store any amount of chakra. What surprised Naruto even more was

his heart. It wasn't a normal heart; it was divided into two parts. While

normal humans have a heart with four parts, his heart was divided into

two, each with four parts.

Naruto tapped his hand on Hinata's shoulder and closed his eyes.


Hundreds of chakra rods appeared in front of them, mere 2 inches away

from them, ready to kill.

Naruto waved his hand, and all the rods were sent flying. When Naruto

looked in front of him, Isshiki was nowhere to be seen.

"It will not save you any longer," Naruto heard a voice from behind.

Isshiki swung his leg, delivering a swift kick to Naruto's back. His kick

was lightning-fast, breaking through the spatial protection.

Hinata crossed her arms in front of her, feeling the intense pain in her

limbs. The kick had exceeded the speed of sound, and with a sonic boom,

Hinata was propelled away, causing ripples in the air.



She tore through numerous stones, her Storm Release acting like armor to

shield her. The force was overwhelming, and she couldn't stop herself.

Suddenly, Isshiki materialized in front of her, delivering a powerful

punch that sent her crashing to the ground, her arms still in a crossed



<strong>"Rotation!"</strong> she exclaimed as she hit the ground

with a resounding bang. Lightning crackled around her, creating a 10-

meter-deep hole. The rotation continued to grind the ground around her.

Blood gushed out from her mouth. She was protected by her lightning

armor and her Rotation, but the impact was too much. "That hurts like a

bitch," she said while wiping the blood trail from her mouth.

"Are you ok," Naruto asked from another hole. The kick he was hit by

was too fast, and upon impact, some of his ribs were broken. However,

due to his healing factors, they had already healed. But his chakra was

depleting due to the constant healing of his brain and injuries.

Naruto lifted his hand, and all five Truth-Seeking Balls appeared in front

of him. Three of them wrapped themselves like shackles around his left

arm, and two of them transformed into a sword.

Naruto was still lying on the ground. He gripped the hilt of his katana,

and its tip was aimed towards Isshiki, who was still in the air.

A Rasengan started to build on the tip of the sword, and in an instant, it

became so large that the ground around him was eradicated. Naruto

thrust his sword with all his power.


Another sound barrier broke, and a massive Rasengan shot out at the

speed of sound.

Isshiki, who hadn't expected the attack to come so soon, extended his

hands and started to absorb the massive Rasengan.

This was the moment Naruto needed. He stood up and slid his hand over

his sword, which was engulfed in dark green fire. The flames came alive,

the forever-burning flames emerged. "Ender Flames."

Naruto swung his sword in a semicircular arc, and a massive sword slash

was sent flying towards Isshiki. His Rasengan was cut in half, and as the

slash was about to hit Isshiki, a large cube appeared in front of him,

blocking the sword slash.

Isshiki stood on his cube and looked at Naruto, then at the flickering

green flames on his sword. He squinted his eyes and nodded. "I see… fire,

Yin chakra, and Nature Energy."

He could see through Naruto's jutsu, after all, he was an Otsutsuki.

Naruto didn't say anything. He infused his lightning chakra all over his

body; his body was running on lightning. He knew that if he was any

slower, he would be killed. His current speed was not enough to fight

with Isshiki. He glanced at where Hinata was and appeared in front of



His blade sliced through the air as a staff materialized in Isshiki's hand.


Their weapons clashed.


Isshiki's staff shattered, but before the blade could reach him, he jumped



Three chakra rods impaled Naruto's chest. He was using his eyes

continuously, but the information was coming in too fast for his brain to

process. The light sensitivity and constant stream of information

overwhelmed him, and his healing factor was working overtime.

Naruto gripped the rods, yanked them out, and his wounds began to heal.

He disappeared from his current location and swung his sword in a

semicircle, creating a green arc. Isshiki leaped and executed a full

roundhouse kick in mid-air.


Naruto extended his left hand in front of his head. The kick struck the

Truth-Seeking Balls wrapped around his hand, but the force behind the

kick was tremendous.


Naruto was sent flying, and he stabbed his sword into the ground to

steady himself, leaving a trail of green flames behind.

As Naruto regained his composure, Isshiki appeared in front of him.

However, before he could strike Naruto, a portal materialized behind


With a deafening boom, he was slammed into the ground, Hinata's feet

firmly planted on his back.

This was humiliation. How could anyone stomp on him? His anger rose

to the highest degree, but before he could do anything, Hinata scattered

into a flurry of papers, and Naruto appeared and kicked him, sending him


Naruto and Hinata looked at each other, their gazes meeting. They both

nodded in agreement.

Isshiki stabilized himself in the air and landed on the ground.

His eyes filled with anger. "You will die."

He disappeared from there and appeared in front of them. "Eight

Trigrams 128 Palms!" Both Hinata and Naruto shouted, lightning

crackling on their fingertips.

Naruto's palm appeared in front of Isshiki. He tilted his head, and Naruto

swung his extended hand to the left. Isshiki ducked down and countered

with his own punch.

Hinata appeared behind him and thrust her palm. Isshiki turned his body

and punched her, but she twisted her hand and deflected his punch.

Isshiki was in the middle of the onslaught, handling both Hinata and


The Taijutsu battle ended in a few minutes. Isshiki leaped into the air;

some of his chakra points were sealed, and there were some bruises on

Hinata and Naruto's faces.

Isshiki raised his hands and descended, summoning thousands of cubes

into the air, leaving no escape this time.

Hinata scattered herself into countless butterflies made of paper.

The cubes fell with incredible speed. Naruto extended his two fingers,

then focused his attention behind the cubes. "Repel," he uttered.

The cube that was aiming for him was halted in mid-air and sent flying

backward. Naruto manipulated negative forces in reality, concentrating

the repulsive force on the cube.

Isshiki observed him, saying, "Cutting the space to bring out the force of

attraction and repulsion. I must say you are very versatile."

"I'm really getting annoyed by this man," Hinata said, and countless

portals started to appear all around the battlefield. This was the first time

she was using all of her powers.

A portal appeared in front of Naruto. He thrust his sword, and it exited

from the portal behind Issiki. It was too quick; he was only able to evade

the attack due to his battle instincts. A piece of his clothing was cut off,

and flames began to engulf his body.

But before the flames could harm him, Isshiki absorbed them effortlessly.

He extended his hand, commanding, "Get back your things."


In an instant, the flames engulfed Naruto. Naruto took a deep breath,

then grabbed his shirt and tore it apart, letting the pieces fall to the

ground. He slicked his hair back, now only wearing black pants. A strand

of hair fell from his slicked-back hair. His eyes glowed red, and a battle-

crazed grin spread across his face. "Let's begin, bitch"

" ice release: Absolute Zero"

He closed his eyes, and an immense surge of chakra pulsed through him.

The ground around him began to freeze, and snowflakes drifted from the

sky. The temperature plummeted, the air turned frigid, and frost started

to form on his body. His black pants transformed into white, and his red

hair turned white due to the snow. The frost infiltrated the green flames,

making them white. All of his chakra was now a combination of wind

and water, with all other elements gone.

He looked at Isshiki, his red eyes glowing in the white ice. He swung his

sword to his right, and all the ground around him was frozen by the mere

swing of his sword. Naruto wasn't even trying to affect the surroundings,

but the power seeping out from him was doing the work.

Naruto was using his kekkei genkai to the fullest. In this form, he could

not use any other elements, but his powers became too powerful. He had

the cutting power of wind and the fluidity of water. The temperature

around him was down -273 degrees Celsius. Causing the surrounding to

effect by just his presence. He had full control over ice.

Naruto looked at Hinata, and she nodded to him. With a hand sign,

chakra surged forth from her, and black clouds started to appear above

her head, crackling with lightning.

Hinata raised her hands as if she was trying to grab something. With a

thunderous boom, natural lightning struck her hand. With her mastery

over the lightning element, the natural lightning started to take the shape

of armor. Her arms, legs, and torso were covered in thick lightning

armor, and her Jougan came to life, with streaks of lightning visible in

her eyes.

Naruto observed Hinata, noticing that all of her Eight Gates were half

open due to the natural lightning. There were various ways to open the

Eight Gates, but what Hinata was doing seemed to be subconscious.

Isshiki looked at her and remarked, "So, you've turned off your natural

limiters." In the Otsutsuki clan, there was no concept of the Eight Gates

because their bodies could handle vast amounts of chakra. However,

normal shinobi couldn't handle excessive chakra without risk, which was

why the Eight Gates existed to prevent them from dying.

Naruto disappeared from there and appeared in front of Isshiki. He

swung his sword, and Isshiki ducked down. Everything behind Isshiki

froze; the power emanating from Naruto was too much.

Isshiki countered by punching Naruto in the gut, but the moment his fist

made contact, it froze. He was left with a cold burn. Naruto was sent

flying back by the punch. Where he landed, the ground froze, but he

managed to stabilize himself.

Before Isshiki could react, Hinata materialized in front of him, her hands

covered in lightning. She extended her hand backward and, with all her

power, struck her palm into his chest, leaving another handprint on his


Isshiki was launched off the ground and shot backward at breakneck

speed. Some blood trickled from the corner of his lips. This was the most

powerful strike of their battle.

Naruto fixed his gaze on his flying body, raising his hand upward. A fist

materialized beneath Isshiki, and with a loud bang, it struck him,

propelling him upwards. Isshiki stared at the sky, unable to stop himself

as the force behind the fist was overwhelming.

Naruto lowered his palm, and Isshiki witnessed an enormous palm

materialize in the sky. It was massive and made entirely of pure ice.

It descended from the sky with incredible force, freezing the air around it

in place.


The colossal palm struck Isshiki head-on, burying him deep into the

ground. A cloud of snow powder billowed into the sky upon impact.

If someone were to look from above, they would see a gigantic palm

imprint on the ground, covering an area of 1000 meters.

Isshiki emerged from the crater, his body bleeding, and his clothing in

tatters. Naruto stared at him and a smirk crept onto his face. "So, you also


Naruto didn't give him any moments, and he made hand signs in the air

as if he were writing something in the sky.


A resounding twang of strings echoed, and Naruto clasped his hands

together. "Binding," he uttered.

Isshiki froze in place, trapped by the time strings that bound him tightly.

He couldn't move an inch.

"Now, Hinata!" he shouted. Hinata appeared in front of Isshiki, gracefully

floating above his head. She grabbed his horn and twisted her body.


Isshiki was lifted off the ground and slammed forcefully back into it. The

earth beneath him shattered from the impact. To add further insult to his

injuries, Hinata stomped her feet onto his head, driving him deeper into

the ground.



She continued to stomp her lightning-coated feet onto his head, inflicting

nothing but pure humiliation.

"Arrghhhh!" Isshiki roared in pure anger, unleashing a powerful force

that pushed everything away from him. However, Hinata had already

appeared beside Naruto.

In this place, space was already distorted due to Hinata and Ishikki's

portal openings, and time was also distorted thanks to Naruto's

manipulation of time strings.

Isshiki managed to stand up from the ground, but before he could make

any move, Naruto and Hinata materialized in front of him. They both

drew back their fists; in Hinata's hand, the black lion flickered, while

everything in Naruto's hand was so cold it could burn anything.

"Hhhaaaaa!" they both yelled and struck Isshiki with all their power.


Several sound barriers shattered simultaneously, and the ground

crumbled, but Isshiki remained there. However, the force behind him was

already on the decline.


With another thunderous boom, he lifted off the ground and was sent



The sound of something shattering filled the air as the space behind

Isshiki fractured, and he was sucked into the fractured space. The space

was already fragile, and this was the final blow.

Naruto and Hinata wasted no time and entered the crack without delay.

They couldn't leave Isshiki like this.


They both entered the cracked space, greeted by a mesmerizing sight:

countless stars and the breathtaking beauty of space. Before they could

fully grasp their surroundings, a purple portal materialized in front of

them. Isshiki, still not in control of his body, was sent flying through the


Soon after, Naruto and Hinata followed suit.


They exited the portal at breakneck speed and found themselves in a

forest, specifically the Konoha Forest.

As Naruto set foot on the ground, the forest started to freeze,

transforming the lush greenery into a frozen landscape.


A short distance away, Isshiki crashed to the ground. "Dammnn... brats..."

he muttered, his anger evident in his voice. He was on his last breath,

utilizing his life force. If he didn't kill them, he would surely die.

They appeared in front of him, and Naruto stared at him. "Oi Otsutsuki,

ready to die,"




A/N~ end of the chapter, how was the fight.

Guess where Naruto and Hinata are.

1. Past

2. Future

3. Or still in the present.


I am more excited than you guess Who will find them?

1. Kushina

2. Or Boruto(Their son).


This fight has come to an end, it was fun to write, if you like this chapter

please comment and donate your power stones…

chapter 102~ New Beginning

A beautiful girl was walking in the deep forest, waiting for someone. She

had fair skin, red hair, and violet eyes. Her hair reached her thighs, and

she wore a half-sleeve tan kimono with a black obi around her waist, a

mid-black skirt, long stockings, and brown shinobi sandals.

The moonlight poured its light onto her beautiful face as she stood

outside the village. A slightly nervous expression adorned her features as

she gazed at the moon. 'When will he come back? It's been a whole week,

you know.'"

It was the time when the Third Ninja War was at its peak, and her being

a sensor was the reason she was placed outside of the village to scout the

area. Every high-ranking ninja had to go through this procedure, and

today it was her turn.

She walked around in circles, her fingers locked. "Hmmm, I will go mad

if I continue like this, you know," she muttered.

She gripped her hair, a tick mark appeared on her forehead, and she

stomped her feet on the ground. "Ahh, when you come back, I will punch

you," she said in a frustrated tone, her hair swaying in the air, giving her

a menacing appearance.

Suddenly, she tensed up, feeling an immense chakra fluctuation in the

area. Then she heard a loud explosion in the distance. Soon, her senses

picked up three enormous chakra signatures.

"What is this? Their chakra potency is so high," she said in a low tone and

disappeared from there, heading toward the explosion. "One of them feels

so familiar, it's like it's similar to my own chakra," she thought to herself.

The air around her started to feel cold, and there was frost on the nearby

trees. She felt slightly cold but quickly poured her chakra. "It's spring;

why is it so cold suddenly?"

She didn't know what was going on, but when she felt the familiar chakra

signature, she couldn't resist going there. Her heart was pounding in her

chest as she grew closer. She was supposed to report this incident to the

village; this could be an enemy attack, after all, they were at war with

hidden villages.

But she ignored it and listened to her heart. She stopped 500 meters

away from there; the land was a frozen wasteland, but it didn't affect her.

A warm red cloak of chakra engulfed her.

She looked ahead, seeing a white-skinned man with a horn on his head

lying on the ground. There was a girl around 15 to 16 years old with

dark blue hair, wearing lightning armor. A boy was there too, but she

couldn't see him because the girl was in the way. Then she heard a voice,

"Ready to die?"

She saw the boy raise his sword, the only thing visible. He impaled the

sword with full force, but the man disappeared from there.


The ground beneath him froze. "Tch, he's still too fast," he muttered.

Naruto and Hinata disappeared from there as a massive cube crashed to

the ground, destroying everything in its path. Naruto placed his hand on

his left eye, and layers of ice formed over it. He closed his eye, realizing

he had been using his ocular powers to their full capacity. The amount of

information flooding into his mind was overwhelming, and he didn't

know how much time had passed while battling Isshiki.

If he didn't close his eye, he would risk his brain cells burning out and


Naruto focused all his attention on his right eye as he looked at Isshiki.

He could feel that the man was on his last breath.


Three chakra rods pierced through Naruto's chest, but all of his wounds

were frozen.

Isshiki was in the middle, with Hinata on his right and Naruto on his left


The cold air started to affect Isshiki; his lungs began to feel the cold, and

as a result, his movements started to slow down. This was one of the

advantages of Naruto using his kekkei genkai.

Hinata appeared and, with a roundhouse kick, struck the man in the



Isshiki's hands were burned by the lightning.

"Rasengan!" The Rasengan, made of pure wind and water, hit Isshiki in

the back, leaving a round mark on his back, and freezing his internal


The girl who had been watching the fight had a shocked expression.

"That was Rasengan... how could he use it, and it was so different, but

nonetheless, it was Rasengan." Things were not making sense to her, but

she continued to watch the fight.

"You brat," Isshiki quickly turned and grabbed Naruto's head. Naruto,

who was seeing everything in slow motion, waited for some time. With

his eyes, he could stretch one second into one minute, which meant one

second for others was 60 seconds for him. And here he was, with Isshiki

grabbing his head in just three seconds of his time.

As Isshiki grabbed Naruto's head, he lifted him into the air and slammed

him into the hard surface of the cube.

Naruto coughed up some blood.

"No!" the girl screamed in her head. She didn't know why, but she

couldn't watch the boy like this. Seeing the blood on his body made her

heart ache, and she felt an instinct to save him.

Naruto had a grin on his face. "You fell for it... Bitch."

"What?" Isshiki said, suddenly his eyes widened. His blood started to

freeze in his body, and the water within him began to crystallize.

This was the power of Naruto's kekkei genkai. Everything he touched

would freeze—water, blood, air, everything.

Isshiki had inhaled the air particles, and Naruto's chakra was present in

them. Now, he was starting to freeze from the inside out.

Hinata swung her hand and thrusted her palm on Isshiki so hard on the

back that his face first hit the surface.


Her lightning-coated feet slammed into his back. she really enjoy

humiliating her enemy.

"Arrghhh!" he screamed in pain as the lightning burned his organs.

Isshiki started to wake up, and Naruto looked at him, focusing. Blood

started to leak from his right eye, and his hands moved in the air as if he

were pulling something.

Isshiki was frozen in place, unable to move his body, his fingers

twitching. It was as if he were bound by something. He tried to brute

force his way out, but it became futile. They were all running on fumes,

with no more chakra left in them, relying solely on their sheer willpower.


Naruto grabbed an invisible string and pulled it with his full force.

The blood gashes out, limbs scattered out, Isshiki was cut into countless

pieces. There was no way with his current chakra reserves he could resist

time strings.

"Haahhh," Naruto breathed heavily. Naruto slumped on his back, and the

frost around him disappeared. The blade in his hands cracked and

scattered in the wind.

His vision started to blur, and there was a blood trail running down to his

right eye. He put his hand on his eye.

The icy layer on his left eye melted, and his vision became clear.

Hinata also dispersed the lightning armor, and as soon as the lightning

armor was gone, she breathed heavily. There was no chakra left in her


She quickly pulled out a small sealing scroll and stored Isshiki's body and

the massive cube. She walked towards Naruto, and as soon as she

reached him, she fell to the ground, lying side by side with Naruto.

She looked at the starry night, her hand holding Naruto's as she watched

the moon above. "Are you okay, Naruto?"

Naruto tilted his head and looked into her eyes, then began to pour his

remaining bit of chakra into her body in order to heal her injuries. "I am

fine... haha... what about you..." he said between his breaths.

She looked into his eyes, seeing worry and concern in them. She

tightened her grip on his hand. "I am just as fine as you... haha."

Naruto felt her soft hand locked with his, and he tightened his grip.

"There are fucking three holes in my chest... haaa," he joked.

"Hehe... you said you are fine, didn't you," she joked back, but the

concern in her voice was evident.

"We did it, didn't we..." Naruto said, his gaze fixed on the moon.

"Hmm…" she nodded. There was silence for a while. "I thought I'd lose

you. My heart stopped many times in the fight. You made me worry so

much," her voice quivered, and she was about to cry. Every time he got

wounded, her heart ached, but during the fight, she couldn't lose focus.

Now that she looked at him, her eyes started to tear up. She was strong;

there was no doubt about it, but when she looked at him, she couldn't

bear to see even a single scratch on him. Nor could she watch him sad or

angry. She was weak but only in front of him. She could show all of her

worries and concerns.

"What if something happened to you… I~I couldn't bear to watch that.

Y~You made me so worried," she said as a single tear slipped from her


He heard her voice, and his heart ached upon hearing her like this. He

tilted his head and brought his hand to wipe away her tears. His heart

felt pain seeing her cry like this. He had always wanted to make her

happy, loved to see her bright eyes, her radiant face, and her warm smile.

He couldn't bear to see tears in her eyes, and now, because of him, she

was crying. It made his heart ache. His hand caressed her cheek, and she

looked into his eyes, sensing his pain and worry for making her sad.

"I am sorry... I will never make you cry..." he spoke and tightened his grip

on her hand.

"Promise me," she said, looking into his eyes.

"I promise."

Hinata smiled faintly as her eyes started to close.

Seeing her sweet smile, his heart melted, and all his worries faded away.

"I love her smile so much," he said in a low voice, feeling the warmth of

her hand tightly locked with his. Slowly, his eyes closed.

Before closing his eyes, he scanned the whole area around him. He finally

heaved a sigh of relief when he found that there were no ill intentions

around him. He also sensed a familiar presence some distance away, one

he was well aware of due to the 15 years he had spent with it.

The girl who had been watching the fight landed in front of them. She

looked at the two people in front of her, their hands tightly locked with

each other. "They are both chakra-exhausted," she observed.

"How long were they fighting? There's not even a bit of chakra left," she

said in a low voice. She herself was an exceptional sensor.

She looked at the boy in front of her, her heart beating loudly. His red

hair was just like hers, and she could see the resemblance in his face with

her and "Minato," she whispered softly, her breathing became heavy.

The boy resembled her too much. She sat beside him, ruffled his hair,

and traced his face with her fingers, a smile appearing on her face.

"Don't wake me up... let me sleep some more," he murmured.

She looked at him. She might be headstrong, impulsive, eccentric, and

stubborn, but she was not an idiot. She recognized the boy in front of

her. "This is my son... but how is he here," she murmured and started to

fondly ruffle his hair.

"Hehe... he is my son... he is so cute... what about the girl? Is she his

girlfriend? Now that I look at her, she is too beautiful... my son, you

found a good girl... I am proud of you," she laughed while looking at

Naruto. All her questions were set aside. It didn't matter to her; her son

was in front of her.

"What was his name... huu... Naruto... I heard the girl saying this... it's as

beautiful as you... I should prepare food for him, no, I should buy some

clothes for him... no, first, I should treat their wounds... how should I do

that... I should take them to my house... when will he wake up... how

should I introduce myself to him... what food should I make for him...

ahhh, my mind, I couldn't think anymore."

She took a deep breath and gently slapped her cheeks. "Calm down,

Kushina... Let's take them to the house first."

She picked up both of them and began running towards her house,

avoiding everyone in her path. Soon, she reached her house and placed

Naruto and Hinata in the bed. She looked at them. "Minato will be

surprised when he sees our son," she giggled and fondly stroked Naruto's









A/N~ End of the chapter. How was it? I hope you liked it.

And yes, they are in the past. Let's see how his reaction will be when he

sees Kushina and Minato.

This is the beginning of the new arc, so what to expect from now on.

There will be no fight, some character development, family dynamics,

and they now have Isshiki's DNA, so you can guess what will happen


Finally, this arc will be dedicated to Naruto and Hinata, so there will be

fluffy romance between them, maybe a wedding, a lot of R18 scenes, and

some sweet cuddling. Are you ready for that?

1. Yes

2. Yes


like the chapter leave some comments and give me some


chapter 103 Call me 'Mom' Brat

Kushina was wreaking havoc in her home, running from left to right. She

was searching for the medical kit, "Damn... where did I put them? I swear

I saw the kit yesterday. Where is it now? Why can't I find anything when

it is needed?"


She slid the door of a closet and found what she was looking for. She

grabbed the medical kit, "Let me heal you, my boy."

She opened the door of the room where Naruto and Hinata were sleeping

peacefully. Their breaths were steady. She looked at the three wounds

and many cold burns on his body. "If there was anyone in your place, he

would have died," Kushina examined his injuries.

And that was true. If there was anyone in Naruto's place, they would

have died many times over. The moment he fully transformed into his ice

release state, the temperature around him dropped tremendously.

The air particles were frozen, and the temperature in the atmosphere was

around -273 to -300 degrees Celsius. He was producing such coldness

from his body, and as he activated his form, he slowly started to freeze

Isshiki's cells without him noticing. That was the reason they were able to

keep up with his speed.

Isshiki was far stronger than them, and to defeat him, they had to pay the

price. In this case, Naruto got cold burns all over his body, and he was

chakra-exhausted, though they would heal in due time.

If an average Jonin gets chakra-exhausted, they have to rest for at least 4

to 5 days to fully recover their chakra. For Naruto, with his enormous

chakra reserves, it would take a minimum of 10 to 15 days to fully

recover his chakra. But that doesn't mean he would be powerless; he

could outclass any S-rank shinobi with gennin-level chakra.

Kushina sat on the bed beside Naruto, and with a wet cloth, she started

to wash his wounds. "You are so reckless; I think I have to teach you not

to be so reckless," she remarked.

Kushina didn't know that he had inherited this trait from her.

While washing his injuries with utmost care and applying medicine, she

had a slight smile. Her son was in front of her, and she soon applied the

medicine all over his injuries. "This is done; now let me bandage you."

She soon wrapped his whole upper body in bandages, and Naruto looked

like a mummy. "Huu, that's good; you should be waking up in a few

hours. These injuries are nothing to you. After all, you are my son," she

said proudly.

Kushina looked at Hinata; there were no injuries on her body, but her

hands and forearms were badly injured due to blocking so many of

Isshiki's kicks and punches and hitting him many times.

Kushina gazed at Hinata's face as she peacefully slept; there was a certain

glow on her face and a slight smile on her lips. She had tightly grabbed

Naruto's hand. "She is so beautiful; she is the perfect match for my son."

she said while treating her arm. "they would wake up in the morning."

She once more looked at Naruto, his messy hair strewn across the pillow.

He hadn't cut them for some time, and now they were hanging around

messily. He looked more dangerous than handsome.

"Girls would run away if they saw you like this. Let me cut them for



She picked up a pair of scissors from the medical kit and started to trim

her son's hair. There was always a beautiful smile on her face; she loved

it so much—a chance to spend her time with her son, to give him all the

happiness he deserved, to give him all her love.

"Not too short, not too long, just perfect... Now, you look so sweet, my

baby boy."

She glanced at her son and furrowed her brows suddenly. "Now, many

girls will be drawn to you just by your looks... What if bad girls try to lay

their fingers on you? I can't let that happen. I will protect you from bad

girls, my boy..." she said, giggling as she ruffled his hair. She was acting

like an overprotective mother.

She pinched his cheeks affectionately and gazed at him. "I should prepare

some food; you must be hungry."

Kushina leaned forward and planted a kiss on his forehead. Then, she

stood up and headed for the kitchen. She turned around once more to

look at Naruto, who was peacefully sleeping. "My sweetie wake up soon. I

can't wait to talk to you."

She turned around and closed the door behind her. As she entered the

kitchen, she knew she had a lot of cooking to do for her son. She couldn't

bear the thought of him going hungry.

"I have to hurry. There's so much food to prepare and so little time.

Minato will be coming soon," she thought to herself, a mischievous grin

forming on her face. "There will be a surprise for you when you come

home. Hehe, I want to see how you react in front of your son."

She chuckled to herself and began preparing the food.

Unbeknownst to her, Minato was engaged in a battle—the Third Shinobi

War raged on.

Minato stood in the dense forest, surrounded by towering trees. Behind

him, a group of Konoha ninjas stood ready to follow his orders. Countless

kunai were thrust into the ground.

In front of him three men stood, they were well-built and muscular—one

was the future Raikage A, and the other, the Jinchuriki of the Eight-Tails,

Bee and one Another Kumo ninja accompanied them.

The Kumo ninja glanced at Minato. "The Blond Hair, the Teleportation

jutsu, that must be the Yellow Flash of the Leaf... shouldn't we retreat

now?" he whispered his thoughts to A.

A observed Minato intently. "So, that's him."

Meanwhile, Minato locked eyes with A. "I know you—you're the son of

the Third Raikage. I've heard you're quite fast yourself."

Killer Bee looked at his brother. "We can take him, two of us, bro. Fool...

you fool."

Minato looked back and gazed at the Konoha ninjas. "Everyone, stay out

of this. I will fight them."

A's chakra turned blue, and lightning crackled around him. In the blink of

an eye, he sprinted toward Minato with incredible speed.

Minato held a kunai in his hand, and as A's punch closed in, just an inch

from impact, Minato flicked the kunai into the air and vanished. A's

punch met empty air, leaving him perplexed, despite considering himself

the fastest shinobi.

Minato reappeared on a tree where one of his kunai was embedded. The

whole sequence unfolded in a blur; the kunai he had tossed into the air

was still hovering as A dashed through the space it occupied. Minato

materialized behind A, who was still carried by his momentum.

Minato was about to lunge his kunai at A's back, but before he could do

it, an octopus tentacle appeared, Swiftly, Minato sliced through the

tentacle, and with his free hand he touched it and jumped away.

A stabilized himself and appeared beside Killer Bee.

The Konoha ninja looked at the large tentacle, "No way... he is the

jinchuriki of the Eighth Tails."

The other ninja looked at Minato and called out, "Minato, we have to


Minato nodded to him and began to walk away. It's not like he would

lose to them, but in his fight, Konoha ninjas may not survive.

But before he walked away, he turned back and glanced at Bee. "You

overcame being the Eight Tails' jinchuriki; you have something


A looked at Minato, "He is more talented than I am."

Minato shook his head, "He has something more important." Everyone

was surprised; they didn't know what he meant. "A, you have a very kind

family. I suspect the next time we will fight, one Kage versus another

Kage. If you don't find out what your little brother considers more

precious, if he doesn't find out, he will be neither a jinchuriki nor a

human." There was a hidden threat behind Minato's words, but A was too

dense to understand.

He looked at Minato, "Huh... Don't try to fool me with your words. You're

not getting away."

Minato glanced at him, "Is that so?"

The lightning around A crackled, and he became a blur, appearing in

front of Minato. Minato looked at the punch and disappeared from there,

reappearing behind Bee, his kunai pressing on Bee's neck. "I can't fail

now," Minato spoke.

The Kumo ninja who was standing beside Bee looked at the large

tentacle; there was a sealing. "The formula of the Teleportation jutsu is

on the tentacle. When did he put that?"

Minato looked at Bee, whose sword was in a reverse grip and aimed at

his stomach. He could easily avoid that but chose not to; he didn't

consider Bee his enemy.

"Should we resolve this matter with peace?" Bee spoke with sweat beads

on his forehead.

Minato retrieved his kunai. "I don't consider you my enemy." Saying this,

he disappeared and appeared in front of the Konoha ninjas. "Let's go; we

are done here."

They all nodded to him, and in an instant, they vanished from the

battlefield, leaving only three figures behind: A, Bee, and one Kumo


Bee let out a sigh of relief. "That was close," he said, still feeling the edge

of the kunai at his neck.

A glanced at his brother, sharing in the relief. Minato had outpaced him;

there was nothing more to be done. "Let's go," he suggested.

They both nodded to him and disappeared from there. While heading

towards Kumo, A had a bad feeling. He couldn't put his finger on it, but

he suddenly felt like he was going to die. He didn't know why, but his gut

feeling was telling him this, not for the current war but for his future


He shook his head. "Maybe I have avoided death just now; that's why I

am feeling this," he reasoned with himself.

On the opposite side of them, Minato and the Konoha ninjas were

heading towards Konoha. For a reason he didn't know, he wanted to go

home early. Kushina's image came to his mind, and he smiled slightly,

picking up the pace.


In a dimly lit room, two people were sleeping peacefully. The sun had

begun to rise, and its warm, orange light streamed through the window,

casting a gentle glow upon them.

Hinata groggily opened her eyes, feeling pain in her forearms. She tried

to move her body but couldn't. She slightly opened her eyes to find out

why she couldn't move. She looked down, a smile graced her beautiful

face as she discovered the cause.

Naruto had warped his hands around her waist, his legs were intertwined

with her legs, his face was buried between her breasts, his warm breaths

were tickling between her breasts.

Hinata felt so good, she wrapped her hands around his head and pulled

him closer to her. She lovingly creased his hair, seeing him like this, her

face flustered, a red hue appeared on her cheeks, This was the first time

they were sleeping in one bed, they have kissed many times, but they

didn't get any time to get more intimate, she knew she wanted to do

everything with him, everything a man and woman do when they were in

love, thinking about this her face became redder, she pulled Naruto more

closer into her boobs, she wanted to do everything with him.

Feeling his warm breaths in her, she felt butterflies in her stomach, she

creased his hair, "I want to Marry him… I want to do every single thing a

couple does…" She giggled when imagining all the things they would do

when he woke up. A sweet smile appeared on her face which looked

scary, and madness filled her eyes as she looked at Her Naruto.

She started to imagine, Naruto holding her in a princess-carrying style, he

gently put her on the bed, started to kiss her, and started to undress her,

"ahhh… I think I am losing my Mind,"

Her face became redder, her body started to heat up just thinking like

this, "what will happen when we really do that,"

Naruto felt that his face was between soft clouds, he shook his head and

tried to feel the softness, while he was having a peaceful sleep between

soft clouds, he felt someone creasing his head. He loved this feeling and

savored every moment of it, then he started to feel hot.

"Huu '' he groaned, his whole body aching in pain, he slowly opened his

eyes, first he didn't see anything, so he started to tilt his face.

Hinata who is feeling his head moving between her breasts became more

determined to take him here and now.

Naruto tilted his head upwards and opened his eyes slightly. There he

saw her Beautiful face, she sweetly smiled at him, he loved her smile

more than anything, a smile appeared on his face, he addressed her, "

Hey there- Beautiful."

Hearing him saying like this she blushed, "Good morning…Naruto"

Now Naruto understood why he was feeling so soft, he hugged her more

tightly, "You are so soft Hinata… can I sleep some more"

Hinata blushed and nodded to him, "They are for you, you can sleep

there as much as you want,"

Naruto smiled sweetly and buried his face between her boobs, he rubbed

his face there, the piece of cloth didn't hinder any softness, he settled his

face comfortably and hugged her, again drifting in his sleep.

Hinata closed her eyes and felt the warmth all over her body, he

embraced her in a protective manner, and she loved it, she loved every

moment of it, "Naruto I love you so much that I can't live without you,"

she whispered softly and fell asleep again.

Hinata closed her eyes and felt warmth all over her body. Naruto

embraced her in a protective manner, and she loved it. She cherished

every moment of it. "Naruto, I love you so much that I can't live without

you," she whispered softly and fell asleep again.

Unbeknownst to them, Kushina was going to check up on them, but she

heard their murmurs, and quietly put her ear to the door.

She was about to open the door, but then she heard their conversation.

"Am I a bad mother... eavesdropping on my son... No, I am not. I am just

checking on him," she quickly corrected herself.

She opened the door and looked at Naruto and Hinata, who were

cuddling with each other. Her eyes shined. "Ummm... they look so cute,"

she said to herself.

Naruto sensed that someone was watching him. He tilted his head, his

vision still blurry. The first thing he saw was red hair. "Hey there,

Tomato Head," he remarked.

A tick mark appeared on Kushina's forehead, her hair flying upwards as

she raised her fist.


She smacked him on the head, and suddenly, everything became clear in

Naruto's view. "Call me 'Mom,' you brat."

Naruto looked at her, now clearly seeing the person in front of him. He

had heard her voice, knew this voice very well, and recognized her face.

Although he had met her for only a few minutes, from her voice and face,

he knew who she was—his mother. But how could she be in front of

him? 'Is this a dream, or has someone put me in a Genjutsu?' he disrupted

his chakra. However, she was still there.

He disrupted his chakra again and again but everything was same; it was

nearly impossible for someone to put him in a genjutsu. But after

disrupting his chakra more than three times, his senses started to pick up.

This was not a dream, nor was it a genjutsu. The person in front of him

was real.

Naruto looked at her, his heart racing as he stared into her eyes. "You're

real," he managed to say, his voice growing dry.

Kushina met his gaze and felt the disruption in his chakra, as if he

wanted to break free from a genjutsu. She also sensed the turbulence of

his emotions. "Of course, I'm real," she reassured him.

Tears welled up in Naruto's eyes as he continued to gaze at her. He had

always longed to meet his mother, to have her in his life. And now, she

stood before him. He didn't care if it was a dream; he didn't want to wake

up. "I've always wanted to meet you," he confessed.





AN~ End of the chapter, how was it? I tried to pack this chapter with

wholesome moments, action, romance and emotions. I don't know if it

worked or not. If you like or dislike the chapter comment your genuine

thoughts and give me your power stones …

chapter 104

"I always want to meet you," Naruto said.

Naruto looked at her; she looked as beautiful and charming as he

remembered from their brief meeting. He had only a vague idea of how

he appeared in the past. The power they had released was too much for

that pocket dimension, not to mention the disruption in time and space.

Now, he stood in front of his mother. Naruto gazed at her, a single tear

escaping from his eye, and a smile graced his lips. He lunged forward and

embraced her, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

Kushina looked at him, not expecting such a reaction. She could feel the

sadness in his eyes, and he seemed desperate to be with her. "What's the

matter, Naruto?"

Naruto just stayed there, feeling the warmth of her hug. He heard her

ever-sweet voice in his ears. "It's nothing... I just feel like this."

He didn't want to tell her the truth, that she had died and hadn't spent a

single day with her son. He didn't want to hurt her. The way she looked

at him, so happy, he didn't want her to become sad because of him.

Kushina sensed the swirling emotions coming from Naruto. She knew

something was off. He looked at her as if seeing her for the first time,

holding her tightly as if afraid she might leave him.

'Did something happen to me in the future?' She couldn't help but think,

and looking at Naruto pained her.

But she quickly shook her head. This was not the time to dwell on what

had happened or what might happen. Right now, her son stood before

her, and she was with him. This was what she wanted.

She had so much to ask him; she wanted to know all about him. She had

so much to tell him. She patted his back and smiled at him lovingly.

"Now that you are awake, quickly get up and come down; I have

prepared breakfast."

Kushina parted from his embrace and looked at him. She gently ruffled

his hair and smiled warmly. In her eyes, he was the most precious thing

to her.

She put her hands on his cheeks and stretched them. "You are such a

sweetie," she giggled at his expression.

Naruto felt a bit embarrassed; no one had done this to him before. He

looked at her, his eyes saying, 'I am not a kid.'

Kushina giggled at his look. "You will always be a kid in my eyes."

She let go of his cheeks and patted his shoulder. "Come quickly, or the

food will become cold."

Kushina started to walk out of the room but turned and glanced at

Hinata, who was sleeping peacefully—or at least, that's what it looked

like. Kushina smirked; she had heard Hinata saying some stuff to herself.

She chuckled slightly and left the room.

"Ahh," Naruto flopped back onto the bed. His heart was beating as fast as

it could. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. This is what he

had always wanted.

He looked at Hinata, a smile forming on his lips. He poked her stomach.

"How long did you want to sleep?"

Hinata giggled, feeling his finger on her stomach. She quickly sat up.

"How long did you know I was awake?"

Naruto looked into her white eyes, grinning. He knew she hadn't been

sleeping; she had just been pretending. "From the start."

"Oh," she said with an innocent look in her eyes, like a child caught doing

something mischievous.

Naruto laughed at her; she looked so cute to him. "Why didn't you wake

up when my mom came into the room?"

Hinata gazed at him, then slumped her shoulders. "I don't know how to

talk to her. What am I supposed to say to her?"

Hinata had watched Kushina with her Byakugan, and she knew who she

was. Naruto had told her about his mother, and he often talked about

her. Now that she was in front of her, Hinata didn't know how to

approach her.

Naruto looked at her. She was the most powerful girl in the whole world,

and people feared her. Now, here she was. "Don't stress yourself; just be

yourself," he reassured her.

She nodded to him. "So we are in the past... Do you know which year we

are in?"

Naruto closed his eyes, calculating the years. His mom looked like she

was 21, and if that's the case, "I think it's the year 62 or 63 after the

foundation of Konoha."

"Do you have any idea how we are going to get back to our home?" she

asked him.

Naruto shook his head. He didn't know how they would return home. "I

have no idea; we'll find a way. But first, we have to recover from our


She nodded to him. She could see the cold burns in his internal organs,

but they were healing at a stedy pace. "Our chakra reserves are so big,

and currently, we have Genin-level chakra."

Naruto nodded to her. "That means we'll be fine in half a month." This

was the first time they had completely exhausted their chakra reserves,

and considering their small injuries, it would take some days.

Hinata was not concerned about it. She smiled at him, a mischievous

glint in her eyes. "With our current power, we can kill anyone."

Naruto looked at her. "We're not going to kill anyone; it could possibly

change the future," he reasoned with her.

Hinata's smile widened. "So we have all the free time for ourselves."

Naruto smiled at her. "Of course, we have all the time we need until we

figure out how to get back home."

Hinata nodded with a smile. "You talk about home. Now that I think

about it, isn't this your home?"

She had a point. "Now that you mention it, this is my home," Naruto

considered her point.

"Now that this is your home, this is also my home too, after all, I am your

w-" She stopped midway, her cheeks turning red just saying it out loud to


Naruto looked at her blushed face, a smile on his face. "You are my

what?" he asked her, teasing her. He enjoyed hearing the word from her

mouth and continued, "Tell me, Hinata..." He was having the time of his

life, thinking, 'She looks so beautiful with those red cheeks. I just want to

tease her.'

Hinata knew Naruto was teasing her and loved it. She cherished their

small talks and his teasing. "I am your wif–" she said meekly, but before

she could complete the sentence, they heard a loud voice.



Kushina was patiently waiting for them to come down. She knew the girl

was awake; she didn't know her name, but she could sense that she was

just pretending to be asleep. Kushina was an exceptional sensor herself;

how could she not know that?

But after waiting for 5 minutes and still not seeing them come down, she

grew irritated. She had prepared all the breakfast for them, and it was

getting cold.


Kushina heard Naruto's voice and smiled. She had a hot temper, quick to

anger and quick to happiness.

*Ding* *Ding*

Kushina heard the doorbell ringing and sensed who was behind the door.

She smiled and walked toward it.

She opened the door and leaped into the arms of the man standing in

front of her. He caught her in his arms. "I'm home... Kushina."

Minato looked at Kushina, who was overjoyed and eagerly waiting for

him. "Welcome home," she said with a happy smile.

Minato could feel the happiness radiating from her. "You're so happy


Kushina huffed, "Do you want to see me happy?"

Minato quickly put his hands on her shoulders and corrected himself,

"No-No, I didn't mean it that way."

Kushina laughed loudly. "Haha... don't worry; I'm just joking with you.

But..." She stopped mid-sentence. "But what?" he asked.

Kushina had a mysterious smile on her face. "But there is a surprise

waiting for you."

Minato looked at her mysterious smile. "What surprise?" he asked.

"Heeh... if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise. Come inside," she grabbed

his hand and pulled him into the house.

Minato looked at the dining table, which was covered with an abundance

of food. The sweet scent of the dishes filled the room.


Minato's stomach grumbled with hunger. He had just arrived from a

mission, and his face turned red with embarrassment. He looked at all the

food and had the urge to jump in his chair and start devouring it.


Minato felt a fist on his head and looked at Kushina. "Why did you hit


She looked at him, "Wait for a minute, let them come down."

Minato looked at her, "Who is coming?"

Kushina smiled, "Hehe, you'll be surprised."

Then they both heard the sound of the closing gate.

Naruto wore the white t-shirt that was placed in the room; it fit him

perfectly, but his arms were bandaged. He looked at his arms, which had

white bandages around them, thinking, 'It looks really cool,' and touched

his hand. His eyes squinted, 'But this hurts like a bitch.'

As for Hinata, she was in her usual white long-sleeved kimono with a

sky-blue flower pattern on it and a purple sash around her waist.

Naruto opened the gate. "Let's go."

Hinata nodded to him and followed behind him.

Naruto took the first step on the stairs. As he looked in front of him, he

first saw his mother looking at him. He smiled slightly at her, then his

gaze slid and landed on the blonde man with blue eyes.

Their gazes met. Naruto knew this man; it was his 'DEAR' father.

Minato looked at Naruto; his hair was the same as Kushina's, his face

resembled both of them. Minato was once-in-a-generation genius, and it

didn't take him long to piece it together. He knew this boy was his son.

His heart raced; to say he was surprised would be an understatement.

He looked into Naruto's eyes, and a warm smile appeared on his face. He

couldn't believe what he was seeing. Just like Naruto, he disrupted his

chakra, "release." He tried to dispel any genjutsu, but everything

remained the same. Naruto was still looking at him; he was not under

some kind of genjutsu. It was real. He was looking at his son. Minato

turned towards Kushina. "Is he really who I think he is?"

Kushina had a wide smile. "Yes, you're right. He is Naruto, our son."

Minato again looked at Naruto. He could feel his intense gaze; he could

see the love in his eyes, even if it was deep hidden. But on the surface, he

felt the intensity of Naruto's gaze, it was not filled with hate, but

something else.

Naruto looked at his father. He didn't hate him; he had made peace with

him in the future. But now he looked at him, realizing that he hadn't

done anything wrong. He was just a father who loved his son

unconditionally, and Naruto could see it in his eyes.

He looked at Kushina, his heart warmed, and a sweet smile appeared on

his face. "Let's eat; it smells delicious, Mom."

Kushina smiled at him and nodded. "Come quickly, or it will be cold."

Naruto nodded and walked down, looking at Minato. A slight smile

appeared on his face. "Father."

Minato could hear the sarcasm dripping in his voice, but he smiled. "Son,

let's eat."






AN~ End of the chapter, how do you like it tell me in the comments, and

give me your power stones

And sorry for the late update

chapter 105~~ Marriage ?

Minato heard sarcasm dripping from Naruto's voice, but he didn't know

what he had done wrong. Thinking it was just Naruto's casual way of

addressing him, he smiled and nodded in response.

On the other hand, Naruto simply glanced at him and started walking

down the stairs. He then cast his eyes upon the dining table, where the

delicious scent of food filled his senses, with Hinata following close


Kushina, looking at Hinata, smiled sweetly. "Such a beautiful girl," she

thought to herself.

Minato observed Hinata, who was walking elegantly behind Naruto, 'A


Soon Naruto passed his father, and glanced at him with the corner of his

left eye, Minato looked at him and smiled.

They all gathered around the dining table, where a variety of dishes

awaited them. There were bowls of ramen, sushi, onigiri, grilled fish, and

miso soup. Kushina didn't hold herself back when it came to preparing

food for her son.

Naruto looked at his mom, and she nodded, signaling him to start eating.

"Don't be shy; just dig in, you know,"

Naruto took a bite and savored the taste. "This is amazing," he


Kushina's smile widened. She always wanted moments like this when her

family ate together. "I am happy that you like it."

Naruto gazed at her bright face, and he amiably smiled. "Of course, how

can I not like it?" he said. After all, it was made by his mother, and like

Kushina, he himself wanted to eat where his whole family was present.

He quickly glanced all over them, looking at Hinata who was waiting for

a rice ball gracefully. Then, he looked at his father who was chewing a

grilled fish, who was chewing grilled fish, and finally at his mother, who

was looking at him.

She smiled at him, and his eyes became watery. He was too happy to

have them. His life became somehow complete when Hinata came into

his life, and he loved her for his entire life. But now, he was eating with

his mother, father, and Hinata. There was just one person missing,

'Shion.' 'I will introduce her to them soon,' Naruto thought.

His heart was racing with happiness, his eyes were glistening. Kushina

looked at him, "Are you okay, Naruto?"

Naruto looked at her and smiled as beautifully as he could. "I am okay...

I... I am just too happy," his voice became a bit dry as he spoke.

Everyone could feel his genuine happiness. Hinata put her hand on his

hand under the table and gently squeezed it, smiling at him. She was

happy that Naruto was happy. She was content to see Naruto so happy;

that was all she ever wanted.

Kushina and Minato looked at their son. They could feel the longing and

happiness in him. One thing was for sure: they were not present in his

life; they didn't raise him, and they could clearly see that in his eyes. One

thought crossed their minds. They knew they were dead in the future,

and their child had to live alone. It was not very well hidden.

This hurt them, especially Kushina. She was not with Naruto; her son had

to live alone, and she didn't want to imagine how hard his life was. 'It's

all my fault; he has to live without us,' she felt guilty inside her.

'It was a mother's duty to protect her child, and I failed miserably,' she

blamed herself. Her tears started to flow. She remembered how he looked

at her when he woke up, like he was seeing her for the first time. Her

tears started to fall down. She looked at Naruto, whose head was down. "I

am sorry, Naruto."

Naruto quickly raised his head and looked at her. The first thing he saw

was her watery eyes. His heart stopped for a moment. "Why are you

crying, Mom? And why are you sorry?"

She sobbed, "I... I'm sorry. I wasn't with you when you needed me the


Naruto quickly got up and placed his hands on her shoulders.seeing her

like this made his heart ache like piercing needles. "Don't cry, Mom. It's

not your fault... it's not your fault."

Hearing his voice, her tears didn't stop, but they flowed more intensely.

She couldn't help but blame herself, wondering about his life and how he

had managed all these years. "B-But I..."

Naruto couldn't bear to see her like this, so he tightly hugged her. "It's not

your fault, Mom," he reassured her. He couldn't stand seeing her cry. As

he held her, anger started to build within him. If that man hadn't

attacked the village, his parents would still be alive. They wouldn't have

had to sacrifice themselves for him. It was his fault. Because of him, his

mother was crying.

'Obito... I will make you pay for what you've done. Just wait for me to

return.' Naruto's anger was visible to everyone. They all felt a chilling,

killing intent. Minato looked at his son with concern, sensing the potent

anger emanating from him.

On the other side of the table, Hinata looked at Naruto, her grip

tightened on the arm of the chair, clearly cracking it.Her own anger rose

up. She could not bear to see Naruto so angry. 'The one who made my

Naruto angry, he has to die. I will personally kill him,' she thought to

herself as she lowered her head. Nobody knew what was going through

her mind.

Kushina, on the other hand, somehow managed to hold back her tears.

Naruto patted her back in reassurance. "Look on the bright side, I am

here in front of you, aren't I?"

Kushina nodded to him. "Don't worry about anything; you can take care

of me as you like," he said to her, stopping her from crying.

She somehow stopped crying and looked at Naruto, a smile forming on

her face. "You are right; you are here. I can give you all the love you

lacked." Although she felt guilty deep inside her heart, her son was right

in front of her.

She gazed at Naruto and a sweet smile formed on her face. She grabbed

his cheeks and playfully stretched them outward. "Are you lecturing me,

boy? It's a mother's job to comfort her son," she scolded him, although

both of them knew she was just teasing.

Naruto became embarrassedby how she was treating him like a child, but

deep in his heart he loved it, "you are doing it again, Mom… I am not a


Kushina looked at his reaction, and she loved it, she teased him some

more, before parting her hands away, "Let's finish our food first. We have

all day, and you are not going anywhere away from me."

Naruto nodded to her and sat down in his chair, starting to eat. "Yes,


Minato, who had been silently observing everything, felt a mix of

emotions in his heart. He too felt guilty for not being with Naruto, but he

didn't know what had happened to them in the future.

He also felt proud of his son, especially the way Naruto loved his mother;

it truly touched his heart. However, he couldn't help but feel that Naruto

wasn't talking to him the way he did with Kushina. "Why isn't he talking

to me? Did I do something wrong? He just called me 'Father' once,"

Minato couldn't help but wonder.

He gazed at Naruto with a slightly pained expression. He wanted to hear

from him. Naruto felt a gaze on him, tilting his head he looked at Minato

"What?" he asked him.

Minato quickly averted his gaze, saying, "Ah... Nothing."

Naruto noticed his reaction and knew he was trying to talk to him, trying

his best. A smile appeared on his face. "Do you want to ask something,

'Father'?" Naruto asked him. He was enjoying seeing Minato like this, the

man feared by nations, the fastest man alive, having trouble talking to his


Minato felt Naruto addressing him as 'Father' not 'Dad,' but he also sensed

a hint of sarcasm, though it wasn't rooted in hatred.

He too wanted to openly express his affection, just as Naruto did with his

mother. Now that Naruto had asked him, Minato glanced at Hinata and

said, "You haven't introduced your friend to us."

Naruto squinted his eyes and looked at Minato, No, he wasn't looking at

him, he was looking at the constantly changing time strings around

him,The time strings became chaotic for a moment and shifted from their

previous state. Then, he tilted his head as he looked at his mother, and

indeed, her time strings had also changed.

'What is happening? Why is their future changing? I haven't done

anything yet.'

' This Cursed butterfly effect, it's happening just because I'm here," he

realized, frustrated.

Naruto didn't understand what had changed, but he was certain that

something had. "I have to correct it before I return. I hope everything

goes right," he silently prayed, then looked at his mother.

Kushina also smiled at him, a mischievous smirk appearing on her face.

"Don't you want to introduce your friend to your family, or are you

hiding something?"

Naruto turned his attention to both his father and mother. "Oh, how

could I forget? Her name is Hinata," Naruto said as he looked at Hinata,

then pointed to his mother and father. "Although I've told you about her,

she is my mom, and he is my Father," he introduced them to each other.

Hinata stood up and respectfully bowed to them. "I am Hinata Hyuga; it's

nice to meet you."

Kushina looked at her and found her to be both innocent and sweet.

"How sweet," she remarked.

Minato nodded in agreement, finding the girl likable and a good fit for

his son, though he didn't show it outwardly.

There was a glint in Kushina's eyes as she looked at Naruto. "You didn't

say she is your friend, or is she something more than a friend?" She asked

him, well aware of their relationship, but she couldn't resist teasing her


Hinata's cheeks turned red, and she looked down at the ground. She

slightly hit Naruto's leg, silently urging him to introduce her.

Her action didn't go unnoticed by Minato and Kushina. Minato smiled

slightly, and Kushina smirked. 'Oh god, how much I love to tease him.'

"You can say that she is more than a friend," he admitted, realizing he

couldn't evade the topic.

Kushina smiled widely. "She is more than a friend, so is she your

girlfriend or..."

Naruto looked at his mother, meeting her eyes briefly, then averting his

gaze. He nodded to her, confirming. "Or what?" he asked.

Kushina looked at Hinata. Though Hinata's head was down, her

Byakugan allowed her to see everything. "She is your girlfriend or soon-

to-be wife," Kushina teased them.

Naruto knew this, but now, in front of his parents, it became so difficult

to admit. He knew his mother's nature; she was deliberately riling him


Hearing Kushina's words, Hinata's face turned even redder, and she

looked embarrassed. She tugged on Naruto's sleeve, silently conveying,

'Handle this situation yourself.'

Kushina looked at both of them, clearly enjoying the fun of teasing. She

was about to press the matter further, but Minato spoke up. "Don't tease

them so much, Kushina. Let's finish our food."

Naruto looked at his father, grateful that he had intervened to defuse the

situation. Minato gave him a knowing nod.

They continued to eat, but Kushina wasn't finished. "Although their age is

appropriate for marriage, don't you think?" She looked at Minato.

Minato met her gaze and understood her message; she was not going to

accept a "no" for an answer. So he nodded. "Yes, you are right, Kushina-


Hinata looked down, her cheeks turning red as she heard them discussing

her and Naruto's marriage. She wanted it to happen more than anyone.

'It's happening,' she thought, lost in her own world.

Naruto focused on his bowl of ramen but kept an eye on everything

happening around him.

Kushina was well aware of Hinata's intention to marry Naruto, and she

knew that Naruto also wanted the same. Like any mother, she wanted her

son to marry a beautiful girl. She didn't know the future, butshe had the

chance, she would cherish these moments forever. She looked at Hinata.

"You both are around 16, and this is the perfect age for marriage."

She then turned to Hinata, a smile on her face. "Hinata, do you want to

marry my son?"

Hinata's head was down, and she was waiting for this moment. She felt

embarrassed to look at Kushina, her face turning red. She slightly nodded

in response, her nod subtle but seen by everyone.

Kushina turned to Naruto, her happiness palpable. "Naruto, do you want

to marry Hinata?" She asked him the same question.

Naruto nodded without hesitation. How could he deny it? She was

everything to him, his life, his world.

Kushina clapped her hands in happiness, ecstatic beyond belief. She was

arranging a marriage for her son. "Now... everything is ready. Let us

prepare for your marriage."








End of the chapter, how do you like it? Our sweet Hinata is back. Do you

like her? Tell me in the comments.


Small discussion for the future~~

What do you think about the future? What has changed. Will he find his

parents alive or something else beyond his expectations. I haven't written

that part of the story. You can tell me some of your theories about what

you want in future, if i find them suitable for the story i will add them.

Like him having a sister😏 or Minato never becoming Hokage or Kayubi's

attack never happening or something else, possibilities are endless and I

havefreedom to change things so elaborate me.


powerstones... give me

chapter 106~ Normal day

The atmosphere in the room was warm and cozy. The morning sunlight

poured its warmth into the room, and they all finished their meal.

Naruto took the last bite of his food. "That was amazing food," he


All of them stood up, and Kushina and Minato cleaned the table and

washed all the plates.

Naruto was sitting on the sofa, and Hinata was beside him. He watched

his mother and father washing the plates.

Kushina turned her head and looked at Hinata. "Is he making trouble for

you?" She glanced at her and then at Naruto.

Hinata shook her head in denial. "No... No…"

Kushina smiled at her. "Don't be shy. You can tell me. I can straighten

him out if he's causing trouble for you."

Hinata just shook her head. "He is always good to me."

"Are you defending him?" she asked and glanced at Naruto.

"No… no… I am telling the truth," Hinata quickly said.

Kushina nodded at her. She saw Hinata as her own family member, as

she was going to marry her son soon. "That's good."

With the last plate, all of their work was done. Naruto looked at Kushina.

"So what are we going to do now?"

Kushina was excited. "We are going outside. We will be shopping for the

rest of the day."

Naruto and Hinata became excited; they had never gone shopping before.

Naruto nodded to her. "Okay, Mom."

"That's my boy," she said and finished her regular house chores.

Just half an hour later, she stood in front of Naruto. "Now that all the

work is done, let's go."

Minato, who was sitting on a chair, stood up. He knew this was not going

to be that easy. He raised his hand. "What is it, Minato-kun?" Kushina


Minato was not as headstrong as Kushina. He looked at Naruto and

spoke, "We are in Konoha, and they are strangers. And don't mention that

they came from the future. If this news reaches Hokage-sama, what will

we say to him?" Minato questioned.

Kushina became irritated. "We don't have to tell him anything. He is my

son, and I am going out with him. I don't care about anyone."

Minato wore a troubled expression. He knew she was not going to reason

with him. Hokage's personal ANBU are all in the village, and the war is

going on. If they find something suspicious, they will take appropriate

actions against them. And he could not let anything happen to Kushina

and Naruto.

"Try to understand, Kushina-chan. You cannot be seen with people who

are not from the village; it will raise suspicion. and he could arrest you or

them," he tried to reason with her.

After hearing him out, she calmed down. "So, what would you suggest?"

she asked.

She pondered for a while, thinking of a solution. "What about

Transformation Jutsu?"

Transformation Jutsu was a simple genjutsu, but it could be seen through

by high-level ninjas.

Kushina smiled. "Okay, let's go with it." She came up with her own idea

and looked at Naruto and Hinata to transform.

But Naruto remained the same. Kushina looked at him puzzled. "Don't tell

me you don't know the Transformation Jutsu."

Naruto looked at her and smiled. "Of course, I know, but who should I

transform into? It will still raise suspicion, and I don't want that to


Even if he transformed into someone, he would still remain a stranger.

Naruto suddenly remembered his 'Sexy Jutsu.' He could transform into a

female version of himself. 'How could I forget? And now that I think

about it, my Sexy Jutsu is not normal; it has all the characteristics of a

physical body. It's not a mere illusion; it's the real deal. When I transform

into a girl, I can touch myself and feel that everything is natural. I'll think

about it later,' he thought to himself.

Kushina looked at his thoughtful expression. 'What are you thinking,


Naruto snapped out of his thoughts. 'Ah, it's nothing.'

Minato thought for a moment and nodded to Naruto. He was right; high-

level ninjas could see through the Transformation Jutsu. "Naruto is right;

we cannot use the Transformation Jutsu."

He looked at Naruto. "Do you have any ideas?"

Naruto nodded to him. He did indeed have an idea. He often used a high-

level genjutsu to stroll around the village. He could hide himself and not

be seen by anyone unless they had a heightened awareness of the


'if I can't hide from such simple and weaklings, I should just dig a hole

and stay there forever.'

Naruto closed his eyes and grabbed Hinata's hand. In this jutsu, he used

the reflection of light to hide himself.

Kushina and Minato looked at them. For a moment, they both

disappeared, but the next moment, they reappeared again.

Naruto controlled the genjutsu and allowed them to see him.

He opened his eyes. "It's done; nobody can see us except you."

Kushina smiled at him. 'Uzumaki's are not that good with genjutsu, they

have very high chakra reserves," she said.

Naruto just laughed. "Haha... I am just good at chakra control; it's


Kushina looked at him suspiciously. "You say you have good chakra

control, but this is not just good chakra control; it's near-perfect control,"

she said to him.

Minato also looked at him, not in a bad way; on the contrary, they were

proud of him. 'If you have this level of chakra control, you can also use

medical ninjutsu, can't you?' he asked him.

Naruto nodded to him; of course, he could use medical ninjutsu.

Kushina looked at him excitedly. "Son, what else are you hiding from

me? Tell me everything." She was eager to know everything about her

son and wanted to brag about him to her friends.

Naruto wryly laughed. He didn't want to brag about himself. He had so

many jutsus that he himself didn't know about. He just wanted to spend

his days peacefully with his family.

But when he looked at them and saw their eagerness to know about him

and the happiness in their eyes, he couldn't resist. "I just have one or two


At this time, they came out of their house, and now they were walking on

the Konoha streets. People were going here and there.

Kushina looked at her son. 'One or two, you say? Don't hide anything

from me. I saw you using the Rasengan. What about it?' she asked him.

"Oh... so you saw it. How much of the fight did you see?" he asked. He

hadn't paid much attention in the heat of the moment when fighting

against Isshiki.

The Rasengan he used against Isshiki was not a complete Rasengan; it

was just spinning ice shards that looked like a Rasengan.

Kushina smiled at him. "You can say that I watched all of your fight," she


Hinata looked at their conversation, 'wouldn't people be suspicious of

them, they felt like talking to the air,' she thought, but despite this, she

didn't care about it, she knew Naruto would handle things.

Hearing the name Rasengan, Minato's ears perked up. He didn't know

how Naruto came to the past. he will ask him later.

"So you can use Rasengan," Minato asked him.

Naruto nodded to him. "Yes, I can use Rasengan."

Minato was proud of him. It was his legacy; he had created it. He knew

how hard it was to control Rasengan, and it consumed a significant

amount of chakra. A full-fledged elite Jonin could only use it once or

twice. And if something went wrong, it could blow up the user's hand.

Minato was too excited about it.

"Show me," he said in an excited voice.

Naruto looked at Minato. Minato didn't know Naruto's real condition; he

only had genin-level chakra, and creating a Rasengan required at least

jonin-level chakra.

Naruto smirked at him. "You are going to regret this."

"What do you mean by this?" Minato asked.

Naruto just grinned at him and extended both of his hands, with one

palm facing the earth and the other palm facing the sky, keeping them

parallel to each other.

A small Rasengan started to appear in his hand, a compressed Rasengan

with swirling winds around it.

Minato was in awe, but Naruto didn't stop there. He started infusing it

with lightning chakra.

Minato was surprised. "Don't tell me you are going to mix lightning

element in it?"

"Of course, I will."

Streaks of lightning started to swirl inside the Rasengan. The lightning

moved incredibly fast, but Naruto controlled it perfectly, forming an orb

of Lightning Rasengan in his hands.

Minato could feel the immense power emanating from the 6 cm orb. It

was threatening to explode.

Naruto looked at his Rasengan, and due to the high-speed rotation of the

lightning, it turned purple with spots of pink, which looked beautiful yet

incredibly menacing.

Naruto looked at his father with a smug grin on his face. "How is it,

Father?" he asked.

Minato could only utter one word, "It's perfect."

"Haha, it should be," Naruto said. With that, he removed his upper hand,

and the Rasengan shot into the sky at lightning speed. It was so fast that

only a streak of purple was visible.

In just two seconds, it disappeared into the clouds. Its speed was too

great to measure.


A deafening thunderous sound echoed throughout Konoha. All the clouds

were dispersed, creating a spectacular display with lightning scattering in

all directions, resembling fireworks.

"Beautiful," Minato looked at the completed Rasengan, left speechless. He

had considered mixing an element into the Rasengan, but due to the war,

he hadn't had the time for it. He hadn't expected the Rasengan to become

so powerful.

And this Lightning Rasengan could easily be categorized as a Forbidden


Naruto spammed the Rasengan like it was second nature to him.

Minato was beyond proud of his son. Naruto had mastered his jutsu, and

he knew that controlling lightning, given its high speed and violent

nature, was a challenging feat.

Naruto looked at him. "Do you like it, 'Father'?"

Minato nodded. He became even more determined to complete the

Rasengan on his own, aiming to mix his wind element into it.

Naruto glanced at the people around them. They were scared and

running all over the place. He wore an amused smile.

Kushina looked at him. "You naughty child, you love to scare them, don't


Naruto smiled at her as sweetly as he could, and looked at her with

puppy eyes, melting Kushina's heart. "I don't want to scare them, Mom,

believe it."

"You're right, son. You just wanted to show your Dad, right?" she said, to

which Naruto nodded.

Minato observed the mother and son and savored the moment. He knew

Naruto was doing this on purpose, and Kushina couldn't resist him.

He cleared his throat and asked, "So, Naruto, how many people knew the

Rasengan in the future?"

Naruto raised three fingers. "There are only three alive who knew the


Minato nodded and then posed another question. "Do you know the

Flying Thunder God Technique?"

Naruto shook his head. "I don't know it."

"Do you want to learn it?" Minato asked. He wanted to teach his son

everything he knew and spend as much time with him as possible,

opening up Naruto to him just like Kushina.

Naruto poured a cold bucket of water on Minato's enthusiasm. "No."

"Why not?" Minato inquired.

In reality, Naruto could teleport anywhere he wanted with his space

manipulation, making distances irrelevant.

Naruto didn't have an appropriate answer, he looked at his mom with a

pitiful expression, she looked at Minato "Don't force him too much. It's

good that he already knows the Rasengan."

Minato nodded to her and walked away with them. The village had

settled down; during wartime, explosions like the one caused by Naruto

were a normal occurrence. When there were no alarms, life went on as


The four of them walked and talked with each other, but soon two ninjas

started following them. All of them could feel the presence of the

pursuers. Naruto, with his 360-degree vision watching them.

They were following Kushina, and she noticed Naruto's concern. "Don't

bother with them; they are Hokage's personal ANBU," she reassured him.

in war times, Hokage had to keep a watch on Jincuriki.

For Naruto, it was not normal that someone would follow his mother. He

understood the reason – she was the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, but it

didn't matter to him, Hokage or not.

Kushina looked at him and smiled sweetly, touched by how much he

cared about her.

As they continued walking, the ANBU ninjas were closing in, just a few

yards away, stealthily following her.

It really irked Naruto. "Hokage or not, but no one is allowed to follow

her. As for the future, screw the future; I will somehow correct it."

He extended his left hand and spread his two fingers. A dark green flame

started to appear like a string between his fingers.

With his right hand, Naruto pulled the string, and an arrow of green

flame started to form. The Enderflames arrow was ready to be shot, and

he intended to erase them from the face of the earth, leaving not even

their ashes behind.

Minato looked at the flames. There was no heat emanating from them,

but when he looked at the eerie flames, he felt danger. He knew that

when you didn't feel any energy from an attack, there were only two

possibilities: either the attack was not powerful or the attack was too


He was about to stop Naruto; he didn't want him to cause trouble for

Kushina. However, before Minato could move, a golden chain shot from

Kushina's hand and wrapped around Naruto's hand.

All of his remaining chakra was suppressed, and the flames on his hands

dispersed. His attack wasn't fully completed, and that was the reason his

flames died down.

Naruto looked at her, surprised that all of a sudden, his chakra was

suppressed. 'The adamantium chains are damn powerful,' he thought to


"Do you know what you were about to do? How could you just kill

them?" she asked him. She knew he was doing it for her, but he couldn't

take someone's life so easily.

"They were following you; it just started to irritate me..." he said in a low


Kushina gazed down at him, feeling warmth in her heart at how much he

cared for her. "Promise me you won't do it again."

"But they..." Naruto was cut off again.

"Don't be like that, Naruto. They received their orders from the Hokage,

and I am the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails. Now, do you understand? Be a

good boy and come with me," she said while grabbing his hand.

The ninjas who had been watching Kushina felt like they had just

escaped death. But when they looked at Kushina, for a moment, they saw

a pair of red eyes that seemed to be peering directly into their souls.

'if they disappear mysteriously, it won't cause trouble for Mother, right?'

Naruto averted his gaze and began to walk with his mother, but this

time, only Minato could see his glance at the hidden ninjas.

'He is too possessive,' Minato couldn't help but think. But who was he to

say? He was also the same in many ways. The difference was that he

didn't kill unnecessarily. and he was bound by the village rules, if he

acted, it would only cause problems for them. if he wanted to stop it he

had to become Hokage.





END of the chapter, what do you think about his lightning Rasengan and

arrow of Enderflames?

if you like the chapter please comment and five me your powerstones...


what about sexy jutsu, want him to use it in future

chapter 107 Kushina and Hinata

[Kushina became a good teacher]

Kushina gazed at Naruto and then Minato as she listened to their

conversation. "He is opening up to his father," she thought to herself. It

was a good sign.

She glanced at Naruto and then at Hinata. She was more excited than

both of them about their upcoming marriage.

Kushina looked at Minato and Naruto. "You two can do your own thing;

we're going shopping," she announced.

"We're coming too," Naruto said.

She shook her head in denial. "The two of us can handle things, and I

want to have a private conversation with her," she explained.

Naruto looked at his mom, his curiosity piqued. "What will you talk

about?" he asked.

Kushina had a mischievous smile on her face. "It's my secret, and it's girl-

to-girl talk. You don't need to worry about it," she replied.

Naruto nodded, and Kushina withdrew her chakra chains. She applied a

sealing paper to him, suppressing his chakra again.

"Why did you do that?" he asked, even though he could break the

suppressing seal at any time, he chose not to.

Kushina glared at him. "Are you questioning your mother?"

Naruto shook his head. "No, I was just asking."

"That's good. You're not going to use any of your powers until you've

completely recovered, do you understand?"


Kushina gazed at him, "Yes, what... where are your manners?"

Naruto quickly corrected himself, "Yes, Mom."

She sweetly smiled at him, "That's my boy. Now, let me take your


She looked him up and down, put both of her hands on his shoulders,

patted his arms, and circled around him to measure him completely.

"Now that I have measured you, I don't have to worry about your


Then, she looked at Minato. "You two can go now."

Minato nodded and started walking forward. Naruto glanced at his

mother and Hinata before walking alongside his father.

Now, only Kushina and Hinata stood there. Kushina grabbed her hand

and pulled Hinata along with her.

Hinata was dragged along, thinking to herself, 'She's as energetic as


"What are you thinking?" Kushina asked her.

"It's nothing... so where are we going?" Hinata asked.

Kushina had an excited grin on her face. "We will buy new clothes for

you and Naruto, and we will buy things for your wedding."

Hinata was too excited, but she didn't show it on her face.

After all, she and Naruto were going to get married. This is what she


Kushina could see the excitement in Hinata's eyes. "Hehe... are you

thinking about Naruto?" she asked her.

Hinata's face turned red. She was indeed thinking about him, but she

couldn't just tell Kushina outright. Slowly, Hinata nodded.

Kushina could see the hesitation in her eyes. Hinata was not as open as

Naruto, but Kushina didn't blame her. She found it amusing to tease the

girl. "Tell me, how is Naruto?"

"What do you mean by that?" Hinata asked a hint of shyness in her voice.

Kushina's grin never left her face. "Don't be shy; we're family, aren't we?"

Hinata nodded, her face slightly red in embarrassment. She didn't want to

make any mistakes; after all, she was Naruto's mother and her future


Kushina wrapped her arm around Hinata's neck. "Now, don't be shy and

tell me, how is Naruto?" she asked with a sly smile.

Hinata became even more embarrassed, thinking to herself that fighting

was easier than this.

"He's good to me," she replied.

"Ohh... he's good to you... and how is he so good?" Kushina asked,

maintaining her mischievous smile as she looked at Hinata, whose face

had turned as red as a tomato.

Hinata looked down at the ground, her face burning with embarrassment.

How could she ask such questions? "Kushina-san, you—" Hinata was cut

off before she could complete her sentence.

Kushina pulled her closer and looked at her. "You don't have to be so

formal; call me Mother or Mom."

Hinata paused for a moment. Calling her "mother" was harder than

anything, but she was prepared; she had to call her "mother" sooner or

later. She was going to marry Naruto, and his mother would also become

her mother.

Hinata nodded but didn't say anything.

Kushina, however, wasn't going easy on her. "Call me 'Mother.' I want to

hear it."

Hinata paused for a moment, wondering why it was so difficult. She

hardened her resolve, knowing that she would have to do it eventually.

So, she softly said, "M-Mother."

Hearing her say it like that, Kushina smiled in satisfaction. "Call me

again. It sounds too good to hear."

"Mother," Hinata said. She had never thought it would be so hard, but she

was slowly getting used to the idea of calling Kushina that.

"That's my daughter," Kushina said, patting her back.

Her sly smile returned as she asked, "Now that you've called me 'Mother,'

tell me, have you and Naruto done anything..."

Hinata's face turned red, and she slowly nodded.

"Ohh... so you're not as innocent as you look... hehe."

Hinata quickly clarified, "We haven't done that... it's just..."

"Just what?" Kushina asked, clearly enjoying teasing Hinata.

"We've just kissed," Hinata finally admitted.

"Hehe... so you've only kissed..."

Hinata nodded, her face as red as it could be.

Kushina looked at her and said, "As a good mother, I have to teach you

how to be a good wife."

Hinata just wanted to get out of this conversation; it was so embarrassing

for her. She knew how to do those things, but her heart wanted to hear

what Kushina had to say. She meekly nodded.

"Good... now listen carefully..."

Hinata nodded, paying close attention.

"In two days, you will be marrying him, so on the first night, you have to

do..." Kushina began to explain to her.

The more Hinata listened, the redder her face became, but she carefully

paid attention to Kushina's words.

"Will he love that?" she asked.

"If their genes are the same... he will definitely love it," Kushina replied,

her face slightly red.

Hinata nodded as they walked towards the shops.

"Here we are," Kushina said, looking at the door of a shop. "We have so

much to prepare, and we have only one day."

Hinata was too excited. The thought of getting married was

overwhelming. Her heart pounded fast in her chest.

Kushina looked at Hinata, sensing the excitement in her eyes. She was

starting to open up to her, even if it was just a little. Progress was being


"Let's go into the shop," Kushina pushed the door and entered the shop.

Hinata followed her, but her thoughts were elsewhere. "Just two days,

and Naruto and I will be a married couple... hehe... I love it."




AN~ end of the chapter, a good chapter I think. hope you like it. tell me

in the comments what you like most about this chapter and give me your

power stones.


what do you think Kushina taught Hinata? [evil smile]

chapter 108 Tsundere?

Kushina and Hinata had disappeared from their view. Now, only Naruto

and Minato remained. They were walking aimlessly, with no destination

in mind. Minato didn't know what to say to his son now that Kushina was

gone; she was the one who started the conversation. Minato looked at

Naruto, and he seemed different from earlier. 'His genjutsu is removed.'

"You are visible to all of them," Minato said to him.

Naruto nodded. He knew that the moment his chakra was suppressed, the

genjutsu was lifted. "I think Mom forgot about the genjutsu," he said with

a slight chuckle. That's just how headstrong his mother was.

Minato also laughed. Now that Naruto was visible to everyone, Minato

asked, "What if someone asks who you are? What should I say?"

Naruto looked at him with a teasing smile, "I don't know. Tell them I am

your son from the future."

"I can't do that; it will cause trouble for you in the future," he said,


Naruto thought for a while. Minato had a point; it could cause the

timeline to change, and Naruto didn't know to what extent. 'I have to

take care of this problem as well.'

'I have to use the genjutsu to suppress all of their memories so they don't

remember us, or it will cause problems for them,' he thought about

Kushina and Minato.

'I haven't used any large-scale genjutsu before... it will be fun,' Naruto

couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of using genjutsu on the

entire village. 'But for now, I need to heal. There's no rush; when we

return to our time, everything will be fine.'

Minato, noticing Naruto's smirk, asked, "What are you thinking, Naruto?"

Naruto, still smirking, replied, "Nothing. You can handle anyone, can't

you? After all, you're my father, and you won't let them harm me. right?"

Minato, noticing Naruto's smirk, asked, "What are you thinking, Naruto?"

Naruto, still smirking, replied, "Nothing,"

And as they walked, many civilians nodded to Minato in respect and

gazed at Naruto. Minato was well respected in the village. His last battle

with the Raikage's son was spread throughout the village, and people

could only admire him.

Many questions circulated among the villagers regarding the boy walking

alongside Minato. They sensed a resemblance between them, but being

civilians, they were hesitant to approach him.

Naruto felt their gaze and their admiration for Minato. However, Naruto

didn't like this kind of treatment. In his eyes, these people were

hypocrites. When you do something good, they will lick your boots, but if

you make any mistakes, these are the people who will blame you.

Naruto couldn't help but ask, "These people admire you. How do you


Minato scratched his head, he didn't know why Naruto asked this

question, 'how I feel' he thought to himself, "I don't know how I feel,

maybe good, but I want to protect this village, and its people." he said.

"Why do you want to protect the village? These people are not related to

you, so why risk your life for them?" Naruto asked.

"I have grown up in this place. I can't let it be destroyed; the people here

have all been good to me," Minato said.

"Is that so…" Naruto murmured in a low voice. 'I guess he has a point.'

Naruto went on to ask, "What would you choose: your family or these

villagers?" He knew the answer but wanted to hear it from Minato.

"Of course, I would choose my family," Minato replied without hesitation.

"I see…" Naruto nodded to him. He could see it in Minato's eyes. Minato

gladly gave his life to protect him from Kurama; he sealed Kurama into

him, wanting him to be seen as a hero. But the villagers and the Konoha

Council did the opposite, spitting on his sacrifice.

Naruto was angry with Minato because of the treatment he received from

the villagers, but deep down, he knew Minato didn't want this. The more

time he spent with him, the gap in his heart started to fill slowly.

'Ah… man… why does it have to be like this.'

Minato observed the slight change in Naruto's demeanor after answering

his question and asked, "Why did you ask such a question?"

"It's just my curiosity... nothing more," Naruto replied.

Minato nodded and asked, "Do you have any idea how you're going back

to your time?"

"Are you that eager to send me away? I didn't expect that," Naruto

responded, looking down at the ground.

"No, that's not what I meant. I never want you to go," Minato quickly


Naruto looked up, a slight smile on his face. "I really don't know how

we're going back. Do you have any ideas?" he asked.

Naruto looked at Minato, his eyes curious "Hey, can your jutsu teleport

you to the future? I mean, if I have a mark on me and I want to go to my

time, can you also teleport to me?" he asked.

Minato was puzzled by the question. He had never considered the

possibility. "I don't know. Let's try," he said and placed his hands on

Naruto's shoulder, creating a seal mark that appeared and then


Naruto examined the spot where the mark had been. "How many seal

marks do you carry?" he inquired, unfazed by the seal.

Minato laughed. "I guess too many."

Naruto nodded, and they continued walking, now out of the civilian


"Look, someone is approaching us," Naruto pointed out as he looked


Minato had a worried expression as he observed the approaching trio,

unsure of what to say about Naruto.

"Don't worry about me, just go with the flow. Believe it," Naruto clicked

his tongue 'bitch'. The verbal tick appeared unexpectedly.

Minato laughed. "So, like your mother, you also have a verbal tick."


They both turned their attention to the newcomers, who all had black

hair. There was a man roughly Minato's age and two children, one

around 6 years old and the other around 9. Their clothing was identical,

and the Uchiha clan symbol adorned their attire.

Minato looked at the man with a slight smile and said, "Fugaku."

Naruto looked at him, thinking, 'So this is Sasuke's Father.'

"Minato, how have you been? I heard you defeated the Raikage's son,"

Fugaku greeted Minato and asked.

"Ah… it was nothing…" Minato said.

"Don't be so humble," Fugaku insisted, then shifted his attention to

Naruto, who stood beside Minato.

At first glance, Fugaku could discern the family resemblance between

Naruto and Kushina. As the head of the clan, such details didn't escape

his notice.

Fugaku asked Minato, "So, who is this young man?"

Minato struggled to find the right words, but Naruto, with an amused

grin, spoke up, "Father, why don't you introduce me to your friend?"

Minato glanced at Naruto, then back at Fugaku, and finally relented,

"Allow me to introduce you. This is my son, Naruto."

Fugaku appeared bewildered as he asked, "Son... but how is this possible?

He's 16, and you're 21... so, how?"

Minato let out a helpless sigh and exchanged glances with Naruto,

silently conveying,'You are not allowed to go outside of the home.'

He locked eyes with his friend. Fugaku understood that this matter was

not to be discussed openly. "I will tell you later," Minato said.

Fugaku nodded to him.

Naruto, however, looked at the two boys, Itachi and Shisui. They both

were looking at him, as they didn't know Minato that well like Fugaku.

So in their eyes, there was no suspicion.

'So this is how these two naive bastards look like,' Naruto thought to


Fugaku, however, knew that Naruto was from the future. He knew time

travel was possible. Their Sharingan eyes could alter reality and even

bring back the dead. His own eyes were related to space ninjutsu. So time

travel was not entirely impossible, but he was slightly intrigued. He had

never encountered such situations.

"Your son will make a good friend for my son," he said to Minato.

"Of course, your son is a good friend of mine," Naruto said to him.

"So, how is my son, Itachi there," he said lovingly and looked at Itachi.

Both kids were slightly away from them.

'Oh, man, you don't have any idea. You are nurturing a traitor in your

house. It's ironic that your favorite son will slit your throat.' Naruto

thought to himself. But it had nothing to do with him.

"He is a good shinobi," Naruto said to him while looking at Itachi. Naruto

didn't know why, but when he looked at Itachi, he became irritated.

'I hate these types of people. They betray their parents, kill their mother.

The reason doesn't matter. But I hate these types of people.'

Minato, however, didn't want to attract more attention. Everyone

wouldn't be like Fugaku.

"I think we should be going," Minato said to Fugaku.

Fugaku nodded to Minato.

Minato glanced at Naruto, and before he could do anything, Minato put

his hand on his shoulder and disappeared from there.

They reappeared in the middle of a training ground.

Naruto looked around him. The scenery had changed, from the village to

a training ground.

"What?" Naruto asked. It was too sudden; he didn't expect Minato to

directly take him to the training ground. They were supposed to wander

in the village, not end up in some desolate area.

"You are making things harder for me. If the Hokage finds out, they will

summon us. Maybe they will check your mind to ensure you are not from

any other village," Minato said to him.

Naruto looked at him, and he didn't like the idea. "Are you afraid of the

Hokage?" he asked. He was never afraid of Tsunade; on the contrary, it

was the opposite.

"Naruto, you are not being reasonable," Minato said to him, his headache

starting to worsen. Naruto was being too bratty.

"Fine, fine…" Naruto said and sat down on a boulder, his back turned to


Minato looked at him and asked, "Are you angry with me?"

"Hmph… I'm not angry with you, 'Father,'" Naruto said in a huff.

'Now, like his mother, I have to please him,' Minato thought to himself.

"Let's spar until your mother comes back home," he said.

"Spar? How am I supposed to spar when all my chakra is suppressed?"

Naruto asked.

"You know you can remove the seal," he said.

Naruto looked at him with slightly wide eyes, "Are you suggesting I

disobey Mom's order? I think I have to tell her that,"

"No, no… I don't mean that… Ahh… don't be too bratty… you know you

can put it back on after we spar, so it's not disobeying the order," Minato

reasoned with him.





AN~ how do you like the chapter, what about the teleportation jutsu,

can some travel through time with it.

1. Yes

2. No


How do you like the conversation with his father? I tried to be as natural

as possible.


comment on the chapter and give me some powerstones

chapter 109 Wedding Ring

"Let's spar until your mother comes back home," he said.

"Spar? How am I supposed to spar when all my chakra is suppressed?"

Naruto asked.

"You know you can remove the seal," he said.

"Are you suggesting I disobey Mom's order? I think I have to tell her


"No, no… I don't mean that… Ahh… don't be too bratty… you know you

can put it back on after we spar, so it's not disobeying the order," Minato

reasoned with him.

"Fine, fine… if she found out, you will bear the responsibilities," Naruto

mumbled in a low voice and removed the seal.

All his chakra was back in his pathways, but damn, it was too little for

his standards—only genin-level chakra.

Naruto looked at Minato, 'he has impressive chakra reserves,' Naruto

thought to himself after seeing his chakra pathways with his Byakugan.

To perform the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he needed Jonin-level chakra

every time.

"So what are the rules?" Naruto asked him.

"The rules are simple, no high-level ninjutsu, only basic academy jutsu,"

Minato said to him.

Naruto nodded to him; the three holes in his chest were almost healed.

All of his chakra was burning in healing the injuries on his chest and the

cold burns due to his ice release.

Naruto looked at his father, he extended his left leg forward, his left palm

in front of him, and his right arm was backward, taking his Gentle Fist


Minato looked at him, surprised. He knew the taijutsu style; it was the

Hyuga's, and they never taught anyone else outside the clan. And without

the Byakugan, no one can use it to its full potential.

'That girl had taught him the Gentle Fist. Didn't that mean betraying the

clan? What is going on in the future?' Minato couldn't help but think.

Naruto didn't give him time to think; he launched at him.

Naruto appeared in front of Minato, thrusting his palm, with the sharp

chakra scalpel on his fingertips.

Minato sidestepped and let the hand slip past him.

Naruto, with his other hand, aimed at his chest.


A wooden log was shattered in Minato's place. He appeared behind

Naruto and kicked at his shoulder.

Naruto ducked down, and with his left hand, two of his fingers touched

Minato's leg.

Minato appeared some distance away. Two tenketsu of his legs were


He looked at Naruto, "You are very good; I haven't seen even a Hyuga

this good with their Gentle Fist."

Naruto smirked, "Then you haven't seen a real Hyuga," he said while

thinking of Hinata. When it comes to the Gentle Fist, no one is

comparable to her.

"You mean that girl," Minato asked.

Naruto appeared behind him and started to attack. Minato expertly

dodged all of his attacks. He avoided direct confrontation with his hands.

"You haven't seen what she is truly capable of," Naruto said while sending

a strike to Minato's head.

Minato ducked and jumped away. He punched at Naruto's chest, which

Naruto dodged with a sidestep and deflected Minato's hand, blocking a

tenketsu on his hand.

"Is she really that powerful?" He asked while giving a roundhouse kick to

his shoulder.

Naruto quickly grabbed his leg, and with his other hand, he quickly and

precisely hit some tenketsu points.

With a puff of smoke, Minato again substituted himself with a wooden

log and appeared some distance away.

"Indeed, she is too powerful. If you are hit by her strike, you can say bye-

bye to your chakra system," Naruto said to him. He knew that with her

Jougan, she could see weaknesses in all kinds of taijutsu, ninjutsu, or


"So how did she fall in love with you?" Minato asked while appearing

behind him and swinging his right hand.

Naruto quickly turned and blocked his hand with his forearm and struck

a palm hit with his left hand.

Minato deflected his strike with his other hand and leaped backward.

"It's a long story; I don't think you'll be interested in that," Naruto said

while appearing to Minato's left side and swinging his hand to block

some of his tenketsu to disable his arm.

"We have all the time until evening; you can tell me if you want to," he

said while substituting himself again, and Naruto hit the wooden log into


"Maybe some other time," Naruto said while deflecting a barrage of kicks

and punches.

"So, have you prepared the wedding ring?" Minato asked him while

punching Naruto in the gut, only to be blocked by Naruto's knee.

"No, I haven't prepared the ring for her, but I have the idea," Naruto said

while leaping away from Minato's punches.

They were talking, but that doesn't mean they were not focused on the

battle. In fact, they were moving at such speed that only a blur of them

could be seen.

They were casually sparring at kage-level speed, and they both knew this

was not their true speed. This was only a pure taijutsu battle.

"Let's stop this," Minato said, wiping away sweat from his forehead.

Naruto also stopped. Naruto was purely keeping up with him only with

his physical strength, which showed how superior his body was.

"So what about the ring, where do you want to buy it?" Minato asked.

"Haha… if I give her the ring, it will be the best, not some random junk

from any shop," he said.

"So what are you going to do?" he asked his son. To him, the more time

he spent with Naruto, the more mysterious he became, and he was proud

of him.

Three black balls appeared in front of him. They were safely wrapped

around Naruto's wrist under his sleeves.

Minato looked at the hovering balls. He could not feel any chakra from

them, but his instincts told him that these balls were dangerous, very


"What are these?" Minato asked him.

"These are the Truth-Seeking Balls. I thought you knew them…" Naruto


"No, I don't know that."

'You will see plenty of them in the future,' Naruto thought to himself.

"So, did you make them?" Minato asked him.

Naruto nodded to him.

"How did you make them?" he asked curiously.

Naruto looked at him and grinned. "They are simple. You have to mix all

seven chakra natures in equal amounts, no less, no more."

"So, that's how it is…" he said, then he realized that it was near

impossible to make them. "You are saying you are capable of using all

seven chakra natures?"

Naruto only grinned at him. Minato, however, was surprised. The current

Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, could use five chakra natures, but that didn't

mean that Naruto's knowledge in ninjutsu had already surpassed his.

Naruto extended his palm, and the green flames appeared in his hand.

The Truth-Seeking Balls cannot be compressed more than the size of the

sphere. If he wanted to make a ring for her, he had to change the

structure of the sphere to the atomic level and mold it into the ring.

One ball appeared above his palm where the green flame was burning.

Slowly, it started to turn red, and with his other hand, a cold breeze

began to blow.

Freezing and melting at the same time, Naruto closed his eyes and

focused on the ball. It slowly started to shrink. If he made a mistake, it

would shatter.

The space between the atoms began to change, but the composition

remained the same. With his perfect chakra control, it started to take the

form of a ring. It was red, with beautiful scripture engraved on it, and it

was flawless.

Naruto extended his palm, and the ring hovered above his hand. He

examined it closely. It was perfect. This ring could protect her, and she

could use it any way she wanted. The ring could transform into any

weapon she desired. Once Naruto gave it to Hinata, it would connect to

her on a subconscious level.

Naruto looked at Minato and asked, "How is it?"

"It's beautiful," Minato said without any hesitation.







AN~ End of the chapter, how do you like it.

here is something I want to ask you, I will start writing the war arc, how

do you want it?

1. the war with blood, violence treason, and with r18 scenes, you know

what I mean the real war.

2. or the same as Cannon with pg13, only fighting without any gore or



Like the chapter, comment, and give me power stones

chapter 110 Disobedient kitten*

It was late evening; the sun had already set, leaving only a hint of red on

the horizon. A cool breeze swept through, making the atmosphere

slightly chilly.

Naruto and Minato were on their way home. They had spent most of

their time at the training ground, and both had gained a better

understanding of each other.

Both of them walked side by side. The training ground was miles behind

their house, and there was no one to bother them. Naruto enjoyed the


Soon, they reached their home, and Minato opened the gate, announcing,

"We are home."

Kushina greeted them with a bright and excited smile, saying, "Welcome


Minato nodded to her and entered the house, with Naruto following him.

Kushina was as energetic as ever, asking, "So, how was your day?"

Naruto smiled at the warm welcome, the best he could have asked for,

although it would only last for a few days. "We enjoyed our day. How

was yours?"

"We went shopping and bought necessary things," she said excitedly,

starting to describe her whole day. Naruto listened with a smile on his


"So you enjoyed yourself?"

"Of course. Now, go and wash your hands and face. We have prepared

food," she ordered him.

"Yes, Mom," Naruto walked away towards the washroom. But before

walking away, he glanced at Hinata, who was sitting on the sofa. She

sweetly smiled at him.

Naruto also smiled at her and winked before walking away.

Naruto walked towards the washroom, murmuring to himself, "Ah, man, I

am so hungry..."


He splashed the cold water on his face, "This is refreshing." He washed

his face and hands, then looked at the mirror in front of him.

His eyes glowed red, he slicked his hair back, with a strand falling on his

forehead. He grinned, "I truly look like a villain," he mused.

Naruto walked away to the dining hall, where they were all waiting for

him. Kushina smiled at him, "Come, sit here and quickly eat the food."

Naruto nodded and asked, "So, what did you buy this much?" as he

looked at the shopping bags in the corner of the room.

"It's a surprise; you will find out soon," Kushina said.

"Okay, okay," Naruto replied as he started eating his food.

Hinata glanced at Naruto from time to time. Her excitement was

radiating from her eyes and her small actions.

Naruto glanced at her, avoiding his parents. 'Man, this is so much fun.'

Looking at your girl while avoiding your parents has its own charm and

fun, and both Hinata and Naruto enjoyed it. Sometimes their gazes

locked with each other.

Hinata, however, touched his leg with her foot under the table while

eating her food like nothing ever happened.

"Huh?" Naruto suddenly looked at her, not expecting something like this.

Kushina looked at him, "You can't wait any longer, huh?" she asked with

a sly smile on her face.

"No, it's not like that," Naruto reasoned, but she had caught him red-


Hinata raised her eyes from her plate and looked at him, a mischievous

glint in her eyes, asking, 'Do you like it, Naruto-kun?' Her eyes clearly

conveyed this message.

"Look at him, he's getting impatient," Kushina looked at Minato, asking

him to say something.

Minato laughed; he knew Naruto was in the wrong here. He saw that it

was Hinata, but he wasn't going to address it. "Their blood is young, so

let them be," he said, continuing to eat his food.

Naruto glanced at Hinata, who was gracefully eating her meal, her head

low. She felt his gaze but didn't lift her head. Naruto laughed internally

at her antics, and soon they all finished their food.

The day was tiring for Hinata, so she went for a bath. Naruto's gaze

followed her, but he was still in front of his mother.

Kushina looked at him, "So, did you have fun?" she asked him while

washing the plates.

Naruto stood beside her, drying the dishes and placing them on the shelf.

"It was fun," he said. Naruto chatted for some time with her, and after

cleaning up and finishing the household chores, he headed to the


After 15 minutes, he emerged, fresh as new, his hair still wet as he

ruffled it.

Ruffling his hair, he soon reached his room, slid open the door, and


Hinata was sitting on the bed, waiting for him. He looked at her, her

beautiful face illuminated by the moonlight streaming in through the


Her hair lay open on her back, and she sweetly smiled at him. Naruto

looked at her with a warm smile on his face.

He moved closer to her and asked, "So, how was your day?"

"It was very exciting. I've learned many things from your mom," she

replied, her face turning slightly red.

"Oh... I guess you enjoyed yourself," he said as he sat beside her, gently

placing his hand on her waist.

Hinata felt his hand on her waist, causing her to blush. She experienced a

warm, comforting feeling from his touch. "Very much," she replied.

Naruto looked at her red lips and swallowed. He smiled at her and said,

"At the dining table, you were quite bold."

He moved closer to her, his warm breath brushing against her ear,

sending shivers down her spine. Her face turned even more flushed, and

her neck took on a reddish hue.

"Haha..." She laughed nervously.

"You're becoming quite the disobedient kitten. I think you need some

punishment," Naruto whispered in her ear.

Hinata's whole body trembled with excitement. She wanted him to take

the first step, his warm breath sending ticking sensations to her ear. This

is what she needed.

Naruto gazed at her flushed face, the white moonlight adding

mesmerizing beauty to her. She looked so cute, so beautiful.

He raised his hand and gently touched her lips with his thumb. Her entire

body quivered. "How beautiful," he whispered.

Hearing his praises, she couldn't contain herself any longer. She longed

for him to take her right here and now, after waiting so long for this

moment. "Hmmm," she hummed softly when she felt his fingers caressing

her face.

Naruto placed his hand on her waist and gently turned her around so

they were face to face. He gazed into her hazy eyes and said, "You're so

damn cute, Hinata."

Naruto locked his hands with her hands, and with a gentle push, she lay

on the bed, her hair fanning out around her. Naruto pinned her hands

above her head, securing them with one hand.

She was locked under him, he looked at her, he could feel the heat from

her body.

Hinata looked at him, he was above her, she was pinned down, her hands

were locked and her legs were pushed down by him, she couldn't move

anymore, she became more and more aroused.

Her lower body felt hot, she felt a tickling sensation between her thighs,

and she could feel she was becoming wet, she had never touched herself,

not even once, her body was for Naruto, when she felt she was becoming

hot she wanted to touch him there.

Naruto looked at her expression, it was so adorable, he couldn't hold it

any longer, he knew she wanted him to do things here and now, but he

reserved it for their wedding night.

But how could he go her unpunished for what she did earlier, 'I love her

so much, looking at her makes me eat her completely,'

With his other hand, Naruto slipped under her dress and circled his finger

around her belly button.

He could feel the softness, and his breath became fast, he circled her

fingers around her belly, it was so soft.

"Ummmhhh~~!" a sweet sound escaped from her mouth when she felt

his finger running around her belly, she was so sensitive. She became

more wet down there.

Naruto heard her sweet moan, it was heavenly to his ears, "your voice is

so sweet Hina, I Want to hear more,"

Naruto caressed her bare waist and added slight lightning chakra on his

hands and circled his finger around her navel.

"Ummmhhhh~~~!" she tried to suppress her moan but the lightning sent

a jolt to her body, something in her stomach started to build up and it

was trying to come out.

Naruto felt her expectations on her face, her flushed face, the sweat

beads on her neck, she looked so beautiful.

Hinata became wet and wet, she could feel moisture down there, Naruto

was touching her waist and creasing her navel, 'if he goes like this I will


She became so wet, her wetness had already soaked her panties, and she

was about to cum. Her sweet scent was already in the room.

Naruto breathed, feeling the sweet scent of her, he stopped touching her

and leaned forward, he put his lips on hers.

Hinata closed her eyes and felt the heavenly sensation, she couldn't move

and this made her more heated.

Naruto sucked her lower lip, "You are so sweet, Hinata," Naruto looked at

her and leaned again sucking her lips.

He parted her lips with his tongue and entered her mouth, their tongues

met each other, and she could feel the wetness on his tongue, they

exchanged the sweet taste of each other.

Their tongues battled for some minutes.

as they parted their lips were connected by the string of saliva, Naruto

locked his eyes with Hinata, he could feel her desire, and his desire was

not hidden from her.

She looked so beautiful under him, her face flushed, her hot breaths

hitting his face.

Naruto had no words to describe her. "I love you so much," he whispered.

She gazed at him lovingly. "I love you too, more than anything."

Naruto smiled and said, "I think this is enough for your punishment."

"If I do the same thing, would you punish me like this?" she asked with a


Her laughter was music to Naruto's ears, and he couldn't resist. He leaned

forward and kissed her deeply.

"Of course... if you act disobediently, I have to punish you," Naruto said

with a playful tone.

"Hehe..." Hinata giggled sweetly.

With a swift motion, he shifted his position. "It's late in the night; let's

sleep," he suggested.

Naruto hugged her waist and put his face between her boobs. He felt the

softness, "they are so soft," he murmured softly.

Hinata wrapped her arms around his shoulders, drawing him closer into

her embrace. Her face flushed, and she clearly enjoyed the closeness.

"Hehe... they're all yours," she whispered softly in his ear.

"Good night, Hina-chan," Naruto whispered before drifting into dreams

while resting between his favorite "pillows."

She nodded with contentment and looked down at Naruto. Her world

was in her arms, and she couldn't ask for more. This was everything she

had ever wanted. Soon, they both fell asleep in each other's embrace.





AN~ End of the chapter, I know it was cute, don't you agree?


if you like comment on the chapter and give me your power stones.

chapter 111

sorry for yesterday, I have some work to do it real life. that's why I

couldn't upload the chapter.

your slightly lazy author; Devils_hand.


The cool breeze entered the room through the open window, and the

sounds of birds chirping filled the air. The day was beginning, and there

was a faint orange glow on the horizon, indicating that the sun was about

to rise.

Hinata woke up from her peaceful slumber, feeling the warmth of

Naruto's presence beside her.

She looked down and smiled, her face turning red as the memories of the

previous night rushed back into her mind.

She gently pulled his arms that were wrapped around her waist. She

didn't want to wake him up, so she inserted a pillow in her place.

Hinata gazed at Naruto's sleeping face, leaned forward, and kissed his

cheek before quietly leaving the room.

"Oh God... last night was so exciting. I can't wait for tonight," Hinata's

face turned red as she thought about their upcoming marriage.

Her mind was on cloud nine. The moment of their lives was about to

happen today.

She entered the bathroom and took a refreshing cold shower. Water

dripped from her dark blue hair.

Hinata exited the bathroom after her shower, and like a noble lady, she

donned her usual white kimono with a floral pattern. Nobody could tell

from her gentle demeanor that she was the strongest girl in the entire

elemental nations.

After her bath, she descended the stairs and entered the main hall.

Hinata looked at Kushina, who was washing some vegetables to prepare


Kushina glanced at Hinata. "You're up early this morning," she said.

Hinata joined her in the kitchen and began washing vegetables alongside

Kushina. "Good morning, Mother," Hinata greeted her, though the last

part was just a whisper.

Kushina heard it and smiled. "Good morning, Hinata. Did you sleep

well?" she asked.

Hinata nodded. "Do you usually wake up this early?" she inquired.

Kushina nodded with a gentle smile. They soon finished washing all the

vegetables and started preparing food for the day.

"You're very skilled at cooking," Kushina complimented her as she took a

sip of the soup.

Hinata nodded. "I've been cooking since childhood, and I've always

enjoyed making food for Naruto," she replied.

"Oh, is that so? You'll make a wonderful wife for my son," Kushina said

with a smile.

"I'll do my best to never disappoint him," Hinata responded with a slight


They continued to chat while preparing food, and soon all the dishes

were served on the table. Meanwhile, Minato emerged from his room,

cleaned up, and took a seat at the table, waiting for everyone to join for

the meal.

Naruto was the only one left, but they could hear the sound of running

water coming from the bathroom. They waited for a while, and Naruto

eventually came downstairs.

Naruto looked at his mother and said, "Good morning, Mom," with a


"Good morning, Naru-chan," Kushina replied.

Naruto felt a bit embarrassed at his nickname, though he didn't hate it.

He just wasn't used to it, and the first time he was called by that name

was also in the sealed space by his mother.

Naruto nodded to his father and said, "Good morning, Father."

Minato gazed at him "Good morning, Naru-chan," he said in a teasing


'Not you too,' Naruto thought in his mind, his expression reflecting


He looked at Hinata, who had a teasing smile. 'Not you too, Hinata...'

All of them sat at the dining table and began eating. Kushina playfully

teased Naruto several times, clearly enjoying herself.

"I think you two should go out," Kushina said to Naruto and Hinata.

"Huuu?" Naruto asked, puzzled.

"You know, we have to decorate the house and prepare everything. In the

meantime, you two can go out before the main event," she insisted.

"We can help..." Naruto began.

"It's your day, and there will be a surprise. Minato and I can handle it,"

she explained, not accepting any objections.

"We can help..." Naruto started.

"It's your day... and there will be a surprise. Minato and I can handle it,"

she insisted.

Naruto nodded in agreement.

Naruto and Hinata stood outside the door. Kushina looked at Naruto and

said, "Don't cause trouble in the village, and come back home before 5

pm. Otherwise, don't step inside the house."

"Yes, Mom," Naruto replied.

Kushina ruffled his hair and said, "That's my boy. Now, go."

Naruto and Hinata walked out of their home, and after turning left, they

sensed that nobody was watching them. They both disappeared from


Kushina noticed that they had both disappeared, and their chakra

signatures appeared outside Konoha. "That was fast," she murmured to

herself and closed the door.

A smile spread across her face. "Let's get to work."


Outside of Konoha, Naruto heaved a sigh of relief. "That was scary," he

said, recalling Kushina's order.

Hinata nodded to him, their hands intertwined as they walked together.

They looked around at the towering trees, feeling the cool breeze against

their faces, and their hair ruffling in the wind. Sunlight pierced through

the towering trees, creating a beautiful scene.

And it became even more beautiful when you held the hand of the person

you loved and enjoyed everything.

Naruto and Hinata walked at a slow pace, talking about random things.

Soon, they found a bench under a big tree, and they sat down. Hinata's

head rested on Naruto's shoulder, her hand locked with his. She

cherished the moment and etched it into her heart for the rest of her life.

"I love you," she suddenly said in a soft voice.

Naruto looked at her head, gently kissed her on the forehead, and

replied, "I love you too."

Her cheeks reddened, and she hummed in delight.

Hinata retrieved a small scroll that was tucked into her sash around her

waist. With a puff of smoke, the scroll opened, revealing a drop of blood

on a glass slab.

Naruto looked at the blood drop and knew whose blood it was.

"Are you sure about this?" Naruto asked her.

She nodded to him. "Yes, you know we were quite weak compared to

him," she said.

"Yes," Naruto simply nodded in agreement.

She didn't want to be weak. She knew she was powerful, but it wasn't

enough for her to protect him. They had barely made it out from their

fight with Isshiki, and this wasn't what she wanted. She just wanted to be

powerful enough to stand beside Naruto.

Naruto stared at the drop of blood, unable to help thinking that they

were weak compared to Isshiki. Despite their enormous chakra reserves

and their exceptional power by normal standards, they were still lacking.

Naruto thought about Kaguya, who was even more powerful than Isshiki.

She was the one who had placed him in his sorry state. It didn't matter

how, but she had done it.

She was referred to as a princess, not a fighter, and yet she had managed

to incapacitate Isshiki to such an extent that even after thousands of

years, he had not fully recovered.

What they had defeated was a weakened, injured man.

Kaguya didn't possess any ninjutsu skills; instead, her Byakugan was

incredibly potent. After consuming the Chakra Fruit, she became even

more formidable and acquired the Rinne Sharingan. Her physical prowess

was off the charts. Even her sons, who had inherited all her abilities and

used various ninjutsu, couldn't defeat her. Despite their best efforts, they

were unable to kill her and had to resort to sealing her.

Naruto held strong resentment toward Hagoromo, the so-called father of

shinobi. In his eyes, Hagoromo was nothing but a traitor. The mother

who gave birth to him, raised him, and showered him with love had been

betrayed for the sake of unknown people who didn't even matter to


Naruto believed that he had received all his powers from his mother, and

Hagoromo hadn't even attempted to understand her. He fought his

mother with the intention of killing her. In Naruto's eyes, a child who

couldn't stand beside their mother was unworthy of being called a son or


After sealing his mother, Hagoromo became the jinchuriki of the Ten-

Tails. He achieved immense power and mastery over all the elements in

his life. Naruto knew that Hagoromo was more powerful than Isshiki

after sealing the Ten-Tails inside him and mastering all the elements,

boasting nearly endless chakra.

If Naruto were to fight the Ten-Tails' jinchuriki, he would inevitably lose.

However, this wouldn't be the case after he became a full-blooded


Naruto looked at the drop of blood and smiled. "Let's see what this drop


Hinata nodded in agreement.





AN~ End of the chapter, I hope you like it.

if you like comment your genuine thoughts and give me your power


chapter 112~ goal complete

Naruto examined the drop of blood placed on the glass slab, which

contained cells belonging to Isshiki. Hinata was holding it while her

Jougan was activated.

Naruto took out a kunai and made a cut on his palm, placing some of his

blood and cells side by side with Isshiki's.

Hinata didn't hesitate to follow his lead, and now they had three sets of

cells and blood in front of them.

They both knew they couldn't simply implant Isshiki's cells into their

bodies since their origins were different. They could mix Uchiha, Senju,

Hyuga, and other cells within each other because they all originated from

the same person—Kaguya Otsutsuki.

However, it was different for Isshiki; he was different. Naruto took his

cells as a reference to understand how Otsutsuki clan genes worked and

how they differed from his own. With this knowledge, he could alter his

own DNA.

Naruto activated his eyes, which emitted a red glow. He focused his gaze

on Isshiki's cells and blood. In his view, they appeared significantly

enlarged, allowing him to see the DNA with ease.

He then looked at his own cells and Hinata's, which were practically

identical to some extent. Both possessed 44% of Otsutsuki DNA. The

remaining 56% of their DNA was human. It's essential to note that

bloodline and DNA were diffrent elements. Naruto was 100% Uzumaki,

which fell under the 44% Otsutsuki DNA, allowing him to access all the

inherited abilities of his clan, such as immense chakra reserves, a healing

factor, adamantine chains, and sensory abilities.

The same could be said for Hinata. She also possessed 44% Otsutsuki

DNA and had 100% Hyuga bloodline. Having an equal amount of DNA

didn't mean they possessed the same abilities; their base was different.

While practicing her eyes, Hinata had microscopic vision, allowing her to

see the DNA present in front of her, but her vision was limited to about

one meter, unlike Naruto, who could see infinitely.

Naruto closely observed Isshiki's cells until he was satisfied,

understanding the structure of his DNA.

Naruto then turned his attention to his own DNA and peered inside. A

tiny chakra chain sprouted from the tip of his finger, too small for anyone

but him to perceive.

At the tip of the chain, a hand materialized. With intense focus, Naruto

began rearranging his DNA according to an Otsutsuki DNA structure. As

he rearranged it, a chain reaction began in his cells. Once his DNA

composition reached over 50% Otsutsuki DNA, it began to dominate the

rest, and in a matter of seconds, his DNA became 100% Otsutsuki.

Naruto could feel the energy emanating from his DNA, which was similar

to Isshiki's DNA, though not exactly the same. They both had pure

Otsutsuki DNA. The feeling in Naruto's DNA was noble and royal,

whereas the feeling in Isshiki's DNA was more akin to that of a warrior.

Naruto's DNA was almost identical to Kaguya's DNA.

Hinata, who had practiced and trained extensively for this moment, felt

that it was the first goal Naruto had given her. Although she didn't

possess chakra chains like Naruto, her mastery over chakra scalpels was

remarkable. She had trained with them just for this moment, to enable

her to change her DNA.

In her previous fight with Danzo, she demonstrated her ability to alter

and distort his pain receptors, sending false pain signals, but that was a

watered-down version of what she was truly capable of.

With her mastery over her chakra scalpels, she was finally able to change

her DNA. Just as Naruto had done, once the alteration reached above

50%, it triggered a chain reaction and her DNA became pure.

Naruto looked at her, he was proud of her, because of him she was doing

this and pushed herself this far.

Naruto observed the three sets of cells in front of him, and the energy

they emitted resembled the same clan. While the two of them were

almost identical, there was a slight difference due to their gender.

Nevertheless, the feeling of nobility and regal energy coming from the

cells was undoubtedly the same. Their DNA was almost identical to


This DNA possessed what Kaguya had from birth, not what she acquired

after consuming the Chakra Fruit. These cells didn't include the Rinnegan

or Rinnegan Sharingan; she gained those abilities after consuming the

Chakra Fruit.

From birth, she had the Byakugan, the ability to wield any amount of

chakra, immense vitality, and a strong life force—qualities that Naruto

needed. They didn't require the Rinnegan or any other eyes; they already

possessed the best eyes.

"This is impressive," Naruto said while observing the cells in front of him.

Hinata nodded to him, "our DNA is almost the same, and the aura is also

the same," she said with a slight red face.

Naruto looked at her face, "now what are you thinking, from your

expression, I can say it's something naughty," he said with a mischievous


Hinata's face became redder, "after altering our DNA, our DNA will be

almost identical,"

Naruto didn't get her point, where she was hinting at, and looking at her

expression he could tell she was thinking something naughty, " and so"

"Doesn't that make us twins or siblings who share almost identical

genes?" Hinata said in a low voice, her face growing even redder as she

thought about it.

Naruto finally understood what she meant and asked playfully, "So, do

you want to call me 'Big Brother'?"

Hinata averted her gaze, and just the thought of it made her face turn an

even deeper shade of red. Naruto looked at her adorable expression. "Or

should I call you 'Little Sister'?" he teased.

To Naruto, it didn't matter. He loved her, and that was all that mattered.

Whether they shared the same genes or not, she would always be his


"Stop teasing, Naruto. It's embarrassing," she replied in a low voice.

"Haha... you started it, and now you're backing out. That's not fair,"

Naruto said, chuckling.

"Now, let's not delay it," he added.

Hinata nodded in agreement.

Naruto performed a hand sign, and four shadow clones appeared beside

him. He looked at them, and they all nodded in understanding; they

knew what to do.

The four clones disappeared from their original positions and reappeared

in four different directions. With a series of hand signs, they

simultaneously shouted, "Four Flames Formation."

A barrier made of purple flames encased Naruto and Hinata. Anyone who

touched this barrier would be incinerated to ashes.

Naruto didn't know how much time the process would take, and he didn't

want to be disturbed by anyone.

Naruto and Hinata familiarized themselves with their Otsutsuki DNA,

ensuring they understood how to alter it. Once they were confident, they

began the process.

Naruto created more shadow clones to act as a precaution in case

anything went wrong, although he was fairly certain there wouldn't be

any issues.

Naruto gazed at Hinata and asked, "Are you ready?"

She nodded to him and replied, "I am."

They both extended their index fingers. Hinata brought her finger close

to her eyes for a better view, and with her right hand, countless chakra

scalpels sprouted out at the atomic level in various shapes.

Naruto examined his index finger, and from his other hands, countless

chakra chains appeared and entered his index finger.

They chose only one block of DNA, knowing that after transforming that

DNA block into Otsutsuki DNA, it would trigger a chain reaction and

completely change their DNA.

Naruto gazed at his finger with intense focus, observing the countless

chains and the complete DNA block. With precise accuracy, he began

arranging his DNA to transform that specific block into pure Otsutsuki


As the first block of DNA transformed, it set off a chain reaction. The

transformation spread from his index finger to his hand, and then

throughout his arm and beyond.

Naruto could feel the changes in his body: the density of his bones

increased significantly, his chakra pathways became incredibly elastic,

capable of storing vast amounts of chakra, and his cells brimmed with


The transformation was accompanied by immense pain due to changes in

their bone marrow, cells, and bones, but neither of them paid attention to

the pain.

The transformation continued until all of their DNA had been changed

into pure Otsutsuki DNA. Their appearances remained the same due to

their Uzumaki and Hyuga as a base.

While the amount of chakra remained the same, its potency increased


The byakugan became so powerful, with just only their byakugan they

could observe whole elemental nations.

This transformation was even more potent for Naruto because the

Byakugan was now mixed with his eyes. As his chakra potency increased,

the power input to his eyes also skyrocketed. The increased power input

caused his eyes to process a tremendous amount of information, to the

point where it started to strain his brain cells.

He quickly closed his eyes, surprising them to their limits.

Things were not so different for Hinata; her Byakugan, which was already

superior, now became more powerful. Her Jougan, which was one of the

most broken dojutsu, became easier to operate.

Due to her being pure Otsutsuki the jougan in her eyes could access all

the locked abilities that were held by her body.

And after becoming a pure Otsutsuki, there comes some unique abilities

to every Otsutsuki.

They both gained hidden memories dormant in their genes; they could

use Karma seals and many other things.

What they gained most as Otsutsuki was immense vitality and life force,

a superior and resilient body, and exceptionally high bone density. They

could live for thousands of years.

Hinata looked at Naruto, who had closed his eyes. She understood the

problem. "Does it get worse?" she asked, her concern evident in her voice.

"Yes, it has gotten worse. Initially, I could suppress them, but now it's

become difficult," he said.

His eyes were unlike Sharingan or Rinnegan, which could be turned off;

his eyes were passive and always remained active.

"I think I have to find a new dojutsu similar to mine so that I can switch

between them manually," he said to her.

Hinata nodded in agreement. There were many types of dojutsu, but

Naruto's eyes were related to the time element and atomic vision. Finding

a dojutsu that could complement his was incredibly challenging.

This was a problem, but it was one Naruto believed he could solve, and

now was not the time to address it. He suppressed his eyes to their fullest

and then opened them. There was a certain glow in them, making them

more beautiful.

Naruto looked at Hinata and grinned. "So, how do you feel?"

Hinata smiled sweetly. "Powerful."

Naruto nodded in agreement. After all, he felt the same way.

Before becoming an Otsutsuki, Naruto had chakra reserves that his body

could hold to its limit. However, now, while his chakra reserves didn't

grow, his chakra became more potent and flowed more freely through his

pathways, as if it were meant to be this way.

Every Otsutsuki possessed unique abilities. For example, Isshiki had the

power to shrink non-living things as he pleased and had access to a

separate dimension. Hagoromo could use his Creation of All Things to

create living or non-living entities, and Kaguya could create dimensions

of her own.

Naruto looked at Hinata and asked, "So, what are your unique abilities?"

Hinata extended her hand, and with a flick of her finger, a small stone

rose from the ground and hovered above her palm. The stone started to

change shapes on its own, at times becoming a kunai and at other times a


With a mere thought, it transformed into a sharp needle, and with a

quick flick of her hand, it shot through the air with breathtaking speed,

piercing several trees.

She looked at him and smiled, saying, "So, how do you like it? Although

it's still in its early stages, it will develop with time."

Naruto gazed at her with a smile, "Telekinesis," he spoke to her.

She nodded in agreement; it was a reasonable ability that could work

perfectly with her Jougan.

"There's one more thing," she said, leaning in closer to him and

whispering in his ear, "body manipulation."

Naruto nodded in response.

Hinata looked at Naruto and asked, "So, what's yours?"

Naruto chuckled, "One of them is related to soul fusion, and the other... is

the ability to reject phenomena by denying or undoing events," Naruto

said with a smirk.

Hinata laughed along with him, "It's just like you."

The powers Naruto and Hinata gained after becoming Otsutsuki stemmed

from their deepest desires.

Hinata, who wanted to bring positive change to her clan, received the

ability to manipulate things and control everything around her.

As for Naruto, who had experienced rejection by everyone, he gained the

power to reject phenomena or alter reality.

Naruto gazed at Hinata and whispered in his mind, "Show me her status."

He could only perceive the status of others if he knew their powers or

had seen them, and between the two of them, there were no secrets.

[Name: Hinata Hyuga Bloodline: Hyuga - 100%

Race: Otsutsuki - 100%

Dojutsu: Byakugan Jougan

Chakra: Above Nine Tails

Taijutsu: 98/100

Ninjutsu: 90/100

Genjutsu: Full resistance

Element Affinity:

Natural - Water, Lightning

Mastered - Water, Lightning, Earth, Fire, Wind (above 70%)

Skills (Hidden):

Kekkei Genkai - Storm Release

Kekkei Tota - Paper Release

High-level Chakra Manipulation

Unique Abilities: -

Karma Seal -

Body Manipulation (early stages)

Telekinesis (early stages) -

Erase Memories

Read Minds

Create shockwaves from her eyes that can blow everything away]

'That's awesome' Naruto thinks to himself.

'Now show me my status,' he said in his mind.

[Name: Naruto Uzumaki Bloodline: Uzumaki - 100%

Race: Otsutsuki - 100%

Dojutsu: Six Eyes and Byakugan (Mastered 100%)

Chakra: Above Nine Tails

Taijutsu: 99/100

Ninjutsu: 100/100

Genjutsu: Could affect reality when Yin and Yang are mixed.

Kenjutsu: 80/100 Skills: -

Rasengan [Max] -

Variants of Rasengan:

Big, Ultra Big, Ultra Max Big, Small, Compressed Rasengan -

Wind Style Rasengan (Rasenshuriken) -

Earth Style Rasengan -

Dust Release Rasengan (Dai Rasengan) -

Lightning Rasengan -

Fire Rasengan -

Ice Release Rasengan -

Water Rasengan -

Shadow Domain -

Infinity -

Red (Attraction) -

Blue (Repulsion) -

Teleportation -

Time Slow and Fast (Domain Type) -

Time Strings -

Dismantle and Cleave (Using Time Strings) -

Shadow Clone [Max]

Element Affinity: -

Wind: Mastery (Above 90%) - Water: Mastery (Above 90%) - Fire:

Mastery (Above 90%) - Lightning: Mastery (Above 90%) - Earth: Mastery

(Above 90%) - Yin: Mastery (Above 90%) - Yang: Mastery (Above 90%)

Creation of Special Skills: -

Truth-Seeking Balls

- Enderflames

Spatial Elements: - Space: Mastery (Above 30%) -

Time: Mastery (Above 35%)

High-Level Chakra Manipulation

Unique Abilities: -

Karma Seals -

Soul Fusion -

Reality Rejection (Can reject anything with enough energy)

Erase Memories -

Read Minds -

Create shockwaves from his Byakugan that can blow everything away]

Naruto nodded in satisfaction.

He gazed at Hinata, "So how do you feel?"

Hinata smiled at him, "Powerful."

"That's how you should feel, after all, we are gods."

Hinata giggled at his remark and nodded, "That's what we are."





End of the chapter. how do you like the chapter?

as for Naruto's powers, some of you might not understand them so let me

explain them briefly, his powers are like Orihime for bleach but hundreds

of times more powerful, he can reject anything, like death, life, growth,

injuries, and could alter reality to some extent. I hope you understand.

if you like the chapter please comment and give me your powerstones

chapter 113 Date*

The wind was blowing gently, ruffling Hinata's hair, and Naruto gazed at

her, mesmerized by her. He found her incredibly adorable and cute.

Hinata noticed his gaze and blushed. He was looking at her with such

love, and she couldn't resist smiling sweetly at him. "What are you

looking at?"

Naruto grinned. "Of course, I'm looking at my wife."

Hearing him say this, her cheeks and ears turned red. "Hmm... you can

look at me as much as you want," she whispered.

"That's my girl," Naruto said.

He looked around, realizing it was noon, with the sun directly overhead.

They had finally altered their DNA and become pure Ōtsutsuki, but their

appearances remained the same.

Naruto dispersed the clones, and the purple flame barrier vanished as the

clones dissipated.

Naruto looked at Hinata and extended his hand. "Shall we go?"

Hinata gently took his hand and nodded. They had five hours to enjoy

themselves before returning home.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they walked, their hands intertwined.

Hinata was enjoying the warmth of his hand, and Naruto relished the

softness of hers.

Greenery surrounded them, birds were chirping, and a cool breeze

brushed their faces as they cherished each other's company.

Today, they were going to get married, and both of them couldn't wait

for it to happen.

In the Land of Fire, there were many small towns that lacked a ninja

system; they were simply normal towns.

"We're going on a date, and the town is a bit of a distance away," Naruto

said to her.

She blushed slightly and nodded in response.

They enjoyed the silence as their fingers intertwined. Naruto gently

traced her hand with his fingers.

Hinata could feel his touch, and she tightened her grip around his hand.

Although neither of them spoke, their small actions brought smiles to

their faces.

After a while, they reached a small town, quite far from Konoha, where

there were no shinobi. This town was under Konoha's protection.

The streets of the town buzzed with activity, with shops lining both sides

of the road.

Naruto and Hinata entered the town, concealing their true strength. In

the eyes of the townspeople, they appeared as an ordinary couple

enjoying their time together.

Based on their attire and appearance, it was evident that they came from

a wealthy family.

Hinata grabbed his hand and pulled him towards an ice cream shop.

Naruto observed her hair swaying as he followed, and they both stood in

front of the ice cream stall.

"Two chocolate flavors, please," Hinata requested.

The shopkeeper, an elderly lady, smiled at the young couple before her.

"Here you go," she handed them two ice cream cones.

They walked out to the front, and Hinata took a bite, savoring the sweet

taste of the ice cream as it melted in her mouth. "So sweet,".

Naruto admired her adorable expression and nodded as he savored his ice

cream. It was indeed a delicious treat.

As they strolled through the bustling town's streets, many people watched

them and exchanged whispered comments. However, neither Hinata nor

Naruto paid any attention to the onlookers.

"So, where should we go now?" Naruto asked her.

Hinata, still holding his hand, noticed a clothing shop and eagerly pulled

Naruto with her. "Let's go there," she suggested.

He agreed with a nod, thinking to himself, 'She's so energetic...' Naruto

was thoroughly enjoying his time with her.

Hinata pushed the shop's door open and entered a two-story building

with a wide array of dresses.

The shopkeeper looked at them and greeted them warmly. "So, what can

I offer my lovely customers?" he asked sincerely.

"Show us everything you've got," Hinata replied.

"Of course, my lady," he responded and began showing them numerous


Hinata was flipping through the dresses, Naruto just looked at her, he

had nothing to buy, he was watching her as she chose dresses, she asked

him every time, in his eyes she was so cute.

'If she keeps going like this, my heart might just stop beating,'

"how about this" Hinata asked as she picked a set of dresses.

Naruto nodded in agreement. "This will look amazing on you," he

complimented, though he believed she would look stunning in any dress.

Hinata chose another dress and handed it to Naruto. "Try this," she


Naruto nodded in agreement, and both of them entered a separate room

to change.

Naruto walked out of the changing room wearing a white t-shirt with

black stripes on the sleeves, along with black pants and black shoes. His

hair was slicked back, with one or two strands falling forward.

He leaned against the wall and patiently waited for Hinata to come out.

When the door opened, his eyes fell on her. She was dressed in a pink t-

shirt with full sleeves and a white ankle-length skirt, her hair flowing


"Beautiful," Naruto said in admiration.

Hinata giggled and replied, "You also look handsome."

A blush crept across her cheeks as she noticed the way he looked at her,

his eyes filled with affection.

After paying for their selections, they left the store and walked side by

side. Their hands brushed against each other, and Naruto took her hand

in his.

They entered a small park located just outside the marketplace. Hinata

sat on a swing and looked at Naruto. "Would you like me to push you?"

She nodded with a smile, and Naruto gently pushed the swing. Hinata

laughed as the breeze touched her face. Her laughter was music to his

ears, and he cherished every moment, wanting to hear her laugh and see

her sweet smile as much as possible.

Hinata tilted her head and looked at Naruto. Seeing his smile, she

couldn't help but smile as well. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

she teased him.

Naruto gazed at her and admitted, "You are so adorable; I can't help it."

Hinata blushed, yearning to hear more of his praise. "You always know

how to make my heart skip a beat," she whispered.

As he looked at her flushed face, Naruto couldn't hold back any longer.

He appeared in front of her, placing his hand on her waist and gently

guiding her to the ground. When her feet touched the ground, she met

his gaze.

She blushed but didn't avert her eyes. They both disappeared from the

spot without a trace, reappearing in a forest.

Naruto looked at her and gently pushed her back, causing her to lean

against a tree. He lifted her by the waist, and she wrapped her arms

around his neck while locking her legs around his waist.

She could feel his burning gaze, her face became red, she just wanted to

take him here and now, but this was reserved for Today's night.

"You are so beautiful Hinata," Naruto whispered in her ear as he leaned

forward. She could feel his hot breath in her ear.

As Naruto licked her ear, "Ummm" she let out a sweet moan, he swirled

his tongue around her earlobe.

"Not there… ummm…." she whispered suppressing her moan.

She could feel his breath tickling her ear and his wet tongue twirling in

her earlobe. She was going crazy just by his touch.

"So you are sensitive here," he teased her and licked her ear.

"Ummm…" she grabbed his head. She was very sensitive there but she

wanted him to lick her there.

Naruto stopped his actions and looked at her eyes, they started to become

hazy, he leaned forward capturing her sweet cherry-red lips.

She responded with equal passion, he started to suck up her lower lip. He

could feel her sweet taste.

Naruto parted her lips with his tongue and entered her mouth, their

tongues intertwined sending a jolt of pleasure to all over their bodies.

His one hand holding her waist, he extended his other hand and put it on

her right breast for the first time.

He could feel the softness of her as He squeezed her boob.

"Ahh…." Hinata opened her eyes in surprise and moaned in his mouth as

she felt the sensation. This was the first time he touched her breasts and

god this felt heavenly.

As their tongues intertwined, Naruto started to squeeze her breasts, he

was feeling so soft by touching them.

"Ummm….ahhh~~! Hinata let a sweet moan in his mouth.

To his ears her mons were sweet music, he started to squeeze more

roughly and kneaded in various shapes, Hinata started to feel wet down

there, his hands were giving her so much pleasure.

Hinata's hand slipped under his t-shirt and touched his well-toned abs, as

her soft hand touched his bare body Naruto felt a lightning jolt in his


Hinata felt it and started to crease his stomach, Naruto quickened his

pace in kneading her boobs.

This was the first time they got this intimate.

Hinata's back leaned against the tree, She pulled him closer, and she

could feel his member poking between her thighs, just thinking about it

she got more wet.

Naruto parted their kiss, and a stirring of saliva was the only thing that

was connecting their lips, both of their eyes hazy, they wanted to go all

out, the craziness was evident in Hinata's eyes.

Naruto looked into her hazy eyes, and with his thumb, he rubbed her

lips, "let's stop for now Sweetheart"

She nodded to him, Naruto put her down, they both set their disheveled


Hinata's face was red to her neck, she could feel wetness in her lower

area, and just thinking about today's night she became more red.

"I can't wait for tonight…" she whispered.

Naruto grabbed her hand and started to walk towards Konoha, "me too,"

he replied and tightened his grip around her hand.





AN~ End of the chapter, I hope you like it, if you like then comment and

give me some power stones.

The main event is getting closer and closer. Be ready boys…


A sugar free chapter

chapter 114 ~ Scared

Naruto and Hinata walked through the lush green forest, their destination

was their home.

Their hands were entwined as they relished each other's touch. Today

was the day they were going to marry.

Naruto knew his mom had prepared everything for him, and there was

only one hour left before 5; they had to reach their home.

Hinata was feeling giddy inside. Today, she was finally going to become

one with her Naruto; her dream was only a few hours away.

She stole glances at Naruto from time to time, behaving like a little girl

with a blush each time as she secretly looked at him.

Naruto, feeling her gaze, couldn't help but feel the warmth inside his


One of his goals to become the pure Otsutsuki had been achieved, and his

goal to become the strongest was not too far away.

The only thing that remained was to live a happy life with his family. He

tightened his grip around her hand, wearing a smile as they walked.

Hinata found his smile mesmerizing; it was like a hypnotic pull.

As they walked, they heard some noises.

In reality, they were very far from Konoha. It would take some days to

reach Konoha on foot.

Naruto looked in the direction from which the sounds were coming. With

his eyes, he could see them from afar.

Hinata also looked at them - a group of seven people, each carrying a

different sword. They were the current Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.

"What are they doing here in Konoha?" Hinata asked him.

"Maybe they're here to cause trouble," Naruto replied with a laugh.

The Third Shinobi War was still ongoing, and Naruto knew these

swordsmen would eventually confront Might Duy, the father of Might

Guy. Four of them would die when they faced Might Duy, who would

unlock his Eighth inner Gate.

Naruto didn't want to engage with them; it would alter the future and

potentially create a butterfly effect.

"Can we kill them?" Hinata asked with an innocent smile. Naruto looked

at her, bewildered that she didn't seem concerned about the future at all.

"No, my darling, we can't kill them," Naruto calmed her down.

"As you wish," she nodded and walked with him. They hadn't concealed

their presence, and how could it be possible for Naruto to not cause

trouble, even if he didn't want it the trouble would find him.

This was not the place to cause trouble; they were in the past. If Naruto

instigated any issues, he'd have to resolve them himself, as it could lead

to significant changes in the future.

And to cause trouble, the Seven Swordsmen were now in front of them.

They had heard the noises and were among the finest shinobi of their era.

It wasn't too difficult for them to locate Naruto and Hinata.

They looked dangerous and menacing. If anyone could see them, they

could die just by looking at them.

They all looked in front of them. "Look what we have here, a girl and a

boy," a burly man spoke. He was holding Samehada on his back. He had

orange hair and was tall.

"It will be fun to kill these children... hehe," a blond man said. His face

was covered with a white mask, and he was holding Nuibari.

They were all professional killers and enjoyed killing their targets. Now

they were in Konoha's territory, here to cause trouble.

When they looked at the boy and girl in front of them, they found them

helpless, and it would be fun to kill them.

Hearing his words, Hinata's body trembled, and she had a fearful

expression. She looked timid and hid behind Naruto. "I-I don't want to d-

die," her voice was shaking, and fear was evident in her eyes.

Naruto looked at her and thought, "If she wants to do things like this,

how could I not support her?" After all, this is great amusement for them.

Naruto turned his attention to the group in front of him. He appeared

fearful, his hands shaking in fear, and his body trembling. "Please don't

kill us... If you want money, I will give it to you... Just let us go,

please...," he said while taking a step back in fear and throwing his pouch

containing some money.

They laughed loudly as they looked at the two, finding joy in their fearful

expressions. The despair and fear of death were evident in their eyes.

"Hahahahaha... I love killing my targets before tormenting them. I'll hold

a funeral for both of you," the man chuckled evilly while holding his kiba


Hinata clung to Naruto, her entire body trembling, and her eyes welled

up with tears. "You're bad people... Why are you doing this to us? We

haven't done anything to you," she said while clutching Naruto's clothes.

Naruto laughed inwardly, thinking, 'What fabulous acting.'

They took delight in their fearful expressions, finding their pleading

voices like music to their ears.

One of them, with Samehada in hand, stepped forward. "It's nothing

personal, kids, but we love killing, hahaha... And now, you will die. You

just happen to be in the wrong place," he said with a sinister grin.

"Is that what you want?" Hinata said with a fearful voice.

They all laughed at her, mocking her timidity.

Hinata fearfully stepped beside Naruto, and the atmosphere dramatically

changed. The temperature increased in their surroundings, and an

invisible pressure began to bear down on them. Cold sweat appeared on

their backs.

When they looked at her again, her fearful expression swiftly

transformed, and a grin spread across her lips. They all felt chills as she

gazed at them.

They couldn't fathom how things had changed so suddenly. They had

gone from terrorizing helpless kids to facing a formidable opponent.

"Well, this was fun. If we arrive late at home, Naruto will have to bear

the consequences, and I don't want that to happen," she said as she

stepped forward.

They all subconsciously took steps back. An invisible shockwave so

powerful emanated from her eyes that it destroyed everything in its path,

generating gusts of wind that scattered dust everywhere.

Their eyes rolled back as they were pushed backward. The pressure was

too much for them to handle.

Naruto placed his hand on her shoulder to stop her, and she paused,

looking at him with a mischievous smile on her face. Seeing this, they

both burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... that was good acting. They really believed it," Naruto laughed.

Hinata giggled, "When they wake up, they won't know what hit them,"

she said with a laugh.

"You're bullying the weak," Naruto said with a smirk.

Hinata matched his smirk with one of her own. "We have the power, so

why not use it for our fun?"

Naruto knew they were no saints or heroes of justice who would use their

powers to save random dogs and cats on the streets.

Naruto grabbed her hand, and they walked away as if nothing had

happened. Hinata had erased their memories of meeting them.

"If we encounter some fools on the way, it'll be me who starts the acting,"

Naruto said.

Hinata giggled at his behavior and nodded with a smile.




.End of the chapter, it was fun to write this chapter, I hope you like it, if

you like give me some powerstones and comment on the chapter.

And can you suggest me some good female names, I swear this is not

related to Naruto😏

chapter 115 Wedding

Naruto and Hinata walked through the lush green forest. Their

destination was their home. The sun had started to set on the horizon,

casting an orange hue that cascaded onto the ground, making the evening

more beautiful and warm.

Naruto's hand was tightly clasped with Hinata's soft and delicate hand.

Excitement gleamed in their eyes as they drew closer to their home.

Today, they were going to get married. As they approached the house,

their hearts quickened.

Hinata had a blush on her face, and her heart pounded in her chest so

fast it seemed like it might leap out. This was the day she had yearned

for. To her, Naruto was everything, and today they were going to become

an officially married couple.

She knew Naruto loved her unconditionally, but the thought of marrying

him filled her with happiness and tingling sensations in her stomach.

'Oh God, I can't wait…' She adored Naruto more than anything else. To

her, he was her lifeline, her love, her whole world. She couldn't imagine

a world without him, as she was madly in love with him.

Naruto could feel the strong emotions radiating from her. The emotions

of love and desire were so intense that just feeling her emotions filled

him with warmth in his heart.

Naruto looked at her with affection and tenderness. 'Are you ready?' he


Hinata, feeling his affection and tenderness, her heart beating faster,

nodded to him with a soft hum.

The next moment, they both disappeared from where they stood and

reappeared in front of their home.


Naruto knocked on the door. There was the sound of footsteps

approaching, and with a creak, the door opened.

Behind the door, Kushina awaited them with a warm smile on her face.

When she saw them, her smile brightened.

"We're home," Naruto announced.

Naruto looked at his mother, who was, as always, full of energy.

"You've arrived right on time. Come inside quickly; everything is ready,"

she said enthusiastically, her happiness evident.

Naruto glanced inside, and it was decorated neatly.

"Did you do all of this yourself?" Naruto asked.

"Your father and I prepared everything for you," Kushina replied, taking

Hinata's hand. She looked at Hinata with a smile and added, "Let me

dress you like a bride."

Hinata blushed and nodded, then followed Kushina. She stole a shy

glance at Naruto before going.

As Hinata and his mother walked away, Minato appeared in the room

and gazed at Naruto. With an amiable smile, he said, "Get ready; your

dress is in your room."

Naruto nodded to him and entered his room. After closing the door, he

placed his hand on his pounding heart. It was beating so fast that he

could hear it. A smile spread across his face.

"This is happening. I am going to marry Hinata, my Hinata," he said, his

voice slightly shaking with happiness, excitement, nervousness, and


He had waited for this day. Quickly, he bathed and changed into his

formal wedding attire.

Naruto exited his room, and his father was waiting for him just outside.

Minato looked at Naruto and gave a thumbs-up in approval.

They both left the house through the back door. Behind the house was a

lush garden with a clean water pond and various small and large trees.

An altar was set up where the wedding was supposed to take place.

Naruto reached the altar and stood there, eagerly awaiting the arrival of

the bride.

Soon, the door opened, and Hinata walked out. Naruto looked at her,

with the red and orange sunlight of the setting sun casting a warm glow

on her face. Her dark blue hair flowed loosely down her back, swaying in

the breeze. Her beauty was breathtaking.

To add to her allure, she wore a white wedding gown that draped

gracefully from her shoulders to the ground, featuring a sweetheart

neckline that beautifully framed her collarbones. As she walked, the dress

seemed to come alive.

Their eyes met, filled with yearning, love, and desire to be with each

other. Hinata had a blush on her face, which only added to her charms.

She soon reached the altar and stood beside Naruto. Their eyes locked,

and they exchanged a loving glance.

Naruto smiled at her, a smile that was hypnotic to her, and his eyes held

a magnetic pull that drew her in even more.

Kushina stood nearby and, noticing the moment, she coughed gently.

"Let's begin," she said.

Kushina began speaking about love, destiny, and the meaning of

marriage, a smile gracing her face.

"Now, place the ring on her finger," she said.

The ring that Naruto had crafted himself appeared in his hand, and he

gazed at Hinata.

Hinata extended her trembling hand, and as Naruto took it, his grip was

gentle and reassuring.

He slid the ring onto her ring finger, and as it touched her hand, she felt

a connection with it, sensing Naruto's essence in it. Her lips curled into a


A ring appeared in Hinata's hand, this was a special ring to Hinata and it

was her turn. Naruto extended his hand, and with trembling hands, she

placed the ring on his finger.

"Now," Kushina said.

As the ceremony continued, Naruto looked at Hinata with affection and

love. "I promise to protect and cherish you for all eternity," he said.

Hinata, with equal affection and love, spoke with a trembling voice, "My

love, soul, and body belong to you, and I support you in everything and

will always stand beside you." As she spoke, her eyes began to well up

with tears of happiness.

Minato and Kushina clapped with smiles on their faces. "By the power

vested in me and the love that binds your hearts, I, your mother, now

pronounce you husband and wife. You may seal your vows with a kiss,"

she said with anticipation.

Kushina cheered from the side, and Naruto approached Hinata, placing

his hands on her slim waist and looking into her eyes. Hinata put her

hands on his shoulders and gazed into his eyes, tears of joy streaming

down her face. She felt like the happiest girl in the world.

Naruto leaned forward and sealed her lips. As their lips met, Hinata

closed her eyes, and the kiss was filled with passion, love, and the

promise of a lifetime together.

As they broke the kiss, Naruto and Hinata turned to face Kushina and

Minato, their faces radiant with happiness. Kushina cheered for them as

they walked hand in hand.


Kushina had already set the table for dinner. Naruto and Hinata took

their seats and began to eat.

His mother and father sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Let's celebrate," Kushina raised her glass and exclaimed in happiness,

thrilled to see her son married.

They all raised their glasses, saying, "Let's celebrate."

They celebrated to their hearts' content well into the middle of the night.






End of the chapter, I hope you like the conclusion.

if you like the chapter comment and donate your powerstones


I finished reading one of my favorite novels and now I felt empty from


chapter 116 love*

AN~ I have read so much smut to write this and picked some things from

here and there. so praise me mortals in the comments...


The celebration was over. Hinata was sitting beside Naruto. They had

filled their bellies. Kushina looked at them and smiled mischievously, "It's

time to end the celebration,"

Naruto nodded to her while standing up, and Hinata followed him. They

both stood up and started walking towards their room.

Kushina also followed them, saying, "There is a surprise for you."

Naruto raised his eyebrows and asked, "What surprise?"

Kushina smiled before replying, 'It won't be a surprise if you know it."

While talking, they reached the room. Naruto opened the door, and

Hinata followed him. Her face turned red.

Kushina locked the door from the outside with a giggle, "Have fun, both

of you."

Hinata's face became embarrassed by her words.

As they both entered the room, Naruto whispered, "My mom did all of


Hinata's face blushed as she walked forward before stopping in front of

the bed.

Naruto looked at the room. The room was a sanctuary of romance and

intimacy, specifically decorated for their first night of love.

The walls of the room were a soft, deep shade of crimson, casting a

warm, inviting glow that bathed the entire space.

The huge bed was adorned with billowing curtains that cascaded down to

create a cocoon of seclusion.

The bedspread was made from silk, strewn with rose petals in shades of

deep red and delicate pink.

The room was filled with the scent of fresh flowers, particularly roses.

Every element of the room had been carefully chosen to create an

atmosphere that was both lavish and intimate, inviting the couple to

indulge in sweet, sensual pleasures—a setting where the first night of

love would be a memory to cherish forever.

Naruto walked towards Hinata; she was standing there. He leaned

forward and hugged her from behind, his hands locked on her waist, and

he placed his chin on her shoulder.

His hot breath tickled her ear, sending pleasure throughout her entire


Hinata leaned against his chest, just being in his embrace, her whole

body shuddered.

She tilted her head, her eyes began to haze over. She had waited for this

moment for so long. Looking into his eyes, she whispered, "Let's do it."

Naruto leaned forward and captured her lips. Their lips met, and Hinata

began to suck his lower lip, nibbling it.

Naruto tasted the sweetness of her juicy lips. He parted her lips and

slipped his tongue into her mouth.

As their tongues met and intertwined, a wave of pleasure washed over

their bodies. The taste of her saliva filled Naruto's heart with desire as he

held Hinata in his arms.

"Huff... Huff..." Hinata broke the kiss and whispered into his ear, "I love

you, Naruto."

Naruto didn't need any more encouragement. He effortlessly lifted her

and carried her to the bed, where he gently laid her down.

As she lay there, he admired her beauty—the way her hair cascaded

down her back, the smile on her face, and the fire in her eyes.

Naruto leaned down and kissed her neck, causing her to moan softly. He

ran his fingers through her hair and whispered, 'You are so beautiful,

Hinata. I love you...'

She looked up at him, and there was a tenderness in her eyes that no one

had ever seen before. 'I know, Naruto. I love you more than anything.'

He kissed her again on her luscious lips, and this time, it was more

urgent, more desperate. Their bodies were entwined, and they moved

together, their passion growing with every passing moment.

Naruto moved his hands down to her chest, gently caressing her through

the fabric of her dress.

Feeling his touch, her face blushed, and he continued with a gentle,

intimate touch. She let out a sigh of pleasure.

"Umm..." she moaned as Naruto continued to explore her contours with

his tender caresses

Naruto felt the softness of the boobs as he molded them into various

shapes. He could feel her nipples hardening under his touch, and he

wanted nothing more than to taste them.

But before, he pinched her erect nipple and twirled it.

"Ahhh…" Hinata moaned as he played with her nipples.

Little by little, Hinata got lost in the pleasure, her thighs rubbed against

each other and her body twisted and moved in delight, Quickly, a wet

stain formed on her dress.

Naruto continues to twist, twirl, and squeeze her boobs.

He moved his mouth and gently licked her ear. Instantly, Hinata's entire

body quivered. She let out a soft moan of pleasure and closed her eyes.

Her body twitched a pair of times in his arms while she enjoyed her first

orgasm in her life.

Naruto was a bit surprised that she climaxed with just a bit of teasing,

but at the same time, he was incredibly excited. Seeing her, his Hinata, in

such a state of ecstasy was more than enough to excite him.

A few seconds later, Hinata finally came to her senses, she looked at him

and put on an ashamed expression, she could not believe that she

cummed so fast, yet no matter what, her excitement was only getting


Hinata's eyes had turned hazy. She was looking at Naruto with a

passionate expression, Hugging his neck, she started to kiss his face

crazily, Naruto responded to her kisses and slowly caressed her body,

Moving his hands to her waist and belly and kissing her ear.


Hinata whispered in joy and moved her hands to his back. Seeing her

expression, Naruto began to unbutton her dress. Hinata sat on the bed to

make it easier for him to unbutton her dress and began to take off his

dress, no words were needed to be spoken between them.

In the blink of an eye. Naruto finished unbuttoning her dress, he smiled,

and with a tug, her dress fell down.

And Soon their clothes were gone.

Naruto looked at Hinata's Naked body. He took a moment to appreciate

the sight before him, the way her body curved and the way her skin

seemed to glow in the soft light of the room, she was perfect.

Naruto passionately looked at her, her body was at his will, she would do

anything for him, once more Naruto leaned forward taking a peck of her

lips before licking them lightly, his body moved forward as he whispered

in her ears.

"I will be taking you completely…"

"Umm~ don't leave any spot untouched~"

Hinata replied the love and lust she has for him now bursting forth with

a desire to burn anything in her path.

Hinata's words were all he needed as He placed a kiss on her forehead,

then moved to her cheeks placing his lips on them, marking them his

after both the cheeks he kissed her chin before looking at her perfect


Their big size with her red hardened nipples, matching perfectly with her

white milky skin, Naruto leaned down and kissed her breasts, first one

and then the other. He took her nipple into his mouth and she arched her

back, letting out a low moan.


He placed her right nipple in his mouth twirling around it, giving light

nibbles while his hand played with her other breast, its size filling his

hands up, his fingers finding her nipple, holding them between his fingers

as he twisted and pulled it.

"Ahh!~yes~my love~"

Hinata kept trembling below him, her thighs rubbing against each other

as her love nectar trailed downwards, her heart beating faster while her

lust kept increasing at a great Pace.

Naruto didn't relent as he kept sucking her breast and after having

enough, making them red leaving his imprints on one, he moved to

another one, holding her breast his tongue circling around her areola, his

teeth pressing down lightly.


The moans coming from Hinata were more than enough to drive him

forward, hence he continued to play with her luscious breasts, tasting

them to his limit, as he slightly bit her nipple.


Her waist arched upward, her legs trembled from such pleasure, her body

was now on Naruto's mercy, and she loved it, her eyes being a little hazy,

while she panted on the bed.

"Huff…. Huff... I can't wait~~,"

She whispered.

Naruto roughly squeezed her breast. Hinata moaned loudly. Her body

reacted excitedly to his touch. She caressed his chest and kissed his head.

Their movements became wilder and wilder. He pushed Hinata down

more and lay on her. His mouth continued kissing her lips while his

hands moved around her body, stimulating her sensitive parts and

creasing her soft skin.

Hinata's white eyes were completely hazy, her hair fell on the bed

creating a beautiful image. Naruto's excitement shot through the roof.

Feeling her body trembling below him made him eat her completely.

Naruto moved a hand between her legs, he slowly moved his hands

around her thighs until he reached her cave. When his hand touched her

entrance, Hinata could not help but shiver. Instantly, lots of love juice

flowed out of her cave.

Naruto's hand was drenched in the love juices of her second orgasm.


Hinata closed her eyes and moaned satisfied. She hugged his back and

pressed her body against his. Naruto looked at her expression and

grinned. then, he bit her ear and muttered sweet words.

"You are so beautiful, my love~"

Hinata looked at him with an expression of love. She then brought her

mouth towards his and whispered.

"we will be together forever."

Hearing so he smiled as his fingers caressed the entrance of her vagina.


Hinata moaned softly and looked at him with a large amount of desire.

He smirked and moved his finger again. Hinata was very sensitive.

Her mouth quickly let out moans and groans of pleasure, and her cave

turned completely wet. He could feel her vagina twitching in


But Naruto just smirked and continued teasing her. His fingers stroked

her clitoris softly before pinching it, making Hinata jump due to the


He then used his other hand to rub her breast. His mouth licked and

kissed her shoulder and neck. Hinata twitched and twisted below him,

digging her nails into his back, but she was soon overwhelmed by the


Quicker than the last time, Hinata climaxed again with a scream.


"Huff… huff…"

Hinata panted after the climax. Her body was twitching due to the strong

stimulation it felt.

Her eyelashes shivered repeatedly. But at that moment she felt something

huge and hard between her legs.

Hinata opened her eyes. She looked down and saw his penis standing

proudly before her entrance, ready to invade her anytime.

She gulped as she looked at him with lust and love. Naruto smiled and

rubbed her entrance with it. Hinata let out a gasp of surprise.

Naruto smiled and kissed her lips, he put his dick in front of her cave,

and slowly he started to rub causing her to moan, he just stirred around

the edge, never actually inserting anything, he could feel liquid drip

down to her thighs, as her honeypot was starting to overflow.

"Mmmm~ Naruto!"

Hinata let out a moan as she felt his dick in front of her entrance,

rubbing it and teasing her.

"Please ~~ just~~"

Hinata spoke, she wanted him to enter her, she wanted to feel him inside

her, hearing Naruto stop teasing her and look at her, who was looking

back at him, her gaze speaking for her.

"Please~ What?"

He asked, his eyes shining with mischief, Hinata by now was already lost.

"Please~ i~ I want you inside me,"

She said in a seductive way, making Naruto's blood boil, he rubbed his

dick one time. And in the next second, he gently moved forward.


comment and give me your powerstones boys...

chapter 117 More*

Naruto slowly thrust his waist forward, moving his member towards her

moist cave. He did not enter immediately, instead, he slowly moved his

penis up and down, caressing her entrance and sending signals of

pleasure to her brain.



Hinata began to moan again, Naruto looked into her eyes, her eyes

slightly moist due to the pleasure and finally becoming one with her love.

Naruto kissed her lips, intertwining his tongue with hers and increasing

her pleasure and excitement.

Then, Naruto slowly continued his thrusts. Hinata opened her eyes wide

when she felt his dick invading her.

She hugged him tightly and tensed up her body, it was a natural reaction,

seeing her tense, Naruto stopped, he then caressed her body softly to

relax her and continued kissing her lips and sucking them.

When her body relaxed again, he continued entering inside her. Hinata

moaned in pain and pleasure and twisted her body under him. Naruto

continued pleasuring her body while entering slowly at her cave until

finally, he felt something obstructing him.

He knew the identity of the obstruction, her Hymen.

He did not break through it immediately. Instead, he paused and

stimulated Hinata's body to make her as relaxed as possible.

After a few seconds. He noticed that most of her nervousness was gone,

and she was beginning to breathe steadily.

This was their first time and he wanted to make it as memorable as he

could. And when her body relaxed, Naruto knew that it was time.

Thus, he thrust his hips forward. At that instant. He felt something

breaking, and then, his penis advanced until the end of Hinata's vagina.

"Ahhhh~~~" Hinata cried out in pain and pleasure as she felt him

breaking her hymen and hitting her womb.

Hinata's walls tightened around his penis, and immense pleasure filled

Naruto's mind.

"It hurts~, Naruto~,"

Hinata groaned and tightened her lower body, it only increased the

pleasure Naruto was feeling.

A tear of happiness slipped from Hinata's eyes as she finally became one

with her Naruto. Naruto stopped there, wiped away her tears, and kissed

her on the lips.

"I love you, hinata~" Naruto whispered in her ears and bit her earlobe.

"Nnnnnnnn~~' Hinata let out a soft moan as her body started to relax,

even though she has a strong body this pain was something else, and she

cherished it.

She began to twist her body softly as he kissed her, with his hands

Naruto groped her breast and kneaded it and pinched her erect nipple,

and with another hand he twisted her clit, diverting her attention from

the pain.

Then he began to move slowly in and out. Slowly love juices began to

flow out Hinata's womb to lubricate her walls, increasing the pleasure she

was feeling and making Naruto's movements easier.

Naruto grunted as he slowly moved his dick in her tight cave, "you are

you tight Hinata~~" Naruto whispered in her ears.

"Nnnnnn~" she moaned as his hot breath hit her ears.

Eventually, the expression of pain disappeared from Hinata's face,

replaced by a slightly hazy and slightly lewd look. Just then, Hinata let

out a soft moan.


Her moan immediately filled Naruto with excitement, making him

increase the speed of his thrust. Slowly, the pleasure began to overcome

the pain that Hinata was feeling, and before long, she also started to


Her movements were inexperienced, but Naruto found them cute. The

two of them completely lost themselves in the pleasure of lovemaking.


Hinata moaned out loud as the tip of his dick hit her womb. Her moans

spread through the room and the sweet smell of their sweat mixed with

their love juices spread through the room.

"Naruto~~ My love!!... Anghn… I love you so much"

"I love you too hinata~~" Naruto sealed her lips with his again and

began to thrust even faster. He could feel something beginning to build

inside him, but he suppressed it. He concentrated only on feeling Hinata's

body and hearing her moans and groans of pleasure.

The erratic movements and soft moan of Hinata made him very excited,

knowing that he was making love with his wife and the person who loved

him more than anything, she was twisting her body lewdly below his

body, filled him with happiness.

But despite Hinata's efforts, in the end, she was inexperienced when it

came to sex, she was in too much pleasure, her mind went blank and

before long her movement stopped completely, she could only receive his

thrust passively and moan in pleasure every time that his dick hit her


Her body was strong, but the pleasure was too much for her mind, she

moaned and twitched her body under him as she received his hits.

At that moment, Naruto moved his mouth to her breasts and sucked her

right breast fiercely as he bit her nipple slightly.


Hinata's eyes opened widely and a moan escaped from her lips. The

combination of pain and pleasure caused her body to twitch and her

lower cave clench his penis tightly.

Naruto groaned in pleasure and thrust his penis fiercely, making Hinata

moan once and again. Her body turned completely soft and her eyes

became hazier and hazier.

Her mind began to turn white and she could only murmur his name

repeatedly between moans. When Naruto saw that, He realized that she

was close to cumming and sped up his thrusts.

"Hhh Nnn~~!"

Hinata grabbed the sheets of the bed with a hand and used her other

hand to grab his back. Naruto felt her nails piercing his skin slightly, but

his lower body continued moving despite that.

"Naruto~~~ i am comming~..."

Hinata screamed in pleasure and her pussy tightened. Naruto hugged her

body and pressed her against the bed with all of his strength. Finally, He

thrust inside her deeply.

Instantly, her body shivered completely, and her expression melted. At

the same time, her cave cleansed his penis fiercely as though it wanted to

suck his seeds out.

He grunted and continued thrusting his penis until finally, he felt

something building in his abdomen.

Without hesitation, he decided to release it and started to thrust his penis

inside her even harder than before, in the next second, a load of semen

was shot inside Hinata.


Hinata moaned again when his semen was shot inside her womb. Her

body twitched slightly and groaned as she hugged his body tightly. A sigh

of satisfaction escaped from their lips.

Naruto looked into hazy eyes, she had a satisfied smile on her face as she


"...Naruto, I love you."

"I love you too"

Hinata smiled sweetly and leaned forward for a kiss, their lips met,

tongues intertwined. Naruto caressed her body while muttering sweet

things in her ear.

Hinata then curled her lips up happily and blushed.


She whispered in his ears. Naruto smiled as he squeezed her breast and

got over her while rubbing his dick at the entrance of her vagina, causing

her to moan.

"Your sound is so sweet~~ I want to hear more" Naruto whispered in her

ears. Hinata blushed deeply as her body trembled from his touch.





end of the chapter I hope you like it, there is still one more chapter left.

if you like, comment, and give me your powerstones, your slightly

perverted author Devils_Hand.


Today is my exam and here I am writing a fuck scene. hope god

forgives me....

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